Jimmy Carter’s Life and the Death of America

By Cliff Kincaid

January 7, 2025

They tell us that Jimmy Carter was a great ex-president, a description designed to camouflage his disastrous four years as president. We must know the truth as America moves forward. We must not celebrate his one and only presidential term.

Instead, we must remember why Ronald Reagan defeated him. A big reason can be viewed in the televised debate, “Resolved: That the Senate Should Ratify the Proposed Panama Canal Treaties,” in which Reagan opposed William F. Buckley Jr. and the Jimmy Carter position.

The Senate ratified the treaty on March 16, 1978 by a vote of 68 to 32.

Trump recently sided with Reagan, vowing to retake the Panama Canal, which has fallen into the hands of the Communist Chinese.

Whether Trump will do this or not, America’s future depends on disavowing Jimmy Carter’s legacy and telling the truth about his service to America’s enemies.

In addition to giving away the Panama Canal, Carter’s big “contribution” to America’s history and destiny was undermining American allies, facilitating global Jihad, encouraging the rise of Red China, and playing patty-cake with the dictator of Communist North Korea.

The latter led to the eventual emergence of another communist nation capable of hitting the United States with nuclear weapons. It just fired another intermediate-range ballistic missile.

In addition, his weakness invited a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, leading to his successor President Ronald Reagan’s support for Afghan “freedom fighters” who included some jihadists that got so strong in that part of the world under Reagan’s successors that they attacked America on 9/11.

Afghanistan was attacked by America in response, but the long war came to an end under Joe Biden and the country returned to the control of the Taliban and their Jihadist allies.

In that case and many others, America is dealing with Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy disasters. The Middle East is a mess, made worse by Joe Biden, and so is Europe, where Reagan after Carter’s disastrous four years had to confront the Soviet military build-up and issue the demand “Tear down this wall” to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Under Democrat President Bill Clinton, the U.S. vowed to defend Ukraine from Russian aggression. That didn’t happen under Barack Hussein Obama, when the first Russian invasion of Ukraine took place, but did happen belatedly under Biden, which became a costly no-win war that Trump has vowed to end in his second term.

Carter “normalized” diplomatic relations between the United States and Communist China in 1979, throwing the Republic of China on Taiwan, a democracy, under the bus. No one knows when Red China will invade the peaceful country, another potential disaster that Trump must now deal with.

Yet Joe Biden claimed that Carter tried to “forge peace, advance civil rights and human rights” and “promote free and fair elections…”

Dick Morris’s presentation on how Jimmy Carter’s legacy was “Peace in The Middle East” is laughable. He did negotiate a 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty but Carter believed that Palestinian Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat, a Soviet KGB agent, was a man of peace.

What is more, Carter supported a “homeland” for the Palestinians and hated Israel, as reflected in his book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, earning him the label “Jew-hater.”

His Carter Center was partly financed with big money from the Arab states.

Bankrupting America

His disastrous economic policies, including double-digit inflation, did enormous damage. I bought my first house when his economic policies had not yet been diffused by President Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts and the mortgage interest rate was then over 16 percent.

As an ex-president, he built houses. But the house he left me was too expensive and too small for a growing family.

On the global stage, he surrendered Iran to the global Islamic Jihad and gave away the Panama Canal, under the cover of his “America Last” foreign policy. He promoted socialized medicine.

Carter left a mess for Reagan, just as Biden leaves a mess for Trump.

The Washington Post claim that his work after the White House “made Jimmy Carter a standout” was another laugh. Through his Carter Center he became even more left-wing.

The Carter Center’s report, The Big Lie and Big Tech, accused conservatives of spreading misinformation, when Big Tech perpetuated the “Big Lie” that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda.

Not surprisingly, the Carter Center identified the Soros-funded Open Society Institute as “a generous supporter of The Carter Center since 1998.”

It maintained a “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” department.

We are told he was a good man and it appears he had a happy and stable marriage to Rosalynn. But being a good man doesn’t erase the need to address his disastrous four years.

On Fox News, regarding Carter’s death at 100, a panelist said that if you didn’t have anything good to say about a man after his death, don’t say anything. She said this is how she deals with her kids. She wanted to shut down the discussion of his very bad foreign policy.

We are not kids. We are adults. We can handle the truth.

Another Bad Treaty

In addition to giving Iran to the mullahs and giving away the Panama Canal, he tried to get Senate approval for the Law of the Sea Treaty, which was negotiated and written by socialists and world-government advocates, mainly under the Jimmy Carter administration. It was so bad that President Reagan flatly rejected it.

On top of these betrayals, he facilitated the communist takeover of Nicaragua in Central America in 1979, giving his successor Reagan another foreign policy mess to deal with. When Reagan authorized support for Nicaraguan freedom fighters, Democrats threatened to impeach him over the “Iran-Contra affair,” a reference to the president’s successful efforts to free American hostages in the Middle East.

Under fire for a series of American setbacks around the world, there was an illegal leak of classified information to make Carter look like a tough foreign policy president. The leak was that the U.S. was developing stealth technology so our aircraft and other weapons of war could avoid radar.

A congressional report said that Carter Defense Secretary Harold Brown was trying “to make the administration look good in an election year.” Adm. Elmo Zumwalt (ret.), a former chief of naval operations, testified under oath that official sources had told him that Carter had authorized the Stealth leak to make himself look good.

President Carter tried to cover-up his own involvement in the leak, ordering his aides not to testify.

If you’ve seen the movie “Reagan,” you will get a glimpse of history, such as when Reagan was running and winning big against Carter and then winning big against Carter’s vice-president Walter Mondale, who ran against Reagan in 1984.

Reagan defeated Carter in a landslide in 1980, winning 44 states and carrying the popular vote by 10 points. Reagan defeated Mondale 58.8 percent to 40.6 percent, a popular vote margin of eighteen points, carrying all of the states except Minnesota and D.C.

Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education, which Reagan tried but failed to eliminate. This is another legacy from his days as president that has only made things worse and wasted lots of federal money.

His idea of confronting the need for energy was to wear a sweater. He also installed solar water heating panels on the roof of the White House that Reagan took down.

His infamous “malaise” speech was a downer. Even the Marxists concede he made everything worse, from their point of view.

Hailed as a great Christian thinker, his record on so-called gay and transgender rights “grew stronger” as he grew older, the Advocate declared.

A spokesman for a gay lobby, the Human Rights Campaign, said, “In recent years, he became a prominent voice in support of LGBTQ+ rights, speaking out for marriage equality at a time when most national leaders in the U.S. still opposed it.”

So this “devout Baptist” abandoned the Christian teaching on homosexuality. He compromised for personal accolades and political profit.

Even worse, his wife Rosalynn was part of the scam. She was very close to the Marxist lunatic preacher Jim Jones, who led a mass suicide in Guyana. He posed for a picture with her and wrote to her asking for friendly relations with Communist Cuba.

She also posed with John Wayne Gacy, a homosexual pedophile who raped, tortured, and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. He was a local Democratic Party official.

In the same vein, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter visited communist North Korea in 1994, but his “peace plan” was for South Korea to reduce the number of U.S. nuclear warheads in the nation.

How did that work out?

The establishment journal Foreign Affairs now admits that the only deterrent to North Korean aggression is a home-made nuclear weapons deterrent for South Korea. It’s another major challenge for Trump.

The authors write, “North Korea’s capabilities are growing. Pyongyang has developed an intercontinental ballistic missile, which raises doubts about whether the United States would honor its alliance commitment and fight for South Korea, because North Korea can now strike American cities with a nuclear weapon.”

Regarding North Korea’s sponsor, Communist China, the Carter Center promoted friendly relations with Beijing under the category of “Peace.” It perfectly summarized the Carter view of the world, in which America gave away its sovereignty to other nations, communist or otherwise.

This “peace of the grave,” as America struggles to survive this dangerous world, was  reserved for America under Jimmy Carter policies which through incompetence or design continue to do enormous damage to our people and our standing in the world.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

New Year, New Hope, New Awareness

By Kat Stansell

January 7, 2024

On New Year’s eve Dec. 31, 2024, a massive lightening bolt struck the Capitol Dome in Washingtron DC, as the old year moved on to the new, and the old regime is pretending to leave.

Pretty direct message from above, I’d say. There have been others, too, of late. In NC after Hurricane Helene was sent to ravage and kill conservatives in TN and NC, a Bible was found, skewered to a post and open to Revelations 14-15.

We recognize that these messages from our Creator. There is no two ways to look at it, IMHO. What we are to do with them will be learned with time. Right now, we are being told to pay attention. THAT is for certain. This kind of message certainly fine-tunes our senses of awareness.

Donald Trump has been chosen to be our leader, by over 77 million Americans. Thank God for that, as the alternative would have meant the official and definitive end of our constitutional republic. He is a brilliant man who is fearless and focused. He genuinely cares about America, and learned from his first White House tour that enemies will be everywhere trying to bring him and America down.

Trump DOES have enemies despite (or because of) the size of his victory at the polls. God gave us a hint in Butler, PA, and West Palm Beach, FL Who they are becomes more clear by the day. I don’t have to say it, but Donald Trump’s enemies are OUR enemies, and may be lurking in some unexpected places.

We KNOW that the likes of Schumer, Obama, Pelosi, Biden et. al., are on that list. We KNOW that the Secret service and FBI have responsibility in these two assassination attempts; the DOJ, the CIA and others are in that same treasonous group.

But, now, many are questioning DJT’s new bestie, Elon Musk. How is he suddenly so close to Donald Trump, that he is living on the grounds in a $2000/night cottage at Mar a Lago?

Elon Musk was once very anti-Trump, and even provided the DOJ with all Twitter (X) users who posted MAGA things. This, from Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse. Remember, too, that Musk was a part of the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum on Sea Island, a confab of billionaires in 2016 who plotted against Donald Trump to prevent his candidacy.

Musk was even behind DeSantis, the Globalist candidate, until he wasn’t. Is the Musk move to the Trump camp related in any way to the RPOF purge of America First Republicans from the State Party? Could it be that DeGov is being DeSmallman again? His rousting of the MAGA Republicans from the state party can’t be about petty jealousy. Can it?

Makes as much sense as anything else, I guess. He is, after all, still the 800 lb gorilla in Florida politics.

OR, is Musk still ON the DeSantis team, in some nefarious sense? Does any of this explain why Trump has said nothing about the RPOFs lawfare against MAGA Republicans??

Is Trump playing Musk or is Elon Musk playing him, or is there a genuine working relationship to further a common goal? Stay tuned.

More questions…

In an interview with Alex Newman, noted psychologist and author, Dr. Peter Breggin, suggests that the drone saga might be a psyyop to bring about a DOD/DHS “Orwellian” power grab. After all, Donald Trump has spoken of cleaning house at both agencies. Where does Mike Waltz, with a failing Liberty Score (67% lifetime, in voting according to the Constitution) fit in? He is Trump’s pick as National Security Advisor.

Then, there are the attacks in New Orleans, and Las Vegas. The perps are said to have both been in Special Forces together at Bragg. The FBI, of course, says they are unrelated. Why do we even ask them anymore?

The concept of terrorism in these United States has been SO far stretched to focus on White Christians that our government goons can only go after innocent J6-ers and grandmothers who sing hymns outside of abortion centers. The Isis underground is all over the nation, and our current government sees only Conservative citizens as enemy combatants.

Are and of these attacks tied to the attack on the Russian military official a few weeks ago?

If we are going to understand and deal with any of this, our best chance is to stay on top of it all; keep our senses alert. Trust your nose as well as your eyes and ears. Things that stink are frequently rotten.

Keep your spirit heavenward.

I wish I had more answers than questions. I pray that they will be found. In the meanwhile, we have to rely on some simple truths.

Truth #1

We cannot trust our own government. The drones, mass killings, bombings, even ISIS connections within our own military are more proof, as if we needed any more.

(see https://www.independentsentinel.com/cybertruck-driver-served-in-the-same-military-base-as-jabbar/ and https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/01/new-reports-suggest-fort-bragg-connection-between-new/

By electing Donald Trump, we have put all of this in his hands, but how much can he do and how soon? The closer we come to his inauguration, the more charged the air.

The election of Donald Trump showed us that we managed to outvote and outthink the election fraud machinery. That, in itself was the thrill of the decade; America managed to catch itself before our ship of state crashed on the rocky shoals of totalitarianism. We managed to man the rudder at the ballot box, to change our course enough to have another chance to live free. Yet, just look at the work still ahead of us. Donald Trump cannot do it all. We MUST help.

God granted us the opportunity to work for our freedoms, when he saved Trump’s life in PA and in FL. What we have is an opportunity, not a guarantee.

Truth #2

People act and VOTE according to their morals and values NOT their race or creed. Racism is a learned behavior on both sides. The truth IS, that we will always be friends, compatriots if you will, with those who share our morals and values. If this nation is to be saved, it will be by people of ALL backgrounds and nationalities, and even political parties who want to live in freedom and understands what that takes.

Truth #3

We MUST WORK to keep the freedom we love. It’s one thing to win an election. Building meaningful results is another. It will involve thousands of small course corrections, working with others who share the goal of repairing and reclaiming our freedoms. This work must take a top priority in our lives.

Keeping our senses tuned to what is happening daily, is a part of this.

“The People’s Audit”, (FL), which is Kris Jurski and his group, is ready to come with a system for all to use, on any project, in any state, The Peoples Organizer. (Want to replace a local councilman? Give the people a megaphone on a certain issue?) More on this very soon. The People’s Audit is, of course, the group which deserves the credit for removing invalid addresses from Florida’s voter rolls, Not DeSantis as uninformed media would have it.

Finally, the right to question is a master tool we must keep in our action box. The truth will never be uncovered if we cannot question what we see, feel and hear, and dig for answers.

