By Glynn Adams

January 13, 2023

My New Year message is not to entertain you but to wake up the Remnant and to prepare the Remnant for truth and war!!!  Let me remind you there is a cosmic war going on way before we were born and it continues today.  The closer we get to the end of time, the more intense this war will get.  When you came to Christ and study your Bible, it does not take long before you see this war.  A war between God and Satan, a war between your spirit and flesh, a war with Satan and his powers of darkness,  a war in our mind with our thoughts, a war against demonic occults, and Christianity against the mystery religions!!

This war has also invaded every area in America and has turned what was faithful and productive corporations and businesses, government, public schools and universities and media into Satanic- following occults of the Luciferian world of Satan.  Even our mainline churches and their seminaries and Bible Schools have been deceived and corrupted by this Luciferian War.  If you can’t see the manifestations of the demonic occults in this nation, get in the Word; it will wake you up!!!!

Would it surprise you that most people who attend church and those who pastor a church have little to no knowledge about evil and are not even aware of a war going on!!!  There is a reason God says we are to be salt and light, to resist evil, to take thoughts captive, to renew our mind, to die to our flesh, to not be ignorant of the ways and devices of Satan, to love the truth, and to be on the alert.

When you do none of the things the Word says you are to do, you are part of the Kingdom of Satan and not the Kingdom of God.  You may think you are part of the Kingdom of God but those who do the things of God are of the Kingdom of God and those who do not do the things of God default to the Kingdom of Satan whether they realize it or not.  That is the deception today.  People think they are in the Kingdom of God but their religious deeds say otherwise.  You may fool man but you can’t fool God!!!!

The mystery religions have been around since creation and are at work in America today.  For many years now, these mystery religions have been leading America into paganism while the pastors and churches remain ignorant and silent.  What is the mystery religions?  They are a deceptive tool of Satan and his demonic occults that worship demons and promote the sinful and perverted ways of Satan and then set up strongholds to promote their lies.  I remind you there are but two kingdoms in this world.  The Kingdom of God who promote the ways of God and the Kingdom of Satan that promote the ways of Satan.  The Kingdom of Satan is at war against the righteous things of the Kingdom of God.

The Bible is the tower of truth but the mystery religions around the world and especially Marxism has given us such things as evolution, moral relativism, sexual perversion, divorce, lies, deception, and on and on.  Our culture, our churches, our government, our legal systems, our public schools and universities, our media, and too many of our pastors teach and practice the ways of the mystery religions.  How?  When Satan’s followers promote such things as evolution, moral relativism, sexual perversion, lies, deception in our schools and in our culture and those who claim they are following God remain silent and allow the lies to stand, you are guilty of disobedience to God and are tolerating and promoting the ways of Satan and not God.  When you remain silent, you are saying those lies and sin is OK with me.

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)  When Satan is corrupting a nation with his lies and you remain silent, you are disobedient to Christ and are not following Him.  There will be serious consequences for you and your family and that is why we are under the judgment of God in America todays!!!.

Our war today is not only between God and Satan, good and evil but also between truth and lies.  In America today, wisdom is crying in the streets but so very few want to dig deep into the truths of God and connect the dots of what is going on in our culture.  We must embrace the truth of God and fight against the error of the mystery religions.  By the way, when Moses led the Children out of Egypt after hundreds of years of paganism, God gave them the Torah so they would know how to act before God and separate the clean from the unclean.  We don’t dismiss the Torah; we obey it; not to be saved but to learn how to walk with God and please Him after we are saved!!!

We have no idea of how much spiritual trouble we are really in because in Matthew 13, Jesus tells us that tares have been sown among the good wheat.  Our churches are full of tares – look alike Christians – that are following the Luciferian ways of Satan and want no truth preached to them that convicts, they see no need of repentance, and they do not love the laws of God but dismiss them.  “How I hated instruction, and my heart despised correction!!  I have not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined my ear to those who instructed me!!  I was on the verge of total ruin in the midst of the assembly and congregation.” (Proverbs 5:12-14) Many churchgoers suffer today because they hate instruction and correction!!!

Come out of these church occults of Babylon in America before it is too late for you and your family because when the anti-Christ comes you will refuse to leave because of his great deception and God will cut down and burn up the false look alike Christian tares in His Kingdom.

Too many have believed the lies of Satan that the church is a place of love, peace, and comfort.  As a result, we have become deceived and passive.  We refuse to get involved in our evil government, the culture, the school system, the media, businesses, or any part of our nation and culture.   They tell us, “Go have your services in your buildings and leave government and the culture to us.”   And we obeyed them.  As a result, Satan has captured our nation, we are now ruled by Satan, and we have become a dwelling place of demons.  Satan rules our government, our culture, the media, our schools, and even the church especially the seminaries and Bible Schools.  Satan and his powers of darkness will take over that which you refuse to resist and defend.  Who is to resist these mystery religions if not the Remnant of God?

What is the solution to the disobedience and silence of the Body of Christ in America?   We are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge of the Word of God, the ways of God, and we have been deceived by Satan.  The only answer to deception is that we embrace and obey the truth that is in the Word of God!!  We must debunk this great lie of Satan that all one has to do to be a Christian is to go to a building, worship, listen to the sermon and go home.  You have fulfilled your spiritual responsibilities and are free to live your life in this world as you see fit.  That is a lie from the pits of hell and that life will land you into hell.

God has a process to help you and every person in the Bible and in this life who God has used or will use in the future has been through or is going through this process in life called “the wilderness experience” and “a time of preparation.”   Preparation is the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use.   The wilderness experience is learning God’s ways, dealing with the temptations of life and obedience to Him.  Moses went through his wilderness experience   in the desert and a time of preparation.  It took God 40 years to get the ways of Egypt out of Moses and to prepare him to lead God’s people through the wilderness experience.

