Trump’s Inauguration 2.0: Returning America to Sanity

By Cherie Zaslawsky

January 31, 2025

On January 21st, 2025, California’s Silicon Valley residents awakened to a glorious morning—a bright blue sky with nary a trace of cloud or even chemtrail, just dazzling sunshine—and, for some of us, the indescribable happiness to know that the nightmare of the past four years is over at last, and Trump is our President once again.

Joy cometh in the morning!

But there was plenty of gladness last night as well. California Conservatives in Silicon Valley attended gatherings in various venues. Some of us went to a local friend’s Inauguration party to celebrate the grand event. The hosts went all out with Trump-inspired decorations, down to the red bandana tied around their frisky Border Collie, sporting the words: Dogs for Trump.

In between cocktails, animated conversations and partaking of the spread of savory canapés and goodies, we watched the President’s inspiring speech at one of the evening’s Inauguration balls, and our gorgeous First Lady looking regal in her striking black and white ballgown.

We were celebrating both the beginning of the new Trump Administration, and the fact that Sneaky Joe is skulking off to his bitter retirement as the worst president in American history. I give the nod to Obama as the most destructive president in our history, but in this last inning, the O’Biden White House, including his DEI VP Kalumny Harris, hit the bottom.


Beijing Biden did unimaginable harm to our citizenry, first and foremost by ushering in up to 20 million unvetted illegal aliens, bringing crime, drugs, assaults, theft, rapes and murders into cities throughout America.

Spite is an ugly thing. So is sabotage. But combining the two takes the cake. And that combo is the hallmark of Biden’s numerous parting gifts to incoming President Trump.

For instance, Biden ordered removal of the expensive building material that his administration prevented from being used to complete our southern border wall. Adding insult to injury, forty days prior to Inauguration Day and knowing Trump intends to jumpstart completion of the wall, Biden and his Border Czar Khameleon Harris decided they’d have the steel beams carted off and sold by auction for peanuts.

Right down to the wire, in his last few minutes in office, Biden, still crooked as ever, pardoned his entire family who’ve been apparently profiting off illegal bribery deals throughout his political career.

Worse yet, he gave “preemptive pardons” to a number of men who clearly abused the law, committing high crimes and misdemeanors that in some cases likely include treason.

Even CNN was appalled at his last minute pardoning of his entire family, calling it “a stain on his legacy.” They merely left out the fact that his entire legacy has been a stain on our nation. By the way, in December of 2020, the nasty old codger had told Jake Tapper he’d never use preemptive pardons. We can add that to the staggering list of Joe’s lies.

Andrea Widburg of American Thinker wrote an insightful article about the hazards of Biden’s preemptive pardons, highlighting the fact that they undercut the rule of law by creating a new precedent—essentially a “get out of jail free” card before one can even be accused of wrongdoing.

It certainly appears to be unconstitutional, since the Constitution states: “The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of impeachment.” In other words, you can only constitutionally pardon someone who has committed “offenses against the United States.” The whole notion of “preemptive pardoning” is Orwellian doublespeak. We first need to see those “offenses.”

Between the Orwellian concept of “pre-crime” that can be used to arrest innocent people who are considered as “likely” to commit a crime, and “preemptive pardoning”— used by Biden to hide blatant criminal acts and protect the perpetrators—we can kiss justice goodbye.


Our amazing President signed over 20 Executive Orders on his first day back in the White House! At last we have a real leader back in the Oval Office, replacing a senile, doddering, crooked politician and his vacuous DEI VP “border czar”, who, when confronted with the fact she’d never been to the border, responded: “And I’ve never been to Europe.”

Here’s a partial list of President Trump’s glorious executive actions on his historic Day One:

  • The long overdue pardoning of our brave J6ers!
  • Declaring illegal immigration a national emergency
  • Deploying our National Guard and Armed Forces to secure our sovereignty by preventing illegal entry into our nation
  • Restarting construction of our southern border wall
  • Reinstating the “Remain in Mexico” policy
  • Labeling drug cartels as terrorists
  • Shutting down Biden’s CPB One App for Illegal aliens, cancelling all appointments by 12 noon on January 20th, Inauguration Day
  • Issuing a government hiring freeze
  • Proclaiming our government recognizes only two genders: male and female (This one’s my favorite! If we’re lucky this will be the last we hear about so-called pronouns “Zhe” “Xe” “Xem” and “Zher” that no one knows how to pronounce. But I live in California, so there’s no guarantee. When I’m asked for my pronoun(s) I say: “I”.
  • Ending DEI in all federal agencies! (This one is also my favorite! I have two.)
  • Withdrew the US from the draconian Paris Climate Accords
  • Withdrew the US from the WHO, pending review, that the MAGA millions hope will result in our permanent withdrawal
  • Challenging the phony interpretation of birthright citizenship to put an end to anchor babies! (This one is also my favorite.)
  • Removing security clearances for the rascals who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop (Another fave—as it includes Clapper and Brennan, and especially if it were to include Antony Blinken as well.)

In early 2023, Trump said in a speech: “In 2016, I declared, I am your voice. Today, I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”

The President promised that under his auspices, our nation will be “colorblind and merit-based.” Hallelujah! That will bring us back to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision that the Progressive Marxist Dems left far behind many years ago, conveniently substituting their “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” and “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” communistic social engineering for real justice.


Regrettably, many in the health-freedom and alternate media space began heaping criticisms on Trump mere hours after he took office. While the mainstream media and the Dems made sure President Trump had no honeymoon during his first term, this time it’s podcasters and bloggers from our side lambasting him left and right.

On day two of President Trump’s fledgling administration, Dr. Jane Ruby spent twenty minutes lambasting him because not all the J6ers had been immediately released, blaming the President for not taking action at once to rectify this, since prison officials were violating a federal order and the buck stops with the President.

It seems Dr. Ruby was in such a hurry to find fault with Trump, she neglected to do her homework, which would have shown that only those who were formally accused can be pardoned. Those who still had pending cases will also be released, since Trump called for their cases to be dismissed. As explained by investigative reporter Jordan Fischer:

Pardoning is something the president can do by fiat. Dismissing a federal case requires a U.S attorney to file a motion with the presiding judge, who then must grant the motion and order the defendant’s release.

Shame on you, Dr. Ruby.

But John & Nisha Whitehead outdid her: Instead of praising the President for his lightning-speed roster of Executive Orders—the only action that can be quickly done, and which undoes many Biden depredations while launching a number of MAGA priorities—they wrote that Executive Orders are destroying the Constitution. Here’s a sample, from their January 22nd article “The Constitution Has Gone AWOL: From Presidential Power Grabs to Martial Law”:

That didn’t take long.

Within days of Donald Trump’s second term, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights disappeared from the White House’s website.

While the Trump Administration insists the removal of these foundational documents will eventually be restored to the site, the timing and symbolism of their removal is hard to ignore. Especially in light of the flurry of executive orders issued by President Trump as a means of bypassing the very rule of law those documents were intended to ensure.

Have these people forgotten that with Trump’s landslide victory, we dodged not just a bullet, but an atomic bomb? Would they be happier with Kamala and Walz in the White House? Of course we need to be vigilant and many of us in the alternative media tirelessly seek to uncover the truth, but at present, quite a few seem to be selling the ever-profitable wine of discontent. Pun intended.

Let’s remember Teddy Roosevelt’s famous words:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

How can you not applaud President Trump for calling up the Army Corps Engineers to rebuild devastated infrastructure in North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene—a mere 5 days after taking office—while Biden did virtually nothing? And for having the guts to say:

I’ll also be signing an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally reforming and overhauling FEMA, or maybe getting rid of FEMA. I think, frankly, FEMA is not good.

And these are only two examples from Trump’s stunning first week in office.


While a number of keen observers are worrying about the MAGA loyalties of some of Trump’s picks, myself included, these are fears about things which may or may not come to pass. But there is one misfire that has already happened. I’m referring to what is essentially the Biden/Blinken Israel/Hamas Ceasefire deal, apparently imposed on Israel by the incoming Trump administration.

Had the deal been for the releasing of all the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war, that would have been a glorious victory indeed. Instead it comes at an exorbitant price for Israel: the release of nearly 2,000 Hamas terrorists, including many who’ve murdered dozens of Israeli civilians, for the release of only 33 Israeli hostages—whether alive or dead.

Hamas knows kidnapping Israelis is a win-win for them—that’s why they do it. Ironically, Yahya Sinwar himself, the mastermind of the October 7th massacre, had been released from an Israeli prison as part of an even more disproportionate hostage ransom deal, and apparently spent the rest of his life plotting his revenge. Tellingly, as reported in a recent AP article, Palestinians are welcoming back the freed terrorists as “superheroes”. So much for enabling peace in the Middle East.

Don Feder of the Washington Times highlights the existential threat tiny Israel faces surrounded by Arab nations harboring many jihadist Muslims. Referring to the massacre on October 7th, he writes:

In a poll by the Arab World for Research and Development, 75% endorsed the massacre, 85.9% rejected peace with Israel under any conditions, and 74.7% demanded a Palestinian state “from the river the sea.”

In the nation of Holocaust survivors, Hamas and its allies are planning a border-to-border Auschwitz as Iran races toward nuclear weapons.

As Golda Meir famously remarked: “If the Arabs put down their guns there would be no more fighting. If the Israelis put down theirs there would be no more Israel.”

Feder then turns our attention to the larger issue:

Jews occupy a pivotal role in history. Western civilization started at Sinai. All of the West’s achievements are based on a moral foundation laid down in a God-given code that Jews transmitted to humanity.

In short, these attacks on Israel are attacks on Western Civilization itself. Recall that one of the jihadi slogans is: First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.

This is what often gets left out of discussions about the conflict between Israel and her Arab Muslim neighbors. Fanatical Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are waging what they see as a holy war: Islam against the West. We can see its skirmishes erupting all over Europe, the UK, and lately, even in America.

President Trump knows the difference between a good deal and a bad one better than anyone. Victor Davis Hanson thinks he was hoping for a Reaganesque moment hearkening back to when Iran freed our hostages just before Reagan was inaugurated. On the surface, Trump may have gotten what he wanted, but this deal has all the earmarks of a Pyrrhic victory.

However, he’s also shown significant support for our ally by halting funding to UNRWA for its complicity with Hamas, removing Biden’s arms embargo to Israel, allowing U.S. deportation of foreign Hamas supporters, and by appointing a number of officials who are friendly towards Israel, and combatting antisemitism here at home. In fact, on January 27th of this year—the 80th anniversary of the liberating of Auschwitz— Trump proclaimed, “We proudly reassert our strong bonds of friendship with the State of Israel.” For Israel supporters, the picture just got brighter.


With the exception of the controversial cease-fire deal mentioned above, our new President had a glorious Day One, followed by a stunnning first week of the restoration of sanity!

After four years of O’Biden’s calculated destruction of our sovereignty, economy, security, justice and freedom of speech—among other depredations—it would have been enough if on day one President Trump had only pardoned the J6 patriots who’d been rotting in the D.C. gulag for over a year.

The same can be said for the litany of good works Trump accomplished on his first days in office—each one of them is cause for celebration. But he kept on giving us win after win. As Wayne Allyn Root pointed out on January 24th: “We’ve just witnessed the greatest four days of action and extraordinary success by any president, or world leader in history.”

As even CNN’s David Axelrod opined:

You have to acknowledge this was probably the most astonishing political comeback in American history…He’s come back as a kind of conqueror!

For millions of Americans, he’s our kind of conqueror,  our “man in the arena” who fights for We the People against They the Globalists. The boldest, bravest, most remarkably heroic President of our lifetime: Donald J. Trump, our fearless Commander in Chief!  We can breathe a collective sigh of relief: sanity is about to return to America.

And let us say: Amen!

© 2025 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Zaslawsky:

What I’m About, Where I’m Going … 2025 Edition

By Steven Yates

January 31, 2025

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.”  —attributed to Winston Churchill

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. —Viktor Frankl

“People think focus means saying Yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying No to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. [Success] is saying ‘No’ to 1,000 things.”  —Steve Jobs

“Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.” —Nathaniel Hawthorne

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. —Pericles

Every year, early in the year, I try to explain to readers — especially new readers — where I’m coming from. You can read the best version of last year’s edition here. It might be useful to have a look at that before reading this. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.

For those forging ahead, I isolated five principles that formed the core values where I’ve been hoping to have some level of impact:

(1) Truth matters.
(2) Freedom matters.
(3) Human connections matter.
(4) The shortness of life matters.
(5) Focus matters.

There’s a core value behind these: the intrinsic value of all human lives. I’ll discuss this at the end.

Expanding on the five: (1) We’re better off knowing what is true than believing falsehoods, to the extent we can know hat is true (it isn’t necessarily easy!). Acting, or designing policy, based on untruth is a path toward grief. But teaching or preaching truth must be qualified. Truth doesn’t necessarily make us happy. As the saying goes, it doesn’t care about our feelings. Still, a lot of people aren’t ready for unpleasant truths. They have a hard time accepting that they’ve been lied to their entire lives. So, it can be useful to go slow and dispense what truth one believes one has in doses. While always testing it. Keeping in mind: future findings or events can always correct present mistakes. One might firmly believe one has the truth and be wrong.

(2) It’s a common adage that most people don’t want to be free. Not really. What they want is safety. They’ll choose safety over freedom every time if given the choice. That said, those who consciously want to be free have to exercise it responsibility. Over the past year I’ve been working toward a concept and practice of responsible freedom. Its principles include: recognize the choices you have; do others no harm; recognize that you’re not God.

(3) Atomization, which I wrote about last year, not only remains a problem but may be worse than it was a year ago. What is bad about atomization is that we weren’t designed for it. We are social beings, starting with familial interaction and going outwards. Atomization is made worse by a social media ecosphere which limits much of our sensory input to screens and presents us with pseudo-connections while siloing us into echo chambers. We’re here to solve actual problems, for ourselves and for others — cooperatively — not fake problems presented by video games. I’m convinced that atomization, enhanced by social media, is a contributing factor to the upsurge of mental illness we’ve seen in recent years. So how do we forge connections? Start with those around you physically, build trust through consistent positive behaviors while avoiding negativity. Get others talking about their lives. Then be patient.

(4) and (5) are the ones I wish to emphasize in the year ahead:

(4) None of us is getting any younger, and we all waste a lot more time than we care to admit. As I observed last year, we are our habits. New Year’s resolutions usually fail. There’s a reason for this: saying something is one thing. Having the systems that will ensure follow-through is another. The first is easy. The second is much, much harder. We’re all works in progress (even yours truly).

And so: (5) Focus. There’s more noise out there than ever before, and so the battle to control your attention has never been fiercer, nor more important. You can try to focus on all the stuff that comes your way, in which case your life will consist of reactions and probably be filled with frustration and anxiety. Or you can choose to focus on just a few things, based on your best idea of leaving a legacy.

What will your legacy be? It doesn’t have to be something that made you famous. A way to approach this is to ask, What would you like to have read, as a eulogy, at your funeral?

For most people, this is an acutely uncomfortable question. I get it. Even most Christians are uneasy with death, as only one Person has ever claimed He came back. But the question can be asked constructively, as a means of reflecting on how we’re spending the days we have and whether we’re doing something constructive or throwing away time we can’t get back — ever.

It’s up to us. We all have a potential legacy. We have to identify, nurture, and grow it to maturity. Most legacies aren’t publicly visible. That’s not the point. The point is to touch others, and leave the corner of the world where you lived a little better than when you found it.

So what will you be remembered for, gentle reader? Will you have founded a business that solves a problem, and in so doing, serves others while earning you a comfortable living? Will you have been a wise and good parent to your children, so that they grow into responsible adults (not having been neglectful, but not “helicoptering,” either)? Will you have been a good husband, or wife; or son, or daughter to your elderly parents when their time comes? Or a good employee or coworker?

All this is legacy material.

As I inch into my late 60s I’ve been thinking about such questions a lot lately. One of the results has been an education-focused project, which I’ve been sketching on paper, little by little. I’ve not settled on a name for it yet. Since there’s a lot in a name, it’s something to be chosen with great care, something able to draw in interested clients.

Nor have I decided quite how I will present it to the world — or even if I’m the right person to do it and ought instead to hand off my idea to someone more extroverted and talented at marketing than I am. I’m not exactly sitting on the millions of dollars that would be very useful in getting the word out about such an endeavor.

I do know that whatever develops will attempt to unite Christianity with what is best in Stoicism.  Stoicism was the leading secular philosophy in ancient Rome when Christianity was just emerging. I’ve made one attempt here, to show Stoicism’s relevance to the world we live in today and outline the possibility of its alignment with a Christian worldview.

The Christian worldview as I picture it tells us that God exists; the world is ordered because He created and ordered it; it is intelligible because He created us in His image, able to use our senses and reason to apprehend the world in our finite, limited fashion.

Stoicism sees a Logos, the Greek word from which we derive logic, logistics, etc. Stoicism may have little to say about the existence of a personal God, but it does speak of the “physics” of the world whole and the “logic” of our best thinking about how the world works.

Christianity could be thought of as taking a Big Picture approach to the world and to life … starting with metaphysical postulates (“God exists”) and working downward to our individual situations and lives. A variant on the Big Picture approach looks at civilization as a whole and tries to discern its trajectory, structure, key institutions, and the problems societies as a whole must face if their members wish them to continue. I’ve done this rather frequently.

Stoicism works in the opposite direction, beginning with persons and their situations in the world, and working upward, or outward. It counsels us, as persons, to focus our time and energy on what we can control. It observes, with Viktor Frankl above, that there is always that space in time between an event and our response to the event, and in that is freedom.

Stoicism is often seen as cold and emotionless. That misgrasps the philosophy. It is about controlling our emotions because these are among the things we can control. Stoicism counsels recognizing the shortness of life — that our days walking this Earth are numbered — with an eye not to fearing the end of our lives but motivating us to make the best use of the days we have.

It is, finally, the perfect philosophy for fundamentally repressive societies. It doesn’t counsel mere conformity with repressive structures, or systems. But it does discourage rash, irrational actions likely to be counterproductive — as opposed to patient investigations to find out what the truth about a situation is, who to communicate this to, and how to go about pursuing what change might be possible.

It thus is no more Utopian than Christianity is — insofar as this world goes.

While Christianity regards us as sinners in need of Jesus Christ’s power of salvation, Stoicism sees us as works in progress, capable of sufficient self-improvement that we can learn this world’s, or a civilization’s, systems well enough to survive and possibly even thrive in them. Or escape the latter and live on the margins. The choice is ours. Note that we own the consequences.

Neither Christianity nor Stoicism permits us to sit on our duffs. Both invite us to ask if we are using to their fullest the gifts that we’ve been given, whatever those gifts may be.

The Apostle Paul discusses spiritual gifts at length in I Corinthians 12:4f.:

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences in ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophescy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things distributing to each one individually as He wills.

Paul’s ensuing discussion draws a detailed analogy between the human body and the Church (the body of Christ), noting how the different parts of the body work together, all of them useful, none of them designed to reject any of the others. And that if one suffers, the rest suffer.

How does this apply today?

Some of us are extroverts gifted with people. Others are introverts with a greater aptitude for ideas. Likewise the differences between men and women, which enables us to reflect again on what is wrong with “gender ideology” and the attempt to obliterate the distinction between the sexes. That most men have greater upper-body strength then most women is clear; most men are probably better at abstract reasoning than most women. But there are things women are better at than men. They are better nurturers, and are probably more empathetic than men. They are probably superior at adopting what some call emotional intelligence than men.

To ignore these clear, biologically-grounded differences doesn’t do either sex any favors.

I doubt I’ll be teaching “introductory courses” on these matters, of course. At least not to those who just walked in the door. I’ll be far more interested in helping them with pain points regarding health and personal finance — two areas where a lot of people need all the help they can get!

I’ll be emphasizing facing important truths, because to not tell someone an important, immediately helpful truth is to devalue him or her. This brings us to intrinsic value, the core of education for those whose role in this world matters (because they have responsibilities and a legacy to leave); encouraging them to use the skills they have, or that can be drawn out of them (etymologically, the word education comes from the Latin educere, “to draw out”), through leadership, of their potential, so they can be successful problem solvers. Solving problems is among the most important things we are here for.

This project will eventually take all of the time and energy I can pour into it.

Besides, I’ve heard the adage that God laughs at our plans!

But surely there is room to help fill, in some small way, the gaping hold that the de facto collapse of existing educational institutions has left in its wake.

I’m writing about it here so that anyone who cares can hold me accountable and call me onto the carpet if, by this time next year, I’ve only sat on my duff regardless of what God has done.

This will mean less time spent writing articles, though. Leaving article-writing aside will free my time for other things: learning, making new contacts, preparing. The future comes, and it is better to have prepared for it than not.

I keep coming back to the shortness of life. This makes me increasingly less patient with things I’ve written about dozens of times but keep seeing, whether in articles or in personal emails.

I fear I’m increasingly impatient with those who don’t “get” something. Here’s an informal list of what tests my patience these days. Some I’ve written about at length; others not so much. If I sermonized on them all, important tasks wouldn’t get done. So here we go:

  • Anyone who goes on and on about “conspiracy theories” as a category, as if all are the same.
  • Anyone who can’t distinguish intelligent conspiracy claims (e.g., “the coronavirus was made in a lab through gain-of-function research”) from stupid ones (“the Earth is flat, and the entire scientific community has been hiding this for going on 500 years”).
  • Anyone who tells me Jesus Christ never really existed; or if he did, he was just a “good man and teacher.”
  • Any Evangelical who believes he/she is going to be “raptured” off this Earth (in accordance with the Darby-Scofield-dispensationalist heresy and its misreading of Matt. 24 and I Thess. 4:13–5:4).
  • Anyone proposing to treat children as if they were miniature adults and adults as if they were big children, not realizing that the most likely result is unruly children and childish adults. (I think Thomas Szasz beat me to this one.)
  • Anyone who trusts government numbers about job creation, inflation, and unemployment. (The first, after all, is always)
  • Anyone who thinks the economy is “booming” or in great shape because the Dow is over 40,000.
  • Anyone who goes on and on about the “deadly insurrection” of January 6, 2021 and still says Trump was responsible.
  • Anyone who goes on about the “convicted felon.”
  • Anyone who says Trump is a Russian agent, or babbles about “Russian disinformation” or “Russian propaganda.”
  • Anyone who still thinks Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”
  • Anyone who says Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked.”
  • Anyone promoting “gender ideology” holding that there are more than two “genders.”
  • Anyone whose words imply they believe Israel can do no wrong and sees “antisemitism” as a priority problem.
  • Anyone who says “the Jews” are behind it all. There are much deeper layers of the onion.
  • Anyone who sees misinformation as a priority problem.
  • Anyone who uses the words or phrases systemic racism, patriarchy, misogyny, toxic masculinity, homophobia, transphobia, etc., as if anyone who denies these is a bigot.
  • Anyone who uses the phrase white privilege for people struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table, while praying for no health or car emergencies.
  • Anyone who thinks being preoccupied with the rise of the billionaire class, and of a state of affairs in which the top .1 percent controls more wealth than the bottom 50 percent, is some kind of closet communist, or Marxist.
  • Anyone who attributes the rise of the first to a free-market meritocracy.
  • Anyone who still thinks socialism is a bigger threat nowadays than techno-feudalism.
  • Anyone who uses the word authoritarian or protofascist for foreign leaders (or domestic ones, for that matter) who place their countries and peoples first, deny globalism, and have reined in the cultural left in their societies (example: Hungary’s Viktor Orbán).
  • Anyone who thinks populism (undefined) is a mere product of xenophobia (undefined) and leads to dangerous “right wing extremism.”
  • Anyone who believes Big Pharma has something to do with public health.
  • Anyone who believes leviathan food corporations care about healthy eating.
  • Anyone who believes social media corporations have our best interests at heart.
  • Anyone who believes the move towards a subscriptions-based economy is good for us.
  • Anyone who believes AI is going to save us, as opposed to throwing tens of millions more people out of work and causing history’s next big wave of technological unemployment.
  • Anyone who thinks online writing makes money (though a few are making a killing designing courses or building subscription-based communities persuading buyers that they can make six figures writing online).
  • Anyone to whom I’ve made an offer to solve a problem, using writing or something else, responding to a public advertisement, who can’t be bothered to reply; they get a follow-up a week later, and if that receives no response I’m done, as I don’t cooperate with the rude and unprofessional.
  • Anyone who comes to me with a problem they want my help solving but doesn’t want to pay me for my time.

I think that will do it for this year. See you around.

© 2025 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s Substack publication is called Navigating the New Normal. You’ll find commentary there that isn’t available here. While more and more of the Internet is disappearing behind paywalls, NtNN is still free. Consider subscribing, as that is how the Substack algorithm “knows” I exist.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

America’s Turncoat Courts

By Cherie Shelor

January 31, 2025

Corruption in our courts by unwise and careless judges and lawyers has overtaken our lawful constitutional system. The system has been hijacked and morphed into something sinister. These treasonous ‘insiders’ are ignoring our foundational principles, rules, laws, due process, and unalienable rights. American Citizens are shown bias and contempt by elected officials if they try defend their rights. The servant has become the master, and the master, the servant. Historian Will Durant observed, “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within.” In America, the wrecking balls are working overtime.[1]

In the introduction of his book, ‘The Fraternity’, by John Fitzgerald Molloy, he states that “lawyers and judges have both profited from our legal system and has been altered in favor of lawyers, to the detriment of society….the legal profession has continuously re-shaped the law, in subtle but significant ways, to make legal services ever more necessary and more lucrative for the Fraternity. The power the Fraternity now exercises, including the power to decide President Bush over Gore, has been accomplished by creating a new religion, that of worshiping the Constitution in ways the founders did not intend – with lawyers and judges the priests of that religion.”[2]

In a William and Mary Law School faculty publication entitled, “Why the Supreme Court Cares About Elites, Not the American People”, the academic publication states that “the Supreme Court, like other people, care a great deal about what people think of them.” 2 “They are attentive to the views of individuals with post-graduate degrees than it is the public as a whole.” Id. “The Supreme Court Justices are interested in winning favor with audiences they care about. We will argue that Supreme Court Justices care more about elite audiences than they do about the mass public.” Id. 1529 “The desire to be liked and respected by other people is fundamental psychological motivation, and self-esteem depends heavily on the esteem in which one is held by others. We would hardly expect Supreme Court Justices to be immune to this motivation.” Id. 1532 “Political leaders act on their needs for achievement, power, and affiliation. An individual’s interest in the approval of others arises largely from the need for affiliation. But that interest may also reflect a need for power – that is a need to influence others and to control or shape the surrounding world.” Id. 1536 “Correspondingly, a considerable degree of the salience of elite groups is tied to the simple fact that all Supreme Court Justices – irrespective of their family background – are themselves part of the elite American society and spend a high proportion of their time with other members of the elite. Certainly their associations are not limited to members of elite groups. But the people who are most important to them typically have high status. Supreme Court Justices are like other people in that they are very concerned with how they are perceived by the people closest to them. As a result, they are most susceptible to being influenced by people who share their educational attainment and social status.” Id. 1537

Their psychological need for ‘affiliation’ drives their behavior and decisions, not principles, laws, or morals. Ego and status rule in their inner circle. Victor David Hanson states, “There really are no consequences for any of these people. They are part of a brotherhood or womanhood….married to the right people, in the right zip code, and going to the right university.”[3]

We the people are partly to blame for this condition. In John Gentry’s legislative Petition, he states, “We must recognize that fundamental rights are routinely denied for corrupt purposes, and comprehend the great harm and cost to individuals and to society. This unfortunate circumstance is not the fault of any person, but the result of passage of time causing us to forget the lessons of our past, and a largely complacent and uninformed society. Fundamental rights of due process, equal protection, and right to petition redress of grievance caused by state officials have been usurped. The facts proving this assertion are incontrovertible. All our courts should be open and every man should have a remedy by due process of law and right justice administered without sale, denial, or delay.[4]

Judges and state officials have been given tremendous power. Preventing abuse of that power is necessary to the imperative, to preserve the state’s republication character, to ensure the physical, emotional and financial health and well-being of the state’s Citizenry and PEOPLE, and to ensure overall economic stability. Id. 10

In the year 1822, Tennessee’s 3rd governor, William Carroll, addressed the general assembly: A well-regulated and independent judiciary is so essential to the character of the State… that it has a strong claim upon your attention at all times. In Tennessee [and all other states] today, there is no objective oversight of our judiciary, and Tennesseans [and all Citizens] are routinely subjected to federal law and rights violations, and have no means to seek redress, and no means to enforce constitutionally protected rights. The government of the State of Tennessee [and all states] has so far departed from the principles upon which our country was founded, the State has forsaken its republican character and subjects its people to despotism. Id. 10 In routine practice, throughout the courts of Tennessee [and all other state courts], judges in collusion with attorneys and other agents and agencies of the state, conspire to deprive rights and perpetrate crimes under color of law with impunity. Color of law is defined as follows:

The appearance or semblance, without the substance, of legal right. Misuse of power, possessed by virtue of state law and made possible only because the wrongdoer is clothed with the authority of state, is action taken under “color of law”. Black’s Law Dictionary 5th Edition.

These crimes routinely perpetrated upon THE PEOPLE under COLOR OF LAW, include, but are not limited to:

18 U.S.C § 241 – Conspiracy against rights; If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both;

18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law Whoever, under color of any law, …, willfully subjects any person in any State, … to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, …shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year

Tenn. Code Ann. § 39-14-112 – Extortion; (a) A person commits extortion who uses coercion upon another person with the intent to: (1) Obtain property, services, any advantage or immunity. Id. 11

Respected members of the judiciary have warned of the great peril we find ourselves facing today. Speaking at a conference sponsored by the BAR at Columbia Univ., as reported on May 28, 1977, by The New York Times, Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger warned: “but the harsh truth is that if we do not devise substitutes for the courtroom processes, and do not do it rather quickly, we may well be on our way to a society overrun by hordes of lawyers, hungry as locusts, and brigades of judges in numbers never before contemplated.” Id. 12 Consider a judge who is a “jury of one”, easily corrupted, who often sees the same attorneys in case after case, day in and day out, and often fraternizing together outside the courtroom. Consider how that circumstance alone facilitates attorneys and judges in collusion, the opportunity to “strategize” in each case for corrupt purposes, and especially with the attorneys knowing the exact financial resources of both parties – to the penny.

Add to that “recipe”, the legal profession’s solid organization, high intelligence, and convenience of unconstitutional statutes that provide them false immunities, special privileges, and statutes and court rules that confound due process and deprive protected rights; and it becomes a simple matter for attorneys and judges in collusion to “orchestrate” proceedings, through various “dog-whistle” and cue phrases, to extract all financial resources from the parties. These unfortunate circumstances result in “mock trials” which our founders declared an act of tyranny in our Declaration of Independence.

Our courts are no longer on the “edge of chaos” as quoted by Judge Molloy, but rather in a state of chaos!…. Our courts now serve the primary purpose of generating as much revenue as possible for the legal profession, without regard for fairness or justice, causing great emotional, and financial harm to the parties of the case, their children, and to the economy overall. Id. 13

Whether by design, or happenstance accumulation of one unconstitutional circumstance on top of another, our present society effectively finds itself subject to a new “aristocracy” comprised of members of the BAR, operating in the “practice of law”, or from the bench, and/or from attorneys in legislative seats. This new “aristocracy”, in character and form, (1) lobbies the legislature, (2) enacts unconstitutional statutes for their own benefit as members of the legislative bodies, (3) establishes their own unconstitutional rules of procedure, to complicate process and to confound due process, (4) creates their own oversight agencies that do not provide objective oversight and while operating in the dark, (5) establishes ethical rules providing only an illusion of ethical standards, all the while holding themselves above the rules, ethical standards, and statutes they put in place – holding themselves above the law. The BAR and the bench, in collusion, use the convenience of the statutes they enact, and control of the courts and oversight functions, to violate rights and perpetrate crimes with impunity. The facts proving these assertions are undeniable, and one need only look with open eyes to know this is true. Id. 13-14

Oversight agencies, federal and state court judges, all look the other way and conceal the evidence of misconduct and operate in the dark. Law enforcement and legislators always direct those complaining of judicial misconduct to the agencies that protect them through willful gross negligence, thus aiding and abetting rights violations and crimes perpetrated under color of law…..To compound injury, attorneys and judges are the ones who draft and edit the final language of our statutes, to suit corrupted purpose.

Further consider the wisdom of our founders who included in our Declaration of Rights, Art. I § 1, an unalienable and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish our government, Art. I § 6 an inviolate right of trial by jury, Art. I § 19, an invaluable right to speak, write, and print on any subject including the official conduct of men in public capacity, Art. I § 23, right to redress of grievance by address of remonstrance, and Art. 5, Impeachments.

These protected rights and provisions set forth in our constitution are why Thomas Jefferson declared the Tennessee Constitution the “least imperfect and most republican”. These declared rights and provisions were set forth in our constitution, according to the wisdom of the founders, because they learned from lessons of the past and knew these eventualities would come to pass. These rights and provisions are prima facie evidence of the need to protect against tyranny and oppression of THE PEOPLE by the judiciary. Our founders were so concerned to preserve declared rights of THE PEOPLE, they further declared in Tenn. Const., Art. XI, § 16:

The declaration of rights hereto prefixed is declared to be a part of the Constitution of the state, and shall never be violated on any pretense whatsoever. And to guard against transgression of the high powers we have delegated, we declare that everything in the bill of rights contained, is excepted out of the general powers of the government, and shall forever remain inviolate. Id. 14

Let us not pretend that rampant corruption does not exist in our courts. Let us not pretend that judges and attorneys are all saints and never deserving of impeachment or discipline, despite the fact that there has not been an impeachment of a judge since 1958 and little if any disciplinary action. In Federalist Paper 83, written by Alexander Hamilton: “The excellence of the trial by jury in civil cases appears to depend on circumstances foreign to the preservation of liberty. The strongest argument in its favor is, that it is a security against corruption.” Yet, THE PEOPLE are routinely and unconstitutionally denied trial by jury for the purpose of subjecting them to the despotism and oppression of corrupted court proceedings.

Tenn. Const. Art. I, § 17 states that all courts shall be open but somehow the “administrative courts” of the Tenn. Board of Judicial Conduct and Board of Professional Responsibility, and courts of record such as the Court of Appeals, all operate in the dark, without public or legislative oversight, and complaints and appellant briefs are kept “confidential” or concealed from the public, thus concealing the misconduct of attorneys and judges.

Without publicity, all other checks are insufficient: in comparison of publicity, all other checks are of small account. Recordation, appeal, whatever other institutions might present themselves in the character of checks, would be found to operate rather as cloaks than checks; as cloaks in reality, as checks only in appearance. (J. Bentham, Rationale of Judicial Evidence 524 (1827). (at 569) Id. 15

Not only is there no objective oversight of the legal profession and judiciary through “self-policing”, there are no performance measurements whatsoever. In corporate America, businesses meticulously measure performance of employees and contractors down to minute detail. Performance measurements take many forms including customer satisfaction surveys, manager evaluations, independent third party surveys. Some leading-edge companies even utilize third-party blind surveys of employees on the performance of upper management. Id. 15-16

Where is the scorecard for judges? Where is the measuring of performance of judges? There is none. So even if the general public did engage in elections of judicial officials, there is no information available to the public to scrutinize, or with which to gauge if they are voting for a knowledgeable and fair judge, let alone one corrupted such as Casey Moreland, recently sentenced in federal court, and who remained on the bench despite multiple complaints against him. How is the legislature able to manage compensation and reward good judges, or how is the legislature to make determination whether or not a bad actor judge should be removed or impeached? The legislature cannot, because the legal profession and judiciary operate in the dark, without transparency, and without any oversight whatsoever. The current situation is a culmination of circumstance that invites and propagates corruption.

Not only is there a lack of self-policing, and lack of performance measurement, but judges and attorneys are corruptly held above the law. It is an undeniable fact that attorneys will neither bring suit on behalf of a non-legal professional, against another member of BAR, nor against a member of the judiciary, particularly when the suit arises out of family or child custody court cases. It is also an undeniable fact, as the proof will show, that both state and federal judges, including state and federal appellate court judges proactively and criminally protect the criminal and unconstitutional conduct of judges and attorneys for crimes and rights violations perpetrated under color of law. This is yet another declared act of tyranny as aggrieved in our Declaration of Independence!

Many of the grievances stated in our Declaration of Independence are the same injustices to which Tennessee [and all other states] litigants are routinely subjected. These “long train of abuses and usurpations” provide sound justification for demanding reform, just as the grievances stated in our Declaration of Independence justified our independence from Great Britain. To name a few …:

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people;
For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders (crimes) which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States;
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury; For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments;
For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. Id. 16

The misuse of authority abounds throughout the whole judicial system. We the people have rights, and as such, they should be honored. These ‘insiders’ have usurped their authority. Future representatives and government employees should be required to demonstrate that they understand the basic principles of our Republican form of government before taking a position in that administration. Let us not forget that the government answers to the people, and not the people to the government. Dr. Edwin Vieira, author, speaker, and constitutional attorney states, “The people themselves are the sovereigns, governments are simply instruments that are created by the people under certain circumstances in order to protect the set of unalienable rights that people have as a result of, as the constitution states, “the laws of nature and of nature’s God’.[5]

Those in trusted positions must show themselves worthy of their post or be removed. We the people must take responsibility for the oversight of the government and for our own education. We must hold rogue officials accountable for the infringement on our rights. John Philpot Curran’s statement is so accurate and timely when he said, “The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he breaks, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.”[6] —– America, the wrecking balls are working overtime, now is the time for eternal vigilance to come to the forefront if we ever hope to reverse our sad condition as a county.

Until man extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace. ~ Albert Schweitzer

© 2025 Cherie Shelor – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Shelor:


1- Will Durant quote, “A great civilization is not…..”.

2- ”Why the Supreme Court Cares About Elites, Not the American People.” College of William and Mary Law School; Faculty Publications, 2010,. Lawerance Baum & Neil Devins.

3- Victor David Hanson Shared TERRIFYING Message To The West.

4- Petition of Remonstrance, John Anthony Gentry.

5- How We Went From Sovereigns to Slaves | Dr Edwin Vieira PhD, JD

6- John Philpot Curran, “The condition upon which God has given liberty…..”

Will Soros State DA’s Now Attack Freed J6’ers?!?

By Kat Stansell

January 30, 2025

It is up to US to save our nation. WE must be aware; enemies are still everywhere.

The judiciary is our weakest link to real freedom, thanks to decades of Soros-funded DA’s and judges infesting the nation.

The statements of corrupt Soros-bought Philadelphia DA, Larry Krasner, in an interview Jan. 24, 2025, is the perfect example. He told pathetic loser, Jake Tapper, that there were “possibilities” to charge J6ers with STATE CRIMES.

In his own words, Krasner believes that they “can be further prosecuted for things they may have done before or after Jan. 6 within their own jurisdictions that have not already been prosecuted.”

Among things this criminal DA wants to weaponize are “texting, phone calls, emails, reservations for transportation or for hotel. Conspiratorial activity could give rise to a local charge, meaning a state charge of criminal conspiracy.”

Here we go again …”conspiratorial activity” like hotel and transportation reservations, phone calls… O. M. G.

Take out the trash, Pennsylvania! Krasner was impeached by the PA House in 2022 because of the large uptick in crime in Philadelphia after his election. At the time, he whined that there wasn’t a “scrap of evidence” How did that feel, Larry? Every victim of the crimes committed against J6 patriots KNOWS, and Krasner should, too, but he is too far into serving Lucifer, to be able to recall. FINISH THE JOB, PA!

Follow suit, America. Get rid of Soros DA’s and leftist prosecutors wherever possible.

We all pray that Krasner and his ilk are de-fanged before they do more damage to innocent people, but we must be ready for the worst. They will not just go away.

image from GiveSendGo

The Marxists are still stinking up our government; Trump’s landslide victory served only to add fuel to their maniacal fires.

Nearly every state in the union has a prosecutor or two or more, who was put into position by our enemy. This has been going on for well over a decade. Here is a 2024 map of the spread of the Soros-spread Marxist disease. This was published by It includes 27 already in office, a few of which have been removed for their illegal acts (Gascon, LA; Fox, St. Louis; Worrell, Orlando. None has been punished; most may be working with Marxists behind the scenes. Like helping to re-take newly freed J6ers?

Never forget: Soros is not running the US judiciary, he and his many organizations are merely funding much of it.

A Florida resident, recently freed J6er victim Daniel Ball, from Homosassa, is the first to be arrested again. Ball had been held in pretrial detention, never receiving a day in court. Immediately after Trumps pardon as he was leaving the jail, Ball was taken into custody again – this time on a domestic violence conviction in 2017, and later, resisting arrest, and possession of a firearm.

I’m not trying to make light of previous issues, but I am curious about several things. First, double jeopardy. If he was convicted in 2017, is he now being charged with that crime again? I’m not an attorney; had to ask.

Second, and key to Floridians, is how quickly the feds had the information on Ball. It had to come from in state; they were ready with it before the man exited the jail where he was being held.

Then there is the treatment of another Citrus County, FL, patriot who had gone to the January 6 rally in DC in 2021.

His name is Jesse James Rumson. Jesse is a J6 victim, AND a victim of his own state government. Jesse tried to run for the county board, in his home county, to give voice to the Citrus citizens who were against more development. With all petitions signed, Jesse was not allowed to be put on the ballot. The county SOE said that the word that come from “upstairs”.

See my September, 2024 post on the “Awareness Patriots”. This is Jesse’s story, and ours.

Over the years, from 2021 – present, I have talked with a number of FL J6 families who spoke of the cold shoulder turned them by Tallahassee. More than ignoring their plight, Florida ALLOWED AN OFFICE OF THE CAPITOL POLICE TO BE SET UP IN TAMPA.

MATT GAETZ SPOKE AGAINST THAT SEVERAL TIMES IN HIS FLORIDA MAN FREEDOM TOUR IN 2024. Since my post in Sept., 2024, Gaetz’s comments have been removed from “X”.

Now, we can see what “problem” our faceless enemy has with Matt. He acts like a real patriot.

Remember, it has been only recently that DeSantis has made a few pro-Trump noises. Honestly, I’m sick of the praise he receives from the media for doing so. The rest of the story about attacks on Trump/MAGA/America First patriots in Floirda has only doubled down. (Stay tuned. Citizens are suing their RPOF.)

Do ALL states have ready more “information” on their J6-ers?

The real lesson in the J6 redux is this:

America will never truly be free until we rid ourselves of Marxism in our judiciary, from bottom to top.

President Trump, who has done more for our nation in five days as POTUS than has any other President in history, CANNOT DO IT ALL. He needs the help of every one of us. That begins with our understanding the many poison arrows still left in our enemy’s quiver, and how deadly they could be.

Citizen awareness is built from simple things. Keep an eye on every politician around you. Local and State “representatives” are key because that is were we have the greatest influence. Develop a working relationship with them, like them or not. Ask them hard questions and be very public about their answers. Local publications – print or online – are ideal for spotlighting them – all the time, NOT just when elections roll around. Keep at it.

Do keep a sharp eye on national events, and bring them home, whenever and wherever you think they even MIGHT be applicable. Be prepared. Together, we are the United States of America, and we have this one last chance, thanks to a benevolent God, to steer or ship of state into safer waters.

For now. Don’t give up, don’t ever give up. Jimmy V had it right.

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

By Lex Greene

January 30, 2025

In the United States, if you believe that your basic Rights came from our nation’s Founders in the U.S. Constitution, as in “constitutional rights,” you’re wrong. The Constitution only grants government certain limited rights and authorities, not you.

If you think your Rights come from the Bill of Rights, you’re still wrong. That document is a list of subjects which the Federal government is strictly prohibited from ever touching. Again, the document provided you with no Rights. The document only prohibits government from having any right or authority over those matters, because those matters involve your “Natural Rights” as a free people.

In just the 1st Amendment alone, our government (Congress shall make no law) is prohibited from any effort to regulate or infringe upon;

  1. establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
  2. abridging the freedom of speech
  3. or of the press
  4. or the right of the people peaceably to assemble
  5. and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

These Natural Rights and many more are protected by the 2nd Amendment;

  1. the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, before the atheists and socialists knee-jerk react here, nowhere in our Charters of Freedom will you find any reference to the phrase “separation of church and state” or a prohibition of faith-based influence in our government. In fact, the title and subject of this piece comes directly from the preamble in our Declaration of Independence, and the 1st Amendment prohibits government from regulating the “free exercise of religion and faith based beliefs.”

That’s because foundationally, our Rights either come from man, or they come from a power greater than that of men. In the case of the United States, from the Mayflower Compact through the Charters of our Freedom, it was firmly established that all of our Rights are derived from The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, often referred to as Natural Law, and “endowed by our Creator.”

Our Rights as legal American citizens are not from man. They are not regulated by man. They are not subject to the political whims of man.

As a result, no American should object to this foundational reality, unless of course, it doesn’t serve their desire to control others, which is the end objective of every government on earth, including ours.

It’s the Declaration of our Independence as a free sovereign people, that established this foundation on July 4, 1776…

“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them;”

Because our Rights are “endowed by our Creator” derived from “The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” they are “inalienable” (not to be confused with a similar, but not the same term, unalienable) by any governmental authority.

Natural Rights

Our Founders established Rights granted from “Nature’s God” and not mere mortals, simply because that which is given by man, can be taken by man. In stark contrast, that which is given by God, no man or men have the authority to take away.

This is the true source of “freedom” and “liberty.” It does not come from men seeking authority over others, it is “endowed by our Creator,” Nature’s God.

Natural Birthright Citizenship

Likewise, the Laws of Nature dictate that a natural right of citizenship is derived from the same source as the source of our freedom and liberty, the Laws of Nature.

As a result, “birthright citizenship” is not derived from man either, through any acts of government. The enumerated powers of Congress in Section VIII of Article I, do not include any right or power to regulate or infringe upon the natural right of every child to be born into the country of their natural birth Father. It only grants Congress the power to establish a standard “naturalization” process for non-citizens at birth.

Therefore, the 14th reconstruction Amendment pertaining to former slaves and their families, has nothing whatsoever to do with “birthrights.” It is a mass naturalization amendment intended to grant legal citizenship status to former slaves and their families, following the 13th Amendment granting freedom, and preceding the 15th Amendment which granted the same group voting rights.

These Amendments, 13, 14 and 15, do not apply to anyone today as we have not had slavery in our country since. They are obsolete today.

Natural Born Citizen

The only type of citizen eligible for the Oval Office in Article II, is a true “birthright citizen,” the opposite of any “naturalized citizen” via congressional act or court opinion.

The truth in this regard is quite interesting. It’s well known but openly opposed by people at both extremes of the debate today.


The “14th birthright concept” is an open attempt to destroy all foundations in the USA and broaden these terms to include people entering our country illegally, whom they hope will vote for them in the future. This view is based upon a single sentence intentionally interpreted out of proper context…

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” 14th Amendment

Using an intentional misinterpretation of this single sentence to establish “birthright citizenship” via the 14th totally ignores the reality that the 14th was only designed for former slaves and their families, as were the 13th and 15th amendments. It also ignores The Laws of Nature as well, which is the true source of all Natural Birthrights.


Similarly, the extreme right in our country wants to invent its own definition as well. They too rely upon an intentional misinterpretation of just one sentence, properly borrowed from the Law of Nations, an internationally acclaimed treatise on the subject of Natural Law and its effects on humankind, intentionally taken out of proper context…

“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.”

A group desperately trying to disqualify Sen. John McCain for the Oval Office in 2008, cherrypicked this single sentence out of The Law of Nations treatise in order to make the claim that John McCain was not a “natural born Citizen” because he was born in Panama in a hospital close to a U.S. Naval Base, and not “born in the country.”

These claims caused the U.S. Senate to adopt a Resolution declaring John McCain a natural born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office, based upon his natural birth Father, who was at the time,  Naval Commander in charge of the Panama Naval Base, which is why John was born in Panama.

Senate members, including Barack Obama at the time, voted 99-0 to affirm McCain a natural born Citizen based upon the bloodline of his birth Father, and the fact that he was born in Panama only due to his Father’s service to the U.S. Navy.

“Permit me to hint, whether it would be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of Foreigners into the administration of our national Government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American Army shall not be given to nor devolve on, any but a natural born Citizen.” – John Jay letter dated July 25, 1787

The words that follow the single sentence misused in the attempt to disqualify McCain are immediately proven false in the words that follow in that same document.

  • “As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”
  • “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children;
  • “I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen;
  • “Their children follow the condition of their fathers;”
  • “By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); the place of birth produces no change in this particular,”
  • “The natural, or original settlement, is that which we acquire by birth, in the place where our father has his;”

Both extreme false interpretations are equally dangerous.

NOTE: No such Senate Resolution was ever taken up on behalf of Barack Hussein Obama, whose Oval Office eligibility was also in question at the time, due to his stated birth Father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., never being a citizen of the United States.

Both extreme’s based upon a single sentence taken out of context in both cases, caused the basic clear term “natural born Citizen” to appear “ambiguous,” and therefore, open to interpretation.

But like all Rights in Nature, these rights follow the bloodline of the Father, and they are “endowed by our Creator,” inalienable to any governmental authority.

The Foundations of Freedom and Liberty will always be The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, or they will no longer exist at all.

The only scholarly work recognized around the world, used by our Founders and even listed in Article I of the U.S. Constitution, is the international treatise known as The Law of Nations. Everything our Founders established at the beginning, and every Natural Right of a free people, depends upon the proper interpretation and enforcement of our Charters of Freedom.

All acts to undermine these foundations, are acts of treason against the United States and every true Citizen of the United States. It cannot be allowed to stand.

But for people to protect their freedom and liberty for all posterity, they must first know the true source of their freedom and liberty.

The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God!

If We the People fail to get the proper foundations right, we will get everything else wrong!

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene:

Make America Healthy Again: Our Road Back To National Health, Part 1

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 30, 2025

Part 1: What you see is what will kill you. Becoming an obese society.

Last week, a 495 pound Detroit, Michigan woman made national news because her Lyft driver could not carry her because he said his car couldn’t take the weight and his tires wouldn’t survive.  She brought a lawsuit against him this week.

One look at that woman would bring to mind severe diabetes, a massive heart attack before age 35, or a devastating stroke that would render her crippled for life.  By 40, she would need both knees and hips replaced, and a new heart transplant all on the American taxpayer’s dollar.

If you watch TV programs, you might have seen, “My 600 Pound Life” or “Biggest Loser” or “Fat Friends.”  Each show captivates the audience with Americans struggling to lose weight 100, 200 and even 300 pounds from their bodies.

There’s one show that’s pro-obesity, “My Big Fat Fabulous Life.”  The women on the show flaunt their gargantuan obesity with tights, wigs, makeup, ugly cleavage that you want to “unsee”, and jewels.  You can witness their flabby arms and flabby legs dripping over their knees. Their ankles look like giant sausages gone wild.  To be sure, none of them are living a “fabulous life.”

Why is that life?  They must swallow endless high blood pressure pills, insulin to deal with their diabetes, pain killers to deal with their joints aching, livers disintegrating, stomach pills, Preparation H, and Metamucil to help them eliminate their deadly intake of sugar, salt, processed foods, diet sodas and just about every kind of unhealthy ‘food’ that they ingest.

What’s incredibly sad, they are eating the “S.A.D.”, which stands for the Standard American Diet.  It’s deadly to 66 percent of Americans because that’s the number of Americans who face obesity and gross obesity.  Half that 66 percent hit the “grossly obese” category. You can see it all around.  While you’ll witness 200 to 250 pound women in the Midwest and East Coast, you’ll see 250 and 350 pound men across all 50 states.

The medical costs are into the trillions of dollars.  You’ve got 1.0 million heart attacks annually for men. You’ve got another 1.0 million cancers of all kinds.  You see 399,000 deaths annually from diabetes. (Source: American Diabetes Association,

We’re so unhealthy that most Americans suffer grave consequences because they consume only 15 to 20 percent fiber daily. That makes for an “eating to elimination” period of 72 to 90 hours.  That way, the food rots in the colon and rectum to create colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, polyps, and leaky gut. Colorectal cancers kill 50,000 Americans annually and another 150,000 discover they contracted that cancer each year.  All because of their “S.A.D.” food intake.

All those obese American women set themselves up for breast cancer because their “thick” fat blood cannot feed their mammary glands with enough oxygen and nutrients to keep them healthy. It’s called “high triglycerides” in the blood.  The red blood cells are stuck together with all the “oil” (fats) in the blood so they cannot deliver oxygen and food because the red blood cells are clumped together as they try to move through the capillaries.  The fatter a woman, the faster cancer will visit her.

Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General announced that drink beers and liquor causes seven kinds of cancers in 100,000 American males annually. On average, 20,000 die from those cancers.

As a former Cardiac Catheterization Medical Technician at Butterworth Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I witnessed obese bodies come into the heart lab daily. Fat, fatter, and obese!  Most of them in their 40’s and 50’s.  Smoking, drinking and 30 pound bellies of fat was their norm.  I would be talking to them before their procedure, and sometimes, I would watch them suffer a heart attack on the table. I would wheel them the morgue. It scared the living hell out of me.  Why? Because my father died at the age of 46.  He wasn’t fat, but his cholesterol was off the charts at 350 mgs per deciliter unit measure of blood.

For anyone reading this series, you need to keep your serum cholesterol at 160 mgs or below. The American average is 220 mgs, which is 60 points over saturation level. AVOID STATIN DRUGS AT ALL COSTS!  The higher you rise in cholesterol, the faster you clog your heart’s coronary arteries. Your HDL should be above 50 mgs/dl. Your LDL should be less than 100 mgs/dl.  If you allow yourself to cheat those numbers, you’re headed for instant death or the ICU, and/or stroke and being crippled.  That’s why I became a vegetarian 54 years ago and avoid dairy products.  Two of my brothers didn’t follow my advice. One died of a massive heart attack at 50 and the other suffered a horrible stroke at 55.

Do you drink soda pop or diet soda?  If you do, you’re part of the billions of dental cavities filled annually by dentists. Those carmels get between your teeth, set up bacterial colonies, and devour your enamel.  If you drink diet soda with Sucralose, it’s a synthetic sugar GMO that your system doesn’t know how to handle…so it stores the molecules in your fat cells.  You become a walking synthetic chemical sugar dump. By all means, if you don’t care, then, do the Dew!


In the foregoing paragraphs, I’ve only covered a few things caused by the “S.A.D.”  If this series doesn’t sober the living h*ll out of you, I don’t know what will.  If you are fat or obese, I will give you keys to a “slim and trim” future.  If you would like to be around to see your kids graduate from high school, I can help you with knowledge.

If you think all those Big Pharma products with all those weird names will cure you, that would be a big mistake.  They never cure you. They keep you sick so they keep making money off you.

Most Americans think that the grocery stores fill their shelves with nutritional foods.  The average grocery store offers around 60,000 ‘food’ items.  About 50,000 of those cardboard packages, glass containers, plastic containers, metal containers…contain every kind of chemical under the sun.  Do you think the candy or cereal companies care about your health with their “massively sugared” cereals or fancy chemicalized drinks or preservatives that will make a packaged bakery good last for six months?  Answer: not on your life.

If Robert F. Kennedy enjoys confirmation to become the Secretary of HHS, we might see him going after grocery store food manufacturers who poison their foods. He might educate Americans on how to eat.  He might bring the weight of his office on the junk food joints.  Let’s face it, none of those burger places care about your health.  NONE!

In this series, you will learn how to eat well. You will learn how to live slim and trim. You will learn how be a healthy human being. In the end, the government won’t save you because there are TOO many mega-corporations like Monsanto that want to continue poisoning you to death. Money speaks louder with members of Congress.

Part 2: It’s the little nasty things from eating packaged foods daily that do all the damage.  If you want me to cover more facets of this series, email me: I will research your request.  We all deserve to live a healthy, fulfilling and happy life.

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

RFK Jr., Science, and the Golden Age

By Cliff Kincaid

January 29, 2025

The Associated Press is still a major source of lies and disinformation, with a recent front-page scare story referring to RFK Jr., Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an “anti-vaccine activist.” The article falsely called RFK Jr. “one of the most prominent anti-vaccine activists in the world.”

RFK Jr. is one of Trump’s best nominees for he believes in true science.

The faux conservative New York Post also hates RFK Jr., even though it claims to be an advocate for Trump’s second term agenda, and wants Senators to vote against his nomination.

I don’t like RFK Jr.’s previous views on “climate change,” but that’s not what this nomination entails. Trump has other people dealing with energy and the environment.

Some hucksters have warned of “The Great Culling by Vaccine,” a reference to an alleged depopulation scheme, and try to get rich by selling supplements, supposedly to cure health problems. These scams should be rejected.

Kennedy’s spokeswoman emphasizes that Kennedy is not “anti-vaccine.” Kennedy told NPR that “we’re not going to take vaccines away from anybody. We are going to make sure that Americans have good information right now. The science on vaccine safety particularly has huge deficits, and we’re going to make sure those scientific studies are done and that people can make informed choices about their vaccinations and their children’s vaccinations.”

As people continue to suffer from COVID-19, the China virus, we must consider the issue of vaccine safety on a continuous basis. The China virus came from a country run by a murderous dictatorship during an American election year. President Trump, with access to classified information, clearly understood what was going on and decided that “Operation Warp Speed” vaccines were the only way out. Mandates and lockdowns on the state level were also the result. Many resisted, with good reason, while others took the vaccines and lived, avoiding hospitalization and death.

It was a terrible choice we were facing because of Communist China: fear the virus or fear the vaccine.

The question for many was and still is what they fear most. Many didn’t trust Fauci, Bill Gates, or Big Pharma. That includes me. But many fear the virus. That’s me, too. I have seen what it can do to people.

I don’t necessarily trust the medical or scientific establishments but I also don’t trust the Chinese Communist Party and its military establishment. I believe they tried to poison the world, for the purposes of defeating Trump and destroying the economies of the West.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, identified “gain-of-function” experiments “to breed pandemic superbugs in shoddily constructed, poorly regulated laboratories in Wuhan, China, and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes, in partnership with the Pentagon, the Chinese military and a shady cabal of bioweapons grifters.”

It is beyond doubt that various U.S. agencies were involved in these experiments. He was right.

While reasonable people acknowledge that Big Pharma has produced many life-saving drugs and vaccines that make our lives better, there are legitimate questions about the safety of some of them. Some are made from controversial ingredients, including aborted baby tissue.

A Catholic woman who refused a COVID-19 vaccine for religious reasons was awarded nearly $13 million in damages. She cited concerns about the fetal cells from aborted babies used in the development of the shots.

I received several COVID-19 shots and still got a mild version of the disease on two occasions.

I continue to be skeptical of government policy dictating that every child should get dozens of doses of multiple vaccines. RFK Jr.’s group Children’s Health Defense estimates that a child receives 50 doses of 14 vaccines by the age of 6, and 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the age of 18.

There is a reason why there is a federal National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to compensate victims of vaccines. Big Government is protecting Big Business from liability for their products. However, I still believe that some vaccines are necessary for human health in general.

As the founder of a group once called the Committee to Protect Medical Freedom, I have always been skeptical of some vaccine claims. Vaccines have been taken off the market because of their dangerous side effects. Some injure and kill people. I held a national news conference years ago to oppose a mandatory HIV/AIDS vaccine.

As the CDC admits, vaccines have been taken off the market because of their side effects. For example, “In 1955, some batches of polio vaccine given to the public contained live polio virus, even though they had passed required safety testing.”

Millions of Americans took polio vaccines contaminated with monkey viruses. The CDC says, “From 1955 to 1963, an estimated 10-30% of polio vaccines administered in the US were contaminated with simian virus 40 (SV40). The virus came from monkey kidney cell cultures used to make polio vaccines at that time. Most of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), but it was also found in oral polio vaccine (OPV).”

The CDC says, “In 1976 there was a small increased risk of a serious neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination with a swine flu vaccine.”

A vaccine against diarrhea called RotaShield was withdrawn because it was dangerous to children. CDC says, “The results of the investigations showed that RotaShield vaccine caused intussusception in some healthy infants younger than 12 months of age who normally would be at low risk for this condition.”

RFK Jr. is skeptical of some vaccines. So am I. These are legitimate concerns.

At the same time, RFK Jr. believes in science, real science.

I have witnessed Luddite thinking among some opponents of vaccines. Some of these people are also paranoid about 5G technology, digital currencies, artificial intelligence, cell phones and Zoom technology.

Like any vaccine, especially in its infancy, the COVID-19 shots have side-effects that people that they contained microchips or “Mark of the Beast” technology have faded away, to make room for the new “transhumanism” scare campaign.

They seem to be following the example of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber who was sentenced to life in federal prison and died there.  Kaczynski was an evil genius who wrote “Industrial Society and Its Future,” which was published in the Washington Post in 1995 to help the FBI locate the anarchist zealot. It worked. He was arrested and convicted of murder.

His targets were leaders in science, technology, and industry. He killed three and injured many more. One of the injured victims was David Gelernter, a computer scientist and conservative intellectual who would later write a book about the evil nature of the Unabomber and his philosophy.

A 2018 documentary, “Unabomber – In His Own Words,” describes Kaczynski’s admiration for a French anarchist named Jacques Ellul, sympathy for the eco-terrorist movement, and favorable comments about Muslim terrorists waging war on Western society.

Tragically, I am starting to see Luddite opposition on the right to the “Stargate” artificial intelligence project announced by the White House.

Like any new technology or human growth concept, transhumanism has a good side and a bad side.

Transhumanism, sometimes described as the integration of man and machine, has been interpreted to encompass such things as robotic limbs, memory-enhancing brain implants, and gene therapies.

Only Luddites would be opposed to procedures to improve longevity and the enhancement of life.

At the same time, these people are suckers for those media personalities making sensational but unverifiable claims that vitamins and supplements can cure pain and suffering.

The promising new technologies, including those using mRNA technology, do hold out the hope and potential for finding treatments for cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, and many other debilitating and fatal diseases.

It would be a terrible shame if Trump’s new “Golden Age” of scientific and economic development were derailed by hucksters following the example of the Unabomber.

© 2025 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Stolen Valor, Tarnishing The Sacrifice

By Bradlee Dean

January 29, 2025

When an individual poses wearing government-sanctioned medals, uniforms, or decorations that they are not entitled to wear, they degrade the honor and sacrifices of those rightly wearing the uniform.  How much more concerning is it that those who are not genuine Christians claim to be so?

This past Sunday, I found myself highlighting the righteousness of Christ, where we are to find ourselves in His righteousness and His merit (His blood), and His righteousness alone (Jeremiah 23:6; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 5:9).

As I was preaching (I listen first to what I preach – Isaiah 3:20; John 16:13; Romans 8:14), I caught myself talking about those who claim to be Christ’s, yet bear fruit to the devil (1 John 3:7-8) and how it is that they claim to be what Christ condemns by feigning themselves to be what they are not! In the process, I found the parallel between genuine Christians, which are those who are washed in the blood of Christ from their sins, have the testimonies of Christ, and have entered into the Kingdom of Heaven through the trials and tribulations that they have endured for His name’s sake, and the counterfeit Christians (Matthew 7:21-24;1 John 2:4).

Then I found myself, in the natural (1 Corinthians 2:14), looking to America’s veterans, which are those who have fought, bled, and died in sacrificing themselves for the freedoms we all enjoy today (1 John 15:13).  In the process, I found the parallel between our genuine (war-torn) veterans and those that falsely claim to be veterans who are guilty of “stolen valor.”

Stolen valor is the act of falsely claiming to have served in the military or received military decorations or medals.

The sufferings and losses (their buddies, their limbs, etc.) endured by them for us all cannot be overemphasized.  I respect and appreciate every one of them so much so that I honor the laws in which they died ratifying with their blood and sacrifice.

Those who are guilty of stealing that valor (stolen valor tarnishes sacrifice) are taking that which does not belong to them by wearing a uniform that they did not earn to wear.  On the other hand, those who take on the name of Christ and fail to live unto Him who died for them (by receiving what He did for them on the cross and receiving His righteousness by faith; 2 Corinthians 5:15), the Captain of our Salvation (Hebrews 2:10), are the worst of men and guilty imposters who claim to represent God Almighty.

© 2025 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Damning Evidence on Ms. Tulsi – Cults, Communism, Corruption

By Kelleigh Nelson

January 29, 2025

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide. “Foreign Policy Drains U.S. of Main Weapon,”  —The Los Angeles times, Sept. 9, 1962, G2

In communist terminology “world peace” simply means an absence of resistance to world Marxist-Leninist domination. What would the CPUSA do if the United States got into a full-scale military confrontation with China?  —Trevor Loudon

To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.  —Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propagandist

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Is there a difference between socialism and communism?  Not really.  Karl Marx, who remains the most prominent writer on the subject, used either term interchangeably, following the same convention as many other authors.

Former Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), nominated for Director of National Intelligence (DNI), has a history with this country’s most influential Marxist group, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).  She began moving to the left long ago and in 2017 and was a paid-up member of the openly socialist Bernie Sanders Congressional Progressive Caucus.  Here is their list of members.

The Progressive Caucus is now almost 100 members strong or 40% of the Democrat caucus.  They promote the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, higher taxes, greater union power, illegal immigration amnesty and all of the DSA/CPUSA goals.

The DSA and Communist Party USA (CPUSA) have collaborated for decades and share some cross-membership.  Their policy positions are almost identical.  The socialist moniker DSA sounds more innocuous, and makes it easier to infiltrate churches, the Democrat Party and other organizations.

In 2015, the DSA boasted around 6,000 members nationwide, but after Trump’s 2016 campaign and the leftist backlash against him, the DSA has grown to 56,000 comrades.

Here is the list of congressional socialists, going all the way back to 1843 with the son of Robert Owens, Democrat Representative Robert Dale Owens from Indiana. Robert Owens Sr. emigrated to America in 1824 and put most of his fortune in an experimental socialistic community at New Harmony, Indiana, as a preliminary for his utopian society.

In 2016, Tulsi Gabbard endorsed Bernie Sanders for president.  She addressed “The People’s Summit” in Chicago and communicated several socialist talking points. Over 3,000 people attended including senior figures from the CPUSA.

Sanders spent four years at the University of Chicago where he joined the Young Peoples Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA.  He also worked for the communist led United Packinghouse Workers Union.  As a Vietnam protestor, he became active in the Liberty Union’s program which included nationalizing all US banks, public ownership of all utilities, ending compulsory education and establishing a worker-controlled government. In 1980 Sanders endorsed communist Andrew Pulley for president of Liberty Union.  Pulley was a member of the pro-Cuba Socialist Workers Party.

Sanders married his wife Jane in the Soviet Union and had a Soviet flag hanging in his mayoral office in Burlington, Vermont.

Tulsi also became a Fellow of the Sanders Institute with DSA Members Cornel West and Michael Lighty.

Gabbard introduced the Off-Fossil Fuels for a Better Future Act (H.R. 3671) with co-sponsors, comrades Barbara Lee, Jamie Raskin, Ted Lieu, Keith Ellison and others.  Our Revolution endorsed the move.  Our Revolution is run by former campaign workers and supporters of former socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. The goal is to support socialist candidates for office at all levels.

In December of 2018, Gabbard endorsed the DSA backed Green New Deal.  She willingly spread anti-capitalist, climate change, and peace propaganda for her DSA comrades.

She has heralded continued support of the Two-State Solution, and refused to support the censure of anti-Semite Ilhan Omar.  Tulsi supported policies that weakened Israel and Saudi Arabia while strengthening our enemies.

