2019: The Year We The People Say No More

The trashing of President Trump continues unabated. His wife is constantly attacked by the prostitute media for “not doing enough”, but mostly they focus on her wardrobe and her “lack of fashion taste.”

Really? The attacks are silly but done with cat-clawing malice. Meanwhile, the same prostitute media hail every thread worn by the impostor former First ‘Lady’, Michelle Obama. As big a fraud and liar as that thing she’s married to. Let’s take a look at what those media mavens recently went nuts for gushing how fabulous Michelle looked:

Ain’t no Ho got anything on Moo-shell. The yellow dress is not only unflattering and doesn’t fit her, it looks like a bad imitation of lingerie in a whorehouse. Those thigh-high street walker boots with glitter from top to bottom cost $4,000 bux. I laughed. And so is Moo-shell all the way to the bank. Useful fools have purchased three million copies of her book.

But, that is the kind of nonsense the thoroughly disgraced media owned by the Democratic/Communist Party USA focuses on instead of what the ‘mainstream’ media used to and that is real news and investigating corruption from a neutral standpoint.

If you think 2018 was a rotten year, just wait. It was a very dark day for America when Nancy Pelsoi became Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. I wrote a column on that January 8, 2007, titled: Pelosi & Her Brassiere Brigade:

“The swearing in of Nancy Pelosi was covered ad nauseum on all networks January 4, 2007. Her coronation as Speaker of the House was hailed as historic! A step for equality! The term equality meaning female instead of one’s complete knowledge of the history of this republic and founding documents. Her Highness has made the promise of bi-partianship; hold on to your wallet and don’t enlist in any branch of the military any time soon. Make no mistake about it: Pelosi’s crowning will be one of the darkest days for freedom and liberty in this country and another gigantic step towards communism, fascism and further weaning the American people into total dependency on mother government.

“This last pretend election cycle, voters heard the same old recycled mantra from female incumbents and candidates. The Sisterhood of Sycophants relentless carping on “women’s issues” in furtherance of “empowering women,” “for the children,” and “building the community” (pure communism). What absolute bilge.

“The feminization of Congress has been destroying constitutional government for decades, running America into oceans of unpayable debt and breeding generations of helpless women, whining for mother government to take care of them and their every need.”

Nancy Pelosi has early stages of dementia. I know. I’ve dealt with it with my 91-year old mother for about the past 6 years or so. I also had 20 hours of training on that terrible mind destroying process when I worked briefly two years ago for a veteran’s home. I know what I’m talking about.

Pelosi is having a spot of trouble – being a legend in her own mind – with some of the newbies coming in like LOON BAG communist, Komrade Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Muslim females who should NEVER be allowed to serve in the U.S. Congress. No, not because of their religion because Islam is NOT a religion. It is a totalitarian political party disguised as religion. See page 5:

“So if Islam be a ‘Religion’ and the Muslims are a ‘Nation’. ‘Jihad’ (on account of which it has been accorded the dignity of ‘The Best of all Prayers’ in Islam) becomes useless term. But the truth is that Islam is not the name of a ‘Religion’, nor is ‘Muslim’ the title of a ‘Nation’. In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals. ‘Muslim’ is the title of that International Revolutionary Party organized by Islam to carry into effect its revolutionary programme. And ‘Jihād’ refers to that revolutionary struggle and utmost exertion which the Islamic Party brings into play to achieve this objective.”

Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar (fools in Minnesota allegedly elected her) wants a 237-year old ban on head gear worn on the House floor over turned so she can wear her hijab. I say go take a hike. Another stinking progressive (“The LGBTQIA+ community’s struggle did not end with the legalization of same sex marriage. People in the queer community are disproportionately affected by the same issues we all experience.”) who has NO idea what the Declaration of Independence or U.S. Constitution say or mean. Nope. She’s right out of Karl Marx.

There is no such thing as a ‘moderate’ Muslim. Their goal is and always has been domination and take over of countries not assimilation. Muslims should have never been allowed into this country, period.

They are the giant Trojan Horse everyone is terrified of calling them out for fear of being smeared with some label. Not me, thank you. Stupid, ‘tolerant’ Americans can’t seem to see what Muslims really are: violent savages. If you do not get on your knees and commit to Allah you ARE an infidel and must die. I feel very sorry for humans trapped in that phony religion. Instead of being free they are little more than slaves.

Islam: A cancer oozing across America – READ

Why Muslims Cannot Assimilate Into Canada, America And Europe – READ

Challenging Sharia Law means challenging Islam as a religion

If you think we won’t see more of this here in America, think again:

Refugee acquitted of rape ‘as he has different cultural norms’ – from Bangladesh which is 90% Muslim.

RAPE JIHAD: European girls and young women blamed for Muslim gang-rape of girls and young women in Europe – READ

BEFORE and AFTER Islamofascism infiltrated Muslim countries

An Islamic Christmas Greeting: “We Are Thirsty For Your Blood”

You WILL be shocked to see how many Muslims were allegedly elected last November to state houses, city councils, Congress and worst of all, judges. It’s actually frightening because their open agenda is to ‘change America’. Remember the criminal impostor president Barack Hussein when said he wanted to ‘fundamentally change America’?

If anyone doesn’t think this take-over of the U.S. House of Representatives by the Democratic/Communist Party USA is a national disaster they are either completely ignorant of their agenda or don’t care as long as the Demorats continue to promise them every ‘freebie’ under the sun from your wallet.

Two bills that die today that should have been passed by a Republican controlled Congress: Stop federal double taxing of social security benefits and getting America out of the toxic NWO headquarters, the UN. Tragic for our country.

UN: Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC): After dumping millions of Muslims into Western countries, the replacement of Western civilization with Islam begins

Yeah, things are pretty bad not just on the political front but the in-your-face efforts to destroy Christianity in this country and force filth down our throats. Today is a holiday. A good time to get caught up with facts. These two columns are excellent:

Gaia Worship Gaining Momentum in the Heartland

When Are Christians Going To Care About This?

Conservatives in Congress the last two years under the ‘leadership’ of (expletive), Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell did what they always do: Conserve massive unconstitutional spending bankrupting this country. Yeah, those Republicans and if you think they were bad, get ready for the likes of Pelosi, King of Proven Liars, Adam Schiff (he really is mentally ill), imbecile Gerald Nadler and all the incoming Demorats who are drunk with power before they are even sworn into office.

Republicans had the perfect remedy to stop illegals from crossing the border. Four long years I have pounded on this over and over and over. Letters to various senators and reps in Congress all unanswered. Oh, there are a handful of really good Republicans in Congress which is why I don’t understand why they ignore this solution?

GOP Rep. Brooks: How Much American Blood on Hands of Pelosi, Schumer Before They Help with Border Security?

Reintroduce the strongest anti-illegals bill ever written. A bill introduced by former Senator Harry Reid which also obliterates the myth of anchor babies. I have no doubt Trump would have signed it and yet not ONE Republican member of Congress even talked about this bill, never mind introduce it despite efforts by me and so many others. In the meantime, today, tomorrow and the days afterwards, a dozen Americans will die at the hands of an illegal alien.

Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson says that California’s sanctuary laws protected suspected gunman Gustavo Perez Arriaga from deportation.

“He said: ‘This is a criminal illegal alien with prior criminal activity that should have been reported to ICE’. Arriaga is a Mexican national who illegally entered the U.S. several years ago. He’s affiliated with the bloody gang Sureños and has two previous DUI arrests. Arriaga was arrested Friday in Bakersfield, California after a two-day man hunt. He’s suspected of shooting dead Newman cop Corporal Ronil Singh, 33, on Wednesday after 1am after he was pulled over on suspicion of DUI.”

A policeman, married with a 5-month old son killed by another drunk Mexican here illegally while Pelosi vacations at a $900 a night suite in Hawaii during the current government shut down she owns along with Chuckie Schumer.

Permanent solution, my column:

A Bill: Stop all Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens – This alone will drive MILLIONS of illegals out of this country. A spiked 30’ wall will keep them from invading us.

The other solution is the constitutional militia. Rabid dogs in the Democratic/Communist Party USA have taken to screeching about the Posse Comitatus Act and troops on the border. Not one of them has read the U.S. Constitution. President Trump for some unknown reason has NOT exercised his full authority to use the military to stop the invasion killing us.

The solutions are there, folks. We just have to get enough Americans on the same game plan but that requires getting them educated and motivated to quit being distracted by the vomit coming out of the mouths of junk yard dogs in DC and making the sacrifice of their time and resources to save this country.

As I mentioned in a recent column, I joined my local GOP Club which meets once a month. I’m doing everything I can to get these fine, decent Americans up to speed without scaring them half to death. They all have a copy of my booklet on the Fed and why, despite President Trump’s best efforts, that cancer on our financial well being continues to kill us and I’m not exaggerating. The worst is coming.

All politics are local. Those chapters talk to leadership around the state. They are plugged in and each one of them know ten people who know ten people and before you know it, a million people get the truth.

Americans also have to stop being distracted by the diarrhea that comes into my email box every day. Dirty globalist traitor (he was) George H.W. Bush was ‘taken out’. The other day I got one which said Ron Paul has been murdered and an impostor is now acting as him. Are you kidding? Who believes this garbage? No wonder there is no cohesive real freedom movement in this country.

We MUST act at the local level. We the people MUST educate as many Americans as we can about freedom and liberty and how to restore America to a constitutional republic.

Back in 2005, Dr. Edwin Vieira began writing a series of columns on true homeland security. What is martial law compared to the ignorant baloney I see on the Internet every day. Martial law is going to be declared tomorrow by the Demorats or Joe Flatface! What these people actually know about martial law would fit on the top of a pin.

First, I hope you will get these columns and Edwin’s video below out to your email list and share on every social media there is. Explain to your friends and followers that we must understand the Constitution to solve the problem.

I want you to take the time to watch this video. It is a must and not more junk on You Tube:

The Power of the Sword and Power of the Purse Edwin Vieira


“Homeland Security” — For What and For Whom?

Are You Doing Your Constitutional Duty for “Homeland Security”?

A Primer on Martial Law

Next, get this DVD: The Purse and The Sword

“This is an amazing presentation but one of the great Constitutional scholars of our time. A man who understands money and power, our Constitution, our present situation, actual Economics (not “policy” economics, which is the stuff you hear on the news and from the government). Please, if you are reading this, buy this DVD set now and watch it the day it arrives (though it is 8 hours, so pack a lunch). It will blow your mind, and it is one of the only things I have ever heard that has a chance of doing lasting good, and actually working.

“Vieira understands that you can have all of the paper rules you want, but they will be as good as the paper in your wallet i.e. depreciating every day, and abused whenever the State feels like it. His plans, if carried out, might actually help the people take the country back from the thieves and sociopaths who have hijacked the government.

“In a nutshell, Dr. Vieira offers a workable, constitutionally legal plan to end the power of the fiat money regime, return those who want it to sound money, and provide a check against the growth of the totalitarian “homeland security state,” while showing the way for TRUE homeland security. I could go on and on, but could not do it justice. Please, please buy this DVD and watch it. Then make your friends watch it.”

This is an 8-hr presentation. Hold meetings and show the segments. When I put out my Why A Bankrupt America booklet in 1993, I did no advertising until the day I retired it in 2004. I sold, at cost, 1,653,000 copies. All by word of mouth and appearances on radio. I decided to make it available again last year. We can do the same with the DVD above.

This is what we the people must do. We must get the constitutional solutions to the average American out there and our state legislators. There’s a lot going on in the legislatures but the constitutional militia and a constitutional sound money bill are THE two issues legislatures refuse to touch.

Nothing will happen until we the people put such heat on them, they fear the next election. That won’t happen if we the people do nothing. If we the people are not willing to give up leisure time, play time, ignore the distractions and work towards the solutions, it will only get worse.

Our country is being destroyed right in front of our eyes. Land owners are losing the fight against a behemoth government over stepping its constitutional authority. Unconstitutional agencies like the EPA and Federal Department of Education continue to get funded doing huge damage to this country. The list goes on and on and on.

Nothing will change and we will continue to slide down the razor blade of a totalitarian government under both parties if we don’t make 2019 the year of NO we the people are not going to be pushed around by corrupt politicians like Pelsoi, Schumer, Feinstein and too many Republicans.

No, we are not going to stand for our children being brainwashed in public schools teaching 5-year old little boys they can have a menstrual period or hosting drag queens ‘twerking’ in front of elementary age children nor are we going to be bullied by the sexual deviant movement out there.

Satan Welcomed Into Public Schools – Is it any wonder why so many parents are home schooling? This is sickening.

No, we the people are not going to take it anymore. We demand the invasion be stopped now, the walls built where needed along the border and Harry Reid’s old bill for starters. If we the people are too afraid to say no to both Congress and our state houses, it’s over.

(I just want to say thank you to the hundreds of people who sent me a Merry Christmas email. I’m sorry I can’t respond to each one but I want you to know I appreciated all of them.)


Another mentally ill man lashes out: WATCH: Transgender Woman Lashes Out at Clerk After Being Called ‘Sir’

Good Riddance To General Mattis And The Rest Of Washington’s Mad Dogs Of War

Another dangerous FOOL allegedly elected to Congress who wants to make voter fraud easier and who doesn’t even know our legal form of government.  Another imbecile will be sworn in:

Dem Rep.-Elect Neguse: H.R. 1 ‘Will Be the Bedrock of Everything We Do in the Next Two Years’

New Muslim Congress members ‘deceived’ voters – That’s EXACTLY what Muslims do: They lie and deceive to advance their domination over any country they decide to invade using religion as their battering ram.

Islamic call to prayer 5 times daily is among things New Yorkers hate most about the city

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Wish List For 2019 America: Let’s Wake Up And Improve America

Welcome to 2019.  What hopes, wishes and suggestions do you suggest to our leaders for this brand-new year?

Obviously, 7 out of 10 Americans wish to heaven and Jenny Craig that they will lose 50 or more pounds.  Millions wish Congress and the president would vacate Iraq and Afghanistan after 17 years of fruitless war, killing fields for our young and $5.9 trillion wasted tax dollars. Millions more wish for racial harmony rather than confrontation, conflict and violence.

Most Americans wish someone would cure cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  Americans of every color and class wish for world peace.  Millions wish for environmental responsibility toward our beleaguered planet.  Everyone wishes our U.S. Congress would serve the American people rather than illegal aliens, visa overstays and ceaseless immigration, both legal and illegal.

Huge numbers of Americans express their fear that America degrades into illiteracy, crime and racial dysfunction from top movie producers to sports doctors at prestigious schools.

While America faces horrific problems on its sociological front as it continuously imports millions of the third world immigrants onto its shores, those sheer numbers create water, energy, resource and environmental challenges beyond solving.

What about a wall to protect Americans from immigration invasion?

Writer friend Tom Shuford wrote, “Walls spell trouble for President Trump.  The establishment fears and despises him.  A victory on walls would strengthen him, weaken them. Over $45 billion per year to defend Afghanistan’s borders?  No problem!  Same with a dozen other extravagantly costly, seemingly endless overseas projects.   But a $5 billion one-time expense to protect vulnerable sectors of the American border?  Waste of taxpayer money.  Walls are stunningly efficient.  They work too well.  Consider Israel, Hungary, and San Diego County.”

Israel: Between 2010 and 2012, 55,000 mostly African illegal aliens crossed the Egyptian border into Israel. They settled in Tel Aviv and nearby towns.  Citizens complained — loudly.  In 2015, the Israeli government started a wall.  Left-wing groups marched, protested, said it was racist. By 2016 the wall was finished.  There were 11 illegal crossings that year. Israel made the wall several feet higher.  There were zero illegal entries in 2017.

Shuford wrote, “Hungary: In 2015 Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel thrilled Western politicians and news corporations by inviting unlimited migration from Syria to Germany. Time Magazine named Merkel “Person of the Year.”  “Who’s your favorite world leader?” a reporter asked candidate Hillary Clinton in the fall of 2016.  “One of my favorites is Angela Merkel,” chirped Clinton. Two months later President Obama described Merkel as “probably… my closest international partner.”

What about the insanity of Germany’s Angela Merkel?  Hungary remains a small central European country.  Hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern migrants poured over Hungary’s borders to get to their new promise land, Germany.  Hungary built double barriers along its border, making itself an instant international pariah.  But illegal immigration into Hungary fell 99 percent.  If Europe survives (a big “if”), it will be because Hungary and few other perimeter nations spared that continent the full effects of Merkel’s folly.

The San Diego Sector: In 1986 there were 630,000 border apprehensions in San Diego County, California.  In 1989 a 10′ fence was built.  In 1996 a second fence 15′ to 18′ high was added.  “Large numbers of unauthorized immigrants continued to flow into the U.S.,” said The San Diego Union Tribune in 2017.  But not through San Diego County.

Tom Shuford gave us a run down on the effectiveness of walls.  Enforcement of current laws would be another aspect of stopping endless illegal border jumping.  A wall would cut the $70 billion annual drug trade, drastically.

My wish list:

U.S. House members Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, Luis Gutierrez, Paul Ryan, John Lewis, Hudson and most of the rest of them resign for being totally incompetent, and/or corrupt, and not serving the American people.  They do nothing for the American, people, but in reality, serve foreign interests, illegal border jumpers and lawlessness.  Those House members remain the reason our government fails to function for the American people.  They remain the number one reason for “term limits.”

U.S. Senators Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Cory Gardner and Michael Bennet of Colorado, along with dozens of other senators need to resign for failing to serve the American people.  They align with illegal aliens, foreign interests and do everything they can to NOT serve the American people.

Additionally, all the 240 city mayors and dozen governors across America who support Sanctuary Cities and harbor 22 to 25 million illegal aliens should all be arrested, jailed and prosecuted.  Start with the female Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf who warns illegals of ICE raids.

Finally, someone needs to introduce a bill to stop the 300,000 illegal pregnant women who jump our borders annually to birth a child on our tax dollars for the next 18 years for each child.

Reality check:  none of this wish list will happen. The same old mess in Washington DC will continue and the American people will continue to pay their taxes to pay for the boondoggles, mismanagement and outright corruption that remains endemic in Washington DC.  Ironically, Americans keep voting the same tired, corrupt, old souls back into office regularly.

The Founding Fathers never dreamed of career corrupt politicians that serve only themselves and not the American people.

This video offers you a glimpse of what our leaders cause, i.e., San Francisco: Click On This Link

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Gaia Worship Gaining Momentum in the Heartland

Mike Spaulding

I live in flyover country as it is affectionately referred to by America’s aristocracy. The morally superior residents of the left and right coasts of America routinely verbalize their disdain for people like me for no other reason than the people who reside in the place I call home reject their foolish blathering as incoherent, irrational, and hypocritical.  It seems that this attitude of moral superiority and the behavior that always accompanies it is creeping into the heartland.

A recent edition of the Lima News, the local Lima, Ohio newspaper, reported that Mayor David Berger participated in an event designed to help raise funding to support a Lima tradition of summer known as Square Fair. During the event Mayor Berger gave the “toast” which is a strange way of saying he offered a prayer. Here is the content of that toast as reported by the Lima News:

“To a city and people both smile on my fate. May our pains make us stronger and may our strengths make us great. To our parents and others who came on before, who paved from a swamp this great place we adore, then brought the world oil, locomotives and tanks, neon and engines, restaurants and banks. To the soldiers who fight in wars far from here may they know we continue to hold them all dear. May God guard their actions wherever they roam and see them return to the safety of home. To our children, who venture too far away. And to those, best of all who would venture to stay. May we leave them a city of which to be proud. May their happiness flourish and their riches abound. May their leaders be wise and their troubles be few and more than anything else, may their motives be true. And until such a time as we toil for today, may the Lord bless our efforts and keep trouble at bay. May she smile on this city, this county, this state, and most of all, on you people who help make them all great. To Lima. To Allen County. To Ohio and the USA and all who love her, here and away. Cheers.”[1]

Beyond the fact that this toast was a rambling mess, Mayor Berger made a major misstep in announcing that the Lord had morphed into a woman. Transgenderism in the heavenlies! This came as news to me. I do not subscribe to the Lima News and I do not have television in my home, but the news that our Lord Jesus was a woman was stunning! Why am I just now hearing this?

I am of course being sarcastic. Mayor Berger is one more example among hundreds of people who think that appealing to those in the avant-garde of cultural institutions is good politics.

It is not news that the full court press is on right now for the recognition of Gaia or Sophia as the true God. God is not male, God is female is the mantra of many professing Christians. Pagans have always thought of “Mother” Nature as a real entity, and ancient cultures were hot beds of feminine goddess worship. The point I am making here is that the mayor of a small Ohio community (population ~40,000) took the opportunity during a community fund raising event to declare his belief that Jesus is a she. That is noteworthy.

It is noteworthy in the least because it was a public announcement of didaskaliais daimonioen[2] (doctrines of demons). In 1 Timothy 4:1 the Apostle Paul tells a young Pastor named Timothy that “some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron…”

The methodology of the demonic world is being advanced in our day all across the world. The leftists on either coast as well as the Marxists who have taken over our universities and force fed our youth a feminized and warped fantasy they claim is western history, would be so proud of Mayor Berger for his theological evolution into being a mouthpiece for demons.


The feminization of God has long been a goal of the various pagan groups around the world, including witches, radical feminists, and assorted New Age adherents. The number of seminars, conferences, workshops, and pagan events scattered around North America alone, attests to the explosion of Gaia/Goddess worship. The word Gaia derives from Greek mythology. She was thought to be the mother of the titans and goddesses of the earth. Goddess worship was prominent in the Greek and Roman empires and America’s youth are still able to learn these mythologies in school today.

It all seems harmless until you begin to investigate what the teaching of goddess worship actually entails. Author Philip G. Davis offers this evaluation:

The tenets of the Goddess religion are to be found in an extended narrative in which the entire history of religion is played out as a gender struggle between an original, positive, affirming religion of female deity and a later, usurping, oppressive and patriarchal set of religions and philosophies based on Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman traditions. In this story, the God of the Bible is not joined by the Goddess or even subordinated to her. He is, instead, reduced to being the villainous self-image of sexist, racist oppressors who have supposedly dominated most of recorded history, bringing suffering and degradation to women, children, and the earth itself. The returning Goddess is meant to replace God the Father; this, according to her devotees, is an essential step towards curing the social and environmental ills of our times.[3]

When seen in this light, Gaia worshippers are focused on destroying what they believe is the absolute evil of patriarchy. Men must be overthrown, cast down, relegated to a status far below that of women. Only when men become subservient to women will the earth begin to heal, and human relations across the earth return to what they once were in the imagined utopian past when the Goddess reigned

Even scientists have jumped on the Gaia bandwagon in search of elusive answers to what they proclaim to be pending environmental catastrophes. James Lovelock, an atmospheric chemist, is credited with creating the phrase “Gaia Hypothesis” as a title for his theory of how life on earth emerged given the complexity of the myriad organisms present.  Lovelock used the phrase to explain his belief in the interconnectedness of all life found on earth. Scientists espousing the Gaia Hypothesis believe that mankind’s penchant for dominating the earth and its resources must end since the earth is itself a living organism.  Stephen B. Scharper writes that:

Whereas traditional Earth scientists maintain that the Earth’s climatic pattern is more geological than biological, and is therefore less robust and more vulnerable to lasting injury, the Gaia thesis purports that the Earth is like a self-regulating animal, and may have organs that are especially important, such as the rain forest and wetlands, which are more vital to the global environment than are other parts of the system (Joseph 1990, 2). In other words, while Gaia may sustain the loss of its “big toe,” i.e., the blue whale, it can ill afford to lose its “lungs,” i.e., the tropical rain forests.[4]

The hypothesis additionally states that only an intellectual paradigm shift of gigantic proportions that recognizes the earth as a living organism will head off a coming ecological disaster. The Gaia Hypothesis is part of the draconian United Nations Sustainable Growth ecological movement which, true to its roots within Goddess worship, sees mankind as the enemy of the earth.

Now, some readers might be tempted to think that I’ve overstated the situation. If that is you then consider these statements from some influential people and organizations:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our duty to bring that about?” The late Maurice Strong, then Secretary General of the UNEP

“In our deeply interdependent world today, the iron rule remains – our world is one, unseparated, and interdependent. It is this world that is threatened by the impact of man’s unplanned, selfish, and ever growing activities.” Kurt Waldheim, former Austrian Nazi and UN Secretary General

“If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS.” Earth First! Newsletter

“We have wished, we eco-freaks, for a disaster or for a social change to come and bomb us into the Stone Age.” Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Catalogue

“Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planet: Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come long.” David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

“Given the total, absolute, and final disappearance of Homo Sapiens not only would the Earth’s Community of Life continue to exist but the ending of the human epoch on Earth would be greeted with a hearty ‘good riddance.’” Dr. Paul Taylor, professor of philosophy, City College of New York.

“If I could be reincarnated, I would return as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” Prince Phillip Duke of Edinburgh, patron of World Wildlife Fund.

“The earth is a mosque.” Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, Muslim environmentalist

“The earth has a cancer and the cancer is Man.” Club of Rome

“Nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred: trees are my temples and forests my cathedral.” Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of Green Cross International, Club of Rome member

“Christianity is our foe. If animal rights is to succeed, we must destroy Judeo-Christian Religious tradition.” Peter Singer, professor of bioethics at Princeton University[5]

Clearly there is much more going on within the Gaia-Goddess worship movement than most people understand. The earth has become the goddess to increasing numbers of people angry with the cavalier attitude of some towards stewardship of the earth. But is abandoning reason for fantasy the way to care for the earth?

Christians have also become beguiled by the goddess of environmentalism. For over two decades the National Council of Churches (NCC), comprised of the United Methodist Church, the National Baptist Convention (USA, Inc.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Progressive National Baptist Convention, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, have received tens of millions of dollars from leftist progressive organizations and foundations such as the Sierra Club, the Pew Charitable Trusts, Tides Foundation, W. Alton Jones Foundation, V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, and New World Foundation. What do all these organizations and foundations have in common? They give their money with the requirement that the National Council of Churches uses the funds to fuel environmental politics among its members.[6]

Many Christians have become little more than stage props in the war against humanity. The National Council of Churches has sided with the radical environmentalists who decry alleged overpopulation. The necessary remedy according to the NCC is abortion, or what they prefer to call reproductive justice. In fact, the NCC and its member denominations have waded into the so-called culture wars and offered their support for every antichrist position. They support sodomy but call it sexual justice and welfare socialism but call it economic and social justice.

It is no surprise then that the NCC gave full support for the Green Bible, an environmentalist dream of historic Judeo-Christian revisionism, as well as the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE). The NRPE is funded primarily by the aforementioned Pew Charitable Trust. The goal of the NRPE is according to then executive director Paul Gorman, the creation of “a distinctly religious response to the crisis of environmental sustainability and social justice.”[7]

The NRPE environmental propaganda is distribute efficiently throughout a majority of Jewish synagogues, Roman Catholic parishes, and hundreds of thousands of Protestant congregations throughout America.

The rise of modern feminism, Goddess worship, and radical environmentalism is easily explainable when you understand that they are really three heads of the same latter day hydra. Many feminists, propagandized ecotheologians, New Agers, and the deceived masses in the NCC churches listed above, see historic, orthodox Christianity as the enemy.

All people including true Christians must wake up to the real danger of Goddess worship. The moneyed elite and their well-funded foundations and trusts are utilizing the political process to establish environmentalism as the state sanctioned religion. If they succeed, individual freedoms and liberties will die. We already see the intelligentsia building their case for the significance of every creature. A tree, a rock, a plant, a turtle, a human being: they are all equal in Mother Earth’s eyes.

May God have mercy on us for allowing this insanity to take root in America. The Environmental Holocaust which will destroy human life is set to be unleashed. Will you stand against it?

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics.]

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com


[1] Sam Shriver, “Toast to the City,” The Lima News, August 3, 2018, p. 1A, 6A.

[2] Didaskaliais daimonioen is a Greek to English transliteration of the phrase “doctrines of demons”. Source: Bible Soft One Touch Software.

[3] Philip G. Davis, Goddess Unmasked: The Rise of Neopagan Feminist Spirituality (Dallas, TX: Spence Publishing Company, 1998), p.38

[4] Stephen B. Scharper, The Gaia Hypothesis: Implications for a Christian Political Theology of the Environment, Cross Currents, Summer 1994, p. 209.

[5] All quotations are from R. Mark Musser, Nazi Ecology: The Oak Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Woldview in the Holocaust, (Published by Mark Musser Ministries, 2018), p. 414-416.

[6] James Wanliss, Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion Not Death, (Burke, VA: Cornwall Alliance for the Stewartship of Creation), p. 64, 68.

[7] Ibid, p. 69

Overflow Crowd Greets Garth Brooks’ Stadium Concert

University of Notre Dame 12/29/18. Last night-(Friday-28th), a country singer not only performed in the gigantic Notre Dame football stadium, but did so before a crowd of over 85,000 attendees, meaning capacity.  There were also  a couple thousand extra seats set up around the stage also filled. The event was televised by CBS. A tip of the beret to CBS TV.

Some naysayers speculated that there was no way any country singer would fill that stadium, but Garth Brooks did! And this was the first time ever that Notre Dame Stadium presented a country singer.
Brooks noted that practically every young man participating in sports have said their dream is to play this place (Notre Dame Stadium) That would be the ultimate. Brooks then confessed that he too had such a dream…to play this place.

The off and on rain, heavy at times, did nothing to slow down the pace of the Concert. It was all perfectly spaced, timed and ran smoothly from start to finish. The spectators did not mind the rain. They were at last attending the ultimate concert of their favorite singer-entertainer. 

Brooks has sold over 148 million albums. Only the Beatles have sold more. AMAZON furnishes his music free all day and night.

Close ups of the enthusiastic audience showed them lip syncing practically every song he sang having obviously heard each of his hits many times. 

Garth Brooks is a country singer entertainer first class.  It is to be mentioned that during his fast moving two hour program, there was not one political dig against our president, nor any “F” words used or other curse or swear words.  Garth Brooks has too much class for that.

Brooks is such a great entertainer that he did not need to resort to such trash to get a reaction from the audience. There was plenty of reaction the moment he came on stage, he is that popular.

HOW REFRESHING! This is what show business was meant to be, family entertainment. And Brooks managed to make that humongous crowd feel they were in an intimate setting the way he worked with the crowd, acknowledging all who were there. Nobody felt invisible but indeed, part of the family…part of the action. This was an official ‘family night out.’

There were several extended runways from the platform going into the crowd. Brooks used those frequently so that every single person in that mass crowd felt recognized even those in the highest tiers of that stadium.

Brooks had that entire crowd in the palm of his hand from the very beginning, with his personality, delivery of his songs, and his playful interaction with his other musicians as well as members of the audience.  They all showed that they genuinely liked each other.

Every musician was first class. There were absolutely no lulls in the program. It went along smoothly without letup from beginning to end.

This show could be labeled; God, Family, Country and Americana. Those in the show all dressed neatly and on purpose.Also, the audience also was a different kind of audience than found in the usual Rock concert. This audience consisted of neat people, not hippies with unwashed hair and torn jeans. Indeed not one such could be seen in this huge audience that truly reflects America.

Plus not one beer can was seen, there was no dope being used.The audience was orderly, and had a great time.

The tickets start from $140.00 with no doubt stiffer prices near the stage. Actually you pay that much to see a Broadway show these days with nothing near the quality as this Country Boy in The Stadium.

 everyone everywhere in that stadium.


If You’re Politically Correct, You’re Wrong

I am sure you have witnessed acts of political correctness almost on a daily basis.  I have always wondered why is there a need for political correctness?  What I have always noticed is that when a person does something that is politically correct, they are ALWAYS wrong. Let me expound.

Too many around the world are allowing national traditions to be stopped because something offends someone that may not even be a citizen of the country that they live in.  Take for instance the nation of Denmark.  Because of political correctness am University stopped singing a traditional song because one person was offended by the first line of the song.  A traditional Danish song has sparked controversy recently. A female teacher of foreign origin at the Danish Business School was offended by a line in the song (the first line) being sung at a school gathering.

The title of the old song is “The Danish Song is a Young Blonde Girl” – a classic, beautiful and very Danish song about the beauty and soul of Denmark and the Danes.

The University promptly apologised and said they wouldn’t sing the song again and thanked the teacher for her vigilance on behalf of PC culture.

However, the good thing about all this is that it upset people on both sides of the political spectrum.

The majority of the Danes were outraged that she, who had been welcomed in their country, was allowed to stop one of their most beautiful and iconic songs from being sung.

And as a result they decided that it was more PC nonsense than they could take, and were united – and sang the song in Parliament as a protest against the lunacy.

Danish politician Marcus Knuth posted the video on his Facebook and added:

“Christmas these days is about the importance of preserving and fighting for our Danish traditions who are under increased pressure of political correctness…

“The latest example is about the Danish song about a young blonde girl. A teacher was so offended, that she complained about it…

“Come one, this is one of the Danish songs about the essence of being Danish, It’s a pillar of our culture. We should never apologize for that.” [1]  Why are they so willing to give up something that speaks of their culture and legacy just because one person, an immigrant even, is offended?

Immigrants don’t want to integrate any more.  They want to bring the culture they left to their new home.  Muslim’s are the worst because they have never assimilated into a nation they have immigrated to.  Their only intent is to turn that nation Islamic.  You can see that happening in the UK, Germany and other nations that allow them their culture.

My step-dad immigrated from Greece in the early 20th Century.  He wouldn’t speak his native tongue until he could hold an intelligent conversation in English.  When I asked him about what it was like in Greece, he would only tell me “This is my home”.  It was like pulling teeth to get info from him and I got very little.  He was a naturalized citizen and prouder of that than anything.  Immigrants today demand that we learn their language and accept their culture and don’t give a darn about our culture.

Europe is allowing itself to be over run by islam.  They have allowed it to get a foothold in their countries and once muslims gain ground, they won’t give it up without a fight.  France, besieged by Muslim migrants, is already de facto living under Islamic law. And it’s not just France — it’s all EU countries. The idea that Zineb El Rhazoui is threatened with rape and death for saying that Muslims in France should live by French law is a sign that Islamic law, not Western law, holds sway in France. French authorities should have rushed to protect her, but they probably didn’t want to risk appearing to be “Islamophobic.” And elsewhere it’s the same story: I am banned from the UK, but jihad hate preachers come and go as they please. The West is laying down.

Moroccan-French journalist Zineb El Rhazoui says she has received death and rape threats for saying “innoccous” [sic] things like: “Islam has to submit to French laws, humour, reason and any form of criticism just like any other ideology, sect or religion”.

According to the former cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo “There is no valid reason for Islam to be an exception”.[2]

We are seeing the same bullying by muslims in America.  In Dearborn, MI you won’t hear church bells because they are offensive to muslims but you will heat the islamic call to prayer five times a day.  The last I heard Dearborn was in America and we are allowed to ring church bells in America.  A member of the mosque began reciting the morning call to prayer just before sunrise. The time shifts throughout the year so I arrived at 4:30 a.m. Vernor Highway in Dearborn is usually a busy street, but only a handful of cars passed by at that hour. There was a glow from the 24-hour gas station behind us, but the bakery next door hadn’t opened yet.

“Some people have different reasons to wake up,” said Mosad Algahmi. “Some people wake up to go to work. Some take a morning jog, some to walk their dogs, but for the most part the majority of Muslims wake up to pray.”

Algahmi is the outreach coordinator for the American Moslem Society.

He said about a hundred people come for morning prayer. Later in the day, the mosque can draw as many as 2,000 worshipers. The broadcast is a longstanding tradition.

“It’s been since the ’70s they’ve had the adhan broadcasted over loud speakers for people to hear,” Algahmi said. 

There are other mosques in Michigan that also play the call outside. It lasts a few minutes. Algahmi said the sound of the chant alerts worshipers that they have roughly 15 minutes to get to the mosque for morning prayer.[3]

There are other things in Dearborn that deny Americans their Constitutional rights.  You can’t witness to muslims in Dearborn or you will be arrested.  They can witness to you though.  That’s not my America.  Muslims don’t assimilate. Period!  Never have.  Never will.  They have one goal and that’s converting the world to islam and they will lie, cheat, steal and kill to accomplish that goal.  In fact, it is required of them to lie, cheat, steal and kill to advance islam.  They claim they are a peaceful religion, but they have never been peaceful.  So-called moderate muslims won’t slit your throat but they will hold you down while a radical muslim slits your throat.  The politically correct say we should accept them and tolerate them but I’m not going to tolerate someone who thinks they have the right to kill me if I don’t convert to their satanic ideology.

But this is the politically correct crowd.  It has virtually destroyed Europe and it is being shoved down our throats in America.  We don’t have to give up our culture.  If they won’t assimilate, they can go back to where they came from.  If our flag bothers you, the smell of bacon frying offends you, if the fact our women don’t walk around in bedsheets offend you, I have to ask you what the heck are you doing here in the first place? This is our culture, adopt it or get the heck out of our country.  We don’t have to adopt your culture and if your offended by that, too bad.  Political correctness will destroy a nation and only a fool thinks it is necessary.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Schools bans unoffoical national anthem
  2. Woman threatened France
  3. Mornings Michigan Dearborn residents wake to sacred chant

A Wonderful Unexpected Christmas Gift

My wife Mary and I are an interracial couple. Over 40 years ago, Mary’s dad and stepmother who raised her accepted their daughter marrying a black guy. Mary’s birth mother did not. She refused to meet me.

Around Thanksgiving, Mary received an amazing letter from her birth mother expressing how sorry she was and how much she wanted to meet her son-in-law. Every year, we drive from West Virginia to Baltimore for my family’s Christmas Eve gathering. Mary called her birth mother and setup a time for us to visit while we were in Baltimore.

Mary’s birth mother excitedly greeted us with hugs. She had dinner prepared. The gathering included Mary’s half-sister, her brother and their spouses. Mary’s birth mother’s grandson and his wife were there also.

Mary’s birth mother asked me to say grace before we ate. I said I was a bit shy and would rather for her to say the prayer.

As she prayed, she wept, thanking God for bringing her family together. Spontaneously, I reached out with one hand and grabbed her hand. With my other hand, I grabbed Mary’s hand. It was an awesome heartfelt moment orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

Over the coarse of the evening, we all laughed a lot, got to know each other, and viewed family pictures. I learned that Mary’s half-brother and his wife are conservatives who have been following my Christian conservative political activist work for years on the internet. Mary’s birth mother is a born-again Christian.

The evening was wonderful. Mary and I left feeling extremely blessed and grateful. God had gifted us new family.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

The Dope On Legal Pot

A number of political and economic factors are at work to create a seemingly irresistible momentum promoting unrestrained medical and recreational use of marijuana in the U.S.

One impetus involves the alleged medical benefits of the drug, which are said to include pain relief, the alleviation of anxiety, lowered risk of diabetes, better sleep, and increased appetite for those on chemotherapy.

These claims are based on the alleged benefits from an extracted component of the plant called Cannabidiol, or CBD for short. It can be ingested as an oil, included in food, or introduced by inhaling the drug’s fumes in a process termed “vaping.”

There are as many studies that refute the claims of the drug’s beneficial effects as there are studies promoting them. Since most studies are of  fairly recent vintage, the side effects of long term use have not yet been thoroughly evaluated.

There is a general absence of safety standards for the consumption of pot or its CBD component, even under medical supervision. In some ways the current medical acceptance of CBD and its claimed benefits mirror earlier enthusiasms for opioids, which precipitated our current opioid epidemic.

It should not come as a great surprise if a campaign were to soon blossom that promotes pot as a substitute for opioids, based on their

greater affordability, the fact that they can be home grown, and the fact that its consumption would not require a physician’s prescription to obtain it.

As a matter of fact, the New York State Department of Health has enacted regulations that would allow the use of medical marijuana as a substitute for any condition for which opioids are prescribed. So, rather than use one type of drug to replace another, we could very well have full-blown epidemics resulting from the use of both drugs.

The decriminalization or legalization of pot is basically a leftist crusade, with some philosophical justification provided by the Libertarians. Once the left initiates a crusade like this, their flacks in the Corrupt Leftist Media will relentlessly promote it until these enthusiasms eventually become accepted.

The Democrat Party has made decriminalization or legalization of pot  part of its Party platform. Republicans have mostly remained silent on this issue, just as they often do before they test the political wind for the scent of campaign donations or political support. The Libertarians are enthusiastic about decriminalization and legalization, just as they are about every destructive vice. Thus, there is no viable political opposition to this movement.

Legalization of pot by all fifty states would garner nearly $50 Billion in annual sales tax revenues and an estimated one million jobs. Since many states are currently experiencing a static tax base and various stages of austerity, the marijuana industry is viewed as a panacea to help sustain their spendthrift ways. Politicians of all stripes will feel the need to support pot because of its fiscal benefits.

Marijuana stocks have been promoted intently since the campaign for decriminalization or legalization started to gain momentum. This will drive up demand for these stocks and increase the number of people

holding these stocks, who will then have a vested financial interest in marijuana, further increasing the pressure on politicians to enact or adopt pro-pot legislation.

So-called “Pot Scientists” have been working to create varieties of the hemp plant with greater concentrations of THC – tetrahydrocannabinol — the active ingredient in the plant. This allows it to be grown on smaller plots of land requiring less overhead. The more potent varieties look, smell, and taste like weaker varieties, and indistinguishable from them.

All this enthusiasm for decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana means that the country really is going to pot. The only question remaining is will there be any “splendor” in the grass Americans use to fry their noggins?

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Total Nonsense From Ocasio-Cortez – “Refugee Babies In Mangers”

So the left-wing socialist darling has been busy tweeting messages that apparently are intended to equate illegal aliens attempting to break into the country with the Baby Jesus…

From Breitbart:

Democratic Socialist and Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) wished a Merry Christmas to “refugee babies in mangers,” drawing a parallel between the plight of refugees to the Nativity story.

“Joy to the World!” tweeted Ocasio-Cortez on Christmas morning. “Merry Christmas everyone – here’s to a holiday filled with happiness, family, and love for all people. (Including refugee babies in mangers + their parents.)” (Full Article)

This is a total non-starter.

Perhaps if Ocrazio would try actually reading the Bible concerning the birth of Christ, she would refrain from making such baseless comparisons.

From Luke 2 (NKJV):

And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.  This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria.  So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.

Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,  to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child.  So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered.  And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

It should be quite evident that Joseph and Mary were not “refugees”. They certainly weren’t trying to break into another country, and in fact were following the law that existed at that time, in that they were required by Augustus Caesar to register for a census for the Roman Empire, by going into their own city.

Even the fact that Jesus was born in a manger in no way makes him a “refugee”. There was simply no room  (no vacancy, in other words) at the inn, and there was no Motel 6 back then as an alternative source of lodging.

To try to compare the birth of Christ with hordes of illegal immigrants trying to storm our border is not simply factually incorrect, it is insulting to all who call Jesus Christ their savior.

My advice to Ocrazio is the next time she feels tempted to score political points using biblical comparisons – don’t – at least not without actually cracking open a Bible and reading it.

© 2018 Chip McLean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Chip McLean: chipmclean@capitolhillcoffeehouse.com

Beware Of Those Seeking To Rule Over You

When I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, my Dad often talked to me about the importance of knowing what our rights are and protecting them.  He would tell me things like “what good is owning an automobile if I was not willing to learn how to both drive it and maintain it”.  When it comes to the United States of America one could say if the people are not aware of their unalienable rights, it is as if they do not have any.  At one time, most Americans were taught from childhood about the importance of understanding what our nation is, what makes her exceptional and how to maintain our unique constitutionally limited republic.

United States founding father Thomas Jefferson stated, “if you don’t know your rights you don’t have any”.  One of the massive failures of our society is the preponderance of weakness in the area of compromise.  Instead of passing down the important elements of maintaining the many great components of our republic, leftist dominated government school indoctrination centers have methodically brainwashed generations of students.  As a result, nearly half of all millennial generation students prefer their unalienable God given rights to be replaced by oppressive socialism and communism.

The big devil in the details are the elitists and their democrat party allies who do not believe in people exercising their right to live for their own sake.  That is why such leftist luminaries like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who launched a massive blacklisting campaign against the National Rifle association.  Cuomo’s campaign caused the NRA to endure very tough financial woes.  If Cuomo and other elitists have their way, the NRA will never be able to produce its magazines or run its video streaming service.  Leftists like Cuomo, George Soros and others are hoping that you would be stupid enough to allow your unalienable right of self-protection to be done away with via lies, backroom exhortations, and public threats.

Whenever there are tragic shootings in gun free zones around government schools, Americans are inundated with twisted tales of how dangerous guns are and that they must be give up, etc. etc.  But what bothers me infinitely more than the lies, are the increasing numbers of Americans who are willing to fully endanger their families and themselves by joining in the dangerous and evil mission to disarm “We the People.

It just seems that the more students attend the indoctrination centers known as colleges, the more foolish our republic becomes.  You may not have noticed, but the more secular society has evolved, the less creative music, literature is. Also, there is less general kindness and above all, less wisdom.  How else can one explain a population of dolts who actually believe it is bigoted, racist and mean spirited to simply want to protect our national sovereignty by building a border wall to keep out illegal border crossers.  Such madness is only eclipsed by the desire of those who wish to take away our right to own and bear arms.  Because if the Second Amendment is abolished or simply watered down, we all will face a double edged clear and present danger from abusive criminals in government and those wondering the streets.

To reestablish the concepts of liberty and the right of self-protection, “We the People” must without wavering stand and push back against the darkness of tyranny.  To insure, that our Liberties remain intact, we must repeatedly teach them to our children.  What is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next.   Beware of those who run for political office and seek to destroy your right to bear arms.  Beware and be strong, for the liberties and the republic you save may be your own.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed during The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM ET via americamatters.us, SHRmedia.us and Spreaker and also 12:00 AM Sunday ET via the Talk America Radio Network.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

CBS And ABC Announce Miraculous Healing

AUSTIN, TX. —There is one thing the leftist-liberal media will NOT cover–a proven miracle of God which was the same in the old Soviet Union and behind the Iron Curtain in other countries. My, how we have ‘progressed.’

Indeed, they do not want to proclaim anything that would credit an answer to prayer, that brought incredible results, to God. That is until now, where an extraordinary prayer brought about an extraordinary healing that could not be disputed or pushed aside as a “coincidence.”
This startled writer first heard about it on an ABC and CBS national newscast. The amazing story was told of an 11 year old girl in Texas who had developed the deadly, DIPG, or, Diffuse Intrinsic Pontime Glioma, which is an incurable brain tumor. Mind you, this is an INCURABLE condition as noted by the doctors.
Dr. Virginia Harrod, who is with Dell Children’s Medical Center told KVUE TV in Austin, Texas that DIPG is a “rare and devastating disease, which makes it hard to swallow, causes vision loss, difficulty in talking, and eventually difficulty in breathing.” She had already gone through weeks of radiation, but there was no expectation that the tumor would just disappear the doctor explained.

Roxi’s father stated that her initial diagnosis was confirmed by several different hospitals, including Dell Children’s, Texas Children’s, Dana Farber and John Hopkins. 

According to writer Leonardo Blair of the Christian Post, organizers of a support group on Facebook, called, Roxi’s Rox Star Benefit, stating that this 11 year old girl, loves horses,”loves Jesus to her core,” and the community she lived in, which is called, The Buda Community. Even though the doctors had no expectation that she would live, The Buda Community decided to pray with her parents for a miracle. “

Those who prayed were totally infused with the love of Jesus and had a total commitment to God, His promises, and His Word as written in The Bible. These were all devoted Christians who had no doubt about the power of God.

When the family went back to see the doctors, no trace of the disease could be found. That tumor was—G O N E!!!  All in that community and family are still Praising God. There is no question that God produced a miracle. One so big that secular TV programs are talking about it. This writer has personally witnessed many such Divine healing interventions of God as they took place.

Perhaps it would be useful if all would begin reading the Bible. Start with Proverbs, then, The Psalms, then the Book of John in the New Testament. You will learn that we are not under the control of an evil world, but actually under the control of God, if we allow Him to be. And if we give our hearts to Him.

This past Thanksgiving, Roxi wrote a note of thanks to everyone who prayed for her. “To everyone, thank you. You were kind to me, you raised money for me, you prayed for me, and you healed me (through God). You showed the world that not all heroes wear capes.

Photo Caption: 11 Year Old Roxie Doss.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Strategic Threat Exists From Chinese Agents’ Economic And Military Espionage: Law Enforcement

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Critics say that the nation’s leaders, agencies, and news media spend all their time spying on American citizens or the Trump administration that they are missing the real culprits such as the Chinese and the proponents of the New World Order.

In a case out of the Western District of Pennsylvania, Chinese intelligence agents were indicted on charges of computer hacking, stealing economic information, and other related offenses. The five suspects breached the security at six American entities within the U.S. nuclear power plants, as well as metals and solar products industries.

This marked the first time criminal charges had been filed against known state actors for hacking.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) archives: from 2006 through 2014, the Chinese spies identified as Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu, and Gu Chunhui were officers in what’s been identified as Unit 61398 of the Third Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.

They were said to have been involved a hacking conspiracy that targeted Westinghouse Electric Co.; U.S. subsidiaries of SolarWorld AG; United States Steel Corp.; Allegheny Technologies Inc.; the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union; and Alcoa, Inc.

On Wednesday, an FBI press statement claims that Chinese espionage as well as efforts to steal U.S. research and development (R & D) information amounts to “the most severe counterintelligence threat” facing our country today.

“More than ever, now with President [Donald Trump] standing up to the bullies in China who are seeking to replace America as the world’s great military and economic power, the political leaders in both houses of Congress and with the security and defense agencies must stop their anti-Trump narrative regarding Russia’s penetration of the U.S. government computer systems and the DNC [Democratic National Committee] cyber system,” said former military intelligence operative and police captain Matthew Delahanty.

E.W. “Bill” Priestap, head of the bureau’s counterintelligence division, joined two senior officials in outlining their view of Beijing’s long-term campaign to undermine the United States’ economic and technological dominance.

The Communist Party continues to “dominate every facet of Chinese life,” from religious life to freedom of expression and free trade, according to Priestap at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. “It is therefore alarming that the Chinese government’s economic aggression, including its relentless theft of U.S. assets, is positioning China to supplant us as the world’s superpower,” he’s quoted as saying in the transcript.

Background information on FBI’s Bill Priestap:

Bill Priestap is the FBI’s Assistant Director Counterintelligence Operations.  His claim to fame just might be he was fired FBI agent Peter Strzok’s boss. According to numerous news stories, he is also involved the controversial Clinton investigation as well as the Trump campaign investigation.

Bill Priestap name was found on every email of consequence such as the Clinton exoneration talking points delivered by FBI Director James Comey who had them written well before witnesses and Hillary Clinton all testified.  Priestap is on the FBI side of both Clinton and Trump probes.  “Bill” is mentioned in hundreds of text messages sent by the adulterous Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page.

Priestap is so important at the agency that during FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before lawmakers, Director Comey told congress it was Priestap who recommended that congressional oversight should not be notified of the ongoing counterintelligence operations.

The hearing on “Non-Traditional Espionage Against the United States” came as announcements of indictments of Chinese hackers and other actions planned have been put off for now, officials said. They gave no reason for the delay.

Some law enforcement officials told Conservative Base private cyber-security officers and government investigators uncovered proof that China’s Ministry of Security, their top intelligence agency, was most probably behind the hacking of Marriott’s Starwood chain cyber system. That breach alone gave the Chinese intelligence officers the private data of as many as 500 million people including U.S. citizens.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Has the Pushback Started?

Christmas 2018 has come and gone—and God grant this Christmas season extraordinary power to turn our hearts to Jesus Christ, our Savior and our King—but it may be that we, the normal people of the Western world, have received an unlooked-for Christmas present.

It started with left-wing loons and feminists demanding that a certain lightweight seasonal ditty, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,” be banned from the airwaves. The pills at “#MeToo,” trying to maintain their bizarre combination of neo-puritanism and liberated hookup culture, didn’t like it: all that man and woman stuff, bad news, don’t you know. And all throughout North America, the chicken-hearted twerps who run the radio stations hastened to obey.

They never expected what happened next. It was their biggest surprise since Donald Trump was elected president two years ago.

Up in Canada, 87-year-old William Shatner, famous for his role as Captain Kirk in the original “Star Trek,” and for lots of other work in TV and in movies, led the counterattack.

“Call into CBC [Canadian Broadcasting] radio all day and get them to play ‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ over and over until midnight,” the veteran actor urged the public. And the public responded.

Shatner attributed the ban to the “Myopia Censorship Club” of “2018 prudes.” Asked why he bothered, he replied, strongly, “I would think that censorship of classics because certain ‘types’ need to judge things through their own 2018 myopic glasses and demand they be stricken from history is important. Or is this 1984 only 34 years too late?”

Bullseye, Captain! That’s exactly what they want to do—erase our history. They’d erase us in the bargain, too, if they thought they could.

All over the United States and Canada, radio listeners called their local radio stations to object, demanding that the song be played. One by one, two by two, the stations reinstated the song.

And next thing we knew, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” shot up into the Top Ten in the digital sales charts. Since the protests started, sales of the song went up by 70 percent. Who would have thought this funny little song from 1944, in its 1959 rendition by Dean Martin, could zoom to the top of the charts? Rallying against the killjoys on the left, normal people bought thousands of copies of the song—and got it back on many of the radio stations.

And so we’ve won one, for a change. But that’s just a skirmish in a larger war. We have to keep pushing back, harder and harder—at every opportunity.

We keep wondering how we ever reached the point where absurdly small minorities got the power to tell all the rest of us what to do—what we can’t say, read, watch, or listen to. Why do we have to cringe and cower and knuckle under whenever a handful of Far Left Crazy nuisances demand our compliance?

We got here because, while most of us occupied ourselves with peacefully carrying on the business of our daily lives, these absurdly small minorities worked like demons to take over our culture, lock, stock, and barrel. They grabbed the teachers’ unions, the universities, Hollywood, the nooze media, publishing houses—anything that wasn’t nailed down. They won the sponsorship of the Democrat Party. They got their favorite judges appointed. They worked at it incessantly, tirelessly, fanatically—and that’s how they became our overlords.

But there are many more of us than there are of them, and I dare hope that some of us, at least, have awakened to our peril. We do not want to be tyrannized by the Far Left Crazy! We’re tired of the “pro-choice” crowd taking away our choices. We want our world back.

And we can get it, with God’s help, if we work for it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Wall, The Wall, The Wall: Are We A Country Or A Destination For Freeloaders?

U.S. Senate member Charles Schumer, (D-NY) refuses to defend America.  He refuses to take his oath of office seriously.  He refuses to allow a wall to be built across the Mexican border to stop drug trafficking at $120 billion annually, year after year.  He refuses to stop 500,000 illegal aliens annually who jump our borders.  He won’t stop and hasn’t stopped the 300,000 illegal pregnant mothers annually who birth their child on our soil and then force us to pay for their welfare for the next 18 years.

U.S. House member Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA), calls illegal aliens, “These immigrants are the future of America.”  She doesn’t connect that they are illegal alien border jumpers who broke our laws and violate our Constitution every single day of their existence in America.  She doesn’t care that they work off the books, pay no taxes and send cash transfers to the tune of $70 billion annually back to their home countries, thus draining our finances and adding to the $21 trillion national debt.

Those two culprits don’t stand alone.  Look at Mitch McConnel, (R-KY), speaker of the Senate, does nothing to protect America’s borders in his ‘forever’ corrupt criminal career as a U.S. senator.  Same with all 100 senators who do nothing to stop the invasion of our borders.  Same with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, (R-WI), who did nothing during his career to stop the illegal invasion.

Thus, those people shut down the U.S. government to stop Trump’s wall that would cost a fraction of what it costs to support over 22 million illegal aliens inside our country, and growing by 500,000 annually according to Dr. Steven Camarota of www.cis.org .

We pay an astounding estimated $296 billion annually across 15 federal agencies to feed, house, medically care for, education and births of illegal aliens.  It never ends. It continues year after year.

And yet, these nitwits in Congress quibble over $5 billion or $20 billion for the wall, when we pay $296 billion annually to support those 22 million illegal aliens. (Source:  Yale Research study on number of illegal aliens within the USA, September 2018.)

You must ask the question: who remains in charge of the insane asylum titled: The United States Congress?  What are those 535 people doing daily for us, the voters and citizens of this country? Answer: jack squat.

Question: why did you vote your democratic or republican House member or senator back into office when all of them refuse to stop the invasion of our borders? That must be the question of the century. Why would a country allow itself to be invaded, and in fact, pay for the invaders, but not pay for a wall to stop the invaders?

Sometimes I wonder if the citizens of this country simply grow tired of their freedoms, their citizenship, their language, their culture and their way of life.  They become apathetic, lazy and complacent.  They don’t vote, and they don’t engage.

Jared Diamond wrote a best-selling book on anthropology about how societies collapse. It’s titled:  Collapse—How Societies Succeed or Fail.

Guess what?  The United States of America gallops along on the “failure” path like a horse possessed of loco weed.  The horse gallops out of his mind.  The people of America race along with no concern for the future, no understanding of what another 140 million more immigrants mean to this civilization and no comprehension of what their children face.

It beats the hell out of me how our elected leaders can’t see what’s coming, but in fact, aid and abet the destruction of our “way of life” our environment and our culture.  And, we sit by and watch it happen.

The Europeans commit themselves to the same future of destroyed cultures, overpopulation, living beyond carrying capacity and religious conflict that will degrade their rule of law and their cultures into mongrel multiculturalistic societies. And, we already see their descending toward the gates of hell.

Last week, a Moslem terrorist shot people up in Strasburg, Germany.  A Moslem in Morocco beheaded two Swedish girls who were stupid enough to go hiking in the hills. He videotaped cutting their heads off as they screamed for their lives. I winced at the video.

Guess what, the United States of America now features 23 to 27 ‘honor killings’ annually in this country. We feature 500,000 cases of female genital mutilation. We’ve got endless mini-terrorist acts in Detroit, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Miami, Florida; Freemont, California and New York City.

We’ve got 35 documented Muslim terrorist training camps from New York to California.  What’s being done about them?  We’re actually supporting them with food stamps and welfare on our tax dollars.

If you thought 2018 featured enough craziness in Europe, Canada and America—-you ain’t seen nothing yet.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Genocidal Islam

Islam is a religion of peace and the great majority of Muslims are not a party to any plans and actions of the radicals- Islam apologists claim. Who are exactly Islam apologists?  Many politicians, left and right, academic professors throughout America who have been handsomely funded by Islamic governments and organizations market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young and impressionable minds. Leftist media and journalists, and host of others.

Muslims are radical even in their interfaith dealings. Various sects and sub-sects pronounce other sects and sub-sects as heretics, worthy of death. Women are treated as chattel, deprived of many rights. Hands are chopped off for stealing even a loaf of bread, sexual “violations” and “indiscretions,” as defined and delimited by Islamic Sharia is punishable by stoning, and much more. These are standard day-to-day ways of mainstream “moderate” Muslims living under the Stone-Age laws of Sharia (Islamic jurisprudence). Their own historians record that Ali, the first imam of the Shiite and son-in-law of Muhammad, with the help of another man, beheaded 700 Jewish men in the presence of the prophet himself.

While Americans are confused, our mainstream media non-stop detracts the populace from finding out the truth and continues the same mantra that there is only a small group of “radical Muslims” who give Islam a bad name. Islam by itself is like any other religion in the world and eventually “moderate Muslims” will march forward and reclaim their “religion of peace,” so they claim.

Let us not forget, the “infidel” world has been complicit in the spreading Islam through its blunders, complacency, and greed. Unfortunately, even some of our well-versed officials fall short when they are put in front of the camera.  They refuse to acknowledge it is Islam that is the source of evil, so they resort to a redundant phrase of how “moderates” can reclaim the faith.

Regrettably, a large segment of the population goes along with these nonsensical euphemisms depicting Islam because it prefers to believe them. It is less threatening to believe that only a hijacked small segment of Islam is radical or politically driven and that the main body of Islam is indeed moderate and nonpolitical.

Stretching the benefit of the doubt beyond limits, one may believe that all these acts and horrors are committed by a small minority of thugs and radicals who happen to be Muslims. Fine, let us ignore all those “fringes” for now – those who are giving Islam a bad name. And never mind Saudi Arabia, the cradle of barbarism, fixed in formaldehyde since Islam’s inception. Also, let us overlook the dastardly Shiite fanatics presently ruling (ruining) the great nation of Iran. Iranian Shiite Hitlerists are hell-bent on wiping Israel off the face of the planet, while viciously devastating Iran’s own largest minority – the Baha’is, people universally-recognized as law-abiding and peaceful.

Would someone account for what is happening in the “civilized” Islamic country of Turkey today? In a very short time under Islamist control, the legacy of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has been all but wiped out in Turkey. President Erdogan, is taking Turkey where Iran was 40 years ago. The atrocities of the Turkish government towards the Kurds are unimaginable. The history of  “The Armenian genocide” by Muslim Turks are indescribable.

Who can forget Erdogan’s own statement about moderate Islam: “The Term “Moderate Islam” is ugly and offensive; there is no moderate Islam; Islam Is Islam.”

It cannot be clearer than this. I have a suggestion for the leftist media and Islam apologists. Open the Quran and take a black permanent marker and remove all the passages they believe are not part of “good” peaceful Islam.  Then show their handiwork to the average Muslim in Dearborn, Michigan and see what kind of consensus they receive.

Fascism is exactly what Islam was crafted to be from the very beginning.  It is no coincidence that Islam has historically been so cozy with the fascist left. Anyone who presumes Islam is benign and that Jihadists are “radicals” is blind. He cannot presume to be intelligent, learned, and worldly and be so blind.

