By Pastor Glynn Adams

October 13, 2024

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”   Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest.  Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. (Hosea 4:6)

I will be 87 in a few more months and the America most of us grew up in is gone.  All that is left is the memories of what she used to be like.   We had a Christian-world-view, we were united in our culture by family, faith, language, values, history, and a work ethic.  Our educational systems and family teachings made us responsible citizens and we grew up loving and appreciating our country.

In her wake, this country has been systemically and deliberately dumbed down and transformed into a place unrecognizable – a place being invaded by New World Marxists Elites that do not love this nation, a place now plagued by drugs, poverty, pornography, sexual immorality, greed, crime, hate, division, and violence.   Our American hard-work ethic has been changed to “give me.”  There is no faith that unites us and modern Americans remain almost completely oblivious of our history.  Most do not know our Constitution or the Word of God and do not understand how our government given to us by our Founding Fathers works.

Today, over seventy percent of our citizens believe that the strength of America lies in its diversity and ninety percent remain ignorant that a quota system ever existed in our immigration system until 1965.  Before 1965, Muslims and people from the third world countries had a very, very hard time getting into this nation.  But now we have a Biblical curse on our nation because of our disobedience to God and no wall or no one, including our government, can stop this Biblical curse “of aliens invading our land” until Christians repent and begin to defend against the destruction of this nation.

God gave Christians dominion of this earth, and He gave Christians His Name, His power, His authority, His Word, and His mighty weapons to address evil, and Christians in America have a responsibility against evil overtaking our nation which we have not accepted.  Now most of these aliens along with many of our citizens depend on the government while American unity and sense of patriotism has given way to division, anarchy, hate, and those pushing their evil ideology.   We may feel good about having the President we want, but evil is still at work destroying our nation without hardly any opposition.  The President may be busy but Christians certainly are not at the level they should be.

Many citizens just shake their head today in frustration and do not have a clue or any understanding of what has happened to our nation.   If you want to know the truth of what has happened to our nation, you must go back to a man whose name is Cecil John Rhodes.  To understand history, you must understand people’s motivation, not just their actions.  From Cecil Rhodes to many other men, we will have a hard time grasping how hard-hearted people in positions of power and wealth could be.  We will have trouble understanding how people could sell out their nation and people for money and power.  Truly the love of money is the root of all evil.  Pride, greed, and power drive men to do the unthinkable.

Through the years, we have politicians who promise one thing and do another.  It seems that many have sold their soul to the highest bidder.  It’s ironic – our ignorance of what is going on is beyond belief – today we send our brightest and smartest kids to Oxford University, the hub of Marxism, as Rhodes Scholars to sell their souls not realizing they will become disciples of Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Globalism, World Government, Council on Foreign Relations, multiculturalism, and other evil ideologies.  Can I say President Bill Clinton?

This systematic destruction of our nation has been going on full steam for approximately 124 years.  From Cecil John Rhodes to the 30s our government foundations were changed greatly by evil men.  From the 40s to the 50s, America had a Christian world view and God was at home in our nation so evil and their changes were forced to go underground, but they kept working.   But the early 60s to present brought about the greatest changes.  In the 70s and 80s, many of us endeavored to expose the problems and to do something about it, but were silenced, mostly by church leadership and media.  However, it is time for Christians and citizens alike to stand up and say, “Enough is enough,” and draw a line in the sand.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a persecuted Christian from Russia, came to America and warned us of what was going on spiritually and few listened.  He said, “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.”  While they rewrote our history, dethroned our God, took the Word of God, prayer, and Ten Commandments out of our culture and schools, polluted our culture, assaulted our values, and demonized us for holding to beliefs we have held on to for generations, the Body of Christ in America not only remained silent but totally ignored evil in this nation and we are doing the same today.  So few Christians are fighting against evil today that when anyone does anything at all it seems like a lot.

Our spiritual neglect has caught up with us.  Years ago in Hosea 4:6 NKJV, God said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me.  Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”    Our pastors and church members are not hearing God speak today.  For too long now, our American Culture Churches and our cowardly pastors have ignored the spiritual signs of our failing nation.   We have ignored that our gospel is ineffective against the spiritual forces of evil and darkness in our nation.

We have ignored that as Christians are no longer functioning as God’s priest.  We no longer seek God’s eternal purpose for our lives.  We have reduced Christianity to going to a building.  We have ignored the fact that God has forgotten our children.  Many of our children no longer go to church and we are losing our children to Satan and his world system and its ways.  We have made Jesus “in our image” to fit our American culture, and “our gospel” has no power.

How long will we continue to ignore the obvious?  How long before we repent and change our ways to His Way?  How long before we take a stand, expose, speak out, and move to bring about a reformation?   How long before we abandon these false religious systems we have made with our flesh and earthly knowledge and preach what Jesus preached – the Kingdom of God – and embrace that Kingdom of God message of Jesus Christ so God can “ influence and  rule” in the hearts of our people in America?  How long before we make true disciples of Christ that obey His Word and do His will on earth as it is done in heaven?  How long will we continue to allow the evil forces in this nation to make Socialists and Muslim disciples of our people?

Do we feel so strongly about this that if it means death so be it?  Are we going to leave our children and grandchildren in bondage or freedom?  God’s judgment is all over America and we are unraveling at mock speed.  Christians don’t see it because we are too busy being religious and positive!!!!!  But our time of grace is running out in America and we are running out of people that make WE THE PEOPLE effective.  Every day we have less and less Christians and citizens to keep our nation.

Christians are not making disciples, our people are dying out, and we have very few children in our generation pipeline, while evil is graduating their disciples every year out of our public schools and universities as well as flooding over our borders.   Christians see the signs everywhere yet we remain blatantly disobedient to our God and do nothing with the resources God has provided for us.  God will meet us at the battlefield and little is a lot when God is in it but the blind and undiscerning Christians in America just can’t seem to grasp that!!!!!

I do not enjoy writing articles like this but my LORD has commissioned me and I shall obey Him.  Christians had better awake from their religious coma and hear what God is saying to the church in America.  This article was written with the help of a new book, the “Killing of Uncle Sam” by Pastor Rodney Howard- Browne and Paul l. Williams.  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (My next articles will be Part II of the Systematic Killing of America)

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