Systemic Racism Inherent in Democrats’ DNA

Joan Swirsky

If the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020, were not so serious, it would be downright hilarious just watching the Democrats twist themselves into pretzels in their efforts to project onto President Trump their own lengthy and shameful record of racism.

As Bill Federer of has exhaustively documented:

  • In 1857, the Supreme Court, with seven of the nine justices being Democrats, decided that Dred Scott, a black slave, was not a citizen, but property.
  • After the Civil War, when Republicans enacted the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in America, southern Democrats reacted by creating the vicious anti-black Jim Crow laws.
  • In 1866, Republican Rep. Thaddeus Stevens introduced legislation to give former slaves “40 acres and a mule,” but Democrats opposed it.

This lopsided picture continued unabated through the 19th century and into the 20th century. Only space limitations prevent me from providing a doctoral thesis worth of sordid documentation.

  • In 1953, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower (DDE) proposed “to use whatever authority exists in the office of the President to end segregation”…but Southern Democrat governors objected!
  • In 1964, Democrat senators held the longest filibuster in U.S. history––75 days––to try to prevent the Civil Rights Act from passing. Finally, Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) persuaded the leaders of his party to support a compromised bill, saying: “I’ll have those ni – – ers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
  • In 1994, as Stephen Frank documents, then-Senator Joe Biden sponsored a Bill that put tens of thousands of black men in prison—and it took 15 years till President Trump was able to get rid of that discriminatory law.


In 2009, Sammy Benoit in  wrote an article exposing former President Jimmy Carter’s lifelong animosity, contempt, indeed hatred toward Jews and Israel. Among numerous egregious examples he cited was this: “Former President Jimmy Carter once complained there were ‘too many Jews’ on the government’s Holocaust Memorial Council.”

We all know that Democrats lionized their fellow Democrat, WVA Senator Robert Byrd, who personally filibustered the Civil Rights Bill for 14 hours and 13 minutes on June 10, 1964.

In 2010, Byrd was still around and the Senate’s president pro tempore. And as all his colleagues knew, for many years he had also been a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan––Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle. That’s right, and Byrd also recruited 150 of his friends to start a new KKK chapter, as well as using the N-word on live television in 2001.

Not to omit that then-Senator Biden praised Byrd lavishly in his eulogy on the former-KKK member’s death in 2010, as did current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

It comes as no surprise to anyone who has followed Biden’s career that he also eulogized arch segregationist Strom Thurmond (D-SC), and had high praise for proud segregationists Sens. James Eastland (D-MS) and Herman Talmadge (D-GA), as well as for Governor George Wallace––“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”––who blocked black students from entering the University of Alabama.


First Prize definitely goes to Hillary Clinton who never fails to break into a thick Southern accent when speaking before a black audience, as in this cringe-producing performance in a church in Alabama when quoting a hymn familiar to the audience––“I don’t feel no ways tired.”

Then there is the Democrat Governor of Virginia. Ralph Northam, all smeared in blackface and saying he’s not sure if it’s him but that he distinctly remembers wearing blackface on a different occasion. Can’t make it up.

And who can ever forget Joe Biden’s unforgettable words on hearing of the candidacy of Barack Obama for president: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

“Bright and clean.” Really.

And yet, former VP Bidenis the only candidate the Democrats could think of to run for the presidency! And now he says he prefers a “woman of color” to be his VP. Right here, I could say “I rest my case” about Democrats being racists.

How utterly patronizing! How pathetically bowing to political correctness! How blazingly typical of a Democrat to cite race instead of experience, credentials, track record, character, voting record, on and on.

Biden sounds like his old boss, Barack Obama, who wanted his regime to “look like America,” and in the name of political correctness and a fetish with a globalist/Islamist philosophy ended up––by design, I believe––with the worst economy, the weakest military, and the most failed medical and education systems in American history….which didn’t look like any America most of the country recognized.

At this point, the Democrat Machine hopes they can get Joe Biden across the finish line so the really extreme far-leftist powers-that-be can inflict their noxious anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, and inherent racism––via Antifa and Black Lives Matter––on our entire country.

Clearly, what is systemic about racism in America can be found in the Democrats’ DNA.

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

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Anarchists and Trump’s Reelection

Lloyd Marcus

A longtime white friend phoned me to talk him down from the cliff. He is concerned about how the new racial hatred dominating our country will impact his grand-kids. For the first time, he and his wife believe they should purchase a gun for home protection. This headline confirms my friend’s instinct to arm himself to protect his family. “BEWARE: The Woke Mob is Targeting You Next, Small-Town America.”

My friend also confided that he is feeling racial resentment he has never felt before. I told him racial hatred and division is exactly what leftists hope to achieve with their Black Lives Matter hysteria.

Mary and I are an interracial couple married for over 40 years. A white millennial family member absurdly believes she is showing respect for me by being a strong advocate for BLM. My response is bending over and grabbing your ankles and kneeling in worship to an anti-American racist hate group disturbs me. I love my country. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. The BLM movement has nothing, I repeat nothing, to do with empowering blacks. Leftists are exploiting blacks as useful idiots to implement their transformation of America away from the divinely inspired vision of our Founding Fathers.

For decades, public education, Hollywood, Democrats and fake news media have infected youths with a poisonous lie that America is a hellhole of racism and the greatest source of evil on the planet. Our passivity allowed leftists to transform our kids into their social-justice army of anarchists.

What we are experiencing across America is leftists’ frustration over their inability to remove Donald J. Trump from the White House. After a long list of failed schemes to remove him, leftists say, “Screw you America! We’re cutting to the chase. We’re forcibly transforming your country into a Communist nation by using violence, shaming, white-guilt and unconstitutional decrees. And there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”

Boldly, the co-founder of the BLM Global Network vows to make Trump resign before the November election. Lord knows what violence BLM will unleash upon We the People to force Trump out.

Leftist governors and mayors are tripling down on their covid-19 absurd overreaching mandates to depress Americans and stop the remarkable comeback of Trump’s unprecedented booming economy.

Shopping in Virginia, one of Mary’s favorite stores was extremely empty of merchandise. “Are you going out of business?”, she asked a clerk. The clerk said, “No.” He explained that upon reopening, customers purchased everything. The store had not restocked its shelves yet. His explanation was in keeping with the 2.5 million new jobs and amazingly swift comeback of our economy.

Maryland mandates that shoppers wear masks. However, stores and shoppers have begun relaxing the absurd decree. With a 98% recovery rate, more and more Americans realize the covid-19 hysteria was created to shutdown our country to destroy our economy to block Trump’s reelection.

And yet, a middle-aged masked-woman shopper insisted that the store manager order me and other shoppers to wear masks. Probably fearful that the woman would report his business, the manager yelled as I passed him. “Sir, you must wear a mask!” Irrational fear of covid-19 purposely created by fake news media has citizens ratting to “big brother” on those who disobey draconian mandates.

Only 1 in 6 of the BLM protesters are black, 46% are white.

It doesn’t take a political genius to realize that leftists are exploiting the covid-19 seasonal flu and the rare bad behavior of a cop to bludgeon Americans into surrendering our country over to them.

Quite frankly, these spoiled-brat young anarchists are out of their freaking minds if they think vets and baby-boomers will allow them to transform us into a Communist nation. We baby-boomers and our parents sacrificed, suffered and died to gift our kids a wonderful life. They are spitting in our faces, calling us racist and seeking to destroy everything we hold dear.

Far too many modern parents want to be friends with their children rather than parents. Their kids come home from school with their heads filled with leftists’ anti-American and anti-Christian garbage. Instead of opposing the indoctrination, cowardly parents sign-on to it.

I watched a detective movie on Amazon. Unable to stomach it, I fast-forwarded pass the scene of the detective’s disrespectful 13 year old daughter scolding him as if he were her peer. The detective’s daughter represents the young white women in our streets angrily screaming their loyalty to BLM. The disrespectful teen-aged daughter appears to be a standard character in far too many movies. Encouraging kids to disrespect and disobey their parents is included in leftists’ agenda.

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” (Ephesians 6:1-3)

My stomach turns every time I hear conservatives, Republicans and Christians say we must create meaningful dialog with the protesters to discuss their grievances. The problem is their grievances are purposely rooted in the lie that my beloved country is a racist hellhole. I refuse to pander to that concept. Its like saying we are going to discuss how long you have been beating your wife. You reply, “But I don’t beat wife.” They ignore your reply and proceed forward discussing the solution to your bad behavior.

Still, I am confident of two truths. One: God did not allow Trump to survive all of the unprecedented attempts to remove him from office to drop Trump now. Trump will be reelected. However, this does not mean we can sit on our duffs. We must fight like we have never fought before to reelect Trump.

Two: At some point, the American people will no-longer tolerate spoiled-brat anarchists wreaking havoc across our great nation. Anarchists will receive the well-deserved spanking of their pampered snowflake lives.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American

The Tulsa Rally And The Trump 2020 Campaign – Getting Things Right

By Allan Wall

The 2020 Donald Trump campaign has a difficult path ahead of it, with the Mainstream Media and the Deep State arrayed against it, and with saboteurs in Trump’s own administration.

Trump is going to need the help of all of us to pull this off.

Recently, on June 20th, the Trump Campaign held a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma to kick off his post-lockdown campaign.

I was there in Tulsa at the rally, and couldn’t help but notice contrast between what I saw and what the Mainstream Media (and some conservatives) said about it.

The Tulsa Rally was presented as a failure.  I was there and I can tell you, those of us in the audience didn’t consider it a failure. I’ve been to several Trump rallies, both during his 2016 campaign and during his presidency.  I can assure you that the same high energy and excitement was there in Tulsa.

Now, it’s true there weren’t as many people there as expected.  That was a disappointment, but it’s not surprising given all the recent developments (coronavirus, nationwide rioting, etc).  ironically, some didn’t attend because the thought they couldn’t get in

But the Mainstream Media and their conservative copycats  were absolutely wrong to report that no more than 6,200 attended the rally.

The rally was held in the BOK Convention Center in downtown Tulsa.  The capacity for that arena is about 19,199.    So 6,200 would have filled up about a third of the arena.  I saw that one-third figure reported in the Mainstream Media also.

But that’s bogus.  If you don’t believe me, I invite you to click here and see a video of the arena.  The video is from a hostile source, but ask yourself if it looks more like one-third or two-thirds?I also have personal photographs if you’d like to see them.

Even the New York Times was more accurate  than some other sources on this point, calling the arena “at least one-third empty”, which if it were one-third empty, it would be about two-thirds full.

Some photographs of the rally were deceptive.  This photograph here for example, appeared on the Drudge Report, which seems to have turned against Trump lately.  The Drudge photo was photographed from the arena’s upper tier, which was largely (but not entirely) empty.  Obviously, if you take your photo from the perspective of the upper tier, it’s going to look poorly attended.

So where did the 6,200 figure, reported by the Mainstream Media and its conservative sycophants, derive from ?

The Tulsa fire marshal reported that it scanned the e-tickets of 6,200 people.  OK, that could be, but they definitely did not scan everybody.  I know they didn’t scan my cellphone when I entered.   Apparently they only scanned about half the attendees and called it good.

The campaign itself reported 12,000 entering the arena.  And that fits in with the arena being two-thirds full (see above), since the total capacity was over 19,000.

OK, so the Mainstream Media under reported the attendance at a Trump Rally.  How unsurprising.

Morale was high at the rally, people were excited to hear Trump, and some had come from far away.

Also in attendance at the rally was a delegation from OAN news. The rally was soon after the Coach Mike Gundy T-shirt Imbroglio at Oklahoma State University. (See here).  They were even giving away OAN shirts (like the one that got Coach Gundy in trouble before he totally surrendered).

Also present was Mike Lindell of MyPillow, who has done a great job sponsoring Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox News.

As for Trump’s speech at the Tulsa Rally, there was criticism of that too.  It was rambling, we are told, and Trump talked too much about the misunderstanding at West Point.

In reality, the speech was Vintage Trump.  Donald Trump has a unique style of oratory.  Trump will discuss a topic, go on to others, then return to that same topic. And he will dwell at length on certain seemingly trivial topics as part of it.

But it’s all part of the Trump Style, which served him well in 2016.

Consider this: Trump spoke over an hour and a half at Tulsa.  How many other current politicians can hold an audience’s attention for so long?

The Trump Rally was a success and the Trump’s speech there could be a blueprint for his campaign. That is, the topics he discussed ought to be emphasized and expanded upon for the campaign.

Law and Order, for example, of which Trump spoke at Tulsa.  The destruction of our heritage, as monuments and statues are attacked by unelected mobs.  Cancel culture and saluting the flag.

Trump drove a wedge between the Democrats, pointing out that Biden, though not a radical himself, is being controlled by the radicals.

For more information, I invite you to read my previous article  Actually, Trump’s Tulsa Speech Was A Success. I Know, I Was There

What Trump needs to do to win is not just hold rallies, although they help him get in touch with his base.

Trump needs to make sure that he is doing the things in office that he talks about in his rallies, such as getting this violence under control and ending immigration.

Trump needs to appeal to Americans who want Law and Order by enforcing law and order, in other words, and defend our heritage.   Hopefully this is happening, and I note that as of the time of this writing, no more statues have been destroyed in Washington, D.C.

Also, Trump needs to dismiss or transfer a number of his officials, who are sabotaging his policies.

But the time is short, with the election only months away.

The big priority now is to get control of the rioting and speak clearly to the public about it, showing them why he, and not Biden, is the Law and Order candidate.

© 2020 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

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Lockdowns Causing Second Wave COVID-19?

By: Devvy

The vile, corrupt MSM, electronic, print and boob tube, love to blast anything negative regarding the COVID-19 “outbreak” in order to continue blaming the destruction on Donald Trump.  I say it was a deliberate bioweapons attack set loose by Communist China upon the world knowing it would hit the U.S. particularly hard.

As hysteria spread across this country with Dr. Anthony Fauci aka the Bernie Madoff in the science world and his side kick, scarf fashion model, Dr. Deborah Birx fanning the flames, I wrote our governor, Greg Abbott, twice and told him the worst mistake he’d make would be to shut down Texas.

(Fauci: The Bernie Madoff of Science and the HIV Ponzi Scheme that Concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic – The author of that book is no lightweight.  Fauci is the lowest scum bag and thank you, Mike Pence for unleashing him upon America.)

Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine (Horrifying)

After “allowing” Texas to re-open in baby steps, as predicted and as I warned Abbott – a batch of new cases hit and he has shut down, once again, people’s businesses.  This time it might be for the last time as most have not recovered from Abbott’s first draconian orders.

So-called elective surgeries in some counties are suspended, again. Hospitals sit empty across the country from this kind of panic. People can’t get cancer and other types of testing or surgery that IS necessary for them but not considered important by Abbott and his medical ‘advisers’.

Thousands and thousands of workers will once again find themselves out of work after just starting to recover.  One of my family members is a nail artist at a salon in California.  She is supposed to go back to work today after nearly 3 months with no income and now their commie governor, Newsom, is threatening a new selective lock down, again.  The county she resides in was hit hard so they are looking to possibly putting my relative out of work, again.

Lock down.  Partially open. Lock down.  Partially open.  Do these fools not understand this isn’t a tennis match?  Pay attention Gov. Abbott:  Texas hospital CEO: COVID inpatient count ‘misinterpreted,’ level of alarm ‘unwarranted’, June 25, 2020 – Read it because I know it’s been going on all around the country.  Abbott relies on his “expert” medical people who are either intellectually lazy or by design to do some investigating.

Shame on Abbott but he won’t admit it was a mistake to shut down the state or his newest mistake with his latest shut downs.  Hell, no.  It’s an election year and besides, he wants to keep all of us here in Texas “safe” while he draws his fat paycheck; he was a multi-millionaire before becoming gov. Come Nov. there’s no other choice for me but to vote for Abbott because I will be voting against his Democrat opponent and that’s what these incumbents count on.

As of this past week, Texas has 143,371 cases, 1,935 hospitalized with sadly, 2,366 deaths.  Texas’ population is just under 30 MILLION.  In 2018, 3,639 people died in car accidents here in Texas.

These are the states that did not order the draconian panic driven ‘stay at home’ orders from governors who listened to Fauci.  These numbers are within the past 8 days and are fluid.

♦ Utah.  Number of cases: 20,628. Tested 322,802.  Hospitalized 1,365. Deaths 167.
♦ Wyoming. Number of cases 1097 and deaths 20.
♦ North Dakota. Number of cases 4,000.  Tested 3,0000.  Hospitalized 25.  Deaths 78.
♦ South Dakota.  6,479.  Tested 69,375.  Hospitalized 632.  Deaths 91.  SD was hit hard because of the meat/pork processing plants.
♦ Iowa.  Cases to date 26, 601. Tested 268,435. Hospitalized 140.  Deaths 690.
♦ Oklahoma.  Cases to date 10,037.  Hospitalized
♦ Arkansas.  Cases to date 19,310.  Tested 291,222; negative 271,912.  Hospitalized 284.  Deaths 259.
♦ South Carolina.  30,263.  Hospitalized 906.  Deaths 694.

COVID-19 death rate is 75% lower in states that didn’t lock down: WSJ.  Limbaugh is absolutely right on this:  “We’re talking fatalities,” Limbaugh said on his national broadcast Wednesday. “We’re not talking cases. We’re talking actual numbers of deaths, which they don’t spend much time talking about, nor hospitalizations as well.”

“They (the media) still focus on the number of cases, right? As we discussed yesterday, that’s because they want you to think cases equals sickness, equals irreversible sickness, equals death. They don’t actually say it. They want you to conclude it. But, per-capita fatalities due to the COVID-19 virus were 75% lower in open states.”

“Limbaugh continued: “You are being led to believe that the death rate is skyrocketing, and you’re being led to believe that it’s only a matter of time; we’re gonna have to shut down again. We’re gonna have to go back inside again, gonna have to shut down [the] economy.”

Yes, the states that did not lock down do not have the same huge population as Texas.  Those states have weathered just fine.  Lt. Gov. Patrick hits back at ‘fraud’ Cuomo, says Texas is not close to running out of ICU beds– “Patrick confirmed that while Texas has seen a spike in cases, it was expected because they’re now testing almost 35,000 people every day in 254 counties.”

Testing.  Just because someone tests positive doesn’t mean they’re going to end up in the hospital.  We KNOW the virus has hit the elderly population the hardest.  If one has any faith in any of those tests: Corona: Creating the Illusion of a Pandemic Through Diagnostic Tests

New:  FDA Criticized as COVID Tests Still not Accurate, But U.S. Starts Second Lockdown Anyway, June 25, 2020

NJ, CT and NY have gone over the cliff by requiring people coming from out of state to self-quarantine for 14 days.  Oh, that’s good for the person coming from Denver to one of those states to inspect a factory or a meeting.  They’re supposed to check into their hotel and sit there for 14 days?

Gov. Cuomo said it’s the smart, right thing to do – just like when he ordered COVID-19 positive people transferred to unprepared nursing homes killing thousands of elderly people.  But look out:  Their state troopers and local coppers will pull over vehicles with out of state plates.  Heil Hitler! (Be sure to let those governors know – call their office – you and your family will not vacation in their state or snow ski this winter. I feel so sorry for businesses caught in such stupidity.)

Hard to estimate the number of citizens in the U.S. because of the human invasion of illegals at probably 35-40 million and not the ridiculous 11 million still sold by the prostitute media for the past 18 years.  Roughly 330 million Americans.  The media is reporting deaths to date of 121,809.  The CDC reports as of June 26, 2020:  109,188 deaths which differs from the media’s numbers by 12,621.

Let tell you something that should open people’s eyes. Texas has a dismal record regarding nursing homes:  More than 80% of Texas nursing homes cited recently for infection control problems – Abbott finally addressed this early last week by announcing certain new guidelines; the Trump administration has upped enhanced enforcement for nursing home violations.  Yeah, now that the cow is out of the barn, gov.

This is VERY important.

To date, a whopping 40,600 people who resided in nursing homes have died from COVID-19. ‘A national disgrace’: 40,600 deaths tied to US nursing homes – The number has increased as one nursing home in Northern California hid 14 deaths which was disclosed last week.

Now, using the CDCs own numbers regarding deaths only from the virus itself:  109,188. Subtract nursing home deaths (including the latest 14), 40,614, that leaves the sad number of deaths from the virus itself at 68,574.

On the CDCs site you’ll see the numbers broken down for deaths with pneumonia and influenza.  Remember what I wrote in the past:  This virus hit at the same time as the annual influenza ‘season’.  In 2019 – 2020 the number of deaths attributed to the ‘seasonal’ flu was 24,000-62,000.  Uh, wait a minute.  How the hell can you have such a range? Oh, it’s only an estimate.  Why? How about they really don’t know because many who died had both?

We know people with certain medical conditions were/are at highest risk.  Obesity.  “Obesity is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It is a medical problem that increases your risk of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.”

How Fat is America? An Overview of Obesity Statistics (2020) – “According to statistics, over 70% of Americans adults are either overweight or obese. Let that sink in.A figure like this proves that the average American’s ability to maintain a healthy weight has spiraled out of control. Obesity is a societal crisis.”

I’m not going to harp on this as I, along with a thousand others from doctors to very knowledgeable people have hammered on:  Losing weight is one of the most difficult challenges most people face.  It is NOT easy.

But, despite all the urging for Americans to get their weight problems under control, it not only has fallen on deaf ears, it’s worsened dramatically over the past decade. I know some medications cause people to gain weight or become bloated.  Female menopause can bring on an average of 15-25 extra pounds.  Difficult to lose but one can if they just make the effort.

Those who fall into the very overweight to obese category just don’t seem to give a damn.  Bring on Type 2 diabetes for the rest of your life, become a stroke victim which can change your life in two minutes or a heart attack.  Then, you ask, why me?

I look at people’s shopping cart.  Either a single male or female or couple who are overweight or obese.  Processed food, loaded up on soft drinks full of sugar, breads, pasta, frozen pizza.  All the things they should NOT be eating.  Despite the news coverage of who is most vulnerable regarding COVID-19 with obesity at top of the list, Americans simply continue to eat the wrong foods.  Like “fast” food which is fake food.No self-control or respect for themselves.

How many Americans since this started have really put forth the effort to build their immune system?  There’s no numbers or statistics but I’m guessing that number is low.  Either because people won’t control their weight which leads to all the other serious health problems or they really don’t understand what your immune system is and how important it is to keep it boosted.  People won’t take the time to understand the problem.  Better to spend their time tweeting or yakking on some fancy IPhone.  Heavy drug addicts and drunks who spend their days chasing the next fix or glass of booze, under educated Americans who don’t know where to look.  It’s a sorry situation.

Going back to high risk individuals which brings me to locking down the country, destroying the economy, huge spike in suicides and domestic violence.  If you are interested in the true history of where the grossly wrong theory about locking down our country originated, see The 2006 Origins of the Lockdown Idea, May 15, 2020; more detailed than people think.

Refuting the destructive lock down theory came from Dr. D.A. Henderson who led the way in eradicating small pox in this country; see here for his credentials too long to list.  Dr. Henderson passed away in August 2016.  I highly encourage you to read the article above.

And, for a past reminder from one of my past columns on this nightmare:

Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be ‘exterminated’ if lockdowns lifted

“The virus could be “exterminated” within weeks if people were allowed to lead normal lives and the vulnerable were sheltered until the virus passes, said Knut Wittkowski, Ph.D., the former head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City.

“[W]hat people are trying to do is flatten the curve. I don’t really know why,” he said in an interview with The Press and The Public Project that was featured by The College Fix.

“But, what happens is if you flatten the curve, you also prolong, to widen it, and it takes more time,” he explained. “And I don’t see a good reason for a respiratory disease to stay in the population longer than necessary. “Wittkowski said the only thing that stops respiratory diseases is herd immunity. Herd immunity happens when a large percentage of a population becomes immune to an infectious disease, which stops its spread.”

Dr. David Samadi: Herd immunity will make coronavirus second wave less severe –“Dr. Samadi has been correct every step of the way with the coronavirus crisis. Now, he’s making a few predictions and offering recommendations on how to move forward on this episode of the NOQ Report.”There are a lot of people out there who may be positive with coronavirus but we never get to see them and they basically heal on their own and improve.”@drdavidsamadi, March 6 – Dr. Samadi predicted this 45 days before studies proved it.”

So, what did 42 governors do?  They listened to that con artist, Fauci, the media and politicians with an agenda and did just the opposite of what should have been done.  COVID-19 IS a respiratory disease.  It is deadly serious and this whole thing has been handled wrong from the beginning.

With No Vaccine, ‘Herd Immunity’ is Our Only Hope in Fight Against Coronavirus: Senior Scientist

“Renowned Immunologist and Cell Biologist Dipyaman Ganguly on Thursday said that one of the only hopes in defeating the novel coronavirus is by developing ‘herd immunity,’

‘Speaking to News18, Ganguly said, “This coronavirus is not going anywhere. Viruses don’t go anywhere. They may become weak but its strand remains. The virus will keep infecting people until a large population develops immunity against it.

“He said that immunity could only be achieved through a vaccine or by getting infected by the virus. Since developing a vaccine for COVID-19 is not an easy task and it is unlikely that we will get one soon, the only hope that remains is that of herd immunity and it is bound to happen.”

The population of India is 1,379,530,022, rounded off is 1.3+ BILLION.  Cases 5.2 million, deaths 16,095.

I’ve read numerous articles by ‘experts’ who say you can’t do herd immunity without a vaccine while they all appear to be pushing for that latest ca$h cow.  Lost count of how many companies are competing for a vaccine because it means untold billions in sales.  Tens of millions of Americans out of fear and victims of propaganda will take the first vaccine available.  I WILL NOT be one of them.

So, America shuts down in an effort to “flatten the curve” which has done nothing but prolong this nightmare as Dr. Wittkowski said would happen dragging on and on and on.  Keeping a respiratory disease in the population longer than necessary as he said is the worst- case scenario. You can social distance all you want then go to the gas station, touch the pump or keyboard or receive cash from an ATM and still get the virus.

Now, re-opening what do we see?  New outbreaks.  A lot of them in the age group of 18-25.  You do NOT quarantine healthy people.  Not only does it lower their immune system, it makes them vulnerable when they do emerge from their cages.  This nonsense about social distancing has zero science behind it.  Just theories that it works.

Re-open you have people traveling and going to bars.  Okay, shut down the bars, again. A lot of people said no thanks with the 6’ social distancing nonsense, anyway.  Bars are social places.  It’s all insane for all these months.

It’s the end of June.  What? Is this partial re-opening or partial lock down, new stay at home orders, wear those masks that harm your health going to drag on through Nov. or maybe until next February? How long will this tennis match go on while people start to go nuts losing their businesses, savings and their health starts to suffer?

Most people do not realize how many Americans have not been able to access non-emergency procedures like a hip replacement, cancer screening.  The fear factor pounded into people has kept people with stroke and heart attack symptoms from going to an ER and have died.  Oh, well, just collateral damage.

I have no medical training in any field but it is my personal opinion the first lock down is now causing this second wave as it’s being called.

This is a short video (about 14 minutes) of a doctor in Dallas with 27years of experience that I hope you take the time to watch.  She is fearless.  Dr. Ivette Lozano Speech goes viral in Dallas Texas about COVID-19 2020

One-minute take-down:  One Gen Z’er Dares To Speak Out: “I’m Done With Your Bull$hit!”

This saga of tragedy, politics and conditioning the American people to be subservient while destroying their lives has to stop.  Please keep getting the truth out there to your mayor, city council members, county commissioners and your governor.  I have although I’d rather use my time for something else.  Our voices must be heard because silence will only allow it to continue.

Like those people did in Austin.Watch: Infowars Coverage Of Texans Protesting Mandatory Masks & COVID-19 Lockdown

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


“We Can’t Breathe” protest against forced masks in Austin, TX  (Only a handful of counties ordered by Gov. Abbott to wear masks at all times.

Face Masks: The Radical Leftist Symbol of Submission

Here’s The Good COVID-19 News That’s Being Buried By The Press

Apprehension over Coming out of Lockdown Far Exceeds Any Imagined Risk

Not just blue state governors, i.e. Texas –  ‘Blue state governors’ treating COVID-19 like an on-off switch, lawyer says

Federal Authorities Sent $1.4 Billion In Stimulus Checks to 1 Million Dead People

Trump Needs a Woman’s Touch to Win

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump is in deep political trouble, and honest conservatives know it. On Sean Hannity’s Town Hall program on Thursday night, Trump highlighted a few honest journalists, mostly at Fox News, but did not mention Tucker Carlson of Fox. Why? It’s because Tucker Carlson has challenged Trump’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, including his excessive dependence on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the racial violence underway in America.

Some of the headlines from recent Tucker Carlson programs include: President Trump May Lose This Election, Our Leaders Dither as Our Cities Burn, and Where Are Our Republican Leaders When We need Them the Most?

His commentary on Trump losing this November began with the observation, “Not many people are saying it out loud on the right, but the fact is that President Trump could well lose this election.” He said Trump advisers were worried in private about the fact that Trump has been losing ground to Joe Biden when he should have been able to pad a lead over Obama’s very weak and frequently incoherent former vice president.

A massive advertising blitz is behind the David Horowitz book, Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, but many are not so sure that Trump will win. Members of his base are demoralized about the ineffective response to the communist insurrection and some are speaking out, such as the author of the American Thinker article, “Trump promises things won’t happen on his watch that have already happened.” Carol Brown wrote, “Increasing numbers of us are frustrated with the lack of action from the President in the face of madness sweeping across the country.” Such sentiments reflect fear among women voters that Trump can’t or won’t protect their families.

Some are saying there are only two scenarios under which President Trump is reelected this fall: Joe Biden’s complete collapse, mentally and physically, which is possible, or Trump replaces his Vice President Mike Pence with an exciting female conservative candidate, in order to attract the women turned off by Trump’s abrasive and sometimes obnoxious manner.

That candidate, some say, would be someone like Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, the Republican chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues with a 100% lifetime conservative rating who serves on the House Judiciary, House Rules, and House Homeland Security Committees. She recently flew with President Trump on Air Force One to Yuma, Arizona to visit the border wall. Another possibility is Nikki R. Haley, the former United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations who served as a member of President Trump’s Cabinet and the National Security Council.

The possibility of Pence stepping down, a dramatic development which could shake up the race, is more likely as the campaign develops because Trump seems content to hang on to his bumbling campaign manager, family friend Brad Parscale, now under the influence of “Bush’s Brain” Karl Rove. It was Parscale who advertised one million reservations for Trump’s Tulsa rally and only 6200 people (officially) showed up. Some diehard Trump fans claim the turnout was twice that, but that would still be a major disappointment. The claim that attendance was affected by teenagers using a Chinese app to reserve tickets to the rally they didn’t intend to use has been debunked by Parscale himself.

With Parscale now consulting Rove, an architect of Mitt Romney’s losing 2012 presidential race, a decision by Pence to leave the campaign makes sense and could be Trump’s only hope of winning. Pence has been supervising the White House Coronavirus Task Force and Trump could ask him to remain in that position. But as we saw in last Friday’s coronavirus briefing, when hostile reporters badgered Pence over the propriety of holding campaign rallies, the vice-president doesn’t have the fire in the belly to take on the opposition. Pence meekly replied that Trump voters had the First Amendment right to peacefully assemble. That’s an indication that Pence could not be counted on to go after Biden’s anticipated female running mate. But a GOP woman on the ticket could do so.

Bluntly speaking, polls indicate that many women are turned off by Trump personally and find him unlikeable. A female candidate who is both articulate and conservative would send a strong message to the country and help Trump politically. Such a candidate could take on Biden’s anticipated female running mate.

The need to strengthen Trump’s conservative Christian base is absolutely essential because of his losses before the Supreme Court, especially the Justice Neil Gorsuch ruling in favor of LGBTQ “rights.” This was Trump’s own appointee delivering one of the worst decisions ever from the Court. It demonstrated that Gorsuch’s “conservative” sponsors, the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation, are not to be counted on.

But in a display of being tone deaf to his base, Trump at the Tulsa rally highlighted the nomination of Gorsuch to the Court and was met with boos.

Trump touts the 200 federal judges the Senate has confirmed, but if their decisions are eventually overturned by an arbitrary Supreme Court, as Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts side with the liberals, it is all for naught. This has led to some of the demoralization in the base.

Trump’s weakness is demonstrated by the fact that his campaign is airing ads during Fox News programs, whose viewers he should already have in his pocket. The ads make fun of Biden’s incoherence but offer no Trump vision on how to restore order to America and save our sacred institutions.

Demoralized Trump supporters have written to me in despair over such matters as his constant threats to restore law and order but failure, except in minor circumstances, to do so. Trump couldn’t even protect a historic church from being burned one block from the White House. The rioters returned to vandalize the structure and threaten to take down a Lincoln statue.

Using the Deep State as a scapegoat for Trump’s troubles is wearing thin. Who hired John Bolton? Who hired Rod Rosenstein? Who hired Jeff Sessions? Why did Trump hire so many incompetent people when he made a name for himself on TV by firing incompetent people? Part of the answer is that the so-called conservative establishment that he counted on for good people let him down. Tucker Carlson makes this point on a regular basis. Trump’s own Defense Secretary, Mark Esper, a former chief of staff at the Heritage Foundation, is openly insubordinate, taking issue with using the military to drive communist rioters off our streets.

Attorney General Bill Barr has proven to be another disappointment. Asked recently about the response to the riots, Barr said “The federal government is best positioned to address this kind of violence and lawlessness after it occurs because we don’t have FBI agents walking the beat.”

There was a time when the FBI would place informants in extremist groups to prevent violence from occurring.  Analyst Trevor Loudon, who monitors agitators and instigators, told me, “I don’t think the FBI has had informants in these groups since the Bush years or before…I think they’re flying completely blind here. They have no clue.” Loudon has written about the involvement of pro-China communist groups in the protests and riots.

FBI Director Christopher Wray is another Trump hire and big disappointment.

Tucker Carlson’s warning about a Trump loss in November has captured the attention of Breitbart News, which usually takes Trump’s side, and that is a good thing. Conservatives need to hear his brutally honest message. Trump needs to hear it, too.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Anyone Sick of Riots, Burnings, Lootings and Monument Destruction?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Anarchists, Antifa fanatics and Black Lives Matter rioters want to destroy Mount Rushmore, Lincoln Memorial and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial…precisely the men who gave every person of any race the most abundant and opportunity-filled life on this planet: The United States of America.

Anyone want to return to the “rule of law” that allows all of us of every skin color, religion and language, to live decent, ethical and moral lives?

At this point, Minneapolis, Minnesota slides into the morass of a burned out, looted and crime-ridden repeat of Detroit, Michigan.  Chicago has become the new “Murder Capitol of America.” Two weekends ago, 114 minority members shot 114 other minority members and killed 14.  Does anybody want to see that kind of mayhem in their cities?

Yet, the Minneapolis city council members voted to shut down their police department.  How do you think that worked out in Detroit?  Answer: it’s the perfect solution for destroying any semblance of a civilized society.

If the mayor of Seattle, Washington thinks thugs, anarchists and Antifa want to bring a “Summer of Love” into her streets, she’s in for a rude awakening. Already, one killed and another wounded in her “CHOP” section of downtown!

Tearing Down the Past Ensure Ripping Up Our Future

If we allow this current generation of naïve-gullible kids to tear down our monuments from our past, we will not remember or understand what gave us our freedoms.  Why do you think they preserved Birkenau and Auschwitz where millions died in gas chambers during World War II?  Answer: to remember that humanity won’t let that happen again.

Why did we erect a statue of Martin Luther King on the Washington Mall?  Answer: to demonstrate peacefully toward any goal to bring the greater good.

If you’re going to take away our past, you ensure shredding our future.  But if you still want to do it; then, do it by petitioning your city council for replacing statues that you don’t like.  That’s how change works in a civilized society.

Looting, burning, rioting and monument destruction do nothing to preserve the foundation and the basic goodness for all people in America.

Turn Chaos Into Reasoned Action To Preserve America

If mayors and governors continue allowing anarchists of any color to continue to destroy our heritage, our stores, our malls and our statues—it’s very possible to turn our major cities into replications of Detroit, Michigan.  At this point, Minneapolis gallops toward its own demise.  Without functioning police departments, the barbarians at the door will simply become the barbarians in your house or church or synagogue or other place of worship. Those barbarians won’t grow or bring you food, or pay your rent, or take your kids to school. They do nothing for the public good or the “Social Contract” of our society.

Already, huge businesses like Walmart, Kohl’s and Target threaten to vacate Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta and other riot-torn cities.

If you lose the cohesion of jobs, communities and civil responsibilities to Black Lives Matter and Antifa anarchists—you are left with lawlessness.  They only employ thugs to tear things down, not build things up.

Instead of allowing their insanity in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland and other big cities, what’s left of the police departments and National Guard need to track down those anarchists, arrest them, prosecute them and throw them in prison to help them understand that this is the most viable, fair and reasoned society in the world. America gives more people of every color and faith, more opportunities than all other countries combined. America features incredible welfare systems to feed and house our children, feed our poor citizens, give medical care and ensure domestic tranquility via police departments across the country. Without the rule of law, we become another Somalia, Congo or Sudan.

Do you see anyone immigrating to those countries?

It’s time for Americans who respect our past, respect our Constitution and respect our country—to stand up, speak out and support our police departments and the rule of law.

If not, we will certainly repeat Detroit, Michigan’s fate across the country. It will not be a pretty ending for anyone.

What about the police?  They must deal with the dregs of society 24/7.  Thousands of thugs, crooks, swindlers, cheats, liars, bank robbers, rapists and killers operate in America around the clock.  Without that thin blue line, you and your family wouldn’t stand a chance.

Sharon Marx wrote in FB:  I live in Littleton, Colorado. If you are a law enforcement officer and need a break, you can come park outside my home.  If you are thirsty, I will bring you a drink. If you are hungry, I will fix you food. If you are hot, I will invite you inside to cool off. If you need additional ammo, just ask. If you need backup, I will stand with you. If you need to cry, I will hug you and let you. If you need to talk, I will listen. If you need to pray, I will kneel with you. If you are wrong, I will tell you. If you are right, I will support you. I only ask that you don’t lose faith in Americans.  We are not all against you.  All lives matter. Take off your sunglasses and see the good people that are here for you. We are not as loud and obnoxious as these whiny media seekers. We are strong and waiting to follow your lead.  God bless you and your family. Thank you for your service.  The vast majority of Americans back the men and women in blue.

Have you called your mayor’s office in your city to encourage him or her to maintain your police department?  Have you called your governor’s office with support of the police to stop all violent rioters and arrest them?  Have you written a letter to the editor demanding that your elected officials honor their oaths of office to preserve the laws of your state and community?  If you haven’t, why haven’t you?  Who do you think will do it for you?  What do you think will happen in your community if you allow the same kind of anarchy that brought Minneapolis and many other cities to their knees?  Do you understand that the worst decision you can make is to think you can do so little that you do nothing at all?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Donald’s Economy: Where It Is Now And Where It Is Heading, Part 2

By Marilyn M. Barnewall

According to, the U.S. Treasury’s official figure for federal government debt as of June 25, 2020 is $26,301,202,679,011 – or $26.3 trillion.

Every person in the United States is on the hook for $79,767 (for every household, the amount owed is $204,553).

Our debt is 122.1% greater than gross domestic product (GDP).  We hear that term a lot.  What is GDP?

GDP = Consumption (private expenditures by households and non-profit organizations) + Government (total government costs including salaries to employees, military, schools, airports, roads, etc.) + Investment (a country’s investments spent on capital equipment,  inventories, and housing) + Net Exports (total exports less total imports).  So, if you’re mathematical by nature, the formula is GDP = C + G + I + NX

The June 25th 122.1 percent debt to GDP sets a new high.

To give you a comparative as to how quickly the national debt is increasing because of Chinese flu and flawed policies put in place to contain it, at the end of January 2020, our national debt was $17.2 trillion.  On May 22, 2020, the national debt reached $25,746.3 or 118.5% of the nation’s annual economic output (GDP).  That breaks a record set in 1946 for the highest debt in the 230+ year history of the United States.

The previous record of 118.4% stemmed from World War II, the deadliest and most widespread conflict in world history. By the end of May 2020, the debt had risen to 118.5% of debt to GDP, and the June 122.1% quickly broke the May 2020 record.  Thus, anyone who thinks when China declared an economic war based on debt is just a passing problem take a step back so you can see just how serious this problem really is.

On an inflation adjusted basis, by year end the government will spend more fighting COVID-19 than it spent on World War I, World War II, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Gulf War, The Iraq War, and the War in Afghanistan combined.

I started my last article on the Trump economy, Part I, talking about the ridiculous reaction to the coronavirus.  The reason?  Dr. Anthony Fauci’s solution to the new flu:  Close down the economy by having healthy people self-imprison.

There is no way to discuss the economic trauma we face without talking about the cost to the American people of phony impeachment trials and false flag over-reactions to a new flu virus.  Both, I believe, were designed to tear down the Trump economy and ruin his chances for re-election.

But it goes deeper than the U.S. Presidential election in November.  War has been declared by Marxists against those whose greatest life need is the freedom to control our own destinies.  That includes the three founders of Black Lives Matter who openly admit their Marxist backgrounds.  It is the Chinese communists who finance BLM.

Here’s a brief list of the costs we are and will continue suffering as a result of China’s irresponsible behavior regarding the Wuhan flu:

  • More than $6 trillion will be added to the national debt;
  • 5% unemployment at the end of May, (up from 3.5% pre-Covid);
  • 60 million people on food stamps;
  • Ruined the tourism industry;
  • Bankrupted the service industry;
  • 50 million workers may or may not have jobs to which they can return;
  • Broke the international supply line into pieces;
  • Responsible for a pending meat/protein shortage;
  • Decided churches are non-essential but liquor stores and pot shops are;
  • Suicide rate increased so much it caused more deaths than COVID-19;
  • Violated constitutional rights in numerous situations (including state shut-downs by Governors);
  • Schools and colleges shut down and graduations postponed;
  • Surgeries and serious disease treatments (including cancer) suspended;
  • Unlawfully forced self-imprisonment of millions of healthy Americans

We have not yet begun to feel the impact of the nation’s shutdown recommended by Dr. Fauci who was supposed to be qualified to advise the President but obviously was not.  He hasn’t seen a patient in over 20 years and he obviously knows nothing about economics… but Bill Gates (whom Fauci  also serves) does.

We have learned a valuable thing.  When a conservative non-Deep State President is elected, get rid of all of the bureaucrats who run federal offices and replace them with your own people.

We are in process of learning the most valuable lesson to come from this mess:  We need a new “new” and should not return to the old, comfortable way we were living.  Why?  Because its shortcomings made our current problems possible.  The leftists think the new “new” should be socialism; those of us who love freedom do not and we need to carefully define a new “new” that will lead us to peace and prosperity rather than total corruption.

So where do we go from here?

In my opinion, the economy was not as strong in the summer and fall of 2019 as the surging stock market and job increases made it appear.  The Federal Reserve has refused to admit it is doing another round of Wall Street quantitative easing similar to the 2007-09 crisis, but it certainly appears they are.

Why did I think something was and is wrong?

On September 19, 2019, the Fed began a program of overnight lending in an attempt to put needed liquidity into the banking system.  By January 2020, the Fed had made almost as much money available to Wall Street as they did in the entire 2007-2009 economic crisis.

I do not believe the weakness has anything to do with the economy President Trump is building.  The primary evidence of that is the new jobs the Trump administration is creating.  Rather, it appears the weakness results from a mafia-like administration of the financial services industry.

Since the last financial crisis, banks have been fined $243 billion for everything from misleading investors relative to mortgage-based derivatives,  to opening credit cards in customers’ names with no permission or request from the customers, to manipulating the precious metals markets – and more.   At least one bank (not on the following list) has money laundering problems.

BANK                                         FINES (IN BILLIONS)

Bank of America                                            $76.1
JP Morgan/Chase                                          $43,7
Citigroup                                                       $19
Deutsche Bank                                              $14
Wells Fargo                                                   $11.8
Royal Bank of Scotland                                  $10.1
BNP Paribas                                                  $9.3
Credit Suisse                                                 $9.1
Morgan Stanley                                             $8.6
Goldman Sachs                                             $7.7
Unions Bank of Switzerland                           $6.5

So if the banks make $500 billion on their unlawful behavior and have to give $243 billion of it back to the government – and that is where it goes:  to the government – their unlawful behavior is very profitable.  Is that why the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee ignore violations of the law and give these banks free rein to go back and do more damage?

Too, the fines can be paid in rather strange ways.  For example, banks participate in debt restructuring and get credit for it against what they have been fined.  Goldman Sachs committed to forgiving $1.8 billion loan involving affordable housing as part of its fine.  Consumers who suffer losses because of crooked banks get nothing (as usual).  Remember all of the unlawful foreclosures during the 2007-09 mortgage-backed derivatives fiasco?  Homeowners got little or nothing back after having been abused by both banks and government.

Who gets the hard cash from payments of these fines?  Almost all of it goes to federal and state governments.

When Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations, he did not have in mind a giant stock market as a source of capital to fund multi-national companies.  It is the Smith concept of free enterprise on which capitalism is based.

The federal government has no idea of how banks should function regarding the financing of small, independent business.  The fact that the Small Business Administration does not know how to make business purpose loans to independent business owners who have sufficient personal cash flow uninvolved with the business to repay a loan and must use personal rather than business assets as collateral is clear evidence that the SBA does not support small, independent businesses.  Most banks do not know how to make such loans either.

This is important because about 70 percent of employed people work for independent businesses, not Fortune 500 companies.  To regain a strong economy that is not totally reliant on multi-nationals (who want one world government), financial assistance from government needs to be directed at the independents who are not on Wall Street rather than those who are and whose stock prices are manipulated and those that think China is the best place to employ people because labor is cheaper.

For example, if I were Donald Trump, I would be helping pharmacists who know how to mix drugs to start their own small laboratories in cities, large and small around the country, rather than depending on the Chinese for 97 percent of the medications we need.  The reason it was possible for China to so successfully attack the American economy via the flu for which there was no known treatment is because China knows our weakness when it comes to America providing its own medicines.

To make and keep America great, we need to be able to function in all key areas, not just militarily.

At this point in time, the Donald economy is not moving efficiently in this direction.  President Trump needs to pay more attention to independent business growth and less attention to those companies large enough to be listed on Wall Street.

We all need to pay more attention to our local governments… whether it is city council or county commissioner or school board meetings.  We need to pay more attention to who we elect as our County Sheriffs.

With citizenship comes responsibility.  Have you been fulfilling yours?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

Statues of Jesus Next

by Rev. Austin Miles

Democrat Communists who are attempting a coupe d’etat against the United States, have boldly announced that their next assignment is to tear down all statues of Jesus, both in and out of the churches, since Jesus is depicted as a ‘white European’ (?) which, say they, is a form of ‘white supremacy’. This means they plan to enter the churches to cause this unheard of havoc and destruction of images of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. which most definitely will not go well for the hoodlums.

This writer has been warning the world of this for years, knowing full well the plans of the Communists, but it seems nobody really paid attention. I have constantly referred to the Communist Manifesto that instructs their followers to delete the history of a targeted nation. This is why historical statues are being torn down and destroyed. A targeted country must become illiterate regarding its history. They quite well understand that being ignorant of one’s history weakens all.

The same manifesto says all churches must come down. Not only in America but around the world since religion “is the opiate of the people” and must be torn down.

Notice the number of attacks on Christian churches and the burning of sacred literature taking place all over the world, but especially in America, the only country standing in the way of the One World Communist Order, since there are thousands of churches in America where the majority of the population is Christian. A Christian mind cannot be enslaved. I refer, however, to DEVOTED Christian minds.

“Black Lives Matter” activist Shaun King, according to Life News, also instructs followers to smash stained glass windows in churches that depicts Jesus as a “white European” which he claimed is a form of “white supremacy.”

Shaun King went on to say, “All murals and stained windows of white Jesus and his European mother and their white friends should also come down.”

This writer did learn something valuable through this insanity. I did not know that Jesus was white!

It gets even nuttier. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a Socialist who tried to be President, said this about the Christ statues and stained glass windows: “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.” This writer did learn something valuable through this insanity. I did not know that Jesus was white. We learn something new every day.

So the day is near when the nutheads will enter the churches to tear down the statues of Jesus and smash the stained glass windows.

Perhaps it would be prudent to advise all funeral homes to remain open at the time this is to take place.

Meanwhile, let us dust off our muskets.


This story was originally written by Peter Hasson who writes for Daily Caller.

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Time To Take A Stand

Roger Anghis

We have come to a point in time in America that I thought I would never see.  We are seeing some of the worst lowlifes our nation has produced an attempt to take over our country and turn it into a third world banana republic.  This is the greatest nation that the world has ever seen or will ever see for that matter.  Ronald Reagan stated that America was the last bastion of freedom and if we fall, there will be no place to go.

The idiocy that we have seen this last week is well beyond the unfortunate death of a black man at the hands of a white police officer.  When minority businesses are looted and burn in ‘protest’ you can bet that all they did was use Floyd’s death as a catalyst for their anarchy.  And don’t doubt that it is anarchy and nothing more.

If you have been paying attention you’ve seen that the only protests against tearing down our statues and monuments have come from the Republicans.  Democrats have literally bowed their knee to the organization that has declared as one of their goals: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.[1] Keep in mind that the “nuclear family structure” is the one-man-one-woman foundation to the family.  That “nuclear family structure” has been the foundation of all successful societies since the beginning of time.  No other structure has been or ever will be successful and the Democrats have caved to their demands.

What the Democrats are hoping for is that this will be damaging to Trump.  It has not been.  It has only gained him support because the majority of America does not support anarchy.  This is what you will have if the police are defunded.  This concept is being embraced by the Democrats, witnessed by all of the Democrat leadership in D.C. taking a knee with a slave trader’s scarf on their necks.  That was as dumb as a rock.  It’s become a trending hashtag on social media and filled up signs of thousands of protesters calling for cities to defund police departments but a Yahoo! YouGov poll finds just 16 percent of those polled support providing less funding to police while 65 percent oppose it.

When it comes to party lines there is not much difference, with 16 percent of Democrats responding saying they support it while 15 percent of Republicans do. Broken up into races you begin to see some more divide but no race overwhelmingly supports the idea.

Defunding police has the strongest support among Blacks, with about a third of respondents saying they support it, a third of respondents saying they oppose it, and a third do not have a strong opinion on it one way or the other. That’s compared to 17 percent of Hispanics answering they support the idea and 12 percent of whites.[2] Note that among the Democrat voters only 16% support this idiocy.  What chance is the Democrat leadership taking by supporting something that 84% of their party opposes?

When we see what is happening in Seattle one has to sit back and scratch their head and ask: “Why hasn’t the government of Seattle stopped this insanity?”  Look at the government of Seattle; Democrat Governor, Democrat mayor, Democrat Chief of police.  See the pattern of guaranteed failure?  All the leadership is Democrat.  Chief of Police Carmen Best has even stated that there are rapes, robberies, and violent crimes going on inside of “CHOP” that they can’t get to![3]  Here’s a thought, go in and take the neighborhood back by force and if people get hurt, their fault.  Besides, anarchy is a crime, defacing government property that taxpayers paid for, statues, monuments, federal and municipal buildings, is a crime.  Here’s a thought . . . ARREST THE CRIMINALS!  If you were told to stand down, arrest the mayor!  These people are criminals and are destroying government and personal property and our ‘law enforcement’, I use that term loosely, turned tail, and ran.

These antifa thugs, it is being reported, are going door to door literally kicking in doors, demanding reparations, looting houses, and beating people up.  The police have received 4,000 calls in one day and cannot respond.[4] Is it they can’t respond or won’t respond?  I think it is the latter.

There is only one reason this is happening.  The failure of our so-called education system in teaching the truth about socialism, communism, and the real history of America.  What our Founders went through to establish this nation and the mighty price that they paid.  They have been taught that all the world’s problems are the fault of America’s capitalism when in reality the only reason the world is in as good a shape that it is in is because of America’s capitalism.  Virtually all of the world’s great inventions, medical discoveries, tools, and machinery for manufacturing, farming, and other areas have been developed under America’s capitalism.

These whiney punks hate the industrial complex but organize their riots on their iPhones and tablets drinking their double mocha lattes, wearing their Gucci pants, and are too stupid to see the irony of their actions.  They also ignore the fact that Planned Parenthood kills more black babies in a year that the KKK has in its entire existence!

They demand that whites pay reparations to blacks.  No black man alive today was a slave in America and no white person alive today in America was a slave owner.  Get over it.  But the blacks that demand to be treated as a victim still demand reparations.  Robert Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television, told CNBC on Monday the U.S. government should provide $14 trillion of reparations for slavery to help reduce racial inequality.

The wealth divide and police brutality against blacks are at the heart of protests that have erupted across the nation following last week’s killing of George Floyd during an arrest in Minneapolis.

“Now is the time to go big” to keep America from dividing into two separate and unequal societies, Johnson said on “Squawk Box.”

“Wealth transfer is what’s needed,” he argued. “Think about this. Since 200-plus-years or so of slavery, labor taken with no compensation, is a wealth transfer. Denial of access to education, which is a primary driver of accumulation of income and wealth, is a wealth transfer.”

Johnson, 74 made history as America’s first black billionaire when he sold BET to Viacom in 2001. Shortly after the sale, he started the investment firm The RLJ Cos. He’s no longer on the Forbes billionaires list. 5 With all due respect to Robert Johnson, go pound sand!  You got off your butt and became a productive member of society and any other person that has become successful has done the same.  Taking the money, I’ve worked for and giving it to someone who refuses to do the same exacerbates the matter.  They will not learn to work and will stand there with their hand out when he runs out of my money.

The obvious attempt to take down America, I believe, will ultimately fail, this time.  If we allow the left to continue to indoctrinate instead of educate, the next time might be the last of the American experiment.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  2. National poll finds low support for defunding the police
  4. (minute 7:15)

Wearing Muzzles Out of Fear

Michael Heath

“Man towers above the rest of creation so long as he realizes his own [free, rational] nature, and when he forgets it, he sinks lower than than the beasts.  For other living things, to be ignorant of themselves is natural; or man, it is a defect.” —Boethius

At a coffee shop recently I saw a father wearing a bird beak on his face. It was a muzzle (mask) with a firm opening fashioned into the bottom. It made the muzzle look like a beak. He looked like an animal, a

bird. And he wasn’t trying to be funny. He was serious as a heart attack. Scared to death. His two young children and wife were also wearing muzzles.

Americans have sunk lower than beasts. We have completely disconnected ourselves from the truth about being a human being. We tower above the rest of creation just because we are human beings. But none of this goes beyond political bickering now. Just my use of the word “creation” has triggered even church going “christians.” We can no longer think or act for ourselves. We are the least free people on earth. We imagine that only Trump or Biden can save U.S.

Virtue is a swear word. Only kneeling and licking the boots of black rappers for the ubiquitous scream world will allow us to survive into the next day. In case you hadn’t heard, the leader of Chick-Fil-A did that last week. He thinks all Christians should do it. Such a dishonorable act is unthinkable for any human being. In- human and dishonoring acts like this are one of the reasons Europe and America ended slavery. Slavery is still a thing in other parts of the world.

Since science cannot offer a clear and understandable explanation for what Trump called “Kung Flu” Saturday night I reject muzzles and social distancing. This entire charade has nothing to do with science or health. It is clearly and inarguably a power grab by governments, politicians and corporations.

I knew that from day one. That’s why I called my FedEx contractor and offered to jump back into the truck. I didn’t know at the time that the whole world would be forced by the politicians to never leave their home, but I knew something big was afoot. I figured FedEx was a good bet to stay busy since they are increasingly the conduit for the crap Americans buy on the internet. FedEx cut a deal with WalMart as the lock down got started. We’ve been busy. Slowing down now.

I have faith. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as the substance of things hoped for, the essence of things not SEEN. We are triggered far too easily by what we SEE on screens. Obviously.

For many years I’ve been increasing my vigilance over what I do on a screen. Years ago I abandoned all dramas. For entertainment I’ll watch documentaries sometimes. I mostly listen to theology, philosophy and political news on my phone while delivering. The only other thing I use the screen for is to write these columns. I do almost nothing with social networks. Whenever I start using Twitter, Facebook or any of the social commenting aspects of the internet I quickly get bored with the insanity, and angered by the insipid cacophony.

Faith, not sight, is what is going to sustain U.S. through the war that may have just started. Right now the war is mostly contained within American political wrangling. The communist/socialist Left is flexing more economic, religious and political muscle than we’ve seen before. There is, however, an undercurrent of Faith. God will never abandon His Church. The gates of hell will never prevail against it.

I’m discovering more solace and strength than ever before in my life in the sacrament of prayer. We are sur-rounded by a great cloud of witnesses. They want to help us. We must talk with them.

My favorite prayer, still unmemorized at this point, is that of my namesake lead warrior angel — Michael. Penned in the late 1800s it reads:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

We are in a battle. The wickedness and snares of the devil are more obvious than ever before in my life. Souls are being ruined. Pursuit of the virtues is the path forward. Goodness, truth and beauty are formed in culture by the moral choices of free people. We just need to get back to thinking of ourselves as moral beings. We are FREE to choose virtue, goodness and beauty. We don’t have to choose evil.

The idea that government and science can fix, demand and heal everything is a diabolical idea. Government and science have a place in a civilization, but they are not anything like a savior.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

© 2020 Michael Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath:

Moorish Spain: An Islamic Or Multicultural Paradise?

By Sidney Secular
One of the anti-European and anti-Christian left’s most cherished delusions, and one embedded in the establishment’s versions of history that we all have been subjected to is that “al-Andalusia” or Moorish Spain(AD 711-1492) was a more civilized and enlightened entity than the backward contemporary civilization of Medieval Christian Europe. With the recent establishment of the cult of multiculturalism, contemporary Muslim countries,  especially Moorish Spain is held up as a successful multicultural society in which Christians, Jews, and Muslims flourished together beneath the tolerant eyes of enlightened Islamic rulers, vice the boorish, crude, and unenlightened monstrosity that it actually was. Moorish Spain, if no worse than the other Muslim-controlled societies of its time, was certainly no better.
The first point to grasp is that the Muslim invasion of AD 711 did not encounter a backward cultural wasteland on the Iberian Peninsula. Spain had been under Roman control and influence longer than any Western land outside of Italy and produced more Latin scholars and emperors than any other Roman province. The Visigothic inhabitants were the most Romanized of all the peoples that took over from the Latin Roman Empire. Visigothic leaders spoke Latin and had spent many generations in military and political service to Rome. The several centuries that followed the fall of Rome saw a blending of Roman and German elements creating a new civilization. This new civilization produced a wealth of sacred art and music and men learned in all the academic disciplines. Visigothic law also demonstrated a typically European concern for limiting the power of the ruler, and produced a series of documents similar to the Magna Carta.
While a promising Christian Hispano Visigothic civilization was developing in Spain, Islam was born amid the tents of largely illiterate Bedouin nomads on the Arabian peninsula. In the latter half of the seventh century, Muslims overran the northern coastal area of Africa, destroying the Christian kingdoms that had existed there. In 711, a mostly Berber Muslim army (The “Moors”) invaded and conquered almost the entire Iberian peninsula within ten years.
Arab chroniclers recorded the astonishment of the uncultured Muslim invaders at the splendor of the Spanish cities, and were mesmerized by the huge treasures of gold and jewels of inestimable value they were able to carry away. In response to the plundering, the Christians buried or hid various articles from the marauding invaders, and archaeologists and treasure seekers today still come across these valuables.
Spanish Jews, who had been subjected by the Christian Visigothic rulers to significant legal restrictions, allied themselves with the invaders in the hope of improving their condition. For a time, the Jews were recruited to become viziers to protect the newly conquered areas for the Muslims, but once the Muslims were firmly in control, the Jews were reduced to a position similar to the Christians, and their condition began to steadily deteriorate.
Muslim commanders offered high posts to Christian lords who agreed not to resist the invasion, and they were allowed to keep their lands, servants, and religion because of the numeric inferiority of the Muslims, and not out of any “tolerance”. These agreements were broken as soon as it was convenient to do so.
The Jihad was an important element of the conquest. Burning down and flooding infidel towns occurred, as well as cutting down their fruit trees, killing their animals and destroying their buildings. Whether the defeated were allowed to live or were massacred was up to each individual victorious Muslim commander, and there were a number of recorded cases of outright extermination.
A favorite gambit of Islam’s apologists is to equate Muslim Holy Wars with the Christian Crusades, but the latter were instituted because of the depredations of the former. A “Crusade” was a unique event that only a pope could proclaim, whereas Jihad is a permanent state of being decreed by Islamic law.
Beginning about forty years after the conquest, the Umayyad Dynasty was in control of Moorish Spain from 756 to 1031. The court historians usually cite this period as the pinnacle of Andalusian civilization. Actually, this period was marked by religious and political persecutions, beheadings, impalings, and crucifixions. The level of these depredations has never been exceeded in Spain. The Moors were coarse, uneducated and not very skilled at writing or mathematics. The Moorish mobility was especially ignorant, and was proud to be labelled with that distinction. Thus, they used Jews, Christians, and freed foreigners to handle their administrative affairs.
Non-Muslims were given the choices of  converting, being killed, or accepting the status of “dhimmis”, a class obliged to pay a special tax called the “jizya” with all sorts of other additional, arbitrary, taxes added in increments. All these taxes supported the pashas’ ostentatious palaces, harems, slaves, and city embellishment programs. Keeping people in this status was preferred to making them slaves.
Muslims required Christians and Jews to be confined to their own neighborhoods, except for economic transactions. Christians were required to either stand or kneel in the presence of Muslims as a sign of respect.
Christians were usually not permitted to build new churches, and were required to obtain permission to repair existing churches. The muezzin loudly called Muslims to prayer, but churches were forbidden to ring their bells. Displays of crosses were not permitted on persons or in churches and buildings.
Any disparagements of Islam or attempted revolts against Muslim rule(and there were several) were met with reprisals including beheadings, being impaled, being flogged to death or being boiled alive. Property was taken from dissenters, especially the Christians. Christian martyrs against Islam have received little sympathy from modern historians who dub them “troublemakers” and”self-immolators”.
The situation of the Christians and Jews under Islamic rule gradually deteriorated over time punctuated by massive anti-Jewish riots that broke out in Grenada in 1066. The picture of a multicultural paradise in Spain painted by establishment historians is meant to foster the idea that since Jews and Arabs are similar genetically and are “People of the Book”, they are capable of getting along with each other. Transposing this idea to the modern multi-culti dispensation results in the conclusion that we can all get along if we try, so that the Muslims are now invited to migrate to the Western nations without a care or concern. The Muslims will somehow now become benevolent and a positive influence when added to the ghoulish goulash stew being created.
The populations of most of the Jews, Christians, and even Muslims in Moorish Spain suffered under the most stifling and strict rules governing cultural, religious, and social life found in any Muslim domain then or now. Music was prohibited, except for playing tambourines, and Muslim clerics were empowered  to enter any home where music could be heard in order to confiscate or destroy the musical instruments. Christian slave girls were the only people allowed to play musical instruments.
Chess, backgammon, and dice games were prohibited. Muslims certainly enjoyed higher status than Christians and Jews, but not any more freedom, autonomy, or power than non-Muslims.
Moorish women from aristocratic families were permitted to enter the legal, educational and medical professions.
However, then as now, Muslim women generally spent their lives solely within the family circle, and their relationships were restricted to their parents and other women.
By the year 1200, most of the Christians and Jews had escaped or immigrated to the northern slice of the Iberian peninsula still controlled by Christians. Gaining support from these newcomers, the Christians slowly advanced  against the Moors, and gradually pushed them southward, and by 1492 they were unable to resist the royal decree that expelled them from Spain altogether, ending nearly eight centuries of their domination of the peninsula.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Islam did not play an important role in preserving classical learning and transmitting it to Western Europe. The classical Greek and Roman texts were studied and preserved by the Christian monks and lay scholars of the Western Roman and Byzantine Empires. They were never lost and recovered by by the Muslims.
Arab scholarship in Moorish Spain hardly existed. Arab intellectuals were ignorant of Greek. What scientific and philosophical works they read were Arabic translations made by Christian scholars. Many Arab rulers disapproved of the study of such works altogether. At one point, all philosophy and logic books in the Cordoba region were publicly burned.
The gorgeous Moorish architecture, such as the famed Alhambra, so admired by modern tourists, conceals an origin unflattering to its builders. Islam has little in the way of a native architectural tradition. It started out with nomads in the Arabian desert who had few permanent structures of any kind. As the area conquered by the Muslims expanded, however, it appropriated and converted Christian houses of worship into mosques and gradually began incorporating Romano-Christian architectural styles into its own constructions. Constructions built by the Arabs themselves in North Africa did not last long because of the Arabs’ sloppiness, poor materials, and lack of knowledge of building techniques.
In Spain, Muslim rulers constructed buildings by cannibalizing columns and other building components and materials from Roman and Visigothic churches. For example, much of the Great Mosque of Cordoba was built with materials taken from demolished churches. Even the technique of alternating red brick and white stone used in the Great Mosque of Cordoba is adopted from the Roman technique called “opus vittatum mixtum” that can be seen in the surviving Roman aqueducts in Spain. The Mosque’s mosaics are actually Greek-influenced.
Popularizers of the myth of the Andalusian paradise like to emphasize all the things we can “learn” from the history of Moorish Spain. This endeavor consists of trying to find, at all costs, evidence that the said entity was a bastion of tolerance, feminism, and multiculturalism, and therefore worthy of emulation. Such a mindset only guarantees that we will never be able to learn anything from the study of the past. Academic proponents of the “Andalusian Paradise” are perfectly frank about their desire to employ historical scholarship in the service of the contemporary multicultural project.
Part and parcel of this academic fetish is a conscious effort to downgrade the West, often culminating in a denial of its very existence. In this irrational and senseless conception, the Spanish Christian population subjugated by the Muslims in the Eighth Century did not have enough in common with the Christians across the Pyrenees or elsewhere to consider them all as parts of a single civilizational entity that might be called, “The West”, or used to be called “Christendom”.
Islam inexplicably escapes critical examination and somehow is considered worthy of being embraced despite all evidence to the contrary, as are all non-Western cultures no matter how depraved or backward they may be.
Contemporary historiography concerning Muslim Andalusia is thus yet one more front in the great struggle of our time; that of reversing the decline of White European civilization in the face of an unremitting assault from a multitude of enemies, both internal and external.
The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise:
Muslims, Christians and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain
Dario Fernandez-Morera
Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2016
© 2020 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular:

White, Black, Yellow, Tan: We Are All People of Color And We Must See The Real Enemy

Bradlee Dean

“Lady Liberty is blindfolded.”

First off, I must start with the fact that Jesus did not come to save our skin, He came into the world to save us from our sins (1 John 3:4), in the saving our souls.  Secondly, the Lord said long ago that all nations are one blood (Acts 17:26). So then, what is the issue?

The issue is that if you want to control a people, then you must divide the people so that the powers that are tolerated can then wield power over their subjects more easily.

“And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” -Mark 3:25

The way that this is done is to go to the un-educated (Hosea 4:6) and indoctrinate and propagandize them by dividing through skin color when color of skin has nothing to do with moral or lawful issues.

Martin Luther King Jr. rightly stated that men should “not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”


Furthermore, when Malcolm X said, “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing,” he was spot on.

Remember what William Randolph Hearst stated: “You furnish the pictures and I will furnish the war.”  This is exactly what is being played out today in America.

You see, friends, the powers that are tolerated need such useful idiots that continuously and ignorantly feed on and spew out their divisive narratives. G. Edward Griffin explains how, since at least the 1920s, communists have had plans to use racial agitation, violence, & socialism for communist revolution in America

We have Colin Kaepernick (Wait until you see his story).


We have FBI informant Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (John 8:44) spewing out narratives that are found over and over to be unwarranted and unfounded.


We see the politicians playing into the narrative in empowering the rioters and looters, not the peaceful protesters, only to overthrow the republican form of government we have on the behalf of their puppet masters to help implement a new form of global government. In other words, they are creating this to further divide the black people against the white people to incite them against one another.

Unity destroys their objectives (1 Peter 3:8).

By the way, aren’t these the same people advocating the murder of the innocent in the womb (Proverbs 6:17) which is aimed at the Blacks and Hispanics? Yes, they are!


Friends, they are playing out verbatim what Mao Tse Tung did in overthrowing the Republic of China, using the younger to overthrow the older.

We have found for the last 7 decades in this country that the mainstream media has been illegally creating and fabricating stories beyond all measures in an attempt to deceive the people (Isaiah 5:20).


We have recently found that RAZ from CHAZ – Black Lives Matters Warlord Is Supported by Dubai Government in hopes of an all-out war against white people.

Raz-Chaz has even been found handing out Ar-15s to locals with an all welcoming attitude when being filmed. Does he seem worried about the police?


We know that the narrative of the George Floyd murder has been high jacked and this has been proven a hundred times since his death. The realization that the American people need to come to is that the powers that are tolerated; and it’s the corrupt politicians and the CIA-controlled mainstream media who are the ones that are fueling this narrative. Until these people are lawfully dealt with, nothing is going to change. The law applies to us, yes indeed, but it also applies to those who are to uphold the laws, for they are not above the law.

In conclusion, and with the nail that I keep pounding (Amos 5:15, 24), Americans need justice, for justice guards our liberties; and until we learn the Lady Liberty is blindfolded in pursuance of justice, which is an issue of law, not color (Deuteronomy 25:1), this will continue.


Stop Pandering to Leftists’ Systemic Racism “Big Lie”

Lloyd Marcus

Folks, I realize many of you are going through the same range of emotions as I am as I watch leftists’ full-blown war on our country. One part of me wants to produce a Youtube video in which I scream at all the idiots pandering to the scumbag hate groups ANTIFA and Black Lives Matters. The other part of me says Lloyd you must remain calm and simply deliver facts.

In the Bible, Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den for refusing to kneel in worship to a government leader. Daniel said he only kneels to the true God. Here in the United States of America, ANTIFA is demanding that white America literally kneel in worship to Black Lives Matter, an evil false god. Shockingly, Democrat congressional members, mayors and governors; major corporations, churches and indoctrinated white youths are kneeling.

Etched on my brain is the image of the sea of yellow school buses I saw as a child with my dad at the 1963 March on Washington where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

I heard Dr King say, “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

I have a dream that one day….there in Alabama little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and little white girls as brothers and sisters.”

Dr King would be appalled how his vision of racial equality and unity has been perverted into an anti-Christian movement which demands that whites hate themselves, kneel and beg forgiveness for being born white.

Fake news media and Democrats repeatedly use the bullying tactic dictating what everyone must say and think about an issue. Anyone who dares to go against their narrative is high-tech burned at the stake in the public square. Here are a few examples of the growing long list of topics we are not allowed to tell the truth about.

People have been fired for stating the scientific fact that a man cannot transform into a woman. A broadcaster was fired for stating the biblical truth that “all lives matter”.

Leftists’ latest “Big Lie” that we don’t dare reject is America is irreversibly infected with “systemic racism.” Sadly and frustratingly, Christian broadcasters, corporations, and politicians are on their knees, bombarding us with TV commercials pledging to fix the cruelty blacks are suffering at the hands of racist white America. Their cowardly surrender to the “Big Lie” turns my stomach!

Joseph Goebbels said, If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

As a proud and grateful American who happens to be black, I challenge leftists to show me this mythical “systemic racism” which is supposedly making life in America hell for me and my fellow blacks.”

Systemic racism is a big lie to keep blacks voting for Democrats who have been promising to fix it for over 50 years. The real and greatest enemy of black Americans is “monolithic loyal voting for Democrats.” Every city in which blacks are suffering with failing schools, black-on-black homicides, fatherless households, gangs, drugs, incarcerations and poverty have been controlled by Democrats for decades. If BLM was really about empowering blacks, they would angrily protest Democrats rather than white Americans, statues, old movies, U.S. history and free speech.

I don’t know about you guys, but I am so done with leftist political hacks being allowed to bully the masses into embracing their divisive, racial-hate-generating, anti-Christian and evil socialist/communist agenda.

President Trump’s speech at his rally in Tulsa, OK further confirmed that despite fake news medias’ Democrats’, Deep-Staters’ and #NeverTrumpers’ unprecedented evil and unlawful efforts to transform him into a sycophant of the Washington DC swamp, Trump remains solidly one of us. He understands us. He talks like us. And, he wants what we want for America! Praise God!

Our president said, “The choice in 2020 is very simple. You want to bow before the left-wing mob? Or, do you want to stand up tall and proud as Americans?”

Joe Biden and the Democrats wanna prosecute Americans for going to church, but not for burning a church.” “They believe you can riot, vandalize, and destroy, but you cannot attend a peaceful pro-America rally.” [Link]

My fellow Americans, we are so blessed to have president Donald J. Trump. Remarkably, Trump has be able to defeat Democrats’ long list of schemes to transform our country away from the divinely inspired vision of our Founding Fathers.

Trump must be reelected in November Video.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Jeffrey Epstein Celebrates Gay Pride from the Grave

By Cliff Kincaid

Jeffrey Epstein’s deep and dark secret is out. He was a gay deceiver. Let’s remember this fact on Stonewall Day, June 26, as Barack Hussein Obama emerges from the shadows to celebrate the anti-police riots at the Mafia-run Stonewall Inn back in 1969.

The latest and best Jeffrey Epstein book, A Convenient Death, by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper, strongly suggests that Epstein was a mastermind of a pedophile network serving the rich and powerful that involved gay blackmail, similar to the Lavender Mafia in the Roman Catholic Church that protects and rewards pedophile and predator priests.

This new book provides the circumstantial evidence that Epstein’s deepest and darkest secret was that he was a practicing homosexual and that, as sick as this may sound, his entourage of young girls provided a cover story that actually made him seem “respectable” to the movers and shakers in New York and Washington, D.C. Billionaires like Bill Gates associated with Epstein after he was convicted of sex crimes.

He may have been bisexual, but the book makes it clear that homosexuality, blackmail, and extortion were behind his initial acquisition of wealth and power. Later, Epstein used the young girls to provide blackmail material on other elites.

The title on the book cover has the word “convenient” separated by a hyphen to appear as “con-venient.” That means Epstein was a con man whose death was also a con, in order to make it appear he killed himself. Part of the con, the book suggests, was his reputation as a man interested in women and young girls. Epstein, one former associate told the authors, was ashamed of being gay and so had sex with women as part of a “supermacho” image he carefully cultivated.

The authors refer to the “Epstein scheme of providing young kids for the sexual pleasure of world elites,” citing a well-informed source. Notice the word “kids” rather than just girls. That’s not a slip. The authors cite a report that Epstein “liked boys.”

Whatever the ultimate truth behind the accounts of hiring young girls as prostitutes, which continue to be the subject of various lawsuits against his estate, the blockbuster revelations of this book begin on page 157 and relate to how Epstein, known to investigators as “the boyfriend,” used his alleged sexual relationship with a major businessman to acquire control over some of his fortune. He then built up his own financial fiefdom that he used to spend money on transhumanist and technocratic schemes, some based at Harvard University.