Remember Ronald Reagan saying, “trust but verify”? I believe he meant to question a lot, from those we see as friends, as well as our foes.

My hope for our future is that we can all walk the road ahead with clear vision and linked arms, on our way to a stronger and better union. Without divine guidance and each other, we will not succeed.

Blessings for the season, and WAY beyond!

PS: For news on Petie and Prince, several people spoke up for them, but didn’t leave me any personal information by which I can reach you. Go to my Substack chat, please, and leave me a spare email address or phone number by which you can be contacted. Thank you all so much!

© 2024 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: katvanatt@protonmail.com

The Politicization of Healthcare 2

By George Lujack

January 6, 2025

The Seemingly Close Relationship Between COVID and AIDS

December was AIDS Awareness Month. The Politicization of Healthcare was an article published on August 4, 2020, that highlighted, as the title suggests, the politicization of healthcare. Specifically, the article was about how the CDC was manipulating healthcare statistics in order to drive up the COVID death count to as high as possible. If a person died with an underlying health problem, say a bad heart leading to a heart attack, and they also happened to have COVID, the CDC counted that as a COVID death. If a person had a fatal car accident and their autopsy showed that they had COVID, it was counted as a COVID death. In other words, if you died by any means, but you had a cold, the CDC was proclaiming that you died from the cold.

Is statistical medical manipulation reserved solely for COVID? Not likely. In recent years, deaths attributed to AIDS have reportedly been on the decline. This is possibly due to politicization coming from LGBTQ+ advocates.

A social media meme (lower left corner of pic), obviously meant as a joke, featuring rockstar Keith Richards and fitness guru Richard Simmons went viral after the death of Richard Simmons on July 13, 2024, at the age of 76, questioning if healthy eating and exercise matters as it pertains to lifespan longevity. Chain-smoking (up to 2019), heroin-using (until 1979), cocaine-using (until 2006), and heavy alcohol drinking to-now-moderate alcohol drinking Keith Richards is currently alive at 81 years old.

Why should a so-called fitness guru, Richard Simmons, die at the age of 76 while a drug and alcohol-abusing Keith Richards still be among the living at age 81? The X-factor: Richard Simmons was gay.

While not openly publicly acknowledging his homosexuality, Richards was photographed with numerous men in provocative pics, indicating that they were more than just friends. Before his death, Richard Simmons had been photographed as being much thinner and frail, a tell-tale sign of the final stages before an AIDS-related death. Even if Richard Simmons never knew a man carnally, he was, at minimum, certainly effeminate.

1 CORINTHIANS 6:8-10 (NASB 1995):
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.

Numerous studies cited by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that the average lifespan for gay men is less than 50 years old and that gay men typically live 20-30-year shorter lifespans than heterosexual men.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due [HIV, AIDS, AND PREMATURE DEATH].

© 2024 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Bird flu: Another Gain-of-Function Disaster?

Authored by Devvy Kidd not AI

January 6, 2025

I was going to do Part II from my column last week:  “Anchor babies” are NOT Automatically U.S. Citizens – Part 1, however, this new hysteria over a bird flu must be addressed and investigated. Here we go again, just like COVID-19.

Back in 2009, CBS award winning investigative correspondent, Cheryl Attkisson did an investigation into the H1N1 ‘swine flu’ “crisis” and discovered most Americans never even had it.  CBS published her phenomenal reporting on their web site but killed the story for TV. She finally quit that “news” network.  Do you know courts have ruled media are allowed to lie to you? That is a fact.

Must read so YOU know the Center for Disease Creation (CDC) and the FDA (Federal Death Administration) are nothing but liars and pimps for big pharma:

The US Swine Flu Epidemic That Wasn’t, July 24, 2024 by Cheryl Attkisson

“Instead of waiting, I decided to contact all 50 states and get the test results directly. About half of them provided the data promptly without issue. The other half balked and stalled, and I had to look at various state FOI laws, and remind the state health officials that they were required to produce the information. It was not theirs to withhold.

“First, I learned that officials in some states, including California, disagreed with the CDC’s directive to stop testing for swine flu. They did not want to be quoted by name for fear of “going against the CDC.” But they thought it was crucial to gather the most-hard data possible about a novel, unpredictable virus.

“Once I had the state’s data in hand, it was easy to see the big story: There was no swine flu pandemicat least in the US!

“The people tested for swine flu or H1N1 prior to the CDC ordering a halt, were patients deemed most likely to have swine flu based on factors like recent travel to places that had a lot of swine flu at the time. Those specimens, my sources explained, should be nearly 100% swine flu if the CDC were correct in its assumptions about how widespread the virus was in the US.

“Yet the majority of specimens weren’t swine flu at all!

“I built a television news report giving the results of my investigation, had the story legally approved by my CBS lawyers, and it was set for air. A top executive at CBS News commented to me that it was the most original reporting on swine flu he’d seen done by any news organization!  But the story never aired on TV.” Rest at link.

The American people were once again driven into fear and hysteria over a lie, but big pharma raked in the cash with their swine flu vaccine.

Now, it’s the bird flu that’s been making headlines (until the massacre in New Orleans) with MILLIONS of chickens and turkeys killed, severely damaging making a living for our family-owned farmers and ranchers who feed us.

READ: Fowl! Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think

Current Bird Flu Outbreak is Man-MadeUSDA Serial-Passage Gain-of-Function Research Extended Host Range to Migratory Waterfowl, Cattle, Sea Mammals, Jan. 2, 2025, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH: “We have seen no human-to-human spread and there has never been a human US fatality due to H5N1.”

From an expert researcher over the decades, Michael Snyder: “But another major global health crisis would make things so much worse.

“In recent weeks, so many of the usual suspects have been doing interviews in which they warn that a bird flu pandemic among humans has become inevitable. Do they know something that the rest of us do not?

“Already, we are starting to see public officials freak out. The state of California recently declared a state of emergency, and now it is being reported that Arizona has detected bird flu in the wastewater in the cities of Phoenix, Tempe and Surprise…

“Bird flu has been detected in wastewater in multiple metro Phoenix cities, county health officials confirmed Monday.

“Routine wastewater surveillance in Phoenix, Tempe and Surprise — the three cities in the county where monitoring occurs — confirmed the presence of avian influenza, according to a press release from the Maricopa County Department of Public Health (MCDPH).

“The influenza subtype, which includes bird flu as H5N1, has been detected in multiple locations in the Valley in the past couple of months.”

“Meanwhile, the bird flu continues to spread like wildfire among animals all over the nation.

“123 million birds, most of them chickens and turkeys, have already died in the United States alone.  And now a farm in Ohio that has nearly a million chickens has been infected…”

“Ohio agriculture officials are investigating after avian flu was detected in nearly one million chickens in Darke County.  The National Veterinary Services Laboratory confirmed Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza was detected in Darke County on Dec. 27, involving 931,302 chickens.”  (Did they hand count every chicken?  A million is a lot.  Maybe they do what the CDC does:  They only ESTIMATE the number of people who get the flu, pneumonia or COVID.)

There’s just one problem and it’s the same fraud used to rack up the number of people who got the flu, COVID-19.  It’s all about the testing.  I was hospitalized on Feb. 4, 2022, pneumonia.  The toady ER doc said I also have COVID (unless I allowed the RT-PCR test, there’s the door).  I told him no I don’t have COVID-19, I have lifetime natural immunity.  You see, back in Dec. 1993, I got home from California to Colorado sick as ten dogs.  My late husband took me to Swedish Medical Center.

The ER doctor told me I have the Beijing flu which was killing everyone in Denver! Going to give you a shot and pills.  I said no you’re not. I haven’t been vaccinated since I was 5 years old.  By 1993, I had done enough research to say no. You see, I had just finished reading Eustace Mullins book:  Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America.  No way was I just going to let some doctor jab with me with who knows what and more pills.

That doctor got his panties in a wad, called my husband into the room and bitched I wouldn’t take the shot or pills.  John said my wife is a grown woman and it’s her decision.  I have not had any form of any flu since then, 31 years ago.  I went home and was really, really sick for 8 days but, thank God, my natural immune system was strong enough to fight back.

Anyway, in 2022, I was admitted and the next morning (as in like 5:00 am), the cheerful nurse came in and told me “You don’t have COVID after all”. My response:  I already knew that. But, I had a nice, single room for four days and went home.  They used the RT-PCR to test. One of the biggest scams besides the “FED” and climate change.

No, You Didn’t Test Positive for COVID-19, Jan. 10, 2022 (Mine)

Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis Came From a Research Tool, Oct. 5, 2020 (Mine)

SARS-CoV-2:  Isn’t It Time Someone Did this?, Sept. 27, 2021 – “This is the FDA document cited since last year:  CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel originally dated July 13, 2020.  The FDA shows a change of date to Dec. 1, 2020; the text remains unchanged.  Pg 9: “Equivalence and performance of these extraction platforms for extraction of viral RNA were demonstrated with the CDC Human Influenza Virus Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (K190302). Performance characteristics of these extraction platforms with 2019-nCoV (SARS CoV-2) have not been demonstrated.”

“Pg 40 of report:  The analytical sensitivity of the RT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

“So, they had nothing.  No virus, no isolation and nothing resembling purified.  Going to the CDC’s response to my FOIA: “The SARS-CoV-2 virus may be isolated from human clinical specimens by culturing in cells. In January 2020, CDC isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus from a clinical specimen from the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in the United States.”

“That would be the man from Washington State.  They isolated this phantom virus from Patient Zero using what?  Just when did the CDC actually “discover” COVID-19 because looking at Dr. Lanka’s controlled experiments, it took up to five days to prove his findings.  Recall what I quoted in a previous column:

“Now, if you click on the link above, a confirmed case, it goes to a January 21, 2020, CDC page.  “CDC has been proactively preparing for the introduction of 2019-nCoV in the United States for weeks…” One day after Patient Zero’s swabs and blood are sent to Atlanta, the CDC had already been preparing for this previously unknown COVID-19.”

Now it’s the bird flu.  New CDC Study Confirms Current H5N1 Bird Flu Strain is Very Mild; Mass Culling Results in Chicken-to-Human Transmission – 100% of poultry-linked human cases traced to reckless mass depopulation efforts. Jan. 1, 2025

Next – Oh gee, what could go wrong?  Bill Gates-Funded Researchers Turned Mosquitoes into Flying Syringes to Deliver Vaccines, Jan. 2, 2024

Bogus Bird Flu, Dec. 30, 2024 – “Everyone needs to realize that the test being used to discover bird flu in milk tanks, dairy herds and elsewhere is the scientifically perfect credible authentic PCR test.  Yes, the infamous PCR test.  Remember false positives?

“The PCR test is a mechanism to genetically amplify material to find floating pieces or particles of something.  The inventor, of course, says it is bogus for finding viruses.  It was developed for genetic discoveries, not for finding diseases.  Someone smart than I can tease out these differences, but suffice it to say it’s the wrong tool.  You wouldn’t pick up a box end wrench to turn a Phillips head screw.

“Second, even if it were the right tool, it’s being applied incorrectly.  Each cycle is like a microscope amplification.  Remember turning microscope lenses from 35X to 100X?  Each cycle of a PCR test amplifies magnification to find additional material floating in the sample.  The official USDA and FDA number of cycles is 45.  Massachusetts officials I think are the first state folks to say categorically that anything more than 30 cycles is bogus.

“How so?  Because if you keep ramping up the amplification, smaller and smaller particles will show up.  Any reasonable person knows our biological spaces are literally filled with floating molecular detritus.  Pieces of cells, pieces of DNA, pieces of Democrats and Republicans, with maybe a piece of Libertarian and Socialist thrown in–goodness, in the air around us, in our bodies, in our nasal passages, exist bits and pieces accumulated from everything, everyone, and everywhere…

“I have no clue who or what is behind the curtain on this.  It could be as nefarious as livestock extermination to keep burps and farts from turning us all into crispy critters; it could be as sincere and kind as wanting to protect us from sickness.  Whether righteous or unrighteous, the agenda has the same outcome:  paranoia from junk science.

“If you did not take the covid-inducing jab, do you spend half your day worried you might catch covid?  Do you trust the Fauci-Collins covid narrative?  Dear folks, bird flu is being hatched the same way from the same people and the same fraternity that blessed us with covid.  Same boat crossing the same river.”

Reckless H5N1 Bird Flu Gain-of-Function Experiments Must Be Shut Down – Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher on Reality Check Radio, Dec. 15, 2024 – “Here are the key points about bird flu:

  1. Practice of culling (mass destruction of entire healthy flocks) when a PCR test is found positive to “eradicate” the virus is futile and may work to constrain the food supply. The current strain H5N1 clade is not thus far causing necropsy or radiographic confirmed fatal pneumonia in birds or mammals.
  2. H5N1 host range expansion into migratory birds and mammals likely occurred as a result of gain-of-function serial passage research and a lab leak.
  3. Increased transmissibility of H5N1 has a tradeoff of decreased virulence. Using legacy human mortality rates from cases in Southeast Asia is not appropriate. The US has never had a fatal human case of bird flu.
  4. Fear-mongering promulgated by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex is designed to promote mass vaccination of animals and humans with lucrative pre-purchased contracts to the vaccine manufacturers and their NGO backers. Mass vaccination into a highly prevalent pandemic is a mistake since it promotes resistant strains of the virus in the vaccinated.
  5. If human-to-human spread occurs in the future as expected by many, it will be the product of gain-of-function research that has gone on for years with the goal of creating harm to human populations. (Interview at

H5N1 Ubiquitous on Farms, Quarantines, PCR Testing, Culling, Vaccines All Useless in Protecting Workers Now, Jan. 4, 2025.  By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

“The four year H5N1 avian influenza outbreak is ubiquitous on farms across the United States because the gain-of-function viral strain from the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens Georgia is spreading by mallard ducks and other migratory water fowl and continually reinfecting the farms. Fortunately, it is a mild illness for both animals and man.

