Kelleigh Nelson

They hate the president so much they are not going to let a little thing like having to lie deter them. They want him gone and are willing to lie to make it happen. Trump Derangement Syndrome is the Kool-Aid at Jonestown. —Derek Hunter, Townhall Political Columnist

At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child, miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless.  Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.  —P.J. O’Rourke

Socialists cry, “Power to the People,” and raise the clenched fist as they say it.  We all know what they really mean – power over people, power to the State.  —Margaret Thatcher

To argue with a person who has denounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.  —Thomas Paine

Trump supporters realize that the obsessed and demonically possessed Democratic Socialists led by our demented House Speaker Pelosi will not stop trying to destroy the blue-collar billionaire president elected by 63 million Americans.

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a condition in which a person forsakes logical reasoning due to his or her strong dislike and fear of Donald Trump. Even therapists are starting to use the term to describe patients with these symptoms.  In other words, they’ve lost their minds, and there’s no cure in sight!

Early stages of TDS are inexplicable, fast eye-blinking, light palsy, stammering and overbearing snobbery. Sometimes redness of the face and shortness of breath accompany.Later stages include total delusion, dementia, inability to think clearly and, ultimately, a madness that cannot be contained.

In 2016, the left was so sure that Hillary Clinton would win, that they abandoned their hold on reality when she was defeated by Donald J. Trump.  And they really hate this outsider who became President of the United States when it was first lady Hillary who was “promised” the position.  Imagine the corruption that would exist with Hillary in power…our lives would not be the same, but there’d be pots of gold pouring into the “pay to play” Clinton Foundation.

First, Russia, Russia, Russia, then obstruction of justice, and now impeachment.  They’ll never stop.


Night and day the mainstream media squawked that the “walls are closing in” on President Trump. Impeachment was underway, “a solemn and somber process,” celebrated by House Speaker Pelosi handing out autographed pens during the impeachment article signing ceremony. One would think she was signing landmark legislation like the Civil Rights Act given the pomp and circumstance.

The fact remains that the president was not allowed due process, and he was never allowed to face his accuser, or to question witnesses against him.  This was a bogus and contrived unconstitutional attack on President Trump.  Pelosi’s vindictiveness continued even after the president’s magnificent SOTU speech.

Rep. Matt Gaetz has filed an ethics complaint against Pelosi’s disgusting lack of respect and protocol at the SOTU when she tore up government property at the end of our President’s speech. Gaetz tweeted that Pelosi’s conduct was beneath the dignity of the House, and a potential violation of law (18 USC 2071).  The law’s wording promises up to three years in prison for “whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys … any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office.” Gaetz claims there will be an ethics investigation into Pelosi’s actions, but ethics investigations are only pursued when the politician is a Republican.

Trump’s Lawyers

Summary judgement or dismissal should have immediately been done by Trump’s lawyers regarding the false impeachment charges, but the show went on…theatre for the dumbed down masses. This charade by the Democrat Socialists has cost American taxpayers millions of dollars, and I hope it costs the Democrats plenty of seats in both the House and Senate.

All of Trump’s lawyers did a magnificent job of exposing the Democrat’s lies, and Pam Bondi even brought up Hunter Biden’s statements that he hasn’t had a job for almost two years and has no money. Really? He and his new pregnant wife have been renting a $12,000 a month house in one of the most expensive zip codes in the country out in California for a long time. Who is paying for that? If Hunter is so talented, how come he hasn’t had a job in almost two years? (h/t Devvy)

Thankfully, the Senate rejected the act of tyranny by the Pelosi-Schiff coup cabal that controls the House. After the magnificent State of the Union address, after the “acquittal” of President Trump…it was “Vindication Day” for the President.And if the Republicans retake the House, they plan on expunging the Trump impeachment.

The Senate couldn’t come close to the 67 votes needed to impeach the President. Only one Senator was seen wringing his hands because he had to vote for one of the two counts leveled by the TDS Democrats.  Willard the Rat Romney, in his defection from the Republican held Senate, succeeded in capturing a bit of air time by the MSM.

But hold on…now the House Democrat impeachment managers and CNN hosts had a meeting of the minds in an interview that aired two days after the President was vindicated.  They said Trump really hadn’t been acquitted because the trial hadn’t been fair, and the president hadn’t been “exonerated” by the trial.  Talk about the idiocy of grasping at straws to fulfill their desire of eliminating the people’s choice for President. Wake up Democrats…we didn’t want the Queen of Corruption, Hillary Clinton!

Democrats Plot Against Trump and America

The Democratic Socialists aren’t finished.  Already they’re plotting the next impeachment of our president and more investigations into President Trump’s involvement with Ukraine.  They need to take a look in the mirror.

Democrats already have lined up possible charges if they choose to pursue impeachment 2.0.  Still pending is a wide open probe launched by Rep. Adam B. Schiff, (D-CA) “Pencil neck” as Rush Limbaugh calls him, has been investigating President Trump, his family and businesses, and the Trump Organization, over the congressman’s suspicions of blackmail, money laundering and bribery.  Ahh yes, once again Alinsky’s psychological projection tactics…these modern day Caligula’s charge President Trump with crimes they most likely have committed themselves.

