Bradlee Dean

“So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.” —Governor Kristi Noam

9 Governors of states within our union have refused to play games with the likes of the federal government, Bill gates and his little henchman Anthony Faucci concerning the fraud that they have perpetuated on the people of this country.

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And the one Governor that seems to stand out more then others is that of South Dakota’s Kristi Noam. Krist said that “I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” Gov. Kristi Noem said. reported “South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has declined to lock down her state amid the coronavirus pandemic even as other government leaders around the nation issued restrictions that significantly throttled the U.S. economy.

She said that she listened both to health officials and to individuals who informed her about the bounds of her gubernatorial authorities.”

“I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” the Republican Gov. explained during an interview on “The Pod’s Honest Truth” podcast. “So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.”

She went on “Noem explained. And during those calls she found that fear was driving people’s actions.

“What I am saying though is that what I heard on those conference calls was fear,” she said. “I was shocked and amazed by how fear controlled people and how emotional that they were. And to me it indicated that in this country we’ve lost faith and the steadfast promise of God’s faithfulness in our life every day has real consequences.”

She said that Americans must defend their religious liberty, which has been attacked amid the pandemic.

“They are attacking our religious freedoms. And so we need to use every tool that we have to make sure that we still have the ability to practice our faith and to gather as we see fit,” the governor said. “And we have directly seen in many of these states where they have allowed other gatherings yet restricted those who want to go to church and worship together.”

So I ask that if the people in this country see that this is completely un-Constitutional and that the federal government along with some of the states Governors and Mayors are attacking businesses and the church then why is it that people are falling into line with this perpetuated fraud (Psalm 78:9, 94:20, Ephesians 4:14).

In conclusion: The people must rise up and impeach every single one of these tyrants for transgressing the US Constitution and indict each and everyone of them (Article 2 section 4, Article 1 section)

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