Outside The Four Walls

I attend a lot of Christian Ministry Conferences — and I also organize and host at least one large event each year.  For the past several years, I have put together TWO large Conferences each year.  When I plan a Conference or Ministry event, it is not your typical “church conference.”  Our events have a PURPOSE and a PLAN.  It’s not a mere exercise in vain religion or a “feel good” experience or a Christian rock concert.

We bring in speakers who provide the real MEAT that so many true Christ-followers are searching for today.  We discuss the topics that, for reasons I’ve discussed many times before, are “off limits” in most modern American churches — topics involving the great evils we are facing every day in our culture, but which most pastors — and most churches — and most “CHRISTIAN” CONFERENCES — would not touch with a ten foot pole.  Topics like the plague of Islam, the heretical mixing of Islam and Christianity into a hideous, demonic thing now known as “Chrislam.”  We discuss openly the cancer of the LGBTQP+ monstrosity that is overtaking our world and twisting the minds of our young people.  Not to mention the scourge of the shedding of the innocent blood of precious babies in (and now even OUTSIDE) the womb that we, as the Modern American “church” have allowed to continue for nearly 50 years now.

But we don’t just sit and complain about these issues.  We always provide practical solutions and an ACTION PLAN — providing those who attend with real-life things THEY CAN DO to push back against the tide of evil that is growing in our land — and make a real difference.  Our speakers teach people how to boldly stand up for the truth of God’s Word — how to be the Salt and Light Jesus called us to be.  You know… the REAL “Church” body of remnant believers that Jesus assured us the gates of hell would not prevail against.  We teach people practical ways to BE that true Church.

One of our annual events includes Conference speakers and teachers along with a ton of educational resources that people can take home with them and use and share with others, as they draw closer to Christ and take seriously the commission He commanded us to carry out.  These are resources for learning and study.  Not simply for the sake of “head knowledge,” but rather to teach us to be true DISCIPLES.

At our OTHER annual event, we not only have speakers, but then after the teaching time, we LEAD THE PEOPLE OUT of the facility where the Conference meets, and we go to the streets.  There, as we lead by example, people learn how to share their testimony, how to witness to the lost, how to intercede at abortion centers (and YES, we HAVE saved babies and seen some of these abortion centers close down forever because of our being there) and how to share a biblical worldview with those who have — in most cases — never heard such things ever before in their lives.

In addition to the events that I organize and host, my wife and I also travel and attend conferences and events in other areas, all over the country, as often as we are able, and as we can afford to do so.  We are very selective as to which events we will take part in, because we do not want to waste our time.  If we’re going to learn, we want to make sure we will be learning something SUBSTANTIAL.  And if we are going to do ministry, we want to make sure it will be ministry that will be SERIOUS and EFFECTIVE and FRUITFUL.  We join with other, serious, like-minded ministers from all over the country, who we have met and work with regularly.  It’s a “remnant” — but there are more of us than you may think, and our numbers are growing, as more Christians are growing and becoming more serious about their faith and realizing that “church as usual” just is no longer enough.

Last summer, we were at the oldest abortion center in Ohio.  We were among a group of about 100 ministers on the street outside that killing facility.  This is a day I will never forget, because it was the first time that I was personally involved DIRECTLY in saving the life of a baby.  If you’ve ever done this type of ministry, you know how difficult it is to get the opportunity to actually SPEAK directly with the women and men going into these places.  Primarily because they are heavily guarded; and the police protect the killers — not those of us who go to try to stop the murders.  Evil is protected, while the PROTECTORS are considered “dangerous.”   So, as the women arrive to have their babies killed, the minute they get out of their vehicles, they are immediately surrounded by “death-scorts” — like VULTURES these workers of iniquity surround the young women on every side and shout in their ears loudly, so that OUR words cannot be heard as they walk them as quickly as possible into the building — before they have any opportunity to change their minds.

But on this particular day, one car stopped in the middle of the alley, and the young man rolled his window down to talk with us.  I immediately took that opportunity and stuck my head right inside their car, looked them straight in the eyes, and the Holy Spirit gave me the exact words they needed to hear.  The couple did not really WANT to abort their baby, but thought they had no other choice.  My heart broke when they then parked, got out and as usual, were surrounded by the vultures and taken quickly inside.

But ten minutes later, they came OUT!  They came out and talked with us, and THEY CHOSE LIFE!  I will never forget that day, because I am certain that the Lord used ME (yes, little, plain old ME) to save that baby’s life!   The parents’ names were Sedrick and Kaisha.  They came to speak with us and learned that we were not the hateful bigots the “death-scorts” and abortionists portrayed us as.  Quite the opposite.  They learned WE were there to offer help and hope:  financial assistance, housing, medical care, help with education, pre-natal and post-natal care — whatever they might need was readily available and offered to them lovingly.  We also shared the Gospel of Christ with them.  They came to see that WE were there to serve and minister to their needs in a kind and loving way; while the abortionists and their cohorts were there simply to kill — for blood money.  Sedrick and Kaisha’s baby is about a month old now.  Praise the Lord!

Over the past few years, we have also gone to numerous sodomite “pride” parades and festivals.  These are the most offensive, disgusting, hideous sights one will likely ever encounter, as they parade, and dance and celebrate and simulate deviant sex acts in broad daylight to the delight of a half million on-lookers.  But these events are also the places where we have had the opportunities, MANY TIMES, to engage people in serious conversations about God and His natural order.  FRIENDS, YOU CANNOT DO THIS SITTING INSIDE YOUR CHURCH AND JUST PRAYING SOMETHING WILL CHANGE ALL THIS!  YOU HAVE TO GO!   And so we do.  As distasteful and ugly as it is, we actually GO to those gates of hell — and represent Christ.  And you know what?  Those hellish gates have not YET prevailed against us!  Not once!

It is deeply troubling to see so many — especially so many high school and college age young people — with confused, twisted minds and tormented souls.  Having spent years in government indoctrination centers known as the Public School Systems, these young people have been encouraged to experiment with deviant sexual behaviors.  Some even believe (having been recruited by the militant LGBTQP+ demoniacs) that they are truly meant to live as the opposite of their biologial gender.  Such confusion of mind.  Such tormented souls.   So much DECEPTION, so many LIES.  So much DEMONIC DELUSION.

But in GOING OUT to the streets where these events take place, we have seen, many times, much fruit from our efforts.  I recall one instance where we were at a sodomite “pride” parade, proclaiming God’s Word on the street and seeking to strike up conversations with people in the crowd.  A young woman approched me, with about five of her friends.  She was living as a practicing lesbian, and I would guess her age to be about 21 years old.  She and her friends came to attack our group.  Yes, physically attack us.  They came at us with the intent to hurt us — badly.

But by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit ONCE AGAIN gave me the words to speak that she needed to hear.  As I began to speak and explain how she and so many other young people had been lied to and deceived, her entire countenance began to change.  Her group stopped attacking us, and she (apparently the leader of the group) wanted to hear more.  I took her aside, away from the loud, noisy crowds at the parade, and we sat down on the grass some distance away, and we had a conversation.  I shared some things from Scripture, and also explained the AGENDA behind the LGBTQP+ movement… And as I spoke, tears began to well up in her eyes.  She knew that she was hearing the real TRUTH… perhaps for the first time in many, many years.    Meanwhile, her friends were still there, surrounding us and listening intently.

We spoke for about a half hour, and then, with tears in her eyes, she (AND HER FRIENDS) thanked me for being so kind to them, for telling them the truth… and then she said, “I think I have a lot to think about now.”  And then she — and her friends — LEFT the parade and went home.  I still pray for her today.

This is what Jesus called His Church to do… to be salt and light in a dark and wicked world.  To OCCUPY until He comes — not to bury the “talents” He has entrusted to us, but rather to invest them for His kingdom.  Sadly, often our biggest obstacles are regular church-goers and professing Christians who view us as “radicals.”  In fact I once had a pastor verbally attack me and call me a name.  Want to know what he called me?  He called me an “Activist Christian,” and he meant it in a derogatory way.  It was hard for me to comprehend his thinking…. “as opposed to WHAT?” I thought…. “being an INactive Christian?”  Yes, that is what he would prefer.

You see, we have come to a place in America — and the world — today, where Christians who actually DO what the Bible TELLS US SPECIFICALLY TO DO are now considered “radical,” “weird,” or “fanatics.”  Is it any wonder, with so many simply “doing church” inside the four walls of their buildings, and doing nothing more, nothing of any substance, that the world is SO UTTERLY DELUDED, TWISTED AND CONFUSED?!

I am nobody special.  I’m just a guy who believes God’s Word — and who could no longer sit idly by while the world continued the downward spiral to hell — and not DO anything.  I could no longer just sit and listen to a 20 minute “self-help talk” with a few Bible verses thrown in once a week, and then sing “praise and worship” choruses talking about how much God loves us, while ignoring the weightier matters of the law.  As scary as it was at first, I KNEW I could no longer sit there and ignore the words of Christ.  And so the Lord led me to an AMAZING WORLD OF REAL CHRISTIANITY — OUTSIDE the Establishment, Institututional churches.  I met others who have taught me to, as Jesus commanded, ‘GO THEREFORE!”  And though I was shaking in my shoes the first time I joined these faithful Christ-followers on the streets, within about ONE MINUTE of stepping out, all fear was gone.

And every time I have had an opportunity to witness or testify or speak, the Holy Spirit has given me the exact words to say!  The BIBLE IS TRUE, FRIENDS.  It’s not just theoretical.  So I ask you:  what real ministry is getting done at your local Religious Service Provider?  “Childrens Church” with Veggie Tales movies?  Pizza parties and potlucks?  I do not mean to downplay ALL churches;  certainly some do many good works.  But you’d be hard pressed to argue the fact that today, MOST so-called “ministries” never leave the inside of our “Christian safe spaces.”  I have to wonder if God even listens to any of the many fancy prayers recited each week, or the many repetitive “praise choruses.”  I dare say, it’s more likely He “vomits them out of His mouth.”

In all my life of attending church, I have never been so fulfilled, or so FILLED with the Holy Spirit as I’ve been since discovering this TRUE Church OUTSIDE the four walls.  It has literally changed my entire life, physically, mentally and most importantly, spiritually.  As an added benefit, the FELLOWSHIP of ministering alongside these like-minded SERIOUS followers of Christ is SO very rich and deep.  It is not at all like what I experienced in the Institutional churches.  We have REAL and powerful prayer times, we have a closeness, like a true FAMILY (because it IS a family, the family of God!)  I have no doubt that I could call on any one of the MANY people I’ve ministered with out on the streets — all throughout the country — any time I needed ANYTHING, and they would all do ANYTHING for me, …and I for them.

I never experienced anything like it before.  In the Institutional churches, “fellowship” meant shallow chit-chat about the weather, sports, or restaurants for a few minutes when the serice was over.  You didn’t dare share your true feelings, or allow yourself to be vulnerable, or let it be known that you were ever going through anything spiritually difficult — you just put on that fake smile and shook hands, and acted like all was just fine.

Let me tell you, in God’s TRUE remnant Church, it’s different.  It’s ok to be vulnerable because these are not just friends, they are your true brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have wept together, laughed together, prayed together, and ministered together.  We have served and worked side by side for the glory of God.  There is just nothing like the REAL THING, and I’m so glad God brought me OUT of the phony and into this amazing world of His TRUE, courageous, faithful, servant-hearted followers.  We have many upcoming ministry opportunities in the coming months.  If you’re ready for the real deal, call me, and I can tell you more.  I would love for you to come to discover what I have found.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 251.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

You Are What You Eat Part 2

Thy words were found and I ate them, and Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Thy name, O LORD God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16

In Part 1 of this 2 Part article, I introduced the necessity of apprehending spiritual truth organically. I contrasted organic truth with processed truth and explained the difference. In Part 2 below I continue with this explanation and make the necessary application.

Are Christians Being Systematically Indoctrinated?

I believe that many Christians have become indoctrinated and do not realize it. How is that possible? Ask yourself this question: Do I accept without question whatever my Pastor, Elder, or Ministry Leader says when it comes to the Bible? Do I uncritically believe whatever my Pastor teaches?

There has arisen in the church of America today a cult of personality. This cult is found anywhere a Pastor has become a brand. What I mean by Pastors becoming a brand is that hundreds of Pastors today have become celebrities. A marketing machine has been developed to keep them before the public, to keep their books on the best seller lists, to keep these Pastors from failing in spite of their failures. These Pastors are a book writing, book selling, conference speaking, money making machine, an expert on anything and everything. Television, radio, and print media seek out these Pastors for their thoughts and perspectives on any and every issue.

I suggest Americans wake up from this mesmerizing situation. Does the Bible say the following: “Study to agree with your Pastor? If you disagree, it’s because you don’t understand what you are reading.” That may well be a product of your study. You may learn for yourself that what your Pastor teaches is what the Bible states.

What the Bible actually says is this: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15 NASB). From this passage in 2 Timothy 2 we learn that it is every individual’s responsibility to know the Scriptures for themselves. The Apostle Paul commended believers in Berea for doing exactly that: “Now these (the believers in Berea) were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scripture daily, to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11 NASB).

Why is studying the Bible for yourself so important? It is important because we are instructed to do so, and it is important because knowing what the Bible says brings you into a deeper, more abiding, much fuller relationship with and understanding of the One who has given us life. Studying the Bible for yourself also protects you from indoctrination.

So, what is organic in this context? It is what you know is true because you have studied it for yourself. What is processed in this context? It is information that you accept as true but that you have not verified for yourself.

I want to be clear at this point on something so as to avoid any potential confusion. I am not saying that you should become argumentative with your Pastor or Ministry Leader. We are not to wrangle over words, which is useless and leads to ruin (2 Timothy 2:14).

Here are three things I am suggesting that you do. They are found in Ezra 7:10: “For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.”

The order of this process is important. Notice what the process is from Ezra 7:10. We are to: study the Bible for ourselves, and then we are to practice what we learn before we attempt to teach anyone else what the Bible says. We are to learn and practice before we teach. In other words, we cannot teach what we do not know because we’ve never worked out truth in our own lives. That’s one reason we are not to lay hands on young believers to commission them for service. They must have time to learn and then learn by experience what truth is.

This is perhaps why the church is in such dire straits today: Pastors have not studied the Bible and therefore what they are attempting to practice and then teach is such rotten fruit. They cannot practice what they do not know. Thus, what they teach is unbiblical. This is perhaps the reason why the average Christian today hears nothing more than cotton-candy sermonettes about a flannel-graph Jesus.

Here is a starting point for Christians today: get your own household in order first. Men, make sure you are practicing what you are learning and then that you are teaching your spouse and your children the Bible. It is not your Pastors responsibility to insure your family knows the Bible. You will thereby grow in truth and knowledge and will be prepared to lead your local fellowship in the same.

Then Christians must get busy demonstrating faith by action in the communities in which they live. James says that faith without works is useless (2:20). Too many Christians have leaned heavily into the “we’re not saved by works” passage that they have become blinded to the fact that true faith is demonstrated by works.

Some Christians think America is a lost cause. I hear them say that America is under judgement. That may well be, but even if it is, where are we instructed to stop fighting the battle in which we find ourselves? Is God done changing lives? Is God done saving people out of the certain fires of hell? Are Christians commanded to circle the wagons and ride out the storm? We are absolutely not told that!

One thing is certain friends: we will not win a war we refuse to fight. Let me show you a picture of what God will do with and for a people who seek to love Him and serve Him in spite of their circumstances. It is found in Joshua 8.

In the chapters leading up to Joshua 8 the Hebrew people are in the Promised Land. They arrive at Jericho and take the city after God miraculously brought down the walls. What a glorious thing that was to see. Unfortunately, a man named Aiken took spoils that the people were told not to take. This resulted in a devastating defeat when a few thousand Hebrews went to destroy Ai. They were defeated and set to flight instead. That is the background for Joshua 8:1 which reads:

Now the LORD said to Joshua, do not fear or be dismayed. Take all the people of war with you and arise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the King of Ai, his people, his city, and his land.

In this one verse we see five things that are important to consider. First we read that the people were not to fear. Do not fear! In spite of past failure they were not to fear. What is fear? It is emotion caused by anticipation of danger. It is a normal emotion.

Listen to me Christian: do not fear! God has given you the city! An old proverb reminds us that courage and fear are brothers. One cannot exist without the other. Courage is simply fear under control. Freedom from fear comes when you take the step of faith, so step up Christian.

Second, we read the God told the people to not be dismayed. What does it mean to be dismayed? It means to lose courage or resolution. It means to lose hope. Have you not already seen God’s power working in your life? Push past the fear and do not allow your determination to be undermined.

Then God said to enlist those who understand, those with a warrior’s heart. “Take all the people of war with you.” We read in 1 Chronicles 12:32 that the sons of Issachar were men who understood the times in which they lived and knew what needed to be done. That is exactly what is needed today: people of God who understand the times they live in and know what needs to be done. It is time for people with a warrior’s heart to arise.

Next, God told the people to arise and go up with purpose and aggression against God’s enemies. This clearly tells us to go where the enemy is. Take the fight to them. This is offensive warfare. This as much as anything else is where the church has failed today. We see taking the fight to the enemy as serving at a soup kitchen or showing up for visitation night at the local fellowship. The next instruction makes this fourth command clearer.

The last thing embedded in Joshua 8:1 is this: God will destroy the enemy completely through your obedience to arise and go up with purpose and intention to take the fight to the enemy. “See, I have given into your hand the King of Ai.” Every time you turn a mother away from murdering her unborn baby at an infanticide facility you are defeating the King of Ai. Every time you attend a Gay Shame Parade and speak to those trapped in the debauchery of homosexuality and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that alone can free them, you are defeating the King of Ai. Every time you tell a co-worker, family member, or stranger that there is salvation in no other name than Jesus Christ you are defeating the King of Ai.

Final Thoughts

Some of you reading this have not been fed true spiritual food in so long you’ve forgotten what it tastes like. You simply exist in a malnourished state. Here is the good news: that is not what God desires for you. God desires that you be the warrior He has created you to be. Do you believe that nothing formed against you will prosper? Then take action with courage and boldness!

Let me suggest that you be the church instead of going to church. It is time to leave the dead, dying, apostate corpses to rot in their lawlessness. Form a new body of believers that is faithful to Jesus Christ and then get active in your community. Start a home Bible study with other like-minded believers.

Finally, begin building a downline. Begin to network outside of your own neighborhood and community. There are thousands of believers looking for other believers to be the church alongside of. A day is coming when the visible organized church will be in full blown apostasy. Some churches and large portions of their denominations already are. Get out of those places and form a local body of true believers who love God and serve Him faithfully. I recommend that you organize regular meetings among those in your network. Have regional meetings where larger numbers can meet to be encouraged, edified, and equipped with God’s truth.

The day is almost over and the night is rapidly coming upon us when the Bible says no man can work. Let us serve our King to honor Him above all else, as workmen that do not need to be ashamed.

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg

Website: www.drmikelive.com
Website: www.soaringeagleradio.com
Website: www.thetransformingword.com
Website: www.drmikespaulding.com

Destroying America From Within, Part 6

I brought up that muslims simply do what they want to do whether it is legal or not and it doesn’t help when we have cowards in places of authority that will not stand up to the advances of this barbaric ideology.  We clearly have a double standard in this country when it comes to how Christians are treated compared to Muslims. Across the country, Christian students are banned from praying to Jesus and reading the Bible, as liberals suddenly have a hard-on for the Constitution and want to quoting clauses about the “separation of church in state” in order to justify their views. But of course that same logic doesn’t apply when it comes to Muslims’ religions freedoms, as liberals are all too eager to kiss the a** of anyone who hates America as much as they do.

In yet another startling example of hypocrisy when it comes to the idiots on the left, the very same school that bans students from praying to Jesus is now doing something absolutely sick to appease their Muslim students. At Liberty High School In Frisco, Texas, the Independent School District decided to convert an entire freaking classroom into a “prayer room” so these Muslims can practice their barbaric religion while at school.

Their excuse for favoring Muslim students over Christian students was equally as pathetic, with school officials saying they didn’t want Muslim students to “have to drive home to conduct their daily prayers.” Yes really….

“Liberty High School’s policy should be neutral toward religion,” read a letter sent to Frisco’s superintendent by Deputy Attorney General Andrew Leonie. “However, it appears that students are being treated different based on their religious beliefs. Such a practice, of course, is irreconcilable with our nation’s enduring commitment to religious liberty.” [1]

I call these people cowards because this would not have been allowed for children of the Christian faith, so it should not be allowed for muslims either.  This is what I meant when I said they begin to demand that we accept their culture but they will not embrace our culture.

In Austria a hospital gave a room to muslims for the same reason, a prayer room, but it ended up being used for a meeting room for ISIS.  After Muslims began to demand they have a prayer room in a local hospital, the staff thought it would be easier to appease them. Well, that was not the best idea as they soon found out. Soon after the prayer room was built in the staff made a horrifying discovery that proves why you can’t give them an inch.

The prayer room in the hospital quickly became a place where ISIS sympathizers began to meet regularly.[2]

I’ve called islam barbaric for many reasons.  Their ideology was developed in the 7th century and is still there.  Their absolute obsession with sex is unmatched except only by satanism.  The horrific claims come after reports SAS soldiers found the severed heads of 50 ISIS sex slaves in an underground tunnel. These young girls may have been raped by 100 men before they become pregnant. Ilhan Omar wants leniency. Perhaps because sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah.

Islamic doctrines command Muslim men to hate all non-Muslims and to see women—especially infidel women—as little more than sex objects (or, in the words of a Muslim who recently murdered a Christian girl in Pakistan for refusing him sex, “Christian girls are only meant for one thing: the [sexual] pleasure of Muslim men.”

Moreover, Islamic clerics routinely encourage Muslims to migrate to the West and help empower Islam anyway they can—including through propaganda, proselytization, apologetics, births, theft, etc.—and not just through violent jihad. If they do any of these, they technically become jihadis (after all and as the apologists are fond of insisting, jihad literally means “striving” on behalf of Islam.) Thus many Muslim rapists in Europe believe it is their Islamic right and reward to molest and rape infidel women. 3

This is only one aspect of the barbarianism that encapsulates islam.   From what I have disclosed in this series alone proves that it is the cancer of any society on this planet and it is an ideology that we should not allow to be brought here nor should we allow it to proliferate.

The next phase that we see is to secede.  What they do in this process is to simply do what they want to do disregarding any laws save shariah.  They do begin to place muslims into places of authority on city counsels and state legislators as a precursor to their final phase and that is take control.  As an example of this all we have to do is look at the situation that has occurred in the UK.  Here’s what has already happened to England within a few years of opening their borders without any entry control:

How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:

Mayor of London .. MUSLIM
Mayor of Birmingham …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds … MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield … MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford … MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton …. MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham … MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale … MUSLIM

All the following achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66
million population:

Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK
Muslim Women…78% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Men…63% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing
Muslim Families…6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing
and now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT! [3]

This is economic jihad as well as population jihad.  The are like leeches on the host country draining the resources that belong to the citizens of that nation not to these people intent on taking the country down.

America needs to wake up.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Texas high school makes special room for muslims then look what the Christian students do
  2. ISIS rape sex slaves
  3. Posted by Dr. Harry D. Fair, Director, Institute for Strategic and Innovative Technologies

Wolves Need Us: How About A Presidential Pardon?

This is something I never thought I would write since, as most of you know,  I am and have been a staunch President Trump supporter. And it was right to be so. He has been the best president ever to take the reigns in D.C. He has accomplished everything he promised America in every area and virtually saved our country after the Obama disaster and everything before that nightmare.

Like a truck load of shingles, the Communist Democrats, led by George Soros, have worked up a sweat attempting to turn America into another Venezuela, a Communist-Socialist country where no necessities can be found and the people suffer.  Socialism will not benefit the citizens, but greatly benefit the leaders.

However, in the midst of the Kudos to President Trump, we are deeply divided over the joy his sons have expressed, which is evident in the many photos of them with huge dead animals at their feet that they unnecessarily and cruelly killed. These murders were not for food but for “Trophy Hunting.” The trophy, which is a beast’s head, is prominently displayed on the walls of dens for all to see. This is an ego exercise to furnish  bragging rights. How sad this is so important to some.

Such careless and brutal hunting has caused Gray Wolves in the lower 48 states to be on the verge of extinction.  The organization, Environmental Action is appealing to  citizens to put a stop to this savagery by letting all voices be heard. We know there are many animal lovers out there, so please step forward and report for duty.

The Trump administration just announced that they plan to END wolves’ Endangered Species Act protections. This means that all wolves are vulnerable for execution. Remember this is the Trump Administration, not Trump personally.

The agency is REQUIRED by law to consider public input first which means this is our opportunity to show the administration that Americans want wolves to have a future in this country.  And all future generations should not be robbed of seeing these beautiful creatures that were created by God Himself. Furthermore, we do not want so see living creatures  suffer in such cruel ways.

According to Environmental Action, hunting, trapping and poisoning nearly drove wolves to extinction in the 1900s. Without the proven protection of the ESA, we could see a repeat of last century’s tragedy. We cannot let this stand. The government is required to take public comments before making their final decision.

When wolves lose the protection of the ESA, hundreds or thousands of them die. When the wolf population around the Great Lakes were taken off the list, 1,500 were killed before protection resumed.
With as few as 5,600 wolves living in the Lower 48, they just can’t afford killing on that scale. If the Interior delists wolves, we will be in real danger of losing them forever. An America without gray wolves would be a tragedy for us and for the environment. Future generations would never be able to see them. Wolves play a vital role on the landscape, bringing balance to the ecosystems they call home. Their haunting howls have captivated generations. We want to make sure that wolves’ howling song is heard for generations more to come.

And this note to President Trump’s sons and others who kill living creatures for pleasure:  Animals have the same nerve system as we humans.  They feel and dread pain. Hit your thumb with a hammer and while you are jumping around yelling, just remember that any animal would feel the same agony if it happened to them.

They experience anxiety (you can see that when you take a pet to the vet) and they very much experience grief. Animals are very family oriented. Wolves mate for life as do Swans. When a mate dies, they never look for another mate.  And they grieve heavily. 

You will see all these symptoms in my new book, God and Animals-What the Bible says about Animals and Heaven. Readers say their favorite chapter is: A Little Girl and her Fish. Available at AMAZON.

President Trump and Sons: Thanks for giving us the most beautiful, classy First Lady on earth. Thanks for being the best President ever. However in this issue you are wrong.  Please think about the trophy hunting your sons so much enjoy.  You are all better than this.  Please change your heart toward all four legged living creatures.

Below is the press release as sent out by Environmental Action with links to let your voices be heard regarding wolves being delisted from protection..
—–Original Message—–
From: Environmental Action <action@environmental-action.org>

logo and head

Rev. Austin,
It’s now or never for gray wolves in the Lower 48 states: The Trump administration just announced that they plan to end wolves’ Endangered Species Act protections.
What happens next depends on us. They’re required by law to consider public input first — this is our moment to show the administration that Americans want wolves to have a future in this country.
Our voices could mean the difference between survival and extinction for these irreplaceable animals.
Thank you,
The Environmental Action team

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Environmental Action
Rev. Austin,
The Interior Department just moved to end Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections for gray wolves.1
This could be a disaster. Delisting wolves in this way would leave them vulnerable across the entire Lower 48 states.
Hunting, trapping and poisoning nearly drove wolves to extinction in the 1900s.2 Without the proven protection of the ESA, we could see a repeat of last century’s tragedy.
Add Your Name
When wolves lose the protection of the ESA, hundreds or thousands of them die. When the wolf population around the Great Lakes were taken off the list, 1,500 were killed before protection resumed.3
With as few as 5,600 wolves living in the Lower 48, they just can’t afford killing on that scale.4 If the Interior delists wolves, we will be in real danger of losing them forever.
An America without gray wolves would be a tragedy for us and for the environment. Wolves play a vital role on the landscape, bringing balance to the ecosystems they call home. Their haunting howls have captivated generations. We want to make sure that wolves’ howling song is heard for generations more to come.
We’ve protected wolves before, and we know we can do it again if we take action together. Last year over 25,000 of you asked Congress to maintain protections for wolves — and we won.
Today, wolves need our voices again — more urgently than ever. Will you speak up for our nation’s irreplaceable gray wolves?
Thank you for standing with wolves,
The Environmental Action team

1. Matthew Brown and John Flesher, “AP NewsBreak: US plans to lift protections for gray wolves,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 6, 2019.
2. “Wolf Restoration,” U.S. National Park Service, December 15, 2017.
3. Matt McKinney, “Court: Great Lakes wolf hunt must stop,” StarTribune, December 19, 2014.
4. “Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) Current Population in the United States,” U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, accessed March 6, 2019.

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Cesar Chavez Holiday—Honoring An American Hero

I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!” —Cesar Chavez

March 31 is an official State holiday in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and is observed in several other States, in honor of the birth on March 31, 1937, of an extraordinary American — Cesar Estrada Chavez, the late co-founder and president of the United Farm Workers of America who became a legend in his own time in the civil rights era.

In his honor, his headquarters for the UFW, which he named “La Paz” (“The Peace”), in the Tehachapi Mountains in Keene, CA, on Highway 58 between Bakersfield and Tehachapi, is now officially the U.S. Cesar Chavez National Monument, established by the federal government.

The U.S. Navy, of which he was a veteran, has named a ship for him.

He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Freedom, which was accepted by his widow, Helen Chavez.

Many cities have named streets, schools, libraries and other public buildings in his honor.

But there are many Americans today who are unaware that  here is a Cesar Chavez Day  (the major media ignore it), or why there should be a holiday honoring him.

There are also  malicious myths tainting the life and the memory of Cesar Chavez that need to be repudiated, most particularly the lies that he was  not an American but a Mexican national, and that he was a “Communist,” both of which were first promulgated by the John Birch Society. They are utterly false.

I  worked with Cesar Chavez for some twenty years, starting in 1973, when I was a young long haul trucker participating in a nationwide strike of some 100,000 independent truckers in protest against escalating fuel costs in the so-called “Arab Oil Embargo.”

I was helping coordinate the the truckers’ “Shutdown” at the Triple T Truckstop in Tucson, AZ, as a member of the steering committee of the “Truckers For Justice.”

Cesar Chavez mentored  me in that strike, which remained non-violent because of his demands in mentoring me that “violence is a failure of creative intelligence; violence is failure of creative intelligence.”

After that strike was broken, an alliance between the Truckers For Justice and the United Farm Workers of America was established. During that work, in which we refused to haul non-union (“scab”) lettuce and grapes, Cesar told me I needed to go to law school as I could do more good as a lawyer.

His recommendation got me into law school.

I worked with UFW lawyers while in law school, and after graduating and passing the California Bar in 1979, I became one of Cesar Chavez’ lawyers until the day of his death on April 23, 1993, and for the UFW thereafter as called upon. I have remained to this day exclusively a civil rights, workers rights, veterans rights attorney. (I have written in more detail about experiences with Cesar Chavez in an earlier tribute, available here.)

I can attest based on that long “up close and personal” experience that Cesar Chavez was, in his own way, a true American hero;  that there are valuable lessons to be learned from his honorable life; and that he is deserving of recognition by all Americans for his service and sacrifice for others, no matter their race, color, or creed.

However, in order to understand that, it is necessary, first, to overcome the lies and myths which continue to distort the truth of who and what Cesar Chavez was. These are myths by those who hated and maligned him for their own political purposes; and by those who want to exploit who and what he was in order to appropriate him based on race, ethnicity, or nationality for their own political ends.

The most malicious of those myths are, as stated above, first, that he was not an American but a “Mexican” national; and, second, that he was a “Communist.” These malicious myths were first promulgated, utterly falsely and politically deliberately, by the John Birch Society in the 1960’s. Almost sixty years later, they are repeated to this day.

First, as to nationality, the truth is that Cesar Chavez was a native-born American, not a “Mexican.”  While proud of his Mexican-American heritage, he was a third-generation American, born on his grandfather’s small ranch in Arizona in the Yuma area.  No matter the indisputability of those facts, Wikipedia, for example, on which many students and others rely, informs even now: “Chavez was born on the Mexico Texas border and therefore has dual citizenship.” Utterly false.

Second, Cesar Chavez was no “communist.” He was a devoted Catholic Christian. He was attempting, humbly,  to live his Christian faith as faithfully as he was able by sacrifice and service for others as taught and exemplified by Jesus the Christ, not Marx the Communist.

Perhaps the best proof, although none should be needed, that Cesar Chavez was not a Communist  but a devoted Catholic Christian living his faith, is the fact that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in its U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults, which is taught to all adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church, chose as the exemplar of living a  “life in Christ” and “the principles of the Christian moral life”—Cesar E. Chavez. (See, USCCB Catholic Catechism for Adults, Chapter 24, “Life In Christ-Part Two,” pages 323-234).

Moreover, almost never mentioned by those who hate  Cesar Chavez  and define him as a “communist” and a “Mexican” rather than an American, is that Cesar Chavez, in 1944 at the age of 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in WWII and served for the duration of the war in the Pacific in defense of the country of his birth, the United States of America.

Ironically, those who claim to love Cesar Chavez make themselves accomplices of those who hate him (and them)  by obscuring  Cesar Chavez’ American birth — and  by almost never mentioning that he was an American veteran of WWII.  They do this not to honor Cesar, but in order to appropriate Cesar Chavez on race or ethnic grounds as a “Mexican,” “Chicano,” or “Raza” race-based civil rights movement leader rather than as an American hero who should be honored by all Americans — as an American hero.

In regard to that, Cesar Chavez, while proud of his ancestral heritage, always identified himself as a “labor” or “union leader,” not as a civil rights leader of Mexican-Americans, Chicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, or La Raza.

In fact, in the some twenty years I worked with him,  Cesar never defined himself as a “Mexican,” or “Chicano,” “Latino,” etc., and, regarding the identification “La Raza” (“The Race”) he told me he didn’t use it because he considered it racialist.

Those who condemn him as a “Mexican” and “Communist,,” and those who claim a possessory interest him as  a leader of a race-based “Chicano” or “La Raza” civil rights movement, are both wrong: He defined himself as, and acted as, what he was—a “trade union leader,” and a devout Catholic Christian.

Cesar Chavez, as he lived his Catholic Christian faith,  was the moral heart of the American labor movement.

He built the first viable farm workers union in American history, the United Farm Workers of America. As president of the UFW, Cesar Chavez represented all farm workers, whatever their race, ethnicity, or nationality.

One example which refutes the myths of both those who hate Chavez and those who appropriate him based on race, and shows the willingness of both to corrupt historical truth to suit their political ends, is Chavez’ acts regarding illegal immigration, which was then and remains now  at the center of national controversy and division.

In 1969, Cesar Chavez famously led a march from Indio, CA, to the border. It is portrayed today as primarily a march in protest against discrimination by racist growers oppressing Mexican and other Hispanic farmworkers. That is false historical revisionism.

The primary purpose of the 1969 march to the Mexican border was a protest against the federal government’s failure to secure the border from importation of illegal immigrants who were being used to keep wages and working conditions down and to break strikes and the farmworkers union entirely. Indeed, as UFW members set up picket lines waving “Huelga” (“Strike”) flags, buses would arrive from Mexico to unload strike breakers.

In short, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march to the Mexican border was for the same purpose that the Minutemen later went to the border in the 70’s and 80’s— to secure the border and demand that the government stop illegal immigration. (It should be noted that the Minutemen were widely condemned as as “racists” for doing just what Cesar Chavez did. Was Cesar Chavez a racist? )

In the 1970’s, Cesar Chavez fell out of favor with race-based civil rights groups, white liberals, Leftists including open Socialist and Communist organizations, and liberal media. He was criticized because he adopted the position of calling upon and aiding the then-Immigration And Naturalization Service (INS) to deport strikebreakers illegally in the country.

In 1979, ten years after the march from Indio to the border to demand enforcement of the immigration laws, Cesar Chavez testified before Congress about immigration. He testified that illegal immigration had to be stopped, and the border secured, as illegal immigrants were used to hold wages and working conditions down, and to break strikes, defeating efforts of farmworkers to build a union to improve their wages, hours, working conditions, and lives.

Today, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march from Indio to the border is historically revised to be a protest against racist growers and his 1979 Congressional testimony is rarely cited, to satisfy the political ends of race-based la raza groups and non-raza liberals who want to transform him from what he was, i.e., a leader of a labor movement to improve the lives of all farmworkers,  to what they want him to be, i.e., a race-based political leader.

Meanwhile, many conservatives continue the original wrong and error of the John Birch Society when it falsely slandered and branded Cesar Chavez as a non-American and a “communist.” That continually repeated malicious lie has alienated many Mexican-American and other Hispanics for whom Cesar Chavez is, rightly,  a hero, as he should be for all Americans.

In his lifetime, although he became nationally and internationally renown, Cesar Chavez never sought personal fame, wealth, or celebrity. It was all about the cause, la causa, not about him. Indeed, Cesar Chavez  turned down millions of dollars offered for the rights to make a movie of his life. Similarly, he rejected all offers to write an autobiography or for the right to produce an “authorized” biography. All that he would authorize was the “Autobiography of La Causa,” by Jaques Levy, who didn’t “buy” the right but earned it by working with Chavez in la causa for some ten years.

Cesar Chavez’ achievement is monumental. Farmworkers, and domestic workers, were exempted from the right to organize into unions provided to all other workers by the National Labor Relations Act. There were no State laws creating a right of farmworkers to support unionization. They could be and were fired and “blacklisted” with impunity by employers who suspected them of supporting a union. Farmworkers were also migrant, moving from employer to employer on the migrant trail during harvesting seasons. Therefore, more than a hundred attempts to organize migrant farmworkers by major international unions with money, members, and paid full time organizers failed. It was thought impossible to organize migrant farmworkers.

Then came Cesar Chavez. He had nothing. No money, no members, no paid staff. Nothing but the belief that the only way to help farmworkers was to build a union in which they could themselves achieve better working conditions, and dignity.

He himself had become a migrant farmworker at the age of ten when the ranch of his grandfather on which he was born was lost on foreclosure in the Depression and taken over by the Bruce Church Corp., largest lettuce grower in Arizona.

He had little education, attending some fifty different elementary schools as his family followed the migrant farmworker trail. After his service in the U.S. Navy, he had married his sweetheart, Helen, in Delano, CA. Together they had eight kids.

The story has been told now in many articles, books, documentaries, and a relatively recent movie of how Cesar Chavez, while working as an organizer in Los Angeles, became convinced a union for farmworkers had to be created. He quit his job. He and Helen loaded up their old station wagon with the kids and a mimeograph machine, and headed to Delano. There, they rented a house, set up the mimeograph machine, and sent out a flyer calling for a house meeting, the first step in creating what would become the United Farm Workers of America.

How did Cesar Chavez succeed where all others had failed? By touching the hearts of Americans and the conscience of the nation by exposing the true working conditions of migrant farmworkers through creative, non-violent acts and actions, including  his fasts and boycotts, and by his manifest personal selfless service and sacrifice.

Cesar Chavez did not merely say:  “I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!”

He lived it.  By doing so, he succeeded where so many others failed. He achieved what was thought impossible. He inspired and taught by his example, humbly serving and sacrificing for others, and thereby has enriched the lives not only of farmworkers, but the lives of millions of Americans, of all races, all colors, all creeds, including my own life.

It was Jesus Christ whom Cesar Chavez worshipped, followed, and humbly attempted to emulate by service to others through living his Catholic Christian faith. I have little doubt that in the fullness of time, Cesar Chavez will one day become one of the Blessed of his Catholic faith, if not canonized.

I am greatly indebted to Cesar Chavez, especially for the example of his humble, selfless life in service for others. I will always walk in his shadow.


At Press Conference during truckers strike in Tucson, AZ, in 1973, announcing alliance of Truckers For Justice and United Farm Workers of America (UFWA).

© 2019 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com

The Enemy Within

The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution -Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States

The Art of War says that before you go to war, KNOW YOUR ENEMY. I don’t know about you but I feel we are at war.  Not with guns but with words. Forced PC, censorship, accusations without evidence, lies, are all designed to silence any opposition to the Communist/Globalist ideology. Will lack of conversation or debate, force people to turn to violence in order to get their message out? Only time will tell. But one thing is certain, the Communist/Globalists will never give up.

In 2020 you will choose…  Before you do, ask yourself,  “Who is America’s Enemy?” The Constitution or Communism?

The Constitution states that our Rights are granted by our creator.  Why?

Believing in a higher power takes human rights out of the hands of man. With   G-d in the picture most times a person’s decision slants to one considering morality. Definition of morality: beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior :  the degree to which something is right and good : the moral goodness or badness of something.

Our rights, granted by our creator – a higher power- can never be denied or replaced. Unless we of course we give up or power and change the constitution.

The American constitution gives you ownership of yourself.  Your ownership entitles you to use your judgment as to what you will do with the product of your labor – consume it, give it away, sell it, save it.  This requires work.  The personal responsibility to believe in your GOD, have Individual Ownership, Personal Accountability, and Responsibility of YOU, Your Family, Your Business and Land are challenged every day.  You must work to keep them.   There is no place the constitution that says, you must believe in any particular deity. Your belief in G-d/morality helps you make the choices slanted towards good.

Communism flips control by man under the direction of G-D in order to instill control by nature directed by Government. Remember: Whatever government grants, Government can legislate away.

Communists are ATHEISTS – who worship SATAN, GAIA (Mother Earth) and believe in the Collective (the common good for all), with the Government owning and controlling YOU, Your Family, your Business and Land.  People need something to believe in.  The absence of G-d leaves a door wide open for alternative worship.

I envisage the principles of the Earth Charter to be a new form of the ten commandments. They lay the foundation for a sustainable global earth community.” –Mikhail Gorbachev, co-author of The Earth Charter

This is easily accomplished because communists have replaced morality and G-d with the religion of the Environment.  Under sustainability – aka Green New Deal – non believers can be coerced into believing in the religion of environment.  According to wikipedia.org the new millennium and the modern ecological crisis has created a need for environmentally based religion and spirituality called Ecospirituality  -Now taught in school.

These ideologies Constitution vs Communism are OPPOSITES.

To Believe in One – you must Denounce the Other.

Are you ready to Denounce the Constitution?  Are you ready to give yourself to the Government?

In Florida our Criminal Code, Title XIV, Chapter 876

states: 876.01 Criminal anarchy, Communism, and other specified doctrines; advocacy prohibited.  Criminal anarchy, criminal Communism, criminal Nazism, or criminal Fascism are doctrines that existing form of constitutional government should be overthrown by force or violence or by any other unlawful means*, or by assassination of officials of the Government of the United States or of the several states.

* Lies and fraud are unlawful means.”

Any legislator or public official practicing communism is committing treason and “shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. ” (punishment is jail time and a fine.)  Read the statute.  You will get quite an education.  You will be able to see how the Democrat/Socialist Party skirt the constitution and play with words.

Why is the border fight so important?  NAFTA eliminated borders while bringing massive amounts of communist/socialist into America in order to destroy American sovereignty.  It is only by brining in more communists and keeping them ignorant will Democrat/Socialist/Globalists gain control and keep it for a very long time. They must eliminate America.  Other countries must not be allowed to have the same rights, and opportunities as America.

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.” –Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

I was recently asked, “What do the Democrat/communists actually want?” My answer is EVERYTHING.  They believe that humans are basically stupid. Therefore, people are nothing more than victims and it is up to the elite to “save them from themselves.”

You can’t manage to take care of yourself therefore all worldly possessions really belong to the government. It is the job of the Democrat/communists to determine your existence and possessions.

Can you live? – Only if you fit their idea of “normal”.  If you are a person or baby with disabilities, or elderly you are toast.  To them you are a useless eater.  Those who can work are Human Capital.  You are only as good as your last job. How will your life be determined? By the government algorithms on your computer. No choice here.    In a One World Government  everyone must think the same and have the same things.  Competition must be eliminated at all costs.

  • Your career will be determined by algorithms – your choice is the one the computer provides.
  • Your health by Medicare for all – forget that hip replacement at age 80.
  • Your mobility will be bikes and walking.  China already has social credits which limits a person’s mobility unless they comply with government policy. Facial recognition is already used in airports.   Now you will get to use all those paths we paid for.
  • Limiting energy. The next time your legislator says GND ask them for their car keys and tell them they will now get a government bike to ride.  Or tell them to turn off their air conditioner in their office.  Watch the response.
  • Your property will be owned by the government, you are a renter. You rent and get things from the government.  No ownership for you. “You didn’t make that.” E Warren.
  • Relationships are out unless it is with your hand held device or a robot.  No reproduction that way.  After all Mother Earth is crying from being  overpopulated.  Code for depopulation = less people to control.
  • Water, energy will be rationed – Smart Meters anyone.  Today all appliances use smart connections which are very easy to regulate. What if  you get water only between 8AM and 9PM?  Electricity for designated hours?

Maurice Strong former UN Secretary General –Oil Billionaire –stated: “Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Social justice, urban renewal and development, the provision of decent dwellings-and healthy conditions for the people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.”

Rising living standards in Africa are apparently something to be frowned upon. During a townhall with the President of South Africa, President Barack Obama told people in Africa that cars and air conditioning in Africa are a threat to the environment and warned that the “planet will boil over”.

Agenda21/2030, Green New Deal, Sustainability, Smart Meter programs are all the same plan.  The names are changed to mask the outcome. They all have ONE goal.  “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

Is America Worth Saving?

In the Art of War we learn that in order to win a fight you must identify the enemy.  Are you ready? Will you educate others about socialism? – The goal of socialism according to Karl Marx is COMMUNISM. Will you help get a factual education into our schools and give our kids a chance to create their own future or will you comply in your new form of slavery?  I will not comply, will you?

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Islam: A Multi-Trillion Conglomerate

To look objectively at Islam, it becomes clear that Islam is simply another globally entrenched profitable enterprise.

Islam has a product to sell. A product it sells by any and all means to consumers for over fourteen centuries. As business ventures go, Islam has been both durable and highly successful.

Islam’s founder, Muhammad, formed his enterprise in the Arabian Peninsula at a perfectly opportune time. The primitive tribes of Arabia had no less than 360 idols they worshiped, somewhat akin to the more civilized Greeks who believed in numerous gods.

Muhammad found it very rough when he started his movement. On the one hand, even his own people, the Quraysh, custodians of the idolatry of Mecca, turned against him. In a real sense, he aimed to put them out of their lucrative business and start one of his own. On the other hand, there were several other claimants to prophethood who gathered various and numerous followers. It seemed to be a very bad time for Muhammad to make headway. People of Mecca ridiculed him and called him insane. They rejected the unintelligible verses he claimed were words of Allah, as the nonsensical mutterings of a crazed poet.

Some did not bother to call him crazy. They simplified the allegation and felt he was out of his mind. In those days and age, among the highly backward people of Arabia and other societies, insanity was viewed as punishment meted out as to a person by the gods. Thus, any unfortunate mentally ill individual was treated very harshly.

Some contemporary mental health professionals, retrospectively examining Muhammad’s life, his Quran, and other material attributed to him, have concluded his condition of a man who suffered from mental seizures. These specialists claim that the young Muhammad periodically experienced seizures that induced visual and auditory hallucinations. They cite, among other things, Muhammad’s repeated reports of being visited by jinns.

Enter the much older wealthy widow Khadijah who married the young Muhammad. She greatly loved her husband and acted protectively to shield him from harm and accepted and even promoted his claim as a messenger from Allah. If Allah wanted to reveal his verses piece by piece in a fashion that people saw as mumbo jumbo, it was not Muhammad’s fault. He was simply a messenger who conveyed the words of Allah.

Before long, the tide turned in Muhammad’s favor. Some influential people, such as Abu Bakr, Uthman and Umar, as well as his brutal cousin Ali, rallied around him. Others, recognized his momentum and began to flock to him. None the less, after the death of his cardinal supporter, Khadijah, Muhammad still found Mecca most inhospitable and left, with many of his followers to Medina.

It was in Medina, a city of a large Jewish population, where he encountered no animosity, where other Arab tribes, either as an expedient move, or by force, swore loyalty to him and his religion. Power begets power. This was indeed the case. As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of “Jihad.” Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it works today.

Muhammad immensely expanded his base and increased his power by a variety of means. Among others, he managed to wipe out his other contemporary contenders for prophethood. The most notable claimant was Aswad, better known as Abhala bin Ka’b who had his own holy book and had proposed an alliance with Muhammad. Muhammad, however rejected Aswad’s proposal, had him killed in a battle and all Aswad’s followers became Muhammad’s. To the victor goes the spoils.

It was in Medina that the Islam Conglomerate was born. An organization headed by one man, who got his orders from none other than the fashioner of the universe, named Allah, who in turn dictated his orders to all his followers without the least room for debate or deviance.

Responsibilities and privileges were integral parts of membership in the conglomerate. Blind obedience to a system of authority was the prime requisite. Allah knows best. Allah knows all. Allah ordains. Allah rewards the obedient and punishes the wayward. Allah dictates his will through his one and only beloved messenger, Muhammad. It is up to Muhammad to organize the faith of Allah in such a way that serves Allah’s pleasure.

The first and foremost duty of the faithful is to surrender himself, in the full meaning of the term, to the good-pleasure of Allah. In return the faithful will avoid Allah’s dreadful wrath and earn his incredible rewards, if not delivered to him in this world, will assuredly be reserved for him in Allah’s indescribably magnificent sensual eternal paradise.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

There Is An Education Scandal Way Beyond What’s In The News

Do you really think this college admissions scandal is new?  A new racket?  Just look at some of those we know supposedly educated at highfalutin institutions of higher learning.  Our political families?  People who would die rather than hob nob with the peasants over at the public school.  It’s always been that way.  Daddy donates a few million and junior is admitted. Even if junior is dumb as a box of rocks. President’s kid? Pick any school.  According to Ben Shapiro, a brilliant young man and Harvard Law graduate, these children of the wealthy are not going to school to learn a skill set.  They’re going there for the credential and the lifelong social connections – another participation trophy.  Yep, these are the people with their “credential” and “connections” who end up running our country.  Certainly, it’s not every wealthy kid just as certain as it is that there are principled and ethical parents who actually worked hard for what they have and believe their children should do the same, but from the evidence it’s easy to surmise it is many.

I’m not going to delve too deeply into our education system as American Journal is privileged to have an expert on our team, who I expect will have plenty to say about that in future posts.

“What are the humanities?  The humanities can be described as the study of how people process and document the human experience. Since humans have been able, we have used philosophy, literature, religion, art, music, history and language to understand and record our world. These modes of expression have become some of the subjects that traditionally fall under the humanities umbrella. Knowledge of these records of human experience gives us the opportunity to feel a sense of connection to those who have come before us, as well as to our contemporaries.” Stanford Humanities Center

When we consider these young people who are mostly getting degrees in the humanities, which has expanded to encompass things beyond classic humanities such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies, what is their likely career path?  It’s academia, government, journalism and similar occupations because they have nothing to offer industries that need engineers, mathematicians, scientists or other skills. Don’t misunderstand, I know there are value to the degrees.  We must know our history.  We must have people who are skilled at running a free and fair press.  We must have teachers and as bad as it may be most days, someone to run our government.

Each year our universities, elite and not so elite, turn out into society, legions of young people who know “how process and document the human experience.”  They take that education and the “sense of connection” and just want to make our lives better.  Humanities subjects themselves are important to any society, but I’m left to ponder what additions to these areas of study do professors offer their students.  Do they get history lessons accompanied by a fact less possibly tainted worldview?

I am left to wonder when I see and hear these young people root for Socialism while offering disdain for capitalism.  I hear them defending and demanding democracy when we are a representative republic not a pure democracy.  I hear them demanding that we abandon the Electoral College and instead rely on a national popular vote to elect a president clearly not understanding that to do so would mean east and west coast population centers turning the rest of the country into voiceless serfdom – and that unfortunately is the stuff civil wars are made of.  They oppose voter identification laws while supporting sanctuary cities and in some cases sanctuary states for illegal immigrants.

They think 16 year old children should vote, as their matron Nancy Pelosi declared, “I think it’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school, when they’re interested in all of this, when they’re learning about the government, to be able to vote.”  Exactly, Madame Speaker, when they have zero life experience and are easily emotionally manipulated, “Our world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change!”  I was 16 once and was never “interested in all this” but I was as gullible as any 16 year old could be.  They also believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote, might I add legally. Write it down, it’s the next voting rights move.

They listen to Bernie Sanders and cheer for free Medicare for all, discounting the millions upon millions who were forced into the system and now depend on it.  A guaranteed living wage that will close the doors on small business quicker than you can say bankruptcy.  And it goes on and on and on until we get to free college for all the voting age 18-year olds and maybe 16 as well.

There are millions of Americans like me.  We do not have a lot, but we’re okay.  We worked decades for what we do have and that makes us appreciate things more, especially our free country.  But the system made us dependent.  Dependent on a military pension or some other, social security, and our often-piddling retirement accounts.  All of which will disappear in a puff of smoke when our children educated in the “human experience” with a healthy dose of 60’s activism votes for utopia.  They tell me however, they’re no longer interested in old white men so it’s not likely to be Bernie who does us in.  Kamala and Spartacus?

© 2019 JD Prndry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry: jd@jdpendry.com

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Educating America To Death

There are few methods of literally wiping out a nation more effective, than indoctrinating the people to the point of being useful idiots.  Unfortunately, many idiots grow up and are elected to political office. Or even worse, dingbat educators and professors con young Americans into undermining their own nation. One of the hallmarks of this exceptional nation is the heavy emphasis on the importance of “We the People” Our first president stated, “The power under the Constitution will always be in the people.  It is entrusted for certain defined purposes, and for a certain limited period, to representatives of their own choosing; and whenever it is executed contrary to their interest, or not agreeable to their wishes, their servants can, and undoubtedly will be recalled.”

Washington’s words are astounding when you consider their historical significance. Before establishing the United States, no nation other than possibly antient Israel recognized the importance of the people being involved in the governing of the society. After the children of Israel were led by Moses out of Egypt, the responsibility of governing overwhelmed him.  Thankfully his father in law Jethro came to the rescue.  He told Moses to find men of good moral character and appoint them to various levels of responsibility, if they choose to accept.  Many were asked to oversee disputes between individuals and to facilitate the solving of their issues.  As a result, Moses was free to focus on the big picture vision for the nation in obedience to God almighty.

Our republic was founded on the precept that the people are the straw that stirs the drink.  It meant that the government was to reflect the values of the people, not the other way around. The founders recognized that for the people to remain in a position of importance, they must maintain their authority from one generation to the next. That authority would be maintained, so long as the people passed down those principles of authority, from one generation to the next. The founders and for many generations, most Americans understood that for America to grow, be prosperous and great the people had to be of high moral character.  They were undoubtedly correct.

People of a more sinister persuasion also realized that if the American people were to become lax in the pursuit of morality, then other important factors of the republic would be neglected.  For decades most government school educators hardly ever properly teach the Bill of Rights, Constitution or Federalist papers.  That ongoing triple omission of proper instruction was designed to produce generations of ignorant Americans.  Unfortunately, the incurably ignorant masses are easily led down a primrose lane of being a part of destroying the republic voluntarily, with joy and vigor.

We all know that what is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next.  The dangerous influence of leftist radicals today is a direct result of leftists being foolishly allowed to infiltrate the government school system.  Have you noticed how leftist controllers of indoctrination do not allow critical thinking, American history or civics classes?  The leftists indoctrinate students with social studies, Islamic culture courses, social studies, socialism and a gradual downgrading of literacy in the primary grades. In order to ultimately destroy a nation from within, there must first be a systematic decrease in the quality of literacy and morality.  As illiteracy and the racism of low expectation was indoctrinated into the American black community, there arose an illiterate community of high criminality, Ebonics and low achievement.

What was perpetrated against the black American population is now being foisted upon the mostly white community. That is why 49% percent of white American students now prefer socialism over the free market economy of opportunity.  It is immoral to oppress a people.  But it is both immoral and downright scary to witness a dummied down generation voluntarily choose the death of America via socialism.  When good is not taught and enforced, then evil and destruction will prevail. When the wicked rule the people mourn.  When the righteous reign, the people rejoice.  America, the time is here and the time is now to choose truth over socialist/immoral lies. I would that “We the People” choose wisely. If not, America will be educated to death via the wicked dens of indoctrination.

Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook radio commentary Blowin’ Away the Myths and revealing the Truth daily via americamatters.us, KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv., talkamericaradionetwork.us.  The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed every night during the popular sensational talk show Captain’s America Third Watch and on great stations like FM 101.5 and AM 1400 The Patriot, Detroit The Edwards Notebook is also aired on select independent radio stations throughout America like AM 1600 WAAM Ann Arbor, MI.  Do not miss the Ron Edwards experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 3:00 PM CST, 2:00 PM MT and 1:00 PM PT via KCKQ AM 1180, americamatters.us and 12:00 AM EST Sunday on talkamericaradio.us worldwide.

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Freedom—An Endangered Species

Freedom is not the natural state of man. There’s always somebody looking to take it away. This is going on all over the world today; and no freedom is more at risk than that of free speech. Our country’s founders enacted the First Amendment to protect it, along with freedom of religion and freedom of the press.

But our mother country, the United Kingdom, has no First Amendment. As you read this, British police are “investigating” a Catholic journalist for the newfangled pseudo-crime of “misgendering.” For calling a man a man, despite his delusional claim to be a woman.

Just for the record, there is no such thing as a “transgender woman” who used to be a man. That person is still a man. No amount of surgery or hormones can make him a woman. But journalist Caroline Farrow, appearing on a TV talk show, made the mistake of referring to such a mythical creature as a man: she committed the crime of not saying something she knew wasn’t true. So now the police say they’ll arrest her unless she shows up at the station house for a “taped interview.” And of course her whole family has been harassed and threatened since her story made the news.

The UK has a “law”—I find it necessary to put the word in quotes—called the Malicious Communications Act, and you can be tossed into prison for two years for breaking it. This asinine statute makes it a criminal offense to say or write or tweet “a message which is indecent or grossly offensive… a threat… information which is false or known or believed to be false by the sender.”

Let’s unpack that, shall we?

“Indecent or grossly offensive.” How is it indecent to call a biological male a man, just because he insists he’s a woman? And grossly offensive to whom—besides the “transgender” Kool-Aid drinkers? “A threat.” Well, she certainly didn’t threaten anybody. “Information which is false.” Good grief. The only thing that’s false here is this man’s claim to be a woman. What Mrs. Farrow did was speak the truth. As for reading the sender’s mind, to determine what she believed or didn’t believe, I simply don’t know how they do that.

How come none of the British TV cop shows ever gets involved with cases of “misgendering”? Because if they ever tried to present such a case as a drama, the audience would mistake it for a comedy? Is this what anyone becomes a police officer for—so he or she can lock up someone who calls a man a man? Have they so little real crime to contend with, that they have time “investigate” such twaddle? How they can still respect themselves is beyond me.

How far back does this go—this campaign to wipe out freedom? How deep is the rot?

I think back to 1969, and a biology course I took at Rutgers. During the last two weeks of the semester, the faculty tried to convince us that the way to get paradise on earth was to give them and their political playmates absolute power to re-design human society into some kind of totalitarian ant-hill. They seemed dumbfounded when the students didn’t buy it.

One student was moved to ask, “But what about our freedom and identity?” Ah—but the instructor was ready with an answer.

“Those,” she declared, “are outmoded concepts that must be engineered out of the system.”

My whole class flunked the final exam. We would have been ashamed to pass it. The faculty upgraded all our F’s to C’s and moved us on, got us out of their hair: try again next semester, they decided.

Well, heck, what’s the point of being a member of the ruling class if you’re not going to rule people? Our rulers want to rule us. Tell us what to say and what not to say, tell us what to think and what not to think. Back it up with cops and prison sentences. And they call themselves “progressives.”

That kind of progress, we don’t need.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at http://www.chalcedon.edu/.

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Jussie Smollett Escapes 16 Felony Counts

CHICAGO —The black “gay” Empire actor felt he was being slighted, under-paid and not fully appreciated by his audience. He decided to up the ante by creating publicity for himself while exploiting the hoax of victimization as a black man and “gay.” Double jeopardy. To create a tsunami of sympathy would do the trick. THEN people would notice him. The next day newspaper headlines blared an incredible story.

According to his testimony, Jussie had left his apartment at 2 AM on a cold Chicago morning, to get a sandwich from a nearby deli.  First of all, who in his right mind would go out on the streets at 2 AM in Chicago?  But he did according to the story line.  Two big men were also on the streets at that moment, saw him, the story goes, realized that he was black and gay, and viciously attacked him, threw a bottle of bleach on him while yelling homophobic and racist slurs. They were also white Trump supporters sayeth he. They pummeled him and tied a rope around his neck as he staggered home. It was the hate crime of hate crimes by golly.

To prove this, a hate letter to him was displayed that had been sent earlier to the studio. A lot of things were familiar in that letter. Too familiar. It became obvious who sent it.

Interesting, according to the yarn, he left the rope around his neck as he made his way back to his apartment and plopped down on his bed. Why would he keep that rope around his neck?  A one man parade on a dark and desolate night?
It was never made clear if he bought a sandwich at that deli. He said he did not know his attackers nor had he ever seen them before. Total strangers out looking for a black gay man at 2 AM on Chicago’s streets.  And one cannot fully comprehend why one of them would be carrying a rope at that hour of the morning.  Of course end results dictates many variations of an event. 

There were two shadowed men standing next to a building on that same street seen in a video that had been found. That is who did it, no doubt. The two men were found. Both black men, brothers from Nigeria, one of whom worked in the Empire series with Jussie. The men folded under interrogation and showed the police a check for $3500.00 they had been paid to fake the “attack.”

 attackers  had been looking for. Everything simply fell in place.

Sixteen felonies were rightfully charged against Smollett based upon hate crimes and making a false report.  Anyone else would have been locked under the jail. But no, the shocking headlines came out yesterday. All 16 felonies against him were cancelled and he walked. What???

Former Michelle Obama’s chief of staff, Tina Tchen, has now been exposed as the person who intervened with Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx to convince the judge to drop charges against hate hoaxer Jussie Smollett, a close friend of the Obama family.

And Jussie Smollett is Scott free with no charges or penalties for a huge hoax that has been exposed as just that, a hoax. And a very costly hoax at that.

The big question: Will Empire allow this fake back on the set to resume his career? Probably so. This episode shows everyone how to be assured of success. First of all, be black and accuse all whites of being slave owners. Make them all feel guilty.  Even so, that is only a minor advantage. You must be born black since trying to wear black face is frowned upon. 
However, being “gay” is essential for success. Anybody can be that. Under the rainbow they created as their symbol, one can get by with everything. And there is no excuse whatsoever for not being ‘gay.’  It is taught in every government public school every day which gives explicit instructions on being a sodomite and the variations of alternative genders with 56 definitions. Use the wrong gender definition regarding someone, and charges will be filed against you, even arrest and jail time. We kid you not.
The mandatory LGBTQ classes in the public schools probably have a very colorful graduation ceremony. One could no doubt hear someone say, “To celebrate our graduation, join me in a toast:  BOTTOMS UP!”

Being a lifelong member of SAG (Screen Actors’ Guild) this writer considered demanding charges to be brought against Smollett for disgracing actors. That idea was  cancelled after a second thought, knowing that would empty out most of Hollywood.


Photo Caption: It Pays to be Gay
© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Race Relations: If Democrats Would Get Out Of Our Way

To keep blacks feeling like victims in an forever racist America, Democrats keep the flames of racial division burning. Blacks are only 12% of the population. This means white voters gifted the first black president two terms. Despicably, Democrats continue to tell blacks, “Keep voting for us to keep racist white America off your backs.” Contrary to Democrats’ lie, we have come a long ways baby in race relations in our country. Living, working and playing together, a majority of Americans work out their racial issues. We need race-baiting Democrat politicians to get out of our way.

In 1952, Dad was among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier to become Baltimore City firefighters. Dad was stationed at 6 Engine. Filled with hate and resentment over his presence, the white firefighters humiliated Dad at every turn.

Outrageously, Dad was assigned separate eating utensils, bathroom and sleeping area. Dad kept a jar of Sanka instant coffee because he was forbidden to drink from the same coffeepot as the white firefighters.

Dad was also the assistant pastor of an east Baltimore storefront church. To escape the constant harassment by the white firefighters, Dad retreated to the firehouse storage room to pray and study his Bible. Sarcastically, the firefighters named the storage room “Marcus’ Chapel”.

One day, Dad could not find his assigned spoon. He grabbed a spoon and placed it in his coffee and went to get cream. When Dad returned, John was holding the spoon from Dad’s cup of coffee. Angrily, John ordered, “Keep your black hands off our spoons”. Then, John threw the spoon into the sink. Dad let the incident go.

On another occasion, John verbally attacked Dad for putting his foot on the edge of a chair to shine his shoes. This was the last straw for Dad. He challenged John to settle their differences outside after work. The captain caught wind of the scheduled duel of fists. He ordered both men to go home after their shift.

Dad told me that he went to the storage room and prayed about John. He prayed, “God give him to me.”

After two years, a new young white firefighter was assigned to 6 Engine. He came upstairs to Dad’s bunk and invited Dad to have coffee with the other firefighters. It was Dad’s first coffee from the main coffeepot.

Dad won Firefighter of the Year two times. When Dad was 90, I asked him to explain how he won. A lieutenant firefighter panicked in a burning building and jumped out a window. Dad grabbed his legs and held him until help arrived. Dad passed away before telling me what he did to win Firefighter of the Year a second time.

On one occasion, the captain ordered all the firefighters out of a raging burning building. Dad’s mask malfunctioned. He could not breath or see. Dad said the devil spoke to him saying, “Everyone has to go sometime and you’re going to go by fire.” Dad prayed, “Jesus” and passed out.

Safely outside, a firefighter asked, “Where’s Marcus?” John flew back up the ladder into the inferno. Dad said he regained consciousness hearing someone yelling his name, “Marcus! Marcus! Marcus!” He saw the light of John’s flashlight and yelled, “Over here!”

John and another firefighter carried Dad out of the building. Dad said he will never forget the peace and safety he felt hearing John’s voice, “We got you. You’re okay. We got you!”

Dad’s body and clothing were so filled with smoke that the emergency room staff had to open windows. Dad made a full recovery.

Dad and John became lifelong friends. When John passed away in later years, Dad spoke at his funeral. God answered Dad’s prayer. He gave John to Dad.

Racism will exist along with every other sin until Jesus returns. Thanks to pioneers like my dad, blacks are thriving in every area of American life. We just need Democrats to stop scheming to divide us.

Watch the Countdown to Lloyd’s Dad’s Legacy.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:


© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Legal Immigration Adding 50 Million Foreign-Born To U.S. By 2060

A few million more people added to America here and a few million more added there, and pretty soon, your kids face another 50 million foreign-born legal immigrants within 40 years.  We already feature 45,000,000 (million) foreign-born in America today.  In other words, our country isn’t our country while it becomes everybody else’s country.

The total population load with 140 million people by 2050.  Is that okay with you and your kids?  Have you asked them?

In this ongoing interview with executive director David Durham of www.Balance.org , you might get the queasy feeling that your country won’t make it through another 50 million legal immigrants.

Aren’t we already packed into our overloaded, over-crowded, over gridlocked, over-air polluted, over-congested, and over-crime-ridden cities in 2019?  Aren’t our National Parks overwhelmed?  Aren’t our skies filled with too many planes creating too many chem-trails?  Aren’t our factories belching out enough air pollution to give all of us a case of cancer?  Aren’t our soils overwhelmed with crops?  Anybody facing water shortages in California and Florida?

“Legal Immigration will add over 50 Million Immigrants to U.S. population by 2060,” said Durham.  “About three times more than Illegal, given current trends (U.S. Census/CIS analysis, S. Camarota, “Immigration to Add 75 Million by 2060”) with all the Negative Environmental and Budgetary Consequences BALANCE has documented.

“But if we intensify our efforts NOW, we can get reductions just after the 2020 election. After all, candidates are already running hard for the 2020 Election.

“Important to note that the recently passed funding Bill will likely increase both legal and illegal immigration, because it gives illegal immigrants the right to stay in the U.S.A. if they bring in or house — i.e., “sponsor” — an unaccompanied minor child (UAC).”

“Specifically, section 224 of that act states:

(a) None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(g)) based on information shared by the Secretary of Health and Human Service. ‘Think about the Children.’” [Emphasis Added]  Andrew R. Arthur, cis.org 2/16/19

(b) This provision is de facto an incentive to Trafficking UACs (“The Worst Provision in the Funding Bill; Think about the children,” A. Arthur, cis.org).

“The Bill adds additional Legal Immigration “Slots” which are yet another incentive to continued Mass Illegal Immigration,” said Durham. “That is why it is essential to push for ending illegal immigration and for a Zero-Net Moratorium on Legal simultaneously.

“Though the Funding Bill was a setback for BALANCE’s U.S. Population Stabilization Advocacy, it is essential we keep pushing our Initiative! We reiterate, the Politicians are already involved in pushing to be elected or re-elected in 2020 and we can influence them.”

So please contact Representatives and Candidates NOW, and demand funding for The Wall, an end to Catch and Release and  Chain Migration and Anchor Baby citizenship, implementation of e-Verify, and above all, enactment of an all-Categories-included Zero-NET MORATORIUM (i.e., where Immigration equals Emigration) on Legal Immigration!

Do you want your children to face the ominous ecological, sociological and cultural clashes they will encounter with an added 50 million legal immigrants? Do you want your kids to face 100 different languages in your schools?  In Denver, my city, we must contend with 173 different languages in our classrooms.  Do you want to pay ever-increasing amounts of your taxes toward housing, feeding, medicating, educating and caring for 50 million foreign-born immigrants who lack any qualifications, any cultural affinity, and/or any educational abilities to contribute to our first world economy and society?

If you think the future will be pretty for your kids, just look at what’s happening in Detroit-istan, Minneapolis-istan, Miami-istan, Los Angeles-Mexico or the murder capital of America—Chicago.  If you think the 60,000 plus homeless living in tent cities in Los Angeles and 11,000 homeless in San Francisco can’t be solved, how do you think we will solve millions of immigrants from Africa, Indochina, India, Mexico and heaven knows where else in the world?

It’s time for a total shutdown of all immigration for 20 years or more. It’s time to take a stand.  Find out how you can empower yourself by joining www.Balance.org.

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Justifying The Deeds Of The Damned

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  —First scripture found in the Satanic Bible, written by the black pope, Anton LaVey

I just finished watching a documentary this week on a famous singer who died in the not too distant past.

In this documentary, they started out by showing this young woman and her humble beginnings. She started as a singer for a local Baptist Church leading the praise and worship band. Oh, her humble beginnings.

Talking about a God-given gift! What a voice! Friends, she had it, and she did, to her credit, use it for the glory of God (Psalm 96:1), at least in the beginning stages. How innocent she was, how seemingly pure she was, and how all-American she was in so many different ways.

When she got a little older and graduated from high school, her mother then introduced her daughter to the music scene in New York. We all know what follows after this, nine times out of ten, they are then slowly and incrementally sold out for the cause and purposes of Hollywoods, hellish designers, along with their immoral minions who instruct the up and comers as to how to win the world, and yet, in the end, lose their lives and unknowingly lose their souls (Mark 8:36).

At every step, I noticed that she made decisions to do the things that she chose to do (Deuteronomy 30:19), and at no time did I see anyone force her hand to make the choices that she made.

She first began to distance herself from her real friends. She then began to fornicate (sex before marriage), to use drugs (cocaine, marijuana, drinking, etc.). You get the picture, it simply went from bad to worse real quick.

In short, everything the party life had to offer, she quickly adhered (1 John 2:15-16).  She went from serving Christ to serving the devil in a very short amount of time, and because of the false teachings in the American Church, like so many others, she still thought she was still secure of Heaven (Galatians 5:13).

In short order, and to know one’s surprise, she ended up overdosing on cocaine in a popular hotel in Los Angeles, California and died.

During her eulogy, I watched the footage of movie stars and music stars going up to the Church pulpit and telling of the good times they can remember with this woman while swearing in many cases (Proverbs 10:11; Matthew 12:34; Ephesians 4:25; James 1:26), of how this woman is now in Heaven where The Lord is wholeheartedly and approvingly accepting of her, though she never repented of her sins (Acts 20:21). Isn’t it interesting how heathens have a false assurance of the false Gospel as well as the modern-day churchgoers do? They believed that she is now somehow smiling and that she is happier than ever before “as she, from up there, looks down at the rest of us,” suggesting that she is now in a better place.

Maybe these people should actually take the time and read the Bible for themselves. This is more like the doctrines of the satanic bible “Do what thou wilt” rather then “Thou shalt not!” which is found in The Word of God.

How many times a year in this country do we hear similar stories? It is not just about the rich and famous that we hear these types of unscriptural eulogies.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” -2 Timothy 4:3-4

I am here to tell you that there is nothing further from the truth. All one has to do is ask the man that ended up in Hell and wanted someone to go warn his brothers to testify to them “lest they also come into this place of torment” (Luke 16:28).