“Please enjoy this brief interview update on Just the News, hosted by John Solomon and Amanda Head on Real America’s Voice. Farms, meat processing plants, and chicken factories should outfit their workers with Immune Mist and Emergency Contagion Kits from The Wellness Company. These simple tools can protect our workers from H5N1. This is far more practical advice than what has been given on CNN by former White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Deborah Birx. She is advising weekly PCR testing for workers with no practical advice on protection. Expect her to push hard in the weeks to months on mass H5N1 vaccination.”  Nasal and Throat Sprays, Gargles, Best Prevention for Bird Flu.

Bird Flu Should Be the Subject of a Criminal Investigation – Current discussion about the reality of H5N1 – i.e., whether it’s fact or fiction – ignores that the matter should be the subject of a criminal investigation, not merely scientific debate, Jan. 1, 2025

“When Dr. Peter McCullough, Nicholas Hulscher, and I investigated reports of what is being represented to the public as a new clade of H5N1 bird flu, it became apparent to me that life sciences professionals—at least those outside the clique that is performing Gain-of-Function research on H5N1—are lacking sufficient information to ascertain the reality of this phenomenon.

“This is why, in our discussions about our paper—Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl—I emphasized the urgent need for further investigation of this phenomenon. As we wrote in our Conclusion:” Rest at link.

California’s maniac lunatic governor, Gavin Newsom, is going off the rails again over this bird flu and if he does the same as he did over COVID, many more small business owners will go under.  Except for the big box stores like China (Wal) Mart. Right now it’s just masks!  Go to my web site, front page and you’ll see a massive amount of information – scientifically proven – regarding masks and how harmful they are to the brain and worthless.  Except for the Communist Chinese who dominated the market at China (Wal) Mart in sales.

Our farmers and ranchers need to raise holy hell with their state legislators who are already struggling to stay afloat.  Headlines the other day:  Dozen eggs $9.00. Insane. I just purchased a dozen eggs from free range chickens, organic, for $4.78. (Here in Texas) Kill off millions of chickens and turkeys which badly hurts those who produce what we eat (and drink milk).  Legislators, state and the U.S. Senate need to immediately haul in the big shots at the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia, put them under oath and subpoena their research records, all emails as well as hand-written notes.

What you can do?  Call Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), DC: (202) 224-5323 and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), DC:  202-224-4343 and ask them to open an investigation regarding the USDA Poultry Research Center and what they’ve been doing.  And post the link to this column on X, all social media and your email lists.  NO MORE lying and draconian mandates to control us.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions, 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

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2025 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@protonmail.com

Web site: devvy.com


American Rancher Blowing The Whistle On mRNA Vaccine Tests In Livestock “They took 525 hogs, injected them with a live mRNA vaccine and in 21 days, these were the statistics – 25 of them suffered from death – 55 of them became so anorexic that they were near death, April 2, 2024

H1N1 overplayed by media, public health: MDs, Nov. 6, 2009 – “A healthy child in Canada is about 20 times more likely to be killed by a car than by the H1N1 virus, Schabas said, but that isn’t going to make the national news.

“Children actually die of flu every year and a few more die of H1N1. This was not unexpected, and the way it was presented — as if this was a sudden bolt out of the blue, some change in our perspective of H1N1 — that’s what created the anxiety. It was the way it was presented.”

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media, Oct. 5, 2009

CONTROL OF OUR FOOD PRODUCTION – He hit the nail square on the head.

We’re all aware of the grossly inappropriate books found in school libraries. Reject the smut and filth in school libraries. I purchased two sets of these great children’s books – I read them before giving one set of four to a friend’s 6-six-year-old granddaughter and one set to one of the Christian schools in my city.  Hearty House Children’s books.

The Tragic Perils of Alcohol Consumption Manifesting in America

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 6, 2025

Last week, the U.S. Surgeon General stated that imbibing alcohol in all its forms, causes 100,000 cancer diagnoses annually and 20,000 deaths in several different forms: colorectal, breast, throat, mouth, liver, stomach, and other organs.

Those are some “heavy”, if not sobering statistics for anyone drinking beer daily, or on weekends. For those college students who “binge” drink, nothing like a colorectal cancer diagnosis to spoil your entire life.  For the individuals who get “smashed” at parties, drive drunk and kill themselves or others, what a way to ruin your life and the lives of others.

All sorts of different kinds of drunks live in America.  One of my old college girlfriend’s father drank only at home.  His wife attended Al-Anon meetings to help her cope because she wouldn’t divorce him.  One of my friends drank two bottles of beer nightly, seven days a week, until he read in a medical journal that two beers a night constitutes “alcoholism.”

During my youth, my Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack drank themselves silly.  But they expressed their drunkenness in two different ways:  Uncle Scott drank seven days a week.  At milking time, he would beat the cows with a 2 by 4 wood club to get them to move into position.  He beat his dog “Puchie” until the dog hid out at our farmhouse across the road.  He beat his wife and daughter until they both fled, never to be heard from again. When Scott drank, I left the area.  Uncle Scott was a mean, nasty drunk.  One weekend while fishing on Hogback Lake, my brother Rex and I heard on the transistor radio that Uncle Scott got into an argument over the size of a window being fitted into the garage. It got so heated that Uncle Scott’s friend pulled out a shotgun and blew Uncle Scott in half. We sat there in the boat, traumatized.  We’ll never forget it.  Scott was 44 at the time.

Now Uncle Jack proved himself a “funny” drunk who would tell jokes, dance the jig, and generally make a fool of himself.  His wife and kids could not have anyone over for dinner or to visit.  He drove only 30 miles per hour in his 1949 GMC pickup, but he would top a hill on the left side of the road.  I sat in “shotgun” one time when he drove that deadly habit, but never again. At only 15, I rather enjoyed living.  Because Uncle Jack smoked two packs a day, plus 15 to 20 beers at a clip, he died of cirrhosis of the liver, along with lung cancer at 52.

One of my old college buddies drank himself from a 6’1” 180-pound stud-muffin into a 280 pound ball of flab. I didn’t see him until 50 years later by accident—- to witness his grotesque body. We didn’t possess much in common because I’d rather ride a bike or play tennis than drink.  He’s still alive, but smoking and drinking turned his body into a walking cadaver.

Because of Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack, at 15, I decided I didn’t want to be like them.  So, I never got drunk. I’ve been a “Teetotaler” all my life.  Does that make me boring?  Heck the ladies used to line up to dance with me because I took all that money for dance lessons.

In fact, when I talk to high school kids with my “Living Your Spectacular Life” program based on my book, I invite them to save over $250,000.00 without working.  How?  “I haven’t drank,  done drugs, smoked or drank coffee for my whole life.  If you add up the minimum costs of steady drinking, smoking, drugs, and coffee, you can save a quarter of a million dollars by the time you’re 60-70.”  While they sit in the audience, they figure up what it costs on their cell phones, and they whisper, “He’s right…he saved a quarter of a million dollars.”

Then I say, “What did I do with all that money?  Well, I’ve bicycled across six continents, 15 times across the USA, stood on the South Pole, stood on the Wall of China, scuba dived all the oceans, explored the Galapagos Islands, and eight biking trips to Alaska.  And, I stand before you today with clean lungs, healthy heart, healthy liver, and fit to do more.”

I’ve had students who followed my program write me years later, “Your book changed my life. I found my dream, chased it, caught it, and I’m living it.”  It feels good to help others find their path.

On the perils of drinking besides cancer, 42,000 people die on our highways annually.  An average of 13,000 die from being drunk while driving and/or kill others. Another 4,000 die from “texting” while driving, plus 362,000 injuries and wrecked cars.  The costs grow astronomically.

“On average, 37 people die in drunk-driving crashes in the United States every day, which is about one person every 39 minutes. In 2022, 13,524 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes.” (Source: Alcohol Abuse Inst.)

Additionally, alcohol becomes a license to kill your female partner in many cases.

“Every day, nearly 3 women are killed by an intimate partner — making the United States one of the deadliest countries for women and girls.  Honor killings in Islamic countries account for 20,000 female deaths at the hands of family members, annually.” (Source: www.Sanctuaryforfamilies.org)

If you look at the 540,000 homeless in America, you’re looking at alcohol and drugs as the main culprit.

Excessive alcohol use can lead to:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease.
  • Liver disease.
  • Stroke.
  • Alcohol use disorder—this affects both physical and mental health.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Weaker immune system—increasing your chances of getting sick.

Alcohol and Divorce

If you’re married to an alcoholic, you face twice the chance for divorce and violence.

How many alcoholics in America?

According to the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 28.9 million people in the United States ages 12 and older had alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the past year. This is about 10.2% of people in this age group.

In the end, we all see those beer, wine and whiskey commercials. Sexy women and handsome men!  What we don’t see are the incredible tragedies that beset 28 million American people and their families.  I must thank my Uncle Scott and Uncle Jack for turning me into a “Teetotaler.”

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

You’re Not “Giving Up’ Anything

By Rob Pue

January 5, 2025

In my younger days, I couldn’t imagine living in the year 2025.  It sounded so futuristic.  Still does.  But here we all are…and still without the flying cars that Popular Mechanics promised were just around the corner back in 1969.  In elementary school, our teacher once gave us an assignment to draw a picture of what the year 2000 would look like.  If I recall, mine included big satellite dishes on homes.  I have no idea what I thought they’d be used for — they just looked futuristic to me, and I assumed they’d have a very important purpose.  Now it seems ridiculous that these have already become outdated technology and were mainly used by consumers to watch television.

Last year was a strange one. As a nation, we learned even more about how we’ve been lied to for so long regarding so many things, and just how corrupt our government and so-called “justice system” really is.  It was a year filled with tension, perhaps purposely imposed upon us by the Regime and the mainstream media.  One crisis after another.  One scare after another, one impending disaster after another, to keep us all frightened, worried and dependent upon the Almighty State.  When will we learn that most of the things we worry about never happen anyway?

And now in 2025, many are hopeful for all that’s been wrong, bad and evil in our country and around the world to be made right — resolved.  Many hope and pray for America to be restored.  We’re all ready for change, ready for real justice and righteousness to reign in our land.  But we need to understand that nothing good can come unless the people of God repent and return to Him first.  “For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17).

Now is the time for us to finally take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously.  “If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  Just imagine what this new year would look like if we finally put actions behind those words we quote so often.

It all begins with us, as individuals.  Individual members of God’s Church.  By “Church,” I mean the “Ecclesia,” the “called out ones.”  Those who are real, genuine Christ-followers.  I certainly am not referring to any specific denomination or any building.  I’m talking about us as individuals, as husbands and wives, as families, as true children of God.

It’s about this time of year that many people take stock of their lives and through personal introspection, make plans for positive changes.  It would help if we also sought the Lord in fervent prayer and study of His Word, to align our will with His.  It’s precisely because so many don’t seek the Lord, pray or ask Him what His will is for our lives that so many New Years Resolutions fail within days.

Many begin each new year with lofty, and well-intentioned goals.  Among the most common: people desperately want to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, save money, stop wasting time on fruitless endeavors, improve their marriages, be better parents — and some even resolve to read and study the Bible daily in the New Year.

Several years ago, I had a gym membership.  I was diligent to make time to exercise daily, and at one point it was common for me to make a point of walking fifteen miles in a day, a few days each week.  I’d start off in the gym, then hike some trails, and end the day with more walking on the treadmill at the gym.  I coupled this with a change in my eating habits, and since that time I’ve lost seventy pounds.  I cringe now, when I see old photos of myself, morbidly obese. But that change didn’t happen overnight. It took work, a change of behavior and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

Many begin the new year with good intentions, but motivation isn’t automatic and tends to come and go.  And there’s nothing “magical” about the calendar rolling over to January 1st.   I remember when I had my gym membership, I would avoid the place entirely the first week or so of every new year, because it was always packed with New Years’ Resolvers.  But 3-5 days into the new year, things were usually back to normal, as those New Years Resolutions of so many fell by the wayside.

So, let’s talk about New Year Resolutions for a bit.  Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines the word “Resolve,” as “To confirm; to fix in constancy.”  And also, “To fix in opinion or purpose; to determine in the mind,” and “To be settled in opinion.”  God’s Word says, “…as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  And Paul wrote, “…be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

We may be motivated to make positive changes in our lives on December 31st.  In fact, many people assemble their list of resolutions all throughout the previous year and have great intentions to make those changes when the new year arrives.  They’re motivated. They understand these are good and positive things.  But motivation fluctuates.  It doesn’t remain a steady, solid rock we can depend on.  One day our motivation may be at a peak, the next day not so much, and some days we have no motivation at all.

So, motivation alone is a good thing to get us started on our aspirations, but it’s not enough.  Some think they just need to have more willpower, but willpower won’t get the job done for you either.  When it comes to correcting our undesirable behaviors, or even besetting sins, we can be very motivated to do that and start off with great willpower, but eventually we’ll always take the path of least resistance.

Willpower requires us to deny ourselves those things we still believe are “precious” in our minds.  You can use willpower to deny yourself something you think you still want for a little while, but it soon becomes a tremendous burden and source of stress.  If you’re trying to stop eating junk food, stop smoking or drinking or overcome some other vice — and you still believe in your heart that those things are doing something positive for you — your willpower will give out and the addiction will win every time.

On the other hand, if you become transformed by the renewing of your mind, you don’t need willpower.  You don’t need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me repeat that, because you missed it: You do not need willpower NOT to do something you have no desire to do.  Let me give you an example.  If you struggle with alcohol, and a glass of bleach is set in front of you, you have no desire to drink it.  Why? Because you know you don’t want it. You know it would be harmful to you, and you choose to live rather than drink poison. So, it doesn’t take willpower not to drink it.  Well, alcohol is poison too.  We weren’t meant to consume it.

