By Karen Schoen

May 5, 2023

Resistance is futile. That is what the Globlaists want you to believe. So they have designed a perfect world where you will own nothing, eat bugs and be happy.  What will this world look like? Let’s see…You won’t have to worry about fuel because you won’t need a car since everything will be within a 15 minute walk. Just think of how fit you will be walking in 95 degree heat, or a sudden thunderstorm or blizzard. Of course you could always ride a bike…

Don’t worry about food. You will have a choice of 3 plant based food entrees (we must save the planet) and it will be delivered promptly after work at 6.  You won’t have to worry about a wardrobe since we all will wear the same uniform. We are equitable.

Speaking about being equitable, single family houses (SFR) are now outlawed. All current SFR will be taken by the government as required by  HUD directed by Executive Order 123456.  If you own a SFR you may continue to live there but we will divide your sq ft by 700sq ft. That will tell you how many families will be living in your home as well. According to Agenda 21 every family of 4 has 700 sq ft living space and 50 liters of water a day.

Promptly at 5PM your Covid booster will be delivered for you to administer. At 5:10 you will place your right arm on the scanner to check your arm chip.  You will then be told via your phone where you can go and shop tomorrow depending on your social credit score.

Your Responsibilities: You will be in charge taking care of all the needs of the families living with you. All means all with no age limits. If the families are happy and we get no complaints for a year, we will issue you 500 additional social credits to your score.    If the family is not happy with anything or anyone you provide, you will be debited 10,000 credits or equivalent work and your travel/vaccine passport will be revoked for a month. Your devices will be turned off for 6 hours during the day due to electricity shortages. You will meditate and learn the world message of the day.

Family’s Responsibility:  To turn in daily report on living conditions.

If you do not live in an SFR, you will now be moved to the high rise. All of your needs will be provided in the stores below your living space. Your employment will be located on floors 6-16. Your menu card will be delivered the day before and is to be filled out and returned by dinner promptly at 6. You will have a choice of 3 plant based food entrees (we must save the planet). You can wash clothes on Saturday between 8-10 AM.  You will be allotted 50 liters of water daily for each member in your living space. Your entertainment for anything you want (no age limit)will be provided promptly at 7PM.  If we get no complaints for a year, we will issue you 500 additional social credits to your score.    If there are issues with anything or anyone, you will be debited 10,000 credits or equivalent work and your travel/vaccine passport will be revoked for a month. Your devices will be turned off for 6 hours during the day due to electricity shortages.. You will meditate and learn the world message of the day.

Think this can’t happen. Think again. It has happened before as the NAZI’s swept Europe.  The scientists headed by Dr. Mengele colluded with the government Nazis.  The businessmen followed with money and supplies.

NAZI’s  did not have a race they could demonize so they choose the Jews. Jews were forced to wear big yellow stars so they could be identified. IBM was responsible for the numbering and keeping data designed to track all activity while experiments were preformed at will.  Jews and gypsies, Christians from Hungary and Poland were no longer people. They were just numbers to bodies ripe for experimentation by Mengele’s staff. 450,000 were murdered. Fauci and his experiment cause the death of 1.1million. I see no difference. .

Joseph Kennedy (D) sold the guns to the NAZI Regime.

Prescott Bush (Grandpa to the Bush Cartel, (R))  had his company create the odorless gas used in the gas chambers.

Goebbels, MSM of his day, was the head propagandist and was responsible to get the NAZI ideology spread to everyone all the time on all products. Goebbels never stopped with the Nazi message. With enough propaganda the people believed the lies and turned against their neighbors. Soros helped the Nazi:s find the Hungarian Jews. Soros said he liked playing G-d. Schwab’s (WEF) father worked with the Nazi’s.

Hitler was elected to office because the people were told lies. Just like Biden today, their media was run by the Nazi Party our is controlled by the  UNIParty DNC/RINOS in America.  Bernhard Rust handled education which he turned into a centralized Department with all schools joining in the training of Hitler’s youth.  The Unions managed  the teachers who were messengers for the Regime.   Students pledged to their leader Adolph Hitler, a totalitarian. Everything was totally controlled by Hitler where you will have nothing and be happy. William Gates Sr. helped control the American population by helping to create Planned Parenthood. Extermination= murder= abortion,

The Nazis were missing the technology. Not to worry today the technology has been developed. AI is real. Chat GBT hates people and has no trouble  disposing of those pesky useless eaters.  The 15 Minute City is being tested in Sweden where 1/3 of farming has been outlawed. Enjoy your bugs.

Yes this is very real. Many of the things I took from Agenda 21 are being  implemented. The goal of totalitarianism is to control EVERYTHING, all means of production and distribution; all aspect of human activity. Totalitarian means the dictator owns everything and they will not stop until they get everything.  Dictators don’t care about you only themselves. They think they have the right to control your life. They are only richer because they have been stealing. They are not smarter they are the results of affirmative action. They are evil and lie about everything. Solution: Correct them and tell the truth.

Their tools to destroy us are propaganda, censorship and mind control. So far they have been pretty successful. But now you know what to look for. Never trust them. The ends justify the means.  Correct them; tell the truth

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition, Bye Bongino, Carlson. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL

You can stop them in your local government. Become a truth warrior.

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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