Note: You are not to fear Hell friends, you are to fear God (Luke 12:4), and repent before Him (Acts 20:21), and put your faith and Christ (Galatians 3:24; Ephesians 2:8) and “go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

What was the scriptural reply to the man in Hell?

Abraham saith unto him, ”They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.” And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. -Luke 16:29-31

Friends, false teachers are God’s judgment on the people who don’t want God, but in the name of religion, plan on getting everything their little carnal hearts desire.

That’s why false teachers are raised up and are put on the scene. Those people who sit under false teachers are not the victims. False teachers are the judgments of God upon them because they want exactly what the false teachers want, and it’s not God nor His Son Jesus Christ. They just want the benefits from a god that they have, in fact, created in their own minds.

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image…” -Exodus 20:3

A god that looks and acts just like you.

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.”  -Exodus 20:4-5

[YouTube Video]

You can line up false teachers from one end of America to the other end. These are merely teachers of there own makings, as well as the people’s, and all of this is in accordance to their own desires (Exodus 32:4).

[YouTube Video]

So, you get a people-pleasing, false teacher in there to tell the people what they can have, what they can do, and to live without the fear of the Lord in departing from evil (Proverbs 16:6), all in the name of a counterfeit Jesus, in the name of a counterfeit Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9).

When it is all over and these emulators of the devil, while at the same time praising Jesus with their lips (Matthew 5:6), are at the end of their days preached straight into heaven by other false preachers.

I’ve seen it over and over again. A man does drugs and robs a store, and in the process gets killed. During his funeral, because the pastor or priest that had baptized him when he was young somehow or another, ends up in heaven because after all he did his best.

Then there is the man that is such a drunk and beats his wife and doesn’t provide for his children is somehow ushered into Heaven on the day of his death (1 Timothy 5:8). To what are Americans listening to?

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” -1 Corinthians 6:9-10

Scripture is clear:

“He that committeth sin (Exodus 20; 1 John 3:4) is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” -1 John 3:8

“We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” -1 John 5:18

However, we hear from the pulpits across the country, in spite of Scripture, their distorted version of preaching at funerals filled up with people that have hardly ever been in churches, from drug addicts, drunks, adulterers, fornicators, self-righteous, and everything you can imagine. They are all there in church to honor their dead friend, and the pastor (1 Corinthians 12:28) gets up and says, “I praise God I know (Even when he doesn’t) this young man, he sold a lot of wild oats when he was just a young man, and I was the one that led him to pray and receive Jesus as his Lord,” though he never took heed (1 John 2:4, 5:12). He prattles on, “I am here to tell you that he’s in Heaven today,” though he cannot scripturally give you that assurance, and all those lost sinners that attended went straight out of that church and into the streets justified in their sin because of the hireling’s preaching (John 10:12). They are pathetic!

I can hear someone saying that is mean-spirited. Is it mean spirited to preach what Jesus commanded us to preach “Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2)?

If I have the remedy for a man or a woman that is dying from disease and withhold the means whereby they may be healed, is that mean spirited to show them first their disease and second, the One that can heal them?

“They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” -Mark 2:17

The problem with people today is that they do not believe that they need the Great Physician because they do not believe that they have the disease of sin. For the most part, it is because the preachers of the day do not know the Gospel (Hosea 4:6).

“But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block (Because of their pride), and unto the Greeks foolishness (They didn’t believe that they needed a Savior);” -1 Corinthians 1:23

Charles Spurgeon said,

“Seek that gospel which rips up, tears, wounds, hacks and even kills, for that’s the gospel that makes alive again.”

Why? Because it drives men to Christ where they might be saved.

Most church overseers today don’t preach the full counsel of God (Law to Grace) because of their cowardice to offend men, not realizing that sinners are an offense to God (Psalm 7:11).

Congregants today in this country are gospel ignorant because most of the preachers in this country are gospel ignorant.

Salvation is not merely the change of practice, it is the fruit thereof. It’s not turning over a new leaf, it’s not a New Year’s resolutions, it’s not this strong conviction to want to be a different person. None of that is Salvation.

Salvation is a supernatural work of God whereby someone really does become a new creature in Christ (John 3:3).

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. -2 Corinthians 5:17

In conclusion, the Bible says that we are to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:5).

It also says to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).

It does not tell us to tag our sleeves to those who we have been taught to know better than we do. That is how slaves are made. We, as individuals, need to begin to dig in for ourselves so that we know whether we are of the Lord and His Spirit or not.

“There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” -Proverbs 14:12

I started this week’s column with a quote from Anton LaVey.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

To some, this may be a game to be played. What one needs to take note of is not so much the years that Anton LaVey took in mocking God (Galatians 6:7), or teaching others to do what they wanted in spite of The Lords “Thou shalt Not’s”(Exodus 20). Take note of how LaVey played loosely with his own eternity, and how he responded when the time came that he had to leave this world to face his Creator, because there and there alone was a different story for him to tell (Revelation 20:11-15). It has been reported that as he was dying on his bed that he began to say

“Oh my, oh my, there is something very wrong, there is something very wrong,” as he begs God for mercy as he slips away into Hell.

Anton said that as a Satanist he did believe in the God of the bible but refused to worship him and made a conscious decision to worship Satan instead.” (Personal interview with Susan Atkins, Good Fight Ministries – Truth About Satanic Cults)

In the end, he revealed that most of what he claimed in his life was not true. He was wrong with what he did in this life. He founded the church of the devil and was a big part of preaching to live in the dark side of life, but in the end, a few moments before he died, he said in front of the camera that he was fooled by the devil all his life and now he is going to Hell.

“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to God.” -Romans 14:11

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Face It, Can American Freedom Be Saved Peacefully?

In 1861 it was state’s rights and slavery that brought two American factions (north vs. south) to the boiling point that resulted in open warfare.  Over 600,000 people died in that war and untold soldiers and civilians were injured and scarred for life.  There were a little over 30,000,000 people in the U. S. at that time, according to the Census Bureau.  Today, the estimates are over 327,000,000 people, or 10 times the 1860 population.

Now in 2019, Americans are hopelessly divided and brought to the brink of war, even as unspeakable as that eventuality would be.  But the war has been brewing for well over 100 years with the rise of Progressivism in the late 1800’s.

Many detrimental events led up to where we are today.  Progressives gave us the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve, which is a private organization and is neither federal nor a reserve.  They gave us the Internal Revenue Service, which violated three sections of the U. S. Constitution about taxes being apportioned not directly applied to income.  This made every American a debt servant to the government.  Today, every single American, man, woman and child, now owes over $67,000 to the federal government …. and rising.  Government did this to YOU!  Why aren’t you MAD!

FDR added a whole bunch of other Progressive violations of the Constitution with Social Security and the New Deal legislation.  The New Deal brought with it the WPA relief program, which made the federal government the largest single employer in America (paid for by taxpayers) and several farm subsidy programs that still exist today.  FDR’s Social Security and the New Deal would set America on a socialism train that cannot be stopped until it derails on the impossible steep curve ofno more money.”

It didn’t stop with Democrat FDR.  Then came Democrat President Johnson’s Great Society in 1964-65 with its main goal being the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.  It did neither.  Although the poverty rate has remained fairly steady at around 15%, it is costing American taxpayers enormous percentages of the Gross Domestic Product (GPD).  In fiscal year 2016, total welfare payments amounted to $3.9 Trillion, or 21% of America’s GDP.  Has racial injustice improved?  That depends on to whom you are talking.

In the late 1960’s along came the vise grip of environmental protection that has so squeezed the American rural landowner, farming, ranching and owning land of any kind have become so restricted as to render property rights all but extinct.  It has also raised the cost of every product in America by significant percentages.  The massive rise in environmental protection then spawned the most evilly conceived planet-wide con game under the guise of man-caused global warming (M-C/GW), a plan to institute a socialist one world order and the most deceitful wealth transfer scheme ever invented by man.  We aggressively challenge M-C/GW HERE and how they are brainwashing our children.

Then in 2010 came President Obama’s (and the Democrats in Congress) nationalization of America’s health care system under the ill-conceived and hopelessly flawed “unaffordable” Health Care Act (AKA Obama Care).  Millions of Americans lost their health care plan and their doctors and saw their health insurance premiums double in some cases, the direct opposite of what Americans were told.  In an unprecedented and unconstitutional Congressional edict, Americans were forced by law to buy health insurance, surprisingly upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court.

We haven’t even mentioned Medicare and Medicaid.

That leads us to today where all of the 2020 Democrat candidates for president are advocating the most openly astounding socialist platform that ever came out of the Democratic Party since it was hatched.  Their Green New Deal is impossible to implement without sending us back to the Stone Age and their Medicare-for-all could double or triple the national debt.  If that wasn’t bad enough, they are proposing to abolish the Electoral College, giving 16-year olds the right to vote, packing the Supreme Court and allowing illegal aliens to not only vote in presidential elections, but get driver’s licenses and make them eligible for free health care and social security benefits.

And that isn’t the half of it.  Democrats want and advocate for open borders, tearing down the border walls and abolishing Immigrations and Custom Enforcement (ICE), thus allowing even more illegal aliens (future Democrat Voters) to flood into America by the millions with no impediments.

Socialist Democrats even want to hand out reparations (our money) to the black population for past racial injustices to the black race, which begs the questions, why now, who would get the money and who would have to pay?  This is just another socialist Democrat scheme to “buy” black votes?

It doesn’t end there.  It turns out there are two forms of justice in America.  Justice for Democrats that can literally get away with murder and other high crimes and misdemeanors (Clinton, Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Page, Strzok, etc.) and no justice for Republicans who are vilified, demeaned and silenced by socialist Democrats in all of our institutions.   We have a deep state of government employees and the political establishment (Democrats and Republicans) that have every intention of preserving the status quo and their cushy way of life to the detriment of all others and the trashing of the U. S. Constitution, even if they have to break every law on the books.

And lest we forget, the product of our public and higher education systems have been so brainwashed and corrupted by generations of socialist and environmental indoctrination, they have managed to pump out millions of children that have no concept or understanding of why America was so successful in its beginnings in spite of its inherent flaws.  Sadly, those millions now hunger for “free” everything from government and they will bust their little fannies to get to the poles and vote for the Democrats that promise the “free” everything.

Finally, the socialist Democrat Progressives have been so successful, the majority of the population now subscribes to every new socialist proposal that comes out of Democrats, trolling for votes and lusting for power.  Democrats intend to dismantle every institution of American liberty and apathetic Americans are going to watch them do it.  This very likely could lead to civil war!

So what has happened is a once-free country, governed by the rule of law and not of men, has become a country under the rule of “men”, with so many laws (many of them unconstitutional) that government uses those laws against the people to enslave them.  Corruption is rampant and individual liberty has become meaningless.  Free choice is slowly eroded under the onslaught of too many laws.

It begs the question, how in the devil are the people going to unravel the corruption and the millions of rules and laws that have morphed America into what can only be described as an emerging socialist Absolute Democrat Monarchy?  Which laws are you going to unravel?  Which bureaucracies are you going to eliminate?  Which government programs are you going to repeal?  Who is going to be fired?  How will you reform the public school system from one of social and environmental indoctrination, to one of meaningful, truthful and objective education?  How are you going to stop crony capitalism?  And how are you going to do it when tens of millions of Americans are “hooked” on those government welfare programs and will vote out any politician that even suggests repealing them.  It is way past time to employ “Project Roll Back“.

Who is going to reform government?  Government certainly isn’t going to do it, as is evidenced by the current scandals where no one is held accountable and no meaningful policies ever get passed.  That only leaves the people, but do they have the will and the courage it will take to do it?  So far there is no evidence that they do in large enough numbers.

Talk isn’t going to change anything. Articles aren’t going to change anything. Freedom conferences aren’t going to change anything.  The only sign that something was about to change was when hundreds of “armed civilians” showed up at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada of April of 2014 to oppose 200 fully militarized Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents in SWAT team gear.  As a response to the people’s armed resistance and in front of the TV cameras, the BLM stood down, as well they should.  We know that determined resistance works so why aren’t freedom-loving Americans using it more often?

However, the way that government is behaving, from the scandals of the Fast and Furious gun running by government agents, the Benghazi blatant cover up, IRS arrogance and flaunting of the law, the Clinton collusion and criminal scandals, a whole host of out of control government bureaucracies and programs like medical care and welfare, NSA spying on every American, open borders bringing us an illegal alien invasion and the move to one world order, skirmishes like the Bundy ranch and others will begin to show up in little pockets of resistance all over America, until they erupt into full fledged armed conflicts on their way to outright armed insurrection or civil war.  If the size of armed insurrection isn’t large enough, they will be put down post haste by a militarized and powerful central government that has no intentions of losing dictatorial control over the people.  Texans say, “remember the Alamo.”  Freedom fighters say, “never forget Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Bundy Ranch.”

What catalyst will trigger an uprising?  What action by government will send the people into the streets by the millions saying, “we aren’t going to take it any more?”  (It should have happened years ago) What charismatic leader will come along and coalesce the people into a unified force for freedom?  These questions have yet to be answered as the government grows more powerful each day and America becomes just like all the other socialist Banana Republics in Central and South America, only much bigger, much more powerful and much more deadly, especially if the Democrats get control.

We have a workable peaceful solution, but are there any courageous takers that will sign on?  If something isn’t done, the unthinkable will happen WHERE AMERICA CAN’T BE SAVED ….. peacefully!  Why do you suppose that government is trying to take your weapons and large ammunition clips away?  School shootings aren’t the reason.  They know what’s coming.  They don’t want you firing back at them with militarized weapons when the SHTF.  The proposed HR 7 “Red Flag” gun confiscation law is just the beginning and astonishingly Republicans, Democrats and the President have agreed to sign it.

You can watch as the only true experiment for freedom goes up in flames.  However, being a patriot you may find yourself in the hottest part of the fire ….. or in a FEMA internment camp.

OR, you can cloister your family on five acres in the deep woods somewhere, install our constitutional, legally intimidating No Trespassing signs and hope that government never finds you.  But that won’t stop rising government tyranny, especially if the Democrats take control again ….. and war becomes the only solution.

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Can Liberty Survive In American Public Education?

Last week we discussed The Un-American Education System in America, and I received a lot of feedback. Among those responding was Rich, who I quote:

As a retired public high school physical sciences teacher for 34 years, I couldn’t agree with you more. I used to start my unit on the origin of life and earth history by asking the students if the ideas about the origin of life and the origin of humans mattered much. Then I quoted the Declaration of Independence just to let them see that our founding fathers had some idea about the origin of humans and the origin of Rights. I was told by my Superintendent of Schools that I could not do that because that violated the separation of church and state. I was shocked but he insisted.

Noah Webster, author of the dictionary that bears his name, is also known as the “Father of American Scholarship and Education.” In Webster’s definition of the word education, he wrote:

To give children a good education in manners, arts and science is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.

Notice his emphasis for education is NOT the responsibility of government, federal or state, but rather parents.

During the years of 1776-1835 in America, various educational choices were established that brought about a 70-100% literacy rate in the colonies, much higher than what existed in Europe, which had many more universities. During the founding era, churches (NOT the government) became involved and established charity schools for the poor in the community who could not afford to pay teachers. These were known as “Free Schools”.

With the Bible at the heart of schooling, early Americans understood the role of government to be a simple one: protect the God-given rights of life, liberty and property found in Genesis 1:26-27.  They understood the role of education as coming to know God and the scriptures, gaining knowledge about creation, learning what was needed for a productive life, and learning to live right by God.

Tragically, public education has become a godless, monolithic monopoly today (overseen by government bureaucrats rather than parents) with forced, compulsory attendance and content that is more about teaching students what to think rather than learning how to think.

The deluded Supreme Court of 1963 believed the Bible and prayer should be banned from schools indefinitely.  What fruit has this netted?  Academically, America is near the bottom of science and math scores in developed countries. Even worse, crime and violence have increased dramatically on school campuses in addition to our neighborhoods.

So how can liberty survive in America? By teaching the safeguards of Liberty.

On his 80th birthday, President Herbert Hoover concluded:

Our Founding Fathers did not invent the priceless boon of individual freedom and respect for the dignity of men. That great gift to mankind sprang from the Creator and not from governments. If our YOUTH are rightly instructed in the faith of our fathersthen our power will be stronger… The great documents of that heritage are not from Karl Marx. They are from the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.  Within them alone can the safeguards of freedom survive. [emphasis added]

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Mueller’s Witch Hunt Proves To Be Just That

Investigation Proves NOTHING!

Now the democrat  party has made it a law to kill an unwanted baby after it is born. Yes, a healthy baby is born, then MURDERED in cold blood by the demoncrats from hell who are pure evil. Yes, it is not political parties but a battle between good and evil. God and the Devil. This is the contest today. Remember that distinction, and re-establish your church roots and participation.

The Satanic side, of course, hates President Donald Trump who believes in protecting lives, strengthening our economy, so that all citizens can share the American Dream, protecting our borders, allowing only legal immigration, and keeping the bad guys in prison.

This has triggered a definable outrage from Satan himself who wants to see only evil on this earth. The last thing he wanted was to have a good man in charge of America, a man who will provide a better life for all and to bring the church back into prominence in American lives.

Mueller instigated an elaborate investigation hoax to find something, anything, that would put President Trump in a bad light, serious enough to bring him down and push him out of the Oval Office.  Both Hillary and Obama were standing in the wings to take over The United States of America. President Trump rightfully described Mueller’s so-called ‘investigation’ a Witch Hunt, which it actually proved to be.

The “investigation” lasted 742 days at a cost of $27,000,000.00…(that’s million) of the taxpayers’ money, which means OUR money that we worked for and were forced to give in taxes. That breaks down to, $36,288 and 14 cents a day for this bogus investigation.

s were used, 500 search warrants, 230 commercial records, 13 requests for 500 witnesses, 13 requests to foreign governments. And this is only PART of what we paid for Mueller to do.
The Attorney General came to this conclusion after examining the voluminous paper stack Mueller had gathered to hurt Trump;  “There are no records of any  collusion or coordination with the Russian influence in this election or interference in it.”  So the whole mess was indeed huge political theater with a desperate attempt to hurt our President Donald Trump.
We must order the Democrats to  pay back that 27 million bucks to the people who paid that money in taxes since this all PROVES that this was one big political witch hunt lie. Conservatives, contact your representatives to make this happen.

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Fox News Caves To Islamic Sharia Law – Suspends Judge Jeanine Pirro

Within the government, within the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, you have practically eliminated any training or any use of the term ‘radical Islam.’ That’s what we’re facing. —LTG Michael T. Flynn

I will not abridge my freedoms so as not to offend savages, freedom of speech is under violent assault here.Pamela Geller

It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law (sharia) on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet. —Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan Al-Banna

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.  —Voltaire

Fox News is no longer run by CFR member Rupert Murdoch.  It is now being controlled by Rupert’s eldest son, 47-year-old Lachlan Murdoch.  Although Lachlan says his politics closely resemble his father’s, Fox News and Fox Business are unarguably leaning to the left. Though Lachlan hired West Wing stalwart Hope Hicks, staffers believe he is likely to nudge the network away from its close marriage to Trump, and they have lost many of their famous male hosts to #MeToo claims against them.

Bill O’Reilly left the network in April of 2017 after numerous claims of sexual harassment lawsuits against him.

Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News had several women make charges against him.  He died shortly after he resigned.

Eric Bolling was accused of sending lewd pictures to female colleagues at the Network.

Unfortunately, none of these charges ever went to court.  The alleged perpetrators just resign.  Even black host Charles Payne was charged with sexual inuendoes, but returned to his scheduled program after a month of absences.

Were all guilty?  We don’t know, and never will, but having a Y chromosome doesn’t make someone a lousy human being.

If sexual innuendos do not remove hosts, charges of racism often work, two things the left loves to use against their enemies.  But a guaranteed removal is telling the truth about Islam.  As Pamela Geller has said, “Truth has become the new hate speech.”

Fox News and Censorship

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch used to be featured on Fox programs every week.  However, in October of 2018, Chris was on Lou Dobbs show regarding the southern border migrants and made the statement, “A lot of these affiliates are getting money from the Soros occupied State Department, and that is a great concern.  If you want to start cutting money, cut there.”

He was subsequently banned as being anti-Semitic for stating that Soros was funding the migrant affiliates.

Congressman Louie Gohmert was on Stuart Varney’s Show December 6, 2018, and he made this statement, “George Soros is supposed to be Jewish, but you wouldn’t know it from the damage he’s inflicted on Israel, and the fact that he turned on fellow Jews and helped (the Nazis) take the property that they owned.”

Representative Gohmert was undoubtedly supporting Chris Farrell and exposing Soros for what he really is…someone strictly interested in the globalization of America.

Attorney Sidney Powell, author of the book, Licensed to Lie, was on Lou Dobbs Show last November 2018 and made the statement, “We simply cannot tolerate continued invasion of this country when Americans suffer every day, national debt is exploding, we have diseases spreading that are causing polio-like paralysis of our children.”  Lou Dobbs immediately took her to task and cut her off.

We are in the midst of an invasion from people of various backgrounds, from various countries in Central America and South America, and just independently (with some days of separation apart), there’s a story of a shockingly unforeseen increase in polio cases in the United States.

No one can seemingly figure this out or where it’s coming from. Then there’s another story of mass numbers of people from various parts of the world, South America and Central America having this polio like disease. Common sense tells you there’s a relationship here.

The CDC and others have established the fact that new cases of polio and other diseases America previously cured and stamped out, are now showing up again.  There is official linkage to undocumented people arriving in the country and being released.  How can we not make the connection?  Sidney Powell is right.

Fox News Caves to Sharia

The recent outrage surrounding Judge Jeanine Pirro’s remarks concerning the hijab is a reflection of the abysmal degree to which common sense is under assault in America.

While discussing Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s anti-Israel remarks with Nancy Pelosi, Pirro said, “This is not who your party is. Your party is not anti-Israel. She is. Think about this, she’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democratic Party, so if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it. Omar wears a hijab which according to the Koran 33:59 tells women to cover so they won’t get molested. Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?”

There was nothing wrong with Judge Jeanine’s question.  Islamic “fashion” has political consequences.  The hijab is a symbol and it is a symbol of the fact that the woman wearing it is fully committed to the sharia.  It is a symbol that says to infidels that they are kafirs. Kafir is an Arabic term meaning “infidel.”  The term refers to a person who rejects or disbelieves in Allah or the tenets of Islam.  When you see a woman with a hijab, you are looking at the politics of Islam as it has operated for over 1400 years.  There has been jihad against the kafirs for 1400 years; it is a history of annihilation, death and suffering.  They are antithetical to freedom.

Terrorism became much more frequent in such societies as Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and the U.K. after the hijab became prevalent among Muslim women living in those communities.  Link

The reason for this correlation is clear: Islamic sharia commands jihad (terrorism) against unbelievers no less than it commands Muslim women to don the hijab. Where one proliferates—evincing a societal adherence to sharia—so too will the other naturally follow.

So just why is it that with any other politician we are allowed to ask personal and religious questions.  When John Kennedy ran for president, everyone was concerned that his Catholic faith would interfere with his political decisions and he was constantly questioned, but we are considered Islamophobic if we ask questions like Judge Jeanine asked?  Ilhan Omar should be asked the following questions regarding her visceral hatred of Israel and the Jewish people:

  • Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that Jews are “ descendants of apes and pigs“?
  • Will you repudiate the attacks upon Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?
  • Do you believe Israel has a legal and moral right to exist behind safe and definite borders?

Don Boys recent article asked many more legitimate questions, but Omar’s vitriolic diatribe against Jews needs to cease or she should be expelled.  She was neither reprimanded nor censored for her deeply ingrained bias.  The only consequence of her bigotry has been an innocuous resolution against hate speech.  She has not been removed from any Congressional committees.

And now of course, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on all advertisers to drop Fox News until the network fires hosts Jeanine Pirro and Tucker Carlson due to comments by both hosts that CAIR called “Islamophobic.”  This is sharia and how Islam conquers and controls.

While Iranian women rip the hijabs from their heads in defiant protest of oppressive Islamic law, our Congress changed a 181-year law to allow Muslim women to wear the hijab.

Ilhan Omar’s district in Minnesota is where almost all of the 70,000 imported Somali immigrants were located by Obama.  That district was recently identified by the FBI as America’s terrorist capital and their Congresswoman is calling for the dissolution of America’s Homeland Security.  The Muslim Brotherhood has a plan for world domination and North America is their next target.

Oaths Sworn on Koran

None of the Muslims in Congress have sworn allegiance to the Constitution on the Bible.  This tradition of being sworn into office to swear on the Bible is because our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, states that our rights are given to us by the God of the Bible. Anyone who swears on any other book, like the Koran, is swearing an illegitimate oath.  Congressmen Andre Carson (D-IN) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) both used the Koran.  Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) took their oaths of office on the Koran.

The reason their oath is illegitimate is that the book upon which they swore teaches that the only acceptable religion is Islam, and they can lie (Taqiya) in order to advance Islam. When they swear on the Koran they are lying, knowing that the law of Islam does not allow freedom of religion.

Fox Muslim Attacks Pirro

Hufsa Kamal is a Pakistani American, born in England and raised in Tennessee. She is a producer for Bret Baier on Fox News, and has a long history of vicious attacks on conservatives including Michelle Malkin, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino and Charlie Kirk.

She took to twitter to excoriate Judge Jeanine for asking Speaker Pelosi if Ilhan Omar’s allegiance is to the Constitution or the Koran, and claimed that many Muslims work at the Fox Network.

The Gateway Pundit exposed this story and listed many of Hufsa Kamal’s vile tweets.

Fox found it necessary to condemn Pirro’s remarks and said they have “addressed the matter” with Pirro. It appears that Fox will continue to cave to sharia.

New Hires at Fox

Former Speaker Paul Ryan and Formula One Group executive chairman Chase Carey will join Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, and Jacques Nasser as members of the powerful Fox board.  Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little a liberal, left wing progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice.  Ryan was the VP candidate with neo-con Trotskyite and pro-abort, Willard Mitt Romney in 2012.  During his time as Speaker of the House, he fought President Trump at every turn, and it became obvious he was pro-amnesty and pro-open borders.

Donna Brazile is joining Fox News as a contributor.  She was the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee.  When former Fox host Megyn Kelly asked Brazile about passing debate questions to Hillary Clinton so she’d be one-up during debates against Donald Trump, she blatantly lied to Kelly.  Now she’s going to work for the very network she lied to.

The Jew Who Died for Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism belies the fact that if not for a Jew who gave his life, she may not be in America and in politics.  Lawrence Freedman went to Somalia in 1992 as part of the U.S. led relief effort to help relocate tens of thousands of Somali refugees to escape starvation, famine and civil war that turned Somalia into a failed state in the early 1990s.

Freedman was a U.S. Army veteran from Vietnam, and original member of the Green Beret. He reached the rank of sergeant major and eventually became an instructor.  In 1990 he joined the Central Intelligence Agency and in 1992 he was sent as part of an advance team to prepare the way for American troops in Somalia.  On December 23, two weeks after the troops had arrived, Freedman became the first American killed as part of the relief effort.  Thousands of Somali refugees who live in Omar’s district had their freedom and security paid for with the blood of American soldiers – 22 of them, including Lawrence Freedman.


The Number One Cable Network is no longer teetering toward the left but is now an active part of it.  Brazile’s arrival in the aftermath of Fox News suspending Judge Jeanine Pirro, all for asking questions about radical Somalian activist Ilhan Omar on her “Justice” show, is not only a slap in the face to Pirro and her many followers, but a slap in the face to the network’s many conservative viewers.  Link

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E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

AG Barr: Stop States Attempts To Skirt The Constitution

Before I get to the attempted electoral college coup, the world now knows dirty cop, Robert Mueller, has finished his witch-hunt into an alleged NON-crime. Collusion is not a crime but that was never the intent of Mueller’s mission.

This waste of DOUBLE DIGIT MILLIONS of borrowed dollars with that debt slapped on our backs was two-fold:

Cover up all the illegal and criminal activities of Hildebeast Clinton, the pig she’s married to (The Clinton Foundation, Uranium One) and all the now known dirty players in the FBI and DOJ.

Remove a legitimately elected president.

Bongino Implicates Comey, Brennan, Obama in Fake “Collusion” Narrative – Bongino is very good and thorough.

As expected, the mentally deranged fools in the media and Congress have been screeching like stuck pigs since Friday. Nitwits, imbeciles, ignorant asses and political power-hungry scum are screaming for ‘transparency’.  Hypocrites all.

From loving Robert Mueller because the aforementioned hordes believed without any doubt Mueller would get Trump ousted from office to now condemning him for not finding what was never there to be found.  Except in the brainwashed heads out there screeching and throwing hissy fits.

2020 Democrats Demand Mueller Report’s Public Release

MSNBC’S Joy Reid on DoJ Handling of Mueller Report: ‘It Feels Like the Seeds of a Cover-Up Are Here’

Andrew McCarthy: We need full disclosure of Mueller report and material about his investigation

This from the POS who lied about his military service (stolen valor) to get elected senator for Connecticut. Shame on the stupid cattle who voted him into office. A proven, deceitful liar:

Dem Sen. Blumenthal: Mueller Report ‘Likely to Show a Lot of Criminality’ That Isn’t Indicted

The Mueller report should be rejected and not believed – it’s fatally flawed – Might shock you but the author is an attorney who has represented the Democratic/Communist Party USA as trial counsel.

The Kamel knows full well this is garbage but it sounds good on the campaign trail: Harris wants Barr to testify on Mueller report as 2020 Dems call for its release

Kamala Harris: ‘White House should not be allowed to interfere’ with Mueller report – And, pray tell, Kamel – just how is Trump or his staff supposed to interfere with Mueller’s report? She is such a pimp.

Schumer: White House must not be allowed to ‘interfere’ on Mueller report – Do I hear an echo? Chuckie Schumer is another corrupt long-time member of the U.S. Senate who keeps getting reelected by mental midgets who vote.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) continues to earn his reputation as not only an idiot, but the biggest liar in Congress and that’s saying a lot. That jackass needs to be put in a straightjacket. More of his vomit:

Schiff says there is still ‘significant evidence of collusion’, plans to subpoena to see Mueller report

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews livid over Mueller report: ‘How could they let Trump off the hook?’ Well, Chris, it’s about something called evidence and not ‘get Trump at any cost’. Another gas bag stinking up cable networks.

One thing completely overlooked in all this by design and ignorance are the legal restrictions governing what a Special Council and can not do regarding releasing a final report.

Victoria Toensing was Chief Counsel of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice. She is in private practice with her husband, Joseph deGenova in DC. I have a great deal of respect for both of them. The column below should be read in full because the legal restrictions are valid and should not be ignored to further the goals of the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

Victoria Toensing: Why Mueller’s report (no matter how much Dems clamor for it) must be kept confidential

Mueller Cannot Seek an Indictment. And He Must Remain Silent.The unusual situation facing Robert Mueller does not justify a repeal of well-established traditions of confidentiality by Ken Starr who served as independent counsel during the Clinton presidency.”

Confident Trump and anxious Washington wait for AG Barr’s report on Mueller’s key findings – It appears Barr is going to make some sort of report but will he release Mueller’s report in full? Who knows.

Just about everything Americans need to know has already been exposed. More than enough to indict Hildebeast Clinton, Mueller, Comey, Loretta Lynch and the whole damn cabal of crooked, corrupt  “public” servants out to get Trump at all costs and cover up their own attempted coup.

Confirmed: Dirty Cop Robert Mueller Destroyed Peter Strzok’s Text Messages Before He was Fired

Media Ignores Major Story About the Dossier—Again (We can thank John McCain for getting the ball rolling. John McCain, the most moderate Democrat in the Senate with a filthy, dirty legacy too long to list here.  Not a typo.  McCain was no more a Republican than I’m the Queen of England.  Like Clinton, McCain was a career criminal.)

John McCain Aide Tried to Keep Paper from Naming Christopher Steele as Dossier Author

Carter is a very good investigative journalist with solid sources: Sara Carter Finds Skeleton In Deep State’s Closet, Ruthlessly Exposes It – This is a short video everyone should watch. The same for Solomon.

John Solomon: Top Prosecutor Has Proof Ukraine Colluded with Hillary Campaign in 2016 Election

FBI clashed with DOJ over potential ‘bias’ of source for surveillance warrant: McCabe-Page texts

Dershowitz: Comey committed fraud on FISA court – Newly released warrants show crucial information withheld

Corrupt Russia Dossier Hoaxer Christopher Steele Allowed to View Sealed, Classified US Documents – That Are Hidden from US Citizens

I have no faith in the newly minted Attorney General, Bob Barr. Toensing and her husband, Joe diGenova do and have repeatedly in interviews strongly stated they believe without a doubt he will do the right thing. Time will tell. The real ‘right thing’ is indictments and convictions of all the dirty players – including Mueller.

Barr also needs to stop this kind of injustice. No one is above the law:

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute FBI Agent Who Worked for FBI Contractor, Filed False Financial Disclosures, Sexted on FBI Phone

Latest Political Stunt – Electoral College

The cattle grazing out in America are being prodded once again. Slick political whores, er, activists and elected officials are doing their best to herd them in the ‘right direction’.  This time it’s the electoral college.

Due to utter failure of government indoctrination centers (all planned) called public schools in teaching America’s children about the history of our country and all that goes along with it, dumbed down parrots out there have no idea what they’re talking about. Off to college to finish the brainwashing with the inability to think for themselves.

Liberals Think Electoral College is a Real College

Yes. One really did fly out of the coo-coo’s nest only now it’s a flock:

Jemele Hill Claims Electoral College Was Created to ‘Preserve Slavery’ – Another empty headed twit

Rep. Cohen: Electoral College Was ‘Conceived in Sin,’ Meant to Perpetuate Slavery – I do believe I hear an echo again.

CNN Uses Blatant Lie To Help Democrats’ In War Against Electoral College

Art. II, Section 1, Clauses 2 & 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land

Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector.

The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President.

Delaware House Passes Bill to Give State’s Electoral College Votes to National Popular Vote Winner

Delaware was one of the original 13 states who were parties to the Articles of Confederation and then the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution on December 7, 1787.  Now, their legislature has stomped on their honorable past and is trying to skirt the U.S. Constitution.

Colorado joins effort to elect presidents by popular vote, go around Electoral College – Colorado is the latest state to join a group pledging to elect presidents based on who wins the national popular vote

Colorado. I lived there eight years. One of our most beautiful states. The old west. Now a liberal toilet infested with useful fools.

The Electoral College is a roadblock for our democracy — It’s time for it to be removed – More fools since America is not and never has been a democracy. Democracy is MOB RULE and that’s exactly the agenda for the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

This is the biggest joke of all:

Washington Senate passes bill that would keep Trump off 2020 ballot unless he releases tax returns – Really? Nowhere in Art. II, Section 1 does it specifically state any criteria for keeping a presidential candidate off the ballot having to do with financial matters.

All political prostitutes who love career criminal Hildebeast Clinton and impostor criminal president, Hussein Obama and hate Donald Trump.

Read: The Electoral College (Why We Use It and Why It Matters) and California moves popular vote closer

If you’d like more information on the Electoral College, click here. Or, order the book “The Evolution and Destruction of the Original Electoral College.”

I suspect most of the state legislators who have gone off the rails know this will never withstand a court challenge but it’s good for an election year horse and pony show for votes.

I’m not an attorney but I believe this is election fraud and should be reported to the Department of Justice as they oversee this kind of chicanery. AG Barr needs to come down on any state trying to pull this off. No doubt in my mind the Republican National Committee and likely Trump will file a lawsuit to stop it at some point.

These people make me sick. For all the problems in their own states they waste their citizens time and money for a repeat circus that will close its tent in the long run.

Just want to close by asking you pray for our fellow Americans drowning in states like Nebraska and Iowa from the recent flooding. It’s absolutely massive and heart breaking. Besides the human misery, it is going to affect some food supplies.

Pets, Livestock Among Victims of Midwest Flooding: “U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told Fox Business Network on Tuesday that the governors of Nebraska and Iowa told him that up to 1 million calves may have been killed.”

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Important Links:

Byron York: Five things that didn’t happen in the Mueller investigation: “Mueller did not charge anyone in the Trump campaign or circle with conspiring with Russia to fix the 2016 election, as was the subject of intense media speculation in the last year.’

Judicial Watch is suing the DOJ “for all of Rod Rosenstein’s communications around the firing of James Comey & the appt of Special Counsel Mueller

Still more classified emails retrieved from Hillary’s stash – Judicial Watch exposes another 756 pages she tried to ‘delete or destroy’

Mueller report appears likely to validate Trump claim of ‘no collusion’ with Russia to win election

WTF? Now Comey ‘Doesn’t Know Or Care’ If Mueller Probe Confirms ‘Russian Collusion’

Top 10 Propagandists Who Pushed Russia Collusion Hoax

Breaking: Andrew McCabe-Lisa Page Text Messages Released — Show Pushback and Concern over FISA Abuses

Dirty Cop Mueller’s Right Hand Man Weissmann Threatened Witnesses for Telling the Truth – That poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct should have been disbarred decades ago.

McCain and the KLA Connection

Sen. John McCain: The Ultimate “Rhinestone Hero”

Obama & McCain: Modern Day Godfathers

There Is No Morality To Accepting Extinction

They lie

They lie when they speak in glowing terms of the “enrichment” created for us by America’s burgeoning “diversity.”

In reality, a vast and inexorable destruction is spreading across America, and it is the entirely unnecessary and entirely deliberate dissolution of what we once revered as our nation and culture.  Americans had a people to which they belonged, and a cultural identity as distinct as that of any other society on earth.  Only the willfully blind can fail to see that both of those things are now vanishing quickly and forever.

It is a tribute to the gullibility of human beings, our acceptance of the lie that our dispossession “enriches” us, even as the waves of people displacing us reach deeper and deeper into our public coffers and polling booths.  It is a tribute to our ignorance, that we sit unblinking when our leaders tell us America has always been an experiment in multiculturalism, and the evolving New Babylon is rooted in our historical experience.

At its founding, America was 80 percent European, and undeniably Christian, Western, and European in its character.  For 200 years that identity was promoted by our immigration laws, and those laws in time fostered a nation 90 percent European.  It was indeed no perfect experiment, and there were definite fault lines involving race or ethnicity, but we knew who we were and with God’s help and great sacrifice we created the most magnificent civilization in human history.

Now, in the course of a single lifetime, our identity will be extinguished.  With the gutting of our immigration laws in 1965, in the course of a single 70-year average life span, by the year 2035 or thereabouts we will have gone from a nation ninety percent white to one in which Europeans are but one of many minorities, floating in a polyglot sea of people drawn from every corner of the globe.

In the fevered minds of the Cultural Marxists and the stupid, we will be a happy picture of coexistence and cooperation to which the rest of the world can aspire.  Such folks currently argue that the rights of the individual will still take precedence over group rights.  They insist our standard of living will remain intact or actually improve, as the numbers of consumers and producers expand.  They reassure us our principles of government will protect everyone, and those, along with the English language, will be the glue that will bind our society together.  This future, they would have us believe, is our natural and inevitable destiny as a nation, a destiny we can embrace without further examination or fear.

Those are the biggest lies of all.

The entire world operates on the premise of group identity politics, in which members of racial or ethnic groups vote or act in unison on the basis of what they perceive to be in the best interests of their group.  It is entirely natural for groups to engage in this behavior.  What’s more important, every group in America also operates on the premise of group identity politics, except for Europeans, for whom it is considered taboo. We can extrapolate from this reality to conclude that in the America of tomorrow, group identity politics will continue to hold sway, and members of various ethnic electorates will continue to vote for whatever is in their best interests, including things like more immigration and more racial preferences in job hiring and college placements.  The only group that will be regarded with horror if it does likewise will be Americans who are pigmentationally impaired.  The latter group, of course, will in time no longer be in control of its own political destiny.  Its wealth will be taxed away from it to support hundreds of millions of imported poor, and racial preferences and quotas will be expanded to create places at the American table for unending onslaughts of new arrivals.

We will have facilitated our own political and cultural dispossession, foolishly, myopically, in defiance of the way every other group functions on the globe.  Ominously, we will have rendered ourselves powerless and irrelevant in a world growing ever more crowded and violent.

The traditional American nation, the one with roots expanding back four centuries, will have committed suicide — with a major push from our new elite which does not identify with the traditional White majority.  In the course of a single lifetime, an eye blink in history, we will have erased ourselves.  In the final analysis, we will have done this for no rationale that is genuinely pressing, unless it is desirable to give one’s children’s birthright to strangers.  And if we had limited all immigration to Swedes, it would have been our right to have done so.  Instead, we will have squandered the inheritance left to us by the unimaginable suffering and labor of our ancestors, effectively disinheriting our progeny.  Instead, we will have banished ourselves into the abyss for no morally compelling reason at all.

As all of this transpires, the proponents of mass immigration will decry any and all negative responses as being reactionary, racist, and sinister.  We face these accusations already, and they will continue to be powerful deterrents to galvanizing public resistance.  They will probably remain deterrents until Americans of color, and even immigrants themselves, can be persuaded that the magnitude of today’s mass immigration is replicating in America the same environmental, economic, and social problems that the immigrants fled from in their home countries.

Whether Americans of color respond to this reality or not, the descendants of America’s founders have every right to reject their current beguilement and to act in their own best interests.  They should in fact do so because a sane man does not give his house away and pretend he has honored the ancestors who built it for him.  They should do so because an intelligent man does not give his house away and pretend he has created a blessing for his children.  They should do so because a wise man does not give his house away and pretend, as he crouches in its cellar, that the new residents are bound by the house rules he posted in the foyer.

A wise man knows extinction does not confer any form of morality.

It is oblivion.

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Cost To U.S. Taxpayers $5.3 Billion: 429,000 Annual Immigrant Birth Costs

Hidden in every federal budget, and unknown to 99 percent of Americans, your two U.S. Senators and House member use your money to pay for millions of legal and illegal immigrants flooding into America annually.  I interviewed executive director David Durham of www.Balance.org.

“Massive and increasing costs to taxpayers are incurred, now at $330 billion per year NET of Taxes Immigrants Pay, as each Birth Cohort Matures. Mass Immigration proves costly,” said David Durham.

“Of the Many Costs of mass Immigration borne by U.S. Taxpayers, the Costs of Immigrant Births alone (via Medicaid or the Uninsured) is remarkable. Specifically, 1 in 5 births in the U.S. are to Immigrant Mothers. U.S. Taxpayers pay for 67% of births to illegal immigrants, 47% of births to legal immigrants according to a new report by www.CIS.org, Dr. Steven Camarota, Director of Research, 10/9/18.”

“Based on an analysis of Census Bureau data, the Center estimates that nationally one in 13 births is to an illegal immigrant, totaling 300,000 births a year. One in eight births is to a legal immigrant. We also find that more than half of the births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are paid for by taxpayers, including 67 percent of births to illegal immigrants.”

“Steven Camarota, the Center’s Director of Research and co-author of the report, said, ‘The enormous number of births to legal and illegal immigrants may hinder assimilation as children from immigrant families will largely interact with only each other.”

He also points out that “paying for so many births to immigrant mothers may be appropriate, but the large share who can’t provide for themselves without the help of American taxpayers raises serious questions about whether our current immigration system makes sense.”

Given that Demography is Destiny, consider that since the aforementioned facts are for one year only, what the costs and demographic consequences will be for each year projected into the future unless BALANCE’s Solution is implemented. Consider further that Taxpayer- and Immigrant-Funded Immigrant Births total 791,000 per year.

National Picture from CIS Report

♦ That legal immigrants accounted for 12.4 percent (494,000) of all births annually and illegal immigrants accounted for 7.5 percent (297,000) annually.
♦ The 297,000 births per year to illegal immigrants are more than the total number of births to all mothers in any state except California and Texas. They are also more than the total number of births in 16 states combined, plus the District of Columbia.
♦ The estimated 28,000 births to illegal immigrants in just the Los Angles metro area are more than the total number of births in any of 14 states or the District of Columbia.
♦ More than half (54 percent) of births to immigrants (legal and illegal) are entirely or largely paid for by taxpayers because the mother is on Medicaid or uninsured.
♦ Illegal immigrants account for 11 percent (198,000) of all publicly funded births, and legal immigrants are another 13 percent (231,000).
♦ We roughly estimate that the annual cost to taxpayers for births to immigrants (legal and illegal) is $5.3 billion; $2.4 billion of which is for illegal immigrants.


♦ In California, New Jersey, and New York, immigrants (legal and illegal) account for about one-third of all births. In Massachusetts, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Hawaii, Maryland, and Washington, immigrants account for one in four births. Immigrants account for one in five births in Virginia, Connecticut, Illinois, Arizona, Rhode Island, and Oregon.
♦ The states with the largest numbers of births to illegal immigrants are California with 65,000, Texas with 51,000, Florida with 16,000, Illinois with 14,000, Georgia with 13,000, New York with 12,000, and New Jersey and North Carolina with 11,000 each.
♦ In North Carolina, Texas, and Georgia, three-fourth of births to illegal immigrants were likely paid for by taxpayers. In California, Florida, and New York, two-thirds of these births were likely taxpayer-funded. In Illinois and New Jersey, more than half were likely funded by the public.”

David Durham states the best solution: The U.S.A. needs a zero net (i.e., 150,000 per year arrivals and 150,000 per year leaving) Moratorium applying to all immigrant categories, a Wall at our Southern Border, mandating use of E-Verify in hiring decisions, elimination of anchor baby citizenship and an end to “Catch & Release.”

“Enactment of all these would reduce the 1.6 Million Annual flow of Legal Immigrants (400,000 annually into California alone; U.S. Census) and thus greatly reduce the Annual NET (after subtracting Taxes Immigrants pay) Costs of Legal Immigration, now running at $330 BILLION per year,” said Durham.  “Implementing the Trump Administration’s Admirable Proposal that No Green Cards (reflecting permanent Resident Status) would be issued to those who had accepted, or were likely to accept in the future, any Taxpayer-funded Benefits, would reduce Immigrant Numbers significantly.”

When you start adding up these financial figures over the years and then, over the decades, we, the American people face enormous financial burdens created and supported by our two senators and House members.  You really need to call them with your anger over their cheating, lying and stealing from your wallet.

After having talked extensively with David Durham, he makes the most sense of any of the top immigration websites such as FAIR.org and/or NumbersUSA.org.    We need a total shutdown of all immigration into the USA for 10 to 20 years. We need to get our own house straightened out.  If you want more information, contact www.balance.org

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

ICE Union Slams Portland, Oregon Mayor Ted Wheeler Over His Encouraging Protests

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The union representing employees of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement urged the mayor of Portland, Oregon, to end his ban on city police helping ICE workers who have faced hostility from pro-immigrant activists.

Sean Riddell, the union’s attorney, asked Mayor Ted Wheeler for a meeting about the hands-off policy and threatened legal action if things do not change.

“Your policy has created a zone of terror and lawlessness,” Riddell said in a letter Monday.

It stems from a recent protest outside an ICE facility in Portland that was mostly peaceful. Activists opposed to President Donald Trump’s policy of separating immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border set up camp in mid-June and stayed around the clock for nearly 40 days.

Wheeler, a Trump critic in a state that instituted the first statewide sanctuary protections for immigrants in the country illegally, said in a series of tweets at the start of the protest that ICE would not get help from city officers if the agency wants to evict protesters.

Riddell said he understands that the mayor disagrees with Trump’s policies.

“But we fail to see why targeting the employees of ICE and leaving them vulnerable to violence, harassment and even death furthers a legitimate government interest,” the union attorney said.

The mayor’s office told The Oregonian/OregonLive that Wheeler’s legal counsel was reviewing the letter and had no further comment.

Wheeler’s chief of staff, Michael Cox, did not immediately return a message from The Associated Press.

The mayor backtracked to a degree as the occupation stretched from days to weeks to more than a month. On July 23, he warned protesters to disband before they were removed by police. The occupation ended peacefully the following day.

The letter emailed to the mayor’s chief of staff Monday said the ICE union would like to avoid federal litigation but is “prepared to protect our membership and their families.”

The letter references the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizens equal protection under the law.

President Trump has been in a state of low-simmering rage since almost the moment he took office, frustrated beyond compare over the never-ending Russia investigation and the constant cloud of suspicion hanging over his 2016 campaign. But in recent days, that simmer has turned into a boil. This weekend, enraged by the revelation that the Obama administration had sent an informant into his campaign to bring back dirt, he demanded that the Department of Justice launch an investigation into what very well could turn out to be the biggest political scandal of all time.

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” Trump tweeted on Sunday.

This marks only the second time that the president has taken direct action to change the course of the Russia investigation, the first being the firing of FBI Director James Comey. That action resulted in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, but on this one, Trump appears to have gotten his way. The Justice Department announced only hours after the president’s tweet that it would refer the matter to the Office of the Inspector General, who is already looking into FISA warrant abuse on the part of the Obama administration.

On Wednesday, Trump was still in a state of rage. He published a series of tweets expressing his disbelief about the unethical and potentially illegal machinations of the intelligence community leading up to the 2016 election.

“Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State,” he wrote. “They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!”

“SPYGATE,” he added in a follow-up, “could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!”

Trump’s tweets and the recent revelations about the Obama FBI using an informant to gather intelligence from Trump campaign officials has the unmistakable whiff of things coming to a head. If we were to guess, Rudy Giuliani was way off when he predicted that Robert Mueller’s investigation would come to an end on September 1. From the way things are looking, this thing won’t make it very deep into the summer before the president pulls the plug.

For whatever else he has accomplished in his special counsel’s office, Mueller has utterly failed to do the one thing he was supposed to do: Cover up the illegal activities of the agency he once called home. It’s all coming out now.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Much Of The Church Is Controlled Opposition

How blessed is he who considers the helpless; the LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble. —Psalm 41:1

The Demoncrats[1] have escalated their war against God and the Church sings louder. What do I mean by that? A story is told about a German congregation that met together at a building that sat along a railroad track that led to a Nazi Concentration Camp. Here is that story told by one of those congregants.

“I lived in Germany during the Nazi holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. I attended church since I was a small boy. We had heard the stories of what was happening to the Jews, but like most people today in this country, we tried to distance ourselves from the reality of what was really taking place. What could anyone do to stop it?

A railroad track ran behind our small church, and each Sunday morning we would hear the whistle from a distance and then the clacking of the wheels moving over the track. We became disturbed when one Sunday we noticed cries coming from the train as it passed by. We grimly realized that the train was carrying Jews. They were like cattle in those cars!

Week after week that train whistle would blow. We would dread to hear the sound of those old wheels because we knew that the Jews would begin to cry out to us as they passed our church. It was so terribly disturbing! We could do nothing to help these poor miserable people, yet their screams tormented us. We knew exactly at what time that whistle would blow, and we decided the only way to keep from being so disturbed by the cries was to start singing our hymns. By the time that train came rumbling past the church yard, we were singing at the top of our voices. If some of the screams reached our ears, we’d just sing a little louder until we could hear them no more. Years have passed and no one talks about it much anymore, but I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians yet did nothing to intervene.

“Their screams tormented us . . . If some of their screams reached our ears we’d just sing a little louder.”[2]

What has happened to Christians in America? Decades after the contrived, fabricated, and phony Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the SCOTUS, that many falsely believe is the law of land, after over 60 million unborn children have been murdered in the womb, and partially out of the womb in a “procedure” known as partial birth abortion,[3] 44 Demoncrat Senators who have obeyed the political spirit of antichrist in Washington D.C., have chosen to give a thumbs down to life for those children who miraculously survive the heinous attempt to murder them before and during birth. The Circus continues in spirit!

That this decision by Senators who have sworn to uphold the Constitution and especially the 14th Amendment granting equal protection under the law to all Americans, who have issued “official statements” justifying their satanically controlled mind that renders such a decision as merely another vote on another bill under consideration, is all the evidence any rational individual needs to rise up with righteous indignation and light a fire that will sweep this nation clean of these wicked people.

What has been the Church’s response? For the most part they are singing louder. This response is simply more of the same behavior that has rendered the Church effeminate, emasculated, anemic, and a pitiful caricature of what it is meant to be. The Church abandoned the field of battle decades ago. Today, the visible, organized Church is in full retreat on nearly every front. How did this come about?

The Great Evangelical Disaster[4]

Theologian and author Francis Schaeffer has proven to be very accurate in his assessments of the rapid slide of America and other cultures into an abyss of wickedness and debauchery. In 1984 Schaffer wrote The Great Evangelical Disaster based on his observations at that time. Here are some of the many things that Schaeffer believed forebode ill tidings for the Church. It is my conviction the critique below explains how we have arrived at the point of moral and ethical implosion in America today.

America was overcome by the assault of moral relativism in public and private life. The adoption of moral relativism among Christians means that absolute truth dies, and every individual becomes the captain of his or her own universe. Right and wrong are privately determined and the splintering of society ensues. Manipulation and deception are easily employed against a people who have forsaken the high ground of a common morality that is rooted in the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible.

The common bonds once shared among most Americans has been shredded. A new demonic mob mentality has descended upon a vast number of Americans who are now triggered at the mere mention of words, politic perspectives, and even hats! Party politics has become the new Baal to many. The Church responds by telling the culture that it is a safe space for all, an inclusive organization of comfort and healing. What the Church has become in reality is the gateway to hell for all those who succumb to its siren song of peace and safety in our time.

Compromise must follow an amorphous morality and arguments for every form of sin and evil must be entertained. When compromise takes root, apostasy arises and is crystalized as new doctrine and a new Gospel is elevated within the Church. This new gospel is bewitching and soon Christians become dumbed down Scripturally, ethically, and socially. This results in the loss of Holy Spirit filled teaching, outreach, and evangelism.

A little leaven leavens the whole loaf and so, into the fissure created by relativism and compromise rush the social gospel, social justice, and ecumenism. I have been stating for many years that this new gospel of socialism is not biblical but Marxian and satanic. The real problem with mankind is the same as the Bible has always declared: we are a fallen creature living in a fallen world. Sin is THE issue, not unjust social, economic, or political systems. Those are the result of sin, but they will not change until or unless there is a heart change among a significant number of men and women. In other words, the only way a culture will change is if the hearts of people are changed favorably toward God. The opposite is also true and that is exactly what is underway right now. People are being led away from the only way of salvation and sane civic life: faith in Jesus Christ.

All the things mentioned above have coalesced into the most heinous display of malevolent destruction I have ever seen. Infanticide is now gleefully codified into State law in many places. Some Christians are horrified at this turn of events. My question to them is this: why are you shocked? Many Christians sang louder as arguments for murdering unborn children gained an intellectual foothold in American minds. Euphemisms such as “choice,” “a decision between a woman and her doctor,” and “my body, my choice,” became commonplace and accepted as reasonable. Nothing justifies the murdering of unborn children. America now condones the murdering of BORN children! The slope is indeed slippery!

Schaeffer’s admonition is sound and timely for us today: “The unborn child is a human being created in the image of God, and to deny this is to deny the authority of the Bible. It is impossible to read Psalm 139 and truly believe in the Incarnation and not realize that the child conceived in Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit was indeed the Son of God from the time of conception.”[5]

Christian, it is time to get up and march into the streets demanding, not asking, that your elected officials at every level recant their demonically inspired support for infanticide. Call your Senator, Congressperson, local officials, and those in State government and tell them in no uncertain terms that they will express your beliefs on this subject or they will face recall and organized resistance at every turn.

Christians must adopt a strategy of offense right now! Strike now while the Demoncrats are feeling the full wrath of Americans sick and tired of their over-reach and globalist nonsense. The agenda of the Congress, both Demoncrats and Republicants is subjection of the American populace to the whims of their fancied aristocracy.

Current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi astonishingly said recently that she as well as the rest of her Demoncrats are “doing the Lord’s work.” She and others are doing her lord’s work for sure. But her Lord is not Jesus Christ, nor the Father. Her lord is satan and unless she repents of her wickedness she will bust hell’s gates wide open.

Let me very clear to those readers who support infanticide in whatever form it takes: you are not a Christian if you support murdering unborn babies. You are a satanically controlled stooge. Blow me off if you want to but you do so at your own peril. I’m taking off the gloves and going bare-knuckled with those who believe they can be comforted by the belief that they are a Christian and march for child murder. You are nothing more than satanically controlled opposition and I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Listen to me Christian America: singing louder only means that you will not hear the footsteps of your executioners when they come for you! Rise up and fight back.

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com

Website: www.drmikelive.com

Author of, “#MTPGA: Make The Pulpit Great Again: 12 Things Christians Can Do Right Now; Matthew 1-9: A Commentary for the Remnant Body Of Jesus Christ; and Random Thoughts From a Disciple of Jesus Christ. Soon to be released: Mark 1-8: A Commentary for the Remnant Body of Jesus Christ.


[1] I use pejorative terms for both Democrats and Republicans as is fitting. Neither political party is functioning under the counsel of We the People and indeed, do exactly as they wish in almost every instance. They have not earned nor deserve our respect. They have become an established oligarchical aristocracy.
[2] This version of the story is found here – http://www.repentamerica.com/singalittlelouder.html
[3] In the D&X procedure babies are “partially aborted” so the head is still in the cervix but the body is out. While in this position the live baby is still considered an “abortion” therefore a non-person. The live baby’s brains are sucked out and the other organs are harvested and sold to “researchers”. The baby receives no anesthesia and is alive until the procedure kills him. Data found at the same link as above.
[4] Francis Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster, (Crossway: Downers Grove, IL), 1984.
[5] p. 108

Destroying America From Within, Part 5

The next phase is the exploitation of our laws.  In America we have the freedom of religion and muslims take full advantage of that.  One of the things about the Islamic culture is their women must be covered, Some times it’s just a head scarf sometimes their whole body must be covered with only slits for eye holes. I’m sorry but there are times when their demand to be covered cannot and should not be allowed.  Three Muslim women have each reached a $60,000 settlement with New York City after they were forced to remove their hijabs to be photographed while in police custody, according to a city official and court documents obtained on Wednesday.

Documents outlining the settlements were filed in Brooklyn federal court on Monday and reported by the The New York Daily News on Tuesday. Asked about the report, Kimberly Joyce, a spokeswoman for the city’s law department, said in an emailed statement, “The resolution of these matters were in the best interest of all parties involved.”

The settlements involved separate cases claiming that the women’s religious rights had been violated.

In 2012, a Brooklyn high school student detained on a harassment complaint was told to remove her head scarf to be photographed at a central booking center in the borough. She had asked that a female officer take her picture in private, but the request was rejected, according to a complaint filed in district court that year.[1] The purpose of the photo was to be able to identify the subject.  Whether is was just a scarf or full hijab, it hides the color and style of hair and it needs to be exposed.  They claimed ‘modesty’.  I think that’s a false claim.  Remember they chose to immigrate here and in doing so OUR laws must be adhered to, but they demand to live by their laws.  They demand that we adapt to their culture at the same time refusing to adapt to ours.  Keep in mind that when they immigrate, they have major concerns for minority rights but in their native country, there are no minority rights.

These are things that we see all the time.  Stories that are not reported on well are also disturbing like the muslim doctor in Detroit, Dr. Jumana Nagarwala , that performs female genital mutilation on young girls.  We have a federal law against this barbaric procedure but because she is muslim and it is part of their ‘religion’, she has been performing them for years.  But this law had been unused so this case would set precedence.  A judge in the case declared the law unconstitutional!  Nagarwala has denied any crime was committed and said she performed a religious custom on girls from her Muslim sect, the India-based Dawoodi Bohra.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman threw out mutilation and conspiracy charges against all the defendants. He ruled that a 1996 federal law that bans female genital mutilation was unconstitutional because Congress didn’t have the power to regulate the behavior in the first place.

Heidi Kitrosser, a law professor at the University of Minnesota, explained that Congress doesn’t have unlimited authority to legislate and can only make laws that fall within powers explicitly outlined in the Constitution.

In this case, Friedman found that Congress lacked authority to regulate the practice under the Commerce Clause because the procedure is not a commercial activity. He also said Congress’ treaty powers don’t give it authority, because there was no rational relationship between treaty obligations that call for equal rights and a law banning genital mutilation.

But the judge clearly stated that the power to regulate female genital mutilation lies with state governments, which have primary authority in defining and enforcing criminal law.

“The court really could not have been clearer in suggesting this is something that states can do,” Kitrosser said.[2]

This is how they ‘backdoor’ their shariah law into our courts.  Now if a state court determines that it is illegal, there could be riots in the streets.  This is their nature.  Everything by force, intimidation and the sword.

After this they begin to enforce their sharia law throughout their enclaves and where ever they can.  These courts are operated out of their mosques.  The UK has begun to allow them which is very problematic as it puts the citizens under two ‘justice systems’, if you can call shariah a justice system at all.   At least 85 Islamic sharia courts are operating in Britain, a study claimed yesterday.

The astonishing figure is 17 times higher than previously accepted.

The tribunals, working mainly from mosques, settle financial and family disputes according to religious principles. They lay down judgments which can be given full legal status if approved in national law courts. 

However, they operate behind doors that are closed to independent observers and their decisions are likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation, a report by independent think-tank Civitas said.

Commentators on the influence of sharia law often count only the five courts in London, Manchester, Bradford, Birmingham and Nuneaton that are run by the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, a body whose rulings are enforced through the state courts under the 1996 Arbitration Act.

But the study by academic and Islamic specialist Denis MacEoin estimates there are at least 85 working tribunals.

The spread of sharia law has become increasingly controversial since its role was backed last year by Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams and Lord Phillips, the Lord Chief Justice who stepped down last October.

Dr Williams said a recognised role for sharia law seemed ‘unavoidable’ and Lord Phillips said there was no reason why decisions made on sharia principles should not be recognised by the national courts.

But the Civitas report said the principles on which sharia courts work are indicated by the fatwas – religious decrees – set out on websites run by British mosques.[3]

A nation will not survive trying to live under two Constitutions.  There are a few cities in France where the majority of the population is muslim and informed the city councils that they will no longer abide by French law.  This is what they do.  The only way to stop them is to not let them in.  Japan has done a good job of this: Dr. Mordechai Kedar, writing in The Jewish Press, offers some of the details (emphasis mine throughout):

This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The relations with Muslim countries are based on concerns such as oil and gas, which Japan imports from some Muslim countries. The official policy of Japan is not to give citizenship to Muslims who come to Japan, and even permits for permanent residency are given sparingly to Muslims.

Japan is a nation of roughly 126 million people. And yet, according to Dr. Kedar, there are only 10,000 Muslims in the entire country. This represents less than one hundredth of one percent. (Other estimates are higher, but none suggest a number above 100,000.) Muslim immigration is officially and culturally discouraged, and a Japanese woman who marries a Muslim man becomes a social outcast.[4]

In 1952 we passed the McCarran-Walters Act which states – Is the prohibition of the entry to the US if the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.  Their ONLY purpose for immigration is to remove existing government and replace it with shariah.  Remember the founder of CAIR stated that they were not her to be equal, but to dominate.

We are seeing islam creep into out courts, laws and society in general.  They said they would and they are doing it.  Let’s demand Congress enforce our laws.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/28/nyregion/muslim-hijab-nypd.html .
  2. Shock: ban on genital mutilation ruled unconstitutional
  3. Britain 85 sharia courts the astonishing spread of Islamic justice
  4. Japan no muslims no terrorists

America Deserves Much Beto Than O’Rourke

Watching Beto O’Rourke announce his candidacy for president, I had snake oil salesman come to mind. Everything about this guy is fake, which makes him a perfect candidate for fake news media to celebrate.

My wife Mary and I spent several weeks in Texas campaigning for Ted Cruz, fighting to stop O’Rourke from stealing Cruz’s senate seat. It was incredible watching O’Rourke’s TV ads. Funded with mega-millions from outsiders, O’Rourke’s entire US senate campaign was built upon deceiving voters.

For example: While claiming to be pro-second amendment, great deceiver O’Rouke voted against every piece of pro-gun legislation that came to his desk. To deceive voters into believing he is a regular guy, millionaire O’Rourke posted video of himself in a laundromat doing laundry. O’Rourke came disturbingly close to scamming Texans into electing him over Ted Cruz.

In his elect-me-or-we’re-all-gonna-die presidential campaign announcement, O’Rourke claimed there are crises in our economy, democracy and climate. O’Rourke urgently warned Americans that we are in a “moment of peril”. What on earth is O’Rourke talking about?

Our Economy: Trump has our economy booming. Black unemployment is the lowest in recorded history.  Hispanics and women are also doing great in Trump’s economy.

Our Democracy: Mr O’Rourke the truth is you and your fellow Democrats are the greatest threats to our democracy. Democrats seek to criminalize conservative thoughts, conservative speech and gun ownership.  Given their vindictive destruction of Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort, Democrats outrageously seek to criminalize working for Trump.

Our Climate: For the ga-zillionth time, man-made climate change is a proven hoax. O’Rourke passionately warns that not embracing the Green New Deal will lead to the extinction of the human race in a decade or so. Here’s a reminder of the insanity in the Green New Deal. By 2030 we must end air travel; end the use of fossil fuels; mandate that every new job be unionized; decommission every nuclear plant; rebuild every building in America for state-of-the-art energy efficiency and government funding everyone including deadbeats who refuse to work.

O’Rourke continued his trademark deception tactic. He said we should ensure immigrants “lawful paths to work”. Wait a minute, dude. You and your fellow Democrats say screw our immigration laws, lets rolling out the red carpet for illegals. Democrats say because we have pillaged the world’s resources and because we are racist, sexist and homophobic, we do not have moral authority to keep anyone out of our country. Not only is O’Rourke fighting to stop Trump from building a border wall to keep Americans safe, he wants to tear down the existing border wall in El Paso, Texas.

O’Rouke said we should “listen to and lift up rural America.” The truth is, O’Rourke and his fellow Democrats despise rural America. Rural America voted for Trump, desire to keep their guns, attend Christian churches on Sundays, believe marriage is between one man and one woman and they believe abortion and infanticide are evil. Pandering to rural America is simply more of O’Rourke’s campaign of deception.

As a black American, I was stunned when O’Rourke said we should “confront the hard truths of slavery, and segregation, and suppression in these United States of America.” What the heck is he talking about? Ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865 ended slavery in America. The only segregation I am aware of is black students segregating themselves on college campuses; demanding black student unions and race-based housing facilities.  Who are the masses of Americans O’Rourke claims we are suppressing? Do you see O’Rourke using Democrats’ disgusting tactic of dividing Americans into bogus victimized voting blocs?

After spewing gloom-and-doom, America sucks and everyone is a victim lies, O’Rourke had the audacity to say, “This is going to be a positive campaign.” I laughed out loud.

O’Rouke is anti-law enforcement, voting against ICE. He calls our nation’s police “the new Jim Crow” which cruelly paints targets on the backs of our brave men and women in blue to be assassinated by Black Lives Matter.

Kate Steinle was shot and killed by an illegal alien who was deported several times and kept coming back to his sanctuary city, San Francisco. Kate’s Law would give mandatory jail time to illegals who repeatedly break our immigration laws. O’Rourke voted against Kate’s Law. Supposed man of the people O’Rourke voted against Trump’s tax cuts. O’Rourke wants single-payer health-care which leads to rationed health-care, in which government makes funding decisions determining who lives or dies.

While in Texas campaigning for Ted Cruz, I got to witness O’Rourke’s deceptive tactics up close when he ran for US senate in Texas. My brother and sister fellow Americans, our country deserves much better than a sociopath conman Beto O’Rouke.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

My Last Letter To President Trump On Invaders And Trade Deals, Part 4

Dear Mr. President:

It is a given that we need the wall; for without it we will no longer be a sovereign nation. We will only be a space between Canada and Mexico that will be overrun by those who hate freedom loving people. The melding of various cultures is a movement toward globalism, and this is what these open borders will bring…our American culture and freedoms will be lost.  The invaders carry the flags of their home countries, and they burn the flag of the country they’re invading.  This is an army who wants the destruction of America and they’re being paid to do this.

Since we cannot use force to stop these invaders, which our government has done in the past, we are at a loss as to how to stop the influx of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, sex trafficking and child prostitution, not to mention terrorists and MS13 gangs.  America has already lost too many of her legal citizens to criminal illegal aliens.

Democrats have revealed their true “open border” stripes.  Every Democrat appointed district judge is doing everything possible to stop our President from building a southern border wall.  Even the Republicans are joining with Democrats and Rand Paul is leading the charge against our President declaring a National Emergency on the southern border.  Where was the Republican outrage when Obama sent $1.7 billion to Iran in his bogus deal…money that went to terrorist activities.

And when Obama declared twelve national emergencies, Republicans hardly squeaked, but with President Trump it is different.  The majority of Republicans masquerade as something they are not.  The reality is they are part and parcel of the same globalist cabal as the Democrats.

Protecting Ourselves from Invaders

My fear is that American citizens will be prevented from using force to protect our families and our property.  Already Hawaii is promoting the elimination of our 2nd Amendment rights with advocating for an Article V Constitutional Convention. Add to this fact that the House has overwhelmingly rejected a motion to condemn illegal aliens  who are voting!  Our laws are being perverted to protect the invaders.

It no longer surprises me that the “rule of law” is being destroyed.  What is it, or who is it that prevents us from using force to keep the invaders out of our country?  Will we soon be told that American citizens can no longer use force to protect their homes and families?

Even now, in some states, authorities tell citizens that if they have to kill someone who is breaking into their homes, that it is best to wait till the perpetrator is inside our home before we shoot.  And, if he happens to fall outside the home’s boundaries, we need to drag the perpetrator inside to protect ourselves from biased lawsuits.

Obviously, this violates our unalienable and God-given rights. Frederick Bastiat’s  booklet, The Law, states, “Each of us has a natural right – from God – to defend his person, his liberty, and his property; these are the three basic requirements of life, and the preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two.”

Even with a southern border wall, the enemies within our government will continue on their path of incrementally changing our rights to the point that we will no longer be a Representative Republic.

They will do this, in large part through the use of all these illegals that have flooded into the country. According to the last report I saw, we have already spent close to 30 billion dollars this year supporting those that are here illegally. This equates with inviting an armed force to invade the country and providing it with total logistical support so they will not have to be concerned about any incidental items which they might need to accomplish their goals.


While I wholeheartedly applaud what you are attempting to accomplish at the border Mr. President, I have problems with some of your statements regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  You have repeatedly made disparaging comments regarding how disastrous our former agreement has been for America, yet you are now continuing to applaud the “New NAFTA,” the United States Mexico Canada (USMCA) as a “great deal.”  Neither are good for America, and the reality is that the USMCA is far worse than NAFTA.

One has to wonder if you have read what is in this new trade deal and why you would trust Mr. Robert Lighthizer, who is a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Affairs.  I think you are taking the word of your traitorous advisors. I think that if you had read only Chapter 24, you would not be for this agreement. In addition to the contents of Chapter 24 there are many more provisions that you would not agree with but Chapter 24 is certainly enough to reject this trade deal in its entirety.

According to an article in Canada Free Press, this agreement brings in, through the back door, the Law of the Sea Treaty, endorsed by both Clinton and Bush, which was not ratified by the United States. President Reagan rejected it because it demanded technology and wealth transfer from developed nations to undeveloped ones. As compelling as this was to reject it, there were more reasons to do so which were even worse.  President Ronald Reagan didn’t like the idea of establishing an international bureaucracy that would supersede U.S. rights of sovereignty. He knew that other nations would use the Law of the Sea Treaty to work against U.S. interests in ways not imagined in the benign scenarios painted by its supporters.

According to the Washington Standard / Nov. 19, 2018: “The three parties (United States, Mexico, and Canada) recognize Sustainable Development (SD), the lynchpin of United Nations Agenda 21, now morphed into UN Agenda 2030, as an essential ingredient without which trade cannot exist.”

Since USMCA dictates that trade cannot exist without Sustainable Development and a healthy environment with strict guidelines, USMCA then must logically follow the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) that are promoted by the U.N. and all its affiliated agencies as follows: no poverty, no hunger, good health, quality education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible production and consumption, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice, and strong institutions, and Partnerships for Sustainable Development goals.

The Lord told us we’d always have the poor with us, but the United Nations globalist elite are promoting themselves as gods who can rule the world and her people.  This is another lie…it is all about control.

President Trump, We Need Your Help

Mr. President, just think about the enormity and impracticability of all these SDGs, even if we wanted to abide by them. And according to the agreement, we have to abide by them regardless of our wishes if we expect to have trading privileges. Trade is the object of all this, isn’t it? But what does all this have to do with trade – absolutely nothing. Trade is only the bait with which to draw us into a trap that will incrementally diminish our sovereignty to the point of destroying us as a nation.

This has been the goal that is being pursued through the application of this so-called “free trade” tactic since its very inception close on to 70 years ago, or maybe the inception goes further back than that.  It could have been on the back-burner even prior to the Rockefeller founding of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to bring all this to fruition.

Mr. President, please read the USMCA agreement…you have said little about what it contains, other than you believe it’s a great deal.  But it’s not!  Anyone who reads it can see before going very far into it that it has grave dangers to American sovereignty.

