It’s Not About Ducks and Cats in Springfield OH

Coach Dave Daubenmire

September 19, 2024

I went to Springfield, Ohio last week.  Me and a couple dozen of my friends made the trip to pray over the city.  We, like most of you, had heard the hype about the eating of ducks and cats.  Too be honest, in today’s America anything is possible.  So, we went to see firsthand.

What follows is some first-hand eyeball reactions to what we experienced.

Regardless of your political affiliation, it is important for you to know that YOUR Government…both Republicans and Democrats have sold you out.  The criminals in this entire escapade are the Governmental officials.  They are derelict in the duties.  They are guilty of malfeasance.

Malfeasance is defined as “intentionally doing something that is wrong, either legally or morally. Malfeasance is a dishonest act, an action undertaken for improper purposes, or an act that the individual knows exceeds his authority. This is not to be confused with “misfeasance,” which refers to doing something that is wrong by mistake, error, or negligence, or “nonfeasance,” which refers to a failure to act when under an obligation to do so.”

All of our elected officials take an oath when they are sworn into office.  Although the oath may vary depending on the office, all oaths contain these words: “ …to the best of my ability, ‘Support, Preserve, Protect and Defend’ the Constitution of the United States…”  From school board member to members of the highest offices in the land they all swear the same oath.

Malfeasance is violating that oath.  It is a crime punishable by removal from office, incarceration, and in some cases, financial retribution.

This is not about cats and ducks.  This is not about Haitians, racism, and voter fraud.  This about the financial damages done to the average American Mom and Pop by the illegal actions of Government.  It is no more simple than that.

Look at this chart.  It shows you the amount EACH AMERICAN CITIZEN has been forced to  pay for illegal immigration.  Simply scroll down the chart and you will see how much YOU are on the hook for in the illegal immigration scheme.  In Ohio, it happens to be $785.18 million.  If my math is correct, that comes out to a little over $71,000 PER OHIO’s 11 million CITIZENS!!

This ain’t about cats and geese.  It is about GREENBACKS…and YOUR elected officials have given out “Government money” and sent you the bill. By the way, the “Government” has no money.  It is PUBLIC money…not Government, and they have NO AUTHORITY to give YOUR money to another person…let alone NON-CITIZENS…even if it were the “Christian” thing to do.  Coveting and stealing are both sins.

Just this week, our Ohio Governor Mike DeWine…who by the way…lives less than 15 miles from Springfield…allocated $2.5 million to Springfield to help with the immigration issue.  It seems President Trump smoked DeWine out when he mentioned “eating cats and geese” in the debate the other night.

Want some icing on the cake?  Governor DeWine who lives 15 miles from Springfield has a “ministry” that his family set up to help Haitian Refugees.  His ministry, as noble as it might be, has no right to destroy Springfield, Ohio through the decisions of his office.  Read it here.  Strange bedfellows…eh?  DeWine…Haiti…Springfield?

This ain’t about cats and geese.

Oh…I hear the carnival barkers.  Racist…bigot…homophobe…hater…for simply objecting to the “Government” putting my wife and I in debt for over $100,000 to advance DeWine’s philanthropy.  Do you get it yet?  This ain’t about who is eating what.  It is about the Government cannibalizing the American Dream.

Look, the illegals get the pushback but how can you blame them?  The Government INVITED them to town.  Wait…actually paid their way…gave them bank accounts…drivers licenses…and the right to vote!   Ohio’s Motor Vote law actually REGISTERS illegals to vote when they get a driver’s license.

FOLKS…ILLEGALS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE…yet the government registers them and sends them a ballot.  Our government actually makes an illegal migrant a criminal if they show up and cast the ballot!  Why would they think it is wrong for them to vote?  Cripe…the Government registered them!!  If an illegal votes he is subject to deportation!  The Government is actually CREATING criminals!!

This sure ain’t about cats and geese.

I could go deeper.  You see, the illegals don’t actually vote…but those ballots are eventually picked up by “mules” who are kind enough to cast the mail-in ballots FOR the illegals…saving the Haitians a trip to the polls…and gas in the cars that they drive with illegal licenses and debit cards funded by you and me…ahem…sorry…funded by the Government.

And we haven’t even mentioned the non-citizens Obama and crew are shipping across the Southern border in their desire to “radically transform” America.

My friends, the Government are the crooks.  They ALL know what is going on.  Both sides of the aisle.  If Republicans really wanted to win then they would expose this two-card monte that they are using against us.

Did you ever notice that no matter which side wins nothing ever REALLY changes?

This ain’t about ducks, and geese or cats and dogs.  It is about out-of-control, dishonest Government, and dishonest Government officials.

Do you really expect a Government official to expose the chicanery of one of his partners in crimes?  Especially if he might get caught in the same web?

Ducks fly in formation…in flocks.

That’s what is really going on in Springfield.   And….BTW…coming to a city near you.

The REAL criminals have Government jobs.  Quack, Quack.

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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They’re Still Getting Away With It

by Lee Duigon

September 19, 2024

My wife once showed me a sample of her mother’s handwriting, produced by her mother, who left school in the third grade.

You never saw such beautiful penmanship. I’m old enough to remember being taught how to write, starting in the first grade. First you learned to print the alphabet, on lined paper with wide spaces to accommodate a child’s scrawl. Then we moved on to cursive, grown-up writing—and we were all expected to master it. I didn’t know anyone who didn’t.

We also had to learn reading, arithmetic, general science, basic geography—gee! Not much time left over for Gender Studies, Critical Race Theory, or Marxism Really Does Work (We Should At Least Try It!) studies. “How do you know you really are a girl? Have you at least thought about your gender?” No, we had no time for anything like that.

But what if they had tried to bring it in, back when I was in, say, seventh grade?

Ah! This doesn’t require a very vivid imagination; because, back around 1970, “educators” decided our children were in dire need of Sex Education. How they came to that conclusion was never made clear.

As if by magic, parents came out in throngs to tell the school board that they didn’t want Sex Education—especially the kind dreamed up by free-lance social engineering knot-heads and unelected bureaucrats in Trenton. Those board meetings were spectacularly well-attended. Our local school board got the message loud and clear—and out the window went Sex Education.

For the time being.

Toward the end of the 70’s they tried again. We had a shiny new State Dept. of Education—might as well make use of it. And now the local boards were off the hot seat, because this was being handed down from The State [cue in awed gasping sound effect].

Our town still didn’t want it, but who in Trenton cared for that? By the magic of government, local school boards were transformed into rubber stamps. Any time a government can do mischief, it will do mischief.

So that was that. Year after year the Far Left Creepy twaddle was pumped into our schools. Objections were in vain. Eventually the crowds stopped coming to the meetings. The local school board members whom we elected were on our side, but powerless. When the town council cut the school budget, the state simply restored the funds.

Please don’t get the idea that these things happened only in New Jersey. It was all over the country, everywhere you looked. With the creation of the federal Dept. of Education, the cage was locked. No escape.

You could still take your child out of “public education” that despised the public, and opt for home schooling or a private religious school. So far, for all their dreams of total supremacy, they haven’t yet been able to close off those escape routes. Then I guess we’ll have to teach our children to dig tunnels.

Indoctrination into thorough-going leftism begins in kindergarten and continues up and up right through college, teachers’ college, and grad school. The goal is—we quote Obama—a full and “fundamental transformation” of America into a socialist basket case.

And so far they continue to get away with it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and stop in for a visit… while it’s still allowed. My articles can also be found at .

© 2024 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Silent Assertion: The Shabbiest of All Lies

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 19, 2024

Our own Harris-Biden government works to destroy the fabric of our society! In fact, those two are dead set on destroying America.

In 1860, Mark Twain said the lie of ‘silent-assertion’ finds politicians, media and religious groups, “Obfuscating, clouding, denying, suppressing and/or ignoring a social wrong or something in between.”

My Canadian Journalist friend Tim Murray said, “I came upon an orchestration, the environmental movement, and all the musicians were playing violins to the tune of “Overconsumption, overconsumption, overconsumption.” They refused to play any other tune or use any other instrument to compliment that narrow repertoire. Apparently, some corporate donors were paying them to be a one-trick pony.”


My longtime friend at the University of Colorado, Albert Bartlett once spoke about Mark Twain’s “silent lie”. It refers to the habit of lying but not revealing the truth. If I know that someone has planted a bomb in the local subway, but I chose not to share that information with the authorities, by Twain’s definition, I am a liar. But when the information that I withhold is of critical importance to our lives or the lives of innocents, then I am more than a liar. I am criminally negligent. Such is the case with many politicians and environmental leaders. They know that we are facing economic collapse from dwindling oil supplies and ecological Armageddon from over-population, soil degradation, overtaxed aquifers and species loss, but they choose to shield the public from the truth.

What We’re Seeing Today with The Liberal Media Equates to the Highest Rendition of “Silent Assertion.”

None of the mainstream media will educate the American people as to the consequences of Biden-Harris dumping 15 to 21 million illegal migrants into the guts of America within four years, and possibly another 21 million if Harris wins the White House. If you think Springfield, Ohio represents a growing nightmare, just wait until your city becomes yet another Springfield, Ohio!

Several reasons have been advanced to account for their silence. One is ideological. The syncretistic blend of “New” Left thinking, feminism, cultural relativism, xenophilia and political correctness, sometimes bundled under the rubric of “cultural Marxism” has been a proven reality filter. The stark fact that there is not “enough to go around”, that we are already in overshoot, cannot be acknowledged by ideologues who view the present through the prism of an antique social justice agenda. Their focus is not on stopping growth, by managing and deflecting it. It is not on acknowledging limits, but ‘growing’ them with more efficient use of resources by land use strategies, pie-in-the-sky technologies and Spartan living habits.

And it is not about family planning to cap population growth, but granting women reproductive choices even if those choices result in unsustainable growth. For the growth management syndicate there is never a “long-age” of people but a shortage of food. A shortage that can be cured by perpetual foreign aid, political reform or fair and efficient distribution. The notion that modern agriculture will collapse with the demise of fossil fuels or that organic farming or “re-localization” cannot sustain 8 billion people is beyond their comprehension.

There is another more mercenary reason for population myopia and green silence, however. Simply put, political parties and mainstream environmental NGOs, for the most part, are paid “not to understand”. Organizations like the Sierra Club, Conservation International, Nature Conservancy and the David Suzuki Foundation, accept corporate money. Some even permit corporate representatives to hold directorships. This comes at a price. What are corporations, and particularly financial institutions all about? Growth and Debt, which go together like a horse and carriage. An apt simile for the post-carbon future that looms around the corner. So we shall have growth, but it shall be painted green. Voila. “Smart” growth. Smart growth or dumb growth all equal the same result: a first class ticket on the U.S.S. Titanic- America. American citizens are not prepared for what’s coming with an added 100 million people.

But most importantly, corporations crave the certification of social responsibility that environmental organizations can give them. In the 1990s big business felt the winds of change. Environmentalism had gone mainstream. It became evident that opposing the public mood was not a wise business strategy. So rather than war with environmental organizations, it proved commercially advantageous to jump on their bandwagon. If they could gain the environmental seal of approval in exchange for acquiescence to growth, they could proceed with business-as-usual.

But this fact raises a more fundamental issue. Proof of this corporate infiltration is available by the mere perusal of their financial reports. So why aren’t the members of environmental NGOs doing their homework? Why do people who would conduct a title search or home inspection when they buy a house, or scrutinize the financial report of their union or strata council, or make the purchase of a car subject to a mechanical inspection not care to apply the same rigor and due diligence to the environmental organizations they support?

Why don’t they care to know who is paying the piper? And why do they rely upon the filtered, spoon-fed news that these green organizations dispense rather than do their own research? Why do they delegate their thinking to these kept women of corporate duplicity, their chosen gatekeepers of knowledge?

Are people lax, indolent and ignorant? The mainstream media makes sure they remain clueless. Despite numerous opportunities, I have chosen to be ignorant about the workings of my car, or how to trouble-shoot my computer problems, or even how to fill in my own income tax form. But like other people, I address many areas of my life with earnest curiosity. Many of us effect great interest in proper nutrition, effective exercise, better gardening, shrewd shopping and a host of hobbies and interests.

But we are deliberately oblivious to those societal issues which threaten our collective survival. Many adopt the posture of “positive thinking” —the willful ignorance of the blatantly obvious. Like those who persisted in playing cards while the Titanic listed, they whistle past the graveyard of a civilization that edges closer to the cliff. The writing is on the wall, but they choose not to read it.

While the media collaborates with their self-imposed stupefaction, it only panders to their appetite for escape. There is an insatiable market for denial and self-indulgence. Even news must be entertaining. We are transfixed by stock market quotations, economic indices, sporting events and movie star divorces, but bored with the end of the world as we know it. Of those who read, it is murder mysteries, horror stories, romance novels, tales of the supernatural and pop psychology that seem to command interest.

We are literally amusing ourselves to death. Even those nations with democratic levers are captive of an ecologically illiterate electorate. Everywhere we are oppressed by the coalition of the uniformed, who consist of, in the words of Tasmania’s Peter Bright, “People who don’t think, and who don’t want to think; people who don’t know—and who don’t want to know; and those who don’t care, and don’t want to care.”

The American public stands eyeball deep in fatal flaw. Unfit and undeserving of a better fate than that which awaits us like a black-hooded executioner beside his chopping block, axe in hand. Poetic justice for the architects of the Sixth Extinction Session, a species that despite its vaunted intelligence, continues to undercut its own life support system like a cannibal feeding off his own limbs. The fossil record is full of failed models like ours. A Greek tragedy in the making.

If you understand what I am trying to convey in this commentary, please take action to stop mass immigration into America. Your children’s lives depend on it…and/or anyone living in America in 2050.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Destroying Strong Men – Another Step in Taking Control

By Susan Mehiel

September 18, 2024

“Unburdened by what has been…

As James Lindsay said recently at a Turning Point Conference, Kamala’s mantra is not ‘word salad’; it’s a deliberate statement that we are going to forget the past and not be controlled by our heritage.  He likened it to Mau’s destroying the Four Olds, which I talked about back in November in an issue of the Reclaiming Newsletter.  “Four Olds” …Old Ideas, Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits of Mind – had to be destroyed if Mao’s plan was to easily prevail.”   

Back then I related it to ‘The old sciences, the old words and meanings, the old assumptions, expectations, and the old virtues and religions…’ as we saw it play out in the takeover of our education system.  But we cannot ignore our Old Ideas and Customs that include our nation’s heritage, its founding, and our reverence for our Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

All of these and more are being attacked by this administration including the Separation of Powers; it’s their only hope of maintaining power.  They are also trying to destroy the power behind our strong founders who pledged their “lives, fortunes and sacred honor” knowing they could be killed for signing the Declaration, and some were.  Behind that statement is… independent Masculine Strength…a part of the Olds that must be destroyed.

It was Strong Men who decided to give their authority to elected representatives to craft a bottom-up Republic.  It took Strong Men to declare our local communities would run our schools and they would teach the necessary English, History, Math and Science and those Strong Men said schools would teach our Judeo-Christian values because they were not threatened by an informed public; rather, they knew we needed an educated, Judeo-Christian voting electorate to keep our Republic.

Strong Men have been the backbone of our founding and our society, and they are the enemy of the Left.  As World War II looked eminent for the US, many young men enlisted and continued to enlist as we entered the war…it was their duty and their honor to fight for our country.  Now 80 years later, how many 16-18 yr-old boys would feel the need to defend their families, their communities and their nation by enlisting in the military?  And that military we already have…how many Strong Men have left because of what Rush called “the Chickification” of our institutions?   It doesn’t stop…SEE THIS:

The Sixties found the Johnson Administration passing the Great Society Programs to supposedly cure the ills of the black community.  Instead, the programs set the black family structure and black businesses and advancements back for the foreseeable future and we’re seeing the harm today in our schools.  Black out-of-wedlock births went from 24% in the 60’s before the legislation to 70% in 2020.

Providing a plethora of programs to unwed mothers and their children gave free reign to the fathers to shirk all responsibility.  Now we see generations of poor women of all races who struggle to raise children alone and, sadly, the struggle is perpetuated by their daughters and their daughters.  Back in Maryland in the 80’s, I heard about the “Freedom Card” from a 15 yr old.  She wanted to drop out of school, live with her boyfriend and get all of her Social Services benefits loaded onto a “Freedom Card”.  No Strong Men needed; the government is the head of the household.

The “Murphy Brown Show” was a seminal moment in my mind, when Murphy, a TV show exec, showed the world women don’t need husbands to have or raise babies.  Too bad she didn’t explain that she had this luxury because she had an executive salary.  The entertainment business reinforced the notion portraying husbands and fathers as stupid, useless members of a family.  The future would see this idea pushed even further by Education Inc.

Yes, I came of age on the cusp of Feminism graduating from college in 1975, and I appreciated the ability to move up the corporate ladder as a woman, but I never accepted that women were equal to men in every way.  I was raised by two parents, including a strong yet intellectual dad, who was the head of our household.  Just as we need strong fathers to protect our families, we need Strong Men to protect our cities, our schools and our borders…or we will pay the ultimate price and lose our nation

Gay Marriage combined with free abortions put an end to Strong Men in our society and propelled the complete annihilation of the foundations of our Judeo-Christian beliefs.  But the slippery slope hadn’t bottomed out…the LBGTQ+ movement did that.  Now all those young boys can become girls with the ‘new science’, while Big Pharma and the healthcare industry make out like bandits.  Strong parents are relegated to Right-Wing Kooks who don’t know what’s best for their confused children.

This administration is also threatening the last remaining Strong Men with their lives.  J6 made an example out of Strong Men who wanted to defend their Constitution and were manipulated into running afoul of the law, and lawfare sealed their fate.  The message is clear – “don’t mess with the Government or we’ll destroy you.”  The Transformation is complete, and the Communists can come and take everything we have left, and future generations will own nothing and be happy.

The only hinderance to their plan were Strong Men and they’ve nearly erased that problem.  Now there is only One Strong Man standing in their way. 

Isaiah 45:1
This is what the LORD says to Cyrus, his anointed one, whose right hand he will empower. Before him, mighty kings will be paralyzed with fear. Their fortress gates will be opened, never to shut again.
(Although Cyrus was a Pagan (or heathen), God chose him to save the Jews and return His people to Israel.  He empowered Cyrus by taking his right hand…Cyrus raised his right hand to God…sound familiar?)

© 2024 Susan Mehiel – All Rights Reserved

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20,000 Illegal Haitians Overwhelm Ohio Town

By Bradlee Dean

September 18, 2024

“Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.” – Matthew 22:9-11

I have asked myself for over 20 years why does the American church sends missionaries to foreign countries to preach what they call the Gospel overseas (Galatians 1:8), and at the same time, they fail to preach the Gospel to the people here. After all, the greatest mission field in America is the schools that are completely being overlooked.

Christian annual income is 12.3 trillion dollars (The Traveling Team Baxter).

About 11.4 billion is given to foreign missions, 87% of which goes to work being done among the already Christian population.

How does this make sense? It doesn’t.

That is like going to Haiti and teaching them Haitian Creole and/or the French language.

Now, if it is really about missions and reaching the lost (Luke 19:10), then the church can now save its money because the Hattians are now coming to America’s front doors (Deuteronomy 28:43).

20000 Haitians overwhelm Springfield Ohio, eat residents pets and local wildlife

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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It Doesn’t Need to Be Rewritten, It Needs to Be Reread

By Paul Engel

September 18, 2024

  • Does the Constitution matter any more?
  • Is there something wrong with the Constitution?
  • Does the Constitution need to be rewritten, or just reread?

I’ve spent a lot of time the last few years wondering why Americans do not celebrate Constitution Day. Then it occurred to me that we have spent so much time and effort trampling the document, along with the freedoms and liberties it’s designed to protect, We the People are simply too apathetic to celebrate the Constitution or too ashamed to do so. However, for those of us not embarrassed by our founding document, there is still hope to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

Treatment of the Constitution

Like most Americans, I went through school without learning very much about the Constitution. Sure, I learned about the three branches of government, but most of what I was taught about that fact was a lie. I learned about the Bill of Rights, too, but most of what I was taught about that was a lie as well. While I didn’t think that much about it at the time, this lack of education turns out to have been extremely dangerous.

One Generation Away from Extinction

Ronald Reagan warned us about the impact apathy has on freedom.

But freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it, defend it and then hand it to them with the well thought lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it once was like in America when men were free.

Ronald Reagan, Encroaching Control” (1961)

Think about the freedoms you enjoy. The ideals and concepts that are so much a part of the warp and woof of society, we’ve come to believe they are normal. However, a look at history shows that freedom is not the natural state of man, subjection is. A vast number of people throughout human history have been subjects of one form of autocratic rule or another. Kingdoms and empires are the norm. Greece tried a democracy, but they eventually conglomerated and centralized into another form of autocracy. Rome was as a republic, until Octavian became the first emperor. Then, in 1776, a group of freedom fighters declared independence from their mother country, winning their freedom in 1783. Then in 1787, in an attempt to stabilize the union they had created, they replaced the Articles of Confederation with a new Constitution. However, there were still those who sought to enslave their fellow countrymen.

Necessities Plea

Of course most of those who wanted to control others didn’t see it as enslaving them. Rather, I believe most of them simply thought they knew better how things should be done, and the necessity was for others to agree.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.

William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

Every infringement on human freedom starts with the idea that the ends justify the means. What was true when William Pitt (the Younger) was speaking from the House of Commons in 1783 is just as true today. The need to deal with COVID was the necessity to take control of your health and, in fact, your life. The need to keep you safe is the claim behind every act to infringe on your right to defend yourself. And the need to make sure you have the “correct” facts stands squarely behind all the calls for censorship and your right to both express yourself and to hear what others think. And We the People simply go along, in large part I believe, because of our ignorance. And for many years, I included myself in that cabal of ignorance.

Fundamental Education

Several years ago I was in North Carolina, working with a couple of international teams. It was a presidential election year, so one day at lunch, someone asked about the electoral college. Since I was the only American on the teams, they expected me to explain this system to them. This was before I had started studying the Constitution, so I stumbled through what I had been taught it school, but ultimately I failed. Here I was, a natural born citizen of the United States, yet unable to explain to a curious group of foreigners how the President was elected. To my great shame, even that was not enough to get me to actually read the Constitution, which explains the process so well.

How can it be that so many born and raised in this country don’t know how its governments work? I believe the answer is simple: We don’t read the foundational laws that created it.

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States

Why do you think the first Chief Justice of the United States thought it so important that everyone read and study the Constitution of the United States? He gives the answer in this quote: So we will sooner perceive when our rights are violated and be better prepared to defend and assert them.

Which to me, begs the question: If reading and studying the Constitution is so important, why do we not teach the rising generation to be free? After all, the Constitution isn’t taught in public or most private schools. Based on my research, it’s not even taught in our law schools, where you think it would be most important for it to be taught. So why isn’t this foundational document taught? I believe the evidence is plain, there’s only one reason the rising generation is not taught to be free.

No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.

Samuel Adams

How better to get the people to give up their rights and liberties without a fight? Without knowledge about our rights, and the tools we have to defend them, the people are more easily persuaded by the siren song of “necessity”. For generations the American people have allowed our public schools to train a more and more ignorant people. I’m not simply talking about our ever falling math and English test scores, I’m talking about people who do not know the Constitution, what their rights are, and certainly not how to defend and assert them.

For 25 years, Freedom Forum has surveyed Americans regarding their knowledge and opinions regarding the First Amendment. According to their last report, The State of the First Amendment: 2019 29% of those surveyed could not name a single freedom protected by the First Amendment. This was a vast improvement over the 2018 survey, where 40% could not recall a single freedom. Is it any wonder that the concepts of Freedom of Religion, Speech, and Press are no longer regarded to be as central to American society as they once were? We the People have blindly handed over the rising generations to government schools, without any supervision or oversight. Now we’re shocked, shocked that government schools did not teach our children to be free, but to be dependent on government.

Benjamin Franklin – Can we keep it?

After the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin was famously asked “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” His response should be ringing in the ears of every American in this day and age: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Listen to politicians and pundits and you rarely hear the United States referred to as a republic anymore. We hear about threats to our “democracy,” champions of our “democracy,” and even the necessity of protecting our “democracy”. Which all shows how universally ignorant We the People have become about our nation. How are we supposed to keep our republic if we don’t even recognize it as one? Which may explain some of the calls for change we keep hearing in the media.

Take for example, the attempt to abolish the so-called “electoral college.” I say “so-called” because not only is the term “electoral college” nowhere in the Constitution, but there is not single gathering of the presidential electors.

The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XII

Yet every four years we repeatedly hear about the “electoral college” from politicians, pundits, media, and everyday citizens. And based on what they are saying, they are just as ignorant about the Presidential election process as I was back when I tried to explain it to my international colleagues. Another example of our universal ignorance is the repeated discussion of the “national popular vote” for President. There is no national popular vote for President, and there never has been. Since the beginning of the republic, the states have elected the President, not the people.

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress:

U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2

Even the states have gotten into the game of making sure the American people are ignorant of their Constitution. Just eight years ago, the majority of state ballots stated that the people were voting for “electors for President and Vice President”. Four years ago, three-fourths of the states lied to their citizens, telling them they were voting for “President and Vice President.” However, the states still appointed electors that then voted for President and Vice President.

How can we keep a republic when we not only do not know who is electing people to what positions or even that we are a republic in the first place?

It Doesn’t Need to be Rewritten

It still amazes me to this day that roughly 90% of federal agencies are not constitutional. I found out while researching my book that 90% of federal departments and agencies are not exercising powers delegated to the United States by the Constitution, as the Tenth Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

Now consider that while Congress generally passes a few hundred laws each year, these federal agencies promulgate thousands of rules each and every year. And each year those rules are having a greater impact on our society. As if that isn’t bad enough, based on some research I did on the website, approximately 60% of every dollar the federal government spends is for unconstitutional purposes.

For these, and many other reasons, there have been repeated calls to amend the Constitution. Some have called for Congress to propose amendments to “fix” some of these problems. Joe Biden has asked Congress to propose an amendment stating that there is no Presidential immunity. Others have called for a convention for proposing amendments to do everything from imposing term limits to requiring a balanced budget. Many are concerned that such a convention would lead to an overall rewriting of the Constitution. The problem is, the Constitution doesn’t need to be rewritten, it just needs to be reread.

It Needs to be Reread

One of the major reasons I hear people talk about amending the Constitution is to rein in these out of control federal agencies, and especially the rules they keep promulgating. However, a quick reading of the Supremacy Clause and the Tenth Amendment proves we already have the tools to do so.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land;

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2 – The Supremacy Clause

While this clause makes quite clear what is the supreme law of the land, it also allows us to determine what is not the supreme law of the land. Federal regulations are not listed as the supreme law of the land, so they are not. If fact, they are not law at all since, as Article I, Section 1 clearly states:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 1

All power for making laws (legislative power), is vested in Congress. Since all federal departments and agencies are part of the executive branch, they are prohibited from making laws, or anything treated as such. And since the Constitution does not delegate the power to make laws, every piece of legislation where they claim to is, itself, unconstitutional. And according to Alexander Hamilton and several Supreme Court decisions, such acts are void and of no effect.

No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

Federalist Paper #78

Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.

Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

An unconstitutional law is void, and is as no law. An offence created by it is not a crime. A conviction under it is not merely erroneous, but is illegal and void, and cannot be a legal cause of imprisonment.

Ex parte Siebold :: 100 U.S. 371 (1879)

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.

Norton v. Shelby County :: 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

Since the Constitution did not delegate to Congress the power to create federal departments and agencies that enforce powers not delegated to the United States, all the legislation that created these agencies are unconstitutional and therefore void. Furthermore, all the legislation that appropriated monies to these agencies is also void, making their funding embezzlement.

But, Paul, if the Supreme Court has already weighed in on the legitimacy of these agencies, how can you claim they don’t legally exist? Go back to the Supremacy Clause and do you know what is not listed as the supreme law of the land? The decision of a court, any court, including the Supreme Court. I know, you’ve been taught that the Supreme Court is the final arbiter of what the Constitution says, but that simply is not true. Nowhere in the Constitution is any part of the United States delegated the power to be the final arbiter of its meaning, so according to the Tenth Amendment, that power is reserved. Who is that power reserved to? Since it is not prohibited by the Constitution to the States, and since the States are the only legitimate ratifiers of the Constitution and its amendments, they are the final word on what it means.


Ladies and Gentlemen, this is only the beginning. We have before us the questions of how to enforce the limited and enumerated powers of the United States, how do we balance the federal budget, and how do we handle the powers that the federal government has illegally assumed? Let’s face it, depending on where you start, we’ve been ignoring the Constitution between 100 to 200 years. That means a lot of mistakes have been made, and it is a giant mess to clean up. Regardless of how you would prioritize fixing this mess, I believe it starts with education:

I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society, but the people themselves: and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their controul with a wholsome discretion, the remedy is, not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. this is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.

Thomas Jefferson

Furthermore, I do not think we fix it through the public schools, or even through private schools. Go back to what John Jay said:

Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated, and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.

John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States

It is up to us, to both diligently read and study the Constitution of the United States. I know it sounds daunting, but I can tell you from personal experience, it’s not nearly as hard as you’ve been led to believe. Only after we have a grasp of the fundamental and paramount law can we judge if other laws are complaint with it, if our states should abide by them, and if our representatives are fulfilling their oath to support it. We will also be in a position to teach the rising generation to be free. Note, I did not say have schools teach the rising generation to be free; that is part of our responsibilities as parents. Also, we’ll be able to prepare to defend and assert our rights, and do so legally and legitimately.

As we celebrate Constitution Day, I can think of no better way to honor those who pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to bring us freedom, than to reread the document they gave us to help keep the republic.

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Eliminate the Machines, Return to Paper Ballots

By Kelleigh Nelson

September 17, 2024

Pretending that voter fraud does not exist puts the integrity of our voting process at risk. —Mercedes Schlapp

When you have a million plus names on the rolls, people who aren’t voting or are inactive, dead, people who have moved away, that’s a massive pool of potential voter fraud opportunities for those who want to be able to steal elections. —Tom Fitton

The Democratic Party does not want anybody to have a photo ID because that would have a very negative impact on cheating! If you require a photo ID, that pretty much shuts out cheating. Well, it doesn’t shut it out. It just makes it harder, and that’s why they don’t want it. —Rush Limbaugh

Why allow paper ballots and voter ID when you can make a fortune harvesting the biometric data of hundreds of millions of people while rigging the vote count as you choose.  —Dr. J. Michael Waller

In previous articles, I’ve mentioned J. Michael Waller’s book several times, Big Intel How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains. Dr. Waller is the Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy and President of Georgetown Research, a political risk and private intelligence company.  Waller worked for the CIA in Central America, did groundbreaking scholarship after the Soviet empire’s breakup, and taught history and methods at America’s premier intelligence schools.

The following information comes from a wide selection of Dr. Waller’s articles which can be found at the Center’s website.

For generations, the United States has been constantly assaulted by what former Soviet KGB colonel Anatoliy Golitsyn called “strategic disinformation.” He warned in 1984 that the United States and its interests were under a permanent strategic disinformation offensive from Moscow.  They paired this with political influence.

President Reagan recognized what was going on and established a permanent Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) to coordinate within the intelligence community. The goal was to counter the dual challenges raised by Golitsyn and other defectors.  It operated for 30 years.

Without public knowledge, Obama ordered it shut down in the spring of 2016.  The Office of the Director of National Intelligence ran the FDDC. James Clapper oversaw its demise.  CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, and VP Biden all went along with it.  This was part of the coverup in weaponizing the intelligence community and ultimately the entire federal government.

As a result, the mainstream media denial of election fraud has been successful.


Byron York, chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner, exposed an affidavit from a former confidant of the late Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez.  He provided evidence that Smartmatic election tabulation software was created by the regime with the help of Cuban intelligence, and exported internationally to manipulate voting results.  Chavez wanted to give himself dictatorial powers through guaranteed election fraud.  He also wanted to guarantee the election of allies.

The confidant explained that the Smartmatic software works in the Dominion machines and is the core of all major vote counting software.  He said, “The conspiracy included Chavez and his people, and representatives and personnel from Smartmatic.”  The software could change the votes from against to in their favor.

Smartmatic was used in a 2009 referendum to change the Venezuelan constitution to end term limits, including for Hugo Chavez. The referendum passed.  It was Chavez’s electoral chief, Jorge Rodriguez, who promoted the idea of software that could change the outcomes of elections.  Smartmatic even fed the false voting tabulations directly onto the Internet and to the news media.

In the 2013 Venezuelan election, Chavez’ opponent was ahead by two million votes, so the decision was made to reset the system and take it offline for about two hours.  (Sound familiar?)  Smartmatic’s fraud went public in Venezuela in 2017.

Wonder where our intel was on this key operation to change the outcomes of elections?  Well guess who was in charge of protecting the USA from this kind of election villainy?  FBI Counterintelligence chief, Peter Strzok.

Here is the Smartmatic/Dominion affidavit from the Chavez confidant.

Smartmatic Owners Indicted

The firm said it is owned primarily by three entrepreneurs: Antonio Mugica, a dual-Spanish-Venezuelan national (78.8 percent); Alfredo Anzola (3.87 percent); and Roger Pinate (8.47 percent). The other main investor is Jorge Massa (5.97 percent), a French-Venezuelan businessman. Smartmatic employees and friends and family own the remainder of the firm (2.89 percent).

Smartmatic competes with Dominion Voting Systems, Hart InterCivic, and other companies to supply machines and software for running elections. In addition to selling voting systems, Smartmatic also makes identity management systems for governments.

Three current and former Smartmatic executives are charged with running a brazen alleged bribery scheme to use bribes connected to use of the company’s voting machine technology.

“The co-conspirators allegedly funded the bribes through a slush fund that was created by over-invoicing the cost per voting machine for the 2016 Philippine elections. To conceal and disguise the nature and purpose of the corrupt payments, the co-conspirators used coded language to refer to the slush fund and caused the creation of fraudulent contracts and sham loan agreements to justify transfers. The co-conspirators then allegedly laundered funds related to the bribery scheme through bank accounts located in Asia, Europe, and the United States, including in the Southern District of Florida.” Link

The indictment, handed down in Florida in August 2024, doesn’t identify the name of the company, which gained notoriety in 2000.  “These bribes were allegedly paid to obtain and retain business related to providing voting machines and election services for the 2016 Philippine elections and to secure payments on the contracts, including the release of value added tax payments,” according to a Justice Department release on the indictments.  Link

In relation to the recent DOJ indictment, Smartmatic stated the following:

Smartmatic has learned that two of our employees have been indicted for alleged violations of the FCPA in the Philippines almost 10 years ago.  Regardless of the veracity of the allegations and while our accused employees remain innocent until proven guilty, we have placed both employees on leaves of absence, effective immediately.

No voter fraud has been alleged and Smartmatic is not indicted.  Voters worldwide must be assured that the elections they participate in are conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency.  These are the values that Smartmatic lives by.

Smartmatic grotesquely understates the problem. Those indicted are not mere employees. They are the co-founder/President and COO, and the brother-in-law of the Chairman and CEO.

Smartmatic in America

Somehow, the United States saw fit to use software from that company in our own voting machines. In 2020, five states using Dominion equipment stopped vote counting and then the votes flipped. Smartmatic ended up buying Sequoia Company, although we don’t know how they got the cash for the purchase.  Then it used its own software in the Sequoia software election counting systems.

Smartmatic’s chairman, Lord Malloch-Brown, a socialist politician from the UK, who was Deputy Secretary General of the UN and is now President of the Soros Open Society Foundations, told us in 2009 that Dominion voting machines licensed the Smartmatic software.

Frank Gaffney interviewed Dr. Michael Waller on Securing America podcast and Waller has the goods on Smartmatic.  Here’s what he told Frank:

“During the Trump administration, the justice department started an investigation of Smartmatic.  A federal grand jury was convened to investigate Smartmatic for corruption.  They couldn’t do it in the United States, they didn’t have the evidence for it, but they had evidence from the Philippines that Smartmatic had bribed the head of the Philippine Commission to buy Smartmatic machines for Philippine voting.  Turns out the information came from the estranged wife of the head of the election commission who was complaining all of a sudden that her husband came across a whole lot of money.

“That got the federal investigation started and so last week (in early August) the federal grand jury indictment was unsealed for the Smartmatic president and COO, the  Smartmatic Vice President for Development and the brother-in-law of Smartmatic’s CEO, the largest shareholders were the four Venezuelan Americans indicted for criminal conspiracy and bribery under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to bribe the Philippine Elections Commission to buy their machines.

“The DOJ announcement purposely didn’t even mention Smartmatic. You had to know the personalities involved to put two and two together.  The indictment only alleged that these executives of this unnamed company, were being accused of corruption and bribery.  But of course, the character of the CEO or COO or the people running the company, shows the character of the company itself.

“This was an end-of-day news release by the DOJ about an unsealed indictment.  It just mentioned the individuals and the Philippines.  It didn’t mention Smartmatic at all, when the whole thing, of course, was all about Smartmatic.  That was really curious, why would that not be in the announcement of the indictment?  The text of the indictment itself was not released at that time.  So, when I found that out and put two and two together and threw it up on X, and was first to market on putting that together, then all the news organizations had to follow suit and mention Smartmatic. CNN did and Miami-Herald because it was unsealed in Miami.

“What we know is the executives and one of the co-founders, of the company that designed the DNA of election software in different jurisdictions of our country, was just indicted by a grand jury for international corruption and bribery.  The federal grand jury found sufficient cause to indict them on a range of corruption crimes.

“The President and CEO entered ‘no plea’ when he appeared and turned himself in, claiming that he didn’t have legal counsel, when his colleagues’ legal counsel told them that they’ve known about this investigation since 2019.

“So, something is very strange and especially an election company who prides itself on transparency and integrity, they have to be beyond reproach, and I don’t think Smartmatic meets that standard anymore.

“Right now, the only Smartmatic machines I’m aware that are being used are in Los Angeles County, California.  However, a lot of the people investigating election fraud or potential election fraud, including some people who had been associated with Smartmatic the company, say that Smartmatic software has become woven into the DNA software of other big election voter machine companies.  So, it’s not Smartmatic software per say, but these people, who have studied it really closely, say that it’s the same DNA.”

When Dr. Waller was asked by Frank Gaffney if our machines were similarly at risk of being manipulated, especially if hooked up with the internet, he answered, “It is possible and even plausible that if you’ve got the federal grand jury charging the leaders of the company with corruption…the fact is, we don’t know.  But the fact is also that you have five-year investigations just come to fruition with federal felony charges involved.  So, there is something there that shows there is an integrity deficit with this important company.”

Frank Gaffney then asked Mike if we should be using this kind of software with this legacy.  Dr. Waller said, “We shouldn’t be using any electronic voting machines because even the computer experts themselves say that ‘nothing is not hackable in this world,’ so if foreign powers or corrupt domestic elements can hack our voting systems, then we shouldn’t be having these voting systems.  The whole way our voting system structure has been from town and city and state upward, it’s not central downward, and if you have a central software that is being used or varieties of it being used to tabulate our votes, then that’s going completely opposite the way our voting system should function.  So, if you have paper ballots, you can’t hack paper ballots.  And the big advocates of these electronic voting systems are like the late Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, the Marxists running Brazil, and the Harris/Walz campaign.”


It is apparent that voting machine software has been used to compromise elections throughout the world.

One has to wonder if this software gave us a false result of the US 2020 election.  If so, what is to stop it from happening again?

I agree with Dr. Waller that paper ballots are the answer.

However, in the Texas Senate race of 1948, Lyndon Baines Johnson had his people change paper ballot votes from 7s to 9s in his favor and claimed victory over the beloved former Texas Governor, Coke Stevenson.  Texas Ranger, Frank Hamer, proved the fraud and took it all the way to the Supreme Court.  Democrat Justice Hugo Black never looked at the proof and gave the election to LBJ.

Swindlers will always find a way to cheat, but it’s much less likely with paper ballots.

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Is Ancient Stoic Philosophy Relevant to 2020s America?

By Steven Yates

September 14, 2024

We approach a pivotal election and a very precarious future no matter who wins….

What is Stoicism, and what does it have to do with our present situation?

In order: Stoicism is a philosophy originating with ancient Greeks shortly after the time of Socrates. It was one of several competing schools in what was then the thriving city of Athens. It spread throughout the ancient world and was popular in Rome prior to Rome’s Christianizing.

When we see what it offered the people of its time, we’ll see its present-day relevance. Indeed, there appears to be a certain amount of interest in Stoicism today. Author Ryan Holiday is the most visible figure tapping into this interest. He has built a thriving cottage industry around a few bestsellers with titles like The Obstacle Is the Way (2014) and Stillness Is the Key (2019).

Some will want to know: is Stoicism compatible with Christianity? Devotees of each considered themselves to be competitors during the first few centuries AD. To my mind Keith Humphrey, in his just-published Stoicism and Christianity (2024), lays out a credible account of the overlap between the two, which is greater than their differences. It’s a shame that Stoics and Christians have never figured out how to work together. They had the same enemies. They still do. But their approaches are very different. Each, in my opinion, could stand to learn from the other.

Stoicism: A Brief Account.

Stoicism’s founder was a wealthy merchant and shipping magnate named Zeno, of Citium, a seaport located on what is now Cyprus. It was around the start of the 3rd century B.C. One day, while bringing some rare and very expensive dye towards Athens (we think), he lost everything in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece. We don’t know the details.