With the assistance of high-powered lawyers such as Ken Starr, the special prosecutor who “investigated” the Clinton’s but covered-up the murder of Clinton lawyer Vincent Foster, Epstein protected himself and his network, serving only 13 months in a country-club arrangement at a local jail. He had the best lawyers that money could buy, as well as associates in such eminent organizations as the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission.

The “Convenient Death” book offers evidence that he used sex to acquire power and influence over others through blackmail. The authors cite Epstein’s relationship with a one-time CIA front company and add that Epstein “openly encouraged speculation that he was involved with intelligence agencies.” The implication is that Epstein used these sexual relationships, including homosexuality, to get what the intelligence agencies wanted out of his targets.

Trump is counting on his Attorney General, William P. Barr, to get to the bottom of the corruption. But Barr is a former CIA analyst whose own father had hired Jeffrey Epstein at the Dalton School “to teach the children of Manhattan’s leading families.” A college dropout, Epstein got the job even though he fudged his resume.

Goodman and Halper note that Attorney General Barr has vowed to investigate Epstein’s “co-conspirators” but we can see that nothing much is happening. They write that, “The so-called co-conspirators would remain uncharged and unnamed as of the time of this writing, despite there being ample evidence that Epstein had assistance in carrying out his crimes.” The implication is that people in federal agencies, perhaps some of Epstein’s blackmail targets, are stonewalling an accounting of Epstein’s crimes.

With Attorney General Barr celebrating gay pride at the Department of Justice and Trump’s former gay director of National Intelligence pushing to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism across U.S. spy agencies, we may begin to understand why the Epstein scandal is likely to stay buried with Epstein.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Tech Censorship: Today, NewsWithViews Tomorrow?

By Allan Wall

The internet has  been a great opportunity for dissidents from the Mainstream Media to promote our views.  It enables us to make an end run around the Mainstream Media, to reach a wider public.

Precisely for this reason, freedom on the Internet is under attack.

The big tech companies support leftism and globalism.  They don’t like dissidents reaching Americans with their views.  And so they are moving to shut down dissent.

It doesn’t all happen at once.  But by brandishing the banners of tolerance, multiculturalism, “anti-racism”, “hate speech”, etc.  they can squeeze us out eventually.

One of the best sources on the Internet for news and analysis on immigration and related topics Is VDARE.COM, which has been in existence for twenty years.

VDARE.COM was founded by Peter Brimelow, who used to write for National Review but was kicked off for posing too many questions about immigration policy.  Can’t have that.

I encourage readers to, while they still can, look over VDARE.COM for yourself.  The address is and you can check it out for yourself, rather than letting the Mainstream Media and Big Tech do your thinking for you.

VDARE.COM has two decades’ worth of informative articles on immigration, U.S. citizenship, assimilation and related topics.

VDARE.COM is probably the best-documented-website out there.   Its articles are full of hyper-links so you can go directly to the source articles backing up what’s in the articles.

That’s why VDARE.COM has been under attack by the Mainstream Media, the Left and the Cowardly Right for a long time.

The popular “Free Republic” website, which posts and discusses articles, banned the posting of articles from VDARE.COM years ago. That means that leftist articles by the New York Times and Washington Post can be published on “Free” Republic but not articles by VDARE.COM.

More recently, Facebook banned links from VDARE.COM on its site.

Now, VDARE.COM’s domain name registrar (Network Solutions) is terminating the website’s account.  Network Solutions gave VDARE.COM just ten days notice.

Its only stated reasons were supposed violations of its “Acceptable Use Policy” and this cryptic statement  “we consider your continued use of our services a serious issue and risk to our business and corporate reputation”.

A later letter from Network Solutions lawyer related the termination to regulations prohibiting “bigotry, racism, discrimination, hatred in any manner whatsoever”  which we know in today’s environment are terms defined by the powerful Leftists  to refer to those who disagree with them.

Apparently, it was a DC-based leftist group called the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights that influenced Network Solutions to do this.

Of course, VDARE.COM is fighting back, but if nothing changes, the website will lose its domain name registration on June 25th, thus losing its place on the internet.

VDARE.COM has a Plan B to continue its website elsewhere, but in the meantime is probably going to lose a lot of readers.

If you would like to support VDARE.COM, or just freedom in general, why not contact your senators and  representative and ask them their position on Tech Censorship? Because it could affect all of us.

If they can censor VDARE.COM, what makes you think they can’t censor NewsWithViews?

After all, NewsWithViews has authors publishing articles that do not agree with discourse acceptable to the Mainstream Media.

So how long until the Tech Censors come after

Freedom of speech in this country is under assault, so we’d better make the fight against Big Tech censorship a major priority, before we all get cancelled.

© 2020 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Allan Wall:

Antifa Offers Perfect Cover for Jihad

By: Amil Imani

Within the ocean of rising humanity, composed of some 1.5 billion Muslims, each individual believer—a drop—through a combination of choice and forces beyond his control, ends up in one of its many waves. It is the jihadist wave that is highly attractive to the deeply-indoctrinated and poorly-adjusted in dealing rationally and independently with life. And it is the violent verses of Islam that concerns American law enforcement.

While American people go about their daily business, Muslims and Muslim organizations across the United States are busy and work “stealthily” to change and alter America from within in what is called “Soft Jihad,” or “Cultural Jihad where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not powerful enough to unsheathe their sword.

They have been active in several ways. The number of non-Muslims who are converting to Islam is rapidly growing. In the U.S., the majority of converts are African-American but there have also been significant numbers of others who convert as well, many of them well-educated. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is considered an apostate and automatically condemned to death.

America slowly has been going through a process called subversion. Regrettably, not many Americans have a slightest clue that this takes place daily here at home. Muslims have become calculatingly meek and mild in their demeanor. They have learned how the American system works. For now, they are not openly resorting to violent jihad although we know Islam cannot be separated from its most powerful tool, Jihad. Without Jihad, Islam would go through a slow death. Jihad is perpetual in Islam. They both need each other for their survival.

Here is the disturbing question, what if this violent domestic group known as Antifa offers perfect cover for jihad and secretly works with the Islamic organizations as an arm of violent jihad?

According to Diana West, “here is more on Antifa/jihad connections from Edward Klein’s book, All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump. Note that in Portland they were chanting, “Allah-u Akbar, smash these Nazi scums.”

President Trump in the wake of the recent violent rioting, involving Antifa, the militant wing of the Democrat Party, suggested to designate this group as domestic terrorist.

Gary LaFree shed more light on this group in an op-ed: Is Antifa a Terrorist Group?

On numerous occasions, Antifa  has openly threatened to massacre American patriots and even President Trump. This group is one of Obama’s legacies, created to inflict more pain on the American people. “Eight years of Obama’s leadership has left America demonstrably weaker and more divided. Rather than the promised “healing”—racial and other—the Obama era frayed the ties that bind us.”

Katie Pavlich also agrees with the President. She said: Antifa Should Be Designated a ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization.”

There are antifascists and then there is Antifa.  In any case, we have had a few years to objectively evaluate their modus operandi. How they work and operate.  They are mostly reactionary, not proactive. But that could change as the group grows. Antifa despises America, our flag and what it stands for. They appear out of nowhere to any peaceful conservative gathering and disrupt it.

If we closely pay attention, we realize that Antifa has adopted the ways of the Islamic jihadist and resorts to intimidation tactics and violence. They call anyone and everyone Nazi.

“For as long as there have been fascists, there has been debate over the way to respond to them.

“In his new book, Antifa, historian and organizer Mark Bray traces various leftist anti-fascist movements from the 1930s Europe to the “Antifa” movements we see on the streets today. The history of anti-fascism, it seems, is stuck on repeat, with the same arguments over free speech and uncompromising resistance cropping up repeatedly.”

According to the Washington Examiner: “while we’re not investigating Antifa as Antifa – that’s an ideology and we don’t investigate ideologies – we are investigating several what we would call anarchist-extremist investigations where we have properly predicated subjects of people who are motivated to commit violent criminal activity on kind of an Antifa ideology.”

President Obama allowed Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter to run wild during his reign. Obama even rewarded riot-inciters   and those who support killing police were hosting them at the Obama’s White House. Instead of protecting citizens and their property, some politicians even admit pro-rioting policies openly as when then-Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (D), at the time a DNC executive, acknowledged in 2015 that authorities “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

In short, Antifa appears to be just as violent as the jihadist and offers perfect cover for jihad.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

I’m Proud to Be White

Dave Daubenmire

Please spare me the usual emails calling me a “racist.”  The white-guilt card will not work on me.  I will not cower in the corner, I will not bow and lick your boots, and I will not take responsibility for anything my ancestors did.  The Bible teaches us that.

Ezekiel 18:20— “The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity, nor will the father bear the punishment for the son’s iniquity; the righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself.”

My father grew up poor.  He was one of seven children raised in the hills of southern Ohio in what is now known as Appalachia.  Because his father could not find employment in his hometown he was forced to travel nearly 100 miles to work each week and spend the time away from the family.  My grandmother was essentially a single mother to seven kids while Grandpa Ed worked away from home.  My great-grandfather George was a German immigrant who was born in 1863.

My mother’s family wasn’t much better.  She was one of eight children and was also raised by a single mother because her husband left the family. Divorce was nearly unheard of in the 1930’s so we were all taught that Mom and Dad Fisher, my grandparents, were separated.  Neither one remarried.  My Grandpa Fisher paid no child support.  There was no welfare.

My mother often told the story of being “farmed out” during the summers.  It seems things were so tight that my Mom’s mom actually hired the kids out to local farmers as free labor in exchange for free room and board and a small weekly stipend to Mom Fisher.  I guess you wouldn’t technically call it slavery…but child labor laws would not permit it today.

My parents raised five children during the turbulent sixties.  Mom was a housekeeper and my Dad was a factory worker.  He worked double shifts at Kaiser Aluminum (16 hours) most of his life as he struggle to provide for the family.  Mom drove him to work in the mornings so that she would have access to our only family car during the day.  They put four of their five children through college; one brother chose not to go, without any help from the government.

I wore a lot of hand-me-downs from my brothers.  I think we were lower middle class but we never knew it.  Dad taught all of us to work hard and expect no special favors.  Food stamps were not available back then but our father would never have taken a handout.  They raised us in church.  We knew right from wrong, although we often decided not to follow our consciences.

Mom and Dad fought a societal tsunami during the sixties.  The culture was doing everything it could to undermine our upbringing.  Sex, drugs, and rock and roll took a toll on some of my siblings.  It was not an easy time to be a parent.  They had a challenging time raising their own children.

Did I mention that my family had to overcome persecution as well?  My father’s mother was part of a little known group of Appalachian-Americans known as Melungons which was a group of mixed-blood hybrids.  In addition, my father had the double-whammy of being raised Catholic when religious persecution against Catholics was real.

We grew up in a small town in Ohio. There were no Negroes in our town or in our school.  Everything we learned about black people we learned from Television.  Nothing did more to foster stereotypes of Negroes than the images that played out on the boob tube.  NO ONE I knew hated blacks.

The sixties was a time of great upheaval.  Every vestige of Christian morality was under assault.  From Little Richard, to Elvis, the Beatles to Richard Pryor the MEDIA programmed black stereotypes into American minds.   I loved the Four Tops, The Supremes, The Temptations, and Marvin Gaye.  I bought their records and sang their songs.

Racism is a made-up thing.  I get sick of others impugning my motives simply because of the color of my skin.  I’m proud of my heritage and proud of my parents.  They had it rough.  They stayed married.  They took us to church and demanded we respect others.  I rooted for blackmen like Jimmy Brown, Elston Howard, Willie Mays, and Oscar Robertson.  The thought of hating someone for the color of their skin was unheard of in my little town.

I wonder what my Mom and Dad would say about America today.   They surely would shake their heads at the thought of white privilege and “institutional racism.”  I remember my Mom sobbing at the death of Dr. King and the government slaughter at Kent State.  No one wanted to live in an America like that.

I write this today because I know this is how most Americans feel.  The thought of white Americans being racist is bunk.  Our government is corrupt.  Our churches are sheepish and divided.  Our nation is morally bankrupt.  The media drives the racist narrative as a means to divide and conquer.  Satan is alive and well.

America is not a racist country.  They use it as a weapon.  I’m proud to be white.  I’m proud of my heritage.  I am proud of what my parents overcame. No amount of revisionist history will change the fact that life is a struggle for everyone. Poverty has no color.  Neither do fidelity, honesty, compassion, and forgiveness.  My parents stayed married for 60 years.  They taught us the 10 Commandments.   They expected us to follow them.

I had great parents who just happened to be white.  Who you become is more determined by nurture than nature.  Red or yellow black or white all are precious in His sight.  Blacks aren’t the only ones who have had to struggle.

I miss my parents.  I wish I had the chance to tell them.  I’m proud of who they were.  I’m proud of what they overcame.  They taught us to build things not tear them down.  I’m sick of watching what they did be drug through the mud.

I’m proud to be white.  I’ll never feel guilty for that.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Is The Trump Campaign Burning Down Faster Than America’s Cities?

By Cliff Kincaid

Monday night saw more communists trying to tear down another American monument, this time right in front of the White House. We watched this on TV and the rioters were on the verge of taking down a statue of Andrew Jackson before the police finally showed up. This monument was saved, while many others have fallen. Once again, President Trump threatened action of some kind against the rioters.

Justice for the lawbreakers, we were told, is coming. But many Trump supporters aren’t buying it anymore. They’re sick and tired of the do-nothing approach to the communist revolution in America. Trump will not and cannot win under these circumstances.

On top of this debacle, the Trump rally in Tulsa was a disaster, as campaign manager Brad Parscale advertised that one million people had reserved tickets but only about 6000 or so showed up at the actual rally. They blamed the low turnout on the media. Their fallback face-saving position was that millions of people watched it online.

Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network wasn’t buying it. On his Monday show, he interviewed former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins about the debacle. He said Trumpis behind 9-10 points in most polls and that a campaign shake-up is needed. He said Parscale is “running an empire” and has taken $30-$40 million out of the campaign, “which is unheard of.” In other words, he is getting rich. Indeed, his luxurious lifestyle of fancy homes and cars and a yacht has been the subject of conservative media reports.

Referring to Trump’s remarks at the rally, Rollins said that “There was no message,” adding, “He rattled on for two hours.” He said Trump needs to articulate a vision for dealing with coronavirus, economic collapse, budget deficits, the Democrats, and other substantive matters.

It’s even worse than Rollins indicated.  As noted by this columnist in the article, “Trump Hires ‘Bush’s Brain’ to Lose to Biden,” Parscale is now consulting Karl Rove for advice on how to move forward. Rove blew $300 million on the failed 2012 Mitt Romney for president campaign, after telling the candidate not to brand his opponent, Barack Hussein Obama, a socialist.  Rove is notorious for advising candidates to move to the left.

My website America’s Survival, Inc. is hearing from many Trump supporters who have turned on the president,  with one remarking that Trump “appears to be AWOL on the issues that are threatening to destroy our country…”

This person added, “I feel totally betrayed by him, especially in his apparent weakness in dealing with the military ‘leaders’ who publicly undercut his authority.  This failure to act made him appear weak, and then his constant Tweeted threats against the insurrection taking place, without any follow-up that would show he is unafraid to confront those who would destroy our nation, makes me wonder if he ever actually had any good intentions toward the U.S. I know I am not the only American who feels betrayed, and can now only wonder: If Trump actually wants to lose to Biden, or has grown tired of the battle any POTUS must expect to endure, where does that leave us?”

In response to my column, “The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump,” one asked “why has Trump always surrounded himself, and then continued to hire and appoint (even after being elected President) so many of these scoundrels who have opened him up to valid criminal investigations?”

Another wondered why so many Trump associates have been marched off to prison and abused while associates of former president Obama still are free. Meanwhile, Attorney General William Barr promises action, but none is taken, and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Russia-gate hoax drag on. He said that Trump “adopted a position of complete passivity when his supporters were singled out and prosecuted…The prosecutors poured on the coals to get those guys screwed, blued and tattooed but more than three years down the pike there sit Barr and Durham unable even to nail the lowlife who swore out false affidavits in the FISA process.”

He said there was a “lightning prosecution” for former Trump adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort but “glacial movement” with regard to the anti-Trump conspirators Hillary Clinton and FBI officials Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and James Comey. This person concluded, “Trump epitomizes that Cold War observation that there’s no advantage to being America’s friend and no penalty for being her enemy. Trump’s epitaph ought to be ‘Somebody should do something about that.’”

Faced with this hope, perhaps a false hope, one person told me that she is “exhausted from fighting,” noting that the Marxists “have total control of media, Hollywood, the Judiciary, and the educational system…They have more people, organizations, and resources than our side.”

Trump was supposed to be their savior. He has failed them.  But don’t forget to send in your financial contribution to Brad Parscale and Karl Rove.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.  Watch my interview with Charles Moscowitz on YouTube about the 2020 election campaign and the survival of America.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

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What Is God About to Do?

By Lee Duigon

The Bible tells us, “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.” (1 Corinthians 1: 19)

This is the age of panic. The wise and prudent, turned into fools, and our entire ruling class—politicians, banks, big corporations, professional sports leagues, social media platforms, Hollywood, teachers’ unions, college professors—is stampeding to grovel at the feet of Only Far Left Black Lives Matter. They’re wiping out our culture. No more Aunt Jemima, no more Eskimo pies, no more statue of Theodore Roosevelt at the American Museum of Natural History, no more history. History has got to go, replaced by a national amnesia equivalent to a return to infancy. One wonders if they mean to ban everything. Where would they stop?

“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called…” (v. 26)

The mighty and the noble and the wise have all rushed over to the Far Left side of the boat—a good way to make it capsize. There are none of them left on our side. The wise, the powerful, the highly-esteemed and influential, the rich and famous: they compete with each other, frantically, to see who can be the most servile, the most obsequious, the most woke. They compete to see who can most loudly denounce our country.

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are: that no flesh should glory in His presence.” (Verses 27-29)

So there’s no one left on our side but us. The little people, the nobodies, the deplorables. The ones they laugh at when they hunker down in Davos with their overpriced cocktails. The ones whose hard-earned money they take: no one goes home poor from Capitol Hill. The ones whose only function is to pay taxes and do what we’re told.

They despise us. They sneer at our religious faith. When they pray, they look into a mirror. The wise, the mighty, and the noble. They have no king but Caesar. Render unto Caesar… everything.

It is well within God’s power and authority to bring this era to a close, to bring down the curtain with a crash. He has told us the means by which He’ll do it: by things which are foolish, weak, despised, or even non-existent. Maybe even by us. However He chooses to proceed, it will be in such a way that no one will be able to attribute it to anyone or anything but God Himself. The Lord our God, strong to save. Who triumphs where all worldly solutions fail.

They call the preaching of the gospel foolishness, the message of salvation “hate”—because for them hate is love and love is hate. When they’re not laughing at us, they’re shopping for corrupt judges who will oblige them by silencing the gospel.

“Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (v. 25)

There’s going to be a bad time for the wise, the mighty, and the noble, who have chosen the wrong side and expect to wind up on a throne. That is not where they will sit, and their visitation will not be infinitely postponed.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Deep State’s Collusion with Iran and Other Enemies of U.S.

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

When all of the media’s attention focused on the Trump-impeachment-obsessed Democrats and the majority of their news media minions were focused on the House and Senate testimony given by the fired FBI director James Comey, no one seemed to pay attention to the credible evidence of former President Barack Obama’s propensity for rewarding America’s enemies.

The President Donald Trump-hating leftists in Congress and throughout the nation were disappointed when Comey’s testimony showed that: Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and that Comey himself leaked his own memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a leftist university professor to secretly turn over to a news media denizen.

At the same time there was another hearing held in Congress that uncovered much more explosive and disturbing information and evidence: President Barack Obama and his administration disbanded national security units which were originally charged with investigating Iran’s network of Islamic terrorism funding.

Obama, Valerie Jarrett (born in Iran), Susan Rice and other members of the former President’s inner-circle “systematically disbanded” special law enforcement units throughout the federal government that were investigating the Iranian, Syrian, and Venezuelan terrorism financing networks. Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry were concerned the counter-terrorism units would lead to Iranian officials walking away from Obama’s precious nuclear deal with Iran, according to a former U.S. official with expertise in dismantling criminal financial networks

The key witness during the Iran hearing, David Asher, had worked for U.S. Army Gen. John Allen at both Defense and State Departments. He testified before Republican and Democratic members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee that top cops and spies with several key law enforcement and intelligence agencies in the Obama administration were intentionally prevented from targeting the terrorism financing operations of Iran, Hezbollah, and Venezuela during Kerry’s nuclear negotiations with his Iranian counterparts.

After months of investigating President Donald Trump’s unproven conspiracy with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to derail the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, some lawmakers are turning their attention to the alleged deception by President Barack Obama and his minions to get his “do or die” nuclear deal with Iran.

Republican leaders of the House Committee initiated a full-scale investigation into the Obama administration’s activities getting a nuclear deal many believed was a farce at best, a deadly mistake at worst. They are also probing Obama’s controversial prisoner swap with Iran that included over a

billion-dollar “incentive.”

Lawmakers and national security experts believed – and continue to believe – that Obama, his Secretary of State John Kerry and White House advisers actually hurt the U.S. government’s effort to end Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The so-called “pact” was also sold to the American people as a step in the right direction to ceasing the Iranian government’s weapons trafficking networks.

“A number of former intelligence and counter-terrorism officers were concerned with the way the deal was negotiated and the misrepresentation of the nuclear pact’s details by Obama’s questionable national security team,” said former military intelligence operative and police unit commander George O’Brien. “Remember how the assistant national security adviser Ben Rhodes admitted to being deceitful in order to get the deal accepted? That alone should have triggered a probe not only by Congress, but also the Justice Department,” Lt. O’Brien said.

Republican Reps. Jason Chaffetz and Ron DeSantis — now governor of Florida — asked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to produce Justice Department documents they said would “help the Committee in better understanding these issues.” They sent the same letter to former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanding all related documents to the Iran deal in the State Department’s possession.

Chaffetz had given both officials a message to provide one copy to his committee’s Republicans, and another to the Oversight Committee’s Democratic Party lawmakers.

In part, the letter stated: When President Obama revealed a prisoner exchange agreement with Iran in January 2016, he announced the release of one Iranian and six Iranian-Americans convicted of crimes or awaiting trial. The President described the exchange as a benign “reciprocal humanitarian gesture,” and went as far as to call the individuals released “civilians” who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses.” Among those granted clemency were individuals that the Justice Department deemed threats to national security. The news account identified 14 Iranian fugitives accused of serious crimes for whom the Obama Administration dropped criminal charges, but never released the names or charges. These reports note an Iranian spokesperson contradicted the Administration’s position by claiming there were 28 Iranians “freed or relieved from judicial restrictions” as part of the prisoner exchange agreement. If true, this leaves seven individuals unaccounted for. [It was] also reported that Obama Administration officials blocked and delayed law enforcement efforts to lure Iranian fugitives to countries where they could be arrested and to extradite Iranian suspects in custody overseas.

Chaffetz also wrote to the officials, “[P]lease also make your staff available for a briefing on these issues.

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Democrats Exposed as the Racists They’ve Always Been

Joan Swirsky

They say that out of every bad thing comes a good thing. Ask any mother who has been through a 20-hour labor!

The same can be said of the criminal behavior of the Marxist-inspired radicals––Antifa and Black Lives Matters––which eclipsed the legitimate outrage that followed the horrific murder of George Floyd by a white policeman, Derek Chauvin, in Minneapolis, MN.

This crime called for reform of the Minneapolis Police Department, which had ignored 18 grievances against Chauvin. But that is not what happened.

Instead, the peaceful protests against this savage act were obliterated by the professionally orchestrated, bountifully financed rampage of the above-mentioned anarchists-cum-terrorists through American cities and suburbs, leaving a massive swath of destruction that included dozens of black-owned businesses and dozens of white-owned businesses that employed black citizens. So much for Black Lives Matter!

What a beautiful tribute to George Floyd––God spare all of us such a memoriam!


However, the good that came out of this disgraceful, destructive, criminal behavior was the willingness of many black conservative commentators and writers to tell the American public what Democrats and their leftist media lackeys have been concealing from the public for decades.

  1. Since the 1960s, the welfare system rewarded single black mothers with lifetime financial support which resulted in every generation for the last 60 years with fatherless homes–in short, the destruction of the black family. When the mothers worked outside the home to make ends meet, their children were left to the streets to admire the rich pimps, drug pushers and other criminals who became their role models….a doomsday scenario for every child.
  2. Public schools run by Democrat-controlled unions and benefits-infatuated teachers and administrators allowed generations of illiterate students to “graduate” without the knowledge or skills necessary to be productive members of society. Just mention the name Eva Moskowitz to any leftist and you will be assaulted with vile language and the deep hatred Democrats feel toward the woman who runs upward of 25 Charter Schools in New York City, schools attended by children from black ghettos who pass the Regents with flying colors, score high marks on the SATs, graduate from high school and go on to top-flight colleges (without the “benefit” of Affirmative Action). This is tragically unlike the children who attend public schools and go on to survive either through lives of crime or welfare dependency.
  3. The result: a disproportionate number of blacks––mostly men––in prison, representing a complete waste of potentially vibrant and contributory lives.
  4. And the women? Most Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods… on purpose! In fact, 25 percent of abortions performed each year are on black women. The founder of these baby-destroying factories, Margaret Sanger, as John Nolte reports, was an impassioned eugenicist who spoke before Ku Klux Klan groups. On December 10, 1939, in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble of the Eugenics Society––in the context of discussing the Negro Project, which she developed in concert with white birth-control reformers––Sanger wrote: “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population…” The Planned Parenthood Federation of America aborted 345,672 babies during the 2018 fiscal year, which equals approximately 86,500 dead black babies. So much for Black Lives Matter!
  5. Democrats conceived of and implemented Sanctuary Cities which flout federal immigration law in protecting illegal aliens from deportation and prosecution. These laws go further in providing cradle-to-grave benefits like taxpayer-funded free food, free housing, free medical care, free schooling, and of course welfare payments. The result, of course, is that the states who subscribe to this communist philosophy are both crime-ridden and bankrupt. The cost is in the multi billions of dollars, which could and should have been spent on better schools, jobs and living conditions for black citizens, but never is and never was. So much for Black Lives Matter!

John Nolte asks what the following cities have in common:

Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Fayetteville, Atlanta, New York, Nashville, Seattle, Portland, Philadelphia,  Chicago, Milwaukee, Salt Lake, Washington DC, Detroit, Indianapolis, San Francisco, Kansas City, Houston, Charlotte, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Denver, Dallas, Phoenix, Tampa, Baltimore, Oakland, Louisville…

♦ They’re all run by Democrats, many for generations.
♦ They’ve all been looted and burned by left-wing Antifa terrorists and other Marxist groups over the past few weeks.
♦ These riots are wholly owned, supported, indeed applauded by the Democrat Party.

Here is but one example:

Make no mistake: all of the above actions were taken with one overriding goal in mind: to accumulate votes for Democrat candidates. The strategy was obviously to keep minority populations dumb and dependent, the better to convince them that hope for a better future lay right around the corner.

If you go to horrible schools, you’re not going to keep up on politics and you are going to listen to sermon-spouting “reverends”––like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright, et al––who tell you what to think and who to vote for, while they are making millions and their gullible acolytes are barely getting by. So much for Black Lives Matter!


But now that President Trump enacted the unprecedented prison-reform First Step Act, and created an economy in which black people have enjoyed the highest employment rate in American history––money in their pockets, unlimited opportunity, increased awareness of the slave mentality of the Democrats––which political party will this minority population vote for?

As I said, good comes out of bad. A black vote of 20 percent, and quite possibly 30 percent for President Trump, will teach the Democrats that even their most cherished “value”––abortion––is not enough to keep the black population loyal to their historically empty promises and innate racism.

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

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If Black Lives Matter, Then Why Are They Burning Down Their Own Businesses?

By Ron Ewart

So Black Violence Is Supposed To Heal White Racism?

“It was still hard for her to believe what was happening.  One moment she was eating fried chicken and the next there was a full-blown riot on the street.  The rest was like a crazy roller coaster ride from hell.”  ―Jason Medina, from the Manhattanville Incident

If I’m a business owner that has had his or her business looted, robbed, savaged, gutted and burned by black rioters, am I going to be sympathetic to the plight of the black man, women, or child?  Will I think that black lives matter?  On the contrary!  I would want them to pay a price for their crimes ….. a very big price and I would want to be made whole from the damages they caused.  Actually, my instant inclination would be to get out my gun and administer frontier justice.  It is a given that if more of the looters and arsonists were shot while in the act, no matter what color, there would be a lot less looting and burning.

If I am just an innocent bystander, watching all this violence, looting, burning and law breaking taking place on a national scale before my eyes, whether I am white, black, red, or yellow, should I really care what happens to members of the black race when they care so little about themselves and the lives and property of anyone else?

It seems like all you have to do is to steal everything in site, burn down blocks and blocks of buildings, take over a section of a city, harass and beat up some innocent bystanders and kill a few cops and you can get whatever you want, as other Americans and politicians bow to the pressure and intimidation of wanton violence.  You can get the law changed, gut the police force, tear down some statues and get a new holiday.  We already have Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month.  Do we have to grant another national holiday to the black race (Juneteenth) to get them to stop tearing the country apart?  That is bowing to the bully and we all know how that turns out.  The bully enslaves us.

Why is it, that as an American citizen, I cannot break the law without penalty, but ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter groups and other anarchists can engage in the most mindless, violent, heinous lawlessness and suffer no consequences whatsoever?  What is worse, they are actually getting rewarded for it.

And let’s take it one step further.  If illegal aliens can break the law by jumping our borders, taking our jobs and getting generous welfare, education and free health care benefits, paid for by the American taxpayer, why should I care what happens to them if they can break our laws and be rewarded for so doing?  What good is the law?

If this lawless trend and anarchy are allowed to continue, America is headed for a rise in White nationalism, mob rule, increased bigotry and discrimination against blacks and potentially a civil war. In such a war, blacks will inevitably lose. Blacks are outnumbered by at least 5 to 1.

In a nation of laws, if certain segments of the population can break the law with impunity, then we are no longer a nation of laws in a Constitutional Republic.  Nor are we free!  In fact, we would be nothing more than a nation ruled by a violent mob, in a land of chaos and anarchy.  Long-time cultural norms would break down, financial and commercial markets would crumble and every-day life would become a nightmare.  Perhaps that is what looters and arsonists want, a complete breakdown in civil society so that they can rebuild it in their own distorted image.

For decades Progressives have shoved us closer and closer to mob rule, exploiting the black race and other minorities in their quest.  They have infiltrated our government institutions, including our schools and colleges and have taken over the news media.  They have engaged in socialist and environmental brainwashing and indoctrination to such an extent that at least three generations of Americans have bought into their flawed, cult-like, socialist, radical environmental ideology.  If they take the presidency and the both houses of Congress, they will shove this Medicare-for-all and the ludicrous Green New Deal poisonous swill down every American’s throat.  Given the passivity of Americans today, they’ll probably eat it, just like they took the passage of Obama Care without so much as a whimper.  There should have been a revolution.

Tens of millions of young Americans have no clue about the history of America, why it chose freedom over a monarchy, why the individual is sacrosanct in our culture and our laws, why the rule of law is mandatory if our society is to survive and why capitalism and free markets provide upward mobility for all citizens, not just a few.  Those same tens of millions of ignorant young Americans are the protesters you see on your TV screen throughout the day and all through the night.  They are the violent ones and they’ll vote Democrat every time.  You are the passive ones and they are beating you at the game of politics through violence.

We wish to point out that many races, genders and other “not quite normal” types suffer from bigotry and discrimination.  If you are too fat, too thin, wear glasses, disabled, too tall, too short, or ugly, you are discriminated against by society.

We have mentioned the discrimination against Asians, the Latinos and the Jews in previous articles.  What about the rape, discrimination and violence against women by men?  Are women rioting, looting and burning across America?  No!  Only the black race seems to think that they have some kind of a superior right to take their anger out on everyone else in the form of mindless violence.  Even their name, “African-American” grants them some kind of superior elevated status as human beings.  Under this moniker, it would make this author an “American-American.”  But that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t it?

Most, if not all blacks have never seen Africa.  Most of them were born and bred right here in America and have had the opportunity to participate in the American dream but instead have decided, with the Democrat’s help, that they are victims of a racist society and must be pampered and given special privileges that they seem to be too weak to get on their own.

Here is a little of what one man said about the black race. He didn’t mince words or omit his expletives.  We scrubbed it a little.

“You want respect, get a job and actually show-up for it.  Pay your bills.”

“Go to bed at a decent hour and quit hanging-around under street lights all night.  Get out of the gangs.”

“Quit talking like you’re still living on a Democrat’s plantation in southern Alabama.  Pull your pants-up you wannabe felon asshole.   Learn the English language, not some tribal dialect of English that few can understand.”

“Get down to your Board of Education meetings and tell them to fix your school system so your kids don’t end-up as stupid as you.”

“And, how are your children going to learn when they’re awakened by gun fire in the neighborhood at 3 a.m.?  How can they learn when the dumbest kids rule the classroom with sass and vulgarities?  How can any discipline be maintained when teachers can’t beat the sh…t out of little mouthy bastards?  Then you want to send them out into the real world and wonder why cops have to shoot their dumb asses?”

This is what millions of Americans are thinking write now but don’t have courage to say it.

Nevertheless, there are many blacks that have risen from the gutter and above this Democrat-invented victim-hood and have profited and prospered from the equal opportunity that America provides.   They are responsible citizens, got an education, got married and had children in a two-parent family.  They are doctors, lawyers, professors, politicians, entertainers, painters, plumbers, and carpenters.  Because they have succeeded under freedom and capitalism, they are called “Uncle Toms” by the general population of blacks that use racism as a crutch to justify failure, violence and a life of crime.

Man was supposed to have been the animal that evolved into a thinking creature that set him apart from all other creatures on earth.  It was his intellect and grasp of reason and logic that allows him to rise above the savage law of the jungle.

But if man descends into the Hell of anarchy where violence is his only answer to perceived injustices, he is no better than the animals that roam planet earth and eat each other.  His claim of intellect, reason and logic are but distant mirages that fade from view when you get closer.  This violent, non-thinking human animal is no better than a rabid dog and you know what society does to rabid dogs.  We do the same to looters and arsonists, or at least we used to.

Ladies and gentlemen, there is no systemic racism in America today, that is until the Democrats created it out of thin air in order to pander to a constituency group (blacks) for political purposes and votes.  Democrats created the Klu Klux Klan.  Democrats tried to stop the emancipation of the slaves during the Civil War and a large majority of Democrats voted against the 13th and 14th Amendments.  They know that if they lose a significant percentage of the black vote to the Republicans, they will lose any chance to win the presidency, or win many down ballot candidates and initiatives.  The news media is all in to help Democrats perpetrate this perpetual claim on political power ….. by any means.

Democrat policies of pandering for votes no matter what color, gender, religion, or creed of the voter, in their lust for absolute power, has sent most of our Democrat-run cities and states into hopeless bankruptcy.  Their only chance for survival is to be bailed out by those cities and states that have run on sound fiscal policy.

Democrat policies and legislation have ballooned the national debt and deficit for way too many decades.  America is broke because of those liberal policies, legislation and regulations.  America’s only chance for survival as a free nation is to stop the deficit spending and borrowing, start saving massive amounts of money for emergencies (like pandemics) and start paying down the national debt.  Sadly, as long as there are Democrats and RINO Republicans, none of this is possible.

To conclude, there is only one rationale for violence and that is in a massive REBELLION against government tyranny and corruption.   We aren’t there yet, but we are getting very close.  If the racketeering, colluding perpetrators that tried to carry out a silent coup against a duly elected president under the color of law, are not brought to justice and face real jail time, then the tyranny and corruption will have reached a point in America where a civil war or revolution are the only remedies left to expel the bad apples from our society.

At the end of this nonsense, if there is an end, we can only hope that men with reason, intellect and logic, those qualities that make us men and not savage animals, will prevail in the conversation.  But given the explosive, irrational nature of race in America, this author doesn’t hold out much hope that cooler heads will prevail.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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Black Lives do Matter; Read the Constitution’s Three-Fifths Clause

Jake MacAulay

We are barraged again by war in our midst, a war over something as diabolical and nonsensical as skin color. This war has been with us since the creation of man in God’s own image, and its root is an innate hatred towards God, best reflected in the discriminatory destruction of our fellow man due to any quality, as seen in the case of Cain and Abel. This hatred is a sickness we bring upon ourselves when we agree with the enemy of God that men are not created equal, or endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness.

The Gospel of Peace teaches people of every color and nationality that hate is synonymous with murder.  Clearly, a stop must be put to incidents of hate of all parties concerned, but how?

I personally have repented for the inexcusable atrocious crimes of slavery and systemic racism my country has perpetuated while claiming to adhere to her founding documents of freedom.

I strongly urge Americans to divorce the words of these documents from the hypocritical behavior of many of those in power.

For example, the three-fifths clause in the Constitution has been a huge stumbling block to Americans of African descent. However, we can find solutions for skin-based hatred when we find the true meaning in this clause and the original intent of our founding documents.

It was Frederick Douglass who provided clarity on this issue. In a speech delivered in Glasgow, Scotland, March 26, 1860, Douglass explained the true meaning of the three-fifths compromise:

“It is a downright disability laid upon the slave holding States; one which deprives those States of two-fifths of their natural basis of representation. A black man in a free State is worth just two-fifths more than a black man in a slave State, as a basis of political power under the Constitution. Therefore, instead of encouraging slavery, the Constitution encourages freedom by giving an increase of “two-fifths” of political power to free over slave States.”

Thus, the three-fifths clause was written for the sole purpose of limiting congressional representation of the slave states and denied the slave states additional pro-slavery representation in Congress!

Frederick Douglass also stated, “Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. On the other hand, it will be found to contain principles and purposes entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.”

Though imperfectly, America and Americans have always struggled and inter-meddled with the concept of equality and liberty to all mankind.  There are phrases found in our Declaration of Independence like, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,” or, “Endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” Massive amounts of resources, tears, and blood have been consumed on this holy and sacred struggle.

I would be so bold as to add that next to the Bible, America’s founding documents have remained one of the greatest scourges against inequality that the world has ever seen.

I believe adhering to our founding documents and especially to the Word God, who created all men equal, will continue to provide solutions for the evil sickness of inequality and skin-based hatred that continues to plague the human race.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

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The American Public Is Being Played – What’s It All About?

by Kathleen Marquardt

What’s it all about, Alfie?

The American public is being played. Played, not by virtuosi, but by those who want to bring, not just America down, but the whole of Western Culture.

Now that there has been enough time for people to dig deeper into the Wuhan flu, the shutdown of the economy to ‘protect lives’, the protests/riots, and the corruption in the Swamp and Deep State, bright minds and conscientious people are exposing the lies – lies that are meant to bring down a nation.

First, the Wuhan Flu:

Med/ is one of the best sites to find solid, factual, information; as they say on their site: use“MedCram to learn and review concepts with lasting clarity. Enjoy an ideal balance of relevant pathophysiology, clinical pearls, and exam prep (USMLE, Boards).” It is a site for the medical professionals, but we benefit greatly. Now, re the Wuhan flu, they posted:

“The World Health Organization and a number of national governments have changed their Covid-19 policies and treatments on the basis of flawed data from a little-known US healthcare analytics company (Surgisphere), also calling into question the integrity of key studies published in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals. (see above) … an investigation of Surgisphere, “whose handful of employees appear to include a science fiction writer and an adult-content model, provided date for multiple studies on Covid-19, …but has so far failed to adequately explain its data or methodology. …It was also behind a decision by the WHO and research institutes around the world to halt trials of the controversial (only because it was whipped up in the MSM) drug hydroxycholoroquine.”

COVID-19 Update 80 with Roger Seheult, MD, who discusses the recent retractions from well-established peer-reviewed journals: The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine.

But, as has been the case for decades, the initial ‘story’ is what people remember, especially because it is put out by MSM. The retractions come often only in obscure sites and journals; seldom do the MSM outlets do retractions – and when they do, it is softly and almost hidden or obfuscated. This is on top of all the restrictions, denial of elective surgeries that thus have endangered (if not ended prematurely) peoples’ lives, destruction of the economy and many peoples’ livelihoods. All for a flu that was much along the lines of the average yearly flu as to infected and deaths. I don’t need to elaborate on the Wuhan Flu, we’ve all lived it way too long.

Next, the ‘protests’:

Think about this. One day we were told we had to wear masks and social distance by 6 feet. The next, we saw thousands upon thousands of protesters crammed together protesting. All of a sudden, the Wuhan Flu was inconsequential, and the protests plus

Then, almost (?) instantly, Black Lives Matter and Antifa were a big part of the picture – along with piles of bricks conveniently placed sometime earlier than the start of each rally. Remember, these are supposedly peaceful protests in the name of a man who was murdered by police with dozens of cellphone users capturing the scene.

A number of those killed during the ‘protests’ were black people. Did their lives not matter? It has become rioting – murder, mayhem, looting. And the speculation is that George Soros is behind this – under the guise of one or more of his NGOs.

In a news story about Candace Owens’ sparing with “Soros-funded NGO over alleged hand in Minneapolis unrest”,  the reporter actually states, “Soros’ Open Society Foundations has indeed provided cash to activists linked with the Black Lives Matter movement – although the organization has long maintained that they don’t fund protests, per se.”

And then, the Media:

In an expose, Out of the Shadows, Mike Smith and Brad Martin expose the Hollywood/CIA, along with Pizzagate. What made me want to add this here is the first part – Hollywood and the Deep State. It started in 1943, when the Office of Strategic Services (OSS0, the forerunner of the CIA, sent a ‘memorandum to the head of a studio that they wanted to “do a study of the use of motion pictures in America as a means of psychological warfare fronts. They can be aimed at the civilians and the armed force of the U.S. to inform and instruct, to create attitudes, to stimulate or inhibit action, to build morale.”

A former CIA officer, Kevin Shipp, is interviewed, and points out that … back to pre-1947, U.S. Intelligence was using motion pictures to alter the thinking of Americans. That the CIA funnels information into Hollywood and Hollywood puts it out in the movies. That they can present “new facts on which people are ignorant and on which they ought to be informed; they can clarify complicated problems on which people are confused.” When William Colby was Director of the CIA, Operation Mockingbird was in operation. He commented, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

It wasn’t only in movies. The CIA paid journalists to write stories that were pure lies, but nevertheless some earned Pulitzer Prizes for them. When Bush became Director of the CIA, he said, the CIA would no longer pay journalists to write their lies; it would now be voluntary. So Mockingbird is still going on. And we all know how unbiased the mainstream media is.

In a 1963, op ed piece in the Washington Post, President Harry S. Truman said, “There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning hat is casting a shadow on our historic position (of freedom), and I feel we have to correct it.

One last note on the CIA and media. Allen Dulles was an associate of Heinrich Himmler, and he brought the leading Nazi scientists into the CIA. From there they got MKULTRA. A 1952 memo notes that it is mind control using mental, physical and sexual abuse, along with psychotropic drugs (LSD). “The aim is controlling an individual to the point that he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.” The aim is to “wipe the mind clean and implant new messages via listening to tape repetitions as many as a quarter of a million times. MKULTRA has never been terminated, according to Shipp.

Moving on to Religion:

In February, the UN’s Council on Human Rights delivered their Report on “Freedom of religion or belief”. In it, the Special Rapporteur, “explores freedom of religion or belief and non-discrimination as two and mutually reinforcing rights and clarifies the existing international legal framework that governs their intersection. He concludes by emphasizing the responsibility of States to creating enabling environments to advance the non-discrimination and freedom of religion of belief rights of women, girls and LGBT+ persons.” But, instead of being about freedom of religion, this report is about individuals from social justice protected groups wanting to say how a religion must conform to their desires.

It doesn’t matter what your religious documents say, as a report in CBN news put it, “It’s all about who should have the final say on issues of law and policy, and the  UN expert is saying the UN’s ideas should override the beliefs of mainstream religions.

Last, but not least, the central theme of Agenda21/20302050 and Green New Deal, Climate Change:

In North Rhine Westphalia, Germany, 19 year old Naomi Seibt has been threatened with prison for two videos she did on Climate Change.  “Though the two videos of which the Authority continues to complain would constitute a first offense – Naomi is only 19, after all, and cannot be expected to have known that free speech had been shut down in her part of Germany by an obscure and inspissate law – the Authority is trying to make her pay a fine of 1000 euros plus another 200 euros costs for each of the two videos: total 2400 euros. If she doesn’t pay, this is the threat these wretches have made:

“If the enforcement of the penalty payment is unsuccessful, the competent administrative court may, upon application by the enforcement authorities, order first-time compulsory detention. The substitute compulsory detention is at least one day and at most two weeks.”

All for saying what the actual figures on climate show.

So, what are we looking at?

In my opinion, we are seeing that the drive toward a global government is coming to an end. We are very close to losing our freedom and, for many, our very lives. All of the things I listed above are just tools to that end. There is nothing legitimate in any of them. Nothing!

The question now is, what are we going to do about it? Are we going to be blithering idiots and sit on our hands and fearfully wait for the inevitable? Not me, not us at American Policy Center. We are ready to go full-out to save our country. I just ask that you join us.

© 2020 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:

America Under Siege By Rabid Communist BLM Revolutionaries

Kelleigh Nelson

…when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can only come from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost. —Montesquieu

More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed.  White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.  —Thomas Sowell

Racism is not dead, but is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists.  —Thomas Sowell

Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are only two of over 20 communist organizations who are looting and destroying private property throughout America on the pretense of protests against police for the murder of a career criminal black man.  Corporations, food outlets, beauty supply houses, politicians, Hollywood elites, sports figures and others are caving to the totalitarian Marxists because they don’t want to be called racist.  They are taking a knee to the anarchists of BLM.

Dr. Ben Carson is trying to convince President Trump to “take a knee.” Laodicean Christian entertainers like Joel Osteen and Paula White took part in Blackout Tuesday, started by BLM who advocates for the tearing down of the fabric of our society by violent protest. Joel Osteen, miffed that the race riots seemed to have cancelled out the LGBTQ Pride Marches, decided to march instead with Black Lives Matter and Antifa for BlackOut Tuesday in Houston. He had plenty of company when his Laodicean buddies like John Hagee, Paula White, Tony Evans and others stepped in to join him.  Paula White is an aide to President Trump.

As for me and mine, we only bend our knees and bow our heads to God Almighty.

Photo Ops

The mainstream media (MSM) comrades of the Democrat Party accused President Trump of using the Bible for a photo op when he visited the anarchist torched St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House.  President Trump and Melania were married in the Episcopal Church although she is of the Catholic faith and he was raised in the Presbyterian Church.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley apologized over his role in Trump’s church visit saying he believed it compromised the military’s apolitical image. Trump doesn’t abide by Deep State rules and Milley should have known that.  Perhaps Milley is right, dressed in Army fatigues and showing up with our president at a famous burned-out church because communists set it afire created an image of the military involved in domestic politics…but the anarchists are not simply domestic; they are worldwide communist revolutionaries.

Yet for all the MSM condemnation and vilifying of the president, nothing was said about the photo op of Democrats kneeling for eight minutes and 46 seconds in the Capitol Visitor Center.  And to make it worse, they donned Ghana/Nigerian Kente cloth tapestries around their necks and masks to honor career criminal George Floyd who was killed by a police officer. They were slammed for doing this.

Kente cloths worn by Democrats during this photo op have been verified by USA Today fact-checker as being worn by African slave traders.

Not to be outdone by their Democratic comrades, the FBI also took a knee supporting BLM. It is an assembly of political grievance activists that includes the Nation of Islam (Farrakhan) who supplied security for George Floyd’s funeral and the New Black Panther Party (NBPP).  The BLM are also working in coordination with the pro-communist Antifa (Anti-fascists) and Muslim Brotherhood.

When the FBI takes a knee to support BLM they are openly aligning with Antifa, the Nation of Islam and the violent advocacy it carries; the very overthrow of our government by communist anarchists and totalitarians.  This is another Bolshevik Revolution and our top cops are bowing to our communist enemies.

Court documents show that George Floyd’s profile reads like a career criminal who was sentenced to jail at least five times.  He was involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her pregnant stomach while looking for drugs and money.  He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2009.  Nevertheless, the man did not deserve to be murdered by a cop with 18 previous complaints over his 19-year career as a police officer, 16 of which were closed without discipline.

Neck restraints were legal in Democrat run Minneapolis, and Minneapolis police used them at least 237 times during that span. In 16 percent of the incidents the suspects and other individuals lost consciousness, the department’s use-of-force records show.

Black Lives Matter

Sure, black lives matter!  But every other life matters too, and you never see BLM at abortion clinics.  It’s okay to murder millions upon millions of black babies in their mothers’ wombs, but that’s not what BLM cares about despite the fact that Margaret Sanger hated blacks and wanted to rid the world of them.

No, BLM is all about hating whitey and the police, overturning our capitalist society and destroying our history.  BLM was established as an online platform in 2013 by three Marxist revolutionary women, Alicia GarzaPatrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi who called themselves “queers.” Their objective was to stoke black rage and galvanize a protest movement in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” who was tried for murder and manslaughter after he had shot and killed a black Florida teenager named Trayvon Martin in a highly publicized February 2012 altercation.

At a BLM rally in New York City in 2014, the marchers chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.”  They call the police “pigs” as shown on the stockings of Colin Kaepernick during football practice, and say, “Fry them like bacon,” and “Pigs in a blanket,” referring to dead police officers in body bags.

On a BLM affiliated radio program, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of a white Texas deputy; boasted that blacks were like lions who could prevail in a “race war” against whites; happily predicted that “we will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before,” and declared that, “It’s open season on killing white people and crackas.”  These same anarchists have screamed at CNN reporters that they’ll kill all white babies, but they don’t realize that far more black babies are murdered daily by abortion.

Corporations are giving millions to these communist revolutionary mobs, while no one is helping the businesses destroyed by the BLM anarchists.

BLM’s Radical Marxist Founders

Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opel Tometi

Alicia Garza is a self-described “queer” social-justice activist (social justice v. justice) who reveres the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” (Shakur killed an officer in cold blood, was tried and convicted, escaped prison and fled to Cuba.  She died in 2019.)  Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis  (another Marxist and former Black Panther who was even funded by the Lutheran Church in America in the 80s), Ella Baker (an avowed socialist who had ties to the Communist Party USA and the Weather Underground), and Audre Lorde (a black Marxist lesbian feminist).

The Weather Underground was headed by none other than Barack Obama’s good friend, Bill Ayers who participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days.  Ayers said, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

Garza agreed with Ayers and stated that Americans would be better off if the nation’s “corroded and corrupt system” of policing were to be terminated.

Patrisse Cullors came out as a self-described “queer” when she was 16 and was kicked out of her home.  She identifies strongly with the famed abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, who is scheduled to replace President Andrew Jackson on America’s twenty-dollar bill.

Cullors volunteered with the Los Angeles-based think tank known as the Labor and Community Strategies Center (LCSC). A few years later, the Center hired Cullors to train high-school students in political organizing tactics. Cullors herself was trained to be an activist by former Weather Underground leader Eric Mann. She worked for LCSC from 2001-12.

In 2012, Cullors became interested in an ACLU lawsuit against Los Angeles deputies who were allegedly beating black inmates.  She and her friends organized protests and 48 like-minded people joined her and Dignity and Power Now (DPN) was formed.  It is dedicated to “protecting incarcerated people and their families in Los Angeles.”  Cullors still heads her organization which is also a front group for the Marxist/Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

Cullors joined representatives from the Dream Defenders, (whose long-term goal is to cultivate “a new generation” of young radical activists) as well as a number of likeminded anti-police-brutality protesters in taking a 10-day trip to the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank in 2015. Their objective was to publicly draw a parallel between what they defined as Israeli oppression of the Palestinians in the Middle East, and police violence against blacks in the United States.  Again, fake news, and false doctrine…these communists are aligned with Islamist terrorists.

In 2015, Cullors spoke at the annual Netroots Nation convention in Phoenix where she exhorted fellow blacks to “rise the f**k up” and “burn everything down!” She also said that the allegedly high incidence of black-on-black crime “is a myth.”

In 2016,she and her two BLM co-founders, Garza and Tometi were special guests of Rep. Barbara Lee at President Obama’s final State of the Union address.  And that same year, Fortune magazine named Cullors and her two BLM co-founders to its list of the “50 of the most influential world leaders.”

Opel Tometi was born to parents who had illegally immigrated from Nigeria and she describes herself as a “believer and practitioner of liberation theology.” Since January 2011, she has been a national organizer for Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), a George Sorosfunded group that strives to advance “immigrant rights and racial justice” for “African-American, Afro-Latino, African and Caribbean immigrant communities.” Tometi’s official BAJI profile describes her as “a Black feminist writer, communications strategist and cultural organizer.”

In 2010, she condemned SB 1070, an Arizona law that authorized state police to check with federal authorities on the immigration status of criminal suspects, and views Voter ID laws as racist schemes designed to disenfranchise nonwhite voters.  And in late 2013, Tometi visited the White House and met with Heather Foster, Obama’s then lead liaison to the black community.

In her January 2015 piece, “Celebrating MLK Day: Reclaiming Our Movement Legacy,” Tometi calls for the development of a “new” and “radical” contingent of “Black trans people, Black queer people, Black immigrants, Black incarcerated people and formerly incarcerated people, Black millennials, Black women, low income Black people, and Black people with disabilities” to lead social-justice activism in the United States. Tometi is also active in a network called Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD), which teaches black activists how to help build a “social justice infrastructure.”

Tometi spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in 2016 on issues related to race, white supremacy, and police terror.  Now African countries are circulating a draft resolution calling for a high-level investigation into U.S. racism and police violence by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

LBGTQ organizations stand in solidarity with BLM.

Poisoned Fruit

In Trevor Loudon’s book, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, he states, “Those who surround Obama fall into a wide category of radicals, Marxists, communists, and Americans who have joined together in a coordinated effort to overthrow capitalism and the Republic of the United States of America.”

CNN’s Van Jones was hired as Obama’s “Green Jobs” czar, but had to resign because of his Maoist affiliations.  Jones was a founding organizer and leader of the communist revolutionary organization, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). The organization had its roots in a group protesting “U.S. Imperialism” during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM’s influences as “third-world Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism).”

Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Why?  Who is he fighting?

On October 30, 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  In May of that same year, Michelle Obama told us what they had planned when she said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Was she referring to the anarchist destruction we’re seeing today?

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) is over 32,000 strong and it is his “civilian army.” They have several paid employees, all of whom make six figure salaries according to the organization’s 2018990. Obama has an army of agitators and rioters and his former Attorney General, Eric Holder is working to influence the nation’s redistricting maps for democrats.

OFA is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former President Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party and how to destroy President Trump.  They even have a training manual in how to protest against President Trump, taken from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

Obama and Mandela

Nelson Mandela was pleased that Obama won the 2008 election.  He even wrote him a letter congratulating him on his win. Obama quoted Mandela throughout his political career and when Mandela died, Obama’s tribute extoled the virtues of Marxist/Leninist Mandela.

Mandela and other African National Congress (A.N.C.) leaders formed a military wing called Spear of the Nation. He became the first commander in chief of the guerrilla army. He trained to fight, worked to obtain weapons for the group, but he never saw combat.

In early 1990, Mandela was freed from prison and turned South Africa into a nation of black hatred against white farmers.  Here is his timeline.  This is the story Obama reveres, and the story that echoes now in America.  Mandela’s nephew later went on an axe rampage against whites.

In today’s South Africa, if you want to cultivate the land, you need training and it comes from Israel special forces in a two-week tactical survival course.  They teach how to ward off the enemy, a practical guide to staying alive. Watch the five-minute video.

Obama said, “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life. My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid. I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.”

Really President Obama?  You drew inspiration from an avowed communist who destroyed South African white farmers who now have to live in protected communities, in order to keep from being slaughtered?  You revere the rape and slaughter of pregnant women and children and their farmer fathers hacked to death by Mandela’s black forces?  Apparently so, and we know your words have inflamed those who hate America’s whites and are destroying their property today.

In October of 2018, I wrote an article exposing the truth of communist Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie who took joy in “necklacing” those whites and blacks who disagreed with her husband’s apartheid destruction.

The toxic genocide of whites in South Africa is a direct result of Mandela’s Marxist apartheid.  Mandela was the man who went from prisoner to president and became the destroyer of South African whites.

“Around the globe, Nelson Mandela is held up as an icon of justice, equality, and peaceful struggle for right. The problem with this image, however, is that it is entirely false. The record demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nelson Mandela was not a peace-loving Freedom fighter, but a communist revolutionary who reveled in violence, promoted white genocide, and facilitated the Marxist subversion of South Africa.

Under ANC rule, South Africa has joined BRICS. BRICS is an international coalition of anti-Western states headed by Russia and Red China. The dominant members are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together, these states have attempted to offset Western power and shift power to themselves.”  Nelson Mandela was a Communist Tool. —by Zach Strong


1,700,000 firearms were purchased in May of this year, many by people who have never owned a firearm.  We don’t want another civil war, but the communist anarchists are pushing for it.

Pray and buy lead.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

The Ends Justify the Means

Paul Cappadona

This Communist Mantra “The ends justify the means” has and is being used to destroy Liberty, Freedom, Common law and individual achievements.  The only good thing about it is it has been getting easier to see it for what it is.  The “means” in all their cunningly deceitful Machiavellian manor has become painfully obvious.

Atheism is at the very heart of Communism. The word “atheism” comes from two Greek words: a meaning “no” and theos meaning “God.” An atheist wants God ridiculed, outlawed, and forgotten. Separate the people from their Creator and in that vacuum, they hope to usurp His seat of power. If as the Good Books says God is all truth and does nothing in secret, these want-a-be gods are gods of deception and subversion. Socialism, Communism, free-thinkers, secret societies, are all power-hungry want-to-be tyrants bearing rule wherever they can. Devising unjust counsel against Common Law seeking to break the bands asunder and cast their cords from them. They will not rule under God.  All this with deception so as not to give their victims a reason to fight back.

The Deep State’s satanic control is the result of a very well-organized long-term conspiracy with the purpose to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Natures good and common laws. They are identified as the Global Elite or Deep State-cabal, who see us as their slaves and property, to do with us as they please. All such Evil works best in secret, behind the scenes, basements, secret societies, churches, appointed bureaucratic positions of power and posing as caring friends.

“A nation can survive its fools and even its ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rusting through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night, (darkness), to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist, A murderer is less to fear.” Cicero Marcus Tullios. 

Their ends justify their destructive means. The ends of all such ideocracy is a utopian world where they rule without God and as gods.

Their Deep State is organized of top-echelon employees of over a dozen powerful agencies, like the CIA, FBI, NSA, IMF, CFR, BIS, top generals, admirals, and other military operatives, long-term congressmen and senators, directors of important supervisory agencies and CEO’s of most of the big multinationals,  all in the hands the banksters and the corporations that grow up around them..

The Deep State is hidden; however, it is hidden in plain sight.  As camouflaged as they are,the nearer they slither toward their goal, the more they come into focus. For those willing to wake-up and take notice, it reveals itself as many deadly poisonous multiple headed snakes indeed.

The Deep State is the protector of this sinister rebellion in the world today. As we travel the path of life, we must keep an eye open for danger or lose all.  The vipers must be dealt with and pulled down.

In order to accomplish their destruction, it is essential to understand what is at stake, FEAR not.  Their symbolisms and deed will be their undoing.

Take your stand do right to implement justice decide who you will follow. Compare the power of your choices versus the choices of madmen, anarchists, and would-be tyrants, knowing there are thousands of us for every one of them. This is America. Not some Third World Hell Hole where they think they can enslave us by creating “the Corporate US”.

Of the three branches of this government the Judicial is the peoples branch. No crime goes to the court unless indicted or presented by the people’s Grand Jury and there is no dismissal or punishment without the people’s trial jury. These things have been hidden from us, Take them back.  Grand Juries should oversee any governmental corruption investigation.  If we do not have a government under God, we will have one ruled by tyrants that believe the end justifies the means.

© 2020 Paul Cappadona – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Cappadona:

[BIO: Paul Cappadona, Author, “Taking Back America, the party’s over”.]

BLM at War with America

Lloyd Marcus

Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes which dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, absurdly claiming it as their new country. Why is BLM behaving like spoiled-brat bullies on America’s playground? The answer: Because they are allowed to do it.

My stomach turned watching Tucker Carlson on Fox News cite a Rasmussen poll which says Black Lives Matter has a 62% popularity, more popular than president Trump.  I remembered a bit of wisdom my brother gave me years ago. He said whenever something shocking happens, before you response, stabilize you emotions. Despite the depressing poll, over a million people sought tickets to attend Trump’s rally in Tulsa. Also, a Rasmussen poll says 40% of likely black voters approve of Trump’s job performance.

Fake news media is so despicable and obviously agenda driven. Here’s a NYT headline, “Trump’s Rally in Tulsa Could Spread Virus.” Meanwhile, the NYT and the rest of fake news media are encouraging anarchists to flood our streets with protesters with zero concern about spreading the virus.

What is so frustrating is BLM is an extreme racist and anti-American hate group. Years ago, BLM declared war on cops and white people. They marched down a NY street chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!

Folks, how can any American in their right mind support these haters, paid to assassinate cops and whites and destroy our country? Long before the George Floyd incident, BLM was paid $150 million by George Soros and various anti-American liberal corporations and foundations.

“Accessory before the fact” is a legal term referring to a person who incites or assists someone to commit a crime. BLM is physically destroying businesses, assaulting and murdering people. Can victims of BLM file lawsuits against major corporations who are eagerly donating millions to the domestic terrorist hate group?

Hateful extreme leftists are dominating the airwaves with intellectual sounding nonsense in praise of BLM. They claim America always has been and always will be irreversibly racist. They say the solution is to tear up and rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Folks, this is hogwash!

Given that blacks are only 13% of the population, Christians, good, and decent whites had to play major roles in ending slavery and empowering blacks. And yet, leftists’ get away with pretending that every achievement made by blacks throughout American history was made despite of white America.

Historian David Barton has done tremendous research exposing how Christian whites and blacks fought side-by-side to liberate black Americans.

Leftists do not give a rat’s derriere about black empowerment or black lives. They view blacks as useful idiots towards transforming America into their socialist/communist utopia in which anything goes sexually.

A huge elephant in the room is how long will the white majority tolerate being repeatedly poked in the eye with a hot poker of racial hate by BLM; demanded to kneel in worship to blacks? While claiming to be against racial hate, leftists are intentionally generating racial hate. They believe voters will blame Trump and vote against him in November.

Evidence that leftists are lying about America being eternally racist is everywhere for anyone willing to see it. Eager to heal our nation from the wounds of slavery and racial discrimination, white America excitedly allowed a black man to bypass the usual vetting process for a presidential candidate. They gifted Obama two terms in the White House. Naive whites believed electing a black president would usher in a new era in which they could never be called “racist” again. Democrats and fake news media used Obama’s skin-color as a bludgeon to beat Republicans into submission, giving Obama free-rein to implement their agenda to transform America into a socialist nation.

Here’s another example of the good-hearted nature and generosity of the American people. Fake news media and Democrats promoted the lie that Republicans and white America did not care about the victims of hurricane Katrina because they were mostly black. The truth is U.S. donors opened their hearts, giving $4.2 billion to victims of Katrina which is believed to be the highest amount ever.

Formerly of the CIA, Buck Sexton has been ranting in his articles and tweets that we need to rally around the concept of “wartime conservatism”. Buck says the left is kicking our butts. He also called out conservative billionaires. Why aren’t they purchasing media platforms and funding our cause?

The GOP is asking people to donate, which is a good thing. However, everywhere I turn, I see people afraid, angry and frustrated because they feel like the GOP is doing nothing to push back against ANTIFA and BLM running wild in our streets.

I would love for the Tea Party buses to roll again. Frankly, thus far, the funding is simply not there. Yes, I have been contacted by concerned Americans who are eager to donate. However, a tour needs a major donor to get the ball rounding.

While we struggle to find funding for a bus tour to inspire and encourage Trump’s base, BLM has a war-chest of mega-millions to destroy America and block Trump’s reelection. There is something terribly wrong with this picture.

Another thing causing my head to explode is all of the pandering to BLM, an evil and demonic hate group. In compliance to BLM, pastors are telling their white congregations to own-up to their white privilege. My response is, “Stop it! Stop falling for leftists’ bogus guilt-trip.”

For crying out loud! America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to purse their dreams. Anything else is a lie!

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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The Black Dilemma in America: Culture, Conflict, No Solutions

By Frosty Wooldridge

Since Americans fought for Blacks’ freedom in 1865 with the end of the Civil War, our country spins around and around on the racial conflict merry-go-round.  Each decade, new players ride the spinning wheel from Dred Scott to Harriet Tubman to Martin Luther King to Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton. Oh, and let’s not forget Maxine Waters.

No matter how many Band-Aids and changes to the White Man’s laws to eradicate ‘racism’, the Negro race and the Caucasian race fail to integrate, fail to get along and they fail to accept each other.  It’s biological.  European Americans arrived from sophisticated civilizations while Africans arrived from primal societies from the Dark Continent.  That fact illustrates a major dichotomy in the two races.

Whether you remember the Detroit riots, MLK marches, water cannons, LA riots, Black Panthers, Kaepernick, George Floyd and endless skirmishes in colleges, workplaces, and sports—it’s a sobering fact that Blacks and White simply don’t get along, don’t like each other and/or endure their circumstances in America.

This cultural experiment tests a faulty hypothesis: can people taken out of the jungles of Africa as slaves, become fully integrated as citizens in an overwhelmingly White country?

Historian and writer Ian Duncan said, “The whites were descendants of Europeans who had created a majestic civilization.  The former slaves had been tribal peoples with no written language and virtually no intellectual achievements.  Acting on a policy that was not fair to either group, the government released newly freed black people into a white society that saw them as inferiors.  America has struggled with racial discord ever since.”

Decade after decade, we’ve hoped for the best outcome in this racially and culturally disparate situation.  While most of the Blacks and Whites get along in America, there’s always that “edge” of distrust, as well as feelings of superiority and inferiority that persist in both tribes. One race enjoys superior athletic ability while the other race excels in the intellectual realm.

Whites introduced everything from the Great Society to Affirmative Action.

Duncan said, “They called in National Guard troops to enforce school integration.  They outlawed freedom of association.  Over the protests of parents, they put white children on buses and sent them to black schools and vice-versa.  They tried with money, special programs, relaxed standards, and endless handwringing to close the achievement gap.  To keep white backlash in check they began punishing public and even private statements on race.  They hung up Orwellian public banners that commanded whites to Celebrate Diversity! And Say No to Racism.  Nothing was off limits if it might salvage the experiment.”

Yet, nothing solves inner city Black violence against Blacks, failed schools, illiteracy, crime, gangs, drugs and astounding 7 out of 10 out-of-wedlock Black children arrive into this world without fathers in the USA. In Africa, it’s 9 out of 10.  You might call it an “evolutionary disaster.”

Duncan said, “Through the years, too many black people continue to show an inability to function and prosper in a culture unsuited to them.  Minneapolis degrades into total breakdown.  Detroit is bankrupt, the south side of Chicago is a war zone, and the vast majority of black cities all over America are beset by degeneracy and violence.  And blacks never take responsibility for their failures.  Instead, they lash out in anger and resentment.”

Our reality: nothing changes no matter how many programs or money spent.  Black president Obama couldn’t solve it.  Top Black U.S. Senators and House members haven’t solved it.  Some argue it’s a problem of culture, as if culture creates peoples’ behavior instead of the other way around. Others blame white privilege.

Duncan continued, “But since 1965, when the elites opened Americas doors to the Third World, immigrants from Asia and India, people who are not white, not rich, and not connected have quietly succeeded.  While the children of these people are winning spelling bees and getting top scores on the SAT, black youths are committing half the country’s violent crime, which includes viciously punching random white people on the street for the thrill of it that has nothing to do with poverty.”

Let’s face it, this mixing of races has failed.  I submit not from White culture or White racism. The fundamental problem is that American Black culture has evolved into an un-fixable and crime ridden disaster.  I submit that if you sent any number of Whites into tribes in Africa, they would fail, too.  There’s no way Whites can change to tribal culture any more than Blacks can assimilate into highly organized laws, education and disciplines of White culture.

I remember when I taught in the ghetto for two years: when a child could not perform mathematical problems, they became frustrated, then angry and finally, violent.  They dropped out and joined gangs where they found their identity. Of course, they suffered from illiteracy, which guaranteed a life of poverty in the White man’s world.

As Duncan said, “White people aren’t out to get black people; they are just exhausted with them.  They are exhausted by the social pathologies, the violence, the endless complaints, and the blind racial solidarity, the bottomless pit of grievances, the excuses, and the reflexive animosity.”

There’s no question that Black people live in White man’s culture that does not fit their own DNA tribal culture.  No matter what Whites or Blacks do to alleviate the problem, it’s unsolvable.

One unknown writer said, “You can’t legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.  The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government doesn’t first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they don’t have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Business Photos of Black Owners Yanked

by Rev. Austin Miles

This empty-headed race war, choreographed by Democrat Communists to weaken America, has now passed the mark of ridiculousness. The packaging of Aunt Jemima’s Pancake mix has just been ordered changed, to redo ads that has a photo of the black founder, since, now listen carefully, this is a dangerous stereotype of black folk. That photo has got to go!! We did not know that, but must suppose it is true because it was printed in the newspapers. The photo must be yanked!

No sooner did we catch our breath than Uncle Ben’s rice also was ordered to remove the founders’ photo from their ads for the same reason. We hate to think what they will do with Famous Amos. Oh no! Leave him alone! Next we clench our fists to see what happens to Mrs. Butterworth’s Cream of Wheat. It is never ending! Sheesh!!

Most white businesses show the owners’ photo with their ads. That of course is OK. But when blacks’ photos are included, well, that is absolutely stereotyping doncha know. Has anyone else ever had the feeling that this world is one big insane asylum? If any other walls are put up around our country, they should be made of rubber. Instead of police, perhaps we should be patrolled by therapists. That might solve a lot of problems.

A point of fact: Blacks burn down their own businesses and neighborhoods, then expect whites to restore them. This reminds us of the kid who killed his parents then wanted the world to feel sorry for him since he was an orphan.

DISCLAIMER. This writer is…gulp….color blind, which kept me out of the Air Force. When my wife (to be) told me she was from Africa, I thought nothing about it. OK….OK….I just added that to advance the storyline…sorry……but think about this: The greatest tragedy of all is that we have lost our sense of humor. There was a time when we laughed at ourselves and had a great time.

I was once on a show that spoke seven languages. Each performer had their own eccentricities and manners of speech and we would imitate each other. That made from some absolutely hilarious moments. And we had fun.

Something condemned today, but extremely popular then, were the minstrel shows. It was a big company with eight performers in blackface and in the center wearing white tails and top hat was the ‘interlocutor’ or master of ceremonies. There were also variety acts and a men’s chorus. The black-face comedians were always scheming to put one over on the interlocutor and they always succeeded. It was all, laugh out loud hilarious. Movies featured minstrel shows and the performers. It was indeed an art form.

I was on one of the last minstrel shows to perform due to pressure from organizations like the AACP (American Association of Colored People). They were suddenly provoked to shut down minstrel shows.

There was always a huge section of black people in attendance of every show. And they laughed louder than anyone. After one performance, several blacks came backstage to see me and said, “Now don’t you pay no attention to that double A CP. We like this, it is funny so keep it going.”

Minstrel shows were a significant part of the entertainment landscape. Plus several individual performers did their act in blackface such as Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor and many others. Those portrayals were more of a tribute than insult. Indeed, there was nothing insulting about it. We all laughed together, like those backstage parties which everyone looked forward to. And yes, they imitated me too. I frankly would have felt bad had they not.

I want to see a society where people are intrigued with each other…help one another…and especially show respect for one another. After all, God created us all. I love to meet new people with backgrounds I am not familiar with. And above all, a society where we will always be kind to our neighbor.

Plus a society that has regards for the animals. They have feelings the same as us along with the same nervous system. Like us they feel pain, anxiety, fear and disappointment the very same as us. Let us never mistreat any creature, two legged or four legged. If we live this way we will discover many delightful adventures.

And let’s close with this: God created everything on earth, including us. He created one race. And this one race is the human race.

Peace to all.

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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Desolate, Burned and Overthrown

Rob Pue

Before I get started here, I want to preface by saying that I’m addressing this issue as an older, white, conservative Christian male.  I’m just an average guy, and I think I represent the views of other older, white, conservative Christian males pretty accurately.  But my description of myself, in the minds of some, would translate to: “privileged, racist bigot.”  I take offense to that.  I’m none of those things and I don’t think others like me are either.

I have dear friends who are Black, Latino, Asian, Eastern European, and Russian.  I don’t divide or label people according to their “race” or heritage.  I value them for who they are, what they do, for the different relationships I have with each of them.  On a larger scale, I don’t view people in general by their race either.  People are people.  There is one race, the Human Race.  We are all descendants Of Noah.

Today in America, many of our cities are burning.  Many of our cities look like third-world war zones following riots by Leftist groups like ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter.”  One of the saddest things about these riots is that so many Americans feel they’re justified, reasonable and to be expected.   You may call me a “conspiracy theorist” if you like, but there is so much about the George Floyd incident that just does not add up.  Why was the entire episode filmed so perfectly, with the words “Minneapolis” and “POLICE” perfectly framing the entire scene?  Why did the license plate on the squad car spell “POLICE?”  (This is not normal for police cars or other municipal vehicles).  With George Floyd subdued, not resisting and in custody, why was he not simply placed in the back of the car?  Why were we allowed to see the Minneapolis police officer allegedly murder him in cold blood, knowing he was being videotaped, while the other officers on the scene never lifted a finger to intervene?

Why, when the ambulance arrived, was no attempt made to revive Floyd or administer CPR?  (This is not normal for EMTs — attempts at resuscitation on the scene are ALWAYS done prior to transporting the victim).  But these guys didn’t so much as check for a pulse.  And it was later revealed that the “EMTs” were NOT EMTs at all, they were other police officers.

Why were pallets of bricks and containers of rocks placed on the sidewalks in cities around the country — BEFORE this incident took place — ready for the rioting that would ensue.  And WHO put them there?

Why did a picture of George Floyd appear on The Obama Foundation’s Twitter page on May 17th — a full week before he was allegedly murdered?  What was the connection between the Minnesota Police Officer and George Floyd?  Turns out they knew each other, and worked together as security guards at the same local nightclub, for 17 years.

WAS George Floyd really killed?  Though there were multiple funerals in several cities, his body was never viewed, only his casket.  Could this have been a “staged” event, MEANT to enrage the populace and to justify extreme response by ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter?”  And considering the video of his alleged murder was so graphic and horrific, why was it allowed to remain on Facebook, YouTube and other social media — as well as broadcast on every mainstream media network for millions to see, over and over again?  Did such violence not “violate community standards” of those outlets?  Or were we MEANT to see it?  Was it all professionally choreographed and produced for our consumption — designed to CREATE outrage?