Gabbard also supports FISA-702 and warrantless searches in order to get confirmed as Director of National Intelligence.  It is abusive and unconstitutional. The Deep State will most likely easily confirm Kash Patel as FBI Director.  Patel is a big believer in the value of FISA-702, as is Speaker Mike Johnson, never mind 4th Amendment privacy protections for American citizens.  Congress exempted themselves and their staff, but not the American people. FISA-702 is the door to the AI surveillance system with Peter Thiel’s Palantir providing the AI facial recognition software.

Both left and right have backed Gabbard’s policies of foreign non-intervention including her support and defense of Russian allied leader Bashar al-Assad, intervention of the Russian backed Venezuelan president Maduro, and her calls for engagement with the Russian backed North Korea.  She has worked to defend these countries from US pressure.

Her fellow comrades are many. Dennis Kucinich and Gabbard sojourned to Syria.  The trip was funded and financed by the Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services in Ohio.  Kucinich has been involved with the pro-Moscow CPUSA for nearly 50 years.  As Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio, he was closely allied with the Stalinists of the CPUSA who had significant influence in Cleveland.  Kucinich even endorsed Ohio Communist Party chairman, Rick Nagin in 2009 when he ran and won a seat on the Cleveland City Council.  Nagin endorsed Gabbard for President in 2019.

Gabbard’s ties to the DSA are significant.

She has worked to ease US pressure on the world’s largest sponsor of terror, The Islamic Republic of Iran.  Hoping to break the sanctions on Iran, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), Jared Huffman (D-CA), Ro Khanna (D-CA), Gabbard and 13 other leftist lawmakers, sent a letter to the State Department regarding the dire human impact of the US sanctions on Iran.

In a 2019 CBSN interview, Tulsi criticized Trump’s tough stance on Iran and stated that as president she would re-instate the “Iran Deal” and ease the sanctions.

Along with 18 leftist members of congress, Tulsi urged the Trump administration to achieve a final peace settlement with North Korea.  Several far-left organizations endorsed the roadmap for same.  Senator Bernie Sanders expressed peace talks with North Korea and the United States.  Gabbard was backed in this effort by Christine Ahn, one of the closest collaborators with Pak Chol who is part of the North Korean intelligence apparatus.  Ahn is one of Tulsi’s biggest fans.

Tulsi is always in sync with socialists.  And like Senator Bernie Sanders, she is continually promoting peace, but the kind of peace that ensures an absence of resistance to world Marxist-Leninist domination.

Radicals such as Gabbard, Bernie Sanders and the DSA continually argue for softer lines on China, North Korea, Russia and Iran.

Gabbard’s Deep Ties to a Hawaii Sect

Gabbard’s childhood in Hawaii included surfing, martial arts and yoga.  She was mostly home schooled and learned spiritual principles, such as karma, from the ancient Indian text Bhagavad Gita. As a teenager, she settled into the Hindu faith.

When it comes to religious choice, Gabbard has openly described herself as a Hindu since her 2012 campaign. At her swearing-in ceremony in January 2013, she took the oath of office on the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture, and became the first Hindu in Congress.

The Science of Identity Foundation (SIF), founded by Chris Butler, aka Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa, in the 1970s is a new religious movement that professes to combine some teachings of yoga with aspects of Gaudiya Vaishnava theology.  It is a Vaishnava Hindu religious movement inspired by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (1486–1534) in India.

It is considered a cult. Tulsi Gabbard and her family have deep and intense ties to the SIF.  Butler’s teachings stressed environmentalism, vegetarianism, and opposition to homosexuality and “illicit” sex. Gabbard’s husband, Hawaii cinematographer Abraham Williams, is also a member of SIF.

Chris Butler runs the Hawaii religious sect of the SIF, an offshoot of Hare Krishna. The latter is considered a Hindu religious movement that involves chanting the Hare Krishna mantra and following a lifestyle of devotion, compassion, and simplicity.  It originated in the 16th century in Bengal, India.

In the past, Tulsi’s parents sat on the board of Chris Butler’s foundation.  Butler has produced television specials featuring him surrounded by students. One of which included Tulsi’s father, Mike Gabbard.

Ex-members of the SIF describe it as a cult; and have maintained that Butler’s status has been characterized as “akin to a god” and not willing to be questioned.  They’ve said he has mocked them publicly.  Butler denies all the allegations and has threatened to sue when a Honolulu newspaper planned to publish personal accounts of former members.

Former members who don’t speak so fondly of the Foundation and others close to Gabbard have said the group’s influence could be affecting her political motives. People have said the Foundation forbids people to speak publicly about the group, requires people to lie face down when Butler enters a room and even sometimes eat his nail clippings or “spoonfuls” of the sand he walked on, The New Yorker reported.

In a November 22, 2024 Newsweek article, former member Robin Marshall exposes the SIF cult she left 20 years previous.  “Tulsi was being groomed for a political position because Chris Butler had political aspirations,” Marshall said. “He wanted the influence. It was very unusual because women in Science of Identity aren’t really encouraged to do anything.”

The Science of Identity Foundation has had political ambitions for almost 50 years, when its members created the political party Independents for Godly Government. Members ran for local offices, and in 1977 the Honolulu Advertiser published a series about them called “The Secret Spiritual Base of a New Political Force.”

Sinavaiana Gabbard says her niece’s career is all about the pursuit of power, and her bid for the presidency in 2020 was the culmination of four decades of Butler’s efforts to seek political influence.

Gabbard’s long involvement with the Science of Identity Foundation raises questions about the judgment and autonomy needed to advise the president on national security.


As nominee for Director of National Intelligence, Gabbard would coordinate the work of the alphabet soup of 18 spy agencies in the country’s intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI.  She would have the ability to edit every piece of intelligence that would be transmitted to the president.  Her activism is anathema to President Trump’s policies on so many levels that it is impossible to understand why this infiltrator should be anywhere near this administration.

Loyalty be damned!

Gabbard’s claims of becoming a Republican and shedding the Democrat Party policies are duplicitous.  She is a Socialist/Communist MAGA infiltrator who should be kept far from national intelligence.

She is the very embodiment of a Trojan Horse.

I would urge every senator to examine Tulsi’s ties to the Democratic Socialists of America and her decades long affiliation with cult leader, Chris Butler, who is seeking political power through Gabbard.

© 2025 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Librarians vs The People’s Representatives

By Paul Engel

January 28, 2025

  • Who decides what’s appropriate for minors?
  • Who decides what belongs in the public library?
  • Should it be librarians or the people’s representatives?

Who decides what is appropriate for public libraries? That is at the heart of the case Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. The representatives of the people of Arkansas passed a law, Arkansas Act 372, which both established a crime of furnishing a harmful item to a minor and established guidelines for selection, relocation, and retention of such materials. A group of libraries, librarians, and related organizations sued Arkansas’ 28 prosecuting attorneys in the federal District Court for the Western District of Arkansas. The District Court issued a preliminary injunction, preventing the law from going into effect. Does it?


In March of 2023, the Arkansas Legislature passed, and Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed, Arkansas Act 372. The stated purpose of this was was:


Arkansas Act 372

On June 2, 2023, a group of public libraries, library organizations, professional libraries, and others sued, claiming that sections 1 and 5 of the law were unconstitutional. Specifically:

Sections 1 and 5 of the Act remain vaguely worded and susceptible to multiple meanings; Section 1 violates the due process rights of professional librarians and booksellers and the First Amendment rights of library and bookstore patrons; and Section 5 empowers local elected officials to censor library books they feel are not “appropriate” for citizens to read and allows (if not encourages) content- and viewpoint-based restrictions on protected speech without any compelling governmental purpose.

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Injunction

The libraries moved for a permanent injunction, preventing the law from being enforced, which the court granted. However, that injunction, and in fact the entire case, is legally moot.

Claims of the Plaintiffs

As I quoted above, the plaintiffs claim that the law violates their due process rights. However, after reviewing their complaint, I find this claim questionable at best.

First of all, while the complaint includes three counts where plaintiffs claim the law violates the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment there’s a lot more to that story. Let’s start by looking at that clause:

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1

So where in this law is anyone deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law? According to the plaintiffs:

The Availability Provision contains language purporting to describe criminalized acts which is vague and indefinite and subject to different meanings such that it fails to provide adequate notice to booksellers and librarians of violations of the Availability Provision, including the meaning of “presents,” “provides,” and “makes available” in Ark. Code Ann. § 5-27-212(b)(1).

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Complaint

Are the terms “presents”, “provides”, and “makes available” vague? According to Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary:


1 : to make a gift to
2 : to give or bestow formally
3 a: to bring (something, such as a play) before the public
3 b:
(1) : to bring or introduce into the presence of someone especially of superior rank or status
(2) : to introduce socially
4 a : to offer to view : SHOW
4 b: to bring to one’s attention

present – Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online


1 a : to supply or make available (something wanted or needed)
also : AFFORD curtains provide privacy
1 b : to make something available to

provide – Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online


1 : present or ready for immediate use

available – Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary Online

So none of the terms the plaintiffs claim are “vague” actually are vague. Similarly, in count VI of the complaint, the plaintiffs argue that the terms “appropriateness” and “not accessible to a minor” as used in the law do not provide any definite procedural safeguards or standards. Yet Section 5 of the law specifically amends Arkansas Code for the “Establishment of guidelines for selection, removal relocation, and retention of materials.” These guidelines include having written policies for the process of challenging material, addressing those challenges, standards for what can be relocated or withdrawn, and communicating decisions to the parties involved.

Other than these claims that the law does not provide any guidelines or standards, which is patently false, I did not see where the plaintiffs provided a single situation where they would be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Their claims of due process seem to be based solely on a violation of the First Amendment. A person challenging material in the library has access to a written policy for the establishing of guidelines and for how the library will address challenged material. The county librarian forms a committee of library personnel to review the challenge, and the person challenging the material to present his or her request to the committee. It seems to me that both sides have the opportunity to present their case, and I find it odd that the librarians who are suing to stop this law are the ones who vote to determine whether or not the material should be relocated.

First Amendment Violation?

With the single exception of the question of procedural safeguards and standards, the Fourteenth Amendment and its Due Process Clause is always referred to with a violation of the First Amendment. However, this law cannot violate the First Amendment for one simple reason: It was not created by Congress.

Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Since Congress did not make this law, it cannot violate the First Amendment. I can assume that the attorney’s for the plaintiffs believe the lie promulgated by the Supreme Court that somehow the Fourteenth Amendment rewrote the First Amendment, but it did not. Which brings up an interesting question. If this law cannot violate the First Amendment, did the District Court have jurisdiction?

The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Clause 1

Although the plaintiffs claim a First Amendment violation, it patently is not. And since none of the plaintiffs articulated a reasonable claim under the Fourteenth Amendment, the claim the District Court made was wrong.

the Court found that at least one plaintiff had standing to challenge the constitutionality of Sections 1 and 5 of Act 372 and that such challenges were ripe.

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Injunction

Recommendations for Arkansas

If the District Court does not have jurisdiction, then the injunction ordered by the court is invalid. And if the injunction is invalid, there’s no reason why Governor Huckabee-Sanders or the rest of the government of Arkansas should recognize and follow it. I know, it sounds radical, even anarchistic, but it is the law. The Supreme Court cannot rewrite the Constitution, so their claims that the Fourteenth Amendment rewrites the First is unconstitutional, invalid, and void. Furthermore, the rationale the judge used involved violations of free speech, attempting to apply the First Amendment to state law, which is unconstitutional.

First, it is overbroad because it regulates substantially more speech than the Constitution allows and therefore violates the First Amendment rights of Arkansans.

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Injunction

As I’ve shown, this cannot violate the First Amendment rights of Arkansans since Congress did not make this, so this argument is invalid and void. Lastly, the “vagueness” argument is just plain foolish.

Second, its terms are so vague that they fail to provide librarians and booksellers with adequate notice of what conduct is prohibited, thus violating their due process rights.

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Injunction

But the terms are not vague, and the prohibited conduct is quite obvious. From Arkansas Act 372:

(b) A person commits furnishing a harmful item to a minor if, knowing the character of the item involved, the person knowingly:

(1) Furnishes, presents, provides, makes available, gives, lends, shows, advertises, or distributes to a minor an item that is harmful to minors; or
(2) Transmits or sends to a person that he or she believes to be a minor by means of electronic mail, personal messaging, or any other direct internet communication an item that is harmful to minors when the person knows or believes at the time of the transmission that a minor in this state will receive the item.

Arkansas Act 372

Prohibited conduct is stated plainly in the law. If librarians and booksellers know that something has been found to be harmful to minors and knowingly makes it available to minors, then and only then is it “furnishing a harmful item to a minor”.

The Court observes that in a factually similar case, Virginia v. American Booksellers Ass’n, the Supreme Court held that booksellers in Virginia had standing to sue the Commonwealth to enjoin a law that would criminalize the commercial display of materials deemed “harmful to juveniles.”

Fayetteville Public Library et. al. v. Crawford County, Arkansas et. al. – Injunction

There is, however, a major difference between the Booksellers Association case and this one. The Bookseller Association represents private book sellers.


There is one area where I think the law can be improved. This law amends existing law to add “loans at a library” to this list of those liable for the possession, sale, or distribution of harmful material. Yet the law states that a person commits “furnishing a harmful item” if they knowingly does so. If it’s supposed to apply to libraries, why doesn’t the law specifically say so? Also, there is the question of “knowingly.” Say you work in a book store, library, or some other venue that provides material to minors. How is someone to know if a specific item has been found to be harmful to minors? Is it up to the owner to remove or segregate harmful material? Or if it’s up to the sales person, how are they to know?

More disturbing is the fact that a District Court judge either cannot read plain English or doesn’t care about their oath of office. Which brings me to the next question: If the court got the question of standing so badly wrong, is the State of Arkansas required to abide by the order? Sure, Arkansas can appeal the judges decision to the Circuit Court, and that might be the safer answer, but is it the most just answer? How many children will be exposed to harmful content because a judge cannot read or a group of unelected librarians think they have the right to distribute such content to them?

© 2025 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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The Dawn of a New Golden Age Under President Trump

By: Amil Imani

January 28, 2025

As President Donald Trump steps into his second term, he calls for a renaissance in America and proclaims the beginning of a “Golden Age.” This bold vision marks a significant shift in the nation’s political and economic landscape, promising revitalization, prosperity, and renewed national pride.

In his inaugural speech, Trump outlined a vision for America’s future, emphasizing an optimistic return to greatness. With the confident assertion that “America’s decline is over,” Trump proclaimed that the country is ready for a resurgence that will make it the world’s envy. This sense of optimism is reflected in his sweeping agenda, which aims to reshape key elements of American society, from the economy to national security, all while highlighting the importance of traditional values. A cornerstone of Trump’s vision is revitalizing the American economy, focusing on restoring U.S. sovereignty and prosperity through bold economic policies. One of the most ambitious initiatives he has proposed is a massive $500 billion investment in artificial intelligence (AI). This investment is expected to create over 100,000 new jobs and position the U.S. as a leader in AI infrastructure. According to tech executives, this push is a game-changer, driving technological innovation and manufacturing growth that will secure America’s place as a global powerhouse.

In addition to focusing on AI, Trump’s administration is committed to making America energy independent. By declaring a national energy emergency, he intends to reverse policies restricting energy production, advocating for increased fossil fuel use, and expanding domestic drilling. Trump believes that energy independence is crucial for economic growth and lowering costs for American consumers. His policies aim to ensure that the U.S. will not rely on foreign energy sources, thereby strengthening the nation’s global competitiveness.

Trump’s agenda also prioritizes national security, particularly addressing the challenges posed by illegal immigration. His administration has committed to reinstating policies like “Remain in Mexico” and ramping up border security to address what he describes as an “invasion” at the southern border. These measures are part of Trump’s broader approach to securing American borders. This sentiment resonates strongly with his base, which views immigration as a critical issue for both national security and economic prosperity.

In a broader context, Trump’s “America First” policies aim to secure the nation’s interests at home and abroad. His focus on sovereignty and self-reliance positions America as a defender of its people and industries rather than as a participant in international agreements that he argues undermine U.S. workers and businesses.

Trump’s rhetoric also emphasizes a return to traditional American values, which many of his supporters feel have been undermined by progressive movements. A key part of his platform is combating what he perceives as government overreach and social censorship. He vows to protect free speech and ensure accountability in federal agencies. This promise has struck a chord with conservatives who feel their voices have been stifled in the public discourse.

Culturally, Trump has positioned himself as a defender of traditional family structures, and his administration has frequently framed social issues through the lens of defending these values. His stance on gender identity, marriage, and social justice has been supported and criticized. Still, his vision for America includes restoring what he sees as the country’s foundational values.

Trump’s message extends beyond policy—it is a call to action, a rallying cry for those who believe in his vision of American greatness. By framing his presidency as a movement toward a brighter future, he seeks to unite Americans who feel alienated by recent political developments. His assertion that “this is America’s moment of redemption” appeals to his supporters to embrace the opportunity to reclaim the nation’s future and restore its former glory.

As President Trump embarks on this ambitious journey, his supporters and critics closely watch how these policies unfold. His administration’s focus on deregulation, economic nationalism, and cultural conservatism marks a sharp departure from the approaches taken by previous presidents. While many Republicans see this as a chance to correct the nation’s course after years of perceived neglect, others remain wary of the long-term implications of such a shift in policy.

Trump envisions a “Golden Age” marked by bold initiatives, a focus on American strength, and a renewed national pride. Whether or not this vision will materialize as he anticipates remains to be seen, but it has already reshaped the national conversation.

President Trump’s second term represents a decisive moment in American politics. His vision for a Golden Age, underpinned by economic growth, national security, and cultural renewal, promises a dramatic transformation in the country’s trajectory. While there will undoubtedly be challenges ahead, Trump’s call for a revitalized America speaks to those who believe in the promise of a brighter tomorrow and the enduring strength of the American spirit.

Trump’s impressive victory was a reward for his tireless commitment to serving the American people. It was also the crowning achievement of an unprecedented campaign whose brilliance and high tone demonstrated the vitality of our Constitutional Republic to the entire world while keeping them spellbound.

Our responsibility as Americans to keep America Great is to stand with President Trump, who selflessly sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and the American people.
© 2025 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Errors in Trump “Birthright” Order

By Lex Greene

January 28, 2025

On January 20, 2025, Inauguration Day for President Trump’s second term, a laundry list of Presidential Executive Orders (EO) were signed in an effort to unravel and reverse a laundry list of anti-American and unconstitutional orders signed by the previous administration. One of those EO’s is titled “PROTECTING THE MEANING AND VALUE OF AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP” addressing decades of abuse and intentional misinterpretations of the 14th Amendment.

BEFORE YOU READ ON: Understand that although the current discussion concerning “birthrights” is narrowly focused on who is and who isn’t a “birthright citizen” according to U.S. Constitutional Law, the issue actually extends far beyond this narrow subject. It involves all Natural Birthrights versus citizen privileges allowed by legislators or courts from time to time, and it impacts all Natural Rights of True Citizens inherent in nature. We will either protect all of it, or none of it.

Chief executives seldom have the time or opportunity to write or even read every policy document they sign, instead, relying upon alleged “experts” to take care of the details in a manner consistent with the stated goals of the executive, especially when involving legal documents establishing the legal foundations for the action.

I don’t know if President Trump read this particular EO before signing it, but as he was signing almost 200 new EO’s the first 24-hours in office, I highly doubt it. Even if he had, I’m sure he was relying upon “legal experts” to get the language right. Unfortunately, lawyers in this country have not been practicing Constitutional Law for decades. Instead, today’s lawyers are only well-versed in English Common Law, unconstitutionally created by our courts.

Constitutionally speaking, any power not established for each branch in the Constitution, is not a power of that branch. Any legislative act which is itself outside the authority granted in that document, which is repugnant to the text and intent of that documents, or violates the additional prohibitions in the Bill of Rights, is strictly prohibited. All governmental acts must be “in furtherance thereof.”

As I read the document, using long established constitutional interpretations on the matter of “birthrights,” a subject I have researched and written on numerous times over the years, I find a few critical errors in the document (EO) that can hopefully be corrected before anyone starts referring to it as “settled law.”

I’m addressing this in an effort to assist, because in the USA under the Charters of Freedom, nothing is more foundationally critical than the subject of true “birthrights.” The matter of “citizenship” rights is only a tiny issue at stake concerning the “natural birthrights” of American citizens. All inalienable Rights of the true American citizens are “natural birthrights,” established by “the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God,” and “endowed by our Creator.”

“Birthrights” have nothing to do with legislative measures or court opinions. “Birthrights” exist in and are produced by nature, not lawyers, politicians or judges with an agenda.

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Pursuit of Happiness
  • Freedom
  • Birthright Citizenship in the Country of Your Parentage
  • Free speech, free expression, free press, a right to keep and bear arms
  • Immunity from fraudulent prosecution

Just to name a few, but these are all “birthrights” in the USA. According to the U.S. Constitution, only Congress has lawmaking power. In the enumerated powers of Congress is the power to establish “naturalization” laws pertaining to legal “immigrants.” Such laws have been established and violated by government officials for many years. Congress has no authority over any “birthrights” at all.

Furthermore, the Charters of Freedom are not based upon English Common Law, but rather “the Laws of Nature.” Yet, our courts and legislatures have been functioning on English Common Law for many years now, a practice used to undermine the true “birthrights” of all true “birthright citizens” and all natural rights inherited at birth.

As it pertains to the 14th Amendment, it must be read and interpreted within the proper context of all three “reconstruction amendments” adopted at the time, 13, 14 and 15, because all three were adopted during the same time frame and all three pertained to former slaves and their families only,  in post-Civil War America. (Details here)

Problems in the Trump EO

In the Trump EO, based upon the stated intent in Section 1 – Purpose of the EO, I find problems in a few critical areas, as follows.

  1. “But the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship universally to everyone born within the United States.”

Actually, this is exactly how our government has been intentionally misinterpreting the amendment for decades now. The same Supreme Court that saw a right to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment in 2015, has been misinterpreting an amendment aimed solely at former slaves and their families, to include the children of “illegal aliens” born in the USA illegally since. It should have stated that this is a blatant misinterpretation, rather than an interpretation never used.

  1. “The Fourteenth Amendment has always excluded from birthright citizenship persons who were born in the United States but not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”

This is stereotypical legal-beagle word parsing here. Everyone in the USA, including vacationers and visitors, is “subject to our legal jurisdiction” while in our country. When discussing “jurisdiction,” it’s important to understand what jurisdiction is and isn’t. Even “illegal aliens” are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States, in this case, our Immigration and Naturalization laws, as well as our criminal codes.

  1. “Consistent with this understanding, the Congress has further specified through legislation that “a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is a national and citizen of the United States at birth, 8 U.S.C. 1401, generally mirroring the Fourteenth Amendment’s text.”

Although the first slaves were not “born in the USA,”, their children were born in the USA, but born into slavery prior to the 13th, hence, the sole purpose of the 13th Amendment. U.S. Codes have also misinterpreted the intent of the 14th Amendment, such as the Code cited above from Trump’s EO.

  1. Section 2 “(b) Subsection (a) of this section shall apply only to persons who are born within the United States after 30 days from the date of this order.”

This section of the EO appears to inappropriately grandfather in the tens of millions of cases of those who were born here “illegally” prior to this effective date of the EO, even though this too, would be in direct violation of our standing Immigration Laws.

  1. “(c) Nothing in this order shall be construed to affect the entitlement of other individuals, including children of lawful permanent residents, to obtain documentation of their United States citizenship.”

Once again, a “birthright” is inherited by the children, from their natural birth parentage. Because “lawful permanent residents” are NOT legal U.S. citizens, they are not able to pass to their children that which they do not possess, legal citizenship. Whoever drafted this EO for Trump, must know that this is false and very dangerous. George Soros holds “lawful permanent residency” in the USA, as do many other evildoers within our midst.

This is probably the worst error in this EO. It essentially grants legal U.S. citizenship rights to children of non-citizens, simply because their residency in the USA is not “illegal.” But in these cases, the “lawful permanent residents” have not taken up legal citizenship in the USA. Therefore, they do not possess what this section suggests, “citizenship,” and they have no right to pass to their children, that which they do not possess.

I’m quite confident in saying that Trump very likely, has no idea what’s wrong in his recently signed EO on this subject. I believe his intentions are correct and necessary to the preservation of our Constitutional system of self-governance.

However, I’m equally confident in suggesting that his “common law experts” who drafted this EO for him, may not know the critical truth either, or may not want to reestablish the truth.

The Love of Money, and the Love of Power, is indeed the Root of all Evil

In any free state, all power belongs to the people, referred to as “inalienable natural rights.” As it pertains to the subject of citizenship, these three words accurately establish the foundation for “birthright citizenship.” It’s not a right derived from mere political servants. It’s a right which is produced by and exists in nature. As such, it is “inalienable” by any governmental body.

Long ago, Thomas Jefferson saw the problem and warned all Americans that would follow.

Immediately following the Marbury v. Madison court opinion of 1803, Jefferson started issuing warning after warning in 1804.

“Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” (Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)

By 1820 and 1821, Jefferson had already seen the damage done to the Constitutional Republic guaranteed to every State and every Citizen in the Constitution.

“The judiciary of the United States is the subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly working under ground to undermine the foundations of our confederated fabric. They are construing our constitution from a co-ordination of a general and special government to a general and supreme one alone. This will lay all things at their feet, and they are too well versed in English law to forget the maxim, ‘boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem’ [good judges have ample jurisdiction]. . . . A judiciary independent of a king or executive alone, is a good thing; but independence of the will of the nation is a solecism, at least in a republican government.” (Letter to Thomas Ritchie, Dec. 25, 1820)

“The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal Judiciary; an irresponsible body (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and a little tomorrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped.” (Letter to Charles Hammond, August 18, 1821)

“The great object of my fear is the Federal Judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting with noiseless foot and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step and holding what it gains, is engulfing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them.” (Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, 1821)

Some two-hundred years later, we no longer have members of the legal profession who know, understand, or revere the Natural Rights of the People, as they are endowed by our Creator. We only have legal professionals familiar with and practicing English Common Law.

As a result, even a President is prone to Constitutional errors as they depend upon alleged “legal experts” in the performance of their duties under their Oath of Office. Many who have taken an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution, are actively engaged in the use of English Common Law to undermine it, instead.

Indeed, many modern law professionals are very proficient in English Common Law. It’s this practice that empowers lawyers, judges and legislators to strip citizens of their “natural birthrights” by simply creating what they call “case law” derived from mere court opinions, falsely referred to as “court precedence” and “case law.”

EXAMPLE #1 – Our courts, politicians and mass media have referred to the court opinion in Roe v. Wade as “settled law” for about 70-years, even though Congress established no such law. But in the end, there was nothing settled about it when a later court reversed that opinion.

EXAMPLE #2 – In 2025, our U.S. Supreme Court looked at the 14th Amendment concerning citizenship rights for former slave families and found some alleged right to gay marriage there. Of course, the 14th has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage or gay rights, but only citizenship rights for former slave families.

In reality, the “reconstruction” amendments (13th, 14th, and 15th) became obsolete one generation following their adoption, as from that point forward, every child in their families were born citizens of the United States with all of the same rights as any other U.S. citizen.

Constitutional Law would allow none of this to ever happen in our courts. But English Common Law is entirely untethered from the limited constitutional authority of the courts, or government as a whole.

“Birthright Citizenship”

Beyond the slave families covered by the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, children born in the USA to “non-citizen” parents have no “birthrights” in the USA whatsoever. They were born in our country “illegally” and remain “illegal.”

But by our government working to grant non-citizens birthrights via legislative measures repugnant to the Constitution, they have undermined the true source of all political power in the USA, the true Birthright Citizens of the USA, those who inherited their citizenship via the bloodline of the birth Father.

“That which God has given…no man has the power to take away!”

This is the very foundation of freedom and liberty. All Natural Rights come from the Laws of Nature and pass from the bloodline of the Father to his children.

If I had direct contact with President Trump, I would explain this and prove it beyond any doubt. But I do not have direct contact with Trump, and I am very aware of the reality that the advisers around him will prefer for him to never know this truth. Most of them are English Common Law lawyers….

So, only you, the reader, can teach others this foundational truth and maybe, someone you teach will have direct access to Trump.

Otherwise, this is no longer a country of, by, or for the true Birthright Citizens of this country. All natural birthrights will be lost, never to be regained! None of the natural rights you thought you had…will you ever have.

In closing, “True Birthright Citizen” is synonymous with the term “Natural Born Citizen” in Article II. However, 14th Amendment citizens are at the very best, “naturalized citizens” via that amendment and subsequent naturalization codes.

Does the 13th Amendment apply to anyone other than slaves at the time? Does the 15th Amendment apply to anyone other than the slaves at that time? The answer is no…and the same is true of the 14th Amendment.

I argue that even in this case, the 14th Amendment establishes no such right beyond the intent and purpose of the Amendment, as it pertained to former slave families at that time, as it is with the 13th and 15th amendments.

Only TRUTH can set us free!

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Secretary Rubio

By Kat Stansell

January 27, 2025

His Was The First Confirmation For A Reason

Rubio pledges decisions to make America ‘safer’ and ‘more prosperous’

Marco Rubio was the first of President Trump’s appointments to be confirmed. The vote was 99-0 in favor. This could be a bad sign.

Rubio is apparently loved by all, and THAT, folks, is a more than a bit worrisome, especially for the incoming Secretary of State of an administration that is standing against the very essence of the unelected Biden junta, and their Congressional bedfellows. Rubio had been a Senator since 2011. Hold that thought.

Clearly little Marco is loved by ALL, including the Deep State, of which I suspect him to be a member, IF ONLY BECAUSE OF THE UNAMIMOUS VOTE. I had my worries before this, as you know from my “Traitor Locator” article last spring, but here we are – and now, it’s “eyes wide open” time.

Donald Trump has to know that as well; he is FAR from being a clueless man. Going back to the primaries in 2016, Trump referred to him as “little Marco”; they were campaign adversaries.

Rubio has been in the US Senate since 2011, during 6 years of Obama’s terms, then Trump’s, then Biden’s four.

Last spring, I wrote of Marco Rubio in my “Traitor Locator” series. I have not changed my mind. Let me quickly review my reasons, from that article from May 23.

First – and a BIG ISSUE for me, – last year, Marco Rubio voted in favor of the Police State legislation, the FISA 702 renewal, which permitted the FBI to attack private citizens in their homes for federally imagined offenses. That bill was then carried forward by the renewal of a Dept. of Defense (DOD) directive, 5240.01, which expands the use of lethal force against US citizens – JUST THIS PAST SEPTEMBER, 2024. That was six weeks before the Presidential election. Marco Rubio was still a US Senator. He did NOT speak out.

Second, Rubio’s Conservative voting record in Congress, during his 13 years, has been quite low. Liberty Scores, from the Conservative Review, gives him a C- rating, for voting only 71% of the time in favor of Conservative issues.

Even Heritage Foundation – NOT my favorite source of Conservative thought, since they brought Mike Pence on as a “visiting scholar” in 2021 – just recently lowered Rubio’s conservative voting record to a 69%. This was during the contest for VP nominee among Rubio, Scott, Bergum and Vance. Whereas, Scott’s score in the same scorecard rose to an 87%, Marco’s decreased, meaning that he had voted WITH the left more often since the last Heritage poll. Tim Scott was trying, Marco was doubling down in his support of Leftist legislation it seems. NOT a good look for our new SOS.

Vance, just FYI, scored a 93% on the same Heritage Scorecard. He was too new to Congress to show on the Conservative Review.

Now, Marco Rubio is our Secretary of State. Thank God, JD Vance is our Vice President, but I worry.

Yes, Rubio is of Cuban heritage, which is notable, yet really is not that weighty a factor, imho. Hispanics already approve of Donald Trump in record numbers, before Rubio became the SOS nominee. Some world players still support the Castro regime (including the members of the 2020 US Coup). Could this have anything to do with our tangled world order? OK, I realize that may be a bit “out there”, but everything considered, we must consider everything.

Rubio was, of course, vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and as such, formed concerns about foreign actors on the world state. We can only hope they were the correct ones, not preferences of the Left.

I’ll link you to a summation of Rubio, by the AP, which was written immediately after the November election. It is neither supportive nor critical, which could reflect the ”new news” of late, more than meaningful commentary on Rubio, but it’s worth a read.

Florida knows him best of all, from his childhood in a working class family in Miami, to his riding the Tea Party wave to his first seat in Congress. Pray that President Trump knows him best of all.

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Balderdash Charade In American Politics: The Biden Factor

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 27, 2025

“To clean up the mess Biden made, Trump has to clean up the mess that ‘made’ Biden.”  —Mark Alexander

For the past four years, January 20, 2021 to January 20, 2025, the American people have been lied to, cheated out of their taxpayer dollars, swindled out of their citizenship and roundly besieged with lies from Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, AOC, Mayorkas, Austen, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR and just about every liberal-leaning newspaper in the country.

All of them created a “fog of untruths” parading as “truths” to keep the American people in the dark.  Never in history have a cartel of news networks obfuscated the facts and downright lied like this in modern times.  The biggest questions is: WHY?  What did they hope to achieve?  What was their end game?  Who stood to benefit by cheating the American people about the truth about Joe Biden and his handlers?

How did the charade, mascaraed, and facade continue for THAT long?  How could men like Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper, Jim Acosta, John Dickerson, Rachel Maddox, Joy Reid, et. al., be SO deceptive, SO filthy in their charade as to mislead the American people as to “Woke”, “Transgenders men competing against women as if it was acceptable”, “Critical Race Theory”, and “D.E.I.”, along with their endless attacks on Trump as to the Russia Hoax, Hunter Biden’s laptop, calling him “Hitler” and worse?

Joe Biden will go down in history as the crookedest, creepiest and most deceiving criminal ever to hold office in America.  He lied, sniffed little girls’ hair, “handsied” women, and brought millions of dollars via influence peddling to his family. In the end, he “preemptively pardoned” his family members crime syndicate.

If not for citizen-journalists across the gamut of America and the First Amendment, citizens would never get the facts as to what was actually happening in America.  Thank God for men and women like Victor Davis Hanson, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Pete Hegseth, Brian Kilmeade, Jesse Watters, Martha McCallum, John Scott, James Comer, Devvy Kidd, Lex Greene, Steven Yates , Kelleigh Nelson, and SO many others that brought Americans the facts and the truths about what was happening.

Let’s face it, our C.I.A. and F.B.I. lied to us. Our Merritt Garland at DOJ lied and waged “law fare” against Donald Trump with no other purpose other than bend the law into a quagmire of falsification of reality.  Thankfully, in the end, basic truths prevailed. The American people prevailed.

“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”  Thomas Jefferson

You can’t say it any better than that.  Our Founding Fathers knew about the Divine Right of Kings, and their treachery. You can go to Louis the XIV, or Napoleon, or Stalin, or Mao, or the rest of those treacherous men of history.  They all killed and lied their way to the top.

And so it is in America. Jill Biden covered up Joe Biden’s Alzheimer’s from 2019 to this day. Right now, she’s in their house in Delaware as his permanent caregiver 24/7.  But remember that she wanted him to run for a second term when it was MORE THAN OBVIOUS that he was decrepit in mind and body.  But that’s the nature of those who are extremists and covet power.  They don’t give a damn about, “We the people”, but they give everything to maintain their power, money and prestige.   Thankfully, with House Member James Comer, his latest book on Joe Biden’s financial fraud, the history books will expose Biden like the history books have exposed every tyrant for millennia.

Is there any chance we could expose people like U.S. Senator Schumer (D-NY) who granted driver’s licenses to illegal aliens Muhammod Atta and his gang that drove airplanes into the Twin Towers to give us 9/11?

What about exposing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended 20 year wars where she made millions on insider trading of defense contracts?  Any chance to prosecute her and her colleagues?

What about that bartender Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, (D-NY) in our House of Representatives who couldn’t pass a “common sense” test for a third grader?  She’s part of “the Squad” of mental midgets that lack, much like the Mayor of Philadelphia, Cherelle Parker,  the ability to spell “E G L E S” correctly.  Ma’am, please return to the fifth grade, and pass your spelling tests, repeat after me, “E A G L E S.”  That’s your NFL home team lady.  She is an example of “D.E.I.” which means, DIDN’T EARN IT, as to a high school diploma. It’s also called educational “affirmative action.”  That’s why the American Reading association reported that 45 million Americans are functionally illiterate.  Unfortunately, some of them bluff their way into becoming mayors or even House Members like Rashida Talaib, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson, Hank Johnson, and WAY too many others.

What about our country importing people like Somalian Ilhan Omar with a verifiable IQ of 68, yet she’s voted into the House by her countrymen in Minneapolis who also tip the scales as a collective IQ of 68?   She hates America because its not Islamic.  She stands with the Quran, which means she cannot pledge her honor the our U.S. Constitution because the Quran forbids it.  She stands with Sharia Law.  How did we allow that to happen?  She’s dumber than a box of rocks, but enjoys a platform she never earned and was not qualified to hold.

What about Whoopi Goldberg or Joy Reid?  Two of the biggest, emptiest mouths and brains in network TV.  They both hate America, yet both are paid millions to blabber their “horsefeathers.”  Talk about “WOKE” stupidity on a level unheard of in history.  Don’t forget, all White Americans are racists.  To both of them, many have said, “Those two are a collective of intellectual gerbils.”

How did we get a Cuban migrant DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, along with his mutton-brained border czar Kamala Harris in positions to stop the border invasion, when they aided, abetted and organized it?  And yet, for four years, they lied to us, point blank weekly that, “Our borders are secured.”  What a bunch of crap!  Those two were the biggest “D.E.I.” hires in America’s history.  Where did they get us?  Oh, about 15 million illegal aliens biting us in the financial, taxpayer a** for billions of dollars.

We must go back to what brought us to the point where a major criminal like Joe Biden attained the White House.  Who actually ran this country for four years?  Some say it was Jill Biden, or Barack Obama, Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, maybe Kamala Harris.  It’s a foregone conclusion that Joe Biden was not capable of running America for the past four years.  Which makes all of them liars, Constitutional criminals, and American power extremists.

And, we paid their salaries!  We paid to watch NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR and the rest of the hide the reality of Joe Biden’s dementia.

In the end, nothing could hide Biden’s incompetence and mental decline, but it gave us Ukraine, Hamas, our universities erupting in pro-Islamic riots, the 2021 George Floyd burning down riots, the $200 million in EBT card frauds by Somalians in Minneapolis and the incredible taxpayer burden of 15 million illegal aliens leaching off our taxes.

It’s sickening to see what has happened to our country!  It’s sickening to see what’s happened to North Carolina, and especially in California where incompetence reigns supreme in its “WOKENESS”, governor and mayors.

We need to bring back common sense, merit-based leadership, and patriotism toward our country.

As George S. Patton said, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth; Democrats are the lowest form of politician.”

That pretty much sums up Joe Biden and what happened to America, and now, California. Oh, and Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker needs to learn how to spell her NFL team’s name:“E A G L E S.” Any fifth grader could teach her!

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

“Anchor babies” and Ignorant Judges, Part 3

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

January 27, 2025

“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty.”  —Thomas Jefferson

In part 1 (Jan. 12, 2025) and part 2 (Jan. 13, 2025) I covered the issue of infants born on U.S. soil automatically becoming U.S. citizens.  Nothing could be further from the truth. Last week as soon as Donald J. Trump was sworn in, the usual maggots and cockroaches filed lawsuits.  Hell, the ink wasn’t even dry on Trump’s official documents.  22 States, two cities and a slew of pro-lawlessness all filed.

It wasn’t just the ACLU, political whores, “non-profit” agenda driven organizations and “churches”.  The biggest profiteers have been NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations).  Like the rest of the above, they’re part of the mob who deliberately ignore federal LAW to aid, abet and harbor ILLEGAL aliens for big money.  NONE OF THEM GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE LAW.  It’s all about agendas and moola – out of YOUR paycheck while you work your arse off to keep food on the table for your family.

All the “experts immediately jumped on the 14th Amendment as proof babies born on U.S. soil automatically become U.S. citizens.  All these “experts” who couldn’t find their southern sphincter with a schematic of the human body.

January 23, 2025, another ignorant judge barfed up his opinion. John C. Coughenour is the senior judge for the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington State.  (It’s called forum shopping.)  Judge Coughenour is 83 years old.  Appointed by Ronnie Reagan.

Federal Judge Blocks Trump Bid to Restrict Birthright Citizenship – “A federal judge on Thursday put a temporary block on US President Donald Trump’s attempt to restrict birthright citizenship.

“The ruling imposes a 14-day halt on the enforcement of one of the most controversial executive orders Trump signed in the hours after he was sworn into office for a second term.  “This is a blatantly unconstitutional order,” US District Judge John Coughenour was reported as saying during the hearing in Washington state.”

Coughenour appears to have spent part of his 40 years on the bench in the basement. The author of that article on Breitbart presented this: “Birthright citizenship is fundamental to America’s national identity, with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution decreeing that anyone born on US soil is a citizen.

“It says, in part: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Oh, brother.

In both parts 1 & 2 I hammered on the history of the 14th Amendment and the key wording which Judge Coughenour apparently has either no understanding of the wording or he simply chooses to ignore it.  In fact, back in 1993, one of the biggest liars and crooks ever to serve in CON-gress, the now deceased Sen. Harry Reid (member of the Democrat/Communist Party USA) submitted the strongest anti-illegals bill ever written and let me quote from my column, August 24, 2014: (Emphasis mine)

A BILL: STOP ALL PUBLIC WELFARE IN ANY FORM FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS – “His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out. One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.” 

I added an Appendix to that column: “Demand they (CON-gress) vote to pass Dirty Harry’s bill eliminating his Sec. 503 and replace with Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the bill I wrote denying illegals access to our schools and medical. See Appendix for my bill.”

“Dirty Harry was speaking about the legal fiction called ‘anchor babies’ something I have been very vocal about: States Must Fight Legal Fiction Called Anchor Babies, Dec. 9, 2011. “It is astounding how many elected public officials support illegal aliens who sneak into our house like criminals in the night, stealing jobs that belong to Americans and bankrupting cities and hospitals for “freebies” they have no right to receive, backed up by federal judges who should have been removed from the federal bench decades ago. In April 2008, the very popular, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, prostituted himself during a speech for votes at an event sponsored by the Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey by assuring his audience illegal aliens were not really here illegally, but were simply “undocumented.”

“The ‘unofficial’ number of unemployed Americans is close to 25 MILLION. Those “undocumented” criminals Gov. Christie refers to are illegally holding 11.5 MILLION jobs that belong to Americans and naturalized citizens. Shame on you, Gov. Christie for thumbing your nose at our federal immigration laws and encouraging even more criminals to break into our country. Roll out the welcome mat. Unemployment in New Jersey is holding at a steady 9.3%. Gov. Christie apparently doesn’t care if jobs go to illegal aliens instead of legal citizens in his state. After all, they’re simply “undocumented”. Well, what can one expect from someone who believes the hoax called ‘global warming’? Yes, Christie is on the record saying ‘climate change’ (the repackaged global warming baloney) is caused by human activity.

“Gov. Rick Perry here in Texas is also pro illegals despite his carefully crafted stump speeches. Almost six years ago, Perry signed a bill into law to steal from the taxpayers of Texas to give tuition breaks to illegal aliens attending state universities. “Students” who have no right to even be on U.S. soil, much less take classroom seats in universities. Voters beware: Rick Perry is not who you think he is; Perry’s actions speak louder than his campaign rhetoric.”

(Dirty Harry then changed his mind and became an open border pimp to stay in the good graces of the Democrat/Communist Party USA.)

This is also important in my column above: “This illustrates that Congress recently discussed the issue, and they can’t claim they were unaware. But we don’t have to take Dr. Fonte’s word for it. The following discussion by the various 14th Amendment Framers took place on the Senate floor.

“I took it from P.A. Madison’s research at (use his link for footnotes):

“It is clear the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had no intention of freely giving away American citizenship to just anyone simply because they may have been born on American soil. Again, we are fortunate enough to have on the record the highest authority tell us, Sen. Lyman Trumbull, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee… and the one who inserted the phrase: “[T]he provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens.’ That means ’subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.’ What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof?’ Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.

“Then Madison quotes Sen. Howard, another Framer, concurring with Trumbull: “Sen. Howard concurs with Trumbull’s construction:
“Mr. HOWARD: I concur entirely with the honorable Senator from Illinois [Trumbull], in holding that the word “jurisdiction,” as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the United States, whether exercised by Congress, by the executive, or by the judicial department; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the United States now.[3]

“Mr. Madison continues with even more proof of what the 14th Amendment Framers meant: “Sen. Johnson, speaking on the Senate floor, offers his comments and understanding of the proposed new amendment to the constitution:

“[Now], all this amendment [citizenship clause] provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power–for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us–shall be considered as citizens of the United States. That would seem to be not only a wise but a necessary provision. If there are to be citizens of the United States there should be some certain definition of what citizenship is, what has created the character of citizen as between himself and the United States, and the amendment says that citizenship may depend upon birth, and I know of no better way to give rise to citizenship than the fact of birth within the territory of the United States, born to parents who at the time were subject to the authority of the United States.[4]  And: “No doubt in the Senate as to what the citizenship clause means as further evidenced by Sen. W. Williams:

“In one sense, all persons born within the geographical limits of the United States are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States…All persons living within a judicial district may be said, in one sense, to be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in that district, but they are not in every sense subject to the jurisdiction of the court until they are brought, by proper process, within the reach of the power of the court. I understand the words here, ’subject to the jurisdiction of the United States,’ to mean fully and completely subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.[5]

“Madison saves for last the greatest authority on the issue: “Rep. John Bingham of Ohio, considered the father of the Fourteenth Amendment, confirms the understanding and construction the framers used in regards to birthright and jurisdiction while speaking on civil rights of citizens in the House on March 9, 1866:

“[I] find no fault with the introductory clause [S 61 Bill], which is simply declaratory of what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen…[6]
“It’s important to note this statement was issued by Bingham only months before the 14th Amendment was proposed.” End of excerpt.

Now, I’ve spent quite a few hours reading more current articles than mine from 2014 (and years earlier) and January 2025. Some of the opinions are so cockamamy I have to wonder which AI program they used to come to such nonsense.  I am fully aware time is a precious commodity for Americans but this is going to be a dirty, nasty “racist” fight to the end and for the sake of these united States of America we had better win or become another sh*thole like Somalia, Pakistan or what Germany is turning into.

We the People must sacrifice our time to learn from the history and intent of those men who birthed the Constitution and subsequent amendments.  I know millions have, God bless you.  I was just as ignorant about so much until 31 years ago when I began researching, giving up my career and paycheck (GS-11 DoD).  I knew back then our sovereign country was target one to dissolve to become part of a world government.  We can forget the Unreachables; die hard DemonRats who voted for Obama, Biden and Harris.  I have one in my family so we stick to the weather, furr babies and the cost of groceries.

I do HIGHLY encourage you to read these. There might be some redundancy but each is worth the time:

Federal Judge Blocks Trump Bid to Restrict Birthright Citizenship to Illegals, Jan. 24, 2025: “We knew there would be pushback but we are in for the long haul. Just to be clear, Trump was asserting the true meaning of the 14th amendment. Illegal parents are not part of the US jurisdiction; therefore, the child is not a citizen. Illegals do not have any US Constitutional Rights.”

Trump Is Right About Birthright Citizenship, Jan. 24, 2025, Sean Davis, Federalist


EXECUTIVE ORDER, January 20, 2025

This will go to the U.S. Supreme Court with such smart justices as Ketanji Brown Jackson. She is a nitwit to put it kindly.  Couldn’t even answer “what is a woman?” during the sham confirmation hearings. SHAME on any U.S. Senator who voted to put her on the bench; all cowards because of her skin color not brain power.  The equivalent of putting AOC on the Supreme Court.  And don’t count on Amy Coney Barrett. Get injected with an experimental gene therapy mRNA fake vaccine that can kill or maim you for life or go find another university:  Amy Coney Barrett Rejects Students’ Challenge To School Vaccine Mandate, Aug. 13, 2021. The carnage from those experimental injections is beyond words.

14th AmendmentBirthright Citizenship — President Trump and the Constitution Versus the Supreme Court -“What is at risk is whether the Supreme Court will socially engineer the law, following Justice Hugh’s hubris of, “the Constitution is what the judges say it means . . .” Or, will the court rely on the original intent of the 14th Amendment and its legislative history, and explanation of the amendment’s actual authors during ratification hearings.

“Today, the determination of national status in most parts of the world, as for the Virginia colonists in 1606, is a matter of positive law-either statutory or constitutional. But Calvin’s Case began a three-century period in which the rule determining citizenship in the English-speaking world, a rule based on place of birth, was self-consciously the product of judicial decisions.” ‘Natural Law and Birthright Citizenship in Calvin’s Case (1608)’ Polly J. Price,[1] Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities Vol.9: 73, 77

GREGG JARRETT: President Trump has a valid argument on birthright citizenship, Jan.22, 2025

There are many more but let me explain this regarding research.  My dear friend (since 1998), Larry Becraft, a constitutional attorney for over 35 years has spent HUNDREDS OF HOURS collecting historical data and recognized law regarding “subject to the jurisdiction thereof…” He sent this in an email:  18th Amendment:

“Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

14th Amendment:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

“What does “subject to the jurisdiction” mean? Does it include “within the jurisdiction” of the US? See attached.”

The attachment was 93 pages:  State Laws: “Subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” – all 50 states.  He has a ton of historical research. Both Larry and Dr. Edwin Vieira (if he chooses) should be two expert witnesses in any cases in the lower courts.  Larry because he has all the legal ammunition needed and Dr. Edwin Vieira who has been in front of past Supreme Courts and argued or briefed successfully; a brilliant legal mind.

The U.S. Solicitor General argues cases in front of the Supreme Court; see here.  The Acting Solicitor General since Jan. 20, 2025 (a great day for America and now pedo Joe can get the medical treatment and supervision he needs for Stage 1 Altzheimer’s) is Sarah Harris.

As we all know, the courts move slower than snails but we shall see.  Statement by President-elect Donald J. Trump Announcing the Nomination of Dean John Sauer as Solicitor General of the United States – “I am pleased to announce that Dean John Sauer will serve as Solicitor General of the United States in my Administration. John is a deeply accomplished, masterful appellate attorney, who clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia in the United States Supreme Court, served as Solicitor General of Missouri for six years, and has extensive experience practicing before the U.S. Supreme Court and other Appellate Courts. Most recently, John was the lead counsel representing me in the Supreme Court in Trump v. United States, winning a Historic Victory on Presidential Immunity.”

If Sauer does become Solicitor General, he truly MUST meet with Larry and Dr. Vieira; back the U.S. Supreme Court into a corner they can’t get out of.

In the meantime, please share this everywhere so we can help inform and educate our fellow Americans. Send the link to this column to X and Trump’s Truth Social.  The Democrat/Communist Party USA – and make no mistake about it – are going to fight dirty. There’s already posts plans are being considered to impeach Trump as soon as possible.  A joke because the U.S. House majority is held by Republicans, but makes for good headlines and fund raising.  It also wouldn’t surprise me if they try for blanket immunity for the close to 15 MILLION illegals who got into OUR country while Obama and Valeria Jarrett were running the WH because it surely was NOT career criminal, Joe Biden.

Tom Homan, all those in the Border Patrol, National Guard and other law enforcement now rounding up and deporting illegal criminals, rapists, thieves and freeloaders, thank you.  Be Safe doing a dangerous job for We the People.

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2025 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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Related: We must reinforce these are NOT “undocumented migrants”.  They are illegal aliens regardless of country of origin.  They have no documents because they sneaked into OUR country.  Or, under old Uncle Joe, walked across the border and given paperwork so you can support them.  There is virtually no way to prove who these law breakers are coming from almost 100 different countries or who they really are unless there’s a red flag from Interpol International.

That’s all it will take: Arrest a few mayors, governors and members of state legislatures who’ve given illegal aliens driver’s licenses:

Mayors, local officials could face arrest if they don’t comply with Trump’s mass deportations.  Homeland Security advisor Stephen Miller warned ‘no one is above the law’ on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime’, Jan. 23, 2025

Trump DHS makes key move against migrants allowed in via controversial Biden parole programs: “The Thursday memo notes that parole is a ‘positive exercise of enforcement discretion to which no alien is entitled’.”

These people are deranged and dangerous:  DISGUSTING: Radical Anti-Trump Protesters Bring Out a Guillotine to Threaten the 47th President Months After He Was Nearly Assassinated (VIDEO), Jan. 20, 2025

WATCH: Deranged Leftist Calls for Trump’s Assassination, Says Shooter Will be Pardoned: “We’re Not Doing That Grazing His Skin, His Ear Sh*t. We’re Going Full Blown Lincoln, Full Blown Kennedy”, Jan. 26, 2025

Ohio Meat Processing Company ‘Fresh Mark, Inc.’ Agrees to Pay 3.7M Penalty for Employing Migrant Workers Using Stolen U.S. Citizens’ Identities, Jan. 1, 2025. Now start hiring Americans.

BREAKING: President Trump Signs Executive Order Shutting Down ALL Physical Entry Of Migrants at Southern Border

JUST IN: Trump FIGHTS BACK Against Colombia Blocking Illegal Alien Flights – Announces 50% Tariffs, Travel Ban, Visa Revocations, Sanctions, and Enhanced Border Inspection of Colombians and Their Cargo, Jan. 26, 2025

Well, that didn’t take long:  Colombia’s Petro Backs Down: Sending Personal Plane to Pick Up Migrants After Trump Announced Sanctions (Likely had to change his tighty-whitey’s but I still won’t buy anything from your country.

“The Largest Mass Deportation Operation in History is Well Underway” – Military Cargo Planes Transport Illegals From Arizona’s Tucson International Airport (VIDEO), Jan. 26, 2025

Red town stands up to big blue neighbor in immigration fight: ‘Denver does not speak for all of Colorado’, Jan. 17, 2025

Trump shuts down CBP One app use by illegal aliens to enter country, cancels remaining appointments, Jan. 20, 2025

BREAKING: The City of Huntington Beach, California, is about to defy Gavin Newsom & declare itself a “Non-Sanctuary City” to allow for President Trump’s deportation forces to get in and deport all illegals. Jan. 16, 2025

“Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 1

“Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 2

WATCH: Tom Homans SAVAGE Response To Defiant Illegal INVADER | Elijah Schaffer’s Top 5 (VIDEO), Jan. 25, 2025

Coast Guard intercepts boat carrying illegal migrants as expulsion flight operations begin – The USCG is surging assets and personnel from around the nation, Jan. 2, 2025

After Two Years in Power, Giorgia Meloni’s Conservative Government in Italy Has Managed to Block 200,000 Illegal Migrants From Arriving in Its Shores, Jan. 1, 2025

You’re Men Ain’t You?

TB–the silent killer crossing our border – TB is no laughing matter. Globally, it has just overtaken COVID-19 as the biggest infectious disease killer on earth

Archbishop Vigano Exposes Globalist Elite’s Hypocrisy: How Religious and Civil Leaders Profit from Illegal Immigration and the LGBTQ+ Agenda

Good news. Now send them home where they can be with family and taken care of instead of pimping them out to perverts:  REPORT: Trump Administration Locates “80,000” of Over 320,000 Migrant Children Missing During Biden Regime, Jan. 26, 2025

Another Hoax Blows Up! Democrat Gov Pritzker, Fake News Media Falsely Claim ICE Agents Raided Chicago Elementary School – Here’s What Really Happened, Jan. 25, 2025

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that there were between 225,000 to 250,000 U.S. births to illegal immigrants in 2023 as debate swirls over birthright citizenship. Jan. 25, 2025.  Chain Migration.

A Time for Truth – War Footing

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 26, 2025

It is good that Donald Trump was elected President but Donald Trump cannot fix America.  He is political and our problems are spiritual.  He can certainly help us but it is the Body of Christ in America that must step up and resist the evil in this nation.  I warned the Body of Christ in America many times that if the Body of Christ did not step up and resist the evil in our nation, God, who removes kings ….and Presidents, would remove our President……which He did in 2020.  And God gave us a President that was not kind to the Body of Christ in America.  BE WARNED AMERICA IF WE REMAIN PASSIVE!!!

The corporate Body of Christ in America is still refusing to face reality and take responsibility for our actions.  This is the message I am getting from God every day concerning the Body of Christ in America.   We need to face our spiritual reality.  Evil is overcoming our nation on our watch with church goers on every corner.  What God is looking for is some responsible Christians.

The reality is we are in a war against evil, in a war against Islam, race wars, and rumors of war, and Satan, in the form of Democrat/Progressive/Communist/Marxist/Muslims is destroying and overtaking America.  And the Body of Christ in America is allowing it to happen because we are refusing to face this spiritual war against evil and the powers of darkness.   Christians have tolerated evil and ignored evil in this nation until it is now common-place.  “What we tolerate today; becomes the norm tomorrow.”  The Word of God is clear– the sooner we get our act together spiritually, the sooner we can get on a war footing to resist evil.

I once heard Pastor Jeffries of First Baptist, Dallas, Texas, blame the Supreme Court for kicking God out of our culture and government.   Pastor Jeffries that is the blame game Christians love to play.   Christians, God was taken from our culture, the Bible, prayer, and the law of God were outlawed, our culture polluted, and our values assaulted because we were asleep in America and refused to resist the evil before us.   Nor have we fought to put God back in our culture or in the schools but we have chosen to play the blame game – the Courts, the Democrats, and on and on.

Until Christians and our pastors face our reality, take ownership for our failures, and our spiritual responsibility, Christians will remain powerless and our nation will continue down the road to destruction.  When Christians blame others for our failure, we become powerless to change the world around us.  The God we serve is stronger than any Democrat, any President, any Court, or anyone on this earth.   If we will repent, take ownership of our failures and assume our spiritual responsibilities in America, God will meet us at the battlefield and return the power to His Body.

Jesus is the Head and we are His Body on this earth.  We are not failing because the enemy is so much bigger and stronger than we are.  We are failing because the Body of Christ has decided to take the Light of the World that is to expose and resist the unfruitful works and deeds of darkness and we have hid the Light of the World under a bushel basket – our culture religion.  We refuse to take the Name of Jesus, the power of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the mighty weapons of Jesus, and the cross of Jesus, and defeat the enemy in this nation.   Our pastors are not leading in this war but giving the people the smooth words they want to hear not what they need to hear.

Does the Body of Christ not understand that Jesus can fix the mess we are in BUT YOU AND ME ARE GOING TO BE THE ONES HE WILL USE?   We are Jesus’ Body on this earth!!!  That is when we decide to trust God and seriously make ourselves available to do His will on earth as it is done in heaven!!!!!   When are we going to learn that casual Christianity won’t work in this spiritual war?  Our religious lip service does not defeat Satan.  Our blame game does not work against our demonic strongholds in America.

In reality, today the Body of Christ in America, is in the same mess Adam and Eve were in when they choose death and not life from the Tree of Life.  After their fall, the man and woman looked completely and fully alive but it is so hard to know that you are dead when you are in deception and have lost your discernment.  Over the years, the Body of Christ in America has went from the fullness of life and intimate fellowship with God to mere religious existence, and our symptoms of this change are disobedience and the blame game.  Like Adam and Eve, Christians in America are being disobedient and playing the blame game and in addition, we are hiding in the religious system and comfort zones we have chosen to create.  This gospel of “another Jesus” we have created is ineffective in resisting evil and making disciples

In America, His Body is going to repent, take responsibility for our failures, and seek the greater things of God or we will fall to evil in America.  We are going to be a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession or we are going to continue to be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense for we stumble because we are disobedient to the Word. (I Peter 2:8-9)  God bless, I remain His radical servant and watchman, Glynn Adams.

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

Either You’re Serious, Or You’re Not

By Rob Pue

January 26, 2025

In my work, I do a fair amount of counseling with individuals, couples and families dealing with some very troubling issues in their lives. I also do pre-marital counseling when I’m asked to perform a wedding ceremony. This type of work was never in my plan for ministry, but God had other ideas, and it seems He’s called me to provide counsel more and more often lately. As people read our nationally distributed Christian newspaper, hear my commentaries on the radio or watch our weekly TV program, many have sought me out with questions, to ask for prayer and to seek counsel.

In this message, I don’t intend to betray any confidential information and certainly won’t be mentioning any names. The issues I speak of may relate to you or someone you know but understand that I’m talking about the most serious issues people contact me about in a general way, and not any specific person.

The troubles people are struggling with today are many, as they try to navigate through this sinful, fallen world the best they’re able. Many people are living in unbearable circumstances and have been for a very long time and things have not gotten any better for them. There are troubled marriages, people struggling with being unequally yoked with an unbelieving spouse, there are situations where children, raised in Christian homes, have fallen away from their faith and embraced all the sin and wickedness of worldly enticements. In many of these cases, the parents suffer terrible emotional turmoil, as they watch their children head full speed down the highway to hell.

Worse yet, in many of these situations, the children want nothing to do with their parents anymore, and they’ve totally cut them out of their lives. The kids don’t acknowledge their parents’ birthdays, anniversaries or even Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day. Most rarely communicate with their parents, and some not at all.

Even more heartbreaking for these parents is when their children don’t even allow them to see or have a relationship with their precious grandchildren. Perhaps you can’t relate to this because it sounds so very dysfunctional. Make no mistake: it is very dysfunctional, and not at all healthy, yet it’s becoming more and more common every day.

God’s plan for marriage and family is one man united with one woman for a lifetime. This is the foundation of the natural family. Out of this union, should come many children. Through the trials and tribulations of life, no matter what may come, the husband and wife have vowed to remain together, “‘til death do we part.” Interestingly, divorce rates have actually fallen in recent years, but I dare say there are more unhappy marriages being reported to me now than ever before. These couples may still be living together and married, but they are definitely not happily married.

God’s plan also includes both the father and mother actively raising their children in an intact, Godly home, teaching the precepts of our Creator, our Heavenly Father to their little ones, from the youngest of ages. But you can’t teach what you don’t know, and sadly, we’re now two, if not three generations beyond when most people had a genuine fear of the Lord and a real relationship with God the Father. The “seeker friendly” church movement began long before it became something that was recognized and labeled. Church teachings have been watered down so as to be non-offensive and therefore, ineffective in training up Godly disciples.

For decades, parents have been taught by the church to leave the spiritual training of their kids to the “professionals,” and so, while most Christian couples may faithfully attend church, they turned the training up of their children over to Sunday School teachers and so-called “Children’s Church” and the Youth Groups. In these programs, if there’s a curriculum at all, it’s “church-lite, even lighter than the cotton candy they dish out to the adults — absolutely useless “teaching” as they tell the kids Bible “stories.”  The teachers, usually parents who volunteer for these jobs with no training whatsoever, are themselves unable to teach what they’ve never learned, and will simply tell a quick story, then hand out a snack and a page to color with crayons and just try to make it through until the end of the service when the parents come to pick the kids up.

What have these children learned? Fairy tales. Instead of teaching God’s Word as HISTORY, they’ve been taught “stories,” been given a snack and a time-wasting “craft” project to do.  There is very little, if any, truth taught.  And this — an hour of this once a week — has become the extent of the “spiritual training” that most churches provide today. Unfortunately, this model has been going on for decades.  It’s “Happy Fun Time” for the kids, but they’re definitely not getting trained as young disciples of Christ.  Nothing of relevance is taught; they know nothing about the spiritual warfare they’ll face in the real world, and nothing of the power of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Then they spend 40 hours a week in the public schools, where all the “fairy tale” stories they’ve heard in Children’s Church are dispelled as nonsense and superstition and what little they heard about God is replaced with things like evolution, sex education, “social justice” and atheism. The parents, grossly inept at spiritual guidance themselves, then wonder what happened, when their ten-year-old son decides he wants to be a girl; or their 14-year-old daughter becomes pregnant; or their kids end up addicted to drugs, swearing like the devil with every sentence they speak, and seeking out foul-mouthed “rap stars” as their heroes and role models.

“What in the world happened?  After all, we took them to church every week!” Yeah, there’s your answer. You left the spiritual training to a system where there was never any spiritual “meat” fed to them, and biblical history was taught as fairy tales and then when they went home, they observed their parents living no differently from their worldly, unsaved neighbors. Yes, I know, SOME parents are true disciples and followers of Christ, and their lives show it and their kids know it. But these cases are rare.

It’s a far cry from what Moses commanded the people in Deuteronomy 6: “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” These words Moses spoke were the commands of God Almighty, and nothing was or is more important. But how seriously do we take this admonition today? In most homes — even most Christian homes — God is never even mentioned, and His Word is never even opened, much less made a priority, studied and read as a family on a regular basis. And we wonder what in the world has happened to our families.

We all know the verse, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Today so many wonder why their child has become a heathen, an atheist, an anarchist and a God-hater.  If you hear nothing else of what I’m telling you today, understand this: there is NO SUBSTITUTE for genuine Christianity. Calling yourself a Christian while living like the world and having no time for God but plenty of time for hobbies, parties, vacations, television, and Facebook is nothing short of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Our kids watch everything we do. If the things of God are totally unimportant and irrelevant to us in our daily lives, never lived out in the home, and mocked and ridiculed in their public school, movies, music and everywhere else, what conclusion would you expect the kids to arrive at? “Train up a child in the way he should go…” YOU must do that. You can’t delegate that most vital responsibility to anyone else. It’s up to you. So, if you’re wondering what has happened to your kids and grandkids, there — most likely — is your answer.

I’m also often called upon for prayer and counseling for troubled marriages. This is much more common than one might think, and once again, even in so-called “Christian” homes. I hear from people where the husband and wife have slept in separate beds, and even separate parts of the house, for years. I hear from wives whose husbands won’t even sit at the same table with them for a meal — they just grab something from the fridge and eat on the couch while watching TV. There are many, both men and women, now addicted to pornography, since it’s become so readily and easily available on the internet and smart phones. Rather than a loving, intimate bond with their spouse, it’s simply easier to view sex acts online and live a fantasy life while building emotional walls that separate them from their spouse.

What’s happened to these couples? Obviously, there was a time when they were deeply in love, when the husband would do anything to court the girl, serve her, impress her, be a gentleman to her, and try his hardest to win her attention and eventually her hand in marriage. Obviously, there was a time when they walked down the aisle together and made vows before God to love and serve one another’s needs for life. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as they both should live. It wasn’t that long ago… but now, they’re two separate people living under the same roof, and can’t seem to say a pleasant word to one another, sometimes for weeks on end. In some cases, it’s been years.

Once again, while they may have had a “Church Wedding,” those who struggle with these matters often have no real relationship with the Lord. They don’t pray together, study the Word together or minister to others together. Jesus stands at the door and knocks at these homes, but Facebook, TV, hobbies and games take priority.

Most times there’s a great deal of selfishness going on in these homes. As the hurt gets worse and the hearts grow harder, it becomes more difficult for the husband and wife to genuinely care and serve one another. The importance of a heart of humility and service is repeatedly emphasized all throughout Scripture. Think of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. He told them, “whoever wishes to be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven will be the servant of all.”

Some of you men may get angry with me for saying this, but I lay most of the responsibility for all these matters directly on your shoulders. Certainly, it takes both spouses to make a Godly marriage and family. But God has called us men to be the spiritual leaders of our homes. Yet how many of us have grown up in homes where “Mom” was the one who tucked us in with bedtime prayers, who took us to church, who read us the Scriptures and modeled her faith in real life for us — while “Dad” pursued his work, his hobbies and recreation?

