By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 4: Cities too big, air too full, highways too crowded.

Have you ever watched the TV program, “My 600 pound life”?  If not, it shows obscenely obese men and women who have eaten themselves into gargantuan bodies from 600 to 800 pounds of rolls hanging all over their frames.  They can barely breathe, walk or live.

Their conditions constitute mental, emotional and physical deterioration of their entire bodily systems.  After watching one episode, I became emotionally distressed over their struggles.  It’s sad beyond comprehension as to how someone ate themselves into such an unforgiving life…an impossibly miserable existence with no escape.

What happens to such people?  For the most part, they suffer diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, crippled knees and ankles, poor circulation, wheelchairs…and eventually, death at an early age.

How did they devolve into such a horrible condition? Answer: they ate more food without being aware of their weight gain.  It crept up slowly, daily, weekly and annually…as they lived horrible lives, and then, died of awful conditions.

America’s Horrible Conditions Gaining Ground

Do you see a parallel here?  Our country enjoyed a manageable population of 194 million back in 1960.  By 1970, we maintained a two-child average per couple.  Our highways worked well, we enjoyed healthy clean air, plenty of water, room to roam and endless freedoms.

But, unbeknownst to 99 percent of Americans, U.S. Senator Teddy Kennedy,  Howard Metzenbaum and Jacob Javits pushed through the “1965 Immigration Reform Act” that began the largest population transfer out of the third world and into our first world country that has ever been attempted in the history of humanity.

From an annual  average of 200,000 immigrants, that bill jumped the numbers to 1.0 to 1.2 million annually, net gain, overwhelming our stable population.  Then, without much fanfare over the years, their birth rates added another 900,000 babies, net gain, annually. Subsequently, Congress allowed the unlawful entry of over 25 million illegal migrants to reside within America’s borders.

Our sustainable 194 million population jumped to 300 million by 2006. It jumped another 30 million by 2021, and it’s expected to jump another 100 million by 2050…to reach 440 million.

From 1970 onward, 99 percent of Americans unknowingly blinked while  our cities became gridlocked, packed, poorer, lower wages, immigrants displaced American jobs, toxic-air-polluted skies, ghettoes formed, homelessness accelerated, and our National Parks became overwhelmed and overrun.  We opened our wallets to more taxes to pay for welfare, food stamps and housing for the poor that had been imported.

In the past five decades, we’ve added, net gain, around 3.5 million annually or a total of 130 million more people.  That’s an addition of 9,500 people daily, every day of the year, over and above deaths.

Today, in 2021, like the 600 pound obese people, we’re staggering forward with cities clogged with traffic much like fat peoples’ arteries are clogged with cholesterol and killing them.  Over 40,000 die annually on our clogged highways, at 6 million accidents annually, and 16,400 accidents daily.  Over 100,000 severe injuries occur due to vehicle accidents, annually.  Gasoline, because of higher demand, jumped from 30 cents a gallon in 1965 to $4.00 a gallon today and it’s rising higher as petroleum becomes much harder to find and more expensive to pump. By 2050, as my latest book reports, oil reserves will be exhausted.  We’re looking at $20.00 per gallon in the near-future if it’s available.

On the food front, we changed from sustainable farming methods to toxic Monsanto/Dow Chemical Roundup-ready crops loaded with glyphosates, airplane spraying, and to GMO’s poisoning the DNA of all other crops. We’ve been injecting and/or feeding nine different chemicals into every beef cow and chicken for the past 60 years to make them fatter faster to feed over 1.2 BILLION meals daily.  But what poisons we feed the animals, we eat them, so we eat what they eat.  Thus, cancers now dominate our hospitals.

We’re breathing highly toxic air in our cities where most people live in 2021.  We’re drinking water with anywhere from 1 to 84,000 different chemicals lacing many of our metropolitan systems.  Flint, Michigan is only a harbinger of what’s coming.

We’re carving up the wilderness in America to see more rooftops than treetops.  We’re laying down more asphalt and cement than green grass.  We’re exacerbating the “Sixth Extinction Session” whereby the human race now extinguishes over 100 species off the planet 24/7.

But it’s all going unnoticed.

In my state of Colorado, the city of Denver, at 2.8 million, is projected to reach 4.8 million within 29 years.  Construction cranes dominate the city skyline while the famous Brown Cloud offers everyone poison air 24/7.  We face definite water shortages, horrific traffic and I-70 provides a weekend nightmare for all folks trying to escape the metropolitan insanity on weekends.  Understand this: with that 100 million added people by 2050, 35 of our most populated cities will DOUBLE in size.

This series covers the bare-bones of what we face as our country staggers into its twilight years.

“The Exponential Growth Factor” always ends in collapse of any city, any state and any civilization. Whether it’s the 11 million in the Los Angeles basin or the 8.3 million in New York City…it’s a biological fact that if they keep growing, at some point there will not be enough water or food to sustain all those people.  It’s a guaranteed fact that we will exhaust all oil on this planet by mid-century…sooner or later.

Once we’ve exhausted all our resources, we are SO screwed as our water, food and energy systems breakdown.  Once 330 million people or the projected 440 million cannot procure water/food/energy—will the “civil” in “Civilization” hold?  Answer: nope!  We face barbarism and back to basics of individual and tribal survival.  That’s what’s coming and I document it in my book: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge.  You may receive a free electronic copy at the end of this column.  Why should you care? Because this future remains on course to steamroll over your kids.  We need a national discussion-debate within this decade. We need to change course.

Like the 600 pound obese man or woman you’ve seen on TV, at some point, they cannot save themselves from their self-imposed obesity. They  die.  The same goes for any ‘oversized’ civilization. If we don’t stop mass immigration driving our overpopulation course, your kids don’t stand a chance.

Part 5: Our most cherished American themes will vanish, Catastrophic Climate Destabilization

If you would like a free electronic copy of this book, please email me with your email address and I will send it to you.  My goal is to start a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization we will bequeath to our children. Every American with kids or any American who will live in this country in 2050, needs to understand what they face.

Published March 2021: America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations by Frosty Wooldridge, available on Amazon, and/or phone 1 888 519 5121.

As to what these videos report, do you want your children to face this kind of a future?  If you don’t, it’s time to speak up across this great country of ours.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler, Tick-Tok, Curiosity, and more.  Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

This video will scare the daylights out of every American as to what’s coming to our country, US Citizenship Act 2021 by Joe Biden.

Share these videos all over America:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2021 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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