Obviously, he couldn’t call 9-1-1.

He made his way to Athens. We don’t know how he fed himself until the day he wandered into the ancient city’s equivalent of a bookstore and discovered writings on Socrates. He asked the proprietor where he could find a man like that. The proprietor directed him to Crates, of Thebes. Crates was a Cynic (another school of ancient philosophy not to be confused with how the word cynic is used today). Zeno became Crates’s pupil. He also studied a range of other philosophies then available, including Plato’s whose Academy was then thriving.

Zeno appears to have realized that there were problems with all he’d read and encountered, and that he needed to find his own way.

That’s usually how it begins.

Eventually he began lecturing from a location in the Athenian Agora known as the Stoa Poakile (Painted Porch). He and those who gathered around him became known as Stoics. They began to attract the attention of prominent citizens and even royalty. The attention wasn’t negative. Stoic philosophy, though hardly unified in all respects, attempted to be practical and useful, addressing problems of life and self-improvement in a manner anyone, rich or poor, could make use of. (Today’s academic philosophy has virtually nothing to do with the problems of living and sees this as a mark of professionalism and intellectual maturity.)

What did Zeno teach? None of his original writings have survived, so what we know of him is through quotations by later writers such as Diogenes Laertius and others. These indicate that he divided his philosophy into three components: physics, logic, and ethics. The first two served the third.

The value of philosophy, Stoics said, is that it offers perspective, and counsel, in a turbulent world.

How I like to express the Stoic worldview: Stoic physics tries to describe how the world works, i.e., its unity, and causality within it. Stoic logic tries to describe rules for proper thinking about the world, e.g., deductive reasoning. Stoic ethics, finally: given how the world works and our best reasonings about it, if we are to cultivate peace with others, with the world, and with ourselves, how should we conduct our lives and affairs? The Stoics outlined four cardinal virtues: justice, temperance, courage, and wisdom. Each could be an essay in itself (Holiday is at work on a series of books developing each).

The way Stoic philosophy is also sometimes expressed: to achieve and maintain lives of tranquility, we should “live in accordance with nature.” That’s general, and easy to caricature. What does it mean?

To find out, let’s turn to Epictetus, who lived shortly after the time of Christ. This time, we can be reasonably sure we have his actual words, inscribed by a diligent pupil (for like Christ, he never wrote anything down himself).

The most important distinction Epictetus drew was between those things which are within our power and those things which are not within our power.

The basic counsel here is that we should attend to what are properly our own affairs, over which we can maximize personal control. We should let the rest go without reacting emotionally to it, as it is outside our control.

In other words, things in the world operate according to rules, laws of nature, however we put it. The counsel here is to acknowledge these rules, using them where possible and desirable. This is the path to a better life, in which one is at peace with oneself and one’s surroundings. If you do otherwise, the way the world works will automatically work against you, and you’ll be endlessly frustrated and enraged by “the unfairness of it all.”

In other words, Stoicism counsels self-mastery. The word ‘stoic’ (lower-case ‘s’) is sometimes used to mean cold and emotionless. The Stoic isn’t emotionless. Far from it! He sets about to discipline his emotional responses to what is outside his control, allowing reason to guide what he says and does as much as is humanly possible.

We can’t control the weather. We can’t control traffic. We can’t control what the economy does, or what its movers and shakers do. We have no power over life and death. The only way we can affect what the world can do to us is through preparedness.

At this point things start to get really interesting: for most of us, our only real power within the political system (unless we’re office holders, and there are a lot of limits even then) is to vote every two or four years, usually for one of two candidates who have been carefully vetted by those who have the actual power over such matters. Those of us able can write about politics, supporting one candidate over another and giving our reasons hoping to influence others. But we cannot make up their minds for them. Their opinions are outside our control.

In sum: Stoicism counsels focusing the bulk of your thoughts and life energies on what you can control. It never says you can’t expand this through study, learning, and then taking action. The Stoic dichotomy of control is really a continuum. What can we control? What must we control? Can we learn to control more, affect more, doing so constructively and therefore ethically—and recognizing limits.

Our responses, if unleashed, may range from overjoy to fury, depending on how events play out. These often get us nowhere. Reason and reflection, for the Stoic, are paths to a peaceful and tranquil life in a world that was turbulent even then.

Stoicism thus became one of the most popular and prevalent philosophies in the ancient world of declining Greece and rising Rome. How does it apply to us in the 2020s? Before answering that, let’s look closer at the environment in which Stoicism thrived.

The social and political environment of the Stoics?

What motivated Stoic ideas?

Zeno of Citium lost everything to a random event and found himself stranded in a foreign city. How does he cope?

He pivots, and undertakes something new, as this was clearly better than living out his life in bitterness and despair, begging for food.

Epictetus was born and grew up in slavery. In his teens, his leg was broken by a cruel master. The break did not heal properly. He walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

How does he cope? Again, with anger? What does that accomplish?

So like Zeno, he accepts what he cannot change. He embraces a philosophy allowing him to move ahead. He begins helping others do the same.

Another prominent Stoic, Seneca (author of essays with titles like “On the Shortness of Life”), found himself with the unenviable duty of having to advise the emperor Nero, by any measure a grade-A psychopath. Eventually Nero, paranoid to the point of near-insanity, suspected Seneca of participating in a plot against him. He ordered his advisor to commit suicide, which Seneca did, along with his wife.

At the complete other end of the political-economic spectrum from Epictetus was Marcus Aurelius, of the 2nd century A.D., author of Meditations. Marcus became Emperor of Rome: a true philosopher-king although not in Plato’s sense nor in the pejorative sense I’ve used that phrase.

Marcus had not wanted to be Emperor! Having encountered Stoic teachings, he wanted to be a philosopher! Having been groomed for the position, he became both, penning his Meditations, written for his eyes only, efforts to clarify and contain his own turbulent thoughts.

A Stoic is always aware of his limitations and imperfections. He stresses learning opportunities inherent even in painful circumstances. He focuses both on gratitude for what he has, and on how to be a better person.

All the Stoics were acutely conscious of how little control anyone really has. It is tough enough to control oneself!

Marcus doubtless experienced the personal costs of power. Somehow, he became one of those extremely rare figures who grasped that with enormous power comes enormous responsibility. He set about disciplining his emotions before making a decision that could cause a war, or otherwise affect the direction of the empire and the lives of millions.

He also had to deal with plagues. He buried several of his own children.

Marcus may have been Emperor of Rome, but he suffered. He knew loss.

The question still applies, therefore: how does he cope?

The answer: with a philosophy appropriate to the world he had to operate in. Did he get everything right? Of course not. He disliked those Christians he saw. He seems to have thought their strange faith subversive and even atheistic (they did not worship the gods of Rome). The killing of Justin Martyr happened under his watch (giving us that term).

But at least he became conscious of how power allows and encourages corruption. He understood that if he’d somehow thwarted filling the shoes made for him and walking the path others had laid out in front of him, someone worse would have done so.

So he filled those shoes and walked that path.

Marcus was the last of the “good emperors.” Emphasis on last. He couldn’t control what his successor would do, or what would befall Rome after he passed from the scene. As we know, the empire went into long-term decline. Basically, Rome self-destructed, a victim of overextension and its own irrational fiscal and tax policies. These drove its more intelligent and productive citizens to opt out and build new lives elsewhere. This was something they could control.

Our present situation.

So how do we apply all this today?

This is about more than an election just under two months away.

Even if Donald Trump wins back the White House without leftists rioting in the streets, he’ll have his hands full.

And whether anyone likes it or not, Trump is no Marcus Aurelius. The closest we had to such a person was Dr. Ron Paul, long retired.

He wasn’t taken seriously by anyone in Rome on the Potomac. There simply are no such people in politics today, not on either side of the aisle. Any present-day Epictetuses, or Marcus Aureliuses, are unlikely to want to go anywhere near our present-day governmental-corporate-academic-military-surveillance-censorship complex.

With lust for power in high gear and responsibility minimal, we’re on a precipice. Small wonder we’re seeing dozens of books and articles on whether the U.S. is destined to follow Rome.

Volumes have been written on how we got here.

How “public education” was hijacked over a century ago; how it became an institution that has nothing to do with real education and everything to do with producing a controlled mass that will obey, consume, vote, and believe it is living in a democracy. Democracy is part of our national and international mythology.

How the Federal Reserve was created by banking power elites of its day. How it gave them control over one of the essentials of economic activity, the money supply.

How the IRS was created, so that your personal income could be taxed for the first time in U.S. history even though this had previously been deemed unconstitutional.

How power elites came to control nearly all corporate media.

They had long controlled energy and its distribution … they suppressed Nikola Tesla’s research results, which suggested that “free energy” technology could be brought to people and used to power a truly free, peaceful, and prosperous civilization, not one based on monetary encirclements, forms of distribution requiring centralization, and endless wars.

Our official national debt (which does not include all federal legal obligations) just reached $35 trillion, a sum that would have been unimaginable when Nixon killed the gold standard in 1971. Nixon opened the door to financialization, to what I often call welfare statism in reverse (redistribution of wealth upwards), and to the replacement of the brand of capitalism that gave us the strongest economy in history, that of the 1950s and 1960s, a rising tide that really was lifting more and more boats, to the neoliberalism that created the well-documented wealth gap. Globalized systems managed by globalist elites formulated policies that partly destroyed the middle class earlier capitalism built.

All of this is ultimately outside our control!

We can write about it, but we can’t force people to read it, take it seriously, process it, and act on it by ceasing to vote against their own interests.

But we’re not helpless! The Internet, if it has done anything, has placed in the hands of us peasants the most powerful information aggregation tool in human history.

How we use it is something we can control, even amidst its centralization in the hands of a few leviathan corporations, and the censorship of truthful content labeled “misinformation” (or “malinformation,” i.e., sometimes-obvious truths inconvenient for the ruling elites).

As I’ve also said, though, the Internet is both a blessing and a curse. Its controllers are not our “friends.”

Because of the Internet, we inhabit an attention economy; corporations compete ruthlessly for one thing: your eyeballs, to keep them glued to their platforms for as long as possible.

Hence all the clickbait, the emphasis on negativity and violence. On sensationalism. These attract attention. They encourage and enflame divisions.

In the 2020s, you either learn to control your attention, or you are lost!

Fortunately, your attention is something you can control! I believe Stoicism can help!

Final introductory lessons of the Stoics.

If asked who I think is going to win this election, my answer is the same as Tucker Carlson’s: “I have no idea.”

Unless one candidate or the other louses up spectacularly, e.g., blows the upcoming Sept. 10 debate completely in ways no damage control can’t fix — which is possible — I don’t think I’ll be able to say anything more useful even on Election Eve.

At the moment things are very close. Kamala has made gains, but with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. throwing his weight behind Trump, I don’t think anyone would challenge that.

What I know is that my “Open Letter” appears to have fallen on deaf ears. It met with no response, not even an acknowledgement. I know of at least three people who sent the link here via the contact page. Supposedly that site is monitored, so it’s possible that Trump might have seen it. There never were any guarantees.

Again, outside my control. We can write articles and letters. We can’t force people to read them.

So the first Stoic lesson is that despite all our efforts at showing how a Kamala Harris presidency would only take the globalist/war/Bidenista catastrophe into a new phase, none of us can control the outcome. We can only control our emotional responses to it, and whatever actions we subsequently choose to take.

The second Stoic lesson — it’s more of an exercise — is to ask: what can you control.

Start with your attention.

I think it will be time to tune out corporate media completely. It won’t be possible to get completely out from under the heels of the governmental-corporate-academic-military-surveillance-censorship complex, but you can minimize your contact with large parts of it.

Do you really want to waste your time on CNN and MSNBC, or on controlled opposition (Fox News)? Do you really care what Dana Bash thinks? Or Joe Scarborough?

Do you think anyone in corporate media, or anywhere in the above complex, cares about you?

Tune it out! Beyond, perhaps, bare-bones reportage like this that is can be read and processed in around 15 minutes.

Following up is a third point with which I’d like to think the Stoics would agree: we should focus our attention on what is good in our immediate surroundings, especially our relationships. Without relationships (spousal, or familial in a broader sense, or even professional), where are we?

Isolated, that’s where.

A growing number of people, men and women alike, live isolated lives sometimes because they’ve never found a partner and sometimes because they’ve made choices, especially work-related, that make nurturing relationships hard if not impossible to sustain. Think of those who work 80 hours a week. This isn’t normal and will eventually burn you out.

Social media is also more isolating than aggregating. What can you say when most of your Facebook “friends” are people you’ve never even met and may have nothing in common with beyond political alignment?

Being busy, moreover, may look like controlling your attention, but it’s not the same as being productive. Being busy may be nothing more than avoidance and rationalization of not doing anything of lasting importance.

I think we were put here to solve problems, where a problem is anything that gives someone a sense that things could be otherwise, perchance better. A problem therefore motivates us to learn what is going on and take action.

Learning how things work, their causal properties: that’s Stoic physics. Determining what actions to take is then Stoic logic. Acting courageously, honestly, honorably, appropriately, conscious of others as persons like oneself, with goals and aspirations of their own, and the same desire as you for personal validation: that’s the core of Stoic ethics.

Determining what your innate talents and skills are and who they’ll help you serve, is also something you can control. Have you tried to enumerate them? Or worked out, with guidance if necessary, the ways you can use them to help others?

The Alignment with Christianity.

However things play out, we weren’t put here to sit on our duffs. Jesus’s parable of the fig tree applies:

“[Jesus] also spoke this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it.’ ‘And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’  Luke 13:6-9.

Do nothing, and we’ll be clobbered by events. We’ll be uprooted and blown away!

Both Stoicism and Christianity are philosophies of action as well as putting forth sets of beliefs — a worldview directs a culture, but is worthless if it doesn’t also guide your life.

Neither one counsels withdrawal (as I’ve occasionally done in times past).

If this election really is stolen, and evidence for this can be amassed, hard copies made, etc., the honest and courageous must take a stand. They must stand up “peacefully and patriotically,” and reveal what they know. A Stoic outlook calls for this.

Again, we can expect such information to be systemically repressed, those putting it forth demonized as “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists,” and their livelihoods and lives destroyed if they persist. I think the extreme harshness with which most of the Jan-6ers were dealt was intended to send a message, that the global governmental-corporate-academic-military-surveillance-censorship complex will no longer tolerate meaningful dissent and determined opposition.

Not to mention jailing people such as Steve Bannon, and weaponizing the Justice Department in an effort to destroy Donald Trump. Even Tulsi Gabbard, surely one of the most peace-promoting people alive, who was demonized by Democrats for her criticisms of the war machine, is now on a terror watch list.

It is very Stoic to take a stand against these things.

If Kamala Harris wins, we will see more people imprisoned and more livelihoods destroyed.

But remember Zeno’s shipwreck. Remember Epictetus’s broken leg. Remember how Seneca was ordered, along with his wife, to take his own life.

Large numbers of early Christians went to horrific deaths — empowered by their faith in what lay beyond. The Apostle Paul was imprisoned several times. It didn’t faze him. He was finally beheaded.

All suffered, because suffering is built into the structure of a fallen world, and even more if we face and promote the truth about it.

This is Stoic counsel, for those willing to listen.

Kamala could win outright, without the Democrat Party cheating, if enough Americans are insouciant enough, caught up in the outright airheaded giddiness, of the campaign that has ensued since Joe Biden stepped aside.

In which case there won’t be anything worth protesting and much to do to protect oneself and one’s own.

Trump (and others) say she’s a closet communist. There’s a lot of that sort of thing in her family history and overall background. But warmongering Dick Cheney and his loathsome daughter have endorsed her. This speaks volumes. She serves the governmental-corporate-academic-military-surveillance-censorship complex just as Sleepy Joe did, and just as Obama, the Bushes and the Clintons did.

Cultural Marxism has become a distraction from the real fight, which is about more wars and more globalism. Its about truth versus lies. It is about those of us who understand our limits, and those who want to be God, as Lucifer did.

This “blob,” some call it (GloboCorp, the New World Order, etc., etc.), is the most hostile visible force in the world if your aim is to live your own life, pursue your own goals, take care of your own, and otherwise be left alone.

Recognize this force for what it is, and also accept the counsel of Paul in Ephesians — the entire letter! — which ranges from personal salvation and calling, to family, and finally to what threatens us all!

Act accordingly. We all must protect our loved ones to the extent we can, further truth to the extent we can, and remember that what God wants is what counts.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

The Ten Commandments Are Not Requests

Authored by Devvy Kidd and not AI

September 16, 2024

“I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” – Thomas Jefferson

To command:  an order given by one in authority.  Request:  the act of asking for something to be given or done.

There is but one God of the entire universe.  God gave Moses a list of commandments for all his children to live by and obey.  God did not request, He commanded: ((X) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife or possessions.)

The pilgrims so long-ago left Europe for religious freedom.  They were Christians of different denominations who got fed up with the English Crown – specifically the Church of England – persecuting them.  America: A new nation where you could practice the religion of your choice whether Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist or Catholic.

Eventually, individuals came to America bringing their god(s) to our shores.  Craven images.  For example: Hinduism Beliefs, Symbols – Their big god is “Brahman,” but still recognize other gods and goddesses (A total of 12). Their followers believe there are multiple paths to reaching their god.

Most Buddhists believe that death marks the end of this life and the passage into the next. It is just one spoke among infinite spokes in samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. According to the Buddha, beings go through countless births and deaths until they gain enlightenment.

“We are reborn, according to Buddhist scripture, because of the same kind of clinging and desire that causes us to suffer. The engine of the ego is so powerful that even when the body dies, the mind continues its clinging and searching. In this way, according to Buddhism, it builds a bridge to another body and takes birth again.”

God commanded Thou shalt not have any other gods before me.  If people want to believe the teaching those religions above or newer ones, fine with me.  It’s your soul at risk.

Islam cannot be categorized as a religion and should be stripped of their religious exemption:  Islam: A Political Party of Death, Violence & Oppression, November 17, 2023

Yes. Islam is an ideology which should no longer be afforded the protection of a religion because Islam is a political party.  Vote Every Muslim Out of Office, June 17th, 2024

Page 5 (Emphasis mine):  What Jihad Really is?

‘But the truth is that Islam is not the name of a ‘Religion’, nor is ‘Muslim’ the title of a ‘Nation’. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihād’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective.”

Pgs 6, 7 (emphasis mine): “Islam has no vested interest in promoting the cause of this or that Nation. The hegemony of this or that State on the face of this earth is irrelevant to Islam. The sole interest of Islam is the welfare of mankind. Islam has its own particular ideological standpoint and practical programme to carry out reforms for the welfare of mankind. Islam wishes to destroy all states and governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it.

“The purpose of Islam is to set up a state on the basis of its own ideology and programme, regardless of which nation assumes the role of the standard-bearer of Islam or the rule of which nation is undermined in the process of the establishment of an ideological Islamic State. Islam requires the earth—not just a portion, but the whole planet—not because the sovereignty over the earth should be wrested from one nation or several nations and vested in one particular nation, but because the entire mankind should benefit from the ideology and welfare programme or what would be truer to say from ‘Islam’ which is the programme of well-being for all humanity.”

Pae 27: “However, Islamic ‘Jihad’ does not recognize their right to administer state affairs according to a system which, in the view of Islam, is evil.  Furthermore, Islamic ‘Jihad’ also refuses to admit their right to continue with such practices under an Islamic government which fatally affect the public interest from the viewpoint of Islam.

“For instance, as soon as the Ummah of Islam captures state power it will ban all forms of business prosecuted on the basis of usury or interest; it will not permit the practice of gambling; it will curb all forms of business and financial dealings which are forbidden by Islamic law; it will close down all dens of prostitution and other vices and for all; it will make it obligatory for non-Muslim women to observe the minimum standards of modesty in dress as required by Islamic law, and will forbid them to go about displaying their beauty like the days of ignorance; the Muslim Party will clamp censorship on the Cinema.”

Melanie Phillips book, Londonistsan published in 2006: “Melanie Phillips has compiled a unique record that fearlessly, brilliantly and wittily exposes this problem.  Londonistan builds on and goes beyond her prior work by showing the role of what she calls the British “spiral of decadence” in permitting Islamist ideas and demands to ride roughshod over the UK’s traditional ways.  Phillips warns Americas of the acute dangers for them, too…”  England, like so many other European countries are now crap holes from the poison spread by Islam.  Muslims are getting elected here in the U.S even as judges by ignorant, ‘tolerant” voters.  Melanie’s book IS today over there and other countries stupid enough to allow tens of thousands of illegals into their country getting “free” housing, food and bux while their citizens suffer from such stupidity – most of them Muslims.

Patrick Buchanan’s excellent book (2002) was an even earlier warning:  The Death of the West:  How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our County and Civilization.  Buchanan’s books IS today, just like Melanie’s.  Last week the Internet was flooded regarding 20,000 uncivilized heathens, Haitians, dumped into a red state into a town of 58,000 completely overwhelming their health care system, schools and every other infrastructure.

Ohio residents in small town erupt over havoc caused by massive influx of 20,000 of Haitians.  ‘I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please give me a reason to stay,’ a citizen who is considering leaving Springfield said.” Nov. 9, 2024.  Short video:  Haitians are in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating themThe city spokesmouth said there’s no proof those heathens are stealing, killing and eating not just cats and ducks but also dogs while a 100 residents tell them BS.  Just watch the  videos people have taken. Get out there and see for yourself.  Just wait until it happens to your city or town – if it hasn’t already.  Video:  A Chris Rufo Investigation: SHOCK VIDEO!… Migrants Caught Killing and Grilling Cats in Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 14, 2024

DeSantis Announces Florida Law Enforcement Interdicted Vessel of Haitians with Arms, Drugs, March 15, 2024.

But, let me get back to the Ten Commandments, not requests, particularly IX:  Though shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor.  In other words, God has commanded, not requested you must not lie. People lie all the time when it used to be considered a sin. It just makes me sick as lying seems to have become the norm.  I watched the waste of time “debate” between Ho Harris, Queen of the Casting Couch and Donald Trump last week.  I was absolutely astonished as everything she memorized that came out of her mouth was a lie.  Provable lies protected by the “moderators”.

I say memorized (over her 7-day prep sessions) because that woman as someone commented, has a 5-year-old brain in an adult body.  Harris is a tried-and-true Marxist who should never be allowed near the WH, never mind become president. 

Maybe she won’t as things aren’t going quite as planned.  When the whores in the print media (especially her big cheerleaders on the Communist News Network CNN), the boob tube and cable start questioning and making subtle hints about how dumb Ho Harris is and a polished, professional liar, the shadow government running the show must be getting very worried.  Not to mention their pick for VP, Tampon Tim Walz; J.D. Vance (if the debate does take place), will chew Walz up and spit him out like a rotten piece of meat. Ever hear of an “October Surprise”?  Something must be in the works behind closed doors.  Ho Harris can’t draw 10 people to a rally so hundreds are being bussed in to make it appear she’s popular.  Fact.

CNN Turns on Harris, Says Campaign Social Media Has “Repeatedly Deceived” Followers With Misleading Out-of-Context Video Edits and Captions, Sept. 15, 2024

And, oh BTW – not that most people care or don’t even understand – the same as most Americans have no understanding and importance of the Electoral College – Ho Harris is NOT a natural born citizen and cannot serve as president.  TRUTH based on documented facts:

The Parallel Usurpers: Obama and Harris: “At Birth Their Father Was Not a U.S. Citizen; At Birth Their Father Was Not Even An Immigrant to the USA

“At Birth Their Father Was a Foreign National Sojourning in the USA on a Temporary Student VISA; For Both Obama and Harris, Their Father Ultimately Returned to Their Respective Home Country

“For Both Obama and Harris, Their Father Was a Marxist Believing Economist; At Birth Both Obama and Harris Were Born a Subject of the Queen and King of England Inherited via Their Father Being a Subject of the Queen and King of England

“At Birth Both Were Born (And to This Day Still Are) a Dual-Citizen With Divided Allegiance and Loyalty Requirements to More Than One Country; Both Spent Their Formative Years Growing up in Foreign County – Indonesia for Obama and Canada for Harris

“Ancestors of Both Kamala Harris and Barack Obama Were Slave Traders

“Both Are Not a Constitutional “natural born Citizen” of the United States – They Are Not a Person Born with Unity of Citizenship and Sole Allegiance to the USA

“Both Had a Father Who Was a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer; Both Had a Mother Who Was a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer; They Themselves are a Marxist/Socialist Sympathizer; Both When Given Power Have Been Practicing the Marxist/Socialist Cloward-Piven Strategy to Overload, Undermine, and Destroy Our Constitutional Republican Form of Government – Especially With The Direct Effects of Open Border Policies and the Secondary and Tertiary Effects of That Policy.”

Book:  Natural Born Citizen: A Presidential Eligibility Qualification Requirement in Article II Section1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution – “This new book discusses the who, what, when, where, why, and how the “natural born Citizen” term was put into the presidential eligibility clause of our new U.S. Constitution in July of 1787 at the suggestion of John Jay who became the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and with the agreement of General George Washington who was the President of the Constitutional Convention being held in Philadelphia PA, and who later became the first President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America under the new Constitution.”

Natural Born Citizen Education

Never have I seen so much outright lying by the prostitute media ‘stars’, Hollywood narcissists (who think I give a damn about them or their movies), members of Congress and in state capitols or pop ‘stars’. I’ve been at this 31-years damn near 7 days a week and the decay of our moral foundation as a Christian nation is being smothered and persecuted just like when Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior walked this earth and it worsens by the day.

God’s Commandments – not requests – mean nothing to half the country anymore in this country except for devout Christians who do understand and know there will be a judgment day – the moment you take your last breathAnd much of the blame can be laid right at the doors of churches throughout this country. 

A dear friend of mine and his wife moved from Oregon to Texas three years ago.  He and his wife went to several churches and settled on one.  Last month he was shocked when the pastor (finally) chewed out his congregation for doing nothing to save this country.  My friend said it was so powerful, if only other churches in this country would stop worrying about not offending someone (depleting their coffers) and start warning their congregations about the true goal of wiping out Christianity in this country.

From Mel Gibson’s movie, The Patriot (one of my favorites):

Charlotte: You have done nothing for which you should be ashamed.

Benjamin Martin: I have done nothing. And for that I am ashamed.

America is becoming a lawless, terrorizing nation between lying politicians who betray us daily to illegals/migrants raping, murdering and robbing Americans.  The video clip is not to incite violence but rather to motivate congregations across this country in churches of all denominations to tell their pastor, minister:  Stop with the feel-good stuff and start warning your flock what’s just over the horizon if they don’t get off their duffs while waiting “for Jesus to save us”.  My late mother used to say, God helps those who help themselves.

Yes, do pray because without divine intervention (think the Revolutionary War), we will lose.  When America lived by the Ten Commandments from the only true God, our country flourished and we were loyal Americans.  Now America’s children are taught to hate and mutilate their bodies.

Get out the vote.  Volunteer to drive legal voters to the appropriate voting spot who might have mobility problems or no transportation.  Tomorrow I’ll be at our election main office volunteering to sign up legal voters.

Sheriffs across this country are doing their best, but we must get Trump elected to begin the massive deportation operation.  Countries in Europe over run with illegals should take a lesson from him: Welcome to the Club’: Conservative Hungarian PM Orbán Mocks German Chancellor Scholz’s Decision to Close Borders to Illegal Migrants, Sept. 14, 2024 (Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (He has stood firm -closed their borders- while the EU beats up on him and now they’re groveling.)

We must take control of the House and Senate to pass former Senator Harry Reid’s 1993 anti-illegals bill – the strongest one ever written.

National ‘Only Citizens Vote Week’ Starts Monday, September 16 – Election Integrity Is the Hill to Die On, Sept. 14, 2024

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves.” Dresden James


Democrats ‘New Path Forward’ Is Literally Communist Propaganda, Sept. 7, 2024 – “For all their cluck-clucking about blazing “a new path forward,” Democrats are using a deceptive playbook that dates back at least a century.

“The “new path forward” people – like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz – are employing old Bolshevik, Stalinist, Soviet, Maoist, and even Nazi tactics to burnish their message.”  Rest at link.

Demoting Islam’s Religion Status by Martel Sobieskey.  An Impostor Religion: “To put it bluntly Islam’s religion status should be rescinded because it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a Trojan horse, an impostor religion that has arrived on our shore with malicious intent, deathly determined to replace our constitution with the Koran, and turn America into an Islamic nation controlled by Sharia law.

“Robert Spencer in his excellent book, “Stealth Jihad” (How Radical Islam Is Subverting America Without Guns or Bombs), explains how so-called moderate Islam is having greater success at invading America than its counterpart militant Islam. Shockingly, one may rightly conclude that America is now being conquered without Islam even having to fire a shot. Have we really become that docile, self-complacent and pathetic? The answer is Yes!”

Challenging Sharia Law means challenging Islam as a religion, October 13, 2012

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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Church Burnings in America

By Cliff Kincaid

September 16, 2024

Since the FBI was caught with a memo authorizing surveillance of traditional Catholics and did in fact stage an armed arrest of a peaceful pro-life Catholic father in Pennsylvania, permit me to speculate about the cause of the fire which devastated Saint Anthony’s Parish rectory in heavily Catholic Emmitsburg, Maryland, on August 30. News reports blame an “accident” of some sort but no official cause (with evidence) has been brought to my attention.

I was told by one of the priests who escaped the fire that they were considering the installation of security cameras before the incident occurred.

I regard the fire, which seriously injured a Catholic priest, to be suspicious because the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has been so alarmed by anti-Catholic activities that it issued a report on the subject. It found that, “At least 346 incidents have occurred across 44 states and the District of Columbia since May 2020. Incidents include arson, statues beheaded, limbs cut, smashed, and painted, gravestones defaced with swastikas and anti-Catholic language and American flags next to them burned, and other destruction and vandalism.”

Catholic churches in Washington, D.C. lock their doors and, in one case, had a “poor box” full of donations for the poor carted away by a “homeless” man. The incident was caught on a security camera but the local police say they cannot locate the offender. Lunatics sometimes invade the church services and police have been called. During the George Floyd riots, the sign in front of one church was damaged. Much of this may be ordinary criminals committing crimes.

Emmitsburg, Maryland, is not a big city but is the home to the shrine associated with Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first American-born Catholic Saint and a strong pro-life advocate. Mother Seton Catholic School is also in Emmitsburg.

In terms of national and even global issues, the message behind abortion, which has taken more than 60 million lives in America, is that children are an obstacle to women’s progress and achievement. However, in an essay on Elizabeth Ann Seton, Carrie Gress writes, “Contrary to the belief today that children hinder a woman’s success, Elizabeth never saw her children as an obstacle. Her remarkable work was largely motivated by the necessity of caring for them. Her children were what drove her efforts, not what stymied them.”

Anti-Christian Bigotry

The fire at the Saint Anthony Shrine may turn out to be a real accident, because of human error, but the USCCB report suggests that we should be skeptical. Its report “excludes incidents where circumstances suggest a motive other than hostility toward the Church.” This means anti-Catholic activities stemming from ideological motivation is on the rise, obviously because the church officially stands against abortion and transgender ideology, aspects of the prevailing sentiment of Cultural Marxism driving the policies of the Democratic Party and federal government institutions.

In terms of the latter, the chief culprit is the FBI, whose director Christopher Wray couldn’t figure out whether President Trump was injured by a bullet on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, during the assassination attempt.

Now, Melania Trump has spoken out, saying “The attempt to end my husband’s life was a horrible, distressing experience” and that “the silence around it feels heavy.” She added, “I can’t help but wonder, why didn’t law enforcement officials arrest the shooter before the speech? There is definitely more to the story and we need to uncover the truth.”

The truth may be that the FBI had a role in the assassination plot.

Mrs. Trump, in another video, accurately describes the armed FBI raid on her husband’s Florida home that resulted in agents searching through her underwear drawer as a “warning to all Americans.” She said, “I never imagined my privacy would be invaded by the government here in America. The FBI raided my home in Florida and searched through my personal belongings.”

She added, “This is not just my story, it serves as a warning to all Americans, a reminder that our freedom and rights must be respected.”

When the former president and his wife are targets, you know the FBI role in attacking and burning churches can’t be ruled out.

Arresting Pro-Lifers

Catholics have always been targets of discrimination but today’s anti-Catholic bias is different, having been integrated into the activities of the FBI against traditionalists. The FBI produced an 11-page memo on its monitoring of Catholics.  Mark Houck, a Catholic father of seven children, was arrested at gunpoint by dozens of FBI agents in front of his weeping children for allegedly violating a federal law restricting pro-life protests. (He was acquitted).

A House report summarizes how the FBI has categorized “certain Catholic Americans” as potential domestic terrorists.

The fire that resulted in $400,000 of damage to the Catholic rectory in Emmitsburg, Maryland, is the latest example of destruction that public officials tend to blame on human error or even local criminals and juveniles. But when the FBI has already been caught engaging in criminal activities in violation of the Constitution, actual attacks on churches through surrogates or agents of influence can’ be ruled out.

In North Beach, Maryland, the sanctuary was vandalized, with a crucifix and stained-glass window damaged. A tabernacle was stolen from St. John the Evangelist church in Hydes, Maryland. These are a few examples from Maryland alone.

Perhaps local criminals carried out the crimes, but I am suspicious about that as well. FBI placement of pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC) on January 5, 2021, has not been ruled out. They may have been designed to make the ‘insurrection,” in which unarmed Trump supporters were escorted into the Capitol, look dangerous. In this confrontation, military vet and Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was murdered in cold blood.

If the FBI or its agents planted those bombs for nefarious purposes, carrying out arson and other attacks on churches cannot be ruled out. There is a Christian revival in the United States that includes Catholics and non-Catholics which threatens the power and the shady operations of the FBI and other federal institutions.

For example, Catholic groups have announced support for the 32nd Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting, October 12-20, in the Washington, D.C area. Under the call, “Become the Change that Will Change the World,” a series of talks and events will take place to help people “overcome the warfare experienced in our families and in our communities.”

One topic, “Euthanasia: Coming to a Hospital or Nursing Home Near You,” concerns a movement started by billionaire George Soros, known as the Project on Death in America, “to help transform the experience of dying in the United States.”

Silence and Intimidation

Since the FBI has tried to justify surveillance and arrest of Catholics, with an 11-page memo identifying targets by name, the next phase could be silencing them by force if necessary. Will Catholics be intimidated into thinking there is no federal attempt to destroy their ability to organize against the Deep State?

The anti-communist pope, John Paul II, was the target of an assassination attempt orchestrated by the Russian KGB.  He had promised a Culture of Life to replace global communism.

I had the opportunity of once interviewing the late Vatican insider Malachi Martin, who wrote penetrating books about the Catholic Church entitled The Jesuits and The Keys of This Blood. He believed that Mikhail Gorbachev, who presided over the “restructuring” of the old Soviet Union, never gave up on Marxism-Leninism but adopted the viewpoint of the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci that a worldwide communist state could only be achieved gradually. It was to be a “revolution by infiltration.”

He said, “Liberation Theology was a perfectly faithful exercise of Gramsci’s principles.” Martin wrote that “The most powerful religious orders of the Roman Church—Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, Maryknollers — all committed themselves to Liberation Theology.”

Malachi Martin’s book examined this conflict on a global level, writing about how Pope John Paul II had worked closely with the Reagan administration in opposition to communism and the global population control movement. He once complained that a U.N. conference on population issues was designed to “destroy the family” and was the “snare of the devil.”

Historic Catholic teaching about the value of human life and the Christian obligation to expose and defeat Satan and his demonic influences is what motivates the traditional Catholics being targeted by the FBI.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

America’s Growing Nightmare: The Future of Our Country Hidden In Plain Sight

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 16, 2024

Part 5: This is what’s coming to America, and it ain’t pretty.

“It takes a special kind of stupid to want to repeat the last four yours under Biden-Harris by electing Harris, again,” said Bugs Bunny.

Daffy Duck said, “Harris gave us inflation, invasion, and incompetence…now she wants to complete her quest to destabilize, tribalize and dissolve America.”

John Wayne said, “Life is tough; it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”

With a second attempt on President Donald J. Trump’s life on Sunday, we’re getting a taste of the destabilization of America. Biden-Harris imported over 15 million illegal aliens in the past 3 ½ years. A breakdown on national news showed 200,000 of them from China. Tens of thousands of them from the Middle East.

You cannot help but appreciate that Muslims have been fighting and killing one another since the 6th century. They follow the most violent religion on earth. They carry a “world view” of “Convert or kill all non-believers.” The Chinese “world view” remains one of dictators, emperors and the supremacy of their culture.

So, let’s bring them into America! Let’s unload/dump all these incompatible cultures, ways of life, and languages onto America. They arrive here from countries where all governance comes from the top/down. America was the first country in the world where the citizens vote leaders into positions from the bottom up. But you better believe that huge money/power interests want to control from the top/down.

The latest book showing their intentions: According To Plan: The Elites’ Secret Plan to Sabotage America by Kevin Freeman

Another book shows it already happened to Europe: The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray.

Those are not the only books predicting our future. And yet, half of all eligible Americans are too lazy to vote in the coming presidential election.

We Are Allowing America To Be Destabilized With Mass Immigration

If we allow continued mass legal and illegal immigration, we march along the same path that has befallen Springfield, Ohio, a sleepy town of 58,000 Americans. Today, Biden-Harris dumped 15,000 Haitian illegal aliens onto that town. Its schools are in total meltdown. Its streets are unsafe. One local was killed recently just taking out her trash. Those 15,000 illiterate Haitians lack skills, education, knowledge and any affinity to our way of life. Their culture is one of violence, poverty and illiteracy. If you look at Haiti, you can see that they lack any ability to maintain a civil society. So, let’s just ship another 15,000 of them to every small town in America. They would love to live here with free housing, food, transport, schools and medical care.

Or, let’s look at 300,000 Syrian “Death to America” Muslim immigrants in Detroit, Michigan. Over 90 percent remain on welfare after 10 years. Their goal remains the same to install Sharia Law, which, if you didn’t know, is violent, obscene, ugly and top/down by its religious leaders. The Qur’an dictates total submission to its savage philosophy. In other words, no freedom of personal choice on any level. Talk about destabilizing America!

Let’s look at Minneapolis, Minnesota’s 125,000 Somalian immigrants that trashed their schools, live on welfare, lack any academic thrust, adhere to Sharia Law, and lack any affinity to the U.S. Constitution. They used their tribal cunning to scam $200 million in EBT card money before they were caught.

Out here in Denver, Colorado, we’ve got Venezuelan gangs distributing drugs, shooting up apartment buildings, openly defying our laws and our police. Denverites flee their apartments with those thugs’ growing numbers.

Can you imagine striking up a friendly conversation with any of these incompatible, totally alien immigrants? What would they have in common with you or you have in common with them? Answer: NOTHING!

In that same report, it stated that 4,000,000 Mexican illegals roam our country. (Source: The report was on FoxNews by Brian Kilmeade over the past weekend, September 14, 2024.) They do not adhere to our laws. They commit every kind of crime carried on the books. Our citizens suffer death on the highways, robberies, rapes, drug overdoses, trashed schools and a complete “destabilizing” of our civil society.

With Biden-Harris’ open borders, our own leaders violate our laws, blatantly and, with a new “top/down” power that, “We the people and our Constitution” don’t matter.

What if you and/or a loved one are affected by the 250,000 drug fentanyl overdose deaths in the past three years? That’s a lot of mothers and fathers who lost their kids via Biden-Harris’ open border policy. What if Harris gained the White House and allowed another 250,000 drug overdoses? That’s criminal, but Biden-Harris haven‘t answered for it. How do you like it that Biden-Harris have totally and completely wrecked the U.S. Constitution, and that lady wants to win the White House so she can commit this country to four more years of open borders? Four more years of thousands of young people dying from drug overdoses! We’re talking, NUTS! But half of Americans support her and will vote for her. As John Wayne said, “Life is tough; it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”

At what point do we import millions of more legal and illegal immigrants that cannot and do not subscribe to the U.S. Constitution before we see even more violence in our cities? How many more Hamas terrorists do we want roaming our college campuses in defiance of our laws. At some point, our police will not be able to handle the enormous numbers of immigrants who hate America. Do you want to see Palestinian and/or Hamas flags to continue to dominate the news?

As Kevin Freeman describes in his book, According To Plan, we’ve got some high-powered elites who hate this country built on, “We the people.” They want to be the new “We the controllers.”

They support Kamala Harris because she really doesn’t know what’s she’s doing. She possesses NO grasp of economics, or geopolitical intrigues, no understanding of race relations, no comprehension of education…in effect, she’s the perfect “affirmative action or D.E.I.” candidate. Totally unqualified!

For anyone who reads this commentary and thinks we’ve got to save the world’s poor and homeless, please understand that I have traveled across six continents on a bicycle to “see” what I am talking about. As the third world adds 83 million more desperate people, net gain, annually, we can’t save them. But we can, and at this time, we ARE killing our country by following this insane immigration path. We’re already facing a future where we can’t sustain the 350 million already here. Just watch when our resources are totally exhausted!

Who in their right mind thinks we’re going to survive another 100 million immigrants, and their offspring projected to be added to our country in 25 years, by 2050? How will we solve any of our problems with THAT many people? Answer: we won’t!

It’s a guaranteed fact that if we don’t maintain our civil society, much like Haiti has failed, there’s nowhere else in the world for us to flee. Each society must heal and deal with its own people and they must deal with their own society.

We, as a people, need to stop all immigration into America, NOW! There is no Plan B.