There are many questions.  However, one thing is certain, the rioters, looters and destroyers were well organized and well funded — by SOMEONE.  Advertisements posted nation-wide offered rioters $25 an hour to take part.

I believe this was just another attempt to divide and conquer America, with more “race baiting,” the likes of which we haven’t seen since Obama was in office.  You might remember him referring to his “own private army.”  I believe his fingerprints are all over this, and he’s now called his “own private army” to active duty.  Indeed, during Obama’s ENTIRE occupation of our White House, we saw more racial tension, domestic terrorism, and Islamic attacks, kidnappings, rapes, and beheadings — even here in America — then ever before, …or since.

Those who live in larger cities that have been targets of these riots are frightened.  And it’s not a “race” thing.  Black-owned businesses were destroyed right along with those owned by white people.  The destroyers did not discriminate.  Like locusts, they destroyed everything in their path.  And the threats have continued… ANTIFA has vowed to take the carnage to the suburbs, small towns and rural areas next.  They’ve even threatened to go to the heartland, to destroy farmers’ crops and kill cattle.  They’ve made it clear that no one is safe.

And as we watch all this, the mainstream media narrative is this:  “White people are privileged and DESERVE the wrath of black people.”  Furthermore, “rioting, looting, burning and destroying is ‘just what black people do’ — it should be expected of them, they don’t know any better, and anyway, it’s justified because racism must end!” 

Those are the media talking points.  But THAT is the most “racist” thing I’ve ever heard.  This is NOT “just what black people do.”  What a ludicrous insinuation!  Are we going to fall for that?  If the truth be told, (which it almost NEVER is in the media), MOST black people do NOT hate white people, and MOST white people do NOT hate black people!  Don’t fall for their “divide and conquer” strategy, because if you believe such lies, you’re doing just what they set out to MAKE you do — through the repetitive brainwashing you’ve been exposed to.

The video of the incident in Minnesota should cause all of us to be outraged.  But what if what we were led to believe was all a set-up, all a lie?  What if it was staged to purposely elicit a response and justify the burning down of America?  What if it was purposely designed to bring down Christian Conservatives, American nationalism and Patriotism?  What if it was MEANT to shame us — for being Americans, or for being white?  And at the same time, vilify our law enforcement officers — to the point now where the Minneapolis City Council has voted to disband the entire police department.   Other cities around the country are considering the same thing now as well.

Who or what will step in to fill the void if we lose our local police departments?  Islam, with Sharia?  That’s very likely, you know, especially in Minneapolis, where the Islamic community has been given “the key to the city” already.  Remember when Christian churches were not allowed to meet because of the “pandemic-that-never was?”  Yet in Minneapolis, the city allowed the Islamic “call to prayer” to be broadcast over public loudspeakers during Ramadan.  Or maybe the federal government will have no choice but to use martial law to restore law and order.  I guess we’ll soon find out.

It should be noted that the destroyers were not all black people.  MANY were white.  They called themselves “white allies.”  No, this isn’t about “race.”  And rioting and destruction is NOT  “just what black people do.”  These attacks were well planned, well in advance, well-funded and well organized — and then launched at the most opportune time, with violence and destruction unleashed simultaneously in hundreds of cities nationwide.  It certainly drew the attention of us all, and many were glued to their big-screen media indoctrination machines.  And again, I cannot stress this enough:  we only see what they WANT us to see, so ask questions, dig deeper, and watch that “man behind the curtain” VERY carefully.

Civil unrest like we’ve seen recently is the ideal recipe for our country destroying itself from within, and I believe that’s the plan of those who NEED to bring America down in order to usher in a One-World, New-World Globalist government.  After months of being unjustly locked down under the guise of “public health and safety,” nerves are stretched to the breaking point.  People are frightened, and frightened people are much more willing to be compliant and obedient, even to unjust dictates and unconstitutional  so-called “laws.”

Frightened people are also much more willing to buy into the official narrative of all this:  “police BAD,” “white people BAD, (and privileged),” “Patriots BAD.”  “Evil GOOD,” and “Good, EVIL.”  I recently saw a video online of a black man approaching a young white girl.  He stated he was with ANTIFA and demanded she get down on her knees and apologize for her “white privilege.”  Without a moment’s hesitation, she immediately dropped to her knees and begged his forgiveness.  Even Democrats in Congress have done this.  Even the FBI has done this.  But this is ridiculous.

I can tell you there’s no such thing as “white privilege.”  I remember well, back in 1988 when I was working to open my own business — a photography studio — and I tried to get a small business startup loan.  The banker actually TOLD me, “I’m sorry, but you’re the wrong color and the wrong gender.”  He went on to say that if I were black or a female, there were all kinds of options available to me.  But for a single white male, nothing.  So much for “white privilege.”

But “White Privilege” is just another Leftist buzz word to create more division and hatred.  Don’t believe it.   Whatever happened to “it’s the content of your character, not the color of your skin?”   We’re  being manipulated, and if you can’t see that, I don’t know what to tell you.  Don’t let the God-haters divide us, because if they do, we’ll surely be conquered.

Much of the blame for all this can be laid at the feet of the modern American “Church,” which has abdicated its responsibilities to the government.  And the modern preachers who have chosen to present “feel good,” “self-help” “talks,” rather than biblical sermons based on the whole counsel of the Word of God.  Indeed, many have aligned themselves with the “social justice” movement — another way of saying they’ve become the useful idiots of those who desire to turn America into a Marxist/Socialist/Communist country.  It’s when we FORGET the Lord and His Holy Word that we lose our moral compass; reacting out of emotions rather than devotion to God Almighty.  Check your emotions.  Because we know the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.

In Isaiah 1, 4-6 we have this: “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters.  They have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.

 “Why should ye be stricken any more?  You will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.  From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores.  They have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.  Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire.   Your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, and overthrown by strangers.”

Does this not sound like our country today?  A sinful nation, people laden with iniquity, evildoers, children that are corrupters.  We’ve forsaken the Lord and provoked Him to anger.  And now, our country is desolate, our cities burned with fire.  Strangers devour our land, and we are overthrown.

2nd Thessalonians 2:11 & 12:  “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie; That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

Lies abound in our world today and so many are so eager to believe them.  So many take pleasure in unbridled hedonism and evil and sin.  It has nothing to do with the color of one’s skin.  In America today, we have a SIN problem, not a SKIN problem.

Yes, there are “bad cops,” but not all are bad.  Yes there are black people who could be described as “thugs,” but there are just as many white thugs roaming our streets to steal, kill and destroy.  And we’re in a spiritual battle like I’ve never seen before, and it’s being played out in the physical realm.  And the violence, division, hatred and murder will only grow worse and worse.  UNLESS we repent — individually first — and then collectively as a nation.

God still has a remnant of true believers.  I’m grateful to count myself among them.  Not by any “good works” I’ve done, but according to His great mercy, He saved me.  He chose me long ago and I CHOSE to follow Him.  We’re at a great turning point now and we have a decision to make — what’s it going to take — for those who will — to turn back to God and repent?  Because that’s our only hope, you know.  America may never recover from the devastation of the recent days, months and years.  But know this:  not even the gates of Hell itself will ever prevail against God’s people — His true Church, His beloved saints.  This world is filled with violence and trials and tribulations, but all who stand firm in Christ shall be delivered, and saved.  Lord, help us to remain faithful.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 293.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Truth About Black Lives Matters

Roger Anghis

The first thing I want to say is what happened to George Floyd should not happen to any American. The way he was treated was totally uncalled for.  Other safer methods of containment should have been deployed.  What resulted from this terrible situation has been more devastating than the original crime.

What most people don’t know is that Black Lives Matters is a racist organization.  The proof?  If you correct them and say All Lives Matter you are considered a racist.  That response proves that BLM is a racist organization.  Grant Napear has called NBA games for the Sacramento Kings since 1988.  Napear, who had called games for the Kings since 1988, was answering a question from former Sacramento star DeMarcus Cousins asking for his opinion on Black Lives Matter.

“Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me,” Napear responded. “Haven’t heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!”

Cousins posted that Napear’s response was expected. Former Kings forward Matt Barnes then called Napear a closet racist.[1]  I’m sorry but to think that ONLY black lives matter is about as racist as you can get. Napear stated that ALL lives matter and that includes blacks.

This response is also contrary to what they say they stand for.  Off their website they claim: Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.

We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.[2] Think about this someone thinking all lives matter is different from their only black lives matter, yet they do not tolerate that train of thought.

You will also find on their web site: We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.[3] They have opposed police for several years.  Any intelligent person knows that if there is no enforcement of our laws, there is no freedom nor is there any real justice.  You have nothing but anarchy and ‘justice’ is what somebody thinks it should be in a particular situation.

They also have this claim: We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.[4] This claim is questionable because 62% of pregnancies in the black community end up as abortions and 73% of live births are into single-parent homes.  It seems the black male is capable of fathering a child but does not have the character to raise that child.  They also claim: We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children.[5] The stats just quoted tell a different story plus they also claim: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.[6] The ‘Western-prescribed nuclear family’ is a one-man, one-woman family that has been the foundation of all successful societies for 6000 years!

We can see that their ‘goals‘ are not just confusing but counterproductive. To watch mayors and governors stand in solidarity with this group that demands we accept their demands is insanity. BLM claims that cops indiscriminately kill blacks almost with impunity.  That is an outright lie!  Cops kill twice as many whites as blacks. With the black community being only 13% of the US population statistics show that blacks commit 53% of the murders, are involved in 38% of all violent crimes, and are involved in 27% of all drug crimes.  On average there are 981 whites murdered by blacks where only 375 blacks are murdered by whites.  Blacks are responsible for 40% of murdered police officers.  Statistics even show that a police officer is more likely to be murdered by a black than a black by a police officer.

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the same weekend that George Floyd died, there were ten blacks killed in Chicago and 39 wounded but BLM is silent on these.  Why?  The riots that followed Floyd’s death say black-owned businesses burned and destroyed, blacks killed in the riots, black police officers shot but BLM is silent on these as well.  Why?  What happened to their claim Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported? From their actions, all this is just talk.  Looks good, sounds good but it is just talk.

Again, they state that their organization is for ALL people: We cultivate an intergenerational and communal network free from ageism. We believe that all people, regardless of age, show up with the capacity to lead and learn.

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.[8]   Their actions are very clear that ALL people are not included, only black people.

Some may think I am racist but all I am doing is pointing out the blatant racism within the BLM which they seem to think white only people are capable of.  BLM is an organization that hates whites, hates the traditional makeup of the family, hates everything about white culture.  What they want is an all-black society.  Africa is full of them and they are free to go there.  They complain about America’s slavery past, ignoring that it is in the past and blame all white people for it.  Only 6% of Americans owned slaves but 100% are responsible.  They also ignore that there were more white slaves brought to America in those days than blacks, but we never hear the voices of the ancestors of the white slaves demanding retribution.  But one must ask, ‘What else do you expect from a George Soros funded organization?’  Is this really a movement from the heart or are they simply being paid to raise hell?

This genocidal killer is known on the streets as abortion. In fact, the Guttmacher institute says a black baby is 5 TIMES more likely to be aborted than a white baby. Rev. H. Childress Jr said “The most dangerous place for a African American baby to be is in the womb of their African American Mother.”

So do these black lives not matter to the marchers chanting out in the streets? I didn’t see a single march in front of a planned parenthood facility, nor an abortion clinic being burned to the ground. So do they really care about all Black Lives?

Since these protests/riots began last month, we have watched hundreds to thousands of businesses be burned to the ground, or looted and destroyed. Some of these were notable companies like Target, or Best Buy, Walmart and so on. We have also seen small businesses that mean so much to their communities be destroyed like the bar owned by Korboi Balla, a former Minneapolis firefighter at the Brooklyn Park Fire Department. Mr. Balla had plans to open his bar a few months ago when the Covid-19 virus hit, forcing every bar and small business to basically die a slow painful financial death. Mr. Balla went viral as he was seen in a video weeping over his dreams went up in smoke and ash. If all Black lives matter, then why did this Black man’s business get torched? What did he not do right to appease the inquisitors roaming the streets with their chants!?[9]  Tell me again about how important these black lives are to these rioters.

What is worse is Democrats are letting them get their way.  Pelosi and company with their African scarfs did a photo op in the Emancipation Hall in Congress.  That does not erase the 75 hours the Democrat Party filibustered the Civil Rights Bill in 1964.  They wanted to control blacks then and still do today and by pandering to them they are keeping the chaos alive they need to try to hurt Trump.  Militant blacks are being played like a fiddle.

Foot Notes

  1. kings play play announcer Grant Napear resigns all lives matter tweet
  9. Alert: the dark truth about black lives matter has finally been revealed/
  10. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

The Destructive Coronavirus Agenda

By J.W. Bryan

Is there an agenda in which Covid-19 has a role?  And if so, what is that agenda?

Let’s discuss the New World Order and Covid-19.  World government, i.e., the New World Order is part and parcel of this virus.  According to Arthur Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society, “It is a steppingstone to world order.” It definitely fits, and plays into the globalist’s modus operandi.

One of the left’s standard procedures or tactics for bringing about change is by using an existing issue to manufacture crises.  If there isn’t an issue which can be used, one can always be produced that will serve the purpose.

The way this begins to play-out, the issue is brought to the surface by propaganda agents, which is currently recognized as “Fake News.” Many instances will be reported as evidence of the dire consequences people will be confronted with if remedial action is not immediately forthcoming.

At this point the solution planners, i.e., the ones who planned it all before the start, will surface with the solution to the issue. Invariably, however, the result will always be more control and less freedom for the people.

This is only one example of how the proponents of change are able to incrementally destroy our society and replace it with a system that is diametrically opposed to individual liberty and independence.

It is quite evident that the forces behind the drive for global control, or world government, for some time, have planned to use something like the coronavirus to advance their plans for establishing a Global one World Government.

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, is an American physician and immunologist who has served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, within the National Institutes of Health.  He has been closely connected to the World Health Organization (WHO) for many years, and is a good friend of the Director, Dr. Tedros Adhanom whose main advisor is none other than Dr. Ezekiel Immanuel, the man who included “death panels” in Obamacare.  In 2015, Bill Gates forecast a coming pandemic, and in 2017, Anthony Fauci predicted a pandemic for President Trump during a speech at Georgetown University, when he said, “No doubt Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.” (Dr. Fauci actually wrote adoring letters to Hillary Clinton after her Benghazi testimony and for years prior to that he had worked with Ted Kennedy on HIV/AIDS.)

Dr. Fauci was vaulted into prominence at the White House by Covid-19 Task Force leader, Mike Pence. He was made our infectious disease specialist in charge of our defense against the pandemic that he knew was going to happen, and quite possibly, because of the NIH’s grants to the Wuhan Lab, had been in on the planning.

The Goal is Control

The John Birch Bulletin reports that there are many examples of seminars, reports, and studies by globalists in the last few years that indicate they meant to use a pandemic to start the process of permanent control on a worldwide basis. It includes many of the people within the American government health community, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), who has been seen daily at White House briefings and on the mainstream media.

The Birch bulletin stated, “Some of these studies have been in partnership with the Chinese Communists. The Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China Scholarship Council, and the Natural Science Foundation of China have been cooperating with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Health in studies connected to pandemics.”  Dr. Fauci sits on the boards of many of these American organizations.

When you are cooking up a big mulligan stew, it attracts many participants. The high-sounding titles of the many entities shield the character and proclivities of many of those involved. For example, in studies connected to pandemics,why would the National Science Foundation, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute of Health be interested and involved in the studies of interest to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chinese Communists? The answer is revealing.

Following is a video of Bill Gates being charged with crimes against humanity in a session of the Italian Parliament. The legislator is speaking in Italian but subtitles are in English.

Bill Gates

James Corbett’s fourth installment of his series on Bill Gates examines Gates’ youth,family history, business strategies, and surprising personal connections (Jeffery Epstein for example).  Altogether, they reveal a disturbing picture of Gates’ rise to fame, fortune, and power. Of particular interest is the fact that his banker father was the head of Planned Parenthood and that the family was connected to a group of wealthy intellectuals who called themselves “Eugenicists.”They advocated so-called public-health programs to sterilize those who are considered by the elite to be unworthy of procreation.

This was the same program that was applied by Hitler to create a super race in Nazi Germany. After the fall of the Nazi regime, American eugenicists needed to distance themselves from Hitler’s sterilization program, so they changed their vocabulary. Eugenicists henceforth were called Population Control. This finally connects the dots between present vaccine design and the Gates’ life-long support of population control.

I personally believe that his population control support goes much deeper than just sterilization of the unfavorable.

According to James Corbett, Gates is generally portrayed as a kindly philanthropist who generously funds projects to improve health and fight poverty. As shown in this report however, the image and the reality are far different. The reality is that Gates, throughout his entire career, has been obsessed with the idea that the human population needs to be drastically reduced and that any means to this end is acceptable, including the creation of vaccines to sterilize people but offered to them as a defense against disease.


With the extreme scare tactics employed regarding Covid-19, we most likely are being set-up.  The development of a vaccine that will meet Gates’ specifications is being done. Gates saw the potential for using vaccines for yet another hidden purpose, for injecting microchips and data tattoos into the skin that, in addition to pushing pharmaceutical concoctions into the blood stream, also embed digital data that can be read by scanners to identify every person on the planet.  Just think what else can be done with this technology. Link

Thomas Jefferson rightly stated, “When the people fear the government – there is tyranny.  “When the government fears the people – there is liberty.”

We are definitely at the point at which the people fear the government.Why? Because the government,for all practical purposes has been taken over by hordes of reprobates, those who God has destined for damnation. They have no regard for the feelings, the rights, or the total well-being of anyone other than themselves, or those who support them.

Bill Gates is obsessed with the idea that the human population of the earth should be drastically reduced and any means to this end is acceptable.

Our Supreme Court supports this. According to G. Edward Griffin, in Need to Know, attorney Alan Dershowitz says we have no constitutional protection against being forcibly vaccinated because no one has a right to spread a deadly disease.  The Court contends that the state has an obligation to use force, if necessary, to protect the lives of its citizens against the threat of a deadly disease.  Totally and completely unconstitutional to God given freedoms.

This, supposedly, is a proper position, because the defense of life is one of the few proper functions of the just state, but there is no defense of the unborn, neither is there defense of the elderly. The problem is that this position is justified only if the deadly threat is real and not staged as a political ploy, and those who are staging the hoax are the ones who will decide if it is real.  Even the polio vaccines and sugar cubes of the 60s were unnecessary…polio was on its way out, but they continued their damning vaccines … vaccines they knew were grown on monkey kidneys and gave the recipients soft tissue cancers.

Those who challenge them will be imprisoned for spreading false information that endangers public health and safety. Furthermore, in Jacobson vs. Massachusetts the court said that the threat doesn’t even need to be real if those making the decision believe it is. That part of the ruling provided a loophole big enough to drive a truck through because it allows political criminals to escape punishment simply by claiming that they had bad advice. (All this per the comments of G. Edward Griffin)

Orwell’s 1984

We have arrived in Orwell’s 1984, and from the “Robespierre Public Safety ruling during the French Revolution, in which 25,000 Frenchmen were beheaded by the guillotine for acts against the ruling.  There is no guarantee history won’t repeat itself, especially with America’s history daily being destroyed by anarchists.

I believe that during my lifetime, many of the members of the Supreme Court were people who had been turned over to a reprobate mind, otherwise they could not have ruled as they did in so many cases.

In my previous article, Part 10 of The Path to Understanding, I said that Justice Kennedy, who wrote the majority opinion on the 5 to 4 ruling by the Supreme Court on the same-sex marriage case stated in his opinion that “gay people” have a fundamental right to marriage. Implicit in this statement is a veiled assertion that this right comes from God. Whether he and the other four justices who concurred in the ruling are aware of it or not, the reference to rights that are fundamental is a reference to God and His authority.

And then, there are all the pro-abortion rulings which many members of the court from 1973 to today will have to answer for. But they will have no answer – for there isn’t one – they will have to face the consequences at the Great White Throne judgment.

Many people have ridiculed scripture and the Great White Throne Judgment. They have laughed and made jokes concerning it. I can see in my mind’s eye that when they approach the throne of God, He says to them, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”


What I’ve written is only the tip of the iceberg relative to what we are being set-up for; the complete regimentation of society in which all individuals will act or react in unison with all others.

It is to prepare us for the future as world citizens. We will then do everything by the numbers; no one will have thoughts, or make comments that do not coincide with instructions passed down from the rulers.

Look at all the people wearing masks even after scientific reports have said that masks are completely useless and of no benefit whatever. The sheeple have complied.  It is part of the scenario to establish the national mind-set that we are in crises that all people must be involved in for us to survive, despite the fact that fewer people have perished from Covid than perish from seasonal flu.

Next up, the corruption and cover-up of dangerous vaccines where a doctor is being threatened for exposing the truth of this agenda and the Covid-19 conspiracy.  Link

© 2020 JW Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan:

Betrayal and Programming behind Covid 19 – A UK Perspective, Part 3

Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away in and for his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.  Ezekiel 33:6

Disturbing the Nation

Sir Winston Churchill has now officially gone into isolation; he has retreated to within the four walls of boxed confinement with absolutely no contact whatsoever with the outside world.  The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has decided the very best protection for him against demonstrators who consider his image ‘offensive’, must be hidden away.   It is for his own good.   Does this sound familiar?

I’m wondering how he is surviving inside there, caged up like a trapped bird, dark, with no cool breeze or sunlight on his face, no vision or hope of release whilst perpetrators roam indignant, justified, and apparently free.  Does this sound familiar too?  Despite Churchill’s country welcoming people of all races, colours and religions; for some, he is now the epitome of hatred.

The same hatred has also been applied to the Cenotaph, a war memorial in London, dedicated to fallen soldiers during two world wars.  There are also other monuments and statues which are apparently on a hit-list of sites to be destroyed across the UK.  Some local resident’s who still possess the spirit of patriotism towards their country, are attempting to physically defend the attack’s being planned.

Many people have also called for the resignation of Sadiq Khan.  They believe the monuments should not have been boarded up.   They are part of this country’s heritage.

In relation to London’s historical landmarks, the London mayor had stated that London is:

 “One of the most diverse cities in the world”, but recent Black Lives Matter protests have highlighted the fact that the city’s statues, plaques and street names largely reflect Victorian Britain.


“We must ensure that we celebrate the achievements and diversity of all in our city, and that we commemorate those who have made London what it is – that includes questioning which legacies are being celebrated”

This is very convenient.  One can only imagine what type of statues, plaques and street names may replace Victorian Britain when every single vestige of British history has gone?  Some people may also be wondering what may happen to the statue of Nelson Mandela?

This aside, there are some historical facts about Winston Churchill that are indeed alarming, which although were historically accurate in the early 1900’s may not necessarily detract from his later staunch support and encouragement for Great Britain for which he is more well known?

According to Sir Martin Gilbert who is the honorary member and trustee of The Churchill Centre and also the official biographer of Winston Churchill, it is stated:

When he was Home Secretary (February 1910-October 1911) Churchill was in favour of the confinement, segregation, and sterilization of a class of persons contemporarily described as the “feeble minded.”

The feeble minded, which is the mentally ill or disabled person according to eugenicists, are a burden upon society and a threat to the human race.

It is reported that Winston Churchill sought to implement the sterilization of the feeble minded under the pretext that it was of a Christian and a Scientific duty to help them now they were in this world.   It is reported that Roman Catholic leaders denounced it as contrary to Christian morals and basic human rights and in view of this between 1913 and 1959 detention and not sterilization was chosen for the legislative path for Great Britain and no legislation along any lines was made whilst Churchill was at the Home Office.  It was in 1911 he left his role as Home Secretary and he was made First Lord of the Admiralty in charge of the Royal Navy.

Divide and Conquer

The current demonstrations taking place within the UK have not been peaceful.  There were many police officers who were injured attempting to control the crowds who were taking it upon themselves to deface property and harm others.

It is also shocking that thousands can attend a rally in London to protest about a man who was sadly killed thousands of miles away in another country, but that they cannot see their own enslavement to a form of dictatorship which is currently taking place today in the UK under Covid -19 and how they are being used.

The incitement towards the hatred of white people (because of the color of their skin) plays perfectly into the hands of the puppeteers who are currently using it as a distraction, whilst at the same time creating a further sense of fear by the lawlessness which is currently taking place.  The separation from loved ones which many people are suffering from is being further enhanced.  Mental health issues are naturally increasing.   The puppeteers care nothing for black or white people.  Fear and confusion is their missile.      Elites see us all as ‘feeble minded’.

Unfortunately, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby recently emerged from his own self-isolation, also decrying the ongoing evil of ‘white’ supremacy and systemic racism.  Thank you Mr Welby for dividing the races and putting lives at further risk.

Conveniently, he made no mention of the millions of Christian lives, both black and white, worldwide, who have died because of their faith, or those who laid down their lives for their fellow man.

Maybe it should have been a time of reminding people of another clergyman and civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, who peaceably made history by stating we are known by our ‘character’ and not the color of our skin?   Decent people most certainly walk arm in arm and kneel together in prayer with that type of attitude.   Together we can be a majority against the unseen minority who are playing games with our lives.

Beware of Eugenicists

Those who believe in culling the nation and who think they are superior and do not really value human life, no longer have to make their intentions more widely known.  World wars do not have to be created to get rid of men, although civil wars can be useful.  Psychological warfare and race relation wars can be created from afar so that men can destroy each other instead.   This is currently being played out now.

Eugenicists can also hide behind the mask of having your best interests at heart.  They come in many shapes, sizes and colors.

Human experimentation, hormone blockers, sterilization by way of vaccine, lethal injections, euthanasia, abortion and even birth control has all played into the hands of eugenicists, who worship death. Sexual immorality, starting with the indoctrination of the very young, has also created sexually transmitted infections which have damaged and killed many people, as well as damaging their souls.  Some of our foods and our waters are also intentionally poisoned.

Eugenicists have simply found a way of making it ‘our choice’

In light of what is being orchestrated and planned under Covid-19, people need to research history more thoroughly and then research the beliefs of those who are imposing decisions to be made upon our lives today.  Eugenicists do not die, they just change their strategy.

Disarming Police Forces/Identity Cards/Curfews

In light of how eugenics was used in Nazi Germany to ethnically cleanse the country, important points for all citizens today to discuss are:

  • Is the extreme social distancing which people are being asked to carry out a form of pre-programming to segregate people from each other?
  • Is mask wearing, which is also a form of disguise and a symbol of slavery appropriate in areas ‘outside’ of clinical settings?
  • Should contact tracing and vaccination passports be enforced upon adults and children to identify your perceived cleanliness in society?
  • Should police officers be told to stand down when damage is being done to destroy certain buildings?
  • Should curfews for certain groups of people be put in place?
  • Should the collective worship of an organization outside of a religious building be encouraged or questioned?
  • Should all discussion be banned in favor of what we are to be told?

At the weekend, a Jewish rabbi was stabbed in Stanford Hill, London in an unprovoked attack whilst waiting in line at the bank.  As stated in the article by Jewish Press it was difficult to find any mention of this by the mainstream media.

In view of the lawlessness which is already being created and in light of the rapid destruction and the dismantling of Christian principles within society, on which the order of life and law would perfectly flourish, it should now be perfectly clear that the battle is spiritual.

Chaos has filled the gap, and any order that is now being built upon is evil.  The One World Order is not the order that God created.

When people enquire as to why people did nothing to stop the holocaust which took place in Germany between 1939 and 1941, we may one day ask ourselves the very same question.

What did we do about people who believe in sterilization and de-population?

Churches take note.

John 16:3-4 They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me. I have told you this, so that when their time comes you will remember that I warned you about them

Note: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and Switzerland have at different times used sterilisation for the mentally ill. The number of sterilisations in Sweden was 62,000. The most notorious sterilisation legislation was promulgated in Nazi Germany in July 1933, under which more than 150,000 Germans, including many children and babies, judged ‘mentally unfit’ were sterilised, and an equal number killed by gas or lethal injection between 1933 and 1940.

[Part-1] [Part-2]

© 2020 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards:

The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

We know President Trump is a target of the Deep State. But that alone doesn’t explain why so many of his former allies, nominees, and appointees have turned against him or his policies. Could it be that the president, who once starred in a TV show about firing incompetent people, has been hiring too many incompetent (or worse) people as president? Or is something else going on? Is somebody or something getting to those around the president?

The list of bad hires includes Neil Gorsuch, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, and John Bolton, among others.

Some of these picks are complicated cases. Former Trump national security adviser Bolton is out with a Trump-bashing book that is the subject of a court case over whether or not it contains classified information. Trump Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo declares Bolton to be “a traitor who damaged America by violating his sacred trust with its people.”

The charge of “traitor” is a serious one. So why did Trump hire him in the first place?  Bolton was a member in good standing of the conservative foreign policy establishment that includes such organizations as the Center for Security Policy, now headed by Fred Fleitz, who served in 2018 as a Deputy Assistant to President Trump and Chief of Staff to National Security Adviser John Bolton.

Suddenly, Bolton turned on Trump.

Another curious case is that of Anthony Scaramucci, who served two weeks as Trump White House Communications Director and is now  a member of the “Right Side” group, whose goal is “Harnessing the Power of Former Trump Supporters to Help Joe Biden Win and Heal America!” It consists of former Trump aides and alums of the George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaigns.

Scaramucci is a nobody. But the same cannot be said about Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, both selected by Trump. Sessions was the Attorney General who recused himself from Russia-gate and enabled Rosenstein, Deputy Attorney General, to select Robert Mueller as the Russia-gate special prosecutor. That led to more than two years of investigations that ruined people’s lives and distracted the nation from serious internal and external problems. During the 2016 campaign, Sessions, a Senator from Alabama, was one of the few supporters of Trump from the Republican establishment. Somehow, he fell victim to a plot to bring down Trump.

It turns out that Rosenstein was a member of the special counsel investigation that supposedly looked at the misdeeds of Bill and Hillary Clinton but somehow avoided the evidence of murder in the case of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster being found dead in Ft. Marcy Park outside Washington, D.C.  The lawyer in charge of that particular probe, part of the Ken Starr investigation, was Brett Kavanaugh, since elevated to the Supreme Court by President Trump. It’s funny how these curious associations keep emerging when one learns more about the way Washington works.

It looks like Washington is being run by a secret cabal that has somehow managed to place its agents in the White House and other federal power centers.

Another name associated with betrayal is Neil Gorsuch, one of Trump’s appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court. I was one of the few who wrote critically of his nomination, noting his membership in a liberal church, questionable testimony, and spotty record. As Supreme Court justice, he has written a decision on LGBTQ “rights” in the Bostick case that makes a mockery of the rule of law and has demoralized conservatives everywhere.

Trump picked Gorsuch from a list of “conservative” judges assembled by the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, two pillars of the conservative establishment subsidized by the Scaife Foundation, once under the control of solid conservatives.

One of many conservatives endorsing Gorsuch, Robert P. George of Princeton University,had said, “In selecting Gorsuch, President Trump has without question fulfilled his pledge to appoint a justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia — a conservative intellectual leader.” That claim is laughable now. Professor George points to two of his published comments on the case, one of which states that “The Bostock ruling (further) politicizes the judiciary and undermines the very thing courts exist to uphold: the Rule of Law. It will destroy what faith remains in the moral and intellectual integrity of our courts.”

A prominent Catholic legal thinker,he tells me that the LGBTQ ruling resulted in his own “painful astonishment” that Gorsuch “bought a sophistical argument offered to him in the name of textualism.” In other words, Gorsuch made his ruling sound conservative when it is clearly not.

His use of the term “bought” suggests something was offered. By whom? It could have been Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, the same individual who sided with the liberals in the Obamacare decision and the more recent DACA or illegal immigrant case. But if Roberts got to Gorsuch, who was Harvard-trained (and a classmate of Barack Obama’s), who got to Roberts, another Harvard-trained legal mind? Some say he wants to go down in history as a moderating force on the bench who sided with the liberals on critical cases. But we were told he was a “conservative” who would remain true to the law and the Constitution.  What happened to him? Here, we need some real in-depth reporting. Something is rotten and corrupt with the Supreme Court.

In response, Trump asked, “Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?”

But it’s far more than personal animus. With commentators such as Robert P. George calling the Gorsuch decision untenable and an affront to the rule of law, we know something else is at work here. Indeed, the actions of the Supreme Court, in decisions going back to the pro-abortion ruling, Roe v. Wade, to gay marriage and now Bostock, represent mob rule in the legal realm, imposed on America by judges trained in the “best” Ivy League institutions, such as Harvard, which just happens to have been an academic home to the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his money, and young female “assistants.”

My book, The Deep State Wears Black Robes, exposes one aspect of this insidious network that has insinuated itself into the Trump presidency.

These judges wearing black robes are a major part of the cultural revolution still in progress and threatening our way of life. Indeed, to demonstrate the serious nature of this crisis, the reaction of Trump and conservatives in Congress should be to file articles of impeachment against Roberts and Gorsuch, to serve as a lesson to other judges considering betraying America from the bench.

Instead, Trump says he will “be releasing a new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees,” including some from a previous list. This begs the question: if he has already been burned by one name that he accepted from one list, why would he want another list from the same people? Those people are the problem.

Meanwhile, Trump fails to clean house of those currently insubordinate, such as Defense Secretary Mark Esper, a former Chief of Staff at the Heritage Foundation who opposes the use of the Insurrection Act to bring law and order to our burning cities, and pursues his own brand of “diversity and inclusiveness” in the Armed Forces, a discredited holdover policy from Obama/Biden. He is also failing to vigorously support Trump’s policy of withdrawing American troops from NATO deadbeat nations such as Germany.

The cities are burning because FBI Director Christopher Wray, another Trump appointee, failed to authorize his agents to monitor extremist movements that are destroying America. He apparently knows many are linked to former President Obama. In fact, anti-communist blogger Trevor Loudon, reveals that several terror suspects whose homes were raided in Chicago back in 2010 worked for a political movement that sponsored the start of Obama’s political career. Nothing came of the raids and the groups are still active in the streets under such banners as the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.

But the failure to oust Harvard-trained Mark Esper is perhaps the most ominous. It suggests Trump fears a coup from the military brass around him. Such a scenario was the subject of the famous film, “Seven Days in May.” In the film, however, the rogue military members are leading a coup against a globalist president. Today, Esper and the brass are the globalists.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’ Survival, Inc.

Bill Gates Accuses Those Who Refuse His Vaccines As Endangering The Lives of Others

Bradlee Dean

“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”― Bill Gates

This last week on my radio show, we took the time to bring about an expose from a television program from 2003 called “Dead Zone,” which forecasted the “coronavirus” to a tee.

The show used words such as virus, mask, lockdown, authorized quarantine, coronavirus, statements such as “for your family’s safety” and “swab the inside of your mouth with a Q-tip,” and even “blood tests.” Then it went back to examples of the effects of the virus such as, high fever, respiratory distress, stating that the viruses come from China and ending with tracking and treating and yes, even Chloroquine, all of which you are being inundated with today through the propagandists in the mainstream media.

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Now, outside of the fact that this, along with the movie “Contagion,” which came out in 2011, Bill Gates was forecasting this virus in 2015. In 2016, we have Celeste Solum, former FEMA worker for 20 years, telling us that it has been in the books since 2016.

Then in 2017, Anthony Fauci was forecasting the virus and “shazam,” out of nowhere, we are now dealing with a mysterious virus that just appears and they actually expect that you will believe what it is that they are saying to you (John 8:44).

Knowing all of this, and that out of his own mouth we have Bill Gates now coming out and accusing others of that which he is guilty. He is accusing those who refuse his vaccinations as those who are endangering the lives of others (Revelation 12:9-11). Friends, this is the ignorance and contradictory talk, Doublespeak, that they want you to overlook (Hose4:6).  A little history lesson reveals that Bill’s daddy was the head of Planned Parenthood, which is also responsible for the murders of more than 60 million innocent babies (Proverbs 6:17).

On top of this, Melinda Gates, wife to Bill Gates, now comes out and lays out her plans for vaccinating the world’s population and the CIA-controlled media is right there with the camera and microphones up to her mouth in promulgating their United Nations agenda.

A vaccination for a virus that they cannot substantiate?

An evil and wicked woman she is, working with her evil and wicked husband. Melinda Gates lays out their dark plan:

1) “The first people that need this vaccine are the 60 million health care workers around the world. They deserve to get it before anybody else. Then you start tiering.”

2) “In the U.S., that would be black people next, quite honestly, and many other people of color.”

3) “From there, people with underlying health conditions …”

4) “… and then people who are older. Those are the ones who all need it first.”

5) “We also need to think about essential workers who are keeping our grocery stores open for us so we can buy food, or who are making sure that food moves through the warehouses.”

One has to only ask themselves as to how it is that the Gates have been put into a position of telling anyone what is good and/or bad for them when it comes to their health? Did you vote for them? It is a perfect example of who it is, with masks off, who call the shots behind these Judases (Luke 22:48) that Americans believe to be their representatives, which are merely special interest groups.

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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Democrats Prepare for One-Party State

By Cliff Kincaid

Karl Rove, the de facto head of the Trump 2020 Campaign, has apparently arranged for his old boss, George W. Bush, to campaign for four Republican Senators in danger of losing their seats this November. All four are either out-of-touch with conservatives or outright liberals. They are Senators Susan Collins (Maine), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Martha McSally (Ariz.) and Thom Tillis (N.C.).

The “Save the Senate” move reflects Trump’s declining poll numbers, but the Bush presidency was also a disaster, as the economy was taken down in 2008 by a housing crisis that was used to justify massive federal intervention, leading Bush to declare, “I’ve abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system.” On foreign policy, Bush was known as an advocate of what his father called a “New World Order,” based on American interventions in the Middle East that failed to resolve age-old conflicts but produced thousands of American wounded warriors.

In his retirement, George W. Bush paints pictures of those injured by the wars he started. A book with the paintings, Portraits of Courage Deluxe Signed & Personalized Edition, can be purchased for $350.00.

Of the four Senators, Gardner is the most notorious. Calling himself a “common sense conservative,” Gardner was labeled a “pot whore” by drug policy expert Dave Evans because he does anything the Colorado-based marijuana industry demands of him. Collins is a long-time anti-Trump liberal and McSally is a lackluster female candidate that the Republican establishment has tried twice to make into a Senator.

McSally lost a race for one Senate seat to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema and then was selected to fill the seat of former Senator John McCain when he died. She tried to attract conservative votes when she called CNN’s Manu Raju a “liberal hack.” This led to an appearance on Fox News. She also made a few headlines by questioning Fed chairman Jerome Powell about the central bank using a firm called Black Rock linked to China. Otherwise, she has pursued a “moderate” course.

Tillis called Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch “a fair, independent-minded judge with impeccable qualifications” and added that “He will be an outstanding Supreme Court Justice.” All of this talk has blown up in his face.

Of course, Gorsuch has betrayed conservative voters with his disastrous ruling, backed by Chief Justice John Roberts and the four members of the Court’s liberal bloc, in favor of LGBTQ rights. The ruling overturned state laws and threatens religious liberty across the land, as many conservatives feel betrayed by Trump and those who backed Gorsuch, including such powerhouse “conservative” groups as the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society.

With Trump’s reelection in doubt, Democrats only need to win four seats to take back the Senate, and right now, they claim they are leading in five of the most competitive races. Those races are:

  • Governor Steve Bullock (D) leads Steve Daines (R) 46-39 in Montana.
  • Sara Gideon is leading Susan Collins 47-43 in Maine.
  • Mark Kelly is leading Martha McSally 51-41 in Arizona.
  • Cal Cunningham is leading Thom Tillis 46-44 in North Carolina.
  • John Hickenlooper is leading Cory Gardner 54-36 in Colorado.

With a Senate takeover, while keeping the House under Nancy Pelosi’s speakership, America would have one-party government under President Biden. And with Justices Roberts and Gorsuch voting with the four liberal members of the Court, this would give the left-wing control over all three branches of government. All of Trump’s appointees to other federal court positions would be of little or no value, as any conservative rulings could be overturned on appeal.

Even though most voters believe 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has early dementia, he is leading Trump by big margins, as many as 14 points, in most polls.

While some believe Trump’s decline in the polls is not permanent, and that some surveys underestimate his appeal, there can be no doubt that his presidency is in deep trouble. But what is most worrisome to many conservatives is the acknowledged role being played in his campaign — and the campaigns of Republican Senators and candidates — by former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove. He is known as someone who likes to appeal to Democrat voters with “moderate” or liberal platitudes and positions. That is guaranteed to make conservatives stay home.

Taking this advice, Trump is pandering to the liberal-left, making favorable comments about the return of anti-cop activist and former football player Colin Kaepernick to the NFL.  “Trump softens on Kaepernick” was one headline. The former player once wore socks depicting police officers as pigs and donated $25,000 donation to an activist group, Assata’s Daughters, named after Assata Shakur/Joanne Chesimard, a cop-killer who fled to Communist Cuba.

In other liberal moves, Trump has endorsed federal legislation to regulate police forces that are normally under the control of local governments. On the matter of riots that have been spreading across the country, Trump threatens to restore law and order but does nothing, except clear out some protesters across the street from the White House who burned a historic church.

Meanwhile, Communist North Korea is starting another crisis with the United States, and Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met with Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Politburo Member Yang Jiechi in Honolulu, Hawaii “to exchange views on U.S.-China relations.”

“I’m a little upset with China” over the coronavirus, Trump had said. As of June 18, a total of 117,000 people had died in the U.S. because of the disease and the figure could reach 200,000 by October. At the same time, over 40 million Americans have been thrown out of work because of government economic lockdowns designed to prevent the spread of the virus.

The official U.S. State Department release stated that Pompeo stressed “important American interests and the need for fully-reciprocal dealings between the two nations across commercial, security, and diplomatic interactions” and “the need for full transparency and information sharing to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and prevent future outbreaks.”

It’s a little late for this kind of pandering and appeasement. The meeting alone demonstrated American weakness.

Meanwhile, Trump administration U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer was on Capitol Hill, saying it’s unreasonable to expect that the United States could decouple its economy from China’s.

It’s the kind of business as usual approach we would have expected from Obama/Biden and Bush. This is another reason why Trump is in deep trouble.

Finding Hope In Suffering

By Ron Edwards

The great apostle Peter wrote to those suffering brutal treatment at the hands of the Roman Empire, the religious leaders and other assorted hate filled individuals.  Apostle Peter wrote many words of encouragement to his fellow believers in Christ including that they should persevere for the person and message of Jesus Christ.  Peter provided the people with a divine perspective on their many trials so that they could endure them without wavering in their faith.  Having been born again (meaning accepting Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior) to a living hope, they are to imitate the Holy one who suffered and rely on His strong presence when they suffer.

As commander of the allied Forces in Europe during World War II and later president of the United times.  He said, “The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than it’s wealth.  The Bible is endorsed by the ages. Our civilization is built upon it’s hallowed words. In no other book is there such a collection of inspired wisdom, reality and hope.”  In the biblical book of James 1:2-4 are the comforting words, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have it’s perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

Today our republic is facing probably the greatest and most challenging times in it’s illustrious history.  In every other major violent challenge, ranging from the Revolutionary war to the 9-11 attacks that wiped out the World Trade Center, caused a horrific jet crash in Pennsylvania and the punched holes in the Pentagon, there were concerted efforts to legally combat against those tragedies.  During the riots of the 1960s, including the 1968 riot at the Democrat party convention in Chicago, strong measures were taken by the Chicago police force to stop the madness.  Today, college students are conned by their leftist professors into believing that the National Guard take down of student who were pelting police officers and national Guardsmen with bricks and urine fill glass bottles should not have been shot.  But that strong action stopped destructive student campus riots for decades. Things changed once leftist activists realized that nothing would be done, if they destroy property and beat up people who do not think like they do.

I believe that our current national trials, with the exception of poor education standards and much less Jedeo/Christian Ethics instruction for the most part are no greater than many struggles and traumatic events of the past.  One glaring difference though is the apparent lack of Biblical and Torah influences.  As our republic was systematically torn away from the good Biblical and Torah instruction, not only did our moral threshold diminish, but our collective moral standards and wisdom has become miniscule in comparison to prior decades.

When moral depravity is the norm, followed by dwindling wisdom, then the will to confront evil evaporates.  Before you know it, far too many Americans would rather watch their cities burn and businesses lost along with opportunities than to witness against and defeat evil doers pretending to care about justice.  When nearly a mile of Euclid Avenue businesses in downtown Cleveland were literally looted for sport because of the tragic rogue cop murder of George Floyd hundreds of miles away in Minneapolis, I concluded that most Americans today were never properly instructed on the difference between true Liberty and anarchy.  That applies to the mayors and governors throughout the United States who literally permitted the cretin destruction of property and murder of police officers, business owners and people just walking down the street.

So now what could be a full throttle reopening of our economy with people going back to work, others opening new businesses and more new construction, has been reduced to a much smaller level of opportunities at least temporarily.  Now many businesses are rebuilding and will not be fully operational until at least August.  In Columbus Ohio, a city once known for it’s Christian leanings, low crime and a reasonably comfortable lifestyle has grown to almost 900,000 residents in the city proper.  When I was a little boy visiting annually for the great Ohio State Fair and relatives, there were projections of massive growth for that city.  Most people went to church and prayed for Columbus to grow and prosper.  She did grow and is still expanding population wise. But along the way after the elderly folks of my youth died off, the prayers stopped and the good Judeo/Christian ethical standards withered away. In their place has arisen an anti American, anti Judeo/Christian culture as well as a growing sense of a preference of lawlessness over civility.  The large and growing population of Somalian Muslims is also contributing to a rapidly growing criminal culture.

I could go on forever listing the festering problems that are consuming our republic because far too many people prefer uncomfortable crime infested neighborhoods over peace, tranquility and prosperity.  If our republic is to recover and truly be great again, then “We the People” must humble ourselves and seek forgiveness for the subculture allowed to manifest and cause so much suffering. Then seek Providential guidance as did the Founding Fathers and be willing to challenge evil doers head on and defeat them.  If not, our republic will never be great again and our suffering will have been in vain.  God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.  Check out the Ron Edwards American Experience on the Nevada Talk Network of radio stations throughout Nevada and worldwide at 5 PM PT 8 PM ET simply go to and click on to the Nevada Talk Network icon to tune in.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Voodoo Science and Voodoo Courts

Dave Daubenmire

Jesus Christ is the Truth. We are taught that in the Bible.  He declared that “I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE…” and even though he was speaking in a spiritual sense the Truth of His words apply in the secular world as well.

Lie’s can never make a man free.  Oh, lies may make you FEEL free.  Or they can be justified in order to get you out of a sticky situation, but reality eventually teaches you that anything that was produced by falsehood will someday be exposed.  Jesus said, “There is nothing that is hidden that will not be revealed.”  The chickens eventually come home to roost.

Well, the cock is beginning to crow over America and millions are awakening to a new dawn.  Is it the final dawn?  Is it God shaking the earth one last time?  How can America possibly remain free when we are ruled by lies?  That is the battle we face.

What is Truth?  That was the piercing question Pilate asked Jesus just before he sentenced Him to death.  It is the same question we should be asking ourselves today.  Pilate was looking at the embodiment of Truth directly in the eyes and could not recognize it.  Secular prophet George Orwell suggested that “during times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

Yes, my friends, in today’s America, speaking the Truth has indeed become a revolutionary act.

The Left does not care about the Truth.  To them, the end always justifies the means.  I expect them to lie.  It is what unscrupulous people do.  But something is seriously wrong when CHRISTIAN people are so easily deceived.  Is it any wonder that this once Christian nation is teetering on the brink as the purveyors of falsehoods are carrying the day?

We have been told another whopper that was just exposed this week.  For most of my voting life I have been coached to vote for the “conservatives” if we are ever going to straighten this nation out.  This was especially true when the issue of supreme Court justices was thrown kicking and screaming on the table.

This simply opened the door to a different set of opinions.  Opinions are often wrong.  Opinions are not always the Truth.  Opinions are not laws.  Opinions are like rectums…they often smell.

“Conservative judges are the key to turning this nation around.” (Lie)  “If the President appoints more conservative judges abortion will end.” (Lie)  “Abortion is the law of the land.” (Lie)  “Neil Gorsuch can be trusted.” (Lie)  “We must obey the Court’s decisions.” (Lie)  “A man can become a woman by cutting his penis off.” (Lie)  “Sexual deviancy is a class of people just like blacks.” (Lie)  “You have no right to hire or fire someone based on sexual deviancy.” (Lie)  “Homosexuals are born that way.” (Lie)

Need I go on?  So much of what we are taught simply is not true.  No wonder we find ourselves living with a boot on our necks..

What should be the response of Christians to falsehoods?  Should we accept and obey them?  Should we promote them to our children?  Should we go quietly into that good night as Truth falls in the streets?  Why would the Church continue to support public schools?

America’s Godless education system has become the bastion of deceit. So much of what we permit to be taught to our children simply is not true.  From the origin of the species to the blind obedience to the over-reaching arm of government, lies and deception are the modus operandi.

Christians have permitted it.  Christian leaders have taught the damnable lie that Christians are to obey unholy edicts issued by unholy men.  Lying has become common place.  It has become an acceptable norm.  Christ’s church, His body, has been found missing in action in the battle for Truth.  America is being governed by unprincipled men who are swayed by Voodoo Science.

There is not one study in history that has proven that a man who “feels” like a woman is a woman.  Not one.  Feelings are not facts.  Feelings are not science. It is a creation of the mind by seriously deluded individuals who want to force the acceptance of their deviant behavior be codified by Voodoo legislation.

Courts cannot make laws.  Period.  Why does the church bow the knee to such devious decisions?  Only Truth can counter lies.

My friend Pastor Matt Trewella wrote yesterday;

On Monday, June 15th, the supreme Court yet again wrote “law” from their bench to impose immorality and injustice upon America. They sided with base men who want their sexual perversion protected by government and imposed on every person and every institution in America.”

Will the church ever stand and fight for Truth?  Will the Church ever muster the courage to speak the Truth?  Will the church ever stop bending its knees to the liars who are hell-bent on destroying all semblance of the Truth?

America is rapidly descending into chaos.  Truth has fallen in the streets. The American church won’t even help Truth get back on its feet.  The pulpits preach the Voodoo social gospel. Stop giving them money! Pray at home and get involved, church leaders won’t!

Voodoo makes use of a wealth of rituals and observations that affect followers’ day-to-day lives, making a straightforward list of observances impractical.”

With conservative “Justices” like John Roberts and Neil Gorsuch sexual deviants are the least of America’s worries.  You expect idiocy from perverts.  You don’t expect learned men to validate deviancy by creating Voodoo based opinions.

Lies bring bondage.  Truth sets men free.  Voodoo science leads to voodoo government.  Thugs become our heroes.  Honest men cower in fear.

The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.”  Psalm 12:8.  Our courts are stacked with vile men.  Look around at who is controlling America.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Don’t Wait For Your Religious Leaders – Stick Up for Our Country, Now!

by Lee Duigon

Why do we Americans just lie on our backs and take it when the Far Left and their pet nooze media dump their toxic “narrative” all over us? “Narrative,” by the way, doesn’t mean what the dictionary says it means. It has morphed into a euphemism for an endless stream of slimy lies spewed out by left-wing noozies.

The “narrative” tells us that America is a racist hell-hole consumed by “systemic racism.” That’s the thing they invented to take the place of real racism: imaginary problems are better than real problems because they can’t be solved and never go away. So America is Hell and it’s all white people’s fault, we’re all guilty, it’s in our DNA—and only Far Left wackos can bring us to utopia. Which they’ll do if we hand the country over to Democrats.

Nagging is supposed to make you feel guilty, wear you down till you surrender. But getting nagged, yelled at, called names, and blamed for things you didn’t do doesn’t make me feel guilty. It only makes me mad. But that’s okay with Democrats. They want us mad at each other.

By “us” I mean persons, unique individuals. But there’s no “You” in the leftist mind. “You” don’t exist as an individual. When they say “you,” they mean nothing more than a set of external and ultimately meaningless characteristics—like sex or skin color—that define you, that entitle you either to respect or abuse.

So they nag us. Today the Firefox search page bore this message: “Educating ourselves is how we can begin dismantling systemic racism.” Isn’t that clever, the way they just slip it in so that the reality of “systemic racism” is assumed, is a given? We don’t get a chance to debate it: it’s already there. This is a cheap rhetorical trick, beloved of liberals.

While the Left’s useful idiots and compulsive criminals riot in our streets, the social media, huge corporations, and Hollywood celebrities dump on our presumed racism—did you know we’re *all* “white supremacists”?—nag us, browbeat us, torture us with endless repetition, and demand our surrender. We’re wrong, we were born wrong, and we must all kneel and genuflect to “Black Lives Matter.”

By this they mean that “only black lives matter.” But not all black lives. Just left-wing black lives: everybody else is totally expendable.

You’ve got to hand it to them, though. The name is a stroke of genius. Who would dare oppose them? You’d be accused of thinking black lives don’t matter! This gaggle of Marxist, homosexualist, racialist creeps, abundantly funded by George Soros and his kind, gets credit for representing *all* black people. And idiot suburban liberals put up “Black Lives Matter” lawn signs. Makes ‘em feel virtuous.

Why are all those corporations backing a Marxist fringe group? Beats me!

And normal, decent, not-crazy people are not heard from. If you only had the media to go by, you might assume we don’t exist: that there’s nobody here in America but White Supremacists and self-anointed Freedom Fighters of assorted colors.

In addition to smearing the greatest country in the world as a devouring racist monster, “progressives” also hold out the illusion of eventual perfection—of paradise on earth, guaranteed free of racism, income inequality, war, illness, and everything else that makes the little snowflakes cry. Flagrantly imperfect human beings are going to construct for us a perfect world—but not until after they’ve torn down this imperfect world. This has always been the siren song of revolutionaries, and you know what happens to sailors who listen to the sirens: wrecked on the rocks and drowned. How many times are we going to fall for it?

America is not perfect. So what? Neither is anywhere else. It is not in human capacity to achieve perfection. That only comes when Jesus Christ returns.

But America is good enough so that half the world wants to come here, by hook or by crook. It is certainly not the house of horrors being sold to us by noozies and their stupid narrative.

Where’s the pushback? When are we going to stick up for ourselves?

Now, this minute, would be a good time to start.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit, before I get banned; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Why You Can’t Recognize America These Days

By Frosty Wooldridge

Riots in 75 American cities.  Cops being shot sitting in their patrol cars. Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorist groups burning down police precincts.  Police cruisers being set on fire.  Thousands of innocent businesses looted and burned.  Historic monuments desecrated and destroyed.  Citizen-terrorists wrecking Main Street America.

Sound like the America you knew?  Or, is this a brave new America?  Or, is it America at all?

At this point, our country no longer remains our country.  Via endless immigration out of the third world, it’s being given away piece by piece, chunk by chunk and city by city.

Witness the results of the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that shoved 100 million people from third world countries down our throats. It’s changed our intelligence, our culture, our language and our sense of loyalty to our country.

Minnesota, the cauldron for the riots, has degraded from less than 1 percent foreign-born in 1965 to 10 percent foreign-born today.  A total of 45 million foreign born now stomp around in our country.  Who represents Minneapolis today?  Somalian Ilhan Omar, not an American, and who has never read the U.S. Constitution, and who committed immigration fraud to gain access to the USA.  Additionally, she said, “I want all Muslims to make Americans uncomfortable.”  Exactly why should we feel uncomfortable in our own country?  Would anyone feel comfortable in her country of Somalia?

“Instead of liberal but non-rioting Scandinavians and Germans, the new immigrants are overwhelmingly African, Asian, and Hispanic. In fact, Minnesota now has a much larger proportion of Asian and African immigrants than the nation as a whole,” said Ann Coulter. (June 10, 2020, Breitbart News.)

And yet, no one thinks immigration means much of anything as long as it’s legal.  What’s going to happen when the next 100 million bedraggled masses hit our shores by 2050?

California; Bow of the USS Titanic

California devolved from the state that elected Ronald Reagan to Governor Gavin Newsome and Nancy Pelosi along with Maxine Waters, who represent and encourage endless illegal migration.

How did all this happen?

You guessed it: endless immigration out of the third world.  Fifty years ago, California enjoyed 85 percent White residents.  They show a scant 37 percent today and dropping fast.  Detroit now stands as Islam’s first caliphate in Dearbornistan, Michigan. To visit there is to visit a country within our country.  It’s the same with “Somaliland” in Minneapolis with 120,000 foreign born African bush people. Arabic writing on store fronts and everywhere. You will not see one American flag being flown in the area.

In 2019, those same bush people scammed over $100,000,000.00 of American taxpayer money via Electronic Benefits Transfers credit cards. A sobering 9.5 out of ten of them subsist on welfare for life.

In big cities where immigrants enclave, they vote for the best democrats who promise the most goodies.  NYC May Di Blasio won 96 percent of the black vote, 87 percent of Hispanics, 70 percent of Asians and 54 percent of the White vote.

As we import more of them, we may expect them to express themselves on the forever welfare rolls, Molotov cocktails, burning police cars, leading marches and stomping on Old Glory.

“We don’t have the figures for the current, ongoing nationwide riots, but a Loyola-Marymount professor recently gushed to the New York Times that compared to the Rodney King riots, these have been “truly multicultural.” If we ever find out, I’ll lay even odds that a lot of the looters standing by with empty suitcases outside the luxury stores were our immigrant fraudsters, otherwise employed stealing billions of dollars from Medicare, Social Security, and food stamp programs,” said Coulter.

Why haven’t Americans figured this immigration invasion out?  What clouds the majority of Americans’ minds?  Doesn’t anyone put two and two together to discover the obvious answer?  How many more riots, flag burnings, Antifa thugs, looting, Black Lives Matter terrorists and cop cars burning will it take?

Are you, an American citizen, excited about the projected 100 million more foreigners imported into America from around the world?  If you are, well, just sit back and watch your country torched in the coming years.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Three “C”s of Tyranny and Damnation

Butch Paugh

Cowardliness, Complacency and Compliance

Let’s get the first “C” covered and exposed quickly.  As we will endeavor to do for the other two “C”s .

(Partial definition) (1) Cowardliness – coward – 1828 Webster’s Dictionary – A person who wants for courage to meet danger.  Destitute of courage. Timid; base; as a “coward” wretch.  Fearful.

The fearful (cowardly) are the first to be cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 21:8)  Their fear of standing for righteousness because of fear of persecution or perhaps compromising truth and righteousness for fear (cowardliness) of losing material gain, or even death are proof that they have fallen short on total and sincere faith in God!  I do not know one individual who doesn’t feel fear from time to time!  No one enjoys being ridiculed, mocked, or persecuted.  Christ himself didn’t enjoy it!  He even asked His Father if there was any other way but being nailed to a cross that He could do to fulfill His work on earth.  But He overcame that fear by knowing His Father’s promise to Him.  Courage is not the absence of fear, but the overcoming of fear through faith!  Remember, to please God we must have the faith not to be a coward!  To face our fears through faith in Him and His promises to us.  In order to “please” Him we have to have faith in Him!  (Heb. 11:6, James 2:17,18)  The following scriptures may be of a help to all of us.  (Deut. 3:16, Prov. 29:25, Matt. 6:24-34, Matt. 20:28, Heb. 2:5, Heb. 3:17-19)  Now the first “C” has been explained.  The rest is up to you!  Your soul depends on your response!

(2) Complacency– 1828 Webster’s Dictionary (partial definition) “pleasure, satisfaction, gratification, softness of manner, “approbation” or the act of approving, liking, assenting to the propriety of a thing.”  If an act or issue is morally correct, we are complacent with it as righteous men.  But when an act or issue is immoral, to be complacent is a sin that leads to damnation!  Indeed, is an act of cowardliness!  We become “complacent”, apathetic, and indeed “pathetic” in the eyes of God.  Complacency with evil leads to the same destination as cowardliness!  We have all been massively guilty of this one!  That is why America is decaying before our very eyes!  (Ps. 97:19, Prov. 24:11-12, Prov. 25:26, Romans 12:9, Eph. 6:10-12, James 4:17, I John 4:20, Rev. 3:16.)

(3)  Compliance – 1828 Webster’s Dictionary (partial definition) “The act of complying; a yielding to a demand or proposal, (submission), obedience, compliance to a command or precept.  Yielding, bending to be compliant to an act or issue show consent to that act or issue.”  An act or issue that is Godly and morally right, we are commanded to obey!  But an ungodly and immoral act or issue we are commanded not to obey!  God alone is sovereign!  His laws supersede all other laws made by all other powers or authorities!  Any law, dictate, order, request or command is null and void if not in line with His Word!  True followers of Yahweh, Jehovah God through His son Yashua, Jesus the Christ are duty bound to obey Him over any other power or authority!  (Acts 5:29)  To comply with an ungodly or unrighteous (unlawful) decrees made by any entity is sin, and shows cowardliness and complacency!

You will find in God’s Word and throughout history that the masses all over the world preferred to play the coward, be complacent and comply with immoral acts and decrees just to keep the “peace”.  They would rather suffer inhumane and tyrannical edicts than stand for truth and righteousness in society!  The masses have always suffered from the “Hezekiah Syndrome.”  Even after God healed Hezekiah and added fifteen years to his life he still committed a great sin by trusting in “ambassadors” from Babylon (worldly, evil powers).  Because of his sin, Isaiah told him that his kingdom would be lost to Babylon and his own sons would be castrated servants to theKing of Babylon. Hezekiah, showing the type of man he really was, cowardly, complacent and compliant made the following statement to Isaiah: II Kings 20:19, “Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of LORD (Yahweh) which thou hast spoken.  And he said, “Is it not good, if peace and truth be in my days?”  In other words, isn’t it a good thing that there will be peace and truth as long as I’m alive?  Let my children pay for my ignorance and apathy!  The same exact thing we here in America have been saying for at least150 years!  We had better give thanks and praise God that He is merciful and forgiving to those who will NOW repent and take a stand!!  [ 1 Tim. 21:1-4]  Read verses three and four VERY carefully!!

Some fruits of the three “C’s” are, tolerance of unjust wars, tolerance of a police state, the destruction of children’s minds and souls in the public “fool” system, the slaughter of nearly 100 million children in their mother’s wombs and allowing the supreme court to decree that sexual deviant and perverts have a Constitutional right to seduce, rape and pervert our children!!  REPENT OR PERISH!!  Payday IS coming for ALL of us!!

Stand and LIVE, or bow and BURN!!  [11 Kings 18:21, Jos. 24:15, 11 Sam. 10:12]





In Christ’s Service,

© 2020 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

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Let The Cops Do It. Oops! The Cops Are Gone

By Ron Ewart

“We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad… Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn’t for the cops?” —Charles Barkley – An African-American former basketball player  

As revealed by the website, from 2017 to 2020 on average, twice as many whites were shot by police as compared to blacks shot by police.  In the broader category of homicides, Black offenders committed 52% and whites 45%.  In 2008, the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites.  Ninety Three percent (93%) of black victims were killed by other blacks.  Eighty-four (84%) of white victims were killed by whites.

From 2011 to 2013, 38.5% of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery and aggravated assault were black.  And yet blacks only represent around 13% of the total population.

How many white men were shot by black cops?  We couldn’t find a single statistic on this issue and yet we know that many black cops have an ingrained bias against white Americans.  They grow up with it.

For 2016, FBI statistics show that there were 8,421,481 crimes committed in the U. S.  Sixty-nine point six percent (69.6%) of those crimes were committed by whites and twenty-six point nine percent (26.9%) were committed by blacks for again, a population of only 13%.  These are the undisputed facts.

Some people, especially the news media, Black Lives Matter, academics and socialist Democrat politicians, would construe and have construed from this that the cops are racists.  However, one could also conclude that blacks perpetrate crimes at a higher rate than whites and are more than likely to come in contact with police, or arrested, or shot by police.  Given the evidence, the latter is much more likely than the former.

To say there is systemic racism in America is not accurate and is a distortion of the facts.  And yet it is the charge of systemic racism that is the rationale behind the protests, riots, looting and arson occurring in our cities all around America.  It is also the basis for corporations to stroke their corporate conscience, or pander to their black customers, by contributing huge donations to black groups, including Black Lives Matter, a known violent group that want to kill cops.

The charge of systemic racism is also the basis for a bunch of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter types (violent, arrogant bullies) that have seized control of several blocks of the Capital Hill neighborhood of the City of Seattle.  The bullies have made a list of demands right out of a Marxist playbook, including getting rid of the police.  The coward Democrat governor of Washington State, Jay Inslee and the equally coward Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, have capitulated to the bullies.  Durkin called the takeover the “summer of love.”  Ludicrous!

Rather than calling out the National Guard, or expelling the occupiers by a show of a large police force, the Seattle police abandoned their own precinct in the area and handed it over to the occupiers.  The mayor has called the occupiers, patriots and wants to engage in a dialogue with the bullies instead of forcibly removing them.  Evidently, these Democrat politicians aren’t aware of what happens when you give in to bullies.  (See: “Confront the Bully Or Be His Slave”)

We developed a police force in America to deal with bullies and criminals.  But what if the police are no longer there to be the serve and protect “guard” between the bully and the criminal and the general population?   In such a case what develops are chaos, anarchy, vigilante justice and every man for him self.

And why is it we are only having this race problem with black Americans.  Why aren’t the Asians and Latinos out there protesting in the streets that “Asian Lives Matter”, or “Latino Lives Matter.”  After all, aren’t these races being suppressed by White Privilege as well?   Could it be that the general black population has systemic problems of its own, like being poorly educated, a large percentage of broken homes, high unemployment and high crime rates?  Who is killing blacks?  Not the cops.  Blacks are killing blacks in their own neighborhoods by the thousands.

And what about the Jews who have suffered throughout antiquity and up to the present day, far more and far longer than blacks have suffered.  “JEWS LIVES MATTER” too, but they aren’t violently protesting in the streets and looting and burning buildings.  Have you seen some of this anti-Semite stuff?  It’s disgusting.

We have yielded to the bully and we are now suffering the consequences.  Worse than that, because of the relentless attacks on the police and from insane dictates from their Democrat handlers, have decided to drop back and punt, rather than confront the violent looters and arsonists with force.

But there is a much larger injustice in America that has nothing to do with race.  The slow, insidious assault on individual liberty and unalienable rights have been raging for at least the last 100 years or so under the flag of Progressivism (Democrats) and yet there are no massive protests, riots, looting and burning by American citizens because of that assault.   There should be but there isn’t.

Why aren’t the police protecting our individual liberty and property rights?  Oh, that’s not the job of the police.  It is the purview and duty of the politicians, isn’t it?  But the politicians aren’t protecting your individual liberties and unalienable rights and they haven’t been for a very long time.  In fact, those same politicians are taking those individual liberties and property rights away from Americans almost daily.  Yes,” All Lives Matter” but “Liberty Matters” even more.  If there is no liberty, “NO LIVES MATTER.”

Let’s talk about a real protest in the name of liberty.  Hundreds of thousands of mostly young Americans came out in sometimes-violent protests against what they believe to be systemic racism against the black race by the white population and the police.

Instead, what if normal, reasonable and prudent armed Americans (there are tens of millions of them) decided to protest the loss of their individual freedoms and did so in an organized and determined fashion.  What if say 300,000 of those normal, reasonable and prudent armed Americans (that’s all it would take) decided to convince federal and state politicians, by a show of force and a list of constitutional demands, that they were going to occupy the grounds of every state capitol and Washington DC until their demands were met.  Five thousand (5,000) armed Americans would ENCIRCLE the state capitols of every state and fifty thousand (50,000) would ENCIRCLE Washington DC.  That’s only 300,000 armed Americans forcing government to comply with their constitutional duty to preserve, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and individual liberty, in a nation of 330,000,000 people.

Unfortunately, this is never going to happen.  There is no organization that could pull 300,000 armed civilians together in the pursuit of freedom and there is no money to fund it.

Would these 300,000 armed Americans be justified in their pursuit of freedom and liberty, just as the Colonials were justified in starting the Revolutionary War?  You bet they would, even more so than the Colonials.  However, would the federal and state governments allow this justified occupation to occur without a massive show of military force to take down the freedom-loving insurgents, in what was once a Constitutional Republic?  Not likely.

After all, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) sent in over 200 armed agents to oversee the removal of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle from federal land in April of 2014 and almost triggered a blood bath between BLM agents and hundreds of armed civilians defending Bundy, in front of TV cameras.

The FEDS sent in snipers to kill Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge in August of 1992.  They killed his wife, son and dog and wounded a friend.  Randy survived to collect over $3,000,000 from the FEDS.

Again, the FEDS sent in armed military troops and a tank to take down the members of the Branch Davidian in Waco, Texas (February to April 1993) where 76 Branch Davidians died, including 25 children and two pregnant women, in a massive fire of the complex, purportedly started by the military.

Federal or state agents murdered Lavoy Finicum on a lonely stretch of rural road in Oregon on January 26, 2016 and arrested the people that were with him.  Finicum, a New Mexico rancher, was a spokesperson for the group known as Citizens For Constitutional Freedom, a non-violent organization in pursuit of individual, constitutional liberty.  Finicum and Ammon Bundy’s rag tag group had just retreated from the takeover of the Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and were looking to have a dialogue with the local sheriff.  They never made it to a meeting with the sheriff because they were stopped on a lonely snowy Oregon road by heavily armed local, state and federal law officers.

So the government would oppose Americans for standing up and defending freedom and their individual rights, but they would let ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter take over a portion of a city and not lift a finger.  That is how upside down America has become under the Democrat ruling class.

If you let the bully win, whether it is ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, or the government, you will be forever stuck with the outcome.  Take away the cops and the street bullies will have even greater power.  Let politicians take away your individual liberty and “NO LIVES WILL MATTER.”  Right now, the bully is winning in places like Seattle, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Saint Louis, Chicago, New York and the free heart land of America.  If they win and we are all locked in virtual or real chains, we the people WILL HAVE LET THEM WIN ….. without lifting a finger.

Read more powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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A Message to the Fathers of America

Jake MacAulay

Fathers of America, have you noticed how much attention has been given to shameful current events? Brutal force and murder by corrupt police officers, racism, and riots have been a firestorm throughout America.

These events, of course, are not isolated to just our modern times. However, here are just a few things that isolate modern uprisings from those of as recent as the 50s and 60s.

With so few fathers today, less than half (46%) of all children are living in a family with two married parents in their first marriage. Church attendance led by fathers is declining consistently. As a result, the enormous infrastructure of love and community found in the Church body is virtually unknown by so many families in our modern culture.

Fathers, we have willfully detached ourselves from the power that can heal our land. This power was demonstrated at the first Thanksgiving, the uniting of the colonies to declare independence from tyranny, and all the way down to the recent Southern Christian Leadership Campaign, whose mission was to awaken the moral conscience of this country through Christian love.

During the American Revolution, American fathers then did what any “real man” would do: they banded together and formed defenses to, and I quote the preamble to the Constitution: “Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Blessings only come from the Divine and, “Religion in a Family is at once its brightest Ornament and its best Security,”said founding father Samuel Adams.

It breaks my heart that so many in our country won’t be celebrating Father’s Day this year because they don’t have fathers involved in their lives. Reversing the trend of this affliction thrust on our youth is essential if we are ever going to restore the American family unit. Unless and until we do, despite America’s great wealth and prosperity, we will remain divided, destitute, and poor.

I am praying that this Father’s Day, American fathers will once again be the Christian example of men who will join together in brotherhood to heal our broken land.

Fathers, I implore you, leave a legacy epitomized in the following admonition by Patrick Henry:

I have now disposed of all my property to my family. There is one thing more I wish I could give them, and that is the Christian Religion. If they had that and I had not given them one shilling they would have been rich; and if they had not that and I had given them all the world, they would be poor.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

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Islam: The Iranian Version

By: Amil Imani

Before the Islamic invasion of 1979, Iranian people had a different view of Islam. The kind of Islamic version people believed did not exist beyond their own imagination. To them, that was the real Islam. Kind, perfect and peaceful. With the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, ‘real’ Islam was reintroduced to the populace and it turned Iran and Iranians’ fictitious beliefs into a nightmare.

Most people around the world are not aware of this fact. I believe, historians conclusively need to elucidate this reality so that Iran is not referred to as an Islamic country.

Before the invasion of 1979, Iranians in general, lived in a peaceful and relatively calm country which did not impose religion of any kind on its citizens. Major events in Shi’a Islam was only celebrated during certain days of the year. These innocent and naïve Iranians had a completely imaginary and unrealistic vision of ​​Islam without the slightest idea what the real Islam was, what the Qur’an said, what the Prophet of Islam did and did not do. Irrespective of any and all, they attributed Islam with their own vision, fantasy, ideals and beliefs. In other words, Islam was only as good as the person practicing it.

Let us be clear. When someone said, the real Islam is what the Quran and prophet Muhammad said it is, many Iranians ignored it with disbelief. They continued to nurture the version of Islam they created in their mind as the most benevolent religion on Earth. All the beauty that existed on our planet was due to the presence of their Islamic version, and anyone, including the Ayatollahs who were the guardians of Islam, were looked upon as conmen. This trend of thought took the nation to the peak of ignorance. If those us who knew the true nature of Islam said the slightest negative view against their beloved Shi’a Imams, your life would literality end.

This way of thinking, without any scientific research or evidence was prevalent in Iran during the reign of the Shah. The Shah himself was  superstitious and allowed the country to fall into the hands of Mullahs. That is despite the fact his own father, Reza Shah the Great had forced these leaches to run and hide to the four corners of Iran and elsewhere. But his son, the Shah of Iran did exactly the opposite. He brought back the Mullahs and Ayatollahs from their deathbed into society and in his court. On February 4, 1949, an unsuccessful assassination attempt on the Shah of Iran made him even more religious. He said many times that he believed he was protected by the Shi’a Imams. He gave too much power to the clergy.


Forty-one years has passed since the Islamic invasion of 1979. Today, many Iranians are incorrigibly disaffected from the fraudulent and oppressive Islamic rulers. Although Islam was imposed on the Iranian people some 1,400 years ago, Iranians still deeply value their own ancient non-Arab identity and have never fully surrendered to Arab culture.

We Iranians, castigated by the barbaric cult of Islam as infidels, heathens, unbelievers, and apostates, have recognized Islam for what it is: an intolerant primitive chauvinistic belief system incompatible with the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Currently, millions of Iranians consider the mullahs, their lackeys and lobbyists as the true enemies of Iran, the country of my birth. Iranians are very proud people. All they are asking is that people and countries that are at clear risk from the mullahs ought to step up to the plate and help the Iranians, in numerous effective ways to get rid of these usurpers, these religious fanatics who are hell-bent on promoting their deadly agenda.

The Iranian people will most assuredly dislodge these wolves and try them for their crimes with all due process, the due process that they have completely denied for the people of Iran for the past forty-one years. But, tried they will be and they need help from our friends to destroy the common enemy before it escalates its bloodletting program, both in Iran, against Israel and eventually engulfing the entire world.