The source of all addictions is the deception that we’ve trained our minds to believe we “need” something we’ve become accustomed to.  Those struggling with alcohol likely began as young people.  At first, they hated it.  It made them sick, dizzy and probably caused vomiting. But they persisted, perhaps out of peer pressure, or to socialize, or to appear “cool” to their friends.  The teenager on his knees, sweating profusely and vomiting into the toilet never envisioned himself drinking the stuff for a lifetime, and depending on it for stress relief or “self-medication.”  They never imagined it would take control of them, and they’d struggle with that addiction all their lives.  But that’s how it starts, and it’s up to you whether or not it ends, so you can be healthy and strong as God intended, or if you remain a slave to the addiction.

All addictions are the result of “wanting.” Wanting something we’ve trained our brains to think we need, after indulging in it for so many years.  We all want to feel good; we all want pleasure rather than pain.  We all want to feel connection — to ourselves and others.  We want acceptance, validation, assurance, and security.  And we all want to be loved.  So rather than fuel your New Years Resolution with willpower, when the temptation comes to indulge in more of what you know you no longer want in your life, instead, ask yourself, “what do I really want?”

You want strength, courage, vitality, self-respect, a feeling of accomplishment. You want to feel whole, without any voids in your life.  When you give up those old habits and addictions, understand, you’re not “giving up” anything — you’re simply returning to the natural state of health, wellness and wholeness God intended for you.  You’re returning to the real YOU, before you started this behavior.  You’re not losing or giving up anything of value. On the contrary, you’re getting rid of a cruel enemy that’s hijacked your heart and mind and taken you captive in a place you no longer want to be.

It’s the same for those addicted to smoking.  Many think they smoke to relieve stress, but as with all addictions, the only stress it relieves is the stress brought on by the previous dose of the drug.  This is why smokers never succeed with Nicotine Replacement Therapy.  That, too, is another deception of the devil.  It’s an ingenious conspiracy between Big Pharma and Big Tobacco.  Think about it: how can you get free of the addiction by taking the same drug you’re addicted to, just in a different form?  It doesn’t work.  When Satan whispers in your ear that “just one puff won’t matter,” ask yourself what you really want… the answer is you want to breathe, you want life and freedom. Then take a deep breath of life-giving fresh air, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale.  Breathe life rather than poison.

The key is to change your heart and mind and bring your will into alignment with God’s will.  Because every action begins as a thought in the mind, and that’s where the devil goes to tempt us.  “A few Doritos won’t hurt.”  “I’m tired today and need a day off. I’ll exercise tomorrow.” “One drink won’t matter. Nobody has to know. I’ll quit tomorrow.”  For most, tomorrow never comes, but instead turns into days, months, and years.  And before you know it, a lifetime of good intentions — ending in an early, ugly death.

Mark 14:38, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”  Indeed, the flesh is weak. The carnal man is weak.  This is why we must set our sights on spiritual things in order to accomplish those good and righteous things we really want in our lives.  It’s that old spiritual warfare again. Galatians 5:17, “For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.”

So, plan your resolutions ahead of time — decide in advance how you’ll respond to each temptation, and include God in those plans.  Why is it we only pray when we’ve done everything else in our own power and have failed?  Lamentations 3:40, “Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the LORD!”  2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

What New Years Resolutions do you have? Do you want to lose weight? Stop bringing GMO junk food into the house. Stop eating two big burgers every day for lunch, followed by two king size candy bars and diet soda.  Try some healthy chicken and vegetables.  Eat clean.  You’ll soon find your desire for the bad stuff goes, as you take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and your will begins to align with God’s will.

This world is filled with temptations.  The enemy of our souls wants nothing more than for us to continue believing the lie that we’re dependent upon poisons — whether that be a poor diet, or nicotine or alcohol, or pornography or Facebook or whatever. They’re all poisons — to our bodies, minds and souls.  When you stop indulging what you think you need and instead ask yourself honestly, “what do I really need?” — and rewire, retrain your mind to return to the real you — as God made you — you’ll see you’re not giving up anything. Instead, you’re ridding yourself of a vicious enemy that wants you sick and dead.  So now go — trample Satan and his schemes under your feet.  Freedom awaits you, but go with God because you can’t do this alone.  “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.”

© 2024 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

From Hostility to Reconciliation

by Rolaant McKenzie

January 5, 2025

Rocky IV (1985) is the fourth installment of a series of six American sports drama films following the life of Rocky Balboa of Philadelphia, a man who rises from being a poor, small-time club fighter and loan shark debt collector to becoming the heavyweight boxing champion of the world.

Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the ideological and geopolitical tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union during the second half of the 20th century, Rocky agrees to a 15-round exhibition boxing match with champion Russian boxer Ivan Drago in Moscow.

On the night of the match, Rocky is confronted with a stadium full of hostile, jeering people. Ivan, in contrast, enters in heroic and patriotic fashion and is greeted with wild, resounding applause. Even General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and the Politburo are in attendance to watch the match.

Rocky was clearly the underdog, and it was expected by the crowd and Soviet leaders that the bigger and stronger Ivan would quickly be victorious and demonstrate the superiority of the Soviet Union over the United States. But no matter how many powerful punches Ivan inflicted on Rocky, he would not go down. As the match neared the final round, the crowd’s attitude toward Rocky started to move in an unexpected direction. Impressed with his refusal to give up in the face of their stronger champion, they started to cheer for him.

Perhaps the most memorable part of the film was when a bloodied and battered Rocky, after having defeated Ivan, winning his respect and that of the crowd, addressed the audience. Through an interpreter, he said:

“I came here tonight, and I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve seen a lot of people hating me, and I didn’t know what to feel about that, so I guess I didn’t like you much either. During this fight, I’ve seen a lot of changing — in the way you felt about me and the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other. But I guess that’s better than 20 million. What I’m trying to say is that if I can change and you can change, everybody can change!”

The crowd was so moved by Rocky’s words that they gave him an enthusiastic standing ovation. General Secretary Gorbachev and the Politburo also rose to their feet and passionately applauded Rocky. They understood his message that the mutual hostility and disdain the American and Russian people had for each other could change to mutual respect, admiration, and peace between them.

While feats of strength and endurance can influence adversaries to develop mutual respect and admiration for each other, a special act of mercy and kindness can also lead to peace. One example of this can be seen in the history of ancient Israel.

During the reign of King Jehoram (852-841 BC), hostilities existed between Israel and the rival kingdom of Aram to the east (2 Kings 6:8-23). Ben-Hadad II (865-842 BC), king of Aram, would send marauders into Israel to plunder and weaken the country. He even set up ambushes to capture or kill the king of Israel. But the prophet Elisha’s warnings about the movements of Aram’s forces saved Jehoram several times.

Ben-Hadad, furious that his efforts were being thwarted, gathered his servants together to find out which of them was spying for the king of Israel. They denied any disloyalty on their part and told him about the prophet Elisha, who tells the king of Israel the words he speaks in utmost privacy. So the king ordered his servants to locate the whereabouts of Elisha, and once he was found in Dothan, he sent a large force of marauders by night to surround the city and apprehend him.

But as the host of marauders approached the city at daybreak, Elisha prayed to the Lord that they be inflicted with blindness, and his request was granted. Unable to see, Elisha was able to get the multitude to follow him, not into Dothan but to nearby Samaria, the capital of Israel. Once there, their eyes were opened at Elisha’s prayer.

Defenseless before the army of Israel surrounding them, the dismayed marauders expected death, especially since Jehoram was eagerly asking Elisha for approval to kill them. But Elisha told the king not to kill them but to provide food and water and send them home. He probably remembered God’s word through the wisdom of King Solomon from more than a century before:

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.” (Proverbs 25:21-22)

Because Jehoram followed Elisha’s word and treated his enemies with kindness and generosity instead of destroying them, the Lord rewarded Israel with peace from the Aramean marauders, who had developed a great respect for Elisha and ceased their attacks in the land.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to the Christians in Rome, he encouraged them to show the same kind of mercy and grace to their enemies as a way of trusting in God and pursuing peace instead of seeking vengeance against them. He exhorted them to “not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:17-21)

Whether hostile children on a playground or nations pitted against each other on the world stage, it is a blessed thing when one side ceases acting out of revenge for wrongs real or imagined, animosities are set aside by all, and reconciliation and friendship take place.

In some ways, this is a microcosm of our relationship with God. He showed His great love, mercy, grace, kindness, and generosity toward us in that, while we were His enemies because of our sins against Him and deserving of His wrath, He reached out to us and sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us to Him through His perfect life, shed blood on the cross, and resurrection from the dead.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.” (Romans 5:8-11)

Anyone who trusts in Jesus alone (not Jesus plus something or someone else) receives as a gift from God forgiveness in place of condemnation, peace in place of hostility, and reconciliation in place of separation. In Christ, you become more than a friend with God. You become His beloved child forever (John 1:12-13; Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 3:26; 1 John 3:1). Hallelujah!

© 2024 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie: rolaant@gospeloutreach.net

Website: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/

God’s Purpose Written in a Book

By Pastor Glynn Adams

January 5, 2024

Every person created by God has a purpose. Your purpose is recorded by God in a book in heaven. There are many books in heaven and one of the main books, however, is what can be called the books of destiny or purpose. “Your eyes saw my substance, being yet uniformed. And in your book, they all were written the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)

This verse says God wrote down in a book, my substance, my DNA – what makes me who I am. It is speaking of my likes and dislikes, my gifting and abilities, what I am good at and not good at. So what is in my book is my prophetic destiny and purpose that God saw of what I was to be for being alive on this earth. To discover our prophetic destiny and purpose, we should then pay attention to our innate desires. These can be significant clues to uncovering what we exist for. (Robert Henderson)

“In Him, also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.” (Ephesians 1:11) (Predestination here simply means there was a plan for our lives) “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10) “Who has saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.” (2 Timothy 1:9) God needs us to live out what is in our book of destiny so His purpose can be completed in this realm. If Satan can thwart enough of us from fulfilling our destiny, he can frustrate the purposes of God on the earth in America.

An example of this is recorded in the Old Testament in Numbers 14:31-36-33. The children of Israel came out of bondage in Egypt and God sent them into the wilderness, I believe, to get Egypt out of them before entering the Promise Land. While in the wilderness, the children of Israel delayed the purposes of God because of their unbelief and disobedience to God. So God raised up another generation to fulfill His will and purpose. As the Book of Numbers tells us that older generation’s corpses fell in the wilderness and they suffered for this unfaithfulness. As Hebrews 3:8-11 says they did not enter in His rest.

Our generation today is doing what the generations did in the Old Testament. We are disrupting God’s purpose in America and have been for years. Jesus said He would build His church. But Pastors for several years now have been successful building their mega churches but at what cost? They water down the Word of God. Preach smooth words and positive sermons so as not to offend anyone. As Mario Murillo says, “People are tired of big screens, skinny jeans, and smoke machines.” The people are tired of compromise, no teaching to lead them to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. The bigness of it all and the entertainment of it all has disrupted God’s purpose and will for America.

I have no idea how God is going to correct this foolishness and compromise called religion. I know for a fact He is in the process of raising up a new generation of Christians, baptized in the Holy Spirit, making disciples, winning the lost, resisting evil, casting out demons and pulling down strongholds. Many of these Christian are at work as I speak. This next move of God will not be church growth. The mainline denominational and mega churches will not like this new move of God at all. These new generation of Christians will declare war on religion and those who promote it. Multitudes will leave these fake mega churches and denominations and many will continue to close. Those in religion will miss this great move.

The season to repent is now because we will give an account to God with what we did with our purpose from God!! This end time great awakening will be exciting, led not by man but the power of God. It will be God’s finest hour in America and around the world. Show love and compassion to the rioters and disenfranchised blacks and millennials and others. They don’t know it yet but many will spearhead this mighty move of God!!! God bless, I remain His servant and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to Robert Hendeson and his book “Courts of Heaven.”

© 2024 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

Pride and Hero Worship

By Late Roy Masters

January 4, 2025

Men, in their pride, elect all kinds of saints, gods, champions and heroes, then identify with them and share in their glories and experiences. Such leaders are really vicious tempters, and encourage the weakness of the masses for the power they get from them.

We have a term for it; hero worship! Idolatry is what it really is, but it also happens to represent in reverse (worshipping the real God in humility) the fundamental principle of salvation.

The problem with this false salvation is that the hero with whom we identify is only a “projection” of ourselves, (devolutionary absorption, actually); he is an extension of the fallen human race, born of the lineage of sin and as a leader he is a bigger sinner than all of us put together.

He has the same corrupt identity we have, except that he has compensated for his misery, unhappiness and failings in “high style” fashioned from the strength we continue to give him.

The composer’s mind is rarely divinely inspired, he simply answers to the need of the people for distraction from their pain. His “creative” genius dramatizes that need, in our mind it seems that he plays for us, as though we created him to glorify us!

The medical researcher fills the same need, and his genius is related to our need for him to discover cures for us. He appears to fill the void of our absent health. How we love them and root for them; lo and behold! They uncover a cure or a melody.

The power we give our leaders (inspired through unholy need) “creates” (lesser) gods, geniuses of the arts and sciences, with whom the masses identify; they in turn feel responsible for (and better than) their “creations.” When the people erect plaques and statues to their “leaders’” honor, they unconsciously do homage to themselves.

The masses are always being saved by the greater “miracles” (traditions) they “grow” to need as they “grow” more degenerate. The truth is, were man truly what he should be, he would need none of these things. Instead he would have a proper relationship with his maker.

