Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI
February 3, 2025
We constantly hear the word ‘entitlement’ when it comes to social security benefits. SS is not an entitlement it is a tax. A very important difference. It’s also not insurance. You must apply for an SSN; it is not automatically forced upon you. When you retire you receive benefits based on your past life time work history. SS is a Ponzi scheme. In order to keep paying out benefits, the system must continue to add workers to keep taxing them for the SS “fund” which is basically an IOU. Your work history and SS taxes are in a computer file backed up by what? A vault somewhere full of gold or worthless “Federal” Reserve NOTES?
This past presidential election was rather silent on the issue of SS. The Democrat/Communist Party USA primarily focused on race, rights for sexual deviants and the big hoax: climate change. Killing Donald Trump, politically, remains an on-going major endeavor. For some brainwashed cockroach – use a bullet: Convicted Felon Arrested For Threatening to Kill Trump and His Entire Family Attended Arizona Rally After Butler Assassination Attempt, Nov. 27, 2024
I’ve written several columns on SS to educate just as I had to educate myself about how the system works other than you can’t live or work in the U.S. unless you VOLUNTEER to obtain an SSN. Of course, the word volunteer is never used: Want medical treatment, new power for your home service? What’s your SSN? I covered this in the column below; I recommend you take the time to read it: How the Government Lies About Social Security, Dec. 17, 2003 (and for the record, I will be 76 in June.) Excerpt from part 2:
“Because the word “insurance” appears with the table of contents and the table of contents is “descriptive matter” used as an “outline,” the word “insurance” has “no legal effect.” In other words, no words in the table of contents have any force of law. The word which does have legal effect is “tax” because it is used within the body of the law itself; therefore, it has the full force of law. Legally, the word “insurance” does not apply, means nothing, to the chapter of the Code entitled “Federal Insurance Contributions Act.”
No one is required to obtain an SSN
“If you wish to ask someone from the government about this fact, let me demonstrate how you will be lied to by the same person. Look at this response from SSA in a letter to Mr. Scott McDonald dated March 18, 1998 from Charles Mullen, Associate Commissioner, Office of Public Inquiries, Social Security Administration:
“The Social Security Act does not require a person to have a Social Security Number (SSN) to live and work in the United States, nor does it require an SSN simply for the purpose of having one. However, if someone works without an SSN, we cannot properly credit the earnings for the work performed.”
“Now, it would appear from even a basic understanding of the English language that what Mr. Mullen said is this: No one is required to have an SSN to either live or work in the United States. If that person does not have this number but does work, no social security taxes would be taken out of their paycheck and there would be no credit ledger entry made in their name for taxes paid.
“One would think this is quite plain and clear. However, let’s look at another letter from the same Charles Mullen about one month earlier (February 24, 1998) addressed to me:
“People cannot voluntarily end their participation in the program [SS]. The payment of social security taxes is mandatory, regardless of the citizenship or place of residence of either the employer or the employee. Unless specifically exempted by law, everyone working in the United States is required to pay Social Security taxes.”
“Now, I ask you: If obtaining an SSN is voluntary, how is it that this tax then becomes mandatory? Since when is it legal to force any American to join a voluntary “insurance” plan that is in reality nothing but another tax – especially when an individual must apply for a number that puts them into this taxing system? An even bigger question: Am I even eligible to obtain this number?” Rest at link.
There have been a few changes but mostly apply to certain work sectors: 42 USC Sec. 402, Update Amended Pub. L. 118-273, Sec. 2, 138 Stat. 3232. However, there are some changes coming. Merry Christmas! Social Security’s full retirement age is increasing in 2025: What to know – Full retirement age for Social Security gradually rising to 67 based on reform law from 1983. Dec. 25, 2024
Seniors To Get Screwed – A Third Time?, June 19, 2017:
“For the THIRD time, Rep. Thomas Massie [R-KY] has introduced a bill to stop taxing social security benefits. No more federal taxes taken out of YOUR social security check. The time to stop this rape should have happened four years ago but it never happened because there wasn’t an outcry by tens of millions of Americans. I’ve done my best over the years to bring the bill to everyone’s attention as has many hard-working folks in organizations like AMAC, the Association of Mature American Citizens, who have supported the bill each time Rep. Massie has introduced it only to see it die in committee.
Rep. Massie Re-introduces the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, May 19, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – “Today, Congressman Thomas Massie re-introduced the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act (H.R. 2552), which would eliminate income taxes on Social Security benefits. The bill would boost the retirement income of millions of older Americans. Social Security is financed with Americans’ tax dollars, so taxing Social Security is double-taxing by the Federal Government,” said Congressman Massie. “Taxing Social Security reduces benefits to seniors.”
“I am proud to again co-sponsor Congressman Massie’s bill to protect our seniors,” said Congressman Rod Blum. “This is a common sense bill that will end the double-taxation of our seniors. Our seniors pay enough Social Security taxes on the front end, and it is irresponsible for the government to tax them again on their earned benefits.”
