By Reverend Glynn Adams

February 11, 2024

“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses.  We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

“Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing?  The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed.” (Psalms 2:1-2)

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being my priest.  Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” (Hoses 4:6)

Most people in America are rejecting God’s knowledge and God’s law so is it any wonder we have so much false doctrine among our pastors and the Body of Christ and we are losing our nation?!!!  Just like God who gave Adam and Eve a paradise, our Founding Fathers and God gave us a Republic.  We followed the ways of God, protected our nation but like Adam and Eve, we stop listening to God and we no longer followed God’s ways and Satan moved in on us as he did Adam and Eve and we have lost our paradise!!!

In America, the citizens and Body of Christ have watched for over 60 years evil men who declared war on our freedoms and liberty and we have seen our God dethroned, our culture polluted, our values assaulted, and our nation invaded.  We have been demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs we have held for generations.  What has most of the citizens and Body of Christ done; we have hidden our heads in the sand and refused to resist this evil tyranny assaulting our nation?  We are our own worst enemy!!!!

Our nation is being destroyed for a lack of knowledge of our Constitution and the Bible and we have decisions to make and quickly.  WE THE PEOPLE of this nation will determine our destiny.  We must decide if we want liberty or slavery.  To retain our liberty, we must repent and return to God and use the spiritual weapons our God has provided each of us to defend our liberty and rights.  To end up with tyranny and slavery, remain on the same course we are on at this very hour and we will lose everything!!!  God is not going to do for us what He commanded us to do.  If we will repent and show up at the battlefield, God will show up also.  God brought down the walls of Jericho but Joshua and God’s people had to go to Jericho and do what God said to do!!!  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever!!!

“What is liberty?  The purpose of the Constitution, as the Preamble establishes, is to “Preserve the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”  Thomas Jefferson said, “……the true protective barriers of our liberty in this country are our State Governments.”   From the mid-1800s to President Obama, our presidents, our congress, our churches and our educational institutions have failed us in regard to liberty.   Just what do we mean by liberty?  When our Founding Fathers put together our founding documents to form our government, they had only one thing in mind – LIBERTY.

Our Founding Fathers relied heavily on 700 years of blood bought history of governments to form a Republic where WE THE PEOPLE had the liberty, power and authority to control the Federal Government not the government having the power to control WE THE PEOPLE.    Our Founders had lived under the tyranny of repressive kings and governments and did not want us to have to use the sword to reign in the Federal Government so they gave WE THE PEOPLE safeguards to control the Federal Government.  When the Founders thought of liberty, they thought of a people with liberty to govern themselves with freedom from repression and tyranny.  “Our Founders knew that Liberty is a combination of two equally important parts – it is FREEDOM under the constraints of a SHARED MORALITY.  Liberty cannot survive where there is pure freedom.  Pure freedom is man doing whatever is right in his own mind regardless of what it does to others:  cheat, lie, steal, murder.  Pure freedom is chaos.  At the same time, Liberty cannot survive with moral law alone.  Moral law not mingled with freedom is theocracy.  Theocracy in the hands of men is tyranny in the name of religion.  Our Founders attempted to give us this balance and secure the blessings of Liberty for us in our founding documents.  When we abandon our founding documents and disregard our moral foundations as we are doing today, Liberty is put in peril.” (Sovereign Duty by KrisAnne Hall)

We read in II Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.”    For the Christian who is filled with the Spirit of Lord, he or she has perfect liberty because the Holy Spirit restrains you.  You will not harm your fellow man and you will do what is right to your fellow man.   Our Founders envisioned the citizens governing themselves in liberty with morality and virtue which meant that such a government would not harm their fellow citizens and would do what is right to their fellow citizens.   Thomas Jefferson warned, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God?”

Our nation must fight harder against this constant struggle to evermore expand the boundaries of Liberty while we must do more to push back the tyranny of the power hungry and the amoral in this nation.  Today our ignorance, apathy, corruption, greed, deceit and gross immorality threaten to overwhelm the safeguards erected by our Founding Fathers.   We must get some understanding of what we are losing and that we have allowed the Federal Government to grow in power way too much.  It is imperative we grow some backbone and courage and make a tireless effort to return this nation to balance.  At this very hour we are losing our freedoms and liberty and we are at break neck speed gaining bondage and tyranny in its place.

More and more every day we are becoming subjects of the despot’s kingdom rather than citizens of a Republic.  If we don’t learn anew that we have an exceptional nation where we have certain unalienable rights and this nation was birthed on the principle that the power was to be held by, WE THE PEOPLE and never the government, our way of life will be lost.  Since the birth of our principles of freedom and morality, America with all of its imperfections, has been the haven of opportunity and rest to millions while tyrants and despots around the world continue to oppress their own.

God awaken us to remember that through the Word of God and our Constitution we have a nation worth fighting for but today we are in a process of losing our freedoms to defend self, our property, and our Liberty.  We are losing our freedoms because we refuse to defend our freedoms from these despots.  But we must never forget there are despots among us seriously trying to destroy our sacred documents and when they do, our foundation will be lost.  Then the whole structure in America will crumble under the weight of this unbridled tyranny already working in this nation.  Without America there is no freedom and the world will be cast into total darkness.

If you will notice this article is considerable shorter.  What else can I or anyone say that has not already been said?  But we remain disengaged, apathetic, disobedient, and deceived while tyranny continues its rule over us.  We are our own worst enemy.   Klaus Schwab and the New World Order elites and the Democrats are not the ones destroying America but the citizens and pastors who sat on their ass, embrace religion and disobey God and make little to no effort to resist this tyranny in our nation and allow evil to reign over us in our nation without little to no opposition.

Because our culture and nation are now full of demons, demonic strongholds, high places, and the exponential temptations that are available to each child and adult, it is becoming very difficult to live the quality of life we once enjoyed in America.  Even Jesus promised His faithful followers they would be hated, persecuted, and sent out as lambs among wolves.  If you want things to change in America, then every follower of Jesus Christ as well as citizens are going to have to get involved in this spiritual war raging in our nation.  We can start by repenting of our apathy and deception and turn back to the ways of God.

The Book of James is clear that we are to submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you. Peter says we are to be of sober spirit, be on the alert.  Your adversary, the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour – but resist him!!!  If God warns us to beware of an adversary who wants to devour us and we ignore him.  If God says to submit to Him and resist the devil and he will flee from us but we ignore what God says, then we are in blatant disobedience in the Body of Christ.

We are not listening to God and we are ignoring Satan which is a fatal combination and unfortunately our citizens are too blind, deceived, disobedient and apathetic to see it!!!  What else can be said?  Satan knows he has only a short time left on this earth; he is busy and most of our citizens of America are asleep and deceived!!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, —Glynn Adams

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