The bottom-line is that the non-Islamic world has a huge problem on its hands—ever-encroaching Islam. For as long as there are mosques, madrasahs, and Islamic centers, as long as vast cadres of well-paid, highly indoctrinated and strategically placed mullahs and imams, and, as long as there are people who prefer to be treated as children, Islam will flourish anywhere and will pose an existential threat to non-believers.

All the excuses, grievances and reasons given for the savagery of jihadists and Islamofascists are mere side issues. Our problem is Islam.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Standing With Good Government In Striking Down The Corrupt Tree: Obamacare

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” —Declaration of Independence

On a daily basis in this country, we are inundated with corruption within the walls of American government regardless of the office held. Whether it be the president, a senator, a congressman, a representative, a judge, a police officer etc., corruption is exposed daily (Luke 12:2) and it is very disheartening, to say the least.

What most do not realize is that the unconstitutional policies in which they attempt to throw on the American people are incredibly criminal on their behalf. This is not being done ignorantly and unknowingly, it is being done with willful purpose in transgressing the constitution.

Former Sen. John Glenn stated, “Why, if we had to do that (follow the rule of our Constitution), we could not pass most of the laws we enact around here.”

And when it comes to the topic of this article, in particular the unconstitutional and illegal “Obamacare” (Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution), all one has to do to understand is that corrupt politicians are willfully deceiving the American people in hopes of baiting them into accepting illegal “Obamacare.” It is of interest as well to take note Americans that these same criminals have exempted themselves from what they have meant to put upon them that they work for, and that is, you and me.

Just ask the Architect Jonathan Gruber.

Exploiting the stupidity of the American voter is fun and easy: kinda like squeezing a lemon.” —Jonathan Gruber architect of Romney-Obama–care

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.” —Jonathan Gruber architect of Romney-Obama–care

“When we’re done with employer-based health insurance, it will have s much life in it as Jimmy Hoffa.” -Jonathan Gruber architect of Romney-Obama–care

P.T. Barnum said a sucker is born every minute, but his estimate was laughably low. -Jonathan Gruber architect of Romney-Obama–care

[YouTube Video]

However, every once in a while, you will see a good report concerning one that sets in a representative government position (Entrusted by the people through delegated authority) who understands what they swore to uphold, with their right hand on the Bible, when it comes to magnifying the enumerated laws found in the Constitution.

Remember, “Against all enemies both foreign and domestic.”

Marc Slavo reports on The Sons of Liberty Media:

A federal judge has finally declared what any freedom-loving human has known for over eight years now: Obamacare is unconstitutional. This decision by a Texas judge sets the stage for another Supreme Court visit with the controversial law.

In his ruling, Judge Reed O’Connor of the Federal District Court in Fort Worth said that the individual mandate requiring people to have health insurance “can no longer be sustained as an exercise of Congress’s tax power.” 

Accordingly, Judge O’Connor, a George W. Bush appointee, said that “the individual mandate is unconstitutional” and the remaining provisions of the Affordable Care Act are invalid. –New York Times 

Rather this particular judge was like that of the unjust judge that was righting the wrongs because of the importunity of the righteous (Luke 18:6), or this particular judge walks breathes and lives in the fear of the Lord (2 Samuel 23:3; Proverbs 16:6). This particular judge is doing his job by deterring lawlessness and striking at the root of the corrupt tree (Luke 3:9). For this, I stand 100% with him in every righteous step that he and others in government take in their righteous and lawful decisions. Good job!

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Satanism Alive And Well At Christmas Time

Christmas time not only brings family fun, celebration of Jesus birth and a wonderful time of giving, but also  a bold reminder of the growing amount of Satanic witches  who live in the occult and throw hexes at Christians and conservatives.  Trump and Cavanaugh are two of their favorite targets.

Apparently, transgender, queer witch,  Dakota Brracciale is all in to draw Satanic power against Trump and Cavanaugh and whoever else is in her evil viewfinder.  The rights to curse, make hexes on innocent people, threaten and harm other Christians or conservatives is the game.  Bracciale says without a pause that she will cause harm if she can.

In her demented and satanic mind, she has many shields of rights to hide behind as she plans her hex attacks and curse souffles – Shields of Transgender, queer, female of sorts and religious rights.

She thinks her hexes on Cavanaugh are working nicely.  Destroy, destroy, stir the pot of evil and hate and destroy some more.  Cavanaugh may be under Satanic attacks but he is also under Godly protection and covered by the prayer of multitudes.  What about Dakotas celebration of her Cavanaugh hexes am I not getting?  Maybe it’s the part where he and his family are doing great, him winning in the face of endless sham assaults and false accusations and now giving the Supreme Court another conservative and Christian. Wow!  Good job with your cursing department Dakota.  Perhaps someday you can work up to getting a mouse to pee on someone’s carpet.  Of course, they already do that so why would they need you? Perhaps the power surrounding Cavanaugh is a bit more than your evil dirty bowl of tricks.

According to some there are at least 1.5 million witches across the country now and witchcraft and Satanism are growing strong as Christianity is allegedly shrinking. I wonder if the estimates of shrinking Christians and growing withes and Satanists are from the same people who do most the political polls and shock us with their continued accuracy.  Could it be that they want Christians to think they are disappearing, to question the power of prayer and God while growing in fear.

Perhaps some Christians these days are lethargic, some are in their heads and not their hearts, some have no clue of the power Jesus has placed in them to stand against the forces of darkness, However, most of us do get it and live in that truth. Love and power.  There is no time for fear.

Psalm 91 reminds us that God is our bulwark and HighTower and he will protect those of us who trust and honor Him.  It reminds us that no pestilence or plague can form against us and though 10,000 will die on one side and a 1000 on the other side, no harm will come to us for those who believe and accept God’s protection covenant.

Too many scriptures to count herald out the Christians security, power and provision in Christ.  The Bible says to rebuke the enemy and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) It also reminds us and people like Dakota the Witch that ‘Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world’ (1 John 4:4)

The Bible reminds us to be alert and of sober mind because your enemy – the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him and stand firm in faith.’ (1 Peter 5:18)

Henry Ford once said ‘if you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.  It is time to wake up to the power of Christians and start thinking we can in Christ.  It never was about our power or lack thereof, but about us being in Christ, following Him and holding His hand.

Satan was defeated on the cross by Jesus and Witches and Satanists of today have zero power against Christians who know God and utilize his power.  The only one in the universe who has the power to curse and bless is almighty God himself.  According to Deuteronomy 18 1-2.   All of us humans are strictly forbidden to put curses or spells on anyone.

Apparently, Dakota and other Witches are not only drawing on Kleenex size power of the looser, Satan but are dumber than posts since they choose not to draw from real power, love and purpose for their lives from God.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Santa’s Surprising Origins – A Christmas Classic Feature

MYRA – (Note To Readers: This story was first published on December 20, 2001. It has been picked up and re-published all over the world every year since, becoming a Holiday Tradition. Hallmark contacted the writer and asked him to appear in the Holiday movie, Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus, playing the Mall Santa that magically receives the gift of sign language. That movie is aired every year.)

He is lovable, congenial, giving and jolly. What’s more he knows everything, as any child will readily testify. He is a colorful old man, whose visits are eagerly awaited by millions of children each year and who, for a little while, makes the world a much happier place

Is Santa Claus a good influence on children, or a bad influence whose image merely commercializes Christmas and who takes the reason out of the season, as some charge?

Where did Santa come from? It will surprise many to learn that Santa Claus (as we know him today) came out of the church itself through the charity of a very devout and caring priest. Now bear in mind that this is a true, historically documented account.

Approximately 200 years after the birth of Christ, a meeting of the elders of a little church in Myra, Turkey had just been called to order. They needed to appoint a bishop but no fitting candidate could be found. So great was the need that they decided to pray.

Out at sea, a ship battled a raging storm. The crew valiantly fought to keep it afloat. Trunks were being thrown overboard to lighten the load as frightened passengers held onto whatever they could to keep from being swept overboard while others huddled in their cabins. The ravaging waves tore some wood from the sides of the ship.

“Nicholas…NICHOLAS!” someone yelled frantically. It had been noised about that a man named Nicholas, who was known to be a man of God, was on board. Out of a cabin, in response to the call, came a man with a long white beard. Holding on to the rail of the tossing ship, he began to pray for the storm to cease. As he prayed he lifted his hands heavenward. Miraculously, the storm calmed. The crippled ship drifted into the harbor of Myra.

The elders of the little church in Myra suddenly stopped in the midst of their intense prayer, opened their eyes and looked around at each other, startled at a message from God that had come to each of them in the form of a vision; they were to appoint as their bishop, the first man named Nicholas who would, within the hour, enter the church to pray.

As the leaning ship hobbled into the port and was docked, Nicholas disembarked and made his way into the village to seek a church. He wanted to give thanks to God for His intervention during the storm that could have killed everyone on board.

Finding the church, he eagerly approached it. The heads of the elders turned toward the door as it slowly opened. The stately man with the snow-white beard entered, and, focused on the altar, made his way down to the front and knelt in a prayer of thanksgiving. As he rose to leave the elders approached him. “What is your name?” asked one. “Nicholas.” was the reply.

“God has sent you to us to be our new bishop,” said another. The group joyfully fitted the surprised Nicholas with a long red priestly robe and miter. Nicholas quickly became known as, “The Bishop of Miracles,” because of so many spectacular answers to his prayers.

Unlike most priests, Bishop Nicholas was wealthy through family inheritance. In his mind, wealth came from God and belonged to God. The very reason for his existence was to serve God. And that is how he lived his life.

Nicholas became increasingly concerned about a custom in Turkey. If little girls did not have a dowry so that they could marry, they would be sold into slavery, which included prostitution. Bishop Nicholas had given away most of his own fortune so he went about and managed to collect gold from admirers.

On December 6th, under cover of darkness, he wrapped the gold coins in several little bags and visited each home that had a daughter without a dowry, dropping a bag of gold through the windows of each, which landed on the hearth where the little girl’s clothes would be drying. When the gold was discovered the next morning, the family rejoiced. Their little daughters were saved from slavery.

Nicholas continued what was to become an annual tradition. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would slip around the village on that date each year. On one such night, as Nicholas put his arm through the window to drop the bag of gold, instead of it landing on the hearth, the bag fell into a stocking that was hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. It was found the next morning, to the delight of the family. Which, by the way, is how the custom of hanging up Christmas stockings came to be.

Shortly before Nicholas’s death, which occurred on December 6th, the date of his annual visit, it was learned that he was the individual who brought so much joy to so many families.

Five hundred years later, in the 9th Century, Nicholas was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church, hence the name, Saint Nicholas. And since the celebration of Christmas came after the life of St. Nicholas, he actually preceded Christmas, as we know it today.

As the story of St. Nicholas spread, French nuns in the 12th Century began making annual night-time visits to poor families with children, leaving fruit and nuts, which these families could not afford.

The nuns made their gift-giving rounds on what became known as, “St. Nicholas Eve,” December 5th. The tradition spread throughout the Old World and across the ocean to the New. Many people to this day celebrate Christmas on December 6th.

St. Nicholas became the Patron Saint of many countries including Russia, becoming a major ingredient in the Russian Christmas celebration. England made St. Nicholas, “Father Christmas.” Germany picked up on that title, and in France he became known as “Papa Noel.”

As the various forms of Nicholas began to emerge in the secular world over the years, some unanticipated problems arose: protests which came out of…the church! Martin Luther pounded his pulpit proclaiming that the true Christmas message was being lost by the Saint Nicholas connection.

The Dutch came to the rescue and adopted what they believed to be a more religious view of Nicholas that would satisfy the critics. The Dutch-German Protestant Reform Movement brought with it the idea that the Christ child should be the standard bearer for Christmas. The German word for Christ child, “Christkindl,” evolved to, “Kris Kringle,” yet another version and another irritant for Luther.

In 1822, on the night before Christmas, which the world began to celebrate on December 24th, Clement Moore wrote a poem about the gift-giver for his six children. That poem, “The Night Before Christmas,” was published the following year in the Sentinel of Troy, New York. Up to that time, Nicholas had taken various forms. He was portrayed with a black beard, then a white beard. He was shown dressed in everything including buckskin.

Mr. Moore defined Nicholas once and for all and renamed him, Santa Claus. He had, no doubt, been influenced by the Dutch who named him, “Sinter (Saint) Klass (short for Nicholas) and that had become, “Sinterklass.”

Others who spoke broken English, knowing that gold had been found on the hearth by the fireplace, started a new legend. The gift-giver came down the chimney and would land in the cinders of burning embers, so they called him, “Cinder Klaussen,” which would in Moore’s hands become, Santa Claus.

Clement Moore’s poem made Santa famous. He even named the reindeer. Not only did he name them, he made them fly. He might have taken that idea from the poet, Washington Irving, who wrote a book in 1809 about a Dutch Colonist’s dream in which St. Nick came riding over the tops of trees in a wagon wherein he brings yearly presents to the children.

An artist named Thomas Nast, who was a Harper’s Weekly cartoonist, began to show what Santa looked like. He dressed him in red, which had been the official color of the priestly robes worn by St. Nicholas and went further by making Santa plump and jolly.

To show how much of a church connection to Santa there is, Clement Moore’s father was the Episcopal Bishop of New York, and, Clement Moore himself was Professor of Theology at Union Theological Seminary.

In 1897, a little girl named, Virginia Hanlon, had been told that there really was no Santa Claus. She was so disturbed about it that she wrote a letter to the editor of The New York Sun, whose name, by the way, was Francis P. Church…can’t get away from that connection. He responded with a story titled, “Yes Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus.” And the world breathed a sigh of relief.

It is interesting to note that the clearest image of Santa came not from the church, or from a poet, but by, of all things, a soft drink company advertisement! That drawing, known as ‘the Coca Cola Santa,’ created and drawn by Haddon Sundblom, made him totally definable. And the elves? Well, they were first seen in Ireland as Leprechauns.

St. Nicholas has been replaced by the created, Santa, who does indeed delight millions of children. But maybe through the hustle and bustle we have lost the very core of what Christmas is and should be; a time of love and sharing with people in need (whether we know them or not), rather than an orgy of gift giving, receiving, and thinking of one’s personal wants. I would like to see the original idea of giving and charity, as set forth by the real St. Nick, with nothing expected in return, brought back.

As for the commercialization of Christmas, there still is a bright side. It is the one time in the year where we can hear songs proclaiming the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with others heralding the birth of The Holy Child, Jesus Christ our Savior coming through the loud speakers of the malls and shopping centers of the secular world (even though that is changing as the secular world is trying to strip all mention of Jesus Christ out of Christmas).

Homes are still decorated with lights to proclaim Him. And people are a little nicer to one another at least once a year. So maybe this commercialized version is better than having no celebration at all.

Extra Note: Since the first publication of this story, a Christmas war has been declared with the goal of making the word Christmas illegal. They are even trying to abolish Santa.

Check the link below regarding the Christmas wars with a brief personal message from Santa that will help put it all in perspective.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

The Kavanaugh Catastrophe And The Beltway Bandits

Some of President Trump’s biggest supporters on the Religious Right are now facing humiliation over Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s recent ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood. Kavanaugh, Trump’s second nominee to the court, joined with Chief Justice John Roberts and the liberal justices to declare that Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, had a constitutional right to taxpayer money.

Rockefeller Republican Senator Susan Collins, who cast a deciding vote in favor of confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, said she was feeling “vindication” after the new justice’s vote in the Planned Parenthood case. “Planned Parenthood was Brett Kavanaugh’s No. 1 opponent,” Collins said on CNN. “They went after him with everything that they had, and yet when it came to this case, he was able to put that aside and rule impartially, independently.” CNN noted, “Kavanaugh’s vote helped prevent the court from taking up the issue, effectively handing Planned Parenthood a win by leaving two lower court opinions in place.”

The conclusion is that, in order to get his lifetime job, Kavanaugh made a devil’s bargain with one of the most prominent congressional supporters of the abortion industry. It’s clear that he promised liberal Never-Trump Republican Senator Susan Collins that he would vote to preserve the pro-abortion ruling Roe v. Wade.

In addition to the human carnage, the really sad aspect of the Kavanaugh decision is the disappointment young pro-life conservatives feel at the perceived “betrayal” by Religious Right groups with fancy offices inside the beltway which relayed messages from the Trump White House that Kavanaugh was a sure pro-life vote. “The Pro-Life Generation Supports Brett Kavanaugh” was a video they produced in advance of his confirmation fight. “President Trump promised us he would only appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court,” said Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America. The cries of betrayal have given way to tears for the unborn.

The Family Research Council (FRC), a big backer of Kavanaugh, ran a bland article, “Supreme Court Refuses to Rule on State Decisions to Defund Planned Parenthood,” noting that the case was important “because of videos released depicting Planned Parenthood officials engaging in the sale of fetal tissue and body parts.”  Yet, Travis Weber, vice president for policy at the Family Research Council, told CNBC that his group was not holding Kavanaugh’s decision against him, because while the decision was “not the greatest result,” it was largely procedural. In this case, the procedural decision means more babies will die at taxpayer expense.

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association (AFA) was more honest, writing a column under the headline, “Duped again: Kavanaugh biffs on first chance to defend life.”  The AFA initially opposed Brett Kavanaugh, saying he was not conservative enough, and then supported him.

The Catholic Family News made a risky decision, running my column opposing Kavanaugh and laying out the reasons why Kavanaugh was the wrong choice. And then it ran my follow-up after the Planned Parenthood decision, “Brett Kavanaugh’s Chickens Come Home to Roost.” Sad to say, but my opposition was vindicated. However, many conservative web sites refused to run my columns exposing and criticizing Kavanaugh’s pro-abortion record. They fell for the propaganda.

One of the best reports on the implications of the ruling was on the conservative website Red State. It said, “Given the criminality involved and the basic absence of medical care available at Planned Parenthood facilities (no, they actually don’t do mammograms and most of their services are no more sophisticated that what you get at a drug store and do yourself at home…other than killing babies, of course) this should have been an open-and-shut issue of what businesses state governments decide to give their money to. What the Supreme Court has done with this decision is signal two things. First, it has no intention of touching abortion. Second, if it does touch abortion it will come down squarely on the side of abortion providers. In particular, this decision places Planned Parenthood in a competitive position unknown in the current health care field. Despite illegalities and improprieties, Planned Parenthood, alone, is now legally protected from losing access to Medicaid dollars regardless of what conduct it engages in.”

Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review commented, “In a new trend where several members of the ‘conservative wing’ of the court allow very consequential bad lower court rulings to stand, Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh refused to hear an appeal on the issue of forcing states to fund Planned Parenthood…Thus, anything conservatives ever want to accomplish, even if they win elections, is essentially dead on arrival because of lower court judges allowed to reign supreme.”

Pro-abortion Senator Susan Collins, whose support of Kavanaugh was vindicated by the Planned Parenthood ruling, is now predicting that the Supreme Court will overturn a ruling by a federal judge in Texas that the entire Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.

She has reason to be confident that Kavanaugh will join with Roberts and the liberal justices in this case and save Obamacare.

It’s not enough to say that conservatives and Christians were fooled again. We have to have a heart-to-heart talk with disillusioned young people about why the basic right-to-life of the innocent unborn is so easy to sacrifice on the altar of political power and expediency. We have to be blunt about the principalities and powers running this world and their ability to corrupt our political and religious leaders.

[BIO* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.]

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

Where The Bolt Goes Into The Bottom Of The Globe: A Christmas Bicycle Journey

Merry Christmas to you, each American, Canadian, European and Australian citizen who reads my columns throughout the year.  No question that my commentaries expose sobering realities facing America and all of Western humanity.  Oftentimes, I am exasperated that our leaders fail to serve us, to represent us and to work for our best interests.

Whether you’re from America, Canada, Europe or Australia—you must feel much the same ways as your leaders betray you, your family and your country.  My heart goes out to you.  I will continue to write and speak with the same honor as Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Abigale Adams, Susan B. Anthony and many others who worked for the best outcome in their time.

While America and the West face tremendous challenges in 2019, at this moment, I share with you a Christmas story that remains dear to my heart all these years later.  This magical moment occurred while I lived and worked in at McMurdo Station, Antarctica, where the bolt goes into the bottom of the world.  May it touch your heart and soul like it touched mine.

In the morning, a whiteout howled across McMurdo Station, Antarctica with 100 mile per hour winds and minus 80 degree temperatures.  I had been confined to my barracks for two days as a ‘Condition One’ storm worked its way over the icepack before me.

By late evening, the weather turned placid but a biting minus 60-degree temperature kept most people inside.  A report came over the base radio that a few Emperor penguins were waddling toward the open sea near the ice runway. Not wanting to miss a chance to see those majestic birds, I bundled into my cold weather gear–insulated boots, heavy mittens, five Thermax layers, fleece, three hats, face protection, along with ski goggles–and headed out the door to ride my bicycle over the ice runway.

Yes, there were bicycles at the scientific station for me to ride. I HAD to see those birds no matter what the cold.  I jumped on the bike looking like an over stuffed bear with all my cold weather gear on.  My breath vaporized as I rode toward the ice-covered ocean.  My lungs burned with each inhalation of polar cold.  About a mile around the cove, the setting sun glinted off the roof of the great British polar explorer, Robert Falcon Scott’s Discovery Hut.  He had died 90 years ago on his last attempt to reach the South Pole.  The Hut had stood on the point of McMurdo Sound since 1902.  It gave mute testimony to the courage those men displayed in their polar adventures.  This was a cold, miserable place.  Upon reaching the South Pole in second place behind Admundsen, the crafty dog sledder explorer from Norway, Scott cried out, “Oh God, this is an awful place.”

I rode along a path that led toward the ice pack in the sound.  It’s hard to describe pack-ice, but it’s jumbled-broken ice chards being heaved and smashed into multiple shapes-triangles, domes, squares, tubulars, and wedges–like an Erector Set gone crazy.  However, near the shore, it was reasonably smooth with a thin veneer of snow from the blizzard.

Above me, a gold/purple sky glowed brazenly in its final glory into the crevasses of the Royal Society Range across the sound.  For once, a rare quiet softened the bitter edge of the crystal white desert before me.  One of the glaciers, more than ten miles across at its terminus radiated liquid gold from the setting sun.  Riding along, I nearly tipped over, but soon, I pulled through and gained the edge of the ice.  Even with polar weather gear protecting my body, the numbing cold crept through the air, as if it were trying to find a way into my being.

The bike frame creaked at the cold and the tires made a popping sound on the snow I pedaled over.   The big boots I wore made it hard to keep on the pedals. But I persevered and kept moving forward.

Across the ice, I looked through the sunlight and saw four black figures approaching.  I shaded my eves with my gloved hand.  They drew closer, their bodies back-lit by the sun on the horizon.  It was a family of Emperor penguins.  I dismounted from my bike.   From our survival classes, I learned to sit down so as not to frighten them.  By appearing smaller, they might find me interesting.

Slowly, I lowered myself into the snow, cross-legged, like an Indian chief.  Minute by minute, they waddled closer–straight toward me.  Three big birds, about 80 pounds each kept moving dead-on in my direction.  The smallest followed behind them.

Another minute passed and they were within 30 feet of me.  The lead emperor carried himself like a king.  His silky black head-color swept down the back of his body and through his tail.  A bright crayon yellow/orange streaked along his beak like a Nike logo.

Under his cheek, soft aspirin-white feathers poured downward, glistening in lanolin.  His wings were black on the outside and mixed with black/white on the front.  He stood at least 40 inches tall and his enormous three-toed feet were a gray reptilian roughness with blunted talons sticking out.  He rolled his head, looking at me in a cockeyed fashion, as if I was the strangest creature he’d ever seen.

I don’t know what made me do it, but I slipped my right hand out of the glove and moved it toward him–slowly.  The rest of the penguins closed in closer.  The big guy stuck his beak across the palm of my hand and twisted his head, as if to scratch himself against my skin.  I felt glossy feathers against my hand.  He uttered a muffled coo.  The rest of the penguins cooed.  Their mucus membranes slid like liquid soap over their eyes every few seconds.  I stared back, wanting to say something to them, but realized I could not speak their language.  However, at that moment, we shared a consciousness of living.

My frozen breath vapors hung in the air briefly before descending as crystals toward the ground.  I battled to keep from bursting with excitement.  Within seconds, one of the other penguins pecked my new friend on the rump.  He drew back.  With that he turned and waddled away.  Following the elders, the little one gave one last look at me, as if he too wanted to scratch my hand, but was afraid, and turned with his friends.  As they retreated, their wings spread out, away from their bodies like children trying to catch the wind in their arms.  The baby Emperor was last to go.

My hand turned numb so I stuck it back into the glove.  As I sat there, I remembered once when a hummingbird landed on my finger near a feeder on a cabin porch in the Rocky Mountains–and I remembered the sheer delicacy Nature shared with me that warm spring day.  Here, in this frozen wasteland beyond the borders of my imagination where man does not belong, Nature touched me again today with its pulsing heart and living warmth.  I only hope my species learns as much respect for our fellow travelers as they show toward us.

I stood up, tightened my hood and looked for the penguins.  They vanished.  Only the pack ice rumbled toward the horizon.  I turned to my bike.  It’s hard to believe that two rubber tires laced together with spokes and rims—and attached to a metal frame could carry me from the Amazon Jungle, along the Great Wall of China, across 15,000 foot passes in the Andes, through the scorching Outback of Australia, across Europe, to Death Valley and on to where the bolt goes into the bottom of the globe.  That simple machine lying in the frozen snow had taken me to far-flung places on this planet and it had allowed me magical moments beyond description. That moment with the penguins probably was the best it had ever done by me.  I remounted it and turned toward the base.

The ride back didn’t seem so cold.

In January 2019, my latest book publishes and will be available at Amazon and 1 888 280 7715. It’s highly entertaining for baby boomers and/or anyone who loves adventure: Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age.

My wife Sandi and I wish you and yours a blessed Christmas and may 2019 bring you good health, dear friends and high spirits.  Merry Christmas, Sandi and Frosty

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Why I Love Christmas

Unless we make Christmas an occasion to share our blessings, all the snow in Alaska won’t make it ‘white’. —Bing Crosby

Christmas in Bethlehem. The ancient dream: a cold, clear night made brilliant by a glorious star, the smell of incense, shepherds and wise men falling to their knees in adoration of the sweet baby, the incarnation of perfect love. —Lucinda Franks

My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that? —Bob Hope

I’ve always loved Christmas, for oh so many reasons!  Childhood memories are an amazing blessing to me, and probably something few American children experienced as beautifully as I did with my momma’s family.

Chicago was my home, but my other home was in northern Indiana on my maternal grandparent’s dairy farm.  They lived through the depression and never had extra money, but there was always plenty of food and love for the family and especially the grandchildren.  Being the first grandchild, I was more than blessed.

Christmas in Indiana

At Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas these great aunts and their families all got together for magnificent meals and fun for the children.  They always shared who had the gatherings for these holidays, but Christmas was extra special.

At least 35 to 40 people gathered for Christmas Eve, and the older sisters made all the food.  We would eat and then the children would wait for Santa.  The men would smoke cigars and watch football and the women would play cards.  The children waited for Santa and looked out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of his horse drawn sleigh.  He had a leather string of those heavy bells and would jingle them when he’d arrived and we all knew he was there…the excitement filled the air.

When Santa arrived, he came in with huge red velvet bags loaded with presents.  Those bags were loaded by the family and left at the back door.  Santa really did have a horse drawn sleigh as long as it snowed, and it always seemed to!  He would sit on a chair at the end of the room and pull out the presents and call the names.  Even my grandma had to go get a present from Santa and sit on his lap.

I loved it, and can see the gatherings in my mind’s eye.  This is what this lovely family of mine gave to all of us as memories.  My little daughter experienced the same joy I had felt as a child when Santa arrived, she watched for him at the window, waiting in anticipation.

Here she is as a little one with our Indiana Santa. She couldn’t believe the length of his beard.  She wanted to touch it, but told me she was afraid Santa wouldn’t approve…

Years later, my momma’s cousin told me that she still had the velvet bags for Santa’s gifts and she loved those days as well.

Close to midnight, the entire family left and went to church to honor the birth of our Saviour.

Our Indiana Santa

This wonderful gentleman who did this for so many families for so many years in this small northern Indiana town every Christmas Eve was just magnificent.  I know our family paid him, but believe me, whatever they gave him was worth it.

My cousin Jenny happened to run into Santa one day.  She didn’t know he was our Santa.  He said, “Hello Jenny, I don’t have any presents for you right now.”  Jenny didn’t know what to make of his comment and her look alerted Santa that he needed to explain.  He told her who he was, a dentist in town who loved playing Santa every year for so many families.  Jenny was shocked, and gave him a big hug, and that’s how we all found out who he was.

My momma’s family was large and beautiful and they gave me memories that are still in my mind and carry me through the joyous month of December and the birth of Messiah Jesus.

The Christmas Season

Years ago, I wrote an article entitled, The Christmas Thing.  I always felt that the Holy Spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wrote that article for me.  Even today if I read it, it brings me to tears.  The one story in this article is so telling about our season of joy for Christ’s birth.  Here it is:

“Who Started This Christmas Stuff?”

A woman was out Christmas shopping with her two children. After many hours of looking at row after row of toys and everything else imaginable; and after hours of hearing both her children asking for everything they saw on those many shelves, she finally made it to the elevator with her two kids.

She was feeling what so many feel during the holiday season time of the year – overwhelming pressure to go to every party, every housewarming, taste all the holiday food and treats, getting that perfect gift for every single person on our shopping list, making sure we don’t forget anyone on our card list, and the pressure of making sure we respond to everyone who sent us a card.

Finally, the elevator doors opened, and there was already a crowd in the car. She pushed her way into the car and dragged her two kids in with her and all the bags of stuff. When the doors closed, she couldn’t take it anymore and she stated, “Whoever started this whole Christmas thing should be found, strung up and shot.”

From the back of the car, everyone heard a quiet, calm voice respond, “Don’t worry, we already crucified Him.”

For the rest of the trip down in the elevator, it was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. This year, don’t forget to keep “the One who started this whole Christmas thing” in your every thought, deed and words. If we all did it, just think of how different this whole world would be.

The Real Reason for the Season

Yes, the real reason for the season is that the Messiah, the very Son of God, God himself, came to earth and taught and preached and gave us His Word, and then He willingly went to the cross as the final sacrifice of the perfect lamb of God that takes away our sins.  This is the joy that brings me hope and peace in my heart.  Without knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that very God that my family led me to as a child, I would be lost.

The entire month of December of every single year brings Jesus to the forefront of mankind.  The lights on the trees and on the homes represent the candles on his birthday cake.  The open doors of love represent the care we have as believers for those who are family, friends and folks who we care about.

The Christmas wreath is a never-ending ring, a reminder of eternal love from our Lord and King. The Christmas wreath is a sign of welcome, inviting all to enter in, a reminder of Christ’s invitation for all to come to Him. The middle of a Christmas wreath is a bare and empty space, a reminder of what life would be without Christ’s love and grace. So, each time you see a Christmas wreath hanging from a door, may your heart rejoice in the One that Christmas is truly for!


Why do I love Christmas?  For many reasons, but especially because our Judeo-Christian society is blessed with the knowledge of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the knowledge that God Himself sent his only begotten Son to earth as man and God to be the final and forever sacrifice for our sins.  We are so blessed.

May your Christmas and your celebration of the King of Glory’s birth remain in your heart throughout the year.  Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Syria: Mr. President, You Made The Right Move

The never-ending screeching out in foggy-bottom aka Washington, DC, over how Trump is everything wrong under the sun, got even louder with his announcement last week to withdraw troops from the self-created civil war in Syria.

Let me take you back to two of my columns. First: Democrat Congresswoman Introduces Bill That Must Anger Obama, November 23, 2015 – I know everyone is busy but I ask you to please take time to read that column. The factual information I provided must get out to the American people so they understand the big picture and stop being distracted by BS headlines; anything to fill space on “news” web sites.

“As I have written several times, you and I are being raped in taxes to fund so-called rebels in Syria who want their legally elected president, Assad, thrown out of office. Assad is another bad guy who oddly enough has protected Christians in his country even though he is a Shia muslim.

“Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, and Austin Scott, a Republican, introduced legislation on Friday to end what they called an “illegal war” to overthrow Assad, the leader of Syria accused of killing tens of thousands of Syrian citizens in a more than four-year-old civil war entangled in a battle against IS extremists, also known as ISIS.

“The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria,” Gabbard said. “The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”

“Scott said, “Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be.”

“Publicly, the United States has focused its efforts on fighting IS and urging Assad to step down. But beyond thousands of U.S. airstrikes targeting IS in the region, the CIA began a covert operation in 2013 to arm, fund and train a moderate opposition to Assad. The secret CIA program is the only step the U.S. is taking on Assad militarily.” End of quotes.

“There is the key word: illegally. Something the criminal impostor in the White House and hundreds of Republicans and Democrats in Congress don’t seem to give a damn about. In the case of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, he does what his handlers tell him to do while ignoring any input from high ranking military who are actually in the theater of operations. The brain dead in the U.S. Congress continue to sit back and allow we the people to be raped in more massive unpayable debt to play geopolitical games in pursuit of world government through brute force.”

Remember what Bill Clinton said in Ireland in late August 1998 during a speech in response to a question as to what would he do if removed from office through impeachment: “…You know, by the time you become the leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions.” Probably one of the few times he actually told a truth.

Gabbard supports murdering unborn babies in the womb, supports the myth of marriage between sexual deviants, worked to get slimy socialist Bernie Sanders elected, is an environmental extremist and worships a false God under a religion called Hindu which is her right. (Hindu: One Supreme Reality (Brahman) manifested in many gods and goddesses. Reincarnation based on karma.)

Now, one would think, Devvy, how can you agree with someone so morally bankrupt and obviously a socialist on her way to communism? Because the old saying ‘don’t throw the baby out with the dishwater’ is good advice.

Mrs. Gabbard knows war. She served in a field medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in a real combat zone in Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was later deployed to Kuwait. For her service, Mrs. Gabbard received the Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Army Achievement Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster. My late husband was a retired U.S. Army Colonel (27 years in uniform) who served in Vietnam. I am quite familiar with medals and how they are awarded.

It’s a real shame Mrs. Gabbard fought for this country and took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution yet knows nothing about it, the restrictions placed on Congress and has been seduced by socialist mouth piece scum like Bernie Sanders. But, having been in the theater of operations she has seen the blood shed and does understand why we should never have involved our military in Syria’s internal strife.

Second, and again, please take the time to read it because it contains factual information Americans need to know to fully understand why President Trump is right. States Must Refuse to Take Any More Refugees, September 21, 2015

“The American people need to understand the geopolitical games being played by the US that’s helped feed that years long killing spree. This isn’t the first time, either. The Praetorian Guard – The US Role in the New World Order is a book written by John Stockwell, the highest CIA officer ever to go public. It will sicken you to know how many innocent people you and I have paid for to be slaughtered in foreign countries for ‘regime change’.  Always butting our nose into other countries attempting to take out a particular head of state.

“Bashar al-Assad is the president of Syria. An incident in March 2011 sparked what is referred to as the ‘Arab Spring’ and efforts to throw Assad out of office began the bloodshed. A full time line can be read here.

“By August 2011, the criminal impostor in the White House masquerading as our president said it’s time for Assad to go. What if the president of the People’s Republic of Communist China decided it was time for a U.S. president to go and started throwing money at voters who want that U.S. president out of office. How would that sit with you?

“In September 2014, the Outlaw Congress approved raping we the people unconstitutionally once again to send nearly half a billion BORROWED dollars to meddle in yet another internal conflict causing even more death and destruction. More money to rebels in Syria so their war will continue.

“I hope you will read the articles below because they tell the real story of not only the US running guns from Benghazi to Syrian rebels but US involvement in growing ISIS. This is the reason I believe (as so many do) Comrade Hillary Clinton has fought so hard to hide her emails is because she is responsible for the slaughter of our U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi. I firmly believe she not only knew about the illegal gun running she authorized it. I also believe Johnny Wino Boehner knew and did all he could to cover it up until the pressure became so great he finally authorized a special committee headed up by Trey Gowdy to investigate. The families are still waiting for justice.”

Assad was on the ballot with two other candidates. 98% of the voters said they wanted him as president. Some did not so they bombed 50 different voting locations during the election to keep their own fellow country men and women from voting. After Assad won, it was time to start a civil war and kill and displace as many of their fellow country men and women as possible.

And the killing just keeps on going. War is big business and business is booming – right out of your wallet.

US envoy in ISIS fight resigns in protest of Syria withdrawal: “The Trump administration’s leading ISIS expert announced his resignation Saturday amid an uproar within US defense and diplomatic circles over President Trump’s policy toward Syria and Afghanistan…

“McGurk’s departure came as a result of a “strong disagreement” with Trump over Syria, he said in his resignation letter, according to reports. McGurk said ISIS has not been defeated, contradicting Trump’s claim of victory this week over Islamic State militants in civil-war-ravaged Syria.”

Suddenly Demorats and clueless robots out there are in love with Mattis. I say good riddance as well as any others in support of endless undeclared “wars for peace”: Behind the scenes of the Mattis bombshell: More resignations expected after ‘protest’ exit

Here’s a little bit of reality for McGurk. OUR government, the U.S. government creates and funds terrorist organizations. Again, this is a must read: When Paris Comes to America This Will Happen, November 16, 2015

‘From author Jeri Lynn Ball, a superb writer and thorough researcher who wrote long ago:

“In Stalin’s Russia, notes Mikhail Heller, enemies were blamed for everything; they were used to justify the invasion of Czechoslovakia (1968), the invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, and so on. The Soviet Communists were thus able to manipulate Soviet citizens into supporting government hunts for “terrorists,” “traitors,” and spies, for “liberation wars” for humanity.

“Using Marxist-Leninist strategies, the Russian, Chinese, and U.S. ruling elites have sought to frighten Americans and other populations with the specter of ruthless mass terror. They have created enemies and blamed them for everything including terrorist acts. They have used them to manipulate Americans into supporting government hunts for “traitors,” “terrorists,” and these never ending “wars of national liberation.” Their aim is to manipulate whole populations into supporting “wars of national liberation” and achieving not only the sovietization of “liberated” underdeveloped countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, but also the full altruization and sovietization of the United States and other Western nations.”

“Our government created and groomed “terrorists” like Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. When the time came, “our” government turned the tables and went after them with the might of our military while feeding the masses reprehensible lie after lie after lie…

“Now we come around to home here in the U.S. What did I say in my column, States MUST refuse to take any more refugees, September 21, 2015, citing an article by Seumas Milne, “What’s clear is that Isis and its monstrosities won’t be defeated by the same powers that brought it to Iraq and Syria in the first place, or whose open and covert war-making has fostered it in the years since. Endless western military interventions in the Middle East have brought only destruction and division. It’s the people of the region who can cure this disease – not those who incubated the virus.”

Harvard Research Scholar Explains How America Created Al-Qaeda & The ISIS Terror Group

War Hawk Hillary Armed Jihadist Killers in Syria — Has the Nerve to Lecture Trump on “Empowering ISIS” After He Pulls Troops from Region

Trump: World would be ‘100%’ better with Hussein, Gadhafi in power, October 25, 2015

Three years after Gaddafi, Libya is imploding into chaos and violence

The West is silent as Libya falls into the abyss. World View: In 2011, there was jubilation at Gaddafi’s demise. Not any more: the aftermath of foreign intervention is calamitous and bloody

The train wreck is still the same today thanks to Hildebeast Clinton and the criminal imposter ‘president’, Barack Hussein Obama.

There are many voices very much opposed to Trump pulling our troops out of Syria. Republicans and Demorats alike. They all think we’re stupid and don’t understand the issue and their geopolitical games. Oh, but we do and I pray many more Americans will wake up and understand how they are being manipulated into supporting a one world order. By force. Led and fed by us.

We have been in Afghanistan 16 years. Not by a declaration of war by Congress but by one world government advocates in the White House and Congress. We know American troops have been guarding poppy fields so the heroin can get shipped to the U.S. We know pedophilia is openly practiced in many provinces of Afghanistan and for that American soldiers continue to die.

U.S. soldier in Afghanistan is killed in insider attack, Nov. 3, 2018. Think his family is having a happy Christmas? “KABUL — A U.S. service member was killed and another was wounded in an insider attack Saturday in Kabul, when a member of the Afghan security forces opened fire on them, officials said.”

Our enemies in the Middle East are only our friend when Congress, channeled through the State Department, throw hundreds of billions of dollars stolen from we the people to them in violation of our Constitution. Every damn penny borrowed with the debt slapped on our backs, our children and grand children. Otherwise, we are the infidels.

Trump is right to withdraw from Syria – He should replace US troops with private contractors – WRONG. We the people have already been raped for several TRILLION borrowed dollars for these manufactured, undeclared “wars” in the Middle East since 2003. Contractors have received a massive chunk for what? No. No more borrowed debt and no more American blood spilled.

RIGHT ON POINT: The Foreign Policy Swamp: Why They are Wrong and President Trump Is Right on Syria by Retired Colonel Rob Maness who enlisted in the US Air Force at age 17 as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician.  As an officer, he served on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, survived the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, commanded a B-1 bomber squadron in combat, was Vice Commander of America’s largest airborne intelligence wing, and as a wing commander in nuclear operations.

Turkey says it will take over fight against IS after U.S. pull-out – Remains to be seen but it’s in their part of the world so let them go after the savages.

I want to make a comment about the partial shut down of the criminal enterprise out in DC called “the government”. While Mitch McConnell scratches his butt and maggot, Chuckie Schumer screeches from his about “No wall ever”, EVERYDAY AN AVERAGE OF 12 AMERICANS ARE MURDERED OR KILLED (DRUNK DRIVERS) IN THIS COUNTRY BY ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Mitch McConnell Rejects Trump Call for ‘Nuclear Option’ to Fund the Wall

While these piles of dung posture for politics about building the damn wall, a dozen Americans die every day. Their families devastated – especially at Thanksgiving and now at Christmas. All so Demorats can puff their dirty feathers for votes and GOP Trump haters in the Senate can say they stood up to him.

The words and actions of dogs like dementia addled Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie and GOP Trump haters in Congress are reprehensible and cannot be defended. To refuse the money for a border wall by Demorats and GOP POS in the Senate to make OUR country safer and stop at least some of the terrorists from crossing over as well as heroin and cocaine, is gross negligence.

Voters: In two years I hope to Hell you remember who stood for border security in Congress (not a single Demorat in the House voted to fund the wall) and who stood for giving a free pass for more murderers to kill a dozen Americans a day.

Of course, it’s not their wife, husband, brother, sister, niece or nephew that gets robbed, raped, obliterated by some drunk illegal behind the wheel of a car or a killer. Oh, no. It’s average Americans who lose a loved one over politics and power.

Let’s not forget the mindless zombies working so hard to destroy our country. A mentally ill person (so-called transgender) who started this should warn donors: The wall is federal property on federal land or ground controlled by the federal government. Think the feds and military guarding those walls are going to allow ladders slapped up against them to allow illegals to simply climb over?

Fundraiser for ladders counters border-wall campaign  – $100,000 raised compared to $13 million for Trump’s barrier

Put your ladder up against that. I hope the edges are razor sharp like the arrows I used to use with my Black Knight compound bow:

I want to wish each of you and yours a safe and blessed Christmas tomorrow. As usual, I’m spending it alone with my doggies just like so many other widows, widowers and those who don’t have family nearby. But, I am blessed with a roof over my head unlike the tens of thousands left homeless from hurricanes, fires and other disasters in their lives.

Please take about 5 minutes to watch this absolutely spectacular video of Silent Night. Turn up your speakers; she has the voice of an angel. You won’t be sorry. Be sure to click on the square box right hand side for full screen. I just LOVE that video.

God’s blessings as the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Additional Links:

Choosing National Suicide, Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D., November 22, 2015

He’s absolutely right: Exclusive–Louie Gohmert: GOP ‘Going to Lose’ Every Election if Border Wall Not Funded

He is also absolutely right: Brandon Judd: ‘Father Should Be Held Responsible for the Death’ of Migrant Girl

I believe I’ve said in this my columns for the past two years. The Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard are already on the payroll. Forget outside contractors charging billions. Materials, food and lodging for the troops and save we the taxayers a ton of money: Trump threatens to have military build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer won’t budge

EXCLUSIVE: Read the Vile Hate Mail Sent to Triple Amputee Veteran Behind #GoFundTheWall, Encouraged by Liberal Media and Celebrities – None of them get a penny of my money. I don’t need their movies, music or hatred of all that is America.

Illegal Alien Convicted of Sexually Abusing His Underage Daughters (Alabama)

No problem coming in to steal jobs that belong to Americans: Establishment Media Admit Caravan Migrants Looking for Jobs, Not Asylum

This is what Demorats in Congress, Hollywood whores and RINOs who refuse to vote for funding the walls want to keep protecting:

Honduran Murderer in Migrant Caravan Caught Illegally Crossing into U.S.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien, with Two Anchor Babies, Gets 25 Years for Raping Deaf Woman

Illegal Alien Gets 12 Years in Prison for Sexually Abusing 6-Year-Old Girl

Texas AG Files Sanctuary City Lawsuit Against San Antonio Police Chief

THIS is what Demorats and Trump haters in Congress want to protect. Why in God’s name would we want to import this into OUR country by illegals:

“Migrants who came with the caravan are suffering from respiratory infections, tuberculosis, chickenpox and other serious health issues, Tijuana’s Health Department warned on Thursday morning.

“The spokesman told Fox News that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues. There are three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS and four separate cases of chickenpox, the spokesman said.

“At least 101 migrants have lice and multiple instances of skin infections, the department’s data shows.”

They are NOT migrants, they are illegal aliens: Border Patrol Chief: ‘Not a Single Migrant Climbed Over the New Border Wall’

Come to suck off your wallet: 450 Central American Migrants Apprehended at AZ Border in 48 Hours

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Remembering Our WWII Parents At Christmas Time

The parents of us baby-boomers truly are a great generation. They grew up early, taking on adult responsibilities. Our parents did whatever needed to be done rather than whatever they wanted to do. They won World War II.

One of the great things my black American parents gave me was options which permitted me to select what I wanted to be when I grew up. My parents supported my desire to become a professional artist. Receiving numerous scholarships, I attended the Maryland Institute College of Art and landed a job as a graphic designer at WJZ-TV ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore.

In sharp contrast with mine, Mom’s childhood was horrific. When she was a little girl, her father was accidentally killed and her mother became an alcoholic. Many times Mom and her sister were left alone to raise and fend for themselves. Mom was bright and talented. She told me about the time she was beautifully dressed to apply for a job as a sales clerk at downtown Baltimore’s Hochschild Kohn’s and Hecht’s department stores. Mom said she was offered a job in the kitchen. Mom said it was because of her dark complexion. Though she did not say it. I could tell it hurt Mom deeply.

Never experiencing the racism Mom endured, I thought she had an irrational fear of white people. My sister excitedly wanted to show Mom the new home she purchased in an integrated development. When Mom realized the house was in a cul de sac, she panicked and demanded to be taken home. Mom feared if my sister’s white neighbors attacked, there was only one way out. Mom felt extremely uncomfortable going to integrated restaurants and theaters.

Dad was quite the opposite. Whenever a door opened for blacks, Dad ran through it. I was a little kid when the “Town” movie theater in Baltimore opened to blacks. Dad took me there to see the “Ten Commandments” with Charlton Heston.

Dad worked as a laborer until the door opened for blacks to take the civil service test to become Baltimore City firefighters. Despite outrageously racist working conditions, Dad thrived in the fire department winning “Firefighter of the Year” two times. At 29 years old, Dad was fathering his four kids and served as a surrogate father to my envious five boy cousins born out-of-wedlock. That’s a lot of responsibility for such a young man. I don’t think Dad was particularly unique. Americans seemed to mature earlier back then.

My wife Mary’s white parents were also hardworking, responsible and resourceful at young ages. Their family was two parents and four children. And yet, Mary remembers washing dishes for 11 people. Her parents took in family and friends who were in a financial jam. Mary’s amazing mom always made it work; extending the food and making everyone comfortable. Mary’s mom said everyone lived with them as many as 17 people. This was the character of the World War II generation.

Mary and I marvel over the fact that though our parents were not rich, neither of us ever felt deprived at Christmas. How on earth did they pull that off? We both have cherished Christmas memories.

Compared to our parents, we baby-boomers have had it pretty easy. We are the me, me, me – all about me generation. Not having to be concerned with survival issues like our parents, baby-boomers were free to be self-focused, rebelling against traditional morals, principles and values. This birthed the counterculture hippie movement.

Gifted with scholarships, in the late 1960s, I was among a handful of black students at the Maryland Institute College of Art. Most of my fellow students were white from well-to-do families. The rich white students ranted about the awfulness of America while expressing disdain for their traditional minded wealthy parents. These spoiled brats eventually took over public education and continue poisoning our youths against our country today.

Black Panther activists came to the Maryland Institute to rally us black students. Wearing black leather jackets and berets, the Panthers angrily demanded to meet with the college administrators to discuss our demands. The administrators complied.

I was clueless as to what I was suppose to be angry about. I was there on scholarships awarded to me by white men; a senator, a governor and Baltimore Mayor William Donald Schaefer. All my professors/instructors were excellent and supportive. Because Maryland Institute attracted talented art students from around the world, I was competing on a high level. Life was good. And yet, I joined my fellow black students in viewing the college’s administrators as enemies because I thought it was the black thing to do.

I see the same irrational and erroneous thinking in young blacks today; embracing the false rhetoric of the openly hate-group Black Lives Matter. Mega-millionaire American black actors and athletes who are living extraordinary lives are running around spewing hatred for America, claiming it is a hellhole of racism and social injustice against blacks. I scratch my head hearing millennial blacks in my family rant about America’s rabid racism. Folks, these young blacks have not experienced an ounce of real racism in their lives. Anti-America leftists have taught them that hating America is the black thing to do.

Old counterculture baby-boomers, black and white, have dominated public education for decades. Consequently, our kids see racism, social injustice and the awfulness of America everywhere.

The dirty little secret is even when liberals (old hippies) rant about America’s cruelty to the poor, illegals, women, blacks, gays and so on, it is still really all about them – making themselves feel good and superior. Whenever conservatives offer real commonsense solutions to the so-called wrongs liberals claim to want to fix, liberals always reject their ideas.

World War II generation blacks and whites marched, suffered and died for blacks to be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Sadly, younger Americans believe hiring to achieve racial and gender balance is more important than character and qualifications.

My white baby-boomer friend Peggy told me a great Christmas story from her childhood. Every Christmas her father took their family to dinner at their favorite restaurant. On one occasion, a black couple was seated in the corner. After seating Peggy’s family and returning with drinks, the waitress began taking their food order. Peggy’s dad noticed that the black couple was there before them and had not been served. The waitress said she seated them but had no intention to serve them. She and management hoped the couple would leave. Peggy’s dad expressed his disapproval, removed his family and they never went back. Peggy said that incident impacted her greatly. It taught her to respect all people.

Peggy’s dad is gone. My wife Mary’s dad is gone. My mom and dad are gone. Our parents were members of the great World War II generation – a time when manliness was considered a good thing and women realized the power of their femininity.

My grown up Christmas wish is for more young Americans to realize the greatness of their World War II grandparents and great grandparents – embracing traditional principles and values which bring stability. I am seeing signs of my wish coming true. Traditional marriage is making a comeback among millennials.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year!

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

Is Life So Dear?

The title of this article is most remembered from a speech given by Patrick Henry in Richmond, Virginia on March 20, 1775 at St. John’s church where they were holding the second Virginia Convention.  Although many may still remember this famous quote from a staunch Christian who, by the way, would not endorse the Constitution, nor attend the Constitutional Convention, because he knew that the document would eventually be the downfall of America and obviously, he has been proven right.  Very few, if any, truly understand the depth and meaning of these famous words.  That, too, is very obvious!  If Americans could comprehend Henry’s heartfelt commitment, our nation would not be the God hating, reprobate nation it is today!

Please bear with me as I lay the foundation for the point I would like to make in this article.  Most won’t understand what is written, simply because they either are not born again Christians, or are still too immature in Christ and His Word to comprehend The Message.  While I am certain that many will probably be offended at the statement just made, it is only further proof of their immaturity.  Move on with me now, if you want.

The generation of Patrick Henry’s time overall, whether Christian or not, still had instilled in their minds that basic moral laws must be maintained and upheld!  If anyone dared defile and break the basic moral code that was expected and demanded to be lived by, and that governed society, their punishment was swift and severe.  This fact is the reason that God Almighty allowed this generation to throw off the chains of tyranny!  And the lack of this biblical moral foundation in America today is the reason why He will not allow the same in this generation!

Although we hear all around us the cry for liberty and freedom, it has become nothing but “damned” foolishness! (Ps. 14:1)  Americans have become so brutish, (stupid), and arrogant, that they have “deliberately” forgotten that a people who will not govern themselves by the basic moral concepts taught in God’s Word, and that unbridled, immoral “freedom” can only cause a complete deterioration of their society!  And inevitably they find themselves in complete and total slavery, spiritually, mentally and physically!

For many years I have heard hoards of well intentioned people who call themselves patriots, calling for a return and adherence to the documents written by some of our Founders.  Namely, the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the original U.S. Constitution.  Folks, no matter how well written, factual and accurate all of these writings and documents were, they are completely and surely inadequate and non-applicable for America today!  They simply are not adequate in and of themselves to produce or maintain a free society.  The desire and demand to return to, trust in, and memorize these writing can, and now have even become an idolatrous concept and endeavor.  Quite frankly folks, to even suggest, encourage and promote the idea that any manmade ideals, documents, or systems of any type, without acknowledging the necessity of the moral standards of God’s Word as the foundation to build on, is remarkably arrogant, stupid and  simply insane!

When men of great Godly, moral character such as Patrick Henry, made a plea for freedom and liberty, they understood that true liberty and freedom could only be maintained by a people willing to “govern” themselves with God’s righteous laws written in their hearts.  For people of such moral character needed no manmade law system to govern them.  They were “self” governing.  External laws are just needed for wicked men. (I Tim. 1:9)  In addition, to be worthy of true liberty through God’s teachings, they simply would not tolerate an “unrighteous” government!  As Samuel Adams said, “While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”  Mr. Adams summed up, in one sentence, the reason why Americans are now enslaved and loving more freedoms every day.  What’s even worse is the fact that most Americans still believe they are a free people!  As Goethe said, “none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”!

American cannot, and will not be healed and blessed with her former greatness without the “goodness” that once was the common thread of righteous morality, judgment and justice that held man’s sinful nature in check.

You see folks, as Alexis Detocqueville said, concerning this in his “fact finding” trip to America,

“I sought for the key to the greatness and genius of America in her harbors…; in her fertile fields and boundless forests; in her rich mines and vast world commerce; in her public school system and institutions of learning.  I sought for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution.

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits FLAME with RIGHTEOUSNESS did I understand the secret of her genius and power.

America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, American will cease to be great.”

As I said in the beginning of this article concerning Patrick Henry’s quote, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?”, the answer to the above quote for most Americans is “yes”!  Life is far too dear to give up today!  An immoral people becomes self centered, selfish, soft, lazy and unconcerned for what happens to others, such as 140,000,000 murdered children, that preserving their temporary welfare in this world is far more important than sacrificing themselves for anyone else, including The God Who created them!  S.I.N.=Self Indulgent Narcissist!

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn stated, “Survival is not the be-all and end-all of a life worthy of man.  Sometimes, the worst thing that we can know about a man is that he survived.  Those who say that life is worth living at any cost, have already written for themselves an epitaph of infancy, for there is no cause and no person that they will not betray to stay alive.”

In closing, I will make one final statement to upset more folks.  Patriotism, voting, rioting, rallying, meetings and “church revivals” without true, genuine, heart rendering repentance, there simply is no hope or help for America!  We need to quit kidding ourselves!

In Christ’s service,

© 2018 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part3

What is disgusting to me is the hatred our schools have for our freedoms of speech, freedom of religion and most of our other freedoms.  When they are supposed to teach them, they oppose them and act like they don’t even exist.  Students who are patriotic and want to where a shirt with an American flag have been required to turn the shirt inside out or be sent home.  The reason will make you want to pull your hair out.  They can’t where the shirt because if might offend a student that is here illegally!  A federal court ruled Thursday that a northern California high school did not violate the constitutional rights of its students when school officials made them turn their American flag T-shirts inside out on Cinco de Mayo or be sent home due to fears of racial violence.

The three-judge panel unanimously decided the officials’ need to protect the safety of their students outweighed the students’ freedom of expression rights.

Administrators at Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, feared the American-flag shirts would enflame Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday, and ordered the students to either turn the shirts inside out or go home for the day.

The school had a history of problems between white and Latino students on that day, and also had a documented history of violence between gang members and between racial groups. The court said these past problems gave school officials sufficient and justifiable reasons for their actions and that schools have wide latitude in curbing certain civil rights to ensure campus safety.[1] I will have to say that if there is a problem, then address the reason for the problem, the illegals!  This is America, but our courts tell us that we can’t defend our country, we can’t be proud of our country because it might offend someone here illegally.  Keep in mind that the 9th Circus Court is overturned 79% of the time.  But the children are told they can’t be patriotic.  That is not the America I grew up in.

In another instance a student, during ‘Spirit Week’, wore a republican tee shirt and was told that he had to turn it inside out or go home.  These things seem to happen to the conservative leaning students but not liberals.  The student and his mother looked up the school dress code, but did not find any prohibitions on political logos.

In fact, the school does not restrict students from wearing political symbols to school, although clothing considered “obscene, profane, suggestive or derogatory to others” is forbidden. School employees, however, are forbidden from wearing clothes with political messages to school.

After the student’s mother inquired about the incident, the school acknowledged that the shirt did not violate the school dress code and issued an apology.

A spokesperson for the Duval County Public School District claimed that the school employee who said that the shirt violated the dress code was confused about the variance in rules for students and school staff.[2]  I don’t believe this lame excuse. I believe that the school employee was simply anti-Republican.

Now we are having heroes of our nation being degraded because of a fear or war on masculinity.  For nearly two centuries, Texans have invoked the line “remember the Alamo” to commemorate those brave men who fought and died attempting to defend their fort and make a stand for Texas’s independence against a much larger Mexican army. Now an advisory committee to the State Board of Education in Texas is recommending that the word “heroic” be dropped from the official state-approved history curriculum describing the men who participated in this historic battle arguing that it is “a value charged word.”

The advisory committee is composed of educators and historians and has been charged with revising and streamlining the state’s history curriculum. The proposed change would be made to the seventh grade history standards, since Texas schoolchildren study the history of their state in seventh grade.

The current state history standards expect students to be able to:

“Explain the issues surrounding significant events of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of Gonzales, William B. Travis’s letter “To the People of Texas and All Americans in the World,” the siege of the Alamo and all the heroic defenders who gave their lives there, the Constitutional Convention of 1836, Fannin’s surrender at Goliad, and the Battle of San Jacinto.”

If the advisory committee has their way, the phrase “heroic defenders” will be eliminated. [3]

Even colleges get into this wimpy point of view that ‘male supremacy’ is a bad thing.  An all-male a cappella choir has stopped singing a popular song from “Disney’s The Little Mermaid” after some students at the Ivy League school said it promotes “toxic masculinity.”

For years, the Princeton University Tigertones group sang “Kiss the Girl” as part of a performance that included selecting a man and woman from the audience to dance before ultimately enticing them to kiss.

In an editorial last month in the school’s Daily Princetonian, Noa Wollstein said the song and on-stage performance is “more misogynistic and dismissive of consent than cute.”

The song, part of the iconic 1989 animated film, is performed by anthropomorphic crab Sebastian. In the film, Sebastian encourages Prince Eric to make a move on Ariel, who had lost her voice due to a spell by Ursula.

Wollstein wrote that kissing Ariel without verbal consent “comes across as even more jarring.” [4] The liberals want everybody to be as feminized as they are.  They don’t like a strong character in anyone.

We must do all we can to put morality back in out classrooms.  There are schools that use drag queens to teach gender ideology.  The problem with that is there are two genders, male, female.  That’s it.  Any other ‘gender’ is nothing more than figment of someone’s imagination.  K-12 schools are bringing drag queens into the classroom to teach gender ideology, a Thursday video revealed.

Teachers are praising “Drag Queen Story Hour,” according to a clip released by videographer Sean Fitzgerald and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The program “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.”

Maurice Sendak Community School, a public school located in Brooklyn, New York, hosted a drag queen and first grade teacher Alexis Hernandez marveled at the event in a testimonial published on Drag Queen Story Hour’s website.

“Drag Queen Story Hour gave my first graders a fun and interactive platform to talk and think about social and emotional issues like acceptance, being yourself, and loving who you are,” Hernandez said.[5]

We have teachers that demand that their political views override and be embraced by the students.[6] Religious views of teachers and professors are also demanded to be embraced by students no matter the religious views of the student.[7], [8], [9]  But now a moral teacher that refuses to be politically correct, could lose his job because he refuses to call a girl by a male pronoun.  When French teacher Peter Vlaming refused to use a male pronoun for a female student, administrators gave him a choice: lie or lose your job.