I bemoan the plight of my native land and the people who have suffered and continue to suffer under Islam. Without Islam, there would not be any Muslims to hoist the banner of hate and violence against non-Muslims.

The Iranian people now recognize that dysfunctional Islamic indoctrination is deeply ingrained in the minds of many Muslims who opt to remain in mental bondage rather than purge their minds and join the rest of the human family with a new emancipating program for life and liberty.

In the end, the mullahs and Imams do not abuse Islam, but use it to further their agenda. The mullahs and Imams are bad because Islam is bad. The mullahs and Imams are criminals because Islam is a religion of crime. Time for humanity to unite against the rule of the criminal Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) and those who promote it.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The President’s Authority To Suppress Insurrections

Edwin Vieira, JD., Ph.D.

Recently, both the big “mainstream” media and hundreds of alternative sources on the Internet have overflowed with the opinions of commentators, pundits, bloggers, public officials at all levels of the federal system, retired military officers, sports stars, and assorted “celebrities”, concerning the authority (or lack thereof) of the President of the United States to intervene in the rampage of riots, looting, arson, and even killings which have plagued American cities following the homicide of Mr. George Floyd. The major lesson one learns from this palaver is that the writers and speakers generating it possess little to no real knowledge of the subject-matter, and apparently have no inclination to acquire any. That is both amazing and frightening. For, besides being of the highest importance, the subject-matter is so clear cut that anyone who has obtained a secondary-school education of the quality generally available prior to (say) 1970 should be able to understand it with a minimum of mental strain. The following points are intended to clarify the matter for anyone whose thinking needs clarification—

FIRST. Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 of the Constitution of the United States mandates that “[b]efore he enter on the Execution of his Office, [the President] shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’” Everything which follows in this analysis comes within the purview of this “Oath”.

SECOND. Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution provides that “[t]he executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” That is, all “executive Power”, because the latter Clause recognizes no exceptions or exclusions.

THIRD. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution provides that “[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States[.]” The Constitution recognizes no one other than the President as the recipient of this status and authority.

FOURTH. Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires that the President “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. This is not only a duty, but also a power and a right (in the strict legal senses of those terms). Self-evidently, one manner of fulfilling this duty, and exercising this right and power, is for the President to take appropriate actions as “Commander in Chief” of the forces the Constitution places within his control.

FIFTH. Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 of the Constitution delegate to Congress the power “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, [and] suppress Insurrections”, whereupon “such Part of the[ Militia]” as may be “call[ed] forth” is considered to “be employed in the Service of the United States”.

SIXTH. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution delegates to Congress the power “[t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution” not only its own “Power[ ]” “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia”, but also “all other Powers vested by th[e] Constitution in * * * any * * * Officer thereof”, such as the “Power[ ]” of the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”.

SEVENTH. Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution provides (in pertinent part) that “[n]o State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” And Section 5 of that Amendment provides that “[t]he Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

EIGHTH. Pursuant to its powers recited above, Congress enacted the present Section 252 of Title 10 of the United States Code:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

This is no novel contemporary piece of legislation, but derives from the Act of 29 July 1861, Chap. XXV, An Act to provide for the Suppression of Rebellion and Resistance to the Laws of the United States, and to amend the Act entitled “An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Law of the Union,” &c., passed February twenty-eight, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, 12 Stat. 281, and from the Act of 28 February 1795, Chap. XXXVI, An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the Act now in force for those purposes, § 2, 1 Stat. 424, 424.

Section 252, apparently, is what people who pontificate about the President’s authority are calling “The Insurrection Act”. If so, the contention of critics that President Trump cannot rely upon this statute is balderdash—inasmuch as Presidents before him have invoked it successfully, with no widespread (or, really, any significant) outcry against the legality of their actions. See Executive Order No. 10730, 24 September 1957, 22 Federal Register 7628 (President Eisenhower); Executive Order No. 11053, 30 September 1962, 27 Federal Register 9681 (President Kennedy); Executive Order No. 11111, 11 July 1963, 28 Federal Register 5709 (President Kennedy); Executive Order No. 11118, 10 September 1963, 28 Federal Register 9863 (President Kennedy).

NINTH. Although 10 U.S.C. § 252 could apply under some circumstances to some of the disorders which have occurred in various States in recent days, it is not the statute which President Trump—were he well advised—should invoke to deal with the generality of riots, looting, arson, and even killings which Americans in those places have suffered. The statute which better fits the situation is the present Section 253 of Title 10 of the United States Code:

The President, by using the militia * * * shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

This, too, is no novel contemporary piece of legislation, but derives from the Act of 20 April 1871, chap. XXII, An Act to enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes, § 3, 17 Stat. 13, 14. And its terms exactly describe the situation in those States in which civil unrest has broken out in recent days—namely, that “insurrection[s], domestic violence, unlawful combination[s], or conspirac[ies]” have terrorized the peaceful inhabitants, and “the constituted authorities of th[ose] State[s] are unable, fail, or refuse to protect th[e] right[s], privilege[s], immunit[ies], or to give the protection named in the Constitution and secured by law” for some “part[s] or class[es] of [those States’] people.

TENTH. Section 253 imposes no limits on the legal, let alone the commonplace, definitions of “insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy” to which it applies. And the rioting, looting, arson, and killings which have taken place in various States surely fall within any acceptable definitions of those words.

ELEVENTH. Section 253 imposes no limit on what “militia” (or part thereof) the President may “us[e]”, so long (obviously) as that “militia” is recognized as such (i) by the Constitution itself—namely, “the Militia of the several States” (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1); or (ii) by a law of Congress which refers to some “Part of the[ Militia of the several States]” which “may be employed in the Service of the United States” (Article I, Section 8, Clause 16).

And pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15, 16, and 18 of the Constitution, for “employ[ment] in the Service of the United States” in aid of “execut[ing] the Laws of the Union, [and] suppress[ing] Insurrections” (among other responsibilities), Congress has defined “[t]he militia of the United States” as follows:

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, [with certain exceptions not relevant here], under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

10 U.S.C. § 246.

TWELFTH. Section 253 imposes no limits on “the measures” that the President may “consider[ ] necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy” to which that statute is addressed. So his statutory authority must include “using the militia” (as defined in 10 U.S.C. § 246) “to execute [whatever] Laws of the Union” may apply to the situation (which authority and responsibility the Constitution explicitly assigns to the Militia in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution), so as to fulfill his duty to “take Care that th[os]e Laws be faithfully executed” (under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution).

THIRTEENTH. As Section 253 provides, should the President determine that “any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy * * * so hinders the execution of the laws of [a] State, and of the United States within th[at] State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection”, he may “consider” that “the State * * * ha[s] denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.” In that regard, Section 253 is especially “appropriate legislation” through which Congress has empowered the President to “enforce” in the first instance the requirement that no State shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”, perforce of Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. See the origin of 10 U.S.C. § 253 in Act of 20 April 1871, chap. XXII, An Act to enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes, § 3, 17 Stat. 13, 14.

For instance, the President could determine that, in those States in which riots, looting, arson, and homicide have taken place with no adequate response from public officials—or, even worse, with their tacit acquiescence or approval—“part[s] or class[es] of [those States’] people” have been deprived of the rights to “property” and even “life” “named in the Constitution”, as well as the immunities “secured by law” from, for example, riots (18 U.S.C. § 2101), insurrections (18 U.S.C. § 2383), and sedition (18 U.S.C. § 2384).

To this, no disgruntled State or Local official (or anyone else, for that matter) can offer a legal objection, whether under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution or otherwise. After all, Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment delegates to Congress a plenary supervisory power which it may wield in aid of Section 1 of that Amendment against the States perforce of Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution (“the Supremacy Clause”). Under the Supremacy Clause, Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, along with 10 U.S.C. § 253, are “the supreme Law of the Land” by which “the Judges in every State shall be bound * * * , any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” And, as required by Article VI, Clause 3 of the Constitution, “the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers * * * of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support th[e] Constitution” in the foregoing regard, not to disregard let alone to defy it.

FOURTEENTH. Inasmuch as Section 253 reaches every “insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy” which comes within its terms, the President need not deal solely with the rioters, looters, arsonists, insurrectionists, and killers to be found at the scenes of their crimes, but may also search out organizers, agitators and propagandists, logisticians, intermediaries, financiers, and other accomplices of any sort who have escaped to or who have always performed their nefarious operations in distant places. And the President’s authority in this regard embraces not only individuals, but also all ostensibly legitimate “foundations”, “think tanks”, and like institutions which fund, otherwise support, or encourage such criminal misbehavior.

FIFTEENTH. As appears on its face, Section 253 does not require the President to solicit or receive the approval of a State’s Legislature, Governor, or other official before he (the President) executes that statute in that State. In this respect, Section 253 differs from 10 U.S.C. § 251. See the origin of § 251 in the Act of 28 February 1795, Chap. XXXVI, An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the act in force for those purposes, § 1, 1 Stat. 424, 424.

SIXTEENTH. Were the Constitution and 10 U.S.C. § 253 by themselves not enough to drive the point home, the Supreme Court has in principle already opined that the President’s determinations under that statute must be accepted as conclusive by everyone else, including the Judiciary.

Pursuant to its constitutional power “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia * * * to repel Invasions”, in 1795 Congress enacted legislation which provided in pertinent part

[t]hat whenever the United States shall be invaded, or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian tribe, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth such number of the militia of the state, or states, most convenient the place of danger, or scene of action, as he may judge necessary to repel such invasion, and to issue his orders for that purpose, to such officer or officers of the militia, as he shall think proper.

Act of 28 February 1795, Chap. XXXVI, An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the act in force for those purposes, § 1, 1 Stat. 424, 424.

Referring to the power so delegated by Congress to the President, the Supreme Court described it as

not a power which can be executed without a corresponding responsibility. It is, in its terms, a limited power, confined to cases of actual invasion, or of imminent danger of invasion. If it be a limited power, * * * by whom is the exigency to be judged of and decided? Is the president the sole and exclusive judge whether the exigency has arisen, or is it to be considered as an open question * * * ? We are all of opinion, that the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs exclusively to the president, and that his decision is conclusive upon all other persons.

*     *     *     *     *

If we look at the language of the act of 1795, * * * [t]he power itself is confided to the executive of the Union, to him who is, by the constitution, “the commander in chief of the militia, when called into the actual service of the United States,” whose duty it is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” and whose responsibility for an honest discharge of his official obligations is secured by the highest sanctions. He is necessarily constituted the judge of the existence of the exigency in the first instance, and is bound to act according to his belief of the facts. If he does so act, and decides to call forth the militia, his orders for this purpose are in strict conformity with the provisions of the law; and it would seem to follow as a necessary consequence, that every act done by a subordinate officer, in obedience to such orders, is equally justifiable. The law contemplates that, under such circumstances, orders shall be given to carry the power into effect; and it cannot, therefore, be a correct inference, that any other person has a just right to disobey them. The law does not provide for any appeal from the judgment of the president, or for any right in subordinate officers to review his decision, and in effect defeat it. Whenever a statute gives a discretionary power to any person, to be exercised by him, upon his own opinion of certain facts, it is a sound rule of construction, that the statute constitutes him the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts.

Martin v. Mott, 25 U.S. (12 Wheaton) 19, 29-32 (1827) (Story, J., for the Court).

This legal analysis applies directly, and with decisive effect, to 10 U.S.C. § 253—

(i) Congress enacted the Act of 1795 pursuant to its power in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 “[to] provide for calling forth the Militia to * * * repel Invasions”. That very same Clause also authorizes Congress “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, [and] suppress Insurrections”. Self-evidently, the principles Martin v. Mott invoked are equally applicable to all of the purposes for which the Militia may be called forth.

(ii) The Act of 1795 empowered the President “to call forth such number of the militia * * * as he may judge necessary”, and “to issue his orders for that purpose, to such officer or officers of the militia, as he shall think proper”. In like wise, 10 U.S.C. § 253 delegates to the President the broad authority “by using the militia * * * [to] take such measures as he considers necessary”. Thus, the latter statute is entitled to the same construction Martin v. Mott applied to the former one—namely, that “the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs exclusively to the president, and * * * his decision is conclusive upon all other persons”; and “that, under such circumstances, orders shall be given to carry the power into effect”, and no “other person has a just right to disobey them.” Indeed, as applied to 10 U.S.C. § 253, the principles of Martin v. Mott should extend far beyond the facts of that case. For there the President’s power could be directed only at actual members of the Militia; whereas, under Section 253, “such measures as [the President] considers necessary” are not confined to members of the Militia alone, but instead may reach essentially anyone and everyone whose behavior is in any way implicated, for good or for bad, in the “insurrection[s], domestic violence, unlawful combination[s], or conspirac[ies]” those “measures” are designed “to suppress”.

(iii) Martin v. Mott held that the Act of 1795 “d[id] not provide for any appeal from the judgment of the president, or for any right in subordinate officers to review his decision, and in effect defeat it”—whether through their own unaided efforts or by importuning the Judiciary to interject itself into the matter on their behalf (which the Supreme Court refused to do in that case). Neither does 10 U.S.C. § 253 “provide for any [such] appeal” or “right * * * to review” for a member of “the militia of the United States” called forth under the aegis of that statute. The modern-day Supreme Court has recognized that the Judiciary may not interfere with the President’s enforcement of discipline within the Militia. See Gilligan v. Morgan, 413 U.S. 1, 5-12 (1973). And other persons affected by the President’s “measures” are no better off. For whereas under the Act of 1795 the President’s power extended only to actual members of the Militia, under 10 U.S.C. § 253 “such measures as [the President] considers necessary” are not confined to members of the Militia alone, but instead may reach essentially anyone and everyone whose behavior is in any way involved in the perpetration of “insurrection[s], domestic violence, unlawful combination[s], or conspirac[ies]”.

(iv) In reference to the Act of 1795, Martin v. Mott observed that “[w]henever a statute gives a discretionary power to any person, to be exercised by him, upon his own opinion of certain facts, * * * the statute constitutes him the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts.” No less than that Act, 10 U.S.C. § 253 delegates an equally “discretionary power” to the President to “take such measures as he considers necessary”. That being so, the President’s exercise of that power cannot be second-guessed by the Judiciary for any reason whatsoever. For “[t]he province of the court is, solely, to decide on the rights of individuals, not to enquire how the executive, or executive officers, perform duties in which they have a discretion. Questions in their nature political, or which are, by the constitution and laws, submitted to the executive, can never be made in this court.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 170 (1803) (Marshall, C.J., for the Court).

(v) And Martin v. Mott is not alone in this regard. As the Supreme Court held in Nishimura Ekiu v. United States,

the final determination of * * * facts may be entrusted by Congress to executive officers; and in such a case, * * * in which a statute gives a discretionary power to an officer, to be exercised by him upon his own judgment of certain facts, he is made the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts, and no other tribunal, unless expressly authorized by law to do so, is at liberty to reëxamine or controvert the sufficiency of the evidence on which he acted.

142 U.S. 651, 660 (1892), citing inter alia Martin v. Mott, 25 U.S. (12 Wheaton) 19, 31 (1827), and followed in Lem Moon Sing v. United States, 158 U.S. 538, 544 (1895).

(v) Finally, no matter how deeply “the Deep State’s” friends on the Bench despise President Trump and how desperately they desire to thwart him at every turn, unless and until the Supreme Court overrules Martin v. Mott the lower courts are required to adhere to its reasoning “no matter how misguided the judges of those courts may think it to be”. Hutto v. Davis, 454 U.S. 370, 375 (1982). Within the Judiciary, only the Supreme Court can overrule its own precedents. E.g., Rodriguez de Quijas v. Shearson/American Express, Inc., 490 U.S. 477, 484 (1989); Agostini v. Felton, 521 U.S. 203, 237 (1997); State Oil Company v. Khan, 522 U.S. 3, 20 (1997).

IN SUM, those people who vociferously contend that the President has no authority to suppress the kinds of riots, looting, arson, and killings going on within the States these days know not whereof they speak. And if plain ignorance is not the explanation for their behavior, what is?

© 2020 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edwin Vieira:

Trump Campaign Hires Karl Rove aka “Bush’s Brain” to Lose to Biden

By Cliff Kincaid

Karl Rove, also known as “Bush’s Brain,” is now advising the Trump 2020 presidential campaign and promoting Republican Senator Tim Scott’s push for federal “reform” of local police forces. This is a teaching moment. It tells us how Republicans sell out by pushing a “light” version of what the Democrats are pushing. It’s how the Democrats win by losing. They force the GOP to move left.

This is the same Karl Rove who predicted that Donald J. Trump could not win the 2016 presidential election.

Republicans like Karl Rove seem to think that capitulating to the revolutionaries, albeit on a slow-motion basis, is the right way to go. Grass-roots Republican who support Trump don’t agree. One of them wrote to me through my website America’s Survival saying, “I live in a St. Paul, Minnesota, suburb and as I watched Minneapolis burn on Memorial Day weekend, I thought that I was watching what Detroit must have looked like in the 60’s…And yet, there hasn’t been ONE SINGLE Republican or conservative politician who has denounced what has or is currently going on via BLM [Black Lives Matter] or Antifa or whomever these loons are – NOT ONE! I am so sick and tired of the left taking advantage of us with no consequences whatsoever.”

A former George W. Bush strategist, Rove should have retired into oblivion after the Bush presidency exploded into America’s financial meltdown in 2008, ushering in the presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. But after the disaster of the Bush presidency, the famous GOP strategist lost $300 million betting on a Mitt Romney victory in 2012. That’s the amount of money Rove sucked out of GOP donors to pour into ads for Romney and against Obama. Rove had advised Romney not to call Obama a socialist because there would be a backlash. Perhaps Romney didn’t need to be persuaded. These days he marches with the Marxist Black Lives Matter group.

In a challenge to Rove’s status as a political power broker in the Republican Party, conservative political consultants Larry Ward and Carter Clews once wrote an article calling  Rove “the political world’s pre-eminent empty-suit analyst” who wasted $300 million that could have been used to defeat Obama, elect real conservatives to Congress, and underwrite the activities of authentic conservative groups. They say Rove’s strategy of moving to the center and the left, in order to appeal to Obama voters, “drove away millions of hardcore conservative activists who form the base of the Republican Party.”

From his perch as a regular Wall Street Journal columnist and Fox News contributor, he has now maneuvered his way into the Trump campaign. His latest column in the Wall Street Journal is about “police reform.”

While the Republicans attempt a pale imitation of Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats, the real issue in several cities is not “reform” but a lack of police. Jared Taylor of American Renaissance has pictures of the vandalism and damage to historical monuments in Richmond, Virginia, and was told by one officer, “We were told to hold back. You could have burned every car in the city and we wouldn’t have done anything.” In Seattle, the “new nation” of CHAZ, which is a cop-free zone, is in its 8th day. In Minneapolis, where it all started, a police precinct was burned down.

Police “reform” is simply one step in the agenda to federalize and even internationalize America’s local police. Rather than push back, President Trump keeps repeating “Law and Order,” and his campaign sends messages to his supporters sometimes three or four times a day asking for money.  It’s President Trump’s birthday, they say. Send money. “He works so hard for America.” His son Eric Trump bombards one of his wayward supporters with such messages as, “I’m reading over the list of patriotic supporters who stepped forward to help my father’s Senate allies reach their May [fundraising] goal. Even though my brother, Mitch McConnell, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and Karl Rove all reached out MULTIPLE times – you still didn’t help.” The tag line is “We failed.”

Well, many Trump supporters think the president has failed to follow through on his promise to restore “Law and Order.”

“Rove said he is friends with Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale, and that Parscale calls him from time to time,” The Hill newspaper reported. Other sources say Rove is helping Trump’s 2020 bid by focusing on voter outreach and swing-state strategy.

Parscale has been criticized for a lavish lifestyle that includes a $2.4 million beachfront mansion, a yacht, and a Ferrari.

For his part, Rove is skilled at blaming others for his own bad advice. After Romney’s defeat, Rove blamed the Romney campaign for not responding aggressively to attacks on the Republican presidential nominee. But his close friend and associate, Ed Gillespie, was a top Romney adviser. Gillespie lost the Virginia Governor’s race in 2017 to Ralph “Blackface” Northam.

“I thought Trump was the man who would take charge of this current situation and shut it down,” said one Trump supporter. “Instead, he has dithered the offensive position away and is forever going to be on defense, with no one having his back. Congressional Republicans are the most worthless excuse for spineless jellyfish there ever were.”

Such voices do not have much clout in Washington, D.C. circles. They do not read Karl Rove’s column in the Wall Street Journal. But they are the voices of those who elected Trump in the first place. They can arm themselves, install security cameras, and stay home in November.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is Setting an Extremely Dangerous Precedent While State and Seattle Encourage Domestic Terrorism

By Greg Holt

(TCP News) The Seattle capitol hill autonomous zone (CHAZ), BLM, and Antifa all have one thing in common – domestic terrorism.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.  The Useless mayor watched it happen, and now this Leftist mayor (Jacob Frey) wants Trump to bail his city out after these lawless hoodlums used George Floyd as an excuse to loot and burn.  Protests yes – looting, burning, defacing, and attacking police, etc. no.

George Floyd was murdered by a cop kneeling on his neck; that should not ever have happened.  The responsible former officer needs to face the consequences for his actions.  In like manner, those who burned down Minneapolis and caused millions of dollars in damage to other U.S. cities should also face the consequences for their actions. Rioting and all other illegal activities are not suddenly justifiable because of a criminal act, even if said act resulted in a death (and it did).

Every society must have law and order, a lack of law and order will result in the breakdown of society, further, this lack will result in chaos – just look at Seattle’s vaunted (by the Left anyway) “autonomous zone.”  This isn’t up for debate; this is a fact, period.  Those who advocate for defunding or eliminating the police are only doing so to remove people they see as an impediment to their own actions and goals, most of which are likely illegal.  These very same people will only replace the police with a system of their own making – this does not bode well for the citizens of any city that does this.

Case in point: a rapper named Raz Simone has assumed control of CHAZ.  He (and others) is nothing more than a violent criminal and worse than that according to some Twitter users:

After all the riots, looting, violence, and burning down of properties and cars etc., now we have a group of people that have taken over a section of Seattle Washington.  Astonishingly enough, Seattle’s mayor and the governor of Washington have stood by and allowed this to happen.

This is setting a very dangerous precedent.

I will be (that I know of) the first to make a startling comparison here.  Black Lives Matter and Antifa in particular bear more than a little resemblance to Hamas, Hezbollah etc.  Before you laugh this off, or rush to judgment, you need to read why I made this statement.

The fact that a group of people seized control of a portion of the city of Seattle and even issued a list of demands makes them terrorists whether or not they realize this.  This isn’t a game, it’s not funny, and there will be serious repercussions because of this.

President Trump is threatening to take back Seattle if the mayor and or governor won’t do it.  Hopefully he follows through.

“Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stopped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!”


Then we have the completely idiotic responses from the Leftist Governor and Mayor:


This writer has to wonder how it is that the pathetic excuse for a politician like Inslee actually has the nerve to say that Trump is “totally incapable of governing.”  Who is the genius that stood by and did nothing as homegrown terrorists took control of a chunk of Seattle?

Hint – it wasn’t Trump.

If all Governors and Mayors were this apathetically stupid, the U.S. would fall into complete and unrecoverable anarchy.  The U.S. would be ripe for the picking – by say those who favor a global economy and system of government, like say China among others.

These fools do not realize who or what they are dealing with, Trump does.  BLM and Antifa are not a bunch of college kids running around in masks doing fist pumps as part of a social justice movement.  These groups are well funded, highly trained, very organized, and they know exactly what they are doing.

If you doubt this, just read the following – right from a BLM “leader”:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm. The group held a conference in Los Angeles with ‘military advisors’ charting out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint – which stands for Black Opportunities. Black Special Forces officers are training the BLM’s Black Ops department of Black Opportunities. BLM is raising a ‘war chest’ and plans to build a headquarters in an unused church in New York.  (Source)

Lastly, how about the fact that the morons who are in charge of CHAZ said that they are “Seceding From U.S.” and actually set up a Wikipedia page for their new “country.”  Yes, seriously…

[Insert CHAZ Image Here]

As I mentioned in the article title, this is setting a dangerous precedent.  How long do you think before this same scenario is attempted in other U.S. cities if this current attempt at setting up a new “no cop co-op” BLM/Antifa fiefdom isn’t stopped?

No BLM and Antifa are not quite on par with Hamas and Hezbollah, but they are headed in the right direction.

Wake up America, the time to stop these terrorist groups is now, and make no mistake – they are terrorists.

Read my three most recent articles:

Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

Ann Coulter’s War: Trump is ‘a complete blithering idiot’ & ‘a big betrayer’

Hilarious: The Undisputed Kings of Fake News Are at it Again – the Outrage! Trump is Golfing Without a MASK!!

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Black Lives Matter Just a Slogan While Americans Miss the Bigger Picture

By: Devvy

Another week of looting, rioting, destroying business putting thousands of Americans out of work, destroying neighborhoods, police precincts and obscene images such as the one of cops washing the feet of a black woman of faith on their knees. This took place in Cary, NC.  Law enforcement’s job is to serve the community in keeping the peace, answering calls relating to things like rape, murder, drunks,dangerous gang violence, domestic violence and sometimes, help deliver babies – regardless of skin color.

Interact with people in their cities and towns on a friendly basis but they have to maintain a professional attitude or no one will respect them. Like a school teacher, otherwise you’ll have chaos in the classroom.  We older folks remember TV shows like The Andy Griffith show.  Of course, that show took place in a small town vs. cops who risk their lives everyday in crime infested mega cities like NYC, LA, Detroit, Cleveland, Houston, Seattle, Chicago and too many more.

If the officers mentioned above want to get together out of uniform on their own time and have discussions and meetings with people of color, no problem. But, they are not policy makers. The citizens of Cary can and should attend city council meetings and bring forth their concerns as police departments (I believe in most cities in the U.S.) answer to mayors and city councils. Getting down on their knees in uniform sends a clear message:  You either grovel and beg forgiveness for something you had nothing to do with or we will continue to burn cities and kill innocent people.

What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis was the act of one officer (Chauvin) and three others who stood and watched had nothing to do with Cary, NC. George Floyd should not have died May 25th but there’s always more to the story.

We know from irrefutable video Chauvin had his knee on Floyd’s neck for over 8 minutes.  Chauvin at 5’7” (avg weight for male at that height is 135 – 150 pounds).  Floyd at 6’7” 223 pounds with fentanyl, cannabinoids and meth in his system. (Also ‘free morphine’, not sure what that is but apparently has something to do with heroin. Officer Lane’s attorney (he’s also been charged) said in a recent TV interview that body cam film will show all that happened.

The anchor asked why the public could not see those video cams worn by those officers?  The attorney replied the FBI and state investigators were reviewing them. Instead of waiting for due process and a complete investigation, seditionists, anarchists, run-of-the-mill thieves and useful fools took over.

Video:  Busted Looting Suspect Admits on Camera: ‘Just Trying To Get Some Money’  You get what you vote into office: Democratic Texas candidate Kim Olson – “Even if people loot, so what?” Olson said in a video that was first reported by The Washington Examiner. “Burn it to the ground, you know, if that’s what it’s going to take to fix our nation.”

At the time and one can hope the Minneapolis PD training manual has now been changed, a knee on the neck was allowed; Hennepin County is where that arrest took place: Police training expert speaks about fatal Minneapolis incident– In that article the training expert explains use of neck restraint. Here is the language from their training manual

“Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)”

Whether or not Chauvin was a sworn employee who had the proper training will come out at trial unless plea bargains are agreed upon.

Looting and burning has severely hurt cities and towns across the country

As I said in my column last week, Americans finally let out of their cages by DemoRAT governors and mayors over COVID-19 have now seen their paychecks go up in smoke, again.  Trying to get back on their feet, protesters totally out of control aided and abetted by criminal enterprises, Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, have once again reined terror against their own.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Target does not re-open stores in cities where officials did nothing to stop the rioting.  Once Minneapolis was burning, Target closed all their stores in the state.  I know the one in No. California where my sister lives shut down after being looted; no one knows if they will ever re-open.  More jobs lost.  More tax revenues lost for the city to provide services for their communities.

In fact, it won’t surprise me if more companies and big-box stores simply pull out of cities that endorse lawlessness.  Want to burn down and loot our businesses costing us tons of money and forcing us to lay-off workers?  Fine, we’ll go elsewhere.  The rioting since May 25th has cost tens and tens of millions of dollars in destruction to both private and public property.

And speaking of useful fools:  Top Democrat politicians kneel for George Floyd while wearing African garb that symbolizes the selling of African slaves to elitist European Whites

The rank insanity of ‘cancel culture’

This new lunacy has sprung up the past two weeks.  If you are perceived to be a racist you are hereby “cancelled” from your job.  Pressure from BLM and other racist organizations hammering on gutless employers, networks and even Hollywood to ‘cancel’ individual’s livelihood.

Paw Patrol is the most successful cartoon show on the planet.  The star is a dog who is a cop.  Now these zealots are demanding the show be cancelled because it portrays that furr-baby as a cop.  ‘This s**t is going too far’: Ice Cube defends ‘PAW Patrol’ amid cancelationNo, he’s not white.

Cancel all cop shows!  I wonder how uber-liberal, Mariska Hargitay, star of Law & Order for the past 22 years, feels about possibly losing her multi-million dollar a year paycheck?  A & E has a massive hit show for many years, LIVE PD. I haven’t owned a TV for 3 ½ years and don’t miss the big, fat cable bill because I watched so little TV.  But while in California last September and bored in my hotel, my little sister told me on the phone to watch that show on A & E.

I did and when I got home on a streaming network.  I must tell you it is hilarious but sad at the same time.  I believe most Americans have no idea how difficult it can be as a police officer on the beat.  What they deal with every day of their shifts.  Drunks, druggies higher than a kite, domestic violence calls which are very dangerous, robbers armed and dangerous while cops pursue them at night so they don’t kill someone.  You name it, they’ve seen it all and it is very dangerous work.

What most people don’t see unless they watch that show (which goes from state to state during each episode) is how cops interact with people once they pull them over – regardless of skin color.  It is hilarious to watch people in all their stupidity and believe me, some are so damn dumb you wonder how they make it through the day – especially the dopers.  One can only hope after seeing their appalling appearance on that show (and other real-time cop shows) they just might think it’s time to make some positive changes in their lives.

Sad to watch detainees’s spit on cops, lie to them (I don’t got no dope when a bag of crack is sitting on the front seat), scream the foulest language you’ve ever heard in cops faces, try to kill the cops detaining them.  Cops who give the person being pulled over a break – regardless of skin color.  Cops laughing and joking around with the detainee trying to keep things light so they don’t get out of hand.  What you see in real time IS real for those cops because too many get shot or killed. Tragedy happens in a split-second.

Mississippi cops launch manhunt for gunman who ‘shot and killed a beloved deputy, 77, who was working to help raise his grandchildren after their mother died’, June 13, 2020 – “Mississippi authorities are on a manhunt for a suspect who fatally shot a sheriff’s deputy after grabbing the cop’s gun while he was taken into custody”.  Suspect is black. The dead deputy sheriff grandpa is white.  The GoFundMe for George Floyd’s family has raised just under $14 million. I could not find a GoFundMe page for officer James Blair who was raising his grandsons.

Due to a coordinated effort by BLM and their hate whites supporters, A & E has now cancelled that show putting untold numbers of people out of work; production, travel agents, all who put together a show together.  Those on location – now hotels, gas stations and restaurants lose patronage.  There is a huge back lash by fans so perhaps A & E will reverse their decision (after all, it’s their big money maker) and put the show back on the air.

A & E has taken the toxic PC line: “Going forward, we will determine if there is a clear pathway to tell the stories of both the community and the police officers whose role it is to serve them. And with that, we will be meeting with community and civil rights leaders as well as police departments.”

In other words, alter reality to please the racists who hate cops.  That show already “tell the stories of both the community and police officers” blah, blah, blah.  It’s live. No editing.  It’s events as calls come in to respond to a situation requiring police.  That show is transparency. Maybe that’s why the thugs in BLM and ANTIFA don’t want people watching because it shows how fair and compassionate white cops are towards black and brown skinned people.

Defund police departments

Another absolutely insane idea promoted by racist and criminal enterprises and incredibly STUPID sheep.  Let’s have community policing instead!  Yeah, go ahead and see how that works out.

Those fools want community-led public safety system?  Community by community or would that be county by county? Any oversight from the state or just allow your cities and towns to turn into crime infested racial crap holes?

Minneapolis City Council Unanimously Votes to Replace Police with ‘Community-Led Public Safety System’

“By “defund the police,” the left means replacing the police with Sharia patrol, Black Panthers, La Raza and other anti-Christian, anti-white social justice enforcers…The police reform bill introduced by Democrat lawmakers this week empowers radical left-wing groups such as La Raza (The Race), a Communist brown supremacist group, to monitor police officers across the country.”

Seattle has long been a city of drug addicts, homelessness and political correctness. This past week we saw yet another layer of insanity being called autonomous and cop-free zones.  After as expected when things got tense and violent between protesters and cops, Seattle city officials ordered the police force to stand down. Police were told to evacuate the Capitol Hill area.  Now residents and businesses are suffering.

Their mayor, just like their governor is BRAIN DEAD.  Kshama Sawant serves on the Seattle City Council.  She was born in India, obviously hates anything America stands for including people with white skin; “off with their heads” is her favorite shout-out.  Sawant is known as a ‘firebrand’ who uses militant style tactics to get what she wants.  Sawant lives in an $800,000 house and can really “feel” the pain of black Americans.

Sawant is a major cheerleader for thugs in BLM, ANTIFA and the local criminal element which has taken over six blocks in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood including a police precinct.  Sawant is the first open socialist to be elected to Seattle’s city council.  Say, how’s it working out for you folks in that barricaded area?

Imbicile Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan [Demorat] said of that autonomous zone: “It’s like a block party”. Really? Since when do block parties have heavily armed thugs only allowing inside the stupid and gullible? Inside an area where anarchists have taken over public property (police precinct) and are taunting police to do anything about it.

Street preacher attacked in Seattle’s autonomous zone: ‘Stop choking me!’ (Photos)

Well, things are different in Nashville, TN:  Nashville Protesters Set Up ‘Autonomous Zone,’ Governor Says It ‘Will Not Be Tolerated’ – Cops simply tore down the barricades and that took care of that.

What any mayor with a spark between his/her ears should have done:  you stop the problem before it becomes a riot. Short video:  Police dismantle an Antifa “autonomous zone” in Asheville, NC. Not today, stalin.

Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver to Cities With DeFunded Police Departments – “Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments.” I say good for them.  Truckers or their companies who might suffer drivers who get beat up or cargo stolen, trucks torched, are under no legal obligation to deliver to cities run amok with lawlessness and that’s exactly what that lunacy called community-based policing will turn into.

Seattle police union chief says his city is ‘closest I’ve ever seen’ to being ‘lawless state’ – “And, if…unreachable activists have taken over an East Precinct voluntarily given up by an elected officials’ decisions, what’s to stop them from taking another precinct?” he asked. “And…West Precinct — where 300 protesters marched on it two nights ago, where officers were ordered back inside, outside the perimeter — If we lose that flagship precinct, that houses the 911 communications center. Therefore, if that becomes disabled, how do we provide public safety services to the entire city?”

What were they thinking?I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw this:

Two police officers in Atlanta shot and killed a 27-year old black man last Friday night.  The immediate reaction by thugs was to burn down the Wendy’s.  Wendy’s had nothing to do with what happened but once again, people in that community who worked there are now out of jobs and the thugs win again.

It seems Rayshard Brooks was drunk (he blew a breathalyzer which proved that to be the case) and sleeping in his car in the Wendy’s parking lot.  Two officers checked to see if Brooks was alright; Brooks got out of his car.  A long back and forth ensued as what usually happens when someone tries to reason with a drunk.

Now, Brooks clearly says on the video he didn’t want to drive, he lived close by and his sister lived up the street.  As the two officers tried to cuff Brooks, that’s when all hell broke loose.  The video shows Brooks violently begin to resist so the officers attempt to cuff him. The body cam is knocked to the ground but you can hear the taser being used and then gun shots.   From another video angle you see both cops chasing Brooks, Brooks firing back at them with the taser he managed to wrestle from one officer.  Then gun shots.  Brooks is dead.  The two videos can be watched here.

I have to ask, what were they thinking?  Brooks didn’t want to operate a vehicle while intoxicated.  Why couldn’t those two cops ask if he had a cell phone and then call his sister to come pick him up?  I saw several episodes on that now cancelled show LIVE PD where cops did exactly that with a drunk.  They waited until a family member came and picked up the drunk, cited the man or woman and all was well with no violence.  Brooks shouldn’t have resisted arrest but, come on, a harmless drunk who was willing to walk or call a family member to pick him up and instead you decide to arrest him?

As for Brooks pointing and shooting the taser back at the cops, it’s hard to tell the distance.  I suppose they (cops) will claim they had a sincere belief their lives were in danger.  Yes, tazing a person by pointing the taser gun at a person’s chest can and has caused the person to have a heart attack and die, but like I said, there was a bit of distance between Brooks and the officer who shot him. Those two cops have due process rights but one would think due to the toxic environment out there in America right now they might have made a better choice.

There are bad doctors, roofing companies, dentists, engineers, school teachers – from all professions including priests, pastors and deacons but it doesn’t make each and every one in any profession bad.  The same applies to cops and it’s up to a Chief of Police to make sure their police force is well trained and bad cops removed from the force. Looting and destroying cities and communities is not the answer.

Speaking of training, last week on Sean Hannity’s show he had on his sensei. Hannity has been taking martial arts training for 7 ½ years.  What his sensei (trainer) and friend talked about was self-defense.  How you can bring down a person regardless of size by using several non-lethal methods.  Like jerking fingers back towards the wrist and holding; very painful.A person will drop instantly to their knees.  How to fend off a knife or even gun attack using various martial arts moves.

It was very interesting and a great idea for police departments across the country.  Of course, it’s a different story when you’re being shot at, but for the incident above with Brooks, the minute he started to resist, if those cops had martial arts training, likely the outcome would be completely different.  This is something YOU can bring up at your next city council meeting and with your local Chief of Police and Sheriff.

America, We Are Leaving – This man has been a cop for 27 years.  What he has to say is the truth racists and stupid fools who align themselves with BLM and other insurrection groups don’t want you to hear.

The Founder of Blue Line Bears Is Broken as She Recognizes That the World Hates Her Dad Just for The Uniform That He Wears.

The Department of Justice has already arrested a lot of thugs for their criminal activities during riots.  I have no doubt serious examinations of each individual will divulge if he/she has connections to BLM, ANTIFA or both.  Here is a lit of individuals and federal charges against them.

DOJ reveals striking details of riot arrests, including helicopter laser strikes and precinct arson

Lawyers who targeted NYPD with Molotov cocktails hit with new federal charges, face life in prison – Now that’s good news.

In 2012, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute wrote a Tanks on Main Street: The Militarization of Local Police – While I agree with his column, in some places like LA, some of that heavy duty equipment is needed and could very well be needed if Trump wins a second term.  He is absolutely right about no-knock warrants and small towns and cities like mine not needing to outfitted like a military force bound for Afghanistan.  It’s food for thought.  Too many innocent Americans of all skin colors have died.

The bigger picture – “So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” – Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minister of Great Britain”

Most Americans are not as well informed as you and I which is why it’s so important to keep NewsWithViews up and running.  It’s up to us to get the truth out to anyone who will listen.  These riots and destruction are not spontaneous events.  They are well planned and well- funded which is why my dear friend’s suggestion to use RICO statutes to go after BLM, ANTIFA and any of their spin-offs is so important.

As We Suspected Groups Behind the Riots Include Domestic Terrorists, Black Lives Matter, US Islamists and Others Linked to the Democrat Party

Americans must open their eyes and understand the diabolical plans to destroy this country began way back in 1909 when the blue print for destroying our economy was being hatched with first, the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 and then the income tax. Destroying states rights was imperative thus we had the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which was NOT ratified by enough states which I proved beyond any legal threshold.  However, judges and politicians are too gutless to address that fraud.

I have written several columns (below) – VERY important columns on who really controls governments and political parties.  If you read one over lunch or morning coffee, in a week you will have a good beginning in understanding of the powerful elites working to destroy our beautiful country and suck us into a utopian one world government.  These are people who want no public exposure, are richer than one can imagine and they are absolutely ruthless.  Soros is just one of the evil doers who can’t get around public exposure on donations to non-profits.

These riots, the dividing of Americans along racial lines is all part of the grand plan.  Americans are being skillfully manipulated playing on emotions not facts.  We can reject it and fight back with the truth.

The House That Evil Built  (2013)

The Destroyers Who Control Congress, the White House & Media (2009) World States Super- Secret Constitution

Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations (2005)

Treasonous agenda of the Trilateral Commission (2005)

Book by Dr. Stanley Monteith, a dear man now deceased:  The Brotherhood of Darkness

Four important short videos:

Explosive, profanity-laced call involving Chicago mayor leaked – 976,272 views since Jun 9, 2020

Hannity: Seattle is the latest big liberal city to lose control of a critical situation – 608,508 views since Jun 11, 2020

All members of Buffalo PD’s emergency response team resign in protest (GRAPHIC VIDEO) – 2,645,779 views since Jun 5, 2020

Reporter on the ground in Seattle details ‘anarchy’ on the streets – 1,345,447 views since Jun 11, 2020

Tucker Carlson has done some hard hitting, accurate and truthful reporting on the riots and players.  I hope you will boycott these companies:  At least 37 advertisers have stopped advertising on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show in recent months after the host’s controversial comments. Here’s the list.  There is nothing “controversial” about his comments.  Truth is not controversial.  Of the 37, I buy none of their products and services anyway.  I did eat at a Red Lobster traveling through Flagstaff, AZ last year; won’t make that mistake again.  I’m sorry for employees but those ‘woke’ companies do not support the First Amendment and truth.  The only thing they understand is the bottom line, therefore, they won’t get my money.

WE THE PEOPLE must sacrifice our time and energy to restore our country and stop those working to destroy it.  This might also be a good time to call your Democrat mayor and governor:  I will not visit your city because you refuse to put down the anarchists and insurrectionists running amok in your city.  I will not hold my company’s conference in your city or anywhere in (whatever state) for the same reason. I will not vacation with my family in your state.  Oh, their ears will perk up, make no mistake about that.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

Danger Coming, Know Your Rights and Know Your Sheriff

Mary Tocco

These are crazy unpredictable times for our country, our families and our liberty! I have been predicting for many years that there has been an agenda to take over the country, remove our Constitutional Republic and move into a One World Government. For over 40 years I have been sounding the alarm to everyone I know about the dangers of vaccines, the decline of health in our nation and the power-grabbing pharmaceutical cartel.My prayers were that this would not happen and that somehow, by the grace of God, we would be spared.

I have five grown children, their spouses and now nine grandchildren. As a Christian, I cherish our country and my religious freedom. It grieves me to see what has happened to the last two generations of children and now I see the huge divide in society. We are running out of time to make something happen in an effort to regain some sanity.

The Danger Coming: House Bill 6666

Here is a sample of the real agenda. This bill was recently introduced and if passed, would change our lives and make us slaves. This bill will allow tracing and enforcing quarantine of all people in the USA who are thought to be infected with COVID-19 or whatever other virus they decide to unleash on us.  This bill will infringe on your rights to opt out of unwanted surveillance, mandated medical testing and treatments, including vaccines. You will be required to have a vaccine card or bracelet in order to travel that contains all your medical information. Your temperature will be taken all the time to enter buildings or planes. If you have a fever, you must quarantine for weeks along with your family and they will assign a federal worker to you and your home. Everyone you were in contact with will also be contacted and tested! This is called, Contact Tracing.

The stated, “The top dogs at the Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are in control of disbursing the $100 billion to local governments to carry out the COVID-19 testing — more specifically, to “hire, train, compensate and pay the expenses of individuals” to staff mobile health units and to knock on citizens’ doors and to enforce compliance with quarantining.”

We have power, we have options and there is a way that we can start to take back our country, one county and state at a time. Our founding fathers, who I believe were inspired by God when they wrote the US Constitution, knew that this would always be a threat to our freedom. They provided a clear way to stop the unlawful usurp of power by the federal government, the County Sheriff.

In 2009, I met Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack. In 1994 he successfully sued the Federal Government in the Supreme Court because of the unconstitutional Brady Handgun Bill passed by the Clinton Administration. He and a few other sheriffs won! The Ruling: “The Federal Government cannot commandeer state or county officers for federal bidding of unconstitutional mandates.”  The Sheriff is a State Executive Constitutional Officer who must be free from influence of local political concerns and the whims of passing crises. Although head of the county’s law enforcement, the sheriff is reposed with the public trust to keep the peace of the State of his electorate. The American Constitution set in place protection (the sheriff) for those who would like to encroach on the freedoms of the people. This includes the federal government officials who would abuse their authority, trample the constitution and turn their backs on the people they serve.”

I have an action plan to help empower citizens called, The Sheriff Plan of Action. Most people are completely unaware of the power in the sheriff and therefore, they are not aware of how important it is that the “elected” sheriff knows their concerns. The sheriff will only do what he/she feels the people want them to do because they are elected “by the people”.  Some sheriffs have been “appointed” but generally speaking, the county sheriff is an elected position at the county level that is independent of the governor’s authority at the state level. In such states, the governor would have absolutely no authority to fire a sheriff for any reason. The first step is to discover if your sheriff was elected into office (4-year term) or appointed. That may determine how well your sheriff responds to your concerns. This is what I refer to as “The Back-Up Plan” and we, the people, must begin to communicate with our local sheriffs about our concerns before it is too late!

We must also vote out the liberal democrats and those who are “democratic thinking” republicans. We see what has happened in the states with democratic governors like California, New York and Michigan.  We must get back to moral, ethical leaders who are not payed off by Big Pharma and willing to do whatever the pharma cartel wants them to do and dedicate to destroying our republic.

The Danger Coming: House Bill 6666

The Supreme Court Case that will help us take back our liberties!
Mack v. United States, 856 F. Supp. 1372 (D. Ariz. 1994)
U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona – 856 F. Supp. 1372 (D. Ariz. 1994)
June 29, 1994

The Brady Handgun Bill was the first big push designed to eliminate our right to have hand guns.We all know that the bad guys will always have guns!  We must maintain our gun rights and we all can thank Sheriff Richard Mack and a few other sheriffs who took this case to the Supreme Court in 1994 and won. Our Second Amendment right to bear arms was validated.

What I learned from Sheriff Mack’s book, The County Sheriff, America’s Last Hope, is that we all need to recognize and support the power given to them in our Constitution! It is our obligation to “elect” and support our sheriffs, but few even know of this power granted to them by the constitution.

In 2009-2010, I saw how the Center for Disease (CDC) and others were salivating at a chance to force us all to take the H1N1 flu vaccine.  They (CDC) took a genetically modified virus (H1N1) made in a lab and used the same media scare tactics we now see in action today and predicted a world-wide pandemic. They said that millions would die and the whole world, except for Poland, purchased millions of H1N1 vaccines. The death rates were very low, but they managed to push the “adult” vaccine agenda to the next level. Pregnant women were given influenza vaccines for the first time and children were given flu vaccines at the age of 6 months. States were passing pandemic bills that would force people to take the influenza vaccine or go to jail and face $1,000 a day fine. I could see this coming.

The Sheriff: I discovered that this threat could be stopped at the state/county level utilizing our county sheriffs! The problem: most people do not understand the power of the sheriff and most sheriffs do not know how the people they represent feel about such subjects. The sheriff is viewed as the “county policeman” and not the, “State Executive Constitutional Officer” as our constitution states. It also states that the sheriff must be free from influence of local political concerns and the whims of passing crises.” This coronavirus is a passing crisis, designed to remove our rights and prepare us for the “One World Government.”

This revelation to me is the most powerful opportunity for the people to stand up and fight peacefully, or there will be a civil war and bloodshed. We must back our sheriffs who have the obligation and the right to stand against the federal government or anyone else who wants to violate our rights. People like Bill Gates, who has a vested interest in getting every human being vaccinated and tracked, and governors, who are acting like dictators while living a double standard.

Your sheriff needs to know how you feel your rights have been violated or they may not even be aware of the ramifications. Many sheriffs are influenced by the media like the average person is and may not even understand your grievance.

That is why I am asking every person to reach out to your sheriff and have a friendly conversation.  I make available to you, a simple plan of action, to help you educate your neighbors, friends, family members, pastors and business leaders in your community.


  • Get a copy of the “Letter to the Sheriff”, as an example of your concerns. You can change it to reflect your personal issues
  • Download the “Power of the Sheriff” PowerPoint presentation below and use it to educate yourself and others
  • Call your sheriff and ask him/her how he/she feels about the current climate. Let them talk. Some sheriffs will be concerned, but others may not
  • Ask if you can have a face-to-face meeting to discuss your concerns. Try to take a few others along for support
  • Get names on a petition of those who support your concerns but are not able or willing to meet with the sheriff. (Petition example provided)
  • Might be helpful to have a community meeting open to the public to discuss concerns. This is an election year and the sheriff must represent you and if that sheriff does not, elect one that will. Make these issues part of the discussion
  • Get others who believe in your constitutional rights and are gun-carrying citizens on board. The more people the sheriff hears from, the better they can represent you

Please, right now find out who your county sheriff is, give them a call and start this process. We are running out of time.  Please open communication with everyone you know!

I feel like Paul Revere, frantically screaming to everyone…The Deep State is Coming, The Deep State is Coming!

The Sheriff is the Last Hope!  Act NOW Before it is Too Late!

© 2020 Mary Tocco – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mary Tocco:

[BIO] Mary Tocco has been independently researching vaccinations, natural health and holistic healthcare for over forty years. She is considered a vaccine expert and has spoken on the known dangers of vaccines and the over-medicating of our children across America and Canada. She was a radio host of, “Healing Our World”, for five years with Republic Broadcasting Network and has produced educational materials to help support people who are seeking natural healthcare.  Mary’s website is packed with helpful information on the dangers of vaccines. She authored a book, Natural Immune Development, A Deeper Understanding, which is available on Amazon/Kindle or from her website,

Mary is passionate about our vaccine rights and our ability to choose the form of healthcare we want. She is available for interviews, as a conference speaker and is available for private consultations. See her website for more information.

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Why Not Separate the Races in America?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 10:  Separate races, violent religions, make a new country

After 400 years of racism in America, and after 400 years of no solutions, and 400 years of no hope for any resolutions, has anyone thought about separating the races in America?  Again, ‘racism’ remains unsolvable because it stems from biological realities over the centuries of humanity’s march toward being modern mankind. It’s tribal.

The former mayor of Jackson, Mississippi, Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, promoted a separate Black nation in America. His son Chokwe Antar Lumumba carries on his father’s wishes to create the Republic of New Afrika in the five southern states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.  Like his father, tens of thousands of American Blacks support his efforts.

If you remember back to India, the Muslims fought with the Hindus. After they realized they were totally incompatible, the Muslims separated into Pakistan in 1947.  How much conflict does anyone need in order to make intelligent choices.?  Today, the Indians stay in their country and the Muslims stay in Pakistan.  Both countries suffer incredible human misery from being overpopulated, malnourished and culturally somewhere in the Dark Ages.  But they maintain separate countries in order to co-exist.

In 1993, Thomas Chittum, Vietnam veteran penned a stunning book: Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America.  I actually interviewed him on my radio show at the time and wrote several reviews for his book.  What absolutely blows my mind stems from the fact at the speed of it happening across America.

  1. Buxum said, “It’s hard to criticize a book written 20 years ago which made bold predictions that haven’t come to fruition, but are pretty close to the mark. After the LA Riots and the increase in crime in the early 90’s, the idea of America fragmenting along racial lines seemed pretty compelling, but I think the author overestimated the speed at which collapse would take place. In any event, this book is a worthwhile read because many of the predictions concerning a possible collapse and civil war may still come to pass. In addition, the author provides some good information on what to do if things fall apart. It seems to me that we are more likely to move towards a police state and economic collapse, rather than outright civil war, but it is also easy to see the polarization of our country that could confirm the author’s vision in the next 5 to 10 years on account of failed leadership from both political parties.”

The anarchy of the past three weeks shows that Chittum’s predictions remain on track.

In 2003, I wrote a book:  Immigration’s Unarmed Invasion: Deadly Consequences by Frosty Wooldridge.  I based the book on Colorado’s former Governor Richard D. Lamm’s Washington DC speech, “The Eight Ways to Destroy America.”  I’m stunned at how fast his eight points manifest in America today.

In the past month since George Floyd’s death, the Black mayor of Washington DC has denounced the president, created a street “Black Lives Matter Plaza”, and she painted a three block long yellow paint statement as wide as the street, “Black Lives Matter.”

Perhaps, since the inception of America, Whites conquered, slaughtered and placed in internment camps the Native Americans.  Whites stole their land, changed their languages, stole their children and forced them into the ways of the White man. Not a pretty picture.  It’s possible with today’s racial revolution, Whites may be facing ‘cosmic payback’.

Additionally, White brought blacks to America in chains.  They forced them into the White man’s ways of laws, religion, White names, broke up families and lynching’s.  Not a pretty picture!  Notice Blacks have never accustomed themselves to the White man’s ways.  Blacks fill our prisons.  They fill our welfare rolls.  They suffer 7 out of 10 Black births come to a single mother out of wedlock faced with welfare.  They suffer extreme poverty.  They continue in illiteracy because too many simply cannot perform educational tasks of the White man’s schools.

Yes, many Blacks make it as reasonable, contributing adults, but there’s a whole lot of misery in the Black ghettos.  Gangs, drugs, shootings, and Black on Black crime is 100 times worse than police crimes on Blacks.

“We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity.  As Benjamin Schwarz said in the ATLANTIC MONTHLY recently: “The apparent success of our own multi-ethnic and multi-cultural experiment might have been achieved not by tolerance but by hegemony.  Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together.”

Two weeks ago, Muslim students at San Francisco State University charged a student-run Republican voting table.  They knocked it over and threatened to blow up the place.  One Muslim woman vowed to become a bomber martyr.  They did not respect our Republican form of government where each of us is afforded our rights to free speech. Ironically, these are American Muslim student citizens.  Apparently, they didn’t realize that this is America.  No wonder their counterparts in the Middle East only know how to cock a gun or blow themselves up!

Should Blacks create a Black nation for Blacks only?  Could they become a trading partner like Mexico with White America?  Would it be more peaceful?  Could it neutralize racism?  Would they be able to maintain a healthy, viable and sustainable educational and economic system?  If you have other ideas on how to solve racism, please write at  Isn’t about time to solve racism in America?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Floyd’s Death Based on Empty-Headed Stereotyping

by Rev. Austin Miles

The reason given by police for taking down and choking George Floyd to death was that he tried to pay for something [with] what turned out to be a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.  What? He could have gotten that bill in another transaction and had no idea it was bogus.  This writer knows this since it once happened to me…..only I was not tackled to the ground by a cop and strangled to death. I immediately surrendered that bill when it was discovered to be counterfeit, and tried to determine where I received that as change.

 There was no such benefit-of-the-doubt for Floyd, since the cop, Derek Chauvin was quick to label him as a counterfeiter, overpowered him, threw him to the ground and pressed his knee with full body weight onto Floyd’s neck while he weakly gasped, “I can’t breathe…..I can’t breathe.” After nine minutes of what can only be described as hideous torture, there were no further breaths.  George Floyd, who had himself been victimized by being given a counterfeit bill, was dead. Killed by the cop who should have helped him. 
So that rogue cop who killed Floyd immediately identified him as a counterfeiter even though there was no printing press anywhere in the area. However, for that particular cop, Floyd was guilty because, well, he was black.
It is to be noted that God created only one race, please let this soak in….one race, and that was, and is, the human race.  As Ching Chow, the philosopher said, “A bum in any group is a bum, but do not blame the group.”  We are all God’s people even though not everyone knows it yet. It is up to us to always reflect God in our own lives to give others a chance to understand this. 
Every human being deserves to be treated with dignity.  How about the cops?  Some feel that the use of the name, ‘cops’ is degrading to police officers.  Actually it is not.  That name started in jolly ole England many years ago.  The police officers carried copper shields to defend themselves from objects thrown at them. They were such a familiar sight that when trouble erupted somewhere, knowing they carried the copper shields, someone said, “Call the coppers.”  From that time on, they were called coppers, then later on, just cops.
Living an enjoyable life is difficult today because of the unrest, caused by Democrat Communists who have made it known that they must conquer America, the only country standing in the way of a One World Order Dictatorship due to the fact that our entire country is dotted with churches. A Christian mind cannot be enslaved by strange doctrines.  Communist China just this week tore down hundreds of churches, 47 in Beijing alone.  Got the picture? This is what is behind all the confusion, fights, unrest and stereotypes.
This writer loves people, knowing that every human being is uniquely designed and created by God. I’ve known many very famous people, a couple of presidents, movie stars, many who are not famous, and indeed, people from all walks of life and I have learned from every one of them without exception. Everybody can teach us something.
Let us be determined never to allow any other person to warp our perception of any human being again. 
Remember, that every person we meet is the only one of him or her in the entire world. That makes it a real treat and privilege to meet and talk to that person. It costs nothing to simply be kind.
Again, the ONLY reason for such hatred amongst people is the agitation constantly poured out by very evil people who want to take over the world for their perverted agendas, giving them the unbridled power they desperately crave which seems to be the undermining motive of all who are trying to wreck the United States of America.
Let us not allow them to get away with it. Their secret is now out.  Let the space we occupy be a positive space and an encouragement to all we meet.
© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles:
Photo Caption: George Floyd R.I.P.

Donald’s Economy: Where It Is Now And Where It Is Heading

Marilyn Barnewall

Maybe you, like me, have wondered why so many things have happened so quickly since we drank a toast to the New Year on January 1, 2020.

First a Presidential impeachment that was created in Adam Schiff’s and Nancy Pelosi’s and Chuck Schumer’s imaginations… but it didn’t get 24-hour a day news coverage.  Close but no cigar… though it carried on forever.

To move past that failure, a plandemic named COVID-19 was required — and it was about all we heard,  24-hours a day for months.  It is a coronavirus…. As is SARS.  Both attack the respiratory system (which is what the RS stands for in SARS).

The medical experts on whom the President had to rely for guidance immediately showed either their lack of expertise or their political leanings as they provided numerous wrong answers to the questions arising from the too-much-news coverage.  They found as many wrong paths as possible.

It didn’t take long for the President to figure out what was going on and the day Trump  said “hydroxychloroquine” and Dr. Fauci said “Oh, no… untrustworthy drug” and the rest of the medical community disagreed with Fauci, that story began its downhill slide.  Then we found out about the patents Fauci owned involving HIV (which is part of coronavirus) and the old rule about “follow the money” was proved true once again.  Anyone with an imagination could see Fauci’s eyes light up as he mentally counted the money from vaccinations that would require access to his patented medical data.

Why the news onslaught?  “The better to scare you,” as the fox might have told Little Red Riding Hood.  Even hypochondriacs who are always looking for a reason to be sick began to disbelieve the story being put forth on television and in print.

Just as the plandemic arrived on the scene at the very moment the impeachment nonsense was discovered to be nonsense they needed something else to scare people.  The only way to keep the public in a state of confusion is to keep stirring up a state of chaos.  It is the only way to keep your attention diverted.  And when you start a war based on psyops, chaos is primary.  And we are at war.

The coronavirus is real rather than a false flag as some would have you believe.  It is a tool – a very dangerous tool — being used by those whose basic political philosophy is that you never let a good crisis go to waste.  To frighten people, it was promoted far beyond its potential.  What they proved is that they can scare you into self-imprisonment.  They proved they can scare churches into placing unlawful orders from government involving the church above orders from God.  They now know many, many Americans prefer security to freedom.  Dangerous stuff.

In the USA, as of June 10th there have been 1,999,552 confirmed cases and 112,895 deaths from the virus.  We have all heard about physicians being pressured to list COVID-19 as the cause of death if tests indicated they might be infected (and the tests were not very accurate).  If a person died of a stroke or a heart attack, put “coronavirus” on the death certificate.  Thus we cannot have great confidence in the numbers being quoted… or in anything else for that matter.

According to, from January 1, 2020 through March 25, 2020, people around the world died in the following ways:

Cause of Death            Number of Deaths

Coronavirus                              21,090
Seasonal flu                             113,000`
Malaria                                     228,000
Suicide                                     249,000
Traffic fatalities                         313,000
Alcohol related                          581,000
Smoking related                        1,162,000
Cancer                                     1,909,000
Starvation                                2,382,000
Abortion                                  9,900,000

I repeat:  These are deaths that occurred during less than three months – 1/1/2020 – 3/25/2020.  Rush Limbaugh gathered the numbers and broadcast them on his radio show.

They needed a new diversion.  Fear of death by coronavirus was being reduced to the same level as fear of death by the annual flu… and for good reason.  The risk is about the same.  “Okay,” they said, “we’ve got them frightened enough to self-imprison themselves and their families… we can’t let this go to waste.”

The death of a drug addict in Minneapolis, George Floyd,  a black man who had spent a lot of time in prison, provided the new narrative.  Should a man die because a police officer abused his power?  No, of course not.  Neither should he have several different kinds of drugs in his system while trying to pass a forged bill as the real thing if he wants to stay out of trouble.  The entire thing is sad but it has nothing to do with rampant racism in America.  In fact, it goes beyond sad to tragic.

Floyd’s death occurred when people had been imprisoned in their homes and apartments for three months.  They were frustrated and looking for any reason to burst free of lock-up.  It was the way Floyd was killed that caused the reaction to his death.  Protests, it was obvious, were planned far ahead of time, and they turned into riots that set America on fire.

Television talking heads and writers for print publications (I refuse to call them “media” or “news”) – even movie stars and giant corporations like Amazon — hastily sympathized with the scammers and rioters who are destroying America.  The rioters became the new force to be feared.  Senator Mitt Romney walked down the street in support of them.

You’ll notice that it isn’t happening in cities or states run by Republicans.  Democrat governors certainly have not dealt with the violence – and why should they?  They need to get the black vote for Biden – and they will fail.  Black people are far more shrewd than those trying to scam them as the following linked video proves.

A young black man expressed his thoughts about Black Lives Matter far better than I can and so please watch and listen to him explain why Antifa and Black Lives Matter scams are just that:  Scams.  He is so cogent and logical and factual.  He gets it.

How do I know all of this was planned?  When you have bricks to be thrown through the windows of small and large businesses (many of which are owned by black people) stacked and awaiting the hands of paid rioters in just the right location, it doesn’t take imagination to figure it out.

This article is about the economy of America, not the political shenanigans of liberal progressives who believe the average American is too dumb to run his or her own life and requires government – which seldom does anything well  — to run their lives for them.

There is, unfortunately, no way to talk about the economy without involving these two well-marketed over-sells.  These attacks have been designed to destroy Donald Trump’s greatest strength:  The American economy.  I believe this is the Democrat plan and I can’t jump into a story about the economy without first mentioning the multiple attacks on our Republic.

These are very likely cover ups which I believe are being used to divert your attention to changes being planned and implemented to our economy – possibly even to our currency.  If we the people knew about them the Floyd riots would look tame by comparison to the violence that would occur if the truth comes out.  It brings to mind questions like:  Why has the Federal Reserve put more money into Wall Street between September 2019 and February 2020 than it did during the entire 2007-09 financial crisis?  Is Mitt Romney supporting Soros-paid rioters to keep his business with Bain quiet?  Lots of questions.

The economic problems have been around for many years… but the agonizing end of the Rothschild central banking system is at hand.  Greed can only have its way until it runs out of other people’s money.

Those who have promoted the mafia-like economic behavior in the United States are about to be exposed – at least they will be if the Deep State (which includes what I term the four M’s:  Money, Media, Medical, and Military) doesn’t find some other kind of crisis they won’t let go to waste.   So far, Trump has managed to get all of the “checks.”  Let’s hope he’s able to carry this move to “checkmate.”

More about all of that in Part II.

© 2020 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall:

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 6

Roger Anghis

It has been established in this series that Bill Gates has a record of demanding that all people on this planet get vaccinated.  He has invested millions into vaccine companies and has a poor record of success.  He believes that the biggest health threat to the world is “vaccine hesitancy”.  There is no doubt that Gates lives to vaccinate, his number-one goal being to jab every single person on the planet with his many vaccines. Gates actually stated about a year-and-a-half ago that “vaccine hesitancy” is a top “global health threat” that must be dealt with if the world is going to “progress” in the direction he wants.

Other recipients of moneys from Gates include Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee Chair PAC (political action committee), to which Gates has maxed out his legal contributions. Schiff, as you may recall, called on Facebook, Google, and Amazon back in early 2019 to censor all “vaccine misinformation” from their platforms.

“Vaccines are both effective and safe,” Schiff wrote in a letter to these tech giants. “There is no evidence to suggest that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling disease.”

These obvious Gates-inspired talking points were accompanied by Schiff pushing a bill one year prior that would have increased the kangaroo “Vaccine Court” budget by another $11,200,000. This fund has already paid out some $4 billion to families of children who suffered disability and/or death due to vaccination, but it requires even more to handle a growing vaccine injury backlog.

Recognizing that both the WHO and the CDC are largely funded by Gates, these two prominent pro-vaccine entities are anything but trustworthy when it comes to advising the public about best practices in health. And yet these same two entities are steering the narrative on Facebook, Pinterest, and other Big Tech platforms that are now actively censoring “misinformation or hoaxes” about vaccines.[1]

One can not find much information about the negative effects of vaccines and the actual contents of vaccines because Gates has seen to it that this information is shut up.  He is the largest funder for FactChecker.

FactChecker, NPR, and PBS have all been bought off by Bill Gates

You have probably run into the so-called “FactChecker” program, which is now used by both Facebook and Google to weed out “disinformation” about vaccines. Well, this, too, is made possible by Gates, who is currently FactChecker’s largest funder.

Investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond has warned that relying on this so-called FactChecker to guide understanding about the safety and effectiveness of childhood vaccination is akin to asking Gates directly about whether or not to vaccinate.

“Facebook is guilty of misinforming its users about vaccine safety,” Hammond writes. “They have no problem with lies about vaccine safety and effectiveness, as long as it’s intended to persuade parents to vaccinate their children.”

On May 4, 2017, as one example, Facebook’s FactChecker declared false a statement made by Del Bigtree about vaccines containing aluminum and mercury, “which are neurotoxins, and vaccines cause encephalopathy,” Bigtree wrote. Even though this is factually correct information, as revealed on vaccine package inserts, the Gates-funded FactChecker decided it was “false” and immediately censored it.[2]

I have attempted to post several articles on FaceBook concerning negative information about vaccines and FaceBook pops up a window that says my URL ‘violates community standards’ so it won’t post the link.  Then there have been times that what it does let me post gets blocked because FactChecker says the info is false.  FactChecker has become as reliable as Snopes.  Worthless as teats on a bore hog.

Gates is more involved in things than most people know.  He’s up to his eyebrows in the world’s food supply and not the healthy supply.  His concentration is in the GMO sector. Watch the video about his involvement here.[3]

I have NOT been a proponent of vaccines for decades.  I have found that most people who suffer from one disease or another have been vaccinated against it.  Kids are required to get vaccines to attend public schools in some states.  The kids that get the flu are usually the ones that got a vaccine for it.  I did a nine-part series and a six-part series on vaccines that are archived on NewsWithViews and there have been more problems with the vaccines than with the disease they were designed to stop.

In the 1970s we had the great scare of the Swine Flu.  The government’s response was a disaster.  Back in the ’70s, the United States rolled out a vaccine for “swine flu” that was administered to some 45 million people over the course of 10 weeks.

This vaccination effort was halted, however, after it was discovered that no cases of swine flu were even detected outside of the military base where it was said to have originated. Meanwhile, one in 100,000 vaccinated individuals ended up suffering from side effects that included Guillain-Barré syndrome, while another 53 died.

Because of the horrors caused by this vaccination campaign, Guillain-Barré is supposedly monitored every single flu season to ensure that influenza vaccine safety meet certain safety thresholds.[4]  This is not a good showing for vaccines.

Colorado just passed a bill to require all citizens to get any vaccine the government decides you need.  Our governor has not signed it yet and I do not think it will make it through the courts.  It has eliminated the religious exemption.  It is amazing how much crap Democrats try to shove down our throats when they get power and they are not even bashful about it anymore.

This is the world we are heading for.  Government control of where you live, everything you do, everywhere you go, how you get there.  This is not the America I grew up in nor is it the America our Founders gave us.  It is not the America that became the greatest nation in the world.  If we allow Gates to follow through with what he feels is the best thing for the world, that is exactly where we will be.  To put Americans in a situation like this is, in my book, treason.  Our culture needs to be protected with everything we have.  If we don’t protect it, we will never see this America again.  “The side effect of treason is lead poisoning or rope burn, but not usually both,” joked one Big League Politics commenter in reference to Bill Gates.

John the Baptist paved the way for Jesus,” wrote another. “Bill Gates is paving the way for the antichrist.”

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bill Gates’ vaccine empire extreme censorship science vaccine safety
  2. Bill Gates’ vaccine empire extreme censorship science vaccine safety
  3. WHO controls the Gates family
  4. Bill Gates harmed killed coronavirus vaccines

Don’t Just Blindly Trust! Verify!

Rob Pue

It seems like the so-called “Progressives” have gotten just about as much “mileage” out of the coronavirus/COVID-19 exercise (at least for now), as they’ve been able to, so it appears it’s time to move on to the next thing.  Following Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” rule number 7, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag,” and clearly, the “virus” has dragged on a little too long.  Most people are literally sick of it.

Most of us are waking up to the fact that we’ve been lied to, played for fools and suffered the loss of many freedoms, all in the name of “public health and safety.”  We know now that the infection rate and the death rate from COVID-19 was greatly exaggerated.  We know we were misled — most likely on purpose — regarding the need to close down businesses and churches, the need to wear masks, the need to “social distance,” and coming soon…the need to get a mandatory vaccination.

We learned that hospitals were ordered to write “COVID-19” as the cause of death on countless death certificates in order to purposely inflate the numbers, even if the patients died from other causes.  We learned that this was all planned in advance during a Globalist meeting of the minds called “Event 201,” held in October of last year.

In many areas today, you’re still not allowed to sit or lay on a beach on a sunny day, but you are allowed to spend as much time as you like at your local liquor store or Walmart.  Likewise, children are not allowed to play on playgrounds — but daycare centers remain open.  Clerks at convenience stores must STILL stand behind plexiglass, wearing masks and rubber gloves.  Have you considered that they’ve just touched every single item you’re buying with those rubber gloves?  The same ones they’ve been wearing their entire shift?  Seems goofy to me.  It also seems goofy to me that all the fast food I’ve had at drive-through windows is now being prepared by teenagers dressed as surgeons.

Hospitals were NEVER overwhelmed with patients in the vast majority of the country.  In fact, here in our state of Wisconsin, the governor ordered the Expo Center at the State Fairgrounds in Milwaukee to be converted into a makeshift “overflow” hospital — at a cost of $24 million.  But it has yet to see it’s first patient.  MANY of these makeshift hospitals were set up around the country at tremendous cost — and then taken down after never seeing a single patient.  Meanwhile, state and county fairs, 4th of July celebrations and other summertime activities have been cancelled through the end of summer, all over the country, due to the “pandemic-that-never-was.”

Understand that I am NOT saying there was no virus.  Absolutely there was, but it was not nearly as “deadly” as we were led to believe.  It was all part of perhaps the biggest ruse perpetrated on the American people EVER in history.  Many questions still go unanswered, including: why has Bill Gates been so involved in all of this from the very start?    We know he’s a New World Order Globalist, strongly in favor of “population control,” as is EVERY member of the President’s Cornavirus Task Force.  Why is that?

Progressives and Globalists have also shown us their intent to implement a new “digital currency” in the near future — a “digital dollar,” if you will.  What form will this take?  Most who’ve studied this agree that it will most likely involve a microchip implant, delivered through the vaccine or an invisible digital “tattoo.”  Those without the microchip or tattoo will be shunned from society — if not incarcerated.  If you think it can’t happen here, just look at what has ALREADY happened here!  There’s even been talk of the NECESSITY of separating families, if their homes do not have a separate bathroom for every family member.  Yeah, folks, this is STILL going on.

Meanwhile, a new thing has emerged from all this:  “contact tracing.”  Millions of people are now being hired as “contact tracers” — their job is to identify those who have tested positive for the virus, and then track those individuals, as well as anyone they’ve been in contact with.  Apple IPhones have new “contact tracing” software in their latest update.  In some public places now opening up, workers are requiring your personal identification, name, address and contact information before you can enter.  This should concern you.

And through all of this, any information — (even from countless well-educated doctors, nurses, scientists and researchers) — that is contrary to the offical talking points on the virus has been aggressively censored by social media and online search engines.  Articles, videos, scientific studies and other information that goes counter to the official narrative is labeled as “false news” and if not completely removed from sites such as Facebook, viewers are informed that these alternative “second opinions” are untruthful.

Now, as many states are beginning to re-open, albeit at a snail’s pace, other states are doubling down on their draconian rules.  But even in those states that are opening, we’re not back to “normal.”  Under  the Federal guidelines, there are three phases states must follow in order to open again safely.  Note:  there are NOT four phases.  The “third phase” is the BEST you can get.  And in this third phase, so-called “vulnerable individuals” are STILL advised to practice “social distancing,” avoid social settings and time spent in crowds.  This is AFTER the “all clear” has been declared.  And “Large Venues” — even in the FULL THIRD (and final) PHASE of reopening, must continue to observe “physical distancing protocols.”  And yes, “Large Venues” specifically includes “houses of worship.”  So even when this is “all over,” if it ever is, we still don’t get our freedoms back.

Over the past weeks I’ve watched the psychological conditioning or “grooming” that’s  taken place.  People wearing masks, forced to walk single file, following arrows on the floor at stores.  “Stand on the X,” six feet apart from anyone else at the grocery store or post office.  In some stores and other public places, workers now scan your forehead to take your temperature before you’re allowed to enter… in addition to collecting all your personal data.   Is this conditioning us to have our foreheads routinely scanned later — when everyone is supposed to have the invisible “tattoo”  or “mark?”

I can’t help but feel we’re all being “molded” and trained to conform to arbitrary rules — rules that seem to change from one day to the next.  It seems they’re trying to see just how much conformity and voluntary obedience they can get from us.  It’s been said it takes three weeks of consistent behavior to form a new “habit.”  All these new rules for public (and even private) interaction have been ramping up for way more than three weeks.  And the vast majority of people are dutifully complying.  Now, in some areas, if you dare leave your house without wearing a mask, you’re publicly “shamed” by others as being a “bad person” for not wearing a mask.  Recently, ALL airlines have made it mandatory for every passenger to wear a mask, or you’re not allowed to fly.