If you think I’m kidding, just watch these videos:

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls“, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation. Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart” by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Just 51 Days to STOP THE STEAL

By Lex Greene

September 15, 2024

If you still believe in freedom, liberty, justice, peace, tranquility and prosperity for yourself, your children and grandchildren, then you only have 51 days to STOP THE STEAL already deployed at the county level for the 2024 elections on November 5, 2024.

If you are determined to defend and enforce the US Constitution and Bill of Rights for all future generations, you are running out of time to do it.

Anatomy of the STEAL

We are up against a “global reset” by Marxist Nazi tyrants partnered with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF). Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are mere puppets of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But Obama and Clinton are mere puppets of the WEF Nazi global cabal.

This election isn’t just between democrats and republicans, vying for support from independents. This election is “winner take all” and all the marbles are in play. Everything you ever thought America was for the past 248-years, is about to end abruptly in less than 60-days, if “we” don’t STOP THE STEAL.

For the official record, election fraud is nothing new. There is no debate over whether or not election fraud happens, only to what degree. Everyone knows that illegal ballots are cast, counted and certified in every election and a laundry list of candidates have challenged election results for decades. The only issue is whether or not elections are being decided by that fraud.

Everyone also knows that in this Presidential election cycle, one candidate is the “democratically” elected and nominated former President, and the other is an unelected current Vice President with a blank resume’ who was installed by party elites without a single primary vote, despite 14-million primary voters having voted for someone else. We have never seen a more “undemocratic” presidential candidate in U.S. history.

Prior to 2020 and the planned CV19 event used to convert elections to mail-in and dropbox voting, fraudulent election activities played a much smaller role in our elections. But from 2020 on, political powers have perfected the art of stealing elections as explained below, and they have installed the processes down at the county level across the entire country now.

Current Challenges

  • No electronic voting machine is secure from cyber-intrusions, hacking, and vote manipulation
  • Despite false statements concerning internet connectivity by officials, they are connected
  • Many states have moved towards unsecure “mail-in” and “dropbox” balloting
  • Many states have eliminated any means of knowing the legal eligibility of voters
  • Many states have thousands of “illegal voters” still on their voter rolls
  • Honest election officials are being removed from oversight if they raise any questions
  • The courts have refused to allow any evidence into the courts, because they know
  • Some states have even adopted Constitutional Amendments and new election laws to make it impossible to detect election fraud, while blocking public transparency and disallowing any transparent recounts or audits

These are just the high points. There are many more ways cheating is planned for the 2024 elections, including engagement by all news networks and social media platforms being used to mislead the American public regarding polling data which makes the election look close enough to hide the steal.

And in case you are unaware, the Obama-Biden-Harris government has weaponized the Department of Justice which has established “special sub-agencies and task forces” designed to target anyone who attempts to expose any part of the steal currently in place.

The Democrat Party has shepherded the mass foreign invasion of our country over the past four years (and much longer under Obama’s eight years) to the tune of at least 20-million illegal aliens who the federal government has granted “protected status” in the lead-up to the most critical election cycle in U.S. history.

Unverifiable is Uncertifiable

The notion that an election can be lawfully “certified” when the ballots, voters and electronic systems cannot be lawfully “verified,” is not just silly, it’s treasonous. The efforts that some have taken to eliminate all “citizen oversight” of the elections and deny “legal standing” in the courts for legal citizen voters, demonstrates that our Constitutional form of government is teetering on the brink of total collapse.

The simple truth is, under the current election procedures in place, the elections are not certifiable, simply because they are not verifiable. States that do not require any legitimate form of voter ID have no way of knowing who is voting or whether or not those voters are eligible to vote under our laws.

Federal Law makes it legal for only “legal American Citizens” otherwise eligible to vote, to vote in our elections. Non-citizen residents, foreign visitors, and illegal aliens are prohibited from voting in U.S. elections, and everyone involved knows it. So, in order to allow illegal voters to cast a ballot, they have removed verification measures so that no one knows who is voting or if they are eligible to vote.

It should go without saying, but I have to say it now…dead people cannot vote legally either, nor can anyone cast more than one legal ballot in just one proper voting district. But both things still happen in every election cycle…

In-Person, Paper Ballots, Hand Counts

In a perfect America, free from any evil intent, modern technologies would make managing elections much more efficient. But in today’s America, those same tools have become weapons against the lawful American voters.

A nation which does not have legitimate, verifiable and lawfully certifiable elections, does not have a government of, by, or for its people. Even the Iraqi’s had more security measures in their elections after the fall of the Hussein regime. The Hussein (Barack Obama) regime in control of the USA right now, is far worse than Saddam ever dreamed of being.


One should have to look no further than the fact that the 2020 elections saw more votes than legally eligible or registered voters to see the problem in plain view. Of course, those concerned with legal legitimate elections have seen plenty of evidence already. But those who don’t care how they win, will use any tool or weapon to win. These folks cannot see what they choose not to see…and they certainly will never admit it, no matter how blatant and obvious.

“I’m just one person, so what can I do?”

Since alone, none of us can do anything, we cannot afford to work alone. There is strength and security in numbers. Unite with others determined to STOP THE STEAL.

“The courts won’t do anything to stop it.”

The fact that the courts haven’t done anything to stop it since they stopped the Al Gore steal in 2000, is proof that this is a very safe assumption, with only 51-days to go until election day. So, we best not rely on any court in the country to stop the steal…even though legal efforts are still underway in the courts.

“Where is our power?”

In the USA, “all political power is derived from the consent of the People,” you and me. STOP CONSENTING and what I mean is, if your silence is being interpreted as your consent, STOP BEING SILENT. Work together with a very loud voice!

“Where can I make a difference?”

Remember, “all politics is local,” especially elections, which is why the LEFT has installed the steal down at the county level. In every county across the country, elections are run by local county election officials. This is where we have to go to work immediately.

In the 2020 presidential election, President Trump won 2,595 of 3,153 counties across the country, 82.3% of the counties in the USA. Biden won only 558 counties, a meager 17.7%. Yes, I’m well aware of the reality that democrats control all major population centers, which is how they take over RED states and a RED nation in elections. But that isn’t the point here…

This means that We the People have the power to “stop the steal” in 82.3% of the RED counties across the country, if we work together in each of our counties to do it. That will isolate the theft to only 17.7% of the deep blue counties, making the theft entirely detectable and uncertifiable in those areas.

NOTE: BLUE counties are mostly stolen by illegal ballots dumped into the count. But in RED counties, the theft is mostly done via electronic vote switching in real-time, via electronic system networking and internet intrusions. Unplug the machines in all RED counties and return to paper ballots, hand counts and on-site election monitoring, transparent recounts and audits. By far the most dangerous threat to American duly elected government today is the widespread concerted effort to block election data from public access and scrutiny, in a near complete extermination of open public transparency. The Department of Justice and numerous State governments are “criminalizing” legitimate citizen doubts about the integrity of our elections. This is all 3rd world stuff that should never be allowed anywhere in the USA.

If all true American patriots work together at the county level, we can stop the steal in all RED counties, 82.3% of the nation, isolate and expose the theft in the 17.7% of BLUE counties, where the theft will mostly happen via unverified voters and uncertifiable illegal ballots.


My WWI Grandfather used to say, “Can’t…has never done anything!” …and he was right! He taught us all to completely remove the word “can’t” from our vocabulary, because “can’t” simply means “won’t.”

This is the last chance Americans will have to save our Constitutional Republic via an election. After November 5, 2024, if we fail, it will be the end of our Constitutional form of government and what comes next, no American will like!

At this moment in American history, if you are not “all-in,” you are “out.”

Never forget that this country was freed and established by the work of just eight determined very average men who launched what would become the Declaration of Independence resulting in the Revolutionary War, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, that has so far lasted for 248-years.

The enemies within will not stop until We the People stop them. We only have 51-days to do it. Is there some higher priority in your life? There can’t be…if you want to save this country!

If you made it to the end of this piece, you can never again ask what you can do to help save this country, because I just told you what all of us can do. You can never again claim that there’s nothing you can do, because there’s plenty you can do. You can not continue to blame anyone else for what doesn’t get done, if you’re not going to do it yourself.

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Man-Made Religious System By the Traditions of Men

By Glynn Adams

September 15, 2024

What we have in this nation, in these modern times, is a religious denomination and mega church system that is designed and operated by man, and for man and his pleasures and the gates of hell have overtaken this church religious system and also this nation. On the other hand, in Matthew 16:13-16, Jesus said He will build His ekklesia (assembly) and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.

Jesus did build His ekklesia and the fruit of it is shown in the First Century. Just observe how Luke describes Jesus’ ekklesia in the Book of Acts. “These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer.” (Acts 1:14) These disciples of Jesus obeyed Him and waited in the upper room and each were filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter preached the whole gospel to repent and many received the Word and souls added to the Kingdom of God. “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” The abundant fruit of Jesus’ ekkelsia continued to come forth the remainder of the first century, into the second century, but then in the third century man took it upon himself to change Jesus’ ekkelsia and build their own church and attach the name of Jesus to it and we are still operating under that religious system in the church today.

In approximately AD 313, it is said that the Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian. He promptly legalized Christianity in order to end the persecution and death of Christians (What no rapture?). While Constantine’s benevolence towards Christianity stopped short of establishing it as the official religion, forty years after his death, the Emperor Theodosius I did make Christianity the religion of the state in AD 380. Everything changed. The apostolic ekklesia became a pastoral church, settled, calm, steady and predictable. In the process, the pioneering spirit was eroded, the pastor was elevated to lead; control of the masses and appeasement of powerful people became the focus; a kingdom mindset became a business mindset and the early believers’ identity was stripped of passion and skewed in the direction of conformity.

We are still in bondage to this religion and religious ways in America; just the names have changed. Until we forsake our false religion and let Jesus build the ekklelsia, we will remain in bondage to the demonic religious powers. The ekkelsia has moved from apostolic leadership to pastoral leadership. We went from developing an army of leaders to merely feeding and nursing flocks of sheep.

We have shifted from occupying the land to mere existence and from dominion to survival – and grateful to attend a church where someone will spoon-feed us. We have gone from truth to error. Our religious mindset has produced a consumer-based product of watered down goods that require little to no sacrifice. Just attend church and do nothing and be nothing. Our self-produced business minded model has caused us to redefine success. We have based success on how my business/church is doing and not how the city or region that we have been called to is doing.

That’s why we can proudly boast and brag how wonderful our church is while we assume no spiritual responsibility for the city and nation that we live in that is full of crime, drugs, sexual immorality, perversion, lies, deception, hate, full of demons and demonic strongholds and going to hell. Every Sunday as we so proudly attend our church. we despicably fail to assess the most critical judgment to our own existence: IS MY CITY OR REGION WHERE ‘OUR’ CHURCH IS RULED BY GOD OR IS IT RULED BY SATAN AND HELL?

We have become a religious cult and inward social club organizing “our” church to please people and not the LORD while the world around us looks more like hell. We have believed the lie about who we really are and how we are to function!!! We have lost our way. We have lost our identity and as a result, we have lost our true function and purpose Jesus set before us. Our false religion doctrine will cause our downfall. We think God will come rescue us from the dilemma we have made for ourselves. But God did not rescue the great Biblical translator, William Tyndale. Nor did he rescue the obedient Peter, Paul, and the other first century disciples. All these men and many more where faithful in tribulation and died honoring the Name of Christ.

America today is a lawless nation and those who claim to be leaders and followers of Jesus Christ in these churches are the most lawless in this nation. We have forsaken the ways of God. We are no longer salt and light to our nation. Every one of us is guilty of allowing Satan to accomplish more in our nation than he should have been allowed to do. We have not come together as followers of Jesus Christ and in obedience to Him to resist this evil as we are commanded to do in Scripture. In most places in this nation, we are no longer relevant. Unlike our enemy, we are divided.

Our pitiful definition of soft and smooth preaching of “grace” has led us to lawless living which has set us up as a lawless society which could eventually lead to a lawless leader called the Antichrist. We have wildly missed the mark concerning the true reason we are in the ministry. Look how bad it has gotten in our nation with the atrocious sins of abortion, injustice, confusion over sexual orientation, gender identity and transitioning, pedophilia, and other social and cultural issues we are facing in America and most of those who claim to follow Christ have ignored what is going on and have remained silent!!!

Today, very few pastors will address these cultural issues for fear of offending someone. Shame on us. Our silence is bringing judgment on our nation and eventually destruction. God will surely judge us for lowering His standards to make sure many could continue in their sin!!!!

I will say it again in stronger terms – America is the home of an apostate church full of people who choose to ignore the Word of God and what is going on in our culture. It is not a lawless world that ushers in the end time but a lawless church. It is not a lawless world that ushers in apostasy but the Church through weak and soft preaching. Soft preaching produces soft and lawless saints – front row, back row, pulpit, deacon board, or choir!!!

Whenever God’s voice is refused to be heard, order will unravel. The result of that process is that the voice of God is no longer comforting to us; but is now confronting us and we ignore the warnings and continue to sleep. When you don’t permit the Word of God to enter into your world and hold you accountable, chaos and confusion will enter your life. Our generations in America are calling into question the veracity of the Word of God. Many see no need to read the Word anymore or to listen to God. To refuse the Word of God puts one in a very dangerous place. The absence of strong voices in our churches and culture, usher in godless and lawless societies!!!

In the 1900s all the way through the eighties, we were not paying attention to the fact we were breaking all the principles and safeguards given to us by our Founding Fathers, no one was speaking out and the Institutional denomination religious groups, the Remnant, mega churches along with the pastors were silent while evil men were stealing our nation, corrupting our educational systems, leading our nation into sexual perversion, gender disfunction, immorality and on and on and the followers of Jesus Christ were silent!!!! God is surely judging all of us for our blatant disobedience and silence!!!!

There is a reason why little is happening in our religious churches today. The light of the Body of Christ will never shine if we don’t go to where the darkness is. We will never win a spiritual battle if we don’t go to the battlefield. That is where the Spirit and power of Jesus will be. We have reduced Christianity to going to a building on Sunday. Jesus never intended for us to spend our time and resources in a church building as we are doing today. We have become spectators to be entertained and when the show is over, we return to this world system to live our daily lives.

The ekkelsia in the First Century was fellowship. They met in homes or in the country-side and not in a church building. No where in Scripture does it say to build a church building. Those early Christians practiced the Lordship of Christ and the people the Priesthood of the Believer – that is they all participated with Christ in the ekkelsia service!!!

The pastor did not run the ekkelsia nor where there any celebrities in ministry. God’s people prayed for one another, loved one another, ministered to one another, shared revelation from God with one another; all to prepare themselves to go out into a lost and dangerously cruel world to be a witness of what Jesus has done in their lives and to make disciples – in other words – to BE the ekkelsia out where the people were!!! It is said they turned the Roman World upside down with the gospel of Jesus Christ!!!

The gospels show us that Jesus Christ while on this earth taught and made disciples. He sent them out to do ministry. The Book of Acts tells us Jesus went UP, the Holy Spirit CAME DOWN, and the disciples of Jesus WENT OUT. The whole Book of Acts is the story of those disciples of Jesus doing exactly what Jesus taught them to do – sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, delivering the people from demons, tearing down demonic strongholds, and making disciples of Christ – not disciples of some denomination or religious system. God has not changed anything but man has.

What we in America are demonstrating to this nation and world today is a false gospel and religious system. It is ineffective and does not work and we have the fruit to prove it!! Just look at the spiritual condition of this nation and what type of nation we are allowing Satan to make in America. Christians have the Name of Jesus, His mighty weapons, His power in the Holy Spirit, and His authority but evil is overtaking our nation.

Sooner or later, the ekkelsia of God in this nation is going to have to stop their popular seminars as all we are doing is preaching to the choir loading us up with all this information and no action – against the demonic Deep State capturing this nation. Someway, somehow a leader is going to have to step up and organized the ekkelsia to be an effective force against this evil now openly operating in this nation.

God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Pastor Joe Nicola and his great book, “Ekklesia”, Dr. Michael Lake, Barclay Commentaries, and so many others without their input, I could not have written this article)

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

A Disastrous Debate?

By Steven Yates

September 14, 2024

[Author’s note: what follows is the opinion of its author, and should not be taken as the opinion of, of its editorial staff, or of other NWV writers.]

By official measures, the other night’s “debate” between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris damaged Trump’s chances of winning this election.

Naturally I hope I’m wrong.

Because if Harris wins and the far left presidency-by-committee that we’ve had since January 21, 2021 continues much longer, the U.S. will look more like Venezuela with each passing year. It is conceivable that with Democrats mostly united behind their new figurehead and Republicans divided between MAGA remnants and its past (globalist) Establishment (Bushes, Romneys, Cheneys, etc.), the U.S. will be a one-party country by 2028.

By which time it will be possible to steal elections in broad daylight, the way Maduro just stole the recent Venezuelan election (the real winner was just granted political asylum in Spain).

Look: after three-and-three-quarters years of roaring inflation, out-of-control illegal migration, and two new foreign wars under Biden’s watch, this is (was?) Trump’s election to lose.

Harris was obviously coached with great care. I can picture her having undergone grueling rehearsals. Finally onstage, she approached Trump hand extended, making it impossibly awkward for him not to shake it. As they’d not met face to face before, she boldly introduced herself by name. I don’t think Trump anticipated that. It seemed to throw him, and he never got his stride back.

There was little of the trademark cackling for which Harris has been ridiculed, moreover — doubtless she’d been warned — and while her carefully scripted responses were seldom truthful, I didn’t hear any of her past lapses into word salad.

She is a former prosecuting attorney, and doubtless that’s what her handlers appealed to during her preparations.

Her voice wasn’t as annoying as Hillary’s, moreover, and she didn’t come across as an emotionally barren technocrat. Her facial expressions sometimes made me wonder if her handlers had studied Tucker Carlson, who’s perfected a trademark can-you-believe-this-crap frown of incredulity. Sometimes she just stared at Trump.

He and his team had to know, going in, that the moderators would handle her with kid gloves while all three of them tried to bait him.

Trump was right when he said afterwards, it was three versus one.

But to my reckoning, he didn’t seem all that well prepared. He might have assumed she’d be a pushover. Big mistake!

It should also have been given that he’d have to stay on point and either answer the questions asked or explain to the audience (according to Nielson ratings around 67.1 million tuned in) why the question was inappropriate.

Instead, he set himself up for ridicule. He hammered certain issues, like illegal migration, while neglecting things he should have said if he really wanted to portray the other side as incompetent and dishonest.

As valid an issue as illegal migration is, he didn’t handle it right.

Why on Earth did he start pontificating about Haitian immigrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio?

Now I don’t know if that claim has any truth or not? I’m a long way from Ohio.

But in our post-truth world, Trump hurts himself with this sort of thing. It just sounds like something lifted off social media, which corporate media can label misinformation.

Public ridicule is effective because of how it appeals to emotions and is thus hard to defend against rationally.

It should be possible to observe, though, that as long as Democrats are engaging in it, their calls for unity ought to be seen as bogus.

Trump didn’t say this, either.

Next: when addressing the abortion and IVF issues, why did he say some states were killing newborn infants?  

As bad as the pro-abortion death culture is (and Harris will make it worse!), no one is doing that! (So-called fact-checkers do get things right sometimes.)

Again, Trump set himself up to be taken down.

His best bet would have been just to say that abortion is not a federal issue. One of the consequences of the reversal of Roe was its being decided on a state-by-state basis.

Abortion is not a problem that will be resolved politically because it is a moral and spiritual problem. It is a worldview problem.

The way the Dobbs decision backfired illustrates this. You cannot change a culture’s dominant worldview by legislating against consequences. It’s like taking aspirin to fight cancer. Abortion will not go away until we somehow address the materialist death culture at that deeper level: fighting the cancer of materialism not with the aspirin of judicial decisions or legislation but having a serious conversation about what sort of worldview a society requires if it is going to remain civilized.

As for IVF, Trump made a remark that, had I been in the room, I’d have wanted to crawl under the nearest carpet:

“I have been a leader on fertilization.”


Trump did land some blows on how Harris has failed utterly on border security. That’s when he wasn’t talking about a few illegal migrants eating pets. He could have noted the effects of mass migration, legal or illegal, on Europe, where entire portions of major cities have become Muslim colonies.

Then asked those 67.1 million viewers/voters if that’s what they want the U.S. to look like four years from now.

Instead, why did he turn to the size of crowds at his rallies?

Again, he was baited, and gave in to something irrelevant to the issues facing the country — and in a broader sense, Western civilization as a whole!

Why, also, did he also allow himself to be drawn into a back-and-forth on January 6, and whether or not he really won the 2020 election?

Yes, he quickly corrected the moderator’s official narrative which omitted the crucial words peacefully and patriotically. As for that election, he may think he won, and we may think he won, but it’s history, and going back over it now isn’t going to help him win this election!

If anything, it again hurts him because too many Americans believe the official narrative! It won’t win over undecided voters in crucial swing states!

Trump could have emphasized such uncomfortable facts as that Harris becoming the Democrat candidate without winning a single primary vote, that she’d been soundly rejected by voters back in 2020, and that until very recently, she’d been less popular than Joe Biden. Her staff has huge turnover rates, moreover: a sign that behind closed doors, she’s probably not the nicest person to work for. She might be like Hillary in that respect.

Trump could have pointed out that she and her handlers, the presidency-by-committee (consisting most likely of the Obamas, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, a few other powerful Democrats, and possibly unknown others in the shadows), spent four years hiding the fact that Joe Biden has dementia, and since cognitive decline is progressive, eventually he was going to be unable to handle himself.

Hence June 27, a disaster for Democrats.

Kamala Harris contributed directly to this cover-up! This should be an indication of how fundamentally dishonest she is! Do we really want this person in the Oval Office?

All this would have been on point! Trump missed this golden opportunity to win back the hour.

Now, with Kamala Harris (age 59), corporate media can portray Trump (age 78) as the senile old man, using his chronic inability to get on message against him: a sign that it’s time to “turn the page” on him.

Trump botched an opportunity to own his interrogators on the war in Ukraine. Challenged point blank on how he would resolve the war quickly, something he’s said repeatedly he could do in 24 hours, he talked about everything else. He spoke passionately about the millions of people who have died needlessly on both sides, but not how to put a stop to the killing.

I’d hoped to hear something like: I’d bring President Putin and President Zelenskyy to the table in neutral territory and we’d not leave that room until we worked out and signed a binding deal. Each party would gain something, and each party would give up something. They’d shake hands and then go get the job done!

Details of such a deal?

None of your left wing media business! Trump could say. I’d have to be out of my mind to give the house away supplying you guys with any more specifics!

Trump missed other opportunities to score direct hits on Kamala. There was a pro-Palestinian protest going on outside. Eventually the situation in Gaza came up. Harris gave an obviously canned rehearsal of support for a two-state solution, ending with, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed.”

“How many deaths are acceptable?” would have been my question. “Give us a number.”

For Trump this is a bit more complicated, however, because if Russiagate was a hoax, Trump’s fealty to Israel is well-known (so is Harris’s; this might be their biggest area of agreement no one will talk about).

Harris has also said in the recent pass, defending her supposed move toward the political center, that “my values have not changed.”

So does that mean she still wants to defund the police, as she did back in 2020? Does she still want to completely eliminate private health care coverage?

Despite saying otherwise, the other night? (Following the Biden dementia coverup, her honesty is an issue, remember?)

Trump, instead, kept referencing Biden, to the point where she retorted, “You’re not running against Joe Biden, you’re running against me.”

He stated, at one point, “She is Biden!”

No, she’s a full magnitude left of Biden! Trump needed to hammer this point!

Trump’s closing speech was solid, noting how Harris has been positioned for over three years to solve the crisis at the border and hasn’t done it, how “we’re a failing nation” and “being laughed at all over the world.” All true. I doubt very much that Putin would have gone into Ukraine, or that Hamas would have attacked Israelis, had they not sensed weakness in the most powerful nation in the West, had they not recognized that we’ve had almost four years of the weakest presidency and vice-presidency in recent memory. As a result, we’re indeed closer to a third world war than we’ve been at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

It was too late to fill in the gaps and missed opportunities, though, or avoid leaving audiences with the impression that overall he was off-balance and struggling.

Trump made the same mistake he made upon entering office back in 2017: underestimating the opposition.

He’s said he has no plans for another debate. Maybe that’s just as well. I have friends who believe he’s nevertheless still going to win, if only because the Bidenista economy has been a disaster for ordinary people. Many of Trump’s supporters out in the hinterlands, friends argue to me, have basically gone silent. They’ll come out of the woodwork on November 5, knowing that at the end of the day, Kamala Harris is a hard-left radical, a product of the Diversity-Inclusion-Equity culture, who probably could not set up and run a lemonade stand by herself.

Who would not be where she is now without that presidency-by-committee we’ve had since January 21, 2021, and without corporate media’s manufacturing her image.

“What happens November 5 is what counts,” one person texted me yesterday.

I sincerely hope this is true.

Because what we’re seeing is indeed a mass media manufactured figurehead, a product of media corporations and the deep state.

As I’ve said previously, she’s now the Establishment candidate, a product of those terrified of a second Trump presidency.

Should she win and becomes the First Woman-of-Color President (white not being a color), leftist Democrats will celebrate dodging Trump’s “threat to democracy” while they continue pressing the political prosecution and personal ruination not just of Trump but of as many of his past and recent associates as they can. Some, such as Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, have been jailed already.

The left is trying to ruin J.D. Vance as we speak. If Trump loses, Vance will likely be out of politics within a year. I, for one, won’t blame him.

Conservatives will lament lost opportunities while predicting the one-party state I mentioned. Expect it by 2028, if she wins. A Constitutional scholar from Berkeley (where else?) recently had a major article in The New York Times on how the Constitution itself is now a “threat to democracy.” This, too, should be a wake-up call. Under a Kamala Harris presidency we should expect moves to limit or even replace the document with a “woke” successor probably already composed and waiting in the wings.

A Constitutional Convention will do it.

By 2040 if not much sooner, the U.S. will have followed Venezuela into full-on corruption and oblivion. Perhaps a few or perhaps many intrepid states will have taken the steps going through with secession threats already being made. But that’s a different article.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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Steven Yates is a (still recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He is married to a Chilean national. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

Can Trump Save His Campaign?

By Cliff Kincaid

September 14, 2024

On the eve of the presidential debate, I received an email from Trump supporter Laura Loomer declaring that getting Christians out to vote for Trump in November is the key to victory. If this is the case, then why is Trump trying to appeal to Democratic Party voters on issues like abortion and drug legalization? Loomer’s email doesn’t make sense. Or else Trump’s campaign strategy doesn’t make sense.

One way or another, something is seriously wrong, from the point of view of a potential Trump victory. Whatever the case, Trump’s challenge on Tuesday night was to directly address conservatives and Christians and reassure them that he is on their side.

If he instead continues moving to the left, he may self-destruct, forcing many conservatives and Christians to sit at home on November 5.

His performance could make or break him.

Here is what Loomer said:

The United West gave me some verifiable information about evangelical Christians who are already registered Republicans but did NOT vote in 2020 in six key swing states. I thought that out of all voters who didn’t vote in 2020, the Christian vote would be the quintessential definition of low hanging fruit since Christians are under attack in our country.

We all know the 2020 race was decided (or shall we say stolen) in those six states, but I never realized how critically important the Christian vote was for the 2024 election in those exact same battle ground states.

Loomer declared that “research” suggests and explains that Donald Trump will either win or lose in November based upon whether evangelicals who did NOT vote in 2020, actually come out to vote in November. She posted a video with her research.

She declared, “You need to watch this video to see this game-changing information that will help get President Trump @realDonaldTrump get elected in November!”

Loomer explained that she is a Jewish woman who has worked for many years, very closely with like-minded, evangelical Christians. She added, “My Christian friends have supported me throughout the years, worked to get Trump elected, and always stood firmly against the rise of Jihad in America.”

Trump’s decision to endorse drug legalization on a state-by-state basis is very concerning, as it is a movement originally started by billionaire George Soros, a major Democratic Party fat cat. Why would Trump move into the Soros camp on an issue that once separated the two major political partes, with the Democrats in favor of legalization and the Republicans opposed?

My group America’s Survival had published five separate in-depth reports on Soros over the last two decades. On October 27, 2011, we held a news conference at the National Press Club entitled “The Soros Files” and we launched a website to shed light on the activities of the hedge fund billionaire.

But our videos based on the conference were censored by Google’s YouTube. That’s why we are now on Rumble, with a series of videos explaining the stakes in this year’s election.

In this context, it’s important to keep in mind that billionaire longtime Soros associate Scott Bessent, former Soros Fund Management chief investment officer (1991-2000), is now being talked about as America’s next Treasury Secretary under a President Trump. He started his own hedge-fund firm, with a $2 billion investment from Soros Fund Management.  In 2013, he gave $25,000 to Ready for Hillary, a pro-Clinton super-PAC and  hosted a gay and lesbian fund-raiser for Al Gore at his Hamptons home.

To understand George Soros, the biggest fat cat of all time, America’s largest political donor, we must understand the power of financial hedge funds and the concept of the “open society” of Soros’s mentor, philosopher Karl Popper. Popper was a communist in his youth whose writings were later adopted as a basis for “democratic socialism” and the notion that government can and manipulate the transformation of society on a gradual basis. Popper thought this approach would make Marxism’s emphasis on the alleged inevitable historical process and violent revolution unnecessary.

An “open society” means tolerating and even approving evil and immoral activities, undermining traditional American values in the process. It is a “capitalist” version of communist Antonio Gramsci’s strategy of a communist takeover by infiltration.

With Scott Bessent’s arrival in the Trump camp, Soros has both political parties under his influence.

Trump must take a final stand, in favor or against the evil Soros “vision” for America. His decision will seal his fate.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The USDA Wants the Control of Your Land, Air, Water – Action Needed

By Karen Schoen

September 13, 2024

Propaganda is the game of the communist DNC. This is how the communists gain power. Lazy citizens who don’t pay attention to anything other than free stuff from the government vote for more free stuff. Equity just means we will be all be equal in poverty as the communist government will regulate, tax and steal everything we own.

Contrary to popular belief when the communists put a program in place and it loses, they don’t end the program. All they do is change the name and bring it back again. Remember the National Asset Company, NAC? This was the company run by the USDA, Department of Agriculture that was going to put a monetary value on all environmental services.  What is an environmental service? Basically they intend to put a monetary value on land, air, water, trees anything that had to do with the environment.

We were able to stop the NAC by the people participating and making comments on the USDA web site. We thought it was gone. Boy were we foolish. Because it’s back again under a new name called the Sustain Act. The Sustains Act was, signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. Congress signed anothe bill without reading it. This one provides USDA with the authority to accept contributions of private funds that can be channeled through its existing conservation programs and provides additional guidelines for those contributions.

According to the American Stewards of Liberty, The USDA is preparing policy to implement the Sustains Act, which will monetize NATURALPROCESSES determining who will own “environmental services,” which include the air we breathe, photosynthesis, pollination, and the health benefits of open space.

We have until Sept 16 to register comments.

According to American Stewards: The earlier attempt to accomplish this was stopped when the Natural Asset Company scam was soundly defeated in January. This ACT is the first step towards implementing UN Agenda 21/2030, the United Nations’ sustainable development agenda. The Sustains Act  will provide the path to transfer America’s real assets from private citizens to federal and international interests. This Act needs to be repealed which is why it is so important to get the right people in Congress and stop these insane CRs which are implemented without being read.

The Sustains Act sponsored by the USDA again is after rural communities. They want us to live in Pacam Stackam  car-less cities so that they can control our food, our water and our freedom. All of this is going to be done in conjunction with Agenda 21/2030 coming out of the United Nations. United Nations is having a conference from the 20th to the 24th called the Summit of the Future where they will describe how we will own nothing they will own everything and we will be happy. Communists do not believe in private property rights or sovereignty.

We have an opportunity to go on the USDA website and put a comment in the comment section just like we did with the NAC. If you want more information please go to the website where the description of this act which by the way is already on the books. We have until September 16th to place our comments. We know that this worked because the NAC was killed so let’s kill this one also.

© 2024 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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Equality v. Equity

By Lex Greene

September 13, 2024

Throughout most of my life, I have been a firm fighter for equality, freedom, liberty, true justice, national sovereignty and security, peace and tranquility. Millions of Americans think they stand for these same things and many do. But today, millions do not stand for these things at all and fundamentally, it is what divides our nation in every election.

The primary division in the USA at present is the division between those who still believe in and will fight for the foundations of freedom as established and protected by the Charters of Freedom versus those who think leaders like Chairman Mao, Vladimir Lenin, Stalin, Marx and even Hitler had a better plan. Those who believe in “equality” versus those who think they prefer “equity.”

These two terms are not synonymous, but in fact polar opposites.

To explain the difference between the two in our intentionally and systematically dumbed-down and drugged up society today, I’ll put it in terms that even the average 3rd grader can comprehend. You may not know it today, but words have very specific meaning. There is the factual definition of a word, found in dictionaries, and then a proper application or use of that word or term.

EQUALITY: noun, plural e·qual·i·ties. the state or quality of being equal 2; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability

PROPER USE: In the USA, regardless of race, gender, political views or religion, “all men” (mankind, human-kind) are “created equal” with certain “inalienable” Rights, among them, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, as “endowed by our Creator.”

This means that citizens deserve “equal opportunity,” and if they happen to possess equal talents, equal work ethics, equal productivity, and equal ambition, and perform the same job equally, they are entitled to “equality” in return, in this example, “equal pay” and “equal benefit.”

But let’s say you are a top-level performer, and I am the slacker of all slackers, and you out-produce me 3-to-1 every day. “Equality” dictates that although we had the same “equal opportunity” to succeed, we did not take “equal” advantage of that opportunity. Do we still deserve the same “equal” pay and benefit? Should I make the same as you, even though you out-perform me 3-to-1? If so, what is the motivation to excel at anything? What is the motivation for me to not continue to be a “slacker?”

EQUITY: noun, plural eq·ui·ties. the quality of being fair or impartial;

Interestingly enough, this term is most often used improperly today. There is nothing at all “fair” or “impartial” about today’s misuse of the term “equity,” based upon the factual definition of the term above.

This term is often misused as a mere political tool of division today, suggesting that first and foremost, some people are born less equal than others. Misuse of this term is in reality, not only a misuse of the term, but a divisive and often “racist” use of the term, as in the case of New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s recent claim that “blacks are not equal because they don’t even know what a computer is…”

Aside from being a false statement, as there is no one in America today who doesn’t know what a computer is, when almost every citizen holds one in their hands, known as a “smart phone,” her statement was also entirely “racist” towards the entire black community, as if they simply are not “born equal” to all other ethnicities.

The misuse of the term “equity” is designed to establish a ground upon which to then “buy votes” from certain voting blocs by first declaring their natural deficiencies, and then using promises of taxpayer funds to “level the playing field” for those who according to them, are not “equal” by nature. Honestly, it’s hard to imagine a more “racist” point of view.

“Fair” means everyone is treated equally, impartially. “Impartial” means that no one is given special treatment above another…no one is given an “unfair” advantage as a “special group.” This is a protection of all legal citizens via the “general welfare” clause in the U.S. Constitution, forbidding government from choosing favorites at all.

But is this how the term is being used to divide Americans into two political groups, those who believe in “equality,” equal opportunity and equal outcomes for equal output… versus those who think they are entitled to an equal outcome for unequal input, “equity?”

Whose idea was it to divide America into nice, neat little predictable and totally controllable voting blocs? Whose idea was it to eliminate “equality” with misuse of the term “equity?”

This concept is not an “American” idea based upon the foundations of freedom…quite the contrary. This idea was born of tyrants who sought ultimate unbridled control over their people, a means to, as Karl Marx put it, “take from each according to their ability; and give to each according to their need.”

Of course, there are a couple other important parts to this nefarious agenda. Before government can “save someone,” they first have to “hurt” them. They must create a “people in need” in order to buy their votes with promises to serve those needs, by taking from others.

I recall a story I heard years ago that made the point perfectly. A father was listening to his college age daughter teach him about how unfair equality is, and how great equity is. The father listened patiently to everything she had learned from her college professors. When she finished “teaching the old man,” he responded…

The father asked his daughter what her grade point average was for her last semester, and she proudly told Dad she was carrying a 4.0… to which Dad was quite proud as well. Then he asked, “what’s the overall GPA in her class,” to which she answered, “oh, it’s awful, like a 1.8 to 2.0…”

The father then said to his daughter, “I have an idea for you. When you return to classes for your next semester, suggest to the professor that he change your 4.0 to 3.0 so that he can give the 2.0 students a 3.0 in the name of equity.”

His daughter immediately gasped and replied, “are you crazy? I worked my butt off for that 4.0 and these other students don’t even show up for class half the time.” To which her Dad replied, “now you understand the difference between “equality” and “equity.”

Freedom requires that every citizen have an equal opportunity to succeed without any interference from government. It also requires that there be no government-imposed limit to what one has a right to earn and achieve through their own talents, work ethics and intelligence, and that government shall have no legal power to take from anyone, that which they earned. This is economic freedom at its foundation…without which, there can be no freedom at all, for anyone.

But those selling “equity” believe that others are entitled to that which you have earned, and that government has the power to take earnings from some against their will, to buy votes from others. It’s a form of socialism, Marxism and in the end, communism and it’s entirely anti-American.

Throughout world history, governments that have used these methods to seize assets from those who earned, and buy power from those who don’t earn, have failed 100% of the time…in the end, unable to feed their own people due to a total lack of productivity in a society which penalizes success and encourages sloth behaviors.

The USA was not driven to over $35-trillion in public debt by wars or national security spending, which accounts for less than 13% of the national budget. This debt is from Marxist “social spending” which now accounts for over 62% of the national annual budget.

“Equity” as designed by lifelong losers like Karl Marx, is how whole nations and societies go bankrupt and eventually collapse. “Equality” is the basis of freedom, liberty, and true justice, and the means by which the most productive and prosperous nation ever known to mankind was built, the USA.

Those who oppose the foundations of freedom…oppose freedom itself. Watch what and who you vote for, as in every election cycle, we only get a chance to vote for or against FREEDOM…FOR OR AGAINST EQUALITY!

Last, taking from others that which they have rightfully earned, against their will, is NOT “charity.” Charity requires the consent of the giver. It’s THEFT and when you vote to put someone in power that promises to steal on your behalf, it’s a cowardly act of theft on the part of the voter!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Legal Firearm Possession as Probable Cause

By Paul Engel

September 13, 2024

  • It’s never fun to be pulled over by the police, especially if you be legally carrying a firearm.
  • Does the mere legal possession of a firearm qualify as probable cause for law enforcement to search your vehicle.
  • If an officer searches you and your vehicle due to the legal possession of a firearm, are they entitled to qualified immunity?

Encountering law enforcement can be a nerve wracking situation, even if you’ve done nothing wrong. Imagine you’ve been pulled over to safely deal with something in your vehicle, then have a police officer pull up behind you. Nothing to worry about, right? You’ve done nothing wrong. Then imagine, after providing your drivers license, you’re pulled out of your car, searched, handcuffed, and “stuffed” into the back of the police cruiser while the officer searches your vehicle from stem to stern, even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Now imagine, after this harrowing abuse of power, the officer claims “qualified immunity” and asks the court to dismiss your case against him. That is what happened to Basel Soukaneh in Waterbury, CT. The current state of that case is certainly worth looking into.

Is legally carrying a firearm probable cause that you are committing a crime? An officer of the Waterbury, CT police department used Mr. Soukaneh’s legally posessed firearm as “probable cause” to both detain him and to search his vehicle. After Mr. Soukaneh filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for Connecticut, the officer, Nicholas Andrzejewski asked to have the case dismissed because he, as a police officer, had qualified immunity. While the details of this case should disturb everyone, not just gun owners, the outcome so far should give us hope.


I remember when I first started carrying a firearm. I thought everyone could see it and that every officer would give me a hard time about it. After I got used to carrying though, I didn’t think much about it anymore. Which is probably how Basel Soukaneh felt before November 12, 2018.

At approximately 8:43 p.m. on November 12, 2018, Basel Soukaneh stopped his car with the engine running on the side of a street in Waterbury, Connecticut. Soukaneh’s iPhone GPS, located in a holder mounted to the car’s dashboard, was frozen, and he stopped his car to fix it.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Here we have a responsible driver. He’s having problems with his phone, and rather than trying to fix it while driving, he pulls over. Unfortunately, where he pulled over may have started his encounter with the law.

The area “was dark and [known as] a high crime area well known for prostitution, drug transactions and other criminal activity.” … Within seconds after Soukaneh stopped his car, Officer Nicholas Andrzejewski approached the vehicle, knocked on the driver’s side window, and according to Soukaneh, loudly demanded Soukaneh’s driver’s license.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

OK, unsavory part of town or not, it’s not uncommon for an officer to pull over to check on a possible driver in distress. There are many reasons for the officer to “loudly demand” Soukaneh’s drivers license, but it should not be a problem, right? After all, Soukaneh has done nothing wrong, only pulled over to deal with a slight technical problem.

The interior vehicle light was on, so although the area was dark, Andrzejewski could see the activity inside of the car when he approached the window. As Soukaneh complied and handed his license over, he also provided Andrzejewski with a facially valid firearms permit. While doing so, Soukaneh also disclosed to Andrzejewski that, per the permit, he was in lawful possession of a pistol that was located in the driver’s side door compartment.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

So far, Soukaneh is doing things by the book, especially for a person carrying a firearm. He has the interior light on so the officer can see, he hands over his license, along with his firearms permit, and informs the officer that he was also in lawful possession of a firearm, including where it was at the time.

