By Ms. Smallback

January 20, 2024

I believe “collective consciousness” was coined by psychologist Carl Jung.  It’s the concept that there’s a community consciousness of sorts.  (I’ve never really delved into it and don’t have an opinion one way or another.  The few things I’ve run across in the years seemed a bit out there to me, so I left them alone.)  Then there came the “100th Monkey” from the 1950s…

The premise of the 100th Monkey (in a nutshell) is a group of scientists in Japan were researching Macaque monkeys on various Japanese islands.  They would drop sweet potatoes on the beach for the monkeys.  On the island of Koshima they observed one monkey take a sweet potato to a fresh water lake and wash it.  One by one the other monkeys began doing the same.  The researchers noticed that after the hundredth monkey did it, that monkeys on other islands began doing it too, despite being detached and unable to observe or learn from the ones on Koshima.

It became known as the 100th Monkey, and suggested that there was a collective consciousness.  It suggested that when so many of the monkeys had the same thoughts, that it created a type of community of thought, if you will, where the community no longer had to learn the behavior or thought pattern, that it was picked up even subconsciously.

I probably would have rejected this concept in the past, except that I learned about the 100th monkey after some quantum physics studies.  I wrote a four part series on some of my (quantum) learning here.  (If there’s interest I can republish them here on NewsWithViews.  But they are kind of detailed with a lot of science and I didn’t know if there would be interest….  It’s probably my favorite series I’ve ever written.)

The gist of the notion is the human brain is a type of electric field (electromagnetic); it sends out a frequency (or frequencies).  The human body is a magnetic field of its own. (I wrote about that in the spring of 2020, because the implications of that alone bear a lot of weight on things like “viruses” and “pandemics”.)  The human body’s electro-magnetic field is a torus.  For brevity I can’t get into that right now.

I bring it up because the seat of consciousness is in the brain, which is an electromagnetic field.  The actual science exists that the frequencies emitted from a brain can be picked up by another brain – even subconsciously.  There’s a lot of places we could go with this, but it’s not the purpose of this article.

The suggestion of the 100th Monkey is that there is a tipping point – a point that when so many have the same thought (that leads to behavior or action), it tips into those outside of the original bubble of influence, it spills over and others pick up the frequencies that have spilled over.

Of course it’s “just a theory” with some remarkable circumstantial evidence.  It could explain a “mob mentality” – where people engage in actions they would otherwise not do if alone but do when in a crowd engaged in such activity.

Now if we revisit the premise of Project Looking Glass (which I wrote about here) indicating there’s a point the world heads down a specific road and there’s nothing to change that outcome, (but it’s not the outcome the globalists want), it creates some questions with current events.  According to the whistleblower on Project Looking Glass, after inserting numerous scenarios to try to change the outcome, they learned the outcome was inevitable.  They learned the world was moving to a type of awakening rather than a dystopic globalist regime.

As a Christian, I don’t find that surprising.

I realize using math and science to substantiate faith is out of the comfort zone of a few Christians.  Yet the universe was created by a Divine Creator who used principles and laws for His Creation.  Those principles and laws can be found in math and science, if you stick with pure math and science and not the pseudo-science and math promoted in academia and globalist agendas.  (Research the origins of the American educational system to understand how far away from true education it is.  Here’s a good place to start.)

I know it’s trendy in Christendom Churchanity to predict and project an “Antichrist”, a great tribulation, a magical “rapture” and other Armageddon type scenarios.  (I used to do it myself.)  I know I’m going to anger a certain percentage of Christians just by saying that, and I’m sorry for that because I don’t want you to be so angry you can’t hear and research what I’m saying.  So if you could withhold your indignation long enough to entertain another possibility, I have some things to say.

The power tools of the adversary of God are deception and fear, and they often work tandem.

What we do in the construct of organized church Christianity, is teach principles and precepts of the religion as has been passed down to us.  If my own experiences are any indicator, questioning the established rhetoric is frowned upon and not at all encouraged.  You can’t even have an innocent, just trying to understand, question in some churches.  And if those principles and precepts are incomplete, or even worse, wrong, well you are generally put in a position of either dismissing your doubts and questions to stay in the good graces of the institution, or leaving and trying to find such truths apart from it.  Such is the same system in the world.

For example, the “Antichrist” figure is for the most part taught as some evil person coming from somewhere like Russia, or Iran, or somewhere in the Middle East, and sometimes it’s even a person coming from America.  And yet “antichrist” cannot be found anywhere in the book of Revelation.  When I point that out, people usually point me to Revelation 13.  There are two beasts in Revelation, and beasts are prophetic imagery for kingdoms or countries.  That’s not a person.

It matters not to most institutionalized Christians.  They don’t miss a beat as they continue to guess and project what new world leader is the “Antichrist”.  If I press them, they’ll pull from some pastor or teacher or apologist to justify why they must see the “Antichrist” as the beast in Revelation 13, coming to kill all the Christians – (as if error cannot be passed down).

Let’s change gears for a minute.

