By Reverend Glynn Adams

May 13, 2023

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (of the truth)………….” (Hosea 4:6a American citizens are being destroyed today because we do not know our Founding Documents (The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights) and the Word of God!!! We do not even know the bare facts about our liberty – where it came from and how it was asserted and defended. It is thus a great twist of irony that perhaps never before has the American Citizen been so inundated with information and at the same time have little to no wisdom.

The liberty given to us by our Founding Fathers for which they fought for and for which they based our system of government has been distorted and less and less of our citizens consult the words of our Founders. We are headed to complete bondage and slavery because liberty has become all but synonymous with “doing whatever I want to do.” For years now, we have neglected liberty and we have failed to pass it on to our generations and to our young, liberty is “doing what I want.”

We have forgotten that our liberty and freedom rights come from God not government. But today in America, more and more, our rights to speak freely are hindered by government because we will not defend our liberty and freedom from this evil, totalitarian government.

I believe we have lost our liberty and freedom in America and we will not get it back because we have turned to religion and have forsaken the living God in America. Tocqueville predicted, with stunning accuracy, many of the very same things our Founders predicted would happen in our society as we abandoned our founding principles:

1) The decline in education, knowledge, and the rise of ignorance in our culture will result in the loss of morality and a resulting rise in cultural narcissism.
2) Our excessive love of material pleasures and prosperity which comes from the decline in morality.
3) The Constitution would be intentionally misinterpreted and we accepted the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Government to rule over the States.
4) Once the false interpretations of the Constitution gained ground, the Federal Government would continue to grow faster and faster and no longer able to control it.
5) Political Parties would stroke divisions to increase their power.
6) All this would combine to create a monumental problem of debt as government expenses would rise to pay off its allies and the public demands on public treasure by the citizens themselves.

Today we find ourselves at a point in our history where the things we hold dear are at risk and we remain silent in the face of this evil and ignore our situation. Whenever one looks within at our political system, our culture and the state of our morals and education, the picture is disconcerting. We no longer know who we are and we have largely lost the heritage from which we came. We have forgotten how to answer the “why” of our liberty.

Perhaps one last warning from John Adams will convince us we can no longer remain satisfied with remaining ignorant of the principles of our liberty: Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers, and destroyers, press upon them so fast that there are no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon the American Constitution is such as to grow everyday more and more encroaching.

Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour. The revenue creates pensioners, and the pensioners urge more revenue. The people grow less steady, spirited, and virtuous, the seekers more numerous and more corrupt, and every day increases the circles of their dependents and expectants, until virtue, integrity, public spirit, simplicity, frugality, become the objects of ridicule and scorn, and vanity, luxury, foppery (excessively concerned with nice things), selfishness, meanness, and downright venality swallow up the whole society.

If we disregard such admonitions, surely what Franklin said about the downfall of nations will become true of our own. “Providence will bring about its own ends by its own means, and if it intends the downfall of a nation, that nation will be so blinded by its pride and other passions as not to see its danger, and how its fall may be prevented.”

Is this not exactly what is happening in America today? We are blind as we see no evil or ignore the evil before us. We have no idea of the danger we are in and most don’t care. God will save us!!!! If you believe that you are more deceived than I think you are. No one is coming to bail us out of our mess. God gave us dominion and authority and when something goes wrong in our nation, he expects us to fix it. If we continue to refuse to show up at the battlefield in America and resist our enemies, then God will remain silent and His severe judgment will surely come upon our disobedience and is in fact is upon us in America as you read this article.

We have example after example of nations who refused to resist the evil before them. In the early 1930s, a German Minister by the name of Dietrich Bonhoeffer faithfully attempted to wake up the Church in Germany when Hitler was attempting to gain control of Germany. He warned them of the dangers that Hitler presented but they refused to listen, they refused to wake up and face their reality and to resist this evil. The pastors and church members played it safe by remaining silent and refusing to resist Hitler. Most of them died at the hand of Hitler. Pastor Bonhoeffer remained faithful even when sent to prison and was hung by Hitler two weeks before the Allied Forces reached the German prison.

If you are a follower of Christ, you cannot play it safe when evil comes to your nation. Toward the end of Jesus’ time on this earth, He told us the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. This parable is a powerful illustration of what God thinks of our “safe” and “religious” reasons for not doing the right thing and succinctly expresses the dilemma Bonhoeffer faced and that we face today. The question Jesus asks of us in this parable is: “Who do we say God is? Is He someone we love and trust and know to be a God of grace toward us, or is He rather a “hard master” who can be counted on to punish us if we make a mistake or fail in some way?

Jesus makes it plain that those servants who risked the talents were rewarded for doing what they did, and that the servant who “played it safe” by burying the talent was roundly condemned. God made you in His image with full freedom and when you act as though God is a hard master, you actually make Him into that hard master. You have the power to choose the God whom you chose and that God is your God. Have you chosen the true God or a counterfeit? If you have chosen the counterfeit, behold, you have chosen Satan. You have chosen freely and will live with your choice. So there is no middle ground, no safe road. Jesus is saying that you either know Him and love Him and trust Him – because you know that He loves you and trusts you – or you do not. Jesus was always discerning the hearts of those to whom He spoke, and it is precisely what He does in these parables. He sifts our hearts and divines our intents in a way that reveals Him to be no less than God which can be frightening. It is certainly amazing. He is God. He knows our hearts. We cannot fool Him.