Playing pretend used to be for kids. Now, it’s a condition of employment! For Vlaming, whose story shows just how far off the rails society is, started getting national attention this week ahead of his hearing. Like a lot of professionals, Vlaming knew the debate over these transgender issues was fierce. What he didn’t know is that one day it could decide his career.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what’s happening to the popular teacher, who was put on administrative leave in Virginia after a biological girl asked him to use male pronouns when he addressed her.[10]

The problems we have in our schools have been decades in the making.  It will take more than one or two presidential terms to fix.  But if we don’t start, we will never make any changes and America will be lost before those allowing it to happen even know that it happened.  The ball is in our court.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Court rules schools can ban American flag shirts to avoid racial strife
  2. Middle school student ordered to turn GOP shirt inside out
  3. Texas curriculum committee rejects description of Alamo defenders as heroic
  4. College singing group removes little mermaid song after concerns raised over consent
  5. K-12 schools bringing in drag queens to teach gender ideology
  6. Oregon school sued after refusing to allow student to wear pro Trump T shirt in class
  7. Honors student accuses school of sabotaging grades and scholarship applications over religion
  8. Student sues school district over punishment expressing his religious views
  9. Student sues Wisconsin school after getting a zero for religious drawing
  10. https://www.frc.org/get.cfm?i=WA18L10&f=WU18L04

Where Do Students Learn To Hate America?

No baby comes out of the womb a racist or hater.  Hate is an emotion. Emotions must be learned someplace. Either parents teach their children to hate or it is coming from school reinforced by media and Hollywood. How do you get children to hate, just feed them plenty of hate filled adjectives. Children will remember the “Orange Haired” President, the “racist president, dictator president.”  They remember the worst president, who hates minorities and stops them from entering America…illegally.”  Although illegally is never used.  Re-defining words to suit a hate filled agenda is the goal of school.

This week I took a step back and reviewed what the Obama legacy left for President Trump and America.  Obama called for the TRANSFORMATION of AMERICA. What exactly did that mean? To transform something means you must destroy its current status. Obama’s battle cry left me with a question…why are Americans so ready to give up the American way of life which has brought so much greatness to America and humanity?  Why do so many Americans demonize anyone who disagrees?

Would you be surprised to learn that students learn to hate America in school and it is reinforced by the media and Hollywood? Students learn that humans especially Americans are responsible for all of the bad in the world especially the environment. They are taught that the people supporting American values are evil. “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations

Are Americans ready to give up their life, liberty and personal property?  70-78% of the population aren’t. So why is this happening? Why are we so divided and full of hate?

School starts the hate train. Hate, the emotion is reinforced by our vocabulary which has been altered.  Words may sound the same but definitions are altered to meet the needs of each specific group. This is identity politics and along with political correctness (censorship), makes communication/conversation almost impossible.  Example: The right loves the Constitution of individual rights and limited governmental powers.  The right teaches the constitution as the bedrock of society one set of rule for ALL. The left teaches the constitution is “living” and can be altered at any time for any group.  Attorney’s no longer learn or read the constitution.  They only case law which is altered to fit a case. How can one document provide opposing viewpoints?  In school, leftist teachers teach only the con side. There is no balance. Opposition will get the teacher fired or the child expelled.

Where is all this hate coming from?  Hate is an emotion which must be learned. No one is born with the desire to hate, yet here we are hating each other and allowing 535 people in Congress, in the CFR, the IMF, the UN, Club of Rome, the media and Hollywood to determine who and what we should hate.  We watch, as they hype words in meaningless comments all designed to boil our blood while creating mobs.  Mobs create fear which gets the New World Order (NWO) Globalists power to control 300 million people.  How? We are now trained to give up more rights to make the pain go away. After Parkland, which was created due to government breakdown, we were told it is the fault of the gun.  Hate the NRA. It is their fault.  When we give up our guns, the government can stop the hate. We must give them the power.  After all, they are richer, smarter and more powerful and must make all of the decisions to control every aspect of our lives.

Would you believe the majority of Americans really want the same things and don’t hate anyone? Hate addresses about 10% the population. However as students learn they are victims, envy, fear, jealousy and hate surfaces. Students have no way to express questions or opposition.  They learn that opposition is evil and should be hated.    Students leave school with reading deficits, and are mediocre, lack innovation, curiosity, common sense logic and the ability to reason. Instant gratification is their demand.  Their thoughts and action must turn to something to keep them occupied, so they learn: hate, envy, destroy.  The media hypes HATE, providing the personal attention students crave. They learn that this attention gets more attention as they watch their numbers grow…. This is the plan:  Create a society of hate. Stimulate hate to create riots and destruction. Call in the government to make hate go away. Start all of this hatred in school. Can this be stopped?

Let’s understand first up that this political game is about POWER, not service to country, environment, children, education, animals, health or humanity etc.  It is all about power. Globalists want it. You are in the way because the only way to get power from you is if you give it to them. So let’s not give it to them, simple.  Wrong, nothing in life is simple. We allow these massive lies and manipulation to focus on hate so much so we stop paying attention to the real threat, the destruction of American values.

In order to stop HATE, we must accept the premise, everything happens for a reason and every action has a consequence.  Why are students taught to hate?  Hate is the chosen emotion eliciting the fastest negative response while promoting divide and conquer. Once the nation is divided, conversation is minimal, trust is gone. If family and church are demonized where do the students go to form relationships?  Why on line with other haters. They feed off each other.  Confused students with broken value systems make them the low hanging fruit easy for another group to come in and feed hate and envy then turn little heads from a loving family, church, country to one of hate and envy.  To be accepted (which is all most people want) you belong to a group. You must pick up the mantra of the group.  Your loving comes from the group who hates all those not following their cause in their group.

When I was a child my parents took me to see the play South Pacific.  This song stuck with me, called: You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught.

You’ve got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

Our schools follow this song to the letter.

Again I ask:  Is America worth saving? If yes what are our doing to help “save” America?  It is up to us. Will you stop the teaching of Hate in school? POTUS gave us the opportunity to control our state curricula but if we leave it to the present crowd, we will get more HATE.  This is our chance to make a difference.

Will you go to floridacitizensalliance.com and sign up to become a textbook reviewer?

Will you go to your school board and expose the texts full of hatred?  Will you correct your children, friends, family and neighbors?

Remember: Either you are a victim or an activist. You can’t be both. Slavery or Freedom?  The choice is yours.

© 2018 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

The LGBTQ Hart Attack Is A Good Thing

I am not suggesting that we should experience schadenfreude (feel pleasure from witnessing someone’s troubles, failures or humiliation). However, LGBTQ enforcers viciously seeking to destroy the career of comedian/actor Kevin Hart for tweets he made 9 years ago is encouraging. Finally, even leftists are beginning to see the take-no-prisoners intolerance and bullying LGBTQ enforcers have been applying to everyone who does not celebrate their lifestyle.

Many of us have been sounding the alarm for years that LGBTQ enforcers are relentlessly targeting Christian businesses for destruction; solely for the purpose of forcing Christians to betray their God by bending a knee in worship of leftists’ god of debauchery.

German pastor Martin Niemofller was imprisoned in Dachau concentration camp from 1941-1945. In his famous poem, Niemofller laments that when they came for the Communists, Socialists, Trade Unionists and Jews he did not speak out because he was none of these. Niemofller wrote, “And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out.”

Not only did leftists not speak out against LGBTQ bullying, they cheered when LGBTQ bullies came for Sweet Cakes by Melissa. The Christian bakery happily served their lesbian customer for several years. When she asked them to bake a cake for her lesbian wedding, the owners said to do so would betray their faith. The husband and wife bakery owners with five kids were driven out of business.

Well now, LGBTQ enforcers have come for Kevin Hart who many leftists consider one of their own.

Leftist Snoop Dogg who shot president Trump in the head in his music video passionately expressed his support for Hart.  Several leftist celebs are expressing their support for Hart. As I stated, the good news for America in the Hart attacks is leftists are waking up and smelling the tyranny coming from their side of the political aisle by LGBTQ enforcers.

“The Devil’s greatest achievement is convincing people that he does not exist.” LGBTQ enforcers’ greatest achievement and deception is convincing people they are the victims and we, mainstream Americans, are the aggressors.

Kevin Hart was scheduled to host the Oscars. In a video, Hart said, “I swear man, our world is becoming beyond crazy. My team calls me, Oh my God Kevin. The world is upset about tweets you did years ago. Oh my God.” LGBTQ enforcers deemed Hart’s nine-year-old tweets anti-homosexual.

Hart received a call from the Academy telling him to apologize again for his old tweets or be replaced as host of the Oscars. Hart said he has repeatedly addressed the issue and acknowledged the rights and wrongs. Hart said he has evolved since making the tweets years ago. Hart said to apologize again for something so far in the past would be a step backwards rather than moving forward. Therefore, he chose to pass on hosting the Oscars.

The American left’s response was mixed. Many rallied behind Hart. Others were furious over Hart refusing to apologize, calling him defiant. Leftist Kathy Griffin disturbed millions with her photo in which she held a bloody severed head of president Trump.  In response to Hart refusing to apologize again, Griffin said, “F*** him”.

Hart did not realize that LGBTQ enforcers have zero-tolerance for anyone who does not fully embrace the lifestyle. Anyone who dares to dis the LGBTQ lifestyle in the slightest must fall on their face and beg forgiveness or suffer complete personal destruction.

Many Americans believe the LGBTQ community is 23% or more of the population. The truth is, they are 3.4 percent.

Witnessing LGBTQ enforcers’ relentless media assault on Hart and their efforts to destroy him, I could not help thinking, “Welcome to our world, Mr Hart.” This is the tyrannical assault on free speech Americans face everyday by the LGBTQ thought police. Again, I take no pleasure in seeing Mr Hart suffer.

It was stunning to hear even extreme leftist Joy Behar and leftist women on The View say the attack on Hart puts all comedians at risk  Numerous other high-profile leftist voices are speaking out in agreement.

Folks, LGBTQ enforcers attacking Hart is a real eye-opener for many Americans – a small victory in the war between totalitarian political correctness and constitutional free speech.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:
http://Lloyd Marcus.com

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

The Democrats Stick It To Trump On Border Security

Speaker Pelosi and other sell out politicians are running around in Christmas glee as they celebrate the push back, no votes and border ill will they have thrown at President Trump non-stop.  The Dems long ago built the wall against America, its safety, law and reason.  Naturally they think they have won and evil Trump has lost.  What a beautiful Christmas for them all as Americans continue to be targeted, attacked and die at the hands of illegal aliens – foreign invaders.   Who cares about that fall out though when millions of illegal aliens can illegally vote while the Dems look the other way.  It is all about their rights you know.

As Pelosi and other liberal leadership laugh at Trump not getting the wall funded through Congress, he just laughs even louder as he targets funds in other areas, including the military.  It is a national security issue and the country knows it.  That is a big reason why Trump was elected because he knew it was about our safety, protection and economy not about politics.   Americans have been long sick of Politicians wasting their time by doing nothing but lying, playing political power games and protecting their pathetic careers.

I strongly predict that votes or no votes from Congress, the wall is going up on the border with the billions Trump needs found legally elsewhere.  We will see the drug, gang and terrorist flow stop and most sadly for the Dems the illegal alien vote count will all but disappear.

Laugh out loud Pelosi and the Dems.  That is all you have is your empty hackles.

Trump and America will continue to win.

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E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Gen. Flynn Is Not A Traitor To The United States: Intelligence Expert

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Down to the very end, and then into overtime, the Spiritual Warfare within the — what many claim is a God forsaken city — nation’s capital continues, according to a report by intelligence expert Dr. Lyle Rapacki on Wednesday.

The owner of Sentinel Intelligence Service, LLC, Rapacki  believes that is exactly what is taking place in front of an entire nation to see, but sadly, they are missing. A number of observers from the military, intelligence community and law enforcement blame citizen apathy coupled with false reporting — or no reporting — by the Deep State sycophants operating the nation’s news-information consortium.

Quite literally, supporters of Lt. Gen. (Ret) Mike Flynn, including Dr. Rapacki, say Flynn  — who possesses a record of achievement that includes greatly improving the U.S. intelligence and counterintelligence capability —  is “No Traitor to His Country!”

“What makes my nostrils flare is the media repeating the unconfirmed and unproven accusations against American patriots by the Democrats and their media cohorts. These are the same people who’ve called the U.S. military detention centers ‘gulags’ (Sen. Dick Durbin), called U.S. Marines at Gitmo’s terrorist jails Nazis (Rep. John Conyers), smeared the U.S. Border Patrol agents by calling them Gestapo (Rep. Luis Gutierrez), and called Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers stormtroopers (Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi),” said former U.S. Marine and police detective Michael D. Snopes.

What appears to be unseemly at best, utterly dishonest at worst is a judge sitting on the federal bench scolding a top military officer and using the same vitriol used by the Democrats and members of the Deep State.

According to Dr. Rapacki, “This judge [Emmet Sullivan] is a traitor to the Rule of Law if anything.  No evidence presented should have [forced] Gen. Flynn to even appear before the bench, much less have a jurist from the bench say what he did.”

Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok – Interview of Michael Flynn – Redacted FD 302

“No wonder the judge ordered a recess…he had to figure out now what to say and how to say it to walk back his asinine statement on the record; not to mention the record reflects this judge was so confused as to what case was before him, and the content therein, he made statements demonstrating he was unclear to the facts and particulars of the case before him,” Rapacki noted.

Rapacki added: “Gen. Flynn should have been set free to begin rebuilding his life, and that of his incredibly courageous and loyal wife, Lori.  Mueller and company should have faced the tirade of this confused jurist – not Mike Flynn!”

“So…in March the circus appears once again before this court.  I pray between now and then this judge actually reads the case, and gets a judicial consultant to help him navigate the legal language for a directed dismissal of the case!!  Court Adjourn!!” said Dr. Rapacki.

Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok – Interview of Michael Flynn – Redacted FD 302

Click Here to See Transcript of Flynn Sentencing Hearing

Click Here to Read Flynn Interview by FBI 

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Justice And The Rule Of Law No Longer Exists In America

Judge Sullivan was confused, abusive, careless and unfamiliar with the case. The hearing was a disgrace and an assault on an American hero. But some place the blame where it is due – the Mueller gang of Democrat thugs. — Gateway Pundit

When good government is accused and exposed, it repents. When evil government is accused, it uses its full power to destroy its justified accuser.” — Grant Seim

Be not intimidated…nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.” — John Adams.

General Michael Flynn’s recent sentencing hearing in front of Judge Emmet Sullivan was a total fiasco.  Judge Sullivan damaged his own reputation with an extraordinary public attack on the former national security adviser for a crime he’s never been charged with.  What a disgrace this psychotic 1994 Clinton appointed Judge made of himself.

Judge Sullivan obviously has not heard what former Director of the FBI, James Comey admitted on MSNBC. Comey said he took advantage of the neophyte Trump White House and its staff, and sent the agents to interview Flynn. “I thought: It’s early enough, let’s just send a couple guys over.”  Comey bragged that this was “something I probably wouldn’t have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized administration.”

The day after General Flynn’s hearing, Washington Federal Judge Sullivan declared unlawful a set of new restrictions the Trump administration imposed on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. on the basis of domestic violence and fear of gangs. Sullivan actually ordered deported asylum seekers to be returned to the U.S. in a Trump administration rebuke.  Link

Sullivan’s Attack

During General Flynn’s hearing, Judge Sullivan repeatedly asked the General if he wanted to change his plea to not guilty.  Sullivan said he was prepared to have the General change his plea or even ask for a dismissal of the charges.  The General answered, “No” every time.  Sullivan posed the question because the General’s attorney, Mr. Kelner, had exposed in a memorandum that former Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe had suggested to Flynn during a phone conversation that he didn’t need a lawyer present during his initial interview with the bureau.  Link

The Judge then seemed to lose his cool.

“I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain for your criminal offense,” Sullivan told Flynn. “Arguably, you sold your country out. … In the White House! In the West Wing!  All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Adviser to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for,” said the judge. He also used the words “treason” and “treasonous,” but later walked back his statement.

Robert Mueller has never charged the General with any treasonous act, and with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) even though Michael Flynn did represent the government of Turkey before he joined the Trump Administration.  The judge berated the defendant for crimes he never committed and in doing so spread false information.

Sullivan attacked one of America’s most beloved veterans, and he made a total fool out of himself calling General Flynn treasonous.  Not only was this an egregious affront to Michael Flynn who gave 33 years of his life serving this nation, more than five of those years away from his family, but it was an affront to the General’s family, friends, and the veterans who have served under this brilliant intelligence officer and who greatly respect him.

Sullivan is best known for overseeing the Mueller FBI prosecution of the late Sen. Ted Stevens who was falsely convicted in 2008 of accepting and concealing thousands of dollars in free home renovations.  The Judge later threw out the conviction when he learned exculpatory evidence proving the Senator’s innocence had not been shared with the defense.  One would think he’d have learned the modus operandi of Mueller and his FBI Pitbull, Andrew Weissman.

In 2015 this same Judge threatened to hold the IRS commissioner in contempt of court when the agency didn’t comply with an order to provide documents.  Yet, he let slide Mueller’s failure to produce the original 302s of Flynn’s FBI interview for this hearing.

Business Partners Charged

On Monday, just in time for General Flynn’s sentencing, prosecutors in Virginia unveiled FARA charges against two former Flynn associates, accusing them of illegally lobbying for Turkey. The timing was neither coincidental nor accidental.

An indictment unsealed Monday showed authorities charged Flynn’s former business associates, Bijan Kian, 66, and Turkish businessman Kamil Ekim Alptekin, 41, with conspiracy, acting in the U.S. as illegal agents of the government of Turkey and making false statements to the FBI.  DOJ officials said Kian and Alptekin were accused of conspiring to “covertly influence U.S. politicians and public opinion” for the Turkish government.  Flynn’s company was hired to polish Turkey’s image after an alleged botched coup by America’s Mullah Fethullah Gulen and was.  He was paid $530,000.

General Flynn knew of Mullah Fethullah Gulen’s 200 charter schools throughout America, including one on Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada.  The Nellis AFB has military schools and more squadrons than any other USAF base.

Gulen’s charter schools have innocuous names absent of any Islamic associations. Tax dollars fund these schools.   In late 2016, General Flynn wrote an op-ed in The Hill about Turkey’s Erdogan and Fethullah Gulen.

Gulen was brought into America during the Clinton Administration. Bill Clinton’s White House, the State Department and the Justice Department’s Janet Reno provided the infamous mullah and his terrorism-heroin operations with blanket immunity and protection.  Clinton’s hand-picked CIA handlers, Graham Fuller and Mark Grossman, were selected to manage and direct Gulen’s cells in the U.S. and abroad.  Link

Former CIA Director James Woolsey noticed the lucrative lobbying position already under contract with Gen. Flynn’s company, Flynn Intel Group, and attempted to steal it out from under him at a price 20 times higher, telling the Turkish businessmen he could do a better job.  He was passed over for a position in the Trump campaign, and the Turks turned him down. Did he retaliate against Flynn?  Perhaps, as Woolsey spoke with Mueller many times.

General Petraeus and Sandy Berger

In March 2015, David Petraeus, a retired four star general, one-time director of the CIA, and former US commander in Iraq and Afghanistan, pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor charge of mishandling classified information.  Petraeus had given handwritten notebooks containing “code words for secret intelligence programs, the identities of covert officers, war strategy and deliberative discussions with the National Security Council” to his biographer Paula Broadwell — who was also his mistress.

Because of Petraeus’ position as one of the country’s most important intelligence officials, the sensitivity of the information he gave Broadwell, and the fact that he apparently lied to FBI investigators about giving Broadwell any classified information whatsoever, many believed that Petraeus deserved something more than the $100,000 fine and two years of probation he eventually received.  Link  And yes, Petraeus did get in trouble for far less than what Hillary Clinton did.  Robert Mueller’s good friend, James Comey was the Director of the FBI at the time.

For lying after stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives former Clinton national security adviser and Kerry campaign adviser Sandy Berger received a small fine and slap on the wrist. On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the United States Department of Justice was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.

For this crime, he paid $10,000 and received no jail time, yet Martha Stewart spent time in prison for lying to federal investigators. Berger’s security clearance was suspended until the end of the Bush administration, meaningless for a career Democrat like Mr. Berger. One wonders who at the Department of Justice is responsible for letting such a serious offense go virtually unpunished.  You guessed it, Robert Mueller was the FBI Director.  Link

General Michael Flynn’s Future

The General has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, has cooperated with Mueller, both sides agreed he shouldn’t get jail time, and the sentencing hearing was just a formality.  Until it wasn’t.  Unlike Berger and Petraeus, Michael Flynn is far more dangerous to the corrupt intelligence cabal.

We believed this trial for General Flynn would be over until this deranged Judge threw everything to the wind and accused the three-star General of heinous acts he has never committed.

Michael Flynn is between a rock and a hard place.  Everyone who has watched the railroading of Donald Trump’s finest administrative choice knows the General never lied to anyone.  Mueller’s 30-year modus operandi has been to pressure and threaten those he wishes to destroy until they plea to a crime to escape the harassment.

Mike could have told the Judge that he was set-up and trapped by the FBI, that he was innocent and wanted to amend his guilty plea and ask for a dismissal, but that would guarantee more charges most likely regarding his business affiliation with Turkish businessmen or charges against his son, his wife, or his extended family. What was the General to do but fall on his sword to protect his family?

FBI agents Peter Strzok, Joe Pientka, Deputy AG Andrew McCabe and former FBI Director James Comey have all stated General Michael Flynn never lied.

To escape this continuous legal nightmare, General Michael Flynn pled guilty to something he was never guilty of to begin with.  This court hearing in front of Judge Sullivan should have exonerated the General and freed him, but the Judge failed in his duties and this living hell continues for Flynn and his family.


The buck stops with Donald J. Trump.  He could have legally put an end to this nightmare long ago.  He is endowed by the Constitution with the authority to do so, and is in charge of the corrupt DOJ apparatus and does not have to obey these federal district judges.  He can fight back!

FBI Agents Joe Pientka and Peter Strzok interviewed General Flynn in his White House office.  The FBI refused to allow Pientka to testify for Mike Flynn and tell the court that Mike had not lied.  Our President has the right to demand Pientka testify under Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution.  He has been silent.

President Trump has declined to protect those who have campaigned and worked for him.  He hires from the establishment, many of whom came from the Bush administrations and we all know the Bush families voted for Hillary. Trump’s advisers are much the same.  His attorneys are 3rd rate if even that.  Had he hired superb legal counselors, and there are many, they would have told him that he has the total and complete authority to stop Mueller’s wrecking ball.  Yet, he does nothing.

The destruction of one of the finest American veterans may result in prison time for him because the rule of law and true justice seem to longer exist in America.

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E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Both America And The Christian Church Must Choose Economic Life

For many centuries long before the founding of the United States, many leaders have taken the wrong approach regarding finances.  Leaders in both the Christian church and America in general have dropped the ball regarding money and personal wealth.  Long before Marx spread his evil political and economic concepts, many wondered if God favors free enterprise or communism. Many church leaders foolishly preach against money and wealth as it they are evil spirits.  For centuries throughout Europe the Catholic church convinced members to accept poverty as their lot in life.  But yet, the church never missed an opportunity to guilt many poor believers into handing over their meager coins to fund the building of opulent cathedrals.

The bishops, cardinals, etc. did not usually participate in the lowly existence they preached over their gullible attendees.  Funny thing though, God created the earth with mind boggling levels of wealth.  The Bible states that wealth belongs to God, but man, is steward of it.  “Not just government or church officials.”  The word steward means to be a responsible administrator of the owners property.  We are all stewards of some possessions and influence.  In earlier Biblical times Joseph was practically Potipher’s steward, and later became Pharoh’s chief minister.  He himself had a steward over his own house, Genesis 39:4,5; 44:1,4).

God gave us silver, gold, minerals, oil uranium, and numerous other symbols of wealth.  From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible refers to silver and gold more than 700 times.  Gold is mentioned in the scriptures more often than any other metal.  The word money refers to silver and gold, which were used for currency in Biblical times.  In the King James Bible, gold is mentioned 417 times and silver 320 times.  In our own republic, the wealth would be better preserved if our monetary system was again based on something tangible like silver or gold.  Thus, it would help prevent the printing of deficit building fiat money with no intrinsic value.

True wealth includes gold, silver, precious stones, material goods, natural resources and wise creativity.  Creativity is considered wealth because it is one of the main sources of witty inventions, technology, scientific advances, art literature and good music.  Today we constantly hear and read about economics.  Economics is the observance of how people choose to use resources.  It explains the production and consumption of goods and the exchange and transfer of wealth for producing and obtaining goods.  Economics describes the interacting of people within markets to get products or services they need to accomplish particular goals.  Since economics is a driving force of human interaction, studying it can reveal why people and governments behave in certain ways.

Many people either in government or the church are through indoctrination stiff necked against free market economics.  They often portray a disdain for money.  But they never fail to pass the old church collection plate, or in government tax us way too much.  In fact, wealth was originally God’s idea.  In the book “Was Jesus a Capitalist, by Jennifer Clark”, she reminds us of the two major forms of economics.

  1. Microeconomics considers the actions of individuals and industries, such as the dynamics between buyers and sellers, borrowers and leaders.
  2. Macroeconomic analyzes the economic activity of a whole nation or the international marketplace. This history of macroeconomics reveals how much economic theory and practice has changed from ancient times to present day.

Throughout history there have been several major economic systems or persuasions among them was 1.) Manorialism: (400 AD-1400AD It was a political, economic and social system in Middle Age Europe.  A manor consisted of a large main house for the lord of the manor, one or more villages and up to several thousand surrounding acres.  Manors, not villages were the economic and social units of life in the early Middle Ages. Peasants were tied to the land under control of the lord.  By 1000 AD most peasants had become serfs, or semi-slaves, because of debt.

2.) Feudalism (800 AD-1400 AD) Feudalism was a hierarchical system in which a lord or king gave a gift or land (known in Latin as a feudom) to a vasal, or Knight, in exchange for protection.  Because feudal Europe depended heavily on agriculture, wealth came from the land.  Land ownership became a way to improve social status and become a member of the upper class.

3.) Mercantilism is an economic system in which government control of foreign trade was considered of utmost importance to ensure the prosperity and security of a state.  It was based on the accumulation of gold, gaining colonies, maintaining a Merchant Marine as well as developing industry and mining for a favorable balance of trade:  Wealth could only be accumulated, not created.  Mercantilism was a cause of frequent European wars in that time.  It was also a big motive for colonial expansion.

3.) Free Enterprise: presently in partial operation.  Free Enterprise is an economic system in which private businesses are free to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulation, interference, or subsidy.  It is governed by the law of supply and demand and regulated by competition.  The word capitalism was coined by Karl Marx as a derogatory term for free enterprise.

In such an environment business owners, entrepreneurs and employees are more inclined to work hard and smart to succeed.  Thrift, honesty and working to be the best usually brings forth greater rewards of profits, more customers and better wages.  America became the economic envy of the world by utilizing free market economics.  The free market encourages personal effort, integrity, inventiveness and innovation.  As a result, greater numbers of people from all walks of life have the opportunity to build a life of success and leave a legacy and inheritance for their children and children’s children.  I believe the free enterprise system is more aligned with Biblical principles that benefit those who wisely choose to exercise them.

Ironically the communism being sought by many indoctrinated Americans is oppressive and doesn’t reward good moral behavior and the work ethic.  Communism kills off the desire to work hard and smart while making everyone poor and hungry in the long run.  Exhibit a is Venezuela.  Observe the conditions there now, then research how that once very prosperous nation was a model of stability and opportunity.  I personally believe that those who seek the truth, economic and otherwise shall soon be set free by adhering to the truth.  Please join me as I Blow Away the Myths and Reveal the Truth via The Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno Nevada and worldwide via SHR Media and www.americamatters.us.  I do it again 12:00 AM ET Sunday on the www.talkamericaradio.us internet and terrestrial radio network.  Don’t miss a page of The Edwards Notebook commentary on the overnight weekend Captain’s America Third Watch hosted by Matt Bruce and heard on 130 American radio outlets.

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E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

The Mask Falls Off

For many years, the Democrats who walk among us masqueraded as ordinary people, regular Americans like the rest of us. They gave us famous presidents—Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and a few others of whom the less said, the better. They threw nice picnics in our county parks, horseshoes and hamburgers. From time to time, some hinky ideas cropped up—socialized medicine, the War on Poverty, wide-open immigration, support for the United Nations—but they rarely pushed these hard enough to alarm anyone.

But during the Clinton and Obama years, they seemed more and more to flub their lines, as if it had become a burdensome chore for them to continue the pretense; and when Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, something snapped. Suddenly we had a Democrat Party that was all about open borders, transgenderism, Global Warming dogma, and Antifa. It got scary very fast.

And lately the mask of sanity has slipped off altogether. Suddenly we’ve been treated to a look at what lay behind the mask. And here be monsters.

Two weeks ago, in the context of a Congressional hearing on the social media giants, Google and Facebook, and their penchant for censoring conservative opinion, a Democrat Congressman from  California, Ted Lieu, made this startling remark:

I would love to regulate the content of speech, but the First Amendment stops me.”

He would love to regulate the content of speech. Breath-takingly Stalinist. Silence all the speech he doesn’t like; permit only speech he likes. That would apply to things written and published, as well as to words spoken. Who does he think he is? A philosopher-king, who has the wisdom and the authority to tell 350 million people what they can or can’t say?

And before we erect a statue of him as a staunch supporter of the First Amendment, let us note that with Google and Facebook busily imposing censorship for him, he doesn’t have to get his own hands dirty, regulating speech. Google and Facebook are already doing that job.

Hard on his heels came another Democrat Congressman from California, with an even more startling remark.

Eric Swalwell, from San Francisco, called for government confiscation of all rifles; and when someone took him to task for it, and declared that lawful gun owners would resist such tyranny, Swalwell responded with this gem: “We have nukes, my friend.

That “clunk” you heard was the mask of sanity bouncing off the floor.

Swalwell was quick to claim that he was only kidding, he didn’t really want to A-bomb the Red states, lighten up a little, everybody. And he would permit us to keep our muzzle-loading muskets and our antique matchlocks. He did not back off advocating that the government grab all guns that could actually be used for self-defense. With prison time for anyone so fractious as to try to hold on to his guns.

Well, now we know what’s been added to the Democrat wish list: stifling the expression of every opinion but their own, and stripping the American people of their means of defending their persons, their property, and their liberty. And this is an American political party?

Shame on us for electing any Democrats, anywhere, last month. What were we thinking—that if we gave them back a little power, they’d behave themselves? Now we’ll be stuck with a Far Left Crazy House of Representatives for two years. We can only pray that the Senate, still controlled by Republicans, will be up to the challenge.

The only good news here is that they won’t be able to put the mask back on; and even if they could, we’ve already seen what’s behind it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit, before Ted Lieu finds a way to censor me. A single click will take you there.

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E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Tale Of Two Lawmen

I don’t know if there has ever been a more endearing character that that of Barney Fife the loveable bumbling deputy sheriff from Mayberry.

Don Knotts’ portrayal of Deputy Fife created a caricature of a small town cop that still lives on. How often have you referred to a pushy cop as a “Barney Fife” when describing his behavior to a friend?  His false bravado was so outlandish because it was so spot on.  Whether we care to admit it or not there is a little bit of Barney Fife in all of us.

Viewers were drawn to Barney because we all recognized the innocence of his cowardice and we understood that we often struggled with the courage to do what our job required of us.

Whether it was our job as a parent, or a teacher, or just our common role as a good citizen we often found our knees-knocking in the face of a controversy that we knew we should confront.  So many times in our lives our courage did not match our conflict and we sheepishly slinked away from a subject we knew we should have taken on.  We left the dirty work for someone else to handle.

Yes, my friends.  There is a little bit of Barney Fife in all of us.

I was prompted this week by a discussion we were having on my podcast when one of the participants quoted from the Scriptures “to him that knows to do good, and not to do it, to him it is sin.”  After the show was over I began to ponder why we are so hesitant to speak uncomfortable Truth.  Why are we afraid to shoot our bullets?

That’s what brought to mind the immitigable cowardice of Deputy Fife.  He wanted so much to be strong…to do the right thing…to be respected…to honor his office…yet he never was able to live up to the image he had of the position that he occupied.

I love to watch old reruns with my grand children and I loved to point out that Barney was only permitted to carry one bullet.  Yet, in all of the episodes we have watched I have never seen Barney ever actually shoot his bullet.

I wonder if our image of him would be different if he had.  I wonder if HIS image of himself would be different if he had.  Although Don Knotts has since passed on I wonder if his mythical character Barney wished that JUST ONCE he had shot his bullet.  What a sad statement for a defender of the people to go to the grave with all of his ammo still in his pocket.

I’m going somewhere with this.  How about you?  Do you still have your bullets in your pocket?  Are the bad guys storming into your town and your fear of confrontation has caused you to tuck tail and run?  Will it ever be time to shoot your bullets?

Barney was so unlike another popular law-enforcement officer from the same golden age of television, Wyatt Earp.

You remember Wyatt Earp and the self-describing theme song that accompanied his show.   It so encapsulated the descriptive nature of the job of a lawman and the image that Barney so desperately wanted to fulfill.  Listen here

Wyatt Earp.  Wyatt Earp.  Brave courageous and bold.  Long live his fame and long live his glory and long may his story be told.

Mouth those lyrics again and simply insert the name Barney Fife for Wyatt Earp and see if you can do it without causing yourself some serious cognitive dissonance.  The images don’t match.  Hugh O’Brien was everything that Don Knotts wanted to be but could never find the chutzpa to live out.

Brave.  Courageous. Bold.  Can you think of three more powerful words for which you would want to be remembered?

Tough times are coming to America.  Everywhere you look America and American values are under attack.  Not since the days of Wyatt Earp has the need for courageous Americans ever been greater.  In a time when America needs brave, bold, and courageous leadership all of our formerly great institutions are turning out cowardly, compromising, weak men.

America will never return to greatness if we are depending on top-down leadership.  The only way that America can be great again is if AMERICANS become great again.  Stop waiting on Washington to come up with the fix.  Brave, courageous and bold leadership begins right where you live.

For at least two generations Christian men have been taught to be nice…to compromise…to judge not…and the results have been streets full of chaos not seen since the days of the Wild West.  If our nation is going to change, then our cities must change.  If our cities are to change, then our churches must change.  If our churches are to change, then our families must change.

Everything begins at home.  We must be like the Sons of Issachar “which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.”

America needs brave, courageous, and bold LOCAL leadership. Bold Christian men built this nation. Only bold Christian men can save it.

Stop looking at Washington and start looking around you. Where are tomorrow’s leaders? Who is teaching them how to lead?  Don’t you think it is time to start developing them?  Find a group of leaders and teach them to lead.  Tomorrow’s leaders need trained today.

In a nation crying for Wyatt Earps we have to stop producing Barney Fifes.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Politically Correct: Are You Naughty Or Nice?

Last week, Tucker Carlson of FOX NEWS, the most astute and rational talk show host on television along with Laura Ingraham, straight-talked his way into hot water by reporting truthful realities facing our nation as to immigration.

He said something like, “We’re importing poor, uneducated, diseased and unwashed illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands….”  Of course, what he said stands true, but it’s horribly non-politically correct.

In this politically correct day and age, you can’t tell the truth. You must be politically correct, i.e., totally fabricate a new reality rather than offer the facts.  What is affirmative action?  Answer:  giving incompetent and totally unqualified individuals because of the color of their skin—a job alongside those who acquired an education and skills to perform a competent job.  In the end, the qualified employees must cover for and do twice the work for the affirmative action person.  I’ve seen it personally.

The new U.S. House of Representatives member, Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, fits the affirmative-action profile perfectly.  Each time she opens her mouth, she lacks any comprehension of what’s she’s saying. To put it bluntly, she’s an “air-head.”  Pretty face, but no light on in the lighthouse.  Great rowboat, but no oars in the water. Nice ladder, but she’s stuck on the bottom rung. Nice toothy smile, but no substance behind it.  You can only imagine the intelligence of the voters who voted her into office.

Last week, during the Christmas season, feminists complained about the 1949 song “Baby It’s Cold Outside.”  The handsome and late Ricardo Montalban sang with his girlfriend Esther Williams about staying inside the apartment on a cold winter’s night.  The affirmative action-PC folks called it, chauvinistic, sexually overpowering the woman, misogynistic, attempted rape and just about everything but the term “racist” which minorities in America call all white people. Radio station DJ’s banned it on their shows until millions of American men and women demanded it be played.

Losing the Foundation of America’s Culture

In view of the lunacy of the PC crowd to remove “Baby it’s Cold Outside” from holiday playlists, let’s not stop there.  Someone gave me a list of all the songs we should ban for being non-PC.  The Snowflakes had better consider these “horrific” tunes:

1. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus: subjects minors to softcore porn
2. The Christmas Song: Open fire? Pollution of the air! Folks dressed up like Eskimos? Cultural appropriation.
3. Holly Jolly Christmas: Kiss her once for me? Unwanted advances.
4. White Christmas? Racist, racist, racist!
5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town: Sees you when you’re sleeping? Knows when you’re awake? Peeping Tom. Stalker. Creepy guy in red suit!
6. Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Everyone telling you be of good cheer? Forced to hide depression!
7. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Bullying. Unfair treatment by peers.
8. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: Forced gender-specific gifts: dolls for Janice and Jen and boots and pistols for Barney and Ben
9. Santa Baby: Gold digger, blackmail.  Aggressive woman!
10. Frosty the Snowman: Sexist. Why not a snow woman?
11. Do You Hear What I Hear: Disregard for the hearing impaired.
12. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas: Make the yuletide Gay? Wow, just wow!  How about transgender equivalency? How about non-gendered folks?
13. Jingle Bell Rock: Giddy up jingle horse, pick up your feet: Animal abuse!
14. Mistletoe and Holly: Overeating, folks stealing a kiss or two? How did this song ever get released?!
15. Winter Wonderland: Parson Brown demanding they get married…moral bullying.
16. Grandma got run over by a reindeer: Elder abuse.

Can anyone tell me what’s going to happen when we multiculturalize our entire society into a mega-soup of cultures who hate Christmas? Muslims, Hindus, Kwanzaa, atheists, agnostics, sceptics and more!  Demand we abolish our rituals?  Force us into courts to defend our culture?  Vote away our liberties because we’re all racist scoundrels?

It’s going to be interesting to see the transformation and deformation of our society as we import the rest of the world into our midst.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Modern Day Professed Christian Singer Lauren Daigle Couldn’t Answer the Questions! Where is Christ?

“And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane.” —Ezekiel 44:23

Recently, American Christian representative and singer Lauren Daigle was asked whether or not homosexuality was a sin. She replied with “I can’t honestly answer on that.  In a sense, I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual. I don’t know. I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it. I can’t say one way or the other. I’m not God. So when people ask questions like that…that’s what my go to is.  I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself. And when you find out let me know, because I’m learning too.”

What a shameful reflection of the modern American Church which she claims to represent today.   The Biblical illiteracy in this country is second to none (Hosea 4:6).  No wonder why people are lost and confused today.  The professed Christian’s claim that they have been given the answers from God that they cannot give is deceptive as well as fraudulent (Matthew 10:8).

Is this the best the Church in America has to represent them? Apparently so.  Lauren Daigle has been given the platform to preach the Word, the Word which she just does not know.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20

[YouTube Video]

I can already hear and answer someone who is hot under the collar for me putting a question mark by that of professed Christian singer like Lauren Daigle saying, “Bradlee Dean, who are you to judge Lauren?”

In response, let me give you the Judge’s Word and where it applies.  The Bible is clear when it tells us that we are all to:

“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” -2 Corinthians 13:5

The Bible teaches to make distinctions.

There is wheat and there are the tares (Matthew 13:24-30).

They are sheep and there are goats (Matthew 25:31-46).

So, in other words, just because someone calls themselves a Christian, does not make it so.

Judas was called a disciple as well (Matthew 10:4).  Was he a Christian?

Lauren Daigle was asked whether or not homosexuality was a sin.  She replied, “I can’t honestly answer on that.”

Friends, I have spoken over 2,000 times publically across this country.  When I ask professed Christians what sin is, they are bewildered.  They have no idea.  If there is a response, they reply with what they have been told by their reprobate overseers that it means to miss the mark. No, it does not! Scripture tells us that sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4). And how are you to know what sin is if you do not know what the law declares, the law that is to drive men to Christ (Galatians 3:24) and do no more? (Exodus 20; Romans 3:20; 1 Timothy 1:9)

Did Jesus mandate that if we were to be His followers (John 1:13), then we are first to know the doctrine?

“If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” -John 7:17 

Does not the Bible teach that we are to study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)?

Yes, it does.

What of 1 John 2:5?

“But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.”

How about John 14:21?  We are told,

“He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.”

Surely I cannot love my brothers if I do not have the love of God (Jeremiah 29:11-13) and yet, how many of these self-professed Christians declare their love for God when they do not even know His doctrine (John 15:10)?

“By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.” -1 John 5:2-3

No wonder why the lost in this world are confused about the Church in America.  Christians are to bring about the answers to the world and yet we see with answers like that of Lauren’s we see that they are a part of the problem (Daniel 9:7).  This is a lack of Christianity.  This is, and these are, counterfeits in the Church of Jesus Christ today (Matthew 16:18).

Maybe Lauren and those that she represents should read their Bibles before making such a claim, so that they know the Scriptures and what they teach before claiming that she is something that she is clearly not.  Furthermore, Christians are to be ambassadors and written epistles for all men to read. Christians are called to preach the Word (2 Corinthians 3:2; 2 Timothy 4:2) the Word, which many today do not know.

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” -2 Corinthians 5:20

Daigle responded, “In a sense, I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual. I don’t know. I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it. I can’t say one way or the other. I’m not God.”

If Lauren loves her homosexual friends, where is the love that warns of the impending judgment (Psalm 19:11; Hebrews 9:27)? Lauren should be telling her friends what the Word has declared, namely “Repent!” (Matthew 3:2).

Let me tell the homosexuals what Lauren, who is unknowledgeable (Hosea 4:6), fails to tell you:  Yes, homosexuality is an abomination.

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” -Leviticus 18:22, 20:13

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”  -Romans 1:22-28

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” -1 Corinthians 6:9

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” –Jude 1:7

Love tells the truth.  It does not withhold the truth, for God is love (1 John 4:8).   Love is without dissimulation, a hiding under a false appearance (Romans 12:9).

Lauren Daigle gave a gross display of her lack of love through her biblical ignorance and dereliction of duty when appearing on the Ellen DeGeneres Show in NOT preaching the Word to a world of sinners and seizing the opportunity (Matthew 3:2; Amos 3:3; James 4:4).

Maybe this explains why we have had several self-professing Christian artists, “homosexuals and lesbians,” who have come out of the closet such as Jennifer Knapp, Dan Haseltine, Vicky Beeching, Marsha Stevens, Ray Boltz, etc. deceiving Christian audiences because self-professed Christians just don’t know the difference. What a display and exhibition of that which is not being preached from the pulpits in America today (Luke 7:35)!

Christians should, and are commanded to, know the difference.

This is the fruit of reprobates, not Christians (Titus 1:16).

And they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.

 And in controversy they shall stand in judgment; and they shall judge it according to my judgments: and they shall keep my laws and my statutes in all mine assemblies; and they shall hallow my sabbaths.” -Ezekiel 44:23-24

[YouTube Video]

Lauren Daigle in her scriptural ignorance continues,

“So when people ask questions like that…that’s what my go to is.  I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself.  And when you find out let me know, because I’m learning too.”

It has been said that the biggest reason for large numbers of unbelievers is the hypocrisies of the self-proclaimed believers (Matthew 23). Lauren Daigle is a mere representation of the mass professors in America.

How many times did Jesus warn his followers of those who would come in His name and deceive many (Matthew 24:5-8; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8)? Over and over again, we see that when one claims to be a Christian that people stand back and take them for their word rather than their action or rather their inactions (Matthew 7:16).

Instead of Christians keeping their eyes fixed on the author and finisher of their faith (Hebrews 12:2), Jesus Christ, as our example (So they can detect the counterfeits), they simply deceive themselves that somehow or another, everything is just going to be OK because the “gay friendly” churches and hirelings told them so (John 10:12).

So, when Lauren or anyone that claims to be a Christian say’s things like, “I can’t say one way or the other. I’m not God,” rest assured it is because they do not know God (1 John 2:3). Know that you are dealing with someone who has claimed to be something that they clearly are not.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. -Mark 16:15

“Christians are to grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 3:18

Yes, we are all growing in grace as long as we are feeding on the Word, which Christians are required and commanded to know.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Would You Knowingly Condemn Your Children To Slavery?

NOTE:  We originally wrote this article just before Christmas in 2012.  Its message is just as relevant today as it was in 2012.  Before writing the article and just before bedding down for the night, 6 lines of a poem literally popped into our mind and we got up and wrote them down.  The next day we finished the poem, lines of which we have inserted in this article.  It’s entitled, “Would You or Will You.”  The article is not a Christmas message but hopefully, during this time that is special for children, it will wake up some Americans that have drifted off to sleep in the intoxicating, mind-numbing aroma of the easy life.

Would you see your children
Condemned to slavery
When there was a chance
You could save them?
Would you deny them liberty?
Would you deny your family freedom?

You cannot fight an enemy if you cannot see him.  You have no defense if you are surrounded in darkness but your enemy controls the light.  You have no options if you cannot pierce the veil of your enemy’s deceit.  There is absolutely no defense if you cloak yourself in ignorance, or convince yourself that the enemy is not there.  But rest assured, the enemy is lurking just outside your door and your door will not protect you or your children from the enemy coming inside and destroying your blind tranquility that you thought was freedom.

The American federal government is now all-powerful.  It has broken the bonds of the Constitution and is now free to enslave those it purports to represent.  The government owns the law and the capability to enforce it, by whatever means and they are determined to use that force if you get out of line.  You are just in their way in their quest for absolute power under a one-world government.  If they succeed, sovereignty and international borders will be meaningless.  The people will be crammed into crowded cities where they are more easily controlled.  Environmentalists will wall off all rural areas from from humans where only animals and birds can roam free.  Freedom will be a small entry in a dusty history book that sits behind thousands of other books, in an old communist library.

That enemy is knocking on your door right now but you don’t know it, or choose to ignore it.  And if you don’t open it, the enemy will break the door down and come in anyway.  They will take your children away and put them in government-run indoctrination and propaganda schools.  But wait! They have already taken your children away and are now indoctrinating them in government-run indoctrination and propaganda schools and they have been doing it for three generations.  Sadly, you have willingly given your children over to the state and are exposing them to that indoctrination and propaganda without so much as a whimper or a whine.  In fact, you are aiding and abetting the government in the systematic destruction of your children’s minds.  But worse, the teachers in those schools are products of socialist indoctrination colleges.  You, the parents, are buying into the socialist and environmental propaganda government and special interest groups are shoving down your kids’ throats, probably because you were part of the beginning indoctrination.

Would you be a slave
In your own land
When once you were free?
Would you bow down
To the bureaucrats and tyrants,
Rather than defending your liberty?

Many years ago, as we entered the 20th Century, we were a different stock of people.  We were defiant in our freedom and we rejected or purged what we considered infringements on that freedom.  We didn’t let important things slide or look the other way like we do now.  The truth is, had government instituted all the laws and restrictions it has now placed on the people of America, but they had done it 100 years ago, there would have been a revolution that might have made the American Revolution and the Civil War pale in comparison.  We still face that threat today.

In the late 1700’s the government instituted a whiskey tax, which erupted into the Whiskey Rebellion where many tax collectors were either killed, or tarred and feathered.  In those days, violence against government agents and sympathizers was quite common when the people thought their freedoms were under attack.

Throughout the years of taming the West, frontier justice was applied regularly.  Scores and injustices were settled with weapons, or the hangman’s noose, but rarely settled with negotiations, words, or courts.  Yes, many innocents were caught up in the struggle for justice.

Would you hide in the shadows
When your duty was quite clear?
Would you shrink from the battle
Because you are paralyzed with fear?

The people have allowed government to become so powerful they fear its wrath.  We have let frontier justice, where we did not fear government, morph into absolute power by government in a police state where we are deathly afraid of government.

People are hesitant to raise their heads above the noise level for fear it could be chopped off, figuratively speaking of course.  Our lives are comfortable and we are very reticent about upsetting our precarious apple cart.  But those who fall afoul of the law through no fault of their own, cannot escape the long hand of government by hiding in the shadows.  They become sacrificial lambs to government’s power and those in close proximity to the victim scurry for cover, saying to themselves “….. thank God it wasn’t me” instead of defending their neighbor as we used to do.  This is equivalent to running from the battlefield while the real heroes hold the enemy at bay, or advance upon the enemy.

The examples of those government sacrificial lambs would fill volumes, but you never hear of them.  The Hages and Bundy’s, Nevada ranchers, suffered the wrath of the federal government on the dragon of environmentalism.  Wayne Hage died during the fight, his son gave up and the government prevailed.  The Bundy’s finally prevailed but at great cost.  The Sacketts of Idaho endured the stings of the Environmental Protection Agency with fines totaling $37,500 per day just because they wanted to build a home on their legal building lot, but the EPA designated it a wetland.  It took a trip to the U. S. Supreme Court for the Sacketts to win against the EPA.

Now a decorated special forces soldier, Major Mathew L. Golsteyn, may have to face a court martial because during the heat of battle in Afghanistan he executed a Taliban bomb maker that had killed two of the Major’s men.  Isn’t that what you are supposed to do in war?  Major Golsteyn could face the death penalty.  But the Army let a coward/traitor like Bowe Bergdahl off the hook and gave him a dishonorable discharge.  The Taliban got five savage leaders in return for Bergdahl, that have now re-entered the battlefield.  They are very likely to kill more Americans and every death will fall on Obama’s head.

Is it true you are just a coward
And afraid to be free?
Do you tremble in the darkness
While you’re on bended knee?

Are we so afraid to defend our freedoms that we will wait until the jack booted thugs break down our door and take us and our children away because we violated some law, buried in a million laws of which we had no knowledge?  Do we fear authority so much that we now won’t question any authority?  Are we not of the same lineage of those that gave their lives to preserve our freedom for the last 242 years?  Does not the blood of patriots run through our veins?  Or, has our collective American blood turned to jelly?

Will you instead gather up your bravery
And join the fearless in our midst?
Will you save America from slavery
While shaking a determined fist?

Will you use the intellect God gave you,
And apply it to the fight?
Will you heed the haunting cry
To set our country right?

Ladies and gentlemen, we don’t have to resort to frontier justice “…. to set our country right.”  The tools to win were handed down to us from our Founding Fathers in the form of a Constitution that took our natural, God-given, individual rights and codified them into the supreme law of man.  All we need is the courage to fearlessly proceed under those essential tools of freedom and restore the vision of those great men for our time and our children and grandchildren’s time, unless we cower in fear, or refuse to challenge authority because of that fear.  In a Constitutional Republic, the people have the power, but only if they choose to exercise that power.  Unfortunately, the government has become so powerful that it will take millions of united Americans and a willingness to sacrifice the easy life, to return the government to the constraints of the Constitution.

So we ask each freedom-loving American,
Will you settle for chains and slavery?
Or will you get up off your can,
And engage in the fight for liberty?

The question is: “Would You …..?”, or “Will You …..?”.  If you don’t, you may very likely condemn your children and grandchildren to slavery ….. if you haven’t already.  The hard fact is, you are not going to get out of this war, and it is a war, without getting a little bloody.  The sooner the people realize it, the sooner we can get on with the fight.  If you are serious about defending American liberty, we strongly suggest that you read our “I Shall Not Bow Down” pledge HERE.  Perhaps it will inspire you and provide the motivation to get involved.

This will be our last article for 2018.  This year we have written at least 50 articles on freedom, liberty and property rights.  We may start up again in 2019 but lately, it seems like we are just wasting a lot of time with empty words that have all the impact of a grain of sand on an infinite sandy beach, swept away by the shifting tides.

Nevertheless, we’ll take this opportunity to wish all of our readers a peaceful and memorable Christmas with family and friends.  As we have written many times, family and the love that binds family together, is the glue that holds a society together.  If our families unravel, if we let the addiction of decadent pleasures get in the way of our common sense, logic and intellect, if we let government win, we have no chance for freedom and we will descend into “Paris-type” riots in every major city on the planet, or worse, third-world debauchery.

Finally, if you are a rural landowner, be sure to check out our powerful website HERE.  You will be glad you did.  It contains the tools to keep government on the other side of your property line.  We have been advocates for the rural landowner for 14 years.  Next year we plan to up the ante for rural American property rights with the “American Constitutional Property Rights Protection Federation.”

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Christmas Is Politically Correct

It seems like every Christmas Season we suffer through the same old anti-Christian and anti-American propaganda designed to eliminate Christian signs and symbols from the public arena.

So, I think it timely to revisit the case that the birth of Jesus Christ is the most significant political event in the history of the universe.

Why?  Well simply put, liberty is the product of order, not chaos.  And a culture that values, promotes and protects ordered liberty cannot exist absent the acknowledgement of the Author of liberty, the Living and Everlasting God of the Bible whose Son is Jesus Christ.

At Christmas, we celebrate the fact that He entered His own creation and sacrificed His life to cover our sins.

Now you may not share the Christian beliefs I’ve just described, but that doesn’t affect my point here because it is indisputable that the founders of American government believed them and established a system of law and liberty based on them.

So, your disbelief in them does not extinguish them.

Whatever beliefs you personally hold, please remember that the acknowledgement of Jesus Christ as the Source of Law and Government is the very first presupposition of American government.  Therefore, celebrating Christmas through Nativity displays, public prayer, sacred song, and all other forms of Christian witness are consistent with and supportive of the American View of Law and Liberty and are the essence of American government.

Publicly celebrating the blessed birth of the Savior of the World is not only lawful, it is the most politically correct thing you can ever do.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Trump Gets All The Christmas Gifts, Mueller Get The Coal

Trump continues to win in every way and so does America so snap out of any fear for Trump and our country.  Don’t ever forget that truth does prevail, especially when God is at the helm.  Mueller and his team have given Trump a generous supply of gifts for Christmas attempting to smear, lie, destroy and keep him from being reelected.  But of course, that has never been enough for Mueller to discredit and destroy but to build a case to arrest Trump ‘someday and some way.’  This of course would set the path for impeachment until arrest can happen.  Pelosi, Waters and their sold-out Trump hating hoard want only impeachment and a whole lot of botox and Wine…much Wine.

We watch what has happened to General Flynn – perjury trap and Coen – rat, liar and sell out who deserves to go down.  Mueller and his Trump hating team have been very busy ruining lives while continuing to target more all the time.  They are demanding that their growing list of victims lie and play make believe, such as with journalist Jerri Corsi, who has stood his ground and courageously bit back.  I know Jerri and interviewed him on my national radio show for 15 years.  I only saw honesty, courage, guts and love for God and country flow out of him.  All I can say is this.  Mueller attacked the wrong guy when he falsely went after Corsi.  Now, Mueller has a tidal wave coming back at him.  Go Jerri.

While you are enjoying this Christmas season, put Mueller and his sold out, pro Hillary thugs back into perspective.  How about a little ‘Reality Therapy.’  Together let us stick our needles into the 10 story Mueller – Evil Clown doll marching toward us all.  There, there…we it.   Now listen to the stinky wind soaring wind rushing out of the holes. I do believe Mueller is sinking down to his real size.  Now, for those with eyesight challenges, please pass out the magnifying glasses to all so that you can see the very important and powerful Mueller for who he really is.  What!?  Did I see a mouse just swallow him before mini Mueller rolled down the gutter?  That is so awkward and looks a tinge messy.

No matter what the flavor of the week fake news lie is thrown out through the ‘enslaved and sold out media’ Trump is soaring, his ratings are high, mega stuff for America continues to get done while Mueller and the Obama deep state melt down and stick to the bottoms of our shoes.

The Deep State cabal plaguing our country today is no less than the NAZI party in arrogance, evil and power addiction.  Todays’ deep state and its rotten to the core leaders reveal themselves with their desperation for power and deadly agenda.  Their blame game and weapons are pointed at Jews, Christians, Conservatives and Trump supporters.  They dream of controlling and flattening us.

How many of the attention seeking Dems scream the following:  Get rid of ICE, they are like Nazis’ Protect abortion at all costs – its about women’s rights you know; Forget the pathetic baby’s rights; Open the borders and forget about  our sovereignty;  Don’t be racists, let illegal aliens vote and look the other way;  Continue to raise taxes and give all free health care,  home and food money – naturally that includes those here illegally;  Stop supporting Israel and do more deals with radical Islamics; Of course the cherry on top is when the illegals end up in prison we all pay for it.

Just like Hitler and the NASI party, the Deep state DEMS pretend they have the high ground, only protecting the rights of our citizens and daring to bravely protect us from harm – You know the harm of Jews, Christians and Trump supporters.  How dare we think there is right and wrong, good and evil, God and Satan.  How dare we put God first again and America at the front not the last.

Obama was the deep state ‘I’m sorry for America’ President.  Trump is the God sent ‘I will undo the damage, build back our economy, energy systems, military, border strength, moral heritage, and opportunity President.  He has his hand in God’s and in prayer and has no fear.  Mueller and the Deep State cabal are the ones who should be very afraid.  You deep state thugs are deep all right,  real Americans have thrown you ‘deep’ into space since you want to control so much…now breath that.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Why the Left Hates “Baby It’s Cold Outside”

The 1944 song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” written by Frank Loesser, has been a subject of a disingenuous debate in during the 2018 holiday season as to whether or not the lyrics are problematic. In other words it took radical leftists a whopping 74 years to discover this song’s lyrics, organize a protest against the song, and finally declare the song’s lyrics offensive during the holiday season of 2018.

“Baby It’s Cold Outside” made news in November after radio station WDOK

in Ohio stopped airing the song after a sole listener called in claiming to be offended over the song’s lyrics.

The feminist led, man-hating #MeToo movement quickly got wind of the story and joined the crusade with feigned outrage and protest against the song.

The tune’s lyrics in question are:

Female sings: “I really can’t stay,”
Man sings: “But baby, it’s cold outside.”

Female Sings: “Say what’s in this drink?,” “The answer is no” and “I’ve gotta get home.”

A 1949 video of the song has gotten leftists even more riled up as it portrays a man offering a woman a drink and refusing to let her put her coat on and leave.

“Baby It’s Cold Outside” has been widely regarded as a playful courtship musical jingle, but feminists and leftists have attempted to rewrite history and turn the holiday song into an attempted date rape anthem of America’s sexist past.

America’s past, or its foundations, is what bothers the radical Left. The Left has been programmed to believe that America was (and is) a tyrannical country which stole the land of America from the American Plains Indians, owned slaves and built the nation on slave labor, and oppressed women by denying them power and equal opportunity that men have. The radical Left wants to continually remedy these real and perceived injustices of America’s past by erasing America’s history and rewriting it as they would like it to be, all in the name of social justice.

After the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001, an iconic photo was taken of three white FDNY firefighters raising an American flag at ground zero, reminiscent of the soldiers raising a flag during WWII at Iwo Jima, Japan. Leftist didn’t like the idea of three white men raising the American flag, so they proposed making a factually inaccurate memorial statue depicting white, Hispanic, and black firefighter. After a public outcry ensued over the controversy, New York City decided to cancel the bid for the proposed revisionist history statue.

After the election of President Donald Trump, the Left galvanized themselves against… the Confederacy! They decided it was time to remove statues of Confederate soldiers all across the land of America, claiming these statues represented white supremacy and slavery, not American history. Many emotionally charged Leftists thought that by erasing America’s Civil War past this would somehow eradicate ongoing white on black racism, as if it exists in any substantive way in today’s America. In actuality, many on the Left see President Donald J. Trump as General Robert E. Lee, and the taking down of Confederate statues was their way of striking out against Trump and all rich, powerful white men, who they perceive to be racists and the root of all evil. The Left will not be satisfied with destroying the Confederacy, as the time will come when they will strike against white slave-owning presidential figures, such as President George Washington, and demand to see currency of someone other than dead white presidents.

Barack Obama, before he sat as president, promised America that he would fundamentally transform America…

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
– Barack Obama, October 30, 2008

When Obama said he wanted to fundamentally transform America, part of what he meant was that America’s greatness was built on unfairness and oppression, and in the name of social justice he was going to weaken America, by whatever means necessary, even if it meant destroying America’s cultural past, putting industries out of business, and strengthening America’s adversaries.

Conservatives and most normal people wonder with amazement why “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” is so “offensive” to the Left. Most normal people simply don’t understand the twisted mind of the Left. The song represents America’s past culture, which was culturally dominated by white people. Any real, perceived, contorted, or conjured up injustice, be it racism or sexism, committed in the past or present by white men, will be attacked by the Left, whereas any and all injustice perpetrated against white men or white culture will be ignored and tolerated by the Left.

So, while there are far worse popular rap songs that degrade women, particularly in rap music, you won’t see the Left or the #MeToo movement protesting those songs, because the messenger is not the traditional white man. Even Eminem, a white rapper, gets away with degrading women in his songs, because his music does not reflect prototypical traditional white culture, which is the target of the Left. To leftists, Eminem represents a decline in the civility and morality of the traditional white man, which they like.

So to the racist, anti-white leftists and man-hating feminists out there, spare me your crocodile tears of oppression over the song, “Baby It’s Cold Outside.” We all know that you are not “offended” at all by the song’s lyrics, you just hate any and all things of traditional American culture, specifically anything pertaining to white America.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

A No-Confidence Vote In Trump?

You may remember the days when President Trump was calling for a $25 billion Border Wall to be financed by Mexico. Now he’s shouting at the Democrats to give him a measly $5 billion from the hard-pressed American taxpayers.

