By Karen Schoen

July 29, 2023

According to Joe, Americans are worth 12¢

Joe Obiden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden family got about $40 million from enemy countries like the CCP and Ukraine etc. to change American policy favoring China or their country. Divide $40 million by $350 million Americans at that time and you get 12¢.  How does it feel to learn that the family representing the administration and Elite think we are worth 12¢. Thanks Glenn Beck for noticing.  So when you pay your thousands into taxes, remember that we should send only 12¢ to the IRS.

Why do I believe we have been sold into slavery?  Obiden got his $40million and We The People are paying for it. Our taxes are supporting all of the UN communist programs. Trump got America out of the UN, Obiden put us back. Our tax dollars are paying for the illegals to come to America at the behest of these same countries who are emptying their jails and mental institutions. Obiden gave $83 Billion of military equipment to the Talliban which they are selling. So we are now financing Iran as they build their nuclear weapons to turn on Israel and America.  America gave over $100 Billion to Ukraine to fight a war we have no business being involved in. How much actually went to the people. We have financed the oligarch government and pensions. Who is paying for you?

Once more we are paying for UNESCO to indoctrinate our children, to mutilate them so child bearing and family relationships no longer exist. Those same children can be trafficked for grueling work in factories, cobalt mines (for elite EV batteries) or into sex slavery. We The People through our tax dollars are paying for these NGO’s to deliver another crop of child or women slaves to cartels and Elite for their pleasure.  Remember a drug is sold once then you wait for the next sale. A person can be sold over and over often in the same day. The trafficking industry in about a $150 Billion business. Through Obiden policies, Americans are paying for this perverted act while the RINO’s watch and clap like seals. CA was the first what’s happening in your state?

The communist WEF (World Economic forum) and our inept, incompetent Federal Reserve in their psychedelic stupor, is pushing digital currency.   I believe the majority of the OBiden administration is hooked on something otherwise the drug trade would be over. .

Once the digital currency is in place the noose will tighten. 15 minute sustainable (controlled) cities are popping up all over the country. These cities will have cameras all over your street, building, home, office, church everywhere. They will watch you to make sure you and the company you keep is in perfect lock step with the government. I’ll be watching you.

Imagine going to the supermarket and being told you do not have the credits for coffee, gas, electricity, bus, train, plane, or whatever the state thinks you used too much of. Imagine the state saying too much electricity usage for you. So they turn off your electricity for 12 hours a day for a week as punishment. If it is winter, they will shut off at night so you will freeze.  If summer you will suffer from the heat.  After all why do you think those new cars and appliances are so SMART. Smart appliances interact with their master, the government, NOT you.

Once these treaties with the UN are signed. they will use your smart meter to control your house or city under some emergency plandemic which they will make up. WHO expects USA to sign the new treaty giving the UN communist  WHO total power to manage the next plandemic. How many Americans know the Supremacy clause? How many RINO Senators think they can give up American sovereignty?  Will you call you Senator and tell them to vote NO?

In Sept, 2024 WHO wants a practice run like the Covid lockdown controlled by WHO.  Raise your hand if you think there will be a fair election under WHO procedure. I can see WHO declaring an emergency and Obiden telling everyone to MAIL in ballots. Call your Representative and Senator and tell them “Just say NO to the WHO Treaty.”

Put that together with the latest election scheme, This is s doozie.  The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact…. State Legislators are passing a bill that says: No longer would the enrolled state’s electoral votes go to the presidential candidate who wins support from a majority of the state’s voters. Rather, they would be assigned to the candidate who wins the national popular vote.  So far 17 states have signed onto this unconstitutional law.

What I described is life in CCP controlled China.  Bernie, Klaus, Bill all think the Chinese model is wonderful.  Do you? Obiden sold the Americans for 12¢.  There will be no competition, or dissent.  You will obey or wind up in jail.  Is this our future? Is America worth saving?

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out  Micro Schools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINO’S out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.  Doing nothing is complying.

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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