In Jesus’ parables, He forces us to see ourselves and forces us to declare ourselves. Whose side are we on?” We have only the two choices. There is no middle ground and if we try to take that middle ground, we stand condemned. If we side with the enemies of Jesus, judging Him as “hard” then we are behaving in a way that will be calculated as not to entrust ourselves to Him.

The German Church of the 1930s was silent in the face of evil; but can there be any question whether the American Church of our time is also guilty of the same silence? Because of this, I am compelled to speak out and by God’s grace, I will mince no words and I will make it plain that we are in this spiritual mess because of cowardly pastors and the American Church’s failure to take a stand and to speak out against this evil government. We are wrong about Romans 13:1-7, that Christians are not to be political. If the State is evil, we must speak out against that evil!!! You will find no place where Jesus said for His followers to ignore evil but to resist it!!!

God has not only chosen us to do something about evil; He has commanded us in James 4:7, “Submit, therefore, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Peter warns us in 1 Peter 5:8-9, “Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him….” Here are two Scriptures that are a Biblical witness that we are to obey God – resist the devil. If we will obey them, God will meet us at the battlefield and help us fight our adversaries. But if we ignore God’s Word, then by default, Satan comes into our nation to rob, kill, and destroy!!!

I can tell you based on the Word of God that if we continue to forsake the ways of God and continue to ignore this evil before us, that America is finished and it will be sooner than we realize. I believe God has already dropped His Hedge of Protection from our nation thus allowing our enemies to ravage us. We have already been captured by Satan, our Constitution is void, and our freedom and liberty are restricted and a demonic shadow government is planning the “Great Reset” and our destruction!!!!

In his article of April 25, 2023, at, “Really, What More to Say?” Lex Greene asked, “If you can see all of evil hell swirling all around you at this late date and still not get it, nothing I can say will change that. If you think you can defeat this evil divided, unfunded, distracted, and demoralized while evil is entirely united and globally funded against you, nothing I say will change what you think, no matter how wrong you are. If you think we have until 2025 and another stolen election in 2024 to stop the final destruction of the USA, nothing I say can jolt you awake. If you think political profiteers will help, wrong again.”

“There is a mountain of “actionable information” at your fingertips now but none of it has caused anyone to take any appropriate action on the information. More information will not change that. The end of the USA is now near and during the 40 years I have rang the liberty bell in an effort to wake up the “sleeping giant”, nothing by anyone has changed the course of history. ” (Rex Greene)

I totally agree with Rex Greene that the end of America is near. God is always open to repentance of a nation but I do not see that happening because the institutional American Church has forsaken God and the Remnant of God has no leader and is unorganized and has no plan, and divided, with each group operating doing good things but their own thing. Most churches in America are dead and has no leadership that will lead us into repentance or in this spiritual war to resist evil. Pastors and their church members want to stay in their safe zones, want to play it safe and stay away from politics and anything controversial.

The “Christianity” of the German Churches in Pastor Bonhoeffer’s day and the false religion in our America Church in our day are nothing more than dead religion and fear-based pieties masquerading as Christianity and in succumbing to this evil by refusing to resist it with all their heart have become nothing less than handmaidens of evil. Neither could they be depended upon to do the right thing but to stay in their safe zones, sat in silence, and play it safe.

I have no hope that the American Church will wipe away the false boundaries between our faith and everything else – whether politics or culture – and act as though Truth is a Person who knows no bounds, who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them and who died that we who are the crowns of God’s creation might at last live in true freedom, with the authority that He gave us when He died and rose from the grave?

I am hoping and working toward those who are the Remnant of God will continue to resist this evil and that we will find us a leader, will be united in a common cause in one accord, funded, and with a plan will resist this evil that has overtaken our nation!!! Our Bible Studies, prayers, and sermons will all prove to be useless if we do not make what we learned come alive in ways that are self-sacrificial and that we will stand stronger against this enemy and not allow them another victory in this nation.

To do anything less than this is to represent a lie, and to lie to God in doing so. How else should we put it? This is the hour for which each of us has been born. If we live fully in that freedom for which Christ has set us free, we will see God’s hand in ways we dare not imagine. It’s all left to each true believer in Jesus Christ.

Please don’t email me telling me what a great article I have written. Tell me you are repenting and leaving your dead Apostate institutional church religious system; forming a prayer group and putting your prayers into action by resisting the evil where you live. The fun is over in America; time to get on a war footing to resist evil.

The blood of Abel speaks today for Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and many others who gave their blood for liberty and freedom and are crying out in America and around the world against this evil that is overtaking us!!! If we don’t respond, then our blood could very well be flowing in the streets of America sooner than we think as in Germany because something and someone so much greater than Hitler is among us!!!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Joshua Charles and his book “Liberty’s Secrets” and Eric Metaxas and his book “Letter to the American Church)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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