But as I stated at the outset, people are growing weary of all this.  As Alinsky said, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  And so it seems the Progressives have moved on to capitalize on another crisis… the alleged murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer.  After all, they could never let a “good crisis go to waste.”   And once again the hypocrisy of the Left is incredible.  While you’ll be shamed for not wearing a mask in public or standing too close in a line trying to get into a grocery store, and while it was considered CRIMINAL for patriotic Americans  to gather in PEACEFUL, God-honoring protests at the loss of our liberties and freedoms through unconstitutional mandates during the “virus crisis,” to those on the Left, it now seems perfectly reasonable for crowds of hundreds to loot businesses, burn buildings and destroy cars and homes…under the guise of “protesting.”

But this is not protesting, folks.  It’s rioting.  It is anarchy.  And I believe that, like the “virus,” it was pre-planned and launched at the most opportune time.  We all saw the video of the Minneapolis police officer needlessly kneeling on the neck of George Floyd for almost nine minutes.  But please don’t just blindly accept what you’ve seen.  Because remember, we ONLY see what the media — and the social media giants, and even YouTube — WANT us to see.  This video was graphic and violent.  WHY, I ask you, do outlets like Facebook allow this to be viewed over and over, when images of unborn babies in the womb are considered “against community standards” and aggressively censored?  We only see what they WANT us to see.  And I have some questions.

First of all, IF this truly happened the way it’s portrayed, certainly there should be national outrage… at the officer that caused Floyd’s death, AND at the other three officers who stood by and did nothing to intervene.  Floyd supposedly died just a foot away from the squad car door.  The video shows him already subdued and not resisting.  Why didn’t they just put him in the back of the squad car?

Also, did you notice that the entire incident was perfectly filmed in high definition, complete with the words “Minneapolis” and “Police” framing the entire scene?  Did you notice the license plate on the police car?  It said “POLICE.”  This is not normal for a real police vehicle.  Do ALL police vehicle license plates spell “POLICE?”  This leads me to suspect the video — and the entire scene — was pre-planned and choreographed for our consumption — to stir up outrage and racial division like nothing before it.   We’ve also discovered that the officer that was shown kneeling on Floyd’s neck was also one of Floyd’s co-workers at a local nightclub… both the officer and George Floyd were security guards there.  They knew each other.  Interesting.

Another suspicious aspect of all this is that when the ambulance arrived, they did nothing to attempt CPR or attend to the victim — and those supposed “EMTs” that flopped his body onto the gurney have been identified as other police officers, not EMTs.  What’s up with THAT?

We’ve also learned that pallets of bricks and containers of rocks were conveniently placed on the sidewalks BEFORE the riots began.  Who put them there?  Not to mention that ANTIFA has been recruiting for “protestors” and “rioters,” advertising nation-wide and offering $25 an hour to those willing to take the job.

Meanwhile, thousands of people attended multiple funeral services for George Floyd around the country.  But these were all “closed casket” funerals.  Which raises the question: was George Floyd REALLY killed?  Or is all this, too, a highly-planned “psy-op” designed to foment more rage and racial division and plunge us further into our own national destruction?

Cities around the nation have now been  transformed into war zones.  The Minneapolis City Council has voted to dissolve the police department there  — in a vote that is said to be “veto-proof.”  What do you suppose they will replace the police department with?  When anarchy reaches an unsustainable point, which won’t take long, the ONLY response will be martial law.  Our nation is burning…and the flames of rage are being fanned by “community organizers,” causing the most  destruction possible, and it’s all being presented to us in living color on the nightly news.  Beware.

Both ANTIFA and “Black Lives Matter” came into existence under the Obama administration — both highly organized and funded to riot, loot, burn and destroy.  It’s been alleged that ANTIFA is the paramilitary arm of the DNC, funded by George Soros.  Remember when Obama talked about his own “private army?”  Well, it seems he’s now called them to active duty.

It’s important to note that “Black Lives Matter” does not represent ALL black people.    Many black people have publicly condemned the actions of the destroyers — and many of the destroyers are WHITE!  “Racism” is not our problem.  Most black people do not hate white people; and most white people do not hate black people.  We are, once again, being played for fools as we are simultaneously being divided, and conquered.

Suddenly rioting — not just protesting — is not only acceptable but justifiable and expected.  Friends, dark forces are at work, and we must be discerning and question everything — especially if it’s coming from the mainstream media.  Especially if it has to do with “racial division” or “racial inequity.”  (Buzz words the Left loves to use to manipulate minorities, vilify white people and cause as much distrust and hatred as possible).  Don’t just blindly swallow what the media is feeding you; because they’re experts at deception.  That’s their job.  Learn to discern — take the time to stop and think, ask questions, pay attention to the “man behind the curtain,” and dig for the truth on your own.  My advice: DON’T just TRUST.  Verify.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email and ask for message number 292.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

Oprah is a Ultra Leftist Trojan Horse

Lloyd Marcus

The sanctimonious tone of the propaganda TV show was extremely stomach-turning, especially since it is rooted in the huge leftist lie that America is systemically racist. Obviously, Oprah believes conservative “black thought” is not relevant because the entire panel for her discussion was black extreme leftists. Oprah banning conservative blacks from her discussion is as racist and insulting to blacks as Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden saying, “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t black?”

Oprah hit the national scene as an I’m-every-woman kind of gal. The stout dark-complexioned black woman was embraced by millions of women of all races. In reality, Oprah is a Trojan Horse. Hidden inside her black-skin exterior is an extreme leftist operative whose mission is to turn Americans away from biblical Christianity; away from traditional marriage and family, and away from patriotism. Oprah supports Democrats’ desire to transform America into a socialist/communist country.

Oprah produced, “Selma” a movie about the early civil rights movement. To promote her film, Oprah ranted, absurdly claiming that blacks are suffering the same cruelty and discrimination today as they did in the 1950s. Did I dream that white America elected a black guy president and gifted him two terms?

While falsely demonizing and scolding America for being a racist nation, Oprah owes her extraordinary wealth and success to the goodness of white America. Blacks are only 13% of the U.S. population. Therefore, as of 2020, white America made Oprah’s net worth $2.6 billion.

Oprah is exploiting George Floyd to further her fellow progressives’ far-left-radial agenda. If she really cares about blacks, Oprah would focus on addressing out-of-control black-on-black homicides in cities controlled by Democrats. As a true advocate for blacks, Oprah would focus on ending generational poverty, gangs, drugs and incarcerations due to fatherless households. 65% of black kids grow up in fatherless households which is the highest of all races in the United States.

Oprah should be encouraging blacks to accept total responsibility for their lives and stop sleeping with their enemy, the Democratic Party. America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to pursue their dreams. Anything else is a lie. Insidiously, Oprah blames every problem plaguing black Americans on white Christians, Conservatives and Republicans who are minding their own business; earning a living and paying their taxes.

Oprah and her Democratic Party love Planned Parenthood which was founded by racist Margaret Sanger. Sanger believed blacks are inferior and wanted to protect society from “the unfit.” Still targeting black babies, 70% of Planned Parenthood abortion shops are in black neighborhoods. While black women are only 14% of the childbearing population, 36% of aborted babies are black. Why doesn’t Oprah and Democrats give a rat’s derriere about those black lives?

Oprah’s Democratic Party relentlessly attack charter schools where urban black students perform outstandingly. Why? The dirty little secret is Democrats are throwing black students under the bus to appease the Teachers’ Union and keep them voting for Democrats. Also, Democrats want our kids in government controlled public schools where they can indoctrinate them into becoming social-justice warriors; instill the LGBTQ agenda, anti-Americanism, anti-Christianity, and anti-Capitalism.

Minorities make up two thirds of charter school enrollment nationwide. Joe Biden vows that if elected president, he will shut them down; robbing black parents of choices. Oprah is totally onboard with Joe Biden’s agenda.

How dare Oprah, her fellow Democrats, and fake news media look down at us from their sinking-sand platform of moral superiority, lecturing us about how black lives matter when everything they have done, are doing and desire to do harms blacks.

Oprah and her panel of black far-left-radials’ condemnation of white America and demands for new entitlement programs are so abhorrent that they must be summarily rejected. We must not fall for their morally-superior intellectual sounding gobbledygook. They are wicked people who are exploiting the death of a black man to transform America into their dream socialist, progressive and communist heaven.

Folks, the worst thing we can do is pander, shut-up, and physically or emotionally kneel to ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. Both are nothing more than evil leftist hate groups.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke

Folks, together, we can defeat them. God bless America.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Seattle’s ‘Autonomous Zone’ is really a ‘Terrorist Zone’

Laurie Roth

As a Washington resident for over 25 years, I watch in unbelief and horror as the alleged protest groups, Antifa, Black lives Matter, extremist this and that, have taken a potential protest and turned it into a criminal, hostile and violent terrorist ‘take down’ in Seattle.  Hark, that must have been the plan all along, not concern over how George was treated by a bad cop.  You know… the bad cop that was quickly arrested along with the other cops watching.  By now we all know that the domestic terrorists have taken over the police precinct in down town Seattle, attacked and threatened businesses and their owners and declared themselves ‘an Autonomous Zone’, and not American.  They get to terrorize, plunder, threaten, pose and declare their sovereign right to ‘own’ I guess the down town of Seattle and we are to do nothing about it.  Cops are to stay out and not come back.  So far their plan is working great.

Shockingly, Mayor Jenny Durkin and Governor Jay Inslee have done nothing and seemingly support the criminal protestors as they threaten, burn and take over their city.  In fact, our compromised Governor said he didn’t even know about it.  Boy, isn’t that comforting, what leadership?  He wasn’t aware of the ‘Autonomous Zone’ in Seattle.  So, we have the cops gone and pushed out.  We have a Governor who doesn’t even know it is happening and certainly doesn’t apparently know what to do but to twittle his thumbs in Stupid Ville.  We have a Mayor who is also acting like a coward and typical leftist supporter of all the wrong sides and people.  The next campaign theme for both Governor Inslee and Mayor Durkin should be “Crime rules and people lose.”

Is this what we are to expect in all major cities now?  Cops shipped out, precincts shut down and Governors and Mayors giving shipped in leftist domestic terrorists the keys to the city?

There isn’t much else to say except, if local and state Government won’t protect their cities, businesses and people from take over and harm, no matter what it is in the name of, then it is time for Trump and the military to do so.  Trump has tweeted to Mayor Durkin and Governor Inslee, do something fast, or he will.  No doubt Trump is getting all kinds of heat as usual for even threatening to intercede in Seattle’s take over, but that is his duty.

Most Americans of all nationalities and persuasions were horrified by George Floyd’s brutal murder by a very bad cop and other bad cops who watched.  Most of us welcome real legal consequences and police reforms to stop this kind of crime from ever happening again.  President Trump is showing leadership and talking with Police, promoting changes and actions to protect against this happening again.

In spite of all the proper outrage and right decisions being made regarding the murder of George Floyd, violent riots have broken out everywhere and are still out of control, all in the name of George.Really, they have nothing to do with George and his murder.  They all have to do with leftist, opportunistic and violent power grabs for more socialist, communistic and illegal control of all.  The actions in Seattle, lack of leadership, action and riots across the country in the name of George, are nothing but domestic terrorism in the name of evil, violence and crime.  They should be treated as such.  If we don’t, city after city will continue to be taken over.

The bad cop who murdered George Floyd should pay dearly, but legally for that crime along with those who watched.  There should be real police reforms, not persecution, eradication and destruction of our needed police and precincts.  Other idiot leadership in other large cities are pushing strong for no police, just social workers to intercede if there is a crime.  Do you want a social worker to come to your house after Ted Bundies nephew just raped and murdered your daughter and 3 other women in the neighborhood?  For some of our liberal and idiot leaders, maybe they should just have group therapy.  Have volunteers find the killer and give him a talk show to explain why he acts like that.

Our President is doing a great and courageous job of leading our country in very challenging and horrific times.  It is time for Trump to continue to lead since no one else will in Seattle.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth:

A Conversation with Allah

By: Amil Imani

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble humanity greatly.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all the decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him we should supplicate for any and all help in all matters.

Well, I am doing exactly as I am advised. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter, to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to do the thinking for me. If I am to let Allah do all the thinking and deciding for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been studying much of my life trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this awesome universe, as Islam claims. To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are important and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense at knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker after truth and it is in this spirit that I am humbly composing this missive to you, Allah. I hope that I am not being discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I really am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me so I must be worth something. It is this realization that gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your lordship.

Without further ado, here are some of my questions.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a very hard time with that claim. Of course, I am a most finite being and my intellect is hardly capable of imagining that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans are hardly capable of fathoming things that transcend the limits of our finite rational mind. Any clarification of this assertion would be immensely helpful.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says that you created the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your command. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your smallish book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I think maybe I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I said to myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slow in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could actually write things down among the horde of savages was not an easy task.

A follow up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired-hand of a rich widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have chosen a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed (priest), a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: to no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings, he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I really don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But, machines are much more superior to men in brute force and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then, pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the major function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam fails miserably on this major point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about the peace of unity after what Muhammad did and his disciples continue to do, killing the unbelievers en mass and without the least bit of mercy?

Compounding the problem is the fact that as Muhammad was still gasping his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with the business of killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with the internecine as well as infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions.  Keep in mind that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

© 2020 Amil imani – All Rights Reserved

Is The Law and Order President Failing America?

By Cliff Kincaid

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the sole opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

Conservative Christian broadcaster Brannon Howse told me this week that it doesn’t look like President Trump wants to win the presidential election. “He had better get his act together or else he’s going to lose to a guy that doesn’t even know who his own wife is,” he said. Howse and many other conservatives are frustrated by the (lack of) response of the Trump-Pence Administration to the riots.

Other than clear some protesters and rioters out of Lafayette Park across from the White House, in order to hold up a Bible in front of a burned-out church, Trump has done almost nothing except make threats. He Tweets about restoring law and order but does nothing except protect the White House.

His Attorney General William Barr and FBI Director Christopher Wray were blindsided by what is happening. It’s clear they don’t have any clue about the Maoist-style communist revolution underway in America. As a result, Trump is quickly losing support from the conservative side of the political spectrum. One citizen wrote to me through my website America’s Survival saying, “Unfortunately, our fearless leader, Trump, is not fearless and is not a leader. Basically, he’s useless.” Another said the president and Barr were acting like Abbott and Costello, the comedy duo.

But America isn’t laughing, as their lives and businesses and country are increasingly at risk.

Meanwhile, the Maoist-style cultural revolution is going full speed ahead, as one professor has been suspended for not giving black students a day off from final exams in honor of Black Lives Matter, the Marxist group that honors cop-killer Joanne Chesimard.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, a conservative critic of Black Lives Matter and Trump’s response to the revolution, is under attack by Maoists pressuring his advertisers to drop his show one by one. Before too long, he will be off the air, in the same way that “Gone with the Wind” has been dropped by HBO and the shows “Cops” and “Live PD” have been rejected by cable channels and networks.

Anybody who thinks independently of the Maoist mob is being targeted.

The New York Times, sounding like a modern-day version of the People’s World, calls all of this “the growing movement for change.” Change came to the Times, when an editor resigned after he approved a Senator Tom Cotton op-ed for the paper calling for the deployment of troops to restore order.

No dissident voices are permitted in the paper, or society at large, as the Maoists assert control over all sectors of American life.

Millions of people depending on Trump’s Twitter feed for the blunt truth are now getting a lot of empty threats.

As this column is being written, Trump has sent out another “Law and Order” Tweet demanding that the authorities in Washington State and the city of Seattle restore law and order. In defiance, they told him to return to his White House bunker. Trump looks weak.

Trump threatened to restore law and order through the Insurrection Act and when his own Secretary of Defense Mark Esper undercut him, he backed off. Who is in charge anyway? Now, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark A. Milley has in effect denounced Trump for including him in that photo-op in front of the church. Why does Milley still have a job? This seems like a “Seven Days in May” scenario where the top brass revolt against their Commander-in-Chief.

In the movie, the president wins. In real life, who knows?

The Trump 2020 campaign has just sent out an email message from the president personally asking for money that declares, “It’s past time for Democrat Mayors and Governors to get tough. Violent thugs are running rampant – these people are ANARCHISTS. While the Fake News has been inciting hatred and chaos, President Trump is working around the clock to restore LAW AND ORDER in these communities where liberal leadership has FAILED.”

The words “law and order” were placed in all capitals and underlined. But it’s all talk.

It’s absolutely clear that Trump is NOT working around the clock to restore law and order. If so, he would have fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper for insubordination by now. He would have explained to the American people why Attorney General Barr and FBI director Wray were caught unprepared for the riots in Minneapolis and other cities. My friend Trevor Loudon has all the information they don’t have about the communists running this revolution. His article at Epoch Times even documents the involvement of pro-China communist groups.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) has posted a video of its leader Eugene Puryear addressing the 100,000 strong crowd in Philadelphia on Saturday, June 6. “This isn’t a riot,” he said. “It’s an uprising! It’s a rebellion! And successful uprisings and rebellions become REVOLUTIONS.”

Mr. President, please share that video with Mr. Barr and Mr. Wray, will you?

On the Brannon Howse program, I not only questioned Trump’s “leadership” but the tendency by conservatives like Rush Limbaugh to play into the hands of the radicals. He had the black radio host “CharlamagneTha God” on his show to talk about “while privilege.” Another Brannon Howse guest, Alex Newman, went into detail about where this is all heading – federal and even United Nations control of police forces once considered under the jurisdiction of local communities. Senate Republicans seem to be going along with this.

I thank Brannon Howse for doing the programs that need to be done about this unfolding disaster for our country. He’s one of the few commentators honest enough to provide the details that are being withheld from the president by his closest aides. As the author of Marxianity, about left-wing infiltration of the churches, he shows real courage.

Tragically, many conservatives remain mum about Trump’s bluster and ineffective response. They suppress conservative views out-of-sync with their own pro-Trump editorializing. But ordinary people with common sense don’t buy it. They will not excuse Trump for failing to take military action to protect people, their lives and homes.

I saw one story about whether Trump would benefit from the riots. Is this the political calculation in the White House? I’m told he thinks his political rallies will turn things around. It’s true that a backlash is underway. But waiting for a backlash doesn’t justify inaction by federal authorities as lives are lost and property is destroyed.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of Americas Survival, Inc.

HBO Bans Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind

Kelleigh Nelson

This article was originally published July 1, 2015, and I was writing about President Obama.  Yet today, we are facing the same destruction of a beautiful book about survival…whose author helped so many black Americans to succeed.  HBO has now banned the movie, Gone With The Wind, and today anarchy is rampant in our beloved America.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people.On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be occupied by a downright fool and complete narcissistic moron.” —H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920, H.L. Mencken (born 1880 – died 1956) was a journalist, satirist, critic and registered Democrat.

As the quote above states, I believe the present leader of America has taken race relations back 100 years.  He is also all about destroying and revising history, and the republicans are right there going along with him.  I am at the point where I believe the entire nation has lost its moorings, and the politicians have all gone totally insane with political correctness.  The dumbed down electorate doesn’t even know the real history of this nation, and they buy into anything they’re told/sold without ever researching anything themselves.

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With The Wind

Did you know that the Nazis banned Gone With The Wind, claiming it inspired the French Resistance?  Debra Freer, Mitchell historian said, “Most likely, they were afraid GWTW would give people hope, and the will to survive under occupation and tyranny.”  The Russians later banned GWTW throughout the Soviet Empire.  Scarlett O’Hara was not a fan of war, and that made her dangerous.  Now, the Democrats want to join with the Nazis and Communists to ban the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, GWTW.  What does that tell you?

Remember the times. It was December 13, 1939.  Gone With The Wind’s black actors had not come to Atlanta for the premier of GWTW.  These were still the years of segregation.  They would not be able to stay at the same hotel as Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh.  The following year, Hattie McDaniel would become the first African American actress to win an Academy Award for her portrayal of Mammy in GWTW.  Even in Hollywood, when she went to the Oscars, she was at a table by herself.  She couldn’t be with the rest of the cast.

In the early morning hours after the premier, Mitchell wrote to Hattie McDaniel.  She told her, “The premier audience loved you and so did I.  The Mayor of Atlanta called for a hand for our Hattie McDaniel and I wish you could have heard the cheers.”

Marianne Walker, Mitchell biographer, said that during WWII, Margaret Mitchell sent countless numbers of boxes and packages to victims in the war torn countries.  John Wiley, another Mitchell historian said that Mitchell embraced the role of Red Cross volunteer and raised millions for the war effort.  She traveled to New Jersey to christen the USS Atlanta.  When it was sunk during the war, Margaret raised money and christened a second USS Atlanta.

By the 1940s, Margaret was not just famous, but very rich.  Her friends and biographers state that nothing about Margaret changed with the incoming wealth.  Mitchell drove an old car and wore four year old cotton dresses.  Instead of spending the money on herself, she used it wisely to help other people.

Ira Joe Johnson, an African-American Mitchell historian, tells the story of how Margaret spent her money.  In 1942, Mitchell received a letter from Dr. Benjamin Mays, president of the all black Morehouse College in Atlanta.  He asked her to give one scholarship of $80.00 for one student, and Margaret Mitchell wrote back and sent a check, and that was the beginning of a long relationship. Dr. Mays was a powerful figure who would later become the mentor of Martin Luther King, Jr.  He sensed that Margaret might be open to his ideas on education, and again wrote to her.  And Dr. Mays was right.

Margaret wrote back to Dr. Mays and sent a check for $2,000 for medical and dental students.  Mitchell and Mays began a secret correspondence.  He would make a request, and she would send the money to educate African-American doctors.  This was a difficult time in the country’s history with race relations, but Dr. Mays and Margaret Mitchell were able to maintain their friendship in spite of it.  A Morehouse College student actually couriered the letters between Mitchell and Mays.  Because of the dangerous times, the two never met.  All these years later, the Mitchell legacy lives on at the Morehouse School of Medicine.  Margaret’s nephew, Eugene Mitchell, continues her charity and gave $5 million to Morehouse.  So for the next 100 years, there will be Margaret Mitchell scholars marching out of the Morehouse School of Medicine.

If the world had discovered that Margaret Mitchell was supporting Morehouse College, that gesture could have threatened her life with those who might have been inclined to retaliate against anyone who was promoting black education.  For the rest of her life, Mitchell would send scholarship money to Dr. Benjamin Mays.  None of the African-American doctors knew who their benefactor was.

Later Margaret quietly helped fund the first hospital for blacks in Atlanta.  Mitchell said, “The time will come when Atlanta will be the largest Negro city in the South.  When that time comes, I hope we will have excellent Negro doctors to staff this hospital.”

“She made a great contribution to mankind. It was greater than money, it was something she did for humanity,” said Ira Joe Johnson.

She often traveled incognito by using her married name, Mrs. Marsh.  Her husband kept his job at a power company and also handled her GWTW affairs.  In 1945, he became ill, and she nursed him back to health over a period of two years.  They led a reclusive life and enjoyed staying home and watching movies.  However, in 1949, Margaret was hit by a speeding car as she and her husband, John Marsh, were crossing Peachtree Street.  They were headed for the movies.  She was taken to Grady Hospital and lay in a coma for five days.  Then on August 16, 1949, she died at the age of 48.  Upon her death, her husband followed her wishes to burn the original GWTW manuscripts.  He rescued a few chapters however, and locked them in a vault so that her authorship would never be questioned.

It wasn’t until a half century later that the world would learn that she secretly educated dozens of African American doctors.  But it was no secret to anyone that Margaret Mitchell had written a book for the ages.

Margaret wrote, “If the novel has a theme, it is that of survival.  What qualities are in those who survive that are lacking in those who go under?  I only know that survivors used to call that quality gumption.  So I wrote about people who had gumption, and people who didn’t.”

My thanks to my best friend who shared this information with me in an eleven minute youtube video she put together, and which I used for this article.  Margaret Mitchell’s complete biography is also available on youtube.

Battle Flag of Northern Virginia

It is vile that the Confederate flag, which represented freedom and liberty, and resistance to tyranny and a centralized government, was used by a racist murderer. First of all, this flag is NOT the “Confederate Flag.” It is the “Battle Flag of Northern Virginia.” This design, however, is the one most synonymous with the term, and the one used in various forms on many of the other flags that were flown by the Confederate States. It is also the one most hated by those who are completely and totally ignorant of what it stands for.

So take another look at the flag and answer this very simple question: Do you see a big letter “X” anywhere on the flag? What if I were to lay that X down on its side, do you see it now? The X is formed by the big, blue bands which are outlined with white trim.

Now take another look at the flag. On this big “X” there are thirteen white stars. Do you know what these thirteen stars represent? They represent the thirteen original, united colonies from which the United States began. Each one of these colonies had its own system of self-government… until the start of ‘northern aggression’ when the northern states began trying to usurp authority over the southern states. This was the main cause of the Civil War.

Point of note: The thirteen stars on this flag appear to lie on the blue X… but in reality, the X lies on the stars, allowing them to shine through.

Now, do you remember from your grade-school years how the teachers would sometimes ask you to circle the right answers or picture on a work page, or to put an X on a picture or word or other item that didn’t belong in a group? That is the same concept this flag is designed around.  The stars are laid out in the pattern of an X, and the blue bands are put on the thirteen stars to show that the southern states no longer wanted to be a part of the union with the northern states. In simpler terms, the message of the flag’s design is simply this… CROSS US OUT of your Union! The southern states withdrew from the union in a movement called “secession,” which led to the Civil War.  The flag had nothing at all to do with slavery, which was on its way out before it was used to further the agenda of a centralized federal government.  Remember the winners wrote the history, revising it as they went.

Ban Gone With The Wind?  The very author helped black Americans succeed with the money she earned from her book, and they wish to ban the movie?  Insanity rules.

Now the fools in our state governments as well as the politically correct running the centralized federal government wish to ban all of the nation’s history with regards to the civil war, the flag, the movie, the southern military heroes, all Americans! Few Americans know the truth of history, and fewer yet even care.  We as a nation, a Republic that we failed to keep, are in an exponential decline.  The powerful political elite are running the show rather than being the servants of the people.  And the people still sit idle.

May the Lord have mercy on those of us who love and worship the Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and Messiah, Jesus.  May He rise up men of valor to speak from our pulpits who will energize the people to stand for our beloved country and for truth.  Those of us who know Him need to pray, because God’s Hand is no longer on this nation, and we are facing very dark times.

© 2020 Kelleigh Neson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Black Lives Matter Is Not About Making Lives Matter

By Ron Edwards

The so-called Black lives Matter movement has absolutely nothing to do with the betterment of the lives of black Americans, or anything good for that matter.  Black Lives Matter is one cog in the massive multi faceted wheel effort to literally destroy the United States of America from within.  The Black Lives Matter minions along with other leftist democrats use the emotionally charged subject of racism in order to draw the charged subject of racism in order to draw the incurably ignorant masses into a frenzy of destruction.  Some Black Americans have been conned into believing that the only thing they can do to enjoy life, is to be destructive minions for their white ANTIFA overseers.  White leftists, through government schools, colleges and many universities have systematically indoctrinated black Americans and now young white Americans into thinking that burning down cities is preferable to striving to be good and actually overcoming evil.

Black Americans and their doting leftist white so-called friends are becoming nothing more than useful idiots of destruction.  People need to do their own homework and research regarding issues like police brutality.  Over the past year, out of literally thousands of responses to criminal activity, traffic stops, etc. four unarmed black American men were shot to death by police officers.  Yet rarely has anyone beyond myself and a few other intellectually honest individuals expressed concern over the thousands of black Americans murdered by other black Americans every single year.  That shows me that most people really do not really give a damn about black men and boys, riots or not.  I believe the George Floyd murder and reactionary destructive riots were a distraction to the masses.  While the terrible murder and accompanying riots ensued, much worse plots, plans and tricks of the leftists may have been brought into fruition, to bring about political, economic and moral death blows to the United States.  Among them, the long held Antifa desire to et rid of local police departments.

Those orchestrating those events hope they render it impossible far the United States of America to overcome an setbacks, be they major or minor.  Several police officers were murdered and 300 were injured serving in the line of duty in New York City alone, during the looting and burning riots.  As an American who happens to be wrapped in brown skin, I have encountered racism from Mexicans, Middle Easterners of the Islamic persuasion, leftist white Americans as well as intra racism and bigotry from black Americans who dutifully follow the destructive philosophy of Mao, Donna Brazile, Barach Obama, etc.  Racism, intra racism, and bigotry are simply a few of the countless versions and examples of wrongful treatment that everyone experiences on one level or another from time to time.

But I never though that such experiences gave me the stupid excuse to loot and burn down businesses of my fellow Americans, nor set out to try and ruin entire beautiful downtown areas like the Antifa  lunatics and their lackies did in Cleveland.

Ironically the cruelest treatment I experienced was at the hands of racist democrats and other black Americans, including the black Islamic thug who put a gun to my head and threatened to blow my brains out. He did so, because I did not express a positive opinion of a now deceased Nation of Islam leader who was based in Chicago.  Thanks be to the true and living God of the Bible I was able to overcome that ordeal.  I thank my own Dad for teaching me to be an overcomer, rather than a perpetual bitter victim.  Great Americans like Frederick Douglas, who overcame the bootheel of Democrat/KKK slavery, Jim Crow and systemic denial of opportunity did not allow the cruelty of others to turn him into a barbaric brute hell bent on destruction.  Instead, Mr. Douglas succeeded far beyond the level of the slave masters he let behind had obtained, long before slavery was ended by President Lincoln’s decree.  If people truly want a better life, they overcome exactly what is inhibiting them without literally destroying the economic means to succeed via rioting, looting and burning down businesses.

I thought I would share a few statistics with you. The six thousand blacks shot by other blacks last year, do not matter to the black lives matter and the modern day overseer ANTIFA organization.  In 2018 Black people killed 2,600 other black Americans, while white Americans killed 234 Black Americans.  In 2019, nine black men were killed by police officers.  While nine is terrible, I would think that 2,600 black murders in one year by whomever would be reviled by most black Americans.  But unfortunately, most black Americans are suck ups to ANTIFA and anything that is destructive to society. Leftist black Americans are well trained to care about what their Saul Alynski inspired leaders tell them to care about or ignore. That is why they do not give a damn about murders. The people in many black neighborhoods need police protection more than most people, but like trained useful idiots, many of them want to do away with the police.  The white liberals probably hope that those hankering for either defunding of the police, or a wholesale abolishment of cops get their wish. Why? because those globalist creeps hope the blacks wipe each other out via criminal activity the same way Margaret Sanger wanted blacks to reduce their numbers by murdering their babies.

I find it ironic and retarded, that democrats, RINOs and assorted other leftists forced many states to get rid of the death penalty for murderers.  Yet they go off the deep end and want to murder our entire republic for the wrongful death of one man.  May God forgive America for allowing such travesty. But who are they going to call?  Maybe the urban fools can call ghost busters.  God bless you God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:


When Will “Enough Is Enough” Become “This Is Too Much”?

Edwin Vieira, JD, Ph.D

The “covid-19” panic has emphasized in an unique manner the necessity for Americans to ask themselves the perennially relevant question: “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”—“Who is to watch the watchmen?”—or, more colloquially descriptive of this country’s present dilemma, “Who is to govern the governors?”

Egged on by the “mainstream” media, elected and appointed public officials and public-health bureaucrats at every level of the federal system (especially certain high-profile Governors in the deepest “blue” of “blue” States) have literally run amok. For example—

On the medical front, they have misjudged the extent of the pandemic by reliance on faulty computer “models” and “projections”, rather than evidence drawn from the real world. They have exaggerated the lethality of the virus, encouraging and facilitating the “adjustment” (or perhaps “falsification” is the more accurate verb) of records so as to inflate the number of deaths attributed to “covid-19”. They have overestimated the need for hospital facilities to treat patients apparently suffering from “covid-19”, while delaying or even denying treatment to patients definitely suffering from other serious conditions. They have denied effective treatments to, or have imposed the wrong treatments on, people with actual or assumed “covid-19” infections, leading to unnecessary suffering and needless deaths. And in concert with their shills, megaphones, and apologists in the “mainstream” media, they have defamed, denounced, and censored medical doctors and scientists in related disciplines who have dared to disagree with their party line on “covid-19”.

On the social front, they have promulgated “shelter-in-place” orders to confine Americans in their homes for extended periods of time, oblivious to the adverse physical and psychological effects such “house arrests” would have, have had, and will continue to have on countless numbers of those so incarcerated—especially children, the elderly, and those Americans dashed against the rocks of depression and despair by the sudden loss of their businesses, jobs, and other sources of income. In addition, under color of highly questionable notions passed off as “settled science” they have required Americans to go masked in public, and to distance themselves physically one from another, thereby unquestionably imposing anti-social isolation on all, and inciting anti-social suspicion and hostility against those who rightly question these dictates. Beyond all this, they have announced their intentions to deploy multiple thousands of “tracers” to ferret out alleged carriers of “covid-19” and discover whomever they may have contacted, rendering potentially everyone’s social interactions subject to the official suspicion, scrutiny, exposure, and control of a full-blown police state.

On the economic front, they have shut down, locked down, worn down, and brought down wide swaths of the middle-class free market throughout this country, causing possibly irreparable damage on a scale certainly unimaginable hitherto. When their States’ tax-receipts contract as a result of this coerced cessation of commercial activity, they will importune Congress to furnish them with multi-billion-dollar “bailouts” courtesy of the Federal Reserve System’s engine of hyperinflation; or crush their citizens under the unbearable weight of new taxes, fees, and other levies; or (most likely) both. And,

On the political front, they have asserted, assumed, and arrogated to themselves unprecedented, draconian, even dictatorial—and often distinctly delusional—“emergency powers”. “Emergency powers” which supposedly override every provision of the Constitution of the United States, as well as of the constitutions of the several States, except (of course) for those provisions under color of which these officials and bureaucrats claim to hold their positions—and, most ominously, “emergency powers” which they clearly intend never, ever to give up.

Through these actions, they have exposed Americans not merely to Orwell’s literary picture of dystopia—that is, “a boot stamping on a human face forever”—but to the full political, economic, and social reality of a police state beyond even Orwell’s imagination. This they describe, with gleeful approval, as “the new normal”. Yet a striking historical parallel to today’s events exists in the situation which confronted Colonial Patriots in 1775, after the British Parliament had enacted the three so-called Coercive Acts (which the Colonists rightfully condemned under the style of “the Intolerable Acts”):

(i) The Boston Port Act closed the major seaport and trading-center in New England, inflicting intense economic hardship on common people throughout the region. Today, lockdowns in State after State have devastated the economy across this country to a degree which makes the Colonists’ plight pale in comparison.

(ii) The Government of Massachusetts Act wrenched political power from the Colonists’ hands, concentrating it in the grip of General Thomas Gage, King George III’s military Governor of Massachusetts. Today, various American Governors’ “executive orders” are doing precisely the same thing in principle, but with far greater sweep and effect in practice than anything General Gage actually attempted or ever contemplated. And,

(iii) The Administration of Justice Act licensed public officials loyal to the King to employ whatever measures of force they considered necessary to put down the Colonists’ resistance to Parliament’s decrees. Today, in addition to witnessing crackdowns on small businesses with the temerity to ignore the lockdowns imposed in various States, Americans have been informed that the Army will soon participate as a “partner” with the Department of Health and Human Services in “Operation Warp Speed”, which aims at vaccinating as many Americans as possible as soon as possible against “covid-19”—presumably, one must imagine, with whatever level of coercion the brass hats might consider necessary to that end.

Howsoever justified the Colonists’ ire at the Coercive Acts may have been, though, at least those measures had been enacted in due course of law by the British Parliament, which did exercise legislative jurisdiction over the Colonies. Today, “the new normal” of police-state oppression imposed under color of the “covid-19” panic is the product—not of statutes enacted by Congress or any State’s legislature—but of “executive orders” concocted by Governors purporting to wield more arbitrary power than even King George III imagined himself to possess.

In 1774 and 1775, the Coercive Acts followed a twisted trail from London, to Boston, to a fiery dénouement at Lexington and Concord, when the Embattled Farmers realized that they had suffered more than “enough” to tolerate any more. “Enough” had become “too much”. Today, that historical hindsight provides insight and foresight as to what might very well transpire if large numbers of Americans even passively refused to coöperate with “the new normal”, let alone actively resisted its demands most threatening to their welfare, such as mandatory injections of experimental vaccines the safety and efficacy of which cannot be rigorously verified.

Nonetheless, as the Declaration of Independence cautions, “[p]rudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes”. So, before “enough” becomes “too much” and things get out of hand as things tend to do, Americans need to demand unequivocal explanations from public officials and bureaucrats as to exactly why—and under what legitimate constitutional authority—they have implemented the policies which have so devastated this country. To wit,

(i) Americans need to know whether this mess is the result of, for example, officials’ and bureaucrats’ panic-driven overreactions to a situation they did not understand; their utter incompetence; their errors of judgment; their stubborn refusals to admit their inabilities and mistakes when admissions could have mitigated the damage their original errors had caused; their improper motives (ultimately implicating one sort of conspiracy or another); or permutations and combinations of the above.

(ii) Americans need to know what these public officials’ “defenses” to political and legal liability may  be—for instance, “I made a mistake”; “I did the best I could”; “No one could have done more or better than I did”; “I was following orders from my superiors”; “I was taking advice from people with more knowledge and experience than I had”; “I was implementing a plan which was good for the people, but which the people could not understand then and cannot understand now”; and (worst of all) “Whatever my demerits have been, I enjoy complete ‘immunity’ from civil lawsuits and criminal prosecution”.

(iii) Where various Governors’ “executive orders” are concerned, Americans need to know whether the Governors claim that these directives are justified under specific statutes enacted by their States’ legislatures. If so, are those statutes valid under some provisions of those States’ constitutions? If so, are those statutes or provisions valid under the Constitution of the United States? And if the answer to any of these questions is “no”, what penalties should be imposed upon the Governors and their henchmen for the misdeeds they have committed under color of these unlawful “executive orders”?

As things are under present conditions, none of these questions will be answered by the Governors, by public-health bureaucrats, by the States’ legislatures, by Congress, and perhaps even by the President of the United States. And although more accessible in principle by We the People than any of the latter institutions of government, in practice courts throughout the federal system,

with vanishingly few exceptions, can be expected to do little to nothing in a timely and effective fashion to ameliorate or rectify the mess which reckless “executive orders” have created. Indeed, the atmosphere in that domain has become rather ominous with the publication of Chief Justice Roberts’ concurring opinion in the Supreme Court’s recent decision in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom, 590 U.S. ___ (29 May 2020). It is apparent that those ensconced in the highest echelons of the political class will never accept personal responsibility, and will always evade personal accountability, no matter the harms they may inflict upon Americans under color of responding to the “covid-19” panic which they themselves incited and exacerbated. So what can the Deplorables do, except to turn to other institutions?

At every level of the federal system, the Deplorables need to see to the appointment of Special Commissions of Inquiry which, through wide-ranging investigations, can address and answer all aspects of the question “Who is to govern the governors?” with respect not only to what has transpired during the current “covid-19” panic, but also to how public officials will be allowed to respond to any other purported “public-health emergencies” of this kind which might arise in the future.

Most importantly, these Special Commissions must, in both fact and law, actually be special,

in that they must be conducted in a different manner for a different purpose—namely, quickly and thoroughly to expose the truth rather than cover it up—and therefore must be composed of different people who command different authority from other investigatory commissions which have been set up following certain horrendous events of recent memory, and tasked with painting entirely false pictures of what had actually happened.

The most infamous of these, of course, was the Warren Commission, which whitewashed the murder of President Kennedy. To be sure, its Report was uniquely useful, because it revealed to Americans the existence of a miraculous Italian Carcano rifle of World War II vintage, which apparently could fire bullets that, although missing the target from behind, could turn around in flight and strike the target in front, quite contrary to the laws of exterior ballistics. This remarkable discovery aside, the Warren Commission held no one accountable for the crime except the self-described “patsy”, Lee Harvey Oswald, who, having himself been conveniently silenced through assassination, could thereafter always be described as “acting alone”, to the extent that many wags now treat those two words as part of his name. And it singled out for blame not a single high-ranking figure in public office, civilian or military, who had failed to detect the plot, let alone to take a single step to thwart it. Moreover, because JFK’s murder involved only one victim along with only one perpetrator, both of them deceased, somnolent Americans from the 1960s to today have disregarded it as a precedent which poses no threat to them.

More recently, the 9/11 Commission Report on the destruction of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers and damage to the Pentagon, along with the ancillary NIST report on the demise of WTC Building Number 7, rationalized “the global war on terror”. To be sure, these Reports were useful, because they informed Americans that two ultra-modern, multi-story skyscrapers constructed to the highest architectural standards from ton upon ton of steel and concrete could suddenly collapse in their own footprints after each was hit by an aluminum airliner, and a smaller but no less well-designed office building could collapse in its own footprint even without being hit by an airplane of any sort, all quite contrary to the basic laws of physics. These astounding discoveries aside, the 9/11 Commission and NIST Reports propped up the tall tale that a gaggle of scruffy Middle-Eastern “terrorists”, all of whom had conveniently immolated themselves in their kamikaze attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, not only had outwitted every one of the United States’ national-security forces and intelligence agencies, but also had demonstrated the ability to fly jumbo jets in maneuvers beyond the competence of the world’s best pilots. And those Reports, too, managed to identify not one high-ranking figure in public office, civilian or military, even whose simple negligence (let alone whose criminal culpability) had contributed to the disaster. Moreover, notwithstanding that the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon caused the deaths of thousands, since then insouciant Americans have largely disregarded the possibility of future threats of that kind. To most people living today, those attacks were unique events in the distant past; the victims and the perpetrators are all dead and largely forgotten; and that is that.

Unfortunately, an official whitewashing of the “covid-19” panic akin to the fictions concocted by the Warren and 9/11 Commissions would arguably be easier to perpetrate today than ever before, and with far worse long-term effects.

First, in stark contrast to their doubts about  JFK’s assassination and the 9/11 Event, many Americans do not believe that they can afford to be skeptical about either the lethality of “covid-19” or the necessity of the supposed preventive measures which Governors and public-health officials have imposed upon them.

Second, although many Americans are sufficiently familiar with how a bullet behaves when fired from a high-powered rifle to dismiss as fiction the Warren Commission Report, and with the significance of an office building’s collapse at “free-fall speed” to describe as fantasies the 9/11 Commission and NIST Reports, few could critically analyze the report of a “covid-19” commission which “scientific” cover-up artists larded with the impenetrable mumbo jumbo of virology, epidemiology, molecular biology, and so on.

Third, obvious to everyone is that rogue public officials are using the “covid-19” panic as their opportunity and excuse to strip Americans of fundamental constitutional freedoms. Nonetheless, a “covid-19” commission backed up by rogue judges could easily fabricate and pass off facile legal apologies such as Chief Justice Roberts laid out in his concurring opinion in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom:

The precise question of when restrictions on particular social activities should be lifted during the pandemic is a dynamic and fact-intensive matter subject to reasonable disagreement. Our Constitution principally entrusts “[t]he safety and health of the people” to the politically accountable officials of the States “to guard and protect.” Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11, 38 (1905). When those officials “undertake[ ] to act in areas fraught with medical and scientific uncertainties,” their latitude “must be especially broad.” Marshall v. United States, 414 U.S. 417, 427 (1974). Where these broad limits are not exceeded, they should not be subject to second-guessing by an “unelected federal judiciary,” which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people. [590 U.S. at ___ .]

One wonders whether this passage was penned by someone—perhaps some law clerk recently brainwashed at an élitist law school—with little to no sound training in constitutional law.

It may be that “[t]he precise question of when restrictions on particular social activities should be lifted during the pandemic is a dynamic and fact-intensive matter subject to reasonable disagreement”. But not “subject to reasonable disagreement” are the constitutional rights of tens of millions of Americans suffering from draconian “restrictions on [their] particular social activities” which amount to “house arrest” without even probable cause. Axiomatic is that

[i]n cases brought to enforce constitutional rights, the judicial power of the United States necessarily extends to the independent determination of all questions, both of fact and law, necessary to the performance of that supreme function. The case of confiscation [of property] is illustrative, the ultimate conclusion almost invariably depending upon the decisions of questions of fact.

Crowell v. Benson, 285 U.S. 22, 60 (1932). Accord, Ohio Valley Water Company v. Ben Avon Borough, 253 U.S. 287, 289 (1920); Saint Joseph Stock Yards Company v. United States, 298 U.S. 38, 51-52 (1936). And constitutional rights pertaining to “life” and “liberty”, of course, are no less—arguably are much more—important than those pertaining to “property”.

Why is it that “[w]hen [public] officials ‘undertake[ ] to act in areas fraught with medical and scientific uncertainties,’ their latitude ‘must be especially broad’”? On the one hand, if those “medical and scientific uncertainties” cannot be resolved at all (somehow being impenetrable mysteries), then how could the courts ever determine that “these broad limits [on public officials’ powers] have been exceeded” or not? Would not such a situation exclude “judicial review” altogether, and render “medical and scientific uncertainties”—that is, professed ignorance—blunt weapons with which power-hungry officials could always bludgeon the Constitution into submission? On the other hand, why cannot courts resolve those “medical and scientific uncertainties” which are resolvable just as they do all other factual conundra presented to them, by the production of evidence and the exercise of discursive reasoning?

Finally, why should public officials—whose motives, even more than their knowledge, should always be suspect—“not be subject to second-guessing by an ‘unelected federal judiciary,’ which lacks the background, competence, and expertise to assess public health and is not accountable to the people”? Leave aside the obvious non sequitur that public officials are “accountable to the people” when they can regulate, restrict, and curtail entirely any and every “social activit[y]”; when their dictates cannot be effectively challenged in the courts; and when the people must wait sheepishly for the next election possibly to bring them relief, while they suffer irreparable damage in the interim. In a situation of this sort, are not the courts bound in legal duty to determine whether “politically accountable officials” actually have the necessary “background, competence, and expertise”, and are using their supposed education and experience properly to make the correct decisions? After all, “second guessing” implies disagreeing with someone who is himself of sufficient competence to come to a reasoned conclusion and of sufficient integrity make an honest decision.  Whether some public official satisfies those criteria is always the question to be answered, never the answer to be assumed.

Fourth, the assassination of JFK and the 9/11 Event were each of them unique. They will never happen again. But the “covid-19” panic can be run over and over, whenever power-hungry public officials and public-health bureaucrats need to invent a new “pandemic” horror-story as an excuse for usurpation and tyranny. The very same script, even many of the selfsame crisis-actors in official positions, will suffice—with just a different disease, or simply a different “strain” of “covid-19”, as the monster in the drama.

For these reasons, We the People cannot allow public officials to whitewash the “covid-19” panic in the manner employed by earlier official investigatory commissions. This will require, though, that “the usual suspects” not be put in charge of any investigation. We the People themselves must investigate what happened, why it happened, and especially through whose influence and at whose instigation it happened. We the People themselves must set up Special Commissions of Inquiry in each of the several States, along with one for the United States as a whole. These Special Commissions must be independent of the present-day political establishment in terms of both their mandates and their personnel. They must wield governmental authority fully adequate to compel the attendance of witnesses who have held or hold public office and the production of documents and other evidence in public records. And their findings must be used, not only to educate the American people, but also to compel enforcement of the laws of the States and the United States against whichever wrongdoers may be exposed.

What governmental institutions, though, can be expected, let alone trusted, to establish  these Special Commissions; to recruit all of the patriotic experts in various disciplines, all of the patriotic investigators, and all of the patriotic lawyers needed to perform the Commissions’ work; to assist in the widest-possible dissemination of the Commissions’ findings in the face of the “mainstream” media’s hostile propaganda; and especially to put into effect the Commissions’ recommendations with respect to enforcement of the laws against high mucky-mucks in the political establishment whom the Commissions may charge with wrongdoing? Not a single one, except the institutions which are not now involved in the thick of the “covid-19” monkey-business and thereby compromised—the institutions composed of We the People themselves who have the most vital personal interests in exposing the truth—the only institutions to which the Constitution explicitly assigns the authority and responsibility “to execute the Laws of the Union” against anyone and everyone who violates those “Laws”, without exception. That is, the Special Commissions have to be established and run by the Militia.

While the “covid-19” iron is still hot, President Trump could set up these Commissions in each State right now, under (say) the authority of Section 253 of Title 10 of the United States Code. If he did, he would bask in tidal waves of approval, applause, and active support from the Deplorables for doing so (and, one might surmise, be assured of re-election this coming November). As of right now, though, with respect to “covid-19” Mr. Trump seems akin to a tennis ball, being hit back and forth across the net by players drawn from different departments of the Deep State. With a stroke of a racket on one side of the net he flies off on a trajectory marginally favorable to the interests of the Deplorables, whereas the stroke of a racket on the other side impels him on a trajectory distinctly unfavorable to their interests. And being only a ball in someone else’s play, all his bounces, to and fro, remain squarely within the Deep State’s court.

Without President Trump’s leadership, and with various States’ Governors being the sources of the problem, We the People have to undertake the task under the auspices and with the protection of Local governments, in many places the only governmental institutions which enjoy any constitutional credence. The model for action should be the “Second Amendment Sanctuary” movement which sprang from the grass roots in Virginia in late 2019 and early 2020. That movement organized the Deplorables for a negative outcome—We the People’s and their Local Governments’ refusals to comply with supposed statutes which violate the Second Amendment. Now the People must organize for a positive outcome. They and their Local governments must band together to set up Special Commissions of Inquiry drawn from patriotic Americans within the so-called “unorganized militia” recognized by various statutes in the several States. Each State’s Commission will derive its constitutional existence and authority from Local public officials’ employment of whatever powers they may exercise for that purpose, in obedience to their oaths of office. But this action must be taken soon—before his faithless and feckless advisors trick President Trump into actually asserting some “emergency power” even more phantasmagorical and more likely to engender disastrous consequences than any invoked heretofore during the “covid-19” panic.

Few readers of this commentary have not watched the press conference held on 15 May 2020 in the White House Rose Garden, in which President Trump waxed triumphant over “Operation Warp Speed”.


The plan is to deploy the Military in order, by early 2021, to be able to inject huge numbers of Americans with one or another admittedly experimental “covid-19” vaccine to be produced (in Mr. Trump’s own words) with “record, record, record speed”. Also, reason exists to believe that these vaccinations will be mandatory for every member of the population.

Obviously, this plan is extraordinarily unrealistic, if adequate testing for safety and efficacy is to precede actual injection of some novel vaccine into the bodies of tens of millions of ignorant recipients. (On questions of responses to “covid-19” in general and vaccinations in particular, See Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s web site, <>.)

Worse yet, “Operation Warp Speed” is certainly irresponsible, and more than likely illegal, because it would amount to experimentation on human beings, doubtlessly without their informed consent—that is, consent neither coerced nor fraudulently obtained, but instead based upon full disclosure of the risks involved and of each individual’s right to refuse to participate in the program. (On the impermissibility of medical experiments performed on individuals without their informed consent, see, e.g., 12 Code of Federal Regulations §§ 50.1, 50.3, 50.20, 50.25, and 50.27.)

As an Army General told the reporters gathered in the Rose Garden, “Operation Warp Speed” is planned as a coöperative effort between the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense. According to him, the “mission is about defeating the enemy”. If that would not make any patriot’s blood run cold, what could? For it implicitly poses the question: “Who is really ‘the enemy’ here—a virus, or the American people?” That is a valid inquiry, because, as a general proposition of international law established by the United States and other nations in the aftermath of World War II, and still recognized by the United States, “medical” experiments conducted by rogue public officials on unwilling human beings are condemnable as crimes against humanity, for which no defense is allowable.

More specifically, employment of the Military to enforce such experiments on the civilian population within the United States through what amounts to “martial law” plainly violates not only the Constitution, but also the Declaration of Independence, which indicted King George III because (among other of his derelictions) “He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power”. As a practical matter, mandatory vaccinations of ordinary Americans effected through military coercion will, in the course of such an operation, necessarily “render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power”, because no “Civil power” at any level of the federal system will be able in fact (whatever its  authority in legal theory) to interpose itself between “the Military” and ordinary citizens dependent upon that “Civil power” for protection.

To be sure, apologists for the “vaccine lobby” contend that all constitutional questions relating to compulsory vaccinations have been decided in favor of compulsion. In support of this fantastic assertion they usually invoke the Supreme Court’s decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), which Chief Justice Roberts cited with approval in his concurring opinion in South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom (quoted above). One who critically parses the Court’s opinion in Jacobson, though, will realize that reliance on it would be ill-advised. With respect even to the arguments against compulsory vaccinations which it actually considered and rejected (on insufficient grounds), it holds about as much water as a sieve. And as to other arguments never presented to the Court, especially those which could be predicated on actual scientific research conducted since 1905, the opinion provides nothing but judicial silence. Detailed destructive analysis of the demerits of Jacobson must be left to another commentary, though.

In sum, the “covid-19” panic shows that the question is not: “When are Americans going to say ‘enough is enough’?”—for they seem to be saying that already, a few at a time. The question is: “When are Americans going to say ‘enough is too much to take anymore’?”—and then do something constitutionally effective about it. That question needs to be answered. Time is running out.

© 2020 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

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12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 2

Steven Yates

Picking up where we left off:

#7. Real conservatism is dead. Given Part 1, this should be a no-brainer. Ronald Reagan would not be electable today. Even he was compromised by neocons. Neo-conservatives, who controlled the Republican Party from the 1980s until 2016, are not conservatives. The oldest (e.g., Irving Kristol) are former Trotskyites who want a powerful central state to support corporations and further the war machine.

If by conservative we mean someone who is actually conserving something — whose moral (not exclusively political) stance is rooted in a transcendent realm of value, and who sees cultural traditions as worth preserving because they pass the test of time and practice — then there are no conservatives in Washington, D.C.,or any other centers of power and influence today.That includes the Trump administration, sadly.

If you believe everything has or should have a price, and that all values reduce to exchange values, you are not a conservative. You might be a Big Business Republican. Not the same thing.

Neither Bush I nor Bush II were conservatives, they were globalists (furthering the goals of the transnational elites — through NAFTA, GATT II and the WTO, DR-CAFTA, the SPP, the TPP, etc., ad nauseam?). Their supposed opponents were also globalists. Obama was a globalist. As is Biden.

Max Boot, deep in bed with the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, is also NOT a conservative even if Yahoo brands him as such. I don’t know what he is.

The point being, I look at the political scene as it might unfold in the 2020s, and there are no conservatives in sight. There may be one or two people who come close, like Steve Scalise. Both Rand Paul and Justin Amash seem closer to fuzzy Libertarianism, which will make them even less electable in the years to come. “Movement conservatism” never accomplished anything anyway.

#8. The real purpose of most technology is to encircle, addict, and enslave you, not free you from toil or make your life more convenient. I began to realize, late in the Aughts (the ‘00’ decade), that the “sovereign consumer” of Libertarians and confused pseudo-conservatives is a myth. The masses follow — well — each other. They are easily led by their noses by emotional appeals in advertising, and easily addicted to screens. Because the screens he/she is glued to have been designed to trigger pleasure centers in the brain, creating and reinforcing literal dopamine addictions.

I walk the streets of my present home city, and nine out of ten people in view are practically walking into each other (or into me) because their eyes are glued to their phones!

How on Earth are consumers “sovereign” when they are so easily led, and when their attention spans are measurable as less than that of a mosquito?????

Now it’s true, a lot of technology has made our lives more convenient. I’d be crazy to deny that, with my Internet-based phone sitting here and my computer able to access our church services, Bible studies, etc., with Skype, Zoom, etc., allowing people on four continents to meet and interact in real time. Sometimes even I’m amazed by it all.

But it’s useful to remember: Big Tech didn’t create all this stuff out of the goodness of their little hearts. Corporations such as Google, Facebook and Twitter are joined at the hip to the CIA and other intel entities — the Deep State, if you prefer. You use their free products. They collect and aggregate information on you as you scroll, like, and click, and sell it to advertisers. The aim of constant info feeds is to keep you titillated and distracted. Hence the constant clickbait ads featuring scantily-clad celebrity wannabes that scream Look At Me, Look At Me, Look At Me!

Big Tech isn’t in the communications business. They’re in the money business. (Just like Big Pharma isn’t in the health business but the money business.)

And the power business. It’s getting worse.

I’ve read several times that Gates’s and Fauci’s real plans are a Covid-19 vaccine with a nanotech microchip in it. I don’t know if this is true or not. Not every such claim is true. I have no hard evidence one way or the other.

But if we think it through, a Covid vaccine won’t need a chip to be a tool of control. All it will need is an accompanying app, downloadable to your phone, that confirms that you now have the official “immunity passport.”

Without which you won’t be able to travel by air, enter government or corporate buildings, or probably work legally in close proximity with others. State and local governments will support this; employers will support it; the masses generally will support it, all out of the fear we noted last week.

Absent the “immunity passport,” you will be effectively shut out of the economy.

In Part 1 I mentioned the war on cash in passing. Cash is bad. Cash can transmit the coronavirus!

The plan is for all transactions to be digital. Digital can be tracked, traced, and made into a permanent record.

But since we mentioned chips, some employers are chipping their employees. The chip goes into their hand, in between their thumb and forefinger. Employees are going along, some enthusiastically. It’s hip to have a chip! They enjoy the conveniences. This is the incentive that lures people into something that can be used to monitor and control them. (A Swedish company has been doing it since 2016.)

At some point, a tipping point will be reached, and chipping will become the wave of the future. Again, if you’re a refusenik you’ll eventually be shut out of the economy and unable to live a normal life.

#9. Justice has been dead for a long time. When I was living in South Carolina I saw two friends have their lives upended by psychopath lawyers and judges in a county family court. I assembled enough evidence to convince myself that these, too, are money-making rackets that put poor and unemployed people in jail and keep them there, in the name of a magic phrase, child support.

County slammers that house these people (sometimes for 90 days, sometimes for six months) are able to avoid being labeled debtors prisons by invoking another phrase of legal-eagle magic, contempt of court, the official charge against someone whose “choice” was child support or that month’s utilities.

The U.S. incarcerates a larger percentage of its population than any other “advanced” nation in the world, including Communist China. This is such common knowledge that I shouldn’t need to supply a link.

The U.S. is also the only nation where prisons are privatized and run for profit. The results are as disastrous as you’d expect, just from thinking through the perverse incentives: more plea bargains for reduced sentences means more prisoners (hence scaring those accused with threats of long sentences to keep them from fighting charges in court even if they are innocent). More prisoners equals more profit; lower quality food equals more profit; nonexistent health care equals more profit.

Neoliberalism at its finest!

Decent legal representation is expensive, of course. The system can wear down and exhaust the resources of an accused person until he/she has been bankrupted and financially ruined.

Just how much justice can you afford???

Meanwhile, the real criminals on Wall Street not just walk free, but obtain more money in a month gaming the financial system than most of us will ever see in our lives.

No Wall Streeters were jailed when their recklessness nearly collapsed the economy in 2008. Indeed, two years later, some were receiving bonuses from corporations like Goldman Sachs. Financial capitalism began to inflate its next bubble, the one that was burst this year.

Will the pitchforks come out when Main Street again fails to come back? Maybe, but I’m not holding my breath.

#10. The New Tribalism is here to stay. Might be good to review #2 before reading this. The 2010s saw racial meltdowns at places like Yale where entitled minority youth have no idea how good they have it.

Identity politics, the New Tribalism, is tearing America apart. The George Floyd death has been made about “systemic racism,”not a psychopath with a badge killing a man who could have been any ethnicity. Identity politics makes everything about race, and this is a recipe for disaster. If every injustice is blamed on “white supremacy” and “systemic racism,” this will eventually tear a racially diverse society apart.

I warned anyone who would listen back in the 1990s what would happen.

Identity politics has upended academia and largely destroyed free speech, belligerent denials not withstanding. Campuses such as Berkeley spend up to $500,000 on security when a conservative speaker comes to campus, and still can’t guarantee the person’s safety.

Some speakers find themselves physically attacked by leftist loons. (Case from last year.)

The New Tribalism dominates areas of social science and the humanities not dealing with conceptual analysis or bland number crunching.

Add “intersectionality”: academese for membership in two or more designated victim groups.

The unpleasant truth: none of this is going anywhere. It may actually get worse.

With its critics retired, or hunkering down at bottom-tier tech schools, taking refuge in “think tanks,” or changed careers long ago, there is almost no one inside academia’s closed universe of crazy to challenge the New Tribalism.

I’d like to think COVID-19 hysteria might have one good result—if due to lack of money from students (well, actually, from the government, having entangled students in debt), a lot of these institutions might be forced to close their doors and send career victims off to work for Uber or deliver food.

The sadder and uglier truth: the worst villains in the identity politics / intersectionality axis, the prominent Ivy League and Cultural Left Coast institutions, have the resources to survive this catastrophe.

It will be Podunksville State College that is forced to close. Behind its silent walls you found a few real instructors who suffered under absurdly low pay working part-time for years and staying because they cared about their students. No more.

#11. The U.S. is in steep decline, and this will not be reversed. No one — not Trump or anyone else — is going to “turn the country around.” The U.S. is past the point of no return, partly because tragic events such as the George Floyd murder are so easily hijacked by political agendas, partly because of larger educational and cultural decay, but mostly because the financialized system has allowed so much borrowing against the future, enabling so much debt of all kinds to pile up.

This (not a virus, and not “systemic racism”) is crashing the system.

Sir John Bagot Glubb wrote of the life cycles of civilizations: periods of pioneering breakout and expansive growth; ages of commerce, affluence, intellect, and finally decline into decadence which precedes collapse.

Ages of decadence are characterized by frivolity, materialism, greed, a weakening of any sense of transcendent values, division and increased hostility, an unhealthy obsession with sex, general depravity—and worsening fiscal irresponsibility as a parasite class gathers not at the bottom but at the top.

Government and corporate media played down the significance of the Fed repo market bailout in August 2019. Hardly anyone noticed. You would have had to know just what to look for, and most did not.

We were on our way to the next meltdown. The coronavirus provided the trigger.

Governments locked down “inessential” businesses, i.e., nearly everything outside government, Big Pharma and drug stores, grocery stores, and banks.

This created dependence and mass compliance.

Brandon Smith predicts compellingly (he has a good track record with this sort of thing) that the economy will be reopened, that infections will rise (or that the masses will be told that the numbers are rising), resulting in a new round of panic and a more severe lockdown. Wash, rinse, repeat. A cycle will be set up and continue until all who would question authority are figuratively beaten into submission, their resources depleted.

We’re back to: Get the vaccine!

Total Surveillance is coming!

UN and affiliated websites now speak of Agenda 2030. The Plan is for world government to be instituted that year or possibly before: the intended resolution of the present crisis. With every vestige of Constitutional conservatism gone, the Global Populist Revolt of 2015 – 20 beaten back, especially if Trump should lose to Biden in November, there will be nothing stopping the globalists — the transnational elites — from finishing the project they’ve been working on quasi-publicly for the past century.

I say quasi-publicly because this is not a “conspiracy theory.” Conspiracies by definition are hidden from you. Actual conspirators do not publish books like Tragedy & Hope (Carroll Quigley), Between Two Ages (Zbigniew Brzezinski); articles like “The Hard Road to World Order” (Richard Gardner, in the 1974 Foreign Affairs published by the Council on Foreign Relations); or A Memoir (David Rockefeller Sr.), and many more, telegraphing what they’ve been doing to anyone able to read plain English.

#12. The past 50 years will be remembered as a Golden Age.

First: as many problems as we had 1969 – 2019, the past half-century gave us the Internet, our generation’s potential Gutenberg press which did more to democratize information than any previous medium. Voices shut out of mainstream media suddenly had platforms. If you paid attention you learned what “your” government had been up to (e.g., this classic).

Not all those voices were perfect, mind you. The point is, many could see for themselves how often “the experts” got things wrong, whether the subject was history, political economy, or science or medicine. Or how often ulterior motives trumped truth.

Dominant narratives about, say, globalization, were challenged more than ever before!

This lasted until November 24, 2016. When Trump upset elite favorite Hillary Clinton, a furious counterattack was inevitable. It began in earnest with the infamous Prop Or Not article, the unsourced hit job on alternative reportage published by The Washington Post. That article began the Russiagate hoax and launched Big Tech’s war against conservative voices and alternative media generally (which it called “fake news,” the first use of that meme). This war was fought with algorithms, not bullets, as befits an information age.

Many alternative sites and writers are now struggling to survive! Some have simply disappeared. There are writers who used to publish regularly on who seem to have fallen off the face of the Earth.

As we enter the 2020s, expect a more controlled Internet. Truthtellers routinely disappear from YouTube and Twitter. Facebook has gone from banning posts to banning websites. For example, I tried to post something from The UnzReview and was handed this bit of fluff: This link goes against our community standards.

Yes, there are alternatives to those, but if you post on them you won’t be seen because they get almost no traffic. As the adage goes, there is plenty of free speech in the middle of the desert. None of the alternatives to YouTube (owned by Google) and Facebook have Deep State enhanced deep pockets. We are in a New Gilded Age, and as Big Tech’s power consolidates, expect its platforms to look more and more like CNN or MSNBC—with similar politics.

Second: expect Main Street to continue to circle the economic drain. Unemployment and its effects will be worse than the Great Depression when “normal” does not come back.

The effects will be worse because, as I noted in Part 1, in the 1930s the Westoutside so-called intellectual centers was still basically Christian. Now it is basically materialist. Millions will have nothing spiritual to fall back on.

In some places, suicides are already rivaling Covid-19 deaths (or what we are told are Covid-19 deaths).

Third: the U.S. Treasury Dept. / Federal Reserve axis is addicted to printing money. The level of money printing we are seeing now is utterly unprecedented, and will eventually cause a dollar collapse. This will enable the globalists to transition to a global digital currency and eliminate cash transactions.

A dollar collapse will permanently end U.S. dominance on the world stage. Dmitry Orlov, in a recent interview, discusses how a bankrupt U.S. might simply cease to exist. In a money political economy, those without money cannot exact their will. That includes governments.

In place of America: the rising techno-feudalist world government will serve the global financial and other corporate leviathans owned by globalist elites. They may offer refuge to compliant indigents of the former U.S., even renew conveniences and various forms of Huxleyan soma while slowly eliminating “savages” who refuse to be hip and get that chip.

Expect this by 2030.

I imagine even Russia will be incentivized to join if promised some autonomy.

Honorable Mention, for those who, like Ann Coulter, are disillusioned with Trump:

There is no one else!

I recently asked a fellow who sometimes emails long rants to me against Trump: just how do you think The Donald was able to capture the 2016 nomination?

His command of media was part of it, of course, but not the whole story.

His competitors were jokes.

Then Hillary cut her own arrogant throat with her “baskets of deplorables” remark.

This election cycle has proven to be worse. And should dementia-addled Joe Biden, the presumed Democratic nominee, defeats Trump, it will ensure that the above will fall into place that much more rapidly. My money is on Biden being unable to complete a full term. Who will his VP be? It’s pretty much given that it won’t be a white male. If his VP is a loon like Kamala Harris, expect the U.S. to come unglued well before 2030.

12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 1

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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US Citizens Urged to Arm Themselves, Stockpile Ammo, Food and Prepare for Attacks by Antifa, Jihadists and Radical Illegals

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In the midst of an uprising by members of a number of radical or terrorist groups, Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden and other members of the Deep State have not given up on their quest to disarm American citizens. Biden and his campaign staff at the very least wish to limit Americans’ access to firearms, ammunition and physical security measures designed to protect life and property.

About 100 million Americans own approximately 300 million rifles,shotguns and handguns. For the last year-and-a-halfthe number of firearms purchased by Americans has increased every month.  Tens of millions of our people of all races own more guns than vote for the successful presidential candidate every four years, according to police firearms and law adviser John Snyder, before he died of natural causes last year.

The United States civilian population is the most heavily armed civilian population in history, Snyder points out.

“The United States is gun country.  It’s part of our national heritage of freedom and liberty.  Anti-gun politicians, media reps, clergy, academicians and others should learn this lesson and learn it well,” said Snyder who serves on the advisory board of the 13,000-member National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP).

Snyder also said, “Hillary [Clinton] supported semiautomatic gun registration, universal background checks on all firearms transfers, and subjection of firearms manufacturers and dealers to frivolous third-party lawsuits. Which is why she’s on a book tour instead of leading the United State.”

“Clinton, herself an attorney who bragged about getting a child-rapist acquitted, is throwing the American Bar Association and trial lawyers a huge bone with her gun-control agenda,” said former New York police detective Iris Aquino, who now trains women in self-defense including use of firearms.

The Coming Civil War II?

The United States appears to some Americans to be on the brink of something that in the past was the theme of many works of fiction including books and motion picture about the end times — the terrifying 1984, the overly violent Clockwork Orange, the disturbing A Handmaid’s Tale, the realistic doomsday thriller Children of Men, and other works that provide readers and moviegoers with a glimpse of what mankind will eventually face when governments topple and tribalism replaces the greatness of liberty and freedom with distrust, extreme cynicism, mob rule and routinely violent civil disobedience.

During the last three presidential administrations — George W. Bush 43, Barack Hussein Obama, and current President Donald Trump — Americans have witnessed the slow but steady decline of the great political experiment that was the United States’ Constitutionally protected Representative Republic.

Starting with the last election cycle, there were groups of radicals who fearlessly attacked the nation’s conservatives in what seems like a throwback to the 1960s campus protests and street riots in the biggest and most populace cities in the U.S.

Once the election was over, these same groups, their leaders, the news media and the entertainment industry continued their hateful verbal attacks, physical attacks on anyone opposing them, and expansion of the once independent, broadcast and print news outlets that is now recognized as being the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party. The media also shills for the radical left, the secret and mysterious Deep State (a/k/a the Shadow Government), and the already deeply entrenched radical Muslims.

Muslim refugees are allowed into the U.S. with opened arms despite their threat to the lives and property of the American people. So too are undocumented illegal aliens from Mexico and other Central American countries who possess higher violent crime rates than most of the Middle Eastern countries.

A news story (written by political correspondent Jim Kouri) quoted then Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal as saying he is accusing President Barack Obama and other political leaders of waging war against religious liberty and education and saying that a “rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for a hostile takeover of the nation’s capital.”

While Gov. Jindel, a Republican, didn’t elaborate many believe he was warning citizens that the federal government (Deep State) is actually provoking a rebellion.

Those who’ve studied national politics and security believe that President Obama and his consortium of left-wing radicals, Islamists and One World Government operatives are hoping that American citizens will take to the streets in droves while armed and demanding to be heard by oppressive government elites who no longer pretend to adhere to the U.S. Constitution.

Such a scenario would offer the Washington elites the desired “excuse” to deploy the government agencies and the military which seems to be the opinion of Gov. Bobby Jindal and others.

Gov. Jindal is quoted by Fox News as saying he could “sense right now a rebellion brewing among these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American dream for our children and grandchildren.”

Gov. Jindal spoke in Washington, D.C, at the annual Faith and Freedom Coalition conference.

During his presentation he accused Obama, his minions and sycophants of waging war against certain American values “The Pelican State governor is right on,” said John Snyder, who is also on the board of advisers for the National Association of Chiefs of Police and a former NRA magazine editor.

Although news stories and op-eds on the Internet for years predicted the mysterious and foreboding purchase by Homeland Security of billions — that’s right, not millions but billions — of rounds of ammunition, stories appearing in News with Views, the Drudge Report, Fox News and a few other news outlets appear to be drawing more and more attention to federal agencies militarizing their workers.

Most disheartening is the enormous number of weapons and ammunition being purchased and stockpiled by federal agencies that aren’t even law enforcement or military in nature.

Federal agencies not usually associated with civil unrest are stockpiling weapons and ammunition.  For example, the Social Security Administration, are trying to put a damper on the speculation — noting the ammunition is “standard issue” and simply used for mandatory federal training sessions.

When asked about their buildup of weapons and ammunition, the Social Security Administration stated:  “The SSA is processing more applications than ever, which means more traffic in SSA offices. Employee and visitor safety is the highest priority for OIG, which, together with the Federal Protective Services and local law enforcement, has jurisdiction over SSA workplaces.”

The SSA also claimed, “Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately. They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees, and customers.”

The bullet purchases drew widespread attention as the web site published several stories on them that were linked off the widely read Drudge Report and other sites. catalogued a string of recent purchases — first by the Department of Homeland Security, then by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and then the Social Security Administration.

Ingram also noted that “the Bush Administration and congress toyed with the idea of practically militarizing FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), which is basically a ‘bean-counting’ agency. But that idea went nowhere. However, with Obama in the Oval Office, the news media may be more willing to cover up abuses to patriotic Americans.”

“This news is bad, very bad. Worse are attempts by inane politicians, media personnel, entertainers and church officials to impose gun control generally on American citizens. Jihadists are out to get Americans. People need guns now more than ever. Jihad terrorism is increasing in the US. Individual citizens need guns for protection. Jihadists behead, rape and pillage. Armed Americans must be ready, willing and able to stop them anytime, anyplace,” notes Snyder who serves on boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Council for America and American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens.

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‘Science’ Disgraces Itself

by Lee Duigon

What do you get when you mix science and politics?

Politics! The science part is only window dressing.

We got used to seeing this in recent years as “science” and politics carried each other’s water for imaginary man-made “climate change” (which used to be “global warming” until it stopped getting warmer), on their way to the golden prize of global government, owned and managed by themselves. And how many times—note: even *without* an investigative press to help us—have we caught “science” cheating? Suppressing data, getting doubters fired from their posts at universities, fudging figures, abandoning the observation of nature for the manipulation of computer models, created by themselves to give them the answers they wanted to hear.

You know—like the computer models that told us that “millions” of Americans were going to die from Wuhan virus unless we scuttled our economy.

So some of us had already acquired a hefty skepticism toward “science.” And now this.

Proclaiming that “Social justice is more important than social distancing”, a bunch of the same “scientists” who told us we were all gonna die unless we kept at least six feet apart from one another have turned around to say social distancing be damned, it would be even worse for America if we *didn’t* run out and join mobs of densely packed nitwits engaging in “mass protests”—their euphemism for rioting—“to end systemic racism.”

Oh, no! Systemic racism! What’s that? Wouldn’t you just love to hear some of these airheads try to explain what it is? But that would be like asking some doofus on the Minneapolis City Council, “After you abolish our police force, what do I do if some creep breaks into my home in the middle of the night?” You’ll get a lot of words, but you’ll never get an answer.

As near as I can make out from all the babbling about it, “systemic racism” is the very essence of an evil empire called “America,” it’s an ineradicable part of being white and we’re all guilty and we’ve all got to pay for it somehow… and only black lives matter, the rest of us don’t even deserve to be here. And all the virtue-signaling ninnies who voted for Obama are guzzling the Kool-Aid. See them kneel.

That’s what these “scientists” say is much more deadly than any puny little virus.

So… Because of social distancing, we can’t go to church, can’t have a family picnic, can’t visit poor Grandpa as he lays dying in a nursing home, can’t go into a store without a mask—but we can join a riot? Oops, sorry—“mass protest.”

And we’re supposed to believe them because Science is the ultimate authority, it’s always right, and weren’t you listening when we told you Science says we’ve got to have a global government so it can Save The Planet? No wonder Democrats think we’re just a basket of deplorables, clinging bitterly to God and our guns.