God also told us all, as Paul wrote to the Ephesians, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” In my counseling, I often ask men who claim to love their wives if they would give themselves up for her. Would they lay down their lives for her? “Absolutely,” they respond, without a moment’s hesitation. Then I ask, “But are you willing to lay down the porn, the alcohol, the fishing, the TV remote, the Facebook… are you willing to lay those things down for her? Do you think you even can?” I get a blank stare.

There are many troubled people, troubled marriages, dysfunctional families, broken homes, wayward children, grandparents in anguish because their grandchildren are growing up estranged from them and in Godless, secular homes. Friends, the only answer to all these things is humble repentance and turning once again — or for some, for the very first time — to God our Father and Creator, and Jesus His Son.  The Christian life is not one of ease, but the alternative, as we see so often now from the seeds we’ve sown, is pure anguish. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you. Pray without ceasing.  Do what you know is right, and start making your professed faith a real, true priority in your lives today. There’s no other way, no magic pill, no quick fix. Either you’re serious, or you’re not.

© 2025 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Watch your Wallet in Democrat Controlled Oregon

By Diane Linthicum

January 25, 2025

I’d like to express my heart-felt “Welcome” to the Trump administration because I believe that Trump and his no-nonsense team will bring much-needed common-sense solutions that work to Make America Great and Healthy Again.

In truth, Trump never matched the paint-by-numbers portrait of the evil dictator, fraud or felon. Apparently, playing those stories, was an endless attempt to place those images foremost in the minds of people throughout the US.

The American Left, academics, socialists, and oppression story-tellers were busy using Democrat-party power to influence the election. Fortunately because of the countless failures we have witnessed over these past four years people saw through their attempt.

Time will tell us how the story ends, but I’m thankful that our nation has come this far along the path. Red Dye #3 has now been banned from foods and additives, California is abandoning their efforts to remove the diesel trucking industry; Israel and Hamas apparently have a cease fire; the border will be secured, and there will be nearly one-hundred other executive orders for getting common-sense work done.

But I find myself wondering, “Where is the radical left taking Oregon?”

The mainstream media is constantly telling us, “With the three-fifths supermajority in both the Oregon House and Senate chambers, Democrats can raise revenue without any bipartisan support.”

Are the media projecting tax increases in your future? Are the media telling you that resistance is futile? Will the Democrat majority successfully tell their tales of woe and claw back your constitutionally guaranteed tax refunds? That alone is billions of dollars of refunded money coming straight back to your wallet; will the state waste that too?

Based on Gov. Kotek’s recent State-of-the-State address, it sounds like her designs include spending money and spending more money. Period. Federal money – woohoo! New Taxes – better! these won’t go away! Road Tolls – sweet! Increased Fees! – she’s got to cover increases in union wages and benefits.

The Capital Chronicle noted, “Her speech, like the first two years of her administration, focused primarily on housing, homelessness, mental health and education, with nods to climate change and speeding up the work of government.”

The Chronicle shows us that Gov. Kotek’s plan lacks definitive boundaries for determining deliverables; is missing scientific scrutiny; is tangled with clouded policy directions and is even harder to price accurately.

So… we will all have some tough work to do.

Pay attention, live well and stay strong!

Support Diane’s Conservative efforts

Diane’s Election Website

My best,
Diane Linthicum
Oregon State Senate – Elect – District 28

© 2025 Diane Kinthicum – All Rights Reserved


More News You Missed, Musings, Uncommon Commentary and More

By Sidney Secular

January 25, 2025

YOU’RE PROBABLY ON THE FEDERAL LIST: You are now considered a potential terrorist because of your political and/or religious beliefs. There are 72 specifically mentioned categories of Americans that are now considered extremists or potential terrorists and are identified as such in official GovMint documents. Broadly speaking, if you are a libertarian, a Christian, or a gun owner – if you are opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the UN or the NWO, you are the new-fangled enemy and the FedGov will look to bury its fangs in you. The Obama Administration, so inclined to coddle Muslims and promote evil, removed the label “terrorist’ from the Islamic jihadists and placed the label around your neck as your very own political albatross. The first step in persecuting and eliminating any group of people is to demonize them. Today, large groups of peaceful, law-abiding citizens are being relentlessly demonized. The J6 prisoners are currently the most conspicuous group plastered with opprobrium by the evil Dems and the Deep State. As I write this, President-elect Trump’s Inauguration is only days away, and in no way is the relentless roundup of J6 participants easing up. They are among the seventy-two categories of Americans considered “personas non-grata” and subjected to demonization and persecution. I’m sure you get the idea, so I need not list these categories individually, but I have generalized and summarized them below:

  • Any who talk about individual and constitutional liberties and states’ rights;
  • All who are concerned about immigration and the great replacement;
  • Those involved in the patriot movement and/or who attempt to “live off the grid”.
  • Those opposed to Agenda 2030;
  • Those who believe in and are concerned about FEMA camps;
  • Those trying to change the tax codes and limit the power of the IRS and other government bureaucracies;
  • Returning veterans and those who belong to survivalist groups;
  • Those who believe in “end time” prophecies; and
  • Evangelical Christians; traditional Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians – that is all Christian denominations that do not support “progress” in the Church or who consider Christ the only path to salvation and the Bible as the Word of God.

Within the government documents that relate to these supposed enemies of the state, members of the military and the police are specifically warned not to have anything to do with the castigated groups. This listing has been making the rounds of the Internet for years now, but has not elicited the necessary outrage, resistance and rejection that should have been found amongst the citizenry. The list is becoming a bit outdated now, so expect a new and even more vindictive and atrocious listing to come out soon, especially with the return of Donald Trump to the White House.

IT’S NO WONDER IT’S SO HARD TO FIGHT THE LA FIRES:  For two years now, under the guidance of Nancy Pelosi’s nephew, a/k/a Governor Newsom, LA County has been sending firefighting equipment, including firetrucks, to Ukraine. Under the now dissed and distant Constitution, states could not have separate dealings or treaties – let alone trade relations! – with foreign countries, but California has long since abandoned the Constitution and has extensive formal foreign trade relations with China as if it were a sovereign nation. Which LA County politicians ran on a platform of providing aid to Ukraine? None did and therefore no one voted on it! Indeed, none probably knew about this, making Newsom a dictator accountable to no one, and therefore no different than the ones running North Korea and Ukraine! Indeed, he is running California, as the Ukraine, into the ground.

THE AFTERMATH OF THE US INVASION OF IRAQ. There was no threat to the US from Iraq as the Bush administration claimed. It is now widely acknowledged that the Iraqis did not have weapons of mass destruction even though their dictator, Saddam Hussein was a threat to decent people everywhere. Still, if that were an excuse for war . . . At the time, the US GovMint falsified documents alleging Hussein had purchased uranium from Nigeria to make them. The real threat from Iraq was not to America, but to Israel, and so, we invaded Iraq on a false pretext. The puppet government we installed in Iraq after the execution of Hussein fired all the government employees including nurses, and ruined Iraq’s medical system, turning it from a relatively safe country with little crime into one of the most dangerous places in the world. The American-backed hooligans extorted billions of dollars from the Iraqi people. Due to the lack of stability and security thus engendered, groups such as ISIS have flourished in Iraq. ISIS and its affiliates have committed mass atrocities in Iraq such as mass executions, slave trading, and organ harvesting.

THE REBIRTH/REJEUVINATION OF RECONSTRUCTION.  Confederate soldiers returned home from the War to find their homes and communities destroyed, many people near starvation, no functioning government to provide law and order, and their state occupied by an arrogant alien army – such was largely the nature of the period known as Reconstruction which ended formally in 1877. Four important facts not acknowledged by establishment historians was that the period did not intend to rebuild the devastated South (which “rebuilding” did not occur until the preparations for World War II began), second, that Reconstruction never really ended and continues in modern form with the denigration of the South and the reconstruction of America’s original constitutional republic of sovereign states into an all-powerful indivisible “federal” government began then and is still in progress; and that the South’s efforts to resist Federal occupation and military dictatorship were primarily of a non-violent nature, widely exaggerated accounts of Ku Klux Klan terror notwithstanding. Indeed, the largest, most active groups in the Klan in the early 20th century existed not in the South, but in the Mid-West! Once the Yankee troops left in 1877, a passive resistance to domination ensued, which lasted until 1965, characterized by a sort of forced reconciliation and acknowledgement of Southern valor and virtues referred to as “The Grand Bargain.” That period of “peace” between the sections ended with the beginning of the Civil Rights era with the South and the rest of “Red” America subjected to an increasingly oppressive government along with anti-traditional values promoted by that Government.

War era Republicans such as Secretary of War Edwin Stanton saw the North’s victory not as an opportunity for reconciliation but as an opportunity to exact/impose revenge and retribution on white people in the newly conquered area they called a “territory”(a fitting name would be “terrortory” as an area in which terror was promoted and excused by the federal government) using the domination of the Republican Party to carry out its aims. Part and parcel of this control was to prevent “every rebel” from exercising any power in the newly conquered “Military Districts” as they were also called. The illiterate black “freedmen” were selected as the enforcers to dominate, humiliate and control the population, creating the racial animosity and fear that eventually led to a system of segregation known as Jim Crow established by the Supreme Court under Plessy v. Ferguson’s finding of “separate but equal.”

Nothing short of stupendous ignorance or brutal malignity can explain the arming of former slaves – both ignorant and easily used – and setting them up as guardians and overlords over whites and even their fellow less amenable blacks, a matter that became the common practice. To add insult to injury, black militias were deliberately housed near the homes of widows and crippled veterans. These malicious and untrained black troops routinely marched 4 abreast in the streets and sidewalks, purposely forcing whites into the gutters and off the streets. Old, hungry or crippled white men were deliberately harassed. Black troops sometimes forced their way into homes and demanded that the (usually white) women of the house feed them. With no reliable legal system in place to prosecute the offenders, it would be irrational to think some form of vigilante resistance would not take place. The matter resulted in the emergence of the first manifestation of the Ku Klux Klan as a defense mechanism. This group was dissolved with the removal of Union troops at the “end” of Reconstruction but there were two subsequent “versions” that were most powerful in the Mid-West in the 20th Century. The Union League was created by the Government during Reconstruction as a means of enforcing “order” against Southerners. Indeed, it was the actions of this group that led to the appearance of the original Klan!

Modern-day reconstruction emerged with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and subsequent legislation designed to reinstate some of the abuses against whites in the name of protecting blacks. As a result, the white majority could be compelled to pay welfare to an assortment of minorities of all colors and flavors that weren’t present in the 19th Century. Modern-era reconstruction is characterized by political correctness, affirmative action, and the DEI and ESG forms of favoritism imposed upon ordinary Americans. Less conspicuously and directly, high or unfair taxation, excess spending on pork projects, fraudulent elections with ineligible minorities allowed to vote, and the weaponization of the government agencies against conservatives are modern forms of reconstruction meant to keep current day “rebels” down. Modern reconstruction now applies to the entire nation, and not just the South and finds its protection in America’s court system that no longer represents unbiased legal protection for all.

BIDEN’S APPALLING AND GALLING PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM FRAUDS TO PEOPLE UNWORTHY OF AWARDS: Everything that relates to true achievement nowadays is turned into a political football to annoy those who would have the gall to question it. As if to cement his place at the bottom of the dung heap of recent presidents (with the possible exception of Donald Trump), the pugnacious and petulant puppet President piled it on by issuing hundreds of pardons to criminals possessing no redeeming qualities and then topped it off with over-the-top choices for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. First and foremost, Biden hung a gold medal on the thoroughly evil George Soros when he should have hung him. Soros, the epitome of evil and whose not-so-subtle subterfuge has openly expressed his contempt for Western Civilization by undermining democratically elected governments in Europe and installing criminally-inclined attorneys general in major metropolitan areas. The patriotic portions of the populace have been pummeled by his installed puppets. Hillary Clinton also received her Presidential Medal of Freedom as a consolation prize for placing second in a presidential race, constantly flailing away at any freedom initiatives, and staying in the background during Biden’s unlawful stay in the White House. Many of the recipients from the worlds of art and sport kept their eyes shut as they received their medal.  Whether this was due to modesty or damning shame, we will never know. They all knew they were groveling go-getters who went along to get along all along in their careers.

FOWL PLAY: Is their yet another gain-of-function* fraud designed to get the best of us with this avian flu humbug? They’re starting to really “bug” us now. Millions of chickens and turkeys have already been killed because of bogus PCR tests for bird flu. The US still hasn’t had a fatal case of bird flu, yet the authorities are beating the drums and flying off on their own migration paths, reinventing the same duplicitous scenarios they used with Covid. That should frighten anyone with brains because the Covid quackery resulted in deadly “vaccinations” so it is quite probable that they current “flight” will end up with more H5N1 “vaccinations” down the road despite the known fact that nasal and throat sprays and gargle would work if there were any real danger involved! What is needed at this point is a criminal investigation into what happened the last time instead of a conjured up “scientific debate” that will undoubtedly end with the incredible culling of the credulous. Legislators, state officials, and senators need to immediately haul in the top (and lap) dogs at the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia and require them to testify under oath while and subpoenaing their research records, emails, and all hand-written communication to nip this bird nuttiness in the beak, er, bud. Farmers and ranchers need to raise holy hell with their elected representatives before they are forced out of business due to the culling of living birds leading to an increase in the cost of eggs to the point at which no one will be able to afford their purchase. [*Gain of function studies are illegal in the United States but that does not seem to in any way curtail their use. Meanwhile, people are arrested and prosecuted for saying things that “offend” certain “protected” classes.]

J-6 – ANOTHER DAY THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY: Fantastically framing the lie that whatever actually happened on January 6th, 2021, was an “insurrection” and not just a testament to the maliciousness of the demonrats and their mousy followers, is testimony to the ignorance, gullibility, and mindlessness of the American public. During an occasional lucid moment, Joe Biden never missed an opportunity to label the J6 event as a “deadly insurrection” whereas it was more like a bunch of rowdy schoolkids on the obligatory trip to DC. And, in fact, most of what happened was “performed” not by angry Trump supporters who believed (correctly!) that the election was fraudulent, but by government agents promoting Biden’s claim! As what little did happen, the psychopathic DOJ and FBI have imprisoned well over 1,000 peaceful protesters who were “invited” into the Capitol, a building that cannot be accessed from the outside! The protesters were either not charged, or were charged with “trumped-up” charges for which they have been housed in horrendous conditions, denied legal counsel and pre-trial bail and treated such that some committed suicide while others were driven into bankruptcy having lost their job and having their bank accounts and credit cards cancelled.

Given the treatment of the vandals who destroyed property and attacked innocent people when the Dems were annoyed, the stench of this “two-tiered justice” gets stronger as the rank cruelty gets more revolting with the passage of time and the reminiscing and retelling tales of it. “Remember Jan. 6th” will eventually acquire the same connotation as “Remember the Alamo”, provoking patriotic fervor in the face of despotic big government/Deep State brutality. Millions of Americans have realized for the first time how the GovMint and its media accomplices routinely lie to the public. However, the remaining normies, who still constitute a majority of America’s citizens, will remain blockheads and a stumbling block to progress.

AMERICANS IN THE DARK ON THE VULNERABILITY OF THE POWER GRID. The idea that our power infrastructure is resilient enough to handle natural disasters, cyberattacks, and equipment failures all at once is laughable. In reality, the grid is a patchwork quilt with each piece owned and operated by diverse entities and cobbled together with outdated equipment often running decades beyond its intended lifespan. The Texas freeze of 2021 in which millions lost power and lives were lost was not just an isolated incident; the entire country has similar and in some cases even greater weaknesses. With each utility company doing its own thing, there exists a shocking lack of coordination and planning! And even though these companies have “contingency plans” in place to deal with outages, their ability to respond to a widespread, long-term blackout is inadequate. Indeed, we have become so “technologically advanced” that even the best responses would not be sufficient if the entire grid went down! Why? Because the grid depends upon a vast network of transformers that are often locally made for that particular area and can take months to replace, thus making rapid recovery impossible. These local specifics are the weak link that makes the entire system very problematic indeed.

Furthermore, the present reliance on renewables makes the grid more unstable during peak times of use especially during extended cloudy or windless periods that affect both solar and wind power generation. In another area of concern, while some grid facilities have adequate physical security, many are surrounded by nothing more than a chain-link fence! This is a godsend for saboteurs presently known as “terrorists.” The large number of interconnected systems and software make them susceptible to cyberattacks, especially as more electronic devices are added to the grid and the number of potential access points for hackers, physical and electronic, also increases. We know that electromagnetic impulses (EMPs) occur naturally from solar flares, but they can also be artificially created to fry the aforesaid vulnerable transformers leaving the entire nation in darkness, perhaps for months. However, EMP cloths are an affordable, reliable way to shield electronics from the devastating effects of an EMP event and should be added to an individual’s prepper supplies. Sadly, cybersecurity measures employed by power companies are always in a catch-up mode, a fact that has fueled a recent rise in ransomware attacks globally. A well-coordinated attack on a few key substations can cause cascading failures across a wide area and as it can take a month to fix one substation, if several were hit simultaneously, most of the country would be plunged into darkness, without any “quick fix” available. Sitting in the dark for days would be the least of it – without power, water treatment facilities would cease to function, leaving millions without clean water, food supply chains would be disrupted, and grocery stores would quickly run out of merchandise. Hospitals, despite having backup generators would struggle to provide care as fuel supplies dwindled. The economic impact would be devastating, and society might well unravel in a matter of weeks.

Americans must learn about and take proper prepper measures as outlined in other issues of this newsletter and in The Success Express Personal Planning Newsletter. It’s time to wake up and see the grid for what it really is: A fragile, overburdened system that’s ripe for failure.

© 2025 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular:

Idaho’s Legislature

thoughts for 2025, by State Senator Phil Hart

January 25, 2025


Section 1.  Departments of government. The powers of the government of this state are divided into three distinct departments, the legislative, executive and judicial; and no person or collection of persons charged with the exercise of powers properly belonging to one of these departments shall exercise any powers properly belonging to either of the others….  Idaho Const. art. II (1890)

The Legislature of Idaho is not an equal branch of state government; it is the weakest of the three.  The framers of the 1787 United States Constitution intended the legislative branch to be the strongest.   We see this in Federalist Paper No. 51:

“In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates.”  Hamilton or Madison, The Federalist No. 51, (1788).

The legislative branch is the People’s branch of government.  According to Federalist No. 51, government’s power is the “power surrendered by the people.”  And we know from the Declaration of Independence that government gets its power from the consent of the governed.  The sovereignty of our nation, and our state, resides in We the People.  It would make sense that since the sovereignty of government resides in the People, that the Peoples’ branch of government should be the strongest.

The sovereignty we are talking about is actually given to us by God.  What God has given, only God can take away.  However, in Idaho, the Administrative State dominates state government.

“For the Lord is our judge, The Lord is our lawgiver, The Lord is our king; He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22.

Many believe Isaiah 33:22 was the inspiration for our form of government conceived by our founding fathers with power divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches.  Using the terminology of Isaiah 33:22, the role of the king is to implement the law, and the role of the judge is to hold everyone accountable to the law.  The role of the lawgiver is to make the law.   This makes the law-giving branch of government the dominant of the three.  In our system, the law-giving branch is the Peoples’ Branch of government.

The Idaho Constitution, ratified in 1890, is patterned after the United States Constitution.  It intended for the legislative branch, as representatives of the people, to be the dominate branch.  Back in 1890, the issues legislators needed to deal with were simpler and fewer.  In 1890, the ‘common schools’ that the legislature is constitutionally mandated to provide for included only first grade through eighth grade and school was in session only three months in a year.  Now it includes kindergarten through twelfth grade, junior colleges, four-year colleges, a nine-month school year, and we now argue if pre-kindergarten should also be included.

In 1890, when Idaho was founded, the legislature was considered part-time and met only every other year.  The population of Idaho at that time was 88,548.  Issues that Idaho’s Legislature must deal with include things that no one would have imagined decades ago like girls that want to be boys, boys that want to compete in girls’ sports, foreign drug cartels operating in our state, growth issues for a population that is expected to double in 25 years, and so on.  Being a legislator in Idaho is now a full-time endeavor.

Legislator pay raise

In 2024, Idaho legislators earned $19,913 per year.  There are insurance and retirement benefits that go along with the job similar to what any other large employer would provide for its employees.  (Idaho legislators are classified as state employees.)  There is also a per diem that out-of-town legislators get for living expenses during the legislative session in Boise.  However, there are no paid holidays nor paid vacation.  During the legislative session, we work through all the holidays; every week is a 5 day work week.

The way Idaho legislators cope with a full-time job with only part-time pay is to work on the immediate issues and rarely get to the less urgent.  The bills one must pay to keep a roof over their head dictate that time must be spent on the legislator’s other day job.  Though a bright line between what gets done, and what doesn’t get done doesn’t exist, history has shown that many issues get ignored.

A large proportion (75 percent) of the Arizona and Colorado respondents said they spend at least 70 percent of a full-time job on legislative work, and over two-thirds of Missouri and Oklahoma legislators made the same claim.  None of these legislatures is considered full-time by the standard measures, supporting our argument that there is more time devoted to the job [as legislator than] by mere session length.  Kurtz, Moncrief, Niemi, Powell, Full-Time, Part-Time, and Real Time: Explaining State Legislators’ Perceptions of Time on the Job, 322, 326, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Fall 2006).

In the same study quoted above, the authors received 2,982 completed questionnaires from state legislators, including 46 from Idaho.  Across the 50 states, legislators reported that they spent 67% of a full-time job equivalent on their legislator activities, with Idaho legislators reporting their efforts constituted 59% of a full-time job.[2]  Ibid. at 327.

The Idaho Constitution requires that the Governor give a State of the State address to the Legislature each year.  It has become customary for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to also give an annual State of the Judiciary speech to the Legislature.  But when was there ever a “State of the Legislature” speech given?  Never, that I know of.

In accounting, you often get better results when you monitor something.  An item not monitored tends to be an item ignored. Today the “State of the Legislature” is rarely looked at in totality.  This is reflected by the relative strength of the Idaho’s Legislature compared to the other two branches.

As a percentage of the state budget, the legislative branch gets 0.15% or 1/662nd of the pie: $21,000,000 for the Legislature compared to $13,887,600,000 for all of state government.

In the entire history of Idaho, there has never been a judge impeached, yet the Legislature has the power to do so.  Nor has there ever been a constitutional officer impeached in Idaho history.  Yet the Legislature has the power to impeach.  This is not because all judges and all constitutional officers are above reproach.  An Idaho legislator is not equipped to take on such a huge task with such a puny salary and no administrative support staff to help in that effort.  The impeachment power lies dormant because of a lack of resources.

When a bill gets signed into law that is unconstitutional, unless it is challenged by the citizenry in court, it gets ignored.  In the last 20 years, the Health and Welfare budget has grown from $1.622 billion to $5.455 billion for a compounded growth rate of 6.3% , but there is not enough legislative oversight to try and get it under control.  Legislators are bogged down with immediate demands and are unable to address the longer-term issues.

The mission of the Idaho Legislature is to preserve the checks and balances of state government by the independent exercise of legislative powers, to adopt a system of laws that promote the health, education, and well-being of Idaho’s citizens, to preserve the state’s environment and to ensure the wise [and] productive use of the state’s natural resources, to carry out oversight responsibilities to enhance government accountability, and to raise revenues and appropriate monies that support necessary government services, all in a manner so as to inspire public trust and confidence in elected government and the rule of law.  Legislative Council, Strategic Plan, Legislative Services Office, November 10, 2005.

This mission statement above is excellent, but its implementation is not up to par.  The disconnect occurs because there are not enough resources allocated to the legislative branch to carry out the mission.  That the Administrative State dominates should not surprise anyone.

The position of legislator takes over 60% of my time and pays $19,913 (2024) per year.  Given that I have bills to pay and must work in another profession creates a pile of unfinished business.  Most Idahoans think their legislators get paid well over $100k a year and have an office staff of 2, 3 or 4 employees.

With no administrative staff for individual legislators,3Idaho Legislators exist in a state of perpetual embarrassment as we are unable to do the things that our constituents rightfully expect us to do.  Constituents feel forgotten when our non-existent staff fails to reach out to them with either questions or solutions to their issues.  This situation doesn’t serve anyone well.

Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation

Last October, there was a proposal presented to the Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation to increase legislative pay to $37k a year while taking away part of the legislative session’s per diem.  The proposal was a non-partisan package put together by House and Senate leadership.

However, this leadership proposal got a lot of push-back, mostly from public policy lobbyists who see it as a fundraising opportunity.  Ultimately the Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation voted to give a $5,087 annual increase raising a legislator’s annual $19,913 salary to $25,000 a year.

The Citizens Committee for Legislative Compensation’s authority is found in the Idaho Constitution at Article III, Section 23. The people of Idaho authorized this authority to be added to our Constitution by approving it in the General Election of November 2, 1976.

The six-member committee is made up of 3 members appointed by the Supreme Court and 3 members appointed by the Governor.  A review of the resumes of the current members reveals an impressive group with lots of real-world experience.   The mechanism for a legislative pay raise is 100% within the domain of the Citizens Committee, who puts a pay raise in place by notifying the Idaho Controller of what the new salary is beginning on the first day of the new term, which occurs in December of even numbered years.  The Controller then issues paychecks to legislators, as they do for all those who work for state government.  The Citizen Committee’s report has the force and effect of law, as it doesn’t need anyone’s approval to be implemented.

Legislators don’t vote themselves a raise.  However, by concurrent resolution, legislators may vote to give themselves a pay cut, but only if done so by the 25th legislative day of the new term.  Legislator pay raises have been handled this way in Idaho since 1976.  The next opportunity to adjust legislator’s salaries will come in November 2026.

‘“It’s all relative, of course,” Moncrief3said. “Legislators in low-population states where the legislature only meets a couple of months [a year] do not need to be paid six figures.  But virtually all political scientists who’ve looked at this issue would agree, I think, that most legislators are underpaid for the work they do.”  His co-author, Squire, suggested that at a minimum, legislative pay be pegged to the state’s median household income.

Malhotra said Americans’ suspicion of political institutions puts lawmakers in a bind.  “It’s really irrational,” he said.  “We don’t want to equip politicians with the resources to do their jobs, and then we blame them when things don’t work out the way we want.”’  Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux, How Much Should State Legislators Get Paid?, FiveThirtyEight, (Apr. 7, 2016).

Some critics think legislators shouldn’t get a pay raise unless there is a LGBTQ club in every high school and “no questions asked” taxpayer funded abortion on demand for everyone.  Another group says legislators shouldn’t get a pay raise until state spending is deeply cut and the sales tax on groceries is eliminated.  Idahoans wisely created the non-partisan Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation to insulate the process from such political manipulation.  Those dis-satisfied with the current process may want to run a constitutional amendment to eliminate the Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation.

This Citizens Committee has been criticized for “pulling the $25,000 annual salary figure out of the sky.”  Those who keep repeating this haven’t done their homework.  The $25,000 per year figure was presented as 40% of the median individual Idaho state employee’s income by one of the Citizens Committee members at the 36 minute mark during their November 6th committee meeting.  The committee’s use of that number has a rational basis.

Whereas the leadership proposal was said to be 40% of the average Idaho household income.  Both proposals were attempting to provide a political justification which would peg a legislator’s salary to the people of Idaho.

A free market approach

There has been intense criticism of legislators who support a pay raise because “they knew a legislator’s pay was low when they ran for office.” Well, those same candidates also knew there was a Citizens Committee on Legislative Compensation in place to evaluate legislator’s salaries every two years.  Those who support the pay raise also support the process put in place by the people of Idaho in 1976.

However, I would hope that in the aggregate, Idahoans would want highly qualified people serving them in the Legislature and would be willing to pay a salary appropriate to attract such candidates.  This would be a free market approach.

A free-market approach to setting legislators’ pay would first delineate the requirement of the job, then assign to those requirements the qualifications necessary to perform the job, and finally look to the employment world to see what the pay rate is for that combination.

Idaho has 105 legislators who are responsible for setting a $14 billion dollar budget.  That makes each legislator, on the average, a project manager a $133.3 million project.  Legislators are a type of ‘Board of Directors’ for the state who establish policy, set the budget and to provide oversight for the entire state government, including its approximately 30,000 employees.  This is a lofty assignment and needs above average people to do an effective job.  What annual salary does the job market assign to this position?

If we looked at the issue the way a real estate appraiser values real properties, we could compare the current salaries of former legislators after they have moved on to other employment as compared to what legislators are paid today.

A former Representative from North Idaho recently resigned from the Legislature to take a job with Health and Welfare for $110,000 a year.  Another former North Idaho Representative now makes $122,742 with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.  A former Senator is currently earning $162,240 a year as a director of an Idaho department.  Another former House member now earns $111,376 working for an Idaho functional board.  These salaries must be competitive in the free market, otherwise those former legislators mentioned above would work elsewhere.

The politics of fundraising

For some reason, giving Idaho legislators a $5,087 annual pay raise is a hill some are willing to “die on.”   The entire pay raise package for 105 legislators will increase the state budget by 1/25,000th as a fraction of the entire budget.  It represents an 8% per year increase if compounded over the last four years while the country has been suffering under Bidenomics.  According to the Chapwood Index, a realistic measure of inflation, the Biden Administration has given us a 10% inflation rate on the cost of living since 2020.  (See

Among a few conservative political action groups, the pushback against this pay raise has been brutal.  With 1/25,000th of the state budget at stake, what would you expect?  (The total amount in controversy for all 105 legislators is $534,000 on a budget of $14,000,000,000.)

These conservative groups call their methods “confrontational politics” where emotional arguments are made that anger the public.  But only partial facts are presented, and mitigating facts that would fully inform the public are withheld.  This deception is a form of lying.  All the while, legislators are intimidated with a narrative of ‘we’ll break your legs politically if you disagree with us’.  This is not an honorable process; it is mafia-style tactics.  (However, it must be an effective method of fundraising.)

None of the conservative groups who oppose a legislator pay raise have a plan to diminish the dominance of the Administrative State.  These conservative groups either favor a strong Administrative State and a weak legislative branch, or they are controlled opposition, or they are intellectually challenged and can only comprehend first order consequences.

Have Idaho legislators earned a pay raise?

Governor Little, in his 2025 State of the State address, said that He and the Legislature, have given $4.6 billion in tax relief in the last six years, which works out to about $800 per tax payer per year.  In 2009 I ran HB218, a bill that exempted new houses and duplexes in Idaho from installing building code required indoor fire sprinkler systems saving Idahoans tens of millions of dollars, and that was just me.  In 2007 I authored House Bill 82, a bill to eliminate the sales tax on food.  Since then, there have been other bill introduced to eliminate the sales tax on groceries.  Many Idaho legislators are constantly working to save Idahoans money.  We could go on for pages.

I support the current pay raise proposal, as it is the best we are going to see this term.  But in terms of strengthening our legislative branch of government, it has little impact.  The Administrative State will still dominate.

Other States

One critic claimed that the proposed pay raise to $25,000 per year would cause Idaho legislators to be the highest paid part-time legislators in the country.  This baseless claim has unfortunately been parroted several times.

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) does an excellent job collecting data on state legislatures.  However, its analysis of that data is not so good.  Legislatures should be divided into only 2 categories, full-time and part-time. (NCSL divides them into full-time, hybrid and part-time.)

A full-time legislature is a legislature that is in session year-round.  There are ten of them.  All other legislatures are part-time.

All of Idaho’s neighboring states have part-time legislatures

All of Idaho’s neighboring states have part-time legislatures.  These six states have constitutional limits on the length of their legislative sessions.  Yet, the complexity of the issues, and the sheer number of them make the legislator’s job full-time if he/she lives up to the expectations of the constituents.

The states that provide administrative staff assigned to individual legislators year-round free up the legislator to maintain their “citizen-legislator” status.  Legislators from states (like Idaho) with no individual support staff find themselves in a full-time job with a part-time salary.

The way we can carve out the work assignments such that the legislator can be a so-called part-time “citizen legislator” is to support that person with administrative help.  Eighty percent of states do just that.

To oppose this pay raise, in my opinion, shows a blindness to the greater problem, which is the dominance of the Administrative State.  How do legislators push back against a dominate Administrative State with so little fuel in the fuel tank; with no ammo in the ammo box; and with worn out troops who scramble everyday to do a full-time job on part-time pay?  Idaho legislators need more resources to fulfill their constitutional responsibilities.  This pay-raise is needed.  And if you doubled the raise, or tripled it, we would still have a dominant Administrative State.  More work is needed before Idaho’s government becomes what the founding fathers intended it to be.

© 2025 Phil Hart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Phil Hart:


1  Phil Hart is from North Idaho and served in the Idaho House of Representatives from 2004 until 2012.  In 2022, Phil was elected to the Idaho Senate, where he serves today.  Phil is a graduate of the University of Utah with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and of the University of Pennsylvania where he earned an MBA at The Wharton School of Business.

The survey took place in 2002.  All 7,382 state legislators in the USA were sent the questionnaire.  2,982 legislators responded including 46 from Idaho.  I (Phil Hart) served in the Idaho House of Representatives from 2004 to 2012.  I can attest that being an Idaho legislator in 2025 is much more time consuming than it was in 2004.

Idaho is one of ten states where individual legislators have no year-round support staff.

Professor Gary Moncrief is a retired professor of Political Science from Boise State University.  Professor Moncrief is a national expert nn state politics and state legislatures.  Dr. Moncrief has written 6 books and published 55 articles regarding state legislatures.

America Needs to Reestablish Its World-Leading Manifestation of Nuclear Generated Electricity

Co-authored by: Ronald Stein,  Oliver Hemmers, and Steve Curtis

January 24, 2025

Insight into today’s worldwide development of nuclear power is provided from the history of nuclear generated electricity.

American ingenuity advanced nuclear technology to a world-class innovation to benefit all.  Interestingly, the methods used in the rest of the world are copies of the American innovations.

Now, America seems to be fading into the wallpaper of greed and propaganda. It slinks to massive subsidies to support ancient power generated from breezes and sunshine, like wind and solar.  America needs to reestablish its world-leading manifestation of this technology through our secret weapon called free enterprise.

To meet increasing demands for electricity, China, Russia, Japan, and Poland are building additional nuclear power generated electricity, while the USA focuses on weather dependent wind and solar.

Russia and China are currently leading the world in nuclear electricity generation and account for 70 per cent of additional nuclear power capacity.  Today, about 60 reactors are under construction across the world. A further 110 are planned.

Today, nuclear power generated electricity is being added around the world:

  • The nuclear power systems developed for the Navy have functioned well for over seven decades. All U.S. Navy submarines, and aircraft carriers are nuclear powered.
  • France has more than 50 nuclear power reactors producing more than 70% of France’s electricity.
  • Japan / New Energy Policy Will Set Nuclear Share Target Of 20% By 2040 Japan’s industry ministry is making final amendments to a policy that will significantly increase nuclear power from the estimated 8.5% that the reactor fleet provides today. Fourteen nuclear power plants have restarted in Japan since the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

Today, about 440 nuclear power reactors are in operation in 32 countries and Taiwan, with 62 new reactors under construction. As of August 1, 2023, the United States had 54 nuclear power plants with 93 operating commercial nuclear reactors in 28 states.

Nuclear power has the competitive advantage of being the only reliable, available, and clean power source that can accommodate the desired expansion of a clean electricity supply to the end users.  In fact, nuclear power could supply all the capacity the US needs.

The United States invented and perfected nuclear power as early as the late 1940s.  Are we willing to regress while other countries progress?  To understand this concept better, let’s review the US nuclear energy development through the years.

As Nazi Germany began to eat away at civilization, the discovery of nuclear fission, the powerhouse of nuclear reactors, was coming of age.  Like the uranium born from stardust as the ultimate energy storage, the secret to unlimited electric power for the world exploded upon the scientific community.  You have heard of the heroes of this miracle: Curie, Einstein, Meitner, Hahn, Frisch, Bohr, Teller, Fermi, Oppenheimer, and many more.  In a strange quirk of fate, the first use of nuclear fission came in the form of a bomb.  As bad as war can be, it spurred the invention of radar, jet engines, and nuclear fission devices which all went on to make life better for humans.  Nuclear fission became the flowers that grew after the thunderstorms of WWII.

After WWII, President Truman transferred the wartime Manhattan Project bomb design efforts into the genesis of peacetime development of nuclear power by creating the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).  President Eisenhower and President Kennedy continued the rapid development of “Atoms for Peace” to produce the first nuclear reactors in conjunction with private enterprise.

Hyman Rickover was another visionary to promote the development of what came to be known as light water reactors because they used the slowing down, or “moderating” of neutrons to produce energy by using the element uranium in an altered or “enriched” form.  This program was incredibly successful because the advantage of nuclear power for propulsion was so overpowering.  First used in submarines, this technology promised to advance US strategic naval advantage unsurpassed in the world.  These submarines were orders of magnitude quieter than diesel models and would not need to be refueled for the entire 30-year life of the submarine consuming uranium the size of a baseball.  The first nuclear sub, named the Nautilus after Jules Verne’s famous fictional “underwater home for its crew”, was launched in 1954.  Today, the Navy employs a fleet of more than 100 nuclear-powered vessels, including submarines and aircraft carriers.

Meanwhile, the civilian effort to produce commercial nuclear power followed two basic paths.  While they were developing the light water reactors for the Navy, a different type of reactor, called the fast reactor, had the edge in the commercial power arena.  These are called “fast” reactors because they employed more energetic neutrons by using sodium or molten salt as a coolant instead of water.  Some may know these reactors as “breeder reactors”.  However, Admiral Rickover chose the light water reactor, famously saying “I would use sodium as a coolant if the oceans were made of sodium”.  Since light water reactors were at a more advanced engineering level, it made sense to use this design for the electricity-generating nuclear power plants.  The first such reactor went into commercial power production in Shippingport, New York on December 23, 1957.  In the next 30 years, more than 100 nuclear power plants came online and provided 19.5% of the electricity in the United States.

Everything went well, and many dozens of reactors were being ordered by utility companies, until 1979.  On March 28th, a series of events caused the reactor core at Three Mile Island number 2 to overheat and began to melt down.  Even though the reactor’s safety features prevented any injuries to the public, the media fear-factor kicked into gear.  Many people became nervous about nuclear power, and the political world amplified this fear to the point that almost all the reactor orders evaporated.  No more reactors were built after 1988 when Palo Verde near Phoenix came online.  Other than two reactors which started construction and were finished in the early 2000s, the next reactors to come online, did so in 2022 and 2023 in Vogtle, Georgia.  Even though there were 18 reactors closed before their design life, the efficiency (capacity factor) of the electricity production was increased (now better than 90%) such that the percentage of US power supplied by nuclear reactors remains close to 19.5%.  Today, 94 commercial reactors are online.  Of the 18 reactors closed, 12 of them are in a condition called safe store (SAFSTOR), meaning that they can be brought back on line with some modifications. 

More recently, we find that our demand for electricity will go up rapidly.  Just like the price of eggs has gone up rapidly because disease has caused the egg production to tank, the price of electricity will go up as other customers bid in the face of rising demand.  Many of us can do without eggs, but nobody can do without electricity.  When you combine the rising demand with a clamor among media outlets demanding that we do away with natural gas and coal to produce electricity, I guess the prevailing anti-nuclear power opinion is that we all should move into caves and cook with firewood.  I guess that would “conserve” electricity, but it would certainly not be the quality of life I would like to devolve to.  The obvious conclusion is that people simply will not tolerate such a situation.

We do not have to wait until the market for cave dwellings explode, however.  Technology has already come to the rescue.  Remember, the Navy still uses 100% nuclear power on their submarines and aircraft carriers.  The Army and Air Force are getting into the swing of nuclear power through their project (Project Pele) to migrate to small modular reactor microgrids to power their bases.  So, why does US policy so consistently fight against the one innovation in the last century that can provide renewable, clean energy, essentially, forever and certainly until we commercialize a better idea?  That is certainly one of the unanswered mysteries of our age.

It appears that the Army and Air Force will inspire the commercial market for small modular reactors just like the Navy did for light water reactors.  If you add the fast reactor recycling of the spent nuclear fuel, you can, essentially, create a supply of electricity that is too massive for us to use.  The past has shown promise for nuclear power, the military is certainly pleased with it, and it looks to be the only way to out-produce our demand.  Toss in recycling in fast reactors, and we can see prices on a fair market approach a penny per kWh.  Isn’t that better than the dollar per kWh we are headed for as big business outbids consumers and small business for electricity?  We are at a tipping point, but the customer always wins in a free enterprise system, right?

While nuclear power generation is proliferating around the world in China, Russia, and Japan with about 60 new nuclear power plants under construction and a further 110 planned, nuclear power design and construction came to an abrupt end in America in the early 1980’s due to the propaganda of the anti-nuclear movement and a Nuclear Regulatory Commission that seems unable to approve any nuclear reactor designs, despite the sterling proven safety record over 7 decades.

What will it take to stimulate American interest to recapture our leadership in nuclear power implementation and innovation?

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table.

© 2025 Ronald Stein – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein:

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Leftist Narratives Have Collapsed!

By Steven Yates

January 24, 2025

Donald Trump is back! During his Inauguration ceremony he made it clear as crystal: the Bidenista era is over!

What’s also over is the credibility of the cultural left. There’s nothing … well … left! Its narratives have collapsed!

Left wing Democrats — in government, in “legacy” media, in corporations — did everything in their power to try to stop Trump’s return to the Oval Office! They pursued four criminal cases and a civil case against him. They defamed him. They tried to invoke the Insurrection Clause in the Sixteenth Amendment to keep him off state ballots.  They threw an enormous sum of money into his opponent’s war chest.

All for naught!

Only one of the criminal cases, the one over hush money payments to the porn star, landed any blows. But few outside the leftist ecosphere bought the transforming of bookkeeping mistakes into felonies at the behest of a leftist prosecutor who’d run for the office on his open desire to “get Trump.”

Corporate media regaled audiences daily about the (nonexistent) “progress” of the other cases. They’ve now been dropped. Jack Smith crawled off like a scolded puppy, tail between his legs.

The civil case, E. Jean Carroll’s accusation of sexual assault, was based on the flimsiest evidence imaginable and would probably have been thrown out of court had its target been anyone else.

Leftists treat the infamous Hollywood Access Tape as evidence Trump thinks sexual assault is okay. That’s defamatory! Taken in context, all he was saying is that it is very easy for a male celebrity to find someone to have sex with, that he could get away with nearly anything because women practically threw themselves at him.

Over 75.5 million voters shrugged it all off. They’ve learned what lawfare looks and sounds like. They were unimpressed by repeated mantras by Democrat judges, Democrat-controlled courts, and Democrat-dominated corporate media, that Trump was facing the “rule of law.”

Moneyed interests threw over a billion dollars at Kamala Harris. Wasted. Voters weren’t going to put Sleepy Joe’s DEI (“Didn’t Earn It”) VP in the White House, although she did get an alarming 72.4 million official votes.

Trump was portrayed as a “threat to democracy” by people who (1) relied on specious legal reasoning trying to remove him from the ballot when he was the clear favorite of opposition voters, and (2) whose own candidate had never won a single primary vote. This, too, wasn’t lost on anyone.

* * *

In the meantime, Democrats and their corporate media allies spent four years trying to cover up Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. They gaslit the public about what we could see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears: a president whose speech was often slurred, never took questions which called for extemporaneous responses, had to be led on and off stage, who at least once tried to shake hands with someone who wasn’t there, and once claimed to have “just spoken with” a foreign leader (France’s Mitterand) who died years ago.

Then Sleepy Joe fell apart in front of tens of millions of viewers trying to debate Trump.

He belligerently tried to hang on. Dementia sufferers often go into denial. Having had a parent who succumbed to dementia, I can spot it a mile away. I tried to tell anyone who would listen back in 2020 that Sleepy Joe was in cognitive decline. Finally, his own people had to tell him, “You’re done.”

The irony is, given the sheer intensity of their efforts to destroy Trump’s reputation and ruin his life, Democrats might have had a chance to win had they not indulged Sleepy Joe for as long as they did in his belief (which he apparently still holds!) that he could have defeated Trump and served four more years.

When Kamala was given the opportunity to differentiate her ideas and proposals from his, asked what she’d do differently, the best she could stammer went something like, “I can’t think of a thing.” I suppose it’s worth noting that she said something intelligible for a change.

* * *

Leftists clearly consider themselves smarter than us ordinary mortals. They’ll say (as one of their number on MSNBC said the other day) that Trump and his billionaire cronies (meaning: Elon Musk) have “duped” America.

That’s to say, they “duped” the more than 75.5 million voters who cast ballots for Trump.

In my experience (which includes watching them up close in academia for years), cultural leftists excel at two things. (1) They can look facts in the face and deny that they exist. Like Sleepy Joe’s cognitive decline. (2) They can make up “facts” out of whole cloth and tell us it’s real. Like Kamala’s qualifications to be president.

It has become increasingly evident, moreover, that the cultural left has put forth some truly idiotic ideas over the past few years. These ideas have been helped by the collapse of education in America, its transformation into a branch of the left wing ecosphere. Coming to mind first: that men can “transition” into women, and women into men, through “gender affirming care” including hormone treatments, and that such procedures ought to be made available to grade school children.

According to these people, you can be any “gender” you like! They seem to have dozens of “genders”!

“Transgenders” — not just adults, but teenagers and kids — have come out of the walls!

Back in the late 1990s, I took a two-year public health education curriculum and received an MPH. I never once heard the word transgender, neither from faculty nor fellow students. Given how that department stressed sex ed, had the idea been kicking around back then, I’m positive I would have encountered it.

Gender dysphoria is real, though not exactly common. Once, not terribly long ago, it was seen as a disorder and treated, not given affirmative action protections which, if you criticized, you could lose your job.

Trump has restored sanity with a single executive order, declaring that henceforth, the U.S. federal government will “recognize two sexes, male and female,” noting how “gender ideology” has nothing to do with biological reality. The fact that so many people now use the term gender when they mean sex indicates how deeply cultural leftism now permeates American life.

* * *

Multiple other failures and lies came back to haunt the previous dumpster-fire administration.

Lies about what happened on January 6, 2021: it was not an “insurrection”; Trump did not order anyone to enter the Capital, just to march to the Capital (he used the phrase “legacy” media always omits: peacefully and patriotically). No leftists shrieks or howl will alter this. One of Trump’s first actions was to pardon those in prison or who now have criminal records because they entered the Capitol that day.

It’s true that a few (under 10 percent) engaged in vandalism or got violent with police. I’d have looked at individual cases before granting a blanket pardon (JD Vance had suggested this) … but Trump’s bypassing this is surely no worse than Sleepy Joe (or, more likely, his handlers) pardoning his son after saying he wouldn’t, and then giving “preemptive pardons” to other family members, Mark Milley, Liz Cheney, Anthony Fauci, and others.

Indeed, while Trump pardoned 1,550 people and ordered cases against 900 more dismissed, Sleepy Joe had given last-minute pardons to over 8,000in some cases, to criminals far more violent than any Jan-6er!

America’s southern border: we barely need to look at the mess that developed, which Trump is also going to try to clean up. That was also Kamala’s doing, as Sleepy Joe (or, more likely, his handlers) had delegated that responsibility to her.

Maybe Trump exaggerates the level of criminality here, although Laken Riley’s family wouldn’t agree. But there are procedures for immigrating to the U.S. legally and working in the U.S. legally, just as there are for entering the country legally. Why is this so difficult for leftists to understand?

Foreign policy disasters: as much as has been written about Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine, I think we can ask whether he would have undertaken it had he sensed there would be competent opposition from the Asylum on the Potomac.

Would Hamas have done what they did on October 7, 2023; or Israel undertaken its brutal retaliation in Gaza which has killed far more people than Hamas did, had both parties not realized that leadership in the West was diminished to near-nonexistence?

Lies about the economy: I continue to read how Biden left us an “economic boom.” First of all, politicians don’t create “economic booms.” They can, at best, create conditions for economic betterment, but the worst inflation since the 1970s wasn’t going to accomplish that. Because second, no one in his right mind believes the economy is “booming” when at least half of the population is struggling to afford groceries, healthcare, and the roof over their heads. Homelessness, as I’ve observed elsewhere, hit a record high last year because rentals and housing prices have skyrocketed and continue to rise.

“It’s in the numbers!” bleat the corporate media zombies.

It has become clear, the Dow has completely decoupled from the real economy, the one in which you and I buy our groceries. The point-zero-one percenters now control more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population. Leftists used to care about such things, but guess what? If the present breed of leftist has any realistic plans to change this, to improve the world the bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population has to live in, he/she/they are sure guarding their secrets!

Official government numbers (inflation, unemployment, etc.) just aren’t believed by many people anymore, now that they realize how much they’ve been lied to.

“Legacy” corporate media, left-of-center for decades, is in a shambles. Their viewership in freefall, MSNBC and CNN are being forced into layoffs. People are turning to X, Epoch Times,, Substack publications,, and other nontraditional platforms for truthful commentary.

* * *

That the cultural left lives in an alternative reality is something it continues to confirm all by itself, without any help from conservatives.

Consider Elon Musk’s purported “Nazi salute”: the first left-wing outburst of the new Trump era (it took less than 24 hours!).

As John Nolte explained on Breitbart, that’s not what happened. I’ll hand him the mike:

What Musk did was not at all confusing to decent people. Speaking to a crowd of Trump supporters Monday at the Capital One Arena in Washington, D.C., he said, “I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you.” Then he touches his heart and makes a gesture throwing his heart out to the crowd. Then he literally says, “Thank you. My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured, thanks to you.” CNN just lost a defamation suit and here are a couple of CNN’s basement-ratings harpies defaming Elon Musk by removing all of the context from the moment — and by “context” I mean the audio where he says, “My heart goes out to you.” Without the only context that matters, of course, it looks like a Nazi salute…. 

Normal People understand the difference between “Sieg Heil!” and “My heart goes out to you.”

Not even the Anti-Defamation League is convinced it was a Nazi salute!

This hasn’t stopped academic lefties like New York University’s Ruth Ben-Ghiat, of that school’s history department, who opined: “Historian of fascism here. It was a Nazi salute, and a very belligerent one, too!”

Nor did it stop AOC from following up: “In this country, we hate Nazis!”

Alternative reality!

Trump may have won, but this mindset still dominates American academia, much “legacy” media, and much of pop culture. It’s going to take much more than a mere political victory to dislodge it. “Legacy” media may well be finished before too much longer, but since Trump can’t simply waltz onto campuses and fire tenured faculty members, I’ve been saying for some time now that we need new “parallel” institutions … a lot of them! (Any potential donors out there? We’re not talking about something that can be done on a shoestring budget!)

Incidentally, the situation overseas, in Europe, isn’t much better for the left.

Over and over, we’ve read (in Establishment publications like The Guardian) about the rise of “authoritarianism,” “right wing extremists” and “populist” parties in European countries: Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Romania, and elsewhere.

What all these parties have in common is putting their own people first, as opposed to the open borders mindset of European Union political-corporate globalists who have turned a deaf ear to both the economic and cultural wasteland open migration has brought about.

All this means is that cultural leftist narratives have collapsed there as well.

* * *

Diversity, contrary to one of these, is not our strength! Not when it’s imposed involuntarily, willy nilly, on entire societies. What remains of democracy in the West still allows people to exercise what clout they still have in voting booths, and more and more, they support alternatives to political-corporate elites. Since the latter control the largest media, you’re not going to hear about these efforts if you don’t seek them out. They’re not on the 6 pm news.

Trump has moved to end DEI at the federal level. Corporations, moreover, are backing out of it. It doesn’t work! It gave Harvard a Claudine Gay! It’s allowed many colleges and universities to fill up with people who turn their classrooms into launching pads for left wing political activism, and who yell bloody murder if a conservative tries to do this. None of these people have done a thing to … say … help the black community in their cities. White women have reaped the lion’s share of the benefits. They’ve never had life better! And a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, right? This mindset has driven down the number of men pursuing higher education. Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), refusing to date or otherwise be involved with women, or working for women, has now become a national movement, balancing the radical feminist 4B Movement.

This division between the sexes, as I’ve noted previously, is not healthy for a civilization where birthrates were already falling. The cultural left has done this.

* * *

As I’ve noted in the past, once, long ago, there was a left many of us grew up with and even aligned with on a few things. That left rejected racial discrimination, paying women less than men for the same work, and the Vietnam War as moral wrongs. That left worried about economic inequality and seemed, at the time, genuinely concerned to bring about a more peaceful, just, and humane world. Did it get everything right? No, of course not. But it had considerably more credibility and moral authority than anything left-of-center today.

A major turning point, I was arguing as far back as the 1990s (no one paid attention), was the left-leaning Warren Burger Supreme Court’s decision in Griggs v. Duke Power (1971) which shifted the meaning of discrimination from an action taken by individuals to lack of politically acceptable outcomes, or ratios. This shift in meaning crept into academic culture and from there into media and politics. It is behind the replacement of equality with equity. This is the reason we saw discrimination against white men … and eventually, in the new century, open attacks on “whiteness” and on “toxic masculinity.”

That genuine efforts to see women and minorities of merit given a fair shake were replaced by this sort of thing has not been lost on the more discerning of the latter, which is why a record number of blacks and Latinos voted for Trump in all three elections in which he has been a lead candidate.

That earlier left is dead, in America at least.

Now, it’s successor is dying, as Trump openly proclaims (again, handing over the mike):

We will forge a society that is colorblind and merit-based. This week I will also end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.

He was referring to DEI, of course. His efforts are already getting pushback from the cultural lefties on platforms like HuffPo, aggregated by “legacy” outlets. Also getting pushback is his call to end birthright citizenship (a longstanding perverse incentive for illegal immigrants to have kids in the U.S.). Leftist legal eagles have already begun filing lawsuits against the new administration.

The long and short of it: even though Trump 2.0 is now in office we’re in for a wild ride, because although the cultural left’s narratives may have collapsed, no one thinks these people are going to go down without a fight. When they don’t get their way, I would not rule out their becoming violent.

© 2025 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s Substack publication is called Navigating the New Normal. You’ll find commentary there that isn’t available here. While more and more of the Internet is disappearing behind paywalls, NtNN is still free. Consider subscribing, as that is how the Substack algorithm knows I exist.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

The 14th Amendment vs. Real Birthrights

By Lex Greene

January 24, 2025

Citizenship rights are front and center in the national debate again, following President Trump’s “Birthright Citizenship” Executive Order (EO) intended to stop the intentional abuse of 14th Amendment language by politicians opposed to national sovereignty and security, including those appointed to the bench. With more than 20-million illegal aliens flooded into the USA by Biden over the past four years, what is and is not a “citizen” eligible for all rights belonging only to legal citizens is of utmost critical importance.

Unfortunately, the lawyers paid to draft that Executive Order for the President may not know what true “birthright citizenship” is either, since today’s lawyers are trained in British Common Law rather than U.S. Constitutional Law.

Over many years now, politicians have worked around the clock to amend the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights without using the lawful constitutional amendment process to do it. Instead, they use British Common Law rules allowing courts to establish new (alleged) laws via mere court opinions, which is a wholly unconstitutional practice, and has undermined the Constitution by way of intentional misinterpretation of the text.

Constitutional Rule #1 – If it’s not written and ratified, it doesn’t exist.

It has become a practice of our courts to interpret “unwritten” words that appear nowhere in Constitutional text, as well as using new definitions of old words that were not in existence when the documents were adopted and ratified, in order to intentionally undermine the original intent and purpose of the Charters of Freedom for partisan political agendas.

Imagine my shock when the U.S. Supreme Court found an alleged “constitutional right” to gay marriage in the 14th Amendment, in the Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015) case. Clearly, the 14th Amendment has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage or gay rights. But the court imagined language and intent that just isn’t there and is completely unrelated to the Amendment text and intent.

Constitutional Rule #2 – The meaning of the words at the time they were used, remain the true meaning of those words. In 1776, referring to someone as “gay” would have meant they were a “happy” type of person. But in 2025, the word “gay” most often refers to someone who is homosexual.

Constitutional Rule #3 – The proper interpretation of Constitutional text must be consistent with the clear intent and purpose of the text at the time that text was adopted and ratified, whether lawyer, judge or citizen. Only the meaning of the words at the time they were used, was ratified by the member States or the People. The documents were not agreed to or ratified on the basis of new definitions not in existence at the time of adoption.

A living document?

The U.S. Constitution is indeed a “living document” in two ways. The intent and purpose of that document that existed 248-years ago, still lives today. But also, the document can be updated from time to time, but only via the constitutional amendment process.

It is wholly unconstitutional to “amend” the Constitution by any means other than by the established lawful constitutional amendment process. The U.S. Constitution is essentially a contract between the Federal government, all three branches, and the member States and the legal U.S. Citizens. Like any contract, only the items written and agreed to in the contract are a part of that contract. The courts have no power to unilaterally renegotiate the terms of that contract at will, by simply misinterpreting the document to include things it doesn’t say, changing the definitions of words, or in a manner never intended at the time of the agreement.

With this understanding, we must settle the critical distinction between true “birthright citizenship” and the text agreed to in the 14th Amendment, in accordance with the three fundamental Constitutional Rules explained above.

Before we can properly discuss “birthright citizenship,” we first have to settle what a “birthright” actually is…

True Birthrights

Imagine my surprise when in researching this subject, when I found that modern online Law Dictionaries are missing the legal term “birthright.” On the website, a search for the term “birthright” resulted in this search result – “birthright” isn’t available in the dictionary,” as if the term doesn’t exist in law at all.

The Law Dictionary has no definition for the word either. The Cornell Law School offers this pile of convoluted nonsense when you search their site for the word “birthright.” How can anyone declare anyone a “birthright citizen” when the legal dictionaries don’t even acknowledge the term “birthright” itself?

However, the Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary takes a stab at it, defining the term this way;

Fortunately, the Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary not only answers the question, but it answers the question correctly. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary confirms the proper definition of “birthright,” in agreement with Merriam-Websters Law Dictionary definition.

The only way to protect the future sovereignty, security, freedom, liberty and justice of the United States is to properly interpret, uphold, defend and enforce the Foundations of Freedom cemented in our Charters of Freedom, under “the Laws of Nature, and Natures God,” as established in our Declaration of Independence, which is the true source of all natural “birthrights.”

EXAMPLE 1: No government has the authority over the natural “birthrights” of your children. By mere fact of the birth, a child is the natural offspring of the natural birth Father and Mother. No government has the power to declare your child not yours, or yours. They are your children by an act of nature alone, and those children are entitled to inherit all conditions and possessions of the parents by their tacit consent, as a result of The Laws of Nature alone. All Rights that come from Nature, are “inalienable” by man, or any government actions of men.

EXAMPLE 2: No nation or government has the power to lay claim to your child simply because you happened to give birth to your child on foreign soil. No matter where you may have been at the time of your child’s birth, the child is your child and they inherit by “birthright,” legal citizenship in your country the moment they are born. These are “natural birthright citizens.”

Therefore, all “birthrights” are simply inherited from your natural birth condition. It has nothing to do with anything created by any government body. In fact, no government has any authority or power over the matter at all, to grant or deny this most fundamental “birthright.”

Birthright Citizenship

Although governments can and throughout history have acknowledged the real source and purpose of all natural birthrights, these rights are not derived from or subject to any governmental influence. Our Declaration refers to them as “inalienable rights, endowed by our Creator.”

Once you know what a “birthright” is, now we can properly establish what a “birthright citizen” is, and what it isn’t.

Based upon British Common Law, it can mean anything anyone wants it to mean, which is why our courts use Common Law to invent laws that just aren’t so, as opposed to the strict limitations of Constitutional Law.

Citizenship by “birthright” simply means you “inherit” legal citizenship in the same country to which your birth parents are members, at the time of your birth. It has nothing whatsoever to do with any law, amendment, court opinion, or act of government.

During Reconstruction following the Civil War, it was necessary and proper to extend full “citizenship” rights to former slave families via the three Reconstruction Amendments, which combined granted former slave families freedom (13th), citizenship (14th) and voting rights (15th).

True History and Intent of the 14th Amendment

Again, the only way to properly interpret anything in the Constitution or law is to interpret it in proper context. Anything less is an overt attempt to rewrite and amend those documents unconstitutionally and it can even rise to the level of treason against the United States.

Understand that all three post-Civil War amendments, the 13th, 14th, and 15th, are all “reconstruction” amendments. All three were designed and adopted to rectify issues pertaining to former slave families from the past, and only those families at that time.

“To former abolitionists and to the Radical Republicans in Congress who fashioned Reconstruction after the Civil War, the 15th Amendment, enacted in 1870, appeared to signify the fulfillment of all promises to African Americans. Set free by the 13th amendment, with citizenship guaranteed by the 14th Amendment, Black males were given the right to vote by the 15th Amendment.”

Before the 14th Amendment, two prior events drove the purpose and intent of the 14th.

“Passed by Congress June 13, 1866, and ratified July 9, 1868, the 14th Amendment extended liberties and rights granted by the Bill of Rights to formerly enslaved people.

Following the Civil War, Congress submitted to the states three amendments as part of its Reconstruction program to guarantee equal civil and legal rights to Black citizens. A major provision of the 14th Amendment was to grant citizenship to “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to formerly enslaved people.”

What caused the focus on the 14th at the time, and therefore the purpose and intent of the amendment?

In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the United States and, therefore, could not expect any protection from the federal government or the courts. The opinion also stated that Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a Federal territory.

“In 1846, an enslaved Black man named Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet, sued for their freedom in St. Louis Circuit Court. They claimed that they were free due to their residence in a free territory where slavery was prohibited.”

Before the 14th Amendment was the 13th Amendment, making slavery and involuntary servitude illegal in the United States, most specifically in the Confederate States. The 13th followed President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation (1863).

“Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

In 1863 President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation declaring “all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.”

However, the 13th Amendment fell short of making former slaves and their families eligible for legal “citizenship” in the United States. Although the 13th established freedom from slavery and involuntary servitude for former slave families in the United States, it did not grant them legal citizenship or citizenship rights in the United States.

Because the 13th Amendment codified what President Lincoln established in his Emancipation Proclamation but failed to extend “citizenship” rights or constitutional protections to former slave families, Congressman John A. Bingham of Ohio, submitted a proposal for the 14th Amendment to the House of Representatives with the stated intent and purpose of extending liberties and rights granted by the Bill of Rights to formerly enslaved people in the form of “mass-naturalization” originally titled “A Naturalization Amendment

In legal terms, the 14th was a (one-time) “blanket naturalization” of all former slave families, by act of Congress and adoption of the 14th Amendment, extending full “citizenship rights” to all former slave families. For those families, every generation born since has been born legal citizens of the United States by “birthright” as the children of citizens.

In the United States and most of the world, the “birthrights” of a child are derived from the Father of those children.

The Source of Confusion

In a word… lawyers are the source of the confusion. Lawyers who teach in law school, lawyers on the bench, lawyers who write things like legal definitions, lawyers who have been writing legislation for 248-years on the basis of British Common Law instead of Constitutional Law, lawyers who argue their political interest in a court, lawyers the media tells you are “experts” and “scholars.” Yes…lawyers!

The “love of money” isn’t the only root of all evil. The “love of unbridled power” is too!

Most Americans think their elected Presidents and Legislators run this country, but it isn’t so. Lawyers run this country, and they have ever since Marbury v. Madison in 1803. This is the Supreme Court case that established the courts as the final arbiters of truth, justice and the American way, even though the Constitution says no such thing.

NOTE: At the adoption of the Constitution, the definition of “interpret” was essentially for the courts to translate legalese into plain English so that citizens could know and protect their own Rights. In the case of the Constitution, the founding documents were not written in legalese, requiring a legal “expert” to translate the foundational documents into plain English for the average citizen. The Founders intentionally wrote and adopted the Constitution in plain English, so that any citizen able to read and comprehend English, can properly interpret the documents for themselves.

Since this case, lawyers have felt untethered to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Through the unconstitutional use of British Common Law practices, they have done exactly what Thomas Jefferson warned us about between 1804 and 1823…on the heels of the Marbury v. Madison decision.

  • “Nothing in the Constitution has given them [the federal judges] a right to decide for the Executive, more than to the Executive to decide for them. . . . The opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves, in their own sphere of action, but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.” (Letter to Abigail Adams, September 11, 1804)
  • “You seem . . . to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so . . . and their power [is] the more dangerous, as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots.” (Letter to William Jarvis, Sept. 28, 1820)
  • “At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account.” (Letter to A. Coray, October 31, 1823)

To put a very fine point on this matter, the 14th Amendment became obsolete once the former slave families were granted freedom, citizenship and voting rights via the Reconstruction Amendments.

However, the lawyers have continued to amend the intent and purpose of the 14th to suit their political agendas and ambitions via the overt abuse of that one sentence ever since.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

While these words were quite clearly directed solely at former slave families during reconstruction, with no mention of “birthrights” or “gay marriage,” the clear intent and purpose of these words were only applicable to the former slave families at the time of its adoption, just as the 13th and 15th apply only to that special class as well.

These words were never intended to be abused by lawyers for 248-years to essentially eliminate true “birthright citizenship” and allow such a lofty reward to anyone and everyone who stumbles across our borders illegally to give birth to a foreign citizen on our soil.

For the record, everyone, while in the United States, on vacation, a work or school VISA, as a second home to their primary residence in their home country, is “subject to our jurisdiction” while in our country. The only exception is those foreigners who have been legally granted “diplomatic immunity” by our laws.

The “common law” practices to undermine our Constitution, Bill of Rights and all Natural Birthrights of American citizens, is a treasonous act against the United States and every legal citizen of the United States.

Unless corrected, we will no longer be a Constitutional Republic of, by or for the legal American citizens!

Last, the Executive Order just signed by President Trump on the subject is in error. It’s in error because like most modern citizens, Trump doesn’t know all of the facts presented in this lengthy piece and he depended upon lawyers to write the EO for him.

His lawyers got it wrong…so, Trump did too!

The intentional legal profession bastardization of natural “birthrights” and “birthright citizenship” took a major turn for the worse in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898) case, often cited as a “landmark legal decision” by modern law professionals. It’s since this case that our courts and politicians have falsely used Common Law to totally undermine all “natural birthrights” and all “natural birthright citizens” of the United States, and today, we barely recognize our country as a result.

Regardless of any other priorities or personal pet agendas today, if we, Trump, fails to correct everything exposed in this piece, no one will be able to save the Constitutional Republic from total collapse via British Common Law undermining even our most basic foundational Rights, no one!

This is the hill all Natural Birthright Citizens must be willing to die on! Naturalization is not a “birthright.”

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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As a Disabled 90-Year-Old Legally-Blind Veteran, I had an Epiphany at the VA

By Andrew Wallace

January 22, 2025

I was waiting for a therapy nurse to assist me in the use of a walker, and was feeling a little down because I had been needing help for months. Then I saw a veteran who, with great effort, was using a walker with two prosthetic legs, guided by a nurse. This is when I realized two things: (1) that I was fortunate, and (2) that our real problem was to destroy the Criminal Enterprise in our government that ordered and profited from the death and maiming of our military and millions of innocents for profit and power.

The United States has been involved in and lost 30 armed conflicts in the last 79 years without a single Declaration of War. None of these wars had anything to do with National Security.

The Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) established, controls, and profits from the Criminal Enterprise. They control what some call The Swamp (the establishment) and a majority of our government, which is a criminal enterprise. This criminal enterprise has no legal right to exist or function. It can only prevail with the support of the corrupt traitors in Congress and the apathy of the ignorant masses.

I have no doubt that President Trump will keep his promises, which are of critical importance to our survival in the short run; the alternative was revolution.


