By Cliff Kincaid
President Trump was accused of going too slow on a coronavirus response. Now he’s accused of going too fast. “Danger of rushing vaccine” screams the headline over the political gossip publication Axios, designed for elites in the Big Tech industry who don’t read too much but want to know what to say and who to censor. Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein’ Obama’s new book, A Promised Land.
Mike Allen of Axios says former Obama aides “tell me it’s worth the wait” and that “Obama is a graceful, thoughtful writer who cares about the words — and has two previous bestsellers, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope.”
You may remember that Dreams from My Father concealed the identity of Obama’s Marxist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and was reportedly ghost-written by former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers. Jack Cashill tells this story in his new book, Unmasking Obama.
You may also remember a column I wrote about Mike Allen’s conservative father, the great Gary Allen, who wrote a series of books exposing communist personalities and plots. Mike turned his back on his father’s work and has pursued a journalistic career of pandering to the rich, famous, and powerful. Gary Allen exposed people like Henry Kissinger. Mike Allen idolizes Obama.
Cashill’s book Unmasking Obama explains how conservative media and public interest groups worked to uncover and expose a series of Obama scandals, especially his communist ties but also his use of government power against his political enemies. Hence, the subtitle is, “The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency.”
The print edition for the new Obama book, including two 16-page photo inserts, is $45. You can get Cashill’s book for about half the price and it will fill in the gaps in public knowledge of America’s first Marxist president.
Obama is still important, not only because he’s hawking a new book, but because he’s the power behind the Joe Biden candidacy.
While conservatives note the references by Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris to a planned “Harris Administration,” a Joe Biden victory will in reality be another Obama Administration, a third term for our 44th president. Anybody who gets Democratic Party email messages about the election understands that Obama is the fundraising hook or ploy in most of them. Biden can’t motivate the left, but Obama can.
The latest such message, entitled, “President Obama believes. We do too,” comes from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. In effect, Obama is raising funds for a presidency that will feature Obama, rather than Biden, as the president, and Harris will continue to function in a subsidiary role. Obama is not going away and is the real power behind the Biden teleprompter.
In effect, the race is between Trump and Obama – not “Sleepy Joe.” Biden’s foreign policy advisers once worked for Obama and gave us the carnage in places like Syria. They are agitating for another Middle East war.
This is not to say that Kamala Harris doesn’t have a legislative agenda. In fact, she is the sponsor of a Senate marijuana legalization bill, the MORE Act, that has a House counterpart that will be voted on shortly. A coalition of thirty groups has just sent a letter in opposition to the MORE Act to House leadership.
Harris says dope brings joy to people. But studies and experts note its addictive qualities. The drug lowers I.Q. and can reduce young people to the level of Antifa thugs acting like cannon fodder for the revolution. Perhaps this is the plan.
In any case, expect the major media, including the outlets like Axios, to ignore all of this, and cheer for legalization of the drug. Many probably “enjoy” the drug themselves. Perhaps this addiction helps explain their fawning coverage of Obama.
Many Republicans ignore the damage caused by the pro-marijuana movement, largely funded by George Soros, because one of their own, Senator Cory Gardner, is running for reelection in Colorado. He is what drug expert David Evans calls a “pot whore” for the marijuana industry, which is exporting the drug nationwide. Marijuana smuggling from Colorado has become a national scandal but Gardner continues to promote the deadly business. He should have stepped aside for a more conservative candidate and is going down to defeat, possibly costing the Republicans their Senate majority.
CNBC’s Jim Cramer apologized for calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy,” a nickname from Trump, but Cramer and Pelosi are both crazy because they promote dope as a legitimate business. Pelosi even claimed dope was a treatment for coronavirus. A study found 68 references in a Pelosi coronavirus relief bill to promoting marijuana.
Perhaps Obama’s “Promised Land” is one of free dope. His presidential pro-marijuana policies, carried out by his Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department, may have stemmed from his own history of heavy marijuana and cocaine use. His mentor Communist Frank Marshall Davis used drugs and produced pornography, among other nefarious activities.
Obama prefers Harris over Biden but will campaign for a Biden victory in November because he knows Biden is an empty suit and that Harris will be his puppet. It will be reminiscent of the dark days when Obama became a pawn of Communist Frank Marshall Davis but had to conceal the role of his puppet master, with the support of the media, as he took power.
After his second term was over, he rushed over to Beijing to confer behind closed doors with Chinese dictator Xi, in what the British Guardian called a meeting of “veteran cadres.”
Promised Land, huh?
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.