Following that exchange, Andrzejewski ordered Soukaneh out of the vehicle. According to Soukaneh’s description, Andrzejewski then violently “dragged [him] out of the car,” pushed him to the ground, yelled and screamed at him, handcuffed him, and pat-searched his person, recovering neither a weapon nor contraband.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Here’s where things start going wrong. Officer Andrzejewski has no reason to be concerned for his safety, since Mr. Soukaneh is being compliant with his commands. Instead, Officer Andrzejewski is treating Mr. Soukaneh as if he just caught a felon in the act of committing a crime. Still, officer Andrzejewski didn’t stop there.

Andrzejewski then “shoved [Soukaneh] into the rear area of [Andrzejewski’s police] cruiser,” and left Soukaneh “bent over and partially on the floor of the vehicle.” … Soukaneh remained “in that position, facing down and unable to see, until another police officer came along several minutes later and helped him sit up.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

I’m not familiar with the police guide in Waterbury, CT, but I doubt it includes roughly handling a compliant detainee, much less leaving him in an awkward position while handcuffed and therefore unable to right himself.

Once the other officer repositioned Soukaneh in the cruiser, Soukaneh saw Andrzejewski search his “entire car, both front and rear,” as well as the car’s trunk. … After the search, Andrzejewski returned to the cruiser and kept Soukaneh handcuffed and detained in it for an additional half hour, during which time “a group of seven to ten police officers gathered.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Even after searching Mr. Soukaneh and his vehicle, finding nothing, officer Andrzejewski detains him for an additional half-hour, while additional officers gathered at the scene. You’d think officer Andrzejewski had captured a terrorist or other extremely dangerous person to draw such a crowd.

At one point, Andrzejewski began writing on his onboard computer and turned to a fellow officer who had arrived at the scene and asked, “What should I write him up for?” … The other officer laughed and the sergeant, who had also since arrived, told Andrzejewski what to write.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

All of this and Officer Andrzejewski did not even have an articulable crime to charge Mr. Soukaneh. However, the officer still wanted to write him up, for doing nothing wrong. There was a footnote in the opinion stating they were not sure if a citation was even written for Mr. Soukaneh.

Both parties agree that at some unspecified point during Soukaneh’s handcuffed detention while in the vehicle, Andrzejewski ran a check on Soukaneh’s firearm permit and confirmed that the permit was validly held.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

At some point in all of this craziness then, apparently no one knows when, officer Andrzejewski did actually confirm that Mr. Soukaneh’s firearm permit was valid.

Soukaneh was subsequently released.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Finally, after who knows how long, Mr. Soukaneh was released to go on his way.

The Case

Many people would have just been happy to leave and not follow up. Thankfully, Mr. Soukaneh was not one of them.

On July 25, 2019, Soukaneh filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of Connecticut. He principally alleged that Andrzejewski’s actions deprived him of his Fourth Amendment right to be free from “unreasonable and warrantless arrest and/or detention,” and “warrantless and unreasonable search and seizure of his person, vehicle and effects,” and sought compensatory and punitive damages pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983 and 1988.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Mr. Soukaneh sued Officer Andrzejewski under two federal laws.

  • 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

42 U.S.C. §1983

  • 1983 provides for people to file a civil case against anyone who, under color of law, deprives them of a right protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. In this case, §1988 appears to be more about collecting attorney and expert fees.

On December 31, 2020, Andrzejewski moved for partial summary judgment under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(a), arguing that his actions were justified because he had reasonable suspicion and probable cause, or alternatively, that he was entitled to qualified immunity as to the claims asserted against him because if any rights were violated, they were not “clearly established.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Officer Andrzejewski asked for the district court to dismiss the case because, he argued, he was entitled to qualified immunity, because he had reasonable suspicion and probable cause to treat Mr. Soukaneh as he had.

On August 6, 2021, the district court granted Andrzejewski’s motion for summary judgment in part and denied it in part. … The district court granted Andrzejewski’s motion for summary judgment with regard to the initial stop. It concluded that since “[Andrzejewski’s] basis for stopping [Soukaneh’s] vehicle was that the car was stopped at night in the roadway with the engine running in an area known for drugs and prostitution,” it was reasonable for Andrzejewski to believe that Soukaneh was committing a traffic violation, “giving him reasonable suspicion to stop [Soukaneh], check his driver’s license, and require him to step out of the car.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

If an officer sees a car stopped on the side of the road, especially in a part of town known for crime, is it reasonable to stop and ask the driver for his license? Yes. I’m not so sure about having him step out of the car, but if the officer had simply patted Mr. Soukaneh down, I doubt this case would have been filed. After all, Soukaneh did hand over his license when asked and even told officer Andrzejewski he was carrying. What about the rest of the “stop”?

However, the district court denied summary judgment on the remaining issues related to (1) handcuffing and detaining Soukaneh in the police cruiser, (2) searching the interior of Soukaneh’s car, and (3) searching the car’s trunk.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

The district court, however, was not willing to let officer Andrzejewski off on the search and seizure.

The district court reasoned that Andrzejewski did not possess the requisite arguable probable cause to justify this conduct, explaining that a reasonable officer would not believe that Soukaneh was committing a crime, or “posed a meaningful threat of being ‘armed and dangerous’” for merely disclosing the presence of the firearm and its accompanying permit. … That was especially true in light of Soukaneh’s compliant and non-threatening behavior, and “the absence of any articulable reason for Defendant to believe the [gun] permit was counterfeit or otherwise invalid.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Guess what, legally possessing a firearm is not probable cause that you’re armed and dangerous or that you are committing a crime. Remember when officer Andrzejewski asked another officer “What should I write him up for?” That should be a clue that you do not have probable cause that someone was committing a crime before you violated his rights. The district court pointed out just how absurd officer Andrzejewski’s claim was.

The district court concluded that “[a]ny contrary holding would make it practically impossible for the lawful owner of a firearm to maintain a Fourth Amendment right to privacy in his or her automobile.” … Accordingly, the district court determined that Andrzejewski was not entitled to qualified immunity on these issues, and thus denied Andrzejewski’s motion for summary judgment in remaining part.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Officer Andrzejewski appealed the court’s decision.

Qualified Immunity

Before we go on, let’s take some time and look at the court’s explanation of qualified immunity.

Qualified immunity shields officials “when [their] conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known.” White v. Pauly

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

The court has decided that government officers have some level of immunity from civil lawsuits. The qualification for such immunity is that their conduct does not violate clearly established rights protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. The problem we run into is who “establishes” what a reasonable person should know?

“The Supreme Court has instructed that ‘[q]ualified immunity balances two important interests—the need to hold public officials accountable when they exercise power irresponsibly and the need to shield officials from harassment, distraction, and liability when they perform their duties reasonably.’” Vega v. Semple

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Notice, it’s not the Constitution or a law passed by Congress, but the Supreme Court that simply made up this “qualified immunity” because they thought it was necessary.

It’s an important principle of our legal system that law enforcement officers must have the necessary discretion to perform their required duties. That principle must be balanced, however, with a core tenet enshrined in the Fourth Amendment—the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. Thus, it has long been the “essential purpose of the proscriptions in the Fourth Amendment [] to impose a standard of ‘reasonableness’ upon the exercise of discretion by . . . law enforcement agents, in order ‘to safeguard the privacy and security of individuals against arbitrary invasions.’” Delaware v. Prouse

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

In other words, the actions of law enforcement when conducting a search or seizure must be reasonable. Based on my research, the law defines “reasonableness” as what a reasonable person would find reasonable. I was taught that you cannot define a word by itself. Then again, I am not a lawyer, thank God.

Soukaneh’s Detention

When officer Andrzejewski appealed the district court decision about summary judgment to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, there were two main areas of this case the court needed to examine, Soukaneh’s detention and the search of his person and vehicle. We start with the detention.

Andrzejewski first argues that he did not violate Soukaneh’s constitutional rights by handcuffing and detaining him in the police cruiser for over half an hour because the detention should be “governed by the standard set forth in Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968),” and Andrzejewski possessed reasonable suspicion of criminal activity to make a lawful “Terry stop.”

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Ah, the infamous “Terry stop”, or as it’s colloquially known, “Stop and Frisk”. If you are asking yourself, “But did officer Andrzejewski do more than just stop and frisk Mr. Soukaneh?” You are correct.

Alternatively, Andrzejewski contends that even if the detention constituted an arrest, he possessed the requisite probable cause based on Soukaneh’s possession of a gun, irrespective of the facially valid firearms permit.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

In other words, according to officer Andrzejewski, the legal possession of a firearm is probable cause for a person to be arrested. Apparently, to officer Andrzejewski, the legal possession of a firearm is itself a crime. Those aren’t my words, they are the words of officer Andrzejewski in court filings.

We disagree, however, that this was a Terry stop requiring only reasonable suspicion, because the facts before us demonstrate that Soukaneh’s detention was a de facto arrest for which probable cause was required but lacking. We further conclude that the detention violated Soukaneh’s clearly established rights.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

OK, the court disagrees that this was a Terry stop, which only requires reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. I guess, if the officer had run Soukaneh’s license and firearm permit, found them valid, and gone on his way, that would have been considered a Terry stop. That’s not what officer Andrzejewski did.

It “has long been the law that ‘an investigative detention must be temporary and last no longer than is necessary to effectuate the purpose of the stop.’” … A reasonable officer in Andrzejewski’s position who had a desire to check the validity of an individual’s licensing information would know that the circumstances here could barely justify a Terry stop, let alone a prolonged, handcuffed detention.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Officer Andrzejewski did not follow the law. This detention was more than temporary, lasting longer than necessary to check Mr. Soukaneh’s credentials. By placing Mr. Soukaneh in handcuffs and roughly placing him in the police cruiser for an extended period of time, Mr. Andrzejewski violated both the law and Mr. Soukaneh’s rights.

This is not a case in which there were circumstances, however insufficient to establish probable cause, that might suggest to a reasonable officer that there was something illegal about a suspect’s possession of a weapon. Here, there was literally no reason to believe that Soukaneh’s possession of the gun—whose presence Soukaneh freely acknowledged, and for which he provided a facially valid permit that Andrzejewski had no reason whatsoever to believe was forged or had been revoked—was unlawful.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

In short, it appears quite apparent, by both the actions and words of officer Andrzejewski, that he arrested Mr. Soukaneh for the alleged crime of legally possession a firearm.

However, the record here, taken in the light most favorable to Soukaneh, supports a finding that the detention continued far longer than was necessary to effectuate any of Andrzejewski’s alleged reasons for his actions (legitimate and not)—demonstrating that he did not conduct the stop efficiently or in the least intrusive way possible. In the absence of facts suggesting some irregularity to justify the nature of the detention, the constitutional question and the unreasonableness of Andrzejewski’s actions here are “beyond debate” for a reasonable officer in Andrzejewski’s position.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Even if officer Andrzejewski’s reasons for detaining Mr. Soukaneh were legitimate, by not using the least intrusive methods to assuage his concern, he not only violated Mr. Soukaneh’s rights, but did so in a manner that is beyond debate.

The Searches of Soukaneh’s Vehicle and Trunk

The other area of concern for this court was the searches, both of Mr. Soukaneh’s vehicle and trunk.

Andrzejewski argues that there was no constitutional violation as to his search of the interior of Soukaneh’s car because it was a lawful Terry frisk of a car. He further argues that the warrantless search of Soukaneh’s trunk was lawful under the automobile exception to the warrant requirement.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Officer Andrzejewski claims that his search of the vehicle was legitimate because it was a “Terry frisk of the car”. However, as the court has pointed out, by the time officer Andrzejewski initiated his alleged Terry frisk of the car, he had already de facto arrested Mr. Soukaneh, having handcuffed him and placed him in his cruiser. And what about this “automobile exception”?

Under the automobile exception, states may allow the warrantless search of an automobile, except for the trunk, if the police officer reasonably believes that the vehicle holds evidence of a crime. The U.S. Supreme Court has determined that this exception is not a violation of the Fourth Amendment because drivers have a “reduced expectation of privacy” and because a vehicle is inherently mobile.

Automobile Exception – West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2.

Notice that the automobile requires the officer to reasonably believe that the vehicle holds evidence of a crime, yet nothing in what Mr. Soukaneh said or did, other that stopping in a bad neighborhood, provided any reason to believe the vehicle held evidence of a crime. Furthermore, the automobile exception specifically excludes the trunk. Not only was there no risk of the vehicle leaving the scene with evidence since the operator and only occupant was cuffed and detained in the officer’s cruiser, the officer also detained Mr. Soukaneh for thirty minutes after conducting the search, in which there was plenty of time to call in for a warrant.

However, we reject Andrzejewski’s contentions that either of these searches were justified and that they did not violate clearly established rights. …

In addition to being necessary for Soukaneh’s de facto arrest, probable cause was also needed for the warrantless searches of his car. As discussed above, no such probable cause existed.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

So officer Andrzejewski had no reasonable suspicion that the car contained evidence, and had no probable cause either to arrest Mr. Soukaneh or search his vehicle. The court notes, there is another way officer Andrzejewski’s search could be considered constitutional.

However, another inquiry for determining the lawfulness of a vehicle search during a traffic stop is whether an officer had a reasonable apprehension of danger—which may permit a Terry frisk of the automobile.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Did officer Andrzejewski have a reasonable apprehension of danger?

Andrzejewski argues that the Supreme Court’s holding in Michigan v. Long precludes us from finding that he violated Soukaneh’s constitutional rights when he searched the interior of Soukaneh’s car because of the known presence of the gun.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

Yes, there was a gun present. In fact, Mr. Soukaneh told the officer that he legally possessed a firearm, produced his permit to have the firearm, and even told him where it was in the car, but that wasn’t good enough for officer Andrzejewski.

However, a straightforward analysis of Long leads us to conclude that this is not correct—the presence of a lawful weapon alone does not automatically make someone suspicious, nor a situation dangerous, such as would justify the Terry frisk of a car.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

The lawful presence of a firearm alone does not make someone suspicious or dangerous. If that were true, every law enforcement officer would be considered suspicious and dangerous. Considering the actions not only of officer Andrzejewski, but of his fellow officers, including his sergeant, it is understandable why people are suspicious, not of legal gun owners, but of law enforcement.


After all of the bad things that happened two Mr. Soukeah, this case is a glimpse of vindication for him.

This is not a close case, about which reasonable officers could differ. The law as it stood at the time of the events in question left no doubt that a person in possession of a firearm and a facially valid permit for that firearm had a clearly established right to be free from the kind of forcible and prolonged detention to which Soukaneh was subjected, absent any objective reason to suspect that the permit was forged or otherwise invalid.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

This wasn’t even a close case. It’s not like officer Andrzejewski made a judgment call supported by the law. Rather, he ignored the law, apparently assuming that a lawful gun owner was, by definition, suspicious and dangerous. That type of thinking is what got officer Andrzejewski into trouble.

For those reasons, we hold that Andrzejewski’s alleged conduct violated Soukaneh’s constitutional rights where the detention constituted a de facto arrest without probable cause, and where case law from the Supreme Court and this Circuit clearly established Soukaneh’s right to be free from such a detention under the circumstances.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

I agree with the court, but I would go one step further. Yes, office Andrzejewski violated Mr. Soukaneh’s rights protected by the Constitution of the United States. Officer Andrzejewski’s actions were not only reprehensible, but were criminal.

Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both;

18 USC §242

Officer Andrzejewski clearly deprived Mr. Soukaneh of rights protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, and did so under color of law. Furthermore, since office Andrzejewski allegedly roughly removed Mr. Soukaneh from his vehicle and tossed him into the back of his cruiser, It is quite possible that Mr. Soukaneh was injured by the illegal actions of officer Andrzejewski, triggering another part of §242.

and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

18 USC §242

It seems to me that officer Andrzejewski should face criminal charges for his actions, though that was not the question before this court. The question was, did the district court err by denying officer Andrzejewski’s motion of summary judgment and dismissal under qualified immunity. Thankfully not.

For the foregoing reasons, we AFFIRM the judgment of the district court

and REMAND the case for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Soukaneh v. Andrzejewski

That doesn’t mean Mr. Soukaneh’s ordeal is over. This decision merely means that the district court can proceed with Mr. Soukaneh’s lawsuit based on the facts at hand. Mr. Soukaneh has a long way to go before he finds out if he will receive a favorable redress of his grievance. Even if Mr. Soukaneh wins his day in court, this does not mean that officer Andrzejewski will be personally punished for his crime. Since this is a civil lawsuit, the city of Waterbury, CT will pay any judgments against officer Andrzejewski. Unless a criminal complaint is filed, there will be nothing to prevent officer Andrzejewski from doing this to other law-abiding citizens who are not only exercising their right to keep and bear arms, but complying with the unconstitutional and therefore invalid laws Connecticut has put place.

If complying with the law is not enough to keep you from police harassment, how can we call ourselves a nation of laws, not men?

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Growing Nightmare: Suppose You Were An Idiot

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 12, 2024

Part 4: “Suppose you were an idiot; and suppose you are a Congressman; ah, but I repeat myself.” Mark Twain. Terrorists among us, food production, poison food, sugar, obesity, apathy, non-voters.

Mark Twain said a century ago, “Suppose you are an idiot; and suppose you are a member of Congress…ah, but I repeat myself.”

If you look at the majority of Congressional critters such as Colorado’s John Hickenlooper and Michael Bennet, Twain’s wisdom hits dead on the mark. If you apply it to California’s Maxine Waters, you would be giving her too much credit. When you apply it to 84 year old Nancy Pelosi, dementia would be the first word to come to your mind. Why is America facing a growing nightmare? Answer: the majority of those 535 Congressional critters representing Americans rarely solve anything. They let problems fester to the boiling point. They fund 20 year wars that cannot be won. They sacrifice our nation’s youth to death brought to us by the entrenched Military Industrial Complex. Who wins? The bankers and corporate heads of war machine producing companies.

Suppose you were an Alzheimer’s victim; and suppose your name was Joe Biden…ah, but I repeat myself. Jill Biden knew her husband suffered from Alzheimer’s four years ago. But the lust for power drove her to drive him to the presidency. After 50 years of shaking hands and meaningless hot air speeches, he’s placed America into an insufferable nightmare of 12 to 15 million illegal aliens of every stripe—terrorists, mentally ill, drug addicts, gang members, drug dealers, rapists, killers and worse. Biden set America on a course of internal conflict that may be our last journey. He’s got Palestinian flags along with Hamas flags parading through our cities. He’s got American kids hating their own country. He’s invited Muslims to chant, “Death to America” right in our own streets. He invited them to burn Old Glory.

Suppose you were uneducated; and suppose you were an American citizen…ah, but I repeat myself. According to educational experts, 42 million Americans cannot read, write or perform simple math. They represent a huge chunk of “functionally illiterate” Americans. They are represented by 540,000 homeless in America. They represent over 200,000 homeless in California. They represent drug addicts and alcoholics driving on our roads that kill 18,000 Americans annually in car crashes. And still, our legislators won’t create laws that make drunk driving a serious crime by impounding cars, taking away licenses for life and serious jail time. It’s a bet that those 18,000 annual deaths would have liked to still be alive because of drastically stringent laws against drunk or drugged driving.

Suppose you were eating poison foods; and suppose you were the American public…ah, but I repeat myself. Today, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose and another dozen names for synthetic sugars, poison our kids, ourselves and our lives with diabetes, obesity, ADHD, heart disease, cancer and worse. We’ve got RoundUp glyphosate from Monsanto poisoning everything in our food chain, but Congress will not put a stop to that deadly chemical. Instead, Monsanto dumps tons of money into Congressional Critters’ pockets to keep spraying its deadly poisons everywhere across the land and onto our foods. It’s in our groundwater. They even created GMO corn and soy to combat glyphosates with ‘ROUNDUP READY’ seeds. So, you not only get the poisons, you eat genetically modified foods that wreak havoc with your intestinal system. Then, of course, you get to drink Pepto Bismol for heartburn tablets to combat the bad foods.

Then, wow, drink a Mountain Dew, or Diet Pepsi and/or Coke to consume 13 teaspoons of raw sugar or sucralose to poison your cells because that’s where that synthetic sugar gets stored because the body cannot process it. Feed your kids Sugar Pops or Fruit Loops to poison them with sugar overload and chemical dyes. Is it any wonder that 70 percent, that’s 7 out of 10 Americans suffer from 20 to 40 pounds overweight to obesity of 50 pounds or more. Then, we wonder why cancer, diabetes, and heart disease kill millions of Americans prematurely. On CBS news, “71 percent of military applicants are so fat that they are unfit for military service.”

When you look at the nightmare facing Medicare, it’s guaranteed to collapse as the Baby Boomers overwhelm the doctors and hospitals. People would rather eat a “happy meal” than wholesome, organic fruits and vegetables. Let’s slather on the trans fats, caffeine, sugar and preservatives…along with MSG, an “excito toxin” that makes you order a second Big Mac. That chemical gives you a “Big Belly” and a “Big Heart Attack.”

Suppose you were a big city with insane asylum gridlock traffic where you fume in your own fumes, but your city councils keep adding more apartments and businesses to continue exponential growth…wouldn’t that qualify them for the idiot category? Every major city we visited featured dozens of sky cranes adding tens of thousands of buildings in NYC, Chicago, Atlanta, LA, San Francisco, Denver, Houston and SO many other cities. You see SO many more people compacted into tighter and tighter living conditions. Then you wonder why 14 year olds are shooting up schools, or 20 year olds try assassinate presidential candidates.

Suppose you saw billions of bottles, cans and plastic containers strewn across America’s landscape, but 44 states do not have container deposit-return laws to change that equation…yes, you would be led by idiots. This country stands eyeball deep in the trash of every description. Motorhomes and trailers get thrown into the woods to degrade for the next million years. Entire homes, cars and junk fill pastures! A certain percentage of Americans possess no regard for the land. And the ones who don’t toss it, won’t pick it up or take action to get it picked up. Worst state? Mississippi…which is the poorest, but spends $100 million annually to feed, house and care for its 77,000 illegal aliens. Go figure that one out!

Suppose your open borders that allowed 12 million illegal aliens into our country in the past 3 1/2 years, and tons of fentanyl that has killed 250 ,000 young Americans in the past three years, but Biden-Harris did nothing to stop it…you would be a complete, immoral, unethical, and pathetic president-vice president-Congress, but that’s the kind idiots we have running this country. Yet, Kamala Harris stands proud of her work for NOT securing our borders. She’s responsible for thouands of rapes, robberies, drug deaths and murders like Laken Riley. So, what is Harris doing? She’s running to become president so she can invite another 12-15 million MORE illegals and millions MORE fentanyl tablets into our country to kill more of our kids.

Suppose you allowed 9/11 to happen because of lack of immigration vetting like giving unvetted immigrants driver’s licenses like New York did with Muhammod Atta, but now Governor Walz of Minnesota, gives them driver’s licenses. Plus if we build a 30 foot wall, he said he would be investing in a ladder company that would manufacture 35 foot ladders to help illegals breach the law. Governor Walz IS AN IDIOT.

This list of idiots can only be stopped at the ballot box in November. If you don’t stop the number one idiot, Kamala Harris, you will be amazed at all the misfortune, crime, homeless illegals, collapsing schools, collapsing welfare systems, chaos and Muslim events coming to the USA in 2025.

NEXT: Part 5: What I predict is going to happen in 2025 and beyond.

© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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“Our Democracy”

by Lee Duigon

September 12, 2024

We hear a lot of talk these days about “Our Democracy” and threats to Our Democracy. The “threats” are usually posed by Republicans and people who are not mentally ill.

The United States Constitution, the law of the land, guarantees to each and every state a republican form of government. You could look it up (Constitution, Article IV, Section 4).

So where does “democracy” come in? The word does not appear in the Constitution.

Let me illustrate it for you.

The town—any town—has a local school district governed by a local board of education. As the years go by, the townspeople grow more and more discontented with their schools and find that they object to what’s being taught, who’s teaching it, how much it costs, and the batty “school officials” running the show.

So the people that year vote down the annual school budget; and it goes to the town council to make cuts: they sort of have to, given the public’s deep discontent.

The council cuts the budget for Gender Studies, White People Stink Studies, and Socialism Is Great! Studies.

Well! The teachers’ union members aren’t going to stand for that, are they? They’ll go on strike. So the school board appeals the cuts to the State Dept. of Education, which does what it always does—restores the money cut from the school budget. Presto! No budget cuts after all.

And so much for “democracy.”

Here’s another example of “democracy” in action.

It’s a presidential election year, and the incumbent, President Weezle, has become widely unpopular. Part of it is his disastrous public policies (“All children under 16 are now 16 years old,” etc. None of the others is any better). Part of it is his mental and physical fitness for the job. (He goes to bed at 8 p.m. and gets up at 4 p.m. the next day, then goes to the beach and plays horseshoes without a stake.) He hasn’t got a prayer of being re-elected.

But he is the incumbent, and he’s already won the Democrat primaries with millions of Party faithful voting to re-nominate him and tens of millions of dollars already donated to his campaign. It’s a problem!

Once again, Our Democracy swings into action. First they have to pressure Weezle to step down. This is done behind the scenes: Democracy has a real gift for that. Then they have to plug in his vice-president to replace him… without a single vote being cast in public. Now you see him, now you don’t—although technically he’s still president until a new one can be inaugurated in January. He’s out, she’s in; and all those votes he got… don’t count. That leaves us in some confusion as to who’s running the country for the time being; but in Our Democracy we don’t worry about that.

Are you getting it now? Are you beginning to see why our country’s founders rejected “democracy” as a form of government?

Somehow we seem to have changed our form of government—without a vote. In Our Democracy, everything is done in shadows and all we ever see is the results.

Remember that when they get around to erasing the Bill of Rights. It’s an obstacle to Our Democracy and can be tolerated no more.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before Democracy says you can’t. My articles can also be found at .

© 2024 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Trump Makes Bid for Dirty Drug Money

By Cliff Kincaid

September 12, 2024

[Disclaimer: NWV’s is a conservative web site with writers who support freedom, liberty, the U.S. Constitution and that includes the Bill of Rights – think free speech. The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of advertisers or other contributing writers. Free speech – next to the Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content of writer’s opinions, we would be no better than MSNBC or CNN. If a reader disagrees with the content of a column they are free to contact the author. This upcoming election is the most important one since the first Continental Congress convened and began the arduous task of creating a free nation. Having said that, NWV’s supports the election of Donald J. Trump. It’s come down to freedom or communism, period!]

Having lived through the Reagan years, I was pleasantly surprised to find that my 18-year-old waitress at a local restaurant had also seen the new Reagan movie and found it “educational.” She had not been around during that period to experience and witness a president who believed in total victory over communism. Reagan famously told his advisers, during the Cold War, “We win. They lose.”

It is for this reason – education – that I endorse the film for a second time, hoping that the older generation recommends this film for young people, to understand that communism versus freedom remains the biggest issue of our time.

In my opinion, Reagan’s vision of America as the “Shining City on a Hill” is what can motivate the American people to restore our country and indeed ensure its survival.

It will not become that “Shining City on a Hill” with more marijuana and mind-altering drugs available to young people, sparking more episodes of psychosis and violence. Yet Trump has not only endorsed marijuana legalization on a  nationwide basis (state by state) but also “marijuana banking” legislation, giving the dope dealers access to the big  banks, enabling them to expand their businesses.

With this announcement on his official Truth Social account, he has made common cause with the stoners and potheads in a desperate bid for campaign cash from the Soros-funded drug legalization movement. The Democrats have been getting that dirty money for years.

By contrast, Reagan and his wife Nancy had always stood steadfast against illegal drugs. She famously ran the “Just Say No” campaign.

The Cause is Freedom

In his farewell address to the nation, Reagan reflected on that “Shining City On a Hill” phrase, which came from John Winthrop, “who wrote it to describe the America he imagined.”

Reagan explained, “What he imagined was important because he was an early Pilgrim, an early freedom man. He journeyed here on what today we’d call a little wooden boat; and like the other Pilgrims, he was looking for a home that would be free.”

Is that possible today with a Republican presidential candidate endorsing not only abortion in most cases but “recreational marijuana” and the societal wreckage it causes??

Records of attendance and money made through ticket sales demonstrate that the American people love the Reagan film, based on The Crusader by Paul Kengor, but the liberal TV critics hate it.

It has many lessons for today’s generation and the current Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump.

One is that church makes a difference in a young person’s life. Reagan’s father was an alcoholic but his mother was a devout Christian who took him to church on a regular basis, including to listen to a Russian defector. It had a great impact on his life. He graduated in economics from Eureka College in Illinois, not an Ivy League school.

His mother advised little Ronnie, when he was a kid, to stand up to bullies. He learned that lesson, guiding him later in life to confront the communists in Hollywood and the communists in Russia.

His sense of humor, highlighted in the film, was a great asset, including jokes about how the communist system strangled freedom and initiative. Here, it is not a laughing matter.

One of the books Reagan consumed was Witness by ex-communist Whittaker Chambers. His revelations led to the discovery of high-level Russian moles in the federal government, including State Department official and United Nations co-founder Alger Hiss. In the book, Chambers discussed how he went from pro-abortion to pro-life, after understanding the spiritual dimensions of the struggle we are in today.

I saw the movie for the second time the other night but most of the audience was older people who lived through the Reagan years, as Reagan defeated a Democratic President, Jimmy Carter, whose policies produced bad economic times, much like today, consisting of high inflation and high interest rates. His famous question was “Are you better off” under Jimmy Carter than before.

Reagan beat Carter and then won reelection, crushing Walter Mondale from Minnesota in a landslide. This was preceded by a dramatic scene where Reagan’s advisers are trying to fill his head full of economic numbers for a debate and his wife Nancy replies, “Let Ronnie be Ronnie.”

At a cabinet meeting depicted in the film, his budget director advises him to pursue “revenue enhancers” or higher taxes to eliminate the deficit, but Reagan insisted on tax cuts that eventually led to an economic boom, allowing him to pursue the “Star Wars” or Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), to challenge the very foundations of the bankrupt Soviet system.

Reagan survived an assassination attempt and his only “scandal” was sending aid to the Nicaraguan freedom fighters and trying to get the release of some American hostages. This was during a time when the Congress assumed a stance in favor of communism’s victory in the Western hemisphere.

The “villain” at the time, shown in the film, was former Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, a Vietnam veteran who did not want to see the Nicaraguan “contras” betrayed like the South Vietnamese.

I was honored to work for Ollie North and meet President Reagan twice in the White House, because of working for his favorite newspaper, Human Events. Reagan biographer Paul Kengor appeared at several of our America’s Survival news conferences at the National Press Club.

Despite the film and its hopeful message about America’s survival, many of the same problems he confronted have reemerged, since the communists never give up. One of their weapons is drug legalization, now embraced by Trump!

Communism Today

Because of Reagan, the nature of communism changed. However, it remains a major threat. In Latin America, the communists have taken Nicaragua again and are in control of Brazil. Cuba has been a Russian outpost for decades, a fact that figures prominently in the film, at a time when Democrats, such as President JFK, were anti-communist. Reagan understood that JFK was killed by a Marxist, Lee Harvey Oswald.

For his part, Trump recognizes the threat, but unfortunately has backpedaled on many of the social issues, preferring to focus on economics and foreign policy. A businessman, he doesn’t have Reagan’s vision of freedom from communism, based on economic ideas of limited government and traditional social values.

Whatever happens in the current presidential race, the true story of Reagan’s rise must be told. This movie does it in a gripping way. As my waitress told me, it was educational.

Young people should be encouraged to watch the film, to understand what a philosophy of anti-communism and freedom from government mean in practice.

The rest of the story, as you contemplate the Reagan legacy, is that a decision was made by the Russian communists after the fall of the Berlin Wall to drop the communist label and forge ahead under the banner of Russia alone. The deception fooled many conservatives in the West into thinking the rulers had given up vodka and returned to their religious roots.

It is a grand deception.

Meanwhile, our other communist enemy, Red China, took Hong Kong with the acquiescence of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and now threatens Taiwan.

The Reagan film features the Reagan-Thatcher friendship and alliance. But Thatcher was deceived by the forces of global communism.

Even with his faults, many former Reagan conservatives will back Trump, knowing that key U.S. government institutions and intelligence agencies seem more preoccupied with defeating Trump’s return to the White House than exposing the “domestic and foreign enemies” that we see everywhere.

The film explains how Reagan saw the communists as an external and internal enemy.

We must conclude that the high-level communist moles exposed by Whittaker Chambers are back in a big way, dominating the thinking of the CIA, FBI, and the Democratic Party.

I believe that Reagan, whose mental decline, and death, are documented in the film, would advise Trump to sharpen his appeal to young people, not by promoting marijuana and abortion, but a positive vision of America as the “Shining City on a Hill.”

Despite his pandering to the abortion lobby, gays, and stoners, there is still time for Trump to salvage his campaign before he descends further into the nether reaches of Cultural Marxism and social decay.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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The Real Way to End Poverty And It’s Not by Government

By Tom DeWeese

September 11, 2024

If one truly wants to help eliminate poverty, perhaps it’s time to rethink the process. To begin, one should ask this question – why are some nations (and individuals) wealthy and others are so poor?

The reason the United States has led the world in wealth, standard of living, and abundance is that every resident of the United States has had the ability and the opportunity to invest and produce their own capital and build personal wealth. Why is that possible? And why has most of the rest of the world failed, and continues to fail, at such an attempt?

The answer is actually very simple. The United States created a very easy, immediate, complete system for recording and securing ownership of all private property in the nation. In truth, this system makes the County Recorder’s office in every community in the United States the most powerful force of freedom in the world. In short, those records of ownership of all property provide proof of individual ownership. That proof of ownership is the root to building personal wealth, which leads of individual empowerment.

Peruvian economist Hernando DeSoto explains the root of American wealth in his book, The Mystery of Capital. DeSoto asks, “Why does Capitalism thrive only in the West, as if enclosed in a bell jar?”

“Capital,” he argues, “is the force that raises the productivity of labor and creates the wealth of nations. It is the lifeblood of the capitalist system, the foundation of progress, and the one thing that the poor countries of the world cannot seem to produce for themselves.”

Why not in other countries? Because the laws and practices of most countries in the world make it nearly impossible for average citizens to own and prove ownership of property. There are vast obstacles to gaining legal ownership.

For example:

*In Mexico it takes twenty years before a piece of property can be recorded.

*In Peru, it took de Soto’s team of experts 289 days to legally register a new business, even after paying over $1,200 in registration fees.

*In the Philippines a prospective property owner would first have to organize an association with his neighbors to qualify for a state housing finance program. The entire process could take 168 steps, involving 53 public and private agencies, taking 13 to 25 years.

And so it goes, country after country. The impact of a $1,200 fee in a poor nation is enough to forever discourage even the attempt to register property. In many developing countries such an amount may equal an entire year’s income.

In addition, it’s important to note the impact free markets and private property have on the income of a nation’s citizens. The per capita income for Americans is $41,400 per year. For Europeans, where more government control is exercised, the per capita income is $27,400. In the former Communist nations of Eastern Europe, now that free markets have been established, it’s now $3,295; yet, just a few years ago, it was $2,047. As more freedom and greater ability to own property grows, so does the per capita income.

If ownership of property cannot be properly recorded and able to be traced directly to the owner, then it cannot create equity and cannot be used as collateral for credit. Thus, the property is not, then, of value to the owner; it becomes nothing more than an expense. This situation has created, in DeSoto’s estimate, over $9.3 trillion in “dead capital,” i.e. property that cannot be used by anyone to create equity and therefore wealth. Without the ability to use it for productive purposes it’s useless – dead.

While it’s common practice in the United States for individuals to buy property, hold it for a few years, and sell it at a substantial profit or move up to a better home, thereby creating personal wealth, such a system is basically unheard of in most nations of the world. If one doesn’t have, or can’t prove title to a piece of property, then no bank will make loans on that property. In nations where property cannot be easily and legally registered, the only recourse is to go to friends and relatives, get a smaller loan (thereby reducing one’s ability to build a company) and still never have title to the property or to the business or its inventory. Though people may live on and pay for property for years, it is hidden in an underground economy not beneficial to the individual or the national economy because ownership cannot be proven.

“In the West, by contrast,” DeSoto argues, “every parcel of land, every building, every piece of equipment, or store of inventory is represented in a property document that is the visible sign of a vast hidden process that connects all these assets to the rest of the economy.” Seventy percent of all small businesses in the United States are started by equity loans on personal homes. Small, independently owned businesses employ the majority of people in the U.S.

This, then, is the hidden secret of why the West became so wealthy and much of the rest of the world has been mired in poverty. Obviously poverty can never be eradicated – and will actually increase – until government gets out of the way and everyone has equal opportunity to own and benefit from the wealth associated with private property ownership.

Today’s poor in undeveloped nations certainly want the same opportunities to advance, yet many now live in societies that are in some ways 3,000 years behind the modern world. Because of its system of private property ownership, the West created a world of advanced technology, health, education, and leisure where life expectancy increased each decade. In the West, people truly pursued a life of happiness.

Eradication of poverty in the world won’t come from endless aid programs designed to provide mere subsistence. Nor will it come from simply providing jobs. The answer to poverty will come only from providing to all people in the world the tools necessary to create new, independent wealth. Only then will they be able to achieve personal empowerment and live lives of individual independence.

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:

How Controlled is Your Food Supply? And Who Controls Your Mainstream Media Intake?

By Bradlee Dean

September 11, 2024

“Nestle, Pepsico, General Mills, Kellogg’s, Mondelez, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, Mars, etc.”

Most people who live in America today (born after 2000) do not realize how controlled their food supply and media intake is in the fascist state (Isaiah 28:18).

Have you ever noticed that when you drive any distance, the restaurant options given to you for eating out continue to be the same ones?

While the corporations expand, the little business options are becoming rare as the days go forward, and without a doubt, this is a concerted effort to make sure that you get in your food supply what the corporations want to feed you (Isaiah 28:18).

Below is a chart of those who own the corporate restaurants where most people dine today.

Now, how controlled are the mainstream media’s narratives?  They claim that they have up to 94% of the driven narrative (Micah 6:16; Ephesians 4:14).

Look at the six corporations that own them!  Comcast, Disney, At&T, Paramount, Sony, Fox, etc.
Ever wonder who is behind the mainstream media’s subversive narrative (Ephesians 4:14)?

CIA Mockingbird



© 2024 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Secret Service: Incompetence or Nefarious Intent?

By Kelleigh Nelson

September 10, 2024

A secret police system may become a menace to free government and free institutions because it carries with it the possibility of abuses of power which are not always quickly comprehended or understood.  —Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone, 1924

We want no Gestapo or Secret Police; FBI is tending in that direction.  —President Harry Truman, 1945

Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism. —Lord Acton

Authority that does not exist for Liberty is not authority but force. —Lord Acton

The truth was that all men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.  —James Madison

The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.  —Selwyn Duke

House Republicans held a forum on the attempted assassination of former President Donald J. Trump on August 26th. They were not chosen to be on the House task force, but wanted to get to the truth of why there were so many failures. Representatives, Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Matt Gaetz  (R-FL), Cory Mills (R-FL), and Chip Roy (R-TX) hosted a forum on the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

Dan Bongino, a former United States Secret Service special agent; Erik Prince, former United States Navy SEAL officer; and Ben Shaffer, a Washington regional SWAT operator, were the witnesses who discussed the timeline of events in Butler, Pennsylvania; communications and rules of engagement between law enforcement; and whether negligence by Secret Service displayed incompetence or potentially nefarious intent.

The forum was two hours and every minute was illuminating. You can listen to the full program on C-Span or Rumble.  I know most folks don’t have the time, so I’ll include some of the most relevant information that has not been in mainstream media.

Obama’s weaponization of federal intelligence was on full display in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) came close to ending in DIE for former President Donald J. Trump.

Whistleblowers have told Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) that Department of Homeland Security agents with minimal protective training and experience were assigned to protect former President Donald Trump during an assassination attempt.  Hawley added that an SS whistleblower revealed that HQ discouraged agents from asking for additional staff for Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The MSM Silence is Deafening

If you search the web for updates on the Trump assassination attempt, the majority of articles are from July.  One article from September 4th states that the House Trump Assassination Task Force was interviewing local law enforcement.  Seven Republicans and six democrats were chosen by House Speaker Mike Johnson.

U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly, (R-PA), the task force chairman, and ranking member Rep. Jason Crow, (D-CO), sent several letters on September 3rd  requesting records on planning, operations and communications and seeking interviews by September 30th from Butler County and Beaver County agencies that were supporting the U.S. Secret Service and Pennsylvania State Police at the rally.  Kelly votes with the constitution 46% of the time, and Democrat Crow never votes with the constitution.

Former police officer, Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) blasted the FBI for releasing attempted Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body to his family for cremation days after the shooting — calling it “disturbing” that the agency would impede further investigation.

“On July 23rd, Crooks was gone. Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5th, including the County Coroner, law enforcement, Sheriff, etc.”  Higgins described the FBI’s actions “as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.”  The Congressman claimed that while the body was under the Butler County Coroner’s authority, the coroner would “have never released Crooks’ body to the family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the FBI.”

Along with revealing the “disturbing fact” of Crooks’ body, Higgins blasted the FBI for its handling of the crime scene, stating the law enforcement agency released the area after three days.