To return to a Constitutional Republic. President Trump would have to enforce the Constitution in its entirety, which would gut the PSRRC’s Criminal enterprise which controls a majority of our government.

It would have been politically impossible for President Trump to campaign on a promise to obey the Constitution and end the criminal enterprise in government. To do so would have resulted in the termination of at least 50% of federal employees (voters) and a lost election.

President Trump has proposed to establish The Department of Efficiency (DOGE) to reduce government expenditures, etc. Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy are tapped to lead the effort. Government employees and others affected by changes will fight them tooth and nail.

However, a superior way to reinstate our Constitutional Republic in all its glory would be to just follow the Constitution to the letter. Of course, we would not be in this mess if the blood-sucking whores and traitors in Congress honored their oaths of office. When the 50% to 75% of government employees are terminated, they will have no legal right to challenge or complain because they can’t question the absolute authority of the Constitution!

The simple Economic Reality is that many employees must lose their jobs now, or everybody will be unemployed by the Greatest of all Depressions in the near term.

Anyone who questions the preceding Economic Reality is not familiar with the overwhelming opinion of Economists and the lessons of history.

If we insisted on a lawful government as dictated by our Constitution, prosperity would be everywhere and most people would be comfortable in the middle-class.

Money spent on Foreign Aid for bribes and kickbacks, wars for profit, useless “education”, unlawful departments and functions, federal “charity” (this is a state function), etc, would be terminated. The result would be the American Dream and unlimited prosperity. Women who wanted to have families and care for them could do so; we have not seen much of the American Dream since the Seventies.

There are countless benefits from operating under the Constitution: We would have gold and silver money which retains its value and makes inflation and wars difficult. Tariffs could replace income taxes allowing states to fund themselves as originally intended. The unconstitutional private Federal Reserve Bank would be terminated. There would be no wars without a Declaration of War, required for national security. Most federal departments that interact with citizens would be terminated. Remaining bureaucrats of the Administrative State could no longer write laws and regulations (only Congress can pass laws).

It has been 112 years since the serious start of our takeover by the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and conversion of a major part of our government into a Criminal Enterprise. We mark 1913 as the year of infamy when we were burdened with income taxes, a private Federal Reserve Bank, Tax-free foundations and a government no longer financed with tariffs. This allowed the federal government to usurp power of the states to control them and the people.

I welcome comments from my readers. I write my articles to be informative and to give the readers something to pass on to their elected officials. Most elected officials have demonstrated their contempt for you and the Constitution; their only interest is power and blood money. Let them know with this article how we feel about them.

May God Bless You and the Republic

© 2025 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Biden’s FAKE Pardons

By Lex Greene

January 23, 2025

Yet another attempt by leaders of today’s undemocratic party to con the American people with a “fake” action for mere publicity, that enjoys no force of law whatsoever. Legally and constitutionally speaking, there is no such thing as a “preemptive pardon.”

“In the United States, the pardon power for offenses against the United States is granted to the president of the United States under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution which states that the president “shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment”. The U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted this language to include the power to grant many different forms of clemency (generally less sweeping than a full pardon), including not only pardons, but also conditional pardons, commutations of sentence, conditional commutations of sentence, remissions of fines, forfeitures and other criminal financial penalties, respites and reprieves, and amnesties.[61]

The pardon power of the president applies only to convictions under federal law.[62] Additionally, the power extends to military court-martial cases as well as convictions in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.”

By legal definition and U.S. Law, a “pardon” pertains only to those who have already been charged with a crime. Pardon power does not apply to anyone who has not yet been charged, tried, convicted or sentenced for a crime.

If someone is not guilty, charged or convicted of any crime, they do not need, nor are they legally eligible for a pardon. No one can pardon someone for crimes they have never been charged with. On the other hand, if one attempts to provide “blanket immunity” via fake pardons, it is presumed that those recipients must be guilty of crimes which they could indeed be charged with and convicted for, at some future date, hence the purpose of the fake preemptive pardon attempt.

This legal principle applies to the “fake” pardons for GENERAL MARK A. MILLEY, DR. ANTHONY S. FAUCI, and the “fake” J6 Committee which was nothing more than a lynch mob for Trump supporters, listed in Biden’s “fake” pardon as;


The above “fake” Biden pardons are nothing more than a publicity stunt and effort to provide “blanket immunity” for political friends who committed crimes in the performance of their political offices. After a proper investigation into their actions, if evidence of crimes exists, these individuals are not immune from prosecution as a result of Biden’s fake pardons, because the President has no power to grant blanket immunity for political friends guilty of crimes, also known as “preemptive pardons.”

As for Biden’s attempt to grant his son and family members “blanket immunity” via other “fake” pardons, Joe “Big Guy” Biden does not have the power to provide a blanket of immunity for his family simply due to the fact that “the Big Guy” was at the helm of their international crime spree. As the head of the crime family, it is not within the power of the “Big Guy” to pardon his co-conspirators, even if the Big Guy happens to be President of the United States.

In fact, a President and all political office holders are to be held to a higher standard than any average citizen, not a lesser standard, or God forbid, blanket immunity.

Contrary to popular belief, pardon is not a get-out-of-jail-free card for criminals who simply do not want to be charged with their crimes at some future date.

Pardons are “Executive Actions” … If the original Biden Executive Action is invalid, unlawful, unconstitutional, or itself a fraudulent action, then those actions can very likely be reversed by Executive Action as well.

At the very least, these fake pardons in an attempt to preempt future criminal charges are examples of unlawful and unconstitutional Executive “obstructions of justice” by attempting to unilaterally create a special class of citizen exempt from criminal investigation, indictment and prosecution, for political purposes.

Therefore, the fake pardons must not be allowed to stand. It was a nice try, fraudulently trying to protect Biden cohorts guilty of crimes against the United States, but it shouldn’t be allowed to hold.

The price of these types of obstruction, which establish political friends as a special class protected from the law, is just too high. Therefore, the new administration must immediately seek proper legal procedure for setting aside or reversing the fake pardons.

In the USA under the equal protection clause in the Constitution, we are not two separate classes of citizens. Either everyone is subject to the rule of law, or no one is…

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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What You Didn’t Know About Biden’s Engineered Invasion of America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 23, 2025

If the American people knew what Joe Biden did to this country with his engineered invasion of America, every citizen, whether liberal, independent or conservative, would be screaming for his head on a platter. In four years, the enormous damage he did to all 50 states, and to all 340 million American citizens, will go down in the history books as the biggest betrayal of public trust, EVER!

In a discussion with Jeremy Beck, Vice President at, I came away with a newfound disgust for Joe Biden, and/or his handlers, for their betrayal of all Americans.

Mr. Beck, just give my readers an understanding of the incredible lies, deceit and consequences Biden perpetuated on America:

“President Trump was elected by voters who overwhelmingly rejected the historic wave of inadmissible aliens released into the country during the Biden administration,” Beck said. “This was arguably the issue that decided the election. And yet any attempt to repair the damage done by the border crisis will be undermined as long as the government is issuing U.S. citizenship to every child born to an inadmissible alien who has been released. Moreover, once that child turns 21, they can take advantage of our chain migration policies to sponsor the parents who violated U.S. immigration laws in the first place.

“President Trump’s order would end automatic citizenship for children who do not have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident. The order will be immediately blocked in lower federal courts. Roughly two dozen states have already sued to stop the administration. We at NumbersUSA have always said that the debate over whether or not automatic birthright citizenship (a practice only the U.S. and Canada practice among developed nations) is required by the 14th Amendment is one that will have to be answered by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

What most Americans don’t know stems from the fact that a minimum of 300,000 illegal pregnant women violate our borders annually, and birth their babies within the USA to gain enormous amounts of welfare, money, food and housing. Not only do we pay for the new babies, but for their care for 18 years while the mother enjoys welfare and food stamps. The costs over the decades rise into the trillions of dollars. And yet, Congress does NOTHING to stop it.

Reinstating “Remain In Mexico”

Beck said, “The Migration Protection Protocols (or MPP) is better known as “Remain In Mexico.” As the nickname suggests, the MPP required asylum seekers at the Southern border to wait in Mexico until their case was heard. Most asylum seekers decided to go home, rather than wait in Mexico while their illegitimate case was decided. President Biden ended the program. Biden allowed over 12 million illegal aliens to invade our country. The House passed a bill in the last Congress to reinstate it but the Senate never picked it up. Now, President Trump is reinstating it. We do not want to roll the dice on future administrations keeping the program in place. Congress needs to pass a law to make “Remain In Mexico” permanent.”

Ending the “CBP One” App

Beck added, “Millions of Americans who followed immigration over the last few years were shocked to learn that the Biden had been running a cell phone app where inadmissible aliens could schedule their appointments to be released into the United States. More than 900,000 inadmissible aliens have used the app to get released into the country. This absurd program is now over. Congress should pass a law to make sure it never comes back.”

Terminating all “categorical parole” programs

“As part of his securing our borders mandate via executive action, President Trump directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to “Terminate all categorical parole programs that are contrary to the policies of the United States established in my Executive Orders, including the program known as the ‘Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans [CHNV],” said Beck. “The vast majority of inadmissible aliens released into the country during the Biden administration (peaking at about 1 million people per year!) were done so through parole. Parole is a legal process but it is supposed to be granted on a case-by-case basis. The Biden-Harris administration granted parole to broad categories of people, essentially nullifying any legal limits on immigration Congress put in place.”

One of those programs was the CHNV program mentioned above. Andrew Arthur at the Center for Immigration Studies gives the good, the bad, and the ugly on CHNV:

He said, “As I have explained in the past, CHNV parole is uniquely vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation, and in fact DHS stopped the program last summer amidst fraud concerns.

“Dealing with the hundreds of thousands of beneficiaries of the program here is the responsibility of ICE and Trump’s “border czar” Tom Homan, but the good news for them is that the application web page for CHNV parole is now blank, with the words “Page Not Found.”

“President Trump was elected by voters who overwhelmingly rejected the historic wave of inadmissible aliens released into the country during the Biden administration,” said beck. “This was arguably the issue that decided the election. And yet any attempt to repair the damage done by the border crisis will be undermined as long as the government is issuing U.S. citizenship to every child born to an inadmissible alien who has been released. Moreover, once that child turns 21, they can take advantage of our chain migration policies to sponsor the parents who violated U.S. immigration laws in the first place.”

If the American people possessed a clue as to the insanely enormous numbers of refugees, now at over 30 million, that have violated our laws, and our borders, they would vote out every U.S. Senator and House Member in Congress They’re all complicit in the invasion because the majority of them did nothing to stop Biden or his handlers.

Ever more interesting, we taxpayers fund hundreds of NGO’s, Lutheran Churches, Catholic Charities, and Sanctuary Cities into the billions of dollars. Each one of them serves lawlessness, violates our Constitution, and profits off every taxpayer—-while destroying the foundation of America’s laws.

As I’ve reported many times, the third world adds 83 million new babies, net gain, annually…therefore, the line of refugees never ends. Do you think we can save the rest of the world’s refugees? How? Can we continue to allow them to invade our country? Biden’s illegal actions, and those who supported him, lack any understanding that this “Biden Engineered Invasion” will cost every American citizen for decades to come. Biden launched America toward a demographic catastrophe heretofore never seen in human history.

Can Trump save our country? Will those insidiously stupid mayors and governors abide by our immigration laws? Will Sanctuary Cities be banned? Will we stop “anchor babies” by the millions from dipping into our welfare programs into the trillions of dollars with no end in sight? Can we survive the sheer numbers being added to America that will reach an added 100,000,000 (million) more people, net gain by 2050? Will we remain a sustainable civilization? What do you think?

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The Deep State Still has Trump in the Crosshairs

By Cliff Kincaid

January 22, 2025

President Trump’s broad pardons for the January 6 defendants makes him even more of a target.

To a user of X who asked, “Why [do] they want to kill Donald Trump?” Elon Musk had responded, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” It’s much more sinister than Musk indicated. The issue is whether elements of the Biden/Harris administration were somehow involved in trying to kill Trump and whether they have been covering up the details of their failed attempts.

Those “elements” are in the FBI, among other federal departments and agencies.

Until Trump’s new FBI director Kash Patel gets confirmed, we have no hope of getting to the bottom of how the Deep State conducts “wet work” against its political enemies. That means Trump’s life is still in danger.

Musk deleted the post after that his critics claimed he was somehow encouraging the assassinations of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That was absurd. He was drawing attention to the fact that Trump has been – and remains – a target of Deep State terror.

The latest terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas indicate the danger remains and may be accelerating.

On a recent Rumble program, J.C. Hawkins and I discussed the “uncanny commonalities” between the two attacks, with both having been carried out by U.S. Army personnel. We review the decline in our military under the failed leadership of General Mark Milley and his treasonous interactions with Red Chinese generals.

Historically, Hawkins notes, the Army was investigated by Senator Joseph McCarthy for having been a source of communist subversion and even a nuclear spy in America’s atom bomb project. After he started that investigation, he went into Bethesda Naval Hospital for knee surgery and came out in a body bag.  The story is told in Hawkins’ book Betrayal at Bethesda III.

In retrospect, considering the report of the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, the questions become:

  • Why the Biden/Harris Administration is covering up the “others unknown” behind those two attempts to kill Trump, and
  • Whether the cover-up implies active participation by federal agencies in the assassination attempts on Trumps.

New FBI Director Kash Patel must get to the bottom of this. In this context, the NBC News story, “Kash Patel’s potential targets fear his tenure as FBI director,” is very good news. He has them scared.

Fearing the worst, the left-wing Politico ran a 2300-word smear of Kash Patel by Ankush Khardori, whose media appearances are mostly on MSNBC, the anti-Trump channel, and who functions as a mouthpiece for those fearing their subversive actions will be uncovered.

Khardori understands that Patel was instrumental in uncovering the Deep State plot by the FBI to use Russian disinformation paid for by Hillary and authorized by Obama to frame Trump as a Russian agent. Patel’s book, Government Gangsters, is a must-read for those eager to learn more about the Deep State and how it operates. What is more, he outlines plans to clean house.

As such, Patel can analyze the Trump assassination cover-ups currently engaged in by the FBI. These cover-ups are a matter of life and death for Trump – and other officials.

That congressional Task Force 180-page report raises far more questions than it answers. Consider the section (Appendix IV) entitled, “Key Outstanding Requests to Agencies,” and what we don’t know about the would-be assassins. The word “outstanding” means the agencies didn’t cooperate.

It states that “DOJ and its relevant client agencies (FBI and ATF) provided limited cooperation in certain areas of the Task Force’s investigation.” (emphasis added).

The “limited cooperation” in these “certain areas” had to do with their foreign connections and what federal agencies know about them.

Interestingly, we find the panel was denied “All documents and information related to any potential connection between the two attempted assassinations on July 13 and September 15, 2024.” (emphasis added).

In the case of the would-be assassin and pro-Ukraine operative, Ryan Routh, we learn the task force failed to obtain “All U.S. Customs and Border Protection and DHS HSI  [Homeland Security Investigations] documents, records, memoranda, interviews, communications and materials referring or related to Ryan Wesley Routh.”

That seems like a curious failure.

What is more, we learn that the Task Force did not have:

  • Copies of financial analyses being conducted by the FBI in connection with Routh
  • A copy of all evidence obtained by the FBI related to the investigation of the September 15 event and Routh
  • All FBI documents, records, memoranda, interviews, communications and materials referring or related to Ryan Wesley Routh

In addition, the Task force did not have documents and communications referring or related to:

  • Routh’s use of encrypted messaging accounts
  • Analysis of Routh’s use of electronic devices

Regarding the other would-be assassin, Thomas Crooks, the Task Force was denied all documents and communications referring or related to:

  • Crooks’ use of encrypted messaging accounts
  • Analysis of Crooks’ electronic devices

The pattern here is that both would-be assassins that are dismissed by some as amateurs used encrypted communications. Why would that be? The obvious answer is that they didn’t want their sponsors or handlers to be known.

Our media don’t care about any of this, since the target was Trump, and as we saw in the Politico hit piece on Patel, they would prefer these crimes go uncovered and unpunished.

Elon Musk, however, has been raising the right questions from the start. When the weaponization of government takes the form of an actual weapon, as it did in the assassination attempts on Trump, he knows there is a problem that must be addressed —  and quickly — before terror and death from the highest reaches of the federal government strike again, decapitating the federal government at the very top.

© 2025 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

If Christ Is Your King, Why Are You Allowing The Wicked To Rule?

By Bradlee Dean

January 22, 2025

“Christ, not man, is King” – The epitaph on Oliver Cromwell’s tomb

Have you ever noticed that those God so used were used in a radical sense to win His purpose on this earth against the wicked?  These were those who would stand up in the face of all odds by wholly trusting the Lord (1 Samuel 17).

He used the weak and the foolish that no flesh should glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:29-31).

As Hudson Taylor put it, “All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on God being with them.”

This is so that Christ may be glorified, and Him alone!

Let’s look at some heroes of the faith, starting with the meekest man (Power under the Lord’s control) who ever lived, Moses.

Look at Moses confronting Pharoah in commanding, on God’s authority, to “let His people go.”  Read Exodus 5:1 and 9:1.  His radical love for the Lord was apparent and on display for all the world to see.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:5.

Look at the corrupt kings that were conquered by Joshua and the children of Israel.  Look at their love and gratitude on display in keeping the commandments of the Lord (John 14:21; 1 John 5:3).  Also, read the whole of Joshua chapter 12.

Look at Gideon conquering the Midianites and their armies in the trust and strength of the Lord.  Read Judges 8:4-28.

We read in Hebrews 11:32-34:

“And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:  “Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.  Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.”

What of the likes of our American forefathers who coined the slogan, “Resistance to tyrants, is obedience to God”?

What of Martin Luther, Oliver Cromwell, William Wallace and John Knox?

In the face of these heroes of the faith, both past and present, I ask that you put this in contrast to what you see in the American version of Christianity today.

The American professors of today claim that Jesus Christ is their Lord and yet, they submit to the corruptions and wickedness of men.  THAT IS NOT AT ALL WHAT THE MEN/WOMEN IN THE BIBLE DID!

Submitting to men, mind you, that are willfully and purposefully transgressing (overthrowing law-Psalm 94:20) not only the Lord’s Law but also state and federal laws which are predicated on the Torah (5 Books of Moses), advocating for what the Lord that you say that you love condemns; And yet, Jesus is your Lord?

Who is prevailing?

The wicked murder children under the guise of choice.  Read Proverbs 6:17.  All this your Lord condemns.

The wicked kidnap, traffic, and sexually exploit the children.  Read Exodus 21:16 and 1 Timothy 1:10.  All this your Lord condemns!

The wicked advocate sodomy, homosexual ‘marriage’ (Never in the history of mankind has there been any such thing!), and now, they have even devised what they call ‘transgenderism’.  All this your Lord calls an abomination. Again, the God that you claim to be submitted to condemns this.  So, why is it happening?  Read Leviticus 18:22-20:13, Deuteronomy 22:5, Romans 1:26;32.

Remember, if they are not standing against these crimes, they are guilty of them (Numbers 32:23).

Despite God’s Law, the wicked are allowed to steal, kill, and destroy just like their father the devil.  Yet, the American church submits to these high crimes in the face of the God to who they claim to be submitted.  To whom are these professors really submitted?  How then is Jesus their King when they submit to the devil and his minions?

William Booth rightly stated, “We are not sent to minister to a congregation and be content if we keep things going. We are sent to make war…and to stop short of nothing but the subjugation of the world to the sway of the Lord Jesus.”

If Jesus is your Lord, then why are you empowering men to war against the God you claim is your Lord?  Read Micah 3:5.

Conclusion: Christians have changed their passion for Christ by letting the world stand in its will in contrast to the Lord’s will.

Look at the bloodshed, the blood of the apostles, the prophets, and the soldiers in the effort that they made and we must make in order to establish righteousness and peace on this earth (Isaiah 51:4).

Jesus, in their lifetime, was and is their Lord.  Yet, we are told to follow in the faith of those who went before us (Hebrews 13:7).

So, I will leave you with this question, “To whom are you actually submitted?”

© 2025 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Life Is Precious in All Stages

by Rolaant McKenzie

January 21, 2025

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, Half a Life (Season 4, Episode 22, 5/6/1991), the USS Enterprise is sent to Kaelon II to assist Dr. Timicin with an experiment that showed great promise in leading to the salvation of his world from the impending demise of its sun. It was transforming from a yellow dwarf to a red giant, and it was expected to destroy Kaelon II within a few decades.

Generations of Kaelon scientists had researched various ways to rejuvenate the life of their sun without success. However, Timicin, who had devoted his life to resolving this danger to his world, had advanced in research knowledge well beyond his predecessors and was on the verge of a solution, generating high hopes among his people.

But a significant aspect of Kaelon culture stood in the way. More than 1,500 years earlier, the Kaelon people began a tradition, called The Resolution, where those reaching the age of 60 would participate in ritual suicide. This was established as a cornerstone of Kaelon society, allegedly to allow the aged to die with dignity, but it really turned out to be a means of keeping them from becoming an inconvenient and unwanted burden to the younger generation.

Timicin is about to turn 60, and he is ordered to return home to undergo his “resolution.” Though he sought more time to complete his work, the Kaelon authorities were unswayed by the prospect that it would take several decades for succeeding scientists to sufficiently familiarize themselves with his work to save their sun (time they did not have), but for him it would take only a fraction of the time. They held so rigidly to this custom that they would no longer accept any more data updates from him, even if his solution worked.

In the end, the very physically and mentally fit Timicin, who could have easily continued his work for many years and saved his world, bowed to the intense pressure of his government and family and returned to the planet to die.

In allowing this death tradition to become such an overriding aspect of their culture, the Kaelons unnecessarily put their planet on the path of destruction from its sun by eliminating the scientist that could have provided a solution to save it.

Regrettably, a similar kind of death custom has become a growing part of many Western societies that once generally followed, however imperfectly, Christian foundational principles, which included respect for human life from conception to natural death as a gift from God.

Canada is one of several Western countries that have introduced assisted suicide into their culture as a way of allowing terminally ill elderly the supposed right to die with dignity. Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) has been legal in Canada since 2016, where initially it was eligible for those suffering from a grievous and irremediable condition whose death was reasonably foreseeable. But the law was amended in 2021 to include those whose death was not reasonably foreseeable. A further amendment was made in 2023 to include those suffering solely from mental illness, but implementation was delayed until 2027.

While assisted suicide is illegal in most of the United States, since the 1990s it has gradually been legalized in one state, then ten, plus the District of Columbia. In the United Kingdom, the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill was introduced in the House of Commons in October 2024, which seeks to legalize assisted suicide, including for people as young as 18. Other countries, such as Germany and Italy, have been working on their own legislation to legalize assisted suicide.

This sliding down the slope of the culture of death did not occur in a vacuum. Decades earlier, the belief of man being a special creation of God, along with the acknowledgement of life being a gift from His hands, gave way to diminishing the value of life, especially of the most weak and vulnerable in society (Genesis 1:27; Job 31:15). Children in the womb were sacrificed when deemed to be an inconvenient burden, and this has been extended to the physically disabled, the mentally ill, and the elderly. Even those who support this today may face a society they helped to create that will eventually deem their lives as having insufficient value to preserve. Where there is no sanctity of life, no one is safe from being eliminated.

Sometimes God uses the unlikeliest people to express an important truth. During Jesus’ time on earth, Caiaphas, the high priest, one of the unyielding opponents of Jesus who plotted with the religious leadership to kill Him, said, “It is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.” Scripture notes that he did not speak of his own accord but unconsciously prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation and gather His children scattered abroad into His kingdom (Isaiah 49:5-6; John 1:1-14, 11:47-53).

Jonathan Rauch, a prominent professing atheist and author, argues that the United States needs to embrace Christian values to be a healthy society and that the church is failing in its role to represent Jesus. In a January 3, 2025, interview with Matter of Opinion (a New York Times podcast), Rauch said:

“What really needs to happen to get our country on a better track is for Christianity not to become more secular or more liberal but to become more like itself, to become more truly Christian.”

Like the people of Kaelon II in the Star Trek episode, we are on the path to destruction from the culture of death that has taken hold of our society. The remedy is a return to the Christian principles that were once a foundation of Western civilization.

Through the proclamation of the gospel message, those who take hold and embrace it will come to value human life as God does and seek to protect it in all its stages. As more people believe in Jesus Christ, the giver of eternal life to all who trust in Him, the church will fulfill its role of being salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16), and society will turn around from its path to destruction.

© 2025 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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Rats Are Running From Looming Traps

By Kat Stansell

January 20, 2025

It is easy enough to miss a quick news item, in all the pre-inaugural and LA fire-related goings-on, but a man named Edgar Maddison Welch was shot and killed by police in NC last week.

You might remember him. He was the young man who felt he had uncovered evidence of a child sex parlor at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, in Georgetown, NW DC, in 2016. He ran into the restaurant armed, scared the customers and fired one shot through a door inside the restaurant, injuring no one, but destroying a computer. When there were no children behind that door, he surrendered and handed over his weapon.

According to ABC News, “Welch had entered the restaurant armed, and as customers fled the scene, shot at a locked closet inside. After realizing there were no children held captive in the pizzeria, Welch peacefully surrendered. No one was injured. “

Welch pleaded guilty to interstate transportation of a firearm and ammunition, and assault with a dangerous weapon.

Had Edgar Welch come across the US border illegally, 2020 – 2024, he would have been given free housing, medical care and food for his actions. But, I digress.

Instead, he was sentenced to a four years in jail by Ketanji Brown, then a District Court judge in DC. She apparently did not have to define “woman” for this, but could this have anything to do with how she ended up, quite surprisingly and quickly, on SCOTUS?

PizzaGate was in 2017. Welch’s sentence was completed in 2021. Presumably, he had then been on parole since then. Violation of parole is not usually a cause for murder. Housecleaning of the deep dark pit of DC Luciferian behavior might be.

As of Jan. 4, 2025, when Welch was shot by police in Kannapolis, NC, he was riding in a vehicle which was recognized by one officer on the city police force. The police statement is, that the vehicle was stopped because there was an outstanding warrant. As picked up by NPR, one of the officers recognized the car as the vehicle of someone he had arrested and who had an outstanding warrant for a felony probation violation. I linked you to the NPR article because I wanted you to see the four times “conspiracy theory” was referenced in the short article.

It’s also interesting because Welch was from Salsbury, NC, 20+ miles down the road, yet Kananapolis poice instantly recognized him and the car. Were they told to FIND this vehicle? I think that might be a fair question. Kannapolis’s 2024 polulation is estinmated to be 60, 660, and is rising quickly. It’s a really good police department to keep up with things like this as the city’s growth spurts upward.

Moreover, Welch was a passenger in the vehicle, a 2001 GMC Yukon. According to reports, police in Kannapolis stopped the car and pulled open the passenger side door, guns drawn. When the officers approached the vehicle to arrest Welch, police said the man pulled out a handgun and pointed it (emphasis mine) at one of the officers. After he was instructed to drop the weapon but refused, two officers shot Welch, authorities said. (emphasis mine).

Is this the way a local police force is trained to engage under circumstances like this?Is this normal Kannapolis Police Department behavior for a traffic stop on a warrant violation?

Welch did not fire a weapon. Yet he was killed. Two officers opened fire. They did not just disable him, as one might think would have been protocol. Remember, Welch had never fired a weapon on anyone, even in the case of his first conviction, in 2017.

Edgar Welch died in a hospital two days later. Those cops must have fired a good number of times to “stop” this man for being in violation of a warrant. He died IN a hospital, two days after this “traffic stop”.

WHY, after 4 years, was there a even a warrant out for Edgar Welch? No news source I could find bothered to say. Each, however, DID refer to the “conspiracy theory” that was Pizzagate.

I’ve asked a lot of questions, because I believe that the answers may lie in the scurrying of the DC rats as they hurry to cover up their worst crimes. Child trafficking, and their involvement in it, is possibly THE worst, and subject of many more current articles. Epstein, P. Diddy, et. al.

With the change of administrations, spring is coming early in 2025, and with it, housecleaning by the criminals who have occupied out federal government. LOTS of housecleaning by those desperate to escape justice.

Last week’s killing of the young man who fired one shot inside Comet Pizza in Georgetown in 2017 – and damaged a computer – is one such incident. Edgar Welch may still have remembered what he’d seen that day in 2016. Did he promise to tell? Because there were no children present in 2016, as he’d feared, he surrendered and dropped his weapon. Yet, the artwork in Commet pizza has become notorious. Not much of it is still online, but I did find this.

Here is one image, featured by the artist, Arrington DeDionyso, who claims that HE painted this mural at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong in 2016. He asks for “followers” on the website where this was posted. Dionysus is, of course, the Greek god of fertility and festivity.

I will close with this.

There is SO much “conspiracy theory” flack flying at the news of this man’s death, that we can be assured that the PizzaGate has some validity. Remember, it is the story of the exposure of a child sex slavery operation in Georgetown, Washington DC, in which quite a few DC “Biggies” were involved.

Every time, for the past 8 years, that the subject of PizzaGate has arisen, the MSM swings into full defense mode. Flack is always thickest over the target.

From sudden resignations to last-minute legal and legislative action, to attacks on their own, the Luciferian Left is further highlighting its massive and widespread guilt as Trump prepares to take office. The words, “conspiracy theory”, used as often as they have been in the last decade, has come to mean “true”.

In the waning days of the horror that was the 2020 Coup, it’s quite possible that the death of Edgar Welch was the most recent sign that they are desperately trying to cover their filthy tracks. With the inauguration of an administration through which many turds will be dug up, it is quite possible that this young man’s death at the hands of the “law” was more last-minute clean-up by the Luciferian Left.

Just sayin’.

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

The Financial Rise and Moral Decline of Fox News

By Cliff Kincaid

January 20, 2025

[DISCLAIMER: The opinions of those who write for NewsWithViews are theirs and do not necessarily reflect the values and opinions of NWVs, it’s owners, employee, other contributing writers and advertisers. Free speech – next to our Second Amendment – is the bedrock of our free nation. One can agree or disagree with a writer but if NWVs starts censoring content they or even one bot doesn’t like, NWVs would become no different than CNN, MSNBC, SPOTIFY, FACEBOOK, and all the other Fascist America hating corporations Americans continue to support when there are so many other alternatives. You read, you decide. Thank you.]

The Christmas season was a time to reflect on the Holy Family, as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are considered a model family, to be copied by Christians. In real life, the model family is in disrepair, especially at the “conservative” news channel Fox.

Fox was leading the way in ridiculing Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii over her opening questions to Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum during his confirmation hearing. She said, “As part of my responsibilities to ensure the fitness of nominees before any of the committees on which I sit, I ask the following two initial questions. First is, since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature? Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?”

Bergum answered “no” to both questions.

Hirono is a far-left Democrat who embarrasses herself in public but in this case I don’t think these are unreasonable questions of any nominee, Republican or Democrat.

Those questions are being raised at a time when a former Fox host, Pete Hegseth, is scrambling to save his nomination as Secretary of Defense and is fighting to quiet the details of his own sex scandal and several failed marriages. His latest marriage was to a Fox producer.

In my column, “Conservative Sex Scandals and Conduct Unbecoming,” I examine the Hegseth scandal, in which it is alleged that he paid a woman to stay silent about their sexual encounter. Even his mother took the side of one of his ex-wives.

In addition to Hegseth, three prominent Fox News hosts, Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Ainsley Earhardt, have gone through divorces that have been the subject of sensational headlines, even on Fox News. Hannity and Earhardt are now engaged and we wish them well.

In this context, do I dare say it might advisable to start 2025 with a New Year’s Resolution to Make America Moral Again, as proposed by columnist and author Linda Goudsmit?

While I am hopeful that MAGA can play a role in turning America around morally, I am doubtful because of President Trump’s decision to back away from his culturally conservative positions on issues like abortion that he proclaimed in 2016. He once believed in the right to life from conception to death. Now he says it’s a state’s rights issue.

I am also doubtful that Fox News, which has seen its ratings and profits rise because of the perception it is pro-Trump, will play a role in saving our Republic. The hanky-panky at the channels’ headquarters continues.

Randy Engel, the founder of the U.S. Coalition for Life (USCL), think that Trump, if he wants to Make America Great Again, should lead a campaign to protect innocent human life. Fox News, presenting itself as a pro-Trump outlet, could help make it possible.

“I think that most in the prolife community believe that God protected President Trump from an assassination attempt so that he might gain a renewed appreciation for the priceless gift of life. As President of the United States, he has a unique opportunity to express his gratitude to God by extending that same protection to countless unborn human beings. And there is no better way than backing a no-exception Constitutional Human Life Amendment,” Engel noted.

“Whatever else President Trump might accomplish in his second administration,” she said, “history will always consider it secondary in importance to his public decision to help end, not regulate, the ongoing mass extermination of our nation’s progeny.”

Wednesday, January 22, 2025, is the 55th anniversary of Roe V. Wade, the ruling that mandated abortion on demand. It was overturned in a subsequent ruling, giving the issues back to the states.

Trump once backed the Constitutional Human Life Amendment but has since backed away from it.

If America is to return as a pro-life nation, one would think that a news channel proclaiming itself devoted to Christian and conservative values would adopt this pro-life stance. But those pro-lifers looking to Fox News as a beacon of conservative Christian and pro-life values must now expect the worst.

The most recent news is that Fox News personality Sean Hannity, a self-proclaimed conservative Catholic, is divorcing his wife to marry another Fox host, Ainsley Earhardt, who had two marriages and two divorces that produced a darling little girl. Hannity has two children.

I mention these personal details because the new marriage is being highlighted by Fox News itself as a major development.

We are being told that Earhardt is a self-proclaimed Christian who reads Christian books to her child at night and “carries her Christian faith with her as she broadcasts into more than a million homes every morning” on Fox & Friends, notes one Christian publication.

The Fox News website highlights her Christian faith and she hosts a Bible Study on the Fox Nation channel, “as she talks faith, family, trials and triumphs with guests from all walks of life.”

Fox News reported that Hannity proposed to Earhardt over Christmas at a church, “solidifying their long-term commitment to each other,” and that they “had the blessing and support” from their children, who “couldn’t be happier.”

“We are overjoyed and so thankful to our families for all of their love and support during this wonderful time in our lives,” Earhardt and Hannity said.

I would say this is putting a happy face on two broken marriages, a story designed to convince Fox viewers that two of their favorite hosts are now living the good life, a Christian life, together. Fox claimed they “bonded over their deep faith, and the two have placed God first in their relationship…”

Fox added that both Earhardt and Hannity were previously married and “still get along well” with their ex-spouses and “everyone is supportive of each other,” according to the couple.

That’s very hard to believe.

It’s none of my business, except for the fact that putting the “Christian” label on this arrangement seems like a stretch. But this is what we are being told by Fox News in a major public relations effort to bless this new union.

Sex scandals and adulterous affairs have characterized Fox News since the time when a group of women exposed how Fox founder Roger Ailes sexually harassed attractive women in his employ. His techniques eventually gave rise to the movie “Bombshell.”

In my article on Hegseth, I list the 32 mostly conservative figures who are publicly backing a man with serious personal problems who has been indicted by his own mother for abusing women but now says he has found Jesus and is a changed man.

We hope for the best for this troubled man, but with Fox News backing him under the  circumstances of what’s been happening at the channel for decades, I don’t expect the channel to be the tip of the spear on issues of great concern to Christian conservatives.

© 2025 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

“I Am Sorry”

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 20, 2025

A few nights ago, Joe Biden gave his farewell speech to the nation. In it, he whined about America being taken over by rich oligarchs. He blamed “red states” for making mistakes with their economies. He gave a litany of his accomplishments from his teleprompter. His ashen face, his frail body and his dementia-plagued mind did not shine through to the dozen or so Americans watching the broadcast.

His final speech might have been one where he apologized to the American people for his horrendous mistakes that led our country into a four-year nightmare. Here’s what Biden could have said:

“I am sorry for opening our borders to 15 million illegal aliens that comprised some of the worst criminals, rapists, murderers, gangs, mentally ill, illiterates, drug dealers, anchor baby mothers, MS-13 gangbangers, Tren de Aragua gangsters, and millions of their children that overwhelmed our schools, hospitals, and communities. I really screwed up worse than any other president in American history.”

“I am terribly sorry for causing the death of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley and hundreds of other women who have been raped, beaten, and abused by the illegal criminals I invited into our country. I cannot begin to make amends to her family and friends for my own stupidity, incompetence, and callousness.”

“I am sorry for choosing a vice-presidential running mate because of her color and gender. I should have chosen someone of merit, earned credentials and knowledge who would have done well on the world stage. I’m sorry that I allowed her to fail at being the “Border Czar”, because she did nothing to stop the invasion of our country. Of course, I’m sorry that I directed her to fail. Which shows me to be an utter failure. I failed my oath of office to the U.S. Constitution to protect the American people.”

“I am sorry that I appointed DHS Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban-born immigrant, to man the borders to protect our citizens. He proved a total and complete failure, liar and incompetent. He destroyed his character, and he destroyed the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol. I’m sorry that he and Kamala Harris told the American people that our borders were secure, when they were clearly not secure.”

“I am sorry that, as commander-in-chief of the American military, I caused the death of 13 military personnel by my sheer incompetence of pulling out of Afghanistan. I allowed General Milley to lose $90 billion in U.S. military hardware. I oversaw the worst boondoggle in American military history. For their lives, their families, and our embarrassed military, I apologize from the bottom of my stone-cold heart.”

“I am sorry for my rampant stupidity in killing the Keystone Pipeline that would have provided oil energy to our country. My actions will be judged by historians as completely “dumb, dumber and dumbest.”

“I am sorry that I appointed a bunch of sycophants to my cabinet that were men who pretended to be women as they wore dresses, wigs, and high heels. That HHS Rachel Levine, somewhat obese, unbalanced and out of “his” league failed to inspire anyone toward betterment. That other guy I appointed wore dresses and stole suitcases at airports…well, he was/is a piece of a work. I apologize.”

“I am sorry that as my Alzheimer’s progressed over the last four years, my entire cabinet, and Kamala Harris, along with many liberal politicians and the mainstream media “covered” for me. I must thank my “teleprompter” speech writer for covering up my fading mind. I am sorry that they were dishonest, lacked integrity, and wanted to remain within the ring of power afforded them here at the White House. It proves British Lord Acton’s quote, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.”

“I am sorry to every American family that got hammered with impossible housing costs, rents, and food. I am sorry that I caused horrible inflationary prices for homes. I am sorry that I drove food prices through the roof. I must admit that I surrounded myself with people who didn’t know that they were doing because I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry that I did nothing for the 774 million homeless Americans that slept on the streets while I supported millions of illegal aliens being paid to stay in hotels, with food, cell phones and medical care. I really screwed up on that one. I’m sorry that I supported Sanctuary Cities where incompetent and corrupt governors and mayors supported those millions of illegals in violation of our laws.”

“I am SO sorry that I supported DNA men competing in women’s sports because it was beyond stupid and recklessly idiotic that I would support such an irrational and totally moronic policy. I should have saved women from men stomping on them, hurting them, and betraying them. I am sorry for allowing DNA men pretending to be women to walk into women’s bathrooms and showers. I am sorry for what I did to Title IX women’s rights.”

“I’m sorry for supporting “woke” policies. Just a stupid way of thinking! Woke doesn’t fit reality or the 21st century. Every person in America earns his or her way into this society by personally accountability, personally responsibility, hard work, integrity, and credentials.”

“I’m SO sorry for supporting “Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity” because it’s worse than “Affirmative Action.” We all need to be responsible for equality of opportunity by our efforts.”

“I’m very sorry for causing a 70,000 shortfall in our military recruiting by my own stupidity of pushing Critical Race Theory, Woke policies, and other hair-brained ideas that don’t work.”

“I am sorry for the harm and deaths I caused for 270,000 Americans who died from drug overdoses from fentanyl, heroin, meth, and other drugs that I gave full measure to be allowed into America. I apologize to all those parents who lost kids to drugs.”

“I am sorry for weakening America’s power in the world that led to the Ukraine invasion and the October 7, 2023 slaughter of over 1,000 innocent Israelis by Hamas terrorists. I’m sorry for allowing Muslim terrorists to take over our colleges while waving Islamist Hamas flags along with Palestinian flags in our country. I’m sorry for encouraging that Islamic terrorist to kill all those people in New Orleans. I failed Americans.”

“I’m sorry that I allowed $81 billion annually, for the past four years, to be sent out of America by legal and illegal immigrants who send our money back to their countries while we pay for their medical, schooling, housing and food costs.”

“I’m sorry for pardoning my career-criminal son Hunter Biden. I also must apologize for my part in using my Vice-Presidential position to extort millions out of foreign countries to enrich my family members and son. I’m sorry that I raised such a drug-crazed, dishonest, perverted, and criminal son. He really should have gone to prison. As they say, like father…like son. He’s a chip off the old block.”

Finally, all Americans can only hope that such a dishonest man like Joe Biden never again inhabits the White House. We must vote for leaders who stand for America, first, always first, and forever first. We must vote for common sense, integrity, honesty, and leadership.

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Once Again, Having No Faith in the Smartest Guy in the Room

By Joan Swirsky

Oy vey! The glass is not half empty—it’s completely empty!

Oy gevalt! The sky really is falling!

That’s what our purportedly most astute and seasoned political commentators would have you believe about the ceasefire agreement that was reached just a day or so ago between Hamas and Israel.

These pearl-clutching, handwringing, anxiety filled savants have now become 2025’s Doomsday Squad. But it sounds to me like they all participated in the same Zoom session, so similar are their dire messages and predictions.

And so wrong-headed!

The esteemed Harvard Law professor emeritus, Alan Dershowitz, opined that “it wasn’t a deal; it was  a crime.”

“This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. If an armed robber puts a gun to your head and says, ‘your money or your life,’ your decision to give him your money would not be described as a deal,” he said.

“Would you call it a deal if somebody kidnapped your child, and you ‘agreed’ to pay ransom to get her back? Of course not. The kidnapping was a crime. And the extortionate demand was an additional crime,” Dershowitz continued.

The estimable Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and prolific author, asked “How bad is it? It makes a replay, and quite likely more than one replay, of Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, a very real possibility…the deal also involves ‘the release of 50 Palestinian Arab terrorists serving life sentences. These are essentially convicted murderers with Jewish blood on their hands who are likely to murder Jews again.’”

The widely known commentator and President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel  Pipes, called the deal “momentous” and “horrific.”

“The deal, Pipes concluded, “releases many hundreds of hardened Islamist criminals, now free to return to their murderous ways. It nearly assures continued Hamas rule in Gaza. It boosts Islamist morale worldwide. It humiliates the West’s foremost Middle Eastern ally.”

The prolific British writer Melanie Phillips also weighed in, writing that negotiating with Qatar was “dealing with the devil,” and that the jubilant Arabs were ecstatic because they believed that the deal “would enable them now, finally, to destroy Israel and the Jews.”

In addition, the formidable Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) issued this stern warning: “No responsible Israeli government should agree to such a dangerous surrender deal. Didn’t the government learn from the 2011 Gilad Shalit deal, in which Israel received one Israeli hostage for releasing 1,027 Palestinian Arab terrorists (including October 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar) who were collectively responsible for killing 569 Israelis? The Shalit deal resulted in October 7, numerous other terror attacks, the murders of more than 2,000 innocent Jews and the maiming of many thousands of innocent Jews and others.”

And to top it off, several high-ranking members of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s coalition threatened to leave if he signed the deal, which was predicted to result in total chaos in the Knesset. They include National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who called the deal “reckless,” as well as Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and Minister of Diaspora Affairs Amihai Chikli.

Bottom line, each of these critics––and dozens of others––denigrated both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President-elect Donald Trump for agreeing to and participating in one of history’s worst deals!


My question to these critics: What do you think the conversation was when the Israeli Prime Minister visited the President-elect at his Mar-a-Lago estate last July? Do you suppose they discussed the poetry of Emily Dickinson?

Do you think they studiously avoided discussion of the ongoing and escalating war not between but among Israel and Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Syria, Yemen, and Iraqi groups, and what to do about this existential threat to the tiny Jewish state?

Do you think they wished each other well and parted ways with handshakes and smiles?

I don’t.


I think that President-elect didn’t pressure PM Netanyahu at all, that he simply suggested a strategy that would work.

And it did!

Given his solution-oriented nature, Mr. Trump told the PM that he would threaten to annihilate the mass murderers who not only threatened to obliterate the entire state of Israel but to extinguish the lives of every Jew in the world. That this threat…this promise…was actually written down in their charter and mission statement and boasted about by like-minded advocates of this death cult.

Well…. POOF! As soon as Mr. Trump posted those “hell to pay” words––because they believed him––magic! Hamas agreed to negotiate and Israel, wisely, agreed.

Why wisely? Because Mr. Trump never took back his original words––there would be “hell to pay” if the hostages were not released before his inauguration….in just a couple of days…. January 20th, 2025!


Right off the bat, U.S. Representative Mike Waltz, President-elect Trump’s choice for National Security Adviser, announced that he vowed that the Trump Administration would support Israel resuming operations in Gaza if Hamas violated the ceasefire deal.

US Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) speaks on Day 1 of the Republican National Convention (RNC) at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, July 15, 2024. Photo: REUTERS/Mike Segar.

And Douglas Altabef, Chairman of the Board of Im Tirtzu and a Director of the Israel Independence Fund, writes that “it is too soon to be too distraught about the hostage deal.

“Again,” says Altabef, “I would urge us all not to jump to a definitive conclusion quite yet. Hopefully, as happened in November 2023, we will look back and say, yes there was disruption, yes, our job got more difficult and complicated, but we were able to secure the release of (most, all, many??) hostages, and then got back to the required task of dismantling Hamas.

“We need to remember,” Altabef continues, “that Trump has appointed very pro-Israel people to key leadership roles in his government. The Secretaries of State and Defense, Marco Rubio and Pete Hegseth (who is likely to be approved despite initial concerns), are both firmly in Israel’s corner, and are knowledgeable about the situation in this neighborhood.

“I believe that Trump himself is very much with us and will regard supporting Israel as part of a key strategic construct needed to face down China, Russia and Iran.

“He now is starting off his tenure with the geo-political wind at his back, and he knows that Bibi and Israel helped him to get exactly where he wanted to be. Getting Trump to have a latter-day version of the 1980 Iranian hostage release, as Reagan assumed office, is an enormous credibility boost for him.”

Concluding, Altabef says: “I for one would like to think that Trump knows that Israel helped him to achieve it, and that he will be returning the favor as his term unfolds.

So, friends, grit your teeth, and take a longer view. God willing, we will emerge from this intact, more unified, and ultimately, strengthened.”

To these inspiring words, can we all say a hearty Amen!

© 2025 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky:


A Constitutional Representative Republic

By Lex Greene

January 19, 2025

Sadly, there are whole generations in the USA who have zero connection to the foundations of freedom, liberty, and justice for all. Thanks to anti-American federal control over education in the USA, especially the college campuses, resulting in generational mass indoctrination instead of education, America is nearing a point in history when society itself will destroy those foundations for all posterity, by “democratic” process.

A majority of Americans believe that the U.S. Constitution created a “democracy.” That’s what politicians, academia and the news media have been telling them for decades now. They believe that Democrats are “pro-democracy,” and Republicans are “anti-democracy” and even “pro-fascism.”

Because they believe in these obvious falsehoods, they are doomed to destroy their own freedom and liberty soon, by voting the USA out of freedom and liberty, and into bondage.

The U.S. Constitution created a Constitutional Representative Republic, not a “democracy.” This distinction is critical to the future of freedom.

The world has many nations, and only a few different types of government, from Monarchies to democracies, republics and dictatorships. Most are labeled as forms of democracy, even though there is nothing “democratic” about those governments at all.

The People’s Republic of China is listed as a “democracy,” even though the country has existed under brutal communist rule for decades. Russia is technically a “democracy,” also referred to as a “republic.” England lists itself as another form of “democracy,” a republic which is in reality a “Constitutional Monarchy.”

Unique in the world is the United States, a Constitutional Representative Republic. It is the only government of its kind in the entire world. It is a form of “democratic society” only in that the government is required to be of, by and for the people, via democratically elected representation. But it is not a “democracy,” never was, and never should be, for what should be obvious reasons.

All three words are critical to the USA form of “self-governance.” The USA doesn’t have Kings or Queens, an unelected oligarchy or unbridled dictator. It has a system of “self-governance” unlike any other nation on earth, so long as the people protect and preserve it for all future generations.


How many times have you heard someone use the term “constitutional rights?” There’s actually no such thing. The U.S. Constitution is not a document enumerating the many “natural Rights” of the people, far too numerous to ever number. It’s a document assigning certain limited rights, powers, authorities and duties to the Federal government on behalf of the member States and the People.

The only power and authority that belongs to the Federal government are those assigned to that three-branch body in the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights is not an enumeration of the People’s rights either. It’s a list of additional restrictions placed upon the Federal government, specifically prohibiting the Federal government from power or authority over certain natural rights of the People, such as a right of free speech, free religious expression, and a right to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. These are not “constitutional rights,” they are all “natural rights” of a free People.

The Federal government is under strict control of these two documents, even though that body has spent more than a hundred years in violation of both. This is only possible when the People fail to be forever vigilant in the defense of their own freedom and liberty.

Any authority not granted to the Federal government via these two documents, is “unconstitutional.”


The Federal government must be representative of the will of the People. The three branches have limited specific constitutional authority unique to each branch. But each branch must serve the will of the People, within the constraints established in the Constitution, void of any actions prohibited by the Bill of Rights.

Only one Federal branch has the constitutional authority to create “law,” the Legislative Branch, or Congress. But even Congress is prohibited from creating any law which is repugnant to the Constitution.

The Executive Branch and Judicial Branch possess no constitutional lawmaking authority whatsoever. When either of these two branches attempts to create “law,” either via court opinion, or Executive Order, it is “unconstitutional” and without the consent of the People. Constitutionally speaking, such acts have no force of law.

However, “silence” is always regarded as “consent.” Until the member States, or the People object, the Federal government assumes unbridled authority and power over the States and the People, as if the 9th and 10th Amendments no longer exist.

Amendment IX

“The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

In other words, only the rights assigned to the Federal government, and not prohibited in the Bill of Rights, belong to the Federal government. All else remains the power and authority of the People.

Amendment X

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Likewise, if the member States did not assign a specific power to the Federal government in the Constitution, or prohibited such powers in the Bill of Rights, then that power does not belong to the Federal government.

Any action by the Federal government which is not in the best interest or general welfare of all free People of the United States, is prohibited by our Founding documents.

The Federal government in the United States was created and authorized by the U.S. Constitution and restricted by the Bill of Rights. The Federal government was brought into existence by the adoption of the Constitution. In order to gain the necessary votes from the original colonies to ratify the Constitution in 1787, the framers had to agree to complete the first Ten Amendments referred to as our Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789, or the Constitution would never have been adopted by the colonies, and our Federal government would have never been created at all.

The point of it all was to make every possible effort to secure for all posterity, freedom and liberty for all Americans. The goal was to establish a form of self-governance that would preserve the natural Rights of the people over time, preventing the newly formed government from ever possessing the power to become destructive of its sole purpose.

  1. to form a more perfect Union,
  2. establish Justice,
  3. insure domestic Tranquility,
  4. provide for the common defense,
  5. promote the general Welfare,
  6. and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity


As noted repeatedly by the framers many writings, they openly rejected a “democracy” and chose to guarantee every Citizen and every member State “a Republican Form of Government” instead, as codified in Article IV – Section IV of the U.S. Constitution.

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”

It is on this basis alone that our Constitution was adopted, and our Federal government was created. Without the adoption of this document and strict adherence to it, the Federal government has no right to exist at all.

The government was divided up into three distinct branches with three separate distinct powers, a “lawmaking branch” in Congress, the “Constitutional enforcement branch,” the Judiciary, and the “Administrative Branch,” the Presidency.

The distinction between a “democracy” and “a Republican Form of Government” is easily explained and critical to the future of freedom and liberty in the United States.

Simply stated, a “democracy” is rule by a simple majority. 50.1% of the People would be free to run roughshod over the other 49.9% of the people by simply outvoting them on every issue. Our Founders correctly referred to a “democracy” as nothing more than “mob rule.” The ability of a simple majority to rule over a simple minority. This form of government, while “representative” of 50.1% of the People, is not representative of the other 49.9% of the People. In fact, it’s a form of tyranny by a simple majority.

Imagine the reality of a true “democracy” this way…

  • If a nationwide vote was taken today regarding the right to abortion, abortion would be illegal throughout the USA so long as 50.1% of voters voted to outlaw it.
  • If a nationwide vote was taken today on LGBTQ rights, there would be no special LGBTQ rights if 50.1% of the people voted to outlaw them.

This is how “democracy” works. But it isn’t how a “Constitutional Representative Republic” works.

First, this form of government requires all government actions to be representative of all Americans, not just special interest groups with the larger majority, or a loud minority group. Second, the actions of government are limited to only those actions which are a) authorized by the Constitution; b) taken via constitutional means; and c) are in no way repugnant to the Constitution or in violation of the Bill of Rights.

A “Republican Form of Government” is limited to powers that serve the People as a whole, without any favoritism, “representative” of the will of the People in continuation of the stated purposes of the Federal government and restricted to the authorities granted each Branch and the Constitution, and not in violation of the additional restrictions on government enumerated in the Bill of Rights.

In a Constitutional Representative Republic, the will of the majority must be respected. However, unlike a “democracy,” the will of the majority has no right to infringe upon the same natural rights of the minority.

Whether a Citizen is in the majority or minority, the Constitution and Bill of Rights prevent the government from any actions that infringe upon the natural rights of any Citizen. 50.1% of the people have no right to run roughshod over the other 49.9%. In fact, even 90% of the people have no right to control the other 10%… Every Citizen has an equal right to the same rights, inherent in the Laws of Nature and inalienable by any governmental body.

All Citizens are protected equally in a Constitutional Representative Republic.

If every American understood this, our country would not be politically divided today. A “free people” are born with the blessings of “free will.” No matter your personal preferences in life, so long as you do not infringe upon the same individual rights of others, no one, no government, has the right to infringe upon your individual natural rights.

A Constitutional Representative Republic is designed to protect the individual natural rights of all Citizens. Anything less is not freedom, liberty, justice or within the confines of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This is something every American Citizen should be able to unify around. If you can’t, then it isn’t freedom you seek…

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Living Between Two Opinions

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 19, 2025

The American Culture Church is being challenged in the same way the Prophet Elijah confronted the nation of Israel, “How long will you halt between two opinions?” Will we continue to support and live out these modern-day church structures and practices driven by the traditions of men or will we finally submit to the simple Ekklesia pattern Christ has given to His followers? Jesus said, “I will build my Ekklesia.” Not man, not the pastor, not the traditions of man but Christ Himself would build those who assemble in His Name. How long will we spiritually struggle with these man-made structures we have today that kill the “body- life” among the priesthood of believers.

The corrupt religious system we have inherited focuses entirely on “leadership – “the pastor.”” The office of pastor has been created by the traditions of men. There is no New Testament basis for the office of “the pastor.” The word pastor is used in the New Testament, not as a title but as a function and is always plural. It is interesting to compare the number of books on leadership and conferences for “leaders” versus books and conferences on cultivating “body-life” among the priesthood of all believers. You would think that “leadership” must be the largest topic discussed in the New Testament. Jesus upfront told His followers that “He was their leader” and that “He was their teacher.” Jesus and the writers of the New Testament spend most of their time explaining body function and conduct to the assembly of followers of Jesus Christ.

God never intended for His Ekklesia to have professional pastors and staff. He never intended for pastors to be top leader and the people under him. God intended for His followers to be a kingdom of functioning priests that serve under the Headship of His Son!!! To be focused on, or be concerned about “leadership” as we are today without a “loving functional body” brings about the disaster that we are living out today.

The Body of Christ is a family. It is a family who live the life of Christ that is expressed through all the members of the Body. It is to be a “body-life” where all followers participate to guide, enrich, and grow all the parts of the Body as they lift up Christ together. Every one participates in building up the Body (Eph. 4:16) by sharing what they themselves receive from the Lord. Body-life is the context for decision-making. Leaders are never mentioned in what Jesus teaches about problem-resolution in Matthew 18:15-20. The final context is “take it to the congregation.”

The New Testament letters were written to the assembly of followers not to leaders. The assembly at Corinth had a lot of issues but Paul assumed that the body could take care of them – “when you come together as a body.” (I Cor. 5:4). I do not think we have begun to grasp the significance of the fact that the New Testament letters were written to Ekklesia – not leaders. We would do well to focus on knowing Christ and sharing Him with “one another” since there are fifty-eight “one another” verses in the New Testament

Years ago, God gave me a revelation when I realized America was turning away from God – “Whatever is happening in our nation contrary to God’s Way has first happened in the church.” Just look at the breakdown of the family in our nation!! Wives and husbands estranged from one another. Wives not subject to their husbands and husbands who do not love their wives as Christ loves the church. Children disobedient to parents and children being raised without fathers. Children refusing to honor their father and mother. Fathers provoking their children to anger and not raising them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. In families today, we are too quick to separate from one another because we don’t like the imperfections we see in each other.

God hates divorce because it destroys the family. Is not what is happening in our families happening in our churches today? The whole Kingdom of God message of Jesus Christ is Him gathering a people and how they should function in caring for “one another” and to others who know not Christ. We have missed out on so much by allowing our “body-life” to be corrupted. When we no longer learn from “one another” and when we no longer share with “one another” the intimate things we have learned of Christ, spiritual death sets in the Body of Christ. God bless, I remain his servant and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Milt Rodriguez and Jon Zens and his book, How Christ Leads Through the One Another)

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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No King But King Jesus

By Rob Pue

January 19, 2025

As I write this, Donald Trump is set to take office in less than a week.  That’s one job I definitely wouldn’t want.  Never, in the history of our nation, have we seen so much disaster, on so many levels and in every sector of society. I can’t think of any incoming president in history that ever faced what Trump is facing going into this.

Let’s remember the people who are still suffering after Hurricane Helene devastated the Appalachian region in September. It’s not in the news anymore, and neither are the people who are suffering there every day, but it’s still a major crisis.  Reports of the Federal Government’s ineptness have continued to come out.  About 2000 North Carolina families were just forced out of hotel rooms, provided by FEMA, because their time was up, and FEMA would no longer be providing shelter for these families.  This, despite the fact that a snowstorm was in progress and temperatures dipped to below 20 degrees.  This past Saturday, they also closed their “disaster recovery centers” in the area until Monday, due to “winter weather.”  What are these families supposed to do?

The New Year arrived with a bang — literally.  On New Year’s Eve, four of the most iconic buildings in the country were all directly struck by lightning.  In our political capitol, the Washington Monument and the US Capitol were hit.  In our financial capitol, the Empire State Building and One World Trade Center were hit.

In the early morning hours of January 1st, a 42-year-old Muslim man who had rented a truck in Texas and drove to New Orleans, plowed that truck into a crowd, killing at least 15 people and injuring 30 more.  While he was a Muslim and had an ISIS flag in the vehicle with him, mainstream media has been hesitant to call this a “terrorist” attack but have repeatedly emphasized that he was a US Army veteran.  He was shot and killed by police after he got out of the truck and opened fire on them.

In an apparently unconnected incident, a 37-year-old active-duty Green Beret drove his rented Tesla Cyber Truck up to the valet parking area at Trump Tower in Las Vegas, shot himself in the head and then detonated explosives.  Interestingly, he had rented his Cyber Truck from the same company the Muslim man rented his truck from in the New Orleans attack, but from a Colorado rental facility.

In yet another violent New Year’s Day attack, four men opened fire on a group of 16 to 20-year-olds outside a nightclub in Queens, New York.  Ten people were hospitalized.  Thirty shots were fired. We’ve been assured this was not an act of terrorism.  No arrests have yet been made.

At the start of the year, the Biden administration sent another $2.5 billion to Ukraine, calling it “security assistance.”  On January 9, he sent another $500 million.  This gift was called an “aid package.”  He still has another 3.85 billion in funding to send to Ukraine before he officially leaves office.

Thousands of UFO sightings began in earnest near the end of last year.  We first heard about them over the New Jersey area, but they’ve since been seen in every state, especially over vital military installations.  The media has told us these are “drones,” but those who’ve seen them have said they don’t act like any drones we know about.  Some do conform to the FAA requirements for aircraft lighting.  But many do not.

They often move in a specific formation, and have the ability to defy known technology, moving at incredible speeds and taking dramatic turns.  Some have been said to be the size of a bus or train car.  According to the government, they don’t know what these things are, but we’ve been told not to worry.  They’ve interfered with airport traffic, have been seen and photographed by airline and military pilots, as well as the general public.

But recently, multiple news outlets have started to hint at the idea of these being extraterrestrial in origin, and just in the past week, researchers and experts have stated that a “big announcement” is imminent — telling us that these UFOs are, indeed, non-human, alien spaceships.

MSN reported, “Since a revealing report in 2017 exposed the US Government’s covert UFO research program, discussions about alien visitors have gradually moved from being fringe conspiracy theories to mainstream conversation.  Recent developments have only added fuel to the fire; military experts have testified before Congress that the Pentagon conducted a ‘multi-decade’ project aimed at retrieving and analyzing extraterrestrial debris.”

And it’s not just in the United States.  These UFO sightings have been increasing all around the globe.  Nick Pope, former manager of the Uk’s Ministry of Defense has warned that releasing the truth of what government leaders around the world know about this phenomenon could cause widespread panic, because (quote): “…it may contain a truth too terrible to be told.”  That truth, he said, may be that the sightings are indeed “alien craft, or perhaps demons.”

Scientists at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider have been said to be working to “open portals” in time and space since 2010 at the facility in France and Switzerland.  The oval-shaped CERN tunnel is 574 feet underground, and measures 17 miles in circumference.  It should be noted that the CERN scientists held a so-called “mock” human sacrifice ceremony and celebration when the facility first opened.  Have they achieved their goal of opening “portals” to the demonic spiritual realm?  Are they deliberately summoning demons and opening doors for them?  I don’t know, but we’ve certainly seen an exponential increase in demonic activity since then.

Meanwhile, California continues to burn.  It should be noted that just a few months prior to the fires, insurance company State Farm cancelled 72,000 homeowners’ policies in that state.  The company stated it was to avoid “financial failure.”  What might they have known that those homeowners didn’t?

The fires began January 7th in the Palisades area.  Officials still don’t know the cause of the fires, but the state of California has been building a recipe for disaster for decades, by not properly managing dead and dry forests, and by not building reservoirs to contain rainwater for farming and fire mitigation.  What’s more, the mayor and city council of Los Angeles cut the LA fire department budget by nearly $18 million dollars last year.

Some say the origin of the fires was a malfunctioning electrical smart meter.  But a Mexican national, in the country illegally, was caught over the weekend — with a blow torch  —  in a Los Angeles neighborhood, near the Kenneth Fire in West Hills.  He was stopped and detained by residents, who called the police.  He was then taken into custody, but one day later it was reported he will not be charged with arson or any other crime.

Thousands of homes, businesses and other buildings have burned, and more than 20 people have been killed in Los Angeles County so far.  200,000 have been evacuated.

Winds of up to 100 miles per hour fueled the flames, and fire hydrants ran dry because the county refused to fill reservoirs. Author Victor Davis Hanson, a life-long California resident stated California has become, “a society gone mad.”  He added, “…it’s a systems breakdown, a civilizational collapse. When you look at the people in charge…Gavin Newsom has systematically ensured that water out of the Sacramento River and the watershed of Northern California would go out to the sea, rather than into the aqueduct, so Los Angeles didn’t have enough  water.

“He bragged, not very long ago, that he blew up four dams on the Klamath River. They provided 80,000 homes with clean hydroelectric power. They offered recreation, flood control, irrigation. He blew them up.

“California’s fire management, whether we look at the Paradise Fire or the Aspen Fire, it destroyed 60 million trees. We have no timber industry in California. Newsom’s dismantled it.

“We don’t clean the forest. We don’t let loggers come in and have a viable livelihood by harvesting trees. It’s sort of considered natural to let these things burn or to at least create the conditions in which they will inevitably be burned.”

One of the problems that’s been pointed out is the state of California itself, and specifically, the city of Los Angeles putting DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) ahead of qualifications for essential job positions.

According to the LA Fire Department’s website, the most important thing to know about the Fire Chief, Kristin Crowley is that she is the first LGBTQP+ fire chief in LA.  Crowley has stated that “DEI” is her number one priority as Fire Chief.  Two other lesbians are also running the LA fire department: Kristina Kepner, Assistant Chief and Kristine Larson, the Equity Bureau Chief.

Meanwhile, LA Mayor Karen Bass left for a trip to Ghana on January 4, despite meteorologists warning that a “Recipe for fire” was on track to strike the city.  She returned on January 8, but refused to say a single word to reporters.  Bass became the first woman and second black person to be elected mayor of Los Angeles in 2022.  Bass is also an avowed Marxist, who praised Cuban dictator Fidel Castro multiple times.

As I write this, the Palisades Fire alone has consumed more than 21,000 acres and at least six fires are still burning across Los Angeles County, averaging 8% contained.

In all this, actor Dennis Quaid offered a ray of hope in an interview he gave while he was evacuating from his California home.  He said he believes a great spiritual awakening will come upon Californians once this is over, and he clarified that California is in the midst of spiritual warfare — and he also urged people to have faith in God and to pray.

And if all this isn’t enough, Media, health and government officials are continuing their scare tactics using Bird Flu as the latest tool in their kit, to control human behavior and cause fear among the populace.  So far, there have been about 60 cases in humans, although millions of chickens, turkeys and other birds have been destroyed in ten states.  The state of California leads the bird flu “epidemic” with nearly forty cases.

So far, health officials have said transmission from human to human would likely be very rare, yet hospitals in eight states have already re-started their mask mandates.  Symptoms of Bird Flu are similar to those of the regular flu, and include a fever, headache, sore throat and pink eye.  Most recover within a week or so with bed rest.  So far, one person, in Louisiana, has died after being hospitalized for Bird Flu.  This was an older person, who also had “chronic underlying illnesses,” USA Today reported.

It was also reported on January 8 that the Co-founder and CEO of BioNTech has refused to take his own mRNA COVID vaccine, stating “We need to ensure functionality of our whole company.”  In other words, he didn’t want to contract the same deadly side effects of those who do take his jabs.  And more and more people are now being encouraged to continue getting COVID booster jabs, even as the masks are starting to return.

No, I certainly wouldn’t want Trump’s job. Of course, if I were king, I could clean this whole mess up fast, and take care of a lot more while I’m at it. But that’s not how it works.  There is no king, except King Jesus.  Don’t forget that, because we’re in for a lot more trouble and a lot more lies and deception in the days ahead.  Our King Jesus will remain on the throne, in charge, until He returns to truly and finally set all things right.

© 2025 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Medical Censorship

By Paul Engel

January 18, 2025

  • Do American medical boards extort doctors to tow the party line?
  • Did American medical boards collude with the federal government to keep medical information away from the American people?
  • And people wonder why trust in these institutions has fallen?

There were plenty of infringement on people’s rights during the COVID scamdemic, and censorship was rampant. Not only did we have members of our own government colluding to censor information they didn’t like, but we’ve had professional associations joining in. Worst of all, the so-called medical professionals seemed to be at the forefront, violating the central tenant of the hippocratic oath, “First, do no harm.”


People talk about how people are losing faith in our institutions, and it doesn’t help when those institutions violate our trust. In the case Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation, AAPS, vs American Board of Internal Medicine, ABIM; American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology, ABOG; American Board of Family Medicine, ABFM; and Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the question is did these medical associations collude with the federal government to censor medical information critical of government’s positions?

