
Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Today’s Featured Writers

Was the Trump Assassination Attempt an Inside Job?




Regretfully, DEI Isn’t as Useless as Tits on a Boar Hog

Raunchy title, do you think? It’s got nothing on DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. At least those appendages on the boar hog affect nothing; the dedicated Marxists — useful idiots for the globalists and Deep State – are using DEI to destroy the greatest culture that graced God’s Earth.

By |August 31st, 2024|

Should Rahimi Be the Poster Child For the Second Amendment?

Federal limitations on gun possession have been a sticking point among the Second Amendment community for decades. I know several groups and law firms that have been looking for the perfect case to challenge these laws. Instead, Zackey Rahimi got his case to the Supreme Court first.

By |August 31st, 2024|

The Assassins of the FBI

In the video game, Assassin’s Creed, the gamer can play the role of a legendary samurai and a shinobi assassin in feudal Japan. In real life, President Trump’s alleged would-be assassin in current-day America was facilitated in his mission by the FBI and then, after he was terminated, the FBI sanitized the crime scene, burned his body, and has failed to tell us what was in his encrypted overseas accounts.

By |August 30th, 2024|

Illusion of Being Right: High Level Fear Wearing A Mask

We humans make judgments on just about everything that comes into our eyesight. We judge ourselves when we look into the mirror in the morning. We judge our friends by the cars they drive. We judge strangers by the clothes they wear. We judge incessantly beyond the borders of our minds.

By |August 30th, 2024|

The Hellish Nightmare of DMV Bureaucracy

I sent my Congressman, Tim Burchett, the original article on this nightmare debacle, and he was kind enough to call me at home.  I told him the whole story and asked him if he couldn’t please do something to make life less difficult in attaining the desired ID.

By |August 29th, 2024|

Why Don’t ALL Americans Want Honest Elections?

I don’t know about you, but I would like to return to the good old days of paper ballots and same-day in-person voting, with some non-government accounting business actually doing the counting.  Sadly, our “government” has become too political to trust either side and I sure as hell don’t want the FBI investigating anybody or anything!

By |August 29th, 2024|

Sinking Into Tyranny

To me it looks like our Western civilization sinking into tyranny. Violence in the streets, as our namby-pamby leadership tries in vain to appease Muslims with a screw loose; the government reveling in unlawful censorship; and a trip to the cop shop for anyone who has a beef with a public employee—is this what passes for the Free World, nowadays?

By |August 29th, 2024|

Fools Are Promoting a New Constitutional Convention

I would guess that not one of the politicians promoting a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) has actually studied the document or the history of how it came about.  All of them should take the Hillsdale College course on our Constitution.  If they had, they certainly would be more cautious of opening another convention.

By |August 27th, 2024|

I Will Be A Watchdog – Not a Lapdog

I am running for the office of Oregon's Secretary of State because our state is at a crossroads. My wife, Diane, and I have had the privilege of living in Klamath County for over 3 decades. As we celebrate 44 years of marriage, our roots in Oregon run deep, with our children building their lives and families here in the Pacific Northwest, as well.

By |August 27th, 2024|

How the States Can Suppress Illegal Immigration

In addition, it would not be amiss for “the people” to make crystal clear that public officials’ failure, neglect, or refusal to act immediately and effectively to obviate these “grievances” in exact accordance with the proposals for “redress” presented by the citizenry will constitute further “grievances”, leading inexorably to “redress” in the form of those officials’ removals from office—to be followed in due course by appropriate punishments for their derelictions of duty.

By |August 26th, 2024|

The Bill of Rights and the States

When I sat down and read the Constitution for the first time, I was struck by two things. First, how much I had not been taught in school. Second, how much of what I had been taught was absolutely wrong. This idea that the Bill of Rights did not apply to the states until 1868 and the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment is one of those things we’re taught that’s absolutely false.

By |August 26th, 2024|

Activities In the Last Days

The Body of Christ in America, with obedience to the Holy Spirit, is going to clean up this spiritual mess we have allowed and tolerated in this nation or God is going to judge us and our punishment will be swift and very painful as no other in this world.  We have allowed Satan to steal our “paradise” just like he did with Adam and Eve and God will not hold us guiltless! “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; not to speak is to speak; not to act is to act.” (Pastor Dietrick Bonhoffer, Germany 1933).

By |August 25th, 2024|

The Left Is Energizing Their Base

What we do, as Christians, makes a difference, whether we want to accept that responsibility or not.  Perhaps more importantly, what we fail to do, as Christians, has a profound impact in the nation and world we live in — and the nation and world our children and grandchildren will inherit from our watch.

By |August 25th, 2024|

The Entire Democrat Party is Built on Lies

The made-for-TV con-job masquerading as a party convention may be the final straw that breaks the back of the Democratic Party for the next hundred years. For at least the past seventy-years, the party has been built upon two failing ideas that have left the party painted into a corner they may not be able to escape in the 2024 elections.

By |August 24th, 2024|

The Digital Minefield of Nigerian Scams

In the digital age, scams have evolved from simple deceptions to sophisticated operations, often targeting vulnerable individuals and communities across the globe. These scams, particularly those originating from specific regions like Nigeria, have become notorious for their effectiveness in deceiving people out of their hard-earned money.

By |August 24th, 2024|

An Open Letter to Mr. Donald J. Trump

This messaging strategy should go further than just implanting in voters’ minds the fear of what could happen if a lifelong, bona fide DEI appointee and cultural Marxist gets into the White House. It would be, as I said last week, presidency-by-committee. By a committee of committed cultural Marxists!

By |August 23rd, 2024|

The Door To Your Emotions

"Every emotion that is turned on by the outside makes you into a beast, subject to the control and the mood of the outside, with less and less control within your own self. "

By |August 23rd, 2024|

Get In On the Joy!

And across the water, Britain’s new Labour government (that’s “Off-the-Wall Far Left Crazy” in American English) has threatened a government crackdown on “harmful beliefs”. They’ve vowed to go all-out, no quarter asked or given, against “extremism.” If your beliefs ain’t right, the cops will bite.

By |August 22nd, 2024|

Your Invitation to a Great Life

In recent weeks, my son Trevor quit his well-paying pharmacy tech job in Denver, Colorado for a “room and board” position in a quiet village in the Austrian Alps. He sickened of his role in filling drug prescriptions for people addicted to poor health, synthetic solutions and no personal accountability for their own wellness.

By |August 22nd, 2024|

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