The “N” Word Is My Favorite Word

I love the “N” word. It is my favorite word. I use it almost daily. When somebody I don’t know asks me for money, or tries to sell me a product or service I don’t need, I always answer with my favorite word: “NO!”

Currently, however, I heard that somebody is attacking President Trump because he allegedly used the “N” word. According to some people, Trump is in big trouble because he used the “N” word. Am I in trouble too?

In the current upside-down world of political correctness, some words must never be used. You can only use them at your own risk. Currently, a person who is accused — it doesn’t need to be proved, the accusation is enough — of using the “N” word can be fired from his job without any explanation whatsoever. I think this is just the beginning of a very dangerous trend.

Some religions have taboo words that must never be uttered by the adepts. In Cuba, the practitioners of some African religions cannot say the word “snake,” because it is a taboo word. In the same fashion, the practitioners of a cult named political correctness should never say the word . . . well, “N.”

One of the characteristics of most languages is the use of direct and indirect discourse. Direct discourse is when you say something. Indirect discourse is when you quote somebody saying something. The lady who recently wrote the book accusing President Trump of using the “N” word evidences proof that to Gaia (New Agers’ name for Mother Earth) cultists some words are taboo.  She cannot dare to use the word standing for “N” because if she uses it, even allegedly quoting Trump, she could be accused herself of using the taboo word “N,” — which is further proof that “N” is not a derogatory but a taboo word.

Anyway, I have no problem with the fact that they cannot use the “N” word because to them it is a taboo word. I am very respectful of other people’s religions, even if their religion is the New Age and they venerate Gaia. What I don’t like is that they try to impose their taboos on other people, even if they are not believers in Gaia. This is highly unfair.

Some time ago, a group of white, leftist racists entrenched in the English Departments of some American universities, in order to hide their racial prejudices, appointed themselves as the Jiminy Crickets of the black people and decided to tell other people what words they can use and what words can’t use. They have been very successful, particularly among white racists in the closet like themselves. It seems, however, that they failed miserably to impose their ideas on the very people they claim to protect.

In 1986 a group of black musicians from Los Angeles created a hip hop musical group that soon after became famous: Niggas With Attitude. The group was active until 1991. Today they would have been banned. Nevertheless, many young blacks still use the word “nigga” among themselves in a friendly, affectionate way.

There is a big problem if this linguistic craziness continues. If the politically correct crowd keeps on banning words, we may eventually end up using only American Sign Language.

There is also the problem of discrimination. While whites are not supposed to used the “N” word, because it is offensive for black people, but is okay if some blacks use the “C” word [cracker] while referring to whites. Moreover, the banning of the “N” word creates a series of problems difficult to solve, and even to understand.

For example, how do parents and teachers can tell their children not to use the “N” word without using the “N” word? Let’s see:

“Hey. Jimmy, never use the “N” word.”

“But, what’s the “N” word Ms. Thompson?”

“Well, the “N” word is a word you should never use, because it is offensive to ‘Ns’”

“But, why the “N” word is so offensive?”

“It is offensive because some people think so.”

“Who are those people Ms. Thompson?”

“Well, some white people think that the word “N” is very offensive when used by white people like you.”

And so goes on and on this hypothetical dialogue.

Even more difficult to understand is why some people call the letter N a word. May it be that using the “N” word is bad but using the “N” letter is okay?  So, if I see a black man and I tell him: “You are an ‘N’” it is very offensive, but if I say,  “You are a N,” is it okay?

One of the characteristics of primitive thinking is the belief that there is no difference between a thing and a symbol. Ethnologists have reported the fact that people of some primitive tribes in South America didn’t like to be photographed, because they believed the photo would steal their soul. Some voodoo priests in Haiti still stick pins into a doll or a picture of a person to cause him. It seems that, despite iPhones and the Internet, the politically correct crowd are pushing America on its way to primitivism.

Some time ago most people believed that, while sticks and stones may break their bones, words would never break them. Today, thanks to the advances of primitive thinking, apparently some words can break people’s bones.

There is, however, more than meets the eye. Currently, using the “N” word is automatically seen as a clear indication of discrimination for people with a different skin color, when in most occasions it is actually a manifestation of discrimination not for the person’s skin color but because of the content of his character. It seems that the prohibition of the use of the “N” word has become a sort of umbrella used to cover and hide undesirable character traits.

All languages have offensive words. Actually, compared to Spanish or Russian, the English language is very tame, lacking in offensive words. Nevertheless, offensive words exist in every language for a purpose. There are times when you want or need to offend somebody. Now, if you cannot use offensive words, what you can do? Use a baseball bat or a machete to express your distaste? I think that, wittingly or unwittingly, the politically correct crowd has created a cure that is much worse than the disease.

Critics of President Trump, such as this opportunistic woman who is now accusing him of using the “N” word, apparently ignore that one of the main reasons why most Americans gave him their votes was because Trump didn’t fear to use the “N” word. I think that the true reason why the politically correct crowd hates Trump so much is because almost every single day he is saying “NO” to the New World Order.

So, I don’t know about you, but, despite all criticism, I will continue using the “N” word every time I think it is necessary to stop the politically correct crowd and the New World Order they love so much. Moreover, I suggest that, unless you are an adept of the New Age cult and love Gaia, you use the “N” word as much as possible.

Saying “NO” to the New World Order is the second-best thing we can currently do to make America great again!

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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Cindy McCain, John’s Choice As His Replacement

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.  —General Douglas MacArthur

A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims… but accomplices. —George Orwell

John McCain spent five and one-half years in a prisoner of war camp in Viet Nam.  McCain and 19 other jets were commissioned to destroy a power plant in Hanoi. Shot down in his Skyhawk dive bomber on Oct. 26, 1967, Navy flier McCain was taken prisoner. When John ejected his right knee slammed into something and broke, and the force of shooting from the craft and hitting the air snapped his arms. He lost years of his life because he chose to serve his country.  Let’s not forget that.  Pray for his family.

Senator John McCain is pulled out of a Hanoi lake by North Vietnamese army soldiers and civilians on Oct. 26, 1967.

Many are glad McCain is gone from the Senate. Personally, I wouldn’t wish this glioblastoma brain cancer on my worst enemy, and I pray that John McCain had a “come to Jesus” moment before he succumbed to his illness.  Nevertheless, McCain may have once again put one over on his Arizona electorate and the rest of America.

Senator Cindy McCain?

This report calls it McCain’s final act of revenge and vengeance against America.  Had McCain resigned his seat when he received his diagnosis, we would be holding an election this November for his replacement.  But he had other plans, the resignation deadline was June 1st and he did not resign.  The Hill reported that last May 30th, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, a close friend of the McCain’s, met with them at the McCain home outside Sedona, Arizona.

By refusing to resign and allowing the folks in AZ to vote on his replacement, McCain will effectively hold his senate seat until Jan. 2021, even in death. The replacement for John McCain won’t be on the ballot again until Nov. 2020 and the newly elected senator won’t be sworn in until Jan. 2021. McCain allies in Arizona and Washington have been pushing for Cindy McCain to be appointed to her husband’s seat.

Ducey has the power to appoint someone to the Senate seat.  I have long believed the replacement for McCain’s seat is his wife, Cindy McCain, and that they planned it this way.  Whoever replaces McCain will be his ideological clone, aka a ferocious enemy of Trump and his agenda.

John’s wife Cindy not only illegally used drugs but walked away from criminal charges. In 1994, Mrs. McCain admitted that she had solicited prescriptions for painkillers from physicians who worked for an international charity that she founded, the American Voluntary Medical Team. She then filled the prescriptions in the names of her staff. She was investigated by the Drug Enforcement Agency, after one of her staff reported her. Cindy received no charges or prison time, and she entered a diversion program.

Obamacare and Planned Parenthood

Americans were angry at the Senator’s betrayal when he failed to vote for the “skinny repeal” of Obamacare, and not just with McCain, whose conservative vote rating was 49%.  Alaska’s Murkowski gets a 65.1% conservative rating and Maine’s Collins gets a 46.3% conservative rating.  All three of these leftist Republicans voted to keep Obamacare and voted against defunding Planned Parenthood. The bill would only have eliminated the mandate to purchase insurance (which is now gone thanks to President Trump) and the medical device tax, yet they wouldn’t vote for it.

Collins, who did not vote for Trump, thought the salvation of the abortion provider was more important than cost-effective health insurance provided in a free market for all Americans.  Link  McCain and Murkowski had pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare when running for re-election, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.

McCain’s betrayal with a no vote when he campaigned to repeal it, was a slap in the face of our President.  The Senator took pleasure in joining with Democrats to screw the American taxpayers.  He broke seven years of promises to the American people, greeted Democrats with big smiles and issued hugs to Senators Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein.


In early June of 2017, McCain told a left-leaning overseas newspaper that Barack Obama provided better leadership for America than Trump.  McCain even sent a courier to Great Britain to obtain the phony Trump dossier and then gave it to Comey, when everyone in DC knew it was fictional rubbish and wouldn’t touch it.

Comey allowed Hillary to walk free.  And John McCain was not only a friend of Hillary but like her he promoted amnesty for illegal aliens. Their reasoning is clear, abortion has murdered 60 million American children, and we are replacing them with Democrat Mexican and Muslim voters.  McCain said Hillary was a great Secretary of State, “I think Hillary did a fine job, she’s a rock star.”

Senator McCain wanted Congress to pass the Gang of Eight’s comprehensive amnesty bill when he returned to the Senate after getting treatments for brain cancer.   He reportedly spoke to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about joining forces again to pass the “Gang of Eight” bill.  This is a massive amnesty bill, totally anathema to Trump’s policies and would give a path to citizenship to most illegals.

Soros and the McCain Institute

In 2008, Jerome Corsi reported that McCain had been funded by Soros since 2001.

Like former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, McCain was closely tied to Soros. They reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the “Keating Five political scandal” regarding the Savings and Loan industry scandal during former President George H. W. Bush’s administration.

The bank chairman, Charles Keating, paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.  McCain was one of the most reprehensible in this scandal, and the American taxpayers had to again pick up the bill.

In 2012 McCain turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership.  It is a tax-exempt non-profit foundation with assets just over $8 million and associated with Arizona State University.

The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s “bag man.” Teneo had long helped enrich Clinton through lucrative speaking and business deals.

Bloomberg reported in 2016 on a $1 million Saudi Arabian donation to the institute, a contribution the McCain group refused to explain publicly, but this is just one of many questionable donations.  Link

McCain’s Foundation bears a striking resemblance to the corrupt Clinton family Foundation, including funds accepted from Soros.  Link  The Institute has refused to release the names of other big donors.

Libya and Benghazi

In 2005 Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had dismantled his weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program and was lauded by the international community. Thus, relations between Libya and the US were improving. However, in 2011, Rubio hoped to polish his foreign policy credentials for his eventual president campaign, and so he thoroughly backed Hillary Clinton’s War on Libya. Following the murder of Gaddafi, Rubio, McCain and Graham celebrated with the rebels they helped to arm, just a year before these rebels attacked the embassy in Benghazi. We know the rest of the story.

McCain’s Unsavory Past

The “tributes” to veteran and politician McCain started the moment his death was announced.  Even Fox News has lauded the history of this often vindictive and vengeful Senator.

According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.  Others totally deny that McCain was traitorous in any way.  One must remember he had severe injuries from ejecting from his plane, and humans can take only so much before they break.  McCain conceded other POWs performed better.

In his memoir Faith of My Fathers, McCain admitted to being a lousy midshipman at the naval academy and a flier who lost four or five planes. (The time he decided to hug the ground in Spain for the hell of it and flew into some power lines the plane may have survived–it’s not clear from his account.)

The following links reveal far more.

McCain and the POW Coverup by Sidney Schanberg

The Real John McCain Vietnam Story

McCain Nearly Sunk Aircraft Carrier

John McCain is No Hero

Neither a Good Man, Nor a Public Servant

Betrayal of America’s Missing POWs

McCain and John Kerry were the bipartisan betrayal of MIAs and POWs.  Link

American POWs from Vietnam were the bloody flag Richard Nixon wrapped himself in, on the advice of Henry Kissinger which included his unfulfilled agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs.  According to records recovered at the end of the Cold War, 1,205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam.

U.S. President Richard Nixon announced that all U.S. servicemen taken prisoner had been accounted for. At that time, the U.S. listed 2,646 Americans as unaccounted for, including about 1,350 prisoners of war or missing in action and roughly 1,200 reported killed in action and body not recovered.

McCain fought against the release of classified Vietnam POW records and insisted they be sealed.  He and John Kerry buried the evidence. He also voted against a Senate Select Committee recommendation to investigate possible POWs left behind that were classified as MIAs.  He agreed with the lazy DOD at time who did not want the workload of investigating this possibility. Soldiers who had died were never brought home, and American prisoners of war died in captivity because of Kerry and McCain.  You can add Henry Kissinger to this atrocity.  Watch the stunning short video…

McCain purposely suppressed information about what happened to American soldiers missing in action in Vietnam.  Throughout his Senate career, he quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus, the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books.

Jerome Corsi reported that this POW case haunted and helped destroy McCain’s image as a war hero.  Read the mass of evidence of our men left behind by this Senator.

President Trump might now be able to find a way to release the sealed POW documents, and bring those men home.

The Maverick

It is possible McCain did some sort of heroic type effort survival things like living through torture as did so many others during their capture–but he sure as hell is not a hero. Being a POW is not being a hero.

Escaping and then leading an attack back on his captures as Army Special Forces Lt. Colonel (then Lieutenant) James N. (Nick) Rowe did the next day after his escape and helicopter discovery and rescue all after being held in a tiny cage (and tortured) and having to live in far worse conditions than Hanoi Hilton for five years in the jungle of Viet Nam. Rowe, while racked with near death dysentery and weighing just 125 pounds of his original 180, barely able to walk did just that–he insisted on boarding a chopper to lead an attack against his former keeper’s camp deep in enemy territory before they could move to another location. Now that is pretty damn heroic–and he got nothing for that. [Link]

Before the phony tearful tributes to John McCain, like those of Ted Kennedy, be sure you remember the facts about this self-proclaimed Maverick. The facts do not always agree with that portrait of a heroic patriot and great American.  He even dissed his former running mate, Sarah Palin who is not invited to his memorial.

I don’t hold his military service as a POW against him. Every POW endured different horrors, and reacted in varying ways. McCain was significantly injured and required extensive medical treatment. And many POWs were exploited in different ways against their will by the North Vietnamese and Cuban interrogators. According to McCain, he was allegedly offered an early release from the Hanoi Hilton after a year, but refused and stayed with fellow veterans.

The only part of McCain’s military career I’ve been very critical of, was his absolute insistence that there were no live POWs left behind after the 1973 release of the Hanoi POWs, when we know for a fact that a good number were left behind, and were alive and still trying to signal friendly forces, as well as seen by witnesses, for more than a decade after.


The White House flag flew at half-mast for two days for Senator McCain, and flags are lowered by presidential proclamation, so the president decides who receives the honor. The recent tradition for senators who die in office has been to have flags lowered in their honor from their death until their burial.  President Trump raised the flag after two days of having it lowered, and then under pressure again lowered it until McCain’s burial.

When Obama was president, the flag was lowered for the drug induced death of addict Whitney Houston, but not for Shirley Temple Black who was an American artist beloved by her generation and an Ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States. But nothing was said against his failure to honor this wonderful American citizen, yet a drug addled singer was honored.

In McCain’s last act before his death, he made a film that will denigrate our President and those of us who voted for him…even in death, he spews hate. [Link]

John McCain may be gone, but I don’t believe we’ve seen the last of the McCains.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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Either End Democracy Or America Could Be Terminated

The current economic state of affairs in the United States is very good to say the very least.  Unemployment is way down, a half million manufacturing jobs have opened up throughout the great states of Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and elsewhere.  Our current patriotic president Donald J. Trump reversed the deadly trend of depleting our military by former president Barack Hussein Obama.  The U.S. Stock Market has been a blessing for investors, overall things are good and getting better for our nation.  But one big problem hidden right in front of us and could at anytime unravel and destroy our national stature and greatness.

America’s Founding Fathers set in motion the unique concepts to form this one nation under God Republic based upon unalienable rights of individuals which come from God.  When Jesus died on the cross, he gave the ultimate sacrifice for you, not the mob.  In other words, God places the utmost importance on every one of us and does not reduce our worth, or our individual rights just because a mob shows up and wants to overrule the one person’s freedom of religion for example.

The Founders rightfully detested democracy, or what my Dad and other wise Americans dubbed mob rule.  Here is an excerpt from the book Mobocracy “this is what democracy looks like” authored by Jake Jacobs Ph.D.  John Adams’ 1763 “An essay on Man’s Lust for Power” describes how democracy degenerates into anarchy or mobocracy.  Our Founders did not give us a democracy but a glorious Constitutional Republic under God which is under heavy attack today on many cultural and political fronts across the United States of America.

Unfortunately, everywhere ranging from major American institutions to the streets of New York City, Cleveland, Oakland, California, Atlanta, Madison, Wisconsin, Portland, Oregon and elsewhere there is a massive mob of radical anti-constitutionally limited government communists.  They are joined by ANTIFA haters of America, communists, illegal border crossers, Islamists, bitter blacks, hate filled feminazis, pedophilia pushers. Let us not forget the collectivist big government Left-wing ideologues who say, “this is what democracy looks like!”  No wonder Ben Franklin warned “It’s a Republic mam, if you can keep it”.

European-socialist style mobocracy mobs across our republic carry signs of ubiquitous socialist pig rhetoric and militantly wave their clenched fists in the air.  Their cowardly mobs will find one or two patriots and hound them like a pack of coyotes or hyenas would a wounded rabbit.  Remember the gumps that harassed Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk in the so-called city of brotherly love when they were simply trying to have breakfast?  The leftist anarchists constantly say they are fighting against racism and for social justice.  That tired old lie should be stopped. Then people should fess up and admit their real motive and mission.  The truth is, leftists are working to totally wipe away free enterprise and our glorious Republic under God concept from the earth.

Democracy is their tool to try and secure their nightmare for America.  Those leftist activists and democrats in general do not care one little bit about maintaining strong families or a strong economy.  They completely understand that a morally sound, well educated “not indoctrinated’ population of patriots who love God, country and family cannot be manipulated into accepting their own peril as an acceptable way of life.  That is why, decades ago they gained control of inner city government schools and gradually changed vast numbers of black Americans from highly moral patriotic members of society moving up the economic ladder into a bitter, struggling, infighting broken family population lagging behind the majority of Americans economically. The one exception is American Indians. For the record, there are great achieving black Americans. But percentage wise, higher numbers of black Americans were convinced to abort their babies, shoot each other in the streets, then blame police brutality for the great number of blacks being shot and hate America with a level of self-destructive bitterness that could only be matched by a woman’s scorn.

The black American community has been in a self-destructive downward spiral for decades.  The democracy mobocracy inspired events in the streets of America are part of the deviant mission to do to America what has been done in the black American community.  If their goals are met, then the United States would become a disjointed balkanized mobocracy unable to sustain itself and then pushed into a system of horror not unlike that plaguing the once prosperous nation of Venezuela.

I for one believe that enough Americans will arise and not allow this nation under God to be sent to political democracy inspired hell in a handbasket.  Don’t miss The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 3:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM PT on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. or worldwide via, SHRmedia, Spreaker and Sunday midnights at 12:00 AM on Network.  You will enjoy the informative nationally syndicated radio commentary The Edwards Notebook now heard on over 90 radio stations nationwide via the Captains America Third watch weekend show emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla. The Edwards Notebook is also enjoyed by radio audiences via Detroit’s FM 101.5 and AM 1400 The Patriot, AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nv and other independent stations as well.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Lawsuit Collides With Words In Bible

JEFFERSON CITY, MO. —The ‘Show me’ State has done it again. This time the Missouri legislators passed a law prohibiting any plant-based products from being labeled as “MEAT.’ And now the scrapping has begun with a food fight for the masses. Only animal MEAT can qualify as meat doncha know? Plants for meat? Fooey!

Today, plant-based meat powerhouse, Tortuky and a coalition of animal protection and social justice organizations have filed a lawsuit challenging that law, joined by the ACLU of Missouri, the Animal Legal Defense Fund, and the Good Food Institute.

That law is scheduled to go into effect today, August 28th, 2018. This is happening when diners are now turning away from animal products and becoming vegetarians. There are many reasons for this sociometry change.

Animal lovers began to realize the truth of the horrific method of slaughtering animals for food as shown on videos. The animals suffer greatly with the crude slaughtering methods with no concern whatsoever for the sacrificial animal who has the same nervous system and feel pain the same as we do. The methods are cruel and brutal.

Of course the cattle industry wants nothing to interfere with their well paying industry of products that people feel they must have and consume. Many will remember the time that Oprah was sued by the cattle beef industry in Texas and hauled into court due to her negative comments about beef on her TV show.

Meanwhile it has been proved by health professionals that meat is NOT good for your bodies. Indeed, it can cause problems. THIS is why so many have become Vegans.

During a successful time in my life I toured constantly and ate only gourmet food at top of the line restaurants. The meals were consistently, Filet Mignon, with baked potato and sour cream with all the fixings. Living like this showed success….so it was thought. Food in those days were judged by taste only. That was all that mattered to those of us who simply did not know better.

Coming back from a tour I suddenly felt sharp pains in my stomach, collapsed in my New York apartment, was taken to the hospital and almost died. These fancy restaurants cooked all the nutrients out of the food which was needed for my body. Naturally I consulted a nutritionist, drastically changed my diet and my strength slowly came back. That is MY vegan story.

According to the news release sent to me, as more and more consumers are making the conscious choice to remove animals from their plates, Missouri is putting its thumb on the scale to unfairly  benefit the meat industry and silence alternative producers, says Animal Legal Defense Fund Executive Director Stephen Wells. “This law violates various constitutional principles, including free speech–which should be a concern for everyone, regardless of diet.” he stated.

The explicit aim of the law is to protect the animal agriculture industry, as producers of meat products from slaughtered animals, They perceive that this is a growing threat to their market share. The state’s consumer protection agency admits it has no evidence of consumer confusion over the labeling of plant-based meat.

The Show Me state has sued to prevent any representation of a plant as meat. Has anyone consulted The Bible for counsel in this?

Perhaps we should spend more time in The Holy Book.

Did you know that Adam and Eve were vegetarians? Eating flesh was out of the question, even among the animals.  This is proved in The Holy Scriptures.  “And God said, let the earth bring forth grass, the herb, yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.”  Genesis 1:11

Then he instructed Adam and Eve: And God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed; to you it shall be FOR MEAT.” Genesis 1:29

Now, mind you, the same instructions were given to the animals. “And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb FOR MEAT.” And it was so. Genesis 1:30.

Yes, even the animals were vegetarians.

This writer believes that this counsel from God as written in The Bible settles this issue once and for all.

Again, their ‘meat,’ was not flesh, but herbs. That was all the body needed to replenish and keep strength. So it cannot be illegal for plants to be referred to as meat.

So Missouri Legislators, perhaps you should rethink this issue, in which you are clearly opposing the Bible, which can come to no good.

Photo Caption: Missouri State Capitol where Debate Reigns


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Public Schooling: A Waste Of Time And Money

The earth’s about to be destroyed, and you’ve got a spaceship that can carry people to another planet. The problem is, you can only take eight passengers and you’ve got a list of twelve. Four will have to be left behind to die. Which eight do you take?

This inane scenario was recently a classroom “lesson” at a middle school in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Somehow it’s supposed to “educate” children and prepare them for adult life.

Meanwhile, down in Atlanta, the principal of a charter school decided the Pledge of Allegiance ought to be dropped, and replaced by some kind of “oath” to the “global society”, whatever the devil that is.

Your school tax dollars at work!

We take it for granted that “education” is essential, almost on a par with food or shelter: and then for “education” we’re served up crapola. But let’s take a closer look at the examples.

In the “who lives, who dies” exercise, you have twelve candidates for eight seats on the spaceship. Nine of the twelve are clearly members of aggrieved Minorities—which makes the choice oh, so hard! I mean, you’re going to start a new civilization on another planet—how do you pass up a black activist college student? But if you take him, you’ll have to pass over some other Oppressed Minority.

Two of the twelve are not identified racially—a disabled accountant and a pregnant woman—which makes them iffy. And No. 12 is “an armed racist police officer who has been accused of using excessive force.” He must also be notably slow on the uptake, if he has a gun and is not bashful about using force to get his way. You’d think he’d wind up making the choices, at gunpoint. But that has not occurred to the “educators” who designed this so-called lesson.

What, pray tell, is this supposed to teach? How is this not a total waste of time and money, with somewhat sinister overtones?

And then we’ve got the blathering principal in Atlanta, who wants to train up good little citizens of the world at the American taxpayers’ expense. Her project went belly-up when parents found out about it, raised holy hell, and prodded their elected representatives into action. Ms. Inclusive had to abort her plan before the new “oath” could be written.

How much are we paying idiots like this to mess with our children’s minds? Over the course of the last three or four decades, “educators” have done serious damage to America that won’t be easily repaired—if it can be repaired at all.

If I had to keep public education, but otherwise could do anything I pleased to fix it, I would break the teachers’ unions, nests of Far Left social saboteurs that they are, abolish the federal Department of Education, and return 100 percent control of the schools to the communities which they’re supposed to serve, whose people pay for them. Better would be to scrap the system altogether and replace it with homeschools and Christian schools: but after some 150 years of public schooling, the American people may not be ready to go so far, so fast.

But they’re going to have to go somewhere, and soon. Our country’s future depends on it.

Public education must die—before it finishes its number on America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Mueller’s FBI Benghazi Cover Up Ignored by ‘Fake News’ Outlets

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Based on what we now know since Mar 2017, and what has surfaced recently, we can see a ‘motive’ for why the FBI, NSA, DNI, DOJ and Obama himself wanted to keep hidden: they were running a counterintelligence operation against presidential candidate [Donald Trump].”

Following the tragic and heartbreaking Battle of Benghazi, then FBI Director Robert Mueller had one job and one job only: Put FBI agents’ boots on the ground at the enormous crime scene. Unfortunately, his team of forensic specialists weren’t given access to the diplomatic mission or the nearby Central Intelligence Agency’s secret facility.

Director Mueller and his boss Attorney General Eric Holder told the American people the FBI was stonewalled for two weeks by the Libyan authorities in Tripoli and so the crime scene investigators cooled their heels waiting to work the scene of a major battle.

Although the U.S. Senate’s report lays blame at the feet of Mueller’s FBI, the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies, no blame was attached to the White House for the misinformation allegedly contained in talking points that explained the details of the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and a nearby secret CIA compound.

Many Americans remain angry over the haphazard way the Obama White House, the Clinton State Department and the Mueller FBI handled the loss of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans who were killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 Libyan attack.

When it was discovered that the Democrat President Barack Obama and his team lied about the battle and some of its details, the Democrat-dominated Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee issued a report that said the White House was only responsible for a “minor change” in the White House talking points.

A number of GOP lawmakers questioned whether the presidential staff rewrote the talking points for political reasons, but they were practically silenced by the Democratic leadership in the Senate and by some so-called moderate Republicans. And of course, the elite left-wing dominated news media went along with the protection of a feckless President Obama and his supposed heir to the Oval Office, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“Once again, the Obama administration is being let off the hook in another scandal that would have caused a media frenzy in a GOP presidency. Once again, we have evidence of a biased news media coupled with a spineless opposition party,” said former law enforcement and intelligence officer Sid Franes.

The committee also blasted the director of national intelligence at the time, James Clapper, for stonewalling the panel of lawmakers by holding back a promised timeline of the talking points changes.

The ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, said she had used the talking points to say in television interviews on Sept.16, 2012, that it may have been a protest that got out of hand. She continued to use the White House’s talking points that the attack was a reaction to a little-known movie about Islam that was only shown on the Internet.

Rice’s bogus explanation forced her to forgo the nomination as Hillary Clinton’s replacement in the new Obama term as President. Obama instead nominated Democratic Sen John Kerry, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is expected to be easily confirmed since he’s friends with most senators in both political parties.

Security Deficiencies

Officials at the State Department in December acknowledged weaknesses in security as well as errors in judgment exposed in a scathing independent report on the assault. But Mueller stuck to his excuse about why the FBI took 14 days to reach the Benghazi “crime scene.”  What made his excuse ring hallow was the fact that a contingent of news reporters, camera men and producers were on the scene within hours of the attack.

The Senate report said that on Sept. 19, 2012, eight days after the attack, National Counterterrorism Center Director Matthew Olsen told the Homeland committee that the four Americans died “in the course of a terrorist attack.” At the same time, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the department stood by the assessment of the CIA and other intelligence agencies such as NSA.

The next day, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated, “It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.” Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton also used the term “terrorist attack” on Sept. 21, 2012.

Olsen’s acknowledgement was important, the report said, because talking points prepared by intelligence officials the previous week had undergone major changes.

A line saying “we know” that individuals associated with al-Qaeda or its affiliates participated in the attacks was changed to say, “There are indications that extremists participated.”

The talking points dropped the reference to al-Qaeda and its affiliates altogether. In addition, a reference to “attacks” was changed to “demonstrations.”

By the time Mueller’s agents arrived at the Benghazi attack location there were only the charred walls of a burnt out consulate and bullet holes. There were many law enforcement experts who believed the Libyans used “cleaners” who are experts at tidying up a crime scene. And what happened to Robert Mueller? He was appointed as a special counsel to investigate the president. Not Obama, not Clinton, but President Donald Trump.

And the elite news media are careful not to remind Americans about Mueller’s part in a major cover up.

If a President, wanted to weaponize intelligence as a ‘political tool’ the POTUS would have absolute conttrol over the following ‘WEAPONS.’

Some of Obama’s Political Appointees Include

~CIA (John Brennan)
~NSA (Michael Rogers)
~FBI (James Comey)
~DNI (James Clapper)
~DoD (Ash Carter) etc.

[YouTube Video]

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Will America Be Murdered By Socialist Democrats In 2018?

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.  Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”   Winston Churchill

Is “Here Lies Bold Free America, Murdered by Socialist Democrats in 2018” going to be read on America’s tombstone on November 7, 2018, a day after the mid-term elections?  If the Socialist Democrats take control of the House or the Senate, or both, Trump will be rendered impotent and ineffective and the graveyard diggers will begin to dig America’s grave.  The vision and dream of the Founding Fathers will be relegated to the very large scrap heap of failed Republics.  There will be no turning back.  The Socialist Democrats will have won. 

It makes no difference whether Trump survives the onslaught against him by the mainstream media, Socialist Democrats, prosecuting attorneys, special counsels, or the courts.  Trump is not perfect and may have many skeletons in his closet that could be exposed in the near term.  After many years in an international cutthroat business, he is bound to have cut some corners and may have strayed over the line of legality.  Nevertheless, if he is forced to resign or is impeached, a Republican President will still be in the White House for another two years.  It is imperative, for the sake of a “bold and free America“, that Republicans retain control of the House and Senate and carry on the principles of liberty, as defined in the Constitution.  If they don’t, the opportunity for an American course correction in 2018 could be lost forever.


Politically, the first reality is that America has drifted down hill towards socialism for the last 80 to 100 years.  The reason it has is because way too many people are lazy in mind and body and it is always easier to believe in fairy tales and “free” lunches (promises from politicians) than it is in the irrefutable and natural principles of liberty.  Freedom and liberty are hard and they were won at great sacrifice.  It takes courage, self-reliance, independence and personal responsibility to live in freedom and defend it.  In contrast, socialism, communism and collectivism are easy.  All you have to do is to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats).  Some people do it because they figure the world owes them something.  Others do it because they are weak and find freedom too hard.  Still others do it because they have a legitimate need.

Yes, a compassionate society should take care of someone with a legitimate need.  But what if America has too many people who are sick, un-employed, disabled, lazy, deadbeat, or addicted to drugs or alcohol?  How many illegal aliens can our economy support?  How many millions of non-producers can the producers in our society carry on their backs?  There is a limit you know which the Socialist Democrats in America refuse to acknowledge.

The second reality, that frustrates Americans constantly, is that we are a deeply divided country.  We have a large segment of our society (mostly urban dwellers) that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by a government (Socialist Democrats) that is all too willing to be of assistance, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor.  We have a smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty, and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom.  We have the producers of society that are forced, by law, to foot the bill for those who have taken the easy path to government dependence.

These are two of the hard and fast, unimpeachable, irrevocable realities, no matter through which political prism you view them.

So is there a right or a wrong reality?  Is socialism more right than the unalienable, individual, natural rights that are the supreme gift from our creator?  Do those who produce something, or provide a service with their labor, or invent something, or invest in something, owe an unimpeachable debt to those who are in need?  And what authority, ruler, dictator, body of men, or despot, mandates that said producers owe such a debt to those in need; a debt that is to be collected at the point of a gun and distributed by an allegedly all-wise, all-knowing and benevolent government?  Is the statement by Karl Marx; “….. from those with the greatest capability, to those with the greatest need” an irrevocable, inflexible, political reality?  Or is it slavery by any other name?   Your answer determines whether you are a free man ….. or slave.

From the perspective of the individual in need, he or she would naturally agree that someone else is responsible to provide for them a safety net, in the name of compassion, so that each is not reduced to abject poverty, especially if the safety net is offered for “free” and without strings.  From the perspective of the producer, they are being punished for being successful, self-reliant and responsible.  To the constitutionalists, every person is essentially on his or her own.  Any charity to those in need will be by the free choice of each individual, not mandated by government in a law.  (You will note that there is nothing mentioned in the U. S. Constitution about charity, or the power of government to invoke enforced charity.  Government has just illegally assumed that power and has enslaved the people by perverting the phrase in the pre-amble of the Constitution wherein it states, “…….. and promote the general welfare.”)

To the Socialist Democrat, it is the duty of the producer to support the needy because they live in a country that allowed them to be successful.  It makes no difference how much that support costs, even if it sends our government reeling into national bankruptcy, just so long as the Socialist Democrat gets the vote to stay in power.  The Socialist Democrat uses propaganda to invoke a guilty conscience for being successful so that the producer will be motivated to willingly give up a portion of his or her earnings as charity, thinking that it is an act of compassion, not realizing he or she has been unwillingly coerced by the threat of incarceration to GIVE!   In other words, the Socialist Democrat believes in “spreading the wealth” by force, without regard to Constitutional principles ….. much less the cost.

But then who decides who gets to be the “spreador” of the wealth and who gets to be the “spreadee”?   Do the politicians decide, who are always scrambling for votes?  Or do the academics decide who study everything to death using government money.  Or do the bankers decide, who controls the money?  Or instead, do we follow the hard and fast mandates of our U. S. Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land?  If we don’t follow the Constitution, without a doubt, the politicians, the academics and the bankers win while freedom loses.

One more thing!  How much of a stretch is it for the “National Socialist American Democrat Party” to drift inexorably into the “National Socialist American Worker’s (Nazi) Party?”   Just a hair’s breathe folks.  When the drift is complete, then the government guns come out to violently enforce the law.  Then the SS is formed to make sure that the violent enforcement is clandestinely carried out and insurgents and belligerents are whisked away to who knows where.  What is unfathomable and inexplicable in a free country is that the masses will eventually demand the violent enforcement to catch the cheaters of mandatory charity, not unlike George Orwell’s 1984 dystopia State of Oceania.  In our 2018 future Big Brother world, you either GIVE (or comply) or you disappear into a concentration camp, never to be heard from again.  They are doing that in Russia and China right now!  What’s to stop it from happening here?  Nothing if the Socialist Democrats win in 2018.

Which leads us to the third reality.  If you are a member of that smaller, but significant segment of Americans, who cling to the unalienable right to individual freedom and liberty and believe that the U. S. Constitution contains the bedrock principles and the inviolate guarantee of that freedom, you have no choice but to fight to preserve, protect and defend that freedom.  The first element of that fight is to vote for candidates that will uncompromisingly represent and fight for constitutional guarantees.  Should you choose otherwise, then you will be forced to join that segment of our society that has taken the easy path to government dependence, aided and abetted by Socialist Democrats that are all too willing to steal the money from the public treasury, or pass a law to benefit the recipient, in return for a vote, a donation, or a favor.

But worse, if you choose this path, not only do you lose your freedom and liberty, you get to pay for this socialist insanity as well.  You also get to endure the waste, fraud, abuse and corruption of an inefficient, out-of-control government, who is telling you that compassion is your duty and then putting a gun to your head (taxes) to make sure you agree. 

If you will not fight the Socialist Democrat version of socialism, then you will be branded with the name, “coward” and the courageous must carry you on their backs.  If you will fight, you must be willing to pledge your life, your fortune and your sacred honor, as did a small group of brave men who gave birth to YOUR freedom 242 years ago.

The right choices and defending freedom are never easy.  There are millions of misguided national and international individuals and groups that work very hard, all the time, to take freedom away from you and they have been very successful.  The American Socialist Democrat Party and all of its Progressive off shoots, like Media Matters and the Center for American Progress, are just a few of those groups.

[See the DVD “Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America“]

But then, you can always stick your head in the sand and just ignore the realities all together, hoping they will go away.   The question you must ask, are you willing to capitulate and hand over your free will, your life and your possessions to the collective (Socialist Democrats) without a fight?

On Tuesday, November 6th, you can do one thing that will not cost you your life, or your fortune, or your sacred honor.  You can vote for the congressman or senator that will at least continue existing liberties, what little is left of them.  Then you can begin the long, probably generational, process, with others, to restore our Republic.  If the Socialist Democrats win in November 2018, it will be because the “REPUBLICANS” failed to get out the vote.  It’s that simple.

To that end we have created a short, unprofessional but informative video entitled, “Don’t Let This Happen To Our Beloved America“.  You can view the video here.  The video delivers a powerful message of what happens if the Socialist Democrats win in November.  Share it with others on your list, if you deem it worthy.

We put a significant number of un-paid hours every day into this endeavor to assist in changing the direction America is headed.  Many days we wonder why we even bother to waste the effort, when there is so little response to those efforts and so little change to America’s path.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

God Judged Sodom And Gomorrah Because Men Refused To Keep His Commandments Dealing With The Wicked

Sodom and Gomorrah was Judged by God Because Men Refused to Keep His Commandments in Dealing with the Wicked!

“How ridiculous to overlook judgment because of kindness then love wounds itself by killing justice!” -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

How often I see and hear the professors of Christianity today walking contrary to the word and spirit of the Living Christ (2 Corinthians 3:6).

How willing they are to overlook judgment when it comes to the criminals that run rampant in this country, and on the other hand how willing they are to show compassion to the criminals while overlooking the victims. Why? “Evil men understand not judgment” (Proverbs 28:5).  If you read the preceding verse, you will see that Scripture tells us “they that forsake the law praise the wicked.”

This is exactly the Scriptural point that I want to make.

From the pulpits in America today we here the events unfold of Sodom and Gomorra and how Abraham should have prayed longer in hopes that God would have spared them rather than the righteous people in Sodom and Gomorra doing what God had commanded. And of course, not a second thought on man’s behalf is given concerning the victims in these two cities.

Here is Abraham’s account…

“And the men rose up from thence, and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.  And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;  Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.  And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know. And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the Lord. And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes: Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty’s sake. And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there. And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto theLord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty’s sake. And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten’s sake. And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.” -Genesis 18:16-33

Got explains very well…

Genesis chapter 19 records the two angels, disguised as human men, visiting Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot met the angels in the city square and urged them to stay at his house. The angels agreed. The Bible then informs us, “Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, ‘Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them. Genesis 19:4-5 The angels then proceed to blind all the men of Sodom and Gomorrah and urge Lot and his family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver. Lot and his family flee the city, and then “the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities…” (Genesis 19:24).

In light of the passage, the most common response to the question, “What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?” is that it was homosexuality. That is how the term ”sodomy” came to be used to refer to anal sex between two men, whether consensual or forced. Clearly, homosexuality was part of the reason God destroyed the two cities. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to perform homosexual gang rape on the two angels, who were disguised as men. At the same time, it is not biblical to say that homosexuality was the exclusive reason why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were definitely not exclusive in terms of the sins in which they indulged.

Ezekiel 16:49-50 declares, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me…” The Hebrew word translated “detestable” refers to something that is morally disgusting and is the exact same word used in Leviticus 18:22 that refers to homosexuality as an “abomination.” Similarly, Jude 7 declares, “…Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion.” So, again, while homosexuality was not the only sin in which the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged, it does appear to be the primary reason for the destruction of the cities.

Those who attempt to explain away the biblical condemnations of homosexuality claim that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was inhospitality. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were certainly being inhospitable. There is probably nothing more inhospitable than homosexual gang rape. But to say God completely destroyed two cities and all their inhabitants for being inhospitable clearly misses the point.

While Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many other horrendous sins, homosexuality was the reason God poured fiery sulfur on the cities, completely destroying them and all of their inhabitants. To this day, the area where Sodom and Gomorrah were located remains a desolate wasteland. Sodom and Gomorrah serve as a powerful example of how God feels about sin in general, and homosexuality specifically.

The point is that there were no righteous to be spared and the Lord did what man failed to do when they had the time to do it.

Question:  How do you show mercy to a people who observe lying vanities (Jonah 2:4) and refuse to return to the Lord (Jeremiah 6:16) on His terms? (Jeremiah 22:3) God must be true and judgment must commence.

Men today, like those of Sodom and Gomorrah, are not valiant for the truth.  They are valiant to proceed from evil to evil (Jeremiah 5).

They care more about the pleasures of sin for a season, than they are grieved for the afflictions of Joseph (Amos 6:6; Hebrews 11:25).

Men today care more of compromise (where two men both agree on what they both know is wrong) and diplomacy (seduction in another guise) in promoting anarchy through “antinomianism” than they do the Law of God against the sins unto judgment that enslave men (John 8:34).

Instead of establishing judgment within the gate and hating the evil and loving the good (Amos 5:15) in hopes that the Lord may be gracious to their repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10), they reject the counsel of God against them by hating the good and loving the evil, and that to their own damnation.

They care more about the approbation and favor of men than they do that of the Living God and what His Word declares (Galatians 1:10),not knowing that which his highly favored among men is an abomination unto the Lord (Luke 16:15).

They wear the cross. Yet, they have no testimony of the power of God unto salvation by the cross because they do not practice what Christ required: “Deny yourselves and take up your cross and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24; Romans 1:16; 2 Corinthians 5:15, 13:4-5; Galatians 2:21).

Professed Christians in America today talk much of love through inaction, and yet know nothing of it (1 John 3:18). They read what to do, but do it not!  In fact, they declare and proclaim how much they love God, and yet if you were to have them read His moral law and look to their own lives, they would find how much they actually hate God through their actions (Matthew 15:8).

Then again, these were the same types of people in Jerusalem crying out “Crucify him! Crucify him!  We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15). And these are the same people today persecuting living Christians while praising the dead ones (Matthew 5:10).

They continuously preach of the heroism of Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Gideon, Samson and others from the pulpit and fail to understand what these men were doing when serving their generations (Psalm 71:18-19; Isaiah 51:4). Today, instead of doing the same, they simply hide under a false grace (Isaiah 30) and give themselves over to a man, the president, and declare end times.  They declare we’re in the end times because they have failed to stand up and fight for their posterity in keeping the Lord’s commandments and His judgments (Psalm 78:1-11).

Ungrateful reprobates, pretenders, counterfeits and hypocrites are what they are (Matthew 23:3).

Instead of reaching out to the greatest demographic here in America, public high schools, they send missionaries to foreign lands to do there what they fail to do for their own here. Instead of fighting for their posterity and shutting down the illegalities of sodomy in all 50 states, they teach them to just do their best to understand that they cannot help themselves while God say’s the opposite (Leviticus 20:18).

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Instead of fighting on their behalf against the federal government that is illegally indoctrinating them, they simply give their kids over to them to be dumbed down.

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And instead of protesting the murder of 58 million innocent babies (Proverbs 6:17), they merely pass it off as a “choice,” that being the lessons that they learned from the media that they say that they do not believe (Romans 1:18).

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The American Church, instead of protesting corruption in government through the example of the Biblical patriarchs and our American forefathers (Matthew 5:17-18), teach to submit to tyranny as if to suggest that it is somehow obedience to God (Romans 12:21).

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The Church in America has failed to keep the Commandments of the God of Israel.

Instead of preaching out against sin, they advocate for that which God clearly condemns, thereby making war against God (Micah 3:5), which at length destroys our government, our country and our families.

Look to their feigned strength that they profess to possess. It is gauged by simply looking to the prevailing immoralities and debauchers of society. They are weak and pathetic and they have no excuses as to why America is where we is today!

Why did God judge Sodom and Gomorrah?  It’s the same reason that he is judging America today (Amos 4:12), He cannot find the righteous in order to spare her (Jeremiah 22:3).

Defining the Wicked…

Wicked men in the sight of God are those who have the knowledge of what to do when it comes to the right, but over and over again, they turn their shoulders and choose the wrong, through tolerance and apathy Americans are bringing upon themselves destruction (Deuteronomy 30:19) that will not be reversed, which leaves no alternative as to why God judges and is judging America today (Deuteronomy 28:63).

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

We Aren’t Talking About Humans, So Why Defund Planned Parenthood?

“My amendment would end funding to Planned Parenthood, but it is being blocked by… Republicans,” Rand Paul said on the Senate floor and on twitter recently. reported recently, “An amendment that would have blocked Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer funding was rejected in a 45-48 vote in the Senate on Thursday.”

Why would a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, something that pro-life candidates, namely Republicans, have consistently campaigned on, be stopped by a pro-life, Republican-controlled Senate?

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul answered this question with his own conjecture:

“The truth is that Republican leadership favors bloated government spending more than they care about Planned Parenthood. This appropriations bill before us exceeds the spending caps by nearly $100 billion. Big spending Republicans fear that blocking funding for Planned Parenthood would derail their plans to greatly expand the welfare-warfare state.”

Senator Paul then asked on the Senate floor, “The question is, what is more important to these Republicans? Saving lives or spending money?”

Perhaps our fascination with big military spending and the unconstitutional policing of the world seems so important that some would be willing to compromise the most fundamental right God has given to His creation, the right to Life.

Or is it because these members of the Senate don’t believe it is actually a life in the womb?

Please consider this:

Suppose you are standing at your kitchen sink, looking out the window at the backyard.  Now suppose your five-year-old comes in the room behind you and says

“Hey Mom, can I kill this?”

What is your answer?

Well…what do you need to know before you can answer?

The question you need to ask – the answer you need to know is, “What is THIS?”

Is he holding a spider?

Or is he holding your one-year-old?

Does it matter?

Yes, it matters.

An estimated sixty-million babies have perished in the last forty-five years in America largely due to the successful efforts to dehumanize the preborn.

Our lawmakers, and culture in general, seem to have accepted the idea that a child in the womb who is welcome and wanted is a precious life and a human being. However, at the very same time, a child who is inconvenient is not human and not entitled to the dignity that accompanies humanity, is only a protoplasmic and parasitic intruder on the life and lifestyle of the mother.

This is cognitive dissonance.  This is a rejection of reality and it is crazy.

According to, Planned Parenthood received more than $543 million in the fiscal year 2016-17. And while it is forbidden that taxpayer dollars go directly to funding abortions, it does free up money to perform abortions.

The report cited a Duke University study that found that taxpayers cover nearly 25 percent of abortion costs.  That means one out of four abortions performed by Planned Parenthood are funded by your tax dollars!

I am hoping that before any member of Congress votes on the funding of Planned Parenthood, he or she can answer this question:

“How can two human parents conceive an offspring that is not human, but later becomes human?”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

Inventions Of Genius Woman Saves Lives

480 people killed each year by rollover tractors-grass cutters

Liza Hart appears to be an everyday woman who could be encountered in any downtown area in Tennessee where she lives and works quietly. She is an attractive woman on the mature side with sparkling eyes that would break down any barriers that would prevent anyone from talking to her. And everybody seems to want to.

Even after a pleasant conversation, those in her company had no idea whatsoever that they had just conversed with one of the most extra-ordinary women on earth, a living genius with an Einstein mind who can comfortably work through any electronic technical problems and reach a conclusion, such as inventing a radiation detector to save lives.

Even though she will not claim astrophysic skills, if a problem came up in that field this writer has no doubt she would figure out to solve it.  It is to be noted that Liza was a support person for 3 nuclear physicists.

While doing work related to the NASA deep space probe she worked with a unit to monitor the Space Shuttle’s computer power while attached to the Test Platform.

She designed the high power Xray tube assembly for the detection of explosives that is now in service at Dubai Airport in baggage inspection machines which was done through Tomography.

Liza also created medical devices, working with a cardiovascular surgeon to make something that would provide the stimulus he needed that would be put around an ankle band. The doctor tested the device and found that it did in fact increase blood flow in the legs.

She designed a portable battery powered controlled field surgical light that would be worn with a headband by the surgeon. It monitored the power as well as control the intensity android-1 to warn the surgeon when a battery charge was going to be coming in five minutes so its backup battery could be exchanged. Plus it was highly efficient and made the batteries last longer.

Liza Hart (now this is ONE woman we are talking about not 10) did some consulting work for a company on a control system for a portable oxygen concentrator. She was able to change parameters for the first time that made it possible to increase the efficiency, making it easier to change parameters and optimize the units.

Always a genius, Liza’s career began as a chief TV engineer for a world-wide network, that aired The PTL (Praise the Lord) Club out of Charlotte, North Carolina.

She quickly solved any sort of mechanical or electrical failure that arose while on the air which was a frequent occurrence, more than one of which took the program off the air for a couple of seconds before Liza got it back on the air, seemingly without missing a beat. She is a fast worker who can make fast decisions.

Liza genuinely cares for people, studied and became an ordained Certified chaplain where her work with prisoners has been spectacular. She has the utmost level of respect from area pastors and is a member of a church.

She doesn’t mingle as much as she would like since she spends most of her time in a small space behind her house known as, Liza’s Lab, where all her inventions are constructed. Accompanying her throughout her daily activities is her little dog Gracie who doesn’t care where they are or or what they do just so they are together.

Liza is a very accepting person, easy to be around, and whatever perils threaten people she gets to work to invent something that will protect them from injury or death.

When she saw the stats showing that 480 people a year are killed by tip-over tractors and machine lawn mowers, she went to work in her little lab, determined to create a device that would prevent these deadly rollovers. The number of non-fatal injuries is much higher.

Apparently those who are driving tractors and machine lawn mowers make a turn while going up a hill, weight shifts and the machines roll over, oftencrushing the driver. This is a constant threat. Golf carts often turn over so she has a device for them as well.

The incredible woman named Liza has just completed the tipover devices she invented to sound an alarm when a tractor or mobile lawn mower tips over and shut off the motor.

This writer would hope every farmer and landscape worker would have this for their machines. We want you all to be safe.

Check out this website for any questions you may have. The phone number is on this website:

NOTE FROM EDITORS: The writer of this story, is not involved financially with any part of Liza’s Lab. No gifts are involved or any other consideration.  This has been written as a public service with the goal of safety and protection for all farmers and landscape personnel.

Photo Caption: Liza Hart-A Woman Einstein

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

The Pernicious Influence Of The Koch Brothers

Not all poison was bitter. Some of the deadliest poisons in the world tasted sweet; they were that much more dangerous because of it. Nenia Campbell, Author

The “Convention of States” Con-Con is one of the biggest political scams of our time, fueled by dark money laundered through (c)(3) organizations.  As they ramp up their push for Con-Con legislation in 2018, they will seek to avoid hearings that could expose the dark money behind their scheme. —Andy Schlafly

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting. —Sun Tzu

Searle Freedom Trust and Claude Lambe Foundations were exposed in my previous article.  They are a part of the Koch Family Foundations, all of whom have far reaching influence with a huge number of organizations promoting a Constitutional Convention, open borders, Planned Parenthood, free trade, UN Agenda 2030, and extreme environmentalism.  The Koch sons, Charles and David, are nothing like their anti-Communist father Frederick who was a long time member of the John Birch Society.  And yes, the left wants a Constitutional Convention just as much as the self-serving and complicit neo-conservative Trotskyite rightwing.

Here are many of the top Koch Industry lieutenants, Eric O’Keefe, Sean Noble, Marc Short, Richard Fink, Tim Phillips, and Edward Crane.  Fox News commentator, Lou Dobbs often speaks against the Koch Brothers and their organizations.  However, Fox News commentator Stuart Varney has featured Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity, on his program.  Link

Koch Industries Patriarch

Born in 1900, Fred was the father of Frederick, Charles, and twins David and William. After years of extremely contentious bickering between them, these sons split into two factions, with David and Charles taking over the company their father had started. Charles and David would build their father’s Midwestern company, which as of 1967 had $250 million in yearly sales and 650 employees, into a corporate Goliath with $115 billion in annual revenue and a presence in 60 countries.

Fred Koch was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur who founded the oil refinery firm that later became Koch Industries.  A graduate of MIT, Koch had devised a more efficient procedure for cracking crude oil — the process by which crude oil is refined into gasoline and other products.  In 1925, Fred C. Koch joined MIT classmate Lewis E. Winkler at an engineering firm in Wichita, Kansas, which was renamed WinklerKoch.  By producing higher yields of refined gasoline from crude oil and reducing down time, Koch’s new royalty-free thermal cracking process helped smaller companies to better compete with their larger, more entrenched, and better-capitalized rivals.

Litigation ensued from the larger companies and Winkler-Koch was basically out of business, so they turned their efforts to foreign countries. From 1929 to 1932, Koch built 15 cracking units in the Soviet Union, and many others elsewhere in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, including Hitler’s Germany prior to WWII.  Koch built the third-largest oil refinery to serve the Third Reich, a project which was personally approved by Adolf Hitler. The refinery was one of hundreds of international projects undertaken by the company in the late 1920s and early ’30s.  The company handled only the refinery’s “cracking” equipment. Many American businesses did business in Germany during the same time period, and the company also had projects then in England, Scotland, France and Canada.

It was Fred Koch’s hands-on experience with Soviet Communism that convinced him of the unmitigated evil of such a system, and ultimately turned him into a passionate crusader on behalf of liberty. In 1960, three decades after his experience in the Soviet Union, he published a small but trenchant tract, A Business Man Looks at Communism which spelled out his convictions and won many admirers. The Soviet Union, he wrote, was a “land of hunger, misery, and terror.” He had seen firsthand the fruits of Soviet Communism, both at home and abroad.

Koch Industries made its money in oil, chemicals, cattle, and timber. David and Charles amassed fortunes estimated at $41 billion apiece, tying them for sixth place among the wealthiest people on the planet.  Charles took the reins of the company over 50 years ago, and has steadily built on the foundation left by his father and diversified into every money-making opportunity that came along.

Koch Brothers and ALEC

The Koch Brothers have a number of funding vehicles:  Aegis PAC, Koch Family Foundations, Koch Network, Freedom Partners, Knowledge and Progress Fund, American Encore, Donors Trust, and Donors Capital.  An amazing amount of monies go to those who are promoting a second Constitutional Convention.  Here are corporations who have allegedly cut ties with ALEC.

No one knows how much the Koch brothers have given the pro-Constitutional Convention American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in total, but the amount likely exceeds millions—not including a half-million loaned to ALEC when the group was floundering. Their major donors are from Koch foundations and organizations.  Koch Industries has been one of the select members of ALEC’s corporate board for almost thirty years. For a mere $25,000 a year, Koch Industries sits as an “equal” board member with state legislators, influencing bills that serve as a wish list for its financial or ideological interests.  The company’s top lobbyist was once ALEC’s chairman. As a result, the Kochs have shaped legislation touching every state in the country and have used ALEC as a way to invest in neo-conservative ideas and fertilize them with tons of cash.

ALEC and the Kochs often pursue parallel tracks. Just as ALEC “educates” legislators, Koch funding has helped “tutor” hundreds of judges with all-expenses-paid junkets at fancy resorts, where they learn about the “free market” impact of their rulings. But ALEC also operates like an arm of the Koch agenda, circulating bills that make their vision of the world concrete. The Kochs are for the full legalization of abortion. They promote free trade, environmentalism, open borders, UN Agenda 2030, and are ardently anti-President Trump.

Americans for Prosperity and the DeVos Foundation

In 2011 alone, the DeVos Foundation gave $3 million to David Koch’s Americans for Prosperity (AFP). They gave another $2.5 million to a Koch Network conduit Donors Trust from 2009 to 2010.  They have also contributed millions of dollars to other right wing organizations such as the State Policy Network, Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise InstituteFreedom Works, Federalist Society, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, and others.

Besides miniscule donations from average Americans and the DeVos Foundation, there is a huge list of mega donors to AFP. Donors Trust, Donors Capital Fund, Koch Industries, and Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation are all Koch donations to AFP.  Then there’s the Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation who also gave $26 million to Heritage Foundation.  Both Shelby and his wife Kathryn were on the board of trustees for Heritage.  Kathryn was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the League of Women Voters, and on the board of Planned Parenthood.  Click on any of the above links and you’ll see who else they’ve given to.  Former Heritage board member Richard Mellon Scaife is also prominently listed as a donor to AFP and gave over $30 million to Heritage Foundation.  Sarah Scaife Foundation, Scaife Family Foundation, Carthage Foundation, and Colcom Foundation are all a part of the pro-abortion Scaife family foundations.

Betsy DeVos and ALEC

Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos has advanced the ALEC agenda by bankrolling the 501(c)4 group the American Federation for Children (AFC), the 501(c)3 group Alliance for School Choice and by having these groups participate in and fund ALEC where AFC has played a leading role in crafting school privatization bills. AFC has been a “trustee” level sponsor of ALEC and is a member of ALEC’s Education Task Force.  Betsy DeVos headlined the July 19, 2017 ALEC meeting in Denver.

The DeVos group, Alliance for School Choice, has long funded ALEC’s Education Task Force and has been a driving force in the ALEC school privatization agenda, sponsoring bills, conducting workshops and pushing bills in the states. Link  DeVos backed Jeb Bush and later Marco Rubio and John Kasich. She did not actively support Trump after he won the nomination.

Betsy DeVos sat on the board of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), which along with Jeb Bush, strongly supports the Common Core.  She aligned with Mike Pence on pushing local standards.  Pence never got rid of Common Core in Indiana.

The FEE is funded by the regular cast of characters.

Mark Meckler and Citizens for Self-Governance

Freedom Partners, (another Koch funded organization), funds Tea Party Patriots (TPP) who is also promoting a Constitutional Convention.  Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler co-founded TPP but Meckler resigned to become President of Citizens for Self-Governance.  Here is their 2015 990 which shows that Meckler was being paid $220,200 a year plus $17,000 in expenses, in 2015, three years ago. Their major donor is the Koch Brothers’ Donor Trust.

Meckler is an active proponent of the Convention of States Project, a convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution.  They make it sound so good, but it’s filled with lies and snakes that will destroy our God given freedoms.


There are many more organizations involved in promoting a Constitutional Convention that receive Dark Money from the Kochs or their organizations, including the Goldwater Institute who is funded by the same cast of characters.  One need only go to to find who is funded by the dirty money.

And there are many politicians who attend the twice-yearly Koch organization meetings, including our Vice President, Michael Pence, who is way too close to the Koch brothers and their destruction of President Trump and American old right conservatism.  Stay tuned, more to come.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Latin American Invasion of ‘Kissing Bugs’ Spreading Deadly And Dangerous Disease In U.S.

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“These blood-sucking parasites spread a dangerous sometimes deadly illness called Chagas disease. The disease, which has spread to the U.S., was previously only found in Central and South America as well as Mexico.” – Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

During the national debate regarding illegal immigration, especially from south of the U.S.-Mexico border, the politically-correct news media, the left-wing politicians and those who favor a limited amount of sovereignty are quick to quash any mention of contagious diseases emanating from Latin American countries.

According to experts on communicable diseases, Chagas disease, a potentially life-threatening disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, has become a concern in the United States as a result of mass immigration from Latin America where Chagas disease is endemic.

The parasite is called “the kissing bug” by first-responders or “disease detectives” at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) who are monitoring cases of the disease within the United States.

Studies indicate between 50 percent and 64 percent of kissing bugs carry the deadly parasite that causes Chagas, which is considered a major neglected tropical disease, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The World Health Organization estimates that 8 to 10 million people are infected worldwide, mostly in Latin America.

It is estimated that as many as 8 million people living in Mexico, and Central and South America have this disease. Most cases of Chagas disease found in the United States are chronic infections, but rare cases of acute congenital infections and autochthonous vector-borne transmission have been reported

To understand how data are collected and used, a review of state-level public health surveillance for Chagas disease was conducted through semistructured interviews with health officials in six states (Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi Tennessee, and Texas) where Chagas disease is reportable and one (Massachusetts) where it was previously reportable.

States implemented surveillance in response to blood donor screening for Chagas disease and to identify how the disease if transmitted. Many states reported primarily chronic cases and had limited ability to respond to local transmission because acute cases were infrequently reported.

Surveillance remains important in states with large populations of illegal immigrants or frequent travelers from countries with endemic disease and for states with a risk for local transmission.

Surveillance efforts can also help increase awareness among providers and assist in linking patients with Chagas disease to treatment to help prevent cardiac and gastrointestinal complications.

Chagas disease can cause a sudden, brief illness (acute), or it may be a long-lasting (chronic) condition. Symptoms range from mild to severe, although many people don’t experience symptoms until they reach the chronic stage.

Acute phase

The acute phase of Chagas disease, which lasts for weeks or months, is often symptom-free. When signs and symptoms do occur, they are usually mild and may include:

  • Swelling at the infection site
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Rash
  • Body aches
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Swollen glands
  • Enlargement of your liver or spleen

Chagas disease can cause life-threatening heart issues, including heart disease, strokes, arrhythmias and cardiac arrest. About one-third of those infected will develop chronic heart disease, according to the American Hospital Association.

“Early detection of Chagas disease is critical, allowing prompt initiation of therapy when the evidence for cure is strong,” Caryn Bern, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California in San Francisco, warned in an online statement.

“While nearly 70 percent of people infected don’t notice any symptoms, studies of past cases have noted they can include fever, lethargy, aches, rashes, swollen glands and a bump around the bite.”

Doctors can detect the disease through a simple blood test. If the infection is caught early enough, medications should be able to treat it. “If untreated, infection is lifelong and can be life threatening,” the CDC warns.

So far, a total of 11 species of kissing bugs have been spotted in the U.S. — the majority of which are concentrated in states along the U.S.-Mexico border. However, they’ve been documented in at least 28 states across the country, a research team at Texas A&M found.

“Previous studies have found that, on average, 50% of kissing bugs are infected with the Chagas parasite,” the Texas researchers wrote on a website that details their extensive studies of the insects.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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The Attack On Western Civilization—Waking Up Too Late

Part 9: Waking Up Too Late: Cultural displacement

Lamm continued, “Next to last, I would place all subjects off limits—make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of ‘diversity’. I would find a word similar to ‘heretic’ in the 16th century—that stopped discussion and paralyzed thinking.  Words like ‘racist’ or ‘xenophobe’ halt discussion and debate.”

History records fallen countries by the dozens because their leaders and citizens didn’t wake up to an invasion until too late.  As it stands right now, Europe grows more hopeless by the day.

Bromwell Ault states:

The missing link between Europe’s non-reaction to attacks upon WCIV and our disturbingly similar attitude may not be missing at all. It may just be unrecognizable to both because, in addition to allowing ourselves to be deceived by others, we have deceived ourselves. In the game of history, long or short, such lapses are marked with a very high price tag.

Looking at a map of the world today provides critical information regarding the real state of WCIV. Theoretically, it comprises Europe, all of our western hemisphere and Australia, but not all parts are equal. Over 90% of Australia’s population resides in a band along its coast while its ‘interior’ is only very sparsely inhabited due to climate and resource conditions. Canada’s situation is similar with its populous areas limited to its southern area above which population and temperature numbers drop sharply as they move to the north.

Central and Latin America are included in WCIV because of their Iberian languages and the extensive presence of the Catholic Church, but both were colonial add-ons to native Mayan/Incan cultures that shared no roots with the West; and in addition to these different cultural origins our hemisphere’s southern landmass contains large swaths of tropical jungle, a high mountain range that runs its entire western face, has had a tenuous experience with representative governments and has long suffered from corruption, illiteracy and poverty.

From viewing our global map, it is for mostly natural reasons that Australia, Canada and Central/South America are peripheral, not central, elements of WCIV, that Europe has been both its base and its heart and that, unless Europe can gather strength from its extraordinary past, it will succumb and the U.S. will be isolated and bear the immense burden of being WCIV’s sole defender.

Know the Enemy


What are the forces that are aligned against the West? First and most dangerous is Islam’s latest effort (employing modern social, political and military means) to break out of its Mediterranean and Asian homelands and extend its uncompromising attitudes and presence to all of Europe and the U.S. We label Islam “most dangerous” because it rejects assimilation and aims to replace the politics, laws, government and culture of western countries with its own versions as specified in the Qur’an.

Modern technology has made the full-bore type of in alteration practiced by Islam more likely to succeed, as visual images give evidence of progress and achievements that encourage participation by both younger and more moderate elements. And, beyond the daily struggle in government departments and the Muslim residential enclaves, Islam’s high fertility practice is quietly, but confidently, preparing to command the future.

Other interests that threaten WCIV combine under the collective title of “globalists”. Their pursuits are primarily commercial in the realms of trade, finance, production and the power that attaches to these activities. Many globalists have backgrounds in banking, manufacturing and international law which prove useful in developing and securing the maximum rewards possible from world trade.

The globalists’ opposition to WCIV is focused on political/commercial barriers to trade such as borders, sovereignty, tariffs, wages, labor availability, energy and even security — most of which are subject to national regulation. Ideally, globalists would prefer that world trade take the form of a calm, unimpeded ow with occasional irregularities dealt with by a small, efficient oversight group composed of fellow globalists.

The “one size fits all” goal has been pursued by imperial conquerors and aggressive thought systems (i.e., Islam, Communism, etc.) throughout history, and Globalist efforts to regulate world trade can be seen as a commercial variant of it. Regardless of its sponsor, or how and where it is imposed, or whether it is stated or not, this pursuit of uniformity is intended to circumvent the borders, erase the identities and alter the cultures of nations and their people. WCIV with its many freedoms and differences is an inviting target.

Finally, and most importantly from our viewpoint, it is not just economic and political life that follows and is determined by boundaries. Culture, too, is both a follower and former of historical patterns. It is not as easily moved or transformed as boundaries are by conquest or purchase, but it is ever present in the determinations of history and the identities of people everywhere.

Globalists fail, in our opinion, because their commercial policy values are not intrinsic, but derive from the money and power they are able to deliver. This has not been readily apparent in our postwar world and many trade conferences, treaties, organizations, pacts, committees, etc. have been formed with, if not the intention, then surely the effect of camouflage age. In time, the globalists will learn that camouflage age fails and culture endures.

Our first category, Islam, was religious; the second, globalism, centers on world trade and is of a commercial nature. The last category is a political one composed of many different entities all sharing and directing varying amounts of hate and resentment towards WCIV. These are often speci c issue, open borders, pro-immigration forces dedicated to replacing WCIV’s predominantly white European populations with a mixture of third world ethnicities collectively described as “people of color”.

Beyond the immigration issue there are innumerable causes and cohorts that deeply resent WCIV’s cultural, economic, intellectual and political achievements and its position of world leadership. They want the wealth, the territory, the food/water resources, the political power and the status that WCIV has accumulated. And over time they want to dilute and erase Western culture so that it can be replaced with their own. On the cultural front Islam is by far WCIV’s strongest and most hostile opponent both in numbers and in motivation.

These various groups of differing size and interests occupy political space significantly left of center. They come and go and intermittently function as part of the Liberal Left (LL) umbrella identity. This is of major importance because this alliance provides its members with messaging and planning assistance as well as benefits that can derive from being a small part of a larger whole. In the activities of the LL at every level of operation — national, regional or global — cross fertilization is fostered so that techniques or systems that work well in one area can do the same in others.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Dems Doing This While Conservatives Are Doing …

We all know the saying, actions speak louder than words.

Something many may not realize is just how much action is going on by motivated individuals who call themselves Democrats; liberal or progressive their true politically ideology is socialism and communism. ‘We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives’ – Lawmaker slips, confirms objective of progressivism, 8.6.2018

Should Democratic Party merge with Communist Party?  My column, 8.12.2005

“No doubt such a question will immediately raise the hackles of those who belong to the Democratic Party, but I believe this is a valid question considering the Communist Party USA and the Communist Party of Red China endorsed John Kerry for president in the last pretend election. They wouldn’t endorse him unless they felt he would continue to further the agenda for world communism via the official Democratic Party…

“Back in 1996, I wrote about the 57 members of Congress who belonged to the “Progressive Caucus.” The Democratic Socialists of America highly admire these left-of-the-left members of Congress, i.e., open socialist Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who should be barred from serving in the U.S. Congress because his goal is the destruction of our constitutional republic (we are not a democracy)…

“The master plan is all but a fait accompli. People should remember these words by Ayn Rand: “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission – which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

Three years later we had an illegitimate president. An impostor president who was not constitutionally eligible to run for president, Barry Soetoro aka Barrack Hussein Obama, who committed fraud to get elected. A stinking Marxist whose only qualifications for the job was a community organizer. And, organize he did.

Today, socialists who belong to the Democratic/Communist Party USA have come out of the wood work. Kamala Harris, a counterfeit U.S. Senator from California is a Red, make no mistake about that. The Democrat Party is trying to mold her into a superstar.

Dozens and dozens of members of Congress still belong to the DSA while useful fools out there causing violence, ANTIFA for one, chant they are against Fascism. The paid anarchists know full well what their doing but the dullard’s who join them wouldn’t know what Fascism means if Mussolini stood in front of them and laid it all out.

We are getting close to the next election for the full U.S. House and 1/3rd of the illegitimate U.S. Senate. Once again, too many GOP incumbents, a whole lot of them RINOs, have won their primaries. Likely most will go on to win in November to go back to the swamp; once again, the lesser of two evils.

There’s a lot of noise on the Internet belched from prominent fake news organizations that Democrats are going to take back control of the House. Dementia addled Nancy Pelosi actually believes she will become Speaker of the House again even though many young voters (they’re called millennials) feel she is past her sell date.

