About David Masters

"David, as a talk radio host and counselor, combines the wisdom of Judeo-Christian spirituality with the insights of modern depth psychology. With clarity, sensitivity, skill and powers of discernment, he brings callers to their own awareness and the healing powers that lie within the human soul. His wise practical counsel combined with the observation exercise bring much help to a wounded world. I count this gifted healer among the most talented of our time. He brings to clients a rare combination of depth and skill guided by the qualities of presence, understanding, strength and love flowing from the center of his own being. I am honored to have him as a colleague in the healing professions.” – Robert Contadino, M.A,, Ph.D. Rehabilitation Counseling and Clinical Psychology

Surviving the Digital Garden of Eden

In the dawn of creation, as whispered in the sacred verses of Genesis 2:9, the divine hand of the LORD God fashioned the Garden of Eden—a realm of unparalleled beauty and profound significance. Within its hallowed grounds, every tree that was pleasing to the eye and nourishing to the body flourished, offering sustenance and delight.

By |2023-09-24T00:19:20-04:00September 24th, 2023|

Alien Deception vs Human Superiority and the Resurrected Superbeing

At the heart of many religious traditions, particularly Christianity lies the belief in a resurrected superbeing. In Christianity, this figure is Jesus Christ, whose resurrection signifies not only a historical event but also a profound theological cornerstone. The belief in Christ's resurrection holds immense significance for Christians worldwide, as it embodies the promise of redemption, eternal life, and divine guidance.

By |2023-09-16T00:11:08-04:00September 16th, 2023|

The Devil’s in the Details

Moreover, people's choices are very often made without full awareness of the potential consequences or access to accurate information. There can be complex social, economic, and historical factors that shape the choices available to individuals and influence their decision-making processes.

By |2023-05-19T03:14:08-04:00May 19th, 2023|

Mind Control: Conversion by Technological Means

In this era dominated by advanced technology and rapid information flow, our minds are constantly bombarded with various stimuli, leading to a state of perpetual distraction and susceptibility to external influences. Modern mind control techniques have evolved, leveraging our deep reliance on technology, to subtly shape our thoughts, behaviors, and even our beliefs.

By |2023-05-10T00:16:59-04:00May 10th, 2023|

Looking Forward to the New ‘New World Order’ Tomorrow

Looking forward to the new tomorrow... in the coming NOW World Order the survival of the FINEST (the moral and most authentically virtuous) will determine and guide the destiny of humanity. I want all of you in this equation to deeply grasp that you are superior in every respect for holding and continuing to embrace your connection to God.

By |2023-05-04T01:55:51-04:00May 4th, 2023|

Woke and Communist Kissing Cousins!

It is generally not in the interest of any group or individual to seek an economic collapse, as it would result in widespread suffering and chaos. However, some extreme anarchist or anti-capitalist groups do seek to destabilize or overthrow the current economic and political system, which they view as exploitative and oppressive.

By |2023-05-03T10:11:00-04:00April 29th, 2023|
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