By Steven Yates

July 9, 2024

“Since his hiding-in-the-basement campaign in 2020 “Joe Biden’s” Party of Chaos has pretended that he is fit and alert for the job and now all of sudden they pretend to be shocked to see how far gone in the head he really is. The bull***t shovelers of the mainstream news media were especially rocked, not by the truth of the situation per se, but at being unmasked as the contemptible, confabulating tools that they’ve become. The New York Times wheeled around on a dime from their servile lionizing of the presidential hologram they helped create to its editorial board abjectly yelling for him to drop out and get gone. They were joined instantly by a long list of other opinion-shapers, campaign donors, political celebs, and Beltway players.”  —James Howard Kunstler, “Surprise, Surprise!” July 1, 2024.

It’s becoming commonplace:  yesterday’s “conspiracy theory” is today’s inconvenient truth. What was “fringe” yesterday — in public, anyway — but is self-evident now, at least to those who can think, is that Joe Biden is in terminal cognitive decline.

It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fact of political reality. Anyone who watched the debate had to see it.

I don’t think anyone is still using that CIA-promoted phrase now, not for this.

All you have to do is go back and watch one of the debates between Joe Biden and Donald Trump back in 2020, then compare Biden’s performance in those to the sorry spectacle we saw on national television last week.

I’m not ridiculing the man. However much I disagree with his politics and what his handlers have done to the U.S. over the past three and a half years, I can’t find it in me to wish Joe Biden harm. Quite the contrary. To my way of thinking, what we’ve been seeing has all the markings of a form of elder abuse!

His wife, a career academic (and we know how out of touch with reality most of them are) wants to perpetuate the abuse! She is defending his continued candidacy to corporate media!

I’ve seen cognitive decline up close. My father passed away right before Christmas in 2009 from vascular dementia, which is like Alzheimer’s on steroids. In just three years he went from being the most meticulous record-keeper I ever knew, his financial books always perfectly balanced, his records so carefully kept, that even an IRS agent who audited him back in the 1990s expressed open admiration, to being unable to write out a check without help. By the start of 2008, his records were a shambles.

Since I could compare Joe Biden’s performances in 2020 to earlier ones made before Congress, it was clear to me even then: he was in trouble. We all noticed how he didn’t do much in the way of serious campaigning (this being one reason why so many of us never for a heartbeat believed Election 2020 was “free and fair”).

Even if you don’t think Trump is a saint — whoever said he was? — he doesn’t have dementia. Yes, he rambles and goes off on tangents when he speaks. But he’s done that for years. He’s not tried to shake hands with people who aren’t there, claimed to have had conversations with foreign leaders who haven’t been alive in years (Biden said this about Mitterrand), mixed up names of foreign leaders like Biden recently did with those of Egypt and Mexico, or simply frozen in public as if losing all track of where he is and what he’s doing.

Or delivered verbal products like this one.

The spinmeisters tried to say Biden had a cold on debate night.

How dumb do they think we are? Anyone who’s had a bad cold — and who hasn’t? — will retort: those aren’t cold symptoms!

Another spin: Biden has struggled with a stutter all his life.

Answer: “She no long! She new sllunasuhhijuhnide our freedom can never be secured” is not stuttering.

Nor is using the word Medicare instead of Covid-19. Or trillionaires when one means billionaires. This kind of verbal mishap, also common in stroke recovery patients (my mother was one of those, so again, I’ve seen it up front and center!), is a sign of physical brain deterioration.

But what about his State of the Union address? Another spinmeister gambit.

Yes, he sounded coherent that night. But it’s easy to believe he was “on something.” Perhaps just caffeine. Maybe something stronger. No, I don’t have evidence. But something must explain that rare departure from the general pattern every honest person has seen and must acknowledge. That one makes the most sense.

All of which has to make you wonder, who’s really been in charge for the past three and a half years? This during a period of wide open borders and two (so far) dangerous foreign wars erupting.

I’ve been using the term Bidenistas. The “Bidenistas” aren’t Joe Biden. The term has been a placeholder for Joe’s handlers, and a recognition that this has been a fake presidency from the get-go.

Some say the real president has been Barack Obama. I have no idea if that’s true or not. I’m not sure it even matters. The Bidenista regime has collapsed. By collapse in this context I mean: lost credibility with everyone whose brain cells are functioning.

So what’s next?

I have no idea.

We’re seeing articles like this one: listing those being considered as Biden’s replacement. Or this, observing how one in three Democrats wants Biden to step aside.

Many see Kamala Harris as the obvious choice. She’s VP, after all.

She’s also a joke! She’s an obvious product of identity politics. Were she regarded as qualified, other names (like Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, etc.), wouldn’t even be being floated.

Needless to say, none of these are any more qualified. Newsom has wrecked California. J.P. Pritzker is wrecking Illinois. Same with Whitmer in Michigan.

Others wouldn’t have the government jobs they have outside our cultural Marxist wasteland (Pete Buttigieg is a gay man with a husband).

All these people are disasters in living color!

Our current situation indicates how the leftist Democrat Party as a whole — or as James Howard Kunstler colorfully calls it, the Party of Chaos — in no less in terminal collapse than were the Republicans of the pre-Trump era. The reason they got Trump.

The curtain’s pulled back, and Party elites and elite media are in peeing-their-pants panic mode. Flood warnings any day now!

The last thing they want, after all, is also the last thing their globalist handlers want: a second Trump presidency. Especially during a year in which the elite-media-described “far right” is making gains all across Europe.

This is an index of the extent to which Brussels elites and the elites in the various capitol cities (e.g., France’s Macron) are despised.

Newsflash: they’re despised on our side of the Atlantic as well, but like the Euro-elites, they’re too narcissistic and sociopathic to realize it.

I’ve no predictions about what happens next. We’re just past the midpoint of 2024. Whatever else one says, the next six months are going to be quite interesting!

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored more than 20 articles, book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself. In 2012 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

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