Do you remember the “Leave the World Behind” Netflix movie I referenced in my last article?  Did you know that people who work in video editing discovered there are four audio tracks in the video?  There are usually one.  In fact, there are never multiple audio tracks in a video – says people who have worked in the field for a number of years.  They found one of the tracks is specifically infrasonic frequencies (ELF).

The infrasonic track peaked at just a few places in the movie, places of extreme stress.  (I believe it was maximized at the scenes when the ship ran aground on the beach, and both times the piercing pitch was sent out for a full minute.)  Infrasonic frequency is known to disrupt sleep and to cause feelings of fear, dread and/or depression.

There are other theories as to why infrasonic frequencies were inserted into the movie, but I can’t cover those with brevity in this article.  For now let’s just evaluate why an Armageddon type movie could be inserting indiscernible frequencies in its movie at stress points when infrasonic frequencies are known to incite fear or dread (or worse).

Obviously there’s a desire to incite feelings of fear or dread.  It is, after all, a movie about cataclysmic events in America.  We could attempt to give some benefit of doubt by saying it was just theatrical effect (albeit it hasn’t been done like that before to current knowledge) to enhance the intended impact.


What about predictive programming?  Predictive programming is the concept that they use media outlets (movies, music, literature, etc.) to predict what they want to do in the future.  They paint the outline, so to speak, and it fills in at a future time.  Examples would be Contagion for Covid-19, White Noise for the Palestine, OH chemical spill (ironically both produced by Netflix), “The Eyes of Darkness” by Dean Koontz for Covid-19, and any number of Simpsons or South Park episodes, etc.

The theory is they plant the idea in the head so that when the future produces the scenario the mind accepts its reality because it’s familiar.  Whether that’s true or not is subjective, but there are a lot of uncanny “coincidences” between media products and subsequent real events.

Let’s say the Leave the World Behind was an attempt at predictive programming.  It would mean, then, that there is a plan or objective to propel America into some sort of “attack”, whether it be foreign attack, cyber attack, economic attack, or a combination of things.  They elude to a breakdown of communication and a turning of neighbor against neighbor, almost a civil war type of thing at the onset of perceived external attack.  One is left, at the end of the movie, with the distinct impression everyone is for himself, and must wait “it” out.  Any semblance of victory, of unity, of push back against the unidentified attacker is absent.  Hmmm….

The Obamas producing the movie is enough to give a discerning mind pause.  The Obamas are the Manchurian candidates for deceiving Americans into accepting a veneer of political correctness sitting under a base of diabolical tyranny.  So if the puppets of deceit are producing a movie of the demise of America, what’s the motive?  I can assure you it is not pure entertainment.

I’m going to argue here that Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari and ilk don’t have their world globalist agenda buttoned up like they hoped they would.  Things aren’t going as swimmingly as they hoped, and the minions of the world are pushing back on their agendas.  German farmers, Dutch farmers, Canadian activists, even America seems done with Hollywood’s voices.  (If only we could show the sports ball enthusiasts they’re watching the same script Hollywood produces, just in different clothes.)

Bill Wood, whistle blower for Project Looking Glass, said it kind of like this:  Let’s say you’re watching a chess match between two Chess Masters, the two best.  And the one looks down at the board and realizes he’s in check mate in seven moves.  The only way he gets out of this is if his opponent makes a mistake.  He looks across at his opponent and realizes his opponent knows full well he has him in check mate in seven moves.  What can he do?  He can play out the next six moves any way he wants, the end will remain the same.  He can stall and try to delay the end.  He will make every attempt to take out his opponents moves, but it will all still be in vain.

I don’t know how to make you see this in 2500 words or less, so I’m going to spend a few future articles trying to break pieces down to help you see.  It’s not that there aren’t hard things ahead for us.  I’ve spent some time praying about 2024 and I know the Lord showed me there are some hard things in front of us.  BUT….  It’s the frantic six moves before checkmate.  They are desperate to try to swing the momentum back to get their globalist tyrannical utopia.  They will pull out all the stops to try to change the outcome, even though the outcome is already decided and they lose.

How long will those six moves take?  I don’t know.  A year?  Five years?  Ten?  Only God knows.

But I think the action of the key players is telling.  I think they’re panicked.  I think the movie was an attempt to paint a picture of defeat, and embed (with maybe some infrasonic frequency help) fear in the minds of the minions.  They need a collective consciousness of fear (and they will use deceit to create it).  They’re hoping they can create enough circumstances to produce enough fear for that tipping point to spill over into a collective consciousness that submits to their agenda through default of fear.

They are few and we are many.  They need the many in fear of the few.  They’ve deceived themselves (and others) that they will obtain their victory.  But it’s really not up to them.  They’re the pawns of God’s adversary, and while they think they’re calling the shots, they really aren’t.  I want to expound on the cosmic battle in the coming weeks, but it will take me some time to lay it all out.

Yes, the enemy has plans to bring destruction, and some of those moves he’s going to make will be painful.  We can navigate the battlefield with little loss if we know how to position ourselves.  I only have some of the pieces and understanding, but I will present all that I have.  In the meantime, have a listen to this.

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