By Pastor Glynn Adams

June 30, 2024

Did Jesus say in Matthew 12:25, that any Kingdom divided against itself is laid to waste and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand?  If Jesus did say that, then why are churches in America so divided into denominations and other groups?

Did Jesus say “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am in their midst?”  If two or three American Christians are gathered together, divided, and acting like the world, Is Jesus in their midst?  Did I write in an article the other day that if the Body of Christ would get unified like the world forces of darkness are unified (and they are unified because Satan does not cast out Satan), we could defeat these forces of darkness.  But because we are divided, it is not happening!!! Do you think it is important the Body of Christ be unified?

Have I not told you before that God revealed to me that whatever was happening in our nation, first happened in the church in America?  Look at our Congress which is a good example of what happens when you are not only divided but seriously divided.  Our Congress is divided into right and left rather than what is right or wrong for our nation.  They are divided into factions – Black caucus, Spanish caucus, Freedom caucus, Conservative, Liberal, Muslim, and Socialists.  Congress is not only divided by party – Republican/Democrat, but ideologically –Socialism/Constitution, Globalism/Nationalism.  Our Congress does not seem to be able to work together to solve the immense problems we have confronting this nation.  It is abundantly clear that Congress is in this for themselves!

In the Body of Christ in America, we are not only divided but seriously divided.  God’s People are divided on racial lines – Black Church, White Church, Japanese Church, Korean Church but we are also divided by denomination and sectarianism.  We are divided on the Word of God, on righteousness, holiness, spiritual gifts, Second Coming, and repentance, just to name a few.  It is abundantly clear that the Body of Christ is in this for their church systems and not for faithfulness and obedience to their LORD.  Congress and other parts of our nation are divided because the Church in America is divided.

Look what God said in Genesis 11:6, when men decided to build a city and a tower that will reach to heaven.  And God said, “Behold, they are one people and they all have the same language.  And this is what they began to do and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.  Come and let Us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another’s speech.”

God saw what man can do when he has the power of agreement and unity that now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible to them.  Do we realize what we are losing in the American Church today by our divisions and that if we would become united in one accord what we could accomplish for the cause of Christ?

If Jesus is the only Way, then why do we have a Baptist way, a Pentecostal way, or a Methodist way?  If Jesus is righteousness or holiness then why do we have a Baptist righteousness or holiness or a Pentecostal righteousness or holiness?  “Do not be bound together with unbelievers, for what partnership; have righteousness and lawlessness, of what fellowship has light with darkness?   Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?  Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols?   For we are the temple of the Living God……” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)

Jesus desires the “people who assemble in His Name” be united but In America, the Body of Christ is grossly and severely divided in our day.  While there is One Lord, one Body of Christ, one Holy Spirit, and one Bible, the Body of Christ in this nation, has separated ourselves from one another by theological issues, statement of doctrines, traditions of men, religious methods, and worship styles into denominations, Independents, and non-denominations.  False deceptions are numerous among those who see their particular group as “the true church” and who feel they possess the sum total of God’s truth- “come join us and be complete in Christ.”

But the truth and reality of God is the Body of Christ in America is so fragmented and divided with our false deceptions that we do not understand that God sees us as sects who practice sectarianism.  The Greek word translated sect is “hairesis” and is translated as “sect”, “party”, “faction”, and “heresy.”  A Sect is a division or a schism.  It refers to a body of people who have chosen to separate themselves from the larger whole to follow their own tenets.  To say the least, God is not pleased because denominations and other divided groups are a clear sign of our carnality and immaturity – flesh at its worst.  Division in the Body of Christ in this nation has become a mindset that is so strong and powerful, it is no longer negotiable among Christians in spite of what the Word of God says.

