COVID Shot: Rising Deaths, Serious Injury, Spontaneous Miscarriages and Stillbirths

By: Devvy

States must stop distributing any of the COVID vaccines.  

In my February 8, 2021 column, COVID-19: Request Investigation at State Legislatures Health/Science Committees, I requested, as well as dozens of concerned individuals who signed onto my letter, that committee do two things.  We the People must know the truth regarding the actual existence of this ‘novel’ COVID-19 coronavirus and second, the actual number of cases and deaths.

In that column I explained what exhibits would be included in the package I had prepared for members on that committee.  Our Howard County GOP Club paid for those packages to go certified mail to all six selected committee members.  So far, only three of the green signature cards have come back.  As soon as the other three come back, I will calendar for two weeks and then we start making calls to their offices.

Follow up is absolutely critical.  I wish I had the same option as when I lived in Sacramento less than ten minutes from the state capitol, but not so now.  It’s a six-hour drive to Austin.But for those who do live close to your state capitols, you, friends and family can follow up in person.

YOU need to do the same in your state as I outlined in my column above.  The letter is reprinted in ADDENDUM D below.  You can tailor it for the Health Safety or Science Committee in YOUR state legislature.  NOT email.  We need tens of thousands of the packages I sent (see my column above) piled high on their desks because they can’t be ignored.  Don’t assume someone else will do it.  Our country and the lives of tens of millions of Americans were brought to their knees over nothing but lies.

It is work, but I’ve done the work for you, just print out the exhibits (about 28 pages and then your letter).  As I said in my column, the people of this country have been terrorized by the media, career criminal, Fauci and the liars at the CDC for over a year.  Americans have allowed fear to rule their lives and will continue to do so until the truth is flushed out.

I have never once said this COVID-19 was a hoax.  At first, like a hundred million others in this country, I didn’t know exactly what was going on other than we were told this new killer coronavirus was sweeping the country.  Panic was everywhere.  I’m sure you remember early last year.  We can all remember videos of hospitals and first responders trying to cope with so many dying.  But, dying from what?  Some epidemiologists and infectious disease experts say it is a very bad influenza.

I wrote my first column on COVID on February 17, 2020, over a year ago.  Since then it’s been countless hours trying to find truth.  The Internet has been drowning in disinformation, click bait headlines and outright lying by the CDC.  In my June 20, 2020 column, COVID-19: Lies & More Damnable Lies, I said it’s time for a forensic audit regarding the actual numbers of people who died from COVID-19 since death certificates citing COVID-19 were being manipulated for profit.

By the end of December, I became convinced the so-called ‘novel’ coronavirus has not been verified by any scientists, labs, government health organizations and specifically, the CDC.

No Governments Have Isolated COVID-19 Virus–What Does That Mean?, Dec. 28, 2020

This would appear to be insanity or embracing too many conspiracy theories based on nothing.  After all, so many humans around the world have died from that virus.  Wars over whether or not Hydroxy or some other treatment method is effective.  What about testing for that virus?  I mean, the CDC early on set diagnostic testing for that virus using a PCR test.  So, am I crazy?

No, that’s where the reading, research, learning how a virus is scientifically discovered and so much more took a ton of time.  Once I became convinced this was a reasonable, serious question that must be asked, that’s when I proposed to members of our Howard County GOP Club:  We need to take this to our state capitols.  To the committees that deal with health safety and science.

Forget Congress.  How many committee meetings were held on 9/11, Benghazi, Extortion 17, Russiagate, OKC, only for the guilty to walk, go on to lucrative book deals and speaking engagements.  No, our state houses are closer to We the People and easier to throw worthless incumbents out of office every two years.

Those terrorized and traumatized by COVID-19 over the past year will not listen to me or you, but when a committee of elected public servants takes up an investigation it becomes more serious.  Perception is everything.  What we want is scientific confirmation either way.  While I believe this particular coronavirus doesn’t exist, we need for our public servants to investigate and in the end, the truth will be the truth regardless of what I might think or believe. 

This latest letter, ADDENDUM C, goes out today to the same committee members.  If you feel as I do that this must be investigated, please use my letters, tailor them for your state committee and get as many friends and family to sign on.  Just copy and paste into your word processor.  The draconian agenda using COVID will continue until enough heat is put on state capitols to investigate and that means tens of thousands of letters, NOT email.  50,000 emails will get the same crap boiler plate letter.  50,000 paper letters piled on their desk changes everything.

ADDENDUM C – New letter dated March, 15, 2021, the Ides of March.

