By: Devvy
July 22, 2023
Regular readers of NWV’s are aware I’ve written about and encouraged people to protect their home and vehicle against an EMP attack.
Not just from a terrorist attack which a lot of people are very concerned about right now. Top of the list would be a false flag event to blame MAGA supporters and all of us conservative constitutionalists working to stop the forces of evil. At this point in time, nothing is off the table for these madmen determined to destroy this country and all she’s stood for since the Revolutionary War. They’re in hyper drive as their nefarious plans are being exposed. Dan Bongino reported today that China is getting ready to invade Taiwan which will disrupt the global economy and urging people to prepare.
Bloomberg reported “China Poses ‘Alarming’ Threat to US Grid, Lawmakers Told” by Ari Nattaer, July 18, 2023
This column is focused on a weather event.
Can solar flares destroy electronics?, April 22, 2022 – “Short out satellites and take down GPS, cell phone, Internet, and TV services. Cause damage to electronic devices and computers. Disrupt the power grid resulting in overloads, widespread power outages, and dangerous power surges.
Could a solar flare fry electronics? – “A team of scientists warns that if the Sun unleashed a powerful type of storm called a coronal mass ejection in Earth’s direction, it could utterly destroy our entire electronic infrastructure.
“What would a solar flare destroy? – “Transformers would be damaged, and the power outages would occur around the world. Radio and satellite communications could be knocked out, resulting in a massive blackout without the benefit of our being able to talk to one another.
“Would a solar flare destroy computers? – “A flare like that today could shut down all the power grids, all the computers, all the cooling systems on nuclear reactors. A lot of things could go bad.”
A huge solar storm that could destroy electronics missed the Earth by only 9 days, April 25, 2022 – Video
Can’t happen here? Won’t affect me? My late mother always said, better be safe than sorry which brings me to an email I’m sharing because it is so typical of those who’ve done little to no research on an issue. I’m withholding the lady’s name for privacy reasons.
This response was regarding the two columns I’ve done on protecting your home from an EMP attack and a product I chose: EMP Shield
“I showed this to an older electrical engineer (Michigan Tech professor) who said the product is a total fraud. There is no extant system available to a homeowner that would protect home and vehicle from a large EMP or GMD. None of the references dealt with product design specifics and guarantee of effectiveness; they talked only about the product in general.” End.
My response:
A total fraud? Perhaps your friend should have read a bit on their web site. Even call them to inquire about their product. I verified and cross-checked before I chose them for my home.
I hope the information provided below will be helpful. When the ‘event’ is over and power restored – meaning the grid goes back on line if not totally destroyed – if the electrical system in your home is destroyed, nothing is going to work. From their web site:
Listed by the Department of Homeland Security in their February 5th 2019 EMP Resilience Report
EMP Shield is a family of incredibly robust EMP, solar flare, and lightning defense technologies.
They have been designed to exceed the US Military requirements for protection against a high-altitude nuclear detonation that results in an electromagnetic pulse. This family of products has been tested at Keystone Compliance, a DOD Certified Testing Laboratory, to verify compliance with the following Military Standards: Data at link above.
What is an EMP Shield? – The EMP Shield is electromagnetic pulse, Solar Flare, and lightning protection system designed to exceed the requirements of MIL-STD-188-125-1 for shunting over-voltage spikes. EMP Shield™ is the World’s only tested and approved EMP protection technology for an entire electrical system.
The EMP Shield can see and protect all the electronics and equipment connected to your electrical system.
This is accomplished by shunting (shorting) the over voltage coming in from the Grid and the voltage surges that are collected within your home.
Whether the electrons are collected within your home or are attempting to come into your electrical system from outside the home (the grid), the EMP Shield will see the surge and protect your electrical system.
Since the shunting is completed incredibly fast (500 trillionths of a second), the over voltage is pulled away from the equipment before the voltage can rise high enough to damage any equipment. We call this new technology SightSpeed™ and it ensures no heat is generated within the electrical system which protects all electronics connect to the system.” End.
One of the web sites I visit several times a week is Space Weather.Com as I am just one of those people who needs to stay on top of things. This is their latest posting:
“GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: Intermittent G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible for the next 2 days as Earth’s magnetic field reverberates from a series of CME impacts and near misses since July 16th. The storms could intensify to category G2 or G3 on July 20th when a new and more potent CME arrives. See below. Aurora alerts: SMS Text
“A SIGNIFICANT EXPLOSION ON THE SUN (UPDATED): We’ve been waiting for this. Big sunspot AR3363 just produced a significant solar flare, a long-duration M6 -class event during the early hours of July 18th. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast near the sun’s southwestern limb:
“Energetic protons accelerated by the flare have reached Earth and are now peppering the top of our planet’s atmosphere. This is called a “radiation storm.” According to data from NOAA’s GOES-16 satellite, it is a category S2 event.
“Although the explosion was not X-class, it was more powerful than many X-flares would be. Why? Because it lasted so long. The flare’s X-ray output was above M5 for more than an hour and above M1 for nearly 4 hours. It had plenty of time to lift a substantial CME out of the sun’s atmosphere.
“Indeed, SOHO coronagraphs have since detected a bright CME emerging from the blast site: Although the CME is not heading directly for Earth, it appears to have an Earth-directed component. A NASA model suggests it could deliver an effective glancing blow as early as July 20th (0000 UT). NOAA is doing their own modeling, and results should be available soon.”
There’s a lot of ‘could’ when it comes to space and the sun. Only God knows what’s going to happen to our world today and in the future. The sun is a MIGHTY object and the damage that ‘could’ be unleashed is nothing to take lightly.
Way back in 1859 there was a HUGE coronal mass ejection (CME) which caused magnetic fluctuations in the earth’s magnetosphere. Looked that up: It’s the magnetic field which surrounds Earth. Back then there wasn’t electronics for everything but the telegraph systems failed as well as a simple thing like a compass. Just imagine today.
One could have a car accident tomorrow. One could need surgery next week. That’s why we purchase insurance. Protecting your home, electronics and vehicle seems to me to be common sense.
This one-hour video presentation that I watched which features the man who created EMP Shield. Discussed and dissected is EMP and CME. It was a real learning experience for me and you’ll see from the comments section, the best informative video explaining this issue in depth. You may wish to watch it.
One person who commented brought up a valid concern and that is those balloons. Remember those? The ones that flew over half the country and then conveniently disappeared completely from the news? Food for thought. The government lies about everything and that balloon episode still has a lot of people worried. To order click the image below.
For me, just like food and water storage, being prepared is a life saver vs. panic and despair when disaster hits. You can decide what’s best for your home and watching that video will, I believe, help people better understand how to prepare for this very real threat.
For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00
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