Just as Theresa May faced a no-confidence vote for failing to make a proper deal to remove Britain from the European Union, many conservatives here are becoming increasingly skeptical of President Trump’s claim that “people would revolt” if the Democrats impeach him. Some of his legislative maneuvers are leaving supporters scratching their heads in dismay and disgust. It looks like he’s selling out to the Swamp.

Consider that Trump has pressured Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to bring up for a vote a piece of liberal jailbreak legislation known as the First Step Act.  It looks like he’s trying to attract the felon vote that normally goes for the Democrats. CNN’s Marxist commentator Van Jones is behind Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner on this one. In fact, Jones, a former activist with the group, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), looks like the one orchestrating the entire “empty the prisons” effort.

For some reason, perhaps having to do with the inside-the-beltway desire to look fashionable, many Republican Senators are going along with the scam.

Time is of the essence, as responsible and thoughtful conservatives such as Senator Tom Cotton are fighting this bill right now. Cotton says one version of the bill reduced the penalty for trafficking fentanyl, a substance implicated in tens of thousands of opioid deaths.

In his latest statement on the legislation, the Senator declared, “For months I’ve said the First Step Act allows violent felons and sex offenders to be released early. I’m pleased the drafters have finally acknowledged that reality and made changes to address some of the specific issues I pointed out. Unfortunately, the bill still has major problems and allows early release for many categories of serious, violent criminals. This includes felons who commit violent bank robberies with dangerous weapons, who assault children, and who commit carjacking with the intent to cause death. I look forward to debating this bill on the Senate floor and introducing amendments to address its many remaining threats to public safety.”

Incredibly, Van Jones, who was nominated and then fired by the Obama Administration for being too radical,  was invited into the Trump White House to support this piece of “criminal justice reform” legislation. The registrant and sponsor for the main website backing the bill is Dream Corps, a leftist advocacy group founded and led by Van Jones and financed to the tune of $200,000 by the Open Society Foundations of George Soros.  The purpose of the grant was to to “reduce America’s incarcerated population by fifty percent over the next ten years.”

“In just a few days,” says the Van Jones group, “ we could pass the First Step Act — which the New York Times says will deliver ‘the most significant changes to the criminal justice system in a generation.’”

When Van Jones and the Times endorse a piece of legislation, you know it’s going to be bad news for America. The bill may not affect the liberal elites and members of the Swamp living in gated communites or guarded by the U.S. Capitol Police, but it is certain to result in more dead and injured ordinary Americans assaulted by criminals released back on the streets. Of course, the criminals being released from prison will quickly be signed up to vote Democrat in 2020.

One Soros-funded group, Critical Resistance, was founded by communist Angela Davis and actually seeks to abolish prisons entirely by “challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.” Her organization got $200,000 from the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations in the year 2000, $200,000 in 2002, and another $100,000 in 2009.

Dr. Tina Trent, an advocate for victims of crime, discovered that Critical Resistance had invented the “cop-watch concept” that would be popularized by Van Jones in Oakland, California, through an anti-cop organiation called Bay Area Police Watch.

Ironically, on page two of the Dream Corps annual report, founder Van Jones is shown denouncing President Trump for “stoking economic and racial fears to win the Republican nomination and the presidency.” Yet Jones was invited into the Trump White House by Trump son-in-law and White House adviser Jared Kushner, whose father, once a top Democratic Party donor, is a convicted criminal. Kushner even went on Jones’ CNN show to promote the legislation.

Most establishment “conservative” groups backing the legislation are run by libertarians funded by the Koch Brothers. The same list of backers includes most of the liberal media, which helps explain why critics of the bill like Senator Cotton are being regularly pilloried in the press.

One of the supporting organizations is listed simply as “Catholic Bishops,” a group that has problems with criminals and child predators in its own ranks. In this case, one can argue for more incarceration, not less.

On the “Thank You to Donors” page of the Dream Corps annual report, you find a long list of liberal and left-wing foundation support for the movement. In addition to Soros, we find NextGen Climate, the organization supported by another billionaire, Tom Steyer, who is promoting Trump’s impeachment.

You may remember that Hillary Clinton had made incarceration the centerpiece of her first major policy address after declaring her candidacy for president in 2016. She lost to a candidate promising law-and-order and the building of a wall to keep criminals and drugs out.  That candidate, Donald J. Trump, has now embraced Hillary’s position and has even invited one of Obama’s most extreme nominees into the White House.

It’s difficult to see what Trump is accomplishing by trying to pander to those denouncing him as a racist in need of removal from office. Perhaps he anticipates he will need Van Jones’ support for early release from prison if he’s impeached and then jailed by the leftists.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

The Word “Mean” Is Leftists’ Lethal Weapon

Founded upon Christian principles, Americans have always eventually done the right thing – freed the slaves, gave women the right to vote and so on. While we are an extremely compassionate people, throughout our history we have made adult commonsense decisions to preserve our homeland; good stewards of God’s gift of America.

Today, leftists’ (Democrats, Hollywood and Fake news) most powerful weapon to overrule commonsense and further their anti-America agenda is the word “mean.” Far too many Republicans and conservatives regard being declared mean by leftists an immediate stop sign; preventing the enforcement of our laws and blocking the implementation of commonsense solutions good for America.

Fully supported by American leftists, illegals are saying screw you America. We are invading your country whether you like it or not; arrogantly breaking our immigration laws. They demand to feed on our welfare safety-net set up for Americans. Outrageously, Obama gave illegals freebies unavailable to Americans; free attorneys and more. Obama used taxpayers’ money to spend over 60 grand per illegal to settle them in America. We spend $11 to $22 billion each year on freebies for illegals.

Obama spread illegals around the country, irresponsibly putting medically untested children of illegals into our schools infecting our kids with strange diseases. That was mean. Leftists like Obama are consistently mean to Americans.

Can you believe illegal students in our schools are allowed to demand that U.S. students not wear clothing to school that features the U.S. Flag on Mexican holidays? Illegals claim wearing U.S. gear on a Mexican holiday is racist, insensitive and mean. Incredibly, leftist school administrators agree and send U.S. students home for wearing t-shirts which feature our flag.

We welcome people who had a burning desire to become Americans and entered our country legally. For years, I witnessed the character and passion of such migrants when I performed my original song, “Celebrate America”  at Immigration Naturalization Ceremonies in Maryland. Many wept after taking their oath of allegiance.

The illegals invading our country today have no desire to become Americans; no desire to assimilate. Quite the opposite. Illegals give learning English, embracing our culture and honoring our flag their middle fingers. Fake news hides the fact that many of the thousands of young men illegally invading our country are known gang members.

Irresponsible foreign parents send their children unaccompanied to make the extremely dangerous journey to the American border armed with abortion pills because the chances of being raped are high.  Fake news hides the truth that illegals are committing horrendous crimes on Americans including decapitating a 13 year old girl in Alabama.  Leftists attempt to silence anyone who states these truths by calling them mean racists.

Leftists hide the truth that the illegals invading our country are defiant; demanding rights while disrespecting our homeland. Fake news media and Hollywood flood the airwaves with images and lies portraying the invaders as good people simply seeking a better life. Therefore, it is mean and racist to attempt to stop them. Republicans, Conservatives and Trump voters who understand that without borders we do not have a country are branded mean racist haters by the American left.

Leftists strategically use the word mean to block the enforcement of immigration law. However, leftists have no problem being mean to Americans. For example: Leftists hide and financially support illegal felons who murder, rob and rape Americans in their sanctuary cities; extremely mean to Americans.

Thirty-two year old Kate Steinle was shot and killed by Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, an illegal with numerous felons, deported numerous times. Sanctuary city San Francisco kept welcoming Zarate back and outrageously acquitted Zarate of Kate’s murder.

Republicans and conservatives sought to pass Kate’s Law which would give mandatory jail-time to deported illegal felons who keep coming back. Democrats fought Kate’s Law tooth and nail, in essence, saying screw you to protecting U.S. Citizens.

Imagine returning home from vacation. To your shock and horror, your backyard has been transformed into a ghetto tent city with women, children and a large number of young men. Gang symbols are spray painted on your house siding. There are piles of trash. Invaders have broken into your home. Valuables have been stolen. The invaders run a massive number of extension cords from inside and outside your home to power their electrical needs. Your wife and daughter are sexually threatened. Your middle school son has developed a strange cough.

Upon contacting law enforcement and your Democrat mayor to remove the invaders from your property, you are excoriated; called a mean racist. Your mayor demands that you purchase more homeowners insurance, upgrade your electrical power and make various other concessions to accommodate your poor guests who are only seeking a better life.

Local fake news TV shows up. Keeping the mob of tattooed young men flashing gang signs off camera, the leftist reporter interviews a women holding a child. Overwhelmingly sympathetic to the invaders, the reporter airs a news story portraying the invaders as good people who are simply seeking a better life. You are branded the villainous mean white racist homeowner who refuses to share your stuff. More illegals arrive daily invading other homesteads throughout your community.

My fellow Americans this is exactly what is happening to our country. Fake news media is attempting 24/7 to brand president Trump the mean bad guy for not opening our border to the free-flow of illegals. Democrats, Hollywood, social media and fake news media are doing their part to convince Americans that attempting to stop the invasion of our home is mean and racist.

Thank God president Trump is not deterred or intimated by leftists’ never-ending campaign to brand him mean and racist. Trump continues to make adult commonsense decisions in the best interest of Americans.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

The FBI Collusion To Destroy General Michael T. Flynn

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. —Douglas MacArthur

You’ve got the NSA doing all this collecting of material on all of its citizens – that’s what the SS, the Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB, and the NKVD did. —William Binney

There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child.  Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.  —President John F. Kennedy, seven days before his assassination

Former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell wrote the ultimate book on a core group of federal prosecutors who broke all the rules, made up crimes, hid exculpatory evidence, and sent innocent people to prison.  Ms. Powell knows the enemy inside our gates.

Her book, Licensed to Lie, debunks everything the media and the government told us about the Department of Justice’s destruction and prosecution of the venerable accounting firm Arthur Andersen, Merrill Lynch executives who did one business transaction with Enron, Alaska Senator Ted Steven’s, and more.  The ramifications continue today as this corrupt cabal of former prosecutors now populates powerful political positions.

Still in the news today―Robert Mueller’s “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann and other members of Obama’s inner circle―are wreaking havoc on our Republic.  Powell’s book is the one that began exposing “the Deep State.”

Emmet G. Sullivan United States District Judge for the District of Columbia ordered an independent investigation of the Department of Justice, which revealed its corrupted prosecution of United States Senator Ted Stevens.

Judge Sullivan is General Michael Flynn’s sentencing judge.

The Corrupt DOJ

It is fairly well documented that the FBI framed General Flynn.  Flynn was financially destroyed by the FBI/Mueller war against him and it’s clear that the Deep State not only did not want him to be Trump’s National Security Advisor but that it also sought to destroy Flynn as well as Trump’s presidency.

The former three-star general pleaded guilty last year to a single count of lying to the FBI about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.  Now we know from General Flynn’s court filing to Judge Sullivan that senior bureau officials acted in a way to set him up for the fall.

Mike Flynn apparently believed the call from the FBI was to be a normal meeting between administration officials, that he and Strzok were just going to “shoot the breeze,” but he was sandbagged by Agents Strzok and Pientka…both of whom, along with former FBI Director Comey, said Flynn never lied. Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates was doing the bidding of her boss, President Barack Hussein Obama by sending the agents to “interview” Flynn.  See Chapter 9 of Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax.

Obama had fired General Flynn as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and subsequently told President elect Donald Trump not to hire him.  Knowing this, I’m surprised President Trump didn’t reject a resignation from General Flynn and fight to keep him on staff.

Barack Obama and the corrupt Department of Justice wanted the General eliminated from the Trump administration.  Why?  Because General Michael T. Flynn spent 33 years as an intelligence officer, and he knew the corruption in the Obama administration and the DOJ.  They were scared of him, and as such he had to be destroyed.  Establishment insiders like Pence, Priebus and others likely helped to accomplish their goal.

Not a rich man after decades in uniform, General Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1, 2017 to one count of lying to the FBI about his telephone conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.  He did this to avoid bankruptcy and allegedly to spare his son from becoming a Mueller target.  Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is scheduled to be sentenced next Tuesday (12/18).

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sentencing recommendation is here. Flynn’s plea to Judge Emmet Sullivan is here. You should read both carefully.

Judge Emmet Sullivan Requests Documents

One day after former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s legal team made the bombshell allegation that the FBI had pushed him not to bring a lawyer to his fateful Jan. 24, 2017 interview with agents at the White House, Judge Sullivan is demanding answers from Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller late last Wednesday to turn over all of the government’s documents and “memoranda” related to Flynn’s questioning by 3:00 p.m. EST on Friday December 14th.  Mueller waited until the last minute on Friday and then sent heavily redacted documents to Judge Sullivan.

It is always a bad idea to defy a federal judge, especially one with a reputation and a history of vigilance against law enforcement and prosecutorial abuse and who has previously thrown out convictions that resulted from abuse.  Mueller failed to give Judge Sullivan the FBI 302 interviews of General Flynn.  FBI 302’s are written accounts of interviews by the agents.

Kimberly Strassel’s recent WSJ article indicated it was Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe who called General Flynn on other business and then suggested he sit down with two agents to clear up the Russia question.  McCabe urged General Flynn to conduct the interview with no lawyer present to make things easier.  The entire thing reeks of entrapment.

The court filing refers to a McCabe memo written the day of the meeting, as well as a 302 FBI summary of the Flynn interview.  Congressional Republicans have been fighting to obtain these documents for over a year, and apparently Judge Sullivan did not receive the memo or the original 302s.  The date on the Flynn 302 was August 22, 2017, seven months after the interview.  Strzok’s texts and Comey’s testimony both indicated the 302 was written long before this.  So, was it edited in the interim, and if so by whom and at whose direction?

Judge Sullivan also ordered the Flynn team to turn over the documents backing up its assertions. The judge could determine why the FBI apparently took a significantly more aggressive tack in handling the Flynn interview than it did during other similar matters, including the agency’s sit-downs with Hillary Clinton and ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos.

Federal judges consistently strike down President Trump’s Executive Orders.  Judge Emmet Sullivan has a stellar reputation for being a straight shooter and he is certainly not obligated to follow prosecutors’ sentencing recommendations.

Sullivan’s move might delay General Flynn’s December 18th sentencing date, or lead to other dramatic and unexpected changes in the case. Sullivan even has the authority to toss Flynn’s guilty plea and the charge against him if he concludes that the FBI interfered with Flynn’s constitutional right to counsel.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500 word document entitled, Mueller Exposed, revealing Mueller’s sordid past and his modus operandi.  Louisiana State Senator, John Milkovich wrote a book entitled, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order, which documents Mueller’s career of cover-ups, corruption and unconscionable conduct…an ever-willing instrument of the Deep State.  It is available from Amazon.

On December 14th, Breitbart exposed that Mueller had deleted thousands of text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from the iPhone of fired FBI agent Peter Strzok before turning it over to the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), according to a report released by the federal watchdog.

Mueller’s team had determined “it contained no substantive text messages.”  Lisa Page’s phone was scrubbed and lost for an entire year before it was turned over.  Link

Given what we know about Strzok, this smells like quite the coverup. Time for Congress to step in, but they’ve never received from the DOJ what they have continually requested despite threats and subpoenas.

The Gateway Pundit has reported that former Deputy Attorney General under Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, will not allow General Flynn interrogator, Joe Pientka to testify despite his reported willingness to defend Michael Flynn.  The Mueller Special Counsel redacted Joe Pientka’s name in the 302 reports.  According to investigative journalist Sara Carter, Pientka is willing to defend General Flynn in his testimony.

Obama’s Minions Still Reside in the DOJ

The outrageous actions of the DOJ are certainly not limited to the ever-expanding Mueller witch hunt.  Just last month, 16 FBI agents raided the home of a protected DOJ whistle blower who had delivered documents pertaining to the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One to a government watchdog.

It was Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein who boldly suggested he wear a wire to record the President and suggested invoking the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office.  Why wasn’t this man fired along with Jeff Sessions?

The thousands of text messages admitting flagrant anti-Trump bias exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were wiped clean by the Mueller witch hunt before turning their phones over to the DOJ Inspector General.

The disgraced former head of the FBI, James Comey, who is now teaching ethics at William and Mary College, orchestrated the leaks of the memos he took of his meetings with President Trump to the media and who, of course, sent over those two investigators from the FBI to interview General Michael T. Flynn via Sally Yates for former President Barack Hussein Obama.

Court Documents

Attorney Gregg Jarrett of Fox News says, “The court documents are rich with corruption of the FBI and to some extent to the DOJ.  They admit in the 302 documents that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn told the truth.  So, the question that Judge Emmet Sullivan should ask on Tuesday is, ‘Mr. Mueller why are you prosecuting and why did you charge a guy who your own agents interviewed and determined told the truth?’”

No one has been held to account in the Obama administration for what was clearly an unprecedented surveillance of the White House staff, the incoming administration and in particular General Flynn.  President Donald Trump was absolutely right when he stated that the Obama administration had wiretapped him and his people.


Years ago, national talk radio host Roger Fredinburg interviewed attorney Fred Gray who was the lawyer for the surviving men of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.  When host Fredinburg asked Mr. Gray why the monetary award was so small, attorney Gray said this, “When the judge hearing the case works for the people you are suing, it’s nearly impossible to get justice.”

Judge Emmet Sullivan has never stood for prosecutorial misconduct.  Let’s pray he sees the truth this time as well and General Michael Flynn gets true justice.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Allegory Of France’s Destruction And The West’s

“As seen from the outside, massive upheaval of Western society is approaching the limit beyond which it will become “meta-stable” and must collapse.” — Solzhenitsyn

In the past four weeks, you witnessed thousands of French people rioting and stoning the police in the streets of Paris.  While you heard from the main stream media that the entire ruckus revolves around gas taxes, the riptide undercurrent stems from mass immigration from Africa and the Middle East.

The French elite never experience the consequences of third world immigration, but the average French citizen must deal with rapes, schools collapsing, theft, trash on their streets, killings, Islamic jihad such as Paris and Nice, degraded neighborhoods, cultural displacement, and everyday fear of walking down the streets with the very real possibility of being raped or run over by an immigrant.

The French face being eaten alive and their culture degraded much like the 1974 novel Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail.  Some call it a brilliant novel on Europe’s descendance into cultural hell.  Others call it ‘racist’ because the author attempted to warn the French people that endless immigration guaranteed the demise and displacement of the French out of their own country.

“You don’t know my people.  If this band of brutes ever lands on your shores, they will swallow you up.” — Jean Raspail

Writer Paul Craig Roberts wrote, “The Russians and Chinese do not need to do anything about Europe and the United States. The West is self-destructing at a rapid pace.  French generals accuse Macron of treason over the United Nations Migration Pact.”

The pact, signed by 164 nations on Monday, including France, does not legally bind but greases the skids for unlimited migration to be treated as a human right and criticism of mass migration to be treated as hate speech.

Craig wrote, “The letter accuses Macron of being “guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation” for signing the pact without putting it to the people. The French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic. Immigration is erasing France’s “civilizational landmarks”.

According to British MEP Janice Atkinson, the United Nations pact leads Europe into another 59 million new migrants within the next six years.

Knock, knock, knock fellow Americans! Your own Congress expects to import 100 million legal immigrants within 30 years.  Anybody see a problem with that figure?

Atkinson said, “European countries are having their culture and identity crushed.   It will be illegal not to use their prescribed language. And goodbye to your democracy and your way of life if the pact is implemented.”

Please note that allowing mass migration into first world countries guarantees the West a dismal if not conflict-ridden future.  Further, the United States and Canada solve nothing with the understanding that Africa, at 1.1 billion people in 2018, faces demographic projections of 2.0 billion by 2050 and 4.0 billion by 2095.

In all, the French people fight for their lives.  At the same time, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Italy gasp their last breaths if they fail to stop all immigration from a line that never ends.

What I would like to understand: why are the leaders of the European Union bent on destroying European culture, education and stable societies?

Who, in their right mind, thinks that bushmen and women from Africa, used to living in huts, and hunter gatherers, and who lack any Western educational foundation, can do anything but live on welfare in first world countries?

While we watch the French attempt to save their country from the migration invasion, we, too, the American people, along with Canadians stand in the cross-hairs of a demographic Godzilla that will strangle our ability to exist.

The French people stand in riot lines in coming to grips with the impossibility of integrating too many people, especially from totally incompatible cultures, and, who created religious enclaves that possess no semblance of wanting to integrate or become French or submit to the laws of the French Republic.

Well, fellow Americans, look no further than Detroit, Michigan or Minneapolis, Minnesota or Freemont, California or Miami, Florida or Los Angeles, California. Our own immigrants create parallel societies in our own country that possess nothing in common with America or American ways of life.

This video sums it up as to what’s coming to America if we fail to stop all immigration into the United States.

“In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”  — Lee Kuan Yew (Founder Of Singapore)

“Immigration is a form of war in which the violence is delayed.” — Martin Van Crevald

“Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society.” — Aristotle

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Essence Of A Good Burger

A statement that I believe could be safely made, is the fact that about everyone enjoys a “good” hamburger.  Fast food chains, diners, mom and pop cafes and restaurants have made “billions” of burgers and made a combination of billions of dollars by making this famous treat.  Of course, we could name the “burger joints” that are the most famous, but we will refrain from that at this time.

But, I would like to make some comments in this article that I believe will make a good point in a bit.  Most of us can remember a commercial that was a real hit in the 80’s.  It showed a few little “ole” ladies standing in line for a burger.  When they brought out the sandwich, they placed a beautiful, fluffy, golden and light bun in front of them.  It was impressive to say the least.  One of the little ladies that they gave it to took a look at the bun, then did something a lot of people never do.  She looked inside it and found something very important missing.  She looked up and asked a most famous question.  “Where’s the beef?”  She went right to the heart of the matter.  She asked where the “only” item was that makes a burger a burger.  The very essence of a burger.  The beef!  The company that produced this, once famous ad, has made a fortune on the emphasizing of the missing essence of the sandwich.  The beef.  And in turn,  made their burger the “meatiest” one on the market.

You see, no matter how sweet the onion, or how crisp the lettuce, or mellow the warm melted cheese, or the snap of the pickles, even the right amount of condiments, without the juicy, well seasoned, thick, meaty essence of the sandwich, the beef, you do not have a “real” hamburger.  So be careful to not be fooled by all the fancy trimmings. There is no real hamburger without the beef!  No matter how attractive the package may be.

Now, for a bit, let’s take a look at another sometimes, very deceiving item.  A “Christian”.   Or, at least, those who call themselves Christians.  How can you tell for sure they are what they represent themselves to be?  Let’s take a look.

There have always been unscrupulous individuals who are willing to profit by creating a fake or “knock off” product that may “look” exactly like the original and real item, but there is always something missing that usually comes to light only after someone has been deceived into buying the item.  You can believe me when I tell you, that there are MANY  fake “copies” of truly born again believers in our midst that have, and still are deceiving many.  II Cor. 11:13-16. II Tim. 3:13

These “knock offs” sure look the part!  Wow!  They can appear to be so sincere!  Preach and teach beautifully!  Their messages can sound so appealing and even partially biblical!  They dress immaculately!  Have a very magnetic personality!  Their speech is smoother than butter on a hot piece of toast!  They can and do deceive millions into their false doctrines, and just as the burger joints with their burger “copies”, have made billions with their deception, so too these charlatans! They literally make “merchandise” of their beguiled disciples!  II Pet. 2:3, Col. 2:4, Eph. 5:6, II Pet 2:18

It is always important when listening to anyone who claims to be a teacher or preacher, to know that they are the real deal!  Not a well constructed fake.  All of the fine garnishments they exhibit are just a “covering” to help persuade you that they are the genuine product, not an empty fake.  We all must look for the “beef” that will prove they are the real item.  NO “beef”, no substance.  No true essence of a true Christian.  So you ask, “Where’s the beef”?  How can I know if it’s the genuine item?  Simple.  Look at the definition of what the essence of a Christian is.  Just remember Mt. 7:15-20.  Then read Gal. 5:19-25 to know fake from real.  See also Phil. 2:3-7.

The essence of a genuine child of God is the Holy Spirit of God that dwells in them to bring forth the works our Father desires.   Man can exhibit many spirits, but there is only One Holy Spirit!  I John 4:1  It is our duty to not be mislead!  Rom. 8:14

Simple folks.  Take off the “bun”, push aside the “trimmings” and look for the beef!  PLEASE remember!!  If you are fooled by a fake burger you just have been sold a bad sandwich, BUT if you are fooled by a fake Christian you could lose your soul!!

By the way, the reason I titled the article “The essence of a good burger” is I hoped you would want to see where I was going with it.  Hope it worked.

Keep and CONTEND for the faith. Jude 3

© 2018 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

When Are Christians Going To Care About This?

I am wondering, today, how much more of this LGBTQP+ NONSENSE we are going to tolerate before church people, pastors and church leadership will FINALLY speak up about this demonic and deadly deception that is raping the minds and hearts — and stealing the souls — of our young people.  When are CHRISTIANS going to CARE about this?  When are CHRISTIANS going to fight back?  Or are we just going to roll over and let the devil have his way with our communities, our culture and our kids?

Sadly, MANY pastors and church goers are not even aware of the extent of what is REALLY going on all across the country and the world — and right in their own back yards in some cases.  Not only that, but if they ARE aware, they remain absolutely SILENT on the issue;  pastors refusing to properly teach and preach on the subject, and therefore the people are left to make up their own minds.  And having no input whatsoever from their “spiritual leaders,” and most not bothering to read their Bibles for themselves anymore either — most people are making their minds up based on what is popular in the media.  Exactly what the devil had hoped for.  Sheep without shepherds, tossed to the wolves, following the vain imaginations of their minds, with their “moral compass” being whatever “feels” and “sounds” “nice.”  We are SO lost.

Well, let me tell you, it’s even worse than that.  Because many in church leadership ARE VERY WELL INFORMED on these things — AND they are COMPLICIT in these abominations, serving as LGBT “allies” in their “open and affirming” so-called “churches.”

Let me make it very easy for you:  if your church has any fellowship with the World Council of Churches, the Wisconsin Council of Churches, or the “Council of Churches” in YOUR state, you can be certain then, that YOUR CHURCH is one of those apostate synogogues of Satan that is leading people straight to hell under the guise of being “loving,” “inclusive” and “tolerant.”  Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s the plain and simple truth.

This “Council of Churches” not only serves as a willing accomplice to the LGBTQP+ militant agenda, they also embrace eastern mysticism, all forms of paganism, and they welcome Muslims with open arms — even as guest speakers to teach their congregations, because, they claim, “we all worship the same god.”  No.  We do not.  There is ONE God:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  These people worship none of them.  They worship satan, as they join him in masquerading as angels of light.

But your church doesn’t have to be associated with the World Council of Churches to be apostate.  Nowadays, it seems to be rare, indeed, to be able to locate a so-called “Christian church” that DOES STILL believe, preach and speak the truth of God’s Word ANYWHERE.  The seeker-friendly movement that became so popular back in the 1990s has morphed into a hideous soul-devouring monster, brainwashing followers to accept all manner of sin and debauchery as “just fine.”  Honestly, if I hear one more professing Christian tell me it is not for US to “judge,” I’m likely to make myself a whip and start overturning some tables.

But you can’t really blame them.  For decades now, 300,000 pulpits in our nation have remained absolutely SILENT on the most vital and critical issues impacting the family and God’s natural laws.  Most of our pastors are SO weak in their preaching, so as not to offend ANYONE, they have left their congregations with no “meat” of the Word at all,  and just a thimble-full of 2% “milk.”  Everything now has become emotion-based.  If I had to guess, I’d say 90% or more of those sitting next to you in church on Sunday never once even open their Bibles at home, if they even know where it is.  Instead, they rely on the few bits of hand-picked Scriptures projected up on the screen to support the pastor’s opinion, and if they DO follow along, it’s not with a real BIBLE — it’s with smart phones and other devices, that many times, just the night before were into porn.  Again, sorry to be so blunt here, but SOMEBODY needs to call out the “elephant in the room!”  For goodness’ sake, do we not CARE AT ALL about the future of our children and grandchildren?!

Indeed, we seem to “major” on the “minors” today:  we look down our long, legalistic noses on those who smoke, drink or use drugs.  Let me ask you:  would we, as church-goers, embrace, accept and “AFFIRM” heroin addicts in our midst — and CELEBRATE  their addictions with them?  Of course not.  True Christ-followers would do all we could to help them come out of such bondage.   Yet the most deadly of all abominations unto the Lord, that which Romans tells us SPECIFICALLY that men will reap within their own bodies the due penalty for their sin — the sin of SODOMY — THAT sin we LOVE.  What is WRONG with us?!

Recently, as you may have heard, another professing Christian rock star, Lauren Daigle, has basically given affirmation to the sodomite lifestyle, when she went on the Ellen Degeneres show.  Ellen, a well-known and outspoken lesbian, asked this singer if she thought homosexuality is a sin.  Lauren Daigle responded, “I can’t honestly answer on that,” and added: “I have too many people that I love that they are homosexual.  I don’t know.  I actually had a conversation with someone last night about it.  I can’t say one way or the other.  I’m not God…. I just say read the Bible and find out for yourself.  And when you find out let me know.”

Honestly.  You couldn’t make this stuff up.  Here is a young woman, followed by millions of adoring teens and young adults as a “Christian” singer.  OBVIOUSLY, as we seem to do with ALL celebrities, these young people look up to people like this for guidance, and they follow their lead…  and if the truth be told, if they GO to church at all, most of their PASTORS would likely give a very similar answer as well.  But WHAT a SHAME.  What a missed opportunity to speak the truth of the God she claims to praise in her music.  But then, to speak the truth would mean losing fans, losing money, losing the admiration of PEOPLE.  She chose the approval of men over service to the King.

When I posted this news article on our Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page, even I was surprised at how many professing “Christians” are SO LOST, SO deluded.  You’d have thought I’d committed bloody murder just to post the news article on our site.  I was told it is not for us to judge.  I was told it is unChristian to not “love” everyone.  I was called a “hateful bigot.”  I was told “we are all sinners and none of us have any right to declare what is right or wrong.”  I was told that I was the reason that Christians get such a “bad name.”  And of course, there were countless “hate the sin but love the sinner” comments.  WHICH, in case you don’t know, is NOT in the Bible —  it was a saying of Gandhi.  But if you read your Bible you’d know that.  No, friends, God does not cast the SIN into hell.  The unrepentant SINNER goes there by his or her own choosing…sadly because so many church-goers are too afraid to offend them in this life.  So they “love” them straight into eternal separation from God.  And hell is enlarged daily as so many, deceiving themselves in the vain imaginations of their own minds do what they FEEL is right in their own eyes.

Now, I don’t know who Lauren Daigel is.  I’ve never heard her music.  She may have a voice as beautiful as the Heavenly Host itself;  but as a Christian “leader” — and make no mistake, you don’t need to be a “pastor” to be a leader, because she is a “pied piper,” and she has a huge following — mostly young people, and she IS LEADING them…  and as a Christian leader, it is her responsibility to KNOW what the Bible says, especially about THIS topic, which is so prevalent and spreading like a deadly cancer worldwide now.  Instead, she said, “I don’t know.  You read the Bible for yourself and when you find out, tell me.”  If that is not the epitome of laziness, I don’t know what is.  But that is the state of the American church today.  Lazy, apathetic and carnal…

Satan has turned what God created to be a beautiful thing:  the act of sexual relations within marriage into a hideous form of recreation and entertainment, that is, MOST OFTEN, DEADLY anytime it is engaged in outside of Holy Matrimony.  It’s ESPECIALLY  deadly when the unnatural acts of sodomy are practiced.  And how we have TWISTED God’s gift of sex and perverted it today into something foul and rotten and disgusting.

Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn today, it’s all about sex.  Unnatural, TWISTED and PERVERTED sex.   They are teaching sodomy and “transgenderism” as a normal way of life in pre-schools and public schools with “Drag Queen Story Time” — where a man, dressed as a female whore not only reads a story to innocent young children, they also perform lewd, disgusting dances, called “twerking” in front of these poor kids — AND THE PARENTS BRING THEIR KIDS to these things!

In Texas, a six year old boy is being forced to “transition” to a girl by his mother.  While at his mother’s house, he must dress as a girl, is called by a female name and is taken to a psychiatrist who specializes in “gender dysphoria.”  Soon he will be forced to take female hormones.   But the boy doesn’t WANT to be a girl.  When at his father’s house, he willingly dresses as a boy, acts as a boy and goes by his given name.  BUT NOW the father is being SUED for “child abuse.”  How much more outrageous can we get in this world?!

Well, let me tell you.  According to LifeNews, a feminist ELCA Lutheran “pastor” is “making fun of Christians who take a serious decison to be abstinent from sex until marriage and to remain faithful to their partner in marriage.”  Here’s what she is doing:  she is calling for Christian girls and young women to send her the “purity rings” given to them by their parents as a symbol of their vow to remain virgins until marriage.  This so-called “pastor” plans to melt them down and create a statue of a vagina, to be unveiled at  a Conference she is hosting next year.  Those who send their purity rings to this devil will receive a “Certificate of Impurity” as well as a “SHAMELESS IMpurity ring.”

This demon’s name is Nadia Bolz-Weber, and she is in Denver, Colorado where she founded the ELCA “House For All Sinners and Saints.”  She recently resigned from leadership at this House For All Sinners so that she can have a greater influence in the culture by acquiring what she calls a “larger stage.”  She advocates for church-goers to use pornography, she embraces sodomy and “transgenderism” and is known for preaching sermons filled with profanity.   Upon leaving the “church” she founded, she was replaced by a sodomite male, married to a “drag queen.”  This is called “Church” in America today, folks.

Does it not concern you that a school nurse is forbidden to give a student an aspirin without parental permission, but can take that same student to Planned Parenthood for an abortion without even informing the parents?  Does it not concern you that kids under the age of 13 cannot go to a PG-13 movie, but kids under 3 can go watch a Drag Queen gyrate all over the floor and read them a story, all the while encouraging them to explore their sexuality and try sodomy out for themselves?

Consider this: wherever you find children, whether it be public schools, libraries, or even churches,  you will find sodomite indoctrination, rainbow symbols and the LGBTQP+ agenda celebrated and embraced.  But you won’t find such things at your local nursing home.  Why is that?  Because these demons are after your children, that’s why!  They MUST recruit them into the lifestyle.  They must snare and entrap as many as possible as young as possible.  But WOE to them.  It would be better, Jesus said, for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the depths of the sea.

And woe to the lazy, apathetic professing Christians who should know better too — even though their cowardly leaders will not lead and teach on these things.   If they truly followed Jesus as they claim, they ought to know better.  And some of them do.  They just don’t care.  Yes, indeed.  WOE to them, as Paul writes in Romans, “who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the very same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”

So I ask you again, as I did at the start:  how much more of this are we going to put up with before Christ’s remnant believers RISE UP and put a stop to it?  Because you see, if that is to be, it is up to us.  Most of today’s professing “church” has joined the other side — the devil’s side.  And you’d better be extremely careful of those who refuse to rightly divide the Word of Truth, lead as true shepherds of God’s people, or worse yet, celebrate this abomination and teach others to do likewise, all in the name of “love.”  Because God IS love.  But He is also the Way, the Truth and the Life.  But our adversary, the devil, masquerades as an angel of light, and he too, uses the word “love” — but beware the father of lies and all who follow him.  LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE:  voting “Republican” and then going back to your favorite TV sitcom, conveniently overlooking the nice, cute homosexuals it features is not going to solve this.  This is spiritual warfare — the DEVIL is highly organized and well funded, while, at the same time, it seems, GOD’s people couldn’t care less.  I’M TELLING YOU:  We had BETTER start caring.  Or YOUR OWN child or grandchild will be the enemy’s next victim.  What will you do then?

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 241.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 2

We will pay a price, a heavy price, for not teaching the truth about this great country.  Yes, there are a lot of people that are constantly degrading America.  These people do no know the real America.  They don’t know what our Founders went through and the price they paid to give us the country that we live in today.  The pastors of the Founding era were most influential and the most persecuted by the British. There was a class of clergymen and chaplains in the Revolution whom the British, when they once laid hands on them, treated with the most barbarous severity. Dreading them for the influence they wielded and hating them for the obstinacy, courage, and enthusiasm they infused into the rebels, they violated all the usages of war among civilized nations in order to inflict punishment upon them4

Many of the pastors were openly tortured and purposely targeted sometimes in sadistic ways.  One pastor, Reverend Naphtali Doggett, who was also President of Yale, resisted strongly to the British’s practice of destruction and desecration of private homes and property.  He was eventually captured and over a period of several hours the British stabbed Doggett with their bayonets.  His release was eventually secured but he never recovered from his wounds and was the cause of his death. Another pastor, Reverend James Caldwell of New Jersey resisted the British with the same tenacity and his church was burned and he and his family were murdered.

The treatment of the pastors by the British was criminal at best.  They were imprisoned, abused and killed and most times suffered more than a regular soldier receiving harsher treatments and more severe penalties. The British went further in their want for revenge in targeting the churches of the captured pastors destroying over half of the churches in New York City.  Most of the churches in Virginia were the targets of the British as well.  The British followed this pattern throughout the Colonies.[1]  Why are these sacrifices not taught in our schools but the tenants of Islam are? We are ignoring, on purpose, the greatness that made America great.  I believe that this is because most of our schools, all levels, have been infiltrated with globalists that believe that America must come down and be a part of the world as a member, but not a sovereign nation.  The proof is what they are teaching in schools. “Don’t know much about history . . .,” goes the famous song. It’s an apt motto for the Common Core’s elementary school curriculum.

And it’s becoming a serious problem.

A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history. When colleges such as Stanford decline to require Western Civilization classes or high schools propose changing their curriculum so that history is taught only from 1877 onward (this happened in North Carolina), it’s merely a blip in our news cycle.

A 2012 story in Perspectives on History magazine by University of North Carolina professor Bruce VanSledright found that 88 percent of elementary school teachers considered teaching history a low priority.

The reasons are varied. VanSledright found that teachers didn’t focus on history because students aren’t tested on it at the state level. Why teach something you can’t test?

A teacher I spoke with in Brooklyn confirmed this. She said, “All the pressure in lower grades is in math and English Language Arts because of the state tests and the weight that they carry.”[2]

Social justice is not justice.  It punishes the ones that work hard and rewards laziness, but it is being taught.  In a recent article, J. Martin Rochester, a professor of political science at the University of St. Louis-Missouri, raised concerns about teaching social justice in schools. Rochester’s problem with teaching social justice in schools is focused on two simultaneous axes. One, he thinks that social justice exists outside the jurisdiction of school curricula, and second that those who would teach social justice approach it only from a liberal perspective.

As an educator who includes social justice as a necessary part of my classroom practice, I think Rochester got some some things right but a lot of things wrong.

Education Has Always Been Political

Rochester’s first insinuation is that schools ought to focus on the traditional curricula of reading, writing, mathematics, sciences, etc. Schools ought not to, in Rochester’s words, “aspire to be churches or social work agencies.” [3]

We believe that there is a specific world out there but what we are teaching our kids, they will be educated for a world that isn’t there.  Even with a growing population that will produce needs for more food, better manufacturing ideas and a whole myriad of other things that just cover basic life needs, we are not addressing these issues.  Our math skills are falling. Our reading skills are weakening. Our children have become less literate than children in many developed countries. But the crisis in American education may be more than a matter of sliding rankings on world educational performance scales.


#### About

David Edwards is a professor at
Harvard University and the founder of [Le Laboratoire] (http://www.lelaboratoire.org/en/).

Our kids learn within a system of education devised for a world that increasingly does not exist.

To become a chef, a lawyer, a philosopher or an engineer, has always been a matter of learning what these professionals do, how and why they do it, and some set of general facts that more or less describe our societies and ourselves.[4] How long can we ignore these basic needs before we are forced into the New World Order simply because we can no longer cope with needs, we will have?  Why not be the world leader in these innovations instead of the victims of the needs?

Our Founders gave us a system that within just a few short years made us a world leader.  That is why Alexis De Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America just 52 years after we gained our independence from Britain.  An achievement never before seen in world politics.  Let me say this, I would support a One World Order IF America and her original policies were the ones in charge.  But that is just what the OWO doesn’t want to happen, they want to be in charge.

Our Founders gave us freedoms that were not known in the world except for the elite.  These freedoms gave every American the opportunity to rise from poverty to great wealth.  Under the OWO, those freedoms will be gone, private property will be gone, passing our wealth to our children will be gone because we will no be allowed wealth.  We don’t teach our freedoms because if we know our rights, we will oppose losing them.  If we don’t know them, we will not know when they are taken away.  That is their goal and they are succeeding.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 165-166.
  2. Why schools have stopped teaching American history
  3. It’s non negotiable we have to teach social justice in our schools
  4. On learning by doing

Give Me One Generation Of Your Children And I’ll Transform Your Country

“Give me just one generation of youth, and I’ll transform the whole world.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

“Destroy the family, you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Was the cry of Lenin, Khrushchev, Castro and Hitler and other dictators just before they destroyed their country and used indoctrination with propaganda on the children to turn on their parents and neighbors. The key to the future of our country is its children.  For it does not matter what we accomplish in 8 years to “fix” America, once more “socialists graduate” America will elect socialists.  According to the National Review 2017 40% of the population wants America to be socialist. For the purpose of definition remember that the goal of all ….isms ie, progressivism, globalism, socialism, fascism, collectivism etc. is communism whereby the state (government) control every aspect of human life.

Since the lowest common denominator in America (something ever American does – is attend school) the students are the low hanging fruit.  Also the new brand of communism has changed since the leaders feel they can infiltrate their opponent by mass migration of socialists. By integrating the media, Hollywood and education incremental change and pressure is continual. Weapons are no longer necessary. Winning the “hearts and minds” are the answer. How do you fool millions of people? YOU LIE.

Education is Key… So let’s get directly to the point…
The problem is the content of the curriculum. No amount of money, No choice, no voucher will do anything to fix anything as long as the curriculum stays the same.  The curricula are written by people who want to destroy America. You are seeing the results. Lies, Lies, and more Lies

Students are now taught: The government is gospel, grants your rights and never lies. Your self worth is not important only your group worth.  Facts are not as important as value. Education has become training for work. Being mediocre gets a trophy.  So what happens to a society when mediocre is accepted as the norm.   America now gets mediocre – doctors, inventors, mechanics, teachers, legislators etc.  No more innovation and creation.

2 simple lies, making a huge impact:
Calling America a Democracy:   Our founders were very careful to create a representative republic using our US Constitution as the contract of laws applicable to ALL Americans. (They purposely us words like ALL to eliminate class distinction.)   Article 4 Section 4 guarantees that each American will have a republican form of government. A democracy fails at every turn for it is nothing more than rule by mob.  What is law today can be undone tomorrow by “majority rules”. In addition, if America were a democracy there would be no reason for representatives.  The people would vote directly by referendum.

It is not important to learn English.  What you are not told is that English is the language of Business.  If you can not read contracts, laws and regulations, you are a slave to your interpreter and the government. Welcome to communism. The children in these failing socialist schools have grown up to become your legislators and educators.  Many teachers can not read and write proper English.

The “educators” (the bureaucrats running education who rarely were in a classroom,) today are interested in 3 things:  Money, Power, Control

Money is thrown around by the government, publishers, NGO’s and non-profits as grants to “help” teach the new modern education. As grade slip the cry for MORE MONEY is heard throughout the education community. More money is not the answer. Teaching using programs that work is the answer.  In the 1960’s America was in the top 10 worldwide. After 60 years using proven failed programs America is 37th worldwide and all we hear is: we need more money.

Control is done through standards – in 2013 under the Obama administration a $350 million grant was given to Pearson Publishing to make all its texts Common Core compliant. Pearson supplies about 80% of America’s texts.  Pearson is an English (socialist) company. Does it matter what your state called the standards if all texts follow the same standards?  In addition state got grants as well to help promote common core.

Power: The only way someone can have power over you is if you give it to them.  STOP accepting mediocrity. Have you noticed that the spelling of exceptionalism always comes up as misspelled? Silence is considered compliance.

Education is local and it is the one area I believe that we the people can have control.
The Florida Citizens Alliance in 2017, helped get a bill passed CS989, that gives any Florida resident the right to challenge the texts for accuracy, bias, errors and omissions. Does your state have a bill like that?    Having that bill is only good if you use it.

The Alliance is offering help to form committees and challenge the texts.  It is important that we use their words and framework.  Therefore, under the current guidelines that demand equality we must demand they offer a traditional education as well.  Teaching socialism only “is not fair and equal.”

I now ask you:  Is America worth saving?  If so what will you do?  Do you know what is in your school? If you are interested in education solutions, contact me.   For the statistics click here.

© 2018 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Time For Some Good News

My wife Mary sent me links to the following three articles. “Dear Hollywood: Stop Gaying All the Things, Especially Straight Characters.” [Link]  The article talks about how Hollywood is making everything about homosexuality, selling the lie that everyone is a closet homosexual. According to Gallop, homosexuals are 3.4% of the population. Leftists have scammed Americans into believing homosexuals are 23 percent and more. Some in Hollywood are campaigning to transform traditional heterosexual characters like Captain America and James Bond into homosexuals. Don’t laugh. It could happen folks.

“Forcing Churches to Hire Homosexuals, Transgender Ministers Will Go National” [Link]  Austin, Texas city council introduced an ordinance forcing churches to hire homosexual and transgender ministers on the grounds that not to do so is discrimination. Other cities are pushing the same ordinance. A few years ago, Houston’s city council attempted the same ordinance. It was defeated. Praise God.

Texas Pastor Council President Dave Welch said, “In the past, we have too often waited and watched from the sidelines, silent. We decided that that is not possible anymore, that’s not acceptable.”

This statement from Pastor Welch is particularly strong, “Forcing churches to violate core convictions is not acceptable. Once government does so, all of our Constitutional protections are essentially gone – all gone, for all of us, across all America.”

It is thrilling to see courageous Christians in Texas fighting back in truth and love. Real Christian love is letting people know when they are going in the wrong direction; telling them that Jesus is the answer. As my late preacher dad said, “You shouldn’t pat people on the back to hell.” Dad instructed his five kids, “Don’t make my funeral about me. Tell people about Jesus.”

When the Supreme Court, in essence, made same sex marriage the law of the land, a millennial family member said to me. “I don’t care if two men want to sleep together. What difference does it make?” I tried to explain to him that SCOTUS’ ruling was a veiled leftist attack on religious freedom, reaching far beyond guys sleeping together. The glazed look in my young relative’s eyes told me he thought I was paranoid, conspiratorial and outdated.

This third article has sane people outraged. “Father Says 6-Year-Old Son Refuses Mom’s Demand to Dress Like a Girl – Now He’s being Charged with ‘Child Abuse’.” Texas father, Jeffery Younger could lose his son for not going along with his wacko ex-wife’s decision to raise their son James as a girl. [Link]

James’ father has been legally prohibited from talking to his son about gender or sexuality. Meanwhile, James’ mother plans to start the process of chemically castrating their 6 year old son when James turns 8 years old. [Link]

Everyday we are confronted with outrageous attacks from leftists (fake news media, Democrats and Hollywood) on our culture, morals, freedoms and values. Sometimes I just don’t feel like talking about it. I am not advocating that we stick our heads in the sand and not deal with it. Passivity has gotten us into this mess; pushed around by aggressive leftist bullies. I am saying that sometimes it is wise to take a break from all the negativity and focus on good things.

The tiny town in West Virginia that Mary and I moved to a year ago had their annual Christmas parade. While Santa and Mrs. Claus waved from their beautiful float equipped with a snow machine, a strong theme of the parade was Jesus is the reason for the season. That was truly refreshing. Support for Trump is high in my tiny town.

My wife Mary enjoys watching Hallmark Christmas movie marathons. As leftists fight to remove Christ from Christmas, I appreciate Hallmark Christmas movies prominently featuring hymns. The movies are predictable. Everyone is well dressed. The settings are beautiful. The boy gets the girl and Mary says it always snows at the end. As corny as that sounds, the movies are a pleasant refreshing safe haven from all the vile garbage shoved into our faces at every turn on TV. So much of TV promotes people behaving badly. Producers are relentless in their mission to normalize deviancy.

Extremely popular, an all-time high of 37 Hallmark Christmas movies will air this holiday season. Their ratings keep rising. [Link]  That’s good news.

Like many of you, Facebook, censored my articles and even closed down my account right before the midterm election. After jumping through hoops, Facebook restored my account. Mary excitedly signed me up on Trump Town, the new social network Facebook alternative. [Link]

Addison Riddleberger, the founder of the new platform posted on his site. “Welcome to Trump Town – where you won’t be censored, ghosted or banned for supporting the 45th president of the United States.”

This site is great news for conservatives.

More people are beginning to realize that America’s political arena has become a battle of good vs evil. Everyday I remind myself, “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s” (2 Chronicles 20:15). Our duty as loving Christians and patriots is to remain diligent and faithful; spreading truth while courageously and legally pushing back against evil.

I close with wonderful news – a brief video of president Trump’s bold unapologetic biblical speech pushing back against leftists’ war on Christmas. All praise and thanks to God.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

No One Is Good – No, Not One – Psalm 53.3

Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, a few years ago I witnessed America headed toward oblivion and we will surely see God’s judgment on this Satanic-filled nation unless we repent so I opened up a NO ONE IS GOOD paper file. I’m basically a high tech nerd and decided the paper file would be easier and more reliable for me to find than something I might want to print into the computer.  I then began to fill the file with examples of why folks get into trouble. Psalm 53:3 – KJV -A Psalm of David says “Every one of them is gone back; they are altogether become filthy, there is none that doeth good – No, Not one!  In my Parallel Referenced Bible, the Modern language calls it a “Folly of Atheism ,” whereas the Revised Standard version calls it the “ Fate of a Fool”. [Link]


The January 10, 1963 Congressional Record (appendix pp. A34-A35) lists the 45 declared goals of the Communist Takeover of America, I’ll only address Goal 39 – Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals and #40 which is to discredit the family as an institution and encourage promiscuity and EASY DIVORCE which assures a profitable livelihood for those in the psychiatric and mental health profession. [Link]

With the exception of game shows and a little fake news, my only TV vice is the Dr. Phil show for my 3 p.m. coffee break. He says he’s a Christian.  He does what appears to be lots of “good works” and prefers guests with family problems and children.  (Ephes. 2:8-9)  It’s rare that he does any follow up for the audience to see if what he did was truly long lasting.  However, I no more made this comment and BINGO he had a guest in the audience from 4 ½ years ago who had lost a son and begin to get over her grief after Dr. Phil told her she had to take care of herself first and introduced her to Robin McGraw’s Revolution.com and said he uses her products which keeps him feeling and looking young.


Tim Jones writing for MOTHER NATURE and reprinted in the November 2018 THE SCHWARZ REPORT said most people accuse the Bible of taking all the fun out of life with its moral dictates of personal restraint. Where the liberals and secular humanists go wrong is twofold. One, those moral dictates are voluntary, but if they are followed, one will have for the most part a safe and secure life.

And two, since liberals and atheists don’t want to be told what to do with their lives, the logical conclusion to a life without restrictions is a life of hedonism leading to self-destruction, such as alcoholism, drug abuse, homelessness and the myriad of addictions including these new folks who believe God made a mistake and they have surgery to change their sex.  In Oregon, a 15 year old can have a sex change and the parent’ s have to pay for the surgery and any complications but will break the law to object. Go figure… Addictions by definition is lack of self-restraint that leads to the inability to stop a destructive activity.

Irving Kristol, one of the original neoconservatives, touches on this in his essay “Countercultures: Past, Present and Future.”  MORAL  ANARCHY

Secular rationalism looks at things differently. It is essentially contemptuous of the very idea of tradition. It also lacks a central principle of virtue. Instead, it proposes a whole set of virtues – toleration, pluralism, relativism: the “liberal virtues”- which, one might say, construct a supermarket of possible good and decent lives, with no discrimination permitted. This is a prescription for moral anarchy, which is exactly what we now experience. And there is no way that moral anarchy can pass for moral progress.

In the end, liberalism’s goals of a mythical and unobtainable individual liberation is impeded by the greatest conservative of all, Nature herself, imposing limitations on all of humanity that are impossible to remove.

Our bodies are obviously limited in what we can do with them. We are limited by gravitation, by our senses and perceptions, by our intellect. How fast we can run. How much heat or cold a body can endure. How many intoxicants one can ingest before bodily organs start permanently shutting down, whether one is a male or a female and the physical structure of each sex.   Life is nothing but limitations. And the biggest boundary of all is none other than death itself. Death puts a finite number of years every person will spend on this planet.


This destructive activity mentioned above leads many to contact Dr. Phil, a psychologist for 45 years,  avoids the word “sin,” which, of course would not be allowed on his program as he continues to become richer from his 14th year on TV where he tends to have guests on his show especially if children are involved.    In fact, he says he’s the most nonjudgmental guy he knows.

To prove this point, on a recent program, a young man decided as a teenager he wanted to become a girl. Nothing was mentioned about surgery but she was beautiful, had what appeared to be boobs and apparently made her dangerous living on the social media doing whatever. A parent had contacted Dr. Phil, so in order to help her to live a safer life, he brought in yet another beautiful girl (former boy) also with long blond hair and boobs to sit beside her as she explained with Dr. Phil’s help how she turned her life around, a job, etc. and away from a dangerous social media lifestyle. I broke out laughing. There two transies sat side by side. One had taken Dr. Phil’s advice and was an example of how the second one should strive to attain a safe life. [Link]

And then Dr. Phil had a 23 year old gal living in her car with a homeless girlfriend.  She had lost a baby in October 2017 (baby died in her arms) and already had an 18 month old new baby that she extorts her folks to care for when she is with her girlfriend.   Dr. Phil cautioned her how important it is for the mother to be in her daughter’s life as a role model.  Dr. Phil always has Plan B – and off she goes not to church but another psycho babbler facility.

In a June 2014 program entitled, “My Husband’s Secret Life Revealed” the husband viewed child pornography on the Internet, got aroused at seeing other naked men. Dr. Phil asked if he was a homosexual and said he was sort of a homosexual advocate figuring if they want to have sex with other men, it was OK with him.

The Homosexual Manifesto reprinted from the US Congressional Record Homosexual Activist Outlines Goals of Homosexual Movement by Michael Swift way back in 1987 explained in the this article.

The gospel rests upon a tremendous fact – the total depravity of man who is in such a state that he cannot be saved by perfect obedience.  Neither can be saved by imperfect obedience because God will not accept it. Therefore, the only solution is the gospel of grace of God which reaches down and saves the sinner on the basis of death and resurrection of Christ. Faith in Christ transforms human life.


And then there was the couple married 29 years with 12 beautiful children ranging in age from 28 to 6 and #13 on the way in a couple months with possible Down’s Syndrome.  The wife came from a big family and the couple chose to also have one. Even though she once thought about divorce, Dr. Phil asked the children if having a large family was a good thing and they all raised their hands in favor even though Dad spends little time with the kids and has to work three jobs and also has a little gambling and pornography addiction which he’s trying to get under control.  Near the end of the program it was revealed she spends three hours a day home schooling the remaining children still at home out of fear of them being bullied in the public schools like she was and surely she has trained this exceptionally beautiful family to help with the housework.  Dr. Phil raised his voice telling her she lacked common sense and that she should put the children into the public school and then went to a station break. I was shocked!

After the break, he quickly told all the home school parents he felt would be contacting him that he is in support of home schooling but three hours spent was not appropriate for this mother – can you imagine such utter nonsense coming out of this psycho babbler? How much time does he think some public school teachers give these individual children? A camera showed her downstairs living room neat, upstairs showed a number of neatly stacked black garbage bags near the stairs suggesting perhaps she was ready to dispose of them and their monthly food bill was equivalent to their mortgage so we know they were being fed.

Later, Dr. Phil suggested she was becoming a borderline hoarder and she needed a “Life Strategsist” (Life Coach) by the name of Mike Bayer so between the two of them, divorce was off the table and his recommendations for the family were non-negotiable.

He then proceeds to tell her the two of them will start by bringing in a team to clean the house called ONE ORGANIZED MOM and then he was going to arrange with psychologists and sociologists using the “Dr. on Demand” program he and his older son developed so these wholesome looking, home schooled  children could talk with them on line.  When talking with them earlier, he sensed depression and one talked of suicide – this after they raised their hands supporting the big family.

A couple programs following were about a family in trouble with rebellious, angry teenagers and the one common denominator – DIVORCE (Communist Goal #40)


In the midst of all the sadness, Dr. Phil’s wife, Robin came up on the stage and they shared their recent family grief! If my hearing served me correctly, Dr. Phil told how a sister of Robin years ago had suffered an acid attack, suffered through all that and then last spring, a heart problem which she survived and then just recently a stroke and they finally decided to turn off the machine. And then he tells how he had a sister that just died – one month of Robin’s sister’s death and then another sister of Robin told about her ex-husband’s passing away, the father of two young children. Of course, in both cases, divorce was involved. And I believe I heard on the program the day before that Robin was one of triplets. Never any mention of God in the midst of all this trauma.

On Valentine’s Day 2016 Dr. Phil’s talented musician #2 son had his band play their song DOCTOR on the show for Dr. Phil and his wife.  Aaah, that was sweet but obviously embarrassed, Dr. Phil told the audience to not let the tattoos on both arms, torn jeans or baseball cap that Jordan McGraw was wearing fool them.


The world today is constantly filled with turmoil and violence. This is not surprising since we live in a world that is saturated with sin, and we know that as we grow ever closer to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, trouble will abound all the more. In II Timothy 3:1, we are specifically warned by the Apostle Paul, “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” We are then warned again in II Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” The headlines of this modern age leave little doubt we are living in perilous times today.

Several more articles that should be of concern to the Christian community is one from Henry Makow’s website entitled: Christians-Zionism’s useful idiots.

And recently I’ve discovered a testimony from former Bill Dannemeyer about the passage of HJ Res. 104 signed into law by President George H.W. Bush on March 20, 1991. This law became known as the Noahide Laws, rules that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation by guillotine. I remember reading about Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum’s Samantha Smith in 2004 saying she had an opportunity to visit a warehouse filled with portable guillotines.

Dannemeyer wrote this law was especially troublesome to him because he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives at the time it was passed. Even worse, he was in the House Chamber the very day that it was passed, voting on other legislation. Yet he, as a U.S. Congressman, had NO KNOWLEDGE that it had been passed or even that it was to be brought up for a vote.

How could this be?, he asks. How could the deception be so pervasive that those of us who had sworn to uphold our country’s Constitution, particularly those of us (few, indeed) who really took our position seriously as the protectors of the people, could be totally in the dark regarding the content of this bill and its passage by the leaders of this country – by treachery and deceit? [Link]

© 2018 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

Oregon GOP Official Suggests Hiring Private Militias As Security For Republicans

 By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“[Portland] Mayor Ted Wheeler is a danger to Oregon and a danger to the innocence of the Conservative. Many Patriots have zero to little respect for any Portland Police Officer anymore after watching the Police stand there as innocent people are being beaten to the ground and a young girl beaten to the ground an old man beaten to the ground, a autistic man beaten to the ground and a woman robbed while Police stood there and did nothing.”

Democrats in Oregon have reached their boiling point as a result of Republican groups and conservative speakers and lecturers seeking help in many instances when they are harassed or assailed by left-wing organizations that are funded by the Deep State rich.

[YouTube Video]

Some of those who have volunteered to protect conservative protesters possess impressive backgrounds in law enforcement, government security and military special forces training and experience.

Rather than waiting for news media reports or government agencies’ press statements, private intelligence firms have garnered the names of domestic terrorist groups and radicals due to the seeming secretiveness of the Obama administration.

While the members of private militias will be extremely helpful in cases of security and protection when militia members are treated like the true patriotic American warriors they believe they are.

“With radical political groups such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa repeatedly displaying that they are legitimate terror groups of anti-Americana, there is absolutely no reason why we can not stand against them and protect our country and their God-given rights we have as Americans,” said retired military intelligence and police sergeant Steven Douglas Laffler.

Meanwhile a top Oregon Republican Party member announced on Monday that he is leaning towards using well-trained and well-led militia groups for security purposes. The idea came about after a man directing anti-Muslim rhetoric at two women fatally stabbed two men and injured a third this weekend.

Multnomah County Republican Party Chairman James Buchal told a British newspaper, The Guardian, that recent incidents have caused the Portland GOP  to weigh security alternatives. “I am sort of evolving to the point where I think that it is appropriate for Republicans to continue to go out there,” Buchal told The Guardian. “And if they need to have a security force protecting them, that’s an appropriate thing too.”

He said that might mean making arrangements that don’t rely on police. There are a number of police chiefs and county sheriffs in Oregon, as well as throughout the nation, who are suspicious of private security firms, militias and political protection security guards.

“…. There are these people arising, like the Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters,” he added. “We’re thinking about that. Because there are now belligerent, unstable people who are convinced that Republicans are like Nazis. Buchal told the Guardian he did not want to become involved with extremists.

The Guardian said The Three Percenters are described by Political Research Associates as “a paramilitary group that pledges armed resistance against attempts to restrict private gun ownership.

According to the leadership at the Three Percenters — which is the percentage of Americans who serve in the military, law enforcement and in security/intelligence —

“The Three Percenters is a national organization made up of patriotic citizens who love their country, their freedoms, and their liberty. We are committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice.

” We do not seek to incite a revolution. However, we will defend ourselves when necessary. We are not here to create violence. Violence should always be a last resort and even then should only be defensive in nature.

