By Glynn Adams

March 28, 2023

”For My people are foolish, they know Me not; they are stupid children and they have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil but to do good they do not know.” (Jeremiah 4:22)

In America today, our false pastors and lack- of- knowledge- so- called Christians and citizens and I include the Remnant of God in this also, are a party to the current destruction of America. They have eyes that see not, ears that hear not and no understanding. Those are not my words but God’s words in Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea. I can tell you why God calls us stupid. We have no idea of our treasonous and disobedience against the covenant we made with God and we have no idea or discernment what Satan has accumulated against our nation. Some rightly say we are in a war but we are NOT ON A WAR FOOTING! I’ve been on a war footing in the military and I can assure you we are not on one!!!

We are the Laodicea Church in Revelation 3:14-22. We are lukewarm, we think we are rich spiritually when we are bankrupt, wretched, miserable, and living in the shame of our nakedness. We have eyes that see not; we ignore our judgment, reproof, and discipline. We are not zealous to repent of our sins and wickedness and Jesus is standing at the door knocking and we don’t hear Him. He who overcomes will sat down with Jesus but in America we have been overcome by Satan and his demonic forces of evil. We have allowed Satan, while we possess all power and authority over the enemy, to take this nation captive; Satan rules our nation, rather than God, and we have become a dwelling place for demons.

Let me give you just a partial list of the demonic New World Order occults that have gathered against America to bring us into bondage and destruction with little to no opposition from the church. I don’t know how many are paying attention to the vast, interlocking interfacing of banks, insurance companies, corporations, news media, all parts of our governments, especially our Presidents and Congress, with the following demonic occults: European Back Nobility, the American Eastern Liberal Establishment, Free Masons, Skull and Bones, the Illuminati, the National and World Council of Churches, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the United Nations, Thule Society, Club of Rome,

Environmentalists, Hudson Institute, Fabian Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Anti- Defamation League, American Civil Liberties Union, League of Nations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, NAACP, Princeton University, Rhodes Scholarship Committee, Rand Corporation, Round Table, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Trilateral Commission, and hundreds more without end. These groups have been around for years undermining our institutions, government, and other organizations in our nation and we are still asleep. Again I say, every day, they move us closer to bondage with little to no effective opposition while we travel thousands of miles to hear a word, attend seminars, and fellowship on weekends having a grand ole time. Now you know what “Fiddling while Rome burned” means and the seriousness of it!!!

Most of Americans look at these groups as people with liberal ideas; you know those people we make fun of. But these are not groups to ignore because in these groups are some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled “New” society. These groups are not new – they have been around for hundreds of years and they have told us in publication after publication what their intentions were – clearly spelled out for everyone in America to see: H. G. Wells in his book, “The Open Conspiracy – Plans for a World Revolution” and George Orwell’s 1984 just to name a few.

In the early eighties, our group fought with the Frankfurt School disciples who told us what they would do: corrupt our churches, our culture, get women out of the home and sex, sex, and sex to destroy the family structure. The gay mafia in their book Gay Manifesto said they were coming after our children to turn them gay. I passed this on to churches in my town and the church I pastored fired me because I was giving the church a bad name. Don’t feel sorry for me; I count it all glory to be obedient to my Lord. Schwab and his World Economic Forum have their meeting each year and tell us exactly what they are going to do. To say we have been extremely stupid to ignore these demonic groups, I am being kind.

As long as we focus on what the Biden Administration is doing and not the entities that are behind them – telling them every move they are to execute, we will remain deceived and stupid. Until the church in America realizes we are in the greatest spiritual war of our lifetime, we will continue to lose this nation. These entities have a plan for hundreds of years ahead and have been working in secret in this nation since before the 1800s and each year thereafter they have implemented their plan to perfection. Gradually, little by little they have dumbed us down and kept us distracted in many ways while they moved this nation from a Christian World View to a Socialists/New World Order World View.

All I know is what I have read and have connected the dots to understand where they are going. They have persuasion over a huge part of this nation, they have owned most of our Presidents, our Congress, and our government and those who refuse to play their way are compromised or dead and we ignore them???!!!!!

I’m not the brightest bulb on the string but I have God’s wisdom, discernment, and knowledge. For years I have been listening to talk radio, the late Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, Sean Hannity, and on and on – so- called conservative news broadcasters, certain TV programs that I thought were speaking the truth but all play the game just like everyone else. Those who know what is really going on in our nation keep their mouth shut. They partially tell us what is going on but NEVER GIVE US A SOLUTION.

First of all, I have absolutely no faith in the institutional church systems in this nation. They are liars and do not tell the truth and it is demonic. They pick and choose verses in the Bible out of context to say what they want said. No counting the cost of following Jesus Christ. It’s easy to believe in Jesus to become a church members with false promises and false information. Converts were led to believe that belief in Christ would be easy – “Come join our church – all you have to do is attend our services.” They believed it because that is all they saw the people doing. No counting the cost. No brokenness and repentance over your sin that put Jesus on the cross, no mention of the level of obedience, commitment, faithfulness, and allegiance that is required by Christ to be His disciple and to follow Him.