We are looking at a serious, well-funded, and thoroughly ruthless campaign to overturn America and replace it with a “new world” bearing more than a passing resemblance to the late Soviet Union. We are looking at a push for global Stalinism—with a self-anointed scientific elite perched on tyranny’s shoulder like a parrot.

Our oceans protected us from Hitler and Tojo until we could muster all our resources and destroy them. But they can’t protect us from these enemies.

Because they’re already here.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Faithism is Worse Than Racism

Dave Daubenmire

I’ve about had it up to my once water-breathing gills with this whole whitey hates blackie thing.  Coming on the heels of a made-up pandemic the idea that the greatest evil facing America is racism is more than my once-monkey evolved brain can handle.

“Minds full of mush” is what Rush Limbaugh once called them; Human brains that will believe just about anything that some expert feeds them.  “Please don’t feed the humans” should be the warning label on every TV in America.

Even though I would love to talk about the phony charges of racism that are spewed 24/7 on America’s airwaves I have decided to take a different tack and discuss another means of discrimination that very few people are willing to talk about.  In fact, the thoughts my hunt-and-peck digits are tapping out may cover an area of thought that no one has ever programmed you with.

I am referring to the very common form of discrimination known as FAITHISM.

“I’ve never heard of that before” your CNN wired cerebral cortex may be beeping.  “What the heck is faithism? Anderson Cooper has never mentioned that before, and if I haven’t heard of it from one of their expert guests so it certainly can’t be real.”

Well, racism isn’t real either.  It is a made up word.  It was a condition created by the CIA in the early 1930’s and was designed to be used to divide and conquer the American people.  I won’t go into details about it in this rant, but as the carnival barker would likely say “read all about it.”  RACISM IS MADE UP.  Check out THIS LINK if you really want to know the truth.

Save me the emails.  Racism is made up. It only exists in our minds…planted there by nefarious forces intent on destroying America.  I’m sorry if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Juan Williams have hustled your mind into believing it.  There is only one race…human.  Period.  Skin color is not a race.

So I decided to coin a phrase that is just as prevalent and just as destructive to America and that is Faithism.  Never heard of it, huh?  Well, stick around and maybe we can get another group of Americans all riled up.

Faith is defined by Mr. Webster as “Belief; the assent of the mind to the truth of what is declared by another, resting on his authority and veracity, without other evidence; the judgment that what another states or testifies is the truth.”

Nearly everything you and I believe is based on faith.  Any story you read about an historical figure is faith-based because you have no firsthand knowledge of the veracity of the information.  I BELIEVE George Washington existed, but I can’t actually prove it.  I have to trust that the historical record is true. In all of my life’s work I have never heard anyone tell me that they didn’t “believe” in George Washington.  Most of us simply trust the history books.

The same holds true for Darwinism.  I never met the guy, but from what I understand he wrote a book about “The Origin of Species” and even though I am familiar with it I have never met anyone who can prove he wrote it or that the information he presents in it is true.  I simply take it on faith that he existed and that his theories are true.

By the way…a theory is a theory because there is no proof.  Darwin’s theory is actually FAITH based because there were no eye-witnesses to verify what he postulates.  Darwin’s theory has less scientific PROOF than the THEORY expounded upon in the book of Genesis.  Both theories are lacking PROOF and can only be believed through FAITH.

FAITHISM is nothing more than the discrimination of one belief system over another based solely on the opinion of the one promoting the theory.  Zoo keepers often have faith in Darwin and his acolytes while most Christians have faith in God and his evangelists.

A fair evaluation of the origin of man would certainly contain BOTH unproven theories.  To choose one set of theories over another would be the ultimate discrimination.  Despite what you have been taught in government schools, discrimination is a good thing.  To discriminate is defined as “the act of making or observing a difference.”  It has nothing to do with the buzz word “racism.”

But the nub of the issue is that both sides are not presented.  “Science” always trumps “faith” when dealing in the secular world.  “Religious” beliefs are always pooh poohed in favor of “science” even though much of what we believe about science is based completely on faith.

Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”  Even racism is built upon a BELIEF and not a fact.

FAITHISM would be defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different worldview based on the belief that one’s own belief system is superior.”

Faithism is rampant in our society.  Those in authority do not allow both systems of BELIEFS to be treated fairly.  The theory of Darwin is presented freely and openly to America’s public school children while the theory of Creationism is forced to the back of the bus.  Faithism is everywhere you look and there has been nothing as destructive to our American society as the second class treatment afforded Americans who put their faith in the God rather than in Darwin.

“People of faith” are the most discriminated against citizens in this country.  Most of our problems would go away if we simply taught ALL children the 10 Commandments of God.

Our schools teach our children that they evolved from apes and we are shocked when they begin to act like monkeys. Amoral education leads to immoral behavior.  Christian beliefs are given second class treatment in this nation.

America’s Christian history is being rewritten.  Statues are being torn down.  Faithism is worse than racism.  Content of character is more important than skin color.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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Ruminations of a Baby Boomer: Do Black Lives Matter To Their Own?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 9: Black lives matter, need to think about race, Chicago endless murders of Blacks on Blacks.

Maybe African-Americans and all White Americans might demonstrate against this latest killing spree in Chicago in just 24 hours: It was all Black on Black killings. This slaughter made the George Floyd killing look like a picnic.

Chicago–18 murders in 24 hours: Inside the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago, weekend of June 6, 7, 2020.

“We’ve never seen anything like it, at all,” said Max Kapustin, the senior research director at the University of Chicago Crime Lab.  As reported by Tom Schuba, Sam Charles, and Matthew Hendrickson Jun 8, 2020.

While Blacks and Whites loot, plunder, riot and set fire to cop cars in our big cities over the George Floyd killing, a ‘usual’ killing spree continues in Chicago with enormous Black on Black killings.  How do understand Blacks killing 18 of themselves in the houses and streets of Chicago, but somehow, it’s business as usual.

First of all, Whites face charges of “White privilege” and “White Guilt” in the current mainstream media party that’s dividing our country into violent camps.  During the George Floyd killing, the other three officers with their knees on George Floyd were Asian, Black and Hispanic.  Exactly how do you bury that reality?  Does that mean there is “Hispanic Guilt, Black Privilege and Asian Superiority”?

The mainstream media buries anything it wants to make sure its narrative runs the current thinking across the nation.  No one wants to deal with the fact that Detroit, Michigan, because of minority violence in their schools, on the streets and in the stores—saw 1.2 million Whites flee for their lives within 20 years.  They left Detroit a ghost town.  I worked in Detroit to see it happen, firsthand.  I faced car jackings at stop lights, graffiti everywhere, trash, burned out cars, shoplifting, burglaries and Black Mayor Coleman Young led the crime wave that destroyed the city.

Now, it’s happening in Chicago.  You don’t dare walk outside in South Chicago. You could catch a stray bullet in a nano-second.  In the city that’s ‘gun free’, there’s shootings and killings 24/7.   It’s just that last weekend marked a mega-killing hour with 18 dead.  No mention of how many more dozens landed in the hospital with gunshot wounds.

So, are Whites guilty of all that killing like that one cop in Minneapolis?  Is there such a thing as “White Privilege”?  Should Whites suffer some kind of guilt for all Black Peoples’ choices as to dropping out of high school, taking drugs, joining gangs that get them throne into prison, or shooting another Black person, or 7 out of 10 single Black girls becoming pregnant out of wedlock?

Here’s a video that all Blacks and Whites might watch to gain greater clarification as to who’s responsible for what:

“Why we should not apologize for our race”

In the end, Blacks may choose to make choices that improve their lives, such as education, nutrition, job choices based on their educational excellence and healthy diet choices.  Blacks may want to respect themselves and choose peace over violence.

The same goes for Whites.  Respect each other and other races.

Finally, who will stand up among the races and take responsibility for personal behavior?  Who will stop the killing spree in Chicago and other big cities?  Doesn’t it sound better to say that “All Lives Matter”?  Doesn’t it sound better that the United States of America matters to all of us?

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Any Questions Left Concerning The Cornavirus as Being a Manufactured Crisis

By Bradlee Dean

“It is a good thing for government that people never think!” –Adolph Hitler

Do words such as virus, mask, lockdown, authorized quarantine, coronavirus, for your family’s safety, swab the inside of your mouth with a Q-tip, blood tests, high fever, respiratory distress, tracking and treating, viruses come from China, Chloroquine sound familiar to you today? Of course, they do because Americans have been inundated with them 24-7 with this propaganda for the last 7 weeks. Over and over again, hour after hour, night and day, week after week, the mainstream media are pushing this narrative roughshod and with no holds barred until you either reject or until you accept it (Ephesians 4:14).

Did you know that all of these names and expressions are from a television program called “Dead Zone” from 2003? You heard me right, 2003.

[YouTube Video]

Now, I know that you have been desensitized by the same media that calls into question anyone that dares question their narratives as “conspiracy theorists,” but do consider these are also the same networks in the mainstream media that have, for years, been caught red-handed for giving cover to those who are guilty of conspiracies (Jeremiah 11:9).

[YouTube Video]

Now, consider with me, if you will, an out of control government that is filled with the sons and daughters of Belial, who are guilty of continuously inundating the people for decades into a perpetual state of fear through deceptive measures (Isaiah 5:20).

[YouTube Video]

We all know that this virus in the present has been debunked over and over again, and that, at the end of the day, it will be about forced compliance-government control.

Most are aware of the fact that outside of the television series “Dead Zone,” coming out in 2003, the movie “Contagion” also came out in 2011.

[YouTube Video]

Then we have Bill Gates forecasting the virus in 2015.

[YouTube Video]

And hot on his corrupt heels, we then have Anthony Fauci forecasting the virus in 2017.

[YouTube Video]

This is what this all comes to, these propagandists tee up this manufactured crisis in order to desensitize and to condition the population in order to force them into compliance, only to then accept what it is they bring in as the solution to whatever the crisis is that they have manufactured. [Link]

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

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If There Is No Consequence There Is Only Anarchy

By Ron Ewart

“Is discipline (both mental and physical) in place of coddling, truly child abuse?  I don’t know, but it sure as hell is effective.” Steven Crowder, American conservative political commentator and comedian   

Let’s see.  You have a black man who was arrested on a drunk and disorderly charge (we read the 911 call transcript) and subsequently murdered in hand cuffs, by an out-of-control policeman, while three other policemen watched.  This was, without question, an illegal application of law enforcement by any definition and the transgressors should be punished to the full extent of the law.

But throw in the news media who never saw a violent event they wouldn’t blast all over TV, radio and news print 24/7 for days or weeks on end.  You know the saying, “If it bleeds, it leads.”

Throw in hundreds of race-bating, vote-pandering politicians, local, state and federal, fanning the flames.

Throw in tens of thousands of millennials (stupid young people) who believe government owes them a living (thanks to Bernie Sanders, other socialist Democrats and ultra liberal colleges).

Throw in violent anarchists like ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter groups and communists, all salivating at the chance to break down our society.

Then throw in a black population that has been brainwashed by government, politicians and special interest groups (mostly Democrats) into believing they are victims of wide spread White oppression (it isn’t true) and you have a recipe for uncontrolled mayhem, pandemonium, violence, looting and arson on a national scale ….. without consequence.  It is also a recipe for nation-destroying anarchy.

The facts are that from January 1, 2020 to June 4, 2020, police shot 172 White men in America.  In contrast, police shot only 88 Black men and 57 Hispanics.  Previous years show similar ratios.  Given that research finds that Blacks and Latinos have higher rates of street crime than Whites and are more likely to be confronted by police, it is a testament to police restraint that the numbers weren’t higher for Blacks and Latinos.  Over 98% of these shootings were legally justified.  You’ll never see that on the mainstream media.  (Source:

Sadly, what has transpired over the last week is what you get when society decides that we must molly coddle the nation’s youth (Black, White, Red, or Yellow) and not hold them accountable for bad behavior or transgressions against others.  Thoughtful discipline must start early in life or you end up with an adult that does not comprehend right or wrong, places no value on life or property and has no compunction about inflicting injury or death on others.

This is what you get when government jurisdictions pass no-bail laws for criminals and lets them back into society after committing a crime.  This is what you get when prosecutors will not prosecute low-level crimes.  This is what you get when shop-lifting, looting and arson are non-punishable crimes.  If law enforcement shot the looters and arsonists while in the act, there would be a lot less looting and arson.

This is what you get when families break down and are fatherless.  (66% in Black families; 42% in Hispanic families; and 25% in White families)

This is what you get when discipline is little more than a soft, verbal admonition that educated idiot psychologists say is the right and effective thing to do but isn’t.

This is what you get when schools are prohibited from administering punishment to students who act out in class, or on the playgrounds, for fear of being sued by arrogant, self-important parents.

This is what you get when you elect socialist Democrats to run our states and cities.  You get bankrupt cities, sanctuary cities, massive homeless populations, high crime rates and much larger police forces.

This is what you get when you let high-level government bureaucrats (DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc.) take the law into their own hands and use their immense law enforcement powers to engage in illegal acts against their political enemies.

Without consequences for bad or criminal behavior you get the anarchy we have witnessed in our cities all across America in the last week or so.  You also get corruption and racketeering in the halls of government as we have seen in the constant, unfounded attacks on President Trump for the last three plus years.  If none of these government, un-elected bureaucrats that have perpetrated illegal use of their authority, are not held accountable and don’t see jail time, political corruption and violations of law will have become institutionalized.

Now just imagine what would happen if our police forces were grossly under-funded, or disbanded altogether, as many Blacks and pandering politicians want?  If you think crime is bad now, you ain’t seen nothing yet.  The police keep a necessary lid on the criminal element in our society.

Without a police presence in our large cities can only lead to uncontrollable vigilante justice and an armed population that will take the law into their own hands, where justice and due process of law will be flung back to pioneer days and governed by the power of the gun.

To make matters worse, corporate America is magnifying racism in America and exploiting the White Privilege narrative by donating huge sums of money to violent groups like Black Lives Matter.  This of course puts them in good graces with the fringe groups and capitulates to their unreasonable demands like abolishing the police and ICE altogether.   To see which corporations are pandering to the racists, protesters, looters and arsonists, log onto here.

The real issue that drives alleged cultural and institutionalized racism in America is fostered and promoted by politicians and special interest groups that use racism as a tool to buy the Black vote and gain political power.  The Democrats have been and are the party that exploits racism, bigotry and discrimination for their own political gain and are complicit in pitting Americans against each other.

First, racial discrimination is and has been, since time began, an ingrained biological attribute of human behavior.  It is a fact, humans cluster with their own kind.  The greater the cultural divide between different races, creeds, religions and national origin, the greater the discrimination.

You will not find a large contingent of the Black race in Asia.  And the horrible treatment and incarceration in interment camps of China’s Western Muslim Ulghur population by the Chinese government, is a testament to that biological and cultural discrimination.  China, being a dictatorship, can get away with it.

Attempts by nations to force multi-culturalism on their citizens, has resulted in culture wars and massive civilization failures.  What we are experiencing in America today is largely due to ingrained biological discrimination and the significant cultural divide between Blacks and Whites, exploited by politicians for political advantage.

White, European civilization is over 2,000 years old.  The White Russian civilization is almost 1,200 years old.  The Chinese civilization has existed for over 4,000 years and Japanese civilizations date back to 950 BC.   Even the Arabic Sumerians, Akkadians and Persian civilizations of Mesopotamia (Iran and Iraq) date as far back as 3100 BC.

Asian Americans represent a little over 6% of the total population, or approximately 21 million, according to the Census Bureau.  Asian Americans are discriminated against by the general population just as much as Blacks and Latinos and yet you very seldom see this discrimination in any news reports.  Could it be because Asian Americans rise above the discrimination and don’t complain?  Could it be just plain news media bias against Asians in general?  In contrast to Black America, Asians have strong family bonds, are well educated and have higher average incomes.  The Asian culture is much more closer aligned with the White culture than is the Black culture.

In contrast to the White, Russian, Japanese, Asian and Arabic cultures, Blacks, some Hispanics and American Indian populations are only 200 years out of aborigine tribal status and have not had time to build up the systems, cultures, institutions and behavioral patterns of an organized civilization, thus a huge cultural divide from long-term civilizations.  (Family bonds in the Black culture have been shattered by government welfare policies, leading to fatherless homes.)  That cultural divide results in unavoidable biological and cultural discrimination that will not evaporate until the gap between the two cultures is narrowed.  Cultural divide race wars in America will rage for another century or more, if not longer.

Nevertheless, there is no place in society for those that will not subscribe and adapt to societal norms, no matter their race, gender, creed, or national origin.  Un-punished looting and burning is in direct violation of those societal norms.

In America, the guiding societal norms are the U. S. Constitution and the rule of law.  A society or nation will unravel into chaos and anarchy if the rule of law has no force or meaning and there are no consequences for bad or criminal behavior.  Without a course correction, we are plunging head long into the abyss of cultural disintegration, a break down in civil society and potentially a CIVIL WAR!

How easy it is for some to blame one race or culture for all the problems facing another race or culture.  A lot of people do that to the Jews in anti-Semite attacks.  Blacks are doing it to Whites on a grand scale.  Nevertheless, it is abhorrently wrong and should be resisted whenever it arises.

The White people in America are growing weary of constantly being labeled racists and guilty of White privilege by Democrats, Blacks, the news media, leftist professors and political hacks of all colors and stripes. White people created the entire idea of individual freedom and drafted the U. S. Constitution. White people tamed America at great sacrifice.  The fact is, White people built America, the greatest experiment for freedom ever crafted by mankind.  That doesn’t make them racists and it doesn’t make them White supremacists.  But then neither are they perfect by any means and are subject to all the frailties that beset humans of any race.

With all this said, “if there is no consequence for bad or criminal behavior, there is only anarchy!”

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

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Black Lives Matter Means More Moolah and More Race Hatred

By Cliff Kincaid

Black billionaire and New Age thinker Oprah Winfrey is hosting a show on her own network on Tuesday and Wednesday to demand more money for blacks. “What do we want?” the promotional ad says. “What are our demands?” Tune in to find out.  Another black billionaire, Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Robert L. Johnson, has already been on Fox News and CNBC making demands for $14 trillion of slavery reparations for blacks.That’s a lot of moolah.

None of this will contribute to unity in America. It will further divide America by generating a white backlash. Many whites resent special black privileges, such as affirmative action and special college scholarships.

Jared Taylor, author of the book, White Identity, dares to talk about whites as people with special interests of their own, separate from various minority groups, and his website, American Renaissance, is already welcoming new interest and readers in the wake of the black riots.

If President Trump does not condemn the push for reparations, some of his supporters will certainly abandon him. Meanwhile, members of the George Floyd family and their attorney Ben Crump are demanding U.N. intervention in the U.S. criminal justice system over the case. Floyd, a heavy drug user with a criminal record, died in police custody after he was apprehended for allegedly passing counterfeit money.  There is an indication he scuffled with police before being pinned to the street by one officer. Nevertheless, the officers at the scene were fired and face charges in Floyd’s death.

Some GOP Senators such as Mitt Romney are already bending to the mob, by “trying to craft legislation to change police practices and accountability following the deaths of black Americans at the hands of law enforcement,” as Newsmax put it. Yet police training has always been considered a local responsibility.

With demands to defund the police getting traction in some liberal cities, one group, Win without War, is participating in a June 20 “Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival,” while declaring that “The police and the military operate on a shared bedrock of white supremacy that shields them from accountability for their violence and racism.”

Hence, the Armed Forces are the next institution to be defunded.

Democrat Joe Biden has been campaigning for president, mostly from his basement, as the peace candidate, and many people in the polls seem to think he can somehow bring unity to the country. But how? Other synonyms, just so you get the picture, are: cash, bread, cabbage, dough, notes, and wad.

Come on, Mr. and Mrs. America, don’t you want racial harmony in America?

More than half a million dead in a Civil War and $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs is apparently not enough.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports, “The city’s first survey of property damage shows that nearly 1,000 commercial properties in Minneapolis were damaged during the riots, including 52 businesses that were completely destroyed and 30 other locations that sustained severe damage.” The damage was estimated to exceed $500 million.

With this in mind, the idea of having black billionaires like Oprah and Johnson move their homes and businesses to the Minneapolis inner city has been suggested. Perhaps they can hire a few black people now out of work because their businesses were burned down.

Minneapolis is one of America’s most liberal cities, the New York Times tells us.

The Star Tribune reported that a Minneapolis manufacturing company, 7-Sigma Inc., has already decided to leave the city, “with the company’s owner saying he can’t trust public officials who allowed his plant to burn during the recent riots.” About 50 jobs are gone from this business alone.

The Star Tribune said a $37 million affordable housing development was burned to the ground. It was advertised as a six-story project that included 189 apartments, including 38 affordable apartments available to households earning 60 percent or less of area median income. The project was also supposed to includes 8,600 square feet of ground-floor retail space. It’s all up in smoke.

The property is (was) near the Minneapolis Third Police Precinct. That, too, was destroyed. A 23-year-old security guard named Branden Michael Wolfe has been federally charged with aiding and abetting arson at the Third Precinct. He is white. Another white man, 28-year-old Matthew Lee Rupert, has been charged with civil disorder, possession of unregistered explosives and participating in and organizing riots in Minneapolis. He came from Illinois.

Perhaps the subject of white agitators exploiting the death of a black man is something Oprah Winfrey will address in her shows. That’s an interesting racial angle. Or perhaps they can discuss the hate crime hoax case of Jerome Kevin Jackson, a 54-year-old black man behind anti-black racist graffiti on the campus of Salisbury University in Maryland. FBI, Maryland State Police and local law enforcement agencies investigated the incident. They could have been used to crack down on black-on-black violence in Baltimore.

In Chicago, on May 31, there were 18 murders in 24 hours, described by the Chicago Sun-Times as “the most violent day in 60 years in Chicago.”

Oprah Winfrey, whose show was once based in Chicago, has given away some of her money on “philanthropy” but has also spent a significant part of her $2.5 billion fortune on the seven estates she owns. A site devoted to luxury homes says, “…with homes all over the country, from an equestrian estate in Montecito, CA to rural farm property in East Maui, HI and a gorgeous, yet over-the-top $14 million mansion in Telluride, CO, she [Oprah] has plenty of places to call home. However, it’s her large estate in Montecito, often referred to as the Promised Land, where she can most often be found.” This particular home is valued at $90 million.

The RLJ Companies, founded by Robert L. Johnson, is headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, with affiliate operations in Charlotte, North Carolina; Little Rock, Arkansas; Los Angeles, California; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Monrovia, Liberia.

Perhaps he will consider moving these businesses to Minneapolis. Come on, Mr. Johnson, put your money where your mouth is.

Needless to say, Oprah isn’t going to have any black conservatives on her special programs on Tuesday, June 9, and Part 2 on Wednesday, June 10 at 9 PM ET. Her guests, “leading figures in the Black community,” will include Stacey Abrams, Ava DuVernay, Keisha Lance Bottoms, David Oyelowo, and Rashad Robinson, president of Color of Change, described as the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. It is a spin-off from the Citizen Engagement Laboratory, a group heavily supported by the George Soros-funded Open Society Foundations.

The latter is now calling for Netflix to remove all cop shows from the streaming platform because they “heroize” police. It says “…we know from what’s going on in our country that police are not heroes.”In response to the announcement from the Minneapolis City Council that they plan to defund the Minneapolis Police Department, Robinson issued a statement in agreement and saying that “Policing is a violent institution that must end.”

The long hot summer predicted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation is just getting started. “Nothing short of communist revolution will change society,” says the Progressive Labor Party.

Pay up, kneel down, beg forgiveness, and maybe your life will be saved. The choice is yours, America.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Property and Liberty are Burning

Jake MacAulay

While we are watching massive demonstrations of unrest across our country, city governments are disassembling police forces. At the same time, state governments are assembling armies of tracers, informants, and bureaucratic busybodies intent on coming to your home to force you to test or to quarantine or to vaccinate.

Unlike the riotous Marxist armies of Antifa destroying physical property, these armies will be empowered to invade your privacy and to substitute their medical judgment for yours.

Like you, I am confused.

Despite CDC statistics indicating that COVID-19 is not as deadly as advertised and that the lawless lockdown of the economy based on flawed models, state and local governments are not through meddling with your healthcare and your liberty.

The COVID-19 recovery rates among the vast majority of the populace are beyond the 99th percentile. Why do we need to be testing and tracking and mapping and spending resources (we have long ago depleted) to find out who already had it? Just what are we trying to accomplish by this?

If the testing reveals that more people have been exposed than we formerly estimated, doesn’t that make the mortality rate even less?

And if the testing reveals that less people have been exposed than we formerly estimated, didn’t we succeed in flattening the curve?

But even if we didn’t flatten the curve, our hospital systems were still not overrun. So what are we doing?

Tragically many Americans have started to feel relieved because their governors have lifted some of the restrictions on their liberties in a piecemeal fashion.

But complacent acceptance of these table scraps is dangerous and here’s why.

In the first place, the nullification of God-given and constitutionally protected liberties by any elected official is a violation of his/her oath of office, and a rejection of the rule of law. It violates the principles of English and American government, which go back at least 800 years — back to and beyond the Magna Carta.

It appears Americans are facing tyranny today, in 2020, just as they faced it in 1776. At that time the colonies were compelled to acknowledge and declare that King George III, by his repeated and continuous violation of his compact with the people, had broken the bonds, which connected him to them; and them to him.

They declared him “unfit” to be their ruler.  They declared that he had “un-kinged” himself.

Now consider that many governors, in concert, across these United States have assumed powers not allowed them by the terms of their office and misuse the police power — which originates from and belongs to “We the People” — to enforce their unlawful edicts, mandates and orders.

Like King George III, they have openly and continuously violated their contract with the people, thus breaking the bonds that connect them to us; and us to them.

They have proven themselves “unfit” to govern.  They have “un-governored” themselves.

And although a few of these executive officials may be well-intended, we must heed the words of Daniel Webster: “The Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions.”

History testifies that in bondage we burn, but in freedom we flourish. Now more than ever, we must stay freedom-focused.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Obama’s NOT so Subtle Marching Orders to George Floyd Protestors

By Greg Holt

It seems to this writer that Obama has forgotten he is no longer president – and that he is part of the problem, not the solution.

It seems that the “protect and serve” mantra of the police is long gone with yesterday’s wind.  It seems that way because that is how the lamestream media portrays it.  There are bad cops just like there are bad teachers, bad bosses, and bad attorneys.  The point is that there are bad people in every walk of life.  That doesn’t make all people bad now does it?  Most cops are decent people who do serve and protect.

The problem is that negative stories about police get instant airtime; the positive stories rarely see the light of day.  Then there are those who inflame the situation and sway public opinion against the police, people like Barack Obama, who just happened to have been the president.

Obama was widely seen as anti-police by many, and justifiably so – this was the president who was seen as instigating a “war on cops.”  This is the same president who supported (and still does) Black Lives Matter, and was also an avid supporter of radical Islam – a look at his choices in staffing confirms that along with Obama’s giveaway to Iran at America’s expense.

After five officers were murdered in Dallas, Obama had this to say:

“‘There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these [Black Lives Matter] protesters. And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated.’

So he is justifying—even fanning—the resentment that impelled psychopaths to murder two officers in New York, five in Dallas, and now three more in Baton Rouge.” (Source)

When five reporters were murdered at the Capital Gazette, the media was quick to blame Trump, just as they have been quick to blame Trump for the George Floyd situation and the resulting fallout.  Did the media hold Obama accountable for the murdered police officers mentioned above?  Nope.

From USA Today:

“It did not help that during the first six years of the Obama administration, the anti-police incendiary Rev. Al Sharpton, according to The Washington Post, visited the White House 72 times. What kind of message did that send to the police?”


When Trayvon Martin was killed, Obama instantly sided with him.  When Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Obama’s pal Al Sharpton was front and center in Ferguson instigating the people of the city.  Did Obama do anything to rein him in?  Again – NOPE.

Interestingly enough, a search on Google for “Obama seen as anti-police,” reveals a heavy slant in Obama’s favor.  The same search on Yahoo reveals plenty of reports of Obama’s negative attitude towards police.  Imagine that, Google manipulating search results to favor Obama.  Just like Facebook is actively destroying my traffic and that of many other conservative sites because we dare to speak out against the liberal/progressive/socialist mantra.

Flash forward to today and Obama’s hoity-toity town hall address concerning the death of George Floyd.  While I sympathize with Floyd’s family and absolutely condemn what the officer did in kneeling on his neck and contributing to his death – there is a definite air of deception and wholesale manipulation not to mention heavy duty exploitation of Floyd’s unfortunate and wrongful death.

Obama in his “town hall” and more specifically in the article he penned for Medium makes it clear where his priorities are – that the aftermath of Mr. Floyd’s death needs to be used for gain, to affect changes Obama deems necessary, and the troops need to be front and center; keep up the pressure to “make people in power uncomfortable.”  The problem is that when you read the article, it becomes instantly clear that nothing has changed.  Obama is advocating for black people and their rights, and basically the hell with the rest of us.I’m sorry if that offends your sensibilities, but nonetheless – it is the truth.

While Obama deserves credit for denouncing the violence associated with the protests, his assertion that “most” of them have been peaceful is misleading.  Just check the news, violence in one city after another, after another…

Obama even set up a “dedicated site” dealing with all of this.  The site’s opening paragraph contains this statement:

“…the loss of far too many Black lives to list, have left our nation anguished and outraged.”

Agreed, and what about the white lives, the Hispanic lives etc.?  Or do those lives not matter because they are not black?

Here is some information for those who erroneously think blacks are targeted so much more than others are, you know, like white people.

Police are more likely to shoot a white person than a black one.

“James’ study is a follow-up to one in which she found active police officers, military personnel and the general public took longer to shoot black suspects than white or Hispanic suspects.”  (Source)

Hmmmm, I wonder why that is?  Maybe because they know that shooting anyone that is black for any reason may well result in being strung up and hung out to dry, legitimacy of the shooting does not matter.  They are black, that’s all that matters, and you are toast, extra crispy.

“Protestors” in Minneapolis were heard shouting, “Shoot the white folk.”  Nice.

White police officers are actually less likely than non-white officers to shoot and kill non-white suspects.  Add to that, 90% of black homicides are committed by – other blacks.  But it’s not “politically correct” to reveal these facts.

Listen to Tucker Carlson’s take on all of this:

Lastly, consider the following:

George Floyd killed by police, INSTANT reaction nationwide.

Justine Damond, murdered by police.  Took 8 months to arrest the officer.  NO national media coverage.

John Geer, killed by police.  Took 23 months to arrest the officer.  NO national media coverage.

George Floyd is black.

Justine Damond and John Geer are white.

Any questions?

Read my three most recent articles:

Ann Coulter’s War: Trump is ‘a complete blithering idiot’ & ‘a big betrayer’

Hilarious: The Undisputed Kings of Fake News Are at it Again – the Outrage! Trump is Golfing Without a MASK!!

Declassified Susan Rice Email Proves Joe Biden not Only Knew – But Aided in Plotting Against Flynn

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

Law-Abiding Americans Have Much to Learn From the George Floyd Police Brutality Protestors

George Lujack

George Floyd died as a result of police brutality on March 25, 2020. Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, now fired, used his knee and much of his body weight pressure on the neck of George Floyd and kept it there for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. The infamous incident was recorded on a cell phone for all the world to see.

The initial government / police reaction was “wait until all the evidence was in.” The video was all the evidence the George Floyd protestors or anyone needed to see. Soon afterward, the Minneapolis Police Department fired Derek Chauvin and the other three officers on the scene who were with him.

The Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s preliminary autopsy on George Floyd, who died after an encounter with the Minneapolis Police Department, showed that his death was not from strangulation or asphyxiation, which would have indicated that the neck restraint did not cause the death of Floyd. That opinion was from

That does not indicate that at all! That is a FALSE ASSUMPTION. The neck restraint cut off the blood / oxygen supply to George Floyd’s head. There was no resistance. The man pleaded that he could not breathe. The neck restraint DID cause the death of George Floyd. If it did not cause strangulation or asphyxiation, it caused him to die of other health related issues. Without that 8 minute and 48 second neck restraint administered on George Floyd until he was unconscious, and after as he remained unconscious, he would surely be alive.

It was later discovered that George Floyd had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system when he died, as well as cannabis compounds and morphine.

OK, so George Floyd was no saint. He was a drug using career criminal. Black conservative Candace Owens does not support George Floyd and thinks that the protestors shouldn’t be protesting, because George Floyd was not an upstanding citizen. She completely misses the point of why the protestors are protesting. Many of the protestors are not upstanding citizens themselves. Many of the protestors have criminal records and are career criminals to some degree. Police Officer Chauvin killed one of their own. And this time it was not a conjured up case of police brutality, as was the case of Michael Brown, a large black thug who had just robbed a liquor store and physically resisted arrest. This time it was a clear case of police brutality of a man rear handcuffed in police custody posing no threat, transparently recorded on cell phone footage, leading to his death, for all the world to see.

The fact that George Floyd was a drug using career criminal does not excuse the actions of ex-police officer Derek Chauvin. Police officers routinely arrest drug using criminals with bad health issues. Police officers are sworn to protect and serve the community, which does not mean to protect and serve only the law-abiding community, but to protect and serve the lowest element persons in the communities that they serve as well. An arrestee with a substance abuse issue should be arrested and treated with dignity as a human being. Many cops believe that they have the right to “street justice,” to inflict pain upon in-custody,low-life prisoners. They don’t.

The defense of ex-officer Derik Chauvin has begun to leak out. The Minneapolis Police Department has trained their officers to use neck restraints. Did they actually train their officers to use such restraints on rear handcuffed prisoners until such prisoners are rendered unconscious? The Minneapolis police union chief announced that George Floyd had a “violent criminal history.” The relevance? Police officers routinely must deal with criminals with violent criminal histories. If you can’t deal humanely with criminals with violent histories, you should not become a cop. Ex-officer Derik Chauvin pressed his knee to the neck of George Floyd for 8 minutes and 48 seconds. Chauvin got off of Floyd’s neck when the ambulance arrived. What if the ambulance arrived 10 to 20 minutes later than it did? How long would ex-officer Chauvin have kept his knee to the neck of George Floyd had the ambulance arrived many minutes later?

If this scene had not been clearly recorded by cell phone, George Floyd would in all certainly been just another statistic. Initial reports showed that there was no trauma to him. His death would have been ruled a drug overdose caused by fentanyl, methamphetamine, cannabis compounds, and morphine while in police custody. How many other George Floyd’s are there who died in police custody, that didn’t have a bystander to record the event caused their death?

As an ex-police officer with the NYPD, I have a unique, boots on the ground perspective on police brutality. It has been said that 99% of police officers do their job and it’s the 1% that are bad. I would estimate, depending on the department, it ranges from 5 to 10% of the officers that are unnecessarily “heavy handed” and abusive. As an active officer myself, with over five hundred arrests during the course of my career, there were times when I had captured and cuffed a fleeing suspect, and some cop would come over and smack or punch my prisoner who was already securely in my custody. This would anger me, as I would stop and scold the officer, telling him to go find his own prisoner to beat up, but leave my prisoner alone.

Why do some cops abuse their authority and practice police brutality? The police profession itself attracts some abusive thuggish men in the same way that the Catholic priesthood attracts pedophiles. Abusive cops hide behind their badges and the authority vested in them through their police departments, while pedophile priests hide behind their clerical garments and the authority of their church.

Why didn’t the other three officers stop officer Chauvin from kneeling on George Floyd’s neck until Mr. Floyd was unconscious and dead? In a word: seniority. The police profession is a quasi-military operation.Officer Chauvin was the senior officer on the scene.In such cases, senior officers typically call the shots, until or unless a supervisor isator arrives on the scene. This is “police culture” and it is how police departments typically operate. This “senior man” mentality needs to change when human life is on the line.
Officer Chauvin received 17 force complaints, which is a pretty high amount of complaints, even for an active officer. Officer Chauvin’s actions against George Floyd may not have been racially motivated; they may just have been police brutality motivated. White cops brutalize white people just as much or more as they abuse blacks. One of officer Chauvin’s complaints involved pulling a woman out of a car for speeding.

The death of George Floyd has led to peaceful protests, violent protests, arsons, assaults, looting, and rioting.

Why do you protesters loot and riot?

Unidentified Protester:
Because when we peaceably march you don’t listen to us.

While I do not condone the criminal actions and looting of private businesses being perpetrated by the protesters, I could not help but somewhat admire the fighting spirit of the protestor who answered that reporter’s question. These protestors have also burned police stations and police cars for the sake of justice for George Floyd and for their strong desire to not see this happen to anyone else in the future.

I could not help but contrast the George Floyd protestors to the American people who have given up their constitutional rights for the conjured up dangers of coronavirus. In March 2020, within a month, I watched my country go from an economically rolling, healthy, peaceful, vibrant nation, to a toilet paper hoarding, germaphobe (virus-a-phobe), cowardly nation, afraid of an “invisible enemy” COVID-19, which the perpetually lying mainstream media and the CDC told us we needed to fear. Like children being instructed by our mommies, we were told to wash our hands for 20 seconds, to social distance at least 6 feet apart from each other, to wear masks, and to stay indoors. The sheople of America immediately complied. We were told we needed to quarantine the healthy for 30 days.

When the 30 days were up, the COVID-19 gestapo police began ticketing and arresting people for things such as jogging on the beach alone, paddle boarding alone, and opening businesses. As it was in Nazi Germany, some businesses (larger ones) were deemed “essential” while small businesses were relegated as “non-essential.”

As things began to open up, I noticed a trend among people. People in bars and restaurants typically did not wear masks, except for the servers who were mandated to wear them by employment regulations. Go to your local supermarket and 80% of the people are wearing masks there, as if they were at the Chinese wet market. My thoughts are that many of the people in the supermarkets really need to get out more often, take off their masks, get some fresh air, and turn off their televisions, because they cannot discern true news from fake news.

The time did come when many Americans had enough, and they declared that they would “peaceably” protest against the unconstitutional COVID-19 edicts being made by various governors throughout the land. But the Democrat governors of these states, such as Governor Whitmer of Michigan, stated that she did not care about the protesters and doubled-down on her unconstitutional edicts.

Facebook and other social media outlets have done their part to assist the government against American’s constitutional right to peaceably assemble to protest COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and freedoms. Facebook has not removed ads from the George Floyd protesters advocating for violence and killing cops though. Hmm.

America can learn a thing or two from the George Floyd protestors. The government has suddenly stopped harassing law-abiding citizens over COVID-19 unconstitutional “laws,” because they have bigger problems to worry about now. The U.S. government fears the George Floyd protestors, but they do not fear COVID-19 peaceful protestors.

But isn’t burning police stations, looting, and rioting un-American? all the criminality involved with the George Floyd protesters is certainly not justified, but is it really un-American? Can peaceful protests achieve the same results as violent protests?

Law-abiding Americans have forgotten the history of how our nation was founded. Americans did not win their independence from Great Britain through peaceful protest. In 1773, Americans frustrated at the British for taxing their tea, “taxation without representation,” boarded a British ship and dumped 342 chests of tea, worth the equivalent of a million dollars today, into the Boston Harbor. Americans declared their independence from Great Britain on July 4th, 1776 through the Declaration of Independence, which was an unlawful act of treason.

It has just been reported that George Floyd had COVID-19. This is good news for America, as the CDC will now likely change his cause of death to COVID-19! That was just sarcasm.

However, Americans have sat idly by as we were told by the “experts” at the CDC that they were going to count anyone who died of any cause as a COVID-19 death, if it was assumed or otherwise determined that the person who died had COVID-19. People dying in car accidents and gunshot victims have been counted as COVID-19 deaths! I have watched my fellow Americans sit idly by as the CDC and the media lie to us on a daily basis about the dangers of coronavirus and raise the fudged COVID-19 death count to 100,000+, as we say and do NOTHING about the false numbers.

If the coroner or the CDC actually ruled George Floyd’s death a COVID-19 death, the protestors would never comply, listen to, or obey the findings of the CDC. Such an official statement would make them riot more! The George Floyd protestors, love them or hate them, are not sheepish Americans.

Everyday law-abiding Americans need to remember their history and learn from the George Floyd protestors. The government fears the George Floyd protesters, because they are willing to fight violently for what they believe in. When the George Floyd protestor smoke settles, the government will be back to usurp the Constitution and impose their dictatorial edicts upon law-abiding Americans. Forced vaccinations may be coming, from a man, Bill Gates, who wants to reduce the world’s population.

Are Americans going to only peaceably protest, or will Americans rise up to fight for their rights, violently if necessary, to preserve the Constitution and the freedoms we have known in these United States?

© 2020 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack:

They Just Want Us to Comply

Dennis Kelly

May is behind us and spring has finally arrived in my neck of the woods.  We joke about enjoying the four seasons here, June, July, August and winter.  As I look at the maples beginning to blossom, the tree swallows and blue birds taking up residence in the nest boxes, having our first humming bird show up the other day, it’s hard to imagine a catastrophe is taking place within this once great nation.  It’s quite surreal to observe this beautiful day with its warm breeze and blue sky while out there a horrible contagion has set upon the land infecting everything in its path.  If you think I’m referring to this phantom virus commonly referred to as Covid -19 or the riots which have broken out across the land, you would be mistaken.  What I am referring to is this mental derangement that has swept throughout our nation from coast to coast and has afflicted every aspect of our society.  It seems corrupt the rational thought process causing once ordinary, common individuals to react irrationally bordering on insanity.  How else do you explain people driving around alone in their vehicle wearing surgical masks around their nose and mouth or painting large red arrows on public sidewalks forcing pedestrians to walk in only one direction?

Those in charge have taken these Covid Precautions to new extremes.  Who are these people?  It is as if they are trying to out-do each other in their effort to control us.  Are you aware that golf courses have mandated that you cannot remove the flag stick from the cup and have removed the rakes from the sand traps?  Think about that.  What truly concerns me is the sheeple people are perfectly fine with whatever is thrown at them.

My friend sent me a copy of the “Responsible Restart Ohio” official Baseball/Softball rules and regulations.  It is two pages of utterly ridiculous mandates.  In it you will see listed Mandatory Rules and what is considered Best Practices, such as each team must use their own designated baseball while on the field.  With such logic perhaps when the ball is not in use it should be stored in a freezer bag until needed?  The chewing of gum is prohibited as well as eating sunflower seeds and spitting.  No more high 5’s are allowed but it’s suggested that you “tip your hat” to the player instead.  There shall be no touching your team mates equipment meaning you cannot grab your buddy’s mitt and throw it to him.  Oh, and face masks are encouraged while on the field.  It also covers new mandates for the umpires, coaches, family members and those watching.  Take a look and get sick.

In doing my own extensive research I’ve discovered wearing a face mask does nothing for my personal safety and protection and is actually dangerous to my health by reducing the amount of oxygen to my brain.  If you are prone to sneezing or coughing directly into someone’s face then perhaps you should be wearing a mask in public.  Regarding this insistence on social distancing, I have discovered that a virus is not alive.  It does not behave as a flea and leap onto unsuspecting victims to infect them.  The six foot distance is completely arbitrary as well as fictitious.  A more appropriate guideline might be no French kissing while standing in line.

The authorities have now admitted that the infection rate and especially the mortality rate is dramatically lower than originally estimated when they implemented these extreme guidelines.  Yet, the wearing of masks and social distancing remains in effect as if we are still dealing with a biblical plague.  AND WE ARE NOT!

I am so tired of entering a grocery store or any establishment for that matter to make a purchase and see the lemmings moving around with their facemasks on.  I’m sick and tired of the useless Plexiglas barriers, the six foot markers and the directional arrows in the aisles, all of which do nothing for your safety but are measures put into place under the guise of “Best Practices” to always remind you that the world is different now and you better conform.  They constantly portray this ever present super deadly virus that can spring up anywhere and things will never be the same.  Strangely, we do see this virus or see its affects but, like radioactive isotopes it contaminates everything touched with human hands.

Now there are those who know wearing a face mask is probably not a safety measure but they are just going along with the program.  They simply want to comply.  We’ve all seen them wearing the mask below their nose or even under their chin and then pulling it up when you approach them.  I asked this one young lady who was wearing a mask while sitting in her car if she really believed the mask was keeping her safe.  Her answer was, I’m sort of doing it out of respect for others (how noble).  Meaning, even though this mask is inconvenient, I’ll go along with this as long as I have to in order to fit in because I’m an obedient conformist.  I will support others irrational fears for as long as everybody else does or until I’m told not to by the authorities in charge.  There are a lot of these types.  Those in charge have counted on it.

Is it possible that the distancing and wearing of masks is designed to eliminate the human facial experience, to remove the smile from another person and eliminate personal identity?  Is it to make the normal human contact with your friend or neighbor or even a stranger one of emotionless, neutrality?  Is the goal to remake a fearful society where touching, feeling or a physical expression of love towards each other is a thing of the past?  Is this what they are crafting?  You know they plan to keep all this in place when you can find designer facemasks on line or with your favorite sports team logo.

I for one will resist this to the best of my ability.  I will not comply with a lie.  It is not going to end until courageous, enlightened people take a stand and say, enough is enough.  And when asked, “Where is your face mask?”  We must look them in the eye and say, “haven’t you heard?…the face mask has been proven to be completely ineffective and is actually dangerous to you.  It’s all over the internet!” You see, I choose to live in the truth without fear.

© 2020 Dennis Kelly – All Rights Reserved

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The Deep Dark Secrets of the Rich, Famous, and Powerful

By Cliff Kincaid

What I find interesting about the spurt of Jeffrey Epstein shows and programs over the last few weeks is the failure to expose his high-level connections in really high society. We learn some old news, such as that Bill Clinton and Donald J. Trump were once considered his friends. But holding Clinton responsible for his associations with Epstein may not be possible anymore, with Epstein six feet under and the FBI unwilling or unable to question his associates.

President Trump was once seen palling around with Epstein but then kicked him out of his exclusive Mar-a-Lago club when he was told Epstein was hitting on young girls. Trump knew when and where to draw the line.

We can’t say the same about 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Joseph R. Biden, Jr., an accused rapist, female hair-sniffer, and admitted plagiarist who is famous for boasting at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting in 2018 about withholding aid to Ukraine to force the firing of a prosecutor. This open display of corruption in foreign policy was not a big deal for the CFR, as many laughed in approval at the story. It was business as usual.

Before we get into Epstein’s high-level connections, through such institutions as the CFR, let’s give currency speculator and hedge fund operator George Soros the benefit of the doubt. I have not found any direct evidence that Soros, a CFR member, was in any way associated with Epstein. Instead, his hedge fund subsidizes the CFR and provides the philosophical foundation for the protests, such as by underwriting Critical Resistance, which was founded by communist Angela Davis to abolish prisons. Davis was a prominent Communist Party USA member. That’s doesn’t bother Soros.

The goal is to abolish the prisons and then defund the police so they can’t arrest the criminals. It illustrates the desire by some people with enormous money and influence to destabilize our society. They want to control us, but they don’t want to be controlled – or exposed. One has to be amazed at the hysteria gripping the country, including Rush Limbaugh, over alleged police racism. The way things are going, the July 4th holiday will be transformed into a national day or mourning.

I submit the elites have something to hide, and this may be a factor in Jeffrey Epstein’s demise and the failure by the media to explore his high-level contacts. His victims describe how their sexual encounters with the rich and famous were taped for blackmail purposes. Do the Russians and the Chinese have those tapes?

Soros mouthpiece Michael Vachon sent an email the other day entitled, “Soros Does Not Pay Protesters,” complaining about conservatives using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms “to spread the now familiar and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theory that George Soros and the Open Society Foundations are paying people to protest, in this case over the murder of George Floyd.”

I have not seen any direct evidence of Soros paying protesters. That part may be true but irrelevant. The other part of the story is far more important. Soros, an atheist, is a major funder of the Democratic Party, and much of Soros’s wealth has been put into causes such as abortion rights, gay rights, drug legalization, voting rights for felons, euthanasia and rights for immigrants and prostitutes.

In other words, Soros doesn’t need to directly fund the protests; he finances the groups providing the protesters.

What’s far more significant is the motivation. Rachel Ehrenfeld of the American Center for Democracy described it this way: “Pretending to support an ‘open society,’ Soros uses his philanthropy to ‘change’ or more accurately deconstruct the moral values and attitudes of the Western world, and particularly of the American people.” That helps explain why one of my own family members could show up at a protest with a sign saying, “Jesus Died For Black Lives.” She doesn’t understand what Black Lives Matters is all about. The Black Lives Matter group honors the communist terrorist Assata Shakur, who fled to Communist Cuba after killing a New Jersey cop. This betrays their real agenda – slavery for blacks and whites.

Now the question becomes why someone who finances the Marxist destruction of our society should also be a member of a high-class organization such as the Council on Foreign Relations, which also counted Jeffrey Epstein among its prominent members. One answer is that it diverts the attention away from the immorality and rot and corruption in the establishment itself.

Billionaire Bill Gates, a main cog in the coronavirus scare, which has suddenly faded from view, is not listed as a CFR member in the current membership roster. But his wife gave a speech to the organization in 2008 and his foundation has contributed to a CFR “Global Health and Foreign Policy” project. He was a close friend of Epstein and issued a statement trying to excuse that association.

An interesting analysis of what is happening in America can be found in the letter to Trump from former U.S. Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Viganò, who said, “It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom…” That has to be the case, since the drug-addled career criminal George Floyd is not worthy of all this attention, as black conservative  Candace Owens has so eloquently noted.

There are conspiracies in the world, some of them operating quite openly, such as international communism. I am a signatory to the “Appeal for Nuremberg Trials for Communism,” designed to hold the communists accountable for killing 100 million people. Part of the appeal states, “Communism did not fall with the Berlin Wall. This ideology is still alive in the world, in states and parties that are openly communist and in political and cultural thought that minimizes and tries to erase the crimes of communism, as if it were a good idea which only happened to coincide with the rise of one brutal regime after another across decades and continents.”

We know that one of the leading lights of the CFR, Alger Hiss, turned out to be a Soviet agent who co-founded he United Nations and worked at the side of President Franklin Roosevelt.

Why is an organization like the CFR still in business? Why would someone like Soros join such an organization? Why would Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates do so? The answer has to be that it is considered a headquarters for those who are running the show but who may have a lot to hide themselves. Since many in the media belong to it, the public is kept in the dark about what happens behind closed doors in the members-only meetings.

Trump was never a member of this club, the CFR, but he may have incriminating information about various members, stemming from the time when he knew Epstein and had commented publicly about Epstein’s attraction to young girls. He has a megaphone, Twitter, now reaching over 81.9 million people. This is why Trump’s Tweets are now being carefully scrutinized and even censored. He knows a lot more than he is telling.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

Black Cops Killing Whites:  Should We Riot?

By Devvy

Nearly two weeks of protests, rioting, destruction and outright hatred directed at cops who risk their lives every day in an effort to protect their citizens and property has to stop now.   This is a replay of Ferguson, MO only on a much larger scale.  A well planned, well financed assault on cops, Americans and cities. Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group

The Myths of Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, once viewed as a militant group, is now revered. What happened?

“In 2017, Yusra Khogali, a co-founder of Black Lives Matter Toronto, penned a Facebook post that argued that white people are “sub-humxn” [sic] and asked Allah to give her the “strength to kill these men and white folks.”

Who are the real racists?

Black Lives Matter.  This is a video clip of protesters harassing innocent people in their vehicles just driving down the road.  The driver is white and this is what she was subjected to:  “Do black lives matter you f***ing white piece of shit…f***ing kiss ass bitch.”

Anyone who says all lives matter is automatically branded a racist by the real racists. Should we as Americans not believe that every life regardless of skin color is precious? According to these protesters out there who’ve made George Floyd a martyr, only black lives matter.  I wonder what 6’7” ‘gentle giant’ George, a porn star [1] in his own right, would think about all this?

A troubled man with a massive drug addiction habit, serious medical conditions and a very violent past.  A man who went to prison for sticking a loaded gun up against a pregnant mother’s stomach, other assaults, cocaine possession and more.

New Vid Angle Shows … Struggle Inside Cop Car – It looks like Floyd was in the police car on one side but got out the other side.  He was clearly resisting arrest.  At 6’7” he would be a handful.  We know he had fentanyl in his system as well as meth.  Meth can make the user hostile and aggressive to the point of physical assault. Don’t know why they couldn’t use a little shot of pepper spray to contain him but it will all come out in court.

Candace Owens, a feisty American who happens to have black skin has worked tirelessly trying to get black Americans to understand how they’ve been lied to and manipulated by the Democratic/Communist Party USA since LBJ was president.  Owens refuses to glorify George Floyd:  Candace Owens: ‘George Floyd Is Not My Martyr’

“In the 18-minute clip, Owens clearly condemns police officer Derek Chauvin’s murder of Floyd but also examines Floyd’s criminal record and challenges the narrative that celebrates him as a hero. “I am not going to accept the narrative that this is the best the black community has to offer,” she insists.

“Nobody thinks he should have died during this arrest but what I find despicable is that everyone is pretending this man lived a heroic lifestyle when he didn’t.  A police officer is 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a black person than the other way around,” says Owens.” (Emphasis mine.)

Naturally, her statements are not welcome by race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others who continue to exploit black Americans who fail to remember a few important things.

First, it was people with white skin who risked their lives in the fight to free slaves sold to slave ‘merchants’ by their own tribes who brought them from Africa to America.  White people who hid and protected blacks involved in the underground railway putting their own freedom and lives at risk.

Second, no one alive today had anything to do with slavery.  I’m sick to death of the continuing use of slavery as justification for every little discomfort or failure a black person has in their life.  No where on this earth have black human beings been given more freedom and opportunity to succeed if only, they will make the effort.  Just like the rest of us.

The old stand-by, slavery, has become nothing more than an excuse for bad choices in life and for political currency. The nonsense of $$ reparations for blacks is just that.  The U.S. Constitution does not authorize the people’s purse to be fleeced to pay for it.

ThirdWhy is there never any mention by Black Lives Matter or any other racist group about blacks owning slaves? Should blacks of today whose family tree and history show their ancestors owned black slaves be forced to pay reparations? Oh, let the squealing begin!

Did Black People Own Slaves?: “The majority of Negro owners of slaves had some personal interest in their property.” But, he admits, “There were instances, however, in which free Negroes had a real economic interest in the institution of slavery and held slaves in order to improve their economic status.”

“In a fascinating essay reviewing this controversy, R. Halliburton shows that free black people have owned slaves “in each of the thirteen original states and later in every state that countenanced slavery,” at least since Anthony Johnson and his wife Mary went to court in Virginia in 1654 to obtain the services of their indentured servant, a black man, John Castor, for life.”

The white supremacy smear

It’s Trump’s fault for all the rioting and destruction. After all, Donald Trump makes the regulations and training manuals for police departments all over the country.  Therefore, it must be his fault somewhere in America a white cop kills a black man.  Of course, he didn’t write regs or training manuals but it sounds good for the thugs causing all this destruction.  Trump had nothing to do with the actions of former officer Chauvin the morning of May 25, 2020.

The Internet is full of attacks on him by the minute.  His voting bloc are nothing but white supremacists.  I voted for Trump so does that make me a white supremacist? I would ask my primary care doctor who has black skin but alas, Dr. Johnson and his family moved to Arizona last month. I hate looking for a new doctor.

The ‘white privilege’ vomit is nothing more than Soviet-style propaganda.  That BS is being shoved down the throats of America’s children and in college courses.  CNN Urges Parents to Talk to Kids About Their Privilege – Indoctrination and brainwashing.  Make white children accept ‘white guilt’ for something they had nothing to do with.  I’ve been a substitute teacher for three years in a very diverse school district. I can tell you flat out I see white kids buddy up with black kids or kids with brown skin and visa versa.  They are just children and see their classmates as buddies not political tools. They hold hands and share hugs.  Start shoving that ‘white privilege’ propaganda down their throats and it will cause nothing but confusion and anxiety.

I’m sure most Americans have seen all the latest film coverage of the destruction rampant across this country.  Those black people weren’t showing support for their latest martyr, George Floyd:  ANOTHER Rolls Royce pulls up during NYC looting: Passengers get out of $350,000 car and steal packages from other thieves during chaos in Manhattan

“One witness to the organized looting was Carla Murphy, who lives in Manhattan. She told ABC, ‘Cars would drive up, let off the looters, unload power tools and suitcases and then the cars would drive away.’

“Murphy added: ‘Then the cars would come back pick them up and then drive off to the next spot. They seemed to know exactly where they were going. ‘Some of the people were local, but there were a lot of out-of-towners.’

“NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said Wednesday that police are ‘up against organized looters’ who are ‘strategically placing caches of bricks & rocks at locations throughout NYC’. He added: ‘The U-Haul truck, that did happen. We see a number of vehicles to transport stolen property, to scout out locations, to transport people to commit these crimes.’ Local leaders and business owners in Washington, California and Chicago have also suggested the looters were part of organized crime rings there.”

Those thieves will not be held accountable because of this FOOL: Manhattan DA Announces He Will Let Rioters and Looters Off Without Charges ‘In the Name of Justice’: “The prosecution of protesters charged with these low-level offenses undermines critical bonds between law enforcement and the communities we serve. Days after the killing of George Floyd, our nation and our city are at a crossroads in our continuing endeavor to confront racism and systemic injustice wherever it exists,” Vance said in a statement…

“He made it clear in his words that he is on the side of the mob that has looted and rioted in the New York City streets for days.”

Green light for more looting, violence and victims.  Justice for whom?  Perhaps the NY State Attorney General should have a talk with that gutless coward but then again, she is a black woman and a Democrat.

N.Y. Attorney General Prepared to Take Trump to Court Over Threat to Deploy Military, Says the President ‘Is Not A Dictator’.  Perhaps AG James needs a history lesson from prolific writer Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D., retired Colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve, veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq and author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution who recently wrote in an email in response to comments made by a retired General regarding Trump and using the military:

“The premise of the article is Brooks’ “dismay and disappointment” that President Trump considered invoking the Insurrrection Act, although Brooks doesn’t actually cite it. Although President Trump has not invoked the Insurrection Act, Presidents Jefferson, Jackson, Grant, Hayes, Cleveland, Wilson, Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and George H.W. Bush all invoked the Insurrection Act. Since 1968, it has been invoked 5 times to quell riots.”

To the credit of protesters and others, black, white and brown, many, many have done what they can to stop the looting, violence and killing.  They understand these rioters are not there to push for justice for George Floyd. No doubt this black woman will catch all kinds of grief:  Rapper Trina Torches Miami Looters: Keep These Animals Off the Street: “[They] run through, tear down our stores and burn down our stuff, breaking our stores and go and tear up Bayside Marketplace and tear up my friend’s shop that has a son and a family to take care of,” said Trina. “You gonna demolish her shop for something? No.”

“It’s always personal with you,” retorted Trick Daddy. “Yeah, it’s definitely personal, because I feel like at the end of the day–”…“Your friend’s got insurance,” interrupted Trick Daddy.  “She got insurance, but she’s also been locked down for 60 days,” said Trina. “I don’t approve of it, period.”

Another black man speaks out: Watch: ‘It’s Absolutely Bullsh*t’ — NY Driver Reacts to George Floyd Protesters Blocking Intersection– “I think it’s bullshit,” said the unidentified driver, who sat still in traffic. “It’s absolutely bullshit. You’re not helping anything.”

Those anarchists and thieves are in it for their own agenda.  The looters have destroyed essential retail stores, pharmacies and other service providers in cities just to steal what does not belong to them.  They don’t care they’ve now caused thousands of people, black, brown, white, to lose their paychecks.[2] Americans just now getting back to work after being caged by DemoRAT governors over COVID-19 determined to break the economy to ‘get Trump’ as November is fast approaching. ‘Not going to be peace in the streets’:  D.C. protesters vow to persist and defy Trump: “We are tired of being called domestic terrorists when the only domestic terrorists are the ones that support this president!” she said to applause.” I’m a domestic terrorist because I voted for Trump?

Protesters Showed Up In Coeur d’Alene, Idaho But The Locals Made Sure That There Would Be No Riots – Not the only place.  Members of Oath Keepers and just regular Americans who refuse to stand by and allow the destruction of their communities have shown up in several cities and towns.  Armed Americans who know police can’t be everywhere at the same time and are not going to let a bunch of thugs and paid anarchists burn down businesses and people possibly getting killed. The scum leave when faced with serious patriots.

In Washington DC protesters defaced public property; street leading to the White House while law enforcement did nothing.  Now financial resources that should be used for the people in DC will have to be used to clean up the mess.  More pictures of the destruction by thugs and criminals.

Corporations and politicians are all on their knees begging for forgiveness.  Racism is their fault. It’s absolutely nauseating.

Walmart Pledges $100 Million to Fight ‘Systemic Racism’– Meaningless PR.  Don’t loot and burn our stores! No worries, Target has been hit hard in the big cities.

L.A. Police Union Calls Eric Garcetti ‘Unstable’ After He Calls Cops ‘Killers’

New Orleans Saints quarterback, Drew Brees, caught all kinds of grief because he would not “take a knee” during the national anthem. He said, “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”

Brees then reversed, groveled on the ground, begged for forgiveness and said he’s so sorry for his earlier comments.  What a disappointment.  We kneel for the cross and stand for our flag.  There’s NOTHING racist about either.  His wife then got on the self-flagellation bandwagon saying “We are the problem.”  Really?  Quite honestly, Mrs. Brees, I’m sorry you and your husband have received death threats but shouldn’t that tell you something?

Adios Goodell and NFL from Mark Levin:  “If you think so little of your fellow citizens and so many of your fans, who are law-abiding, people-loving Americans, and law-enforcement that protects all of you and your mostly taxpayer-subsidized stadiums, then go to hell.” No more NFL for him.

The latest rallying cry over the past few days by the mobs is a demand to get rid of police departments.  How stupid and insane is that?  I don’t care where you live or what color you are when someone breaks into your home or robs you or your local store, the first call is to the police department.  Those proposing such stupidity want chaos and lawlessness.

Minneapolis Mayor Booed After Saying He Wouldn’t ‘Abolish’ Police Department: “Frey responded by shaking his head and saying, “I do not support the full abolition of the police department.”  In response, the organizer took the microphone from him and told him to “get the fuck out of here.”

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism, June 7, 2020

“In 2019 police officers fatally shot 1,004 people, most of whom were armed or otherwise dangerous. African-Americans were about a quarter of those killed by cops last year (235), a ratio that has remained stable since 2015.

“The police fatally shot nine unarmed blacks and 19 unarmed whites in 2019, according to a Washington Post database, down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015.”

Twice as many white people were fatally shot by police. The next time it happens should white people riot, burn down and loot businesses or wait for the facts and due process? 

How truly disgusting. Video: Massachusetts Police Chief Lies Face Down At Urging of BLM Protesters: “In the footage circulating online, Michael Shaw is seen telling a group of demonstrators that he fully supports their right to peaceful assembly and that their message against police brutality and racism has been heard “loud and clear.” While other law enforcement officials have made similar statements, he went one step further by lying face down in front of a sign reading “I can’t breathe.”

Where were their commanding officers?

Perhaps most appalling was watching members of the National Guard ‘take a knee’ in Hollywood, California.

This is a video of the National Guard doing the Macarena dance to the delight of protesters.  It made me sick to watch.

The National Guard are there to keep the peace and quell riots. They are not there to have discussions about race or dance like drunks at some beach party. They are not there to build community relations, either.  This is a very dangerous precedent to set for any branch of our military or National Guard.  Colonel Sellin (Ret.) got it right: “The pathetic state of the U.S. military. A total breakdown in dignity and discipline.”

To all who are supporting Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA, they should remember this: “No man survives when freedom fails. The best men rot in filthy jails. And those who cry ‘appease, appease’ are hanged by those they tried to please.” Hirma Mann

Mayors and police departments must exert force if necessary, to stop the rioters and thieves regardless of their color.  While I don’t like to see National Guard on the streets, it’s now so bad there’s no choice.  First get rid of  ‘woke’ National Guard individuals who ‘take a knee’, put some discipline into the units and get the job done.  Public service announcements:  You will go to jail and you will be prosecuted.  That will keep the local ones in line.  As for the out-of-state rioters, turn them over to the feds. That will discourage at least some of them.

As I wrote last week, you can’t legislate away racism any more than the U.S. government can get out of debt by printing more worthless paper money.  It comes from the heart and belief that all men and women are a gift from God no matter their color.  Wiping out racism (as much as possible because sadly, it will always be there to some extent) comes one family at a time, teaching children love not hate for our fellow mankind.

State Troopers or state Highway Patrol are under the jurisdiction of the state.  One can hope each state takes a look at department policies and training.  If it’s not clear their officers should not use chokeholds (that have proven deadly) or put their knee down on a detainee’s neck, then a new regulation should be implemented immediately.

The same applies to your county sheriff’s department who are elected.  Some counties have civilian oversight; you can find out by contacting your sheriff’s office and ask them about the use of force. What is and is not allowed.

Your local police department has a Chief of Police who answers to the mayor and city council.  I have no doubt department policies are being reviewed all around the country and, once again, making sure it’s fully understood what can and cannot be used while making an arrest.

Anyone can attend city council meetings and ask the right questions regarding regulations for their local police departments.  Anyone can contact their sheriff’s office with the same questions.  But, it’s up to the voters when they elect a sheriff, mayor, city council and state reps (state troopers and highway patrol) and make your voice heard.Not riot, not loot your own cities and towns shooting innocent people and wrecking your local economy.

ANTIFA: The Network of Violent Criminal Revolutionaries

This one by Todd Herman is very worth reading:  I Watched Antifa Grow, Let Me Warn You About These Terrorists – “Antifa: well organized, practiced in street warfare, entering into Phase Two of Mao’s rules for insurgencies. These people are very serious. They are terrorists aligned with the radical leadership of Black Lives Matter, who traded learnings with Hamas, and, the founding philosophy of which Professor Jacobson has exposed based upon the work of Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab.

“If you think the Black Lives Matter movement is just or even primarily about ‘Black Lives,’ then you don’t understand the movement.  A new research report, based on detailed interviews with those active in the movement, demonstrates that the organized movement is a vehicle for a radical leftist anti-Capitalist agenda, using ‘Black Lives’ as the hook.”

A dear friend of mine said in an email, “One needn’t call Antifa a “terrorist” group. That is political hype. It is an organization engaged in promoting insurrection, sedition, and general criminality. I’m surprised that no one has suggested applying RICO to it.”

Going after them under RICO would mean following the money trail – as in right to George Soros’ door and any other mega billionaires funding their operations. Someone should put together a petition to AG Barr telling him to go after these groups using the RICO statutes.  500,000 signatures will get his attention.

If the Department of Justice doesn’t move on going after both BLM and ANTIFA this violence and destruction will not only continue, if Trump wins in November, we may very well see the equivalent of a second Civil War. There will be nothing civil about it.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


[1]  Floyd left behind a six-year old daughter from his “baby momma”.  I’m sure when she gets older, she can watch the filthy hard-core porn films starring her father.  Very sad.

Minneapolis Suspect George Floyd Appeared in Porn Videos: “Floyd can be seen in a sex tape made by a porn outfit called “The Habib Show.”

“These pornographers do not make artful porn, to be sure. Indeed, they often film somewhat brutal and crass sexual encounters where the women are passed from man-to-man, slapped around, choked, and assailed without let up.

“Invariably, “The Habib Show” features two three or even four men on one woman.So, these are not arthouse sex videos. They are down and dirty and brutal events.”

[2]  H&M temporarily shutters 95 US stores amid George Floyd protests& Retail Outlets Along I-95 Close Saturday As Looters Target The Suburbs


Dear Sane Democrats…(Excellent)

Washington Post Op-Ed Demands Ban on TV Shows and Movies About Police

Mao’s Red Guard Conservatives Jump on the Revolutionary Bandwagon

By Cliff Kincaid

Anybody with half a brain tied behind his or her back knows that the country is in a state of mass hypnosis or hysteria.Consider that a broadcaster was forced to resign for saying “All Lives Matter;” the TV show “Cops” has been put on hold, since it might portray police in a favorable light; a Texas Ranger statue was removed from the Dallas airport; and Clemson coach Dabo Swinney was personally attacked for wearing a “Football Matters” shirt.

It appears to those of us who have studied communism that we are living through a version of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. His Red Guards would invade private homes looking for those suspected of “bourgeois” tendencies.

This has come about because many people had a knee-jerk reaction when they saw the snippet of a video with a Minneapolis police officer with his knee on the neck of George Floyd. “There are zero legitimate law enforcement justifications for what happened to George Floyd,” said “conservative” Senator Ted Cruz, a Harvard-trained lawyer. That’s the reaction the mob was counting on. People reacted with outrage and disgust. But they didn’t have the whole story. They were not aware of another video showing Floyd scuffling with police. And they were not aware of the autopsy showing Floyd’s heavy drug use and the facts about his criminal record.

Upon reflection, which is too late for the people killed and businesses destroyed in the riots, we know that George Floyd was a heavy drug user and that his death may have been linked to the use of those drugs. What’s more, Larry C. Johnson notes that the police officer’s use of his knee on the side of the neck of Floyd was “a technique he had been trained to use by the Minneapolis Police Department.” That section of the training manual can be read by anyone but few have done so. Johnson concludes that the Minneapolis police officers accused of murdering George Floyd “are being railroaded and are likely to be exonerated once the full evidence is presented.”

The “full evidence,” of course, wasn’t available immediately after the incident, when many politicians and commentators, even some of a conservative persuasion, jumped to conclusions and wanted to look politically correct by blaming the police. Dozens of communist groups, including Antifa, then jumped into action. They saw their opportunity and took it.

Rush Limbaugh, who popularized the saying about using half his brain tied behind his back, left the other half of his brain somewhere else as well when he recently conducted an “exchange” with the same black radio host, “Charlamagne Tha God,” who became famous when he got Joe Biden to say “you ain’t black” if you don’t support him. Limbaugh called the cops in Minneapolis “stupid” and added that George Floyd, who was being put in police custody because a store employee had called about Floyd allegedly passing counterfeit money, “is the essence of innocence.” One of his previous crimes was five years in prison for aggravated assault.

Why a conservative would want to spend one second of valuable air time with someone calling himself “Tha God” is beyond me. He said later the “interview” with Limbaugh about “white privilege” was a waste of time. Limbaugh wasted his time and that of his listeners. What’s worse, Limbaugh whitewashed George Floyd’s criminal record. He played into the hands of the mob.

The time would have been better spent with Candace Owens, a black conservative who has dared to tell the truth about George Floyd’s criminal record and questions why some blacks make such an individual into a martyr.

Limbaugh, fighting to stay alive as he valiantly battles his own health problems, wanted to appear compassionate, someone who wanted to engage in “dialogue” to save black lives after the death of George Floyd. He fell flat on his face. But he’s not alone. I’ve found that some conservative web sites usually eager to publish my columns won’t touch anything I write on the Floyd case. They are embarrassed by the fact that they, like Cruz and Limbaugh, bought into the left-wing narrative.

Compassionate conservatism is not what elected Donald J. Trump. That approach only cedes ground to the left. Instead, appealing to the silent majority and getting people to show some backbone is the way to neutralize the Red Guard protesters attempting to continue Barack Hussein Obama’s fundamental transformation of America. Many Americans are mad as hell, but won’t say so publicly, as the rioting and looting that began in Minneapolis has now spread to other cities. If anything, they suspect that Trump is not moving fast enough to put down the communist insurrection.

This kind of “rebellion,” as Mao called it, was being planned by the Red Chinese even as Mao was conducting his own revolution in China. He used the 1968 riots in America over the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. to issue a statement “in Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” and had earlier issued a statement “supporting the American Negroes In Their Just Struggle Against Racial Discrimination by U.S. Imperialism.”

The Communist Party of China newspaper, China Daily, noted that, “In May, 1959, Mao met with visiting African-American civil rights leader W.E.B. Du Bois. On China’s National Day celebration on Oct 1, 1966, Robert Williams, another civil rights leader and a revolutionary, was invited to speak at Tiananmen Rostrum, with Mao standing at his side. In 1971, then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai met in Beijing with Huey Newton, leader of the Black Panther Party.”

W.E.B DuBois praised Stalin, won the Lenin Peace Price, and renounced his American citizenship. Williams had lived in Cuba, China and North Vietnam, and the Black Panthers were notorious for depicting police as pigs.

Despite his reputation as a moderate, Martin Luther King, Jr. paid tribute to Du Bois, who himself joined the Communist Party USA in 1961, at an event sponsored by the Soviet-funded Freedom ways journal in New York City.

Reds have been exploiting blacks for decades.

Indeed, the China Daily article noted how black leaders in the 1960s and ’70s were inspired by Mao and created “many Maoist organizations” on American soil. They still exist and are heavily represented in the protests. The brilliant analyst Trevor Loudon has written extensively about them. He knows far more than the FBI. Indeed, if an FBI agent interested in the truth used an official computer to access Trevor’s KeyWiki website, an encyclopedia of facts about the far-left, he or she would be fired. But the truth is the truth. And the truth is in short supply as “conservatives” jump on the revolutionary bandwagon that has Mao’s fingerprints all over it.

It’s time to support those telling the truth before the truth disappears forever.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

12 Unpleasant Truths, Part 1

Steven Yates

British author John Derbyshire once penned an article with a similar title for National Review shortly before Bill Buckley fired him (he’s a conservative, not a neocon).

Just recently I ran across that article and thought I’d present my own list, which updates his significantly. Times have changed; but much remains as it ever was — as our current situation testifies. Mine got to be a tad lengthy. Hence two parts. We’ll look at #’s 1 –6 today, and #’s 7 – 12 Friday.

Unpleasant Truth #1: Most of the human race couldn’t care less about freedom. I read somewhere that only a third of colonists supported the American revolution. Another third favored the British. A final third didn’t care, so long as their stomachs were full.

H.L. Mencken wrote in Notes on Democracy(orig. 1926) that “the common man doesn’t want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” Few freedom believers — conservative, Libertarian, what-have-you — have come to grips with this unhappy fact about the masses. They believe the masses can be educated and motivated to think like they do, and are endlessly frustrated when faced with noncomprehending, TV-watching sheep.

The masses are easily controlled with fear. Hermann Goering’s statement from prison during the Nuremberg Trials is oft-quoted: “Why, of course the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany…. But …it’s the leaders of a country who determine policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship….All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

This appears just as true with the present “enemy”: origins of the attacking virus not entirely clear; no one knowing the actual number of infections because not everyone can be tested; the actual mortality rate unclear because of political divisions and known fudging (see my previous article) to get an inflated mortality figure, in the U.S. at least.

Object lesson: tell the masses there’s something lethal out there … show them rows of caskets on TV, as I have seen several times now … then watch the majority fall in line… even with their businesses and workplaces shut down as “inessential,” and over 40 million having applied for unemployment benefits overwhelming those systems.

There are some sterling exceptions. But nothing should be clearer than that the majority of humanity prefers safety/security to liberty.

#2. Blacks and whites will never get along, or trust one another. If affirmative action, set-asides,or other preferential programs worked, we would know it by now. When I was a kid, integrating government (“public”) schools was all the rage. As an idealistic teenager I supported it. But even then I noticed how black kids self-segregated. No one I knew of “hated” them. Some of us were somewhat afraid of them.