“We are NOT a militia. However, we do have meetings on local levels. These meetings are to help members network together and to learn from each other. Being a Three Percenter is more of a way of life rather than a club to join. As such, there are no membership fees or dues and we will not charge people to participate in a movement that defends civil liberties. However, some events may be held at facilities that require admission. This can be paid individually, as a group, or through a legal means of fundraising.

“Operational costs (Website hosting, forum, domains, store, etc) are paid for privately by the National Leader with aid from proceeds from the online store. Mostly, we are an “open source community” meaning, we help each other and try not to rely on third parties or institutions that cost money for our operations. We consist exclusively of volunteers and no member at any level is on any payroll provided by our organization.

“We are NOT anti-government. In fact, we are very pro-government, so long as the government abides by the Constitution, doesn’t overstep its bounds, and remains “for the people and by the people”. Our goal is to utilize the fail safes put in place by our founders to rein in an overreaching government and push back against tyranny. We are working to preserve the intent of our government as designed. We do not intend to implement our own government. There is often a misconception that we are wanting to overthrow the government. This is simply not true and a false rumor to try and paint our movement as anti-government.”

Although similar to The Three Percenters, The Oath Keepers have been dubbed by the fake civil-rights organization Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as “one of the largest radical antigovernment groups in the U.S.”

Mayor Ted Wheeler said he’s worried that attendees of a proposed pro-Trump rally and other similar events could “peddle a message of hatred.”

According to the video below, “Mayor Ted Wheeler is a danger to Oregon and a danger to the innocence of the Conservative. Many Patriots have zero to little respect for any Portland Police Officer anymore after watching the Police stand there as innocent people are being beaten to the ground and a young girl beaten to the ground an old man beaten to the ground, a autistic man beaten to the ground and a woman robbed while Police stood there and did nothing.

“The Portland police took an oath but they’re only allegiance is to Mayer Ted Wheeler and the Democratic Party and not the patriots that have always stood by them and tried to protect the police. We are still pro law-enforcement but we have no respect for the ones that stand there and take orders from a very dangerous man because they have no brain of their own.” – Conservative Guardians

“It is more than apparent to many of us the police and other authority figures have their hands tied in most cases of protest clashes and politicians are seeing it as well. Patriots are not bound by the same rules and if called upon as militia to act as security we are more free to actually protect and secure. That is a sad fact in this day and age but a fact nonetheless,” said Loren Kelly, a police intelligence officer from New York.

[YouTube Video]

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Who Advises And Vets Trump Administration Candidates?

Always keep your foes confused.  If they are never certain who you are or what you want, they cannot know what you are likely to do next. —George R.R. Martin

True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient.  And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best.  —Sinclair B. Ferguson

Our President has sustained the most vicious and vile attacks on his person, his wife, and his entire family.  Truly, a man of weaker spirit could not have prevailed as he has. However, I question who advises and vets the people President Trump chooses. With all of President Trump’s brilliance and blue-collar panache, he seems to be lacking in discernment regarding those who surround him or is he trusting the wrong people to advise him?

Administration Turnovers

Over 30 officials have left the Trump Administration, not including AG Jeff Sessions, Secretary Nikki Haley, and now Chief of Staff General John Kelly.  There were a handful who should have stayed.  Everyone now knows that General Mike Flynn was set-up and forced out, mainly because the intel community is scared spitless of him.

Putting this in perspective – the Obama administration had a turnover of 46 officials in his second term, the average is 76.  President Truman took the prize and replaced all of Franklin Roosevelt’s officials when he took office.  So, let’s not let the MSM get everyone’s panties in a wad regarding turnovers.  The only thing that concerns me is who Trump chooses, who advised him and who vets the nominees.

There are many Never Trumpers out there even on Fox News, and in the administration.  Both First Lady Melania and our President have said there were people in the West Wing neither of them trusted.  There is not one person in the intelligence community (DOJ especially) who I would trust, and I wonder why FBI Director Wray hasn’t cleaned house.  I think we know.

Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said in an interview that President Donald Trump has failed to keep his most important campaign promises. Carlson told Urs Gehriger of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche, “His chief promises were that he would build the wall, de-fund Planned Parenthood, and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things.  I don’t think he’s capable. I don’t think he’s capable of sustained focus.  I don’t think he understands the system. I don’t think the Congress is on his side. I don’t think his own agencies support him. He’s not going to do that.”  Link

Duh!  Hey Tucker…what gave you the first clue that Congress is not on our President’s side? And when did you study our Constitution?  Trump wanted the wall, the elimination of Obamacare, and defunding of Planned Parenthood, but that can’t happen without Congress helping our President.  And you can thank Robert Mueller as FBI Director who was responsible for giving us Obamacare.

Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was falsely charged and prosecuted in 2008 just 100 days before his re-election bid for what the FBI alleged was not paying full price for improvements to a cabin he owned in Alaska. In the midst of the prosecution, Stevens lost his re-election bid and, two years later, lost his life.  This was a purposeful political assassination.

Large-scale misconduct was revealed through a whistleblower in an audit of the case, in which FBI agents and prosecutors, among many other things, withheld exculpatory evidence.  Mueller targeted the Senator, he lost, and he would have been the vote that would have stopped Obamacare.  Remember too Tucker, that Obama loved Mueller for wiping the FBI slates clean of Islamic terrorist activity, and kept him on for two extra years.  Judge Emmet Sullivan overturned the Stevens case, and he is also the judge in General Flynn’s case. I hope Judge Sullivan hasn’t been living under a rock, and understands that this brilliant three-star General who spent 33 years as an intelligence officer was set up and never lied to anyone.

Tucker, you know bloody well that the left wants our borders open.  Trump should shut down the government and keep it shut down until he gets the full 25 billion for the wall.  By 2020, people will have forgotten the shutdown.  Lindsey Graham is right…do it!

Planned Parenthood defunding is destroyed by every leftist judge and Trump has still cut a great amount.  The number of baby killers in Congress and throughout our country are the problem, and that includes the judiciary.

New Chief of Staff

I was sorry to see General Kelly resign, but after losing a son in combat and working in the swamp for a year, I can understand his desire to go home to his family.

Thankfully, VP Pence’s former Chief of Staff, Nick Ayers, has refused the position. Mike Pence is a globalist insider and with Ayers as Chief of Staff, Pence would have had even more inside info to plan for his presidency.  Remember Pence was the head of the transition team and brought in many establishment insiders. He has been funded by the Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos for years.

Republican Representative Mark Meadows, chairman of the conservative Freedom Caucus; U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer; budget director Mick Mulvaney and Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker are all being considered.

AG Nominee William P. Barr

William Barr served as the 77th United States Attorney General from 1991 to 1993 during the first Bush administration. He is also a past employee of the CIA. Barr is a member of the Republican Party and is a devoutly pro-life.  However, not all Republicans are conservative, and we know the entire Bush family voted for Hillary Clinton.  The Bushes represent the establishment globalists in their party.  But what really concerns me about William Barr is his propensity for spying on American citizens.

Mr. Barr strongly supports the Patriot Act which violates every American’s fourth amendment right to privacy.  The Constitution provides us with more protection and safety than the surveillance state ever will.

An NSA Whistle-Blower tells all in this video to filmmaker Laura Poitras.  She profiled William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.

Barr would be favored by Robert Mueller as far as surveillance is concerned.  Mueller implicitly argues that the perpetual and ubiquitous data collection of the digital and telephonic communications of law-abiding Americans is constitutional.  For thorough documentation of same, see Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order.

It is also disturbing that Barr has been a big fan of taking people’s property through civil asset forfeiture without a conviction. Many poor people in our country have cash taken from them and then the government says, “Prove to us where you got the cash and then you can get it back,” the burden is on the individual. It’s a terrible thing called civil asset forfeiture and William Barr is a big fan.

During his first stint as Attorney General, Barr was involved in the Rodney King affair and in 1991, he confirmed federal indictments of the officers involved in the beating.

In October 1991, Barr appointed then retired Democratic Chicago judge Nicholas Bua as special counsel in the Inslaw scandal.  In 1989, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jack Brooks, D-Texas, launched a three-year investigation into the Inslaw affair. In the resulting report, the Committee suggested that among others, Edwin Meese, while presidential counselor and later as attorney general, and Democrat D. Lowell Jensen a former assistant and deputy attorney general and former US district judge in San Francisco, conspired to steal PROMIS software.

Bua’s 1993 report found the DOJ of no wrong doing in the matter, despite a 12-year lawsuit by Bill Hamilton’s company, Inslaw, regarding the government theft of their software.  One journalist, Danny Casolaro, died as he attempted to tell the story and boxes of documents relating to the case were destroyed, stolen, or conveniently “lost” by the DOJ. Software piracy, conspiracy, cover-up, stonewalling, covert action…just another decade at the corrupt DOJ.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh

America watched an unbelievably vile senate confirmation of this new Justice of the Supreme Court.  In the latest ruling regarding hearing a case concerning states’ rights and the authority of Louisiana and Kansas to defund Planned Parenthood, Justice Kavanaugh sided with Chief Justice Roberts and the liberals.  It takes the vote of four justices to agree to hear a case, and there were only three who wanted to hear it.  Justices Alito, Thomas and Gorsuch. Bad decisions will now stand.

“So, what explains the Court’s refusal to do its job here?” Justice Thomas wrote. “I suspect it has something to do with the fact that some respondents in these cases are named ‘Planned Parenthood.’ That makes the Court’s decision particularly troubling, as the question presented has nothing to do with abortion.”  He continued, “It is true that these particular cases arose after several States alleged that Planned Parenthood affiliates had, among other things, engaged in ‘the illegal sale of fetal organs’ and ‘fraudulent billing practices,’ and thus removed Planned Parenthood as a state Medicaid provider… But these cases are not about abortion rights.”

Brett Kavanaugh may have tried to protect his own hide from the democrats desire to impeach him…or he may have buckled to the extreme left to salvage his own reputation. I expected him to put the babies before his own reputation, and he failed.  Kavanaugh repeatedly described the court’s decision on Roe v. Wade as “settled law of the land” and “an important precedent.”  Obviously, he believes in Stare Decisis.

Past Republican nominees of Supreme Court justices, Sandra Day O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter and John Roberts have all been disappointments.

The issue was whether states can defund Planned Parenthood, and the case should have been heard, and the lower courts’ decisions overturned.


Washington insiders have said the two people who advise Trump are his daughter Ivanka and VP Pence.  Ivanka is loved dearly by her father, and he listens to her advice.  He surely knows that Ivanka and Jared were both registered democrats and are friends with Chelsea Clinton and many of the powerful New York Democrat families.  This isn’t going to change, and I would surmise that Ivanka promotes moderate republicans at best, and leans far more to the left than does her father.

Vice President Mike Pence is another story.  I have never trusted the man.  I researched how he voted while in Congress for 12 years and he showed himself to be an open border and free trade aficionado.  He was despised in Indiana after only one term as governor.  He desires the presidency and he has long been funded by the Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos.  He has known Kellyanne Conway for years, whose husband George daily denigrates our President.  He is President Trump’s Trojan Horse.

Mike Pence carries a Bible out front, and a knife behind his back.  He is friends with the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans who are stonewalling Trump’s promises of a wall, of elimination of Obamacare, of defunding Planned Parenthood and the United Nations.

The Koch brothers back full legalization of abortion, Agenda 21, gay marriage, stem cell research, amnesty, and open borders, and the billionaires fund organizations who promote their agendas. See these articles, The Pernicious Influence Of The Koch Brothers and The Koch Brothers, Purveyors Of Dark Money.

Apparently, no one vets the administration hires thoroughly.  Loyalty is what counts, and never having said anything against Trump on social media.  This is foolish at best, and destructive at worst.  I could vet these people far better than anyone in this administration has thus far accomplished.  It is appalling because it keeps our President open to disgrace, a good example is Rob Porter.


President Trump lost the most brilliant of men in his administration early on.  That man was purposely set up by the corrupt Department of Justice, and Trump never should have allowed it.  Neither did he do due diligence nor his homework.  He listened to the wrong people.  This is Trump’s Achilles heel, he lacks discernment despite his pragmatism and his ability to make deals.  You cannot deal with evil demonic entities who inhabit the very core of our government.

Nothing has been done to eliminate the enemies of freedom who reside in those alleged halls of justice.  Sessions is gone, but I don’t see Rosenstein being eliminated, I don’t see Huber’s report coming forth to expunge the filth in our FBI, I don’t see the Office of the Investigator General coming forth with a new report and all of this should have been done long ago.  Time is fleeting and two years of Democrats as the House majority will be another nightmare from hell.

Trump should trust no one.

P.S. News with Views exists because of donations from readers.  The costs are high to keep this website running with several computers and the outside organizations who keep the enemies of freedom from attacking the site.  Every donation is helpful and is needed. Please consider donating monthly as fewer and fewer lights of truth are out there for patriots today. Use PayPal if possible.  Donate here.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

New Animal Book Answers The Question

Many have agonized over the loss of a beloved pet. “Is this it?” Is this all there is?” Is my dear pet gone forever?”  “Why?” This can be a heart wrenching emotional struggle for those unsure. Reading about The Rainbow Bridge creates a faint hope that we will see our pets again, but it is just that….a hope.

But seeing our pets again goes further than hope. Indeed, this new release PROVES–with Scripture–that we WILL see our pets again.  

God and Animals answers many questions including the perplexing one; Which came first?  The chicken or the egg? We also have the answer to the age old question, ‘Why DID the chicken cross the road?’  This one is not in the book but those who contact the author will be given the answer.

This author’s love of animals began at a very early age when a pet chicken named Nell was a part of the family. During my younger years, I worked as a Circus Ringmaster, becoming friends with all creatures, from the smallest (baby tigers) to the largest, Big Tommy, the legendary elephant who became a hero when he prevented a circus catastrophe that would have killed many.

There is a poignant chapter on “The Old Dog Who Tried to Run Away With the Circus.” “The Parrot who solved a murder mystery,”  “A Little Girl and her Fish”, “The Extraordinary Devoted Mother Chimp,” “What the Church didn’t teach me I Learned From my Poodle,”  and, “How animals respond to prayer.” Yes they do in an astonishing way. Examples are detailed.

One thing this author has learned, is that every creature has a distinct personality, making them all a fascinating part of humanity-yes–humanity. One will never see any animal the same way after reading this delightful work.

The book cover includes a beautiful painting by Bob Boyd showing Jesus hugging a big dog. To see that painting on the book cover, click this link.
Writing is natural to me, starting while in grade school. The author studied Journalism at Los Medanos College in Pittsburg, California, receiving awards, and started a website, www.revaustinmiles.com, which now has over seven and a half million readers as well as being a feature writer for Renew America, Capitol Hill Outsider, News With Views, Olive Branch Report, and various other major news sites.

This writer earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary. After ordination, was appointed Chaplain to Show Business, dealing with movie stars, Broadway Actors, circus performers and musicians.

Being a strong advocate for animal welfare means working with representatives in Washington, D.C. to make poaching illegal as well as the import and export of Ivory. That bill was crafted, presented to congress and passed. Also working to abolish “Kill Shelters” and making them all animal rescue and adoption centers.

This writer is also “Papa” to a beautiful chocolate Lab named, Mollie.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Christmas Memories And Joys Of The Season

One of my favorite songs of the Christmas Season that exemplifies one of the premier attributes of this time of year is Give Love on Christmas Day by the Jackson Five.  The title says it all.  When hearing the melodic harmonies of that and numerous other Christmas Season ditties, I am reminded of the wonder years of my childhood in Cleveland.  During the first twelve years of my life, our neighborhood was a joy to live in.  Our neighbors were such good friends and in some cases were closer to us than a few family members.  It was a tight knit community filled with good people from numerous ethnic backgrounds.  There were Polish, French, American Indians, Italians, Jewish and Black families.

Despite the various backgrounds, the one thing we all considered ourselves was Americans and except our good Jewish friends, we were either Christian or Catholic.  On Independence Day, Memorial Day, Flag day, Veterans day and on numerous other occasions, most residents in our neighborhood at almost every house flew old glory’s stars and stripes of red white and blue.  It was an impressive site to see.  For most of the time, it was a good life throughout the year.  But it all paled in comparison to my favorite time of year, from Thanksgiving Day until New Years Eve, otherwise known as the Christmas Season.  Even a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving one could sense the change in the atmosphere as the most wonderful time of the year was approaching.

I will not lie to you, as a child I did look forward to gift giving and the receiving of Christmas gifts.  But Christmas to me was so much more than that.  Our generation was just a hare’s breath before politicly correct leftist grinches banned the celebration of Christmas in government schools.  I will never forget how every Christmas season at Parkwood elementary the student body made Christmas ornaments for the big Christmas tree displayed in the school lobby.  We were so proud because it was our school Christmas tree that residents either walking or driving by our school would see shimmering under a shower of light emanating from ceiling spotlights.  It saddens me to witness the cold sterile interpretation of this special time of year thus denying millions of American students the unbridled joy that used to be associated with Christmas by most sovereign American.

As a little boy, it was usually great to hang out with my Dad, but from Thanksgiving until just after Christmas, was simply wonderous.  The week leading up to Thanksgiving after school I gleefully helped Dad decorate the outside of our home. It was usually cold, but we did not care.  After all, as dear old Dad put it, the lights, the Christmas tree and all the decorations were simply a part of the overall celebration of the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  If you are wondering, old St. Nick was highly regarded as well.  Just as we were decorating our home, so were most of our neighbors. There were friendly rivalries home decorating rivalries between many neighbors to see who would have the most spectacularly decorated house.  The results were nothing less than blocks and blocks of Christmas inspired displays of twinkling lights, nativity scenes and Santa Clauses everywhere.

I truly miss the Christmas carolers strolling throughout the old neighborhood bringing song and merriment. Dad would always have hot cocoa and cider for those bringing the sound of seasonal merriment to our front door.  Another huge highlight of the Christmas Season while growing up in Cleveland was to go downtown, either via transit train or motorcar.  The Christmas displays were mind blowing, especially when compared to the mostly watered down less imaginative displays seen today.  The eight department stores were themselves literally turned into wonderlands that I sometimes thought were inspired by God himself.  One of my favorites was Sterling Linder Davis where they displayed literally the worlds largest indoor Christmas tree that was taller than the Rockefeller Christmas tree in New York City.  The ornaments on that mega tree were the size of beach balls.  The massive crowds of Christmas shoppers added to the delightful atmosphere in downtown Cleveland.  My sister and I used to joke about being able to jump up and be carried by the crowds because they were so thick.

But despite the hugeness of the crowds, the mile long shopping district on Euclid Avenue between Cleveland’s Public and Playhouse squares that rivaled Chicago’s magnificent mile, people were very friendly and seemingly as exited about the Christmas Season as I was.  At the age of ten I was especially inspired by the beautiful Christmas tree displays at Higbee’s Department store downtown Cleveland.  It occurred to me that we needed to seriously upgrade how the decorations were presented on our family tree.  So, I waited until the next evening at dinner to try and convince my family that I could do a much better job by myself decorating the tree than everybody working on it together.  Of course, my older sisters were not having any of that.  But Dad overruled and said go for it.  He later told me he thought I wouldn’t do as well as I thought.  But he wanted to give me a shot because he liked the fact that I wanted to achieve something and succeed or fail, I deserved the opportunity to try because that is one of the ways people grow and learn how to accomplish things.  After successfully decorating that tree, it was my duty from that year on.  My inspiration was well founded.

My childhood Christmas memories of gatherings with family and friends will forever be etched in my mind as among the best times of my entire life.  The pure love and joy of the Christmas Season was so strong, that even our Orthodox Jewish neighbors would visit and share in our love of God and one another.  In our house, Dad made sure that my two older sisters and I fully understood the real meaning of Christmas not only in words, but in deeds as well.  Usually after the traditional early morning Christmas prayer, the opening of gifts and a fantastic breakfast, Dad would summon us to get dressed for an excursion.  By afternoon, Mother would make sure my sisters and I were ready to join Dad in the family car for our Christmas afternoon outing.

Before long, Dad had driven us to either a friend or relatives house that were a in a difficult way and weren’t able to fully engage in the blessings of the Christmas season.  Not only would Dad have gifts for their children, but Mother and Nana brought food they prepared for the family.  Dad would ask my sisters and I to contribute a small portion of our savings along with he and Mother’s share which he would discretely give to the father head of the household.  When one of my older sisters asked why she had to give up some of her money for such an endeavor, he sternly said that we needed to learn about the blessings of giving.  He would add “If Christ gave his life for us, then we should follow His example and give sacrificially of ourselves especially on the day chosen to celebrate his birth”.  Looking back on those fond memories of Christmases of long ago, I am forever grateful for Dad, who taught us through both words and deeds the true meaning of Christmas and to appreciation our republic.  Those wonderful memories are too numerous for the space allotted for this column.  But many more shall be chronicled in my upcoming book

So to you and yours, may your Christmas be happy and your life be filled with joy and your new year be on of new beginnings and fulfilment of your ordained purpose.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Join me on Fridays on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. and worldwide on americamatters.us, SHRmedia.com and Spreaker at 1:00 PM PT, 4:00 PM 1:00 PM ET.  See you on the radio.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Paris’ Anti-Immigration Riots A Cautionary Tale For Americans

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The anti-immigration backlash in France is continuing after a string of violent protests last month with another group of locals protesting over the imminent arrival of around 100 ‘Jungle’ refugees.

French conservative mayors have openly complained that the federal Socialist government’s controversial migrant rehousing plan following the destruction of the Calais ‘Jungle’ camp, and they claim state officials – mainly French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve – have forced them to provide for hundreds of refugees against the mayors will.

“This kind of thing — the national French government shoving immigrants down the throats of citizens — is something Americans should watch closely. The American press are lying that the civil unrest in Paris stems from a new gas-tax rate. That’s only part of it. They are protesting pay enormous amounts of tax money in order to provide services for illegals and to pay for increases in the criminal population, police overtime requirements and putting strains on the local school systems,” said Colin Feasler, a former police training officer.

Jean-François Peumery, the right-wing mayor of Rocquencourt, an upmarket Parisian suburb near Versailles, told French news outlets: “The news of the mostly Muslim migrants’ arrival has thrown locals into panic, the town is in turmoil. {But] some people say they want to help the migrants settle in, although most locals are incredibly worried and vehemently oppose the rehousing plan.”

Rocquencourt locals fear the ‘marooned’ migrants will “never leave” and the temporary reception center will become a permanent “mini Jungle”.

“They think that the migrants will make the town less safe, trigger a rise in crime and disturb the peace,” said Mayor Peumery.

The mayor, who is popular among voters but disliked by the news media, even launched a petition – which he says gathered upwards of 3,000 signatures – in an effort to block the migrants from being dumped in Rocquencourt.  He claims he was “snubbed” by the government failed to respond to his request.

He had also complained the French government gave him no choice, but to organize a protest march in order to be heard.

But the closing of the migrant camp hasn’t stopped Britain-bound migrants from heading back to the border: 10 migrants were arrested near a chemical plant in Calais last Thursday.

About 100 million Americans own approximately 300 million rifles, shotguns and handguns. For the last year and a half the number of firearms purchased by Americans has increased every month.  Tens of millions of our people of all races own more guns than vote for the successful presidential candidate every four years, according to police firearms and law adviser John Snyder, before he died of natural causes last year.

“The United States is gun country.  It’s part of our national heritage of freedom and liberty.  Anti-gun politicians, media reps, clergy, academicians and others should learn this lesson and learn it well,” said Snyder who serves on the advisory board of the 13,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

Snyder also said, “Hillary [Clinton] supported semiautomatic gun registration, universal background checks on all firearms transfers, and subjection of firearms manufacturers and dealers to frivolous third-party lawsuits. Which is why she’s on a book tour instead of leading the United State.”

The United States appears to some Americans to be on the brink of something that in the past was the theme of many works of fiction including books and motion picture about the end times — the terrifying 1984, the overly violent Clockwork Orange, the disturbing A Handmaid’s Tale, the realistic doomsday thriller Children of Men, and other works that provide readers and moviegoers with a glimpse of what mankind will eventually face when governments topple and tribalism replaces the greatness of liberty and freedom with distrust, extreme cynicism, mob rule and routinely violent civil disobedience.

During the last three presidential administrations — George W. Bush 43, Barack Hussein Obama, and current President Donald Trump — Americans have witnessed the slow but steady decline of the great political experiment that was the United States’ Constitutionally protected Representative Republic.

Starting with the last election cycle, there were groups of radicals who fearlessly attacked the nation’s conservatives in what seems like a throwback to the 1960s campus protests and street riots in the biggest and most populace cities in the U.S.

Once the election was over, these same groups, their leaders, the news media and the entertainment industry continued their hateful verbal attacks, physical attacks on anyone opposing them, and expansion of the once independent, broadcast and print news outlets that is now recognized as being the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party. The media also shills for the radical left, the secret and mysterious Deep State (a/k/a the Shadow Government), and the already deeply entrenched radical Muslims.

Muslim refugees are allowed into the U.S. with opened arms despite their threat to the lives and property of the American people. So too are undocumented illegal aliens from Mexico and other Central American countries who possess higher violent crime rates than most of the Middle Eastern countries.

A NewsWithViews.com news story (written by political correspondent Jim Kouri) quoted then Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as saying he is accusing President Barack Obama and other political leaders of waging war against religious liberty and education and saying that a “rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for a hostile takeover of the nation’s capital.”

While Gov. Jindel, a Republican, didn’t elaborate many believe he was warning citizens that the federal government (Deep State) is actually provoking a rebellion.

Those who’ve studied national politics and security believe that President Obama and his consortium of left-wing radicals, Islamists and One World Government operatives are hoping that American citizens will take to the streets in droves while armed and demanding to be heard by oppressive government elites who no longer pretend to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Brett Kavanaugh’s Chickens Come Home To Roost

Citizen journalist David Risselada has written a book, Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest, in which he explains how so many are being led astray by what passes for the “conservative media.”  Consider the case of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was sold by Fox News and other beltway groups as a conservative pro-lifer. After Kavanaugh’s Monday ruling in favor of Planned Parenthood, many grassroots conservatives are beginning to realize they were misled about his real record. One conservative website called it a “betrayal.”

It wasn’t a surprise to us. My group, America’s Survival, Inc., was virtually alone in exposing Kavanaugh’s real record on abortion and other social issues. We published the 44-page report, “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” and called his nomination a “Trojan Horse.”  Yet, Fox News and other conservative media, as well as various Washington, D.C.-based conservative groups, had advertised Kavanaugh as a strong conservative. Many of them were invited to the White House to listen to Kavanaugh hail the legacy of “liberty” of the man he would replace, pro-abortion and pro-gay Justice Anthony Kennedy. That turned out to be an indication of Kavanaugh’s liberal direction on the court.

We had conducted a careful study of Kavanaugh’s record, noting that he was a virtual clone of Justice Kennedy. A liberal Catholic, Kavanaugh actually had a record of ruling against evangelical chaplains. But one leading conservative told me I had gone off “the deep end” by opposing Kavanaugh. Fox News refused to cover our detailed critique of his record. It was a very controlled “debate” with “both sides” defined so as to exclude the real truth.

But Fox News wasn’t alone in stacking the deck. All of the major conservative websites fell for the ruse that Kavanaugh was a conservative. They know who they are. They owe their readers an apology.

Kavanaugh’s ruling against pro-lifers will protect taxpayer funding of the abortion industry.  A liberal commentator was ecstatic: “Justice Kavanaugh just saved Planned Parenthood from red states attempting to defund the clinic network.” Another said Justices Kavanaugh and John Roberts “joined with the court’s progressives to preserve Planned Parenthood’s public funding.”

Drawing upon the material at our website, America’s Survival, Inc., Risselada’s book quotes from one of our reports on Kavanaugh’s Deep State and Washington insider background. Of course, Soros-funded groups were organizing against Kavanaugh. But we saw the opposition as largely fake and designed to get liberal-left forces agitated about the future of the court. In short, it was an organizing tool that accelerated when the sex charges were launched against him. In truth, Kavanaugh was one of the best judges they could hope for from a Republican president.

Our opinion was that they were going through the motions of opposition in a dialectical maneuver designed to force conservatives in line behind him. A much better nominee would have been Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative woman with a clear pro-life record. But she didn’t have Kavanaugh’s Washington establishment connections.

In light of Monday’s ruling, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel said that he isn’t ready to throw in the towel on Kavanaugh just yet, expressing the hope that another abortion case could come before the court in 2019 and that Kavanaugh and Roberts could end up on the right side.

But pro-life author Gregg Jackson, who opposed Kavanaugh, isn’t surprised by his ruling in favor of the abortion industry: “We all know President Trump and the Republicans promised to defund Planned Parenthood in the run-up to the 2016 election, to get the pro-life Evangelical and Catholic vote. Instead of defunding Planned Parenthood when they had the ability to do so with a Republican congressional majority, Republican president, and Republican-appointed majority Supreme Court, not only did they fully fund Planned Parenthood baby killers/body parts sellers, giving them over a billion dollars in the last 24 months but they also increased funding by 37 percent. Republican-appointed judges gave us the  pro-abortion rulings Roe and Casey and have funded Planned Parenthood at a greater clip then Democrats have!”

It’s fascinating to note that an old photograph has surfaced showing a young Brett Kavanaugh appearing with a young lawyer by the name of Rod Rosenstein. It turns out they were both on the staff of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who went through the motions of investigating the Clintons without pursuing charges of murder in the Vincent Foster death case. Rosenstein, now the United States Deputy Attorney General, appointed Robert Mueller as the Russia-gate prosecutor.

As we argued in “The Deep State Wears Black Robes,” if Mueller or another prosecutor subpoenas Trump, and Trump refuses to comply, the case could very likely appear before the Supreme Court, where Kavanaugh could emerge as the deciding vote.

We noted that the progressives are already calling for Kavanaugh to recuse himself from anything related to the Russia investigation if it comes before the Supreme Court. But rather than recuse himself, Kavanaugh could actually rule in favor of Mueller and the Russia-gate probe. He could vote against Trump in order to counter the criticism that he believes presidents can’t be subpoenaed and are “above the law.”

The chickens are coming home to roost. President Trump, who is in the midst of a White House staff shake-up, should root out those who betrayed him in the Kavanaugh matter.

For their part, responsible conservatives who backed Kavanaugh and either were deceived or consciously deceived the American people concerned about human life issues have no option other than to propose impeachment of the court’s newest Justice.

[BIO]* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

Main Stream Media Corruption: Ugly Slant Of The Truth

One of my longtime journalist friends, Kathleene Parker, out of Los Alamos, New Mexico, understands my frustrations as to why the American main stream media avoids any reporting on the immigration issue driving “galloping” U.S. population gains.

I spoke to her on the phone to gain her lifetime of frustrations as to the “why” of the main stream media misleading, lying to and obfuscating to the American public.  The MSM slants the truth to avoid reality and, in doing so, misleads the American people.

Parker said, “Frosty, I just heard from the editor and apparently my piece will be run sometime over the holidays, but since it’s part of our ongoing conversation I’ll forward it as an example of why you won’t’ get a thing on “60 Minutes.”

“This isn’t just, “Oh this editor, or that one simply doesn’t understand or get it.”  It’s far more insidious and dangerous with it of note, that if we still had the Fairness Doctrine, you and I and other prominent writers would, could and should literally go after the networks for their omissions in reporting on population.

“Some recent additional research made me realize how profound and dangerous it really is—worse than even I had imagined because without a press willing to report on the nation and the world factually, all is lost, especially if they are doing what old communist regimes used to do:  modifying the “news” to their own agenda, and that is absolutely what media are doing, and Trump’s non-specific “fake news,” does nothing to solve it.

“I’ve been angry, thinking, “Where is the voice of ethical journalists and journalistic instructors on this?”  But then, a friend pointed out, with today’s media, who would know.  As he summed it up, “Do you really think they are going to report on the need to re-regulate media to the standards before 1987?  Good point. In fact, THE point, and I feel like the village elder, back as Hitler rose to power, trying in vain to get others to “get it,” and to understand exactly the position we’re in and HOW DANGEROUS IT IS!

“Media recently headlined a falling U.S. birthrate and hinted, absurdly, at pending worker shortages. The third most populated nation behind only China and India, we are ratcheting up by a staggering 30 million people a decade—82-percent immigration-driven—we must endure gridlock, pricey housing and congested national parks, not labor shortages.

“As the highest per-capita carbon footprint nation, that also makes us—far ahead of China—the most populated nation on the planet in terms of environmental impact, yet corporate media make sure we’re not talking about that.

“Not reported is that ours is one of just eight nations—the only developed nation on the list—fueling half of all growth on the planet, a population explosion so astronomical that it should command headlines yet is ignored or misrepresented. This begs the question of what else goes unreported.

Main Stream Media Fans Emotions Rather Than Report Facts

“Democracies cannot survive without trustworthy information.  Where are elected officials—“fake news” isn’t helpful—to restore laws to re-tame media so out of control they threaten our very system? Uninformed or misinformed citizens can’t vote wisely, and media, rather than promoting understanding through reasoned information, fan emotions and set the tone, far more than others, for incivility that is making us the “divided states of America,” not the United States.

“The population issue is critical to the Southwest, the nation’s fastest growing region.  We’re in prolonged drought, with it likely that iconic Lake Mead could run dry in the 2020’s. The entire Colorado River system and 50 million people could face a water crisis so catastrophic some have called in “possibly civilization-ending.”  In 2006, the nation hit 300 million people—though Clinton’s Council on Sustainability warned immigration must never drive growth—and already bumps against 330 million, to be 440 million by 2050, all unreported.”

National media, especially broadcast media, were heavily regulated until:

  • The 1996 Telecommunications Act removed limits on how many news agencies one company owns.  Just 6 entities—before deregulation, 52—now own 90 percent of media. Wire services once distributed news from thousands of independent sources, guaranteeing diverse coverage.  Now, the few independently owned papers—like the JOURNAL—are at the mercy of national news from that narrow base.
  • Before 1996, a company could only own media.  Now, conflict-of-interest protections are gone.  We’re told coffee is healthful, but is that because the broadcaster also owns coffee companies?  If media urge war, do their owners also manufacture weapons?
  • The Federal Communications Commission’s Fairness Doctrine once required broadcasters to be fair, inclusive and unbiased.  One T.V. station lost its license for presenting only pro-segregation stories.  But, the Fairness Doctrine was abolished in 1987, and now such one-sided reporting—even on critical, complicated, hot-button topics like immigration—is universal, including on tax-supported PBS. and NPR., where unbiased journalism should be sacrosanct, when in fact, they stand among the worst.  That’s particularly insulting considering their covenant as non-profit, “public broadcast.”

Parker continued, “Today, on unregulated networks, we get stories, by any definition, trivial.  A cop shaving a guy or a father buying his daughter a dress, while nice, are not news.  Other stories are confined to a narrow, boringly predictable base:  racially motivated shootings, bullying, mobs destroying statues (and history), careers destroyed by unproven allegations of sexual misconduct (decades ago), livelihoods destroyed over a word—Yes, in America, for saying a word!—as talking heads cheer it on, rather than full-fill their journalistic responsibility to ask whether something profoundly dangerous is happening and if, in fact, the Fourth Estate is much of the problem.

“Critical-issues reporting—in-depth investigation—is gone. No probes of whether that Congress fails is due to the Citizen’s United Supreme Court ruling; why the Democrats—once unfailingly for low-immigration—are suddenly and without explanation for open-borders; no asking if politicians respond to medias’ agenda, rather than the peoples’ agenda; no asking why we explode our population even as we have fewer doctors per-capita than Zaire and the sick must wait months for specialist consults.

Those wanting secure U.S. borders are racists

“The rest of reporting is unapologetically biased. Tariffs are only bad.  Border enforcement is bad. Illegal border crossers are solely innocent victims, all of whom must be welcomed.  Those wanting border enforcement are racists.

“This while immigration is unfailingly reported absent context that today’s numbers exceed even the Great Wave of 1880 to 1920, or why Americans then angrily demanded it end—and strangely, did so without labels of racism.  Nor are the Rockefeller, Clinton’s Council on Sustainability or black, liberal Congresswoman Barbara Jordan commission immigration reports ever mentioned. (Note that Barbara Jordan reported that endless legal immigration hurt black-Americans and should be strictly regulated in the interest of Americans.)

“A victim of this is media credibility.  What happens if someday they must be believed but—like the boy who cried wolf—no one believes them?

“Reporters globally fight—die—to report truthfully.  Here, many seem to report only what they want us to hear.  And the price of that might be the destruction of our democracy to the ends of those who now own media.”

Parker, of Los Alamos, NM, edited an award-winning Colorado weekly, edited a newspaper published by the Denver Public Library and was a correspondent covering Los Alamos for two major New Mexico dailies for 13 years. She now writes nationally on water, immigration, population, wildfire issues.

There you have it from a longtime friend and fellow journalist who tells about the realities of what we face.  She’s as frustrated as I am because the American public possesses no idea of what’s coming with another 100,000,000 (million) immigrants by 2050.

Call your senators and House rep:  1 202 224 3121 or 1 888 995 2086. Demand a stop to all immigration.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

This Message Changes? When The Lord Does And That Just Isn’t Going To Happen

“I Like your message, very articulate, well researched but… always very negative, all negative all the time, wears on an optimistic law abiding, God fearing citizen. Would be great to share a positive, uplifting message occasionally.” –Anonymous

Mmm… Law abiding…?  Mmm… God fearing…?  Mmm… Negative…?  Mmm…  Would be great to share a positive, uplifting message occasionally (Romans 8:7)?

The quote above was an email sent to me from a radio show listener just this last week.

Before we begin, let me put this quote by Leonard Ravenhill in “contrast” to the email above to contrast the goodness of God with our rebellion.

“The early church was married to poverty, prisons, and persecutions. Today “The Church is married to prosperity, personality and popularity.”

Webster’s 1828 definition of “contrast”:

To set in opposition two or more figures of a like kind, with a view to show the difference or dissimilitude, and to manifest the superior excellence of the one by the inferiority of the other, or to exhibit the excellence of the one and the defects of the other in a more striking view; as, to contrast two picture or statues.

So here we have it, Christianity in contrast to a lack thereof – namely, enemies of the cross (1 Timothy 4:1; Philippians 3:18-19).

I know that a “soft answer turneth away wrath” (Proverbs 15:1) and that the “wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”  So, I will do my best to answer the email above in this manner (James 1:20).

First off, I want to state that I am not offended in the least by what he wrote, well maybe a little bit, and yes, I do understand what he is saying, but that of a carnal man (Romans 7:14). What do you mean, Bradlee? I mean there is always a different perspective when it comes to seeing through the eyes of a man, and seeing through the eyes of God, and the way to see through the eyes of God is looking to His Word, and that by the operations and inspiration of the Holy Ghost (John 21:18).

The “doers of the Word,” have an understanding, and not the “hearers only” because they are “deceiving themselves” (Psalm 119:100; James 1:22-25),  There’s a big difference between the two.

[YouTube Video]

It has always amazed me as to how people view the battle that we are in today.  It is not always a positive experience wondering if you are going to get shot at the next high school assembly program at which you are going to speak.  It is surreal-dreamlike to them that are without the battle, but very real-tangible to those who are in the battle (Ephesians 6:12).

Today, most Americans want to act as if what is happening in America is not applicable to each and every one of us when it comes to our personal responsibility, as if to suggest that it is someone else’s responsibility.  However, if it is our responsibility they assume that there is a certain way of niceties in the way the job needs to be done.  Friends, we are not talking about a third world country here, and we must adhere to the Word of God and in yielding over to Him who has empowered us to get that job done regardless if one sees it as positive or negative (John 16:8).

As you well know, if the things that are taking place in our backyard were happening in a third world country, most people in this country would demand our government take military action in that third world country to set the record straight and at the end of the day, see it as a positive thing. However, when it comes to our own country (1 Corinthians 11:31), and how we need to correct ourselves, somehow, it becomes a negative (Matthew 13:15-17, 16:2-4).

The Lord has gone through the trouble to go through the thick and thin by reaching down to save me from my sins (Matthew 1:21), understand His process (Isaiah 66:2; Psalm 34:18, 51:17) and build me up in His Son (Colossians 2:7).  Then, in response, I do the same, as an ambassador, on His behalf.

The message is “Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2).

Offensive and negative to a fallen world though it may be yet, if men would look at it through spiritual eyes that God sent His Son (John 3:16) to die for our sins as the sacrifice and propitiation for them (1 John 2:2), they would see love in action (John 3:19) and purpose in driving men to the foot of the cross (Psalm 19:7; Mark 10:17-22).

Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. -Galatians 3:24

Using God’s moral law, which “detects” sin (Romans 3:20), drives men to Christ to receive the grace (John 1:7) which “conquers.”

This is a positive, not a negative.

Read slowly and carefully Romans 7:12-13:

“Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.”

It may be negative, or not so good news, for a sick man to discover his disease.  The knowledge of his disease drives him to the doctor, but after he is healed by the Great Physician (Jesus), he will then be glad that someone loved him enough to drive him to the doctor’s feet whereby he may be healed.

The message of love drives him/her to the Great Physician or else he will die (John 8:24).  Love does this as a spiritual positive, not hate as a carnal negative.

And Jesus answering said unto them, they that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.  I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. -Luke 5:31-32

Once a man or a woman is born again (John 3:3) through godly repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10), rest assured, they are then to take up their cross and do as Christ did, “As My Father sent Me, even so I send you” (John 20:21).

Understanding that ‘These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Here enters the joy, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

[YouTube Video]

Until we live in a world free from sin (1 John 3:4), murder, corruption, immorality etc., it is going to continue to be the same message to the same fallen world.

“Repent for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” -Matthew 3:2

To stand back and suggest that somehow it is love to pull down the warning signs (Psalms 19:11) and allow the masses to go to Hell without warning is hate, and it clearly runs in direct contrast to plain Scriptural teachings.

“Knowing the terror of The Lord, we persuade men.” -2 Corinthians 5:11

Look at what John the Baptist said of the religious hypocrites of the day.

“Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” -Luke 3:7

To help put this into perspective, look to what Matthew Henry said of the Scripture reference:

“This was the purport of his preaching to all that came to him, and he did not alter it in compliment to the Pharisees and Sadducees, when they came, but dealt as plainly with them as with any other of his hearers. And as he did not flatter the great, so neither did he compliment the many, or make his court to them, but gave the same reproofs of sin and warnings of wrath to the multitude that he did to the Sadducees and Pharisees; for, if they had not the same faults, they had others as bad.

Now observe here, That the guilty corrupted race of mankind is become a generation of vipers; not only poisoned, but poisonous; hateful to God, hating one another.”

Matthew Henry said they were hateful to God by disobeying His commands and hating one by withholding the Gospel message from them (Matthew 24:12).

Furthermore, Christians are called to be the repairers of the breach.  In other words, this spells out work and the work of the ministry (2 Timothy 4:5) for those who are ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) for the Living God (Luke 20:38).

Often, the Christians that do the works are a reproof to the professors that do not the works (Titus 2:14) and are scorned by them. The works are a positive to mankind and a blessing to others, not a negative (Matthew 25:14-30).

“And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.” Isaiah 58:12

And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. -Isaiah 61:4

Friends, you cannot build up until you first have been torn down. This is a positive, not a negative.

With that said, I suppose this does not look or sound positive when commanded to “tear down your fathers altars” (Deuteronomy 32:39; 1 Samuel 2:6; Judges 6:25).  Yet, it is to the Lord.  After all, these are His commandments.

There is nothing on this side of Heaven that satisfies me (Matthew 5:6) more then constantly feeding (John 7:17) on the “Bread of Life” (John 6:35), and to suggest that we are to find a “positive” experience outside of Christ is not “Uplifting” to me whatsoever.

We need to identify what Christians are, and what they are not (Matthew 7:21-23), and what their duty is ( 2 Corinthians 2:17), and what it is not (2 Timothy 2:3-5), for we should all have the same objective (1 Corinthians 1:10) the souls of men (Luke 19:10).

Martin Luther King Jr. was right when he said:  “If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century.”

[YouTube Video]

Instead of criticizing or questioning those who are waking the church up (The preaching of the cross is as foreign to professed Christians in America today as the US Constitution is to corrupt politicians), the questions and criticisms should fall to those who are entertainingly putting the church back to sleep (Jeremiah 23:29) through the friendly seeker, anti-Christ, humanistic messages that have been taught from the pulpits over the last 60 years ,which runs counter to preaching what is commanded by God (Matthew 28:19-20).

“The Christian church is in a deep sleep; nothing but a loud shout can awaken them out of it.” -George Whitfield

Remember, it is the church’s obligation to revenge all disobedience,

“And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” -2 Corinthians 10:6

From what I read in this email that was sent to me, that just may not be a positive message for a rebellious country (Jeremiah 5:23), but then again, we are not asking for permission from the devil to obey our God now, are we?

[YouTube Video]

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

A Note To My Critics: Fidelity To God Is Commitment To Liberty And America

Every week I receive responses from my weekly commentaries by critics; comments such as:

Our public schools are places for teaching, not preaching. They have NO RIGHT to subject youngsters who[se] parents are not Christians to Christian indoctrination! Prayer has absolutely NO PLACE in public schools.

Evolution, communism, and sex-ed are NOT a religion. Students in school are not taught that they must be atheists or communists. The notion that this is happening is just plain ludicrous.

To teach youngsters creationism is as insane as teaching them that the earth is flat and that Santa Claus and the tooth fairy actually exist!

Sorry, but “God” (whatever that is) has never said anything about abortion, and there is not a single reference to it in the Bible. Abortion IS legal, and the founders NEVER intended U.S. law to be based on the Bible.

Our rights come “from God?”   WHICH God?   Zeus?  Allah?  Brahma? Jehovah?  Odin? The Flying Spaghetti Monster? The Buddha? The Great Spirit of the American Indians? And where has the God of the Bible specified our rights? NOWHERE.

Please don’t get me wrong; as a secular liberal I do not hate Christians; I am just appalled by the intolerance, narrow-mindedness and self-righteousness of extremist ones.

Alright. Let’s not be extreme. Why don’t we judge the Founders’ words?

Noah Webster, named the “Schoolmaster of America” who authored scores of school textbooks, including the famous dictionary that bears his name, asserted:

The Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things that children under a free government ought to be instructed.

Webster again declared:

The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All of the miseries and evils which men suffer from; vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from the despising or neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.

Signer of the Declaration and President of Princeton University, John Witherspoon, declared:

Whosoever is an avowed enemy of God, I (hesitate not) to call him an enemy to his country.

The Father of America, George Washington, concluded his first presidential inauguration with the following exhortation:

It would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States… No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.

In conclusion, I would like to exhort my detractors with one more statement by George Washington:

You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ.  These will make you a greater and happier people than you are.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Paris Riots – Ayn Rand’s Prophecy Coming True

The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”  —George Orwell

“The only safeguard to protect the American people from government’s control over the money and the guns is the U. S. Constitution.  The only protection the Constitution has from government corruption or perversion, is the people demanding that the government adhere to the principles of the constitution or face the consequences of armed revolution.”  —Ron Ewart

The Paris riots are and were as predictable as sex producing babies and Paris today is only a precursor to what can happen in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Seattle tomorrow if we allow Zealots and Lunatics to run America into the ground for political agendas that fly in the face of individual freedom and liberty.  Trillions for climate change is one of those lunatic fringe agendas that has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the elite’s control of the world’s masses and wealth redistribution from developed countries to un-developed countries where the world’s elite controls the flow of the money.

Somehow we avoid the “truth” that if you squeeze a tomato hard enough, eventually it will ooze out between your fingers.  Paris is oozing right now because of the strangling power of the moneylenders and the zealots and lunatics in government and radical fringe organizations!  And let’s not forget that Parisians don’t have the right to bear arms.  Americans do!

America’s thirteen colonies had devised a medium of exchange which they called script.  They only printed enough of the script to keep commerce and the exchange of goods and services within the colonies, in balance.  When King George and the Bank of England heard of this, they quickly passed legislation in the House of Commons to require that all taxes to the crown would be paid in gold and silver.  Then in further retaliation the British government increased the taxes on the colonies in the form of the Stamp Act and taxes on Tea.  This act by the British quickly depleted the gold and silver of the colonies and led to a virtual depression.  The only outcome of this was to force the colonials between a rock and a hard place, leading them to revolt against the King.  In response to the revolt of the New World colonials, the King sent in the troops and the guns and a revolution was born.  If you don’t think that history will repeat itself, you will find that the artificial bubble you are living in is a mirage.

Since the dawn of human civilization, the masses have been and still are, in a constant struggle against the ever- increasing power of centralized government.  Whether it be kings, despots, dictators, or even democracies, centralized power grows and grows, like a black hole sucking up everything in its vicinity, until that power envelops and consumes all those who would attempt to break it up, or destroy it.  Even though the Founding Fathers went to great pains to inhibit the rise of the federal government by limiting its powers in the U. S. Constitution, every succeeding executive, legislative and judicial branch of government since George Washington, has wriggled and finagled around its constitutional restraints into ever-increasing political power.   The jaws of absolute power are open wide and lie there in our not too distant future, if the people don’t take it upon themselves to break up that centralized power and restore it to the states and to the people, as it was intended by those who gave birth to freedom over two centuries ago, at great sacrifice.

Throughout history, when centralized power is broken up or destroyed, it usually comes from the people violently rising up, en masse and restoring political power in the people and dividing all such power into smaller jurisdictions.  This was one of the core principles of the U. S. Constitution.  It was the states that created the federal government, not the other way around.   It is the states and the people that are supposed to have the supreme power under our Constitutional Republic, not the federal government.

Everything we see happening today in our own country and around the world, mirror’s the prophecies of Ayn Rand, in her novels and other writings.  Her whole premise was based on the sanctity of the individual, wherein she wrote, “the smallest minority is the individual.  Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”  The whole concept of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution was built on the principle of unalienable individual rights, a gift from nature or God.  Today, the Progressive ideology is, political power must be held by the collective (in other words the mob), not the individual.

Well over 30 years ago, Ms. Rand wrote:  “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”  If you will look in the mirror and be true to yourself, you will have no choice but to acknowledge that we exist in this dark period today.  Everything else you hear about America from the normal sources, is propaganda and an illusion.  The stark reality is, you are a government debt slave.  You just don’t know it yet.

People wondered, how could Ayn Rand have foreseen all this? Was she a prophet? No, she answered. She had simply identified the basic cause of why the country was bouncing from one crisis to another.  The collusion between government and special interest groups started taking America down a path that will eventually spell her demise, all based on the lust for power and money.  The cliff she approaches draws ever closer.

In Rand’s Atlas Shrugged she wrote:

“You have cried that man’s sins are destroying the world and you have cursed human nature for its unwillingness to practice the virtues you demanded.  Since virtue, to you, consists of sacrifice, you have demanded more sacrifices at every successive disaster.” (Sacrifice equals taxes and regulations)

“You have sacrificed justice to mercy. (irrational compassion) You have sacrificed reason to faith.  You have sacrificed wealth to need. (Karl Marx) You have sacrificed self-esteem to self-denial. (Obama’s apology tour)  You have sacrificed happiness to duty.   The result?  Why do you shrink in horror from the sight of the world around you?  That world is not the product of your sins.  It is the product and the image of your virtues.  It is your moral ideal brought into reality.”

The “moral ideal” that Ayn Rand describes is manifested in the multiple insanities of:

  • Let ‘Em All In” open borders
  • Sanctuary cities
  • Negligently inefficient government-run health care and other social programs
  • Unsustainable welfare
  • Irrational compassion implemented for the sole purpose of gaining votes
  • Political correctness run amok
  • Institutional socialist brainwashing of the next generation
  • Repealing constitutional property rights, replaced by radical environmentalism
  • The systematic destruction of the Constitution
  • The politicalization of top federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies (i.e. DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc.)
  • The rise of violent anarchist organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa
  • War zone cities like Chicago, Baltimore and Saint Louis, etc.
  • Degradation of human decency standards and increasing decadent lifestyles (drugs and alcohol)
  • Way too lenient sentencing guide lines for sexual predators
  • Common sense and logic thrown under the bus
  • Hijacking science for political agendas, like climate change
  • Attempts by the left to repeal the electoral college
  • Local, state and federal taxes that approach if not exceed usury and slavery by taxation
  • An un-payable national debt
  • The illegal and unconstitutional practice of buying votes with taxpayer money
  • Gays and trans-genders in military combat units
  • Appeasement of our friends and enemies, reversed by Trump
  • Wars that are never won
  • Unaccountable bureaucracies that pass unconstitutional “rules” to destroy personal freedom and property rights

We could name many more of the false “moral ideals” Ayn Rand describes, that have brought us to today’s reality, where riots and burning cities will become the norm, not the exception.

Sadly, rather than bringing control out of political chaos, the people will wait until their cities are burning and the only alternative left for the righteous to gain the high ground will be civil war or revolution.  The people will watch as our international borders evaporate and are overrun.  National sovereignty will melt in the crucibles of one-world-order.  The people will sigh when we finally run out of other people’s money to pay for a society that has grown weak, lazy, apathetic and decadent.  They will moan and groan when their government declares martial law and implements a police state.  Then they will say, after the bullets fly, the bombs go off and the FEMA camps fill up, “well what could we have done to prevent it anyway?”  What indeed!  That’s what the German people said twice in the Twentieth Century and 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 had to die because the people failed to rein in the insane ambitions of their government leaders and special interest groups.

So it begs the question of why we, or anyone else for that matter, should write articles forewarning their readers what the future holds, when, in the end, history tells us that the people, who live in a constant state of fear, aren’t going to do anything about it anyway, that is until they have to “fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves?”  (Winston Churchill)

In conclusion, Ayn Rand wrote:

“Man is free to evade reality, he is free to un-focus his mind and stumble blindly down any road he pleases, but he is not free to avoid the abyss he refuses to see.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the Paris riots have shown us a glimpse of the abyss we approach, in a world controlled by a massive government apparatus bent on absolute power, the money brokers determined to make the people debt slaves and radical special interest groups who force their ideology down our collective throats using government and law as the lever.  But if we are too blind to see it, we are doomed to the Hell that awaits us there at the bottom of the abyss, where individual freedom and liberty do not exist and where war becomes the only viable alternative to escape the horrors of abject slavery.


© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Don’t Run Away Or Back Down This Christmas – Shine

Merry Christmas to one and all.  May we all celebrate and remember the miraculous birth of Jesus – the son of God coming to live among us and saving us with His love.

The United States has been blessed more than any country on earth with achievement, wealth, Christian heritage and power.  We were created by God and have been protected by God over the years.  We have soared in goodness and generosity while backstepping at times in to immoral acting out.  America has never been perfect but has been Christian at its core and very generous.

Be yourself, praise Jesus and display what you want to.  Stand and be counted as you celebrate the real reason for this miraculous season.  If idiots threaten you, fire you, gossip about you and say you don’t have rights, stand up and fight.  Exercise your celebration rights and don’t run out or erase yourself because of a perverted rights display from those who are anti rights for all.  They can all kiss my grits and walk around my manger scene displays.  If they are not careful, maybe the camel will bite them.

This Christmas season why don’t we all continue the attacks on others, but instead of following the directives of the shattered left and attack with violence and threats, lets attack with love and service.  Let us find someone in our family, a lonely or invalid neighbor, co worker or stranger and give until it helps not hurts.  Opportunities are all around us if we can get out of ourselves, our lack of money, aches and pains and the crushing blows in our lives.

Pay someone’s groceries in front of you in line.  Drive by the parking spot you needed and let the person behind you get it instead.  Shovel the snow out of a neighbor’s yard or clean a house of an elderly person who is alone and needy.  There are always more people caught in struggle, pain and loss than yourself.  I know, I have more needs on many levels than most and have fought back from near death.  The struggle isn’t over but thankfully neither am I.  Someone once said if you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right.  Believe and Love, then act on it, don’t talk about it, just do something for someone.

A small example of doing very little but making a huge difference were 2 events that happened to me and that blessed my heart with joy. It didn’t mean I was great or anything but simply showed the power of love and being aware.

Years ago, I hosted a national TV show, CD Highway on PBS and had flown into O’Hare Airport in Chicago for a PBS convention, also celebrating our new show.  As I walked from the Jetway to the Terminal I noticed a Mom crumpled on the ground digging in her purse for quarters to get a trolley next to her to put 5 pieces of luggage on.  There was a baby in her arms, a toddler having a tantrum and another small child staring off into space.  Mom was crying and digging in her purse.  I quickly found 2 quarters, pulled off a trolley behind her and loaded all her bags on it, then tapped her shoulder and said “Your trolley awaits.  Have a great day” I then smiled and moved on.  She looked up in wonder and couldn’t stop saying thank you over and over again.  Folks, it was just 50 cents but it is mostly what I remember about that weekend in Chicago that touched my heart, not the fancy TV convention, short concert I gave there or the launch of the TV show I hosted.

Another time only months ago I was going to get some groceries and had a strict limit of $80 I could spend for groceries my family needed.  I was counting every penny and writing everything down as carefully as I could.  My Husband and myself had been in serious financial struggles and money was very scarce.  When I got up to the check out, there was a woman in front of me who had just had all her groceries checked through and she had bagged them up.  When she handed the checker her debit card, no matter how many times he checked it, it was $27 short.  I saw her digging and finding no other way to pay.  She started to cry and was very embarrassed as the line started to build behind me and people were impatiently mumbling.

I knew most likely I barely had enough money to buy my groceries and no credit card, but I knew I had to help as the manager had been called from the back of the store.  I jumped in.  I said “I don’t believe there is a problem here.  This ladies’ groceries are completely paid and this card works fine.”  I handed the checker my card and his and the ladies mouth dropped.  People started mumbling behind me in shock.  It was $27 that I paid and I ended up having enough to pay for my groceries right behind her.    The manager finally got there and said “I understand we have a problem here.”  “The checker said, no there is no problem, this lady paid the bill.”  Don’t wait to give until you are rich or have a lot, look for a need and fill it.  You won’t be sorry. It will touch your heart like no money or gift can.  Be the gift.

Merry Christmas everybody.  Celebrate in a big way and make a difference all over.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump, Part 2

Dear Mr. President:

At the close of my personal letter to you, dated 11-25-18, I stated that I would be dealing with sustainable development along with other issues in my future article, “Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump, Part 2.”

The Dangerous USMCA

I stated that the revised NAFTA trade deal, the USMCA is a globalist trap; for it brings in the UN’s Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) through the back door.  Now that you’ve signed this new trade deal, we have to hope that Congress will reject it.

There may be some parts of the agreement which are favorable as far as trade is concerned, but that is just a small part of the multiple-page document.   It establishes supranational governing bodies that have ultimate authority over many aspects besides trade.  It becomes a regional government and is open ended in order to include other countries, forming an even larger regional government just as was done in Europe.

Mr. President, if you only concentrated on the trade aspects and trusted your team with the rest of it, you may not be aware of the pitfalls.

According to a recent article in Canada Free Press, USMCA contains a new chapter (24) on environment which was not in the NAFTA agreement. The three parties recognize sustainable development (SD), the lynchpin of United Nations Agenda 21, now morphed into UN 2030, as an essential ingredient without which trade cannot exist.

According to what is stated here, the three parties recognize and no doubt agree that any party that does not promote and advance sustainable development will not have the privilege to trade.

Mr. President I believe that our Trade Representative, Mr. Lighthizer, and those involved with him, must have either been asleep or failed to pay attention to what was going on. Could it be that he and others were completely in favor of advancing sustainable development? I believe this is what has occurred. As we saw in the last stages of the renegotiation of NAFTA, it was apparent Lighthizer was not on America’s side.

For example, when you sent a directive to eliminate Chapter 19 in its entirety, your directive “disappeared” because so many others wanted to retain that portion.  And then, there’s the fact that Lighthizer is a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the intent of which from its inception in 1921 was and is to gradually and incrementally change the United States so that it can be merged with other nations into a world government. That being the case, it is reasonable to expect him to be about the business and goals of the organization of which he is a member.

As for a member of the trade entity losing its privilege to trade for not promoting sustainable development, just think of the trouble this will cause. Let’s suppose that one of the parties is not too enamored with having to force the sustainable development onto their people; but recognizes that if there isn’t at least a show of complying, it will result in no trade.

It is apparent that the parties to the agreement are caught in a pincers-like trap between the people and the authorities of the Trade Commission.  If they fail to advance sustainable development, they will be denied the privilege to trade.

The purpose for joining with the other parties was to bring about more trade, more opportunities for more jobs – in short, for a better life for business and the people; but all this is headed in the opposite direction. What’s going on here?

The United Nations is using trade as the bait to suck all nations into one global entity of complete economic, cultural and political control, i.e., the New World Order, or Global Governance. And to implement this on-going plan, the UN is using local change strategies such as Agenda 21 to introduce and incrementally facilitate change through state and local governments which will bring a mind-set more favorable to global governance.

Agenda 21 Connection

It is difficult to define the connection of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a part of Sustainable Development, and is the vehicle which advances sustainable development.

Let’s take a look at some of the people behind all this activity, as well as what they propose and endorse.

William F. Jasper, editor of the New American Magazine attended the 1992 Earth Summit, known officially as the United Nations Conference on environmental Development (UNCED), the eco-confab in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  It was unprecedented in size and scope, bringing together some 35,000 government officials, diplomats, NGO activists, and journalists. According to Jasper, Rio became the launch pad for a number of huge initiatives that have been gradually gaining force and wreaking havoc on the planet in intervening decades; one of the main documents to come out of UNCED process was Agenda 21.

The ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) web page states that its Local Agenda 21 Model Communities Programme is “designed to aid local governments in implementing Chapter 28 of Agenda 21,” the global action plan for sustainable development.

ICLEI’s website informs us:

The Council was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at our inaugural conference, The World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York.

ICLEI’s website notes that in 2003 it changed its name “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability,” no doubt to place more emphasis on the “local” and to diminish concerns about its “international” influence and its political and financial ties to the United Nations. ICLEI and other UN-affiliated NGOs and government officials have come under increasing suspicion in recent years from American citizens, and have taken to camouflaging their UN-driven environmental agendas, even to the point of denying obvious and easily documented connections. On its web page entitled “ICLEI Connecting Leaders,” ICLEI explains some of its networking strategies. They include:

Connect cities and local governments to the United Nations and other international bodies. ICLEI represents local governments at the United Nations (UN) Commission on Sustainable Development, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Conventions on Biodiversity and Combating Desertification and cooperates with the UN Environment Programme and UN-HABITAT.

“That seems pretty clear: ICLEI’s mission is to “connect” local governments to the UN and its affiliates. It goes on: “

Mobilize local governments to help their countries implement multilateral environmental agreements such as the Rio conventions through Cities for Climate, Protection, and Local Action for Biodiversity and other initiatives.

Again, fairly straightforward: Get the locals to lobby and pressure the national government to hop on board the global programs that will transfer more money, authority, and power to the UN. ICLEI continues:

Forge multi-stakeholder partnerships such as Resilient Cities, a global framework on urban resilience and climate adaptation where local governments, international agencies, development banks, ministries, institutions, and others collaborate.

Translation: bribe, entice, seduce, flatter local officials, NGOs, and corporations to join the green lobby.

According to William F. Jasper, in the New American Magazines article, “Your Hometown & the United Nations’ AGENDA 21,” although the Climate Change Convention has dominated the media headlines and political landscape for many years, Agenda 21 is even more far-reaching and dangerous.  Jasper points out that the alarmists declare that desperate measures are necessary to “save” Mother Earth, and only a comprehensive, global plan will do. He admits that UN Agenda 21 is definitely comprehensive and global. It proposes a global regime that will monitor, oversee, and strictly regulate our planet’s oceans, streams, rivers, aquifers, sea beds, coastlands, wetlands, forests, jungles, grasslands, farmland, deserts, tundra, and mountains – in short, everything.  There is nothing on, in, over, or under the Earth that doesn’t fall within the purview of some part of Agenda 21.

According to the report. The most accessible of Agenda 21 to come out following the Rio summit was published under the title Agenda 21: “The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet,” edited by environmental-activist attorney Daniel Sitarz, and enthusiastically endorsed by now deceased Earth Summit chief Maurice Strong. The book is instructive for demonstrating the completely alien mindset that holds sway in so many influential political, academic, and media circles. Sitarz’s edition provides a powerful, albeit unintended, indictment of the UN agreement by offering this candid appraisal of the plan’s totalitarian ambition. Incredibly, Sitarz admits with apparent approval that:

Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which is intended to be implemented by every person on Earth…. It calls for specific changes in the activities of all people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced – a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that concern for environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.

One might ask, what does all this have to do with the renegotiated NAFTA – the USMCA? If the USMCA is ratified it will bring in by the back-door the UN Law of the Sea Treaty that will not only aid in implementing much of what is planned in Sustained Development through Agenda 21, but so much more. However, even if there wasn’t anything else to avoid, what is imbedded in this one Chapter 24 is more than enough to outright reject this USMCA trade deal.

And that, Mr. President is what you should do. You shouldn’t even let it come to a vote. I’m sure you intended that it be renegotiated to a positive result – positive to Americans sense of values. Of course, as we now see this hasn’t been done. But if it is allowed to come before Congress and the Senate it will probably be ratified. There are many legislators who are supposedly on our-side, but too many who are not.

As I said in my “Open Letter to you, part 1,” the ball is in your court. Mr. President, millions of Americans are hoping you will step up to the plate and do the right thing – pull completely out of it.

If you choose not to, let’s look at the consequences, it will mean that you will have broken your promise. And that is most likely to result in about 30 percent of your supporters staying home in 2020. And I hate to even think about the consequences.

I’m not finished yet, Mr. President, but I’ll have to take that up in Part 3.

© 2018 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan: semper87plus@yahoo.com

The Real Reason Behind America’s Noble Heritage

Great men and women of renown who were a part of the emerging population of those seeking Liberty from Great Britain during the colonial period were motivated by noble ideals.  Many of which centered around not having to rely upon the central government to run or dominate over every aspect of our lives.  This way of thinking first emerged during the time of Moses. He was leading the children of Israel after securing freedom from Egypt.  Moses was jubilant over the new life of no longer being under the abusive will of Egypt’s brutal pharaohs.  But he became overrun by the concerns of his three million fellow children of Israel.

Day in and day out, from early morning until late at night Moses would hear the concerns, complaints and questions of his fellow citizens.  In time the huge onslaught of citizens inflicted a physical and mental stain upon him.  His father in law Jethro came to the rescue with a very wise solution.  He suggested to Moses that he search amongst the people and find men of good standing.  He then told Moses to break the people up into groups of various sizes, depending upon the circumstances.  People were learning not to depend on one central governing figure.  They began to understand that Moses was not the only one with answers to the issues of life, ranging from governance to personal squabbles.

On top of that, both Moses and his brother Arron did their best to keep the people focused with gratitude toward God.  After all, it was he who parted the Red Sea allowing them to make their great escape from the tyranny of Egypt.  Eventually, the children of Israel faced the giants in the promised land that God told them they would be able to take from the giants in the land.  At first, doubters clouded their vision and caused a major setback.  In time as God had promised, the bodies of every complainer and doubter laid decaying in the desert.

As the story goes, the children of Israel grow in faith and take the land promised to them by God and the rest is history.  Likewise, with our own beloved republic, it took great faith and courage for the colonists to even dare to take on the British Empire and win the land and liberty for themselves.  The founders were quite familiar with the Old Testament Jewish tribes who toppled those who seemed to be more powerful than they.  It was Their recognition of God’s plan of true liberty that gave the American underdogs the eventual upper hand and ultimate victory.  Not only for themselves, but for the benefit of all people everywhere to learn from and benefit from the principles enacted to build this shining city on a hill nation of greatness.

The word Liberty doesn’t mean unbridled freedom, but rather freedom with responsibility.  Meaning, just like the children of Israel, with recognized responsibility they had skin in the game.  Thus, they were motivated by rational self interest, faith and the wisdom to get the job done, not just for the state, but for themselves as well.  The Noble Heritage of the United States of America is ensconced in the faith, wisdom and willingness of the people to reject the concept of a bossy centralized Godless government lacking providential wisdom.  On July 3, 1776, the day after Congress approved the wording of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, reflecting on what he had shared in Congress and, with prophetic insight, declaring the importance of that day.

I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival.  It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God almighty.  It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows games, sports, guns, bell, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward forever.  In conclusion, the real reason behind America’s Noble Heritage is an unrelenting faith in God and adherence to his will and wisdom.  If not, our republic will slide back into utter decline and failure. The choice is ours, I pray the right choice is made.  Join me during the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv.  and worldwide via americamatters.us and SHRMEDIA.COM.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Bush Funeral: An Orwellian Space Opera

The memorial services for the late President George H. W. Bush were so over the top that it transcended an Olympic ceremony or a Broadway musical production such as Les Misérables.

Beneath all the pomp and ceremony were multiple messages for the primary demographic target — conservatives, Republicans and Christians.  The purpose? To redefine and rebrand patriotism, conservatism and Republicanism in the subconscious mind.

Masterfully layered into the Bush memorial services were repetitive symbols like American flags, Bibles, church sanctuaries, choirs, military rituals, and families along with the sounds of Christian music and patriotic testimony, Bible verses read aloud, Christian songs, and the synergistic forces of God, country, duty and service.

For the informed viewer, these are the signatures of persuasion experts like journalist and political commentator Walter Lippmann, “the father of public relations” Edward Bernays, and Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels who produced massive rallies with over 180,000 people packing mega-stadiums with massive Roman columns, Wagnerian opera music, and giant Nazi flags featuring swastikas — an occult symbol from ancient Tibet. During these rallies, tens of thousands of people lined up in endless rows shouting “Sieg Heil” as they raised their arms and hands in the Nazi salute.

The propaganda genius of Goebbels, the talents of Albert Speer, the Nazi architect who built massive, futuristic Nazi stadiums and buildings for giant rallies, and the stirring music of Richard Wagner, the highly-gifted composer and director of Hitlerian operas, combined to catapult Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to a Messiah-like level.

This is not to suggest that the late President Bush was a Nazi because he wasn’t. President Bush’s highest loyalty appeared to be towards an idealized New World Order, a massive fact completely erased in the mass media spectacle.

Bush, Sr. and the New World Order

The behind-the-scenes, Orwellian propaganda masters carefully rewrote and revised the history of President Bush, Sr. from one of a total commitment to the New World Order to one of a total commitment to Christianity and the Bible.

Consider a few of his past remarks.

On February 28, 1990, he spoke at the United Nations, saying: “Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end.”

On September 11, 2001, he said, “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective–a new world order–can emerge…. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.”

On September 11, 1990, he delivered an address to Congress titled, “Toward a New World Order,” regarding the crisis in the Persian Gulf after Iraq invaded Kuwait the previous month.

President Bush, Sr. repeatedly spoke before the nation and the world in support of the New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon by myself and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, we uncover the Deep State forces that are allied with numerous secret societies in an all-out effort to remove President Donald Trump from office.

An Orwellian Deep State Funeral

The President Bush, Sr. funeral services featured an endless series of evangelical Christians, Christian symbols, Bible verses and Christian hymns. Instead of summoning the adopted Nazi god Wōtan and German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, or superman, the Orwellian Deep State producers epically created endless funeral ceremonies for the late President Bush, which were perhaps the single, greatest global pageant surrounding the death of any world leader in the past 100 years.

Although, stylistically and ideologically different than the Nazi’s annual Nuremberg rallies, the Deep State producers of what can only be described as the “Bush-Orwellian Space Opera” were very similar in construction of a massive, media propaganda machine on many subconscious levels that tapped into the Jungian archetypes of the collective consciousness.

Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung theorized that Hitler and the Nazis had released a powerful spiritual being named Wotan, or Odin, that supernaturally energized Hitler and the German people. In Christian theology, Wotan would be characterized as a specific territorial spirit that can rule over a nation. This ancient Nordic and Germanic god are connected to Yale University’s Skull and Bones, the secret society that the late President Bush, Sr., and his son President George W. Bush belonged to.

Inside three different majestic cathedrals, the Bush Dynasty consisting of former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughters and other notables, gathered to pay their respects to the late Bush, Sr. Former President Bill Clinton and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, current President Donald Trump, and their wives, were in attendance at the funeral ceremonies of the late President Bush, Sr. which took place at numerous locations with unrivaled glory, pomp, worshipful music, endless Bible verses, traditional Christian hymns, and choreography that exceeded the devotion given to any modern king.

Funeral Designed to Reprogram ‘Deplorables’

In fact, this was on many levels deeply moving to Americans of all political persuasions and specifically designed to re-program the minds of what Hillary Clinton called the “Deplorables,” or conservative President Trump supporters, through a strategic “counterpoint process” that subliminally caused both Republicans and President Trump supporters to subconsciously compare and contrast the behavior and style of Donald Trump with an idealized and mythological President George H. W. Bush who became larger than life.

When Jenna Hager Bush, one of the granddaughters of President Bush, Sr. read from the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation it was very moving.

” Now, I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.  And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’  Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful’” (Revelation 21:1-5).

In a very revealing manner, every major television network broadcast the ceremonies and heaped worshipful comments on the late President Bush, Sr., as if he was the Messiah.

Please do not misunderstand my words here. I am not implying that this was the intention of the Bush family and the deceased President Bush, Sr., but this entire event spanning over several days was masterfully planned and directed by one of the world’s most gifted creative teams — a team that understood the deep-seated need of ordinary people to worship, if not God, then a man.

The funeral of the late President Bush, Sr. took place in multiple cathedrals in which major evangelical leaders, singers, and musicians sang “Amazing Grace,” “Onward Christian Soldiers,” and other traditional Christian hymns. The Bush family and others also read actual Bible verses.

The late President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughter, Jenna, read a moving passage from Revelation, yet about three-quarters of evangelical churches in America forbid the teaching of the entire book of Revelation and any secular or public employee, teacher or student who dared to read that exact same passage of the Bible would be punished, fined or fired!

Lauren Bush and Ashley Walker Bush, the daughters of businessman Neil Bush, read from the book of Isaiah where it states, “The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night, but the Lord will be your everlasting light and your God will be your glory” (Isaiah 60:19).

The Coming Global System – ‘Mystery, Babylon’

The verses read by Jenna, Lauren and Ashley are what theologians call the prophetic verses of the Bible. But the ultimate focus of the prophetic verses consists of very strong warnings about a coming one-world government, one-world religion and one-world economic system known as “Mystery, Babylon” that will be ruled by the Antichrist.

The first Babylon arose at the time of the Tower of Babel, as described in eleventh chapter of the book of Genesis. This was the world’s first global government, religion and economic system that God judged because He knew it was Luciferian in nature.

God’s judgment upon ancient Babylon consisted of destroying their globalist society and separating the nations and the peoples of Babylon into independent, sovereign nation-states in order to establish checks and balances and prevent a Luciferian global dictatorship from emerging.

Through these judgments, God reveals Himself as being in support of nationalism and against globalism. Ancient Babylon was the world’s first New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery by myself and Troy Anderson, the former executive editor of Charisma magazine and a Los Angeles Daily News reporter, we explore this biblical mystery in great depth, revealing the link between today’s globalists, secret societies that passed down occult knowledge over thousands of years, and the Tower of Babel.

Babylon was the First New World Order

Through the prophetic verses God warns about a soon coming second New World Order and a globalist system that is satanic in nature and one which Jesus Christ will judge and destroy at His literal Second Coming.

It must be understood that the New World Order, which is the goal of many secret societies such as Skull and Bones, is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God.

The prophetic verses of Scripture warn that Jesus Christ is returning to planet Earth to destroy “Mystery, Babylon” at the Battle of Armageddon where Christ will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, False Prophet, the fallen angels, and the New World Order.

Jesus Christ will then bring in the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem where all those who put their faith in Him will enter Paradise in an eternal dimension and live forever.

Conversely, all those who choose to worship the Antichrist as God will be sentenced to a cosmic prison called the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

It’s very difficult to believe that the late President George H. W. Bush, former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other members of the Bush family who claim to be strong “born again” Christians would not be aware of one of the central themes of the Bible and not be aware that the beliefs of Skull and Bones are in direct opposition to that of the Bible.

The Goal was to Degrade President Trump

The mainstream media is continually revealing its Orwellian nature by operating as the one, unified monolithic voice of Orwellian Big Brother. They must be reading from the same script told to us non-stop about how incredibly Christian, kind, sensitive, humble, people oriented, servant-like, great listeners, and deeply-committed Bible believing Christians the late President Bush, Sr. was, and then programmed the viewers into comparing the aggressive and bold President Donald Trump with an illusory President Bush, Sr. who apparently was more Christian than evangelist Billy Graham.

The mind-control goal was to degrade President Trump and erode the loyalty of his base. One of the primary ways to do this was to reinvent President Bush, Sr. as an “on-fire evangelical Christian.”

But if the late President Bush, Sr. and other Bush’s are such devout evangelical and born-again Christians how can they simultaneously be members of a secret German occult society known as Skull and Bones, which advocates the New World Order that is warned about in Genesis 11 and the book of Revelation, and which the Bible says that Jesus Christ is coming back to destroy this New World Order, or “Mystery, Babylon”?

The Skull and Bones secret society, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, uses a symbol of a human skull and a pair of human crossbones very much like the symbol of pirates.

Hitler’s highest-ranking Nazi officers wore leather trench coats and military caps with the Skull and Bones on them. They also wore the Skull and Bones proudly on their belt buckles, above their medals, and in other places. Skull and Bones, or the Brotherhood of Death, comes from the Thule Society, a secret German occult society dedicated to creating the New World Order.

In Bush family history, Prescott Bush, the father of the late President Bush, Sr., had a business relationship with E. H. Harriman who purchased the Union Pacific Railroad with the help of the British royal family and members of the Rockefeller family.

A private bank was created for Harriman’s sons, Averell and Roland Harriman. In 1926, Bert Walker connected with the Morgan family who brought his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, into the bank that began gaining control over German shipping and business assets.

Prescott Bush and Harriman were members of Skull and Bones. Prescott Bush was connected to the funding centers for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Prescott Bush was very active in launching the career of President Bush, Sr.

This doesn’t mean that the late President Bush, Sr., former President George W. Bush, and other members of the Bush family have Nazi-like intentions, or that Skull and Bones today has the exact same beliefs as Skull and Bones did in the past.

But on the most basic level there is an inherent conflict between the teachings of the Bible regarding the New World Order and a system of global government.

The fact is that during the Orwellian Space Opera surrounding the funeral of the late President Bush, Sr., there was a strategic and methodical effort to revise the history of the late President Bush, Sr.

All of the late President Bush, Sr.’s many references to the New World Order were erased from the mass consciousness of millions of people, not by the Bush family, but by an Orwellian media.



Cohen: Proven Liar Becomes ‘Truth’ Composer

The planned soft coup to remove President Trump from office after his stunning win wasn’t just because a Republican would now occupy the Oval Office. Without question, rogue operators in the CIA, FBI & DOJ were disappointed career criminal, Hildebeast Clinton, were crushed the American people actually rejected their choice.

But, in my humble opinion as I’ve written before, the collusion with the Russians scam prompting a special counsel headed up by corrupt, rotten player, Robert Mueller, was solely to cover up the crimes of all the major players.

A scam paid for in part by the witch who usurped the office of Secretary of State, Hillary Strongman Clinton. A gigantic cauldron of manufactured lies to cover her crimes and those up to their necks in corruption.

DOJ’s Bruce Ohr wrote Christopher Steele was ‘very concerned about Comey’s firing — afraid they will be exposed’

Michael Cohen was one of Trump’s attorneys for those not familiar with his role in this reprehensible plan to either get Trump to resign or as members of the Democratic/Communist Part USA in Congress, their media and minions are going for in January: Impeachment. Cohen worked for Trump from 2006-2018.

Under the wide dragnet cast by Robert Mueller, who puts a maggot to shame, Cohen has been convicted on eight counts: five for tax evasion, one for making false statements to a financial institution, one for somehow causing an unlawful corporate contribution and one for paying off a badly aging stripper to keep her allegations quiet during the 2016 presidential race.

Soon as Stormy Daniels declared to the world she hopped in bed with a married man right after meeting him, a former tittie model for Playboy jumped onto the garbage truck claiming she also hopped in the sack with a known married man. Karen McDougal claims she was banging Trump for ten months and sold her story for $150,000. Ten months. A long time and considering how busy Trump’s life was in the private sector, where’s any proof she was in any bedroom with him?

Did flesh-peddlers Daniels or McDougal really hope that a married billionaire with a new baby son would leave his wife for them after alleged romps between the sheets? I mean why else would they have sex with someone they didn’t even know who they knew was married with more money than either of them will make in a life time selling their skin?

Billionaires (as well as millionaires) are prime targets for that kind of extortion. McDougal’s 15-minutes of shame has long faded while she continues to sell her skin as does Daniels. I don’t believe either of them. Not because it’s Trump but because I’ve seen too many of these types of shake-downs.

Not one of the charges has a single thing to do with Trump colluding with any Russians to fix the election. Cohen’s attorney is none other than long time Clinton fixer, Lanny Davis. The stench off that guy is detectable for miles.

Moving along, Cohen has admitted to lying to Congress. He’s admitted to lying all over the place. Then reality kicks in and Cohen no doubt had nightmares his anal cavity might soon be a play thing for some 300-pound inmate in prison.  Suddenly, Cohen decides to sing better than Pavarotti – ALL in an effort to provide Mueller with a newly composed ‘truth’ about Trump and his role as attorney-fixer.

All in the hope of getting no jail time. But Cohen must have received the shock of his life when the sentencing recommendation came out asking for years of incarceration in a federal prison.

The whole thing is beyond sickening and yet, Robert Mueller continues down the dead end because HE is in legal jeopardy along with all the other dirty players in this breathtaking scheme to get Trump.

I know, prosecutors love to say they can’t always get angels as witnesses so they make deals with the devil to get convictions. Hell, the truth doesn’t matter to Robert Mueller or he would never have gone after Gen. Michael Flynn after the FBI agents who interviewed that decent, patriotic man said Flynn did not lie.

I don’t believe Gen. Flynn received competent legal representation or he would never have been put in a position of having to ‘fall on the sword’ to protect his son against possible retaliation by Mueller – for no wrong doing. DiGenova on Mueller Memo: ‘This Was a Frame-Up of Flynn to Get Donald Trump’

Meadows: ‘There Is No Suggestion That Michael Flynn Had Anything to Do With Collusion’

“But Jordan noted there was plenty of deception from top FBI officials who launched the Trump-Russia probe while letting Hillary Clinton off easy. Clinton was not even required to testify under oath.

“Remember, James Comey, director of the FBI, fired; Deputy Director (Andrew) McCabe lied three times under oath, fired; Chief Counsel at the FBI Jim Baker, demoted and then left. FBI counsel Lisa Page demoted, then left. And deputy head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok demoted, then fired. But even those five people thought Mike Flynn didn’t lie when he was interviewed by the FBI. Only Bob Mueller did, and now this is what happens.

“So we’ve got to keep this in context. The top people at the FBI, all demoted, left, or fired who launched and ran the Clinton investigation; launched and ran the Russia investigation. Put the fake dossier in front of the FISA court to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. Even they didn’t think Mike Flynn lied when he was being interviewed by the FBI,” Jordan said.

“And now, Bob Mueller is saying he should get the most lenient sentence possible but they still have the information he gave them. We will find out what that is when we get the unredacted version” (of the mysterious criminal investigation mentioned in Mueller’s court filing).

“Meadows said he and Jordan have been part of multiple testimonies and briefings “where it was reiterated, not once, not twice, but three different times that they didn’t believe that Mike Flynn lied.”

Pollak: Michael Flynn Sentencing Document Shows Collusion — Between Media, Deep State, and Obama Admin

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed a sentencing memorandum Tuesday with the federal court in Washington, D.C. that recommends General Michael Flynn receive no jail time after pleading guilty to the crime of lying to the FBI, citing “substantial” assistance to the government in its investigations.

“The mainstream media interpreted that remark as evidence that Flynn gave Mueller key information against President Donald Trump and Russian “collusion.”

“More likely, however, Mueller’s request reflects the fact that Flynn did not actually commit the crime to which he pleaded guilty. No less than then-FBI director James Comey told Congress last March that Flynn had not, in fact, lied to the FBI.”

How Gen. Flynn was set up. This is an episode of the Dan Bongino Show (radio) and he goes through step by step why Flynn was targeted to be the sacrificial goat. Those behind it need to go to federal prison forever. I’m moving so while packing boxes I simply turned up the sound and listened. I hope you will, too and share it with your social media contacts as well as this column. Networking works in getting the truth out there.

For a political hit job, a decent man who honorably served his country for 33 years and retired a three-star general is bankrupted and had his life destroyed by Mueller who is up to his neck in the Uranium One Russia deal.

Cohen caved, sang and it looks like he might have made a deal with Satan’s henchman, Mueller, that isn’t going to keep that coward out of prison. Boo-who.

Gregg Jarrett: Cohen guilty plea does absolutely nothing to show wrongdoing by Trump

“As the old saying goes, guilty pleas are like paper currency – some are more valuable than others.

“Insofar as proving some amorphous crime of Trump-Russian “collusion” to win the 2016 presidential election, Mueller is getting something about as valuable as a crumpled dollar with Cohen’s newest guilty plea.

“The plea is worth just enough to give Democrats and members of the Trump-hating media – who know little about the law – something to howl about. Beyond that, it’s of zero value in proving that the president and/or his campaign somehow conspired, coordinated or, if you prefer, “colluded” with Russia to influence the presidential election two years ago.

“And this alleged Trump-Russia collusion is, after all, what Mueller is supposed to be investigating. To date, there is no reason to believe that he has uncovered any incriminating evidence that would support his mandate.

“Still, the special counsel seems desperate to find something – anything – to show that his 18 months of probing, costing taxpayers millions of dollars, has not been big a waste of time and money.”

Everyday. Everyday headlines on the Internet, cable “news” networks and newspapers still around are nothing but the same old recycled flatulence: Trump is guilty of colluding with the Russians, blah, blah, blah. Of course, they completely ignore the unraveling of the carefully crafted ‘insurance policy’ to get Trump that has now been so thoroughly documented.

Another proven liar, multi-millionaire Jolly Red Giant, James Comey (who stands 6’8” with a net worth of $11 million bux), who still thinks he’s above the law, testified behind closed doors this past Friday. On advice of his attorney AND a DOJ attorney, Comey was directed not to answer most of the questions to put him by the House Judiciary Committee over the FBI’s NON-investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information, fraud committed in obtaining FISA warrants, and the manufactured Steele Dossier. Written by Steele who was fired by the FBI for lying!

Just Released: Here’s What The FBI Is Hiding About Christopher Steele

The full transcript of the hearing was released two days ago. It’s 235 pages.  I spent most of Saturday evening reading it; what I didn’t finish I will. By page 21 it got pretty disgusting. This oh-so highly intelligent former Director of the FBI, James Comey, had major memory problems and tap danced better than Fred Astaire around questions. Maybe he should have consulted his book for the answers.

James Comey Admits Steele Dossier Unverified Months After FISA Warrant Granted

Comey says Trump wasn’t among ‘four Americans’ targeted in FBI probe

Comey transcript released: Ex-FBI boss claims not to know, remember key details in Russia case

Insider source: Feds doubted ‘dossier’ reliability  – Before Obama officials used it as evidence to spy on Trump campaign (Be sure to read)

Trump orders public release of Russia documents – White House moves as Lisa Page admits ‘no collusion’

Mueller Memo Details Michael Cohen’s Lying to Investigators on Russia – No Evidence of Collusion By Trump Campaign

More political grandstanding by Trump haters. I guess they didn’t get the memo: Lawrence O’Donnell: Trump ‘Must Be Impeached’ Based on Mueller Filings

Dem Castro: Congress Must Be Willing to Talk Trump Impeachment

John Dean: Congress Will Have Little Choice ‘Other Than to Start Impeachment Proceedings’ After Cohen Filing

FBI hired dossier author Steele to investigate Trump, fired him for lying about media leaks

Devin Nunes: ‘Fourth bucket’ of classified emails show info withheld from FISA court

FBI email chain may provide most damning evidence of FISA abuses yet – Trump is going to declassify and release documents that will finally, I believe, cook the rogue operatives and the Democratic/Communist Part USA. We all wish it was going to be today, but the day IS coming. Once the Senate is sworn in next month, the American people need to roar.

The Democratic/Communist Party USA takes over control of the House via vote fraud next month. Another braying ass, Gerald Nadler [D-NY] has vowed that all investigations will be killed by them immediately.

That will leave exposing that cabal of criminals to the Senate and they damn well better make it a priority. The American people – at least those who don’t have an echo chamber inside their skull instead of a functioning brain – are fed up with the lies and attacks on Trump when there is not a SINGLE shred of evidence he colluded with the Russians (collusion is not a crime) or anything else.

President Trump has decided to appoint former Attorney General William Barr as the new Attorney General replacing Manchurian Candidate, Jeff Sessions. Sure as the sun shines, Demorats immediately soiled their diapers declaring he’s not the right person for the job. Really? Keep sweating you pigs because the end-game is coming. Your party is covered in slime, deception and such corruption it makes Watergate look like a juvenile prank.

JOE DIGENOVA Drops A Bombshell About DOJ’s Rod Rosenstein: “This will stun the American people”

America needs Bill Barr to take the reins at the badly damaged Justice Department by Joseph deGenova and his wife, Victoria Toensing, two people I greatly respect.

The majority of Americans from all parties and walks of life will be taking off several days to celebrate Christmas. A very good time to get up to speed on what you might have missed while working to put food on the table.

I’ve already mentioned in a previous column these sources but in case you missed them because time is such an issue for all of us, I highly recommend:

Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump

Robert Mueller’s Amoral Abuse Of Power For The Elite

Robert Mueller’s Modus Operandi: Intimidation And Destruction

The FBI Is Ripe With Corruption, Bias, And Massive Abuse Of Power

Judge orders new review of Clinton email scandal  – Charges ‘Deep State’ with trying to ‘hoodwink’ his court

“A federal judge has issued a scathing decision that orders a new review of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private and unsecure email system for classified information while she was secretary of state.

“The ruling from Judge Royce Lamberth comes in a case brought by Washington Watchdog Judicial Watch to obtain information regarding the terror attack on an U.S. outpost in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.

“Calling Clinton’s use of that private email one of “the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” the judge placed blamed on federal bureaucrats under President Obama, saying his State and Justice Departments “fell far short.”

“So far short that the court questions, even now, whether they are acting in good faith,” he said. “Did Hillary Clinton use her private email as secretary of state to thwart this lofty goal (Obama’s ‘transparency’)? Was the State Department’s attempt to settle this FOIA case in 2014 an effort to avoid searching – and disclosing the existence of – Clinton’s missing emails? And has State every adequately searched for the records in this case?”

This is beyond egregious but what can one expect under FBI Director, Christopher Wray, another rotten pick?

Sixteen FBI Agents Raided the Home of a Whistleblower Against the FBI in the Clinton Foundation Uranium One Scandal

Don’t Believe Everything Trump Says (Not what you think…)

Is This ‘Rat’ Finally Cornered? ‘Herr Gestapo’ Robert Mueller Has Nearly Single-handedly Destroyed ‘Justice’ In America As Globalists Coup Attempt Continues – The ‘American Stasi’ Is Largely the Work Of This ‘Enemy Of America Within’

Andrew C. McCarthy: Why Trump is likely to be indicted by Manhattan US Attorney

Charles Blow’s Latest Column Accidentally Reinforces That Russia Collusion Is A Hoax

Mueller-referred probe into Obama White House Counsel Greg Craig, Clinton-linked Tony Podesta heats up: report

‘I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried’: Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators – IRS has been investigating Clinton Foundation since 2016 – Do read. I hope that guy has good life insurance.

Comey transcript: Bureau brass called Clinton interview ‘unusual,’ email use ‘appalling’

You DO want to listen to this interview: How to Rise & Reclaim our Freedom | Dr Edwin Vieira PhD JD

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My sincere wishes for a blessed and safe Christmas.

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Hating Your Own Country: Teaching U.S. Kids To Loathe America

A recent poll showed that 53 percent of American teens and twenty-something’s do not respect America.  At sporting events, millions of students fail to stand for the national anthem.  In southern California, you see more Mexican flags being displayed and flown rather than the Stars and Stripes.  In Detroit, Michigan, you see the Islamic black flag with Arabic writing that Americans cannot decipher.

On social media, citizen journalists walk around asking people of all ages simple questions about America’s past and her founding fathers.

“Please name America’s first president,” one journalist asked 12 people off the streets of Los Angeles.

Not one of them knew George Washington’s name.  One guessed, “Barack Obama.”

“Who fought who in America’s Civil War,” asked one.

Out of six people, five didn’t know we fought a Civil War to free the black slaves.  One answered, “Vietnam in the 60’s.”

Today in America, while millions of third world people wait in line to migrate to America or crash our borders, we see a national angst of young people disrespecting our flag, our history and our Constitutional Republic.  Dozens of organizations work to dismantle the U.S. Constitution:  for Muslims in Council for American Islamic Relations, for Mexicans La Raza, for American-blacks  “Black Lives Matter.”  All of them “hate” America with a Capital “H”.  You can find another two dozen such organizations on the Internet.

Eminent Journalist Heather Mac Donald interview on Sunday with Mark Levin.    She talked about her new book: THE DIVERSITY DELUSION: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.  She elaborated on many concepts that apply to the diversity/immigration challenge — beyond the university.

Mac Donald noted her luck at having attended college in the 1970’s. She experienced “the beauty, the greatness and sublimity” of great works of western civilization without indoctrination in victim/oppressor ideology, which, since the 1980s, has deprived the young of a real education, given them a ‘license for ignorance’ and taught them to hate.

She said, “The 80’s was when it started. That’s when you got radical multiculturalism to hit. I was in college in the 70s. I’m very grateful for that because I was allowed to read John Milton, Williams Wordsworth and Shakespeare without anyone thinking to complain about the gonads and melanin in those authors. I got to lose myself in beauty, in greatness and sublimity. Come the 80’s and students are given a license for ignorance. They were taught that the only thing they needed to know about a book was the race and gender of the author to know whether it was thoroughly dismissible without even being read. And they could go on to instead wallow in their own delusional oppression.”

As you look around you today, at every news cast across America, you hear charges of racism.  At the same time, you hear CNN bellowing the wonders of diversity and multiculturalism.   You’ve got hosts like African-American Don Lemon imploring his audience that the biggest terrorists and threat to America are “white men.”

At the same time, a white journalist like Megan Kelly made one single comment about “black faces” during Halloween, and she discovered a pink slip in her mail box the next day and into the unemployment line.

MacDonald said, “And it is only gotten worse since then. And what we are doing is breeding the grounds for, I fear, Civil War, because students are being taught to hate, to hate the greatest works of Western civilization and, frankly to hate each other. The power elites are determined to drum into that students head identity politics which says he’s either a victim or an oppressor.”

Notice multimillionaire athletes degrading the American flag, degrading the president of the United States and creating cultural angst against other races.  The biggest word used:  racism.

“Oppressors are obviously white males, heterosexual white males. The only way they can get out of their oppressor category is to become an ally of the oppressed,” said MacDonald.  “The most preposterous delusion of all of this is students actually believe that they are at risk of their lives from circumambient racism and sexism on a college campus.”

You’re seeing it play out all the way down into pee wee team sports.  Kids as young as 12 repeat the disrespect of their favorite sports hero such as basketball star LeBron James.

You see it in the disrespect of new United States House of Representatives member Rashida Tlaib from Michigan swirled the Palestinian Muslim flag around herself after winning a seat in Congress.

I venture to state emphatically that not one African-American would choose to return to his or her homeland in Africa, yet House Member John Lewis, (D-GA) condemns America every time he stands in front of a microphone.

Illegal immigration benefits Democrats: more third world people means an expanded base for identity politics.  There is another major factor: profound hatred for, resentment of, Western Civilization.

I am a few years older than Heather MacDonald, but I see the same things developing in our country.  We’re fragmenting ourselves with endless immigration and multiculturalism that cannot be put back into the box.

Levin asked, “Where do you see this country in five or ten years?”

MacDonald said, “We are either in civil war or we’ve gotten ourselves away from the brink of civil war.”

Levin said: “You mean a physical civil war?”

MacDonald answered, “I absolutely do.  We’ve seen it already. We’ve seen civil violence grow — people, with impunity, with the celebration and encouragement of politicians, beating each other up . . . Antifa harassing Tucker Carlson, harassing politicians or shooting them. Again, the universities are teaching students to hate on the basis of race and gender. Unless we counter that narrative, which originates in the view that America is oppressive. Unless we fight that narrative of endemic racism, we are in civil war.”

In the past, the citizens of America were known as “the American people”, as if we were a cohesive group.  That adage degraded from 1965 with the Immigration Reform Act.   Today, we have become “everybody else’s country” and not our own.  We really need to stop legal and illegal immigration or face the angst, anger and incompatibility of adding another 100 million third world immigrants to America.

I think McDonald understands our accelerating predicament. I see terrific internal conflict that will make the California wildfires look tame.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Sharing God’s Truth With Those We Love

It seems like every week I hear from several of our newspaper readers and radio listeners, contacting me about their grief and concern over loved ones who are wayward and lost.  They want my prayers and my advice on how they can reach them for Christ.

In every instance, they have been praying for their loved ones for a very long time…  their kids, their spouses, their extended family and friends.  These are serious, true Christians, saved by the blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit, and their hearts GRIEVE for those they love so much, but cannot seem to “get through to” concerning spiritual matters.

In many cases, these are parents and grandparents whose children and grandchildren grew up attending church, youth groups and have HEARD the Word of God their whole lives, yet when they come of age, they reject their faith.  In other cases I hear from folks who are concerned about their parents, now reaching the end of their lives, and still seem to have no time and no interest in eternal matters.

I understand just what they are going through, because I, too, have those I dearly love that just will NOT listen or care about God, their Creator.  They live their lives according to their own will, and suffer lives of heartbreak, mistakes and constant ills.  Others I love seem to have no problems in life at all — everything is fine for them, and these are even tougher nuts to crack, because since all is going so well for them, the feel they have no need or “use” for God.

It’s all so very sad.  I have heard it said that witnessing to your own family and loved ones is the hardest and toughest type of evangelism there is.  Perhaps because we are so close to the situation…. these are not just folks we meet on the street or at work or at a cafe, somewhere between “coincidence and God’s will,” — these are our dearest loved ones, and it is very personal to us.  Maybe it is because we just seem to have a harder time saying what really NEEDS to be said to those closest to us.  Seems like satan is always able to silence our tongues and it is frustrating.  We don’t want to turn them away further, we don’t want to come across as “holier than thou,” and so instead, we often times just say nothing at all.  It just seems “too hard” to speak.

The Bible tells us, “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  That is God’s Word and promise to us, and therefore, we can be assured that it is absolutely, irrefutably true.  But we must examine what this Scripture is really saying.  It’s saying “Train up your children to know the things of the Lord.  Let them come to know and understand WHO their Creator is, what SIN actually is, how we are so predisposed to it and separated from God, but also how the Father loved us so much that He made a way for us to put the enemy of our souls under our feet, because Christ has already done that, and if we are truly His children, we have the authority in Jesus to do the very same.

The Scripture means we TRAIN our kids…  get that:  WE train our kids… they see our faith, our genuine faith, lived out in front of their eyes all the years they are growing up in our homes as we prepare them to leave the nest and go out on their own.

One thing I hear a lot is that “we took them to church every Sunday.  They GREW UP in the church.  They attended youth group regularly.  So WHAT in the world happened?”

Sadly, THAT MAY BE the very problem.  You see, we are two — and possibly three — generations away now, from when attending church really meant something.  And attending church is only a small PART of the Christian life.

You see, nowadays, here in America, “attending church” is often the WHOLE of one’s Christian experience.  And things in most churches today are not good.  In many cases, they are not even biblical.  Christianity has become something we “add on” to our busy lives, it is no longer our LIVES.  It has become an ACTIVITY we take part in; no longer is it WHO WE ARE.

The messages preached in most churches for the past few generations has been less than genuine, and instead of Christ-likeness being modeled, it is hypocrisy.  Youth group activities consist mainly of silly entertainment, with a little “Bible” thrown in to make it look legitimate.  But it’s really about keeping the kids busy, entertained and “fun enough” to hold their interest for an hour or two.  The same is true of Sunday School, and “Childrens’ Church.”  I guess what I’m saying is, if that was the case, where you simply raised your kids “in the church,” as they say, there’s a good chance it may have done more harm than good.

If your kids did not see the true Christian life modeled for them every day in your home; if the Father in the home did not lead as the spiritual minister, but instead left those duties up to Mom and the church; if the whole of their Christian lives consisted of a couple hours on Sunday and Wednesday night, but never went any deeper than that, then sadly, you may have inadvertently set them up for failure.

We are so busy these days.  I understand.  It’s hard to carve out time in our hectic schedules for regular time with God in our homes.  For parents of young children, I would advise that it is NOT too late for you.  IF you make this a priority now.  But it has to be a REAL priority; a primary concern.  In fact, it needs to be THE primary concern, above all else.  Above sports activities, above extra curricular school activities, above watching TV, playing video games and all other forms of entertainment.  And especially, it needs to be FAR above “screen time” on your phones, tablets and computers.   The things of God need to take front and center priority in our entire lives…. everything else must be WAY down the list.

So what DOES it mean to “train up a child in the way he should go?”  Moses spoke the most important message of his life at the end of his days, as he knew his life was coming to a close, and he needed to impart the most essential information to his people before he died.  Look at Deuteronomy 6:

“These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart.  Repeat them to your children.  Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead.  Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”  That sounds pretty important to me….  We ought to take heed.  The things of the Lord our God need to be first and foremost in every aspect of our lives.  When our children SEE us living out our professed faith in God FOR REAL… THAT is what impacts them.  When they see the power of the Holy Spirit working in every situation we encounter; when they see how we respond in Godly, biblical ways to even the most desperate and seemingly hopeless crises we all go through — THAT is what impacts them.  FAR MORE than a pizza party and a movie at their weekly youth group.

But what if we have DONE that and our kids and grandkids have still chosen to go astray?  What if we have been praying for them ‘til we can pray no more and still those we love so dearly remain hard hearted and calloused to the things of God?  Well, Scripture does not lie….  those seeds HAVE been planted.  It is up to God to give the increase.  The Word says, “when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Very true.  But what it does NOT say is “how old is OLD?”  It may be early adulthood.  It may be when THEY begin having children.  It may be on their deathbed, long after you’re gone.  But we can be assured that God’s Word remains steadfastly true.  If we have trained them up in the true fear and admonition of the Lord, then when they are old, they will remember.  This should encourage us.

Still, it is a tough battle.  It’s a very EMOTIONAL battle, as we are forced to watch those we love struggle and continue to reject the Lord.  And maybe in your case, it’s not your kids.  Maybe it’s your spouse.  Maybe it’s your son’s wife.  Maybe it’s your sister, who has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof, because she is stuck in “churchianity” and refuses to ever come out of that safe space, that “BOX” that the modern American church uses to contain the sheep and keep them fat and happy and oblivious to the WHOLE counsel of God’s Word.  Maybe it’s a friend who is quite content living in sin and debauchery, and is unwilling to seek the Lord because he KNOWS  he is going to hell because of the way he’s lived for 70 years and he really believes there’s no hope for him.  Or, maybe he just can’t be bothered to “change.”

We ALL have loved ones in all of these situations.  We all know SOMEONE we deeply care about that we want to reach for Christ.  And again, it seems to be those closest to us that are the most difficult to witness to.

I would suggest that we do three things:  1)  Pray and ask the Lord to guide you,  through His Holy Spirit, as to how to approach that person, because each person is different and each will respond with whatever sort of method resonates with them the most.  2)  Live out your own life and model for them what a true Christ-follower IS and DOES.  Often times how you spend your free time, how you respond to crisis situations, what they see you value the most in life will speak volumes to them and Lord willing, they will come to a point where they want what you have.

This has happened to me more than once, and my wife has experienced the same.  People we work with, those who are mere acquaintences, who live absolutely Godless lives, who WE may think there is “no hope for,” will eventually come to a place where they need someone to talk to, and THEY will come to YOU for advice on something deeply troubling to them…  This is your opportunity to speak LIFE to them in Jesus’ name.  Don’t let the enemy keep you from boldly sharing your “secret.”  Because the Gospel should NEVER be a secret to those around you.  They should be able to look at you and see JESUS.

And 3)  do not be ASHAMED of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.  Remember the words of Revelation:  we overcome the enemy “by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  Life can change in a heartbeat, for all of us.  Tomorrow is promised to none of us.  But one thing remains true:  the blood of the Lamb, our Savior, Jesus Christ, has already overcome the enemy, and all power is given unto Jesus both in heaven and on Earth.  And our Lord said that we would do even greater things than He, if we follow His commands and stay connected as a branch to His tree of Life.

Now remember, we were instructed to not cast our pearls before swine.  Pretty strong language, but essentially, that means simply that the worldly, carnal person CANNOT comprehend spiritual things, because they are spiritually discerned, and they do not have (or in many cases want) the Holy Spirit.  It is too scary for them at first… so do not think it some great accomplishment if you manage to get your lost loved one or friend to go to church with you and listen to a sermon.  Because chances are great that that will just fall of deaf ears, like it always has.  Jesus sent US — HIS children — to do the work, personally, one on one.  We don’t drag people to church and expect them to get saved.  WE are the ones who have to do the heavy lifting and hard work, and get our hands dirty, risk getting our pride hurt… WE are the ones who need to be vulnerable enough to share all that we know.

This comes, as Revelation tells us, through the word of our testimony.  Our personal testimony is a VERY STRONG tool.  When God gives you the opportunity, do not hesitate for a second, because you may never get another one, and if you miss it, you’ll regret it forever.  Always be ready to share YOUR testimony.  We all have one.  Don’t preach complicated theology they cannot understand, since it’s spiritually discerned.  Just tell them what God did for YOU.  How YOUR heart, mind and life were transformed in Christ.  How God gave you all the desires of your heart — not by giving you everything you ever asked Him for, but rather by transforming YOUR desires to fall into line with HIS desires.  HIS desires became yours, and thereby YOU were transformed, in the renewing of your mind.  You were born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, who is always with you.

And lastly, again, do not be afraid to speak.  Do not let the enemy silence you.  Revelation 12:11 concludes, “…loving not our own lives, even unto death.”  Put away your pride and fear of rejection.  The word “minister” means “servant,” and as God’s children, we are to be servants of all, ministering to all, especially those we love the most… therefore, our job is to minister, regardless of what it may cost us.  Let’s be honest.  Sharing your testimony with your loved ones is NOT going to cost you your life.  But even if it did, what is the worst that could happen?  You’d simply be ushered into the throneroom and hear those words, “well done, thy good and faithful servant!”  You see, we literally have NOTHING to be afraid of!  Also remember:  God does NOT want ANYTHING from you that doesn’t cost you SOMETHING!

Having done all of this, if our loved ones continue to reject God and His Word, then we have done all we are called to do.  But let us remain steadfast and not grow weary in well doing.  Let us remain faithful to the call.  I have struggled with this with a loved one a very long time.  And I believe the Lord has shown me that this person WILL indeed come to the Lord’s table — but perhaps not until the day of my own funeral.  And if that is the case, if that is God’s will, then Lord, let it be.   I pray those we have a burden in our hearts for will respond to all our efforts.  But let us always remember… one plants the seed, another waters, but it is GOD Himself who gives the increase.  Amen.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 239.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Muslims To Mob Border To Assist Immigrants

SAN DIEGO – The Counsel on American-Islamic Relations—“CAIR”–an activist organization to strengthen Muslims in their goals to bring Sharia Law to America (in other words, to take over our country), has announced in their newsletter a call for Muslims to gather at the San Diego-Mexican border On Monday, December 10th, 2018.to assist illegal immigrants in their quest to storm into America . That’s the day after tomorrow.  HEADS UP!

Interesting that this notice for action was released yesterday, December 7th, the anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese which plunged America into World War 2.

Meanwhile, the thousands of Muslims in the U.S. have set up 22 training camps on American soil where no American can enter. This is nuts!

The full newsletter is below, but here is the call and announcement as printed in their news letter: Note the “Moral Call for Migrant Justice.”

CAIR Chapter Reps to Join National Faith Leaders at San Diego Border Action in Support of Asylum Seekers

Representatives of Muslim civil rights group will take part in solidarity action in support of ‘Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice’

On Monday, December 10, representatives of chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, will join hundreds of other faith leaders from around the nation at a solidarity action for asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego as part of the “Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice” mobilization, organized by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).

San Diego solidarity event participants will demand an end to border militarization and call for “humane immigration policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people.”

American Muslim leaders from across the nation — including Sheikh Omar Suleiman, Imam Suhaib Webb, Ramon Mejia, and Yasmine Taeb — will also take part in the solidarity event.

WHAT: Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice
WHO: CAIR Representatives from California, Arizona, Texas, Michigan, Along with Hundreds of National Faith Leaders
WHEN: Monday, December 10, 10 a.m. (Pacific)
WHERE: Location to Be Announced Closer to Date
CONTACT: CAIR-San Diego Advocacy and Policy Coordinator Mejgan Afshan, 619-867-7514, mafshan@cair.com; CAIR-AZ Executive Director Imraan Siddiqi, 480-704-3786, isiddiqi@cair.com; CAIR-LA Communications Manager Eugene W. Fields, 714-776-1847, efields@cair.com; CAIR-SV Communications Manager Kalin Kipling, kkipling@cair.com, 916-441-6269; CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo, zbilloo@cair.com, 626-252-0885; CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid, 248-842-1418, dwalid@cair.com

Below is the entire newsletter that has been published and distributed in the United States to take down The United States. We suspect that the finger prints of George Soros will be found.

—–Original Message—–
From: CAIR <info@cair.com>
To: Chaplainmiles
Sent: Fri, Dec 7, 2018 2:16 pm
Subject: CAIR Opposes Nomination of Heather Nauert | CAIR Reps to Join National Faith Leaders at San Diego Border Action in Support of Asylum Seekers

Action Alert: Tell Congress to Support Bill Calling Attacks on Rohingya Genocide

CAIR Demands State Department’s Intervention to Ensure Hunger-Striking U.S. Citizen Held in West Bank Is Not Tortured Further

“We demand confirmation that Ms. Darjbara’s rights are being respected and that she is not being tortured in detention,” said CAIR National Litigation Director Lena Masri. “Americans should feel safe knowing they can travel under the protection of the United States government.”

CAIR: Former New Jersey Resident on Hunger Strike in Palestinian Jail (North Jersey Record)

CAIR: Attacks on Marc Lamont Hill will Only Strengthen the Solidarity Between Blacks and Palestinians (Huffington Post)

By trying to destroy Hill’s career, his critics have engendered sympathy for him, particularly in the African-American community, and forced the broader public to reckon with the merits of his message.

Going forward, the scholar-activist will likely use the spotlight cast on him to help many more Americans recognize that everyone in the Holy Land should be able to live in peace, freedom and dignity — and that no one should be fired for saying so.

Nihad Awad, a Palestinian-American, is the national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization. Edward Ahmed Mitchell, an African-American attorney, is the executive director of CAIR’s Georgia chapter.

CAIR Opposes Nomination of ‘Unqualified and Islamophobic’ U.N. Ambassador Nominee Heather Nauert

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today called on the Trump administration to withdraw its nomination of Heather Nauert for the position of U.N. ambassador, saying she is “Unqualified and Islamophobic.”. . .

TAKE ACTION: Urge the U.S. Senate to Reject Islamophobic’ U.N. Ambassador Nominee Heather Nauert

READ CAIR’s Senate Factsheet

CAIR said Nauert promoted Islamophobic smears while employed as a Fox News anchor.

In 2013, she criticized special swim classes for a group of Somali-American girls, describing the classes as the “minority becoming the majority at one community pool. Sharia law is now changing everything.”

In a 2009 Fox special on “stealth jihad,” she interviewed Islamophobic panelists, including notorious Islamophobes like Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney and Nonie Darwish, who claims that “Islam should be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered, and defeated, and annihilated.” Nauert has also defended Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric.

Nauert previously bashed refugee students in Pennsylvania for wanting “an even better” public education and falsely claimed that child migrants from Central America were “an illegal health risk.”

Other than her current position as State Department spokesperson, Nauert has no apparent diplomatic or government experience or expertise.

“Heather Nauert does not represent our nation’s diversity or its commitment to treating all Americans with equality and respect,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.

“Such an important post should not be occupied by someone who is clearly unqualified and Islamophobic,” said CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw. “There are many other individuals who do have the knowledge and background necessary for this post. Ms. Nauert’s nomination should be withdrawn.”

CAIR Chapter Reps to Join National Faith Leaders at San Diego Border Action in Support of Asylum Seekers

Representatives of Muslim civil rights group will take part in solidarity action in support of ‘Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice’

On Monday, December 10, representatives of chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, will join hundreds of other faith leaders from around the nation at a solidarity action for asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border in San Diego as part of the “Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice” mobilization, organized by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC).

San Diego solidarity event participants will demand an end to border militarization and call for “humane immigration policies that respect the rights and dignity of all people.”

American Muslim leaders from across the nation — including Sheikh Omar Suleiman, Imam Suhaib Webb, Ramon Mejia, and Yasmine Taeb — will also take part in the solidarity event.

WHAT: Love Knows No Borders: A Moral Call for Migrant Justice
WHO: CAIR Representatives from California, Arizona, Texas, Michigan, Along with Hundreds of National Faith Leaders
WHEN: Monday, December 10, 10 a.m. (Pacific)
WHERE: Location to Be Announced Closer to Date
CONTACT: CAIR-San Diego Advocacy and Policy Coordinator Mejgan Afshan, 619-867-7514, mafshan@cair.com; CAIR-AZ Executive Director Imraan Siddiqi, 480-704-3786, isiddiqi@cair.com; CAIR-LA Communications Manager Eugene W. Fields, 714-776-1847, efields@cair.com; CAIR-SV Communications Manager Kalin Kipling, kkipling@cair.com, 916-441-6269; CAIR-SFBA Executive Director Zahra Billoo, zbilloo@cair.com, 626-252-0885; CAIR-MI Executive Director Dawud Walid, 248-842-1418, dwalid@cair.com

Council on American-Islamic Relations
453 New Jersey Ave, S.E., Washington, D.C., 20003
Council on American-Islamic Relations Copyright © 1994. All rights reserved.


This email was sent to Chaplainmiles by info@cair.com.

Share this with everyone. Send it to President Trump and your representatives in D.C. Action must be taken NOW!

Citizen Militias, take note. President Trump, give our soldiers ammunition. This is war!

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

What Kind Of America Are We Sowing Seeds For?, Part 1

In this last election we saw, in my opinion, a strong lean towards socialism from the millennials.  It should come as no surprise considering we have been teaching the evils of capitalism in our school system for decades.  The idiocy that is being taught today will no more prepare our kids for the world they will inherit than using a garden hose to put out a fire on the 40th floor of a high rise.

Schools refuse to teach values, at least the values that made this nation great.  They give access to our school to cowardly organizations that hate America.  PETA is one that is trying to convince our children that eating animals is bad for us.  Just recently they stated: Saying ‘Bring Home the Bacon’ Is as Bad as Racism, Anti-Gay Slurs.[1] The advertisements this organization uses to get attention usually involves nude or semi-nude women.  I guess they don’t have a problem exploiting the body of a nude woman, so a cow doesn’t get eaten.  I’ve seen pictures of protestors in the dairy isle protesting the sale of milk with signs indicating that the gives its life, so we can have a glass of milk. I guess no one told them that if the cow isn’t milked, it will die.

Where we get our information that is put in our curriculum is beyond stupidity.  We no longer use real history.  We let muslims write the curriculum on islam AND Christianity. What could possibly go wrong?  In 1993, Ibrahim Hooper, director of strategic communications for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” Twenty-five years later, CAIR could be making headway on that goal, through its relationships with US public school districts in at least three states.[2]  We even, in many situations, allow islam to be taught in our public schools where Jesus Christ is not even allowed to be mentioned.  Seattle Public Schools’ partnership with CAIR’s Washington chapter is the latest incident to cause controversy, but the relationship dates back to at least 2011, when CAIR-WA sent the district a letter proposing accommodations for Muslim students and classroom lessons on Islam. Then as now, CAIR-WA claimed to be fighting “anti-Muslim bullying.” To that end, in 2012 and 2013 the organization contacted the school district to complain about “Islamophobia” among teachers.

That approach eventually paid off. In a Ramadan crowd-funding campaign in May of this year, the CAIR-WA chapter outlined its plan “to provide educational training for teachers and staff on things like Ramadan, Eid, and how educators can support Muslim students in the classroom.” Accordingly, that same month, CAIR-WA ran a “professional development session” in a Seattle high school that “addressed providing identity-safe spaces in schools for Muslim families” and “how to support students during Ramadan.”[3]

There are several instances of this that defy common sense: A number of parents in Georgia are outraged that tenets of Islam are being taught in public schools as a mandate by the state.

Ryan Breece, from Loganville, Georgia, pulled his 12-year-old daugther out of her social studies class at Youth Middle School outside of Atlanta, when he found out that she was learning about Islam.

“I’m coming from this perspective of religious equality and if we don’t see the Ten Commandments, the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity being taught as the representation, an accurate representation of Chritianity, then why are we seeing in detail teaching on the doctrine of Islam?” he told CBN News. “And it just concerns me that we’re going into great detail on the Muslim religion when Christianity is being pushed to the side.” Watch Ryan Breece’s comments to CBN News.

Breece, a devout Christian, said that some schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the five pillars of Islam–the creed one must learn to convert–and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians.[4] This can be seen over and over here[5], and here[6], and here[7], and here.[8]

I believe that islam should be taught, but the truth about it needs to be taught.  It is an ideology more than a religion.  It is hateful, vile, violent it subjugates women within its ranks and believes that they have the right to rape any woman that is not of the Islamic faith.  The study of this religion is for another column, but it is necessary to high light how it is being portrayed in today’s so-called education system.

We also have school systems that do all they can to teach that America is the cause of all the world’s problems. Santa Barbara Unified School District has gone a step further to spit in America’s eyes.  Above is a curriculum the Santa Barbara Unified School District has paid an organization called “Just Communities” to impose on its K-12 students. It tells you all you need to know about the racist, anti-American left which has embedded itself in school districts like Santa Barbara all across the country.

The left-wing hate group, whose full name is Just Communities Central Coast, has a $250,000 contract with school authorities in Santa Barbara, California, to indoctrinate young people into believing that America today is a manifestly immoral, cruel country in which white people routinely oppress non-whites, men oppress women, Christians oppress non-Christians, heterosexuals oppress gays, and the wealthy oppress the poor.

This anti-American mini-manifesto aimed at fomenting social discontent comes in a “Forms of Oppression” grid produced by Just Communities, which is partnering with the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD). The grid is included in a bundle of documents published online that includes the Just Communities 2018 training manual. [9]

I have said for years and still say that we must take back our schools and teach the things that will give our kids the tools to not just survive but thrive in the world they will inherit.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. PATA saying bring home bacon bad racism anti gay slurs
  2. https://stopk12indoctrination.org/2018/09/17/CAIR in the classroom
  3. https://stopk12indoctrination.org/2018/09/17/CAIR in the classroom
  4. Mandatory Islam Instruction in Georgia Schools Outrages Parents
  5. https://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-na-islam-schools-20151220-story.html
  6. Pro Islam indoctrination in public schools
  7. Islamic indoctrination being taught in LA public schools
  8. Islam schools what parents should know
  9. Crude anti white anti male anti Christian communists indoctrinate California K-12 students

Dumping the Kool Aid

It is a dog-eat-dog world, one characterized by nations collapsing, economies imploding, wars, genocides, and chaos.  It is a world in which group identity politics reign paramount, meaning, it is a world in which humans collectively act and vote and war with one another on the basis of the group to which they belong.  And there is every reason to believe that humans  have been and always will be motivated by this form of group consciousness, because it is a consciousness rooted in our DNA; we are hardwired for it.

It is in this world and this reality that today’s new and fraudulent Enlightenment came to us, demanding that Westerners and Westerners alone, in the name of a higher morality, jettison their previously held notions of race, group identity, and nationalism, and replace those things with an embrace of universalism, globalism and deracination.  It has become increasingly apparent, as this evolution of Western societies has progressed, that its logical culmination will inevitably translate into the numerical displacement of Westerners in their native countries, leading to their eventual political dispossession as well.   As this becomes more obvious with each passing decade, we are told that the creation of nonracial societies is the natural evolution of our nation-states, and all resistance to what is happening is fundamentally evil and futile.

What a huge, steaming load of horse dung.

It is in this fecal reality that we now abide, one in which most of our neighbors are incapable of comprehending the extent to which concepts like “diversity” and “multiculturalism” must ultimately raze the West to the ground.  Rather than resentment and rage, in thousands of American neighborhoods one now encounters yard signs denouncing xenophobia, promoting diversity, or demanding exhibitions of kindness and tolerance, along the lines of “Hate is Not Welcome Here,” “Celebrate Diversity,” “Wherever You’re From, You’re Welcome Here,” or “Create Inclusive Community.”  These virtue signaling messages are often found in the front yards of individuals who likely as not decline to speak to their own neighbors, even if passing them on the sidewalks.

What, then, is one to make of these messages?  In essence, they can be perceived as emblems of brainwashing, peer pressure, the need to conform, and collective madness.

Forty years ago, in Jonestown, Guyana, the very same behaviors were evident as almost a thousand settlers in a cult led by the demagogue Jim Jones created an imaginary socialist utopia.  Mr. Jones was an imaginary Christian who kept cult members under control by telling  them they were living under the  threat of a U.S. military invasion, and all the while, Mr. Jones busied himself with torturing and molesting his coreligionists.  When he became mentally unhinged by the prospect of a dozen defections from the group, Mr. Jones slaughtered the entire village, lining them up to drink poisoned Kool Aid.  Those few who refused to imbibe were forced to drink the poison, or were injected with it, or shot.

Today, on an infinitely more massive scale, we are also being asked to drink the Kool Aid when we are asked to imbibe the imaginary benefits of having the American nation-state being numerically, politically, and culturally displaced through a massive Third World invasion.   This latter invasion, however, is far from imaginary, as any examination of its incredible demograhic impact will reveal.   America’s founding European stock, which was ninety percent of the population in 1965, will now be a minority here within twenty years.  Our history, historical icons, traditions, cultural institutions and way of life will be invariably altered and eventually irrelevant in the face of this onslaught.   As things grow grimmer, our wealth will be taxed away from us to subsidize imported poverty, and our political voice will be stilled.  Ironically, as the oxygen grows thinner, we will find our founding documents and freedoms increasingly used as weapons to neutralize and deconstruct and colonize us.  And, all of our delusions aside, if political persecution is in our future, no one will look back in hindsight to see who should receive clemency for having been liberal or Jewish or gay.  There will only be the discomfiting glare of guilty white skin and the reflections of the new America’s archaeologists and historians, studying articles like this, wondering why some members of the new melanin-impaired pariah class were not as gracious as most of their group in ceding ownership of their country.  As if all of this won’t be nightmarish enough,  we can be certain that things will be destabilized even further as devastating environmental destruction and resource depletion unfold hand in hand with the importation of hundreds of millions of people.