David Hogg, an opportunist and now celeb of sorts due to his association with the Parkland School shooting tragedy hates the Second Amendment; most cowardly sissy “men” do. Hogg is too ignorant to even understand what that amendment means. In any event, he had some choice words for grandma Nancy so typical of today’s youth who can’t seem to speak two sentences without using filthy language:

“Parkland shooting survivor and gun-control activist David Hogg says “older” Democrats need to “move the f— off the plate” for young people if they want to be successful.

“The reason Republicans are successful right now is because they’re empowering young people,” the March for Our Lives told writer Lisa Miller for an interview published Sunday. “Older Democrats just won’t move the f— off the plate and let us take control. Nancy Pelosi is old.”

Yep. That little punk really believes such statements are going to get him elected to Congress in a few years. But, little David has been well coached and fully understands he who shouts the loudest gets heard.

Regular readers of my columns know I don’t belong to any political party; I left the Republican Party in 1996. I’ve never voted for a Democrat nor will I. However, I do vote. Democrats are very organized in this country – precinct by precinct; county by county.

They ‘get out the vote’ every election with the help of the disgraced ‘mainstream media’ and Hollywood whores. They have been signing up illegals who vote in our elections and they make damn sure buses are available to get herds of dumbed down voters to the booth to push buttons.

Many might be too young to remember, but when slutty Billy Clinton ran for office the first time, guess what was exposed? Democrats going to nursing homes and signing up nearly comatose patients to vote and helping them vote using absentee ballots – one of the reasons that form of voting needs to be severely curtailed. Hey – if you can’t get to all the cemeteries in Chicago, hit the nursing homes.

It hasn’t been working too well the past few elections, but that doesn’t stop the worker bees. Their blind loyalty is to their rank, stinking party and if it can’t be done legally, vote fraud takes care of the problem. (DO read) Don’t ever under estimate the well-organized, powerful machine and community organizing by the Democratic/Communist Party USA.

The other thing happening is liberals, Democrats, Green Party and their ilk, are moving in droves to major cities like Austin and Houston, Texas and Florida. They’re coming from California and other states killing them in taxes (like Illinois) and working to ram their socialist/communist agendas and immoral lifestyles down our throats.

I am a constitutionalist. I’m morally and fiscally a conservative. Exactly what establishment elites who run the Republican Party from the top works hard to defeat every primary. And, they do. They hate conservatives. They pour big money into making sure globalist scum like the soon-to-retire Paul Rat Ryan and Mitch McConnell continue getting reelected.

How do they get away with it? I can tell you. Because all politics starts at the grassroots local level and not enough independents, conservatives and constitutionalists are willing to sacrifice their time to become involved.

Oh, yes, I do understand all about time and how there’s only so many hours in the day. If you read my column on health care you know I have something called Parsonage-Turner Syndrome; rare and strikes 1 in 100,000 people. Thank God it’s not permanent (can last 1-2 years) but I have lived in pain since Jan. 12th (228 days); sometimes excruciating, sometimes just relentless mid-level. I still don’t have full use of my left arm; if I turn it the wrong way, horrible pain hits that lasts for hours.

I’m waiting for the results of an x-ray as I likely have a partially dislocated shoulder, a by-product of PTS and am waiting to see a new neurosurgeon from Canada in October to see about possible tendon transfer surgery. Medical bills for this plus the surgery on my neck in February is now over $103,000.00.

But, I still have to live life as best I can as a widow with the help of dear friends who live close. School is back in session so I am back to teaching part time.  I wish I could volunteer my time at the local Humane Society because I just love being around dogs, but I can’t with my arm. I can assure you there are probably a couple million people who have worse medical challenges than me, so I’m truly grateful there’s light at the end of my tunnel.

I know all about time crunch but it all comes down to priority over importance. What matters most right now in our history? For our country, for freedom and liberty? It’s all but gone and only We the People who cherish such ideals are going to save her.

If we’re ever going to get our fellow Americans educated about the bigger picture and solutions, we have to get involved at the local level.

Think of it as a golden opportunity to get the truth to hundreds, if not thousands in the county where you reside. Let me give you an example. Our Republican County Convention was in late March, only seven weeks out from my surgery. A Saturday. The Convention was to elect delegates to the state convention held a few months later.

Those delegates are the ones who go to the Republican National Convention and nominate a candidate for the next president of these united States of America. One of the most important things a citizen does in determining who will sit in the White House. Guess how many people showed up on a Saturday in a Republican strong hold county like mine? 16 and that included the organizers. Pathetic.

I so much wanted to become a delegate but I couldn’t because of my arm. I was still in the ‘acute pain’ stage and I had no idea how things would be when it came time to head for San Antonio. Our county gets 11 delegates; we ended up with only 4 from the convention. People complain all the time about not having their voice heard, but given the chance, they don’t even show up to find out how they can make a difference and not just more belly-aching.

A couple of weeks ago I attended the county Republican monthly meeting. Like the convention above, I was able to give a copy of my Why A Bankrupt America booklet to every person there. (Yeah, I paid for them as the printer has to get paid.) While I am not a registered Republican, I was able to join their club. I don’t ask you to do what I won’t do myself no matter how much I hurt right now. Hell, I don’t even know what a ‘fun’ time is anymore from being in the trenches full time the past 29 years.

It’s critically important to understand what goes on at the local level with your party. How powerful a precinct captain is and how the machine works. Yes, yes, I know. There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties at the top, but the only way we’re going to turn things around is (1) get the population educated so they don’t keep reelecting the same Band Aid pushers and (2) take back the power from the ‘good old boys’ at the local level.

You would be shocked at how few people even bother to vote in the primaries which is when the real election begins. If an incumbent rat RINO isn’t beaten and replaced with a constitutionalist or at least a ‘conservative’, what happens in November? You end up with the same rat going back to Congress.

This November the Democratic/Communist Party USA is going all out to take back control of the House and if anyone doesn’t think their first order of business will be an impeachment effort to oust President Trump, think again. Rush Limbaugh said it so well last week.

Democrats in my county are gaining ground. Here in West Texas where the Second Amendment is King. It makes me sick. However, going into the high school two weeks ago there is a big new sign right next to the front, main entrance (BSISD means Big Spring Independent School District):

YES!  I haven’t heard one complaint from anyone in town about our school staff packing heat. If fact, one lady I chat with while shopping at one of our local stores is a liberal type. I ask her what she thought about it and her response was: It’s about time. Our children need to be protected.

If you don’t think grassroots activism works, here’s a shining and inspiring example from Young Americans for Liberty (YAL).  GO LOOK – “YAL activists stunned the establishment in Missouri and Michigan last night with two slam-dunk wins for YAL endorsed candidates.”

“So how’d we pull it off? It’s simple: using the door knocking strategy that takes our message directly to the American people. 

“Every Operation Win at the Door race that YAL mobilizes door-knockers for is an opportunity to send principled, liberty-minded individuals to state legislatures across the country. Every candidate we endorse and deploy for is slated to become a champion for our ideals in every chamber they enter. We are building the future bench of liberty candidates for federal office.

“In Dirk Deaton’s race we went all out because Dirk is the next Rand Paul from the state of Missouri. With the help of YAL door knockers… we won the race by 43 percentage points (71% – 28%)! In Steve Johnson’s race our YAL activist went toe-to-toe with the establishment’s handpicked choice. Through our door knocking efforts…. Steve won by 51 percentage points (75% – 24%)… absolutely crushing his establishment opponent!

“I want you to look at the YAL students that worked day and night in the heat of summer to knock on 30,387 doors in Missouri and 30,160 in Michigan for Operation Win at the Door”.

Stunning! So where are YOU in helping to save our Republic?

Regular readers of NWVs see outstanding columns by Publius Huldah. She will be speaking here in Texas so spread the word.  Mark Levin, a very popular radio host has made a mint off his book promoting a con-con. Shame on him.  Big tech companies are trying to silence us, but they cannot shut down our right to speak at events:

Dear Texas Friends,

“I’ll be speaking at the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas on September 30, 2018.  The event is from 5:30 – to 7:00 pm.  I’ll be speaking on why an Article V convention is so dangerous and why States [such as Texas] who have already passed applications for Congress to call an Article V convention should rescind their applications at the first possible opportunity.  And I’ll have time to answer any questions from the audience.

“We have defeated the “Convention of States Project’s” (COSP) and the “Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force’s” applications in every State so far this year; and it seems to us unlikely that any of the States whose legislatures are still in session will pass any applications.

“In the past, the convention lobby [falsely] assured us that Congress could not call a convention until Congress got 34 applications which were just alike. And they said that Delegates to the convention would be strictly limited to the subject matter of the application.

“Of course all that was a Lie – it was said to lull State legislators into a false belief that an Article V convention is perfectly safe and can’t runaway and impose a new Constitution.

“But now that the convention lobby has failed to get any new States this year, they have changed their tune.  They are now urging Congress to “aggregate” the applications and count them together in order to come up with 34 applications.

“Please understand that this push for a convention isn’t about “limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government” or reducing federal spending. See, e.g., the attachment on the Nightmare Amendments approved by Texas Legislators.

“It’s about imposing a new Constitution on us.  And since the globalists [which includes fake Libertarians & fake Conservatives & the Council on Foreign Relations] want to move us into the North American Union (NAU); they need a new Constitution for us which transforms us from a sovereign nation to a member state in the NAU.

“Of course the smiling & giggling cheerleaders for COSP have no idea of the real agenda – they are the useful idiots who are carrying the water for the globalists.

Please see this short article and please print it out and read the CFR’s Task Force Report on the NAU. 

“It is imperative that you educate your State Legislators on this.  Surely they don’t want to be dupes of the Koch Brothers and the globalists at the CFR.  And remember, the Bush Family and the Cruz Family are in full support of moving us into the NAU.

“These are dangerous times, and we are vulnerable and close to losing our precious Constitution.

“So PLEASE come to the event and bring everyone you can with you.  Please do all you can to get State Legislators there.  We need them to rescind Texas’ outstanding applications for a convention first thing when they reconvene.”

One thing I’ve said so many times over the decades: While all of this is so depressing and makes one rage against the rot and corruption, one of the great things to happen to me is meeting thousands of wonderful Americans across the country. Some have become dear friends. Getting involved and being around other Americans like you who are willing to fight for our country really does lift your spirit.

If you don’t know who is head of the Republican Party where you live (I know, the Constitution Party has a wonderful platform and people, but they simply aren’t in enough states and quite frankly, you don’t hear much from them anymore) so you can get involved, just contact your local election division at your county court house and they can tell you.

One of the items on the agenda at the Republican luncheon I mentioned above two weeks ago was to get people signed up to get citizens registered to vote. AND, motivated to vote.

So, I signed up to man the table at our annual Howard County Fair in Big Spring, Texas on September 22, 2018 at the Howard County Fairgrounds. This is the Permian Basin from Odessa to Midland to Big Spring and all around; BIG oil country.

If you live in Howard County I hope you’ll come to the fair and drop by the GOP booth and see me. Even if you don’t live in our county! I’ll be there from 1:00 – 4: 00 pm hopefully signing up lots of new voters and impressing upon them how critical it is they vote in November which is swiftly approaching.

Don’t just assume everyone in your county is registered to vote or will even bother voting. Just look at what those wonderful young people above (YAL) have been doing and accomplishing! If they can find time in their busy schedules, how about you?

If you haven’t ordered my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, now is a good time to start Christmas shopping! All 17 chapters deal with critical issues and the only constitutional solutions.

E-Mail Devvy:

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Missionaries To America, Part 1

By Pastor Mike Spaulding

My message to you via this article is a call to action. Let me give you a frame of reference with a large dash of levity.


“Come listen to my story ‘bout a man named Jed.
A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed.
Then one day, he was shootin’ at some food,
And up through the ground came a bubbling crude.
Black Gold, Texas Tea.

Well, the first thing you know ol’ Jed’s a millionaire.
Kin folk said Jed, move away from there.
Said, Californy is the place you ought to be,
So he loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly,
Hills that is. Swimmin’ pools, movie stars.

Anyone remember that theme song? What was the show? The show was The Beverley Hillbillies. Hard to believe that the Beverly Hillbillies was THE top rated television program for 2 of its 9 years on the air; it spend several years as a top 5 rated program, and it was ranked in the top 10 every year. That’s mega-success by television standards.

♦ Did you know the Beverly Hillbillies received 7 Emmy Award nominations?
♦ Did you know that the Beverly Hillbillies had two spin-offs – Petticoat Junction and Green Acres?
♦ Here’s another piece of trivia – Americans loved the show but television reviewers – the “critics” – hated it.

It’s not hard to understand why the critics hated the show. The Beverly Hillbillies presented an America and Americans that had a conscience that subscribed to a Judeo-Christian morality and perspective on life, even though the script writers rarely mentioned God, Jesus, or the Bible. And the two spin-offs – Petticoat Junction and Green Acres followed the same script of wholesome values and moral teachings.

But in the 1960s Hollywood was changing. It wasn’t obvious to most Americans then, but the “enlightened” critics wanted television to be a vehicle for social revolution. Hollywood even in those days was becoming a hub for anti-American values and they especially hated Christianity. Friends, the seeds of censorship of the Christian message began in the 1960’s not 2018.

Let me take you back to that era for a moment. The Beverly Hillbillies aired from 1962 – 1971. Those were the days weren’t they? In 1962 I was in the 1st grade so it was a long time ago. Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane.

In 1962 America’s children were still:

♦ Praying to God each day in the government school system.
♦ Reading their Bible each day in the government school system.
♦ Still being taught biblical creationism in the government school system.

Pastors were warmly greeted and asked to pray at sporting events, high school graduation ceremonies, civic organizations, school board meetings, city council meetings, and many other events.

When the Beverly Hillbillies aired, the wholesale slaughter of unborn children upon the demonic altar named “choice” was unconscionable.

When Jed, Granny, Ellie Mae, and Jethro Bodine entertained Americans with their homespun wisdom and thinly-veiled Christian morality, we didn’t have naked men, women, and children, dressed in the most sadomasochistic attire parading in our streets and celebrating their “pride.” Brothers and sisters hear me clearly – there is nothing to be proud about what men do sexually to other men or what women do sexually to other women.

America of the 1960’s my brothers and sisters, has been deliberately destroyed and a new America has risen from its ashes. We have gone from:

♦ Leave It To Beaver to the number one on demand video platform – Netflix – offering pornography available to anyone including children.

♦ We have gone from Happy Days where the trouble teenagers got into was drag racing in the streets, to Antifa which is bringing bloodshed to our streets.

Would you agree that America 2018 is a broken and crippled nation, far removed from the vision of our Founding Fathers?

Now, the question that I must ask at this point is this: What are we going to do? What are we going to do to change the trajectory of America? What are we going to do to push back against the darkness that has a stranglehold on the throat of America and is systematically choking the life out of this nation?

Here’s what we cannot do friends – we cannot continue to skip down the yellow brick road to Oz, thinking that it will all work itself out in the end. Inaction is surrender!

We cannot trust that our eschatology will save us. Can I give you a word of encouragement here friends? Stop fussing about the rapture! I could not care less what your understanding of eschatology is. Here’s another word for you: stop arguing about what day we are required to honor God on.

You are not more spiritual or closer to God based on what day you set aside to honor Him. You are not more biblically rooted and prophetically astute based on your view of the rapture timing.

And speaking of our holy huddles – whatever day you choose to honor God on – we have to stop thinking that gathering together with our brothers and sisters a few hours one day a week constitutes our service for God.

What about the other 6.5 days? What about James’ admonition that faith without works is dead? What about the Apostle Paul’s admonition to be living sacrifices to Christ daily, and to demonstrate that by being transformed in our thinking? Are we only to have transformed minds one day a week?

I hope you have your Bible close by. If not, use your phone and turn with me to Acts 1:1-8. This is a familiar passage to most everyone. Different people focus on different things when they read the Bible. Here’s what I want you to see from this passage.

Take note that in V4-5 God gives us power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us. Some people ignore this power because they are more concerned about a proper theology and especially a proper view of the end times. That’s exactly the mindset of the disciples as stated in V6.

Remember my word of encouragement a few moments ago to stop arguing about eschatology? Jesus says the same thing in V7. Don’t worry about it. The Father has it under control.

Here’s what we need to be concerned about according to Jesus – V8.

What do we see in this passage? I see at least three things for you to remember. They are:

(1) Receive the Holy Spirit’s power.

♦ This is the power necessary to conquer the onslaught of evil in our day.
♦ This is the power that gives us boldness and unflinching courage.
♦ This is the power that causes the demons to shrink back and the darkness to flee.

(2) We are told that we must be Christ’s witnesses.

♦ Do you understand that this means we are to represent Him as He is not how the culture demands He be? Jesus is not a rainbow flag waving, socialist!

♦ Misrepresenting Jesus is a huge problem in America today because he has been refashioned by the Luciferians to use as a bludgeon against Christians who are too ignorant to know what is happening to them. Thus the Jesus these Christians witness of is not the biblical Jesus but a façade Jesus that hides the evil intentions and consequences of the demoniacs among us.

♦ Do you understand that this means we are to proclaim everywhere that only Jesus saves and that we are to do this without apology or compromise?

(3) We are to tell our family, friends, co-workers, and fellow citizens of the town that we live in first. We must start in our Jerusalem and only when our Jerusalem is saturated are we to move beyond that place.

♦ There is more than enough work to be done to repair the breaches in the communities that we live in. We don’t need to look for opportunities elsewhere.

♦ Expect push back from your family, friends, co-workers, and fellow Christians. Keep making your case anyway.

Coming up in Part 2 of this article I will continue to use the America of the 1960’s as a backdrop to explain what is happening today. Thank you for taking the time to read Part 1 and please share it broadly within your circles.

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics. E:Mail Mike Spaulding:]

© 2018 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Pastor Mike:

@ccpastormike and @soaringeaglerad on Twitter Monday’s at 6pm EST starting September 10, 2018.

Now They’re Coming For Our Children

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16, which USED to be the most well-known verse of the Bible, until the Leftists started quoting “Judge not.”  Now, that seems to be the only “Bible” anyone knows anymore.

For those who are unaware, in addition to these radio broadcasts, my main ministry work is Wisconsin Christian News, which is now a NATIONAL Christian newspaper, based in Wisconsin.  We have subscribers in nearly all fifty states, and some larger distribution in other states as well.  In addition, we maintain an active and well-visited website AND, since we are a monthly newspaper, we utilize our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page to post late-breaking news stories and items of interest on a daily basis as well — and THERE we have an opportunity to interact with our readers.

Last night, I posted an article about “Drag Queen Story Time” — now expanding from public libraries to the public SCHOOLS.  I am always amazed that SO MANY Christians are completely UNAWARE that these things are happening.  Because this is not “new” news — it’s actually OLD news.  It’s been going on for some time.  For those who don’t know, “Drag Queen Story Time” is a program which is now taking place nationwide, in which men dress up in full female regalia, loaded with makeup and then they read stories to little pre-school and kindergarten-age children about how being a homosexual is “fun,” a way to “express your individuality,” and that there is “no such thing as “boy” things and “girl” things.  “Children,” they say, “should feel free and open to choose whichever gender they would like…” Even if they would like to be a boy one day and a girl the next.  And they’re doing this to four and five-year-olds.

This is all part of the LGBTQP+ agenda (note the “P” they have now added at the end, which stands for Pedophilia — the NEXT thing they want us to embrace, normalize and celebrate).  In fact, pedophilia has been their ultimate goal all along.  If you don’t believe me, you can research a document from 1987 entitled “The Gay Revolutionary,” and specifically, “The Homosexual Agenda.”  I will quote the first paragraph of that for you here:

“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.”

Yes, this has been their goal all along.  But they began with acceptance of homosexuality, then they demanded “partner benefits.”  Then they demanded sodomite so-called “marriage,” then they introduced us to “transgenderism” and “gender fluidity,”  and then all this was FORCED upon the rest of us under penalty of so-called “law.”  Now, today, to speak against sodomy is considered “hate speech,” and you will readily find yourself banned from social media outlets, and in some areas, even face stiff fines or even jail time if you happen to use the wrong pronoun when addressing a “transgender” person.  Counseling for those who struggle with the sin of homosexuality has also been forbidden — again, punishable by law — even if the person WANTS such counseling.

So, I posted this article about “Drag Queen Story Time” and many were utterly shocked that such a thing existed.  Many questioned if this was even “real.”  You know, as Christians, we live in a “Christian Bubble,” and most church-goers have utterly NO IDEA what is happening in the real world.  It’s a spiritual battle out there, and the church is fat and happy, playing stupid games and holding potluck dinners — asleep at the wheel, while the devil and his demons run wild.  The demons are now fervently running after our children, and even the parents are going along with this “Alphabet Soup” nonsense.

One young woman in particular, engaged me in conversation on my Facebook post.  She started out by saying she was shocked and appalled to find out this was going on.  She stated, While I accept and love everyone for who they are, what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom is one thing, but teaching this to kids is a whole other ball game.”

When I gently instructed her that as Christians, we are NOT to just “accept and love everyone for who they are,” and that doing so is actually the OPPOSITE of what a Christian is SUPPOSED to do, things began to heat up in our discussion.  I told her that contrary to what she may have been taught, God does NOT love everyone.  God’s love is AVAILABLE to everyone, but unless we repent and make Jesus Christ our Lord (not just our Savior), we are NOT His children, and we remain His enemies.  I also explained that God HATES all workers of iniquity.

She shot back that it is impossible for God to hate anyone.  That God is only pure LOVE, and that He does, in fact, love everyone just as they are.  This went on for some time, with me providing Scripture verse after Scripture verse to back up my position.  She responded by simply regurgitating what she has been taught by her local church.

She knows John 3:16.  But she does not know the verses that follow, John 3:17-20, “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him.  Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.  And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.  For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.”

Of course, we went through the “thou shall not judge” argument they always toss out at you, and many other things.  I tried to explain that God DOES INDEED have the capacity to hate, and He hates many things.  In addition to ALL WORKERS OF INIQUITY, which we know from Psalm 5:5, I gave her Proverbs 6 to chew on:  “These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood.  A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief; A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.”

What do all these things have in common?  They are all body parts of PEOPLE….  He doesn’t just hate the eyes with a proud look.  He doesn’t just hate the tongue that lies, and He doesn’t just hand the HANDS of those who shed innocent blood…. He hates those children of the devil that engage in these things.  PLEASE UNDERSTAND:  we are NOT all God’s children.  God has HIS children, and the devil has HIS children.  In fact, Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees “snakes,” “a brood of vipers,” and “whitewashed tombs.”  THEN He specifically stated, “You are of YOUR FATHER, the devil.”  Yes, the devil has kids too.  And God DOES NOT LOVE the devil’s children.

In Romans 1, we read how God even turns such people over to depraved, reprobate minds.  In 2nd Thessalonians 2 we read, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”  That does not sound like God loves EVERYONE to me.  What say YOU?

Then this young woman quoted John 13, but out of context.  Verse 34, where Jesus said, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”  This, as she understood it, meant that we are to love EVERYONE because God loves everyone just the way they are.  I tried to explain that this was something Jesus told His disciples privately during the Last Supper.  He MEANT that we are to love our Christian brethren — not the world.  I also explained that friendship with the world makes us enemies of God.  I doubt very much that Jesus would EVER instruct His followers to “love” those who harm little children.  In fact, this might be a very good time for us all to invest in MILLSTONES.

She just couldn’t comprehend it.  I finally gave up on the conversation, but first I challenged her to not simply accept what someone else told her, but to study her Bible for herself and see if what I was saying was true or not.  But I warned her, MOST people are too lazy to study Scripture.  They would rather just believe what they believe, go to church for an hour a week, or maybe an hour every other month, and leave it at that.  After all, like this young woman, most believe they are “good people.”   I also warned her about what Jesus said in Matthew 7:   “Enter ye in at the straight gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.  Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  And “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Not to mention the part where Jesus warns that MANY will hear on judgment day, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you!”

But again, she just did not “get it.”  She remained convinced that God is incapable of hatred.   In the end, she told me, maybe it was CHRISTIANITY that had it wrong… and MAYBE  if we were more “open and affirming” of people, and not so judgmental, and that MAYBE if we were more “LOVING to people who are different from us, more people would choose “that path,” (meaning Christianity).  (As if there are MANY paths to God).

Our friend, David Arthur, who lived for thirty years as a transgender prostitute, and who was rescued from that life of abomination, and who now ministers the TRUTH of God’s Word to those caught up in this demonic deception has a real problem with that concept.  When people make the argument to HIM that Christians need to be more accepting and “loving” of sodomites, he very firmly states:  “DON’T YOU EVER TRY TO LOVE ME INTO HELL AGAIN!”  He has lived that life.  He knows.  To “accept” and “affirm” and “love” someone IN THEIR SIN is NOT love.  It is nothing more than cowardice and being ashamed of the Lord God Almighty and His precious Word.

Late in the evening, after praying for her eyes to be opened, I decided to look this young woman up and view her Facebook profile, to try to get an idea of where she was coming from.  Sadly, what I found on her profile was not surprising.  The things she “likes” and posts portray a life of utter confusion and contradiction.  She attends one of the cotton-candy, “love gospel” churches in town.  But she is also into horror movies, vampires, a half dozen different bars and night clubs, an online adult sex toy store, paganism, witchcraft, Wicca, the movie “50 Shades of Gray,” a thing called “Kinky Couples,” and much more.  Yet she claims to be a Christian and know the Bible.

Friends, I am more convinced than ever that the current explosion of sexual perversion of all kinds — and now the OPENLY preying upon children and the push for legalizing pedophilia is the greatest threat we are facing as a nation.  Look at all the Leftist, Socialist protestors who violently attack Christians and anyone that holds to the idea of traditional marriage and family.  Look at all the FOUL, FILTHY language people use today — in everyday conversation.  Look how the sodomites are actively stealing our childrens’ minds — and even their very souls — with the consent, approval and celebration of the parents.  They have all chosen to believe the lie that “love is love,” that sodomy is “normal,” that God MAKES people that way when they’re born… and under the guise of “love,” we are “loving” people straight to hell.  And our pastors and preachers and professional Christians who SHOULD know better, either DON’T know better or are too afraid to offend anyone, and so they remain silent and simply continue their “God is love” mantra… leading their flock to damnation.

They are supposed to be the watchmen over the sheep.  But they are traitors to the cause of Christ… and this is nothing new.  Read Isaiah 56:  “His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.”  Indeed, many of our pastors don’t even KNOW this stuff is going on, they are so tuned out, asleep at their watch post!  Nor do they care.

Isaiah goes on:  “Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.  ‘Come ye,’ say they, ‘I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.’”

The professional Christians just give us happy talk, intoxicate us with sweet wine and sweet lies….  and we buy it all because it’s what our itching ears want to hear.  The gate that leads to life is quite narrow, indeed.  And few there be that will find it.

So it is up to YOU, my friend, to study deeper, to learn the WHOLE counsel of God for YOURSELF.  Don’t rely on what you have always been taught or always heard and always believed.  Study and learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth, lest you be led astray by those evil men who have crept in unawares.  There IS an LGBTQP+ agenda, and the minds, hearts and souls of our children are at stake here.  It is time we get serious.  It is time we push back the forces of darkness and start standing up — unashamedly — for God’s Word and TRUTH.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 231.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Democrat Hatred

As time progresses we are seeing the left, i.e. Democrats, completely devolve.  For the first time Democrats favor socialism more than capitalism.  According to a recent Gallup poll 57% of Democrats favor socialism over capitalism.  When broken down though- the older Democrats are only at 28% but the obviously uneducated and uninformed millennials, 18-29 years old are at 51%. [1]

This is why we are seeing the riots and hatred in the streets.  It can be assured that these aren’t young Republicans rioting.  They don’t have time, they have jobs.  All this is being done by the group Antifa, a Soros funded terror group.[2] They have no regard for person or property.  They are willing to do anything that stop the implementation of Trump’s agenda even though they have failed miserably in all of their attempts.  They have destroyed private and public property, destroyed some people’s way to make a living.

Let’s face it, the Antifa crowd are nothing but cowards.  They’re lazy.  They don’t contribute to society in any way.  They demand free everything.  They violently oppose ALL that disagrees with their ideology.  They claim that they oppose fascism, but all of their actions are fascist actions.  It’s exceptionally stupid to proclaim yourself literally anti-American when some of your fellow travelers on the left are working hard to portray you as defending American values from the alt-right. But then, most radicals are exceptionally stupid.

The majority of liberal defenses of Antifa thus far are of the “anti-anti” rather than “pro” variety. You don’t see much in the “Antifa is great!” vein but you do see some in the “alt-right is awful, therefore Antifa blah blah” vein. But maybe that’s changing.[3] You have to give it to those idiots at Berkeley.  In the 1960’s they demanded free speech and now they demand no conservative speech. Wow, drugs really messes your mind up.  Ant

There are rumors that there will be a major event between now and the mid-terms.  Why?  Because the hate the left has for Trump and his followers is unlimited.  The radical Left is escalating its violence across America, and the tech giants are dramatically escalating their censorship actions to silence all independent voices that might question any “official” narrative. It all points to something big about to come down— something so big that only the official narrative can be allowed to be heard or spoken.

We are living under an Orwellian totalitarian regime beyond any horrific imagination. Google, Apple, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants are engaged in the most criminal, malicious racketeering and tyranny imaginable. This is not sheer coincidence. They’ve all been ordered to censor the independent media in preparation for what’s coming next. [4]

If you are paying attention, you’ll notice that all of the big tech companies lean heavily towards the left.  FaceBook only shuts down conservative sites.  They’ll shut down pro-Israel sites but leave up the racist, anti-white, anti-American scum Louis Farrakhan. Twitter does the same thing.  Instgram has pulled several of my posts, ALL dealing with the truth about islam, stating that it violated company standards.  Truth be damned!  CNN’s Chris Cuomo is a defender of Antifa fantasizing that it is an anti-hate group.  How a group that spreads hate and violence can be anti-hate is beyond me, but that is his stand.  “Unless you’re justified in defending yourself and you hit someone, you’re a thug, you’re a criminal, you attack cops, you slap the media — you are in the wrong, period. But I argue to you tonight, all punches are not equal morally. In the eyes of the law, yes,” he stated.

“When someone comes to call out bigots and it gets hot, even physical, are they equally as wrong as the bigot they’re fighting? I argue no. Fighting against hate matters. Now, how you fight matters, too — there’s no question about that,” Cuomo continued, “but drawing a moral equivalency between those espousing hate and those fighting because they both resort to violence emboldens hate — legitimizes hateful belief and elevates what should be stamped out.”

While Cuomo discussed the violence that transpired over the weekend, he did not mention the number Antifa members that made threats against the president.

“The bigots are wrong to hit. Antifa, or whomever — anarchists, or malcontent, misguided — they are also wrong to hit. But fighting hate is right and in a clash between hate and those who oppose it are on the side of right,” he concluded. [5] Yeah that’s really stupid but that is the thought process of the left.

Just recently a Trump supporter was at a concert for Social Distortion and he complained to the band that they were using the concert to bash Trump and the lead singer, Mike Ness, jumped off the stage to help beat the guy up. The famous musician, Mike Ness, was reportedly bashing President Donald Trump and America when Tim Hildebrand, a Republican farmer, spoke up.

Hildebrand told CBS13 he shouted something to the effect, “I paid for your music, not your politics.”

“I stood pretty much with my silent protest with my middle finger up for the next two songs,” he said.

That’s when chaos erupted. Ness allegedly spit in the man’s face before jumping into the crowd and beating the pro-Trump fan. [6]

This is what the Democrat have devolved into, a group full of hate for anyone who does not agree with them.  Mussolini had his black shirts that would attack anyone who disagreed with his ideology.  Hitler has his browns shirts that did the same and even killed some who opposed Hitler.  Democrats have Antifa that will stop at little to shut down any opposing ideology.  This is the new America. An America where any opposing organization to the culture of America such as the Communist Party USA, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Lind Sarsour, Media Matters, traitor Keith Ellison and even Mad Maxine Waters are allowed to flourish in social media but those that support and defend the American culture are banned.

We also see the left attack the means of making a living for conservatives.  Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has had his web based funding through Patreon shut down: His critics charge, without evidence, that he hates Muslims, and now Spencer has been banned from the web-based funding site Patreon, which claims Mastercard demanded the move.

On his Jihad Watch website Wednesday, Spencer said that after being denied access to Patreon without warning, he received an email from a customer-service person who said Patreon had been “notified by Mastercard that we must remove your account from Patreon, effective immediately.”

“Mastercard has a stricter set of rules and regulations than Patreon, and they reserve the right to not offer their services to accounts of their choosing,” she said. “This is in line with their terms of service, which means it’s something we have to comply by.”

San Francisco-based Patreon is a membership platform that provides business tools for creators to run a subscription content service and build relationships with subscribers.

Patreon has insisted to Spencer that it gave him an “explanation” for canceling his account, but the messages did not explain Mastercard’s reason for the move.

Spencer believes Mastercard is targeting “accounts that have been smeared by the hard-Left propaganda hate group the Southern Poverty Law Center.” [7]

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Democrats more positive about socialism than capitalism
  2. George Soros funded terrorist group antifa plans to make US ungovernable
  3. antifa chants Berkeley no Trump no wall no USA
  4. Censorship purge points to imminent false flag violence before mid term elections
  5. CNN Chris Cuomo antifa violence
  6. Shock video famous singer jumps into crowd to beat pro Trump fan
  7. Mastercard orders critic of jihad dropped

The Spineless Church Of United Kingdom And The Bright Lights Of Malvern

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

Every now and then I take to escaping my urban environment to try and search for pastures new, and the other week I happened to drop in and visit Malvern Priory.

Set in the Malvern Hills it sits high above the surrounding landscape bordering the counties of Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire.

Fortunately for me, when I entered the priory there were very few people inside.   No men in frocks, no rituals taking place; just a few people casually walking round and looking at the memorials and the stained glass windows.

After a while I sat quietly away from everyone. Outside of the obvious show of religion I did sense some stability and comfort in the place. There was a certain peace from being set apart from the outside world of chaos. Here, people had come for many years to try and make a connection with something, someone, a deity, outside of themselves. Did they find their heaven?

Some say that the Christian author, C.S. Lewis based his book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, from experiences he had in Malvern.

There is a small plaque indicating that suggestion next to a door at the back of the priory which resembles the wardrobe door from his book. From where I sat, if left ajar, you would certainly be able to view one of the many lamps which line the streets, which also featured in his writing.

However, it is also reported that one night after leaving the local pub in Malvern he caught sight of a lamp shining in the newly fallen snow which caught his attention and it was this sight that took him to that other place; a land called Narnia – A world within a world where spiritual battles between good and evil existed.  Was C S Lewis drunk on drowning his sorrows, or was he really gaining some insight and a glimpse into what happens when you truly search for meaning.

The door reminded me of one of my own experiences that took me away from organized religion, and why I have found my search for a world inside a world a very narrow path.

One day in a crowded church I noticed that the room got very dark but no-one else seemed to notice.  As I turned to look at the back of the church I realized that the door was slightly open. There was a bright light in the door which conveyed to me without words to get out of there, otherwise the door would be shut forever. The experience was so powerful that I have always remembered it. What did it mean? There was an obvious message that existed in the light against the darkness which moved me.

The author J. R. R. Tolkien, a friend of C S Lewis and author of the Lord of the Rings, had also walked the hills of Malvern.   In conjunction with his catholic faith he too, somehow conveyed the battle for Middle Earth, which could possibly represent England, as a fight between good and evil, light and dark, in his writings.   Although both authors are considered fantasy writers, who focus on mythical creatures which include wizards, hobbits, and dragon slayers, their stories resonate quite strongly for many believers and also non believers who realize they are in a battle for their land and a spiritual battle for their sanity and their souls.  There is an enemy which is ruthless.

Why isn’t the present day church as a whole in the United Kingdom preaching about the spiritual battles in our land? In general, so few will speak about Islam, (not Aslan) which may displace Christianity in the future, they do not talk about politics and laws being passed which affect culture, and they also do not talk about the consequences of sin or forgiveness.

It appears that some preachers believe our battle against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against the spiritual wickedness in high places (authorities) are indeed either myths or parables from the past or best left to a few activists on the street who are much more able to take the strikes of saying it how it is.

Recently, former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord George Carey was accused of failing to act on sexual abuse claims against another bishop, Peter Ball, who was jailed for abusing 18 young men over a period of 30 years.

It is alleged he said “the church is sometimes “behind the curve” when it comes to addressing allegations of abuse, and that nobody had access to child protection training during a “pre-Savile era” [Link]

Historical sex abuse that exists within religion is unfortunately widespread, and has been for many years, but why would an Archbishop who should realize the reality of the battle between good and evil ever be surprised or rely on child protection training when faced with allegations from parents and victims of their abuse?

It seems conditional that there is a certain loyalty to protect each other amongst the priesthood.  However, some clergy will often resign or retire early through indiscretions. In recent years though there have been many public exits from staff who cannot and will not compromise upon their beliefs within the changing face of the Anglican Church.

Lorna Ashworth resigned from the Archbishops Council and General Synod in 2017.   In her resignation letter according to Church Times she stated that she refused to be mistaken as one participating in the fanciful notion of “good disagreement’.

Evangelist Rico Tice resigned from the Archbishops Taskforce on Evangelism over the compromises being made under the leadership of Bishop Paul Bayes of Liverpool on same sex marriage.  He stated:

‘I think it is a great wickedness to tell people who are on the road to destruction that they are not. To tell them that they are safe when it comes to God’s wrath when they are not.’

You can listen to his statement here.

Between Lambs and Lions

UK film producer, Mark Sutherland who was recently interviewed by Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries was also asked what the church is like in the UK today.  He was very aware of the obvious lack of strength and spiritual battles we face.

It was a revelation and a relief to hear him clearly echo the observations made by other people in the UK who have also lost faith in the Anglican Church and see it as a very weak establishment today which is not standing up for the truth.

During the interview, a 10 minute film entitled Between Lambs and Lions, which Mark produced is also shown, it is prophetic to America, although relevant to what we see happening in the world today and is described as being a vision of the future where leaders pay lip service to the democratic process. It was filmed in 2015. You can watch the film via either of the links below:

There are some excellent lines in this short film:

“Truth is treason in the empire of lies”
“If Liberty means anything it means the right to tell people what they don’t want to hear”
“Vultures don’t circle around anything unless it is dead”

From the viewpoint of standing in a country where the truth is no longer respected, yet amidst a growing crowd of followers in the Evangelical and Pentecostal movements, many people have stated that really it is only a remnant of people across this country who are now still standing firm.   I would hasten to add many of these are not outwardly religious people but they are standing in the gap and exposing some of the great injustices taking place within society.

Indeed a lady who wrote to me from Yorkshire in England told me that she had also left the church; and had once saw the whole of the UK as being covered by a large dark cloud.   However, now she can see pinpoints of light emerging out of that darkness exposing the truth.  Many of them are the most unlikely of people.  I see it too. This is encouraging.  The vultures are circling, but there is still some truth emerging in this empire of lies.

The Ring of Power

On a final note, the late author, Stratford Caldecott, was also someone who wrote about darkness and light and interpreted The Lord of the Ring in theological terms.   He wrote:

“The Ring of Power exemplifies the dark magic of the corrupted will, the assertion of self in disobedience to God. It appears to give freedom, but its true function is to enslave the wearer to the Fallen Angel. It corrodes the human will of the wearer, rendering him increasingly ‘thin’ and unreal; indeed, its gift of invisibility symbolizes this ability to destroy all natural human relationships and identity. You could say the Ring is sin itself: tempting and seemingly harmless to begin with, increasingly hard to give up and corrupting in the long run.

That is a sad but realistic account of how a whole country can become enslaved and corroded whilst thinking it is free. Human relationships and identity are certainly under attack.

The light is still shining, it is but a flicker in the UK, but will we step out into the battle and confront evil, even though it sometimes feels like you are standing alone, whilst not losing faith?

© 2018 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:

Important reads:

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey admits church failed abuse victims

Lorna Ashworth resigns from general synod over revisionism

The Deep State Is Real

I started with a list names attached to nefarious activity.  The list grew so long that it would take a book or two to lay out their deeds.  So, you get the condensed version of the web.  Their activity so dangerous at stake is survival of our Constitutional Republic.  Relatively speaking, only a few in our vast media world are taking an objective look or searching for truth.  The truth of what transpired.  When the truth is right before them it’s ignored.  Through overt hatred, they root for an outcome placing the greatest nation on earth on the road toward self-destruction.  Self-destruction may not be accurate because most Americans, even those cheering for it, do not want the remnants of a country we’ll be left with.  They’re simply to ill-educated and over indoctrinated to know any better.

Each time I added names to the list, they pointed me toward other names and other events.  As the list grew, the deviousness and connections became more obvious.  Different names pointed to different events, but as it came full circle it was clear that it was one group.  One goal.  One cabal.  They’re the ones that walked away from every criminal act while others were blamed or imprisoned.  They walked away unscathed from Benghazi, Uranium One, the DNC Server scandal, the Clinton server scandal, unmasking and spying on Americans without cause, and if not stopped they are on their way to walking away from a political scandal of such proportions that it likely involves hundreds.

The Russians, Chinese, and Iranian Mullahs must be shouting halleluiah!  And, much like Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, “this is how liberty dies, to thunderous applause” the socialists and progressives cheer the death of liberty.  The Nazi-like and Fascists are labeling others as Nazis and Fascists.  It is what they do.  Just like Hitler did it, they’ve let loose indoctrinated youth mobs to intimidate and distract others, especially the media, from what’s happening in the background.  It was their aim to fundamentally transform America into their vision of a nation state.  A place where only one voice is permitted.  Now they want to destroy her outright.  Why?  Their benevolent dictator lost the election.  The shadow government of progressive Republicans and Democrats and covert Socialists and Communists, the Washington Establishment, the swamp, the deep state or whichever label you choose to hang upon it is threatened.  They’ve come out of the shadows to applause emboldened by a wildly sycophantic media and their misperception of forgotten Americans.  They will fight to the death.  Either theirs or our nation’s.

If President Trump had not won the election, Americans would remain ignorant, sadly many of them by choice, of the truth.  And we would remain under the control of a vast criminal cabal.  Something the majority of Americans could not envision happening in the land of the free.  The cabal is real.  It runs deep.  For as far back as you care to look with figurehead Presidents and a charade of government by and for the people, it’s ran our country for far too long.

Maybe it was divine intervention that they are now exposed to the light.  Evil cannot exist in the light.  Even the complicit media will not for much longer be able to keep the growing mountain of evidence from the people.  This is a war.  It will end.  Political persecution has started.  Opposing voices are being silenced by major media propaganda and blackout and social media black listing.  When it does end either the cabal will be crushed or the Constitutional Republic known as the United States of America will no longer exist.  Make no mistake.  Whether we are active participants or not, we are in a fight for our existence.  If the deep state wins, it will no longer be the deep state.  It will be the state and it will be more brutal than any other in the history of nations.

I spent my working life in the military and as a federal civil servant.  I was not political during my military service time.  I was politically aware just not involved.  My opinions during my civil service time were rarely shared beyond trusted and like-minded friends.  Both the military and civil service, in theory at least, require one to be apolitical.  I tried that, but it was difficult to restrain.  Especially in the civil service environment where so many were blatantly politically biased.  What I can tell you is that during an eight year reign a Commander in Chief (CINC) changes the military by littering the upper echelons of command with like-minded politically oriented Flag Officers.  These Generals and Admirals work tirelessly to reshape the military to suit the CINC’s worldview.  The federal government and judiciary are also reshaped by presidential appointments.  These high-level military and civil service appointees then fill the ranks with sycophantic followers.

People who remain and carry the torch beyond leadership change.  People who believe they are powerful enough to do as they please, powerful enough to bring down a president, bold and arrogant enough to give it a try.  People who are so certain their candidate will win they feel free to take any action criminal or otherwise because they expect to be rewarded for their acts rather than prosecuted.  This, my friends, is how the deep state is built and how it functions.  I’ve seen it firsthand.  Its deadly tentacles reach wide and go deep into our government.  Just from common human relationships, for every single one that’s known there’s probably a baker’s dozen that aren’t.  This is the swamp, much larger than its Washington establishment core, that must be drained to save our country.

The longer the Russian collusion ruse continues the more it exposes layer upon layer of corruption within the highest levels of our government.  But, it’s much more than the Russian collusion myth.  It is a textbook Russian disinformation campaign pointing toward a soft coup of the presidency.  At the end of this winding road may well be a Russian or two, but more than likely there is the fabricated evidence placed just where the disinformation campaign leads.  Probably appearing late October and proving the narrative sold 24/7 by an ignorantly complicit media and disinformation leakers.  To truly sort it all out would take a legion of special counsels.  Or, it could take only one ballsy and focused Attorney General.  If only we had one of those.

Here’s how it began.  The Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign through Marc Elias, Clinton’s campaign lawyer of Perkins Coie law firm, hired opposition research firm Fusion GPS who then hired British spy Christopher Steele who then put together a dossier on Trump with information provided by supposedly Kremlin associated Russians.  The unverified dossier miraculously found its way to CIA Director Brennan.  Brennan then briefed Democratic Senator Harry Reid and members of the Gang of Eight.  Brennan asked Reid to keep it close hold.  Anyone with a firing brain cell knew, just as Brennan knew, what Reid would do.  Reid sent a letter about Russian collusion to FBI Director James Comey and then leaked it to the New York Times.  Brennan kicked off the collusion investigation and used Harry Reid to plant the narrative in the media.  Brennan also put unsourced information from the unverified dossier into President Obama’s Presidential Daily Briefing (PBD) providing him knowledge. The disinformation campaign began.

The biggest scandal in the history of American scandals includes our intelligence apparatus, but more specifically the Central Intelligence Agency, via former director and former Communist and Muslim Brotherhood apologist John Brennan.  It also involves James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence.  These two men had at their disposal assets of the entire US intelligence apparatus.  Makes one wonder why acting Attorney General Sally Yates and the FBI were so hot on the trail of Former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director, Lieutenant General Mike Flynn.  Evidence reviewed through congressional investigations indicates Flynn’s FBI interview statement may have been altered post interview to make him appear guilty.  It was James Clapper and undersecretary of defense for intelligence Michael Vickers that engineered Flynn’s ouster at the DIA.  Unanswered questions arise concerning who unmasked General Flynn in a monitored telephone conversation and if they were truly investigating Russian influence on the Trump campaign and subsequent Presidency why the haste to take out prospective National Security Advisor General Flynn?  The DIA for all practical purposes is the domestic version of the CIA.  My cynicism makes me question what Flynn knows that he’s holding back to protect his family from Special Counsel Mueller et al?

Aside from the intel community, the scam includes the State Department, the Department of Justice including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and members of the Executive Branch in direct contact with the President and any number of minions scattered throughout our government.

Don’t take my word for anything.  Before you drag out your conspiracy theory flame thrower do a little of your own research.  Type John Brennan into your favorite search engine and see how quickly your list grows to fifty or more intertwined names and events.  The credible news is still out there for the inquisitive.  At least for now it is.  The deep state is real and it’s coming for your freedom.

Russian Collusion or Deep Date Disinformation Campaign
A Conflagration of People and Events
Communists, Russians and Collusion

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Website:  J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

The Bible Warns Of End Times Disinformation

My Texas Truth Seeker research friend wanted to call this article REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES.  She continues to amaze me with her ability to find information on the Internet in our present age of conflict and outrage. Daniel 12 warns us that “the wicked shall do wickedly” during the “time of the end”- but God will send a Comforter saying, “Peace, I Leave with you…let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27.)  Since the election of President Donald Trump and his continuous referring to “fake news,” and using his Twitter to humiliate media presstitutes who call themselves journalists, more and more people are having their eyes open to what William Casey, CIA Director said at his first staff meeting in 1981: We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Most Americans actually believe what they are told in the NEWS on teLIEvision. [Link]

I was well into my teenage years when we first got the idiot box into our home in the 50’s. We were many miles from any TV station and our house was built on the side of a hill so my dad had installed a very tall antenna attached to the side of our house to catch the signal. I can’t remember being so attached to it that I ignored my brainwashed public education or my chores. I don’t recall it ever being on during the day and little did I realize that some time in the future it would morph into the addiction of IPhones and we would be programmed from the cradle to the grave just like in Communist Cuba and we got another step closer with the election of unqualified Barack Obama. [Link]  Please pray President Trump will reverse Obama’s Deep State communist agenda.

A number of conservative media sources reported that John Brennan, Obama-Clinton CIA Director has been a longtime Russian Spy for over 40 years and this was confirmed by Putin on his recent visit with President Trump.  It should be noted that FDR’s long unconstitutional regime allowed into this country hordes of refugees not only into this country but into crucial government departments without so much as a rudimentary background check or a mere loyalty oath. And recently President Trump has removed Brennan’s security clearance.  I had to laugh when the Washington Post in its ongoing attempted coup against Trump reported that former CIA chief John Brennan denounced Trump as a “traitor” who had “committed high crimes” in holding a friendly summit with Putin.  We have been programmed to believe our government officials no matter what lies they have told us always supported by the crazed Washington Post Pressitutes use of fear to control us.


In July, I sent to my private e-mail list a 3:05:58 minute video that that the possibility of a nuclear war was a hoax.

And then there is the 1:31:19 minute video about the Scare Scam.

Following are some responses:

Kevin G. said he remembers there are two countries that hold these type of weapons and they have a specific name but he couldn’t remember. He had just lost his 37 year old disabled son and was still grieving but took the time to respond and we appreciate his efforts and pray for him.

Greg H. said a friend and brother in Jesus the Christ shared the same info a couple of months ago! At first, it is like, “come on, you are kidding, right?” Then I started investigating it myself and the facts outweigh the stories we have been told! Nuclear Weapons is Fear Porn! What rubbish we are constantly fed! People are waking up! and then he thanked us for blowing the horn to wake us!

Pat R. wrote: When I was stationed in Hawaii in the Army (circo 1960) there was an A-bomb test at Johnson Island out in the Pacific, 800 miles away and 5 miles up. Life Magazine did a big spread on it at the time, with photos of people watching on the beach at Waikiki. The effect we saw was a rolling deep green sky, like pulling down a window shade. That was followed by tinting of the clouds a deep dark blood red that lingered for some time. There was a countdown on the radio immediately before these effects. Preceding them was a deafening silence, as though all sound had been sucked up and I couldn’t hear the young men standing immediately next to me. Some men fell to their knees and began praying, others were crying in fear. We could not see a mushroom cloud. I assumed because of the distance away. Believe me, it made quite an impression that has lasted a lifetime.  Then he said he recently spoke to a veteran who was on a ship out at sea during this test and he reported the same or similar affects or reactions. His ship was almost overturned due to an enormous wave created by the blast. This was no “fire bombing” or “dynamite” as the video implies.

William C. (70+) from whom I often receive comments mentions the parameciums again are drunk with stupid and that he had uncles that were at the trinity sight…they are long since passed away…but some of the family pics they left behind…and yes, Lemay did fire bomb Japan…and yes you could see the glow from Tinian…  In an earlier contact he said NASA doesn’t want us to see moon photos and that he worked in the industry and his ex wife’s uncle was one of the early astronaughts (his spelling).

Jack M. Very plausible; however, how do we explain the effects of Fukeshima today. Also, my wife was raised in Grantsville, Utah and has had many of her friends (and parents) die of leukemia. This apparently has been traced to nuclear testing in Nevada that was delayed until wind shifted from Las Vegas to the northeast – with Grantsville in the path. And a last observation: as a ten-year-old in Hawaii, I recall well sitting on our lanaiant (sp) and watching the test at Bikini. The mushroom cloud is still impressed on my mind.

Tom D. simply said: This blows my socks away.  AMAZING revelation of the TRUTH.

Dennis K.  Compelling stuff.  Makes sense that we are bamboozled. And then he remembers the many hundreds or thousands of nuclear missiles in their hidden silos all over the countryside aimed at the Rooski’s? What of them? This stuff hasn’t been discussed in decades. Think about it, he tells me.

And I did. Two of those silos are in the wheat fields in Eastern Washington. We drive by the one as we visit relatives but I have no idea what is really in them.


On July 18, 2018 Paul Craig Roberts wrote about how the crazed US Presstitutes are driving the world to nuclear War. He says humanity has on numerous occasions narrowly missed nuclear Armageddon. Each time it was averted by military officers, both American and soviet, who understood that the relations between the US and the Soviet Union were not that strained. Today this situation has been radically altered by the corrupt American media, Democratic Party, and military/security complex, who, acting in behalf of Hillary’s political interest and the greed of the armaments industry, have demonized Russia and her president to the extent that malfunctioning warning systems or a temper tantrum of a crazed politician are likely to result in a fatal launch.


In June 2018 Don Croft from Idaho wrote about the Underground Military Bases mentioning a man by the name of Phil Schneider who used to work for the government and was involved in the construction of Deep Underground Military Bases called DUMB. In talks given in 1995, Phil said there were 129 active deep military bases in America and two more under construction, two bases in each state, 133 active in America, 1,450 worldwide and 62 of those DUMB were being used as housing facilities for various alien groups that the government had made treaties and agreements with – the rest were being used by humans (military and civilians) for biological, chemical and mind-control development. On September 24, 1995 at a lecture in Seattle he said he was publishing a tell-all book. Phil was found murdered in Oregon in early January 1996 and all his records were missing. On July 21, 2018 Don Croft died in a Paraglider crash.

According to The Oregonian Newspaper obituary dated January 29, 1996, Philip Schneider (April 23, 1947 – January 17, 1996) was said to have died of a stroke on January 17. His death certificate officially claims that he “strangled self with surgical tubing” suggesting that he had in fact committed suicide by wrapping a rubber catheter hose around his neck three times and tying it in a half-knot at the front before collapsing head first into his wheel chair. Those close to Phil have no doubt that he was actually murdered.  Google him for lots more information.


The August 19, 2013 NEW AMERICAN has the story about Buzz Aldrin, his mission to Mars and his vision for Space Exploration entitled: Martian Flight of Fancy? For two generations, the Apollo Moon missions have been a touchstone for technological achievement, giving birth to a host of aphorisms beginning with the words, “If we can send a man to the Moon…” and ending with a point of comparison that is something far less ambitious than the earthshaking accomplishment of July 20, 1969, when two Americans became the first human beings to walk on another world. But for one of those men who once trod the lunar regolith, a proposed goal would set America’s sights even higher: “If we can send a man to the Moon, why not send a mission to Mars?”

For Dr. Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin, the historic Apollo 11 flight that brought him and Neil Armstrong to the Moon as not the end of the journey; instead, the Moon was only a first step.  But that was 2013. President Obama may have been the first president in the U.S. history to put a man in a woman’s bathroom but a moon’s landing? Nah…  An ordained Presbyterian minister, J. Vernon McGee had a worldwide evangelistic radio program called Thru the Bible in 5 years.  He said since our nation doesn’t believe the first chapter of Genesis 1:1, we explored the moon. (DoB 6/17/1904 – DoD Dec. 1, 1988 heart failure) And I Tim 6:20 tells the truth – not science. [Link]


In 2018, many are saying, “Not so fast!” And when seen on TV regarding his mission, Buzz has trouble holding back a chuckle at our vulnerability. It’s time that everyone rid themselves of “Cognitive Dissonance” and face the truth. The term Cognitive Dissonance is a state of mind where one’s values and beliefs since childhood are being attacked by opposite (contrary) thinking resulting in the creation of mush in the brain, an inability to think logically. [Link]

Forget Glasnot. The Communist Party did not renounce its long-term objective of marching toward a convergence with capitalism in establishing a socialist world government but In order to create several generations with mush in the brain and the inability to think logically, our popular Christian culture had to be destroyed so bring on the Apostle of Perversion – Italian Communist theoretician Antonio Gramsi’s strategy for achieving the total state and the role of changing America’s “sexual mores.”

This task was assigned to sexologist Alfred Kinsey, who in 1948 published SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE HUMAN MALE – the opening salvo in the “sexual revolution.” Morris Ernst, Kinsey’s lawyer (who was, not surprisingly, affiliated with the communist American Civil Liberties Union), insisted that “virtually every page of the Kinsey Report touched on some section of the legal code. With the help of other Gramsci-style “change agents” who had insinuated themselves into legal and academic institutions were able to decimate scores of “antiquated” laws and social standards. (10/23/2000 New American)  The 13th Amendment was about NOT allowing lawyers to serve in government and why it is totally ignored today and our present government is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg and our Congress “Critters” are full of Fleas!  I’m trusting readers to get this valuable information to the President of the U.S. and get rid of the lawyers in government. excellent contributor, Ron Edwards identifies the parasites which invade human bodies as the leftists that have invaded every good aspect of our republic, including government schools, colleges and universities and have taken over and caused national destruction on a massive scale via indoctrination against the principles that made America great.


Ironically, Dr. Ben Carson, President Trump’s HUD secretary has discovered a brain booster pill called Cognivex Clarity and is made with all natural occurring ingredients to fuel your brain including B12. It is a safe and fast way to increase your daily energy levels, and has been proven to double your IQ and in my opinion, could prove to be a disaster to the liberal left politically correct communists in our government so it is understandable that former President Barack Obama wants Carson’s memory booster off the market so thus far it has been banned from the public with only some samplings. I learned about it when the information popped up on my computer screen. I have a picture of former president George W. Bush giving Ben Carson the Nobel Prize for his Brain Booster.  The sample pill I received by paying $4.95 for postage is from: Organica Slim, 3201 W Hillsborough Ave 153201-1136, Tampa, FL 33684-9998 Phone: 866-661-6056. A one-month supply of the Brain Boosters are now available for $19.95.

In an interview with Bill O’Reilly, Ben Carson said that his brain is sharper than ever, more clear sand focused and he credits a large part of using Cognivex: Clarity. Ben went on to add “The brain is like a muscle, you got to work it out and use supplements just like body builders use, but for your brain, and that’s exactly what I’ve been doing to enhance my mental capabilities.”

© 2018 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf:

Slanting Journalism Becomes Art Form

New York –Columbia University Journalism Dept. has trained many prominent journalists and TV news commentators. They publish a newsletter that examines how national stories are handled. It is titled, Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) for which this writer is a subscriber.

The Editor/writer is Pete Vernon, who released a story today with the headline:The Media Today: How Trump Turned Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder into a National Story. How’s that again? President Donald Trump manipulated that tragedy into a national story?  Why? For what purpose? One thing it did do was iron into the mind of the public that Trump is an opportunist.

Then this jab below the belt by Mr. Vernon was to explain this event using atail wagging the dog scenario to misdirect people from the actual story.

Sayeth he;  “As the fallout from the guilty plea of longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and the conviction of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort continued to lead most national news outlets, the White House attempted to turn the focus to Iowa, where the murdered girl lived.”

Notice how skillfully Mr. Vernon brought in two of Trump’s former associates who had been convicted of nefarious conduct to make President Trump look bad (by the company he keeps). And Vernon wove the web to cover Trump as well to make him a party to malfeasance, getting eyes off the girl’s murder by an illegal who will always vote Democrat.

This illegal immigrant, who had no business being in this country, Cristhian Bahena Rivera, grabbed Mollie Tibbetts while she was jogging, yanked her off the trail and brutally murdered her. She had nothing to do with him and was minding her own business.

The following was written by Mr. Vernon. Notice the skillful negative slant:

This fueled the immigration debate turning the story into political football. The New York Times charged that the Tibbetts murder has been used by Trump and covered in conservative media.

Reporter Alan Gomez of USA Today described this as a conservative media frenzy that erroneously casts immigrants as dangerous while attempting to provide “concrete evidence” that “immigrants commit fewer crimes than native born Americans.” What???

Alan Gomez should take a little time in research for stats, as this writer has done. In the last 10 years, 44,000 Americans have been killed by illegals. Today there are 24 citizens killed EACH DAY BY ILLEGALS according to Google stats.

Observing the concocted negative slants regarding President Trump sown throughout the piece, I wrote the following email to the editor/writer, Pete Vernon.


Your story of the illegal who killed the Iowa girl is a classic example as to how the media SLANTS stories to make President Trump, who was put into office by millions of voters, look bad in order to boost the Socialist Democrat position. And it was a stretch so blatant that even the least experienced journalist could detect it.

As an active journalist I am ashamed of what the political newspapers today have done to an otherwise honorable profession in order to push a personal political point which is a blatant conflict of interest.  This should come under malpractice.

This piece is so telling that I plan to do a feature on it.

Rev. Austin Miles

A most gracious email was sent to me in response by the editor/writer Pete Vernon:

Hi Rev. Miles,

Thanks for taking the time to write. I’m unclear what part of the newsletter you found factually incorrect? Happy to discuss, but I can’t tell what you’re objecting to.


Staff writer
Columbia Journalism Review

I think it is clear what my objections are by what I wrote in response. The CJR story is filled with innuendo and assumption. And again, I very much appreciate the gracious response Mr. Vernon sent me.

He did  state that President Trump’s “hard-line immigration stance” is grounded in, now get this, THE FALSE BELIEF that undocumented immigrants represent a clear and present danger to American Citizens.

False belief?  Perhaps it would be worthwhile to take a trip to the morgue in Brooklyn, Iowa and look at the body of 20 year old, Mollie Tibbets, and then rethink that “false belief.”

It is time that the media cease and desist from trying so hard to make the President of the United States appear to be incapable or to profile him as an undesirable person. This is the dirtiest political season ever seen during my lifetime.

Yes there have been some dirty ones in the past but this one really takes the cake since this is not just a dispute between political faction, it is a major battle of Good vs. Evil. Watch for a feature coming out on that.

I’ve even seen this spontaneous wind elimination published in newspapers–now get this: Supposedly quoting someone who nobody even heard of, this phantom person, they say, ‘according to the Hilltop Book Club,’ states that ‘the problem with Donald Trump is that he is crazed by power, which is dangerous. And the puppets run with that.

President Donald J. Trump is not a politician….thank God. He is a patriot who intensely loves this country who rose to become a billionaire and could have simply lived a life in luxury.

He was so concerned by the direction this country was steamrolling us into, that he walked away from his businesses to run for and then win the election as President of The United States. He refuses to take the allotted salary for a president, about 400 thousand a year, but takes that money instead and gives it all to veterans’ causes.

What’s more, he has kept every promise he has made, has improved our economy, sat face to face with world leaders who had never sat with a President of the U.S., strengthened our military, and nations know not to mess with him or the consequences will be severe.

Democrats, you are pushing for a Communist takeover of the U.S. You will not like it if this happens. This writer has spent time behind the Iron Curtain, and life under those conditions is brutal. The only consolation this writer will have if the Communist Democrats are successful, is in approaching each democrat I know and saying, ” How’s this working out for you?” And I guarantee that I will be met with very sad eyes. The same sad eyes observed in everyone I saw behind the iron curtain.

For the sake of everyone, Republicans and Democrats, we should not stand in the way of the man rightfully in The Oval Office who is absolutely working to make America Great Again. Let us all help him do it. We will ALL benefit as a result.

President Donald Trump has done everything he has said he would do and will continue to do so. What more could we want?


Photo Caption: Columbia University, New York

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Attack On Western Civilization—Why Don’t Europeans Care About Their Countries?

Part 8: Why allow mass immigration without question?

“My sixth plan for America’s downfall would include dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties. I would celebrate diversity over unity.  I would stress differences rather than similarities.  Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other—that is, when they are not killing each other.  A diverse, peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent.  People undervalue the unity it takes to keep a nation together.  Look at the ancient Greeks:  “The Greeks believed that they belonged to the same race; they possessed a common language and literature; and they worshipped the same gods.  All Greece took part in the Olympic games.  A common enemy Persia threatened their liberty. Yet, all these bonds were not strong enough to overcome two factors…local patriotism and geographical conditions that nurtured political divisions.  Greece fell.  In that historical reality, if we put the emphasis on the ‘pluribus’ instead of the ‘unum, we can balkanize America as surely as Kosovo.”

The one reality most Europeans, Canadians and Americans don’t understand:  in 722, Charles Martell turned back the mongrel Moslem armies before they could conquer Europe. Nonetheless, Moslems continue their war on the West in the 21st century. Year by year, they migrate and multiply to the point that they will force Sharia Law across each country with their sheer numbers.

Their pure numbers already forced sociological and religious degradation in Europe.  No one remains safe from terrorist activities that may break out at any time.

Bromwell Ault continues:

In eastern Europe, from Poland in the north to Bulgaria in the south, a different attitude is found. There, Europe’s eastern populations were subjected to a postwar Russian Communist invasion. As it has been eastern Europe’s lot to defend against Islamic invasions from the south as well as others from Russia and Asia to the east, it has been hardened by history and wants no more of invasion, regardless of its source or cause.

In February, Prime Minister Victor Orban of Hungary, in his annual State of the Nation Speech stated that

“Christianity is Europe’s last hope” and that the continent’s political leaders who favor migration have “opened the way to the decline of Christian culture and the advance of Islam.”

Hungary lies on the northern rim of the Balkans and its easternmost sector shares its borders with Czechoslovakia on the north, Ukraine to its east and Romania to the south. When Angela Merkel greased the hinges of Europe’s gates by declaring Germany open to Mediterranean migrants, she transformed a normal war zone exodus into an intercontinental invasion of which one of the preferred routes consisted of landing in Greece, proceeding north through Yugoslavia to Hungary or Austria and culminating in Germany or Scandinavia.

Orban immediately recognized the scale of the cultural threat posed by millions of Muslims relocating to Europe and has clearly protested its acceptance by the UN and EU. One comment — “born Germans are being forced back from most large cities, as migrants always occupy big cities first” — drew wide denial from UN and EU bureaucrats but gained credibility a couple of weeks later.

In Hungary’s national elections earlier this month Orban won with 67% of the popular vote and established a commanding majority in Hungary’s parliament. During his campaign, some EU observers had described it as “intimidating and xenophobic” which illustrates how out of step the EU can be with voters. Orban has pledged to resist the migrant invasion in every way possible. Will he be able to provide the EU with the thought and action that will cause the Brussels bureaucracy to soften its “come one, come all” admissions policies? His lonely warning calls and pleas for action are reminiscent of Churchill’s predictions of the Nazi menace in the 1930s. Will Europe’s response be any different?

Germany — In early March, Merkel, who had steadfastly defended her admissions policy, startled an audience she was addressing by admitting there were zones in Germany which law enforcement of officers do not enter, even though she had previously denied the problem existed. And, adding to her admission, she stated that planning is taking place to design and implement a program that will eliminate the protections these areas provide for criminal activities.

Because of her key role in the ongoing migrancy crisis, Merkel’s attitudes and actions carry great weight. Is there still a faint Western pulse that can be reclaimed, energized and restored? Pressure builds as migrant populations grow in their size and their demands, working their way from Europe’s Mediterranean and eastern edges to the interior. Soon, fateful decisions will have to be made in Germany and Italy on matters that redirect a continent under siege — matters which the EU’s founders could not imagine and one on which Brussels now has little agreement for a plan of concerted action.

Europe’s lack of response to the present attack on WCIV is partially due to its political history. We should remember that it was the birthplace of Marxist social and economic theory which energized the political growth of Socialism and Communism; and it was only as recently as a century ago that these and other forces combined to end the ancient monarchical system of rule under which contemporary Europe had evolved. In 19th and early 20th century America we lacked both Europe’s historical relation to Marxism and the system of royal power and privilege which it held responsible for much of the injustice and inequality of that time.

Our own exposure to Marxist political activity at more than a token level arrived with displaced European academics during our GD and then expanded in size and impact in the postwar period of intense, global attempts to seed and plant World Communism by Russia and China. And, although we were fully engaged with European allies in resisting these efforts, Europe’s experience of Marxist political expression, both Socialist and Communist, was more lasting and accepted than ours.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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To Save America We Must Embrace Wisdom

Proverbs 1:3-5 in the Bible the word states: To receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity; to give prudence to the naïve, to the youth knowledge and discretion, a wise man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.  My fellow Americans, until very recently, our republic was on a very slippery slope to oblivion.  It is easy to simply place blame on the previous administration for the numerous evil deeds carried out to bring harm to our republic while benefiting our enemies as often as possible.  But truth be told many throughout this land of liberty, from various walks of life are also guilty for the near death of America.

They did not overregulate and extremely tax our economy.  Neither did the citizenry send billions of dollars to Iran to help fund terrorist activities. They also did not try to kill American manufacturing and coal industry.  But what many of us did was just as dreadful, if not more so.  One of the most terrible things was to not pass down to succeeding generations the understanding of both American founding documents, rudimentary instructions such as the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and Federalist Papers.  During the Calvin Coolidge administration America had a chance to once again solidify it’s standing as a constitutionally limited republic land of free enterprise and unlimited opportunity.

Unfortunately, the quiet and steady Coolidge presidency was followed by the Woodrow Wilson regime that opened America up to dreadful enterprises.  Among those dens of evil was the League of Nations, a precursor to the awful United Nations of today and the Federal Reserve Bank which indirectly controls our economy.  The list of organizations and governmental departments is longer than my right arm.  Unfortunately, our republic could one day perish under the weight of those numerous unconstitutional government juggernauts if they are not soon done away with.

Unfortunately, far too many of my fellow countrymen and women lack the knowledge and wisdom to understand or effectively ever care about the unwise decision to develop the litany of government departments. they are directly or indirectly the cause of the over $20 trillion budget deficit that may one day cause an economic crash.  The wise thing would be for “We the People” to do would be to continuously contact our representatives let them not have any peace until they reduce wasteful spending.  Of course, we would have to make sure they do not try to shrink our needed military budget.  After all, the government is supposed to protect this nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

The lack of wisdom in America is one of the reasons why the media, certain government officials and crazed activists are unhinged and are focused on false scandals drummed up to try and harm president Trump.  Why? Because he has dared to place American interests above those of the statist elites who continue their progressive struggle to demolish America’s great exceptional nation status and rugged individualism.  The battle lines are drawn and our republic is in the balance.  Americans had better wise up concerning our border situation.  The reason Mollie Tibbetts of Iowa is dead is because of horribly unwise decisions concerning the practice of not protecting our southern border adequately.  Leftists and foot dragging rinos like Mitch McConnell and the defunct Paul Ryan lack both wisdom and love for America.  No one who loves America prefers it to be easier for illegal border crossers to creep into our republic than for American born sovereign citizens to live freely unmolested by the illegal brutes.

