By Lewis Brackett

July 2, 2023

Across the Earth are stargates / portals used by spirit creatures to access the Earth. This has been the case since the beginning. Of course, while many believers have noticed this in the Bible, various other ancient secular histories note these portals across the Earth. The most famous in recent history has been in the oral history of the Amerindian descendants of the Anasazi. This group today consists of the Apache, Pueblo people of the four corners area of our. Southwest.

The Anasazi portal was and still is by all accounts centered on Mount Graham in Arizona. The Vatican has actually built a observatory to monitor the demonic comings and goings on at this sacred mountain despite the objections of the native American elders. So yes this is an ongoing thing. The author Tom Horn was invited by a native elder to sit down with him to hear their actual oral history on this subject.

These fallen angels, serpent type seraphim and nephilim hounded the Anasazi, terrorizing them and soon started eating them. This of course caused these native peoples to first build their high cliff face cave dwellings, then to flee in terror. The Anasazi had been doing satanic religious rituals in their underground meeting places which had attracted these creatures. Apparently they found this out the hard way. The UFO community had so convoluted and distorted the natives experiences that this native elder wanted to set the story straight.

Tom then wrote his book “On the path of the immortals” which can be found through “prophecy” site. Also see his other books on the Vatican and Rome.

The story of Gilmagesh as well as the ancient Hindus books also talk about these violent inter-dimensional beings who came here. Other gateway portals have thought to have existed on Mount Hermon and the Mount of Olives in Israel. The tower of Babel in Iraq was likely located on a portal site. The city of Babylon no doubt had and still has a portal site as the local pagan people frequently see these supernatural creatures among the rebuilt ruins of Babylon at night.

Perhaps that is why Babylon was recently rebuilt? One notable ancient portal site is where the Europeans built the large Hadron Collider in Cern Switzerland. These insane deluded people are hoping to reopen this ancient portal despite its dangers. Some biblical notes on ancient portals Isaiah 13 and Rev 9 under the river Euphrates. See this interview above.

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