We didn’t understand them and they didn’t understand us.

A program was forced on the country, top-down, without the large-scale education or counseling that would have been required for each group to learn about the other, especially what the black kids truly needed, but looking back on that period with 20-20 hindsight, there’s no reason to believe even that would have worked.

The two races are simply different: culturally and physically for sure, and probably — whether anyone likes it or not —intellectually. Anyone who disagrees with that is challenged to produce one example of a black civilization on the order of ancient Greece, or even Rome. Just one.

I can hear the screams of racist! racist! racist! already. (Or maybe it will be white supremacist! multiple times).

Calm down! Focus!

Name one black civilization of significance. Just one.Can you do it? If not, shut up!

Be all this as it may, enough whites are no better. What do we have? Sadistic white cops who brutalize unarmed and handcuffed black men to death (George Floyd being just the most recent example) without any sense of the consequences. In my judgment, the first thing to say about such a cop is that he’s an idiot— down there at box-of-rocks level stupid— in addition to whatever psychopathic tendencies he may have been harboring. Derek Chauvin had numerous complaints against him without consequences, signaling that he could get away with it.

That said, there are plenty of trouble making publicity hounds among blacks. Al Sharpton comes to mind (yes, he showed up on the scene in Minneapolis, right on cue).

And there are globalists — elites — who have been exploiting justifiable black anger over incidents like the one in Minneapolis for years now, funneling money to radical groups because they want to destroy traditional American culture. George Soros comes to mind.

When the history of our once-great nation was written, the bottom line will be that not abolishing slavery in 1776 was our Founding Fathers’ worst blunder. It sowed the seeds for divisions that have haunted us ever since.

The object lesson may be that fundamentally incompatible cultures with different wired-in mindsets cannot be made to mix by force, although again there will be exceptions that prove the general rule. Scarcity makes this worse. When the system seems to dispense, unjustly, more freebies and privileges to one race than to the other,anger will fester. Repeated crises will aggravate the situation until it explodes, well-positioned (and moneyed) opportunists having lit the matches.

#3. Constitutional government is dead. Do I need to belabor this one? Dr. Ron Paul was the last Constitutionalist to hold national office, and he retired in 2013 without a single bill he authored being passed. Often his was the only “No” vote against one or another of innumerable pieces of unconstitutional legislation to cross his desk.

Arguably the U.S. got off track at the start here as well. The Founders’ second worst blunder was allowing Alexander Hamilton to create the private Bank of the United States when the Constitution explicitly authorized Congress to “coin money and regulate the value thereof….”

Lincoln’s War centralized the country; “these United States” ceased to be a federated republic and became a nation state no different than European nation states.

Bankers and their allies did the rest. The Gilded Age saw the rise and consolidation of what was then called the Money Power aggregated in private corporations. The progressive movement of the time (directed by the British Fabian Society) was never more than controlled opposition. Their man Woodrow Wilson, who was also the bankers’ man, signed the legislation creating the Federal Reserve in 1913.

The U.S. has been a Money Power oligarchy ever since. Just like Europe.

The well-networked extended families of globalist elites (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans; et al) understood that if you want controlled masses, you control the information that reaches them. Hence establishing controls over corporate media and government (“public”) schools which has continued ever since … even as they produced generations who cannot write grammatical sentences or walk up to a world map and find Iraq or Ukraine.

Few university students have any idea of the Constitution. I used to ask students to name the rights enumerated in the First Amendment. Most couldn’t identify any, or tell me where they could find the First Amendment.These people were old enough to vote.

With an uninformed and ignorant public, Congress can pass, and the president can sign, anything they want. The occasional Ron Paul will sound like a kook. When Nancy Pelosi was asked where the Constitution authorized the federal government to force people to purchase health insurance, she snarled, “Are you kidding?”

And today, when some pseudo-scholarat long-since-compromised Harvard says forcing you to get a Covid-19 vaccine against your will is authorized by the Constitution, few know how to answer him, because those few have been consigned to society’s margins.

By that time it will be too late, anyway. How far do you think you are going to get, trying to reasonabout what is or isn’t constitutional with men (maybe a few women) who have guns at your head (or this equivalent: either get the Covid-19 vaccine as an “immunity passport” or be refused readmission to the economy).

#4. Capitalism as it actually exists cannot deliver quality health care for all. This one will be tough for most of the freedom-minded, because they confuse freedom with capitalism as it actually exists, their minds paralyzed by a term used by Ayn Rand or Libertarian treatises by career academics. And they rely on a streamlined academic ideal that simply does not exist on a large scale anywhere.

Capitalism in the messy real world just means any political economy allowing — requiring — capital accumulation. Neither its founders nor its primary beneficiaries have ever been Libertarian intellectuals.

Regarding health care, the matter is really quite simple. People—corporate elites as well as masses—respond to incentives. In a materialist society and for moneyed interests, profit is the strongest incentive. Consumer spending generates profits. Saving does not. Hence the manufacture of incentives to spend (and the means), and penalties visited upon savers: inflation, low interest rates, etc., destroying the value of savings.

No one profits from a healthy population. Healthy people do not need to lavish huge sums of money on doctors, clinics, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, insurance policies, etc.; and other things being equal, probably would not.

A healthy population would render the cartel conveniently called Big Pharma obsolete. It would also quickly place Big Food in check.

Food corporations profit from adding mildly addictive flavor enhancers to already-unhealthy processed foods. This keeps unwitting consumers coming back.

The net result of bad food, pharmaceuticals for this or that invented malady —added to the stress-inducing lifestyle of the average employee or job seeker, the average entrepreneur, or even probably the average government bureaucrat during times like these—is the sickliest and most lethargic population in human history, suffering from obesity and its complications such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, breathing disorders, mental illnesses, dementias, and so on. Not to mention alcoholism and substance abuse generally.

A lethargic population is an easily-controlled population. Corporations want this as much as governments. Libertarians and conservatives who believe otherwise are delusional.

I’ve elsewhere advocated Primary Prevention. I’m sometimes told, Primary Prevention is not profitable and hence not marketable. This is supposed to militate against it. What it militates against is a political economy that values profit, marketability, and spin over health.

#5. Evil and filth are very marketable. Back in 2005, columnist and author David Kupelian published a book entitled The Marketing of Evil. Every Libertarian, Austrian School economist, and some who self-identify as conservatives should read this book, which shows among other things how mass media (private corporations all) have furthered the agendas of abortionists, homosexual activists, gender-benders, and indeed all who profit from long term moral collapse — and how the online “free market” has made pornography the biggest money-making industry on the Internet (hundreds of millions per year!).

All you have to do to see live porn is attend a Miley Cyrus show.

Real musicians dare not give up their day jobs (if they have them).

Other entire industries have been bent to satisfy the most prurient tastes. Would-be participants do not choose this “freely.” What happens to the stand-up comic who does not fill his routines with sexual and scatological references? Short-attention-spanned audiences addicted to such things go elsewhere, and he goes back to driving a Uber. What happens to authors who try to pen thoughtful, nuanced essays — as opposed to short pieces of single-sentence paragraphs, lots of “white space,” written at a fifth grade level? You have to ask?

Libertarians love the idea of free markets, as I noted in passing above. Their Utopia is that of the world as a single, borderless marketplace where all exchanges are voluntary and no one ever coerces anyone else.

I doubt this would be possible even in a Christian civilization, but were Christianity the dominant worldview, our actual state of affairs would definitely be better.

If you disagree, consider the mindset that existed in the mid-1930s. With the country in the throes of the Great Depression, it was by any economic measure one of our worst hours. There were no jobs, there was no money, and people literally starved to death.

But listen to the big bands from that era. Upbeat, even cheerful and celebratory of life and love; in a word, optimistic. Communicating through music that better times were coming because ultimately God is in control.

In the 1930s, whatever its faults, we still had an essentially Christian civilization — outside, that is, the intellectual and highbrow journalistic centers that had embraced Darwinism, and artistic and literary ones that had embraced nihilism — materialism at the core of each.

No one in his right mind thinks we have a Christian civilization today. Not when churches are shuttered as “inessential” and one is even burned down for ignoring government-corporate stay-at-home policy, a message left reading: “Bet you stay home now you hypokrits [sic]!”

Given the present cultural mindset, I don’t believe the West will survive a Greater Depression.

#6. Socialism and Big Government are popular — but the elites are NOT socialists! Bernie Sanders openly promoted socialism. He would have won the 2016 Democratic Party nomination had the DNC not cheated for Hillary Clinton. The DNC elites weren’t about to allow Sanders in this go round, either. They would have backed Trump.

And like it or not, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now a heroine to her generation. Later millennials (those born in the 1990s) and Gen Z-ers (born since 9/11) love proposals like Universal Basic Income (UBI) and the Green New Deal.

They’ve turned against capitalism. Against, that is, the system encircling them, not an academic fairy tale no one has ever seen. The system encircling them has left them buried in student loan debt and forced into the low-wage “gig” economy.

Oligarchism resulted in Wall Street and Main Street becoming separate systems. So millennials see leviathan banks and other corporations prospering and driving the Dow into the stratosphere with stock buybacks while they struggle to survive. (More than a few Gen-Xers and Boomers such as myself see the same thing, trust me.)

Today, the masses wait on government stimulus checks—their livelihoods having been upended in the Great Coronavirus Hysteria of 2020, one might call it. Even Trump signed off on this. What else could he do?

The really unpleasant truth is that this is not heading toward socialism but what I call techno-feudalism. AOC and her crowd are — sadly — useful idiots.

Socialism purported to be about equitable distribution. Transnational elites or globalists don’t care about equitable distribution. They care about power.

Under techno-feudalism, for all practical purposes the masses will be property of their neo-feudal lords. They will be counted, ID’d, monitored, and “somatized” with ever-larger and faster interactive screens in the planned technocratic order.

Outside the providence of the elites, there will be little stability. There may be “gigs” although many of those will disappear with driverless vehicles. There may be UBI, although it won’t keep up with price inflation. Cash transactions will be eliminated. UBI won’t be handed out with no strings attached. Like much else, it will be used to control. Dissent from a dominant narrative and you risk being cut off.

The centerpiece of a techno-feudalist order will be a World Government that services global corporations, using whatever means are available (technological, psychological) to keep the masses pacified and obedient.

As far as I can tell, 2030 is now the target year. Most if not all the ideals listed in that document are pure fantasy, of course. A zero-poverty world is not achievable through globalist centralization. What will be achieved instead is slavery for all except the globalists and well-positioned technocrats and administrators, and perhaps a few designated entertainers.

The ground is presently being laid during “cautious” reopenings for myriad new controls on people and whichever small businesses survive the present calamity. Most, again out of fear (see #1 again), will accept the controls without question. They will not be removed and one thing will lead to another, as it always has.

Part 2 will appear Friday, 12th of June, 2020.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates:

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Savagely Fragmenting America

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 8:  Riots, looting, racial conflict, Antifa

Just as the Constitutional Convention assembled at Constitution Hall to forge the Constitution of the United States in 1787, the founders faced a deeper moral, practical and religious question.  Could they pretend to promote the equality of all men and women, but continue slavery?

Thomas Jefferson said, “We’ve got a wolf by the ears; we can’t let him go, but we can’t hold him.”

Jefferson actually worked to abolish slavery, but the Southern States lived by it, worked by it and mandated it. If not for compromise, the Constitution would never come into being.  Jefferson said, “Future generations will have to deal with the moral plight of slavery.”

Even after 1865 when 500,000 White boys gave their lives to free the slaves, America has grappled with race relations from “separate but equal drinking fountains and restaurants” to All Black Colleges to Affirmative Action to job quotas for minorities to the Great Society to ongoing/cyclical poverty, illiteracy and criminal enterprise. Blacks represent about half of the 2.3 million people in prison, when they only represent 13 percent of the U.S. population.

First Detroit, Michigan faced a Black take-over that led to 1.2 million Whites fleeing the city in the 1980’s and 1990’s.  Blacks created a 78 percent dropout rate in area high schools.  Criminals shoplifted, carjacked, painted everything with graffiti and ransacked the welfare system. I worked for 20 years in Detroit to watch it become a war zone against Whites.

Today, Chicago, Illinois follows in Detroit’s footsteps.  In the past couple of weeks, Minneapolis, Minnesota, replete with 120,000 African immigrants, stands in the crosshairs of total anarchy and long-term racial dissension.

Even before the George Floyd incident, you heard of racial confrontation on a daily basis across the American landscape.  One Black professor stated, “If you’re White, you’re a racist.”   Today, Black Lives Matter has begun a national campaign of violence toward Whites along with Antifa anarchists.

Many Black activists urged total defunding of police departments. In other words, no police, thus no law and order.  That would give criminals a free pass across every city in America.  Every city would turn into another Detroit.

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain told reporters that we should mandate curfews for all peaceful demonstrators. Once anyone breaks the curfew, arrest them as the looters, anarchists and rioters.   It would quickly bring our country back to peace.

But it won’t change our racial conflict.  We indeed, both Black and White Americans, have a wolf by the ears.  And because racism remains a biological reality, there’s no way to solve it.  We’ve seen voter rights, equal rights, the Great Society, ADC, WIC, EBT cards, Section 8 Housing, Affirmative Action, Quotas, Black college scholarships, African-American studies in colleges, and $15.00 an hour at McDonald’s.  Still, Black poverty, crime and illiteracy persist.  Seven out of ten African-American children arrive out of wedlock to a single mother on welfare.  You would not want to live in South Chicago. It’s a killing zone of Black people shooting Black people, daily.

Few realize this, but George Floyd possessed a steady criminal past and he was passing off forged $20.00 bills at the time of his arrest.  In reality, although not his fault to suffer death, he caused his demise.  After his death, obviously mayors must change police tactics, protocols and more to at least give Black criminals a decent arrest, free from death and abuse.

“In the case of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, three of the four charged cops were black. The police department has only a small percentage of white officers. The police chief was black. The city council was black, the mayor was black….yet Obama, who was the president at that time, blamed Gray’s death on racism. Yes, you can say, “huh?”   Every year, dozens of white cops are gunned down by blacks; does that make the perps racist?  Likely, some are racist, and some are not, just like the cops who use deadly force. And just like the American public as a whole, the truth be known.”

The Eight Ways to Destroy America by Governor Richard D. Lamm

“Here is how they destroyed their countries,” Lamm said. “First, turn America into a bilingual or multilingual and bicultural country.  History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures.  It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual.  The historical scholar Seymour Lipset put it this way, “The histories of bilingual and bicultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension and tragedy.  Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon—all face crises of national existence in which minorities press for autonomy, if not independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. Nigeria suppressed an ethnic rebellion. France faces difficulties with Basques, Bretons and Corsicans.”

Lamm continued on how to destroy America, “Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal. That there are no cultural differences!  I would make it an article of faith that the Black and Hispanic dropout rates are due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out of bounds.”

Whether it’s Black Lives Matter or Antifa or the Muslim Brotherhood of America—if we continue on our present-day course of importing in excess of 1.5 million third world immigrants to enter our country annually—we don’t stand a chance of surviving as an intact and peaceful civilization.  Take a week visit to Sweden to see our future.  It’s that simple and that deadly for our children and all future generations—Black, White, Hispanic, Chinese, African, Indian, Native Americans and anyone living in America.

Do you think we will survive an added 100 million immigrants?  Do you think Black Lives Matter really care about White Lives Mattering?  What solutions would you offer to neutralize ‘racism’?  What do you see in the future as to our country’s ability to remain successful?  How would you change it for the better?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

ANTIFA: The Network of Violent Criminal Revolutionaries

Kelleigh Nelson

You have a choice. There are two alternative futures for America.  In the launch at Cape Kennedy, you saw America leading the fourth industrial revolution, American capital, American workers, American made.  And late at night you saw what can happen breaking down to anarchy and racial division.  It’s law and order predicated upon a robust economy and this means American capital brought back to America to stop financing our enemies.  —Steve Bannon

What we witnessed in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and in Baton Rouge was a collapse of social order. So many of the actions of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter transcend peaceful protest and violates the code of conduct we rely on. I call it anarchy. —David A. Clarke, Jr.

The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.” —John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of the Government of the United States of America, 1787

Professional criminal anarchists have hijacked legitimate protests against the death of George Floyd which is a result of approved Minneapolis police training.  We’re now dealing with the virus of Antifa and anarchy…far more dangerous than Covid-19.  The World Health Organization’s overblown death rates were promoted by Pence, Fauci and Birx, and cost American’s dearly.  Organized professional anarchists are now destroying property and lives, extending the misery and not enough is being done to stop them. Attorney General Barr says the DOJ now has evidence that Antifa and other extremist groups are instigating the rioting.

Antifa is an international organization who is overtly authoritarian; if you don’t agree with them, you, your country, and your property should be smashed to bits.  They are not a domestic organization; it is an international network of people.  They have infiltrated governments, police departments and anti-hate groups who fund their violent actions around the world.  They have access to cash, to great legal resources, access to government officials and to media.

Antifa’s Joseph “Jose” Alcoff

Smash Racism DC organizer Jose Alcoff, aka Jose Martin and “Chepe,” is a radical communist and Antifa leader operating in the U.S. He advocates for the violent overthrow of the government and for the murder of the rich and claims to have international involvement in left-wing movements. The Tennessee Star wrote a brilliant expose on Martin in late 2018. He is a communist revolutionary out to destroy our capitalist society, and is regularly hosted by a variety of democratic politicians including Diane Feinstein, Tammy Baldwin, Don Bayer, and has been pictured alongside Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.

Alcoff is pictured in the green shirt next to Maxine Waters.

What Antifa and their likeminded groups want is dictatorial totalitarian communism. Smash Racism DC is the Antifa group that protested in front of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house and berated Sen. Ted Cruz at a restaurant until he and his wife were forced to leave. It is only one of the Antifa leader’s radical left-wing projects.“We have got to dispense with nonviolence,” he said as Chepe on Radio Dispatch in December 2016 during a discussion on how to approach those he perceives as fascists.

He has used his Jose Martin identity to make public appearances to promote socialism, once calling for a society without police. He may get his wish as Minneapolis council members aim to “dismantle” the police department and replace it with “a transformative new model for public safety.”  But his communist Chepe alias makes his Jose Martin identity seem moderate, using it to advocate for violence to achieve his goal of eliminating capitalism and the U.S. government.

It could be argued that the ideological distance between Antifa and the now-defunct National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazi Party, is so slight it can be measured in millimeters.  Antifa are the new SA paramilitary forces who carried out Kristallnacht or the Night of Broken Glass.

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas just released a shocking video exposing Antifa assault training.

Antifa views America and those who safeguard its free institutions as fundamentally illegitimate. advises activists to “build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.” “If you have any intention of working with the police, FBI, or other agencies,” it continues, “or if you publicly condemn anti-fascists who break the law: don’t call yourself an anti-fascist.”

Managed Decline

Steve Bannon’s program on Newsmax is exemplary; you can find them archived at  Much of the following information comes from one of Bannon’s recent episodes.

Antifa violence is not about George Floyd; peaceful protests are legitimate.  Freedom of assembly is guaranteed in our constitution and is one of our most basic rights.  America is built on protests and peaceful protests are during daylight hours, evil hides in darkness.  The lockdown protests were always during the day.  Antifa operates at night.

Antifa protests are thoroughly coordinated and their people are highly trained. They are professional revolutionaries and anarchists and their issue of the revolution is the revolution. Black Bloc partners with them, and they are dedicated, disciplined, organized and well financed.  This is not the amateur division.  These groups are professional anarchists.  They are part of worldwide managed decline.

Managed decline looks like this:  The Lincoln Memorial and the WWII Memorial have been defaced by these so-called “peaceful protestors.”  They’ve burned St. John’s Church and they tried to burn the Hay Adams Hotel, named after Secretary of State to Lincoln during the Northern War of Aggression.  This is managed decline and it must be watched…Antifa is out to destroy this country, to destroy freedom, our founders and our way of life.  It is all planned, and these are the very same ilk who were destroying and burning after Martin Luther King was murdered and the Democratic Convention held in Chicago in 1968.  And yes, military force was used to quell the riots.

And on May 30th, the anarchists even destroyed the Santa Monica Music Center.

American Greatness or Anarchy

Bannon says we have a choice.  “We can have a new renaissance like Cape Canaveral.  That’s Elon Musk and Space X along with their partners in NASA.  That’s the future we want and need.”

“Or do you want Minneapolis on Friday and Saturday night?  Last Friday night we lost when the President of the United States went to the bunker.  That was a win for the anarchists.”

I agree with Bannon when he asks where the hell were the secret service, why the hell was this allowed to become this terrifying in America’s capitol?  The head of the Secret Service, of Homeland Security should be fired, people have to be held accountable.  They let the entire situation with these anarchists get totally out of control.

Antifa has been around for 20 years, they are in London, in Brazil, all over the world; they are well established.  They are very sophisticated, very organized and a very well-funded operation.  The communist organizing Action Network supports The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund. The connection between Antifa and George Soros and the Open Society Foundations is being made.

Planned Destruction

Anarchists bring along aluminum baseball bats and should be immediately arrested because they are there to do property and personal damage and if they’re from out of town, that’s a federal offense.  The New York Police Dept. (NYPD) Deputy Commissioner for Intel and Counter terrorism, John Miller, said there is a high level of confidence within the NYPD that these unarmed groups had organized scouts, medics and supply routes of rocks, bottles and accelerants for groups to commit vandalism and violence.

There are strong indicators they planned in advance for violence using at times encrypted communication and one out of every seven arrested was from out of state.  Social media platforms are also used for organizing.  There are suitcases down alleyways and behind buildings which are filled with projectiles, medical equipment, and supplies for the anarchists.

The alleyway behind St. John’s Church was a staging area for the violence against the White House.  How could DC police not know that?  The graffiti on the wall behind St. John’s said, “Kill Cops,” a tenet of Black Lives Matter (BLM). They also praised Fidel Castro, spitting in the face of Cubans who lost their lives, their family, their home because of this murderous dictator.

Dumpsters were set on fire and pushed into police lines.  Reporters from both left and right organizations were seeing all of this but not getting their heads around it. Antifa shows up with equipment, with communications.  They have strategies and when the 11 p.m. curfew struck, that’s when they started lighting fires.

NYPD has a highly efficient system against terrorism, but they’re falling down on the job with Antifa violence and destruction.  Law and order need to be held accountable for competence.

Antifa hijacked the peaceful protest issue and what they want is more police violence they can point to, but what often happens when police stand down, is that they end up getting hurt or killed themselves. Antifa infiltrates and motivates the peaceful protestors to join them in throwing bricks through windows, writing graffiti on buildings, burning down stores and looting.  Their job is to recruit and embolden others.

Here is a list of small businesses already destroyed in the Twin cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul.

Justine Damond, a Minneapolis white woman ran up to the police car of a black officer for help and he shot and killed her.  Mohammed Noor, an American Somali officer shot and killed Justine who had phoned the police for help.  There were no riots in Minneapolis when a black officer murders a white woman.  Noor is spending twelve years in prison.

Antifa Terrorism

When President Trump said he was going to declare Antifa as a terrorist organization, the mainstream media immediately said, “You can’t do that because they’re just domestic.” That’s a lie.  They are worldwide and have been for 20 years.

When President Trump said he wanted to call out the National Guard, he was right, and 28 states have done so to protect their citizens from these violent haters of God and freedom.

Chicago 1968

Downtown Chicago during the Democratic Convention in August of 1968 was under military lockdown. At the time, I worked downtown and lived at the Playboy mansion on State Parkway. There was a 10 p.m. curfew.  The city was on fire.

Mayor Richard Daley had called out the National Guard. Fire Departments had called in all off-duty firemen. I watched the street from my girlfriend’s third floor apartment and saw tanks with armed soldiers moving down State and Division Streets.  Apartment buildings were boarded up and locked.  Managers told residents to keep their shades down, but we watched.  At the time, I was dating a fireman, Danny Moriarty, and he was working 24/7 extinguishing fires throughout our huge city, fires started by the same people who are again rampaging our country.  The destruction was massive.  I can still see it clearly in my mind’s eye…it was a watershed event.

Little Rock, Arkansas 1957

Can you imagine armed troops blocking you from going to school? That’s what happened in Little Rock, Arkansas in the fall of 1957. Governor Orval Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from enrolling at the all-white Central High School.

The 1954 Supreme Court decision Brown v. Topeka made segregation in public schools illegal. Governor Faubus defied this decision. He also defied a 1955 ruling (Brown II). The 1955 decision ordered that public schools be desegregated with all deliberate speed.

President Eisenhower wanted to uphold the law, but he didn’t want bloodshed. He met with Governor Faubus who agreed to allow black Americans into the high school, but then he withdrew his promise.  Eisenhower had kept the National Guard at the school to enforce the order of integration.  When nine black children slipped into the school and enrolled, a full-scale riot erupted.  The Mayor of Little Rock appealed to the President for help.  Crowds formed outside the high school.

Eisenhower knew he had to act boldly. He placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent 1,000 U.S. Army paratroopers from the 101st Airborne Division to assist them in restoring order in Little Rock. The daring tactic worked and the black American students were enrolled without further violent disturbances. The law had been upheld, but Eisenhower was criticized both by those who felt he had not done enough to ensure civil rights for African Americans and those who believed he had gone too far in asserting federal power over the states.

Military Hierarchy

Our President is in much the same predicament today as previous presidents and has been excoriated by none other than former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis, former Chief of Staff General Kelly, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunsford.  Even his Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper has disparaged the president’s attempt to stop the carnage in American cities by using the military, which by the way, has been used twelve times before by previous presidents.

President Trump has extolled our military, and helped them in so many ways, and yet these top leaders abuse him for wanting to protect Americans from anarchist forces.

These military men should be willing to do anything to quell this violence, yet they damn our president.  Police in democratic held cities are told to stand down and let the violence and destruction happen despite the fact that 307 police officers have been injured, two have been killed and former police Captain was gunned down and killed in St. Louis when he tried to stop looters.


Washington DC Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser had BLACK LIVES MATTER painted in huge yellow letters down 16th Street leading to the White House.

Other Americans’ live sapparently don’t matter to Bowser, and only some black lives matter because many are murdered in their mother’s wombs.

Bowser also renamed the plaza “Black Lives Matter” honoring the terrorist group.  The BLM movement needs to be exposed for what it is: a racist, violent hate group that promotes the execution of police officers. This is why they’ve joined with Antifa; both are anarchists.  Bowser also wants all National Guard troops out of DC leaving the White House unprotected.  She is kowtowing to anarchists.

Journalists are demanding the police protect them at the George Floyd protests, but apparently the rest of us don’t count.

In a recent article by Congressman Andy Biggs, he wrote, “The thin blue line tries to protect every person’s rights. They need to show force. They need to make arrests. They need the support of the National Guard. They need the support of political leaders.”

Senator Tom Cotton said, “If local politicians will not do their most basic job to protect our citizens, let’s see how these anarchists respond when the 101st Airborne is on the other side of the street.”

Our president is right, force is the only thing the anarchists understand.

Forget about gold and silver, buy lead.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Police Closing Churches-Communism Wins?

by Rev. Austin Miles

Chinese Communists Now Control America!! Brace yourselves.

While everyone slept, the Communist Party slipped in and took control of America. The action was and is subtle at the moment, but this is now a reality, something I’ve warned readers about for years. How this was accomplished was somewhat ingenious.

Enter Billionaire Bill Gates who thinks he is the leader of the world due to his computer success. Gates believes that the population of the world must be drastically reduced by 350.000 thousand people a day. The use of the word euthanized creeps in.

Gates was close to Dr. Anthony Fauci who also has illusions of world fame. Gates gave Dr. Fauci $1.3 million dollars to take to the Wuhan, China Lab for the purpose of creating a deadly virus that would take down the world. The Chinese not only created the virus but also “accidently”released it in order to put the world under their control. It is interesting to note that George Soros is an investor in that Chinese lab.

As the Coronavirus covered the earth, the Communists began issuing orders to the world in the form of, “medical orders” that told all people that they must be quarantined, wear masks, close all businesses( so as not to spread the virus), and dictate when one can reopen their businesses and where they can go. People cannot gather together. They must stay six feet away from each other. The Communist Party was and is now giving all orders of movement to The United States of America. That was always their desire which they now have accomplished.

Their particular target is the churches and Christians. They have bulldozed churches in China to the ground, and smashed down every standing Cross in the cities and towns throughout China.

This writer has desperately tried to awaken people to the severe threat Communism brings to a society. They have tried for years to bring the U.S. under their control, especially since America is the only country standing in the way of a total One World Communist Order. The church and Christians were the barricades against it.

A Christian mind cannot be enslaved because that mind belongs to Christ which makes it difficult to manipulate, overpower and control. Christians will not worship a political entity, which is required in Communism, but we worship only God and Jesus Christ. Anyone who refuses to worship the Communist Party is considered a threat to social order. A Communist is totally loyal to his ideology, and gladly gives 38% of his or her paycheck to The Party.

However, the Christians also are totally loyal to their cause as well. This is a problem for the reds. The first things Communists want to eliminate is Churches, church services and Christians. It began subtly as newspapers, owned by George Soros, began to spotlight stories about misconduct in the churches. Soros actually paid nitwits who could get negative stories about churches, Christians and ministers into the media

An example of that was that nut group from Kansas City called The Westboro Baptist Church (which was neither a church or Baptist). As you remember, they picketed the funerals of service men and women (war is evil doncha know) causing chaos instead of soothing grieving people. They were paid handsomely for their theatrics.

This kind of staged publicity made the church look worse and worse, which was the idea. To get people away from church. And by calling themselves a church, they doubled the impact on the people they tried to influence.

Then, LAST WEEK!! A Chicago church, Cornerstone Baptist Church, was in the midst of a service when police arrived and banged loudly on the front doors. Again that service, which was taking place, was interrupted by the police. The pastor, Courtney Lewis, stated that there were three police cars, two unmarked police cars, and, now get this, a representative from Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office.

Pastor Lewis told reporter Todd Starnes that this was “like the Soviet-style KGB.” An usher outside the church reportedly saw the mayor’s representative trying to force their way into the building. They did not get in but began taking photos of the church attendees outside arriving for service. Talk about intimidation.

According to The Daily Wire, Pastor Lewis outlined how his church “has gone out of its way to follow CDC Guidelines,” including having online services, outdoor services and practicing all social distancing requirements. We are even taking members’ temperatures on the way in our church doors.” He added. “We are not allowing the elderly to attend service.”

But that is not enough for the Communist bullies. ‘We tell you what do to and you do it’ is their mantra.

So yes, at this moment, while we slept, the Communists have actually taken over America. But we patriots can strengthen our back bones and put a stop to this outrage. Indeed we must.

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:


Photo Caption: George Soros Conducting the Communist Orchestra

Bill Gates’ Hand In COVID-19, Part 5

Roger Anghis

The picture that the media has painted about Bill Gates is deceiving at best.  They have made him out to be a generous, kind, and loving billionaire that graciously funds projects that benefit mankind.  That is an outright lie.  He is, in my opinion, a snake in the grass.  There is proof of this and this series has covered a lot of that evidence.  But there is a lot out there that has been ignored.  Bill Gates generally is portrayed as a kindly philanthropist who generously funds projects to improve health and fight poverty. As shown in this report by James Corbett, however, the image and the reality are far apart. The reality is that Gates, throughout his entire career, has been obsessed with the idea that the human population needs to be drastically reduced and that any means to this end is acceptable, including the creation of vaccines to sterilize people but offered to them as a defense against disease. Eventually, Gates saw the potential for using vaccines for yet another hidden purpose, and that is for injecting micro chips and data tattoos into the skin that, in addition to pushing pharmaceutical concoctions into the blood stream, also embed digital data that can be read by scanners to identify every person on the planet. They also will carry a record of vaccine acceptance, medical history, psychological profiles, and social-behavior scores. Oh, yes, all of this philanthropy has created huge profits for the companies in which Gates is invested. Every dollar given away has come back with ten others. This is the real Bill Gates.[1] Did you catch “medical history, psychological profiles, and social behavior scores”?  Really? Why does all this information need to be placed in a chip in our body unless there are plans to control everything we do?

Gates has his fingers in many pies that benefit him but not most of humanity. His ideology is far from correct and is deep into humanism.  He has gotten to the point where he has a god-like image of himself.  That makes him very dangerous. Bill Gates is the gatekeeper to many gates. Whereas he may not hold the keys, he is the host and the central bank that provides access behind each closed door. He is at the heart of every major agenda. The level of control spans much farther than the United States of America, though a vast amount of the funding originates here. These heavily guarded gates are direct access to manifest, control, and monopolize some of the largest and arguably most important industries to man.

Controlling these gates means control of wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, and everyone’s future, if it is not stopped.

Corey’s Digs has reported on Gates’ interests and operations for years, to paint a fuller picture of everything he is involved with, because it is far more extensive than most people realize. Timelines, maps, business relationships, investments, incoming funding and outgoing grants, tax returns, direct quotes, interviews, and documentation in each report all reveal that Bill Gates is an investor who is willing to risk lives, rather than the humanitarian he proclaims himself to be. Some will say, “he’s just a face,” and perhaps that is true – but that “face” runs the central bank for what could be likened to as the mafia, which makes him a very dangerous player.

One thing Bill Gates doesn’t seem to have accounted for, despite his alleged “genius,” is the fact that his Godlike ego drove him to quite literally be the face for all of it.[2]

When researching just what Gates has an influence in, it is scary.  There does not seem to be an industry that he does not control in one way or another.  You can see an extensive list of his investing in the healthcare industry in this video by Corey Digs.[3] There is a two-fold reason for Gates’ deep interest in ‘healthcare’.  First and foremost is monetary. As stated earlier for every dollar he spends in that industry he gets ten in return.  The second is he can do what he wants to do to control the population.  His investment in the vaccine industry is legendary.  He uses ‘vaccines’ to control populations and lower births by sterilizing women through vaccines for various diseases, as he did in Africa a few years back. People that do not pay attention are willing to do whatever the government or so-called specialists, say to do. But that will be a major mistake on their part.  Ignorance is NOT bliss; it can be fatal.  Not surprising is the fact that Baker also has ties to eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates. In 2019, she was given the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a ceremony in Washington, D.C., that was sponsored “in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,” along with drug giant Pfizer.

What this all suggests, of course, is that Baker, Gates, and presumably other public health “experts” are all in agreement that white people represent the greatest barrier to mass vaccination. It would also explain why these far-leftists want to import as many “brown” and black people as possible into America, since “immigrants” are open-game when it comes to welcoming vaccines, according to Baker.

These are the same genocidal maniacs who are right now developing vaccines for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), by the way. All of the “progressive” white people out there who cannot wait to roll up their sleeves and get “protected” with new jabs have no idea what is coming to them under the guise of “public health.”

We are already seeing the early stages of a global vaccine genocide, with many Americans lining right up to obey whatever new edict or restriction is imposed by their county commissioners or governors in the name of keeping people “safe” when out and about shopping. The next step is to impose digital “passports” that “authorize” people to buy and sell, without which no commerce will be allowed.

If Obama carry-overs like Baker are allowed to stay in their positions and continue to make public policy, then white people who disagree with the alleged “benefits” of vaccination will also be at risk of mass extermination.[4]

There is reason to be concerned about what is developing around this fake pandemic. We have seen the CDC claim that the actual mortality rate is .28%.  Sorry but that does not mandate a pandemic with those numbers.  H1N1 had a mortality rate of 39.5% and we did nothing.  This is a test to see how far people can be pushed and Gates, Fauci, and WHO are the instigators.  I would hope that we, as nation of free people, will be wary of the actions of those that would enslave us. Be 2nd Amendment ready if necessary.  It may be our only option.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

Foot Notes

  1. Bill Gates’ population reduction surveillance and control
  2. The gates of hell: remove the gatekeeper seal the doors
  4. CDC official: get rid whites force vaccines

Majesty of Government

Mike Heath

Political and religious affairs are so closely united that what is taken from the spiritual weakens the loyalty of subjects and the majesty of the government —Leo XIII

Twenty two years before the twentieth century began the Roman Catholic Church once again appealed to reason using their program of issuing encyclicals from the Vatican. It wasn’t the first time the Church offered a written response to the “isms” (communism, socialism, fascism, scientism, liberalism, conservativism) that reproduced like rabbits with the invention of the printing press. The Church came under ferocious attack in the West as each individual citizen took up the job of serving as their own Priest.

The Church warned about the peril of socialism and argued that respect for the Roman Catholic Church … Apostolic Christianity … provided the most practical path forward for nations. The Pope wrote, “Since they know that the Church of Christ has such power to ward off the plague of socialism as cannot be found in human laws, in the mandates of magistrates, or in the force of armies, let them restore that Church to the condition and liberty in which she may exert her healing force for the benefit of all society.”

It feels archaic and silly to be taking these thoughts seriously. Why in the world would anyone be interested in the “loyalty of subjects” and the “majesty of government.” It’s painfully obvious now, especially in light of the brutal and banal aesthetic of internet “discourse,” that loyalty and majesty are a relic from the past. When YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are done perverting human socializing the ideas of loyalty and majesty will be extinct. You might say we can hear the Tik Tok of the clock running out on U.S. I feel like our humanity and common sense are like an old person diagnosed with Covid 19 being hooked up to one of Trump’s respirators. Medical science assures U.S. they are trying to save our life, but we all know that what they are really doing is killing U.S.

It was like this in the decades leading up to the brutal slaughter of the Christian Czar’s family in Russia by Jewish Bolshviks. Their murder resulted in seventy years of communist horror in the now extinct Soviet Union. Alexander Solzhenitzyn didn’t let the people of Russia off the hook. He pronounced their complicity. Russia now mandates the reading of his book, and the government publicly honors the majesty of the Church, and the Christian religion that birthed her.

That’s what’s happening in the modern Eastern half of what used to be known worldwide as Western Civilization. While our Eastern brothers and sisters move toward humanity and common sense we continue to slaughter the innocent. Not one baby murder mill was deemed “non essential” during this recent communist lock down of the world. All the Churches were forced to close.

And the Roman Catholic hierarchy led the way in submitting to the cult-like “science-based” group think mandated by Donald Trump’s reality show persona, with “doctors” Fauci and Birk as props. Instead of putting his twitter account on hold Trump panicked with the best of ‘em. The scientists said jump and the Pope, along with the world’s President, asked “How high?” Soros, Gates and the scientists responded, “Till every last small and medium sized business in the world is bankrupt, and Christianity is no longer baked into the pie.”

I’d like to think that the Church is still capable of serving as a “healing force for the benefit of all society.” I am forced to wonder. The Pope hates borders, walls and nations while his priests and bishops crawl over them to grope altar boys, and one another. The laity, and integrity of the Church, has never been more vulnerable to Satan’s attacks. Cynicism and unbelief, rooted in an unhinged materialistic libertarianism/anarchism, is the rule of the day.

And if you think it’s bad now …

Every day I choose to believe, and pray that, God the Father will bring good out of even this unimaginable evil.

© 2020 Mike Heath – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Michael Heath:

Clean Up the Drug Crazed Communist Street Rabble

By Cliff Kincaid

Such notables as Drew Brees and General Mad Dog Mattis sold out to the mob this week. Meanwhile, a 16-year-old girl, Ala’junaye Davis, was killed in Baltimore, shot in the throat in a Democrat-run city whose previous mayor pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy and tax evasion charges in the “Healthy Holly” book fraud scandal. The local paper reports that Baltimore homicides total 135 so far this year, outpacing the 128 recorded at this time last year.

The mob, however, is concerned about the death of George Floyd, a criminal whose carefully hidden autopsy showed traces of meth, fentanyl, marijuana, and heroin.It is not clear what role these drugs played in his death.

With the economy back on track, after re-opening many states, it’s the communist rabble on the streets that poses the most direct threat to the safety and security of the American people. So far, President Trump has depended on the governors to deploy the National Guard.

Tucker Carlson observed on Thursday night that the riots are all about getting rid of Trump. He means that the Democrats running the major cities are allowing the violence to spread so that they can create more chaos that they can blame on Trump.

This strategy helps explain why the dozens of black deaths taking place in our major cities, as a result of black-on-black violence, are of no interest to the those who back or excuse the riots and looters.

Crime victim advocate Tina Trent comments, in a blog post about Atlanta, another Democrat-run city, that black-on-black violence accounts for nearly all killings of black youth

Ignoring the realities of life in the big cities, Drew Brees apologized to the mob for a comment defending the American flag, demonstrating that he is a rich football player with no moral backbone. His opinion, one way or another, is of no lasting consequence. But Mad Dog Mattis is a retired general who is clearly angry over getting fired by Trump. He favored using troops in foreign wars to die on behalf of Muslims, but he doesn’t want American troops deployed to put down a communist insurrection inside the United States.

Mark Esper is the current Defense Secretary and has undermined President Trump by declaring his opposition to using the Insurrection Act to suppress mob violence. Esper’s subversion of the concept of civilian authority over the military is a very serious matter. It is reminiscent of the old movie, “Seven Days in May,” when Burt Lancaster plays a rogue general leading a coup against the president. In the film the president learns of the plot and defeats it.

In real life, Trump defeated a coup led by Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA and is now facing a revolt from Esper over what may be required to clean up the streets.

Another failing in our society is the inability of some major anti-drug groups to take a stand against the riots in society. I am on a list of email exchanges about America’s growing drug problem and some of the organization shave decided to take a stand against the police but not the drugs that drove George Floyd into yet another confrontation with the law. Pictures of some of the “demonstrations” show rioters passing marijuana joints to get high as they get hyped up for another assault on the police.

Attorney David Evans, Senior Counsel to Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL), notes that scientific studies demonstrate a relationship between marijuana and violence. The Weather Underground communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn once said, “guns and grass are united in the youth underground.” These were the weapons of revolution back then and are still major factors.One has to be blind not to see it.

The use of drugs certainly helps explain the calls to “defund the police” in some cities where liberal governors kept the pot shops open during the lockdown of law-abiding citizens.

But judging by the Department of Justice press conference on Thursday, featuring Attorney General Bill Barr and FBI director Christopher Wray, Trump’s top people seem to have no real understanding of what they are up against. They never once mentioned the word “communist” and did not display any knowledge of the drug use that characterizes some of the protests – and the death of George Floyd himself.

The police in Minneapolis are faced with the drug crisis every day, but the evidence of drugs in George Floyd’s system is denounced as a “red herring” by the lawyers for the family who want to shake down the city for big bucks in their police lawsuit.

The drug problem is so bad in our major cities that TV programs like “Dope” and “Drugs Inc.” are becoming popular. Camera crews follow dealers around the city as they operate open air drug markets. No wonder a 16-year-old girl in Baltimore can be killed in the crossfire.

The failure to deal with the problem by officials in such cities as Baltimore and Minneapolis has now been extended to people like Mad Dog Mattis, who insists that Trump overreacted in a Nazi-like fashion to peaceful demonstrators. It’s the rioters using the Nazi-like tactics. If he can’t see that, he’s as clueless as Joe Biden. One wonders if his lack of real-time intelligence was a factor in America losing wars in the Middle East. If so, his much-vaunted “military service” did not serve America’s interests.

For those serious about saving America, Edwin Vieira, Jr., who has practiced constitutional law, has some very good legal advice. He points out that 10 U.S.C. sec. 253 is the right statute to use, for it authorizes the president to call forth any part of “the militia,” and any part of the Armed Forces (including the National Guard, whether it is called part of “the militia,” or, correctly, State “Troops” under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, which can be employed as a reserve for the regular Army).

He adds, “There is no requirement under Section 253 that some Governor or other State official approve (which is obvious not only from the text itself but also from the statute’s origin as enforcement of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment through Section 5 thereof). There are also some very interesting historical parallels which make Section 253 a particularly appropriate vehicle for suppressing insurrections which state and local officials seem willing to tolerate at the expense of their citizens’ rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.”

On Tucker Carlson’s Thursday night show, former CIA officer Bryan Dean said America is “on fire” and that “violent leftist thugs” are running around the major cities attacking and killing people and vandalizing buildings. He compared the situation to the time when communist groups were waging war against America in the 1960s and 70s.

He said he thinks the Department of Justice and our police forces understand the situation. Some clearly do, such as the Minneapolis police union chief who says that “terrorist” elements had been emerging in the city for some time while the police force was being decimated and denied the ability to confront the threat.

If the DOJ and FBI really understand the problem, they will advise the president about how he has complete constitutional authority to order the immediate deployment of troops in our major cities, if the National Guard doesn’t suffice.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and The Fake News Media

Lloyd Marcus

Dear American Family. For decades, my black family and friends have viewed me as the weirdo who votes for Republicans.

At our annual family Christmas gathering a few years before he died, my dad, Dr. Rev Lloyd E. Marcus, instructed them to follow me as the new leader. I heard through the grapevine that most of them disapprove of my politics. At family events, I am pleasant and keep conversations non-political. Still, they read my articles posted on social media and the internet.

The vast majority of my family and friends profess Christianity. And yet, everything I have written and told them on occasion about Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda has not broken their loyalty to the party.

They ignore the fact that their party worships Planned Parenthood which targets black babies and profits greatly from selling dead-baby body parts. Recently, Democrats have been pushing legislation to abort healthy babies after they are born.

They ignore that fact the Democrats want open borders for illegals who take jobs from blacks. They ignore the fact that Democrats are cramming the LGBTQ agenda down our throats. Democrats want schools to orchestrate sex-change surgery and abortions without parental knowledge or consent. They ignore the fact that Democrats seek to legalize 12 new perversions which include pedophilia and bestiality.  How can anyone who professes Christianity support Democrats’ anti-biblical agenda? Remember the convention at which Democrats banned God from their platform?

I learned that relatives are posting propaganda on Facebook in support of the George Floyd rioters. Despite living successful racism-free lives, they have bought Democrats’ and fake news medias’ absurd lie that America is a hellhole of racism where blacks are routinely murdered by police. This made me sad and a bit lonely.

At the root of my sadness is the fact that my black family and friends are disciples of the Gospel of Democrats and Fake News Media. Whatever these two wicked entities tell them, they believe. God says allowing someone or something to trump His word is idolatry.

Eagles fly alone. “…all that will live godly in Christ Jesus suffer persecution.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Christians are martyred around the world. Therefore, complaining about deceived fellow blacks disapproving of my politics is hardly worth mentioning.

Still, it is extremely frustrating that facts nor commonsense seem to penetrate my family and friends blind loyalty to the far-left-extremist, hate-generating, anti-Christian, and anti-American Democratic Party.

They perceive everything they see and hear on TV from Democrats and fake news media as the gospel truth. For example. They believed the lie that catching covid-19 was a death sentence. They stayed at home, wore masks, and trashed anyone who did not. I told them that covid-19 has a 98% recovery rate.  Once again, I was viewed as an Uncle Tom, siding with mean Republicans who want to reopen America which will cause a Ga-zillion Americans, mostly black, to die. By the way, a 65-year-old relative recovered from covid-19.

Democrats and fake news media are exploiting the tragic death of George Floyd in an attempt to stop Trump’s reelection. Insidiously, they are overwhelming the airwaves with lies about Trump, white America, and police. My family and friends are embracing every lie as a gospel. Presenting them with facts and data has had no effect in changing their minds. The Bible speaks of those who prefer to believe lies rather than truth.

Families across America are dealing with the same frustrating situation that I am challenged with. Their kids have been indoctrinated by extreme leftist, anti-American, and anti-Christian Hollywood celebs and fake news media. How do you break their brain-dead zombie control of young idealistic minds? I believe the answer is prayer and faithfully continuing to tell youths the truth about issues.

God’s word promises, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all.” (Galatians 6:9)

Outrageously, ANTIFA terrorists are demanding that whites kneel in worship to Black Lives Matter, begging forgiveness for being born white. Folks, this is evil beyond belief.

We must stand together as Americans while praying for God’s strength to be like Daniel in the Bible. Tell the Democrats, fake news media, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter that we “ain’t” kneeling nor worshiping their vile false gods of social-justice, socialism and communism.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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Coronavirus Created To Overpower America

by Rev. Austin Miles

The Communist Party had their working plans to put America under their power back in the 1960’s when they created and provoked the “Question Authority” agitation, which later spun into the Hippie movement with ‘free love’ (sex) everywhere, amplified rock music, and overall sloppiness in the appearance of all. They are however, not to blame for long sentences like this last one.

They not only questioned authority but declared war on it. They determined to destroy all “moral convictions” and made themselves very visible to all. Indeed their conduct resembled something one would find in Satan’s Handbook. They changed the entire landscape with their unique sights and sounds.

Respect and honor along with morals all but disappeared. Drugs became a natural activity, along with booze and constant raw sex. It was a familiar sight to see druggies, struggling to walk a straight line down the street. And by the way, the practice of morality and decorum brought strength to America. The reds knew exactly what to dismantle in order to be in the position they are today….even though….temporary.

A dozen people, both men and women lived together in a single apartment. Many walked around barefoot. One thing was obvious, they all needed baths. The flower children however, did bring some beauty to the scene as they gave out a flower and sweet smile to all they met on the street.

Actually this was all on board before the 1960’s as all planning and preparing took place behind closed doors that were behind the Iron Curtain. This writer spent time there and personally heard the plans being made. Communists had virtually taken over the motion picture industry and were able to include subtle hints of the superiority of Communist life in their films.

Eugene McCarthy, a Democrat Senator from Oregon, tried to put a stop to this indoctrination, but was vilified by stupid people and the press, who believed that he was harming innocent people who were only trying to make a living.

It is to be noted that the Communists would never give up during the following years. They had one goal in mind and it would stay there until it was accomplished. A one world government under Communist dictatorship. Gotta admire them for their persistence.

FAST FORWARD TO TODAY. After over 50 years, they finally did it. It was a scene right out of Dr. Evil. The idea was to cripple all free countries with a fatal virus, a pandemic which they called Covid 19 or most commonly, The Coronavirus.

Enter Bill Gates, the ‘nazi’ billionaire whose life goal is to reduce the population of the earth by 10-15%. His father was a eugenicist and president of Planned Parenthood, according to the newsletter of Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. There would be no less than 162,000 people eliminated every day.

Gates who thinks he is the leader of our country, while heads of state indulge him, intends to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth which will put billions of dollars in the pockets of vaccine investors (like himself). What is incredible, Gates is actually giving the orders to our country today.

Gates also is ready, yes ready now, to put a chip in every human being on earth that contains every bit of information about each one. You will only be able to buy and sell if you have that chip. The Bible talks about this in Revelation 13: 16-18 identifying this individual as 666. Bill Gates is being used to fulfill this prophecy.

Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci met and immediately found common ground. There is only one way to take over a country. First wreck their economic system while weakening them as a people. Bill Gates gave $1.3 million to Dr. Fauci to go and give that to the Wuhan Lab in China. That money was to be used to create a virus that would cripple the world and then release it.

Again, this was. and is. a man-made virus. It did not just happen. The communists have worked for years to figure out how to put the entire world under their domination. If experts were to examine that virus closely, they will find some man-made elements within it which one would not find in a natural pandemic.

One thing the Communists hate and fear most are the churches. They decided at the beginning, that to take over America they would first have to destroy the churches and Christianity itself. Indeed it became known that the only country standing in the way of this planned ‘one world order’ is the United States of America. Why? Because a genuine Christian mind cannot be enslaved.

That problem prevented the One World Order since America could not be a part of it due to their minds belonging to God. Meanwhile, the Chinese military was bulldozing churches in China and they tore down every cross that was seen in the cities. Notice that now there is a particular emphasis on shutting down the churches of America.

This pandemic has allowed the communists to rule our country virtually and to say who and what can function during this pandemic that they created and released. They immediately began to sabotage the churches, for our own good, doncha know. They now tell us who can go where, who they can talk to, where they can work, when they can work and even where they live. And it is in America that this outrage is now taking place due to the pandemic they created. Our politicians are seemingly going along with it.

The Communists, through our politicians then skillfully began to give the orders of when or IF we can go back to work. They ordered all public businesses to shut down–which otherwise would help spread the virus say they. It took a lot of time and patience but with this germ warfare they created, which is a declaration of war, they now give all the orders as to where you can come or go, who you can see or talk to, and where you can work. They now are literally in charge of the world.

The above orders now apply to the United States, our country, thanks to the pandemic they created and released.

It was bound to come, so here we are. Now what are we going to do about it?

Not sure of the answer, Liza Hart, who has been spotlighted twice in my column as ‘The Female Einstein who took part in the Space Program and has created medical devices that have basically saved lives emailed me her thoughts:

She sent me this answer: Why has all this been going on in America? Not much has changed since King Solomon’s time . The answer is the same!

“And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, who brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshiped them, and served them: therefore has he brought all this evil upon them.” — 2 Chronicles 7:22 (KJ2000)

America has forsaken God who made it great in the first place. The only way to truly make America great again is to come back to God!

“If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” — 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJ2000)

Thank you Ms. Liza. I think you have something here.

To see a story on her, click this link.


Photo Caption: Welcome to Communism

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

While Anarchists Fail, Americans Prevail

Joan Swirsky

On Christmas Eve in 2009, 60 Senate Democrats cast their final votes to approve Obamacare, which was finally voted on again by the House and enacted into law on March 23, 2010. It was only two months into Barack Obama’s first term when they magically produced the exhaustively detailed, 2,300-page bill. But it turns out it wasn’t magic.

The leftists in Congress (Democrats all) had been working on their long-yearned-for Socialized Medicine for decades, just as they’ve worked––even harder––for the past four years to topple candidate and then President Donald J. Trump, who has so far succeeded in overturning, reforming, even eviscerating just about everything liberals/leftists/regressives have fought for, given money to, taught their children, and voted for over the past 60 years.

What we’ve learned from their treachery is that Democrats always have backup plans, contingency strategies waiting in the wings, almost as if they are counting on failure.


Plan A was to utilize all the seditious and traitorous bad actors Barack Obama had put into the highest positions of Justice, State, Intelligence, et al––the FBI, the CIA, the DNI, the DOJ, on and on—in order to fabricate malicious stories about the president, wiretap his phones, enact sting operations on his advisers, and enlist the fake-news media to prove that candidate and then President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election.

Result: Failure.

Plan B was to flood the airwaves––and the country––with the framing of the president’s first choice as National Security Advisor, Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, by 37 (and counting) crooked Obama Officials. In May 2020, the Justice Department dropped all charges against Flynn, but a leftist federal court judge has placed the matter on hold leading to the speculation that he is hoping that a Biden Justice Dept. will revive it. Nevertheless….

Result: Failure

Plan C was to enlist lawyer Michael Avenetti to claim that his client, call girl Stormy Daniels, had an affair with the president, a claim she has since denied –– “it never happened.” Once again the anti-Trump forces relied on the craven fake-news media to lend the accusation credibility.

Result: Failure.

Plan D was to accuse the president of asking the Ukrainian president to look into the corruption of Presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter when Biden was VP of the U.S., a travesty that Patricia McCarthy spells out extensively, concluding, “If anyone needed to be impeached, it was virtually all of the top dogs of the Obama administration: Holder, Lynch, Rice, Power, Comey, McCabe, et al. and of course Biden as well.”

Result: Failure

Plan E was to impeach the president, supposedly for the same call to the Ukrainian president, an effort historian Victor Davis Hanson calls a coup that relied on at least 10 false premises, including phony whistleblowers who relied on “secondhand water-cooler gossip;” no finding by a special counsel of any felony, collusion or obstruction; the absence of bipartisan support; no high crimes or misdemeanors; the chronic lying of “hyper-partisan” prosecutor Cong. Adam Schiff, et al. This perversion of justice began on Jan. 16, 2020 and concluded on Feb. 5, 2020 with the president’s total acquittal.

Result: Failure

All these crashing failures were designed to be smashing successes that resulted in the removal of President Trump from office. But as I’ve both said and written on many occasions, Democrats are simply not that smart.


Just as the impeachment failure was ending in February, whaddaya know? March indeed came in like a lion with the Chinese virus aka Covid-19. And there, front and center, ostensibly helping the president through this crisis, were old-time leftists Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx, significantly concealing their affiliations with the vaccine fetishist Bill Gates and The Clinton Foundation. Check it out here and here.

In addition to citing doomsday mortality numbers that never materialized, their prescription for “flattening the curve” was a virtual shutdown of America:

  • Mandatory sheltering in place,
  • Closing non-essential businesses––except for the gay swingers’ clubs that Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer deemed highly essential,
  • Non-negotiable requirement to wear masks and gloves,
  • Closing all pre-schools to universities,
  • Shutting down all entertainment, sports, restaurants, parks, et al,
  • Forbidding the attendance at any house of worship
  • Cessation of all elective surgeries,
  • Closing of all airports, on and on.

Quick question: Why was there not one micro-question from any media outlet about Bill Gates’ deep involvement with the Netflix docuseries PANDEMIC, which debuted January 22, 2020, right before the Chinese virus hit?

Result: Failure

Plan F is what I call the mini-Martial Law we’ve experienced as a result of the corona virus, sort of a dress rehearsal for what the deranged and depressed Democrats still had left in their Depose-Trump, Destroy-America arsenal. Suffice it to say that the attempt by the Doctors of Doom to shut down America and destroy its economy earned the following evaluation:

Result: Failure


As the country began to open up and the Stock Market started to zoom upward, and as it became crystal clear to even the most rabid partisan that Joe Biden’s cognitive impairment was worsening, Democrat desperation––as evidenced by the irrational behavior and statements of their bought-and-paid-for media whores––escalated precipitously. No one who follows this circus should be surprised at what followed.

Plan G was the well-orchestrated plan––in the works for decades––either to create a false-flag incident that would mobilize radical left wing forces to wreak their typically destructive havoc, or a genuine incident that would inspire outrage and anger from the entire public and political spectrum.

That incident took place on May 25, 2020, when 46-year-old George Floyd from Minneapolis, MN, a black man accused of passing a counterfeit $20 bill, was handcuffed and thrown face down to the ground while white police officer Derek Chauvin––who had 18 complaints against him––pressed his knee to Floyd’s neck, cutting off circulation to his carotid artery while Floyd gasped “I can’t breathe” and pleaded for his life. All this while two other officers helped to restrain Floyd and a fourth stopped onlookers from intervening.

The claim, of course, was that this was a direct result of the systemic racism of police departments throughout the U.S., an accusation writer Heather MacDonald thoroughly disproves. “For the record,” she states, “based on 2019 statistics, the chance of an unarmed black being killed by police is about 1 in every 4 million. There were 10 such incidents in 2019, and as many as half of these involved attacks on police or resisting arrest.”

Quick question: Where is the TIME magazine Person of the Year cover for the individual who took the iPhone video of this incident? Where is the nomination for this person to receive the Nobel Prize? Where are the non-stop lionizing interviews on TV?

What followed is the anarchy and chaos of the last several days and nights with the brazenly anti-American,anti-Semitic and racist Antifa and Black Lives Matter rampaging through American cities and suburbs, destroying businesses, stealing multi millions of dollars of goods, burning cars, defacing monuments, shooting people, throwing the Molotov cocktails and bricks left for them in strategic spots by their fellow thugs, and generally giving the world an up-close, three-dimensional picture of what clinicians call sociopaths and psychopaths.

To me, the entire spectacle has the distinctly noxious whiff of Barack Obama’s Organizing for Action, as spelled out by writer Scott S. Powell, who explains that, “The modus operandi of OFA comes right out of Obama’s support and sympathy for Marxism and his background as a left-wing community organizer. It’s a combination of agitation and propaganda––much like old-style Soviet agitprop, and Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. For Alinsky, the rules start with an ends-justifies-the- means quest for power, which can entail lawbreaking, deception, and concealing the true revolutionary agenda…”

Powell quotes Paul Sperry who presciently wrote in the New York Post: “Obama has an army of agitators––numbering more than 30,000––who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency…and command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.”

“His OFA Washington HQ is now the nerve center that coordinates 250 offices nationwide,” Sperry continued, “which together with its Chicago-based sister organization, the Community Organizing Institute (COI), are planning to facilitate the “training [of] more than 2 million youths in Alinsky street tactics” and carry out plans “to stage 400 rallies across 42 states to attack Trump and Republicans over ObamaCare’s repeal.”

From the looks of things today, it’d clear that they put Obamacare aside for the bigger fish of national chaos and destruction.

It took a few days to coordinate pushback from the White House, but now it is apparent that the rampant thuggery is almost under control––except in the epicenter of horrific leadership, New York City and New York State. In most other places, people are exulting as more and more stores and restaurants open for business, as neighbors pitch in to repair the anarchists’ damage, and as the Stock Market continues a steady climb. Of this plan, too, it can be said:

Result: Failure


It was a good thing that the anxiety this uproar called kept people riveted to their TVs for over a week. It meant that millions upon millions of people throughout the U.S. were actual eye-witnesses to the acting-out behavior, destructive impulses, and arrogant attitudes they teach their children never to evince or emulate.

And they all realized that every single politician supporting this thuggery––EVERY.SINGLE.ONE––was a Democrat! It was a guide to tell them who NEVER to vote for in November.

With a Republican White House, Senate and House, President Trump will bring Americans the prosperity, jobs, infrastructure, foreign-policy pacts, and 21st century marvels of innovation they deserve! Unlike the pitiful record of chronic failure the Democrats have produced, we will once again be able to say:

Result: Success!

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

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Exploiting George Floyd’s Death

Lloyd Marcus

99.9% of our American family is saddened and outraged over the wrongful death of George Floyd. We want the responsible police officer prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

And yet, rather than bringing our nation together, fake news media and Democrats are excitedly throwing gasoline on the flames of racial hate and division. Their message is America is still a hellhole of racism in which blacks are routinely murdered by whites and police. Blacks must continue voting for Democrats to keep racist white America at bay.

As expected, Democrats and fake news media are absurdly blaming Trump for Floyd’s death. These vile human beings in the media will say anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a racist complicit in Floyd’s death. Minneapolis rioters chanted, “Kill the white folks.”

The mayor of Minneapolis absurdly said the riots and looting in response to Floyd’s death are justifiable because they represent 400 years of pent-up black rage. That is such a crock of pandering leftist nonsense. The rioters are nothing more than paid domestic terrorists and ghetto-trash exploiting the incident to go on an illegal shopping spree.

The vast majority of the rioters wreaking havoc have never experienced an ounce of racism in their entire lives. Americans have been trained to know they better kiss blacks’ derrieres at every opportunity or suffer crucifixion by Democrats and fake news media. For crying out loud, beginning in kindergarten, leftist controlled public schools teach white students that they were born racist scum.  Therefore, all whites must feel forever guilty, apologetic, and accommodating to blacks.

The dirty little secret is Democrats love creating race-based crisis because it allows them an opportunity to demand more sure-to-fail Ga-zillion dollar government-fix-it-programs which end up fattening Democrat pockets. Along with selling their lie that America sucks, Democrats believe spreading racial hate and division wins them votes.

When I speak of ghetto trash I am not referring to poor people. I was raised in an all-black 11 story high-rise government project in Baltimore Maryland. Grateful residents kept their apartments immaculate. Other residents were trifling ghetto trash with zero respect for the brand new building, taking every opportunity to destroy it. I was around 9 years old. Everyone told me everything wrong was always the white man’s fault. I said, “How can we stop mean white people from sneaking into our building at night; breaking the elevators, smashing liquor bottles, breaking light blobs, and urinating in the stairwells?”

Democrats are all over TV exploiting Floyd’s death to falsely claim that blacks are routinely persecuted today the way they were in the 1950s. Democrats and fake news media are behaving as if 8 years of America’s first black president never happened.

Sadly, the behavior of one bad cop, helps Democrats and fake news media demonize all cops. Data confirms that cops are the greatest defenders of black lives.

In truth, the greatest threat to black lives is other blacks. Democrats and fake news media remain dead silent about 30 to 40 blacks murdering each other every weekend in urban Democrat hellholes like Baltimore, Chicago, and Washington DC. Shouldn’t those black lives matter? Where are the outrage and anger?

Democrats and fake news media only care about black lives when it furthers their socialist/communist political agenda.

Democrats and fake news media literally worship Planned Parenthood which targets blacks for abortion. Black women make up only 14% of the country’s childbearing population. And yet, 36% of all aborted babies are black. Democrats and fake news media actually celebrate the death of aborted black babies. Clearly, they are saying black baby lives do not matter.

As a proud grateful American who happens to be black, it is appalling to witness Democrats and fake news media exploiting the tragic death of Mr. Floyd. They are stirring the pot of racial hate to instigate violence while disrespecting blacks as useful idiots.

Blacks have experienced unprecedented prosperity and historic low unemployment under Trump.  To separate black voters from Trump, insidiously evil Democrats will use Floyd’s death to outrageously say reelecting Trump will mean open season for police to murder blacks. As baseless and stupid as that sounds, it reflects Democrats’ low opinion of blacks. It is the sort of emotional brain-dead lie Democrats believe will win over easily deceived black voters.

© 2020 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd Spread the Truth

Is Free Speech Devolving Into A Relic Of Prior Days?

By Ron Edwards

My Dad and I used to have wonderful conversations about America being the land of the free and home of the brave.  Because of his desire for me to reap the full benefits of being an American He would often give me little pop quizzes on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Dad did not just leave it to teachers to instruct me about our nations sacred documents.  I thank God he took it upon himself to make sure I had a good understanding and appreciation of the wonders of what written gifts the Founding Fathers left for “We the People” to live by.  The first Amendment reminds us of our freedom of or from the exercise of religion.  It also recognizes the right of the people to peacefully protest and to express grievances to the government for changes.  But nowhere in the hallowed Bill of Rights is a provision for people to become cretins and destroy the businesses and homes of others, because they may be hot under the collar.

Today, we are witnessing an unprecedented level of domestic anarchy and terrorism.  The tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a rogue police officer gone to nutsville, played right into the hands of those who have been indoctrinated and preparing for many years to bring our republic to her knees.  The minions proclaiming to be enraged over injustice inflicted upon Mr. George was nothing more than a cover for their ongoing mission to carry out the Saul Alinsky, AliObama, Pelosi, General Mattis, etc. war against our exceptional nation way of life.  No one who desires a solution to any problem, purposefully only engages in action that only magnifies the horrors of the original problem.  Unless of course, their goal is destruction.  The protests/riots remind me of the American cancer Society, who’s spokespersons tell the world they are working feverishly to find a cure for cancer.  But in reality, the American Cancer Society takes in more money, puts forth lame and in some cases harmful to deadly solutions.  While at the same time along with their allies in big government and big pharma, preventing actual solutions from being utilized.  No matter how long stupid white people et on their knees and beg for forgiveness, it will never be enough.

It was truly heart breaking and embarrassing to see videos of hundreds of white people, stupidly begging for forgiveness in city parks across America to leftist blacks who don’t give a darn about them, their forgiveness, or this country. Both the leftist leaning blacks and their white antifa overlords are simply using the increasingly dummied down general white guilt ridden American population as useful idiots in the overall effort to disintegrate the pillars of and cohesiveness throughout society.

No matter what the subject matter, ranging from free speech, solving authentic racial and ethnic issues to equal opportunity for all, the left has always been allowed to foul things up.  Then they turn around and blame others for the problems. Like clockwork they make things much worse via so called solutions that only bring about destruction.  Do you really think that convincing hundreds of white Americans in a park to apologize for being white and white privilege, is a real solution to any real examples of racism?  In case you do not the correct answer, no it does not.  Now that I have made that point nice and clear, I just want to convince you my fellow American to please seek the truth on the issues affecting our nation.  Freedom of speech is not just for those on the political left despite their efforts to always shut down viewpoints that are not wicked like their own. Today through government school indoctrination, up to 58 percent of American college students prefer socialism/communism and would like to do away with all the building blocks that created all that has been good about our republic.

A great bulk of the black Americans you may have witnessed scurrying in and out of businesses throughout the republic via the media riotsare themselves the victims of bad upbringings, with no critical thinking skills.  Thus, they do not know right from wrong.  That is why on one hand they run around hating whitey, but then obediently follow the orders of the white Antifa paymasters.  They like many others are now asking for cities to cut police department budgets.  Of course, their Antifa overlords would love for there to be fewer police officers.  That is so they can be totally free to trample on the right of law abiding sovereign citizens to run their businesses and live in peace and tranquility.  Recently 700 thugs were arrested for mob violence and released because of bail reform that allows criminal cretins to be released right back on the streets to wreak havoc.  Leftist anti free speech militants in government or other leftist organizations also want to abolish your freedom of speech, unless of course you only utter what they want you to.

The great Samuel Adams wrote: The liberties of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.  We have received them as fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors ranging from the Founders to Frederick Douglas and Dr. Martin Luther King: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure of blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence.  It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrestled from us by violence without a struggle or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.  My fellow Americans, the time to reestablish and defend free speech and all of our God given Rights is now or never.  With God’s help we can arise from the rubble and once again be that shining city on a hill.  Let’s do it. God bless you God bless America and may America bless god.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards:


Heinz 57 Brand of Christianity In America Today

Coach Dave Daubenmire

It Is Time to Start Rowing

Look, I don’t know whether Donald Trump is a real Christian or not.

In fact, I don’t know if we are capable of determining what is in another person’s heart.  I see a lot of people do things that surprise me, especially when they identify as Christians.

That word, Christian, has become almost meaningless to me.  As someone who takes his faith very seriously I often find myself scratching my head over the Heinz 57 brand of Christianity that I see in America today.

Obama claimed to be a Christian and though I really didn’t believe him. I saw a lot of red flags in his confession.  But who am I to judge, right?  At least that is what I hear from many of my Christian friends.

GW Bush claimed to be “born again” and he got a lot of mileage with the Christian community out of that confession.  Who am I to judge, right?  He says he was a Christian, which should be good enough for me.

Bill Clinton was regularly seen attending church with a Bible under his arm.  His attendance increased after he was caught donging that women, Miss Lewinsky, in the oral orifice.  Who are we to judge, right?

Poppy Bush admitted he had never had a “road to Damascus experience” but he was a sorta Christian, except when he was promoting the New World Order.  I guess that was Christ-like trying to overthrow America as we knew it. After all, he was promoting a “thousand points of light.”

He would have been better of promoting THE LIGHT rather than trying to create a new worldly system.  But he was a “Christian”, so what right do I have to question that?

Jimmy Carter also was “born again” and a Sunday school teacher.  He initiated the hard slide left in this nation.   I’m a Christian, and of course Christians don’t judge.  So go Jimmy.

Let me be clear, not one of these “Christian” Presidents lifted a finger to protect the pre-born.  I guess fighting for innocent human life is no longer a requirement for a Christian.

So, I was a bit flummoxed when I saw that many “Christian leaders” were upset at President Trump when he used the Bible as a “prop” outside the fake-church full of fake-Christians at the recently torched St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House.  I think they were upset to see the President carrying a Bible.

Some of America’s churches and many of America’s pastors have never seen a Bible before.  They were shocked to see one…especially in public.

Why do so many Christians seem to hate President Trump?  Why are so many of our Christian leaders so judgmental of President Trump’s Christianity when they so cavalierly gave a pass to the fake-Christians who occupied the White House before the Trump family?

All of the sudden, it seems, Christians are now permitted to judge others at least when it comes to the Presidency.

Look, I don’t know whether Donald Trump’s name is written in the Lambs Book of Life or not, but I PERSONALLY trust him more than any other president in my lifetime.  We have the deep state today because Mssrs. Obama, Bush, Clinton, Carter, and Bush Sr. didn’t do a damn thing to stop the onslaught of evil in this nation.

Not one of them “drained the swamp.”  They filled it.  The government hacks destroying this nation were hired by the phony five who preceded President Trump.  I thank God every day that Hillary wasn’t elected.  God is merciful even when we don’t deserve it.

But here is the rub, at least from my point of view.

From the moment he was elected President, Trump has been a friend of the Christian Church.  He has done everything he could to invite the church to get involved in helping restore this nation.  He is the most Christian-friendly President in my lifetime.

But he is not “Christian-pure” enough for many of America’s pharisaical Christian leaders.  He offered to remove the Johnson Amendment, the muzzle that was placed on the pulpits by the IRS.  He has invited regular prayer teams into the oval office.  He has called for the teaching of the Bible in our schools.  He has defended the pre-born. He declared that churches were essential when they self-quarantined.  He has made Christianity legal again.  But he does not “act” Christian enough for some folks (aka fake Christians?).

America is in a battle for its very survival.  Christianity is clearly in the sights of the atheistic Left who have seized control of every institution in America.  President Trump was sending a message to the pulpits of America when he took the short stroll to church on Monday.  Christian America is burning and he needs the churches’ help in the battle for our nation.

America is crumbling because we have lost the influence of Christianity. There he stood, in front of that Leftist fake-church, and sent a message to America’s pulpits.  What was his message?

Permit me license to interpret what I think he was saying.

Please help me church.  I can’t fight this fight alone.  I am a flawed man.  I am President, not Pastor.  You know, and I know, that a return to the Bible is the only hope for this nation.  I stand here in front of this dead-church, Bible in hand, and appeal to America’s pulpits to please rise from the dead and help me in this great battle to save Christian America.  I can’t do it alone.  I need your help.  God needs you to rise to the occasion.  The future of America rests in the hands of the men in God’s house, not the White House.”

Why do we expect the President to fight for what the pulpits will not?  He has extended a hand asking for our help.  Please put down your stones and grab a paddle.

Where is the church?  The ship is sinking. Come out of hiding.  Now is the time to jump in their boats and start rowing.

Editors Note: Send this article far and wide, make it go viral. Thanks Coach. We at NWV love you.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

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My New Book is Out

by Lee Duigon

We’re still locked down, we’re being told “the masks are here to stay,” and this past weekend we had coast-to-coast riots. The Left snapped up the murder of George Floyd as if it were a gift-wrapped birthday present with their name on it.

Didn’t take long to bring this country to its knees, did it? Of course, certain people did work very hard to make it happen.

So what am I doing, publishing a fantasy novel at a time like this? A fantasy novel? You’ve got to be kidding.

“His Mercy Endureth Forever” is Book No. 12 of my “Bell Mountain” series, and it’s about… well, mercy. The mercy that everybody needs, which God holds out to those who seek Him—and even to those who don’t. Some receive mercy, but others turn away from it.

“Mercy” continues the story begun in the first book, “Bell Mountain,” when Jack and Ellayne climbed the mountain and rang the bell placed on its cloud-hidden summit two thousand years before. “Mercy” is now available from in Kindle format, along with its eleven predecessors. If you wait a little while, it’ll be in paperback, too.

But how can this possibly be a time for fantasy?

Obviously there were none of this past week’s mischiefs going on while I wrote the book. Our nation’s economy was flying high. We were working our way out of old wars without blundering into any new ones. What could go wrong?

Well, by now we all know what went wrong.

I like to say my books are guaranteed to be 100% free of current politics. Even liberals have been able to enjoy them. The characters who inhabit my fantasy world have their own politics to keep them busy, and I’m careful not to let any of ours seep in.

My characters live in a civilization poised between revival and destruction. They have heroes and villains, wise men and fools, great leaders who fail them and children, old women, slaves and ex-slaves, converted Heathen warriors, and reformed criminals who step into the breach and by the grace of God save their country—only to have to do it again. A slave boy has become their king, a former traitor heads their church, and a man who ran their capitol city’s gambling racket is now among their heads of government. They are all doing the best they can.