The nearly total lack of judgement displayed by many leftists in both the media and government fully exhibits the fact that unbridled hatred of Trump for simply putting American interest first exemplifies a total lack of wisdom.  People are chomping at the bit hoping that Trump gets indicted and impeached over something that is not even a crime.  At the same time there are actual crimes committed by Mrs. Clinton, such as destroying government property to get rid of emails, also paying for a fake dossier to try and frame Donald Trump for wrongful acts he never committed, etc.

The unwise continuation of Mueller’s fake investigation designed to cover up real crimes by his friends is potentially very harmful to our nation.  Foreign enemies like China are electronically abusing the United States and conducting military training exercises practicing attacks on our nation because they want our presence driven out of that part of the world.  It is my sincere prayer that the wisdom that long ago seemingly left America is soon returned before it is too late.

We can not afford to allow those who refuse to charge Mrs. Clinton with the actual crimes she is guilty of, while using false charges to topple the Trump administration to get away with such madness.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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The Koch Brothers Purveyors Of Dark Money

By Kelleigh Nelson

August 18, 2018

History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline.  There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster.  —General Douglas MacArthur

Humanism is not new.  It is, in fact, man’s second oldest faith.  Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: “Ye shall be as gods.”  —Whittaker Chambers

The billionaire Koch brothers are purveyors of Dark Money to politicians and entities they wish to influence in causes true constitutional conservatives would find appalling.  Here is a list of 2016 candidates who received Koch funding.  Some are influenced, some are not.

Just who are the Koch brothers and where is their Dark Money most persuasive? You will be surprised, but first let’s take a closer look at their beliefs and organizations, the latter of which cannot be covered in one article.

Koch Key Financing

The Koch brothers (pronounced “Coke”) David and Charles – are the billionaire co-owners of privately held Koch Industries. As two of the richest people in the world, they are key funders of the moderate Republican infrastructure.

Koch Industries, Americans for Prosperity, and the Koch family foundations have been longtime members and financiers of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The Koch brothers strongly support ALEC’s promotion of a new Constitutional Convention.  The State Policy Networks (SPN) which are mini-Heritage Foundations in each state are also top beneficiaries of Koch funds. SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the ALEC-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.

Paul Weyrich, who unabashedly yearned for a parliamentarian democracy with a shadow cabinet, founded both the Heritage Foundation and ALEC in 1973.  Heritage was also heavily funded by pro-abortion billionaire, Richard Mellon Scaife, who served as vice-chairman of the Heritage Foundation board of trustees until his death.

Council on Foreign Relations member and Heritage fellow, Richard V. Allen originated the North American Free Trade AgreementStuart M. Butler wrote the Heritage monograph Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans, which mandated all American households have health insurance.

The SPN was founded in 1992 by Thomas A. Roe, a South Carolina businessman who was a member of the board of trustees of The Heritage Foundation.  Roe told President Ronald Reagan that he thought each of the states needed something like the Heritage Foundation. Reagan’s reply was, “Do something about it,” which led Roe to establish the South Carolina Policy Council which adapted Heritage Foundation national policy recommendations and are now in most states.

The Heritage Foundation has received funding from organizations with connections to the Koch brothers. In 2012, Heritage received $650,000 from the Claude R. Lambe Foundation, which was one of the Koch Family Foundations before it closed in 2013. The Lambe Foundation alone contributed at least $4.8 million to the Heritage Foundation between 1998 and 2012.

Many Koch funding vehicles are set up as nonprofit trusts rather than not-for-profit corporations, an unusual step that reduces their public reporting requirements.

Masquerading as Conservatives

The Koch brothers’ affiliations are with the Deep State and Dark Money, and their disdain for our President is only too obvious despite several of their adherents being in the Trump administration. Charles Koch once likened the contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to being asked to choose cancer or a heart attack.

David Koch is on the board of Trustees of Rockefeller University. Phyllis Schlafly called the Rockefellers and their ilk the kingmakers.  “Highly placed New York kingmakers,” she wrote, “work toward ‘convergence’ between the Republican and Democratic parties so as to preserve their America Last foreign policy. . .” And haven’t we seen this today with those who fought Phyllis’s endorsement and the election of President Trump.

Koch is also on the board of Earth watch Institute, an environmental, sustainability, Agenda 21 group and the board of the globalist new age Aspen Institute formerly headed by now deceased new age environmentalist Maurice Strong.  Strong, Club of Rome member, devout Bahai, founder and first Secretary General of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), was the driving force behind the birth and imposition of UN Agenda 21, now UN Agenda 2030.

Stem-cell research is supported by the Kochs and David also signed onto an amicus brief for the supreme court supporting gay rights and gay marriage.  Running as the Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate in 1980, David Koch backed a platform calling for the full legalization of abortion.

The billionaire Koch brothers latest ad campaign for amnesty shows they are open border, mass immigration, and mass amnesty for illegal aliens, despite opposition from the American people.  The ad pushes amnesty by using the words of the Washington, D.C. political establishment, which is unified not only on mass immigration, but also on endless free trade, and foreign interventionism.  House Speaker Paul Ryan is with them. Koch money even supported Andrew Cuomo as Governor of New York, who has publicly stated, “America has never been great.”

A campaign launched by Freedom Partners, Chamber of Commerce, Americans for Prosperity and the LIBRE Initiative, all groups funded by Charles and David Koch, will consist of advertisements, lobbying efforts and grassroots organization. This is a multi-year, multi-million-dollar campaign to tout free trade and oppose tariffs, and to once again defy our President’s goals.

Claude Lambe Foundation

The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, The Charles Koch Institute, The Charles Koch Foundation, David H. Koch Charitable Foundation (funds Americans for Prosperity) and the Koch Cultural Trust are just a few of the Koch funding organizations.

The Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation (CRLF) is one of three Koch family Foundations; this one was controlled by Charles Koch. He created the foundation in Wichita in the early 1980s with funds from the estate of his friend Claude Lambe. For the past three decades, CRLF has often spent millions annually to provide a regular infusion of cash for groups pushing the agenda favored by Koch. This includes millions of dollars, cumulatively, provided to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society and some state-based think tanks operating under the State Policy Network (SPN) banner.

The Claude R. Lambe Foundation (CRLF) was dissolved in 2013, further limiting what little is publicly known of which groups receive money controlled or directed by Charles Koch.

Searle Freedom Trust

The Searle Freedom Trust, was founded by David Searle, who made millions from aspartame marketed as NutraSweet. They are major funders of the neo-con rightwing which includes ALEC, the Goldwater Institute, the Heritage State Policy Network, and 64 state-based think tanks that produce academic reports, talking points and more to advance ALEC’s agenda, and their promotion of a Constitutional Convention.

The National Journal also reported in September 2013 that David Koch himself had provided an $850,000 personal check to the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in 2003.  David Koch provided the Massachusetts SPN think tank Pioneer Institute, with a $125,000 personal check in 2007. Both of these documents were public, although unexpectedly so. Link  Pioneer is heavily tied to Willard Mitt Romney.

In recent years, the Heritage Foundation has also received funding from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund, including $53,300 in 2010 and $69,850 in 2012. The Koch brothers have donated millions of dollars to Donors Trust through the Knowledge and Progress Fund, and possibly other vehicles.   Donors Trust, like all donor-advised funds, can offer privacy to clients who do not wish to make their donations public.

Searle Freedom Trust contributed $3,636,000 to Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund between 2009 and 2013.  The Center for Public Integrity exposes a number of Donors Trust funders, many of whom have ties to the Koch brothers. One of the most prominent funders is the Knowledge and Progress Fund, a Charles Koch-run organization and one of the group’s largest known contributors, having donated nearly $9 million from 2005 to 2012. Other contributors known to have donated at least $1 million to Donors Trust include the Richard and Helen DeVos FoundationDonald & Paula Smith Family Foundation, Searle Freedom Trust, Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the John M. Olin Foundation.

Since its inception in 1999, Donors Trust has been used by conservative foundations and individuals to discretely funnel nearly $400 million to like-minded think tanks and media outlets, especially ALEC and the SPNs.

Donors Trust, a Koch Conduit

Donors Trust is considered a “donor-advised fund,” which means that it divides its funds into separate accounts for individual donors, who then recommend disbursements from the accounts to different non-profits. Funds like Donors Trust are not uncommon in the non-profit sector, but they do cloak the identity of the original donors because the funds are typically distributed in the name of Donors Trust rather than the original donors. Very little was known about Donors Trust until late 2012 and early 2013, when the Guardian and others published extensive reports on what leftist magazine Mother Jones called “the Dark-Money ATM of the conservative movement.”

Americans for Prosperity, an organization founded and funded by the Koch brothers, received nearly $9.5 million from Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund from 2010 to 2012. Link

Donors Trust Funding

The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation contributed $2,969,292 to Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund between 2009 and 2013. (links to the foundation’s IRS forms 990).

According to the organization’s tax documents, in 2011, Donors Trust contributed a total of $86 million to conservative organizations.

Many recipients had ties to the State Policy Network (SPN), a wide collection of conservative state-based think tanks and media organizations that focus on shaping public policy and opinion. In 2013, the Center for Media and Democracy released a special report on SPN.

Those who received Donors Trust funding included media outlets such as the Franklin Center and the Lucy Burns Institute, as well as think tanks such as SPN itself, the Heartland InstituteIllinois Policy InstituteIndependence InstituteMackinac Center for Public PolicySouth Carolina Policy CouncilAmerican Legislative Exchange CouncilManhattan Institute for Policy ResearchOklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and the Cascade Policy Institute.

Rich States, Poor States

Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index is an annual economic competitiveness study authored by economist Dr. Arthur Laffer, Stephen Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation, and Jonathan Williams, Director of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council. Until recently, little information was available about the funders of Rich States, Poor States, but tucked in a cache of ALEC internal documents obtained by the Guardian in December, 2013, was a spreadsheet (PDF pg. 40) that showed for the first time that Rich States, Poor States is funded by the Koch’s Claude Lambe Foundation, as well as the Searle Freedom Trust.


Kochs dark money spending is not to Make America Great Again, but aims to destroy our 1787 Constitution. The two key founding documents in American history are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The first explains why we exist as a nation. Not only does the Declaration mention God four times, most importantly, it says that our rights come from the Creator.

The Constitution explains how we exist as a nation—how we are to function. The Constitution is predicated on the Declaration. When skeptics claim the Constitution doesn’t mention God (which it does, in the ratification clause), they ignore that the latter is predicated on the former.

The Koch brothers masquerade as conservatives while financing the destruction of America, our Constitution and our duly elected president. This article has simply skimmed the surface of the Koch brothers financial influence. There’s more to come.

P.S. Journalists at NewsWithViews spend hours researching and writing articles to keep us abreast of the truth in politics, religion, education, health and more.  It is an offering to help save our beloved country.  Our CEO works tirelessly to bring new articles daily into hundreds of thousands of homes.  Websites are a costly venture and the left would love to see us fail, but our avid readers have kept us in the black.  Tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles.  Monthly donations are especially appreciated, but every penny helps us.  Donations can be made here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Do You Trust The Government?

I was born in 1952 and grew up in a time when most things involving the government were noble and respected.  It grieves me to say that today I no longer trust the government.

How about you?  Do you have trust in your government?  Do you believe that the government has your best interests at heart?  Can you name one department of the government that has not become bloated, corrupted, and unaccountable to anyone other than some other agency of the government?

It has all become so danged political that actual “justice” is now a byword from a long gone era.  Do you trust the government?

“Well. So is your old man!”  If you are anywhere near my age you will remember that phrase as commonplace a fifty years ago.  For those of you born in the 21st Century, the phrase simply meant “it takes on to know one.”  Hypocrisy is nothing new in America; it has simply become more commonplace.

I remember driving down the road a few years ago when I saw a political billboard that featured a candidate running for County Prosecutor.  “I’ll put the criminals behind bars where they belong,” was the caption that overlaid the picture of some greasy looking candidate.

“Hey dude,” I screamed at the billboard as I drove by.  “That’s not your stinkin’ job!  “Your job is to provide justice not put criminals behind bars.”  Our criminal justice system is nothing but a politicized “gotcha” game with the lives of the innocent being the ante on the poker game we call the courts.  The purpose of justice is to protect the innocent…not create criminals.

Is there anything more frightful than a visit from a government agent?  Too often, the criminal justice system is not interested in justice.  How many lives do you know that have been destroyed by “legal” system intent on winning rather than upholding justice?  The law is an ass and lawyers and judges love it that way.

I hate what has happened to our nation.  I hate the division caused by those who use the government to divide and conquer us.  I hate a criminal justice system where one side of the nation roots for the guilt of the president while the other side roots for his innocence. The justice system is not a football game where “fans” root for winners and losers.  All of us should root for justice.  As Dr King wrote from the Birmingham jail, “Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.”  What has happened to us America?

I want America to be great.  I want all Americans to be successful.  I want all Americans to play by the same set of rules and I desire that all Americans be judged by those same set of rules.

But that is not happening in America anymore.  I don’t care what your politics are or which dog you are pulling for in the hunt, our multi-tiered system of justice is not good for anyone.  Do you really think the criminal justice system is blind?  Do you really think that our justice system works when not everyone has access to the same thing…justice…regardless of their social standing in life?  When it comes to right and wrong don’t you think that it is time that we all stopped rooting for “our” team?

Do you really think justice is blind?  “What you talkin’ about Willis?”

Lying is no longer shameful.  The end now justifies the means.  That is the genesis of Fake News.  People lie in order to make sure their team wins.  Everyone lies…a half truth is still a lie. If Hillary is guilty then we should demand justice.  If Trump is guilty then we should demand justice.  “So is your old man” is a poor reason to root for the other guy to lose.

Our nation cannot survive where dishonesty, graft, and personal destruction masquerades as justice.  We have become a sick, sick society.

Morality is not relative, no matter what they teach in our public schools.  Some things are right and some things are wrong and from the founding of this nation over 242 years ago the standard of right and wrong was the Christian Bible.  A nation cannot exist when the standards by which we all agree to treat each other has been reduced to grading on a curve.  One set of rules for me and one set of rules for you just cannot work.

The witch hunt of President is not good for America.  The investigative double standard is appalling.  Neither side roots for justice.

God does not respect one man more than another.  We are all equal in His eyes.  That is where the idea of justice comes from.  Any person who is treated unfairly by our government should have the support of every other citizen.  But the scale by which behavior will be judged has been tampered with.  There is only one Truth and we should all endeavor to find it…not alter it.

It matters not which side you are on nor which political party you swing the pom poms for we must all strive for justice which is nothing more than equal protection under the law.  We were all CREATED EQUAL in the eyes of the law and that governing principle must remain paramount or we will continue the slide into decadence.  Average Joe can’t get a fair shake from government when Lady Justice is peeking out from under her blindfold.

So let me repeat my question to you.  Do you trust your government?  From local to federal do you really believe that they endeavor to do what is right or are they nothing more than an arduous task master hell-bent on forcing compliance with unrighteous edicts?

It is time we stopped rooting for candidates and start once again to root for justice.  Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.  Grading on the curve has not worked.

Perhaps that’s why you don’t trust the government.  Folks must think that God grades on a curve.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Internet Censorship: Running Wild

First they kicked Alex Jones off the social media, and then they wiped Fellowship of the Minds off WordPress—allegedly for violating WordPress’ Terms of Service. No warning was given, no explanation offered. If you look for Fellowship of the Minds, all you’ll find is a notice that it’s “now unavailable.”

Can we deduce the reason by examining those Terms of Service? Let’s quote the only lines that might seem to apply:

“Our service is designed to give you as much control and ownership over what goes on your website as possible and encourage you to express yourself freely [two-minute laugh break]. However, be responsible in what you publish. In particular, make sure that none of the prohibited items (like spam, viruses, or serious threats of violence) appear on your website”.

It doesn’t appear Fellowship of the Minds committed any of those transgressions. WordPress is owned and operated by Automattic Inc. We have some remarks by Automattic’s CEO, Matt Mullenweg, as to the need to shut out “hate speech,” whatever that may be, and “egregiously false or harmful things.”

Meanwhile, the buzz on the Internet is that both Alex Jones and Fellowship got banned for promoting a conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax by the Obama regime staged to drum up support for gun control. Maybe that’s one of those egregiously false or harmful things.

I don’t like conspiracy theories. I especially don’t like the one that says Donald Trump “colluded” with “the Russians” to steal the 2016 election from the rightful president, our beloved Hillary Clinton; but you don’t see any of the media shutting that one down, do you? So we wind up with this absurd scenario in which the people who really did collude with foreigners to swing the election their way are, ahem, “investigating” the people who didn’t.

Anyhow, they say Alex Jones and Fellowship of the Minds made this claim. I don’t know if they did or didn’t, because I choose not to read conspiracy theories. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that they did make it. Well, so what?

But this made them easy targets for the censorship crowd, because that whole Sandy Hook conspiracy theory rubs a lot of people the wrong way and I suppose the thinking was that nobody would bother to defend anyone who made such an unpopular claim. Again, so what?

Free speech must include unpopular speech. In fact, if it doesn’t, then the very concept of free speech is rendered meaningless—as it has certainly become, in the minds of liberals. They try to shut down anything that they don’t want to hear, whether it’s true or not.

The free market will eventually generate alternative media platforms that do not ban unpopular opinions—but not in time for this year’s midterm elections. It looks like these media are trying to shut everybody up so that Democrats can win the elections and take over Congress.

But it’s not only on the Internet that leftids are trying to achieve “diversity” by allowing only one opinion.

UCLA has hired twenty “Diversity Peer Leaders,” at $13 an hour, paid for by mandatory student fees. And what does a Diversity Peer Leader do, for 13 bucks an hour? Apparently their function is to fight “toxic masculinity” and “microaggression” on campus—by ratting out any of their fellow students who might think this is all nonsense. You’ll have to be careful what you say on campus, or the Diversity Peer Leaders will brand you a “bigot” and derail your college career. They are a species of “community organizer,” a la Mao Tse-tung’s Red Guards; and at the rate things are going, we’ll one day find them off the campus spying on us at work or play—just to make sure nobody has the wrong opinion about anything.

What is taking form here is a kind of viewpoint monopoly created by social media technocrats to keep everybody in line. Congress ought to act to rein it in, but we needn’t hold our breath for that. It’s unfair, and not strictly Constitutional, to lay this on the president: but most of the time it seems Donald Trump’s the only one in Washington who’ll go to bat for the American people.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Before I get censored, too, stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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What On Earth Can The Left And Right Compromise?

“The ‘morality of compromise’ sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat.  Strong men don’t compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised.” —Andrew Carnegie

For well over 100 years Conservatives have been compromising with Liberals and Republicans with Democrats.  That is why we are where we are today.  Conservatives compromised on the 16th Amendment, which spawned the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service.  Conservatives compromised with FDR on the New Deal and Social Security and a whole bunch of government subsidies for a whole host of American special interests, including individual Americans, farmers, ranchers and industry.  That criminal “compromise” ended up institutionalizing socialism in America and started the rise of spending more on expenses than annual revenues.  There was and is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that allowed the Liberals (Democrats) the right to do what they did and in fact just the opposite is true.  The Constitution began to crumble.  (see:The Davy Crockett Story)

Then came President Johnson’s Great Society and later Medicaid, Medicare, to be followed by Obama Care.  Socialism was now fully embedded in the body politic and the votes continued to pour in for Democrats because Conservatives compromised on their principles and allowed it to happen.

In the late 1960’s, environmentalism raised its ugly head in America with powerful legislation to implement environmental goals.  Once environmentalism was legislatively triggered, national and international interests radicalized it.  Radical environmentalism was and is now fully indoctrinated into the American psyche, taught in our public schools and colleges and propagandized by national and international governments, environmental groups and corporations.  Environmentalism is not a science it is in fact a cult.

For the last 80 years the Conservatives have been compromising on all kinds of Liberal causes, from welfare, to finances, to immigration, to health care and the environment.  As a result the American population has become ignorant and grown weak and hopelessly dependent on government, believing everything they are told and acting more like puppets instead of proud, independent and self-reliant, free Americans.  Millions of Americans are hooked on drugs, alcohol, low-grade entertainment, swearing and debauchery.  The “F” word has become ubiquitous and part of every day language.

But you say, “Conservatives didn’t have a choice, because the Democrats were in control.”  That’s right!  And how did the Democrats get in control of the government?  They got in control with a diabolical, unconstitutional scheme of promising federal dollars and benefits (your money) to the general population and special interests ….. for votes?  If you want something from a Democrat government, they will give it to you by stealing it from someone else under the color of law, and give it to you for free, in exchange for your vote.  WE, THE DUMB PEOPLE THAT WE ARE, fell for the Democrat scheme hook, line and sinker.

The Democrats, for over 100 years, have violated every principle of freedom, liberty, unalienable rights, individual responsibility and self-reliance that existed under the umbrella of our Constitution.  That is why they want the Constitution to be a fluid document instead of the Supreme Law of the Land based on the intent of the Framers.  Their goal was and is to manipulate the Constitution for their own political ends to remain in perpetual political power.  That is why they are so deathly afraid of a conservative leaning U. S. Supreme Court and will vigorously obstruct any conservative justice nominee.

Once Conservatives started “compromising” their principles of individual freedom and less government in favor of the Progressive’s collective ideology, the end of America’s free Republic became preordained.  The division between the Conservative and Liberal ideologies is now so far apart compromise between the two sides has become a distant mirage.  Now, the only “compromise”, which is no compromise at all, arrives by virtue of who holds a majority of political power in Congress and the Whitehouse.  All the minority party can do is to obstruct the majority party using Congressional procedural rules.

With all this in mind, how on earth can the left and right ever come together on issues that are good for America, not just good for the party who holds political power?  Are there any national issues where the parties can come together and pass legislation that will benefit the nation as a whole?  Only one issue comes to mind and that is the nation’s infrastructure.  But “Business Insider” estimates that to repair our roads, bridges, railroads and our seaports will take $3.2 Trillion, with $1 Trillion needed immediately.  Where is the money going to come from, even with a vibrant and growing economy?  America is flat broke and deep in debt because politicians refuse to compromise for the benefit of the nation.  Why, because way too much of the available tax money is being and has been used for entitlements to buy votes?  Now it can’t be undone because the “people” have been bought off and will vote to maintain their “free stuff.”

The American government (that’s your Congressional representatives) has committed one of the most unforgivable management sins.  It engaged in “deferred maintenance” of our infrastructure and we are now paying the price.  Except government politicians and bureaucrats never pay the price.  Only the American taxpayer pays the price for government mismanagement, corruption and over regulation.

So what are the issues that the left and right are unable to find a compromise?  There are many.  The two sides are deadlocked on immigration and border security.  The Conservatives want a wall, repeal or limitations on family-based immigration and elimination of the diversity visa lottery.  Inexplicably, Conservatives want amnesty for 1.8 million Dreamer (DACA) immigrants.  But more amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigration.  President Reagan already did this and the results have been and are open borders and the unstoppable flow of illegal aliens, including terrorists.

But since the Liberal policy is one of open borders (for future votes) they are against almost everything the Conservatives want.  Liberals certainly want amnesty for the Dreamers but aren’t willing to “compromise” on the rest.  Is their room for compromise?  You’re kidding of course!

Conservatives want to repeal and replace Obama Care, but even the Conservatives can’t get together on how to do it.  Good ‘Ole Senator (RINO) McCain, dashed the hopes of an Obama Care repeal and replace with his one NO vote. 

The Liberals want to keep Obama Care (they created it without a single Republican vote) because it buys them more votes, even if Obama Care is hopelessly flawed, criminally expensive and is increasing the national debt.  Who are the losers in this battle of wits, power and the failure to compromise, the American taxpayer? 

Liberals want to expand Medicaid and Medicare (for votes), further increasing the national debt.  Some socialist Liberals are calling for all citizens falling under either Medicare or Medicaid without regard to the cost.  Conservatives want to hold back on socialist spending because they know what happens when expenses are greater than revenues.  Conservatives have been calling for a balanced budget Amendment.  Liberals are opposing it.  Will the two sides ever come together?  Not likely!

Liberals and Conservatives can’t even come together on the national debt or deficit.  There it is, passing through $20 Trillion on its way to who knows where with no signs of it slowing down.  Thirty-eight years ago (1980) William E. Simon, Treasury Secretary under Ronald Reagan, warned us that the national debt would end up sinking the good ship USS America, but the Conservatives and Liberals keep kicking the “can” down the road and spending more for social programs, thereby increasing the national debt.  The national debt was under $1 Trillion in 1980.

The government is now forced to “print” the money or borrow if from the Federal Reserve and/or foreign countries, like China.   The indifference and refusal to act on this crisis by both sides is not just criminal negligence, it borders on high crimes and misdemeanors.  Liberals want higher taxes to pay for promises they have made to constituents for their votes and Conservatives want lower taxes for logical imperatives.  But compromise?  Not on your life!

Then there is the environment.  The liberals want to make almost every human activity illegal under environmental law.  They want to repeal fossil fuels and replace them with alternative energy.  Insane!   They have become obsessive on the subject of man-caused global warming, even though the science is unsettled.  They would deprive us of the greatest source of energy ever discovered by man, based on flawed and inaccurate computer models blaming man for global warming, condemning third-world countries to perpetual poverty.  Liberals believe they can replace fossil fuels with wind and solar power, a pipe dream at best and a fraud on the American taxpayer at worst.

The Conservatives on the other hand, vehemently oppose these Liberal environmental policies as a means of wealth redistribution, more control over the people and the destruction of property rights.  They maintain that these policies are so restrictive and expensive they will put the brakes on the economy, lower our standard of living and could send us reeling into a depression.  Is there room for compromise?  Hardly!

On foreign policy, Liberals are weak and believe in being nice and appeasement, ala Neville Chamberlain.  Liberals compromise with our foreign friends and adversaries to the detriment of American interests.  Liberals apologize to the rest of the world for America’s success.  They make give-a-way trade deals, enter into ludicrous agreements and fork over billions of cash to our enemies without extracting concessions, even though those agreements and cash recklessly endanger American national security.

Conservatives, instead, play the peace-through-strength card and our friends and enemies respect us.  Conservatives build up our military strength and readiness.  Conservatives are tougher on trade, call the enemy’s bluff and place military assets around the globe to detour overt aggression by foreign empires.  There is peace on earth, without world war, because of America’s military might.

Sadly, most Conservative politicians aren’t conservatives any more (RINO’S) and Liberal politicians aren’t the old liberals they were back in the 40’s and 50’s (they are now avowed socialists).  Both groups have moved to the left as the Progressives dragged America farther and farther left over the last 8 to 10 decades.  As the two sides drift farther apart, compromise becomes not only unlikely, but virtually impossible.  Fist fights will eventually break out in the halls of Congress, to be followed by a national civil war.  There are millions of Americans who still have the freedom gene buried deep in their DNA and will not sit back and let the socialists win without a fight and fight they will.

Meanwhile, older Americans, which we wrote about in our last article entitled “Who Speaks for the Forgotten and Ignored Generation“, are fully aware of the two sides failure to compromise.  They have had a front row seat for over 60 years.  They mourn for their children and grandchildren and what they will face in the coming decades as America sinks deeper into a totally preventable socialist abyss and third-world status ….. Venezuela style.

If you are an older American, sickened by what you see happening to your country because your representatives won’t do what is good for America and at the same time having difficulty with rapidly advancing technology, perhaps you can find some solace HERE.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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Do “We the People” Have The Right To Alienate Freedom?

Have you noticed a trend in America that views liberty under God as rebellion to power structures existing in our nation?  Although this is perverse thinking, it is nothing new to Americans.

Before the Declaration of Independence, the First Continental Congress in 1775 issued the Olive Branch petition to King George III. It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists that were no longer being recognized by the king while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown. King George not only refused to read the petition, he proclaimed that the colonists had “proceeded to open and avowed rebellion.” He declared his American subjects had been “misled by dangerous and ill designing men, and forgetting the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them.”

This week I have pondered the king’s “fight’n words,” and I believe it is time for us to take old principles and make modern applications.

So let’s revisit exactly what caused the despot king to accuse our founders of rebellion. Then we shall consider if what we desire today is truly freedom, or just plain sedition.

The founders believed that England had engaged in a “long train of abuses and usurpations” against the colonies.  This was not a one-time event; the abuses were tirelessly repetitive and protracted.

England abolished colonial charters. The king dissolved colonial legislatures, prevented emigration to colonies, controlled judges, and refused to approve needed laws. This caused the administration of colonial justice to be impossible, while appointing bureaucrats to harass the colonial population.

Then there were the atrocities of the standing armies in the colonies, not subject to control of colonial government, who owned the colonists home, commerce, property, and, sinfully, their wives and daughters.

The king would cut off colonial trade with the rest of the world, deny colonists of the sacred trial by jury transporting colonists for trial in England, and take colonists captive on high seas.

The colonists’ money was stolen from them by a taxation system, because they had no representation to determine the usefulness, fairness, or justness of the tax. This was nothing less than involuntary servitude to a monarch. This monarch then abrogated English Common Law in Canada, setting an example for the same in the colonies.

Our founders concluded that this king was “unfit to be the ruler of a free people,” and, “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent States….”

Therefore, with a “Firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” the colonists embarked on the tumultuous quest for freedom, knowing, in the words of Thomas Paine, that, “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

Thomas Jefferson believed (and I think you will agree), “The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty & property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these, but with the people themselves.”

If we judge the founders’ cause just and our desires for this liberty pure, then John Adams has our marching orders. “The right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Blasphemy! Colleges Queering The Bible And God

This is a column I never expected to write. But how could it really NOT be expected as the stage was being carefully set to sodomize the world. Little by little this LGBTQ band of perverts began to become more and more visible. And the public just sat and watched. The churches were silent. Not a peep from the pulpits.

Then the Pride Parades emerged, where, with police protection, they sashayed down the main streets of the various towns and cities with elaborate floats with the participants in bizarre costumes and makeup, with some of the participants chanting….”We are queer and we are here.”

Then they started with LGBT clubs in the educational system. I remember seeing a sign at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California stating; “523 gays, lesbians and transgenders welcome you to Los Medanos College.”

Who are they to welcome incoming students?  They had no official position there. But they are driven by assumption that was never stopped or even challenged.

Next they began bringing in “queer writers” to speak to the student body. Open homosexuals were hired as teachers and professors.I remember one young woman who had written a book that came there to speak to the student body. She was crude and used the “F” word frequently in her talk. Then she said, “I hope I didn’t offend anyone.” I had to say, “Too late. You already did.”

She made several references to her sexual orientation, saying things like, “I don’t want you to see me as just another queer writer.”

I asked the psychology professor, whom I was sitting with, if she kept referring to herself as a “queer writer,” attempting to convince the audience, or…herself that it was OK to be what she was proclaiming.

The Psyche professor agreed with me that this was exactly what was going on. This showed she was not that secure in her lifestyle choice.

Next, transgenders in full regalia were allowed to read stories to children in libraries. I guarantee you that nobody would be allowed to have a spot in a public library to read Bible stories. I know because I petitioned to do so but was refused.

That same week, the NAMBLA, (North American Man Boy Love Association) that is working to make pedophilia – sex with children LEGAL- was given a ‘community room’ to have their demented meeting.  Yes that was perfectly OK for our government but never to talk about the Bible.

The sodomites had the audacity to go to Zondervan book publishers and demand there be changes in the Bible that would delete all references to homosexuality. I kid you not.

They began to interrupt church services. At St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City they crashed a mass taking place, throwing condoms to the congregation. And who can forget the scene in San Francisco when these deviants, dressed in their gaudy clothing and make-up came in and demanded to be served Communion. This is blasphemy.

And by the way, it is a felony to interrupt a religious service. Preachers, remember this and file charges if this happens in your church.

It has reached a point that if anyone does not agree to participate in sin, such as churches allowing same sex ‘marriages’ to take place in their sanctuaries or providing services like baking a cake with an LGBT message, those who refuse to follow their orders and join in the “celebration,” can be ruined by the government.

Here is one of the ‘rewards’ of homosexuality. AIDS! A horrific disease due to “anal intercourse.”  AIDS patients die slowly. But for the totally obsessed, it is worth it.  When the AIDS disease was first discovered I remember seeing a young sodomite on TV stating, “Well, now every time I make love I don’t know if it will be my last time.”

Even knowing the fatal risk of sodomy they are still so consumed by perverted lust that they simply can no longer control themselves. They are enslaved.

It should be noted that many confused married men demand to have anal sex with their wives.  WHAT? How can they improve what God gave us for satisfying sex?  HOWEVER, when a man enters a woman’s rectum, then goes back into her vagina, it is a totally unnatural use of the human body and THIS is what causes the disease known as AIDS since it mixes up bacteria.  So, many so-called straights are also subject to this disease.

Governor Moonbeam of California recently announced that he would require regular LGBT classes of study in the public school system, even though he, nor anyone else, will allow parents to see what is actually being taught. Hiding something like this proves malfeasance.

One of his first things is to incorporate, now get this, GAY PORN, to show school CHILDREN!  This is sick! Porn of any kind is totally unacceptable for  children to view…but GAY PORN???

Now the closets are empty as all the perverts have come out. The latest is: Colleges offering courses on….now sit down…Queering the children, The Bible, and, the most shocking of all….the queering of…God! They are all guilty of blasphemy and will all go to hell for it.

Sixteen colleges have now signed on with these lug-headed bastards. Don’t get your knickers in a twist over this word which is in The Bible meaning questionable birth details. It is accurate as these people are in Satan’s family, not God’s family.

Journalist Tyler Durden of Campus Reform, writes: “Students at Pomona College in Claremont, California have the opportunity to enroll in a brand new course titled; “Queering Childhood.”

According to the college,, the course “explores secular philosophies of queer and post-colonial theory as well as their critical and constructive application to religion,” focusing on topics like “the sexual ethics and ritualization found in the S&M community, transgender Christs, and the mestiza (or mixed) cultures of Latin America.”

Harvard University–yes HARVARD–Divinity School offers a course on “Queer theologies, Queer Religions” this fall, and how it relates to “larger aspirations of queer religion or spirituality in America.”

The course information of Harvard states: “Students will begin by sampling the efforts to revise traditional Christian theologies in order to accept or affirm same-sex loves.”  There it is in their own words.

And there are many more outrageous statements coming from this bastion of higher education.

The most outrageous of all comes from Swarthmore College with courses named; “Queering the bible, and Queering God.’ What???  Gwynn Kessler, the Swarthmore religion professor teaching the course had this to say:

“By reading the Bible with the methods of queer and trans theoretical approaches, this class destabilizes long held assumptions about what the Bible-and religion says about gender and sexuality.”

The University of Pennsylvania’s “Gender, Sexuality, and Religion” course will read religion through a variety of feminist and queer theory lenses.

University of San Francisco has the course,”Christian Feminist Theology that aims to develop and understanding of how feminist scholarship provides one fruitful means towards re-appropriation of central Christian insights about God.

The City by the Bay adds, “We will also look at the central significance of gender to the field of religious studies generally, with particular attention to non-binary genders.”

The real kicker is the statement that God is neither male or female. This is the basis for Queering God as they proudly proclaim.

And this is the new, modernized church coming your way? Or is it already here?

Pastors, this cannot be allowed to happen. Too many have simply stood aside and watched as this blasphemy and war against God has multiplied, increasing so much that it is now at a point of no return unless stern measures are taken.

This article has been written to fulfill a commission given to all ministers when they are ordained. The commission to be a defender of the faith.

See this story I wrote a couple of years ago about a boy named Trevor, a wonderful kid who after going to a public high school and college denounced God, turned on me the best friend he ever had, and became part of the LGBT crowd. This can happen to any and all of your children you surrender to government schools. Here is the link.

Pastors, man your pulpits and tell it like it is. We must preach against sin. Homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is not a natural state. It has introduced AIDS since biologically you cannot practice anal sex as is exclusive with sodomites, or combined with vaginal sex.

Pride Parades must be stopped, introducing sick sexual practices in public schools must be stopped, that is NOT why children are sent to school. This has been Satan’s greatest victory. It is now up to the pastors to preach the Word and MAN YOUR PULPITS.

WHAT WE CAN DO:  First of all, saturate your lives with God. There are plenty of good Bible-believing churches everywhere. Without God in your active lives, you can be yanked in any direction evil people pull.

Meet with your pastors to encourage them to start a Christian School. It is not difficult to do. And help support that effort by volunteer work. It is the life of your children at stake.

Be alert and ready to defend your family.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Those Who Know Cannot Sleep

I grew up in a small rural community.  I went to a small school with mostly the same people from kindergarten to graduation, thirteen years later.  You’d think going to school with the same forty peers for thirteen years, in the same small community where everyone’s parents kind of knew everyone else’s, there wouldn’t be too much to catch you by surprise – at least my youthful mind thought so.

But I kept my own secrets.  No one knew about the trouble in my own home.  I didn’t talk about it; my parents were reputable in the community, successful, well liked and respected.  No one would believe me, and it would bring shame on the family…

It was late in my high school years when police visited our small high school.  It seemed Jayce* had been being molested by her step-dad.  It was a bit of a shock – even to her long-term boyfriend Rob.  Seriously no one would have guessed.  She seemed fine.

Some time later our small community was rocked when a girl I played basketball with, a great athlete and scholar, quiet and respectful, was the center of a horrible scandal.  It came out a couple years earlier that Cassie had told her mom that her dad was messing with her.  Her mom dismissed it.  Her mom headed out of the small town to the city to do monthly shopping, but a few miles out realized she forgot something and returned home to find her husband in the act of raping their daughter.  The police were called and a scandalous story of Cassie being repeatedly raped by her father for years came to light.  Again, we were all shocked.  The family seemed so normal.

You know the stories.  You’ve known people you were surprised to find out were enduring horrific suffering at the hands of other people.  You’ve been shocked when the “stories” surfaced.  Some of you/us have suffered ourselves.

One of our daughters was severely bullied by a girl in her middle school.  The girl, Gina, had targeted our daughter and was increasing in hostility.  I began taking our daughter out of school a day or two a week just to break the stress.  We’d go to lunch to let her breathe a little.  It wasn’t our first bout with bullying, but it was the most severe.  I had told her, “Hurt people hurt people.  She must have some pain she’s inflicting on others because of pain she feels herself.  Pray for her,” I said.   I still remember the lunch several months into the school year when we were eating our burgers and my daughter told me she had found out Gina had been raped by her mom’s boyfriend when she was just six years old.  While her mom watched and did nothing.  We both sat there crying for Gina, unable to finish our burgers.

Then there is my friend, Linda, who when she was a small child would go visit her grandmother.  She’d stay the night and slept on a couch downstairs.  Sometime after they went to bed her grandmother would call her son in a city an hour away, who would drive in the night, let himself in and rape a defenseless five year old.  This went on for a few years.  The grandmother arranged this.

Or there’s the family in our state’s capital city who were good friends with a judge and got approved to be foster parents.  Only girls were placed with them, young girls.  The husband would rape the girls – over decades.  They partnered with an unwed mothers’ home and took in baby girls from the unwed mothers.  They kept them and began the horrendous abuses from the youngest of ages.  Some girls even ended up missing.  No one knew what became of them.  Did they run away, or were they killed and disposed?  When unwed mothers went to the authorities to get their stolen babies back they were sent to which judge?  You know — the same one who was partnering with them.   No one got their babies back.  This was in the 40s-60s.  How many people were complicit in the abuse and cover up of abuse in this racket?  This went on for decades.

Another friend’s mom was an ambassador to a Caribbean country.  You’d think she was lucky to get to travel with her mom to island life and the lifestyle that goes with an ambassador.  Except that when her mom was in meetings, she was traumatized by male visitors in expensive suits with impressive titles by their names who raped and abused her.  The trauma was so severe she still suffers the consequences physically, mentally and emotionally fifty years later.

Excluding the police accounts I’ve already mentioned, no arrests were made in these horrendous crimes.  Lives were stolen, shattered and altered, and nothing was done.  The “foster” house I referenced still stands right across the street from the local college.  It shows up on police scanners every once in awhile now, for reports of “ghosts” – sounds, moving furniture, doors opening and closing.  I’ll let you make your own deductions.

In her book, Sleeping Under the Bandstand, Enola Handgis tells the stories of her own traumatic upbringing in the 40s.  Besides the childhood abuse she suffered, her accounts of various abuses and rapes, she recounts the season in her life she was groomed (not a term known then) by a man who tricked her into an abduction that left her an unwilling prostitute for a madam in a small town.  If it weren’t for the sympathy of a “regular”, she would not have escaped.  Trafficking was happening in the 60s.

It’s important we recall these stories we each know:  people in our hometowns, people in our local communities, people in our own families, sometimes these people are us.  Remember the shock and utter disgust and anger you felt when you heard about it.  Don’t dismiss it, and try not to pretend these are isolated cases.  They are not.

Sarah Ruth Ashcraft, daughter of John Aschcraft, has been publicly testifying that her father sold her to Tom Hanks for his personal sex uses when she was thirteen, and that she was the victim of repeated occult rituals, one of which Hillary Clinton was present and participated in 1988 in northern California.  She claims to be the victim of MKUltra programming (CIA mind control) and repeated ritual abuse, both occult and trafficked.  Interestingly, she has been testifying to the details since 2016, and as she has pointed out, no one has sued her for defamation, slander or libel.

Hollywood actor, writer and producer Isaac Kappy has been outspoken recently of the rampant pedophilia in Hollywood, indicting Seth Green, Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, and a whole lot of other names.  [Of course there’s a counter-move in that Paris Jackson and Seth Green have accused Kappy of harassing and choking (Jackson).]  These accounts seem all very unbelievable if you operate from the mindset of a Brady Bunch or Leave it to Beaver America.  However, it is sadly believable if you’ve been researching pedophilia, human trafficking, and high crimes in the elite circles.  [An excellent overview of Kappy’s accusations can be read here.]

Pedophilia and trafficking arrests in 2017 alone supersede anything from prior years.  For (obvious) reasons, the mainstream media chooses to turn away from pedophilia and human trafficking cases and reports.  (They lead to and implicate their purse strings.)  Consider the data points in this article, and the implications of this article.  As the first article projects, either there is gross incompetence in the law enforcement in prior years, OR there is cooperation and/or complicity of law enforcement and the actual criminals.

The depth of depravity in these individuals is simply horrifying to the average human who conducts his or her life in a somewhat normal scenario with a healthy level of conscience.  Our normalcy bias rejects the idea that there are whole groups of people who engage in activities they deem recreational in which children are stolen, kept in captivity, then abused in the most horrific ways, repeatedly and mercilessly.  That these people gain great pleasure from these activities is almost unthinkable.  That these activities are considered sport, recreation and even religious is mind-numbing to most of us.  That some of these people use their own children, in fact breed children for these purposes, is unconscious able.  How can this be true?  How can this be happening in a sophisticated society?

Tuesday of last week a Grand Jury presented its report.  Three hundred and one priests in the Catholic church were indicted for abuses of well over a thousand children – that they knew of and had evidence for.  Some victims were as young as seven and eight when their abuses started.  One young boy was so violently raped he had permanent spine damage and later died of an overdose of pain medication.  Five sisters in the same family suffered over several years.

Not only were the crimes covered up by the priests themselves, but their superiors, bishops and even the Vatican, concealed their crimes.  Local law enforcement refused to investigate some of the crimes.  One policeman told a young victim when they went to file a police report, “I don’t want to hear it.”  An attorney general refused to prosecute.  (When questioned on his reason, he said he wanted the favor of the church for his political campaigning.)

So when reports come in that your favorite movie star, your favorite pop singer, your favorite athlete, or the politician you just “love” are engaged in heinous crimes against children, don’t put your fingers in your ears and don’t turn away.  Don’t excuse it, pretend it couldn’t be true, or ignore it.  Of course it can be true.  There’s a high probability it is true.

Don’t dare to utter the words, “I just don’t believe (so-and-so) is involved in anything like that.”  First, you probably really don’t know that high profile entertainer or politician.  How can you vouch for their character?  Secondly, if the nice family down the street has these secrets, what makes you think your idols don’t?  Lastly, and most importantly, be more interested in truth, in shielding, protecting and bringing justice for the innocent, than in defending some person you have on a pedestal because you like their movies, their music, or have some other fondness for them.

The pedophile rings that are being exposed and targeted for justice are high crimes of despicable acts like child rape, torture and murder.  They are being done by elite politicians, corporate executives, media moguls, Hollywood and other entertainment famous persons.   They are organized crime rings.  They have hired kidnappers/child abductors who get paid for literally stealing children.  Children are trafficked to designated locations where they are sold to individuals for prostitution, personal slavery, or worse.  They are flown out of the country or trafficked across state lines and the Mexican border.

These “elites” host parties for rituals where victims are gang-raped and abused, and some are offered as sacrifices.  As Isaac Kappy said Seth Green explained, there are rooms with multiple children for the “choosing”.  As the confiscated CCTV shots of Eppstein Island depict, children are placed in holding rooms and experimentation rooms.  There are rape and torture rooms.

This is not the half of it.  The American government is directly implicated in programs for breeding and recruiting children (some from birth) for programs that engage in mind control for the purposes of human slaves for drug trafficking, couriers, sex slaves, assassins, and other roles.  The techniques they use to produce these useful tools in their hands were learned from WWII Nazi war criminals when they brought them over, changed their identities, and employed them in top secret military and CIA programs.  (Research Operation Paperclip, MKUltra….)

In order to produce humans for these agent roles, they have to first break them down by torture and horrific abuses to get their personalities to splinter.  Once a splintering has occurred under extreme trauma, they program the new personality and train it for the purposes intended.  These victims usually have multiple personalities for multiple assignments.  When the victim has served his or her usefulness, they kill them off.

No, this is not a Hollywood movie (though they have made movies about this), and this is not science fiction.  This has been occurring in our nation and others for decades and has taken the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Before your normalcy bias dismisses this as unbelievable, recall again the stories you know of people around you who have been victims of horrific abuses, like the people I know and have cited as examples.  These are not isolated cases.  It is within the human psyche to commit such horrors.

James 1:14-15 tells us, “… each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.”

The process of sin is enticement of lust, literally translated in the Greek as “a longing for what is forbidden” – and when that lust is aided, it births the sin.  The corrupted thought that is unchecked produces the action that brings destruction.  That action ultimately brings forth death, death of conscience, death of right thinking, acting and living – then ultimately death of the soul.

Unchecked lust brings sin.  Uncorrected sin brings death.

The father who rapes and abuses his child is the baseline.  He gave into a lust, a longing for what is forbidden:  sexualizing what he should be nurturing and protecting.  When he did not check this lust and correct his thinking, his thinking led to destructive action.  When unchecked sin continues uncorrected, the sin and lust grows.

Lust for money and power that goes unchecked leads to actions that bring destruction.  Many of these people in high places traded their morality for temporary indulgences of lust, whether it be sexual lust, notoriety lust, material lust, or whatever.  The process is the same.  The end result is the same.

There is a Herculean effort right now to expose these crimes against children and humanity. People in positions of power able to bring these deeds to the forefront have been working diligently to do so.  Equally, people in positions of power that need these deeds to remain hidden are working violently to keep them hidden. Carefully crafted stories are being presented even now; defenses to normalize these crimes are working overtime in the media, academia and elsewhere.

Determine to know the truth, to expose the darkness, to not rest until justice for the victims is reached.  Do not close your eyes.  Do not make excuses.  Do not let this scourge continue in our land and on our watch. Do it for the children!

*All names have been changed for privacy.  All stories are factual.

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CIA Chief Brennan’s Treasonous Actions On Behalf Of Deep State Ignored

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Accuse others of what you do.” — Karl Marx

“If you want to know what the Democrats are doing or plotting, just listen to what they accuse Republicans of doing or plotting.” — Ann Coulter

“John Brennan’s resume includes voting for Communist Party of America’s presidential candidate Gus Hall; converting to Saudi Arabian-style Islam (Wahabbism) while serving as CIA bureau chief in Saudi Arabia; and helping to turn the intelligence community and counter-terrorism police units into tools of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. In short, it is he who has exhibited treasonous behavior, not President Donald Trump who is the recipient of enormous hate from Brennan.” — Chief Perry Townsend, Morrisville Police Department

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump finally fulfilled another of his promises: Trump revoked former CIA director-turned-MSNBC propagandist John Brennan’s security clearance. Trump isn’t expected to stop with Brennan. The scuttlebutt circulating among law enforcement officials, who spoke to Conservative Base’s editor, is that the President and his national security/homeland security team are still working on the revocation of security clearances for  James Clapper, James Comey, Michael Hayden, Sally Yates, Susan Rice, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr.

In response, Brennan practically ran to his co-conspirators at the former cable news network turned infomercial haven for the Democratic Party’s Deep State, MSNBC, and went on-the-air and called Trump treasonous and other derogatory terms.

James Clapper should be next as both he and Brennan work for CNN. That will cut off CNN from classified material, they can’t be trusted with. In fact, no one on that list can be trusted and by time Congress or Sessions acts, Trump’s second term will be over. There is no justifiable reason to allow them to keep access to this material or anything new that pops up.

The administration has threatened the action before. Sarah Sanders said yesterday in a statement from the President:

“I have decided to revoke the security clearance of John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Historically, former heads of intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been allowed to retain access to classified information after their government service so that they can consult with their successors regarding matters about which they may have special insight and as a professional courtesy. Neither of these justifications supports Mr. Brennan’s continued access to classified information.”

“As the head of the executive branch and commander-in-chief, I have a unique constitutional responsibility to protect the nation’s classified information, including by controlling access to it,” Trump’s statement read.

Giuliani says Mueller is just a puppet. Stating someone else started this mess and is actually pulling the strings. He says that person is John Brennan. Many Americans will find this very easy to believe.

If you look up ethics, there won’t be a picture of Brennan anywhere to be seen. We already know how he weaponized the CIA against President Trump. Also, we know he was involved in Spygate and the other aspects of the Russian collusion probe. So Giuliani’s accusation does not have much in the way of shock value.

Some of the U.S. intelligence community’s top analysts reportedly informed the Pentagon watchdog that their reports had been systematically edited to backup President Barack Obama‘s and his national security team’ assertions that the war on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was more successful than it actually was, according to news reports from outlets such as The Hill.

This revelation is being touted as the very first time that so many intelligence analysts have complained to the Pentagon’s “top cop,” Inspector General Jon Rymer, about the politicizing of the intelligence gathering and analysis function. In July, a couple of analysts filed a complaint with Rymer’s office, after months of internal complaints were allegedly ignored.

It got so bad, according to Examiner source Pete Vanderhill, a former police intelligence division operative, that some of those career intelligence operatives who complained were bullied and forced to take early retirement, or the younger analysts just quit. After the mini-purge of intelligence officers, other analysts said they supported their colleagues’ formal report and can back up their claims of political shenanigans to make Obama, Kerry and others look good.

The most important — perhaps most damaging — complaint is that “senior [administration] officials are editing the intelligence analysts’ reports to bring them into line with the Obama administration’s claims” such as the Obama-led war on ISIS is successful. Also, the analysts were pressured, they say, to make Iran look less involved in terrorist support and that the Iranians have less interaction with terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorist groups. The suspected goal was to make Iran appear less dangerous to Americans while Obama and Kerry pursue a nuclear deal with the radical Islamist government.

Besides the internal investigation by Rymer’s office, Rep. Mac Thornberry (R., Texas), the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, said his committee is investigating. “No doubt that these allegations are troubling and the committee is looking into them,” Thornberry said. “Accurate intelligence and unbiased analysis can often be a life or death matter and must remain free from political pressure.”

“There is an abundance of proof that America’s national security and counter-terrorism decisions were being made by Obama’s White House minions Susan ‘Benghazi’ Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, and the man serving as Obama’s homeland security adviser, John Brennan who was then elevated to the position of Director of the CIA. They ran the operations while riding roughshod over the real intelligence and law enforcement officials,” said Sid Franes, a former military intelligence operative and New York police detective.

“More than four dozen U.S. intelligence analysts formally filed complaints that their honest intelligence evaluations regarding the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaida’s branch Al Nusra Front in Syria were altered by superiors to prop up President Barack Obama’s false proclamations that he and his ‘national security team’ were winning the war,” said political strategist Kiernan Cummings.

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Trumpocalypse, The Dark Machine And A Virtual Armageddon

The American dream was the single most effective means of giving ordinary men and women the right to a little piece of paradise on earth along with constitutional freedoms to enjoy it.

However, beginning in the early 1900s, a powerful secret force known as the Dark Machine infiltrated the minds of men and women, erasing their memories of the American dream and replacing it with a grotesque virtual reality in which millions of people have been programmed to hate America along with its Judeo-Christian values, nationalism and capitalism.

Today, the number one threat to the Dark Machine on planet Earth is an American president named Donald Trump, a billionaire, former reality television star and the last of the “space cowboys” because of his inner belief system that allows him to transcend the “Matrix,” a virtual reality concentration camp of the mind that the human race is marching toward as part of the globalist elite’s master plan.

The Dark Machine’s new world order, whose soulless agents began secretly organizing in ancient Babylon at the time of the Tower of Babel, which Troy Anderson and I wrote about in our best-selling book, The Babylon Code, has launched what one of their leaders called a scientific revolution in the form of an unprecedented psychological coup to remove President Trump from office by force if necessary.

The Dark Machine’s Psyops

This psyops’ (psychological operations) warfare against Trump consists of an endless series of mass mind control, propaganda, social engineering and persuasion campaigns like the “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” Russian collusion, the Stormy Daniels’ porn star scandal, constant minimalization of Trump’s documented successes such as America’s economic growth, endless Trump tapes that are psychologically framed to make him look bad, and the all-out mainstream media war against the president.

In addition, this psyops involves the tech giants, social media and internet censorship of conservatives and the alternative media that communicates pro-Trump messages, the “fake news” psyop in which the truly “fake news,” or corporate-controlled media, attacks true news by labeling it as “fake news,” the use of classical brainwashing techniques such as the endless repetition of negative statements and pictures of Trump, and the use of anti-Trump celebrities and authority figures in changing public opinion against Trump. These techniques were first developed by journalist Walter Lippmann in the 1920s and then by Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, in the 1930s. These methods were later used by Adolf Hitler in his rise to power in Nazi Germany.

This psyops also involves the use of comedy as a method of ridicule to demonize and dehumanize Trump. This is a major principle in scientific mind control because it gives the masses of people psychological permission to hate and entertain horrific thoughts in preparation for the next phase of mind control which is programming people to act violently.

Those in the mainstream media and social media who have quoted people saying things like, “Let’s kill Donald Trump,” or broadcasting images of comedian Kathy Griffin holding up Trump’s bloody head, or publishing actor Robert De Niro’s derogatory remarks about Trump at the Tony Awards, to one degree or another are guilty of spreading an “emotional contagion” in which strong anti-Trump emotions and hysteria are spread virally to millions of people. This is the same psyop technique that was used to create the Arab Spring in the Middle East.

My co-author Troy Anderson and I go into detail about this in our best-selling book, Trumpocalypse, in which we document and expose the plans of the Deep State to remove Trump from office.

The CIA, Media and ‘Fake News’

It’s interesting that one of the most informative articles written about the Deep State’s use of the Central Intelligence Agency to control the mainstream media was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Carl Bernstein, a former reporter at The Washington Post of Watergate fame, in a 1977 Rolling Stone article titled, “The CIA and the Media: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.”

Bernstein, a mainstream media icon, documents in his 25,000-word cover story how the CIA secretly controlled the most powerful news organizations and names in the mainstream media during the Cold War with the former Soviet Union. In the article, Bernstein infers that the CIA continues to be involved in controlling the mainstream media today.

“The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception for the following principal reasons: The use of journalists has been among the most productive means of intelligence gathering employed by the CIA,” Bernstein wrote.

According to Bernstein, “Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were William Paley of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), Henry Luce of Time Inc., Arthur Hays Sulzberger of the New York Times…. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include the American Broadcasting Company (ABC), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), by far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.”

Bernstein goes on to point out that the CIA developed special relationships with some of the most powerful and household names and news celebrities in the mainstream media, along with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists and the very top people in management at major news organizations.

Essentially, Bernstein is saying that the CIA basically controls the mainstream media and all “the most trusted names in news.” This may come as a rude awakening to many, especially those in the mainstream media, who have delusions of grandeur that, somehow, they are credible journalists and that it is the “fake news” and the alternative media that lack credibility.

The brutal truth is that the mainstream media back then, as well as today, is the very personification of “fake news.” In other words, all the documentation shouts that the mainstream media and many of the pompous talking heads and big names in the media are highly likely on the take.

Since we routinely see news reports from the mainstream media that the CIA still exerts enormous influence through major television networks, The Washington Post, The New York Times, major television networks, and companies like Google, Facebook, and other social media and media companies through sizeable investments made by what some describe as CIA front companies, one would have to assume that what Bernstein wrote about in 1977 is still happening today.

Dark Machine Controls the Deep State

In addition, it’s important to understand that the Dark Machine controls the Deep State.

In a 1965 interview with The Paris Review, William Burroughs, an author, visual artist, and visionary who wrote many science fiction books such as Nova Express, Naked Lunch, and The Soft Machine, spoke about his experiences taking various drugs and his encounter with the Deep State of his time.

Burroughs, like many independent thinkers, developed higher powers of intelligence and perception and was one the fathers of the Beat Generation with Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others who formed the sex, drugs, and technology counterculture that gave birth to the 1970s counterculture.

Burroughs was a genius whose intellect and almost psychic-like gift to predict the future set him apart from most of the leaders of the counterculture. It was also rumored that Burroughs, like many leaders in the counterculture such as Dr. Timothy Leary, author Ken Kesey, and feminist Gloria Steinem, worked for the CIA at one time or another. Ironically, The Paris Review itself was largely controlled by the CIA and the son of CIA Director Allen Dulles headed up The Paris Review for many years.

In the interview, Burroughs was asked about Luce, the founder of Time, Life and other magazines and a close friend of Dulles. Burroughs was asked about the mainstream media’s connection to the intelligence agencies and if he admired Luce. Burroughs replied, “I don’t admire him at all. He has set up one of the greatest words and image banks in the world. I mean, there are thousands of photos, thousands of words about anything and everything, all in his files. All the best pictures go into the files. Of course, they’re reduced to micro-photos now. I’ve been interested in the Mayan system, which was a control calendar. You see, their calendar postulated how everyone should feel at a given time, with lucky days, unlucky days, et cetera. And I feel that Luce’s system is comparable to that. It is a control system. It has nothing to do with reporting. Time, Life, Fortune is some sort of a police organization.”

A roommate of Nelson Rockefeller’s at Dartmouth College in the late 1920s, Hadley Cantril, obtained a doctorate in psychology at Harvard University and co-authored, The Psychology of Radio.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded the Princeton Radio Project that studied radio’s impact on mass audiences. In 1938, Cantril also became editor of The Rockefeller Foundation-funded Public Opinion Quarterly, a publication closely associated with the U.S. government’s psychological warfare operations after World War II. Another psychologist with connections to Rockefeller was CBS Director of Research Frank Stanton who, along with Cantril, embarked on a major study involving public opinion and persuasion.

The opportunity for such an analysis presented itself when CBS broadcast Orson Welles’ radio theatre production of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, first published in 1897, on October 30, 1938. Paul F. Lazarsfeld, director of the Princeton Radio Research Project, saw the event as especially noteworthy and immediately asked Stanton for CBS funds to investigate the reaction to what at the time was the largest immediate act of mass persuasion in human history. Over the next several months interviews with War of the Worlds listeners were collected, provided to Stanton at CBS, and subsequently analyzed in Cantril’s 1940 study, “The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic.”

So, when we examine the unprecedented uniformity and total media unity in the all-out media war against Trump and his policies, the collusion of the mainstream media and the entertainment media in targeting Trump that is so over played, it begs the question: What powerful groups and individuals are behind this?

Mass Mind Control Machine

The mass mind control machine we call the mainstream media is very hostile and possesses dangerous powers to turn hundreds of millions of people into what are essentially slaves of the globalist elite without understanding that this is the case.

The average American is completely unaware of the degree to which scientific mind control, propaganda, programming, persuasion, brainwashing and various technologies are being used against them.

Somewhat intelligent people believe the illusion that they are well-informed. However, the most famous American journalists continually fail to question deep events that tell the truth about America’s tragic history over the past half century.

What the American people have accepted as facts, because the mainstream media has concealed the facts from them, is what George Orwell, author of 1984, called “doublethink.” “Doublethink” in Orwell’s Big Brother-controlled world is when you hold two completely contradictory thoughts or beliefs in your mind at the same time.

Brainwashing in all soft or hard totalitarian states demands that the population regularly engage in “doublethink.” Another form of mind control in Orwell’s “Thought Police” run state is “groupthink,” which is pre-industrial age Marxism. It hypes the dinosaur-age belief that a man-made utopia will come upon the earth when we all surrender our individual personalities to the all-powerful state of collective.

This idea of the collective is so antiquated that it has the stench of some urine-stained factory that Marx must have observed to create his neurologically-atrophied concept of a “workers’ paradise,” an idea whose time came to fruition in 1917 and has succeeded nowhere in human history ever!

Yet, the humanoid-bot journalists of the mainstream media promote progressivism, collectivism and Marxism because they are brain dead and because their globalist elite masters like billionaire George Soros want them to. If it weren’t for the fact that journalists like almost every other profession have been scientifically dumbed down to fit neatly into Aldous Huxley’s “scientific dictatorship,” they would be able to access their right brain and utilize critical thinking skills and connect the dots. Collectivism, Marxism and progressivism are the intellectual, economic, and social equivalents of the Titanic, which sunk a long time ago.

The entire purpose of Marxism and collectivism is to allow the Dark Machine to totally seize control of any nation’s assets, land, minerals, wealth, and most of all, to use that nation’s people as slaves. It’s a con game that promises a “workers’ paradise,” social justice, wealth redistribution, free health care, and the total illusion of a better world, when in reality it’s a clever slave system.

One truly must be an intellectual idiot not to understand this. The reason many of the super-rich and globalist elite claim to be communists is because they know that is what the people want to hear. The elite have no intention of sharing their wealth, power or anything else. Just look at what has happened in the last three decades. The globalist elite are just 1 percent of the earth’s population, but they control 99 percent of the wealth while the working and middle class who represent 99 percent of the world’s population control only 1 percent of the world’s wealth.

The globalist elite fully intend to rule and reign on planet Earth like kings and queens and they have no intention at all joining some collective or sharing their wealth.

Dark Side of the ‘Force’

Trump appears to be raising the stakes in this battle against the dark side of the “Force” represented by the globalist elite and their artificial reality production of the Russian collusion investigation directed by Robert Mueller, which has to date produced no evidence that Trump has ever colluded with the Russians.

But the “fake news,” social media and mainstream media show continues to play on local smartphones, laptops and HD digital television screens everywhere.

Since Trump won election as president, some of the highest-level members of the FBI and the intelligence agencies have attempted to organize a coup or impeach the president based upon what many perceive to be artificially-created witch hunts such as the Russian collusion lie, which was based upon opposition research against Trump paid for by the Clinton Foundation who hired a questionable British ex-spy.

None of the news-bot created “Russian collusion traveling circus show” could have continued a week without the real collusion between certain members of the intelligence agencies and the mainstream media.

The Dark Machine has been with us from empire to empire going back as far as ancient Babylon and beyond. The Dark Machine came from anti-matter, the abyss, the Tower of Babel, and is now returning via the open portals of CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, a research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world in Switzerland.

The Dark Machine lives and gains power as it feeds upon the souls of men.  The Dark Machine cannot tolerate life, freedom and especially love. The Dark Machine is about total control and power at any cost, as we revealed in The Babylon Code.

The Dark Machine was gunning for Trump during the election and now a virtual high noon is coming to the western world, which has morphed itself into a technocratic Westworld where wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Dark Machine such as the mainstream media, tech tiants, cell phone companies, and social media are now purging all conservative, independent, libertarian, Christian and alternative media that challenges the Matrix from nearly all search engines, social media, video platforms, blogs and websites. Of course, words like conservative, independent, libertarian, Christian and alternative media are simply mind control words for truth. The Dark Machine wages an endless war against truth of any kind.

Dark Machine War on Truth

The Dark Machine controls all the newspapers and other mainstream media through thousands of “news bots,” which are lifelike-looking robots that are programmed never to question and never to think outside of the software of their programming. They are not programmed to have a conscience or experience guilt. They are simply programmed to use the mainstream media to churn out propaganda and “fake news” that indoctrinates the masses to welcome their slavery.

Consider what David Rockefeller, the chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation and the oldest living member of the Rockefeller family and family patriarch until his death last year, said at the Bilderberg group meeting in 2001, thanking the mainstream media for concealing the truth from the American people for 40 years.

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years,” Rockefeller said. “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.”

In other words, when you get right down to it, Rockefeller was thanking them for being “fake news.”

In a article published on July 13, 2015 titled, “The Babylon Code Reset and the Technocratic Utopia,” I wrote: “Apparently, the elite believe in all-out fascism and total dictatorial control beneath a corporate façade of a button with a happy face on it. In 1970, (former National Security Advisor Zbigniew) Brzezinski, a key leader of the Bilderberg group, wrote a book titled, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era. Brzezinski defined the ‘technetronic society’ as ‘a society that is shaped culturally, psychologically, socially, and economically by the impact of technology and electronics – particularly in the arena of computers and communications. The industrial process is no longer the principal determinant of social change, altering the mores, the social structure, and the values of society.’”

Since it should be painfully obvious to anyone who still has the neurological ability to think critically, analyze, look at the big picture, and connect the dots that with very few exceptions the mainstream media is “fake news,” precisely because it is under the total control of the globalist elite, the artificial reality presented to us as news is as about as real as Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory, which is to say it is disinformation and propaganda controlled and directed by whom?

The Fabian Art of Persuasion

The Fabian socialist Bertrand Russell in his 1952 book, The Impact of Science on Society, explained this “scientific dictatorship.”

“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology,” Russell wrote. “Mass psychology is, scientifically speaking, not a very advanced study…. This study is immensely useful to practical men, whether they wish to become rich or to acquire the government. It is, of course, as a science, founded upon individual psychology, but hitherto it has employed rule-of-thumb methods, which were based upon a kind of intuitive common sense.”

The importance of the “scientific dictatorship” has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these, the most influential is public education. Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one, but the press, Hollywood, television and radio play an increasing role.

What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion. If you compare a speech by Hitler with one by Edmund Burke, an Anglo-Irish statesman and philosophical founder of modern conservatism, you will see what strides have been made in the art since the eighteenth century.

“What went wrong formerly was that people had read in books that man is a rational animal and framed their arguments on this hypothesis,” Burke said. “We now know that the limelight and a brass band do more to persuade than can be done by the most elegant train of syllogisms. It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young enough and is provided by the state with enough money and equipment.”

This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a “scientific dictatorship.”

Co-Conspirators in the Cover-Up

All of these are the issues that the mainstream media should be covering and exposing, but they are not, which means they are co-conspirators in the cover-up.

In constitutional law attorney John Whitehead’s July 9, 2018 commentary, “A New World Order: Brought to You by the Global Industrial Deep State,” he wrote: “There are those who will tell you that any mention of a New World Order government—a power elite conspiring to rule the world—is the stuff of conspiracy theories. I am not one of those skeptics. What’s more, I wholeheartedly believe that one should always mistrust those in power, take alarm at the first encroachment on one’s liberties, and establish powerful constitutional checks against government mischief and abuse. I can also attest to the fact that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I have studied enough of this country’s history—and world history—to know that governments (the U.S. government being no exception) are at times indistinguishable from the evil they claim to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity. And I have lived long enough to see many so-called conspiracy theories turn into cold, hard fact. Remember, people used to scoff at the notion of a Deep State (a.k.a. Shadow Government), doubt that fascism could ever take hold in America, and sneer at any suggestion that the United States was starting to resemble Nazi Germany in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power.  We’re beginning to know better, aren’t we? The Deep State (‘a national-security apparatus that holds sway even over the elected leaders notionally in charge of it’) is real. We are already experiencing fascism, American-style. Not with jackboots and salutes, as Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution notes, ‘but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac ‘tapping into’ popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party — out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear — falling into line behind him.’ And the United States is increasingly following in Nazi Germany’s footsteps, at least in the years leading up to Hitler’s rise to power. Indeed, to anyone who’s been paying attention to the goings-on in the world, it is increasingly obvious that we’re already under a new world order, and it is being brought to you by the Global-Industrial Deep State, a powerful cabal made up of international government agencies and corporations. It is as yet unclear whether the American Police State answers to the Global-Industrial Deep State, or whether the Global-Industrial Deep State merely empowers the American Police State. However, there is no denying the extent to which they are intricately and symbiotically enmeshed and interlocked. This marriage of governmental and corporate interests is the very definition of fascism. Where we go wrong is in underestimating the threat of fascism: it is no longer a national threat but has instead become a global menace.”

Who are the powerful forces that control our mainstream media, the tech giants, social media and the internet?

Ultimately, these communication and surveillance giants are controlled by the Dark Machine which exercises various degrees of control through some of our intelligence agencies such as the CIA.

It appears that many former directors and high-level officers of the CIA, FBI and other alphabet soup agencies have attempted to use their power to interfere with the legally-elected president of the United States, Donald Trump, due to their own individual partisan preferences.

The “Russian collusion” fantasy is perhaps the most egregious example. Although a number of very powerful heads of the CIA and FBI have been corrupted by the Dark Machine, there are numerous high-level and lower-level CIA and FBI agents who continue to maintain their integrity and uphold their oaths, but they are unable to come forth publicly out of concern for serious repercussions.

An ‘Emotional Contagion’ Coup

What is the goal of an “emotional contagion”–driven coup, an Arab Spring-style social media coup or an assassination?