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Educational Foundation (“AAPS”) alleges that the national medical specialty certifiers American Board of Internal Medicine (“ABIM”), American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (“ABOG”), American Board of Family Medicine (“ABFM”) (together, the “Board Defendants”) and Alejandro Mayorkas, as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (the “Department”), coordinated to censor and chill the speech of physicians, including some associated with AAPS, who spoke critically of positions taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid vaccination, and abortion. This was and continues to be done by labeling dissenting views as misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation, and the Board Defendants have expressly threatened to strip certification from otherwise qualified physicians who express such views. According to AAPS, Appellees’ efforts to censor and punish physicians on issues of public concern harmed and continue to harm AAPS.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

The accusation is that these medical boards attempted to censor medical information by falsely labeling it “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation.” The whole idea of the scientific process is the search for truth. This works by questioning everything, then testing it to see if it is true. The act of labeling something wrong rather than providing evidence is the antithesis of science. The question in this case isn’t just did these organizations collude with each other, but did they collude with the government of the United States to censor information?

Claims of Collusion

Because of these claims of collusion, AAPS sued the board of defendants and Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

AAPS brought a host of claims against the Board Defendants and Department, including First Amendment and antitrust claims. The District Court dismissed all of AAPS’s claims with prejudice, reasoning that it lacked standing to assert its claims against the Board Defendants and that the Department mooted claims against it by dissolving the Disinformation Governance Board (“DGB”), which AAPS alleged was responsible for censorship. It also denied AAPS the ability to amend its complaint even once under Galveston Division Local Rule 6, with no analysis for doing so.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

The First Amendment claims can only have limited jurisdiction. As I’ve said I don’t know how many times, the First Amendment limits the laws Congress can pass.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

So if the Department of Homeland Security abridges someone’s freedom of speech, as an agency created by Congress, that would violate the First Amendment, but private organizations cannot. The District Court dismissed all of the claims with prejudice, meaning they could not appeal to the same court. The District Court claimed that the AAPS did not have standing to sue. The court also decided that the issue against the Department of Homeland Security was mooted when the Disinformation Governance Board was dissolved.

The Circuit Court Decisions

That may be what the District Court decided, but the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed.

The District Court incorrectly dismissed AAPS’s First Amendment claims on standing grounds. AAPS provides sufficient allegations to support standing:

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

The Circuit Court says the District Court was wrong. Let the court list the ways:

(1) AAPS asserts an injury-in-fact through the Board Defendants’ infringement on its right to hear “willing speakers,” and it is premature to require AAPS to name specific “willing speakers” at the pleading stage;

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

AAPS claimed that the board’s decision threatened the licenses of people willing to speak at their events. Later in the decision we find:

So, AAPS contends, the Board Defendants’ threats to strip certification improperly chilled speech without the political accountability of official state medical boards. And, through this chilling of speech, the Board Defendants interfered with the market for medical conferences and posting of such conferences to the internet. Some examples of chilling by the Board Defendants includes ABOG sending letters to all certified physicians threatening to strip them of their invaluable certification for making statements concerning abortion and contraception, or for warning pregnant women that the Covid vaccine could have negative side effects. ABIM and ABFM sent similarly threatening letters on May 26, 2022, to certified physicians for making statements disagreeing with positions taken by Dr. Fauci and the Biden Administration in handling the Covid pandemic. Indeed, AAPS notes that one of its conference speakers had his certification stripped by ABFM pending appeal.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

AAPS provided examples of the Board Defendants threatening their certifications for expressing ideas, but could the AAPS link those threatening letters to the abridgment of speech?

(2) AAPS can trace its injuries back to the Board Defendants’ actions because physicians would likely “react predictably” when confronted with a threat of decertification: they would choose self-censorship over professional self- immolation; and

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

Hmmm, if these boards threaten the certifications, and by extension the careers, of doctors who express ideas not promoted by government actors, that would seem to be an “injury-in-fact.”

(3) AAPS’s injuries are redressable, as a ruling in its favor would allow for physicians to attend and speak at AAPS events (and thus allow AAPS to exercise its right to hear) without fear of decertification.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

Lastly, the injuries suffered by AAPS could be redressed. After all, without threats to their certifications, physicians would be more likely to speak at AAPS’s events.

Department of Homeland Security

What about the complaint against the Department of Homeland Security?

However, it was right to dismiss AAPS’s claims against the Department because its complaint as currently written lacks sufficient allegations to overcome the government’s good faith carveout to the mootness doctrine’s voluntary cessation exception. But it mistakenly dismissed this claim with prejudice, even though jurisdictional dismissals (such as those made on standing and mootness grounds) are typically done without prejudice. So we MODIFY this dismissal to be without prejudice and AFFIRM as modified.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

The Circuit Court claims that the AAPS’s claim against DHS couldn’t overcome what’s called government’s “good faith carveout” to the mootness exception. The “good faith carveout” or “good faith exception” means, if the government acted in good faith, courts tend to side with them. But when the government established the “Disinformation Governance Board,” were they acting in good faith? After all, it was a blatant violation of the First Amendment and was shut down after just four months.

Medical Monopolies

There is a more serious question that we should answer, and that is the power of private associations when they collude with government.

The Board Defendants have medical certification monopolies over their respective specialties. These certifications are primarily based on multiple-choice medical examinations. Board certifications constitute a de facto essential credential for physicians to practice and participate in most hospitals and insurance networks. Meaning that, while physicians are not required to have board certification to practice (state medical boards control licensure), lacking such certification significantly hamstrings their ability to do so. Stripping a physician of his certification is tantamount to revoking his license to practice medicine, given how few hospitals and networks permit uncertified, yet licensed, physicians to join. AAPS says that this monopoly status affords the Board Defendants an ability to exercise great power over physicians’ speech.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

Here I find myself with an interesting conundrum. On the one hand I see the importance of accrediting organizations. After all, who is better to determine the qualification for a doctor, the government or other doctors? While state medical boards may issue licenses, most hospitals and insurance networks require their physicians to have these certifications. However, when these organizations become politicized, they do great harm to the medical profession. What could be worse than a politicized certification board? A certification board colluding with government actors.

AAPS alleges that the Board Defendants colluded with the Biden Administration, imposing such censorship to promote the Administration’s political preferences in exchange for government endorsement of their certifications. The letters sent by the Board Defendants were, according to AAPS, sent nearly simultaneously and with similar terminology as “part of a broader campaign by the Biden Administration to advance its particular partisan agenda concerning Covid-19 and abortion.” AAPS contends that this collusion, resulting in attendant censorship and chilling of speech, infringed on its First Amendment protections and interfered with its ability to participate in the marketplace.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

AAPS claims that these Board Defenders were working with the Biden Administration to advance the government’s political agenda. This is very interesting, but before digging deeper, let’s see some of the evidence AAPS brought to the case.

Around the same time that the Board Defendants sent their letters, the Department created the (now defunct) DGB. The Department issued a press release in May 2022, directing the Homeland Security Advisory Counsel (“HSAC”) to “make recommendations for how the Department can most effectively and appropriately address disinformation that poses a threat to the homeland, while protecting free speech and other fundamental rights.”

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

AAPS points out that the Department of Homeland Security created the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) around the same time that the Board Defendants sent their letters. Since the DGB was closed only a few months later, the District Court claimed the complaint against the DOJ was moot. But was the complaint against the DOJ or the DGB? And what would a First Amendment case be without a misrepresentation of what the Amendment actually says?

“The First Amendment protects the right to hear as well as to speak,” so that which “silences a willing speaker . . . also works a constitutional injury against the hearer.” Basiardanes v. City of Galveston, 682 F.2d 1203, 1211 (5th Cir. 1982) (citing Va. State Board of Pharmacy v. Va. Citizens Consumer Couns., Inc., 425 U.S. 748, 756 (1976)

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

Except the First Amendment does not protect a person’s right to hear, but a person’s right to speak, publish, and to peaceably assemble. If you had the right to hear, then you could not be prevented from attending a concert simply because you didn’t purchase a ticket. The venue would be denying your right to hear.


Judge James C. Ho filed a dissent, but I don’t think that’s the proper term for it.

James C. Ho, Circuit Judge, dissenting in part:
Doctors deserve our tremendous respect. We trust them to provide us with the best available medical advice and treatment. But they’re not perfect. Doctors are “susceptible to peer pressure, careerism, ambition, and fear of cancel culture, just like the rest of us.” Whole Women’s Health v. Paxton, 10 F.4th 430, 468 (5th Cir. 2021)

At various times throughout history, medical care has suffered—and patients have been harmed, even killed—because doctors succumbed to social pressure and desire for approval and advancement. … We may “look back in disbelief at [doctors] who ridiculed and ostracized proponents of handwashing and sterilizing surgical instruments to prevent disease and infection.” … But we would do well to learn from our past. Yes, we should absolutely follow the science. But that doesn’t mean we should always follow scientists. Because scientists don’t always follow the science.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

So far, a very good argument against medical censorship, but the dissent goes on.

In this case, a medical association contends that certain medical boards and federal officials have conspired—and continue to conspire—to censor and even destroy the careers of any physician who dares to express the “wrong” viewpoints on a wide range of medical topics, including but not limited to Dr. Anthony Fauci, COVID-19 lockdown policies, mask mandates, vaccines, and abortion.

These are alarming allegations. After all, these issues are far from scientifically settled as Defendants claim. They should remain the subject of open and rigorous discussion—not self-censorship and cancellation. …

I agree with the majority that the district court erred. I would simply go further, and accordingly dissent in part. I would remand this case for further proceedings on all of the association’s claims—including those against the government officials sued here, which the majority dismisses as moot.

AAPS v. ABIM, ABFM, and Alejandro Mayorkas

So this “dissent” sounds more like a concurrence, since the judge actually agrees with the majority opinion, with the exception that he would remand the case on all of AAPS’s claims, not just some.


This is the decision of the Fifth Circuit, and it may be appealed to the Supreme Court. From my point of view, there are things we can learn and questions we should ask about our medical institutions. As James Madison wrote for the National Gazette, March 27, 1792:

He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them.

James Madison, National Gazette, March 27, 1792

That means that physicians have a property in the certifications they have earned. When those certifications, and by extension their ability to practice their profession, are threatened for any reason other than their medical actions, those doctors have been deprived of both their liberty and property without due process of law, which violates the Fifth Amendment.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V

When private organizations punish doctors for what they say, it is not a violation of the First Amendment, it is a violation of the due process clause. And if the AAPS is correct, and these medical associations colluded with the Department of Justice, then the DOJ has violated the First Amendment’s Free Speech and Free Press clauses.

This is the conundrum: Do we want government bureaucrats to regulate the qualification of doctors or do we want other doctors to do so? As Judge Ho said, doctors are just as susceptible to peer pressure and careerism as anyone. So where does that leave us? I think the best solution is to treat medical certifications as the property they were designed to be. If a doctor can pass the exam, they not only hold the certification, but it is their property. Like any other property, it should only be taken away when it is used unjustly. In other words, not because of what a physician says or writes, but for violations of the standards in the exams that led to the certification. I think both the association, and members of its various boards, should be held liable for the unjust abuses of their certification powers. After all, if you cannot sue the entities that has taken your property unjustly, how can you seek a redress of your grievance?

I also think, since the power to regulate medical care is not delegated to the United States, any department or agency thereof should be prohibited from influencing their standard by criminal statute. It is not enough to simply say a department or agency cannot influence board standards, but there must be punishment for those who do.

I cannot think of another way to constitutionally protect both the medical profession and the professionals that practice it. If we want to avoid future politicization of medical boards, then they must be held accountable for their actions. If the board can justify their actions to rescind someone’s certification based on their actions, they are fulfilling their role in protecting us from unqualified doctors. If they cannot defend their actions, they are not qualified to question the fitness of doctors to practice.

© 2025 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

Trump’s Solution to Border Problems?

By Kat Stansell

January 18, 2025

Check This Map

This is a possible future map of the US, should President Trump succeed in his ideas about drawing together North America. Are his latest thoughts about this a part of his solution to the border crises?

His plan to buy Greenland, liberate Canada, reclaim the Panama Canal, and rename the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America”, makes a map that looks like this!

I was browsing X this morning, and came across this map. I’d been thinking about all the Trump plans that involve other countries, and, frankly, was a bit puzzled – until I looked at the map above, and my eye landed on the minuscule strip of land where Panama joins Columbia.

That border is 211 miles long, and splits the Darien Gap, where so much of he illegal invasion of our borders was staged. That would be a very easy border to defend.

This morning, there is news that TN Rep Andy Ogles has unveiled legislation which would allow Trump to move toward that goal once he returns to office.

And, this one, saying Greenland is ready to talk.

Of course, there is a long way to go to get anything accomplished in DC under the 47th President. First and foremost, we must move safely through the inauguration, which is not a foregone conclusion. Wray, the retiring Dir. of the FBI, on his way out the door, now speaks of the very real and urgent threat we face from China in the next days.

Suddenly white patriots and people who worship God aren’t our main trouble here in America? This man, and his entire support network disgust me to the core, and, I know, a lot of you, too. More importantly for now is, how much does this America-hater know and for how long has he known it? And, if what he knows is as serious as he says, WHY hasn’t he revealed it earlier and/or why haven’t there been lots of whistleblowers on the subject?

One thing is abundantly clear. Treason has been the underlying state of affairs in DC for some time.

This points to the depth of the damage done to our nation by the Globalist/Marxist hacks, from Obama on. As we read daily, they are doing everything in their power to continue this until Biden is officially out of power. The old aphasic man doesn’t have any idea what he is saying or signing, but he keeps it up.

Naps and ice cream are the White House propellants, and have been for longer than anyone will admit.

A large part of the last-minute POA (“Piss on America”) program these last months has been to do with the border. Might it be that Donald Trump has figured out a businessman’s solution to the problem?

Just thought I’d toss this out for thought. Whatever happens with this issue, I am SO glad we have elected a businessman who loves the Constitution instead of a dirty politician who will do anything and everything to destroy it.

Sure is a tiny little border…

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Globalists Never Go Away, They Just Go Underground

By Karen Schoen

January 17, 2025

2025 is a New Year and America is getting a second chance. We still must understand no matter how much exposure communists get, they will never go away unless…We recognize it is up to We the People to take back our power. Donald Trump made a lot of campaign promises but he can’t fix America on his own. It will take all of us to expose the corruption that the communist DNC will deny at all costs.  We must be the ones to conduct oversight on our legislators. WE have no idea what they do behind the scenes but we must remember what they have done and how they did it. Globalists never retreat, they go underground and march forward.

First Communists/Democrats/Globalists (aka Globalists) came for the Constitution… they call it a living breathing document subject to constant change. They want it replaced with their UN Declaration of Human Rights which claims the Government and UN grants your rights. Whatever man grants, man can take away.

Then the Globalists got patriots to sign way their liberty for security. As a result of the Patriot Act  Americans have neither liberty or security.

Then the Globalists got Congress to sell out the American citizens without due process in the name of fighting terror while refusing to name the real terrorists – NDAA

Then the Globalists turned the children on their parents. Reporting is done in school through a series of probing questions on the computer using specific algorithms on the national data base designed for children to report on their parents. The Trans agenda coupled with Common Core learning is designed to keep the people ignorant while destroying the family unit.. Approximately half of Americans are functionally literate.

Then the Globalists came for the Judeo-Christians by demanding they participate in killing their unborn in Obamacare and arresting them for praying in front of abortion clinics. Oppressive power hungry Globalists closed churches due to Covid, the CCPvirus.

Then Globalists are coming after “We The People/Americans” by promoting communism in a  fraudulent election.

The Green New Deal (GND) is a copy of Agenda 21/2030 following the UN programs of sustainability (do more for less). It is the goal for the UN take over of the sovereignty of America, causing a loss of American freedom and liberty and elimination of private property. Elimination of the 2nd Amendment is on the menu. UN Agenda 21 is the plan using the environment to control human activity. Pres Trump said NO Way but it is up to us to make sure that Congress is on the same track.  One just gas to look at California…how are those policies working out for CA?

Another goal of UN Agenda 21 is to depopulate the planet by claiming there are too many humans. Progressives use phony science of man made global warming designed to control human activity not save the planet. If people are guided into believing in warmth, they will not prepare for extreme cold. Crops will freeze, less food will create food shortages which will kill people. Inflation coupled with using  corn for fuel caused food prices to escalate. Was CCPvirus designed to kill off the older population (less useless eaters.) Goal accomplished.

Globalists are atheists and many believe in GAIA, “mother earth is god” They have waged war against all religious groups. They are determined to remove all mention of GOD (you know, the “THING”) from every place possible because God must be replaced by your allegiance to the STATE and the UN. They fail to realize that God and morality are part of the soul of America and can not be removed by eliminating mere words. Question should be asked, if there is no G-d, then where do your rights come from?

Globalists are Republicans or Democrats who are cloaked in their new definition of Globalism. Students are taught to repel America and replace America by becoming global citizens  Americans, now are described as the enemy. Will you be silenced by fear? You will be cancelled.  Americans  are finally realizing the only way Globalists have power is if Americans give it to them.

Globalists want your land for the good of the collective and use unproven, overly expensive central planning (never presented with financial information) for sustainable developments designed to redistribute your wealth and steal your private property through rezoning schemes and conservation easements. With the rise of Nationalism, we learned through this last election Globalists are in the minority. They are comprised of ignorant Americans, mostly young adults and politically ignorant adults assisted by a compliant media carrying the communism message cloaked in warm fuzzy words. Globalists are determined to secure the prize, America, (with all of its natural riches) and transform America into a communist police state.

Bush 41 EO 12803, Executive Order 12803—Infrastructure Privatization allowing countries to purchase American land. Today China, Canada Iran own American farmland and roads.  According to the US Constitution, the Federal government doesn’t own land. They hold it for We the People. This unconstitutional Executive Order must be repealed.

We are many, they are few. This election proves that. The only way Globalists can win is by cheating. If you are silent you allow them to control you.

Is America worth saving? What can you do:

Contact your legislator and demand they follow the law.  What good are laws if they are not applied equally?


Everything is connected
Nothing is random
There are no coincidences
Everything has a plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES.

 “I dare hope that all the peoples who have lived through communism will understand that communism is to blame for the bitter pages of their history.”  —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn–Source: 

Communists never leave, they just go into stealth mode and slide underground. Then like hot lava, it began its spread devouring and destroying everything in its path.

If everything is a lie in the Globalist world, does the truth matter?

I will not comply, will you?

Listen to my radio show called, The Prism of America’s Education on the network every Saturday and Sunday 7AM or 5PM ET.

© 2025 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

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President Trump Must Keep a Clear Vision as the Globalists Use Subversive Tactics

by Tom DeWeese

January 17, 2025

President Trump begins his new administration with promises of significant changes. His supporters are supercharged by his massive election victory that called for decisive action to cut the size and cost of government, eliminate corruption, and reduce the power of federal agencies. Above all, Trump’s supporters believe we are on a course to restore the Republic of our Founders.

However, as the celebration begins, it’s never been more vital for those who support Trump’s plan to stay vigilant to its opposition. The main lesson the forces of freedom must learn is that the Left never accepts defeat, and they never quit. Their movement for big government control has a specific agenda, and they intend to keep it moving forward under any circumstances.

We are seeing them now digging in, preparing to stop any attempt by Trump to pull back on their agenda. An interesting tactic taking place is the rush Mar-a-Lago by many leaders of the “woke” corporations that have been major perpetrators of the global agenda. They are now seeking to meet with Trump as they suddenly announce new policies in line with his agenda.

I call it a tactic because these leaders have never been supporters of limited government, as they fill their pockets with tax dollars and push for legislation to destroy their competitors. Free enterprise, private property protection, and national sovereignty have rarely been of interest to them. But now, they are attempting to get close enough to Trump to somehow get him to back off just a bit.

Take for example the current discussion of new ways to deal with Canada. Trump began by simply joking that we should make Canada the 51st state. His real concern is to make strides to secure our northern border from more hordes of illegal immigrants. Trump is also looking for ways to strengthen and secure the American dollar as the primary world currency. Suddenly, Canadian business mogul Kevin O’Leary has expressed interest in meeting with Trump to discuss the idea of “an economic union” between the United States and Canada.

Trump needs to be very careful with such a discussion. I have strong suspicions that the real purpose of such a talk is to set him up for much more than just building a more positive relationship with our northern neighbor.

Let me explain.

For several decades there have been talks of creating closer economic partnerships and security plans among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It’s just for the “common good” among close neighbors. What could be better for our security?

In 2005, the idea gained serious momentum under President George W. Bush as he proposed the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) with Canada and Mexico. The joint statement from the three nations described its purpose to … “establish a common approach to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the security and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our shared boarders.”

Part of the SPP discussion centered on creating a common North America currency called the “Amero” as the U.S. Dollar was to be junked, along with the Mexican peso and the Canadian Dollar. The militaries of all three nations would be pooled, and, of course, a common government entity would have to be established to oversee it all. Helping to enforce policy, especially environmental regulations, would be Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs) among the governments, international corporations, and non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). National sovereignty would be blended into what could only be called a “North American Union”, (NAU) very similar to today’s disastrous European Union.

For the U.S., it was all being negotiated by Bush in secret, without congressional input until a group of patriots from all three countries formed a coalition to expose it. The coalition was created and led by the late Howard Phillips, founder of the Conservative Coalition, myself and my American Policy Center, and Connie Fogal, of Canada, to name a few. To make a long story short, we succeeded in at least temporarily halting the NAU aspects of the SPP.

Next, in 2019, President Trump sought a replacement for the North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA), which was continuing to grow in the direction of a North American Union, promoting sustainable development goals that were helping to decimate American industry and agriculture, regulate economies, and prevent industrialization.

As a knowledgeable businessman, Trump had experience with the problems of NAFTA and wanted to replace it with a limited and reasonable plan that would reduce government intervention and promote actual free trade among the three nations. To that end, Trump proposed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). He said, “Americanism, not Globalism will be our credo.”

Considering that the USMCA was specifically promoted as a plan to reduce the global agenda influence on basic trade deals among the three sovereign nations, it came as a major surprise that the U.S. Congress, under the control of Nancy Pelosi quickly passed the deal. How was that possible?

Well, just before Trump was to sign the USMCA in January 2020, I received information that Pelosi and the Dems had added about 600 pages to the document that Trump had negotiated. Those 600 pages basically imposed the Green New Deal into the USMCA provisions. Those new provisions reinstated the Paris Agreement Trump had tossed aside. The new wording also used environmental policy to set up “agency governance” rather than the sovereign government that Trump was trying to restore. Sustainable Development would become the rule for USMCA trade deals.

I received inside information about the Democrat’s actions and somehow was able to get in contact with two White House policy staffers to issue a warning about the changes – before Trump was to sign the agreement. We had a conference call, and I gave them the information. They were surprised by the info but accepted it and were prepared to tell President Trump. As they prepared to approach Trump, they were stopped by C.J. Mahoney, the Deputy U.S. Trade rep and the chief negotiator for the USMCA. The staffers were instructed to say nothing. As a result, Trump never learned the truth and signed the agreement that he thought he had negotiated. It seems apparent that even today, as he continues to promote it as a historic deal, he is still unaware of the betrayal.

Finally, in January 2023, Joe Biden met with Mexican President Obrador, and Canadian Prime Minster Trudeau for the 10th North American Leader’s Summit. They created the Declaration of North America (DNA). These leaders claimed that the plan is to “fortify our region’s security, prosperity, equity, and inclusiveness through commitments across six pillars: 1) diversity, equity, and inclusion; 2) climate change and the environment; 3) competitiveness; 4) migration and development; 5) health; and 6) regional security.” How does any of that differ from a North American Union? The plan contains no mention of protection of property rights, national sovereignty, or a free market.

Do the provisions of all these proposals look familiar? Each of these plans carry the same global agenda of Agenda 21, the Green New Deal, and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. That’s how the Left does it. Never go backwards. Keep pushing until the opposition collapses and finally agrees to accept your agenda.

The global agenda forces haven’t run and hid from Trump as they suffer defeat. Rather, certain members of their forces are rushing to him, looking for conversations on how they can work together on future policy. They speak in codes about security, prosperity, and neighborly cooperation. But the agenda is the goal. I feel certain that Trump is being targeted as he talks of deals with Canada that could well lead to a NAU.

What’s really behind O’Leary’s drive to speak with him about an economic forum with Canada? Another questionable example is his recent nomination of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum as Secretary of Interior and head of the National Energy Council. Burgum is close friends with Bill Gates, who has bought up vast amounts of ND to impose wind and solar and enforce sustainable policy that is destroying small farmers. Now, Burgum will be able to oversee millions of acres of federal land and determine what activities will be allowed on it. Who pushed him on Trump?

I must say that I issue this alert very reluctantly. In no way do I want to appear that I am attacking President Trump. I believe in him, support his goals, and want him to win. But he does seem to have a weakness in listening to and trusting some of the wrong people. Despite all he’s been through, he sometimes fails to understand a lot of the rot that surrounds him.

It’s vital to the success of the MAGA plan that his supporters help him stand strong and keep the vision clear as the global Left employs lies and fake smiles to subvert his plans to restore our greatness. He can’t do this alone.

© 2025 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

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The Tyranny of the Minority

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

January 16, 2025

The wicked walks on every side when the vilest of men are exalted.”  Psalm 12.

Vile—“Morally base or impure; sinful; depraved by sin; wicked; hateful in the sight of God and of good men.

Has there ever been a time in America where vile men had seized the reins of power more than they have today?  There have always been vile men in America but they were considered outlaws, crooks, and criminals.

Evil men are nothing new, the history books are filled with the names of wicked men who pillaged their way through society.  But never, until recently, have these wicked, vile men and women been exalted.

Like many of you in the Baby Boom generation we were raised in an era when evil was easily identified.   The good guys wore white and the bad guys wore black.  The movie makers dressed them that way so that it would be obvious for the observers to understand who they should be rooting for.  At least until the bad guys took over Hellywood.

The Lone Ranger sat on a white horse named Silver…just in case the young eyes watching weren’t sure whom to emulate.  Roy Rogers, John Wayne, Clark Kent, and Matt Dillon were the role models sold to us under the banner of “Truth, Justice, and the American Way.”

That was the American Way, you know?  A nation where American boys and girls were raised to be honest, moral, and virtuous.  Virtue is out of style…old-fashioned today, while the wicked parade down the streets of main street America.

If you want to figure out how we got in this mess simply look at who and what it is that is exalted in America today.

No wonder evil walks on every side.

I grieve for America today.  The Shining City set on a Hill ain’t so shiny any more.  The vilest of men have left skid marks.

As we sit here in January of 2025 watching cataclysmic destruction of America by floods and fires could it be that God’s heavy hand of judgment is falling on this land?  If so, are we complicit in the circumstances which brought the judgment about?

We are told in the Scriptures that the “rain falls on the just and the unjust.” Sin has collateral damage and it is always the innocent who seem to pay the greatest price.  Collateral damage is the wave that spills out the sides as the motor boat flies down the lake.

Look no farther than the people driving the boat.

If America is to survive…and we clearly are on life support…good men are going to have to do something.  America must regain her moral moorings.  Right is right and wrong is wrong and we must begin to push-back against the fog of moral relativism.

Believers are exhorted in Psalm 11:3 that “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”  The foundations are crumbling boys and girls.  What are we gonna do?

Donald Trump cannot save America.  It is foolish to think that America will change simply by changing the resident of the Whitehouse.  But it does appear that he is not anti-Christian in the way his predecessor was.  He has opened the doors for the rebuilding of America’s foundation.  It is time for Christians to get some hammers and nails.

According to Pew Research , a super majority of Americans claim to be followers of Christ.  As recent as 2023 nearly 70% of Americans claimed to be Christian.  Yet Christian values are no longer taught in our Government schools.

Do you realize that the most famous person in the history of humanity…the man by whom the passage of time is recorded…the man upon which ALL of Western Civilization was founded, is not permitted to be mentioned in the American Government Schools?  Purely from an historical perspective how could any American student graduate from high school without an understanding of the impact of Jesus Christ on the world?

The State of Louisiana recently passed a law requiring the posting of the 10 Commandments in Public Schools.  Several other States are following their lead.  This is the rebuilding of the Foundation in which Christians must engage.  It is time we opposed the Tyranny of the Minority.

Freedom of religion is a Christian ideal.  It is ONLY because the American foundation is CHRISTIAN that the sanctity of conscience is protected.  The Scriptures tell us that “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.”  Christianity is Liberty’s greatest friend.  In no other country can a non-believer have such religious liberty.  But in America the majority, not the minority, makes the rules.

The opposite of liberty is tyranny.  The minority are hell-bent on restricting YOUR liberty as they claim it hinders the exercising of theirs.  Tyranny is defined as “despotic exercise of power.”  Putting restrictions on my liberty does not increase yours…FREE exercise means…well…free exercise.  The Tyranny of the Minority is destroying this nation.

If the Spirit of the Lord brings LIBERTY what does the absence of the Lord bring?

It is time to end the Tyranny of the Minority.

© 2025 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

In Both California and Florida, Citizens Lose Rights At The Hand of State Government

By Kat Stansell

January 16, 2025

Zoning, A True Globalist Tool

Control of zoning controls lives. For instance, in California:


California Senate Bill 1123 passed last summer – May in the Senate, August in the House – and was signed into law by Newsom this past September.

I have to wonder how many Californians were even aware of this

This law was already on the books when the fires hit. It was passed in 2024. Then, the fires took care of much of the rest. Those victims of their own government may find that developers are constructing multi-family residences where once there were beautiful homes . This may or may not be found to be unconstitutional but the bill seems to have become law nonetheless.

A total of only NINE legislators in both houses – ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE – voted against this Marxist land grab.

Remember, Karl Marx felt that Communists should seek ‘the abolition of bourgeois property’. That meant, property belonging to the upper class, not the “worker”. Pretty much describes a lot of the properties now in ruins in the wealthy communities of LA.

In my last Substack on the subject, I suggested that Newsom, Bass et. al., allowed (encouraged? planned?) these fires to ravage the wealthy areas, in order to remove many of the beautiful homes, because they had plans to rebuild LA in the image of a UN C40 City, with multi-family residences only, in tall “stack and pack” towers.

The existence of this legislation – passed PRIOR to the fires – kind of makes it look that way, hideous as that is to consider.

A famous American Globalist, Bush 41, signed UNAgenda 21 into our lives, where after UNAgenda 21, Agenda 2030, and C40, they have greased the skids into Marxism

Several days ago, people on X were talking about a video of Newsom talking to a reporter who asked questions about the concerns of the Governor of Hawaii, who had asked the possibility of speculators buying up the ravaged properties. Gavin behaved oddly to say the least. Watch the linked video.

Newsom’s “shoulder shakes” and the seemingly inappropriate smiles that kept breaking on his face while he discussed the Governor of Hawaii’s concerns were misread, I believe. People seem to have got lost in a discussion of whether or not Newsom’s strange behavior meant drug use. Frankly, I don’t care.

What I see is obvious glee that he seems unable to hide, when he says that this has all been taken care of. It has. I sincerely doubt if your constituents even know how “good” Sacramento has been to them. Their rights of private ownership have been, at the very least, sorely abridged.

Criminality is in the eyes of the beholder perhaps.

Please watch the 20 second video then scan the legislation above again.

As I talked about yesterday, I believe that LA is slated to become a C40 City, ala UN Agendas. Here’s what that means, from the C40 website.:

“Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action that aligns with science-backed targets. They work together across borders in order to protect people and communities everywhere, and build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future”.

That’s the “New Dense Multifamily Construction on Private Homeowner Land” they are allowing. IMHO, this may be their “equitable future”.

LA home ownership has “been taken care of” alright, Gavin.

Property rights are part of our bedrock. But clueless citizens have allowed it all in California.. Stay tuned to see what goes down when and if they wake up.

Anytime citizens ignore their government AT THE LOCAL LEVEL their rights – their Constitutional rights – can disappear. You MUST demand a seat at the table. Always.

Ron DeSantis, recently pulled something like this over on his constituents. After his reelection at the end of 2022, Tallahassee quietly and quickly (only 6 weeks!) passed FL SB 102. This is the “Live Local Act”, one of the first laws passed in the new 2023 legislative year:

“deleting the authority of local governments to adopt or maintain laws, ordinances, rules, or other measures that would have the effect of imposing controls on rents; providing an exemption from ad valorem taxation for land that meets certain criteria; authorizing local governments to adopt ordinances to provide an ad valorem tax exemption for portions of property used to provide affordable housing meeting certain requirements; suspending, for a specified period, the General Revenue Fund service charge on documentary stamp tax collections; authorizing the Governor, under the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund, to approve state or local public infrastructure projects to facilitate the development or construction of affordable housing, etc.”

To facilitate the construction of “affordable housing”…rather than “bourgeoise”…

This bill is much less direct but it essentially does the same, removing local government from their own control over zoning and taxing ordinances and allowing the Governor to approve local building projects for affordable housing, ETC. What’s the “ETC”, I wonder…? How much more can Tallahassee slip in here?

This “Live Local Act” is not nearly the obvious grab of private ownership rights as is California’s law, but it does remove some Constitutional rights of governance. I couldn’t help but point it out, with the latest behaviors of Tallahassee as it tried to remove America First Republicans from power in the Party. Remember, those counties most in the eye of that storm are those with plenty of land yet to be developed.

The concerning issue in FLSB102 and CASB1123 is that citizens of both states have lost their seat at the table of governance, which is a most dangerous position for us all.

Coincidence? Maybe. Unconstitutional. Quite possibly.

The importance of local action and involvement cannot be overstated. The mess of which Karl Marx would be so proud in California is a horrible object lesson.

I’ll stop here. Residents of Cali might be so far gone, they’ll never notice We’ll have to see how it all pans out.

In Florida, which state has some of the best and most actively aware citizens in the nation, it may be different. The Sunshine State, however, is also home to millions of retirees, who have lost the vision or desire to watch over their freedoms, and are easy targets for unprincipled politicians.

THIS IS A WARNING TO EVERY STATE. People get involved in their lives and don’t watch their government.

Nobody said that living free was easy…

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

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The Utter Malarkey, Balderdash, Nonsense and Stupidities from the Swamp in D.C.

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 16, 2025

One of the heroes of WWII, General George S. Patton has been credited with saying, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth, and democrats are the lowest form of politicians.”

That comes from a no-nonsense man who changed the course of the WWII in Europe. Yes, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, commander of D-Day, made other pithy statements in his tenure as a general, and also as president of the United States. That’s back when Americans called a “spade a spade.” Back then, you learned “common sense” because you grew up on a farm.

On that farm, you learned never to pee on an electric fence more than once. You learned to shut the pasture gate, or you would take an hour chasing down all the cows to get them back into the barnyard. You learned to check the oil every day so grandpa’s John Deere two-cylinder motor wouldn’t burn up. You learned to repair the wire on the chicken coop so the fox wouldn’t eat all your chickens.

Another thing about growing up on the farm; you needed to do your chores, take care of your machinery and be accountable to your family. You had to learn how to read, write and perform mathematics. You learned to treat your neighbor like you wanted to be treated.

On a Sunday afternoon, you got to go fishing on Hogback Lake, Rose Lake or Crystal Lake. Those largemouth bass awaited your lure. You enjoyed life on the farm because you lived close to the earth, you changed with the seasons, and you understood your place in the world. You also knew that boys were boys and girls were girls.

That was then, and this is now. Today, “common sense” got lost somewhere between 1950 and 2025. Law and order got thrown into a woodchipper by moronic politicians to the point that crime and criminals provide daily fodder for news organizations. Something like only 20 percent of murders get solved in big cities. Thievery has become common place everywhere.

In big cities, teachers worry about getting killed by their students, and female teachers could very well get raped and killed by their students. Academic standards have been reduced to baseline rubble. The proof of that remains with the estimated 45 million functionally illiterate Americans wandering around America without a clue about life. They leach off the welfare system and drag the “Social Contract” into the gutter.

Then you get into the mind-bending drugs being distributed to our children by the hundreds of thousands. The deaths stats run off the charts. To help our citizens poison their minds and bodies, those same politicians open the flood gates of the country to drug cartels, dealers, and gangs. We’re talking millions of youths that cannot perform at school, don’t care, lack any understanding about contributing to our society, and think an E.B.T. card is their highest intellectual calling.

What about those politicians who break our laws, don’t serve our citizens, and couldn’t care less about the loss of life? One look at California’s current nightmare provides an ample example of Patton’s words. But, it doesn’t end there. That “Swamp” in Washington DC at this moment shows that a bunch of “self-important” buffoons are running America into the ground.

While they’ve made “transgender” and “CRT” and “Woke” policies their uppermost important mandates, they face around 70,000 military personnel shortfalls because “common sense” American youth don’t want to be insulted or squeamish by all that balderdash, malarkey, and bunkum. At some point, if and when, common sense returns to America, those transgender guys will be found to be a new class of mental illness. Who in their right mind wants to serve in our military with nut-job males who wear high heels and skirts? What women want to serve alongside such emotional and mental illness? Yes, they have the right to their madness, but 99.9 percent of the public should not be forced to comply with it.

When it comes to the “lowest form of life on earth,” look at the four-year Alzheimer’s illness in the White House that the majority of politicians covered up, along with the mainstream media. Let’s face it, those politicians and the “Legacy” media did everything to cover up the obvious. No wonder our U.S. Congress received a 17 percent approval rating. And, a minority of Americans believe anything the major networks are reporting.

And, what about this question: when it comes to common sense, who were the major players and “WHY” did those politicians open America’s borders up to over 12,000,000 illegal aliens from all over the planet? What was their purpose? What did they hope to accomplish by spending our tax dollars to the tune of $150 billion annually to take care of them—-when we can’t take care of our own citizens. What do I mean? The latest NPR reports showed 774,000 American citizens remain homeless. In the last week, another 20,000 plus in California are homeless because of the wildfires.

Those wildfires raged because Governor Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass cut over $117,000,000.00 (million) out of the Forest Management programs, and firefighting units. They let 100 firetrucks sit in the maintenance yard without mechanics to repair them. General Patton would have slapped both of them, and demoted them to water boy and water girl. What are the costs of their lack of foresight and preparation? Answer: NPR reported more than $350 billion to replace all those structures.

This commentary could be turned into a book with the enormous amount of corruption in “The Washington DC Swamp.” From Nancy Pelosi making millions off insider trading on military contracts, to $120 billion a year in cash transfers leaving our country from illegal and legal migrants. Then you’ve got intellectual morons like House member Maxine Waters who has done nothing in her 30 years of doing nothing for her constituents or for America, except to incite violence. The list must be as long as a football field.

If there was an ounce of common sense in Washington DC, they would take rational actions in favor of Americans, first. They would use common sense to change the violation of “anchor baby” mothers. They would stop the millions and billions in cash transfers. They would rescind the asylum bill. They would stop the sheer stupidity of DNA (XY) men competing in women’s sports. They would get out in front of dozens of problems and “correct” them instead of let them boil into irreversible problems with unsolvable outcomes.

Is it possible that “common sense” could return to America? Answer: it’s doubtful. Heck, over 50 percent of our youth cannot name the first president of our country. Most never heard of Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and/or Abigail Adams or Eleanor Roosevelt.

Why do you think? George Patton said it, “Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Democrats are the lowest form of politicians.”

That’s why we call Washington DC, “The Swamp.”

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Congressional Communists Take Center Stage

By Lex Greene

January 15, 2025

As we near Inauguration Day for President-elect Donald J. Trump and witness the congressional circus in the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings for the President’s selected cabinet members, keep in mind who and what you are watching as democrats launch their first efforts to obstruct the incoming administration.

The list of congress members I’m about to share is based upon official public records. They seldom refer to themselves as “communists” because face it, even most dumb-down democrat voters in this country would never knowingly vote for an avowed communist. But doubt not, each of the names presented below are confirmed communists, even though they most often use flowery labels like socialist, Marxist, liberal or progressive.

The U.S. Senate

The U.S. House

The 31 House members and 7 Senate members listed above are all confirmed avowed communists (albeit by kinder labels) currently serving in the U.S. Congress.

Aside from the obvious question, should any anti-American communist ever be allowed to hold public office in the USA? (absolutely not) …it’s important to know that in addition to these confirmed communists in Congress, there are dozens of anti-American communist sympathizers in Congress who fear tipping their hand to the public about their true intentions for America by wearing the correct political label.

In addition to these miscreants, there are numerous fake republicans as well, democrats by trade who had to run as republicans in left-leaning districts, many of whom are involved in international war-for-profit activities, along with their democrat cohorts, and partisan friends in the courts and news media.

Now, one need not look any further for why our Constitutional Republic is teetering on the brink of extinction. Of course, even more anti-American miscreants can easily be found at the state and local levels as well, such as card-carrying Communist Party “activist” Mayor Karen Bass in Los Angeles, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her leftist friends Secretary Benson, and AG Nessel in Michigan.

So, as you watch the Senate confirmation circus, keep these folks in mind. As they voir dire Trump cabinet appointees, questioning their “qualifications” for office in the senate hearings, maybe the nominees should challenge the qualifications of Senate members to occupy their offices, especially those who are either communists or communist sympathizers.

This is exactly what a “fifth column” is, in military terms.

“a group of persons inside the battle lines of a territory engaged in a conflict, who secretly sympathize with the enemy, and who engage in espionage or sabotage; — sometimes also referred to as a trojan horse.”

Other times, they aid and abet our enemies by simply interfering with elections, spreading false propaganda, establishing policies that directly harm the American citizens, for benefit of foreign interests, or sabotaging the operations of their political opponents via tangling up processes, or weaponizing political justice against them.

But at the end of the day, you can hardly blame politicians for behaving like politicians, or even communists for behaving like communists. In the USA, the buck stops with the American voters.

Senate members are “term limited” to six years, unless you re-elect them for another six years. House members are “term limited” to only two years, unless you re-elect them for another two years. And occupants of the Oval Office are “term limited” to only two four-year terms, if you elect them for a second term.

Every two years, you get the chance to throw out a bad House member, a bad Senator every six years and a bad President every four years. If you don’t do that, who’s fault is it??? The real problem is YOU!

New constitutional amendments are not necessary to solve the problems in America today. Constitutional enforcement is necessary! Legal Citizen ACTION is… and we’re running out of time.

Go ahead…check the backgrounds of anyone disrupting the senate confirmation process today. You may be shocked to know who those people really are and what their true motives might be.

© 2025 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Those Who Refused To Take Heed To The Warnings Are Now Somehow The Victims?

By Bradlee Dean

January 15, 2025

“Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” -Psalm 19:11

Daily Mall recently reported, We have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine – but no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously.

Patients whose health has been ravaged after taking Covid-19 vaccines are calling for more support as the Government faces paying out tens of millions of pounds in damages.

Almost 17,000 claims for disability damages have now been submitted after new information emerged about the potential risks including blood clots.

Experts have said that the benefits of taking Covid vaccines significantly outweigh the side effects, as they prevent the spread of the disease and reduce serious complications.

But more people are coming forward to report that have suffered a severe impact, with some linking their vaccines to major problems such as blood cancer, myasthenia gravis and heart disorders.

Jennifer Furno, 38, from Morpeth in Northumberland, suffered a blood clot on her lung before ultimately being diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a form of blood cancer.

Vaccine injury charity founder Charlet Crichton has been forced to give up her work as a sports therapist due to debilitating effects she has reported since receiving her jabs.

Their ordeals have been shared after a father described being ‘left to rot’ after having a nightmare reaction to a Covid jab that left him in constant pain.

And a grieving widow has told MailOnline how she had to battle for a year to get her husband’s death certificate updated to record how he was killed by a reaction to receiving a Covid-19 vaccine.

Now, with this information disclosed, I have a couple of questions. Are not these people a part of the 90% of the population who claim to not believe the mainstream media (Romans 1:18)?

Who sold to them the pandemic (Micah 6:16)?

Did they not consider the source of who was selling and profiting from the pandemics (John 8:44, 10:10)?

I do understand that people on a worldwide scale were being illegally censored by Big Tech, Facebook, YouTube, etc., concerning the doctors and people who were doing their best to warn them.

I have to say that I am not trying to be insensitive, but how is it that this information was overlooked by these people?  Did they not do their own due diligence on such an important decision such as this?  Did they think that government and Big Pharma were looking out for them?  Or were they deceived into thinking that what they were doing was best?

For my part, I have been blowing the trumpet in warning the people for the last 25 years (Ezekiel 33:3).

It begs me to ask the question:  How is it that now that these people have become the victims (though they are the victims of the lies and crimes committed by Big Pharma and the corrupt governments worldwide) when they refused to take heed to the warnings?  How do you help people who refuse to help themselves?  For those who have taken heed and did not go along with the lies and propaganda, they have received the reward that the Lord promised.

© 2025 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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What’s Wrong with the Crucial Communism Teaching Act

By Paul Engel

January 14, 2025

  • Should the history of Communism be taught in school?
  • Is it within the powers of Congress to require the creation of such a curriculum?
  • What is the impact of allowing Congress to dictate educational standards?

There are a lot of things I’d like to see done better in this country. On that list, education is right up near the top, but is it right to break the law to improve education? That’s the question I asked myself when I read the text of H.R. 5349, The “Crucial Communism Teaching Act.’’ You see, while teaching the truth about communism’s history is important, should this bill pass Congress and be signed, it cannot be the supreme law of the land because it was not made pursuant to the Constitution of the United States.

Let’s back up a little bit. On December 6th, 2024, the House passed H.R. 5349 327-62. As of this writing, it has been received by the Senate and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Purpose of the Bill

Let’s start by looking at the purpose of this legislation.


The purposes of this Act are the following:

(1) To help families, civic institutions, local communities, local educational agencies, high schools, and State educational agencies to prepare high school students to be civically responsible and knowledgeable adults.

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

First, let’s notice that the entities Congress wants to help are primarily local. Yes, the list includes state education agencies, but families and civic institutions, along with high schools, are local entities. Why this is important will become evident a little later.

The goal of preparing our young people to be civilly responsible and knowledgeable adults is laudable. However, that does not justify this legislation. Neither does the Constitution vest in Congress the power to determine what needs to be taught in our high schools, as this legislation claims to do.

(2) To ensure that high school students in the United States—

(A) learn that communism has led to the deaths of over 100,000,000 victims worldwide;

(B) understand the dangers of communism and similar political ideologies; and

(C) understand that 1,500,000,000 people still suffer under communism.

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

Learning the truth about history is very important. As Santayana said:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


That does not mean the federal government is the right entity to teach history. Since the Constitution does not vest in the United States the power to regulate education, Congress doesn’t have the legal authority to make such a law.

Necessary and Proper

Per the law, Congress must include a “Constitutional Authority Statement” in all legislation. In other words, before a member of Congress, either House or Senate, introduces legislation, they must show that Congress actually has the authority to make such law. In the Constitutional Authority Statement for H.R. 5349, Representative Salazar wrote:

H.R. 5349.
Congress has the power to enact this legislation pursuant to the following:
Article I Section 8 Clause 18

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress – Constitutional Authority Statement

Does Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 vest in Congress the power to regulate education? The Constitution vests several powers in the Congress of the United States. Many of those powers are listed in Article I, Section 8. The last of the powers delegated to Congress in Article I, Section 8 comes in clause 18, the Necessary and Proper Clause, which states that Congress has the power:

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

So for Congress to be able to make a law, it must be both necessary and proper for putting into execution a power vested by the Constitution in the government of the United States or one of its departments or officers. However, regulating education is not a power vested in any part of the government of the United States. It is therefore neither necessary nor proper for Congress to make a law to regulate education. In other words, not only is Ms. Salazar’s Constitutional Authority Statement foolish, it also shows the ignorance of the Constitution not only of Ms. Salazar, but of the 33 other members of the House of Representatives who co-sponsored the legislation.

Allegedly Required Education

Since this legislation is unconstitutional, to claim it has the power to create curricula is a lie. Rather this legislation, should it be passed and signed, would allege the federal government take the following actions in violation of the law and the oath of office for every member of any government official who implemented it.

The independent entity created under section 905(b)(1)(B) of the FRIENDSHIP Act (40 U.S.C. 8903 note; 107 Stat. 2331 note), also known as the ‘‘Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’’, shall—

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

This line confused me a bit. You see, 40 USC §8903 is entitled “Congressional authorization of commemorative works.” That’s right, Congress wants to ask an organization created for the purpose of creating monuments and other commemorative works to tell schools how to teach. Specifically, Congress wants your children taught about Communism by a group who’s sole purpose is:



(A) The National Captive Nations Committee, Inc., is authorized to construct, maintain, and operate in the District of Columbia an appropriate international memorial to honor victims of commimism.

(B) The National Captive Nations Committee, Inc., is encouraged to create an independent entity for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, and operating the memorial.

(C) Once created, this entity is encouraged and authorized, to the maximum extent practicable, to include as active participants organizations representing all groups that have suffered under commimism.

107 Stat §905(b)

First of all, this National Captive Nations Committee, Inc. (apparently a federal corporation), is only authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a memorial within the District of Columbia. What logical reason does Ms. Salazar and Congress have to believe them capable of developing a civic education curriculum, as stated in the law:

(1) develop a civic education curriculum for high school students that—

(A) includes a comparative discussion of certain political ideologies, including communism and totalitarianism, that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy that are essential to the founding of the United States;

(B) is accurate, relevant, and accessible, so as to promote the understanding of such political ideologies; and

(C) is compatible with a variety of courses, including social studies, government, history, and economics classes;

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

I’ve developed curriculum; it is not an easy task. Even with my extensive knowledge of the topics at hand, turning that into something pedagogically (the art, science, or profession of teaching) was quite difficult. Are we to expect a group of people trained in building and operating monuments are up to the task? Where is the vetting of the facts and data that would be included in such curriculum? Where is the peer review? Where is anything resembling the art, science, or profession of teaching in this legislation?

(2) develop oral history resources that may be used alongside the curriculum described in paragraph (1) and that include personal stories, titled ‘‘Portraits in Patriotism’’, from diverse individuals who—

(A) demonstrate civic-minded qualities;

(B) are victims of the political ideologies described in paragraph (1)(A); and

(C) are able to compare the political ideologies described in paragraph (1)(A) with the political ideology of the United States; and

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

Again, “developing an oral history resource” is not a simple task. While such oral history is quite a powerful educational tool, it is a difficult task, since said history must also be vetted if it is to be a real educational value.

(3) engage with State and local educational leaders to assist high schools in using the curriculum described in paragraph (1) and the resources described in paragraph (2).

H.R. 5349 – 118th Congress

Now, after all the work is done, Congress wants this group of monument builders to help high schools to use their curriculum? I wonder, will any U.S. Dept. of Education dollars be used to entice and influence these schools to adopt this questionable curriculum?


Yes, I believe not only that education is important, but learning about history should be part of that education. I think that, when confronted by the evils committed by current and past communist regimes, most people would be horrified and avoid adopting such political ideas. However, is it within the powers of the United States to make that determination? No. Has the government of the United States been vested with the power to regulate or fund education? No. Would this legislation, should it be passed and signed by a President, be valid? Absolutely not! As the Supreme Court pointed out in the case Norton v. Shelby County:

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.

Norton v. Shelby County :: 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

Since Congress seems to value a civic education so much, perhaps it should start with its own? After all, the Constitutional Authority Statement for this legislation shows an absolute ignorance of the Necessary and Proper Clause of the United States Constitution. Perhaps people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. After all, if the members of Congress, who not only write our legislation but took an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, are so ignorant of not just the document as a whole, but the language vesting them with power, how can we take any civic education they create seriously?

Let’s not forget that the National Captive Nations Committee, Inc., that Congress wants to develop this questionable curriculum, will have costs that need to be paid. Can we expect Congress to embezzle more money from the American people to pay those expenses?

Again, I whole heartedly support the inclusion of civics in our educational systems. I simply wish Congress would educate itself about its legal powers beforehand. How can members of Congress claim to pull the spec out of the eye of our education system while a gigantic beam is wedged in theirs?

© 2025 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel:

California Government’s Role In The Destruction Is Becoming Clear

By Kat Stansell

January 14, 2025

“LA” = Legal Arson?

from footage aired on The Weather Channel, Jan. 8, 2024

“LA” may now stand for Legal Arson, approved by the authorities. and it may have to do with UN Agendas in ways previously unconsidered by most. Here’s why.

Over 45,000 square MILES have been burned, or 29% of the entire state of California

This is a land area which equals: >

100+% of each of entire states of IN, OH, VA, TN, ME, SC, WV, MD, VT, NH, MA, HI, CT, DE, AND R, as well as

92% of NORTH CAROLINA, and

91% of FLORIDA.

The destruction in this burn is over 2.5 times the size of Manhattan. As if that weren’t horror enough, we’re learning about what the Los Angeles and State officials are really up to.

The acting mayor of LA, MARQUEECE JOHNSON, waited 6 1/2 HOURS after Pacific Palisades had become an inferno, to issue a Local State of Emergency! Johnson is LA City Council President, an elected official. Marqueece must have been told to wait. Who would DO this, if they cared a fig about their fellow man – and electorate, nonetheless?? Johnson apparently understands that there will be no more elections in LA, so he is not at all worried about being voted out of office or sent to jail for his malfeasance.

Seems a lot of Angelinos have voted for their own demise, through their almost religious beliefs in myopic constructs of a fish, a DEI hire and other Green New Deal garbage. To the rest of the rational world, this is incredibly hard to comprehend.

The 3” fish, the snail darter, is really NOT so rare after all, and was removed from the “endangered species” list in 2022. The DEI movement has proven its own dangerous inefficacy. The utterly criminal leadership of Newsom, Bass and their gang, is shining bright, even to those formerly too blind to see. The evidence is now all around the residents of LA, much of it still smoldering.

In addition to an elected public official waiting over 6 hours to declare an emergency, there’s more.

***Just before the Palisades fire erupted, residents caught an arsonist in the act. There have been reported to be many, but this one was caught and captured by people of the neighborhood he was torching. The nearest firefighting official was too busy doing his job to deal with the evidence, so asked them to turn him over to police. The citizens promptly did so. As I understand it, no one has yet been detained.

***Just before the Kenneth Fire erupted on Thursday, residents photographed a man on a bicycle dumping and lighting fuel with a blowtorch. When they yelled at him to STOP, he got stressed, the residents reported, and said he “had to” keep going. As he tried to pedal away, he kept yelling that. Furious citizens brought him down, tied him up and handed him over to police. This was as the fire was beginning to burn, Jan. 8.

***Authorities said there was not enough probable cause to arrest the man on suspicion of arson, but he has been charged with a felony probation violation. (Like Edgar Welch, the Pizzagate witness in NC?) The authorities said the suspect – whom residents who had brought, zip-tied, to the police, say he “lacked motive”. The suspect was in his 20’s and spoke Spanish as a first language. Click on the article above.

Interesting. Might this kid, most probably an illegal working for a day’s pay, have been so stressed because he recognized the horror of what he was doing, but was (paid? forced?) to do so? One of the many millions of unanswered questions about this catastrophe which is sure to stay that way.

On Jan. 11, one neighborhood was reopened, and residents allowed in to see the smoldering ruins, and search for anything they might have left to save. This comes as burglars dressed as firefighters are among the thieves arrested as lawlessness in the city spirals during curfews and mandatory evacuation orders. I hear twenty or so have been arrested for looting.

WHY would authorities PLAN for such mass destruction? There are several horrid possibilities, all having to do with the UN AGENDAS. Oh, and, of course the 2028 Olympics…. The most evident reason of all seems to be a portion of the Globalist world control agenda called “C40”, The UN C40 Cities Initiative. From their website:

Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious, collaborative and urgent climate action that aligns with science-backed targets. They work together across borders in order to protect people and communities everywhere, and build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future.

This is happening in Florida as well. The “Live Local Act”, recently passed in that state, supersedes local zoning restrictions. I’ve talked about it, though not by name, but by reference to development forces that have gone beyond citizen’s choices. Government, in a Constitutional Republic, must be OF and FOR the people. Not AT them.

C40 and the “Live Local” Act are good examples of the same type of “government vs citizens” game play. Hence, Fake Voter Guides and all the rest. Now, I hear that Tallahassee is shutting down groups of citizens who are members of no particular organization, if they want to come to a public meeting to hear about America First topics.

The Globalists have to use a different approach in Florida, as the population is too scattered to burn out or to destroy large numbers with hurricanes, so the taking away of Constitutional rights is done instead. Meetings are to be shut down, and votes, stolen by lies.

Los Angeles is easier pickings because of the density of its population – and its skulls, I’d add – and the natural conditions which have always been subject to a seasonal dryness and heavy winds. The Santa Anna Winds come every year. Once, there were a few fires when a BBQ grill got out of hand. Now, it’s a whole new world, thanks to that “soft treaty” (one not requiring Congressional approval) signed by Bush in 1992, which inserted the UN Agendas into every part of our lives.

This nation must stop bending over to this!

Los Angeles calls it’s deadly C40 plan, the Livable Communities Initiative (LCI). To achieve it, they have rendered tens of thousands homeless, and some, destitute. “Liveable”. Must be a Globalist/Marxist definition of the word.

Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggins have posted an interview in one of their latest substacks which explains. “This is a movement to achieve the United Nations and globalist goals of restructuring cities to address the manufactured “climate change” crisis.”

As the Breggins put it, “We are left with the astonishing serendipity that a huge swath of the City of Los Angeles has been cleared just in time to be made shovel ready for a newer, better, futuristic version of city neighborhoods to be constructed that will be a showcase for the 2028 Olympics. All the sentimentality and the cultural and historic building objections to modernization, not to mention property owned by private individuals who may not want to sell or give up their home or business building, have been swept aside in a 48-hour period by a scorched earth event.”

The Breggins put it very well. Now all that money that might have had to be used in the run up to C40, to force people to sell their homes against their will, plus the costs of thousands of square miles of demolition have been saved. Not to mention saving the the inevitable public display when the litigation against the state and its political leaders is mounted. That would be both costly and embarrassing. Tsk, tsk… People might think the Globalists are bad guys.

The citizens just didn’t bother to make sure the had a seat at the table at UN Agenda Games, like so many of us over the decades.

There are still a number of fires burning in this beautiful land. Winds are forecast (or manufactured?) to pick up again for the next several days, and cause more devastation. This will be left to go on, until they are done clearing the lives and land out of the way of the One World take-over, LA style.

Now, it seems more understandable that the California state government is in session; – NOT TO improve things in any way, as far as fire control or water supply, or to provide help for those who have lost so much – but to write laws against the Trump administration. Trump understands this, I’d guess. That is why they fear him.

Soon, if all goes according to the Luciferian plan, soon, the City of Los Angeles will be a city of the world, with few trees, little wildlife, and its residents imprisoned in 400 s.f. “apartments” in concrete towers. Automobiles and fossil fuels will be of no concern, because most will not be allowed to own one. All this, just in time for the 2028 Olympics, to show the world a REAL UN Agenda city.

Also, were this all to roll out, Los Angeles, and many other parts of the State of California, would no longer be a part of these United States of America. Our 31st state, admitted to our Union Sept. 9, 1850, after the famous Gold Rush, would be leaving.

Whether this would make you cheer or cry, is up to your own experiences with that beautiful state and its people. All I can really say is that theirs is a truly heartbreaking story about why is imperative that we stay involved in every step of our governance -from that in our Statehouses to our own back yards.

If we don’t demand a seat at the table, we’re really not in the game, except to be used.

© 2025 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

“Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 2

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

January 13, 2025

“If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.” –Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.  March 2006.

500,000 (I’m sure most were illegals) demanding they have the right to be here.  They don’t give a rat’s arse about our laws; just how many jobs they can steal that belong to Americans while YOU and I pay their way.

Backlash to stiffer laws – “The demonstrators oppose legislation passed by the U.S. House that would make it a felony to be in the U.S. illegally. It also would impose new penalties on employers who hire illegal immigrants, require churches to check the legal status of parishioners before helping them and erect fences along one-third of the U.S.-Mexican border. Photo credit to:  Lucas Jackson / Reuters

If you didn’t read part 1, please do because it (and this part) contains the truth about the ‘anchor baby’ myth and what the authors of the Fourteenth Amendment clearly stated regarding babies born on U.S. soil by illegal aliens are NOT automatically U.S. citizens.

So called ‘anchor babies’ has been a tool of illegal alien females for decades to get their child U.S. citizenship when in fact, a child born of someone who smuggles themselves into OUR country, someone who was not invited into OUR country, has no right to U.S. citizenship.

Consider these words from Edward J. Erler, Professor of Political Science, California State University, San Bernardino, well over a decade ago:

Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny  Prof. Erler hit it out of the ball park: Children born on US soil of an illegal alien parent (or two parents) regardless of country of origin have no “right” to U.S. citizenship.

2008 published in the excellent Impriris courtesy of Hillsdale College: “In sum, this legacy of feudalism—which we today call birthright citizenship—was decisively rejected as the ground of American citizenship by the Fourteenth Amendment and the Expatriation Act of 1868. It is absurd, then, to believe that the Fourteenth Amendment confers the boon of American citizenship on the children of illegal aliens.

Nor does the denial of birthright citizenship visit the sins of the parents on the children, as is often claimed, since the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not being denied anything to which they have a right. Their allegiance should follow that of their parents during their minority. Furthermore, it is difficult to fathom how those who defy American law can derive benefits for their children by their defiance—or that any sovereign nation would allow such a thing.

“There is no Supreme Court decision squarely holding that children of illegal aliens are automatically citizens of the U.S. An 1898 decision, U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, held by a vote of 5-4 that a child of legal resident aliens is entitled to birthright citizenship. TheWong Kim Ark decision, however, was based on the mistaken premise that the Fourteenth Amendment adopted the common law system of birthright citizenship. The majority opinion did not explain how subjects were miraculously transformed into citizens within the common law.

“Justice Gray, writing the majority decision, merely stipulated that “citizen” and “subject” were convertible terms—as if there were no difference between feudal monarchy and republicanism. Indeed, Chief Justice Fuller wrote a powerful dissent in the case arguing that the idea of birthright subjectship had been repealed by the American Revolution and the principles of the Declaration.

“The constitutional grounds for the majority opinion in Wong Kim Ark are tendentious and it could easily be overturned. This would, of course, require a proper understanding of the foundations of American citizenship, and whether the current Supreme Court is capable of such is open to conjecture. But in any case, to say that children of legal aliens are entitled to citizenship is one thing; after all, their parents are in the country with the permission of the U.S. It is entirely different with illegal aliens, who are here without permission. Thus repeal of the current policy of birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens would not require a constitutional amendment.”

(2011) Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny (Emphasis mine) Prof. Erler.

“In sum, this legacy of feudalism—which we today call birthright citizenship—was decisively rejected as the ground of American citizenship by the Fourteenth Amendment and the Expatriation Act of 1868. It is absurd, then, to believe that the Fourteenth Amendment confers the boon of American citizenship on the children of illegal aliens.

“Nor does the denial of birthright citizenship visit the sins of the parents on the children, as is often claimed, since the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not being denied anything to which they have a right. Their allegiance should follow that of their parents during their minority. Furthermore, it is difficult to fathom how those who defy American law can derive benefits for their children by their defiance—or that any sovereign nation would allow such a thing.”

“He further points out: “But in any case, to say that children of legal aliens are entitled to citizenship is one thing; after all, their parents are in the country with the permission of the U.S. It is entirely different with illegal aliens, who are here without permission. Thus repeal of the current policy of birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens would not require a constitutional amendment.”

CON-gress has refused to stop the massive invasion as a result of President Ronald Reagan opening up the flood gates for illegals.  Republicans over the decades have done virtually nothing but point the finger at the Democrat/Communist Party USA when they held the majority and WH.  And, oh – don’t forget to vote for me in the next election!  In other words, CON-gress has done nothing to cure the cancer.  For decades millions of us been fighting the ‘anchor baby’ myth only be ignored by a Republican controlled U.S. House, Senate and White House under Bush, Jr., who did nothing to stop the human tidal wave. An invasion without an army.


Mexican and Central American Illegal Immigrants Sue Texas for Birth Certificates, July 24, 2015

“Citizens of Mexico and several Central American nations have filed suit, claiming entitlement to birth certificates for their children born in the United States. They allege that the Texas denies them the certificates because they do not possess the required identification.

“The parent plaintiffs of the 23 children claim that the State of Texas violates their children’s rights because the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that any child born on U.S. soil warrants American citizen. It also provides that they are citizens of the state where they reside. The plaintiffs and their children reside in Texas.”

  1. Texas is not violating their children’s rights because illegal aliens are not U.S. citizens and have no constitutional rights.
    2. “…the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that any child born on U.S. soil warrants American citizen.” is simply repeating a fiction.
    3. They and their children do not reside in Texas. They squatted here in Texas after sneaking across our border.

The article continues:

“They allege in their petition filed in U.S. District Court in Austin that the birth certificates are being denied because of their immigration status. They argue that, “Such refusal is de facto based upon the immigrant status of the Plaintiff parents.” In the lawsuit, the parents do not refer to themselves as “immigrants,” or “illegal immigrants.” They refer to themselves in their legal capacity “as next friend.”

“In the petition filed in federal court in the Western District, the parents cite the Equal Protection Clause and the Supremacy Clause, and allege that their rights are being violated under these sections. At issue is the form of identification that is now being required of parents by the Bureau of Vital Statistics in border communities. They claim that officials in Hidalgo, Cameron, and Starr counties deny them birth certificates lawfully theirs and their childrens’.”

Again, it all comes down to the law: “…deny them birth certificates lawfully theirs and their childrens’.” Since they broke the law by sneaking across the border, they are not here lawfully so stop trying to twist words to justify a lie they are somehow “lawfully” entitled to birth certificates.

Mexican Government Files Brief in Case Demanding Birth Certificates for Anchor Babies, August 28, 2015 – READ. “We noted earlier the plaintiffs’ complaint that “scores of women from Mexico and Central America have been denied birth certificates for their Texas born children. Consequently, “This leaves the child with no birth certificate, and mother and child with no official proof of the parent-child relationship.”

Texas can refuse to issue birth certificates to illegals’ parents: court, Oct. 16, 2015

Too bad. They should have followed the procedures for lawful entry into the U.S. just like both sets of my grandparents (Palermo, Sicily [Italy] and Munich, Germany). And there was no unconstitutional federal welfare back then.

Memo From Middle America: Trump Says “Eliminate Anchor Baby Loophole” —Texas May Have Begun!, August 25, 2015

“According to the complaint by the plaintiffs, Texas officials refuse to provide birth certificates because they won’t accept the infamous matricula consular, a form of ID issued to illegals by Mexican consulates in the U.S, Now, illegals have to show a driver’s license or border identification or a visa with their passport.

“In Texas, an applicant for a driver’s license must produce documentation proving “Identity”, “Social Security number”, “U.S. citizenship or lawful presence status” and “Texas residency”. The “border identification card” is for foreigners who may live right across the border and are authorized to cross back and forth. It is a legal form of identification. But they didn’t have that either.

“The “visas with passport” part means Texas doesn’t accept a foreign passport unless it has a current U.S. visa attached [Texas fights suit after denying birth certificates to children of illegal immigrants, by Eyder Peralta, NPR, July 23, 2015]. Obviously, the plaintiffs can’t provide these documents.

“In effect, these illegals are demanding that the U.S. accept an identification document issued by the Mexican government with the express purpose of facilitating the illegals’ presence in the U.S. The Mexican government’s subversive scheme only works because too many American jurisdictions do accept it. (And seeing how well it worked for illegal Mexicans, Central American countries began issuing equivalent documents to their illegals in the U.S.)”