I have to conclude that someone with your intelligence who claims it benefits America, actually reveals that you either haven’t read it, or that your advisers are lying to you. I’m giving you the benefit of doubt, that you are relying on members of your Cabinet to advise you. Mr. President, how can you think these establishment insiders who surround you are trustworthy?  After you were elected, when you were talking about renegotiating NAFTA, the man who became your Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, made the statement, and I paraphrase, that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) should be the basis for renegotiating NAFTA.

It appears that he got more than his wish because the USMCA is far worse than NAFTA.  Richard Haass, President of the CFR, tweeted, “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%.  USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.”

The January 11, 2019, Washington Standard stated, “The USMCA “Trade Agreement” Violates Our Constitution and Sets up Global Government.  The USMCA “Treaty” was negotiated by U.S. Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizer, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which works to move the United States into the North American Union (NAU).”

The article goes on to detail how dangerous the Constitutional violations contained in the USMCA Treaty are to American sovereignty, but they are far to lengthy to state here.

For those who are interested in saving our sovereignty, our independence, and what is left of our freedoms, you can help by passing this article on to others.

© 2019 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan: semper87plus@yahoo.com

The Un-American Education System In America

Have you ever asked the question “Just what makes you an American?”

I believe it is ascribing to the doctrine of what the U.S. Code calls the “organic law” of the United States: The Declaration of Independence.

This amazing document contains the ideology “that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Therefore the principle prerequisite to American citizenship is the acknowledgment that there is a God our rights come from Him and the purpose government exists is to secure (protect) our God-given rights.

My entire adult life has been spent in educating Americans to be… well… American.  My mission has compelled me to follow in the steps of our founders to “secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” as well.

During this time I have experienced hope in the resilience and courage of youth to stand boldly against injustice and despair. I also perceive their boldness being co-opted by a system of thinking designed to destroy and replace the moral fabric of our American Republic.

Mark Twain has been credited with the following statement: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” Tragically I have observed this first-hand in the youth culture of America.

The United States public educational trend has become “If God says it you must reject it!” Our youth are being taught “what just ain’t so” and tyranny appears to increase at the exact pace that Christianity has decreased in our education systems.

Beneath its vacuous rhetoric purporting to “care about the youth” Christian beliefs have been removed — along with the memory of those beliefs — from their minds by successful compulsory public education.

Remember possessing an education doesn’t mean anything if you are educated incorrectly.

Declaration signer and founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush also known as the Father of Public Schools said “The only foundation for a useful education in a republic is to be laid in religion. Without this, there can be no virtue and without virtue, there can be no liberty and liberty is the object and life of all republican governments.”

The Northwest Ordinance first enacted in 1787 then reenacted in 1789 by Congress and signed by President Washington stated: “Religion morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.”

Since the 1850s this public government-run school system has become more and more entrenched and more and more expensive. Of course, no amount of money stolen from taxpayers to finance the secular conditioning of their children’s minds can have any effect but to destroy the culture and the country.

Make no mistake you cannot subjugate and enslave a Christian culture; they will recognize and reject tyranny before tyranny can get a foothold.

Unless and until education is accomplished God’s way under the influence, control and jurisdiction of the family (not government) there is no hope for any improvement.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Former U.S. Counterintelligence Officer Indicted For Spying For The Iranian Intelligence

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“They [Brennan, Clapper and Comey] were faithful in providing President Barack Obama with reports that coincided with White House lies. A priority was their work spying on the Trump campaign, his transition into the White House and the creation of fabricated stories by the likes of the politically-corrupted CIA Director John Brennan, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey,” said former NYPD Intelligence Division Det. Lt. Samuel Montgomery.

Monica Elfriede Witt, 39, a former U.S. service member and counterintelligence agent, has been indicted by a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia for conspiracy to deliver and delivering national defense information to representatives of the Iranian government. Witt, who defected to Iran in 2013, is alleged to have assisted Iranian intelligence services in targeting her former fellow agents in the U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC).

Witt is also alleged to have disclosed the code name and classified mission of a U.S. Department of Defense Special Access Program. An arrest warrant has been issued for Witt, who remains at large, possibly residing in Tehran.

Monica Witt, a U.S. citizen, was an active duty U.S. Air Force Intelligence Specialist and Special Agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, who entered on duty in 1997 and left the U.S. government in 2008.

Monica Witt separated from the Air Force in 2008 and ended work with DOD as a contractor in 2010.  During her tenure with the U.S. government, Witt was granted high-level security clearances and was deployed overseas to conduct classified counterintelligence missions.

In Feb. 2012, Witt traveled to Iran to attend the Iranian New Horizon Organization’s “Hollywoodism” conference, an IRGC-sponsored event aimed at, among other things, condemning American moral standards and promoting anti-U.S. propaganda.

Through subsequent interactions and communications with a dual United States-Iranian citizen referred to in the federal indictment as Subject A, Witt successfully arranged to re-enter Iran in Aug. 2013.  Thereafter, Iranian government officials provided Witt with housing and computer equipment.  She went on to disclose U.S. classified information to the Iranian government official.

As part of her work on behalf of the Iranian government, she conducted research about U.S. intelligence community personnel that she had known and worked with, and used that information to draft “target packages” against these U.S. agents.

Iranian Hacking Efforts Targeting Witt’s Former Colleagues

Although the United States government spends billions of dollars on intelligence and counterintelligence, this leviathan of secrets and plots — 17 separate agencies — appears to have been too busy to have caught traitors who spy for U.S. enemies.

“They [Brennan, Clapper and Comey] were faithful in providing President Barack Obama with reports that coincided with White House lies. A priority was their work spying on the Trump campaign, his transition into the White House and the creation of fabricated stories by the likes of the politically-corrupted CIA Director John Brennan, National Intelligence Director James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey,” said former NYPD Intelligence Division Det. Lt. Samuel Montgomery.

Beginning in late 2014, the Cyber Conspirators began a malicious campaign targeting Witt’s former co-workers and colleagues.  Specifically, Mesri registered and helped manage an Iranian company, the identity of which is known to the United States, which conducted computer intrusions against targets inside and outside the United States on behalf of the IRGC.  Using computer and online infrastructure, in some cases procured by Mesri, the conspiracy tested its malware and gathered information from target computers or networks, and sent spearphishing messages to its targets.

Specifically, between Jan. and May 2015, the Cyber Conspirators, using fictitious and imposter accounts, attempted to trick their targets into clicking links or opening files that would allow the conspirators to deploy malware on the target’s computer.  In one such instance, the Cyber Conspirators created a Facebook account that purported to belong to a USIC employee and former colleague of Witt, and which utilized legitimate information and photos from the USIC employee’s actual Facebook account. This particular fake account caused several of Witt’s former colleagues to accept “friend” requests.

The case is being investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office with assistance from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations.  The prosecution is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Deborah Curtis, Jocelyn Ballantine and Luke Jones of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia with assistance from Trial Attorney Evan N. Turgeon of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Hatred For Trump Transcends Safeguarding Americans

A bureaucrat is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, but one hardly admires vultures whom bureaucrats so strangely resemble. I have yet to meet a bureaucrat who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in possessing a vicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Politicians are not born; they are excreted. —Marcus Tullius Cicero

The above quotes from Cicero were long ago, as is this quote from President George Washington, the Father of our Nation at his Farewell Address September 19, 1796, “However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

Today is no different than the days of Cicero who died 43 years BC, and Washington who died in 1799.  See the Book of Ecclesiastes.

The Twelve Betrayals

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer believe spending $5 billion for a wall is a waste of money, but $155 billion per year in support to illegals is a human right.  The twelve republicans who went against our President’s wishes to secure our border and protect American citizens from terrorists, drug pushers, child traffickers, MS-13 gangs, and criminal aliens have every excuse in the book, but none of them can withstand the scrutiny of Trump’s supporters.

How many outcries did we hear when past presidents proclaimed multiple national emergencies?  Very few!  Here’s the list all the way back to President Jimmy Carter.

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) (Pub.L. 94–412, 90 Stat. 1255, enacted September 14, 1976, and signed by Republican President Gerald Ford, (codified at 50 U.S.C. § 1601–1651) is a United States federal law passed to end all previous national emergencies and to formalize the emergency powers of the President.

The following twelve Senators who voted against our President’s National Emergency were NeverTrumpers.

The following comments about the Senators who betrayed our President match the order of the photos.  These Senators and more disavow the Republican party platform of pro-life and a border wall, both of which were secured at Republican conventions by Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.  These Senators are some of the “Kingmakers” Phyllis spoke about in her book, A Choice Not an Echo.  They are not Constitutional Conservatives.

Sen. Roger Wicker (Mississippi) Wicker said in a statement earlier this week: “The precedent we set this year might empower a future liberal President to declare emergencies to enact gun control or to address ‘climate emergencies,’ or even to tear down the wall we are building today.” Wicker, an Air Force veteran, won re-election comfortably last fall in a state Trump carried by nearly 20 points in 2016.

Sen. Marco Rubio (Florida) Marco used the same excuse as Wicker.  However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for an eventual presidential campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton’s War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.  And Rubio loved the H-1B Visas for foreign aliens who replaced American workers at Disney World, after they had to train them!  He actually has proposed that we triple the Visas.  Of course, Disney is one of Rubio’s biggest financial boosters.

Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) Portman had worked with Mike Lee on the compromise resolution. The two-term senator said that while he supported Trump’s request for border wall funding, an emergency declaration is not necessary to secure those funds, and that the declaration would set a “dangerous precedent.”  Sure, protecting Americans from criminal illegals is beyond your understanding.  His association with Mike Lee lets us know Portman is another NeverTrumper.

Sen. Susan Collins (Maine) Ahhh yes, Susan Collins who voted for Justice Kavanaugh, and was applauded.  However, this pro-abort Senator has close ties to both of the Bush presidents.  And now, National Collins-mania reached a frenzy after a recent appearance on Maine Public Radio, in which she seemed to endorse the idea of the Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaing Trump’s tax returns as part of its investigation into ties with Russia.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) Lisa Murkowski is another pro-abort Senator.  The Republican platform is pro-life, but you’d never know it by some of the Republicans in the House and Senate.

Sen. Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania) Toomey replaced Arlen Spector in the Senate.  He is an anti-gunner, he wants laws tightened, as though the guns and the second amendment are the problems.  Democrat Joe Manchin and Toomey joined in a proposal for universal background checks for gun purchases, which failed. He has disagreed with Trump many times, and like the rest of these 12, he claims the National Emergency is a “separation of powers issue.”  It didn’t seem to bother him when used by previous presidents.

Sen. Roy Blunt (Missouri) Blunt claims he too is concerned about the precedent Trump’s National Emergency would set.  Apparently, it didn’t bother Blunt when Presidents Clinton, Bush or Obama used the National Emergency Act which was signed by President Gerald Ford in 1976.  Senator Blunt was a Congressional Representative from 1977 to 2011 when he became a Senator.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (Tennessee) Good old Lamar, the man who joined with our corrupt “Christian Conservative” Governor Bill Haslam, owner of the FBI raided Pilot Oil/Flying J to promote state internet sales taxes.  Senator Alexander agreed with Obama Education Czar Arne Duncan regarding common core standards, and Skinnerian behavioral training in our government schools.  For more information on Alexander, read my four-part article on this neo-con Trotskyite.

Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) Willard Mitt Romney absolutely hates Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump endorsed and funded Romney when he ran against Obama in 2012.  Romney’s running mate was former Speaker Paul Ryan, another NeverTrumper.  While Governor of Massachusetts, Romney was ahead of Obama in promoting government-controlled healthcare, which financed abortion with a $50 co-pay and funded abortion statewide through taxpayer monies.  He opposed a Massachusetts Defense of Marriage Constitutional amendment, and said homosexuals should be allowed in the boy scouts.  Governor Romney officially celebrated “Gay-Straight Youth Pride Day,” and sat on the board of directors for a leading purveyor of pornography without opposing the corporation’s exploitation of women.  As for Smart Growth and UN Agenda 21, Romney is all for it.  [Link]

Sen. Rand Paul (Kentucky) “What is underappreciated is their passion for freedom, and their commitment to ideas.  Unlike many crony capitalists who troll the halls of Congress looking for favors, the Kochs have consistently lobbied against special-interest politics.” The Senator said this right after he announced he was running for President in April of 2015.  I believe Rand’s comments stem from the fact that he may have received Koch funding for his presidential run.

Like the Kochs, Rand Paul is a libertarian, but Rand claims to be pro-life, yet he finds no problem with pro-aborts like the two brothers.  Koch-sponsored libertarianism means open borders, legal dope and prostitution, abortion and gay rights, extreme pornography, an American military withdrawal from the rest of the world, and “free trade” with Russia and China. [Link]

Senator Paul is promoting a Constitutional Convention as are the Kochs who massively fund American Legislative Exchange Council, an organization who has promoted a con-con for decades, and which was founded by the first President of Heritage Foundation. [Link]

Sen. Jerry Moran (Kansas) Moran is just like the rest of the neo-cons, he believes the law passed by Congress giving the President National Emergency powers is unconstitutional. Senator Moran voted against President Trump’s 2017 executive order imposing a temporary ban on entry to the U.S. to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries.  Moran only announced his support for Trump after he became the presumptive nominee.

Sen. Mike Lee (Utah) Lee has never supported Trump and tried his best, along with Ken Cuccinelli, to derail him from becoming the nominee.  Now, Lee has introduced legislation to curb the president’s power to declare a national emergency.  Under Lee’s proposal, if a president were to declare a national emergency, Congress would have to approve it within 30 days or it would automatically expire.

The Senator loves free trade, loves H-1B Visas, and supported legislation that would bring more Muslims into America. [Link] Lee has joined with democrats like Durbin and Schumer to vote against mandatory prison sentences for deported illegal aliens who enter our country again. This bill was in response to the illegal who killed Kathryn Steinle and had re-entered the U.S. five times.

Not a single one of these Republicans are true Constitutional conservatives. Trump vetoed their vote, and this is what he said about his first veto.

Illegal Immigration

President Trump is fighting to protect American citizens from criminal illegal aliens, and from the destruction of this country via the Islamic refugee resettlement programs.  The Socialist Democrat Party fights him at every turn, and many Republicans join with them to derail the President’s promises to the American people.

There is nothing immoral about protecting America’s citizens although the Democrat Party claims it is.  Congress passed the National Emergencies Act during the Ford administration, and nothing in the law says the President can’t use his own judgment in declaring an emergency.

President Trump has publicly warned the governments of Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala that if they don’t take steps to stop the latest caravan of bogus asylum invaders, he will cut off aid to the countries. While this is a good first step, it won’t deter the invasion unless we stop admitting the invaders and implementing catch-and-release under orders from illegitimate court rulings, as we did with the previous caravan and countless tens of thousands of others coming in with less pomp. And that would hold true even with a border wall. They just come to our points of entry, surrender themselves, get released into our communities, and never show up to their hearings until and unless they wind up committing crimes.

Our Sovereignty at Risk

Anyone who tells you that the president doesn’t have the authority to exclude anyone for any reason doesn’t deserve to live in a sovereign nation. Sovereignty trumps everything. There is nothing in our statutes that forces the president to admit anyone he feels is a problem. In fact, as Conservative Review has previously noted, he has inherent executive powers from Article II, as well as delegated authority from Congress under existing law, to stop taking in immigrants at the border or through visas for as much time as he deems necessary.

It all boils down to bogus asylum and catch-and-release. Either Trump ends those, or everything else is just talk. While Trump is right to ask Congress to step in, we’ve noted before that the statute is already clear that these people do not qualify as asylees and that the unaccompanied teenagers do not qualify as refugees

As the Supreme Court said in a landmark 1950 case, “The exclusion of aliens is a fundamental act of sovereignty. The right to do so stems not alone from legislative power but is inherent in the executive power to control the foreign affairs of the nation.”

This is why for the first 100 years of our country, immigration was entirely controlled by diplomatic correspondence through the State Department. The president was clearly using this authority when communicating with the leader of the country of origin of this caravan.

Trump can simply shut the door and demand that any legitimate asylum claims be processed through our 10 or so consulates in Mexico.  The president needs to threaten not just Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador, but Mexico with diplomatic sanctions.

As Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, told Daniel Horowitz in an email, “The president should be leaning on Mexico and the sending nations that their facilitation of this problem is immoral, shameful, and will adversely affect our bilateral relationship.”  [Link]

In declaring a state of emergency pursuant to the NEA, President Trump is using pre-existing statutory authority to address a legitimate crisis created by lawless conduct at and beyond our southern border. Our president is protecting our country’s borders through means contemplated by Congress and used many times by past presidents for matters less directly threatening than those present on the southern border.  [Link]

Let the Congress critters know what you think and that you support our President!

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

It Is Time For The Government School Cabal To Pay The Piper

Ever since the forlorn days of John Dewey, leftists have been feverishly working to politically destroy the United States of America. Mr. Dewey and his like minded followers understood, in order to change the United States into a lesser nation under international dominance, Americans would have to be weened off of the principles that made her great. So, the gradual turning away from solid school education toward globalist-oriented indoctrination began. The evil father of the indoctrination system of government schools producing misguided fools began in earnest in the later half of the nineteenth century.

One has to ask, did Dewey and his fellow haters of God and liberty have the right to engage in their dastardly mission to destroy our exceptional nation way of life.  Personally, I don’t think so, but they were most certainly allowed to have their merry way to seriously infect American education with a litany of practices to harm our republic. Think about it. Today almost half of American students hate God. They are also are willing to take on the mantle of socialism, despite the horrors of it displayed in our hemisphere via Venezuela.

Dewey and his friends wanted to rid America of the God inspired concept of rugged individualism. It emphasized you and I being free to reach our greatest potential through personal achievement. Because of the original underpinnings of such Godly principles as charity, thrift, diligence and faith America became the number one place on earth, where anyone no matter their station in life had a good shot at securing success and leaving a great legacy and an inheritance for their children and grandchildren. It is pointed out in Crimes of the Educators written by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, that what was needed was a new curriculum that emphasized socialization and taught children by a whole-word method that would decrease America’s literacy level.  As a result, students would become more amenable to collectivist values.

A very important question we should ask ourselves as sovereign Americans is, did John Dewey and his cohorts have a right to implement an evil plot to destroy our unique form of government?  After all, it was to be a government of by and for the people, that protects our rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   I want to know who or what convinced Dewey and company, believe they should replace God and the unalienable rights he inspired the Founding Fathers to recognize and include in the basic fabric of what helped make the United States the envy of the world?

Today, the utopian fantasy is more worthy to educators than and a free prosperous society that makes it easier for them to be paid decent salaries.  The demonic Dewey preceded tyrants like Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, and other communist so-called leaders who used brutal force to impose their utopian nightmares on their entire countries killing hundreds of millions in their effort to gain total control.  Let us not forget, Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro who picked up where his predecessor left off in destroying what was one of the largest economies in the world.  The primary reason dictatorships around the world used brutal force to subdue their citizens is because they could.  Those populations ether had given up their right to bare arms, or their governments never allowed the people to own firearms for their personal and property protection.

The leftists here in America during the 19th and early 20th centuries understood they could not take over our republic and turn it into a socialist hell hole.  They were rightly convinced that most Americans would reject them and their communist utopianism out of hand immediately.  That is why the leftists then set out to become political parasites and gradually invade every political, educational, and mainline Christian and media institution in the country.   The biggest culprit in this grand scheme to destroy America from within is without a doubt, the government education/indoctrination system.  It is the systematic dummying down and indoctrination efforts that have placed America at the brink of possible collapse.

I must admit, the government school educators have done a masterful job of convincing almost 50% percent of American students to desire and promote a communist way of life that would demolish the comfortable lifestyle they take for granted. The communists including the educators and professors are in league with those in government who seek to wipe out the knowledge of the God of Abraham, Isaac  and Jacob.  Both the Biblical Old and New Testaments were studied by the founding Fathers who gave credit to God for our liberties and the structure leading to unprecedented opportunities for everyone. Thus, eliminating the need for any cradle to grave nanny goat government.  With comparatively less government intrusion into our lives, Americans created the largest middle class in history with many opportunities to climb even higher up the ladder of success.

The time is here and now for a concerted effort to beat back the leftist anti God, anti-Liberty, anti Second Amendment, anti-Constitution and anti-true education movement.  If any company or individual caused irreparable harm, they would be sued and or sent to jail to think about their deeds. I think the time is now for the educational/indoctrination system to pay for the crime of actively trying to destroy the United Stated from within via indoctrination. Don’t miss The Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT on americamatters.us, SHRmedia and emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nv.  Also Sundays at 12:00 AM EST, you can enjoy The Ron Edwards Experience on the TalkAmericaRadio Network.  The Edwards Notebook blows away the myths and reveals the truth during the Captain’s America Third Watch overnight talk show on nearly 200 radio affiliates nationwide and worldwide via www.am860theanswer.com

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

They’re Coming For Your Kids

Last Friday we were supposed to be overwhelmed by the spectacle of multitudes of teenagers walking out on their high school classes as part of a world-wide “Youth Climate Strike” to “demand immediate action” by the government to–er, stop: yes, they think the government can “stop” it—climate change.

Oh, the hysteria! “People are dying! Enact the Green New Deal! Climate justice!” The strike was a big Thing in hopeless Europe, but here in America, it pretty much fizzled. But they’ll try again.

This is part of a massive effort by the Democrat Party to seize control of our country and never give it back, and finish the job of “fundamental transformation” of America into a socialist basket case with themselves ruling it forever.

At the same time, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared it’s high time we lowered the voting age to 16.

Now, why would anyone want to add several million children to the voting rolls?

In one of those rare instances in which a Democrat accidently tells the truth, Pelosi came right out with this:

“It’s really important to capture kids when they’re in high school.”

Did she say “capture”? Yeah, that’s what she said and that’s what she meant: “capture.” Her choice of words is revealing.

High school kids, of course, are already a captive audience. Pelosi wants them to be her party’s captives. Because here’s what comes next:

Senator Dianne Feinstein has proposed the “Climate Change Education Act,” which would require—yes, we said “require”—all public school teachers to teach “human-induced climate change” to the captives in every school in America. Because, she says, the world is in “immediate danger” and the “evidence for human-induced climate change is overwhelming and undeniable.” This is one of those much less rare instances in which a Democrat does not tell the truth.

Meanwhile, one thing the public schools don’t teach is civics. The children who have been captured here literally do not know that the law, the Constitution, puts limits on what any government can do. They don’t know there are limits! So they “demand” the government take action, any action, whatever it takes, to stave off the imminent catastrophic end of the world, which they have been told—by Democrats—is coming in just twelve years. If it takes the imposition of a dictatorship, so be it. Otherwise we’re all gonna die. And they have been told that government can save them—if only it’s given enough power to do the job.

It’s a three-part plan. First, use the media to get the kiddies in a panic about climate change and the end of the world. Then, use the schools to drive the lesson home, day after day, giving out bad grades or even punishment to any kid who doesn’t drink the Kool-Aid. And then, ta-dah! Lower the voting age! Give these terrified children the opportunity to vote for the party that wants to stop climate change and save the world from destruction which is just twelve years down the road. Use your captives to swamp the sanity vote.

And if they still can’t quite impose their will, lower the voting age again. If 16-year-olds can vote, why not 14-year-olds? If high school students vote, why not middle school students? And don’t forget illegal aliens. A lot of them already vote, although it’s against the law. But surely they can persuade their captives to let them change that law.

The thing is, Democrats will do just about anything to get back into power; and once they’re in, they mean to stay. They do not intend for our republic to survive.

We’re going to have to work very hard indeed to keep our freedom.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Do You Really Understand Why We’re Losing Our Country?

“Do you really understand?”

I find myself saying that a lot lately.  It is amazing to me how many people have their head stuck in the sand.  I’m not sure whether it is deliberate, or if they really don’t get it.

Ignorance is bliss, or so they say. But it really isn’t. Ignorance is dangerous. The Bible tells us that ignorance is one of the main reasons that people perish.

But some folks really have no excuse and I really don’t understand it. How can so many seemingly-bright people be so far off base?

Better yet, how can so many Christians be so deceived?  How can so many Christians not understand?  How can the one group of people who are supposedly enlightened by the Holy Spirit be walking in such deception?

“Do you really understand?”

Jeremiah 5:21 says that ‘people have eyes but can’t see, they have ears but can’t hear’ meaning, that people have lost their God given gift to discern good from evil.

My heart aches because I just spent another day as a speaker in a suburban high school in the Columbus, Ohio area.  I usually roll with the punches pretty well and I love the give and take that the mind -invigorating exercise affords me.

But today was different.  Today left me with a tension headache.  I am hoping that writing this screed will ease the thumping in my temples.  I have had several conversations since I got home and I find myself asking the same question to everyone I speak with in my attempt to explain the plight I just navigated through.

“Do you really understand?”

The harsh truth is…they don’t.  They don’t understand or they would never put up with it.  Neither do most of you reading this.  You don’t really understand either.

So, let me lay it on the line.

Our public schools are a moral wasteland.  Any hope of rescuing this nation is rapidly draining away.   Any standard of ethical belief is oozing out of the body.

There is no longer a right and wrong in America’s public schools.  They have been Balkanized.    Morality has become merely personal.  Right and wrong is no longer based on a standard, but is left to the whims of the individual.

Sorry Superman, but there is no longer any such thing as “truth, justice, and the American way.”  Truth has become an opinion.  What is right for you may not be right for me.  As long as you feel OK about your decisions then what does it matter what others think.

“Who are you to judge me?” they ask.  “How do my choices and my decisions impact you?  What does it matter what I do with my own body?  Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?”

Do YOU really understand?  YOU.  The reader.  Do you really understand how bad it is?

The failure of the local church is so evident when you walk into the classroom.  Appearances can be so deceptive.  There used to be a time when you could get a “feel” for a student based on appearance or attitude.  But today there really is very little difference.  The Christian kids look, speak, and act just like everyone else.

They have their morality but, for the most part, it is no different that the non-Christian kid sitting next to them.  Neither one of them believe in a universal standard of right and wrong.  “I’m ok, you’re ok,” and Jesus loves all of us anyway…so who am I to judge.”

We are losing America.  In fact, it may already be lost.  The kids in the classroom have parents who are in their forties.  I am old enough to be their grandfather.  We have very little in common when it comes to a universal standard of right and wrong.  As the Scripture’s warn us, “when there was no King in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Christ is no longer King in America because he is no longer King in the church.  There is no way that a church could be teaching Bible Truth to the congregation and produce classrooms full of children who have no universal understanding of right and wrong.

I guess that is why they call it multi-cultural.  No right and wrong.  Everyone choosing how they will live.  No obligation to your neighbor.  No fealty to the Truth of Christ.  A mosh pit of mushy morality…saltless Christian children sitting in the sewer.

Do you really understand how bad it is?

America’s pastors have failed us.  Most speak glowingly of their local “public” schools and “wonderful” teachers indoctrinating the children in doctrines of demons.  There is nothing Christian about our educational system.

The secularists run the schools.  Christianity is mocked.   Real Christian children are ostracized.  All with your tax dollars.  All on your dime.  Teaching your children things you would never teach them in your own home.

Education is a national emergency.  Children are taught to FEEL not to learn.  No wonder AOC is so popular.  She looks just like America.  She represents the values taught in America’s government schools.

Get your kids out of the public hell holes.  The value-less indoctrination they provide is undermining our nation.   If your pastor supports the schools then find a new church.  They are institutions of lower living…undermining everything you have tried to instill in your offspring.  SELF makes a pretty poor god.

America cannot survive amoral education.  Do you still have your children in public schools?  Are your grandkids there?

Then you really don’t understand.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Cost Of Illegal Immigration Per Illegal Alien

Consider this summary of a study from the Center of Immigration Studies, www.cis.org:

“The findings of this analysis show that the average cost of a deportation is much smaller than the net fiscal drain created by the average illegal immigrant. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reported the average deportation cost as $10,854 in FY 2016. In FY 2012, ICE removed 71 percent more aliens with a similar budget, creating an average inflation-adjusted cost of $5,915. This compares to an average lifetime net fiscal drain (taxes paid minus services used) of $65,292 for each illegal immigrant, excluding their descendants. This net figure is based on fiscal estimates of immigrants by education level from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NAS). The total fiscal drain for the entire illegal population is estimated at $746.3 billion. Of course, simply because deportation is much less costly than allowing illegal immigrants to stay does not settle the policy questions surrounding illegal immigration as there are many factors to consider. Steven A. Camarota is the director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, 8/3/17   (Reported in CarryingCapacityNetwork.org)

Your two U.S. senators and Congressman/woman bring this nightmare to you every year, year after year, decade after decade.  Since the latest figure of illegal immigration now stands at 22-25 million illegal aliens per the October 2018 Yale University Report, you, the American taxpayer might feel a huge vacuum sucking your wallet right out of your pants or your purse.

And, yet, such famous Congressional Critters like Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer, who dominated Congress for the past 40 years, continue to tell you, “There is no crisis at the border.”  Except, the U.S. Border Patrol reported a record of 78,000 illegal alien violated our borders in February. With 22 to 25 million illegals in our country, perhaps Pelosi and Schumer remain out of touch with reality.

How about this sobering figure as to LEGAL immigration?

29,000 LEGAL Immigrants per Week Cost Us, U.S. Taxpayers $6.3 BILLION per Week, NET!

Unsustainable 1.5 Million Annual Legal-Immigrant Influx  Costs U.S. Taxpayers $330 Billion NET (i.e., after subtracting Taxes Immigrants Pay) per Year NET, i.e., $758 MILLION per Year for EACH Congressional District   (does not include State & Local Costs to Taxpayers)
See CCN’s Cost of Immigration Study

David Durham, director at CCN, said, “If the 1.5 to 1.6 Million Annual Legal Immigrant Inflow were cut to 150,000/Year (i.e., Zero-Net Annual Immigration = Emigration), Federal Deficit could be reduced by One-Half Trillion $ in a Decade!

Please help us (Carrying Capacity Network) PUSH A MORATORIUM, by intensifying our Activist Mobilization, Media, lobbying and public education efforts with a tax-deductible donation

What is Carrying Capacity Network?

Carrying Capacity Network confronts the controversial issues, makes the difficult choices, and adopts the innovative approaches necessary to meet the challenges facing our nation. CCN’s action-oriented initiatives focus on achieving national revitalization, population stabilization, immigration reduction, economic sustainability, and resource conservation.

After much research on the issue of legal and illegal immigration, everything becomes SO depressing.  That’s why I stand with and support organizations that actually take action on behalf of American citizens.  As you know, the invasion of our country continues because not enough people stand up and push back.

We either stand together and stop this legal/illegal immigration invasion or our children face a really sobering future.  In order to educate yourself please check out: CarryingCapacityNetwork.org

As I’ve written hundreds of commentaries for the past 30 years, we either stop endless and massive immigration into America, or we’re not going to enjoy an “America” and the “American people” ever again.  We’re literally galloping over a demographic and sociological cliff.

By joining such organizations as CarryingCapacityNetwork.org, you give yourself a powerful voice by joining with millions of other Americans who care about the future of our country.

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Did You Know That Your Government is Arming Agencies Like the IRS, DHS, VHA, OIG, SSA, NPS?

“Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State!” —Heinrich Himmler 

While the government is busy attempting to disarm the Americans that they work for through their continuous propaganda efforts, they are on the back end in covertly expanding their agencies’ arsenals. This should come as no surprise.  These types of actions have been leveled against the American people since September 11, 2001, in which many agencies were created that were sold to the American people as precautionary and security measures, only to find that 18 years later that these same agencies have been found warring and stripping away the rights of Americans that government is to secure (Deuteronomy 29:63).

If this is not a cause of alarm to the American people, then what is?

[YouTube Video]

Mint Press News’ Whitney Webb reported in an article titled, “Non-Military Federal Agencies Under Trump Expand Already Enormous Arsenals”:

The massive purchases of ammo and weapons by non-military federal agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA), that first began under the Obama administration has continued unabated under the Trump administration, while receiving less media coverage.

According to a report released last December by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and recently highlighted by Forbes, the mass purchase of ammunition, weapons and other military-grade items by ostensibly civilian government agencies has continued up through Fiscal Year (FY) 2017, the latest year for which data is available. The report also found that many agencies had misreported the amount and size of their ammo and weapons purchases to the GAO by a significant degree. In one case, the GAO found that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had actually spent eight times more on weapons and ammo than it had disclosed to their office.

The budgets that had been proposed for FY 2017 — which ended on September 30, 2017 — had originally been drafted under the Obama administration but were amended by the Trump administration and the then-Republican-led Congress beginning in late January 2017 following President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The Trump administration chose to leave the massive purchases of ammo and weapons by non-military agencies as they were, despite the controversy they had caused among many Trump supporters and other groups when such purchases were made under the Obama administration.

Among the agencies that acquired ammunition, weapons and related equipment in FY 2017 were:

  • The IRS spent $600,000 on ammunition but refused to disclose to the GAO its intended purpose and told the GAO that it could not provide data on firearms purchases. The IRS has stated in the past that such purchases are used in “investigating potential criminal violations of the Internal Revenue Code.” Its current inventory is estimated to include 4,461 firearms, including submachine guns, and over 5 million rounds of ammunition.
  • The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) of the Department of Veterans Affairs purchased around 600 firearms and nearly 20,000 rounds of ammunition, along with riot gear and camouflage uniforms. The VHA has claimed that these purchases are for “enforcing federal law at VA medical facilities (and some National Cemetery and Benefits locations).”
  • The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Social Security Administration (SSA) purchased around 300 firearms and 250,000 rounds of ammunition. The SSA’s OIG has stated that it uses these items for investigations into “wrongdoing by applicants, beneficiaries, contractors and third parties, and employees.
  • The National Park Service (NPS) of the U.S. Department of the Interior purchased nearly 2 million rounds, approximately 1,500 firearms, silencers, riot shields and batons, camouflage uniforms and “pyrotechnics and specialized munitions.” The stated purpose of these items is to protect “the safety and health of NPS visitors, partners, and staff, as well as our natural and cultural resources.”
  • Though those numbers certainly seem large — maybe even astoundingly so — on their own, they are part of a years-long effort that began during the Obama administration that has seen many non-military federal agencies arm themselves to the teeth.
  • As the recently released GAO report notes, from FY 2010 to FY 2017, non-military federal agencies spent $1.5 billion on ammunition, weapons and military grade tactical gear. As an example, during that time frame, the VA bought 11 million rounds of ammunition, roughly equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of its 3,957 officers. Similarly, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has purchased 4 million rounds over the past eight years and acquired 1 million rounds for use by its 461 special agents. The HHS has called its arms purchases “imperative.” In addition, the SSA bought 800,000 rounds for their 270 special agents during this period, amounting to nearly 3,000 rounds per agent. Even the U.S. Postal Service acquired significant amounts of weapons and ammunition.

These purchases in the past have been the subject of some controversy, such as the mass purchases of hollow-point rounds by government agencies including the Forest Service, National Park Service, Office of Inspector General, Bureau of Fiscal Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Marshals, and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Hollow-point bullets are illegal under the Geneva Convention but government agencies spent at least $426,268 in just two years (FY 2015 and FY 2016) to acquire them.

Ammunition purchases by the Department of Homeland Security in 2013 were also controversial and were subsequently investigated by the GAO. DHS had claimed that is was buying over a billion rounds of ammunition, including hollow-point rounds, in order to “save money.” However, this has long been in doubt, given that hollow-point rounds are significantly more expensive than other rounds that do not expand upon impact.

At the time, Forbes noted that the massive ammo purchases by DHS could be used to sustain a “hot war” for more than twenty years, given that during the height of the Iraq War the Army used around 6 million rounds per month. With its planned purchase of 1.6 billion rounds, DHS would have ammo left over after matching the Army’s peak daily outpouring of hot lead for two solid decades.

Though the initial mass purchases of ammo and weapons by U.S. federal agencies received considerable media attention and provided fodder for numerous conspiracy theories, the fact that those purchases have continued under Trump has received surprisingly less attention. This may be because past concerns over such purchases during the Obama era were often raised along partisan lines, with conservatives being the most vocal critics. This may seem odd given the gun control stances of Obama and his supporters. Many of those who had criticized the Obama administration for these shocking purchases, a large number of whom are now Trump supporters, may perhaps be uninclined to levy similar criticism against a president they now support.

In addition, it is not surprising that the Trump administration would allow these purchases to continue given that such purchases greatly benefit American arms manufacturers, with whom the president has cultivated a close relationship while making arms sales to allies the cornerstone of his foreign policy. Thus, it would make sense that Trump would be willing to support U.S. government purchases of those same arms, by both the military — as evidenced by the Pentagon’s still-ballooning budget — and non-military agencies.

There is no denying that these purchases represent a significant amount of government waste. More importantly, these purchases reveal the gradual yet continual effort to militarize federal agencies that have historically been administrative, a trend that should concern all Americans.

While the militarization of domestic police forces has attracted attention, it is equally important to ask why regulatory agencies are now so heavily armed, considering that virtually all of those pursued by these regulatory agencies are American citizens who are wanted for minor infractions or non-violent crimes.

One might ask themselves, what has been the history of the state when it comes to this sort of activity? Consider that it is this government, outside of their delegated authority, that just passed a bill calling for the murder of the innocent up to birth (Proverbs 6:17).

Yet, there are still many Americans that stand back and play the fool to their own demise as to what this is all really about.

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© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Almost Every Politician, Judge And Bureaucrat Is Corrupt

“I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.”  —President Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson served two terms as president from 1829 to 1837.  He was a polarizing figure and there were many controversies throughout his presidency, not unlike President Trump.  One of the worst of Jackson’s controversies was the “trail of tears” which forcibly removed, at gunpoint, about 20,000 Cherokee Indians to Oklahoma where nearly a quarter of them died along the way.

Nevertheless, during Jackson’s campaign he promised to clean up corruption in government and restore the nation’s finances.  He managed to replace about 10% of government officers, which he called the “principle of rotation in office.”  Later, others would call it the “spoils system.”  Like today, he was unable to expose and root out systemic corruption that comes with any form of government, especially in the bureaucracy.

President Trump has tried to “drain the swamp” but the swamp is so huge and has been in place for so long, draining it is probably impossible.  With nearly 3,000,000 government employees occupying our bureaucracies and most of them graduates of our liberal colleges that openly repudiate and resist America’s founding principles, the task to drain the swamp is generational.   How do you de-program 3,000,000 bureaucrats?

There is no way to deny that Progressivism has infected the swamp so effectively, only a replacement of at least 70% of the occupants of the swamp would sufficiently change its character.  Unfortunately, this one-sided Progressive – socialist make up of the swamp leads to corruption and abuse of power, as we discovered when acting FBI Director Andy McCabe and his two conspirators, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, set out to cover up a crime (Hillary Clinton) and overturn a presidential election, (Donald Trump) using the extreme powers of the DOJ and the FBI.

It seems many politicians promise to clean up corruption during their campaigns, but corruption is so insidious in government and even business, it has become a never-ending battle that we lose every year.  In government and large businesses and other organizations, corruption has become institutionalized.

The Department of Justice and the FBI recently unveiled a prime example of that corruption in the people.  It seems that wealthy individuals hatched a scheme to “buy” and “cheat” their children’s way into prestigious colleges.   This involved bribery, fraud, cheating on tests, falsifying records, photo-shopping and other criminal activity, in what can only be described as collusion and racketeering for personal gain.

Much of corruption becomes an integral part of a “system” because there is little to no oversight.  Congressional oversight is akin to the fox guarding the henhouse.  Patronage, cronyism, nepotism, spoils, bribery, double-dealing and other negative human characteristics drive the “system.”  Very few are watching the players of the “system” and accountability is slim to none.  The mainstream press and the people are supposed to be watchdogs of the “system”, but sadly, the press and the people have become embroiled in and are a part of the “system.”  Mostly, the people simply don’t care, except when their welfare checks are reduced or taken away.  Thus, the corrupt “system” is allowed to survive and grow, usually exponentially.

It therefore cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the “system” itself is corrupt.

The inescapable slide of America in the direction of all past countries, societies and cultures cannot be ignored. What usually precipitates the destruction comes on the heels of three specific growing conditions. The first condition is societal apathy, the second moral decay and the third, solidification of inflexible “systems”, leading to rapidly increasing regulations and rising government power.

Law also drives the “system” and as laws increase, the “system” becomes more inflexible, expensive and grossly inefficient. Eventually, these metastasizing maladies of millions of laws, inflexibility, rising costs, inefficiency and resistance to change, drive the “system” into corruption. The “system” becomes so powerful that it becomes virtually impossible to change without an extraordinary effort.  Sometimes violence is the only way to change the “system”.

The “system” is an intertwined entanglement of interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance and trade, accompanied by government enablers of the “system” in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of government.  The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests.  The “system” exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people’s money and the demands of special interests.

The collusion between corporations, unions, bankers, socialists, environmentalists and the broad category of government, at every level, are the glue that holds the corrupt “system” together.

Corruption and indoctrination have even entered public and higher education with the insidious infusion of psychoanalytical babble through Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Competency-Based Education (CEB) and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) where the curriculum focuses on attributes, mindsets, values and behavior instead of academic achievement.  Who told them they could mess with our kid’s developing minds this way?  Why have we let them?

Attorneys, judges, court clerks and tens of thousands of state and federal rules, drive the judicial “system”, such that if objective justice ever finds a court, it will have become a worldwide miracle.

Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the “system.”  Even the good politicians, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the “system.”

The “system” gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The “system” brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard.  The “system” gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing.  American currency is valueless, backed up by a government-created mirage.  The “system” gave us 80 overlapping welfare programs that waste our tax money like water over Niagara Falls.

The “system” gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal “system” bias, with few exceptions.  The “system” gave us liberal colleges that now only espouse one liberal viewpoint and silences any other.  The “system” gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily regulated and freedoms denied.  The “system” gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual, or individual rights.  Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless and has been replaced by patronage, collusion, corruption and socialism.

Government bureaucracies are prime examples of entrenched “systems” that resist every attempt to make them more efficient, or dismantle them altogether.  As we wrote in a recent article, “since most government programs are a deep cesspool of waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, the cost versus the benefits for any government program are in all likelihood, in the toilet.”

Who runs the “system”? The “system” is run by millions of compliant flunkies who haven’t the slightest clue that they are part of a powerful, fire-breathing dragon that consumes nations, crushes individual freedom and squashes dissent.

Everyone knows that the IRS is totally corrupt, dysfunctional and in many cases, unlawful and yet it lives on. Why hasn’t Congress fixed it? Because millions of jobs in accounting and the legal arena would go away if the IRS were dismantled, or re-structured to be less complicated. Those jobs have a powerful lobby in Washington DC (the “System”) and will never let Congress do away with those jobs.

As we previously said, the “system” is supported primarily by special interests. The special interests can be money, socialism, environmentalism, welfare, land use, racism, immigration, health care, climate change, corporations, unions and even animal rights groups.  In America there are special interests for every occasion and they all have their lobbyists in Washington DC and in every state legislature, to pound on the table and demand that their pet project must be funded by YOUR money.  Our alleged representatives give in almost every time ….. for votes.

In September of 2018 your government went on an end-of-the-fiscal-year, “use-it-or-lose-it” spending spree to the tune of over $96 billion dollars for things like a $9,241 chair, China table ware at $53,004, alcohol at $308,994, golf carts at $673,471, lobster tail and crab at $4.6 million, Iphones and Ipads at $7.7 million and workout and recreation equipment for $9.8 million.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is your money they are spending and what they are doing is thumbing their collective noses at you.  They live high off the hog on your money while you sweat blood and tears to pay the taxes.  This is corruption and arrogance at the highest level.

Once again, it cannot be denied that almost every politician, judge and bureaucrat is corrupt because the “system” itself is corrupt.

If you are one of those that think Trump and his followers are the answer, you believe in mirages.  There is no way he or they can clean up the “system” alone.  He needs highly skilled and well-connected advisers and the majority of the people behind him to overcome the “system.” And even that is not enough.  America needs something else.

The “system” and the institutionalized corruption within can be defeated peacefully, just not all at once.  It has to be taken apart in small chunks.  A small group of dedicated individuals could start investigating politicians, judges and bureaucrats to uncover and expose the institutionalized corruption everyone knows is there.  But these citizen investigators and groups need a structure around which citizen investigations can take place.  We have developed such a structure, along with the organization, necessary information, instructions, processes and monetary incentives to get people motivated to do what is right so save America ….. legally!  We call this structure ORDCA and anyone with normal intelligence can do it.

When the corrupt politician, judge, or bureaucrat knows you are on the hunt for them, they will be looking over their shoulder.  When one of them falls to the “sword” of your relentless pursuit of accountability, the rest will become nervous, knowing that you are dogging their trail and digging deep into their lives and activities.

Now think of the havoc we could unleash if there were 10,000 citizen investigators exposing political corruption.  Finally, politicians would begin to fear the people once again and liberty could be just around the corner.

As we have said many times before, freedom and liberty cannot exist if the people and politicians have no honor and corruption is the norm, not the exception.  We either expose corruption or in the end it will destroy us.  We can do it peacefully and legally, or we could be forced to go to war to preserve liberty.


© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

You Are What You Eat, Part 1

Thy words were found and I ate them, and Thy words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Thy name, O LORD God of hosts. —Jeremiah 15:16

No one argues with the adage, “You are what you eat,” today. It is a generally accepted axiom. The meaning behind the phrase is clear: the type, quality, and quantity of physical food an individual eats will have a direct relationship to their health.

The reason is simple: our physical body is in a constant process of repairing, healing, and rebuilding at the cellular level. Our body is affected positively or negatively by what food we eat.

One example of this principle is found in the contrast between asparagus and a cinnamon roll. Asparagus is rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, as well as minerals such as folate, iron, copper, calcium, and protein and fiber. Asparagus is one of nature’s finest products and its health benefits are off the charts.

A cinnamon roll on the other hand, smells much better, looks more appealing, and makes our mouths salivate more quickly, especially at breakfast time with a hot cup of coffee! However, that warm, sweet, cinnamon delight also packs a whopping 880 calories, 127 grams of carbohydrates, and 37 grams of fat. By comparison, a quarter chicken dinner with mashed potatoes, a salad with balsamic dressing, with a multigrain roll is only 725 calories.

The take away is that appearances are deceiving. What we want to eat is not always what we should eat in many instances. We can state this another way as well: what tastes good, goes down easy, and makes us happy is not necessarily healthy.

We should be careful about what we eat. This is illustrated by the following story.

A Pastor was visiting members of his congregation one day and stopped to see an elderly widowed lady. During their conversation the Pastor noticed a bowl of peanuts sitting on a table near where he was sitting. This Pastor loved peanuts. He asked if he might have some of the peanuts to which his host replied, “of course, I can’t eat peanuts.”

As their conversation turned into a rather lengthy visit, the Pastor continued to eat the peanuts. He thought to himself that these were the best peanuts he had ever eaten. He tasted a very slight hint of chocolate which made them even more appealing.

At one point in their visit the elderly lady went into the kitchen to get them both a cup of coffee. The Pastor continued to eat the peanuts until he realized he had eaten the entire bowl. He was quite embarrassed by this and apologized to his host when she returned with their coffee.

The elderly woman was gracious and smiled as she said, “That’s ok Pastor. As I told you earlier I can’t eat peanuts so, I just suck the chocolate off of them.”

I use this illustration for two reasons. The first reason is that it always elicits the same response: a groan mixed with laughter and a contorted face. The second reason is that it makes the point that we should be sure that we know what it is we are eating.

Now, let’s consider this within a context of spiritual food. Do you know what you are eating spiritually speaking? Most will answer, yes, of course I do. Do you know if it is healthy for you? If you answered yes to the first question you no doubt answered yes to the second question. I want to challenge you to think deeper about what spiritual food you are eating.

Organic or Processed?

Is the spiritual food you are eating organic or processed? What do I mean by organic and processed spiritual food? Let’s start with natural, physical food. When you think of organic food what characteristics come to mind? Many people think that organic food is better for your body and therefore healthier. They believe this because organic food is thought to be grown without harmful chemicals. Another characteristic of organic food is that it usually costs more money than normally grown food.

When we think of processed food we think of food that may or may not be comprised of what it claims to be. There is a reason that the number one selling brand of “cheese” Americans like to use with their macaroni and cheese recipes is labeled “processed cheese food.” One look at the label tells you that there are chemicals and additives and ingredients most people can’t even pronounce. The only redeeming quality to processed food in some people’s minds is that it is cheaper. But, is cheaper always better?

Now, let’s move into the spiritual realm. When I speak of organic and processed spiritual food I want you to consider those categories in relation to truth and indoctrination. Truth is unvarnished, unaffected by additives like opinions and can be costly. Indoctrination is much easier to swallow and costs hardly anything at all initially.

Some readers might ask, “What is truth?” The opinion of a large number of Americans today is that truth does not exist. Many famously quote Pontius Pilate without knowing it.[1] Of course, Christians have the answer to this question. Truth is a person. Jesus famously said, “I am the truth.”[2] Here is a somewhat more theological definition of truth:

Truth is that which corresponds to reality. Truth is truth for all people in all places in every age. Truth is found in the God of the Bible who is the truth as well as it author.

This is an important point that people must understand. Truth is found in relationship with God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ the Son. Truth is discovered in relationship with God. Just as God is absolute, so is truth.

Let us turn our attention to a definition of indoctrination. Indoctrination is the process of presenting information to individuals or groups in such a way that these individuals or groups accept what they are being told uncritically. In other words, indoctrination occurs when individuals or groups accept whatever they are told or taught without examining the information in relation to truth.

Another name for indoctrination is brainwashing. Brainwashing is little more than charismatic persuasion. People accept information as truth not based on the information but rather on the charisma, personality, or talents of a person or group presenting the information.

Americans are increasingly aware that corporate media in America are little more than indoctrination outlets. It is not an overstatement to say that NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, FOX, and their spin-off networks, along with radio news, newspapers, and magazines offer a daily, weekly and monthly dose of propaganda. There is another source of indoctrination that is hidden in plain sight in many churches today.  Let’s turn there next.

Part 2 Next Week

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg



[1] Pontius Pilate asked Jesus the Christ ‘What is truth?” as recorded in the Gospel of John chapter 18 verse 38.

[2] John 14:6.

Does America Hate God?

I recently received in the mail a survey from the Founder of IN GOD WE TRUST,  Michael Chartrand and like so many others, of course, he asks for donations but not big amounts . He asks for as little as $10 to help him build his organization to get more involved.  The survey asks, “Does America Hate God” to show America’s leaders and the American people that there are still plenty of Americans who believe God has a place in the public life of our nation, and God is an honored part of our history so his National Survey Campaign will be distributing, collecting and tabulating the results of ONE MILLION SURVEYS from good people who love America and we can proclaim with one voice:  IN GOD WE TRUST.”  If you’d like to participate and donate $10 or more if possible, he may be contacted at IN GOD WE TRUST, P.O. Box 96197, Washington, D.C. 20090-6197. Phone 571-425-4165


He said shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, he heard a member of the clergy give a sermon that mocked the phrase, “God Bless America,” asking sarcastically: Whose God and whose America.” His mailing included numerous attacks on Christians that, of course, goes mainly unreported by the MSM.  Following are incidents of persecution:

ABOARD THE U.S.S. ANZIO (2004)- Lt. Gordon Klingenschmitt, a Navy Chaplain preaching at a Catholic Sailor’s funeral, was reprimanded and sent ashore for uttering the name “Jesus.”

“CAMP LIBERTY’ NEAR BAGHDAD, IRAQ (2005) – a brigade official ordered Army Chaplain Capt. John Stertzbach to “modify” his prayers at the funeral of a slain sergeant to minimize use of the name “Jesus.”

DES MOINES, IOWA (2006) – The God-hating “Americans United for Separation of Church and State” won a lawsuit when a federal judge ordered a Bible-based prison program out of the Newton Correction Facility…and ordered the Bible group to re-pay the State of Iowa $1.53 MILLION!

STIGLER, OKLAHOMA (2006) – The American-hating “American Civil Liberties Union” (ACLU) sued to have the Ten Commandments removed from the lawn of the Haskell County Courthouse, even though it was erected with private funds.

OMAHA, NEBRASKA (2007)- State Senator Ernie Chambers sued God in Douglas County Court, alleging that God has caused “calamitous catastrophes resulting in the wide-spread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth’s inhabitants including innocent babes, infants, children , the aged and infirm without mercy of distinction.”

MADISON, WISCONSIN (2008) – The Freedom from Religion Foundation, promoting itself as America’s largest atheist group, put up billboards urging people to “Imagine No Religion.” The group vowed to place these inflammatory billboards all over the nation to confront people of faith.

THE WHITE HOUSE (2009) – President Barack Hussein Obama dropped the long-standing practice of holding a public event at the White House to commemorate the National Day of Prayer.

U.S. AIR FORCE ACADEMY (2010) – A simple wooden cross was placed at the “Wiccan Chapel,” a circle of rocks in the woods near the service academy used by witches and warlocks for “black Sabbath” Satan worship. The Superintendent, Lt. Gen. Michael Gould, defended the witches and issues a statement declaring, “I consider this no different than someone writing graffiti on the Cade Chapel,” a Christian place of worship.

WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER (2011) – The hospital that treated thousands of the most severely wounded soldiers from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan posted a new rule: “No religious items (i.e., Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.

TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY (2012)- A group called American Atheists put up a billboard at Christmastime proclaiming, “Keep the Merry! Dump the Myth!” On the billboard, next to “Merry” is Santa Claus; above “Myth” is a picture of a Jesus statue.

ON THE AIR AT MSNBC (2013)-  Radical left-sing TV host Lawrence O’Donnell demands President Obama get rid of the Bible when he is sworn in as President, saying it is “filled with things that no one in the United States of America believes.”

TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA (2014) – For Christmas, the Satanic Temple built a display of a fallen angel plummeting into a pit of fire with the sarcastic caption, “Happy Holidays!” It was placed right next to a Nativity Scene in the State Capitol.

WASHSINGTON, D.C. (2015) – Shortly after Islamic State terrorists burn a man alive on worldwide TV, Barack Hussein Obama goes to the National Prayer Breakfast to tell the assembled faithful it’s the same as Christians during the Crusades.

ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY (2019)- The ACLU and other liberal atheist groups won a lawsuit to force the Pentagon to start removing crosses formerly used as grave markers in all the nation’s military cemeteries.

At this point, Michael adds: My friend, if you’ve read this far and you’re not angry yet, you may as well throw my letter away now but if you are like him, you’re furious and you’re asking: WHOSE AMERICA IS IT ANYWAY and I’m going to add a few of the Hate God stories I’ve collected.

We could start with my friend and former Oregon Republican Marion County GOP chairman and Circuit Court Judge Vance Day who was appointed by a Democrat Governor but after the Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 decided same sex couples couple could marry, Vance decided to not marry at all and he was removed from the bench without a salary for “ethics violation.”  Vance and his family decided to fight the injustice, hired attorneys and sold their home to pay for attorney fees and court costs. Within a short period of time, he was falsely accused of allowing a veteran with whom he’d been helping to have a gun.  In the end, the vet refused to testify and Vance was exonerated. Day said it was never about the gun. It was because he refused to marry same sex couples. More than 20,000 people donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to his legal battle for which he is humbled and grateful but he lost his career as a Judge.

A Wisconsin correspondent in December 2018 writes: A school principal in an Omaha, Nebraska elementary school has outlawed candy canes because they symbolize “Jesus.”

The ACLU had the 10 commandments removed years ago. It’s obvious that human logic went with them and has been replaced by paranoia…the paranoia of their wickedness.


March 7, 2019 An 84 year old widow threatened with EVICTION from a California Veterans Home for BIBLE study.  Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) represents Artis Breau.  Her husband had served as a Merchant Marine in World War II, served in the famed 82nd Airborne division overseas, and then served in the Air Force during the Korean War. Meanwhile, Artis worked as a civilian employee in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army at the Pentagon during the Korean War. She began encountering opposition from officials last September when it was claimed that a discussion between herself and ANOTHER RESIDENT about heaven and hell had allegedly caused him to LOSE SLEEP and therefore was elder abuse, emotional abuse, and otherwise illegal.


And just as I was finishing the above statement, up pops on my computer screen something New York, atheist antagonist Robert Berger once again craving attention sent to me believing I might be interested in the following post about hate:

Berger it seems has nothing better to do with his life than write single spaced page after page of criticism of many or perhaps all News With Views contributors refuting anything we have to say about the left wing crazies in our midst. He admits he is not a Christian and doesn’t believe in Christianity or any other religions and he doesn’t fear an imaginary place of eternal torment called “hell.” He doesn’t hate us, he just pities us and claims that same-sex marriage doesn’t hurt anyone but he forgets  Christians like former Judge Vance Day who lost his entire career over the U.S. Supreme Court ruling. [Link]


And perhaps the last best piece of information I might add to this article can be found in an article by Pastor Mike Spaulding who says the birth pangs Jesus describes in Mark 13:1-13 are upon us. Yet, they are essentially ignored by all but a few. The desire of many in these days is for peace and safety.  That leads them to explore all types of activities that have spiritual components to them. Being ignorant of the devices of Satan is a sure recipe for bondage and destruction.


Utopian dreams burst onto the American mainstream consciousness in 1967 with the iconic “The Age of Aquarius.”  Spaulding says the drive toward a one world religion has gained momentum over the last few decades and in Part 2 he said America has undergone an effective New Age indoctrination which is now so pervasive that today we have churches offering yoga classes, so-called Christians selling Angel Boards, the equivalent to the Ouija Boards. Christians are participating in all sorts of activities such a Transcendental Meditation, Psychic Health and Healing Practices, contemplative Prayer, Mantra Meditation, Higher Self, Centering Prayer, Reiki, Labyrinths and Spiritual /formation. These practices are nothing more than white-washed New Age inspired activities, which is to say, they are demonically controlled deceptions. All that remains is for governments across the earth to give their approval to a new spirituality of man-centered, earth worshipping, and humanistic amalgamation of god-hating people who have been strategically elevated to places of prominence by devilish people with the ability to do so.


Democrats went to so far as to block the passage of a Republican bill that would prevent the unborn babies BEING GIVEN  a sedative before the dismemberment abortion was to begin to prevent them from suffering.  This is known as compassion, even though warped since this procedure should never have been allowed to take place to begin with the approval of Roe –vs- Wade in 1973.   It makes me sick to my stomach having to write about this depravity.  It amazes me how much effort will be put into saving the puppies after an apocalyptic disaster, and yet not the same compassion for a baby about to be born.

Spaulding says the question sober-minded people should be asking is this: is that possible? Is peace and safety possible in a world where dictators rise up and devastate nations with their greed and murderous ambitions while the world watches silently? Is it possible to have a new spirituality that allows for all expressions of alleged faith except that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life with the one true God? Is it possible to have peace and safety when entire nations of people are taught from the time they begin to walk and talk that other people groups are pigs and apes?

Is peace and safety possible without a brutal totalitarian regime that Orwell and many other modern prophets envisioned? Can the darkness in the human heart be overcome for the benefit of mankind across the world without the Light that is Jesus Christ?


All the machinations of mankind whether political or spiritual, are doomed to failure because they begin without God, and they seek an end that is anti-God. Utopian dreamers void of the God who created all things are nightmares in the making said Pastor Mike Spaulding.  Here’s an example: Sustainable Development was first proposed by the United Nations in 1987 which we now know as Population Control but we already had shackled the planet to save it using abortion, euthanasia, mandated vaccinations, cremation instead of funerals and now human composting.  Much to the surprise of millennial greenies, they may all come back as trees.

Spalding pleads with the dear readers to consider this day whom you will serve. Will you serve the God of Creation, the God who has revealed Himself through the Son of Jesus Christ? Will you trust Him for the salvation of your soul and the reconciliation with the Father that He offers? True peace and safety is only found in Jesus Christ.


Lee Duigon wrote in a recent NewsWithViews.com article he can hear the hoof beats – the Calvary is coming in the nick of time. According to a recent study by Harvard and Indiana University Bloomington, Christianity in America is not shrinking, not getting weaker, but growing and getting stronger.  In 1989, says the study, American Christians who had “strong beliefs and practices” were 39% of the total. By 2018, that number had grown to 47%. This in spite of public schooling, practically universal college, Hollywood, and the snooze media, all of them implacably hostile to the Christian faith, all of them constantly trumpeting its imminent demise. It seems the American people are not as fond of the Far Left as our self-anointed sages think.  As icing on the cake, a Pew poll reported that strong Christians have more babies than do liberals, so naturally our numbers grow. All this should be encouraging news for the Founder of IN GOD WE TRUST so jump on board with your $10 if you agree.

© 2019 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

58 Delusional Senior Military And National Security Leaders Denounce NSC Climate Panel

by Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics

When someone is delusional about climate change, it makes them feel better when they join with another 57 people who are equally delusional. That is called groupthink.

Climate groupthink believes human emissions cause climate change. They have no evidence to support their belief. So, to defend themselves they attack and block those who disagree with their belief. You will notice they do not list any evidence to support their belief.

On March 5, 2019, 58 “former national security leaders” signed a letter addressed to President Trump. They claim,

“climate change is real, it is happening now, it is driven by humans, and it is accelerating. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree: less than 0.2% of peer-reviewed climate science papers dispute these facts.”

They sound like used-car salesmen who desperately need to sell you worn-out car. The “overwhelming majority of scientists” do not agree that humans cause climate change:  

  1. The promoters of human-caused climate change do not use the scientific method. So, they are not scientists.
  2. I can count about 2000 atmospheric physicists who say we are not causing climate change. There are likely not over 4000 atmospheric physicists on the planet.
  3. The alarmist side counts ecologists, pediatricians, college sophomores, and “environmentalists” as “experts” in climate cause and effect.
  4. The number of papers has no relevance. There is no climate physics paper that shows humans cause climate change that has not violated physics.

They say they signed their letter because they

“are deeply concerned by reports that National Security Council officials are considering forming a committee to dispute and undermine military and intelligence judgments on the threat posed by climate change.”

They are concerned all right. They do not want a Presidential science panel to peer-review the scientific basis of their climate claims.

They say the people who disagree with them are,

“second-guessing the scientific sources used to assess the threat, such as the rigorously peer-reviewed National Climate Assessment, and applying that to national security policy.”

The National Climate Assessment (NCA) presents no evidence to support its claim that human CO2 causes climate change.

Read the NCA (if you want to waste your time). You will find long discussions about how climate changes and the damage climate change causes. You will find loads of cited papers. But you will find no evidence that human CO2 causes climate change.

The NCA merely ASSUMES we cause the rise in atmospheric CO2. The fact that atmospheric CO2 has increased does not prove we caused the increase. And if we did not cause the increase then we do not cause climate change. Checkmate.

My preprint and other published papers prove this NCA assumption is wrong. The last thing Americans want is their national security policy based on the National Climate Assessment.

They are the ones who morph climate science into politics.

“Imposing a political test on reports issued by the science agencies, and forcing a blind spot onto the national security assessments that depend on them, will erode our national security.”

They say,

“It is dangerous to have national security analysis conform to politics. Our officials’ job is to ensure that we are prepared for current threats and future contingencies. We cannot do that if the scientific studies that inform our threat assessments are undermined.”


Science is based upon proving theories are wrong. They oppose climate truth because it undermines their political positions. They are afraid of a peer review. Why?

“Our national security community will not remain the best in the world if it cannot make decisions based on the best available evidence.”

“Best available evidence”? 

They don’t understand scientific evidence. Their theoretical base is in the reports by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Their theory makes wrong predictions. Therefore, their climate theory is wrong.

Statistics prove they are wrong:

The statistical correlation between annual human CO2 emissions and annual changes in CO2 in the atmosphere is ZERO! (See Munshi reference here.) Where there is no correlation, there is no cause and effect. There is NO rational scientific basis to claim or believe that human CO2 emissions CAUSE the climate to change.

They are guilty of malpractice.

The signers are not climate physicists. They don’t know how to determine cause and effect for climate change. It would not matter if 10,058 government-paid dignitaries and high-ranking officials signed their letter. They would still be wrong.

The signers of the letter threaten America.

By assuming human CO2 causes dangerous climate change, they threaten our economy and our national security. Their signed letter is bad for science, bad for national security, and bad for America.

To comment on this article or to view references, please click here.

Dr. Ed Berry is editor and publisher of edberry.com based in Bigfork, Montana. He has a PhD in Physics, is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist, and an expert in climate change who takes the position that our carbon dioxide emissions are insignificant to climate change.

© 2019 Edwin X Berry, PhD – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ed Berry: ed@edberry.com

Global Warming: Climatological Warfare Against Us?

A long time ago, some of the richest people on this planet reached the conclusion that the world was overpopulated and that we, the deplorables, were depleting the natural resources of the world that, by natural law, belonged to them. So, they conceived a plan to kill at least 85 percent of the population of the world and reduce the survivors to medieval-like pre-industrial levels of consumption.

They called this future society that they envisioned the New World Order. The goal has been successfully reached in Cuba, and Venezuela is next.

The New World Order they plan to impose upon us is a world without gas, electricity, running water, flush toilets, abundance of food, clothing hygiene, single-family homes, cars, planes as well as without privately owned farms and small businesses. It will be a world controlled by powerful, immensely rich mega corporations that put their own interests above the interests of the people.

But, how would they convince us to willingly become dirt poor without complaining about it? Well, they invented a monster and accused us of having created it. They called this monster “global warming.”

Soon after they created their monster, a veritable army of scientists profiting from grants provided by non-profit foundations under the control of the mega corporations began publishing an enormous volume of “scientific” papers and “academic” books warning us that, unless stopped, the coming global warming would mean the death of every living organism on Earth. They also provided “scientific” proof that this global warming was the result of humans releasing enormous quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, and most people, particularly the young already brainwashed in public schools, believed their theories. As expected, the only way to stop the life-threatening global warming is by creating a global government.

Nevertheless, just reading a biology textbook published before the 1950s will show you that, contrary to the new “scientific” interpretation, CO2 is an inert gas essential for life on this planet. While humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. This is called the carbon cycle or the cycle of life. Actually, an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will mean more plant life and more food.

Contrary to the brainwashers’ theory, the Earth began a global warming trend some decades ago, although human behavior had nothing to do with it. Nevertheless, after realizing that, despite all their efforts on the contrary, currently the Earth is approaching a cooling trend, they changed their tune and began calling it “climate change.”

The main point of contention about the global warming argument (now conveniently transmogrified into climate change) is not that the climate is changing, because it has always been changing since the beginning of recorded history. What most people do not accept, though, is that it is anthropogenic, that is, human-made —which is the key argument advanced by the global warming/climate changing conspirators.

But perhaps there is a kernel of truth in the theory that at least some of the current climate changes the earth is experiencing are caused by humans, though not by the ones driving SUVs, smoking Havana cigars or eating too much red meat. Most likely global warming is actually a self-fulfilling prophecy, and the true global-warmers are the CFR globalist conspirators themselves, the ones pushing the global warming scare.

It is known that in the 1960s and 1970s the Soviet Union developed an efficient climate modification technology for military purposes. In a speech delivered in January 1960 to the Presidium of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Premier Nikita Khrushchev said, “Our scientists have created a new weapon so powerful that it could erase all life in this planet. It is a fantastic weapon.” Tom Bearden, a scientist who studied the subject, published several interesting articles devoted to the use of climate manipulation used by the Soviet military in asymmetrical warfare.[1]

But the Soviets were not alone. On April 28 1997, U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen confirmed the fact when he declared that some states have created eco-terrorism weapons that “can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic weaves.”[2] He didn’t mention, though, that the U.S. government might have been using it against the American People.

This technology, known as “scalar technology,” is based on the discoveries made at the beginning of the 20th century by Nikola Tesla, and kept secret until a few years ago. The mysterious HAARP facility in Alaska, based on Tesla’s scalar technology, has been active for many years, and some scientists have speculated that it may have been related to some strange weather and phenomena —such as the series of huge hurricanes that affected the U.S. in 2005, the year hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Later, on January 12, 2010, Haiti suffered a strangely localized strong earthquake that destroyed most of the country’s capital, Port-au-Prince, which some think it was artificially provoked.[3] Just a few hours later, before any humanitarian help was sent to the Haiti, the U.S. armed forces took control of the country.[4] A few weeks later it became known that Haiti’s mineral resources not only include gold and other strategic minerals, but also huge oil reserves.[5] It may have been just the product of a coincidence but, just a few months before the earthquake, the UN had designated CFR agent Bill Clinton as special envoy for Haiti.[6]

In his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, senior CFR agent Zbigniew Brzezinski shamelessly forecasted that in the near future the governments of some technologically-advanced countries might resort to climate warfare. This would include the artificial alteration of the climate to create droughts, intense cold or heat waves, floods, powerful storms, earthquakes and tsunamis to attack other countries. And the beauty of it, shamelessly expressed Brzezinski, is that the enemy would not know that he was under attack.

According to Brzezinski,

“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. . . . Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”[7]

When Brzezinski made his forecast, he was not theorizing. He was actually referring to an already-existing technology the U.S. had secretly developed. In August 1996, the U.S. Air Force published a secret report entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2055,” in which the possibilities of climate warfare are studied in detail.[8] Another indication that climate modification for military purposes is a reality is that on March 3, 2005, Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson introduced a bill with a highly revealing title: The Weather Modification and Research Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005.

Now, an objection could be made that, if the technology for climate control already exists, how come the conspirator’s global warming has turned to be a global cooling? There are several explanations for this. In the first place, there are many factors affecting the earth’s climate, such as solar activity and undersea volcanoes, which are out of the conspirators’ control. Secondly, scalar technology is still experimental, and some of their attempts may have failed.

But there is another possibility. Given the fact that other countries such as China and Russia have already developed climate warfare capabilities, it might be that, after discovering that we have been secretly waging climatological warfare against them, they are now retaliating by waging climatological warfare against us. So, we should not discard the possibility that we have actually been at war for many years, though our government has never informed us about it.

Nevertheless, the evidence indicates that the Secret Government of the U.S. has been for many years fighting climatological warfare against us. Adding to chemtrails, more recently, they also began waging radiological warfare against us. It began with the installation of the so-called smart meters, whose dangers have been ignored despite widespread protest, and currently they are busy installing the new 5G technology whose strong radiation seems to be a hundred times worse than the radiation from smart meters.

Are we totally defenseless against these attacks? What we can do to defend our loved ones and ourselves? The first thing we must do is to get informed about these issues. Secondly, we must contact the people in government we elected to represent us and ask them, in the strongest possible terms, to help us fight against these issues. Our health and our mental health depend on it.

© 2019 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. Tom Bearden, “Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control: Anomalous Weather Worldwide,” BibliotecaPleyades.net, May 1988. Also, Tom Bearden, “Weird Weather Warfare & ‘Energetic Weapons,’” BibliotecaPleyades.net.
  2. “Department of Defense News Briefing by Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy,” University of Georgia, Athens, April 28, 1997.
  3. Russian Navy: The U.S. Created the Earthquake in Haiti.”
  4. The Militarization of Emergency Aid to Haiti: Is it a Humanitarian Operation or an Invasion?”.
  5. Massive Reserves Of Gold And Oil In Haiti?”.
  6. AP: “U.N. Names Bill Clinton Special Envoy to Haiti,” USAToday.com, April 19, 2009.
  7. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (New York: Viking, 1976), p. 57.
  8. The study was available in .pdf format at the web site of the Federation of American Scientists, but now the link points to a different document.

The Green Killing Machine And The Red Jihad

The media have their narrative: the New Zealand mosque shooter was a gun-toting Trump supporter who hated Muslims. His “manifesto” declares, “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.” This looks like a case of Red Jihad.

The media have been pressuring the high-tech companies to destroy the evidence about what this killer really thought about current and world events. They do not want us to investigate this matter without them filtering the information. I located a copy of his so-called “manifesto.” Try to find it. Let me know if you find it. Email me at Kincaid@comcast.net It will give you an insight into his mind-set.

He was not a conservative or a Christian. He was a self-proclaimed “eco-fascist” who admires Red China. In China, they put Muslims in camps. Rather than do this, law enforcement should do a better job of monitoring Jihadist sermons within the mosques and closing down those mosques which facilitate violence and murder. Our FBI should do a better job on going after the enemies within using mosques to plan attacks against Americans.

The New Zealand mosque shooter says he was motivated in part by the murder of an 11-year-old Swedish girl, Ebba Åkerlund, who was killed by a truck on her way walking home from school by a “asylum seeker” and Islamic State recruit who had been ordered deported in 2016. But the New Zealand mosque shooter favors killing children in his own murder spree, as long as they are Muslims, and has no regrets.

I suspect a foreign intelligence service is behind the New Zealand mosque shootings. Indeed, the New Zealand mosque shooter looks like a Russian plant, designed to further the Marxist dialectic of constant struggle and conflict. He reminds me of the “fascist” Turk who shot Pope John Paul II and was under the control of the KGB.

He declares himself to be a fascist and asserts “Green nationalism is the only true nationalism.” He hates capitalism.

As you know, however, the media are trying to link him to Trump or “the right.” That’s typical of reporters who know nothing and won’t bother to find out. His only reference to Trump is to declare him a symbol of whiteness. Of course, Trump is white.

I repeat: as you can see, there is a full-court press to identity him as a Trump supporter and right-winger. All of this is false.

