By Pastor Glynn Adams

July 14, 2024

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not overpower; it.   Jesus did build His church and the Book of Acts is the story of that church and how it functioned.  The Bible is clear that there is but one church.  But in America today we have many denominations and many types of churches.

As of right now, America is on a dangerous path and the stakes are very high.  We have come to a crossroads in this nation.  We face the potential implosion of our culture, we face the potential implosion of our economy, most of our churches are out of God’s order and asleep, demonic curses such as open borders are evident, demonic curses of diseases that had been cured are now raising their ugly head in our nation.

God made it very clear in the Old Testament and New Testament that if we did not obey the Lord your God, that curses would come upon us and overtake us.    Too many of our pastors and churches have allowed Satan to pour a flood of evil upon this nation and world because of the passivity of many of our pastors and members of the Body of Christ and we have totally ignored our state of affairs and we are ignorant of the part God expects us to play in His warfare against Satan.

Because Satan knows his time is running out, he is concentrating all he has on a desperate last-ditch attempt to defeat the purposes of God.  But pastors and most of the Body of Christ has ignored this.  Surely this is not the time for God’s soldiers and spiritual warriors to withdraw into passivity, to put reality out of their minds.   But that is exactly what we have done and as a result, serious consequences, judgments, chaos, and unspeakable pain and suffering is at our door.

When Jesus Christ came on this earth, we saw many revelations of who He is.  He is God, and Faithful Servant.  He is the Sacrificial Lamb of God, Lord, and Savior, Healer, Deliverer, and One who was obedient to the Father for when He heard the Father speak, He did the will of the Father.  Jesus is so much more but space prevents listing all.  When He returns to this earth one day, many in the church will not recognize Him.

While we should have been making these new disciples of Christ (disciples are one who is learning Christ), we have squandered away the years playing church and religious games making them into disciples of a denomination or religious system.  They know the traditions of men but not the Word of God.  The reason our nation is in such a demonic mess today is because our church is in a demonic mess.  Over the last several decades, every evil Tom, Dick, and Harry has had influence on this nation except the Body of Christ!!!

We are deceived about what God intended for His Church.  We have evolved from proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ to our pastors proclaiming ear-tickling sermonettes, Bible stories, and homilies.  We hear sermons telling us what we can get from God but our pastors conveniently leave out the conditions in which we must meet in order to receive those promises.  Because we do not know the Word of God, we have perverted the Church and Christianity.   That is why we are so ineffective in our day.  Christianity is not about “our church”, “our ministry”, and “our denomination.”  That is self-worship and idolatry.

CHRISTIANITY IS NOT WHAT WE ARE GOING TO GET OUT OF GOD; CHRISTIANITY IS WHAT GOD IS GOING TO GET OUT OF US!!!   We are His Body on this earth, we are to be in His likeness and image, abiding in Him so we can hear His voice, and be obedient to Him – doing His will on this earth as it is done in heaven-  bringing forth His fruit.  Because we have not repented of our foolish religious ways and act like His Body is commanded to act, we have seen evil manifested in this nation in “extreme” ways that are beyond human understanding.

God placed us in this nation in these last days for such a time as this.  When we are obedient to Jesus, God blesses us.  We were to see this new creation life as temporary on this earth and use our life in this wilderness to mature in Jesus and being fully trained as His disciples, we were to be fearless warriors in His army against evil in our nation and world.  We were to be a witness to the people we came in contact with to proclaim the “good news” of the Kingdom.

We were not to take those blessings for our earthly pleasures but to use our increase in spiritual knowledge and our blessings for the glory of God.  We are living large and comfortable in America and we have made our churches pretty and comfortable and “user friendly” as well.  Consequently, we have become a pampered, carnal, undisciplined, stiff-necked, and disobedient people who have not understood the day of warfare that looms before us.  Now we are in the last moments of this age and we are not prepared nor do we understand the raging of Satan as his time shortens. (Revelation 12:12)

America has lost its way because our pastors and churches have abandoned the ways of the Bible, the basis of American and Western civilization.  When you abandon the base, everything built upon the base crumbles, and you lose everything!!!  We are a comatose church allowing the enemies of our liberties to encroach on our freedoms while we slept because the church in America is so hungry to be accepted by the world that is has relinquished its power, forfeited its birthright, and accepted its place as nonessential.