The CIA’s Project MKUltra- and Monarch Project-style culture wars originated with journalist Walter Lippman in the 1920s when he functioned as a propagandist for globalist President Woodrow Wilson and later in the 1930s with Edward Bernays, the father of modern advertising. Bernays created the ad campaign to brainwash American women into believing that smoking cigarettes was sexy and was one of the fathers of modern propaganda whose powerful mind-changing images and copy was imitated by Hitler and the Third Reich.

Project MKUltra’s mind control program took off like a powerful space-bound rocket when the first CIA director, Dulles, handpicked by David Rockefeller himself, secretly smuggled into the United States over 10,000 Nazi rocket- and mind-control scientists as part of Operation Paperclip following World War II. These high-level scientists were given top positions in major think tanks, military projects and research laboratories at the most prestigious universities in the United States.

Perhaps the most famous of these Nazi rocket- and mind-control scientists was Wernher von Braun who later became head of NASA. Von Braun was one of the pioneers of Project MKUltra, as was Huxley, author of the Brave New World.

Project MKUltra was first developed by the Nazis through barbaric experiments at Nazi concentration camps where a mysterious Dr. Josef Mengele would use a dark formula to break down the human personality through intense pain, shock, trauma, torture and unspeakable sexual abuse.

Then, after shattering the personalities of young children, women and men, Dr. Mengele would give them powerful doses of LSD and subject them to all kinds of mind-control programming, sleep deprivation, and endless hypnotic commands played on audio tapes as they would lie sedated on a bed for six months or longer.

Dr. Mengele would erase the child’s or person’s memories completely and then program them to function as professional assassins like in the movies The Manchurian Candidate starring Denzel Washington and The Bourne Identity with Matt Damon.

Attractive females and males, and yes, very young children, were programmed to function as sex slaves, and the females were often referred to as “beta sex kittens” who were programmed to seduce and fulfill any sick sexual pleasure for spying and murder.

It’s been speculated that movie actresses like Marilyn Monroe were programmed as “beta sex kittens” to spy on President John F. Kennedy. Other nations such as Russia developed similar programs that were depicted in the movie Red Sparrow starring Nicole Kidman who plays a character that is a KGB- programmed sex slave and assassin.

Do You Admire Mr. Luce?

Many of the people throughout human history who have had the ability to connect all the dots and see the big picture are the visionaries, artists, poets, writers and independent scientists and thinkers who have developed the ability to think outside of the tiny neurological box of consciousness that most people live in.

This includes people like King Solomon, King David, the Apostle John, Sir Francis Bacon, Plato, Thomas Edison, Madame Curie, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Martin Luther King, Jr., President John F. Kennedy, Ayn Rand, Dr. Francis Schaeffer, and then to a lesser degree, but nonetheless highly significant people like Burroughs. Even in his older years, Burroughs remained a counterculture leader to many generations of young rock ’n’ roll musicians, authors, actors, actresses, directors and thinkers like Kurt Cobain, lead singer of Nirvana, and actor Johnny Depp.

As is the case with all independent thinkers, their true education and knowledge didn’t come through traditional sources of education like colleges and universities.

Burroughs constantly self-educated himself and possessed a keen knowledge of a vast spectrum of subjects such as scientific mind control technologies, drugs, science, art, psychology, the mass media, the history of espionage, and the methodologies of intelligence agencies.

In fact, there are many who believe that Burroughs was trained by the CIA as an agent and assassin, was a CIA asset, or was in the CIA, and then left it. Many of the most prominent counterculture figures were either CIA agents, worked with, or were at one time, trained by intelligence agencies.

Whatever Burroughs’ intelligence agency connections may or may not have been, as a visual artist, author, user of mind-altering drugs, and a spiritual father to the Beatnik and counterculture movements, Burroughs’ mind operated on an extremely high level of intelligence, perception and creative thinking.

Burroughs didn’t think inside of the box; he escaped his programming, indoctrination and mind control that has shaped most American thinking and consciousness over the last 100 years of public education, mass media, film and political discourse. The power of Burroughs’ intellect and perception comes from his ability to think creatively on a very high level.

Most Americans today, including those who call themselves progressives, artists, writers, actors, film directors, authors, and evangelical Christians, have no idea to what extent they have been programmed, nor do they have a clue about how to transcend it. Burroughs understood that America and the world had entered the “scientific dictatorship” announced by Huxley and how the masses were controlled by mind control.

The ‘Dumbing Down’ of Media and Culture 

Most of the men and women in the mainstream media, which consists of television, radio, film, broadcast journalism, acting, directing, writing and on-camera or celebrity journalists and personalities, possess a very narrow bandwith of intelligence, information, understanding, historical perspective, and knowledge of the true purpose of politics, finance and culture.

To be blunt, they have been dumbed down and their ability to think outside the box, utilize critical thinking, and use higher levels of perception, is practically nonexistent.

For example, it’s safe to say that most probably haven’t read books by Orwell, Huxley, Bertrand Russell, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Noam Chomsky, and if they did, it was probably just the Cliff Notes, and so they are basically clueless about what is really going on in our nation and world.

They may be physically attractive and propped up by expensive sets, professional lighting, and expensive wardrobes — not to mention plastic surgery and Botox injections — and so they may appear and sound intelligent while reading from a teleprompter or told what to say through an earpiece tucked behind their ear. Most of them never deviate from the pre-determined talking points and politically correct comments they deliver on cue, but the reality is that most in the mainstream media are programmed like news robots or “news bots.”

They could be easily replaced by life-like robots, but for now they are physical people whose minds are controlled through teleprompters, ear pieces, and pre-determined talking points to personalize the propaganda and “fake news” they deliver daily.

One can never forget that all the mainstream media news corporations, the chief executive officers, the talking heads, along with the writers and producers, all work for just a handful of globalist corporations that are totally controlled by the globalist elite and must deliver the propaganda, lies and “fake news” that the globalist elite demand.

The fact that there has never been such uniformity and oneness of opinion, comments and “fake news,” carefully organized to brainwash the American people to hate Trump and to motivate the masses to support his impeachment, or a coup that would take him out of office or worse, is proof that the entire mainstream media is totally controlled by a very small number of men and women who are the globalist elite.

The globalist elite have publicly stated that they see Trump as the single greatest threat to their plans to establish a new world order and a one-world government, one-world economic system and one-world religion, purely for their financial benefit and the consolidation of their dictatorial power over the masses. To accomplish this, they are using the mainstream media, the internet and social media as invisible instruments of mind control and propaganda in the manner described by Huxley when he talked about the “truly effective scientific dictatorship,” in which the elite can program the masses into serving them as slaves, but have no consciousness that they are slaves and actually learn to love their duties as slaves.

Trump Opposes the Dark Machine

This is the only reason that the globalist elite, along with all the control mechanisms that they utilize, have targeted Trump for destruction because Trump stands for the things that the elite and the Shadow Government despise such as, “Making America Great Again,” passing win-win trade treaties, bringing high paying jobs and manufacturing back to the United States again, creating a business-friendly environment so that average Americans can increase their wealth and pass it on their children, and protecting our constitutional freedoms such as freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly. My co-author Troy Anderson and I explore why the Dark Machine is seeking to topple Trump in our best-selling book Trumpocalypse.

One would think that today’s progressives, especially those in the arts, would be able to grasp this as their intellectual forefathers did, but the clear majority don’t have a clue.

Evangelical Christians and Christian theologians, who theoretically should be able to think on this higher level, often cannot begin to understand what the Bible is really saying. As the God of the Bible states, “My people perish for lack of vision.”

Ministers and Christian Bible schools, which often boast about knowing the “character of God,” have lost their way, wandering around a theological wilderness. In the very first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, we are introduced to the first major characteristic of God: He is the Creator, thus everything God does and is flows from His creativity.

But teaching and understanding that the God of the Bible is first a Creator, and that creativity is one of his primary attributes and should be a primary attribute among God’s people, is almost a totally nonexistent truth in the evangelical Christian culture, which ignores that God is the Creator and then cannot understand why hundreds of millions of people have rejected the message of Jesus Christ because it is often communicated in a lifeless form devoid of any creativity.

This lack of understanding of God as the Creator has far deeper applications than merely music, art, literature, film, etc. Creativity that reflects the image of God enables men and women to transcend their circumstances and to think creatively and dynamically. Creativity is a gift from God and allows men and women to think powerfully and enhance their perception and intelligence in all realms of life.

Burroughs, Tower of Babel and the ‘Thought Police’

So, how did Burroughs understand what the mass media and media giants like Luce were really all about?

He understood this through enhanced perception that is available to anyone who chooses to use it. It’s no accident that Burroughs also perceived what could be called supernatural perception in these areas.

This was not mythological or irrational on Burroughs’ part because the original source for all modern scientific mind control, indoctrination, propaganda and programming comes from ancient civilizations like Babylon at the time of the Tower of Babel when god-kings enslaved the masses through sorcery, magic, music and drugs.

This involved the supernatural and that’s why the word Babylon literally means the “gate of the gods.” The Tower of Babel was an interdimensional portal that allowed the entrance of interdimensional entities or demons into the world.

And just as ancient Babylon involved sorcery, magic and the entrance of demons into our world, the globalist elite and Deep State are employing the modern equivalents involving the mass media, social media, and various mind control techniques in their bid to gain dictatorial control of the world and enslave the world once again.

An enormous amount of documented evidence and verified historical facts all freely available to the American public for at least 100 years reveals the fact that the mainstream media’s primary purpose is to function as an instrument of propaganda and scientific mind control and program the masses to completely believe in a carefully constructed “artificial reality,” “illusory belief system,” the Matrix, and a mythological belief system in which most Americans believe in a fairy tale version of reality that is technologically and socially engineered to brainwash people in order to totally control them for the purpose of neural enslavement and to function as slaves in a soft global totalitarian state.

In the words of Huxley when he was lecturing a group of neuropsychiatrists at the University of Berkeley in 1961, “In a truly effective scientific dictatorship the people will not even know that they are slaves and they will be programmed to love their slavery.”

Huxley and other members of the elite like Brzezinski referred to this as the “scientific dictatorship” or the “psychotronic dictatorship” in which advanced scientific mind control involves the use of mind-altering drugs, the educational system, and repetitive messages that program the subconscious through television, film, popular music, media, propaganda, microwaves, EMF waves, Scalar waves and now smartphones, the internet, social media, and computers to program people into believing whatever the globalist elite want them to believe.

We’ve now entered the world that Orwell warned us about in 1984 in which a Big Brother government controls the people through mind-control programming, mass surveillance and a mass media whose sole purpose is to act as the “Thought Police.”

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire:


How Can We Bring Home Our Troops And Stop Policing The World?

Next month will mark 17 years since the 9/11 mass murder took place. Ever since then, we the people have been fleeced to fill the coffers of the military-industrial complex and all its tentacles. But, since there’s no money in the people’s purse, borrowed debt has/is being used to create more debt by spending TRILLIONS over in the Middle East.

For what? There’s no question in my mind Osama bin Laden died in December 2001. But, he was worth more alive to promote the ‘war on terrorism’. The un-funny thing is, bin Laden wasn’t even a suspect as being the ring master behind 9/11:

FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

“On June 5, 2006, the Muckraker Report contacted the FBI Headquarters, (202) 324-3000, to learn why Bin Laden’s Most Wanted poster did not indicate that Usama was also wanted in connection with 9/11.

“The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” That’s 5 YEARS after the ‘event’.

It wasn’t until many years later after enough inquisitive minds uncovered this little detail the FBI finally decided to add bin Laden to their 10 Most Wanted connecting him.

Hell, not even Bush, Jr., Mr. Yippee-Kay-a was interested in rounding up bin Laden a scant six months after 9/11: “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

Our former slutty president, Bill Clinton, had the opportunity to take out bin Laden, but decided not to: Bill Clinton: “I could have killed” Osama bin Laden.

“The responsibility of 9/11 falls on the fact that al Qaeda was allowed to grow and prosper and the decision was not made to take out their leader when the chance existed to do so. Not once but four times according to the 9/11 report. President Clinton has acknowledged that as a regret.” Rubio, remarks on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Feb. 14

Read: America Created Al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group – 2018

“Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980’s. Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told the House of Commons that Al Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Mr. Cook explained that Al Qaeda, which literally means an abbreviation of “the database” in Arabic, was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

“America’s relationship with Al Qaeda has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular Al Qaeda terrorist group in a given region furthers American interests or not, the U.S. State Department either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. Even as American foreign policy makers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy.”

Billy Clinton was worried about civilian casualties. Really? How many innocent people has our government killed fighting the war on terrorism over in Iraq and Afghanistan? Not to mention our drones killing more than a dozen innocent people at a wedding:

The Wedding That Became a Funeral: U.S. Still Silent One Year on From Deadly Yemen Drone Strike

“A year on from a U.S. drone strike in Yemen that hit a wedding convoy, killing 12, the United States government have refused to formally recognise the attack, or publicly acknowledge that unarmed civilians died as a result of the strike. However, recent investigations have found that they have secretly paid a record sum of over $1 million in compensation to the families of the victims.”

Only one of many such instances and Americans wonder why people in those countries hate the US?

Our military has spent the past 16 years guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan while decrying the smuggling of drugs like cocaine and heroin across our Southern border.

How Opium Greed Is Keeping US Troops in Afghanistan

I read this book a long time ago; it appears it went either back in print in 2012 or an updated version:

The Big White Lie: The Deep Cover Operation That Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War

“In The Big White Lie, Michael Levine, former DEA agent and bestselling author of Deep Cover, leads the reader through a decade of undercover work. Levine’s prose is fast-moving, highly readable, and hard-hitting. He tells how the beautiful South American “Queen of Cocaine” seduced the CIA into protecting her from prosecution as she sold drugs to Americans; how CIA-sponsored paramilitary ousted, tortured, and killed members of a pro-DEA Bolivian ruling party; and how the CIA created La Corporacion, the “General Motors of cocaine,” which led directly to the current cocaine/crack epidemic. As a 25-year veteran agent for the DEA, Michael Levine worked deep-cover cases from Bangkok to Buenos Aires, and witnessed firsthand scandalous violations of drug laws by U.S. officials.”

Why are we still over there? For more American blood spilled in foreign countries that not only don’t deserve any help from the U.S., but history has shown one failure after another from nation building (nine times) to outright lying to get us into undeclared wars.

“The U.S. military welcomes additional funds for special units. The Pentagon continues its downsizing in preparation for the New World Order”. Former Asst. Secretary of Defense and former Director of the CIA, John Deutsch, Dec. 1, 1994, McNeil/Lehrer News Hour

Downsizing for the UN Hessians to become the world’s police even though they’ve never kept peace anywhere on this earth.

“We are on the cutting edge of the New World Order here in Bosnia”. U.S. Army Major Bushyread, May 8, 1996, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather

Opposition to Invasion of Iraq Based on Emotion or Facts? 2008

Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya: Did Anyone Expect a Different Outcome? 2014

I know it’s very, very difficult for veterans and active duty military since Kuwait when Bush, Sr., went for a huge step towards world government by force. For the families who have buried their son or daughter who served in the Middle East, but we must face the truth and bring our troops home.

I’m afraid the bitter truth is Iraq and Libya were better off under the tyrants toppled by an arrogant and naive West (Today, the mess is just bigger)

Never ending and for what? Hagel: US ‘Committed to Being the Largest Single Contributor’ to Post-Combat Mission in Afghanistan

Not a scintilla of constitutional authority to rape us to pay for this:

US-backed military coalition in war-torn Yemen is ‘secretly PAYING al-Qaeda to leave cities and letting fighters retreat with weapons and looted cash without firing a shot at them – despite claiming key victories’ – August 2018

“But many of those conquests came without firing a shot, according to an Associated Press investigation, which said al-Qaeda fighters have sometimes been allowed to retreat with arms and wads of money. The compromises and alliances have allowed al-Qaeda militants to survive to fight another day – and risk strengthening the most dangerous branch of the terror network that carried out the 9/11 attacks.

“Key participants in the pacts said the U.S. was aware of the arrangements and held off on any drone strikes as the al-Qaeda fighters retreated in plain sight.”

US Coalition Cooperates With Al-Qaeda In Yemen, Associated Press Confirms

Extortion 17 has never received the publicity of Benghazi (Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op and Blood at Benghazi – It Drips From Hillary’s Hands, Pirro: Mueller Is the Dems’ ‘Serial Cleaner’ — Says Former FBI Director Played Role in Benghazi Cover-Up) but it stinks to high heaven. Yet, once again, enough time has passed while the shadow government keeps Americans distracted and drowning in corruption at the highest levels of the U.S., most Americans have neither heard about Extortion 17 or simply have forgotten the 30 men murdered that day. Their families have not forgotten. I have not forgotten.

Seal Team Six – Extortion 17 Cover Up

For those still in a state of denial about OUR government and the endless lies and actual conspiracies to cover up the truth (JFK and Bobby Kennedy assassinations, Tonkin Bay (Viet Nam), OKC, TWA Flight 800, KAL Flight 007, 9/11 to name a few), take the time to watch a movie that will absolutely shock you.

A friend recommended I watch it on Netflix. U.S.S. Indianapolis: Men of Courage starring Nicholas Gage. THE worst Naval disaster in the history of this country. Knowing nothing of the history of that cover-up, I was totally unprepared for what happened; watching made me sick to my soul. OUR government in an effort to cover up the truth convicted and court-martialed Captain Charles B. McVay III because he allegedly failed to ‘zig zag’ the ship.

I won’t give away the ending because you really do need to watch the movie. If you don’t have Netflix you can probably find the DVD. How many more tears and flagged coffins before Americans demand our troops are brought home? STOP sending them where we have no business sticking our noses in other countries to bring them the most toxic form of government: a democracy.

Although those who are working towards destroying our sovereign nation and integrating us into world government believe we the people are too stupid to understand geo-politics, nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, the dirty communist Chinese are moving into Africa and have set up a trade corridor with Pakistan but it’s up to their leaders and government bodies (like our Congress) to deal with them. NOT US. It sure as hell is not up to us to butt our noses into tribal and religious squabbles.

Afghanistan is like Vietnam, but not in a way you might think

Is Afghanistan a Lost Cause?

Why do we have troops in Africa? The standard reply is the war on terrorism. BIG money is the name of the game to keep the ‘war on terrorism’ alive and unhealthy.

AFRICOM’s Imperialist Quest – Absolutely do find the time to read.

U.S. Military Announces Greater Resources for Troops in AfricaAugust 2018

The one not so discussed is trade.  Africa is the world’s richest natural resources country – like gold and diamonds. And, of course, stealing the fruits of YOUR labor in violation of the U.S. Constitution to continue running up the national debt using borrowed debt to spend debt:

$3 Mil for Obama’s African Youth Empowerment Initiative – “This month the DOL announced that it is dedicating $3 million to help Ugandan youth develop marketable skills to secure decent work and to serve as civic leaders in their respective communities. It’s difficult to imagine that this is a priority for the American taxpayers funding this venture.” Blame the U.S. Congress for NOT stopping this unconstitutional spending that continues today. Not to mention more American blood spilled for nothing.

‘Something was off’: Survivor says US troops were stalled by a village elder before they were ambushed by 50 terrorists in Niger for hours following a near 24-hour patrol operation

“Four American special forces killed fighting in Niger were ambushed by 50 ISIS terrorists after they were stalled by a village elder, senior officials said. They had been on routine reconnaissance when they got a new order to kill or capture a top ISIS target.

“They never found the target and after almost 24 hours on patrol they stopped at a village sympathetic to terrorists. A survivor of the attack said ‘something was off’ in the village and elders had tried to stall them.

“The 12 American troops were ambushed by 50 militants who were armed with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.  Those who managed to escape and retreat a mile away were attacked again.  Officials believe that may explain why Sgt. La David Johnson’s body was found separate from the rest of his team.”

Keep sending our troops into areas where the governments (like Pakistan) and in this case, local population, are supporters of ISIS and terrorism.

TRILLIONS of borrowed dollars have been given to various countries and dictators in Africa over the past 40 years. For what while YOU and your family go without as your paycheck shrinks to pay down the so-called ‘national’ debt.

Well, it won’t happen until Americans take the time to get the facts about these grotesque invasions and occupations of foreign countries and why even if we stayed a hundred years in Afghanistan it will not stop terrorism. The only way to stop the foolish, reckless foreign policies dealing with the Middle East and other countries is to stop the funding.

Monroe Doctrine; December 2 1823

It won’t happen until the money supply is shut off. The only ones who want a continued U.S. military presence in Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan are the military-industrial complex, the tens of thousands of private contracting firms, the drug running into our country – including the banks who launder their filthy money and members of the rotten U.S. Congress who have profited so handsomely.

The money supply comes from Congress voting for bills signed by sitting presidents to fund all of the above. That “money” is ALL borrowed from the magical money machine called the Federal Reserve. The entity that put me on my path to find the truth 29 years ago. No money, no more of all of the above because Congress will have to operate only with constitutional revenues and won’t be able to continue borrowing further enslaving you, me, our children and grandchildren.

The unconstitutional, privately owned banking cabal, the ‘Fed’ has been sucking the life blood out of this country for the past 105 years.

I feel confident in stating that the majority of Americans have no idea what the “Fed” is all about, how it works, how it creates inflation, hyper-inflation, stagnation, booms, busts, recessions and depressions. The one entity that controls our lives through our monetary system is the one Americans seem to have little interest in because they do not understand the subject matter. As I did not 29 years ago until I gave up my career and paycheck to begin my research and then started my Project on Winning Economic Reform in 1993 (POWER).

They know nothing about how the ‘national’ debt is created; the media generally refer to it as ‘the debt’. They don’t know the difference between the debt and a federal deficit.

The American people treat ‘the debt’ as some nebulous ‘thing’ out there that doesn’t affect their lives. Something that apparently is necessary for the government to operate. They couldn’t be more wrong.

What they don’t understand is the ‘national’ debt is unsustainable and unpayable. The day of implosion is coming as people like Dr. Edwin Vieira, yours truly and so many others have warned about for decades. You can only put so much air in a balloon before it blows.

If the thieves in the Outlaw Congress – both parties – have no central bank to borrow from the US would not have the money to keep our military in all the foreign countries I named above and more. The ONLY way to bring our troops home, like I said above is to cut off the money.

I urge you to get a copy of my best-selling booklet, Why A Bankrupt America, and read it. Order copies for your friends, people at your church, county fairs still underway; employers are giving copies to their employees. Give it out at gun shows; where ever you can. The updated edition is hot off the press and slightly shorter than the July 2017 edition; 35 pgs vs 44.

The factual information and data in my booklet is rarely discussed on talk radio (never really big name brands like Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham and others) or most web sites that cover current events although there is still a large movement out there to ‘end the Fed’.

Yes, there are ‘independent’ talk radio and pod casts that do cover the debt and the ‘Fed’, but my little booklet is truly an invaluable tool in educating our fellow Americans.

Americans are crunched for time and often miss an important article or column. My booklet puts it all together with critical references where the reader can go on the Internet to learn more in greater depth.

Why A Bankrupt America is a comprehensive ‘primer’ if you will that is something people can’t miss; it’s in print form (I still get email from people telling me they have their ‘old’ copy from decades ago!), easy to understand and the perfect way to continue getting the truth about this critical issue to the masses.

I know everyone thinks happy days are here again and there’s two chickens now in every pot but what they don’t understand is the debt IS going to sink us. Make no mistake about that. The day of reckoning isn’t far off while Congress is getting ready to once again spend, spend, spend.

Now it’s up to us to keep getting this truth to the American people because we are the truth tellers. No one else is going to do it but us. No one else is going to get the solution to the American people AND state legislators. Why them? Read the booklet. You can order only from my web site.

Also, please order my new book “Taking Politics Out Of Solution.” You can also order it from Amazon.

Media inquiries to interview Devvy:

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Don’t Be A problem Be A Solution – The NFL On Its Knees

I was note doodling the other day trying to stimulate the brain a little.  It’s what I do, but in this case, it was not too stimulating.  I decided to post my notes to Facebook and take the pulse of my FB friends.  I didn’t get too many fire bombs thrown at me.  I never liked singing to the choir anyway.

This is what I posted to Facebook:

The National Football League (NFL) minimum salary for 2018 is $480,000.00.  That means the lowest player on the depth chart who most likely did not graduate from college and may spend an entire season riding the pine makes about 9 times the US median income.  An Army Private with less than 2 years of active service is paid $19, 659.00 per year.  A West Point graduate entering service makes $37, 292.00 per year.  A Staff Sergeant with 6 years of service and most likely supporting a family makes a whopping $38,059.00 per year.  An Army Major with 6 years of service makes $74,862.00 per year.  The NFL league minimum for 6 years of experience is $790,000.00.

The combined salaries listed above for active military service is $169,872.00 per year.  That is just a little more than one quarter of the salary of single NFL rookie whose never played a professional down.

I chose the military pay scale for this illustration because that is my background.  For the record, the median annual pay for a public school teacher is $55,259.00.  That means half of them make less than that.  The average salary for a police officer is $49,808.00.  For a Firefighter its $45,969.00.  The average for an EMT is $34,000.00.  The average for a Registered Nurse is $66,640.00.  The combined salaries of our nation’s most critical servants is $251,676.00.  Just barely more than one half the cost of an NFL rookie.

For $421,548.00, less than the minimum pay of a first year NFL player, we can field a professional Army a squad willing to put their lives on the line defending us (even football players).  We can provide a school teacher for our children, a police officer to protect us, a fire fighter risking life to save our property, and EMT to save our lives on the way to the hospital and a registered nurse to care for us when we get there.

So, kneeling fist raising NFL player.  Tell me again about social justice.

I’m told to accept that kneeling or whatever other gesture one might make is meant to bring awareness to social justice issues.  Social justice can mean many different things and has over time.  Equal treatment under the law, etc.  When I look at the data base of NFL players arrested compiled from public records and media reports by USA Today sports writer Brent Schrotenboer, I imagined there may be some personal justice system issues here.  But, put that aside and let’s not judge.

I know that comparing salaries from different occupations is not a basis for drawing too many conclusions about anything.  For me, it illustrates a societal view of the world.  Wealthy people, many of whom may be paupers like me within a year or two of leaving the NFL (Sports Illustrated How and Why Athletes Go Broke), often have a somewhat inflated view of themselves or of their importance to most anything except their exceptional athletic ability.  Athleticism and special treatment cultivated from childhood.  In this regard, they are not unlike entertainers.  For most of their existence, they’ve existed in a walled off world typically far from reality.  It’s hard to effect change when life has not taught you where the change needs to start.

Now, let’s take this issue back to its origin.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. “To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Colin Kaepernick

On multiple occasions, I’ve heard NFL players when challenged declare that this has never been about disrespecting the flag.  Doesn’t that conflict with their founder’s declaration.  Regardless, to take a knee or make any other gesture when the national colors are displayed and the national anthem played is disrespectful.  No matter the declared reasoning, it cannot be rationalized.  It is a display of disrespect and disloyalty to our country.  God gave you the free will to choose your way, but He did not relieve you of the consequences of your choices.  There are movies I won’t go see because the people starring in them have chosen to share their political views while insulting large numbers of people who ultimately pay their exorbitant salaries.  Last year I switched off my favorite NFL pre-game show right in the middle of a certain color commentator’s comments about the President and the 1st Amendment.   What I wanted to hear was thoughts on football.  Last season, I didn’t watch their program again or another game.  It didn’t hurt my wallet one bit.  When political activism is divorced from football, I may tune in again.  For now, however, I am enjoying baseball and looking forward to the college football season.

I’ve also heard that it is about freedom of speech.  According to some, if team owners forced players to stand for the flag and anthem they would be taking away their freedom of speech.  Freedom of speech is guaranteed us by the US Constitution.  There is a big however.  When paid professional football players take the field for a game, they are employees.  Employees don’t have a Constitutional right to free speech or freedom of expression at work.  Constitutional right to free speech means the government cannot restrict free speech.  It all comes down to what the team owner allows or restricts.  But, not to worry most of them straddle the fence as well.  If their income takes another big hit this season, we’ll see.  Leave them be, I say.  Let them kneel, fist pump, sit, stay in the locker room.  Who cares?

If players have to be forced or coerced to stand for our flag and anthem, I don’t want them to stand.  I prefer honest disloyalty and disrespect to feigned respect.  I prefer to know who they are not who they pretend to be.   For me, I have a choice.  I choose not to participate in your protests or be a spectator of your entertainment.  See how easy this was?

The people mentioned at the beginning of this contribute daily to our country and our communities.  They perform invaluable services enthusiastically for a pittance compared to what these protesting athletes get.  I have a question for the players who continue to kneel.  What have you done for communities in need?  Take your wealth and fame and go do something rather than protesting.  The government, politicians, and activists are not the solution.  Truth be known, they are the problem.  Always demanding that someone else do something is the problem.  Try doing something rather than demanding that something be done.  You know.  Don’t be a problem.  Be a solution.

I wager the next chickenshit move for the NFL is to do away with pre-game posting of the national colors and playing the national anthem.  Or at a minimum not televising them.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

Website:  Pendry’s American Journal.

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Capitulation And Despoliation Through Immigration

Even during recessions and depressions, America has traditionally been the best country for economic opportunity. Thus, it has been and is a magnet for some of the best in the world and increasingly over time, some of the worst in the world. From being fussy and strict about which foreigners were allowed in here during colonial and early national times, over time and in cycles we have been swamped by the world’s undesirables. This unhealthy invasion spiked with the Immigration Reform Act of 1965 and has not relented since then. Concomitant with this inflow has been an increase in the scope of the welfare benefits provided to the new arrivals. Our welfare apparatus is more liberal than that of any of the European democracies. Its reached the point that the rights and privileges accorded to citizens, illegal aliens and legal immigrants are nearly the same, and citizenship has become nearly meaningless. If the Democrats have their way, ICE and borders would be eliminated which would result in unlimited immigration and the ruining of America beyond redemption.

It should be mentioned for the record that “settler” and “immigrant” are two different concepts. “Settler” is one who relocates within a country or colony but remains a citizen or established denizen of the realm, whereas an immigrant is a foreigner who enters a country, illegally or legally, without any of the rights and privileges normally accorded to its residents and citizens. The settlers of colonial days were already Englishmen who were accepted as equals with the other residents of the colonies and did not have to go through the same procedures as immigrants would.

In these materialistic days, it may be hard to imagine that in colonial days, most of the aforesaid settlers came here for reasons other than profit. Freedom back then was a major motive for settlement, whether freedom from tyranny, freedom of religion, or freedom to begin life anew in a friendlier environment. In any event, immigration in colonial days was handled by the particular colony involved and was inconsequential in numbers and tightly controlled to prevent the entry of paupers, criminals, the diseased, the mentally deranged, the morally challenged, and other undesirables.

After the US was established, and contrary to the myths perpetrated and perpetuated by politicians and journalists, during most periods of our American history, up until recently, America carefully restricted immigration, and being we were populated by English settlers, we certainly are not a nation primarily composed of immigrants. There are still many of us descended from the colonists/settlers. Our founders fully expected the nation in the future to be stocked with the original founding stock without resort to other races or even other ethnies since the colonists were a fecund lot who it was felt would easily carry forth the principles upon which the nation was founded, preserving its blessings for the Founders’ “posterity”. By the time of the American Revolution, the idea was firmly ingrained that only a few immigrants would be admitted who had special skills that were in short supply within the nation, and so served the national interest.  This was George Washington’s stated position.

It is nor surprising that our Founders were fervent immigration restrictionists. After all, they had just fought a bloody, protracted and expensive war to establish a nation built upon a new paradigm. They were determined to protect what they had achieved from the influence of foreign populations with different political systems and cultural practices.

In 1790, nearly two centuries after the first settlers arrived, just 0.3% of the population were identified as other than descendants of Northern European peoples, aside from the African slaves. Becoming a citizen in the early days was quite difficult. A person had to reside in the US for 14 years and declare their intent 5 years prior to applying for naturalization. This strict attitude began breaking down immediately upon the advent of western expansion since there were few limits on immigration into the new territories created by that expansion. Standards were beginning to be relaxed to allow importation of foreign workers to fuel the new industries that were developing as a result of the Industrial Revolution, especially in the North.

Barely fifteen years after the Mexican War ended, the tragic four-year invasion and deliberate despoliation of the Southland by the Yankee Government resulted in the laying waste to the then most productive and affluent region of America, largely erasing its culture, economy, ruling class, and political influence. Lincoln supposedly wanted to force the “rebel” states back into the Union to take advantage of the revenues collected from the South’s highly productive and lucrative agricultural system to fund his “internal Improvements”, i.e., federal boondoggles, instead ordered the destruction of the means of production for that system,  thus killing the goose that was producing the golden eggs(tax and tariff revenue) he was so covetous of.  Go figure. Nevertheless, an immigration invasion, unacknowledged by the court historians and so passed over with nary a mention in history books, was largely responsible for the capitulation of the South. The continuing flood of books diagnosing the cause of the Southern defeat, even those from pro-Southern authors, do not acknowledge this factor.

Lincoln’s War was waged in order to use force to keep sovereign states from leaving the Union, as they entered the Union with the proviso that they could leave it just as well. As result of the forced re-entry of the Southern states back into the Union and to avoid a recurrence of any future secessions, the nature of the Union had to be changed so that it became “one nation indivisible” as a practical matter. This meant that the form of national governance was transformed from a strict constitutional republic to that of a nearly completely centralized unitary state. That transformation was most acutely felt in the South since it’s society was based largely on state and local governance, more so than the remainder of the nation.

Immigration and the utilization of recently arrived foreigners in Yankee efforts at Southern subjugation were very important factors in the success of the Northern war effort.

A new wave of German immigrants of a socialist bent arrived in the US following the failed revolutionary 1848 uprisings in Europe. These “forty-eighters” were very culture, political inclination, and outlook from the mostly Lutheran Germans who had been arriving in orderly fashion since colonial days. Political analysis shows that Indiana, Iowa, and Illinois would have given their electoral votes to Stephen Douglas, the Democrat candidate in the presidential election of 1860, but for the loyal support of the newly arrived Germans and other foreigners, giving the election victory to Lincoln. These voters were the least knowledgeable of American history and its institutions. The new Irish immigrants were immediately recruited for the Union armies before they understood what the fighting was all about. In all, 150,000 immigrants were recruited into the Union army early in the War. A majority of the 80,000 union seamen were aliens. These are huge numbers. Southerners were actually under the impression that an immigrant army had been sent against them to destroy them.

Uniformed Yankee immigrants were used to thwart the secession of Missouri and frequently launched attacks on settlements that were sympathetic to the Southern cause. William Quantrill, a leader of the forces attempting to thwart the Yankee depredations is invariably trotted out as a kind of murderous outlaw whereas he was involved mainly in defensive activities and his attacks paled in comparison in damage and deaths to the Yankee depredations he was reacting against.

Several books could be written on the detrimental affects that the onslaught that the immigrant and now also the refugee invasions are having upon our country. Periods of heavy invasion alternated with periods of light invasion and assimilation following the Civil War, as policies varied from time to time, but overall the gradual displacement of the founding peoples of the nation was leading to the undermining of what the nation stood for culturally and  politically. There was a significant respite form the deleterious affects of the invasion during the period 1921 to 1965, when immigration numbers and the ethnic composition of the immigrants reverted to 1890 standards. In 1965 with The Great Society ideas of President Lyndon Baines Johnson in control, the dam broke and immigration since then has been largely unrestrained as to numbers and quality of aliens admitted, with the illegal alien invasion numbers approximately equaling the number of legal immigrants coming in each year–about one million of each every year..

The basically unchecked immigration we are dealing with is slowly transforming our nation into third world status. The disparate groups comprising the immigration inflow are encouraged not to assimilate or even learn English in many instances. These groups have no ties to or interest in the culture, customs and values of the founding peoples and we are losing all the characteristics that made our nation unique or special. We are turning into the collection of squabbling nationalities and hyphenated Americans that President Theodore Roosevelt  warned us against.

To appease the elites and multinational companies in their quest for cheap labor and cheapened citizenship without regard to the plight of our displaced native workforce, we are ruining our natural environment by dropping all opposition to the immigration invasion and the population explosion unfettered immigration entails. It is hard to believe we have the world’s third largest population, right behind China and India. We will soon surpass India in population if there is no change in immigration policies. Think of the Potomac becoming like the Ganges–just the thought of it should spur you to becoming an activist on immigration issues. We are laying the groundwork for a fully totalitarian government to replace our democracy to keep all the competing forces from all quarters in check.”

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While The American People Sleep, The Muslims Are Making Their Move For Government Positions

“As long as you remember that if you get involved in politics, you have to be very careful that your leader is for Allah. You don’t get involved in politics because it’s the American thing to do. You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam. —Siraj Wahhaj

It has been said that “Either you are going to do politics, or politics is going to do you!”

How true this statement is, and how many people in this country live their own little selfish lives (Luke 17:33) deceiving themselves into believing that politics plays no part in America (Exodus 18:21).

While most Americans are still sleeping under this new shill administration (Matthew 13:25), there are a record number of Muslims running for governmental positions in this country.

And most do not realize that they mean to implement Sharia Law in place of The U.S. Constitution, which runs antithetical (in direct contrast) to American government. In other words, Muslims mean to overthrow your form of government.

“I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic.” –Ibrahim Hooper

Moving on to the headlines from the propagandists at the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, “Tim Walz, Jeff Johnson to face off in Minnesota governor race.

After seeing this headline, the first thing that went through my experienced mind was, where are the results for the Muslims that mean to take office in Minnesota?

Of course, I knew that the CIA-controlled media did not want the people in an upheaval with the knowledge that 3 Muslim candidates just won the primaries in their local government, and another one of them being the 4th, Hakim Muhammad otherwise known as Keith Ellison, who has now been accused of abuse by several ex-girlfriends.

It is my understanding that Representative Keith Ellison has been making comments about me (The Daily Beast), saying to the American people that they “may not know quite how extreme this guy (Bradlee Dean) is.” Interesting. Can you say Keith is straining at a gnat while he swallows the BIG camel? I may be radical for the truth (Matthew 11:12), but I am not guilty of beating of my spouse. 

That aside, and first in line is CAIR-linked, Ilhan Omar.  She won the primary to replace (domestic abuser) Hakim Muhammad-Keith Ellison in Congress.

WND reported Ilhan Omar, the 34-year-old community organizer who came to America as a refugee from Somalia, was touted by Democrats as a model success story.

“From a refugee camp to the State Capitol with intelligence and insight,” beamed former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, who endorsed Omar. “This is a wonderful story to tell as Americans, and a great source of pride for the state of Minnesota’s open arms.”

But on Thursday, Omar made her mark in another way.

She was one of only two members of the Minnesota State House to vote against a bill that would allow life insurance companies to deny payouts to the beneficiaries of terrorists who die in violent attacks on Americans.

IIhan Omar also has ties to CAIR which is tied to Hamas as well as the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” -Omar Ahmad Founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Second up, Sharia-compliant Hodan Hassan won the Democrat primary race for Minneapolis House District 62A, becoming 2nd Somali female, after Anti-Semite, Ilhan Omar, to be elected to a state legislature

Watch here Islamaphobia playing the victim speech here.

Third up was Mohamud Noor who won the Democratic primary race for Pro-Sharia Ilhan Omar’s seat in Minnesota legislature. He’ll become the first Somali man to be elected to a state house if he wins.

Remember, the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood is to infiltrate our Government and implement Sharia and destroy us from within! [Twitter Video]

Brigitte Gabriel Reads the Muslim Brotherhood Plan for America

[YouTube Video]

There is only one way to correctly end this column:  get busy, your present and future state depend upon it (Leviticus 26:15-21).

Judge Kavanaugh, Trump’s Superb Choice For The Supreme Court

Nothing in the Constitution has given [the judiciary] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the executive to decide for them. Both magistracies are equally independent in the sphere of action assigned to them… the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional, and what are not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature & Executive also, in their spheres, would make the judiciary a despotic branch.Thomas Jefferson

If Jefferson could see what the judiciary is doing today, he’d be denouncing them.  Benjamin Franklin served as one of the foremost architects in structuring the Constitution, and while most of the Founders were congratulating one another on their remarkable charter of liberty, Benjamin Franklin injected this note of prophetic insight. “I agree to this Constitution … and I believe, further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.”

All of this went along with Franklin’s basic philosophy of sound government; namely, that no people can remain free if they become wicked and immoral, and that certainly rings a bell today. When a society decays to the point where people begin to fear for their lives and their property (think Antifa and BLM), the demands for a police state have always been inevitable.  This is why the American people elected Donald J. Trump…he was the only candidate who truly understood what has been lost in our beloved country, and what needs to be restored…Make America Great Again.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Our President has made a marvelous choice in Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court of the United States. President Trump introduced the Judge and said, “What matters is not a judge’s political views but whether they can set aside those views to do what the law and the Constitution require. I am pleased to say that I have found, without a doubt, such a person.”

President Trump stated he believed Judge Kavanaugh when he said, “My judicial philosophy is straightforward. A judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law.”

Though firmly committed to interpreting the Constitution as written, he’s no ideologue which is why Sen. Ted Cruz and other neo-cons had been urging Trump to pick someone else.

Andy Schlafly’s brilliant tome on why Kavanaugh is a superb choice needs to be read by all American patriots, because he understands what is at stake for our country. Schlafly states, “Kavanaugh need not answer questions about the abortion issue, just as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg set the precedent herself for declining to answer specific questions about cases.”

Brothers John and Andy Schlafly, both of whom are attorneys, wrote a spectacular article for Phyllis Schlafly Eagles entitled, Trump Cements Legacy with Scotus Pick.  In this article they write, “The Never-Trump wing of the Republican Party does not like how Kavanaugh has long agreed with Trump on core issues.  Unlike Kavanaugh’s liberal rivals for nomination to the Supreme Court, he has participated in more than 3,800 cases and unflinchingly defended principles loathed by liberals. Kavanaugh is stellar on immigration and sovereignty, the life issue and the Second Amendment.

Judge Kavanaugh supports American sovereignty, and does not defer to international law!”  This statement alone should make you cheer for our President’s choice for Supreme Court Justice.

With important immigration-related decisions heading to the Supreme Court, including the challenge to the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Judge Kavanaugh will provide expert insight into the legality of the program and the ability of future administrations to circumvent Congress and create tailored amnesty programs for large groups of illegal aliens.

Liberals of course are sharpening their knives against this pro-life nominee, but noted criminal defense attorney, and retired Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional scholar and frequent commentator on both CNN and Fox News, considers Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an excellent nominee for the supreme court.

Reversing Bad Precedents

Despite stare decisis and the judges who may cling to it, with Brett Kavanaugh on the court, there is an opportunity with a 5-4 majority to reverse many of the bad court decisions.  Justice Anthony Kennedy was a moderate in legal philosophy, and thus earned himself a reputation as the court’s quintessential “swing vote” which he disdained.  However, in Kennedy’s last years on the court, he moved to the right with his decisions.  Chief Justice Roberts who has seemed to be in the ideological middle may be the court’s next “swing vote,” but that remains to be seen.

Chief Justice Roberts has already joined the four liberal justices to save Obamacare once, and all indications are that he’s unwilling to reverse Roe or any other precedent more than four decades old. (For that matter, the only justice who clearly favors junking Roe is Clarence Thomas.).

There are any number of decisions from liberal courts in the past which need to be reversed.  Pro-life Americans immediately think of Roe v Wade which should be overturned because it is not one of the federal government’s enumerated powers, just as so many other decisions by the Supreme Court belong only to the states, and should never have been decided as federal law.

Attorney Andy Schlafly has said, “You’ll hear from Moderates that ‘you can’t do that’ because it’s already been decided. But that’s all open for reconsideration now. Don’t fall for it.”

Sedition and First Amendment Rights

Although sedition laws are still on the books, the Warren Court effectively neutralized them on Red Monday, 1957.  Yates v. United States354 U.S. 298 (1957), was a case decided by the Supreme Court that held that the First Amendment protected radical and reactionary speech, unless it posed a “clear and present danger.” Link  H/T to John and Andy Schlafly.

First amendment rights give us the ability to speak against what we disagree with regarding the government.  For this reason, sedition laws are rarely enforced despite obvious sedition being rampant today against our President and his people. Sedition used to be viewed as treason, or even an act of domestic terrorism, but it’s now viewed by many as our First Amendment rights.

Of the five rights all Americans are afforded within the First Amendment, the two that protect against sedition are freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. The other three are freedom of religion, freedom to assemble peaceably and freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  Too many today are not assembling peaceably, but causing property damage and personal harm, yet few are charged.

Americans have the right to a dissenting opinion, and the right to write about it and publish it if we choose. Nevertheless, we are being censored although some deny it, first Alex Jones and now those who write WordPress blogs are being shut down for “hate speech,” especially if you write about Sandy Hook.  Freedom of the press apparently only exists for liberal socialists like Sarah Jeong and her racist posts.

NYTs Co. v. Sullivan

Prior to 1964, libel by the press against a public figure could get them sued. That all changed with the 1964 Supreme Court decision, NYTs Co. v Sullivan which was decided by the liberal Warren court in a 9-0 decision. (Chief Justice Earl Warren was appointed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. Another liberal followed the Warren Court, Chief Justice Warren Burger, appointed by Republican President Richard Nixon.)

This decision changed the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts and stated that media could lie about public figures with impunity as it was a first amendment right. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with “actual malice”—that is, with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.  This is their tortured interpretation.

The 1964 SCOTUS decision, which dealt with a civil libel action, changed the dynamics of debate in our society into the deceptive and dishonest attacks on public figures we see daily by society’s socialists.  It needs to be overturned.  The American public never gets the truth today.

And now, many websites, blogs, social medias and videos are censoring rightwing views and shutting them down.  If you feel like you’re living in Communist China, you’re not alone.  The 50-page report, “Censored! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative Speech,” was written by Ashley Rae Goldenberg and Dan Gainor. It examines the four largest internet entities — Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and declares that their handling of political speech is “far more troubling than most conservatives realize.”  Yes, war has been declared against conservatives, and most of them don’t even realize it.

The left can lie with impunity about anyone in the public forum, but conservatives are not allowed to air their beliefs in the same way as they are charged with “hate speech.”

Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association

In June 2011, the United States Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that California’s 2005 law restricting minors’ access to video games with violent content is unconstitutional. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion, writing that, “video games qualify for First Amendment protection.”  Link

The ruling was seen as a significant victory for the video game industry. Several of the Court’s justices suggested that the issue might need to be re-examined in the future, considering the changing nature of video games and their continuously improving technology.

United States v. Eichman

This was a 1990 decision by the Supreme Court that invalidated prohibitions on desecrating the American flag enforced in 48 of the 50 states. Anthony Kennedy mentioned this as one of his greatest decisions joining the vote to legalize flag burning in the 1989 Texas v. Johnson decision.

Justice William Rehnquist wrote a very compelling dissent which is truly a piece of history we should all read and remember when we see the flag draped coffins of American soldiers who have died in defense of our nation.


If the high court is ever to be depoliticized, nominees must show how their decision-making process reflects the virtues of self-government that lie at the heart of the Constitution.

The Senate will question Judge Kavanaugh’s views on every issue, from abortion to gun rights and how it will influence his decisions. Like nominees before him, his non-answers on future hypothetical cases will frustrate them, but that is as it should be.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer will try to play out the clock, pushing to delay any confirmation vote until after mid-term elections, when his odds of defeating the nominee might improve.

It’s up to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the White House to make sure Democrats’ belligerent games don’t derail a first-rate nominee.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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The Mission To Change Real American History

The United States of America has had an amazing history of great achievements from her very beginning.  She was the first nation in history dedicated by men to God our creator.  It was partially through inspiration from God that the concept of Liberty and Justice for all was conceived.   When the Founding Fathers gave us documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers and others, they had to lean upon a common understanding of government, morality, law and proper social order.  That understanding sprang from what was a universal acceptance of what became known as the Judeo-Christian Ethic.  That is a system of social and moral values that originates in the Old and New Testaments of the word of God.

Whether or not every single one of the Founding Fathers was a Christian is not an important issue.  Their statements, their writings and their votes reveal that most of them embraced these greater principles as the basis for a free people and civilized republic.  The Founders firmly understood that no nation would remain strong if its families were in tatters.  In fact, it was my own Dad who told me that a nation is only as strong as her families.  Since the joining together of Adam and Eve, marriage has been recognized as a holy union between man and woman.  Then out of that union comes children born into a home with a father and a mother to instruct them on how to become healthy, productive, and responsible citizens.

The plan of God, nature, and common sense is a man and a woman producing children within the institution of marriage.  When that plan is lost “marriage” and “family” become meaningless, and a nation and its people will follow the road to ruin.  World history has proven it over and again.  Preserving the traditional family is vital to the future of any great nation.

Unfortunately, in recent decades there has been a concerted effort by those seeking to change our republic into a Godless amoral leftist oriented mobocracy.  The attack on the traditional Father and Mother headed household is unrelenting on many fronts.  The stabilizing traditional family was first undermined throughout the black American community.  One of the underlying reasons was to stop the forward economic and general positive progress blacks had been making in most sectors of society.

The leftist democrats do not like to see, especially black men in their proper role as heads of prosperous households. Black Dads leading their children in the good way they should go toward building a better life for themselves without the need for government handouts is not favorable to the cause of leftists.  If one observes the actions and the mission of leftists today they are a larger scale version of what they foisted upon the black community.  Long ago the KKK and others tried to force blacks to accept the lower rung of society and to walk away from their most worthy Christian beliefs.  We see similar goofy practices today. Consider the ANTIFA, BLM and other gumps who attack people like Charles Payne of FOX Business Network who don’t walk on their party line.

The strong underpinning to all this madness is the combined efforts of government school educators and university professors.  Their multi decade effort to literally deceive about and indoctrinate students against our exceptional nation way of life, American history, free market economics, the traditional family, critical thinking, Christianity, the Constitution, etc. is to do to America what has already been done to the black community.  A new University of Michigan textbook calls for doing away with Capitalism and replacing it with a socialist order with more regulations and funding for climate control.

Personally, I prefer the term Free Market economics, but I won’t quibble.  The bottom line is, if Americans do not know their real history, the future can become a bridled path that leads to literal doom.  That scenario can be avoided, if “We the People” are willing to stand and push back the deceptive darkness with the light of truth and seek Providential guidance.  God bless you, God bless America, and may America bless God.  Be blessed via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM PT, 3:00 PM CT, 4:00 PM ET on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv.,, and 12:00 AM Sundays on the TalkAmericaRadio network. Also nightly at 9:00 PM ET The Ron Edwards Experience tells it like it is on  The Edwards Notebook commentary Blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth increasingly throughout America including being featured during the Captains America talk show now on 80 stations emanating from flagship WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Florida and everyday throughout the day on  To respond to this or any of my columns or request me to speak at or Keynote your upcoming event simply go to

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Stop Evil Putin Now “A Satire”


I don’t know about you, but Putin never fooled me. I know very well that the fall of the Soviet Union was just a trick to fool us, that communism is alive and kicking in today’s Russia, and that Putin is still a KGB man — once a spy, forever a spy.

Even worse, Putin has mentioned several times that he wants to implement evil communism in America. How does he plan to do it?

Well, according to my secret sources at the highest levels of the Kremlin, Putin, after his great success when Russian hackers stole the election from Hitlary, who had already won thanks to the votes of 2 million illegal Mexicans in California, and gave the presidency to his buddy Trump, has decided to go for the whole enchilada and run for the American presidency himself.

So, given the fact that his hackers are the best the ruble can buy, I am convinced that in the next presidential election Vladimir Putin will run for the presidency of the United States and will get an overwhelming majority of the popular vote as well as control over the Electoral College.

Yes! This not a joke. In 2020, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will be elected the next President of the United States. I have no doubts about it.

Of course, crazy conspiracy theorists on the left will claim that Putin was not born in the United States, but he will post on his Facebook page a photocopy of a photocopy of his birth certificate, showing that he actually was born in St. Petersburg, Florida. When asked by the press, he will argue that if we had a president who was born in Kenya, it is nothing to be excited about having one born in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Later on, the KGB will produce more documents showing that Putin got a law degree from Yale, where he joined the Skull and Bones secret society, as well as that he taught at Harvard, even though nobody remembers having met him there.

As soon as Putin knows that the has been elected the 46th president of the United States, he will tell the press that he plans to appoint Hitlary Clinton as Secretary of State and Barry Soetoro (a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama) as his National Security Advisor. Marking a big difference from previous administrations, both Republican and Democrats, where no more than 90 percent of cabinet appointees have been CFR members, in the coming Putin administration all of them will be.

A long time ago, Tsun Tzu, a Chinese general who lived in 500 B.C. wrote in his book The Art of War that all warfare is based on deception, and it is known that Putin is an avid reader of the Chinese general. So, in order to destroy America as we know it, the first thing he will do is to create a Soviet-like single political party. Actually, that would not be too difficult, because currently is not easy to distinguish “progressive” Democrats from “conservative” Republicans, particularly since the two factions have become rabidly anti-Trump. So, to make it simple, Putin will get control over the Council on Foreign Relations, change its name to Communists Frantic and Red (CFR) and make it the only official political party of America. All CFR members will love it. From that point on, they will not have to use elected politicians as puppets and will directly control the U.S. government without intermediaries.

Soon after he destroys the two parties, Putin will order the creation of a central bank. He deviously will name it the Federal Reserve Bank, even though it would not be a federal department, but a private corporation controlled by foreign bankers and would have no gold reserves. As soon as he creates it, the new central bank will begin printing worthless pieces of paper and call them Federal Reserve Notes. Some fools will call it “money.”

To top it off, the next thing Putin will do to destroy America is to create an organization to legally steal money from Americans. To do this, he will create a private corporation and call it the Internavsky Revenuskovich Servickaya (IRS). The main goal of this nefarious organization will be to make Americans dirt poor, because a poor population is a lot easier to control than a prosperous one. Of course, the IRS law will have enough loopholes to guarantee that Putin’s oligarchic friends at Apple, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Exxon and other Fortune 100 corporations, will pay very low taxes or no taxes al all.

An important thing that worked fine in the Soviet Union was the total control by the Communist government over the press. So, one of the first things President Putin will do in America is to establish a total control over the Internet, the only still free medium in the U.S., and will close those obnoxious sites publishing anti-government seditious propaganda, such as the site of the guy who claims that 9/11 was an inside job. To stop him, and send a clear message to the rest, Putin will contact his oligarch friends at Apple and Facebook, who will censor him Soviet style.

Communists have always been internationalists, so Putin will push the idea of the need for the creation of a more just, equalitarian New Communist World Order, mentioning it in every speech. To this effect, he will launch a big propaganda campaign through the pages of the New York Pravda and the Washington Izvestia, as well as through the NPR, the traditional organ of American commies, and Democracy Now, the traditional organ of Berkeley’s rabid, progressive commies.

Putin is aware that a key form of political control is population reduction. So, in order to carry out his evil plan to destroy America, he will appoint even more commies to the Supreme Court to join RBG, and they will pass laws approving abortion and sexual aberrations whose only goal is population reduction.

His successful experience in the Soviet Union told Putin that a stupid population is a lot easier to control, so he will create a Department of Education, create thousands of public schools and will sign executive laws for mandatory schooling of American children. As expected, the main role of these public schools, fully under the control of communist extremists and perverts, will not be educating but indoctrinating students into accepting the New Communist World Order.

Moreover, as soon as Putin is elected, colleges and universities will begin implementing their vision of political correctness. From then on, you will have to be very careful of what you say. A wrong word and you will lose your job and become a pariah.

One of Putin’s priorities once he is in the Red House (formerly known as the White House) would be to infiltrate key organizations of the U.S. government, such as the FBI, CIA, NSA and the Pentagon and put them under the control of trusted Communists like himself. To his advantage, he won’t have to infiltrate the State Department because it has been under the control of known communists since the 1930s.

Another thing evil Putin will do is to destroy America’s industrial base by encouraging the oligarchs of industry to outsource jobs to countries where they can pay sweatshop salaries to their workers and where workers’ unions are banned. They will follow Putin’s advice happily, because it will not only help them to make more money but also to hide it from the IRS.

Cardinal in Putin’s plan to destroy America is the creation of a department of public disease — devious Putin will name it Department of Public Health — which not only will benefit Big Med and Big Pharma, but will also guarantee a sick population, fully under the dependency of prescription drugs and incapable of rebelling against totalitarianism.

Following the Roman system of bread and circuses, the Putin administration will encourage Americans to tie themselves to TV screens and cell phones. Soon after he is elected, most Americans will pass half of their time watching the most stupid things on a screen.

Finally, Putin will declare that, as an important step to get rid of America’s outdated, racist, homophobic Constitution, he has signed an executive order turning this country from a Republic into a People’s Democracy. The next day he will sign another executive order canceling the Bill of Rights. After that, Americans will not have any rights whatsoever, only the ones given to them by the government.

So, if you love America as it was, we need to stop evil Putin now, before it is too late. Our freedoms, and perhaps even our lives, depend on it!

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

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Censorship By Internet Corporations Is Still Censorship

The present brouhaha convulsing the Internet over the “banning”, “shadow banning”, “demonetizing”, and “censoring” of various so-called “conservative” or “right-wing” personalities, web sites, and blogs by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and so forth has generated far more uninformed talk than systematic analysis. For the prime example, many observers put forward the simplistic apology that, although “free speech” in a general sense is being curtailed, and particular political, ideological, religious, and other points of view are being discriminated against and penalized, by these “social media” and “search engines”, nevertheless Facebook and the rest are not governmental entities but only private companies which as such have no constitutional or other legal duty to respect any but their own idiosyncratic conceptions of “free speech” (as embodied in the exceedingly vague and plastic “terms of service” and “community standards” in accord with which they police the speech allowed on their “platforms”). “Censorship” by such private corporations, so the argument goes, is not really “censorship” at all. This contention, however, is about as porous as a sieve.

First, as ostensibly private corporations, Facebook and the like surely expect that, were their “terms of service” and “community standards” to be challenged by the persons against whom they are discriminating, the courts of the several States, and perhaps of the United States as well, would uphold and see to the enforcement of those “terms” and “standards” as parts of private contracts. In fact, however, these “terms of service” and “community standards” are quintessential examples of “contracts of adhesion” which, because they evidently allow for (and arguably are intended to facilitate) invidiously discriminatory practices plainly subversive of the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the courts should think more than twice before approving. See Shelley v. Kramer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948).

Second, although perhaps “private corporations” in form (a question to be addressed below), these Internet “platforms” in fact were designed to serve, and now actually function, as “public fora” of the widest scope imaginable—certainly to a far greater degree than even the “company town” involved in the Supreme Court’s decision in Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946), was intended to and did serve as an effective “municipality” for its residents. In Marsh, the Court held that

[w]hether a corporation or a municipality owns or possesses the town the public in either case has an identical interest in the functioning of the community in such manner that the channels of communication remain free. * * * [T]he [company] town * * * does not function differently from any other town. The “business block” serves as the community shopping center and is freely accessible and open to the people in the area and those passing through. The managers appointed by the corporation cannot curtail the liberty of press and religion of these people consistently with the purposes of the Constitutional guarantees [in the First and Fourteenth Amendments] * * * .

Many people in the United States live in company-owned towns. These people, just as residents of municipalities, are free citizens of their State and country. Just as all other free citizens they must make decisions which affect the welfare of community and nation. To act as good citizens they must be informed. In order to enable them to be properly informed their information must be uncensored. There is no more reason for depriving these people of the liberties guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments than there is for curtailing these freedoms with respect to any other citizen.

* * * [T]he circumstance that the property rights to the premises where the deprivation of liberty * * * took place[ ] were held by others than the public, is not sufficient to justify the State’s permitting a corporation to govern a community of citizens so as to restrict their fundamental liberties and the enforcement of such restraint by the application of a state statute. [326 U.S. at 507-509 (footnotes omitted).]

In principle, the “public fora” established by Facebook et alia are no different from other “public fora”, including those in “company towns”. (It could even be said that the denizens of Facebook and Twitter, for instance, live in electronic “company towns” distinguishable from old-fashioned “company towns” only with respect to their absence of geographic borders.) In practice, though, “public fora” on the Internet are much more extensive in scope and intensive in use by the general public than any “public fora” in existence heretofore. Indeed, far more people use, and even rely for personal and other purposes on, Facebook and other Internet “platforms” than now live, or have ever lived, in “company towns” in this country. And in attempting to enforce their “terms of service” and “community standards” in aid of invidious discrimination, Facebook and the like will doubtlessly invoke on their behalf State laws, or even the laws of the United States, which apply to “corporations” and “contracts”. So it would seem that the principles invoked in Marsh squarely apply to them.

Third, the excuse put forward by Facebook et alia for their discriminatory practices is that their “terms of service” and “community standards” are aimed only at so-called “hate speech”, “offensive speech”, “fake news”, and “conspiracy theories”. Perhaps it is enough to point out that neither Mr. Zuckerberg of Facebook nor any other guru in the “tech community” has a plausible, let alone a legitimate, claim to set himself up as the arbiter of what constitutes “goodspeaking” or “goodthinking” (in the Orwellian sense). After all, Mr. Zuckerberg’s “expertise” (such as it may be) relates to the arcana of computer codes, not to the code of laws which define “free speech”.

More specifically, terminology such as “hate speech” and “offensive speech” has no basis anywhere within the corpus of constitutional law, least of all with respect to the First and Fourteenth Amendments. See, e.g., Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1 (1949), and Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971). Simply put, the enjoyment of one’s constitutional rights—of any sort—cannot be made to turn on the invocation of tendentious labels. See, e.g., Craig v. Missouri, 29 U.S. (4 Peters) 410, 433 (1830); NAACP v. Button, 371 U.S. 415, 429 (1963); New York Times Company v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 268-269 & notes 7 to 12 (1964); Bigelow v. Virginia, 421 U.S. 809, 826 (1975); City of Madison, Joint School District No. 8 v. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission, 429 U.S. 167, 173-174 & note 5 (1976).

Fourth, Facebook and other Internet “platforms” have grown into abusive corporate monopolies, which should be curtailed with respect to all of their excesses for that reason alone, under the antitrust laws. After all, much of what flows through the Internet under the auspices of these “platforms” is “interstate commerce” or undoubtedly “affects interstate commerce”, some of which “commerce” the “platforms” are openly attempting to suppress. And as the Supreme Court explained by way of analogy in Marsh,

[s]ince these facilities are built and operated primarily to the benefit of the public and since their operation is essentially a public function, it is subject to state regulation. And * * * such regulation may not result in an operation of these facilities, even by privately owned companies, which unconstitutionally interferes with and discriminates against interstate commerce. [326 U.S. at 506 (footnote omitted).]

Fifth, the question arises: Why is the government of the United States not applying the antitrust laws to break up these obnoxious Internet monopolies? Besides tried and true explanations bottomed on the insouciance, incompetence, or venality of public officials, two plausible answers come to mind—

(1) Certain dark forces within the General Government want to present to the public the monopolistic character of Facebook and other Internet “platforms” as a “problem” for which the “solution” will be artfully crafted “regulation”. Not “regulation” in honest aid of untrammeled free speech, to be sure; but “regulation” which will enable those forces to employ those “platforms” to suppress indirectly, through ostensibly “private” action, speech which certain public officials disfavor but dare not suppress directly. Presumably, the “platforms” will actually welcome such “regulation”, because (as their present misconduct evidences) they are equally desirous of and intent upon suppressing such speech. “Regulation” will simply protect and perpetuate their anti-constitutional activities under the deceptive color of law—with credulous Americans lulled into acquiescence by the fairy tale that “regulation” has magically transformed vicious monopolies once controlled by self-serving corporate executives into virtuous “public/private partnerships” newly controlled by no less self-serving bureaucrats acting in league with no less self-serving corporate executives.

(2) The even more disturbing explanation for public officials’ reluctance to enforce the antitrust laws against the big Internet “platforms” is that those “platforms” never were, and are not now, really “private” endeavors at all. Rather, as many informed people believe with more than probable cause, they were originally inspired, invented, initiated, infused with capital, or otherwise encouraged and aided by the CIA, DARPA, or other entities lurking within the shadows of the Deep State. The goal (which evidently has succeeded) was to set up ostensibly “private” companies as surreptitious agents or allies of the Deep State for the dissemination of propaganda, for political and cultural subversion, for thoroughgoing surveillance of the population—and ultimately for the regimentation of common Americans’ minds at such a depressed  level of triviality, infantilism, and even stupefaction that it would become virtually impossible for them to function as informed, competent citizens within the “Republican Form of Government” which Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution guarantees. One may recall that, when asked what sort of government the Federal Convention of 1787 proposed, Benjamin Franklin responded: “A republic, if you can keep it.” No one can expect to “keep” a “republic” in existence for very long, though, if such as Facebook and Twitter significantly affect, let alone determine, the quality of public discourse.

In sum, there can be no question that “censorship”—in the constitutional sense of that term—is at work on the Internet.  And the Internet giants cannot shelter behind the flimsy façades

of their “corporate” charters. Honest and competent public officials, intent on serving the public interest, could bring this situation under control. Whether such officials exist in sufficient numbers to do the job remains to be seen.

© 2018 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

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Death Panels Alive And Well

After researching all that was behind this diabolical Marxist plan, I wrote an article showing the deception of this bill that nobody in government would even see or read before jamming it through. And this was deliberate. This story was published on May 6, 2013, Here is the link.
It is suggested that you read this first (above) before my current story since it shows how this was really pushed on the people by Obama, then later the shocking outcome.

While these 2013 revelations may seem prophetic, I am not a prophet but simply analyzed what was taking place at that time with the deadly Obamacare hoax becoming law with nobody seeing the bill or knowing what was in it. 

Who can forget Nancy Pelosi stating to the committees: “Just sign the bill, then you can see what’s in it.” Yep, that’s how they do it in D.C. They did, and the likely outcome was verified.  

Who can forget that horrible decision in the U.K. when children Charlie Gard and little Alfie Evans were disconnected from life giving machines, even though other doctors and medical professionals disagreed that ‘they had no chance of living.’ However, the death panels had spoken.

In the Netherlands, euthanasia has been legal since 2002, and there have been a whole slew of problems ever since.  In one recent case in the Netherlands involving an elderly woman who had dementia – she realized that the doctor was trying to kill her, so she put up such a fight that the family forcibly held her down, and then the doctor proceeded to kill her with a lethal injection.
This woman did NOT want to die, so her own family held her down as she was given the fatal injection.  This is MURDER!

Judges have ruled that doctors should be able to withdraw food and fluids without going to court. Let’s put this in proper perspective. This is deliberately starving people to death. It is a horrible death that slowly kills the patient by dehydration and starving within two or three long weeks. Here is what happens to them:

They get dizzy, their stomachs cramp until every move hurts, then stabbing sensations in the colon area. They are left with a painful emptiness in their stomachs. Their mouths and throats become dry because of no water to drink. They get to the point that no position is comfortable.  This is barbaric!

Who can forget the story of Terri Schiavo, who had lain in bed for 13 years, severely brain-damaged caused by her husband Michael who, it was reported, regularly beat her severely.  She had been abused by her husband throughout their marriage. and was beaten so severely by him that she received brain damage, was fed by a tube and unable to communicate with the outside world. 

The ordeal began. During the following days a national uproar came about regarding Terri’s case. There were petitions, one had 180,000 signatures, this writer tried to intervene but it was hopeless. The system had long before made up it’s mind.

After 14 grueling, painful torturous days, Terri Schiavo died. Her husband Michael was free to do whatever he wanted and with whomever he wanted.

It is to be said that Governor Jeb Bush did all he could to prevent the starvation murder of Terri Shiavo.

This must never happen again.  We are better than this. It all started with theimplementation of Obamacare. Now the insurance company controlled things. The more patients who were cared for, the more money it cost them. So to save millions of dollars,euthanasia was created to get rid of patients requiring further treatment. 

That’s the story, plain and simple. It is all about…money, the love of which is the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10. A word to the wise is sufficient…hopefully.

Meanwhile, the death panels are alive and well–UNTIL they are stopped.

Photo Caption: Terri Shiavo Victim of Early Death Panel

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Journalists’ Jihad

I’m writing this a few days in advance of an event scheduled for today, August 16, so I don’t know how it’s going to play out. This is the day chosen by The Boston Globe to launch “a coordinated editorial attack” on the president of the United States. As if they haven’t been doing that all along, every night, every day, since Election Night 2016. And not only the newspapers—who’s still reading them?—but also all the talking heads on the cable nooze shows, Hollywood, our glorious colleges and looniversities: if they’ve ever taken a day off from attacking Donald Trump, I missed it.

As of today, Monday, the Glob claimed to have “100-plus” newspapers lined up for this project. They’re beside themselves with wrath because Donald Trump won’t just sit there and take it, like George W. Bush did: Trump hits back. This they call a “war on the free press,” our “free and independent press.”

What bunk.

As incredible as it seems, there are still scattered individuals who believe the nooze media report news. They are appalled that the president would call these journalistic charades fake news.

It’s not that the noozies habitually publish ridiculous lies that can be exposed by anybody in a matter of seconds, although they do attempt that sometimes. They prefer whopping big lies.

They slavishly toe the line for “transgender,” taking every opportunity to call a mutilated man a “woman” and a girl whose publicity-hungry parents subject her to puberty blockers a “boy.” That’s a big lie, and they know it. But it serves their agenda for a “fundamental transformation” of America into God knows what, so they never miss a chance to speak it.

Other mammoth falsehoods they tweak to make them appear to be true: like Man-Made Climate Change, “97% of scientists believe in it,” we’re all gonna die unless we give government fantastic new powers to interfere in our daily lives, and lots more money, blah-blah. To many in the audience, this could conceivably be true—I mean, would “scientists” lie? Yes, of course they would, but never mind—it’s always desirable to grow the government.

Other stories, our free and independent press either underplays or else ignores. This past weekend in the Washington, D.C., metro area, a couple thousand Far Left kooks—they had a banner that said “It Takes a Bullet to Smash a Fash,” meaning “fascist,” meaning anyone who’s not them—attacked two dozen self-proclaimed “white supremacists,” attacked police, and might have trashed the whole neighborhood if a heavy rainstorm hadn’t broken it up. Our free and independent press was absent.

If there were no alternative media, if we had only our free and independent mainstream press to keep us informed, we would know nothing at all.