The killer took a legitimate complaint about foreign invasions of Western countries and transformed that into an argument for communist control of society on environmental grounds. It’s all in the manifesto.

This is why left-wingers in the Big Tech companies are so desperate to take down the killer’s postings on the Internet. They will show that he was one of them – an eco-fascist.

The killer was trying to appeal to the right and left, and is a personal mix of all of these different ideologies, in order to promote further destabilization of society.

He should be given the death penalty after a trial. But his “ideology,” such as it is, needs to be scrutinized and explained. He declares himself right-wing and left-wing at the same time. This is how Vladimir Putin works, depending on the left-wing socialist and communist parties while appealing to the right-wing “nationalists.” Angela Merkel has been his agent, destabilizing Europe through a mass Islamic invasion of refugees.

Since the killer clearly used the Internet to assemble his “manifesto,” we can anticipate a renewed effort to “crack down” on various sources of information said to be linked to his extremism.

The killer explains that when “I was young I was a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.” Now he favors “Green nationalism.” All of this is in his manifesto. He says mass murder of Muslims happens when Western governments don’t protect their populations from “foreign invaders” and Islamic terrorist attacks. He declares that “a violent, revolutionary solution is the only possible solution to our current crisis.” Hence, he serves the interests of the communists.

He says he hopes his mass murder will result in a crackdown on gun rights in America, in order to provoke gun owners, leading to more revolution. He says he has given up on peaceful change and democratic means.

He also says he is not a conservative, as “conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.” He adds, “Conservatism is dead. Thank god. Now let us bury it and move on to something of worth.” He would not say if he was a Christian or not, “That is complicated. When I know, I will tell you.”

For more, consider the work of Mark Musser, the author of “Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrificial Offering of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust”. Nazi Oaks explores the Nazi roots of the radical environmental movement. Musser notes, “The beastly nature of the holocaust is best understood through the barbaric naturism of the Nazis, rooted in a racially charged ecology that would not be undone until all the smoke from the great battlefields and gas chambers of World War II was cleared.”

Watch Nazi Oaks And “Hitler’s Green Killing Machine” – America’s Survival TV With Cliff Kincaid.

Speaking of revolutionaries, listed here are the official endorsers of Saturday’s “Hands Off Venezuela” National March on Washington that will take place at noon. As you know, I am opposed to U.S. intervention in Venezuela, because there is no non-socialist alternative to Maduro. It’s a big mess that can get bigger. The communists oppose intervention because they support Maduro.

As Jeff Nyquist argues in our recent video, Red Jihad, Border Wars, and Nuclear War: Can America Survive?, we should rely on neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil to lead the way.

Speaking of the left-wingers and the communists, look at some of these signatories:

If you appreciate the kind of analysis you get from America’s Survival, please consider helping us continue. You can now pledge an amount on a monthly basis through our new Donor Box.

For America’s Survival,

Cliff Kincaid,

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net


Before I get to the issue of the big propaganda machines, I need to bring this to your attention.

President Trump is a father who obviously loves his children very much as well as all his grand kids. However, I did NOT vote for his daughter, Ivanka, who has ZERO understanding of the U.S. Constitution.

Ivanka worked for her father from day one of her adult life while he was in the private sector and that’s fine. However, she has no qualifications to be in his administration even as unpaid. That husband of hers also needs to be escorted to the door.

Ivanka’s socialist and Fascist tenancies are not surprising as she was good friends with another socialist, Chelsea Clinton, until Trump was elected. Birds of a feather.

Ivanka is for Ivanka and has never met a mirror she didn’t love. I am not a ‘fan’ of hers and am sickened by the amount of influence she has with our president in attempting to rape We the People – especially considering OUR purse is bankrupt.

Thanks Daddy!

“Trump’s 2020 budget proposal will include $100 million for a global women’s fund spearheaded by his daughter Ivanka Trump.

“The White House said the budget, expected to be released Monday, will include the funding for the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative. The administration last month launched the government-wide project, which she leads.

“In a statement to The Associated Press, Ivanka Trump noted that Friday was International Women’s Day and stressed the initiative was ‘working towards our goal of economically empowering 50 million women in developing countries by 2025.’ She says the budget includes ‘a new $100 million commitment’ for the fund.

“The new initiative involves the State Department, the National Security Council and other agencies, as it aims to coordinate current programs and develop new ones to help women in areas such as job training, financial support and legal or regulatory reforms.”


Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress to rape We the People to GIVE OUR MONEY to “empower” females in ANY country. Not for job training, financial support or any other damn thing.

Is this what you work your butt off every day to pay for? Struggle trying to pay health care premiums, dental work for your family, child care, car payment and other necessities? Well, if it’s not okay with you, help stop it.

Once again, this kind of sickening spending is done through the unconstitutional USAID – US Aid for International Development. President Trump has said in the past he wanted to cut spending for USAID. This is not the way to do it.

When your checkbook is overdrawn $22 TRILLION dollars, how do you write hot checks for a whopping and unconstitutional $100 MILLION dollars? The thieves in Congress will borrow it from the thieves at the “Federal” Reserve WITH THE INTEREST SLAPPED ON OUR BACKS FOREVER.

YOU must burn down the phone lines to your rep and senator: STOP the damn spending for other countries. Not only is it unconstitutional, you are continuing to run up the national debt which IS going to destroy this country.

Ivanka’s other pet project is Fascism (Regimenting all industry, commerce). Now, I know this might be a very popular idea for many Americans but again, Congress has NO constitutional authority to force companies to provide paid family leave.

Either the U.S. Constitution matters or it doesn’t.

Look at this U.S. Supreme Court decision:


295 U.S. 330

ALTON R. CO. et al.
No. 566.

Argued March 13, 14, 1935. Decided May 6, 1935.

Railroad Retirement Board, supra, 295 U.S., at 368:

“The catalogue of means and actions which might be imposed upon an employer in any business, tending to the satisfaction and comfort of his employees, seems endless. Provision for free medical attendance and nursing, for clothing, for food, for housing, for the education of children, and a hundred other matters might with equal propriety be proposed as tending to relieve the employee of mental strain and worry. Can it fairly be said that the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce extends to the prescription of any or all of these things? Is it not apparent that they are really and essentially related solely to the social welfare of the worker, and therefore remote from any regulation of commerce as such? We think the answer is plain. These matters obviously lie outside the orbit of congressional power.

Joseph Story, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, Commentaries on the Constitution, 1833:

“Another not unimportant consideration is that the powers of the general government will be, and indeed must be, principally employed upon external objects, such as war, peace, negotiations with foreign powers and foreign commerce. In its internal operations it can touch but few objects, except to introduce regulations beneficial to the commerce, intercourse and other relations, between the states, and to lay taxes for the common good. The powers of the states, on the other hand, extend to all objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, and liberties, and property of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the state.”

If the U.S. Congress passes and Trump signs a law forcing companies to provide paid family leave that is Fascism. It will be another step down the slippery slope of total control by the U.S. Government in forcing employers to do what they can’t afford without laying off employees or raising prices.

Like Obamacare. Like the failed $15 minimum wage experiment that’s failed around the country.

NYC restaurants cutting staff hours as minimum wage hits $15

UW study finds Seattle’s minimum wage is costing jobs

Proof Perfect That The Minimum Wage Costs Jobs

Don’t Cheer Minimum-Wage Hikes — They’re Killing Millions Of Jobs

Why The $15 Minimum Wage Will Cost California 400,000 Jobs

“In 2016, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that put the state minimum wage on track to reach $15 per hour by 2022. The next increase—from $10.50 to $11.00—is scheduled for Jan. 1, 2018. If you’re a business in one of thirteen different California localities–from Mountain View to Milpitas, and from San Jose to Santa Clara–the required wage floor will rise even higher.

“When he signed $15 into law, Gov. Brown seemed to understand that the increase was a bad idea, acknowledging that “economically, minimum wages make not make sense.” Today, California’s good intentions are catching up with it.

“The warning signs started early; dozens of stories chronicled businesses closing, cutting staff, or leaving the state. A rash of restaurant closures in the Bay Area led one food-industry publication to describe it as a “death march.” Even child-care providers were hurt. (Some of the closures are featured in the video below.) A team of economists at Harvard Business School and Mathematica Policy Research determined that the rising minimum wage in the Bay Area contributed to these closures.”

Minimum Wage and Fascism, my column, August 7, 2006

“When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.” –Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. ME 15:332

“The minimum wage issue has died in the U.S. Senate with Democrats wringing their hands and wailing about the plight of the poor. It’s not bad enough Congress continues to run rough shod over private enterprise, but the states do it as well.”

Congress has NO authority to do this and no president should sign it. Oh, but wait! Republicans are jumping on this latest model dump truck just as they’ve done in the past.

My column: Raise Minimum Wage to $100.00 An Hour, November 17, 2013

“Every few years, the same bleeding-heart members of the Democratic/Communist Party USA start beating the drum to raise the minimum wage. Factually challenged bureau-rats in some state legislatures also want to continue punishing the employer by passing higher minimum wages in the private sector. Those mental midgets claim this will benefit the worker. Nothing like twisting logic upside down to get more votes and it’s not just confined to Marxists. This is what a Republican had to say a few years ago when raising the minimum wage was the rage in the Outlaw Congress:

“Whether people like it or not, we need to go ahead with it,” said Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., who supports the idea. “There’s a general agreement among Republicans (opposing the raise) that “maybe we don’t like it much, but we need to move forward with it just for political reasons.” So you see, this isn’t caring about the little guy, it’s about politics and votes.

“Where does the U.S. Constitution, Art. 1, Section 8, give Congress the authority to dictate to any private employer what they can and can’t pay an employee? America is a free enterprise system. A system driven by competition and hard work. Do most Americans understand what Fascism is? Fascism is defined as a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls; oppressive, dictatorial control. For the federal government to centralize the labors of the common man under laws that dictate socioeconomic controls is to strangle free enterprise and competition.”

When the forced minimum wage hit the assisted living facility where my mom lives in No. California, they raised her rent a whopping $125 per month. They didn’t lay off employees, they simply gouged residents like my mother who lives on a shoe-string budget. I wrote corporate headquarters and told them you are pricing my 91-year old mother right out the door. I may have to move her which would be very traumatic as she has dementia.

Once again, this all goes back to our debauched currency and the lack of purchasing power of the dollar. As long as we are forced to use fiat currency, it will never be enough. Businesses will just continue passing the increased labor costs to you the consumer and when goods and services are no longer affordable, those businesses will layoff or close their doors.

The states have been the ones raising the minimum wage but once again, the maggots in Congress want to jump in with legislation which they have NO constitutional authority to enact:

House Democrats’ new plan for a $15 minimum wage, Feb. 8, 2019. The old federal minimum wage “law” has always been unconstitutional. Watch how many Republicans support the Raise the Wage Act – FOR VOTES.

Back to Ivanka Trump’s Fascist paid family leave scheme.

Ivanka Trump Says She Wants To “Go Beyond Parental Leave”

“As Sen. Marco Rubio gets ready to introduce new paid family leave legislation, Ivanka Trump — who has fashioned herself into a champion of the cause — says her ideal plan is more ambitious than what Republicans have been discussing.

“In a nutshell, the Republicans have put forth a rather limited plan to address the fact that the U.S. is the only industrialized country missing a federal paid leave policy. Sen. Rubio and other members of the GOP back a proposal, released by the conservative Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) earlier this year, that allows for 12 weeks paid leave, amounting to about 45% of the average worker’s wages. It stops at new parents, including adoptive ones, and would be paid for by dipping into your Social Security benefits — two heavily criticized features.

“My preference is to go beyond parental leave. But…right now we are at zero weeks of paid leave. We don’t have parental, we don’t have caregiving.” —Ivanka Trump

Congress is NOT a “social justice” institution. The limitations placed on Congress in Art. 1, Sec. 8 by the wise men who created the federal government were done for a reason. Those of us who are informed have been watching empty-headed socialists in Congress with all their hare-brained ideas. It’s not going over well with Americans. Neither will full-blown Fascism. We are not other countries and we have OUR Constitution.

I do understand how catastrophic events can happen in life. I don’t live in a glass bubble, I don’t have a rich daddy, I live on a small budget as a widow. I work part time as a substitute teacher. Just like tens of millions of other Americans, I make financial sacrifices all the time. What I want vs what I actually need.

I’ve also lived a long time (I will be 70 in June) and have had my share of family grief and hard times, believe me – including sacrificing financially to take care of family. That’s why you must save for a rainy day as our grandparents did.

It’s not that I don’t care about Americans. I do or I wouldn’t have thrown away a real paycheck and career nearly 30 years ago to do what I do. We can’t throw away the U.S. Constitution just because life throws us a bad hand. What nanny state idea will be next until we morph into full blown communism or equally disastrous, Fascism?

Life isn’t fair. Bad, terrible happen to nice people. It used to be family took care of family but due to the destruction caused by NAFTA, millions of Americans moved into big cities looking for work. Families are separated by thousands of miles. So many unable to afford even travel expenses to get to family to help out.

The bottom line is there are no guarantees in this life and we all have to deal with hardship when it comes our way. We have to be tough like our parents and grandparents if you’re as old as I am. Our constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not guarantee a free ride or forcing others to subsidize your hard times.

When companies are forced to fund 3 MONTHS of paid leave for an employee, what do you think it does to their bottom line? Oh, well, let’s just make it for companies who employ 50 or more employees! It’s still Fascism and it WILL cost more jobs in the end. It also violates equal protection under the law IMHO. Someone (or more than one) will lose their job at that company so you can get paid for family leave. Think about that.

Noble ideas pave the way to Hell and our Founding Fathers knew and understood this. If you feel the same, call your House rep or Senator and give them a polite piece of your mind. If a company or corporation wants to provide family paid leave, that’s their decision, not the U.S. government’s.


The Republicans who held the majority in Congress with Trump as president did NOTHING to stop dangerous monopolies like Facebook, Google, Amazon. Those America-hating beasts have used their technology to steal every bit of your personal information and sell it on the open market. They steal your identity. They monitor your every step on the Internet and they have been using their technology to destroy Trump’s presidency.

They are using their technology to crush independent media, Christianity and promote all the filth of the sexual deviancy crowds out there. In bed with the CIA, NSA to spy on you and likely other alphabet soup agencies we don’t know about. They are all about censorship of freedom-loving Christian Americans and they are succeeding.

If you think I’m kidding, I can tell you the minute I used Google my email box was immediately flooded with ads. Data harvesting. I also could not find many of my columns using their search engine so I quit using it many years ago. The same for Yahoo and others. I know what I write and I know, like so many other writers, our columns are being censored. Let me also say, Yahoo.com is one of the most biased. Their headlines and come-on’s are some of the most anti-Christian, anti-Trump, anti-conservative on the Internet. It’s absolutely revolting.

Unless and until Republicans can take back the House and keep the Senate and IF they would even go after those SOB’s, it’s up to us to starve them out. I despise Mark Zuckerberg. The punk worth tens of billions who openly hires illegal aliens and rubs it in our faces while ICE does nothing. He should have been arrested and indicted for violating federal law.

Tens of thousands of Americans work for those tech giants. I’m sorry you will lose your paychecks as people continue to exit but the control of information in this country cannot be left to such anti-American mega corporations who should have been broken up years ago under our anti-trust laws.

Yes, there are several lawsuits underway. We’ll see how those go. In the meantime, I hope you’ll exit Facebook for starters. I do not have a Facebook page nor have I ever become ‘a friend’ on one. There is one up in my name with someone pretending to be me. I have written Facebook’s legal people who have not responded. I told them I keep getting notifications for my Facebook page with likes or some such crap. It’s fraud. If you’re visiting that Devvy Kidd Facebook page, it’s not mine.

I have never had anything to with Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social media outlets. Never sent a tweet; wouldn’t know how. Social media can be a good thing if used for the right reasons. Personally, I don’t know how people put up their most personal information on things like Facebook.

I do not want my life tracked by their algorithm’s or whatever you call it. I do not want my buying habits sold or tracked. I want my privacy.  Seems others also feel that way as people – especially millennials – are leaving Facebook in droves.

As for Amazon, know what I do? I find what I’m looking for on Amazon. Then I use a search engine for the product and company and buy it from them instead of Amazon. Just remember: Amazon Founder, Jeff Bezos, the richest man on this planet ($137 billion), also owns the propaganda rag Washington Post.

Internet censorship onslaught: Here’s the solution – Devvy Kidd even has a name for Facebook competitor that could put Zuck out of business, 8.17.2018, WND.com

There are many other alternatives to Facebook (here) but if you don’t like them, there is a new player. I hope you, whether as an individual, company or political, ditch Facebook and start using this new alternative. It’s time to really fight back by starving monopolies who hate us.

‘Conservative answer’ to Facebook launches – USA.Life also developing Google alternative, February 25, 2019

“Founder and CEO Steven Andrew said he decided to use his Silicon Valley tech leadership experience to launch the project after he saw Facebook block millions of people from getting his posts.

“Andrew believes Facebook lied to Congress about being “a platform for all ideas,” since they restrict President Trump supporters, Christians and conservatives. “Facebook blocks 99 percent of my reach, which means 5 million people are missing per month from my account alone,” he said. Andrew has led multi-million dollar initiatives for Cisco, Better Homes and Gardens, Sega and Stanford… Andrew is also building a search engine, 1776Free.com.”

Read the rest of that short piece. Andrew has the smarts and drive to blow these people out of the water. I’m thinking about setting up my own USA.Life page if I can figure it out; I am a tech dummy.

Here’s our opportunity to replace Facebook and hopefully Google & Twitter with fair alternatives. Let’s get the word out and show our enemies we will not just cave in as they are not the only game in town anymore.

I hope you will spread the word. Once advertisers start putting their dollars into those sites, I’m hoping Newswithviews will be able to generate some income from them just like before Google cut their ads in their effort to shut down this web site.

I used #ExitFacebookNow as the caption for this article. I believe it’s called a hashtag but am not sure how it works with Twitter. Anyway, use Twitter for now to get the word out and hopefully soon you won’t have to keep enriching corporations that want to destroy us.

Move your Facebook page to USA.Life

“USA.Life social network is the answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty. Get your free account today at https://USA.Life

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Will Smart Meters Result In Rising Utilities Bills?

Recently, Smart Meters (SMs) were installed at our condominiums, and the utilities company claimed customers will have “the ability to see your detailed usage data daily, making it easier to use energy more efficiently and lower your bill.”  Although that can happen, it’s not always the case.

Prof. David Carpenter of the Albany (NY) School of Public Health revealed that in California, “under court order, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) admitted that their Smart Meters generate 14,000 spikes of communication per day.”  Starting in Bakersfield in 2007, some PG&E customers’ bills increased as much as 2 and 4 times their bill for the same months of the previous year, resulting in class action lawsuits.

In an article in the SPRINGFIELD VERMONT NEWS on how SMs hike electric bills, one finds that “bad calibration, electric arcing and malfunction can raise your bill….Smart Meters consume power, analog meters do not.” Oklahoma TV station KOCO (Channel 5) aired a report (which can be seen online) titled “Smart Meter Customers Report Higher Bills.” And in a July 19, 2011 article, “Why Smart Meters Produce Higher Bills” by Ted Twietmeyer, this senior laboratory engineer at the University of Rochester states that KOCO’s “almost gets it right.”

Regarding the older electric meters, Twietmeyer then remarks that “both older electric meters and newer smart meters use basic magnetic principles. However, which of the two principles they utilize to sense the magnetic fields created while you consume power is what actually determines the size of your bill….Older electric meters  work on the eddy current electrical principle. The silver disk you see protruding through the slot with black bars is actually made of aluminum. This disk is the visible part of an electric motor inside the meter known as the rptor.   In electrical motors the rotor is made of a magnetic steel allow which required for the motor to rotate.   Yet in older electric meters the rotor is not magnetic….Aluminum cannot be magnetized, but it is affected by any changing magnetic field passing through it.

This characteristic is known as  paramagnetism….With older electric meters, all power in your home passes through coils inside the meter. These coils create a magnetic field which penetrates the aluminum disk, creating eddy currents. These eddy currents form tiny temporary magnets in the aluminum disk….Temporary magnets in the aluminum disk formed by eddy currents have enough force to make the disk to rotate. When the disk rotates it turns a series of gears behind the meter’s faceplate. These move the hands which show power consumption in kilowatt hours.   A 1000 watt load running for an hour = 1 kilowatt hour.

On the other hand, “in smart meters there are no moving parts and no aluminum disk to rotate.  A simple solid-state sensor works on a principle known as the hall effect. The stronger the AC created by the total power of all loads in the home, the stronger the AC field the sensor detects. This analog  signal is digitized by a convertor  and stored in protected memory, is calibrated in kilowatt hours and appears on the meter’s display. There is a temperature sensor in smart meters to keep the meters calibrated with temperature changes.

“In older electric meters, the power line’s 60 cycles/second are averaged together to rotate the disk. The aluminum disk is incapable of detecting each cycle in the 60 cycles/second.   In smart electric meters, EACH cycle in the 60 cycles/second power consumed is measured. Nothing is missed.

“So why do smart meters produce higher readings?…In fact it’s related to what appliances you have in your home.   Mainly, this has to do with electric motors.   With furnace fans and compressors used in refrigeration, there is a very high starting current. With a small window or table top electric fan, starting current is relatively insignificant.  For refrigeration appliances, window air conditioners, furnace blowers or central air conditioning, starting current is quite high, often several times higher than the running current listed on the nameplate or label.”

Perhaps all of this is why according to a survey by Toronto Hydro, “80% of homeowners with Smart Meters reported price increases on their bills, which is the exact opposite of what the Smart Grid promised to deliver.”   (For health problem associate with SMs, look at my recent article in the Durham HERALD-SUN or Raleigh NEWS & OBSERVER.)

(Note: NWV readers, please don’t forget that the hospital here gave my mother the wrong medicine, causing her to be unable to walk the last 4 years thus far.  Besides doctors’ bills, etc., this has cost me $31,000 per year, which has drained my life savings about 90%.  Please help us if you can, and may God bless you richly.)

© 2019 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

Muslim Massacre In New Zealand: Predictable And More To Come

“Free institutions are next to impossible in a country made up of different nationalities. Among a people without ‘fellow-feeling’, especially if they read and speak different languages, the united public opinion, necessary to the working of representative government, cannot exist.” —Enoch Powell

Samuel P. Huntington, in his book, Clash of Civilizations, made the cogent point that mixing cultures leads to violent clashes among different religions, ethnic groups and languages.

Last week, an angry Australian in New Zealand massacred Muslims in two different mosques with the vengeance of a jihadist right out of the playbook from the Paris, France massacres, along with the Brussels, Belgium explosions and Nice, France killings along with Charlie Hebdo executions.

With clashing cultures and incompatible religions being imported into Canada, America and Australia—little wonder that more such violent reactions don’t occur more often.  Fact: Islam intends to dominate the world.  Their Quran mandates violence in that pursuit.

In America, our leaders imported 3.5 million Muslims, which led to San Bernardino Christmas killings, Orlando, Florida gay nightclub massacre, Fort Lauderdale killings, St. Cloud, Minnesota stabbings, 3,000 deaths at 9/11 site in New York City, along with an average of 25 honor killings annually of Muslim women in the USA and the insane assault and battery of over 500,000 women subjected to the brutality of female genital mutilation. (Source: Ass’t District Attorney Ed O’Callihan, DHS, Feb 2, 2018, press briefing)

In other words, when you mix a 6th century brutal and violent religion into first world countries, at some point, you force a response.

Remark on social media:  “Along with “building too many Mosques” in Western Host countries & forcing their Kill-Joy Islam & their boring way of life upon host countries & proposing of “barbaric Sharia,” contribute further to Muslim hatred & also they never ever assimilate.

“See, Muslims run away from their “Islamic Shit-Holes,” to western countries, for a good life….but when they settle down, they try to convert their Western host countries into the same “Islamic Hell-Holes,” they ran away from in the first place!”

Because of 9/11, most Americans feel queasy when they see a woman in a head scarf or a man in a white dress and cap.  It brings them back to that brutal day in New York City when Muslim jihadists killed 3,000 people in the Twin Towers.

Additionally, Americans become a bit nervous, if not outraged when they hear Islamic leaders proclaim:

Illinois: Muslim Leader: “Everything We Represent Goes in Total Contradiction to What the West Represents”  “My dear brothers and sisters, this idea of fitting in – we need to eliminate this from our vocabulary. Again, we are to stand out. We are a unique nation with a unique set of solutions. We are not to fit in.”

Other Muslim leaders proclaim, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

Historian Andre Servier said, “Islam was not a torch, but an extinguisher. Conceived in a barbarous brain for the use by a barbarous people, it was, and it remains, incapable of adapting itself to civilization. Whatever it has dominated, it has broken the impulse toward progress and checked the evolution of society.”

In other words, Muslims themselves tell Western countries their intentions to conquer.  Historians give greater understandings of the intentions of the Quran, but Western leaders fail to comprehend the point-blank intentions of Muslims in their countries.  Thus, you see the devolvement and destruction of European, Canadian, American, New Zealand and Australia civilizations.

Our freedom of speech faces censoring by Muslims. Last week, Judge Jeanine Pirro suffered censoring because CAIR didn’t like the judge’s pointing out that House Member Muslim Omar remains vehemently anti-Jewish and wears a hijab mandated by the Quran that she swore on to become a member of the US House of Representatives. Unfortunately, everything in the Quran counters everything in U.S. Constitutional Law.  Additionally, the Quran mandates destruction of America, thus, Omar should be tried for treason and deported back to Somalia.

While New Zealand’s leaders imported Muslims, they saw an uptick in honor killings, female genital mutilation, religious confrontations and severe unease among the Kiwi populace.  I’ve traveled extensively over there. Nobody wants, likes or needs Muslim immigrants.

Huntington made it very clear as to the violence of mixing cultures and incompatible religions, “It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation-states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different civilizations. The clash of civilizations will dominate global politics. The fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.”

As Western countries import more Moslems, their leaders guarantee more religious, linguistic and cultural confrontations, especially from Islam and Sharia Law.  Moslems NEVER integrate into host countries.  Take a trip to Detroit, Michigan or Minneapolis, Minnesota or Miami, Florida.  Those cities morphed into foreign countries with no intention of ever assimilating into America.

One reader from Florida wrote me, “This is why they don’t complain about immigration in south Florida:  In Miami there is less than 5% White Americans and the native born African-American population has mostly fled as well.  In Miami, you don’t hear much complaining about immigration because there is no one left to complain. Native Floridians get it and have fled to other parts of the State. The recent hurricanes hitting Puerto Rico combined with their bond default has brought 3 million of them to the central Florida area. So the new line is now Ocala. You have to move North of Ocala to find anyone that speaks English at a 7-11.”  John E.

That’s why, as America adds another 140 million people from all over the world by 2050—it signs its own death warrant as an intact, peaceful, cohesive and thriving civilization.  Instead, America faces more San Bernardino’s, Orlando’s, St. Cloud’s, Fort Hood’s, beheadings, be-handings, honor killings, Sharia Law, female genital mutilation, gay killings, fatwa’s and a host of Quran related violence.  Violence remains the nature of Islam as it gallops toward dominance wherever it exists.

Only viable solution: immediate cessation of all immigration into the United States and Canada.

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Creeping Incrementalism, Gateway To Destruction

John Wesley once said, “that which we tolerate today, we will embrace tomorrow”.  I will add this comment to perhaps enhance the meaning and extend this statement’s importance and warning, beyond what we tolerate today and eventually embrace tomorrow, by saying this: man’s evil knows no bounds or limitations, left unchecked by righteous judgment and justice.  So, by tolerating an evil, we are promoting more evil. (Gen. 6:5, Ecc. 8:11, Rom. 13:1-4)  In Genesis 6, we see a perverted and rebellious people who sinned continually in breaking God’s laws.  We see in Ecclesiastes 8 that when evil is not punished swiftly and justly, evil spreads quickly.  And in Romans 13, we see that God created civil government to be His minister (deacon) to punish evil doers and to praise the good.

As we mentioned in the opening statement by John Wesley and read in Ecc. 8:11, evil, (sin), left unchecked and unpunished, only leads to more evil which becomes tolerated, then embraced, which leads to even worse evil.  And the cycle is repeated over and over until either the righteous rise up to destroy the evil, or evil finally destroys society!  And then we all face God’s final judgment on a wicked and lukewarm people! (Ps. 9:17)

Mankind’s arch enemy, Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, or the serpent, as he is often referred to, is not a stupid being.  He knows that he can’t get mankind to commit unspeakable evils, abominations and atrocities immediately!  He understands that big sins start out as “little” sins.  He knows that if he can get enough people in a society to “tolerate” the little sins, he can eventually get them to embrace all manner of evil!  (I Cor. 5:6, Gal. 5:9)

You don’t have to look back very far in time to see very clearly how creeping incrementalism has slowly eroded away just about all “solid” moral values in America.  Let’s name a few, briefly, and then take a little deeper look into a vast evil and abomination now solidly implanted in American culture.

  1. The incremental stages of the manner in which we clothe ourselves.  Deuteronomy 22:5 has certainly been forgotten.  Now both sexes have become perverted as to dress like the other.  And as scripture teaches, modesty and covering the body is Godly, while public nudity is a sign of insanity. (Mark 5:15)
  2. Also compromising on God’s Word who is to pastor, preach or lead the body of Christ, the church.  Church leaders and deacons must be men only!  (I Tim. 3:1-13)
  3. We even have a problem with something as simple as grooming ourselves.  (I Cor. 11:13-15)  Howbeit, Paul said don’t fight over it in verse 16, but shouldn’t we, as examples to a lost world, willingly follow such a simple admonition?

Now, I would like to expose how easily deceived we can be, and have been, manipulated by Satan, with our permission!  After all, it is our own desires and lusts that allow the sin to take seed in ourselves and/or our society! (Rom. 7:5, James 1:15-16)

We have all heard about an ungodly phenomena that started manifesting itself mightily in the 1960’s.  It was called the sexual revolution.  A revolution can be a righteous act if its purpose is to “revolve” back to Godly principles!  But when it is used to “devolve” society into a moral abyss, it can, and will, be a huge cause of spiritual rottenness and societal destruction.

We “older” folks can remember when the so-called “British Invasion” started in rock music in the 60’s.  Most will remember the very satanically controlled group called The Beatles.  In all fairness, they may not have started out to be new age spiritualists, but they soon were “transformed” into a very influential cause for undermining the morals of young people.  It can be honestly said that this group started the effeminate trait of males with long hair, to be acceptable.

Soon thereafter, another new “fashionable” trend got a hold of the youth of the 60’s.  It was called “unisex” clothing.  In other words, making one out of both sexes.  Very few folks could see this move of Satan to pervert the nations morals.

Of course in the same decade, the hippie and drug culture blossomed.  “Free love”, with as many partners as you could find, was totally acceptable.  Most remember the infamous concert in Bethel, NY, called Woodstock.  Nothing but a lawless, sexual orgy, full of drugs and the humanistic type of “love” that Satan uses to deceive.  It just “feels” so good and “seems” so right!

Surely it doesn’t take a highly intelligent individual to trace the incremental, well placed snares to normalize, not only fornication (sex before marriage), which is the only Biblical reason for divorce (Mt. 5:32), adultery and a slow erosion of what was once expected moral standards.

Of course, through the next several decades, since the “righteous” said or did very little to zealously oppose this assault on the morals of our society, especially on the youth, we now have all manner of sexual perversions and decadence that are openly embraced, or quietly tolerated by, the “moral majority”, that have lost their fiery righteous indignation against evil.  Just like a cancer, creeping incrementalism, kills slowly at first.  And it is a painful agonizing death (II Tim. 2:17).

There is no way this nation, with the mindset that now almost totally permeates the people, will ever turn loose of their “freedoms” to sin!  Habakkuk 1:1-4 describes our nation to a tee.   But for the ones who truly love Christ and His Word, we will continue to stand with our God and do battle against evil! (Ps. 94:16)

In closing, let me state this final fact.  Our nation’s conscience has become seared with evil (I Tim. 4:2).  Most no longer even blush when confronted with the blatant sins all around us. (Jer. 6:15).

When you feel tired, weary, or discouraged in the battle, read Psalm 11. We who live in Christ will win!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

Beto O’Rourke: The Selling Of Socialism By The Fawning Media

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Many Democrats already believe that Texas Democrat “Beto” O’Rourke is the man who can beat President Trump in 2020, however, one of television’s favorite physicians Dr. Drew Pinsky is concerned that “something’s not right” with the former congressman. And the good doctor didn’t even mention Beto’s arrests for drunk driving or burglary. (See Police Report at bottom of story). All of this is sure to deny Pinsky appearances on CNN, MSNBC, Good Morning America, the Today Show and the rest of the major news media outlets.

“I thought that [O’Rourke] was Tony Robbins (a huckster known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within),” Pinsky, a board-certified internist and addiction medicine specialist, said on the “Brian Kilmeade Show” in response to audio of O’Rourke’s presidential announcement video.

“I’m just saying, there’s something gonna go down there.  I can feel it coming. I don’t know what it is… There’s something not right,” Pinsky said.

Beto O’Rourke is a Texas Democrat who’s running for President of the United States against a plethora of Democratic candidates in the November 2020 election against GOP incumbent Donald Trump. On Thursday, Beto O’Rourke finally announced what most political pundits already believed: He’s running for President against an army of Democratic competitors. And while Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — dubbed AOC by the fawning news media — appears to be carrying the Socialist Flag, Beto is thought to be better at contorting the English language.

Almost immediately, the national press began gushing over Beto. For example, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews who was famously mocked for his overt elation for then-candidate Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential election, where he said he felt a “thrill” up his leg for the Democrat. It appears O’Rourke is the new Obama, at least for Matthews.

“It should be noted that this was the same lefty host who hosted a pep rally disguised as a town hall for Robert Francis O’Rourke on October 30, 2018, and was nearly unanimous in terms of softballs compared to actual questions,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck wrote.

The El Paso, Texas Democrat was a political flop far before he entered the national stage. He’s frequently been caught lying, cheating, and misleading his constituents to the point where even his fellow Democrats hate him in his own city, according to Red State political reporter Brandon Morse.

According to a law enforcement colleague, Professor Jean Reynolds, in 1998 at 26-years old O’Rourke was arrested for driving while intoxicated (DUI) and attempting to flee the scene of an accident. That accident had become an issue in the senatorial campaign that he lost to Texas Republican Ted Cruz despite the financial backing of radical multi-billionaire George Soros and MoveOn.org. Prof. Reynold’s teaching experience includes a police academy and a prison school.

Part of Police Report is reprinted below. Read full 12-page police report here:

“I met with the reporter who said he was traveling west bound on I-10 and observed a black in color Volvo traveling the same direction at a high rate of speed. The driver then lost control of the vehicle and struck a truck traveling the same direction sending the defendants vehicle across the center median and pointing eastbound. The driver attempted to leave the accident but was stopped by the reporter. It was then determined after a brief interview that the defendant/driver was intoxicated. The defendant was then transported the El Paso Police West side Sub Station Where he was given the Breath Test. Subject failed.”

The reporter told me the following:

  • the driver lost control of the vehicle
  • it struck a truck traveling the same direction
  • it crossed the center median and pointed eastbound
  • the driver tried to leave the accident
  • the reporter stopped him

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Fluid Gender Children Coming To Buckingham Palace Says Meghan Markle

This news has rocked The British Isles with such a wallop that the Brits can no longer exhibit a stiff upper lip….or anything else. This shocking news would indicate the denial of the biological reality of sex differences in high places which is an idea as insane as it is dangerous. 

This of course will be confusing to any and all Royal Children who will not know if they are to become a Duke or a Dutchess.  The confusion will expand if this means that there can be more than one queen in the Palace.

When this news came out, we waited before breaking this story to allow time for research and confirmation.  Here’s what we found: 
The Palace mentioned above is not the Palace Theater in New York that was considered the “big time” Vaudeville Theater. There were little Vaudeville theaters scattered throughout the United States where variety  performers did four and five shows a day. Yes, it was a grind.  They all dreamed of playing the Palace Theater in New York, where they did only two shows a day. That meant that they had ‘arrived.’ Come to think of it, the Palace Theater in New York is not too far removed from the vaudeville now being seen in England.
However, that is not the Palace in question. This Palace, is Kensington Palace, which is also the ‘big time’ of status recognition. This is where the Queen, prince and princes, dukes and duchesses reside. The king is coming. Stay tuned.

Prince Harry, the brother who often tested the boundaries of etiquette and society met an interracial actress named Meghan Markle and after a whirlwind courtship they were married in the Palace by a questionable black Episcopalian priest who voiced some strange theological utterings.

Now settled in, the news came out that Meghan was pregnant, which of course would be expected since Harry appeared to have a strong reproductive instinct. Then they said she was carrying twins, now its back to simply a baby…singular that is due to arrive this spring. Stay tuned for the latest mutterings.

They will allow their children to wear dresses or male attire as they wish. The child can play with dolls or toy trucks. They will not have any type forced upon them.  This is called, FREEDOM, doncha know. Freedom can also translate into Confusion.
Harry and Meghan have already planned a gender-neutral nursery of whites and grays, instead of conventional blue and pink colors.
The exact words Megan said to describe the raising of their child was “fluid“. She said they plan to raise their child with a fluid approach to gender and they won’t be imposing any stereotypes. Yep, there is no girl or boy. but a hapless accumulation of ectoplasm that can do what it wants.
We wonder what the staff of Downton Abbey would think of this. Mr. Carson would probably say nothing, but simply stare into space.
Of course there is quite a few folk in Britain who believe the Monarchy should be done away with. When this is confirmed they may get their wish.
After the Vanity Fair peek into the Kensington Palace and the couple,  officials were forced to make a statement about the claims.  Their comment according to the UK Express:
This is totally false.”
As for the occupants of the Palace, the only Crown they are interested in at the moment is Royal Crown (whiskey).
© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Destroying America From Within, Part 4

The next phase we see is they begin to resist authorities and customs.  With that we see a rise of crimes that are allowed under shariah.  The most common is what is called ‘honor killings’.  Under shariah a woman is nothing more than a piece of property that the husband can do anything with whenever he wants, and the ‘wife’ has no right to object.  In New Jersey a muslim man raped his wife and she filed charges.  Keep in mind, in America a husband cannot rape his wife.  The woman cannot be forced against her will but under shariah, a woman has no choice.  She cannot refuse.

Liberals running interference for Islam while bashing Christianity and Judiasm, can see the results of their Sharia friendly liberal judge activism in the New Jersey case of “S.D. v. M.J.R. (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div.)” In this recent case, a judge declared Rape acceptable because of Muslim cultural traditions.

The Quran gives husbands supreme authority over a woman. 

Muhammad said: “If a husband calls his wife to his bed [i.e. to have sexual relation] and she refuses and causes him to sleep in anger, the angels will curse her till morning” (Bukhari 4.54.460). He also said: “By him in Whose Hand lies my life, a woman can not carry out the right of her Lord, till she carries out the right of her husband. And if he asks her to surrender herself [to him for sexual intercourse] she should not refuse him even if she is on a camel’s saddle” (Ibn Majah 1854). 

But this is America and you would think that American criminal and Constitutional law would prohibit rape. Well, as Sharia slowly attempts to make inroads, pillars of justice are beginning to crumble. 

In New Jersey, a judge saw no evidence that a Muslim committed sexual assault of his wife, NOT because he didn’t do it, but because he was acting on his Islamic beliefs. In denying the woman an Order of Protection, the judge stated: 

“This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited.” [1]

Why this judge remained on the bench is a mystery.  He is sworn to uphold the laws of the United States and the Constitution of the United States and the laws and Constitution of New Jersey.  What needed to happen was the husband needed to understand that this behavior is not allowed in America NO MATTER WHAT HIS RELIGION ALLOWS!

Is this type of behavior very common?  More common that we would like to admit.  Many are not reported by the victim because the repercussions from her family would be very brutal if not even fatal in some insatances.

Hidden among thousands of nondescript murders and cases labeled as domestic violence are a mounting number of killings motivated by a radical and dark interpretation of Islam. Honor killings and violence, which typically see men victimize wives and daughters because of behavior that has somehow insulted their faith, are among the most secretive crimes in society, say experts.

“Cases of honor killings and/or violence in the U.S. are often unreported because of the shame it can cause to the victim and the victim’s family,” Farhana Qazi, a former U.S. government analyst and senior fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies on Terrorism, told FoxNews.com. “Also, because victims are often young women, they may feel that reporting the crime to authorities will draw too much attention to the family committing the crime.”

Even cases that appear to be honor killings, such as the Jan. 1, 2008 murder of two Irving, Texas, sisters that landed their father on the FBI’s most wanted list, cannot always be conclusively linked to a religious motivation. Without hard evidence, critics say, ascribing a religious motivation to crimes committed by Muslims demeans Islam. Yet, federal authorities believe they must be able to identify “honor” as a motive for violence and even murder if they are to address a growing cultural problem.

Honor Violence Measurement Methods,” a study released earlier this year by research corporation Westat, and commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, identified four types of honor violence: forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing and female genital mutilation. The report, which estimated that 23-27 honor killings per year occur in the U.S., noted that 91 percent of victims in North America are murdered for being “too Westernized,” and in incidents involving daughters 18 years or younger, a father is almost always involved. And for every honor killing, there are many more instances of physical and emotional abuse, all in the name of fundamentalist Islam, say experts.[2]

Why do we have judges that toss the Constitution aside and insert shariah?  I have to say that they are liberal judge who believe that our Constitution is too restrictive and that we must adopt other nations laws.  This is not a new concept as Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Elena Kagan both favor using international law in our courts!

In a rare commentary by a member of the Supreme Court on Senate hearings for a potential colleague, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday sought to correct the views of members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who recently suggested that foreign law has no place in America’s legal principles.   In a speech at American University in Washington (the full text is here), Ginsburg said flatly that it is “very wrong…to charge that citing foreign law is a recent heresy advanced by liberal activist judges in pursuit of their political preferences.”  And, without naming names among senators, she used questions and comments by lawmakers at Justice-designate Elena Kagan’s nomination hearings to illustrate the error she perceived.

Arguing that “foreign and international law  [have] influenced legal reasoning and judicial decision-making” from the nation’s birth, Ginsburg then invited her audience at a gathering of the International Academy of Comparative Law to “flash forward with me” to the Kagan hearings.  “Queries,” the Justice said, “about international and foreign law were several times posed” by senators, including one who voiced “dismay” that Kagan as Harvard law dean required students to take a course in international law.

Another lawmaker, she went on, “ventured that ‘nowhere did the founders say anything about using foreign law.”  That senator then asked Kagan to explain “why it is OK sometimes to use foreign law to interpret our Constitution, or statutes, our treaties.”  And still another Committee member asked “whether [judges should] ever look to foreign laws for good ideas” or “get inspiration for their decisions from foreign law.”

Ginsburg included, seemingly approvingly, some of Kagan’s responses, including a comment that she was in favor of “good ideas…whereever you can get them.”  To which, Ginsburg noted, a senator responded that “I’m troubled” that Kagan “believes we can turn to foreign law to get good ideas.”[3]

If you haven’t noticed yet we are suffering from the results of the American people not paying attention to who we put in office.  Our jurists are ignoring their oath to uphold the Constitution and our law makers pay no attention to the Constitution when they make laws and they don’t even pay attention to the laws passed.  Eric Holder only enforced the laws he felt were proper.  Voting more than once was OK with him as long as it was a black voting twice or three times for another black.  I could go on but we can see how and why muslims feel it’s OK to ignore our customs, ignore our laws and live like they still lived in their home country.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100914114312AA9ks2r
  2. Honor killing in America DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats
  3. Ginsburg on Kagan and foreign law

Where Will Our Blindness To Ugly History Lead?

My last article was a brief history of the Selective Service System, a discussion of the draft, Vietnam era draft resistors, and whether recent Department of Defense policy changes and court decisions could change the status of women and Selective Service Registration.  I may have touched a nerve or two about an unpopular subject.  But when you write about things many Americans lived through, the painted picture is not always a pretty one.

As a people, we’ve managed to overcome national atrocities of slavery and civil rights.  It’s ugly history, but it is our history and must not be buried or forgotten.  Our early treatment of Native Americans is too an atrocity.  It’s another ugly piece of our history getting little modern-day attention.  The Civil War was an ugly part of our nation’s history.  We tend to glorify the willingness of Americans killing Americans when we should acknowledge and learn from it.  It is estimated that 2.5 percent of the US population of the time died in our war.  Calculated by today’s population that’s more than 8 million.  Media and politicians continue to divide our country in a manner not seen since the pre-civil war days.  Will their unharnessed quests for control and power push us into another?  And sadly, the good history of our country, our founding, the revolution, the creation of a free republic of a kind never before seen in human history is now billed as an abomination created by old white slave owners.

The Vietnam War fought by young men who were told they were saving a people desiring freedom from the onslaught of communism is ugly history.  In Vietnam and here at home, it was a political war.  It dragged on for 20 years driven by political rather than military decisions.  Even with tremendous loss of life and treasure, today’s Vietnam is communist.  And on the ugly underside is the military industrial complex first mentioned by President Eisenhower when he warned of the “danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”    It is a wealth building circle.  The defense industry sells the latest and greatest weaponry to the Pentagon.  The lobbyists and Generals convince Congress of the need for the latest and greatest.  Money flows in a neat little circle from the treasury to the defense industry to political coffers. For everyone except Soldiers, war is a wealth builder.  It must always be the absolute last choice for a people – a truly great nation.  Our country’s poor treatment of Vietnam Veterans is a bleeding wound the guilty are still trying to cauterize.  Are we doing it again?

We don’t learn from our ugly history.  In 2012, I wrote Just Another Vietnam?  Looking back, it’s prophetic.  Now we have another generation of young men and women with repeated combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq who are committing suicide at an unheard of rate.  We are not embracing them, giving them needed counseling and decompression time before we drop them back into their communities as if they’ve been on a vacation.  It is sad to me to that I would even entertain such thoughts but there is great wealth in the military industrial complex and nation building.  But at what cost to generations of our young who bear the burden of fighting our nation’s wars.  At what cost do we continue to fight seemingly unending interventionist wars in such a manner?

What do we do with our ugly history?  Instead of learning, healing and moving on, we use it as a divisive bludgeon.  We ignore it while many Americans remain destitute on reservations.  We try to destroy any reminders of it as if that will remove it.  Our military is fighting and dying in a foreign land but just like Vietnam, America isn’t.  Our politicians do not seem concerned, the media certainly isn’t, and because of that the average American isn’t either.  Every time we hear the suicide rate our hearts ache for a minute, then we head for the mall.

Not only will ignorance of our history result in our own destruction, ignorance of the world will as well.  College kids, media and even politicians nowadays do not hesitate to call someone a NAZI or fascist.  What they cannot do is tell you how National Socialism came to power in Germany behind utopian promises from a charismatic monster.  They cannot define fascism, which is what they practice each time they riot on campus to shut down voices of those holding different views or ignore facts and real news.  They cannot tell you about the failures of Socialism across the world and the millions of deaths left in its wake.  They can tell you about an amazing society where everything is beautiful, everyone is equal, college is free, medical care is free, and life is blissful.  They do not understand that socialism by its very nature is a failed theory.

It’s a hard lesson even the Pilgrims learned.  If there is no incentive to produce, no possibility of improving one’s stature in life then no one produces and the collective dies.  Many Americans are wide-eyed, voting aged and worldly ignorant.  It’s not only the kids, and that should scare everyone.  What they do not understand is that there will always be the wealthy who can afford the good things and pay for the best private medical care.  Ironically as living people are the advocates for abortion, the wealthy who can escape it are the biggest advocates of socialism.  While they enjoy the good life, the rest of us in the egalitarian utopia are equally destitute, equally miserable and equally unable to raise our stature.

There will always be wild-eyed, charismatic, and angry Pied Piper politicians ready to capitalize on manufactured ignorance of history and the world to sell us a society from which the only escape is death.  History suggests we may blindly follow.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry: jd@jdpendry.com

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

How Naturalism, Gender Identity And Pornography Are Inexplicably Entwined

The Problem with Choice

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

Choice without consequence is as old as the planet, and should be as obvious to the educationalist, the theorist, the scientist, and the humanist, as it is to those with just good old fashioned common sense.   We can’t have the   freedom to choose without accepting responsibility and also accountability on the outcome of our choices.

From even the smallest choice like the clothes we wear, to the food we eat, down to where we choose to go on holiday, each and every action we take has an outcome.

Unfortunately, in our fallen states of being, our choices are not always the wisest.   Temptation, selfishness, lust, and also a sense of entitlement (resentment) are a contributing factor which is also embedded in our psyche.

Therefore it stands to reason that the choices we make can harm or heal us.

‘Normalizing’ or ‘Glamorizing’ choices which obviously have the potential to seriously hurt people, and even drive them to suicide, has become a very fashionable new trend in presenting lifestyles to adults and more seriously to the next generation, our children. Where does our responsibility lie?

A new law which could come into effect in 2020 can rule that primary school children in the UK, aged from 4 upwards must be taught a positive view of non-traditional “families”, same-sex relationships and transsexual identities.   The teaching will come under ‘Relationship Studies’ and would be a mandatory part of the school curriculum, instead of ‘Sex Education’, from which parents can presently opt their children out of.

Recently, it was reported that up to 600 parents in Birmingham, UK, kept their children from school in a demonstration against relationship studies and a programme called ‘No Outsiders’  There was an emphasis on the demonstrators being ‘Muslim’.     However, concerned parents across the country have been petitioning the Lords Committee expressing their alarm at the deceptive legislation which will remove the parent’s choice for their child’s education in nursery school.

The ‘No Outsiders’ programme which was developed and created by Andrew Moffatt who is the Assistant Head Teacher at Parkfield Community School,  is a range of 35 (picture) books covering race, religion, gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation, marriage/civil partnership and pregnancy/maternity.

♣  Muslim and Christian parents withdraw children from UK school in protest over LGBT content

♣  There is never a reason for bigotry at the school gates

Kenan Malik, an Observer columnist in an article printed in the Guardian attacked two issues with just one stone by labelling the demonstration as bigoted and likening it to a Tommy Robinson event spewing hatred, except it was Muslim parents spewing hatred towards gay relationships!

Whilst there is a very obvious pushback taking place within our schools against the indoctrination and the mandatory teaching of gender issues as being lifestyles to very young children, unfortunately there are now a few other new kids on the block waiting to join forces, which are subtly and not so modestly intent on mutilating the truly natural potential of creation.

Do you have Gymnophobia

Next month, families in the UK, are being invited again to a nude family fun event at Waterworld Aqua Park, Stoke on Trent.  The British Naturist Society who have advertised their event as being open to members and non members, and to all adults and children of any age are charging £21 for adult non members, £5 for children.   Under fives go free.

Whilst petitions against the events are also taking place around the country at similar venues, in relation to exposing children to adult nudity, the British Naturist Society who claim that they take their safeguarding and health and safety precautions seriously, still advertise that they exist to unite and support naturists, to protect naturist places and make social nudity more acceptable across the UK.

But naturist family events at public leisure centres are not the only places where nudity is becoming socially acceptable.

The infamous Channel 4 network in the UK which often crosses the boundaries of decency have been airing ‘literally’, a dating programme called Naked Attraction, where people looking for love choose their date not by viewing their face or getting to know the personality of someone they may be attracted to; but by choosing a partner from how they look in their ‘birthday suit’. The programme is at least honest if not shallow, in contrast to naturists who claim they are more interested in each others minds, rather than the obvious nudity of the strangers they may mix with.

In 2017, Paris also opened its first ever naked restaurant called ‘Au Naturel’ indicating that the drive by Naturist societies to make nudity more acceptable in the mainstream is ‘happening’.

Another popular Channel 4 TV programme which also crosses the boundaries of decency is The Sex Clinic where young and ‘active’ people are filmed being intimately investigated for transmitted sexual diseases.   The trailers to the programme are presented in a light hearted way in bright colourful clinics with attractive doctors.   The most recent episode was advertised as:

“Emily requests an STI test to make sure her hook-up isn’t cheating. Leticia seeks advice on bipolar and sex.   And a male stripper has a rash down below”[Link]

Dr Naomi Sutton, known as Dr Naomi in the programme hopes to de-stigmatise attitudes towards sexual health and promote healthier attitudes; but whilst her work as a Consultant Physician in Integrated Sexual Health at The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust is valuable in helping under 16’s, trafficked women and victims of sexual assault, one cannot help but wonder what happened to the healthier attitudes we once highly held before sexual behaviour was de-stigmatised and an anything goes attitude replaced them, leading to the increase in sexually transmitted diseases which medicine now has to treat. [Link]

It is reported that the sexual health crisis in the UK with syphilis and gonorrhoea on the increase, is all due to government funding being withdrawn year upon year towards funding sexual health services.

National Aids Trust chief executive Deborah Gold added

“This government is presiding over a national crisis in sexual health, caused in large part by the decision to implement year-on-year cuts to the public health grant which funds sexual health services,” The impact of these cuts is being felt disproportionately by people in black and minority ethnicity (BME) communities, young people, and men who have sex with men – a group which accounts for 78 per cent of the new syphilis cases.

That is an interesting statement which you currently could not put pictures of in a 4 year olds book.

The Dark Web

Marketers of course know that the successful selling of any product is always reliant on the visuals.   With the dark web becoming more accessible to younger people and with a reported 30,000 cases reported in the UK over the last 4 years of children carrying out sexual assaults against other children, because they think it is normal, some of which were carried out on school premises, indicates not only are children becoming more readily exposed to pornography but they are receiving confusing information about sex from schools who promote lifestyle choices without consequences regardless of their age.    The word ‘porn’ is also becoming fashionably used by adults as a term to describe desires for such things as food and items of clothing.  Shoe porn is not an uncommon term for women to use who have a fetish for shoes.   The difference however is that porn is violent and an insult to sex, men and women, and should never be normalized in this way.

Fight the new Drug, is a website which explains the addictiveness of porn illustrating how it affects the brain, affects relationships, and affects society.   Shockingly, it also states that Porn hub received 33.5 billion site visits last year, surely indicating that adults have very little willpower over their choices once they are hooked upon watching such disturbing images. It should be a national shame that our children are also hooked upon these sites with their interest and intrigue in sex being introduced to them at younger and younger ages.

1 –  https://fightthenewdrug.org/
2 –  Teen boys heroes after stopping man from assaulting a young girl
3 –  Child sexual abuse 30000 cases police BBC panorama

What is really natural?

It seems sad that the world can take what is truly natural and beautiful and alter it.   Even a beautiful display of flowers once connected and fed by the earth loses its life force once they are cut and arranged and displaying by human hands.

Naturists, who up until now have kept their love of being naked predominately to private beaches, are not always natural people in the truest sense of what that means.   In creative terms, and not evolutionary terms, in our fallen state a wonderful gift of modesty was given to us that would never allow us to expose ourselves to un-consenting adults, and definitely never to children.   It is why it is against the law, and indecent exposure is listed under the Sexual Offences Act 2003.   Are our concepts now being ‘toyed’ with?

Read the story of Alfie Moore, a detective who was with Humberside Police and who writes about his life as a police office and dealing with people who commit indecent exposure over a period of 18 years: [Eighteen years as a police officer: I know indecent exposure isn’t taken seriously]

Choice, that word, that gift, that curse, that we have and don’t take responsibility for, is being given to children as young as four years old in schools.   Children at Water World Aqua Park will see men and women who are strangers naked – and this is being portrayed as natural?  Children with same sex attraction and gender related issues are sadly also not been given the correct information.     Are they all being used?

The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperors New Clothes is a more realistic children’s story on how we can all be taken in by swindlers.   Pretending to weave the finest cloth which could only be seen by the elite and not by anyone else including people considered stupid, a suit which doesn’t even exist is sold to the emperor.   Parading the streets in his nudity, and his ugliness, and not wishing to offend him, his public congratulate him on his beautiful new suit.

A child who did not see it necessary to pretend or offend anyone shouts “But he has nothing on” bursting the bubble of pretence until all the onlookers repeat what the child has said.   The emperor continues attempting to maintain dignity as though nothing has happened.   Who is the fool?

Telling children what is acceptable and that they can choose what they do with their bodies at any age is happening to younger and younger children.   What is the real agenda behind the visuals and the information that adults are feeding them, and how are we complicit in the next stage of sexualizing children?

© 2019 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Thanks To Public Schools, Socialism Is On The Rise

To quote founding father Thomas Jefferson, “The Constitution of the United States is the result of the collected wisdom of our country.” He also said about America, “With all the imperfections of our present government, it is without comparison the best existing or that ever did exist.”

Statesman Daniel Webster made the claim, “Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again.”

Recently, I was having dinner with a couple and the comment was made, “I can’t believe how mainstream Socialism is becoming in America. Socialism is the opposite of our founding and what the Constitution stands for.”

Unfortunately I can, and I believe I may know why.

Currently, the public schools in an overwhelming majority of counties in America devour more than half of the county budgets.  And, of course, it’s not enough. It’s never enough.

But, aside from the runaway spending, the far more important reason is what I have come to know as a destructive mission of the schools themselves.

Before I continue I want to assure you that I speak as an individual who has had the privilege of speaking to several thousand public school students in hundreds of public schools across the country.  I have met numerous amazing teachers, principles, and administrators who are doing their best to educate the next generation of Americans to succeed in this ever-changing culture and world.

Despite what (my dad has) I have just explained, I still feel that our America’s vast, public, government-run school systems are one of the largest promoters of a godless, socialist agenda, leading to the dumbing-down of the culture.

They promote sexual immorality, under the guise of diversity.

It’s no accident that students are immersed in radical environmentalism, leading to nonsense like the green new deal.

It’s no accident that public schools train children to dismiss and often ignore the values of their parents, leading to the disintegration of the family.

And it’s no accident that public schools drain the resources of the citizenry, making it more difficult for families to educate their children privately.

During my last two public school presentations, I was applauded by teachers and students… but not before everyone looked over their shoulders wondering how in the world I could discuss the topic of the biblical underpinnings of American Government in their school. There is an ominous presence holding everyone in fear, and purposefully preventing them from teaching any historical realities of America, her God, and her current crisis. Instead, this presence is forcing the institution of the godless, socialist empire. Public schools are rapidly attacking America’s origins, and the results are devolving us from true liberty.

Fellow Americans, I plead with you in the words of Daniel Webster, “Finally, let us not forget the religious character of our origin. Our fathers were brought hither by their high veneration for the Christian religion… God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

The Green Old Deal Is Now The Green New Deal

Everything that’s Old is New Again

How many of you think that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) went to college, got a degree in Economics from Boston University (that is scary), and dreamed up the Green New Deal all by herself? She may have put her name on this summary but this “DEAL” has been around for decades – under different names of course.

You probably have seen it in you home town called – Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Resilient Communities, and of course the real deal –  UN Agenda 21/2030, Your New World Order under a One World Government.

Yes, you read correctly, The Green New Deal is a summary of UN Agenda 21/2030. The purpose is to limit mobility, eliminate private property, eliminate cheap energy which raises the prices on food, eliminate meat, demand that the populace does more for less. Do as I say not as I do is the attitude. This “Deal” will do nothing to affect climate basically because the climate is controlled by the sun, moon and oceans. Lack of a quality education focusing on traditional education using factual math and science fools the masses into believing they are accomplishing something. What we are seeing is the result of a socialist  K-12 education. This “Deal”  is being taught in your schools.  After all the Globalists believe “The Capitalists Will Sell Us the Rope with Which We Will Hang Them.” V Lenin.

The Green New Deal quotes the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) which has stated often that they doctored the numbers to meet the desired outcome.

Where did this Deal come from?  Communists/ Globalists need a common enemy so they can create groups through identity politics who become the victims of this enemy.  What better than Climate, an issue that can never be solved by humans but requires mountains of money to cure.  By combining climate with pollution the public is confused and are fooled into believing they have control over climate. After the Cold War the common enemy was selected – humans.  So now we fight ourselves – the epitome of stupidity.

We need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination… So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts… Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.” – Prof. Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology, lead author of many IPCC reports

Once the enemy was identified the lies and manipulation began.  “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

By eliminating civics in school, students have no idea about the danger of communism and all other isms.  Communism, et. al., are the exact opposite of American ideals and in reality against the law in America.

Does ANYONE REMEMBER … Communist Control Act of 1954

Created during the period of the Second Red Scare (1946–1954), the Act was one of many bills drafted.

The Communist Control Act (68 Stat. 775, 50 U.S.C. 841-844) is a piece of United States federal legislation, signed into law by President Dwight Eisenhower on 24 August 1954, which outlaws the Communist Party of the United States and criminalizes membership in, or support for the Party or “Communist-action” organizations and defines evidence to be considered by a jury in determining participation in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of such organizations.

and the 45 Goals of Communism read into the Congressional Record 1963. [Link]

Most people especially legislators have no idea this law exists.

All the Communists did was change their name to Progressives, Socialists, Globalists Collectivists, Islamists etc. Green to avoid detection. How did they get into Congress? One school at a time.  Common Core (the icing ) created an uneducated compliant populace who are taught by talking points that they are the victims and evil capitalists are the oppressors.

Their socialist schools under a variety of names are popping up all over America.  The latest is the CasaLaxmi  Foundation putting up an international boarding school in Bay County, Florida.

Sounds great?  A wonderful boom to the economy of Bay County, Florida? Yeah team!  But the consequences no one thinks about are stellar.  This international (socialist school) will not teach about American exceptionalism as these are children of the world. As socialist teachers indoctrinate, these students will carry the socialist message throughout America.  The electorate will change until Americans will be taught that America at fault for the ills of the world and is a democracy with a pesky constitution that is old school.  – Let’s dump the electoral college will be the solution.  Unwilling indoctrinated Americans will vote against the American represented republic and our guarantee of a republican form of government, US Constitution  Article 4 section 4 will disappear just like the Pledge. The transformation of America will be complete.   H2B visas will be overstayed and more socialists will indoctrinate Americans and vote in our elections.

Need more convincing?  In Florida we have radicals Islamic Gulen Schools that are growing under “choice”.  We have a Chinese charter school and several UN mini Global schools, all indoctrinating The Green New Deal, all paid for by the American taxpayer. Lenin was right.

In 1963, Rep Herlong (D-FL) read the 45 Goals of Communism into the Congressional Record.  He did this to make sure that Congress is on alert and the goals will never be forgotten.  Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35. Read the goals

These goals were read by an ANTI COMMUNIST Democrat. Look how far we have come today as the communists follow goal # “12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party and #15  Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.”  Once you read the goals, you will be shocked to see how far they have come.

I believe that both parties under the goal of GLOBALISM have an equal hand in destroying America’s promise of freedom, liberty and a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLICAN form of government.  Remember Marx said: “The goal of socialism (and other isms) is COMMUNISM.”  They are using open borders to accomplish this goal by allowing millions of low skilled socialists into America paid for by Americans. The cost to each American is about 25% of their salary.

OK so what is the big deal, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism who cares they are all the same. NO they are not. Wordsmiths have changed the definitions so they appear the same but are way different.  Capitalism allows for individual ownership of your person, land business and intellectual property. Under Communism everything is controlled by the Government.

America today is in a battle over MONEY, POWER and CONTROL.  Right now the only one fighting the Globalists is President Donald Trump. It is exactly like George Carlin said,  “There is a club and you aren’t in it.” 

I want to thank AOC for this Green New Deal.  It is time for this long awaited debate.   Holding those accountable by your votes is only the beginning.

Is America worth saving?  Even if this “Deal” is rejected, will your voice be strong enough?  Will you call out the other Green New Deal programs under Sustainability, conservation, Smart Growth, Resilient Cities, Charter Schools. etc? Will you go to School Board or Commissioner meetings, alert legislators? Today only 25% of Americans support socialism.  That will change dramatically if we do nothing.

“Evil Triumphs when good Americans do nothing.” Edmond Burke

I will not comply will you?  Karen Schoen

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Tucker Carlson And The Real Victims Of Media Censorship

Billionaire Bill Gates is pouring some of his wealth into development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine that will be mandatory for all young people, even children, in the U.S. Perhaps a scheduled “breakthrough” in this controversial effort and a plan for universal HIV vaccinations explain why major media organs and corporate and government officials are being used to demonize those concerned about the safety of vaccines. The U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO) has gone so far as to issue a report ranking “vaccine hesitancy” as one of the top “Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019.”

With a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine on the horizon, we should be hesitant. The AIDS vaccine could be a major threat to global health. As a vaccine, it gives people a form of the virus that causes AIDS on the assumption that we won’t develop the entire deadly disease. If this assumption is faulty, it could cause HIV/AIDS in millions of healthy people, many of them children and the elderly. There was a swine flu vaccine scandal in the 1970s, when people got neurological disorders from the vaccine before it was withdrawn.

Another Russian Plot?

Now that the Russian “collusion” story involving President Trump has run out of steam, new villains have to be identified. Indeed, Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee who is still pursuing Russia-gate against President Trump, has openly called for big companies such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook to censor information casting doubt on the effectiveness of vaccines.

Although it has been open to different views in the past, the “conservative” Fox News channel is now apparently backing Facebook’s effort to “crack down on misinformation about vaccines.”  Reporter Dan Springer’s story was headlined, “Study links Russia to US misinformation campaign on vaccinations.” But his own story quoted research saying the Russians were playing both sides – running articles for and against vaccines.

Despite claims to the contrary from Big Government, Big Pharma, and Big Media, many people believe there is evidence linking the rise in autism among children to the MMR vaccine. Rather than have an open debate, the controversial film “Vaxxed,” which explores corruption in science regarding the MMR vaccine, was yanked from theaters and pulled from Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Film Festival. The producers of “Vaxxed” also report their film was removed from Amazon Video, including Prime and streaming, and Pinterest removed searches about safer vaccines and vaccine injury.

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, is the parent of a vaccine injured child and draws attention to children and young people now being subjected to 69 doses of 16 vaccines (starting on the day of birth) by the age of 18. She recently recorded a video on “The New Internet Police” that explains how a coordinated attack is already underway on those who believe in personal freedom and informed consent in regard to these vaccines. Her group is being actively censored and treated almost like a “hate group.” On January 19, she notes, the editorial board of the liberal New York Times declared that “anti-vaxxers” are “the enemy.”

Fox News should resist this kind of censorship scheme. But its own host, Tucker Carlson,  author of Ship of Fools, made a fool of himself years ago by spouting offensive nonsense on a shock jock show hosted by “Bubba the Love Sponge.” Now, Carlson’s job is hanging in the balance, as he claims being victimized by “the mob.” He has a national media platform that he can use to defend himself, and Fox News is sticking by him (for the time being.) A media personality who generates over $70,000 per speaking appearance, Carlson also has the Daily Caller News Foundation, the non-profit arm of the Daily Caller, which he founded, doing articles on his behalf. It has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Koch Brothers and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.

But this face of modern conservatism is now looking like a major embarrassment to the conservative movement. He’s not even that conservative; he frequently brings on anti-American journalist and Edward Snowden collaborator Glenn Greenwald as an authoritative source of information on Russia-gate, and allows Fox contributor Tammy Bruce, a pro-abortion lesbian activist, to posture on his show as a deep conservative thinker. It looks like Tucker has personal knowledge of the “Ship of Fools” he writes about. He may be going overboard.

Who’s More Foolish?

What’s far more important than the fate of a rich wise guy talk show host confused about conservatism is that we have a national debate on Fox and other channels on such matters as the well-established and verifiable fact that vaccines do cause injury and death, and that an HIV/AIDS vaccine is being fast-tracked. Many people even today do not realize that while vaccines work for a large majority of people, they can also cause serious health problems, even death, for some. In recognition of this fact, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. A National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines has dispensed over $4 billion for vaccine injuries and deaths.

The common sense driving the parental concern crosses ideological lines. In my case, one day after the birth of our third child, hospital personnel tried to take him away for a hepatitis B vaccine shot. It’s because of the work of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center that I was skeptical of some vaccines. My wife and I refused to have our child injected with this controversial vaccine. Six months later, concerns were raised about possible mercury exposure in children given hepatitis B vaccines containing thimerosal, a preservative derived from mercury, a toxic metal that can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions. Thimerosal is a preservative that was used as an additive in vaccines to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination.

Hepatitis B mostly affects drug users, the sexually promiscuous, blood transfusion recipients, and health care workers. So why are innocent children who are not at risk being required to be vaccinated? It’s because the government doesn’t want or can’t identify those who ARE at risk. It’s easier to get the children, who are least likely to get the disease. The same is likely to be true for an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Even assuming that such a vaccine could be developed, it will be easier for national and global public health officials to target those for vaccination who are at less risk of contracting the disease.

I interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher four years ago. “There is a tightening of the noose around the people’s neck when it comes to being able to make vaccine choices,” she said on America’s Survival TV. She also discussed the prospect of a mandatory AIDS vaccine. She is the co-author,  DPT: A Shot in the Dark (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985), and has served on several federal advisory panels and committees. But her organization today is facing a massive censorship campaign because it stands in the way of global and national efforts to inject populations with vaccines containing controversial and sometimes deadly ingredients.

National HIV/AIDS Emergency

Years ago, I launched the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom, a project of America’s Survival, Inc., and held the first national conference opposing a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine. Barbara was a speaker. Jim Turner, a Washington, D.C. attorney and expert on the swine flu vaccine scandal of the 1970s, discussed how government vaccination programs can go horribly wrong. We examined how President Bill Clinton had declared AIDS a “national security threat,” created a Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS through an executive order, and that U.S. military personnel were being subjected to experimental vaccines. President Barack Obama issued his own follow-up executive order, “Implementing the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States for 2015-2020,” in 2015, and President Trump continued implementation of this strategy in 2017.

Such an “emergency” declaration could also be used today on the civilian population.

The recent controversy over vaccines suggests a governmental effort at the national and even global levels to roll out a controversial new mandatory vaccine policy, possibly involving an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Does President Trump understand what the bureaucrats are doing?

Despite the censorship, a Coalition for Informed Consent in vaccinations has been established. The NVIC is one of dozens of member organizations around the country opposed to mandatory vaccination laws. Hundreds of concerned citizens favoring freedom of choice in health care traveled to Washington D.C. to have their voices heard at a stacked Senate hearing on March 5, 2019, regarding “Preventable Disease Outbreaks.” Parents concerned or “hesitant” about vaccines were portrayed as the villains.

Rather than censor and ostracize concerned parents, Congress should be scrutinizing where taxpayer and U.N. dollars are going. Needed scrutiny should begin with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), an organization backed by grants from the William H. Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Starr Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USAID, PEPFAR (the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) and UNAIDS. The president of IAVI is the former chief public health and science officer with Merck Vaccines and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

World AIDS Vaccine Day is observed annually on May 18.  It marks the day Bill Clinton gave a speech declaring, “Only a truly effective, preventive HIV vaccine can limit and eventually eliminate the threat of AIDS.” The truth is that most people can avoid HIV/AIDS if they just live a healthy and normal lifestyle. But we may not be able to avoid the AIDS vaccine.

The lives of thousands of innocent Americans are far more important than the careers of a few rich talk show hosts on Fox News. Let Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity give these Americans a voice. That would truly drive the liberals and their own Fox News corporate bosses crazy. It would also reaffirm the right of freedom of speech.

© 2019 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

The Tragic Making Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Years ago, a white friend told me her son came home from middle school in tears, overcome with guilt. He was taught that his white ancestors were responsible for horrible things done to native Americans, blacks and women. Today, her son is a young adult Communist. He hates America and believes white men are the greatest source of evil in the world. He actually said he will not have children because he does not want to bring more of his kind into the world.

Leftists teaching children to hate the race that God made them is evil. White students as young as 6 years old are outrageously taught that they are born racist, should feel guilty for their “white privilege” and have a responsibility to payback blacks. Black students have been taught the same leftist lies which has created in them victim mindsets, a sense of entitlement and hatred for fellow Americans who are white. Democrat presidential candidates further white guilt and the lie that blacks are still victims of racist America. They absurdly want to pay $100 billion in reparations to blacks, payback for slavery.

As a black man who is proud to be an American, I say our country would be far better off if Democrats would stop exploiting race. Stop pandering to black voters and guilt-tripping white voters with slavery of our past. I don’t care what intellectual sounding Democrat race-hustlers say. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for their dreams. Democrats continuing to infect people with a victim mindset is evil. The Bible says victim thinking weakens rather than empowers. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

For decades, we have allowed leftists to hijack public education, usurping authority to raise your child. Public schools are poisoning students against the religious and moral beliefs of their parents. Consequently, students are infected with Democrats’ anti-American and anti-Christian agendas. We’ve allowed public education and Saturday morning TV cartoons to teach our kids the lie that their parents are responsible for destroying the planet by barbecuing, driving cars, having babies and using more than two squares of toilet paper.

Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her army of angry young zealots are the product of us allowing leftist educators to confiscate the hearts and minds of our kids.

AOC is the face of leftists’ movement to transform America from her founding, take down America as the world’s superpower and kill as many American babies as possible. AOC represents every crazy evil leftist lie allowed to be instilled in our kids for decades.