Our hero (proud achiever) following the order of pride, could be an artist, a composer, a vocalist, or the mafia. Because of their fantastic pride, these people suffer much torment, so they have reached beyond themselves (to Satan’s guidance) to develop the skills and talents needed to more perfectly soothe the guilt of their own pride, with wit, song and art and offer the fruits of their wisdom to the masses—and the people “love” them for it.

Many a doctor has risen above his inferiority by great medical achievements, sometimes because of a personal terror of germs, or perhaps of an empathy with people from whom he seeks ego support (sharing the pain of the suffering through identity).

The power of his hellish genius issues from the need of the people, and as the extension and mind of the people he often feels what the people feel. As he relieves the sickness and pain of the vain masses, he also loses the awareness of his own suffering via the praise and power he receives; but in curing us he also inspires us towards greater error and suffering because of his cures, and so he is forever busy becoming even greater.

“All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default”

The “famous” are really not much different from the infamous. The famous and glorified inspire us towards hypocrisy, vain achievements, false righteousness and developing meaningless talents as if they were meaningful.

On the other hand, infamous men, rebels, champions of degeneracy, inspire people to believe that their vulgarities and faults are realities and virtues of our true natures, thus in “saving” them from the awareness of shame, they also relieve them of guilt.

No! A real champion can never come from man’s seed to answer to that kind of need. He must be of a different order of man; he could not come into being by man’s lineage of original sin. He would have to come by virgin birth, born of woman overshadowed by the Spirit to conceive One not subject to and a slave of temptation (like us) from the very moment of our birth.

All men are sons of Adam, the original loser, and therefore, heirs of defect, defeat and default. As Adam’s seeds we are all born inferior to the psychopathic forces of error that precede us. We are brainwashed by custom and culture, confused, lost, full of guilt and our own rationale.

Man born of woman is inferior to evil through women and his heritage; as fallen men we have never had power, grace or understanding to deal with any of our problems and complexes. Whatever feeble efforts we made to fight the system only made us helpless cripples.

Unless man has a champion, real or unreal, he has no hope, real or unreal. If all were as it were supposed to be, we would never need champions at all. But because all is not as it should be, we do need some kind of savior. There is a champion for real salvation.

Because we know this intuitively, our conscience will not let us rest until we find out what the false savior is doing to us. The false salvation saves the fool from the humiliation of knowing that he needs salvation at all: he puts his trust in science, religion and a can of beer!

The words in this text are leading you slowly toward meaningful discovery, your conscious mind is awakened along the way as I point out the secret road, the one that leads you to know your true Champion intimately. As I have said, our Champion must, of necessity, be a man (to identify with), a man of grace and power to contend with evil and not fail as Adam did, and so redeem us from what Adam, by his failing, bequeathed us.

© FHU.com

Contact: https://www.fhu.com/contact/

Give Us A King

By Butch Paugh

January 4, 2025

History has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that mankind, no matter how much they desire to do right, have and will always ultimately fail! The “natural” tendency of man generates a constant and persistent “pull” that no matter how determined he is not to give into his innate desire to do his own will, inevitably over time loses his resolve. (Rom. 7:7-25) Even when the God that created man writes His laws and wills on tablets of stone and eventually even their hearts, they are still totally incapable of understanding the importance of remembering and walking in God’s “rules” for a blessed life.

Scripture and history are replete with accounts of peoples and nations coming out of the “darkness” into the light of God’s truth and then falling further into darkness then from which they first escaped. It’s for certain a fact that man never learns from his repeated mistakes. Even if one generation recognizes their dilemma and moves to correct the situation, and even leaves “written” instructions to their posterity on how not to fall into the snares again, they always do! In this chapter we are going to look at a few examples found in the Bible and throughout history.

If you believe in God and study His precious word, the 1611 KJV Bible, then you should already fully realize and understand how totally incapable mankind is in staying faithful to doing what is right in God’s eyes. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

His people, Israel, had gotten “comfortable” living in Egypt. They grew and multiplied to such an extent that the pharaoh feared they were a threat to his kingdom. So to control them he began to abuse them and put them into absolute bondage. To keep this account brief, even after they were sent a deliverer to rescue them from their bondage in Egypt and even millions started them on their way to the “promised land”, and even after the miracles they all witnessed and even after God himself wrote His laws for them on stone, only two men made it into the Promised Land!

In Joshua chapter 24 after Israel had grown into a “people” again, Joshua told them to decide who they wanted to serve. All the people gave their word that they were going to follow and obey the one true God who had delivered them into the Promised Land. There is no doubt they were totally since in their vow! But according to Judges chapter 2 the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of elders that outlived Joshua, then they turned from Jehovah God to Baalam!

Let’s look at one more example found in the scriptures. You will find it in I Samuel chapter 8. Israel was about to turn from God one more time, and this time He said He would not hear their prayers for deliverance from the new “god” they chose. Up until this time Israel’s “civil” government was basically a theocracy watched over by judges that were “supposed” to govern according to God’s law. When Samuel became too old to carry the load, he made his sons judges over Israel. This only further proves the point that was made at the beginning of this article, man is totally incapable, because of his sin nature, to follow in God’s righteous laws for long. Godly Samuel’s sons forsook God’s laws and the people cried out. And again to even further prove the weakness of mankind instead of seeking God to help remedy the problem, they again forsook Him. Israel went from a golden calf “god” to a “man god”! They rejected God asking and desired to do as the heathen, have a man king reign over them! They wanted an “earthly” security to watch over them from the womb to the tomb. Although they were severely warned as to what it would “cost” them, up to and including their children being used as “cannon fodder” to fight their new king’s wars! They refused to obey Samuel’s warnings and said “Nay: but we will have a king over us”. They had escaped slavery in Egypt to become slaves in their own land”

Of course, we Christians here in America read this passage and proclaim, “What a rebellious, stiff necked, ungrateful and “stupid” bunch of people! We are so smug in our ignorance, (Hos. 4:6-7) that we actually believe that we would and “could” not have such an evil attitude, much less be that stupid!

Here is a simple, true historical fact to all who desire truth. America’s true founders first gathered on her shores in 1620. They were called Pilgrims and Puritans. They too were escaping from a king and “religious” system that hated them. They all were set up much as ancient Israel. They never formed legislators to pass man’s laws to harass and control the people. Their selected leaders met to ensure that God’s laws were observed in their communities. They were not perfect in all their ways either, but overall morality and decency were upheld. Their “real” Christian convictions “governed” in God’s will! The Mayflower Compact and the colonies’ State Charters (Constitution) recognized that only Christians could be elected to office. That ended in 1787in Article Six in the U.S. Constitution.

As America’s morality in accordance with God’s laws slowly faded, so did the people’s liberties. It wasn’t but a couple generations until a once free people decided they wanted a king to take care of them from the “womb to the tomb”. It started under Roosevelt when the people were frightened back into slavery through government “benefits”. First, the one we call “Social Security”. Not God security, man’s social security! (Matt. 6:25-34 / Ps. 68:19 / Ps. 103:2 / Ex. 34:14 / Prov. 23:1-2)

Warnings were given to His people in His Word, and wise men and watchmen He set over America, but we said, “Nay, we will have a king over us!”

A Bird’s-Eye View of the Evolution of Nations by Alexander Tyler

1. From bondage to spiritual faith.
2. From spiritual faith to great courage.
3. From courage to liberty.
4. From liberty to abundance.
5. From abundance to selfishness.
6. From selfishness to complacence.
7. From complacency to apathy.
8. From apathy to dependency.
9. From dependency back to bondage.

Enough said. Choose you this day who you will serve. II Thes. 2:1-12 and Rev. 13:8-18 warns of the what-will-come of those who refuse to accept the truth!

In Christ’s Service,

© 2024 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

15 Predictions for 2025

By Steven Yates

January 4, 2025

“The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be.” —Paul Valéry

Since numerous writers I read regularly are offering predictions for the upcoming year, I thought I’d offer a few of mine. In the past I’ve shied away from this sort of thing — because, after all, “it’s tough to make predictions. Especially about the future” (Yogi Berra, renowned philosopher and late catcher for the New York Yankees).

But after thinking about it, making predictions shouldn’t be all that hard. After all, there’s nothing special about this particular position of our planet in its course around the sun. Designating a particular day as “New Year’s Day” is totally conventional.

What we can be sure of: human nature will be the same this year as it was last year. People will still try to get as much as they can, with the least possible effort. Most will continue to coast through life. They will still respond to incentives or “nudges,” except for that small minority that figures out the incentive structure encircling them and ignores, escapes, or thwarts it. Such people might actually develop free minds.

With that as background, here are 15 predictions for 2025. We’ll check in at the start of next year, to see how many came true. That’s assuming I’m still walking above ground on this planet and still writing pieces like this.

  • The growing divide, the “MAGA civil war,” between billionaire technocrats (Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy) and less-moneyed populists (Steve Bannon, Laura Loomer), latent all along, will widen until it fractures the movement. Nothing surprising here: it isn’t just that billionaires and less-moneyed populists aren’t likely to be on the same page, though that’s true. Rather, if there’s anything Republicans excel at, it’s shooting their own feet off. The controversy bespeaks a dark truth: America’s schools aren’t cultivating a mindset likely to produce legitimate scientists and engineers (as Ramaswamy’s controversial tweet pointed out). Naturally those who want to hire such people will go overseas to find them, and will try to bring them into the U.S. legally. American universities won’t produce them as long as they remain left wing indoctrination mills that repel men who have always been more likely than women to study physical science and computer engineering.
  • Trump will not annex Canada, nor purchase Greenland, nor take back the Panama Canal. The negative repercussions would far outweigh any (scanty) benefits.
  • He will, however, face difficulties from the get-go with parts of his agenda, such as deporting 15 million illegals. For starters, immigrants, legal or illegal, don’t mind working for peanuts while Americans want livable wages. They’re profitable for corporations, therefore — the other side of (1) above. Corporations will therefore fight Trump on this as much as woke leftists. Trump’s effort will face the added problem that those to be deported must go somewhere, and where that somewhere is, is unclear. Their homelands? At whose expense? No one thinks the affected countries, all of them eyeball-deep in their own problems, will foot the bill!
  • Leftist frustration risks exploding into violence at almost any time. I’m predicting there will be at least one more assassination attempt against Trump this year. It will fail. An angry “anti-racist” or some other leftist will be taken into custody.
  • Violence in schools, workplaces, streets, subways, will continue. Mental illness will be factor in some cases; terrorism in others (it only took a little over three hours for the first violent attack of 2025 to take place). The liberal-left will continue to act as if they really believe guns get up and go off by themselves. They will lament the availability of guns, although guns have always been available while they violence we’ve been seeing is of more recent vintage. No one, not even most conservatives, will attend to fundamentals, such as exactly what is producing shoot shooters, why their families are dysfunctional, what pharmaceuticals they’ve been put on, or why Americans’ mental health is in freefall with suicide rates climbing, especially among men. The braver of them may point to militant feminism. They won’t point to an atomizing neoliberal political economy which reduces the value of everything, including human beings, to a marketplace price tag.

Nor will they look at American foreign policy. Even Trump is a committed Zionist.

  • Speaking of which: those drawing attention to such facts as children in Gaza being traumatized due to Israeli war crimes will continue to be denounced as antisemitic. Many on the right will continue to lump those who won’t shut up about Gaza in with campus wokesters. The latter will play their role because Palestinians are, well, an ethnic minority. They are, aren’t they?
  • Leftists being slow learners, they will remain locked into identity politics with all four claws. Hence the country will remain divided: men versus women, blacks versus whites, native born Americans versus immigrants, etc. Higher education will continue to offer a smorgasbord of pseudo-subjects taught by pseudo-intellectuals.
  • Inflation will continue even if is “coming down,” e.g., prices not rising quite as fast as they were a year ago. Government numbers will remain as skewed and misleading as ever. Homelessness in 2025 will surpass 2024’s record high. If Trump follows through with his threats to impose tariffs on imports and corporate predators are allowed to pass the cost on to consumers causing more price inflation, he will get the blame.
  • The billionaire class will continue getting richer, fueling resentment across the political divide. The Dow is already completely decoupled from the real economy.
  • Guys like me urging primary prevention in health education will continue being invisible, meaning that obesity, chronic illnesses, myriad other avoidable ailments will continue unchanged. This will go on as long as such conditions remain profitable. Junk food and hyperprocessed foods will continue to fill grocery stores as long as they remain profitable, and consumers can’t be bothered to get informed.
  • Another healthcare CEO or some other bigwig will be gunned down in a street somewhere between now and the end of March. This person will also be lionized on social media as was Luigi Mangione, despite gasps of horror from pundits and Establishment writers and podcasters. CEOs, especially those atop corporate healthcare leviathans, will hire private security, which will accompany them everywhere they go, 24/7.
  • Sadly, people on my side of the aisle in some areas will keep going down false rabbit trails, e.g., this. Jack’s Substack takes a perfectly sound idea — responsible freedom — and runs off a cliff with it, this time into “parentarchy,” the idea that parents are little dictators over children, that this is an illicit exercise of authority (because in Jack’s view all authority is illicit), and that no one has previously noticed.

The idea has structural similarities to militant feminist “patriarchy” and critical race theory’s “systemic racism,” in its unstated starting assumption that we’re fundamentally the same — even children! — homunculi of a sort whose ideal state is autonomous reason, sufficient to make us our own authority.

Authority relationships thus reduce to the familiar “oppressor” versus “oppressed” dichotomy, the bane of academic wokeness. It saddens me profoundly to see a good idea (responsible freedom) encircled by a worldview in which it doesn’t fit, and then fall into something that in practice would only further the unraveling of families (flesh and blood human beings in unique situations, not interchangeable units of pure intellect). Jack ignores the actual sources of our problems: godless materialism as a worldview and neoliberal political-economics (see 5 again or go here and scroll to the section on “The Coming of the Neoliberal Era”; for more on parent-child go here.)