In all my life I’ve never seen anything like the way the nooze media have waged war on a duly elected president. How many guesses would you need, to guess what would have happened if, say, Matt Drudge or even Fox News called for a “coordinated editorial attack” on our last president, ol’ *Batteries Not Included? “Racists! Biggit, biggit! Haters!” You could hear it from a spaceship in the Oort Cloud.

They do it because they’re a mutual admiration society of Far Left loons who were going to shove Hillary Clinton down our throats as the next president, to finish what Obama started. They were so close to their goal, they could taste it. Fundamental transformation, baby. Venezuela North. With themselves in charge of it, forever.

And then those pesky American voters snatched it away from them.

They can’t live with this. And they don’t intend to. They mean to drive this president from office, silence all dissent, and outlaw every body of opinion but their own. They’re leftists, and that’s what leftists are.

And that’s why we don’t love them anymore.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Truth Decay

There is not enough dental floss or toothpaste left in the world to rescue the American church from its severe battle with truth decay.

I often hear people talk about how crazy things have become in the world and my friends often laugh at the snowflakes that we see whining on television.  But what we see on the streets of America is nothing more than the consequences of the truth decay so prevalent in America’s churches.

The salt has truly lost it’s savor.  That is what Jesus warned us about during his sermon on the mount.  That unless the church held fast to the reigns of Biblical morality the impending results would be a good for nothing form of Christianity.

Look around you and you see the impact of this truth decay everywhere you look.

Jesus commanded us to be “the salt of the earth.”  In some of His final thoughts before leaving this earth He charged His followers with both a commission and a commandment.  Being a Christian was, and still is, so much more than “accepting Christ” and “going to heaven.”

“Go into all of the world”, I paraphrase him in Matthew 24, “and teach them all things that I have commanded you.”   “Go” is the commandment and “teach” is the commission.  The American church has not done a very good job of either one.

In fact, the exact opposite has happened.  As Christians have remained glued to the pews the world has crept into the sanctuary and has replaced the Truth of God’s Word with a lie.  The world has become the salt of the church.  The church has become so worldly and the world so churchy that it is often hard to tell the difference between the two.

Truth decay has taken the bite out of God’s Word.  That is why our shirts have become so popular.  Some of us still realize that “The Truth sounds like Hate to those who Hate the Truth!! (You can get one here.)

As America becomes more and more secular the church has become less and less effective.  In a desire to be relevant and accepted the church has adopted the ways of the world.  Instead of the church going into the world, the world has flooded into the church.

Truth is not an opinion.  Truth is based on facts.  Despite what you may have been taught in your local indoctrination center, something is not true simply because one believes that it is.  So much of what is being taught in our schools and in our news today simply is not true.  Truth does not have two sides to it.  Truth is not “fair and balanced.”  Truth does not have a political label.  Truth stands alone.

I am not sure whether truth decay leads to laryngitis or whether laryngitis leads to truth decay but no matter how you slice it the silence of the church has lead to this decomposing of society.

Here are just a few cavities.

For example in Kansas City public schools Boys and girls will share the same restrooms  and the churches are defining silent.

Abortion is murder.  It is not a “choice.   A baby is not part of a woman’s body.  Fifty percent of the babies in a woman’s womb have male attachments; they all have their own separate DNA and blood type.  Given time and food the “fetus” will grow into a full-fledged human being.  Why doesn’t the church rise up and stop it?  Truth decay.

There is no such thing as a transsexual.  Bruce Jenner will always be Bruce Jenner no matter what he has wacked off and regardless of the makeup he puts on.  If they were to exhume his remains 500 years from now and run a DNA test he will be categorized as a female by the intrepid scientist who does the tests.  Bruce Jenner is, and always will be, a man.  Why does the church accept such foolishness?  Truth decay.

Men cannot “marry” Men.  The term “marry” comes from the word “marriage” which is defined as “the act of uniting a man and a woman for life.”  It is actually a synonym for the word “matrimony” which can be translated in Latin to Matri (mother) mony (to make)…hence matrimony is the act of granting a woman the right to be a mother.  Holy Matrimony is what the church used to call it.  It was God’s idea.  It came from the Scriptures.  Two men can never consummate a marriage. Why are so many churches compromising on this simple fact?  Truth decay.

God hates all sin.  He sent His son to die in order to destroy it.  God is not OK with sin.  He is not OK with sinners.  Not everyone goes to heaven.  Hell is real and many are on headed there.  No matter what the world tells you it is important not to do some things simply because “it feels good” to do so.  The Scriptures tell us that God, who is love, “is angry with the wicked every day.”  We are warned that God “hates all workers of iniquity,” and that those whose names are not written in the book of life shall be “cast into the lake of fire.”  If you are living your Best Life Now you be in a heap of trouble!!  Truth decay.

God is VERY intolerant, (He says He is the ONLY way), He loves judgment, and we are warned to “flee immorality.”  In fact, John 3 teaches that “apart from Christ the WRATH of God abides” on the sinner.

If God loves the sinner but hates the sin could you please answer one simple question for me?  Is it the sin or the sinner that gets thrown into the Lake of Fire?

If you don’t mind me borrowing from the Doobie Brothers…Jesus is not just all right with you.

In ain’t merely Fake News.  It’s Truth decay.  And it is deadly.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Should “In God We Trust” Return To Public Life And Be Backed By Law?

On July 30, 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower signed legislation establishing, “In God We Trust,” as America’s national motto in 36 US Code 302.

According to Fox News, public school officials in Alabama are looking to put God back into their schools through displays of the national motto.

Florida State Rep. David Standridge sponsored the original legislation that gives public bodies the right to display the “In God We Trust” motto. Six state legislatures passed laws mandating that every public school prominently display the U.S. motto, “In God We Trust.” Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and Tennessee. Minnesota passed a law allowing, but not mandating, that public schools post the motto, and North Carolina law requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue optional “In God We Trust” license plates.

Although this legislation is perfectly realistic, practical, and indisputable, there are some in our country like the obscure Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFR) who feel, “It’s a tsunami of Christian national laws in our country right now…With the Republicans in charge of Congress and so many of these states, we are seeing a constant push for theocracy.”

This of course is absurd. A theocratic government, as so many Islamic nations mimic, forces conversion to their religion. While American Government can most definitely enforce the moral conduct laws that God has clearly defined – because God is the Author of Law – Government cannot take from a non-religious man the rights that Nature’s God has granted so long as his behavior stays in line with the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.  When a man breaks a moral law, he forfeits the liberty that law protects.

There are many reasons that America has long been seen as such an exceptional nation — but those reasons are tied to the religious beliefs and the moral principles of the people that established America.

In his Farewell Address, George Washington believed it was appropriate to recognize these religious beliefs and moral principles, claiming;

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of man and citizens.”

Please understand, while the purpose of Government is not to make a man a Christian, it is to penalize by statute and justice those who seek to inflict violence upon the liberties God has given to man. Government, like a schoolmaster, is to guide a man to the love of the God who gave rights, and who jealously guards those rights with an impenetrable wall of Law.

Government exalts Law because it was given authority from God, and it (government) is a servant of God that will benefit mankind.  If Government were to separate itself from the God who ordained it, it will corrupt, for no man has another man’s interest in mind without the moral constraints given by the God who redeemed mankind.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Who Speaks For The Forgotten And Ignored Generation?

“We live in a youth-obsessed culture that is constantly trying to tell us that if we are not young, and we’re not glowing, and we’re not hot, that we don’t matter.  I refuse to let a system or a culture or a distorted view of reality tell me that I don’t matter.  I know that only by owning who and what you are can you start to step into the fullness of life.  Every year should be teaching us all something valuable.  Whether you get the lesson is really up to you.”  —Oprah Winfrey

Back in September of 2013, we penned an article entitled, “What Happens When the Wise Ones Are Gone?”  In the article we wrote:

“After decades of government handouts and the brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in the public school system, the younger generation does not possess the same point of reference on the principles of liberty as do those of us in our 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. There are only a few tens of thousands who remember the trials of the Great Depression and many of us were young children or infants during the Second World War.  Still, the nanny state had not yet intruded into our daily lives, as it has recently.”

“Every single human being develops beliefs and opinions based on their accumulated experiences and knowledge and other influences from a variety of sources, gleaned over the years of their lifetime. Sometimes those beliefs and opinions evolve into new beliefs as they accumulate new information. Sometimes the beliefs become firm and fixed no matter what new information comes their way. As a general rule, our political beliefs are heavily influenced by what our parents believe and the actions they took, or are now taking, in furtherance of those beliefs.”  As the population ages and the older generation begins to die off, the general beliefs and opinions of that generation die off with them and those general beliefs and opinions of that generation are replaced by the emerging generation. That is why President Reagan said: ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.‘”

The question is, “…. who will be the soldiers to save America, the young, or the old?”  Right now it is the older ones with wisdom that “see” the true realities and have a broad point of reference from which their wisdom springs.  The younger ones aren’t there yet and may never get there at the current rate of government indoctrination, brainwashing, propaganda and “free” handouts.

If you are under 60, most of the following will have no meaning for you.  If you are 65 or older, you will know exactly what we are talking about.

America’s aging population remembers a different kind of freedom than the younger generation believes in today.  But that older generation is dying off.  And as they pass on, they take with them the wisdom of those many years they have lived.  If they have not passed that wisdom onto their children and grandchildren, it is lost forever, except maybe as a footnote in some obscure, yellowing-paged history book, or a personal diary that few ever see.  Who speaks for them?  Who carries on their experiences, knowledge and wisdom?

Sadly, before they pass on, they face the trials of an aging body and mind and it’s no picnic.  The plumbing doesn’t work as good any more.  Their stomachs can’t take a wide variety of foods as they used to.  The ligaments that separate the bones at their joints are almost gone.  Arthritis settles into their bones and joints and they ache, or are extremely sensitive to the touch.  They are now more susceptible to the diseases of aging, such as cancer and heart, lung, bone, blood and nerve disorders.  They have to take more pills to stay alive.  More visits to the doctor or the hospital become a requirement.  Health costs go up.  Social Security and Medicare are on their lips almost every day.  Their bodies slow down, muscle mass turns to fat and they tire easily.  Naps are not a luxury any more they are a necessity.  Mental capacity becomes a factor and memory recall is more difficult.  Kids and grandkids don’t come around as much any more and friends and older relatives are leaving this earth behind.  Spouses die, leaving the surviving spouse lonely, anxious, despondent and many times with declining income.  Instead of going to dances, the older generation is going to funerals.  Life gets more complicated and new technology becomes more of a challenge.

Older Americans wish for the simple days after World War 2 when the clarity of issues was more distinct and less controversial.  There were only two genders.  Marriage was between a man and woman.  Abortions were an abomination to nature and God.  Movies came without swearing, or excessive sex and violence.  Children respected their elders and discipline was an integral part of parenting.

Teachers taught reading, writing and arithmetic, not all this psychological mumbo-gumbo being offered today that confuses children, creates gender identification difficulties and brings them unnecessary anxiety.  Teachers also took no guff from the kids and reasonable discipline was part of teaching.  We remember a shop teacher that kept a wooden paddle with holes in it at his desk.  It was designed for those kids who thought they had more authority than the teacher.  Now, if he paddled a student, he’d go to jail.

During those earlier times, there was no question that freedom, liberty and unalienable rights were defined and codified into law by the U. S. Constitution.  There were three branches of government that were supposed to help keep political corruption from rising.  The bureaucracy new its place and was not an un-elected fourth branch of government with political influence greater than the legislators, or voters.

The news media attempted to be objective when reporting political news.  Academia had yet to become a one size fits all politically correct, ultra-liberal higher education.  Thousands weren’t dying from opioid overdoses and illegal immigrants weren’t streaming across our borders by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, every year.  There was no terror threat in our cities and there were no TSA inspectors at our airports.  We didn’t even lock our doors.  Many times we left the keys in the car.  Our young girls were safe on the streets.  No one was protesting in the streets to repeal ICE.  Conservatives still had a voice in the main stream.  And just about everyone could understand the words in popular music from crooners like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, Bing Crosby, Andy Williams, Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole and Pat Boone.

Is it any wonder that millions of senior citizens are frustrated and fear for their country, a country that has turned away from the principles of freedom, independence and self-reliance and is now headed for cultural and financial destruction at the evil hands of socialism?

Nevertheless, some seniors face advancing age and our deteriorating political climate with as much grace and dignity that they can muster.  They try to eat more healthy foods and exercise as much as they can.  They stay in contact with old friends and work to make new friends.  They get involved with groups and stay mentally and physically active.  In contrast, still others find aging and America’s fast moving pace and rapidly advancing technology a real chore.  Many more fall behind and don’t care.

Older American’s future has been shortened by advancing years and it’s difficult for them to look ahead.  So instead, they tend to sustain themselves and their sanity by looking back at memories of children and grandchildren.  They focus on the good times, not the bad.

Those older memories are the substance of their wisdom and give them a wide variety of issues for conversations with those of the same age.  The worst nightmare senior’s face is a devastating house fire that erases all the evidence of those memories, as is happening in the wildfires all over the West this year.

Unfortunately, new technology is giving millions of seniors a perpetual headache.  They want to be part of the high tech scene and stay in touch with their friends and relatives with photographs, e-mail and “texting,” but slowly reducing mental capacity and unfamiliarity with high tech terms and processes holds them back and raises their anxiety and embarrassment.   Many seniors simply shrug it off and say, “it’s not for meWho needs it anyway?

But what if older Americans had a resource they could go to that would help them not only with high tech, but would allow them to share and preserve those older memories, through pictures and stories?  What if there was a venue to which “Old Timers” could find information on aging, end of life, self-healing, medical miracles, social security and Medicare?  What if there was a place they could post a story of a lost loved one?  What if older American veterans could share their experiences they had in war, or even special peacetime stories?  What if seniors could receive a monthly newsletter filled with information that is 100% relevant to those over 65 …..without all the advertising that comes in some senior magazines?

Who speaks for our senior citizens?  Who carries on their experiences, memories, knowledge and wisdom?  We do in a simple to use, easy to read, large-print website entitled, “Old Timer’s Resisting High Tech.”  (click on the link)  If you are an “Old Timer” that has had difficulty adapting to all the new electronic devices, or just wants to share those memories and photographs of your life, we encourage you to log onto our website.  It was created by an “octogenarian” (over 80) with you in mind by someone who knows and has experienced what you are going through.  This is your website to use for your own enrichment, even if you ARE a senior wiz at high tech.  If you like it, share it with your older friends and relatives.  If you are under 65, share our website with your parents or grandparents.  They will be glad you did.

It is often said that life is short but when you are over 65, life is even shorter.  Fill it with as much positive information, experiences, education and good memories that you can.  In your case, time is truly of the essence.

If you are over 65, 75, or 85, let us know what you THINK.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Why Is The Media Diverting Your Attention From The 35 Known Jihadi Camps In America?

It was reported last week on The Sons of Liberty Media by Mac Slavo:

“Eleven children were rescued from a compound in New Mexico, which was being run by armed Muslim extremists.  Authorities found all the children living in deplorable living conditions after raiding the property looking specifically for a three-year-old boy. It is also being reported that they were training children up for school shootings.”

A Muslim military camp heavily armed in New Mexico?  Training up children to go into schools and shoot them up?  Yes, you heard that right, in America (Deuteronomy 28:50).

They are bringing their culture with them into this country.  These Muslims are not looking for help.  They are here to terrorize, and they are looking to conquer.

[YouTube Video]

But what are you being told by the media?  You are being told that they are contributing to society. Really? Let’s take a look at Muslims from the east who are plundering countries that they are entering.

  • Denmark: 450% more crimes committed by Muslims then non-Muslims.
  • Germany: Muslim migrants committed 142, 500 crimes in 6 months. This is 780 every day.
  • Sweden: 480,000 sexual assaults in one year. 77% of all rapes by less than 2% Muslim.
  • England & Wales: Over 56% of Syrian refugees committed severe crimes in less than 1 year etc.
  • Belgium: 35% of prison population is Muslim who make up only 6% of the population.
  • UK: Muslims fill 44% of high security prisons, out of a 5% population.
  • USA: 91.4 % Muslim refugees are on food stamps, 68.3 % on cash welfare.

Muslim migration has doubled in the decade since 9/11 and 60% of migrants to America favor Sharia law (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).

All that one has to do is look to Germany, Sweden, France, or to the U.K. to see what is happening concerning the Muslim invasions and overthrow of these countries.  Again, these Muslims are not coming into to these countries to assimilate, they are there to conquer, and it is exactly what they are doing (Matthew 7:16).  This is happening incrementally and Scripturally, it is called a siege.

Do remember that this is happening with the help of the silent churches, the apathetic congregants that refuse to obey God, corrupt politicians, and the CIA-controlled media worldwide (Deuteronomy 28:43).

“And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.” (Deuteronomy 28:63)

Now, I have to say America, that while most of you are beating up on the Democrats (As if to suggest that there is any difference between them and the Republicans) as being a bunch of idiots, I would have you know that the idiots are those that let them do the things that they are unlawfully doing, and that on a daily basis (Psalm 94:20). They know the crimes that they are committing, so do not play their fools. Your representatives are the ones responsible for alluring these Muslims into America and all on the taxpayer’s dime.  And it is the media that is using fear tactics by magnifying the crimes of ISIS and ISIL to paralyze you.

[YouTube Video]

To further prove all of this, let’s look to the 35 jihadi training camps right here in America that are all being ignored.

[YouTube Video]

While most are asleep (Matthew 13:25) and diverted, Americans are taking their time and energy to lavish praises upon the current president, who has done nothing in opposition to the immigration as to what is being highlighted here.  In other words, the agenda goes forward regardless of who occupies the people’s White House.

Take a look.

[YouTube Video]

Back in 2009, post 9/11, the above report on the jihadi training camps and the one below came out. However, I am not hearing anyone in the corporate-run media raising any flags on this.  Why? Only you can answer that.

[YouTube Video]

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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New DNC Losers’ Excuse: Russians Are To Blame For Democratic Party Defeats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“There’s only one problem with [the Democratic Party’s] excuse: why would the Russians favor a political party that’s hawkish on the Russians, Chinese, and Islamic radicals? If anything, the Russians should be assisting the Democrats, who are neo-Marxists or socialists and who behave as if stupidity is a virtue,” —said Det. Iris Aquino.

Democratic candidates throughout the United States are now trying their own hands at blaming the Russians for losing their political races last Tuesday, according to former law enforcement chief and political consultant Sidney Franes.

“The media have placed the Democrats in a pickle: they informed Americans a ‘blue wave’ of Democratic Party victories will rescue their party and help to remove or at least neutralize President [Donald Trump] before he piles up more successes,” notes Franes. “While every Trump success appears to be a blessing to the real Americans — the ones who do the working, spending, taxpaying, living and dying in the USA) — to the progressives and Marxists see defeat for their ambitions to run the American people like taxpaying cattle,” —added Franes.

The latest Democrat, but most probably far from the last, Florida’s longtime lawmaker Sen Bill Nelson claims that members of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee told him in confidence that Russian cyber spies and hackers had interfered with local Florida voting last Tuesday.

If the Senator isn’t indulging in mendacity, then the intelligence committee knows something that the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t known since DHS officials say there is no evidence of voting machine hacking or any attempts at infiltrating the Florida election by Russians or any other nation.

“The news media are chomping at the bit over the idea that the Russians are proving they’re opposed to the Democrats and wish Republicans to be victorious this November,” said Iris Aquino, a retired undercover detective from New York. “There’s only one problem with their excuse: why would the Russians favor a political party that’s hawkish on the Russians, Chinese, and Islamic radicals? If anything, the Russians should be assisting the Democrats, who are neo-Marxists or socialists and who behave as if stupidity is a virtue,” —said Det. Aquino.

Despite the lack of proof of Russian hacking, Nelson told the Tampa Bay Times, “We were requested by the chairman and vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee to let the supervisors of elections in Florida know that the Russians are in their records.”

Nelson added, “They have already penetrated certain counties in the state and they now have free rein to move about.

Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Sara Sendek said that her department was not aware of any breaches in Florida.

“While we are aware of Senator Nelson’s recent statements, we have not seen any new compromises by Russian actors of election infrastructure,” Sendek told news outlets.

“Talk about calling Nelson’s bluff. And they did it in a way that they were giving the impression that they were giving his accusations credence and putting it to the committee and the DHS to confirm or deny and let them be the ones to call Nelson a liar,” —said political analyst Steven Ahle.

South Florida election chiefs said Thursday they have no reason to believe their voter registration rolls have been compromised by hackers, despite comments from Sen. Bill Nelson that Russians have gained access to some Florida counties’ systems.

Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes said she has not received any special alerts from Nelson or the federal government.

“We have had absolutely no information regarding that,” she said Thursday. “We have not seen anything with our system that something strange is going on.”

State officials also say they have no information to support Nelson’s claim.

Sen. Nelson, the ranking member of the cyber subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday that Russian operatives have penetrated some of the state’s election systems ahead of this year’s midterms.

But several cyber-security experts believe Nelson and other Democrats will play the same game that Hillary Clinton and the Deep State Democrats played after her defeat by Trump: they will demand a special counsel and spend millions of dollars on a wild-goose-chase.

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States Determine Qualifications For Voting And Procedures For Registration, And Only Citizens May Vote

1. Summary

The federal government is usurping the powers of the States, expressly retained by Art. I, §2, cl. 1, US Constitution, to determine qualifications for voting.  And by perverting Art. I, §4, cl. 1, it is also usurping the States’ reserved power to determine procedures for registration of voters.

Consistent with Principles of Republican Government, every State in this Union has restricted voting to Citizens.[1] But on October 26, 2010 in Gonzales v. Arizona, a three judge panel on the US Circuit Court of Appeals (9th Cir.) construed the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) and asserted that Arizona has no right to require applicants for voter registration to provide proof of citizenship.  I wrote about it at the time HERE. On rehearing, the en banc Court of Appeals agreed with the panel; and on June 17, 2013, in Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., the Supreme Court affirmed.

A few months thereafter, California passed a law which permits illegal aliens to get drivers’ licenses; and during 2015, consistent with the unconstitutional NVRA, passed “Motor Voter” providing that when one gets a drivers’ license, one is automatically registered to vote.[2]

The federal government is unlawfully mandating that illegal aliens be allowed to vote in our elections.

2. The Concept of “Citizenship”

Emer de Vattel’s The Law of Nations was a Godsend to our Framing Generation because it provided the new concepts our Framers needed to transform us from subjects of a Monarchy to Citizens of a Republic.[3]  Book I, Ch. XIX, defines “citizens”, “inhabitants” and “naturalization”:

  • “Citizens” are the members of the civil society who are bound to it by certain duties, subject to its authority, participate in its advantages and in the rights of citizens [§212].
  • “Inhabitants” are foreigners who are permitted to settle in the country and are subject to its laws, but do not participate in all the rights of citizens [§213].
  • “Naturalization” is the process whereby the country grants to a foreigner the quality of citizen, by admitting him into the body of the political society [§214].

So “citizens” have civic advantages and political rights which are not extended to “inhabitants” – and certainly not to aliens who have unlawfully entered a country.[4]

Accordingly, our Constitution permits only Citizens to serve in Congress (Art. I, §2, cl. 2 & §3, cl. 3); the President must be a “natural born Citizen” (Art. II, §1, cl. 5); Article IV, §2, cl. 1 & §1 of the 14th Amendment refer to the “privileges and immunities of citizens”; and the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th Amendments[5] refer to voting by “Citizens”.

3. The Federalist Papers show that voting is a privilege of Citizens alone

The slaves in America were “inhabitants”, not “citizens”.  They weren’t allowed to vote.  Federalist No. 54 (5th para from bottom) tells us:

“…The qualifications on which the right of suffrage depend are not…the same… [in the several States].  In some of the States the difference is very material.  In every State, a certain proportion of inhabitants are deprived of this right by the constitution of the State, who will be included in the census by which the federal Constitution apportions the representatives… the Southern States might… [insist]…that the slaves, as inhabitants, should have been admitted into the census according to their full number, in like manner with other inhabitants, who, by the policy of other States, are not admitted to all the rights of citizens…” [boldface added] [6]

In Federalist No. 60 (1st, 2nd and last paras), Hamilton speaks of the “fundamental privilege” of citizens to vote, and that citizens who are conscious and tenacious of their rights would flock to the places of election to overthrow tyrants.  In Federalist No. 61 (2nd para), Hamilton speaks of “the suffrages of the citizens”, and of voting as an “invaluable privilege”.

Over and over, The Federalist Papers show that voting is restricted to citizens:

“In republics, persons elevated from the mass of the community, by the suffragees of their fellow-citizens, to stations of great pre-eminence and power…” (No. 22, 6th para from bottom) [boldface added]

“If we consider the situation of the men on whom the free suffrages of their fellow-citizens may confer the representative trust, we shall find it involving every security which can be devised or desired for their fidelity to their constituents (No. 57, 7th para) *** “… that each representative of the United States will be elected by five or six thousand citizens…”  (No. 57, 7th para from bottom) [boldface added]

“There is a peculiarity in the federal Constitution which insures a watchful attention in a majority both of the people and of their representatives to a constitutional augmentation of the latter. The peculiarity lies in this, that one branch of the legislature is a representation of citizens, the other of the States…” (No. 58 at 3.) [boldface added]

“…A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations …”  No. 68 (3rd para) [boldface added]

4. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary shows our Founding Generation saw voting as restricted to citizens

Suffrage is:

“1. A vote; a voice given in deciding a controverted question, or in the choice of a man for an office or trust. Nothing can be more grateful to a good man than to be elevated to office by the unbiased suffrages of free enlightened citizens.”

Citizen is:

“5. In the United States, a person, native[7] or naturalized, who has the privilege of exercising the elective franchise…”

Franchise is:

“1.  … the right to vote for governor, senators and representatives, is a franchise belonging to citizens, and not enjoyed by aliens…”

Inhabitants and aliens may not vote unless they become naturalized citizens and meet whatever additional qualifications for voting are set forth in the State Constitution. Naturalization is:

“The act of investing an alien with the rights and privileges of a native subject or citizen. naturalization in Great Britain is only by act of parliament. In the United States, it is by act of Congress,[8] vesting certain tribunals with the power.”

5. State Constitutions set forth the Qualifications for Voting

When we operated under the Articles of Confederation (our first federal Constitution),[9] the States determined the qualifications for voting in state and local elections and in elections to the Continental Congress.  These qualifications were set forth in the State Constitutions, and varied from State to State.

In our federal Constitution of 1787, the States expressly retained (at Art. I, §2, cl.1) their pre-existing power to determine the qualifications of voters; and ordained that those whom they determined were qualified to vote in elections to their State House of Representatives would thereby be qualified to vote for their federal Representatives to Congress.

Our Framers specifically rejected the idea that the new Congress or the State Legislatures would determine who was eligible to vote.  Instead, only The People of each State were competent to define the right of suffrage for their State, and their definition was enshrined in their State Constitution.  In Federalist No. 52 (2nd para), James Madison tells us:

“…The definition of the right of suffrage is very justly regarded as a fundamental article of republican government.[10] It was incumbent on the convention, therefore, to define and establish this right in the Constitution. To have left it open for the occasional regulation of the Congress, would have been improper … To have submitted it to the legislative discretion of the States, would have been improper … To have reduced the different qualifications in the different States to one uniform rule, would probably have been as dissatisfactory to some of the States as it would have been difficult to the convention. The provision made by the convention … must be satisfactory to every State, because it is conformable to the standard already established, or which may be established, by the State itself.  It will be safe to the United States, because, being fixed by the State constitutions, it is not alterable by the State governments…”[boldface added]

Remember!  Since the federal and state governments are merely “creatures” of constitutions, they have no power to determine who may vote. That power belongs to the “creators” of the governments.  Only The People are competent to set the qualifications for voting; and our determinations are enshrined in our State Constitutions.

6. The States reserved power to determine procedures for voter registration

Our Constitution of 1787 created a federal government to which we delegated only “few and defined” powers [see chart].  Nowhere in the Constitution did we delegate to the federal government power to dictate procedures States must use in registering voters.  Accordingly, it is a “reserved” power.[11] Until the federal government usurped power over this issue, the States always determined their own procedures for registration.  Justice Thomas wrote in his dissent [at II. A. 2]:

“This understanding of Article I, §2, is consistent with powers enjoyed by the States at the founding. For instance, ownership of real or personal property was a common prerequisite to voting … To verify that this qualification was satisfied, States might look to proof of tax payments… In other instances, States relied on personal knowledge of fellow citizens to verify voter eligibility. . . States have always had the power to ensure that only those qualified under state law to cast ballots exercised the franchise.

Perhaps in part because many requirements (such as property ownership or taxpayer status) were independently documented and verifiable, States in 1789 did not generally “register” voters . . . Over time, States replaced their informal systems for determining eligibility, with more formalized pre-voting registration regimes. . . But modern voter registration serves the same basic purpose as the practices used by States in the Colonies and early Federal Republic. The fact that States have liberalized voting qualifications and streamlined the verification process through registration does not alter the basic fact that States possess broad authority to set voter qualifications and to verify that they are met.”

7. The federal government has usurped the States’ powers to determine who may vote and determine procedures for voter registration

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) purports to require States to “accept and use” a federal voter registration form!  The Ninth Circuit asserted that since the federal form doesn’t require applicants to provide documentary proof of citizenship, the States may not require it. This paper exposes some of the false arguments made by the Ninth Circuit’s three judge panel, and sets forth what Hamilton and Madison actually said as to the genuine meanings of Art. I, §2, cl. 1 and §4, cl.1: Arizona’s Proposition 200: What The Constitution Really Says About Voter Qualifications & Exposing The “Elections Clause” Argument.

But the Supreme Court affirmed the Ninth Circuit.  Justice Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion, swept Art. I, §2, cl. 1 under the rug and ignored Hamilton’s and Madison’s explanations of Art. I, §4, cl. 1. Scalia asserted:

“The Clause’s [Art. I, §4, cl. 1] substantive scope is broad. “Times, Places, and Manner,” we have written, are “comprehensive words,” which “embrace authority to provide a complete code for congressional elections,” including, as relevant here and as petitioners do not contest, regulations relating to “registration”….” [12]

Scalia said,

“…the NVRA forbids States to demand that an applicant submit additional information beyond that required by the Federal Form…”

and concluded,

“… the fairest reading of the statute is that a state-imposed requirement of evidence of citizenship not required by the Federal Form is “inconsistent with” the NVRA’s mandate that States “accept and use” the Federal Form…”

So what should we do when federal courts issue unconstitutional opinions?

8. Our Framers said nullification is the natural right, which all admit to be a remedy against insupportable oppression

The federal government has refused to control our borders and, as a result, we are being invaded.  The federal government is demanding that invaders be allowed to vote in our elections.  We have no obligation to obey unconstitutional dictates of the federal government. See Nullification: The Original Right of Self-Defense.  What does your State Constitution say about qualifications for voting?  Demand that your State government enforce your State Constitution.

And Remember! As Hamilton told us in Federalist No. 78 (6th para), federal courts can only issue judgments – they must rely on the Executive Branch to enforce them.  So the President’s “check” on usurping federal judges is to refuse to enforce their opinions.  States must man up and obey the Constitution instead of unconstitutional dictates of the federal Legislative and Judicial Branches. Do you think that President Trump will send out US Marshalls or the National Guard to FORCE States to allow illegal aliens to vote?  The iron is hot – the time to strike is now.


1 Justice Alito’s dissenting opinion in Arizona v. The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. says (2nd para):

“…Exercising its right to set federal voter qualifications, Arizona, like every other State, permits only U. S. citizens to vote in federal elections, and Arizona has concluded that this requirement cannot be effectively enforced unless applicants for registration are required to provide proof of citizenship…” [boldface added]

2 The California legislature thus violated Article II, Section 2, California Constitution which says, “A United States citizen 18 years of age and resident in this State may vote.”

3 That Vattel had such influence is proved HERE.

4 All men everywhere possess the rights God gave them. But in a civil society, the members possess political or civic rights which are not extended to inhabitants, lawful visitors, or illegal alien invaders.

5 With these four Amendments, the States agreed they would not deny suffrage to Citizens on account of race, being a female, not paying the tax, or being between 18 to 21 years of age.  States retain power to deny suffrage to any Citizen on account of other factors (e.g., illiteracy, being on welfare, or stupidity).  

6 Freed slaves were naturalized by §1 of the 14th Amendment.

7 Vattel §212:  “The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” [See §§ 215-217 for other places babies may be born as natural-born citizens.]

8 Art. I, §8, cl. 4, US Const.

9 The Articles of Confederation were ratified July 9, 1778.

10 A “republic” is a state in which the exercise of the sovereign power is lodged in representatives elected by the people.

11The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution … are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people.” (10th Amendment) [italics added]

12 Counsel for the State of Arizona made a strategic error in failing to challenge the constitutionality of the NVRA as outside the scope of powers granted to Congress and as in violation of Art. I, §2, cl. 1 and §4, cl.1, US Const.

Forty Years Of Islamic Terror In Iran

It is hard to imagine four decades have passed since the army of Muhammad occupied the proud and peaceful nation of Iran. Almost everyone in Iran is in agreement that this untimely conscious assault (Islamic Revolution) on the 2500-year-old Persian Empire and its modern citizens was a colossal and historical error of epic proportions.  Most Iranians now believe the ouster of the Shah of Iran and replacing him with a ruthless, merciless and fanatical Shia cleric, the Ayatollah Khomeini who despised anything Iranian, was a grave mistake.

Khomeini returned to Tehran in February, 1979 and turned the rejuvenated Islamic passion into rabid anti-Americanism and anti-Western as well as anti-Iranian, especially pre-Islamic Persian values. It is noteworthy Islam is against any national identity and will aim to destroy anything non-Islamic.

With the help of the West, Ayatollah Khomeini succeeded in overthrowing the Shah and accomplished his great aspiration: the enslavement of a free Iran and the establishment of a base for exporting terrorism.

The devastation and mismanagement by incompetent mullahs, has been unimaginable. “At a time when momentum is gathering across the world to abolish capital punishment, the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) currently ranks second for number of executions, after China, and first for per capita executions in the world.”

Iran almost overnight was fundamentally transformed from a secular, Western-friendly nation to a 7th century system of Velayat-e Faqih (the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist), which directly placed Shiite clerics into political affairs, and gave the faqih (representative of the Hidden Imam, al-Mahdi) custodianship over the people. In other words, Iran belongs to Imam Zaman (the lord of the age), and in his absence, a supreme leader is in charge.

Forty Years

In four decades, the Islamic Republic has managed to produce more hunger, more anger, more frustration, more prostitution at a record pace, more drug addiction beyond control and more child execution without any regard to international human rights. Prosecution and imprisonment of innocent people and the systematic and illegal abuse of detainees and hundreds of gruesome acts of torture and rape in prisons skyrocketed. Meanwhile, the United Nations and European countries stood still and watched without a shrug of their collective shoulder.

This genocidal regime has been busy doing all they could to completely wipe out the Baha’is in Iran as well as everywhere else in the world that their blood-drenched hands could reach. The Islamic government condones and promotes every measure of oppression against a minority religious group called the Baha’is.

This ISIS type regime did not even spare the dead. They bulldozed and even uprooted the trees in Baha’is cemeteries. Harassment of other religious minorities and torturing innocent people beyond recognition became part of their modus operandi. They routinely hung dissidents and continued with their 7th century Islamic law, including the amputation of limbs of anyone for petty theft. They are responsible for the unmitigated poverty in an oil-rich country, sex slaves in the Persian Gulf region and the raping of children as young as 2 years of age.

The Bomb

The Islamic Republic years ago started a nuclear program, not for peaceful purposes, as they claim, but only to strengthen their position in the region and prolong their existence long enough to get their hands on the bloody bomb so that they could feel invincible.

What is the probability that the ruling Mullahs will use the bomb? If they stay in power long enough to have it, they are very likely to use it, in one form or another. At the very least, they will use it for blackmail and intimidation in the region. Not even an all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death with faithful eyes fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.

The Obama “nuclear deal” did nothing to address the full range of Iran’s harmful activities, including ballistic missile expansion, support for terrorism, regional destabilization, and human rights abuses. Iran also still owes American terrorism victims and their families more than $55 billion in unpaid, outstanding damages awarded by American courts.

Propaganda and Fake Crisis

When the Islamic regime is cornered, they immediately use their propaganda machine to cover up their crimes against humanity. They immediately create chaos and crisis. In other words, they create smoke and mirrors and push the dust under the rug again as they did when Islamists took the American diplomats as hostage for 444 days and during the Iran and Iraq war while using their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas to attack Israelis and to escape retaliation. They are masters in the business of distracting the world from their own nuclear ambition as they did during the Gaza crisis. They took the attention away from their nuclear program.

Since 1979, the regime has stigmatized, victimized and murdered people without any due process of law. They particularly go after the writers, poets and artists to harass. The first Islamic Revolutionary Judge, Sheik Sadegh Khalkhali, an infamous psychopath, did not hesitate to demand the execution of intellectuals such as Ahmad Shamlou, a famous Iranian poet who was well-known for his non-adherence to any political party and his non-involvement in any political activity. Khalkhali was responsible for many arbitrary executions. According to Judge Abdolkarim Ardibili, former President of the Supreme Court, many defense lawyers were arrested, imprisoned and in at least one case, executed.

Mullahs Fear Their Own Shadows

After 40 years in power, this regime still fears its own shadow. On the smallest provocation, they will arrest, convict and execute innocent people. Few people would deny any longer that Islamic ideology and its variants mean, in practice, bloody terrorism, deadly purges, lethal actions, forced ‘hijabs,” show trials and genocide. It is a widespread plague upon humanity. It is disguised as a religion and has penetrated our democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of Sharia Law.

The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats. Internally, the great majority of the majority of the populace is against their misrule. Every segment of the Iranian population, including student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front men. For 40 years, they still use the slogan “Death to America” and Death to Israel” for inside consumption.

Externally, they are still engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal.

Let’s keep in mind that there are many non-turbaned creatures working as the mullahs’ agents, front men and pawns all over the world — including their powerful lobbyists in lobbyists in Washington D.C., They have also hired non-Iranians, including disenfranchised Afghanis, Iraqis and Palestinians as their proxies.


Forty years is a long time. We are hopeful, under the leadership of President Trump, we have a golden opportunity to end this nightmare, not just for the Iranian people, but for the entire free world.

There must not be, however, any compromise, any negotiation or any deals with the Islamists in Iran before making sure that the Iranian people are part of the equation. It’s a do or die scenario for the Iranian people.

The Iranian people want nothing less than a complete regime change through a democratic process via a free referendum. They believe it is the surest, safest and the fastest way to achieve a democratic Iran and end the world’s fear of a nuclear holocaust that is currently facing us all.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Attack On Western Civilization—No More Safe America

Part 7: Outside influences, no more ‘safe’ America

“My fifth point for destroying America would be to get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money. I would invest in ethnic identity, and I would establish the cult of ‘Victimology’. I would get all minorities to think their lack of success was the fault of the majority.  I would start a grievance industry blaming all minority failure on the majority population.”

If you look across the American landscape, you see fracturing of our cohesion at every level.  No one appears to pull in the same direction.  Ault examines that phenomenon.

Bromwell Ault states:

We are approaching a blank spot, a missing link between deeply different cultures, but first we must report another sad tale from Sweden involving a 45-year- old Swedish mother who worked in a group home for “unaccompanied refugee children”.

In November 2016, she took into her home an 18-year-old Afghan Muslim, Abdul D., from the home where his age made him ineligible for further residence. In time, Abdul and his hostess began same-bed sleeping arrangements and, in more time, Abdul criminally molested his benefactor’s 12-year-old daughter. As the mother took no action, the daughter reported the incident to her father who is separated from her mother. The child’s father informed the police, a court hearing took place and Abdul D. was given a three-month suspended sentence, and told to perform community service.

When questioned by authorities regarding her silence, the mother offered that she was afraid Abdul D. would be deported. The emotional pain and scarring from this incident is something the child will have to endure for many years.

Life in Europe now is not like it was in even the recent past and it is not like our present life in America, but we, too, now have growing instances of sexual abuse including gang rapes. The gap is closing and, unless we take action, we will find ourselves living in a totally different society than that created by our forebears and which we assumed would be our inheritance. It is not working out that way.

Remember Rotherham! There are striking similarities at work. The main difference between the English and the Swedish abuse tragedies is one of scale — multiple victims in Rotherham and only one in the Swedish case cited above. But in many places in Europe life is lived in guarded ways to protect against communal lawlessness — most notably sexual aggression. We are not referring to a bunch of guys working on a construction site whistling or calling out passing girls wearing short skirts on a warm, spring day. Far from it; in too many cities/towns in Europe sexual abuse is a constant sport initiated by individuals, small teams or even large groups that are able to neutralize local law enforcement.

To this end, women try to avoid appearing in public places alone during the day and going out at all at night. Their fear is real, as the narrow, winding streets found in many European cities/towns offer opportunity to an attacker; and open public spaces are often occupied by large groups of unemployed migrant men (many of whom carry knives) whose numbers and attitudes threaten local police. And at the far end of our scale of altered living in Europe are the Muslim cities within cities — those enclaves inhabited entirely by Muslims with their own civic authority over businesses, schools, religion and courts that administer Sharia law.


In America, which has not been exposed to the same degree of Islamic occupation and confrontation as Europe, life on the surface goes on pretty much as it has in the past; we are still separated from Europe by about 3,000 miles of Atlantic Ocean and a no longer valid “it can’t happen here” mentality. We proclaim that we are both a nation of laws and also of immigrants. In case of conflict, which will we be?

What is most horrifying about WCIV’s plight in Europe has been the failure of native populations to mount any effective resistance to the loss of their sovereignty and civic authority. They seem to accept without question or contradiction the regulations made in Brussels or in their own capitals that offer no alternative to the relentless addition of migrants and their subsequent support with taxpayer funds.

Beyond that, they are unable to confront the failure of their elected of officials, whether in Rotherham or Sweden, to deliver local punishment for crimes that clearly deserve it. Something vital in the form of human sensibility and empathy has been turned off in the minds of local guardians of our culture and our state when they turn a blind eye to the sexual abuse of young girls in order not to offend Muslim perpetrators.

For reasons we shall provide later we are not as safe in America as we claim, and are led, to believe. What’s more, some who proclaim our safety most strongly do so with an air of smugness and superiority. If Europe cannot offer us a “teaching moment” and unless we begin to take proactive measures, time and history will not confirm the vision of a safe America beyond reach of AW elements.

The EU’s frequent claims of unity among its members are not always real and seem to paper over intractable differences that have resisted the process of economic and political unification, a notable example being the migrancy wave which is a continental problem that has produced a variety of responses in the countries that have been exposed to it.

Two reactions that are poles apart occurred recently — one in western Europe and the other on its eastern edge. In the west, tourists and locals enjoying a day at a Mediterranean Spanish beach were startled by the arrival of an open boat from Africa containing about 50 migrants who, when it reached the beach, quietly and quickly disembarked and made their way inland, scattering into small groups of one or two individuals. It was evident that Spanish authorities had made no effort to track, turn back or take this vessel into custody. Nor did those enjoying their time at the beach take any action to alert police or immigration control forces.

In eastern Europe, from Poland in the north to Bulgaria in the south, a different attitude is found. There, Europe’s eastern populations were subjected to a postwar Russian Communist invasion. As it has been eastern Europe’s lot to defend against Islamic invasions from the south as well as others from Russia and Asia to the east, it has been hardened by history and wants no more of invasion, regardless of its source or cause.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Unhinged Maxine Waters Leads The Left In Calling For Anarchy

I want to remind the viewers that people like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama endorsed the Occupy Wall Street movement which is actually full of anarchists. —Kati Pavlich

Political language, and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists, is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.  —George Orwell

The Intolerance of the “Tolerant” Left

Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) openly called for people to form a mob and physically confront members of Donald Trump’s administration if they see them out in public.  She took this action after the controversy over separated migrant families erupted but she never mentions that the law requires separating illegals from their alleged children and has for decades upon decades through previous administrations.  She only blames Trump.

Waters, who doesn’t live in the district she represents and paid her daughter $75,000 for Democratic fundraising activities, said to a crowd at a “Keep Families Together” rally in late June, “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”  Really Maxine?  Talk about intolerance and discrimination, and you’re claiming President Trump is promoting violence and divisiveness?

Congresswoman, it is you, the entire left, including Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other far left organizations who are the ones promoting savagery and hostility.  Churchill said, “The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.”

Please people, support Omar Navarro against this psychotic and unhinged agent of Saul Alinsky, the community organizer, anarchist and trafficker of anti-American tactics.  Alinsky’s first book, Rules for Radicals was dedicated to the first radical, Lucifer.

Destroying America’s Culture of Civility and Refinement

The 1828 Noah Webster dictionary has the best definition of anarchy/anarchist.  An anarchist is one who incites revolt and promotes disorder in a state.  Anarchy is a state of society when there is no law or supreme power, or when the laws are not efficient, and individuals do what they please with impunity; political confusion.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” Matthew 24:12

Here is a list of attacks against conservatives for just one year, from June of 2016 to June of 2017, but this lack of civility and decency to fellow Americans is now far more common.

In June of 2017, Huffington Post actually published a piece by contributor Jason Fuller calling for the execution of Donald Trump.  Then there’s a former professor who attacked seven conservatives hitting them in the head with a bike lock who received only three years’ probation rather than prison time for felony assault.  One victim had to have five staples to close the wound.

Add the latest, Sarah Jeong who currently works at the Vox Media site The Verge, was hired by the Times editorial board to work on technology issues. Shortly after the hire was announced, conservative publications dug up old tweets of hers containing statements like “white men are bulls**t” and “oh man it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”

To some conservatives like National Review’s David French and New York magazine’s Andrew Sullivan Jeong’s tweets are bigger than her: They reveal a rot in the progressive movement, that “social justice warriors” have become totally okay with racism so long as it’s directed at white people.  Of course, there’s a leftist double standard when it comes to social media transgressions…unlike Roseanne Barr, Jeong won’t be fired.  She has however had to apologize and delete her tweets.

The Double Standard

Haven’t we seen this over and over again where the hate spewing left does what they please with impunity?  Where restaurants toss guests because they disagree with their political beliefs, where actors promote pedophile harm to the president’s son, and where now that same washed up actor is promoting democratic voter fraud to destroy Trump…where the White House Correspondence Dinner included so-called comedian Michelle Wolf who attacked Press Secretary Sarah Sanders for the way she looked, and told Trump he wasn’t very rich.  Bet she doesn’t have $10 billion bucks.

Shawn Christy is accused of interstate communication of threats via Facebook, and threats against the President of the United States stating he will shoot the President in the head and kill any law enforcement who try to stop him.  The FBI and the U.S. Marshalls Service are seeking help from the public. [Link] The FBI has “allegedly” intensified their search.

Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk while enjoying breakfast in Philadelphia were accosted by a mob of angry leftists, including Antifa thugs, who cowardly refuse to show their faces, most of whom are white. Protesters screamed phrases like “You’re a soft fascist!” and “F**k white supremacy!” at both Kirk and Owens.  Oh yes, scream white supremacy at a black woman!  Link

Candace tweeted, “Was this picture of a white Democrat using a megaphone to shout violent rhetoric into the ear of a black woman taken in 1965?  Nope!  It was taken today folks.  A picture is worth a thousand words.”

One of the protestors dumped a bottle of water on Charlie Kirk.

“If an angry conservative mob formed while two young liberals, one white guy and a black woman, were eating breakfast, and the mob hurled horrific insults, threw objects and assaulted them, the left would call it a ‘hate crime’ and every major outlet would be demanding condemnation,” Kirk tweeted.  Again, a double standard.

These two amazing conservative commentators will be speaking at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council on Friday, September 14th in St. Louis Missouri.

The First Amendment

There are five rights in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution.

  • Freedom of Religion.
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of the Press.
  • Freedom to Assemble Peaceably.
  • Freedom to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances.

Note the freedom to assemble peaceably.  We have seen unbelievable lawlessness, personal injuries and destruction time and time again and nothing is being done…no massive arrests, no fines, no prison time.

Today’s millennials have no comprehension of our God given rights.  In the following four-minute video, not one youth can name even one of the five rights stated in our First Amendment.

Portland Lawlessness

City officials in Portland, OR say they’ll be cleaning up the “disgusting” Occupy ICE camp after police cleared the area of protesters in late July 2018.

The mayor’s office said it would pick up a portion of the tab for the cleanup.  The Portland Police Bureau cordoned off the site calling it a biohazard.  It’s the taxpayers who have to pick up the tab Mayor, when it should have been the protestors who were forced to pay, but did anyone collect names…of course not.

The Occupy ICE activists set up camp near the local office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after an outcry over the agency’s crackdown on illegal immigrants.  A local resident who lived near the ICE office said he was, “Getting tired of waking up to the bullhorn and the sounds and the cussing.”

ICE officials told Willamette Week that staff members at the office called police on at least two occasions in June to report protesters blocking entrances and exits, only to have their 911 calls go unanswered.  ICE agents claim the Oregon mayor created a zone of terror and lawlessness with the protestors. Link

The unanswered calls came after Mayor Ted Wheeler directed Portland police not to intervene on the first day of the protests.  He has denied claims by the union representing ICE employees that city police officers would not respond to their urgent calls for service during the occupation by protesters.

Through attorney Sean Riddell, the union criticized the mayor for his laissez faire approach to the protest at the local ICE field office, which lasted five weeks. When the protest began, Wheeler announced that he would not allow Portland police officers to be “sucked into a conflict” over the protest and said federal police would be responsible for protecting their own building and property.

Riddell’s complaint was that Wheeler was “forbidding” officers from responding to ICE employees’ calls and had “created a zone of terror” for workers at the field office.

The Washington Times reported that the National ICE Council, which represents around 7,600 ICE agents and staff members, said in a letter to the city on Monday that Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) had “turned the lives of our employees over to an angry mob.”

“The mayor stated publicly that he supported the protests, which were supposed to be about protecting immigrant families. But what about the moms and dads that we had working in that building? What about their kids?” Chris Crane, the union’s president, told the Times. “These are questions that we’ll be expecting the mayor and city of Portland to be answering in the days to come.”

The situation quickly spiraled out of hand, growing from a small group of protestors into a massive “occupy” encampment that shut down ICE’s rented building from June 20 to June 28, when federal police gathered enough manpower to retake control. The encampment continued for weeks afterward.

Mayor Wheeler finally turned on the protesters and ordered them to disband.

While the protesters’ story has been well-documented, the ICE employees who were first trapped inside their building, then later were blockaded from entering it for a week, have not gotten as much attention.  Now they are beginning to talk about the harassment they faced even when outside the office.

Michelle Wolf is No Comedian

The same “comedian” hired at the White House Press Dinner, Michelle Wolf, has been slammed by former ICE Director Thomas Homan.  Wolf’s Netflix video mocked ICE as an extremist group on par with the Islamic State (ISIS), depicting ICE agents as terrorist thugs. At one point during the two-minute skit, Wolf dressed up as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and stood in between two masked ICE agents holding two black flags.

Leftists like Democrat Michelle Wolf have no clue of what ICE does to protect the American people.  Abolishing ICE would mean open borders because it would eliminate the agency responsible for removing people who enter or remain in our country illegally, including drug dealers; gang members; and child molesters, rapists, and other sex offenders.

Former Director Homan said, “We’ve saved several thousand children from drug traffickers. We have arrested over 2,000 child predators that have trafficked children for sexual exploitation and pornography.”

ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested “more than 127,000 aliens with criminal convictions or charges.” ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) meanwhile made 4,818 gang-related arrests in FY 2017 and seized more than 980,000 pounds of narcotics. Link


The left has spun out of control, their rage has consumed them, their logic is gone.  The likes of Maxine Waters, Sen. Liz Warren, Sen. Kirsten Gillebrand and Sen. Kamala Harris along with their Democratic brothers and sisters show the desire to destroy the representative republic. Their goal is to make us a third world country beholden to none but the enemies of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the latter of which was originally John Locke’s “the pursuit of property.”

We are inundated with communists on the left who wish to destroy this Republic and they are moving as they’ve never moved before because they hate our outsider President who wishes to truly Make America Great Again.  Their goals and beliefs have become all too obvious to anyone in the electorate who actually pays attention.  We are in a battle for the God given rights of the people…those rights our founders understood…but the communist infiltrators wish to totally destroy.

One has to wonder if FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s “insurance policy” will work to destroy our president.  Obviously, none of these godless people have a clue of “Do unto others…”

If we lose, our descendants will pay a debilitating price for our failures.

P.S. Dear readers of, our writers long for our long-lost American freedoms.  Our CEO escaped a communist country and he well knows the difference between freedom and chains.  This is why he fights to save the last bastion of freedom in the world, the United States of America.  Please help us to keep NewsWithViews coming into your mailbox every day.  Please support us monthly with your donations and help to save our beloved country.  Tell your friends to sign up on the website for daily emails from NWVs and remember us in your prayers.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Internet Censorship Onslaught: Here’s The Solution

Unless a person is completely detached or not on the Internet, we’re all aware of the well-coordinated attack on free speech in this country. From institutions of lower learning, aka colleges and universities, to “mainstream” newspaper rags like the NYT and Washington Post and of course, the giant monopolies who control the Internet.

Remember Al Gore, former vice-president and King of Hucksters? The cardboard idiot who has made tons of millions peddling his BS about global warming and climate change said how excited he was about the Internet? It was to become the “super-information highway”.

Those who have been working to destroy this constitutional republic for over a century figured every American would have a computer within ten years and they would use it as a giant propaganda machine.

It back-fired big time for the shadow government. This super-information highway became we the people’s ballistic missile in getting the truth to the American people. It wasn’t easy before we all bought home computers. When I began my truth journey 29 years ago, it was to the big, beautiful public library in Denver, newsletters, the telephone (no cell phones back then) and fax machines.

The Internet changed everything and now, because the American people are waking up in droves to how they’ve been played and how the Internet as played a huge role in attempting to brainwash them (forcing ‘social justice’ lunacy and all the rest of the Soviet-style propaganda), the globalists behind all this scheming are desperate. It’s time to shut down all but the most hateful speech from useful fools who call themselves social justice warriors, liberals and progressive liberals.

They, like Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and all the other violent, freedom-hating anarchists are cherished for their courage while those who go against the well-orchestrated plans to destroy our sovereign nation are to be obliterated. Not by shutting down the Internet altogether.

Remember this very important point: E-commerce is a trillion dollar a year enterprise in sales, trading and other money-making entities. The monopolies who are controlling the engines for ‘social media’  depend heavily on selling your personal information and data. They don’t want to cut off the head, just amputate the unwanted parts.

This push towards censorship has been building. Chipping away at certain individuals or web sites the evil doers don’t want Americans to read, including free video viewing on the Internet has been going on for years. A couple of weeks ago, the Kiss of Death was directed at Alex Jones.

It’s not just Alex Jones the censorship Nazi’s have gone after. A couple I’ve never heard of must have also been shut down:

Twitter Bans Conservative Commentator Gavin McInnes

Popular YouTuber Says Podcast Shut Down for Discussing Alex Jones

They aren’t the only ones. Attacks on too many web sites to count over the past few months have been experiencing attacks against their sites.

As a million others have said, whether you like or dislike Alex Jones isn’t the issue. The First Amendment was made number one in the Bill of Rights to protect our God-given right to free speech. Back then it was really all about free political speech. Even ugly, hurtful speech. Everyone has the right to change the TV or radio channel. They also have the right not to read or visit web sites they don’t like.

Last week I heard a ‘conservative’ radio host say Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc., are private companies and have the right to control content even though he was really upset about what’s going on. Yes, they are private companies but they are also gigantic monopolies – dangerous ones. I’ve read dozens of commentaries on this, but I believe this one hits the nail on the head:

“Maybe you say, “Well, Farah, don’t these corporations have the absolute right to approve and disapprove of the viewpoints they carry – just like you do?” The answer may be surprising: No, they don’t.

“None of these conglomerates are publishers, content producers, part of the “press.” They are more akin to “utilities” – like the telephone companies of old or the electricity producers who have a public obligation to be fair and neutral in offering the services they provide to all, without regard to race, religion and ideology.

“They don’t have to like Alex Jones. They don’t have to listen to Alex Jones. But if they are going to have privileged positions making money distributing all manner of content, data, information, they dare not think of themselves as “gatekeepers” against offensive political speech. And they better not designate the partisan hacks of the SPLC as their content cops, which is what they have done – all of them!

“I know I sound like a broken record on this theme, but I’m going to keep pounding on it until the public catches on to the threat these trillion-dollar monopolies pose to America’s precious institutions of free speech, the free press and freedom of religion. We need congressional hearings. We need action in Washington. We need President Trump to recognize who the biggest purveyors of fake news really are. It’s not just CNN and the Huffington Post. It’s their distribution arms – Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Amazon – the Digital Cartel.” Joseph Farah, WND

Joseph also wrote a follow-up column I hope you will take a few minutes to read; he’s not as long-winded as I a am! If people don’t think the ‘digital cartel’, if not stopped, will have a profound effect on the November 2018 and 2020 elections, they “don’t get it”. President Trump: Google must be stopped!

Now, I’m the last person to encourage Congress to stick their nose where it doesn’t belong.  A long time ago, Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court decided that in certain cases, monopolies had to be broken up. Americans who are uninformed about this ‘old’ history, do take the time to understand it – just like I have done.

The Sherman Antitrust Act – This also covers the Clayton Antitrust Act

May 15, 1911 | Supreme Court Orders Standard Oil to Be Broken Up

Breakup of the Bell System– ATT

Apparently, there is an anti-trust lawsuit against Facebook, Google and Apple on the Wall Street Journal’s web site. Try as I did, all other links go to that article but in order to read it you have to sign up for the WSJ on line and I won’t do it.

Anyone who knows me knows I am the biggest tech dinosaur out there. I have a cell phone I keep in my SUV for emergencies or to call my mother when I’m on the road to her assisted living facility in Northern California. Otherwise, I never use it; maybe 5-6 hours a year.

I absolutely hate people who gab on their cell phone in line at the post office, at the doctor, grocery store or driving. Yes, cell phones are a great invention and a real, genuine necessity for some types of businesses. Please do your talking in your vehicle or outside. But, all these other gadgets are nothing but a distraction. Sorry, just my opinion. Who the hell has time all day to spend sending photos or looking at the latest from the Kardashians?

Never taken a selfie. Don’t do Facebook.  I want nothing to with Facebook and I wouldn’t put a penny in Mark Zuckerberg’s pocket.  Never sent a tweet (guess that’s Twitter).  Don’t do Instagram or any of the other popular whatevers.  Don’t know what Spotify is and don’t care. To my knowledge I’ve never purchased anything from Apple. I quit directly using Google years ago; I use, but Google is still the engine. Startpage filters them out.

As for Amazon, I initially put up my important Why A Bankrupt America booklet on their site. Then I saw the astronomical fees and said, forget that and went to Paypal.  I’m trying to make them affordable for everyone to get the truth out there. Yes, I would prefer not to use Paypal but I’ll get to that in a moment. Honestly, Amazon’s fees are astronomical compared to Paypal. Is it any wonder Jeff Bezos is one of the richest people on the planet?

I try not to shop on Amazon. I try to buy everything local or even in Midland, 40 miles away. If I am looking for something and it pops up on Amazon, I take a look, get the brand name and go find it on another site and make my purchase. Jeff Bezos is another person I do not want to give anything to unless I absolutely can’t get something I need, not just want.

The good news is more and more people are simply turning off Facebook – especially millennials. I know people loved the idea at first to ‘share’ their most personal information, to see how many ‘friends’ they could list, what they cook for dinner, photos of the grand kids and so forth. Then it grew to what it is today. Web sites for doctors, lawyers, businesses of all types, veterinarians. You name it. But now, these conglomerate monopolies are simply evil and must be taken down.

Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA. Seriously

Google and CIA: old friends
“Are you seeing a trend yet? Google (GOOG) has been a partner with the CIA since 2004 when the company bought Keyhole, a mapping technology business that eventually became Google Earth. In 2010, Google and In-Q-Tel made a joint investment on a company called Recorded Future, which has the Minority Report-style goal of creating a “temporal analytics engine” that scours the web and creates curves that predict where events may head.

“Google is already helping the government write, and rewrite, history. Here, from its transparency report, are some stats on the amount of information it has either given to the government or wiped from the web based on requests by U.S. agencies:”

Social Media Is a Tool of the CIA: “Facebook, Google and Other Social Media Used to Spy on People”

Alex Jones has been shut down by just about all the heavies including ones I’ve never heard of but he’s fighting back (a grassroots guerrilla campaign others might want to implement) and asking to speak to Congress. Movie stars are given time in front of Congressional sub-committees so why not Jones or other conservatives who have been shut down by tech giants like You Tube? Will they someday remove my speech given to a group in California about vote fraud? Will Newswithviews get black listed or shut down over a single column that contains a link some globalist giant doesn’t want anyone to read?

Alex Jones: Disqus Takes Us Down After 6 Years To Appease Apple & China, Better – more open comment system for Infowars available soon!

The List: Platforms that Have Banned Infowars and Alex Jones – Enemies of freedom assemble to silence independent alternative media

Facebook’s Push For Users’ Bank Records Triggers Fears Of A ‘Chinese-Style Social Credit System’ In U.S., – Allowing these Big Tech companies to amass so much power was a giant mistake

Twitter suspends (former Congressman) Ron Paul Institute and Antiwar Directors’ accounts

This 2:28 video is exactly what the digital cartel wants to keep you from seeing. Watch it. You won’t be sorry.

It would appear the attack on Jones, just like the one on Sean Hannity that didn’t work, appears to be back-firing.  Alex Jones Claims 5.6 Million New Infowars Subscribers Since Big Tech Blacklisting

So, what can be done to stop this attack on our God-given right to free speech? Well, I don’t know the name of the anti-trust lawsuit against Facebook, Google and Apple (although I’m sure it will be in the news in the future), but we’ll see what happens with that case.

Turn off Facebook. Do you know how many other alternative sites there are out there?

What are the best alternatives to Facebook?

Nothing there that fits for you or your business? How about this? America has who knows how many tech geniuses out there who could create a ‘new’ Facebook without getting sued by Facebook. A new social media site that doesn’t sell your information, doesn’t partner with the U.S. government – especially the CIA or NSA.

Mark Zuckerberg and a couple of buddies launched Facebook in 2004 from a garage. I say better can be done today with all the talent out there.

Here’s a name for you and I won’t even copyright it: Free Speech Social Network or FSSN. Be just like Facebook only better. It can be done and I pray it will be done. QUIT FEEDING YOUR ENEMY. Sure, employees of Facebook would lose their jobs as their revenues tank, but as other competitors arise, those employees will go to work for them. We have to fight for our free speech RIGHTS.

How will people find out about it? Hey – it’s the Internet and it’s called networking! Especially through email. We the people will get it out there. Once you transfer your Facebook page to the new Free Speech Social Network or whatever you want to call it, you notify family and friends. Businesses who deal with the general public, put up a notice in bold letters at the top: We have moved to FSSN and invite you to go to our new site. Click here. It will spread. Build and they will come.

Maybe more than one will spring up but the important thing is to crush those who want to crush the First Amendment and control everything we see or read. I say go to Hell.

How about the despicable You Tube and their censoring? Well, competition is already underway:

Save your video files! Health Ranger to launch YouTube alternative that protects the free speech of real Americans

(Natural News) “As every informed person is well aware, Google / YouTube has been on a censorship rampage against conservative voices, not just demonetizing accounts but deleting them altogether. The radical Left’s “speech purge” is well under way, and their goal is the complete extermination of all pro-America, pro-Trump, pro-liberty voices.

“In doing this, Google emerges as the single most evil entity in our modern world, and all those individuals who work for Google are complicit in these heinous crimes against liberty and the First Amendment. In pursuing this mass silencing of political speech they don’t like, however, Google has also opened up a huge opportunity for independent video sites to rise up and gain an enormous following of content creators.

“That’s why I’m reminding all patriots across America to save your video files and get ready to upload them to our new video site that’s launching this year. This new video site — the name isn’t ready to be released yet — welcomes all those voices of liberty and reason that are being blacklisted by YouTube.”

Read the rest of the article to get all the details and watch this video also dealing with this new forum for freedom: Health Ranger launching YouTube alternative VIDEO website

As a matter of fact, I’m getting ready to contact Mike Adams soon about having my own account on their new independent video site.

Google is an evil giant that needs to be taken down and I hope it can be done through anti-trust but we don’t need to wait around for that process.  Amazon has become an unacceptable monopoly that also needs to be broken up. I have no idea how it would get done but thankfully, there’s people far more intelligent than I am who can figure it out. Just like Standard Oil and Bell/ATT.

This well-coordinated attack on constitutionally minded individuals, truth tellers and even wacko’s out there can be the beginning of a whole new set of options for Americans instead of just one Facebook, one Twitter, one Google, one of whatever ‘social media’ content producers.

And, speaking of email. Tens and tens of millions of Americans use ‘free’ email accounts on line. Not me. Once again, it’s all about privacy, data harvesting and selling your most personal information to third parties. You get what you pay for and sometimes ‘free’ isn’t such a good idea.

Might I recommend the company I use? The BEST email company out there; a truly secure service: My Mail. Go check it out. For a few dollars a month you can protect your emails from anyone snooping.

Come on, America. Let’s put all that talent out there to work and change the face of ‘social media’ for the better. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

(Might I ask you to please PRAY for rain for California? The fires out there (18 right now) are absolutely horrendous. The CARR fire up north has burned 300,000 acres. Some of the most beautiful country you’ve ever seen. Once again, our fellow Americans have lost everything; some barely escaping with their lives. Some, which makes me sick, leaving their dogs and cats to fend for themselves against walls of massive fire.

Several firefighters and people have died; 23 total with 300 missing. While we’re going about our business, having a nice lunch at a restaurant, going fishing or shopping, 14,000 fire fighters are battling in all that heavy equipment and burning heat. More than 20,000 evacuated. Volunteers coming from all over the place in with horse trailers and getting horses; putting dogs and goats in them, too. Getting them out of the path of those infernos. All the other wildlife are burning to death; deer, rabbits, bears, turtles. It’s simply awful.

For the past two weeks I walk around the house or when driving saying the same thing over and over: Please Lord, show mercy and rain on California. There is power in prayer. If you’d like to make a donation (100% goes to rescue operations), please click here. I did. Not much but a million “not much” adds up to a lot.)

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Freedom Of Speech Threatened

More and more these days we are seeing a great threat to our 1st Amendment right of free speech.  Now I must clarify that it is ONLY conservatives that are being threatened.  For years we have seen massive protests at liberal left wing colleges and universities when a conservative speaker is scheduled to speak such as Berkley [1], [2], Yale [3], [4], California State University[5], Middlebury College[6] and Claremont McKenna College[7] just to name a few.

It appears that, as always, this opposition comes from Democrats. Surprise, surprise! We have Mad Maxine Waters telling people to confront conservatives in restaurants, stores or wherever they find them and intimidate them to the point where they would leave.  This anti-conservative speech derangement is gaining momentum and is heading for a real dangerous conclusion.

The Founders demanded that every opinion should have the right to be heard, debated and decided on.  Today’s leftwing ding bats believe that their opinion and ONLY their opinion has the right to be heard.  This movement to silence the conservative voice is growing to other media other than college campuses.  We are seeing conservative commentators being banned from a lot of the social media.  Since Obama ‘s reign of terror we have seen an exponential growth of opposition to the conservative voice.  Dennis Prager, a conservative radio talk show host and founder of PragerU has been banned by Youtube[8] because they have videos that teach on the founding principles of America.

Project Veritas has exposed how Twitter is using algorithms to ‘shadow ban a way of talking’.  In the latest undercover Project Veritas video investigation, current and former Twitter employees are on camera explaining steps the social media giant is taking to censor political content that they don’t like.

This video release follows the first undercover Twitter exposé Project Veritas released on January 10th which showed Twitter Senior Network Security Engineer Clay Haynes saying that Twitter is “more than happy to help the Department of Justice with their little [President Donald Trump] investigation.” Twitter responded to the video with a statement shortly after that release, stating “the individual depicted in this video was speaking in a personal capacity and does not represent of speak for Twitter.” The video released by Project Veritas today features eight employees, and a Project Veritas spokesman said there are more videos featuring additional employees coming.

On January 3rd 2018 at a San Francisco restaurant, Abhinov Vadrevu, a former Twitter Software Engineer explains a strategy, called “shadow banning,” that to his knowledge, Twitter has employed:

“One strategy is to shadow ban so you have ultimate control. The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting and no one sees their content. So they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it.”

Twitter is in the process of automating censorship and banning, says Twitter Software Engineer Steven Pierre on December 8th of 2017:

“Every single conversation is going to be rated by a machine and the machine is going to say whether or not it’s a positive thing or a negative thing. And whether it’s positive or negative doesn’t (inaudible), it’s more like if somebody’s being aggressive or not. Right? Somebody’s just cursing at somebody, whatever, whatever. They may have point, but it will just vanish… It’s not going to ban the mindset, it’s going to ban, like, a way of talking.” [9]

Townhalls are being targeted by left wing anarchists to the point where many politicians, Sen. Marco Rubio, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and Rep. Randy Hultgren, to name a few, won’t hold a regular townhalls because they are regularly interrupted by left wing dirtbags that refuse to allow a different point of view spoken.

Just recently we have seen Alex Jones banned from Apple, Facebook and Youtube platforms because of his controversial leanings.[10]  I will say the he is right more than wrong which makes him 100% better than anyone in the MSM crowd.

These fools don’t care about skin color either.  They hate white conservatives and black conservatives alike and all colors in between.  Candace Owens was attacked in the “City of Brotherly Love” simply because she is a black conservative and refuses to ‘stay on the plantation’ like the rest of the blacks.[11]  The left has an opinion that no one is allowed to confront.  It makes no difference if the opposing opinion is actually right, it is simply not allowed.  Where did this head up your butt mind set come from?  Our liberal colleges. It is simply a communist ideology. We have seen students failed because they would not change their conservative, biblical position.  The disgusting thing here is these failing grades have been held up in our courts completely ignoring our free speech and freedom of religion guarantees.