For those who have not figured it out yet, we are in a spiritual war for our survival!!!  In case you don’t know how this came about, let me give you a very brief history.    After Adam’s choice in the Garden to disobey God, in Eden, God decreed enmity between the serpent’s seed and the seed of the woman.  Because of this, the law of strife became the law of life for the human race.

In the fullness of God’s time, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Seed of the woman and the eternal Son of God, was born.  As the Son of God on earth, Jesus was no mere civilian passively suffering the attacks and harassment of Satan.  He was the pioneer and captain of our salvation, the original soldier of the cross, pressing forward along the lonely road to victory through the sufferings of death.

Now glorified and seated at the Father’s right hand, “far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion.”  Jesus is Lord of all and the finished work of Calvary is now complete.  Nothing that Satan may do can change the finality of the victory stroke that crushed his head.

However, the implication of that victory over the powers of evil and its application in the world of men, is now in the hands of the church on earth.   Consequently, the bitter enmity of Satan is now directed against the church, in order to vent his spleen against the Head through the members of His Body.  In his true character as adversary, Satan is very much alive to rob the finished work of Christ of all its full effect among men.

His fiery darts zero in on the members of Christ’s body who have not learned to take their position in the heavenly places with Christ by faith.  These people face life without taking to themselves the whole armor of God by prayer.  He is especially concerned about those proclaiming the good news of the finished work of Christ in earth’s dark corners.

Because of the devil’s hostility, the work of conforming the members of Christ’s body to the likeness of the Head’s soldier image is high on the priority list of the Holy Spirit.  As believers we are in Christ and He in us.  This means that His aggression against Satan must be expressed through us.  So, we are no longer free to play the role of civilians, living as if there were no war!!!  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?

The history of the saints of every age is one of conflict.  The pathway the disciple’s treads as he follows his Lord is one of certain warfare.  We have been lied to by our pastors that all is peace and comfort!!  At this point, let us ask ourselves some serious questions:  1) Am I expressing the enmity God put between the devil and the church’s Head?  2) Am I seeking détente, coexistence, and peace through compromise?  3)  Am I available as a willing instrument ready for His use in His warfare?  4) Am I aware of the teaching of Scripture about my part in the spiritual conflicts in my nation?

How are we going to get out of this spiritual mess we have gotten ourselves into?    I’m not sure:  1) Repent of our sin of disobedience and make a serious commitment to obedience.  2) Get into the Word of God and LEARN IT!!!  3)  If your pastor does not see the war and willing to prepare you, you confront him and ask why.  After every sermon confront him and if he continues to ignore you, run from that pastor.   It’s time to make him uncomfortable!!!  4) Start a group in a home and study the Word together with the goal of taking it to the streets where the people are.  5) Learn to pray effectively.

All of us live in a world where sin runs rampant.  Yet God positioned His Son in the one seat of undisputed authority and power far above all principalities, and powers, and every name put forward to challenge His authority.  Because we share a seat in the heavenlies with Him, He has delegated His authority and power to us as His representatives here on earth.

When Jesus spoke about the day of His eventual return, He made references to the days of Noah and Lot in Luke 17:26-30 and also Matthew 24:37-39, suggesting that the conditions and behaviors of the world in their time will reappear in the end times.  The days of Noah and Lot provide a prophetic warning for the end times.  When we examine and compare them to our current times, the similarities are disquieting.  Society today, much as in Noah’s and Lot’s era, predominantly guided by materialism, hedonism, and secularism.  The rapid progression of technology has introduced unprecedented possibilities and brought with it a host of ethical dilemmas and moral quandaries.

These similarities between the days of Noah and Lot and the present day indicate that humanity is moving away from God’s divine order and that judgment may be imminent.  Disrespect for marriage, rejection of God’s Word, widespread violence, corruption, pervasive illicit sexual behavior, blasphemy, and organized satanic activities are all reminiscent of rebellion to the ways of God.   We must anchor ourselves to the truths of the Word of God and be a beacon of light and hope in this darkness.  We are called to discern the signs of the times and live with spiritual vigilance and remain steadfast in our faith.

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks for the following authors and books that made this article possible, “Seduction of the Saints” by Charles Crismier, “Implosion” by Joel Rosenberg, “It’s Midnight in America” by Phil Hotsenpiller, and “The Fractured Church” by Bill Sizemore.

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