  • There will be more and more people who opt out of everything. Their numbers may be larger than anyone knows. They won’t be wasting time posting on social media. Hence they’ll be all but invisible. They won’t care. They won’t want to hear from any of us: right, left, somewhere in the middle, or off this spectrum entirely. They will be busy tending gardens, trading healthy foodstuffs locally, building things, educating their children to do the same or to pursue trades, and probably praying that the idiots in the cities don’t blow everything up. There are such people now. Some of them do product how-to podcasts. By the end of 2025, I think there will be more of them. This might be difficult to verify but I shall try.
  • The Everything Bubble will continue to expand. Eventually it will pop. I’ve learned the hard way not to try and put this on a timetable. Although a consumer-debt-based political economy cannot defy financial gravity forever, those profiting from it doubtless learned plenty from the 2008 meltdown and will milk their cash cows for as long as they possibly can before the plug gets pulled.
  • The Rapture will not occur. In this one, I have complete confidence.

That’s all I could come up with in the 24 hours I gave myself to write this. I’m sure I omitted a few issues. Readers who think of more may feel free to go here and share in the comments.

© 2024 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com


Steven Yates’s Substack site is called Navigating the New Normal. You’ll find content there that isn’t available here. While more and more of the Internet is disappearing behind paywalls, NtNN is still free. Consider subscribing, as that is how the Substack algorithm knows I exist.

Steven Yates is a (recovering) ex-academic with a PhD in Philosophy. He taught for more than 15 years total at several universities in the Southeastern U.S. He authored three books, more than 20 articles, numerous book reviews, and review essays in academic journals and anthologies. Refused tenure and unable to obtain full-time academic employment (and with an increasing number of very fundamental philosophical essays refused publication in journals), he turned to alternative platforms and heretical notions, including about academia itself.

In 2012 he moved to Chile. He married a Chilean national in 2014. Among his discoveries in South America: the problems of the U.S. are problems everywhere, because human nature is the same everywhere. The problems are problems of Western civilization as a whole.

As to whether he’ll stay in Chile … stay tuned!

He has a Patreon.com page. Donate here and become a Patron if you benefit from his work and believe it merits being sustained financially.

Steven Yates’s book Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) can be ordered here.

His philosophical work What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) can be obtained here or here.

His paranormal horror novel The Shadow Over Sarnath (2023) can be gotten here.

Should you purchase any (or all) books from Amazon, please consider leaving a five-star review (if you think they merit such).

Federal Government has No Legal Right to Function as a Criminal Enterprise

By Andrew Wallace

January 3, 2025

Remember, our Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and the only legal basis for Government. The majority of our so-called government and its laws are part of a Criminal Enterprise operating to rob and enslave the people in CONTRAVENTION of our Constitution.

Citizens living in the states are not legally subject to Presidential Executive Orders or directives written by Bureaucrats in the Administrative State. Only Congress can pass laws (although a majority of which are unconstitutional!).

Congress is mostly rogue and a criminal enterprise without the lawful authority for a majority of their laws. Congress has only the very limited and specific authority given it by the states in the constitution. The federal government is responsible for defense, counterfeiting, foreign relations, currency, piracy, treason, etc. States are responsible for everything else, including police powers, and welfare of the people, etc.

The Swamp exists as a Criminal Enterprise because both parties in Congress are bribed, allowing the federal government to centralize power by usurping state functions (major federal departments are unconstitutional usurpations of state powers!).

We must not forget those who profit from the more than 100,000 deaths of our military and millions of innocents since WW two. I refer to those who control all of this theft, murder and treason as the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC). They are the billionaire families and individuals who direct and control the corporate paymasters and the Swamp.

The Constitution requires a Declaration of War, but Congress did not declare even one for the 30 armed conflicts since WW two. Congress does not have power to override the constitution, which they do constantly. These wars had nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with profits and the funding of bribes. Congress has more blood on their hands than the rest of the world combined. Most members of Congress are the lowest form of life with ironclad reservations in hell.

Our Founding Fathers wrote our constitution with the understanding that FEW federal laws would affect the people, so they directed that laws of the union would be enforced by the Militia of the Several States. But Congress changed this by usurping state functions and establishing countless unconstitutional federal laws and regulatory agencies (Administrative State) writing “laws”. Remember that police powers are state functions. Our supreme law (Constitution) put most domestic power in the hands of the states. In other words, the PSRRC has taken over our government as a criminal enterprise with no legal rights to do so!

You have every legal right to ignore unconstitutional laws passed by Congress and all orders initiated by bureaucrats in the administrative state. Presidential Executive Orders also have no authority in the states. They affect only government employees and contractors. If you do stand up for your rights, be prepared to be framed or worse. So have a good lawyer (not many available) as you may have difficulty in locating a lawyer since most are Democrats or are afraid to confront the criminal enterprise (PSRRC) and the majority of government.

The Administrative State consists of unelected, hard-to-fire bureaucrats who act as if they are royalty and resist any policy (of either party) that might reduce their power. The only way to get rid of them is to terminate the offices they occupy. Destruction of the Republic by the Administrative State is equal to the crimes of Congress.

In simple terms, our government has an approximate income of $5 trillion dollars but spends $7 trillion dollars. They must borrow an amount equal to 40% of income ($2 trillion dollars), which effectively defines bankruptcy. At any time, the government will be forced to repudiate the debt or inflate the currency to zero value. Either action will result in the greatest of all depressions, much worse than the Great Depression. The only solution is to follow the Constitution to the letter, which is guaranteed to solve all financial problems.

A depression of this magnitude would result in death of those really sick, and instant poverty of those on Social Security. Money would be worthless. People would lose homes and farms. Most people in the cities would be homeless, without government checks and services. It would be impossible to deliver food to the cities, resulting in mass starvation. Criminal gangs would roam the streets, robbing, killing, and burning. Cities will not protect the people or allow them to use firearms to protect themselves.

My best guess is that at least 50% of federal employees must be terminated now to reverse this situation. But only 6% report for work anyway, so no great loss. We must also deport 10 to 20 million illegal invaders. Invader gangs make it even more important that you have an AR15 or better, with plenty of ammunition to protect your family.

The PSRRC and their subordinates in corporations, Congress and the swamp profit greatly from wars. But the people have to pay for the wars, bury their dead and support the wounded for a lifetime.

Since we can’t be invaded, our National Security does not require 250,000 members of our military in 150 countries or the substantial additional expense of a military that can project force. Only the Military Industrial Complex of the PSRRC, Congress and the swamp profit from these expenditures and the deaths of millions.

In a few words, President Trump has the constitutional power to reinstate the Republic in all its glory without the help of Congress or anyone else. But President Trump has not indicated that he will do it. His present plans will not drain swamp or avoid a catastrophic economic decline. More on this in the next article.

God Bless You and The Republic

© 2024 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Recycling for Sustainable Electricity is the Key for Future Generations

By Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers, and Steve Curtis

January 3, 2025

There is a growing need to recycle human caused waste as this Planet’s resources WILL run out

Our planet has numerous resources, but they are NOT unlimited resources. What’s the future of humanity 100 to 500 years from now, after humans have extracted the oil, coal, lithium, cobalt and other resources from the 4.5-billion-year-old Earth?

♦ Worldwide crude oil consumption is currently estimated at roughly 96.5 million barrels per day. According to OPEC, global demand is expected to reach 109 million barrels per day. Estimations vary slightly from other sources as well, but it is predicted that we may run out of global oil from known reserves in about 50 years.

♦ Nothing lasts forever, even the abundant coal on this planet. For coal, we may run out of global coal from known reserves in about 130 years.

As the world’s population depletes the earth’s natural resources over the next 50, 100, or more years, our grandchildren may be unable to enjoy the more than 6,000 products of our materialistic society, being enjoyed by the current residents on this planet. These are products that people need and use every day, without even realizing that they come from the refining process. Without oil, we are back in the stone age.

To continue the preservation of human life on earth, it’s time to get serious about conservation, efficiency improvements, and recycling the waste that humans are generating.

One of the primary areas of focus is the recovery of electricity from waste streams such as tires and plastics.

♦ Tires: The United States generates around 280 million waste tires each year, which is roughly one tire per person. Globally, an estimated 1 billion to 1.8 billion used tires are discarded annually.

♦ Plastic: The world produces around 400 million tons of plastic each year, which is more than double the amount produced at the beginning of the century. Growth: Since the 1970s, plastic production has grown faster than any other material. If current trends continue, global production is projected to reach 1,100 million tons by 2050.

As billions of tires and millions of tons of plastic waste being disposed of annually, these materials represent a vast untapped source of electricity. Traditional disposal methods often lead to environmental pollution and health hazards. Waste to energy technology offers a sustainable alternative by converting these materials into clean electricity while reclaiming valuable products like recovered steel, coke, and carbon black.

There is a growing list of “waste to energy” companies vying for leadership of this revolution, developing and implementing groundbreaking solutions to convert waste into valuable electricity. By focusing on recycling and electricity generation, one of those companies is SOBE, a public utility in Youngstown, Ohio that converts waste into energy through a process called enhanced pyrolysis that is ready to begin helping manufacturing and healthcare companies meet their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals while also reducing their electricity costs.

These waste to energy firms provide the recycling and handling facilities for preprocessing hydrocarbon man-made based products such as waste tires and all seven grades of plastic into feedstock used internally within the group’s (WTE) waste to energy conversion technology. The feedstock is converted during the technology process inside their plants into a clean synthetic fuel gas that can be used directly for their operations, or in gas turbines or reciprocating engines for electricity generation. Providing a clean, safe and environmentally friendly solution for the repurposing of these difficult waste streams and reducing landfill usage.

This creates and establishes a true circular economy-based recycling model. Utilizing an inexhaustible stream of man-made waste converted into clean energy. The byproducts produced consisting of carbon black and steel are then repurposed for the greater good of our planet’s resources and the environment.

These waste to energy innovative processes are designed to be highly efficient and environmentally friendly. By combining recycling with electricity generation, the company can minimize waste and reduce the need for additional resources. The reclaimed materials can be reintroduced into the supply chain, reducing the demand for virgin materials and the greenhouse gas emission from production facilities; further contributing to a sustainable economy.

There are several challenges with traditional electricity sources such as coal and natural gas that have long been the primary means of powering our world. However, these sources often come with a host of environmental problems, including:

♦ Greenhouse gas emissions: The burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change.

♦ Air pollution: Fossil fuel combustion also produces harmful air pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides, which can have negative health effects.

♦ Depletion of natural resources: Coal and crude oil are finite resources on our 40-billion-year-old planet, and their continued extraction and use are depleting reserves.

Renewable electricity generating sources, such as solar and wind power, only offer an intermittent, but not sustainable alternative to the continuous electricity generation from coal, natural gas, and nuclear. Additionally, the production of solar panels and wind turbines requires significant amounts of electricity and exotic minerals and metals resources to make components of wind turbines and solar panels. They also create another problem with their waste when they are damaged, thrown away, or no longer usable.

The benefits of waste-to-electricity solutions, such as those collaboratively developed by SOBE, offer a promising alternative to traditional electricity sources.

By converting waste into electricity, these solutions can help:

♦ Reduce waste: Waste-to-electricity technologies can divert waste from landfills, reducing the need for new landfills and minimizing the environmental impact of waste disposal.

♦ Generate renewable electricity: The electricity produced from waste is considered renewable because it is derived from a constantly replenished resource.

♦ Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Waste-to-electricity technologies can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by displacing coal and natural gas for electricity generation.

♦ Create jobs: The development and implementation of waste-to-electricity technologies can create jobs in the electricity sector and related industries.

The Future of Sustainable Electricity: As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change and resource depletion over the next few centuries of the world’s reserves of crude oil and exotic minerals and metals, there is a growing need for innovative solutions to our demands for electricity. Waste-to-electricity and new technologies, such as those like SOBE is working with, offer a promising path toward a more sustainable and prosperous future.

In addition to their work on waste-to-electricity solutions, SOBE is also collaborating with companies like Optics Consulting and other organizations to develop and commercialize other clean electricity technologies. By fostering partnerships and sharing knowledge, companies can help accelerate the transition to a sustainable electricity future.

Imagine a self-generating behind-the-meter solution that is 100% renewable clean and continuous technology that can be deployed in 4 MW units and can be expanded to the needs of the electricity customers. Technologies like these are coming very soon.

By harnessing the power of waste, or utilizing new innovative technologies, we can focus on continuous and reliable electricity through recycling tires and plastic waste to help reduce our reliance on coal and natural gas, reduce the landfill footprint, protect the environment, and create a cleaner, healthier world for generations to come.

Please share this information with teachers, students, and friends to encourage Energy Literacy conversations at the family dinner table.

© 2024 Ronald Stein, Oliver Hemmers, and Steve Curtis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ronald Stein: Ronald.Stein@EnergyLiteracy.net

Denzel Washington, Hollywood’s Liberal, Named In Sexual Pedophile Ring

By Bradlee Dean

January 3, 2024

“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” -Luke 17:2

Interesting, is it not that at the same time, that P-Diddy is being exposed for having celebrities (as they are called) and politicians (scoundrels) committing crimes against children, out of nowhere we start seeing the predators become Christians. If their conversions were only genuine.

In this case, none other than Denzel Washington, the ACTOR who loves to tell everyone how they should live their lives. That is as if to suggest that Denzel (in his distorted mind) is somehow the standard by which we are all to live our lives, but he’s not (Acts 17:31)! This is the same actor that plays the parts of adulterers, fornicators, thief, murderer, etc. (1 Corinthians 6:9).

When Hollywood hypocrites preach to the American church this is what you get

What should be of interest to the reader is that Denzel Washington has been named in the Diddy sex trafficking by a young victim. Child victim Alley Carter gives details in this article.