If our political dispossession seems improbable, we need only examine California, once a bastion of strength for the Republicans, and now a stronghold for the Democratic Party, undeniably a result of massive Third World immigration and the move toward socialism that has been required to subsidize the poverty imported along with many of the immigrants.  Texas, Florida, and other states are on the edge of making the same political and demographic metamorphosis seen in California.  Once this occurs, the Democrats / Socialists will have a permanent stranglehold on our national political system.  This is not destined to occur decades into the future.  It will occur tomorrow.  The Republican Party, like America’s founding stock itself, is headed for its burial ground.  As this occurs, our only resistance involves pathetic attempts to punch back at liberals by adopting their own terminology and presumed moral highground regarding concepts like civil rights, tolerance, and a slop pail called “diversity.”  This strategy can only be a recipe for failure, because it exemplifies our timidity and our lack of moral courage to speak plainly.

For those of us living in the real world, the pretend benefits of America’s reinvention are an unmistakably dangerous mirage, delivering us into what will almost certainly be a permanently Third World, socialist, and one-party state.  This brings us logically to a fundamental question:  What then do we have the right to do, in response to the purge being directed against us, a purge that never needed to occur?  The answer is simple.  The primary function of any government is to protect and perpetuate the nation-state and culture that placed it in power.  Our government has failed in this duty.  Like any people facing their purposeful erasure, we have the right to force our way back from the edge of the precipice where our traitors, fools, and cowards have placed us.  We must begin by adamantly rejecting the pernicious lie that the sins of our past obligate us to collaborate in our own extinction.  We must begin by acknowledging that, like all other peoples,  we have the primal right to survive, and this right confers on us a second right, the right to resist.

We owe our ancestors and children no less.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Don’t Believe Everything Trump Says

Since Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, almost every single headline in the CFR-controlled mainstreams press, the so-called Public Radio, TV news and “progressive” web sites is fully devoted to subtly insinuate — and sometimes not so subtly — that Donald Trump is either unqualified or illegitimate to be the President, or both. What most people have not yet realized is that what we are seeing is actually a carefully planned and executed psychological warfare operation, a PsyWar,[1] whose goal is to unseat President Trump.

Since the days of JFK, no American President has been under such a concerted attack than Donald Trump. Actually —further indication that both attack strategies were conceived at the same place— there is a strong similarity to the attacks on both Trump and Kennedy.

Soon after he was sworn into office, JFK’s enemies launched a coordinated campaign accusing him of being “soft on communism,” and an outright traitor and a commie. The CFR-controlled mainstream press criticism on Kennedy grew to the point in which David Rockefeller himself wrote and article for Life magazine strongly criticizing Kennedy’s economic policies.[2] Even the current stab in the back General Motors recently played on President Trump is highly similar to the stab in the back big steel companies carried out on JFK.[3]

A key leitmotiv in this PsyWar is accusing Trump of being a liar. To prove it, they accuse Trump of saying one thing and doing another quite different thing.

Aside from the fact that U.S. Presidents lying to the American public is nothing new, just remember the lies told by the Bushes, the Clintons and Obama. Now, coming from people who fully supported them, their criticism of Trump is an ultimate form of hypocrisy. On the other hand, I have to confess that sometimes President Trump has confused me. But, seen from a different perspective, who is the fool that tells his enemies in advance about his plans to defeat them? Actually, it is a brilliant strategy to keep your enemies in dark and in a state of confusion.

A side effect of this strategy, however, is that, while confusing his enemies, Trump is also confusing some of his supporters. Nevertheless, his successes show that this is an acceptable price to pay.

I don’t know if Donald Trump has ever read Sun Tzu’s classic book The Art of  War,[4] but what he is doing closely follows Tzu’s advice to his generals on how to deal effectively with their opponents. According to Sun Tzu,

“All Warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away; when far away, that you are near. Offer the enemy a bait to lure him; feign disorder and strike him. Anger his general and confuse him. Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance. Keep him under a strain and wear him down. When he is united divide him. Attack when he is unprepared; sally out when he does not expect you. “[5]

Nevertheless, Sun Tzu was not the only one who was convinced that telling lies is the best way to confuse your enemy. During the preparations for the upcoming invasion in Normandy, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said: “In war-time, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.”[6] Churchill’s strategy worked. The D-Day allied invasion at Normandy took the Nazis by surprise. The meticulously created lies fed to the Nazis convinced them that the true point of the invasion would be Calais and the landing in Normandy was just a diversion. When they realized their error, it was too late.

Perhaps I am wrong, but I have the impression that, most of the times, President Trump uses his apparently nonsensical tweets as carefully fed disinformation to keep his enemies confused and in disarray. Proof of this is that his tactics are working.[7]

So, if sometimes you feel confused about President Trump’s apparently nonsensical sudden changes of opinion, I have some advice for you: Don’t pay attention to what Trump says and focus on what he is doing. If you do that, you will see that very soon a new picture of Trump emerges. This image shows a very pragmatic and qualified President relentlessly fighting the globalist anti-American forces and making a sincere effort to make America great again.[8]

Granted, Donald Trump is not perfect —nobody is. But, as Cuban patriot José Martí once wrote, “ Even the sun has dark spots, but we must focus on the light, not on the spots.”

By the way, adding to the growing opposition to the globalist policies of Prime Minister May in the U.K., Macron in France and Merkel in Germany, the recent victory of Bolsonaro in Brazil [9] seems to be another headache in the making for the New World Order globalists and their minions. Adding to this, the European Union is dying, and there is a growing opposition in many Latin American countries to the so-called “gender ideology,” which is actually a Trojan horse of the New World Order.

Evidently, the world is awakening. The “deplorables” of the world — as Hillary the Wicca called them — have decided that enough is enough. They are mad as hell and will not take it anymore. The days of the globalist conspirator’s total control over the world is seemingly coming to a catastrophic end.

Good riddance!

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. In the back cover of my book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People (Oakland: Spooks Books, 2010), I stated it clearly: “America is at war. But it is not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes on conventional battlefields—at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies on a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany. Though important, however, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a psychological war — a PsyWar.” The current PsyWar against President Trump is part of that larger PsyWar.
  2. The whole story is described in detail in my book Partners in Crime: The Rockefeller, CFR, CIA and Castro Connection to the Kennedy Assassination (Hayward: Spooks Books, 2017), pp. 58-61
  3. Ibid, pp. 73-76.
  4. Sun Tzu, The Art of War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1963)
  5. Ibid., pp. 66-69.
  6. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/winston_churchill_111291.
  7. Some of Trump’s critics from the Right accuse him of not being radical enough: he has not put Hillary in jail or hanged Obama. Moreover, he has not disbanded the Fed, the IRS, the CIA and the DHS. Apparently those critics don’t understand that, had Trump done that at this stage in his presidency, an alleged lone nut with ties to the CIA would have assassinated him, as happened to Kennedy.
  8. Curiously, the main theme of JFK’s presidency was “Get America moving again.”
  9. Bolsonaro adds to the list of anti-globalist leaders such Russia’s Putin, Orban in Hungary, as well as potential winners such as Gauland and Weide in Germany, Le Pen in France, Kurz in Austria, Akesson in Sweden, Jansa in Slovenia, Babis in the Czech Republic, Salvini in Italy and Johnson in the U.K.

We Are Reaping The Seeds Of Destruction For Tolerating Evil For Decades

Sowing the Seeds of Confusion

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

The English scientist and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton, after losing his fortune on the stock market, said “I can calculate the movement of the stars but not the madness of men”.

How right he was, and how refreshing to come across a smart man of his day allude to the fact that the intellect, and in this case, his intellect, does not always get it right.

These days, and 294 years later, not only the stock market, but the madness of men is still pretty much subject to the ups and downs of fashionable trends, even though there may be a certain trusted psychology to being a wise investor of money.  However, gambling or taking a calculated risk on the stock market is often given much more consideration than the chances that we take in putting our lives in the hands of ‘some’ experts in relation to mental health.

With a very large drive in the UK to de-stigmatize people with mental health problems and also raise the awareness of our own mental health, the drive to talk about our feelings can have both positive and negative consequences.

Talking to a trusted person, who is not afraid to tell you the truth and has a high degree of understanding to extend to you, can sometimes be the catalyst that you need to step out of any place of confusion and darkness.

However, whilst acknowledging we have certain thoughts and feelings, which are creating confusion, there is now an array of labels which can be extremely sticky and very hard to shake off once they are attached to you.

Indeed, the wrong suggestion or advice given to anyone in a vulnerable state has consequences, and can also literally destroy someone, and that is one particular problem that no-one ever wants to talk about.

Today, whilst our homes, our schools and our workplaces, are being forcibly subjected to the marketing of extremely liberal ideals, at every twist and turn, generations of confused and hurting people now seek help from a system that has also played some part in disabling them. Isn’t that crazy?

We have gone along with the fatherless, humanist, ‘do as you like’ new world creation of liberty, which is really a form of slavery, and now there is an agenda which wants to make your children, the next generation, more promiscuous, genderless or confused about their identity. I think I’d label that ‘Evil’

Whilst therapists certainly differ on their viewpoints, and are at odds with the drive to indoctrinate children on sexual values, whilst they are young and impressionable, and within a school environment of authority, the influence still ‘grows’.   It is determined and indifferent to any rationale.

It is now recorded that the number of children under 10 years of age referred to Identity Clinics in the UK, in the last 5 years has quadrupled.   Children can be referred by a GP or a child and adult mental health service.

Whilst former advisor to the Department of Education says “it has become an industry and people are making a career out of encouraging children to question gender at an age when they need to left to be children”, in response Dr Polly Carmichael, a leading NHS psychologist has defended the teaching of transgender issues in schools, stating “It is good that schools are putting it on the agenda.   It can never be negative if schools are being thoughtful and offering opportunities to discuss topical issues”

Number children referred gender identity clinics has quadrupled

Heavers Farm Primary School in South London is one such school which claims it is proud to produce thoughtful and well rounded young people, without really knowing the consequences of their actions which will affect some of their pupils when they reach puberty and adulthood.

Education or Indoctrination

Earlier this year it is alleged that children as young as five were forced to take part in a gay pride event and that no opt-out would be allowed. It is reported some concerned parents labelled ‘Christian’, as though it were an illness, who confronted the head teacher were reportedly met by a staff member with a tee-shirt which read:  Why be Racist, Sexist, Homophobic or Transphobic, when you could just be quiet! The statement shows a complete lack of consideration and respect to any parent who is concerned about their children but is the arrogant response that people who are conveying common-sense are often met with, regardless of the words being displayed on a tee-shirt.   It is now reported that it is the parents at this particular school who are feeling victimized in relation to the incident.

Already, the labelling of people who hold traditional or common sense values has seen them ridiculed, outcast and stigmatized for holding on to their particular belief system.

For interested parties, the freedom of religion as set out in Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights are protected in the Human Rights Act 1998.  Under English Law you have a protected right that your beliefs are respected.   Under protocol 1, Art 2 of the European Convention, parents have the right their child is educated in line with their religious beliefs, so you are therefore entitled to object to the promotion of promiscuity or indoctrination on the grounds that it conflicts with your faith.


Prayer alert pray for parents meeting with school over LGBT promotion

Yet, whilst fashionable new British values are encouraging children to question whether they are really a boy or a girl, adults are also being routinely questioned on their mental health status at every available opportunity.  If you happen to visit a doctor with a bout of the flu or any minor ailment you can also find yourself being questioned on your mental health.

Mental Health First Aid courses are also springing up all around the country and anyone can attend a course.  The aim is to recognise the signs of early mental health problems and encourage your friend, co-worker, or family member to seek help from an expert. MHFA claims to have trained 330,000 people over the last 10 years and it is part of a global endeavour to educate people in mental health.  In terms of recognizing certain signs in children and young adults; in the not too distant future will they be the new watchmen perceiving signs of gender dysphasia within our schools?

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London, is one of many hospitals promoting the Mental Health First Aid course.   It is also the home of the Gender Identity Clinic who were accused of ‘fast tracking’ children into life altering decisions without fully assessing their personal histories! It is reported that criticisms of their practises saw divided families who did not fully support their recommendations labelled as ‘Negative’.

One can only wonder how people now facing the new normal ideals being practised in some areas of psychiatry, who object in any way, survive the anguish of seeing the truth trampled upon.  In many cases they are made to feel guilty for not encouraging or supporting their child down the route of transitioning to another sex.

It is also reported that one school in England, believed to be in the Midlands has 17 pupils transitioning after one of the pupils transitioned and has now planned a double mastectomy, aiming to now be a non-binary person.   A whistleblower from the school exposed the story after regretting going along with guidelines set out on how to treat children who want to identify as non-binary or transfer their sex. She stated that the majority of the children are ‘autistic’ and have been groomed by older children to believe they want to change sex.

* Whistleblower teacher makes shocking claim autistic
* Tavistock centre gender identity clinic accused fast tracking young adults
* CPF ourses/mental health first aid training

Where did it all start and where will it all end?

Strangely enough, Sir Isaac Newton was believed to have had his own mental health issues despite him being a genius.   It is claimed he had a manic depressive disorder, and amongst other depressive episodes, at one point suffered a breakdown.   Some say his troubled upbringing together with the absence of a father and mother may have played a part in his depression, although upon his death, large traces of mercury were also found in his system, possibly ingested in his experimentation into alchemy.

Today, we are similarly saddled with broken and fatherless homes, we are exposed to various toxins in the food, water and in the air we breathe; our children are obsessed with new technology which we encourage rather than them being outside in the streets subject to drug pushers and crime, like it is the lesser of two evils.  As a result, sex, crime, violence and pornography are also secretly on the daily menu of the computer or the play station in many children’s bedrooms. Hope in a Creator and a healthy and fulfilling life has all but been crushed. Free speech, individual and creative skills are stamped out to favour group think (together we are one) in a new world that is displacing all that was once promising.

Depressing isn’t it?

When seeking counsel, great discernment is always needed. For believers, and searchers, a return to the garden where we once sat, free from indoctrination and the poisons which society feeds us is at the heart of living a free and purposeful life. Expert counsel exists there. It is a place where some people yearn to be. Nothing else will suffice. Be aware that in that garden seeds of confusion have always been sown; be alert, but when still, clarity and clear vision can definitely be restored.

The laws of the universe are written in your heart. We should stick to them. Forgiveness and the giving up of our anger can resurrect even the most damaged cells of our bodies.

Our natures sometimes only want the advice that we want to hear. But God’s wisdom and his counsel is always for our good health and to have a sound clear mind……

About the times of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamour and opposition.” ― Sir Isaac Newton

You can read about Newton’s South Sea Bubble and China’s Stock Market Crash here:

1- Newtons south sea bubble chinas stock market crash history repeats itself 294 years apart
2- Tavistock centre gender identity clinic accused fast tracking young adults
3- Mental health first aid training
4- Number children referred gender identity clinics has quadrupled

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Pearl Harbor Survivor S. J. Hemker Remembers Dec. 7, 1941: “A Day Which Will live In Infamy”

December 7, 2018, Pearl Harbor Day, marks the 77th anniversary of the Japanese air attack on U.S. naval and air installations at Pearl Harbor, HI, at 7:53 a.m., Dec. 7, 1941, without a declaration of war.

It was then the worst attack on American soil in history: Some 2,403 died, 2008 of them Navy personnel; another 1,178 were wounded.

Eighteen Navy ships, including the U.S.S. Arizona, were sunk or damaged. Almost all the planes at the island bases were destroyed or damaged while still on the ground.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt memorably called December 7, 1941, “a day which will live in infamy” in his dramatic speech to Congress, which then declared war on Japan.

Only the sneak attack on America by radical Islamic terrorists on 9-11-2001 in New York resulted in more deaths. But for many Americans of this generation — and millions of immigrants, legal and illegal — the significance of Pearl Harbor is not fully known, or appreciated.

One for whom it does “live in infamy,” is Pearl Harbor survivor S. J. Hemker of Banning, California,  A retired three-war combat Navy veteran — WWII, Korea, and Vietnam —and an American Legionnaire, Hemker, who will celebrate his 100th Birthday on Jan. 10, 1919, remembers Pearl Harbor up close and personal as if it was yesterday:

“Ordinarily, we would have been at sea. We were at Pearl Harbor because we had to repair an engine that had been sabotaged at the shipyard back in California. I was up on the fantail of our ship, the USS New Orleans, a heavy cruiser, with the Chief Master at Arms. The Quartermaster was there, getting ready to raise the flag,” Hemker recalls.

“It was 7:53 a.m. when we saw the Japanese planes. They were flying so low I could see the pilots’ faces in the cockpit. They were grinning at us as they went down toward Battle Ship Row. Grinning at me and the Chief. They were so close, you could have thrown something at them and hit them. A potato, maybe. They were that close. Just skimming the top of the water. Torpedo planes. The pilots grinning at us,” Hemker reluctantly, but vividly recalls.

“The loudspeakers blared: ‘Man your battle stations – the Japs are attacking’. All hell broke loose… It was terrible, horrible, …,” he says, pausing in his remembrance.

“I spent the next eight hours down in the magazine loading for our five-inch anti-aircraft guns. We fired everything. If we had been hit, that would have been it for us in the magazine. We would have been blown up. We had a big crane over the top of our ship. I think that’s what saved us,” he states matter-of-factly as to his own circumstance, then somberly relates:

“The Arizona capsized. Thirteen hundred men went down with her. Half the guys I was with in boot camp died on the Arizona. That’s where the Memorial is today. They say that oil still leaks out every day. Those guys…they’re still down there,” Hemker says quietly, his voice trailing off, as if physically turning away from a memory, and reality, which is still too painful to talk about.

Getting Hemker to talk about it at all is no easy task. Like many of his fellow World War II veterans, he still doesn’t talk about his war experiences, never expects any thanks or gratitude, and never, ever boasts about it, despite the fact that after Pearl Harbor he served America in battles and combat zones for the duration of WWII, in the Korean War, and in Vietnam.

Hempker, a widower, roguishly handsome into his 90’s and possessed of a sly sense of humor, for years charmed the ladies in the American Legion Auxiliary with his country gallantry. He is universally admired by his comrade veterans in the American Legion. “I’m not able to do what I used to do, but I do what I can,” he says.

Hemker’s beloved wife died more than 30 years ago. For the last thirteen years of her life, Hemker’s wife was bedridden, unable to perform the most basic of everyday tasks of life, totally dependent. It says a great deal about the kind of man S.J. Hemker is, that for all of those thirteen years Hemker cared for her, seeing to her every need, lovingly dedicating his life to her care, until her death did them part.

Hemker had four sons. All four,  like their father, are veterans who served in the Vietnam war. Hemker had no biological daughter. But, in his declining years, he has for more than fifteen years lived in his own room in the home of a loving daughter-in-fact if not of biology, Sue McConnell, and her husband,

No daughter has rendered more loving care to a father than has Sue McConnell to S.J. Hemker.

“I call him my ‘Dad’ because he is that to me. I couldn’t love him more,” says Sue, who has known Hemker for thirty-seven years, which during she has often up risen up in fury when the VA has not done its duty to “to this great man, this hero, my Dad.”

Reflecting on Pearl Harbor seventy-seven years after surviving it, Hemker, who has lost his eyesight,  but not his vision for America, observes:

“We Americans should never forget. If we forget our past and those who died, we won’t have a future. A free one, anyway. Look at what happened on 9-11. More people were killed on that day then were killed at Pearl Harbor. It can happen again,” he warns.

“I don’t think people remember Pearl Harbor and what it means, the way they used to do,” Hemker concludes. “That’s too bad. A lot of us can’t forget. An awful lot of really good people died to keep America free. They shouldn’t be forgotten.”

© 2018 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com

Trump Navigates The New World Order

President Trump accuses his enemies of McCarthyism. But anti-communist Senator Joe McCarthy had many of the same enemies Trump has.  And McCarthy’s fate may teach Trump a lesson.

Not one to embrace the “New World Order” of the late former President George H.W. Bush, Donald J. Trump has disavowed many of the elements of world government put in place by Republican and Democratic presidents. That has made him an enemy of the globalists. Trump withdrew the U.S. from Barack Hussein Obama’s Paris climate agreement, a wise decision considering that the COP24 climate change conference, which is now underway, is set to consider “a global tax on CO2,” as if a life-giving gas is somehow a pollutant. This is to be expected from a global United Nations bureaucracy that treats life-killing abortion as a basic human right.

“We are committed and active in bringing about a revolution in thinking, policies and lifestyles, to address these new challenges,”says the Socialist International in its “global call for a sustainable world society – before it’s too late.”

But facing enemies within, the Trump Administration recently released an alarmist climate change report that President Trump said he rejects. The report was written in part by an Obama holdover in the federal bureaucracy and used material funded by one of Trump’s political enemies, billionaire Tom Steyer. Trump’s enemies will use the report against the Administration’s America-first economic policies at the COP24 conference now underway.

Analyst Natalie Grant wrote about this years ago, noting that “…protection of the environment has become the principal tool for attack against the West.” In her 1998 article, “Green Cross: Gorbachev and Enviro-Communism,” Grant explained in detail how a communist campaign, using the climate as an organizing tool, was launched after the so-called collapse of the Soviet state, when Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet president, embarked on an environmental crusade, using the United Nations and other international organizations. Eventually, this effort, part of the so-called New World Order, continued through various United Nations conferences, giving rise to the concept of “sustainable development,” another way to describe socialism. We see this campaign reflected in the current COP24 conference and the socialist blueprint called the Green New Deal, introduced by  the new socialist member of Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As that moves forward, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is promising to increase funding for the United Nations, provide amnesty for illegal aliens, and offer the radical LGBTQ “Equality Act” in the new House.

As the late President George H.W. Bush is being hailed as a compromiser with the Democrats who abandoned his “No New Taxes” pledge, we can anticipate pressure on Trump to make deals with the liberal-left. Trump’s current retreat on the border wall is not a good sign that he understands his current predicament. Trump is now demanding a paltry sum of $5 billion for some kind of barrier but had previously sought $25 billion.

One of Trump’s original supporters, columnist Ann Coulter, tells Breitbart News that the Republican Party is “just at the point of extinction without a shot” being fired due to massive illegal and legal immigration to the country. She predicted that Trump, if he fails to follow through on the Wall and restrict immigration, will be the last Republican president because of demographic changes. She notes that the Democrats “have already flipped California” from the days when it was Republican and are now in the process of flipping Texas and Florida and various other states.

Like the faulty climate models which supposedly predict global warming, the numbers of illegals are arrived at by what the “experts” call “mathematical modeling.” Trump was honest during the campaign, saying, “Our government has no idea. It could be 3 million. It could be 30 million.” Yale researchers estimated there were 22.1 million illegal aliens in the United States. Another researcher, James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, estimated as many as 40 million in an analysis published in 2007. Whatever the number, if they’re legalized, the Republican Party is finished as a force for conservatism.

But more than America’s political future and two-party system is at stake. The lives of our fellow citizens continue to be taken away by these invaders. One of those illegals, identified as 25-year-old Darwin Martinez-Torres, just plead guilty to the June 2017 murder of 17-year-old Nabra Hassanen. The illegal alien, who was reportedly a member of the El-Salvador-based MS-13 international criminal gang, beat her with a baseball bat and “raped her while she lay unconscious and dumped her body in a pond,” one news account said. Having ripped-off the United States by illegally entering the country, he will now get life in prison, at taxpayer expense. This will cost taxpayers $27,462 annually. The cost of the victim’s life cannot be calculated.

President Trump has righty called members of the gang, which has more than 40,000 members internationally and 10,000 in the U.S., “animals.” Andrew Ford of the Asbury Park Press of New Jersey just wrote an eye-opening article about the activities of this gang in New Jersey. In Massachusetts,  six members of the violent, transnational organization were recently charged with a racketeering conspiracy that included the murder of a teenage boy in a city park where children play.

The border wall has been justified in the name of keeping bad people out of the country as well as discouraging drug smuggling through the southern border. However, the illegal drug lobby now wants to legalize these drugs north of the border and are doing so on a state-by-state basis. Indeed, former President Barack Hussein Obama, a heavy drug user, and his Department of Justice set this process in motion, with the assistance of pro-drug groups financed by George Soros. It turns out that Obama backer Soros, main funder of the drug legalization movement, is in business with Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, and they are working with libertarian billionaire marijuana investor Peter Thiel to pass a bill to protect the dope industry from federal anti-drug laws.

Concerned parents, victims of illegal drugs, and drug policy experts are now pleading with President Trump not to buckle to the Big Marijuana lobby and exacerbate the problems caused by Obama’s soft-on-drugs policies. Incredibly, former Republican House Speaker John Boehner is lobbying on behalf of nationwide legalization and  RINO Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado claims to have Trump’s commitment to back new national legislation co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren to officially allow marijuana legalization without interference by federal authorities. This can only create millions of more stoners voting for Democratic politicians promising more drugs at cheaper prices. Some will end up getting treatment under Obamacare. Others, like Richard Kirk of Colorado, will go crazy and kill. He’s serving 30 years in prison for eating a marijuana edible, having a psychotic reaction, and shooting his wife to death.

Trump’s willingness to sign a piece of liberal jailbreak legislation, known as the First Step Act, is also troubling. The bill is supported by Marxist Van Jones, a former Obama official, and opposed by many law enforcement groups. It will enable liberal judges to cut sentences for violent drug users and traffickers. Haven’t liberal judges – or what Trump calls “Obama judges” – caused enough problems already without giving them more power in the name of “criminal justice reform?”

Jones was actually invited into the Trump White House to meet with Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner. On the other hand, conservative and law enforcement groups trying to support law and order find it difficult to get their voices heard.

The left-ward drift of the Trump Administration on “criminal justice reform” and drugs illustrates the failure of the Trump Administration to hire strong conservatives and purge Deep State operatives operating right under Trump’s nose. Clearly, Trump has been betrayed by his staff, some of whom have jumped ship to write books and go on TV or radio for big fees. His lawyers have given him bad advice.

At the G20 summit, the White House appeared to hold firm, issuing a worthwhile document noting that Trump’s economic policies have resulted in the United States seeing historically low unemployment and strong economic growth. However, Trump signed a new NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) that he calls the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new NAFTA includes some beneficial changes to the original but leaves the basic trilateral structure, a form of transnational regional government, in place. Equally significant, new provisions, inserted by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, include protections on “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

Looking back in history, McCarthyism is not a dirty word but something to be studied and understood. While Trump and Joe McCarthy share many of the same enemies, McCarthy had a better undestanding of who they were. In the end, however, McCarthy took on a powerful Deep State agency — the CIA — and lost.  J.C. Hawkins, author of Betrayal at Bethesda, notes that McCarthy faced strong resistance in wanting to investigate the infiltration of the agency by Soviet and Chinese intelligence operatives. Three years after he was censored by the Senate, McCarthy went into the naval hospital at Bethesda, Maryland, with a knee injury on a Sunday afternoon and was pronounced dead five days later from acute hepatitis.

Will Trump meet the same fate as McCarthy? As he navigates the legal demands of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert S. Mueller and threats of impeachment by the House, Trump’s presidency and even his life will be in danger. He will need all the friends he can get so he must not betray or alienate the millions of people depending on him. He will need to be able to spot enemies disguised as friends.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

ABC Uses 11-Year-Old “Drag” To Test Response

America, Are You Going to Stand Down on This One Too? It Has Always Been About The Kids

“Sex before 8 before it’s too late!” -North American Man-Boy Love Association Slogan Shouted out during Gay Pride Parades

I have to say that for what I have been through concerning the sodomite agenda over the last 13 years of my life, from putting my house up online and affixing my address to it, which endangered my family, to broadcasting a fabricated hit piece on me by MSNBC to sending bomb threats to my ministry offices, to death threats on my life, it has been an exhibition of what has and is going on in this country concerning those who mean to legalize that which is illegal.  All of this leveled at my ministry for protecting them who have been subjected to everything and protected from nothing, namely, America’s posterity.

[YouTube Video]

We are told through the mainstream media that the sodomite communities are the victims of bullying and “Hate crimes” and all the while we see that they are, in fact, the ones responsible for perpetuating the crimes.

[YouTube Video]

Once they are discovered for committing the crimes, which shows forth their intents (Matthew 7:16), they then revert to calling their “Gay Manifesto” a “Satire” in hopes that you will believe that it is just all made up. The truth of the matter is that they can say all they want that it is satire, the fact of the matter it is that it is transpiring right before our eye’s on a daily basis as to what this is all about, and the kids are their clear objective.

Homosexual Manifesto Reprinted from the US Congressional Record Homosexual Activist Outlines Goals of Homosexual Movement By Michael Swift.

“Gay Revolutionary” (from the Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987, reprinted from The Congressional Record) “We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us. Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy.

We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man. All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy. If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, sentimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads. Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing. We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be.

We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you. There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled. We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers. The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence – will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.

All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough. The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.

We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man. We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed, who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution. Tremble, hetro swine, when we appear before you without our masks.”

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

This demands the people’s full attention. What an exhibition (They crossed the lines in 1973) of this abominable lifestyle that the networks are illegally pushing on the airwaves today (Leviticus 18:22-20:13; Jude 1:7, Romans 1:24). In retaliation to the “Hetro swine (The Law abiding citizens),” the sodomites push forward and advocate all the more their blatant “crimes against nature” with the use of America’s children.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” is daring the justice of God by promoting the 11-year-old “trailblazing drag” kid ‘Desmond’ as they celebrate how amazing this is with the full approval of them that stand back and play the accomplice. Advertised as the “GMA Day” with three fierce drag queens and some amazing gifts.

These networks, along with these parents should be held lawfully accountable for child abuse (Matthew 18:6) and the advocation of that which is clearly illegal (Felony activities) in this country. Americans must demand prosecution in protecting our posterity (Proverbs 16:6).

[YouTube Video]

America, are we going to let this one go?

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Democratic Congresswoman Visits Tijuana ‘Immigrant Caravan’ Members in Act of Treason

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” – Roman Senator Marcus Tullius Cicero, 40 B.C.   This quotation is said to be a favorite among U.S. counterintelligence officers.

U.S. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) joined the migrant caravan stranded in Tijuana over the weekend, according to her office’s latest press statement. While there, she blamed President Donald Trump for manufacturing the crisis of asylum seekers wishing access to the United States.

“We just have to counter the lies of the president in telling about what’s happening here on the border,” the Washington Democrat said Saturday evening. “This is not an infiltration by criminals — this is people seeking the American Dream, and we should be processing them and we should be allowing them to come in.”

Jayapal, a leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and one of the most outspoken critics of Trump’s immigration policies, visited several shelters where members of a migrant “caravan” are being housed as they wait for their claims to be processed amid large backlogs. The border crossing linking Tijuana with San Diego saw major clashes last weekend between asylum seekers trying to enter the U.S. and border guards who blocked their way.

Rep. Jayapal is an Indian-American congresswoman from the state of Washington who is the U.S. Representative for Washington’s 7th congressional district.

“I was able to successfully assist 5 asylum seekers – 2 unaccompanied minors, a mother and her 9-year-old child, and a young man with a serious medical condition – into the United States,” she wrote in a tweet.

The five people she assisted were initially denied entry.

“Initially they were denied, in violation of U.S. and international law, but I was able to intervene and ensure that they could simply present themselves for asylum in the United States,” she said in a follow-up tweet.

Before she went to the border, Jayapal blasted Trump for “lying” about the caravan and creating a crisis for his own political benefit.

The U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the southwestern border region in past administrations were permitted — even ordered — to use non-lethal “impact weapons” when confronted by large mobs of aggressive, violence prone non-authorized foreigners. That includes the agents serving during the administration of the “sainted” President Barack Obama.

In fact, most Americans weren’t even aware of incidents that created the need for physical force by federal law enforcement at this nation’s borderline and the news media rarely covered such non-lethal use-of force to fend-off rock and debris throwing immigrants. During one incident that occurred when the Commander in Chief was President George W. Bush, a Homeland Security Department report described a “border incursion” by fully-armed suspects who entered the U.S. without permission or authorization.

When those invaders began shooting from the Mexican side of the border, and they kept on firing their lethal weapons while they came onto U.S. soil, the National Guard troops assigned to help control the porous border region at that location found themselves without any rules of engagement or without any real military weapons to thwart the attack from the unknown intruders.

During that time in 2006, under President George W. Bush, 6,000 National Guard soldiers were sent to the U.S.-Mexican border in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. However, Guard members were prohibited from enforcing the immigration laws. Their missions included engineering, aviation surveillance, and other support.

Unfortunately, it was a story that should have embarrassed all American citizens: American soldiers had to hastily retreat and telephone the cops. But Americans weren’t embarrassed because the news media ignored this and other stories of “invaders” forcing American service men and women to run for their lives.

At least not until President Donald Trump, following his own agenda that includes transparency, authorized the men and women serving at the border with Mexico to use less-than-deadly physical force, which they did only to be lambasted by the Democratic Party’s officeholders, so-called civil-rights leaders and political commentators and news anchors from most group-think publications and news outlets.

When the agents used tear gas to stop migrants as they rushed the border, the media condemned the use of tear gas against “innocent” people. One news report featured a woman who was particularly outraged against Trump.

“What is now coming out is that under President Obama tear gas was used almost 80 times against unruly migrants,” said frequent commentator and writer, Capt. Vincent Carnova. “Yet, with the President and .

The tear gas used on migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border at the weekend, which prompted criticism of President Trump, was also used almost 80 times under the Obama administration, according to Homeland Security data.

Democratic lawmakers and immigrant rights groups blasted the tactics of border agents.

‘These children are barefoot. In diapers. Choking on tear gas,’ California Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom tweeted. ‘Women and children who left their lives behind – seeking peace and asylum – were met with violence and fear. That’s not my America.’

McAleenan said hundreds – perhaps more than 1,000 – people attempted to rush vehicle lanes at the San Ysidro crossing. Mexican authorities estimated the crowd at 500. The chaos followed what began as a peaceful march to appeal for the U.S. to speed processing of asylum claims.

McAleenan said four agents were struck with rocks but were not injured because they were wearing protective gear.

It appears no one complained when tear gas was used by Obama just a few years ago during the Obama administration.

Hillary herself said that the children of illegal immigrants should be sent back to their country of origin. She even advocated “physical barriers” at the border. Trump calls it a “wall.” As late as 2016 during the last presidential campaign, Hillary was still defending her past statements about building a “barrier.” (She tried to avoid calling it a “wall,” as that term has been given too much emotional value.)

But once Trump was elected president, suddenly they changed their song and began to advocate “immigrant rights.” It seems that everyone came down with political amnesia in 2016. When Trump continued the policies of his predecessors, he was condemned for it.

“This is a clear case of political hypocrisy. But then, what’s new?” said political consultant Michael Baker.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

They Call It “Higher Education”

America is educating itself to death. By “educating” I mean jamming millions of young people into publicly-funded colleges and universities to “learn” a lot of Far Left Crazy bilge that alienates them from their country and does absolutely nothing to help them to become productive citizens.

In addition to left-wing indoctrination, our looniversities also provide “education” which appears to serve no constructive purpose whatsoever. One of my blog readers, a retired professor, has received a newsletter from her university announcing the promotion of a certain professor to a chair of Popular Culture Studies, complete with higher salary and more lavish benefits. The new chair’s academic specialty is… comic books. That’s education!

Campus Reform last week published a list of the top five schools in America for left-wing bias, reflected in their course offerings. A comprehensive list would fill several volumes, so this is by no means an exclusive club. But CR thought these five were worthy (if that’s the word for it) of special mention.

San Diego State offered a course on “removing Trump from office.” Think that’ll be terribly relevant, once Donald Trump has finished serving as our president? Public outcry persuaded the looniversity to delete the specific reference to Mr. Trump, so now the course just focuses on how to complain about the president, whoever it might be. How that benefits the students is anybody’s guess.

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities hired an abortionist to teach abortions so that graduates might perform them at the local Planned Parenthood abattoir and also at the university medical center. Again, a public outcry: so they’ve backed off on the actual hiring and taken time out to ponder the situation.

At the University of Michigan, a professor refused to recommend a student for a program of overseas study in Israel… because he’s pro-Palestinian and doesn’t like Israel. Public outcry. They were going to “punish” the professor in some way for his prejudice, and for screwing up the student’s career—but the faculty rallied to his support. Predictably.

University of Southern Maine proposed to give academic credit to students to take a bus to Washington, D.C., to “protest” the nomination of Brett Kavanagh to the Supreme Court—based, of course, on a cock-and-bull story about Kavanagh being the worst sexual predator since Jack the Ripper. After the usual public outcry, the university scrapped the trip and fired the professor who had organized it.

And the University of California-Berkeley “disavowed” a Student Senator because she cited her religious beliefs as her reason for not jumping aboard the “transgender” bandwagon. A spot of groveling and winsomeness didn’t save her: the school stayed mad at her.

The good news is that in most cases the schools had to back off their Far Left Crazy schemes, or at least modify them to make them less in-your-face. They only backed off because their follies were publicly reported and the public got seriously annoyed. They just can’t stand up to scrutiny.

But the bad news is that these half-baked academic malpractices were ever thought of in the first place. And they’re dreaming up new ones all the time.

A few years down the road, what is America supposed to do with millions of mal-educated, sullen, ignorant, unemployable young people who’ve come out of college with meaningless degrees whose acquisition has made them less potentially productive than they were when they went in? We have way too many kids in college, going into debt for way too much money, being “taught” by way too many left-wing loons. It’s shaping up to be quite a serious problem in the near future.

Our best course would be to strip public funding from all the universities and let them survive in the free market, if they can. If any of them can succeed in providing an education product that’s worth anything, they’ll survive.

The rest won’t, and our country will be much better off without them.

I leave you with this image: “See that fella sweepin’ the floor of the Seven-Eleven? He has a master’s degree in Gender Studies!”

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in and visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Are Christians Supposed To Be Doormats?

At the risk of a bit of self-promotion I ask whether or not Christians are supposed to roll over and take it. Is simply lying down and letting evil run roughshod over us a sign of holiness? Does “turn the other cheek” mean we are never to fight back?

The Bible teaches us to die to self, but it does not teach us to be a doormat. “Dying to self” means putting the Lord, and others, first.  It does not mean yielding authority to those who hate Christ. Dying to self actually means that the fear of physical death should not prevent a Christian from standing up and fighting.  You can’t kill a dead man. Following Christ means victory over physical death.

Why do Christians have it so wrong?  Christians should be the most courageous of all people.

Many of you who regularly read my commentaries often contact me and let me know how much you enjoy my gritty Gospel. Some don’t appreciate my “tone” quite as much, but despite the criticism I am determined to awaken Christians to Paul’s admonition that “to live is Christ but to die is gain.” What in the world are Christians so afraid of?

If my email inbox is any indication many of you are sick of the non-confrontational, nicer-than-Jesus message emanating from America’s pulpits. The loyal opposition to the Devil’s stratagems seems to be neither loyal, nor oppositional. The Salt has lost his savor.

For those of you who may not be aware, I host an internet podcast five days a week. It is a live, interactive program where we are training men, and some women, to grow some hair upon their chests. Those who join the show believe that Christian testosterone is a good thing. That is something that is sorely missing from the girlie men filling most of America’s pulpits.

If you are sick of milquetoast Christianity we invite you to join our Huddle. We have been doing the show for nearly three years and listeners are being challenged to a more active Christianity. Fighting evil is not a spectator sport and we challenge the listeners to “get in the game.”

What follows is a copy of some notes that Lowell, one of our “Huddle” members, shared with us following one of last week’s shows where we discussed the role of a Christian.

Huddle Notes/Study 2018/11/29

Fact/Scripture: God made the Earth
Fact/Scripture: Man was given the Earth and everything in it.
Fact/Scripture: Man chose his woman/following Satan and retained him as counselor, not God.

Therefore Man had then become allied with Satan in his rebellion against God

Fact/Scripture: Both were cast from God’s presence.

Research Did the Nephilim became a way for fallen angels to access earth physically/easily? Research Did these hybrids become new souls to build the Satanic army?


Fact/Scripture: Jesus takes Earth back, buys it back. As a man he reclaims it for/as God & Himself!!! Given: The Holy Spirit should then inoculate us vs. demons!!!!!

Probably Not all Nephilim DNA was destroyed….Goliath? Question Do their progeny become Satan’s army as well?

My conclusion; Posit: The Great Commission is prosecuting God’s renewed title to Earth through Jesus and his Saints. We are an insurgency until His return.

Fact/Scripture: The world is ours to reclaim by Jesus’ birth, execution, and resurrection. Jesus said: Behold woman, I have made all things anew! Jesus said: It is finished!

Assert/Repeat: Man alienated the title to Satan; God became man to reclaim it. Jesus said: He owns it all again. He has legal title again.

Fact/Scripture: God gave Earth to Adam who alienated the title by following Satan. He said so: Jesus/God as a man/God had the right to reclaim the heritage as both man and maker! But: Most of man is still complicit with Satan in rebellion against God. Therefore: Satan and his allies are TRESPASSERS now. Illegal immigrants,

Fact/Scripture: Jesus commanded us to OCCUPY UNTIL I COME!!!

Intent: Keep the base of operations safe, or expand it for the total reconquest when Outcome: Christ returns leading and to lead his army of Saints IN THIS WORLD to subdue Satan and his allies physically, not just spiritually.


Scripture John 8 Know the truth and the truth will set you free

Scripture John 3:16 Jesus came not to condemn the world, but that the world would be saved.

Scripture Ephesians Full armor, salvation, righteousness, gospel/peace, faith, TRUTH.

The Word is our sword and our offensive weapon. The Truth is the suspension belt on which the offensive and defensive array is carried…. The boots of peace provide the peace in knowing we are God’s own. The boots enable us to hold our ground by digging in when pushed, or move quickly and surely over rough ground in attack.

Comment: Boots of Gospel of peace appears to be misunderstood as pacifism preaching peace. Given Paul’s Roman citizenship and knowledge of a Legionary’s panoply Paul would know the Roman’s hob nailed boots protected the feet from both spear thrusts from above and broken ground below. When pushed, Legionary’s would dig in their toes and press/lean forward. In attack, they advanced protected from stones and dropped weapons.

Fact/Scripture: RESIST the Devil and he will flee from you!

Comment: THEY ARE COLLABORATORS – Quislings, Vichy French, Tories, Copperheads.
Comment: The Saints and the areas we influence/control God also controls.
Comment: We are the beachhead. It must be expanded, secured, enlarged, and no surrendered.
Comment: The areas controlled by the unsaved, those taking counsel of Satan still control theirs.
Comment: The frontier between the two is where we come into conflict and sparks should fly.

Conclusion: The Christ is God saying I am back. I am among you. I reclaim my Kingdom. Come home. Join me and conquer. Free the world from rebellion. Pull on your boots, gear up and bring PEACE to the Earth.

Are you sick and tired of weak-kneed Christianity?  We invite you to check out “The Huddle.”  It lasts an hour.  Check out the link below.  Both audio and video are available.  Full of testosterone.  It is free.

If you like my writings then you will LOVE the show.


God is looking for a Few Good Men.   Let’s drain the wimpy Christian swamp.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

American Taxpayers Getting Reamed By Illegal Alien Households

A mind-numbing 63 percent of illegal alien migrants tap into American taxpayer dollars as to K -12 schooling, breakfasts and lunches, food, utilities, housing and medical care.

Not only do they violate our borders and break our laws every single day of their existence in our country—our U.S. Congress, your senator and House member—make you pay for them.

At this point, the Yale Illegal Immigration Study showed that 22 to 25 million illegal aliens now call America their home.  The report, by Dr. Steven Camarota of www.CIS.org , showed that 4.6 million illegal alien households utilize U.S. tax dollars to house, feed, educate and clothe their families.

If you take the simplest number of two children, wife and husband into account for 4.6 million illegal households, that’s a whopping 18,400,000 (million) illegal aliens living off your tax dollars. Worse, your U.S. Congress allows, promotes it and funds it.  Your two U.S. Senators and House member do absolutely nothing to stop it.

In cold black terms, you, the American taxpayer are getting reamed by your own government and elected representatives.

Not only does Congress refuse to build a wall, but it refuses to stop anchor babies, visa overstays and an average of 1,500 illegal from jumping over our borders 24/7.

You pay for those illegals in higher taxes and national debt.  You pay for it in unemployment checks for our own citizens. You pay higher prices for everything from shoplifted goods by illegals to insurance rates because they can’t or won’t buy insurance to paying for all their doctor bills. It’s mind-numbing what you pay for as to illegal aliens.

Among the findings:

  • In 2014, 63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program, compared to 35 percent of native-headed households.
  • Welfare use drops to 58 percent for non-citizen households and 30 percent for native households if cash payments from the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) are not counted as welfare. EITC recipients pay no federal income tax. Like other welfare, the EITC is a means-tested, anti-poverty program, but unlike other programs one has to work to receive it.
  • Compared to native households, non-citizen households have much higher use of food programs (45 percent vs. 21 percent for natives) and Medicaid (50 percent vs. 23 percent for natives).
  • Including the EITC, 31 percent of non-citizen-headed households receive cash welfare, compared to 19 percent of native households. If the EITC is not included, then cash receipt by non-citizen households is slightly lower than natives (6 percent vs. 8 percent).

Today, 44 million Americans and non-Americans subsist on food stamps paid for by your daily labors.  Every time an illegal arrives in this country, eventually, you start paying for his or her babies, their education, their clothing, their food, their housing, their utilities and their medical care.

Programs Examined. The major welfare programs examined in this report are Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) food program, free or subsidized school lunch and breakfast, food stamps (officially called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP), Medicaid, public housing, and rent subsidies.

In a few words, you and your family are getting ripped off and trampled by illegal aliens.

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to the United States

At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $134.9 billion to cover the costs incurred by the presence of more than 12.5 million illegal aliens, and about 4.2 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a tax burden of approximately $8,075 per illegal alien family member and a total of $115,894,597,664. The total cost of illegal immigration to U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling. In 2013, FAIR estimated the total cost to be approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion. This is a disturbing and unsustainable trend. The sections below will break down and further explain these numbers at the federal, state, and local levels.

May I mention that those figures above by the Federation for American Immigration Reform stand for 12.5 million illegals and not the latest figure of 22 to 25 million.  Essentially, you may tabulate that their figures are doubled by the Yale Study of 22 to 25 million illegals.

Guess what? It’s only going to get worse because you will not see any change when Democrats take over the House in 2020.  You are electing them and paying them to push for open borders.  Their leaders like Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Charles Schumer and governors like De Blasio, Jerry Brown and John Hickenlooper all support open borders and sanctuary cities.

We, the American people, will pay and pay, and keep paying because Congress will do nothing to stop illegal immigration into America.  Why? Because the American people keep electing the same career corrupt politicians who answer to their big corporate interests for endless 21st century slave labor.

Read it and weep!  Then, what’s in your wallet?

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Are We Really Talking About the Right To Choose Your Age?

A 69-year-old man, Emile Ratelband, recently sued in a Dutch court to legally lower his age by 20 years.

Ratelband reasoned, “You can change your name. You can change your gender. Why not your age?”

He feels his age should match his physique, which he believes appears much younger than 69 years.

Is it possible that we think the same way in America?

Make no mistake, some things are real and some things are pretend. Knowing the difference is critically, crucially important.

If I told you that I was a 24-year-old superwoman, I would be telling you something that is not real even if you saw it on my Instagram profile. Would you encourage me to live out the reality of my social media profile and jump out of buildings while chasing world terrorists? I think we would agree this most assuredly would end in fatal harm.

The example I just used is easy to agree with because the physical laws of the universe – like the laws governing age, gravity, motion, or gender – are quite easy for us to discern; but what about the moral laws of the universe?

If you, perchance, have swallowed the delusion that these moral laws don’t exist; or that you can invent them or pretend them away at your will; or if you think that only the ones that you happen to believe in actually apply to you, then get your cape and let the “pretend” comic book life begin!

Consider the consequences of playing pretend in America:

We pretend life in the womb is not a child and have allowed the murder of over 50 million children in America.

We pretend societal norms such as marriage and gender classification can be changed based on feelings, not science and natural law; thus making both science and law irrelevant.

Now, the law schools of our country have tragically produced thousands of attorneys who pretend the true Source and nature of law (God and His word) are non-existent and have no legal authority. Many of them are now judges and politicians.

These actions on the part of our country indicate that we are no longer conducting ourselves in accordance with reality. It is simply “pretend” to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.

The undeniable basic presupposition of the Declaration of Independence – which transcends all cultures and people groups unequivocally – is that we were Created by God, our rights come from Him, and the single duty of Government is to protect those God-given rights.

In the Declaration, our Founding Fathers used the term “pretended” to describe legislation that does not square with the “Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.” As a result, this legislation had no lawful authority.

Founding Father John Adams consented, “The Bible contains the most profound philosophy, the most perfect morality, and the most refined policy that ever was conceived upon earth.”

Thankfully the Dutch court denied the request of Ratelband and refused to “pretend.” My prayer is that Americans will see that this “pretend” road leads to chaos and embrace reality.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Your Family Just Paid $1,636 For Illegal Aliens

Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor.  —Elton Gallegly  former U. S. Congressman, California

There should not be a question of legal or illegal immigration. People came and immigrated to this country from the time of the Indians. No one’s illegal.  They should just be able to come. —Linda Ronstadt, contemporary American singer

The contrast between the above two quotes represents the wide gap in opinions about illegal immigration.  Gallegly, a former California U. S. Congressman, is much closer to the issue than is Linda Ronstadt, a naive’ singer who may sing well but she’s ten cards short of a full deck when it comes to math.  Her “let ’em all in” philosophy ignores the fact that there are roughly seven billion souls on planet earth.  Of those seven billion, over five billion are desperately poor.

The estimated annual cost to the American taxpayer for each and every existing illegal alien in America is about $6,000 per year.  If we “let all 5 Billion poor people in” as Linda suggests, the cost would be in the neighborhood of $30,000,000,000,000 (that’s trillion folks) per year, on a current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around $19,000,000,000,000.  (And you think our current national debt is bad.)  But then of course we would all be living like sardines in a can (or rats in a cage) ruled by a brutal dictator, in a state of constant fear, chaos and war.   We describe such a scenario in our article entitled: “Back To the Future, the Obama Legacy.”

This is what it would be like in a Linda Rondstadt world of “Let “Em All In“:

“Food would be in short supply, wholesale starvation would be ubiquitous and inflation would be so rampant from government over-spending and borrowing it would lead to something worse than hyper-inflation ….. anarchy.  It could take over $1,000,000 to buy a loaf of bread.  Banks would go under, forcing Americans into the barter system.  Gold would shoot up to over $25,000 an ounce, but it couldn’t be found, as most gold would have been bought up years ago and horded.  Crime would accelerate to unbelievable levels as hungry bellies resorted to stealing, just to stay alive.  Murder would be an every-day occurrence as fear, anger, resentment, frustration and jealousy overwhelmed the minds of most Americans, because government-authorized illegal immigration had broken us and destroyed the fabric of our culture.  In the once-great cities of America, dead bodies would litter the streets because there would be no one to dispose of them.  The stench from decaying bodies and rotting garbage would be unbearable, if not deadly.”

“Heavily armed, roving gangs would run wild in the streets, day and night and they would kill, pillage, plunder and rob whomever, or whatever they wanted.  The nights would be the worst and would be nothing short of outright war.  The days would be just slightly better, but going out on the street at any time, could bring an end to your life in a fraction of a second.   Police would be nowhere to be found because the danger would be too great and the government would have no money to pay them.”

“The American people would be broke.  The government would be broke and would be forced to trade American soil in exchange for defaulted loans to foreign countries, who by then would have called in the loans.  Much of American land would be exchanged for that debt.  Sovereignty, individual rights and the constitution would have died long ago, as the influx of billions of poor people from foreign lands would have overwhelmed all institutions of government.”

“Health care would be non-existent in a Linda Ronstadt world, as hospitals closed down, doctors leave the profession and vital medicines no longer manufactured.  Only the very rich would find sparsely available health care, paid for in gold.”

“Electric power would go off as generating plants shut down.  Factories would be shuttered, un-employment levels could reach 50% or more, and water and sewer services would be un-available.  Grocery shelves would empty and prices for food would go through the roof.  Disease could rise to raging epidemics.  Transportation would grind to a halt and the price of a horse would skyrocket.  For all intents and purposes Americans could be driven back to the dark ages.”

“But worse, one of the other super powers would find the timing ripe to conquer America and they’d win.”

Do you have any idea of what “swamping a life boat” means?  It means a drowning death for the occupants of the lifeboat and death to those swamping the lifeboat. That’s what will happen in a Linda Ronstadt “Let ‘Em All In” scenario.


But let’s get back to reality.  Estimates for the cost of current illegal immigration range from around $100 Billion to over $150 Billion, depending on who is providing the estimate.  The cost may very well be around $135 Billion.  If the actual cost is $135 Billion, then in 2018 your family of four legal Americans just contributed $1,636 in taxes to that cost, or $409 for every man, woman and child in America.

Why are you paying those taxes to reward foreigners that blatantly disobey our laws?  Because your government won’t adequately secure American borders.   Because of irreconcilable political differences, neither will your government neutralize the magnets that draw illegal aliens here in the first place.  This in no way is a criticism of the gallant border patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents that do what they can to bring order to border crossings and illegal alien crime, out of the chaos caused by arcane immigration laws and the insane interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Ladies and gentlemen, our anger over the recent images being displayed on our television screens showing the arrogance of those illegal aliens in the Central American caravans grows by the day.  Somehow, these illegal aliens have gotten it in their minds that America owes them asylum, or a job, or America’s generous welfare benefits, or an education, or health care, or food, clothing, housing and transportation.  If you are seeking asylum, or a job, you don’t throw rocks and bottles at border patrol agents, or cross our international borders illegally.

Yes, we know that some of them are just poor peasants seeking a better and more secure life.   But the desire to come to America for whatever reason, does not give them an absolute, irrevocable right to illegally cross our borders, or encumber legal American citizens for their care.  We have enough poor people of our own.

Most of illegal immigration consists of un-educated, low-skilled poor people and angry young males, with very little desire to learn our language and assimilate into the American culture.  They bring diseases with them, they ignore our laws, they hide in the shadows and come here only for the jobs, or the welfare …. or to commit crimes against legal Americans.  Illegal immigration makes a mockery out of legal immigration.

It is not the American taxpayer’s fault that Central American countries are not safe places to live.  It is not the American taxpayer’s obligation to pay for their care, simply because they are poor.

We know the government isn’t going to fix the problem and any legislative fix would be a useless compromise that would leave the problem unresolved.  Consequently, we channeled our anger into action and created an emotionally powerful 1.5 minute Youtube video entitled: “Stopping Illegal Immigration by Forcing Self-Deportation” describing what unfettered illegal immigration is doing to America’s neighborhoods, the economy, jobs and our culture.  The video points to our revised “Save the USA” website, which further describes the damage being done and putting forth a plan of action to force illegal aliens to self-deport.  If enough Americans will engage in this plan of action, we could start to see self-deportation begin in several months and illegal border crossings reduced significantly.  Our soldiers could come home and our borders could resume to facilitating growing cross-border commerce.

If the government will not act, it is then up to the people to bring stability to the rule of law in America by forcing illegal aliens to self-deport back to their own countries where they will feel more at home and not feel like they are unwanted strangers in a foreign land.

This action has nothing to do with racism, or hate for illegal aliens.  It has everything to do with the RULE OF LAW!

How many murders of legal Americans by illegal aliens will it take for people to get angry and then take action?  How many low-skilled jobs have to be lost and how low do wages have to get due to illegal immigration before people take the law into their own hands because government isn’t protecting the American people from all enemies, foreign or domestic?  How large does the cost of illegal immigration have to get before legal Americans say enough is enough?   How many Democrat socialist policies, policies that have bankrupted most cities and states run by Democrats, will it take before the people realize that Democrats are selling America down the river for the sake of raw political power alone and vote accordingly?

What this author doesn’t get is why there isn’t a national outrage over these socialist Democrat issues, including illegal immigration, to the point that they force government to act against those policies, or the people act against them en masse?

We encourage the reader to watch the video or log onto the “Save the USA” website and join with us in a simple, peaceful, lawful plan to force illegal aliens to self-deport.  Legal discouragement is the best deterrent of all.  If the American people don’t act, we will all be living in the Linda Ronstadt world described above and maybe sooner than you think.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Bay’at: A Very Effective Simple Arabic Subservient Practice

Bay‘at (A pledge, swearing unconditional subservience to a powerful person), a longstanding practice among the pre-Islamic Arabs was fully incorporated into Islam by Muhammad and accounts for much of his success in gathering more and more power.

Bay’at is a very effective yet simple practice. A locally powerful tyrant summons less powerful individuals, usually one at a time, and gives them a choice: Become my subservient loyal follower and recognize me as your superior. If you do so, your life is spared and I may reward you in other ways. If you fail to do so, I will take your life and assume lordship over your followers and take possession of everything you have.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the lesser chiefs and leaders fall into line very quickly, realizing the alternative is complete devastation and death for them, their families and their followers. So, with one stroke, the more powerful brute subsumes a significant human and material resource under his reign.

Muhammad practiced this art with consummate skill. The highly scattered, chronically at war with one another tribes of Arabia didn’t have much choice when Muhammad and his superior force offered them the bargain. The great majority of these tribal chiefs did take the bargain, saved their own necks and that of their people. Those who resisted lost everything anyway.

And power begets power, up to a point. And Islam’s power continued long after Muhammad’s death, through the practice of Bay’at on a much larger scale, or using the sword.

Broadly speaking this pledging of allegiance to a person of authority has become the practical meaning of the term “bay‘a” in Islam. It was first and foremost applied to the Prophet but, after his death, also to other leaders of the Muslim community, primarily the caliph, the successor to the Prophet in political affairs and in upholding Islamic rule. This pledge of allegiance to a caliph would ideally take place through his election, but it could also happen through appointment by his predecessor. According to ‘ulama’ (Muslim scholars), the caliph himself had to satisfy several conditions, including ruling on the basis of justice (‘adala), possessing knowledge (‘ilm) of Islamic tradition and law, having physical and mental fitness, being courageous and determined, waging jihad and being a descendant of the Quraysh tribe, which the Prophet Muhammad himself also belonged to. [14]”

When the prophet Muhammad died, the infighting started in earnest among the various factions. Each demanding Bay’at with another clan. People began jockeying for power and doing their Muslim-best to destroy their competition. Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law was elbowed out of the way by the more powerful disciples of the prophet and had to wait his turn to head the already fractured and feuding Ummah. Several of the faithful resented the fact that Ali was not allowed to take over. Some felt victimized by Umar and his powerful conspirators and hated Ali for not standing and fighting like a man. Some real stand-and-fight Muslims decided that Ali should be punished and he was knifed to death on his way to the mosque.

The death of Ali was the real stirring of the hornet’s nest, so to speak. All kinds of power struggle, infighting and bloodletting started among the followers of the religion of peace. Ali’s boys, namely Hassan and Hussein, decided to salvage their dad’s honor by standing and fighting like a good Muslim should, as well as enjoying the perks that come with being the leaders of the gang. So, a real fight was joined. On the one side was Yazid with his mighty army and wealth, and on the other side were Hassan and Hussein with their rag-tag band of followers. Hassan was killed unceremoniously in short order, but Hussein was not about to bow out. Hussein started a dialogue with his adversary, Yazid.

Hussein: I am the rightful inheritor of the house of Muhammad. I demand that all believers, including you Yazid, accept me (bay‘at) as the head of the Ummah.

Yazid: Nothing doing man. Muhammad’s Ummah is not a family business. It is the faith of Allah that must follow his laws. The people select the most righteous man as the head of the faith, just the way the Caliphs did. The faith of Allah is based on meritocracy and not heredity.

Hussein: You are wrong, Yazid. My granddaddy started the business, my daddy gave his life for it, my brother was murdered to claim it, and I intend to take what is rightfully mine.

Yazid: Hussein, you seem to be just as stubborn as Hassan. You are not amenable to reason, so let the sword of justice settle our dispute. So, you know the rest of the story. Hussein stubbornly refused to relinquish his claim to the powerful Yazid and ended up with his head cut off by Shimr, impaled on a spear and presented to Yazid as a trophy.

The followers of the house of Ali and his lineage, a minority of about 10 percent of Muslims, felt victimized by the evil Yazid. Since there was very little these lovers of Ali’s house could do to materially change things, they assumed the role of victims.

Let’s be clear, a Muslim’s loyalty or Bay‘at is to the Islamic Ummah that recognizes nothing other than one worldwide Ummah of Islam with no allowance for independent nationalities. A Muslim is required to abide by and live under the laws of Sharia and not the Constitution of the United States of America or any other laws. Because it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the US Constitution, a Muslim can never be a both a Muslim and an American at the same time.

The Pledge of Allegiance says, “one nation under God,” while a Muslim is required to be part of the Ummah under Allah. It is critically important to realize that Allah is not the same as the Judeo-Christian God. The two are vastly different beings.

