By Lex Greene

February 9, 2024

In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

But these days, after decades of massive false political propaganda and Marxist Educational indoctrination at all ages, not to mention the government controlled and censored news media and social media platforms, the average American voter is far less certain about anything they believe.

Haley lost Iowa and then New Hampshire, both by wide margins, where she told her fans she was sure to defeat Trump. That was bad enough, but this week, she accomplished something never accomplished before in political history – she lost the Nevada primary where she was the only active candidate allowed to appear on the ballot.

CNN reported the night of the Nevada GOP Primary, that Haley only received 30.5% of the vote in a primary where she was the only active candidate on the ballot. The other 69.5% of GOP voters voted against her, 63.2% of them for “None of these candidates.” In other words, she ran unchallenged and still lost by almost 26,000 votes, having received only 21,199 votes herself.

As of this writing, Trump leads Haley in all national polling by an average of 74.3% to 18.1%. At this moment, Trump leads Haley in her home state of South Carolina by 60% to 29.3%. The official Nevada GOP primary holding all the delegates for the state is a caucus event, where Trump will appear essentially unopposed.

But even though Nikki Haley is losing every single GOP primary in grand fashion, do not expect her to drop out of the so-called “race” anytime soon. The plot to make her the 2024 GOP Presidential nominee never included her winning any of the primaries.

Instead, the plot is very similar to Biden 2020, when Biden remained in the race in 3rd place behind Warren and Sanders until the party met behind closed doors to bribe Warren and Sanders into dropping out to make room for bumbling Biden who was polling at 30% at the time, just like Haley now.

The difference in the Haley Plot case is, they can’t talk, bribe, or threaten Trump into leaving the race. Instead, the Haley camp is working around the clock with democrat operatives and financiers to force Trump out of the race, most likely by getting a fraudulent conviction for an “insurrection” that never happened.

As I write, the US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments over whether or not to allow six Colorado voters to deny all Colorado voters the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, in this case, a former President and the landslide-leading candidate for the 2024 GOP nomination. In other words, leftist Trump-haters are trying to toss democracy off the cliff just because they know they can’t defeat Trump by any legitimate process.

The Haley Plot is to remain in 2nd place until Trump is eliminated from the race by way of a fraudulent conviction in some corrupt court, or a bullet if necessary. Then, like Biden 2020, with Trump out of the way, Nikki could become the presumptive GOP nominee as the only candidate still standing.

The longer Haley stays in the race, loss after loss after loss, the more it confirms that she intends to become the nominee without winning a single primary anywhere.

As for the Supreme Court today, members of the court have only two choices, and only one of those choices is constitutional, or even safe.

The high court must affirm democratic processes by refusing to allow a handful of Trump-haters to keep him off the ballot for an alleged “crime” that never happened. The only other option is to burn the Constitution once and for all and at that point, we will have an entirely new ballgame here.

Texas has already put the court on official notice that when they act in an unconstitutional manner, the states and the people have no obligation to follow any direction from the court. In just a couple weeks, Texas closed its border after the O’Biden administration had done all it could do keep the borders open for the past three years.

While moronic democrats continue to falsely claim “it’s republicans” who don’t want the border closed, it’s republicans in Texas who closed them, and democrats in DC who sued them for it. The same Supreme Court hearing the Trump ballot case today, issued a 5-4 ruling allowing O’Biden to tear down the Texas border fences. But so far, the O’Biden regime appears afraid to do so, showing at least some signs of intelligence.

As of today, our country is dangerously hanging by a fingernail on the verge of a total constitutional collapse, as the court will decide whether or not to uphold the Constitution today or burn it once and for all.

These are indeed interesting times.

Don’t fall victim to the Haley Plot though. She’s a fraud, a 14th “anchor baby” citizen not even eligible for the office, and a proud graduate of nazi Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program at his maniacal WEF, just like Trudeau in Canada.

Democrat voters are easily fooled, but Republican voters, not so much! Nikki is losing everywhere because most republicans care about the facts.

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