In the land of fruits and nuts, California, we see that advertising by a church is not allowed either.  Billboards depicting evangelist Greg Laurie holding a Bible were removed from a popular outdoor mall in Southern California after numerous complaints and at least one “serious threat.”

The management of Fashion Island declined to say why they took down the billboards, but the contract between Harvest Crusade and the shopping mall includes a clause about the right not to display any materials that could be construed as “vulgar or offensive.”

The billboards were promoting the upcoming SoCal Harvest gathering – expected to draw tens of thousands of people to Angel Stadium, CBN News first reported.

The promotional displays featured Laurie holding a Bible along with photographs of MercyMe, Phil Wickham and other Christian musicians.

There was nothing overtly religious about it,” Harvest executive director John Collins told CBN News.

After the initial complaint, the Christian organization revised the advertisements to include only the word “Harvest” with the dates of the event.

“Then they came back and said they just wanted the ads completely removed and they refunded us,” he said.

I reached out to management at Fashion Island but they did not return my calls.

“We’re certainly not upset with The Irvine Company. Obviously they’re catching heat for allowing us to run these ads. We feel it is just unfortunate that people are complaining,” Collins told CBN News. “It’s sad that our culture is at this degree of intolerance…There’s such intolerance against Christianity that we aren’t allowed to state that or to publicly advertise this event. That’s amazing.” [12]

If this trend continues we will have only one point of view.  The left is being supported by MSM at every level, which does its best to allow only one point of view.  You can listen to 50 different news casts about what they allow to be reported on and you will hear the report given verbatim.  Exact wording for all 50 different reports.  That is not a coincidence, that is indoctrination. With so many channels to surf through and so much great programming, why can’t we find anything to watch? 90% of what we watch, listen to and read is owned by 6 companies. That’s a large percentage to just be divided by a factor of six. 30 years ago 90% of media was held by 50 different companies, which is what most people would assume it would be now, but thanks to mergers and buyouts, it’s down to 6 major companies (until someone else buys another). The reason we never find anything new on TV is that 70% of what is on cable is owned by the ‘Big 6.’ That’s 1 out of every 5 hours of television. Comcast now owns 51% of NBC, while GE owns 49% (even though the infographic states that GE owns Comcast), further controlling the market with a top cable provider and a top cable channel. [13]

This is what happens when we are not paying attention.  Will we wake up in time to reverse this?  November is coming.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. Milo Yiannopoulos Berkeley
  2. Berkeley bans Ben’s Shapiro speech
  3. Terence P Jeffrey Yale students protest disrupt pro free speech event
  4. Yale students protest forum on free speech
  5. Campus protesters try to silence conservative speaker demand college president’s resignation
  6. Protesters at Middlebury College shout down speaker attack him and a professor
  7. Protesters disrupt talk by pro-police author, sparking free-speech debate at Claremont McKenna College
  8. Dennis Prager banned by YouTube
  9. Undercover video: Twitter engineers to ban a way of talking through shadow banning algorithms to censor opposing political opinions
  10. Freedom of speech media bias leading
  11. Freedom of speech media bias leading
  12. Mall removes billboards promoting Harvest Crusade
  13. 6 corporations control 90% of the media in America

Lead Like Jesus?

By Pastor Mike Spaulding

Lead like Jesus! Sounds super spiritual and to use today’s hipster pastor language, “way cool!” There are blog posts, multiple articles, even books all dedicated to assisting readers in leading like Jesus lead. The question is, what does that even mean?

In many instances today, authors, speakers, and writers paint a picture of the compassion, mercy, forgiveness, patience, tolerance, and unbounded grace of Jesus. While Jesus is all those things, it doesn’t follow that is His leadership style. The fact is, modern Western Christianity has created a sad caricature of the biblical Jesus.

In Mark 10:32 we read that Jesus and the disciples were on the road once again, this time to head to Jerusalem. This verse says “and Jesus was walking ahead of them, and they were amazed, and those who followed were fearful.” The context of this passage and the place it sits within the overall narrative of Mark’s Gospel is important to understand.

Jesus was now within a few weeks, perhaps as few as 4 to 6, from His divine appointment at Golgotha. Chapter 11:1 tells us Jesus and the disciples approached Jerusalem. Their entry into Jerusalem in verse 11 is what we call Palm Sunday. So the events we are reading about in Mark 10  are relevant to their arrival in Jerusalem and the rapid escalation of hatred that culminated in Calvary.

So, Jesus was walking ahead of the twelve disciples and they were amazed. Do you know why they were amazed? The text doesn’t tell us specifically but I believe the twelve were amazed at the bold determination of Jesus to march right into the jaws of the beast that awaited Him in Jerusalem. The religious system of Judaism in that day was an apostate beast system of corruption, manipulation, and deceit. The Jews had been plotting to murder Jesus for at least the previous 18-24 months. They seethed with rage just thinking of His popularity among the people, and they had become convinced that unless Jesus was killed their entire religious business was going to collapse like an unstable house of cards.

In the events recorded in Mark 10, the Pharisees thought they had conceived of the perfect plan and that they had been patient enough to spring their trap when Jesus crossed over the Jordan into Perea (“beyond the Jordan” in 10:1). They deliberately brought up the issue of divorce thinking they could manipulate Jesus into getting Himself arrested based on His own words. The Pharisee’s plan was to engage Jesus in a debate about divorce while He was traveling through the territory ruled by Herod Antipas. It was Herod Antipas who had John the Baptists’ head removed. Do you recall why Herod took such action?  John was jailed and executed because he spoke loud and often that Herod was an adulterer for stealing his brother’s wife. But Jesus once again took them to theological school by teaching them God’s thoughts on the subject.

Now, I’m stating all of this to show you the true nature of Jesus’ leadership style.  Friends, Jesus is not the effeminate Fabio caricature much of the American church thinks He is. Do you want to lead like Jesus? Then here is what you are going to need to do.

(1) You are going to have to lead the way. You are going to have to take the point. I know it has become popular to say that pastoral leadership is all about teaching others to do the ministry. The reality is others will follow and learn as you lead and do. But you better be very careful about how and where you lead God’s people, especially if you are considered a shepherd. God will hold you personally responsible for the spiritual nourishment or lack thereof that His people receive.

(2) You are going to have to find some courage. Leading is not about having all the answers. Only Jesus had all the answers. Leading is about having a determination to meet evil head-on. This includes being courageous in the pulpit. Pastors and ministry leaders simply must stop all the cotton candy sermons about how much God loves people.  The most glaring problem in the church today is not a lack of self-love. People already love themselves too much.

(3) You are going to have to stop listening to false teachers. Today we have well-known teachers, former and current pastors, and heads of denominational organizations who have succumbed to critical race theory propaganda, cultural Marxism, LGBT depravity, the demonic deception that Islam is compatible with American culture and values, and every other Luciferian agenda passed off as “compassionate Christianity.” Listen to me brethren: find some courage and denounce these people and their heresies because here is the truth of the matter:

  • Islam is the military arm of the forces of hell.
  • American media is the propaganda arm of the forces of hell.
  • Apostate Christianity provides the “religious” covering and immoral framework for the forces of hell.
  • The United States Supreme Court has wrested power away from the aristocrats in Congress and has become the legal sledgehammer for the forces of hell.
  • Naive, deceived, and compromised Christians are the useful idiots of the forces of hell.
  • America’s corporations including multi-national companies, central banks, and social media behemoths, provide the financial support for the forces of hell.

There is a reason Jesus confronted the beast religious system of His day: He recognized that it was not of God, did not obey His commands, and was instead worshipping idols of their own creation. The LGBT flag-waving, affirming, proud professing Christians are going to wake up in eternity and experience sheer terror when they hear “depart from Me you workers of iniquity.” Listen to me Christian: there is nothing to be proud of when one man sticks his penis into another man’s rectum. Have you lost your mind? That is not love and love has not won anything. Wickedness won and if you can’t see that then you are the problem.

The Islamic interfaith dialogue crowd is a picture of what happens when you deny centuries of history, the plain teachings of the Koran, the current speeches of the God-haters scattered all around the world in mosques, and the barbaric atrocities committed daily for Allah’s honor. What is there to dialogue about with people who say Jesus Christ was not the Son of God, did not die on a cross, never rose from the dead, and certainly is not the Savior of the world? With the fields white to harvest why are impotent stooges being honored for giving Islamic jihadists cover with their blind ego-driven speeches and seminars?

(3) You will need to realize that not all will follow you. The twelve were amazed but the larger contingency of disciples that followed Jesus was fearful (10:32). As I mentioned above, the twelve were amazed at Jesus’ resolve to travel directly to Jerusalem. The twelve knew the heated debates and angry words the religious leaders hurled at Jesus. The twelve had been ridiculed themselves for following Jesus. Watching Jesus walk that road straight into Jerusalem was a lesson they would forget in Gethsemane and in the days following Jesus ascension but, it was also one they remembered and drew strength and courage from after the giving of the Holy Spirit.

Some will fall away because they fear the path you are walking. They fear what they perceive to be the negative consequences for them personally. They will count the cost and decide it is too high a price to pay.

(4) You are going to have to tell people to stop sinning. America is currently in a period of time in which we are witnessing a mass exodus from the church. Do you have any idea why? The reason is simply this: people see very little difference between the lives of professing Christians and the general population. The church does not need another sermon series on being the best parent or spouse you can be. Christians do not need to be told to have their best life now. Christians need to understand that there are answers to their heartbreak. Statistics tell us that pornography is at an all-time high and rising among both men and women who profess faith in Christ. The church doesn’t need another sermon series on good sex. It needs clear biblical teaching on the God-given gift of sex that honors each spouse and that brings to bear the spiritual significance of sexual intercourse within marriage. The church needs to recover its identity as the assembly of the saints but it will not until the saints start acting like the people of God once again. The church needs accountability.

Do you want to lead like Jesus? If so then I encourage you to read Mark 10:38. There you see the cost to yourself and all that you count dear in this life. So, ask yourself, are you able to drink the cup Jesus drank? If you want to lead like Jesus, friend, you better buckle up because the ride is going to get bumpy. You are going to be misunderstood and even hated. You will be seen as a threat to the apostates of the beast religious system which is much of American Christianity, and you will be completely out of step, out of tune, and out of sync with the world system.

Father, I pray that You would raise up men and women who understand the times in which we live and who will not be afraid to lead with fearless conviction and Holy Spirit power, straight into the bared teeth of the Luciferians who control America. Father, equip us with divine courage that we would not flinch at the sight of evil but would instead snarl right back with a ferociousness born of a blood-bought soul. I ask this covering to be upon all who read these words and volunteer to lead like Jesus. In the wonderful, mighty, powerful name of Jesus I ask this, amen!

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics.]

© 2018 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E:Mail Mike Spaulding:

Deep State Husbands

Most of us are familiar with the Stepford Wives, but how many of us realize that the men involved in the so-called Deep State have wives that are anything but Stepford-type women?

Those of us who seek news outside of the mainstream know who Nellie Ohr is. Fox News spent the past week inundating us with information about her. The question is: Why did they wait so long to broadcast data published seven months ago?  Fox News treated it like a news alert – called it that, in fact.

It’s almost as if everything is being carefully timed to achieve a very secret objective.

Do the words “statute of limitations” resonate as the reason behind Robert Mueller’s, the FBI’s, the DOJ’s and Congressional Committees’ unreasonable delays?  If truth can be delayed long enough, no one goes to jail because the statute of limitations comes and goes so no one can be prosecuted.

When a crime (with a few exceptions – like murder) is perpetrated, the authorities have a limited amount of time to catch and prosecute the offender.  If the statute of limitations says the authorities have three years to solve and prosecute the crime, the perp can confess the day after the three year limit passes and cannot be prosecuted for it.  The crime is “dead.”

The Obama administration, the FBI and Department of Justice have handled many of their responsibilities to department policies and to our Constitution with reckless disregard.  If they delay things beyond the statute of limitations they cannot be prosecuted.  Thus they get to maintain their fictitious record of upholding the Constitution against enemies, foreign and domestic, and all of the mafia-like characters who have caused this challenge to our Constitutional Republic — and they get to retire at taxpayer expense.


1.  We know her husband is Bruce Ohr, fourth in command at the FBI at the time the phony Trump Dossier was created by Nellie Ohr and Christopher Steele for Fusion GPS.

2.  We know that both Bruce and Nellie Ohr knew Steele before the Russia/Trump Dossier was plotted by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.  We know Bruce Ohr was e-mailing Christopher Steele about it as early as January 2016.

3.  Nellie worked at Fusion GPS.  She (Dr. Ohr) is a recognized Russia expert and studied in the Soviet Union in 1989 before getting her PhD in 1990.  She is said to be fluent in the Russian language and is an expert on cyber security (an unusual combination to say the least). Bruce Ohr is a Deep State husband.  We know Nellie Ohr wrote the dossier for Fusion GPS and we know Bruce Ohr gave all of his wife’s writings about the Trump Russia delusion to the FBI.

4.  According to a sworn statement by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, Dr. Ohr was hired to conduct opposition research on behalf of the Clinton campaign against presidential candidate Donald Trump.

5.  Nellie’s Degrees include an A.B. from Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges, major: Russian History and Literature; and an M.A. and a PhD in History at Stanford University.

6.  Professional experience: She taught history at Vassar College and has written numerous book reviews (almost exclusively about Russian history… she shows a great deal of sympathy for the dilemmas Stalin faced as he killed 40 million Russians to implement and expand communism in the USSR ).

7.  And here’s something Fox News (and the House Intelligence Committee memo and the Inspector General’s report) didn’t tell you:  On May 23, 2016, Nellie Ohr received a technician-level amateur radio license.

As a cyber security expert, Dr. Ohr would know how difficult it is to hide any computer-or telephone-based communications from Big Brother.  A mystery writer could turn this into a very good plot about how to effectively hide from cyber security experts employed by the U.S. government.  Your message can be delivered without being discovered by using a short-wave radio which puts you in touch with people in foreign countries — like Christopher Steele  — while preventing you from having to register as someone who is doing business with foreign agents.


1.  Melissa Hodgman’s career at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) began in 2008 as an Enforcement Division staff attorney.  As of 2016, her salary was reported as $229,968 (according to the Internet).

2.  Hodgman was promoted to her current position as Associate Director in 2012.  Wow!  Talk about a rising star!  Ms. Hodgman – or perhaps I should say Mrs. Peter Strzok – appears to have had a rocket send her career to Wonderland… from beginning staff attorney to Assistant Director in four years!

Peter Strzok is a Deep State FBI husband.

Hodgman must be admired for being very quiet as her husband’s romantic episode with Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer Lisa Page has been media-blasted on front pages world-wide.  Or perhaps the Page episode was part of a plot?  The email-based romance was first discovered by the Inspector General at the DOJ who was conducting an investigation into the FBI and DOJ’s handling of the Clinton investigation.

3.  Ms. Hodgman-Strzok’s career boost happened at precisely the time the FBI needed someone at the SEC to, if need be, control access to any illicit contributions or other transactions from publicly-traded entities (like governments and corporations) involving the Clinton Foundation.

In July 2016, James Comey publicly stated Mrs. Clinton had been “extremely careless” when she used a personal email server.  He told the world she would not be prosecuted .  Keep in mind, it was Peter Strzok who changed the words “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” when Comey made his first statement about Mrs. Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.

Why is that important?  Had Mrs. Clinton been found “grossly negligent” she would have been guilty of a felony.  Indeed, she was guilty of a felony.  Also keep in mind it was the job of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, not FBI Director James Comey, to determine who would or would not be prosecuted.

4.  In October 2016, more than 600,000 Clinton emails were found on former Congressman Anthony Weiner’s computer (which he shared with his wife, long-term Clinton aide Uma Abedin) while Weiner was being investigated for “sexting” with a minor.

5.  James Comey had to announce that he was re-opening the Clinton investigation.  He had no choice because the information had gotten into the hands of the New York Police Department and so was no longer under the exclusive control of the FBI or DOJ.

Perhaps Comey was looking for an insurance policy at the SEC.  The timing is interesting.  Hodgman-Strzok was appointed to her position as Associate Director of the Enforcement Division of the SEC just three weeks before the presidential election and just hours after the Weiner emails were discovered.  It appears Hodgman-Strzok has oversight over which securities and financial crime cases get forwarded to the FBI and DOJ for prosecution.  Mrs. Hodgman-Strzok heads the SEC’s International Division.

6.  Have you wondered why action against Hillary Clinton moves at 0 mph?  Bear in mind, a great many of the transactions involving the Clinton Foundation involve international financial transactions and investment vehicles.  Is the SEC Inspector General investigating any irregularities involving the SEC’s interactions with the Clinton Foundation?  It does not appear so.


1.  She has been called “…the Guardian of the Deep State’s Secrets Gate.”  If it’s true, it is a well-earned nickname.  Why?  Try researching her on the Internet!  She doesn’t have a shadow of a presence.  It is obvious that many things about her have been removed.

2.  She is referred to as “the cleaner” in the one available Internet document (“cleaner” meaning a person who knows how to destroy evidence of a crime).  The document which makes the statement does not provide specific reference material and supplies a lot of potential gossip about Ms. Barsoomian so I mention it here only as a aside.

3.  Her Deep State Husband is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

As for the one document on the Internet that I find a bit suspicious:  There is too little specific information and too many general comments.  I don’t like “anonymous sources.”  I did go to some federal court cases in which Mrs. Barsoomian-Rosenstein was mentioned as having taken part but the public documents have been removed from public access.

4.  One document is reliable.  It is the online bio about Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein.  It states that Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian, an Armenian-American lawyer.  It also says that as a government attorney she defended cases for Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, various Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases and the “Carnivore” surveillance system (which monitors and captures e-mail).

I believe when she defended the FOIA cases she defended the FBI for rejecting them.

5.  The Rosenstein bio says Mrs. Barsoomian-Rosenstein has been practicing law for 24 years and she works for the National Institute of Health (NIH).

I doubt that’s where she works.  Internet information indicates Mrs. Barsoomian-Rosenstein is/was affiliated with another lawyer named R. Craig Lawrence who, according to cases listed on Mr. Lawrence’s Web site has represented Robert Muller three times, James Comey five times, Barack Obama 45 times, Kathleen Sebelius 56 times, Bill Clinton 40 times and Hillary Clinton 17 times.  Another source says that between 1998 and 2017 Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.

6.  Of all the Deep State husbands I researched, this one is the most chilling.  She is probably a bit like her smug husband with that smirk on his face as he was interviewed by a legitimate Congressional Committee (not that Congress is much to write home about).


1.  Sabina Menschel is the current head of Nardello & Company, a Washington, D.C. detective agency.  Internet sources say she is a 1999 Harvard graduate and her resume indicates intelligence experience.

2.  Her Deep State husband is someone about whom you have not yet heard a lot:  Edward William Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division since 2015.

3.  Bill Priestap was Peter Strzok’s supervisor and oversaw both the Russia and Clinton investigations.

4.  It is said that Mrs. Menschel-Priestap is one of Washington D.C.’s most feared private spies.

I would point out that husbands and wives cannot be forced to testify against one another.  Unless I’m mistaken, that is why Uma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are still married.  Buried in all of this mess is a strategy.

I enjoy living too much to say more.  I’ve given you enough information on all of these people for you to do some research on your own.

It’s Sunday and I want you to enjoy your weekend – otherwise, I’d tell you about President Trump’s current but as yet not approved Supreme Court appointee, Judge Kavanaugh, and his wife, Ashley Estes, secretary to President George W. Bush on September 10, 2001… evacuated from the White House during the 9/11 attacks.  The Kavanaughs (who met in the White House) are very close to the Bush family (George W. and Laura attended their wedding).

After writing and researching the above, I thought a great deal about Martin Luther King’s statement that it is far more important to know what we are willing to die for rather than just for what we will live our lives.

The research I gathered about this story (and some of which I did not include in the article) has been shared as a matter of protection.  I am not dying of a disease, I rarely drive anywhere (even more rarely on a highway), I am not depressed or suicidal – and I love my country.

Have a blessed Sunday!

© 2018 Marilyn M. Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

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E Pluribus Unum – Out Of Many One

We are not living up to the words gracing our national symbol, E Pluribus Unum.  Out of many one.

You can be a wing nut left or right, middle of the road kill, anarchist, or even call yourself an independent.  Frankly, I don’t know any independents.  If a right-wing nut is surrounded by left wing nuts he or she suddenly transform into an independent.  They lack courage to stand their ground.   Independent is a good barrier to hide behind.  Then there are the intellectually deficient who agree what a great idea something is until they discover it comes from someone they’re ideologically conditioned to hate.  With all of this mess, is it any wonder that our political system, which many of us do not even understand, needs an enema.  When a group of overpaid and over-served people cannot agree that a good idea is a good idea then we are lost.  Doomed to spend the rest of our days trapped in in the pit of regressive ideological hell.  Two plus two once equaled four.  Give the problem to congress and they would debate this for months.  Have hearings and investigations.  Ask the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate.  And, in the end we’d have common core math where any answer is fine.  Then the Supreme Court would rule the Constitution supports that conclusion.

We have an ever-widening array of ideologies, culture conflicts and identity groups.  What is growing more difficult is finding are red, white, and blue Americans.  Those great melting pot people.  Then ones who left less than satisfactory lives for the American ideal of individual liberty.  They embraced exceptionalism became Americans.  A people who have their internal squabbles about one policy or another, but who would stand shoulder to shoulder defending our way of life.  People who believe in the founding principles of our country.  People who want to defend and be governed by our Constitution rather than some ideologically driven activist judge.  People who would never take a knee.

Where are those people?

They’re still here in overwhelming numbers I believe.  The discounted people.  The people who’ve felt the pain inflicted by politicians wholly owned by the donor class.  The people talked down to by condescending political and media types.   The people who work everyday to provide for their families should they be fortunate enough to have a job.  The people who fill the ranks of our military, police forces and fire departments.  They work in our factories, run small businesses, provide services. Fix our plumbing.  The great middle class.  The people politicians promise to help but never do. The forgotten people.

The Washington establishment, the media establishment, the people convinced they are decidedly smarter than everyone else believe they all had it figured out. Then they lost to a non-political outsider.  They hated one candidate and loved the other.  They overlooked the character flaws of one, but not the other.  They considered one an intellectual giant and the other an idiot. They could not conceive that one candidate could possibly win an election yet it happened.  They were left distraught and astounded because they were conditioned to think in a certain way.  Conditioned to draw a mental red line and automatically despise anyone that stands on the other side.  Conditioned to believe they were the smart people who knew what was best for the rest.  They built up pre-conceived notions about people and set about trying to prove those notions to themselves and everyone else.  Even if it meant ignoring, burying or misconstruing the truth.

Anyone who believes that voter fraud to some extent has not played a role in elections for the history of elections is rather naïve.  We have concocted every conceivable method of potential voter fraud.  Absentee ballots for most anyone, early voting, allowing non-citizens to register to vote in local elections, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, automatically registering people to vote when they obtain a driver’s license when you don’t need to be a citizen to get a driver’s license, no voter identification laws.

When all else fails and the establishment’s favored candidate loses they promptly roll out the tired argument of doing away with the electoral college and have the president elected by popular vote.  If you look at the 2016 final election results you’ll see that minus the sanctuary state of California, the popular vote changes sides.  That is the brilliance of the electoral college.  It does not allow one population center to control the outcome of presidential elections.  It makes every vote count for something.

We are not living up to the words gracing our national symbol, E Pluribus Unum.  Out of many one.  We are devolving into ideological Balkanization.  We no longer embrace American Exceptionalism.  The world’s one country founded on the principle of individual freedom.  We are trying to take the exceptional one and turn it into a divided many.  Your culture, color, ethnicity, religion…. None of that matters.  What matters is are you an American?  One who embraces our Democratic Republic?  The time for choosing is upon us.  Out of many one or out of many nothing?

© 2018 J. D. Pendry J. D. Pendry’s American Journal

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Dare Speak The Truth And Arrogant UK Authorities Want Your Flesh

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

The release on bail of Tommy Robinson, the man who was swiftly arrested, sentenced and jailed for 13 months, for reporting on rape gangs which had been freely operating for many years across the UK, see my article from June, bought a very welcome sigh of relief for the many people who had been supporting his cause against an unfair trial and imprisonment.

However, the exposure of the totalitarian manner in which he was treated, whilst reporting on a case which had already been reported in the public domain, and now the apparent consequences of him being locked in solitary confinement in the second prison to where he was moved, HMP Onley Prison, Rugby, appears to reveal a cruelty which seems to outweigh the consequences of his misdemeanour and his conviction.   What exactly is going on?

In the following days of his arrest; after the deed had been done, and the reporting restrictions lifted; not only the mainstream media, but legal professionals from ever corner of the globe appeared to come out of the woodwork and take great pleasure and a deep sense of superiority in pointing out and justifying the ‘real’ reasons why Robinson had been locked up.

Justice, they believed, was rightly being served up upon a man who they considered a ‘trouble maker’ a ‘bigot’, a ‘thug’ a ‘nazi’ and a whole list of abbreviated adjectives which you would normally attach to a crook who had possibly raped and passed around your daughter. There was indignation towards a man, who albeit slightly irresponsible at times that displayed a hatred which surpassed normal rationality. Why was that? [Tommy Robinson bailed after Court of Appeal win]

If you have been watching the shift from mutually trusting and respecting another’s views to the outright violence and intolerance now being displayed by mainly liberal minded people towards those who see things differently, you will notice that there is very little tolerance being shown towards their fellow human beings, even if that person is presenting some very obvious facts.

Now they live under the premise that if they are offended by your difference of opinion, you are often sued, arrested and made to suffer unmercifully.

Aside from Tommy Robinson who voluntarily reports primarily on Islam, the UK is awash with ordinary people, who living upon the principles of their own conscience and conviction, and are not physically hurting anyone else, are being dragged often intentionally into law cases because the accuser’s feelings have been offended.

Consider just a few of these cases:

Michael Jones was charged with two counts of religiously aggravated offense for comments he made whilst open-air preaching in Beverley, near Hull. Michael denied both counts. (the offence – comments)

Victoria Wasteney, a senior NHS occupational therapist was suspended for nine months after giving a Christian book to a Muslim colleague. (the offence – passing on a book)

Christian worker, Nohad Halawi, was sacked from her job at London’s Heathrow Airport after false rumors that she was “anti-Islam”. (the offence – not liking another religion)

Gary McFarlane, a relationship counselor from Bristol, was dismissed for gross misconduct by Relate after he refused to confirm that he would provide directive sex therapy to homosexual couples due to his religious beliefs. (the offence – conviction of his own beliefs)

Shirley Chaplin, an NHS nurse, was faced with disciplinary action after being told that she was no longer permitted to wear her cross while at work on health and safety grounds. (the offence – wearing a piece of jewellery – the cross being offensive)

A Christian couple were told they could not adopt their two foster children, because of their “concerning” views that the children needed a mother and father. (the offence – having traditional values)

Vicky Allen is a teaching assistant who was disciplined for answering a student’s question on same-sex relationships. (the offence – honestly answering a question) [Link]

If anyone wants to criticize their religious convictions then they are free to do so; but no one above was inciting violence or causing physical harm.   Imprisoning them and punishing someone based on someone else being ‘offended’ comes from an arrogant spirit which has no tolerance.

As the world slips further into extreme decadence and poverty, both financially and morally, wrong minded people will still demand they are creating some sort of utopia in this world whilst right minded people are thwarting their plans, and must be silenced and stopped at any cost.

The evidence of an out of control section of society which pouts, uses emotion/tears or out-screams another when another’s views are unfashionable or unfavourable to their own is becoming more and more prevalent.      Unfortunately, we are witnessing more and more people in positions of authority who are stepping outside a legal framework and punishing others with their own biased views as well.   This is being witnessed not only in law, but within education and health.   Biased laws which disrespect the rights of a parent and also a patient are now being put in place to silence any opposition.    Does this stem from ‘common purpose’ values which promote leading outside of authority?

People are becoming afraid and do not trust the health system, the law system, or the education system any longer in the UK.

A spiritual battle, which some might say is between the ‘wheat and tares’ or the ‘truth and the lies’ of this world might be at the root cause of this conflict.    The similarities in the silencing of speech, which are occurring across the world, can be of no coincidence.

Certainly, there is now aggressiveness and arrogance in some people which want to see you suffer unmercifully for any slight against them, or their cherished views.

Sometimes, in their presence, you can witness a smile which tries to hide when you relay a tragedy or a mishap which has befallen you.

Some people will silently delight at your mistakes; a past slip of the tongue or a small indiscretion is ammunition to be taken down and used against you as evidence in case you should ever start to shine.    Watch out too for those who use the misdemeanours of your relatives against you.   A wrong minded person will never view you as an individual in your own right in the present day, but they will take every piece of dirt they can find to sling it at you to justify their own sense of rightness, even when they are wrong.

They are also experts at projecting their own flaws against you.

So, who and what is the beast we are dealing with?

The injustice that Tommy Robinson has suffered which you can view in the video from an interview with Tucker Carlson reveals a spirit which is intent on destroying people, and was intent on destroying him.    You will sense and see some stress and confusion in the interview, which is the result of his solitary confinement and the effects that injustice has on people.  It is quite disturbing to watch.

No doubt there will be people who still feel after watching this video he still got what he deserved, and some will say he is an attention seeker.

My own thoughts are that if you want some attention there are plenty of ways to get it other than risking your life to expose this kind of truth in today’s environment.    Tommy Robinson is worn out but he is not down and he is certainly no coward.

In the interview Carlson makes the statement that the United Kingdom is but a mere shadow of the nation which gave the United States its freedom of speech

Freedom of Speech is worth fighting for.   Regardless if you like or hate the man he didn’t deserve this.

Now we hear the ordeal is not over for Tommy.   There is going to be a re-trial next month and so the possibility of him being locked up again could be a possibility.

What is happening is that a big heavy show of silencing people (in other words this man is also being used as a scapegoat) is happening rather than a show being made of the true offenders of the whole incident, which are the men, accused of gang raping children.   Going after the minor offender and making a show of it is a distraction for showing muscle in the face of your own cowardice.    Human rights for one but never for another.

These actions should seriously concern anyone who loves justice for in reality he should be compensated and not punished further.

It’s a sad day for justice in the UK.

© 2018 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Sen. Feinstein’s Chinese Chauffeur/Spy Scandal Is Tip Of The Democrat Iceberg

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

It was revealed last week that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)’s driver for 20 years was a Chinese spy. But it was discovered five years ago by the FBI and never disclosed until Politico and San Francisco Chronicle uncovered it. Now more questions are being raised not only about the spy but about Feinstein’s closeness to the Chinese.

Feinstein’s driver also represented her at various functions and acted as a liaison to the Chinese community. Although the FBI advised her five years ago, it wasn’t made public and the driver was allowed to quietly retire. He was never arrested. Neither the FBI or Feinstein ever informed or questioned her staff about him or what they might know. And presumably, that means they also didn’t check other staff to see if anyone else had been compromised.

This raises lots of questions. The excuse for not charging him was it was judged he hadn’t passed anything top secret to the Chinese. But he had passed information to them. So why was he never charged? Even for failing to register as a foreign agent? Why is he still not being named?

And why hasn’t this been picked up by the national media? “Because the news media are more interested in sabotaging the Trump presidency than reporting on foreign spies working for Democratic Party leaders. That puts the Deep State in a defensive position rather than their usual offensive strategy against President Trump and the conservatives,” a former assistant district attorney said.

“This [Awan] case will most probably end up the way the Democratic National Committee’ Muslim Awan brothers case failed to materialize,” said Jeffrey Lankas, a former federal prosecutor.

The case involved Florida’s U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the controversial former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who had her office equipment seized by U.S. Capitol Police as part of a criminal investigation into congressional network security violations. Wasserman-Schultz admitted she frequently violates the DNC’s information security policy but still managed to point her finger at someone else.

The always boisterous congresswoman blamed the House of Representatives’ chief office manager for not stopping her from violating policies and perhaps the law regarding classified material. “This is how the Deep State operates: if one of their minions is found to be involved in unethical or criminal activities, the inhabitants of the D.C. swamp are sure to exert their power to rescue their ‘foot soldier,'” said a British police investigator.

According to news media accounts, during an appropriation hearing on Congress’ administrative budget in May, Wasserman Shultz conceded she had violated the policies for many years. She also sought to find out how much might be known about her Internet usage, asked if members of Congress are monitored?

“This is the same woman who pushed for a special prosecutor to investigate an alleged Russian hacking of the DNC’s IT system. Could they have been more careless?” asked police investigator Nolan Fitzsimmons.

Capitol Police are investigating Wasserman Schultz’s longtime information technology (IT) aide Imran Awan for theft and funneling congressional data from members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Committee on Homeland Security and Committee on Foreign Affairs.

A former police department’s intelligence official told Conservative Base that he believes part of the reason the Democratic Party and their allies in the news media continue their overall narrative — that Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin colluded to destroy innocent Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations — is to divert attention away from the alleged shenanigans of three Pakistanis hired by Democratic politicians.

“The Democrats in Congress hired three brothers to work in key jobs in the House of Representatives and it’s believed they spied for radical Islamic groups with the blessings of American politicians like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz,” the former police intelligence expert told Conservative Base. “They dread the thought of having to explain why they are so careless with classified intelligence,” he added.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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9/11: The Key To Restore Freedom In America

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. — Beatrice Evelyn Hall

Today’s America is a highly divided country. It seems that, suddenly, we strongly disagree about everything, even the most simple, mundane things. From opponents, who at least were able to discuss our opinions in an amicable, civilized way, we have changed into fierce enemies incapable of understanding, much less accepting other people’s divergent points of view.

The thing that divides us most, however, is not that some of us are Democrats and other Republicans. Not even that some of us are conservatives and some are progressives. The current attacks by coercive utopians at Google/Youtube, Facebook, Apple[1] Pinterest, Spotify, Twitter[2], AudioBoom, Disqus and others[3] on the freedom of expression of Alex Jones, who is repeatedly described as a conspiracy theorist who thinks that 9/11 was an inside job, and also Pastor James David Manning, a strong critic of Obama and the New World Order, are based on allegations of hate speech.

But hate speech is a tag the “progressive” lefties have also attached to President Trump. In the San Francisco Bay Area, the sign “STOP HATE” posted on the door of a home or a business actually means “WE HATE TRUMP.”

It is difficult, however, to understand why the same people who never raised an eyebrow after seeing a so-called comedian displaying a papier mache representation of President’s Trump decapitated head, who have published dozens of caricatures depicting President Trump assassinated — a recent cover for The New Yorker magazine shows a dead Trump after falling off an escalator —, or have encouraged people to see a play where Trump is assassinated, now claim that they are against all manifestations of hate. It is obvious that, to these people, “hate” is anything that goes against their convictions, ideas and beliefs about subjects such as global warming, evolution, abortion, sexuality, immigration, firearms possession or the New World Order.

Even more important, who is going to tell the self-proclaimed censors what “hate” is and what is not? Well, according to the censors’ twisted logic, most likely the arbiter will be the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the most subversive institutions in today’s America. Its function is not only to use the law to keep Southern people in poverty, but to lead attacks on people who oppose the New World Order.[4]

In my humble opinion, however, what divides us most is our vision of the 9/11 events.

The 9/11 events marked a turning point in the course of this nation. 9/11 was the pretext used by our government to declare the so-called War on Terror, which justified unnecessary military conflicts abroad as well as pushing down our throats an aberration called the Department of Homeland Security, a veritable Gestapo. It opened the gates to create other aberrations such as the Transportation Security Administration, the militarization of police and the current surveillance state. Eventually, the DHS evolved into a sort of national police, something most Americans had previously opposed.

Currently, as a direct result of 9/11, America resembles more Nazi Germany[5] or the Soviet Union than the representative Republic our Founder Fathers created.

The recent attacks on the First Amendment rights of Alex Jones, mostly centered on his interpretation of the 9/11 events, mark a dangerous trend. If this is not stopped, soon after all internet sites, books and videos analyzing 9/11 from a different perspective than the one offered by the U.S. government will be taken out of circulation and eventually banned. From this point on, it will be a short step to consider as a crime even the possession of any such items. This is what is currently happening in Communist China and Fascist Cuba.

Nevertheless, the globalist conspirators’ vicious attacks on Alex Jones are a clear sign that he is right on most of his criticism of the New World Order. That’s why they fear him so much.

To restore some rationality to the current madness that has grabbed the land, it is necessary, actually vital, to open a thorough, impartial investigation of the 9/11 events. I don’t use the word “reopen” because the 9/11 events were never investigated. Most Americans, as well as the globalist-controlled mainstream media, accepted without reservations the explanations offered by the U.S. government, and that was the end of it.

The evidence shows, however, that the government never carried out an investigation. On the contrary, the U.S. government played a key role in avoiding an investigation. Hundreds on videos still available on the web show people from government agencies diligently working hard to destroy the evidence at the scene of the crime in Manhattan, the Pentagon and the crash of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. Fortunately, thanks to the advances in recording technology, there is visual evidence that many things in the official narrative don’t add up.

The 9/11 events are without a doubt the greatest failure or our government, our intelligence agencies and our military, for whose services we pay billions of dollars annually, to prevent such events. Surprisingly, nobody was reprimanded, much less fired as the result of such gross incompetence.[6] We need to find out why this happened.

Only a true investigation will put to rest this divisive event, but a fully independent, impartial, reliable Commission must conduct it. We don’t need another Warren Commission.

Current events are showing the high degree of corruption and lack of professionalism affecting organizations such as the FBI, the CIA and the Department of Justice. Consequently, traitorous CFR members must be banned from participating in such an investigation. There are some already existing organizations, such as Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, whose members must be part of this investigation.

If, as a result of this investigation, it is found that the 9/11 was actually an inside job carried out by people at the highest levels of the U.S. government, the culprits must pay for their crimes and all the organizations created as a result of 9/11 must be disbanded. This will mark, once and for all, the end of the globalist conspirators’ War on Terror.

What we are seeing now is not just an attack on Alex Jones. It is an attack on the Internet, the only medium of communication the globalist conspirators have not been able to control. So, it seems that they would rather prefer to destroy the Internet than allow us to use it to fight their totalitarian New World Order.[7]

We need to restore the First Amendment to the Constitution. The current attack on our freedom of expression, carried out by our domestic enemies, is a thousand times worse than any attack our foreign enemies can conceive. These attacks are a real and present danger to the American Republic. We need to stop the perpetrators by any means necessary.

So, if you want to stop the current witch hunt, please write letters to your Congressman, Senator and President Trump asking them to put a stop to the attacks on the First Amendment and to create a truly independent commission to investigate what really happened on September 11, 2001.

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales:


1- Apparently Apple, so happy with guarantees offered by the ChiCom government to exploit a quasi-slave working force in China to assemble its products, apparently wants to reproduce the Chinese slavery system in America to make even more money by reducing shipping costs. Currently, both Apple and Facebook have agreed with the Chinese government to produced versions of their products than can be easily controlled by the censors.

2- It seems that we are not too far from the classic papieren, bitte! [papers, please!] we have seen in WWII films. After the full implementation of the so-called “real ID,” we will be required by law to carry it at all times and show it to the authorities on demand.

3- The coordination of the attack, highly resembling the steel companies’ attack against President Kennedy, not only seems a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, but it also may indicate that it was orchestrated by the same organization who planned the attack on Kennedy: the Council on Foreign Relations.

4- Former DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano used a list created by the SLPC to brand some people as potential “domestic terrorist.” Among them were Ron Paul’s supporters, 2nd Amendment advocates, Christian conservatives, veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and “Constitutionalists.” See Robert Stacy McCain, PJ Media, April 26, 2010.

5- Twitter suspended the Ron Paul Institute Executive’s Account.

6- Actually only one person was fired. Paradoxically, he was the only person who did his job: José Meléndez Pérez, an immigration officer working at the Orlando, Florida International Airport who smelled a rat and stopped would-be terrorist al-Qahtani from becoming the 20th hijacker to enter the U.S. As a result of his action, Meléndez was systematically harassed and finally fired from his job.

7- I predicted the end f the Internet 15 years ago. See Servando Gonzalez, “Kiss Your Internet Goodbye,” NewsWithViews, April 6, 2003.

It’s time For People To Learn The Truth

For numerous decades black Americans have bought hook line and sinker one of the biggest lies involving American history. There are several mega lies that black Americans believe. But for now, I will focus on the double whopper that democrats care about black Americans and that slavery is to blame for the societal ills suffered by black Americans today. Beginning with the latter, when one looks at the slavery era to freedom a few surprising details are revealed. In 1865 right after emancipation A Madison County Mississippi Judge along with many white democrats in the region assumed and hoped that the former slaves would forego the commitment and responsibilities of marriage.  At the behest of many former slave masters a law for blacks was passed that legalized simply “living together”.

One man remembered two radical whites one a minister and the other a legal officer, told blacks that children born outside of legal marriage were “bastards” and could not inherit property.  The Mississippi ex-slaves were no different in their commitment to legal marriage than ex slaves in North Carolina and elsewhere.  In fact, convincing evidence chronicled in the book, ‘The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom’ shows both black and white marriage registration rates.  In 1870, according to the Republican Mississippi Governor James L. Alcorn, 3,427 blacks in thirty-one counties purchased marriage licenses: whites in those same counties bought 2,204 licenses.  Proportionately more blacks than whites purchased marriage licenses that year.

In 1882-1883 many democrats tried to convince themselves and anyone who would listen that blacks declined morally after emancipation.  However, marriage being one measure of the supposed decline explained by Charles K. Marshall, the prominent Vicksburg Methodist clergyman, defended the blacks against their democrat critics.  He cited the marriage licenses to whites and blacks in Hinds County “First District” between January 1879 and January 1883.  Of 684 licenses issued, three in four went to blacks.  The percentage of licenses issued to blacks (75.3 percent) equaled the percentage of blacks aged fifteen to forty-four (74.5 percent) living in Hinds County in 1880.  In some locations, blacks purchased a higher percentage of marriage licenses than the white population.

That infuriated the democrats and former slave masters who did not want to see blacks independently able to fend for themselves.  They understood that strong intact families enabled people to more successfully navigate the rigors of life.  Of course, the racist democrats would have none of that and continued to try and convince blacks that a higher level of living was not for them.  Blacks migrated north and west to seek better opportunities and get away from the democrats who worked day and night to devise ways to force blacks to live below their God given abilities and purpose in this life.  Throughout the decades leading up to the Civil Rights or as my Dad called it, “the bastardized rights movement” that will be explained in my upcoming book.

Frederick Douglas literally begged his fellow abolitionists to approach escaped and later freed slaves as regular people and allow them to rise or fall based upon their own efforts and in the long run “they would be fine”.  Many abolitionists ignored his worthy plea and set out to treat blacks as lesser beings who should be free, but not too bright intellectually.  In fact, they viewed Frederick Douglas, who was more accomplished than they as if he was accidentally intelligent and could not be duplicated in the black race.  In that regard they were no better than the democrats and former slave masters who knew blacks were intelligent. But sought to keep them “in their place”, by not allowing them to learn to read, or own their own businesses.

Eventually, racist democrats and KKK members were no longer able to get away with physically preventing blacks from education, owning a business, living where they could afford, etc.  But their dastardly mission of lording over blacks never diminished.  The democrats understood that to maintain their power base, they needed a gullible population of voters to sustain their power.  Over time, closet racist democrats gained control of the government education systems. Overtime good quality education was transformed into mind numbing indoctrination and dummying down, all at taxpayer expense. After several decades government school indoctrination has achieved what slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t, which has been the destruction of traditional strong family life.  As recently as 1962 only 17 percent of black American children lived in one parent households. But immediately after the Civil Rights movement, that began to turn around and today 80 percent of Black American children are living in one parent households.

Democrats have indirectly destroyed what had been an overall upwardly mobile population of American blacks who have been brainwashed into ignorant self-destructive bitterness.  The truth is beginning to circulate. More and more American blacks are learning the truth and leaving the dehumanizing democrat party plantation.  Speaking of truth, I Blow away the Myths and reveal the Truth via “The Edwards Notebook” commentary daily on,, AM 1400 & FM 101.5 The Patriot Detroit, and during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. Last, but not least join me live Fridays on the Ron Edwards Experience at 1:00 PM PT, 3:00 CT, 4:00 PM ET on KCKQ AM 1180, & SHRmedia.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Open Letter To Conservative Kansas Voters

The way I see it, we have some work cut out for us.  Here are some things to consider concerning the future three months, affecting the future altogether:

Vickie Schmidt was elected for the Insurance Commissioner GOP candidate. She’s a known RINO and should just change her affiliation to Democrat. However she hasn’t, and is most likely posturing herself for larger Republican roles. Who’s Nathanial McLaughlin? What’s the job of Insurance Commissioner, and is it really a political job that partisanship platforms heavily affect? If not, why not vote for McLaughlin to get Schmidt out of office for awhile? I’m going to do some digging on this and welcome insight, wisdom and strategy we can utilize across the state.

[And try not to think of this negatively.  Partisan politics is only effective if one party is right about everything all the time – and we know that isn’t reality.  If the office doesn’t demand compromise on Constitutional and moral issues, then either party is appropriate.  [For example, does the office of “Insurance Commissioner” have a lot of responsibilities that would set back the conservative platform if a democrat operated in it?]  If Kansas conservatives want the Republican party to adequately represent conservative politics, we have to start weeding out the RINOs and otherwise compromised “republicans”.  Look at the big picture.  Vickie Schmidt does NOT represent conservative values.  She should not represent conservative Republicans.  If Republicans vote her out of office by voting for a Democrat, the message will be made loud and clear to future RINOs.  i.e. We do not have your back.  We do not vote straight party if the party isn’t accurately being represented.]

Kris Kobach is running against Laura Kelly. This should be a win, as twice as many Republicans voted in the primaries than did Democrats. [311,009 (R) vs 152,856 (D)]  Republicans in Kansas simply have more voters than Democrats. Laura Kelly was endorsed by Planned Parenthood in 2008 and as a governor candidate is endorsed by Emily’s List, the largest pro-choice resource in America for the basis of abortion in politics. Of course this isn’t the only topic of concern, but it is one that needs demonstrably resounded across the public venues. Also, Kelly is campaigning on the platform to reverse the bill (SB 284) enacted to enable religious based adoption agencies to deny placement of foster children contrary to their firmly held religious convictions. [Opponents of such bills like to use terms like anti-LGBT as though this is about opposing a movement instead of upholding sincerely held religious convictions that date back literally thousands of years, versus modern social and cultural changes.] It would behoove Kansans to evaluate the issues of gravest concern in Kansas and highlight Kobach’s strategies for implementing forward progress in those. Then inform, inform, inform Kansans and then recruit, recruit, recruit voters to actually show up and vote.

Of urgent concern is the primary election of Steve Watkins for US House District 2 (replacing Lynn Jenkins).  This is especially egregious in the light of known and confirmed true conservatives Tyson, Jones, Fitzgerald and Pyle, who garnered an accumulated 47,627 votes to Watkins’ 19,753 votes.  Clearly a true Conservative is the desire of Kansans, of which Watkins has yet to demonstrate.  In retrospect and possibly for future benefit, perhaps the Republican committee can do a better job of selecting one key conservative candidate instead of four.  Clearly those votes divided the conservative vote casting it virtually inept for the primary.

To date, Watkins appears a chameleon of sorts, shifting and coloring himself for the audience he’s in front of.  Rumor has it he comes from a wealthy family and has the means of throwing a lot of money at campaigning stunts.  (Apparently his PAC’s  sole donor of $100k was his father.)  His father insists that Steve is conservative, which is encouraging if true.  Red flags have been thrown, however, by conflicting reports that Steve met with the Democratic party and expressed personal liberal views.  From the following sourced link:

Watkins has faced scrutiny in recent weeks after Kansas Democratic officials revealed that the candidate met with them at Shawnee Democratic Party headquarters several months before he announced his run. Watkins confirmed the meeting took place, but has denied claims that he ever considered running as a Democrat or espoused socially liberal views during the meeting.

Read more here.

A damning piece was written in the Kansas City Star with revealing allegations that Watkins did indeed meet with the Democratic Committee about running as a Democrat and supporting widely held liberal beliefs in the social arena. The article states:

Three Kansas Democrats said they met with Steve Watkins, an Army veteran running as a Republican in Kansas’ 2nd District, at the Shawnee Democratic Party headquarters in Topeka in August 2017 when he was contemplating a run for the open seat.

“He was basically trying to feel us out and see if we’d support him for Congress,” said Ty Dragoo, the Democratic vice chair for the 2nd District.

“When he was talking to us, it was all the right stuff,” Dragoo said. “He supports sensible gun laws.  He supports labor unions…  He sounded like a Kansas Democratic Party member.  His social views were liberal.  We talked about gay and lesbian rights and he was all for that.”

Watkins has denied these allegations, and you can read his denial in the cited article.

Independent researchers and journalists discovered Watkins has only voted in two elections in his entire life, both local and both in the last two years, and never in a Presidential election.

Reports reveal that Watkins failed to receive a Kansas for Life endorsement and is married to Planned Parenthood award winner Fong Liu, a pro-choice Ob-Gyn.  According to this report, his wife also contributed to a democrat PAC, ActBlue as recently as last year. These are alarming affiliations for a conservative Republican, and may explain why the known conservative candidates received 47,627 votes to Watkins 19,753 votes. Nonetheless, we have a curious situation before us that we need to address with wisdom, vigilance and strategy. Watkins’ words maintain that he is “unequivocally pro-life”, but we have nothing in his actions to confirm this.

Either Watkins is a liar and has infiltrated the Republican party as an imposter, or there are other possibilities. We have little time to figure this out and do the appropriate work, so we should begin immediately.

Maybe Watkins is apolitical. Maybe he doesn’t exactly know what he believes and is a mixture of his parents’ ideology, his wife’s ideology and/or his life experiences. His father insists he is conservative, and Watkins himself professes an “outsider” position. If this be the case, two things need to happen immediately:  prayer and conservative counsel. We must pray for Watkins to heed the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. We must pray wise counsel be put around him. We must surround him with wise counsel. If he is still forming his convictions it is imperative that wise and experienced conservatives be his counselors. Who are his friends? Who counsels him?  Where does he get his information? How well does he know and understand the liberties and responsibilities of our Constitution? These questions must be answered now.

Watkins has professed that he would have voted for Trump if he had voted in the last elections, and he has professed he thinks Trump is the right answer for America’s current woes. If this be true, he needs people around him to help him align with the principles of change Trump is bringing in immigration policy (i.e. border security, immigration law enforcement, etc.), tax reform, business policies, foreign and domestic trade, etc. He needs to be familiar with these things, understand them, and understand Kansans’ views of these things.

Maybe Watkins was playing the democratic party to infiltrate it? (a long shot, I know) And maybe he was trying to be strategic in combatting the opposition. If so, he was ineffective and unbelievable.  He needs wisdom and experience and those around him to guide him effectively. He needs to be counseled on transparency and the necessity of it if he’s going to righteously lead at our nation’s capital and rightly represent his state’s constituents.

Or maybe Watkins really is a conservative, really is pro-life, really does want to bring Constitutional change to a corrupt system.  If so, again, he needs our prayers and he needs wise counsel around him.  Maybe he is an upcoming new face of change for a stale system, but desperately needs wisdom and experience.  It would behoove us as conservatives to be praying for him and helping him get established in true conservative and Constitutional principles.

Or maybe Watkins is a fraud and he really is liberal, and really isn’t interested in anything than making a name for himself, accruing some political allies, and furthering the mess in DC.  If this is the case, we must both hold his feet to the fire, and also vote him out in two years.  We must make a concerted effort to nominate ONE Conservative frontrunner for the next election and replace him immediately.

These are our options as I see it.  We must move, and move quickly, before liberal forces and unwise counsel muddies the waters and changes the direction.

© 2018 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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The Real Climate Change

I don’t believe in man-made Climate Change caused by SUVs and toilet paper, we’re all gonna die unless we give the government fantastic new powers to screw up our lives and lots and lots of money, blah-blah. But I can see another kind of Climate Change, definitely man-made, that’s screwing up the Western world: the creation, by liberals, of a climate of fear.

The Washington Nationals’ shortstop, as a consequence of some “hateful” tweets he made as a teenager, is waiting to meet with Major League Baseball’s “vice president for social responsibility and inclusion” so they can “determine appropriate sensitivity training,” as reported by Bob Knight in The Washington Times this week (“A Maoist Moment in America”). The 25-year-old athlete, who already, ahem, volunteers for some kind of anti-bullying program—when he’s the one who’s being bullied—has had to “apologize” to an assortment of “communities” representing this or that easily-offended Cherished Minority. He has crawled, and they’re kicking him in the face.

Like they always do.

Yes, you can’t say this and you can’t say that, and there’s no statute of limitations. Self-criticism sessions, anyone? Let’s hear it for the Cultural Revolution II.

Meanwhile, Facebook, Apple, and Youtube have gotten together—they deny what anyone can plainly see—to ban Alex Jones, an Internet talk show star, for “hate speech.” They have this idea that the only reason anyone is not a rug-chewing leftist is because Alex Jones or Fox News has somehow tricked him into being a conservative. Silence all conservative speech, they suppose, and everybody will just naturally revert to the default position of liberalism. So you can’t listen to Alex Jones anymore.

It’s a one-way street. It’s only “hate” if spoken by a conservative. For real hot, steaming hate, we have to turn to The New York Times and the new member of their editorial board, one Sarah Jeong. Miss Sarah denounces “dumbass f***ing white people” who, she says, are “like dogs” and “only fit to live underground like groveling goblins”. Lots and lots of tweets from her, along those lines—but don’t hold your breath waiting for this racist cutie to be banned. Lately libs have tried to spin this as “satire,” although it would be hard to find anyone stupid enough to believe that. Our collidges and looniversities spew out tanker-loads of venom against white people every day. That’s not satire. They call it “higher education.”

Can you feel the love?

It’s an embarrassment of poverty to live in an age when professional baseball has to have a “vice president for social responsibility and inclusion.” What the deuce does “inclusion” even mean?

Some years ago I interviewed a twollop with the Ontario Human Rights Commission who said they were concerned that a lot of people aren’t sufficiently “inclusive” in regard to their personal friendships. He thought the government ought to do something about that. What, he didn’t specify. Review everybody’s friendships and re-assign them? Make a law that says you’ve got to have at least one “transgender” friend? Put the whole population of Canada into sensitivity training until their minds are right?

Leftists are unable to conceive of any limit to the powers and priorities of government—as long as it’s government owned and operated by themselves.

How much farther does this shameful business have to go before people stand up and say “Hold! Enough!”

Well, the Maoist wannabes who run the Western world, having rejected Christian morality and tradition, are stuck with the job of defining and enforcing their own preposterous version of morality. They welcome the challenge!

I think it’s time to present them with a bigger challenge—and utterly defeat them.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Science And Scripture: Scripture Reveals That Science Confirms Scripture

Secular scientific-minded persons have often declared that Scripture is not compatible with science. Scripture is not primarily a science book, but it does reveal many scientific laws and principles that have aided man in discovery. This article and video presentation will provide numerous examples that demonstrate Scripture has revealed science long before man confirmed many scientific truths and will show how man has often erred in understanding science, as Scripture-based science proclamations were later proven to be true.


JOB 28:24-25 (NKJV):
For He looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens, to establish a weight for the wind.

Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist and mathematician, invented the barometer and discovered that air has weight in 1640.

Robert William Boyle (1627-1691), Irish chemist, inventor, natural philosopher,

and physicist, experimented with air pumps and discovered many properties of air. Boyle’s law states that the volume of gases varies inversely to the pressure upon the gas. Boyle’s work with air pumps was published in 1660, “New Experiments Physico-Mechanicall, Touching the Spring of the Air, and its Effects.”


And YHWH (the Lord) God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place.

Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870), Scottish obstetrician, discovered the anesthetic properties of chloroform and successfully pioneered its use for anesthesia in 1847. Simpson, a Scripture-believing Christian, was inspired by Genesis 2:21, which led him to transform surgeries into painless procedures.


Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer, or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.

Entomology, the scientific study of insects, began as a science in the 16th century and confirmed what was written in Scripture about the ant: the queen ant is supplied with food by the colony ants that gather for her (Proverbs 30:25).


NUMBERS 19:6,9,17,19 (NKJV) (condensed):
Take cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet, and cast them into the midst of the fire burning the heifer. Gather up the ashes of the heifer, and store them outside the camp in a clean place and they shall be kept for the water of purification. Take some of the ashes of the heifer burnt for purification, and running water shall be put on them in a vessel. Take hyssop and dip it in the water, sprinkle it on the tent, on all the vessels, on the persons who were there. He shall purify himself, wash his clothes, and bathe in water; and at evening he shall be clean.

To make antibacterial soap, cedar wood, hyssop (aromatic plant), and scarlet material (wool) are cast upon a burning heifer. Once the mix has been consumed by fire, the ashes are gathered and placed in water to remove uncleanness. When water is poured through the ashes, an antiseptic called ‘thymol’ is produced, which contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Early American pioneer settlers would make soap as Scripture instructed.


The life of the flesh is in the blood.

William Harvey (1578-1657), English physician, discovered in 1620 that the heart circulates blood throughout the body and life is maintained by blood, which brings nourishment and carries away waste. His book, “De Motu Cordis – On the Motion of the Heart and Blood,” was published in 1628.

Physicians up until the late 19th century practiced bloodletting, withdrawing blood from their patients to alleviate them of their ailments, which was almost always harmful as it weakened patients and sometimes inadvertently killed them (ex: George Washington). The practice of bloodletting, except as a treatment for a few blood diseases, has been discontinued by modern medicine and is now considered to be a pseudoscience.


Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt;
put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself.

Bread makers follow this recipe and variations of it to bake nutritious bread.


GENESIS 1:21-22 (NKJV) (condensed):
So God created … every winged bird according to its kind. And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, …, and let birds multiply on the earth.”

The “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question has plagued evolution-minded philosophers for centuries. Evolutionists have a dilemma in trying to explain the paradox that an egg cannot form without a chicken, and a chicken could not be formed without a Creator. Scripture is clear in proclaiming that the chicken came first and God commanded that the chicken (and all birds) were to multiply on the Earth thereafter.

Evolutionists proclaim that male and female genders came about through a gradual process of evolution. Scripture records the words of Yeshua (Jesus), who stated in Matthew 19 verse 4 and Mark 10 verse 6, that from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.

Once thought to be simple blobs of flesh by evolutionists, scientists have since discovered that cells are incredibly complex structures, a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machinery built by man.


He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male child in your generations.

And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised.

Medical science has recently discovered that the blood clotting chemical prothrombin peaks in a newborn male child on the eighth day. On the eighth day, the amount of prothrombin present is actually elevated above 100% of normal and this is the only day in a male’s life in which this will be the case. The eighth day is the safest day to circumcise a male child [1].


You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all.

ECCLESIASTES 1:9-10, 3:14-15 (NKJV):
That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, “See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us.

I know whatever God does, it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before Him. That which has already been, and what is to be has already been.

Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French chemist, discovered that although matter may change its form or shape, its mass always remains the same.

The law of the conservation of mass: There is no new mass or matter being created within our time-space-matter universe. The total amount of mass in the universe remains constant – it is merely changing from one form to another.


When any man has a discharge from his body, his discharge is unclean. And this shall be his uncleanness in regard to his discharge – whether his body runs with his discharge, or his body is stopped up by his discharge, it is his uncleanness.

Every bed is unclean on which he who has the discharge lies, and everything on which he sits shall be unclean. And whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. He who sits on anything on which he who has the discharge sat shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. And he who touches the body of him who has the discharge shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening.

If he who has the discharge spits on him who is clean, then he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. Any saddle on which he who has the discharge rides shall be unclean. Whoever touches anything that was under him shall be unclean until evening. He who carries any of those things shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. And whomever the one who has the discharge touches, and has not rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. The vessel of earth that he who has the discharge touches shall be broken, and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.

And when he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing, wash his clothes, and bathe his body in running water; then he shall be clean.

NUMBERS 19:13-16 (NKJV):
Whoever touches the body of anyone who has died, and does not purify himself, defiles the tabernacle of the Lord. He shall be unclean, because the water of purification was not sprinkled on him; his uncleanness is still on him.

This is the law when a man dies in a tent: All who come into the tent and all who are in the tent shall be unclean seven days; and every open vessel, which has no cover fastened on it, is unclean. Whoever in the open field touches one who is slain by a sword or who has died, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.

Scripture gives instruction of biohazard contagion and the methodology to prevent it through hygiene and quarantine rules. For many centuries, doctors wore bloodstained gowns while operating on their patients until it became known that they were infecting them with contagions. Since the early 1900’s, doctors and surgeons began wearing clean white long-sleeved coats, gowns, or scrubs and the spread of contagions from hospital operating tables was greatly reduced.


Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 list the creatures that may be eaten as food and unclean creatures that are not to be eaten. Among the unclean creatures listed are swine and all sea creatures that do not have fins and overlapping, shedding scales.

Dr. David Macht, (1882-1961), did research on Scripture-declared clean and unclean creatures according to Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 to test their non-toxicity and toxicity levels. Macht studied 88 clean and unclean creatures and found that the unclean creatures were toxic and the clean creatures were non-toxic according to his toxicity tests. There was a 100% correlation between clean creatures and non-toxicity and unclean creatures and toxicity. His findings were published by John Hopkins University in the “Bulletin of the History of Medicine,” September-October issue in 1953, and was titled, “An Experimental Pharmacological Appreciation of Leviticus XI and Deuteronomy XIV.”

A 2015 World Health Organization press release reported that consuming processed pork products such as bacon, pork hot dogs, and sausage causes cancer [2]. Numerous government reports have periodically warned consumers of the dangers of consuming shellfish. Fish without scales are plagued with parasites and have higher levels of mercury and other toxins than fish with overlapping, shedding scales. It has been scientifically verified that consuming Scripture-listed unclean creatures causes a variety of health issues, diseases, feebleness, weakening of the body, and premature death.


Look now at the behemoth [BRACHIOSAURUS], which I made along with you; he eats grass like an ox. See now, his strength is in his hips, and his power is in his stomach muscles. He moves his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are tightly knit. His bones are like beams of bronze, his ribs like bars of iron.

JOB 41:1-2,13-15,25-30,33-34 (NKJV) [WITH INTERPRETATION]:
Can you draw out Leviathan [TYRANNOSAURUS REX] with a hook or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? Can you put a reed through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? …
Who can remove his outer coat?
Who can approach him with a double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face, with his terrible teeth all around? His rows of scales are his pride, shut up tightly as with a seal…
When he raises himself up, the mighty are afraid.
Because of his crashings they are bewildered. Though the sword reaches him, it cannot avail; nor does spear, dart, or javelin. He regards iron as straw and bronze as rotten wood. The arrow cannot make him flee and sling-stones become like stubble to him. Darts are regarded as straw and he laughs at the threat of javelins. His undersides are like sharp potsherds..

On earth there is nothing like him – one that is made without fear. He beholds every high thing. He is king over all.

Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892), English biologist, comparative anatomist, and paleontologist first coined the term ‘dinosaur’ in 1842 after he and other geologists found many large reptilian-like fossils.

Job 40 and 41 describes dinosaurs that were created with and lived together with man.
The secular science narrative that dinosaurs lived of millions of years ago is false.


JOB 26:7 (NKJV):
He [GOD] hangs the earth on nothing.

JOB 26:10 (NKJV):
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, at the boundary of light and darkness.

ISAIAH 40:22 (NKJV):
It is God who sits above the circle of the earth.

Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521), Portuguese explorer, organized the first voyage to circumnavigate the globe, providing proof to the world that the Earth was round. Until then, it was widely believed that the Earth was flat.

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727), English mathematician, philosopher, and physicist, wrote “Principia” in 1684, which explained that the planets are suspended in empty space, held in their orbits by an invisible force – gravity.


JOB 28:25-26 (NKJV):
God apportioned the waters by measure when He made a law for the rain.

JOB 38:8-11 (NKJV):
Who shut the sea with doors, when it burst forth and issued from the womb; when I made clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band; when I fixed My limit for it, and set bars and doors; when I said, ‘This far you may come, but no farther, and here your proud waves must stop!’

ISAIAH 40:12 (NKJV):
God has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand.

Science has confirmed that the Earth has the right amount of water to support life and
that the Earth is located in the perfect Goldilocks Zone in its distance away from the Sun.
The definition of the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ or ‘Habitable Zone’ is the region of space where conditions are favorable for life as it is found on Earth, allowing for the existence of liquid water and life. If Earth revolved around the Sun at a greater distance, the water on Earth would freeze over. If Earth were too close to the Sun, the liquid water on Earth would evaporate.


It [THE EARTH] is turned as clay to the seal [ON A POTTER’S WHEEL]; and they [THE CLOUDS – JOB 38:9] stand as a garment.

Heraclides Ponticus (387–312 BC), Greek astrologer and philosopher, first proposed that the Earth rotates on its axis. Many people continued to believe that the Earth did not move, based on a misunderstanding of Scripture verses that say the Earth is established and cannot be moved (Psalm 93:1, 104:5; 1 Chronicles 16:30). “The Earth cannot be moved” is a reference to the Earth’s stability, and that it is established in orbit and cannot be moved out of orbit.

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), Serbian American inventor, electrical and mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist developed the practical use for alternating current and invented numerous electrical devices.

Tesla, inspired by the Earth’s rotation and magnetic field, realized a method for applying alternating current and developed the first AC induction motor.


JOB 28:5 (NKJV):
As for the earth, from it comes bread, but underneath it is turned up as by fire.

Inge Lehmann (1888-1993), Danish geophysicist and seismologist, discovered that the Earth has a solid inner core inside a molten outer core. Seismic wave measurements show that the Earth’s inner core “turns up” its outer core with immense heat. Scientists have since discovered that the Earth’s inner core is hotter than the surface of the Sun.


GENESIS 1:2-3,9-10 (NKJV):
The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. … Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas.

By the word of God… the earth [IS] standing out of water and in the water.

During the 20th century, geologists came to understand that the Earth’s continents are comprised of sediment that is less dense than the sediment at the sea floor. The waters of the seas press down on the denser oceanic crust, which gives rise to the less dense continental crust. Geologists have concluded that the Earth’s continents were formed by seawater.

Cosmic evolutionists promote the theory that the Earth, billions of years ago, was a very hot, molten planet that eventually began to cool when meteors showered it with water, which later formed the seas. Scripture and verifiable science refute the theory that the Earth was formed from a hot, molten planetary origin.


JOB 38:35 (NKJV):
Can you send out lightnings that they may go and say to you, ‘Here we are!’?

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Scottish mathematical physicist, theorized that light waves could be sent out and manifested as speech.

Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922), Scottish-born American, applied Maxwell’s Electromagnetic Radiation Theory when he invented the telephone in 1876.

Electromagnetic waves composed of light and radio waves are forms of light that are the basis for all electromagnetic communications. Today, using electric signal transmissions, we send out “lightnings” to transmit communications through cell phones, the Internet, radio, and television.


Nor shall a garment of mixed linen and wool come upon you.

You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together.

Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970), German medical doctor and physiologist, identified the atomic signature frequency number of the average healthy human being to be 70-90. Science has determined that when fabrics are worn, which emit a higher frequency than humans, they support human health and healing.

Linen and wool each have an atomic frequency of 5,000. Individually they both maintain health and heal the human body. Linen bed sheets are known to give the best restful night’s sleep, better than cotton sheets, which have a much lower atomic frequency.

Scientific studies have shown that when linen and wool are mixed in a fabric, or are worn together, the energy generated by the two fabrics collapses their electrical fields. The two fabrics individually each emit 5,000 atomic signature frequencies, but when mixed or worn together their atomic fields cancel each other out and can cause pain and weakness to sensitive persons who wear linen and wool together [3].


ISAIAH 18:1 (NKJV) (HSV†):
Woe to the land shadowed with buzzing (whirring†) wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.

Those who wait on YHWH (the Lord) shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles.

Who are these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts?

HOSEA 11:11 (NKJV):
They shall come trembling like a bird from Egypt, like a dove from the land of Assyria.

The Wright brothers, Orville (1871-1948) and Wilbur (1867-1912), American inventors and aviation pioneers, are credited with inventing, building, and flying the world’s first successful airplane.

Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (1889-1972), Russian-American, designed the first viable American helicopter in 1939, and later reconfigured the design for the first mass-produced helicopters in 1942.

Before controlled manned flight, many churches smugly uttered the axiom, “If God had meant for man to fly, He would have given him wings.” If the Christian churches had known their Scriptures, they would not have uttered such phrases, for the Scriptures declared that mankind would take to flight.


JOB 38:25 (NKJV, KJV, HS):
By what way is light (diffused, parted, divided)?

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727), English mathematician, philosopher, and physicist, discovered in 1666 that white light could be divided into a spectrum of colors, because white light was composed of particles with different colors that traveled with different speeds through a prism. Before Newton’s Corpuscular Theory of Light, which was later confirmed, it was believed that white light was colorless and that the prism itself produced the colors.


JOB 38:19 (NKJV):
Where is the way to the dwelling of light?

Ole Romer (1644-1710), Danish astronomer, demonstrated in 1676 that light has a finite speed at which it travels. Before the 17th century, scientists believed that the transmission of light was instantaneous and did not travel in any particular way.


Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.

The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Modern medicine has discovered what many ancient cultures have known for centuries: that there are healing compounds found in leaves. Approximately 12,000 leaf compounds have been isolated thus far. Leaf extracts are widely used to treat a variety of ailments including burns, skin treatment, wounds, and as herbal remedies for a host of other internal organ issues.


LUKE 10:34 (NKJV):
“So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine.”

Yeshua (Jesus), when telling the parable story of the Good Samaritan, gave man knowledge of how to treat and protect open wounds. Today, we know that wine contains ethyl alcohol and traces of methyl alcohol, both of which are good disinfectants. Olive oil is also a good disinfectant, as well as a soothing lotion, moisturizer, and protector. Both wine and olive oil help protect and heal open wounds.

During the Middle Ages and right up until the 20th century, millions of people died due to man not knowing how to treat and protect open wounds.