Totally brainwashed, AOC’s army believes it is unarguable that child-birth destroys the planet. Therefore, they have moral authority to murder babies before and after birth. Meanwhile, AOC’s army passionately defends the lives of sea turtles. God said,“Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it.” (Genesis 1:28)

We’ve allowed leftists to dumb down students regarding their constitutional rights and American history. Man-on-the-street interviews shockingly revealed that students from high school to college did not know George Washington was our first president. They thought Abraham Lincoln was Democrat.

Allowing public education to dumb down our “yutes” has produced numerous disturbing consequences. Four out of ten adults favor Socialism over Capitalism.

Sadly, our kids are taught that we are the villains of the world. They believe the lie that other countries are suffering from having too little because America stole and consumes too much. The truth is countries are suffering because of their lack of Capitalism.

AOC and her army of extreme gung-ho radicals want to give Democrat house majority leader Nancy Pelosi the boot because they believe she is not anti-American and anti-capitalism enough. Based on their insane belief that the planet will be uninhabitable in 10 years if dramatic changes are not made, AOC’s army believes Pelosi is not aggressively green enough. Over a glass of scotch at night, I wonder if some senior Democrats conclude that they have created a monster in AOC?

So there you have it folks. Our decades of passivity has allowed leftists to create elected Democrats who boldly seek to bring down America as founded, end our American way of life and have government dictate our behavior. Allow me to remind you again of the insanity in AOC’s Green New Deal. In the next 10 years, AOC demands the end of air travel; the end of using fossil fuels; every new job must be unionized; every nuclear plant must be closed; every building in America must be rebuilt for state-of-the-art energy efficiency and government will fund deadbeats who refuse to work.

However, I see a light at the end of America’s dark Democrat enemies-within tunnel.

Finally, parents are pushing back against graphic and dangerous sex-ed programs in public school which promotes anal sex, BDSM, rimming, transgender and more.

BLEIXT is a movement of blacks exiting the Democrats‘ keep-blacks-stupid-victims-and-needy plantation. The founder of Blexit is young articulate black Candace Owens who believes the movement will impact the 2020 presidential election.

Remarkably, despite all the years of public schools promoting abortion, young people are more pro-life than their parents. This is the pro life generation.

Democrats’ sudden urgency to murder as many babies as possible even after they are born is a blessing for the pro-life movement. Americans are finally realizing just how evil Democrat anti-childbirth zealots truly are.

Public school poisoning made my white friend’s son a self-hating Communist, a passionate fighter in AOC’s anti-American and anti-Christian revolutionary army. I envision him enraged with his pitchfork at the gate yelling, “Down with whitey, Capitalism and America!” Thank you Democratic Party.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:


© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Democrats Are Literally As Dangerous For America As The Worst Foreign Enemy

Several years ago, I engaged in a rather vigorous discussion with a good friend about both politics and Christianity.  He had been a life long Democrat who could not be torn away from the golden donkey.  My friend blindly supported the Democrat party no matter what.  He believed that Democrat party policies were good for America and that it was the policies of the Republican party were harmful to the republic.  Of course I thought he had to be joking or insane to actually believe that democrats made life better for anybody, let alone the United states as a whole. Number one on the list of deceptions he bought into was how Democrats fought against racism.

I tried my best to hide any facial expression of shock over the level of profound ignorance and unwavering loyalty to the dark Democrat party.  But since he was so sure that democrats were the political heroes in the battle against racism, I thought I would enlighten him to the truth.  Rather than try to convince my friend by myself to believe that it was Democrats who fostered racism and other bad things, I figured I would let the quotes of famous democrats speak for themselves.  President Woodrow Wilson (D) the racist father of modern day progressivism stated, “The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation-until there has at least sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country.”

Good old Mr. (“the bock stops here”) Harry S. Truman (D) was an unabashed racist.  He stated “I think one man as good as another so long he’s not a n*gger or a Chinaman.”  “Uncle Will says that the Lord made a White man from dust, a n*gger from mud, then he threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman.  “He does hate Chinese and Japs.  So do I, it is race prejudice I guess.  But I am strongly of the opinion Negroes ought to be in Africa, Yellow men in Asia and White men in Europe and America.”  The number one thing that leftist liberals like to do is intimidate those he either wake up and walk away from their madness or try to prevent truth tellers from exposing the black death of liberalism.

I find it ironic that what has been front and center for all to see, has been seemingly hiding in plain sight.  If one visits Baltimore, Los Angeles, Detroit, San Francisco, Detroit, a third of the east side of Cleveland, St. Louis, etc.  The results of multi decade Democrat party dominance is everywhere.  In the 1950’sDetroit was the center of auto production and the wealthiest city on earth.  But beginning in 1962 a succession of Democrat mayors starting with Jerome Cavanagh oversaw the greatest overall decline of any major American city ever recorded.

Taxes were increased and regulations against businesses were stacked up to the ceiling.  As a result, Detroit the wealthiest city in America became one of the most economically challenged in North America.  Like parasites, democrats moved in, took over and systematically ruined every aspect of life in the former motor capital of the world.  Democrats have sought to be a destructive force wherever they seek to get involved.  They were the official party of overt racism.  But as time progressed and racism became frowned upon, the leftist Democrats always found different ways to bring about oppression, not just against blacks, but against whomever or wherever they could secure influence.  The Democrat party has always been a party of hatred.  It was Democrat party haters that were a major part of the murder of both Presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.  Recently elected Congresswoman Illhan Omar said President Trump is not human.  Of course, there was no outrage, even on the great FOX News.

Democrats have and continue to fight for the death of America via open borders, for United Nations and globalist domination, voting privileges for illegal border crossers, extreme environmental regulations to harm our economy, government school indoctrination against our nation, anti-Semitism, extremely high taxes and usurping the Constitution, the war against both unborn and born babies and the effort to do away with the original God created man and woman and replace it with an artificial fluid gender identity  Christian oriented principles and Providential guidance often sought by the founding fathers.  If not, the Unite States will continue to circle the drain downward, ending up as one nation under.  Whether you agree or disagree, contribute your insights via the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM EST, 3:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180, americamatters.us and 12:00 AM Sundays on TalkAmericaRadio.us.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary overnights during Captain’s America third Watch syndicated nationally by Genesis Communications Network.

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Lights Out—For Socialism

It was quite a juxtaposition, a few nights ago, on the front page of the Drudge Report.

At the top of the page, the lead story: the lights have all gone out in Caracas, capital of the socialist Mordor called Venezuela. No electricity. It goes rather nicely with no food, no toilet paper, and no freedom. Yep, another need that this socialist regime can’t meet.

A few inches down, the new face of the Democrat Party, first-year Congresswoman and self-proclaimed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was busy blasting capitalism. Capitalism, she says, is “irredeemable.” Oooh… because it makes for “income inequality.” And Global Warming, too. It’s, like, totally mean!

Meanwhile, we’ve got electricity and her socialist buddies don’t. You’d think that would give her something to ponder; but it’s hard to do that with your mouth wide open.

It ought to be funny, all these politicians saying and doing crazy things that not so long ago would have ended their careers. Socialism, infanticide, open borders, Green New Deal, down with Israel, down with America—it ought to be a million laughs, but somehow it isn’t. I guess because if you lived through the 20th century and watched socialist dictatorships murder some 100 million people, it sort of takes the fun out of the gag. I don’t think a lot of people stuck in Venezuela are laughing, either.

Why say “stuck”?

Well, the Dems running a $2.3 billion budget deficit in the state of New York are dumbfounded that “the rich,” rather than allow themselves to be devoured by Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s astronomical taxes, are leaving. Bugging out: 48,000 of them, so far. Because the state can’t afford to build a new Berlin Wall to keep them in, New York has had to settle for pursuing them with very harsh audits.

The governor laments, “This is the flip side [of federal tax cut legislation]. Tax the rich, tax the rich, tax the rich. We did. Now, God forbid, the rich leave.”


If only they could hold them there against their will! That’s the real socialism! Never mind a wall to keep illegals out—they’d love to build a wall to keep “the rich” in. With border guards, attack dogs, the works! But all they can do, for now, is chase them down for audits. Can’t exactly chain them to the radiator, can they?

I have too much respect for the reader to explain why “income equality” is a fantasy. If you really don’t know, shame on you.

But wait! Do I hear hoof beats? Is that the cavalry coming—in the nick of time?

According to a recent study by Harvard and Indiana University Bloomington, Christianity in America is not shrinking, not getting weaker, but growing and getting stronger.

In 1989, says the study, American Christians who had “strong beliefs and practices” were 39 percent of the total. By 2018, that number had grown to 47 percent. This in spite of public schooling, practically universal college, Hollywood, and the nooze media, all of them implacably hostile to the Christian faith, all of them constantly trumpeting its imminent demise. It seems the American people are not as fond of the Far Left fun pack as all our self-anointed sages think. As icing on the cake, a Pew poll reported that strong Christians have more babies than do liberals. So naturally our numbers grow. And add to that the strides that Christianity is making throughout the rest of the world, especially in Africa and Asia.

That’s bad, bad news for the Climate Cult.

So maybe they’re saying and doing all these crazy things because they know, somehow, that if they don’t get it done soon, they’re never gonna get it done—their fundamental transformation of America into another place where no one but the glorious leaders enjoys the blessings of electricity.

They hear the hoof beats, too.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Antisemitism On Parade–Everything Old Is New Again

“…the Democrats have become an anti-Israel party. They’ve become an anti-Jewish party.” —President Donald J. Trump

“…the chickens of the Democratic Party are coming home to roost…maybe then they will also realize that anti-Semitism, like most cancers, is fatal unless it’s removed.”Michael Goodwin, NY Post

Most people thought antisemitism had been relegated to the trash bin of history after Hitler and millions of his willing German-Polish-Austrian-French-Swiss-Belgium executioners––with savage premeditation––murdered six-million Jews in the 1930s and ‘40s, and the world––significantly after the fact––seemed to wake up to the psychotic, irrational, obsessed nature of Jew hatred.

But today, less than 75 after the founding of Israel, Jew hatred has emerged from the cesspool in which it festers. The maniacal obsession with Jews is on the rise, not only throughout the Middle East and Europe––France, England, Germany, Ireland, Scandinavia, Belgium, et al––but it is also contaminating America the Beautiful!

Why? One reason is that Jew hatred didn’t really disappear after World War II. It simply went underground because people were chastened enough by the sight of crematoria-charred remains and cadaverous survivors to hold their tongues.

But Jews haters never rest. While they abstained from vicious stereotypes and outright physical attacks until they could make their dreamed-about comeback, they were driven stark raving mad when Israel was declared a state in 1948 and the straggling remnants of the Holocaust joined their brethren in the land God promised to the Jews in the Bible thousands of years ago.

Even then, the Jew haters held back, certain that on the day of Israel’s founding, the five massive Arab nations that attacked her on land and by air––Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt––would annihilate the fledgling state.

Instead, in its War of Independence, tiny Israel––outnumbered by millions in dollars and manpower––defeated her aggressors, increased the size of her borders and captured much of her attackers’ land.

Many wars ensued: the Sinai-Suez War in 1956, the Six-Day War in 1967, the War of Attrition in 1967-1970, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973––with Arabs attacking Israel and Israel either holding its own or winning (in spite of catastrophic losses). And after all those wars, the Arabs engaged in not one but two protracted armed-uprising intifadas––in 1987 and 2000––neither of which stopped Israel from flourishing. In fact, every encounter with Israel drove both Arabs and liberals everywhere into paroxysms of rage.

Arabs because of the humiliation…how could 300-million Arabs go down to defeat to five or six million Jews? And liberals because they only identify with losers––er, victims. It is irrelevant to this leftwing species that Arab nations include in their mission statements that their goal is to kill all Jews and wipe Israel off the map! If Israel wins a war, they are the bad guys. Such is the liberal mentality––to this day!


The religious-political-supremacist system of Islam was invented in the seventh century and has since led a relentless drive to literally take over the world, establish a caliphate ruled by sharia law––the law that mandates cutting off the clitorises of five-year-old girls, throwing homosexuals off roofs to their deaths, engaging in “honor killings” of teenage girls whose behavior they disapprove of, and killing all Jews. That sharia law.

It is no surprise that this megalomaniacal goal captured the imagination of leftists worldwide, including in our country, who share Islam’s goals, particularly of destroying America––the “Big Satan,” and Israel––the “Little Satan.”

While Islam’s biggest competition is Christianity and the billions of people who love Jesus, their chief target has always been the Jews of the world (who today number 14 million) who they’ve despised for thousands of years––since Abraham’s second-born son Isaac prevailed over his first-born Ishmael. Believe me, that’s it in a nutshell.

In order to gain a foothold in America, many Arab countries have donated multimillions of dollars to colleges and universities across the U.S. for decades, giving them de facto license to endow chairs and dictate curricula, most of which militate against Israel and paint a rosy picture of the 22 Arab nations––all of them dictatorships––that surround the tiny Jewish state.

In addition, the lobbyist groups of what Pres. George W. Bush called “the religion of peace,” have been very effective in insinuating themselves into our body politic, even reaching the highest reaches of power––in the State Department, Homeland Security, the IRS, all intelligence agencies, and even the Oval Office––especially during the Barack Obama regime. Among the many that operate openly is The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)––an offshoot of the terrorist-founded Muslim Brotherhood––which is a notorious neo-Jihadi group in the United States that pretends to be a civil rights organization.

Islamists have also poured multimillions into lobbyists and public-relations efforts to convince the world that the religion of peace is not behind the worldwide pandemic of terrorism that, as only one example, is happening today on a horrifyingly massive scale in Germany, as documented in sordid and graphic detail by Soeren Kern, a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. Equal data exist in England, Sweden, Belgium, et al.

Any surprise, then, that the florid metastasis of anti-Semitism has come to our shores?


I’ve already written about the latest Jew haters to contaminate the public discourse––the newly-elected U.S. Representatives Ihlan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and their ardent admirer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)––all of them young, attractive, articulate, and seasoned in the kind of rabble-rousing that comes with training (or observing) the community-organizing tactics of Karl Marx, Saul Alinsky, and Barack Obama.

What is striking is their commonness, their utter lack of originality. When I listen to their compulsive antisemitism––kind of like watching the regurgitation of untreated acid reflux––there is not one word that hasn’t been leveled toward the Jews for the past 5,000 years. C’mon, girls, besides your jealous rants, is there even one original grievance in your arsenal?

What comes to mind whenever I see or read about this echo-chamber triumvirate is the Vessel Theory I developed a couple of decades ago and wrote about in my book, All About Love. Basically, it says that whatever comes out of a person is what’s inside of a person. But I used vessels––specifically vases––to demonstrate that point.

Let’s say you come into a room and see 10 vases on a shelf. One is very ornate and beautiful, another plain and unadorned, yet another made of clay, the fourth is ceramic with elaborate artwork, a fifth is crystal, the sixth is made of Chinaware, and the seventh of woven reeds, et al.

But when the plainest vase was turned on its side, pure spring water poured forth, and when the most beautiful vase was emptied, pure sludge! You’re familiar with sludge––that muddy mixture of dirt, muck, slime, dregs, contaminants, filth.

While writer David Catron of The American Spectator calls this triumvirate a “fractious coven” and “the weird sisters,” I think they can more accurately be labeled The Sludge Sisters!

  • Omar: Israel has “hypnotized the world” and I pray that “Allah awaken the people and help them see [its] evil doings …” Also that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) buys off Congressmen/women to support Israel, among almost daily regurgitations of Jew-and-Israel-hating memes. Sludge!
  • Tlaib: those who supported the bill against the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement––which seeks to strangle Israel economically––were torn by their “dual loyalty” to both Israel and the United States, and the bill’s supporters “forgot what country they represent.” And she supportsa global economic, academic and cultural boycott against Israel. Sludge!
  • Ocasio-Cortez: supports BDS and falsely and maliciously condemnedIsrael last July for committing a “massacre” against Gaza “protesters” when in fact the Arabs (who call themselves “Palestinians”) were violent rioters trying to infiltrate Israel to murder Jews. And who was standing right behind her at her election victory party? A longtime vicious hater of both Jews and blacks. Sludge!


Meanwhile, when a brouhaha arose demanding that Democrats condemn the rank racism of their new members, particularly Rep. Omar, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi couldn’t quite make that happen.

According to journalist and author Kurt Schlicter: “‘She could only get her caucus to agree to condemning all prejudice, sort of, including the tsunami of prejudice against Pacific Islanders that we all see around us so much in our daily lives. Of course, the Democrats never named the actual bigot because the Democrat base is affirmatively pro-bigotry. They hate Jews, Christians, white people, dissident non-white people, men, women who like men, and people who blaspheme against the creepy climate cult, among others.”

To add insult to injury, another Sludge Sister, Linda Sarsour, a Women’s March co-chair who believes Israel doesn’t have a right to exist, denounced Speaker Pelosi as a “typical white feminist” who does the dirty work of powerful white men, and castigated her for pushing the anti-Semitism resolution.

Not so fast, girls! All of a sudden, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is being investigated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for running a gigantic slush fund with her campaign’s Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, for funneling more than $1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies.

Questions are being asked about Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s failure to disclose her financial ties to George Soros––to the tune of thousands of dollars that were not reported on financial disclosure forms––as required by the House ethics committee. This while she announces to the world her upcoming plan to introduce articles of impeachment toward President Trump next week!

Rep. Omar has Laurie Cardoza-Moore, an Evangelical leader and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN) calling on the US Justice Department “to launch a full and thorough investigation” into the congresswoman’s “possible connections to the Muslim Brotherhood” and “fundraising for two Muslim Brotherhood charities that seek to destroy America.”

Now really, do these freshman congresswomen––does anyone––believe that Ms. Pelosi is not behind these “coincidental” investigations? And further, that it is a coincidence that she proclaimed “NO IMPEACHMENT” for President Trump?

And did they think they had defeated the opposition when the weakling Democrats in the House and Senate caved to their racism by offering a watered-down, toothless resolution?

If so, they should all go back to kindergarten!


As journalist and author Bruce Bawer spells out, it may be time for Jewish Americans and the Democrat Party to part ways.

Just as Candace Owens has spearheaded the “Blexit” movement, Bawer writes, inspiring “black Americans to recognize the damage done to them by the Great Society and its aftermath [and to] leave the Democratic plantation, so has Brandon Straka led other gays to see that they’ve been “served a bill of goods by the mainstream media and Democratic Party and is now heading his WalkAway campaign.” But what about the Jews?

Well, whaddaya know? Here comes Elizabeth Pipko, a 23-year-old Jewish figure skater-turned-model who, in an effort to aid a “mass Jewish exodus from the Democratic party,” has popularized the “JEXODUS” movement” initiated by Republican activist Jeff Ballabon.

“Right now,” Ms. Pipko said, “as a Jewish person, you cannot support the Democratic Party and support the Jewish people at the same time.” The first JEXODUS rallies are scheduled for April in New York and Florida.

But even before those marches, the National Conference of Jewish Affairs, headed by Rabbi Aryeh Spero and his wife Beth Gilinsky, have organized a “sit-in” at the office of Speaker Pelosi at her office in Washington, D.C. at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 14th.

If you miss the rally, call Rep. Pelosi’s office at 202-225-4965. Each phone call represents 50 votes.

The message is simple:

♦  Rep. Ilhan Omar’s history of anti-Semitic slurs and comments demonizing Israel make her unfit to serve on the Foreign Relations Committee.

♦  Moreover, she is unfit to represent the interests of the United States on the Foreign Relations Committee.

It is wise to hearken to the words of Abraham Miller, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Cincinnati and a distinguished fellow at the Haym Salomon Center:

While parallels to Nazi Germany are often overdrawn on one hand and too conveniently dismissed on the other, the recent decision by the Democrat Party to stand with Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and refuse to issue a resolution condemning anti-Semitism is very much like the Nazi removal of the protection of Jews in the legal system.

“The Democrat Party,” Prof. Miller continues, “has institutionalized anti-Semitism and it has once-again, as it did during the Holocaust, abandoned the Jews.

Heads-up, sane Jews! Leave the Democrat Party of Hate today, before you too find yourselves in the 21st century’s version of the cattle cars of the Holocaust!

© 2019 Joan Ewirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

The Devil Is Real

When was the last time that you attended church and the leadership of the church did an in-depth teaching on the Devil?  Not a cursory tip of cap towards old Slew Foot around the church’s Halloween celebration, but a deep, in depth teaching about the Prince of Darkness?

I would venture to say that not one in a thousand people who attend church regularly have any real knowledge of the Evil One.  The Bible teaches us that we are “not to be ignorant of his devices”, but yet we are.

The greatest trick that Satan has played on the world is to convince us that he is not real.  Just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny,  Diabolus is nothing more than a mythological character with a red tail, horns, and a pitchfork.  The average Christian has no understanding of the depth of the darkness that Lucifer controls.

Is it any wonder that the Prince of the Power of the Air is having such a successful campaign all across the American spectrum?  Back in the day, when Americans used to believe in God, our children were taught how to avoid Satan and his devices.  Today, we not only don’t recognize his techniques, we don’t even recognize him.  How do you fight an invisible foe that you don’t even believe exists? An excellent movie about good and evil for children is “Pinocchio.”

“You shall know them by their fruits,” the Scriptures teach us.  But we are no longer taught how to inspect the fruit.  The Bible calls him “The Adversary” for a reason.  He is the enemy of mankind.  He is the enemy of all that is good.  He is the enemy of our souls.

O my friends, the Devil is real and his goal is global conquest.

There is an invisible spiritual realm around us.  It is in that realm that the battle over good and evil takes place.  Although you may have been taught about Satan in your Sunday school class chances are pretty good that you know very little about how he operates.  He is more than a “personal” devil hell-bent on messing up your life.  He is the opposer of all things good.  The battle between good and evil is real and it is playing out right before our very eyes.

Do you understand the demonic realm?  Has anyone ever taught you about demonic oppression?  Are you aware that there are satanic angels called demons who once served God?  Do you understand that the Devil’s team is strategically organized into groups called principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness?  Has anyone taught you that these demonic forces work through people?

I assume you have heard of angels.  They are spiritual beings created by God to serve His purpose in the world.  Demons are spiritual beings without a physical body.  They are fallen angels who rebelled against God.  They oppose the work and the will of God.

In a nutshell.  The Devil has a team.  They are organized and they are committed.  It is time for all of us to wake up.

Evil spirits work through people.  Some people are oppressed…strongly influenced by them.  Others are possessed…their minds completely taken over and controlled by them. Most addictions and many sicknesses are a result of demonic activity.

The American government is under demonic control. What do you think a “principality” is?  Did it ever dawn on you that those whom you see on your TV screen every day are under the influence of demons?  Most of your news readers, entertainers, and government officials are under control of the demonic.  Some serve the Devil intentionally and some serve him through false beliefs.  How else can you explain the foolishness you see all around you?

Have you noticed how those who live by Biblical standards are mocked and criticized?  Don’t you see how Christian values are under assault in this nation?  Have you ever asked yourself why every mention of the name of Jesus has been stripped from the education of our children?

What do you think is behind all of the sexual deviancy being shoved down our throats?  Why is transgenderism being so exalted?  Who is behind the drive towards infanticide and the destruction of the natural family?  What is going on in Hellywood and the filth the movie industry is pumping out?  What could possibly be behind the watering down of the True Gospel once trumpeted from America’s pulpits?

No, my friends, the Devil is not fake news.  He just wants you to believe he is.

Christ was the antidote to Satan.  When he went to Calvary He foiled all of the plans of the wicked one.  Our job as believers is to “Occupy Till He comes”, to hold the ground against the forces of darkness.  We were never converted to cower in the corner.  We were called to earnestly contend for the faith.

There is a Devil on the loose and he is ravaging the American landscape.  Christ’s body, the church, is the antidote.  Darkness is simply the absence of light.  Look around at every major institution or industry in America and tell me one place where Christ rules as King?

Here is a very simple question.  Do you see any influence of Christianity in the American government?

The Devil is king of the swamp.  It is time we drained it.  Jesus said “All power is given unto me both in Heaven and earth.”  Do you believe it?  Do you believe Christ is stronger than Satan?

The Devil has played possum.  He has convinced us that he isn’t real.  He is a liar…a thief…a deceiver.  But his mask is slowly coming off.

He works through people.  He impacts the mind.  He plants evil thoughts.  The battle is for the mind.  The Devil is real.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

The Mess Of Legal Immigration: Multi-Cultural Invasion — Environmental Consequences

Part 1: Importing crime, drugs, diseases and cultural chaos

If you ask average Americans about legal immigration, you hear responses mostly in the positive.  Except if you ask Americans from Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, Miami and other immigration-overwhelmed cities.  Most of our major cities, where welfare departments cater to legal and illegal immigration, find themselves flooded with immigrants from around the world.

So much so, that you, the American taxpayer, shell out $330 billion a year in welfare funding across 15 federal agencies.

Recently, I talked to Mr. David Durham, director of CarryingCapacityNetwork.com and Balance.org.  His websites expose the stunning amount of money you pay for legal and illegal immigration.

Durham states, “Yet another Multi-National Caravan is headed North to our Southern Border and the overwhelming Evidence is that Illegal Migrants/Asylum Seekers come from Scores of Different Countries and Cultures with Values which reflect little or no Regard for the Environment.”

Consider the following Environmental Threats:

“Gypsies Threatening America, Defecating Everywhere and Beheading Chickens” via Pittsburg Post-Gazette & Tucker Carlson re Roma Asylum Seekers Invasion of Pennsylvania Town.”

“Lima River in Peru and Ganges in India and Yangtze in China are ‘Running Sewers’ and People in those Countries have absolutely no regard for Environment Whatsoever.” International Trekker, F. Wooldridge Personal Observations

Or a report that “Taiwanese Community in California Mad that Chinese Immigrants Pooping on People’s Lawns” Daily Mail & Chinese in L.A.com

Disease Threats

“‘Crisis’ of Seriously ill Migrants Slams Border Patrol — TB, Pneumonia, Influenza, Parasites’ Federal agents are referring 50 illegal immigrants a day for urgent medical care’ The MSM never reports this and open border advocates vehemently deny this fact. Look what these alone are costing U.S. taxpayers.

“Weeks after mainstream media outlets reported that illegal immigrants don’t bring disease into the United States, the Border Patrol reveals that it is getting slammed daily with dozens of illegal immigrants carrying ‘serious illnesses.’ This includes tuberculosis, influenza, and pneumonia. In fact, a Guatemalan migrant who died in U.S. custody on Christmas Eve, had Influenza B, a virus that causes respiratory infections.

“Federal agents are referring 50 illegal immigrants a day for urgent medical care, according to figures obtained by Washington D.C.’s conservative newspaper. Authorities say, ‘it’s unlike anything they’ve ever seen before.’ Many of the migrants have tuberculosis, parasites or the flu, the feds confirm.

“There are also lots of pregnant women about to give birth.

“Judicial Watch has interviewed medical experts that confirm illegal immigrants do indeed pose a serious public health threat to the U.S. by bringing dangerous diseases into the country. This includes tuberculosis, dengue and Chikungunya.

“After returning from covering the Central American caravan along the Guatemala-Honduras border, Judicial Watch spoke with a prominent physician in a border state who warned that the migrants will undoubtedly bring infectious diseases into the U.S. Among them are extremely drug resistant strands of tuberculosis and mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue and chikungunya that are widespread in the region.”

“‘Crisis’ of Seriously ill Migrants Slams Border Patrol — TB, Pneumonia, Influenza, Parasites,”Judicial Watch, 01/07/2019

Cultural Environment Threats — Child-Bride Approvals — Thousands!

Washington—Thousands of requests by men to bring in child and adolescent brides to live in the United States were approved over the past decade, according to government data obtained by The Associated Press. In one case, a 49-year-old man applied for admission for a 15-year-old girl.

“The approvals are legal. … U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services goes by whether the marriage is legal in the home country.”

“There were more than 5,000 cases of adults petitioning on behalf of minors and nearly 3,000 examples of minors seeking to bring in older spouses or fiancés.”

“Some victims of forced marriage say the lure of a U.S. passport combined with lax U.S. marriage laws are partly fueling the petitions.”

“‘My passport ruined my life,’ said Naila Amin, a dual citizen from Pakistan who grew up in New York City.”

“She was forcibly married at 13 in Pakistan and applied for papers for her 26-year-old husband to come to the country.”

“‘People die to come to America,’ she said. ‘I was a passport to him. They all wanted him here, and that was the way to do it.’”

“Amin, now 29, said she was betrothed to her first cousin, Tariq, when she was just 8 and he was 21.”

“Overall, there were 3.5 million petitions received from budget years 2007 through 2017.

“Over that period, there were 5,556 approvals for those seeking to bring minor spouses or fiancées and 2,926 approvals by minors seeking to bring in older spouses according to the data.”

Fraidy Reiss, who campaigns against coerced marriage as head of a group called Unchained at Last, researched data from her home state of New Jersey. She determined that nearly 4,000 minors, mostly girls, were married in the state from 1995 to 2012, including 178 who were under 15.”

What am I finding in my research of legal immigration into the USA?  Answer: our own 535 Congressional representatives undermine the foundation of our culture, our marital laws and our Western democracy.  Your two senators and your House member approve this travesty of ethics, morality and our laws.

You’re urged to visit CarryingCapacityNetwork.com and Balance.org to find out for yourself how Congress sends our country into a spiraling third world future of entrenched poverty, generational welfare and complete destruction of America’s culture and way of life.

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

If You Don’t Stand Up Now, Evil Wins, War Is Inevitable

“Here I stand on the brink of war again, a citizen of no place, no time, no country but my own . . . and that a land lapped by no sea but blood, bordered only by the outlines of a face long-loved.” —Diana Gabaldan, contemporary author – Outlander Series

Not very often in America’s history have the two sides been so far a part and growing farther a part with each passing day.  Backs are arching, anger is rising and the hair is standing up on the back of our collective necks.    America is seething, the rhetoric is growing more course, the temperature is increasing, the pot is boiling and the acrid smell of war is in the air …… again!  Numerous credible pundits are predicting civil war in America.  Even the Great One, Mark Levin, is hinting at the possibility of civil war in a one-half hour broadcast. He does not do so lightly.

A man giving recent testimony before Congress about gun control legislation, is also suggesting the possibility of civil war:  [YouTube Video]  He says he’s tired of the double dealing, the lying, the cover up, the corruption, the cronyism, the usurpation of our unalienable rights and the trashing of our Constitution.  This man speaks for millions of Americans.

But the coming war is not a war between nations fighting over geography, resources, territories, or religion.  It is a war of opposing ideologies and which ideology will hold political power within our own nation.   We have been here before but we have always stepped back from the brink, with one horrific exception in 1861.  The question is, can we step back this time?

The scars of war live in many of us today.  Still alive are fewer and fewer members of the “greatest generation.”  Even today, memories of that war well up into tears as they re-live again the horrors that torment their minds, from a war fought some 75 years ago.  Those that fought in the Korean and Vietnam wars remember the lost lives of buddies and the death and destruction.  Vietnam veterans remember being spit on when they came home.  And now we must fight wars in strange foreign lands against an ideology that knows no nation, but an ideology that lives on pure hatred for every other human on earth that doesn’t believe in radical Islam.

Most combat soldiers are changed forever from the events of war.  Many never live a normal life thereafter.  Inside their minds a silent war rages as they drift between memories of the insanity and bloody carnage of war and the alleged sanity of a normal life in peace.  Many lose the battle and end up in divorce, engage in crime, or become homeless.  Such is the ugly face of war and it should be avoided at all costs, unless we find ourselves one day “….. fighting when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” (Churchill)

What separates us is fundamental and irreconcilable.  The gap between liberals and conservatives today is as wide as the gap between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a gap that may never be closed.  As a nation, a people and a culture, we have a choice to choose between the principles of liberty, or raw, unchecked, top down political power.  Compromise between the two sides is a dead end game that will eventually lead to war.   There can be no compromise between freedom and slavery and the Progressive-socialism-globalism being seriously proposed by the left, as a path for the future, is abject slavery.  Their “Green New Deal” (GND) is the brainchild of the criminally insane.  Medicare-for-all is just a subset of the GND, hatched by idiots whose ONLY mission is absolute power by collecting a majority of votes from the ignorant, brainwashed masses looking for “free” stuff.

As a nation and as a people, we must choose between the unalienable rights of the people and limited powers of those that govern us, as codified into law by the U. S. Constitution, or we may be forced to choose government and the ruling class holding all of the power.  Should we choose the latter, a significant portion of the country will be forced to go to war to preserve liberty and that portion owns most of the guns.  But war is not the answer.  It will only lead to chaos, anarchy, death, and possibly even a dictatorship.

The young ones (millennials) who now embrace socialism, have been molded that way by our public and higher education systems and the constant din of progressive messages that permeate business, the family, the airways, social media and sometimes the church pulpit?  By design, Progressivism has slowly infiltrated all of our institutions over the last 100 years like a Trojan horse and there is hardly a person alive today that has not been infected in some way by the Progressive virus.

But those over 65 are wise to the deception.  They have the wisdom of age, logic, intellect and history to see through the veil of deceit offered up by the con game that is Progressivism, socialism, globalism and man-caused global warming.  Sadly, those over 65 don’t have the strength any more to take on the battle that looms ever more present in our future.  In the past, any battle is passed on to the young ones that possess the energy, courage and drive to prosecute a war.  But those very same young ones today see no reason to go to war and in fact are fully supportive of the Progressive – socialist government frame work that consists of “free” everything without regard to those that must pay for the “free” everything.

Is there an answer to this dilemma of generational Progressive brainwashing?  How can we avoid war when we are so far apart?  One side wants to strip us of our freedom and the other side has no intention of capitulating.  War, being politics by other means, could be the final arbiter.

When winning seems impossible, the smart generals look for the Achilles heel of their enemy and the other side has several Achilles heels.  They don’t and won’t play by the rules because their only goal is absolute power by any means, in the absence of principle, or the law.  Progressivism and socialism lead to elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption and the elitism, arrogance, cronyism and corruption on the Progressive side is legendary.  They are arrogant because they think that their way is the only way.  They have become corrupt because the people have allowed them to get away with it.  There is no compromising with them and if the truth be known, we have been compromising with them for far too long.

Knowing that a shooting war is the last viable alternative, how do we defeat them?  There is one way and that is to expose their arrogance, cronyism and corruption, local, state and federal, on a grand scale.  As exposure grows and grows, those supporting the other side will find themselves in a quandary.  Do they support power for power’s sake, or will they finally support constitutional principles and decide that freedom is better than slavery.

But you say, how do we go about exposing their arrogance, cronyism and corruption?  You do it by investigating one judge, politician and bureaucrat at a time with citizen investigating teams from every city, county and state in America.  We don’t have to go to war.  We just have to investigate and expose.

Out of our large reading audience it is very likely that one or more of you know of a politician, judge, or bureaucrat that you think (or know) is corrupt?  Who knows, maybe all of them are corrupt.  It turns out that the longer the judge, politician, or bureaucrat has been in office, the greater the likelihood they will become corrupt.

From mostly the privacy of your own home with a computer and an Internet connection, you can investigate a politician, judge, or bureaucrat for malfeasance, misfeasance, corruption, crimes, infidelity, or violation of Oath of Office and then expose them to the general public.  Nothing roots out corruption faster than a highly focused beam of sunlight of truth.

We’ll show you how to do it by using your own computer the Internet and some investigating techniques.  We have developed a method to verify the evidence of wrongdoing, provide affidavits to declare the evidence in writing and conduits to where the best places to supply that evidence that does the most good.  We provide sample freedom of information act requests and other documents to obtain harder to find evidence.

We don’t need 10,000,000 citizen patriots to do the job.  Can you imagine the havoc we could unleash if we just had 10,000 or more citizen investigators, digging deep into every Democrat judge, politician, or bureaucrat?

Yes, there are probably just as many corrupt Republican politicians as there are Democrat politicians and each would be fair game for investigation.  Freedom cannot co-exist in the toxic soup of corruption.  Corruption, cronyism, the lack of integrity, honor and honesty are the killers of a Constitutional Republic.  If liberty is to survive, corruption must be significantly diminished or eliminated.  The only way to eliminate it is to expose it and the other side will be shaking in their boots knowing that thousands of American citizens are “coming for them” ….. legally!

Young, middle aged, or old, this is something just about everyone can do without exerting a lot of effort, or spending a lot of money.  All you need is a desire to research and find that one piece of evidence that will drum a politician, judge, or bureaucrat out of office in disgrace, or refer him or her for criminal prosecution.  And there is a bonus!  If the person you investigate is ousted, resigns, is impeached, or is recalled as a result of your incriminating investigative efforts, you could be entitled to a significant monetary award.  To learn more click HERE.

What have you got to lose?  Just your freedom if you let the other side win!

Americans have three choices.  1) Openly capitulate to the Progressives, 2) do nothing, which is the same as capitulating, or 3) fight back.

If the Democrats take full control again, taxes and regulations will rise dramatically, highly restrictive gun control legislation will be passed, hundreds of thousands of jobs could be lost and they will no doubt pass their Green New Deal and Medicare-for-all, just like they passed Obama Care.  If they do take control, America will become just another third world, bankrupt, socialist, banana republic and war will be inevitable.


© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Learning The Lesson: Where Our Forefathers Drew The Line

“Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.” —Benjamin Franklin 

How many times I have had to reiterate that “We the People” in this country are the government (Preamble to the US Constitution), and those who are to serve “We the People” “derive their just powers from the consent of the governed,” and that they do, in fact, work for YOU Americans, and not you for them!

[YouTube Video]

Americans, are you not sick and tired of being sick and tired concerning the scandals, the lies and watch as justice is left undone and crime runs rampant? Are you not tired of seeing repeat offenders that act like demi-gods, who live like they are above the laws, the laws that they are to uphold and enforce?

Then there is all of this propaganda raining down upon the American people by the CIA-controlled media that less than 6% of Americans say they believe, where they are continuously magnifying the crimes of the corrupt without justice, instead of magnifying the laws against the crimes that they are guilty of committing.

[YouTube Video]

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Representatives operate from authority within their scope of delegated authority, which came from God, that “We the people” give them.  When they begin to operate outside of that delegated authority, it is for the same government, “We the People,” to remove them from violating that perspective position which was entrusted to them to operate within (Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution)

Now, the sheeple in this country coral themselves together and act as if it is for the criminal politicians, who are violating the enumerated laws, to correct themselves when acting out in such a criminal fashion (John 8:44). That is just not going to happen. It is for “We the People” to take responsibility to right the wrongs.

[YouTube Video]

Look at President Thomas Jefferson’s words when he addressed corruption within government capacity,

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”

“The strength of the Constitution lies in the will of the people to defend it.” -Thomas Edison

Why was it that the American forefathers and founders would draw up such a document as the Declaration of Independence, which said such things as:

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation?

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

England engaged in a “long train of abuses and usurpations” against the colonies.

  • Refused to assent to necessary colonial laws
  • Dissolved colonial legislatures
  • Prevented emigration to colonies
  • Made administration colonies of colonial justice impossible by controlling judges and refusing to approve needed laws
  • Appointed bureaucrats to harass colonial population
  • Keeping standing armies in colonies, not subject to control of colonial government
  • Cutting off colonial trade with the rest of the world
  • Taxation without representation
  • Denial of trial by jury
  • Transporting colonists for trial in England (Fatiguing them into compliance)
  • Abrogating English common law in Canada, setting example for same in colonies
  • Abolishing colonial charter
  • Taking colonists captive on the high sea
  • Incited insurrection and Indian warfare against the colonists

Conclusion: The King was “unfit to be ruler of a free people.”

The Colonists’ efforts to resolve grievances peaceably went unheeded.

If you look to the usurpations and transgressions of the King that would not be ruled by God, you can clearly see that Americans today have far surpassed that which our forefathers tolerated.  In response, they declared,  “These United Colonies are, and of Right, ought to be Free and Independent States…” from tyranny (1 KINGS 18:18).

[YouTube Video]

They had a “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”  To further solidify the point, in 1776, a short time after the Declaration of Independence was adopted, the same committee that was assigned to draft the text of the Declaration – Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin – were also assigned to design an official seal for the United States of America.  Benjamin Franklin’s proposal is preserved in a note in his own handwriting:

Moses standing on the Shore, and extending his Hand over the Sea, thereby causing the same to overwhelm Pharaoh, who is sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his Head and a Sword in his Hand. Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Clouds reaching to Moses, to express that he acts by Command of the Deity. The Motto inscribed on the Seal was “Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God” (First Committee’s Design for the Great Seal).

John Adams later described Jefferson’s depiction of the Great Seal:

“Mr. Jefferson proposed: The children of Israel in the wilderness, led by a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, and on the other side Hengist and Horsa, the Saxon chiefs, from whom we claim the honour of being descended and whose political principles and form of government we have assumed.”

We can see clearly that King George was not ruled by God in his role as the king and because of that, the founders threw him off.

How is the remedy to be applied in any other way in America to the absolute tyranny of today’s politicians outside of what our forefathers exhibited and taught (Hebrews 11:34; 13:7)?

We can see that our representatives are not upholding the law, but rather are tearing it down on a daily basis through their willful and deliberate transgressions (I John 3:4), which is illegal. This clearly defines them as outlaws and criminals.

To stand back and act as if this is not purposed in the destruction of this country, as well as the stripping Americans of their God-given rights, falls to the side of ignorance and to that of their own demise, which in the end, makes them slaves once again (Deuteronomy 28:68).

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© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

What If Trump Loses In 2020

Over a year ago, my wife Mary and I moved from Florida to a tiny town in the hills of West Virginia to be closer to our ailing parents; population 500. There are five churches in town. I enjoyed the town’s patriotic July 4th parade and their faith-based Christmas parade.

I walk half a mile daily to the post office. On one occasion, I entered while the postmaster was on the phone talking to a town local. The postmaster told the person every item in their mailbox. Chuckling, I said, “People call to see what mail they’ve received?” The smiling postmaster replied, “She didn’t feel like coming out in the snow. She asked me to tell her everything in her mailbox in case there was something important.” I thought, how small town is that?

Trump signs are still displayed in a few yards. I suspect most residents voted for Trump.

There are less than 10 blacks, including myself, who live in our town. I have not experienced any of the rabid racism Democrats, Hollywood and fake news media claim I should fear living around Trump supporters.

Quite the opposite. Unofficial town ambassador elderly gentleman Charlie and his buddy George stopped by to welcome my white wife and me to town. Neighbor, Peggy, brought us a homemade apple pie she purchased at a community event. Ron gifted us corn from his garden. Big Butch and his buddies helped me relocate a shed in my backyard. Randy promised to bring me venison during deer hunting season. Two ladies from a church delivered us a “welcome basket” of goodies.

My neighbors are ordinary Americans who saw the horrible direction our country was going. They know Trump is good for America. Their loyal support for him is no more complicated than that. Democrats and their minion’s relentless efforts to brand Trump voters racist-haters is truly despicable, irresponsible and divisive. Democrats and their leftist operatives are purposely generating racial hatred and violence against anyone caught wearing a MAGA cap.

Democrats, Hollywood, fake news media and Never-Trumpers are tripling down on their lies and negative spin about everything Trump says and does; intensifying their quest to drive Trump’s approval below 30% to impeach him.

What happens to America if Trump is not reelected in 2020?

With Trump out of the way, stopping Democrats from passing their law to murder babies after they are born will be extremely challenging.

Democrats are pushing for government controlled health-care based on the “quality of life” rather than God’s “sanctity of life”. In other words, a board will decide whether or not the quality of your life is worth government spending money to preserve it. If they decide you are too old to spend money on or if you own a gun, the board will say no surgery for you. Folks, I’m talkin’ government death panels assuming the role of God; deciding who lives and who dies.

Democrat congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is fake news media’s rock star; their female version of Obama. Like Obama, fake news media promotes every crazy stupid idea out of AOC’s mouth as brilliance beyond our comprehension.

AOC’s wacko Green New Deal includes by 2030: ending air travel; ending the use of fossil fuels; mandating that every new job be unionized; decommissioning every nuclear plant; rebuilding every building in America for state-of-the-art energy efficiency and government funding everyone including deadbeats who refuse to work.

Don’t laugh folks. A dozen Democrat senators of which six are presidential candidates and 90 House Democrats cosponsored AOC’s idiotic Green New Deal.  Many Americans do not realize that Democrats will sacrifice our economy, jobs, national security and even American lives to feed their all consuming obsession with gaining power to control every aspect of our lives.

If Democrats win the White House, they will roll out the red carpet to illegals; welcoming criminals which include murderers, rapists, human traffickers and drug dealers.

Trump has been relentless in keeping his promises, racking up 289 accomplishments for We the People in his first 20 months.

Democrats winning the White House would mark the end of Trump’s America first agenda. But folks, what would be most disturbing to me if Trump were not reelected is the loss of his courageous voice; his unprecedented fearless push back against fake news media, Democrats and political correctness. I am so sick of Republicans kissing the derrieres of partisan Democrats and fake news media, foolishly believing it will gain them respect and fair treatment in the media. Nothing will cause leftists to turn away from their anti-American and anti-Christian agendas. They must be defeated.

Before my 90 year old dad passed away in June, he asked me to drive him from Baltimore to see my home in West Virginia; Trump country. At the town gas station, I introduced town ambassador Charlie to my dad. I later learned that Charlie bragged to locals, “I got to meet his dad.”

My fellow Americans, we must remain faithful supporters of our president and reelect him in 2020.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Venezuela’s Road To Disaster Is Littered With Chinese Debt

I barely need to reiterate what you already know: the close links that exist between our people and the people of Venezuela and Hugo Chavez, the promoter of the Bolivarian Revolution and the United Socialist Party he founded. —Fidel Castro

When you see people starving in Venezuela and fleeing into neighboring countries and realize that this is a country that once had the world’s largest oil reserves, you realize that they’ve ruined a very good prospect with ideas that sounded good but didn’t turn out well.  —Thomas Sowell

We’re in a global war, facing an enemy alliance that runs from Pyongyang, North Korea, to Havana, Cuba, and Caracas, Venezuela. —General Michael T. Flynn

Venezuela sits at the northern tip of South America with Columbia on the west and Guyana on the east.  The country is collapsing. The constant blackouts have put hundreds of patients at risk and many have already died, food is rotting, and water is at a shortage. According to media reports, schoolchildren and oil workers have begun passing out from hunger, and sick Venezuelans have scoured veterinary offices for medicine. Link  Malaria, measles, and diphtheria have returned with a vengeance. The country’s infrastructure is falling apart along with their decaying power grid, and telecommunication networks have collapsed.

America has offered humanitarian aid, but Maduro has rejected it.  He is taking his cues from communist Havana.  Unfortunately, Venezuela never diversified; oil dominates their exports and government revenue and barrel prices of oil are down.

With Venezuela’s collapse, Maduro is begging Beijing; China’s price will be high as Venezuela’s debt to them is already in the billions.  Xi Jinping needs a presence of power that encourages foreign governments to believe they should play ball with Beijing, not Washington. And that means China’s increased military presence around the world, and what better place than Venezuela or one of her islands in the southern Caribbean.

Would Maduro risk U.S. ire by allowing Chinese basing rights? I think so. Maduro is already increasing his rhetoric against Washington and has repeatedly threatened Colombia. At the same time, the Venezuelan leader knows the U.S. and its allies believe he is an irredeemable despot: They want no part of a rapprochement with his regime.

Xi Jinping, Putin and Maduro

The Venezuelan and Chinese economies seem like they could hardly have less in common. The government of Nicolas Maduro has looted the state-run oil monopoly company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) to pay for the “Bolivarian revolution,” the socialist movement under the late leader Hugo Chavez. Eleven billion has been stolen from PDVSA in a decade.

With oil prices down, the country is unable even to repair rigs or pay workers to generate income, and the government now faces the prospect of a mass uprising. Meanwhile, half a globe away, China’s gleaming malls stand in stark contrast to Venezuela’s empty shelves.

But Venezuela’s ruinous state has more to do with China than one would think, specifically, with Chinese President Xi Jinping’s plan for expanding China’s global influence through financial diplomacy.

Thanks to a malevolent dictatorship pushing disastrous economic policies aided by another communist benefactor willing to extend near bottomless credit, the country is at collapse. This same toxic mix is present throughout many of the countries receiving large amounts of Chinese lending under China’s Belt and Road Initiative.  China provides large amounts of ruinous lending that pushes developing countries to financial ruin.  The Belt and Road Initiative scheme isn’t offering concessionary lending or international aid but market-based lending rates with high-interest loans. The borrower countries then have to use Chinese firms, inputs, and workers to build out their railways and ports. The Chinese firms are third rate at best.

Since the economic shift in Venezuela, up to 5 million Venezuelans are estimated to have left the country crossing the border mostly to Columbia, while inflation in Venezuela hovers around 1 million percent.

According to a UN report, about 90 percent of the population lives in poverty. The country’s oil revenue is at its lowest in three decades.

America Supports Opposition Leader Juan Guaido

The two communist countries of China and Russia have kept Venezuela afloat by lending billions to the economically crippled petrostate, sometimes with cheap oil thrown in as a sweetener for the two creditors.  “Not only are they getting oil, but they’ve also gained access to pretty good acreage in Venezuela,” said Helima Croft, global head of commodity strategy at RBC Capital Markets.

Those deals were struck with President Maduro, whose leadership is facing a serious challenge from Juan Guaido, and it’s not clear what happens to that debt if Maduro is kicked out of office.  America would like to see Guaido take over the country, and apparently so would the Venezuelan people.  However, Russia and China are working in and out of the shadows, complicating U.S. efforts to foster change.

Venezuela is indebted to external creditors by a total of something close to $100 billion.  Yet, the socialist state is home to the largest oil reserves on the planet, but endemic corruption has devastated its economy. Beijing and Moscow have helped the country stave off collapse by repeatedly extending financial lifelines — to the tune of tens of billions of dollars over the last decade.

Maduro’s re-election last year was marred by charges of widespread vote-rigging, vote-buying, and other irregularities, but more fundamentally it failed to meet constitutional requirements. As such, Guaido, due to his role as head of the National Assembly, appears to be the legitimate president.

Guaido has been recognized by the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and a slew of European countries.

China and Russia Support Maduro

Juan Guaido is not recognized by either China or Russia. They back Maduro to the hilt because they have much to lose if his leftist government falls. From 2007 to 2014, China lent Venezuela $63 billion — 53 percent of all its lending to Latin America during this time. Of that amount, somewhere between $10-$25 billion remains outstanding to China and Russia’s state-backed oil company Rosneft is owed another $2.3 billion, excluding interest.

There was an important catch to this largesse; to guarantee repayment, Beijing insisted on being repaid in oil, but when oil dropped to $30 a barrel in 2016, this caused Venezuela’s price tag for serving its debt to explode. To repay Beijing, Venezuela must now ship two barrels of oil for every single barrel it originally agreed to.  Chavez’ 2002-2003 purge of 25,000 skilled oil workers at PDVSA resulted in massive problems.  As well, reinvestment in the fields and help from foreign oil firms was gone.  Venezuela struck it poor.

Venezuela’s mother lode, the Orinoco heavy oil belt, holds more than a trillion barrels of tarlike bitumen, which makes it much more difficult to extract because when it comes out of the ground, it’s almost solid and cannot flow through pipelines.  It then needs to be upgraded to something resembling liquid oil before sale. Doing all that takes the kind of cash and sophisticated know-how PDVSA lacked at the time.

The heavy oil needs chemicals, diluting agents such as naphtha, to turn into a lighter substance that can eventually be exported. Sanctions include a ban on US firms exporting these agents to Venezuela.

Military Advantages

“Russia and China are using Venezuela as a proxy conflict to challenge the U.S. This is more than just economic support. Russia and China are leveraging its economic support to establish a military-industrial presence in Venezuela,” Joseph Humire, executive director of the Center for a Secure Free Society, an independent global research group, told Fox News.

China and Russia maintain crucial military facilities in the country, such as China’s satellite-tracking facility inside the Capitan Manuel Rios Air Base in Guarico, while Russia has a cyber presence at the Naval Base Antonio Diaz “Bandi” in La Orchilla, an island north of Caracas.  Link

According to one U.S. intelligence and defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record, the threat of “asymmetric warfare” looms large as the Venezuelan crisis deepens – especially given Russia’s supply of arms and equipment to its Venezuela ally. “Maduro still sits on the largest proven oil reserves in the world. That’s the grand prize. China could say that the more Venezuela becomes a pariah, the cheaper they want it,” noted the intelligence insider. “And the more leverage Russia then has to build a bigger base in the Western Hemisphere, and closer to the United States nonetheless.”

“At a minimum, they could harass the United States, if not cause a lot more trouble. This makes the Cuban Missile Crisis look like child’s play.”  Link

Venezuela and Iran

In General Michael T. Flynn’s book, The Field of Flight, he states, “The war is on.  We face a working coalition that extends from North Korea and China to Russia, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.  We are under attack, not only from nation-states directly, but also from al Qaeda, Hezbollah, ISIS, and countless other terrorist groups.  Suffice to say, the same sort of cooperation binds together jihadis, Communists, and garden-variety tyrants.”

“Once we bailed out of Iraq in 2011, the power of the Islamic Republic immediately expanded and rapidly filled the void left by our departure.  The mullahs have already established strategic alliances in our own hemisphere with Cuba and Venezuela and are working closely with Russia and China.”

General Michael T. Flynn is absolutely correct.

As Iran and Venezuela become increasingly isolated and sanctioned by the U.S and much of the international community, the two governments are said to be tightening their bond – with the help of Tehran’s proxy group, Hezbollah, in the middle of the action.

Training between Iran and Venezuela has increased in the past few years as part of a larger plan between the Venezuelan regime, consisting of increasing the number of Hezbollah operatives and their supporters across Latin America,” Johan Obdola, President of the Canada-based Global Organization for Intelligence (IOSI) and former counter-narcotics chief in Venezuela, told Fox News. Hassan Rouhani and Nicolas Maduro have established a very firm and close relationship, which was of course initiated by Chavez.”

Drug Trafficking, Iran and Cuba

Caracas, Venezuela and Havana, Cuba are the only two places Tehran, Iran can fly into or out of with people and contraband.  Both are sanctioned by the United States. Venezuela’s ambassador to the United States is defending his country’s controversial airline service to the capitals of Syria and Iran — both countries that are designated by the U.S. as state sponsors of terrorism.

Drug trafficking within the Venezuelan regime is called, “The Cartel of the Suns.”  Criminal cartels have always run drug trafficking but in Venezuela it is managed from within government.  Instead of sidelining those accused of drug trafficking, Maduro has promoted them to the highest offices, perhaps calculating that they have the most to lose if his regime falls and will therefore fight the hardest to preserve it.

The most powerful figures in the Bolivarian regime now have the taint of drug trafficking to differing degrees.

Colombia’s criminal groups and Venezuelan political officials are connected to one another by the cocaine supply chain. Colombian groups produce coca and refine it into cocaine, and some Venezuelan elites’ profit from its transit through their country. Though government action has weakened Colombia’s insurgents and other drug traffickers, the cocaine trade remains a key, illicit industry that will continue to affect both countries.

In 2005 Venezuela severed ties with the United States Drug Enforcement (DEA), accusing its representatives of spying.  Following the departure of the DEA from Venezuela and the expansion of DEA’s partnership with Colombia in 2005, Venezuela became more attractive to drug traffickers.  Between 2008 and 2012, Venezuela’s cocaine seizure ranking among other countries declined, going from being ranked fourth in the world for cocaine seizures in 2008 to sixth in the world in 2012.

Venezuela has been a path to the United States for illegal drugs originating in Colombia, through Central America and Mexico and Caribbean countries such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.


While Chinese engagement could be seen by other Latin American countries as an attractive path to development, the short-term benefits often lead to long-term dependency. Chinese investments focus on extracting natural resources and trading high value-added manufactures from China for Latin American commodities. China’s appetite for commodities will only increase. Link Their plan is global…in 30 years they expect to be the world’s superpower.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Border Patrol Commanders Uncover Secret Democrats’ Lies And The Media’s ‘Fake News’ About Immigration

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

President Donald Trump’s top border official sternly reported to those Democrats in Congress that the only ‘fake news’ being spouted by the leftist water carriers in the media is calling what’s going on at the southwest  border anything less than a crisis. Carla Provost testified before the House Judiciary Committee and said, “There is an ongoing debate whether this constitutes a border security crisis or a humanitarian crisis.” Trump’s border chief claims that the U.S. Congress and the American people must understand that both are true: It is at once a national security crisis and a humanitarian crisis.

Chief Provost told the committee members that they must “look at what’s happening on the ground” rather than playing with the numbers and statistics which many believe is the M.O. (Modus Operandi) of the  Democratic Party and their media cohorts.

An example of this is how the number of border apprehensions is used to prove there is no crisis. It’s true that last year’s numbers are less than half of the 1 million people who were caught illegally crossing into the U.S. in the 1990s and 2000s. However, Provost pointed out, “today has different needs and is taking up more agency resources than a person they used to arrest.”

In the past, most of those apprehended were adult Mexican citizens. Most of these were documented by Border Patrol, turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Enforcement (ICE) and immediately deported.”

What makes the current situation a crisis rests in the demographics of those apprehended. Over the last few years, the Central American children or families represent half of those apprehended at the border. Provost said, “Up until this decade, most of those crossing the border illegally were single adult males. Today, family units and unaccompanied alien children (UAC) make up 60 percent of illegal border crossings along the southwest border.”

Because these children are from countries other than Canada and Mexico, they are protected by a 2008 trafficking law that forbids them being removed immediately. This and other factors have pushed Border Patrol past its limits with 2,000 people being arrested every 24 hours. Most of those cannot be deported immediately because the majority are families for Central America claiming asylum after illegally entering.

“In the El Paso Sector alone,” said Provost, “we have seen a 434 percent increase in apprehensions this fiscal year. Many of these are family units and UAC arriving in large groups, exacerbating capacity constraints in our facilities.”

Because so many of those apprehended require medical attention, the border chief said that about 5,000 of her 20,000 agents are unable to man the U.S.-Mexico border. They instead are needed to transport and care for illegal immigrants requiring medical care.

Each day, nearly 25 percent of my agents are diverted away from our border security mission to care for, transport, and process family members and unaccompanied children.

55 illegal immigrants a day are taken to medical appointments at outside facilities. Despite the media’s mischaracterization of border agents, Provost said those agents “do not leave their humanity at home” but care for those in distress.

Danielle Campoamor of NBC News illustrates perfectly what our top Border official is trying to tell us. Either Campoamor is ignorant of what is really happening on the ground or bashing President Trump is more important than the lives of real people on both sides of the border.

Campoamor quotes the prevailing mainstream media narrative that “illegal border crossings and apprehensions have been declining for nearly two decades” and “undocumented immigrants commit less crime than native-born citizens.” NBC’s conclusion: what President Trump says is fake news, what they say is not.

But President Trump is not listening to the media to get his news about what is happening at the border. Contrary to what NBC suggests, Trump has not “manufactured an immigration crisis for his own political gain, hoping that a fear of “the other” will help him win reelection in 2020”, he has been listening to the person who knows better than anyone else what is really happening at out our border.

Provost’s comments directly refute Democratic critics who have declared Trump’s crisis declaration a “fake emergency.” Congressional Democrats voted to block Trump’s emergency declaration, several progressive groups are suing to block the move in court, and Mitch McConnell is hinting he cannot ensure the Senate won’t follow suit.

Trump has already promised to veto any legislation that attempts to block his declaration of a national emergency. While Washington continues to act like Washington, Donald Trump is doing something many have grown so unaccustomed to it seems revolutionary – he’s keeping a promise.

Donald Trump said elect me and I’ll build the wall. We voted, and he’s keeping his promise.

Top 5 border falsehoods pushed by Congressional Democrats and the media

On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security’s “Top Cop” endured the unpleasant task of appearing before a congressional committee and she was subjected to adolescent badgering by what some observers called a declining Democratic Party’s socialists.

“Rather than asking questions designed to elicit important information for the American people, the Democrats efforts are decidedly formulated to chastise, ridicule, and denigrate their target and to show how they are opposed to President Donald Trump and his policies,” said former police detective and security director Iris Aquino.

“It’s refreshing to watch law enforcement people getting the Democrats to expose themselves as political pawns of the Deep State,” she added.

According to a White House spokesman, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s testimony before Congress yesterday was mostly about National Emergency on our southern border. In reporting the latest statistics from U.S. border officials, she confronted the Democrats’ no. 1 immigration myth head-on. “We face a crisis—a real, serious, and sustained crisis at our borders,” she said.

The reason Democrats defend the status quo is not because they or anyone else believe that America’s broken immigration system is working. Indeed, the problem has only gotten worse since former President Obama himself called it a “humanitarian crisis” nearly five years ago, the Trump spokesman said.

But acknowledging such a crisis exists today would make Democrats accountable for working with President Trump to help solve it. Their leaders have already gone on the record to say they will not. Instead, they hope to keep a lid on the ugly, painful truths behind the emergency unfolding along our southern border, said the Trump White House communications department writers.

In a statement to correct myths created by the Democratic Party and their water-carrying news media, It was time to clearly set the record straight:

MYTH: There is no crisis at the border.

FACT: We continue to face a surge in illegal immigration that has brought the border crisis to a breaking point.

There has been a massive surge in illegal migrants arriving at our border, with more than 76,000 apprehended or deemed inadmissible at a port of entry last month—the most of any February during the past 12 years.

This fiscal year, U.S. Border Patrol has seen a 97 percent increase in apprehensions compared to the same time period last year.

Even before this recent surge, former President Obama called the situation at our southern border “a humanitarian crisis” as early as 2014.

MYTH: The problem at the border used to be much worse.

FACT: Today, we face an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants that loopholes prevent from being returned quickly to their home countries.

The makeup of illegal immigration has completely changed from previous years. Now, record numbers of family units and minors are arriving at our border, and legal loopholes force them to be released into the interior of the country. Human smugglers know this, and these criminal enterprises routinely exploit these loopholes to smuggle children across the border as leverage.

By contrast, in FY 2000, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) apprehensions were primarily single adults and, as such, 95 percent of those apprehended were repatriated within hours.

Apprehensions of family unit aliens and Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) have surged by 338 percent and 54 percent respectively this year.

MYTH: A wall wouldn’t help because drugs are coming through ports of entry.

FACT: Not only do we not know the amount of drugs smuggled between ports of entry, but building the wall will help free up more resources to seize the drugs coming in.

Obviously, there are more drug seizures at ports of entry that are manned by security than remote areas of the border with limited law enforcement presence. That doesn’t mean drugs aren’t coming in between ports of entry.

A physical barrier allows law enforcement personnel on the ground to carry out their missions more safely and effectively, preventing more deadly drugs and criminals from crossing our border in undermanned areas.

MYTH: Law enforcement such as ICE and U.S. Border Patrol are the villains in this story.

FACT: The real villains are the vile cartels and smugglers who exploit loopholes in our immigration laws for their own horrific gain. Law enforcement is the front line against them.

The brave men and women who enforce our immigration laws and secure our border are working tirelessly to keep our communities safe.

The cartels have devastated American communities with deadly drug supplies.

The smugglers who profit from our weak borders and immigration laws have subjected migrants to horrific violence and abuse. Our border officers are the ones fighting to stop them.

Secretary Nielsen testified on March 6 that law enforcement must give pregnancy tests to all migrant girls 10 years or older as a result of regular sexual assault from smugglers and others on their journey.

One-third of the women making the trek to our border become victims of rape or other forms of sexual abuse.

MYTH: President Trump’s executive action on the border is overreaching, similar or worse to President Obama’s.

FACT: President Trump’s exercise of executive power is categorically different from the kind President Obama used to circumvent existing immigration law.

President Trump acted under the clear authority provided under the National Emergencies Act to address the crisis at the border.

This is the literal and exact opposite of President’s Obama’s orders invalidating Congressional statute. President Obama violated Congressionally enacted law by effectively awarding lawful presence to those living in the country illegally and granting them affirmative immigration benefits—contravening a variety of clear-cut provisions in the Immigration and Nationality Act (such as 8 U.S.C. §1101, 1158, 1226, 1229b, 1231, 1325, and 1326).

Beyond violating the INA, the whole thrust of President Obama’s action was to facilitate activity Congress had expressly outlawed (e.g., illegal entry, illegal work, etc.).

By contrast, President Trump is fulfilling his core Article II duties to enforce our duly passed immigration laws and prevent foreign nationals from violating those laws en masse. Whereas President Obama could not find a single statute authorizing his Administration to issue DACA/DAPA (because none existed), President Trump’s emergency declaration is an explicit and straightforward invocation of authority delegated to the President by Congress.

Far from unprecedented, 60 national emergencies have been declared since Congress passed the National Emergencies Act in 1976, and 32 are still in effect today. The President’s Emergency declaration enforces existing law and carries out his sworn duty to uphold U.S. sovereignty and national security.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

DC Rot, Guns And The Economy

I could write a column everyday of the week covering the corrupt sewer out in Washington, DC, our state capitols and local governments around this country from openly endorsing infanticide (California Democrat Wants Planned Parenthood’s Phone Number on Student IDs), gun killing “laws” to illegal free loaders invading in MASSIVE numbers.

Americans continue to ignore solutions because they don’t know how the problem got started or even how government programs work. They continue to reelect the same worthless ‘conservatives’ instead of constitutionalists. They continue to reelect (or elect new ones) liberal Democrats (socialists) or progressive Democrats (communists) and wonder why their cities and towns are going to Hell.

If it’s not total ignorance by voters it’s high tech stealing election results. Oh, Democrats love it as they depend on vote fraud as well as illegals voting. We will NEVER have fair and honest elections until we return to paper ballots hand counted in front of the public. Period. No electronics, no apps, no ‘ballot harvesting’, none of the tools used to manipulate our elections.

We the people wait and wait for justice while the Federal Department of Justice so far has done NOTHING to indict and go after the key players in the Russia Dossier Hoax. All we continue to hear is the same worn out tripe:

Special Prosecutor John Huber Meets with Attorney General Bill Barr – What? So he can say the dog ate his homework? Barr is a long-time close friend of DIRTY cop Robert Mueller. Oh, wait! Get excited:

Special Prosecutor John Huber Has a Message For Americans: Bill Barr and I Will Hold Offenders Accountable and Advance the Rule of Law (Seeing is believing and I’ll believe it when the indictments come rolling out from grand juries.)

Rep. Devin Nunes is preparing criminal referrals re FBI and FISA to Attorney General Barr

Rep. Gerald Nadler (D-NJ) is now going after a whopping 81 individuals in his search for anything to bolster the sure to come impeachment hearings in the House against Trump.

Ex-Trump Aide Refuses To Comply With Democrats’ “Fishing Expedition” – Everyone on Nadler’s list should do the same thing – call his bluff. Refuse to allow that braying ass to bankrupt them in legal fees and try to entrap them (perjury) for something they didn’t do – like Gen. Michael Flynn who continues to be tortured:

Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Delayed By Judge Sullivan After Plea Of Lying To FBI – The rotten SOB in the black robe had the GALL to say what he did in court about Gen. Flynn. My impression is that he would like to throw Gen. Flynn in prison for years and ignore the plea bargain. One of the major players who belongs in prison is Robert Mueller.

READ: The FBI Collusion To Destroy General Michael T. Flynn

Gen. Flynn did NOT lie to the FBI. They threatened specific members of his family and then literally drowned him in legal bills trying to stay out of prison.

Joe DiGenova Says ‘Everyone Should Take the Fifth’ Who’s Called to Testify Before Nadler’s Committee

Chairman Nadler Admits There is No Evidence Trump Obstructed Justice After He Launches Massive Probe: It’s My ‘Personal Opinion’

Jerrold Nadler Rejects Constitution’s Limitations on Impeaching Trump

HUGE: New Evidence Suggests Nellie Ohr Was Working for CIA When She Passed on Junk Trump-Russia Dossier and Info on Trump Children

Sean Hannity came out Friday with this: IT’S HAPPENING… Sean Hannity: “The Deep State House of Cards — Mark My Words — It’s About to Come Crumbling Down”.

I listened to Sean on his show this past Friday say the same thing. Give credit where credit is due. Hannity deserves a mountain of it for his coverage of this massive effort to get rid of a lawfully elected president. But Sean, we’ve heard this same thing from you for quite some time. I hope it’s true but I have ZERO faith in the new AG, Bill Barr, because of his uber close relationship with RAT Robert Mueller.

Guns. Second Amendment supporters/advocates continue to chase their tails in court rooms expecting to stop the in-your-face slew of legislation both at the state and federal level to erase the Second Amendment.

How many columns has Dr. Edwin Vieira written (I’ve done a few myself) on the TRUE meaning of the Second Amendment and the TRUE constitutional militia? Since 2005, too many to count. And, still, gun owners across this country continue to pursue Band Aids instead of the cure and look where we are:

Imbecile Governor at it again: New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Signs Bill to Criminalize Private Gun Sales, March 9, 2019

Not going to take it: New Mexico county becomes ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ in protest of gun control legislation

Encouraging: More Colorado Counties Declare Themselves ‘2nd Amendment Sanctuaries’

Some Washington sheriffs refuse to enforce new gun laws, February 10, 2019

The NRA continues to cling to their “right to own and bear arms” bread and butter while denying their 5 million plus members the truth about the Second Amendment. If they activated their membership to go after their state legislatures, we would be in a whole different world by now.

A Serious Question for the NRA by Edwin:

“As regular readers of my commentaries know, from time to time I have written about the National Rifle Association’s curious misreading of the Second Amendment—to wit, that the Amendment’s first thirteen words (“[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State”) have no significance with respect to the interpretation and application of the Amendment’s last fourteen words (“the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”). According to the NRA, the Second Amendment secures “the individual right to keep and bear arms”, to which “[a] well regulated Militia” is irrelevant.

“I must describe the NRA’s fixation as a most curious misreading of the Second Amendment because, if “the individual right to keep and bear arms” is irrelevant to “[a] well regulated Militia”, then by dint of the NRA’s own linguistic logic “the individual right to keep and bear arms” must be equally irrelevant to “the security of a free State” to which the Amendment declares that such a Militia is “necessary”. If so, then the NRA’s reading of the Amendment is at odds with its contention that “the individual right to keep and bear arms” guarantees Americans the wherewithal to preserve “the Blessings of Liberty” promised by the Constitution in its Preamble. For, if “the individual right to keep and bear arms” is as irrelevant to “the security of a free State” as it supposedly is to “[a] well regulated Militia”, it passes understanding that it could guarantee any aspect of “a free State”, including especially the “Liberty” of that State’s citizens.

“This apparent conundrum is, of course, not the product of the Constitution. For, according to the most basic rules of constitutional interpretation, the NRA’s construction of the Second Amendment is impossible.”

Edwin wrote yet another book on this issue only this one is quite short. If every damn ‘conservative’ in the 50 state capitols read this book, we would be in a whole different world by now. Get it and read it, you won’t be sorry. Then tell your Second Amendment friends to get off their butts and go for the ONLY solution instead of more litigation. Thirteen Words, 122 pgs.

Getting FACTUAL ammunition is the only way to counter this kind of fecal matter:

So, About That “Well-Regulated Militia” Part of the Constitution

“But people and groups associated with the “alt-right”—an amalgam of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, “citizen” militias, and hyper-conservative prayer groups—have vowed ongoing demonstrations in other American cities in coming months. And that’s led to profound public safety concerns.

“The Second Amendment gives you the right to bear arms,” says Jesse Choper, a UC Berkeley Law professor emeritus and the former Berkeley Law dean. “But really, that’s the beginning point of the conversation. As is true with most of the Bill of Rights, the intent is not totally clear, and in fact, the language in the Second Amendment is particularly confusing.” Another nitwit “law” professor.

Lindsey Graham: Democrats, GOP Can ‘Come Together’ for Gun Confiscation Law, March 9, 2019

Another dangerous gag bag: Maryland Democrat now calling gun owners “terrorists” in latest escalation against the Second Amendment

EXACTLY why the Constitutional Militia is needed: Rural Sheriff’s Ominous Warning To Citizens: “LOCK YOUR DOORS, LOAD YOUR GUNS AND GET YOU A BARKING, BITING DOG”

The economy. I provide the links below because all the bally-who about how marvelous the economy is doing – don’t believe it. Yes, more Americans are working and that is a blessing. BUT, once again, it’s the currency and our worthless “dollar”.

In January I wrote a column, Where Is The Tea Party – Debt Crisis? in an effort to make Americans aware of the brutal and cold, hard facts about the economy. If you missed it, better take the time to read it. Trump will be blamed right in time for the 2020 selection elections. Has unconstitutional spending by Congress and signed by Trump stopped? NO, it’s worse.

I don’t want YOU to be broadsided as tens of millions were in 2008 – despite warnings by so many of us who follow things closely. I realize this is a lot of reading but I know because I get emails by the tons from readers who read them as well as the links.

The heart-breaking financial destruction of 2008 is nothing compared to what’s boiling right now. It’s just a matter of time before it boils over. After the milk-toast, much touted “tax reform” bill, Americans began spending like there’s no tomorrow without so many understanding those tax breaks are only good through 2025; corporate tax rates enacted are permanent until the maggots in Congress decide otherwise. When consumers get spooked, they don’t buy. When they don’t buy, businesses close their doors. What we’re seeing is just the beginning. Again.

