By Sidney Secular

July 22, 2023

Ray Bradbury’s “Farenheit 451”, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, and George Orwell’s “1984”, considered among the best 100 novels ever written, capture the feel, or rather lack of feeling, of today’s dystopian world. They are basically user manuals on how to cow, control and condition a population of indoctrinated sheep. You have to entertain with novel novels to get the public’s attention to new and unique concepts.

The public’s acceptance of the “hijacker conspiracy” pulled off by the establishment in the 9/11 caper showed the sheeple were ready for the real thing. The lockdowns, authoritarian measures, masking, and non-stop media brainwashing of the public during the Covid plannedemic exercise were an overall success in cower power and crowd control. It allowed a mass vaxx campaign to begin the process of population reduction and pave the way for an even more intense and similar exercise to come in the near future to fasten the manacles on “We the People” now known as the masses. It will grease the skids for the full implementation of the New World Order. Now that the cowed population has accepted the addition of the Covid vaxxes to the usual cocktail of childhood inoculations, the fix is in, and it won’t be long before most of the population will be going, if not long gone. The youngsters may not even reach propagation age before all the various “side effects” of the vaxxes do them in. Increasingly, the vaxxes appear to be passing from mothers to developing babies in the womb causing an epidemic of myocarditis and premature death, so the vaxxes are doing double duty.

In Farenheit 451, Montag, the fireman who is assigned the task of burning not just politically incorrect books, but all books, is the protagonist who begins to question his life, his profession and why he and most of the population are fundamentally unhappy. His curiosity about the books he burns leads him into conflict with his family, his bosses, and the general society. Technology is presented as the central source of evil in this work. It is presented as the fundamental reason for the decline of reading by the populace and the inspiration for destroying books with high tech flamethrowers. Bradbury’s vision in 1953 was far ahead of his time, with wall-sized TVs and radio earbuds providing endless entertainment and distraction to the masses, making books obsolete. Today, 30% of Americans haven’t read a book in the past year and a large chunk of that 70% who say they have done so, are lying. Some people are proud of not having read a book since their college days. But then, pride in ignorance is nothing new.

Huxley’s warning in Brave New World concerns the danger of handing control of powerful technologies over to authoritarian minded men, who use the technology to control the population, rather than benefit society albeit, the population believes that it is being benefitted by the acts of said “leaders.” Population levels of the various classes or strata of society are controlled via removal of female ovaries, technological manipulation, and conditioning techniques. The compliant populations are conditioned to think they are happy and, frankly, to a certain extent they actually are simply because they have no source of information and reality outside of their own “culture.” Technology is used to develop drugs like Soma, consumption of which is encouraged to induce complacency and apathy and non-inquisitive personalities. Marijuana seems to be on the verge of performing this function now. Technology is used to manipulate DNA to produce the desired human product. Sociopaths gain control of all important sectors and managerial positions in society. This is pretty much the case already, now. Abortion is reduced to an emotionless science, and babies with congenital defects are routinely terminated. The gender of babies can be predetermined and their IQ levels can be ascertained. Indeed, IQs are not just determined but predetermined by drugs placed into the amniotic fluid in order to produce people whose IQs make them useful in the layered needs of society. Low IQ children are produced to do low IQ work and because they are conditioned to believe this is what is best, they are no threat to their ”betters.” The garbage is taken out and the streets swept by perfectly docile and happy minions. As babies are now produced in “factories,” any with genetic problems or severely low IQs are eliminated. The masses at all IQ levels are pacified and distracted with senseless entertainment. Much as happens today, rambunctious boys are turned pacified with drugs in school indoctrination centers. Citizens have little say in how they are governed but as they have no real needs not met by the “leaders,” they never seek change. Nearly all of these results have come to pass to one extent or another, or are seen to be coming around the corner.

Global use of antidepressants now follows and mirrors the aforesaid negative characteristics and developments. On the low end, only 13 Koreans and Chileans out of 1,000 use antidepressants. Down the list of global depressant use, at the bottom, is the USA where 110 out of 1,000 take antidepressants. Exacerbated by the incessant big pharma ads on TV, the average Americans’ existence is so shallow, meaningless and devoid of value that they are compelled to seek a means of escaping an increasingly unacceptable reality. This is particularly true of older White women. Over 50% find themselves childless and more than 25% are taking antidepressants. These “Karens” seek solace in voting for the pie-in-the-sky promises of leftist politicians and generally engage in silly cultural trends while cheering for abortion, probably because misery likes company. These unfulfilled Daughters of Eve are suckers for the climate change chicanery, were gung-ho for the Big Pharma toxic jabs, and still wear masks when driving alone, usually with the windows closed.

Dystopian technological totalitarianism reaches a peak in the picture of Big Brother monitoring everything people do, say, or think in the George Orwell masterpiece, “1984.” The following passage from the book represents the epitome and essence of the final stage reached as the society careens leftward as described by Orwell: “Every record has been destroyed (or doctored — SS), every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building (and street — SS) has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped (become history — SS). Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party (the establishment — SS) is always right.”

We have however, gone beyond Orwell’s ruminations with even more repressive restrictions about to be rolled out. By linking everything you do (home security, utilities, internet and appliance usage, etc. we are captive to the whims of the State (The “Party” in Orwell’s terminology). As we have seen in the last few years, authoritarian government, agenda-driven socialist alliances, big business, and social media tyrants have colluded to combine their clout and dominance to propagandize and popularize their woke agenda (Covid and vaxx scams, climate hoaxes, gender-bender degeneracy, race hustles, desperate efforts at maintaining western hegemony around the world, porn propagation, transhumanism, etc.), weaponizing every segment of the culture and government to produce these ends. Critical thinking dissenters and truth tellers have been silenced, destroying or diminishing the livelihoods of many, and misleading and corralling the masses into holding pens for future depredation and experimentation. The coup de grace is coming soon in the form of the rollout of digital currencies and social credit scores. Once your credit score drops below an acceptable level, your ability to transact business will be reduced to barter transactions at best, and your social interactions will be stunted or completely cut off at worst. You will have to beg for food and fuel, and beg your masters for mercy. The technical gulag of the Brave New World will have encompassed the entire world.

We have reached an era in which total tyranny is possible simply because we have created the means and technology to run it. And with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we just might have “thought” ourselves into enslavement not by men, but by man’s creations.

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