By Glynn Adams
August 13, 2023
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them for God made it evident to them.” (Romans 1:18-19) -You shall know and hear the truth and be free!-
As a watchman of God, I have been moved, not to indignation, but compassion to give my most urgent warning to those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ in America. The wrath of God is at the door in America because those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ have become disobedient, apathetic, asleep, and lukewarm. But our most dangerous position is we have deceptively declared ourselves godly and righteous when the world can clearly see that the followers of Jesus Christ in America are not salt and light but are an ineffective religious institution operating in ungodliness and unrighteousness.
With all the power and authority of God at our beckoning; with the mighty weapons of God readily available to us, we have allowed evil to overtake this nation and everyday we blame someone other than ourselves for the condition of America. We arrogantly and openly boast we are winning but in reality, we have no plan, we are a splintered group, and we have no urgency. For the followers of Jesus Christ to be divided and not in one accord is ungodly and unrighteous. We spend our time attending seminars, preaching to the choir, and passing information on to each other and boasting it is good while our demonic enemies rule our nation and still advancing. We are pushing the grace of God to the limit!!!!
The wrath of God will sooner or later be revealed from heaven against all this ungodliness and unrighteousness of these wicked men and women operating openly in this nation mocking God. However, let us not forget the word “all” in this verse. We must remember when anyone, including believers, reach the level of ungodliness and unrighteousness, God wrath will deal with “all.” The followers of God in this nation are divided, not in one accord, we are not on the same page with Jesus, we lack urgency, our inability to facilitate God’s plan, and we have not been able to recruit many believers for this war and we are close to ungodliness and unrighteousness in God’s view. We are deceived and can’t see!!!
We are not going to win this war in our courts or politically but by the power of God – period!!!! God intends for us to be the first on the battlefield and then He will show up. We are in a war with the demonic Kingdom of Satan and unless the followers of Jesus Christ return to that which was lost some 1800 years ago – the Kingdom of God, we will remain powerless and without authority! When God created this earth, He had an idea. He would create earth and then He created mankind and placed him in the garden to have dominion and to tend to it. God wanted a family of sons and daughters that He would give them a government – a kingdom system to have dominion and influence on earth by bringing the influence of heaven down to influence earth.
Can I tell you what has happened in America with a church building on almost every corner? Believers of God let Satan steal God’s idea and used it to influence America to the demonic ways of Satan. While the followers of Jesus Christ were turning what God had envisioned into a religion, Satan took his sons and daughters of evil and went into our culture, schools, corporations, and government and influenced America to the ways of Satan. While America missed the Kingdom Message idea from God, Satan took it and made disciples of Satan and influenced America. He now rules America and not God. He has influenced America to the ways of Satan and his demonic hordes. SHAME ON US!!!
AND THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST IN AMERICA WILL NOT ESTABLISH THE RULE OF GOD IN AMERICA UNTIL WE GET BACK TO THE ORIGINAL IDEA OF GOD, THE KINGDOM OF GOD MESSAGE. It is evil for the followers of God to take the idea of God and turn it into a religion. That in itself is ungodly and unrighteous and will surely bring the wrath of God to us if we let this stand. We are to have the mind of Christ so it is evil not to think the way God thinks. Unless we repent (change our thinking to God’s way of thinking and get back to His idea of the kingdom), the wrath of God, at some time, will fall on America!!!!!
Now God sent His Logos – His Word – so man would clearly understand God’s idea of a kingdom government. It was working well up until the middle of the Third Century when Constantine became emperor of Rome. He corrupted the church Jesus created with His disciples. We are still a religious people today and the Word of God is still being ignored and we have become the perfect example of a people who are perishing because of a lack of knowledge. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6)
The Logos has explained to us clearly how we are to embrace the idea of God and His Kingdom of God government. Remember, God’s idea when He created the earth was to have His sons and daughters to have dominion over the visible earth – to rule and influence the visible earth with the ways of the invisible heaven. From here until the end of this message, I want to help you see the idea the Logos presented about the Kingdom Government and help you rediscover the Kingdom Message. This message has been lost for over 1800 years– the church lost, you lost, your docrine lost, your pastor lost, your denomination lost, and our nation has lost.
This has to be rediscovered by the American followers of God because it is the only way we can win this war against this demonic world. All authority and power given to us comes from our King; not from religion. There is no Godly power and authority outside of the Kingdom of God. Our idea or logic for church is not working today in America because the Kingdom concept of God has been lost in religion in America. Jesus recognized what religion does in a nation, “But woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, you shut off the Kingdom of God from men, for you do not enter in yourself nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.” (Matthew 23:13) Pastors and religious leaders in America shut off the Kingdom from men!!!
God created us for a reason. He did not create us just to get a job, pay bills, and die. You were not born just to make a living but to make a difference on this earth. “My frame was not hidden from Thee when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Thy Book there were all written, the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them.” (Psalm 139:15-16) All believers have a part to influence earth!!!!
This generation in America can rediscover the original idea of God. What was on God’s mind. Religion has not worked out for anyone who wants to follow Jesus. Only the Kingdom will work. This message of God has been lost in the graveyard of religion and in this generation, we must rediscover God’s original purpose for us. You don’t want to know the Bible without knowing the ideas of God. The followers of Christ in America have many ideas of what church should be except what is God’s idea of church!!
God’s focus is a Kingdom and most people have no idea of what Kingdom means. What is your concept of Kingdom; if your concept of Kingdom is different than God, there will be a misunderstanding. Where did you get your idea of Kingdom from? The concept of God’s Kingdom is recorded in His Word and explained and demonstrated by His Logos in the First Century.