America Created Just 20,000 Jobs in February

U.S. Credit Card Debt Closed 2018 at a Record $870 Billion, March 5, 2019

A Record 7 Million Americans Are 90 Days Behind on Their Auto Loan Payments, February 13, 2019

U.S. Student Loan Debt Sets Record, Doubling Since Recession: Student debt outstanding reaches a record $1.465 trillion. Borrowers over age 50 debt rises by $28.8 billion in one year

Warning: Student-loan payment may soon come directly out of your paycheck, February 15, 2019

Payless ShoeSource to shutter all of its remaining US stores – February 15, 2019 – A whopping 2,100 stores including e-commerce.

Dollar Tree to close up to 390 Family Dollar stores, March 6, 2019

These Chains Are Closing Tons More Stores in 2019, March 7, 2019 – Kohl’s, Target, Macy’s just to name a few.

Deadbeat Nation: 37 Million Credit Card Accounts In The U.S. Are “Seriously Delinquent” Right Now -We are a lot closer to economic doomsday than most people would dare to imagine, March 6, 2019

U.S. Consumers Are Tapped Out, March 10, 2019

Investors Brace For Impact As The Cancer That Is Ravaging “The Real Economy” Starts To Spread, March 4, 2019

“Debt delinquencies are at unprecedented levels, bankruptcies are soaring, retail stores are closing at a record pace, this is the worst economy for farmers since the early 1980s, exports are plummeting and a brand new real estate crisis has now begun.  Economic cancer is rapidly spreading throughout our country, and the U.S. economy is deteriorating at the fastest pace that we have seen since the last recession.  So how long will it be before Wall Street catches up with economic reality?

“The retail industry is being hit particularly hard.  At the end of last week, major retailers announced 465 store closings in a single 48 hour period…

“The ‘retail apocalypse’ is alive and well this week with major chains such as Gap, JCPenney, Victoria’s Secret and Foot Locker all announcing massive closures, totalling the death of more than 465 stores over the last 48 hours.”

Peter Schiff: “The Real National Emergency Isn’t At The Border. It’s The National Debt!”, February 21, 2019

National debt hits $22 trillion signaling Titanic like ending, February 13, 2019

The Financial Apocalypse: The Market Faces A $12 Trillion Reckoning, February 26, 2019

I just love their jargon: Undershoots.  The world is out of real money and drowning in debt: IMF warns of global economic “storm” as growth undershoots, February 10, 2019

Keep people in Mexico and China working while Americans get kicked out of good paying jobs:

GM Ohio Plant Idles: “The closing of the four U.S. plants comes as GM has reported nearly $11 billion in fourth quarter pre-tax profit and more than $38 billion in revenue, beating financial experts’ expectations. Additionally, despite the mass layoffs, GM CEO Mary Barra has continued to rake in nearly $22 million a year.”

Those Americans likely have credit card debt, car payments; some student loans. One thing for sure: Spending into their local economy will go down.

Small Business Optimism Catches Cold, February 12, 2019

Amazon to close all of its 87 pop-up stores in the US beginning in April, March 6, 2019

US household net worth sees biggest fall since crisis: Fed, March 7, 2019

Massive Secret Money Printing Will Shoot Gold Higher, March 10, 2019

“Kirby warns, “Nobody could come to grips with the criminality that was present in our system. . . .   The slow burn is probably not in the cards anymore. We are likely to see very significant change in the very near term going forward. . . . We are starting to see signs of admission that things are not as we were told they were . . . . The system is critically broken. It’s like Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall. They can’t put the pieces back together again. People are going to have to come clean to what has truly transpired or they are going to be hung. The reality of what has transpired is coming to light whether people want to hear it or not.”

Many states are finally doing what Dr. Edwin Vieira has said and written about for a long time: Constitutional Sound Money Bills in the state legislatures. A few fools in our Republican controlled state legislature killed a great bill in 2017.

As Federal Reserve Challenges Trump’s Economy, States Push Back With Laws Strangling Fiat Currency, March 7, 2019

“Former Texas Representative Ron Paul has endorsed the bill through his organization Campaign for Liberty, telling supporters the legislation will prove vital to dismantling the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold on the American economy.

“The Kansas Legal Tender Act would ensure a smoother transition from the Fed’s fiat currency by allowing a competing currency and legalizing gold and silver as money again,” wrote Paul in an email sent to Campaign for Liberty subscribers, “And precious metals can help protect you against the continued devaluation of Federal Reserve Notes.”

“Paul also noted that while the Federal Reserve is able to manipulate the value of the American dollar, or Federal Reserve Notes, the value of precious metals has remained constant.

“In reality, gold and silver are simply excellent stores of wealth, maintaining purchasing power over time,” explained the former congressman, “Unlike the Fed’s currency that loses value over time simply because the Fed can create virtually as much of it as it wants to for free.”

“By recognizing precious metals as legal tender, Kansas legislators will help ensure you are able to survive the next inevitable recession caused by the Federal Reserve.”

I can only say: Proceed with caution.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Important Links:

Goal: Run out the clock on statutes of limitations:

THE LIST: More than 100 Times the FBI, DOJ and/or Mueller Gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or Committed Crimes in Effort to Exonerate Hillary and Indict Trump

Transcript of Bruce Ohr’s private testimony to House task force released

JUST IN: Judicial Watch Uncovers Records Showing Numerous Bruce Ohr Communications with Fusion GPS and Dossier Author Steele

Loretta Lynch Contradicts Herself – Tells GOP Lawmakers She “Can’t Recall” Anything Regarding Carter Page FISA Warrants

What’s he been smoking? Ex-FISA court chief defends DOJ, FBI for handling of Carter Page surveillance applications

More Deep State Lies: McCabe Disputes Rosenstein – Says FBI Discussed Impeaching Trump Through 25th Amendment “Several Times”

The Complete List: 19 Different Fraudulent and Unfounded Reasons for Starting the Trump-Russia Investigation …(and Counting)

Justice Department Finds Clinton Uranium One Document That ‘Didn’t Exist’, March 10, 2019

This is an outstanding series. A lot of reading but well worth the time, believe me:

Gateway Pundit Exclusive: Uncovered FBI/DOJ Coverup of Clinton Foundation and Russian/China Related Crimes – PART I

Gateway Pundit Exclusive: Inside the AGT Juggernaut – FBI/DOJ Coverup of Clinton Foundation and Russian/China Related Crimes – PART II

Gateway Pundit Exclusive: The Obama FBI-DOJ Covered Up Clinton Foundation – AGT Crimes — KILLED INVESTIGATION BEFORE 2016 ELECTION (Part III)

How to Buy Your Way Into a Top Secret US Government Intel Facility – FBI/DOJ Coverup of Clinton Foundation Connected AGT – PART IV

MEDIA SILENT: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – PART V

MEDIA SILENCE CONTINUES: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – Made Bribes to Seal Deals – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – Part VI

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – Part VII

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – Part VIII

Sally Yates firing alarmed dossier author Christopher Steele, emails to shady DOJ contact show

Why Is Congress Importing A Permanent Underclass?

At this point, we see 6,000 homeless in Seattle, 10,000 homeless in Denver, 50,000 plus homeless in Los Angeles and 11,000 homeless in San Francisco. On any day, America features one million homeless throughout 50 states.  If we can’t figure out how to solve those monumental social problems, how do we think we can save the rest of the world by importing over 100,000 legal immigrants every 30 days into our country?

Do you know that our U.S. Congress, based in Washington DC, and totally out of touch with what their actions are doing to middle-class Americans, continues to import one million legal immigrants from the third world onto our shores, annually?  Do you realize they allow another 500,000 illegal aliens to jump our borders, annually?  That’s over 100,000 immigrants every 30 days.  (Sources: www.NumbersUSA.org ; www.CIS.org)

Do you realize that Congress allows 22 to 25 million illegal aliens to remain in our country without fear of deportation?  (Source: Yale University Study, Oct 2018) How do they do that?  Congress refuses to enforce Federal Law Section 8 USC 1324, within our nation.  In fact, employers of illegal aliens do not face arrest, prosecution or prison because your two senators and House member refuse to do their jobs.

What do you pay?  According the latest figures at www.FAIR.org , you pay $113,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually to maintain those illegals as to educating and feeding their children, along with medical care, and ESL courses, plus 12 agencies who must address this invasion with your money.

But that’s not all, each state pays into the millions of dollars for illegals operating in their area.  Illegal migrants cost Michigan $928 million in 2018.  In California, it’s into the billions of dollars as they feature over four million illegal aliens and possible as high as six million.  They’re slithering into welfare offices in all the major cities around America.

Do you think it’s going to stop?  Do you think it’s going to become better?  Do you think you will ever stop paying for legal and illegal immigrants?  Answer: sorry, you will pay more and more as our U.S. Congress continues to import a permanent underclass into America.

Why do you think millions of people around the world live in misery?  Why do their countries suffer poverty, hopelessness and dictators?  Answer: their leaders and citizens lack the intellectual horsepower to create viable social, political and economic systems.

“The stresses caused by population growth cannot be solved by international migration. They must be confronted by and within each individual nation. Fundamental to the concept of national rights and responsibilities is the duty of each nation to match its population with its political, social, and environmental resources, in both the short and the long term. No nation should exceed what the biologists call its ‘carrying capacity.’” Dr. John Tanton

Why are Western countries successful?  Answer: very smart people and very good educational systems built up by very smart people! Average IQ in Canada, America, Europe and Australia runs around 100 to 105.

Why are places like Africa filled with illiteracy and horrific poverty, overpopulation and futility?  Answer: illiteracy dominates most African countries at 65 to 75 IQ’s in Sub-Saharan Africa and 75 to 85 in upper Africa.  Check for accuracy: www.brainstats.com

In fact, the most successful countries average 105 IQ’s of the general public such as Japan, Singapore, and China. Whereas Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Kenya and others run an average of 65 IQ.

It might be noted that third world birth rates, driven by illiteracy and failing countries, contribute 83 million new babies, net gain, annually.  That’s where all those third world people, and soon to be immigrants to America and the West, accelerate their numbers.

Since the line continually grows and accelerates, with those realities facing us, why are we importing 1.0 to 1.2 million legal immigrants annually and another 500,000 illegally?  What exactly do we think will happen as we import millions of intellectually challenged people.  As a matter of fact, America’s average IQ has dropped from 100 in 1965 to 98 in the last 50 years.  We feature no less than 45 million foreign born from mostly third world countries.

How do you think that will play out in another 30 years as we add another 110 million more immigrants and their children?  Take a guess!

It’s not their fault; it’s their condition.  The great majority cannot perform basic educational standards. Thus, welfare, more welfare, their families and generations feed off our welfare systems.  Thus, you see drug gangs, street gangs, and endless violence such as in Chicago and LA.  And, a complete breakdown of ethics, rule of law and societal order. What happens with illiterate people?  They draw down on violence, drugs, frustration and total loss of social fabric identification.  What will be accomplished if we continue adding third world immigrants?  Answer: we will be dragged down into a third world country by importing a permanent underclass of third world people who cannot perform in a first world country.  They are creating permanent enclaves of separation from our successful society, but at some point, they will become violent enclaves that will become totally unmanageable.  That kind of situation devolves into civil war.

When you entangle incompatible cultures such as a Somalian bush family, along with incompatible and violent religions such as Islam, and you add hundreds of different languages, and then, you toss in 100 million people with 200 different world views from the countries where they originated—do you think the United States stands a chance of surviving the next 30 years?

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing America. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

The only viable solution:  we must engage Congress to rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. We must shutdown all immigration for at least 20 years, or most shutdown all immigration, period.  Anything less, and our children face a horrifically difficult and/or impossible future.

If you look at these two videos, you will see exactly what I am speaking about:

Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Biblical Prophecy Refutes Earthly Utopian Dreams, Part 2

Dr. Mike Spaulding

But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. —Mark 13:23

But when you see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it should not be [let the reader understand], then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. —Mark 13:14[1]

In Part One of this Three Part article, I introduced you to the fact that America has undergone an effective New Age indoctrination. This indoctrination is now so pervasive that today we have churches offering yoga classes, so-called Christians selling Angel Boards, the equivalent to the Ouija Board only, wait for it…Christians!

Christians today are participating in all sorts of activities such as Transcendental Meditation, Psychic Health and Healing Practices, Contemplative Prayer, Mantra Meditation, Higher Self, Centering Prayer, Reiki, Labyrinths, and Spiritual Formation. These practices are nothing more than white-washed New Age inspired activities, which is to say, they are demonically controlled deceptions.

The late Ray Yungen, an author, researcher, and speaker on the subject of the New Age deception said:

“The term [New Age] itself may indeed be fairly recent but the actual practices and beliefs involved are thousands of years old. For instance, the slave girl mentioned in Acts 16 was in effect a New Ager. The term itself was taken from astrology making reference to the Aquarian age in which humanity is supposedly going to realize its inner divinity. Hence, anyone who engages in these mystical practices is associated with this view, even though they may have lived centuries ago. It’s not the term; it’s the practices that are at issue here.”[2]

The term “New Age” is credited to Alice Bailey, the noted globalist Theosophist, author, demonic spirit channel, and founder of the Lucifer Publishing Company which became Lucis Trust.[3] Her influence on America through the United Nations during the 1940’s cannot be understated.[4] Bailey spoke plainly about the need to deconstruct Christianity, and to replace it with a new global religion devoid of any traditional Judeo-Christian theology and moral. No one gave her any credibility until after World War II. The carnage of the war left millions of people wondering how something like that could happen and how it could be insured to never happen again. Bailey’s message of a “New World Order” began to gain some traction among first, the intellectuals in America and Europe, and then publically in emerging global-minded politicians.

Bailey believed that as long as Christianity held influence upon Americans, progress as she defined it could not be achieved. Bailey laid out her plans for a new world order of progress for humanity as she received them from her spirit guide Djwhal Khul, whom she referred to as an “Ascended Master.”

The New Age plan related to the church that Bailey envisioned has been employed with precision and subtlety through the non-stop instigation of dozens of United Nations programs. Wherever New Age thinking has entrenched itself, there is a marked departure from Christian faith and practice. I encourage you to study Bailey’s demonism for yourself. She was a disciple of Satan who has duped millions of people. Neither time nor space allows a thorough study of her many blasphemies.

The Economic Foundation of Utopia is Technocracy

Global Warming alarmists, Climate Change fear-mongers, and those who are now suggesting that dissenters from the “world is dying” crowd should be prosecuted for opposing their viewpoint, have one thing in common: they bow at the altar of so-called experts. This is Technocracy.[5]

Technocracy is rule by acknowledged experts, and in its current manifestation, rule by scientists and engineers who are trained to understand what is best for the global community of mankind. In this sense, technocrats are the new priesthood of a global religion called Technocracy. Not surprisingly, the United Nations is heavily invested in developing and financially supporting programs aimed at forcing sovereign nations to acquiesce to their demands for proper care of the earth, our atmosphere, and all living things. I leave it to you to research Agenda 2030, the Green Economy[6] movement, Scientism, Sustainable Development and other programs designed to destroy individual national sovereignty and replace it with a world governing body of technocrats.

The results of all this meddling with the earth’s environment including its atmosphere is that more measures are deemed necessary to balance the alleged harmful effects of mankind. One example is the recent and terribly belated announcement that the United States Government was in fact spraying our atmosphere with chemicals. The American people have been aware of “chem trails” spraying for years. Instead of denying the practice the government is now declaring that they are doing this for the good of the planet. The new name for chemical spraying of our atmosphere is Geo-Engineering. Just like that, everything is acceptable.

This drive for a utopia marked by peace and safety is being orchestrated from a man-centered perspective. In other words, this thirst for a global utopia is demonic as it is intentionally constructed and advanced devoid of God’s input and with a deliberate attempt to deny His presence. This is the height of arrogance and self-delusion.

The Spiritual Foundation of Utopia Is Ignoring God’s Word

This fact is seen clearly in the rise of paganism and most notably, Wicca here in America.[7] If statistics are true, professing followers and practitioners of Wicca now outnumber the Presbyterian Church (USA).[8] However, it is not just Wicca that is on the rise. We are witnessing a rapid escalation in all forms of spirituality across a wide spectrum as evidenced by the Burning Man[9] community which is really a celebration of the individual apart from God, and United Nations sanctioned organizations such as The Parliament of World Religions (PWR).[10] Some of the programs the PRW offers represent a hodgepodge of globalist and utopian dreams. They include:

  • Interfaith Climate Action
  • World Interfaith Harmony Week
  • Women’s Dignity
  • The Next Generation
  • Advancing Justice
  • Countering War, Hate, & Violence
  • Indigenous Task Force
  • Interfaith Ramadan
  • Sacred Space
  • Educating Religious Leaders
  • Faiths Against Hate
  • The Ambassador Program

Prominently displayed on the PWR website are these banners: “The Promise of Inclusion, The Power of Love: Pursing Global Understanding, Reconciliation, and Change” and, “For a More Just, Peaceful, and Sustainable World.” Their mission can be summed up in the popular but illogical coexist bumper sticker. Each letter of the word coexist utilizes a different religious symbol to spell out the word.  For example in some renditions the C is a crescent moon representing Islam and the T is a cross that represents Christianity. Other religions such as Hinduism, Judaism, and Taoism are also represented. The meaning is clear – all religions must coexist if there is to be world peace.

In order for all religions to coexist peacefully, the primary points of difference will need to be removed completely. No other religious system teaches a personal God who came to earth and died for the sins of mankind. For Christians this means that the teaching that there is salvation in no other name but Jesus Christ will need to be denied. That is the definition of apostasy and will never happen for true believers. The Bible states that “there is salvation is no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”[11]

Antithesis to Synthesis Is a Part of the Plan

What we are witnessing today is a worldwide demonic push for synthesis. Synthesis is a melding of all antitheses into one new synthesis. Teichrib calls it Oneness. It is really about forging a utopia, the drive to be as God, to be our own masters of meaning and destiny, and to build heaven on earth.

In order to create a utopia all individual ingredients must go into the blender, so that what is produced is an indistinct amalgamation of anthropocentric hedonism. Christianity is the greatest antithesis. It declares that Jesus is the only way to eternal life with the Creator.

The world hates this claim to absolute truth. The world system build by mankind hates the concept that something, anything, beyond its control can possible have any authority over it. So, piece by piece by piece, the Church has stood by and watched as the religious utopians have destroyed marriage, the family, children, and now even biological identity.

The Church has largely given up the stronghold of truth, seeking instead to join the culture in its death spiral into a culture of every man and woman doing whatever their mind can conceive. The cost to human life seems to be an afterthought to most.

Why do I call your attention to all of this? I do so because it explains how people are being deceived; it explains why the world has and will reject the only true God; it explains why people are and will reject Jesus and why the world will embrace a charismatic leader who promises them a utopia of safety and peace. The table is being set for the appearance of the man of lawlessness, the one the Bible calls the Antichrist.

Stay tuned for Part Three of Biblical Prophecy Refutes Earthly Utopian Dreams.

Host of Soaring Eagle Radio and DrMikeLive

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics.]


[1] Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible, Lockman Foundation, 1995.

[2] Found here – https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newage.htm  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[3] Lucis Trust – https://www.lucistrust.org/  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[4] See https://www.lucistrust.org/about_us/support_un  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[5] Patrick Wood, Founder and Editor of Technocracy News & Trends, defines the term this way: “Technocracy is a replacement economic system for Capitalism and Free Enterprise, and is represented by the United Nations’ program for Sustainable Development and “Green Economy.” It proposes that all means of production and consumption would be controlled by an elite group of scientists and engineers (technocrats) for the good of mankind. Technocracy was originally architected in the 1930s but regained favor when adopted by the Trilateral Commission in 1973, under their “New International Economic Order” program. See – https://www.technocracy.news/faq-2/  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[6] Ibid. The UN defines Green Economy as “one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.”  It decouples resource use from economic growth, which replaces the market regulators of supply and demand with technocratic decisions based on predefined rules and regulations.

[7] Wicca is claimed to be rising rapidly globally but especially here in the US. A recent article talks about the rejection of Christianity among millennials. https://www.newsweek.com/witchcraft-wiccans-mysticism-astrology-witches-millennials-pagans-religion-1221019  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[8] Ibid.

[9] For an understanding of the significance of Burning Man and the Oneness movement it espouses see Carl Teichrib, Game of Gods; The Temple of Man in the Age of Re-Enchantment. Available here – http://www.gameofgods.ca/

[10] See PWR website here – https://www.parliamentofreligions.org/parliament/2018-toronto/2018-toronto  Accessed January 12, 2019.

[11] Acts 4:12.

Connecting Dots Creates Shocking Truth

Lawrence Craig is a patriot who has an incredible library of research material, papers, old history books, and published records regarding practically everything that concerns American Citizens. Especially Godly citizens who truly care about America. He freely shares his gold mine of information with columnists such as this one. It has been suggested by this writer that he do his own column. However he chooses to stay in the background and simply help those columnists on the front lines fighting for the sovereignty of The United States.

The intermarriage of various office holders in America who combine their abilities to tear down our country is staggering. The unbelievable interconnection of the various ‘movers and shakers’ who work against America is shocking to say the least, and to CONNECT THE DOTS will cause readers to slap their foreheads and say, “WHAT?” 

So put on a pot of coffee….COFFEE…not Brandy, since there is a risk of overdoing it when these stats are read. Especially when it is realized that the politicos have gotten away with it….so far…and how everybody is connected to everybody making one feel alone in a sea of political crabgrass.

So let’s follow the trail…but slowly and patiently. When all the pieces are sewn together, it obviously exposes conspiracy and treason. From 2001 to 2005, there was an ongoing investigation of The Clinton Foundation. A Grand Jury had been impaneled. GOVERNMENTS from around the world donated to the “Charity.”  However, none of these “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were declared.

Any honest investigator would have been able to figure this out. Within the muddle,  this particular individual came forth front and center, to set the record straight. That individual was…..drum roll….JAMES COMEY.

From there a transfer to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Brand of the IRS turned out to be….FANFARE…Lois Lerner!

Meanwhile, the individual who ran the Tax Division inside the department of (in)justice from 2001 to 2005 was none other than, Assistant Attorney General of the United States….trumpets…Rod Rosenstein!

Of course this is all “coincidence” doncha know, but the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame was—Sustaining TYMPANY ROLL— ROBERT MUELLER.

And what did all four characters have in common?  They were all briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation. Wow! Coincidences all over the place.


James Comey left the Justice Department to go and cash-in at Lockheed Martin. Hillary Clinton was running the State Department, on her own personal email server.  The Uranium One “issue” comes to the attention of Hillary. Like all good public servants do in looking out for America’s best interest, she decides to support the decision and approve the sale of 20% of U.S. Uranium to, no other, than the Russians!  Notice that it was not a Donald Trump collusion with the Russians…it was Hillary.

This appeared to be a straight up deal, but was it?  The people got absolutely nothing out of if.  However, prior to the sales approval, no other than Bill Clinton rushed to Moscow, got paid Five Hundred Thousand bucks for a one hour speech, then met with Vladimir Putin at his home for several hours. Again, this was a Clinton, not a Trump.

Meanwhile, the FBI had a mole inside the money laundering and bribery scheme. And the FBI director during this time?  Yep, Robert Mueller who even delivered a Uranium Sample to Moscow in 2009. And who handled that case within the Justice Department out of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Maryland?  Better sit down…Rod Rosenstein.

As for the informant, The Department of Justice placed a GAG order on him and threatened to put him behind bars if he spoke out about lt.

Sudden Thawt Dept. How did 20% of the most strategic asset of the United States of America end up in Russian hands when the FBI has an informant, a mole, providing inside information to the FBI on the criminal enterprise?

After the sale was approved, 145 Million dollars in “donations” made their way into the Clinton Foundation from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.  Lois Lerner was still at the Internal Revenue Service working with the Charitable Division where she regularly blocked legitimate churches and ministers from receiving a tax exemption.

WHOOSH! It is now 2015:  

Trey Gowdy who was running the 10th investigation as Chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi discovered that  Hillary ran the State Department on an unclassified, unauthorized outlaw personal email server. He also discovered that none of these emails had been turned over when she departed her “Public Service” as Secretary of State which was and is required by law.

He also discovered that there was Top Secret information contained within her personally archived email. (Let’s not forget-at least 10 CIA spies in China were killed by the Chinese because of the leaks, and God knows what else occurred.)  Sparing you the State Departments’ cover up, the nostrums they floated, the delay tactics that were employed and the outright lies that were spewed forth from the necks of the Kerry State Department, we shall leave it with this…they did everything humanly possible to cover for Hillary.

Now here is the amazing part: Guess who became FBI Director in 2013? Guess who had secured 17 no-bid contracts for his employer (Lockheed Martin) with the State Department and was rewarded with a six million dollar thank  you present when he departed his employer? None other than James Comey. Isn’t it amazing how all those no-bids just went right through at The State Department.?

Comey was the FBI Director in charge of the “Clinton Email Investigation” after his FBI investigated the Lois Lerner “matter” at the Internal Revenue Service and exonerated her. No crimes there. Really?

In April 2016, James Comey drafted an exoneration letter of HIllary Rodham Clinton as the DOJ was handing out immunity deals. A Grand Jury was NOT convened. James Comey then stepped out into the cameras of an awaiting press conference on July 5th of 2016, and exonerated Hillary from any wrongdoing.

It goes on and on. Rosenstein became Asst. Attorney General, Comey got fired based upon a letter by Rosenstein, Comey leaked government information TO THE PRESS, Mueller then was assigned to the Russian Investigation scam by Rosenstein to provide cover for decades of malfeasance within the FBI and DOJ.

FISA Abuse, Political Espionage…pick a crime, any crime, chances are…this group and a few others did it. All the same players. All compromised and conflicted. All working fervently to NOT go to jail themselves. ALL CONNECTED IN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER TO THE CLINTONS.

As of this writing, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation as being the largest international Charity Fraud in the history of mankind,  has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service. Let us not forget that Comey’s brother worked for DLA Piper, the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. Hillary Clinton was the common denominator to all the crimes above.


She is a U.S. Attorney that graduated from Georgetown Law, is a protégé of James Comey and Robert Mueller. Brsoomian, with her boss, R Craig Lawrence, represented Bill Clinton in 1998.
Her boss, Lawrence, also represented:
Robert Mueller three times;
James Comey five times,
Barack Obama 45 times
Kathleen Sebelius 56 times
Bill Clinton 40 times
Hillary Clinton 17 Times

Between 1998 and 2017, Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.
So why should we care about her or her work history?  Someone cares so much that they’ve “purged” all Barsoomian Court Documents for her Clinton Representation in Hamburg vs. Clinton in 1998 and its appeal in 1999 from the D.C. District Court of Appeals Court Dockets. Someone cares so much that the Internet has been “purged” of all information pertaining to Barsoomian.


Historically, this indicates that the individual is a protected CIA operative.  Addionally, Lisa Barsoomian has specialized in opposing Freedom of Information Act requests on behalf of the intelligence community. And although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the D.C. office of the U.S. Attorney, her email address is: LisaBarsoomian@NIH gov.  The HIH stands for National Institute of Health. This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities

Why one more attorney with ties to the U.S. Intelligence Community really matters:  Because it deals with President Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports. the Border Wall, Daca, Everything coming out of California. the Imo-Party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper Leaks, the Comey Leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions Recusal and 14 month nap with occasional forays into the Marijuana legalization mix…and last but not least, Mueller’s never ending investigation into so-called Collusion between the Trump Team and the Russians.



Our gratitude to Lawrence Craig for sharing these files with us.

Photo Caption: This “investigator” should be Investigated

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Destroying America From Within, Part 3

Once muslims have established a mosque and created an enclave they begin to grow the population.  They use population to take a country over.  A popular must have 2.5 children per married couple.  Most places are producing less than that but the muslim populations in the UK, Germany, Sweden and even America are producing 5-7 children per married couple.  They will actually out populate the local people.  Their population growth is where they do their dirty work on the nations they immigrate to.  When the Muslim population remains at or under 2%, their presence tends to fly low under the radar. In the 2% – 5% range, Muslims begin to seek converts, targeting those they see as disaffected, such as criminals. When the population reaches 5% they exert influence disproportionate to their numbers, becoming more aggressive and pushing for Sharia law. When the population hits the 10% mark Muslims become increasingly lawless and violent. Once the population reaches 20%, there is an increase in rioting, murder, jihad militias, and destruction of non-Muslim places of worship. At 40%, there are “widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare.” Once beyond 50%, infidels and apostates are persecuted, genocide occurs, and Sharia law is implemented. After 80%, intimidation is a daily part of life along with violent jihad and some state-run genocide as the nation purges all infidels. Once the nation has rid itself of all non-Muslims, the presumption is that ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ has been attained – the Islamic House of Peace.[1]

What does it look like in America?  Not good for our kids and grandkids.  Even when Muslims are a minority population they can and do transform whole cultures and societies. And not for the better.

Why? Because their holy book is a totalitarian ideology founded on submission and world domination. And toward that end, Islam is on the march. Meanwhile, the West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate.

Not to be outdone by Europe’s madness, the United States is traveling down the same bloody path, importing large numbers of Muslims from Islamic countries thanks to the Islamophile sitting in the Oval Office and a nation full of dhimmis.

Estimates on the number of Muslims living in the US vary, ranging from 3 million to 7 million. Whatever the precise number, it’s already outdated as it rises with each passing nanosecond.

Since 9/11, there has been a dramatic uptick in immigration from Islamic countries with a 66% increase in the past decade. And things are just warming up. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in America.[2]

There is a short video on this that you would be wise to watch.  You can find it here:

Are we looking at risk of losing this great nation to a bunch on seventh century barbarians?  Yes!  Can we stop it?  Yes!  But it will take a lot of American, politicians included, that will be willing to take the stand to not allow them to continue to immigrate here and because of the fact that they are not allowed to swear allegiance to anyone or anything other than their false god and pedophile prophet, they should not be allowed to even immigrate here let alone become citizens and run for office.  Keep in mind that Obama’s and Clinton’s personal advisors were muslims and Obama put members of the muslim brotherhood into high positions in our government including the Department of Homeland Security, an act of treason in my book.

One of the most disturbing aspects of islam is they believe that to imitate their prophet is the best way to live their lives.  Their prophet, mohammed, slaughtered thousands of people because they would not convert to his barbarian ideology.  He also believed that it was OK to have sexual relations with children.  He married a six-year-old and consummated that marriage when she was nine.  He believed that it was OK to take women in conquest for sex slaves.  They still practice this slave trade to this day.  Liberals, for some odd reason, refuse to acknowledge this slave trade but constantly remind us of the slavery in America that stopped in 1865.

The next phase with muslim occupation is ‘victimhood’.  How often do you hear the term islamophobia?  It was invented by muslims to intimidate non-muslims that stand against the evils of this ideology.  They called Trump islamophobic for banning travel from certain Islamic countries.  Americans called it patriotism because those nations produced the most terrorists.  Whenever a person stands up against the demands of islam in a non-muslim country, they cry islamophobia.  In one of MANY cases of Islamic sex grooming cases in England one reporter was arrested for reporting about the grooming gangs: Robinson, the former head of the English Defense League and a longtime activist against Islam and Islamic migration, was arrested after he was filming men accused of being part of a gang that groomed children. Britain has been rocked by a series of child sex scandals perpetuated by gangs of predominantly Muslim men.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Lennon, was arrested by police outside the Leeds Crown Court for allegedly breaching the peace.

The details of the case are not immediately clear. Fox News reports that Robinson was previously given a 13-month prison sentence for a contempt-of-court charge and he was “on a suspended sentence for contempt of court over a gang rape case in 2017.” His new arrest allegedly activated the suspended sentence.

“This is ridiculous. I haven’t said a word. I’ve done nothing,” Robinson said. “This isn’t contempt of court. You are allowed to do this, aren’t you?”[3] British police even withheld information, for political reasons, on a grooming group that was grooming over 100 young girls:   Britain’s second largest police force withheld a report about gangs of Muslim men grooming children in case it inflamed racial tensions ahead of a General Election, it was revealed today.

West Midlands Police were warned more than 100 predominantly white children – some as young as 13 – were at serious risk of child exploitation five years ago.

A document entitled ‘Problem Profile, Operation Protection’ from March 2010 reveals Asian gangs targeted schools and children’s homes across the force area.

The report, written for senior officers, also reveals how white girls were used to recruit other vulnerable victims on behalf of the gangs.

But there were fears over a row ahead of the May 2010 General Election and an English Defence League rally in April leading to a ‘backlash against law abiding citizens from Asian/Pakistani communities’.

Despite the warnings police did not warn the public or appeal for information about the men responsible and the report was only published this week under the Freedom of Information Act.

In one heavily redacted passage, the document reads: ‘In (redacted) a teacher at a (redacted) that a group of Asian males were approaching pupils at the school gate and grooming them. Strong anecdotal evidence shows this MO (modus operandi) is being used across the force.

‘Operations in other forces have identified an MO where offenders use a young girl in a children’s home to target and groom other residents on their behalf.

‘This has also been evidenced within the force in (redacted) and (redacted).

‘The girl’s motivation to recruit new victims is often that the provision of new girls provides her a way to escape the cycle of abuse.’

The report said police had identified a potential 139 victims, 78 per cent of whom were white while more than half were aged 13 to 15.[4]

This is one of the ways they claim victim hood.  If they get caught molesting a white woman, they claim they didn’t know it was against the laws because they are allowed to do that in their native country.  Usually there is no punishment for the perpetrator and no justice for the victim.

This is the ideology that we have allowed to immigrate to our nation.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed
  2. The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed
  3. Watch protests erupt after activist jailed Ryan Saavedra
  4. Police withheld bombshell report revealing gangs Muslim men grooming 100 schoolgirls young 10 case inflamed racial tensions ahead General Election

Unequally Yoked

Rob Pue

Today I would like to begin by reading a passage of Scripture from 2nd Corinthians 6.  These are verses 14-18:  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial?  Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?  For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, ‘I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’

Wherefore, ‘come out from among them, and be ye separate,’ saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

Let me read this to you again, in another translation, the Holman Christian StandardBible:  “Do not be mismatched with unbelievers. For what partnership is there between righteousness and lawlessness?  Or what fellowship does light have with darkness?  What agreement does Christ have with Belial?  Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?  And what agreement does God’s sanctuary have with idols? For we are the sanctuary of the living God, as God said:

 ‘I will dwell among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.  Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord;

do not touch any unclean thing, and I will welcome you.  I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.’”

These are very wise words from Scripture, and the concept of being “unequally yoked” with unbelievers applies to ALL the relationships we have in our lives.  We should avoid being unequally yoked in business, with friends, with the companies and stores we shop at, with the people we may hire to do home repairs or car maintenance — always seek to work and interact with brothers and sisters in Christ.  But all of these examples pale in comparison to the poor soul that is unequally yoked in MARRIAGE to an unbeliever.

In my work with Wisconsin Christian News, and at our Ministry Center here, I do a lot of counseling with people who have many different, but very troubling issues they are dealing with.  I also get a great many prayer requests and pray with all who ask.  And one of the most frequent problems we deal with are people who are unequally yoked in marriage.  They are married to an unbeliever and I have seen firsthand, many times, the devastation this brings to not only marriages, but FAMILIES.  The children suffer as well, and often the horrendous results can linger and multiply for generations.

I’ve had both women AND men come to me for prayer, in DESPERATION, not knowing what to do, because their spouse is an unbeliever — and in many cases, a HATER of God.  This causes severe tension and strife in the relationship.  The relationship often becomes abusive and traumatizing.  And it’s not just the husband and wife relationship.  As I mentioned, their children are ALSO scarred for life in situations like these.  And don’t forget about the parents of the couple who are unequally yoked.  The Grandmas and Grandpas who love their grandchildren dearly, but are powerless to speak into their lives the Word of God — or offer good, Godly counsel and a lifetime of acquired wisdom and knowledge — because the unbelieving parent forbids it.  Yes, the Grandparents ALSO suffer tremendous heartbreak and loss.

Oftentimes, young people of differing backgrounds get married without even considering the things of God.  They may have their wedding in a church, and they may have a “form” of Godliness in front of the Pastor, but their hearts are far from God.  It’s sad to say that I’m seeing this more and more often today — in fact, it’s become the norm in our society now.  Young adults growing up without any knowledge of the Lord… their parents did not bother to train them up or raise them in a Christian home, knowing God.  So they don’t think about Him at all.  In other cases, one of the spouses DOES know the Lord but is lukewarm at the time of the wedding.  They don’t think it’s really any big deal that their fiance’ is an unbeliever…all they know — or I SHOULD say, all they THINK they know — is that they are “in love,” and nothing else matters at the time.  And in the back of their minds they may think, “when the time comes, we will get right with God together…. he (or she) will come around in time.”

But friends, it doesn’t work that way.  God gave us His Word for a reason.  Second Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”  God doesn’t speak just to hear Himself talk.  His Word is for OUR benefit.

Young people, if you are at the point in your life where you are “courting,” with intentions of marriage, you may not feel that Christianity or God is all that important to you right now, and it MAY NOT BE.  But if YOU know the Lord and your “intended” does NOT — or worse yet, is HOSTILE to the things of God — you are headed for certain disaster.  Not just in your own lives, but the ripple effect will be devastating to many others as well.

Even people with STRONG faith — but DIFFERING faiths — need to beware.  Consider marriages between Christians and Jewish people.  All the young couple knows or cares about at the time is that they are “in love.”  But they have not considered what will happen down the road, when children come into the picture.  How will the children be raised?  Christian or Jewish?  What about Catholic people who marry Protestants?  How will THOSE children be raised?  What about the young man, raised in a Christian home but who has become lukewarm and apathetic about his faith, and marries a pagan “earth worshiper?”  How will THEIR children be raised?

And consider the effects on this young man’s parents — the GRANDPARENTS of these children.  They are STRONG believers in Christ.  They have the Holy Spirit within them and they love the Lord with all their hearts.  They have prayed with their children and FOR their children all their lives.  But now, their son has decided to marry a pagan.  And maybe even worse than that — a young woman who is hostile and HATES the one true God of Creation.  Those grandparents will end up absolutely devastated and broken hearted when the pagan wife refuses to allow the Christian grandparents to speak into their grandkids’ lives the things of God, or share their many years of wisdom, or show them the REAL LOVE of Christ.  I guarantee you, you have no idea the level of devastation this will cause the loving Grandma and Grandpa to know their grandkids are living in a godless, pagan home.

Yes, this is serious business.  One man I counseled with, has been married for many years, to a wife who seriously HATES even the mention of the name “Jesus.”  She cannot tolerate it and gets extremely and unreasonably angry when her husband simply reads his Bible, alone in a corner of the room.  Suffice to say, they are NEVER able to pray together or attend a church together, or share the same friends.  And this faithful Christian man’s home is FILLED with the demons — invited in by the pagan wife, and so there is an ongoing battle between darkness and light, in the relationship and in the entire ATMOSPHERE of the home.  This is NO PLACE and NO WAY to raise children.

When I was a young man, looking for a wife, I courted several young ladies.  None of them took their Christian faith seriously.  And yes, I even dated a young woman who was NOT a Christian and had ZERO interest in God.  But I, in my ignorance, thought it might be possible to convert her, to win her to Christ.  Suffice to say, that never happened.  I spent a lot of time in my early twenties searching for the wife the Lord had created for me.  And then I found her, and we have been happily married now for 29 years.  I thank the Lord God Almighty EVERY DAY that I was not stupid enough to marry any of those other young women — it would have ended in sheer disaster.

But I kept on praying for a real, GODLY wife.  One who took her faith as seriously as I did.  One who wanted the things of God as much as I did.  One who was seeking a Christian husband as fervently as I was seeking a Christian wife.  Yes, I grew impatient and even began to doubt such a woman existed anymore…  But then one day, when I LEAST expected it, by God’s grace, and by what can only be described as a true MIRACLE, God brought us together — in HIS TIMING.

I understand how badly people need love.  But we must also consider God in that equation because God IS love.  Meanwhile, the Bible tells us that our hearts are deceitful above all things.  Nothing can be more deceptive and deceitful than what we perceive to be “love.”  How many young women have given their bodies and their virginity away to men who told them they “loved” them — only to discover a short time later, they were only being used for sexual gratification?  Listen, people of God:  you MUST take EVERY word of Scripture seriously.  You MUST take EVERY thought captive to the obedience of Christ.  To do otherwise, to FORGET God, is to invite certain calamity, which will have repercussions on your family and your lineage for generations to come.  For what fellowship can there be between righteousness and unrighteousness?  Darkness and light cannot coexist peacefully.

Marriage is not to be entered into lightly.  When a couple is joined together in Holy Matrimony, God is essentially creating a new FAMILY unit where there wasn’t one before.  If you do this the right way, with GOD at the CENTER of your marriage, you and your spouse will be a TEAM, with God on your side.  A cord of three strands is not easily broken.  You will then have a GODLY marriage, be able to pray WITH and FOR one another, and be of the same mindset when it comes to raising up God-honoring children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.  A family of THIS sort will reap eternal rewards and the “ripple effect” of a marriage like this will be pure blessing and love.  Yes, there will still be difficult times in the marriage, as there are in all of life.  But you will have the Lord Jesus Christ there among you, the Holy Spirit within you, and God the Father as the Designer and Author of your family; and no matter what happens, you cannot fail.

But if you’re a young person who currently has knowledge and faith in God even the size of a mustard seed, KNOW THIS:  He who began a good work in you WILL SEE it through to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!  There WILL come a day, perhaps when you begin having children, that all this is going to be a LOT more important to you than it is today.  And if you are then married to an unbelieving — or worse yet — a God-hating spouse, then instead of pulling together as a TEAM, you will be pulling in opposite directions, and eventually, pulling your family apart at the seams.

So what now?  What if you have MADE the mistake of becoming unequally yoked with a non-believer?  No, I do not advocate for divorce or separation, unless there is infidelity in the marriage or unless you or your children are in danger.  If you’re a Bible-believing Christ-follower, then no matter how hopeless the situation may SEEM, there is always hope.  First, I would suggest that you humbly repent before the Lord for your youthful rebeillion,  and ask for His guidance, along with forgiveness, for going your own way, rather than what you KNEW was right.  You had hoped you could change your spouse after the wedding, or when it became important to you, and now you see you were mistaken.  Repent of that, and seek the Lord.  Continue in constant, fervent prayer for your unbelieving spouse as well.

First Peter 3 also suggests that unbelieving spouses MAY come to know the Lord by observing the example of the Christian spouse’s life.  So as you live each day of your marriage, MODEL TRUE CHRISTIANITY for them.  Let them see Jesus IN YOU.  This, coupled with fervent prayer, and seeking the Lord in your OWN life will help you.  Make sure the Holy Spirit resides in YOU, and do not resist the Holy Spirit, but rather, take counsel from Him.  He is your Comforter and the Bible tells us the Spirit will lead us into all truth.

And if you’re the husband in the marriage, know that YOU are to be the spiritual leader, the PRIEST of your home.  DO YOUR JOB WELL!   If you’re married to an unbelieving wife, surrounding herself with false gods and idols, you have the authority to get rid of them, cast them out, along with all the demons that are attached to them.  Cleanse your home of all the devils your wife has allowed in, and then, continue to pray and model Christian love.

Friends, it’s NOT easy.  I know, I counsel MANY people in these situations and it is heartbreaking.  As Christians, we are to be a peculiar people, set apart for service to the Lord.  We are here for God’s glory.  There is nothing more beautiful than two believers united in Holy Matrimony, with Christ at the center, raising up a quiver FULL of Godly children.  But there is also nothing more heart-wrenching than two people pulling in opposite directions in the most intimate of relationships there is…marriage.   Light simply cannot coexist with darkness; righteousness cannot be in harmony with sin; and God’s children will not “play well” with the devil’s kids.  If you are unequally yoked today, I urge you to repent of your rebellion, seek the Lord, pray hard and model Christ for your lost spouse.  And it is MY prayer that God will answer those prayers and bring you together, in one accord, to worship and glorify Him — ‘til death do you part in this life, and forever in eternity.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066 or email: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 249.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Is America Worse Than Sodom And Gomorrah?

Feminism has led to an increase in lesbianism, which has led to an increase in male homosexuality, which has led to an increase in LGBTs, which has led to an increase in gender confusion, which has led to an increase in transgenderism.

It seems that the fate of feminism, when applied in the real world, is not without a sense of irony, karma, and poetic justice. Feminist women have always proclaimed that women can do anything a man can do. Now, as transgenders who were biologically born men have been permitted by the cultural elites to enter into women’s sports competitions, women are realizing that they cannot compete on the same playing field with biological men posing as women, and some women have begun to rightly complain and object.

As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of
your paths.”

In 1920, women were granted the right to vote in American elections, and in less than 100-years, the damage done to the culture has been catastrophic. Historically, a man would marry a woman to have a life partner, someone to lawfully have sex with, have children with, live a happy family life with, till death. Hostile feminist mentalities towards men, encouraged by Western societal indoctrinated culture, coupled with easy no-fault divorce laws, means there is no guarantee of any stable family life. The risk-reward reality of marriage for men, in many cases, means high risk and very low reward potential. Traditional marriage in America is on the decline, because every other abominable sexual lifestyle is being promoted at the expense of marriage between a man and woman.

A decline in traditional marriage has resulted in a decline of childbirth rates in America. That, coupled with the ‘right’ to abort children as a matter of convenience and birth control, up and until after the moment of birth, has led to a steep decline in birth rates in the United States. But don’t worry, say the Democrat politicians. We will prevent President Trump from building a American-Mexican border wall, we will welcome in dangerous illegal immigrants, and we will ensure American women’s abortions as a guaranteed ‘healthcare’ right! America’s abortion mills will keep butchering the newborns and America’s borders will remain wide open. The Democrat Party will continue to fight for the right of illegal immigrants to pass through America’s border walls, as they ensure the right of American women to kill their children as they pass through their vaginal walls.

Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.

Many women simply don’t know how to be good wives today, which is why traditional marriage is on the decline. Men likewise, don’t know how to be good husbands and have been discouraged from being men by America’s hostile-towards-men feminized society. Men have been systematically demasculinized by the feminized culture through Hollywood, and by such methods as applying anti-bullying laws and phony medical diagnosis’ for ADHD to boys, which are meant to thwart strong male masculine attributes. With women’s unwarranted anger towards men in general on the rise, fully supported by a society that appeases women’s false rape and domestic violence allegations towards men, and typically adversely rewards women in the divorce courts, more and more men are embracing the MGTOW movement = Men Going Their Own Way.

Where have all the good men gone?

Feminism, like socialism, collapses from within. Socialism fails when you run out of other people’s money; feminism fails when you run out of men to exploit.

When something is discouraged, demoted, and punished, you get less of it; when something is encouraged, promoted, and rewarded, you get more of it. Traditional marriage has been discouraged, demoted, and punished, and we are seeing less marriages today; LGBTQ lifestyles are encouraged, promoted, and rewarded, and we are seeing more sexual depravity than ever before in America. In the wake of the loss of traditional marriage, LGBTQ lifestyles sometimes take the place of traditional marriage for some persons. This, of course, is the goal of the LGBTQ movement. LGBTQ persons know that they cannot reproduce, so they must recruit.

We are told by liberals that there is ‘white male privilege’ that exists in American society today, and this is a problem that must be addressed. That, of course, is liberal (I refuse to use their inaccurate, self-descriptive term: progressive) propaganda meant to further demasculinize, demonize, and ridicule white men. White men (especially conservative white men) are the single most discriminated-against group of people in America. White men must score higher on civil service tests than non-white men, due to outdated, unnecessary, and unfair affirmative action laws, and higher-qualified white males are often discriminated against and bypassed for employment opportunities in order to meet government mandated quota hiring standards for minorities and women.

Many say that America is culturally divided and all this is all leading to a civil war. Unlike the American Civil War of 1861-1865, in America’s Culture War, the battle lines are not as clearly drawn. Liberal ideology crosses state lines and state sovereignty allegiance is nowhere near as ingrained in the general public’s mindset as it had been over a century ago.

Is America worse than Sodom? Yes and no. America’s national sins are worse than Sodom’s, but there are more righteous persons living in America than there were in Sodom.

GENESIS 19:4-5 (NKJV):
Now before they lay down, the MEN of the city, the MEN of Sodom, both old
and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. And they
called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the MEN who came to you tonight?
Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally.”

Homosexuality was rampant in Sodom, so much so that there were groups of homosexual gang-rapist men who surrounded righteous Lot’s house, demanding to rape his male houseguests. But men were men in Sodom. There was no gender confusion or counterfeit alterations of gender in Sodom, as the Scriptures record.

The look on their countenance witnesses against them, and they declare their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have brought evil upon themselves.

America’s celebrated national sins not only include homosexuality and gay marriage, but the cultural elites of America demand that its citizens take pride in celebrating all things perverted under the LGBTQ banner, which includes gender fluidity and gender ‘change.’

Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.

What was once widely known as a universal truth the cultural elites are trying to change, through liberal propaganda, in the hearts and minds of American citizens. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a human being to change his or her gender. No human being has ever been both the biological father and mother of a child. Furthermore, no one is or ever was born gay. Bruce Jenner fathered six children as a man, so he knows perfectly well how to get aroused by a woman, get an erection, engage in sexual intercourse with a woman, deposit sperm in her, and father a child with her. Bruce Jenner, suffering from gender dysphoria mental illness, was enabled, encouraged, and rewarded by American culture when he chose to become a counterfeit woman, a living, walking, talking breathing abomination of a woman. Even had Bruce Jenner undergone his transformation in his 20’s, he would have NEVER given birth to a child as a mother. Bruce Jenner is a sexually mutilated man, yet the culture elites praise Jenner as brave and courageous, and go along with the make believe fairy tale transformation, calling him “Kaitlyn.”

The LGBTQ people, people who are accustomed to doing evil, are so lost and blind in sexual depravity that it is virtually impossible for them to do good. What is more disturbing than the LGBTQ people themselves, is the cultural elites in society, many of whom are heterosexuals, who support this evil. Why they do this is anyone’s guess. A hatred for traditional Christian values in America? A desire to bring down all sexual morality barriers in America? A hope to divide and conquer a traditional family decimated America? Probably all of the above.

God will not be mocked forever, nor will He allow gender mutilation and infanticide through abortion to continue indefinitely on American soil. As it has been said, “If God doesn’t judge America, He owes an apology to Sodom.”

And Babylon [AMERICA], the glory of kingdoms [LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD], … will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.

‘Alas, alas, that great city Babylon [AMERICA], that mighty city! For in one hour
your judgment has come.’

Trapped in this hellish, post Judeo-Christian, soon-to-be-judged Sodom-America are conservative righteous Americans, who are appalled at the moral decline of the nation fueled by the political leaders and cultural elite institutions who are ensuring America gets more depraved than it already is.   

GENESIS 18:23-24,32 (NKJV):
Abraham came near and said, “Would You also destroy the righteous with the
wicked? Suppose there were fifty righteous within the city; would You also
destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it? …
And He (the Lord) said, “I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.”

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil – Isaiah 5:20. Fight the good fight my fellow Americans! Keep yourselves pure from the vile evil that is constantly being presented as good in today’s America. As God had promised Abraham, the same promise holds true for the righteous people of America – the Sodom of today. When judgment comes, when the nuclear bombs drop, God will not judge the righteous Americans with the wicked. “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man”  – Luke 21:36. God will provide an escape plan for the righteous people of America, before He judges the United States of America: The American Rapture – Isaiah 18.

© 2019 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Libtard to English Language Glossary

“The truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it.” —Emily Dickinson

“The purest of evils is the one that parades itself as virtue.” —Chinese proverb

With the possibility that the forces of Libtardism may re-occupy our capitol city at some date in the future, this glossary of words and phrases has been created to better enable English- speaking residents to comprehend the Libtard language.  This glossary is roughly organized into different subject matters.


white person:  a pigmentationally disabled individual

white people:  the evil people subsidizing everyone else

wigger:  a pigmentationally challenged person whose heart and lips are still in the right places

racist:  any white person who has a racial identity

victim of racism:  any successfully convicted defendant

interracial black crimes:  street crimes

interracial white crimes:  hate crimes

ethnic cleansing:  shooting your black assailant

social justice warrior:  Antifa thug

gentle giants:  thugs with less than two homicides

black fathers:  MIAs

Black Lives Matter:  the sanctity of black lives, unless black people are doing the killing

prejudice:  making a judgement you don’t like something

police tyranny:  the thin blue line

racial harmony:  whites who die quietly

Jews:  God’s chosen people, because they said so

anti-Semite:  any person who notices someone is Jewish

Nazi:  any person who disagrees with a Jew

Israel:  a place where we send $3 billion a year and get oranges and angry Arabs in return

Jewish colonization of Palestine:  a divinely ordained colonization

European colonization of America:  racist imperialism

AIPAC:  U.S. Government Treasury

The Knesset:  U.S. Government Command Center

The U.S.S. Liberty:  a form of amnesia

Righteous Gentile:  any member of the U.S. Congress

Progressive/Liberal/Democrat:  Bolshevist

federal judges:  Bolshevists appointed to office

lobbyists:  any of a variety of prostitutes

Congressmen:  See preceding definition

The Democratic Party:  The Manson Family

The GOP:  A slur word for elephants

Capitol Hill:  The Mustang Ranch

District of Columbia:  Dodge City

the American public:  gerbils

tax obligation:  wealth redistribution

women’s reproductive rights:  a woman’s right to kill her baby

pest control:  abortion

women’s health clinic:  abortion mill

eldercare:  third trimester abortions

men’s reproductive rights:   a man’s right to pay 20 years of child support

Equal Rights for Women:  the 98% of the military’s body bags filled by men

free love:  free venereal diseases

miscegenation:  single white motherhood

gay rights:  a pain in the ass

animal rights:  KFC menu

CO2 emissions:  flatulence

nursing home:  storage for old people

senior services:  euthanasia

freedom of speech:  the right to express ideas I agree with

justice:  social engineering

equal justice under the law:  preferences codified into law

democracy:  mob rule

liberalism:  mass delusion

immigrants:  undocumented Democrats

illegal immigrants:  uninvited colonists

assimilation:  the process by which Westerners acclimate to their engulfment by the Third World

immigration enforcement:  open borders

undocumented worker:  illegal alien

uninvited houseguest:  burglar

pinatas:  loaded, discarded baby diapers, often used to decorate barrio sidewalks

refugee:  invader with a good cover story

H1-B visa holders:  imported scabs

Johnson’s 1965 immigration laws:  D-Day for the Western World

diversity:  cultural chaos

cultural enrichment:  colonization subsidized by your tax dollars

freedom fighter:  terrorist

Nelson Mandela:  See preceding definition

Winnie Mandela:  Nelson, plus a tire necklace and minus the penis

Hillary Clinton:  a red herring

Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  the less pretty sister of Margaret  Hamilton

Artificial Intelligence:  Maxine Waters

Maxine Waters:  proof Congress has an Affirmative Action Program

Nancy Pelosi:  a highly regarded D.C. proctologist

Madeleine Albright:  a woman entrusted with the foreign policy of the most powerful nation in the world, who was unable to discern that her family is Jewish

Barack Obama:  a black man who won a Nobel Prize because his melanin imbued him with magical powers

President Obama:  President Osama

Elizabeth Ann Warren:  Chieftess Crazy Squirrel

Satan:  Donald J. Trump

Martin Luther King Jr. :   Jesus

Maya Angelou:  Mrs. Jesus

Angela Davis:  Mrs. Jesus with PMS

James Watson:  proof that statements of truth are no  defense

Jerry Springer:  the best historical argument for restrictive immigration legislation

Katharine Graham:  a woman who won a Pulitzer for owning the Washington Post

The Washington Post:  The Compost

The New York Times:  The Jerusalem Post

Hollywood:  West Jerusalem

former Hollywood celebrities:  politically incorrect movie stars

adoption agencies for celebrities:  rent-a-pet programs

black themed films:  noble Negro movies

TV court shows:  forums for determining which of six men is a baby’s daddy

TV talk shows:  See preceding definition

U.S. court system:  See preceding definition

ebonics: the language used by litigants in these proceedings

Mainstream Media: Politburo                     `

welfare: tax-funded vagrancy

Twelve Step Programs: clubs for professional cripples

unisex bathrooms: businesses that can’t afford urinals

gender fluid: gender clueless

racial dignity: a rumored historical mental condition which cannot be substantiated as having existed

white guilt:  a mental condition caused by a melanin deficiency

miscegenation:  erasing centuries of bloodlines for two minutes of pleasure

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer:  an employer whose devotion to equality is demonstrated by his use of racial preferences

The play “Hamilton”:  American history in blackface

Diversity:  A euphemism for extinction

Multiculturalism:  See preceding definition

“Changing demographics”:  See preceding definition

“Nation of Immigrants”:  See preceding definition

“Rainbow Nation”:  See preceding definition

Affirmative Action:  legalized discrimination

special education:  tax-funded baby sitting

U.S. Public School System:  See preceding definition

history:  revisionist history

white history:  the story of how white people ruined America

slaveholding vampires:  the founding fathers

black history:  the story of how black people built America

Hispanic countries:  countries for mestizos

Asian countries:  countries for yellow people

Arab countries:  countries for Arabs

African countries:  countries for black people

white countries:  countries for everyone

California:  the northwest province of Mexico

Las Vegas:  Sodom and Gomorrah with room service

Puerto Rico:  America’s future

agism:  acknowledging that old people can be ugly

racism:  acknowledging that black people can be annoying

specism:  acknowledging that animals are tasty

xenophobia:  wanting to keep your own country

homophobia:  wanting children to have parents of two different genders

socialism:  making your money mine

capitalism:  your money that belongs to me

empathy:  virtue signaling

inclusiveness:  reverse discrimination

hate (as a noun):  any opposing opinion

reactionary (as an adjective):  commonsensical

truth:  propaganda

enlightened thinking:  political correctness

tolerance:  declining to complain about a lack of lubricant

“Do the right thing.”  /  “Do what we want.”

“With all due respect…”  /  “What I say next will disrespect you….”

“Resigned to spend more time with his family.”  /  “He was fired.”

“Be a team player.”  /  “Eventually, we’re going to get around to raping you.”

“You’re starting to sound like a  racist.”  /  “I’ve run out of rational arguments.”

“You’ll spend eternity knowing that you got on the right side of history.”  /   “You’ll spend eternity staring at the bottom of a coffin lid.”

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Senators Who Support The Murder Of This Generation

After signing the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife:

“I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration … Yet through all the gloom, I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means.

And that POSTERITY will triumph in that day’s transaction, even although we should rue (regret) it, which I trust in God we shall not.”

When the Declaration of Independence refers to the unborn it speaks of those “Created with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Notice the term specifically used by our founders is created, not born. These words have extraordinarily different and distinctive meanings.

(Scroll the names of popular Senators that voted this way) Tragically over 40% of those serving in the Senate have willingly conspired to disregard the Constitution and profane their oath of office.  All but three Democrats recently voted against a procedural motion on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, denying it the necessary 60 votes to proceed.

The bill would require a health-care practitioner to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child” as he or she would to “any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

Several medical groups, including the American Public Health Association, also have publicly opposed the bill. In a recent letter to senators, they said: “It represents a dangerous government intrusion into private health-care decisions.”

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) described the bill Monday as “clearly anti-doctor, anti-woman and anti-family.”

While many of these Senators are screaming and decrying the so-called inhumane treatment of children at the southern border they believe like Senator Murray, that protecting the life of an infant child “has no place becoming law,” and that the legislation would “do nothing except help Republicans advance their goal of denying women their constitutionally protected rights.”

Who said anything about women? We are talking about the constitutional duty of you and your colleagues in the Senate to protect the fundamental right that precedes all human rights, Life.

The Declaration of Independence and the Fifth Amendment both declare that no created person shall be deprived of Life without due process of Law. Both founding documents declare this action as murder and illegal.

Nazi agents and soldiers murdered millions of defenseless Jewish women, children, and men. I often wonder why or how they could do this to another human being.

The answer is not very complex; however, it is satanic. The German soldier did not believe human beings of Jewish ethnicity were actually humans. They were like pests that had invaded their country; no different than a massive infestation of rats in one’s home.

Is that what Murray and her ilk feel about infants?

George Washington wrote in his Orders, July 2, 1776:

“The fate of UNBORN MILLIONS will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army … We have, therefore to resolve to conquer or die.”

It is the tragedy of our age that we have brought this current generation to the same crisis. What a detestable shame.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

They Say Their ‘Climate Change’ Evidence Hits The “Gold Standard” But Offer NO Evidence

Environmental Correspondent Alister Dyle penned the news pseudoscience article entitled, “Evidence for man-made global warming hits ‘gold standard’: scientists.”

The article claims,

Evidence for man-made global warming has reached a “gold standard” level of certainty.

Well, where is the evidence? Evidence means cause and effect evidence. They don’t give any evidence to support their claim.

Are there any scientists on the climate alarmist side who understand how science works? I don’t think so. If they understood science, they would not be climate alarmists.

Rising temperatures, even if true, are not evidence that human CO2 caused the rise. The public does not get this. (How many kids paying off their college loans learned how science works?)

The article reports,

Ben Santer, lead author of Monday’s study at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, said he hoped the findings would win over skeptics and spur action.

Not a chance in hell. The skeptic scientists understand science and don’t fall for false logic.

Ben and his buddies use the following false logic:

  • If human CO2 causes global warming, then bad stuff will happen.
  • Bad stuff happens. Therefore, human CO2 caused the global warming.

If you believe that, then you also believe this parallel in logic:

  • If Bill Gates owned Fort Knox, then Bill Gates is rich.
  • Bill Gates is rich. Therefore, Bill Gates owned Fort Knox.

It is called the logical error of affirming the consequent. Look it up.

To convince any rational person that human CO2 is causing global warming, Ben and his buddies must show evidence to confirm these cause-effect hypotheses:

  1. Human CO2 emissions caused the rise in atmospheric CO2 since 1750.
  2. Increased atmospheric CO2 caused the claimed global warming.
  3. Global warming causes bad stuff to happen.

But they never talk about the first two necessary hypotheses. They just harp that bad stuff happens and hope you won’t notice their logical deficiency.

Ben and his buddies use the same irrational logic the Aztecs used to cut out beating hearts and roll decapitated heads down temple steps, thinking their sacrifices would bring rain for their crops. They continued their sacrifices until it rained. Then, they concluded their sacrifices caused the rain.

While it is not possible in science to prove a hypothesis is true, it is possible to prove a hypothesis is false. We do that by proving a theory’s prediction is false.

In contrast to the unsupported opinions of Ben and his buddies, simple physics proves the following:

  1. Carbon-14 data and some simple physics prove human emissions have caused a rise of only 18 ppm and nature causes a rise of 392 ppm. Nature caused 95% of the rise in atmospheric CO2. Therefore, human CO2 is insignificant to the level of atmospheric CO2 and insignificant to global warming. Checkmate.
  2. Data show that changes in temperature come before changes in CO2. Therefore, temperature change is the cause, rather than the result, of changes in CO2. Checkmate.
  3. Data show that human life is better when the earth is warmer.

Ben and his buddies ignore the facts that prove their ideas are false. They do not understand science itself. They have NO evidence that human CO2 causes any significant global warming.

Furthermore, Jamal Munshi published his statistical calculations that show the correlation between annual CO2 emissions and annual increase in atmospheric CO2 is ZERO! Where there is no correlation, there can be no cause and effect. Checkmate.

The article claims,

Mainstream scientists say the burning of fossil fuels is causing more floods, droughts, heat waves and rising sea levels.”

They have no scientific evidence to support their claim and they ignore scientific evidence that proves they are wrong. So much for “mainstream” scientists.

Ben and his buddies are part of the Swamp. Our tax dollars are still paying them to tell lies to the American people, while scientists who tell you the truth still get no support from government.

The article claims,

Sixty-two percent of Americans polled in 2018 believed that climate change has a human cause, up from 47 percent in 2013, according to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.

If this poll is valid, it only proves Americans as a group are getting dumber. God save America.

To comment on this article or to view references, please click here.

© 2019 Edwin X Berry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ed Berry: ed@edberry.com

Heartbeat Bills Could Lead To Roe Vs Wade Repeal

The NY legislature has created a new Auschwitz dedicated to the execution of a whole segment of defenseless citizens. Satan is smiling.  —Charlie Daniels

Instead of baby we say fetus; instead of killing we say aborting; instead of dissect we say research; instead of extermination chambers we say abortion clinics.  —Chuck Norris, 2014

And we call it pro-choice instead of murder of unborn babies.  So many euphemisms to hide the truth of this evil.  Many endangered species are protected and heavy fines and jail time result for the destruction of these creatures.  But our human babies are destroyed at the rate of 4,000 per day and we are now approaching 70 million dead children.  Many Americans are not aware that for nearly all of our country’s existence, taking the life of a baby in the womb was prohibited.

Everything began to change in 1967 after years of organized campaigns by pro-aborts. In 1962, Sherri Finkbine, of Phoenix, Arizona Romper Room fame, had taken a sleeping pill her husband brought back from London.  It was Thalidomide, a drug known for causing severe abnormalities of embryos.  This drug was prescribed to pregnant women for morning sickness and extreme nausea.  Finkbine traveled to Sweden for an abortion.  Her situation was used in campaigns to legalize the murder of unborn babies.

By 1970, four states, New York, Alaska, Hawaii and Washington passed laws that basically allowed abortion on demand.  Of those four, New York’s was the only law without a residency requirement and the state quickly became the nation’s abortion capital.

Just recently, New York’s Governor Cuomo was gleeful that he had signed the Reproductive Health Act, (another euphemistic term to describe baby murder) to allow abortion up to and even after birth, should a baby survive the abortion.  Other states are now following New York’s lead once again. The Governor said he was doing nothing more than codifying Roe v Wade.  This however is untrue, Roe only allowed abortion up to viability of the gestating child…24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy.  Yet, nothing in Roe stops the states from killing babies after viability and up to birth.

The New York bill is also part of a broader trend of left-wing states codifying a “right” to abortion in anticipation of a future Supreme Court ruling that could reverse Roe, restoring states’ ability to ban abortion themselves and automatically banning it in the handful of states with pre-Roe bans still on the books as we have in Tennessee.

Prior to Roe, only 20 states allowed abortion and 30 disallowed it.  It was strictly a state issue, and should have remained as such, because “abortion” is outside the scope of powers delegated to the federal government over the country at large.  Had it remained a state issue, many more Americans would be alive today.

Abortion Mills

Many abortion clinics do not even meet basic building codes for emergency access.  Jill Stanek took the following pictures of a Birmingham abortion mill who had two botched abortions in one day.

The abortion industry routinely offers women grisly and unsanitary facilities. Deplorable conditions exist because of a lack of state or county inspections.  The Kermit Gosnell abortion mill was just one of thousands who are never inspected and were filthy.

Abortion is far more dangerous to the woman’s health than carrying the baby to birth.  We don’t know how many women are dying from abortions because the numbers are not being kept.  Neither do we have the numbers of women who have committed suicide because they murdered their own babies.  The CDC even says that only 45 of the 50 states in the United States actually keep abortion records. We really don’t know how many abortions are being done in the United States and we know even less about the complications and deaths.


Many of the heartbeat bills are written requiring abortion providers to listen for a heartbeat, but not all specify ultrasounds. Since the mid-1990s, several states have moved to make ultrasound a requirement prior to abortion, and I’m hoping more will do the same.

Qualified ultrasound providers can easily find a baby’s heartbeat after only a few weeks of gestation.  Save the Storks has built 40+ Stork Bus mobile medical units to help mothers make the choice to give life to 4,000+ babies. Save the Storks partners with local pregnancy resource centers to inform an expecting mother of all of her options so that she can make the best choice for herself and give life to her baby.

They save four out of five babies whose mothers board the Stork Bus for an ultrasound. Strong laws for ultrasound before abortion could save many more babies.

Fourteen states require verbal counseling or written materials to include information on accessing ultrasound services.  Twenty-six states regulate the provision of ultrasound by abortion providers. Three of those states, Louisiana, Texas, and Wisconsin—require the abortion provider to display and describe the ultrasound image. Guttmacher.org, a pro-abortion website, lists the state laws and policies and requirements for ultrasound.

States have passed several laws inhibiting abortions… waiting periods, restrictions on health insurance coverage, bans after 20 weeks of pregnancy because of infant pain, requirements that clinics meet ambulatory surgical center standards or requirements that abortion doctors have hospital admitting privileges and regulations for clinics to meet ambulatory surgical center standards, ultrasounds and now the heartbeat bills.  If you’ve never watched Silent Scream about an abortion on a twelve-week-old unborn baby, the short movie proves there is extreme pain for these little ones.

Heartbeat Bills

Do I trust abortion providers to tell a pregnant woman her child has a heartbeat?  I don’t, but new laws and regulations can actually save more babies.  The heartbeat bills have nearly all been challenged by federal courts, but states need to keep passing them.  And here’s why…

I asked three attorneys to explain to me the purpose of pushing the heartbeat bills when they are consistently are struck down.  Two of those attorneys spoke in legal terms that still didn’t make it clear as to why the politics of these bills are so important.  Finally, I asked another attorney to please explain it to me in layman’s terms.  The heartbeat bills have to do with the strategy of positioning an issue so that the US Supreme Court will review it.

My friend explained the structure of the federal court system, and stripped it down to the essentials we need to know regarding the necessity of pushing for more heartbeat bills to be passed in state legislatures and signed by the Governors.

  1. There are about 93 federal district courts throughout the Country. Most lawsuits filed in federal court are initially filed in a federal district court.

In every lawsuit [which isn’t settled] one side loses. The side which loses generally has the right to appeal his cases.  His appeal is filed in one of

  1. the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal [there are some additional “specialty” Circuit Courts which aren’t relevant to this issue]. One side will lose in the appellate court. But not every party who loses in one of the US Circuit Court of Appeals has the right to appeal to the US Supreme Court.  The US Supreme Court couldn’t possibly hear all of the cases which are heard by all of the 13 US Circuit Courts of Appeal!
  2. There are “filters” by means of which the US Supreme Court decides which cases from the 13 Circuit Courts of Appeal they will hear.   One of the best ways to get the US Supreme Court to review an issue is to show the US Supreme Court that there is a “conflict among the Circuits”:  So if you can show the US Supreme Court that so and so Circuits Courts have ruled this way – but such and such Circuit Court ruled the opposite way, you are showing a “conflict” among the Circuits and your chances of getting the US Supreme Court to review the issue skyrocket.

Ultimately, we want a lot of states to file heartbeat bills knowing that they will all get sued and that most of the Circuit Courts of Appeal will rule in favor of the baby killers. However, if the pro-life people can get just one Circuit to rule in favor of LIFE; then, they can show “conflict jurisdiction” to the US Supreme Court and perhaps they will overturn Roe v. Wade.

My attorney friend explained, “It’s a classic strategy – though I personally opt for the nullification remedy.  Still, there is no reason both remedies couldn’t be used – and the US Supreme Court might be more likely to overturn Roe v. Wade if some States have already manned up and nullified Roe v. Wade.  State heartbeat bills are fully constitutional – this is one of the issues reserved to the States or The People.”


There you have it.  Was my previous article wrong?  Maybe it was.  But here’s the thing…we have a slim chance with the heartbeat bills to get one Circuit Court to rule for the babies, and as my friend said, “Isn’t the money spent by the states worth trying to save babies?”  Yes, it is.

We need one challenged state heartbeat bill where a Circuit Court of Appeals rules for the babies.  Thus, we must urge the state legislators to write superb heartbeat bills, pass them in both houses of the legislature, and have them signed by the Governor.  Getting a case to the Supreme Court can take three to five years.  This gives our President time to possibly fill the court with another pro-life justice should either Justice Ginsburg or Breyer leave the court.  Amy Coney Barrett is a great pro-life choice.  Of course, timing is everything.

P.S. During the Trump campaign NewsWithViews articles had virus warnings appear when you opened them.  There was never a virus, it was an attempt by Google to keep people from reading truth. Now, Google has removed their ads from NewsWithViews because they don’t like the content of the conservative articles. Those ads generated between $500 and $1,000 per month to pay for the cost of running the website. They know that, and that’s why they’ve pulled their ads.  We need your help now more than ever. Please tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily emails, and remember NewsWithViews when you pay your monthly bills.  Please help us by donating here.

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Real Enemy Of Black Americans And The United States

If someone you know physically abuses you for many years, would you trust them to be a benefit to you even if they no longer beat you?  I wish someone had asked black Americans that question in 1968.  That was the year in which the last recorded lynching of black Americans and republicans occurred.  when lying Lyndon Baines Johnson offered up his Great Society government expansion program, he said it would improve life for black Americans.  But what Johnson’s Great Society and let us not forget, War on Poverty turned out to be a colossal multi million dollar waste of American tax dollars.  The rate of poverty for Black Americans did not decrease.