ADDENDUM D – First letter to the Health & Safety Committees dated March 3, 2021

Help me inform Americans with my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions.  400 pages of facts and solutions on these issues: “Federal” Reserve, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more.  800-955-0116 for phone orders

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Separate sheet of paper to send with your letter:

Minnesota Lawmakers Call for Audit of COVID Death Totals

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The Antibody Deception by Rosemary Frei, MSc

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Minnesota man thrown from an automobile listed as a Covid death and other shenanigans uncovered in Minnesota

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Transhuman 101: Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine To Be An ‘Operating System’

The big lie behind the panic over COVID ‘variants’ exposed by Daniel Horowitz

Separate sheets of paper which will go with your letter in ADDENDUM C:

Professional Biography of Professor Dolores Cahill Professor

Dolores Cahill received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994). She was awarded an EU ‘Human Capital and Mobility’ Post-doctoral Fellow, Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995). Prof. Cahill became group leader of the Protein Technology Group in the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany (1996-2003). She obtained an Associate Professor position, Department of Clinical Pharmacology/Director of Proteomics Core, RCSI, Dublin (2000-2005). Since2005 – present, she is Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine. Prof. Cahill is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record is in life sciences, biotechnology and in personalised healthcare and biomarkers (PHB), proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays, and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications.

Applications of the research she has developed are in the academic and commercial/clinical sectors and include characterisation of antibodies specificity (including therapeutic antibodies), biomarker discovery/validation, diagnostics, assay development, protein-interaction studies, proteomics, large scale/systems biology research & validating Ovarian Cancer biomarker panels in a diagnostic clinical trial.In 1997, Prof. Cahill co-founded a biotechnology company, Protagen AG ( in Dortmund to commercialise the high content protein and antibody array technology.

Protagen AG is a spin-out from the Max-Planck-Institute She co-founded this company with co-founders Prof. Helmut Meyer (Bochum/Dortmund) and Prof. Joachim Klose (Berlin), and the areas of this company are proteomics, mass spectrometry, biotechnology and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More recently Protagen AG had developed peptide therapeutics. With the other co-founders, Prof. Cahill was involved in allstages of Protagen’s development from 1997 – 2003, including patenting high content protein and antibody array technology, managing 5 patents through the PCT granting process, exclusively licensing the patents to Protagen AG from the Max-Planck Society, writing the business plan, securing venture and enterprise funding, commercialization strategy, building company collaborations in Germany and internationally, hiring a full-time CEO, etc.

On returning to Ireland full-time in 2003, she remains fully supportive of Protagen and is a share holder. Protagen AG currently has 55 employees. Protagen Protein Services spun out of Protagen AG and has over 100 employees and is in sites in Dortmund and Heilbronn, Germany ( In 2010,Prof. Cahill founded the Irish Biomarker Network, which aims to bring together the many aspects required to deliver rapid developments in personalised healthcare, biomarkers and translational medicine to patients facilitating strategic coherence within this industry and engagement with clinicians, industry, academics, patients, government stakeholders, funding agencies and regulatory authorities, both nationally and internationally.

A further recent example, in April 2013, Prof. Cahill was Keynote Speaker and Chair of a conference, ‘The Business of Biomarkers’, Copenhagen. This was a strategic meeting of Denmark Universities’ Technology Transfer Offices as part of the Danish collaboration, “DetNationaleNetværk for Teknologioverførsel” (DNNT) to discuss challenges and solutions of commercialization in the health sector from regulation to investment. It included Danish University, TTO, government officials, funding agencies & industry. Prof. Cahill is involved in Scientific and Research Strategy and Policy Development and Evaluation for over 10 years. She is a member of the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative

(IMI) Science Committee (2017-2019). In 2018, she was elected by the IMI SC to be Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (2019-2020). From 2005 to 2014, she was a Member of the Irish Government’s Advisory Science Council (ASC) (, appointed by the Irish Government Minister. In this voluntary role, she was involved in the development of the Irish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation (2006 – 2013).

She Chaired the ASC Task Force on the Irish Government Policy document ‘Towards a Framework for Researcher Careers’ & as a Task Force member in ASC Policy Reports on ‘Promoting Enterprise-Higher Education Relationships’ (2009) and the ‘Sustainability of Research Centres’ (2012). She is a member of International Science Advisory and Review Boards, including as Chairor Observer of European Commission Calls in: the Innovative Medicines Initiative; FP7Health, FP7 Health- Innovation, FP7 Infrastructure, FP7 Energy & Smart cities, BMBF/DLR in Germany (2003-present); BBSRC in the UK UK: Genes & Developmental Biology Grant Evaluation Committee (GDB) and their Strategic Reviews (2005, 2007 & 2011); Vinnova in Sweden (2009-present), IWT in Belgium (2011). She is a Science Advisory Board of Human Protein Altas, (2002-2018), ProNova Research Excellent Institute, Sweden (2007-2018) & Complex inc, Switzerland (2010-).

And the list of her awards and accomplishments goes on but I believe you get the point.