The New York Post reported that the parents of Thomas Crooks have retained high-powered attorneys as the feds probe what they knew and when.  The Crooks family is being represented by Quinn Logue — a top Pittsburgh law firm, according to Daily Mail.  Veteran lawyers, John Quinn and Matthew Logue, specialize in personal injury, legal malpractice and employment litigation cases, according to their website.  The firm also does criminal defense — though the partners in the firm seem to focus more on civil litigation, based on their biographies.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who is on a bipartisan Senate investigation into the attempt on Trump’s life, vented his frustration at the progress of the investigation so far.

“All I can really tell you is the Secret Service and FBI are basically dragging their feet. They’re stonewalling us,” Johnson said on Fox News.

The FBI is a political weapon of a larger institution that is now focused almost entirely toward supporting a radical communist agenda to destroy civil society in the United States.

House Republicans Conduct Independent Inquiry

Meanwhile, a handful of House Republicans with military and security backgrounds who were not tapped for the bipartisan group are conducting an independent inquiry featuring frequent broadsides of the Secret Service and FBI.

However, the one thing not discussed was the figure on the water tower who was thought to zipline down the tower and drive away.  Veterans at the rally saw the figure and even stated that it was a perfect place for a second shooter.  However, once Crooks was dead, there was no reason for a second shooter to out himself.

Prior to the actual C-Span forum, the Dan Bongino Show invited Andy Biggs, Eli Crane, Cory Mills and Chip Roy to a roundtable discussion.  Bongino opened with, “The acting SS Director now, who was the deputy director previously, was one of the guys in the decision chain that said, ‘We’re not going to employ counter sniper assets to a Trump rally if it’s not within driving distance of DC.  And you’ve got to be thinking to yourself, what the hell are we paying for?”

Congressman Biggs stated, “Look, we’re talking about a $3.3 billion dollar budget. If you are going to restrict the protection service that are designed to protect, then somebody needs to be fired.”  Biggs goes on to say that the House is in charge of funds and they need to either stop the funding or reorganize the entire Secret Service.

Congressman Roy exposed the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) practices by former SS Director Cheatle which actually destroys the ability of the agency to function in the manner in which they were established. “DEI has been implemented throughout the federal government and it’s killing us.”

Rep. Cory Mills said, “Given the fact of the untimeliness at which point this is being conducted, you will see at this stage, where I think that criminal gross negligence and purposeful intent will be indistinguishable. When we look at all of this, the failure to communicate properly, it draws me away from just negligence and pulls me into that purposeful intent arena that I don’t necessarily need to get into.”

He continued and said, “Eli Crane and I went out there.  We’re not yes men.  We’re not people who will say yes to go along to get along and that’s why we’re not picked for these committees. Every single one of us here will tell you, we can’t trust the FBI when they admit to 287,000 violations of FISA where they were spying on American people, all of which we did not vote to authorize or reauthorize. What’s even worse though is when I sat there in the briefings.  We had the Intelligence Community (IC) sitting there and we were talking about this FISA reauthorization which I was against to begin with, just like the Patriot Act, which I think is a complete spy on the American people, but they were like, ‘we have a 98% reform.’”

“I looked at them and said, ‘Let me get this straight, you’re telling me that I have to go to the American people and tell them I’m only spying on 4,000 people illegally now this year?’  My whole point is that we can’t trust government to investigate government, which is why we set up this individual task force and is why we’re bringing independent people who have expertise such as yourself (Bongino), and Eric and others so that we can get to the facts and make it transparent.  And also, not hide behind some low-level classification where we’re not being transparent to the American people.  That’s one of the things that’s my biggest stickler.  They’ll use the lowest level classifications and try and put it in a back room.  The American taxpayers pay for our salaries, pay for that office, and pay for that information.  We need to be transparent and gain accountability and that’s what this is for.”

Bongino comments that there wasn’t a counter-surveillance team from the SS, so nothing was done when Crooks showed up with a range finder.  He said that if they were at that site, there was zero chance that they wouldn’t have seen Crooks.

Congressman Mills stated that local law enforcement had actually offered a drone but it was refused by the SS.  “After all these weeks, we are now at a point where criminal gross negligence and purposeful intent are indistinguishable.”

The bottom line here is that the American people no longer trust these institutions.

Crooks, who left several explosive devices in his car, had searched for information about bomb components as early as 2019.  The day after the forum, Bongino exposed the level of sophisticated bombs and remote detonators that Crooks built and that work. They could not have put together only by the young shooter.

Congressman Michael Waltz, a Green Beret who dealt with explosives, told Bongino that the level of sophistication with the explosive device is way beyond the capacity of this kid.  He must have had some help.  Bongino said, “Somebody was incentivizing this guy to do this.  Was it a foreign actor through a proxy?  I don’t know, but the oddities in this case are adding up.”  He said the SS didn’t even pick up the local radios that were left with them.  Had they picked up the radios, they would have heard, for over an hour, that Crooks was being tracked by the local police.

Bongino commented, “Layered incompetence is intent.”

Rep. Eli Crane, U.S. Navy SEAL, said, “Can you imagine if this had been a ten-man Hezbollah team and not this 20-year-old kid who got within 130 yards of President Trump with an AR-15?  He had multiple explosive devices with a remote detonator on them and flew a drone.  What if this was a real threat and what message does this send to the rest of the world?  What message does it send to the ayatollahs in Iran, what message does it send to North Korea, to Vladimir Putin, to others who would love to make sure President Trump doesn’t get back into office? To me it sends a message, ‘open season’ because this SS is not up to the job.”

Cory Mills adds that the cartels at the border are incentivized to protect their revenue which means not allowing Trump back into office.

At the C-Span forum, Cory Mills spoke about the SS “layers of incompetence.”

“We have to ask, why was the venue selected not having adequate security?  Why were the higher vantage points not covered? Why was there not a, either comparable or compatible, communications system established?  Where was the security plan, the coms plan, the data range cards?  Where was the actual overwatch? Where were the ground teams as far as their rates of instruction?  What were the tactical techniques procedures that were to be utilized without identifying and mitigating all existing threats? Why was there not an early morning briefing with all to ensure communications and last-minute security plans?  Why was a surveillance drone not utilized even though it was offered?  And who, ultimately, is responsible or accountable for one of the truly most life changing incidents for a lot of us, where we almost lost the former president of the United States?”

Rep. Mills goes on to list previous failures:

“August 14, 2024, was a reported failure that a SS agent abandoned her post without permission to breastfeed child before Donald Trump was scheduled to arrive in North Carolina.

“August 12, 2024, was reported that a SS special agent who was the official site agent for July 13, Butler, PA rally was under investigation for posing videos and photos from protective assignments to social media.

“July 27, 2024, a SS agent covered the security camera of a local salon in Pittsburgh, Massachusetts before an event featuring Kamala Harris where the salon was closed, but opened it up without approval and utilized restrooms for an hour and a half while the building’s security alarm was going off.

“July 2, 2023, it was reported that former SS Director Cheatle, the senior agency leader, sought to destroy the cocaine found in the White House in July 2024.  The evidence was not destroyed due to pushback from individuals in the SS forensics service division.

“May 20, 2024, a man enters the U.S. SS Miami field office through a propped open door and was not removed from the building until the following morning.

“April 24, 2024, a special agent assigned to Harris’ detail had a mental breakdown where the agent reportedly had physically attacked a commanding agent in charge at the base, after verbal disputes with other agents.

“Sometime between 2023 and 2024, at least two people breached President Obama’s Hawaii residence.  Though the president wasn’t there, his two daughters were on the premises at the time.

“April 2023, a drunken intruder entered the home of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in the middle of the night.  The man was able to gain access to Sullivan’s home despite 24/7 SS protective services due to the sensitive nature of Sullivan’s position.

“This is not a new problem as Mr. Bongino has stated, and with a $3 billion dollar budget, I would think that we would start evaluating those mistakes to make those corrective actions. Would you agree that there should be a much better security for protectives than we’re seeing today?”

Bongino agreed and stated, “The SS has a culture problem Congressman.”  He goes on to tell how many agents could not meet even basic protective functioning skills and criminal investigative skills, but met other criteria, completely irrelevant to job performance, who were pushed through and told they were to graduate.  Bongino was a SS Agent from 1999 to 2011.


Listening to both these forums is of the utmost importance for Americans to be knowledgeable as to how President Obama and his minions, Valerie Jarrett, John Brennan, James Clapper and Eric Holder succeeded in “fundamentally transforming” America.  Not only was the intelligence community weaponized against Americans, but the entire federal government and much of the judiciary has been changed. A tyrannical, authoritarian and despotic power is now in charge.

I lived through the 1960s and saw the murders of four men, President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.  All were allegedly carried out by “lone gunman.”  Evidence on all four murders has shown the lone gunman was not the assassin.

The CIA has been blamed for both JFK’s and RFK’s murders by RFK, Jr.  How many more are there?

The question always remains, “Who ordered the hit?”

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Global Scam Network: A Deep Dive Into International Fraud

By: Amil Imani

September 10, 2024

In the age of digital globalization, scams have become a widespread problem, often orchestrated from across the globe. While scam stories are far from new, the evolving nature of fraud, the countries from which they originate, and the staggering financial losses for the United States require fresh analysis.

Key Scam Originating Countries

Several nations have been linked to high levels of fraud targeting American citizens and businesses, ranging from phishing and romance fraud to business email compromise (BEC). Here’s a breakdown of the most prominent ones:

  • Nigeria: Nigeria has long been associated with various forms of fraud, especially email scams, commonly known as “Nigerian Prince” scams. In recent years, sophisticated fraud networks have emerged, often involving cybercrime syndicates. These groups use social engineering tactics, romance scams, and fake business proposals to siphon billions from unsuspecting victims worldwide. The FBI estimates that Nigerian BEC scams alone result in losses of over $1.8 billion annually globally.
  • India: India has seen a rise in fraudulent call centers that target American consumers. These scams often involve tech support fraud, IRS impersonation scams, or fake credit card services. Criminal networks run many operations in cities like Delhi and Mumbai, where scammers impersonate IRS or Microsoft representatives. In 2022, it was estimated that tech support fraud originating from India led to losses exceeding $347 million in the U.S.
  • China: Chinese scammers are often linked to counterfeit goods, intellectual property theft, and fraudulent online marketplaces. China’s rise as a global e-commerce powerhouse has also enabled fraudsters to use platforms to sell fake products, affecting the fashion and pharmaceutical industries. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce reported that Chinese counterfeit scams cost the U.S. economy upwards of $600 billion annually.
  • Russia: Russian cybercriminals have become some of the most notorious in the world. They are frequently linked to sophisticated hacking schemes and ransomware attacks. Russian crime groups target American corporations, government institutions, and critical infrastructure. The Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack in 2021, for instance, which was attributed to Russian hackers, resulted in a payout of $4.4 million in Bitcoin.
  • The Philippines: Call center scams, especially related to online dating, romance fraud, and fake investments, often originate from the Philippines. Scammers build elaborate counterfeit profiles, usually targeting emotionally vulnerable Americans. In 2023 alone, the FBI reported that romance scams from the Philippines resulted in over $700 million in losses.

The Growing Threat of gift cards scams

A significant and growing portion of the fraud ecosystem revolves around gift card scams. Scammers increasingly prefer gift cards to defraud people, as they are easy to purchase, widely available, and provide minimal protection for the buyer.

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), one in four people who report losing money to fraud have fallen victim to gift card scams. Typically, these scams begin with a phone call from someone posing as a well-known – demanding the numbers on the back of gift cards to resolve a “security issue” or prevent arrest.

Popular Targets for Gift Card Scams

Target gift cards have become the most frequently reported brand for scams, followed by Google Play, Apple, eBay, and Walmart.

Scammers often instruct victims to purchase cards from retailers like Target, Walmart, Best Buy, CVS, and Walgreens, ensuring anonymity and complicating law enforcement efforts.

Scammers typically coach victims to purchase multiple gift cards across various locations and to remain on the phone with the scammer to prevent interference from store employees.

Between 2018 and 2021, gift card scams increased yearly, with total losses reaching $148 million in just the first nine months of 2021. The median loss for victims of these scams rose from $700 to $1,000 during this period, with Target gift cards accounting for a median loss of $2,500 – 30% of victims reported losing $5,000 or more on a single Target card.

If someone demands payment via gift card, it is unequivocally a scam. Gift cards should be used for gifts, not payments. Victims are encouraged to report fraud to the card issuer and file a complaint with the FTC.

Fresh Insights: Emerging Scam Hubs

While the countries above remain at the forefront, newer countries are joining the ranks of global scam hubs driven by economic inequality, weak regulatory oversight, and internet access.

  • Eastern Europe: Countries like Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria are becoming hotbeds for digital fraud and cybercrime. These nations host many fraudulent websites, phishing networks, and money laundering operations. Losses attributed to Eastern European fraud networks are challenging to quantify, but they are believed to contribute significantly to global BEC losses, estimated to cost the U.S. $43 billion since 2016.
  • Ghana: Known as “the new Nigeria” regarding online romance scams, Ghana is becoming a significant player in defrauding American citizens. Many Ghanaian scammers pose as U.S. military personnel stationed abroad, developing relationships with their targets before requesting money. In 2022, U.S. losses from romance scams tied to Ghana reached over $300 million.

Quantifying the Financial Impact

Quantifying the amount of money lost to scams is challenging, as many victims are reluctant to report their losses. However, estimates suggest that the annual cost to the United States alone is staggering. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC),

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) recorded over 800,000 complaints in 2022 alone, with reported losses exceeding $10 billion – a 60% increase from the previous year.

Yes, Americans lost billions of dollars to scams in recent years. Here’s a snapshot of the financial toll on the U.S. from scams in just the last few years:

  • Business Email Compromise (BEC): $2.4 billion in 2021 losses
  • Phishing schemes: $1 billion in 2022 losses
  • Romance scams: $1.3 billion in 2022 losses: Victims are lured into romantic relationships with scammers who ultimately exploit them financially.
  • Tech support fraud: $347 million in 2022 losses: Scammers pose as technical support representatives to gain access to victims’ computers and steal personal information.
  • Investment scams: Victims are promised high returns on investments that are ultimately fraudulent.
  • Phishing scams: Scammers send emails or messages to trick victims into revealing sensitive information.
  • Ransomware attacks: Roughly $20 billion in global economic damages in 2022, much of it targeting U.S. institutions

Beyond the Numbers

The financial toll of scams extends far beyond monetary losses. Victims often suffer emotional distress, damaged credit, and a loss of trust in others. In some cases, the psychological impact can be severe, leading to depression and even suicide.

Why America is a Primary Target

  • High Disposable Income: Scammers target the U.S. because of its vast population of individuals with higher disposable incomes. Americans are more likely to have access to credit, savings, and online banking.
  • Advanced Technology Infrastructure: While the U.S. leads in technology adoption, it is more vulnerable to cyber-attacks and online scams, exploiting the systems designed to offer convenience.
  • Weak International Coordination: Despite efforts, international law enforcement needs help to keep up with cybercrime’s ever-evolving nature. The lack of cohesive international regulations and jurisdictional challenges enables scammers in foreign nations to operate with impunity.

Combating the Global Scam Epidemic and the Road Ahead

Addressing the global scam epidemic requires a multifaceted approach. Governments, law enforcement agencies, and technology companies must work together to:

  • Enhance law enforcement cooperation: Strengthen international collaboration to track and prosecute scammers.
  • Improve consumer education: Raise awareness about common scams and provide tips on how to protect oneself.
  • Strengthen cybersecurity measures: Develop and implement robust security protocols to prevent scammers from exploiting vulnerabilities.
  • Support victim recovery: Offer resources and support to victims of scams.

As fraudsters continue to adapt and exploit new vulnerabilities, international coalitions must focus on intelligence sharing, cybersecurity investment, and policy enforcement. Another critical strategy is to empower consumers with better education about emerging scam tactics.

In the age of hyperconnectivity, the battle against scams has indeed become a global one. However, with innovative approaches to cybersecurity and international cooperation, there’s hope that the financial hemorrhaging from the U.S. to global scam hubs can be curtailed.

By understanding the origins of global scams and their devastating impact on individuals and communities, we can take steps to combat this growing threat and protect ourselves from becoming victims.

© 2024 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump Projected to Lose to Harris?

By Cliff Kincaid

September 10, 2024

[Disclaimer: NWV’s is a conservative web site with writers who support freedom, liberty, the U.S. Constitution and that includes the Bill of Rights – think free speech. The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of advertisers or other contributing writers. Free speech – next to the Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content of writer’s opinions, we would be no better than MSNBC or CNN. If a reader disagrees with the content of a column they are free to contact the author. This upcoming election is the most important one since the first Continental Congress convened and began the arduous task of creating a free nation. Having said that, NWV’s supports the election of Donald J. Trump. It’s come down to freedom or communism.]

When historians look back on the election of 2024, the turning point will be perceived not as the attempted murder of Trump by the Deep State but his abandonment of the Christian conservatives who helped elect him in 2016.  That sealed his fate, electing Kamala Harris as the first female president.

Professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted nine of last ten elections, says Harris will win, based on several factors, including consolidation of the Democratic Party base of support.

It didn’t have to happen this way. Trump had everything going for him in his battle against Biden and then Harris. A bad economy was enough to give him the victory. But just two months or so before the November 5 election, he decided to move left on abortion and even legalization of drugs, in a desperate appeal to feminists, gays, and stoners.

Meanwhile, the Democrats assembled their winning coalition.

It was all predicted by yours truly. In my column, How Trump’s Red Wave Could Fizzle Out, I noted that the Democratic Party is not organized around one man but Barack Hussein Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” strategy of grabbing political power, based on the exploitation of alienated groups.

Obama operative Steve Phillips had devised this strategy of capturing a majority of the electorate. He calls it the “New American Majority,” meaning they had a lock on at least 51 percent of the electorate, consisting of people of color (23 percent of all eligible voters) and white progressives (28 percent of all eligible voters).

This “New American Majority” also incorporates those with a secular, humanist, atheist, or New Age mentality. The newest “constituency” consists of dope smokers.

Another turning point for Trump was bringing in RFK Jr. into his coalition, having abandoned the votes of evangelicals and Catholics who found his embrace of “abortion rights” and IVF to be anti-Christian.

Posturing as someone who wanted to “Make America Healthy Again,” RFK Jr. promoted legalization of marijuana, on the spurious grounds that making the mind-altering drug more available would somehow enable society to tax the dope and later save people from health problems and ruin.

Another member of the “new” Trump 2024 coalition was Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter known for her meeting with the Russian-backed dictator Assad in Syria.

In my column, Two-Faced Tulsi, I noted that she had dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary and endorsed Joe Biden for president and subsequently became a paid contributor on Fox News lecturing the public about “integrity” in politics. She was a fraud from start to finish before endorsing Trump and becoming a prominent MAGA member.

Like Kamala, Gabbard supported Obamacare and wanted it expanded.  In fact, she demanded “a mandatory single payer system,” saying it “would be even better.” That was the Bernie Sanders or socialist approach once embraced by Kamala.

She would say and do anything to get face time and was more of a flip-flopper than Kamala.

She not only had a cozy meeting with the Russian-backed Syrian dictator but even has Chinese communist ties, as documented by analyst Trevor Loudon. The first Hindu member of Congress, she was allegedly associated with a branch of a New Age eastern religious organization that some describe as a cult.

Nevertheless, she and RFK Jr. were made members of Trump’s “presidential transition team” that went nowhere.

It was a thumb in the eye to Trump’s longtime conservative supporters.

For Trump to bring those two characters into his presidential campaign, at a time when he needed to solidify his conservative base of support, was a terrible miscalculation. It showed he had learned nothing from Ronald Reagan’s two successful runs for president, when he depended on the “three-legged stool” of support from economic, foreign policy, and social conservatives.

Trump’s decision to move left on such issues as abortion, gays, and dope led one Christian conservative to comment to me that he was considering not voting because of the nature of the “corrupt system” in America today. It is a system that rewards corrupt political practices and alliances, all for the purpose of facilitating the tenets of society-destroying Cultural Marxism.

There is no other way to describe Trump’s embrace of such far-left figures as RFK Jr. and Tulsa Gabbard.

In retrospect, it looks like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would have been a better choice for Republicans, as he demonstrated in his work as governor that he would stand by conservative principles. An economic conservative, he was strongly pro-life and opposed the legalization of marijuana in his state.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Bull, the Cape and the Matador

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

September 9, 2024

What do we see below? We see the raging bull — the people of America. We see a matador standing there, cool and untouched. The matador is waving a cape in front of the American people which continues to draw their ire and anger, or lulls them into complacency and a false sense of security. The American people, because they haven’t been given the facts and the truth about the privately owned “Fed,” the planned destruction of our republic by the UN, WEF, Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and many others, all architects of a proposed one-world government, continue to huff and puff at the cape. Sometimes they even charge the cape. (World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order, Sept. 7,2024)

While the raging bull continues to be frustrated that the cape appears over and over, a distraction manufactured by the clowns. The clowns are the majority of the U.S. Congress and those who serve in the 50 state legislatures over the past decades as well as governors. While the bull is raging over today’s distracting narratives by the prostitute media (out of desperation, the Democrat Communist Party USA has resurrected yet another Russia collusion hoax), the globalists and their banking partners continue on with their diabolical plans to strip America of its absolute sovereignty.

Who knows what will be plastered all over the propaganda box (TV), cable “news” networks this coming week. The much-anticipated debate between Ho Harris, a professional liar and queen of the casting couch and bull dozer, Donald Trump, has been the big headliner the past few days.  The boob tube and Internet will be filled with who “won”.  More lying by Ho Harris’ running mate, coward (Stolen Valor) Tampon Tim Walz whose own family came out publicly last week and all said they’re voting for Trump, has been covered by independent media.  The Mockingbird media ignores it like the plague.

The next day the cape will find something new to blast with their click bait headlines and articles and columns filled with provable lies.  Then the next day is another cape which is a partisan pretend-fight over protecting social security and Medicare and who has the best plan to save it. Or, a cape that says the Republicans care more about national security than the Democrats. The clowns are smart — they never get too close to the matador if they want to get elected/re-elected. Like the cowards that they are, they simply throw the bull what he wants to eat or drink, play, the bull backs down and goes back to the cape. The matador continues to stand untouched.

Then we have a cape that serves up an Internet bonanza of pornography guaranteed to keep tens of thousands glued to breasts and butts. The bull tries to charge but again the clowns distract the bull with the usual menu of lies and deception.  The clowns in Congress, state legislatures, slick “news” anchors and probably half of Americans believe our legal form of government is a democracy, so for them, whatever the mobs want, they can be bought for 30 pieces of silver. Thirty pieces will guarantee the clowns make up the rules as they go, while our laws enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and our God-given rights as reinforced by the Bill of Rights, are flushed. In the meantime, the matador continues to move at the speed of a shooting star towards a totalitarian world dictatorship while the bull continues to focus on the cape of the day.

On other days, the bull isn’t raging. He/she are what I call Unreachables.  They just stand there glued to the cape, not even knowing why.  Some feel good or on the other hand, the color red enrages the bull to charge.  Fret not! For this scenario, the matador comes up with a new line-up of mesmerizing capes full of lies and deception to continue distracting the bull.

But what is the matador doing all this time? The matador is making sure the bull, whether he be Republican or Democrat, stays focused on the cape. A cape like liquid mercury, it waves Republican is the answer to smaller government and lower taxes even though the Republicans have done just the opposite since taking power in January of 1995. It waves Democrats will give you free, unconstitutional welfare programs and breed you to dependence like an opiate. But like one drugged, the only concern of the day for the bull is the fix. The one cape the matador never waves in front of the bull is the one that says truth.

Once in a while the bull goes for the cape. In come the clowns with capes of deception like a “Republican Revolution and Contract For America” or “free” health care for every American from the communists (Democrats). A new cape tells the bull he’s better off without his horns [guns], because his horns kill people. The matador has convinced the clowns that inanimate objects like guns are the problem instead of the bad people who pull the trigger so we need more anti-gun “laws”. The bull gets tired, worn out and the fight is drained from him. The next day, the routine starts all over again.

The problem is, one day the bull will either be so drunk, full of drugs, so tired, silly happy with the stock market or decides to charge the cape in a real and aggressive manner, the matador will finally plunge the sword in his heart and the bull will die. Just like our great and glorious Republic is dying right before our eyes while most of the bulls in the stable stand and watch, waiting their turn for the sword.

What is the real agenda of the matador? The matador is building a new world order – a diabolical plan I’ve been writing and speaking about for over 30 years.  Some of my dear friends for longer. The matador is making sure his clowns perform well by lining their pockets with 30 pieces of silver and re-election. The clowns pass major pieces of legislation that aid the matador in bringing down America: NAFTA, replaced by the destructive USMCA “Trade Agreement”, GATT and the never-ending attempt to call an Article V convention.

The matador buys and moves governments around at will because of the “money” it prints up for its own use while the bull continues to stand in rage focusing on the cape. Money buys the clowns whether they’re in America, Portugal, Spain, Russia, South Africa or Canada.

But, something has happened in this bull ring of deception: The sleeping giant, the people of America, are waking up in unprecedented numbers and they don’t like what they see. And it’s not just here in the U.S. Americans are fighting censorship and free speech.  The people of the world are also starting to fight back.

“The Blob” in Brazil: TGP Exposes the Million-Dollar US Censorship Industry Attacking Free Speech in Brazil as Half a Million Brazilians Protest for Freedom in São Paulo, Sept. 8, 2024

I know you’re one of those Americans who has been watching, learning and looking for answers and solutions.  The threat to America is as real as the sun in the sky, yet most Americans are unaware of this danger lurking just over the horizon.

There are double digit millions of people who are working as hard as humanly possible to get the truth to our fellow countrymen — they are truly the unsung heroes of today. Once you understand the truth behind mechanisms like the privately owned “Federal” Reserve, the IRS, the UN and others, you will finally understand why America continues to slide further and further into moral decay and fiscal bankruptcy, the loss of our freedoms and our precious sovereignty as a Constitutional Republic. Despite the reprehensible and despicable actions of politicians and political talking heads on TV, America is NOT a democracy!

We the People of this nation must stand shoulder to shoulder, strong and firm in our commitment to restore America to a Constitutional Republic.

Consider these words by two very important players working diligently to bring US into a one world religion [Godless New Age], one world government [somewhere in Europe], one world bank and a one world robocop force – UN Hessian type troops which are slated to replace our military. No? Once you’ve done your homework, you will know that this is a true and factual statement. How could this happen? America has been asleep and the trust they put into their elected public officials has been grossly violated.

“Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”  — Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberger meeting at Evian, France on May 21, 1992. (Due to deep research by some of the best, I’ve always believed Kissinger was a Soviet spy. Now he’s dead and answered to God.

This was transcribed from a tape recording made by a Swiss delegate. Unfortunately for Mr. Kissinger and his globalist masters, they have severely underestimated the grit and patriotism of the American people. We will NEVER allow our country to fall to this “New World Order” regardless of the personal sacrifices that must be made.

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the NY Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”  David Rockefeller speaking at the Bilderberger meeting in June 1991 in Baden Baden, Germany.

This meeting was also attended by Dan Quayle and Bill Clinton, who was introduced to these international traitors by none other than Vernon Jordan, known as “the fixer”. These globalists, i.e. Henry Kissinger, Hussein Obama, the Bush family and the usual millionaires and billionaires have sold out America for their own lust of power and money. Reality check for them: America will NOT fall to her knees for these petty henchmen of the world order.

One issue that seems to have virtually disappeared is the destruction by those COVID-19 experimental gene therapy injections which have killed millions on this planet and left untold huge numbers of people, not just here in the U.S., but world wide with permanent disabilities and a life of hell.

Many lawsuits were filed to stop the forced jab or lose your job.  IGNORANT judges sided with employers, ignored the Nuremberg Code; the rotten, corrupt U.S. government and governors across the country simply threw our God-given rights out the window.  When I say I ignorant I mean just that.  I’ve written many, many columns on this which can be found in my archives. DARPA (DoD) warned no one knows what will happen down the line because of the spike protein in those injections.  Email DARPA – Project Veritas – Maj. Joseph Murphy and Unclassified report to DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) Attorney General, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Fellow:  “To me and those who informed my analysis, this situation meets no-go or abort criteria with regard to the vaccines until the toxicity of the spike protein can be investigated.” DoD distributed them anyway.

Pfizer and Moderna both stated on their SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) filings that the FDA considered their product gene therapy which is NOT a vaccine.  They are guilty of mis-labeling for (1) claiming those experimental gene therapy injections are vaccines and (2) for proclaiming how effective they will be in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing, 2009 // Texas AG Paxton suing Pfizer for attempted censorship, ‘misrepresenting’ COVID-19 vaccination, Nov. 30, 2023. Here is the filing (I am waiting for a call back on status) //  These five US states are suing Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine safety, Robert F Kennedy Jr backs it, June 26, 2024 – “RFK Jr. wrote in his post, “Five states — Texas, Utah, Kansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana — suing Pfizer for knowing and concealing the vaccine causing myocarditis, pericarditis, failed pregnancies and deaths. That’s 10% of US states. “The tide is turning.”

The Florida Supreme Court gave “permission” for the state to convene a grand jury:  Gov Ron DeSantis asks grand jury to investigate whether Floridians were MISLED by COVID shot firms as he compares vaccine makers to opioid companies, Dec. 13, 2022  //  What are they attempting to hide?  Federal agencies refuse to cooperate with Florida grand jury investigating COVID-19 vaccines, interim report reveals, Feb. 2, 2024

This is an important case:  Mandamus Update: Motion To Expedite Oral Arguments. Dr. Joseph Sansone, Aug 30, 2024

“I filed a Motion to Expedite Oral Arguments today. The Appellees did not file a reply Brief in Answer to my Reply Brief in the 30 days required to do so. The Appellees are not required to file a Reply Brief, but if they choose to do so, they are required to file it within 30 days.

“This case is regarding a Writ of Mandamus I filed seeking to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of the mRNA injections in the state of Florida, and to compel Attorney General Moody to confiscate the vials.

“To recap…The original Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus was filed on March 3rd, 2024, in the Florida Supreme Court. It was then transferred to the Circuit Court in Leon County on March 20th, 2024. On April 9th, 2024, the Circuit Court dismissed the case. The case is now in the appellate court. The Appellate Brief was filed on Memorial Day, May 27th, 2024.

“I filed an affidavit from the law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act stating that the mRNA nanoparticle injections violate 18 USC 175 CH 10 Biological Weapons and F.S. 790.166 on June 6th. On July 3rd the First District Court of Appeal issued an Order directing the Appellees to respond with an Answer Brief in 10 days or the Court would move forward and evaluate the evidence without it. I filed my objection to appellees request for 30 days on July 11,2024. The Court did issue an Order granting the 30 day extension, but it was moot because the deadline passed, and Appellees filed the Answer Brief on the deadline of July 15th. I filed my Reply Brief on July 29, 2024. This was the same day that I spoke at an event attended by Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo.”

Links for all the filings are in that update.

WorldNetDaily now has a live news program on Rumble. You might want to watch this oneMonkeypox hysteria is beginning to trend, with the elite expert class drumming up real fear around it. The WHO is declaring it a global emergency, saying they’re getting ready for a “MEGA lockdown”. This all feels vaguely familiar…what with an election in less than 3 months.”

Our beloved Republic is in grave danger and every sovereign citizen in this country has the obligation and the duty to safeguard our freedoms paid for with the precious blood of Americans before us. We must not shame their memory because of some “entertainment” on the propaganda box (TV), going to the mall or a round of golf has become more important than freedom.

We must dedicate ourselves to this fight for freedom, for all America has stood for in the past and for all we will stand for in the future. We the People must be the army of America, the leadership for America as William Wallace was for the people of Scotland. We can turn things around by learning to fight smart using the system our forefathers gave us that has held us for so long. Violence is not the answer; unity, dedication and commitment is our weapon.

What the media clowns and most members of Congress) continue to ignore as well as governors, mayors (for votes) and so-called “health experts” who work for your state paid for by you is the unimaginable numbers of death and destruction from those dangerous COVID-19 experimental injections.

(NWV’s cannot continue bringing you the most accurate information, data and the continuing efforts to destroy our republic and how to get involved without reader support. The evil doers are badly injured right now and will do anything (including trying to kill Donald Trump) to stop We the People. Don’t let it happen.  I know there are Americans reading this who can spare a few dollars for a donation.  If NWV’s is going to stay on line, please make that donation now.)

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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Related: (The tip of the iceberg; too many to list, again.)

Top Microbiologist: ‘Life-Threatening’ Covid Shots Are ‘Greatest Blessing’ for ‘Infinitely Evil’ Global ‘Elites’, March 21, 2024 (Those following this mass murder will recognize this brilliant man and all he’s done to educate people about those injections):

“One of the world’s leading microbiologists has testified that Covid mRNA shots are “life-threatening” to humans and warns that pushing the injections onto the public only benefits “infinitely evil” global “elites.”

“Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi issued the warning during testimony before lawmakers in the German Parliament. “The vaccination turned out to be the greatest blessing for the money and world’s elites, for the pharmaceutical industry and politics,” Bhakdi declared.

“They could pursue their own interests, under the common slogan ‘Everything for public health,’ ‘everything for the well-being of the general public.’  “To achieve this goal, they created the WHO [World Health Organization].”

By another brilliant doctor who’s sacrificed so much to expose the truth: Genomic Integration:  Top Target for mRNA Censorship, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Similarities between “spike protein” and synthetic anthrax toxin, August 21, 2024

The Whole World Has Been Poisoned – The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines has diminished us all, John Leake, Sept. 7, 2024

Ocular Hemorrhage Attributed to COVID-19 Vaccination – Risk Factors Include Diabetes, Prior Eye Surgery, and Ocular Injections but Not Oral Anticoagulants, Aug. 22, 2024, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Swedish Pfizer Batch Analysis Confirms Heterogeneity

Supports Denmark Findings, Some Vials Much Riskier, Most Dangerous Vials Unleashed Early 2021 – “I found numerous reports of ocular hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccination. Diabetes, prior cataract surgery, and injections for macular degeneration were cited as risk factors or co-incident conditions. It was interesting that not a single report cited an over-the-counter or prescription blood thinner as a contributing factor.”

Pfizer Crashes After Slashing Profit Guidance By More Than Half On Collapsing Demand For DEATHVAX™ & Paxloid  // From Turbo Cancer to Sudden Cardiac Mortality to Excess Non-Covid Natural Cause Mortality: The Never-Ending Adverse Events of the “Vaccinated” & The Global Depopulation Program

For Canadians, August 19:  Class Action Lawsuit – COVID

Corruption – They all belong in a federal cage:

WATCH: Top DOJ Spokesman Calls Trump Cases ‘Perversion of Justice’ on Hidden Camera, Sept. 7, 2024 – “Another clip–this one from August 14–shared by Crowder shows Biase saying the “state level is like the f*cking wild west… they’re like idiots, they don’t care, they’re all political”.  (My note: And so were the jurors who bought steaming manure for political reasons or they simply hate Trump”.)  // Typical Marxist:  (Dem) PA Gov. Shapiro: Harris Flipping on Issues ‘a Sign of Strength’, Sept. 7, 2024

Two days from now is yet another “remembrance of Sept. 11, 2001.  The masterminds are still walking free.

And speaking of being lied to by government agencies (FDA, CDC, FBI, Secret Service), there’s a very important web site focusing on 9/11, Truthlink.

“Our” government has lied to We the People about WACO, TWA Flight 800, KAL 007, OKC, the so-called Russian Dossier paid for by Hildebeast Clinton’s campaign to ruin Trump, the attempted assassination of Trump last month and they’ve been lying to the world about 9/11 for the past 23 years.

Truthlink’s web site is one of the most comprehensive on the organizations (and names) working to destroy our republic.  Nearly daily postings give very deep dive investigations into who these evil doers are and you will be shocked.  Many will be in denial because trust shattered most of the time never recovers.

Why are Kids Killing Kids?

By Lex Greene

September 9, 2024

In the name of full disclosure, I am a lifelong supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and every other natural human Right protected by our Charters of Freedom…because I’m a supporter of Freedom, Liberty, and real Justice for all. Maybe by the time you finish reading this piece, you will understand.

Of course, every time another school mass shooting takes place, Marxists rush to blame the inanimate object, the weapon used to commit the crime. Never mind the fact that the inanimate object is entirely incapable of harming anyone on its own, or that decades of crime statistics here and around the world prove two very important facts…

  • Criminals don’t follow laws, only law-abiding citizens do
  • Disarming law-abiding citizens always results in an increase in violent crime

No one ever asks the right question regarding these events, because they are far more focused on their anti-American agenda of eliminating the 2nd Amendment Rights of every legal law-abiding citizen to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms in the United States. An unamerican agenda that no one in the United States has the legal authority to adopt, execute, or enforce.

A Right to defense of self and property is fundamental to the survival and success of any free society…not to mention, also a necessity in a nation run by anti-American criminals who continue to import millions more violent criminals from 3rd world toilets.

For those too young to remember the term “postal,” this term evolved out of a string of post office shootings that started in the USA in 1970. I’m including the list of these “postal” events so that readers know how long so-called “random acts of violence” have been happening in the USA, and where it all started.

  1. August 13, 1970, Los Angeles, California
  2. March 22, 1975, Gadsden, Alabama
  3. November 4, 1980, New Orleans
  4. August 19, 1983, Johnston, South Carolina
  5. December 2, 1983, Anniston, Alabama
  6. March 6, 1985, Atlanta, Georgia
  7. November 15, 1985, Manitou, Oklahoma
  8. August 20, 1986, Edmond, Oklahoma
  9. December 14, 1988, New Orleans, Louisiana
  10. August 10, 1989, Escondido, California
  11. October 10, 1991, Wayne, New Jersey
  12. November 14, 1991, Royal Oak, Michigan
  13. May 6, 1993, Dearborn, Michigan
  14. May 6, 1993, Dana Point, California
  15. May 4, 1994, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  16. March 21, 1995, Montclair, New Jersey
  17. July 10, 1995, City of Industry, California
  18. December 19, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada
  19. September 2, 1997, Miami Beach, Florida
  20. December 20, 1997, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  21. January 30, 2006, Goleta, California
  22. April 4, 2006, Baker City, Oregon
  23. November 28, 2006, San Francisco, California
  24. December 23, 2017, Dublin, Ohio
  25. October 12, 2021, Memphis, Tennessee
  26. October 20, 2022, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Now, that’s 26 “postal” events between August 13, 1970, and October 20, 2022. There are a few things to take note of from the above list of “postal” shootings, including the use of the term “going postal” for alleged “random acts” in public places, which now happen in shopping malls, city streets, concert venues and yes, schools.

If you take the time to study these “postal” events, the first thing you will notice is, none of the acts were “random.” In every case, the event was the result of some unresolved conflict or grievance, involving people who knew each other.

The next thing you will notice is one event tends to lead to another, copycat events. In each case, the target was “defenseless.” Last, you will notice that events like this tend to happen not in the most “well-armed” places, but instead, in states with the most stringent “anti-gun” laws on the books, like California.

Four Takeaways

  • Mass shootings are almost never “random”
  • Always the result of unresolved conflicts or grievances
  • The victims are always “defenseless”
  • They happen most often in “gun free zones” with heavy anti-gun laws in place

School Shootings

In studying the recent trend of school shootings in particular, reportedly, the first in American history took place at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, in Columbine, Colorado, during the Clinton Administration, killing twelve students and one teacher, and injuring twenty-one more. This event was reportedly the first of its kind in the USA, but it wouldn’t be the last.

Similar to the “postal events,” Columbine was not a “random act.” The shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were students at Columbine and they knew their victims. Their victims knew them.

According to official investigation reports, these two young men had planned the event at Columbine for over a year, originally designed to be a bomb detonation, followed by gun fire as students tried to escape. But the bomb they created didn’t detonate, and the rest is history.

Twenty-five years later, investigators claim that “the motivation is still unknown.” Sound familiar, like the assassination of JFK and his brother Robert, or the attempt on President Reagan, or Trump less than two-months ago, or every other “school shooting” that investigators just can’t figure out? Why do you think they never seem to figure out or report the motive of the assassins? More on this later…

More Critical History

Actually, Columbine wasn’t the first “school massacre” in US history. The first took place on

July 26, 1764, known as the Enoch Brown school massacre. Four Lenape Native Americans entered the school and shot the teacher, Enoch Brown. Brown was then scalped, while 10 other students were beaten to death with clubs and also scalped. The shooting of Brown marks the first instance of a school shooting in the Colonial States and in North America.

Many “school massacre” events have happened since, and I do mean many. (Resource)

So, those who think these events are something brand new, the result of “assault weapons” that didn’t even exist for most of these events that have happened since before the Founding of the United States, simply don’t know their facts, or choose to ignore them.

Critical Takeaways from History

  • If someone is intent upon killing, they will find a way
  • The “weapon” is only incidental to the subject, it’s not a cause
  • It’s almost never “random”
  • Most are the result of unresolved conflicts or grievances
  • The target is almost always defenseless (unarmed)
  • In fact, the defenseless is always the target
  • Gun laws create “defenseless victims” not lawful criminals
  • The true motive is usually quite obvious
  • Laws don’t create lawful behavior, they at best punish criminal acts
  • When seconds count, law enforcement is only minutes away

Now, these are all proven facts, and facts are funny things…they don’t care if you like them or not. We can only choose to ignore them or learn from them. We can’t change them or invent our own facts, otherwise known as mere opinions.