But what did decrease after the Civil Rights, Great society and War on Poverty Democrat party programs was black business ownership and the quality of education.  The racist party of Bull Conner, George Wallace, the KKK, Robert Byrd and many others devised ways to bring about devastating harm to black Americans and even convinced them to both beg and vote for such madness.  During the 1950s black American business ownership was as high as 41 percent.  After the aftermath of the bastardized, better known as Civil Rights charade, black business ownership winnowed down to a paltry three percent level of today.  Not good whatsoever.

People have often asked me why I refer to Civil Rights as bastardized Rights.   While it is nice to take credit for coining phrases or a unique way of identifying a person place or thing, but in this case the recognition goes to my dearly departed Dad.  When I was of eight years of age, he explained to me about the ongoing perils of what he dubbed “bastardized rights”.  Dad told me that the Bill of Rights recognizes our “Unalienable Rights” which come from God who created us, thus negating the authority that out of control governments like to wield over sovereign citizens.  Dad was concerned that once government granted Civil Rights it could take them away.  Dad was concerned that big government would grant special rights to preferred individuals, or groups that represented the political persuasion of the day.  Unfortunately, he was spot on.  When one studies the history of nations throughout the world where governments pick winners and losers, it is clear why we need a return to the concept of “Unalienable Rights”.

Democrats remind me of parasites.  They invade or move into a city, state, business, organization or whatever.  In short order they begin to change the environment into of negativity.  In the 1950s. Detroit was the wealthiest city in the world.  Blacks moved up north to cities like Cleveland and Detroit in masse for better opportunities and to get away from the democrats in the deep south who were killing them left and right.  Even when blacks throughout the south and in places like Oklahoma went along and segregated themselves from white democrats, the KKK monsters would still persecute them.  They loved to burn down black owned businesses.  The main reason is because, they could not stomach the thought of successful black men not needing to depend on interaction between themselves and the racist democrats for their livelihood.

After the Civil Rights era, it was no longer fashionable to lynch southern black Americans, or throw bricks at blacks if they were caught riding a bus, bicycle, or walking through certain white democrat dominated northern neighborhoods.  But like snakes in the deep south or determined insects during a hot northern summer, democrats figured out new ways to force black Americans to fall to, or remain on the bottom rung of society.  In fact, democrats used their mission of destruction of black American society as a petri dish political experiment on how to infect and harm America as a whole.  Wherever Democrats dominate, no matter where it is, their collectivist hatred of everything good for “We the People” comes to the fore.

They hate the concept of our borders being properly walled off and protected.  Democrats do not respect the precious gift of life for both unborn and newborn babies.  Democrats hate American patriots.  Democrats hate President Trump, because he is serious about securing our national sovereignty. Democrats hate God and are hoping to remove Him from the American consciousness.  Democrats hate equal opportunity for all within a prosperous republic, because it eliminates the artificial need for them to redistribute wealth from the productive to the idle.  Democrats hate America so much that they would not care if you and I were murdered by illegal border crossers.  That is why despite how many Americans have been murdered by illegal border crossers, Democrats want to abolish ICE and insist upon maintaining sanctuary cities.

The democrat party is one of hate, oppression, depression, discrimination, bigotry, racism, violence against free speech, death, deviancy and utter government corruption and the murder of newborn babies for their body parts.  Hopefully I have made my point about the Democrat party being an enemy of both black Americans and the United States.  God bless you, God America and may America bless God.  Let us meet every Friday via The Ron Edwards on americamatters.us, SHRmedia and Spreaker.  At 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT and 12:00 AM Sundays on TalkAmericaRadio.us.  The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows Away the Myths and Reveals the Truth nightly during the Captain’s America Third Watch talk show that emanates from flagship station AM 860 WGUL The Answer in Tampa, Florida and everywhere else via am860theanswer.com, along with 180 radio affiliates nationwide.

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

From Roy Rogers To Infanticide

I learned that the Roy Rogers Museum in Branson, MO closed it doors forever. Roy Rogers was a bit before my time. Still, the closing of his museum triggered something in me. My late black dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E. Marcus was a big Roy Rogers fan. I remember Roy Rogers as a good guy cowboy on TV who always did the right thing. Roy’s character was very much like my dad’s. No, I am not going to get sappy, reminiscing about a time when TV role models taught kids right from wrong. Suggest that some behaviors are right and some behaviors are wrong, how corny, judgmental, intolerant and old fashion is that?

America has moved on. Democrats, Hollywood and fake news media say America no longer wants white guys like Roy Rogers on TV, infecting our kids with Christian morals and family values.

America has moved on from the biblical teaching that there are only two genders. NYC recognizes 31 different gendersFacebook gives customers 56 gender options.  Leftists believe they are far more sophisticated and intelligent than Bible believers and Americans living in fly over country.

Leftists say determining a baby’s gender by its genitalia at birth is idiotic. They say we must allow the child to evolve into the gender it wants to be. This insane child abuse has led to hundreds of kids as young as 4 years old identifying as transgender and changing their sex.

No one is born transgender.”

America has moved on from children respecting their father and their elders. There I go sounding like an old guy. My sister, three brothers and I were raised respecting our dad, answering him with yes or no sir. Dad was fun and easy to talk to. But we understood that he was not our peer. Hollywood routinely portrays fathers as idiots whose kids give them zero respect.

America has moved on from TV heroes like Superman who stood for “truth, justice and the America way.” Leftist indoctrination in public school has our kids believing “the American way” and patriotism are racist. Singing the song “Proud to be an American” has been banned in public schools.  Wearing an America flag t-shirt to school on a Mexican holiday has been banned in America. Unfortunately, many of our youths believe it is racist to expect immigrants to learn English, respect our flag and enter our country legally.

Superman on TV has been replaced with America’s first lesbian superhero.  LGBTQ indoctrination dominates kid’s TV programming. Public education beginning in pre-k promotes same sex parents and encourages little boys to wear dresses to school.

When Roy Rogers was popular on TV, students still began their school day with a simple prayer for themselves, their parents, teachers and country. In 1962, the Supreme Court ruled that prayer and Bible reading in public school was unconstitutional which removed prayer from public school. The consequences have been devastating. Behavior and academic performance plummeted. Pregnancies for girls 10-14 shot up 553%; student STDs up 226%. Since removing biblical principles from public policy, divorce rates skyrocketed up 117%; single parent households up 140%.

Since removing prayer, SAT scores declined for 18 consecutive years. SAT scores for students in Christian private schools are almost 80% higher than public school.

Democrats successfully caused America to move on, rescuing students from the horror of beginning their day by humbly acknowledging their creator with a prayer.

Once again, Democrats are intensely working to deceive Americans into moving on, away from valuing the life of human babies. Democrats seek to pass a law to execute babies even after they are born. Absurdly, Democrats claim they desire only to protect a woman’s health. How on earth does a baby threaten its mother’s health after it is born? Democrat women rant that fathers should not have any say in a mother’s decision to murder their baby.

Senate Democrats, many running for president, voted against saving the life of babies who survive abortions.  Roy Rogers and his wife Dale Evans could never imagine a time when an entire American political party would become so overtaken by evil; claiming moral authority to pass legislation to murder living breathing crying babies. Welcome to modern America.

Folks, I am extremely excited about the Heartbeat bill which makes abortion illegal as soon as the baby’s heartbeat can be detected. The Heartbeat bill is gaining momentum in several states.  Praise God.

Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, America has aborted nearly 60 million babies.  I pray that the Heartbeat bill will mark the beginning of the end of America mass murdering babies. I also pray that the bill will end Democrats, Hollywood and leftists successfully causing Americans to move on, away from Godly principles and values which have made America great.

For America to be great again, we must honor God again. Founding father John Adams said, “Our constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people.”

My fellow Americans, did I mention that the Roy Rogers Museum in Branson, MO closed it doors forever?

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Creepy Little People

Creepy little people that you’ve never heard of, hiding in the shadows, reaching out to shape the kind of world you live in, and screwing up your life and millions of others—not a comforting thing to think about.

I read a Vanity Fair article, a few days ago, that was—unintentionally—at least as spooky as anything that H.P. Lovecraft ever wrote: “Inside Facebook’s War on Hate Speech.”

Click the link and look at the picture. This is Facebook’s “shadow government.” They look like a Far Left Crazy version of Rembrandt’s famous “Dutch Masters” (“Syndics of the Cloth Guild,” to give the painting its actual title), peering out of the shadows at the sunlit world—and up to no good. They’re the ones who decide what constitutes “hate speech” and who and what gets censored by Facebook. Led by a former federal prosecutor, which does seem appropriate, they are described as “Obama-administration refugees [in their 30s and early 40s] eager to maintain some semblance of the pragmatism—“ what?—“that has lost favor in Washington.” We wonder what “pragmatism” that was. Nothing you’ll find in any dictionary. Words take on some rather strange meanings when leftists use them.

The article describes the presuppositions which guide the shadow government’s deliberations. It’s those presuppositions that make them so scary—that, and the fact that they are not accountable to anyone but Facebook. Let’s look at some of those.

They firmly believe that they have the authority and wisdom to decide what can or can’t be said by more than 2 billion people using Facebook. “Back in the U.S.S.R.” somehow springs to mind.

They believe “rights” are defined and granted by government, that government has the authority to sort people into groups and rank those groups according to some weird standard of “justice” known only to those who do the ranking, and that government must “balance” the rights of all these groups from day to day to see which group’s rights gets to be queen for a day—until they decide it’s time for a change. For “government,” read “Facebook.”

They believe there’s such a thing as “hate speech,” which must be silenced, by them—‘cause if they do that, don’t you know, there won’t be any hate. They seem to be the only ones who know from day to day what “hate speech” is.

Oh—and all those “genders” that the left has invented: they’re all real, and anybody who thinks it’s only “male and female” is a Hater who must be stifled. By them.

Look at the picture again and tell me you’re not scared.

Meanwhile, who’s the world’s best teacher? Another little bunch you don’t know from an ashtray, the Varkey Foundation. They decide, and give a million-dollar prize to whoever they think deserves it. Like, for instance, a “gay” activist who created a curriculum of LGBT-promoting lessons for grade school kids in England, and touched off massive protests by parents in Birmingham. He had to resign his last position for doing the same thing. If you’ve ever wondered where all that “gay” stuff in your local public school comes from—well, people like this guy put it there. Without asking you first. But then they never ask you first.

You can visit the Varkey Foundation website, but all you’ll learn about them there is that they have a headquarters in London, lots and lots of money, and they really like “education.” That’s another word that doesn’t quite mean the same thing it does when we use it.

No, they never ask; they just do. They have anointed themselves as change agents for your world. If you don’t like the changes, they don’t care. What do you know, anyway? These are philosopher-kings. They don’t have to ask your permission.

Go ahead and tell me you’re not scared.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Fearful And Unbelieving

In a strange sort of way this commentary is written to me.  It is a self-inspection of some issues and some deep soul-searching that I have engaged in recently.

Introspection is healthy therapy.  You will find that if you do a serious self-examination of your deepest thoughts much of what you say you believe are simply surface level thoughts. If you were to go all the way down the rabbit hole of thought you will find lying at the very bottom of your straw house is a foundation built on compromise.

Very few of us actually act upon what we claim to believe.  Believing and acting are not the same thing, or as I used to tell those who played football for me, talk is cheap.  When you dig down deep you will truly find both who and what you serve.  Put up or shut up, boys.

Well, it looks to me like we are rapidly approaching the bewitching hour.  The moment of truth is at our door.

“What chue talking about Willis?” Me. I’m talking about me…and you…if you are honest enough to admit it. At the very bottom of everything I say lies a demon known as cowardice. Silence isn’t golden, it’s yellow. So much of what we do, or don’t do,  is shaped by fear.

The Scriptures teach “that to he who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.”  Cowardice makes sinners of us all.  Is there anything less Christ-like than a cowardly Christian?

In fact, if you were to read the Bible with an open heart you will find that Christ looks very harshly upon His cowardly children.  Perhaps that is why the admonition to “FEAR NOT” appears nearly 100 times in the Bible.  One mention should have been enough.

But what if “Fear Not” was a commandment and not just a suggestion?  What if, as the John taught us, “Perfect love casteth out fear?”  What if Revelation 21:8 was true and “The fearful and unbelieving” were the first ones who cast into the Lake of Fire?

What are you afraid of?  What am I afraid of?  Why is it that my actions and words don’t match?  Why is it the things that I claim are important to me cause such little passion in my life?  Why is there so little works following my faith?  Why am I so silent regarding the things that I claim are non-negotiable with me?  Or worse yet…why am I so silent regarding the things that matter to God?

Am I fearful and unbelieving?  Does fear throw water on what I claim to believe?  Do I love myself too much to stand up for the things that matter to God?  We are exhorted in the Scriptures that BELIEVERS “overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.

Do I love myself too much?  Do you?  Is that way the Gospel seems to be stuck in neutral in America today?  Are we ashamed of it?  Are we fearful of the consequences of speaking out?  Jesus said “greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

I think we love ourselves too much.  I think that is why evil has the American church stuck in the swamp.

Can we get honest with each other Christian?  Would you mind if I invited you into the discussions I have with my own conscience?  Far be it from me to tell you how to best soothe your own soul but here are a few serious questions I find asking myself on a regular basis.

If I was TRULY a Disciple of Christ would I…

Sit silently on the sidelines while they murdered unborn children?  Would I refuse to storm into an abortion clinic and rescue those on the verge of death simply because I might go to jail?

Would I continue to pay taxes to a wicked government that uses my tax dollars to kill children, indoctrinate them into deviant sexual lifestyles, that teaches them that Almighty God is nothing more than a myth, that they evolved from monkeys, and that the public mention of Jesus was illegal?  If I financially support such lies am I not an accessory to their destruction?

Would a servant of the Most High permit a secular government to destroy the very institution of marriage?  How can I sit silently on the sidelines while sexual deviancy is promoted and applauded to the point that birth certificates are being altered to “no gender” status?  Why would I pay even one dollar to such an evil government knowing that the end result is the all out destruction of God and His Word?

The list and the examples could go on, but in my not-so-humble opinion the reason for our failure to fight back is cowardice.  We say we believe one way but our actions show a different picture.

One of my friends once told me that the problem in America wasn’t that Christians are afraid to die for their faith, but that they didn’t want to do anything that might cause them to lose their stuff. That is the reason that no one ever fights back.

You wanna know what really scares me?  What if one day I stand before the Lord and He asks me why I PERSONALLY didn’t do anything to fight against the darkness sweeping over the land.  I wonder how my weak response will echo in the corridors of the doomed and the damned.

“I wanted to stand up for you Lord but I was afraid I might lose my job, or be sued and lose my house, or be thrown in jail for violating the law?”

“Violating WHO’S law” I hear His voice reverberate.  “Don’t you know the command was to obey God rather than man?”

Babies are dying.  The minds of children are being destroyed with barely a peep from the church.  Why?

Because we are fearful and unbelieving.  God is watching.  It is time to put up or shut up boys.  Talk is cheap.  Remember, the cowards go first.

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

The Strange Death Of Europe: Muslims Never Become Part Of A Host Country

Part 7.  “Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

In March 2019, the two new Muslim women in the U.S. House of Representatives, one from the stacked Muslim immigrant crowd from Detroit, and the other in “Somaliland” Minneapolis, Minnesota, move fast to enact five Muslim holidays into Federal Law.  Ihan Omar of Somalia, voted into the House, and her sidekick, Rashida Tlaib, who wrapped herself into a Palestinian flag when she won a House seat, have pressed for eradication of ICE and DHS.  Soon, they will submit bills to increase Muslim immigration and chain-migration numbers.  With their increased numbers, they will introduce bills to enact Sharia Laws in America.

Already in Great Britain, 150 Sharia Law courts operate along with 50 Sharia Law city councils.  We’re already seeing it in cities in Texas. Additionally, we see 30 Sharia Law cop cars now patrolling the streets of Muslim-dominated areas on New York City.

Former Muslim Amil Imani wrote, “In model, Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, for instance, women do not dare complain about their Allah-decreed chattel status. If they protest in the least, they are beaten by their husbands.  And if they dare to demonstrate in public for equal family rights with men, they get severe beatings by the police and are hauled to jails for additional indignities and violence.”

Note that the United Nations reported a minimum of 20,000 ‘honor killings’ of women in Islamic-dominated countries, annually.  They can be killed for any reason, such as a husband wants a third wife, but cannot afford her, so, he kills one of his wives, to make space for another wife.  Muslims can kill their wives if they feel she has dishonored him.  Muslim women fear for their lives every day of their lives.  And talk about sexual mistreatment!

In his book, The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray wrote, “Another story related events at an asylum center the day before. On the evening of September 27, 2017, a migrant called police from a Berlin center to say that he had seen another migrant abusing a child in the bushes.  Three policemen arrived to find a 27-year-old Pakistani still in the bushes raping a six-year-old Iraqi girl.”

Imani wrote, “In Islamic societies, freedom of expression, worship, and assembly are taken away.  Women are indeed treated as chattel.  Young girls are subjected to barbaric genital mutilation to make them sex slaves and birth channels.  Minors are executed, adulterers are stoned to death, thieves have their limbs amputated, and much, much more.  Isn’t that everyone’s idea of paradise?”

I can share with you this: reading this book gives you an uneasy understanding and foreboding reality check as to what’s coming into America.  Any fool can see that we commit our own suicide as a culture, language and way of life.  You’ve heard the saying, “The American People”, but today we fail to meet that statement because we are becoming every other country’s people.

Murray wrote, “In Holland, Denmark and other countries across Europe, politicians who oppose mass immigration, exist in a state of permanent police protection, change their sleeping arrangements most nights and sometimes live on army bases.

“The politicians that remain politically correct ensure that Europe is the only place in the world that belongs to the world, not to Europeans. By the middle of this century, China will still look like China and India will look like India as well as Russia like Russia, but not Europe ever again.”

The London think tank asked 10,000 people across ten European countries whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, ‘All further Muslim immigration should be stopped.’  The vast majority agreed with that statement.  Unfortunately, it’s too late with 50 million plus Muslims already embedded in Europe.

Immigrants maintain that they own their new countries. One said, “We refugees do not want to live in the same country with you. You can, and I think you should, leave Germany. Germany does not fit you anymore. Why do you live here?  Look for a new home.”

As you read the quote at the beginning of this column, you must ask yourself what America will do with, how will we cope with, and what kind of a future will be in store for our kids with the projected 100 million legal immigrants added by 2050?

What do I see?  From my own international experiences in such overpopulated, over-multiculturalized, over-diversified and completely fragmented societies—two outcomes:  one would be a slow boil into becoming a third world country with illiteracy, entrenched poverty, racial strife, ethnic tribalism, enclaves of similar immigrants separating from American society, conflicting languages and tremendous confusion and loss of identity.  Example: India.  And, with more and more illiterate third world people, welfare rolls that break all our systems down.  Additionally, our standard of living and quality of life degrade into the sewer.

Second scenario:  I see tremendous racial and religious conflict. As we add another 100 million third world immigrants with ZERO compatibility with Americans, as well as NO cultural ability to function in a first world country, I see our Republic degrading into whites against Muslims, against blacks against Hispanics. And all three ethnic groups against themselves.  I see horrific Sharia Law enclaves that degrade democracy into a standing joke.  Women’s rights?  Gone!

I see total breakdown of American identity. You already hear it: “I am a Muslim-American” or “Pakistani-American”, which is an oxymoron because Muslim cannot and do not possess any affinity to U.S. Constitutional Law.  Why? Because the Quran is a political-religious-economic system totally counter to U.S. capitalism, separation of church and state, and the rule of Constitutional law. In an Islamic country, Muslims can legally kill anyone who chooses another religion other than Islam.

I see our entire environment and quality of life degraded beyond recognition from what we enjoy today.  Our cities will be gridlocked and air-polluted beyond solving. Our water shortages will become acute, irreversible and unsolvable.   When oil exhausts itself, food shortages will drag us under.  We face horrific consequences as to energy and resource depletion.  Over 100 to 500 different languages from all these immigrants will create 100 to 500 different world views that cannot and will not EVER share the same page as to ethos of America.

In other words, we face an unmanageable future with unmanageable ethnic groups and languages bent on having their cultures mandated and ours dissolved.

At some point, we will face a Mt. Everest of problems that cannot be solved.

What can we do to stop this dismal future in America?

Solution: stop all immigration into America for the next 20 years.  Help them in their own countries.

If you look at these two videos, you will see exactly what I am speaking about:

Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Rule Of The Harvest

In 1999, my mind was still focused on being an Army Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO).  It seemed everywhere I looked, everything I read, and practically every conversation I heard was about the attributes new Soldiers just out of basic combat training lacked.  The noise was coming from NCOs and officers.  Maybe I was simply aging and needed to fade away as old Soldiers supposedly do. On October 1st, I did.  I also wrote a lengthy rant titled “Rule of the Harvest” It’s probably too long for an internet article, but then I wasn’t too concerned about that.  Twenty years later, I heard the same noise.  It was loud enough the Army decided to fix basic training and physical fitness.  This time, I believe those parts did need repair.

The old article was on my mind because Sunday morning my Pastor’s sermon was from the book of Mark, “The Parable of the Sower.”  I went back and revisited the old tirade.  You know what?  The rule of the harvest is still rule of the harvest.

The Pastor focused some on a piece of the scripture and there was little doubt he was talking directly to me. “Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the words; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” Mark 4:18-19  In our worldly existence, we allow much to get in the way of what’s important, don’t we?

I knew the Pastor was talking to me directly, or more likely it was a much greater Voice I heard.  It made me think of when I was a youngster sitting in the pews of our small wooden church.  The church was white and sat beside a dusty dirt road.  The dust seemed to settle on everything except the church.  It was always gleaming white.  I would sit in those hard-wooden pews, squirming mostly, until the Preacher started his sermon.  He would hold a worn Bible in one hand and a handkerchief in the other.  He would traipse back and forth shouting fire and brimstone, as the old folks called it, to the frequent amen and occasional halleluiah from the congregation.  I knew beyond any doubt that every hell-bound word that came out of the Preacher’s mouth was pointed at me.  As he dabbed his forehead with the handkerchief and pointed with his Bible, I would slide down lower and lower in the pew trying to escape his fiery words and glare.  I’d inch up a little and sure enough each time I did it, he was staring right at me sending all manner of hell and damnation my way.  My adult reaction was subtle.  I turned my good ear toward the Pastor and really tried to contemplate the message.

We are blessed to live in a great country.  The parable of the sower is descriptive of modern-day America.  Our founders planted seeds in the right places enabling us to overcome many bad decisions made by men although we still hold to some horrific ones.  In the beginning, we embraced In God We Trust.  But we’ve allowed ourselves to become distracted by “the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things.”  Not only has our nation been on a lengthy path of turning away from God, we’ve forgotten our purpose.  I firmly believe that America has a purpose.  The purpose of leading the world toward what’s good.  We are still the beacon of hope for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There is a quote attributed, wrongly so some declare, to Alexis de Tocqueville: “America is great because she is good.  If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”   The source of the quote matters less than does the truthfulness of the statement.  We are drawn away from good by “the desires for other things.”  According to our 2nd President, John Adams, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”  Take a look around.  Godless countries are under the boot of brutal, godless dictators.  We have politicians, would be leaders, selling the same look to the government not God approach to America.

“Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” George Washington, Farewell Address.

In 1999, I asked the complaining NCOs what they were going to do about the problems they aired.  Now, it is more of a personal question for each of us, I think.   If you feel as I do that our country has been making a long turn away from what is good and that fiery old preacher is pointing his Bible at you, then what must each of us do about it?  It’s a look in the mirror question.

“As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it.” Job 4:8

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry: jd@jdpendry.com

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Some Men Have A Very Small Savior

“Some men have a very small Savior, for they are not willing to receive Him fully, and let Him do great and mighty things for them.” -D. L. Moody

It was J. C. Ryle that said:

“Look at the history of the church of Christ after the days of the apostles. How soon formalism ate out the life and vitality of the primitive Christians. Look at the Middle Ages, as they are called. Formalism so covered the face of Christendom that the Gospel laid there as one does when they are dead. Look, lastly, at the history of the protestant churches in the last three centuries. How few are the places where religion is a living thing! How many are the countries where Protestantism is nothing more than form! There is no getting past these things.”

I am here addressing the formal believers who deny “the gospel,” which was preached “unto you” by “the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven” (1 Peter 1:12).

These deny the giftings of the Holy Ghost.

“Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.” -1 Corinthians 12:4-12

These formal believers would have you wrest Scripture in having you believe them in that which counters the Word of God in their feigned and dissimulated state (Romans 12:9), rather than in God and His Word, which is immutable and infallible.

“For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” -1 Corinthians 4:20

These formal believers that just do not believe, would suggest to you that what the Lord has done in the past is now a work from the past. The Word of God in all of its promises is now nothing but a memory of better days! That in some way He was willing to do in the Old and New Testament what He is now unwilling to do today. This all coming to you from formal believers in Christ that just do not believe!


“Those that teach that the day of miracles is past, teach the most disastrous lie ever told… Such lies are responsible for the prevalent lack of faith in God and have robbed Christianity of the power to demonstrate itself.” -John G. Lake

[YouTube Video]

Formalist:  One who regards appearances only, or observes the forms of worship, without possessing the life and spirit of religion; a hypocrite. –Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

A formalist is one who plays the part and claims to have the answers that the world has great need of, and yet they are found to be false witnesses.

“And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” -1 Corinthians 14:14-17

What would you think if I brought a freezing man a painting of a fire which cannot bring him any warmth? You would say that was cruel, and I would agree. What would you think if I brought a painting of a large banquet dinner to a starving man? Again, you would say that that is cruel, and again, I would agree wholeheartedly. Is that not what those who claim to be Christians do when they begin to denounce and counter the Word of God in all of its promises?

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” -2 Corinthians 1:20

You see formal believers that just do not believe seem to promise much, but deliver nothing but feeble paintings. The reason being is that these formal believers cannot deliver what they do not have.

Jesus tells us to “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8

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Many of those who call themselves believers in Jesus Christ are found to be more like unbelievers.  They have the shell and the form only.  They have the head, but not the heart when it comes to what Jesus said that He would bestow upon those who do believe.

As a matter of fact, these formal believers that just do not believe like to set themselves next to Jesus claiming to be His, and then go on to deny to the world what Jesus promised to do for them.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” -Matthew 23:15

These formal believers that just do not believe omit the obvious when it comes to what is right in front of their faces

“And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” -Mark 16:20

Apparently, these do not understand,

“The husbandman that laboureth must be first partaker of the fruits.” -2 Timothy 2:6

These Pharisaical hypocrites, dead in the formality of their sins, profess their Christianity in word only as if they were just like Jesus, all the while denying Him.

“He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore, greatly err.” -Mark 12:27

For many of these said formal believers that just do not believe, they are more likely to denounce the Word of God in favor of their false professions and lack of spiritual life by blaming the Holy Ghost for not bearing witness to their lies.

Again, they are more like unbelievers than they are believers.  They are more like anti-Christs who are, in fact, succumbers to this world, the flesh and the devil (1 John 2:15-18) in giving defeat a praise report than victory in Christ.

“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” -1 John 5:12

Maybe these formal believers that just do not believe have forgotten that Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).

“For I am the LORD, I change not;” -Malachi 3:6

They have forgotten that He is faithful to a thousand generations.

“Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.” -Deuteronomy 7:9

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It is not the Lord that has changed, it is man that has disobeyed and played the hypocrite by having one foot in the world and one foot in the Church (2 Corinthians 6:17; James 1:7-9, 4:4).

“The church will have a convincing testimony and will become a power in the world when it is separated from the world; but as long as it is hand in glove with the world, it cannot have power.” -D. L. Moody

These formal believers that just do not believe fail to deny themselves (Galatians 2:20) and take up their cross.  Instead, they deny Christ (Matthew 10:33) and give heed to the commandments of man, which nullify the commandments of God (Mark 7:13) and union with the Father (1 John 2:23).

By keeping our eyes fixed on the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), we receive the end of our faith (1 Peter 1:9).

“That ye be not slothful, but followers (Imitators) of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” -Hebrews 6:12

These formal believers that just do not believe attempt to bring the rest of the world to their own level of unbelief, as if to suggest that they are the standard!  (Abandoned to their sins – 1 John 3:4).

“Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” -Matthew 15:14

Scripture tells us:

“For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.” -1 Thessalonians 1:5

Yet, the formal believers, who have a “form of godliness,” are well enough to leave off and deny the very Christ that bought them (Acts 20:28).  Scripture tells us to turn away from them.

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” -2 Timothy 3:5

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The good news is God will not deny Himself!

“If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.” -2 Timothy 2:13

© 2019 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Raw Meat In A Forest

“It’s more complex than just slapping up a wall.  We have got to take a look at all the complexities in terms of eliminating the incentives (“magnets”) for illegal immigration.”  —Ron Johnson – Wisconsin U. S. Senator

Many years ago four of us went fishing in central British Columbia. We hiked back in with day-trip packs to a remote lake where a couple of rowboats had been stashed. With two in each rowboat we set out towards the middle of the lake to fish for a while before lunch. The fishing was good because not many people wanted to make the long hike into the lake. The lake hadn’t been fished for most of the season.

After catching quite a few fish, we headed back into camp to have lunch.  The menu that day was baloney and other meat sandwiches, bananas, apples and of course the obligatory smooth Canadian whiskey.  After downing our sandwiches and fruit, sipping the Whiskey and discussing the catch of the morning, one of the boats with two men headed back out into the lake to fish some more.  The other two fishermen held back for awhile to clean up the camp and hang the packs on a few trees before they too headed out into the lake.

The first rowboat was well out into the middle of the lake when they heard yelling from the men in the second rowboat.  But the men in the first rowboat couldn’t understand what they were yelling about.  They were too far away.  The second boat finally caught up with the first boat and the two guys in the second boat started gushing about a very large bear walking down the side of the lake towards our camp.  There was still leftover food in our packs and we figured the packs would be torn to shreds by the time we rowed back to camp.  We weren’t wrong.

It took about fifteen minutes to row back to the camp and by the time we got there the bear had torn the packs off the trees, ripped out the food and was devouring the contents.  Safely floating out in the lake, we yelled at the bear to shoo.  He came down to the edge of the water and started to wade in as if to challenge us.  This was a BIG bear and not wishing an encounter with the bear in the water, both boats hastily rowed back into the middle of the lake.  Fortunately, the bear didn’t follow.

After fishing well into the afternoon, we headed back to shore to assess the damage to our gear.  Sure enough, the packs were lying on the ground and the contents were scattered all over.  Most of the food had been eaten but thankfully the bear was gone, or so we hoped.

On reaching camp, we beached the rowboats and started putting our gear back together.  We then headed down the four-mile trail, back to where our car was parked.  Nevertheless, we were quite concerned that we could run into the bear again so we divided the fish up into two gunnysacks.  We were not equipped with bear spray.  The guy in front had one gunnysack of fish and the guy in the back had the other gunnysack.  The instructions were that if the bear approached us from the front, we would throw the gunnysack full of fish at the bear and retreat in the opposite direction.  If the bear approached us from the rear, the same would apply.  Fortunately, we never saw the bear again and breathed a sigh of relief when we reached the car.

So what is the moral of this story?  Don’t leave raw meat in a forest.  It turns out that bears have a sense of smell that is estimated to be 2,100 times that of a human.  They can smell meat or prey from miles away.  But the other moral is, that if you put out raw meat in a forest all the predators, from wolves, raptors and insects will come for miles in search of a free meal.

The same is true of humans.  If you put out “magnets” (meat) they will be attracted to the magnets and will come from thousands of miles away for a free meal, welfare recipients or illegal aliens.  They will come by foot, or by car, bus, truck, or train.  They can smell a “free meal” all the away from Costa Rica.  They will take only what they can personally carry on their long journey to the promised land, hoping that they will be re-stocked when they reach their destination, the generous United States of America, where jobs, government “pig troughs” and unimaginable “riches” await them.

Now most campers and fishermen are fully aware of these facts and take precautions to not attract predators, or arm themselves with weapons to protect them from the predators.

Unfortunately, government takes no such precautions and Congressional Democrats seem inclined to purposely entice illegal aliens (magnets) to pour into America by the millions, now estimated at around 22 million.  The American taxpayer is subsidizing most of those 22 million to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.  We could repair most of America’s infrastructure in a few years from what we are paying for illegal aliens.

Democrats want open borders.  They won’t eliminate the magnets (meat) and they fight the Republicans to maintain them.  They seem almost euphoric when a couple of thousand peasants from foreign lands illegally breach our borders every day in the hopes of benefiting from those magnets that legal Americans are forced to pay.  Democrats don’t see these hapless foreigners as enemies, or as drags on our economy.  They don’t care about the diseases the illegal aliens bring with them, diseases America eradicated decades ago.  They don’t take into account the lost jobs and lower wages.  They don’t see the hordes of uneducated aliens as a humanitarian or security crisis.  They only see them as future votes.

But like all things, decisions, policies and laws have consequences.  You lay out raw meat in a forest and the predators and carrion eaters will come from miles around, for a free meal.

Take California for example.  In a Real Clear Politics article the effects of illegal immigration are laid bare for all to see.

“The health, educational and legal costs associated with massive illegal immigration are squeezing the budget. About a third of the California budget goes to the state’s Medicare program, Medi-Cal. Half the state’s births are funded by Medi-Cal, and in nearly a third of those state-funded births, the mother is an undocumented immigrant.”  (Each one of those babies born to an illegal alien mother become an American citizen and become just one more “magnet” to draw more illegal aliens to California.)

“California’s progressive government [Democrats] seems clueless on how to deal with these issues, given that solutions such as low-cost housing, strict enforcement of health codes, or [illegal immigration enforcement], are seen as either too expensive or politically incorrect.”

“In sum, California has no margin for error.”

“Spiraling entitlements, unwieldy pension costs, money wasted on high-speed rail, inadequate water storage and delivery, and lax immigration policies were formerly tolerable only because about 150,000 Californians paid huge but federally deductible state income taxes.”  (Under the 2017 tax reduction act, now only $10,000 of state income taxes are deductible.  In 2017 138,000 people moved out of California to states like Nevada, Arizona and Texas.)

“No more. Californians may have once derided the state’s 1 percent as selfish rich people. Now, they are praying that these heavily burdened taxpayers stay put and are willing to pay far more than what they had paid before.”  (Why should they?)

The illegal immigrant and homeless population drive much of California’s money woes.   The best estimates suggest that in 2014, the year of the most recent data available, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. The homeless population is about 134,000 on any given night.  Nearly a quarter of the nation’s undocumented immigrants reside in California, where they constitute more than 6% of the state’s population.   Over twenty five percent (25%) of America’s prison population is made up of illegal aliens.  California’s lack of immigration enforcement and the state sanctuary policy are the magnets (meat) that draw the illegal population to California.  They also draw thousands of illegal alien criminals, like the one that shot and killed Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh, a legal immigrant, or the one that killed Kate Steinle, an innocent legal American bystander on a San Francisco pier.

But ladies and gentlemen, if you have been paying attention, you have heard all this before.  There is nothing new here.  It’s been going on for decades and it’s getting worse.  The damage may be so bad by now that it is irreversible.  America’ culture may be altered forever.

No one seems willing to stop the hordes of illegal aliens pouring into America.  The politicians won’t stop it.  They are too busy fighting among themselves for political power.  The border patrol can’t stop it.  There is just too much border to patrol.  Walls would help but walls are not the total answer.  The military could stop it by making an illegal border crossing extremely painful, if not deadly.  The people could stop it, but they won’t.  The people are all sitting on their hands waiting for the government to stop it.  After all, it is the government’s job, isn’t it?  Everyone is waiting for the other “guy” to stop it, but meanwhile no one is stopping it.

Now you won’t like what we are about to say.  You will say it is barbaric and inhumane.  However, if illegal immigration started spreading a disease throughout the population and it couldn’t be stopped, government would have no choice but to quarantine the sick, legal and illegal alike.  Some illegal aliens would have to be sacrificed to protect the general population from the epidemic.  Border patrol agents would be ordered to shoot to warn and then shoot to kill all illegal aliens attempting to cross the border.

There are three other scenarios.  What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with terrorists, terrorists that kill people?  (True!) What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with drug smugglers, drugs that kill people?  (True!)  What if the illegal alien population was infiltrated with gangs, gangs that kill people?  (True!) How are these three scenarios any different than illegal aliens infecting legal Americans with an incurable disease?  All of these scenarios kill people.  Each of them represents an existential threat to property, life and liberty and requires drastic measures to counter.

We’re sick of people making this an emotional or a compassionate issue.  It is a life or death issue.  If there is no price to pay for illegal aliens to come to America, and there isn’t, massive illegal immigration will never stop until America becomes a third-world bankrupt country where America’s sovereignty and culture will be destroyed and run-away inflation will become the norm, not the exception.  America cannot take in all of the world’s poor, or even a small fraction of them without destroying herself.

If the government won’t do it, then legal Americans will be forced to stop illegal immigration with two specific actions.  First, on a massive scale, make all illegal aliens in America feel so uncomfortable to the point they will self-deport.  Second, convince the government to employ drastic, if not lethal measures at the border.  Eliminate the magnets.

If government won’t remove the magnets (raw meat in the forest) and stop the illegal entries, then it is up to the American people to do the job that government refuses to do, or suffer the irreversible consequences.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is just one side of the STATE OF THE UNION!


© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

No Negotiating With Iran’s Mullahs

On July 14, 2015, during the Obama presidency, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ with the intention to marginalize Iran’s nuclear program and monitor it in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions. This deal clearly benefited the Islamic Republic and left the door open for Iran to secretly continue with its nuclear ambitions. In other words, it was a terrible deal. President. Trump must understand that no new deal will ever change the Mullahs’ behavior.

“The Iran Deal is a symptom; the Mullahs are the disease.”

On the campaign trail in 2016, Donald Trump called the Iran nuclear deal “the worst ever.” Keeping his campaign promises, on May 2018, President Trump, withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, and restated crippling sanctions on Iran. While Israel stood firmly with the President’s action, European allies Germany, France and the UK said they had regret and concern” about Trump’s decision and planned to continue abiding by the agreement.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The fanatic Mullahs are proven liars. Their record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah must never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been in the business of scheming for centuries. While Trump has perfected the “Art of the Deal,” the Mullahs have perfected the art of deception. History will prove that President Trump did the right thing.

In dealing with the ever-cheating and conniving Mullahs, the President needs to realize that these vile men of Allah are also long-term planners. They have messianic plans to rule the world someday. They are also superb practitioners of the art of cheating. In this practice, like in the game of poker, much depends on how one plays their hand. In the game of deal-making, beating around the bush is a standard operating procedure. They know that weak-willed Westerners feel productive when they “talk,” and engage in “negotiations.” These activities do nothing; but then again, accomplishing anything other than advancing their own careers and generating an undeserved sense of self-importance is never the goal of pinheaded diplomats.

The villain Mullahs have been deceiving and playing the Iranian people, particularly the masses of the religiously fanatic, long before either Israel or the U.S. existed. They are very good at their game. For as long as there are donkeys there will be those who ride them is a Persian saying. That should explain the rule of the Mullahs. They ride, they have been riding for centuries, and they like it.

As I see things now, the world is headed toward a dangerous path. The danger of the bomb in the hands of the Mullahs has not disappeared, despite what the mainstream media and the Useful Idiots claim. The Mullahs are intent on getting the bomb and the U.S. and Israel are equally intent at not letting them get it. Israel has a huge stake in this since it is easily within the range of the Islamists’ fire.

Now, there are those simpletons that contend that mutual deterrence will prevent the Mullahs from ever firing their nuclear missiles at Israel because that would amount to mutual annihilation. The “mutual deterrence” argument may work in state-to-state confrontations. It apparently has worked in the past and the hope is that it will work in the future. However, the mutual deterrence argument fails when a non-state entity is the adversary. The Mullahs don’t have to lob a bomb at Israel or at anyone else to inflict huge damage. They can pursue their cause of death and destruction by simply providing their killers with dirty bombs in a suitcase.

They will secretly share some of their smaller nuclear devices to their fanatical followers to sneak them into Israel or for that matter anywhere else in the world! There are so many problems with this terrible fix that I don’t want to bore you with them. As I see it, this lunacy must be stopped. We just can’t sit idly by and watch this insanity play out.

My greatest hope is the Iranian people would somehow free themselves from the Islamic yoke and dislodge the Mullahs off their bent backs. A non-Islamic democratic Iran is an answer to a prayer for our people and the world. But the genocidal Mullahs and their goons have no compunction about beating, arresting, raping and killing anyone who dares to oppose them.

As the saying goes, power is prized, and it is very addictive. No one likes to give it up if they don’t have to. It is even aphrodisiac, according to Henry Kissinger, who was one of the most powerful men during the Nixon era. He was asked why so many women swoon over him given that he was neither young nor handsome. He answered, “power is aphrodisiac.” It’s amoral, just like science and technology. They are tools. In the hand of the righteous they do immense good. In evil’s hands, they wreak great harm. While the Mullahs are busy dragging Iran to the brink of a nuclear holocaust, they are dipping the name of our great nation together with us Iranians into sludge.

The world leaders must realize that the delusional Mullahs are in this deadly game to the very end. They believe they can win by either bringing the non-Islamic world to its knees and ruling the world or setting up the conflagration that supposedly will prompt their hidden Imam to appear and establish his kingdom. Not even the all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death with the eyes of the faithful fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.

For years, I have spread the alarm to the world that it is a fatal miscalculation to sit and watch this eventual catastrophic event happen. It is little more than an exercise in denial to believe that nothing bad will happen, and that the inept Mullahs will likely shoot themselves in the foot instead of wreaking havoc on the world.

I also have pled that we should have helped the Iranian democratic opposition such as Prince Reza Pahlavi. In recent days, the Iranian protesters in Iran have chanted his name to return and send the death-bearer Mullahs back to their mosques.

I must strongly warn my fellow Americans not to repeat President Jimmy Carter’s monumental folly that brought the infamous Ayatollah Khomeini to power and birthed Islamist jihadism by standing behind Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the notorious Mujahidin-e Khalq or (MEK), the most dangerous terrorist group that even abused and murdered their own members for trying to defect or escape from Camp Ashraf in Iraq. It would be tantamount to betraying the ideals of America — the flag holder of freedom in the world.

“Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it,” Warned George Santayana. By now, the saying has become a cliché. Why has it become a cliché? Because it is true. History is replete with innumerable cases of treachery where promises — some seemingly ironclads — are made and blatantly broken at the earliest opportunities.

In short, former President Obama picked the Mullahs over the Iranian people during the Green Revolution in 2009. The Trump administration must do the opposite and support proud Iranians and call for freedom right now and help them to end this regime once and for all.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Another Missile Crisis In The Making?

On Wednesday, February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued strong words of warning to the people who are planning to deploy nuclear missiles near Russia’s borders.[1] After stating that the current tensions between Russia and the U.S. are no reason to ratchet up confrontation to the levels of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, and that in any case that is not what the Russians want, he added: “If someone wants that, well, OK, they are welcome.”

Putin’s words were his own version of Dirty Harry’s “Go ahead. Make my day.”

Putin also said that Russia is militarily ready for a Cuban Missile-style crisis if the United States is foolish enough to want one and that his country currently has the edge when it comes to a first nuclear strike. He added that Moscow will match any U.S. move to deploy new missiles closer to Russia by stationing its own missiles closer to the United States or by deploying faster missiles or both. Putin fleshed out his warning in detail for the first time, saying Russia could deploy hypersonic missiles on ships and submarines that could lurk undetected just outside U.S. territorial waters if Washington moves to deploy intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe.

Putin’s words are surprising, because until now he had been extremely cautious about what he said even while facing overtly aggressive moves from the U.S.[2] We must keep in mind that, despite promises on the contrary, NATO, a military alliance fully controlled and financed by the U.S., has aggressively expanded to most countries bordering Russia. Now, given the fact that NATO actually means North Atlantic Treaty Organization, just looking at a map will show you that Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary and Poland, just to mention a few of the new NATO members, are not even close to the North Atlantic.

The most elementary logic indicates that most countries prefer to have friendly rather than hostile neighbors. Until now, the Russians accepted as an unwanted outcome of the fall of the Soviet Union the transition, after U.S. pressures and encouragement, of many of its neighboring countries into hostile ones. But placing American nuclear missiles targeted to Moscow just a few miles from the Russian border evidently crossed a line that the Russians are not going to accept quietly.

But, contrary to what Putin said, this crisis in the making, if U.S. leaders are so foolish to create one, will not be another Cuban Missile Crisis. The reason for this is because, despite all you have read in books written by “serious” scholars, most of them CFR members, and published by “prestigious” publishing houses, about how close we were to the brink in 1962, most of it is simply poppycock. Proof of this is that there are some strange things about the Cuban Missile Crisis that defy any logical explanation.

According to the official U.S. version of the crisis, the high-definition photographs taken by a U-2 plane on October 14, 1962, provided incontrovertible evidence of the presence of medium-range ballistic missiles [MRBM] with nuclear capability deployed on Cuban soil. But the fact remains that nobody actually saw the missiles, measured them, touched them, and much less measured the gamma radiation from their nuclear warheads.

Moreover, the U-2 pictures have since been published in high resolution and are available on the Web for anybody to see. Surprisingly, such photos only show long objects covered with tarps and a few concrete bunkers which, according to the CIA, allegedly contained the nuclear warheads. But the nuclear missiles do not appear anywhere.

The CIA subsequently admitted that it had no agents in the field that might have physically verified the existence of the strategic nuclear missiles on Cuban soil. When the Soviets were shipping back to the Soviet Union what they claimed were the strategic nuclear missiles, Kennedy had an excellent opportunity to order the Navy to board the ships and physically verify the withdrawal of the missiles, but he did not. Why did Kennedy decide not to verify the existence of the missiles and their actual withdrawal from Cuba?

Even more difficult to explain is why, in the most critical point of the crisis President Kennedy ordered the removal of the fuses and warheads from the U.S. Jupiter missiles in Turkey.

Also, as of today, nobody has provided a credible explanation of why Khrushchev allegedly placed the missiles in Cuba and why he ordered their removal in such a rush. Most analysts agree in that it was a mystery.[3]

Putin’s words have made some people think that we are close to facing another Missile Crisis similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962. Unfortunately, however, this will not be another missile crisis. This crisis, if President Trump does not keep on a short leash the eugenicist madmen we still have at the highest levels of the U.S. Government and the Pentagon[4], will be a true nuclear crisis, not a hoax like the one we experienced in 1962. This crisis, if we get to that point, will be a real, true and dangerous nuclear crisis.

Now, why do the globalist conspirators’ hold this animosity against Russia? Are they willing to nuke Moscow because the Russians have refused to change it into another San Francisco? Are they going to destroy Russia because Russian doctors have not assassinated 6 million unborn and born babies in the past ten years? Does the fact that the Russians don’t have a Marxist graduated tax, but a flat one, anger them so much that they want to send the Russian people to a mass nuclear grave? Will they use the threat of nuclear war to force the Russians to change St. Petersburg into a crime-ridden city such as Chicago or Oakland? Or the fact that Russians are not under the exploitation of Big Pharma and Big Med make them nervous because of the bad example? Or the real problem is that, adding insult to injury, Russia has not allowed an invasion of illegal aliens to trespass its borders?

Well, those are questions that may explain why the CFR globalist conspirators and their agents hate Russia so much. My guess, however, is that the main reason for their hatred and fear is because the Russians have decided not to join the conspirator’s New World Order. Moreover, I think that the true purpose of the never-ending Mueller investigation has nothing to do with the past election, but to drive a wedge between Trump and Putin to avoid an alliance that scares the globalist conspirators. That is the collusion they fear the most. Unfortunately, the real traitors have been successful in putting President Trump is a position in which any Russian-friendly action is seen as close to treason.

It is known that some of our eugenicist madmen have been frantically buying land and building nuclear shelters in New Zealand and in Patagonia. For obvious reasons, they don’t want themselves and their families to be among the dead after a nuclear Armageddon. Nevertheless, I don’t think that even they will survive a post-Apocalyptic Earth.

John F. Kennedy is quoted as saying: “A war today or tomorrow, if it led to nuclear war, would not be like any war in history.” Chairman Khrushchev warned that, after a nuclear war, “The survivors would envy the dead.”

My only hope is that our globalist madmen with their nervous hands near the red buttons keep in mind what is perhaps the highest philosophical statement of the nuclear era:

In the nuclear age, superpowers make war like porcupines make love—carefully.[5]

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. Vladimir Putin says ready new Cuban Missile crisis Donald Trump wants one
  2. The fact was acknowledged by some CFR members. In an extremely biased article he wrote for Foreign Affairs, Ivo H. Daalder wrote: “Russia has so far not threatened the territorial integrity of any NATO member state.” Ivo H. Daalder, “Responding to Russia’s Resurgence,” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2017, p. 30.
  3. For a quite divergent analysis of the 1962 crisis see my book The Nuclear Hoax: Nikita Khrushchev and the Cuban Missile Crisis, available at Amazon.com
  4. The CFR eugenicists are convinced that the world is overpopulated and think that, to solve the problem, the current levels of population need to be drastically reduced by at least 85 percent. According to the Report On Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, a 1967 study commissioned by the Rockefellers, peace is not desirable and war is the best eugenic tool money can buy. With nuclear war you can get even more bang for your buck.
  5. Attributed to Robert F. Kennedy.

New Jersey GOP Candidate Declares War On Elder Abuse: America’s Forgotten Crime

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

This week, Morris County, New Jersey’s GOP Freeholder and private-practice attorney Heather Daring officially threw her hat in the ring and announced her Republican Party candidacy for Morris County Surrogate. She hopes to step into a special election being held to replace the current County Surrogate, John Pecoraro, who said it is his time to retire at the end of this term.

“My 15 years of legal and business experience in private practice, having provided legal representation to many individuals in the Morris County Surrogate’s Court along with my personal experiences will ensure that the benefits to the individuals served by this office are maximized,” said Darling, a Seton Hall University School of Law graduate.

While she said she loves being a Morris County Freeholder, she believes that as a Surrogate, her legal and life experience will benefit those senior citizens who are not only abandoned in many cases, but are also physically and psychologically abused by the own families, healthcare workers and even those who are supposed to protect them and their interests.

Elder abuse in the United States is not a new pathological phenomenon, but unfortunately for far too long it never garnered the public or news media attention it deserved until recently.

According to former New York Police Detective Ellen King, awareness of “granny battering” has increased following the House Select Committee on Aging hearings about elder abuse in the United States. An amendment to the Social Security Act created Adult Protection Services (APS), which was originally designed to protect adults with physical and/or mental limitations, but its mission was later expanded to encompass cases of physical and mental elder abuse as well.

Sadly, just passing legislation or “rearranging the deckchairs on a sinking ship” did little to alleviate the pain and sorrow experienced by the elderly, especially those suffering from physical and mental disabilities.

“This vacancy in the Surrogate’s Office offers an opportunity for me to bring new ideas and make significant changes for the benefit of seniors and special needs citizens in Morris County,” said Ms. Darling, a Roxbury Township resident.

Her experience with the elderly began even before sitting for — and passing — the New Jersey Bar Exam.  While attending Seton Hall University School of Law, Heather J. Darling was teacher’s assistant to her family law professor and she participated in Seton Hall’s Fair Housing Clinic assisting victims of predatory lending schemes. Following her graduation Heather was a law clerk to the Honorable Phillip B. Cummis, J.S.C. in the exceedingly busy and diverse Essex County Family Court after completing law school.

Elder abuse is defined by law enforcement as the “intentional or neglectful acts by a caregiver or ‘trusted’ individual that lead to, or may lead to, harm of a vulnerable elder.”

According to Detective King, whose career included a professorship at the world famous John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.  It is often a “hidden offence, often perpetrated against vulnerable people, many with memory impairment, by those on whom they depend,” said King.

Elder abuse is common, with one study suggesting that it may affect as many as 1 in 4 vulnerable older people. According to the National Council on Aging, approximately 1 in 10 Americans older than 60 years has been the victim of abuse, including physical abuse, psychological or verbal abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect.

According to the National Association of Chiefs of Police, given the rapidly burgeoning population of older adults in the United States, the number of potentially abused elders is staggering: in 2015, older adults — defined as people age 65 years or above (47.8 million) constituted nearly 15% of the US population — up by 1.6 million from 2014. It is projected that by 2060, the number will reach 98.2 million, comprising nearly one-fourth of US residents as the “Baby Boomers” age and as life expectancy is expected to increase. Of these,19.7 million will be age 85 years or older.

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Why Leftists Love Stickin’ It To Christianity

A woman called the Rush Limbaugh radio show to ask why New York legislators shockingly gave killing babies a standing ovation. Rush said the main reason is leftists hate Christians and traditional Americans. Rush said, “They love stickin’ it to us.”

The Democratic party has become extreme leftist. They hate America’s Christian founding and all things wholesome and good. Their hatred comes from a spirit which is anti-Jesus Christ. Here Lloyd goes again suggesting spiritual forces are at work in the political discord.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Before writing me off as a Christian nut, please hear me out.

Democrat lawmakers in various states are pushing to legalize murdering babies on their day of birth and even after they are born. This is unquestionably, “spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Leftist love stickin’ it to Christianity because they hate Jesus proclaiming himself to be the only path to heaven. In the late 1960s, my college buddies and I loved gathering for lunch to watch the original “Star Trek” TV series. One theme of the show was man could someday evolve to perfection. The Bible says it is impossible for man to achieve perfection which is required to enter heaven. This is why God sent Jesus to pay the price for man’s sin.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

I imagine Jesus’ shed blood as a pair of red sunglasses. Because God looks at me through his Jesus sunglasses, he sees me as perfect; ready to enter heaven. Praise God!

Here’s another example of leftists “stickin’ it” to Christianity. The rainbow is a Christian symbol. “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.” (Genesis 9:13) It is not a coincidence that leftists hijacked God’s symbol to represent a behavior which God deems an abomination. “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman: it is an abomination.” (Leviticus 20:13)

Leftist activists on the Supreme Court redefining marriage was really about “stickin’ it” to Christianity. Civil unions provide same sex couples the same legal benefits of marriage. So why was it necessary to destroy marriage as defined by God? “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)

Leftists claim to be advocates for women and homosexuals. The Quran suppresses women and even condones raping women in certain situations. (Qur’an 4:24) Muslims are advocating beheading homosexuals.  Therefore, leftists praising Islam while promoting their lie that Christians are the greatest threat to women and homosexuals has to be about stickin’ it to Jesus.

Several Hollywood celebrities are cheerleaders for Islam. If Sharia Law took over America, these celebs’ heathenish lifestyles would become illegal. Clearly, these celebs’ love affair with Islam is not rooted in logic. It is rooted in denouncing the deity of Jesus.

Leftist president Obama, routinely stuck it to Christianity while praising Islam as a religion of peace. Unlike Islam, Christianity does not advocate killing non-believers. (Qur’an 9:5) The Bible says, “Therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” (Jeremiah 31:3)

Obama’s AG, Loretta Lynch, outrageously threatened to prosecute anyone caught speaking badly of Islam. Take that you Christians.

Leftists deem themselves too smart and sophisticated to embrace Christianity. A leftist friend was always excited about the latest reincarnated guru. At one time, she worshiped sacred stones. She believes my faith in Jesus is naive.

Stickin’ it to Christianity, the Department of Education is funding indoctrinating our kids to embrace Islam.  Meanwhile, prayer and reading the Bible is banned in public school. Even the song, “God Bless the USA” has been banned in public schools.

To stick it to Christians and pro-lifers, vile comedian Michelle Wolf ended her show with a musical salute to abortion. What kind of evil mind thinks killing babies is something to sing and dance about? Wolf’s sick audience cheered. Wolf said fathers should not be allowed input regarding a woman’s choice to kill her baby.

Stickin’ it to Christianity, NY Governor Cuomo ordered the One World Trade Center and other landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate the passing of New York’s new law to murder babies on their date of birth. Folks, something has gone terribly wrong in the hearts and minds of Democrat politicians.

Similar to a school playground bully, leftists will continue stickin’ it to us as long as we allow them to get away with it. We must ask God for his wisdom and strength; stand up and push back in a Godly and legal manner.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

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E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Should Pro-Lifers Support The Heartbeat Bills?

Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life.  To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue.  The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life.  And that is nothing but murder.  —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“A young pregnant wife has been hospitalized for a simple attack of appendicitis.  The doctors had to apply ice to her stomach and when the treatments ended the doctors suggested that she abort the child, they told her it was the best solution because the baby would be born with some disability, but the young brave wife decided not to abort, and the child was born.  That woman was my Mother and I was the child.” (And yes, he is blind, and he has a voice like the angels.)  —Andrea Bocelli – Listen to him sing “O Holy Night

To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. —Thomas Jefferson

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is not guaranteed to unborn human babies in America.  Yet, if you’re pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, why are we not pronounced alive when an unborn baby’s heart is heard beating?  Within 16 to 24 days after conception, the unborn child’s heart can be heard, especially via ultrasound.

Doctors use several different methods to listen to the fetal heartbeat. At about 3 weeks, when the heart first begins to beat, the sound of the little heart is too soft to hear. A doctor’s stethoscope is not sensitive enough to hear the baby’s heart beating.  Very soon thereafter however, physicians can see the motion using ultrasound technology.

A special stethoscope called a fetoscope works well when the unborn baby is larger, usually around 15-17 weeks. An active baby however, can make this method of listening a bit challenging. Often when the fetoscope is finally in the right place on the woman’s belly, the unborn baby will change positions and the doctor must move the stethoscope again in search of the heartbeat.

The presence of a fetal heartbeat confirms pregnancy, as long as doctors are certain to distinguish the baby’s heartbeat from the mothers. Usually this is not difficult as the unborn baby has a much faster heart rate than the mother.

State Heartbeat Bills

In the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling in 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court said states can’t abolish abortions before viability — the point at which a fetus can survive outside of the womb which is 24 to 28 weeks gestation; full gestation is 40 weeks.

But pro-life advocates hope a newly configured U.S. Supreme Court can overturn the decision and are pushing for measures to undercut the ruling in legislatures across the country.  Seven states now allow abortion up to the minute of birth, not just New York.  Heartbeat bills get challenged by the courts, but abortions in the last trimester or minutes before birth do not.

Iowa – A federal court blocked a heartbeat abortion measure in Iowa after it passed into law over the summer.   In mid-February 2019, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said that she will not appeal a ruling that struck down a state law that banned most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected.  Her decision not to appeal means the law will never take effect, handing a major victory to supporters of legal abortion.

Reynolds signed the law – which would have been the most restrictive abortion limit in the country – last year. Abortion providers quickly sued and District Court Judge Michael Huppert ruled the law unconstitutional.

Reynolds said in a news release that she doesn’t see a way to successfully appeal the ruling to the Iowa Supreme Court, in light of its ruling last year that struck down a 72-hour waiting period for abortions and found a fundamental right to abortion in the Iowa Constitution.

Arkansas – A fetal heartbeat bill, banning abortion after twelve weeks, was passed on January 31, 2013 by the Arkansas Senate, vetoed in Arkansas by Governor Mike Beebe, but, on March 6, 2013, his veto was overridden by the Arkansas House of Representatives.  A federal judge issued a temporary injunction against the Arkansas law in May 2013, and in March 2014, it was struck down by federal judge Susan Webber Wright, who described the law as unconstitutional.

North Dakota – North Dakota HB 1456 was signed into law in March 2013 by former Governor Jack Dalrymple, who stated that it was “a legitimate attempt by a state legislature to discover the boundaries of Roe v. Wade. A federal district court found that it clearly violated the constitutional protections afforded in Roe v. Wade and it was quickly blocked.

In July of that year, a lawsuit had been filed with regard to the law by the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) on behalf of the only abortion clinic in North Dakota, Red River Women’s Clinic. In July 2015, the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the bill. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, but the court denied a writ of certiorari in January 2015 and let stand the decision of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

North Dakota spent $491,016 to unsuccessfully defend the laws, and also paid the clinic’s lawyers $245,000 as part of a settlement.  Other states should take notice. Link

Federal courts have already struck down similar “heartbeat bills” including the 20 week bans in Arizona and Idaho.

Kentucky – Already mired in three lawsuits over abortion restrictions, Kentucky lawmakers are ratcheting up the stakes with a new bill to ban most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected.  In January of 2017, Pro-life Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin signed two pro-life bills into law: The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (SB5) and a bill that offers an abortion-minded woman the opportunity to see an ultrasound of her unborn child (HB2).  Link I like both of these bills.  They eat away at the ability of abortion clinics to kill our babies.

SB5, like the laws in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, says you cannot abort a child capable of experiencing pain, a capacity that medical science has demonstrated takes place no later than at 20 weeks.

Tennessee – State Representative Micah Van Huss has rewritten his original heartbeat bill.  It is HB0077.  State Senator Mark Pody introduced SB1236.  Both bills require the person attempting to do the abortion to check for the unborn baby’s heartbeat.  In reading Senator Pody’s bill, it appears as though ultrasound is always done, and it is not.  If our new Governor, Bill Lee, signs onto the heartbeat bill, I am sure, like other states, it will be challenged in court.

Here is a complete list of states who have tried to pass heartbeat bills.

Abortion Providers

All pro-lifers are praying to save our unborn human babies.  We want the murders stopped, but each of the heartbeat bills are challenged because of the original Roe v. Wade decision regarding viability of life.  The very text of these bills leaves it up to the abortion provider to check for a heartbeat.  Check the summary of Tennessee’s House Bill 0077.  These bills put the requirement of the finding the heartbeat on the person least likely to want to find a heartbeat—the abortion doctors themselves.

Are we to believe every abortion clinic is going to hire a certified pro-life ultrasound nurse who will honestly do the work required to find a heartbeat…the pressing, searching, roving, seeking with the tools required to find a tiny heartbeat? No. And why would they?

Ultrasound is completely operator dependent. One can manipulate the scan however they want. And in the hands of an abortion provider, that scan can prove to be deadly.

Killing unborn babies is a huge cash crop.  Abortion providers know this.  And why would an abortion doctor tell a woman in her third trimester that the heart can be heard when they make far more money on selling baby parts from late term abortions.

Abortion is a very lucrative business, and this has been true from the beginning. By last count, Planned Parenthood (a tax-exempt organization!) has $951 million in total assetsMarvin Olasky observes and documents in his book, Abortion Rites, that there have long been doctors who supported abortion, “if not for principle, at least for principal.” Link

It’s all about money, that’s the bottom line.  Pro-life lobbyists think up these bills, and then pound their chests in pride, and when it fails, this allows them to ask for more money to fight for this useless law in court, all the while bragging about how many lives that will be saved because laws like this magically make abortion doctors have “good faith.” They know abortion providers will never act in good faith with the heartbeat bills.

Supreme Court and Roe

Courts don’t make laws, although in today’s America, our President is stopped by leftist judges from carrying out his constitutional duties. Prior to Roe v. Wade abortion was illegal in 30 states and legal under certain circumstances in 20 states.  It was a state decision and it should have remained so.

We have to stop placing our trust in multi-million-dollar lobby groups and instead place our trust in the King of Glory.  Keep working, and keep praying because President Trump may actually have an opportunity to put one or two more pro-life justices on the Supreme Court.

If that were to happen, and Roe was overturned, the State of Tennessee already has bills in both houses of our legislature that will protect our unborn babies.  The Human Life Protection Act (SB 1257 / HB 1029) avoids constitutional challenges by taking effect upon reversal, in part or in full, of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court. It restores Tennessee’s pre-Roe law and prohibits abortion except to save a mother’s life. Such policies have been enacted in Louisiana, Mississippi, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Similar legislation is presently being considered in other states such as Kentucky and Arkansas where it passed the state Senate.

Rep. Susan Lynn (Republican, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee) said, “It has always been the priority of Tennessee’s pro-life movement to restore protection to the largest number of unborn children and women in our state. While states like New York are moving to strip any limits to abortion–even at the moments just before birth—Tennessee wants to be known for protecting our children.” 

Unfortunately, the heartbeat bill has served to cost states many taxpayer dollars and in some states, those dollars went to the very perpetrators of this evil.  How?  Many of the lawyers for the pro-abortion proponents sit on the boards of Planned Parenthood.


America has embraced a culture of death.  The slaughter of our unborn even at the moment of birth is an atrocity of satanic proportions which needs to be quelled.  Roe v. Wade needs to be overturned. Proponents of abortion thrill to dancing in the blood of these babies.  New York Governor Cuomo was overjoyed to pass his infanticide bill promoting abortion at the very moment of birth.  Molech would be proud.

The United States Senate voted on an anti-infanticide bill introduced by Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The legislation needed 60 votes to pass, and it failed by a vote of 53 in favor and 44 against.  The bill stated that “if an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.”  Link  Babies of botched abortions have been left crying for hours to die alone.

A day after Senate Democrats voted to block a bill to stop infanticide, House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions.

This is the 10th time Congressional Democrats thwarted an attempt by Republicans to vote on a bill that would provide medical care and treatment for babies who survived failed abortions — eight times in the House and twice in the Senate.

Every Democratic presidential hopeful — Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Sherrod Brown, Amy Klobuchar, and Elizabeth Warren, along with Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont — voted against this common-sense bill. Democrats Doug Jones, Joe Manchin, and Bob Casey Jr. voted in favor of the bill. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), and Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) did not vote on the bill.  Where were they?

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Strange Death Of Europe: Rapes And Murders Daily By Refugees

Part 6: Incredible crime rates as to rapes, murders, molesting Europeans by immigrants.

In his book, The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray said,” The desire to continue to feel yourself guilty arguably finds its end point in modern European liberal societies: the first societies in human history who, when they are hit, ask what they did to deserve it.  For unassuageable historical guilt carries over into the present.  It makes Europeans the guilty party even when they actually are hit, or worse. Several years before the latest surge in migration, the left-wing Norwegian politician Karsen Nordal Hauken, a self-described feminist, anti-racist and heterosexual, was brutally raped in his own home by a male Somali refugee.”

Horrendously, the very people who plead for more refugees remain in gated communities to ensure their daughters and wives do not face the rampant rapes and molestations across all European countries invaded by immigrants.  All politicians stand away from and above the violence.

What kind of violence?  Please examine these few examples:

Mourtala Madou, a 33-year-old illegal immigrant from Niger, has been sentenced to life in prison for stabbing to death his 34-year-old German ex-girlfriend and decapitating their 21-month-old daughter at a subway station in Hamburg.

The grisly crime drew renewed attention to Germany’s spiraling epidemic of stabbings and knife violence, which has raged since Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed into the country more than a 2 million mostly male migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

The double murder in Hamburg occurred the morning of April 12, 2018, one day after a family judge denied Madou (also known as Mado Bido M. or Mourtala M.) joint custody of his daughter. Madou followed the mother, Sandra P., and their toddler, Mariam, into the Jungfernstieg station in downtown Hamburg. In front of many passers-by, he opened his backpack, pulled out a knife and stabbed his stroller-bound daughter in the abdomen. He then slashed her neck and severed her head. Madou subsequently plunged the knife into Sandra P.’s back and cut through her vital organs. She died less than an hour later at a nearby hospital.

During interrogation by police, Madou said, “This is my child. This is my blood. The mother separates me from the child. Then I separate the child from her.”

Police and prosecutors had initially tried to conceal from the public that Madou had decapitated the baby, but a commuter in Hamburg — who happened to arrive at the subway station moments after the attack filmed the scene on his phone. “Oh my God,” Daniel J. can be heard saying in English. “It’s unbelievable. He cut off the head of the baby.”

Heinrich Kordewiner, a blogger from Hamburg who discovered the video on Daniel J.’s Facebook page, uploaded it to YouTube. Hamburg police subsequently arrived at Kordewiner’s apartment with a search warrant, and confiscated his computer, mobile phone and other electronics, allegedly to find “evidence” of the “crime” of uploading the video.

Police and prosecutors have insisted that their silence about the child’s decapitation has been out of respect for the dignity of the dead. Others, however, have accused German authorities of censoring information about growing lawlessness — including spiraling knife violence — to “preserve civil peace.”

No One Is Safe in the Streets of European Cities Anymore with African and Middle Eastern Refugees that now number into the Millions

Knives, axes and machetes have become weapons of choice for immigrants in Germany, which has some of the strictest gun laws in Europe. People armed with knives, axes and machetes have brought devastation to all of Germany’s 16 federal states. Knives have been used not only not only to carry out jihadist attacks, but also to commit homicides, robberies, home invasions, sexual assaults, honor killings and many other types of violent crime.

Knife-related crimes have occurred in amusement parks, bicycle trails, hotels, parking lots, parks, public squares, public transportation, restaurants, schools, supermarkets and train stations. Many Germans have the sense that danger lurks everywhere, but the lack of official statistics seemingly allows German authorities to pretend that the problem is imaginary.

Daily occurrences in European cities via refugees give asylum:

  • Fulda. A 23-year-old Somali asylum seeker demanded a cigarette from a passerby: “Give me the cigarette. The cigarette is mine. Allahu Akbar! [Allah is the greatest!] I kill Christians!” When the man refused, the Somali drew a knife and repeatedly stabbed him in the upper torso. The injured man fled but the Somali pursued him: “I’m a Muslim. I want to kill you. I kill Christians. Allahu Akbar!”  The man later died of his wounds.
  • Flensburg. Ahmad Gulbhar, a failed Afghan asylum seeker, stabbed to death 17-year-old Mireille B. after she refused to convert to Islam. He claimed on his asylum application that he was an 18-year-old refugee from Syria. Medical exams showed that Gulbhar was at least 21 years old and possibly 29 years old.
  • Nordstetten. A 26-year-old Syrian asylum seeker, Mohammed Omran Albakr, was arrested in the stabbing death of his landlord, Michael Riecher, a real estate entrepreneur. Riecher had sponsored Albakr and some speculated that the murder had a financial motive. Others said that Albakr murdered Riecher after learning that he was Jewish; that the murder had a religious and anti-Semitic dimension.

During my research for Part 6 of this series, I am looking at four pages of this kind of violence to Europeans who have been forced by their leaders to accepts these 21st century barbarians or at best, savages from Africa.

The rape sheet on my desk looks like a ticker-tape listing spewing out of a machine of women raped by Muslims and Africans.  It’s what they do; it’s how they operate; it’s their culture. It’s become Europe’s noose around Europe’s neck. Brought to Europeans by their leaders!  Murray makes it clear in his book.  He documents everything.

Do we want this kind of America where rapes, jihad and violence to anyone who isn’t Islamic, occur in our cities every minute of the day?  Do we want the violence of multiculturalism and diversity where we face certain societal suicide and death to our citizens?

If we maintain our present course, none of us will be safe from this immigration onslaught of America.

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E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

America, Land Of Witchcraft And Idolatry

There can be no doubt about it!  America is a nation that is full of witches and idolaters! From the church houses, to the courthouses, to the state houses and also very much in the white house. Witchcraft and idolatry reign supreme in the hearts and minds of most of the inhabitants of America!

You are probably thinking that this is a hard and harsh statement! Yep, it sure is! But that certainly doesn’t make it not a completely truthful statement and fact!

Let’s establish first, what witchcraft is by Biblical standards and Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary definitions.  First Samuel 15:23 says, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”  The 1828 Noah Webster’s dictionary, by the way, the only one to use to study God’s infallible Word, states witchcraft is “the practices of witches; sorcery; enchantments; intercourse with the devil.”  The last statement is not implying sexual intercourse, but rather agreement with, or obedience to, Satan.  To not obey God’s commandments is satanic worship!  If we love Christ our Saviour, we will endeavor to obey Him and keep His laws and commandments! (John 14:15)

As we have just established, rebellion is of the same spirit as witchcraft.  The scriptures refer to the rebellious spirit over one hundred times.  The vast majority of times it is used in the context of mankind rebelling against God’s Word, or other “righteous” authority.  So to make it clear and simple, “rebellion is witchcraft when we rebel against a “righteous” authority!

Any man, as head of the house, or leader in the church, or government, that rebels against God’s righteous laws on how to “govern” and lead a family, church or society is practicing witchcraft!  Take a look around you folks.  Do you see “witches” practicing witchcraft anywhere?  Wives disobeying their husbands who are sincerely striving to serve Christ, or children rebelling against Godly parents? Or criminals rebelling against a righteous leader that governs according to God’s Word! (II Sam. 23:1-3, Rom. 13:1-4)  Unfortunately, neither of the scripture references apply to any political governing body and very few homes or churches in America today!  We, as “righteous” men and women, must obey God and be very weary of man’s dictates and rules! (Acts 5:29)

To close this portion of the article, let me state unequivocally, that I know of very few men or organizations that do not commit witchcraft to one degree or another.  Praise our precious Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus The Christ, that His grace is sufficient in our short comings!  But I speak a warning here to all mankind!  Do not intentionally, continually and knowingly disobey His laws, or payday will be hell! (Heb. 2:1-31, Heb.10:28-29, Mt. 8:12, Mark 3:29, Rev. 14:10-11)  Enough said about rebellion and witchcraft.  It is your call now!  Let’s move on to idolatry.