No mention of being in the wilderness and a time of preparation, dying to the flesh and renewing the mind, taking thoughts captive in spiritual warfare so you can become a functioning follower of Jesus Christ. Few if any are told that Jesus said in Luke 10:3 that He will send them out as lambs among wolves and in Matthew to be happy when men revile you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. No!! That is too negative; we just want you to focus on the positive!!! It’s easy to be a Christian, just say a few words in this prayer. What I just said is doctrine of demons being told to people to become a member of an institutional church in America. I left them for a good reason!! When you make “being born from above” without proper instruction and something easy to believe with no conditions, you end up with “religious people” who will never function as sons of God, warriors for Christ, ambassadors of the Kingdom or disciples in obedience to Jesus Christ. You end up with churchgoers and some in the Remnant also, that ignore Scripture, ignore evil while consumed by it and has no fruit. The Word in 1 John 1:8-9 says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. However, when we sin and we ignore our sin and refuse to confess and repent of our sin, then we have sinned against the grace and mercy of God and we automatically default to justice of God – judgment and torment by Satan and his demons. HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Brother Adams, you are just too serious about this!!! Read the Word of God. Sin will be forgiven but if you ignore it, then there are serious consequences to the sinner!!! This is in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation!!! In case you don’t realize it, Jesus is a Sovereign King and what He says is law and it is to be “obeyed without question or opinion.”

The big problem today in those who follow Christ is mixture. Mixture is being double-minded. James says in James 1:7-8, “For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” Mixture is faith and doubt. Mixture is one foot in the world and one foot in Christ. Mixture is seeing evil; tolerating it, and refusing to resist it. Mixture is obedience and disobedience. Mixture is having light and darkness in you. Remember that God separated the light from the darkness. Something you must understand about light and darkness. If you mix light and darkness, you don’t get gray – you get darkness.

If you mix God’s ways and Satan’s ways, you get Satan ways. God always separates light from darkness. In Jesus there is no darkness. You are in His image – there is no excuse for you to have darkness in you. Darkness in the Bible also means ignorance. Not stupidity but you have no knowledge of something or you were taught the wrong thing about a subject. Light on the other hand is God’s knowledge. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of the world.” Institutional church and Remnant, we are in darkness and we call it light; that is deception.

Are you double-minded? You know if you are double-minded!!! James 1:21-21, “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Folks, don’t listen to me – listen to the Word of God I use and let it speak to you!!! This is relevant to us today. This is not complicated. Too many who claim to be Christians watch TV, social media, Play Station 5 videos and games and you know, by their content they are not of God but the world system. If you deliberately watch those things then that is rebellion and lawlessness to God and it opens up a portal to Satan and his demons move into your life. If you read God’s Word instead and obey what He says, the Word is able to save your soul. If you are a Christian and you say you can do nothing about this evil, then you are the most double-minded in the world. You can do all things in Christ and you have been given power and authority to resist the devil. But you have to be in Christ and know who you are in Christ!!!

There is a war going on today between God and Satan, between us and Satan, us and our flesh and it is no game. It is real – one brings forth life in Christ; the other brings forth torment, demon possession, or death. You go to the church building on Sunday and hear your little sermonette, all positive, and you feel so good in your sin. You can’t wait to get home to watch 6 hours of TV and 3 hours of PS 5 tapes. You are double-minded and deceived, blinded, rebellious, and lawlessness and a good church member in good standing but Satan is going to do his ministry of killing and destroying in your life and you don’t even know why?

I do wish I had a Word that would wake up the citizens and Christians in America but I don’t. Only a repentant citizen and church will change the course of America. God will meet us on the battlefield but only if we are prepared with the full armor of God and initiate action with prayer and the Holy Spirit. Like Joshua, God promised He would show up if they would, “Only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success.” (Joshua 1:7-10)

We must realize that as a nation, we no longer live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We have religion and false pastors who are leading us in a way that seems right but their ways are death. We also have a Remnant of God who believes the Word of God but are an extremely splintered group scattered throughout this nation and each group is doing their thing so to speak Oh, they are busy with their lawsuits, their radio and TV programs, as well as seminars and group meetings but no one has presented a plan for the Remnant of God to embrace to work as a spiritual body against a well- organized demonic entity – the likes of the World Economic Forum and a multiple host of other occults, organized as one.

How are we doing in this spiritual war in America? Most of America has come to the realization that we have been conditioned to believe everything that happens in America today is merely by accident. There is no cause and effect. We are expected to believe that an accidental event happening somewhere in another country caused a cascading series of events that ends up affecting both that nation and the entire world.

The message is continually being reinforced with our global consciousness: “There is no secret cabal governing the affairs of America and this world. There is nothing to see here, folks; just watch another sitcom that amuses you, while it programs you to abandon social norms established by previous generations in exchange for a new Globalists agenda. Just slide back in your easy chair, be dazzled by the special effects in the new action movie, and enter another techno-induced stupor by the Elite-controlled entertainment industry.”

Then there is the Remnant of God in America. I consider myself to be a part of this Remnant. It is in this group that the future of America rests. But we must join together in one accord under the Banner of Jesus Christ. We must become one unit with one plan to defeat this New World Order cabal. We must have a reliable communications system and an avenue to get our message out. I strongly believe that God will give us victory but only if we come together under the Banner of Jesus Christ. I just love the directness of Jesus in Matthew 12:25, “A house divided against itself, will not stand.” We can clearly see our enemy is one and we are divided as a Body in America. We just don’t get it and we just don’t believe it!!!

If we choose to keep things as they are now – separated and no plan, then unless God intervenes in our affairs and especially our stupidity and our devoid of knowledge, we will surely lose this nation. Where is the fear of God? God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Dr. John Coleman and his informative book Conspirator Hierarchy (the story of the Committee of 300), Dr. Michael Lake and his books The Shinar Directive, The Sheeriyth Imperative, and The Kingdom Priesthood)

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