“Income taxes on Social Security benefits is a double-tax on seniors when many are already being squeezed financially,” said Congressman Daniel Webster. “This is wrong and I’m pleased to co-sponsor this legislation to repeal this tax.” Congressman Jim Bridenstine said, “The government taxes, redistributes, then taxes the redistribution. Thomas Massie’s bill is a step in the right direction.”
“West Virginia seniors need relief from higher costs of living,” said Congressman Alex Mooney. “Seniors have worked hard to earn their Social Security benefits and have already been taxed on their contributions to Social Security. The Federal Government tax on Social Security is a double-tax and its repeal would provide an immediate increase in benefits for our seniors.”
“The purpose of Social Security is to provide people with financial support during retirement, not to be another source of tax revenue for the Federal Government. Under this legislation, Social Security benefits would neither be taxable nor reportable on individual tax returns, thus restoring the integrity of the program.”
“When Rep. Mooney said above that repealing this rape would provide an immediate increase in benefits for our seniors let me give you an example about a woman I know. Her SS is $2,323.00 per month. No taxes are taken out of her ‘benefits’ each month because as her only source of income and living alone, every penny goes towards eating, things like insurance and a mortgage.
“Then, come April 15th along comes the tax man and says you owe 20% per month in taxes on the social security benefits you collected last year. That would be $464.60 per month – over $5,000 a year! Almost $500 a month in taxes on social security benefits this woman ALREADY paid taxes on her whole life.
“Now do you see how this is double taxation that hurts seniors? Sure, that woman could have the taxes taken out of her check each month, but what would she be left with to eat and make only the most basic monthly expenses? . $2323.00 less $464.60 = $1,858.40.
“By stopping this DOUBLE taxation, there’s just one example of how a senior would benefit well over $400 a month she should NOT have to pay since she’s already paid taxes on those benefits. Now, you might say 20% tax is a bit high, but like tens of millions of seniors, this woman has no deductions. No big real estate holdings, stocks or anything else. But, even if the senior is only taxed at 5% or 12% it doesn’t matter- the bottom line is every senior is being double taxed.”
You may not be a senior right now but we all become seniors unless the Lord calls us home before age 65.” Rest at link and soon to become age 67.
Each congressional session is two years and Rep. Thomas Massie[R-KY] is still trying (since 2014): Representative Thomas Massie Reintroduces Bill to Eliminate Social Security Double Tax, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2023
Washington D.C.- “Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces reintroduction of the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, H.R. 3206. This bill assists middle-class seniors by eliminating the unjust double tax on Social Security benefits.
“As the Congressional Research Service reports, “Before 1984, Social Security benefits were exempt from the federal income tax. Congress then enacted legislation to tax a portion of those benefits, with the share gradually increasing as a person’s income rose above a specified income threshold.”
“Although seniors have already paid tax on their Social Security contributions via the payroll tax, they are still required to list these benefits as taxable income on their tax returns,” said Rep. Massie. “This is simply a way for Congress to obtain more revenue for the federal government at the expense of seniors who have already paid into Social Security. My bill would exempt Social Security retirement benefits from taxation and boost the retirement income of millions of older Americans.”
Here is the official explanation of the bill (To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in gross income of Social Security benefits.), text and co-sponsors. Years ago (Massie keeps introducing the bill) there were less than a dozen co-sponsors because members of CON-gress care so much about seniors. All Republican co-sponsors; one session, one brave Democrat signed on. In 2023, a whopping 35 Republicans joined as a cosponsor. My U.S. rep, Jodie Arrington, was not one of them and in fact, when I called his office in DC, they knew nothing about the bill. It died January 3, 2025.
The bill was never even brought up for a vote. Kevin McCarthy was Speaker of the House. I could find no bill submitted in the U.S. Senate. This is very early for this new session but I’m hopeful Massie will reintroduce the bill soon. (Here’s how he’s voted on bills in this new session which started last month.) You can contact his office (phone) and ask him to reintroduce his bill to stop DOUBLE TAXING social security benefits.
Then start hammering on your U.S. Rep in CON-gress to pass the bill. The same for your U.S. Senator: Introduce Massie’s bill on the senate side, pass it and if also passed by the House would go to Trump to sign into law. Trump cannot make laws but he sure as hell can get in the face of both the Republican House and Senate who now hold the majority in both chambers as well as Speaker Mike Johnson to get this done. We’ll see how much YOUR U.S. House rep and Senator really care about seniors.
IF all the wasteful spending is eliminated along with UNCONSTITUTIONAL spending like USAID (U.S. Aid for International Development), Dept of Education and much more (including illegal aliens who have been scamming the system not to mention the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF BORROWED DOLLARS to support millions of them), the double taxing elimination on social security benefits will not break the bank. In fact, sticking to the Constitution on excises, tariffs and corporate taxes would easily make up the difference.
Why We Need DOGE: 5 Crazy Examples Of How The Government Has Been Wasting Your Tax Dollars, Jan. 31, 2025: #1 Joe Biden and his minions spent 15 million dollars to distribute “oral contraceptives and condoms” in Afghanistan; #2 Even more money was about to be spent on condoms for the Palestinians. It is being reported that the Biden administration “almost sent $50 million worth of condoms to Gaza”; #3 The Biden administration spent $10,000 for an “ice skating drag show” that was focused on climate change; #4 $20 million of our tax dollars were spent on a Sesame Street spin-off in Iraq that was designed to promote “inclusion” and #5 This final example is the most sickening. 1.5 million dollars was spent to study how various species respond to motion sickness. In one of the experiments, holes were actually drilled into the skulls of young kittens. This is evil on a level that I don’t even know how to describe.”