As with rebellion, you will also read in I Sam. 15:23 that “stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry”.  We have three words that we need to look at to help us better understand this statement.  Let’s start with stubbornness from the Strong’s Concordance.  6484 – to stun or dull: urge, press, stubbornness.  Now the Webster’s 1828 dictionary, which in this case, I believe, makes the definition much clearer.  “Perverse and unreasonable obstinacy”.   The word “stubborn” in the scriptures, is associated with disobedience to righteous authority.  Akin to rebellion.

Let’s look now at iniquity and see how it ties into idolatry.  Concordance number 205.  A very lengthy definition, but mainly it means to be workers of evil, by scheming, lying and acting deceptively.  It also means vanity, wickedness, an “idol”.  In the 1828 Webster’s, it says, “injustice, unrighteousness, a sin or crime, want of holiness or depravity”.  Again implying “rebellion” against righteous authority.

And now let’s look at the final word in this statement to establish the final fact and proof needed to confirm America is a land full of witches and idolaters!  Idolatry, Strong’s number 8655 – “family idol, or idols, spirit or demon, graven image.”  It certainly lines up as disobedience to righteous authority as stated in the first commandment. (Ex. 20:3-5)   The Webster’s 1828 states, “the worship of idols, or anything made by hands, or which is not God”.  Again, disobedience to righteous authority.

Americans “rebel” against God’s authority in so many ways that listing just the ones I could think of would fill several pages.  We can narrow it down to two types of sin that will cover most, if not all, acts of rebellion (sin)!  The sins of commission and the sin of omission.  Simply stated, those that commit the rebellious (sinful) acts, and those that tolerate them.  That pretty much applies to all of us in one way or the other!

America is full of witchcraft and idolatry.  We are all guilty!  Howbeit, mostly through ignorance.  But ignorance will destroy our walk with God and condemn our children to much sorrow and perhaps Hell. (Hos. 4:6)  America, as a nation, has sinned beyond redemption!  But if you are reading this and understand what I am saying, and are sorry, as we all should be, for “tolerating” evil, forgiveness and salvation are wonderfully available to all who will repent and ask in Jesus name. (John 3:16-17)

As John Wesley once said, “that which we tolerate today, we will embrace tomorrow.”  That factual statement applies to individuals and nations.

© 2019 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

Biblical Prophecy Refutes Earthly Utopian Dreams, Part 3

Pastor Mike Spaulding

But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance. Mark 13:23

But when you see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it should not be [let the reader understand], then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Mark 13:14[1]

Who and What is the Abomination of Desolation?

In the Scripture cited above, Jesus says that there will occur, an Abomination of Desolation. For those familiar with eschatology, the study of end times events, you will understand that this appearance and event marks the midpoint of the seven year tribulation period spoken of in the book of Revelation.

What is interesting about this statement from Jesus is that He mentions something that had already occurred to explain what was going to happen in the future. Recall that Jesus’ response in Mark 13:14 was in relation to the disciples asking Him what would be the signs of His return and of the end of the age.

To understand this completely and explain what we will see in the future we need to go back to the Hebrew Scriptures and look at the book of Daniel Chapter 8, verses 13-14. That passage says:

Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to that particular one who was speaking, “How long will the vision about the regular sacrifice apply, while the transgression causes horror, so as to allow both the holy place and the host to be trampled?” He said to me, “For 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored.”

This vision that Daniel received occurred about 551 BC. What is important to know about that date is that it is was nearly 400 years before it happened! As I stated in Part 1 of this article, the Abomination of Desolation occurred in 167 BC. How do I know that? Let’s read on in Daniel 8:15-21:

When I, Daniel, had seen the vision, I sought to understand it; and behold, standing before me was one who looked like a man.  And I heard the voice of a man between the banks of Ulai, and he called out and said, “Gabriel, give this man an understanding of the vision.” So he came near to where I was standing, and when he came I was frightened and fell on my face; but he said to me, “Son of man, understand that the vision pertains to the time of the end.”

Now while he was talking with me, I sank into a deep sleep with my face to the ground; but he touched me and made me stand upright. He said, “Behold, I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the appointed time of the end. The ram which you saw with the two horns represents the kings of Media and Persia. The shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece, and the large horn that is between his eyes is the first king.

What Daniel is receiving is a history lesson of the future. You may recall that Daniel was taken to Babylon when the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem. Daniel was in Babylon when God raised up Darius, King of the Medes-Persians, who conquered Babylon without a fight. That’s Daniel 5 by the way.

In Daniel 8:21 cited above, Greece is mentioned. That is Alexander the Great and he defeated the Persian Empire about 331 BC. Daniel 8:22 is important for to understand. It says: “The broken horn and the four horns that arose in its place represent four kingdoms which will arise from his nation, although not with his power.” That broken horn is Alexander the Great, who died at the age of 32 from venereal diseases, alcoholism, and some historians believe typhoid fever.

Alexander had no heirs, and so his empire was divided between his four generals. Those men are represented by the four horns that arose in the place of the broken horn who was Alexander. Those four generals were: Cassandra, reigned over Macedonia, Ptolemy, who reigned over Egypt, Lysimachus, who ruled Thrace and Asia Minor, and Seleucus, who ruled Syria and Israel.

What is pertinent to our understanding here is that one of the descendants of the Seleucids was a King named Antiochus Epiphanes. Antiochus was by most historical accounts insane. He was violently evil toward Israel. When we read Daniel 8:9 we see that: “Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the South, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land.” That is a picture of Antiochus’ hatred of Israel, i.e. The Beautiful Land.

What did Antiochus do? Among other things he:

  • Outlawed the public reading of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  • He executed Jews who observed the Sabbath.
  • He executed Jews who circumcised their sons.
  • He forbade worship of Yahweh.

The grievous and blasphemous thing he did was to desecrate the Temple in Jerusalem by stopping the daily sacrifices, offering a pig on the Altar of Incense, and erected a statue of Zeus in the Temple. Daniel 8:11 gives us that information.

These acts so infuriated the Jewish people that a rebellion arose led by the Maccabean family. Antiochus’s army was driven from Jerusalem and the Temple was restored on December 25, 164 BC. This restoration is still celebrated today among the Jewish people as the Festival of Lights. Most Christians know it as Hanukkah.

The Reason Jesus Used the Prophet Daniel to Answer the Disciple’s Questions

The phrase that Jesus used in Mark 13:14 is found in Daniel 9:27 but we will read verses 24-27 for the bigger picture.

“Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place So you are to know and discern that from the issuing of a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there will be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; it will be built again, with plaza and moat, even in times of distress.  Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.  And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate.”

Let me unpack this prophecy, this vision given to Daniel by the angel Gabriel. If you can grasp the meaning of this prophecy of the Seventy Weeks, it will make end times prophecy so much easier to understand.

Here are some things to consider about the abomination of desolation within the prophetic context of Mark 13:14 where Jesus quotes Daniel 9:27. I have already mentioned that the abomination of desolation is both a person and an event. The person is the Antichrist. The event is his desecration of the Temple by demanding that he be worshiped as God.

Antichrist is given many names in Scripture. J. Dwight Pentecost, in his book Things to Come (p. 334), gives a list of names compiled by Arthur W. Pink (The Antichrist, pp. 59–75) which are applicable to Antichrist:

The Bloody and Deceitful Man (Ps. 5:6),

The Wicked One (Ps. 10:2–4),

The Man of the Earth (Ps. 10:18), the Mighty Man (Ps. 52:1),

The Enemy (Ps. 55:3),

The Adversary (Ps. 74:8–10),

The Head of Many Countries (Ps. 111:6 [sic]),

The Violent Man (Psalm 140:1),

The Assyrian (Isaiah. 10:5–12),

The King of Babylon (Isaiah 14:2),

The Sun [sic] of the Morning (Isaiah 14:12),

The Spoiler (Isaiah 16:4–5; Jeremiah 6:26),

The Nail (Isaiah 22:25),

The Branch of the Terrible Ones (Isaiah 25:5),

The Profane Wicked Prince of Israel (Ezekiel 21:25–27),

The Little Horn (Daniel 7:8),

The Prince that shall come (Daniel 9:26),

The Vile Person (Daniel 11:21),

The Willful King (Daniel 11:36),

The Idol Shepherd (Zechariah 11:16–17),

The Man of Sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3),

The Son of Perdition (2 Thessalonians 2:3),

The Lawless one (2 Thessalonians 2:8),

The Antichrist (1 John 2:22),

The Angels [sic] of the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 9:11),

The Beast (Revelation 11:7; 13:1).

To these could be added: the One Coming in His Own Name (John 5:43), the King of Fierce Countenance (Dan. 8:23), the Abomination of Desolation (Matt. 24:15), the Desolator (Dan. 9:27).

It is extremely important that you understand that the Tribulation period spoken of in Daniel and wherever it is mentioned in the New Testament is focused on the Jews and the city of Jerusalem. Daniel 9:24 makes this clear: “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city.” So these events Daniel speaks of concerns the nation of Israel. They do not concern the church. The church was a mystery at the time of Daniel’s writing and therefore it is not in view here.

Furthermore, the church is not Israel and the church has not replaced Israel. Supersessionism also known as Replacement Theology is demonic. Its roots are Augustinian and Romish. Christian Triumphalism is heretical in the least. The grafting in of the church did not result in the exclusion of Israel.

The prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 consists of a 490 year period of time. “Seventy weeks have been decreed.” The Hebrew word for week used in this passage is “shabuwa” (Strong’s #7620) and means a unit of seen. In this context it means a week of years. We see the same thing in Genesis 29:27. There we read Laban saying to Jacob: “Complete the week of this one, and we will give you the other also for the service which you shall serve with me for another seven years.”  Jacob served Laban seven “shabuwa’s” or years, for Rachel’s hand. Thus seventy shabuwa’s or units of seven years is equal to 490 years.

These 490 years are biblical prophetic years not years according to our Gregorian calendar. What does that mean? Our Gregorian reckoning of time consists of 365 days except for leap years. Prophetic years consist of 360 days.

We see this in a number of places in Scripture. For example, we see this in Revelation 11:2-3 in which verse two mentions 42 months and verse three mentions 1,260 days. This is referring to the same time period: 3.5 years of the Tribulation.

In Genesis Chapters 7 and 8 we read that the worldwide flood began and the ark rested exactly five months apart and it states that was 150 days. With this understanding we can turn to our calculators! What is 490 years times 360 days? It is 176,400 days. Why is all this important? It is important because it reveals to us a blueprint for the future.

What happens when 176,400 days are fulfilled? We don’t have to guess because the Holy Spirit through Daniel tells us. Read Daniel 8:24 once again. Note these six things:

Finish the transgression.
Make an end to sin.
Make atonement for iniquity.
Bring in everlasting righteousness.
Seal up vision and prophecy.
Anoint the most holy place.

In this vision then, six things will come about at the end of the 490 years. Hebrew scholar Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum says that finish the transgression means that the Jewish people will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

The meaning of making an end to sin is tied to finish the transgression in that the Jewish people will be born-again through faith in Christ. This is the fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:33 where God says in reference to His people Israel: “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it.”

By faith the Jewish people will trust in the finished work of Christ upon Calvary’s cross for the salvation of their souls. They will believe on Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, the atonement He secured on their behalf and this is the meaning behind Daniel’s statement concerning “atonement for iniquity.”

When these 176,400 days are concluded an everlasting righteousness will be brought in. What does that look like? The prophet Isaiah gives us that information.

Isaiah 51:4-8

“Pay attention to Me, O My people,
And give ear to Me, O My nation;
For a law will go forth from Me,
And I will set My justice for a light of the peoples.
“My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth,
And My arms will judge the peoples;
The coastlands will wait for Me,
And for My arm they will wait expectantly.
“Lift up your eyes to the sky,
Then look to the earth beneath;
For the sky will vanish like smoke,
And the earth will wear out like a garment
And its inhabitants will die in like manner;
But My salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness will not [e]wane.
“Listen to Me, you who know righteousness,
A people in whose heart is My law;
Do not fear the reproach of man,
Nor be dismayed at their revilings.
“For the moth will eat them like a garment,
And the grub will eat them like wool.
But My righteousness will be forever,
And My salvation to all generations.”

Isaiah 9:6-7

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,
On the throne of David and over his kingdom,
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
From then on and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.

This is the long-awaited Kingdom. This is what Christians pray for: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The Kingdom of God will be established when Jesus returns. All this talk about building the Kingdom now is not biblical. That kind of “Kingdom Now” theology contributes toward the utopian dreams of the God-haters described previously. The church needs to tighten up its language and theological comprehension.

The next Kingdom that will be established and already is in the process of being established visibly is the Antichrist’s kingdom. That is what Jesus destroys when He returns! Much of the church and people who claim to be Christians are blind and ignorant. They are busy as beavers building a Kingdom but it isn’t God’s Kingdom.

The “sealing up of vision and prophecy” means that all the prophecies related to Israel will be fulfilled. Every promise God has made to Israel will come to pass. Every covenant God has made with Israel will be completed. That includes the land promises that are part of the Abrahamic Covenant. Many Christians will be shocked when the truth is revealed: God is not done with Israel.

Finally, the sixth thing that will be accomplished, the anointing of the most high place, will occur when the Temple is rebuilt during the millennial reign of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. The prophet Ezekiel says that the glory of God will fill this Temple. Ezekiel 40-48 contains those details.

There is a lot of talk about a new Temple on the verge of being constructed in Jerusalem right now. Apparently, the priests have been trained, the Temple service implements have been manufactured and recently, an acceptable red heifer has been born. My opinion is that this Temple will not be constructed until the Antichrist is on the scene.

Regardless of the timing of this third Temple, it won’t last long. I believe it will be destroyed when Christ returns. He will build a fourth Temple from which he will reign.

All of this tells us that the political and spiritual restoration of Israel is yet future. The Jewish people have been regathered in their land but they are there in unbelief. There is a day coming when just as the Hebrew Scriptures predict, just as the Apostle Paul prophesied in the Apostolic Scriptures, just as God promised, all Israel will be saved.[2]

What Have We Learned?

This has been a lengthy examination of what the Bible says about the times we are living in and what the end of days actually looks like. The birth pangs Jesus describes in Mark 13:1-13 are upon us. Yet, they are essentially ignored by all but a few. The desire of many in these days is for peace and safety. That leads them to explore all types of activities that have spiritual components to them. Being ignorant of the devices of Satan is a sure recipe for bondage and destruction.

The drive toward a one world religion has gained momentum over the last few decades. All that remains is for governments across the earth to give their approval to a new spirituality of man-centered, earth worshipping, and humanistic amalgamation of God-hating people who have been strategically elevated to places of prominence by people with the ability to do so.

The question sober-minded people should be asking is this: is that possible? Is peace and safety possible in a world where dictators rise up and devastate nations with their greed and murderous ambitions while the world watches silently? Is it possible to have a new spirituality that allows for all expressions of alleged faith except that Jesus Christ is the only way to eternal life with the one true God? Is it possible to have peace and safety when entire nations of people are taught from the time they begin to walk and talk that other people groups are pigs and apes?

Is peace and safety possible without a brutal totalitarian regime that Orwell and many other modern prophets envisioned? Can the darkness in the human heart be overcome for the benefit of mankind across the world without the Light that is Jesus Christ?

All the machinations of mankind whether political or spiritual, are doomed to failure because they begin without God, and they seek an end that is anti-God. Utopian dreams void of the God who created all things are nightmares in the making.

I plead with you dear reader to consider this day whom you will serve. Will you serve the God of Creation, the God who has revealed Himself through the Son Jesus Christ? Will you trust Him for the salvation of your soul and the reconciliation with the Father that He offers? True peace and safety is only found in Jesus Christ.

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.org

Website: www.drmikelive.com


[1] Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references are from the New American Standard Bible, Lockman Foundation, 1995.
[2] Isaiah 59:20-21; Romans 11:26; Zechariah 12:10; 13:1-9.

Destroying America From Within, Part 2

When understanding how islam works we simply have to look at history as to how they operate in the nations they immigrate to.  The number one that must be realized, no matter what they say, is DO NOT ASSIMILATE!  Our new member of the House from Minnesota, Rep. Ilhan Omar, stated in 2012 “I will not assimilate!” They never have, they never will.  That is a critical factor in allowing them to immigrate, do we want millions of people immigrating here that refuse to adopt our culture?  According to history, we see them immigrating and gradually getting to the point where they take control.

The first thing they do is establish a mosque.  In islam the mosque is their religious place.  I call it that because a sane person cannot call their so-called religion a legitimate religion.  The mosque is also used for their court house.  We have no idea how many cases in America are tried in their shariah court instead of the courts of the land.  Some say that there are already shariah courts in America. It happened at the Republican National Convention last year, and it’s happened at just about every right-wing protest I’ve covered in the past few years: People tell me Sharia law is coming to America. Muslims secretly want to impose their will on all of us. In fact, there are already “no-go zones” in United States, and we must act now to stop them from spreading.

Where do they think this is happening? In places like Dearborn, Michigan, and Dallas, Texas. Dallas in particular has become a center of anti-Sharia protests, inflamed partly by reports from Fox News, Breitbart, and others that an Islamic court had been established there to decree medieval justice in America. The protests were loud enough that Texas passed a bill last summer to ban “foreign law” from being applied.

Could this rogue Islamic court be real? And what evidence led Texas to act? In the episode above, I travel to the real-life Islamic Tribunal in Arlington, Texas, to ask one of its founding imams what he does there. Then I meet with Texas State Rep. Dan Flynn, a Republican who represents a rural district outside Dallas and who sponsored the new legislation. He insists the bill doesn’t target Muslims, but the law’s backstory suggests otherwise.[1]

There is proof that there are American courts that have used shariah to adjudicate some cases.  In my opinion these judges should be removed form the bench and barred from ever being a judge again because they are sworn to uphold the Constitution not Islamic law.  CSP has found that at least 146 cases have been identified where the U.S. court system has allowed a Shariah court to adjudicate.

“In about 20 percent of those cases the court agreed to use Shariah instead of American laws with our constitutional gaurantees respected,” Gaffney said.

In some Muslim countries, severe punishments are common, women have very few rights, and blasphemy against Mohammed can result in a death sentence.

But Tribunal Judge Imam Moujahed Bakhach is denying that will happen in America.

“The misconception about what they see through the media is that Shariah means cut the head, chop the heads, cut the hands and we are not in that,” he said. “We are not here to invade the White House or invade Austin.”

But Robert Spencer of JihadWatch writes: “There is no school of Islamic jurisprudence among either Sunnis or Shites that does not mandate stoning for adultery, amputation of the hand for theft, and the subjugation of women.”

Imam Bakhach and three other Muslim judges are planning to bypass the traditional legal system of Texas to handle civil cases on their own.[2]  I will here and now call this imam a liar!  Remember CAIR founder, Omar Ahmad, stated “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominate.  The quran, the muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”  This proves that he is a liar.  Remember also that they are required to lie to advance islam.  The courts that were in place in Irving, Texas were shut down because it put muslims under different laws than what are allowed by our Constitution.  This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

All four of the “voluntary” court’s lawyers were unlicensed in the state of Texas, a third degree felony. Mayor Beth Van Duyne received several phone calls on the matter. It seems that the Islamic Tribunal not only was unlicensed, but they failed to notify the city of their illegal court being operated in city limits. She promised to get to the bottom of it, and she did.

By their own website’s admission, if U.S. law conflicts with Sharia law, “we follow Sharia law.” It also openly admitted separate rules for men and women in their proceedings, discriminating and humiliating women which is against the U.S. Constitution. The Islamic Tribunal also openly declared that they hope [this] will “set a precedence that will be emulated and duplicated throughout the country.”[3]

It is hard to find but these muslims have called for her to be killed for doing this.  We will find that muslims do not like to have something taken away that they have gained even if it was gained illegally.  Last week I brought up the comment by the Texas director of CAIR Director, Mustafa Carroll, “If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land.”  They don’t think that they have to abide by laws of the land because shariah is to dominate.

The next thing they do is establish an muslim enclave.  We see that most glaringly in Dearborn, Michigan.  The city council is dominated by muslims and there are times when there are signs in that city stating that this is a shariah zone.  You don’t walk your dog there, women don’t walk through there in tank tops and shorts or they will be raped and beaten.  They do this because they believe they have the right to do that to any non-muslim female.  A case of harassment or injury to the detriment of a girl took place on Friday afternoon on a bus of line 7644. The as-yet unknown girl of about 12 to 13 years of age got on the bus around 4:20PM at the Ledergraben stop in Reutlingen, going in the direction of St. Johann-Würtingen. At the Südbahnhof stop, she went to the front doors of the bus to get off. As she walked past, a 37-year-old Syrian sitting in front of her in the bus hit her buttocks with his hand. Crying, the girl then turned to the 37-year-old and asked him the reason for his actions; he dismissed her with the words “I am entitled to do this.” The injured party then left the bus. In the further course of events, the accused then uttered vulgar abuse and threats against other passengers who had observed the events and expressed their incomprehension.[4]

America’s eyes have been closed to this threat because of the false belief that ‘This could never happen in America!’ but it is happening.  It was exacerbated by eight years of the Obama administration’s push to get as many muslims into America as he could for, I believe, the destruction of America from the inside. We have to wake up to this truth.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Inside A sharia law court in Texas
  2. Islamic shariah tribunal begins operating in Texas
  3. Muslims are angry at Texas mayor after she stops sharia court here
  4. Germany Muslim migrant strikes 12 year old girl on her buttocks says he’s entitled

DemRats Now Known As Party Of Molech

The pagan god Molech, known as the, god of fire, had as his mission, according to its deluded followers,  the destruction of children, especially babies. And they would be destroyed in the cruelest possible way…being burned to death. The DemRats of today, have the same insane mission while worshipping their god, Abortion, and dispatch developing babies who feel pain, by ripping off their limbs, one by one, then the head, as the tiny babies silently scream in agony. Again, THEY HAVE FEELINGS! Don’t forget that.

What is worse, these Demon Craps appear to DESIRE that inconvenient babies be made to suffer as much as possible while “getting them out of the way.”  After all, who wants to be tied down, restricted from their sick satisfactions by having to care for inconvenient babies?

Several years ago, medical scientists discovered that babies in the womb feel pain shortly after their heartbeat is established. Republicans tried to pass a bill that these unborn babies would be given a sedative before the dismemberment abortion was to begin, to prevent them from suffering. This is known as compassion, even though warped since this should never have been allowed to take place to begin with.

And these Dem Rat BASTARDS stood in the way of that compassionate bill being passed.  Now don’t get your knickers in a twist by the choice of a particular descriptive word. That word is biblical and used in The Bible to question details of certain births.  

And we do consider the Words of John 8:44 which must refer to Democrats: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of lies.”   Yes, just like the devil who does the same as the democrats since they are one and the same.

Nothing nails the democrats more than this verse. They are cruel;  they lie, deceive and do evil deeds. This is why, starting today, they will be known as The Party of Molech.  All conservative journalists please take note.
Molech was the god of the Ammonites. Many of Solomons’ concubines were Ammonites. Many Israelites considered this imagined “god” a “King.” The image was made of brass, though hollow inside…exactly like the Democrats of today.

The idea of Molech, the god of fire, was for purification of the people by fire.  According to legend,  the seeds of human kinds are the best to sacrifice. In Acts 7:43, Stephen indicated that this Molach sickness was wider spread than suspected. Indeed it seems to be active right up to this present day thanks to the Democrats.

By the way the last years that the Democrat Party was good was when John F. Kennedy was president. It was after he was assassinated that the Communists came front and center in their effort to make….”a whole new world.” Then the ultimate victory for Communist Party USA (CPUSA) when they managed to shoe-horn Obama into the Oval Office. And they ALMOST won. Except that Donald Trump came galloping in.

Recently DemRats passed a bill extending abortions up to and including birth! Yes, a baby could then go through the birth process, be out of the womb, and then murdered! This is the most savage thing yet that Demon Rats have done. Republicans immediately took action against that cruel action, but that bill to prevent babies being murdered AT BIRTH was BANNED by the dem savages that have no regard for anything or anyone but themselves and their lusts.

They are the lowest of the low.

And why tie them to Molech?  When little living babies were brought to Molech’s altar to be sacrificed by burning them alive,  there were drummers and musicians in the area playing loudly to drown out the screams of the babies and children.

This is exactly what we have today. As babies can now be legally murdered right after birth, the DemRats’ TV shows and movies, appealing to all sick lusts and fantasies, drown out the screams of the children. The exact barbaric distraction.

We cannot allow this to go on. Never, ever vote for a demoncrat again! When one looks at the strained faces of Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and other demon rat faces, think rationally and never ever vote for one of them again. And let’s reopen mental state hospitals.

Photo Caption: Congress DemocRat Alexandria Ocasio Cortez

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

The Democratic Party: A History Of Anarchy, Part 4

Embracing The Inner Democrat

Whether it was the Southern Democrats donning the white hoods to intimidate minorities and enforce Jim Crow laws or turning a blind eye on union violence, the Democratic Party has not been shy about embracing violence to get what they want.

In the 1960’s, the majority of the Democratic Party’s leadership were still determined to stop the spread of communism, as demonstrated by the Cuban Missile Crisis under JFK and the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam under LBJ. However, many young democrats had been influenced by the Cultural Marxist teachings of the Frankfurt School at Columbia University and adopted  the radical ideas of communists, anarchists, and socialists. They would soon morph into the “New Left.” The two sides would violently clash during the 1968 Democratic Convention, while the “Old Left” would win the skirmish, they would ultimately lose the war.

One of the college outreaches of the “New Left” was the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Their first meeting was attended by fewer than 100 people in 1962, but by 1968 they numbered over 50,000 activists. They initially demonstrated on a wide range of leftist causes ranging from feminism to the US participation on Vietnam while using mainly non-violent methods. The SDS would break apart because of internal fighting due to the escalation of the war in Vietnam in 1969.

The more radical SDS members formed terrorist cells of 3-4 members, changed their name to the Weathermen, and in October, 1969, began a series of bombings, robberies, and riots that would rack the nation. Their reign of terror began with the October, 1969 bombing of the Chicago memorial for the police officers killed in the Haymarket bombing of 1886. A few days later, hundreds of members gathered in Chicago to riot in what would be later called the ‘Days of Rage’. The riots would last for three days leaving dozens of demonstrators and police injured, 287 Weathermen arrested and cost the city $183,000 in damages and wages. When this demonstration failed to generate the revolution the Weathermen expected, the now fugitive group went underground to “bring the (Vietnam) war home

1970 would start out with a bang in February with the bombing of the Park Police Station in San Francisco which killed Sgt. Brian McDonnell. There is extensive evidence implicating Weathermen Bernardine Dohrn and Howard Machtinger as the main organizers of the attack. In March 1970 three Weathermen were killed when the nail bomb they were planning to use at a at a Fort Dix military base dance detonated prematurely. Six months later, one of the Weathermen cells robbed the National Guard armory in Newburyport, Massachusetts steeling weapons and ammunition then setting the building on fire causing some $125,000 in damages. Three days later, the same thugs used the stolen weapons to rob a bank and kill a guard.

Over the course of the next 12 years, the Weathermen would commit numerous acts of terrorism including the Brinks armored car robbery in Nyack, New York which led to a shootout with police, killing two police officers and one Brinks guard. Over-all they would kill at least four but probably five people and cause millions of dollars in damage. Few members would spend time in prison for their crimes because of police bungling, President Jimmy Carter’s amnesty for draft dodgers, the statute of limitations having run out on the majority of their crimes and lack of concern by their fellow liberals.

“In a revolution, some people have to die.” Bill Ayers

At the 1968 SDS Convention, Naomi Jaffe claimed to have shot down an American plane flying over Vietnam and assisted in the capture of an American pilot by the North Vietnamese.

At the Weather Underground National War Council on Dec. 4th, 1969, the following statements were recorded:

“It’s a wonderful feeling to hit a pig. “It must be a really wonderful feeling to kill a pig or blow up a building.” Mark Rudd

“We’re against everything that’s good and decent in honky America.  We will burn
and loot and destroy.  We are the incubation of your mother’s nightmare.”
 Jeff Jones

“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home; kill your parent, that’s where it’s really at.Bill Ayers

“Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon.Bill Ayers

“The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war. Bill Ayers

 “Killing a cop just because he’s a cop, that’ll happen. And that should happen. And there’s nothing inhuman about it at all. It’s survival. It’s the most human thing in the world.Bernadine Dohrn

“Dig it: Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room. Far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson. Bernadine Dohrn

“It’s absurd to brand someone as “a violent terrorist” simply for throwing a little Molotov cocktail through the window of a bank that doesn’t hurt a fly.” Laura Whitehorn

”When you feel you have right on your side, you can do some pretty horrific things.” Brian Flanagan

Many of the Weathermen would become college professors, popular speakers, writers, heroes to today’s left and also, completely un-repentant for their actions. While Ayers, Dohrn and other former Weathermen have both claimed they never hurt anyone, the evidence, completely repudiates their lies:

According to Harvey Klehr, the Andrew W. Mellon professor of politics and history at Emory University in Atlanta: “the only reason they Dohrn and Ayers) were not guilty of mass murder was mere incompetence. I don’t know what sort of defense that is.”

Larry Grathwohl, an FBI informant planted in the Weather Underground, also exposes Ayers and Dohrn as would-be cold blooded murderers who were thwarted in their attack on a crowded Detroit police station by a timely call to Grathwohl’s FBI contact. In planning the attack on the police station, Ayers would say” We blast the [expletive deleted] building to hell. And we do it when the place is crowded. We wait for them to have a meeting, or a social event. Then we strike.

Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” Bill Ayers

”I don’t regret setting bombs; I feel we didn’t do enough.” Bill Ayers

October, 1981, David Gilbert, Kathy Boudin, and two other Weathermen along with six Black Liberation Army extremists robbed a Brinks armored car in Nyack, New York. The thieves seized $1.6 million in cash while killing one Brinks guard and two police officers (including one officer being killed in execution style) while seriously wounding several others. David Gilbert was sentenced to seventy-five five years to life and Kathy Boudin pled guilty to one count of murder and robbery making her eligible for parole in 2003.

In an interview from prison, David Gilbert would defend their actions: “To us it was a question of stopping the real violence,” as justified by U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

I wish I could take back some of the things I said and some of the things I did. But in the bigger picture, I don’t feel that it was violent and terrible. I feel like it was primarily–obviously not completely–moral, based on a vision that the government should be better, and that people could be better, and that democracy should be real.Bernadine Dohrn

“I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents.” Vulture writer Erik Abriss Tweeting about the Covington High School students

The Weathermen were part of a wave of leftist terrorism using bombings, bank robberies, murders and kidnappings in an attempt to violently overthrow the U.S. government. Other terrorist groups included the Black Panthers, Symbionese Liberation Army, Earth Liberation Front, and Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), but none had the sadistic appeal to democrats like the Weathermen did. They became the “rock stars” of domestic terrorists and their list of supporters includes Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and the Dark Emperor himself, George Soros.

Bill Clinton would pardon Susan L. Rosenberg and Linda Sue Evans, both members of the Nyack Brinks armored truck robbery/triple murder. Former President Barack Obama would serve with Bill Ayers on the board of directors of Woods Fund of Chicago and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and in 1995, Ayers would host Obama’s first fundraiser for State Senator. In 1997, Bill Ayers, the man Obama would call “just a guy in my neighborhood,” would receive the Chicago “Citizen of the Year” award, not bad for a domestic terrorist.

The Soros/Weathermen connection is deep and started when Michael Kennedy from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) defended Bernadine Dohrn in 1980. Bernadine would later become the NLG’s first national student organizer. The NLG has received massive funding from the Soros “Tides Foundation.” When the NLG gave Bernadine their “Kinoy” award in 2017, they would thank her for her “steadfast and decades long commitment to the struggle for justice and global equality.” Lynne Stewart, one of the most radical NLG lawyers would also defend two of the Weathermen involved in the Nyack armored car robbery, David J Gilbert, and Kathy Boudin. Ayers is also one of Soros puppets, as shown when Ayers became the first director of the Woods Fund of Chicago which is heavily funded by the Tides Foundation. In 2017, Ayers joined with ANTIFA to form the group “Refuse Fascism, another “Tides Foundation” supported group.

In 2002, Linda Evans received a George Soros criminal justice fellowship from the Open Society Institute for her to work to restore civil rights to felons. ”I’m trying to make things better in our society,” she said in a telephone interview. ”I just feel really strongly that the policies of our government are just anti-human at every level.”

The left’s love affair with murderers and bombers is well known. One only has to look at the number of leftists who idolize Charles Manson and Oscar Lopez Rivera. But the Weathermen seem to have taken a special place in the liberal heart. Perhaps because the majority of them are so unrepentant for what they did or how much they truly hate America. But the left’s present day love affair with them and refusal to see their campaign of bombing as terrorism, not heroism, should concern us. For instance, in 2013, Robert Redford directed and starred in a film depicting a fictional account of the Weathermen. The film cast Ayers and Dohrn in a very sympathetic light which was warmly reviewed by the New York Times and other media outlets.

While never shy about embracing violence and terrorism, the Democratic Party has gone all out to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the ’68 Democratic Convention riots as these articles show here, here and here.

We’re not trying to take wealth away from capitalists who got it honestly……….. April Fools,,,,,, No capitalist got wealth honestly. Kill the Rich. Joseph “Jose” Alcoff

Almost daily there is some new violent threat to President Trump, his family, his supporters and/or conservatives in general. The following are just a few of the legion of threats and violence of today’s democrats:

  • April, 2012: Weathermen David Gilbert released an autobiographical training manual for up and coming terrorists. To “celebrate” such a great event, several former Weathermen got together with members of the communist “Occupy” movement. Naomi Jaffe hosted the event. To the amusement of the audience, she calls the Nyack armored car robbery by Gilbert and Co. as “expropriations”, necessary because “revolutionary work is not funded by government.” She then goes on to label the Occupy movement as “resistance to an unjust system.”
  • August, 2012: Floyd Lee Corkins went to the Family Research Council’s (FRC) headquarters, shot an un-armed guard three times before the guard was able to subdue him. Corkins decided to attack the FRC based on a “hate report” from the liberal hate group, Southern Poverty Law Center. Corkins would tell authorities that he planned to kill as many people as possible and then to smear some Chic – Fill – A sandwiches on their faces as a political statement.”
  • May, 2017, Kathy Griffin posted a self-portrait of her holding a bloody severed Donald Trump head, then defended her actions by saying: “Stop acting like my little picture is more important than talking about the actual atrocities that the president of the United States is committing.”
  • June 2017: James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporting democrat, severely wounded Rep. Steve Scalise R-LA and four other people when he opened fire on republican lawmakers practicing baseball. Hodgkinson was carrying a hit list of Congressmen he was stalking at the time of the shooting. Afterwards, numerous democrats defended Hodgkinson’s actions. One email sent to Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., read: “Do you NOT expect this? When you take away ordinary peoples very lives in order to pay off the wealthiest among us, your own lives are forfeit. Certainly, your souls and morality were lost long before. Good riddance.”
  • Between May and June, 2017, some thirty US Congressmen had been attacked or threatened including Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who was threatened over the telephone by a man shouting: “I suggest you prepare for the battle motherf**ker, and the apocalypse.” “Because we are going to hunt your ass down, wrap a rope around your neck, and hang you from a lamppost.”
  • August of 2017, State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, D-MO, posted on Facebook that President Donald Trump should be “assassinated.”
  • June, 2018: Maxine Waters, D-Calif, at a press conference stated: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Later, she would joke about how “the lying president said that I had threatened all of his constituents. I did not threaten his constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn’t do that that time.”
  • June, 2018: New York Times writer Hamilton Nolan wrote a chilling opinion piece on the liberal website “Splinter” that sums up the Democrat Party philosophy: “Do you think that being asked to leave a restaurant, or having your meal interrupted, or being called by the publicis bad? My fascism-enabling friends, this is only the beginning.”
  • June, 2018, USA Today, the extremely liberal national newspaper posted an opinion piece by Glenn Harlan Reynolds entitled “Is America headed towards a new Civil War?” When one considers the support amongst the left for murderous groups like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, One can clearly see that the potential is extremely high.
  • January 18, 2019 at the Washington DC March for Life, a group of students from Covington Catholic High School were waiting for a bus when they were verbally assaulted by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites. Their crime? They were white and wearing MAGA hats. Soon, Native American activist, Nathan Phillips, walked towards the teens beating a drum and stopped in front of Nick Sandmann, a white teenager. The amount of restraint Sandmann displayed was remarkable when faced with an extremely belligerent old man pounding a drum in his face.

The event was conveniently recorded and edited before being posted on social media to make it seem like Sandmann was blocking Phillips from moving forward. The edited video had cut out the racist taunts launched at the teens from the Black Hebrew Israelites and the approach of an extremely combative Phillips. The clip would unleash the dogs of war upon Sandmann and Covington

Media, political and Hollywood figures from every direction attacked Sandmann in the most evil and unbelievable of ways: Sarah Beattie, a writer for the show Saturday Night Live, offered oral sex to anyone who would punch Sandmann in the face; Jack Morrissey Tweeted a picture of a man pushing a foot into a wood-chipper with sprays of blood shooting out with the caption #MAGAkids go screaming, hats first, into the wood-chipper; Michael Buchanan, a hip-hop producer who goes by the stage name House Shoes, Tweeted “If you are a true fan of Shoes I want you to fire on any of these red hat bitches when you see them. On sight.”

Within a day however, more videos came out showing Nathan Phillips walking up to Sandmann and deliberately trying to stare him down while beating his drum. One video captured the taunts by the Black Hebrew Israelites being aimed at the teenagers. This caused some of those who attacked the youth to backtrack on their statements but many did not. Sandmann’s family has now retained a lawyer to sue those who will not retract their statements.

Can any imagine what the media/liberal reaction would have been had any of these outrageous statements been said about Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor David Hogg? David, unlike Nick has repeatedly sought the spotlight and has made numerous false statements to maintain his 5-minutes of fame while Nick was simply trying to diffuse a volatile situation. What we are seeing is the systematic efforts of totalitarians to stifle opposing opinions from the discussion.

“I don’t care what party you’re from — if you can’t say that it’s wrong to leave babies to die after birth, get the hell out of public office.” Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.)

In 2014, a Gallop poll called the Democratic Party, the compassionate” party. Along with this supposed “compassion” we are told in the 2018 Democratic Party Platform that they are the party of “inclusion.” One only has to look back over the long history of the Democratic Party to find those they “include:” murderers, rapists, pedophiles, abusersdeviants, illegal aliens, and those that infanticide, but woe to those people who don’t swallow the blue pill.

Put simply, the Democratic Party has been the party of rebellion since Thomas Jefferson started it against the wishes of George Washington. Whether it was starting the Civil War, defying the conditions of Reconstruction, the revolt against the Civil Rights acts of the 1950’s and 1960’s, the pattern of vicious rhetoric leading to violence is part of their genetic make-up. The question now is whether history will repeat itself and this current trend of mutiny against the Donald Trump Presidency will escalate into a full blown civil war. After all, they have done it before.

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.” Saul Alinsky, introduction to “Rules for Radicals

© 2019 Steven Neill – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Neill: scneill@msn.com


  1. How the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School Subverted American Education
  2. The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance: Part II
  3. The Birth of Cultural Marxism
  4. Links to Socialists & Communists in the Democratic Party
  5. Democratic Party: The New Socialist/Communist Party
  6. Cultural Marxism in Education
  7. When Did the Democratic Party Become Socialist?
  8. Battleground Chicago
  9. The Spirit of 1968
  10. Students for a Democratic Society
  11. SDS
  12. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
  13. Dyn-o-Mite Friends
  14. Weather Underground
  15. Days of Rage now more like a convulsion
  16. Weathermen’s Ticking Time Bomb
  17. F. Police Union Accuses Ayers in 1970 Bombing
  18. Time Bomb: A 1970’s Cop Killing
  19. Weather Underground Bomb Factory Explosion
  20. A Look Back at Wilmington of Yesteryear
  21. Divided We Fall: How Disunity Leads to Defeat
  22. Useful Idiots have Always Apologized for Terrorists
  23. The End of Victory Culture
  24. Bill Ayers Quotes
  25. Bill Ayers believes opposition to Trump
  26. Terrorist Attacks on American Soil
  27. Bernardine Dohrn Quotes
  28. Radical Chic Redux
  29. Laura Whitehorn
  30. Would You Vote for Obama
  31. No Regrets for a Love of Explosives
  32. Days of Rage: America’s Radical Underground
  33. The Terrorist Delusions of Robert Redford
  34. The Terrorism Myth: Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn
  35. The Bomber as a School Reformer
  36. Obama Needs to Explain his ties to William Ayers
  37. Weathermen in Winter
  38. Notes from the Underground
  39. In Covington Students Controversy
  40. Roots of Left-Wing Violence
  41. Review of David Gilbert’s Love and Struggle
  42. Eleventh-Hour Terrorist Pardons
  43. Officials Criticize Clinton’s Pardon of an Ex-Terrorist
  44. Pardoned, but unforgiving
  45. Obama served on board with Ayers
  46. The Obama Files: Radical Associations, Bill Ayers
  47. Obama & Ayers: It’s Too Late
  48. Bill Ayers Speaks at Gettysburg
  49. McCain’s Ayer’s isn’t the one Known Here
  50. Obama and Ayers: Together from the Beginning
  51. Days of Rage
  52. In Memoriam: Michael Kennedy
  53. Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros
  54. The Tides Foundation and Tides Center
  55. NMG Chi, Proud to Present Kinoy Award to Bernadine Dohrn
  56. Lynne Stewart
  57. Sicko Terrorist Lynne Stewart: Still Hating Cops
  58. Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers Working with ANTIFA Terrorist Group
  59. Look Who is Behind the Call to Arms
  60. Building Open Societies
  61. Quieter Lives for 60’s Militants
  62. Charles Manson’s Radical Chic
  63. Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird
  64. How the Weather Underground Failed at Revolution
  65. The Weather Underground
  66. Robert Redford’s “The Company You Keep.”
  67. No Love Lost for Explosives
  68. Company You Keep
  69. The Terrorist Delusions of Robert Redford
  70. 50 Years Ago
  71. A Second Wind for Weather Underground?
  72. 1968 DNC Protests, 50 Years Later
  73. Revealed: ANTIFA Leader
  74. Why Did Domestic Terrorists Meet With Occupy Albany?
  75. Apologia for Terror
  76. Naomi Jaffe on David Gilbert’s “Love & Struggle.”
  77. FRC Shooter
  78. Kathy Griffin Beheads President Trump
  79. Kathy Griffin Isn’t Sorry
  80. Steve Scalise
  81. James Hodgkinson Shooter
  82. Blaming Political Vitriol for Men Like James Hodgkinson?
  83. 30 GOP Congressmen
  84. I am not Resigning
  85. Maxine Waters
  86. This Is Just the Beginning
  87. Is America Headed into a New Civil War?
  88. Sick: ‘BLM’ Supporters Celebrate Murder of Dallas Cops
  89. ANTIFA is Part of the Democratic Party
  90. BLM playing a prominent role at DNC
  91. ANTIFA Democratic Socialists and the New World Order
  92. Liberal Hate
  93. “Verified;” Liberal Hatemongers
  94. The Abyss of Hate Versus Hate
  95. Lawyers for Catholic Student
  96. Col.: If Leftists Would Murder a Teen
  97. Virginia Governor Defends Letting Infants Die
  98. 2016 Democratic Platform
  99. Castro Educated Cuban Kids, Gave them Healthcare
  100. Bill Clinton: A Reckoning
  101. Multiple Democrats Currently Involved in Child Sex Scandals
  102. Keith Ellison’s Girlfriend Attacks Democrats
  103. New Slogan: Who are the Democrats really for?
  104. Warren on Mollie Tibbits
  105. Virginia Governor Defends Letting Infants Die
  106. Dispatches from the ‘Tolerant’ Left
  107. America’s Cold Civil War
  108. According to the Left, will there be a Domestic Conflict?
  109. Obama, Alinsky and the Devil

The Harvey Weinstein Scandal In Perspective

Remember when the scandals surrounding Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein drove the Las Vegas shooting off the media center stage? Instead of endless speculations about the motive of the shooter and whether he had (right wing) accomplices, we became immersed in titillating vignettes of Mr. Weinstein’s lustful encounters with various well-known and obscure females over the course of many years.

These encounters ranged from harassment to (alleged) rape with a great deal in between. After the story broke, virtually every victim who came forward insisted she felt “powerless” in Weinstein’s clutches. Of course, nobody died or was seriously wounded, and one assumes that having obtained his “pound of flesh,” good old Harv satisfied his “victims” with favors he exchanged for their favors. So whatever we may think of Weinstein or his alleged victims, the arrangement was essentially quid pro quo.

Now, none of this was new to Hollywood: In the “entertainment” biz, the casting couch has been a staple going back to the days of Aristophanes and Euripides. Nor is it limited to women since much of Hollywood swings both ways. But while the world was being titillated by the expose` of Weinstein, it was publicly acknowledged that all of this has been known for years! None of it came as a surprise to anybody in Hollywood or the media! Furthermore, it was of little interest outside the entertainment hothouse except for those who get their news in supermarket check-out aisles.

Furthermore, though it was a juicy story, most Americans were not outraged because the “victims” had no one but themselves to blame! In fact, they could hardly be called “victims” as all of the women that opened their legs for Harvey’s found their careers and incomes enhanced. Yet, though was a little late to play the despoiled virgin, they began to pile-on in ever increasing numbers.

And that, dear friends, was the real question: why did a man like Harvey Weinstein who affects nothing but his Hollywood coterie suddenly become all-important in the news? The human mind—even the best—has a limited capacity for attention. Provide something new and older issues are displaced. The more sensational the matter, the more quickly it will displace those older issues—even important ones.

At present—despite all efforts by the media to downplay and hide the facts—Americans know that their government is steeped in corruption or fatally inept—and possibly both. There is no longer any question that the Obama administration and the Clinton “campaign” were corrupt and involved in illegal activities hidden by federal agencies including the Departments of State and Justice, the FBI and the IRS.

But despite indisputable evidence of these irregularities and illegalities having been made public, still nothing happens. Criminals have been “cleared” before investigations began, while the innocent are charged without evidence, and nobody—nobody!—believes that anything ever will be done. In other words, Americans have come to understand and expect that our government is possibly fatally corrupt and there isn’t one damned thing we can do about it!

This situation has made a lot of ordinary Americans really angry and they are making their anger known to “representatives” serving in a Congress that cares nothing about their opinions, but cares everything about the desires of their elite friends and donors. Furthermore, as these matters continue to surface, the only serious government inquiries are designed to remove Donald Trump from office. However, the Deep State is aware of the increasing hostility of the American taxpayer towards those efforts. So, what to do?

As it is too late to hide the criminality in Washington, the best thing was produce another matter that shouts “Scandal!” in the loudest possible way — a sexual outrage involving beautiful women and a lecherous guy who looks like Jabba-the-Hut and making a perfect foil in such a lewd scenario. And why not? Most people would rather see, read and hear about Harvey Weinstein engaged in debauchery with beautiful Hollywood starlets than concern themselves about who gave away the store to Iran and Russia or failed to protect an ambassador and his people in Benghazi.

Harvey Weinstein’s was an old story that became useful when things were starting to become a little too dangerous on the left. So Harv took one for the team and will, no doubt, come out having lost very little while putting the Deep State well into his debt, a debt he will be able to collect once things settle down and upstarts like Donald Trump and the American people are removed from the Hollywood “set” that is American politics.

Matters like this are called “diversions,” and have been used by politicians even longer than the entertainment industry has used the casting couch.

© 2019 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Spike Lee’s Disservice To Black America

I stopped stomaching the Academy Awards TV show years ago. I caught Spike Lee’s hate-filled Oscar acceptance speech on Youtube. I am a black man who is a grateful and proud American. One could argue that Spike Lee has achieved his $40 million net worth at the expense of his fellow blacks, selling them the lie that America is a hellhole of racism against them. Lies about America are furthered in most of Lee’s movies; blacks will never be treated fairly; cops shoot blacks on sight and whitey schemes 24/7 conceiving roadblocks to keep blacks down.

In his speech, Lee cited that slavery in America began 400 years ago. And yet, while standing on stage receiving an Oscar, Lee, a black man, acts like slavery still continues today. Lee said his grandmother funded his college education. He said his grandmother was the daughter of a slave and a college graduate. Doesn’t Spike Lee’s and his grandmother’s success confirm the truth that America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it?

As I watched Spike Lee, I thought, what is wrong with this man? Does he actually believe his anti-America garbage or is it simply his niche to make movies. Promoting her movie, “Selma”, billionaire black woman Oprah Winfrey spread the lie that blacks are still suffering the 1965 racism featured in her movie. White moviegoers have made black actor, Samuel L. Jackson worth $220 million. Like Spike Lee, Jackson whines about how blacks can’t catch a break in racist America.

While 90% of blacks voted for Obama, blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population. The fact that white America gave horrible black president Obama two terms and the fact that Trump has ushered in an unprecedented new era of prosperity for black means nothing to Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Oprah. Behaving like brain-dead zombies, these rich blacks parrot the Democratic party’s lie; Trump and every American who voted for him are racists who wear MAGA caps.

I’ve had a problem with Spike Lee’s thinking ever since his breakout movie, “Do the Right Thing”. Lee’s movie ended with blacks burning down the business of a white small business owner in their neighborhood. The movie implied that this was justified. I thought, this is wrong. That white business owner served that black community. In his Oscar speech, Lee senselessly told America to “do the right thing” by voting out racist president Trump in 2020; the best presidential friend of black Americans since Lincoln.

When I was a kid in Baltimore, it seemed like grocery stores owned by Jews were on every other street corner in black neighborhoods. When I was around 10 years old, my Aunt Bummie sent me to purchase two cigarettes for her from the corner store. The Jewish owner opened his book and put the cigarettes on her account.

In later years, Asians began opening convenience stores in black neighborhoods with 14 family members living upstairs above their business. I never understood my fellow blacks’ hatred for these people. Nothing was stopping blacks from opening businesses in our neighborhoods.

Exposing their bigotry of low expectations, leftists say racism stops blacks from opening businesses. But that is not true. Born in 1867, the child of a former slave, Madam C. J. Walker was one of the first American self-made millionairess. Today, leftists absurdly define everything as racism and white privilege. Black hair care products entrepreneur, Ms Walker achieved extraordinary success at a time in America when real, not faux, racism was the norm.

The greatest Nemesis of black Americans are negative, victim and entitlement mindsets instilled into them by Democrats and leftists. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverb 23:7) In other words, if blacks think they can achieve success in America, they will. If blacks believe they cannot succeed, they will not. This is why successful black Americans like Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson and Oprah Winfrey preaching their America-is-against-you lie is extremely destructive; a major disservice to their fellow blacks.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Communist/Common Core – Eliminates Choices

Outcome-Based Education Eliminates Choices

Imagine going to the Super Bowl, The Rams vs the Patriots. Before the game starts the announcer says,” Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, We will now toss the coin to choose the winner of the game.  “The WINNER of today’s game will be the LA Rams.

How would you feel? Would you want to stay to watch the game? Would the players want to play? Or would you feel cheated and get up and leave? Your life changes when you know the outcome in advance. You become disinterested, bored, feel cheated, and unfulfilled…a mindless Drone. One of the Collective.

Welcome to… Common Core: Outcome-Based Education.

When the outcome of your life is known in advance and that is that, what happens to the mind? You have no hope, no future, you are depressed. What is the point of living? You turn to drugs, s e x, getting in trouble, acting out. You are told you need drugs to keep you quiet, to stop you from being depressed. Life doesn’t matter. Someone else’s life doesn’t matter. You have no ambition, curiosity, innovation, creativity. WHY BOTHER? You know the end of the story, your life’s story. This is what happens when you know the outcome in advance. That is what Common Core, or Outcome-Based Education does to people. The outcome of your life is PRE-DETERMINED by someone else, other than you or your child. Your child loses HOPE and as we see may turn to suicide. Do you think your child will feel cheated? No one consulted them – yet this impacts the rest of their lives.

Go now, and tell your child, “Honey you are going to grow up and be a lawyer. But Ma, I don’t want to be a lawyer, I want to be an engineer.” Too bad, you are to be a lawyer – your school computer already picked your profession. The computer DECIDED FOR YOU. Is that OK?

If you don’t think it is OK for you to tell your child what they should do with their lives, then WHY do you think it is OK for the government to tell your child what they should do with their lives?

A computer program with Algorithms (programs) records your child’s key strokes, key words, key answers…and determines what Vocation your child is best suited for! I can’t tell you how many youngsters I taught – that changed their careers every time I taught them something new. They were excited. That excitement…is now GONE. Think outside the box is gone!

I changed careers several times…but THAT DOOR IS NOW CLOSED.


ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act 2015) is now the law of the land. You must understand how dangerous it is, and relay this message to your Legislator!!

Common Core will force your child into a PRE-DETERMINED CAREER PATH, one suitable for fulfilling the Government’s chosen careers, and ESSA WILL FORCE YOU the taxpayer TO PAY for that training.

Instead of solving the problem of a poor education, the people are told that choice is the answer.  Does the location of poor learning make a difference? Public school, charter school, private school, home school, if the curricula is the same, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

YOUR TAXES will be redirected to Charter Schools under the idea of “CHOICE” – (Choice makes you feel good). Charter Schools are corporate-owned schools. You pay, but the corporation answers to its SHAREHOLDERS, NOT YOU. This is called “Taxation without Representation.” – BTW, Wasn’t that what the American Revolution was fought over? Tell your Legislator: Close the Fed Dept of Education and Repeal ESSA. (Every Student Succeeds Act)

What would this accomplish? It would be one step closer to dismantling Common Core, and gives your child BACK…their ability to control their own Destiny – without stealing money from you, under the premise of CHOICE.  It would put Education back in the hands of the states.

If you listen to the Legislators’ talking points… they are espousing meaningless NONSENSE!
Many of them have never read the Constitution.
Understand it? – Nah.
Support it? – Eh, not so much.
Follow it? Fuhgehttaboutit.

Original Source Documents describing everything I mentioned and more, are found on the sites below. Source documents showing the incorporation of American schools into the Communist model of the old, failed, Soviet Union; documents showing changes in curricula replacing Facts with Value, replacing Individualism with Collectivism; documents showing: Learning is now Training; documents showing partnerships with Microsoft and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) creating World Wide Common Core for the Citizens of the World…Weren’t you told this is an American program – that is GOOD for America? Visit these sites often. I hope you understand your education was MANIPULATED, but each Generation that passes….LOSES MORE, AND LOSES OUT!


These documents can be found in: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

American Deception


The author of these sites is Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Analyst (Under Education) for Ronald Reagan. It was Charlotte’s job to go through the Board of Ed papers and discard them, as they were to close the Dept of Ed (which of course, never happened). Instead, Charlotte copied the documents and put them out – so all could see the history of advancing a Soviet Education in America. I lived in NYC in the 1960’s. At this time my class of teachers was the first group to graduate and teach the “new” method called Outcome Based Education. I did not understand why would anyone want the outcome of their life determined by someone else?

My Masters is in Liberal Studies and my post grad credits come from the New School (New School of Social Research-John Dewey’s propaganda pit as I called it). There I learned how to integrate media, Hollywood, and education into a neat package and use it through emotion to get the desired outcome for Outcome Based Education. I refused and taught the way I learned. My students learned, achieved and created. I taught until I was forced to stop using the old methods.

Students are Trained, NOT EDUCATED.
Corporations then have plenty of SLAVES (er, I mean WORKERS)…
Your child is nothing more than Human Capital, after all.
I felt like I was turning the kids into Worker Bees…
Mindless Drones…on an assembly line.

Why is integrating media and Hollywood so important?  It is necessary to reinforce the message. Take the Gov Northam saga for example.

Isn’t it time that we stop judging people for thing done 30+ years ago. Stop giving the Dem/Communists a platform. What about Hollywood and all those entertainers who were heavily into “show business share-cropping”. “Sophie Tucker, Eddie Cantor and,” Eddie Fischer, “performed in at the beginning of their careers, singing songs. They later built on their successes in this medium to develop national statures and professional success with other music.  At the peak of his career, Jolson was dubbed “The World’s Greatest Entertainer.” Hollywood made blackface acceptable, others just followed.

In 1842, the songwriter Daniel Decatur Emmett and three companions devised a program of singing and dancing in blackface to the accompaniment of bone castanets, fiddle, banjo, and tambourine. Calling themselves the Virginia Minstrels, they made their first public appearance in February 1843 in a New York City theater.  Hollywood affirmed the use of blackface. Other just MINDLESSLY followed not realizing the underlying implications.

Blackface performers are, “…the filthy scum of white society, who have stolen from us a complexion denied them by nature, in which to make money, and pander to the corrupt taste of their white fellow citizens.” — Frederick Douglass

No one cared. Why? Because in addition to the message Blackface performers made money and that is what Hollywood is all about. [Link]

In imposing the Common Core Standards and the aligned Assessments on the states, the Federal government is violating three federal statutes

20 USC § 1232a (Prohibition against Federal Control of Education),    20 USC § 3403b (Relationship with States:  Curriculum, Admin, & personnel), 20 USC 7907a (General – Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize an officer or employee of the Federal Government, including through a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement, to mandate, direct, or control a State, local educational agency, or school’s curriculum, program of instruction, or allocation of State or local resources, or mandate a State or any subdivision thereof to spend any funds or incur any costs not paid for under this chapter), & has put America on the road to a National Curriculum with respect to the RTTT/Common Core scheme. These standards and the tests will ultimately direct the course of Elementary & Secondary study in the 46 states who took it, running the risk that states will become little more than administrative agents for a National K-12 program and raising a fundamental question about whether the department is exceeding its statutory boundaries.”

Robert S. Itel, former counsel deputy general & Kent D. Talbert, former counsel general, Dept. of Education 2008-2009

Recently Gov Ron DeSantis signed an Executive Order for the first step to eliminate Communist Core in Florida.  Did you listen to SOTU address? President Trump said, “America will NEVER be a socialist country.”  If we do not get the socialist/globalist  training/education our of our schools, WE WILL be a socialist country.  Our children will never know freedom. You Rock Florida but our job has just begun. Please read these articles and make sure Gov DeSantis and Comm Corcoran (and your legislators) know the truth behind Common/Communist Core. Sign the petition to alert your representative

Is America worth saving?  Make sure Gov DeSantis, Comm Corcoran and your Rep know the truth. Share and forward.

If you don’t live in Florida start an Alliance in your state.

“A liberal’s paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement has guns.”

And believe it or not, such a place does indeed already exist: It’s called Prison.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Phoenix

Special Thank you to Charlotte Iserbyt, Diane Kepus, Karen Bracken, Neil Ric and Debbie Gunnoe for your tireless research effort to bring out the truth.

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

The Case For Military Intervention Or Not

The horrendous situation in Venezuela is the result of a nation of people being hoodwinked by the government and indoctrinated in government schools.  It is the same pattern that has been in motion since of the days of one of the original leftist bigots, John Dewey.  Mr. Dewey and many others like him hated the concept of liberty for everyone and unalienable rights which come from God.  The leftists are the harbingers of all the forms of oppression they could conjure up.  The many varieties of oppression range from brutal physical oppression.  The number of ways devised by leftists to bring about oppression is greater than the Heinz 57 varieties.

Whether it is slavery, eugenics, racism, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan, the ongoing assault on our God given right of self-protection, the “I’m the boss” AOC type want to control you from birth to death.  They want to take guns only from law abiding sovereign citizens.  But leave criminals who invade our republic illegally alone. To do whatever they want to whoever or whatever.  That is why the socialist democrats are hoping to get into position so that they can defund ICE.  Officially, the Democrats support illegals, but disdain you and I who were born in and want to reestablish Constitutional influenced law in our republic.

Quite often, certain people like to say that Trump does not understand federal laws.  We had been governed by so called experts for decades. As a result, our nation was on the brink of economic and sovereign death after the experts and their fearful leader Obama nearly gave our nation over to the will of our enemies, both external and internal.  When it comes to foreign affairs, our government has been mostly unwise, with very few examples of good decisions.  Take Venezuela for example, there is no logical reason on God’s partially green earth, that one of the wealthiest countries around in our hemisphere is now one of the poorest.  To add insult to injury, Venezuela represents a clear and present danger.  She is now a satellite of Cuba, in hock to China, aligned with Russia. On top of that,  thousands of Iranian and Cuban fighters are there to do battle, if the United States tries to physically free the Venezuelan people from their iron grip.

Personally, I believe it was retarded and almost suicidal when Obama was voted into office.  But even before him, the seeds of the madness going on in Venezuela had already been sown.  Ronald Reagan warned that the United States should deal with adversaries from a position of strength.  He understood that enemies other than suicidal Islamic terrorists would tread more lightly against America if they knew we were powerful and willing to protect our interests.  But unfortunately, for decades, the United States government refused to protect our own borders.  If you are unwilling to protect you own borders, land, etc. your enemies will eventually perceive that they can get away with encroaching against you.  That is exactly why Russia has constructed a military base near Venezuela, Cube runs the place, China swaggers around acting like it owns the place and thousands of Islamic militants are there to be troublesome.

If America doesn’t act in some way, we will live to regret allowing such madness to fester in this hemisphere.  The question remains, to militarily intervene or not.  President Trump has threatened to tighten sanctions on Venezuela, but that may be ineffective because that nation has already self destructed economically.  What remains is being subsidized by Chinese loans.  If there was any fear of the United States or a shred of decency, the Venezuelan regime would not be blocking international humanitarian aid for the starving people.  Deadly clashes between the abused Venezuelans and government soldiers is yet another striking example of the how low leftists everywhere will go to bring arm to the people they desperately want to have complete control over.

I am normally not in favor of the United States getting entangled in foreign affairs.  But in the case of the situation brewing in our hemisphere in Venezuela, there may not be any other choice.  Five Americans are being held hostage. Cuba is entrenched and in the driver’s seat and is very adept at out witting the United States in such matters when it comes to preventing the United States from bringing freedom to oppressed people.  Cuba remains a thorn in the side communist hell hole in our hemisphere where people live blow the level of most suburban dogs in our own nation.  Venezuelan dictator Madura does not care what the USA says, because he views sees her as a paper tiger unwilling and unable to end his horrendous reign of terror. With China, Russia, Iran and Cuba aligned with him, it is easy to understand why he is so cocky.  I say the time is now to bring Madura’s brutish hell on earth to a non-ceremonial close.

Do you agree with me that the United States should free our fellow Americans and the people of Venezuela?  Or simply allow Russia, China, Iran and Cuba to once again have their way in our hemisphere?  Let me know via www.Hub.life.  Also, don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook radio commentary during Captain’s America Third Watch overnight talk show.  Enjoy the Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 4:00 PM EST, 1:00 PM PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, americamatters.us SHRmedia.com and Spreaker and 12:00 AM Sundays via the TalkAmericaRadio.us Radio Network.  Check out our loyal advertising partners David E. Garrett Jewelers @ davidgarrettjewers.com and www.hub.life  the social media site that won’t deny your right to fully express yourself.

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Gradual Child Abduction And Big Brother Government As Parent

I was deeply grieved when I read in our Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal on Feb. 18, 2019 about the states of Oregon and Washington’s use of out-of-state-facilities to house foster children was “creating an unacceptable heightened risk of abuse and neglect” and causing more harm to youth who had already suffered from multiple, prolonged, or chronic traumatic events.  The widespread use of restraints and physical abuse at a residential treatment facility in Iowa was where these states were sending foster care children. Washington stopped sending children to the for-profit Clarinda Academy but some of Oregon’s most vulnerable children are still there and number of children being sent to out-of-state, privately run psychiatric units has more than doubled since 2017. There are currently more than 80 children in-out-of-state facilities.

In 2001 I wrote an article entitled: FEDERALIZATION OF CHILDREN; GRADUAL CHILD ABDUCTION which can be found under an article titled “Oregon’s Agenda for the 1990’s: Children, Youth and Families.” Congressman John R. Rarick of Louisiana said “October 5, 1971 became a dark day for America when the Federal Government was authorized to take over our children with the passage of the BRADEMAS CHILD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM with a vote of 186-183 laying the foundation for the Federal Government to replace the home and for bureaucratic ‘experts’ to replace the parents.”

Simultaneously in 1971 the Oregon legislature created the Department of Human Resources to coordinate the activities of the state’s principal social service agencies of which a child protective agency called Children Services Division (CSD) was a component and the intrusiveness into families began on an official basis by the Gestapo. At first it was very subtle but as the years progressed, the governmental abuses escalated and people were totally unaware they were losing their Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which gave we, the people, the right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures and shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

In 1975 Democrat Governor Robert Straub issued Executive Order 76-7 calling for an Early Childhood Project to be developed. It was performed pursuant to grant number H0087 from the U.S. Office of Child Development, DHD, D/HEW. The opening sentence in Chairperson Muriel Goldman’s report to the Honorable Robert W. Straub said, “Oregon has been a pacesetter in the area of energy and land use planning and conservation (aka socialism), now Oregon has the opportunity to be a leader in conserving and enhancing people resources. The Report ended by saying, “we must find a more efficient and effective way to help families provide for their children.”

And why did she say that? Well, Oregon was chosen to test Luciferian ideas. A few days before Christmas, December 23, 1971, when nobody was watching, the Rockefeller Foundation gave a half million dollar grant to the Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon to support research and graduate studies on “Man and His Activities As They Relate to Environmental Quality.” The Rockefeller Foundation chose the Oregon State University for the “experiment” to run simultaneously with the Stanford Prison Experiment also in 1971.

Oregon’s Democrat Governor Charles Martin in 1934 began the move towards Utopian socialism and in 1945 Governor Earl Snell signed the Public Employees Retirement System into law and, other states wanting to reward what they deemed were “underpaid public employees” in comparison to the public sector, followed.  As a result, Oregon’s PERS like those in other states is now bankrupt. Our current  transgender Utopian Democrat Governor Kate Brown is asking for big bucks in her budget that she says is “for schools” but rest assured, the schools will receive very little because it will all end up in PERS.  PERS RETIREES are already getting a lot more than they ever expected and more than PERS ever thought they should get. Ten thousand (10,000) retirees get over $100,000 a year in retirement. (Source: Jeff Kropf, 1220 am on Dec. 10, 2018)

If Oregon was doing such a great job for providing for our children, why is it they are being sent to God only knows where in out of state facilities to be abused again.


We gradually were being recognized as “human resources” and had to be “managed” like a lump of coal, a fish or tree.  Government management of our forests found them ablaze in California and Oregon last year and since the government has taken over raising our children, our young people who aren’t locked up in some psychiatric facility are killing themselves at record rate. And while the elected sheriff should be the one investigating actual abuse cases, he finds himself an accomplice supporting the directive of unelected child protective workers (many LGBT) without due process for the accused. No, your children are no longer yours. They belong to the collective.

Single mothers can be very vulnerable and all it takes is one call to CPS and she’ll hear the knock at her door oftentimes with the sheriff standing with the CPS worker.  That is if a worker happens to be available and not busy transporting some other child to a facility in another state where Oregon is subject to a charge of $8,000 to $10,000 a month for their upkeep, according to the Statesman Journal article.  Oregon officials have not yet responded with details about how often caseworkers travel with children when they are sent out of state, how frequently caseworkers from Oregon see children face-to-face once they are in another state, or if any of the foster care children from Oregon have complained about their treatment or how many have been sold to child-sex traffickers we’ve heard about that are rampant. [Link]


And, of course, remembering the sin nature of humans, we have the “do gooder” folks who become foster parents (or teachers) for all the wrong reasons and generally it is for the money, not in the best interest of children.  So if the public school system doesn’t break your child’s will, then send in foster parents.  In the T.V. program “What Would You Do” on 8/31/2018 told about a foster mother in a restaurant ordering some special food for her own daughter while ordering something of a lesser value for the foster child. When questioned about it by the foster child, the mother said, “because I only get ‘x’ a month to take care of you.” What a great way to improve the foster child’s self esteem…

And then Ms. Smallback in an 8/21/2018 article told about this abuse way back in the 40s – 60s and how a family who were good friends with a judge got approved to become foster parents and only young girls were placed with them. The husband raped the girls for decades. They also partnered with an unwed mother’s home and took in baby girls from the unwed mothers. Some girls ended up missing. When unwed mothers went to the authorities to get their stolen babies back, they were sent to which judge?  The depth of depravity warned about in the Bible and in these individuals was simply horrifying to the average human with a conscience.

In Oregon in 2007 a bill was introduced to unionize adult foster care homes and signed by Democrat Governor Kulongoski on June 1 and the Service Employees International Union Local 503 soon took advantage of collective bargaining rights and the Democrats got some more voters; however,  since the U.S. Supreme Court Janus decision, a group called the Freedom Foundation with chapters in the State of Washington and Oregon, have been offering government workers an “Opt Out” decision from the unions and dozens of public employees have applied. FREEDOM FOUNDATION, P.O. BOX 552, OLYMPIA, WASH. 98507. PHONE: 360-956-3482.


Then there is the story about the Texas dad who could lose custody of 6 year old son for not affirming transgender identity.  It seems his ex-wife was pushing their son into identifying as a girl and when dad refused to cooperate, he was charged with “abusive behavior.”  Walt Heyer, a former transgender woman who is now outspoken against the push for children to identify as transgender has highlighted the case of James Younger, who since the age of three has undergone social transitioning to be identified as a girl. His mother has enrolled the boy in school as a girl although when mother is not around, then James really wants to be a boy.

The article goes on to explain how the mother asked the court to force the father to pay for James to visit a trans-affirming therapist and also pay for any medical alterations or therapies that James may need to transition to female as he gets older.  Subsequently, the courts agreed and have required the father to pay at least 50 percent for future gender-related medical expenses and the father has been banned by the court from teaching James that he is a boy and banned the father from dressing his son as a boy.  Additionally, Younger cannot share religious teaching with his son on sexuality or gender. Friends all confirm that when the boy is away from his mother, he wants to act like a boy….


Thirty-five percent of transgender youth have attempted suicide. The reason for this psychological trauma can be found in remarks made by Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who said in a commentary in the WALL STREET JOURNAL in 2015 that transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment, that sex change is “biologically impossible,” and that people who promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder. And transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among non-transgender people and are far more likely to use cocaine, heroin and opioids.   Amen – that’s exactly what the psychiatry industry said about homosexuality decades ago but lobbyists got that definition removed so we’ve come full circle and it’s the children that weren’t even born when that took place are now attempting suicide.


LAISSEZ FAIRE TODAY reported on July 5, 2018 the truth about child kidnappers in America and how the Oakland Police executed a search warrant in connection with human sex trafficking of juveniles not an immigration investigation as many thought because Homeland Security was there.  If the Outrage Industrial Complex (OIC) were out to save kids, CPS would have long been in its fickle crosshairs. This protest in Oakland accidentally revealed something about the “Abolish ICE” movement even some of the protestors are not aware of – that it is not really about kids. If it’s really about stopping the kidnapping of children, as has been the official narrative paraded around by the mainstream media, then why not also go after Child Protective Services (CPS) with an even greater feverish anger and moral outrage?   The CPS has been ripping kids from their parents’ arms for years, often for wildly arbitrary reasons. And, worse, foster kids placed by the CPS are an incredible six times more likely to die in foster care than had they simply stayed with their parents.

The media isn’t entirely oblivious to the incredible incompetence and blatant corruption within the CPS either.  The LAISSEZ FAIRE goes on to tell about the outspoken Carlos Morales, a former Child Protective Services investigator and author of LEGALLY KIDNAPPED, has been interviewed on several mainstream outlets. He’s among a few lone (and largely ignored) voices who have been calling for the abolition of the CPS for years. In an essay on his website, Morales wrote this back in 2015:

“There are over 400,000 children in Child Protective Services care in America. Eighty percent of those cases are not for physical or sexual abuse, but rather parental negligence which can mean the child is playing outside, is too fat, doesn’t like school, or – as in forty percent of cases –is for the parent using marijuana,” which brings me to the Marijuana story on Feb. 19 in the state of Oregon. Environmentalists for decades have found reason to shut down the timber industry around these little towns who have recently turned to Marijuana dispensing outlets for a living.

In the meantime while the Oregon Gestapo is looking for parents for using marijuana, New York’s “Reproductive Health Act” was passed by barbarians in their legislature and signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo who makes murder and genocide the law in New York.


The Oregon Health Authority was created in 2009 and oversees most of the state’s health-related programs including addiction treatment, mental health and public health, along with the Oregon State Hospital, which is the state’s unique take on Medicaid (thanks to Obamacare.)

One of Democrat Governor Kate Brown’s priorities is the beginning investment in a six-year program to create universal home visits for new parents. (SB 526)  When the program is complete, every new parent, including adoptions, would receive a series of two or three visits by someone like a nurse or other health care practitioner. The visits could include basic health care screening for babies, hooking up parents with primary care physicians, linking them to other services and coordinating the myriad childhood immunizations that babies need, and rest assured, along with a myriad of snoopy questions will include asking the parents if they have a gun in their home.  The Puppet Managers of the DEEP STATE are anxious to GUT our SECOND AMENDMENT.  “Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own a car.” (Author unknown)

© 2019 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com