The same thing happened during President Trump’s first term in office with a GOP controlled Congress. They did NOTHING but our State Attorney General Ken Paxton did:

Texas: No Birth Certificates for Illegal Aliens, 8-31-15

Number one on President Trump’s desk after he’s sworn in on January 20, 2025, is mass deportation starting with the worst of the worst.  And maybe, just maybe, we will finally end this scam called “anchor babies”:

Homan and Trump Aim to End ‘Anchor Baby’ Citizenship, Dec. 19, 2024 Interview) – “Donald Trump and his border czar aim to end birthright citizenship as applied to illegal aliens who come to America, have kids, and use those kids as shields against deportation.

“Democrats exploit and abuse birthright citizenship by bringing in illegal aliens (sometimes by literally just moving pregnant women across the border) who subsequently have children while in America. Democrats then screech and wail and hurl accusations of cruelty when Republicans want to deport the illegal aliens in spite of the “anchor babies” who are citizens. And despite Democrats misinterpreting the Fourteenth Amendment to support this ploy, the reality is that illegal aliens by law should not be here at all, and have no rights under the Constitution. 

“Unlike the legal immigrants and former slaves to whom the amendment originally applied, illegal aliens with the help of Democrats are illicitly exploiting birthright citizenship. That is something NBC’s “Meet the Press” doesn’t want you to know, which is why Kristen Welker constantly interrupted Trump’s comments this month on that show with her hysteria. “We’ll maybe have to go back to the people, but we have to end it. We’re the only country that has it, you know,” he calmly told Welker.

“Trump explained the Democrat trick: “If somebody sets foot, just a foot, one foot, you don’t need two, on our land — ‘congratulations. you are now a citizen of the United States of America.’ Yes, we’re going to end that, because it’s ridiculous… if we can, through executive action.” That always was his plan before COVID-19 temporarily derailed and deranged the country, Trump emphasized. “We have to end it.” We do, indeed.”

In 2024, a whopping 400,000 illegal alien babies were born on U.S. soil now declared U.S. citizens which they are not. Back in 2015 when I wrote columns on this issue, it was costing every AMERICAN household $700,000. Just imagine the cost from the sweat of YOUR labor today since the estimated number of illegal ‘anchor babies’ is 1.7 MILLION.  Have the baby at some house doesn’t get counted.

Deporting illegals also stops YOU from having to pay for their “free” health care (dental & vision, housing, food, clothing while you struggle to pay your health care premiums and prescriptions).  This IS a violation of the Thirteenth Amendment. We the people have become indentured servitude slaves when it comes to illegals and all the phony asylum claims (93% rejected):

Amendment XIII – Section 1.

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

It’s not just Americans and naturized Americans being forced to work (indentured servitude) for freeloaders, those who steal jobs that belong to Americans and illegals who commit heinous crimes.  These illegal aliens are bringing in diseases long ago wiped out in this country.  Free surgeries which are collapsing hospitals around the country.  Just try getting an appt with a specialist. Good luck.  They’re so overloaded it can take 2-3 months to get an appt with a doctor, not a PA (and many are very well trained). I know from my own experience last year. Quit calling them migrants or undocumented immigrants. They are criminals who have violated OUR immigration laws.  They are illegal aliens, period.

Denver hospital raises alarm about $136 million deficit it’s scrambling to pay as migrant crisis worsens (Emphasis mine)

“Denver Health, Colorado’s biggest safety net provider, is on the brink of a major crisis due to unpaid medical care costs as the state grapples with a historic influx of undocumented immigrants.

“Dr. Steven Federico, chief government and community affairs officer for Denver Health, points to the thousands of migrants using the new health system — some of whom can’t cover costs or don’t have medical insurance, according to the Denver Gazette.

“Between 2022 and 2023, Denver Health saw an additional $10 million in uncompensated care. Dr. Donna Lynne, CEO of Denver Health, told local outlets the hospital had $60 million in uncompensated care in 2020, but by 2022, that number increased to $125 million, hitting about $136 million last year.

“Venezuelan migrants are living in Denver hotels, on sidewalks, and in cars, with shelters overrun, and Federico said it’s common for patients to come in with a number of medical problems after making the long trek to the U.S.”

Illegal Immigrants Leave US Hospitals With Billions in Unpaid Bills –“Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are flooding into U.S. hospitals for treatment and leaving billions in uncompensated health care costs in their wake.”

All those hospitals are left to pay their doctors, nurses, technicians, etc. to work so illegals can get a free ride – driving up the cost of your health insurance to make up losses if they can. You see (I have here at hospitals) signs at ER’s and doctor’s offices that say regardless of your citizenship they must provide you medical treatment. Indentured servitude, a violation of the Thirteenth Amendment.

The 20 diseases ‘refugees’ bring into the West – 2017 while Trump was trying to get the wall built to keep the diseased out who pass them along to you and your children as well as terrorists and the criminal cabal and gangs.  The Democrat/Communist Party USA in Congress and other open border advocates fought him tooth and nail.

Infectious Diseases Making the Border Crisis Worse – CIS (READ) – “These are important points and, as an immigration judge, I regularly had to continue cases involving respondents who were in so-called “negative airflow” detention (that is, quarantine) because they had one communicable ailment or another or had been potentially exposed to someone who did. As the name “negative airflow” suggests, disease is not contracted in a vacuum. It has to come from someplace.

“I briefly alluded to the dangers of foreign nationals crossing the border with one of these illnesses in a February 2019 post about the increasing costs to the Border Patrol of providing humanitarian aid:

“In FY 2018, the [Yuma] sector [of the Border Patrol] incurred more than $700,000 in medical care costs to cover 1,700 aliens who were apprehended and who had to be transported to the hospital. … Other aliens show up sick, particularly children, some of whom are suffering from illnesses not generally seen in modern American society, including mumps, measles, and tuberculosis, as well as others with influenza, scabies, and other skin diseases. Plainly, the Border Patrol is not able to turn these individuals away without treatment.”

Every 2-3 months, DHS sends $600M in U.S. taxpayer cash to NGO funding illegal migrant invasion of America, Nov. 27, 2024 – The sweat of YOUR labor to aid and abet illegal aliens which is against federal law.  The new incoming DOJ needs to indict those involved in these schemes to steal from you and me.

Illegals all say they want a better life for them and their children.  What about the quality of life for Americans and naturalized Americans?  Illegals are destroying this country. How many more funerals, young girls raped, you or a family member beaten and robbed?  I’ve been asking those questions for decades while the liars and thieves in Congress hold committee hearings and trade political sound bites.”

Guess who pays the bill while YOU try to put food on the table keep your home or apt heated in winter and gas in the tank?  In part 3, I will cover the propaganda regarding the economy:  All the wailing and hand wringing there aren’t enough Americans to do work cheap illegals will do and a fair, humane and equitable ‘seasonable worker” program for our ag industry.  There’s always a solution once you take politics out of the problem.

I hope you will post the link to this column on X, all social media and your email lists.  NO MORE lying and excuses. Let the mass deportation plan begin on day one after Trump takes the oath.

Part 1

My last book goes into great detail on critical issues and the constitutional solutions:  A thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more. Read and study it because knowledge is power and we use that power to cure the cancer, not keep treating the symptoms.  To order call, 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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Mass Migration Woes: European Nations Offer Syrians Cash to Go Home, Dec. 14, 2024 – Civilized countries don’t want them, either.  Importing criminals and illegal freeloaders is the path to the total collapse of a country.

Watchdog Group Releases Names of Leftist Bureaucrats Serving in Federal Government Who’ve Betrayed America by Sabotaging Border Security, Oct. 23, 2024 – Big, fat salaries to sell out our country. Trump should fire every damn one of them.

When the New York Times Cheered Deporting Illegal Immigrants, August 22, 2015

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico, July 6, 2006

D.E.I, Woke, Green New Deal: Like A Social Hydrogen Bomb Dropped on America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 13, 2025

In a recent podcast, a man I highly respect, Victor Davis Hanson, said, “D.E.I., Woke, and the Green New Deal are like a social hydrogen bomb hitting America. These new terms being practiced are de-civilizing California into a third world country. If other states follow California, they will end up in the same boat.”

The fires that destroyed California were preventable!  But Governor Gavin “Nero” Newsom, LA Mayor Karen Bass, and former San Francisco Mayor London Breed define incompetence, ineptitude, lack of skills, outright stupidity, and complete disregard for their constituents.

Instead of competence defined by “merit and experience”, “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” places unqualified people into top positions they cannot handle. Additionally, they cannot command.  They don’t realize their own incompetence until the social nightmare of endless crime, Woke policies, D.E.I. policies, transgender insanity, and now, wildfires costing the Golden State a nightmare that will take years to recover.

While Mayor Karen Bass cut the LA Fire Department out of $17 million, she secured $1.2 billions of taxpayer money to feed, house, and protect illegal aliens in her Sanctuary City…of which number around 3.0 to 4.0 million invaders. They fill California prisons. Governor Newsom mandated $25 million to ensure his illegals would not suffer deportation.  Instead of serving the people of California, he serves illegal migrants from all over the world.  Thus, California buzzes like a beehive of crime, corruption, violence, looting, smash and grabs, schools trashed, hospitals overwhelmed, and, now, because he did nothing to mitigate wilderness areas of kindling and fire breaks, he watched helplessly as over 10,000 homes burned and rendered 50 square miles of scorched earth.

Those BIG mayors and that governor created a “systems breakdown” of their cities and the State of California.  Please note: Governor Newsom will run for U.S. President in 2028, and his key credentials will be good looks, toothy smile, and slicked back hair. Like Biden, he won’t have any solid “merits” to competently guide the United States of America.

When it comes to sheer stupidity, LA Mayor Karen Bass celebrates her hiring policies of 70 percent D.E.I. candidates.  When in fact, she’s the worst example of D.E.I. herself.  Former San Francisco Mayor Breed created the largest crime city in America by allowing thieves, if they stole less than $900.00, to walk free. The results were: 17 Walgreen Drug stores bankrupted. Smash and Grabs of cars’ valuables exploded into a crime syndicate worthy of national prominence. Two hotels bankrupted. Drunks and drug addicts to the tune of 170,000 and 50,000 homeless sprawled all over the LA’s and San Francisco’s streets.  Whole Foods failed after one year from shoplifting and violence toward employees. Dozens of other mercantile stores bankrupted.  Murderers roam the streets.

Again, “Corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate.”  If you import enough third world illiterate migrants, you are inviting endless crime in every major city that houses those migrants.

As it stands on the national scene, to get down to brass tacks, Joe Biden will be remembered as America’s weakest and most inept president in our entire history. He will also be remembered for his Alzheimer’s Disease that left him impotent for four years on the world stage.  He violated his oath of office by inviting 15 million illegal aliens to violate our borders.  He will be remembered for the “Biden Family Crime Syndicate” that sucked money out of foreign countries for favors while he enjoyed the Vice-Presidential office.  When the history books are written, we can only hope they expose the “inside circle” of his staff running our country into the ground.

Victor Davis Hanson said, “A combination of two self-evident truths. Joe Biden’s inept administration proved an ungodly disaster, not just for America but for the West as well, which looked abroad for a stronger America but found it weaker.”

Joe Biden’s bumbling arrogance, “Nearly destroyed the American military in Kabul. It ruined Western deterrence. It showered the Taliban with a multibillion-dollar new windfall arsenal. His lies, his incompetence, and, yes, his narcissism demoralized Americans and our allies.

“Biden sought to turn the once preeminent U.S. military into a cruel cultural woke joke. The train-wreck of the last four years was force-multiplied by Biden’s own feebleness, masked by the most scandalous media-politico conspiracy of suppression of it in U.S. history.”

Question: did the liberal U.S. media machine, on purpose, try to destroy America by not reporting Biden’s dementia?  Answer: you betcha!

“No one fears or listens to the now defenestrated frauds and tiring dissimulators: the Bidens, Fauci, Mayorkas, Garland, Milley, Austin, Jean-Pierre, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, or McCabe—and their old lies that Hunter was a brilliant artist, Biden is fit as a fiddle, no gain-in-function viruses, a bat caused COVID, the border is secure, Chinese army generals are more trustworthy than Trump, and the laptop was Russian.”

What an amazing four years of “horse manure” put out by Jen Psaki, Jean-Pierre, and the rest of the Biden entourage.  From this journalist’s perspective, Mayorkas should be tried, convicted, and deported back to Cuba. He cares NOTHING for the American people.

On January 20, 2025, we begin anew!  We denounce “Woke” thinking because it’s absurd, insane, inept, and stupid.  We denounce DNA men competing in women’s sports because it’s absurd, insane, unfair, and mindlessly moronic.  We denounce D.E.I., because it’s as unfair as “affirmative action.”  We need to return to common sense, merit, hard work, education, and personal responsibility.  If you’ve got a problem in a big city ghetto, get your butt down to the school board and speak to excellence in teachers, and children ready to learn because their parents taught them to enjoy learning.

If you demand a “greener and healthier planet”, vote for bottle, can and glass recycling laws at .20 cents per container. Move to have your city enforce all recycling laws.  Demand “Stop Growth” policies in big cities that cannot handle their already overwhelmed traffic gridlock.  Demand that grocers delete GMO’s, chemical sprays and fertilizers that poison your food supply. Offer cereals that aren’t saturated with pounds of white sugar, Sucralose, apertame, and high fructose corn syrup.  Use your dollars to put artificial foods and Monsanto out of business.

Demand that all criminals and illegal aliens see a jail cell and deportation.  Support our new president because he stands for all Americans.  We all need to pull in the same direction.

Let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris fade into the rear-view mirror like a bad dream.

© 2025 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Understanding Sexuality: Prince Charming

By Late Roy Masters

January 12, 2025

Occasionally, a woman comes along who seems to have been left out of Eve’s secret, who is relatively guileless, and yet manages to attract a man by the sheer beauty of her body.

Starry-eyed and romantic, she sees her own ego need as a large white canvas on which her man will paint a stunningly beautiful picture, warm and rich in exquisite detail. What she gets, of course, is simple uncomplicated sex, and this may be something of a shock to her.

The realization of what he had in mind all along comes to her slowly, like falling downstairs a bump at a time until she hits bottom and discovers that, to Prince Charming, love is sex.

If you happen to be one of these “innocent” women, let me point out to you before you allow yourself to get carried away with self-pity that you were not really “innocent” enough.

Had you been filled by the Light of God, you would not have been carrying around that void, that ego need, that large white canvas waiting to be completed. You would not have been right there to guide Adam, the sleepwalker, back to bed so gently that wakefulness never for a moment threatened to overtake him!

It does behoove you not to hate Adam for taking away the innocence that you never really had.

Usually, woman inherits a power over man that she is powerless to give up, but is driven to exert compulsively, even as man is driven to give her that power and is powerless to prevent her having it until he himself falls under the power of the saving grace of God—in other words, gets off her hook and begins to look to his Creator for the impetus to live.

Until that time, the power Eve has makes her feel either beautiful or ugly, depending on the degree of her guile. If she is egocentric, ambitious, and full of guile, the sexual needs of an ambitious male will excite her to tempt him, and to feel like a million dollars while she does it (and before she becomes aware how ugly she has become, she finds herself temporizing the beast).

“The realization of what he had in mind all along comes to her slowly… to Prince Charming, love is sex.”

A seductive woman broadcasts two ideas: 1) Keep trying, and 2) Don’t worry about sex—it’s great. That is the image of woman that advertisers use to sell everything from soup to speedboats.

It’s the woman’s form you see on the billboards, but it’s the men that put them there—and without much objection from women. Generally speaking, women identify with that high place of glory, whether it’s a magazine ad, a poster, a billboard, or neon lights against the night sky.

All symbolize her omnipotence, her power, and superiority over men. The men, however, see the picture from a different vantage point. They are delighted, stirred to life, encouraged to strive in the ancient way of proud men, by the vision of beautiful women they surround themselves with.

Then too, they are the power behind the throne; they can learn to “manage” women in their various roles of seduction and reap profits from other men who need women.

Tyrants use the same principle when they see to it that their masses are surrounded by blown-up portraits of themselves, like an environment, to justify the people in their failings and keep them in line.

And of course, tyrants are basically “female” in their orientation toward, and dependency on, their subjects. But men do not really look up to the dictator with love and respect any more than they really look up to the women that they surround themselves with, much as tyrants and women would like to believe otherwise.

In reality, they are engaged in a giant put-on. Hitler, like a larcenous female, made his countrymen feel like supermen and superwomen on a grand scale; and as I mentioned above, dictators are always female-exchanged males, men who have acquired and evolved the guile and the ways of woman, usually their mother.

Sex, initially the springboard for man’s ambition, eventually produces violence in him, because the more a man is supported in his ambitions, the less human he becomes, until he degenerates into a frustrated, frightened, wild animal.


The Ultimate Pardon

By Rob Pue

January 12, 2025

We all hate injustice, and so does God.  The Psalmist wrote, “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.”  And in Isaiah 10, we have this: “Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of My people of their right.”

Injustice has always been a part of life in this world, ever since the fall of man in the Garden, but in this nation, never so blatant and wicked as the injustice we’ve lived through these past four years.  But God has seen it all, and He is not pleased.  Those who have done evil in our land and have not repented will face His wrath — if not in this life, then surely in the next.  Have no doubt.

We’ve seen all our three-letter government agencies weaponized against conservatives and Christians.  We’ve seen Christians violently attacked and our justice system has looked the other way, even as the innocent have been pursued, persecuted and prosecuted.  Just this past year, there were 436 attacks on churches in America, but zero prosecutions under the Biden administration.

According to Prophecy News Watch, “The Biden-Harris administration did not prosecute a single one of the hundreds of attacks against churches that took place last year under a 1994 law designed to protect houses of worship, a congressional hearing established, citing research from Family Research Council. Even as violence and vandalism against churches and pro-life centers skyrocketed over the last two years, 92% of Biden administration cases using that law targeted pro-life advocates.”

Recently, Joe Biden has issued an astounding number of pardons and has commuted sentences of criminals that have not served the penalty for their crimes.  These are just his latest pardons as he leaves the White House, but he’s been doing this a long time.  Two years ago, he pardoned a secret service agent in Illinois who was convicted of soliciting money to commit fraud, as well as a woman convicted of second-degree murder while armed in DC.

Last year, he pardoned a Muslim man in Michigan convicted of conspiracy to unlawfully export technology to Iran and to defraud the United States.  And another man from Florida who was convicted of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

The majority of his most recent pardons were for (quote) “non-violent, drug-related crimes.”   But most of these crimes were very serious and involved cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin and fentanyl.  Anyone who’s seen the effects of these wicked drugs would hardly call them “nonviolent.”

Then there’s the pardon of his son, Hunter.  According to, Hunter was pardoned “For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”  His infamous laptop, containing solid evidence of sexual abuse of underage girls, theft of money, receiving payments from foreign governments in exchange for influence peddling, extreme drug use, prostitution, tax evasion and more has been wholly ignored by our so-called “justice system,” and now, Hunter has been pardoned.

I might also mention the many foreign invaders who have been arrested multiple times and set free by liberal and unjust judges, only to commit heinous crimes, including rape and murder later.

And in even more injustice, the people of our own nation have suffered through unimaginable disasters in places like Hawaii and North Carolina under Biden and received nothing — no assistance, no aid of any kind — while foreign nations have received untold trillions of dollars.  In fact, 173 foreign nations regularly receive aid through our tax dollars, while our own people continue to suffer under an ever-increasing burden of taxation and regulation.  Among those that receive the most are Ukraine, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iran.

Need I mention our own military veterans and other citizens who are homeless, living in tents in the streets of our major cities, while foreign invaders enjoy five-star hotel rooms that we pay for? Need I mention women and girls who’ve been assaulted by “transgenders” in public restrooms and public-school locker rooms?

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the wickedness of the J6 Select Committee investigating the “insurrection” that never was, banning evidence that clearly showed participants convicted and imprisoned were actually innocent.  Meanwhile, we’re just learning now of the government agents involved in inciting riots that day.  They will likely be pardoned as well, if Biden has time.

But there’s no justice for Ashli Babbit, who was gunned down by law enforcement.  Or Roseanne Boyland, who was bludgeoned to death by police. Or for those who were hunted down and “swatted” by our “justice” system, then tortured so badly through “lawfare,” left to rot in jails for months before even being charged, forced to take plea agreements and admit guilt even though they were innocent, and the many who have committed suicide because they couldn’t take the intense persecution any longer.

It’s a wicked, evil world and we’ve had wicked evil “leaders” in this country for a very long time.

We’ve all heard of the far-Left activist judges and District Attorneys installed nation-wide by the likes of George Soros who are there simply to cause chaos and make sure that crime escalates, and criminals are not punished, while the law-abiding are hunted down, arrested and given the harshest possible sentences, for crimes they either did not commit or were simple misdemeanors.  It’s unjust.  It’s wicked and evil and God promises to avenge the innocent.

Unfortunately, government leaders who are, themselves, criminals, have the power to pardon each other — and other criminals.  But it’s not right. It’s not justice, and God Almighty will not put up with it forever.  Paul wrote to the Galatians, “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”  Their time will come.  Because it must.

Our Creator, our God, is just and righteous.  He is the ultimate Judge and one day, all will stand before Him.  His Word speaks a great deal on His justice.  One day all will reap what they have sown and receive the due penalty for their unrepentant sins.  Revelation 21:8, “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”  Matthew 25:41, “Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.”

And now, the ultimate good news of Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus Christ is returning, have no doubt.  Perhaps soon.  No one knows the day or the hour of His return, but we do know that He will be returning as the conquering King of kings and Lord of lords, and as the just Judge of the world.  He alone holds the power to issue the ultimate “pardon.”

As the most righteous and just Judge, God cannot allow any sin to go unpunished or to enter His Kingdom.  As human beings, we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  Even the best of the best of us, even the most righteous among us are guilty in His presence.  James 2:10, “Whoever shall keep the whole law and yet stumble in one point is guilty of all.”  No one on this earth can pardon us from our eternal penalty of violating God’s commandments.  We are all poor, blind and naked — without Christ.

But: Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  And Romans 10:9, “That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”  And Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

Whether you want to believe and accept these truths or not doesn’t matter.  Your unbelief in something that is true doesn’t make the true untrue.  But the simple truth is, our Creator, God, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, into this world to reverse the curse placed upon mankind in the Garden, to defeat death, hell and the grave…to make a way of reconciliation and to provide a way of forgiveness for our hopeless state.  It took God Himself, in the Person of His Son, Jesus, to provide the only acceptable sacrifice that can ever pardon our sins and reunite us with our Heavenly Father.

Mankind, apart from God, is so wicked and evil, we are hopelessly lost and doomed to an eternity in hell.  Without God, there’s no bottom to the depths of depravity we’ll sink to.  For those without Christ as their Savior, life in this world is the only “heaven” they’ll ever know.  For those with Christ as their Savior, life in this world is the only “hell” they will ever know.  And we will all live forever — somewhere.

When man sinned, the Bible tells us that the earth was cursed, and instead of the beautiful Garden, the earth began to produce thorns. When they crucified Jesus, though they didn’t understand what they were doing, they placed a cruel crown of thorns on His head.  As the blood dripped from His precious forehead, the curse of death was reversed, and a way was made for us to return to our intimate relationship with God the Father.

Our God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and eternal life in Jesus Christ.  Hell was not meant for us, but rather for Satan and his fallen angel demons.  Unfortunately, so many reject the pardon of the Ultimate Judge, His Word tells us that few there will be that find the way to eternal life with Him.

Understand that it’s not His fault.  He’s done everything that can be done to save us. I believe God mourns when human beings are sentenced to hell.  But we go there voluntarily, by our own freewill, by rejecting His Son.  Throughout our lives, we’re given chance after chance after chance to repent and turn to Him, in humility and faith.  In order to end up in hell, we must choose to reject every one of those opportunities.  We must reject the prayers of every loving grandmother; we must reject all the Bible stories and studies read to us as children by loving parents.  We must reject every Christian message on every billboard along the highway, and every time Christ is honored at Christmas and Easter, choosing instead the nonsense of Santa and the Easter Bunny.

There are so many hurdles God puts in our path — so many hoops we must jump through, and so many detours we must choose to take to avoid the Good News of the Gospel of Christ.  Look at your own life and see how many times you’ve rejected Him.  And if that’s the case, then don’t blame Him if you don’t receive a pardon.  He’s done all there is to do, all that can be done to save you, to pardon you, and bring you back home to Him.

God’s given us the ultimate gift, the ultimate pardon and the freewill to accept that pardon or to serve the prison sentence we deserve, for eternity.  Now it’s time for you to choose.  I urge you not to wait on this, and to take this very seriously.  “Tomorrow” may never come for you,  but justice will be done.  And “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”  Don’t reject the ultimate pardon.  It’s a limited time offer, and you’ll never get a better one.

© 2025 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

God’s Laws and Commandments That Restrains us

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 12, 2025

God has revealed to me the many ways why America is in such bad shape spiritually. God has revealed many reasons why America is imploding, unraveling, and out of control with death, destruction, sickness, disease, sexual immorality, sexual perversion, violence, suicide, crimes, division, big oppressive government, runaway debt, destruction of the family, wayward children, disrespect, deceived, full of demons and darkness and on and on, There is one thing that God revealed to me that stands out and that is today parents, town leaders, pastors, the people of God, and the community as a whole are no longer restrainers of evil while the Pastors and people of God no longer teach the reasons for the restraints of God, His laws and commandments, to our children, adults, communities, and our nation. Consequently, America has only limited restraint against evil so Satan and his powers of darkness has moved in and filled the void with deception, lawlessness, chaos, destruction, and death.

God made laws and commandments for our own good if we obey them. We must realize these laws and commandments of God are designed to restrict us; not because God does not love us or does not want us to have fun or enjoy life. These restraints against evil are for our own good and protection; it is for our own good we do not steal; it is for our own good we do not lie, covet, or commit adultery. It is for our own good and safety that we do not abuse alcohol, it is for our own good we do not take drugs, eat anything we want, act unseemly in places or to people, or ignore God and His Word.

When I was a boy in the 40s and 50s in Louisiana, there were restraints of evil everywhere and parents, pastors, and people in authority were the restrainers and taught it. The people did not feel as slaves to these laws and commandments. “For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments and His commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3) In our families, most everyone had a mother and father. They set the laws for children to follow and if you showed no restraint to laws and authority, you received discipline by some sort of punishment that depended on your lack of restraint or a belt across your back side.

When I started school, mom and dads did not send their children blindly to just any school. At that time schools were controlled by the local elected school superintendent and school board. Parents knew them personally; they knew what was taught and who the teachers were. School was not political and had but one agenda – to educate you in the 3Rs and help you to become productive citizens. I never knew if my teachers were a Democrat or Republican. You were in English class for one hour; for one hour you studied English and nothing else. Same for all subjects.

You were taught and you were expected to learn. You had test and if you failed one, you re-learned and took it over. Every month, the PTA (Parent/Teachers Association) met. All teachers were there, and it was discussed what went on in school, who was a slow learner, who needed more instruction and help from home and who was acting unseemly in school. If they had to spank me at school, my parents were informed. Students did not cut classes in those days because of the consequences at school and parents.

In the 50s, our government was limited, obeyed the laws of the land, and showed restraint. God was at home in America, the FBI, judges, courts, and policemen were of the highest of integrity and served this nation and the people. The Congress worked for the good of the nation and both Democrats and Republicans worked together. It was swift justice if a politician took a bribe. In our churches, the pastors preached hellfire and brimstone. Hell was hot and God had laws and as a Christian you were expected to obey them. It was not by works but a clear message if you loved God, you would obey His laws and commandments. The pastor had no positive message to sooth the sinners but a gospel that was positive if you obeyed it. The fear of God was high in that day.

Today in America, we are a nation with no restrains or a moral compass. Very little is being taught or preached on the laws and commandments of God by our government leaders, our local communities, parents, pastors, or God’s people. We have too few restrainers of evil and not enough teaching on the purpose of the laws and commandments of God. Our Pastors and God’s people are no longer restrainers of evil in our society and the land mourns. That is why Satan and his powers of darkness have overtaken America. Our pastors and churches preach another Jesus and a false gospel so pastors can get numbers to build their mega-churches and many campuses which gives the pastors bigger buildings, more staff, larger offerings, more TV stations, and more programs while Satan fills him with pride for helping God out. Perversion is in the church; Jesus said He would build His church not some hot shot pastor. Demons fill the void and move in!!!

As a result, we now call evil good and good evil while lawlessness and chaos fills the land with darkness from their demonic strongholds. Our pastors in America have clearly known since the mid-60s to call America and God’s people to repentance and back to God to be restrainers of evil and teach the restraints of God’s laws and commandments but in their fear, they have deliberately sat idly by in their comfort zones with their pulpits silent while demons and evil spirits moved into our nation bringing destruction of families, divorce, children in rebellion, immorality, sexual perversion, torment, depression, suicide, violence, rebellious and dishonest leaders, division, lawlessness, abortion, and all manner of evil and death.

Many of these pastors are mentioned in Jude 11, “Woe to them for they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam and perished in the rebellion of Korah. These men are those who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves, clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted, wild waves of the sea casting up their own shame like foam, wondering stars for whom the black darkness has been reserved forever.” Get your eyes off man and on the Lord Jesus and His Word.

A nation can’t get much worse off when their pastors and Christians sat idly by and refuse to resist the evil invading their land when God has given them the victory of the cross, the Name of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the Word of God, the power of God, and the mighty weapons of God. Something is amiss here when our pulpits are silent, when most Christians do not even read the Word of God, most Christians are deceived and worldly, and Christianity has been reduced to going to a building on Sunday. That is a false religion, a false Jesus, and a false gospel and if we don’t repent and return to God, God will say to many in our American churches, “Depart from Me, I never knew you.” God have mercy on those who call themselves Christians in America and the rotten fruit we are producing. God bless us to repent and forsake this false form of Christianity and return to You, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams

© 2025 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams:

15 Questions That Will Put an end to the ‘Climate Scare’ Once-and-For-All

By Ronald Stein PE

January 11, 2025

To support the growth of health and prosperity worldwide for the 8 billion on this planet in the coming decades, and the increasing demand for electricity, and for the 6,000+ products in our materialistic society, and for the various transportation fuels ⏤ will challenge humanity’s creativity to support the supply chains to meet those growing demands.

Government-mandated winners and losers are only applicable to those few in the wealthier countries that can afford huge subsidies, but the reality is that there are no silver bullet answers.

For those outside the few wealthy countries, we see that at least 80 percent of humanity, or more than six billion in this world, are living on less than $10 a day, and billions are living with little to no access to electricity.

Politicians in wealthier countries are pursuing the most expensive ways to generate intermittent electricity. Energy poverty is among the most crippling but least talked-about crises of the 21st century. We should not take electricity, products, and fuel for granted. Wealthy countries may be able to bear expensive electricity and fuels, but not by those that can least afford living in “energy poverty.”

It should be one of everyone’s New Year’s resolutions to acquire a passion to stimulate discussions to enhance everyone’s Energy Literacy. To support and facilitate those CONVERSATIONS, at least three are required:

♦ A Moderator: Teacher, student, or Podcast host.
♦ A representative of the products and fuels of our materialistic society and
♦ A representative of the pro-renewables for zero-emissions electricity.

Here are just a few open-ended starter questions for Teachers, Students, and Podcaster Moderators to stimulate 3-way Energy Literacy conversations:

(1) Limitations of just electricity from renewables. Renewables, like wind and solar, only exist to generate occasional electricity. Since these so-called renewables CANNOT manufacture any of the more than 6,000 products AND the various transportation fuels made from fossil fuels for vehicles, planes, and ships that are demanded by the infrastructures of today, the same infrastructures that did not exist 200 years ago, the question for our conversation is: WHY eliminate fossil fuels when there is no known “replacement” to fossil fuels that can support the materialistic demands for products and fuels of the population and economy that are supporting the 8 billion on this planet?

(2) Most of the products in our materialistic society are made from fossil fuels. Everything that NEEDS Electricity, like iPhones, computers, data centers, and X-ray machines, need electricity to function. All the parts of toilets, spacecraft, and more than 50,000 merchant ships, more than 20,000 commercial aircraft, and more than 50,000 military aircraft are also made from the products based on derivatives manufactured from crude oil, so the question for our conversation is: Why rid only the wealthy countries with “green” movements, of fossil fuels as that would just divert the supply chain of oil to refineries in developing countries, to meet the demands for products and fuels that did not exist 200 years ago?

(3) Only wealthy economies have “green” movements. Of the 8 billion now on planet earth, of which 80% are making less than $10/day and lack many infrastructures being enjoyed by those in the wealthier countries such as Transportation, Airports, Water filtration, Sanitation, Hospitals, Medical equipment, Appliances, Electronics, Telecommunications systems, Heating, and ventilating, so the question for our conversation is: Why are the wealthy countries the only ones pursuing a “green movement” with subsidies and mandates?

(4) Planet Earth’s resources are limited! Our 4-billion-year-old planet has limited natural resources like oil, gas, coal, lithium, cobalt, manganese, etc., that are being extracted at alarming rates. Even with technological advances in the next few decades, we may find “more.” Still, at current rates of extraction of those resources, the planet may be sucked dry in 50, 100, 200, or 500 years, so the question for our conversation is: Should there be a greater focus on the limitations of Earth’s natural resources now being extracted for the enjoyment by wealthier countries on Earth as our 4-billion-year-old planet will continue to be here, with or without humans,?

(5) Developing countries are THE only source for the materials for wealthier countries to go “green”. Since the current “green movement” technology requires significant rare earth minerals and metals to construct EV batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels that are not easily available in the few wealthier countries are being mined in developing countries, so the question for our conversation is: Are the wealthy country mandates and subsidies ethical and moral, to continue financially encouraging China and Africa to continue the egregious human rights violations of vulnerable minority populations by exploiting “their” poor with yellow, brown, and black skin, and financially supporting environmental degradation to “their” landscapes just to reinforce mandated EV’s, and subsidizing of wind turbines, and solar panels in “wealthier country backyards”?

(6) The Future of EV Batteries. The first cell phone, more than 50 years ago in 1973, the Motorola DynaTAC, weighed 2.5 pounds and was 9 inches tall. Today’s cell phones are generally under 7 ounces with almost unlimited functions, easy charging, and virtually unlimited applications. In the coming decades, the current 1,000-pound lithium battery in EVs will seem barbaric, just like the first cell phone, future EV batteries will be lighter, cheaper, longer range, and shorter charging times, so the question for our conversation: How long do you think it will take humanity ingenuity and creativity driven by the free enterprise environment, to meet the humongous growing demand for efficient electricity, that will most likely exceed what we experienced in cell phone development that took 5-decades?

(7) Electricity came about AFTER the discovery of oil. ALL six methods to generate electricity, from hydro, coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, and solar, for the generation of electricity, are ALL built with the products, components, and equipment that are made from the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil, so the question for our conversation is: Why rid the world of fossil fuels as that would eliminate our ability to generate electricity?

(8) So-called renewable power has proven to be very expensive electricity. The few wealthy countries able to provide heavy subsidies to transition to occasional electricity generation from breezes and sunshine has proven to be ultra-expensive for Germany, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, all of the EU, and the USA. These few wealthy countries that currently represent about one of the eight billion of the world’s population still remain ignorant that billions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America still live on less than $10 a day – and that billions still have little to no access to electricity, so the question for our conversation is: How will the “green movement” help those in poorer developing countries join the industrialized society being enjoyed by those in the wealthier countries?

(9) The supply chain to support zero-emission mandates must be ethical and moral. The zero-emission mandates from the few wealthier developed countries require key challenges in the supply chain requirements from the raw materials sector for rare earth minerals and metals that need to be overcome if the electricity generation transition is to be realized, so the question for our conversation is: Why is there no conversation about securing sustainable supply chains, promoting responsible sourcing practices with labor and environmental laws and regulations, and ensuring a just and equitable green and digital transition for everyone, both poor and wealthy?

(10) Nuclear power plants are prolificating around the world. For more than 7 decades, nuclear power has proven to be the safest, most compact, emissions-free, and cheapest way to produce continuous, uninterruptable, and dispatchable electricity; it has resulted in increased activities in China, Russia, and Japan with about 60 new nuclear power plants under construction across the world and a further 110 planned, so the question for our conversation is: Why do you think that America is supporting subsidies for unreliable wind and solar generated electricity that is NOT continuous nor dispatchable, and avoiding nuclear-generated electricity that is continuous, dispatchable, and emissions-free?

(11) Nuclear power generation has an impressive safety track record. America has a track record of almost 70 years of nuclear power plant operation without any injuries, including over 70 years of nuclear Navy reactor operations for all their submarines and aircraft carriers, so the question for our conversation is: Why is there so much public resistance in America to allowing nuclear power to compete with other forms of power generation on the open market?

(12) The USA is falling behind in technological developments in nuclear power generation. While nuclear power generation is proliferating around the world in China, Russia, and Japan, with about 60 new nuclear power plants under construction and a further 110 planned, nuclear power design and construction came to a slow end in America in the early 1980s due to the handling of the anti-nuclear movement and an incompetent Nuclear Regulatory Commission, so the question for our conversation is: What will it take to stimulate American interest to just catch up with foreign countries domination of technological developments in nuclear power generation?

(13) CO2 starvation. The minimum threshold for plant life is 150 ppm of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), but today, CO2 levels are about 420 ppm. Carbon dioxide is essential for life on Earth, as humans need it to regulate respiration and control blood pH, while Plants use it to create oxygen through photosynthesis. So, the question for our conversation is: With CO2 levels today nearing the starvation levels for plant and human life on Earth, why the focus on reducing CO2 levels to end life?

(14) Government-subsidized projects have yet to produce Environmental Impact Reports. To date, all wind and solar generation of electricity has been funded by government subsidies as NONE have been financed by private entrepreneurial investor funds, but all those subsidized renewable projects have yet to be accountable for Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) that detail the life cycle for renewables that run from design, procurement, and construction through operations, maintenance, and repair, as well as the life-ending decommissioning and disposal or recycling and restoration of the landscaping back to its original pristine condition, so the question for our conversation is: Why are government subsidized renewable projects toward wind, solar, and electric vehicles EXEMPT from the same Environmental Impact Reports that extensively discuss decommissioning, recycling, and restoration of the landscaping back to its original pristine condition for wind, solar, and EV battery materials when they are required when those projects are funded with private money?

(15) Earth’s natural resources are not being replenished. As the world’s population depletes, the 4-billion-year-old Planet Earth’s natural resources of crude oil, coal, natural gas, and the critical minerals and metals to support the “green” movement like lithium, cobalt, manganese, etc., over the next 50, 100, or more years, our grandchildren may be unable to enjoy the more than 6,000 products of our materialistic society, being enjoyed by the current residents on this planet, so the question for our conversation is: To continue the preservation of human life on earth, how do we get serious about conservation, efficiency improvements, and recycling the waste that humans are generating?

The above open-ended questions are intended to facilitate the stimulation of 3-way Energy Literacy conversations among teachers, students, and Podcast Moderators with representatives of the products and fuels of our materialistic society AND representatives of the pro-renewables for zero-emissions electricity.

© 2025 Ronald Stein – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein:

The Death of Communism in California

By Cliff Kincaid

January 11, 2025

The devastating fires in California have hit a major base of operations for communism in America, as Hollywod liberals are up in arms over incompetence by local and state authories. In addition to the lives and property that have been lost, the ideology of communism, on display for decades since the days of Governor Ronald Reagan, has suffered a monumental hit.

The movie “Reagan” shows how the conservative governor and future two-term Republican president confronted unrest on college campuses such as Berkeley. The communist presence, however, extended far beyond the campuses.

California Dynasty of Communism, a book by Karl Prussion, a former FBI informant in the Communist Party, has a history of what happened to the “Golden State.”

The tragedy of course is that so many people have suffered, a typical outcome for communism, in this case the result of “climate action” and “social justice” that has exposed hundreds of thousands to a human death toll that is still rising.

The cries of “climate change” are still coming, to mask the deliberate efforts of local and state officials to transform the state into a model of Soviet/Chinese communism.

As we have learned, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass was in Ghana, in a presidential mission authorized by Joe Biden on behalf of an African country that is China’s largest trading partner in Africa. She was attending the inauguration of Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), a member of the Socialist International .

In the performances of officials on all levels, from Mayor Karen Bass to Governor Gavin Newsom, the results of communism in California have been exposed for all to see.

Under Newsom, California has been a major recipient of Chinese foreign direct investment. Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, the China reporter for Axios, assembled the facts and figures about Chinese aid-and-trade with the United States, confirming that California is “hooked” on China. Of the top 10 states with the highest net trade with China. California is number one by far.

According to the state government, “The trade relationship between California and China is one of the largest in the world, with two-way trade valued at $177 billion in 2018.” The state even has a China Trade and Investment Network (CTIN) and China-California Business Forum.

Newsom traveled to China in 2023 and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, discussing trade relations, climate change and fentanyl – but not COVID-19.

The Los Angeles mayor is a well-known Marxist, having traveled to Cuba with the Weather Underground-sponsored Venceremos Brigades. Her “friend and mentor,” Oneil Marion Cannon, was a top member of the Communist Party USA for decades.

The role of communists in California and therefore the national Democratic Party has been a national story and this is why, back in 2019, I had predicted California Senator Kamala Harris would be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2020. What I didn’t foresee was that she would be the vice-presidential candidate and then replace Biden at the top of the ticket in 2024.

Trevor Loudon had analyzed Kamala’s backing from the “Brown is the New White” strategist Steve Phillips and the billionaire Sandler family. Loudon reported, “In her sophomore year of college at Howard University, Harris worked as an intern for the senior senator from California at the time, Alan Cranston.” Cranston was a one-worlder, a leader of the World Federalists. This set the stage for her leftism.

Alan Cranston was head of the foreign languages unit of the communist-ridden Office of War Information during World War II and his assignment was cracking down on radio broadcasts negative to the Sovet Union.

Cranston’s role in a communist network in California was also explored in the Karl Prussion book California Dynasty of Communism.

For her part, Harris had the backing of California Governor Gavin Newsom and one-time secret communist operative California Rep. Barbara Lee. These were key endorsements.

Herb Romerstein’s masterful report, “From Henry Wallace to William Ayers – the Communist and ‘Progressive’ Movements,” examines the most important details about the communist background of Rep. Barbara Lee. She became a top officer of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), a spin-off from the Communist Party after the Soviet “collapse.”

Lee served in the House for more than two decades years before deciding not to run for reelection to instead seek the Senate seat vacated by the death of former Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). She lost to now-Senator Adam Schiff (D) and is now running for mayor of Oakland.

The Bass mentor, Oneil Cannon, was described by the communist paper as a member of the Communist Party USA “who became the education director in the Southern California District, and a member of the Party’s Southern California and National Central Committees.”

The paper continued, “Oneil Cannon counted among his friends many leaders and later elected officials of the African-American community. Paul Robeson was one of his valued friends; he would see him whenever he came to Los Angeles.”

Regarding his role in California, it said he “was committed to electing Black and Latino representatives at all levels of government” and helped to elect Augustus “Gus” Hawkins, Tom Bradley, Ed Roybal, Diane Watson, Maxine Waters, and Karen Bass.

Paul Robeson was a black communist actor and singer who was a member of the Moscow-funded Communist Party, had professed love for Soviet mass murderer Joseph Stalin, and supported the Hitler-Stalin Pact that paved the way for World War II.

There was a time when Karen Bass was being considered a vice-presidential candidate on Joe Biden’s ticket. In the end, of course, Kamala got the job.

The Trump Campaign had issued a press release, “Will Joe Biden Put Castro-Loving Communist Karen Bass A Heartbeat Away from the Presidency?,” on August 1, 2020.

With Hollywood liberals angry about losing their homes and belongings, the time may have come for a reckoning. The once communist-dominated Hollywood may have had enough with communism, at least to the extent it has affected them. It may be time to examine how California became a communist state in America and why it’s imperative to re-establish congressional committees on internal security and un-American activities.

Such a committee wouldn’t have to start from scratch. The report, “Un-American Activities in California,” was published in 1970 by a California Senate Fact-finding Subcommittee and devotes almost 300 pages to analyzing the growth of communism and other Marxist groups in the state and how they organized protests on campuses and then manipulated the electoral process to achieve power.

© 2025 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

We are Funding our Own Demise: $40 – $70 Million a Week to Al-Queda

By Kat Stansell

January 10, 2025

Think you’re fed up with the waste of our hard-earned money? What would you say to the FACT that we have been sending $40-$70 MILLION PER WEEK to Al-Quaeda, from our US State Department, through various non-governmental organizations, or agencies outside our law who can spend our money without our permission, for things of which we have no knowledge?? These are also knows as NGO’s -The concept came with UN Agenda 21, in 1992, in a “soft treaty” (not requiring Congressional approval).

Don’t fall for Green New Deal yap… NGO’s are not about social betterance. They were then in 1992, and are STILL today, about taking control of our government away from us. How dare we have a say in where our money is being spent? Yeah.

US Rep. Tim Burchett (TN2) laid it all out in September of this year:

“It is common knowledge that the Afghanistan withdrawal was a complete disaster, but lots of people do not know that the Biden administration has been sending cash to the Taliban every week since.” (emphasis mine)

Click on this link. Few of us are aware of this; we ALL should be.

Al-Quaeda is hell-bent – literally – to reestablish the caliphate (the religious/political organization behind the Islamic state) and they are USING OUR MONEY TO DO SO. We know that Al-Quaeda has waves of attacks planned all over the world – Africa, South America, the Middle East, Israel, even India, in order to develop the Caliphate.

This was a desire of some Muslims, before a first-term Congressman from Illinois named Obama took over our government. Barry helped.

Remember ten years back, in 2014, Obama “withdrew” from Afghanistan, hailing the moment as a historical moment for the US. He said we were “safer and more secure”. Obama didn’t even bother to actually attend the ceremony, as he vacationed in Hawaii.

The baldfaced claims to the contrary ranked among the most egregious deceptions and lies that U.S. leaders spread during two decades of warfare, said the Washington Post. In the absence of U.S. troops, the Islamic State — an al-Qaeda offshoot — swept through the country and seized several major cities as the U.S.-trained Iraqi army put up scant resistance. The WaPo said that Obama needed to have bought more time in order for things to improve. Instead he used our money to buy favor.

The Hill said that Iran is indeed a dangerous terrorist state that not only has a powerful standing army, air force, navy and advanced weapons systems — including ballistic missiles and a growing space program — but also controls multiple proxy terrorist organizations responsible for killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children.

Included on that list of victims are thousands of American military personnel and contractors.

These were facts that former President Obama knew when he deliberately chose a policy of appeasement and cash payoffs instead of strength and accountability as the way to deal with Iran. Think palates of US paper money being lifted from aircraft in the darkness in the middle east at an airport. We all remember the $400 million, caught in the pictures, but Obama acknowledges giving $1.7 billion. His lies as to his reasons matters not. Didn’t then, really doesn’t not now.

Payments to the Taliban have continued, to this day, because Obama is the power behind the Biden “throne”

Remember Obama saying, “…my Muslim faith” one time during an interview? Oopsie! The fact chukkers jumped into action, of course, and took care of this “slip of the tongue”. Who forgets their religion?

So, from the appearance of Obama forward, backroom support of the US for Al-Quaeda is a fact. The use of a braindead old man to bring to an end the best form of governance known to man, is almost beyond the ken! He fooled few, but got a “pity pass” from many.

Now, we are left, funding our own demise as a free republic. The terrorists, their trained troops and and their weaponry are completely paid for by us. For instance, part of our money has gone for teaching the construct of explosive devices that can escape the magnetrometer AND bomb-sniffing dogs, at US airports.

And, YES, Biden is happy to have the last days of his treasonous term highlighted, by awarding the Presidential Citizens Medal of “Honor” to, among others, Chef Jose Andres, a man who has been pictured with the second trump Assassin, Ryan Routh. As if Cheney, Hillary and SOROS weren’t bad enough. In your face, America.

NO further questions necessary.

as posted in Gateway Pundit.

Gosh! The Governor of Florida pompously declared that HE would investigate the Routh assassination attempt that occurred in his state; Remember? Seems like his crack team of investigators might have at least found THIS, if the media could…. Guess he got busy fighting America First Republicans in Florida. Just a little Sunshine-state aside.

There are over 1000 missiles which have been brought into our homeland since the Coup of 2020, each of which may be used in a terror event like NOLA or Vegas. We can credit this to the open borders which were among Biden’s first Executive Orders. Politico proudly lists some of the other EO’s he signed on Day One of his term in 2020: remove the “Muslim ban”; halting construction of the wall; removing Trump’s interior enforcement rule (deportations) and his forbidding the inclusion of “undocumented immigrants” – ILLEGAL ALIENS – in the US census. Every one of these made it easier to get where we are today — between Scylla and Charybdis, those two famous monsters from Greek mythology, who worked in tandem on the opposite sides of a narrow strait of water.

The good news is that Argo, Odysseus and Aeneas were able to navigate and overcome the dangers. WE CAN TOO – if we wake up to our reality, now.

Those missiles, wherever they are at this time, are waiting for use. Tomorrow, next week, at the inauguration when DC is full of party-goers, and/or in thousands of other cities and towns around the country? Wherever they can cause the maximum horror, of course. It is almost guaranteed that there will be more violence.

Just today, a young prosecutor in New Orleans took his own life with his own gun, at age 34. after the events of the weekend. Bless him; somehow I think he may have been overcome by the reality of events; at age 34, he had a long road to travel yet.

Thanks, Joseph Robinette Biden. All the more to despise you by. I hear your last “official” trip as our unelected POTUS will be to the Vatican. I’m thinking that your poor fried brain will not begin to be able to ask for forgiveness for your murderous actions because you can’t even remember them all at this point.

“…for they know not what they do…”? Hardly. The Lord knows what you’ve been up. Joe Biden to, quite purposefully, for over 50 years. But that’s God’s business, in the end.

Right now, though, we are nearly past the old man and his treason. Our deepest contempt towards one miserable lifetime crook, cannot match what we feel towards the Deep State: every knowing participant, and EVERY LOCAL AND STATE OFFICIAL WHO CHOOSES THE GLOBALIST PATH. There is such a thing as divine retribution. Prayers up.

The damage caused is sure to linger. Which brings me to the lat big question;

What on God’s Earth is wrong with our elected representatives?!?!?

We have been funding our own demise to the tune of $40 – $70 million PER WEEK! Our Congressmen and women know about and have kept silent. Many state Governors and Secretaries of State hang out in the back rooms of the Marxists, as well, running their electing fraud machinery. Elected judicial positions cannot be forgotten. That tells you how deep is the rot. Primary them all; pray that we have the chance. If they didn’t know, they SHOULD HAVE.

Al-Quaeda even makes a joke out of the fact that they move our money to their training camps, says Sarah Adams, as they use it to develop undetectable explosive devices that can pass through magnetometers and sniffing dogs. Our “elected” representatives know and do nothing.

It is well known inside and out of intell circles that Al-Quaeda has a plot to assassinate Trump. We’ve seen it fail twice, thanks to God, not the Secret Service. Why are there no organizations tracking these killers?? Simple: our government is too busy attacking innocent patriots and Grandmothers. “Intelligence” has nothing to do with any of this.

The US Congress, by their inaction, is party to these crimes.

Counterterrorism in our government does not exist, except against us “white supremacists” who know what gender we are. One hundred forty-five million US dollars from OUR POCKETS, going into planning to assassinate Trump, and kill thousands of Americans, as revenge for the death of Soulemani.

More than 1000 Al-Queda operatives. it is said, have come through border with missiles/weapons either flying or walking.

Soulemani was the figurehead of the Iranian revolution, so response to his death will, by their law, be to go after many more than just one man. Possibly the US Capitol building, around the Jan. 20 Inauguration?? Just one more hideous thought.

Al-Quaeda IS predicting 50-60,000 deaths. Wherever and whenever, they will to all they can to cause misery and death in the name of their leader. After all, it is known that Al-Quaeda planned 10/7 in Israel. Attacks on US Embassies are in operational stage. Our enemies learned from the peanut farmer, God rest his soul, that our embassies are easy play. Congress, in 1974 , was accessory then, as now.

Finally, this talk about those of the Islamic faith is not “Islamophobia”. This is about FACT. It is happening now, financed by us. If we have to pay for it, why can’t we speak of it, and tell the truth?

I am attempting to get the facts out so that there might be an increase in the numbers of us who keep our eyes and ears out for impending trouble in our towns and cities. This is why I am here, writing this today.

The victory of Trump at the polls is just the first of many victories we must have. The cabal of evil in our nation’s Capitol will not leave quietly. They are already showing us that.

Look for more violence in cities around the country. Look for attacks on our power and water supplies, our schools and places of worship. It may not just stop at violence. Today, Jan 4, 2025, people across the country reported a fog that is making them sick. The enemy will come at us from land, sea or air.

This is where you come in.

LOOK FOR things that are not as they should be. Crowds where there is no call for them; lights in buildings normally dark after hours; speeding cars or vehicles parked where they should not be; a couple of guys walking around a power generation station or water reservoir. Find a trusted sheriff or law-enforcement official in case you need to report something.

It is a near certainty that more violence like in New Orleans and Las Vegas is coming our way. Look for things that are not as they should be, as the missing bollards on the streets of New Orleans.

I, for one, will not waste another minute listening the the government goons like the FBI tell us who is and isn’t doing what. A white praying Grandmother is NOT going to start WW III.

Our first “call to action” is to be educated and aware of the fast-disintegrating society around us. The details being revealed in the days following the death events in both New Orleans and Las Vegas seem to be pointing to a terror network within our own government which is a very real threat to us all.

Mass killings have increasingly become a part of our society; US News gives us the numbers.

They remind us that violence has become a sick sad and sorry way of life. All part of the plan. The moral bedrock is one of the first to go when Marxism taints a culture. The greater level of previously intolerable behavior, the more we just look away, just giving thanks that is was not US, or someone WE love…. A society becomes accustomed to evil. THAT is part of the plan.

Please, don’t let that happen.

I have several podcasts which I might recommend that you listen to, or watch. Search the Sean Ryan Show, and Sarah Adam. They both warn of increased terror activity this year in our homeland. Then, there is always Steve Bannon and Alex Jones, who, like them or not, have been correct far more often than not.

Get informed, and get organized to get going. Get off the couch and out the door.

Quite literally, we have a country to save.

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

By Paul Engel

January 10, 2025

  • Is so-called “gender affirming care” safe for minors?
  • Do the states have a duty to protect minors from such care, even if the parents and doctors approve?
  • Do transgender prohibitions violate the Equal Protection Clause?

The transgender agenda has been moving fast the last few years. That said, several states have moved to slow their progress, especially among our young people. One state, Tennessee, is being sued by the federal government. Oral arguments were heard by the Supreme Court in November. While the question posed to the court regarded a restraining order preventing the state from enforcing the law, a lot of time was spent on the primary question of the lawsuit: Does the Tennessee law violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?


Before we get into the oral arguments, let’s start with a little background. In March 2023, the Tennessee Legislature passed, and the governor signed, a bill known as SB 1. In this bill we find:

A healthcare provider shall not perform or offer to perform on a minor, or administer or offer to administer to a minor, a medical procedure if the performance or administration of the procedure is for the purpose of:

(1) Enabling a minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex; or

(2) Treating purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity.

TN SB0001

As you would expect, this law was challenged in court. Three “transgender” teens and their families sued, and the Biden administration Department of Justice sought an injunction to prevent the law from going into effect. The U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee granted the injunction, but the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed it. This led the Biden Department of Justice to appeal the Sixth Circuit’s decision to the Supreme Court, which heard oral arguments December 4, 2024.

United States Argument

As the petitioner, Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar opened with the arguments for the United States.

GENERAL PRELOGAR: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court:

This case is about access to medications that have been safely prescribed for decades to treat many conditions, including gender dysphoria. But SB1 singles out and bans one particular use. In Tennessee, these medications can’t be prescribed to allow a minor to identify with or live as a gender inconsistent with the minor’s sex.

It doesn’t matter what parents decide is best for their children. It doesn’t matter what patients would choose for themselves. And it doesn’t matter if doctors believe this treatment is essential for individual patients. SB1 categorically bans treatment when and only when it’s inconsistent with the patient’s birth sex.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Let’s start with two truths and a lie. The first truth is that this law does prohibit the use of certain treatments for minors for the purpose of changing their body to appear different than their sex. The second truth is that the law claims to overrule the decision of the minor, parent, and doctors. The lie is one we’re going to see a lot in these arguments: The concept of “birth sex.” More on that later.

Tennessee says that sweeping ban is justified to protect adolescent health. But the State mainly argues that it had no obligation to justify the law and that SB1 should be upheld so long as it’s not wholly irrational.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

There are many laws that place the state’s view of what is best for a child above the decisions of their parents and others. The state also regulates the uses of drugs and treatments. This can be a tricky situation, having the state overrule the decisions of a parent. If the state can remove a child from their parents for the child’s safety though, why not prevent treatments that both the state, and much of society, find harmful to the child? In other words, is it irrational to protect children from drugs and other procedures that have long-term negative consequences?

That’s wrong. SB1 regulates by drawing sex-based lines and declares that those lines are designed to encourage minors to appreciate their sex. The law restricts medical care only when provided to induce physical effects inconsistent with birth sex. Someone assigned female at birth can’t receive medication to live as a male, but someone assigned male can.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Here’s another lie, the idea of sex being assigned by someone. It’s not like a baby is born and the doctor decides for themselves what sex to “assign” them. A person’s sex isn’t even determined at birth, but at conception. When the sperm meets the egg, the sex is determined. It does not happen at birth, and it is not assigned.

If you change the individual’s sex, it changes the result. That’s a facial sex classification, full stop, and a law like that can’t stand on bare rationality. To be clear, states have leeway to regulate gender-affirming care, but, here, Tennessee made no attempt to tailor its law to its stated health concerns.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

We will find that the plaintiffs and several of the justices will focus on sex, as if drugs cannot have drastically different effects when given to people of different sexes. It appears they believe there is no real difference between male and female. Again, more about that later.

Rather than impose measured guardrails, SB1 bans the care outright no matter how critical it is for an individual patient, and that approach is a stark departure from the State’s regulation of pediatric care in all other contexts. SB1 leaves the same medications and many others entirely unrestricted when used for any other purpose, even when those uses present similar risks.

The Sixth Circuit never considered whether Tennessee could justify that sex-based line. Because the Equal Protection Clause requires more, this Court should remand so that SB1 can be reviewed under the correct standard.

I welcome the Court’s questions.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Part of the petitioners argument focuses on who specific drugs can be used on. This is a case of missing the forest for the trees, as we’ll see later.

After giving her opening argument, General Prelogar answered questions from the justices, the first of which came from Justice Alito.

JUSTICE ALITO: General, can I ask you a question about the state of medical evidence at the present time?

In your petition, you made a sweeping statement, which I will quote: “Overwhelming evidence establishes that the appropriate gender-affirming treatment with puberty blockers and hormones directly and substantially improves the physical, psychological well-being of transgender adolescents with gender dysphoria.” That was in November 2023.

Now, even before then, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare wrote the following: They currently assess “that the risks of puberty blockers and gender-affirming treatment are likely to outweigh the expected benefits of these treatments,” which is directly contrary to the sweeping statement in your petition.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

General Prelogar claims that there is overwhelming evidence that so-called “gender-affirming” treatment improves both the physical and psychological well-being of the patient. (I say “so-called gender-affirming care” since the care actually denies a person’s gender in favor of their mental confusion.) However, the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare reports that the risk of such care is likely to outweigh its benefits.

After the filing of your petition, of course, we saw the — the release of the Cass report in the United Kingdom, which found a complete lack of high-quality evidence showing that the benefits of the treatments in question here outweigh the risks.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

A one-two punch from Justice Alito. First the Swedes and now the UK, point out the fact the evidence that these treatments are beneficial are of questionable quality. I guess it’s a question of who should you believe: An attorney or a nation’s board of health?

And so I wonder if you would like to stand by the statement that you made in your petition or if you think it would now be appropriate to modify that and withdraw the statement that there is overwhelming evidence establishing that these treatments have benefits that greatly outweigh the risks and the dangers.

GENERAL PRELOGAR: I, of course, acknowledge, Justice Alito, that there is a lot of debate happening here and abroad about the proper model of delivery of this care and exactly when adolescents should receive it and how to identify the adolescents for whom it would be helpful.

But I stand by that there is a consensus that these treatments can be medically necessary for some adolescents, and that’s true no matter what source you look at.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Yes, there’s a lot of debate about the effectiveness of these treatments, but let’s not worry about that. Could these treatments be medically necessary? Yes, and the law states:

(1) It is not a violation of subsection (a) if a healthcare provider performs, or offers to perform, a medical procedure on or administers, or offers to administer, a medical procedure to a minor if:

(A) The performance or administration of the medical procedure is to treat a minor’s congenital defect, disease, or physical injury;

Senate Bill 1

Which brings up another question: Is a drug or surgical treatment medically necessary for a psychological condition? This is where Justice Sotomayor started asking questions.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Some — some children suffer incredibly with gender dysphoria, don’t they?

GENERAL PRELOGAR: Yes. It’s a very serious medical condition.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: I think some attempt suicide?

GENERAL PRELOGAR: Yes. The rates of suicide are — are striking —


GENERAL PRELOGAR: — and it’s a vulnerable population.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: Drug addiction is very high among some of these children because of their distress, correct?

GENERAL PRELOGAR: It is a serious condition, yes.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: One of the Petitioners in this case described throwing up every day, going almost mute because of his — because of their inability to speak in a voice that they could live with.

These are physically challenging situations as well too, correct?

GENERAL PRELOGAR: Yes, that’s correct.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Do young people suffer from gender dysphoria? Yes? In fact most of us suffered through puberty. Some adolescents even consider suicide. Again, the question remains: Is the proper treatment for a mental disorder drugs and surgery?

In response to one of the questions, General Prelogar pointed out that one of the states that restricted access to such treatments used a more targeted approach.

West Virginia was thinking about a total ban, like this one, on care for minors, but then the Senate majority leader in West Virginia, who’s a doctor, looked at the underlying studies that demonstrate sharply reduced associations with suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, and the West Virginia legislature changed course and imposed a set of guardrails that are far more precisely tailored to concerns surrounding the delivery of this care.

West Virginia requires that two different doctors diagnose the gender dysphoria and find that it’s severe and that the treatment is medically necessary to guard against the risk of self-harm.

The West Virginia law also requires mental health screening to try to rule out confounding diagnoses. It requires the parents to agree and the primary care physician to agree.

And I think a law like that is going to fare much better under heightened scrutiny precisely because it would be tailored to the precise interests and not serve a more sweeping interest like the one asserted here in having minors appreciate their sex.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

West Virginia chose a different path. They require two doctors to diagnose the gender dysphoria, and mental health screenings. That was how West Virginia’s elected legislators decided to deal with the issue, but should Tennesseans be forced to follow the same path? There’s still the question of the medical necessity of drug and surgical treatments for mental disorders. Especially when those treatments lead to infertility.

I do want to acknowledge that there is evidence to suggest that gender-affirming care with respect to hormones can have some impacts on fertility. Critically, puberty blockers are — are — have no effect in and of themselves on fertility, so I don’t think that concern can justify the ban on puberty blockers, which is just pressing pause on someone’s endogenous puberty to give them more time to understand their identity.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Are using puberty blockers simply “pressing pause” on a person’s puberty? If that were true, then why would these drugs be used to chemically castrate sex offenders? From my research puberty blockers are used in women to treat endometriosis, but only for six months. A second six month treatment can be used, but only when supplemented with the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. While puberty blockers may “pause” puberty, what happens when a person’s body passes the age where puberty can happen? If their body hasn’t developed the ability to be fertile, then they are infertile.

With respect to hormone use, there are some effects on fertility, but the court found that many individuals who are transgender remain fertile after taking these medications. They can conceive biological children. There are fertility preservation measures that they can undertake and that they have to be counseled on those risks.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Since the purpose of these cross-sex hormones is to prevent the development of the very things that make us male or female, I find it difficult to see how they cannot adversely affect fertility. Is it a question of the people remaining fertile, or being made fertile with the use of more hormones?

Petitioner’s Argument

Next up was Chase Strangio representing the respondents to the case. While there aren’t many differences between Ms. Strangio’s arguments, her main claim to fame is being the first declared “transgender” attorney to argue before the Supreme Court.

That’s right, Ms. Strangio presents as a man. Some people may be offended by that statement but my purpose is not to offend, and I will use a person’s preferred name. While the court may be willing to do so, I will not lie to you and claim this woman is a man. Since, in the English language, the proper title for a woman of unknown marital status is “Ms.”, that is how I will refer to her.

  1. STRANGIO: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court:

On its face, SB1 bans medical care only when it is inconsistent with a person’s birth sex. An adolescent can receive medical treatment to live and identify as a boy if his birth sex is male but not female. And an adolescent can receive medical treatment to live and identify as a girl if her birth sex is female but not male.

Tennessee claims the sex-based line-drawing is justified to protect children. But SB1 has taken away the only treatment that relieved years of suffering for each of the adolescent plaintiffs. And, critically, Tennessee’s arguments that SB1 is sex-neutral would apply if the State banned this care for adults too.

By banning treatment only when it allows an adolescent to live, identify, or appear inconsistent with their birth sex, SB1 warrants heightened scrutiny under decades of precedent. Because the Sixth Circuit failed to apply that standard, this Court should vacate and remand.

I welcome the Court’s questions.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Again we see the lie of “birth sex,” the focus on individual drugs rather than what they are claiming to treat, and the lack of concern for whether or not these drugs are the proper treatment for a mental disorder. One concern that Justice Alito did explore with Ms. Strangio is that of suicide.

JUSTICE ALITO: A lot of categorical statements have been made this morning in argument and in the briefs about medical questions that seem to me to be hotly disputed, and that’s a bit distressing. One of them has to do with the risk of suicide.

Do you maintain that the procedures and medications in question reduce the risk of suicide?

  1. STRANGIO: I do, Justice Alito, maintain that the medications in question reduce the risk of depression, anxiety, and suicidality, which are all indicators of potential suicide.

JUSTICE ALITO: Do you think that’s clearly established? Do you think there’s reason for disagreement about that?

  1. STRANGIO: I do — I do think it is clearly established in the science and in — in the record. I think, as with all underlying questions of looking at evidence, there can be disagreement. I don’t dispute that.

But, here, and — and sort of going back to questions about the Cass review, for example, the Cass review only looked at studies up until 2022. After —

JUSTICE ALITO: Well, I — I don’t regard the Cass review as — necessarily as — as the Bible or as something that’s, you know, true in every respect, but, on page 195 of the Cass report, it says: There is no evidence that gender-affirmative treatments reduce suicide.

  1. STRANGIO: What I think that is referring to is there is no evidence in some — in the studies that this treatment reduces completed suicide. And the reason for that is completed suicide, thankfully and admittedly, is rare and we’re talking about a very small population of individuals with studies that don’t necessarily have completed suicides within them.

However, there are multiple studies, long-term, longitudinal studies that do show that there is a reduction in — in suicidality, which I — I — I think is a — is a positive outcome to this treatment.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

I do have a few concerns about Ms. Strangio’s position here. One is the question of suicide vs. suicidality, or the thoughts about suicide. Suicidality is an emotional problem, and therefore harder to quantify. Add to that the heightened levels of suicidality that come with puberty and it’s hard to differentiate whether the cause is puberty or gender dysphoria. I also wonder about the timeframe for the longitudinal studies she basis her position on. If someone is gender confused, and expects a treatment to reduce their thoughts about suicide, there could be a placebo effect that I would expect to be short-term. Did these studies follow their patients for the years, or even the decades, that would show a long-term solution? Compare that with the Cass report that looked at actual suicides, something that can be better measured, and I would think have a greater impact than a person’s feelings, which can be managed without making life altering decisions about one’s body.