After this information comes out, and before you know it, Denzel Washington gets his minister’s license, as he makes his baptism public. Look at the timing here. Who does he think he is getting one over on? Read Isaiah 47:3; Luke 12:2.

It does not stop there; we have sex addict Russell Brand, who was also named in the sex scandal and suddenly converted in the face of the world shortly after being accused of assault (Luke 17:2). How convenient.

What of the politicians? Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris are just the tip of the iceberg regarding these extorted scoundrels (1 Kings 13:33). Don’t forget about the Jeffery Epstein expose.

This has been ongoing for decades, explaining why this country is being led directly into the hell it is fast becoming (Psalm 9:16-17).

It also includes self-professed ministers such as TD Jakes, Billy Graham, etc. (Luke 6:36).

From Watergate to Pizzagate – Exposing How Washington D.C. is Part of the International Pedophile Network

In conclusion, these actors, who just think that they are playing a part along with these politicians who think that they are above the law (Isaiah 14:12), are quickly finding out otherwise.  How are the people in this country going to hold them accountable for making a prey of their children (Luke 17:2)?

© 2024 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Unmitigated Gaul, Incompetence and Corruption of Joe Biden

By Frosty Wooldridge

January 2, 2025

Are you angry about what’s happening to our country? I am livid! I could just spit at this president and Congress. Every day we click on the television, yet another tragedy visits endless Americans. It’s beyond comprehension.

Some nut job Muslim ISIS terrorist killed 15 and wounded 30 by driving his truck down Bourbon Street, New Orleans at high speed. He carried I.E.D.’s along with a reported couple of other terrorists with more I.E.D.’s set up in other parts of the city. They’re calling it the “New Orleans Massacre.” It’s another mini-9/11 perpetrated on the American people because our horses-ass president and Congress won’t stop mass-illegal immigration from Islamic countries.

They said Mr. Jabbar was an American citizen. That’s false! He’s a pretend citizen. No Muslim will ever be a loyal American citizen because they believe in the Quran. And, the Quran forbids any believer to betray the dictates of that most violent book of Islam. It commands its believers to, “Covert or kill all non-believers.” Muslims only honor Mecca and Mohammed, along with their violent god, Allah. They cannot and do not subscribe to the U.S. Constitution. Yet, our idiots in Congress keep pumping them into our country like fleas off a camel’s rump.

I’ve worked in New Orleans. I admire Senator John Kennedy (R-LA). He’s down-home country with common sense and incredible humor. I wish the rest of the U.S. Senate and House thought like him, spoke like him and made sense like him.

If you visit Detroit, Michigan, you can see “Little Baghdad” being recreated in our country. All on welfare! If you visit Minneapolis, Minnesota, you’ve got “Little Mogadishu” of Muslims piled in on each other at over 120,000 of them, and they’re all on welfare off American taxpayers’ backs. It’s almost mind boggling to think some politician in Washington DC thought it was a good idea to import that savage 6th century religion into our country. Look what they’re doing to our Jewish citizens whom the Muslims want exterminated. And, we sit here paralyzed when they march around with ISIS flags and Palestinian in America. Those holding those flags vehemently hate America.

Why did Joe Biden absolutely betray our country? Or, why did his handlers betray our country in the past four years? Why? Biden and/or his handlers invited, engineered, and paved the way for 15 million illegal aliens of every kind of stripe: terrorists, rapists, murderers, crazy people, ISIS Jihadists, illiterates, drug dealers, MS 13 gangs, Tren de Aragua gangs, shoplifting gangs, and worse. Even the ones that are simply refugees, cost U.S. taxpayers $150,000,000,000.00 (billion) annually for the past four years. (Source: www.fairus.org)

Those illegals have killed Laken Riley at the University of Georgia. They’ve killed women and raped them in San Francisco, LA, New York City, Miami——and yet, those fools like Gavin Newsom, Kathy Hochul, Jared Polis in Colorado, and that worthless mayor in Chicago, Brandon Johnson, keep their Sanctuary Cities open to all those criminal illegals. None of it makes any sense!

Is Biden gunning for becoming the WORST president of all time? Well, he’s there! He is the worst U.S. president, ever!

About 270,000 drug overdose deaths in the past four years of Americans because of Biden’s open borders would tell you that Biden is hundreds of times worse than 9/11 of only 3,000 deaths by Muslim terrorists.

Whose city and which Americans are the next, “_______Massacre” that we all get to read about, or we are dead because of Biden’s open borders and Congress doing nothing to stop 15 million illegals.

France did the same thing to itself in the 1970’s. It opened its borders. Jean Raspail, in Camp of the Saints, said, “You don’t know my people—the squalor, superstitions, the fatalistic sloth that they’ve wallowed in for generations. You don’t know that you’re in for if that fleece of brutes ever lands in your lap. Everything will change in this country of yours. They will swallow you up.”

Today, France stands eyeball deep in division with its “Muslim brutes” who are taking over. All of Europe has bent itself into a pretzel to welcome the third world’s illiterate brutes—-and now, they have destroyed their countries as to culture, language, and way of life. It’s sickening to see it firsthand.

America continues to “diversify” itself to death. “Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars. Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, acts as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration,” said social scientists Garret Hardin. “We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country through the unlimited acceptance of massive immigration. The magic words of the destabilizers are “diversity” and “multiculturalism.”

One historian said, “Most great nations don’t die by being conquered; they die by internal suicide.”

In the end, Biden IS the biggest liar, biggest con man, and most dishonest president in U.S. history. He was part and parcel of his son’s millions of dollars from influence pedaling with Burisma and China. He pardoned his liar, thief, con-man, drug addict, whoring son named Hunter Biden. To pardon him for 10 years and 11 months of crimes means he was a career, hardened criminal. Like father like son!

If we Americans continue to vote people like Schumer, Pelosi, AOC, Rashida Talaib (Muslim), Ilhan Omar (Muslim), Brandon Johnson, Gavin Newsom, Hickenlooper, Bennet, Polis, Biden, et al., we Americans are putting a noose around our necks, while they pull the drop cord that lets us die a miserable death.

In 2025, we must take action to support President Trump to pull us out of this nose-dive. Our very existence as a viable civilization hangs in the balance.

© 2024 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

MAGA Blowhard Bannon Sabotages the Trump Agenda?

By Cliff Kincaid

January 2, 2025

Elon Musk has accused the media of “relentless hit pieces” that are designed to encourage the assassination of Trump “and now me.” These threats will continue and intensify, and many are now coming from MAGA over Musk’s defense of special high-tech visas for smart people from foreign countries.

Meantime, MAGA is assassinating itself, politically speaking.

My old friend John Gizzi, the White House correspondent for Newsmax, was on my Rumble show discussing why the Republican opponents of Speaker Mike Johnson have no alternative to him but nevertheless want to sabotage the slim GOP majority in the House.  “Without a speaker,” notes Gizzi, “the House would be barred from officially certifying the results of the 2024 election.”

Gizzi says Johnson has made some mistakes and should be held accountable but in a column for Newsmax notes the slim Republican majority that must be maintained to pass a conservative agenda of economic progress.

MAGA blowhards like Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by Trump during his first term, hates Johnson but has no alternative. He claims to be pro-MAGA but he is doing everything possible to undermine Trump’s MAGA agenda.

Trump endorses Johnson, calling him “a good, hard working, religious man” who “will do the right thing, and we will continue to WIN.”

In terms of real assassination attempts, which are on-going, Musk says he has faced at least two of them. One of these would-be assassins by the name of Paul Ryan Overeem had traveled from Florida to Austin, Texas, and was caught threatening to massacre Musk and others at a Tesla event.

The attacks on Musk have accelerated recently, as the liberal media and their allies in the Democratic Party have accused him of being a sinister force in the American political process and even a shadow president by making his views known on the current bankrupt financial and fiscal policies pursued by the Congress of the United States.

Whereas Trump was targeted by a “bullseye” issued by Biden and attacked as another Hitler, Musk is being labeled as a subversive force for exercising his First Amendment right of free speech and putting tens of millions of dollars into Republican campaigns in 2024.

Why is Musk a target? His conversion to the Republican Party is one factor. But as CNN admits, he is a “visionary” whose innovations have “revolutionized the e-commerce, electric vehicle and space industries…” More importantly, he bought Twitter, now X, giving conservatives a voice.

In contrast to left-wing billionaire George Soros, who made his money through financial manipulations of the international currency market, Musk provides goods and services that America needs.

The dangerous message was this: “Folks, please do not forget Musk is the CEO of several companies. I say again, he’s a CEO. Do with that information as you will,” some critic named Don Shea wrote on X, a post quicky deleted.

This was interpreted as an assassination threat, modeled after the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and the “wanted” posters for other CEOs posted afterward.

For being a successful capitalist, he is now a target.

In reviewing who or what on a global basis might have a motive to go after Musk, as well as Trump, my educated guess is the Russians, who are notorious in the field of “wet work,” or their clients, the Iranians, and those in the Deep State who would like to facilitate such actions.

Musk’s detractors are claiming he is too close to the Chinese and the Russians, even though his innovations have benefitted America.

For background on who might be motivated to kill Musk, consider the Bloomberg story from 2018, “How Elon Musk Beat Russia’s Space Program,” on how Musk had developed the most capable missile in the world through SpaceX.

Back in 2014, under President Barack Hussein Obama, as noted by the Washington Post, American national security satellites and classified military spacecraft were routinely launched into orbit with help from Russian rocket engines. That continued for more than a decade but was eventually banned after the first Russian invasion of Ukraine, also under Obama.

Today, as noted by the New York Times in a May 24, 2024, story, SpaceX is the primary provider of launch services to NASA and to the Pentagon.

In my column, “They Want to Kill Elon Musk,” I note the evidence of his genius and regard his involvement in the Trump Administration as “the key to America remaining a military and economic superpower in the world.”

However, Stephen K. Bannon, who was fired by Trump in his first term, has called Musk “a total and complete phony” and claims that because Musk produces some of his cars in China, “He is owned – lock, stock, and barrel – by the Chinese Communist Party, and he acts like it.”

This kind of ugly vitriol can inspire other attacks on Musk.

In response, Musk replied, “I used to think Bannon was smart & evil, but now I realize I was wrong about the first part.”

On his “Real America’s Voice” channel, Bannon has suggested that Musk’s business Neuralink is designed to control people’s brains through chip implants.

For his part, Musk believes advances in science and technology which can benefit Americans should be encouraged. His Neuralink project is developing means by which people can cope with their own neurological disorders and disabilities, such as paralysis and blindness.

Musk represents new thinking that can guarantee America’s scientific and military dominance in the world.

If you want more on the history of science and the new age we are entering into, consider reading Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Popular procedures, such as knee and hip replacements, and some life-saving drugs, prolong life for millions of mostly older Americans. Dentures, hearing aids, reading glasses, and cataract surgeries are other modern examples of how science has been used to improve the human condition.

“He’s a character, he’s a special guy, he’s a super genius,” Trump said of Musk. “We have to protect our geniuses, we don’t have that many of them.”

In the second Trump term, Musk will deserve special protection, since he is a key figure in what Trump promises to be a “Golden Age” for America. But he won’t be able to accomplish anything for America unless a few Republicans in the House under the influence of MAGA blowhard Stephen K. Bannon stop sabotaging Trump’s choice for Speaker of the House.

© 2024 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Either You Own Property, or You Are Property

by Kathleen Marquardt

January 1, 2025

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated, and ownership I rendered a barren right.”  —Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard B. Sanders

Without the right to property, we only have the right to our thoughts; all else will be controlled by others.

John Adams said, “The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.”  That is not an exaggeration. Without the right to property, we are slaves. Our founding fathers realized that and were careful to correct the original Constitution by adding the Bill of Rights, among other things.

From official U.S. government founding documents:

1st Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  (Without the right to property, we would not have places to meet – assemble – to stand up and protect our property rights.)

2nd Amendment: protects the right to keep and bear arms. (Without guns, we would find ourselves trying to protect our rights with pitchforks, axes, and sticks.)

3rd Amendment: prevents the government from forcing homeowners to allow soldiers to use their homes. Before the Revolutionary War, laws gave British soldiers the right to take over private homes.

4th Amendment bars the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their private property.

9th Amendment states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out.

10th Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn’t listed, it belongs to the states or to the people.

Read the above carefully, then think about this:

“By 2030, you’ll own nothing and be happy.” ~ Klaus Schwab, Founder/Chairman WEF

That would only be true if we all had lobotomies or were constantly high on hallucinogenic drugs. Oops, that’s the plan our government – via the Department of Health Education and Welfare — working with the Michigan State University to devise a plan to dumb down all the useless-eater children. It’s called the BSTEP — Behavioral Science Teacher Educator Program.

One short excerpt:

Page 255 of BSTEP (288 of the PDF) has a chart “Detailing the Controlling Elite,” the Overview reads:


The Protestant Ethic will atrophy as more and more enjoy varied leisure and guaranteed sustenance. Work as the means (illegible) end of living will diminish in importance except for a few with exceptional motivation, drive, or aspiration. No major source of a sense of worth and dignity will replace the Protestant Ethic. Most people will tend to be hedonistic, and a dominant elite will provide “bread and circuses” to keep social dissension and disruption at a minimum.


A small elite will carry society’s burdens. The resulting impersonal manipulation of most people’s lifestyles will be softened by provisions for pleasure-seeking and guaranteed physical necessities. Participatory democracy in the American-ideal mold will mainly disappear. The worth and dignity of individuals will be endangered on every hand. Only exceptional individuals will be able to maintain a sense of worth and dignity.

That was done in 1969. Most people today think that we, who have been telling them about the global “elite” plan, have made it all up. Yes, it was made up, but not by us – it was made up by them to wrest control of the entire world and control all of us.