This is a non-partisan issue but it will be up to seniors and even Americans not old enough to collect their benefits to get this problem fixed once and for all. And, where’s AARP? I asked that question years ago after Massie kept introducing the bill. Crickets.
Stop double taxing SS benefits will really help seniors as inflation has literally crushed them to the point of penury. You pay the SS tax, you retire and you should NOT have to pay yet another tax on the same benefits. They have to choose between medications, heat during the winter and surrendering their beloved dogs and cats to a kill shelter or rescue group as they simply can’t afford to feed them or get vet services. This is just disgusting to me when it could have been fixed years ago.
“To preserve [the] independence [of the people,] we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our callings and our creeds, as the people of England are, our people, like them, must come to labor sixteen hours in the twenty-four, give the earnings of fifteen of these to the government for their debts and daily expenses, and the sixteenth being insufficient to afford us bread, we must live, as they now do, on oatmeal and potatoes, have no time to think, no means of calling the mismanagers to account, but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers.” –Thomas Jefferson to Samuel Kercheval, 1816. ME 15:39
My last book goes into great detail on critical issues and the constitutional solutions: A thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more. Read and study it because knowledge is power and we use that power to cure the cancer, not keep treating the symptoms. To order call, 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00
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A New Bill Proposes Eliminating Social Security’s Most-Hated Tax. Does It Have Legs? July 30, 2023.
The Social Security Fairness Act: A $200 Billion Boondoggle, Jan. 6, 2025 – READ: “Congress just passed a law that will give me (and millions of people like me) extra Social Security benefits that we simply do not deserve and haven’t earned.”
The author of that article: “Tom Margenau worked for 32 years in a variety of positions for the Social Security Administration before retiring in 2005. He has served as the director of SSA’s public information office, the chief editor of more than 100 SSA publications, a deputy press officer and spokesman, and a speechwriter for the commissioner of Social Security. For 12 years, he also wrote Social Security columns for local newspapers, and recently published the book “Social Security: Simple and Smart.”
Social Security: The Grandest of Deceptions, Dec. 3, 2024 – “Sen. Mike Lee put up a controversial thread that shows how the American people have been snookered over Social Security for decades. A lot of us know, but many don’t think about it and what a scam it has turned into.
“He says the Social Security Act has even employing ‘deceptive sales techniques’ to the American public.’” Rest at link.
How the Supreme Court upheld Social Security, May 24, 2023
Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548 (1937). Back then a lot of Americans did not want SS, but the courts decided they were children who couldn’t manage their own money and America was struggling to survive the big stock market crash. Judges simply decided to lump this in with the “general welfare” clause.
“4. The proceeds of the tax imposed on employers by Title IX of the Social Security Act, supra, go into the Treasury of the United States without earmark, like internal revenue collections generally. The taxpayer is entitled to credit against the federal tax (up to 90% thereof) what he has contributed during the tax year under a state unemployment law, provided that the state law shall have been certified by the Federal Social Security Board to the Secretary of the Treasury as satisfying certain conditions designed to assure that the state law is genuinely an unemployment compensation law and that contributions will
Page 301 U. S. 549
be used solely in the payment of compensation and be protected against loss after the payment to the State. To these ends, Title IX provides, among other things, that, to be approved by the federal Commission, the state law shall direct that all money received in the state unemployment fund shall immediately upon such receipt be paid over to the Secretary of the Treasury to the credit of an “Unemployment Trust Fund,” and that all money withdrawn from the Unemployment Trust Fund by the state agency shall be used solely in the payment of compensation, exclusive of expenses of administration. The Secretary is empowered to invest in Government securities any portion of this fund which, in his judgment, is not required to meet urrent withdrawals, and out of it he is directed to pay to any competent state agency such sums as it may duly requisition from the amount standing to its credit. The taxpayer’s credit against the federal tax depends on compliance with these statutory conditions; the State, however, is under no contractual obligation to comply, but, at its pleasure, may repeal its unemployment law, and withdraw its deposit from the federal Treasury.
“(1) Assuming that the federal tax cannot be treated as a revenue provision standing apart, but must be tested in combination with the 90% credit provision, the tax is not void as involving an unconstitutional attempt to coerce the States to adopt unemployment compensation legislation approved by the Federal Government. P. 301 U. S. 585.
(2) The problem of unemployment is national as well as local, and in promotion of the general welfare moneys of the Nation may be used to relieve the unemployed and their dependents in economic depressions and to guard against such disasters. P. 301 U. S. 586.” Rest at link.
General Welfare Clause
[The Congress shall have Power] To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States – Tenth Amendment Center: “To take the clause as a general grant of power for the federal government to do virtually anything would, as Madison put it, “would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.”
The greatest story never told: Winston Churchill and the crash of 1929 by Pat Riott. A must, short read.