The Most Important Question of All

Why are kids killing kids, no matter their choice of weapon, or target?

On careful research, thought and consideration, I submit the following and yes, it’s just my opinion, however, my opinion is based upon the known facts.

  1. A general disregard for the value of human life

Kids that kill kids see no value in the lives of their victims, or themselves. Like the mass-shooting trends that escalated from the 1970s, so did the societal acceptance of “murder for convenience” in the form of “abortion,” wherein mothers take the lives of their own innocent and defenseless children for mere convenience. Did you really think this practice would not result in a growing lack of regard for human life?

According to official reports, just in 2023 alone 32 innocent lives were taken in school shootings. While tragic in every case, it’s impossible to compare this problem to the 1,037,000 innocent young lives taken by abortion in 2023, an increase from 2022, despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. While Marxist democrats pretend to care about the 32 deaths in school shootings, they protect the killing of over a million innocent children every year for decades, then wonder why human life is so easily discarded.

  1. A Failure to provide peaceful resolutions to conflicts and grievances

When I grew up, kids got in fist fights all the time. Despite most kids having guns in their trucks or cars in the school parking lot, for hunting purposes before or after school, no one ever shot anyone. That’s because disputes, conflicts and grievances between students were quickly and safely resolved by proper adult supervision, or a fist fight. Nothing was left to fester until it became a matter of life and death.

  1. The motive is almost always quite obvious

The target usually exposes the motive. In the cases of JFK, RFK, Reagan, Trump, even Martin Luther King and Malcom X, the targets are all political public figures. They are all individuals targeted for their political views and positions, at public gatherings. Therefore, the motive in each case was “political,” plain and simple…a means of eliminating a political opponent.

In the case of the “postal” shootings, the motive was more personal in nature, a work-related or personal grievance. Therefore, the motive was either a work-related or personal conflict left unresolved until someone took matters into their own hands.

As it pertains to school shootings, the shooters almost always have a history with the victims, a string of unresolved conflicts never settled. The motive in these cases is most often “vengeance” for past conflicts. It’s made possible and even likely, by a general lack of respect for human life to include their own, poor parenting at home…often broken homes, unprofessional adult supervision in the schools, and a general sense of no hope for the future.

  1. Focus on the wrong things

How someone is killed is far less important than why someone is killed. Someone intent upon killing will find a place, time and means to do so. Right now, as I write, innocent people in the UK are being killed with knives. In Aurora Colorado, innocent people are being run from their family homes with machetes, knives and clubs. The choice of weapon is irrelevant. People who intend to do harm will do harm, almost always in places where their victims are defenseless.

  1. Defenseless people make perfect victims

Trying to infringe upon the Constitutionally Protected Rights of all legal law-abiding citizens is an overt effort to create more “defenseless” victims, while allowing illegal aliens, terrorists, gang-members, rapists, looters, arsonists, and convicts of violent crimes back on the streets, is the absolute wrong solution to an increasingly serious problem in America. Frankly, it amounts to acts of treason against the lawful American people.

  1. No Police State

Turning our free republic into a police state isn’t the solution either. Every school in the USA has a police presence now and not even once has that prevented a school shooting from happening. At best, it may have reduced the number dead or injured, but every single life counts. What next, a militarized zone on every school campus across the country?

I have a very simple philosophy on matters like this. If you don’t allow terrorists to live among you, there will be no terrorism in your area. If you keep known thugs, gang-members, thieves, arsonists, murderers and looters off the streets, there won’t be any crime. And if you provide appropriate methods to resolve conflicts between students on the campuses, no one will feel the need to kill others to solve their problem.

  1. The dumbing-down and drugging up of whole generations

It’s now a known fact that public education in the United States has grossly failed whole generations for years now. More often than not, public education is graduating k-12 students that can’t even read, write, or do basic math correctly, much less enter the world with a full knowledge of how to succeed in a free society under their own ambitions. Making matters even worse is the political movement to legalize illicit drugs and allow deadly mind-bending drugs to cross into our country, rendering whole generations incapable of freedom and liberty.

  1. And YES, if you stop supporting and voting for political policies that overtly devalue human life, people may gain respect for human life again.

Stop using the fact that our kids are killing kids as a political tool to infringe upon the Rights of legal law-abiding citizens and start dealing with the reason kids seek to kill in the first place.

There is no other solution!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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The Growing Nightmare for America: Loss of Culture and Way of Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 9, 2024

Part 3: Third World Gangs, terror groups, Hitler’s actions, enormous costs, societal breakdown, something rotten in America.

“There is something rotten in Denmark,” said Marcellus in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. He referred to all the nefarious goings-on, the rotting of characters, and the corruption pervading that country.

“Something is rotten in America in 2024,” report historians like Victor Davis Hanson, one of the most trusted academics of our time. He wrote, The Case for Trump. He also wrote, Mexifornia. His wisdom and knowledge surpass any of the talking pundits on America’s airways. I met him in Washington DC 20 years ago. I heard him speak. He made common sense then, and he makes more common sense today as to his take on what’s happening to America.

One reader responded, “Frosty, per your essay on America’s Growing Nightmare, the kicker is that the majority of voters in California keep voting for people like Gavin Newsome, Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, the late Diane Feinstein, and Nancy Pelosi, who promise to give them even worse conditions in the future. They can’t get enough of it. If you can come up with a good answer for why the California electorate keeps voting to cut their own throats, then we will have a much better idea of how to save this country. Ditto for the voters in Washington State, Oregon, New York, Massachusetts, and all the blue cities and states throughout the country. Those people seem to WANT their country to become a third world hell-hole, and they keep on voting for anyone who promises to make that happen. Dear God in Heaven, how did we get to the point where so many Americans seem to want to destroy their own country and culture.” Milt

“In 2008, prior to the November election, Barack Obama spoke to a large, seemingly adoring, group in Chicago. In summarizing his potential plans for America as its next president, he said he was planning the ‘fundamental transformation of America’. Except for 2016-2020. Democrats have been in control of the White House, Antonio Gransci’s proposed ‘march through American institutions’ has been completed, and should Harris and Walz win in November, Obama’s promise may become a fait accompli by 2028. Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, also made a prediction for us: ‘By 2030 you (we deplorables) will own nothing, and be happy’.” Gary/MI

What did Muslim Obama/Barry Soetoro do? He exploded Muslim immigration into America. He fomented incredible racial chaos and anger. He and Kamala Harris supported the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots and destruction of $2 billion in property. Along with “defunding the police,” Kamala Harris created a “Go Fund Me” bank account to bail out homegrown terrorists to get back out on the streets to burn, steal and kill.

Not only that, but we also now endure a growing Islamic Caliphate in Detroit, Michigan, where Sharia Law dominates those 300,000 foreign-born Muslims. Who, by the way, live on our welfare systems with no incentive to work or support America. In fact, those Muslims have been chanting on videos, “Death to America.” And, you won’t see a single American flag in that area of Detroit. You will see the Palestinian and Islamic flags being flown. Talk about, “Something rotten in America….” How do I know? I visited Detroit, Michigan last summer.

Now, we’ve got ISIS terrorists proudly burning America’s flag at Columbia University, Harvard and many more. They desecrate our founding fathers with paint and stickers, and celebrate that most sickening Hamas terror group that slaughtered 1,200 Jews on October 7, 2023. In fact, you will see their American Muslim proxies celebrating October 7th in our own streets. Does that remind you of Adolf Hitler?

How could America, a country that guarantees freedom of religious choice become the next birthing grounds for Hamas, Nazi’s, Iran, et al.?

Let’s talk about those 12,000,000 (million) illegal aliens who Biden-Harris invited into our country for the past 3 1/2 years. What happens if Kamala reaches the White House? How would you like another 12 million of those third world people residing in our country? How do you hope to pay for their food, housing, transport, medical and schooling? Do you have any idea as to their ability to contribute to anything in America other than lining up in soup kitchen lines or sleeping in the streets?

If Kamala Harris reaches the White House, much like the voters in California who keep voting in those lunatics, she would have a green light to invite 20 million or 50 million or more illegal aliens into America. You must understand that Congress didn’t stop Joe Biden. You must understand that Congress won’t stop this invasion with Kamala in the White House? How can I say that? Answer: Congress didn’t stop Joe Biden, and it won’t stop Kamala Harris. Most of them are ALL “rotten in America.”

How will the fabric of our culture withstand such God-awful numbers and such horrendously incompatible cultures, languages, and world views? What if Laken Riley, a University of Georgia nursing student out for a run, were your child? That Venezuelan illegal thug raped her, brutally murdered her, and destroyed her body. Well, there are thousands of Laken Riley’s who have been killed by illegal alien gang members, MS 13 drugs (over 250,000 drug overdose deaths in the past three years), and Muslims rapists who possess no social contract inclinations. All of them brought to you by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and our indolent, useless and “rotten” Congress.

Do you know what happens in third world countries? Answer: NO LAW AND ORDER! That’s right! Your property, your well-being, your community, mean nothing to illiterate, hungry and sociopathic criminals on the hunt for turf, money, and gang status. Look to my own Denver, Colorado where Venezuelan gangs have overrun apartment buildings and shot them up. Our “beyond stupid” open borders U.S. Senators Hickenlooper and Bennet, along with Governor “Open Borders” Polis, along with Sanctuary City Mayor Johnston, all support the 45,000 homeless illegals marauding around Denver…defecating on our streets, selling drugs, shoplifting, and sucking up our welfare dollars by the millions.

Do you think it’s all going to work out? Do you think the next 12 million illegal aliens under Kamala Harris won’t “fundamentally change America”? Do you think we’re safe from another 9/11 event with all the terrorists that have taken up residence in our country?

If you think it’s all going to be “just fine” because this is America, you would be a damn fool.

Part 4: What it costs us? Our national $35 trillion debt. The $150 billion we pay for immigrants. Monsanto and our poisoned food chain. The sheer numbers that we cannot sustain.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Marxist Progressive Ideology Has Been Established in America

By Pastor Glynn Adams

September 8, 2024

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will reject your children.” (Hosea 4:6) The Old Testament was written for our instruction. Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 10:6-12

We should have the knowledge that we know exactly what is going on in this nation that Communists/Marxist Progressive ideology is being established daily in this nation and we should be viciously taking a stand against it and defending our nation against it. But the church is silent. Many of our Christians and citizens have no knowledge and are uninformed because we are too wrapped up in our own agenda and pleasure to be engaged in responsible Christianity and citizenship.

There is so much deception in our nation, I am not sure if many people in America really have the knowledge and understand what Communist/Marxist Progressive ideology is, how destructive it is, and that it is being established in America daily as we read. Progressivism sounds so good and wonderful but it is a dark agenda whose fountainhead is from Satan and is demonic in nature and very destructive. That along should wake the church up.

If the church in America had the knowledge of how Jesus walked while on this earth, we would know He spent one-third of His ministry on this earth against Satan and his demons of darkness and destruction. But we clearly are not walking as He walked but sleeping and ignoring our spiritual reality and responsibility. With the wisdom and discernment of God and the Holy Spirit to guide us, we still can’t figure out what God wants us to do!!! Or, is it rebellion and disobedience? Or, maybe we don’t have the Holy Spirit and these gifts? Something is terribly, terribly wrong in the Body of Christ in America!!!!

Communism/Marxism/Socialism/Progressivism/Liberalism is from the same fountainhead. Their god is a big, repressive totalitarian government. It is the very opposite of our Constitutional form of government. That should wake the church up!!!! We are acting like we want bondage more than freedom!!!!! Continue to do nothing to get bondage but we have to fight to maintain our freedom. The elites in Progressivism want the people in a nation depending on this big repressive government. They promise health insurance for life, free college. and other free stuff. But it all comes at a price especially when they continue to pay for this with printed fake money and on credit!! Progressives think they know what is best for us, so they want to control every facet of our lives, and tell us how to live our lives. It’s all about control.

Progressives hate Christianity, Capitalism, and our Constitution and seek to destroy each one. They attack the family and other foundations that made this nation workable and livable. They want utopia such as the old Soviet Union, North Korea, or Cuba. These Progressives omit their history of Progressivism that Stalin killed 25 million people and Mao Zedong murdered 65 million of their citizens to implement the Communist/Marxist Progressive ideology. They omit the fact that Socialism is a failed system in every country it has been tried and people live in extreme poverty and the basics necessities of life are not available. Communism/Marxism/Socialism/Progressivism/Liberalism will only be embraced by citizens who are deceived!! But here it is in America!!!!

How do the Marxist Progressives overtake a nation? They must first implode the family. Attack the sanity of marriage, easy divorce, add alternatives to marriage. Get the mother working outside the home. Give family benefits that exclude a father figure in the home. Move the nation to God is dead, sexual immorality, perversion, and division. Attack Christianity, Capitalism, and the Constitution while intimidating the leadership of each, especially the church. Institute a false narrative of separation of church and state and 501C3s. Rewrite history, and take over the news media, movies, and the education system to indoctrinate the masses, especially the young. One of the fathers of the modern Communists/Progressive re-education and indoctrination camps known as public school was John Dewey. He is the person who started the movement to remove the public schools in our nation from local control to government control which allows for the perfect venue for the government to control the curriculum and the agenda. So now we have The Department of Education run by the Federal Government!!!

Our current public-school systems cannot be trusted like they were even thirty years ago. Today our public schools have Marxist agents who influence our schools to support Communists/Marxist/Socialist/Progressive agenda. They have taken the responsibility of raising our children and place them into the hands of government minders we call public schools and universities. In every public school, there are also counselors who address and advise our children on sex, drugs, homosexuality, and gender. Their advice is anti-American, anti-God, anti-capitalism, anti-family, and anti-Constitution along with anti-nationalism.

These hell holes we call public school and universities have but one purpose – to redirect, mold, and nurture our children – replacing the moral framework that families have instilled in their children. I hate to be so blunt, parents, but sending your children to the public schools and universities today is like, as in the days of Israel in the Old Testament, of sacrificing your children to the god Molock. Mom, you may need to give up your day job, sell your big house and BMW and homeschool your kids. God will hold all parents responsible for what is taught to our children and who teaches your children. “A shack in God’s will is better than a Rockefeller mansion out of it!!”

All citizens, as well as all parents, should be confronting our public -school officials and demand they teach Biblical morals and not their progressive agenda. God warns us about offending these little ones that it would be better to hang a millstone around your neck and jump into the ocean. We must get involved while we have the opportunity!!!

We have a demise in Western Civilization. The Church is not making sufficient disciples of Christ and the Communists/Marxist/Socialist/Progressives are making Progressive and Socialists disciples of our children using the most modern psychological means of mind control from the Chinese and Russians. Our younger generations are exiting from our churches at an alarming rate and racing toward the ways of the world and Satan’s curses and traps of drugs, alcohol, suicide, sex, perversion, occults, and only God knows what else.

If we do not redeem them back, not only will we not have sufficient citizens to maintain our Republic and culture, in addition many churches will close their doors for lack of members while millions of our children will be swept into the ways of this world system and its consequences. Due to our unwillingness to resist this evil, the abundance of pain is here and increasing exponentially. I am amazed at the silence of our parents and citizens over what is going on in our public schools and universities!!!

Christians must get on a war-footing now against this evil using the Name of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the Word of Jesus, the power of Jesus, and the mighty weapons of God. The work of God is done in our culture, out where the people are, and not in the church building!!! But we are so disengaged, sitting on our religious ass, preaching another Jesus, and practicing our ineffective, dead religion in our church buildings while our children, our citizens, and this nation are being overcome by demonic strongholds and doctrines of demons.

This is leading them to depression, torment, suicide, drugs, alcohol, and all the destructive ways of this world system. How dwelleth the love of God in us? Why are we so selfish? In our generation, on our watch, we are reducing Christianity to where it means nothing in America!!!!!

Many places in Scripture, God said I will deliver you from your enemies and the inhabitants of your land but you must drive them out of the land. (Joshua 6::2-5) Where are the pastors to lead their flocks to action and sanity? Unfortunately, most of these false pastors and hirelings ((Jesus warned us in Matthew 7:15-16a, “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruit.”) are intoxicated in demonic selfish ambition seeking their own glory in numbers to justify bigger buildings, bigger staffs, and more programs and to hell with the Kingdom of God, instead of tending and teaching the sheep the things and ways of God, and obedience to such things as making disciples and resisting the evil in our land (Ephesians 4:12, Matthew 28-18-20).

Woe to the pastors and the nominal church members because God will not hold us guiltless for what we are allowing to happen on our watch to our citizens and nation. Our disobedience and rebellion are storing up one of two things: Either our own wickedness will correct us and we will have a great awakening or more severe judgments will come to the Body of Christ and our citizens and nation and one terrible day the unexpected will come upon us when God has had enough of our arrogance and foolishness and lack of repentance. I love you and tell you the truth. Repent and return to God!!!!!

A WARNING as my heart is broken and in tears: Christians are directly in the crosshairs of these Marxist/Progressives. To succeed, they must remove all vestiges of God, His Ways, and Christians. This should wake us up!!!! Marxists/Progressives need violence, anarchy, and lawlessness. If we continue to allow these Marxists/Progressives to operate in this nation without opposition, they will continue to destroy and create great harm and destruction to our families, and citizens. More judgments are coming to America as we continue to remain silent. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Bonhoeffer)

“If you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you then it shall come about that whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” (Numbers 23:55-56) HATH GOD REALLY SAID?

Yes, we just read it which means we need to obey the Word of God rather than analyze it, speculate on it or ignore it!!! This should wake us up but our pulpits remain silent and the churchgoers love it so in doing nothing!! I hope to God we hear what the Spirit of God is saying to us and the judgment that is coming if we continue to ignore Him!!!!! God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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America’s Abundance Has Led to Apathy

By: Amil Imani

September 8, 2024

The vast land of the United States was once inhabited by a relatively small number of indigenous people. These native “Indians” lived throughout the land for thousands of years and will always remain the first inhabitants of what is now the United States. These native people helped the pilgrims survive the winter. Later, European immigrants came, and the number of settlements finally outgrew the native Americans.

Then, on July 4, 1776, America declared independence from England, the old white grandfather across the sea. The miracle of America happened, and its dynamic birth rapidly changed the entire world.

America developed into thirteen colonies, then into the strong 50 states she is today. In a very short time, America grew from a log cabin settlement to the world’s largest and most technologically powerful economy. The United States is a nonpareil icon and the envy of the world. In many surprising ways, America resembles the great ancient Persian Empire. Like the Persians, who rarely regret the past, Americans always believe “the best days are ahead.” Like the ancient Persian Empire once was, the United States is the greatest country in the world. Like the ancient Persians, who were the first-world managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, America, by its constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the world.

Ancient Persian kings released the Jews from Babylonian captivity, financed the re-establishment of their country, and restored their national religion. (Zionists, they were!) America has done the same. In a strange sense, America is a reincarnation of Persia, an extension of the Achaemenid Empire. No wonder the immigrant Persians (Iranian-Americans) hold the United States very close to their hearts and have blossomed here in their new home. Unfortunately, tragedy reigns in the land of the old Persians. The remnants of the great Persian Empire were swallowed up by the Muslim conquerors storming out of Arabia. An oppressive version of Islam eviscerated the spiritual life of tolerant old Persia. It has taken centuries for the Persians (modern Iranians) to recover their spirit. Zoroastrianism, the original Iranian religion, was not an effective barrier against the radical, murderous version of the religion from the Arabian desert. Zoroastrianism has not rebounded with the new Persian nationalism today.

The Persian Renaissance lies in the spirit of the Iranians themselves. This spirit alone can overcome the Islamists who rule as tyrants. Unfortunately, tragedy reigns in the land of the United States today, and it is up to the people to use the American spirit and get our country back on track. Nations and empires do indeed have “life cycles.” Many historians have studied this throughout the years, and all have come to the same conclusion: a lifetime of about two centuries.

And they all seem to go through the same life cycle: “from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependence back again into bondage.” (Alexander Tyler, 1750). Where are we in this cycle? “We, too, have gone from bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to great courage which established our precious liberty, which, in turn, has given us unprecedented abundance that has made us the world’s envy. That abundance, however, has led to complacency and apathy. (If you ask the average person, What is the biggest problem in America? Is it ignorance, or is it apathy? They will probably respond, “I don’t know, and I don’t care!”

To make matters worse, a noisy clique of local leftists, “useful idiots” with a suicide wish, are doing all they can to take the country with them to the grave they so earnestly seek. On both sides of the Atlantic, these self-appointed squatters of the higher ground are riding so high on their high horse that they are blind to the realities down on earth. When events such as this come to light, it almost makes one wonder if we are merely witnessing a march toward European-style Socialism or are we witnessing a march toward a Totalitarian state.

We live in an unpredictable era. It is like watching a train wreck in slow motion, except, regrettably, we are the passengers sitting on that train. History provides ample illustrations of the disastrous consequences of the collapse of law and order. “In ancient Greece, the first disorder symptoms were a general loss of respect for tradition and the degradation of the young. Among the early symptoms was the decline of art and entertainment. The philosophers and pundits distorted the medium of communication. Rhetoric became combative and intolerant; intellectuals began to deride and attack all the traditional institutions of Hellenic society.” Ibid., 35-36.

America is still the last haven of hope where humanity can flourish. The world owes a great deal to America for inspiration and practical accomplishment. Americans have helped every other nation in the world. America’s enemies decry her greatness, yet they want to be in America and to be American. We must remember that the Constitution is the charter that lights this country’s path. I’m afraid I have to disagree with those who are more than willing to violate the Constitution and call it little more than a body of suggestions that can be disregarded when expedient. To us, the Constitution should be our nation’s most sacred document. The document binds its vastly diverse constituents as equal, loyal members. The law-abiding American people should join with heroes today and express our love for America. America is far more than a country. It is a place of greatness, where the souls and strength of our founding fathers still dwell side by side with modern heroes, and all heroes, past and present, need to unite to preserve America. Together, we can write our own history as a people and take our country back.

© 2024 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved


Catholic Church, Heresy and Galileo

by Rolaant McKenzie

September 8, 2024

The city of Pisa in central Italy, well known worldwide for its leaning tower, is the birthplace of the famed astronomer, physicist, and engineer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). He has been called the father of observational astronomy, a division of astronomy more concerned with recording data about the observable universe than with explaining astronomical objects and phenomena based on analytical models.

Improving on the telescopes of his day, Galileo observed the stars of the Milky Way galaxy, the phases of Venus, Jupiter and its four largest satellites, Saturn and its rings, lunar craters, and sunspots. Based on the data gathered from his astronomical observations, he eventually turned away from the prevailing scientific consensus and adopted the heliocentric view of the universe that was promoted by Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543). This is the view that the Earth and other planets in the solar system orbit the Sun.

In his book Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632), Galileo presented his findings from the data he gathered and critically compared heliocentrism with the geocentric view of the universe promoted by the Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy) in the second century AD, where the Earth was described as the center of the universe around which everything revolves.

Because the Roman Catholic Church and the scientific establishment of the day maintained the traditional view of geocentrism, Galileo faced serious opposition from the cancel culture of his time. He was brought before the Inquisition in 1633 and declared to be “vehemently suspect of heresy.” Galileo was ordered to recant his views; his book and other works were censored; and he was sentenced to house arrest, where he remained for the rest of his life.

More than 75 years after the death of Galileo, along with the technological advancement of observational tools, efforts were underway to rehabilitate him. This led to the Roman Catholic Church lifting the ban on all his scientific works and those of others promoting heliocentrism by removing them from the Index of Prohibited Books in 1835. On October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II, stopping short of a formal apology, did declare that the Roman Catholic Church and its institutions wrongfully condemned Galileo, which caused him great suffering. This further opened the door to acknowledgement of his significant contributions to science and a better understanding of the universe.

The religious and scientific establishment confronting Galileo rejected the observable data that he presented because it contradicted their strongly held traditional views, and they saw it as a threat to their authority and power. His willingness to question conventional wisdom and accept what empirical truth revealed is a lesson to us today as we face news of supposed impending health crises from international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and current and former national public health authorities.

The former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Robert Redfield, appeared in various news outlets in June 2024, expressing certainty of an upcoming bird flu pandemic. He claimed that once it starts spreading among humans, the mortality rate will be somewhere between 25 and 50 percent. Redfield also mentioned the challenges of developing a reliable diagnostic test.

There has been no observable, credible evidence of an epidemic of bird flu, much less anything indicating an imminent pandemic. The unsubstantiated high mortality rate put forth by Redfield and promoted by some media networks, which receive large sums of advertisement money from the pharmaceutical industry, appears to be an effort to induce fear in people to generate a “need” for certain diagnostic tests. His ulterior motivations can be seen in the fact that, due to his consulting work with Roche Diagnostics Corporation in developing such a test, he stands to benefit financially from a declared health emergency that makes use of tests produced by this corporation.

The WHO’s efforts to magnify the bird flu into a worldwide health crisis are meant to instill fear so that the nations of the world will grant it the power to declare health emergencies and dictate the responses to them. This includes attacking the food supply and creating famine through culling cattle and poultry allegedly to stop the bird flu, opening the door for the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its partners like Bill Gates to herd people into consuming his laboratory-created meat.

Even some alternative news outlets have engaged in promoting sensational stories regarding this to lure listeners to their sites, where they have a variety of products for sale.

Do not give into the fearmongering of promoted “experts,” the scientific and public health establishment, or political leaders who often use appeals to authority to get people to relinquish their rights and liberties to them. Critically examine and test their claims for validity; look at their track record; search for agendas or conflicts of interest; and do not be daunted by them or their efforts to censor any contrary credible information you discover. If we fail to do so, then organizations like the WHO, national and local health bureaucrats, and political leaders will once again, as they did in 2020-2023, turn much of the world into a prison through lockdowns, restrictions on speech and movement, manufactured scarcity, and forced experimental medical interventions that bring great harm and death.

But there is another examination we all need to do, for it not only involves this life but also our eternal placement afterward.

During Jesus’ earthly ministry, His teachings faced opposition from the religious and political establishment of His day. They were contrary to its traditional understanding of the coming Messiah and what He would do. More importantly, the religious leaders viewed Jesus as a threat to their authority and power (John 11:47-53).

Even though these authorities could read the Scriptures, observe His miraculous works, including raising the dead, and see that Jesus fulfilled the prophecies demonstrating that He was the Messiah, most of them would not believe in Him and preferred to maintain the status quo because they preferred their positions of authority and the approval of men over the approval of God (John 12:42-43).

Their efforts to persecute and cancel Jesus culminated in Him being arrested, placed before an inquisition where He was condemned, and being handed over to the Roman authorities, who put Him to death on a cross. But fulfilling another prophecy for the Messiah, He rose again from the dead, proving the truth of all He taught about God and the only way to forgiveness and reconciliation with Him.

Simon Greenleaf (1783-1853) was an American lawyer and jurist who was one of the principal founders of the Harvard Law School. His work, A Treatise on the Law of Evidence (3 volumes, 1842-1853), expounded on the rules of evidence and cross-examination that remain a foundation for U.S. legal and investigative procedures today. Greenleaf sought to apply the rules of evidence and facts of history to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and found that He did indeed rise from the dead. He presented his findings in another book, The Testimony of the Evangelists (1874).

Galileo and Greenleaf, in their respective disciplines, were willing to test and see the truth even though it went against prevailing narratives of the day. We should especially do the same when it comes to who Jesus is and the need for forgiveness and reconciliation with God that comes only through faith in Him.

“O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!” (Psalm 34:8)

© 2024 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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Are Oregon’s Measures Gimmicks Or Schemes

By Senator Dennis Linthicum

September 7, 2024

Vote – NO on Oregon’s Ballot Measures: 115, 116, 117, 118, 119.

Vote – NO on #115 – The Impeachment Measure – Voters are likely to fall for this one in the same way they were badgered into supporting the 10-day limit on Quorum Denials. Recall the lingo then was accountability. Today it’s the same, the question was, and still is, accountable to whom and for what?

Impeachment has devolved into a political weapon instead of a tool for keeping office-holders accountable. The majority party always adores the absolute power that “Our Democracy” lavishes on the smallest of their number. The party already in power will only wield the power of impeachment to advance their standing in the public mind and further their own creaturely ambitions.

As can be seen with recent impeachment hearings (Myorkas, Trump, Biden) these events were never about providing justice, accountability, or honesty. This measure would simply give more power to the powerful– an experience the good people in Oregon will get to see first-hand if Republicans lose any legislative seats during the November election.

Vote – NO on #116 – The Legislator Payroll Equity Measure – This measure is nothing but a shield for the legislature. It provides the big-spending elites with political cover, “I never voted to give myself a raise!”

Don’t help them mask their greed or ambition by giving them a free pass. Make them step up to the plate and act responsibly. Don’t give your legislator a way out of the mess they have created. Make them bear the responsibility for their failures and make them take the hard vote if they choose to oppose the best interest of the public.

Vote – NO on #117 – The Ranked Choices Measure – This is one of the worst ideas, ever. I mean ever. Our modern political class doesn’t like to make bold statements and there is no way to measure or rank the unquantifiable. Which do you prefer jicama, pork chops or evergreen trees? Your answer will depend on what is missing from the equation, so there is no meaningful choice.

Rank-Choice voting scenarios are meaningless mathematical algorithms that can’t make choices between appropriate and inappropriate, right and wrong, or the lesser of two evils. So, let’s not justify the absurd by leaping off the cliff.

Vote – NO on #118 – The 3% Gross Sales Tax – Wait, I was wrong. This is the worst idea ever. How did this get onto the ballot?

This measure essentially steals $7,000,000,000 from the public without even attempting anything big, beautiful or wonderful. The gimmick here is it looks like a 3% tax on sales for big corporations. These costs will be cumulative across all players in all sectors. Large raw material producers will get taxed and pass that along. Everyone in like-industries will also raise their prices by 3%, knowing the legislature can move down the earnings tree after a simple majority vote. All added labor, innovation, and value will also get taxed. Inflation will continue to sky-rocket. The transportation industries, packaging, distribution and retail shelf-space will all get taxed too.

If you think Oregon’s economy is becoming less attractive, this measure will surely put our economy in the ugly bucket and you will pay the price.

Vote – NO on #119 – The Union Labor – Owner Silencing Measure – I think this Measure is an attempt to create a legal approach to what would otherwise be known as “labor racketeering.” Racketeering is typically an organized criminal effort in which the perpetrators set up coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordination of schemes (or “rackets”) to consistently collect unwarranted profits.

If the voters make silencing business owners “legal” then there will never be any opposition. However, it is necessarily immoral because it violates the free-speech, free-association and free-assembly rights of businesses in Oregon.

These measures are just a few of the problems we face during this contentious election year. While many of us are trying to figure out how to steer the ship back toward constitutional governance other schemers would just as soon tear-up our constitutional rulebook.

Remember, our constitutions are supposed to define the narrow pathway for government actors. The Bill of Rights for example, tells us what government cannot do. The notion was that the people shall remain free while the government will be bound with constitutional shackles to protect our freedom.

In fact, every elected officer is bound by a pledge to uphold these original documents. Supposedly, they agree and have committed to these rules and we have been assured that they will abide by them. Why then, are most political players willing to shred them?

For some, once in power they get teased into thinking they know best. After-all, a well-timed social media onslaught can build momentum for things that are clearly wrong, untrue, and dangerous. Look at some of the click-bait marketing schemes which lurk behind every attractive image.

People can be sucked into fantasizing that our constitutional old-timers only existed, “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” Almost, like they were aliens from the Star Wars bar scene. Their world was one most cannot grasp today; a world where everyone knew the difference between men and women; a world where goodness, mercy and justice meant something larger than political power and will.

In the modern era of big-time marketing schemes, we continually face rapacious strivers, peddling their false hopes for a better life, health and safety, like gossips at the corner Bazaar. I am constantly amazed that people still fall for things like rank-choice voting, silencing of business owners and needlessly promoting more taxes.

Thankfully, the covers have been pulled back on these nakedly unconstitutional and egregious policy stunts and they are being exposed.

One of the better-known revolutionary era essayists was the Centinel, whose essays appeared in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer and the Philadelphia Freeman’s Journal. His essays were widely re-printed throughout the colonies.

During the ratification years, Centinel asked his readers to “recollect the strenuous and un-remitting exertions” of those who had pushed for a more consolidated form of federal authoritarianism. Centinel suggested that “our admirable constitution”, which was formulated “to secure equal liberty and advantages to all” was the ultimate target of their ambitious schemes.

In 1787, he admonished his readers to stand fast and wonder, then answer, “whether these apprehensions are chimerical; whether such characters will be less ambitious, less avaricious, more moderate, when the privileges, property, and every concern of the people of the United States shall lie at their mercy and when they shall be in possession of absolute sway?”

The same query belongs to you and I. Let us –– Keep Steady, Stand Firm and Stay True.

Given our founders’ wisdom and these overarching concerns: Vote NO on Ballot Measures 115, 116, 117, 118, 119.

© 2024 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

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Where is the Kamala’s Joy?

By Karen Schoen

September 7, 2024

Simply put, if you want smart kids, teach phonics in K-3. Remember, the Communist Democrats do not want smart kids asking a lot of questions and accumulating a lot of stuff. Dems want obedient, non-thinking students who will follow their directions, accept their lies without question, and become their new voter base. We have become the hive mentality, We are the Borg. This is the Agenda of the Democrat party.

So far, the Democrat immigration policy is focused on losing children. 300,000 of them. According to Newsweek,

“A recent audit by the Department of Homeland Security‘s Office of Inspector General uncovered that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) failed to monitor over 300,000 unaccompanied migrant children after their release from government custody. ICE has no assurance UCs (unaccompanied migrant children) are safe from trafficking, exploitation, or forced labor,” Inspector General Joseph Cuffari’s report warned.”

How do you lose 300,000 children?  You hire incompetent people that are more focused on their DEI hire, than the job they must do.  Not to worry, we are told Kamala will fix the border. Do you really expect her to fix the mess she created?

We also just found out that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ just-released revised jobs report that the Regime fudged the statistics. The Regime, lies and had 818,000 more jobs which now have to be subtracted from 2023-2024 totals.  Interesting how the propaganda machine called MSM reported this. They said, Jobs report: US economy added 818,000 fewer jobs.  They think we are stupid.  Sadly, some people are, and will add the jobs. This is the point.  They should have said “subtracted”.  To follow up, they also didn’t report that most jobs were part-time and the majority of the jobs went to unvaxed illegals. This is a loss of about 70,000 jobs per month.

To add insult to injury, the DEI Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo said when asked, ” I am not familiar with that.” How can you be Secretary of Commerce, and not know the annual jobs numbers?

Another talking point is the Trump tax cuts, and how they only benefited the wealthy.  Let’s face it, the Commie Dems have only 2 policies high on their hit parade: Trump and Abortion. They can’t understand why the people they screwed are leaving the party in droves. They lie all the time about the Trump tax cuts, which are about to expire. To set the record straight, the Trump cuts helped everyone. Despite CBO’s Predictions, Trump Tax Cuts Were a Boon for America’s Economy and Working Families | The U.S. House Committee on the Budget – House Budget Committee

Kamala’s policies are right out of the Communist play book. They will adversely affect all of us. Here are a few:

  • Price Control – causes inflation, shortages, black market
  • Open Border – Fact check: Harris was Biden’s second border czar despite recent media claims
  • 25% Tax on unearned capital gains income – bye bye equity on the things you own.
  • Universal government controlled healthcare- you will lose your doctor
  • Entitlements for illegals – paid by taxpayers while Vets live on the street.
  • Wars – more money for Palestine and Ukraine
  • No Tax on Tips- proposed after Trump
  • Killing Babies – late term abortion so they can sell body parts.  Planned Parenthood is now offering free vasectomies and abortions.
  • BBB eliminates fracking – but now she favors fracking- Kamala lies

I could go on and on, but the Trump team did it for us. Check it out:

Where did all of this hate, now called joy…come from?  How did they infiltrate our government? How did all of these America-hating groups get so entrenched in our government, agencies, and our education?  What can we do about it? They got here because we were trained to be tolerant. Tolerance to them is a weakness. Never talk about politics and religion we were told. This is the result. What can we do. Register 5 people a week to vote and make sure they vote. Pay attention in your state and vet candidates who will pass legislation to stop illegal invaders from voting.  Listen to my show and share my articles.

Who is running the show?

Film/Book: Government Gangsters.

The voter numbers were not good for the primary.  We must have a Get Out the Vote effort.  Can you register 5 people to vote? Is America worth saving? What will you do? Join:

Join the Florida Citizens Alliance    Help save America mentor a child.

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Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 5PM ET on

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Unreported News:

When the OBiden administration in a major disaster pulled out of Afghanistan, and gave our resources to the Taliban, we said it was just a matter of time before they go after the women. I was called lots of names including a liar. I was a moron, who knows nothing. Once again I was right.  The AP detailed the contents of “Article 13” of the ministry’s new laws, which relates to rules for women. The article said women must veil their bodies at all times while in public, including wearing a face covering to avoid tempting men. Their clothing is also not allowed to be too tight or too short. The document further states that women are forbidden from singing or reading aloud in public, and they are not allowed to look at men unless they are related by blood or marriage. Females are also not permitted to travel alone.   This is the same playbook of Hamas.  I wonder if the Hamas protesters have any clue. Maybe they should be jailed with the new Hamas/Taliban rules and burqas as the new prison garb.

© 2024 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:


The “Election Industrial Complex”

By Kat Stansell

September 6, 2024

Ike Warned Us, But Even HE Couldn’t Have Known The Depth Of The Depravity Today

Controlling our elections is a very important move in the Globalists’ playbook. You see, the freedom of choice – embodied by our vote – builds the capacity to form resistance, and galvanize it against a ruling body with which we disagree. Therefore, election fraud is the sine qua non of their survival.

As he was leaving office in 1961, President Dwight David Eisenhower warned the country and the world of the “military industrial complex” which he saw forming. As Commander of the Allied Forces during WWII, he had seen the might of American industry, tooled up for war.

As POTUS, he saw that this massive industry was NOT returning to pre-war production, but was becoming a permanent fixture. Instead of producing for us, they became a “permanent armaments industry of vast proportions”, the beginning of the America of never-ending wars. which eat away at our human and monetary capital.

He was quite right in warning of this danger, and the societal and political imbalance it was creating.

Soon, those being regulated would own the regulators, as does Big Pharma, and Haliburton, JP Morgan and all the rest. It is another step in the progression of the One World Order, and one that takes a huge toll on society.

While members of this Complex are making us sick, both mentally and physically, with drugs designed to addict, control and kill; or destroying our moral base by pushing infanticide or transgenderism, billions of dollars change hands, from industry to government., and find their way deep into the pockets of our “elected representatives”. The nation-killing game is a real money-maker for the traitors involved. Ever notice just how immoral are every one of their big pushes? Morals are OUR guideposts, not theirs.

“Regulation”? Ha.

The more they can obfuscate the issues, confuse you as to their intent, the better they do. Remember, this is 5th generation warfare, which is based on not just pushing false narratives, but on mixing truth and lies. The most effective strategies mix truth with action, and act to increase confusion and disorder. (Think fake voter guides…)

Confusion and disorder are key to their agenda.

As our industrial production moved into the Globalist mode from WW II to the present, producing product to destroy us rather than help us, another huge industry has formed to steal people’s right to free and fair elections.

Call it the Election Industrial Complex. Machines and criminal minds are the basis for this industry, but it’s intent is the same. To control.

Control of our vote is a MUST for the Deep State/Globalists to keep their power. because our vote is our voice, and they must keep it from being heard.


The Election Industrial Complex (EIC) now has the look of a military operation, says Joe Hoft, full of initiatives, connections, “non-profits” and publicly-traded companies which prevent obtaining information from FOIA requests required of the government itself. He reports on the dark side of the EIC just this past week. This was the last of a three-part series; recommend you read them all.

This complex works like 5th Generation Warfare, says Dr. Robert Malone.

It is an extension of Asymmetric and Insurgent Warfare strategies and tactics, whereby both conventional and unconventional military tactics and weapons are incorporated and deployed, including exploitation of political, religious and social causes. This new gradient of warfare uses the internet, social media and the 24-hour news cycle to change cognitive biases of individuals and/or organizations.

The nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.

We are fighting back against this today, and Americans are beginning to see the light.

Election 2024 is a direct battle between the choice of the people and the choice of the government.

In this election – where nobody got to vote for the ticket running against Donald Trump – we MUST understand what is going down.

The Left was afraid to hold an honest primary. They don’t care about the votes of the people anyway, but they chose not to take the chance…

The Democrat ticket of Harris/Walz was installed, not elected by the party. They threw out Biden because he was too far gone, and they didn’t want him to lose them votes; i.e., control. He still had enough fans (believe it or not) to worry them. No one actually got to vote for their choice of candidates to head the Democrat Party. Did those behind the black curtain not care because they already had it “in the bag”? Makes me wonder.

The Republican candidate, nominated by a large margin of the US electorate is their target – because he represents populism. Donald Trump represents the American people vs. the Globalist power monger, and they will fight to the death against us and him, as we have already seen. Stay tuned…

The enemy cripples our free speech, so they can use it. They control the media and the internet to convince us that we want what they’re selling; that we want what they tell us we want. What WE say we want, is banned; “disinformation”, meaning not what THEY want us to hear.

Part of their plan to win the elections – other than the obvious fraud – is to convince the sheeple that what the government has to offer is theirs by “free choice”. They use the media and the internet to do so. And fake voter guides…among other things.

