By Late Roy Masters
January 12, 2025
Occasionally, a woman comes along who seems to have been left out of Eve’s secret, who is relatively guileless, and yet manages to attract a man by the sheer beauty of her body.
Starry-eyed and romantic, she sees her own ego need as a large white canvas on which her man will paint a stunningly beautiful picture, warm and rich in exquisite detail. What she gets, of course, is simple uncomplicated sex, and this may be something of a shock to her.
The realization of what he had in mind all along comes to her slowly, like falling downstairs a bump at a time until she hits bottom and discovers that, to Prince Charming, love is sex.
If you happen to be one of these “innocent” women, let me point out to you before you allow yourself to get carried away with self-pity that you were not really “innocent” enough.
Had you been filled by the Light of God, you would not have been carrying around that void, that ego need, that large white canvas waiting to be completed. You would not have been right there to guide Adam, the sleepwalker, back to bed so gently that wakefulness never for a moment threatened to overtake him!
It does behoove you not to hate Adam for taking away the innocence that you never really had.
Usually, woman inherits a power over man that she is powerless to give up, but is driven to exert compulsively, even as man is driven to give her that power and is powerless to prevent her having it until he himself falls under the power of the saving grace of God—in other words, gets off her hook and begins to look to his Creator for the impetus to live.
Until that time, the power Eve has makes her feel either beautiful or ugly, depending on the degree of her guile. If she is egocentric, ambitious, and full of guile, the sexual needs of an ambitious male will excite her to tempt him, and to feel like a million dollars while she does it (and before she becomes aware how ugly she has become, she finds herself temporizing the beast).
“The realization of what he had in mind all along comes to her slowly… to Prince Charming, love is sex.”
A seductive woman broadcasts two ideas: 1) Keep trying, and 2) Don’t worry about sex—it’s great. That is the image of woman that advertisers use to sell everything from soup to speedboats.
It’s the woman’s form you see on the billboards, but it’s the men that put them there—and without much objection from women. Generally speaking, women identify with that high place of glory, whether it’s a magazine ad, a poster, a billboard, or neon lights against the night sky.
All symbolize her omnipotence, her power, and superiority over men. The men, however, see the picture from a different vantage point. They are delighted, stirred to life, encouraged to strive in the ancient way of proud men, by the vision of beautiful women they surround themselves with.
Then too, they are the power behind the throne; they can learn to “manage” women in their various roles of seduction and reap profits from other men who need women.
Tyrants use the same principle when they see to it that their masses are surrounded by blown-up portraits of themselves, like an environment, to justify the people in their failings and keep them in line.
And of course, tyrants are basically “female” in their orientation toward, and dependency on, their subjects. But men do not really look up to the dictator with love and respect any more than they really look up to the women that they surround themselves with, much as tyrants and women would like to believe otherwise.
In reality, they are engaged in a giant put-on. Hitler, like a larcenous female, made his countrymen feel like supermen and superwomen on a grand scale; and as I mentioned above, dictators are always female-exchanged males, men who have acquired and evolved the guile and the ways of woman, usually their mother.
Sex, initially the springboard for man’s ambition, eventually produces violence in him, because the more a man is supported in his ambitions, the less human he becomes, until he degenerates into a frustrated, frightened, wild animal.