Greg Holt
You can’t make this kind of stuff up folks – oh right I forgot, if you are CNN you can make up all kinds of stuff. But I digress. CNN “reported” on Trump playing golf today. Is CNN that desperate for news coverage?
Here is their headline that basically implies Trump is doing something wrong because he dares to play golf:
Trump is golfing at his Virginia club amid the coronavirus pandemic
And of course this major news event had to be posted on Twitter:
CNN photojournalist @abdallahcnn got a shot of President Trump golfing today. He says the president is moving around the course in a golf cart alone but is golfing with three partners. None of the men are wearing masks.
— Jason Hoffman (@JasonHoffman93) May 23, 2020
Not only did Trump leave the entire country in a lurch to play Golf (Obama never did this), he has the audacity to play golf without a mask on. Say it isn’t so!!
Trump took his first break in three months to golf and liberal heads have predictably exploded. The fake outrage machine is tiring. 🙄
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 23, 2020
What a bunch of idiots. First, Trump works more hours in a day than any of these clowns do, and he is entitled to a break. Second, sunshine is a natural killer of the Coronavirus, and why on earth would one wear a mask outdoors? Not to mention the fact that there is evidence that wearing masks may cause more harm than good, unless one is sick.
“‘But there is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any particular benefit – in fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite,’ he said.” (Source)
You won’t see that reported on CNN, it interferes with the narrative.
Striving for that pulitzer.
— hypervista (@hypervista) May 23, 2020
Hey Karen, you don't have to wear a mask outside in your own golf cart.
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) May 23, 2020
What is really sad is that idiots like this actually refer to themselves as journalists.
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