Those who ignore their time of preparation and wilderness experience cannot be used by God.  If you refuse the grace of God, you automatically default to judgment, a life of turmoil and temptation, and frustration and will not mature in Christ.  Those who do not learn the lessons of the wilderness experience will suffer the same fate as those who came out of Egypt but did not enter into the promises of God and died in the wilderness.  God has so much for His people but we must go through His processes to learn obedience and learn how to meet the conditions of His promises so we can receive them.  We have been lied to that following Christ is easy and comfortable!!!

Jesus while on this earth went through childhood and life in His time of preparation and also the wilderness experience to be tempted by Satan.   David, as a young child was placed in the shepherd’s field to guard the family sheep.  There he went through his time of preparation as he played the harp, wrote the Psalms and became a worshipper of God.  David learned to be a warrior with courage and without fear; it just did not happen without going through the process.

David stood guard over the sheep and when a bear or lion came among the sheep, David would kill them.  Standing before King Saul and his men, who were much afraid and in fear and David looked at the giant the same way he looked at the lion and bear.  God will deliver because David did not see a big giant but a bigger God.  David learned this in the wilderness and his time of preparation.

Like Moses and David, we must learn who we are in Christ and that God is a protector of those who love and obey Him.   We must not ignore our time of preparation and our wilderness experience.  We must mature in Christ so we will be effective to fulfill our purpose for being on this earth.

To follow God and His ways takes real men and women.  God is positioning His Remnant to be used in these last days.  We must get serious about God’s processes to maturity.  He will leave you in the wilderness for 3 years or 40 years or let you die in the wilderness if you don’t yield to your time of preparation or your wilderness experience.

Why must we do all this?  “For you formed my inward parts, You covered me in my mother’s womb.  I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well.  My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in secret.   And skillfully wrought in the lowest part of the earth.  Your eyes saw my substance and in Your Book they all were written the days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them.” (Psalms 139:13-16 NKJV)

Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  The Bible in Psalms 139 tells us that God has a Book and in that Book is written the days that are fashioned for us before there were no days.  What has been fashioned for us is the number of days we have on this earth and our purpose on this earth.  Evil is at your door if you do not fulfill your purpose on this earth!!!

So let’s see some of what we are to learn in your wilderness experience and time of preparation.  In the wilderness and time of preparation, you will find yourself isolated and fewer friends. These are secluded places – just you and God.  You must learn to develop an intimate relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  To learn to hear God, to learn discernment.  You just do not have the option of watching TV or other time killing items.  You get your mind and spirit trained up to be in agreement, purge out the world systems, learn to love not the world and the things of this world system, seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.  Read Matthew 6 to learn these things added to you.  If you do not seek first the Kingdom, things will be subtracted from you!!!  Remember, in the hard places of life, let God do a work in you.

You learn you can’t count on your own abilities, learn what your gifts are, your anointing, you learn the truth and that truth is reality, you destroy the matrix world you have created, you learn to trust the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, you learn what grieves God, not to obey is rebellion that must be burned up in you.  You learn God has illumination and Satan has illumination and you learn the difference, it takes three years to renew your mind.  Paul went into Arabia for 3 years.  Learn to hear God’s voice.  You decrease while God increases in you.  When God moves you, you see how holy He is and how unholy you are and you seek repentance to have the spirit and blood to cleanse you.

For us to move in the power of the Holy Spirit, it must be God working through us.  Sin must be driven out, love God with all our heart, body and soul. We must develop character, we care only what God says and thinks, men do not impress us, when the power goes up, the standards go up,   We do not care about the opinions of men, We die to our flesh and alive to the Kingdom of God, we refuse to be part of a throne that is not of God.  We learn that 99% truth and 1% error is ERROR!!!

It is not the responsibility of the pastor to mature you; sermons do not mature you.  What matures you and causes you to grow in Christ is studying and meditating on the Word of God and doing what you have learned.  The moment you truly commit to study and mature in Christ; the war is on.  If you do not fight for your time of preparation and your wilderness experience, you will not mature in Christ.  Satan is an expert in stealing your time!!!  You don’t have that problem when you read a newspaper!!!

Americans are being destroyed because we lack knowledge from the Word of God and the Constitution..  Too many do not know the ways of God that we learn from the Word of God and the occults elites are stealing our rights and freedoms because we do not know our Constitution.  If we don’t learn the deception of this mystery religions that is led by Babylon and Satan, we will continue to be deceived.

Today operating in America is the influence of the threefold cord of demonic occult of Babylon – financial Babylon, political Babylon, and religious Babylon.  America has been moved from a Republic to an oligarchy.  That means a small number of people rule or command the power structure within our nation.

Following the demonic occult “onion” principle, the outer wrapper in America appears to be a veneer of Christianity and our Constitution but the reality within America is almost completely the institutions of demonic Babylon – financial, political, and religious.  .

Oh may the fire of God come to our wilderness and time of preparation so Jesus will be formed in us and we will move only in the Holy Spirit. If we don’t get back to ”sola Scriptura” (only the Scriptures) and use them to carefully examine our ways and to cleanse ourselves from the leaven of Babylon and adhere to a pure faith that is based on the completed work of Jesus and the Word that is the only way we can stop the advancement of demonic Babylon in America.

Remnant, we may appear to be serious while we are not and what we are doing today is not working.  Until we KICK THIS THING UP A NOTCH until we are totally committed and totally obedient to the LORD Jesus Christ and are all in and……….”they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.” (Revelations 12:14)

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks in part to Dr. Michael Lake and so many other good teachers in the Remnant of God)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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