It was Donald Trump’s election, in 2016, that caused the US government to swing into high censorship mode. That was when elections become “critical infrastructure” under the Dept. of Homeland Security, and they placed Albert Sensors in every county election computer in the nation (to detect “foreign interference”…lol). Now, we are at the brink of losing our country, and the DHS has us all on their scope.

Getting the Globalist tools, both people and equipment, in office is their goal, from top to bottom. From the POTUS to the local dog catcher, they will insert their will into your options.

Brings me to Florida, and the recent county and state primaries. The Republican Party of Florida (RPOF), under Globalist leadership, has tried to disenfranchise other Republicans, and lie to the electorate about which candidates represent what and whom.

The RPOF set out this spring to cut away the MAGA conservatives from the state party. Suddenly any other group using the name, “Republican”, was to be shut down.

A key characteristic of 5th Gen warfare is that the nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.

THIS, folks, describes the state Republican Party and the recent primaries in Florida pretty accurately.

The same group of MAGA conservatives was attacked during the August primaries, by the use of voter guides which lied about MAGA affiliations

But it’s not just Florida. GA, PA, AZ, CO, NC, are doing their One-World best to take away your freedom. It is all part of the same Complex.

PA, WI, and NC have refused to remove RFK,Jr. from the ballot, after they’d initially tried to tried to keep him off. Now, you see, RFK Jr., has become a populist and therefore, a danger to the Left. Even with that famous Democrat name, he has become their enemy overnight. He has chosen to represent the people. Horrors!

Georgia’s crooked governor and Secretary of State are trying to tell the Georgia Elections Board that they do NOT have the right to check for election fraud before certifying the totals. Former VA AG, Ken Kuccinelli has notified Kemp that, in his legal opinion, the Board does indeed have authority – even the responsibility – to verify election results before they are officially certified. This is a KEY to elections all over the country. Add to this, as we’d noted, if the SOS is the only one who knows the totals to be certified, how can we be certain of their accuracy? Or his/her honesty?

Now, the reason behind the big effort in Florida, to misrepresent candidates for local Republican offices, makes sense. It’s all part of the Election Industrial Complex.

From fake voter guides to fake endorsements to funding from developers who stand to profit from their elections, the RPOF has decided that RINO/Globalists must be in place to lead efforts for development, future medical mandates, choices for our children, and all the rest. Their higher-ups in the world Globalist community use them to get to you. State by State.

But, here’s a light note!

Greg Kelly of Newsmax is reporting that George Bush 43 has said he may come out in favor of Kammy the Kommie and Tampon Tim! What a bind THAT would be for the Florida Governor. Love to see him do one of his dog and pony shows to announce THAT! lol!

Then, of course, last but not least, in case we try to question an election, the EIC has plans for that, too. According to the American Military Press, The US DOJ just threatened anyone who dared to contest the 2024 election. Ah, the land of the free…

But, let’s face it.

What else expresses the will of the people better than elections?? In its purest form, free and fair elections are populism, the basis of our Constitutional free choice. – and the absolute enemy of the Left. That is what has their shorts in such a knot.

The enemy KNOWS that, without their massive interference, we would chose freedom.

Rising populism, says Mike Benz, the brilliant government analyst and whistleblower in his interview with Tucker Carlson 8/27/24, is the greatest threat to the Globalist’s power. And they are squirming. But a cornered beast is a dangerous one. The basis of this is to subvert democracy by changing its meaning from “will of the people” to the consensus of institutions. If the government thinks something is good for you, then that’s all you need. Your own thoughts? They have no place in their world.

I say we stand strong, and force them our of their perch in our houses of government. Do everything you can to make your local elections free and fair. It’s the only way.

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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The Compassion Cartel Getting Rich on Poverty

By Tom DeWeese

September 6, 2024

Eradicating poverty is the most popular excuse for the expansion of government power. It’s a crisis! Someone must do something! How can a civilized people allow their fellow humans to go hungry?

The statistics on global poverty are staggering. According to the United Nations Millennium Project, there are currently 1.2 billion people living in poverty. Fifty thousand deaths per day occur worldwide as a result of poverty. Every year more than ten million children die of hunger and preventable diseases. More than half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 per day and 800 million people go to bed hungry every night.

As a result of the constant drumbeat to “do something,” there are countless efforts underway to focus attention on poverty and pull at our heartstrings to just sacrifice a little more, for the good of humanity. We are all in this together, goes the guilt trip to “take action today!” Poverty reduction targets have been set. International goals have been announced. Deadlines have been determined. Agreement that poverty must be eradicated has been reached by every national leader in the world.

What is the government’s most preferred way to eliminate poverty? Redistribution of wealth. It’s the force behind the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its drive for social justice. In fact, redistribution schemes are the common excuse behind nearly every government poverty program as well as most private charitable programs.

Billions of dollars have been sucked from the pockets of citizens by way of taxes, always under the altruistic excuse of helping the poor. Poverty program schemes are all the same — tax money from the producers and give that money to the non-producers. Yet, as billions of dollars are taken for the “cause”, poverty steadily increases. Little progress, if any, has been achieved as poverty continues to escalate. In fact, there is an ever-growing disparity between rich and poor.

The entire world is now under the control of powerful national and international forces such as the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF), promising a better life for all and the annihilation of poverty if only we give them more power and control of our land, food supply, energy policy, and our money.

Combined with over 20,000 non-governmental organizations (NGOs), these forces claim that only they can solve the misery of poverty worldwide. Their solutions, which grant them more power, simply respond to the visual effects of poverty such as starvation, ignorance, and poor health.

None of their efforts address the basic reason why poverty exists in the first place. In not one of their documents calling for the eradication of poverty is there an advocacy to help the poor help themselves, such as to own private property. A study of economics reveals that the inability to own private property creates poverty. It is also a fact that confiscation of private property never helps to eradicate poverty. As a result, rather than easing the situation, the number of poor continues to grow by design.

Most of the current anti-poverty efforts focus on redistributing funds from wealthier nations to poorer ones, primarily through mandatory taxation. This system ignores the fact that tomorrow the poor need to be fed again. Taxpayers are forced to dig into their own funds again and again to help. The process is repeated daily, each time the poor recipient is only temporarily helped, as the taxpayers become poorer themselves.

Meanwhile, as massive funds are moved in and out of governments, ever-growing bureaucracies are institutionalized to run the system. Eventually, more money goes to feed the machinery of poverty than actually gets into the hands of the intended poor. Such a system deliberately sustains poverty rather than eradicating it. As a result of never-ending regulations, truly private charities, those which really do help care for the poor through voluntary donations, are put out of business. Over-taxed citizens stop donating and simply shrug, saying I’m already paying government to take care of those people.

In short, no matter how much is taxed and spent to eradicate the problem, the result is that we have more poor! In truth, the promise of eradicating poverty is a growth industry – the “Compassion Cartel.” The more poverty in the world, the more powerful and rich the Cartel becomes. What possible incentive does it have to actually stop poverty?

© 2024 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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Trump’s Big Move Into Eugenics?

By Cliff Kincaid

September 6, 2024

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, TWITTER and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

If Trump is correct that God saved his life in Butler, Pennsylvania, he has an odd way of saying thanks. In the last several weeks he has moved solidly into the abortion and marijuana camps and, finally, has endorsed federal subsidies for a form of eugenics known as IVF (in vitro fertilization), to create babies in laboratories. The gays are ecstatic.  “President Trump’s proposal would be a game changer for LGBT couples who want to start families of their own,” states the homosexual Log Cabin Republicans, who have been raising money with the help of Melania Trump.

The federal price tag for Trump’s proposal is $7 billion.

While IVF is a procedure most often used by couples who experience difficulties in achieving pregnancy by normal means, the use of IVF to produce more offspring for homosexuals is another intended effect.

Christian writer and researcher Sandy Szwarc is not pleased. She contends that “Christians who follow scripture know LGBTQ+ is a sin in God’s eyes and do not support gay/trans couples bringing children into the world or raising innocent children in a troubled concept of family.”

She adds, “IVF is eugenics, selecting which babies can live, sometimes based on their sex and genetics, then contributing to the death of half of the embryos that are created who do not survive the process or are discarded when not needed. Last year, nearly 2 million unborn babies were killed by IVF. I believe it is wrong to violate religious beliefs and moral consciences of Americans to force them to pay for this or have any part of it.”

Eugenics is associated with the Nazis and other totalitarian movements and is an effort to “improve” the human condition through “science” and genetic manipulation. The Nazis wanted to create a master race.

Writing in the Catholic publication, Mercator News, Michael Cook notes that official Catholic teaching is that IVF is “morally unacceptable” because it separates the marriage act from procreation and establishes “the domination of technology” over human life.

Evangelicals in the Southern Baptist Commission object to IVF for the following reasons:

  • IVF often results in the creation of more embryos than can be safely implanted.
  • IVF leads to the freezing, stockpiling, and ultimate destruction of human embryos.
  • Some embryos may be subjected to unethical practices such as sex selection.
  • IVF involves the routine destruction of embryonic human life.
  • IVF increasingly engages in methods for determining suitability for life and genetic sorting based on parental preferences.

Considering these facts and moral objections, Trump’s proposal to make IVF free, funded by either government or insurance, is a political game-changer that was apparently designed to obfuscate his previous anti-abortion stands but hurts his reelection prospects with tens of millions of Christian conservatives. It has caused many of his previous pro-life supporters to review whether to vote for him this time around. These activists will not vote for Harris, either, but may abstain from voting on the presidential level.

Trump’s proposal for tax subsidies for IVF follows his flip-flop on abortion, from once endorsing a human life amendment to protect babies from the moment of conception to announcing this year that he does not support Florida’s six-week ban on abortion when a baby’s heartbeat is detected.

Trump and his running mate, Senator J.D. Vance, have also endorsed the use of dangerous abortion pills, labeled as “human pesticides” by pro-lifers but euphemistically called “medication” by the fake news media.

The 2016 Republican platform declared, “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.”

By contrast, the 2024 platform written by Trump advisers drops support for a human life amendment and affirms “access to Birth Control, and IVF.”

However, support for IVF runs contrary to the pro-life belief in the sanctity of every human life, since “every human life” in the form of human embryos who are produced by the procedure are not given the right to life and constitutional protection.

Regarding Trump’s plan for the federal government to mandate IVF in insurance plans, Brian Burch of the Catholic Vote group counters, “Forcing Americans to pay for IVF, which involves the destruction of countless living human embryos, is unacceptable. Trump is simply wrong that IVF is the answer. While he shares the goal of helping America bring more children into the world, he misunderstands how we should get there.”

Rather than force taxpayers to pay for IVF, Burch endorses Trump’s proposal to make the costs of childbirth tax deductible and adds that “support for pregnancy resource centers, adoption alternatives, counseling, education, and broader public campaigns celebrating mothers, families, and the importance of children” is the way for the government to go.

Sandy Szwarc says, “If Mr. Trump was really pro-life, supporting and encouraging adoptions and fostering of children, for instance, would save many from abortion and give the chance of life and good homes to millions of unwanted beautiful children.”

One proposal, she notes, is to create “Sanctuary Cities” for the unborn, in which voters come together to ban abortion and protect human life.

Apparently, however, such a proposal, if embraced by Trump, might alienate the Democrats whose votes he seeks.

God is not pleased with the direction of the Trump campaign.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

America’s Growing Nightmare: Changing America for the Worst Possible Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 5, 2024

Coming in Part 2: The Great Plains, the Heartland, Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, onslaught into a degraded and declining America. We may not be able to pull ourselves out of this mess…much like India or any other third world country. When is enough immigration and growth, enough?

To give you a clue as to what’s coming: try this FACT on for size. Notice you will NEVER see any mainstream media reporting on this harsh reality facing every American. I don’t know how many people read my columns, but every American needs to read this series. You need to forward it to your mayors, city councils, governors, House member, U.S. senators and friends. There is no way we’re going to maintain our civil society if we continue on this course.

Before Covid, and before Biden-Harris, the mainstream media reported 12,000,000 (million) illegal aliens living within America. They created the largest underground economy in the world. They used our money to educate their children. They sent/keep sending $120,000,000,000.00 (billion) to their home countries annually. That’s money paid under the table, non-taxed, and illegal.

Since Harris became the border czar to stop illegal immigration three and a half years ago, another 12 to 15 million illegals crossed over our borders in violations of our laws, but with the certain mandate of Joe Biden and/or his handlers.

In 2024, we now pay more than $150 billion annually for feeding, housing and transporting those 24 million illegal aliens. But here’s the taser-gun to your guts. Another 55,000,000 (million) foreign born legal immigrants inhabit our country since 1965. If you take 55 million plus another 24 million (at the very least), that’s 79 million people displacing white, black and brown “born here” Americans. And, as you know, millions of them from the Middle East known as Muslims, are rioting in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York’s universities, and desecrating our founding fathers and mothers. They chant, “Death to America” with brazen hostility. You’ve already got Sharia Law being practiced in Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, Denver and any city with a huge pocket of Muslims. Everything within Sharia Law stands against our Constitution. Muslims do not subscribe to freedom of speech, freedom of religious choice, freedom of dress, freedom of spouse choice, women’s rights, animal rights or human rights. The Qur’an commands, “Convert or kill all non-believers.”

So, What Is All of This Immigration Doing To Us?

As we drove east off the West coast across the Great Plains, we witnessed tens of thousands of white wind turbines swirling across the landscape. Those electricity-generating machines chop up annually 538,000 eagles, hawks, Canada geese, white winged pelicans, whooping cranes, and every bird migrating or trying to live its life. That’s just in America. Worldwide, those turbines chop up millions of birds while they tear a whole through the Natural World.

Can you imagine with another 100 million people added to America? You can witness a bird-graveyard beneath each one of those savage wind turbines that kill without mercy 24/7.

Think about the enormous loss of birds just to provide electricity to our mega-population in 2050.

Have you heard of the Cloward-Piven Plan? The Cloward–Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by political activists Columbia professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven. The strategy aims to utilize “militant anti-poverty groups” to facilitate a “political crisis” by overloading the welfare system via an increase in welfare claims, forcing the creation of a system of “redistributing income through the federal government.”

We already pay for 30,000,000 (million) Americans and immigrants subsisting on food stamps…now known as Electronic Benefits Transfers. Three years ago, note that the 125,000 Somalian immigrants in Minneapolis scammed the EBT cards to the tune of $200,000,000.00 under Governor Tim Walz. He didn’t act to prosecute them because he didn’t want to appear “racist.” Not one of the ring leaders ever saw a day in jail. But your tax dollars made a lot of them rich.

Did you notice Chicago over the 4th of July weekend? Police reported 117 shootings of Black Americans shooting Black Americans. Nineteen died. Can you imagine the costs to patch them up at the local hospitals? Can you imagine the crime, rapes and chaos in Chicago’s south side? Third world doesn’t even begin to describe Chicago’s ongoing and unsolvable nightmare. Since they voted to become a “Sanctuary City”, they feature somewhere north of 50,000 illegal aliens soaking up billions of dollars to feed and house them. Those illegal migrants are shoplifting and stealing Chicago natives to death. There is no way Chicago’s leaders can solve the crime, roads and drugs in that insanity hellhole. The current mayor proves more incompetent than the last one, and just about as stupid.

What else can we cover? How about the fact that another 100 million people added via immigration to America will DOUBLE the size of our 35 largest cities. I’ve asked this question many times in my columns over the years: how do you water, feed, educate, work, medically care for and even begin to maintain a civil society with THAT many people. Do you notice NO ONE in the mainstream media approaches these topics.

What about the roads across America? We drove over, dodged and about busted our suspension on the horrible highways in California, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Georgia. You put your life in the hands of drunks, stoned and just plain texting morons driving cars in our major cities. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers found that 14 million Americans drive drunk 24/7 on America’s highways. Can you imagine your odds of death when another 100 million “stoned, texting or drunk” kids or immigrants drive America’s roads? We already see 20,000 traffic deaths annually from texting, drunk and stoned drivers, annually.

What about the 250,000 drug overdose deaths of American kids in the past three and a half years of Biden-Harris? If Harris wins the White House, she remains staunchly pro-open borders. She stands in direct violation of our United States Constitution, yet she will invite millions of tons of drugs to cross over our borders to be distributed by MS-13 gangs now well-established all over our country. Our kids don’t stand a chance.

How Bad Will It Become for All Americans?

All Americans, black, white, brown, red and yellow need to ask themselves what kind of a civilization are they (we) galloping at full speed toward? Will it be a manageable society? Will it be a happy society? Will it be a civilization that’s in tune with the Natural World? Will it be a civilization that solved catastrophic climate destabilization? Will each person enjoy quality of life? Will it be a society where opportunity and resources will sustain all of us?

Answer: the nightmare will become unmanageable and horrifically nasty with violence, poverty, misery and disintegration of America. What do you think?

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Why Kamala Harris Should Not Be President

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.

September 5, 2024

First, she is a hypocrite. She bragged about arresting thousands of people on drug charges, while also laughing about how she took drugs in college. Also, she has a huge vessel upon which she parties but she could have sold it and given the money to the poor.

Second, as San Fransisco District Attorney she granted probation to a violent criminal who then murdered two men. She shielded convicted crack dealers from federal immigration officials when the crack dealers were suspected of being illegal immigrants.

Next, as California Attorney General she opposed concealed-carry permits for law-abiding citizens unless they could “demonstrate an extraordinary need to carry a gun beyond concern for personal safety.” Also as California Attorney General she categorized rape of an unconscious person, human trafficking involving sex acts with minors, assault with a deadly weapon and more as “non-violent” crimes, allowing inmates who committed those offenses to receive earlier parole.

As U.S. Senator she encouraged donations to a fund that bailed out now-convicted rapists, assaulters, and murderers. As a U.S. Senator she also co-sponsored Bernie Sanders’ $32 trillion Socialist government healthcare takeover plan that would raise taxes, increase national debt, and functionally eliminate private health insurance. Also, as a U.S. Senator she co-sponsored Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s $93 trillion Green New Deal which would kill up to 2 million American jobs and cost the average American family $166,000.

As Vice President she failed on the economy, with inflation reaching a 40-year high and grocery prices rising over 21%. As Vice President she also failed as Border Czar, allowing over 10 million people to enter the U.S. illegally. And lastly as Vice President she crippled domestic gas and oil producting, driving up gas prices up over 30%.

© 2024 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy:

Can a Christian Vote Pro-Abortion?

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

September 5, 2024

I am sure you are aware that the Republican Party has taken the pro-life plank out of their party platform.  It comes as no surprise to me.  As a guy who has spent countless hours on the streets defending the pre-born children this change in policy came as no surprise to me.

The Republican Party has been pro-life with exceptions for as long as I can remember.  In fact, my experience has been that the Republican honchos have been ashamed of the pro-life wing of their party and have wished for a long time that they could stick the pro-lifers on the back of the Republican bus along-side the ghost of Rosa Parks.

In fact, most of the “conservative” church has been pro-life-with-exceptions for years.  You see, they thought abortion was wrong, but they didn’t want it outlawed just in case one of their daughters made a mistake.  Better to secretly kill the child than face the embarrassment of having one of the pillars of the church be shamed by the sexual miscreants of their teenage daughter.

For many Christians, killing the baby is a better consequence than public embarrassment and the future-altering “mistake” of the daughter.  Better to kill the baby than screw-up college dreams.

Oh, you know I am telling the Truth.

That is why a hard sermon on baby murder is rarer than a pro-life Catholic.  (I might as well get everyone ticked off at me.) In the election of 2020,  nearly half of American Catholics voted for baby killer Joe Biden…I remember the days when Catholics WERE the pro-life movement.  Check this out.

Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.; Bob Casey, D-Penn; Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev.; Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; Tim Kaine, D-Va.; Mark Kelly, D-Ariz.; Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.; Ed Markey, D-Mass.; Bob Menendez, D-N.J.; Patty Murray, D-Wash.; Alex Padilla, D-Calif., and Jack Reed, D-R.I. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M . All Catholics who voted for abortion.  Pelosi is Catholic. So is Biden.

The Catholic vote has kept abortion legal in America.  Did you know that SIX of the Judges are Catholic…3 of them pro-abortion?

Take a deep breathe.  Exhale.  This is not a Catholic-bashing commentary.  Save your emails.  Just the facts, Ma’am.  Just the facts.

Some of my “Republican” friends went ballistic when the elephants removed the pro-life stance from the platform.  They blamed Trump.  They said that pro-lifers were “compromising their values for MAGA.”

I don’t want to spoil the party but Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in my lifetime.  He appointed three judges to SCOTUS who voted to void Roe v Wade.    There is no right to abortion in the US Constitution.  There have been 9 Presidents since Roe was wrongly decided in 1973,  5 Republicans and 4 Democrats.  NONE affected abortion more than Donald Trump

Abortion is now a STATES RIGHTS issue.  People are always jaw-boning that Trump is a dictator but when he acknowledges that SCOTUS returned the issue to the States “conservatives” want the Feds to rule on abortion.  Talk about double-minded.

My friends…abortion is now an issue for the STATES to deal with.  As wrong as we may think that decision was there is no CONSTITUTIONAL right to abortion.  Abortion is the purview of the individual states.

Which brings me back to the churches.

In my home state of Ohio abortion was placed on the ballot in 2023 as a result of the SCOTUS decision.  The citizens of Ohio actually had the ability to outlaw abortion in our state.  Fifty-seven percent of Ohioan voted to legalize the killing of the pre-born.  Somehow, it has become Donald Trump’s fault.

Check this out.  According to this Christian Post article less than half of American evangelicals are pro-life.  Permit me to repeat myself.  The majority of American evangelical Christians are PRO-CHOICE.  Whose fault is that?  Is Donald Trump preaching from America’s pulpits every Sunday?  Does he have the ear of Christian America?

There’s more.  In the 2020 election 64% of ALL REGISTERED VOTERS identified as Christian!   BTW…that total is down 15 percent from 79% in 2008.  You read that right.  If the Christians voted as a block we would elect a CHRISTIAN President every four years.  But…divide and conquer…the oldest trick in the books…has given us a Government of non-believers.

I wonder whose fault that is?

Take a peek at this chart.  In the 2020 election 77% of white evangelicals voted for Trump.   Only 41% of non-white Christians did.  Only 50 percent of mainline Christians voted for Trump, while only 11% of Blacks did.

Wait.  There is more.  Thirty-nine percent of WHITE CATHOLICS voted for BIDEN, while 68% of NON-WHITE Catholics voted for Biden.  (Hmm…wonder why the DEMS are for open borders?)

Had enough yet?  Barely HALF of the Christians in America even vote!  Ninety million are registered but forty million Christians do not vote.  Another 15 million aren’t even registered to vote!!

As you ponder the statistics you just read simply ask yourself this question.  Why are American Christians so divided when the go to the polls?  Could it be because the men in America’s pulpits have decided not to get involved in politics?

My friends, abortion isn’t political.  Sexual deviancy isn’t political.  Protecting our borders is not political.  Fair trade is not political.  Teaching morality to our children is not political.  Stealing from one man to give to another is not political.

The Scriptures ask us “Can two walk together lest the agree?”  Would there be as much political division in America if there was not so much division in American Christianity?

Does a woman’s right to kill her unborn child over-rule the right of the child to live?  Have you ever met a pro-choice fetus? Sixty-five millions Christians can’t even figure that one out.  What in the hades are the pulpits teaching the people?

No Christian could ever vote for a party that wants to kill the most innocent of all of God’s creatures.  Don’t tell me you are a Christian and vote for the death of innocent human beings.

Jesus isn’t just pro-life.  He IS life!  His followers are so confused they can’t even figure that one out…

Permit me to paraphrase Martin Niemoller.

First they came for the fetus’ and I did not speak out—because I was not a fetus.  Then they came for the pre-schoolers, and I did not speak out—because I was not a pre-schooler. Then they came for the students, and I did not speak out—because I was not a student.  Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Hey Christians!  Abortion is murder.  Stop voting for murderers.

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

GOP Must Take the House & Senate

By: Devvy

September 4, 2024

I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.” —General Douglas MacArthur.

Those threats MacArthur spoke about from within are directly dictated by the global masters who orchestrate wars and who are draining the lifeblood of America. The threat to the Union is both foreign and domestic. Right now, the threat is another stolen election.

This is proof that Obama’s intentions are to steal elections from the American people! Get ready everyone!, Sept. 1, 2024 – Short video watch.

The efforts to steal yet a second election from Donald Trump have been underway since he left office assuming he might right again. Bogus lawsuits and indictments. The Democrat Communist Party USA is going full throttle because too many Americans are getting the truth.

At this time, their rancid choice for president (who is ineligible under the U.S. Constitution) is a professional liar. The casting couch has always been Ho Harris’ qualifications for public office.  As someone wrote in a comment section: She has a 5-year-old’s brain in an adult body.

Ho Harris’ handlers have chosen a sitting governor for her VP running mate who’s never met the truth in his life.  Tampon Tim Walz is a coward (Stolen Valor) and true Marxist.  SHAME ON ANYONE WHO VOTES FOR Tampon Tim.  Go buy a one-way ticket to North Korea.

While the Internet and in-your-face lies are pumped out of the mouths of ignorant, partisan hacks calling themselves reporters or propaganda box (TV) anchors as well as the empty heads on trash TV called The View in an effort to destroy Trump right along with biased, corrupt judges, we need to remember: the entire U.S. House of Representatives and1/3rd of the unlawfully seated U.S. Senate[1] are up for selection reelection.

After the provable steal in 2020, several states did pass some new election integrity laws, but it won’t be enough to stop the globalist deal makers.  Excellent candidates for the House and Senate were cheated (think AZ) as was Donald Trump.  We know part of the cheating was done by dishonest precinct workers counting the votes.  Skank Katie Hobbs is not the governor of AZ.  She’s a liar and a cheat.

I’ve written a million words about vote fraud since 1993, but we are at the end of the rope with this election. Make no mistake about that:  Democrat Voters Want a Communist America, August 12, 2024 (Mine)

Want some provable examples of fraud? Look at my column from August 22, 2016 – especially the links at the bottom. It will sicken you. Will we let them steal the election again?

Electronic Voting Machine Gave Bush 4,258 Votes in a Precinct Where Only 638 Voters Actually Voted, Nov. 6, 2004: “According to this article at, a voting machine in Franklin County, Ohio, gave 4,258 votes to Bush and 260 votes to John Kerry. The only problem is this: only 638 people actually voted there.”

I’ll bring this up again because it’s critically important:  A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election, July 10, 2008 (Mine) “Richard Hayes Phillips, a former college professor, has written a new book titled, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election. This monstrous undertaking covers the 2004 election results in the State of Ohio.

“What makes Phillips investigation so compelling is the book is filled with concrete proof that the voters of Ohio were robbed of their right to fair and impartial elections. The amount of work that went into this investigation is staggering: 30,0000 images of forensic evidence, then personally examining 126,000 ballots, 127 poll books and 141 voter signature books from 18 counties in Ohio. This is the definitive and documented evidence of crimes that cannot, must not be ignored.

One thing that showed up in his findings was the same thing I wrote about back in 1996: discrepancies in the numbers during the voting process – where are those votes? If you click here and go to page seven of my findings, you’ll see what I’m talking about. I knew what happened: vote rigging and it was done by the machines. We saw the same thing repeat itself during this last phony primary season.”

I interviewed Prof. Phillips about his book on my radio show, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election.  A 100% approval level by readers (which also comes with a disc.)  There’s no question globalist POS John Kerry won Ohio, but due to the cheating, George W. Bush was given the Electoral College votes and “won” the election.

Diebold Indicted: Its spectre still haunts Ohio elections, Oct. 31, 2013 – “Diebold: the controversial manufacturer of voting and ATM machines, whose name conjures up the demons of Ohio’s 2004 presidential election irregularities, is now finally under indictment for a “worldwide pattern of criminal conduct.”  Worth the time to read the whole article.

In 1998, I published a 45 pg booklet, Blind Loyalty, with page after page of provable vote fraud across this country and how easy it is to hack voting machines by experts in that field. In one case the FBI stepped in and that was just for a local funding issue. I sold (at cost) 700,000 copies. I finally retired it because voters didn’t seem to care or believed the liars for hire on the boob tube about the outcome of an election.

With the huge leaps in technology over the past decade, hacking voting machines is kid’s play.  Back then huge credit should be given to Bev Harris for her tireless work on exposing electronic fraud.  Pleased to see her web site, Black Box Voting still up and worth looking at and getting the truth.

It would have been yet another tragedy had Marxist Kerry been sworn into office, but election fraud in any form is wrong regardless of what party or no party voters.  Yet, the Democrat Communist Party USA is busy to make sure it happens again this November, and if they can’t manufacture enough ballots or get enough illegal aliens to vote, Plan B (simply an extension of Plan A) is to cheat to take the majority in the U.S House and/or the Senate.  If successful in taking the House with a win for Trump, how long do you think it will take to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump? IF the communists (calling themselves Democrats) refuse to certify the win for Trump we are going to have a real serious problem.

If Trump wins but the DemonRats, Satan’s Pimps, take either chamber it will be a repeat of Trump’s first term all over again.  UNLESS he can get our State Attorney General, Ken Paxton, to become the next U.S. Attorney General.  While I really don’t want to see Paxton leave Texas, if Trump is truly going to go after the criminals (on many scandals), the number one man in this country that can get the job done is Ken Paxton.

Hero AG Ken Paxton Warns Harris County and Bexar on Using Private Company to Print Ballots and Send Them Out to “Unverified Recipients”, Sept. 3, 2024

Congress has been holding more spit exchanging committee hearings than I’ve got stitches in my leg (which I do right now recovering from surgery and there’s a lot of them…), but with little pene (Italian for penis), Merrick Garland pretending to be the U.S. AG, the GOP – despite mountains of evidence on various issues – have had their hands tied just like when stronzo (turd in Italian) former U.S. AG under dirty traitor, Hussein Obama, Eric Holder, was crapping on the word justice.

The RNC has a number of lawsuits – some with very short trigger dates which I’ll cover very soonTheir web site also provides avenues to fight the fraud:

Swamp the Vote USA

“Do your part to guarantee we win by more than the Margin of Fraud by casting your vote and taking responsibility for ensuring every Republican and Trump voter in your household casts theirs too.”

Stand up for election integrity

“Republicans across the country have been fighting to make sure your vote is safe and secure – but the work is never done. We are working in key states to make sure your vote is protected. If you want to be part of this critical mission to ensure Republicans win in 2024, sign up to be an Election Integrity volunteer in your state.”

I know they have close to 150,000 precinct “watchers”, but the evil doers don’t care. Florida’s New Red Majority Comes From Its Citizen Activists, August 17, 2024.  Republican voters now outnumber the communists by ONE MILLION.

Why is the RNC “Working Feverishly” Against Donald Trump?, May 31, 2024 – “FACT: Most of those fired when Rona Romney McDaniel was removed, have been rehired. “Ninety percent …who were fired at the removal of Rona McDaniel have been rehired, and are working feverishly against the re-election of Donald Trump.” PLEASE read this article.

“How could Lara not know this?

“FACT: Election integrity efforts are a sham, REAL election fraud is not being addressed, and anti-Trumpers (aka, anti-Americans in the 2024 reality) are still in charge. This explains why they are still yapping about ballot harvesting and early voting.”

Florida, You Have A Big Problem, Feb. 9, 2024

Not all counties in the country use machines.  More and more are now going back to paper ballots which will be publicly witnessed and counted. Ask for a paper ballot when you vote. Yes, I am fully aware of the forced mail-in voting but you can verify your vote.

I don’t expect you to read every link in this column, but Americans need to know what’s going on because only we the people are going to stop another steal – not just Trump but Congress.  SO IMPORTANT.

Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines and Opting for Paper Ballots, May 22, 2024 (More BS about civil rights – ANYTHING to stop a vote for Trump or a GOP for Congress.  And don’t try to feed me the crap about the disabled. My late husband was a retired U.S. Army Colonel amputee in a wheel chair. No problem to bring his ballot to the Jeep, but I wheeled him in to vote.  Problem solved, Merrick Garland and your dishonest, partisan hacks.

Democrat Election Worker in Harris County, Texas Charged with Six Felonies For His Role in Rigging 2022 Election After Probe Finds Insufficient Paper Ballots in Republican Precincts, August 13, 2024 (Harris is the biggest county here in Texas.)

FRAUD ALERT: Democrat “Wins” Louisiana Election by ONE VOTE After Dead People Somehow Cast Ballots – But There’s No Verifiable Paper Trail Thanks to State Using Faulty Voting Machines, Nov 28, 2023

Florida Move Would Back Up Electronic Voting, Feb. 1, 2007 – “Florida, famous for its election snafus, is taking steps to put that history behind it. The state’s new Republican governor, Charlie Crist, says he wants to require the use of paper ballots in all 67of the state’s counties. That would mean phasing out the use of touch-screen voting machines, which currently count nearly half the ballots cast in Florida.” Spitting in the wind.

EXCLUSIVE: Florida’s Lee County Republican Executive Committee Passes Motion to Return to Paper Ballots, March 2, 2023

It’s not enough to reply on any machine/scanner – even if you get a print out of your vote which is what they do in my county.  No, an alleged losing candidate must do a forensic analysis as explained in Prof. Phillip’s book and any electronic machine and scanners.

Early voting starts now in some states. How wrong IMHO. You’ve heard the expression ‘October surprise’.  I can tell you many of us are very worried about what the evil doers might resort to as they see the American people have had enough of the Marxists in CON-gress, state legislatures, governors.

Election day is Nov. 5.  Kash Patel Warns of Potential Blackout or Attack on Power Infrastructure ‘During this Election Cycle’, Sept. 3, 2024 // Rising Democrat Star Gov. Wes Moore Gets Exposed After Falsely Claiming to be Bronze Star Recipient, August 30, 2024

New Complaint Filed Alleging that US Postal Service (USPS) Committed Electoral Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, August 31, 2024 // In anti-Trump letter, 230 former GOP staffers say “we’re voting for Vice President Kamala Harris” – “Over 200 Republicans who worked for former President George W. Bush, Sen. Mitt Romney and the late Sen. John McCain have endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, warning in a letter that a second Donald Trump presidency would be an “untenable” threat to American and the world order, USA Today reported.

Habitual Liar’: Retired Military Leaders Slam Gov. Tim Walz for Lying About His Rank, Sept. 2, 2024 // DISGUSTING! NBC Hack Kristen Welker Lies and Claims Kamala Was at the Dignified Transfer of the Kabul Airport Bombing Victims – When Kamala Blew It Off (VIDEO), Set. 1, 2024

SKANK: NEVER FORGET! Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel Hid the LARGEST ELECTION FRAUD SCANDAL in State History from the People of Michigan in 2020, Aug. 29, 2024 – “On Tuesday, Michigan’s tyrannical SOS, Jocelyn Benson, shared a video on social media where she threatened election officials in local communities. “We will come for you,” if you dare to refuse to certify the election results, she warned.” // Here We Go Again: Ohio Board of Elections Asks SOS To Investigate Black Fork Strategies For Alleged Registration Fraud…”This is fraud! This is outright fraudulent behavior!” Aug. 3, 2024

TGP’s Jim Hoft on The War Room – We Have Evidence of ANOTHER Democrat-Funded Voter Registration Company That Was Recently Caught Turning in Fraudulent Registrations in Ohio (VIDEO), Aug. 3, 2024 // Democratic Candidate Arrested on Multiple Felony Voter Fraud Charges, Aug. 1, 2024, // South Texas Judge Overturns City Council Election Due to Voter Fraud and Allegations of Fake Addresses on Voter Registrations, June 10, 2024

Far-Left Group in Ohio Is Being Investigated for Turning in an Inch-Wide Stack of Likely Fraudulent Voter Registrations – ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?, Aug. 23, 2024 // Elon Musk Calls For Ban on Fraud Enabling Voting Machines: ‘The Risk of Being Hacked is Still Too High’, June 15, 2024 //  Sheriff Mack: “Every Sheriff In This Country Should Be Investigating One Election Fraud”, Jue 10, 2024 // Vote Fraud:  What They Aren’t Telling You (mine and well, well worth the read, Oct. 22, 2004

[TX] Governor Abbott Announces Over 1 Million Ineligible Voters Removed From Voter Rolls, Aug. 26, 2024 [Note: Also big shout out to Judicial Watch for forcing counties to clean up their voting rolls or face lawsuits; they’ve been successful every time but it’s up to the county clerk to adhere to the law and keep voting rolls current, allowing only legal voters to cast a ballot.]

Just the tip of the iceberg; I could fill pages and pages of the shenanigans going on right now but it’s up to We the People to act and get involved.  Stop Non-Citizens from Voting – Here’s How, June 24, 2024 (Mine with many organizations you can volunteer to help stop another steal – especially the House and Senate.)  Time is of the essence.

In the meantime, order a copy of Prof. Phillip’s book, Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election and see how all those students proved the fraud.  This is a video interview:  Richard Hayes Phillips – A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election, Sept. 19, 2008

Protect the Vote

One Man’s Crusade Against Voter Fraud – must read.  “He formed The People’s Audit.  “On this website, Kris provides the evidence of existing fraud, complete with graphs and charts, as well as education, to help citizens learn how to recognize and counter fraud in their own precincts. There is an online training academy to help people really understand the voting process and to protect the vote. As a Florida resident, you can go to this site, and check if your last votes were correctly registered and counted!”

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

2024 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

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[1] States must force 17th Amendment showdown, Feb. 4, 2005 (Mine)

36 States Did Not Ratify 17th Amendment – What Will States Do?, Jan, 16, 2012.  (Mine) “It is alleged California voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment on January 28, 1913. Next, please look at this journal page I personally retrieved from the California State Archives. 1913. See item 7 regarding the constitutional amendment to elect U.S. Senators: May 20, 1913: From Committee. Without Recommendation. How could it go from committee without recommendation on May 20th if it was allegedly voted on five months earlier? It wasn’t.”

Lawsuit filed: Seventeenth Amendment not ratified, Oct. 12, 2014 (Mine) – “Then, much to my shock right on the heels of finding that case, what else did I discover? Oh, you won’t believe this:

“On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment – 89 years after the alleged ratification. Back in 1913, not all states were in session; some were out of session four years at a time. Others took no action on the amendment – Georgia specifically based on an investigation ordered by their governor at the time that the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally adopted by Congress before it was even sent to the states.

“On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it. On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment. How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for close to two decades, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.

“Now you see why Dillon v Gloss is so important to my case as is the taxpayer ‘standing’ exception here in Texas.”

And speaking of being lied to by government agencies (FDA, CDC, FBI, Secret Service), there’s a new web site focusing on 9/11, Truthlink.  It is the main issue of my column last week: Trump Will Release Remaining JFK Assassination Files – What About 9/11?

“Our” government has lied to We the People about WACO, TWA Flight 800, KAL 007, OKC, the so-called Russian Dossier paid for by Hildebeast Clinton’s campaign to ruin Trump, the attempted assassination of Trump last month and they’ve been lying to the world about 9/11 for the past 23 years.

Truthlink’s web site is one of the most comprehensive on the organizations (and names) working to destroy our republic.  Nearly daily postings give very deep dive investigations into who these evil doers are and you will be shocked.  Many will be in denial because trust shattered most of the time never recovers.

Americans: There Are Provisions In The U.S. Constitution To Impeach & Prosecute Corrupt Politicians

By Bradlee Dean

September 4, 2024

“There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men and become the instruments of their own undoing.” —Daniel Webster

As we look at what it is that our said representative government has been responsible for today concerning the crimes that are being committed against the very people that they are to protect and serve, it is unfathomable.

Yet, there is good news, if the people are willing to act accordingly (Deuteronomy 4:1-6).

When perusing our founding documents, namely the Declaration of Independence, I find that ¾ of this document is what our forefathers did not tolerate when it came to the corrupt.  What an example they have left to their posterity (Hebrews 13:7).

You will find in their writings such things as…

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

“…But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Then they so eloquently laid out for us why they took such measures when stating, “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.”  To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

It doesn’t stop there when it comes to equipping their posterity (future generations). Not only did they leave us an example of how to deal with tyrants in the Declaration alone, but they also gave us provisions in the U.S. Constitution as to how to lawfully do so (Proverbs 7:2).

You will find in Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Article I Section 3 Clause 7:

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Conclusion: With this provision that is available to the American people, there is no excuse for what is being tolerated within the halls of government, today (Numbers 32:23).

And no, resigning is not enough.

Do not tell me that it cannot be done.  It has been numerous times to a people courageous enough to bring judgment upon the heads of the guilty (Isaiah 26:9).

“Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption.” – James Garfield

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Diabolical “Save Act” Puts Americans in Chains

By Kelleigh Nelson

September 3, 2024

People who elect corrupt politicians are not victims but accomplices.  —George Orwell

Those who can make you believe absurdities; can make you commit atrocities. —Aristotle

The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks. —C. S. Lewis

Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.  —Ayn Rand

It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong. —Thomas Sowell

Last week, Monica Crowley was subbing for Bannon’s War Room and she interviewed Rep. Chip Roy who was promoting the SAVE Act, a bill he sponsored to prevent non-citizens from voting in U.S. elections.  Roy stated that the SAVE Act would require documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote.  He claimed it would significantly impact election integrity.

H.R.8281 amends the National Voter Registration Act of 1993  (NVRA) to require proof of United States citizenship to register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office, and for other purposes. This bill passed the House on July 10, 2024 and is in the Senate.