Associated Press photo

Jerry Nadler (D-NY) has his eyes set on a return investigation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  On the same day the president was acquitted by the Senate, Nadler held an oversight hearing with Deep State FBI Director Christopher Wray. Nadler confirmed that, yes, we are indeed going there again. He is going to focus on questioning the legitimacy of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Nadler also claims lawmakers will likely subpoena John Bolton to learn what he was prepared to tell the Senate, and other high-ranking Democrats say the Ukraine story isn’t over.

During the oversight hearing, Director Wray admitted that the surveillance of Carter Page was illegal. Wray has some explaining to do.  In May of 2019, he disagreed with AG Barr that there was any spying on the Trump campaign, but under oath again, he finally admitted that the surveillance of the Trump campaign was also illegal.

Worse yet is the fact that two men who have worked for our president would slander and libel the man for retribution.  Remember that Warhawk John Bolton was the foreign policy adviser to 2012 presidential candidate Willard Romney. And President Trump’s former chief of staff John Kelly said he believed former national security advisor John Bolton’s allegations concerning Trump’s Ukraine pressure campaign.Back in August before Bolton was fired, he described Trump’s call with Zelensky as “warm and cordial.” (video)

Bolton and Kelly may believe they’ve gotten revenge for being fired, but their retaliation against America’s President only makes them look petty and small.  Tucker Carlson called Bolton a snake referring to the snake in the poem Trump read during the 2016 campaign.  Attorney Joe diGenova said the release of Bolton’s book is an act of treachery.

Trump Wins

On February 7, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit dismissed a lawsuit brought by Democratic members of Congress charging that President Donald Trump was illegally profiting from his business interests in violation of the Constitution. A three-judge panel issued a unanimous “per curiam” decision finding the lawmakers had no standing to bring their suit, which pointed to Trump profiting from foreign government officials choosing to spend money at Trump hotels as violations of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. Link

This is the clause that states a President cannot profit off of his office. Considering the fact that the President is losing his wealth while serving the country, this has always been a ridiculous argument. Link

Pelosi has once again failed in her attempt to remove the President from office…but she is not accepting defeat. Pelosi has now authorized Maxine Waters, of all people, to expand her investigations against the President to include articles of impeachment over the emolument’s clause.

Tossing Treacherous Turncoats

The smirking smug face of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was escorted from the White House Friday, two days after President Donald Trump was acquitted in the Senate impeachment trial. Vindman violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice by defying the Commander in Chief, and after he heard the call, he talked to a CIA officer. Was that Eric Ciaramella? Then there’s Shawn Misko, who had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together.  Sean Misko spoke with Ciaramella about the need to “take out,” or remove, President Trump. Later he went to work for Rep. Adam Schiff’s committee.  Convenient?

Vindman and his twin are Ukrainian Russians who immigrated with their father and older brother when Yevgeny and Alexander were three.

Before he was detailed to the White House, Vindman served in the U.S. Army, where he once received a reprimand from a superior officer for badmouthing and ridiculing America in front of Russian soldiers his unit was training with during a joint 2012 exercise in Germany.

His commanding officer, Army Lt. Col. Jim Hickman, complained that Vindman, then a major, “was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly and really talked up Obama and globalism to the point of it being uncomfortable.”

“Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012,” Hickman, now retired, asserted. “Do not let the uniform fool you. He is a political activist in uniform.”

The National Security Council aide handling book approvals (including Bolton’s) is the twin brother of Lt. Col. Vindman. Yevgeny Vindman, a senior lawyer and ethics official in the NSC is the identical twin brother of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Their offices were across the hall from each other.  Alexander Vindman testified that he told his brother about Mr. Trump’s July 25th call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Senior NSC official Timothy Morrison, who was the former boss of Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, testified that Vindman’s bosses had numerous concerns and problems with him.Morrison confirmed that multiple other officials were concerned that Vindman was potentially leaking sensitive information to the media.

Both men will go to the Pentagon. Defense Secretary, Mark Esper was asked about potential retribution for Vindman during a trip to New York City. The defense secretary said the Pentagon “has protections for whistleblowers” who report waste, fraud or abuse. But Democrat Vindman wasn’t a whistleblower, or was he?

Gordon Sondland, who as the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union was a central figure in the administration’s dealings with Ukraine, announced Friday that he was losing his job, according to Fox News. Good!  “I was advised today that the president intends to recall me effective immediately as United States ambassador to the European Union,” Sondland said. As of Friday, eight of 12 officials who testified publicly during the impeachment hearings have left the posts, either voluntarily or otherwise. It’s about time! Excise the Deep State!  And the National Security Council is being cut way back.  Seemy previous article on both of these men.

Not since Lt. General Michael Flynn was in charge of the NSC, were there people who could be trusted to have the President’s back.  When McMaster came in, those good people were fired, and the Deep State representatives were hired. Now Robert O’Brien is hopefully eliminating the NSC of these treacherous Never-Trumpers.

But there’s even more! Officials confirmed that Trump and national security advisor, Robert O’Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack Obama, and Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, who had fattened the staff to 200. Many were loaners from other agencies and have been sent back. Others left government work.  That’s a big hooray…now clean out the DOJ swamp!


Word on the street is that there may be major deep state arrests coming, but we’ve heard this before. Remember Huber? Lindsey Graham is touting the same thing…but I’m not holding my breath.

As for Twitter, one of my favorites is back on line…James Woods…and he returns with guns blazing.

Hillary Clinton told everyone to “Resist.” We’ve all seen those bumper stickers…it’s time for a new one that says, “Resistance is Futile.”

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