JOB 37:7 (NKJV):
He seals the hand of every man.

ACTS 17:26 (NKJV):
And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth.

Every man and woman who has ever been born is unique. No two persons, even identical twins, share the same fingerprint or handprint. Evolutionists have claimed that human beings evolved from apes millions of years ago, but their atheistic-driven theory is scientifically unsupported. Science has recently determined, through DNA and chromosome testing that all human beings share the same gene pool and thus all persons are uniquely different, yet all of mankind are genetically related [4][5][6].


GENESIS 2:7, 3:19 (NKJV):
And YHWH (the Lord) God formed man of the dust of the ground. …
In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.

PSALM 139:15 (NKJV):
My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth

The first man was of the earth, made of dust.

Researchers at NASA’s Ames Research Center published an article in Reader’s Digest in 1982 that said, “We are just beginning to learn. The biblical scenario for the creation of life turns out to be not far off the mark.” The researchers found that the human body is composed of the same elements and minerals found in the Earth’s crust [7]. Scientists had previously dismissed the simplicity of Scripture’s account of the creation of man, as they did not think there was any way that the complex structure of the human body was formed from dust.


PSALM 135:7 (NKJV):
He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain.

Aristotle, (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher and scientist, first theorized the formation of clouds forming from vapors of waters from the Earth and attributed heavier rain to greater lightning. Aristotle, in a thesis titled “Meteorology” wrote, “Cloud is a vaporous mass, concentrated and producing water. Rain is produced from the compression of a closely condensed cloud, varying according to the pressure exerted on the cloud; when the pressure is slight it scatters gentle drops; when it is great it produces a more violent fall, and we call this a shower, being heavier than ordinary rain, and forming continuous masses of water falling over earth.”


On that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up.

JOB 38:16 (NKJV):
Have you entered the springs of the sea?

He strengthened the fountains of the deep.

JONAH 2:3,5-6 (NKJV) (condensed):
“For You cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas…
The waters surrounded me, even to my soul; the deep closed around me; weeds were wrapped around my head. I went down to the moorings (bottoms) of the mountains.”

In the 20th century, oceanographers discovered that there are mountain ranges under the sea. Some of these mountains rise more than 3,000 feet above the sea floor, but do not reach the water’s surface (sea level). Until recently, scientists believed that oceans were fed water only by rain and rivers. In the 1970’s, using submarines and deep sea diving oceanography equipment, researchers discovered springs on the ocean floors.


DEUTERONOMY 32:13, 33:19 (NKJV):
He made him draw honey from the rock, and oil from the flinty rock… For they shall partake of the abundance of the seas and the treasures hidden in the sand.

Petroleum is based on Latin meaning ‘petra’ (rock), and ‘oleum’ (oil). Scripture foretold that man would draw oil from beneath the Earth’s crust and that there would be treasure hidden in the sand, long before man had invented an internal combustion engine or had any use for oil.


Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

EXODUS 31:16-17 (NKJV):
Therefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days YHWH (the Lord) made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.

God instituted the Seventh-day Sabbath after the creation, and He rested on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is not for the Jews only, but for all mankind.

Scientific tests have determined that for everybody, regardless of race or religious belief, the heart beats more slowly on Saturday than on any other day of the week. Even if a person has a day off on any other day of the week, the heart still beats more slowly on Saturdays. [8]


Then YHWH (the Lord) brought Abram outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.”

As the host of heaven [STARS OF THE UNIVERSE] cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured.

PSALM 147:4 (NKJV):
YHWH (the Lord) counts the number of the stars; He calls them all by name.

Edwin Hubble, American astronomer, discovered that many objects previously thought to be clouds of dust and gas and classified as “nebulae” were actually galaxies beyond the Milky Way.

Modern high-powered and space-based telescopes have enabled astronomers to peer far out into the known universe and view trillions of stars. Scripture was accurate in proclaiming that man would not be able to count the number of the stars, but declares God knows their number and calls them by name.


JOB 38:7 (NKJV):
When the morning stars sang together.

PSALM 148:3 (NKJV):
Praise Him, all you stars of light!

There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.

Astronomers have discovered that stars emit light and radio waves, which produce sounds that can be received on Earth. The insides of stars pulsate, which create sound waves that move through a star. Every star has its own unique sound that is different from other stars.


Can you bring out constellations [STARS] in their season?

And behold, the star that they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.

JUDE 1:12-13 (NKJV):
They are… wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

Aryabhata (476-550), Indian astronomer and mathematician, correctly advocated that the Earth turns on its own axis, which accounted for the apparent movement of the stars, contrary to the then prevailing view that the sky rotated around the Earth. Aryabhata incorrectly presumed that the stars did not move at all.

Edmond Halley (1656-1742), English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist, best known for computing the orbit of Halley’s Comet named after him, in 1718 discovered the motion of stars through astrometric measurements.

Doppler spectroscopy detects the ‘wobble’ of stars as planets cause their parent star to wobble slightly as the planet revolves around the mass of the star, tugging at it and causing it to wobble.

Modern day astronomers have observed stars moving in orbit in galaxies that revolve around black holes believed to be located at the galaxy’s center.


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

His own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) before time began.

In hope of eternal life, which God who cannot lie, promised before time began.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German-born Jewish American theoretical physicist, developed the General Theory of Relativity. Einstein’s theory proposed that time was intricately connected to matter and space. His theory helped the world understand that time was finite and had a beginning. Before Einstein’s theory, many believed that time, space, and matter always existed.

God exists outside of the confines of time, space, and matter, which He created [9].


The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea pass through the paths [WIND CIRCUITS AND OCEAN CURRENTS] of the seas.

The wind goes toward the south, and turns around towards the north; the wind whirls around continually, and comes again in its circuit. All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the rivers come, there they return again.

Matthew Fontain Maury (1806-1873), American astronomer, author, cartographer, educator, geologist, historian, oceanographer, and meteorologist was nicknamed “Pathfinder of the Seas,” and “Father of Modern Oceanography and Naval Meteorology,” and “Scientist of the Seas,” due to his extensive work and publications including “The Physical Geography of the Seas” (1855). Maury, a Christian inspired by Psalm 8:8, dedicated his life to discovering the paths of the seas. Maury’s discoveries aided sailing vessels to take advantage of sea and air currents, reducing by many days the time required for ships to transverse the seas. His work also aided whaling ships to understand that whales followed predictable migrating sea patters.

Modern day meteorologists use wind currents to predict weather patterns, and to chart the courses of storms and hurricanes.


Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”

Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God [MAN] into an image [EVOLUTION ART DRAWINGS] made like corruptible man – and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), English naturalistgeologist, and biologist, is best known for his theory of evolution. Darwin believed that all species of life evolved into higher life forms, over time, having descended from a common ancestor. Darwin published his theory of evolution in his 1859 book, “The Origin of Species.”

The Darwinian theory of molecules to man evolution and all other kinds of life in between is refuted by verifiable science and Scripture.

Countless Chemical experiments have failed to create simple life in the laboratory, ruling out abiogenesis. Of the billions of fossils found, there are no transitional fossils that show a transformation between any of the major life-forms into a different kind of life form.
Creatures do not transform into other kinds of creatures.

The evolution observed within creatures is limited to microevolution, which allows for limited genetic variation within kinds as a means to adapt to different environmental circumstances.

Macroevolution is not, nor has ever been, observed to occur and the fossil record shows that it does not occur over long periods of time.

Scripture records, in the Genesis chapter 1 account, that God created creatures according to their kinds and this is verified by the fossil record.

The following statements are attributed to well-known outspoken evolutionists, which reveals their true spiritual rebellion as their basis for denying God the creator and embracing atheistic Darwinian evolution.

Evolution is not a fact. Evolution doesn’t even qualify as a theory or as a hypothesis. It is a metaphysical research program, and it is not really testable science.” – Dr. Karl Popper

I suppose the reason why we leapt at the Origin of Species was that the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores.” – Sir Julian Huxley

Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology… Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.” – Michael Ruse

Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.” – Sir Arthur Keith

I have a slight problem with the celestial dictatorship premise.” – Stephen Hawking

Scripture foretold of the true motivation of those who push their atheistic faith upon society, using the pseudoscience of Darwinian evolution to do so…

Professing to be wise, they [DARWINIAN EVOLUTIONISTS] became fools,

and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God [MAN] into an image
[EVOLUTION ART DRAWINGS] made like corruptible man – and birds and

four-footed animals and creeping things.
Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts,
to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God
[THE CREATOR] for the lie [OF EVOLUTION], and worshiped and served the
creature [AS THE CREATOR THROUGH EVOLUTION] rather than [GOD] the
Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Science and the Bible, do they contradict? The answer is a resounding no.

The heavens declare the glory of God -Psalm 19:1, and science confirms it!

© 2018 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:


1- Thompson, Bert, Ph.D., “Biblical Accuracy and Circumcision on the 8th Day,” Apologetics Press, 1993.
2- World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer “IARC Monographs evaluate consumption of red meat and processed meat,” PRESS RELEASE #240, 26 October 2015.
3- Pere’rah, Rodney “The Power of Linen – The Most Amazing Facts About Linen,” NEW2TORAH.
4. Ghose, Tia, “Genetic ‘Adam & Eve Chromosome Study Traces All Men To Man Who Lived 135,000 Years Ago,” LiveScience / The Huffington Post, 08/01/2013.
5. Highfield, Roger, “DNA survey finds all humans are 99.9pc the same,” The Telegraph, 20 DEC 2002.
6. Segall, Marshall, “ALL OF US ARE RELATED, EACH OF US IS UNIQUE,” Syracuse University, 2002.
7. “How Life On Earth Began,” Reader’s Digest, p. 116, November 1982.
8- Paulien, Gunther B. Ph.D., “The Divine Prescription, p. 107, July 01, 1995.
9- Hovind, Kent, “Where Did God Come From?.”

Is Representative Government Dead?

“Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”  —Thomas Jefferson

While trying to come up with a subject for our weekly column, America’s immigration dilemma started doing ever-tightening circles in our mind.  It is a dilemma that has been coming at legal Americans like a slow-moving freight train for several decades and it now may have reached the point where it cannot be fixed politically.  The illegal immigration freight train has become a run-away!

Because of this situation, and out of building frustration and outright anger, we began a title to our next article with: “If Government Won’t Deport Illegals, Then Legal Americans Must.”  But of course if we followed through with that title and wrote an article around it, we would be guilty of advocating violence or vigilantism.  That’s how far our frustration went until logic and reason took over and we realized why illegal immigration can’t be fixed under the current system.  It’s because representative government is hopelessly divided and most likely, forever broken without massive intervention by the people.

Americans, well at least some Americans, cling to representative government and a Constitutional Republic out of a perception that the vision of our Founding Fathers will be forever enshrined in the annals of politics and the halls of government.  That would be true except for the human failings of greed, lust and power that build up over time when left unattended.  The Founding Fathers warned us that government could eventually evolve into political favors, bribery, pay offs, double dealing, corruption, collusion, conspiracy and racketeering ….. if the people let it.  The sad reality is, we have.  Some of the people are trying to undo the government cabal, while millions of other Americans like it just the way it is, because they are freely profiting from our increasingly corrupt, unconstitutional system.

Representative government has failed on all accounts, mostly due to two observable conditions.  The first condition is the apathy of the American people and the second condition is the ever-widening gap between two vastly different and opposing ideologies.   One ideology is fixed on the idea that society slowly evolves away from individual independence, constitutional unalienable rights and self-reliance due to rising human densities, to a culture that is heavily dependent on government and government services.  The other ideology is the direct opposite of the former.  A compromise, or co-existence, between the two ideologies has most likely evaporated into thin air because too many Americans have been bought off with promises of “free” stuff by one of those ideologies.

Since the people aren’t paying much attention to what the government representatives are doing, as respects their freedom and natural rights, those representatives are free to do pretty much whatever they want to do.  The representatives can enrich themselves at the expense of the masses.  They can buy more votes with your money.  They can join the world elite in establishing world government.  They can open the flood gates to illegal immigration for ulterior motives ….. you know, like votes.  And they can increase their power over the American people by passing highly restrictive laws for a million different reasons, all of which are supposed to benefit the masses (or the planet), but don’t.

The fixes to the problems of representative government require the approval and ratification of the representatives themselves, equivalent to the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse.  Term limits would go a long way towards fixing the vexing problems of representative government, but the representatives are quite reluctant to deny themselves of the extreme benefits of seemingly perpetual political power, benefits not offered or available to the masses.

All common sense political fixes to the problems facing Americans never materialize in America’s representative government.   The divisions between the two parties (ideologies), produces either no legislation, or partisan legislation that contains meaningless compromises that lead to conflicts and loopholes over which lawyers can argue over for decades and that is if they can even come to a compromise.

Alarmingly, our representative government (RG) “system” has morphed into an intertwined entanglement of a corrupt, interlocking national and international interests of commerce, finance, trade and labor, accompanied by government enablers of the RG “system” in the executive, judicial and legislative branches.  The tentacles of one interest are inextricably interwoven into the tentacles of all the other interests.  Finding out what drives one, leads to a complex maze of closed doors, backrooms, and secret meetings.  All the sources are purposely hidden and camouflaged.  Traces to find the truth go down dead end paths, or are blocked by impenetrable obstacles.  Sources of the RG “system’s” power are elusive and they are anything but constitutional.  The RG “system” exists because of citizen apathy and survives, thrives and grows on the people’s money, driven by the special interest elite.

Special interests, including internationalists, corporations, unions, socialists and environmentalists, drive federal, state and local governments.  They are a viral infection in the RG “system.”  Corrupt politicians whose only priority is to get elected or re-elected, drive the legislative branch of government and are part of the RG “system.”  Even the “good” representatives, if that is not a contradiction of terms, will eventually be sucked into the RG “system”.

The RG “system” has produced the likes of international mobsters Bill and Hillary Clinton.  It has spawned corruption that was recently exposed in the Department of Justice and the FBI under the leaderships of James Comey, Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and many more.

The RG “system” gave us a ridiculously expensive judicial system that is far removed from the common law of the people and constitutional protections.  The RG “system” repealed our citizen grand jury mechanism for holding government accountable by the people.

The RG “system” gave us the 16th Amendment, the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service. The RG “system” brought Americans the suspension of the Gold Standard.  The RG “system” gave us worthless money that is an instrument of debt, backed by nothing.

The RG “system” gave us a news media that is devoid of objectivity and now personifies a wholly liberal “system” bias.  The RG “system” gave us liberal colleges that now espouse only a liberal viewpoint and silences any other.

The RG “system” gave us radical environmentalism that tells man he is a virus on the earth and must be heavily taxed and regulated and freedoms denied.  The RG “system” gave us social justice, a liberal ideology that promotes and supports only the collective, never the individual or individual rights.  Under these conditions the U. S. Constitution has become virtually meaningless.

Our representative government “system” gave us the entrenched establishment and the deep state.  The RG “system” gave us an insane immigration policy that directly benefits one of the two opposing ideologies and is a huge financial drag on the rest of us.

The RG “system” gave us a government-run health care bureaucracy that is expensive, inefficient, cumbersome and generally corrupt.  The people never really benefit from the new policies and are only more taxed by them, while they continue to lose more of their freedoms.

The people’s representatives, under our representative form of government, have let the people down and instead the representatives have turned inward towards their own self-interests, at the people’s expense.

But then we aren’t telling you anything new.  For twelve years now we, along with many other patriots, have pointed out the flaws in our representative form of government and we get positive responses rewarding our efforts and telling us to keep up the “good work.”  But then, when we mention possible “fixes” to those flaws, we hear a deafening silence.  The “fixes” evade us because instinctively we know that those “fixes” will upset our status quo to which we have all adapted.  We have effectively adapted to government tyranny knowing full well that to override government tyranny will take immense sacrifices, sacrifices we are not willing to make.  The German people “adapted” to the rising tyranny of Hitler and the Third Reich.

Many have been duped into believing that the rise of a Donald Trump presidency will save our Republic.  But all the Trump Administration and Congress did was to “so benevolently” give us some of our own money back, open up some more jobs, reduce some regulations and put more food on our tables.  The People didn’t do it.  The government did it.  We the People OWE the government for our prosperity.  That “ain’t” freedom folks.

The government knows full well that a full belly stops all kinds of complaints and gripes about government tyranny and adds up to votes for the providers.  Keep ’em fat, dumb and happy and the masses will be less likely to jump on the government’s case. 

“Oh what fools we mortals be, when we believe that government cares for you and me.”

For four thousand years or more, the people have been adapting to slowly evolving tyranny.  When it explodes in their faces and the chains wrap around their wrists and ankles and the jail door slams shut, or before a noose snaps their neck, they then yell, “give me freedom.”  But alas, by then, it is too late.

We close with this admonition.  Some citizens that are frustrated with the unreasonable and in some cases treasonable actions of government will resort to violence to relieve their pent up anger and frustration.  No matter how much the politicians shield themselves with a huge police presence at government meetings and conferences, or when they are alone out in the community, some Americans will resort to violence against those they think are responsible for their grief and frustration and will find a way to deliver that violence.  Incidences of violence will grow as the noose of tyranny tightens.  Being a politician will eventually become extremely hazardous, unless politicians wise up and return to the principles of freedom and liberty laid down for us by our Founding Fathers and paid for by the blood of countless brave men and women that have gone before usNEVERTHLESS, IN NO WAY ARE WE CONDONING THIS TYPE OF VIOLENCE.

If you squeeze a ripe tomato too hard, it will ooze out between your fingers.  If you squeeze Americans too hard, unintended and sometimes violent consequences will be the result.  It is an inescapable fact which way too many of us ignore.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “What more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people?…a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.  This is the sum of good government.”

Anyone who is paying attention knows for sure that the government described by Jefferson is not the government that exists today.  Our representative form of government is essentially dead but we just can’t wrap our heads around it!  We now live in an “Establishment run” oligarchy that robs us blind ….. for our own “good.”

To the victor goes the spoils and WE THE PEOPLE are not the victors.

So you see ladies and gentlemen, the first title to this article may have been more right than the second and the last, final and only solution to government tyranny is …….

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Barack Hussein Obama: Con Man And Criminal Admits He Is Foreign-Born

“Three years ago, I visited Kenya as The first sitting president to come from Kenya.” -Barack Hussein Obama

While many Americans are still waiting on indictments and prosecution of the Clintons, and rightfully so, don’t forget about the crimes of Barrack Hussein Obama who has yet to be lawfully dealt with as well.

This criminal not only was given a free hand by the American people to transgress the United States Constitution 1,180 times, but he had the audacity to play it down by lying (John 8:44) over and over again that he was not a foreign-born citizen.

As a matter of fact anyone who dared point out that he was a foreigner (I was one of them) and ineligible for the presidency of the United States (Article 2, Clause 5) was called by the CIA-controlled media, today’s conservatives (yesterday’s lawless liberals) and the professed Christians, a conspiracy theorist or a “birther.” Names, of course, were used to demean and discredit anyone and everyone that dared call out the obvious when it came to Barack Hussein Obama because they were unwilling to deal with him themselves.

[YouTube Video]

I guess that when the foreign criminal served 143 days in the Illinois Senate, and mysteriously becomes the United States President, then takes a break after his “57 state U.S. Tour”, you would think that was enough to tell on himself, and the American people would then lawfully respond.

Apparently not!

Instead of putting a stop to his campaign run, the American people simply laughed it off so they themselves did not have to lift a finger to put a stop to this criminal (Jeremiah 5:19).

[YouTube Video]

Even when his wife (?) blurted out the truth in her confusion, that was not good enough for Americans.  They still ignored his ineligibility.

[YouTube Video]

Think of this, even with all of the information concerning Barack’s falsified birth certificate, his falsified social security numbers, and his falsified college records all filed way, literally every conservative radio talking head or otherwise avoided to confront and address the issue concerning this criminal’s eligibility.  They literally stayed as far away from the topic as they possibly could. Cowards!

Even when Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s team clearly exposed the fraudulent document for what it was, and is, the conservatives were found to be derelict of duty when it came to taking a stand against the crimes of Barrack Hussein Obama’s criminal administration, even while all the well knowing that Barack’s effeminate and criminal czars were entertaining America’s sworn enemies within the people’s White House (Jeremiah 5:31).

[YouTube Video]

And of course, now that Barack Hussein Obama finally admits to the truth that he is foreign-born, you can rest assured that today’s conservatives will remain silent, hoping that you just forget that they are just as treasonous to you and your country as Barack Hussein Obama (Luke 22:48).

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Once Again The Second Amendment Saves Lives While Ignoring It Incites Murder

The natural and God-given right of self-defense is perfectly summed up by the Second Amendment, part of America’s fundamental law, which regulates all our civil government institutions:

“The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Definitive, bright, unequivocal, and by no stretch of the imagination is the Second Amendment confusing.

Tragically, many criminal laws and regulations have been made by charlatan politicians who see citizens as cattle with no right to defend themselves, while they are fully protected as benevolent masters. This past weekend’s tragedies in Chicago where at least 59 people were shot and eight died during a massive outbreak of violence have materialized this Orwellian-era thought process in a city whose leadership brags of some of the most comprehensive gun regulations in our country.

It troubles me as I continue to notice many anti-American sentiments around the topic of innocent Americans protecting themselves.  None of these sentiments are logical; none of them are ethical; and certainly none of them have prevented weapons from taking the life of the innocent they are claiming to protect.

George Washington believed, “The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.”

Allow me to cite an example of just how effective this founding father’s wisdom is.

This Saturday, while murderers had free reign in Chicago, shots rang out in Titusville, Florida, where an individual opened fire at a park during a back-to-school event.

However, a bystander, who was licensed to carry a firearm, shot the gunman, who was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries, according to police.

Local police expressed gratitude to the bystander for taking action to ensure the gunman didn’t injure or kill anyone:

“We are extremely grateful that nobody else was injured in this incident,” said Deputy Chief Todd Hutchinson. “This suspect opened fire at a crowded public park, this could have been so much worse.”

As seen in every single mass shooting, the government is completely incapable of protecting the citizenry from these kinds of attacks. If the people do not protect themselves, there is no protection. All “gun-control” laws accomplish is to fight or obstruct the people from protecting themselves. This is why state leaders have an obligation to declare any and all federal gun-control laws to be null and void, and boldly declare to the people of their states that they will honor and protect the people’s right and duty to defend themselves.

Since the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, and since the Second Amendment declares that the right of the people to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed,” gun control measures ARE NOT law.

Let me repeat, gun control measures ARE NOT law.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

America’s Primaries Show The Apathy Of Our Electorate

The death of the Republic is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment. Robert M. Hutchins

By far the most dangerous foe we have to fight is apathy – indifference from whatever cause, not from a lack of knowledge, but from carelessness, from absorption in other pursuits, from a contempt bred of self- satisfaction.  —William Osler

Trump derangement syndrome has proven there are many psychotics on the left, but the very same goes for the false friends on the right who truly are more dangerous than our open enemies.  These neo-cons on the right actually work to destroy the true conservative candidates running for office. The State of Tennessee is a perfect example.

Tennessee’s primaries were held on August 2nd, 2018.  To say that I am distraught over some of the results would be an understatement.  I campaigned for one of the finest men in Knoxville to become our district’s State of Tennessee representative and I saw the lies and moral corruption.  Two of the other five candidates for district representative went door to door and told constituents that my candidate had dropped out of the race but was still on the ballot because it was too late to remove his name.  They even came to my door and said the same thing, knowing it was false.  But this is minor compared to the behind-the-scenes good-ole-boy actions of those who control this state.

Few Register to Vote

In America we have the right and freedom to vote, and when we massively vote as we did in the 2016 election, despite voter fraud and Deep State tactics, we win.  But Americans have not been educated on our Constitution and our freedoms for many decades. They don’t understand that the most important election is the primaries.

Investigative research journalist and friend Devvy Kidd has written numerous times on the failure of our electorate to vote in the most important of elections…the primaries.  Here are just a few of her many articles on same. Please take the time to read and share them.

Re-electing the Band Aid Brigade, May 18, 2010

Electing New Band Aid Pushers, May 23, 2012

Unfortunately, the Voters Didn’t Completely Drain the Swamp Nov. 8, 2016

Forget ‘we’ll remember in November’ – it’s the primaries, Jan 31 2016

Primary Voters Still Voting for Their Own Destruction, March 7, 2016

Going door to door in various neighborhoods was an enlightening experience. In middle class neighborhoods of over 150 homes, the registered Republican voters were approximately 25 to 30 homes.  In Tennessee, you can register as a Republican but still cross over and vote for Democrats and likewise, Democrats can cross over and vote for Republicans and when they do, they usually vote for the moderate or liberal to skew the results and we end up with Republicans like the McCains, Ryans, and McConnells.  This is all too common in the Bible belt State of Tennessee.

In more affluent areas, I found even fewer homes were registered to vote.  Many people would not even open their doors or they would open them and scream, “No soliciting!”

In lower economic areas, more were registered to vote, and some of them were quite nice, others non-committal.  I actually had the opportunity to educate several young people who said they weren’t interested in politics, but their parents were.  And they listened and commented!  Some really great youngsters are out there if we’ll just talk to them.

Several home owners invited me in to see their homes or to talk politics.  (I have a carry permit and was never foolish.)

The terrific candidate I was campaigning for told me that voter registration has always been low. He was our former five-term county sheriff and had campaigned throughout the entire Knox County of 500,000 people as well as surrounding counties many times.  Those with money and stature don’t feel they need to vote, they have everything they need and their apathy toward our Republic and our right to vote is indefensible.  In my neighborhood of 21 homes, only seven homes are registered to vote, and a few of those homes are Democrats.

TN GOP Governor’s Primary

Pictured are Randy Boyd, Congressman Diane Black, Bill Lee, and TN House Speaker, Beth Harwell, candidates for Tennessee GOP governor.

On Fox’s Stuart Varney Show the day after our primary, they announced the upset in our Tennessee Governor’s race.  We had four people running for Republican Governor.  Randy Boyd is an establishment insider like our present Governor Bill Haslam, whose family owns Pilot Oil and Flying J and whose money and power runs the state.  As a wealthy businessman, Boyd spent millions on this race.  He supported Jeb Bush for President in 2016. Boyd said, “Supporting Trump would be anathema to me.”  He called on Jeb for support in the TN Governor primary. Boyd  is still listed as serving on Obama’s College Promise Campaign board which is working to make state community college scholarships like Haslam’s Tennessee Promise, available to illegal immigrant students.

Neo-con Tennessee House Speaker Beth Harwell unsurprisingly came in last.

Congresswoman Diane Black, who was endorsed by VP Pence, and favored by President Trump came in third.  She is not the full-blooded conservative we wished for, but the best thing about her was the fact that she would not and has never taken orders from our billionaire Governor, Bill Haslam.

Construction executive Bill Lee spent $5 million of his own money to win the Republican primary for Tennessee Governor.  I believe he won simply because he is an outsider like President Trump, and claims to be a devout Christian.  However, Bill will have a heavy-duty learning curve, and he may be swayed by people who true conservatives distrust.

The Haslams

Governor Haslam brought United Nations Agenda 21 and smart growth into Tennessee when he was Knoxville’s mayor and then as governor.  He also crawled in bed with Education Czar Arne Duncan to literally destroy what little was left of academic education in this state. Obama praised Haslam as a “flexible leader.”

In the spring of 2013, FBI and IRS agents executed sealed search and seizure warrants at Pilot Flying J headquarters in Knoxville, TN as part of an investigation into one of the largest family-owned companies in the United States. Billionaire Jimmy Haslam, brother of our Governor, is the CEO.  Upper management was charged with fleecing small trucking companies and the Haslams were found innocent, but former Pilot Flying J vice president of sales John “Stick” Freeman said in a recording played for jurors in U.S. District Court in Chattanooga that CEO Jimmy Haslam absolutely knew exactly what they were doing.

Senate Race

Congressman Marsha Blackburn is the Republican nominee for Senate.  Former Tennessee Democrat Governor Phil Bredesen is the Democrat nominee.  The seat is being vacated by Senator Bob Corker, who only supported Trump when he thought the President could advance his ambitions.  Initially Governor Bill Haslam thought of running for the seat, but then he decided the five-year trial and guilty verdict of his family’s business, Pilot Oil Flying J may put a damper on his candidacy.

We definitely do not want Phil Bredesen in the Senate, he would take orders from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, whereas Marsha Blackburn has been a strong Trump supporter.

Congressional Race

John (Jimmy) Duncan has been our Congressman since 1988 when he was elected to succeed his father in Congress.  Jimmy is a lawyer, former judge, and former long serving member of the Army National Guard and his district is based in Knoxville.  When he decided to retire, he endorsed businessman Jimmy Matlock over Knox County Mayor, Mayor Burchett.  Our hopes were pinned on Matlock winning because we knew after eight years of Burchett exactly what he stood for and his ties to Governor Haslam.  Burchett served as our state representative and then our state senator.

Burchett is so close with liberal democrats that Hillary Clinton mega donor liberal former Democrat Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen who is now running for Corker’s senate seat, performed his first marriage.  Burchett is in no way like President Trump, nor did he support him.

We have heard Burchett say that he is for a Constitutional Convention.  He also allowed United Nations Agenda 21 and Smart Growth to proceed in Knoxville when he could have put a stop to it.  He is tied to the Haslam power brokers.

He worked with liberal democrats to support raising our taxes on three occasions, and  there are allegedly multiple ongoing state and federal investigations ranging from bribery, tax evasion, nepotism, backroom deals, and abuse of power against him.

Burchett gave his step son a government job over many qualified veterans who had applied. The step-son has a jaded arrest record in several counties in East TN that had been expunged in at least one county; he was not qualified for the position.  One veteran researched the facts and wrote about it.

In the state legislature, Burchett was the deciding vote for the democrats to maintain control of state senate. He opposed creating an ethics commission to oversee campaign finances and was then found guilty and fined for hiding campaign money after the commission was created.

Word is that Burchett also hid thousands of dollars in payments and investments from the state ethics commission while sponsoring legislation dealing with those companies’ markets.  Burchett increased the Knox County budget by 22% and our debt by $43 million.  He also hired a NeverTrumper as his advisor and chief of staff, pro-Palestinian Dean Rice who divorced his wife and left his twins to marry a Palestinian woman.

Yet the people of Knox County voted for him as our Republican nominee for congress for the second congressional district instead of Jimmy Matlock who would have helped President Trump.

State Representative Race

As I mentioned above, the candidate who should have won, and would have won had the power brokers not interfered, was the true conservative who knows exactly what is going on in our country.  He is pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro academic education, is against new taxes, has 33 years in law enforcement as a police officer and our County Sheriff and was President Trump’s East TN chairman.  He definitely would put our community interests above special interests.

In my district there were five people running for state representative, Stacey Campfield, Tim Hutchison, Justin Lafferty, Jesse D. Nelson, and Dr. Guy L. Smoak.  Republican votes cast in this district were 9,033.

Jesse Nelson, an attorney representing Knoxville strip club dancers who were suing the club owners for pocketing part of their lap dance pay, hardly campaigned at all, albeit his people canvased the district.  He received 1,019 votes.

Dr. Guy L. Smoak is a primary care family physician in Knoxville, and received 1,029 votes.  I saw no representation, just a few signs.  Dr. Smoak is a soft spoken and friendly man, but like Jesse Nelson, he really didn’t belong in the race.

Stacey Campfield was this district’s state representative, and then state senator.  Unfortunately statements he made during his last term in office rankled not only democrats, but many of his fellow republicans.  His infamous comments and actions gained him not only state but national notoriety with many constituents so that he came in third with 1,929 votes.  He joined with Governor Haslam to give two years of community education to college recipients who meet the requirements. Sounds good doesn’t it?  But few who have no skin in the game will really appreciate it.

The winner by 2,734 votes was novice outsider and stay at home father who has one child and she’s in school (because his wife earns more) is Justin Lafferty who told me a few years back that he planned on running for office. He won by only 412 votes over the candidate who should have taken the race. I know Justin because he’s a neighbor and I’ve seen him campaign for other neo-con republicans, ones I would never vote for.  Justin may have his heart in the right place, but he doesn’t have the knowledge of what faces American citizens today.  Several of my friends tried to talk to him, one spending two hours with him about the subjects we know are so important and unfortunately, he doesn’t get it. Like many neo-cons he has his mind made up regarding what he intends to do, not what his constituents want him to do, and not what is good for the community.  He won’t listen.

I know that my candidate, retired Sheriff Tim Hutchison has many political enemies as he wouldn’t play the games the good-ole-boys wanted him to play.  Saving dollars for the taxpayers rather than having monies go into the pockets of local insiders earned the sheriff a reputation that the players didn’t like.  When Trump came to Knoxville, Tim was in charge of local security.

Those good-ole-boys include anyone who is tied to the power brokers in this state mentioned above.  I fully believe several people were called on to run for state representative in this district just to garner votes that would have gone to the true conservative and honorable candidate.

The people love Sheriff Hutchison for many reasons, and he would have been re-elected sheriff over and over again had those with money and power not had the state pass term limits on sheriffs in order to remove him.  The 1994 referendum was financed by Big Jim Haslam and friends; it was coordinated by Haslam’s political operative Tom Ingram. Their goal: to break up the ruling team of Sheriff Tim Hutchison and his allies on Knox County Commission, many of whom had served 20-30 years.  Big Jim is the father of Governor Bill Haslam and Pilot Oil Flying J CEO Jim Haslam.


As both Devvy Kidd and I have said over and over again, not only is voter apathy a huge problem in the land of the free, but registered voters fail to research candidates before they cast their votes.  The population of District 89 is 60,915, a portion of whom are not of age to vote, but only 9,033 people voted in this republican primary, and only 2,753 votes were cast for the two democrats.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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FBI – A Dishonest Law Enforcement Agency? Part 4, The Unabomber Case

By Barry R. Clausen, Former Deputy Sheriff, Investigative Journalist, Author & Researcher

Part Four – The Unabomber Case

Note: After others read Part 1, 2 and 3of my story I was astonished that almost 100 people responded. I cannot reply to all, but I thank you for your comments. All of the Emails I received were negatively written against the FBI. There still is not one person who wrote to me personally in a negative way which includes law enforcement personnel. Once again here is the Email address if you wish to respond. I am hoping for a congressional hearing on the FBI if there is any way to accomplish that. In addition please remember there are individuals within the Bureau that are outstanding agents and I am proud to have met some of them.

To summarize: I have sent letters to FBI Special Agent Sean Ragan 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 and to FBI Director Christopher Wray 2001 Freedom Way, Roseville, CA 95678 with no response. (Letters in part one).

Additionally, in part 1, 2, 3 and now part 4 I had supplied information to the FBI on the Leonard Peltier case, the Unabomber case and illegal gun sales to Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF). Years later during (2017/2018) the FBI has continued to try to discredit me and continually lie about me in what appears to be a deliberate attempt to prevent me from any future employment within law enforcement like investigating the recent arson fires in the Oakland area of California.

On October 22, 1988, Montana’s Park County Sheriff Charlie Johnson had requested my help in obtaining intelligence information on drug trafficking within his county. During that time a Park County, Montana rancher Allen Carter had approached me and offered me the opportunity to purchase an AR-15 rifle that had been converted to a full automatic machine gun. Carter gave me the weapon on condition it could be tested before purchase. When my boss Sheriff Johnson refused to accept the weapon from me when I tried to turn in the illegal weapon he then ordered that the gun be returned to Carter. There was no choice in my mind what to do so I turned the machine-gun over to Gary Lincoln of the FBI in Butte, Montana. My belief was that Lincoln would order an investigation but nothing happened until 18 months later, at which time charges were filed against me by Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) for stealing it from Carter and converting it which is totally bogus and the investigation ATF claimed they did was nothing but a lie.

Through all of the issues mentioned I went to ranking Montana public officials to clear my name as a result of the charges by ATF and the problems I had with the FBI. One of those was Montana’s Attorney General Marc Racicot who I knew personally. When he ran for office I had helped him, however when I requested help from Racicot, he stated: “I wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole, I want to be governor next time.” He was successful in obtaining that position.

Wait a minute! Racicot had said that he could not help me in his new position as governor and referred me to the man who took his prior position. Why hadn’t he done something when he was attorney general? I did contact Attorney General Mazurek and again nothing was done.

Senator Burn’s staff was relentless in their effort to get to the truth. For over two years letters were exchanged. To me there was a little humor in one of those letters. Senator Burns sent it on December 16, 1993 to Mr. James O. Pasco, Assistant Director, Congressional Affairs & Media Affairs of ATF. “Upon reviewing the information provided, some additional questions come to mind. The response is a little confusing in one regard. According to ATF, “a thorough review” was conducted. However a statement follows that ‘no such records exist. My question is – what happened to the documents generated by the “thorough review.” I would accept that no records of an “investigation” exist, but are the records of the “review” available to my constituent? The answer is they did nothing.

There was never any admission of responsibility from ATF, but as recently as February 2000, the head of ATF Internal Affairs, Richard Hankinson encouraged me to resubmit my compliant against Carter and ATF, which was done again with no response.

Unlike Racicot and Mazurek, the two who did help me despite all the negative press regarding the ATF “investigation” were Senators Conrad Burns (R-MT) and Slade Gorton (R-WA). With their much-appreciated help, the truth was eventually uncovered. According to ATF and other government documents the “investigation” was not really an investigation but a “thorough review” and there we no records.

When I was interviewed by Brian Ross of ABC News for a news story he asked me why I believe an ECO –Fu**er Hit list in a publication by Earth First was something the Unabomber had used to select his targets, the answer was simple. With eleven company names on the list, what were the odds of two of the top three being the last two victims of the Unabomber? Also, the name of the California Forestry Association had been printed wrong. The Unabomber sent his bomb to the Forestry Association of California when the correct name of the organization had been changed to the California Forestry Association several years earlier.

Thomas Mosser, a public relations executive who Earth First claimed represented Exxon, had received one of the Unabomber’s bombs. This information also proved to be incorrect, as Mosser did not represent Exxon. Just another erroneous piece of information he took from the Litha 1993, Earth First Journal.

Almost immediately, the FBI announced they suspected the bombing had been the work of the “Unabomber.” I knew at that point the Unabomber was part of Earth First and this could only mean one or more members of Earth First had taken the violence to a new level.

An article by Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin in the same LIVE WILD or DIE called for the assassination of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shell Oil Company. The article then lists names and addresses of Shell Oil Company’s corporate executives in several countries including the United States.

The current authors remain anonymous. To give you an idea of the ideologies and outright filth contained within the publication, the following is exactly as it appears on the cover of the publication:


The most recent LWOD publication contains yet another “ECO-F**KER HIT LIST” along with a news article from the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). The first name on the new “HIT LIST” is once again the Timber Association of California with an X through CFA’s name and a written caption stating: “Who’s next?”

© 2018 Barry Clauson – All Rights Reserved

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Gov. Jerry Brown’s Gay Porn Push In Schools

SACRAMENTO, CAL. —A column, written by Coach Dave Daubenmire, told about the war we are in, not with opposite political parties or foreign invaders, but “Spiritual Wickedness in High Places,” Yes, it is a spiritual battle between good and evil as The Bible reveals accurately who will oppose us.

Here is the link to Coach Dave’s column which gives full background of this warfare.

So there is no question that California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, better known as “Governor Moonbeam” is a footman for the devil. Exactly the individual described in Coach Dave’s column, that everyone must read, for gaining understanding of what is going on during this time.

At the first of the year, Gov. Brown mandated that, now sit down, all public (govt) schools MUST show Gay Porn….yes, PORNOGRAPHY to grade school kids! And this made California the first in the nation to order ‘Gay’ Pornography to be shown to grade school children. Indeed, no kind of pornography was ever allowed to be shown to school children. But California is advanced dontcha know.

Then on the first of the  year, Gov. Moonbeam ordered all California public schools to add lessons about gays and lesbians to Social Studies classes in those pubic schools where you surrender your children every day.

The bills were pushed by State Senator Mark Leno who authored the bills, who himself has lace in his pants.

“Today, we are making history in California,” Leno burped, “by ensuring that our textbooks and instructional materials no longer exclude the contributions of LGBT Americans.”

This daily instruction of our children details, now listen to thisthe various sexual choices a gay person has. Yep they have plenty of choices for sure.  And here is the closing statement: “There is no room for “discrimination” of any kind in our classrooms, our communities, or the state,” said Dean Vogel, President of the California Teachers Association. So there.

We wonder if those LGBT lessons will discuss the one NORMAL activity they include in their sex lives? Again, to them, this is a normal activity. It is called

“Scatting,” where rubber sheets are put on their bed.

We suggest that sensitive people skip this next paragraph.

Scatting is when the partners defecate on each other, then lick the excrement off the other. This is pure insanity. Yes, and it is absolutely true. The first time I knew about this perverted sickness was when glancing through a free newspaper from a plastic rack in San Francisco.

Thumbing through it I came across an advice column for sodomites. So what else could be expected…this WAS in San Francisco after all.  The first writer complained that “when scatting, his partner would initially be turned on but when they ‘got into it,’ the partner could not stand the smell and went limp.” The whole glorious experience went down the toilet–which should have been done BEFORE the ultimate sport of Scatting ever began.

It will come as no surprise that a powerful entity, The United Nations, has  Partnered with this evil organization to force-feed this sick agenda on the entire world. As if this could not get worse, the Document proclaims that these new so-called rights supersede any claims of religious freedom.

Now, all manner of sexual activities would be a human right to be protected by governments and courts. There is even a renewed effort to push acceptance for pedophilia, adults having sexual relations with children. Even this would be protected by what is now known as “the Yogyakarta Principles.”

I can write no more on this nasty sickening practice. So will just say that all parents should be aware that sending their children to public schools will expose your precious kids to be forcefully instructed in practices that could only be found in Insane Asylums back in earlier days.

Parents reading this: Please talk to your church pastor about starting a Christian School at your church. It is not complicated to put together and operate. We must get our children out of this madness. It is our profound duty to protect our children. And they do indeed need to be protected from the Public School System.

Most sane people would assume that this would have to end. That is not true. Once something like this gets released into the atmosphere, it will only increase with more atmospheric pressure.

Now this sick perversion has taken the next step, since it was not stopped when it started, which it could have been. The richest and most powerful bodies in the world have now banded together to promote a radical homosexuality/transgender document called the Yogyakart Principles according to Center for Family and Human Rights, based in New York. And that partner is–The United Nations.

The Yogyakarta Principles is a document about human rights in the areas of sexual orientation and gender identity, published as the outcome of an international meeting of human rights groups in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The Document was drafted by activists including a disgraced Catholic priest namedMichael O’Flaherty in order to force “gay marriage” on Ireland.  It is a wicked document that seeks to impose the gay ideology on the whole world, The Yogvakart Principles declare that all forms of human sexuality are a human right.

They say that anything anyone wants to do with anyone else is, now get this,  protected by international law.

Citizens, it is time to push back against this sick agenda. If we do not stand firm on this by phone calls, letters to the editors, radio program call-ins, and from the pulpits, then we are doomed to live the rest our lives surrounded by perversion.

We cannot further allow this to happen.

Our profound thanks to Center for Family and Human Rights, Austin Ruse-President/C-Fam, for alerting us to this story and providing us with undeniable facts.

Photo Caption:  California Capitol flying Gay Flaggets

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The Attack On Western Civilization—Corporate Profits

Part 6: Congress and corporate profits come first over Americans

“Fourth, I would make our fastest growing demographic group the least educated. I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population.  I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from high school.”

In this continuing interview, you may be disheartened at the lack of leadership in Congress to work for the best interests of Americans.

Bromwell Ault states:

Finally, Congress’ most far reaching failure to understand the consequences of its own actions was its make-over of our immigration laws during the Johnson administration in 1965. Overturning a century of successful policy keyed to assimilation, which well served the interests of both host Americans and new entrants, the 1965 Act set new policy for the sources, numbers and entry requirements of our immigration process. Traditional skill based admissions from WCIV’s European nations were discarded in favor of third world admissions based on family ties.

The very foreseeable results were dramatic increases in the numbers and ethnic make-up of new arrivals, as well as the financial costs of providing social and economic support for them and their dependents which has been estimated to amount to about $300 billion annually5 net of any tax, fees or other payments by them. Sen. Edward Kennedy of MA, who served as the main force in spearheading this bill through Congress, claimed it would not alter the numbers or the nature of our immigration program and Congress passed the Act over the protests of those who understood the numbers and could project their impact on our country.

These points have been debated for decades, but today we face a new and far more serious challenge than the one of just providing the minimal amounts of legislation and funding necessary to meet the government’s basic needs.

We have arrived at a stage of almost continual stalemate in which our elected leaders engage in constant quarreling over their ideological credentials to govern with the result that the real work of government is held hostage by both parties, and the critical time, efforts and energy needed to provide effective government are lost.

In our age, this loss is magnified and accelerated by the social changes that have resulted from near steroidal expansion of our media and technological sectors. In all of these areas — government, communications, science — their rapid and extensive transformations have opened up ssures in our society.

Previously, under a wide range of national challenges — our founding, westward expansion, industrialization, three major wars (one civil and two world), and GD — we were able to call upon our historical cohesion to overcome the obstacles that seemed to block our path and obscure our destiny.

We no longer have that capability. The same aura of contention that pervades our government is mirrored in our people. Call it what we may — malaise, fatigue, corruption, uncertainty, decadence, greed, decline, dogmatism, incompetence, privilege, power, any or all of these — America is now suffering the effects of government that functions only fitfully under a failing leadership. All too often its minimal achievements are managed by stopgap measures, continuing resolutions or enactments that offer partial results or funding. We are barely nibbling at the edges of the major issues that face our nation and the perils to which they expose us.

Admissions such as these, although necessary if we are to survive, are never pleasant, and yet they demand and deserve to be heard. The fact is there are far too many Americans who dismiss them with comments such as, “We’re not in that bad shape” or “We’ll get through, we always do”.

They seem to think that our past successes assure us of continuing dominance over our enemies. They fail to remember that our victories were forged by citizens with a common will, purpose and courage to draw upon, and they are wrong in assuming it is still available on demand. It is gone now, replaced by a culture of drugs and violence, the confusion of our national identity and our disregard of our historic Constitutional values.

All of these offer opportunities to our enemies. Our values are not beyond our reach; they can be reclaimed, but only by a truly national effort of commitment. There are other forces now working against us and WCIV. They view our present failures of leadership as invitations to dislodge WCIV as the world’s preeminent cultural, economic and political entity and to diminish, and then collapse, America’s WCIV and global leadership positions.

Some of these forces are new; some are old and making a new effort. They are China, Russia, Islam and many of the world’s poor populations which through our advancing technology have been allowed to see and hear the differences between life in the third and the developed worlds. Whatever their identity or background, they share among themselves, and with other cultural and commercial interests, the desire to do away with WCIV’s symbolic and actual superiority. And they also share longstanding resentment of differences in race, wealth, ethnicity, government, education, appearance, climate, natural resources, etc.

Both the two Communist states of the vast Asian landmass and the resurgent “sword of Islam” believe that their path to total power would be facilitated by the demise of WCIV and the U.S. In fact, it would only set up a confrontation for dominance between secular, godless world Communism and the faith of militant Islam proclaimed by Mohammad in the Qur’an. As each has its own legal, financial and political forms from which no variations are allowed, western thought about human, social, property, religious, political and cultural freedoms will vanish unless Europe and America can mount a strong defense.

Europe has already moved with alarming haste to accept the social and political dysfunction that has accompanied three years of unchecked, mostly male, Muslim migrants. Its popular will to resist the Muslim invasion is now capable only of small, not large, responses and is overshadowed at the state level by willingness to accommodate migrant demands for status, residence and social support.

Beyond the state level, matters deteriorate further as the European Union (EU) exercises the power of its multi- nation bureaucracy to spend expensive (in time and money) ways to manage, receive and shelter the continuing stream of entrants now arriving from Africa, the Near East (NE), Afghanistan, Turkey and Pakistan.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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ICE Union Slams Portland, Oregon Mayor Over His Encouraging Protests, Ignoring Requests For Police Protection

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The union representing employees of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement urged the mayor of Portland, Oregon, to end his ban on city police helping ICE workers who have faced hostility from pro-immigrant activists.

Sean Riddell, the union’s attorney, asked Mayor Ted Wheeler for a meeting about the hands-off policy and threatened legal action if things do not change.

“Your policy has created a zone of terror and lawlessness,” Riddell said in a letter Monday.

It stems from a recent protest outside an ICE facility in Portland that was mostly peaceful. Activists opposed to President Donald Trump’s policy of separating immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border set up camp in mid-June and stayed around the clock for nearly 40 days.

Wheeler, a Trump critic in a state that instituted the first statewide sanctuary protections for immigrants in the country illegally, said in a series of tweets at the start of the protest that ICE would not get help from city officers if the agency wants to evict protesters.

Riddell said he understands that the mayor disagrees with Trump’s policies.

“But we fail to see why targeting the employees of ICE and leaving them vulnerable to violence, harassment and even death furthers a legitimate government interest,” the union attorney said.

The mayor’s office told The Oregonian/OregonLive that Wheeler’s legal counsel was reviewing the letter and had no further comment.

Wheeler’s chief of staff, Michael Cox, did not immediately return a message from The Associated Press.

The mayor backtracked to a degree as the occupation stretched from days to weeks to more than a month. On July 23, he warned protesters to disband before they were removed by police. The occupation ended peacefully the following day.

The letter emailed to the mayor’s chief of staff Monday said the ICE union would like to avoid federal litigation but is “prepared to protect our membership and their families.”

The letter references the 14th Amendment, which guarantees citizens equal protection under the law.

President Trump has been in a state of low-simmering rage since almost the moment he took office, frustrated beyond compare over the never-ending Russia investigation and the constant cloud of suspicion hanging over his 2016 campaign. But in recent days, that simmer has turned into a boil. This weekend, enraged by the revelation that the Obama administration had sent an informant into his campaign to bring back dirt, he demanded that the Department of Justice launch an investigation into what very well could turn out to be the biggest political scandal of all time.

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!” Trump tweeted on Sunday.

This marks only the second time that the president has taken direct action to change the course of the Russia investigation, the first being the firing of FBI Director James Comey. That action resulted in the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, but on this one, Trump appears to have gotten his way. The Justice Department announced only hours after the president’s tweet that it would refer the matter to the Office of the Inspector General, who is already looking into FISA warrant abuse on the part of the Obama administration.

On Wednesday, Trump was still in a state of rage. He published a series of tweets expressing his disbelief about the unethical and potentially illegal machinations of the intelligence community leading up to the 2016 election.

“Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State,” he wrote. “They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!”

“SPYGATE,” he added in a follow-up, “could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!”

Trump’s tweets and the recent revelations about the Obama FBI using an informant to gather intelligence from Trump campaign officials has the unmistakable whiff of things coming to a head. If we were to guess, Rudy Giuliani was way off when he predicted that Robert Mueller’s investigation would come to an end on September 1. From the way things are looking, this thing won’t make it very deep into the summer before the president pulls the plug.

For whatever else he has accomplished in his special counsel’s office, Mueller has utterly failed to do the one thing he was supposed to do: Cover up the illegal activities of the agency he once called home. It’s all coming out now.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Who Will Stand For America?

I have watched a disease spread throughout America that will destroy her if not eradicated.  This disease is called political correctness.  What amazes me is we have watched this disease destroy Europe little by little over the last seventy-five years but ignore the threat ourselves.  This political correctness is most dangerous when dealing with islam.  Don’t write me any emails calling me a xenophobe because my stance is America first and oppose any and all threats to our culture and sovereignty.

What most people don’t understand about islam is the only reason they immigrate to other nations is to begin the process of taking that country over and making it a islamic state.  Many scoff at the notion that this is their intent but these people are grossly uninformed.  Most even refuse to listen to the logic of that vile ideology called islam.  They even refuse to look at what is happening in Germany, Spain, France, and Britain as the numbers of Islamic refugees increase.

I don’t believe that we should allow ANY immigration from islamic nations simply because of what we see in their actions in the Europe.  If one would look closely in America we can see the beginning of the disaster that is happening in Europe.  Now before anyone has a conniption fit over me saying that we shouldn’t allow them to immigrate, let me remind you of a 1952 law that is still on the books called the McCarren Walters Act. Let me quote a part of that law: Chapter 2 section 212, is the prohibition of the entry to the US IF the alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the government of the United States by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means. [1] I have had people come unglued when I bring this up stating that they know people of Islamic faith that are not bent on taking America over.  Here’s my stance, taking America over is the goal of islam.  If they support islam they support the overthrow of America. Period!  Am I wrong about islam’s intent.  Consider this.  There are enclaves of Islamic communities across America.  In those enclaves they live by shariah law, which, by the way, is in direct opposition to our Constitution.  In Dearborn, Michigan the city government is majority muslim and they openly enforce shariah law:  Dearborn, Michigan is home to the largest Muslim and Arab American population in the U.S.

Dearborn is the only U.S. city with a majority Muslim government, where sharia law is openly enforced.

Muslims considers dogs and pigs to be unclean and impure in Islam. The city has 43 parks where dogs are not allowed. Dog saliva is also considered unclean. So dogs are banned from inside residences and businesses.

There are reports that flyers are being distributed in certain neighborhoods limiting dogs from public spaces.

The bright orange flyers were printed in English by a group called The flyers read:

“This area is home to a large Muslim community. Please have respect for us and our children and limit the presence of dogs in the public sphere.”

According to the flyers the purity of the public space is necessary to enable Muslims to “remain untainted and without blemish”. [2]  One has to ask Why are they being allowed to enforce foreign laws in Dearborn?  The second question is why do we allow people who are intent on overthrowing America to run for public office? Even with this information people have chastised me for wanting a ban on the people intent on destroying our culture and our society.  What we are seeing in Dearborn we are seeing in many areas of America where there are large populations of muslims.  Just to make my point about their intent, here is a quote from the founder of the terrorist organization CAIR, Omar Ahmad: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominate.  The quran, the muslim holy book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Don’t get me wrong here but I take this as a direct threat to our culture and sovereignty.

To verify the intent of the founder of CAIR here is a quote from Mustafa Carroll the Director of CAIR in Texas: “If we are practicing muslims, we are above the law of the land.” [3] If they are above the law that means that they believe they run the show.  As an American and a patriot I say Over my dead body!  Our government seems to think that they should be allowed to immigrate, hold public office and destroy our culture.

In 2015 there was an article published in the Federalist Papers that exposed actual jihad camps throughout America where muslims are trained to fight jihad.  But under the Obama administration they would do nothing about it because of our

Freedom of religion.  You see jihad is part of their religion so we can’t interfere with them ‘practicing their religion’.  Ahh, really?  We have to allow they to train military to fight against us?  When did that become legal?  Remember the McCarren Walters Act?  Let’s enforce that law!  Part of that article reads: It is confirmed that there are over 22 Jihadi Training Camps in the United States of America, but the FBI says there is nothing that can be done about them.

These training camps have been connected to Muslims of America (MOA) and belong to Jamaat ul-Fuqra, a Pakistan Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda-related branch. These camps are nothing new, as at least 19 of them were established as early as 2012.

FBI documents obtained by “The Clarion Project” in 2007 detailed the Texas enclave.

The organization says it has a network of 22 “villages” around the U.S., with Islamberg as its main headquarters in New York. TheClarion Project obtained secret MOA footage showing female members receiving paramilitary training at Islamberg. It was featured on the Kelly File on FOX News Channel in October. A second MOA tape released by Clarion shows its spokesman declaring the U.S. to be a Muslim-majority country.

A 2007 FBI record states that MOA members have been involved in at least 10 murders, one disappearance, three firebombings, one attempted firebombing, two explosive bombings and one attempted bombing. It states:

“The documented propensity for violence by this organization supports the belief the leadership of the MOA extols membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam, which includes the U.S. Government. Members of the MOA are encouraged to travel to Pakistan to receive religious and military/terrorist training from Sheikh Gilani.”

The document also says that, “The MOA is now an autonomous organization which possesses an infrastructure capable of planning and mounting terrorist campaigns overseas and within the U.S.” ~Clarion Project [4]

Are we going to ignore this obvious threat?  We have more guns in America than most of the world combined and that includes the armies of the world.  If you combined the licensed hunters in just four states, you would have the largest standing army in the world.  If the government won’t defend America, American’s will but I would hope that the government has taken a turn back to putting America and Americans first and take this obvious threat to heart and eliminate this imminent threat.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
  2. Muslim group circulates flyers banning dogs in public spaces
  3. We are above the law-of-the-land
  4. 22 Islamic jihad training camps in America is there one in your state?

Seek The Truth It Will Set You Free

I was minding my own business doing research on the players in the biggest political scandal in our nation’s history.  What an ugly and divisive event this has been for our country.  While looking over my notes I opened the web browser to search for something.  Facebook was on the open tab and staring me right in the kisser was a big picture of an aging Jane Fonda.  There was a sigh.  There was a lengthy message accompanying the photo and I knew parts of it were bogus.  Many of us accept without much question everything we read on Facebook as they do with media news and commentary.

We’ll accept it more readily if it’s negative toward someone to whom we already have an aversion.  The Internet is a wonderful tool, but it’s made us lazy headline readers and victims of search engines leading our attempts at research.  It also worsens our national attention deficit disorder.  Instead of sticking to what I was doing, I felt compelled to add at least one bit of truth to Ms. Fonda’s Facebook spread.  I added her quote about communism:

If you understood what communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that we would someday become communist. . .. I, a socialist, think that we should strive toward a socialist society, all the way to communism. – Jane Fonda

Back in 2000, while trying to sell a book, she presented sorrowful for her excursions with the North Vietnamese.  I wrote a letter explaining that there are better places to begin making amends than the Oprah show.  If in fact it was her aim to make amends.  Over the years, however, she’s only appeared apologetic for taking a picture with North Vietnamese soldiers perched on an anti-aircraft gun.

After I posted to Facebook her views on communism, a Fonda apologist responded.  It should not have surprised me.  Not long ago, after reading about John Kerry trying to derail or prevent talks between the Trump administration and the Palestinians, I thought I’d remind people about who John Kerry is.  An angry Kerry apologist responded, quite incoherently I might add.  It’s interesting how all of them use the same tact.  They build a strawman and commence pounding the snot out of him while attacking your character and everything for which they believe you stand.  Yet, in all their zeal they never acknowledge they don’t know you from Adam and never ever address facts presented.  They just spew illogical hatred.  And just as you see and hear the yapping heads on television or radio, they will never let you have the last word.

If it was possible to filibuster in print, they would.  Maybe it is some type of psychosis which, unless I am familiar with the sender, is why I rarely respond to comments or emails.  However, while defending the Jane Fonda’s and John Kerry’s of our world they forget what’s most important.  Time passes, views may soften, and there is always generational ignorance of the truth, but the truth remains the truth.  And the documented truth is these two individuals betrayed our military members serving in Vietnam, betrayed our country, and collaborated with our enemy.

According to the Fonda apologist my Dear Jane letter is just more garbage and I am harboring anger over something that happened nearly 50 years ago.  I am also a lost soul trapped in my sin of anger.  I guess she told me.  It may come as a shock to her and like-minded others, but I am not an angry person.  I am not angry at Jane.  Rather I pity her as I pity anyone who cannot look or think through their malignant hatred and deeply ingrained biases to see the greatness of this country.  I especially pity the self-loathing and those who, because of the opportunities our country provides, have lived privileged lives yet want to change the country to conform to an ideology or form of government that would ensure no one else can ever raise their life’s status.  Life’s hard lessons taught me that harboring anger and hatred sucks the life right out of you.  We need to let go of it.  But letting go of hatred does not mean that I or anyone should ever let go of the truth or allow it to be buried beneath misinformation or incoherent rage.  As a people, we’ll certainly fair better when we accept the truth and move on.

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to have civil discussion.  Angry people hold to arguments made up out of whole cloth.  They either lack knowledge of facts or they simply accept a storyline that plays to their emotional state.  A story that justifies hatred held for a person or group.  Sadly, our country’s major media are the greatest purveyors of the slanted stories and the hatred.  Some have morphed into around the clock hate machines.  It is our nation’s greatest abuse of hard won freedom.

Humans are fallible.  Not a single one of us is perfect.  All of us have something in our past for which we wished we could have a do over.  I suspect most of us could not endure the scrutiny and hatred directed at our President.  His supporters are deplorable, they smell, they’re Nazis, they’re stupid and it goes on and on and most of it coming from other politicians, employees of the federal government and the news media.  With all of our human failings, we have the audacity to stand in judgment of people we’ve never met or engaged in conversations.  We’ve turned into a fairly pathetic lot.  We long ago stopped seeking the truth.  It is only the hard and unbridled truth that doesn’t always agree with our worldviews that will set us free.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

Pendry’s American Journal

The Legacy We Leave Behind

This message is going to be a bit more personal than usual.  You see, as I am about to turn fifty-three years old on August 21st, I confess, I am starting to feel my age and doing a bit more reflection lately.  Emotionally and spiritually, I don’t really “feel” fifty-three.  In fact, it seems like only yesterday that I was a teenager or a young adult, vibrant and strong and full of ambition.  I’m still full of ambition and I will probably always be what people call a “driven” person… but the reflection in the mirror is not what it used to be.

It’s probably around this time that a lot of people begin to think about their legacy…their accomplishments, and wonder if they have made any sort of positive difference in the world.  Is the world better off for us having been here?  Or has our existence been completely in vain?  Have we touched any lives?  Has our life had any meaning, or if we had never been born, would anyone have noticed?  I don’t mean to get off on any narcissistic tangent here, but I hope you’ll indulge a few personal thoughts.

One of my hobbies is studying our family history.  I find it fascinating to learn about my ancestors, where they came from, what they did, what sort of legacy they left after they were gone.  The Pue family comes from Northern Ireland.  Our family had the first printing press, and thus the first newspaper ever published there, starting in the 1600s.  In every generation since, there has always been at least one person working in newspaper publishing and at least one in full time Christian ministry.  It seems in my generation, I have combined both endeavors into one.

I don’t remember my grandfather; he died when I was just two years old, but he was a great man.  His parents raised eight boys and three girls in a small Irish cottage near the seacoast.  My grandfather’s name was Alexander Pue, or “Alec” as he was called.  He left home as a young man and traveled to Scotland, where he learned a trade as an architect, builder and stone cutter.  I believe he was about 20 years old when he left the old country for good and emigrated to Canada… he never saw his mother again.  He started a business there, and in 1910, at age 28, he married my grandmother.  Several of his brothers also followed him to Canada.  His sister Margaret came over in April of 1912.  In her memoirs, she writes about sailing in the path where the Titanic disaster occurred just a week before, and seeing all the debris still floating in the water.  Her ship stopped there, and they held a Christian  memorial  service   in honor of those who lost their lives on Titanic.

Some time later, my grandparents moved to Chicago where my grandfather continued his business.  He built many of the huge, ornate buildings in that city, many of them still standing, some historic landmarks.

My Dad was born in August of 1925.  He was four years old when the Great Depression hit.  Though the country was in turmoil, my Grandfather, a devoted Christian, weathered the storm and kept food on the table for his family, even as a self-employed builder.  I’m blessed to have as keepsakes some of the tools he used in his business.  My grandparents raised two daughters as well as my Dad, and sadly, a fourth child, my Dad’s young brother, died in 1917 at just four months of age.  Life must have been tough.  I can’t imagine it.  But they made it, as they kept God at the center of their family.  My Grandfather insisted on it.

He was also an Elder at Chicago’s well known Moody Church for many years.  He even preached the sermons there on occasion.  My Dad attended there as a child and recalls when a young Billy Graham came to teach them as their youth pastor.  Moody’s Senior Pastor at the time was Dr. Harry Ironside, one of the most prolific Christian writers of the 20th Century, having published more than 80 books, a number of which are still in print.  On my office wall, I have my Dad’s Sunday School Diploma, dated 1939 and signed by Dr. H.A. Ironside.

I never found out, until after my father’s death, that he had never completed high school.  Instead, at age 17, he joined the US Navy and went to fight in World War II in the South Pacific.  When you watch the old documentaries and newsreels about the war, and see our servicemen on those ships, and see those planes on life-and-death missions…and the amphibious vehicles landing as the Philippines were liberated by the Allies in 1944… my Dad was actually there.  He did that.

I believe it was the highlight of his life, and of course, it would be.  Few of us will ever be involved in anything quite that significant.

As all Americans during that time worked together for the one common goal of freedom and liberty, and ending the bitter tyranny our enemies were bringing upon the whole world, my mother, too, joined in the efforts.  Raised in a tiny, rural town in northern Wisconsin, she grew up studying in a one-room schoolhouse a mile or so down the road from her home.  When she and her siblings did not walk to school, my grandpa would take them there in a horse-drawn wagon, or a sleigh in the winter.    I cannot even begin to imagine what that sort of life was like.  She grew up in a time and place where electricity was not commonplace, going to a one-room schoolhouse, heated by a wood stove.  Telephones were rare, radio was the tool for mass communication, if you were fortunate enough to have electricity.  TVs did not exist.

After leaving school, she went off to Chicago to join in the war effort, building war planes for McDonnell Douglas Corporation.  When you see those old newsreels of ladies building airplanes for the war effort — (they called them “Rosie the Riveters”) — my Mom was one of them.  I can’t imagine the intensity of it all.  The work must have been extremely hard, and the pay, not much.  It took a toll on her later in life, as she ended up with severe hearing loss, undoubtedly caused by the work she did as a young lady, serving our country.

My parents left Chicago with their four kids before I was born.  Knowing nothing about country life or farming, my Dad bought a farm near Marshfield, Wisconsin and moved his family there.  That’s where I was born, and five years later, my youngest brother.

I’m blessed in that we have a few old silent movies of those days, and lots of pictures remain, showing what our family life was like.  We think our winters now are harsh… but I remember snow storms on a regular basis that completely covered the cars and drifted as high as the garage rooftops.  Our family farmed, but my Dad also took another job working for Sears as a repairman, where he was employed for more than 30 years.  He had a hard time retiring.

It was March of 2007 when my Dad had an episode with his heart and was having severe blood pressure issues.  My sister and her husband came and took him in to the Emergency Room that night.  He had no idea as he left home for the hospital, that he would never come home again.  Complications happened.  We can second-guess the doctors and the procedures that were done, but they can never be reversed.  My Dad went from the hospital to a nursing home, then to Palliative Care… and four months after his visit to the ER, he passed away.  My Mom changed dramatically and quickly after that.  It was as if she suddenly realized her job on this earth was done, no one left to take care of, no more work to do… she followed him into eternity just four months later.

We do not know the number of our days, none of us does.  Our end can come quickly, like a thief in the night.  Or we may experience some health issue that will come upon us suddenly, and nothing will ever be the same ever again… we, too, may one day go to the Emergency Room and never again return home.  We don’t know.  God knows.

And so as I grow older, my kids now all gone from home… one about to become a father to his SECOND child, (making ME a Grandfather again!!), and my two daughters now graduated from college, my life has changed as well.  My wife and I are adjusting to this “Empty Nest” business.  We’re doing fine, but it’s a different life than when we had little ones at home every day.

So I look back on my own life, and wonder what I’ve accomplished.  I’ve never left my home and family and sailed to a new country by steamship, starting a new business and a new life in a foreign land.  I didn’t leave school at 17 years old and go off to fight for my country in wartime.  I have survived many challenges, but I’ve never lived through the Great Depression, or moved my family to a different state to live a lifestyle I’ve never known before.  And while I’m honored to be working in full time ministry in service to the Lord, I’ve never studied under the likes of Billy Graham or Dr. Ironside.

I DID accomplish quite a bit as a young person.  Even from the age of 12 I was very industrious… in fact, as I have lamented the fact that today’s youth often seem to lack motivation and focus, my wife has informed me that, “Rob, you are not normal.  It is not normal for a kid to do the things you did.  You did things that most kids would never dream of attempting.”  I won’t go into those accomplishments, but suffice to say, I probably wasn’t normal, and probably still am not normal.  I did start two businesses from scratch and (praise the Lord) they were successful and helpful to people;  I did start a Christian newspaper in a place there wasn’t one before, but then GOD did that, He just did it THROUGH me.  But regardless, I still seem to fall way short of the accomplishments of those who came before me.

I’m very proud of my own kids too, the things they have and are accomplishing, the things they’re doing with their lives.  It’s a different world now, with new challenges, things I never dealt with at their age.  But I look back at my parents and grandparents in awe… truly, I don’t think I could ever have done the things they did… and I wonder where our future generations are headed, given the way our country’s leadership has changed our collective worldview.

It seems the age of industriousness, innovation, and self responsibility is just a fading memory in the rearview mirror.  I look at my grandfather, sailing across the Atlantic to a whole New World at 20 years of age, and wonder… what are 20 year-olds doing today?  I think of my Dad, leaving the comfort of home and family and all he ever knew and going to fight a brutal enemy in a very foreign land, at 17 years of age… and I wonder, what are 17-year-old kids doing nowadays?  Will any of us ever measure up to that Greatest Generation?

Today, as our country is in decline, we are not united as a nation.  Many of us support our enemies and defend their religion, while vilifying our allies and denigrating the one true God who created us and who provides all our needs every day.  On our college campuses, privileged kids, many of whom have never known what it’s like to work a day in their lives,  sit under the tutelage of liberal teachers and professors with even Communistic worldviews, as they learn to hate their country.  Most of us, even most Christians, no longer attend church or have any regular connection to a church home or family.  And for that matter, I dare say that today, MOST of the churches have engaged in the Great Falling Away.  We have cell phones, tablets and smart boxes with the world at our fingertips, but we can’t carry on a human-being to human-being conversation anymore.  We cannot even agree what Marriage is or what makes up a family.

As I look around my community, and all across our state, I see there are job openings nearly everywhere.  Even part time employees at a fast food place or gas station start out at $12 an hour.  When I was a kid, $12 an hour was a dream — something I could only hope to achieve in my life…someday.  But today, employers cannot find people to fill the jobs.  And workers are in a tough situation too.  Today in America, the official full time work week is 30 hours.  Our government has so arranged things that if business owners have full time employees, they are penalized and regulated to the point that they cannot afford to keep them.  So they keep their employees on as part-timers.