My thought in listening to Rep. Roy was that finally he was doing something right.  I found the summary of the bill and sent it to my group lists thinking for the first time Roy was on the right track.  I was wrong, but let me explain why I have never trusted the man. He is promoting Mark Meckler’s Convention of States which is funded by the Koch organizations, Heritage Foundation, American Legislative Exchange Council and more.  See my recent article.  Roy is a close friend of Byron Donalds, who is also backing a new Article V Constitutional Convention. Last October, when a new House Speaker was being considered, Roy nominated Donalds whose top aide and best friend, Larry Wilcoxson, is a felon with a long list of criminal activities.

After I sent the SAVE Act info to my group lists, I received an email from Joanna Martin telling me that I’d better read the full bill and not just the summary because the full bill is poison.  Joanna knows what she’s talking about. She’s a retired attorney and a retired Army JAG officer.  I just read the full bill and was gob smacked. All bills are written in legalese which makes life difficult for the common man, but when Joanna tells me a bill is rotten, I listen because she’s been proven right time and again.

She clarified this bill for me in easy-to-understand layman’s language.

Section 1 of the 14th Amendment doesn’t grant citizenship status to everybody who is born here.  When Congress passed it, they specifically discussed that it wouldn’t make American Indians US citizens even though they were born here.  That was because Indians weren’t “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” – they were subject to the jurisdiction of their Tribes. 

When the French ambassador’s lovely wife gives birth to a child here, that child is not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” – the child is subject to the jurisdiction of France. 

When illegal aliens breach our Borders and invade our land, and then give birth here, their children are not “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” because the parents are here illegally.  Their children are subject to the jurisdiction of the Country the invaders left.  That’s why all of them can be (and should be) deported. The children are not US citizens.

When American Missionaries, or Diplomats, or military personnel, etc. have a child born abroad, their child is NOT subject to the jurisdiction of the Country in which the child is born. Their child is born a US Citizen. This is an ancient Principle.     

But the SAVE Act violates Section 1 of the 14th Amendment because it provides that anyone born here is a “US Citizen” and will be eligible to vote in federal elections. So, the children of those 10 to 40 million illegals who have invaded our Country would be eligible to vote in all federal elections. The child of the French ambassador and his Wife would be eligible to vote here – and I expect under French law, the child would be eligible to vote in France as well. 

(Just like Dr. Mehmet Oz is a citizen of Turkey and America and votes in both countries.)

So, the SAVE Act isn’t about prohibiting non-citizens from voting – what it really does is to make US citizens out of everybody who is born in the United States.  All the Islamists and CCP males who breach our borders – their children would be “US Citizens” and eligible to vote. That’s the “hidden” agenda behind the SAVE Act.   

I expect that most people supporting the SAVE Act have no idea what it really does.  But I assure you that whoever drafted this nasty bit of poison knew exactly what it would do.

The SAVE Act actually nullifies what Senator Jacob Howard said when he introduced the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause, “Its grant of citizenship would not include persons born in the United States who are foreigners or aliens.”

Documentary Proof to Vote

This Act would cause women who have married and changed their surnames to go through the same thing they’re going through to get the Driver’s License ID to fly or enter a federal building.  You can read about the DL insanity I’ve gone through to attain the special ID here and here.  American citizens are being penalized, and there is an ulterior motive in making us believe we must have the Real ID.

Section 2 is the most significant part of the SAVE Act. It would amend the NVRA, which currently prohibits states from requiring documentary proof of citizenship (DPOC) from applicants that register under the NVRA’s registration provisions to mandate states require Americans to provide DPOC to register to vote in federal elections. These provisions will apply to all new registrants across the United States—including already-registered voters who update their registration as the result of a move, a name change, or a party switch.

The difficulty is again for women whose certified birth certificates would not work with the driver’s license for people who have changed their names—including tens of millions of married women and complications if the woman was previously divorced and remarried.  The end result is the nightmare of the Real ID again, only this time to register to vote.

This bill puts a heavy burden on American citizens who were born here.  The democrats have some valid problems with the bill, and I agree with portions of them. I highly doubt it will pass in the Senate.  Nevertheless, the SAVE Act as written, should not have even passed the House!

I phoned my congressman’s office, but no one was available to talk about the bill and no one apparently understands what this bill does to American citizens despite the fact it had already passed the House.

Congressman Tim Burchett sent me a letter which stated the following:

Federal elections must be lawful, without fraud or tampering, and must only be engaged in by American citizens. I believe fair elections are the cornerstone of our republic.

H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, was introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) on May 7, 2024. This bill would require individuals provide proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. You may be interested to know H.R. 8281 passed the U.S. House of Representatives on July 10, 2024, and was referred to the U.S. Senate for further consideration.

Unfortunately, the nightmare so many have had with the Real ID Driver’s License is compounded in this Act and requires the same validations for a voter’s registration card. So, if you choose NOT to get the Real ID Driver’s License, you will still have to jump through the same hoops for a voter’s registration card should the SAVE Act pass in the senate and be signed by the president.

Real ID or National ID Card

Former Congressman Sam Rohrer interviewed Twila Brase, and the subject of the Real ID turning into your “National ID Card” was discussed.

The Real ID Act was passed in 2005 midway through the Bush administration and after 9/11. It remolded the entire US intelligence community and expanded nearly all of them in the areas of surveillance, tracking, monitoring, eroding and violating of US citizens’ rights. All the while, it grants open access to illegal aliens and enemy combatants flooding across our open borders. It’s a one-sided change, not to assure freedom or safety, but to the contrary, spying on and controlling American citizens.

Globalist proponents give money to the states, to the governors, to the legislatures, and they give up their constitutional obligations. Some states then began to implement the provisions of the Real ID Act, whose purpose was to create a national database of drivers and a standardized way to read the licenses. Certain governors began to push back against this thinly veiled effort to force through, what is in essence a forbidden and always a taboo, a National ID Card.

Due to resistance, several deadlines for implementation have come and gone.  Most states have refused to allocate state tax dollars to mandate this dangerous and unnecessary federal ID card that has an estimated implementation cost of $23 billion. There is now a new deadline promoted by the globalists in our federal and state governments, of May 7, 2025.

When Obama came in, they came up with this clever idea that you cannot fly without an ID.  Legislators didn’t stand up for their people.  If you have a “Star Card” type of Real ID Driver’s License, it is a federal identification and tracking card.

The globalists are getting tired of the delays and will shove this through causing a nightmare at airports one day. What people don’t realize is that there are 16 different IDs that can get you on an airplane.  It is on the TSA website.  One of them is a passport, so realistically, American citizens will need a passport to fly anywhere in their own country.  Remember when we thought of this as a “communist plot?”

The Real ID card distinctive is that the photograph that is taken is a facial recognition, digitized photograph taken in a special way that is linked to actual international standards that come out of the United Nations.  Remember too, that United Nations Agenda 21/30 wants to eliminate all travel, including cars.  They want you walking or riding your bicycle for their climate change lie of “saving the planet,” when in reality, it’s all about control.

Their ultimate goal is to put this on your phone, control your life through your phone, digitize the Real ID and have it at a national level. This is very, very dangerous to America.  All of us must refuse the real ID or exchange the one that you have and get the old-style regular DL.

The Real ID would ultimately be for medical care, for purchases, for registering at a hotel, for everything.  And once it’s digitized, like in the CCP, they can shut you out with a flip of the switch.


The goal ultimately is to socialize/communize every facet of societal convenience or interaction, where the government literally owns and controls it all.

Do I want the Real ID? No.  Will I pursue renewing my passport?  Yes.

Remember being taught, “No Taxation Without Representation?” It is why we fought an eight-year War for Independence from Great Britain.

We’re there again.  Tell your Senators, your representatives, your governor and your state legislators, we don’t want another piece of legislation that inhibits individual freedom including the Real ID and the SAVE Act!

In January of 1814, former President Thomas Jefferson said, “Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.”

© 2024 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Woke Mind Virus

By Rob Pue

September 3, 2024

Isaiah 59:14, “So justice is turned away and righteousness stands afar off. For truth has fallen in the streets and righteousness cannot enter.”

And this, from 2 Timothy 3, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away…

“….and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Perilous times are upon us, friends.  There is no justice.  Truth hasn’t just fallen in the streets — it’s been pushed under a bus.  Righteousness is not allowed to enter.

How far we’ve fallen here in America.  This isn’t the nation I grew up in anymore. Those infected with the “woke mind virus” will call this “progress.”  It’s not.  Today, we have a nation of lawlessness and insanity, the by-products of men and women being lovers of themselves, and haters of God.  They’ve worked hard to earn the depraved minds they suffer with. We’re a nation of liars who prefer lies over truth.  Natural affection between men and women is becoming more and more rare, as once-sane people turn to the profane and succumb to the spirit of Sodom.

There’s no doubt that we love pleasure, comfort and ease much more than we love the God who created us and sustains us, even in His patience and longsuffering.  And evil men and seducers are growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

Truth is now declared “hate speech,” and is punishable under color of law.  And in our ignorance and wickedness, we’ve now banned the one true God of heaven, our only hope of salvation.  The One Who sent His Son to Calvary to defeat the works of the devil and to make a way for our forgiveness and restoration is now not only not reverenced, but openly despised, mocked and hated throughout the Earth, once again.

And they call this “progress.”  It’s purposeful ignorance, self-centeredness and denial of basic, essential truth and common sense.  We’ve exchanged love and sanity for hedonism, and I see no way out of this without the righteous judgment of God Almighty Himself to wake us from this stupor of the “woke mind virus.”  We are ever “learning” so many new things — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Critical Race Theory, Sodomy as a lifestyle and “Transgenderism,” yet we’re never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.  Because God isn’t in any of those things.

Today, we can no longer even have an opinion that goes contrary to the many  doctrines of demons, or we become targets of attack.  All who would live godly in Christ Jesus are suffering persecution, and ever more so each day.  Meanwhile, the evil ones are growing more and more evil.  This should not surprise us, but simply underscore the fact — told to us in Scripture — that we’re living in the last days, and perilous times have come.

I long ago abandoned Facebook, having been banned multiple times for telling the truth there.  It’s a lost cause.  Over the past few years, I’ve been a member of a local social media site called “Nextdoor.”  Recently, someone posted a Bible verse as an encouragement to another member, and I thanked them for doing that.  But almost immediately, the controversy began.  People were upset and asked, “Is this right the place to be ‘spouting Scripture?’”  I responded, “Every place is the right place to share the Word of God.”  Then the God-haters descended on the scene and what was originally meant as an encouragement from a Bible verse turned into ‘spouting Scripture’ and it all became very ugly very quickly.

Yesterday, I closed my account on Nextdoor and am no longer participating in this group for our local area.  Here’s what happened.  Several weeks ago, an illegal immigrant attacked and raped a local woman, and the local secular newspaper covered the story — including the part we’re never allowed to say out loud — that the attacker was in this country illegally.  Now, this is a very left-wing publication, and I was shocked to see they reported it as truthfully as they did.  But I posted the story on Nextdoor, to make people aware of what’s happening here, locally.

Stories of other crimes in our area have also been posted by others on Nextdoor, whenever they occur.  But my posting of this particular story really brought the wrath of the woke down upon me. It was incomprehensible to most that I would dare post this article — from a secular, Left-wing newspaper — about the violent rape of a local woman…because the rapist was an illegal ‘migrant.’  How dare I?

This situation spiraled so out of control, I eventually realized there was no point trying to have any rational discussion — and I not only ended the conversation, but removed myself from the Nextdoor platform altogether.  I want nothing to do with those who publicly support a violent rapist rather than the long-time local resident who was attacked.

The fact of the matter, whether those infected with the “woke mind virus” want to admit it or not is, these illegal invaders are, indeed, wreaking havoc on American citizens. They’ve already committed a serious crime by entering the country illegally, but then to violently attack innocent citizens is horrific. Yet so many just want to pretend it’s not happening.

It is happening. We’ve all heard of the heart-wrenching killing of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student murdered by a 26-year-old illegal from Venezuela in Athens, Georgia.  And just last month, in Albany, New York, a 21-year-old illegal from Turkey attacked and violently raped a 15-year-old girl who he found walking down a street in her neighborhood.

Also last month, two illegals from Venezuela savagely murdered a 12-year-old girl in Texas.  Before killing her, they stripped her naked and assaulted her for two hours.  Here are three more cases to consider — all in Florida, all in the past month.  A 26-year-old man from Honduras is in jail on charges of unlawful sexual activity with a minor, domestic battery with strangulation and aggravated battery on a pregnant teen.  A 43-year-old woman from Guatemala is being held at Palm Beach County Jail on charges of premeditated first-degree murder.  She also tried to hire a “hitman” to kill two witnesses in her teenage son’s criminal case.  And a 20-year-old male from Guatemala is in jail without bond on charges of kidnapping a minor under 13 years of age and sexual assault.

I could give you plenty more examples, but suffice to say, this really is happening.  The illegal invaders our current Regine is importing and resettling into our American neighborhoods with our tax dollars are mostly violent criminals.  No, not all of them, but certainly numbering in the millions; certainly, enough to be great cause for concern.  Meanwhile, the lying media and our government officials either refuse to report these crimes or conveniently omit the fact that the attackers, rapists and killers are here illegally, from many foreign countries around the world — and all living quite comfortably in taxpayer-funded housing.

These people are not here to “assimilate” and become genuine Americans.  They came waving the flags of their homelands and they’re here to conquer the US, and a majority have no value for human life.  All of our major cities have become cesspools of violent crime. I feel bad for those who live there and can’t understand why they don’t move out.  But it’s not just the big cities anymore.  The assault and rape I told you about happened in my small city, of just 40,000 people.

But also last month, in a very small town here in Wisconsin — an illegal invader attacked a woman and her two young children in their home while they slept. The woman was stabbed 17 times but survived. Both children died of their wounds — one stabbed 16 times and one 20 times… in a tiny town of less than 2,000 people.  This is happening all over America now — not just in the big cities.  It’s everywhere.

But it’s not just this country.  Recently, we’ve seen the riots in the UK over Islamic invaders there, taking over huge portions of the country and huge portions of cities.  The most recent riots came after word spread that an illegal “migrant” had killed three young girls, ages 6, 7 and 9; attempted to kill eight more children and a teacher.  This news spread on social media there, prompting outrage and causing the citizens to finally rise up and say “Enough!” with illegal “migration.”

When the full story was heard, it turned out that the alleged killer wasn’t an “illegal” but was actually born in the UK.  He’s 17 years old and was born in Britain to Rwandan parents.  So although he’s not an illegal immigrant, with all the violence perpetrated in the UK by Islamic invaders, it’s understandable how people came to that conclusion.

Now the UK is cracking down on “misinformation” on the internet.  So far, 600 people have been arrested for posting or re-posting “misinformation” online about these murders.  Three have already been sentenced to jail time for their social media posts, and England now has 6,000 officers trained to scour the internet for people posting “misinformation.”

But the bottom line is, no one was killed as the citizens pushed back against the invasion of their country by Muslim Jihadists.  Meanwhile, violent crimes and murders are ongoing in that country, mostly by Muslim Jihadists.  Another case of the criminals given preferential treatment over those they attack and kill.  And England is ramping up their “thought police” division, even threatening to extradite people from other countries — including the US — if they’re caught posting “misinformation” of any kind on social media.

Here in the US, Michigan’s Secretary of State has joined this Globalist agenda by asking voters to fight “election misinformation” by reporting on their neighbors.  We all know what a wide net can be cast when the powers-that-be start talking about “misinformation.”  Legitimate COVID cures were deemed “misinformation” and “disinformation” and doctors and other health professionals lost their licenses — and everything they had — for simply stating that Vitamins C and D were helpful for COVID.  The censorship we experienced then has only gotten worse today.  Now, we’re attacked for simply reporting that an illegal invader raped a local woman.  That’s not misinformation. It’s the truth. But it’s an inconvenient truth for those who are importing the illegals, and therefore, it won’t be long before such reporting becomes a “hate crime.”

Meanwhile, the city of Minneapolis has just become the first in the nation to allow the hideous  Islamic call to prayer to play five times a day, at all hours of the day, throughout the city.  They compare it to “church bells.”  But these prayers involve asking Allah for the death of Christians and Jews, five times a day, every day.

Meanwhile, in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington, a man was confronted by “Mall Cops” at the Mall of America for wearing a T Shirt with the words “Jesus Saves.” He was told he could either change his shirt or be cited and removed for trespassing.  I was recently told by someone who works at the Mall of America that very few Americans shop there anymore.  “It’s almost completely Muslim,” he said.  Non-Muslims avoid the place, and stores are shutting down.  And while Islam has now conquered England, Christians are being arrested for praying silently outside abortion centers there.  And Canada has taken online censorship to levels that have American Communists salivating.

We have much to pray about as the foreign residents among us rise higher and higher above us and we sink lower and lower…and even more to pray about as truth — even the BIBLE — is now considered “hate speech,” or a “thought crime.”  And posting on social media today doesn’t just get you into a war of words with others on the platform — in many places, it can get you arrested and jailed.  George Orwell’s “1984” wasn’t meant to be an instruction manual, but that’s what it’s become as we continue the “progress” of this Godless world, with the “woke mind virus.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

America’s Growing Nightmare: You Can’t Believe It Until You See It

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 2, 2024

Part 1: You can’t believe it until you see it.  When you see it, you can’t believe it.  I’ve traveled through third world countries. I’ve been sickened at what I saw. I am now sickened at what I’ve seen in America’s cities.

After a summer of 18,000 miles, 30 states, 20 major cities, West coast to East coast, Florida to Michigan, I learned a few things about the “State of America.”  When you see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, touch it with your own hands and smell it with your own nostrils—all the flowery words of politicians come crashing down around a “reality check” by a regular citizen journalist.  You can’t make this stuff up as to what’s happening to America in 2024.

Notwithstanding, California provides a disheartening if not sickening example of what’s coming to many states and cities in America. Led by handsome Gavin Newsome, the state staggers under insanely gridlocked traffic with its 40,000,000 residents.  Its air-polluted skies offer every resident of LA and San Francisco poison toxins with every breath 24/7.  Close to 250,000 homeless Americans live on the streets, in parks, housing areas, underpasses and abandoned buildings. They defecate, urinate and toss trash anywhere and everywhere. MS-13 gangs push drugs into grade schools, high schools and colleges.

Another 4,000,000 illegal aliens’ children overwhelm California’s schools, welfare systems and sanitary systems. Smash and grab Asian/Black gangs steal anything and everything in sight.  You really don’t want to visit Fisherman’s Wharf or Pier 39 in downtown San Francisco for fear of losing your life with a stray bullet.  Most certainly, your car will be smashed and robbed.

California has defunded its police and/or degraded them with such animosity that criminals enjoy a higher standard of respect and opportunity.  No one goes to jail as long as they steal less than $900.00 worth of goods.  Whole Foods, Macy’s, Walgreens and hotels have shuttered their doors in the big cities.  They were shoplifted to death by vagrants, drug addicts, homeless and Venezuelan/Asian/Black and Chinese gangs brought into America by Biden-Harris.  When Biden invited 12 to 15 million illegal aliens to cross our borders, he also invited all the criminals, gangs and drug syndicates to bring their goods to our kids.  No less than 250,000 fentanyl-heroin-meth drug overdoses occurred in the past three years from Biden’s open borders. It’s a total criminal free-for-all with no penalties.

Everything in California is overwhelmed with too many people, too little enforced laws, degraded educational systems and incompetence from the governor’s office all the way down to all the DEI mayors and city councils.  They placed themselves into a “no-win” situation by negating laws, degrading police and simply allowing themselves to become third world cities.

California’s elite like House members Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters provide incredible incompetence beyond the Peter Principle. Both of them possess no clue as to what they have done to California and America.  They provide a level of stupidity that sets the benchmark for uselessness in 21st century America.  They provide leadership that guarantees that California has become impossible to work in, impossible for functioning schools, totally impossible to work with fellow Americans because so few of the illegals speak English or care one iota for America.  Illegal aliens constitute more than half of California’s prisons at a cost of billions of dollars.  That’s the ones they caught. Millions of others continue to shoplift, rape, carjack and trash every city in that state.

There’s nothing sane or rational as to what’s happening in California.  Nancy Pelosi wants to give illegals $150,000.00 to buy homes. She wants to give them citizenship, cart blanche.  At the age of 84, she lacks any comprehension of the long-term consequences of her actions. As to House member Maxine Waters, if brains were gasoline, Maxine would NOT have enough gasoline to fill ant’s motorcycle and drive half-way around a BB.

With all that happening, ,  of California, discovered that legal and illegal immigration adds 6,550 people, net gain, every day of the year. In other words, the leaders of California continue their quest to turn that state into another India, Mexico, Congo, Baghdad or Columbia.  How’s that you ask?  Well, that’s where those illegals originated.  If we keep importing them, we too become a third world country.

Like India at 1.44 billion people, they’ve become SO ENORMOUS in population, that their citizens live in human misery at a level unknown heretofore in America. But if you add up that acceleration of population growth in California now at 40 million, because of immigration, that state expects to reach 60,000,000 (million) by 2050, give or take a few years.  How do you water, feed, house, educate, transport, provide work and maintain a civil society with that many disparate cultures and people.  How do you regain law and order?  How do you stop massive drug cartels from killing our citizens?  How do you solve any problems?  Answer: you don’t. You drag America’s citizens into a third world community.

On top of that, let’s examine the quality of life in California.  On one episode of “60 Minutes” with Leslie Stahl, she reported that water has become so scarce that they now provide “toilet to tap” water. In other words, you get to drink water that’s been chemicalized out of the toilet water to drink as drinking water.  What she didn’t say in that report: with another 20,000,000 (million) people, there won’t be enough “toilet water” to turn into “tap water.”  When I wrote her about that, and asked her to interview me with my book, America’s Overpopulation Predicament: Blindsiding Future Generations, she didn’t return the book or offer an interview. In other words, let’s ignore the crisis until it becomes an unsolvable and irreversible nightmare.  That’s where America races, full steam ahead.

On top of that nightmare, Biden-Harris degrade California’s and America’s standard of living.  They just imported 12-15 million third world illegals who have no connection to or love of America.  They cost you and me, American  taxpayers $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) a year in  welfare, food, housing, schools and prisons.  (Source:

The ongoing kicker, Biden-Harris continue importing Middle Eastern Muslims who chant, “Death to America” in Detroit, New York City, Miami, LA and San Francisco.  In my own city of Denver, we’ve got Venezuelan gangs taking over, gunning down and terrorizing apartment building-dweller American citizens.  Worse, our two U.S. senators, Governor Polis, and Denver’s mayor support open borders.  Also, Denver as a Sanctuary City and our state as a Sanctuary State.  We already suffered 10,000 homeless in Denver, but now, we’ve got another 50,000 homeless illegal aliens.  We taxpayers foot the bill into the billions of dollars.

Do the politicians in Washington DC or our state care?  Answer: they stand by while we citizens pay the price in getting our children  killed, as in Laken Riley, our stores robbed, and drugs distributed to our children.  What’s happening to America, at some point, will not be solvable.   We all become victims of this invasion.

As I said, “You can’t  believe it until you see it; and when you see it you can’t believe it.”  But it’s here and it’s growing worse by the day.

Coming in Part 2:  The heartland, Chicago, Illinois, Mississippi, Detroit, Michigan, onslaught into a degraded and declining America. We may not be able to pull ourselves out of this mess…much like India or any other third world country.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Protecting the Elderly from Scams Through Mental Health Awareness

By: Amil Imani

September 2, 2024

Mental health is a critical aspect of overall well-being, particularly in the elderly population. As people age, they often face challenges such as cognitive decline, isolation, and changes in social dynamics. These factors make older people more vulnerable to mental health issues, which, in turn, can increase their susceptibility to scams. Understanding the connection between mental health and scam vulnerability is essential for protecting our elderly loved ones.

The Importance of Mental Health in Scam Prevention

Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and dementia are prevalent among the elderly and can significantly impact their decision-making abilities. Depression and anxiety can lead to feelings of hopelessness or fear, making individuals more likely to respond to scams that offer a false sense of security or companionship. Dementia, conversely, impairs memory and judgment, making it difficult for individuals to recognize fraudulent activities.

Mental health professionals play a crucial role in identifying and addressing these issues. Regular mental health assessments can help detect early signs of cognitive decline or emotional distress, allowing for timely intervention. Improving mental health can enhance older adults’ ability to recognize and resist scams.

Common Scams Targeting the Older People

Scammers often target older people due to their perceived vulnerability. Some common scams include:

  • Phishing Emails: Scammers send fraudulent emails that appear to be from legitimate organizations, tricking older people into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links.
  • Grandparent Scams: A scammer poses as a distressed grandchild, requesting money for an emergency. Driven by fear and concern, older adults may quickly send money without verifying the situation.
  • Romance Scams: Scammers establish fake romantic relationships with lonely elderly individuals, eventually manipulating them into sending money.
  • Telemarketing Fraud: Scammers use high-pressure sales tactics over the phone to convince elderly individuals to purchase unnecessary products or donate to fake charities.
  • Investment Scams: Promising high returns with little risk, these scams exploit older people’s desire to secure their financial future, leading them to invest in fraudulent schemes.

These scams exploit older adults’ vulnerabilities, such as loneliness, fear, and cognitive decline, making it vital to raise awareness and provide protection.

Signs of Mental Health Decline and Scam Vulnerability

Recognizing early signs of mental health decline can help in identifying elderly individuals at risk of falling victim to scams. Some warning signs include:

  • Changes in Behavior or Personality: Sudden mood swings, irritability, or confusion may indicate mental health issues.
  • Difficulty Remembering Things: Frequent memory lapses, particularly concerning finances or personal details, can be red flags.
  • Social Withdrawal: Isolation from family and friends may make the elderly more susceptible to scams, as they lack the support network to discuss suspicious activities.
  • Increased Anxiety or Depression: Heightened feelings of anxiety or depression can cloud judgment and increase vulnerability to scams that prey on emotions.
  • Unusual Spending Patterns: Sudden, unexplained transactions or investments may indicate that the older adult is being scammed.

These signs should prompt caregivers and loved ones to safeguard older people from scams proactively.

Strategies for Protecting the Elderly from Scams

Protecting older adults from scams requires a multifaceted approach that includes education, support, and vigilance. Here are some practical strategies:

  • Educate Them About Common Scams: Regularly inform older people about the latest scams and how to identify them. This can be done through community programs, family discussions, or educational materials.
  • Encourage Caution with Personal Information: Remind older people to be wary of sharing personal or financial information, especially over the phone or online.
  • Help Develop a Support Network: Encourage older people to stay connected with friends, family, and community groups. A strong support network can provide advice and a second opinion on suspicious activities.
  • Seek Professional Help for Mental Health Concerns: If there are signs of mental health decline, consult with a mental health professional for assessment and treatment.
  • Monitor Financial Transactions: Regularly review financial statements for unusual transactions or patterns. This can help catch scams early and prevent further losses.

Open communication and trust between caregivers and older adults are vital to implementing these strategies effectively.

The Role of Mental Health Professionals and Attorneys

Mental health professionals and attorneys play crucial roles in protecting the elderly from scams. Mental health professionals can assess and address mental health concerns, improving the elderly’s ability to make sound decisions.

Attorneys can help safeguard older people’s assets by reviewing financial documents, providing legal advice, and, if necessary, filing for guardianship or conservatorship. This legal oversight can prevent scammers from exploiting older adults’ financial resources.

Protecting the elderly from scams is a collective responsibility that requires awareness, proactive measures, and support. Mental health awareness is vital to this effort, as it directly influences older people’s vulnerability to scams. By staying vigilant, educating our loved ones, and seeking professional help, we can safeguard older people from the growing threat of scams.

© 2024 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Judgment is Here and More to Come

By Pastor Glynn Adams

September 1, 2024

If the citizens and Christians of this nations allow the Marxists Democrats to lie their way into the White House and the Congress, we will face a judgment of our own making like no other nation in the history of mankind.  If we are not awake now to what is going on, then the coming judgment will wake us up but it might be too late!!!

I am very concerned about this election because I have read the Bible and in it one can see what God does when His people are disobedient and refuse to get engaged in a spiritual war raging all around them!!!  This election is not about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris but is a spiritual war between God and the New World Order demonic elites.  Except for a very few, Pastors and Christians, most in the Body of Christ are deceived and are not engaged in this spiritual and cultural war.  Yet God ask the question, “Who will stand up for Me against evildoers?  Who will take his stand for Me against those who do wickedness?” (Psalm 94:16)   Horrible judgment is coming to America if we don’t start obeying the Lord Jesus!!!!

During World War II, Pastor Dietrich Bonhoffer faced evil in his day against Hitler.  He warned the church but they made friends with the Third Reich and were destroyed.  “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Dietrich Bonhoffer was in prison and was hung with piano wire by Hitler before the end of the war)

Christians today show no spiritual interest in resisting this evil that has overtaken our nation and have reduced Christianity to going to a building on Sunday Morning to have their ears tickled and made to feel good in their sins.  I am in a group called the Salt and Light Brigade with Coach Dave Daubenmire and he has a daily podcast called and this group is heavily engaged in this culture and spiritual war raging in this nation.  Coach and the group need hundreds, no thousands of pastors and church members to engage with us but they refuse.  This easy “just say you love Jesus and you are saved” and spiritual apathy has caught up with the Body of Christ in America!!!

Since the sixties, the merchants of evil have been selling us corruption disguised as freedom.  The brilliant and malign techniques they have employed using the Marxists ideology to change America’s mind on issues like abortion, homosexuality, church-state separation; and more is not by accident but a deliberate and systematic plan to deceive us that was carried out by Saul Alinsky and the Frankfurt School.  The leaders have changed but it is still the Marxists Ideology plan being carried out!!!

These Marxists have systematically and secretly marched through our institutions changing our nation while most citizens and Christians were sound asleep.  Even when we were told about this evil scheme of Satan, citizens and Christians still refused to become engaged in the war raging against us in this nation.  We must have more in the Body step up to assist the Remnant of God in resisting the enemy in this nation.

The enemy is being exposed more and more each day and by God’s grace, truth will win out in the end.  Coach Dave and his salty warriors are fighting these New World Order cabals but most of the pastors and church members are still on the sidelines spiritually asleep and playing religious games.

Many faithful writers are engaged in this spiritual war to be a wake-up call for all who cherish traditional values, the innocence of children, and the very existence of this great nation.  We are living in dangerous times and to get out of this, all hands must come together to fight these demonic Marxists strongholds seeking to destroy us!!!!!  God will not hold those guiltless who refuse to help!!!

Despite decades of relentless attacks on our moral and spiritual foundations, many think America is still a Christian Nation.  I personally do not.  Christian nations are nations that obey God and Christian people that obey God, make their nation Christian.  The sole reason this nation is in the spiritual mess we are in is because those who call themselves Christians have not obeyed God and His Word when it comes to resisting the evil overtaking this nation. deny self, take up your cross and follow Jesus and His ways.  Since the sixties, the Marxists have had more influence on this nation and have made more disciples of Marxism than Christians have of Jesus Christ.  This is shameful and God will not hold us guiltless!!!

Folks, we are currently a captured nation, we are ruled by Satan and not by God.  We have become a habitation of demons, demonic strongholds, and false gods.  Many of our pastors and churches are now exhibiting Marxists ways in their churches.  But the greatest problem in Christianity today is we are so divided by denominations that we will not come together under the banner of Jesus Christ and do spiritually what must be done to get out of this spiritual mess!!!  Judgment is coming!!!

I could continue this conversation for days talking about the downfall of Christianity in America.  Our divorce rate is the same as the world as our marriages are failing like the world.  Most Christians love this world and its world system and we succumb to the culture around us just like the pagans.  Needless to say, Christian Researcher Barna, in a recent survey says there was almost no difference between those professing to be born-again Christians and non-Christians.  Judgment is coming!!!

Also, Barna says, not only do too many Christians apparently think and act just like unbelievers these days but the number and variety of different and contradictory Christian world views and practices – all presumably based on the same Bible – have grown astronomically.  Let’s fact the facts America, in recent decades, it seems, myriad new types of churches have evolved to accommodate every conceivable temperament and world view, regardless of whether that world view is biblical.  An example is the new “Metropolitan” churches created especially for homosexuals.  The rest of the Body of Christ is silent about these non-biblical churches.  We must remember God has clearly given us a solution to deal with these churches in Matthew 18:15-17 but the Body remains silent in the face of evil.  Judgment is coming!!!

The Body of Christ in America need to repent and get back to absolute obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness, and allegiance to Jesus Christ and His Word.  Jesus must be LORD of all and every facet of our life.  Unless, we repent and change our ways, the judgment of God will continue!!!  While I am at it, Donald Trump cannot solve all our problems in America.  Our problems are not political but spiritual.  When Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, I and many others warned this nation and especially the Christian Community that Donald Trump was a stop-gap and a protector of the Body of Christ and Christians were to double down against the evil in this nation AND WE DID NOT!!!

I will remind you that it is “God who sets kings and brings down kings” (Daniel 2:21) and when Israel was disobedient to God, He would then take away a good leader and replace him with an evil leader.  That is exactly what happened to us in America in 2020 because of our disobedience to God.  Instead of resisting the evil that had overtaken this nation, we sat on our ass and did nothing and let Donald Trump take all the heat!!!!  And God removed our President and gave us an evil President – a Marxists figurehead: Joe Biden!!!! HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  Judgment came to us in 2020!!!  Will God give us another evil leader again in 2024?

Folks, we are in the same non-spiritual mode today we were in when Donald Trump was up for reelection in 2020 and all went wrong.  I can tell you that I am very concerned that another Marxists could be elected our President for the same reason.  I see no repentance, I see no spiritual influence on our culture, I see no resistance of evil and we are seriously divided in our churches – some Marxists, some Christian, and not many Christians engaged in this spiritual war raging in our nation!!!  Judgment is coming!!!

So, how is our spiritual mess in America going to be fixed.  The Body of Christ must repent before God and agree with God to change our wicked ways.  We carry this out by agreeing with God that we will not present Christianity in such a shallow way that doesn’t require the love of truth.  We will no longer present a dumbed- down version of Christianity but one that requires honest introspection, courage, self-denial and patience.

We agree with God to stop the compartmentalization and trivialization of Christianity into a mantra of belief – but not separated from works, from obedience, commitment, submission, faithfulness and allegiance.  We agree to basic honesty, integrity, love of truth, and true repentance from the heart.  We agree to stand with other deeply and committed believers and pastors who have stood firm and held back the tide of Marxists atheism from totally sweeping over our land.

In America, we can have a real and much needed great awakening but we must go to our rooms, close the door, and ask the Holy Spirit to take a good, hard, honest look at ourselves.  Upon conviction, repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness and agree to walk as He walked in obedience.

Let me say something here.  Many in the Body of Christ do not read the Word on a daily basis.  The Bible is clear in John 15:4-6, “Abide in Me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in Me.  I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit for apart from Me, you can do nothing.  If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”  If you won’t abide in Christ and His Word, hell is coming to you!!!

A partial Judgment is now going on in America.  God will relent on our judgment if we will repent and change our wicked ways and become obedient to Him and His Word.  Jesus is serious but we have made church a game of numbers and going to a building on Sunday.  No nation, except the nation of Israel, has been warned more about our disobedience than America – judgment is coming hard upon this nation!!!   It’s way past time we take what God says in His Word seriously!!!

“Will we continue to allow God and Jesus Christ to be erased and minimized or will we stand boldly for the One we claim to serve.  Will we continue to bow the knee to Caesar or is there no King in America except Jesus Christ for us?” (Rob Pue, Wisconsin Christian News)

“Who will stand up for Me against evildoers?  Who will take his stand for Me against those who do wickedness?” (Psalm 94:16) God will not hold us guiltless if we ignore these questions!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to “The Marketing of Evil” by David Kupelian, the “Religious Trojan Horse” by Brannon Howse, and “The Killing of Uncle Sam” by Rodney Howard- Browne and John L. Williams)

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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Is Trump Destroying Reagan’s Legacy?

By Cliff Kincaid

September 1, 2024

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

In a previous column, “Making Sodom and Gomorrah Great Again,” I warned about the left-ward drift of the Trump for president campaign. It has gotten worse. He is now promoting legalization of dope.

Some say it doesn’t matter, that they will support Trump no matter what. They say only Trump will save America from communism. But if Trump is adopting elements of the communist agenda for America, moving left on dope, gays, and abortion, many conservatives will start having second thoughts about whether to support him. If they perceive he wants to win at any cost, without regard to the moral issues that grip the nation, he will lose many votes, perhaps millions from Christians and conservatives.

At a time when the new Reagan movie is gripping the nation, providing an opportunity for Trump to copy Reagan’s politically successful playbook, Trump has decided to jettison one of the main legs of Trump’s three-legged stool of foreign policy, economic, and social conservatives as a strategy of winning. Trump has decided to appeal to Cultural Marxists by embracing legalized marijuana.

David G Evans, Senior Counsel for the group, Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators, told me in a statement, “We are very disappointed that Trump has caved into the left-wing drug legalization scam funded by George Soros. Marijuana legalization has caused increases in addiction, mental illness, crime, and violence. Trump is acting in ignorance of the damage that has been caused in those states that have legalized marijuana. We get many calls from parents about how marijuana has destroyed their children. Trump has now come down on the side of addiction for profit. Not even Biden has come out in favor of legalization.”

As Evans indicates, Trump’s dramatic turn in favor of legalized marijuana doesn’t make sense politically. Historically, it’s stupid for a Republican to pander to the stoners and the Soros-supported legalization movement, which is backing the Democrats.

In we examine history, especially Reagan’s strategy of having a “three-legged” stool of political support from fiscal/economic, foreign policy, and Christan/social conservatives, we quickly realize that, on this basis, Reagan was elected for two terms. His second win was a landslide.

The culture has changed for the worst, to be sure, but this is no time to abandon the fight to the marijuana industry, the abortion business, and the “gay” lobby, now in a new phase that inevitably leads to acceptance of pedophilia.

Yet, in that previous column, I noted that Trump’s wife Melania, a Catholic, was raising money for the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay activist group that supports homosexual “marriage” and other radical LGBTQ agenda items.

In addition to this betrayal, Trump has already embraced liberal abortion laws, abortion pills, and now, in his own Truth Social Account, has endorsed the so-called “recreational” use of marijuana in his home state of Florida. He claims it is inevitable.

It’s only inevitable if principled conservatives allow it.

In addition to drifting to the left on abortion, gay rights, and marijuana, thereby alienating conservatives and Christians, he is being surrounded by figures who have a history of advocating sacrificing Ukraine to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, jeopardizing the “peace through strength” element of the Republican coalition that was prominent under Reagan.

Those figures include Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlson, and RFK Jr.

None of this will concern the so-called “MAGA Media,” or even such Fox News personalities as Greg Gutfeld, who, on the abortion issue, once declared that it has “become an acceptable evil” in America and we will just have to live with it. He advocated taking abortion “off the table,” which he claimed would enable Republicans to win votes and “be in power forever.”

This seems to be the new Trump position on abortion, gays, and now dope.

In another previous column, Trump Campaign Embraces Abortion and Homosexuality,  I noted that the Trump for president campaign was signaling that the anti-Christian social order is too strong for Trump to overcome and that he is making a deal with the devil to win the November election.

With his endorsement of legal dope, he is apparently trying to appease the Soros-funded drug legalization movement.

But Reagan never would have agreed with this dangerous drift to the left. He didn’t have to deal with the homosexual problem, but his wife Nancy was a great proponent of the “Just Say No” campaign against marijuana and other dangerous drugs.

Now, Trump is saying “Yes” to legal dope, on the grounds that many people want to smoke the drug and get high. He wants to cede ground to those wanting to addict our young people to a mind-altering drug.

Trump’s turn on abortion was bad enough, and that betrayal demonstrates his lack of knowledge of the communist menace.

In the new Reagan movie, Reagan is shown reading the book, Witness, by ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers, in which he discusses going from pro-abortion to pro-life.

Chambers said, “There were Communist doctors who rendered that service [abortion] for a small fee. Communists who were more choosy knew liberal doctors who would render the same service for a larger fee. Abortion, which now fills me with physical horror, I then regarded, like all Communists, as a mere physical manipulation.”

In 1933, when his wife became pregnant, Chambers said that he and his wife immediately knew that, as faithful communists, their immediate option was abortion. But his wife came over, took his hands, and burst into tears, saying, “We couldn’t do that awful thing to a little baby, not to a little baby.” It was the instinct of a mother.

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner once provided the dirty secret behind abortion – it keeps women sexually available to men. That’s why he funded the “abortion rights” movement.

When he ran for the first time, Trump was considered pro-life, and his supporters carried signs that said, “Make Unborn Babies Great Again.”

Now his pro-life supporters are alienated and sickened by his turn, for crass political reasons, in favor of death and suffering for the unborn (under limited circumstances and certain time limits, he claims). His reasoning is that he wants the votes of women who find giving birth inconvenient to their career plans.  He buys the feminist argument that babies up to a certain point are not human beings.

Under Trump, the 2024 Republican platform has not only dropped support for a human life amendment to protect the rights of the unborn but has dropped opposition to so-called gay marriage. Now Trump wants legal dope.

Trump sometimes compares himself to Reagan, but it was Reagan who wrote “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation,” about his conversion to the pro-life point of view.

Chambers’ book Witness, which had such a profound impact on Reagan, was about more than abortion. It was about an even greater struggle between the forces of darkness and light, of which communism versus freedom was just one chapter.  

Trump says he opposes communism, like Reagan, but moving into alignment with the forces of darkness on matters of life and death just so he can win an election is not Godly.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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