They are close to their goal, but the latest election in the U.S. shows that a lot of people were just asleep – not fully braindead from the brainwashing that has been inundating them in the education system and mainstream media.

Back to property. Since early in this recent election process, the writing on the wall has been read by most. The power elite (PE) were not going to be able to reach enough dead people in time to outvote the awake. So, they are doing everything still in their power to get us further down the road to serfdom while they still control our government and other entities.

Note the push to ban eating meat. The PE who have megabucks are buying up farm and ranch land as fast as they can. Their minions, the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), mostly created by them, are doing their fair share of controlling our natural resources. They are working diligently on putting as much land into national trusts, land trusts, and programs like 30X30 – removing 30% of the planet’s oceans, lands, and freshwaters from any human use whatsoever.

And there are the big companies, the Blackwaters, J.P. Morgans, State Streets, the big banks, and billionaires grabbing land. Oh, and another way big industries are getting land is to plan a green-power construction project across acres and miles of little people’s properties, then (after being awarded via the U.S. Supreme Court’s egregiously unconstitutional decision in the Kelo Case. Many of those companies probably have no intent of putting up wind or solar power now – knowing that it can never replace “fossil fuels”, but the government has decreed that the properties the company “takes” as they are beginning to set up construction are theirs to keep – even if they never put up one solar panel or windmill.

And, of course, there are all the things being banned because they are supposedly unsustainable — causing or abetting “climate change”. For instance, grazing of livestock, disturbing the soil surface, fencing of pastures or paddocks, agriculture, modern farm production systems, building materials, industrial activities, human-made caves of brick and mortar or concrete and steel, paved and tarred roads and highways, railroads, floor and wall tiles, aquaculture, farmlands, rangelands, pastures, fish ponds, modern hunting, fisheries, scuba diving, agricultural development, forestry urbanization, logging, fossil fuels, dams, reservoirs, straightening rivers, power line construction, private property, population growth, consumerism, and many, many more. From Global Biodiversity Assessment: Cambridge University Press, the 7-pound book that spells out what we humans are going to be banned from using or even looking at.

I want you to understand that “property rights” mean much more than owning a house and some acreage. Those who rent also need to understand that they may have a lease, but it will be as useful as toilet paper when those so-called elites are ready to take over control of the world.

The late Rosa Koire spells it out perfectly. “UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, all energy, and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL!”

I truly believe that the globalists believe they must finish us off now; that too many people have awakened and are becoming aware of the threat now facing us. There are far more of us than them, and we are Americans, raised on the belief that the tenets of the U.S. Constitution provide for our freedom, safety, and prosperity – if we stay strong and support the principles it upholds.

We are truly in the fight for our lives and beliefs. It is now or never. It is time to take back this once-great country and restore its life-sustaining, honorable principles. To do that, we must start at the local level among our neighbors and friends.

What are you waiting for? Build or join a Freedom Pod today.


Think I’m crazy?

Just in:

No packing necessary – Japan Airlines pushes “rental clothes” to travelers at their destination to reduce the weight of baggage and reduce carbon emissions.

© 2024 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koikpm@yahoo.com

Resolve to Know the Truth

A.M. Byrd

January 1, 2025

The New Year is upon us. Many have made resolutions that they will fail at and toss aside in about 10 minutes from now. I made a resolution too, but I doubt I will fail at it. I’m going to think differently and not succumb to the world’s ignorant, destructive, perverse ways.

Something has been eating at me for months. My family are, by confession of faith, Catholic, Roman Catholic and/or Protestant. Many, but not all, confess Christ Jesus as Savior and believe on Him for their salvation, as the propitiation for our inherited sin nature. Those of us who are believing Christians, recognize the Christ, Jesus, as the Word of God and the head of The Living Church.

What is the Living Church? It is the Body of Christ, being the multitudes of believers who rely on Him, do their best to obey His Laws and His precepts, as the final authority of our faith. It is not a structured brick and mortar building; nor steel and glass cathedral, nor an event center that seats 75,000 humans and preaches wealth and prosperity and shines their toothy Pepsodent smiles as wide as they can, while they pass the offering plates to endlessly extend their televised indoctrinations of pliable, hypnotized, lazy minds. These ravenous wolves who prey on people’s inner hopes and selfish desires rake in the money; these “preachers” who live in sumptuous luxury off the donations to their so-called “ministries” don’t REALLY care a whit about the salvation of their Flocks. Their entire purpose is to be put on pedestals and worshipped as “God’s’ messengers, while they lead the masses utterly astray with their “Feel Good Gospels.

That’s part of the problem with our human race/society/culture. We want to feel GOOD about ourselves; we want to excuse our wayward trends, our perversions, and our hedonism. We want to sit in those pews and pretend that all is forgiven and then exit the church doors and resume our judgmental biases in all their self-aggrandizing fashions. Woe unto ye, hypocrites, the Holy Scriptures say to us. We’ve left humility in the dust bin of our consciences.

But do we stop and take account of where THAT road leads us? God is either in us, or He isn’t. When He IS, the Holy Spirit, which is His whispering, indwelling voice in our redeemed minds and hearts, speaks to us constantly of decisions we make or are inclined to make. It also warns us of troubled waters just ahead.

Some people have learned to listen to that still, small voice…most haven’t. We’re too arrogant, too self-serving and self-worshiping. I mean, take a look at the hatred in just our own country! The instant President Trump was declared victor in the Nov election, I rejoiced…for about 5 minutes; then I realized that the social/culture war just got even more desperate and dangerous. When he started announcing his personal cabinet picks, I knew the turbulent political waters were going to get A LOT more dangerous for our nation.

My personal beliefs and traditions are not to be imposed on any other human being. One of the greatest gifts the Lord our God gave to us as a species, was freedom of choice. I may not be impressed with many of Trump’s picks, but some of them have me downright terrified. When one investigates the backgrounds, social and historical affiliations of some of the people who are going to be closest to our president, I can see the unmitigated disaster unfolding for our sovereign national status…we are just barely sovereign even now; and hanging by a mere silken thread.

Which brings me to the intent of this communication. Who has the authority to determine how we live our lives? Does a church dogma direct our pathway? What is more important? Our personal adherence to a specific doctrine, directed through our choice of denomination and the practice thereof, or the immutable Law of God and how it is applied to our lives? Does Man have the ability, divine right and/or authority to change God’s Laws?

Apparently so.

THAT gives me great pause to consider the ramifications of such an attitude. The moment Humans practice the profane act of disobedience to a Law given by God Himself, written on a tablet of stone, is the moment we commit the ultimate act of transgression against our Creator. It is said that the only unpardonable sin is to grieve the Holy Spirit. I think putting oneself above God is the single most defiant act possible.

Why do I bring this up?

For centuries Man has tried to unwrap the prophecies and perplexing visions in the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, the minor prophets; then there are NT disclosures of Christ Himself in Matthew, Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, and John’s Revelations for instance. But the one continuous thread of Man being in observance of God’s laws and precepts, is that the Almighty Creator is the absolute Sovereign over all things, and we must not be so pompous and presumptuous as to think we can overrule His edicts. If God says, DON’T do something or DO do something, in accordance with our reverence (fear) of Him, we should bloody well follow His laws.

Long ago, when I was a girl, I attended Catholic catechism on Wednesday nights. My paternal grandparents were Roman Catholic. My maternal grandparents were First Baptist. When I asked the Sister leading our class, where in the Scriptures I could find God’s recommendation of praying to the Virgin Mary for intercession with Him, or confessing my sins to a mortal priest so I could endlessly repeat Hail Mary’s and Our Fathers, she suggested I discuss it with our Monsignor. He didn’t think I was good Catholic material and suggested that I might find a different doctrinal home. It never sat very well with me that they wouldn’t answer my question but told me to hit the door instead.

Then about 6 months ago, it began to really materialize in my thoughts that the Pope was becoming a lot more powerful in his influence over world leaders. The Papal State is the smallest country/nation on earth, but arguably one of the most powerful, spiritually and diplomatically, on earth as well. I’ve read the Bible books that tell us what the future will look like, even though those books and letters are shrouded in symbolism and vague representations. But we know a few things for sure. There will be a world unified under one umbrella of doctrine; political, religious and military………….and we should take heed to not take the “mark” of that counterfeit system. Well….what in hell would THAT LOOK LIKE?

A few weeks ago, I watched a docu-series that rattled me to the core. I grew up with the Ten Commandments. These are the Laws of God, and one in particular set aside as supremely important:

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is within them and rested the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath and hallowed it.” Exodus 20: 8-11

So, thinking to myself, only the Jews (and 7th Day Adventists) practice the Sabbath; I’m not inclined to become Jewish, mostly because there is so much to study to convert. Isn’t there another option? How do I tell my employer I can’t work on Saturday’s!! That’s not gonna fly at all. Let me do a little more thinking. So while “thinking” I began digging. Where did Sunday take over being the Sabbath? Why do we observe Sunday? Somewhere back in my feeble memory, I remember SUNday was the day the Sun was worshipped. That was a pagan ritual in Egypt. When did it creep into Christianity?

The Pope declared it his divine right to determine what day we would worship God…he’d override God’s sanctification of the Sabbath. Like Christmas is derived from the pagan worship of the winter solstice. Christ Jesus wasn’t born on Dec 25th. You might well ask, how can I buck 2 thousand years of tradition like that? Well, shucks…I guess it’s because I like FACTS not just convenient but ultimately unprovable or false postulations.

Here, we will take a little side trip:

Luke 1:24-28, 31 chronicles [the] events [of the time if the birth of Jesus], “Now after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived; and she hid herself five months, saying, ‘Thus the Lord has dealt with me, in the days when He looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.’ Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, ‘Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!’…And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.”

Based on the Bible text and knowledge of the priestly courses (Zacharias, Elizabeth’s husband, was a priest in the Temple; see below) we can estimate that Jesus was born around the time of Tishriwhich falls in mid to late September. This approximation is reached by starting at the conception of John the Baptist, which occurred in Sivan (June). Then, we count forward six months to arrive at Gabriel’s announcement of the conception of Jesus, which happened in Kislev (December). Finally, we count forward nine more months, which is the average time it takes for human gestation, to reach Tishri (September) when Jesus was born.

Relating to the priestly courses: In those times, Jewish priests were divided into 24 courses that served in the temple throughout the year. The order of Abijah was the eighth priestly course (see 1 Chronicles 24:6-19) which served in the temple during the 10th week of the priestly cycle. The 10th week started on the second Sabbath in the month of Sivan, which falls approximately from mid-May to mid-June. After Zechariah returned from his priestly duties, Elizabeth became pregnant with John the Baptist.  When Was Jesus Actually Born? Biblical, Historical Evidence

Further investigation denotes Herod the Great’s reign, the Murder of the Innocents that Herod proclaimed must occur due to his jealous fear of another king to threaten his power and the end of Herod’s reign, likely ending between 4 and 1BC. 2 calendars were being used during that time so the exact date takes alot more math than I have available in my limited grey matter. Splitting the difference, we can presumably, securely say however, that the Christ was born in approx 2 BC, give or take, and it was most likely sometime in September, when shepherds were grazing their flocks.

At this point, what does it matter? He was born, He preached the Kingdom of God, died for the forgiveness of OUR sins and rose on the 3rd day, after which He ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father, fulfilling all the prophecies of the ancient prophets in the OT.

But I digress. Returning to my commentary, here is what I found:

“The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ.”

“The Pope has the authority and often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ.” Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop. Cap. (The Pope can modify divine law.) Ferraris’ Ecclesiastical Dictionary

“I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says, ‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.’ The Catholic Church says: ‘No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.’ And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in a reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church.” Father T. Enright, C.S.S.R. of the Redemptoral College, Kansas City, in a lecture at Hartford, Kansas, February 18, 1884, printed in History of the Sabbath, p. 802

“The church…took the pagan Sunday and made it the Christian Sunday…. The Sun was a foremost god with[in] heathendom…. And thus the pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, became the Christian Sunday.” (Dr. William L. Gildea, The Catholic World , March, 1894)

“Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles . . From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week to the first.”—Catholic Press, Sydney, Australia, August, 1900.

“The civil authorities should be urged to cooperate with the church in maintaining and strengthening this public worship of God, and to support with their own authority the regulations set down by the church’s pastors. For it is only in this way that the faithful will understand why it is Sunday and not the Sabbath day that we now keep holy.” (Roman Catechism, 1985)

This particular statement has me hopping mad. How DARE the church and civil authorities “cooperate” with each other to make me “understand” what day it is “important” to worship or not??? Shouldn’t I worship the Lord every day? God gave me a brain to USE, not have it sit idle in my cranium and be a mass of folds and neurons to simply keep the inside of my skull warm? Could they be any more insulting?

But this takes the cake:

“Sunday is our MARK of authority. . .the church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact “ Catholic Record of London, Ontario Sept 1, 1923.

Well, guess what; “They”, the collective ‘church’ and all their polished pastors and pulpit charlatans, can take their “MARK” and put it right up where the sun don’t shine.

I may have to work on Saturday, as my Savior Christ reckoned fit for the disciples when they gathered grain on Saturday because they were hungry, or when Christ himself healed the withered hand of an unfortunate person on Saturday, because love and mercy is as great as Saturday worship, but I will hold always to the recognition that the Pope and the Catholic Church are not above my Creator, nor my Salvation in Christ.

The Pharisees declared Christ Jesus possessed of the devil because he DARED to preach and heal on the Sabbath. That is what happens when Man, in his imperious narcissism thinks he is better or more righteous that the Lord our God.

The Jesuit Pope might want to consider his own salvation. The First Commandment says “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

That includes Mary, the pure vessel God used to bring the Saviour to us and the Emperor Pope of Rome.

There. I said it.

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E-Mail Alice Byrd: alliebyrd77@1791.com