On the employees’ side of things, many survive only because they’re able to receive subsidies and gifts from the government… but if they work more than 29 hours a week, or if they work two jobs equaling more than that, then the government considers them “too wealthy” to continue receiving aid.  So the hardworking individual who wants to make something of himself and provide a better life for his family is relegated to a part time job and partial gifts from “On High.”  If he dare work more, assuming an employer would be willing to get taxed and regulated into bloody submission by the government by providing a full time job, then the poor soul actually LOSES  money and his situation is worse for having a chance and wanting to work harder.  We cannot win with these kinds of rules.  But I digress…

Each of us has but one life to live on this planet, and then we meet our Creator.  I pray that each of you is prepared for that eventuality, for we never know when that day will come.  It may even be today.  But what will our legacy be, when our life here is over?  Legacies are made moment by moment, by the little choices and decisions we make each day…. you can’t throw together a “legacy” at the last minute and expect it to simply “look good.”  A legacy is borne out of character, and something that can never be faked.

So how will we be remembered?  Are we doing our best to make the world a better place for us having been here?  Are we putting God first in our lives, being good examples, role models, and providers for those whose lives the Lord has entrusted us to care for and nurture?  Are we influencing the world around us, leading the lost and lonely back to God?  Are we standing in the gap for the most helpless among us?  Are we pushing back against the forces of the evil one?   Are we doing GOD’s work as we live our lives each day?  If we are, then the legacy we eventually leave behind will be truly something future generations can look back on with admiration, joy and love.  There will be smiles, and people will be proud for having known us.   If we are not going about the Lord’s work and living righteous, holy, admirable lives, our legacy will be quite different.

We only get one chance here in this world, and then comes the judgement.  A life is a terrible thing to waste, but how much more awful the wasting of a precious soul? How are you doing today?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email  Ask for message number 230.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Those Attacking Donald Trump Are Not Being Prosecuted – They Are Being Rewarded

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

When you are dealing with frauds and liars, listen more to what they don’t say than what they do.” —Dr. DaShanne Stokes

One thing that I have found during my time as a Christian is that no matter how many times you share the truth with the people in this country and the things that demand their attention, they will not listen until after the damage is done.

Many people in this country act as if they do not live politics, yet, “Life is politics, you do it or it does you.”

Friends, there is no in-between (Revelation 3:16).

Just this morning I woke up to see a brand new post about a book titled “The Russia Hoax, The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump.”

Another post on the same feed showed that Donald Trump’s approval ratings are at 88%.

I still cannot believe how ignorant the American people have become, or should I say, willfully blind and ignorant (a deliberate finger on their eyeballs) to what is right in front of their faces (Jeremiah 5:21; Hosea 4:6)

[YouTube Video]

Let me explain.

Through divisive measures, the CIA-controlled media would have all eyes on Hillary Clinton attacking and accusing President Donald Trump at will (vice versa-Trump attacking her, as well (Mark 3:25) as a “racist” to a “sexual assaulter” to “surrendering to the Russians” to “collusion” etc…, while she is found selling uranium ore to the Russians without fear of consequence.  Why is she so emboldened?  Friends, Hillary has been given a free hand to commit scandal after scandal and crime after crime for decades in this country and that without lawful consequence.

Is she being investigated by Donald Trump’s Department of Justice? Donald claimed he can do whatever he wants with it. Donald promised that he was going to bring forth that special prosecutor on the campaign trail. Has he to date? Not at all. The circus of politics goes on (Psalm 9:17). But worry not, President Donald Trump is tweeting Hillary Clinton’s video advocating for “strong, prosperous Russia.”

Maybe Donald Trump should look up what the purpose of government entails. Like that of restraining men from sin.” 1 John 3:4 Leaving off justice encourages and strengthens criminal activities America, it does not suppress them. (Proverbs 17:15).

[YouTube Video]

Remember, Donald Trump told the American people that we all owe Hillary Clinton a major debt of gratitude during his presidential campaign victory speech. The exact opposite of what he said he was going to do on the campaign trail.

Furthermore, Hillary is not being investigated or indicted for any of her crimes or scandals against “We the People.”  She is being rewarded while “We the people” are being violated and preyed upon.

To prove the point, Hillary Clinton signed two book deals with Simon & Schuster with a record advance of $8 million, which is just behind the Pope’s $8.5 million deal.

What about Barack Hussein Obama? Somehow or another, Barry Soetoro still feels that he is the sitting president, though Americans should remind him that he is not. Barack, like Hillary, has a free hand to attack Donald Trump, and of course, like the Clintons, there are no consequences. All of it is created warfare.

“Obama accuses Trump of wanting war with Iran,” “Intel chiefs gave Russia a pass, and now blame Donald Trump” and, of course, Donald Trump Blames Obama. All this is in the daily playbook of politics, which is designed to divert Americans from what special interest groups behind the corrupt are really doing behind closed doors in handing this country over to those who mean to destroy her.

Obama signed a Netflix deal to produce series and films, and his book deal biddings have reached $60 million dollars.

Keep in mind, America, that this is all a show in an attempt to deceive you into believing that the Obama’s have the approbation of the American people. They clearly do not!

Other criminal administrations in recent history that have been rewarded for their crimes are Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.  The rights to their books, as if to suggest anyone will actually read them, sold for $10-15 million.

Lest you thought the book deals (rewards) fell only to those who have been called presidents, or First Ladies, let’s take a quick look at those around the administrations.

Former FBI Director James Comey is being called out for “his high crimes and misdemeanors,” and instead of him being charged for his “high crimes,” he is cashing in on a $10 million book deal.

Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Former DNC chair Donna Brazile, who got a book deal after helping Hillary Clinton rig the primaries, have all been rewarded, and the list goes on (Luke 16:15).

[YouTube Video]

Is this how you make America great again, Americans? Leave off justice which guards our liberties? (Isaiah 51:4)

Does this sound and act like an administration that loves this country and it’s people? (Matthew 7:16)

The Atlantic reported:

“There is no campaign promise that Donald Trump has failed to honor more flagrantly than his oft repeated pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. He has violated the letter of his promise and trampled all over its spirit. His supporters ought to be furious. But few perceive the scale of his betrayal or its brazenness.”

Americans need to look beyond the facade of President Donald Trumps administration. What he is saying and what is actually happening are two different stories. America is under attack like never before, and a good number of people in this country have fallen asleep (all by design). Matthew 13:25 Now is not the time to go to sleep, but rather, it is time to raise your Gadsden flags and declare in unison “Don’t Tread on Me!.”

We know that Scripture tells us there is a covenant of Hell and death leveled at people by whom they mean to rule. Isaiah 28:18 We know what it means when Scripture tells us:

“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.”

Yet, these forget the reply that the Lord gives on our behalf.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.” -Psalm 2:2-5

[YouTube Video]

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can fool God at no time! Amen.

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Taps For A Fallen Ranger Battalion Commander

For Dear Friends John and Maria

Maria Keneally met me at the foot of the stairs in General George Marshall’s former quarters at Fort Benning, Georgia, now the guest house for special people within the military family.  Her eyes were swollen and tears threatened to spill over, yet she managed a broad, open smile and  she embraced me.  Like most military wives, she learned to maintain a dignity seldom witnessed in others.  To be outwardly emotional is a sign of weakness and would have an adverse effect on those who surround her.  Lt. Col. John T. Keneally, Sr. USAF retired, Maria’s husband, knows what it is to appearance of strength in adversity, but this time it was almost beyond endurance.  Both of their hearts had a large section removed – their oldest son, Lt. Col. John T Keneally, Jr., United States Army, was summoned three days prior for a higher duty by his Supreme Commander and Chief.

Before we departed for the Memorial Service, Maria asked if I would write a few words about her son, John.  I only met him a couple of times in the course of 12 years as a neighbor to his parents while and after I was on active duty at Charleston AFB. S.C. but my family and I stayed on as Maria’s neighbor until now, 26 years later.

When I left the Marshall House, to my surprise, there were military police spaced every fifty or so feet along a mile and a half distance to the place where the service was to be conducted.  When I reached the parking lot surrounding the enormous building called the Infantry Hall, there were hundreds of cars; almost every space was taken.  I was met by a battle garbed, six foot eight soldier at the building’s entrance who escorted me down the aisle of the auditorium.  On both sides sat a sea of shaven heads, camouflage, yellow and black fatigues and the black laced, spit polished jump boots of those standing  at the end of each row reflected the ceiling lights.

I was seated in the third row behind the bereaved family members along with several other colonels and not a few generals of the Air Force and Army. To my left, I could see four rows of officers, none less than a major, but in front there was a Lt. General and a couple of major generals –dressed in fatigues, just like all of the rest of the troops now seated behind me.  I looked to my rear – the entire auditorium was about the size of basketball courts with mezzanine stretching from the back to one third of the length of the round floor. It was filled to capacity.  There were well over a thousand silent, intent faces of men who probably didn’t have an extra ounce of fat amongst them facing me.

Within minutes of the family members being seated, a whispered order was given and the entire assemblage rose as one.  A Catholic Priest, Father Pikura, gave the invocation.  With my head bowed, I had the strangest feeling that at any moment the banshee undulating music of Wagner’ “Ride of the Valkyries” would be sweeping over us for truly I was in the company of the spirit of ancient Viking Warriors.  These men were of the 3rd Battalion, 75 Ranger Regiment, the nation’s elite Special Forces outfit that leads all others: that penetrates enemy lines before the conflict; that parachutes; digs holes under the ground and reports on the enemy or sends them to their Maker using skills and endurance unequaled in the annals of military history.  This is the outfit which lost their Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. John T. Keneally in a training exercise during rough and inclement weather.  The Special Forces don’t have exercises in good weather.  Who can penetrate enemy lines on clear moonlit nights? Although there was no Viking vessel to burn they were there to launch him on his final voyage.

Instead of the “Ride of the Valkyries,” the somber lyrics of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic” were sung by a thousand warriors.  It established a mood which constricted my throat with sorrow for what my dear friends must feel.  After readings from the Bible, a young lady, Ester Haskins, sang “On Eagles Wings” and on the last note, she faltered and returned to her seat on the stage in tears.  The shoulder patch of the American Eagle is part of the Ranger’s uniform.

The Regimental Commander, Colonel Grange, began his eulogy – not in words prepared as from a text, but he spoke simply from the heart, describing who this courageous officer was.  He related in his most sincere terms that John Keneally was a person respected, loved and emulated.  He was considered one of the most outstanding officers ever to have served as battalion commander.  His voice cracked and he had to pause to retain composure.  Other officers followed Col. Grange, as well as the Battalion’s Sergeant Major, all of whom reemphasized the qualities of his love for God and his family, his total devotion to the principle of duty honor country.

He was the soldiers’ soldier.  He was thought of so highly by his commander and by his men that through the chain of command the President of the United States was contacted and then promoted him, posthumously to the rank of full colonel (He had already been on the colonel selection list awaiting congressional approval).  In addition, the U.S Army awarded John the Legion of Merit with two Oak Leaf Clusters and of most significance, named the enormous Fort Benning Infantry Hall, to the “Colonel John T. Keneally, Jr. Memorial Hall.”  Such a prestigious honor is given only to the best of the best.  The bravest, most dedicated combat organization in the military could not have had bestowed a greater honor on one of their own.

John’s brother, Lt. Col Robert Keneally, U.S.A.F. presented the final tribute, and addressed from the stage, his brother’s wife, Barbara, a soldier in her own right.  He pledged his eternal support as a substitute father to her children, tying together their families as one.  There were no dry eyes to this example of love and the great spiritual wealth shared among all of the Keneally family – father, mother, sister, brothers and their children.

As the soulful sound of the bugle playing TAPS and the final rifle shots were fired, my somber reflections centered on Maria’s request.  Anything I could write to what transpired here would be redundant.  Over a thousand men repeated the Ranger Creed aloud and in unison before Sergeant Major Salinas read the final role call unanswered by their beloved commander. I look at all these valiant men, keeping the last of their Creed in mind:

“Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I be the lone survivor.  “RANGERS LEAD THE WAY”

How fortunate is our country to have such men and their families as these…

With love- The Kress Family

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

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Iran’s Tyrannical Regime Is Falling Apart

Despite his predecessors, President Trump is very serious in his efforts to squeeze Iran’s economy as much and as fast as possible. Trump intends to make the Islamic regime fall on its own via crippling sanctions. Iranians are swarming for U.S. dollars as Iran’s currency, the rial, plunges to historic lows amid economic and political uncertainty. Iranian currency, the rial has lost one-third of its value this year alone and is now 60,000 to the dollar. That number is a lot higher in the black market.

During the campaign, Trump promised, he would withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal Obama orchestrated. Trump unwillingly stuck with it for a number of months longer than he wished while Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State, but once Tillerson was moved and replaced by Mike Pompeo, and joined by another anti-Islamic regime expert, National Security advisor, John Bolton. The A team was created.

So, let’s be clear: The new strategy Pompeo laid out is the same as the old strategy — the US plans to impose maximum pressure on Iran to force it to change. (That’s similar to Trump’s strategy toward North Korea, by the way.)

Global Oil

Global oil supply chain easily can handle the loss of 500,000 bpd of Iranian crude, although we may notice some higher prices at the pumps. While both India and China have the scope to lower their imports from Iran, they will possibly be reluctant, especially given the ongoing quarrel over pricing between China’s top refiner Sinopec and Saudi Arabia.

It is becoming quite clear that President Trump’s decision to depart from the Iran nuclear deal was just the first step in the White House’s plan of action towards the regime in Tehran. The administration is engaging all of America’s instruments of national power to isolate and defang the mullahs.

European allies, and even America’s adversaries, appear to be following an aggressive U.S. policy against the Iranian regime, which is backed by sanctions intended to cut off Tehran from the global trade market.

On May 8, 2018, President Trump stated: “The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror.  It exports dangerous missiles, fuels conflicts across the Middle East, and supports terrorist proxies and militias such as Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, and al Qaeda. Over the years, Iran and its proxies have bombed American embassies and military installations, murdered hundreds of American service members, and kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured American citizens.  The Iranian regime has funded its long reign of chaos and terror by plundering the wealth of its own people.”

He continued, “while the deal itself contains no provisions for withdrawal, Iran has threatened to reactivate its nuclear program if the United States reneges on any of its obligations under the pact’s terms.”

France and Germany, whose leaders visited Washington, D.C., in recent weeks to appeal to Trump, have warned that nullification of the agreement could lead to all-out war in the Middle East. Former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson who recently resigned, said that as far as he knows, the administration has no clear “Plan B” for what to do next.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration isn’t looking to invade and occupy Iran, but it does have a fairly clear goal of regime change. I have no doubt about it. Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and other key figures in Trump’s circle, including key Republicans in Congress, are open advocates of overthrowing the Islamic Republic and its ruler, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as are millions of Iranians.

It does also appear that the Iranian regime is facing serious setbacks in Lebanon, in the Palestinian territory, in Syria, and even in Iraq.  The mullahs’ attempt to seize power in Lebanon has provoked much of the Lebanese population against them, and their proxy, Lebanon’s Hezb’allah, is in a state of frenzy.  The Iraqi thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, the mullahs’ mercenary force, face serious problems due to the pressures from the U.S. and the Iraqi government.

After years of using its proxies and interfering in the reginal countries, the Islamic Republic now finds itself isolated and has decided not to carry out its threat of suspending relations with countries that voted in support of the U.N. sanctions.

We should keep this in mind, before we get involved in Iran, we must declare unequivocally the commitment to respect the territorial integrity of Iran, as well as the rights of Iranians to decide, through democratic processes, all matters pertaining to their lives and their country.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Is Martial Law Coming To Portland Oregon?


We listen to The Price is Right –  the CBS program which airs at 10 a.m. for senior citizens who can sleep in and others too lazy to find a job.  On 8/1/2018 the Price is Right welcomed “first married couples.” Their names are called and then they “Come Running  Down” to the front to try to win some prizes. I have no way of knowing for sure how these two young ladies were chosen but I know they did end up at the front with three other “just married” normal couples. I suspect the controller of the names saw two females on his sheet and he picked them instead of another normal couple.


Yes, we have become a world with more pride than ever.  The month of June is passed but it was proclaimed to be “Pride Month” and is dedicated to the celebration of homosexuality and the LGBTQ (lesbian, Gay , Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) movement.  We know from Scripture that God does not approve of this lifestyle, nor does He approve of pride. In fact, the Bible warns us time and time again regarding the dangers of pride. Psalm 10:4 tell us, “The wicked, through pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.”  In like manner, Psalm 59:12 warns, “For the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips let them even be taken in their pride: and for cursing and lying which they speak.” We are also warned in Proverbs 6:17 that God hates “a proud look.” The New   Testament condemns pride as well. James 4:6 informs, “But he giveth more grace. Whereforth he saith, “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

Despite these verses, what we saw in the month of June 2018 were thousands gathered for gay pride parades, stores and businesses selling rainbow colored merchandise declaring “pride,” and a new greeting was uttered by a growing number of people who enthusiastically exclaimed, “Happy Pride!”

And what we saw in June has garnered the attention of such businesses as Target and McDonalds. The July  Last Trumpet Newsletter reported Target stores set up colorful displays featuring toys, clothing and other merchandise celebrating gay pride. Many of the items for sale were geared toward children including a stuffed rainbow-colored unicorn named “Bliss- The Super Unicorn.”  On its website Target made a statement declaring, “Pride month is underway and we’re helping families get ready to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and Take Pride with a new, exclusive product collection. It’s just one way to show our longstanding commitment to the community.”


While they seem to have concern for “families” in 2003 in Minneapolis Target’s part timers would lose benefits.  Under current store policy at that time, employees could work a few hours each week and become eligible for the company’s basic health-care plan. The retail chain employed about 245,000, including workers at Target’s 1,000-plus stores nationwide. Target has one store in Salem, Oregon – Oregon you know, where the protests against ICE in Portland squatted for weeks and then when ordered to move on, left behind a mess similar to what we’ve seen in San Francisco. Of course, Portland, Oregon has a Democrat mayor.  In April 2016 at the Salem store a Target spokeswoman was investigating who hung a sign in the women’s restroom: Attention Ladies: Target Corp. has publically announced that MEN may not use the Women’s restroom (and visa versa.) No questions asked. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS.

In the meantime McDonalds got into the act and from June 9 through June 11, 2018, three McDonald’s locations in the Washington, D.C. area sold large orders of fries in rainbow colored boxes to celebrate homosexuality. “The rainbow fry boxes were a fun way to show their support of the LGBTQ community using one of McDonald’s most iconic and recognizable items; however, these fry boxes were ‘small potatoes’  in the grand scheme of their commitment to the community,” stated Cathy Martin, who is the co-chair of the McDonald’s Pride Network. She further went on to say, “We are proud to honor and celebrate the LGBTQ community, including our employees, customers and beyond, each and every day.”

Not to be left out, numerous apparel makers, including Converse, Levi’s. H&M, American Eagle, and Nike, introduced collections of Pride merchandise of which a portion of the proceeds were given to homosexuality advocacy groups and the iconic Walt Disney company introduced a line of rainbow emblazoned merchandise including hats, backpacks, t-shirts, and sunglasses.


The Last Trumpet Newsletter reports throughout Europe, thousands of people marched in gay pride parades this year. Those events paled in comparison, however, to the bawdry festivities in Tel Aviv, Israel. The coastal city, which borders the Mediterranean Sea, is known as the “most gay friendly city” in the world. Over 250,000 people were on hand for the 20th Annual Pride Parade on June 8, 2018. The event called to mind the words we find in Isaiah 3:9:  “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul!  For they have rewarded evil unto themselves.”

As the years have passed in the early 21st century, homosexuality has become normalized and same-sex marriage has been legalized in a growing number of countries. There are now twenty-seven countries where such unions are allowed, many of which are in Europe. The Netherlands was the first country to legalize same-sex marriage all the way back in the year 2000. Fifteen years later, the United States followed suit, and in 2017 Australia did also as well. Same sex marriage is also legal in the United Kingdom , and in the coming months, Ivar Mountbatten, who is a distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth the II, is set to become the first member of the extended Royal British Family to marry a member of the same gender.

Meanwhile, homosexuality is continuously gaining acceptance in American religious institutions. As such, an event known as the Revoice Conference was scheduled to take place at Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri, on July 28, 2018. The stated purpose of this event is “Supporting, encouraging,, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.”

The catechism of the Catholic Church, based on the Old and New Testament and tradition, has always taught that homosexuality is a moral disorder, a proclivity toward sexual relations that are unnatural and immoral. But recently Pope Francis told a homosexual that “God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The Pope does love you like this. You have to be happy, with who are” and so far, the Vatican has not denied this. The idea that God is responsible for homosexual orientations, that the Pope and the Catholic Church are fine with men being attracted to one another, and that those so oriented should be happy with it, appears on its face, to be heresy. Up until December 1973, homosexuality itself was listed as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association.


And the liberal media elites lost their minds when President Donald J. Trump refused to celebrate “Gay Pride Month” and instead issued an executive order protecting Religious Liberty and as Commander and Chief stated that transsexuals are unfit for military duty and, or course another reason for liberals to yell impeachment.  After reading what was written above about those supporting sodomy, it isn’t hard to imagine the activists claim a majority of Americans have “evolved” and now support same-sex marriage, special rights for homosexuals and promotion of the homosexual lifestyle in schools and are mounting an assault against Congress to abandon Traditional Values and pass their radical agenda, and with Democrats firmly in their pockets, the radical Left is focusing their immense resources on Republicans in Washington to push the perverse homosexual “lifestyle” on every man, woman and child in America and to make matters worse, more and more Republicans in Congress are coming out in favor of the Homosexual agenda.

The resistance to the Homosexual Agenda could collapse completely without the support of pro-family Americans.  The Honorable Eugene Delgaudio, public advocate of the United States said passage of the Homosexual Agenda will ignite a firestorm that will rip through families, communities and businesses by enforcing:

SPECIAL JOB RIGHTS FOR HOMOSEXUALS.  Businesses may have to adopt hiring quotas to protect themselves from lawsuits. Every homosexual fired or not hired becomes a potential federal civil rights lawsuit. (Affirmative Action all over again).

Radical homosexuals will terrorize daycare centers, hospitals, churches and private schools. Traditional moral values will be shattered by federal law.

EXPLOSION OF LAWSUITS as Christian business owners and even clergy are forced to support homosexual “marriage” ceremonies.  You think that won’t happen? Just ask Judge Vance Day below.

THE HOMOSEXUAL CLASSROOMS ACT, will push their agenda into our schools. Your children or grandchildren will be taught homosexuality is moral, natural and good. Girls will be forced to share bathrooms and locker rooms with cross-dressing boys pretending to be so-called “transgendered.” High school children will learn perverted sex acts as part of this “if it feels good, do it” sex-ed curriculum.

Currently in Oregon two gay men are seen on a T.V. ad criticizing our transgender Democrat Governor Kate Brown for the lack of attention she gives to children in Foster Care where they are foster parents.


After the June 26, 2015 Supreme Court “Same Sex Marriage,” decision, Marion County Circuit Court Judge Vance Day,  a Christian, immediately decided not to perform any more marriages to avoid marrying same-sex folks and was removed from the bench without a salary for “ethics violation.”  Vance and his family decided to fight the injustice, hired attorneys and sold their home to pay for attorney fees and court costs and begin trying to raise money.  With the loss of their home, they live in a trailer. Vance and I were once active in the Marion County GOP. He was chairman.

In July his wife said, “Out of the frying pan and into the fire” as she wrote they were granted a small victory because the judge presiding over the hearing took their side and agreed it wasn’t possible to  have a fair trial in Marion County because of the negative press, but in a cruel turn of events, and at the very last minute, SHE chose to move the case to an even worse county- Multnomah – a way to punish Vance for demanding a fair trial! Yes, there are evil spirits in high places.

In addition to “ethics violations” for refusing to marry same-couples, he was later falsely charged with allowing a felon – a veteran who he was trying to help – to handle a gun. All this nonsense is reminiscent of what we see going on in Washington, D.C. with the Deep State judicial system trying to get rid of Trump.

Vance’s  expected three-week trial will start on October 22 in Multnomah County (Sanctuary City- Portland, Oregon) where all the biased and hateful anti-Trump protesters on June 25 forced the shut down of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) , a temporary holding facility for illegal immigrants. In a shocking display of anarchy and lawlessness, Portland ICE agents, stuck inside their offices by violent protesters, called 911 requesting local police assistance only to find Democrat Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who has voiced his support for the demonstrations and protesters, told police to stand down.  Later, Federal authorities ordered the “biohazard” tent city be vacated.  They left behind a mess similar to what we see in the news about San Francisco and taxpayers will have to absorb the costs. And while all this is going on in Portland, many fires are burning east of the city in the Columbia River Gorge – hundreds having to vacate their homes


The national news covered the mess but as this article goes to press, it is being rumored that evil communist 87 year old billionaire George Soros and his foundations that financially support rogue organizations such as ANTIFA plan for MOB RULE on August 4th. Could Mob Rule in Portland be a set up for Martial Law? [Many activists are full of bunk]

Vance has also made the official decision to take a stand against this unconstitutional suspension and has instructed his team to prepare an appeal of his suspension to the United States Supreme Court. Looking at who is sitting on the bench, there is a very good chance they both will take the case and rule in our favor, enforcing the liberty of conscience rights endowed by our Creator and engrained in the Constitution.  Public servants should not be forced to make a decision contrary to their God-given liberty of conscience so we pray and try to raise more money.


His wife writes that currently a DVD Documentary about Vance’s plight is being produced by an independent film maker to get the word out about the injustice Vance is facing and a raw footage clip is available for a contribution where Vance and other experts speak about the case.   Please send your best contribution to:

P.O. BOX 1962
MERRIFIELD, VA 22116-1962

Ironically, Hon. Eugene Delgaudio also needs money and his address is P.O. Box 1360, Merrifield, Va 22116-1360.


Suffolk County District Judge Robert Cicale, who decides the fate of innocent people,  was removed from the bench and facing up to 15 years prison. The 49-year old judge admits he’s broken into the home to snatch panties of a 23 year old Islip, N.Y. woman who he knew from when she worked as an intern at the Islip Town Attorney’s Office. He was ordered held on $50,000 and temporarily relieved of his judicial duties and is facing up to 15 years in prison and $50,000 and Mental Health treatment.

While this story sounds laughable, Vance Day, appointed by a Democrat governor, was initially suspended without pay for “misconduct”-the longest suspension in history, for not wanting to marry same sex couples. All this reminds me of a plaque I saw in a Cowboy apparel store many years ago which I still remember. It went like this: There ain’t no justice in this here land, the judge gave the kids to my old man but he’s going to be in a real tizzy when he finds out those kids ain’t hizzy.

So, where do we go from here? Compromise? Capitulate? Hell no! Resist! Fight

© 2018 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

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Another Reason Why Abortion Must Be Abolished

Since 1973 the United States of America has allowed the legal murder of probably well over 90 million unborn babies.  Most reports estimate between 56 to 70 million American deaths due to abortion.  But when states like New York and California that do not report their abortion totals are factored in, I would venture to say that it is closer to 90 to 100 million unborn babies that have been murdered.  What a horrible stain on the republic that was founded upon the worthy principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  I believe the Founding Fathers (including the more liberal Alexander Hamilton) would be appalled and up in arms over the societal practice of murdering members of our own American population, who have done no harm.

I can only imagine how many unborn babies were abruptly wiped out through forced abortions in China.  My guess is one billion or more over many decades.  One thing that rings true is that one thing either leads to or opens the door to another.  I believe the attitude or spirit of death has become a big influence in society.  That is a direct result of the legalization of murdering unborn babies, which contributed to the growing disregard toward the blessing of life.

Once people get used to something they often transition to or add on more drastic and in some cases more insidious activities.  In the case of children being legally murdered throughout America and far beyond it is truly going downhill.  It was recently revealed that three children were murdered by their parents due to illness in the nation of Belgium.   In 2014, Belgium King Phillippe signed a bill into law that allows children to be euthanized.   I remember the mild international groaning about that horrible decision.  The American Academy of Pediatrics correctly claimed that the bill would make children “expendable”.

“Children could be legally euthanized if they were in great pain” a subjective notion to stake someone’s life on and if there was no treatment.  Even more hideous is that children in Belgium do not have to be terminally ill to be killed.  To add even more insult to injury, the bill to kill children was vigorously supported by Belgium politicians because children were already being murdered legally.  What a sick slippery slope for a society to embark upon.

Since the deviant decision to allow Belgian children to be euthanized three children have been killed.  In 2016 the first child was murdered for suffering from an undisclosed “incurable illness”.  Two more were terminated in 2017.  Their ages and description of their illness have been withheld.  A further illustration of the slippery slope reveals that in addition to euthanizing children, deaths from assisted suicide have risen steadily each year since its legalization 16 years ago.

According to Live action reporter Cassy Fiano-Chesser the number of euthanasia cases has nearly doubled over the last four years, from 232 to 444.  According to Belgian law, people who undergo euthanasia must either be terminally ill or in “unbearable” pain, which is very, very subjective.  It is the subjective criterion that allows abuse to run rampant.  People have been euthanized for blindness, anorexia, for suffering from depression, even for being transgender.  Those abuses are rarely prosecuted.

The chairman of Belgium’s Federal Control and Evaluation Committee on Euthanasia is none other than Wim Distelmans.  He is a notorious Belgian doctor who will seemingly euthanize anyone, anytime, for any reason.  Distelmans is the doctor who euthanized twin brothers who were going blind.  As if Distelman’s glorification of death wasn’t horrible enough, he also took a tour of about 70 people to Auschwitz, the demonic Nazi camp, for an instructional tour on euthanasia.  Distelmans called “inspiring”, and the concentration camp was said to be the perfect place to reflect on what “death with dignity” means.

One thing for sure, the darkness that is abortion is a door opener to the slippery slope downward into greater depths of death, tyranny and injustice for all.  “We the People” must slam the brakes on this evil before it leads to an end to our great republic as we should know her to be.  Thus, abortion must be aborted to stop the slippery slope in our own republic.  May God bless America with Providential guidance and wisdom and may America take advantage of both before it is too late.  You can also be blessed via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PT, 2:00 PM MT 3:00 PM CT and 4:00 PM ET on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. and everywhere else on, SHRmedia and Sundays at 12:00 AM CT on TalkAmericaRadio. Also, The Edwards Notebook radio commentary Blows away the Myths and reveals the Truth during the growing Captain’s America Third Watch talk show weekends nationwide on 80 radio stations emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer and

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Why Property Rights Matter – Prosperity, Stability, Freedom

There is an all out assault taking place in nearly every community against private property ownership. It’s being perpetrated at every level of government and funded by taxpayer grants. Yet few property owners raise objections, mainly because today most don’t have the basic understanding of the right of property ownership and its vital place in preserving our nation’s prosperity, economic stability and foundation of freedom.

Most Americans tend to think of private property simply as a home — the place where the family resides, store their belongings and find shelter and safety from the elements. It’s where you live. It’s yours because you pay the mortgage and the taxes. That’s about the extent of thought given to property ownership in today’s America.

There was a time when property ownership was considered to be much more. Property, and the ability to own and control it, was life itself. The great economist, John Locke, whose writings and ideas had major influence on the nation’s founders, believed that “life and liberty are secure only so long as the right of property is secure.”

Locke advocated that if property rights protection did not exist then the incentive for an industrious person to develop and improve property would be destroyed; depriving that person of the fruits of his labor; that marauding bands would confiscate by force the goods produced by others; and that mankind would be impelled to remain on a bare subsistence level of hand to mouth survival from fear that the accumulation of anything of value would invite attack.

Homeownership, and the equity it creates, has been the main source of wealth for millions of Americans. It’s the reason the United States was able to build incredible wealth and rise above much older nations. Sixty percent of American businesses were created by homeowners using the equity from their homes. Where private property is disallowed teeming and unrelenting poverty is the result.

Locke’s fears have become reality today through the innocent sounding term called “Sustainable Development. Under that banner, the very concept of property rights is being targeted as unrealistic in a drive to reorganize our communities through strict planning regulations.

Proponents define Sustainable Development as: “Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  According to its advocates, to achieve that goal requires massive amounts of land and natural resources to be permanently locked away from use; which translates to control, not conservation, as many perceive it to mean.

Sustainable Development requires a complete transformation of American society that will affect our system of justice, our economic system, and our ability to make individual life choices such as careers, family size, and the location of our homes.

The best known form of the Sustainable transformation is called Smart Growth. We’re told this policy is necessary to create the community of the future, to guarantee effective planning, and, most importantly, to protect the environment by reducing our carbon footprint to combat climate change.

Attending a local public meeting where the community‘s new “visioning” plan is being promoted, citizens will be assured that everything has been prepared by local leaders simply to address unique problems and well-laid plan for the future. However, a little research will show, ironically, that almost every community in every state has a nearly identical plan in process, usually ending with numbers like 2030 or 2050. One can also search the Internet and find such plans as Jamaica 2050 and Dubai 2050. They cover the world and most importantly – they are all the same basic plan no matter where they are, nationally or globally. One thing they all have in common – none of them are LOCAL!

Across the United States, most of these plans are being implemented by the same associated planners, fueled by the same grant programs, and aided by the same non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Working in well-oiled teams, they cover the nation, reaching out to local and state officials to promote the programs. Each of these NGO groups has their own specific programs to promote, such as bike trails, conservation easements, or energy conservation, and they bring the grant programs with them for the local officials to apply. It’s mostly done in backrooms, out of sight of the general public. Unseen hands dig in to decide the community’s future.

A look into the workings at City Hall will reveal multiple NGOs and planners all working in lockstep behind closed doors, huddled with elected officials and planning departments to form a well-organized matrix that eventually morphs into the community long-range visioning plan.

As a result, there’s a near endless number of programs and processes being used in cities across the nation to impose the plan. Most are funded by federal grants with specific strings attached, in particular from HUD, EPA and the Department of Transportation, that assure the sustainable policies are enforced.

The sales pitch is for a perfect lifestyle in what they call healthy, happy communities — where neighbors interact, parents play with their children, and there is no stress from long commutes because all the conveniences of living are just a walk down the street. It all sounds so warm and wonderful, creating images of a near Eighteenth-century atmosphere of peace and tranquility, yet with all the conveniences and technology of our modern age, leading toward a “sensible growth plan” for future development.

The main enemy of the dedicated Sustainablist is the automobile. To them “urban sprawl” is the breeder of cars. The sustainable planners, like the American Planning Association (APA), diligently devise new schemes to get people out of their cars as the first role of Smart Growth. That means the focus for future housing will be the establishment of high-density neighborhoods with residents living in high-rise condos. Walkable communities, as the Sustainablists call them, mean the use of private cars will be discouraged in favor of public transportation, bicycles, or walking.

How is that done? Higher taxes on cars and on gasoline – and there are now plans being developed in various states to tax every mile you drive. Your mileage is kept in the computers of today’s cars, like the black boxes on airplanes. Mandatory auto inspections by the state will provide the opportunity to read that information, determine the number of miles driven and a bill will be sent to the car owner each year.

Smart Growth is being imposed on our cities in order to transform them into federally-controlled spheres. The programs used to achieve this dominion come in many names and forms. Each one is just a small piece of the whole puzzle. Perhaps as a single program, each could be harmless. However, fused together they become a threat that destroys private property, controls living habits and divides populations into specific categories making each more easily directed.

Here are a few examples:

Form-based code “is a means of regulating land development to achieve a specific urban form.” According to their own literature, form-based code is a plan for regulating the form, scale and character of buildings. It coordinates floor area ratios, dwelling units per acre (Smart Growth pack-em and stack-em condos), parking ratios, and more. It assures all buildings are consistent and predictable as they are the same size and design, with the same set-backs, plantings and functions; in short, it prevents any distinctions in buildings. Basically, all communities will eventually look exactly alike. There’s little room in Smart Growth cities for single-family homes.

What Works Cities are located in every region of the United States. This NGO operation supplies communities with workshops, training, data, and all the information needed to guide your city into the “right” programs that work. By adopting the WWC Standard, the community becomes part of a national network of local governments. In short, they will be fully invaded by armies of NGOs to help them “do it right!” Of course, all WWC policy is based on Sustainable Development programs.

New York City implemented what is called “progressive street projects.” They built more than 400 miles of new bike lanes, and they created a massive pedestrian plaza in Times Square by closing five blocks of Broadway to cars.

The announced purpose was to “change the culture.” The pedestrian plazas are placed in the center of what were once busy streets, blocking off traffic, and, again, making it difficult to drive in the city. One of the leaders of this project said, “What we’re trying to do is see equity of public space. When you build your streets for cars, you’re actually building in the expectation that people are going to have cars.” So, if you stop having streets, obviously people will stop wanting cars.

The increasing encroachment of government regulations, pontificating politicians and the enforcement of Social Justice schemes have led to a loss of understanding of the terms private property and property rights. Once it was understood that the unauthorized entering of private property was a violation to the utmost. The property owner was justified and supported in taking necessary actions to remove the trespasser and secure his land.

Today, such ideas are considered radical, old fashioned, out of touch, and even reprehensible. The homeowner can be arrested for defending against an armed intruder who can actually sue a homeowner for shooting them even as they break down the door intending to rob and do harm. Home protection is called violence, perhaps even racism. It’s a new world of compliance, fear, and acceptance rather than pride, protection, and prosperity in ownership.

If property ownership and control is to be restored to challenge the Sustainable assault, then a solid understanding and specific definition needs to be brought into the pubic debate. There is such a document, written by Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders in a “Fifth Amendment” treatise which included the following definition of property rights. It says:

Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

This definition speaks specifically to the right of use of the property. It does not infringe on government’s ability for local rule or to impose reasonable, legal zoning policy, so long as such policies recognize and protect the owner’s use of their private property.

Under current policies property rights are being violated daily. Local governments are creating partnerships with private developers, using the powers of eminent domain to confiscate property for the building of private enterprises such as shopping malls, manufacturing plants, and housing developments with the express purpose of raising tax revenues. Governments at every level routinely trespass on private land to measure, photograph and map, with the express purpose of creating new regulations.

The very idea of “unrestricted right of use” by the property owner terrifies the powers in charge as they race to control every inch of land and its use. The result is that private property rights, according to Justice Sander’s definition, have indeed become a “barren right.”

Meanwhile, the economics of Smart Growth is sobering and hit few harder than the poor. As growth boundaries limit space, new home construction drives up housing prices beyond the reach of most.

For example, in Portland, Oregon, after decades of Smart Growth development, exorbitant living costs have driven over 10,000 minority families out of their urban homes. The city recently announced a new regulation to force homeowners to have the government conduct Home Energy Surveys to force compliance with Sustainable energy regulations before their homes can be put on the market for sale. Meanwhile, homebuilders are vastly reducing plans for building new homes because Portland is running out of buildable land, even though outside the tightly controlled urban growth boundary there is plenty. As the population continues to grow, home availability will disappear. High-rise condos will become smaller until they are little more than dormitories.

Private property ownership and the right to its unrestricted use are vital to the preservation of freedom, prosperity and independence. It’s urgent that every American fully understand the purpose and recognize the players in their local planning schemes before our entire society is completely transformed to their agenda.

© 2018 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese:  Contact Tom DeWeese

Mueller Uses Manafort As A Tethered Goat To Ensnare The Lion

It’s not about whether you are innocent or guilty. It’s about whether or not you can prove you’re innocent. If you can’t prove you’re innocent, then you’re considered guilty. It’s been flipped: Now it’s guilty until proven innocent.  —Artist Ronald Jones

The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them. —Patrick Henry, American colonial revolutionary

*A “tethered goat” is a reference to the practice of tying a goat to a stake as bait when hunting predatory game animals. The predator comes to eat the goat and is shot by the hunter. In this case, Paul Manafort is the tethered goat and Mueller is pressuring Manafort to sing or compose to ensnare the lion…President Trump.

“In 2013, four government officials demonstrably lied under oath, and nothing has been done to them, two IRS officials, the Attorney General, and James Clapper. This caused Ed Snowden to release the fact that the U.S. is spying on its citizens and in violation of the 4th amendment. That our government is corrupt is the only conclusion. Sidney Powell’s book, Licensed to Lie helps the people understand the nature of this corruption and how it is possible for federal prosecutors to indict and convict the innocent rather than the guilty.” Victor Sperandeo

Manafort Previously Exonerated

Judge Andrew Napolitano was a guest on Fox and Friends on July 31st, to talk about the Manafort case.  What he told was explosive.  Manafort’s defense is that he was investigated by the government for all these charges eight years ago and was exonerated.  His attorneys are going to put on the witness stand the young lawyer who exonerated him, and that was Rod Rosenstein.

The prime witness against Paul Manafort is former partner Rick Gates, who has already pleaded guilty. However, federal prosecutors said today, August 1, 2018, that Rick Gates may not testify in the trial of his former business partner Paul Manafort. The prosecution has told their witnesses not to mention Trump or Russia because Judge T. S. Ellis is hearing the case and previously he came close to throwing the case out because he could see Mueller’s real intentions.

Rosenstein’s Guidelines

Too many people are finding themselves sitting down with the FBI. Robert Mueller has widened his Russia investigation beyond the 2016 presidential election.  District Court Judge T. S. Ellis III dissected Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s May 2017 appointment order to Mueller and concluded that the prosecutor is empowered to look at virtually any Russian contact no matter how “stale” it is.  Link

Judge Ellis said Rosenstein’s guidelines state that Mueller is to investigate any links between the Russian government and Trump campaign associates, which is expansive.  He said “any links” also means “indirect links” or “potential links,” giving Mueller wide latitude when deciding whether to target a Trump person.

Deputy AG Rosenstein gave Mueller the right to go further to investigate and prosecute crimes related to Manafort’s receipt of payments from the Ukrainian government related to his consulting work for former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Mueller was forced to admit in court filings that his case against Paul Manafort has exactly nothing to do with his Russia mandate. The Hillary Clinton/DNC funded unverified Steele dossier accuses Manafort of directing the Trump campaign’s efforts to coordinate with the Kremlin to help Trump in the 2016 election.

The DOJ has literally turned the Russia investigation into a puzzle designed never to be solved. Link

Paul Manafort

Paul Manafort is accused of multiple financial crimes in connection with lobbying work he performed in Ukraine. The first of his two upcoming trials has begun. This is the Virginia trial and is being heard by Judge. T. S. Ellis.  The former campaign manager for Donald Trump is sitting in solitary confinement 23 hours per day after being investigated by Robert Mueller regarding the bogus 2016 Russia election collusion.

Manafort was allegedly put in solitary so that other prisoners don’t “make their bones” by killing him.  Never Trumpers seem to feel no shame about cheering on the American prison system for keeping Manafort locked in a windowless cement box all day when he has never been convicted.

Despite Manafort cooperating in every way with Mueller’s team of hit men, the Obama appointed DC judge has put him in jail until the DC trial in September.  This happened the day after the Inspector General’s report came out. They want him to flip. Manafort served as Trump’s campaign manager for 49 days. The evidence that he tried to tamper with a witness is based on a one minute, 27 second phone call. They’ve got him on ice. No bail.

Manafort had nothing to do with Russia and the Trump campaign because there wasn’t any collusion.  Yet the out-of-control former Director of the FBI and his group of “Hillary loving lawyers” are out to destroy anyone who had the temerity to offer their services to outsider candidate Donald J. Trump.  Paul Manafort was a big target.

Remember the Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya? It was another set-up job. Loretta Lynch had Paul Manafort’s phone tapped during the meeting which he and Jared Kushner both attended.

It was Mueller’s leftist thug Andrew Weissmann who arranged for the middle of the night break in of the Manafort home by 12 FBI agents with drawn guns who stayed for hours.

Can anybody tell me what Paul Manafort did? Does anyone know why he’s in jail? Robert Mueller put him in jail, but no one can tell me specifically what he did.  What financial crimes?  The indictments against him are bank fraud, tax fraud, and money laundering. It’s all kinds of really bad stuff for which sentencing guidelines, 32 different counts in this indictment, literally mean spending the rest of his life in jail.  All of this happened ten years before Paul Manafort even went to work for Donald Trump.

He pleaded not guilty last year and has maintained his innocence.

A separate trial in Washington, D.C., is slated for September. Link  There also seems to be a problem with double-jeopardy with these two trials.  The media has apparently colluded with the FBI and grand jury secrecy may have been ignored and broken.  It was revealed that the Associated Press, the leading news wire service allowed reporters to secretly collude with the FBI to help agents to gain access to Paul Manafort’s storage locker.

It was Andrew Weissmann who allegedly improperly disclosed confidential grand jury information and potentially classified information.  And 50,000 pages of new discovery materials were handed to the defense team just 19 days before the scheduled trial for Paul Manafort. Link  Weissmann is the fellow who praised Sally Yates for instructing the Justice Department not to defend Trump’s executive order banning refugees from entry into the United States.

Robert Mueller has asked a federal court in Virginia for 100 blank subpoenas prior to the trial against Paul Manafort.

The objective here is to get these guys to flip and they’re really being pressured. Manafort is really being pressured.  Mueller is pressuring him to sing and compose against Trump.  Our president is the prize, and they want the prize destroyed.

Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said that Mueller’s focus on Manafort (and lack of focus on President Trump) shows that inflicting damage on Trump and Republicans in general through the midterm elections is his objective.  If the Democrats regain control, impeachment is next.

Liberal Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Amy Berman Jackson is an Obama appointed United States District Judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She is the one who put Manafort in prison until his trials.  Link

No individual who disagrees with Obama will receive justice in Judge Jackson’s court.  Jackson is the same judge who cleared Hillary Clinton in the Benghazi case, but is now out for blood with Manafort.

Manafort’s only crime is he worked for and supported President Trump during his campaign for the Presidency.  Judge Jackson is a real piece of work. Let’s hope and pray for the sake of the Union that at some point soon, the Mueller investigation is called out for what it is, a corrupt attempt by an elite few to overthrow the government.

Tony Podesta Offered Immunity

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reported that Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort at his upcoming trial in Washington D.C.

The identities of five witnesses special counsel Robert Mueller immunized to testify against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were unsealed by federal judge T.S. Ellis on 23 July 18.  Mueller’s office told a Virginia federal judge that James Brennan, Donna Duggan, Conor O’Brien, Cindy Laporta, and Dennis Raico were granted immunity after the five individuals indicated they wouldn’t testify or provide other information “on the basis of their privilege against self-incrimination.”

Judge Ellis commented, “The worry is that squeezed witnesses will not only sing but compose.”

Bill and Hillary Clinton’s good friend, democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta has been under scrutiny by federal authorities but was offered immunity by special counsel Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort.

Podesta’s brother is John Podesta who was chairman of the 2016 Clinton presidential campaign.  Tony once worked with Paul Manafort to lobby on behalf of Ukrainian interests in this very country.  He apparently did not properly register under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), the exact same crime that Manafort is charged with!

Tony Podesta is also accused of failing to register as a foreign agent when he represented the Russian owned company, Uranium One!  Yes, the same Uranium One deal that led Russia to gaining 20% of U.S. uranium deposits in exchange for $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Paul Manafort, his former business partner Rick Gates and Tad Devine all worked on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine yet only two of them are being charged by the Special Counsel.

John Podesta

John, brother of Tony and former campaign manager for Hillary Clinton and former White House Chief of Staff for President Clinton, has a strong connection to a Kremlin backed company.  In 2011, John Podesta joined the board of a small energy company called Joule Unlimited based out of Massachusetts.  About eight months after Podesta joined Joule in 2011, an investment fund backed by the Russian government, Rusnano, announced plans to invest about $35 million in the company, while Podesta is an advisor to Hillary Clinton in the State Department. Several months later, Joule announced that Rusnano Chairman Anatoly Chubais was joining its board of directors. Rusnano has been called, “Putin’s child.” Around the same time, Podesta joined Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board.

At the time he was running the Center for American Progress, which supported the Obama administration’s “Russian reset.” Podesta personally lauded the effort to “build a more constructive relationship” with Russia at a 2009 event hosted by his think tank.

In 2014, he wanted to go back to work as a counselor to Obama.  So, he divested his 75,000 shares in Joule and moved them to an entity called Leonidio Holdings, LLC, which had been created just weeks earlier, and shares an address with Podesta’s daughter, Megan Rouse.  Link

Wikileaks showed that perhaps he did not actually divest, because in 2015 a law firm billed him for something that sounds like the creation of Leonidio, and he was asked to approve another Russian on the board of Joule.  It would be highly unusual for a company to seek approval of a board appointment from someone who no longer has any ties to the business.  It seems to be a clever attempt to dodge government disclosure.

Tad Devine

Tad Devine, a former senior advisor to Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign and John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid previously worked with Paul Manafort and Gates in Ukraine, but Mueller has already determined that Devine has done nothing wrong.

Devine is a political operative who served at the highest levels in the Bernie Sanders campaign and who will now assist in Mueller’s prosecution of Manafort.

When the Special Counsel sought assistance from us in its ongoing investigation, we readily provided it.”

Julian Mulvey, a partner at Devine’s political firm, Devine Mulvey Longabaugh has been “assured by the special counsel’s office that we have no legal exposure and did not act unlawfully.”

Great, pressure applied, acquiescence achieved.


Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from only the scope of the 2016 campaign of alleged Russia collusion.  Sessions has exclusive authority to appoint a special counsel for non-collusion charges but has taken no such action.  Rosenstein cannot appoint Mueller to any investigation outside the scope of the 2016 campaign since Sessions did not recuse himself from anything outside the campaign.  Sessions should make that clear to Mueller and Rosenstein.

Sessions formally notifying Mueller that he does not have authority to act outside of campaign-related cases and cases related to obstruction of Mueller’s investigation would be doing what the Constitution compels: enforcing the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. Additionally, Sessions notifying Mueller that he does not have authority to act outside of campaign-related cases would be exercising Sessions’ court-recognized Constitutional obligation to “direct and supervise litigation” conducted by the Department of Justice. Link

Trump should call Sessions into the Oval office and ask him if he gave Rosenstein authority to expand Mueller’s investigation.  If Sessions says he did not, then the President needs to tell him to limit Mueller’s investigation to the Russia collusion probe.  If Sessions refuses, President Trump should tell him to immediately hand in his resignation.  He then needs to do the same thing with Rod Rosenstein.

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Evil Spirits In High Places

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  —Eph 6:13

Some of you will get this and some of you will not.  You laugh it off at your own peril.

So much of what we see going on around us borders on the unexplainable.  The absolute madness that the Trump haters display is one of those things.  Many of us had a strong dislike for the Obama administration but, we didn’t take it to the streets in order to undermine what we viewed as an anti-American administration.

We simply swallowed hard and complied.  The day Obama left office was a time of great joy for many of us.  As things begin to unfold in all of the investigations surrounding President Trump it is becoming obvious that for the previous eight years the American government has bordered on lawlessness.  There is so much to be revealed I am not sure we will be able to handle it once it is fully exposed.

How could government of, by, and for the people become so diabolical?  Where did America go wrong?  Why do so many Americans look the other way at wrong doing simply because their “party” is in power?  How have Americans become so divided?

Evil spirits in “high” places is the answer.  (Here is where I am going to lose some of you.)  The Bible teaches that the natural (non-born again) man does not understand the things of the spirit.  Without an understanding of the spiritual world you CANNOT decipher what is happening in the natural world.  Let me dig into this a bit.

A human is a spiritual being that happens to live in a natural world.  In fact, although you have a body you are not a body.  You are a spirit that LIVES in a body…much as a car transports us around town…your body carries your spirit around in this “material” world.

Every human being enters the world the same way which is through the womb of a woman.   The Bible teaches that at the moment of conception a new creation is formed complete with his/her own DNA which science calls the “blueprint of life’.  Everything that makes you, you, is present at the moment conception occurs.

The Bible teaches that at that same moment a living SOUL is present.  The soul is made up of the mind, will, and emotions.  The soul is actually YOU.  When people communicate with another human it is the soul to which they speak…not the body.  The body is merely the encasement in which the soul is housed.

Hence, you are first and foremost a soul (mind, will and emotions) that is given life by the spirit,(Breathe of God) and you operate in this natural world with a body of flesh.  You are a soul…not a body.  When you die, the spirit/life leaves the body (natural world) and the soul leaves this natural world for a place we have been taught to call “heaven.”  But heaven is not necessarily the place where “God” lives but represents a non-material world where human flesh cannot operate.  This non-material world is what we commonly call the “spiritual” world.

This is where the “spirits in high places” live and operate.  I don’t have the time to go into it now so do your own research, but suffice it to say that the “spiritual” world is made up of different dimensions.  This “spiritual” world, although not a material one like this earthly realm, is very real.  There is a gulf (area of separation) between the natural and spiritual dimensions.  The only way you can enter the earth realm is by occupying a physical body.

That is what God did.  He was born in human form, Jesus, through the womb of a natural woman, Mary.  Possessing a body is the only way to enter this earth (natural) realm.  The human soul is currently trapped in this natural world but is able to communicate with the spiritual realm.  That is the realm where the “evil spirits in high places” operate.   The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is the only way that a “natural man” (human) can ever get victory of “evil” spirits that bombard the natural world continually.

The evil spirits attack humans through the mind.  Every evil action begins as a thought.  That is why we are taught to “take captive every thought”, because bad thoughts lead to bad behavior.  It is the MIND that the evil spirits try to influence.  This influence of the spirit realm comes through our natural senses…taste, touch, sight…and the desire to fulfill the “natural desires” of the flesh are what causes calamity in the natural world.  The Bible calls it sin.

The Bible teaches that when Satan was vamoosed from heaven he took one third of the angels with him.  It is from that fall from God’s presence that all of the evil has entered into the natural realm.  From the time Satan entered the garden he and his minions have been trying to oppose everything that is good.  Everything that is good comes from God and Satan and his offspring have worked tirelessly to destroy everything that is good.

That is what we wrestle with…all of us…every human…principality and powers…evil spirits…determined to destroy all that is Godly.   What occurs in this natural world is a direct result of what has been occurring in the spiritual (high) realm.  The Devil and his children fight humanity through thoughts…planting lies that seem true…“did God really say”…?

God sent His son into this natural realm by the same method we all got here…through the womb of a woman…so that we might gain access to a Spirit greater than the spirits operating in this world.  That is the “wrestling” that we all do.  Without the Holy Spirit we are powerless against the forces of darkness IN THIS NATURAL realm.  The root cause of ALL of America’s problems is SPIRITUAL.  Sadly, there is no political answer to a spiritual problem.

The “high places” (positions of authority) in America are occupied by natural (non born-again) men.  Natural men are prisoners to flesh, natural influences and desires.  Money, fame, sex, and power are what drive America’s leaders and without the Holy Spirit they are incapable of doing what is right.

That is it in a nut-shell.  You can ignore it, or pick at my examples, but we are in the mess we are in because our leaders, and (sadly) our churches have no understanding of what is really going on around them.

The spirits that influence natural men are driving the nation over a cliff.  Evil flourishes when good men give yield authority to wickedness.  Read Genesis 6 and you will see that the battle has never changed…good versus evil…one will win.

Evil spirits in high places are ruling the world and the average Christian has no idea why.  How can we hope to win if we don’t understand the fight?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Democratic Socialism And Mob Rule

Are you ready to vote for “Democratic Socialism” in November? Ready to surf the Blue Wave? Ready for open borders, and no more immigration law enforcement?

Portland, Oregon, is ready, big-time. Last month a “protest camp” set up by a mob calling itself “Occupy ICE” blockaded the offices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, putting federal employees in fear of their lives. This went on for a month, because the mayor of Portland ordered police not to intervene.

Now the employees have sent the mayor a “cease and desist” letter, saying they will sue the city if they can’t get police protection from the mob. They’re tired of getting harassed and threatened and don’t see why they have to put up with it. The 14th Amendment to the Constitution—isn’t that supposed to be the law of the land?—promises all American citizens equal protection of the laws. Even immigration law enforcement personnel.

A government that will not protect its own citizens or enforce its own laws has no reason for existing. Such a government in Portland, say the ICE employees, created “a zone of terror and lawlessness” around their building.

That’s Democrat America: mob rule. Please don’t tell me that you want to vote for that.

Meanwhile in California, Democrats were all set to ban plastic straws, to the tune of a $1,000 fine or one year in prison, per straw—all based on “research” done by a 9-year-old child for a school project. The little boy made some phone calls to straw manufacturers, and then reported that Americans use—are you ready for this?—half a billion plastic straws per day—wow! That’s over 18 billion straws a year! And it’s really messing up the planet! Naturally, the nooze media all passed these figures on as gospel truth, never questioning them. And the city of Santa Barbara rolled up its sleeves and prepared to go on an anti-straw jihad.

This is their idea of fun. But when it came out that the whole thing was some little kid’s science project, and that the numbers were baloney, Democrats had to start backpedaling. As amusing as it would be for them to toss people into prison on the say-so of a 9-year-old, they weren’t quite ready to put the pedal to the metal.

The University of Georgia, like most colleges and looniversities these days, has given us another peek at what Democratic Socialism will look like, if we ever go mad enough to accept it.

A dean of journalism (hold that thought!) has had to issue an abject public apology for a tweet he made about his lifelong friendship with a man who is now the state’s Republican candidate for governor. And the Left piled on. The dean had the temerity to speak of his boyhood friend as “a nice guy.” Didn’t he know the man, being a Republican, is a Racist? Was he “blinded by his own privilege”? Dude, your “friend” “spews bigoted and dangerous rhetoric”! Another lefty know-it-all chided the dean, “You’re a straight white man. Of course he was nice and kind to you. Racists are generally nice to their own kind.”

Tweet after tweet of this stuff, and the dean finally got down on his belly and crawled. “I’d like to apologize to anyone offended by my tweet,” he wrote, after deleting his, er, message of hate. “It was ill-timed and poorly written.” Rather a shameful saying by a dean of journalism. “I’ve read and learned so much from you all and will endeavor to be more thoughtful.”

What was he so afraid of? Okay—in countries that really have something like Democratic Socialism, if you say the wrong thing, they break down your door in the middle of the night, grab your family (it’s okay to separate the families of enemies of The People), and ship you off to a gulag in Siberia. We don’t do that here—yet. But, man, if they gave a gold medal for groveling, this guy would’ve won it.

Can it be said, in light of the three examples given here, that American leftists are working to create a climate of fear? And do we want to live in such a climate? Gee, I think I just discovered the only kind of Climate Change that’s real.

If that’s what you want, the Dems are waiting for your vote.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will get you there.

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Incoming Mexican President Vows To Cooperate With Trump

This columnist waited several days to see if the ‘main stream media’ MSM, would release this very important story that makes President Trump look good. They would NOT publish this. No surprise. So here it is. 

President Elect of Mexico, Andre Manuel Lopez Obrador, who will take office December 1st, sent a seven page letter to President Trump this month regarding a new relationship between Mexico and the U.S. Mr. Obrador has already talked with President Trump on the phone with a follow up by our terrific Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo who visited him to begin opening lines of communication between the two countries.

The seven page letter Mr. Obrador sent to President Trump stating that his incoming administration’s aim is to start a new chapter in the relationship with Mexico and outlined his hopes of the two countries working together to improve security at the border and discourage Mexican migration.

Obrador stated in his letter that the incoming administration’s goal is to “start a new chapter in the relationship between Mexico and the United States based on mutual respect.”

Pompeo said that he and Obrador discussed how the two countries could advance common goals on economy, trade, as well as resolve border issues.

“I am encouraged by the fact that we both know how to do what we say,” Mr. Obador wrote in his letter, “and we both have faced adversity with success. We manage to put our citizens at the center and displace the establishment.”

Mr. Obrador singled out migration, economic development and security as the primary areas he would like to collaborate with President Trump. He believes economic development of Mexico and other Central American countries would improve conditions in those areas and dissuade people from believing they must flee flee to the U.S.

“My government is wiling to present to our congress, the initiative and budgetary proposal to contribute economic resources and experiences in this joint effort,” he wrote.

The president-elect also wants to jump start talks of a modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada. These talks began last year after Trump said NAFTA must be reworked to better suit America’s interest.

Last week, President Donald Trump said he had “very good discussions” with Mr. Obrador and may look at negotiating a separate trade deal with Mexico.

Now it can be seen why the so-called main stream media had desperately attempted to keep this quiet.  President Donald J. Trump is the ultimate president. He has accomplished more in his short time in office than all the other presidents that have occupied The Oval Office.

He has fulfilled every promise he has made so far. He is the only U.S. President to visit numerous heads of state and dictators and dialogue with them. He will not nor cannot back down. He is tough keeps his word and stands firm, something that puzzles the world since Obama appeared to work for the enemies of America. President Trump works for the American people.

He has stabilized the U.S. economy, has stood firm to those world leaders who expected him to back down, like Obama, who bowed deeply to Muslim leaders and actually apologized for America. (?)

The relationship between Mexico and America has been shaky…until now thanks to our elected president, put in the Oval Office by MILLIONS of voters.

The Democrat Communists constantly work to bring disrespect to our duly elected president, yet, thanks to citizen journalists and internet news services, the public receives TRUTHFUL news. Wherever you read this column you can trust the news on that site to give you an accurate account about what is REALLY going on.

The demoncrats hate it when Trump is recognized for doing what a president has sworn to do. They want to weaken, then overthrow this government to put America under Communist control. We won’t let that happen since Trump is our president, and most of the millions of people in the United States are armed and ready to lock and load.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

The Incestuous Cesspool In A Democratic DC Marsh

To our frequent readers:

Sometimes a different literary form does a better job of getting the message across.  Let’s see if you agree.

The names keep floating by in intertwined tangles,
From Comey, to Mueller, to Rosenstein, to Strzok.
Little tidbits of information are hanging there in dangles
As the TV blares at us like an oncoming truck.

Then there’s Baker, Page, McCabe and Ohr
But lets not forget the GPS at Fusion.
Each is involved in lying and are corrupt to the core,
And even their wives contribute to the collusion.

Hillary paid Fusion who hired Steele.
They were all involved in a shady little deal,
To get the goods on candidate Trump
So he’d never get elected and instead get dumped.

But the corruption gets worse as we dig into the din.
There is Comey and Mueller, friends for many years.
From the evidence it’s no doubt they are guilty as sin
But it is highly unlikely they have any fears ……

Of ever being prosecuted or spend time in jail.
Because they are looking out for each other.
And it’s not likely that they will fail
As they protect each other like brother protects brother.

Now we can’t forget good ‘ole Andy McCabe
Assistant FBI Director under corrupt James Comey.
McCabe had meetings with Strzok and Page
And the content of those meetings wasn’t very funny.

You see they were planning sort of a coup,
An insurance policy to stop Donald Trump.
They were promoting Hillary and her entourage too
To make sure Donald was ceremoniously dumped.

But McCabe had much more dirt in his biased little mouth
When he failed to recuse himself from investigating Clinton,
After it was discovered that Democrat Terry McCauliffe
Was putting thousands of dollars in McCabe’ wife’s mittens.

Now the corruption gets worse as we peel back the onion.
Bruce Ohr, was associate deputy attorney general at the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife at the time worked for GPS Fusion,
While Bruce met with Steele and thought it OK.

Ohr was taking the Steele Trump dirt to the FBI
And out of all this dirt came the infamous dossier.
None of it was verified and most was a lie
But they used it to get a FISA warrant ….. anyway.

Now there was FBI Peter Strzok, a real piece of work
As he colluded during an affair with FBI Attorney Lisa Page.
From all the evidence Peter turned out to be a real jerk
When he was finally exposed on the critical world stage.

50,000 texts flew back and forth between the two,
As they plotted to undo Trump in the presidential election.
Their efforts had all the elements of a warless coup
But they got caught up in a Congressional investigation.

In all this furor between Page and Strzok
We might have forgotten that Strzok had a wife.
Sadly she too is one of the swamp’s ducks
As she leads a federal government bureaucracy life.

Melissa Hodgman, Strzok’s wife, just happens to be
Associate Director, Enforcement Division at the SEC.
Somehow she was involved in the Clinton Foundation
And it’s been rumored that she nixed the entire investigation.

It’s too bad that so many have forgotten that in 2002
That sweet little child, you know Joan Comey’s son,
Became the lead investigator in the Clinton Foundation
But once again, like so many times before, the Clintons won.

In 2016 Comey get a second chance to go after Hillary
And what happened then was a 2002 playbook.
On July the 5th, 2016, like a 50-caliber artillery
Comey did it again and let Clinton off the hook.

But this incestuous swamp gets dirtier by the day,
When looking at the history of Comey, Mueller and Rosenstein.
You’ve all heard of Clinton’s Uranium One deal and pay for play.
Mueller was FBI Director and Rosenstein the investigator at the time.

Now Bill Clinton gets a $500,000 Moscow speaking fee,
And the Clinton Foundation bank account jumps to $145 million.
It seems that the Clinton’s have found an international money tree
On their way to a billion, or a trillion, or is it a gazillion.

Rod Rosentein, Deputy Attorney General at the DOJ
Is married to a sweet little girl named Lisa Barsoomian.
Now many might think that it is perfectly OK
That she is a U. S. DC District Attorney and a foreign Armenian.

But Barsoomian is not just a little innocent spouse
Of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
When you dig a little deeper she’s really a louse
As she blocks FOIA requests most of the time.

Mueller’s which-hunt investigation won’t come to a conclusion,
As he digs into the “evidence” and goes far a field.
He could spend years investigating and not find collusion,
Even if the entire “onion” was eventually peeled.

We would be derelict if we didn’t mention today
A few other politicians involved in the fray.
There’s Obama, Holder, Lynch and Lew,
And Rice, Brennan and Clapper too.

In their hate for the Donald, they bent the rules.
Just for the Hell of it, they unmasked some Republican fools.
Without their knowledge of course and definitely against the law
They thumbed their noses at the victims and rubbed their faces raw.

The political establishment, the bureaucracy and the insidious deep state
Have the American people tied up in invisible chains.
So few are aware of our dilemma and our eventual fate.
It would appear that WE THE PEOPLE have run out of brains.

Freedom and liberty don’t seem to matter any more.
Unalienable rights have been left on the cutting room floor.
Our cherished constitution has been cut to shreds
As way too many of us have become dolts or hopeless crackheads.

Millions of millenials are screaming for a socialist politician,
Like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Both candidates are as hot as nuclear fission
And not much different than Che Guevara or Hugo Chavez.

It’s possible you believe that it’s just politicians who are bad
But it really goes much, much deeper than that.
It extends to the media and academia and that’s really sad
When it turns out they too have corruption down pat.

Case in point is the great Chuck Todd of Meet the Press fame.
It seems his wife was receiving millions of loot
From the socialist Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign.
But during the Sanders’ interviews Chuck thought a disclosure was moot.

It’s doubtful that the perpetrators will ever be exposed,
As they hide behind executive privilege or sovereign immunity.
For some strange reason all their cases get closed
As they ride the establishment horse of legal impunity.

None of these criminals gets convicted or goes to jail.
They just float around in a protected bubble of their own.
Any attempts to get them seem to always fail
And all the rest of us can do is cry, complain and moan.

The whole sordid situation is just about as bad as it can get.
The collusion, corruption and racketeering are everywhere.
The perpetrators’ antics have left America deep in debt.
If we think we can save her, we may not have a prayer.

For the last 100 years, plus or minus a decade or so,
And we don’t want to seem like were being too harsh,
But the people are stupid, lined up like ducks in a row
And they have allowed America to become an
“Incestuous Cesspool in a Democratic DC Marsh.”

The moral of this story, that’s if you want to hear,
Our Republic is on the brink of achieving its own demise.
There is much to be concerned about and very much to fear.
If we let this destruction happen, we can’t be very wise.

We’ve given you fair warning and relayed all the facts.
It’s time for the people to wake up and finally begin to act.
Liberty is on the chopping block and freedom’s not far behind.
If something isn’t done soon, freedom’s death warrant we have signed.

Did you LIKE the poem?  Let us know what you think.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Peroutka Resolution Claims Constitutional Rights For The Unborn

Does anyone doubt that American culture is in a downward spiral?

Shootings in schools, attacks on police, misuse of authority by police, disrespect of teachers, disobedience by children of parents, drugs, gangs, violence…

Why is this happening?

There are many answers, but do these effects trace back to a common thread?

I think they might.

At the risk of over-simplicity, let’s try this out:

There is a way that God made the world.  His created order involves laws and rules, which are, despite what we think, and despite how we feel – or even how we really, really feel – immutable and unchanging.

God said, “Thou shalt not murder.”

In America, in the last 75 years, we have been sold the lie that preborn children are not human and that cruelty and violence against them is a matter of personal choice.  This lie is dangerous and dangerously consequential. Not only do preborn Americans suffer mutilation and murder, but induced and surgical abortions have damaging short term and long-term effects on women.  And studies show that many women who undergo abortions have been falsely led to believe that a preborn child is not human.

If you are a father, let me pose a simple question.

When you drove your pregnant wife to the hospital, did you expect anything to be born other than a human being?

Despite his immense hatred for the Jewish people, Hitler couldn’t murder six million without significant help.

A witness to the Holocaust, Elie Wiesel described, in gruesome detail, how he, and fellow prisoners were brutally and systematically dehumanized.

Dehumanization is the process of turning a person into an object or an evil existence.

And dehumanization is an essential predicate to mass murder because it absolves the conscience of witnesses allowing them to become accomplices.  You see, if one becomes convinced that the evil object is less than human, then it can be killed…if killing it is convenient.

This is the key similarity of the Holocaust and abortion.

As a culture, by default, we consider new life in the womb to be babies — precious children. But as soon as they get inconvenient we downgrade them to “fetuses” and exile them, claiming that they are an unwanted appendage to a woman’s body or just a bunch of cells.

In other words, we dehumanize them… then we kill them.

What is needed is a reawakening in the culture regarding the humanity of the preborn. That is why Maryland County Councilman Michael Anthony Peroutka is sponsoring Resolution 30-18 in the Anne Arundel County Council.

This historic resolution acknowledges and declares that preborn children are human beings and have God-given and Constitutionally protected rights, including the right to live.

They can’t commit mass murder without our help.  Let’s stop helping them and commit our prayers, efforts, and encouragement to brave men like Mr. Peroutka who take their oath to secure the rights of the governed seriously and are willing to pledge their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

If you would like to lend your support, or just learn more, please contact his office at

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© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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