In short: Muslims, those who consider themselves good and peaceful, as well as those who want us to accept their ideology of barbarism at the point of the sword, take the fateful step and join the free and emancipated family of humanity and pledge (Bay’at) to the US Constitution or they can move back to the country of their origin.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Democratic Party Affiliated Unions, Nonprofits And Paid Mobs Impersonate Workers To Hurt Christmas Sales

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

During the busy Christmas shopping season that began with Black Friday the day after the Thanksgiving holiday many bargain-hunters were — and continue to be — subjected to loud, boisterous labor demonstrations in front of department stores such as the Wal-Mart chain and other non-union retailers, according to national and local media stories.

What only a few media outlets covered were the allegations and convincing evidence that union front groups — paid for by either the unions or their Democratic Party puppets — are staging these holiday shopping protests in cities and towns throughout the country. The intent is to generate biased news coverage and publicity portraying the protesters as working-class heroes.

They have at times managed to disrupt holiday shopping in their quest for a negative PR campaign against retail employers, according to officials from the non-partisan Worker Center Watch.

“The protesters come from the same political labor pool as the members of Antifa and other left-wing movements. They couldn’t care less about the employees or their employers. The idea is to create negative impact of the U.S. economy so Americans and immigrants will accept socialist policies that give Democrats more power, more tax money and more control of the citizenry,” said former corporate security director Chuck Losasso, who also worked in retail security.

The organization offers disturbing proof that very few current employees of retailers being targeted are involved in the protests and demonstrations. They claim that “union members, their worker center activist allies and professional protesters sing songs, carry signs and chant through bullhorns in protests more focused on generating media attention than helping workers.”

“The deceptive Black Friday campaign, designed to look like a worker uprisings, has been planned for weeks, including designating protesters in big media markets for arrest,” Worker Center Watch officials allege in a press release.

“Unions, desperate for new dues after decades of declining membership, have embraced non-profit worker centers to do their dirty work for them. Worker centers are labor organizations, they clearly fit the definition,” said Ryan Williams, media director for Worker Center Watch, a coalition of business owners and concerned citizens dedicated to exposing labor unions’ abuse of the worker center organizational model.

“It’s a way that allows the unions to skirt labor organizing laws by letting the activist groups they sponsor to attack employers for them. Big Labor is spending millions of dollars on a massive charade against job creators at a time when our economy can least afford it,” notes Williams.

“This isn’t the first time unions have used paid protesters and thugs to carry out their ‘brown shirt’ activities against capitalists, conservatives and Tea Party members. They create fake organizations and pay all the expenses for these so-called labor actions,” said a former director of security for a large retail chain, Joseph Waylon.

“The Obama administration and the Democrats know this is happening but they do nothing to stop this fraud because these same labor unions pour millions and millions of dollars into their political coffers,” Waylon added.

A study — conducted for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce by Jarol B. Manheim, Professor Emeritus of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University — exposes how an extensive web of foundation cash fuels prominent union front organizations. For example, the Kellogg Foundation channeled over $1.2 million to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, the Open Society Institute — billionaire radical George Soros’ main organization for  political activism — gave the National Domestic Workers Alliance $695,000, and the Rockefeller Foundation gave Restaurant Opportunities Center United $300,000.

The group’s study also examines how many union front groups receive taxpayer-funded support from the Obama administration. For example, the group Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York received grants totaling more than $940,000 from the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius over four years, according to the U.S. Chamber.

In fact, as reported in an Examiner news story, Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York just had received money from HHS to hire Obamacare navigators.

The Examiner story revealed: “The health education organizer for the Restaurant Opportunities Center is an illegal alien activist named Maria Marroquin, CIS reveals in a report. According to the CIS report she will be in charge of the taxpayer-funded Obamacare recruitment efforts for the New York organization, which is known to be a labor union front group.”

According to Ryan Williams and his non-profit organization, several practices employed by unions and their worker center allies — practices that border on bullying — were exposed by researchers.

The list of strategies being utilized by unions, such as two of President Barack Obama’s and the Democrats’ biggest supporters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO, includes:

  • Planning to have certain protesters arrested in major media markets to maximize publicity
    Budgeting to pay the legal bills of anyone arrested, and coordinating with local police in advance on specifics of how arrests will take place
     Paying protesters to participate, which was documented in a recent National Labor Relations Board decision
     Busing in protesters from out of state to create the appearance of numerous workers participating
     Intimidating employees and shoppers through street theater and noisy demonstrations
     Paying videographers to capture actions for mainstream and social media
     Violating labor organizing rules by passing out union fliers to employees working within stores being targeted

In recent weeks, the financially powerful unions’ have used the worker centers to help them skirt organizing regulations even though such practices have come under increasing scrutiny by Congress and others, according to Worker Center Watch.

“What should anger clear-thinking Americans is the news media’s complicity in this phony scenario: the police must arrest protesters who break the law or disturb the peace and the reporters turn these thugs being arrested into ‘martyrs’ for the ‘workers-of-the-world-unite’ crowd,” said former police detective Michael Snopes.

At times the retailers do find a judge who is fair and honest in applying labor law. For example, according to Worker Center Watch, just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday a Maryland circuit court judge banned protesters from coming onto the property of a large retail store they were planning to demonstrate against.

“By using the non-profit worker centers to carry out these aggressive tactics against employers, unions such as the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) are skirting labor laws to push their agenda,” according to Worker Center Watch.

The group points to a recent study released by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that reveals how unions and certain foundation allies are funneling millions of dollars through worker centers to drive their political and social agendas. The report, The Emerging Role of Worker Centers in Union Organizing: A Strategic Assessment, details the tremendous financial support that worker centers receive from foundations such as the Kellogg, Ford and Rockefeller.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Miles Tones – Way Back When People Were Polite

We have been through the Bronze Age, the Age of Faith, the Age of Reason, the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Louis X1V,  and the Age of Voltaire.

Even with the subjects at hand for discussion, back then there was a dignity of the people and all talk was polite, even in disagreements.  Of course this was before the Age of Democrats. From there all respect for others went down the….swamp (more elegant than using toilet).

Today, all conversations seem to be powered by crudeness, insults,and disparagement bound up in the covers of vulgarity.  Today there seems to be an effort to belittle others.

Fortunately this writer lived in the days of respect where all conversations reflected that time in life. I can remember when we were visiting family members in Kentucky, one of the young men in the family brought his new girl friend to visit and get acquainted with us. 

All went well until a bee buzzed that girl friend’s face, she jumped up and swatting at the bee, yelled…..“DAAAAAAMN!  We all gasped, shook our heads and thought loudly that this was NOT the girl for him. That was considered a curse word back then. And a girl using such language was unthinkable.

Going to school, when the teacher entered the room, all the young men automatically took of their hats and caps. We never called a teacher by a first name without putting a Miss or Mr. in front of that name.

As time went by the insult radio host came into being. Joe Pine was one of the first who insulted his guests. People were shocked at his first broadcast, but they kept tuning in. More hosts gained a microphone with the same format. When television became a staple, one would not only hear the insults but see the expressions on the faces.

Then the insult comedian came forward (night clubs, Vegas, theaters) and stupid people would pay money to be insulted. It was considered chic.

The crudeness and rudeness spilled over into society. And when someone insulted another, it carried with it a real sting, not the non-sting that brought out the loud, “DAMN” from the girlfriend who was never invited back, but a real painful sting.

But back in my youthful days, insults were actually funny, made their point but were never rude or cruel. Wanting to gather those classy insults I consulted a retired pastor friend who helped greatly in putting these together. Here they are.

When Insults Had Class

These glorious insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words.

♦  A member of Parliament to Disraeli: “Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease.”
  “That depends, Sir,” said Disraeli, “whether I embrace your policies or your mistress.”
  “He had delusions of adequacy.” – Walter Kerr
  “He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.” – Winston Churchill
  “I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”  Clarence Darrow
  “He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.” – William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway).
  “Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it.” – Moses Hadas
  “I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it. – Mark Twain
  “He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends..” – Oscar Wilde
  “I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend, if you have one.” – George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill
  “Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second … if there is one.” – Winston Churchill, in response.
  “I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.” – Stephen Bishop
  “He is a self-made man and worships his creator.” – John Bright
  “I’ve just learned about his illness. Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.” – Irvin S. Cobb
  “He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.” – Samuel Johnson
  “He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.” – Paul Keating
  “In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily.” – Charles, Count Talleyrand
  “He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.” – Forrest Tucker
  “Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?” – Mark Twain
  “His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.” – Mae West
  “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.” – Oscar Wilde
  “He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts… for support rather than illumination.” – Andrew Lang (1844-1912)
  “He has Van Gogh’s ear for music.” – Billy Wilder
  “I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn’t it.” – Groucho Marx

Yes, I do miss the old days. They were classier.
© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

The Left’s Hypocrisy On Free Speech

This past November, America went through another demonstration of how the Left views its right to free speech as unassailable, irrevocable, and absolute when CNN’s Jim Acosta’s White House press pass was revoked by the Trump administration. Rather than accept the suspension, CNN took the case to court and got a federal judge to side with them and order the White House to temporarily restore Acosta’s press credentials.

It is not as if Acosta’s suspension was unwarranted. The White House argued that Acosta did not follow basic standards at a news conference when he squabbled with President Donald Trump. Anyone who is a non-biased critical thinking person could see that Acosta was way out of line and deserved to have his White House press credentials revoked, for life.

A White House press conference is a question and answer session between the President of the United States and reporters, who are privileged with the right to ask a question at the president’s pleasure when he calls on them. Reporters in presidential press conferences do not have the guaranteed right to either be called upon to ask a question, nor do they have the right to yell out their questions and expect such behavior to be rewarded with a response from the president. In other words, reporters have a privilege, not a right, to have access to the president to ask the president questions.

It is not the Jim Acosta show and press conference. It is the president’s White House press conference. CNN, the network dedicated 24/7 to bringing down the Trump administration, has willfully inserted their pit bull Acosta into this arena with the expressed purpose of being disruptive and discourteous to Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States.

The president’s press conferences are not a debate platform for CNN backed Jim Acosta to lecture President Trump on issues ranging from the ongoing conjured up Russia investigation to the Honduras migrant invasion. Trump did not need to answer one question from Jim Acosta, much less multiple questions from him, and be lectured that the approaching Honduras migrants heading to the U.S. border was not an “invasion,” as Trump deemed it, but actually refugees seeking asylum. If Acosta and CNN actually believe that, they have their network to air their view on this matter, a view that President Trump and a majority of Americans disagree with.

The Acosta so-called free speech issue, in a broader sense, reflects the Left’s absolute, arrogant, elitist, obnoxious, pious, privileged, and unassailable views on free speech for themselves, while simultaneously being the arbiters of free speech for everyone else, especially conservatives.

The Left ideologically differs with conservatives on a broad range of issues, including abortion, feminism, gay marriage (including anything affiliated with the LGBT community such as drag queen story hour teachings to children, etc.), gun ownership rights, and God. It has gotten to the point in America where legislators in California want to ban speech and books that are critical of the LGBT lifestyle, which would include the Holy Bible and quoting from it in the pulpit or elsewhere.

The Left employs branding as one of its main tactics in the culture war, which they have been accustomed to winning. They brand anyone against abortion as being against a woman’s “healthcare and reproductive rights.” Men who speak up against the radical feminist agenda are labeled as misogynists. People who morally object to the homosexual lifestyle and all the bad fruit that derives from it are branded “bigots and homophobes.” NRA members who defend the 2nd Amendment right of gun ownership and are against severe gun restrictions and gun control laws are accused of “supporting school shootings and gun violence against children.” People of faith are often accused of trying to impose their religion on the culture in violation of a non-existent separation of church and state Constitutional clause.

If one holds conservative views and attempts to share them on “open” social media platforms, they could find themselves suspended for a term, or for life, as was the case with Alex Jones. Hold conservative opinions and say something deemed inappropriate by the Left, if you are in an industry that they control, you could lose your employment, as was the case with Roseann Barr. If you are in professional sports, and utter any kind of gay slur, mandated counseling is ordered for that type of hate speech. Yet, the NFL accommodates players free speech rights in tacking a knee for the national anthem, in violation of its own rules against doing so.

The Jim Acosta saga once again demonstrates, as far as the Left is concerned, political correctness, hate speech, proper etiquette, and protocol is something that conservatives must abide by, but not the Left. President Donald J. Trump doesn’t play by the Left’s politically correct speech codes, which is why they hate him as much as they do. It is perfectly fine for name calling and hostility to be directed at any and all things conservative, but say the slightest improperly spoken word against a leftist enshrined philosophy, and the mainstream leftist media will harp on the conservative messenger for as much mileage as they can, to garner sympathy for their ideology.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Totally Shut Down All Immigration Into The United States Of America

At some point, in the near future, the United States of America must shut down its borders to further foreign immigration.  This country, and its citizens, cannot maintain responsibility for the rest of the world’s failed countries or their citizens.  America does not need or want the best and/or the brightest citizens from other countries.  America cannot sustain itself with the countless millions of refugees around the world.  America cannot continue as the charity ward of the world.

Article 4 Section IV of the United States Constitution gives the president of the United States the power to stop any illegal advancement or invasion into all 50 states of the Union.

“President Trump was right to order troops to our border with Mexico to reinforce our overworked law enforcement officials and protect our sovereignty.  No amount of leftist protestations should distract us from the fact that the primary purpose of our military is to provide security to America. And that’s exactly what the men and women in our military are doing.” — Retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Tata

As a mature nation of 330,000,000 (million) citizens, we face sobering challenges as to our viability via water, energy and resources. We face accelerating sociological chaos with our smoldering multicultural civilization.  We gallop headlong toward environmental and quality of life issues that threaten to rupture and debilitate our society.

The Honduran Mob & Criminals

NWV journalist Kelleigh Nelson wrote, “Males aged 18 to 40 are 90% of these Honduran hordes claiming asylum from violence in Honduras that doesn’t exist. The MSM however shows only scripted pictures of women and children which has been proven false by both Judicial Watch and Ami Horowitz.  This so-called caravan is a highly organized and created attack on our border and promoters uprooted these people simply to push a particular political agenda.”

Today, the U.S. Border Patrol estimates that 1,500 illegal alien migrants jump our borders every single night of the year.  Their numbers equate to 500,000 annually.  Totals exceed 22 to 25 million according to the recent Yale University report on illegal immigration into the United States.

Judicial Watch interviewed Ami Horowitz.  This 18-minute interview explains the planned invasion.  The goal is to degrade U.S. security, and neuter U.S. sovereignty.

Our country absorbed over 100 million legal immigrants since the disastrous 1965 Immigration Reform Act by the late Senator Teddy Kennedy.  It guaranteed that the European-Americans that created the U.S. Constitution and the most successful society on Earth would be a minority inside their own country within 80 years of its passage.  A recent La Rasa leader said, “Whites will not be a factor in America after 2040.”   He’s correct. Whites will be the 49 percent minority after being 90 percent majority in 1965.

Nelson said, “The ripples in America started in 1960 and we didn’t recognize them then as setting up Americans for white guilt, class tension and open border immigration for people who will “do jobs Americans won’t do.”  Now those ripples are a tsunami.”

President Ronald Reagan furthered the flood of immigration with his 1986 Immigration Amnesty. That document authorized and encouraged tens of millions more from Mexico, Central America, South America, India and China.

The 1965 Immigration Act allowed “chain migration” for extended family members.  That gave us millions of Indians who have commanded every motel chain in America with borrowed tax dollars from Americans.  As miserable as India proves itself, its citizens can’t wait to migrate to America.

Communicable Diseases

Today, immigration, both legal and illegal forces diseases on an unsuspecting American public. We’ve got new polio strains from our African immigrants. We’ve got MDR TB from our Latino immigrants. We’ve got leprosy also known as Hansen’s disease from our Asian immigrants.  We’ve got lice, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever and Chagas Disease from our South American immigrants.

Fox News reported that over a third of migrants are being treated for health-related issues.  Sixty percent of them suffer respiratory infections.  There are three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS, 101 cases of lice and skin infections, and four cases of chicken pox…and serious cases of hepatitis because of the unsanitary conditions in which they’re living.  Migrants could start a Typhus epidemic and bring in life threatening Chagas disease which is epidemic in Latin America. Over 14 million South Americans suffer from Chagas disease and 50,000 die annually.  It’s a parasite similar to malaria and Lyme’s disease, plus it’s incurable.

Anybody want more of these diseases flying into our country in the bodies of those immigrants?  How many more do you want?  The world’s got plenty of diseased people to add to our population.

Criminal Elements

The Department of Homeland Security reports there are more than 600 embedded convicted criminals and MS-13 gang members within these hordes. Drug cartels, human traffickers, and common criminals want access to Americans.  MS-13 needs more members to distribute its $120 billion in drugs being brought across the southern border annually.

Nelson reported, “America’s civilian terror toll within the borders of the United States increases at a rate of more than 12 dead Americans a day. Illegal aliens have murdered more people in the USA than were killed on 9/11 plus all our war dead so far in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.  Illegals have murdered more than 75,468 people inside the USA since 9/11, that’s almost 4,200 per year, and this is a low estimate.”

Fox News reports that Border Patrol agents are averaging 641 arrests every day, which works out to 19,230 in a month, or 7,018,950 per year.  One has to wonder how many make it into the country who are never caught,” reported Nelson.

If you faced this kind of invasion from the neighbors in your city, would you keep your door open to your house?  Would you welcome a never-ending line of people to live in your house?  Why?  Why would you save them to destroy your own family?

It’s time to shut down all immigration into the United States.  We cannot sustain the numbers. We cannot endure the sociological fragmenting of our society. We cannot save the world, but we can destroy, and in fact, are in the process of destroying America with all forms of immigration.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Mueller’s Legal Terrorism Threatens A Free Press

President Trump’s failure to fire Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller has resulted in  pro-Trump journalist Jerome Corsi facing financial ruin and imprisonment as a result of Mueller’s tactics of legal terrorism. But Corsi has now made a smart move, hiring combative attorney Larry Klayman to take the fight to Mueller. Klayman may save Corsi from a frivolous prosecution, but he can’t save Trump from Mueller or impeachment.

It appears that Corsi made some of his own mistakes by associating with controversial characters such as Roger Stone and Alex Jones and perhaps attempting contact with Julian Assange of WikiLeaks. Assange was a one-time host of a Russian propaganda television show whose interviews included the notorious leftist academic Noam Chomsky. A leftist with an anti-American agenda, he was out to get Hillary Clinton for reasons of his own. Although there are legitimate questions about whether the sources of WikiLeaks were linked to Russian intelligence, it’s difficult to see how Corsi’s involvement in researching a story about Hillary constitutes any form of criminal conduct. Corsi is a pro-Trump journalist who was looking for a story he thought could damage then-candidate Clinton. Under interrogation by Mueller’s operatives, he made some mistakes or misstatements but won’t plead guilty to lying.

Not all of Corsi’s work can be defended, but it is a fact that he is a curious and tough-minded journalist who authored The Obama Nation, a book on the controversial background and communist connections of Barack Hussein Obama. His book cited our material, released during Obama’s first run for the White House, on Obama’s debt to communist Frank Marshall Davis. Davis was Obama’s mentor and father figure. A drinker and pothead, Davis was a lover of Red Russia and a designated security risk suspected of espionage of behalf of the Soviet Union. This relationship alone should have disqualified Obama from the presidency. It is the real Russia-gate scandal that Robert Mueller, one of Obama’s FBI directors, had —  and still has —  inside information about.

But while Corsi sought to publish stories and a book about the secret life of Obama, journalists from the Washington Post repeatedly played down damaging evidence about Obama having a relationship with the Russian agent Frank Marshall Davis, who had been under FBI surveillance for 19 years. We released Davis’s 600-page FBI file in 2008. Post journalist David Maraniss was one of the worst offenders in terms of the media cover-up. It was later disclosed that he had personal connections to the Communist Party USA through his parents, who were members of the Moscow-funded entity that doubled as an espionage apparatus for communism in America. Red-diaper baby Maraniss never repudiated his parents and their love for communism. He went on to write a sympathetic Obama biography.

Trump’s failure to fire Mueller isn’t entirely to blame for what is happening to Corsi.  Trump may have felt he had to let Mueller continue his investigation after conservatives like former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy joined liberals in saying Mueller was an honest professional who could be trusted to do a thorough job. They ignored his service to the Obama-Davis cover-up, not to mention Mueller’s mishandling of the post-9/11 anthrax investigation and purging of FBI materials on the Islamic threat.

Upping the ante, Trump has now retweeted an image of Mueller, Obama, and others behind bars for treason. But Corsi is one of the few journalists who had wanted to investigate that topic. He is now in legal jeopardy because Trump let Mueller continue his “Witch Hunt.” His days as a journalist are now in question as he struggles to survive Mueller’s attempt to jail him. This matter, not the denial of a press pass to CNN’s obnoxious Jim Acosta, involves real First Amendment freedoms.

At this time of political peril for Trump and threats to political journalism from Mueller’s team, former Bush adviser and Fox News contributor Karl Rove has laughably emerged to offer Republicans advice as to how to fight the new crop of socialists in Congress. His Wall Street Journal column is headlined, “Stopping the Socialist Resurgence: Republicans need to fight the wild ideas of the Democratic Party’s left wing.” But when Barack Hussein Obama was running for president, Rove told Republican donors to avoid calling him a socialist because some people would object to using that term. Rove told the donors, “If you say he’s a socialist, they’ll go to defend him. If you call him a ‘far out left-winger,’ they’ll say, ‘no, no, he’s not.’” That meant no talk of Obama’s communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and no talk of his backing from the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, and other such groups.

It’s because of Obama’s success – and timidity like Rove’s — that the liberals and socialists took as many as 40 seats in the House on November 6. However, Trump compounded the problem, calling the defeat a victory.

As a result of Rove’s strategy when John McCain and Mitt Romney ran as the GOP presidential candidates against Obama, the American people were denied a clear understanding of the choice between American values and Marxism. Obama was president for two terms and his legacy of “permanent revolution” — and the cover-up surrounding his own Russian connection — continues. In the words of the Post slogan that was devised to justify its anti-Trump journalism, this is how “Democracy dies in darkness.”

* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

Sovereignty Requires Sealed American Borders

President Trump was right to order troops to our border with Mexico to reinforce our overworked law enforcement officials and protect our sovereignty.  No amount of leftist protestations should distract us from the fact that the primary purpose of our military is to provide security to America. And that’s exactly what the men and women in our military are doing. —Retired Army Brig. Gen. Anthony J. Tata writes in Fox News.

If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools. —Plato

Let’s face it, the border needs to be permanently closed, the wall needs to be built. It needs to be a wall no one can climb…a wall just like the one that surrounds the Vatican wherein open border Pope Francis resides.  The dictatorial judiciary needs to reread the Constitution, sit down, and shut up.

The President-elect of the United States upon inauguration, takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution is clear, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion.  We need to explain this to the Congress.

The Honduran Hordes

Males aged 18 to 40 are 90% of these Honduran hordes claiming asylum from violence in Honduras that doesn’t exist. The MSM however shows only scripted pictures of women and children which has been proven false by both Judicial Watch and Ami Horowitz.  This so-called caravan is a highly organized and created attack on our border and promoters uprooted these people simply to push a particular political agenda.

As I stated in a previous article, George Soros funded the organizations responsible for creating this crisis.  The migrants had water, food, mobile hospitals, children’s services, and tour busses as transportation. It actually looked like a “caravan” with all the busses and trucks loaded with people.  They walked very seldom.  These migrants look healthy, some too chubby, well dressed, good shoes, back packs, tents etc.

The Mexicans did not want these people in their country albeit some migrants have accepted Mexican asylum, but the illegals had a Mexican police escort through the State.  The United Nations Commission of Refugees and UNICEF was instrumental in helping these people via American tax dollars.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are allegedly striking a deal with the Democrats to pass a State Department spending package that restores and preserves the United Nations’ funding. Most of Trump’s cuts would be undone and the UN would be free to use American tax dollars to assault our sovereignty.

The vote on the spending package has now been scheduled. In less than two weeks, GOP traitors will try to push this UN funding through.

Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch interviewed Ami Horowitz.  The 18-minute interview explains the planned invasion.  The goal is to degrade U.S. security, degrade U.S. sovereignty and create a manufactured crisis and they’ve accomplished all three.

History and The Ripple Effect

I was reminded by a friend in Israel about the 1960 Edward R. Murrow CBS documentary Harvest of Shame.  CBS gave America a close look at poverty with migrant workers.  Even 58 years ago, the news media used a leftist slant when they accepted the first thing out of the mouths of migrant children even when it was untrue or exaggerated.

Back then, the field workers were mostly poor black Americans with a few migrants from Mexico, but today, the majority of migrant workers are from Mexico and Haiti.  They’re often paid by the piece, meaning the more fruit or vegetables they pick, the more they get paid. Since 1966, they’re also covered under minimum wage.  Today however, there is a chronic surplus of labor.

The ripples in America started in 1960 and we didn’t recognize them then as setting up Americans for white guilt, class tension and open border immigration for people who will “do jobs Americans won’t do.”  Now those ripples are a tsunami.

In 1981, my daughter was in high school, and she spent two summers de-tasseling corn from sunup to sundown.  She wasn’t paid a lot, but she made decent money for a high school youngster, and my daughter did this while wearing a thick plastic scoliosis back brace in the midwestern heat.  Few of today’s young people would work that hard for extra dollars. We remembered the stories from parents and grandparents who lived through the 1929 depression.

President Reagan’s Amnesty

The influx of illegal aliens receiving amnesty or asylum has increased exponentially since 1960, and even more since President Ronald Reagan’s amnesty via the Immigration Reform and Control Act.  Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. It was sold as a crackdown: There would be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

But the bill also made any immigrant who’d entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty — a word not usually associated with the so-called father of modern conservatism.  The law granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants, yet was largely considered unsuccessful because the strict sanctions on employers were stripped out of the bill for passage.

Reagan helped to open the influx of illegals when he stated, “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and lived here, even though some time back they may have entered illegally.”  Thank you, President Reagan, you were one of the catalysts who precipitated this border nightmare.

Reagan’s own diaries show the president found the idea of a militantly staffed border fence difficult to take. In a private meeting with then-President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico in 1979, Reagan wrote that he hoped to discuss how the United States and Mexico could make the border “something other than the location for a fence.”

LBJ’s 1965 Immigration Act

President Lyndon Johnson signed the Hart-Celler Act into law in October 1965.

The 1965 Immigration Act allowed “chain migration” preference for extended family members such as siblings and in-laws, immigration has not been a net positive to the U.S. economy, a total understatement today.

The current U.S. legal immigration system allows for newly naturalized citizens to bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. This process, known as “chain migration,” makes up more than 70 percent of all legal immigration to the country. Link

According to a 2013 Heritage Foundation study on the potential impact of amnesty on government fiscal measures, using 2010 census data, the average unlawful immigrant household uses over $14,000 in government benefits and services annually in excess of their total income and sales tax contributions. Giving amnesty to illegal households does not improve their net contribution to the U.S. economy. It increases their average deficit to $22,700 annually, because of higher welfare eligibility and, of course, social security.

Chain Migration

Congressman Steve King said that those 3 million people who “received amnesty” under the 1986 Reagan law added an additional five people for each newly legalized person, to reflect those legalized under family reunification policies. That means an additional 15 million people. If 71 percent of the combined 18 million Americans voted for Obama, King argued, then Obama benefited from nearly 13 million votes due to the act.

Over the last 35 years, chain migration has greatly exceeded new immigration. Out of 33 million immigrants admitted to the United States from 1981 to 2016, about 20 million were chain migration immigrants (61 percent).  According to the most complete contemporary academic studies on chain migration, in recent years each new immigrant sponsored an average of 3.45 additional immigrants.

In the early 1980s, the chain migration multiplier was 2.59, or more than 30 percent lower. Of the top immigrant-sending countries, Mexico has the highest rate of chain migration. In the most recent five-year cohort of immigrants studied (1996-2000), each new Mexican immigrant sponsored 6.38 additional legal immigrants.

Congress could mitigate the chain migration impact of a DACA amnesty by eliminating and/or scaling back the three main categories of chain migration (parents, adult sons and daughters, and siblings of citizens). If the controversial visa lottery program also were eliminated, legal immigration would be reduced by 20 percent.

Rocks and Tear Gas

Southern border illegal aliens aren’t throwing pebbles, they’re throwing large rocks, rocks that kill if they hit their targets…our border patrol agents.  Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins was a police Captain when he made the following one-minute video showing how patrol agents must arm their vehicles to avoid being hit by rocks.

Migrants approaching the U.S. border from Mexico were enveloped with tear gas after a few tried to breach the fence separating the two countries.

The use of tear gas is nothing new.  Newsweek reported that Obama used both tear gas and pepper spray dozens of times.  One article said it was used every month during Obama’s administration.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) has shone a light on just how common the use of tear gas and pepper spray at the border really is.

The agency deployed the substance a total of 29 times in fiscal year 2018, which ended on September 30, 2018.   Data also showed that the substance was deployed nearly the same number of times in fiscal years 2012 and 2013 under former President Barack Obama, with CBP using the substance 26 times in fiscal year 2012 and 27 times in fiscal year 2013.

In terms of pepper spray use, deployments appeared to soar under the Obama administration, with CBP personnel using the substance 95 times in fiscal year 2012, a number that climbed to 151 in 2013, before dropping to 109 in fiscal year 2014.

Border agents face making split second decisions regarding the use of force.  Migrants from Central America screamed through a border wall at a U.S. Border Patrol agent after he pulled down a banner Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018, in San Diego.

Rock throwing migrants put women and children in the front lines, just like the Palestinians do with Israel.  The men hide behind the innocents.

Communicable Diseases and Criminal Elements

Sidney Powell author of Licensed to Lie was a recent guest on Lou Dobbs’ show and stated that these illegal aliens are bringing in diseases and illnesses to America.  Immediately Dobbs shut her down and said we didn’t have proof of what she was saying.  Sidney was right, and we now have documentation from Tijuana of the many illnesses of these illegal immigrants.

Fox News reported that out of 6,000 migrants currently residing in the city, over a third of them (2,267) are being treated for health-related issues.  More than 60 percent of them have respiratory infections.  There are three cases of tuberculosis, four cases of HIV/AIDS, 101 cases of lice and skin infections, and four cases of chicken pox…and serious cases of hepatitis because of the unsanitary conditions in which they’re living.  Migrants might well start a Typhus epidemic and bring in life threatening Chagas disease which is epidemic in Latin America. Link

Ellis Island, where new immigrants came into this country, checked the health of those coming to America.  If they were sick, they were quarantined to protect our populace.  Today, every person is allowed into this country without health quarantines.  We need to desperately go back to the Ellis Island requirements for entry into our country.

The Department of Homeland Security reports there are more than 600 embedded convicted criminals and MS-13 gang members within these hordes. Drug cartels, human traffickers, and common criminals want access to Americans.  Trump is right to stop it.  Permanently close the border!

The citizens of Tijuana don’t want them in their city, and have called them an invasion!  And now, Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum called for the arrest of the organizers of the Central American illegal migrant caravans.  He told Fox News that illegal migrant organizers forced women and children to the front of the protest last weekend and then started hurling rocks at US border agents.  Watch the Fox News interview!

Murder and Mayhem

According to numerous websites, America’s civilian terror toll within the borders of the United States increases at a rate of more than 12 dead Americans a day. Illegal aliens have murdered more people in the USA than were killed on 9/11 plus all our war dead so far in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.  Illegals have murdered more than 75,468 people inside the USA since 9/11, that’s almost 4,200 per year, and this is a low estimate.

The U.S. Border patrol reports that illegal immigration across the 1,940-mile-long America-Mexico border is staggering.

An average of 10,000 illegal aliens cross the border every day – over 3 million per year. A third will be caught and many of them immediately will try again. About half of those remaining will become permanent U.S. residents (3,500 per day) or 1,277,500 per year.  Quite obviously the 20-year repetitious statistic of 11 to 12 million illegals residing in America is a drop in the bucket compared to the multi-millions now here.

Fox News reports that Border Patrol agents are averaging 641 arrests every day, which works out to 19,230 in a month, or 7,018,950 per year.  One has to wonder how many make it into the country who are never caught.

More than likely we have upwards of 70 to 80 million illegal aliens residing in the United States.


The Daily Caller reports that, “there has been a 110 percent increase in male adults showing up at the border with children. Further, DHS separated 507 illegal immigrants between April 19 and September 30 because they fraudulently claimed they were part of a family unit.”

NewsWithViews Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri reported Violence in Tijuana where immigrants were attacking Mexican citizens but police were standing down.

Member of European Parliament (MEP) Marcel de Graaff warns that the United Nations global compact on migration will make it a criminal offense for citizens and media outlets to criticize mass immigration.

We have but one chance to close the border and keep our country safe.  Write your congress creatures and our President and demand the entire southern border be shut down!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The Church Has Elected To Play The Harlot In Three Ways

Pastor Mike Spaulding

Is this not the reason you are mistaken…? —Mark 12:24

American political rhetoric has never been more vitriolic. There has never been a more clearly defined divide between political perspectives than there is right now. The Republican Party has become the party of compromise, acquiescence, and feigned allegiance to the rule of law, that is to say, the Constitution. The Democrat Party has become the mouthpiece for every form of debauchery, evil, violence, and anti-American sentiment.

The Church has elected to play the harlot in three ways. Some side with the Republican Party, choosing to believe that the Republicans represent the best hope for the survival of America. That is simply an illusion. One needs look no further than RINO Republican Senators Flake, Collins, and Murkowski, to prove the point. The vision for America shared by many Republicans differs very little with that held by many Democrats.

Other Christians continue to support the Democrat Party. This is a most perplexing decision given the wanton hatred for and vile attack upon anything remotely approaching an orthodox biblical position on issues of morality and Christian teaching on holiness, righteousness, and the Great Commission mandate to preach the gospel.

The third path some Christians are choosing is to disengage completely from the political process and American social and cultural life entirely. The thinking among this group is that politics is a “dirty” and “evil” enterprise and it is better to remain above a fray that might result in the soiling of one’s reputation among the other religious people of their community, their local church, and citizens of the community in which they live and meet. Being respected in the eyes of others is much more important to these Christians than nearly anything else. This choice is only slightly better than the deceived choice of those supporting the Democrat Party. Is there another option? Of course there is another option. That option is to choose the biblically informed path of cultural engagement. What does that look like?

The Church Has Lost Its Way Because It Has Succumbed To Self-Inflicted Ignorance in Two Contexts

The twelfth chapter of Mark’s Gospel contains a parable (v. 1-12) that Jesus used to announce to the Jewish religious leaders that He knew their evil intention concerning Him, and that they were following the same path as their forefathers in persecuting or murdering every true prophet God sent to them. Most telling in this passage is verses 6-11 where Jesus prophesies the killing of the vineyard owner’s son, while simultaneously announcing to them that He in fact was the Son whom they were rejecting and intending to murder. The religious leaders understood this clearly as Mark 12:12 states.

After that exchange the Sanhedrin began to formulate the “how” they would destroy Jesus (see Mark 11:18). Their strategy resulted in a multipronged course of attack aimed at making Jesus look like an insurrectionist (Mark 12:13-17), and if that failed, a theological fool (Mark 12:18-27). Jesus rebuffed their attempts with His powerful truths. First, in Mark 12:17, Jesus reminded His antagonists that paying taxes is not the greater issue the Jewish people faced. Instead, their greater issue was honoring God with their lives. Here’s how Jesus put it: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17; emphasis mine).

Then in Mark 12:24 Jesus delivers a knockout punch to the schemes of God’s enemies. There Jesus reprimanded the hypocrites with a scathing rebuke. He said: “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures or the power of God?”

Let me elaborate on that statement. Jesus calls them “mistaken.” The Greek word for mistaken is planao and is defined “to roam” from truth or virtue. Jude 13 uses a closely related word to define false teachers: “wandering (Greek planetes) stars” that will end up in darkness forever.

Now, based on the above definitions and related words for mistaken, Jesus makes two summary conclusions. First, He says the Jewish religious leaders have wandered from truth (mistaken), as evidenced by their ignorance of the Scriptures. Second, because the Jewish religious leaders have wandered from the truth, they do not know the power of God.

The grammatical construction of this verse makes an additional point that is lost in translation. The implication is that the religious leaders were ignorant of the Scriptures and they were in that state of ignorance willfully. In other words, they did not know the truth because they did not want to know the truth. They were happy in their error. Consequently they were willfully ignorant of the power of God. The context of their ignorance concerned the resurrection. There is an application for us to consider.

A large portion of church, ministerial, educational, and parachurch leadership, has become just like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. They are willfully ignorant of the Scriptures and because of that they do not know the power of God. How are they willfully ignorant of the Scriptures? They demonstrate willful ignorance by the policies they support. The herd mentality among many religious leaders when it comes to so-called social justice and socialism is one glaring example today. The entire “woke” church movement is nothing more than a race bating, critical race theory fantasy of anti-God, anti-American, and anti-freedom individuals who see a demon of racism behind every tree. One day these church leaders and the Christians that support them are going to realize they were hustlers for the emperor’s clothing line.

Abandoning the truth of Scripture also cuts you off from knowing the power of God. You cannot deny the Scripture that reveals God and expect Him to move in your virtue seeking misadventures. Too many Christians chase the almighty dollar, the next new and sparkling thing they can’t live without, and falsely believe that God is in that pursuit of the good life. God casts down every vain thing that raises itself up against the knowledge of Him, and that includes the vain imaginings of people who claim the power of God working in their lives to accumulate treasures on this earth. When I speak of treasures on earth, I am not just speaking about material things. There are many prideful, arrogant, and egotistical pastors and ministry leaders who have long since become immune to criticism. They refuse to receive any form of correction and they are aided in this travesty by a cadre of boot lickers. I can tell you from personal experience that when you point out the error in the teaching and behavior of our modern day religious personalities, the mesmerized followers of these pied pipers will attack you with a vengeance.

A large segment of the Christian church is in a state of apostasy. They have accepted that whatever the culture holds as true and noble is worthy of their collaboration. How else do you explain the idiocy of transgenderism, same sex marriage, fornication, adultery, child sacrifice, drag queen normalization, and gender self-identity being supported by churches? They are mistaken! They have become dislodged from truth and are wandering stars (Jude 13) that compound their error by proclaiming their inclusiveness, as if that is a get out of jail free card from their obligation to obey God’s commands.

Why is it that many pastors encourage their congregants to call their elected representatives to voice their disapproval with a particular pending legislation, and believe they have done their duty? How has the church become blind such that they think that the politicians in Washington DC or in their own state capitals care what they think about anything?

Why do Christians expect politicians to do what they are unwilling to do? Listen to me Christian: your elected representative is not your proxy for what God has called you to be and to do. Your elected representative is not going to go out into the streets and protest the wonton destruction of life at the nearest abortion mill. Your elected representative is not going to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with your neighbors. Politicians are not going to restore any kind of Christian morality to our communities or our local schools. There is only one way these things will ever happen, and that is IF Christians decide that Satan has destroyed enough of our nation and rise up in mass and do something about it.

The church has made the same mistake the Sadducees made when they confronted Jesus about the resurrection. Jesus’ final remark to them was about their ignorance of the God they said they knew and served. Jesus said: “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; you are greatly mistaken.”

Christians treat God like He is dead in space and time, like He is there but not really involved in their lives. Christians act like God will not move in our day to defeat the demonic hordes of mindless citizens and their political handlers who have become addicted to the US Federal Government’s largess, to the satanic propaganda of the media, to the drug infested, Satan worshipping Hollywood pedophile elites, who constantly churn out anti-American subterfuge. Christians have become a castrated shell of what God intended.

Thankfully, God has kept for Himself a remnant that has not bowed the knee to Baal. Satan is ravaging America and Christians could not care less. You are mistaken if you think Washington DC will save us. The beast system that has conquered Washington DC and every federal agency therein is not the friend of the true Christian. We must stop looking to them for any type of assistance and start standing against the Luciferians that control Washington DC. It is time to mount up and ride out into the war.

God will move when Christians move into the streets and begin an aggressive insurgency against the spiritual forces of darkness that has a choke hold on America. Will you rise up and join God’s Warriors?


[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics.]

© 2018 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com

Democrats Anti-American Agenda, Part 2

Ever since the 2016 election we have seen what is the real heart of the Democrat Party and that heart is, they demand, absolutely demand, power.  Power over the whole population, power to control what you do, when you do it, how you do it.  We have also seen that the Democrats have no rules that they operate by but they do have rules that their opposition must operate by.

You would have to be living on another planet if you don’t know that the Russians influenced our elections for the benefit of Donald Trump, even though after two years there has been zero evidence to prove that.  But there have been tons of evidence that Hillary Clinton and the DNC were involved with the Russians to influence the election to their benefit.  Also keep in mind that Hillary, for massive donations to one of her foundations, arraigned for Russia to buy twenty percent of our uranium.  The sample was even hand carried to Russia by none other than Robert Mueller, the lead investigator of the Trump/Russian collusion. I think that is a conflict of interest but what do I know.

If the Democrats were for the people, they would put economic programs together that would benefit businesses, so businesses could grow and provide jobs for the people and help the people achieve the American dream, but no Democrat in the 20th Century, except for JFK, did that.  No Democrat in the 21st Century has done it yet either.  They just duplicate the failed policies of the failed Democrat presidents of the 20th Century, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.  The only reason Clinton had any economic success was because he had a Republican majority Congress that gave him an economic plan that worked.  Keep in mind he vetoed it twice before signing it realizing that if it worked, he would get the credit.  Remember Hillary saying that she would have Bill put a budget together, because he did so good when he was president? That was it.  It wasn’t his.

Also, if the Democrats were for the people, they would make sure that the American people are protected from losing their constitutional rights.  Well, therein lies the problem.  It is the Democrats that have always done all they could to take those rights away.  Hillary wants to be able to determine what a person can say, when he can say it. Hence, following the President’s lead, Democrats have chanted on and on about “dark” money and the need for an amendment. In 2013, Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) proposed an amendment to limit political speech allowing Congress to regulate and limit fundraising and spending on Federal and State candidates. The law would prohibit the Supreme Court from declaring any legislation limiting and controlling unconstitutional spending. In other words, eviscerating the essence of the First Amendment – freedom from coercive government:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Last year, over 50 Senators, all Democrats, voted for Udall’s proposed amendment. Now, Hillary Clinton supports the power of Congress and State legislators to determine who can donate to a political candidate, how much a candidate can spend, and when the money can be spent. Senator Udall’s amendment also “advance(s) the fundamental principle of political equality for all.” So, besides making a new amendment for political speech, it could easily lead to equity of content, value and whatever politicians and their regulators concoct. In other words, it will eviscerate the First Amendment and let elected politicians determine who can contribute, how much, and what can be stated for or against them. Once elected, a politician would almost be totally assured of holding office for life. [1]  Hillary also want to destroy the 2nd Amendment: According to The Washington Post, we are supposed to forget that in the early autumn of 2015 Hillary Clinton said the Supreme Court got it “wrong on the Second Amendment.” In point of fact, we weren’t even supposed to hear her say this. Someone leaked an audio recording from a private fundraiser hosted in Greenwich Village. Better known as “the Village” in New York City, this is an upscale neighborhood on the west side of Lower Manhattan known for being stuffed with wealthy, liberal-progressives. It is a place where President Barack Obama and Hillary have gone, again and again, to raise money for their campaigns.

When Hillary said this, she was at the home of John Zaccaro, who is the widower of the late Geraldine Ferraro. Ferraro was a congresswoman and, in 1984, the Democratic Party’s vice-presidential nominee. On the recording you can hear these wealthy and/or connected people applaud after Hillary says, “I was proud when my husband took [the National Rifle Association] on, and we were able to ban assault weapons, but he had to put a sunset on so 10 years later. Of course [President George W.] Bush wouldn’t agree to reinstate them…. And here again, the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment. And I am going to make that case every chance I get.” [2]  I may be wrong but when you want to take away or at least strongly limit our 1st Amendment rights, completely remove the 2nd Amendment, that should violate your oath to uphold the Constitution.

Now, with the Democrats in control of the House, will we see them work on legislation to build the wall?, tax breaks for businesses and the average Joe?, strengthen our military to keep America protected?  No!  They have two things on their agenda and neither are for the benefit of the American people.  First item is, impeach Trump.  They have 62 indictments ready to investigate Trump on everything from his business dealings for the last thirty years and everyone he’s dealt with.  The second item is eliminating the 2nd Amendment.[3]  2016 ticked them off.  The people voted for who they wanted not for who the establishment wanted.  They don’t want us to have that much power.  We have seen the massive voter fraud they are willing to do to get their way.  They don’t want the States to have safe guards on the voting process.  They want to be able to do what ever they want, the American people be damned.

The Democrats are not the Democrats of our parents.  They are now the Democrat Socialists.  Hitler was a socialist and he allowed the brown shirts to intimidate the population to get his way.  The Democrats are using Antifa, the fascist anti-fascists.  They think all the population is as uniformed and stupid as their voting base.  We’re not, and we will resist their intimidation.  The only advantage that Hitler had was he was able to disarm the population before his brown shirts started pushing people around.  We’re not disarmed, and they don’t like that. Every election from this point out will determine if we stay free.  Freedom isn’t free and since the Civil War we have not had to fight on our own soil to maintain our freedom.  That may change real soon.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. Hillary Clinton desecrate the first amendment
  2. Proof that Hillary does want to make the second amendment meaningless
  3. Liberal democrats 2019 agenda: get Trump, attack the 2nd amendment

Cargill, Corporations And Socialism – Here In The United States

[This is an opinion piece written by an author in the full liberty of first amendment rights, especially freedom of speech and press.]

GM’s latest move to screw American workers in favor of foreign labor seems about par for the ever scandalous corporate world intent on scratching its own back and filling its coffers.  Rumors abound that UAW leaders have indicated it was a political move to curry votes in the Midwest (where the plants are) by making Trump look bad.  Allegedly Barra (GM CEO) was lobbied by Obama and Democrat leaders.  (It’s pretty well-known she was on Hillary’s short list for Vice President.)  I’m still waiting for confirmation or denial of those rumors.

The reason Trump is so wildly popular (despite media propaganda), is because he resonates with the backbone of America:  its blue collar workers, who also happen to be people who understand the liberties that cost our forefathers their reputations, their material goods, even their lives.  He dares to speak to them and for them.  As the curtains keep getting pulled back, we rediscover that Corporate America is grossly un-American.

In the curious case of Cargill vs. WDS, Inc., it seems we have a lawsuit because WDS made too much money and Cargill could not, in good conscience, let that go by.  It appears that Cargill contracted a warehouse distribution company [a small business] to warehouse various items, but upon their contract renewal, after the small business had invested in warehouses and a hundred jobs and had everything to lose, Cargill placed within their new contract that the small business could not profit more than ten percent on their goods.

This small business, a startup partnership, had built their small, minority owned distribution business over the eight years, winning various awards in the industry.  Cargill was not their only customer or contract, but it was their largest customer.  As time progressed, this small business found line items not specified in the contract and charged an increased profit margin, while still selling the items below cost to Cargill.  An audit in 2015 revealed the discrepancy to Cargill, who then pulled the contract on WDS.  Cargill phased out their contract over the next six months, and Cargill stopped paying their invoices (to the tune of over $2 million) to WDS on goods WDS had already purchased under contract and delivered to Cargill.  Seeing as though WDS is not a multi-billion dollar business, they could not sustain such loss, which caused WDS to liquidate and cease to exist.

…Which further caused fifteen warehouses across twelve states and two provinces to close and over a hundred jobs to be lost.  Why?  Because Cargill would not have a small business profiting over their demand of ten percent profit.

Was this about correction or destruction?  It seems Cargill was uninterested in correcting an alleged wrong, but would not rest until they destroyed the small business and its owners.  It’s not that WDS stole; it’s that they made too much profit doing business with Cargill.  And according to Cargill and the “law”, that must be severely punished.

WDS maintained that the items profiting over ten percent fell outside of the contract, while Cargill refuted this.  Cargill’s solution was then to sue WDS for $35 million, then slap a RICO suit on top of that, call in some bullying favors to the Feds for a federal investigation, and tie up WDS in litigation, investigations and suits.

And there you have it, just another small business raped by an American corporation and left to die.  Why?  Because Cargill could not have a small business making a profit margin over their demands.

But this is all legal in America, and the law will most likely fall on the side of Cargill, because the letter of the law can be litigated and manipulated.  Sure the principle is wrong.  Sure it’s anti-American.  But apparently it’s the system we live in, and those with the deepest pockets and friends in the highest places usually win.

[Personally, I hope the battle weary owners of WDS “Erin Brokovich” the {expletive} out of this.  The average American is sick of these games and the rewarding of money-lusting corporations.]

Never mind RICO was designed to fight organized crime, and this was just a small business running warehouse goods to and from their customers.  Never mind there was no extortion, bribery, kidnapping, murder, money laundering, slavery or any of the horrendous practices of organized crime.  RICO is awful convenient now for the big corporations to tack on to their lawsuits to cripple and destroy their (sometimes newfound) adversaries.  And when you’re a multi-billion dollar corporation like Cargill, you have the money for the lawyers and the legal actions to make such things happen.  (It sure pays to tack on that RICO lawsuit, because when you tack on a RICO suit the final judgment can be tripled.  So that $35M just multiplied to $105M just like that.)

(RICO was actually formed to “combat long-running criminal organizations”, not as a tool for corporations to annihilate misdeeds in the small business sector.)

Never mind WDS extended excellent customer service to Cargill, made less than ten percent margin on a myriad of items, and did not charge for exorbitant efforts at great personal cost to WDS to keep Cargill plants up and running when Cargill plants had their own urgent emergencies.  Maybe the now obsolete WDS can counter-sue Cargill for the profit margins they had UNDER ten percent, for the personal expense of flying chartered jets with supplies Cargill needed to keep a plant up and running, outside the parameters of the contract, for the countless efforts of the “little man” who worked a double shift, drove a thousand miles to deliver a part, and missed time with their own family.  Is there any compensation for WDS for personal loss, for going above and beyond the requirements of a contract?  Because in the spirit of integrity, that’s how this small business conducted its business.

I don’t really understand how the fourth richest American family with a net worth of $45 billion dollars can sleep at night knowing their greed to prevent small businesses from making “too much” profit is destroying the free enterprise spirit of small businesses and entrepreneurs, and reinforcing socialistic ideologies of controlled profit.  Apparently the Cargill-MacMillan family includes fourteen billionaires.  I wonder how many billionaires WDS is comprised of?  (Ah yes, that would be zero.)

According to the article cited above,

The Cargill-MacMillan family wealth was shared by an estimated 23 members, including 14 billionaires. They own 88% of agribusiness giant Cargill Inc, America’s largest private company, with $128bn in yearly revenues.

Apparently a corporation raking in $128 billion a year cannot afford to share the wealth with the small fish in the pond.  [Enter a Bernie Sanders’ version of Socialism:  the middle class cannot make a profit greater than the elite’s preferable margin, but the elite can make what they want.]  Check if you will, if the products Cargill sells meet their ten percent or less profit margin.  According to this Forbes’ article, over the last decade their sales have doubled in comparison to the meager 31% growth of S&P 500s revenue.  I seriously doubt they rake in their billions with a profit margin less than ten percent.

And hypocrisy of hypocrisy, Cargill has been sued for rigging prices for high fructose corn syrup, underpaying hog farmers, fixing prices on paint resin, conspiring to keep road salt artificially high (resulting in $50 million of “ill-gotten gains”), among a whole host of other suits.  Apparently the ethics barometer doesn’t favor Cargill on its own front either.

No, it was not enough that Cargill destroyed a small business; they have set out to destroy the people themselves.  The lawsuit with a $105 million RICO judgment has destroyed the entrepreneurs, their families, and their reputations.  They will have the stigma of a “fraudulent” law suit judgment against them, with a penalty they will physically be unable to pay, causing bankruptcy and all kinds of ruin. Their personal property has been seized and they have been made slaves to the judgment.   But that was the intent, wasn’t it?  Because if the intent is to rectify contract disagreements, that can be settled without murdering and burying the one you’re in disagreement with.

But again, this is not the corporate America way.  While Cargill’s actions of stymying free enterprise, litigating profit margins, and suing to punish offenders are legal, they are very, very un-American.  While Cargill may very well bury the offending party under attorney fees and lawsuits, Americans who believe in the principles of free enterprise, who understand fair profit on supply and demand, and building painstakingly from the ground up, are not so empathetic toward the multi-billionaire corporations whose god is the almighty dollar.  We have a hard time heckling the underdog.  We like the Cinderella stories of the odds being against you and the man or woman of integrity overcoming the empire-building mogul.

If Cargill and their ilk were genuinely interested in investing in America and Americans, they would count it a privilege to work with small businesses and foster growth for the average American small business and the men and women they represent, instead of the billionaire CEOs.  But alas, I suppose these are the ills of capitalism gone awry.  The rich get richer, and then they make sure no one else can expand on their watch.  Not really a team sport, huh?  [And for added bonus, I’d challenge you to find the small business Cargill contracted to replace WDS and see if their terms are healthy and beneficial for them, or if they are under the weight of suffocating “terms” as well.]

The idea of capitalism is a free market, where the supply and demand are cogs in the wheel that make the whole machine run.  Competition enhances the marketplace, makes better products and better companies.  Small businesses embody the American free enterprise and capitalism spirits.  Small businesses are generally more in tune with their communities and their employees’ lives.  They are unable to provide the big perks of corporations, but they encapsulate the spirit of America.

Socialism operates under the prevailing attitude of equal is better, at the cost of creativity, cause and effect, hard work and sacrifice.  It seeks to hamstring competition by controlling the outcome through limits and restrictions.  Socialism is a counter to capitalism regarding the economy.  Corporations love capitalism when it comes to their personal gain, but love socialism when it comes to their bank accounts and the competition.  It’s not necessarily that corporate owners are socialists, it’s just that they employ socialistic attitudes to benefit their coffers, not the general public.  And as Lenin so bluntly pointed out, “The goal of socialism is communism.”

Corporations like Cargill and dozens of others utilize capitalism when it benefits them, and socialism when it benefits them.  Lord Acton said it like this, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  Cargill’s 88% ownership of agribusiness may very well be an excellent example of this.  We could list the major industry corporations and probably see the exact same model.  At what point is a corporation going to pull up the brakes and examine the damage they’re doing to America and Americans?  What will it take?  How many other small business men and women will get caught in corporate cross-fire of profiting?  How many more small businesses and the people they represent must be buried under their corporate greed?

In a Clinton America, this makes sense.  The strong devour the weak; the big guy bullies the little guy.  Journalists who expose truths that compromise power players end up dead, injured, unemployed, or in financial ruin.  (or their pets get poisoned, there’s also that)  In a Clinton America, the ones with the most toys, biggest bank accounts, best lawyers, highest friends, win.  But it’s not supposed to be like this in a Trump America, where the idea is the middle class sector can thrive and the lower class sector gets better opportunities.  The small businesses can grow.  Trump’s America isn’t supposed to be about the rich getting richer, and everyone else, well, as long as they don’t hinder the elite plans, they can still breathe…  No, it’s make America great again.  And America is comprised of every class and every sector, every creed and every color.

On the eve of a revival in the business sector of America, wouldn’t it be great if corporations demonstrated a genuine American spirit?  Wouldn’t it go a long way if the billionaires raking in their billions actually took care of their employees and their contractors, and edified the American spirit instead of disfiguring it?  Could there not be an overhaul of the current judicial system that allows corporations to destroy those in their path that don’t acquiesce to all of their rules?

If Cargill has been wronged (by a rigged system to keep them almighty), why isn’t restitution enough?  Why must they use trumped up power-grabbing acts (like RICO) to really twist the bayonet in their already dying offenders?  Why isn’t restitution enough?  Why is destruction the end goal?

I suppose my lament is when will we pull up the stops?  Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s right – anymore than just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it’s wrong.  We’re a nation of laws who on a good day and with good people, intend to make good laws; but on a bad day and with immoral or shortsighted people, make bad laws.  And we have a mixture of good and bad laws that people in power use to obtain their desired outcome.

I suppose I am longing for the day when we do what’s right because it’s the right thing to do, and not because it’s right for me.  I’m going to guess it wasn’t “legal” for the small business to extend their profits outside of the designated ten percent profit margin, even if there was gray area in the contract, and even if they could still serve their customer with utmost care and at a lower cost.  Maybe Cargill and other corporations don’t mean to slip into socialism ideology when they litigate the “little people’s” profit margin.  Maybe there’s some code of business ethics I’m missing out on.

Or maybe the corporations like Cargill and their ilk could reevaluate their principles.  Maybe the propped up, worn out, worthless fiat dollar isn’t what it’s all about.  Maybe in the spirit of America, we can each, every one of us, evaluate just what that (the spirit of America) means.  When did my personal gain come at my neighbor’s expense?  I realize the who’s who in business, politics and entertainment maintain that standard, but maybe if the backbone of this nation, its ordinary citizens doing ordinary things were to challenge it, refuse to turn away the next time its ugliness takes out another, refuse to harden our hearts at the increasing selfishness and greed of an apathetic group of players, maybe we could turn the tide.  Maybe we could reinforce and then emulate the true American spirit.  Maybe it’s worth a try.

© 2018 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Christian Persecution In Full Display Of Conservative Judge Vance Day

In several recent articles I shared the story about a Republican friend and Christian here in Salem, Oregon, a Judge appointed by a Democrat governor to the Marion County bench but when the U.S. Supreme Court gave the approval of same-sex marriages, Judge Vance Day decided not to do any marriages at all and his problems began. Following is the testimony by his wife Elizabeth:

First, on behalf of my family, who are all forever thankful for your generous sacrifice and your constant prayer, Merry Christmas. God sure does answer prayer! In my last letter, I explained how we were totally committed on winning Vance’s criminal trial that began October 22 and was scheduled to last three weeks.

Our legal team, empowered by your prayers and your generosity, worked around the clock doing everything they could to get ready. They built an extremely strong case and we were incredibly confident in our approach.


Before I share with you the outcome, I want to explain what we were up against. From the very beginning, this was a political hit job with one goal, destroy Vance Day. In front of the entire country, the hateful message was clear – if you’re a Christian, you will not serve in public office. The State of Oregon did everything in its power to do just that.  They ignored my husband’s Constitutional rights, they ignored the facts of the case, they ruined his credibility before the trial, and they even tried to stack the jury against us. They were aggressive in their tactics and even failed to cover it up so we were able to convince the judge to move our trial.

And the county to which they moved the trial (Multnomah County/Portland) was even worse than Marion County.  I told you that I believed there was no place in this state that my husband could get a fair trial – that’s how dedicated they were to their smear campaign.


Out of more than 100 potential jurors interviewed for the case, only a hand full were determined to be impartial enough to participate. The rest were already leaning toward the conclusion that my husband was guilty before the trial! One even said, “I can’t be unbiased because he is a white privileged male.”   This proves how the liberal media portrayed and destroyed the reputation of my husband, nearly guaranteeing he would be found guilty. In their eyes, the truth doesn’t matter, trial or not he is guilty, and a suspended, guilty judge sure sells a lot better than an innocent one.

But to make a long story short, Vance has been doing this a long time. He has witnessed this game played out before. He knows the game and how to play. The state’s case against my husband revolved completely around their key witness who told the prosecutor from the very beginning that he was uncomfortable testifying against my husband. That should have been enough. If your only witness says he really doesn’t want to testify, it would be clear to any rational human being that no matter how hard you try to force a crime upon someone they didn’t commit, you have no case. But instead of dismissing the case, as they should have, they continued to drag my husband’s name through the mud, embarrass our family in the media and discredit all of his good works.

As I see it, the state did this because my husband is a faithful, God fearing Christian. In the end, the Lord won – as He always does. Right before the unfit jury was about to be sworn in, the prosecutor turned to the judge and said SHE was going to dismiss all charges. I couldn’t believe it.  I fought back tears when the presiding judge dismissed the case.

Not only that but the judge declared that the Statute of Limitations had expired and the State of Oregon could never refile these charges against my husband. Hallelujah  It was nothing short of a miracle and you helped create it. Thank you so very, very much. Your dedication to supporting our family and your continuous prayers are what made the difference.

I wish I could tell you this is over, but it isn’t. My husband is now facing opposition from the Oregon State Bar association. They intend to punish my husband further to prevent him from potentially ever practicing law or becoming a judge again.  Then she refers us to a letter from her husband for more details.  I just wanted to be done with this, and I asked Vance if he was ready to let this go and he said, “NO.” He said Christians have the opportunity to fight back for what is right and that’s exactly what he is doing to do.

We have come this far and we are not going to stop now. What they have done to my family and what they have done to Christians is not acceptable.  I hope you will continue to stand with us as we have the opportunity to go on the offensive and force the Oregon Supreme court to re-evaluate the facts of the case instead of dismissing my husband’s rights. I know that you are as ready for this to be over as much as we are, but for the first time, the odds are starting to swing in our favor and we must take this opportunity to do right. This case is no longer about the radical left’s treatment of innocent, Godly men. This case is now about American citizens and their freedom of religion and due process.

The decisions made in the future will reverberate for years to come and the ruling will be used to either take our Constitutionally guaranteed rights from us, or be used to protect them. So I ask if you will continue to stand in solidarity with my husband, the Honorable Judge Vance Day as he fights for what is right?

Thank you for everything you have sacrificed for us, thank you for never forsaking us, and most of all, for all your prayers.

The Judge’s letter repeated much of what his wife has written above but also said he’d be on the Huckabee show on TBN either December 1st at 8 PM or on December 2nd at 5 PM. I hope News With Views will post this in time.

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E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com