A classic example of the sin of sectarianism is found in 1 Corinthians 1:10-13.  This assembly meeting in the name of Jesus Christ had divisions and quarrels among themselves.  One was I of Paul, one I of Apollos, one I   of Cephas, and I of Christ.  If Paul’s rebuke had not been heeded there would have arisen four different sects in Corinth all, in false deception, claiming to be assemblies of Jesus Christ.  We have the same division today – I of Baptist, I of Pentecostal, etc. but we have not heeded the Scriptures.   Let’s not mince words here, as long as the Body continues to separate ourselves from one another for whatever reason, we will be in false deception and seen by God as a sect out of God’s will, disobedient to the Word of God, practicing sectarianism, and not pleasing to God.  Actually, the Body of Christ in America is quite comfortable in their sin being divided into sectarian groups and never seriously consider the subject while conveniently skipping over verses relating to unity!!!

Unfortunately, a good number of believers today are not willing to touch this sore spot of a divided and fragmented Body of Christ while presuming that God overlooks our compromise.  Too many pastors and Christians in false deception have settled for a partial unity while simultaneously turning a deaf ear to God’s full call for oneness.  In spite of what the Lord Himself said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, we go to our sects every Sunday conveniently being in deception and pretending – “all is well.”   Because we can’t see why we are the way we are, we miss the benefits of the gifts God gave the Body in Ephesians 4:11-13, to equip us for the work of His service, to build us up, until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of God so we can mature to the full stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.  Ephesians 4:14 list the consequences of our disunity – we are children, tossed here and there and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men by craftiness in deceitful scheming.  Now you see where we get our demons and deception from.  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Yes, we just read it.

Hear O Body of Christ in America, the Lord thy God is one.  We are to have the mind, image and

likeness, and divine nature of Christ.  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit never divide.  They cannot because it would be inconsistent with their nature for them to do so.  They are one in mind and purpose.  The nature of our God hates discord.  There is no discord in heaven and no warring factions or competing elements.  Lucifer tried it but was banished.  Because division and disunity are contrary to the nature of God, to the extent to which we, as the Body of Christ, are divided, we are not like Him and misrepresent His nature to this world.  Paul charged the assembly at Ephesus to be “longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, for there is one Body…….” (Ephesians 4:2-4)   Those early Christians “lived together” in unreserved fellowship and unity and refused to allow their flesh to erect such fences.  Sometime it got very messy but they obeyed Matthew 18:15-20, and “took it to the congregation.”

How did we get so divided?    The Bible talks about in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, of a great falling away from faith in God.  Then people begin trusting other things.  These other things become idols in their hearts.  The result has been the formation of a new religious structure, both in doctrine and organization.  People then begin calling something church that is not the church.  They begin calling people Christians who are not Christians.  The hearts of the people are captured by partial truths and religious slogans.  Years of teaching Scriptures that fit into a doctrinal structure have blinded them to the other parts of the Gospel and have given them a false security.  They can only see in the Bible the parts of the Bible that fit into their particular religious structure.

Once their religious structures become an idol in their hearts, they cannot be led out of darkness and deception because they will not receive any truth that conflicts with their doctrine.  Neither will they receive any new light because they think they already have all the light.

Then these religious structures such as denominations, independents, and mega churches become an expression of a form of godliness through their traditions, doctrines, and rituals rather than becoming an expression of Jesus Christ which is true godliness.  These structures lead people to make a commitment to the structure rather than to Jesus Christ.  When this happens in a congregation, a spirit of sleep and darkness covers them.  The Spirit of God can have no control over their lives.  They are lords over their own lives and live in spiritual darkness.  That is where we are today in most of the American Churches.

At this point, only a miracle or great awakening of God, will move the Body of Christ to unity so that we can truly represent Him and be His ambassador to this dying world.   Hopefully, His Body in America will be unified as John 17 speaks; but with our mindset and deception, will our unity happen through repentance and obedience or unspeakable pain and suffering?!!!  I personally believe that America is a cursed nation because of our disunity and disobedience.  It is very likely that our blessings will not return until we come together in obedience in unity in His Body!!

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” (Psalm 133:1)  Why unity and not division?  Because unity is where the full measure of Christ is expressed and His blessings.  Is there any other way we could return to unity?  Yes, a Great Awaking with plenty of repentance and a radical change in attitude.  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks for the spiritual insight of Frank Viola, Jon Zens, Bill Sizemore, the late Milt Green, and others who “can say it better than I can”, made this article possible)

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