Kingdom consists of three things – a King. Jesus is not a President or Prime Minister. He is a King and He has a Kingdom. When you hear He is King of kings, you understand you do not vote Him into power. King means He has all the power and authority and what the King says is law so you have no opinion or private interpretation. We don’t debate with a King, we obey Him, submit to Him, commit to Him, be faithful to Him. and show allegiance to Him. If the King says that fornication is against the law, you don’t debate that. We want Jesus to be Prime Minister in our minds so we can negotiate with Him. You cooperate with a Prime Minister or President but you obey a King.
The next thing about a Kingdom is every King has a Kingdom. It’s not about a Republic. It about a Kingdom. A Kingdom is opposite from a Republic. In a Republic, the power is in We the People but in a Kingdom, the power is in the King. Two different ideas!!! A Kingdom is not a religion; a Kingdom is a country. In America and around the world, we have made God’s Kingdom a religion called Christianity. Jesus did not come to earth to create a religion called Christianity. God knows nothing about what you are talking about. Kingdom and Christianity are not the same.
The next thing about a Kingdom is it is about a royal family. Citizenship in the Kingdom means you are part of a royal family. This royal family was given a responsibility by their Father to rule the earth for Him. He wanted them to colonize earth for heaven. The next thing about a Kingdom is God’s idea was Kingdom expansion. Kingdoms not Republics expand. The glory of a king is his kingdom expanding. God wanted to rule the seen and the unseen. All kingdoms expand and that expansion is called colonization. In Jesus’ day, Rome expanded its kingdom into Judea and Judea became a colony of Rome. Rome sent a governor to ensure the people of Judea begin to express the nature and ideas of the Roman Kingdom. Rome was a perfect example for the believers of Jesus to see how a King and his kingdom worked!!!
He wanted His children to colonize and influence the earth – God’s Kingdom will come when His children do God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven. The Bible is the first colonial document on earth. God said in Genesia 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness and let them rule over all the earth.” That is Kingdom expansion. God did not create you to be in heaven; that is where you came from. He put you on earth to fill the earth and to dominate and to influence the earth with Heaven’s culture. When a Kingdom impacts a territory the culture in that territory becomes just like that Kingdom. When Kingdoms expand, they take away the territory history. When God saves you, He takes away your history and you become a new creation and a citizen of His Kingdom and the sons of God.
Jesus is the most misunderstood man on this earth. He came to establish God’s ideas about a Kingdom but we thought He came to establish a religion called Christianity. We then put Him in a class of all other religious leaders. Jesus is not a religious leader. He never joined a religion and He was never a Pharisee or any member of any religious organization. His greatest trouble came from the religious leaders in His day and he was considered to be a friend of sinners. He kept company with winebibbers – alcoholics, prostitutions, and tax collectors – corrupted politicians. People loved His message because He did not come to condemn them – how come they don’t like us?
Jesus came to earth with God’s ideas. Jesus was God’s Logos – God’s expressed idea and His word communicated God’s ideas to the masses in the First Century. We have missed this and our religion in America is not anywhere on the same page with God’s ideas. We don’t need to wonder what was on God’s mind or what is He thinking anymore; just listen to His Expressed Word. The believers in America are to take the Kingdom culture and influence the culture in America and other nations!!! Satan told the church we are a religious body and not a political body. Satan told us not to get involved in politics or the state and we have made ourselves useless in the state by reducing ourselves to a religion. We want to get raptured out and go to heaven and leave the state in the hands of ungodly people who will pass ungodly laws to change our culture to the ungodly ways of Satan and not God. Then we blame the state for what we allowed Satan to do. We are sick in America.
Christians are the worst to misunderstand Jesus. We see Jesus as a religious leader – a savior. We think He came to form a religion called Christianity. Jesus never founded a religion. What was the message of Jesus? What was His idea? God created visible earth to expand His invisible Kingdom on earth. What did Jesus preach while He was on this earth – the Kingdom of God message.
Jesus started His ministry in Matthew 4:17, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” “And Jesus was going about in all Galilee preaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom (the good news of the rule of God) and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.” (Matthew 5:23) “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 5:3)
“Seek first His Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33). (If you want to know what these things are, read Matthew 6:25) In Luke 6:43, Jesus said to them, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also for I was sent for this purpose.” Jesus said in Matthew 16:19, “I will give you the keys to a religion – NO – I will give you the keys to the Kingdom and whatever you bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven.”
Jesus teaches in the whole chapter of Matthew 13:1-58, the kingdom is like, the kingdom is like. He told His disciples who had given up all to follow Jesus that they had been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom but to those multitudes who want things from God, have eyes but cannot see, have ears but cannot hear the Kingdom, Satan comes to steal away the message of the Kingdom from them.
Over one hundred times did Jesus mention the Kingdom of God in the gospels. The disciples asked Jesus, “When will the end come?” He told them in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” Religious people looking for the rapture, unpack your bags!!!! Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17:15 “I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world but to keep them from the evil one.”, Jesus said in John 3 that one is born into the Kingdom by the water and Spirit and you don’t become a member of a religious organization, you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is not coming back for a religious system that is in bed with the world, not influencing your culture by suppressing the truth about the Kingdom and ignoring the Kingdom of God message of Jesus. That is ungodly and unrighteous!!! What is coming is wrath!
I’ll close with this one. In Acts 1:3, “To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the Kingdom of God.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Yes! Did you get that? Jesus spent 40 days speaking about the kingdom; not the cross, not the resurrection, and not His suffering. Those were not His message; His message was the kingdom and it should be ours also! The cross, death, burial, and resurrections were very important but were a means to an end and is not the main message of Jesus. Do you really seek the truth that sets you free or are you in bondage to religion? God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Myles Munroe and his kingdom messages on YouTube. They will change your life and get you out of this deadly religion)
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