Tennessee’s Argument

Finally we get to Tennessee’s argument, presented by J. Matthew Rice, Solicitor General of Tennessee, on behalf of Jonathan Skrmetti, the Attorney General.

  1. RICE: Mr. Chief Justice, and may it please the Court:

Tennessee lawmakers enacted SB1 to protect minors from risky, unproven medical interventions. The law imposes an across-the-board rule that allows the use of drugs and surgeries for some medical purposes but not for others. Its application turns entirely on medical purpose, not a patient’s sex. That is not sex discrimination.

The challengers try to make the law seem sex-based this morning by using terms like “masculinizing” and “feminizing.” But their arguments conflate fundamentally different treatments. Just as using morphine to manage pain differs from using it to assist suicide, using hormones and puberty blockers to address a physical condition is far different from using it to address psychological distress associated with one’s body.

The Equal Protection Clause does not require the states to blind themselves to medical reality or to treat unlike things the same, and it does not constitutionalize one side’s view of a disputed medical question. Half of the states, Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. all now restrict the use of these interventions in minors and recognize the uncertainty surrounding their use. These interventions carry often irreversible and life-altering consequences. And the systematic reviews conducted by European health authorities have found no established benefits.

Politically accountable lawmakers, not judges, are in the best position to assess this evolving medical issue. The Sixth Circuit should be affirmed.

I welcome the Court’s questions.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Does SB1 discriminate based on sex or medical purpose? Wading through all of these arguments, that seems to be the core question. Plaintiffs say yes, respondents say no. This led to a rather contentious debate between Mr. Rice and Justices Sotomayor, Jackson, and Kagan. I think Mr. Rice made an excellent point when he said:

But, in this case, the only way that they can point to a sex-based line is to equate fundamentally different medical treatments. Giving — giving testosterone to boy with a deficiency is not the same treatment as giving it to a girl who has psychological distress associated with her body. These are — this is — this is not only different —

JUSTICE JACKSON: And what’s your basis for saying that? I’m sorry. Is it just because of why they’re asking for it, or is there some kind of medical — I — I took the SG to be saying that it operates on the body in the same way. So what — what’s your basis for saying they’re not the same?

  1. RICE: I — I don’t think it operates on — on the body in the same way. Take testosterone. If you give a boy with a deficiency testosterone because he has constitutional delay of puberty, that allows him to go through the — the — and develop the reproductive organs associated with being a male. If you give it to a girl, it renders the girl infertile. So we have 8- to 12-year-olds being asked —

JUSTICE JACKSON: Oh, I’m sorry. I thought your reasons for them being different was that you said they were for different purposes. I had heard —

  1. RICE: Well —

JUSTICE JACKSON: — you say at the beginning the reason those two are different is because one wants them to transition and the other wants them for some medical purpose other than that.

  1. RICE: Well, to go back to my — my example in the — in the introduction, I don’t think anyone would say using morphine to assist suicide is the same treatment as using morphine to manage pain. It’s the same drug, just like it’s the same drug here. But they’re being used for fundamentally different purposes. They have different effects on the body.

And once you take out and you recognize medical reality, then there is no argument that our law differentiates between treatments for males and females.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

United States Rebuttal

As the lead petitioner, Solicitor General Prelogar was allowed to rebut what had been argued before the court.

but I think it’s important to recognize that my friend’s arguments would equally apply to a nationwide ban if this were enacted by Congress. And so I think that the Court should keep that in mind when thinking about the level of scrutiny here.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

The problem with this argument is that Congress is not constitutionally authorized to regulate medical treatment. That hasn’t stopped them in the past, but it should at least be pointed out here. And really, is the question any different for a state law vs a federal one? In my opinion, this argument is a misdirection.

Finally, I think the Court should think about the real-world consequences of laws like SB1. Consider its effects on Ryan Roe. As Justice Sotomayor noted, Ryan’s gender dysphoria was so severe that he was throwing up before school every day. He thought about going mute because his voice caused him so much distress. And Ryan has told the courts that getting these medications after a careful consultation process with his doctors and his parents has saved his life. His parents say he’s now thriving. But Tennessee has come in and categorically cut off And the State says it doesn’t even want the courts to take a look at whether this protects adolescent health. But the reason Ryan can’t have these medications is because of his birth sex, and a sex-based line like that can’t stand on rational basis review.

United States v. Skrmetti – Oral Arguments

Again, the role of the court is not to consider the consequences of law; that’s the role of the legislative branch. The court is there to apply the laws to the controversy before them. Justice Sotomayor similarly used a young woman who wants to live as a boy to make an emotional argument rather than a legal one. What the justice described, and the Solicitor General repeated here, are the effects of a mental disorder. Her nausea and psychosomatic muteness were not caused by a medical condition or a problem with her body, but a problem with her mind. Yet before she reaches the age of consent, her parents and her doctor wants to put her on drugs, the long-term use of which can cause serious medical harms. And that is just for the puberty blockers. If Ms. Roe truly wishes to modify her body to look like a boy, she will also have to take testosterone, which in women causes hyperandrogegism, atrophy of the lining of the uterus, blood cell disorders, and an increased risk of a heart attack.


There was a lot more in the oral arguments I could have written about, but I think this article is long enough, and I did cover what I think are the most important points. The claims of both the United States and the petitioners is that, since Tennessee prohibits them from receiving the same drugs as a person of the opposite sex, the law is sex discrimination and requires heightened scrutiny to pass the court’s review. However, they ignore the fact that the prohibitions in the law do not restrict drugs from someone because of their sex, but because of the effect they would have on their body.

Several court watches I follow believe that the majority of the court seemed favorable to Tennessee’s position. As usual, we’ll have to wait until the court releases its decision, probably in June. Regardless of how the court finds, I think it was a worthwhile exercise to review the arguments from both sides. This allows us to see which side seems more anchored in the facts and law and which side seems more interested in emotions.

© 2024 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

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The Sickness That Infects CNN

By Cliff Kincaid

January 9, 2025

I have a soft spot in my heart for CNN. When Pat Buchanan was in the Reagan White House serving as communications director, I filled in for him numerous times on the CNN “Crossfire” show, presenting the conservative opinion in response to the liberal opinion offered by figures like Tom Braden or Michael Kinsley. That balanced program went down the drain and CNN became an organ of the Democratic Party.

When I did “Crossfire,” the liberals were the ones with the complaints. They didn’t like the fact that Tom Braden was the regular liberal co-host, usually up against Pat Buchanan and then myself. Braden was an anti-communist liberal who in fact had been a CIA operative. Mchael Kinsley, editor of the New Republic, replaced Braden.

Today, the only identifiable conservative commentator on the channel is Scott Jennings, always outnumbered by the hosts and liberal panelists. For being effective in this role, he has been attacked by the Washington Post and the Huffington Post.

However, I am happy to report that, on rare occasions, CNN can stumble on the truth, and this kind of reporting should be encouraged if CNN wants to survive and return to its roots.

Consider a CNN article that is significant for what its reporters Evan Perez and Hannah Rabinowitz did NOT discover about the federal government’s effort to put President Trump in prison.

It focused on the “lost year,” in the context of the feds wasting time trying to link President Trump to the January 6 “insurrection,” and helps explain why America is so vulnerable to terrorist attack. The Department of Justice and the FBI spent months trying to link Trump and his “inner circle” to the event and failed. They relied on a fake “informant” and dozens if not hundreds of FBI agents were used in a wild goose chase.

These federal resources should have been used to pursue the real enemies of America.

Considering the anti-Trump bias of CNN, the story nevertheless proves that Trump had clean hands and was not connected in any way to any violence.

There was never an insurrection, only a protest, and we still don’t know the full extent of the FBI use of informants in the crowd and what role they played in the physical confrontations.

Here’s how CNN reported it:

“Prosecutors inside the Justice Department also dug through reams of opaque financial records, searching for any direct links between Trump and the organizations that brought ‘Stop the Steal’ rallygoers to Washington for his speech ahead of the Capitol attack. From there, they examined the so-called war room setup at the Willard hotel in Washington, where Steve Bannon and other Trump supporters strategized how to thwart the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory.”

“Several months after the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol,” CNN reported, “FBI investigators began pursuing a tantalizing tip suggesting that Donald Trump had possibly met with members of the Proud Boys, the far-right group that took part in some of the most brutal violence that day, people briefed on the investigation told CNN.”

The “most brutal violence” was the murder of Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt by a U.S. Capitol Police officer.

That fact aside, CNN said that investigators spent months “poring over call records of Proud Boys members and conducting scores of interviews” and developed an “informant” who had “alleged an interaction between Trump or his inner circle and the Proud Boys…”

“In the end,” CNN reported, “no direct criminal links to Trump emerged” and investigations of various people and meetings “were all dead ends.”

In the end, CNN discovered that protests, even against elections, were protected under the First Amendment. But CNN did not conclude that Trump was vindicated.

Trump had said at the rally: “We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Very few stormed the Capitol. These protesters were outraged over a national election being stolen, in the wake of news reports released at that time by the media that Vice President Mike Pence had announced that he would NOT stop the steal.

Trump had every right to protest and Pence had the duty to send the results back to the states. Pence failed.

This dispute is what led to Biden taking office and his handlers ordering the Department of Justice and the FBI to tie Trump to the violence. They failed, too.

Trump won but he still has a big job ahead, not only to pardon the January 6 peaceful protesters but identify those still in the Justice Department and the FBI who wasted federal resources in what was clearly a “weaponization” of the justice system.

Whether CNN survives or not in this new media environment will depend on whether it follows Mark Zuckerberg’s lead and stops censoring Trump and his supporters. Only truthful and balanced journalism will help restore the channel to the approach it once had in programs like “Crossfire.”

After finally setting the record straight about Trump’s non-existent link to violence on January 6, we will now wait to see if CNN reporters Evan Perez and Hannah Rabinowitz seek to hold federal officials accountable for conducting “investigations” that diverted resources away from finding real terrorists on American soil.

If it fails to hold these officials accountable, we will know that CNN hasn’t learned any lessons.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Please Help Our Innocent Friends in Jail

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

January 9, 2025

I have been writing a near-weekly commentary for over 20 years.  I cover a variety of topics with the central theme being how THE CHURCH has lost its effectiveness in the culture.

Here are 2 links to most of my commentaries  here from 2004-2017 and here from 2017 onward.  In the neighborhood of 1000 weekly commentaries about the way I see thing….from a Christian perspective.

Check them out.  I’ve been right more often than not.  Not bragging…just telling the truth.

During that time I have never really tried to “rally the troops” to actively engage our governmental enemy.  In all my 72 years I have never seen such criminalization of freedom as we have experienced over the past decade.

Today I am going to ask you to GET INVOLVED…to actually put fingers to your faith.  Our fellow Christians need your help.

President Trump will be sworn in as President in less the two weeks and many of our friends are currently languishing as political prisoners as victims of a “government sponsored fake insurrection” on Jan. 6th, 2021.  We must go to bat to see them released.

President Trump has vowed to release them, but it is imperative that he knows that we support HIM…and the political prisoners that he is duty-bound to release.  He can do it with the stroke of a pen.

But the fake commie media has lied to the American people about what REALLY took place on that day.  I won’t take time to go into the details…but you can find all you need to know at  Please take the time to visit and learn the real truth about government entrapment of American citizens.  Watch this!!

The wrong people are in jail.  The entire government-media narrative has been a lie.  Over 1000 men are currently locked up in gulags across America…MANY STILL WITHOUT A TRIAL. Destroyed by a weaponized injustice system.  President Trump has hinted that they would be released…WE MUST DEMAND THAT THEY BE RELEASED IMMEDIATELY UPON TAKING OFFICE.

Dr. King told us “injustice ANYWHERE is injustice EVERYWHERE.”  We, The People, must demand their immediate release.

Will you help us help them?  YOU!!  Will you just shrug and keep on reading, or will you actually help our friends who are being unjustly punished.

The Bible reminds us  “If you faint in the day of adversity,  Your strength is small.  Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.  If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?”

In addition, some of our fellow Believers are serving time in jail for peacefully rescuing unborn children in Tennessee.  One of them, Eva Edl is an 89 year old Holocaust survivor.  She and 10 of her hero friends are facing decades in prison for PEACEFULLY pleading for the pre-born.

Please watch this 1 minute video of Eva.

You do know, don’t you, that there is no Constitutional right to an abortion in America?  The SCOTUS struck down Roe v Wade and remanded to the states.  THERE IS NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO AN ABORTION.  It is now a STATES RIGHTS ISSUE…yet the FEDS continue to overreach and prosecute beyond their authority.

These brave, compassionate Christians are my friends…laying down their lives to rescue the innocent.

Here is how YOU can help justice rescue my friends.

Simply send an email to President Trump.  He must know that it matters to US and that we support the same mercy that President Biden granted to his own criminal son.

Go to this website.  Here is his email.

Make your appeal short and sweet. Something like “President Trump please free all J6 defendants as well as the brave Pro-life Americans incarcerated for standing up for the pre-born.”

Our friends have suffered enough.  Their lives have been ruined.  “The Lord Loves righteousness and justice…”  Psalm 33

Please help my friends.  Do it today.  Share it with your friends.

These Believers will never be able to thank you enough.  They are counting on you…I

© 2024 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Can America Save The Rest Of The World’s Masses?

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 9, 2025

This commentary may well sober you to understand, at our current foreign aid and immigration path, the wildfires in California won’t even make a footnote in the history books. Hurricane Katrina, Milton and Helene will hardly receive a few sentences. That date, 9/11, won’t make a paragraph. In the history books, those historians will document how America murdered itself as to foreign aid and immigration in all its forms.

In the past four years, we’ve given more than $250,000,000,000.00 (billion) dollars to Ukraine. All of Europe didn’t pay a tenth of that much money to help Ukraine. Yet, they stand in the crosshairs of Putin’s war machine, and now North Korea joined the battle! Almost certainly, Ukraine will lose the war and lose their country to Mother Russia. The latest reports show that we’ve given over $50,000,000,000.00 (billion) to Africa in the past year or so. We’ve given $158,000,000,000.00 (billion) to Israel since 1948.

In the past four years, your tax dollars have given illegal aliens and legal immigrants $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually. That adds up to $600,000,000,000.00 (billion) that none of us will ever see again.

Last year, your tax dollars paid out to 41,000,000 (million) low-income people in America in food stamps (EBT cards). The cost? Try about a minimum of $50.00 a day times 41 million people, X’s 365 days in a year. We’re talking into the billions and trillions of dollars! We’re talking your tax dollars are paying out to people from all over the world to live, eat and feed off the American working and woman.

What about foreign add to other countries. Your tax dollars pay out $70,300,000,000.00 (billion) in foreign aid annually. To whom?

Some of Countries That Received the Most Foreign Aid from the U.S. in 2024:

Ukraine ($17.2B)
Israel ($3.3B)
Jordan ($1.7B)
Egypt ($1.5B)
Ethiopia ($1.5B)
Somalia ($1.2B)
Nigeria ($1B)
Congo (Kinshasa) ($990M)

None of that money did any good whatsoever because foreign aid means stealing money off the poor taxpayers of a wealthy country and giving it to the rich people of a poor country. What’s more, most of those countries despise America. Try to figure that one out.

What about Anchor babies? The average of 300,000 pregnant illegal alien mothers cross our borders illegally annually, give birth in our hospitals at an average of $8,000.00 per birth, and the child enjoys free education K-12, with free breakfasts and lunches, while the mother enjoys EBT and Section 9 Housing. The money escalates into the stratosphere, and you’re paying it.

As stated before, illegal alien gangs shoplift $102,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually. You pay more for goods to make up that loss. In other words, your own government in the past four years allowed, invited, and transported 15,000,000 (million) illegal aliens to set up shop all over America. Governor Healy of Massachusetts suffered a breakdown that her Sanctuary State featured an illegal alien working a $1 million drug operation out of one her shelters. She will not cooperate with Trump’s I.C.E. teams, but she aids and abets illegal aliens in violation of America’s laws.

This column ONLY touches a few aspects of how the United States taxpayer, that’s you, suffers incredible financial damage by the very senators and House members you elected.

What does it all come to? We stand $36,000,000,000,000.00 (trillion) in national debt. Our tax dollars pay $1.5 trillion in interest annually to service the debt.


I live in Colorado. We pay for somewhere around 50,000 illegal aliens with food, housing, transport, education and medical care. We can’t take care of our own 10,000 homeless poor, but our moron Denver Mayor Johnston said he will go to jail to save “his” illegal aliens. I.C.E. director Tom Holman said, “If he wants to go to jail, I’ll arrest him, prosecute him, and see that he goes to jail.”

The taxpayers of Colorado cheered!

Right now, in Colorado, at 3.3 million people, the Brown Toxic Cloud over Denver assures each resident breaths poison air 24/7. Projections show that Denver will reach 4.3 million within two decades. In other words, more poison air for everyone to breath with each breath. Mothers, babies, kids, and athletes all get to poison their lungs and blood streams with more polluted air, heavy metals, chemicals, et al.

On a weekend, starting at noon in the summer and winter, I 70 to campgrounds and to the ski resorts are bumper to bumper, 3 to 5 mph, stop and go for 90 miles to summit county. Once you get there to ski Vail, Copper, Breck and Keystone, you must fend for your life because it’s a human bumper car rally with SO many people.

Try to secure a campground at Lake Dillon, and you will be out of luck 99 percent of time. If you sail a boat, you can collide with another boat at every tack.

Try to get into a National Park each summer! You need a lottery number. If you do get in, you’re one of a mob of Americans trying to enjoy a wilderness experience. Yosemite might as well be New York Times Square; it’s so crammed with people. Same with dozens of other parks.

What’s driving the numbers? Answer: legal and illegal immigration and their birth rates drive about 80-90 percent of America’s population growth rate. We’re somewhere around 350 million, and headed for 440 million by mid-century.

I’m reminded of the Titanic on April 14, 1912 as it sped through the iceberg infested waters of the North Atlantic to reach New York City in record time. Darn, if it wasn’t for that iceberg off the starboard bow, 1,300 people would have enjoyed NYC instead of a watery grave. Everything looked good until everything went to hell in a hand basket.

Well, right now, the U.S.S. America looks good. Richest country in the world. Citizens enjoy the highest standard of living in the world. Energy still abundant. Food everywhere. Who cares if every city stands eyeball deep in problems of transportation, air pollution, over 800,000 homeless Americans, etc., etc., etc….

What we don’t see grows ever-bigger like that iceberg that awaited the Titanic. Third world countries keep adding 83,000,000 new babies annually, net gain. That’s right; in 2024, third world humans added 83 million new babes that they can’t feed, house, educate or sustain. Guess what? They’re coming to America, Canada, and Europe.

So, what do you want for your children? What are you going to tell them in 2050 when they’re in the middle of 440 million people in America fighting for water, energy and resources? Will there be any solutions? Will there be any quality of life?

Yes, I am an “Outlier.” I’ve already seen 20 of the largest cities in the world. It’s not pretty. It IS pretty sickening!

Can we save the rest of the world’s billions of desperately poor? With money? With military hardware? With Food? Answer: not a snowball’s chance in hell. They must save themselves.

Every person reading this column, especially if you have kids, you need share it until every American citizen reads it. We must educate our population to what’s coming, and then, we must take action to STOP mass immigration and change course like the Titanic should have, toward a sustainable civilization. It’s the only way our children will stand a chance to live a reasonable and fulfilling life. Otherwise, we will continue on the same course as the H.M.S. Titanic way back in 1912 with the same result.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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The 2025 Global Collapse of Woke-ism

By Lex Greene

January 8, 2025

As I log in to write my first piece of 2025, news of yet another woke Marxist resignation in Canada unfolds, as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau makes the worldwide headlines. Meanwhile, Congress convenes to certify Donald J. Trump as the incoming President of the United States.

Citizens of Germany, France, the UK and numerous other nations destroyed by woke policies, work to toss their woke politicians from power and reclaim their lands and governments. Ukraine announces that they expect an end to their war the minute Trump takes office, because it was never their war to begin with, but rather O’Biden’s war on national sovereignty and security against Putin, nearly identical to their war on Trump and his supporters around the globe.

Parents everywhere are fed up with watching their children’s childhood and future stolen by woke Marxist and Communist politicians, and they are finally standing up to protect their kids and grandkids from evil totalitarian rulers.

Contrary to the warmongering rhetoric of the global left in D.C., “white supremacy” isn’t the greatest threat to freedom and liberty, the leftist woke politicians and their insane policies are, and everyone with an IQ above their shoe size can see it now. What the extreme left calls “white supremacy” is in reality, a burgeoning new American patriotism by all citizens who demand to be proud to be an American again, and these patriots come from every walk of life and every ethnicity!

They are AMERICA FIRST Americans, period!

It turns out sane people don’t want grown men in their little girls public restrooms, men beating the hell out of their little girls in women’s sports, ANTIFA and BLM looting and burning their cities, illegal aliens raping and murdering their families, or scumbag politicians lining their own pockets via international taxpayer money laundering, while those politicians work around the clock to bankrupt every taxpayer! They aren’t impressed by men in dresses or women with surgical penises…

They don’t like their daughters being raped and murdered while jogging on a college campus, or being set on fire on a NYC subway, by illegal aliens that have no right to be in our country at all. They know that if democrats had not spent the past fifty years committing national genocide via abortion, democrats wouldn’t be trying to import millions of illegals from every 3rd world toilet on earth just to have workers.

American patriots sure as hell don’t like O’Biden rushing to protect known rapists, murderers and terrorists, or releasing Middle East terrorists back to the streets from Club Gitmo.

But no, these woke dirtbags will not go quietly into the night. Instead, they are busy setting up powder kegs across the country and around the world to derail any effort by the incoming administration to save the USA and all freedom lovers everywhere. They are handing out what used to be the most prestigious awards in the country to the biggest treasonous scumbags in our country, like Hillary (Benghazi) Clinton and globetrotting nazi nation-wrecker, George Soros.

We have to face the sickening reality that despite the absolute worst White House record since the Great Depression, approximately 75-million Americans actually voted for the worst Presidential ticket in 248-years of American history, Harris-Walz. The threat to the USA isn’t just the corrupt cabal in D.C. or the current extreme anti-American democrat party, it’s 75-million American voters who either don’t know any better or are as evil as their political heroes.

For the record, the reelection of Trump in 2024 was the greatest landslide victory of any presidential candidate in history. Trump received over 3-million more votes in 2024 than in 2020, and about 15-million more votes than in 2016. Meanwhile, Harris-Walz received over 6-million fewer votes than Biden allegedly received in 2020. Trump won all swing states, at least 30 of 50 states, and almost 90% of all counties across the country. In a nation allegedly more divided than ever, it was an absolute landslide victory for the Make America Great Again Team, and an absolute massive rejection of America’s extreme left totalitarian lunacy and anti-American democrats!

But still, Obama’s anti-American network of corrupt traitors and terrorists remain the greatest threat to USA freedom and liberty, and his 75-million sycophants may be the biggest problem of all. Every Harris voter falls into one of two categories, a) a completely indoctrinated fool; or b) as evil anti-American as their political heroes.

There’s so much this group fails to grasp, from the reality that every socialist and communist country has failed throughout history, to it’s their own party that has already weaponized our entire government against their political opponents, not Trump.

But the biggest message they are missing today is this…

  1. Being pro-America First doesn’t mean anti-anyone. It means doing what every American is called to do in the preservation of freedom and liberty for all.
  2. The MAGA movement grew from the patriotic grassroots citizens up, not from Trump down.
  3. The movement to reinstate the foundations of freedom is global, not just here in the USA. Leftist governments are being removed from power all over the world right now, because the policies of the left have failed freedom-loving people everywhere.

Our Founding three documents stand as the Charters of Freedom. But the foundations of freedom and liberty are Faith, Family, and Country first. They always have been, and they always will be. It isn’t just Trump voters celebrating the Trump victory, but freedom-loving citizens all over the globe.

So, out with the woke insanity and in with the foundations of freedom. Out with the global destruction of the USA…and in with the USA returning to the beacon of freedom and liberty for the entire world.

Out with fearmongering, gaslighting, false propaganda, and government-controlled censorship…and in with truth, justice and the American way.

For those who refuse to understand this, or get on board this freedom train…understand, it’s on the bus, or under the bus!

© 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

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Those Who Refused to Take Heed to Warnings are Now Somehow the Victims?

By Bradlee Dean

January 8, 2025

“Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.” -Psalm 19:11

Daily Mall recently reported, We have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine – but no one will take our heartbreaking experiences seriously.

Patients whose health has been ravaged after taking Covid-19 vaccines are calling for more support as the Government faces paying out tens of millions of pounds in damages.

Almost 17,000 claims for disability damages have now been submitted after new information emerged about the potential risks including blood clots.

Experts have said that the benefits of taking Covid vaccines significantly outweigh the side effects, as they prevent the spread of the disease and reduce serious complications.

But more people are coming forward to report that have suffered a severe impact, with some linking their vaccines to major problems such as blood cancer, myasthenia gravis and heart disorders.

Jennifer Furno, 38, from Morpeth in Northumberland, suffered a blood clot on her lung before ultimately being diagnosed with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, a form of blood cancer.

Vaccine injury charity founder Charlet Crichton has been forced to give up her work as a sports therapist due to debilitating effects she has reported since receiving her jabs.

Their ordeals have been shared after a father described being ‘left to rot’ after having a nightmare reaction to a Covid jab that left him in constant pain.

And a grieving widow has told MailOnline how she had to battle for a year to get her husband’s death certificate updated to record how he was killed by a reaction to receiving a Covid-19 vaccine.</em>

Now, with this information disclosed, I have a couple of questions. Are not these people a part of the 90% of the population who claim to not believe the mainstream media (Romans 1:18)?

Who sold to them the pandemic (Micah 6:16)?

Did they not consider the source of who was selling and profiting from the pandemics (John 8:44;10:10)?

I do understand that people on a worldwide scale were being illegally censored by Big Tech, Facebook, YouTube, etc., concerning the doctors and people who were doing their best to warn them.

I have to say that I am not trying to be insensitive, but how is it that this information was overlooked by these people?  Did they not do their own due diligence on such an important decision such as this?  Did they think that government and Big Pharma were looking out for them?  Or were they deceived into thinking that what they were doing was best?

For my part, I have been blowing the trumpet in warning the people for the last 25 years (Ezekiel 33:3).

It begs me to ask the question:  How is it that now that these people have become the victims (though they are the victims of the lies and crimes committed by Big Pharma and the corrupt governments worldwide) when they refused to take heed to the warnings?  How do you help people who refuse to help themselves?  For those who have taken heed and did not go along with the lies and propaganda, they have received the reward that the Lord promised.

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Trump Can Save the Republic and the Economy, While Draining the Swamp Without Legislation

By Andrew Wallace

January 8, 2025

In simple terms, President Trump has the Constitutional power to terminate all unconstitutional programs and functions without any legislation whatsoever.

To date, President Trump has not promised to follow the Constitution to the letter. If he doesn’t do this, a majority of unconstitutional programs and functions will remain with no possibility of Draining the Swamp and eliminating the greatest of all future depressions.

Just some of these unconstitutional departments/functions are the Federal Reserve Bank, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Transportation, Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, etc.

Except for the Federal Reserve Bank, all of these departments are powers retained by the states and usurped by the federal government. The Federal Reserve Bank is non-constitutional and privately-owned. Trump can eliminate it with a stroke of his pen, without Congress. Congress could not and will not terminate these departments because their Swamp paymasters would not allow it.

Trump could eliminate most of the inflation and all of the unconstitutional wars for profit by returning to the gold/silver standard, as required by the Constitution. To finance wars, they must print money…and they can’t print gold.

Trump can return all 250,000 of our military from 150 countries because there has been no Declaration of War and there is no threat to national security from foreign enemy invasion. INVASION IS IMPOSSIBLE. Our foreign-based troops can’t prevent a nuclear attack on our country. Trump can also terminate all unconstitutional Foreign Aid and spend the money on our people.

God gave us a country that can’t be invaded, so there is no national security requirement to project force and invade foreign countries for no lawful reason. The only reason to invade foreign countries is to enrich the Military Industrial Complex of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their traitors in the Swamp.

Trump is hated by the PSRRC and Congress because of his use of tariffs to return manufacturing to our country, protect our workers, equalize trade, and prevent our participation in wars. In other words Trump will eliminate much of the PSRRC’s ill-gotten gains at the People’s expense.

Foreign manufacturing, wars for profit, and foreign aid for kickbacks are major sources of income for PSRRC and bribes for Congress. All of which has impoverished the people.

The Democrats/Communists can only survive with other people’s money (unconstitutional), and they think Trump is going to stop their blood money. If Trump follows the Constitution the non- working (though able-bodied) Democrat/Communists would starve. The PSRRC, Administrative State, Educational Establishment and their media have defamed, framed, and convinced almost half of the country to hate Trump to the extent that at least two people have tried to assassinate him. (We may find out later that the administrative state, ie. FBI and CIA, etc. were involved in these assassination attempts…and much more).

If president Trump has the courage to follow the Constitution to the letter, he will solve all of our major problems and be the greatest president of all time, anywhere. But the PSRRC and their minions will do EVERYTHING to stop him. President Trump is the only President where the circumstances exist to return this country to a Constitutional Republic and the courage to make America be independent with the support of a willing people.

President Trump could not have been elected without monetary support from the so-called Jewish/Zionist lobby and others with big money. It is reported that the Jewish/Zionist lobby controls our foreign policy and if true it must end; It is not anti-Semitic to refuse foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel and all foreign countries. In fact the Constitution demands it.

The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, and not one has been declared for the last 30 conflicts during the last 79 years. But during this period, we lost over 100,000 military dead and millions of dead innocents. I estimate that the money spent without sufficient cause would have put every able-bodied working citizen into a home with prosperity.

How prosperous would you be without the burden of an income tax? Prior to 1913, the federal government was financed totally with tariffs and excise taxes. There were no income taxes or Federal Reserve Bank to print money to finance wars for profit and to impoverish the people with inflation. President Trump has the power to use tariffs, but will require Congress to terminate the income tax.

Again, I have written a paper covering only a few major points (of many) with minimum details to increase readership. I have not attempted to cover most of the unconstitutional functions of our government (which is a criminal enterprise). I doubt that many politicians understand or would appreciate the message, so please pass my articles on to them.

I welcome your comments

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

New Year, New Hope, New Awareness

By Kat Stansell

January 7, 2024

On New Year’s eve Dec. 31, 2024, a massive lightening bolt struck the Capitol Dome in Washingtron DC, as the old year moved on to the new, and the old regime is pretending to leave.

Pretty direct message from above, I’d say. There have been others, too, of late. In NC after Hurricane Helene was sent to ravage and kill conservatives in TN and NC, a Bible was found, skewered to a post and open to Revelations 14-15.

We recognize that these messages from our Creator. There is no two ways to look at it, IMHO. What we are to do with them will be learned with time. Right now, we are being told to pay attention. THAT is for certain. This kind of message certainly fine-tunes our senses of awareness.

Donald Trump has been chosen to be our leader, by over 77 million Americans. Thank God for that, as the alternative would have meant the official and definitive end of our constitutional republic. He is a brilliant man who is fearless and focused. He genuinely cares about America, and learned from his first White House tour that enemies will be everywhere trying to bring him and America down.

Trump DOES have enemies despite (or because of) the size of his victory at the polls. God gave us a hint in Butler, PA, and West Palm Beach, FL Who they are becomes more clear by the day. I don’t have to say it, but Donald Trump’s enemies are OUR enemies, and may be lurking in some unexpected places.

We KNOW that the likes of Schumer, Obama, Pelosi, Biden et. al., are on that list. We KNOW that the Secret service and FBI have responsibility in these two assassination attempts; the DOJ, the CIA and others are in that same treasonous group.

But, now, many are questioning DJT’s new bestie, Elon Musk. How is he suddenly so close to Donald Trump, that he is living on the grounds in a $2000/night cottage at Mar a Lago?

Elon Musk was once very anti-Trump, and even provided the DOJ with all Twitter (X) users who posted MAGA things. This, from Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse. Remember, too, that Musk was a part of the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum on Sea Island, a confab of billionaires in 2016 who plotted against Donald Trump to prevent his candidacy.

Musk was even behind DeSantis, the Globalist candidate, until he wasn’t. Is the Musk move to the Trump camp related in any way to the RPOF purge of America First Republicans from the State Party? Could it be that DeGov is being DeSmallman again? His rousting of the MAGA Republicans from the state party can’t be about petty jealousy. Can it?

Makes as much sense as anything else, I guess. He is, after all, still the 800 lb gorilla in Florida politics.

OR, is Musk still ON the DeSantis team, in some nefarious sense? Does any of this explain why Trump has said nothing about the RPOFs lawfare against MAGA Republicans??

Is Trump playing Musk or is Elon Musk playing him, or is there a genuine working relationship to further a common goal? Stay tuned.

More questions…

In an interview with Alex Newman, noted psychologist and author, Dr. Peter Breggin, suggests that the drone saga might be a psyyop to bring about a DOD/DHS “Orwellian” power grab. After all, Donald Trump has spoken of cleaning house at both agencies. Where does Mike Waltz, with a failing Liberty Score (67% lifetime, in voting according to the Constitution) fit in? He is Trump’s pick as National Security Advisor.

Then, there are the attacks in New Orleans, and Las Vegas. The perps are said to have both been in Special Forces together at Bragg. The FBI, of course, says they are unrelated. Why do we even ask them anymore?

The concept of terrorism in these United States has been SO far stretched to focus on White Christians that our government goons can only go after innocent J6-ers and grandmothers who sing hymns outside of abortion centers. The Isis underground is all over the nation, and our current government sees only Conservative citizens as enemy combatants.

Are and of these attacks tied to the attack on the Russian military official a few weeks ago?

If we are going to understand and deal with any of this, our best chance is to stay on top of it all; keep our senses alert. Trust your nose as well as your eyes and ears. Things that stink are frequently rotten.

Keep your spirit heavenward.

I wish I had more answers than questions. I pray that they will be found. In the meanwhile, we have to rely on some simple truths.

Truth #1

We cannot trust our own government. The drones, mass killings, bombings, even ISIS connections within our own military are more proof, as if we needed any more.

(see and

By electing Donald Trump, we have put all of this in his hands, but how much can he do and how soon? The closer we come to his inauguration, the more charged the air.

The election of Donald Trump showed us that we managed to outvote and outthink the election fraud machinery. That, in itself was the thrill of the decade; America managed to catch itself before our ship of state crashed on the rocky shoals of totalitarianism. We managed to man the rudder at the ballot box, to change our course enough to have another chance to live free. Yet, just look at the work still ahead of us. Donald Trump cannot do it all. We MUST help.

God granted us the opportunity to work for our freedoms, when he saved Trump’s life in PA and in FL. What we have is an opportunity, not a guarantee.

Truth #2

People act and VOTE according to their morals and values NOT their race or creed. Racism is a learned behavior on both sides. The truth IS, that we will always be friends, compatriots if you will, with those who share our morals and values. If this nation is to be saved, it will be by people of ALL backgrounds and nationalities, and even political parties who want to live in freedom and understands what that takes.

Truth #3

We MUST WORK to keep the freedom we love. It’s one thing to win an election. Building meaningful results is another. It will involve thousands of small course corrections, working with others who share the goal of repairing and reclaiming our freedoms. This work must take a top priority in our lives.

Keeping our senses tuned to what is happening daily, is a part of this.

“The People’s Audit”, (FL), which is Kris Jurski and his group, is ready to come with a system for all to use, on any project, in any state, The Peoples Organizer. (Want to replace a local councilman? Give the people a megaphone on a certain issue?) More on this very soon. The People’s Audit is, of course, the group which deserves the credit for removing invalid addresses from Florida’s voter rolls, Not DeSantis as uninformed media would have it.

Finally, the right to question is a master tool we must keep in our action box. The truth will never be uncovered if we cannot question what we see, feel and hear, and dig for answers.

Remember Ronald Reagan saying, “trust but verify”? I believe he meant to question a lot, from those we see as friends, as well as our foes.

My hope for our future is that we can all walk the road ahead with clear vision and linked arms, on our way to a stronger and better union. Without divine guidance and each other, we will not succeed.

Blessings for the season, and WAY beyond!

PS: For news on Petie and Prince, several people spoke up for them, but didn’t leave me any personal information by which I can reach you. Go to my Substack chat, please, and leave me a spare email address or phone number by which you can be contacted. Thank you all so much!

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell:

Jimmy Carter’s Life and the Death of America

By Cliff Kincaid

January 7, 2025

They tell us that Jimmy Carter was a great ex-president, a description designed to camouflage his disastrous four years as president. We must know the truth as America moves forward. We must not celebrate his one and only presidential term.

Instead, we must remember why Ronald Reagan defeated him. A big reason can be viewed in the televised debate, “Resolved: That the Senate Should Ratify the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties,” in which Reagan opposed William F. Buckley Jr. and the Jimmy Carter position.

The Senate ratified the treaty on March 16, 1978 by a vote of 68 to 32.

Trump recently sided with Reagan, vowing to retake the Panama Canal, which has fallen into the hands of the Communist Chinese.

Whether Trump will do this or not, America’s future depends on disavowing Jimmy Carter’s legacy and telling the truth about his service to America’s enemies.

In addition to giving away the Panama Canal, Carter’s big “contribution” to America’s history and destiny was undermining American allies, facilitating global Jihad, encouraging the rise of Red China, and playing patty-cake with the dictator of Communist North Korea.

The latter led to the eventual emergence of another communist nation capable of hitting the United States with nuclear weapons. It just fired another intermediate-range ballistic missile.

In addition, his weakness invited a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, leading to his successor President Ronald Reagan’s support for Afghan “freedom fighters” who included some jihadists that got so strong in that part of the world under Reagan’s successors that they attacked America on 9/11.

Afghanistan was attacked by America in response, but the long war came to an end under Joe Biden and the country returned to the control of the Taliban and their Jihadist allies.

In that case and many others, America is dealing with Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy disasters. The Middle East is a mess, made worse by Joe Biden, and so is Europe, where Reagan after Carter’s disastrous four years had to confront the Soviet military build-up and issue the demand “Tear down this wall” to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Under Democrat President Bill Clinton, the U.S. vowed to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression. That didn’t happen under Barack Hussein Obama, when the first Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, but did happen belatedly under Biden, which became a costly no-win war that Trump has vowed to end in his second term.

Carter “normalized” diplomatic relations between the United States and Communist China in 1979, throwing the Republic of China on Taiwan, a democracy, under the bus. No one knows when Red China will invade the peaceful country, another potential disaster that Trump must now deal with.

Yet Joe Biden claimed that Carter tried to “forge peace, advance civil rights and human rights” and “promote free and fair elections…”

Dick Morris’s presentation on how Jimmy Carter’s legacy was “Peace in The Middle East” is laughable. He did negotiate a 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty but Carter believed that Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat, a Soviet KGB agent, was a man of peace.

What is more, Carter supported a “homeland” for the Palestinians and hated Israel, as reflected in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, earning him the label “Jew-hater.”

His Carter Center was partly financed with big money from the Arab states.

Bankrupting America

His disastrous economic policies, including double-digit inflation, did enormous damage. I bought my first house when his economic policies had not yet been diffused by President Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts and the mortgage interest rate was then over 16 percent.

As an ex-president, he built houses. But the house he left me was too expensive and too small for a growing family.

On the global stage, he surrendered Iran to the global Islamic Jihad and gave away the Panama Canal, under the cover of his “America Last” foreign policy. He promoted socialized medicine.

Carter left a mess for Reagan, just as Biden leaves a mess for Trump.

The Washington Post claim that his work after the White House “made Jimmy Carter a standout” was another laugh. Through his Carter Center he became even more left-wing.

The Carter Center’s report, The Big Lie and Big Tech, accused conservatives of spreading misinformation, when Big Tech perpetuated the “Big Lie” that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda.

Not surprisingly, the Carter Center identified the Soros-funded Open Society Institute as “a generous supporter of The Carter Center since 1998.”

It maintained a “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” department.

We are told he was a good man and it appears he had a happy and stable marriage to Rosalynn. But being a good man doesn’t erase the need to address his disastrous four years.

On Fox News, regarding Carter’s death at 100, a panelist said that if you didn’t have anything good to say about a man after his death, don’t say anything. She said this is how she deals with her kids. She wanted to shut down the discussion of his very bad foreign policy.

We are not kids. We are adults. We can handle the truth.

Another Bad Treaty

In addition to giving Iran to the mullahs and giving away the Panama Canal, he tried to get Senate approval for the Law of the Sea Treaty, which was negotiated and written by socialists and world-government advocates, mainly under the Jimmy Carter administration. It was so bad that President Reagan flatly rejected it.

On top of these betrayals, he facilitated the communist takeover of Nicaragua in Central America in 1979, giving his successor Reagan another foreign policy mess to deal with. When Reagan authorized support for Nicaraguan freedom fighters, Democrats threatened to impeach him over the “Iran-Contra affair,” a reference to the president’s successful efforts to free American hostages in the Middle East.

Under fire for a series of American setbacks around the world, there was an illegal leak of classified information to make Carter look like a tough foreign policy president. The leak was that the U.S. was developing stealth technology so our aircraft and other weapons of war could avoid radar.

A congressional report said that Carter Defense Secretary Harold Brown was trying “to make the administration look good in an election year.” Adm. Elmo Zumwalt (ret.), a former chief of naval operations, testified under oath that official sources had told him that Carter had authorized the Stealth leak to make himself look good.

President Carter tried to cover-up his own involvement in the leak, ordering his aides not to testify.

If you’ve seen the movie “Reagan,” you will get a glimpse of history, such as when Reagan was running and winning big against Carter and then winning big against Carter’s vice-president Walter Mondale, who ran against Reagan in 1984.

Reagan defeated Carter in a landslide in 1980, winning 44 states and carrying the popular vote by 10 points. Reagan defeated Mondale 58.8 percent to 40.6 percent, a popular vote margin of eighteen points, carrying all of the states except Minnesota and D.C.

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education, which Reagan tried but failed to eliminate. This is another legacy from his days as president that has only made things worse and wasted lots of federal money.

His idea of confronting the need for energy was to wear a sweater. He also installed solar water heating panels on the roof of the White House that Reagan took down.

His infamous “malaise” speech was a downer. Even the Marxists concede he made everything worse, from their point of view.

Hailed as a great Christian thinker, his record on so-called gay and transgender rights “grew stronger” as he grew older, the Advocate declared.

A spokesman for a gay lobby, the Human Rights Campaign, said, “In recent years, he became a prominent voice in support of LGBTQ+ rights, speaking out for marriage equality at a time when most national leaders in the U.S. still opposed it.”

So this “devout Baptist” abandoned the Christian teaching on homosexuality. He compromised for personal accolades and political profit.

Even worse, his wife Rosalynn was part of the scam. She was very close to the Marxist lunatic preacher Jim Jones, who led a mass suicide in Guyana. He posed for a picture with her and wrote to her asking for friendly relations with Communist Cuba.

She also posed with John Wayne Gacy, a homosexual pedophile who raped, tortured, and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. He was a local Democratic Party official.

In the same vein, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter visited communist North Korea in 1994, but his “peace plan” was for South Korea to reduce the number of U.S. nuclear warheads in the nation.

How did that work out?

The establishment journal Foreign Affairs now admits that the only deterrent to North Korean aggression is a home-made nuclear weapons deterrent for South Korea. It’s another major challenge for Trump.

The authors write, “North Korea’s capabilities are growing. Pyongyang has developed an intercontinental ballistic missile, which raises doubts about whether the United States would honor its alliance commitment and fight for South Korea, because North Korea can now strike American cities with a nuclear weapon.”

Regarding North Korea’s sponsor, Communist China, the Carter Center promoted friendly relations with Beijing under the category of “Peace.” It perfectly summarized the Carter view of the world, in which America gave away its sovereignty to other nations, communist or otherwise.

This “peace of the grave,” as America struggles to survive this dangerous world, was  reserved for America under Jimmy Carter policies which through incompetence or design continue to do enormous damage to our people and our standing in the world.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

The Politicization of Healthcare 2

By George Lujack

January 6, 2025

The Seemingly Close Relationship Between COVID and AIDS

December was AIDS Awareness Month. The Politicization of Healthcare was an article published on August 4, 2020, that highlighted, as the title suggests, the politicization of healthcare. Specifically, the article was about how the CDC was manipulating healthcare statistics in order to drive up the COVID death count to as high as possible. If a person died with an underlying health problem, say a bad heart leading to a heart attack, and they also happened to have COVID, the CDC counted that as a COVID death. If a person had a fatal car accident and their autopsy showed that they had COVID, it was counted as a COVID death. In other words, if you died by any means, but you had a cold, the CDC was proclaiming that you died from the cold.

Is statistical medical manipulation reserved solely for COVID? Not likely. In recent years, deaths attributed to AIDS have reportedly been on the decline. This is possibly due to politicization coming from LGBTQ+ advocates.

A social media meme (lower left corner of pic), obviously meant as a joke, featuring rockstar Keith Richards and fitness guru Richard Simmons went viral after the death of Richard Simmons on July 13, 2024, at the age of 76, questioning if healthy eating and exercise matters as it pertains to lifespan longevity. Chain-smoking (up to 2019), heroin-using (until 1979), cocaine-using (until 2006), and heavy alcohol drinking to-now-moderate alcohol drinking Keith Richards is currently alive at 81 years old.

Why should a so-called fitness guru, Richard Simmons, die at the age of 76 while a drug and alcohol-abusing Keith Richards still be among the living at age 81? The X-factor: Richard Simmons was gay.

While not openly publicly acknowledging his homosexuality, Richards was photographed with numerous men in provocative pics, indicating that they were more than just friends. Before his death, Richard Simmons had been photographed as being much thinner and frail, a tell-tale sign of the final stages before an AIDS-related death. Even if Richard Simmons never knew a man carnally, he was, at minimum, certainly effeminate.

1 CORINTHIANS 6:8-10 (NASB 1995):
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Numerous studies cited by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that the average lifespan for gay men is less than 50 years old and that gay men typically live 20-30-year shorter lifespans than heterosexual men.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due [HIV, AIDS, AND PREMATURE DEATH].

© 2024 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

The Tragic Perils of Alcohol Consumption Manifesting in America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 6, 2025

Last week, the U.S. Surgeon General stated that imbibing alcohol in all its forms, causes 100,000 cancer diagnoses annually and 20,000 deaths in several different forms: colorectal, breast, throat, mouth, liver, stomach, and other organs.

Those are some “heavy”, if not sobering statistics for anyone drinking beer daily, or on weekends. For those college students who “binge” drink, nothing like a colorectal cancer diagnosis to spoil your entire life.  For the individuals who get “smashed” at parties, drive drunk and kill themselves or others, what a way to ruin your life and the lives of others.

All sorts of different kinds of drunks live in America.  One of my old college girlfriend’s father drank only at home.  His wife attended Al-Anon meetings to help her cope because she wouldn’t divorce him.  One of my friends drank two bottles of beer nightly, seven days a week, until he read in a medical journal that two beers a night constitutes “alcoholism.”

During my youth, my Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack drank themselves silly.  But they expressed their drunkenness in two different ways:  Uncle Scott drank seven days a week.  At milking time, he would beat the cows with a 2 by 4 wood club to get them to move into position.  He beat his dog “Puchie” until the dog hid out at our farmhouse across the road.  He beat his wife and daughter until they both fled, never to be heard from again. When Scott drank, I left the area.  Uncle Scott was a mean, nasty drunk.  One weekend while fishing on Hogback Lake, my brother Rex and I heard on the transistor radio that Uncle Scott got into an argument over the size of a window being fitted into the garage. It got so heated that Uncle Scott’s friend pulled out a shotgun and blew Uncle Scott in half. We sat there in the boat, traumatized.  We’ll never forget it.  Scott was 44 at the time.

Now Uncle Jack proved himself a “funny” drunk who would tell jokes, dance the jig, and generally make a fool of himself.  His wife and kids could not have anyone over for dinner or to visit.  He drove only 30 miles per hour in his 1949 GMC pickup, but he would top a hill on the left side of the road.  I sat in “shotgun” one time when he drove that deadly habit, but never again. At only 15, I rather enjoyed living.  Because Uncle Jack smoked two packs a day, plus 15 to 20 beers at a clip, he died of cirrhosis of the liver, along with lung cancer at 52.

One of my old college buddies drank himself from a 6’1” 180-pound stud-muffin into a 280 pound ball of flab. I didn’t see him until 50 years later by accident—- to witness his grotesque body. We didn’t possess much in common because I’d rather ride a bike or play tennis than drink.  He’s still alive, but smoking and drinking turned his body into a walking cadaver.

Because of Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack, at 15, I decided I didn’t want to be like them.  So, I never got drunk. I’ve been a “Teetotaler” all my life.  Does that make me boring?  Heck the ladies used to line up to dance with me because I took all that money for dance lessons.

In fact, when I talk to high school kids with my “Living Your Spectacular Life” program based on my book, I invite them to save over $250,000.00 without working.  How?  “I haven’t drank,  done drugs, smoked or drank coffee for my whole life.  If you add up the minimum costs of steady drinking, smoking, drugs, and coffee, you can save a quarter of a million dollars by the time you’re 60-70.”  While they sit in the audience, they figure up what it costs on their cell phones, and they whisper, “He’s right…he saved a quarter of a million dollars.”

Then I say, “What did I do with all that money?  Well, I’ve bicycled across six continents, 15 times across the USA, stood on the South Pole, stood on the Wall of China, scuba dived all the oceans, explored the Galapagos Islands, and eight biking trips to Alaska.  And, I stand before you today with clean lungs, healthy heart, healthy liver, and fit to do more.”

I’ve had students who followed my program write me years later, “Your book changed my life. I found my dream, chased it, caught it, and I’m living it.”  It feels good to help others find their path.

On the perils of drinking besides cancer, 42,000 people die on our highways annually.  An average of 13,000 die from being drunk while driving and/or kill others. Another 4,000 die from “texting” while driving, plus 362,000 injuries and wrecked cars.  The costs grow astronomically.

“On average, 37 people die in drunk-driving crashes in the United States every day, which is about one person every 39 minutes. In 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes.” (Source: Alcohol Abuse Inst.)

Additionally, alcohol becomes a license to kill your female partner in many cases.

“Every day, nearly 3 women are killed by an intimate partner — making the United States one of the deadliest countries for women and girls.  Honor killings in Islamic countries account for 20,000 female deaths at the hands of family members, annually.” (Source:

If you look at the 540,000 homeless in America, you’re looking at alcohol and drugs as the main culprit.

Excessive alcohol use can lead to:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease.
  • Liver disease.
  • Stroke.
  • Alcohol use disorder—this affects both physical and mental health.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Weaker immune system—increasing your chances of getting sick.

Alcohol and Divorce

If you’re married to an alcoholic, you face twice the chance for divorce and violence.

How many alcoholics in America?

According to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 28.9 million people in the United States ages 12 and older had alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the past year. This is about 10.2% of people in this age group.

In the end, we all see those beer, wine and whiskey commercials. Sexy women and handsome men!  What we don’t see are the incredible tragedies that beset 28 million American people and their families.  I must thank my Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack for turning me into a “Teetotaler.”

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Bird flu: Another Gain-of-Function Disaster?

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

January 6, 2025

I was going to do Part II from my column last week:  “Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 1, however, this new hysteria over a bird flu must be addressed and investigated. Here we go again, just like COVID-19.

Back in 2009, CBS award winning investigative correspondent, Cheryl Attkisson did an investigation into the H1N1 ‘swine flu’ “crisis” and discovered most Americans never even had it.  CBS published her phenomenal reporting on their web site but killed the story for TV. She finally quit that “news” network.  Do you know courts have ruled media are allowed to lie to you? That is a fact.

Must read so YOU know the Center for Disease Creation (CDC) and the FDA (Federal Death Administration) are nothing but liars and pimps for big pharma:

The US Swine Flu Epidemic That Wasn’t, July 24, 2024 by Cheryl Attkisson

“Instead of waiting, I decided to contact all 50 states and get the test results directly. About half of them provided the data promptly without issue. The other half balked and stalled, and I had to look at various state FOI laws, and remind the state health officials that they were required to produce the information. It was not theirs to withhold.

“First, I learned that officials in some states, including California, disagreed with the CDC’s directive to stop testing for swine flu. They did not want to be quoted by name for fear of “going against the CDC.” But they thought it was crucial to gather the most-hard data possible about a novel, unpredictable virus.

“Once I had the state’s data in hand, it was easy to see the big story: There was no swine flu pandemicat least in the US!

“The people tested for swine flu or H1N1 prior to the CDC ordering a halt, were patients deemed most likely to have swine flu based on factors like recent travel to places that had a lot of swine flu at the time. Those specimens, my sources explained, should be nearly 100% swine flu if the CDC were correct in its assumptions about how widespread the virus was in the US.

“Yet the majority of specimens weren’t swine flu at all!

“I built a television news report giving the results of my investigation, had the story legally approved by my CBS lawyers, and it was set for air. A top executive at CBS News commented to me that it was the most original reporting on swine flu he’d seen done by any news organization!  But the story never aired on TV.” Rest at link.

The American people were once again driven into fear and hysteria over a lie, but big pharma raked in the cash with their swine flu vaccine.

Now, it’s the bird flu that’s been making headlines (until the massacre in New Orleans) with MILLIONS of chickens and turkeys killed, severely damaging making a living for our family-owned farmers and ranchers who feed us.

READ: Fowl! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think

Current Bird Flu Outbreak is Man-MadeUSDA Serial-Passage Gain-of-Function Research Extended Host Range to Migratory Waterfowl, Cattle, Sea Mammals, Jan. 2, 2025, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH: “We have seen no human-to-human spread and there has never been a human US fatality due to H5N1.”

From an expert researcher over the decades, Michael Snyder: “But another major global health crisis would make things so much worse.

“In recent weeks, so many of the usual suspects have been doing interviews in which they warn that a bird flu pandemic among humans has become inevitable. Do they know something that the rest of us do not?

“Already, we are starting to see public officials freak out. The state of California recently declared a state of emergency, and now it is being reported that Arizona has detected bird flu in the wastewater in the cities of Phoenix, Tempe and Surprise…

“Bird flu has been detected in wastewater in multiple metro Phoenix cities, county health officials confirmed Monday.

“Routine wastewater surveillance in Phoenix, Tempe and Surprise — the three cities in the county where monitoring occurs — confirmed the presence of avian influenza, according to a press release from the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH).

“The influenza subtype, which includes bird flu as H5N1, has been detected in multiple locations in the Valley in the past couple of months.”

“Meanwhile, the bird flu continues to spread like wildfire among animals all over the nation.

“123 million birds, most of them chickens and turkeys, have already died in the United States alone.  And now a farm in Ohio that has nearly a million chickens has been infected…”

“Ohio agriculture officials are investigating after avian flu was detected in nearly one million chickens in Darke County.  The National Veterinary Services Laboratory confirmed Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza was detected in Darke County on Dec. 27, involving 931,302 chickens.”  (Did they hand count every chicken?  A million is a lot.  Maybe they do what the CDC does:  They only ESTIMATE the number of people who get the flu, pneumonia or COVID.)

There’s just one problem and it’s the same fraud used to rack up the number of people who got the flu, COVID-19.  It’s all about the testing.  I was hospitalized on Feb. 4, 2022, pneumonia.  The toady ER doc said I also have COVID (unless I allowed the RT-PCR test, there’s the door).  I told him no I don’t have COVID-19, I have lifetime natural immunity.  You see, back in Dec. 1993, I got home from California to Colorado sick as ten dogs.  My late husband took me to Swedish Medical Center.

The ER doctor told me I have the Beijing flu which was killing everyone in Denver! Going to give you a shot and pills.  I said no you’re not. I haven’t been vaccinated since I was 5 years old.  By 1993, I had done enough research to say no. You see, I had just finished reading Eustace Mullins book:  Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.  No way was I just going to let some doctor jab with me with who knows what and more pills.

That doctor got his panties in a wad, called my husband into the room and bitched I wouldn’t take the shot or pills.  John said my wife is a grown woman and it’s her decision.  I have not had any form of any flu since then, 31 years ago.  I went home and was really, really sick for 8 days but, thank God, my natural immune system was strong enough to fight back.

Anyway, in 2022, I was admitted and the next morning (as in like 5:00 am), the cheerful nurse came in and told me “You don’t have COVID after all”. My response:  I already knew that. But, I had a nice, single room for four days and went home.  They used the RT-PCR to test. One of the biggest scams besides the “FED” and climate change.

No, You Didn’t Test Positive for COVID-19, Jan. 10, 2022 (Mine)

Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool, Oct. 5, 2020 (Mine)

SARS-CoV-2:  Isn’t It Time Someone Did this?, Sept. 27, 2021 – “This is the FDA document cited since last year:  CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel originally dated July 13, 2020.  The FDA shows a change of date to Dec. 1, 2020; the text remains unchanged.  Pg 9: “Equivalence and performance of these extraction platforms for extraction of viral RNA were demonstrated with the CDC Human Influenza Virus Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (K190302). Performance characteristics of these extraction platforms with 2019-nCoV (SARS CoV-2) have not been demonstrated.”

“Pg 40 of report:  The analytical sensitivity of the RT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

“So, they had nothing.  No virus, no isolation and nothing resembling purified.  Going to the CDC’s response to my FOIA: “The SARS-CoV-2 virus may be isolated from human clinical specimens by culturing in cells. In January 2020, CDC isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus from a clinical specimen from the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States.”

“That would be the man from Washington State.  They isolated this phantom virus from Patient Zero using what?  Just when did the CDC actually “discover” COVID-19 because looking at Dr. Lanka’s controlled experiments, it took up to five days to prove his findings.  Recall what I quoted in a previous column:

“Now, if you click on the link above, a confirmed case, it goes to a January 21, 2020, CDC page.  “CDC has been proactively preparing for the introduction of 2019-nCoV in the United States for weeks…” One day after Patient Zero’s swabs and blood are sent to Atlanta, the CDC had already been preparing for this previously unknown COVID-19.”

Now it’s the bird flu.  New CDC Study Confirms Current H5N1 Bird Flu Strain is Very Mild; Mass Culling Results in Chicken-to-Human Transmission – 100% of poultry-linked human cases traced to reckless mass depopulation efforts. Jan. 1, 2025

Next – Oh gee, what could go wrong?  Bill Gates-Funded Researchers Turned Mosquitoes into Flying Syringes to Deliver Vaccines, Jan. 2, 2024

Bogus Bird Flu, Dec. 30, 2024 – “Everyone needs to realize that the test being used to discover bird flu in milk tanks, dairy herds and elsewhere is the scientifically perfect credible authentic PCR test.  Yes, the infamous PCR test.  Remember false positives?

“The PCR test is a mechanism to genetically amplify material to find floating pieces or particles of something.  The inventor, of course, says it is bogus for finding viruses.  It was developed for genetic discoveries, not for finding diseases.  Someone smart than I can tease out these differences, but suffice it to say it’s the wrong tool.  You wouldn’t pick up a box end wrench to turn a Phillips head screw.

“Second, even if it were the right tool, it’s being applied incorrectly.  Each cycle is like a microscope amplification.  Remember turning microscope lenses from 35X to 100X?  Each cycle of a PCR test amplifies magnification to find additional material floating in the sample.  The official USDA and FDA number of cycles is 45.  Massachusetts officials I think are the first state folks to say categorically that anything more than 30 cycles is bogus.

“How so?  Because if you keep ramping up the amplification, smaller and smaller particles will show up.  Any reasonable person knows our biological spaces are literally filled with floating molecular detritus.  Pieces of cells, pieces of DNA, pieces of Democrats and Republicans, with maybe a piece of Libertarian and Socialist thrown in–goodness, in the air around us, in our bodies, in our nasal passages, exist bits and pieces accumulated from everything, everyone, and everywhere…

“I have no clue who or what is behind the curtain on this.  It could be as nefarious as livestock extermination to keep burps and farts from turning us all into crispy critters; it could be as sincere and kind as wanting to protect us from sickness.  Whether righteous or unrighteous, the agenda has the same outcome:  paranoia from junk science.

“If you did not take the covid-inducing jab, do you spend half your day worried you might catch covid?  Do you trust the Fauci-Collins covid narrative?  Dear folks, bird flu is being hatched the same way from the same people and the same fraternity that blessed us with covid.  Same boat crossing the same river.”

Reckless H5N1 Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Experiments Must Be Shut Down – Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on Reality Check Radio, Dec. 15, 2024 – “Here are the key points about bird flu:

  1. Practice of culling (mass destruction of entire healthy flocks) when a PCR test is found positive to “eradicate” the virus is futile and may work to constrain the food supply. The current strain H5N1 clade is not thus far causing necropsy or radiographic confirmed fatal pneumonia in birds or mammals.
  2. H5N1 host range expansion into migratory birds and mammals likely occurred as a result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak.
  3. Increased transmissibility of H5N1 has a tradeoff of decreased virulence. Using legacy human mortality rates from cases in Southeast Asia is not appropriate. The US has never had a fatal human case of bird flu.
  4. Fear-mongering promulgated by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is designed to promote mass vaccination of animals and humans with lucrative pre-purchased contracts to the vaccine manufacturers and their NGO backers. Mass vaccination into a highly prevalent pandemic is a mistake since it promotes resistant strains of the virus in the vaccinated.
  5. If human-to-human spread occurs in the future as expected by many, it will be the product of gain-of-function research that has gone on for years with the goal of creating harm to human populations. (Interview at

H5N1 Ubiquitous on Farms, Quarantines, PCR Testing, Culling, Vaccines All Useless in Protecting Workers Now, Jan. 4, 2025.  By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

“The four year H5N1 avian influenza outbreak is ubiquitous on farms across the United States because the gain-of-function viral strain from the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens Georgia is spreading by mallard ducks and other migratory water fowl and continually reinfecting the farms. Fortunately, it is a mild illness for both animals and man.

“Please enjoy this brief interview update on Just the News, hosted by John Solomon and Amanda Head on Real America’s Voice. Farms, meat processing plants, and chicken factories should outfit their workers with Immune Mist and Emergency Contagion Kits from The Wellness Company. These simple tools can protect our workers from H5N1. This is far more practical advice than what has been given on CNN by former White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Deborah Birx. She is advising weekly PCR testing for workers with no practical advice on protection. Expect her to push hard in the weeks to months on mass H5N1 vaccination.”  Nasal and Throat Sprays, Gargles, Best Prevention for Bird Flu.

Bird Flu Should Be the Subject of a Criminal Investigation – Current discussion about the reality of H5N1 – i.e., whether it’s fact or fiction – ignores that the matter should be the subject of a criminal investigation, not merely scientific debate, Jan. 1, 2025

“When Dr. Peter McCullough, Nicholas Hulscher, and I investigated reports of what is being represented to the public as a new clade of H5N1 bird flu, it became apparent to me that life sciences professionals—at least those outside the clique that is performing Gain-of-Function research on H5N1—are lacking sufficient information to ascertain the reality of this phenomenon.

“This is why, in our discussions about our paper—Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl—I emphasized the urgent need for further investigation of this phenomenon. As we wrote in our Conclusion:” Rest at link.

California’s maniac lunatic governor, Gavin Newsom, is going off the rails again over this bird flu and if he does the same as he did over COVID, many more small business owners will go under.  Except for the big box stores like China (Wal) Mart. Right now it’s just masks!  Go to my web site, front page and you’ll see a massive amount of information – scientifically proven – regarding masks and how harmful they are to the brain and worthless.  Except for the Communist Chinese who dominated the market at China (Wal) Mart in sales.

Our farmers and ranchers need to raise holy hell with their state legislators who are already struggling to stay afloat.  Headlines the other day:  Dozen eggs $9.00. Insane. I just purchased a dozen eggs from free range chickens, organic, for $4.78. (Here in Texas) Kill off millions of chickens and turkeys which badly hurts those who produce what we eat (and drink milk).  Legislators, state and the U.S. Senate need to immediately haul in the big shots at the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia, put them under oath and subpoena their research records, all emails as well as hand-written notes.

What you can do?  Call Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), DC: (202) 224-5323 and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), DC:  202-224-4343 and ask them to open an investigation regarding the USDA Poultry Research Center and what they’ve been doing.  And post the link to this column on X, all social media and your email lists.  NO MORE lying and draconian mandates to control us.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2025 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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American Rancher Blowing The Whistle On mRNA Vaccine Tests In Livestock “They took 525 hogs, injected them with a live mRNA vaccine and in 21 days, these were the statistics – 25 of them suffered from death – 55 of them became so anorexic that they were near death, April 2, 2024

H1N1 overplayed by media, public health: MDs, Nov. 6, 2009 – “A healthy child in Canada is about 20 times more likely to be killed by a car than by the H1N1 virus, Schabas said, but that isn’t going to make the national news.

“Children actually die of flu every year and a few more die of H1N1. This was not unexpected, and the way it was presented — as if this was a sudden bolt out of the blue, some change in our perspective of H1N1 — that’s what created the anxiety. It was the way it was presented.”

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media, Oct. 5, 2009

CONTROL OF OUR FOOD PRODUCTION – He hit the nail square on the head.

We’re all aware of the grossly inappropriate books found in school libraries. Reject the smut and filth in school libraries. I purchased two sets of these great children’s books – I read them before giving one set of four to a friend’s 6-six-year-old granddaughter and one set to one of the Christian schools in my city.  Hearty House Children’s books.

You’re Not “Giving Up’ Anything

By Rob Pue

January 5, 2025

In my younger days, I couldn’t imagine living in the year 2025.  It sounded so futuristic.  Still does.  But here we all are…and still without the flying cars that Popular Mechanics promised were just around the corner back in 1969.  In elementary school, our teacher once gave us an assignment to draw a picture of what the year 2000 would look like.  If I recall, mine included big satellite dishes on homes.  I have no idea what I thought they’d be used for — they just looked futuristic to me, and I assumed they’d have a very important purpose.  Now it seems ridiculous that these have already become outdated technology and were mainly used by consumers to watch television.

Last year was a strange one. As a nation, we learned even more about how we’ve been lied to for so long regarding so many things, and just how corrupt our government and so-called “justice system” really is.  It was a year filled with tension, perhaps purposely imposed upon us by the Regime and the mainstream media.  One crisis after another.  One scare after another, one impending disaster after another, to keep us all frightened, worried and dependent upon the Almighty State.  When will we learn that most of the things we worry about never happen anyway?

And now in 2025, many are hopeful for all that’s been wrong, bad and evil in our country and around the world to be made right — resolved.  Many hope and pray for America to be restored.  We’re all ready for change, ready for real justice and righteousness to reign in our land.  But we need to understand that nothing good can come unless the people of God repent and return to Him first.  “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).

Now is the time for us to finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.  “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  Just imagine what this new year would look like if we finally put actions behind those words we quote so often.

It all begins with us, as individuals.  Individual members of God’s Church.  By “Church,” I mean the “Ecclesia,” the “called out ones.”  Those who are real, genuine Christ-followers.  I certainly am not referring to any specific denomination or any building.  I’m talking about us as individuals, as husbands and wives, as families, as true children of God.