I have excluded “magic” and sorcery as ways to get things done. The heroes in this fantasy have no wizards they can call on to help them out of jams. They have to rely on faith, courage, and self-sacrifice, even as we do when the chips are down. Ultimately the dangers, the conflicts, and the issues that confront them are the same ones that have always confronted us. And that’s not fantasy.

So I’ve dispensed with wizards, know-it-all elves, invincible male and female warriors, and all those other clichés that burden so much of fantasy and make it tiresome. No buxom tavern wenches here: just ordinary men and women, boys and girls, who face extraordinary challenges. If that’s your cup of tea, drink up.

We can read or watch the nooze any time we please—although I’m not so sure it does much for us anymore. Does it actually “inform” us—in the sense of providing us with reliable, accurate information we can use to guide us toward a sane and responsible public policy? Or is it only meant to inflame us, and keep us waiting uneasily for another shoe to drop?

Fantasy can do much to keep us focused on what’s real, which it does by inviting us to view reality from a new and mostly symbolic vantage point—

And I’ve just seen a beautiful deer trot across my yard while I was writing this.

I think I’ll take it as a sign.

I’ve discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon:

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer:  Sheer Anarchy of This Moment in US History

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 7:  Anarchy, white privilege, black privilege, cops, riots, looting

You didn’t see this on the mainstream news, but it might surprise you.  In this ‘diversity- driven’ country, few people noted that the four officers who pinned George Floyd down to the ground included one Hispanic, one Asian, One Black and One White.  White privilege somehow became the main driver for anarchy, looting, destruction of national monuments, shooting cops and a host of other lawless activities in 75 cities across America.  But four ethnic groups pinned George Floyd down to the ground!

Today, we see an endless line of young Americans proposing socialism as the answer to America’s unequal financial problems.  More of them endorse defunding all police forces.  The Antifa groups mandate no government, no property and no laws or borders. In other words, they push for complete breakdown of the United States and her borders.

How did we inherit so many stupid, violent, if not completely illiterate youth in this country since 1970?  What happened to the parents while raising such a spoiled bunch of brats with no understanding of what a Constitutional Republic requires to maintain itself?

One responder gave a few thoughts on how we got this far, this fast and with such violence:

Yes, we have become too lazy to fight anymore.  We have bred two generations of selfish brats who never had to really ‘want’ for anything or more important ‘need’ for anything.  They have their internet with instant gratification, where you can create this fake little world and make yourself the king or queen of it, and your constituents shower you daily with ‘Likes’ to prove what an awesome king you are!!!

Kids today never really had to work lousy jobs all summer to get that new I- phone, or Nike’s or whatever.  Mommy and Daddy either gave it to them, or they stole it, and mommy and daddy are too sorry and busy with their own little I love me world, to notice the new shoes that they did NOT buy and ask, “where did you get those from and how?”  You tell them they don’t have to listen to authority if they do not want to, and can do whatever they want with no repercussions.

Because repercussions generally mean that YOU have to get involved in whatever their little problem is this week, and you really don’t have the time to do that now do you?  “FakeBook” takes many hours a day to keep those status updates flowing.  The damned kids need to leave you alone already, there’s an empty spot on your ‘I Love Me’ wall and you know just the picture to fill it with!  (Please note as to the ‘stole it’ part of his essay.  An average of $25 million of retail goods are shoplifted out of mercantile shops every day of the year in the United States. It totaled over $44 billion in 2019.  We all pay for it in higher prices.)

There’s no pride anymore, except in one’s self and ONLY one’s self.  There is no patriotism, no sense of civic duty. [Less than ½ of 1 percent serve in the US military.] I’ll video this person dying, maybe I can be first to post it online and get the most of those coveted ‘likes’ for it… instead of actually putting the phone down and helping the person out.  Orrrrr… Better yet, if there are enough other people filming, I’ll throw a huge tantrum or otherwise make a complete ass out of myself and it can go VIRAL!!!!  The holy grail of the attention starved.

The illegals, yes that is the most destructive thing we have.  They used to come here to start a new life.  Now they come for the free handouts our politicians give to them, in return for votes to keep them in power.  It’s not just the illegals, the Liberals are doing pretty much the same thing, they destroy their states, cry about it, move to a Conservative state where life is better, and bring their sickness with them. [Look at what happened to Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, LA, Chicago, San Francisco and now, Seattle. They’re all creating slums and welfare states.]

A civil war is not going to fix it, because the moment we start fixing our own little problem, the rest of the globalist world who hates what remains of us who remember the good ole days, will step in and try to wreak havoc to bring us all down.  As they have for the past countless years.  A world war might, but we no longer have countries who at least have some sort of sense of self-preservation, i.e. the Chinese, Russians, and Americans, etc., are NOT going to nuke each other because we all know that end game is a losing one for everyone.  Now we have savages with nukes who think it’s glorious to die for one’s god and take as many with them as they can.  What can go wrong there?  (North Korea, Pakistan, Iran)

The world needs a pandemic, a REAL one that wipes out about 95 percent of the population, and indiscriminately just wipes them out.  The very few left will have to learn how to get along to go along.  Otherwise we are just going to become another ‘civilization’ that has come and gone, the Incas, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Romans, and so on.  Maybe the entire species will die out again.  The Neanderthal’s did, that other ones did (Cro-Magnons), next will be Homo Sapiens.  About 100,000 years from now, the cockroach, the now dominant species, will find an ancient twinkie, eat it, mutate, and the cycle begins once again.

You don’t cure cancer by putting a Band-Aid on it and wait for it to heal, you have to destroy it before it destroys you.  Our current leadership throughout pretty much the entire system – the entire world, is a cancer.  Sometimes by the time you find out you have cancer, the doctor shrugs and says it’s Stage 4, “I’m sorry.”  The savages will take over due to our apathy, destroy us, eventually themselves, and God will press the reset button and go grab a drink, take a leak and start another round.  Hey God, bring me another beer will ya?  Thanks, dude.

Aaron, the writer of this essay, pretty well nailed his frustrations onto the wall. 

How about you?  Do you have any answers to solving “white privilege” in America?  Is that term a legitimate branding to blame White people for all Black peoples’ problems?  Is it White peoples’ faults that 7 out of 10 Black babies are born out of wedlock and into welfare for life?  What about Black high school 50 percent dropout rates?  With over ½ of all 2.4 million prisoners across the USA being Black, are their crimes caused by White people?  Whose fault is that?  Why did the George Floyd event condemn all White Americans?  The gay black host of CNN said that all White men were the terrorists in America.  How could he get away with such a racist statement?  Well, he’s Black, so does he enjoy “Black privilege”?

Is there any single solution that might save America from further racial conflict in the future?  Or several?  What are your thoughts?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Why No Protests or Riots Over the Death of Jeffrey Epstein?

By Cliff Kincaid

In the Michael Brown case, we were told that a white cop killed a black man for no reason. That was a lie. Brown, high on marijuana, lunged for the cop’s gun and got shot in the process. In the George Floyd case, we were told he was just minding his own business passing counterfeit currency when he was killed with the knee of a white cop on his neck. We now know he was using meth and fentanyl. Protests and riots broke out. Meanwhile, pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his network of elites rest in peace.

The medical examiner’s report shows Floyd was using meth and fentanyl, while the Minneapolis police union chief notes Floyd had a long criminal history that included cocaine and robbery. The report indicates that the drugs in his system were a factor in his death. It was truly unfortunate and sad. Perpetrators should not be dying in police custody. But Jeffrey Epstein died in the custody of the police, in this case prison guards, too. Yet, the political left doesn’t seem to want to hold those responsible for his convenient death legally accountable. Does that have something to do with his connections to such institutions as Harvard, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Bill Clinton? Or is it because their 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden has been accused of sexual assault and a race war is a distraction?

Some accounts of the George Floyd incident suggest he may have been in custody and escaped from the police car before being cornered by the cops and subdued. All of this will come out in the trial of the police officer. Perhaps the cop ultimately went too far, in using a knee on his neck, but this does not seem to be deliberate murder and it is a police procedure that has been used to keep a potentially violent criminal from attacking the cops. In this case, the cop may have suspected he was high on drugs, some of which can provoke frenzied and aggressive behavior by the perp. Meth can cause people to stop breathing and suffer heart attacks and strokes.  That can mean death, the outcome in this case.

Strangely, there has been no follow-up regarding the death in federal custody of Jeffrey Epstein, the pedophile with high-powered connections to those who run our political establishment. The story they want you to believe is that the prison guards were asleep when Epstein hung himself using sheets by constructing a hangman’s noose.

We are supposed to believe that his federal prison guards just didn’t notice that their Big Money inmate was in the process of killing himself with bed sheets.

How convenient for the George Floyd case to now arrive on the scene, to help make us forget about Epstein’s light sentence for child trafficking and the politicians who associated with him and the lawyers popular on the Fox News channel who helped him escape serious penalties in the first place? Some on the left AND the right seem to have an interest in this scandal going away.

The scandalous handling of the Epstein case has been forgotten as our attention has shifted to the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, as marauding bands of communists inspired by Mao kill people, including cops, and lay siege to many of our major Democrat-run cities. Trump’s threat to call out the military to restore order has been undermined by his own Secretary Of Defense.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Epstein’s murder is the subject of a four-part Netflix series “Filthy Rich” that only touches the surface of his operation of an international child sex trafficking ring. Where are the demonstrations in the streets calling for justice in this case? They don’t happen because they don’t serve the interests of members of the political establishment. There are too many powerful people in America who want the Epstein case buried. Some are connected to Bill Clinton. Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago after learning that he sought a young girl for purposes of prostitution.

America has been played over and over again by the race war agitators eager to burn down America, and it is happening again, for obvious political purposes. The police union chief, Bob Kroll, says Minneapolis has been a hot bed for “terrorist” elements for some time, and that liberal officials have failed to buttress the ranks of the police to deal with the growing problem of lawlessness. He says a request for 400 more officers was rejected by the powers that be, and the money was instead diverted to “community activists with an anti-police agenda.”

Now, jumping into the mix, some outfit called the Minnesota Department of Human Rights is launching an investigation into the Minneapolis Police Department for “discriminatory” actions. That’s typical. The lynching in this case will be of white police officers. The situation on the ground will get worse, as criminals arrested for rioting will be released when a second wave of coronavirus hits.

This railroad of racial “justice” is designed to rev up the black base to get Joe Biden elected president. The Democrats know Biden is uninspiring and barely able to talk coherently and function. He was propped him up before a teleprompter on Tuesday to lecture America for 20 minutes about racism. Here was a guy who co-sponsored every major piece of pro-cop or anti-drug legislation over the last 20 years and now he is sounding like a bleeding-heart liberal who will somehow restore law and order by giving blacks reparations. The deception is carefully coordinated.

Biden is as believable as the claim that Epstein hung himself after jumping off a bunk bed in a heavily guarded jail cell.

None of this seems to matter much anymore, as the Party of Socialism and Liberation is predicting a long hot summer of racial unrest. This communist group is playing into Biden’s hands by changing the subject away from Biden’s sexual behavior and that of Epstein’s close friend Bill Clinton.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

The Bible Won’t Save Us, Only Brute Force Will

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump emerged from his White House bunker on Monday night to give a short speech and then travel to a burned-out church just a block away. He made sure that the police and the military cleared a path for him. Then he held up a Bible. He should have held up a copy of the Constitution, with the Second Amendment highlighted in red.

The government won’t save you or your property. You have to save yourself.

Millions of Americans don’t have personal body guards, in the form of the Secret Service, and can’t call on the military to use pepper spray and tear gas against rioters down the street.

In the middle of a civil war, Trump holds up a Bible, as if it can repel invaders that vandalized some of our nation’s greatest monuments in Washington, D.C. It was too late. The damage was done.

Trump promised to get tough, but that night the communists were out in force again in many different cities.

Tucker Carlson of Fox News gave an eloquent speech on Monday night, taking “conservative” leaders to task, such as Mike Pence, Nikki Haley and Kay Coles James of the Heritage Foundation, for feeding the fires of rage and failing to advocate action to take out the killers on our streets.

He didn’t spare Trump, saying, “For people who voted for Donald Trump, who support his policies, who have defended him for years against the most absurd kinds of slander, this was a distressing moment.”

What is it going to take for Trump to realize that the liberal mayors and governors don’t want the riots to stop?

“Pride Was a Riot” was the title of an email sent out on Monday by the LGBTQ Victory Fund, dedicated to making sexual perversion mainstream and getting trans candidates elected. The term “pride” now refers to homosexuals demanding their rights, even rioting to do so. The group said, “…remember that the first Pride was a riot. The modern LGBTQ civil rights movement was born when Black and Brown trans women had enough.”

As noted by Carlson, the Fairfax County Democratic Committee in Virginia had released a statement that “Riots are an integral part of this country’s march towards progress.” The rest of the statement was that “When President Obama included the Stonewall Riots in his 2nd inaugural, he didn’t make that decision lightly.”

Barack Hussein Obama celebrated the 1969 homosexual riots at a seedy Mafia-run bar known as the Stonewall Inn in New York City. Several police officers trying to enforce the law at the sleazy establishment were injured by violent homosexuals.

Obama, whose childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a bi-sexual drug-using communist, said that “…the riots at Stonewall gave way to protests, and protests gave way to a movement, and the movement gave way to a transformation that continues to this day.” They attacked the police and destroyed property. That’s what’s going on now.

So-called “Pride” is in fact a template for the George Floyd riots.

Perhaps the reason Trump hasn’t yet deployed “dominating” force against the rioters and looters is that too many in the Armed Forces and the police forces of the United States are on the other side of this civil war. Just like our intelligence community, those who are supposed to defend us have been infiltrated.

If it were not for the coronavirus, the Pentagon would be physically hosting another “Gay Pride Month” event this month. Which means that ordinary Americans can’t depend on our military or the police to defend us. We certainly can’t depend on governors and mayors.

Prior to his photo-op with the Bible at the burned-out church, Trump gave a few remarks, such as that he will defend the Second Amendment. “I am mobilizing all available federal resources — civilian and military — to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson, and to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights,” he said.

Those are nice words. But Trump should have gone further, encouraging people to arm themselves and quickly.

Dr. Miguel A. Faria told this columnist, “The destructive riots and looting in Minneapolis, including the burning down of a police station, underscore the need for citizens to be prepare to protect their businesses, homes, and families. Rioters are marauding and destructive thugs who will use any pretext to destroy, rob, and even kill defenseless people. The fact is police cannot be everywhere to protect us. As these violent riots demonstrate, they cannot even protect their own police station! For the protection of businesses as well as home defense, especially during any national emergency, the only reliable method is the firearm, the great equalizer!”

His recently released book, America, Guns, and Freedom: A Journey Into Politics and the Public Health & Gun Control Movements, is an exhaustive look at the forces that are determined to disarm the citizens of America. One of his many insights concerns how liberal politicians and the public health establishment work together to deny our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

We are seeing some strange things in America. The same governors and mayors who locked down law-abiding citizens during coronavirus are now refusing to protect them and their businesses against looters and rioters.

Facing a civil war that is accelerating, Trump cleared the streets around his house and walked to a church to hold up a Bible. That’s not good enough.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid:

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Corrupt Government, Corrupt Media and Corrupt Academia Are Your Enemies

By Ron Ewart

As most of you know, we have been writing weekly articles about the issues that face America and Americans for 14 years, from the perspective of a conservative.  We’ve covered many subjects that directly affect Americans in those 14 years.  Over that time period we have become acutely aware of just how divided America really is and how that very division stops us from fixing the serious and vexing problems we face.  Americans seem to be hopelessly divided by race, age, gender, religion and rich and poor, while the government profits and gains more power from our divisions and manipulates us like puppets as they are doing now with the Coronavirus.

In analyzing where those divisions came from, we keep coming back to the government.  Because of direct government actions of parceling out money and services to different constituent groups, paid for from the public treasury or borrowed money, those groups have become divided among themselves, each fighting the other over the “spoils” of government largess.  Those “spoils” are exchanged for votes by government to keep them in power.

From Social Security, to welfare, to Medicare, to Medicaid, to health care, to money, to food, to water, to land, the environment and to energy, we are at the government’s mercy.  Now with Obama care, they have us literally by the throat, because if government controls the payment of your health care, they can control your behavior, your habits and your life and even whether you live or die ….. simply by passing laws, or promulgating bureaucratic rules.

Since the middle 1930’s we have been given government social security numbers to implement social security that was purely designed to make people dependent on government in their senior years, in exchange for their votes.  Social Security is so ingrained in the culture that any politician who dares to utter the words, “we must reform Social Security” will lose his or her political career almost overnight. Now, everyone you do business with wants your once-private social security number for identification purposes, or to track you if you don’t pay them.  How did that happen?

Our private health records are now on some government computer mainframe, subject to scrutiny by the government or the IRS.  How soon will it be before we are given a national ID card, allegedly to tell who is a legal American and who is not.  We won’t be able to travel anywhere without that national ID card, making us that much more dependent on the federal government.  (NOTE: The national ID card will not solve the illegal immigration problem and neither will amnesty.)

We are already subjected to humiliating pat downs by government police agents at the nation’s airports for so-called national security.  How close are we before we are required by government to insert RFID chips under our skin for further identification, while illegal aliens and terrorists hide in the shadows and under the radar?  That’s called “tagging” and it is what they do to animals.  Are you an animal?   Do you still think that government is your friend?

Government always punishes the law abiding with new laws that restrict more and more of our freedom, by telling us that it is for our own good, or our own safety, or our own welfare, or to catch the bad guys.  Meanwhile, tens of thousands of prisoners are let out of jail because of the virus and looters and arsonists are never arrested or prosecuted.

Government has been and is now pushing for gun control on law-abiding citizens that will have no effect whatsoever on gun crime or school, theater, or shopping mall massacres.  It is estimated that there are already 20,000 gun laws on the books. In contrast, there are at least 300,000,000 guns in circulation and the bad guys and the insane are going to get guns in spite of 20,000 gun laws.

So ladies and gentlemen, it follows that if the American people are divided, and they are, the government will exploit the people’s divisions to increase their power over the people, by pitting the people against each other.  Racism is their greatest wedge to get us to attack one another as we have seen recently in the violent riots happening in major cities around the country.   Racism is further stoked by the news media.  They are the carriers of the racism disease and they profit handsomely when cities come apart in senseless violence, as they are now over the death of a black man in Minneapolis.  There are no riots when police kill a white man.

The three branches of the government and the bureaucracies they create, are in collusion with central bankers, corporations, unions, special interest groups and the Democrat Party and have been exploiting the American people for at least the last 8 to 10 decades, if not longer.  To give you an idea of how long this has been going on, the following is a portion of a purported conversation that Edward M. House had with then President Woodrow Wilson.  House was a foreign policy advisor to Wilson:

“Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

This single paragraph, voiced over 100 years ago, describes the actual condition that all Americans find themselves in today and reflects the devious mindset of those in government who are Hell bent on absolute control over all the people.  It should scare the crap out of anyone that reads it.

The trouble is, the people don’t even know it, as Mr. House stated.  Your property and the fruits of your labor are nothing more than collateral for the ever-rising government debt and your social security number, issued by the government, is the loan number for your portion of the debt ….. while government lets you live.

The only people in America who think that government is their friend are those Americans who are living off the sweat, blood and tears of productive Americans, sanctioned by government. (that’s 106 million non-producing people paid by 88 million producing people)  The rest of us would just like to be left alone by government, to go on about our lives, our work, raising our children and taking a vacation now then, without government taking a huge percentage of our money in taxes, peeking into our bedrooms and regulating us to death.  The Revolutionary War was triggered by far less regulations than Americans are facing now.

And it’s not just the federal government that has become arrogant, abusive and all-powerful.  Local and state government reflect what comes out of the Federal government and they too have become arrogant and abusive.  We could tell you story after story where this is the case.  Look what the governors and mayors are doing to lock people up in their homes to allegedly protect them from the Coronavirus when the virus is not much more deadly than the common flu.

The fact is, if you are a hard working, law abiding, productive American, liberal, conservative, or independent, we guarantee you that government is not your friend.  It is in fact your enemy that will steal from you (taxes) to pay off their “friends” in exchange for their votes.  The trouble is, we are so busy fighting with each other, egged on by government, we can’t see that government has become American’s sworn domestic enemy.

By slow, insidious maneuvering of the law by government over the last 100 years and buying off the people with their own money, we have become virtual slaves in our own land because government has divided us into constituency groups that fight with each other instead of fighting the real enemy ….. government!

The news media and academia are not your friends either.  They just climbed into bed with liberal government.  They lie just like government lies.  Do you think corporations and unions are your friends?  Think again.  They have also climbed into bed with government and they are after your money even if they have to lie to get it.  Do you think Hollywood is your friend?  Hardly!

We can quote all we want from the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, or great justices of the Supreme Court about liberty, our unalienable rights and justice, but these quotes are just so much hot air.  Do you think that the Democrats care one whit about what the Founding Fathers said? Today’s politicians don’t care about the way it was or the principles of freedom.  They love the way it is because they are in absolute control of the masses and they are getting filthy rich in the process.  That is why they are the enemy.

What we have in America today is what we have, whose ever fault it is.  If individual, God-given rights are ever to be re-established, as was the vision of its Founders, the American people have three choices, either re-claim freedom by peaceful means, or by force, or be content to be government slaves.  Since force is somewhat problematic because of the great disparity in weapons between the people and the government, we are left with only peaceful means, that is if we weren’t so divided.  But you can take this to the bank.  If we don’t start treating government like the enemy it is, there is no hope of ever re-claiming anything.

But why do we keep repeating ourselves in article after article when so few are listening?

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

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How Many Politicians Have Been Arrested Over The Last 6 Weeks FOR Violating The US Constitution?

Bradlee Dean

Americans Have It Backwards: How Many Politicians Have Been Arrested Over The Last 6 Weeks FOR Violating The US Constitution? On The Other Hand… How Many Americans Have Been Arrested For Standing For It?

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. -Article 2, Section 4 US Constitution

Scripture tells us:

“For rulers (representatives) are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. … For he is the minister of God to thee for good.” -Romans 13:3-4

Yet, what happens when they turn out to be in a position of doing the evil rather than good? This is what is happening, and has been happening for decades in this country.

We have seen churches being unlawfully closed, congregationalists fined, pastors arrested, as well as tattoo artists and mothers bringing their children to the park, planned parenthood protesters and beachgoers arrested, barbers being arrested and then stripped of their licenses for going back to work, etc…(2 Thessalonians 3:10). We even watched police-SWAT use a tank and assault weapons against a mother for protecting her child from the CPS-State forced medications.

Then we have these same power-hungry overreaching governors and mayors offer money to those who will snitch on their neighbors (Mark 13:12).

They have been indoctrinating the American people as to how to communicate like Adolph Hitler’s political prisoners under the Third Reich. The list goes on and on…

These are the things that good government should be discouraging, not encouraging especially when it is all premised on a criminal fraud that is being perpetrated on a global scale today.

Recently, Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago came out in a frontal unconstitutional attack against the very people that she is to serve.  Does this look and act like American government to you?


People in this country need come to terms with the fact that these people, many of them have forgotten where they came from (1 Timothy 3:6), do not understand you and me. Many of these said representatives believe that they are above the law and they act accordingly (Isaiah 14:12-14) and must be brought into check with the laws that they are to uphold. Then again, look to what many of these corrupt politicians feed upon (John 8:23, 44)


Just yesterday, there was an interview between the corrupt on both unconstitutional sides of the US Constitution in the mainstream media talking of how the current administration is taking in hand the corruptions going on in a foreign country, and all the while, the American people are under attack by the same administration that claims to be protecting a foreign country from foreign corruptions (Daniel 9:7).


When you go to Romans 12:21, you can see that this verse proceeds Romans 13. It states that we are not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil by doing good. It is time to set the record straight here as to who it is that needs to be arrested.


In conclusion: This was the ruling of the United States Supreme Court shortly after the “civil war” in Exparte Milligan, 71 U.S., which you can make applicable today concerning the issues that we now face.

Neither the legislature nor any executive or judicial officer may disregard the provisions of the constitution in case of emergency… Section 98 therefore, ANYONE who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights (Freely travel, peacefully assemble, freely worship, earn a living etc.) and or attempts to enforce such suspension within 50 independent, sovereign, continental United states of America is making war against our constitution (s) and, therefore, we the people. They violate their constitutional oath and, thus, immediately forfeit their office and delegated authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity and that means ANYONE; even the Governor and President.



Unrestrained Power Leads to Murder

Jake MacAulay

Founding father, abolitionist, and the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Jay reflected:

It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished. The honor of the States as well as justice and humanity, in my opinion, loudly call upon them to emancipate these unhappy people.  To contend for our own liberty, and to deny that blessing to others, involves an inconsistency not to be excused.

During the unconstitutional lockdowns of COVID-19, many in the white communities of America finally started waking up to the drastic and gross measures by which hateful power structures are willing to suppress, oppress, and deny the God-given rights of themselves and their families. Tragically our brothers and sisters of African descent have been experiencing this systematic oppression for hundreds of years.

Starting with the institution of chattel slavery leading to the hatred and persecution of individuals based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, it is clear to any observer that both sinful and abominable behaviors stand in direct contradiction to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God.

These sacred laws provide the structure and order that our Creator intended for humanity in which every man was to be considered equal and protected by the divine Law with the unalienable rights to Life, liberty and property.

John Adams contested, “Liberty must at all hazards be supported. We have a right to it, derived from our Maker.”

Founding Father James Wilson observed, “Without liberty, law loses its nature and its name, and becomes oppression.”

Thomas Jefferson, later realizing God-given rights ought to be afforded and protected by all men, penned the words, “…all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with the right to [not only] life and liberty, [but the right to] pursue happiness,” within the moral structure and virtue of our Creator.

Due to much hypocrisy throughout our history, leading theologians, statesmen and ministers have demanded of our civil body politic to be TRUE to what our Founders said on paper.

Last month I had the opportunity to share a similar message at the capital of North Carolina. I reasoned that the lawless closure order of the governor was outrageous and filled with contempt for the rule of law and this contempt is exceedingly dangerous because lawlessness breeds lawlessness.

For example, when the Governor of the state of Minnesota jettisons his duty as the protector of rights and becomes a violator of rights, he becomes a lawbreaker and he sets an example that encourages other officials, like the police, to lose respect for law and order as well.

I am grateful to see media, politicians, and everyday citizens finally acknowledge that rather than distancing, once again liberty is worth assembling for, singing for, peacefully protesting for, holding hands for, and living for.

I submit to everyone’s candor that right now being a true American and a true child of God, you realize that there should be no distance between any American and their liberty.

We will fight any oppressive, tyrannical system that would murder the most basic rights of humanity given to us by our Creator as recorded in Genesis, Chapter 1.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Attorney General Bill Barr’s Criminal Coverup Background

Kelleigh Nelson

The great object of my fear is the federal judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting, with noiseless foot, and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step, and holding what it gains, is ingulfing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them. —Thomas Jefferson

If we are to keep our Republic, there must be one commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice. —Learned Hand, Judge and Judicial philosopher

The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged. —G. K. Chesterton

We have a corrupt judiciary, a corrupt Justice Department and a corrupt FBI, and as Trump said when he was campaigning for the office of President in 2016, “The system is crooked.”  We have an AG whose inaction is the definitive action regarding the outcome of the election this November.  He has not stood up for truth, for justice, for accountability and for doing his job as AG while sitting there saying he doesn’t want to influence the upcoming election.  His job is to bring justice and prosecute evil doers, many of whom surround him, not to worry about his influence or the election.

Where are the indictments of the Deep State Criminals?  How long must we wait?

Action speaks louder than words and we’ve waited way too long for justice.

Barr’s Father

William Barr’s father is Donald Barr, who was the headmaster at Dalton School in Manhattan which was founded by progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst who took her cues from developmental psychologist Jean Piaget and education reformers such as John Dewey and Horace Mann.  Jeffrey Epstein became a professor at the Dalton School.  Yes, really!

In 1983 President Reagan nominated Donald Barr to be a member of the National Council on Educational Research.

Donald Barr also had a stint in the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII.  Prior to that, he described himself as having a Marxist upbringing in terms of his own memoirs and ruminations on education.  He had a footnote on the dialectic and stated that as a child he enjoyed being a Marxist and reading Marx and Engels.

Barr wrote a book entitled, Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? wherein he claimed to have three very strange radical leftist mentors in his life who migrated toward establishment mainstream status basically infiltrating old right conservatism just as did William F. Buckley and Irving Kristol.  Gordon Myrick, Ralph Lynton and Carlton Hayes were the mentors and Diana West is researching all three.

Establishment Ties

Back in 1992, the first time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as “Coverup-General Barr” because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H. W. Bush’s involvement in “Iraq-gate” and “Iran-Contra.”

Barr expressed his support for gun control measures as well as confiscation during the hearings in 1991 for his first time as Attorney General for President George H.W. Bush.  He is widely considered to be the author of  PL 101-647, The Crime Control Act of 1990.

As President Bush’s most notorious CIA insider from 1973 to 1977, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors.

AG Barr owes virtually his entire career to the Bushes, so where does his allegiance truly lie? Conservapedia gives us some important facts.

Barr donated $55,000 to establishment candidate Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential election, but after Trump became the nominee, Barr donated only $2,700. He was on the board of Time Warner, the parent company of CNN, between 2009 and 2018, and he thus supported its merger with AT&T when conservatives and the Trump Administration opposed it.

Sen. Patrick Leahy, who was forced to resign from the Senate Intelligence Committee for leaking information related to the Menna/Contra operation in 1987, was an enthusiastic Barr supporter. Bush DOJ official Stuart Gerson called Barr and Bob Mueller “folks of the establishment.”

Prior to his appointment as Attorney General, Barr served as Chief Counsel for the CIA airline Southern Air Transport during Iran ContraRobert Mueller served as Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division during Barr’s tenure.

Barr and Robert Mueller are personal friends and actually worked together during Barr’s first stint under George H.W. Bush from 1991-1993. Mueller headed the FBI Criminal Division at the time of the Ruby Ridge killings and was infuriated that members of Congress and public officials dared complain about the FBI sniper shooting Vicki Weaver in the head while she held her 10-month-old baby.

In August of 1992 when the Ruby Ridge siege occurred, AG Barr was in charge. After he left office, he spearheaded legal efforts to assure total immunity for Lon Horiuchi, the sniper who killed Vicki Weaver, and any federal sniper who behaved similarly.

In late March of this year, Bill Barr asked Congress to expand legal authorities to circumvent civil liberties because of Covid-19, which easily happened and gave governors dictatorial totalitarian powers over their citizens.


Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA. See my previous article, AG William Barr, CIA Asset and Deep State Impresario.

In the final pages of Compromised, Terry Reed writes that in 1992, several years after working with CIA-connected Robert Johnson, he made the “miraculous find” that “Robert Johnson” was also William P. Barr. Reed’s CIA contact, William Barr, known at that time by his alias Robert Johnson, told Reed that Attorney General Edwin Meese had appointed Michael Fitzhugh to be US Attorney in Western Arkansas, and that he would stonewall any investigation into the Mena, Arkansas drug-related activities. This obstruction of justice by Justice Department officials did occur.

Don’t forget Edwin Meese’s involvement in the Inslaw/Promis software theft by the federal government.

When George H.W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.

The Church Committee was a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service.Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Committee investigations into CIA abuses.

A memo uncovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives shows that during his time at the CIA’s Office of Legislative Council, current AG Barr drafted letters calling for the end of the moratorium on destroying records imposed on the Agency ahead of the Church Committee hearings.  We need to keep the docs showing the evil of the CIA, but Barr wants them destroyed.

And President George H. W. Bush was all for the destruction since he had headed the CIA and was likely culpable for many of the CIAs actions.

Obama/Biden Culpability

There is strong evidence that President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden were involved in a conspiracy to obstruct justice and a conspiracy to criminality that shows the Justice Department wasn’t interested in following the corrupt trails to begin with.

Attorney General Bill Barr has actually given a pass to former President Obama and VP Joe Biden saying there is nothing he has seen in John Durham’s investigation to suggest any wrongdoing by either Obama or Biden.  Barr told reporters he has a general idea how Durham’s investigation into Obama gate and the conduct of the Obama era intelligence community is going, and he confirmed, “Some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes.”  He did all of this standing next to Deep State FBI Director Wray on May 18th, 2020.

Barr made this statement, “What happened to the President throughout his 2016 campaign and election was abhorrent.  It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.  As to President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man.  Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.” Coverup…no justice!

Slow or No Justice

Barr said that while potential crimes by the Deep State are under investigation, it seems to be happening at an extraordinarily slow pace.  It is even slow by DOJ standards established by the Obama presidency.  Former CIA Director John Brennan (who voted for communist Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential election) says he has yet to even be interviewed by John Durham.

Why so long?  His DOJ seems to be playing cover for the Deep State.  Why did his investigation of the Clintons end with a whimper? Why did he refuse to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for leaking memos with classified information? Why did he refuse to charge former FBI Deputy Director and then Acting Director Andrew McCabe for lying to investigators? It was Bill Barr who praised former Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein despite Rosenstein helping to launch the Mueller witch-hunt which was fraudulent from the very beginning.

AG Barr also played a role in the sweetheart deal for former senate aid, James Wolfe who served only two months in prison for leaking the Carter Page FISA warrants to four leftwing media, one with whom he was having an affair.  Wolfe was never charged with leaking classified information. Politico reports that during the lame duck session after the 2018 midterms, Senators Warner, Richard Burr and Diane Feinstein asked for leniency in his case and received it. And Barr wants FISA reauthorized without any reforms.

Barr Appointments

John Durham has interviewed several of the FBI investigators who worked on Robert Mueller’s witch hunt.  It remains unknown which ones are being investigated and it is also unknown whether any prosecutors are being investigated as well.  If Durham follows the same model used by the Justice Department of late, justice will likely not be served.

Is AG Barr waiting to see if Trump is reelected?  If Trump loses, Barr can bury it, but if he wins, then Barr has to have a scapegoat.  Will the people stand for criminals going free and the innocents being destroyed?

Barr said it was just fine that the House went through with impeachment! But the impeachment was to cover Biden’s son Hunter and his Ukrainian Burisma dealings.  Is Barr ruling that out of his investigation? And what about Pelosi’s son, Kerry’s step-son, Chris Heinz, and Mitt Romney’s top advisor, Cofer Black?

If the president wants justice himself, he cannot rely on these Deep State agencies that should have been cleaned out three years ago.  He can and should appoint his own special council outside of the FBI and their investigators to do this.  How about Sidney Powell?!

Barr’s appointment of U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen actually succeeded in getting exculpatory evidence to Sidney Powell and forced the DOJ to dismiss the case against General Flynn.  This evidence should have been given to his attorneys prior to his plea of guilty which he did to save his son from Mueller’s attack dogs.

The AG has now assigned Trump appointee U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, John Bash, to examine “criminal unmasking” by the Obama administration.

Sounds good, except for the fact that the DOJ is defending the president’s Deep State persecutors and they are suggesting they won’t do anything serious regarding criminal prosecution.

Richard Grenell

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell did more in three months to declassify information about Obama administration  officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn. Grenell declassified the transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which proves the General did nothing wrong.

There is wide spread domestic political spying, far greater than AG Barr will admit. Brennan and Clapper had their own secret surveillance system. Barr also has a long history of supporting expansive government surveillance programs and related legislation, including the Patriot Act.

As head of Trump’s transition team, Mike Pence chose his neo-con Deep State Republican establishment mainstay friend, Dan Coates as Director of National Intelligence.  In two and a half years, Coates did nothing to release these materials.  AG Barr and FBI Director Wray were mum.

Sidney Powell went to the mat for her client and clamored for the Justice Department to release the exculpatory evidence.  They are still sitting on their hands regarding the original 302s (reports of Flynn interview by Strzok and Pientka), which I believe were destroyed once Strzok and Page rewrote them.  Neither Barr nor Wray acted to release the documents. Only last January, federal prosecutors wanted General Flynn to spend six months in prison.

Dobbs on Barr

It’s obvious Fox News’ host Lou Dobbs is not at all pleased with Bill Barr.  “Where the hell are the indictments, where the hell are the charges against the corrupt, the politically corrupt deep state within the Justice Department, the FBI?” Dobbs asked. “Why in the hell are we hearing apologies from someone in that rancid, corrupt department?”

Dobbs has stated more than once that Barr should be more loyal to Trump and shot down the longstanding practice of impartiality for DOJ officials.  Think of Bobbie Kennedy and his brother, President John Kennedy.  As Dobbs says, “The Justice Department works for the president.  It’s part of the executive branch.”

Since AG Barr has taken over for the impotent AG Jeff Sessions, he has dropped the Clinton Foundation investigation, punted on charging Comey for leaking classified memos, and punted on charging McCabe despite a slam-dunk 18 USC 1001 false statements case.


Diana West, author of American Betrayal and The Red Thread stated that when President Trump chose William Barr for his AG, her heart sank, and for good reason. Barr was a double agent during the Iran contra affair and a fixer for Poppy Bush.  Barr wanted the Church Commission to remove the moratorium on the destruction of CIA documents…covering for his bosses.  While at the CIA Barr drafted letters asking if the agency could again “start” destroying Church Committee records.

It’s been 15 months since Bill Barr became the U.S. Attorney General.  While skilled at coverups, he has been derelict regarding indictments of his Deep State comrades. Will we ever see justice?

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Maoist Thugs Target Christians, With Support from Justice Roberts

By Cliff Kincaid

With all that’s happening in the United States and the world, you may have missed the ruling from our “conservative” Supreme Court on May 29. The “conservative” Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, joined the four liberals in ruling that churches are not entitled to First Amendment protections and that they have to obey the dictates of liberal governors.

Two days later, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. went up in flames as rioters were threatening to attack the White House.  The more than 200-year-old church sits near Lafayette Park, across from the White House, where Secret Service agents and police fought with communist agitators.

It appears that arsonists have better access to churches than the parishioners.

In other anti-Christian actions, graffiti was written on St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York that included BLM, standing for Black Lives Matter, and “F–k F–k” in red letters. In Louisville, Kentucky, professional protesters broke windows in the rectory of the Cathedral of the Assumption. They were then boarded with plywood.

I returned to the disgraceful Roberts ruling after contemplating the Bible readings for May 31, including the Gospel of John 20:19-23, about the disciples of Christ hiding in a room because they were scared of the religious authorities of the day. Suddenly the resurrected Christ appeared and they were given the spirit of God and the authority and power to defeat the demonic forces of the secular world. The rest, as they say, is history, except that many of today’s ministers are hiding in rooms, conducting fake church services over the Internet, some with “spiritual communion,” rather than the real thing. They defend their sanitary “church services” with a camera crew while wondering when the state will decree that they can meet with real people. Many such “virtual” services conclude with requests for online donations for the invisible collection plate. After all, the religious bureaucracy that depends on the state for favors and even grants must be fed.

I watched one “virtual” service over the Internet on Sunday night, with the minister reciting the reading about Jesus appearing to his disciples after rising from the dead and showing them his hands and his side, the evidence of the crucifixion. The reading says, “The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord,and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’”

The minister reading these words didn’t seem to comprehend the significance of telling the story of disciples hiding in a room while he read the Bible from a small room himself, filmed in isolation so it could be presented to his flock through a computer connection.

It’s  fact that many of today’s ministers are afraid to challenge the secular authorities of this era, such as “Lockdown Larry” Hogan, the Republican Governor of Maryland, or Gavin Newsom, the Democrat Governor of California.

A major exception is South Bay United Pentecostal Church in Chula Vista, California, which challenged Newsom’s lockdown order that resulted in the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling against the First Amendment.

Charles LiMandri, the Chief Litigation Counsel for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, handled the case for the church and its pastor, Bishop Arthur Hodges. He insists it was not a complete dismissal of South Bay Church’s case but was “largely based on the very high standards required for our obtaining an emergency injunction.” LiMandri noted that Roberts’s ruling was “a solo concurring opinion with little to no precedential value.” That is true but the implications of this 5-4 opinion are nonetheless startling. This is a real decision with practical consequences.

The four dissenting justices, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch, said the California restrictions were clearly discriminatory. The dissenting opinion noted, “In response to the COVID–19 health crisis, California has now limited attendance at religious worship services to 25%of building capacity or 100 attendees, whichever is lower. The basic constitutional problem is that comparable secular businesses are not subject to a 25% occupancy cap, including factories, offices, supermarkets, restaurants, retail stores, pharmacies, shopping malls, pet grooming shops, bookstores, florists, hair salons, and cannabis dispensaries.”

That’s right: the secular authorities have determined that marijuana businesses selling dope have more rights than churches. It appears that the stoners are more inclined to vote the way the liberals want them to vote.

The conservative Catholic writer, Vic Biorseth, noted that it was the “conservative” Roberts who approved Obamacare when he changed the nature of the legislation in a controversial court ruling and “illegally adjudicated it into law.” Yet, it was unconstitutional on its face to begin with. “So it doesn’t matter what the law under consideration says, nor does it matter what the Constitution says; all that matters is the balance of the partisan division on the Court and which way the political wind is blowing at any particular moment in time,” commented Biorseth.

The wind in today’s “moment in time” is to close down churches while keeping pot shops, abortion clinics, and liquor stores open. That’s how communist riots in the streets can be termed “unrest” and “peaceful” by the secular press. But when five members of the Supreme Court, including the Chief Justice, accept this garbage, you know we as a nation are in deep trouble.

Biorseth concludes, “If a purposeful violator of the Constitution who is a sworn officer of the government is not a domestic enemy of America and a traitor, then there is no such thing, and the Constitution itself is without meaning, and America has lost it very purpose for being.”

Those are strong words. But when Roberts joins the four liberal justices to restrict Christian worship in California, can we explain it any other way? And isn’t it a fact that the churches, for the most part, have become slaves to the state, willing and even anxious to please the corrupt authorities?

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

George Floyd Killing: Workplace Violence Case Not a Racial Bias Case

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

As the cities of Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York and others across the nation are experiencing the anger, violence and destruction of some Americans who’ve taken to looting businesses, attacking police station houses and torching neighborhood businesses and other structures,  U.S. Justice Department and FBI investigators are pursuing the new allegation: That the alleged killing of a black security guard by a white city cop had more to do with workplace violence than with racial bias.

The white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, and the black man, the late George Floyd both worked as security guards at a popular Latin nightclub last year.

According to a police officer from the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area, “The now disgraced law enforcement officer moonlighted at a nightspot that had a need for professional security officers to maintain the peace in the club which served liquor and had customers who pedaled marijuana, heroin, cocaine and designer drugs to their fellow patrons.”

Officer Derek Chauvin became overzealous when the club hosted special events that attracted black customers. The owner claims the cop responded to violence by taking out his police-issued pepper capsicum and spraying not only the people involved in an incident but innocent members of clientele.

“He would [pepper spray] everyone instead of just apprehending and removing the people who were fighting,” said Maya Santamaria, who owned the El Nuevo Rodeo Club [The New Rodeo Club] in Minneapolis.

On Memorial Day, blacks, Latinos and some whites began street marches and protests first in Minneapolis and then in other cities after the apparently out-of-control cop was captured on a witness’ cellphone video as he knelt on the neck and carotid artery of his former co-worker George Floyd for more than eight minutes. During Floyd’s arrest on suspicion of passing a counterfeit bill the four responding police officers including Chauvin failed to find out the nature of the alleged counterfeiting complaint by a store owner.

Floyd died in custody and Chauvin was fired Tuesday and arrested Friday on charges of third-degree murder and manslaughter. The three other officers who took part in the arrest were also fired, and they remain under investigation.

While Chauvin’s off-duty job at the El Nuevo Rodeo club stretched over 17 years until a few months ago, Floyd only started working there recently as a security guard and only worked about a dozen special events.

Workplace Violence

“The workplace is the scene of almost one million violent crimes each year,” claims former Bureau of Justice Statistics director Lawrence Greenfield. “About 10 percent – or 100,000 – of these workplace crimes involve offenders armed with handguns.”

Of the approximately 3.2 million crimes and thefts in the workplace, about 500,000 victims lose an estimated 1.8 million workdays each year and $55 million in lost wages, not including days covered by sick or vacation leave. Among women who experience crime at work, 40 percent are attacked by a stranger, 35 percent by a casual acquaintance, 19 percent by a well-known acquaintance, and one percent by a relative. About 5 percent of workplace attacks on women are perpetrated by a husband, boyfriend, or former boyfriend.

The average number of victimizations totaled over 970,000 (not including homicides): there were 13,068 rapes, 79,200 robberies (17,900 involving injuries), 264,200 aggravated assaults (with over 48,000 serious injuries), and 615,200 simple assaults (89,500 involving injuries).

One study from the National Security Institute indicates that workplace homicides totaled 7,600 in one 10-year period, although the NSI concedes that this figure may be overly conservative because of data gathering limitations. The actual number of occupational homicides may be greater than reported because of the methods used to collect information – mostly death certificates – tend to underestimate the total number of deaths, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health.

Of the 7,600 homicide victims, 80 percent were male. The homicide rate for male workers is three-times that for women. Nonetheless, homicide was the leading cause of death from occupational injury among women, causing 41 percent of all deaths among women as compared to just 10 percent among men.

Nearly half of the workplace homicides occurred among workers aged 25-44, but workers aged 65 or older had the highest rate of occupational homicide. Additionally, 75 percent of the victims were white, 19 percent were African-American, and 6 percent were Latino or other races. However, the rate for workplace homicide among black workers and other races was more than twice the rate for whites.

As far as weapons of choice, firearms figured in 75 percent of workplace homicides. Knives and other types of cutting and piercing instruments accounted for only 14 percent of these deaths. Information contained on death certificates doesn’t allow identification of the circumstances of homicides in the workplace, but the types of high-risk workplaces and occupations suggest that robbery is the predominant motive.

Some homicides are caused by disgruntled workers and clients, or by domestic violence which may spill into the workplace. An increasing number of these incidents involve one employee killing another over a disagreement.  Violent employees have killed co-workers, supervisors and personnel staff in several high-profile cases such as the shooting of several personnel office workers by a former employee at New York City’s Beth Israel Medical Center.

Hate Crimes in America

According to a study released by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, based on figures submitted by 16,149 law enforcement agencies (up from 15,254 agencies in 2016), provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes.

The reason for the lack of accuracy in the yearly released UCR’s documentation is the fact that it is a voluntary program and as such for whatever reason, local police departments may opt to withhold possession.

Law enforcement agencies submitted incident reports involving 7,175 criminal incidents and 8,437 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity. Please note the UCR Program does not estimate offenses for the jurisdictions of agencies that do not submit reports.

Highlights of Hate Crime Statistics follow:

Victims of Hate Crime Incidents

  • There were 7,106 single-bias incidents involving 8,493 victims. A percent distribution of victims by bias type shows that 59.6 percent of victims were targeted because of the offenders’ race/ethnicity/ancestry bias; 20.6 percent were targeted because of the offenders’ religious bias; 15.8 percent were victimized because of the offenders’ sexual-orientation bias; 1.9 percent were victimized because of the offenders’ disability bias; 1.6 percent were targeted because of the offenders’ gender identity bias; and 0.6 percent were victimized because of the offenders’ gender bias. (Due to rounding, percentage breakdowns may not add to 100.0 percent.)
  • Sixty-nine (69) multiple-bias hate crime incidents involved 335 victims.

Offenses by Crime Category

  • Of the 5,084 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against persons in 2017, 44.9 percent were for intimidation, 34.3 percent were for simple assault, and 19.5 percent were for aggravated assault. Twenty-three rapes, 15 murders, and one offense of human trafficking—commercial sex acts were reported as hate crimes. The remaining 27 hate crime offenses were reported in the category of other.
  • There were 3,115 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property. The majority of these (74.6 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. Robbery, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses accounted for the remaining 25.4 percent of crimes against property.
  • Two hundred thirty-eight (238) additional offenses were classified as crimes against society. This crime category represents society’s prohibition against engaging in certain types of activity such as gambling, prostitution, and drug violations. These are typically victimless crimes in which property is not the object.

Known Offenders

  • In the UCR Program, the term known offender does not imply that the suspect’s identity is known; rather, the term indicates that some aspect of the suspect was identified, thus distinguishing the suspect from an unknown offender. Law enforcement agencies specify the number of offenders and, when possible, the race of the offender or offenders as a group. Beginning in 2013, law enforcement officers may also report whether suspects were juveniles or adults, as well as the suspect’s ethnicity when possible.
    • Of the 6,370 known offenders, 50.7 percent were white, and 21.3 percent were black or African-American. Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders: 0.8 percent were American Indian or Alaska Native; 0.7 percent were Asian; less than one-tenth of 1 percent were Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander; and 7.5 percent were of a group of multiple races. The race was unknown for 19.1 percent.
    • Of the 5,131 known offenders for whom ethnicity was reported, 25.0 percent were not Hispanic or Latino, 8.8 percent were Hispanic or Latino, and 1.6 percent were in a group of multiple ethnicities. Ethnicity was unknown for 64.5 percent of these offenders.
    • Of the 4,895 known offenders for whom ages were known, 83.0 percent were 18 years of age or older.

Locations of Hate Crimes

Law enforcement agencies may specify the location of an offense within a hate crime incident as one of 46 location designations. In 2017, most hate crime incidents (27.5 percent) occurred in or near residences/homes. Seventeen (17.0) percent occurred on highways/roads/alleys/streets/sidewalks; 10.5 percent occurred at schools/colleges; 5.8 percent happened at parking/drop lots/garages; and 4.1 percent took place in churches/synagogues/temples/mosques. The location was reported as other/unknown for 11.5 percent of hate crime incidents. The remaining 23.7 percent of hate crime incidents took place at other or multiple locations.

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Maoist “Rebellions” in America Inspired by China?

By Cliff Kincaid

As patriotic Americans salute our astronauts, in space through a public-private partnership of NASA and SpaceX, we are dismayed by the seeming inability of the government at all levels to keep our citizens safe on the ground. It’s time for Congress to reestablish committees designed to expose internal security problems and examine whether some of these agitators are communist terrorists who find their inspiration in history’s greatest mass murderer, Chairman Mao.

Attorney General William P. Barr warned on Saturday that groups of “outside radicals and agitators” are exploiting the George Floyd situation “to pursue their own separate and violent agenda.” Barr added, “In many places, it appears the violence is planned, organized, and driven by anarchistic and far left extremists, using Antifa-like tactics, many of whom travel from out of state to promote the violence.” What he didn’t say is that the FBI, under his jurisdiction, is clueless about who is planning and organizing the chaos.

President Trump said on Sunday that Antifa, a term referring to the latest incarnation of communists active on American soil, will be designated as a terrorist organization. But there are literally dozens of Marxist or radical organizations that are not covered by the “Antifa” designation.

While Barr noted it is a federal crime to cross state lines to incite or participate in violent rioting and said “We will enforce these laws,” the question remains: who or what is he talking about?

Sadly, the FBI doesn’t investigate communist groups on American soil anymore because some of them are integrated into the Democratic Party, whose congressional members do not go through background checks and yet conduct House oversight of America’s intelligence agencies. The Communist Party USA (CPUSA), once aligned with and funded by Moscow, openly supported Barack Hussein Obama for president in 2008 and 2012. Obama’s CIA director John Brennan voted for the CPUSA in college.

The CPUSA says, “We call on our members and friends to join the protests for justice in every way possible and to make justice for George Floyd part of every demonstration going forward.” The Movement for Black Lives calls the riots “rebellions” and is active on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.  “We are rising up by every means,” they say.

Some communist groups are still loyal to the memory of Chairman Mao, who said in his Little Red Book, “Every Communist must grasp the truth:‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.’”

Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

For those unfamiliar with Marxist jargon, this means that communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state. This is still the communist mission.

During a time when conservatives find themselves increasingly censored by social media,the communists are able to organize without any hindrance whatsoever. Dan Scavino Jr., who handle social media for President Trump, wrote, “Twitter is targeting the President of the United States 24/7, while turning their heads to protest organizers who are planning, plotting, and communicating their next moves daily on this very platform…” Those protests, of course, quickly turned violent, to the point where the Minnesota governor finally called out the National Guard to restore order after the Democratic Party mayor of Minneapolis refused to act.

The existence of a major communist threat, China, makes some of these organizations devoted to agitation worthy of close scrutiny.

One Maoist group, the Progressive Labor Party, is “a communist organization that fights to smash capitalism and class society in order to establish a communist world!” and operates a newspaper called Challenge, with headlines about “police terror” and the “kkkiller cops.” It has a web site and is also present on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Its “Capitalism is the Virus. Communism is the Cure” video is available on YouTube.

These American Maoists use American freedoms to organize against our institutions and our system of government.

American Maoist Bob Avakian started out with the SDS and the Revolutionary Union before running the Revolutionary Communist Party and setting up his own institute. He has broken ranks with another SDS leader, Mark Rudd, who was a member of the terrorist Weather Underground and has recently signed a letter endorsing “capitalist Democrat” Joe Biden for president. Avakian accuses Rudd of a “reformist accommodation” to the “monstrous system” of American capitalism.

Rudd’s fingerprints were once found in a  Weather Underground bomb factory, a location that included Chinese and Russian pamphlets and books on communist revolution.

It has been dawning on many that China has been interfering in our internal and sovereign affairs.“Today,” President Trump said on Friday, “I will issue a proclamation to better secure our nation’s vital university research and to suspend the entry of certain foreign nationals from China who we have identified as potential security risks.”

Trump should ask his FBI director Christopher Wray to take a hard look at the “potential security risks” in various communist groups on the streets of America and ascertain whether they are operating at the direction of Beijing.

The Congress, or at least the Senate, has a role to play, too. Senators can review the work of the old congressional committees on un-American activities and internal security problems, such as the 1971 hearings on the Progressive Labor Party, the 1973 report on “America’s Maoists” in the Revolutionary Union and the Venceremos Organization, and reports on the Weather Underground and Workers World Party.All of these groups are still around in one form or another.

FBI informant Herbert Philbrick’s 1965 book, Communism and Race in America, is another good place to look. He discusses communist use of front groups and its “dialectical approach” to subversion that emphasizes how anything which creates tension in society “is a part of the path of progress,” from the communist point of view.

Chances are, however, that none of these volumes is in the FBI library.

Before more lives are lost, Senator Marco Rubio, the new acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, can order immediate hearings into what, if anything, FBI director Wray has done about investigating terrorist networks.

If the answer, as expected, is that he considers them legitimate political organizations, he should be fired immediately.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.

Racism is a Two-Way Street

By: Devvy

Once again, we watch as cities burn, people injured with four now dead from being shot, hatred by black Americans towards police in other cities and states that had absolutely nothing to with the death of George Floyd.

The beginning

A white police officer, Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis arrested George Floyd after a 911 call from a local store owner.  Floyd was allegedly trying to use a counterfeit $20 bill.  Floyd was a regular customer at that store.  Question:  Did Floyd know the bill was counterfeit if it even was a fake?  At that time, it was only ‘suspected’.

Prior to Floyd’s attempt to pay for his cigarettes, a man and woman came in and attempted to pay with a suspected counterfeit $20 bill.  Question:  Was it the same piece of currency then used by Floyd? I ask this because anyone can get a counterfeit piece of currency without knowing the bill was fake.  As someone who still uses cash, not every $20 or even a $50 bill gets that quick pen slash by the cashier.

Apparently, according to the store owner, “The man tried to use what an employee suspected was a counterfeit $20 bill but an employee caught it, gave it back to the man and they left, Abumayyaleh said. Roughly 10 minutes later, Floyd came back in the store and used a suspicious $20 bill, according to the owner.

“The employee didn’t immediately notice and Floyd left but the employee followed protocol and called the police. Floyd was still outside the store when officers arrived.” That would be Chauvin’s three fellow officers.

The newly released 911 call is quite important.  A store employee tells the 911 operator a black male attempted to pass a fake bill for his cigarettes and when they (presuming more than one store employee) went outside in an attempt to get back the cigarettes:

“We tell them to give us their phone, put their (inaudible) thing back and everything and he was also drunk and everything and return to give us our cigarettes back and so he can, so he can go home but he doesn’t want to do that, and he’s sitting on his car cause he is awfully drunk and he’s not in control of himself.”

Toxicology reports on Floyd will be important, too.  Not to justify Chauvin’s actions but to better put things in perspective.  Floyd had serious underlying health issues which could have accounted for his “not in control of himself” demeanor – as in maybe a reaction to medication if he had been consuming a lot of alcohol.In any event, Floyd was arrested for forgery and public intoxication.

Not known to the officers, Floyd had a long criminal history before moving to Minneapolis in 2014.  He got employment at a local restaurant as a bouncer and was, according to reports, trying to turn his life around and even made a video pleading with “younger generations to make good choices and to stop gun violence.”

Floyd served five years in a Texas prison and many more stays in jail. Possession of cocaine (given his medical history that was a very bad thing for him to use), criminal trespassing, possession of a fire farm, etc.

Chauvin and Floyd both worked at a restaurant.  Chauvin for 17 years as off-duty police officer outside security and Floyd inside as a bouncer for about a year.  Overlapping shifts so one would think they might have crossed paths and you know how it goes on the job.  Hi, get to talking, that kind of thing.

If Chauvin did know Floyd from their employment at El Nuevo Rodeo Club,surely he would have recognized him last Monday during the arrest.  I have to wonder if the situation couldn’t have been resolved if they actually talked it over or maybe Floyd was too drunk and sadly, the rest is history. Of course, it’s not easy to talk when you’re being crushed by a cop for refusing to get in the police car.

The middle

There are at least two videos we know of showing the arrest.  The one showing Chauvin with his knee on Floyd’s neck cannot be denied.  A 200-pound man putting his weight on someone’s neck, flattening the person’s face to the pavement is an invitation to tragedy.

We know during that time Floyd was heard yelling, “My stomach hurts. My neck hurts. Everything hurts. … (I need) water or something.  Please.  Please.  I can’t breathe, officer.  I cannot breathe. I cannot breathe.”  According to a park police officer on the scene an ambulance had already been called for. This is the damning video with audio.

What in the hell were those four officers thinking?  A cuffed suspect who isn’t resisting and is unarmed.  He didn’t want to get in the police car.  Okay, wasn’t there some other way to calm everyone down?  No, I’m not a police officer but I do appreciate how difficult their jobs are on a daily basis.  But for a relatively minor incident, George Floyd did not have to die May 25, 2020.

The end

One dead black man who may or may not have been very intoxicated.  People with mobile phones filming the incident which of course goes instantly viral.  Four fired cops.  Chauvin charged with third degree murder and manslaughter.

Chauvin had 18 complaints against him during his time at the Minneapolis PD; two resulted in  letters of discipline.  Cops are unjustly accused all the time for all kinds of reasons.  I’m sure more will come out on his record.

The autopsy

Preliminary findings from a Tuesday autopsy conducted by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxiation or strangulation,” according to the criminal complaint filed Friday against former officer Derek Michael Chauvin.

“Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease,” said the complaint from the Hennepin County Attorney. “The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”

The family is not happy with the medical findings from their county ME – they obviously think it’s a cover-up even though their doctors are all trained in the specialty of forensic pathology. It’s quite well settled medically that a person who dies from strangulation almost always has petechia in the eyes and in most cases Hyoid bone fracture.  Asphyxiation is deprivation of oxygen.  Given Floyd’s medical diseases as it relates to oxygen and blood flow, perhaps the ME’s preliminary findings are not out of line.

The family is most certainly within their rights to bring in a high-profile former ME, Dr. Michael Baden.  However, they might not like the outcome of his findings if Baden agrees with the ME’s preliminary findings and resulting tox screens.

The expected rioting

To their credit, the family of George Floyd, including his uncle, have vocally ask people all across this country to stop the rioting, violence and destruction.  Spitting in the wind.

I’ve seen all the comments on line this was a hate crime.  White officer murders black man.  I would venture to guess 90% of adults in this country have no idea the origin of so-called hate crimes and the law.  Zip.  But it sells good for the cameras and lawyers.  I highly recommend Hate Crimes: Criminal Law & Identity Politics by James B. Jacobs & Kimberly Potter.  I have always been against “hate crimes” laws.

Former officer Chauvin is being called a white supremacist and racist.  His wife is a Hmong refugee.  One of the other three officers, Tou Thao, is of Asian origin.

Why no cry of racism here?  In A Twist, Black Cop Shoots Unarmed White Man In Viral Video, March 2, 2020, (Chicago) “The male cop is struggling to keep the suspect still with the suspect saying, “I didn’t do nothing to you.” The male officer tells the guy to “stop resisting” several times and at one point, he tells the female officer “shoot him!”

After more struggling, the suspect manages to stand up and the female officer (also black) says, “I’m going to shoot him,” to which the male officer yells “shoot him!” Once the female cop’s gun is out, she yells “sir, put your fu**ing hands down…sir, give him your hands!” When the suspect doesn’t follow the orders, a shot is fired.”(video embedded in article). Two shots, suspect survived his wounds.

While statistical data from state and federal agencies usually lag a year or two behind, these two articles are worth reading.

New Study Says White Police Officers Are Not More Likely To Shoot Minority Suspects (Which the prostitute media doesn’t like to hear)

Aren’t more white people than black people killed by police? Yes, but no.: “Such a concentration of criminal violence in minority communities means that officers will be disproportionately confronting armed and often resisting suspects in those communities, raising officers’ own risk of using lethal force,” wrote Heather Mac Donald, a conservative researcher, in a Wall Street Journal column headlined “The Myths of Black Lives Matter”…

“The assertion that the black men and women killed by police are primarily violent criminals and the explanation for racial disparities in who gets killed by law enforcement is the premise of Mac Donald’s new book, “The War on Cops.

“Blacks are three times as likely to be killed by cops as are whites, on a per-capita basis,” Peter Moskos, a former Baltimore police officer and criminal justice researcher at John Jay College of Criminal Justice told the New York Times last April. “But part of that is because of crime in predominantly black neighborhoods.”

The Myths of Black Lives Matter by Heather MacDonald, “But what if the Black Lives Matter movement is based on fiction? Not just the fictional account of the 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., but the utter misrepresentation of police shootings generally.

‘To judge from Black Lives Matter protesters and their media and political allies, you would think that killer cops pose the biggest threat to young black men today. But this perception, like almost everything else that many people think they know about fatal police shootings, is wrong.”  She gives the hard numbers and facts black racists do not want the American people to see.

First Amendment

“The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.” Assembly means “a group of persons gathered together, usually for a particular purpose, whether religious, political, educational, or social.”

It does not mean what we’ve been seeing the past week.Dallas Protesters Beat Man to Near-Death Outside Store.  A man just trying to defend his store against thugs.  Protesters all giving us the communist fist bump.

George Floyd protesters swarm Beverly Hills and LOOT high-end stores on Rodeo Drive as 500 people are arrested in LA and Mayor Garcetti calls for National Guard because ‘this is no longer a protest. This is destruction’

Those criminals are not protesting the death of a man.  They’re thieves, period.  Hit an area filled with mega-millionaires.  The have nots will always go after the have’s when there’s a breakdown in law and order which is why this country is so heavily armed.

The rank stupidity of every single person, black, white, brown:  You fools are being manipulated.  You’ve destroyed businesses vital to your own community.  Target serves a large portion of our population on the middle to lower end of the financial ladder.  Target has now closed all of it’s stores in the state.

Destroying police cars and burning police precincts:  All will have to be replaced and rebuilt and that cost will be passed along to the innocent law-abiding in those cities in the form of taxes.

Minneapolis Rioters Burn Arby’s, AutoZone, Affordable Housing Amid George Floyd Protests – So if black lives matter, how are protesters destroying their city helping their fellow citizens by burning down an affordable housing unit? All those employees – many of whom I’m sure are black are now out of work.  How does that equate to protesting Floyd’s death?  (I was there in 2008 at the GOP National Convention.  What a shame.)

People, black and white were trying to stop the destruction:  The One Thing Riots Across the U.S. Have In Common – and It’s Not Black Lives Matter

The criminals out there doing all this damage are criminal trash.  Stealing because they’re either too lazy to work to buy that TV or clothes or they are paid agitators.  In their alleged protest over Floyd’s death, gangs of these low-life’s who don’t give a crap, are destroying the lives of others: Black Business Owner Filmed Crying After Looters Destroy The Sports Bar Where He Invested His Life Savings

Jim Hanson: Trump is right – Antifa has hijacked protests of George Floyd’s death and turned them into riots – “Antifa sent the word out far and wide to burn buildings, loot stores, destroy cars and attack law enforcement officers. Police agencies warned that Antifa and its many tentacles were using the Floyd protests to further their agenda.

“Domestic extremists, including anarchist extremists and other anti-government extremists, are using the unrest in Minneapolis to amplify and justify their calls for dismantling law enforcement agencies and carrying out attacks on law enforcement, government, and capitalist targets,” a Philadelphia Police Department bulletin reported.”

DOJ long ago should have put the screws to ANTIFA and declared them a domestic terrorist organization.  Perhaps that will happen soon: AG Barr Slams Radical Lefties for Hijacking Peaceful Protests:  “What Barr said was confirmed earlier on Saturday when St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter said every single person that was arrested in his city Friday night was from out-of-state.”

So far more than 200 businesses, millions in damages and that’s just Minneapolis.  The squawk boxes out there from career politicians, “news” anchors  to the Hollywood “look at me” crowd claims it’s all Donald Trump’s fault because he’s a racist.

Racists Jesse Jackson and the “reverend” Al Sharpton beat a path to get in on the action.  Two men who had no problem scarfing up the millions Trump gave in support of minority communities. After he announced his run for the WH, he then became a racist pig.

Never whispered by the whores and pimps over at CNN or the NY Times these days. This was a major fight as white, rich liberals did not want them at that golf course.

Trump insisted on including Jews, blacks at Palm Beach golf course in 1990s: “When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

“Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.And he won.”

Jesse Jackson said Floyd’s death was a lynching in broad daylight.  George Floyd was denied due process.  If many of the protesters had their way in Minneapolis, former officer Chauvin would also be denied due process as I have no doubt if released from jail his life would be in serious danger.  Think most of those protesters care about something called due process?  Hell, no.

He did not know that white couple, May 10, 2020:  Ignored by National Media: 29-Year-Old Black Man Guns Down Married Couple in Their 80s in Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery – the shooter found dead; killed by cops.  Why murder two Caucasian old people? Racism? I believe so.  He was hunting.  Dressed all in black, black face mask and rifle with a scope seen in the wooded area.

“On July 15, 2017, Justine Ruszczyk, also known as Justine Damond, a 40-year-old Australian-American woman, was killed by Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer, after she had called 9-1-1 to report the possible assault of a woman in an alley behind her house.”

A white woman killed by a Muslim.  He was convicted of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter because his BS defense was just that.  He got 12 ½ years and is rotting in prison where he belongs for shooting an unarmed woman.  Caucasians around the country did not riot and burn their cities.  We waited for due process and the system to work.

Racism in America does exist.  Blacks hate whites, Mexicans and South Americans.  Whites hate blacks, Mexicans and South Americans.  All because of the color of their skin.  I have personally been treated to being called a puta which means prostitute or whore in Spanish.

I have personally been told by Mexicans in California at a restaurant they would soon take over California and I would be deported.  Just sitting there minding my own business when two sewer rats decided to make those comments passing my table; I was traveling and was the only Caucasian in the restaurant.

I was personally told by two Mexicans at the car wash where I live my “time was limited” as Texas is part of Mexico and “they are going to take it back with violence if necessary” after I politely told them (they had all four stalls occupied) the sign says detailing should be done outside the wash areas.I believe those expensive cars were being cleaned and detailed for  customers from a shop nearby.

A fellow with a Mexican flag bandanna shared his view of white people:  “I’m Mexican… F**k white people bro, they bad as f**k”

In 1988 I lost my job at a military installation so I filed a reverse discrimination lawsuit.  A GS-11 position.  A white woman.  Commanding General at the base, black; Chief of Staff, black; head of employment, black; U.S. Congressman for the district, black.  80% of civil servants at that base were black and Philipino.  People I got along with just fine.  The black man they wanted for my job sat in a basement for 20 some years basically filing paper into binders.  He had no experience for my job.  Act surprised.  The court said no discrimination, go away.

You can’t legislate away racism any more than the U.S. government can get out of debt by printing more worthless paper money.  It comes from the heart and belief that all men and women are a gift from God no matter their color.  Wiping out racism (as much as possible because sadly, it will always be there to some extent) comes one family at a time, teaching children love not hate for our fellow mankind.

I’ve long said we the people generally do get along with each other (except Muslims who hate infidels).  We have friends from all different ethnic categories and races.  Gangs are the exception as they all seem to hate some race or ethnic background.

It’s a tragedy the constitutional militia mandated by the Second Amendment wasn’t up and functioning in all those cities because riot control should not be handled by the National Guard or any military.

Police departments need to reinforce proper training about excessive force and fire or force out any cop who does display animosity towards a person of another race.  Stop talking and actually do what needs to be done.  For everyone’s sake – especially law enforcement so they can have the support from their community.  Bad apples ruin the integrity of any law enforcement agency.

We can all hope and pray the rioting, looting and killing (a police officer in Oakland, California and innocent bystanders) will stop today.  What a damn shame and so unnecessary just like locking down America over COVID-19.

For many of photos of the horrible destruction this past week by rioters, go here and here.  It’s simply awful. What you’d expect to see in Lebanon, Syria or Afghanistan.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:


As Minneapolis Burns, Armed Citizens Deter Rioters and Looters Without Firing a Shot

Van Jones just said Liberals are worse for the African American community than KKK (If you are unfamiliar with Jones, he appears on CNN frequently. He’s also an open, unapologetic communist.)

Ruminations of a Baby Boomer: Racial Conflict Forever in America

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 6:  Racism, Martin, Wallace, Waters, Rioters, Antifa, Multiculturalism, Diversity

During my entire adult life since 1965 as a college student, racial conflict continues without pause in every state in America.  In the early 60’s, Dr. Martin Luther King marched for equal rights for African-Americans.  He met his last day on Earth at a motel.  Riots and destruction of property ensued.  Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in the doorway of his major university to stop Blacks from attending.  By 1968, Detroit, a city where I worked for 20 years, experienced race riots like nothing before.

In college Sociology classrooms at Michigan State University, they told us that people ‘learned’ racism.  They said that more education would make it vanish.  But no matter how the last 55 years have passed, I see racism across this country manifesting anywhere and everywhere Blacks and Whites mix. Africans and Europeans arrived in America from different continents, different cultures, different languages and different intellectual capacities.

Europeans created cities with dramatic architecture, laws, the wheel and agriculture.  Africans, hunter-gatherers, built mud huts.  They both possess the same humanoid DNA, but that’s about the extent of it.

In over 300 years of race-mixing in America, Blacks remain uncomfortable around Whites.  And, Whites fear blacks as witnessed by the downfall of Detroit, and now what’s happening Minneapolis. You can throw in Miami, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  Wherever Whites become the minority, they flee any city.

While we may pretend that America flourishes as a multi-cultural and diverse country—the hard facts show that discrimination and racism among our citizens continues unabated.  If you travel to southern California, you will see that Mexicans hate Blacks.  If you travel south of San Francisco, you will see entire cities dominated 100 percent by the Chinese with no affinity to America.   If you travel to Japan or China, you will enjoy smiling faces, but don’t try to move into those countries or even dream of becoming Chinese or Japanese.  They maintain strict racism and separation.  How do I know?  I traveled through them.

If you lived in Dearbornistan, Michigan in 2020 and you’re White, you would find yourself not welcome in their Muslim enclave where they maintain their customs, language, their barbaric Sharia Law such as ‘honor killings’ and female genital mutilation of young girls, and women with less value than a dog.  If they could, those Muslims would install Sharia Law throughout the United States in a nano-second.  And in fact, they are installing de facto Sharia Law in enclaves such as Minneapolis, NYC, Miami, Freemont, California, Denver, Colorado and wherever they enclave.

In a place close to my home in Boulder, Colorado, you will see hundreds of SUV’s featuring “Diversity Makes Us United” and “Multiculturalism Is America’s Highest Achievement.”  But in fact, those same mothers drive their kids to all-White schools to keep them away from the trailer parks and poor parts of town dominated by Mexican-Black kids with their parents illegally working in the kitchens of Boulder.

From my 55 years of experiences from world travel, I learned that multiculturalism and diversity have never worked,  not working today, and never will work in the future.

Yes, you will see a few Black guys marrying white women, usually sports heroes with lots of money.  You will see Blacks and Whites lovin’ it up on TV on Entertainment Tonight, and you’ll see Blacks and Whites “Dancing with the Stars.”  But in the end, they self-segregate and go home to their own racial enclaves.

If you go to any bistro in New York City, and I have worked in the Big Apple, you see different races segregating with their same races.

What confounds me:  why is it that White Europeans must be integrated with all of overpopulated Africa and why must European cultures and religions be bastardized by people from diametrically different cultures and religions?  Why isn’t there a push to integrate Africa or Saudi Arabia with White people?   Why are Canadian, European and American cultures being destroyed by failed-cultures from the Middle East and Africa?  Do you have any idea why? And who is doing it?  Why would any sane elite power broker want to change European culture into African or Middle Eastern chaos?

As much as African-Americans feel angst, none of them would return to Africa where they would face starvation, disease and poverty.

Because the fact remains:  Africa will not curb its exploding population that demographers predict will add another 1 billion, net gain, in 30 years and reach 4 billion by 2095.  Thus, no matter how many Africans America, Canada or Europe absorb—those Western countries don’t stand a chance of surviving by 2050—a scant 30 years from now.

Ironically, when I bicycled across Minnesota in 2017, a Black Somalia Police officer Muhammed Noor, pulled his revolver and shot a White woman, Justine Rusczyk, walking toward the police cruiser in her bath robe to speak to the officers.  He was arrested for third degree murder and sits in a jail cell for the next 12 years.  (They no longer carry the ‘affirmative action’ police program because they realized Somalians lack the intellectual capacity to become cops.)

No one rioted, burned down buildings, marched in the streets or torched police and civilian cars.  The people waited for justice to prevail.  Like George Floyd, she’s still dead, too.

Over the Memorial Day Weekend, in Chicago, 49 minority people shot 49 other minority people and killed 10 of them. No one from “Black Lives Matter” whispered a word. In fact, over 700 minorities died at the hands of 700 other minorities in Chicago in 2019.  Al Sharpton remained silent as did Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters.  (Source: Chicago Tribune, Black Gun Killings in 2019.)

A double standard remains in place that ignores the facts and blames the Whites for every fault of American Society. While the White officer killed George Floyd, hundreds and in fact, thousands of Black deaths stem from other Blacks shooting them, knifing them or beating them to death.

In the end, Blacks and Whites may not be comfortable with one another, and they don’t want to live around each other—but they need to learn to respect one another.  Otherwise, our multicultural and diverse society faces a violent future.

How would you solve the ‘racism’ problem?  What ideas can you produce to create a more stable and fairer America?  Do you think it’s possible to educate our young out of this racial conflict?

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