About Zack Strong
Zack Strong is an independent author, dyed-in-the-wool Jeffersonian American, and all-around rabble-rousing patriot. His mission statement is: Defending Faith, Families, Freedom. He writes articles on historical, political, and religious topics for his website www.theamericancitadel.com Strong specializes in communism, secret societies, and the U.S. Constitution. He has written three books, including two on the communist conspiracy titled “A Century of Red” and “Red Gadiantons: What the Prophets Have Taught about the Communist Secret Combination that Threatens Mankind,” and a third on man’s relationship with God titled “The Lineage of the Gods.”
In 2014, Strong was the Independent American Party’s candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Utah’s 3rd District and has been involved in third-party politics, public speaking, and podcasting for years. When he is not being censored and banned by Facebook, Strong maintains several popular social media pages on feminism, communism, the Founding Fathers, and other subjects. You can also find his Liberty Wolf podcast on YouTube. He has lived abroad in Russia and Panama, speaks Russian, and dabbles in other languages. Strong’s greatest passions are his God, his family, and his country. Contact him through his website The American Citadel or at this email: zastrong@hotmail.com