It’s about this time of year that many people take stock of their lives and through personal introspection, make plans for positive changes.  It would help if we also sought the Lord in fervent prayer and study of His Word, to align our will with His.  It’s precisely because so many don’t seek the Lord, pray or ask Him what His will is for our lives that so many New Years Resolutions fail within days.

Many begin each new year with lofty, and well-intentioned goals.  Among the most common: people desperately want to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, save money, stop wasting time on fruitless endeavors, improve their marriages, be better parents — and some even resolve to read and study the Bible daily in the New Year.

Several years ago, I had a gym membership.  I was diligent to make time to exercise daily, and at one point it was common for me to make a point of walking fifteen miles in a day, a few days each week.  I’d start off in the gym, then hike some trails, and end the day with more walking on the treadmill at the gym.  I coupled this with a change in my eating habits, and since that time I’ve lost seventy pounds.  I cringe now, when I see old photos of myself, morbidly obese. But that change didn’t happen overnight. It took work, a change of behavior and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Many begin the new year with good intentions, but motivation isn’t automatic and tends to come and go.  And there’s nothing “magical” about the calendar rolling over to January 1st.   I remember when I had my gym membership, I would avoid the place entirely the first week or so of every new year, because it was always packed with New Years’ Resolvers.  But 3-5 days into the new year, things were usually back to normal, as those New Years Resolutions of so many fell by the wayside.

So, let’s talk about New Year Resolutions for a bit.  Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word “Resolve,” as “To confirm; to fix in constancy.”  And also, “To fix in opinion or purpose; to determine in the mind,” and “To be settled in opinion.”  God’s Word says, “…as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  And Paul wrote, “…be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

We may be motivated to make positive changes in our lives on December 31st.  In fact, many people assemble their list of resolutions all throughout the previous year and have great intentions to make those changes when the new year arrives.  They’re motivated. They understand these are good and positive things.  But motivation fluctuates.  It doesn’t remain a steady, solid rock we can depend on.  One day our motivation may be at a peak, the next day not so much, and some days we have no motivation at all.

So, motivation alone is a good thing to get us started on our aspirations, but it’s not enough.  Some think they just need to have more willpower, but willpower won’t get the job done for you either.  When it comes to correcting our undesirable behaviors, or even besetting sins, we can be very motivated to do that and start off with great willpower, but eventually we’ll always take the path of least resistance.

Willpower requires us to deny ourselves those things we still believe are “precious” in our minds.  You can use willpower to deny yourself something you think you still want for a little while, but it soon becomes a tremendous burden and source of stress.  If you’re trying to stop eating junk food, stop smoking or drinking or overcome some other vice — and you still believe in your heart that those things are doing something positive for you — your willpower will give out and the addiction will win every time.

On the other hand, if you become transformed by the renewing of your mind, you don’t need willpower.  You don’t need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me repeat that, because you missed it: You do not need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me give you an example.  If you struggle with alcohol, and a glass of bleach is set in front of you, you have no desire to drink it.  Why? Because you know you don’t want it. You know it would be harmful to you, and you choose to live rather than drink poison. So, it doesn’t take willpower not to drink it.  Well, alcohol is poison too.  We weren’t meant to consume it.

The source of all addictions is the deception that we’ve trained our minds to believe we “need” something we’ve become accustomed to.  Those struggling with alcohol likely began as young people.  At first, they hated it.  It made them sick, dizzy and probably caused vomiting. But they persisted, perhaps out of peer pressure, or to socialize, or to appear “cool” to their friends.  The teenager on his knees, sweating profusely and vomiting into the toilet never envisioned himself drinking the stuff for a lifetime, and depending on it for stress relief or “self-medication.”  They never imagined it would take control of them, and they’d struggle with that addiction all their lives.  But that’s how it starts, and it’s up to you whether or not it ends, so you can be healthy and strong as God intended, or if you remain a slave to the addiction.

All addictions are the result of “wanting.” Wanting something we’ve trained our brains to think we need, after indulging in it for so many years.  We all want to feel good; we all want pleasure rather than pain.  We all want to feel connection — to ourselves and others.  We want acceptance, validation, assurance, and security.  And we all want to be loved.  So rather than fuel your New Years Resolution with willpower, when the temptation comes to indulge in more of what you know you no longer want in your life, instead, ask yourself, “what do I really want?”

You want strength, courage, vitality, self-respect, a feeling of accomplishment. You want to feel whole, without any voids in your life.  When you give up those old habits and addictions, understand, you’re not “giving up” anything — you’re simply returning to the natural state of health, wellness and wholeness God intended for you.  You’re returning to the real YOU, before you started this behavior.  You’re not losing or giving up anything of value. On the contrary, you’re getting rid of a cruel enemy that’s hijacked your heart and mind and taken you captive in a place you no longer want to be.

It’s the same for those addicted to smoking.  Many think they smoke to relieve stress, but as with all addictions, the only stress it relieves is the stress brought on by the previous dose of the drug.  This is why smokers never succeed with Nicotine Replacement Therapy.  That, too, is another deception of the devil.  It’s an ingenious conspiracy between Big Pharma and Big Tobacco.  Think about it: how can you get free of the addiction by taking the same drug you’re addicted to, just in a different form?  It doesn’t work.  When Satan whispers in your ear that “just one puff won’t matter,” ask yourself what you really want… the answer is you want to breathe, you want life and freedom. Then take a deep breath of life-giving fresh air, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale.  Breathe life rather than poison.

The key is to change your heart and mind and bring your will into alignment with God’s will.  Because every action begins as a thought in the mind, and that’s where the devil goes to tempt us.  “A few Doritos won’t hurt.”  “I’m tired today and need a day off. I’ll exercise tomorrow.” “One drink won’t matter. Nobody has to know. I’ll quit tomorrow.”  For most, tomorrow never comes, but instead turns into days, months, and years.  And before you know it, a lifetime of good intentions — ending in an early, ugly death.

Mark 14:38, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  Indeed, the flesh is weak. The carnal man is weak.  This is why we must set our sights on spiritual things in order to accomplish those good and righteous things we really want in our lives.  It’s that old spiritual warfare again. Galatians 5:17, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”

So, plan your resolutions ahead of time — decide in advance how you’ll respond to each temptation, and include God in those plans.  Why is it we only pray when we’ve done everything else in our own power and have failed?  Lamentations 3:40, “Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the LORD!”  2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

What New Years Resolutions do you have? Do you want to lose weight? Stop bringing GMO junk food into the house. Stop eating two big burgers every day for lunch, followed by two king size candy bars and diet soda.  Try some healthy chicken and vegetables.  Eat clean.  You’ll soon find your desire for the bad stuff goes, as you take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and your will begins to align with God’s will.

This world is filled with temptations.  The enemy of our souls wants nothing more than for us to continue believing the lie that we’re dependent upon poisons — whether that be a poor diet, or nicotine or alcohol, or pornography or Facebook or whatever. They’re all poisons — to our bodies, minds and souls.  When you stop indulging what you think you need and instead ask yourself honestly, “what do I really need?” — and rewire, retrain your mind to return to the real you — as God made you — you’ll see you’re not giving up anything. Instead, you’re ridding yourself of a vicious enemy that wants you sick and dead.  So now go — trample Satan and his schemes under your feet.  Freedom awaits you, but go with God because you can’t do this alone.  “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

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From Hostility to Reconciliation

by Rolaant McKenzie

January 5, 2025

Rocky IV (1985) is the fourth installment of a series of six American sports drama films following the life of Rocky Balboa of Philadelphia, a man who rises from being a poor, small-time club fighter and loan shark debt collector to becoming the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.

Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the ideological and geopolitical tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the 20th century, Rocky agrees to a 15-round exhibition boxing match with champion Russian boxer Ivan Drago in Moscow.

On the night of the match, Rocky is confronted with a stadium full of hostile, jeering people. Ivan, in contrast, enters in heroic and patriotic fashion and is greeted with wild, resounding applause. Even General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and the Politburo are in attendance to watch the match.

Rocky was clearly the underdog, and it was expected by the crowd and Soviet leaders that the bigger and stronger Ivan would quickly be victorious and demonstrate the superiority of the Soviet Union over the United States. But no matter how many powerful punches Ivan inflicted on Rocky, he would not go down. As the match neared the final round, the crowd’s attitude toward Rocky started to move in an unexpected direction. Impressed with his refusal to give up in the face of their stronger champion, they started to cheer for him.

Perhaps the most memorable part of the film was when a bloodied and battered Rocky, after having defeated Ivan, winning his respect and that of the crowd, addressed the audience. Through an interpreter, he said:

“I came here tonight, and I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve seen a lot of people hating me, and I didn’t know what to feel about that, so I guess I didn’t like you much either. During this fight, I’ve seen a lot of changing — in the way you felt about me and the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other. But I guess that’s better than 20 million. What I’m trying to say is that if I can change and you can change, everybody can change!”

The crowd was so moved by Rocky’s words that they gave him an enthusiastic standing ovation. General Secretary Gorbachev and the Politburo also rose to their feet and passionately applauded Rocky. They understood his message that the mutual hostility and disdain the American and Russian people had for each other could change to mutual respect, admiration, and peace between them.

While feats of strength and endurance can influence adversaries to develop mutual respect and admiration for each other, a special act of mercy and kindness can also lead to peace. One example of this can be seen in the history of ancient Israel.

During the reign of King Jehoram (852-841 BC), hostilities existed between Israel and the rival kingdom of Aram to the east (2 Kings 6:8-23). Ben-Hadad II (865-842 BC), king of Aram, would send marauders into Israel to plunder and weaken the country. He even set up ambushes to capture or kill the king of Israel. But the prophet Elisha’s warnings about the movements of Aram’s forces saved Jehoram several times.

Ben-Hadad, furious that his efforts were being thwarted, gathered his servants together to find out which of them was spying for the king of Israel. They denied any disloyalty on their part and told him about the prophet Elisha, who tells the king of Israel the words he speaks in utmost privacy. So the king ordered his servants to locate the whereabouts of Elisha, and once he was found in Dothan, he sent a large force of marauders by night to surround the city and apprehend him.

But as the host of marauders approached the city at daybreak, Elisha prayed to the Lord that they be inflicted with blindness, and his request was granted. Unable to see, Elisha was able to get the multitude to follow him, not into Dothan but to nearby Samaria, the capital of Israel. Once there, their eyes were opened at Elisha’s prayer.

Defenseless before the army of Israel surrounding them, the dismayed marauders expected death, especially since Jehoram was eagerly asking Elisha for approval to kill them. But Elisha told the king not to kill them but to provide food and water and send them home. He probably remembered God’s word through the wisdom of King Solomon from more than a century before:

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.” (Proverbs 25:21-22)

Because Jehoram followed Elisha’s word and treated his enemies with kindness and generosity instead of destroying them, the Lord rewarded Israel with peace from the Aramean marauders, who had developed a great respect for Elisha and ceased their attacks in the land.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome, he encouraged them to show the same kind of mercy and grace to their enemies as a way of trusting in God and pursuing peace instead of seeking vengeance against them. He exhorted them to “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:17-21)

Whether hostile children on a playground or nations pitted against each other on the world stage, it is a blessed thing when one side ceases acting out of revenge for wrongs real or imagined, animosities are set aside by all, and reconciliation and friendship take place.

In some ways, this is a microcosm of our relationship with God. He showed His great love, mercy, grace, kindness, and generosity toward us in that, while we were His enemies because of our sins against Him and deserving of His wrath, He reached out to us and sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Him through His perfect life, shed blood on the cross, and resurrection from the dead.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.” (Romans 5:8-11)

Anyone who trusts in Jesus alone (not Jesus plus something or someone else) receives as a gift from God forgiveness in place of condemnation, peace in place of hostility, and reconciliation in place of separation. In Christ, you become more than a friend with God. You become His beloved child forever (John 1:12-13; Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:1). Hallelujah!

© 2024 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

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God’s Purpose Written in a Book

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 5, 2024

Every person created by God has a purpose. Your purpose is recorded by God in a book in heaven. There are many books in heaven and one of the main books, however, is what can be called the books of destiny or purpose. “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet uniformed. And in your book, they all were written the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)

This verse says God wrote down in a book, my substance, my DNA – what makes me who I am. It is speaking of my likes and dislikes, my gifting and abilities, what I am good at and not good at. So what is in my book is my prophetic destiny and purpose that God saw of what I was to be for being alive on this earth. To discover our prophetic destiny and purpose, we should then pay attention to our innate desires. These can be significant clues to uncovering what we exist for. (Robert Henderson)

“In Him, also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.” (Ephesians 1:11) (Predestination here simply means there was a plan for our lives) “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) “Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.” (2 Timothy 1:9) God needs us to live out what is in our book of destiny so His purpose can be completed in this realm. If Satan can thwart enough of us from fulfilling our destiny, he can frustrate the purposes of God on the earth in America.

An example of this is recorded in the Old Testament in Numbers 14:31-36-33. The children of Israel came out of bondage in Egypt and God sent them into the wilderness, I believe, to get Egypt out of them before entering the Promise Land. While in the wilderness, the children of Israel delayed the purposes of God because of their unbelief and disobedience to God. So God raised up another generation to fulfill His will and purpose. As the Book of Numbers tells us that older generation’s corpses fell in the wilderness and they suffered for this unfaithfulness. As Hebrews 3:8-11 says they did not enter in His rest.

Our generation today is doing what the generations did in the Old Testament. We are disrupting God’s purpose in America and have been for years. Jesus said He would build His church. But Pastors for several years now have been successful building their mega churches but at what cost? They water down the Word of God. Preach smooth words and positive sermons so as not to offend anyone. As Mario Murillo says, “People are tired of big screens, skinny jeans, and smoke machines.” The people are tired of compromise, no teaching to lead them to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. The bigness of it all and the entertainment of it all has disrupted God’s purpose and will for America.

I have no idea how God is going to correct this foolishness and compromise called religion. I know for a fact He is in the process of raising up a new generation of Christians, baptized in the Holy Spirit, making disciples, winning the lost, resisting evil, casting out demons and pulling down strongholds. Many of these Christian are at work as I speak. This next move of God will not be church growth. The mainline denominational and mega churches will not like this new move of God at all. These new generation of Christians will declare war on religion and those who promote it. Multitudes will leave these fake mega churches and denominations and many will continue to close. Those in religion will miss this great move.

The season to repent is now because we will give an account to God with what we did with our purpose from God!! This end time great awakening will be exciting, led not by man but the power of God. It will be God’s finest hour in America and around the world. Show love and compassion to the rioters and disenfranchised blacks and millennials and others. They don’t know it yet but many will spearhead this mighty move of God!!! God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Robert Hendeson and his book “Courts of Heaven.”

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

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Pride and Hero Worship

By Late Roy Masters

January 4, 2025

Men, in their pride, elect all kinds of saints, gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share in their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from them.

We have a term for it; hero worship! Idolatry is what it really is, but it also happens to represent in reverse (worshipping the real God in humility) the fundamental principle of salvation.

The problem with this false salvation is that the hero with whom we identify is only a “projection” of ourselves, (devolutionary absorption, actually); he is an extension of the fallen human race, born of the lineage of sin and as a leader he is a bigger sinner than all of us put together.

He has the same corrupt identity we have, except that he has compensated for his misery, unhappiness and failings in “high style” fashioned from the strength we continue to give him.

The composer’s mind is rarely divinely inspired, he simply answers to the need of the people for distraction from their pain. His “creative” genius dramatizes that need, in our mind it seems that he plays for us, as though we created him to glorify us!

The medical researcher fills the same need, and his genius is related to our need for him to discover cures for us. He appears to fill the void of our absent health. How we love them and root for them; lo and behold! They uncover a cure or a melody.

The power we give our leaders (inspired through unholy need) “creates” (lesser) gods, geniuses of the arts and sciences, with whom the masses identify; they in turn feel responsible for (and better than) their “creations.” When the people erect plaques and statues to their “leaders’” honor, they unconsciously do homage to themselves.

The masses are always being saved by the greater “miracles” (traditions) they “grow” to need as they “grow” more degenerate. The truth is, were man truly what he should be, he would need none of these things. Instead he would have a proper relationship with his maker.

Our hero (proud achiever) following the order of pride, could be an artist, a composer, a vocalist, or the mafia. Because of their fantastic pride, these people suffer much torment, so they have reached beyond themselves (to Satan’s guidance) to develop the skills and talents needed to more perfectly soothe the guilt of their own pride, with wit, song and art and offer the fruits of their wisdom to the masses—and the people “love” them for it.

Many a doctor has risen above his inferiority by great medical achievements, sometimes because of a personal terror of germs, or perhaps of an empathy with people from whom he seeks ego support (sharing the pain of the suffering through identity).

The power of his hellish genius issues from the need of the people, and as the extension and mind of the people he often feels what the people feel. As he relieves the sickness and pain of the vain masses, he also loses the awareness of his own suffering via the praise and power he receives; but in curing us he also inspires us towards greater error and suffering because of his cures, and so he is forever busy becoming even greater.

“All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default”

The “famous” are really not much different from the infamous. The famous and glorified inspire us towards hypocrisy, vain achievements, false righteousness and developing meaningless talents as if they were meaningful.

On the other hand, infamous men, rebels, champions of degeneracy, inspire people to believe that their vulgarities and faults are realities and virtues of our true natures, thus in “saving” them from the awareness of shame, they also relieve them of guilt.

No! A real champion can never come from man’s seed to answer to that kind of need. He must be of a different order of man; he could not come into being by man’s lineage of original sin. He would have to come by virgin birth, born of woman overshadowed by the Spirit to conceive One not subject to and a slave of temptation (like us) from the very moment of our birth.

All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default. As Adam’s seeds we are all born inferior to the psychopathic forces of error that precede us. We are brainwashed by custom and culture, confused, lost, full of guilt and our own rationale.

Man born of woman is inferior to evil through women and his heritage; as fallen men we have never had power, grace or understanding to deal with any of our problems and complexes. Whatever feeble efforts we made to fight the system only made us helpless cripples.

Unless man has a champion, real or unreal, he has no hope, real or unreal. If all were as it were supposed to be, we would never need champions at all. But because all is not as it should be, we do need some kind of savior. There is a champion for real salvation.

Because we know this intuitively, our conscience will not let us rest until we find out what the false savior is doing to us. The false salvation saves the fool from the humiliation of knowing that he needs salvation at all: he puts his trust in science, religion and a can of beer!

The words in this text are leading you slowly toward meaningful discovery, your conscious mind is awakened along the way as I point out the secret road, the one that leads you to know your true Champion intimately. As I have said, our Champion must, of necessity, be a man (to identify with), a man of grace and power to contend with evil and not fail as Adam did, and so redeem us from what Adam, by his failing, bequeathed us.



Give Us A King

By Butch Paugh

January 4, 2025

History has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that mankind, no matter how much they desire to do right, have and will always ultimately fail! The “natural” tendency of man generates a constant and persistent “pull” that no matter how determined he is not to give into his innate desire to do his own will, inevitably over time loses his resolve. (Rom. 7:7-25) Even when the God that created man writes His laws and wills on tablets of stone and eventually even their hearts, they are still totally incapable of understanding the importance of remembering and walking in God’s “rules” for a blessed life.

Scripture and history are replete with accounts of peoples and nations coming out of the “darkness” into the light of God’s truth and then falling further into darkness then from which they first escaped. It’s for certain a fact that man never learns from his repeated mistakes. Even if one generation recognizes their dilemma and moves to correct the situation, and even leaves “written” instructions to their posterity on how not to fall into the snares again, they always do! In this chapter we are going to look at a few examples found in the Bible and throughout history.

If you believe in God and study His precious word, the 1611 KJV Bible, then you should already fully realize and understand how totally incapable mankind is in staying faithful to doing what is right in God’s eyes. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

His people, Israel, had gotten “comfortable” living in Egypt. They grew and multiplied to such an extent that the pharaoh feared they were a threat to his kingdom. So to control them he began to abuse them and put them into absolute bondage. To keep this account brief, even after they were sent a deliverer to rescue them from their bondage in Egypt and even millions started them on their way to the “promised land”, and even after the miracles they all witnessed and even after God himself wrote His laws for them on stone, only two men made it into the Promised Land!

In Joshua chapter 24 after Israel had grown into a “people” again, Joshua told them to decide who they wanted to serve. All the people gave their word that they were going to follow and obey the one true God who had delivered them into the Promised Land. There is no doubt they were totally since in their vow! But according to Judges chapter 2 the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of elders that outlived Joshua, then they turned from Jehovah God to Baalam!

Let’s look at one more example found in the scriptures. You will find it in I Samuel chapter 8. Israel was about to turn from God one more time, and this time He said He would not hear their prayers for deliverance from the new “god” they chose. Up until this time Israel’s “civil” government was basically a theocracy watched over by judges that were “supposed” to govern according to God’s law. When Samuel became too old to carry the load, he made his sons judges over Israel. This only further proves the point that was made at the beginning of this article, man is totally incapable, because of his sin nature, to follow in God’s righteous laws for long. Godly Samuel’s sons forsook God’s laws and the people cried out. And again to even further prove the weakness of mankind instead of seeking God to help remedy the problem, they again forsook Him. Israel went from a golden calf “god” to a “man god”! They rejected God asking and desired to do as the heathen, have a man king reign over them! They wanted an “earthly” security to watch over them from the womb to the tomb. Although they were severely warned as to what it would “cost” them, up to and including their children being used as “cannon fodder” to fight their new king’s wars! They refused to obey Samuel’s warnings and said “Nay: but we will have a king over us”. They had escaped slavery in Egypt to become slaves in their own land”

Of course, we Christians here in America read this passage and proclaim, “What a rebellious, stiff necked, ungrateful and “stupid” bunch of people! We are so smug in our ignorance, (Hos. 4:6-7) that we actually believe that we would and “could” not have such an evil attitude, much less be that stupid!

Here is a simple, true historical fact to all who desire truth. America’s true founders first gathered on her shores in 1620. They were called Pilgrims and Puritans. They too were escaping from a king and “religious” system that hated them. They all were set up much as ancient Israel. They never formed legislators to pass man’s laws to harass and control the people. Their selected leaders met to ensure that God’s laws were observed in their communities. They were not perfect in all their ways either, but overall morality and decency were upheld. Their “real” Christian convictions “governed” in God’s will! The Mayflower Compact and the colonies’ State Charters (Constitution) recognized that only Christians could be elected to office. That ended in 1787in Article Six in the U.S. Constitution.

As America’s morality in accordance with God’s laws slowly faded, so did the people’s liberties. It wasn’t but a couple generations until a once free people decided they wanted a king to take care of them from the “womb to the tomb”. It started under Roosevelt when the people were frightened back into slavery through government “benefits”. First, the one we call “Social Security”. Not God security, man’s social security! (Matt. 6:25-34 / Ps. 68:19 / Ps. 103:2 / Ex. 34:14 / Prov. 23:1-2)

Warnings were given to His people in His Word, and wise men and watchmen He set over America, but we said, “Nay, we will have a king over us!”

A Bird’s-Eye View of the Evolution of Nations by Alexander Tyler

1. From bondage to spiritual faith.
2. From spiritual faith to great courage.
3. From courage to liberty.
4. From liberty to abundance.
5. From abundance to selfishness.
6. From selfishness to complacence.
7. From complacency to apathy.
8. From apathy to dependency.
9. From dependency back to bondage.

Enough said. Choose you this day who you will serve. II Thes. 2:1-12 and Rev. 13:8-18 warns of the what-will-come of those who refuse to accept the truth!

In Christ’s Service,

© 2024 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh:

15 Predictions for 2025

By Steven Yates

January 4, 2025

“The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be.” —Paul Valéry

Since numerous writers I read regularly are offering predictions for the upcoming year, I thought I’d offer a few of mine. In the past I’ve shied away from this sort of thing — because, after all, “it’s tough to make predictions. Especially about the future” (Yogi Berra, renowned philosopher and late catcher for the New York Yankees).

But after thinking about it, making predictions shouldn’t be all that hard. After all, there’s nothing special about this particular position of our planet in its course around the sun. Designating a particular day as “New Year’s Day” is totally conventional.

What we can be sure of: human nature will be the same this year as it was last year. People will still try to get as much as they can, with the least possible effort. Most will continue to coast through life. They will still respond to incentives or “nudges,” except for that small minority that figures out the incentive structure encircling them and ignores, escapes, or thwarts it. Such people might actually develop free minds.

With that as background, here are 15 predictions for 2025. We’ll check in at the start of next year, to see how many came true. That’s assuming I’m still walking above ground on this planet and still writing pieces like this.

  • The growing divide, the “MAGA civil war,” between billionaire technocrats (Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy) and less-moneyed populists (Steve Bannon, Laura Loomer), latent all along, will widen until it fractures the movement. Nothing surprising here: it isn’t just that billionaires and less-moneyed populists aren’t likely to be on the same page, though that’s true. Rather, if there’s anything Republicans excel at, it’s shooting their own feet off. The controversy bespeaks a dark truth: America’s schools aren’t cultivating a mindset likely to produce legitimate scientists and engineers (as Ramaswamy’s controversial tweet pointed out). Naturally those who want to hire such people will go overseas to find them, and will try to bring them into the U.S. legally. American universities won’t produce them as long as they remain left wing indoctrination mills that repel men who have always been more likely than women to study physical science and computer engineering.
  • Trump will not annex Canada, nor purchase Greenland, nor take back the Panama Canal. The negative repercussions would far outweigh any (scanty) benefits.
  • He will, however, face difficulties from the get-go with parts of his agenda, such as deporting 15 million illegals. For starters, immigrants, legal or illegal, don’t mind working for peanuts while Americans want livable wages. They’re profitable for corporations, therefore — the other side of (1) above. Corporations will therefore fight Trump on this as much as woke leftists. Trump’s effort will face the added problem that those to be deported must go somewhere, and where that somewhere is, is unclear. Their homelands? At whose expense? No one thinks the affected countries, all of them eyeball-deep in their own problems, will foot the bill!
  • Leftist frustration risks exploding into violence at almost any time. I’m predicting there will be at least one more assassination attempt against Trump this year. It will fail. An angry “anti-racist” or some other leftist will be taken into custody.
  • Violence in schools, workplaces, streets, subways, will continue. Mental illness will be factor in some cases; terrorism in others (it only took a little over three hours for the first violent attack of 2025 to take place). The liberal-left will continue to act as if they really believe guns get up and go off by themselves. They will lament the availability of guns, although guns have always been available while they violence we’ve been seeing is of more recent vintage. No one, not even most conservatives, will attend to fundamentals, such as exactly what is producing shoot shooters, why their families are dysfunctional, what pharmaceuticals they’ve been put on, or why Americans’ mental health is in freefall with suicide rates climbing, especially among men. The braver of them may point to militant feminism. They won’t point to an atomizing neoliberal political economy which reduces the value of everything, including human beings, to a marketplace price tag.

Nor will they look at American foreign policy. Even Trump is a committed Zionist.

  • Speaking of which: those drawing attention to such facts as children in Gaza being traumatized due to Israeli war crimes will continue to be denounced as antisemitic. Many on the right will continue to lump those who won’t shut up about Gaza in with campus wokesters. The latter will play their role because Palestinians are, well, an ethnic minority. They are, aren’t they?
  • Leftists being slow learners, they will remain locked into identity politics with all four claws. Hence the country will remain divided: men versus women, blacks versus whites, native born Americans versus immigrants, etc. Higher education will continue to offer a smorgasbord of pseudo-subjects taught by pseudo-intellectuals.
  • Inflation will continue even if is “coming down,” e.g., prices not rising quite as fast as they were a year ago. Government numbers will remain as skewed and misleading as ever. Homelessness in 2025 will surpass 2024’s record high. If Trump follows through with his threats to impose tariffs on imports and corporate predators are allowed to pass the cost on to consumers causing more price inflation, he will get the blame.
  • The billionaire class will continue getting richer, fueling resentment across the political divide. The Dow is already completely decoupled from the real economy.
  • Guys like me urging primary prevention in health education will continue being invisible, meaning that obesity, chronic illnesses, myriad other avoidable ailments will continue unchanged. This will go on as long as such conditions remain profitable. Junk food and hyperprocessed foods will continue to fill grocery stores as long as they remain profitable, and consumers can’t be bothered to get informed.
  • Another healthcare CEO or some other bigwig will be gunned down in a street somewhere between now and the end of March. This person will also be lionized on social media as was Luigi Mangione, despite gasps of horror from pundits and Establishment writers and podcasters. CEOs, especially those atop corporate healthcare leviathans, will hire private security, which will accompany them everywhere they go, 24/7.
  • Sadly, people on my side of the aisle in some areas will keep going down false rabbit trails, e.g., this. Jack’s Substack takes a perfectly sound idea — responsible freedom — and runs off a cliff with it, this time into “parentarchy,” the idea that parents are little dictators over children, that this is an illicit exercise of authority (because in Jack’s view all authority is illicit), and that no one has previously noticed.

The idea has structural similarities to militant feminist “patriarchy” and critical race theory’s “systemic racism,” in its unstated starting assumption that we’re fundamentally the same — even children! — homunculi of a sort whose ideal state is autonomous reason, sufficient to make us our own authority.

Authority relationships thus reduce to the familiar “oppressor” versus “oppressed” dichotomy, the bane of academic wokeness. It saddens me profoundly to see a good idea (responsible freedom) encircled by a worldview in which it doesn’t fit, and then fall into something that in practice would only further the unraveling of families (flesh and blood human beings in unique situations, not interchangeable units of pure intellect). Jack ignores the actual sources of our problems: godless materialism as a worldview and neoliberal political-economics (see 5 again or go here and scroll to the section on “The Coming of the Neoliberal Era”; for more on parent-child go here.)

  • There will be more and more people who opt out of everything. Their numbers may be larger than anyone knows. They won’t be wasting time posting on social media. Hence they’ll be all but invisible. They won’t care. They won’t want to hear from any of us: right, left, somewhere in the middle, or off this spectrum entirely. They will be busy tending gardens, trading healthy foodstuffs locally, building things, educating their children to do the same or to pursue trades, and probably praying that the idiots in the cities don’t blow everything up. There are such people now. Some of them do product how-to podcasts. By the end of 2025, I think there will be more of them. This might be difficult to verify but I shall try.
  • The Everything Bubble will continue to expand. Eventually it will pop. I’ve learned the hard way not to try and put this on a timetable. Although a consumer-debt-based political economy cannot defy financial gravity forever, those profiting from it doubtless learned plenty from the 2008 meltdown and will milk their cash cows for as long as they possibly can before the plug gets pulled.
  • The Rapture will not occur. In this one, I have complete confidence.

That’s all I could come up with in the 24 hours I gave myself to write this. I’m sure I omitted a few issues. Readers who think of more may feel free to go here and share in the comments.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:


Steven Yates’s Substack site is called Navigating the New Normal. You’ll find content there that isn’t available here. While more and more of the Internet is disappearing behind paywalls, NtNN is still free. Consider subscribing, as that is how the Substack algorithm knows I exist.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

Federal Government has No Legal Right to Function as a Criminal Enterprise

By Andrew Wallace

January 3, 2025

Remember, our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and the only legal basis for Government. The majority of our so-called government and its laws are part of a Criminal Enterprise operating to rob and enslave the people in CONTRAVENTION of our Constitution.

Citizens living in the states are not legally subject to Presidential Executive Orders or directives written by Bureaucrats in the Administrative State. Only Congress can pass laws (although a majority of which are unconstitutional!).

Congress is mostly rogue and a criminal enterprise without the lawful authority for a majority of their laws. Congress has only the very limited and specific authority given it by the states in the constitution. The federal government is responsible for defense, counterfeiting, foreign relations, currency, piracy, treason, etc. States are responsible for everything else, including police powers, and welfare of the people, etc.

The Swamp exists as a Criminal Enterprise because both parties in Congress are bribed, allowing the federal government to centralize power by usurping state functions (major federal departments are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers!).

We must not forget those who profit from the more than 100,000 deaths of our military and millions of innocents since WW two. I refer to those who control all of this theft, murder and treason as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). They are the billionaire families and individuals who direct and control the corporate paymasters and the Swamp.

The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, but Congress did not declare even one for the 30 armed conflicts since WW two. Congress does not have power to override the constitution, which they do constantly. These wars had nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with profits and the funding of bribes. Congress has more blood on their hands than the rest of the world combined. Most members of Congress are the lowest form of life with ironclad reservations in hell.

Our Founding Fathers wrote our constitution with the understanding that FEW federal laws would affect the people, so they directed that laws of the union would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But Congress changed this by usurping state functions and establishing countless unconstitutional federal laws and regulatory agencies (Administrative State) writing “laws”. Remember that police powers are state functions. Our supreme law (Constitution) put most domestic power in the hands of the states. In other words, the PSRRC has taken over our government as a criminal enterprise with no legal rights to do so!

You have every legal right to ignore unconstitutional laws passed by Congress and all orders initiated by bureaucrats in the administrative state. Presidential Executive Orders also have no authority in the states. They affect only government employees and contractors. If you do stand up for your rights, be prepared to be framed or worse. So have a good lawyer (not many available) as you may have difficulty in locating a lawyer since most are Democrats or are afraid to confront the criminal enterprise (PSRRC) and the majority of government.

The Administrative State consists of unelected, hard-to-fire bureaucrats who act as if they are royalty and resist any policy (of either party) that might reduce their power. The only way to get rid of them is to terminate the offices they occupy. Destruction of the Republic by the Administrative State is equal to the crimes of Congress.

In simple terms, our government has an approximate income of $5 trillion dollars but spends $7 trillion dollars. They must borrow an amount equal to 40% of income ($2 trillion dollars), which effectively defines bankruptcy. At any time, the government will be forced to repudiate the debt or inflate the currency to zero value. Either action will result in the greatest of all depressions, much worse than the Great Depression. The only solution is to follow the Constitution to the letter, which is guaranteed to solve all financial problems.

A depression of this magnitude would result in death of those really sick, and instant poverty of those on Social Security. Money would be worthless. People would lose homes and farms. Most people in the cities would be homeless, without government checks and services. It would be impossible to deliver food to the cities, resulting in mass starvation. Criminal gangs would roam the streets, robbing, killing, and burning. Cities will not protect the people or allow them to use firearms to protect themselves.

My best guess is that at least 50% of federal employees must be terminated now to reverse this situation. But only 6% report for work anyway, so no great loss. We must also deport 10 to 20 million illegal invaders. Invader gangs make it even more important that you have an AR15 or better, with plenty of ammunition to protect your family.

The PSRRC and their subordinates in corporations, Congress and the swamp profit greatly from wars. But the people have to pay for the wars, bury their dead and support the wounded for a lifetime.

Since we can’t be invaded, our National Security does not require 250,000 members of our military in 150 countries or the substantial additional expense of a military that can project force. Only the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC, Congress and the swamp profit from these expenditures and the deaths of millions.

In a few words, President Trump has the constitutional power to reinstate the Republic in all its glory without the help of Congress or anyone else. But President Trump has not indicated that he will do it. His present plans will not drain swamp or avoid a catastrophic economic decline. More on this in the next article.

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace:

Recycling for Sustainable Electricity is the Key for Future Generations

By Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers, and Steve Curtis

January 3, 2025

There is a growing need to recycle human caused waste as this Planet’s resources WILL run out

Our planet has numerous resources, but they are NOT unlimited resources. What’s the future of humanity 100 to 500 years from now, after humans have extracted the oil, coal, lithium, cobalt and other resources from the 4.5-billion-year-old Earth?

♦ Worldwide crude oil consumption is currently estimated at roughly 96.5 million barrels per day. According to OPEC, global demand is expected to reach 109 million barrels per day. Estimations vary slightly from other sources as well, but it is predicted that we may run out of global oil from known reserves in about 50 years.

♦ Nothing lasts forever, even the abundant coal on this planet. For coal, we may run out of global coal from known reserves in about 130 years.

As the world’s population depletes the earth’s natural resources over the next 50, 100, or more years, our grandchildren may be unable to enjoy the more than 6,000 products of our materialistic society, being enjoyed by the current residents on this planet. These are products that people need and use every day, without even realizing that they come from the refining process. Without oil, we are back in the stone age.

To continue the preservation of human life on earth, it’s time to get serious about conservation, efficiency improvements, and recycling the waste that humans are generating.

One of the primary areas of focus is the recovery of electricity from waste streams such as tires and plastics.

♦ Tires: The United States generates around 280 million waste tires each year, which is roughly one tire per person. Globally, an estimated 1 billion to 1.8 billion used tires are discarded annually.

♦ Plastic: The world produces around 400 million tons of plastic each year, which is more than double the amount produced at the beginning of the century. Growth: Since the 1970s, plastic production has grown faster than any other material. If current trends continue, global production is projected to reach 1,100 million tons by 2050.

As billions of tires and millions of tons of plastic waste being disposed of annually, these materials represent a vast untapped source of electricity. Traditional disposal methods often lead to environmental pollution and health hazards. Waste to energy technology offers a sustainable alternative by converting these materials into clean electricity while reclaiming valuable products like recovered steel, coke, and carbon black.

There is a growing list of “waste to energy” companies vying for leadership of this revolution, developing and implementing groundbreaking solutions to convert waste into valuable electricity. By focusing on recycling and electricity generation, one of those companies is SOBE, a public utility in Youngstown, Ohio that converts waste into energy through a process called enhanced pyrolysis that is ready to begin helping manufacturing and healthcare companies meet their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals while also reducing their electricity costs.

These waste to energy firms provide the recycling and handling facilities for preprocessing hydrocarbon man-made based products such as waste tires and all seven grades of plastic into feedstock used internally within the group’s (WTE) waste to energy conversion technology. The feedstock is converted during the technology process inside their plants into a clean synthetic fuel gas that can be used directly for their operations, or in gas turbines or reciprocating engines for electricity generation. Providing a clean, safe and environmentally friendly solution for the repurposing of these difficult waste streams and reducing landfill usage.

This creates and establishes a true circular economy-based recycling model. Utilizing an inexhaustible stream of man-made waste converted into clean energy. The byproducts produced consisting of carbon black and steel are then repurposed for the greater good of our planet’s resources and the environment.

These waste to energy innovative processes are designed to be highly efficient and environmentally friendly. By combining recycling with electricity generation, the company can minimize waste and reduce the need for additional resources. The reclaimed materials can be reintroduced into the supply chain, reducing the demand for virgin materials and the greenhouse gas emission from production facilities; further contributing to a sustainable economy.

There are several challenges with traditional electricity sources such as coal and natural gas that have long been the primary means of powering our world. However, these sources often come with a host of environmental problems, including:

♦ Greenhouse gas emissions: The burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

♦ Air pollution: Fossil fuel combustion also produces harmful air pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides, which can have negative health effects.

♦ Depletion of natural resources: Coal and crude oil are finite resources on our 40-billion-year-old planet, and their continued extraction and use are depleting reserves.

Renewable electricity generating sources, such as solar and wind power, only offer an intermittent, but not sustainable alternative to the continuous electricity generation from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. Additionally, the production of solar panels and wind turbines requires significant amounts of electricity and exotic minerals and metals resources to make components of wind turbines and solar panels. They also create another problem with their waste when they are damaged, thrown away, or no longer usable.

The benefits of waste-to-electricity solutions, such as those collaboratively developed by SOBE, offer a promising alternative to traditional electricity sources.

By converting waste into electricity, these solutions can help:

♦ Reduce waste: Waste-to-electricity technologies can divert waste from landfills, reducing the need for new landfills and minimizing the environmental impact of waste disposal.

♦ Generate renewable electricity: The electricity produced from waste is considered renewable because it is derived from a constantly replenished resource.

♦ Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Waste-to-electricity technologies can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by displacing coal and natural gas for electricity generation.

♦ Create jobs: The development and implementation of waste-to-electricity technologies can create jobs in the electricity sector and related industries.

The Future of Sustainable Electricity: As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change and resource depletion over the next few centuries of the world’s reserves of crude oil and exotic minerals and metals, there is a growing need for innovative solutions to our demands for electricity. Waste-to-electricity and new technologies, such as those like SOBE is working with, offer a promising path toward a more sustainable and prosperous future.

In addition to their work on waste-to-electricity solutions, SOBE is also collaborating with companies like Optics Consulting and other organizations to develop and commercialize other clean electricity technologies. By fostering partnerships and sharing knowledge, companies can help accelerate the transition to a sustainable electricity future.

Imagine a self-generating behind-the-meter solution that is 100% renewable clean and continuous technology that can be deployed in 4 MW units and can be expanded to the needs of the electricity customers. Technologies like these are coming very soon.

By harnessing the power of waste, or utilizing new innovative technologies, we can focus on continuous and reliable electricity through recycling tires and plastic waste to help reduce our reliance on coal and natural gas, reduce the landfill footprint, protect the environment, and create a cleaner, healthier world for generations to come.

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table.

© 2024 Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers, and Steve Curtis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein:

Denzel Washington, Hollywood’s Liberal, Named In Sexual Pedophile Ring

By Bradlee Dean

January 3, 2024

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

Interesting, is it not that at the same time, that P-Diddy is being exposed for having celebrities (as they are called) and politicians (scoundrels) committing crimes against children, out of nowhere we start seeing the predators become Christians. If their conversions were only genuine.

In this case, none other than Denzel Washington, the ACTOR who loves to tell everyone how they should live their lives. That is as if to suggest that Denzel (in his distorted mind) is somehow the standard by which we are all to live our lives, but he’s not (Acts 17:31)! This is the same actor that plays the parts of adulterers, fornicators, thief, murderer, etc. (1 Corinthians 6:9).

When Hollywood hypocrites preach to the American church this is what you get

What should be of interest to the reader is that Denzel Washington has been named in the Diddy sex trafficking by a young victim. Child victim Alley Carter gives details in this article.

After this information comes out, and before you know it, Denzel Washington gets his minister’s license, as he makes his baptism public. Look at the timing here. Who does he think he is getting one over on? Read Isaiah 47:3; Luke 12:2.

It does not stop there; we have sex addict Russell Brand, who was also named in the sex scandal and suddenly converted in the face of the world shortly after being accused of assault (Luke 17:2). How convenient.

What of the politicians? Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris are just the tip of the iceberg regarding these extorted scoundrels (1 Kings 13:33). Don’t forget about the Jeffery Epstein expose.

This has been ongoing for decades, explaining why this country is being led directly into the hell it is fast becoming (Psalm 9:16-17).

It also includes self-professed ministers such as TD Jakes, Billy Graham, etc. (Luke 6:36).

From Watergate to Pizzagate – Exposing How Washington D.C. is Part of the International Pedophile Network

In conclusion, these actors, who just think that they are playing a part along with these politicians who think that they are above the law (Isaiah 14:12), are quickly finding out otherwise.  How are the people in this country going to hold them accountable for making a prey of their children (Luke 17:2)?

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

The Unmitigated Gaul, Incompetence and Corruption of Joe Biden

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 2, 2025

Are you angry about what’s happening to our country? I am livid! I could just spit at this president and Congress. Every day we click on the television, yet another tragedy visits endless Americans. It’s beyond comprehension.

Some nut job Muslim ISIS terrorist killed 15 and wounded 30 by driving his truck down Bourbon Street, New Orleans at high speed. He carried I.E.D.’s along with a reported couple of other terrorists with more I.E.D.’s set up in other parts of the city. They’re calling it the “New Orleans Massacre.” It’s another mini-9/11 perpetrated on the American people because our horses-ass president and Congress won’t stop mass-illegal immigration from Islamic countries.

They said Mr. Jabbar was an American citizen. That’s false! He’s a pretend citizen. No Muslim will ever be a loyal American citizen because they believe in the Quran. And, the Quran forbids any believer to betray the dictates of that most violent book of Islam. It commands its believers to, “Covert or kill all non-believers.” Muslims only honor Mecca and Mohammed, along with their violent god, Allah. They cannot and do not subscribe to the U.S. Constitution. Yet, our idiots in Congress keep pumping them into our country like fleas off a camel’s rump.

I’ve worked in New Orleans. I admire Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). He’s down-home country with common sense and incredible humor. I wish the rest of the U.S. Senate and House thought like him, spoke like him and made sense like him.

If you visit Detroit, Michigan, you can see “Little Baghdad” being recreated in our country. All on welfare! If you visit Minneapolis, Minnesota, you’ve got “Little Mogadishu” of Muslims piled in on each other at over 120,000 of them, and they’re all on welfare off American taxpayers’ backs. It’s almost mind boggling to think some politician in Washington DC thought it was a good idea to import that savage 6th century religion into our country. Look what they’re doing to our Jewish citizens whom the Muslims want exterminated. And, we sit here paralyzed when they march around with ISIS flags and Palestinian in America. Those holding those flags vehemently hate America.

Why did Joe Biden absolutely betray our country? Or, why did his handlers betray our country in the past four years? Why? Biden and/or his handlers invited, engineered, and paved the way for 15 million illegal aliens of every kind of stripe: terrorists, rapists, murderers, crazy people, ISIS Jihadists, illiterates, drug dealers, MS 13 gangs, Tren de Aragua gangs, shoplifting gangs, and worse. Even the ones that are simply refugees, cost U.S. taxpayers $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually for the past four years. (Source:

Those illegals have killed Laken Riley at the University of Georgia. They’ve killed women and raped them in San Francisco, LA, New York City, Miami——and yet, those fools like Gavin Newsom, Kathy Hochul, Jared Polis in Colorado, and that worthless mayor in Chicago, Brandon Johnson, keep their Sanctuary Cities open to all those criminal illegals. None of it makes any sense!

Is Biden gunning for becoming the WORST president of all time? Well, he’s there! He is the worst U.S. president, ever!

About 270,000 drug overdose deaths in the past four years of Americans because of Biden’s open borders would tell you that Biden is hundreds of times worse than 9/11 of only 3,000 deaths by Muslim terrorists.

Whose city and which Americans are the next, “_______Massacre” that we all get to read about, or we are dead because of Biden’s open borders and Congress doing nothing to stop 15 million illegals.

France did the same thing to itself in the 1970’s. It opened its borders. Jean Raspail, in Camp of the Saints, said, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations. You don’t know that you’re in for if that fleece of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours. They will swallow you up.”

Today, France stands eyeball deep in division with its “Muslim brutes” who are taking over. All of Europe has bent itself into a pretzel to welcome the third world’s illiterate brutes—-and now, they have destroyed their countries as to culture, language, and way of life. It’s sickening to see it firsthand.

America continues to “diversify” itself to death. “Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars. Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, acts as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration,” said social scientists Garret Hardin. “We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country through the unlimited acceptance of massive immigration. The magic words of the destabilizers are “diversity” and “multiculturalism.”

One historian said, “Most great nations don’t die by being conquered; they die by internal suicide.”

In the end, Biden IS the biggest liar, biggest con man, and most dishonest president in U.S. history. He was part and parcel of his son’s millions of dollars from influence pedaling with Burisma and China. He pardoned his liar, thief, con-man, drug addict, whoring son named Hunter Biden. To pardon him for 10 years and 11 months of crimes means he was a career, hardened criminal. Like father like son!

If we Americans continue to vote people like Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Rashida Talaib (Muslim), Ilhan Omar (Muslim), Brandon Johnson, Gavin Newsom, Hickenlooper, Bennet, Polis, Biden, et al., we Americans are putting a noose around our necks, while they pull the drop cord that lets us die a miserable death.

In 2025, we must take action to support President Trump to pull us out of this nose-dive. Our very existence as a viable civilization hangs in the balance.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

MAGA Blowhard Bannon Sabotages the Trump Agenda?

By Cliff Kincaid

January 2, 2025

Elon Musk has accused the media of “relentless hit pieces” that are designed to encourage the assassination of Trump “and now me.” These threats will continue and intensify, and many are now coming from MAGA over Musk’s defense of special high-tech visas for smart people from foreign countries.

Meantime, MAGA is assassinating itself, politically speaking.

My old friend John Gizzi, the White House correspondent for Newsmax, was on my Rumble show discussing why the Republican opponents of Speaker Mike Johnson have no alternative to him but nevertheless want to sabotage the slim GOP majority in the House.  “Without a speaker,” notes Gizzi, “the House would be barred from officially certifying the results of the 2024 election.”

Gizzi says Johnson has made some mistakes and should be held accountable but in a column for Newsmax notes the slim Republican majority that must be maintained to pass a conservative agenda of economic progress.

MAGA blowhards like Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by Trump during his first term, hates Johnson but has no alternative. He claims to be pro-MAGA but he is doing everything possible to undermine Trump’s MAGA agenda.

Trump endorses Johnson, calling him “a good, hard working, religious man” who “will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN.”

In terms of real assassination attempts, which are on-going, Musk says he has faced at least two of them. One of these would-be assassins by the name of Paul Ryan Overeem had traveled from Florida to Austin, Texas, and was caught threatening to massacre Musk and others at a Tesla event.

The attacks on Musk have accelerated recently, as the liberal media and their allies in the Democratic Party have accused him of being a sinister force in the American political process and even a shadow president by making his views known on the current bankrupt financial and fiscal policies pursued by the Congress of the United States.

Whereas Trump was targeted by a “bullseye” issued by Biden and attacked as another Hitler, Musk is being labeled as a subversive force for exercising his First Amendment right of free speech and putting tens of millions of dollars into Republican campaigns in 2024.

Why is Musk a target? His conversion to the Republican Party is one factor. But as CNN admits, he is a “visionary” whose innovations have “revolutionized the e-commerce, electric vehicle and space industries…” More importantly, he bought Twitter, now X, giving conservatives a voice.

In contrast to left-wing billionaire George Soros, who made his money through financial manipulations of the international currency market, Musk provides goods and services that America needs.

The dangerous message was this: “Folks, please do not forget Musk is the CEO of several companies. I say again, he’s a CEO. Do with that information as you will,” some critic named Don Shea wrote on X, a post quicky deleted.

This was interpreted as an assassination threat, modeled after the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and the “wanted” posters for other CEOs posted afterward.

For being a successful capitalist, he is now a target.

In reviewing who or what on a global basis might have a motive to go after Musk, as well as Trump, my educated guess is the Russians, who are notorious in the field of “wet work,” or their clients, the Iranians, and those in the Deep State who would like to facilitate such actions.

Musk’s detractors are claiming he is too close to the Chinese and the Russians, even though his innovations have benefitted America.

For background on who might be motivated to kill Musk, consider the Bloomberg story from 2018, “How Elon Musk Beat Russia’s Space Program,” on how Musk had developed the most capable missile in the world through SpaceX.

Back in 2014, under President Barack Hussein Obama, as noted by the Washington Post, American national security satellites and classified military spacecraft were routinely launched into orbit with help from Russian rocket engines. That continued for more than a decade but was eventually banned after the first Russian invasion of Ukraine, also under Obama.

Today, as noted by the New York Times in a May 24, 2024, story, SpaceX is the primary provider of launch services to NASA and to the Pentagon.

In my column, “They Want to Kill Elon Musk,” I note the evidence of his genius and regard his involvement in the Trump Administration as “the key to America remaining a military and economic superpower in the world.”

However, Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by Trump in his first term, has called Musk “a total and complete phony” and claims that because Musk produces some of his cars in China, “He is owned – lock, stock, and barrel – by the Chinese Communist Party, and he acts like it.”

This kind of ugly vitriol can inspire other attacks on Musk.

In response, Musk replied, “I used to think Bannon was smart & evil, but now I realize I was wrong about the first part.”

On his “Real America’s Voice” channel, Bannon has suggested that Musk’s business Neuralink is designed to control people’s brains through chip implants.

For his part, Musk believes advances in science and technology which can benefit Americans should be encouraged. His Neuralink project is developing means by which people can cope with their own neurological disorders and disabilities, such as paralysis and blindness.

Musk represents new thinking that can guarantee America’s scientific and military dominance in the world.

If you want more on the history of science and the new age we are entering into, consider reading Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Popular procedures, such as knee and hip replacements, and some life-saving drugs, prolong life for millions of mostly older Americans. Dentures, hearing aids, reading glasses, and cataract surgeries are other modern examples of how science has been used to improve the human condition.

“He’s a character, he’s a special guy, he’s a super genius,” Trump said of Musk. “We have to protect our geniuses, we don’t have that many of them.”

In the second Trump term, Musk will deserve special protection, since he is a key figure in what Trump promises to be a “Golden Age” for America. But he won’t be able to accomplish anything for America unless a few Republicans in the House under the influence of MAGA blowhard Stephen K. Bannon stop sabotaging Trump’s choice for Speaker of the House.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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Either You Own Property, or You Are Property

by Kathleen Marquardt

January 1, 2025

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated, and ownership I rendered a barren right.”  —Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders

Without the right to property, we only have the right to our thoughts; all else will be controlled by others.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”  That is not an exaggeration. Without the right to property, we are slaves. Our founding fathers realized that and were careful to correct the original Constitution by adding the Bill of Rights, among other things.

From official U.S. government founding documents:

1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  (Without the right to property, we would not have places to meet – assemble – to stand up and protect our property rights.)

2nd Amendment: protects the right to keep and bear arms. (Without guns, we would find ourselves trying to protect our rights with pitchforks, axes, and sticks.)

3rd Amendment: prevents the government from forcing homeowners to allow soldiers to use their homes. Before the Revolutionary War, laws gave British soldiers the right to take over private homes.

4th Amendment bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property.

9th Amendment states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out.

10th Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

Read the above carefully, then think about this:

“By 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy.” ~ Klaus Schwab, Founder/Chairman WEF

That would only be true if we all had lobotomies or were constantly high on hallucinogenic drugs. Oops, that’s the plan our government – via the Department of Health Education and Welfare — working with the Michigan State University to devise a plan to dumb down all the useless-eater children. It’s called the BSTEP — Behavioral Science Teacher Educator Program.

One short excerpt:

Page 255 of BSTEP (288 of the PDF) has a chart “Detailing the Controlling Elite,” the Overview reads:


The Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance. Work as the means (illegible) end of living will diminish in importance except for a few with exceptional motivation, drive, or aspiration. No major source of a sense of worth and dignity will replace the Protestant Ethic. Most people will tend to be hedonistic, and a dominant elite will provide “bread and circuses” to keep social dissension and disruption at a minimum.


A small elite will carry society’s burdens. The resulting impersonal manipulation of most people’s lifestyles will be softened by provisions for pleasure-seeking and guaranteed physical necessities. Participatory democracy in the American-ideal mold will mainly disappear. The worth and dignity of individuals will be endangered on every hand. Only exceptional individuals will be able to maintain a sense of worth and dignity.

That was done in 1969. Most people today think that we, who have been telling them about the global “elite” plan, have made it all up. Yes, it was made up, but not by us – it was made up by them to wrest control of the entire world and control all of us.

They are close to their goal, but the latest election in the U.S. shows that a lot of people were just asleep – not fully braindead from the brainwashing that has been inundating them in the education system and mainstream media.

Back to property. Since early in this recent election process, the writing on the wall has been read by most. The power elite (PE) were not going to be able to reach enough dead people in time to outvote the awake. So, they are doing everything still in their power to get us further down the road to serfdom while they still control our government and other entities.

Note the push to ban eating meat. The PE who have megabucks are buying up farm and ranch land as fast as they can. Their minions, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mostly created by them, are doing their fair share of controlling our natural resources. They are working diligently on putting as much land into national trusts, land trusts, and programs like 30X30 – removing 30% of the planet’s oceans, lands, and freshwaters from any human use whatsoever.

And there are the big companies, the Blackwaters, J.P. Morgans, State Streets, the big banks, and billionaires grabbing land. Oh, and another way big industries are getting land is to plan a green-power construction project across acres and miles of little people’s properties, then (after being awarded via the U.S. Supreme Court’s egregiously unconstitutional decision in the Kelo Case. Many of those companies probably have no intent of putting up wind or solar power now – knowing that it can never replace “fossil fuels”, but the government has decreed that the properties the company “takes” as they are beginning to set up construction are theirs to keep – even if they never put up one solar panel or windmill.

And, of course, there are all the things being banned because they are supposedly unsustainable — causing or abetting “climate change”. For instance, grazing of livestock, disturbing the soil surface, fencing of pastures or paddocks, agriculture, modern farm production systems, building materials, industrial activities, human-made caves of brick and mortar or concrete and steel, paved and tarred roads and highways, railroads, floor and wall tiles, aquaculture, farmlands, rangelands, pastures, fish ponds, modern hunting, fisheries, scuba diving, agricultural development, forestry urbanization, logging, fossil fuels, dams, reservoirs, straightening rivers, power line construction, private property, population growth, consumerism, and many, many more. From Global Biodiversity Assessment: Cambridge University Press, the 7-pound book that spells out what we humans are going to be banned from using or even looking at.

I want you to understand that “property rights” mean much more than owning a house and some acreage. Those who rent also need to understand that they may have a lease, but it will be as useful as toilet paper when those so-called elites are ready to take over control of the world.

The late Rosa Koire spells it out perfectly. “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

I truly believe that the globalists believe they must finish us off now; that too many people have awakened and are becoming aware of the threat now facing us. There are far more of us than them, and we are Americans, raised on the belief that the tenets of the U.S. Constitution provide for our freedom, safety, and prosperity – if we stay strong and support the principles it upholds.

We are truly in the fight for our lives and beliefs. It is now or never. It is time to take back this once-great country and restore its life-sustaining, honorable principles. To do that, we must start at the local level among our neighbors and friends.

What are you waiting for? Build or join a Freedom Pod today.


Think I’m crazy?

Just in:

No packing necessary – Japan Airlines pushes “rental clothes” to travelers at their destination to reduce the weight of baggage and reduce carbon emissions.

© 2024 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

Resolve to Know the Truth

A.M. Byrd

January 1, 2025

The New Year is upon us. Many have made resolutions that they will fail at and toss aside in about 10 minutes from now. I made a resolution too, but I doubt I will fail at it. I’m going to think differently and not succumb to the world’s ignorant, destructive, perverse ways.

Something has been eating at me for months. My family are, by confession of faith, Catholic, Roman Catholic and/or Protestant. Many, but not all, confess Christ Jesus as Savior and believe on Him for their salvation, as the propitiation for our inherited sin nature. Those of us who are believing Christians, recognize the Christ, Jesus, as the Word of God and the head of The Living Church.

What is the Living Church? It is the Body of Christ, being the multitudes of believers who rely on Him, do their best to obey His Laws and His precepts, as the final authority of our faith. It is not a structured brick and mortar building; nor steel and glass cathedral, nor an event center that seats 75,000 humans and preaches wealth and prosperity and shines their toothy Pepsodent smiles as wide as they can, while they pass the offering plates to endlessly extend their televised indoctrinations of pliable, hypnotized, lazy minds. These ravenous wolves who prey on people’s inner hopes and selfish desires rake in the money; these “preachers” who live in sumptuous luxury off the donations to their so-called “ministries” don’t REALLY care a whit about the salvation of their Flocks. Their entire purpose is to be put on pedestals and worshipped as “God’s’ messengers, while they lead the masses utterly astray with their “Feel Good Gospels.

That’s part of the problem with our human race/society/culture. We want to feel GOOD about ourselves; we want to excuse our wayward trends, our perversions, and our hedonism. We want to sit in those pews and pretend that all is forgiven and then exit the church doors and resume our judgmental biases in all their self-aggrandizing fashions. Woe unto ye, hypocrites, the Holy Scriptures say to us. We’ve left humility in the dust bin of our consciences.

But do we stop and take account of where THAT road leads us? God is either in us, or He isn’t. When He IS, the Holy Spirit, which is His whispering, indwelling voice in our redeemed minds and hearts, speaks to us constantly of decisions we make or are inclined to make. It also warns us of troubled waters just ahead.

Some people have learned to listen to that still, small voice…most haven’t. We’re too arrogant, too self-serving and self-worshiping. I mean, take a look at the hatred in just our own country! The instant President Trump was declared victor in the Nov election, I rejoiced…for about 5 minutes; then I realized that the social/culture war just got even more desperate and dangerous. When he started announcing his personal cabinet picks, I knew the turbulent political waters were going to get A LOT more dangerous for our nation.

My personal beliefs and traditions are not to be imposed on any other human being. One of the greatest gifts the Lord our God gave to us as a species, was freedom of choice. I may not be impressed with many of Trump’s picks, but some of them have me downright terrified. When one investigates the backgrounds, social and historical affiliations of some of the people who are going to be closest to our president, I can see the unmitigated disaster unfolding for our sovereign national status…we are just barely sovereign even now; and hanging by a mere silken thread.

Which brings me to the intent of this communication. Who has the authority to determine how we live our lives? Does a church dogma direct our pathway? What is more important? Our personal adherence to a specific doctrine, directed through our choice of denomination and the practice thereof, or the immutable Law of God and how it is applied to our lives? Does Man have the ability, divine right and/or authority to change God’s Laws?

Apparently so.

THAT gives me great pause to consider the ramifications of such an attitude. The moment Humans practice the profane act of disobedience to a Law given by God Himself, written on a tablet of stone, is the moment we commit the ultimate act of transgression against our Creator. It is said that the only unpardonable sin is to grieve the Holy Spirit. I think putting oneself above God is the single most defiant act possible.

Why do I bring this up?

For centuries Man has tried to unwrap the prophecies and perplexing visions in the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, the minor prophets; then there are NT disclosures of Christ Himself in Matthew, Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, and John’s Revelations for instance. But the one continuous thread of Man being in observance of God’s laws and precepts, is that the Almighty Creator is the absolute Sovereign over all things, and we must not be so pompous and presumptuous as to think we can overrule His edicts. If God says, DON’T do something or DO do something, in accordance with our reverence (fear) of Him, we should bloody well follow His laws.

Long ago, when I was a girl, I attended Catholic catechism on Wednesday nights. My paternal grandparents were Roman Catholic. My maternal grandparents were First Baptist. When I asked the Sister leading our class, where in the Scriptures I could find God’s recommendation of praying to the Virgin Mary for intercession with Him, or confessing my sins to a mortal priest so I could endlessly repeat Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers, she suggested I discuss it with our Monsignor. He didn’t think I was good Catholic material and suggested that I might find a different doctrinal home. It never sat very well with me that they wouldn’t answer my question but told me to hit the door instead.

Then about 6 months ago, it began to really materialize in my thoughts that the Pope was becoming a lot more powerful in his influence over world leaders. The Papal State is the smallest country/nation on earth, but arguably one of the most powerful, spiritually and diplomatically, on earth as well. I’ve read the Bible books that tell us what the future will look like, even though those books and letters are shrouded in symbolism and vague representations. But we know a few things for sure. There will be a world unified under one umbrella of doctrine; political, religious and military………….and we should take heed to not take the “mark” of that counterfeit system. Well….what in hell would THAT LOOK LIKE?

A few weeks ago, I watched a docu-series that rattled me to the core. I grew up with the Ten Commandments. These are the Laws of God, and one in particular set aside as supremely important:

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is within them and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath and hallowed it.” Exodus 20: 8-11

So, thinking to myself, only the Jews (and 7th Day Adventists) practice the Sabbath; I’m not inclined to become Jewish, mostly because there is so much to study to convert. Isn’t there another option? How do I tell my employer I can’t work on Saturday’s!! That’s not gonna fly at all. Let me do a little more thinking. So while “thinking” I began digging. Where did Sunday take over being the Sabbath? Why do we observe Sunday? Somewhere back in my feeble memory, I remember SUNday was the day the Sun was worshipped. That was a pagan ritual in Egypt. When did it creep into Christianity?

The Pope declared it his divine right to determine what day we would worship God…he’d override God’s sanctification of the Sabbath. Like Christmas is derived from the pagan worship of the winter solstice. Christ Jesus wasn’t born on Dec 25th. You might well ask, how can I buck 2 thousand years of tradition like that? Well, shucks…I guess it’s because I like FACTS not just convenient but ultimately unprovable or false postulations.

Here, we will take a little side trip:

Luke 1:24-28, 31 chronicles [the] events [of the time if the birth of Jesus], “Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, ‘Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.’ Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, ‘Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!’…And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.”

Based on the Bible text and knowledge of the priestly courses (Zacharias, Elizabeth’s husband, was a priest in the Temple; see below) we can estimate that Jesus was born around the time of Tishriwhich falls in mid to late September. This approximation is reached by starting at the conception of John the Baptist, which occurred in Sivan (June). Then, we count forward six months to arrive at Gabriel’s announcement of the conception of Jesus, which happened in Kislev (December). Finally, we count forward nine more months, which is the average time it takes for human gestation, to reach Tishri (September) when Jesus was born.

Relating to the priestly courses: In those times, Jewish priests were divided into 24 courses that served in the temple throughout the year. The order of Abijah was the eighth priestly course (see 1 Chronicles 24:6-19) which served in the temple during the 10th week of the priestly cycle. The 10th week started on the second Sabbath in the month of Sivan, which falls approximately from mid-May to mid-June. After Zechariah returned from his priestly duties, Elizabeth became pregnant with John the Baptist.  When Was Jesus Actually Born? Biblical, Historical Evidence

Further investigation denotes Herod the Great’s reign, the Murder of the Innocents that Herod proclaimed must occur due to his jealous fear of another king to threaten his power and the end of Herod’s reign, likely ending between 4 and 1BC. 2 calendars were being used during that time so the exact date takes alot more math than I have available in my limited grey matter. Splitting the difference, we can presumably, securely say however, that the Christ was born in approx 2 BC, give or take, and it was most likely sometime in September, when shepherds were grazing their flocks.

At this point, what does it matter? He was born, He preached the Kingdom of God, died for the forgiveness of OUR sins and rose on the 3rd day, after which He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, fulfilling all the prophecies of the ancient prophets in the OT.

But I digress. Returning to my commentary, here is what I found:

“The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ.”

“The Pope has the authority and often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ.” Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop. Cap. (The Pope can modify divine law.) Ferraris’ Ecclesiastical Dictionary

“I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ The Catholic Church says: ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.’ And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in a reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church.” Father T. Enright, C.S.S.R. of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, in a lecture at Hartford, Kansas, February 18, 1884, printed in History of the Sabbath, p. 802

“The church…took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday…. The Sun was a foremost god with[in] heathendom…. And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday.” (Dr. William L. Gildea, The Catholic World , March, 1894)

“Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles . . From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first.”—Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.

“The civil authorities should be urged to cooperate with the church in maintaining and strengthening this public worship of God, and to support with their own authority the regulations set down by the church’s pastors. For it is only in this way that the faithful will understand why it is Sunday and not the Sabbath day that we now keep holy.” (Roman Catechism, 1985)

This particular statement has me hopping mad. How DARE the church and civil authorities “cooperate” with each other to make me “understand” what day it is “important” to worship or not??? Shouldn’t I worship the Lord every day? God gave me a brain to USE, not have it sit idle in my cranium and be a mass of folds and neurons to simply keep the inside of my skull warm? Could they be any more insulting?

But this takes the cake:

“Sunday is our MARK of authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact “ Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923.

Well, guess what; “They”, the collective ‘church’ and all their polished pastors and pulpit charlatans, can take their “MARK” and put it right up where the sun don’t shine.

I may have to work on Saturday, as my Savior Christ reckoned fit for the disciples when they gathered grain on Saturday because they were hungry, or when Christ himself healed the withered hand of an unfortunate person on Saturday, because love and mercy is as great as Saturday worship, but I will hold always to the recognition that the Pope and the Catholic Church are not above my Creator, nor my Salvation in Christ.

The Pharisees declared Christ Jesus possessed of the devil because he DARED to preach and heal on the Sabbath. That is what happens when Man, in his imperious narcissism thinks he is better or more righteous that the Lord our God.

The Jesuit Pope might want to consider his own salvation. The First Commandment says “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

That includes Mary, the pure vessel God used to bring the Saviour to us and the Emperor Pope of Rome.

There. I said it.

© 2024 Alice Byrd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Alice Byrd: