Cesar Chavez Holiday —Honoring An American Hero

I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!” —Cesar Chavez

March 31 is an official  State holiday in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, and is observed in several other States, in honor of the birth on March 31, 1937, of an extraordinary American — Cesar Estrada Chavez, the late co-founder and president of the United Farm Workers of America who became a legend in his own time in the civil rights era.

In his honor, his headquarters for the UFW, which he named “La Paz” (“The Peace”), in the Tehachapi Mountains in Keene, CA, on Highway 58 between Bakersfield and Tehachapi, is now officially the U.S. Cesar Chavez National Monument, established by the federal government. The U.S. Navy, of which he was a veteran, has named a ship for him. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Freedom, which was accepted by his widow, Helen Chavez. Many cities have named streets, schools, libraries and other public buildings in his honor.

But there are many Americans today who are unaware there is a Cesar Chavez Day  (the major media ignore it), or why there should be a holiday honoring him. There are also  malicious myths tainting the life and the memory of Cesar Chavez that need to be repudiated, most particularly the lies that he was  not an American but a Mexican national, and that he was a “Communist,” both of which were first promulgated by the John Birch Society. They are utterly false.

I  worked with Cesar Chavez for some twenty years, starting in 1973, when I was a young long haul trucker participating in a nationwide strike of some 100,000 independent truckers in protest against escalating fuel costs in the so-called “Arab Oil Embargo.”

I was helping coordinate the the truckers’ “Shutdown” at the Triple T Truckstop in Tucson, AZ, as a member of the steering committee of the “Truckers For Justice.”

Cesar Chavez mentored  me in that strike, which remained non-violent because of

his demands in mentoring me that “violence is a failure of creative intelligence; violence is failure of creative intelligence.”

After that strike was broken, an alliance between the Truckers For Justice and the United Farm Workers of America was established. During that work, in which we refused to haul non-union (“scab”) lettuce and grapes, Cesar told me I needed to go to law school as I could do more good as a lawyer.  His recommendation got me into law school.

I worked with UFW lawyers while in law school, and after graduating and passing the California Bar in 1979, I became one of Cesar Chavez’ lawyers until the day of his death on April 23, 1993, and for the UFW thereafter as called upon. I have remained to this day exclusively a civil rights, workers rights, veterans rights attorney. (I have written in more detail about experiences with Cesar Chavez in an earlier tribute).

I can attest based on that long “up close and personal” experience that Cesar Chavez was, in his own way, a true American hero;  that there are valuable lessons to be learned from his honorable life; and that he is deserving of recognition by all Americans for his service and sacrifice for others, no matter their race, color, or creed.

However, in order to understand that, it is necessary, first, to overcome the lies and myths which continue to distort the truth of who and what Cesar Chavez was. These are myths by those who hated and maligned him for their own political purposes; and by those who want to exploit who and what he was in order to appropriate him based on race, ethnicity, or nationality for their own political ends.

The most malicious of those myths are, as stated above, first, that he was not an American but a “Mexican” national; and, second, that he was a “Communist.”

These malicious myths were first promulgated, utterly falsely and politically deliberately, by the John Birch Society in the 1960’s. Almost sixty years later, they are repeated to this day.

First, as to nationality, the truth is that Cesar Chavez was a native-born American, not a “Mexican.”  While proud of his Mexican-American heritage, he was a third-generation American, born on his grandfather’s small ranch in Arizona in the Yuma area.  No matter the indisputability of those facts, Wikipedia, for example, on which many students and others rely, informs even now: “Chavez was born on the Mexico Texas border and therefore has dual citizenship.” Utterly false.

Second, Cesar Chavez was no “communist.” He was a devoted Catholic Christian. He was attempting, humbly,  to live his Christian faith as faithfully as he was able by sacrifice and service for others as taught and exemplified by Jesus the Christ, not Marx the Communist.

Perhaps the best proof, although none should be needed, that Cesar Chavez was not a Communist  but a devoted Catholic Christian living his faith, is the fact that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), in its U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults, which is taught to all adults seeking to become members of the Catholic Church, chose as the exemplar of living a  “life in Christ” and “the principles of the Christian moral life”—Cesar E. Chavez. (See, USCCB Catholic Catechism for Adults, Chapter 24, “Life In Christ-Part Two,” pages 323-234).

Moreover, almost never mentioned by those who hate  Cesar Chavez  and define him as a “communist” and a “Mexican” rather than an American, is that Cesar Chavez, in 1944 at the age of 17, enlisted in the U.S. Navy in WWII and served for the duration of the war in the Pacific in defense of the country of his birth, the United States of America.

Ironically, those who claim to love Cesar Chavez make themselves accomplices of those who hate him (and them)  by obscuring  Cesar Chavez’ American birth — and  by almost never mentioning that he was an American veteran of WWII.  They do this not to honor Cesar, but in order to appropriate Cesar Chavez on race or ethnic grounds as a “Mexican,” “Chicano,” or “Raza” race-based civil rights movement leader rather than as an American hero who should be honored by all Americans — as an American hero.

In regard to that, Cesar Chavez, while proud of his ancestral heritage, always identified himself as a “labor” or “union leader,” not as a civil rights leader of Mexican-Americans, Chicanos, Latinos, Hispanics, or La Raza.

In fact, in the some twenty years I worked with him,  Cesar never defined himself as a “Mexican,” or “Chicano,” “Latino,” etc., and, regarding the identification “La Raza” (“The Race”) he told me he didn’t use it because he considered it racialist.

Those who condemn him as a “Mexican” and “Communist,,” and those who claim a possessory interest him as  a leader of a race-based “Chicano” or “La Raza” civil rights movement, are both wrong: He defined himself as, and acted as, what he was—a “trade union leader,” and a devout Catholic Christian.

Cesar Chavez was the moral heart of the American labor movement.

He built the first viable farm workers union in American history, the United Farm Workers of America. As president of the UFW, Cesar Chavez represented all farm workers, whatever their race, ethnicity, or nationality.

One example which refutes the myths of both those who hate Chavez and those who appropriate him based on race, and shows the willingness of both to corrupt historical truth to suit their political ends, is Chavez’ acts regarding illegal immigration, which was then and remains now  at the center of national controversy and division.

In 1969, Cesar Chavez famously led a march from Indio, CA, to the border. It is portrayed today as primarily a march in protest against discrimination by racist growers oppressing Mexican and other Hispanic farmworkers. That is false historical revisionism.

The primary purpose of the 1969 march to the Mexican border was a protest against the federal government’s failure to secure the border from importation of illegal immigrants who were being used to keep wages and working conditions down and to break strikes and the farmworkers union entirely. Indeed, as UFW members set up picket lines waving “Huelga” (“Strike”) flags, buses would arrive from Mexico to unload strike breakers.

In short, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march to the Mexican border was for the same purpose that the Minutemen later went to the border in the 70’s and 80’s— to secure the border and demand that the government stop illegal immigration. (It should be noted that the Minutemen were widely condemned as as “racists” for doing just what Cesar Chavez did. Was Cesar Chavez a racist? )

In the 1970’s, Cesar Chavez fell out of favor with race-based civil rights groups, white liberals, Leftists including open socialist and communist organizations, and liberal media. He was criticized because he adopted the position of calling upon and aiding the then-Immigration And Naturalization Service (INS) to deport strikebreakers illegally in the country.

In 1979, ten years after the march from Indio to the border to demand enforcement of the immigration laws, Cesar Chavez testified before Congress about immigration. He testified that illegal immigration had to be stopped, and the border secured, as illegal immigrants were used to hold wages and working conditions down, and to break as strikes, defeating efforts of farmworkers to build a union to improve their wages, hours, working conditions, and lives.

Today, Cesar Chavez’ 1969 march from Indio to the border is historically revised to be a protest against racist growers and his 1979 Congressional testimony is rarely cited, to satisfy the political ends of race-based la raza groups and non-raza liberals who want to transform him from what he was, i.e., a leader of a labor movement to improve the lives of all farmworkers,  to what they want him to be, i.e., a race-based political leader..

Meanwhile, many conservatives continue the original wrong and error of the John Birch Society when it falsely slandered and branded Cesar Chavez as a non-American and a “communist.” That continually repeated malicious lie has alienated many Mexican-American and other Hispanics for whom Cesar Chavez is, rightly,  a hero, as he should be for all Americans.

In his lifetime, although he became nationally and internationally renown, Cesar Chavez never sought personal fame, wealth, or celebrity. It was all about the cause, la causa, not about him. Indeed, Cesar Chavez  turned down millions of dollars offered for the rights to make a movie of his life. Similarly, he rejected all offers to write an autobiography or for the right to produce an “authorized” biography. All that he would authorize was the “Autobiography of La Causa,” by Jaques Levy, who didn’t “buy” the right but earned it by working with Chavez in la causa for some ten years.

Cesar Chavez’ achievement is monumental. Farmworkers, and domestic workers, were exempted from the right to organize into unions provided to all other workers by the National Labor Relations Act. There were no State laws creating a right of farmworkers to support unionization. They could be and were fired and “blacklisted” with impunity by employers who suspected them of supporting a union. Farmworkers were also migrant, moving from employer to employer on the migrant trail during harvesting seasons. Therefore, more than a hundred attempts to organize migrant farmworkers by major international unions with money, members, and paid full time organizers failed. It was thought impossible to organize migrant farmworkers.

Then came Cesar Chavez. He had nothing. No money, no members, no paid staff. Nothing but the belief that the only way to help farmworkers was to build a union in which they could themselves achieve better working conditions, and dignity. He himself had become a migrant farmworker at the age of ten when the ranch of his grandfather on which he was born was lost on foreclosure in the Depression and taken over by the Bruce Church Corp., largest lettuce grower in Arizona. He had little education, attending some fifty different elementary schools as his family followed the migrant farmworker trail. After his service in the U.S. Navy, he had married his sweetheart, Helen, in Delano, CA. Together they had eight kids.

The story has been told now in many articles, books, documentaries, and a relatively recent movie of how Cesar Chavez, while working as an organizer in Los Angeles, became convinced a union for farmworkers had to be created. He quit his job. He and Helen loaded up their old station wagon with the kids and a mimeograph machine, and headed to Delano. There, they rented a house, set up the mimeograph machine, and sent out a flyer calling for a house meeting, the first step in creating what would become the United Farm Workers of America.

How did Cesar Chavez succeed where all others had failed? By touching the hearts of Americans and the conscience of the nation by exposing the true working conditions of migrant farmworkers through creative, non-violent acts and actions, including  his fasts and boycotts, and by his manifest personal selfless service and sacrifice.

Cesar Chavez did not merely say:  “I am convinced that the truest act of courage, the strongest act of manliness, is to sacrifice for others in a totally nonviolent struggle for justice. To be a man is to suffer for others. God help us to be men!”

He lived it.

By doing so, he succeeded where so many others failed. He achieved what was thought impossible. He inspired and taught by his example, humbly serving and sacrificing for others, and thereby has enriched the lives not only of farmworkers, but the lives of millions of Americans, of all races, all colors, all creeds, including my own life.

I am greatly indebted to Cesar Chavez, especially for the example of his selfless life in service for others. I will always walk in his shadow.

I write this in the early morning hours of Good Friday, the day on which Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, giving his life for others. It was Jesus Christ whom Cesar Chavez worshipped, followed, and humbly attempted to emulate by service to others through living his Catholic Christian faith. I have little doubt that in the fullness of time, Cesar Chavez will one day become one of the Blessed of his Catholic faith, if not canonized.

May the God that Cesar Chavez so faithfully served bless and keep him as one of His adopted sons; may his native country he so faithfully served, the United States of America, always honor and remember Cesar Chavez as one of its greatest native sons, for his life in service to and for others.

At Press Conference during truckers strike in Tucson, AZ, in 1973, announcing alliance of Truckers For Justice and United Farm Workers of America (UFW)

© 2018 Rees Lloyd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rees Lloyd: ReesLloydLaw@gmail.com

The Irrelevant Second Amendment

To the question “What provision of the Constitution guarantees average Americans the right to posses a firearm?” almost everyone, whether in favor of or opposed to that “right”, would reflexively answer “the Second Amendment”. In point of constitutional fact, however, this is the wrong answer. In reality: (i) Three provisions of the original Constitution guarantee the right—and, of greater consequence, recognize the duty—of average Americans to possess firearms. (ii) The Second Amendment merely echoes and emphasizes this guarantee, which would be just as effective if that Amendment did not exist at all. And (iii) the most influential contemporary misinterpretation of the Second Amendment, which myopically focuses solely on the so-called ”individual right” to posses firearms for the particular purpose of personal self-defense, actually threatens “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”.

I. To ensure that public officials would always adhere to the correct construction of the original Constitution, the Bill of Rights, consisting of “further declaratory and restrictive clauses”, was grafted onto the Constitution “in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers”. RESOLUTION OF THE FIRST CONGRESS SUBMITTING TWELVE AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (4 March 1789), in Documents Illustrative of the Formation of the Union of the American States, House Document No. 398, 69th Congress, 1st Session (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1927), at 1063. Now, obviously, a “misconstruction * * * of [the] powers” which the original Constitution delegated to the General Government would involve a misreading, misinterpretation, or mistaken application of those “powers”—stemming, presumably, from an inadvertent and honest misunderstanding of some sort. Conversely, an “abuse of [the original Constitution’s] powers” would involve an intentional and dishonest extension (or perhaps an intentional and dishonest contraction) of those “powers” in derogation of their legitimate purpose and scope. In either case, the Bill of Rights was adopted, not on the premiss that the various actions which its Articles discountenanced were actually permitted by the original Constitution, but rather to ensure that the correct construction of the Constitution—which disallowed those actions—would be pellucid. Indeed, that the Bill of Rights added “further declaratory and restrictive clauses” plainly indicated that the original Constitution already contained some “declaratory and restrictive clauses” (whether express or implied) with respect to the subjects the Bill of Rights addressed.

Thus, the purpose of the Second Amendment’s guarantee that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” is not to negate some imaginary provision in the original Constitution which if it existed would license the General Government to “infringe[ ]” that “right” ad libitum, but instead is to reiterate and reinforce the absence of any such provision. Any claim which rogue public officials might assert—whether by dint of some deficiency in either their competence or their integrity—in favor of such a license is a “misconstruction or abuse of [the General Government’s] powers [in the original Constitution]”, not an even arguably valid exercise of those “powers”.

II. Of course, if the original Constitution contained no provision which dealt in any manner with “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, the Second Amendment would be highly relevant. For it is obvious that certain powers the original Constitution delegates to Congress—such as the powers “[t]o lay and collect Taxes” and “[t]o regulate Commerce * * * among the several States” in Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 3, respectively—could conceivably be subjected to “misconstruction or abuse” by invincibly ignorant or rogue public officials in derogation of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”. Indeed, since the 1930s those Clauses have repeatedly been misconstrued and abused in favor of unconstitutional “gun control”. See, e.g., AN ACT To provide for the taxation of manufacturers, importers, and dealers in certain firearms and machine guns, to tax the sale or other disposal of such weapons, and to restrict importation and regulate interstate transportation thereof (“National Firearms Act”), Act of 26 June 1934, chapter 757, 48 Stat. 1236; AN ACT To regulate commerce in firearms (“Federal Firearms Act”), Act of 30 June 1938, chapter 850, 52 Stat. 1250; AN ACT To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for better control of the interstate traffic in firearms (“Gun Control Act of 1968”), Act of 22 October 1968, Pub. L. 90-618, 82 Stat. 1213; An Act To control crime (“Crime Control Act of 1990”), Act of 29 November 1990, Pub. L. 101-647, 104 Stat. 4789; An Act To control and prevent crime (“Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994”), Act of 13 September 1994, Pub. L. 103-322, 108 Stat. 1796.

In fact, though, the original Constitution contains provisions which, applied by honest and competent public officials, plainly secure and effectuate the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms”—either positively, by asserting the existence of that “right” for We the People in general; or negatively, by denying the General Government (and the States as well) any authority to “infringe[ ]” it. These provisions include:

Article I, Section 8, Clause 15—The power of Congress “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions[.]”

Article I, Section 8, Clause 16—The power of Congress “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress[.]”

Article II, Section 2, Clause 1—“The President shall be Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States[.]”

And it should be self-evident that, for example, the general powers of Congress “[t]o lay and collect Taxes” and “[t]o regulate Commerce * * * among the several States” cannot be misemployed to negate the specific power of Congress “[t]o provide for * * * arming * * * the Militia”, or to disable the States from arming their own Militia—“the Militia of the several States”—should Congress default on its own responsibility. The Constitution, after all, is not internally self-contradictory or otherwise incoherent.

Although the principles, standards, and required outcomes that govern the exercise of these powers of Congress and the President (and the cognate powers of the States) with respect to “the right of he people to keep and bear Arms” are nowhere explicitly set out in the original Constitution, they are obviously implicit in its incorporation of “the Militia of the several States” into the federal system. These are the only “Militia” the Constitution recognizes. These are uniquely “the Militia” to which the powers of Congress, the position of the President as “Commander in Chief”, and the “powers * * * reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution pertain. Even more to the point, these were not merely theoretical “militia” when the Constitution was ratified in 1788. Rather, they were actual institutions—indeed, the only institutions of their kind—which had existed for generations theretofore throughout America, settled and regulated pursuant to ordinances, acts, and statutes of the thirteen Colonies and then the independent States. So, from the very beginning, Congress’s power was limited to “organizing, arming, and disciplining, the[se and only these] Militia”, and in such wise as to guarantee the continued existence of such “Militia” under the style of “the Militia of the several States”. Congress labored under a complete disability (an absence of power) as to any other conceivable “militia”. So, too, for the States. And, in the absence of a constitutional Amendment on this subject, this situation still obtains.

To be sure, because of invincible ignorance or for maleficent political purposes, some people might attempt to deny or obscure the obvious, in order to float the notion that the original Constitution licenses Members of Congress to define the phrase “organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia”—and even the noun “Militia” itself—in any manner that suits their fancy. Contrast District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 599-600 (2008) (Scalia, J., for the Court) (where that sort of nonsense finds voice, albeit only in irresponsible dicta), with Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189, 206 (1920) (stating the correct rule). Certainly this would be the perverse tack taken by rogue public officials intent on disregarding, hamstringing, or even destroying the Militia entirely. So, to ensure that both the General Government and the governments of the States would always adhere to the correct interpretation and application of the original Constitution with respect specifically to the Militia, the Second Amendment, consisting of “further declaratory and restrictive clauses”, was added to the original Constitution “in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers”.

The Second Amendment provides that “[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The term “well regulated Militia” obviously takes as implicit examples “the Militia of the several States” which existed at the time of the Amendment’s ratification (1791)—for these “Militia” would never have been incorporated into the original Constitution only a few years earlier (1788) had they been considered to be other than “well regulated”. The power of Congress “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States”—that is, for “execut[ing] the Laws of the Union, suppress[ing] Insurrections and repel[ling] Invasions”—outlines in what particulars and for what purposes the Militia are to be “well regulated” by Congress. So too for the States, when they “regulate[ ]” their own Militia for their own purposes (or for the purposes the Constitution entrusts to Congress, should Congress default on that duty). And these powers of “regulat[ion]” are to be construed and exercised in accordance with the principles of “well regulated Militia” understood at the time the original Constitution and then the Second Amendment were ratified—which principles must be derived from the pre-constitutional Militia laws of the Colonies and independent States, there having been no other principles of “well regulated Militia” generally known, accepted, and enacted into law within America during that era. After all, to understand it, the Constitution must be perused “in the light of the law as it existed at the time it was adopted”. Mattox v. United States, 156 U.S. 237, 243 (1895). See generally the present author’s book Constitutional “Homeland Security”, Volume Two, The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of “the Militia of the Several States” (Front Royal, Virginia: CD-ROM Edition, 2012). Thus, contrary to the general misconception, the Second Amendment restates a constitutional rule which applies to both the General Government and the States, because in its Militia Clauses the original Constitution sets out powers and disabilities which pertain to both levels of government.

As the principles of the pre-constitutional American Militia laws make clear, “the Militia of the several States” today are to consist of every able-bodied citizen from sixteen years of age upwards. Indeed, with only limited exemptions, every such citizen has a legally enforceable duty to serve unless and until some physical or mental disability occasioned by advanced age, disease, or accident precludes his further useful participation. Under Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 of the original Constitution, Congress may “provide for calling forth” “such Part of the[ Militia] as may be employed in the Service of the United States”, and may “provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining[ such Part of] the Militia” as Congress may deem necessary for “execut[ing the Laws of the Union, suppress[ing] Insurrections, and repel[ling] Invasions”. But neither Congress nor the States may confine membership and active participation in the Militia as a whole to some set of Americans less inclusive than the pre-constitutional Militia laws required.

As the pre-constitutional American “Militia” laws also teach, every member of the Militia (other than conscientious objectors) is to be provided with “Arms” suitable for Militia service. Thus, not surprisingly, the Constitution delegates to Congress the power “[t]o provide for * * * arming * * * the Militia”, not for “disarming” them. The three purposes for which Congress may “provide for calling forth the Militia” indicates what types of “Arms” should be provided. “[T]o execute the Laws of the Union” naturally implies “Arms” suitable for the work of typical law-enforcement agencies. “[T]o * * * repel Invasions” naturally implies “Arms” identical or equivalent to those the regular Armed Forces employ. And “to * * * suppress Insurrections” naturally implies “Arms” which can be employed for one or the other of the latter purposes, depending on the type, extent, and severity of the particular “Insurrection[ ]” at hand.

Inasmuch as the Militia are “the Militia of the several States”, and inasmuch as every member of any constitutional “Militia” (other than conscientious objectors) must be suitably armed for that service, each of the several States, no less than Congress, must provide for arming her Militia, not for disarming them. For their own part, the States may require their Militia to execute their own laws, to suppress insurrections within their own territories, to repel invasions of those territories, and to perform whatever other functions they may choose to assign to their “Militia” for which the use of “Arms” may be indicated. Thus the types of “Arms” which the States may require (or simply expect) the members of their Militia to keep and bear for the States’ own purposes could conceivably be more—but never less—extensive than the types of “Arms” required (or simply expected) by Congress for “the Militia of the several States” when they are “employed in the Service of the United States”.

The original Constitution does not specify how Congress is “[t]o provide for * * * arming * * * the Militia”. In keeping with the pre-constitutional practices which define the concept of “arming”, Congress could direct some agency in the General Government to disburse suitable “Arms”. Or it could direct the States to provide such “Arms”. Or it could direct the members of the Militia to supply themselves with particular “Arms” through the free market. Or it could simply allow all Americans eligible for the Militia to purchase such “Arms” as they saw fit (which, in effect, is the situation today to a certain, albeit not sufficient, extent). Or it could employ some combination of these means (for example, crew-served weapons would be supplied by the government, individual “Arms” provided by members of the Militia themselves). Similarly for the States. But, obviously, neither Congress nor the States can “provide for * * * arming * * * the Militia” by prohibiting citizens eligible for the Militia from in some manner procuring whatever types of “Arms” would enable them to perform one or another Militia service. Thus, for a prime example, if the particular task is to “repel Invasions”, neither Congress nor the States may prohibit citizens eligible for the Militia from possessing at least semi-automatic so-called “assault rifles” of military calibers, closely akin to the fully automatic rifles the regular Armed Forces employ to “repel Invasions” by foreign aggressors also equipped with such rifles.

Both Congress and the States have the constitutional power to arm the Militia. And, as a general proposition, “[w]hatever functions Congress [and the States] are by the Constitution authorized to perform they are, when the public good requires it, bound to perform”. United States v. Marigold, 50 U.S. (9 Howard) 560, 567 (1850). One of the Constitution’s purposes is to “provide for the common defence”, which self-evidently “the public good [always] requires”. See U.S. Const. preamble; art. I, § 8, cl. 1. A critical responsibility of the Militia is to “provide for the common defence”, first and foremost by “repel[ling] Invasions” and to a lesser degree by “suppress[ing large-scale] Insurrections”. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8, cl. 15. See also U.S. Const. art. IV, § 4, and art. I, § 10, cl. 3. So the power of Congress and the States to arm the Militia for that purpose (as well as others) implies a corresponding duty, too. And because Congress and the States have a governmental duty to arm the Militia, and every American eligible for Militia service (other than conscientious objectors) has a personal duty to be armed, every such American enjoys a corresponding absolute right as against both the General Government and the States “to keep and bear Arms” suitable for such service—such as semi-automatic “assault rifles” with which to “repel Invasions” and “suppress [large-scale] Insurrections”, or various types of semi-automatic pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, and so on with which to “execute the Laws” and “suppress [small-scale] Insurrections”.

Observe, too, that this absolute right derived from Americans’ eligibility for service in the Militia is perfectly compatible with—indeed, is the very best way to effectuate—the so-called “individual right” “to keep and bear Arms” for personal self-defense on which advocates of “gun rights” such as the National Rifle Association dote. After all, as a practical matter, everyone who is required to possess firearms suitable for Militia service can also employ those firearms for self-protection should the need arise. And inasmuch as self-defense entails the enforcement of the law by the victim of an attack when no other aid is available, such use of a firearm fulfills the Militia purpose of “execut[ing] the Laws of the Union” and the laws of the States. Viewed in the proper constitutional context, the “individual right” of personal self-defense is simply inseparable from all Americans’ rights and duties pertaining to the Militia. Moreover, as an aspect of “execut[ing] the Laws” self-defense implies an absolute right derived from service in the Militia “to keep and bear Arms” useful for that purpose—which “Arms” will inevitably include numerous types of firearms perfectly adequate for self-defense even if they are not usually deemed suitable or recommended for “execut[ing other] Laws”, “suppress[ing] Insurrections”, or “repel[ling] Invasions”.

Now, inasmuch as the foregoing analysis has derived “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” solely from the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution, with no reliance upon the Second Amendment except as an emphatic reinforcement by reassertion of the “right” those Clauses guarantee on their own, it follows that the Second Amendment is really irrelevant to the fundamental issue of Americans’ “gun rights”. “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear Arms”—including the “individual right” “to keep and bear Arms” for personal self-defense—would exist even if the Second Amendment did not.

Indeed, read in its entirety (as every coherent sentence in the English language must be read if its true sense is to be understood), the Second Amendment itself confirms this conclusion. The Amendment provides that “[a] well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Amendment’s self-evident goal is “the security of a free State”. It declares that “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary” for that purpose. And it protects “the right of the people to keep and bears Arms” against “infringe[ment]” so that “the people” will always be properly equipped to provide “security” to their “free State” through their service in “[a] well regulated Militia”. For the Second Amendment, then, “a free State” is one endowed with “[a] well regulated Militia” in which suitably armed citizens participate collectively in an organized manner for their common defense, not an anarchy in which each happenstance inhabitant of the territory exercises on his own behalf an atomistic “individual right” “to keep and bear Arms” for the purpose of self-defense alone.

In all of this, the Second Amendment and the original Constitution are perfectly congruent. “[T]he security of a free State” to which the Amendment refers is the selfsame end to which the original Constitution aspires in its Preamble: namely, “to provide for the common defence * * * and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”. The “well regulated Militia” which the Amendment declares to be “necessary” for that purpose are “the Militia of the several States” which the original Constitution permanently incorporated into its federal system. And the “right of the people to keep and bear Arms” which the Amendment protects against “infringe[ment]” is no less guaranteed by the explicit power and duty of Congress “[t]o provide for * * * arming * * * the Militia”, along with the implicit disability of the States to disarm their Militia and thereby negate the powers of Congress and the President to “call[ ] forth the Militia” “to be employed in the Service of the United States”. Thus, by its own terms, the Second Amendment supplies nothing that the original Constitution lacks—because, as far as “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” is concerned, the original Constitution lacks nothing.

III. Incautious reliance by self-styled champions of the Second Amendment on the “individual right” “to keep and bear Arms”—which some of them convinced the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), to derive from the Amendment’s last fourteen words (to the effective exclusion of the first thirteen)—has rendered the Second Amendment extremely relevant nowadays, but to We the People’s disarmanent.

At issue in Kolbe v. Hogan, 849 F.3d 114 (4th Cir. 2017) (en banc), was the unconstitutionality of a Maryland statute which prohibits average citizens of that State from possessing every one of a long list of “assault firearms” and related “large-capacity magazines”. Anyone who gives even passing consideration to the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment, let alone the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution (and of the Constitution of Maryland, too), must conclude that these particular “Arms”, being quintessential “Militia” firearms in this day and age, are entitled to the very highest level of protection available under the Second Amendment. See United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939). But, expecting to capitalize on Heller, the plaintiffs in Kolbe premissed their case exclusively on the “individual-right” theory that “assault firearms” are useful for personal self-defense.

Truth and justice being commodities of little value today, that these litigants’ assertions were correct availed them nothing. For, in a remarkably disingenuous display of legalistic jiu-jitsu, the Court of Appeals upheld the Maryland law on the supposed authority of Heller:

We conclude * * * that the banned assault weapons and large-capacity magazines are not protected by the Second Amendment. * * * [They] are among those arms that are “like” “M-16 rifles”—“weapons that are most useful in military service”—which the Heller Court singled out as being beyond the Second Amendment’s reach. * * * [W]e have no power to extend Second Amendment protection to the weapons of war that the Heller decision explicitly excluded from such coverage. [849 F.3d at 121.]

To be sure, this was a grotesque perversion of the actual holding in Heller—but a studied “misconstruction or abuse” which the loose reasoning and even looser rhetoric of Heller encouraged and facilitated.

Seeking to overturn the Court of Appeals’ decision, Mr. Kolbe et alia then petitioned the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, once again in reliance on the “individual-right” theory alone.

Although the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution (and of the Constitution of Maryland as well) were “not specifically noticed * * * in the [parties’] records or briefs”, the Supreme Court could have taken them under consideration on its own initiative, “that the Constitution may not be violated from the carelessness or oversight of counsel in any particular.” See Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429, 604 (1895) (separate opinion of Field, J.). And, on that basis, it could have disposed of the case in summary fashion with an order reading simply: “The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed on the authority of United States v. Miller, 307 U.S. 174 (1939).” Instead, the Supreme Court denied the petition without commenting on the merits of the case. Although as a matter of law the mere denial of the petition imports nothing as to the merits, the practical result is that—at least in the Fourth Circuit and in any other court which finds the Court of Appeals’ sophistry congenial for the purpose of imposing radical “gun control”—any “Arms” which can plausibly be labeled “weapons of war” are entitled to no protection whatsoever under the Second Amendment. As to such “Arms” the Second Amendment is simply irrelevant.

Now, semi-automatic “assault rifles” of (say) the AR-15 and AK-47 patterns available in the free market undoubtedly are akin in their basic designs and most of their operations and features to the fully automatic versions of such firearms employed by regular armed forces throughout the world. But so are most modern semi-automatic pistols of military calibers. Indeed, many semi-automatic pistols now being sold in the free market to civilians in the United States are also issued to regular armed forces both here and abroad with no significant differences in their basic designs, operations, and features. And just about all modern semi-automatic pistols are supplied by the factories with “large-capacity magazines” as original equipment, and can accommodate even-larger-capacity aftermarket magazines. (Such aftermarket magazines are available for even the venerable Colt Model 1911 pistol and its contemporary clones.) So nothing prevents these pistols from being denounced by “gun-control” fanatics in legislatures and courts as “weapons of war” unprotected by the Second Amendment and therefore subject to sweeping prohibitions, notwithstanding that they are eminently suitable for personal self-defense by civilians in their own homes and in the streets of their cities and towns.

To be sure, Heller upheld the right of an average American to possess a semi-automatic handgun for the purpose of personal protection in his home. But, inasmuch as Heller was decided on the basis of the “individual-right” theory with no consideration of the “weapons-of-war” theory, in a future Heller-type case the Supreme Court could adopt the latter theory merely by “distinguishing” Heller on that basis, without having to “overrule” it formally. And, by denying the petition for a writ of certiorari in Kolbe, the Supreme Court has left the “weapons-of-war” theory fully loaded in the argumentative arsenal of every crackpot legislator and judge throughout the United States. Thus, one can expect “gun-control” fanatics to push that theory for all it is worth—first against private possession of semi-automatic “assault rifles” (those fanatics’ bête noire du jour), then against private possession of semi-automatic pistols and other “Arms” with “military” applications (such as highly accurate bolt-action rifles equipped with telescopic sights, which can be denounced as “sniper rifles”), wherever such possession is still legal. That, in the aftermath of the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, pundits in the mass media and assorted “useful idiots” in both of this country’s “two” major political parties are stridently demanding prohibition of the private possession of all semi-automatic firearms of whatever type indicates that no discernable limit to such anti-constitutional nullification of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” exists.

For decades past, “gun-control” fanatics have employed numerous strategies in their incessant war of legalistic aggression against “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms”, especially with respect to semi-automatic “assault rifles”. Yet during that time even those “Arms” were entitled to a measure of ersatz protection under a judicial “balancing test” which (in its strongest form) purported to “enforce” the Second Amendment by requiring the government to demonstrate that an “infringe[ment]” on “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” served a “compelling interest” through “the least-restrictive means” available. Unfortunately for litigants trying to shield themselves behind the “individual-right” theory, what constituted a “compelling interest” and a “least-restrictive means” was, like “beauty”, in the eyes of the beholders—that is, the typically hostile judges who decided such cases. And, like “pornography”, such judges knew a “compelling interest” and a “least-restrictive means” when they saw them, which they almost always professed to do. Nonetheless, even a kangaroo court’s employment of an anti-constitutional and politically biased “balancing test” was preferable to an out-and-out ruling that the Second Amendment did not apply at all. Now, however, once the label “weapons of war” is affixed to some class of firearms under the Kolbe doctrine, a court can ignore the Second Amendment entirely. Not even a “balancing test” need be applied to what otherwise would be recognized as an “infringe[ment]” on “the right of the people to keep and bear [such] Arms”, because no constitutional “right” exists with respect to them.

Even the NRA and other proponents of the “individual-right” theory seem to realize the extremely perilous nature of this situation. It is surely no accident, after all, that they have taken to calling semi-automatic rifles of the AR-15 pattern “modern sporting rifles”. Apparently they imagine that applying mere verbal lipstick to what “gun-control” fanatics among legislators, judges, and the mass media consider a pig will reprieve the poor animal from consignment to a slaughterhouse. Besides being unrealistic, this tactic is more than merely ironic, inasmuch as the NRA has consistently (and correctly) criticized the BATFE for using as a basis for its regulations a firearm’s supposed unsuitability for what that agency deems to be “sporting” purposes.

Although the proponents of the “individual-right” theory of the Second Amendment did not intend to create this rats’ nest, they are largely responsible for it. For if Richard Weaver was correct in his observation that all ideas have consequences, surely even they should have known that bad ideas inevitably beget catastrophes. Over the years, in support of “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms” they could have promoted the entirety of the Second Amendment, rather than just its last fourteen words. They could have promoted the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution. They could have promoted the entirety of the Second Amendment in tandem with the Militia Clauses, as the Constitution obviously intends. They could have litigated Heller on the latter basis, and might well have obtained from Justice Scalia a constitutionally coherent opinion which would have precluded—rather than provided grist for—the egregious decision in Kolbe. They could even have bravely bitten the bullet by denoting semi-automatic “assault rifles” as the “modern Militia rifles” those firearms undoubtedly are—or, better yet, by describing all firearms suitable for any type of Militia service (including personal self-defense) as “modern Militia arms”. But they wanted nothing to do with either the first thirteen words of the Second Amendment or the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution. As a result—perhaps innocently, perhaps inadvertently, but in any event inattentively to the inescapable consequences of their actions—they have provided “gun-control” fanatics with invaluable aid and comfort in those miscreants’ quest to make the Second Amendment irrelevant.

Now, having sown the wind, they must steel themselves to reap the whirlwind. Unfortunately, so must we all.

© 2018 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edwin Vieira: edwinvieira@gmail.com

Time For iPhone Control?

In his classic novel 1984, George Orwell painted a dystopian totalitarian society in which people were forced to watch telescreens they could not turn off to stop the flow of government propaganda 24/7. These telescreens doubled both as TV sets and spying devices, recording everything and keeping people under constant surveillance. Orwell never imagined, though, that the new sheeple would voluntarily watch 24/7 the modern version of telescreens: cell phones.

In her 1977 book The Plug-In Drug, Marie Winn Miller studied how the inordinate amount of time children devote to watching television affected the developing child’s mind’s relationship to the real world. Currently, however, this situation has worsened by the extended use of playing video games and using computers, as well as a much more powerful drug than TV: iPhones. [1]

Currently, iPhones have become the modern electronic equivalent of military rifles with high-capacity mags. Actually, using the same reasoning why the Geneva Convention banned the use of shotguns in war because of their extreme killing power, we should ban the use of iPhones because of their destructive power on the human mind, particularly children’s minds.[2]

It makes sense, though, that the same laws proposed by bleeding-heart liberals to control guns should be applied to these gadgets, much more dangerous than guns: iPhones. iPhones have become the door through which American children, behind the backs of their parents, get exposed to violence, and graphic death through Hollywood films and video games, but also to sexual promiscuity and the filth of pornography at levels never reached before. It is also one of the ways the religious, reactionary Left disseminates their unscientific, quasi-religious ideas of the dangers of global warming, the benefits of wholesale abortion, the need for pornography, the beauty of homosexuality and, currently, the need to ban guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens. It has become imperative that, in order to save the children’s impressionable minds, to ban iPhone use among children and youngsters up to eighteen years old.[3]

There is much more danger in the indiscriminate use of iPhones than in the indiscriminate use of guns Lefties fear so much.

In Cell, a 2016 film starring John Cusak and Samuel L. Jackson, based on a Stephen King novel, an electronic signal turns iPhone users into rabid zombies. But, as Mark Twain once observed, reality always trumps fiction. Actually, there is no need to send an electronic signal to turn  iPhone users into zombies.

In his 1964 groundbreaking book Understanding Media, Canadian media expert Marshall McLuhan introduced the concept that it was a medium itself, not the content it carried, which affects society in a negative way, and he expressed this idea in a phrase he coined: “The medium is the message.” Though at the time he wrote the book McLuhan was talking mostly about TV, his concept could be easily applied to the new medium ten times more powerful than TV: the iPhone.

Actually, this is not new. Mass media has always been an open door to the public mind, and the CFR’s globalist conspirators have been using it since the early 1900s. The fact was first studied by Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays in a landmark 1947 essay titled “The Engineering of Consent.”[4] According to Bernays,

“Freedom of speech and its democratic corollary, a free press, have tacitly expanded our Bill of Rights to include the right of persuasion. This development was an inevitable result of the expansion of the media of free speech and persuasion, denned in other articles in this volume. All these media provide open doors to the public mind. Any one of us through these media may influence the attitudes and actions of our fellow citizens.”

The only difference is that current digital media devices are much more powerful than the media studied by Bernays. Currently these media are used to impose a veritable mind-control over people, particularly young people. The masses of young people hysterically asking for total gun control after the school shooting in Florida — most likely a pre-staged false flag operation — is the most recent example of this mind control through mass media.

Just observing the behavior of heavy iPhone users show that they have become junkies addicted to their phones. They turn on their devices every few minutes looking for email or text messages. If, for any reason, they cannot check their iPhones for a few minutes, they show the typical deprivation symptoms of drug users deprived of their drugs. A recent study by Common Sense Media reports shows that U.S. teenagers spend nine hours per day using media devices for enjoyment, which adds up to more than 136 days of the year.

By the way, the use of these new electronic technologies to turn people, particularly children, into junkies has not been the result of chance, but of a carefully planned design. Actually, programmers designing software for these devices are specifically trained on techniques to cause psychological addiction. The author of recent article on the subject asks, “Where is the ethical line in marketing between hooking a customer and getting them hooked?”[5]

It is highly revealing, however, that while the big digital drug producers in Cupertino, Apple cardinal among them, have invested billions of dollars convincing us of the benefits of using computers in education, most of them send their children to schools that don’t use computers and iPhones are banned.[6] I don’t think they do this out of stupidity. On the contrary, they know very well the dangers of the new plug-in drugs and want their children to be drug-free.

So, the logical response to the Left’s fight for gun control, whose true goal is to deprive people they don’t like from the means to defend themselves, is to fight back by passing laws to deprive people we don’t like from their main tool to brainwash our children. We need to begin fighting to press our leaders in government to pass a law banning people younger than 18 years old to use iPhones.[7]

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


1. The phenomenon has been studied by Adam Alter in his 1917 book Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked.

2. When I mention iPhones I am actually referring to the type of cell phone initially developed by Apple, which not only can be used as a portable phone, but also as a sound recorder, a picture and movie camera, a device to send and receive text messages, as well as a tool to surf the Internet. As a bonus, banning iPhones would be a great hit against most Silicon Valley companies, who strongly contribute to the Left’s causes, the same way the Left hit the tobacco companies for the sole reason they highly contributed to conservative organizations. Actually, the anti-smoking campaign was the first successful PsyOp against the American people. More on this in a forthcoming article.

3. Again, I want to make clear that I am referring to the particular iPhone-type of cell phone. If some parents feel the need to keep communicating with their children at all times, I am not against the use of basic cell phones by children, that is, cell phones that can only be used to phone and nothing else.

4. Edward Bernays, “The Engineering of Consent,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. The article was published in 1955 in a book of the same title by the University of Oklahoma Press.

5. Hal Conick, “Marketing’s Ethical Line Between Social Media Habit and Addiction,” Marketing News, April 6, 2017.

6.  Matt Richtel, “A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute“, The New York Times, October 22, 2011. Also, Eames Yates, “This Silicon Valley school shuns technology — yet most of the students are children of tech exec,” Business Insider, March 23, 2017.

An Open Letter To Allah

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble me greatly.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him we should supplicate for any and all help in all matters.

Well, I am doing exactly as I am advised. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter, to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to do the thinking for me. If I am to let Allah do all the thinking and deciding for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been spending much of my life trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this awesome universe, as Islam claims. To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are important and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense at knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker after truth and it is in this spirit that I am humbly composing this missive to you, Allah. I hope that I am not being discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I really am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me so I must be worth something. It is this realization that gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your lordship.

Without further ado, here are some of my questions.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a very hard time with that claim. Of course, I am a most finite being and my intellect is hardly capable of imagining that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans are hardly capable of fathoming things that transcend the limits of our finite rational mind. Any clarification of this assertion would be immensely helpful.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says that you created the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your command. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your smallish book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I think maybe I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I said to myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slow in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could actually write things down among the horde of savages was not an easy task.

A follow up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired-hand of a rich widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have chosen a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed, a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: to no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings, he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I really don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But, machines are much more superior to men in brute force and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then, pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the major function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam fails miserably on this major point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about the peace of unity after what Muhammad did and his disciples continue to do, killing the unbelievers en mass and without the least bit of mercy?

Compounding the problem is the fact that as Muhammad was still gasping his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with the business of killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with the internecine as well as infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions.  Keep in mind that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Sometimes We Can’t See The Forest For The Trees

When Job was severely tested, and his friends gathered around him to explain to him how there must be sin in his life for such tragedy to have occurred, eventually the Lord interjected with this phrase:  “Who is this who darkens counsel by words without knowledge?  Now brace yourself like a man.  I will question you and you shall answer Me.” [Job 38:2-3]

When God finished his inquiry of Job, Job answered in part:

“I know that You can do all things, and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. … Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know…” [Job 42:2-3]

It’s not that Job’s laments or Job’s friends’ deductions were untrue, for there was truth in them.  It’s that they lacked understanding.  They did not know how things fit together.  They were, in fact, looking at pieces to declare the whole.

In national and world events today, this is our same mistake.  We declare things which we don’t understand.  We evaluate and deduce, we research and reproduce, and we glean truths and think we know.  (and I’m speaking of myself in this as well)  The problem, or rather solution, as we learn from Job is this:  we must have God’s perspective to gain understanding, and even then, in our humanness we probably don’t have all the clarity we need.

There is no shortage of theories, accusations and declarations about today’s current events.  Some of them are quite true, as Job’s friends’ deductions were.  But if our application of these truths is not in harmony with God’s view, we are equally in error.

In a perfect world it would be amazing to have a national leader without blemish, in high noble character, unassailable for faults, foibles and mistakes.  From the sound of some Christians, this is the only acceptable President for the United States of America.  Somehow for legalistic, religious Christians, the only acceptable leader is one without moral sin.  Yet there is no leader (apart from Christ) that we can find in Scripture that encapsulates such a person.  [In fact, I’d go so far as to say these particular critics of our presidents rarely have the same requirements of their pastors, but that is a different topic.]

When the imposter Barack Obama was elected, the Lord said to me, “I’ve put a mirror up in front of the American people.”  I understood that to mean that America had elected a president that reflects the condition of the American soul.  For one, consider that BO was all about special interests.  “Special interests” is the danger we fall into when we begin to feel like our own set of circumstances is different than others and we therefore should get differential treatment.  It is the manifestation of selfishness, self-centeredness, and self-absorption.  All of a sudden all sorts of special interest groups were catered to:  LGBT, race, climate, etc.  Those not involved in such interests were considered enemies or opposition to their goals.  This bred demarcations in American citizenship in new places.

For another, BO was a pretender who had been groomed for this hour, and his real identity had been altered to present a palatable forerunner for “change” and the laughable misnomer of “hope”.  The change he wanted and he clearly stated, was to fundamentally transform the United States.  And his wife went on to declare America was “going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”

BO’s real identity was cloaked in secrecy, and his stage identity played on the ever increasing confused identity of Americans who had lost their way, or never found their way.  These Americans (that voted and endorsed this actor) were just like him in the sense that they lacked conviction, honor and identity as Americans in accordance with the original spirit of America.  Just as BO was not a true American, just as he did not endorse the principles and traditions that founded America, so was this group that embraced him.

[Yes, some people were deceived and changed their mind as they gained understanding.  The rest endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton.]

[I do not mean to imply prior administrations were righteous.  Both Bushes with Clinton sandwiched between were instrumental at implementing nefarious schemes to weaken America for its future destruction.  They were all wicked, twenty years before BO.   (And yes, it goes way beyond that, but I’m dealing with recent modern American history right now.)]

A remarkable thing happened over the eight years of BO’s “leadership”.  The real Christians began to repent.  Adherents to the teachings of Christ and the Word of God began to cry out personally and publicly.  They took seriously the admonition given through King Solomon, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

I don’t know if there was just a growing awakening as we moved from one appalling president to another.  What I think was happening simultaneously during these ever increasing years of growing evil was the technology age opened avenues for truth to be obtained at more widespread levels than ever before.  Increasing access to information coupled with a growing revelation of personal awareness began an upswing of revelation to both our personal condition and our national condition.

To me, after twenty years of the Bushes and Clintons, a separation was occurring.  When BO was elected, it seemed that the real Believers had a wake up encounter.  However at the time, it seemed a little too late.  The momentum was building for the liberal, atheistic, communistic agenda (masked as anything but such), and with the help of a bought and paid for media and in partnership with a corrupt educational/indoctrination system, the deception had matured to the point it looked like it was going to succeed.

And the Believers repented.  And the Believers cried out to their God.  There were prayer assemblies, State Capital prayer calls, and national conferences of Believers asking for God to intervene.  In fact, Believers in other countries were praying for Christians in America and for America as a whole.  For eight years those who call on the name of the Lord called on His Name.  I knew BO was going to be elected a second term because the Lord was letting His people suffer for our apathy, and really begin to feel the consequences of unrighteousness.  He was testing our hearts to see if we were really repentant, if we really wanted His intervention, if we were willing to make personal sacrifices.

In the meantime, the wickedness of our rulers (and I don’t just mean elected officials) increased, and their boldness increased.  They laughed at the thought of justice.  They flaunted their misdeeds before us with the message that they are untouchable.  They called on the powers of darkness with horrifying sacrifices of innocent lives, and they began to feel indestructible.

At the end of BO’s term it seemed that the reins of evil would be handed over to Hillary Clinton to move in for the crippling emasculation of our nation.   Again God’s people cried out, and we thought we knew what we needed.  We endorsed people we thought would be the answer for turning America from the fast approaching cliff, people like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  (How little do we really know!)  We pleaded for Ben Carson’s appointment.

And we got Trump.

We have got to stop thinking we know what we need!  We have got to stop assuming we know what God thinks!  We don’t know!  We can’t see everything!  We need to stop declaring things we don’t understand!  We have to learn to ask God for His heart, and keep silent when we don’t know.

Why was Nebuchadnezzar the tool God used for Israel’s humbling?  Why was Nebuchadnezzar God’s man of choice to accomplish His will?  Do we know?  Do we understand?  Do we realize when we reach the streets of Eternity evidence indicates the heathen king Nebuchadnezzar will be there with us??

Gosh, we think we know who God is going to use, and then He speaks from a donkey!

We think we know what a godly leader should look like, and God endorses an adulterer and murderer as “a man after His own heart”!

When Joshua set out to take the Promised Land he encountered a man with a drawn sword.  That man was an angel of the Lord and Joshua asked, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?”  The man replied, “Neither, but as captain of the Lord’s armies, I now come.”  When are we going to understand that God’s purposes are HIS purposes??  We better learn to seek them, even if they look different than how we think they should.

Trump obviously doesn’t look like Christendom’s leader for our nation.  There are flaws and weaknesses, there are mistakes and worse.  But what does God think?  Why has God chosen Him?

If we’re not careful, our religious thinking is going to be our judgment.  In Jeremiah’s day there were all kinds of spokespersons for the Lord the people were listening to.  But what did God say [Jer 23:18]???

“But who has stood in the council of the Lord that he should see and hear His word?  Who has given heed to His word and listened?”

We better be standing in the council of the Lord or listening to those we know are or we’re going to be led astray.  We’re going to believe things that aren’t according to the Lord’s will.  We’re going to oppose the Lord’s plans Himself if we aren’t paying attention.  Who are we to think because we know a few Scriptures that we understand what the Lord is doing right now?  Didn’t the Jews of Christ’s day make that same mistake?

Do we know why God raised up a pagan king to build His temple?  Do we understand why God called pagan Cyrus His “shepherd” that would do all that God desired??  [2 Chron 36:22, Is 44:28]  Are we sure we can say God isn’t using Trump??

Surely we see in part and we prophesy in part!  Surely we don’t know everything on the heart of God or how He has chosen to move or through whom He has chosen!  We have got to learn to inquire of the Lord, to stand in the council of the Lord!

I follow a well-known national writer who is a Christian. I really like him. I think he writes well and makes very good points. However, he likes to make judgments on the things Trump is doing or not doing as though his judgments are right because there’s only one way to look at it: through his religious lens. I understand; I used to do that. We have to stop!

We have to stop doing that with Trump, and we have to stop doing that with each other.  We don’t see everything.  We can’t know everything.  We may not understand why God had Samuel anoint David king under the pretense of making a sacrifice to God.  It seemed deceitful.  Or why Moses asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go so they could celebrate a feast to God in the wilderness, when really He was going to emancipate them.  We like to think we have the God thing figured out and how He is going to work, or is supposed to work.  We like to think He’s going to operate in ways we can calculate, and then when it goes another way we are insistent that it wasn’t God’s doing.  We think we know.

Both the truth and the reality are, we often don’t know.  We are often wrong.  God works in ways that mystify, confound, disappoint and even anger us.  We’re over here rooting for Saul’s leadership, all the while unaware God’s anointing has long left Saul and is resting on an unassuming shepherd boy.  We’re giving accolades to Saul of Tarsus while scorning Peter the fisherman.  We frequently miss God’s hand and anointing on people for the preconceived ideas of how we think it’s supposed to look.

There’s a popular accusation against Trump supporters in the super religious and (self) righteous crowd of zealous Christians in accusing anyone of supporting Trump in the face of their particular criticisms and judgments as that they are elevating him as their savior.  Really?  You know my heart?  You know who I worship and how?

Here’s the deal.  God is going to use who He’s going to use, whether you and I agree and understand or not.  And He may choose a man riddled with failures and sins, or someone who’s never had a parking ticket.  What if the Israelites in Cyrus’s day didn’t like the man God appointed to restore the temple?  What if they rattled off their list of Cyrus’s sins and worldly vices and disregarded the man of the hour God had chosen?

What did Christ do when the people of His day didn’t recognize God’s anointing on Him?  He used who did!  Do you understand who really fails here?  It’s not Trump, and it’s not God.  It’s those who don’t or can’t see what God is doing and oppose Him.  God isn’t changing His plan because we’re too busy dictating how it should go down.  He employs those who are listening for His voice, looking for His will, and joining Him in His work.

We prayed for God’s hand to stop the evil in our land, and now a portion of His people are resisting the tool He’s using to bring it.  Lord have mercy!  Do you understand the depth of evil that has been prevailing in our land?  It will literally take an act of God to dismantle and destroy it.  It is centuries deep and reinforced with satanic allegiances.  Maybe, just maybe, the tree (pick your pet project:  Planned Parenthood, gross debt, illegal immigration, etc.) in front of your face that’s all you can see right now is blinding you from seeing the forest:  God’s Sovereignty on the earth, Christ’s Kingdom, mankind’s salvation.

What we need to be doing is discerning the will of the Lord, first in our own lives, and then in our nation.  We will better discern what God’s doing nationally when we’re in alignment with what He’s doing within our own lives.  If you can’t see the hand of God in the affairs of our nation, keep your mouth shut until you can.

The “election” of B.Obama was ordained by God for God’s purposes.  It was fraudulent, yes, but nevertheless ordained by God.  There is such a thing as the ripening of evil before the harvest, just as there is a ripening of the righteous for the harvest.  Trump’s election was ordained for God’s purpose.  We should be a little less concerned with the man of Trump and a little more concerned with the plan of God.  We must not darken counsel with words without knowledge.  There are things we do not know, things we do not understand.  We must, like Job, get to the place we see God by the hearing of His plan and the witness of His Hand.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Florida School Shooting Account Fake

Let’s cut to the chase. Do you actually believe the facts as given of that Florida school shooting? Has anyone actually taken the time to THINK of the glaring problems with the accounts given of the attack as planted by the Soros Communist Controlled “news media”?

What was the purpose of the murderous school attack followed by national protests by CHILDREN?  The purpose is gun control. Meaning all guns must be confiscated from all citizens for, now get this, “the safety of our children.”  Now there is a benevolent switch to the narration. New tactic but very effective.

The most evil man in the world, George Soros, is also an evil genius. He has tried his best to create a reason to strip Americans from their guns by staging killings, but nothing worked.

But to recruit children to stage mass protests against gun ownership in order to protect THEM, now that is indeed ingenious.

And indeed, we are to believe that all these students in that school suddenly were able to arrange and hire buses to transport them to various capitol buildings to demand gun control with the protests instantly exploding all over the country.

Some Communists volunteered their private airplanes to transport students to various cities for protests. Examine this fact. We did.

And we noticed the protest signs that instantly appeared. This writer is certain they were prepared some time before the shooting.

I remember seeing a demonstration in Ferguson and Maryland. The signs were professionally done, thousands of them. Taking a closer look, this writer clearly saw a logo at the bottom of the protest signs stating:

CPUSA-Communist Party USA.

While visiting Italy a communist riot was taking place, destruction, chaos, fights, cars set on fire. They actually had a COMMUNIST party in Italy. We actually have one here, only it is called a different name. Here it is called, Democrat Party.

Then a very articulate, nice looking young man, David Hogg, presumably a student at the school that was shot up, like Obama, suddenly appeared and was immediately a media star appearing on everything. He claimed to be in the school when the shooting took place.

He immediately became the de facto leader of the “spontaneous” movement to demonize private gun ownership in the U.S.

Now let that soak in.

Now, as the late Paul Harvey would say, “You will now hear,  the REST of the story”.

We’ve now learned that David Hogg was nowhere near the school during the shooting. What? Where was he and how did he become the leader and organizer of the protests??  It all came together rather quickly. Too much so.

Something else of interest: It is reported that Hogg’s father is a retired FBI agent. Something very fishy in all of this. Billionaire George Soros owns most of the government which would include FBI men.

By Soros using children to influence personal gun confiscation, by pleading for their own safety, how can most people fail to back them?  Yes, an ingenious plan by Soros

So how many non-staged school shootings over the years actually happened?

Years ago a school yard shooting took place in Stockton,California. This writer drove there to examine the school yard. By what was observed in the yard and surrounding areas convinced me that this shooting was staged.

Staged shootings for a personal political reason has an interesting history. Wars have broken out over money—there’s a lot of money in war.  Yes, MONEY. What have we become?

In 1898, The M.S Maine blew up in the Havana Harbor. A war against Spain was for some reason desired. Newspaper icon William Randolph Hearst cabled Cuba and told his workers, “You get me the photos and I will give you the war.” And the war broke out.

But here is something little known: It was discovered many years later that it was not a Spanish bomb that destroyed the M.S. Maine, killing 160 of 400 American Soldiers. It happened due to a fire that broke out in the munitions section of the MS Maine. Didn’t matter. Mission accomplished.

Since this Florida school shooting has turned into a national protest, led by children, financed by George Soros to provide a reason to disarm all Americans—and considering his skills, what do you think?


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

America Is In Utter Jeopardy

President Trump recently signed the largest six month spending bill in United States history.  Illegal border crossers are having a field day crossing our southern border like they did during the Obama presidency.  Border officials are back to catching and releasing those who shuffle into our republic illegally.   Leftist democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer are still celebrating the massive funding of sanctuary cities.  Obviously neither Chuckie or Nancy have any regard for American born sovereigns and legal immigrants who are often raped, robbed, or beaten to death by illegal border crossers who moonlight as dastardly MS 13 gang members.

History has proven ever since the barbarians sacked Rome, that enemies will infiltrate any nation foolish enough to not secure their borders.  Once ancient Rome lost her way and the emperors no longer revered that society, border security was no longer a high priority.  American government officials today, like their Roman counterpoints of long ago have abandoned their sworn duty defend and protect the United States of America. President Trump and a few others are rare exceptions among the many D.C. dwellers who prefer to put America last.  Some senatorial leaders Mitch McConnel and former Vice President Joe Biden are beholden to foreign powers like China who pay them off through their offspring.

The vicious hatred of President Donald J. Trump by people ranging from republican party statists like Paul Ryan or the retiring Jeff Flake and democrats like Chuckie Schumer is not because Mr. Trump is the most horrible person to set foot in the Oval Office.  The hatred of Trump stems from his mission to reverse the curse of putting the interests of foreign nations and illegal border crossers over the interests of you and I, Americans born and raised.  The simple yet powerful mission to make America great again immediately became a dividing line between those of us who love this republic and appreciate her many good attributes and the others who wish for her demise.

As horrific as the situation is politically with the swamp dwelling statists who are seeking to kill, steal and destroy our unalienable rights, especially the right to bear arms and protect ourselves, family and property.  That struggle pales in comparison to the awful drumbeat of government school  indoctrination that has literally caused the creation of legions of young Americans who are literally seeking to destroy the republic from within.

Such utter madness has been utilized in other nations like Germany, where Hitler had his brown shirts and in China where young people went head over heels for Mao.  In both instances, their nations paid a heavy price for indoctrinating the young into accepting evil.  As great as the United States is and has been, she is potentially now in greater danger of collapse than at any time since the Civil War.  Not because a foreign power can just wipe us out, because they cannot.  But rather because of the multi decade unrelenting dumbing down and at the same time indoctrination of American students into believing lies concerning everything from the right of self-protection, border security and American history in general.

The big jeopardy that America faces is a series of self inflicted wounds that have been strategically foisted upon our beloved land of liberty.  Number one is government school indoctrination instead of real education of young Americans.  If the education process is not soon decentralized and returned to more local and state control, American students will possibly be permanently locked in last place educationally, rendering them unable to intellectually compete with their counterparts from around the world.  A close second is that our civilization has been on a slippery slope away from the awesome values, principles and fundamental beliefs that provided the foundation to build America the beautiful into the envy of the world.  Our republic is in utter Jeopardy.

But coming together and reversing these and other wrongful trends, will not only stem the tide of destruction that has been gradually heaped upon our nation, then seeking to be one nation under God will go a long way toward authentic restoration of the United States of America.  If not, she will be relegated to being one nation gone under.  America is too great to die and with God’s grace AND Providential guidance, she won’t.  But the choice is up to you my fellow Americans.  Please choose wisely.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America Bless God.

Voice your choice for the Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM PST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, www.shrmedia.com, www.americamatters.us  and Spreaker. The Ron Edwards Experience is rebroadcast Saturdays at 12:00 AM on the network radio stations and internet outlets of www.talkamericaradio.us.  Also don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook award winning commentary during AM News weekdays on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, www.americamatters.us and every day around the clock on www.freedominamericaradio.com. Last but not least, The Edwards Notebook is now a part of the impressive lineup of Captain’s America weekend show, hosted nationally by Matt Bruce on 70 radio outlets across America emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 The Answer Tampa, Florida and www.am860theanswer.com.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Watch Canada, Because We’re Next

Canada has recently come up with two left-wing schemes which ought to engage our close attention in America—because our own leftids would just love to do the same. It should remind us why we must never again allow Democrats to take power in our country.

The Canadian government has a Summer Jobs program, making grants available to some 70,000 young people each year. But there’s a catch to it.

If you want a grant for one of these summer jobs, you have to check a box that says that your church’s “core mandate”—or your own, if you don’t belong to a church—must include support for abortion as a “right”. If you don’t approve of abortion, you can’t have a summer job grant.

Remember when tyrants used to be content with telling you what you couldn’t say? Well, that doesn’t float their boat anymore. Now they want to tell you what you must say. In Canada a lawsuit has already been filed, contesting this. But don’t hold your breath waiting for any Canadian court to rule in favor of personal liberty and freedom of conscience.

Please don’t think this is a uniquely Canadian aberration; and if they get away with it, don’t think it’ll stop there. They’ll surely think of other things you must say, too, if you want to earn a living. Why should they stop at summer jobs?

Our own Supreme Court is about to rule on whether the government and “gay” activists can dictate the content of a work of art. Today it’s only—“only”!—a wedding cake. But why stop there? Think of all the novelists, screenwriters, and other creative people who won’t be allowed to create unless they create what they’re told. In Britain they “investigated,” and fired, the creator of “Midsomer Murders” for not including enough “diverse characters,” whatever those are, in his scripts. And that was back in 2011.

Meanwhile in Ontario, a new package of labor relations laws staggers the imagination. These, say critics, would result in “a wholesale shift of power to the unions” and create “the most radical business environment in the Western world,” scaring away potential investors and quite likely wrecking the province’s economy.

Among the provisions of this Far Left fun-pack are: unionizing “almost everybody,” allowing a workplace to become unionized without a vote by the employees, requiring employers to hand over lists of their employees to the unions so that the unions will know where to find them, and “convince” them to support the union—Jimmy Hoffa knew how to do that—and forbidding employers to hire replacement workers in the event of a strike. The legislation writes off marginal and struggling businesses as not worth saving. And hiking the minimum wage, very quickly, to $15 an hour. It’s bound to do wonders for the province’s job market.

My question is, How does a civilized, decent country like Canada wind up being governed by all these Josef Stalin wannabes? Is this what all these wacko “leaders” learned in college? Tell everybody what they can’t say. Tell everybody what they must say, even if they don’t believe in it (‘cause it’s much more fun that way). Don’t let anybody work unless they’re controlled by a labor union. I mean, what is this—the Soviet Union? All they need in Ontario is for a handful of crony capitalists, to whom these crazy rules do not apply, to climb into bed with the unions and the government… and they’ll have textbook fascism.

Where do they get these crazy leaders? Probably from the same place we got Jerry Brown and Michael Moore. Do they have no understanding at all? Time and time again, especially throughout the 20th century and on into the 21st, these lunatic and wicked notions have been put into practice and failed spectacularly. As in Venezuela. As in all over the world.

They are leftids and will never, ever learn from their failures.

The thing the rest of us had better learn is to keep them out of power.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Legalization Of Deviant Behavior

America has undergone a radical transformation and the average American is oblivious to what has occurred.  As the average “Deplorable” laments the decline of this once great nation very few have a deep understanding of what has actually occurred.

The Bible, which most Americans no longer read nor believe, gives a clear warning in the book of Isaiah “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…”  Sadly, the America that most of us pine for is but a faint fog in our once vibrant memory.

Normal is no longer normal.  Common sense is no longer common.  What used to be universally accepted is now scorned.  Old fashioned Mom and Pop beliefs have been replaced by a deepening dark degree of deviant directives designed to rewrite the standards of right and wrong.

Pull back the curtains and peek outside.  There is no longer a common standard upon which behavior can be regulated.  Once the Bible was removed as the cultural barometer in America the barn door was opened to the introduction of all forms of animalistic behavior masquerading as Constitutional rights.  The removal of the God’s standards from the minds of our people has given us a time “when everyone does what is right in his own eyes.”

Normal is no longer a standard, normal has become a perspective.  What is normal for me may not be normal for you.  Opinion has become the sinking sand upon which American morality now teeters.  An ever-changing standard of normal has thrown the American culture into chaos.

Evil becomes good when right and wrong are merely an opinion.  Even science has become an opinion…bought and sold to the highest bidder with a demonic agenda.  Is manmade global warming true or not or can favorable research be produced for 30 pieces of silver?

Most of our laws are put into force in order to control behaviors.  Back in the day when we all shared a common set of values we endeavored to legalize “normal” behavior while criminalizing abnormal.  Normal behavior was encouraged by law.

Deviant was the word we used back then.  Deviate is a word emanating from the unchanging laws of mathematics.  Websters 1828 Dictionary defines deviate as “To turn aside or wander from the common or right way.”  Evidently Daniel Webster was a homophobe because he believed in a “common or right way.”

Deviant is defined today as a person or thing that deviates or departs markedly from the accepted norm.  Abnormal behavior is deviant.  We simply deny that truism.

Man can never make straight what the Lord calls crooked nor can he make crooked what the Lord call straight.  Since deviant behavior by its very definition can never be made normal it is the term “normal” that must be redefined.  Hence a nation where the most abhorrent of behaviors must be reclassified as human “rights”.  A moral wrong can never be a Constitutional right.

Abortion is no longer murder but rather a Constitutional right.  Homosexual sodomy is no longer deviant but has become a Constitutional right.  Pedophilia is on the fast track to be normalized as nothing more than an “orientation” and a Constitutional right.

Today anal sex between men is no longer argued as abnormal behavior but as a Constitutional right.  The approach has been simple.  Normalize the abnormal by calling it discrimination and demand the right to practice it.  “Legalizing” male on male anal sex does not make it normal.

Look, my friends, laws are put into place to control behaviors. Most laws punish deviant behaviors.  Luckily for us, most criminal behavior is deviant…against accepted normal standards…and is punished as such.

But a transformation is taking place as the deviants work to normalize abnormal behaviors.

The sex act is nothing more than a bodily function.  It requires no “love” and no orientation.  Many of our citizens have a vibrant sex life without the benefit of a partner.  They defecate in private and they masturbate in private.  Both are simply bodily functions done in seclusion.

Enjoying hamburgers more than hot dogs is not an orientation, it is an appetite.  Some like steak, and some like chicken, but both selections are considered normal.  Eating another human being would be…deviant…abnormal…and illegal.

Love is not sex and sex is not love.  Love is an emotion while sex is a bodily function.  Declaring the right to “marry” simply because you are “in love” does not hold up to scrutiny.  I love many different people with whom I have no desire to engage in a sex act with.  I love my children…my buddies…my neighbor…my grandchildren…my dog,  but using any of them to reach an orgasm is deviant…abnormal.

At the same time, it is possible to use another person simply to fulfill my sexual appetite and my desire to reach an orgasm.  That is what hookers and pornography are used for…simply fulfilling a physical appetite.

Eating is a bodily function.  Using the restroom is a bodily function. Smoking cigarettes and drinking booze are bodily functions.  Some of us have “normal” appetites and some of us have “deviant” appetites.  Engaging in some behaviors is normal while engaging in others is not.  The purpose of laws is to control the abnormal behaviors.  Satisfying any and all appetites is not a Constitutional right.

What if a drug addict was “born that way?’  Isn’t taking drugs a choice?   Why isn’t their “appetite” legal?  Would you rather your son use drugs…or sodomize his best buddy?  I say both behaviors are abnormal.  Drug addiction is a sickness…but sodomy is normal.  Understand?

America is upside down.  Owning a gun is becoming deviant.  Believing in the Bible is abnormal. Speaking what is on your mind is offensive. Cross dressing is heroic.

You know the world has gone bonkers when heterosexuals do not want to get married…and the homosexuals do.

Try as they might the deviants cannot make the abnormal normal and calling it legal does not make it right.  You cannot make straight what God has declared crooked.  Why do we fall for such foolishness? Why are the churches looking the other way?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Immigrants Do Jobs Americans Won’t Do: Balderdash

One of the many refrains you hear from main stream media outlets concerning endless legal and illegal immigration: “They do the jobs that Americans won’t do.”

Such ridiculous statements need a factual response.  Such nonsense must be answered in order to dispel the myths promoted by corporations like Marriott Hotels, Hormel Foods, Vail Mountain Resorts, McDonald’s, Chipotle, Tyson Chicken, Holiday Inns, landscape businesses, construction firms, janitorial services and hundreds more.

Each year, our U.S. Congress legally imports 1.1 to 1.2 million legal immigrants from all over the world. That’s over 100,000 immigrants every 30 days!  One reader, Melissa Brooker said, “You know that I liken the USA to an animal hoarder who takes in every homeless animal she sees, ending up with a filthy house filled with sick and dying beasts, and I ask if the US similarly has become the crazy cat lady of the world!”

To which I answered, “America cannot become the “charity ward” for the world’s desperately people because there’s no end to their line. We cannot degrade our citizens for Mexico’s poor. We cannot save Africa’s refugees when we suffer 14 million American children living in poverty. We cannot pay for immigrants’ food, housing and education when we’re $20 trillion in national debt. By deporting all illegal aliens, we may give those jobs to American citizens at a living wage. It’s time to change the ‘good ole boy’ network of corruption in DC by changing to an action leader like U.S. Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas who introduced a bill to cut all immigration in half and secure the borders.  We need to maintain our citizens and our viability as a civilization.”

If you visit any small town in America, you might notice that roofs get replaced, lawns get mowed, dishes get washed, houses get painted and everything that needs to be accomplished as to work—-local citizens do the labor.

Before Hormel Foods began importing truckloads of illegal aliens into their plants in Minnesota in the 1980s, men working those plants made $18.50 an hour back in those times. Good wages!  But Hormel along with Tyson Chicken and McDonald’s executives openly broke our employment laws by bussing in illegals from Texas.  They cut the wages to bare minimum and drove all the American workers out of jobs.

The same thing happened with every trade across the USA!  Big corporations cheated the American people by importing 21st century slave labor.  Not only did corporations and their stock holders make billions off that cheap labor, they made you pay for immigrants’ offspring, schooling, food stamps, housing, transportation and more.  Not only that, you paid for ID forgeries, shoplifting at over $50 billion annually, $120 billion each year in cash transfers back to immigrants’ countries, FICA and Federal taxes.

When you hear, “If not for cheap illegal migrant labor, your tomatoes and lettuce would cost so much more.”

Again, balderdash!  I’d really like to use the term bullsh*t, because that’s what they feed us with their excuses.

Because of breaking our laws as to employment, housing and transportation, you pay in excess of $296 billion annually across 15 federal agencies.  (Source: www.CIS.org ; www.NumbersUSA.org)

Instead of $3.00 per tomato, you pay $2000.00 annually for other peoples’ kids to eat free breakfasts and lunches.  If you look at that figure, you pay for over 2,000,000 (million) illegal kids to attend school at $8,000.00 annually, and $2,000.00 each child for English as a Second Language.  As you can see, those tomatoes cost you a great deal more with illegal labor.

Ironically, only two (2) percent of immigrants work in agriculture.  Modern engineering creates every kind of machine to plant, harvest and sort any and all crops.  We see no need for people planting, picking or harvesting crops.  If they do need workers, when you pay a living wage, workers will take the jobs. That’s a fact of the market place.  There’s also H2A worker visas where they legally come to work, get taxed, and go back to their countries.  Lawfully!

Do you understand why third world countries remain third world countries? Answer: corruption becomes a mechanism by which a society or country operates.  That’s why Mexico and all third world countries fail and send us their human exhaust.

As corruption overtakes legal mercantile commerce, you move toward a tipping point in the direction a third world country.  Once corruption imbeds itself into a civilization, it takes a revolution to change it.  Do you want that in your community, state and nation?  Do you see it manifesting in Mexico and other third world countries?  Then why would you invite it into the USA?

Notice our U.S. Congress does nothing to stop immigration!  They remain complicit in the corruption.  Why? No term limits promotes deep corruption in our elected leaders.  Why? Money!

Today, in the United States, we see corruption digging holes into all our cities. We see our own governors and mayors protecting illegal workers in 240 sanctuary cities.  We see them aiding and abetting illegal migrants by the millions.  We’re seeing our own leaders drive us into the arms of third world corruption.

Dr. Steven Camarota, assistant director at www.CIS.org, showed where 500,000 illegal migrants cross our borders annually.  Somehow, they receive jobs. At the same time, we face 14,000,000 (million) American kids living below the poverty line because their parents cannot secure a job. We see five million unemployed Americans and over 40 million subsisting on food stamps.  We see 60,000 Americans living in plastic tarp tents in Los Angeles with no help whatsoever from the mayor of governor of that sanctuary state.  Ironically, California protects over three million illegal aliens within its borders.  You see the same thing in Chicago, NYC, Miami, Denver, San Francisco and more.

If we continue down this legal and illegal immigration path of another projected 100,000,000 (million) legal immigrants and tens of millions more illegals—we will reach a tipping point into third world status in our cities, states and finally the nation.

Why? Because they won’t do the jobs Americans will do, but they will overrun our country to a point that it won’t be our country any longer.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Parkland High School Shooting Has 70 Cameras Only 4 Released

Keeping You Outside the Building

“The short memories of Americans is what keeps these false flag attacks moving forward.”

We’re seeing Facebook, YouTube, Twitter scrubbing the eye and ear witnesses as to what contradicted the CIA-controlled narrative when it came to what allegedly took place at Parkland High School in Florida.

(We found the ones that have been reposted)

Student Alexa Meidnik was talking with Nikolas Cruz during this alleged shooting.

[YouTube Video]

Snope “Fact Checkers” claim that this was a false report!

Parkland Teacher’s First Thoughts After Seeing Shooter: “Why Are The Police Here?”

[YouTube Video]

“Useful Idiot” David Hogg’ was coached by the propagandists (Thanks to Vimeo this one was restored.).

Parkland, Florida High School Student Reveals There Was A Scheduled Police Drill On Day Of Shooting

[YouTube Video]

CNN pushed for a gun debate within 2 days without a shred of evidence released to the American people of what took place inside of that school.

Then, we witnessed a national walk-out of students who are being used to throw-off the old form of government in an attempt to bring in the new.

[YouTube Video]

Of course, the CIA-controlled media would have you overlook the students nationwide who walked out in support of the 2nd Amendment.

CNN is so rabidly anti-Second Amendment that they went so far as to broadcast a fake news story about an AR-15 purchase.

Are the American people going to figure out the games that conspirators play?

They now have the sheeple in America’s attention off of what it needed to be on, and that was a derelict deputy outside of the high school building.

They have Americans focused in on what they want the people to be focused in on through divertive measures.

This reminds me of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Over 200 people ran to the grassy knoll where they claimed that the shots were fired from, including 2 police officers, and the television cameras diverted the viewers to the book depository (Isaiah 5:20).

[YouTube Video]

So obvious is this false flag event (Jeremiah 11:9) that CBS reported on March 16, 2018 the deputy outside of the building who “failed to protect.”

They talk out of both sides of their mouths. How does this fit the anti-gunners narrative?)

[YouTube Video]

It was reported that the Broward County Sheriff’s office (which has had 66 open investigations into his department from drug trafficking to kidnapping), under Sheriff Scott Israel, released 27 minutes of surveillance which came from 4 cameras from the roughly 70 security cameras at the school.

They didn’t release any videos that showed the shooter, just the ones that focused on what Deputy Scott Peterson did as chaos unfolded.

[YouTube Video]

Yet, they have Americans in a debate over the 2nd Amendment? Our God given RIGHTS (Luke 11:21) are not up for debate, period.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. … Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” – John Hancock.

The 2nd Amendment is a God-Given RIGHT, Americans, not a Privilege!

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

America Is Doing Great, Not To Worry, Just Be Happy And Look The Other Way

Life is good in America.  The economy is humming along at a brisk pace.  Millions of Americans have jobs, money in their pockets and in their bank accounts.  People live in nice homes, drive expensive cars and take enjoyable vacations.  Those other problems don’t matter.  Food is plentiful, gas is relatively cheap and there are thousands of ways to be entertained.  Certainly, in light of the good times, there is no need to worry about those other problems.

Most of our civil rights are still in tack.  We have free speech, well sort of, unless you are on a college campus where liberal thought and speech reign, or you are a member of the alleged “free” press.  We mostly have freedom of religion.  We can assemble peaceably and seek redress from government without being arrested, even though government doesn’t listen.  The print and electronic news media provides ample news for us to chew on and determine for ourselves if what they are providing is factual.  Media bias and those other issues don’t matter.

The 2nd Amendment, giving the right of every person to own firearms, is still in force.  But the Democrats are doing everything in their power to erode that right.  The United Nations, to which America is a member, has issued policy statements stating that all firearms must be removed from the masses.    England and Australia, both Western Democracies, complied with the UN policies and confiscated the people’s firearms by force.   When will America follow suit?  If it weren’t for the NRA the Democrats would have gotten their way long ago.

No, America’s military or national guard have not taken up residence in a person’s home (the 3rd Amendment) ….. yet, but heavily armed SWAT teams have invaded the wrong person’s home on way too many occasions.

We are relatively free from illegal search and seizures, (4th Amendment) unless of course a person violates one of the ten “gillion” laws and bureaucratic rules the government has passed.  Then there is the civil forfeiture rule that allows government to legally steal.  Further, government is now getting criminal warrants for land use and environmental violations, where before these were civil violations.  As we have seen, criminal warrants are very easy to obtain.  Just ask the DOJ, the CIA, the DNI, the FBI, Andy McCabe, James Comey and Carter Page.

The 5th Amendment provides for just compensation if the government TAKES a person’s property.  But pursuant to a U. S. Supreme Court decision, the government can TAKE up to 95% of a person’s property before a TAKING has occurred for which just compensation must be paid.  The 5th Amendment also preserves the right of a person not to incriminate him or her self, but that doesn’t apply to IRS income tax returns, where a person waives his or her right to 5th Amendment protection by signing the perjury statement on IRS Form 1040 when there is no way a taxpayer can be sure that his or her tax return is accurate, with over 70,000 pages of IRS rules.

Then of course each person has a right to a speedy trial under the 6th Amendment, except that a speedy trial now means two years or more before your case can come to trial while you rot in jail even if you are innocent.  We suppose that in some minds, especially attorneys that make $300 to $600 an hour, two years could be considered a speedy trial.

Under the 7th Amendment the right of a jury trial shall be preserved but unfortunately that doesn’t apply to fines and penalties levied by the Internal Revenue Service.  In place of a jury trial Americans get the Kangaroo Tax Court, or just illegal seizures of money and property under “color of law.”

Of course the government is limited in what fines they can impose under the 8th Amendment wherein it states that “excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor shall cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”  The fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is authorized to fine a property owner up to $37,500 per day if the landowner does not comply with the Clean Water Act, probably isn’t considered an “excessive fine” in the minds of high-paid government bureaucrats.

Now the 9th and 10th Amendments are still sitting there in the U. S. Constitution, but have little meaning any more as the federal government buys states off with their own money to get them to capitulate to federal demands.

Now all those other pesky little problems don’t really matter, do they?

A majority of the American people don’t think it matters or cares that the nation is over $20 Trillion in debt and rising rapidly.  The Congress just passed a $1.3 Trillion spending bill with both Republicans and Democrats voting for it, without any offset in spending.  Add that to the national debt for your children and grandchildren to pay.

It doesn’t matter to most Americans that millions of illegal aliens have invaded America, both peaceful and criminal, and they suck up billions of dollars from productive Americans for their subsistence, while they protest in the streets for rights they don’t have.  It doesn’t matter that some states and cities have declared themselves sanctuary cities and states and purposely ignore federal immigration law and enforcement.  It doesn’t matter that these same illegal alien criminals come back into America multiple times after being deported and commit heinous crimes against lawful Americans ….. you know, like Kate Steinle of San Francisco.

It doesn’t matter that the Federal Government nationalized the entire American Health Care system and sent it reeling into chaos, where a political fix is now impossible, as the Republicans just found out.  Your Democrat representatives gave you Obama Care.  Isn’t representative government just grand?  Your representatives, both Democrat and Republican, are spending you into oblivion, while you do what ……….?

It doesn’t matter that huge percentages of American children don’t have biological fathers in their homes any more because of government subsidized welfare benefits that make a mother lose her benefits if she gets married.  Over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock and grow up without fathers.  That is a cultural nightmare of a huge magnitude and results in rising dysfunctional families, drugs, crime, incarcerations and billions of dollars in public expenditures.  But then, so what?  We’re a rich country.

It doesn’t really matter that environmental protections laws have all but eliminated private property rights in America.  It doesn’t matter that UN’s Agenda 21 policies of smart growth and sustainable development includes crammed-in-together high-rise apartments with shopping and businesses in the same building on rapid transit routes.  This is so people can walk or take their bicycles to work and GET OUT OF THEIR CARS.  Government and environmentalists hate cars.   But cars were the next order of freedom of movement after the horse that Americans crave but government and environmentalists don’t want us in our cars and are doing everything in their power to limit that freedom.

It doesn’t matter that we have to pay for very expensive rapid transit that only transports a fraction of the population.  Meanwhile, roads and bridges are crumbling beneath the tires of our trucks and cars.

It doesn’t matter that we are being forced into high-dense communities containing houses with no yards and no place for the kids to play.  All this is a national and international drive to put more and more people in higher and higher densities where they can be more easily controlled by government and vote for liberals for more social programs.  All rural areas are off limits.   They are only for animals, plants and trees.

After all, why should it matter that our entire judicial system has been co-opted behind our backs in favor of admiralty/commercial law (Uniform Commercial Code – UCC) instead of constitutional common law.  How did that happen?

It doesn’t matter that our public schools and colleges have become government institutions of socialist and environmental brainwashing and indoctrination.  Why do you suppose that government wants to set up government-run pre-schools?  It’s not to help parents.  It is so they can start brainwashing American children at a very early age when they are most vulnerable, in order to make them compliant little government robots.

It doesn’t matter that the IRS is totally out of control and has become a political weapon for certain Administrations that illegally use the IRS to squelch or penalize conservative speech.  Hey, that’s just politics.

It doesn’t matter that the nuclear family is breaking down.  Sadly, what that means for the entire American culture is dire indeed.

And it doesn’t seem to matter that millions of Americans (mostly between the ages of 16 and 45) are compelled by some evil force to get them high on drugs or alcohol.  They are over-dosing at unprecedented and increasing rates.  Maybe that is nature’s way of population thinning.

Yes, life is good in America.  So why should anyone worry about all those other pesky little problems?

It follows that if none of these problems matter and too few care, nothing will change.  If nothing will change the problems will only get worse and they are.  Rush Limbaugh has talked a lot on radio for 30 years, but he hasn’t made a difference.  Sean Hannity (Fox News) does what he can but nothing changes.  The news media is a lost cause.

After over 12 years of failing to get people involved in making a difference and taking into account that the lion’s share of the votes rest in the urban liberal camp, nothing of substance will change without a natural, or man-made drastic event.

Without intervention, the fate of America is pre-ordained.  The unalienable rights of the Constitution will become meaningless.  Individual freedom will be replaced by the priority of the collective.  America will continue to spend money it doesn’t have, for votes, until America becomes a third-world broke banana republic beset with hyperinflation.  The resistance against one-world-order will diminish to the point where America WILL BE merged into World Government because “them’s with the gold” rule and the masses don’t own the gold.

Remember?  FDR took the gold away from the people in 1933, which meant that every single American dollar is not an asset with value but a debt with an obligation.  Americans are on the hook for that obligation that they had no choice in approving.  Nor are the masses sovereign any more as they were intended to be.

If you think what we have described here is doom and gloom without substance, you aren’t reading the tealeaves and your head is planted firmly in the sand.  It is very likely the Democrats will take one or both Houses of Congress in November of 2018.  Not that it would make any difference since both parties are the same.

Just look at the millions of “kids” that turned out all around America for more gun control last weekend.  What they really want is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.  Where are the armed freedom fighters turning out by the millions for freedom?  No where!

The hard fact is, no one is going to do anything about all these other pesky little problems until such time the only solution will be a violent one and the “shot heard round the world” will ring in our ears once more in a repeat of 1775.  But this time the outcome will not be a re-birth of freedom.  It instead will be a forceful subjugation of the planet’s masses dancing to a slave chant, written, produced and directed by “them’s with the gold.”

Let us know if you DISAGREE.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Should We Treat Congress Like An NFL Franchise?

The massive $1.3 trillion spending bill produced by Republicans and advocated by many Democrats passed early this past Friday morning.

Appallingly, none of the lawmakers from the House or Senate who voted for or against the bill had time to read all the way through this 2,200-page bill they received at midnight the day it was passed.

Americans have been betrayed by both parties into more unconstitutional spending and debt.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul explained, “When the Republicans are out of power, they are the conservative party. But then when they get in the majority, there is no conservative party. Democrats don’t care about spending any of the time. Republicans seem to care about it when they are criticizing Democrats.

“Republicans are not fiscally conservative on the military. They want unlimited spending on the military. Democrats say, we’ll give it to you. We’re not really opposed to it. We’ll give you the military spending if you give us the domestic spending. So really, the unholy alliance, the unholy compromise has been going on for decades…”

Let me explain what I believe the good senator means.

Imagine you are the new football coach and I am one of your more talented players.  After practicing hard all week, you put me in as your starting quarterback.  On the very first series of downs, I throw a pass directly to the middle linebacker who intercepts and takes the ball to the end zone.

Well, now we are down seven to zip, but you pat me on the back and encourage me as I trot back out to the huddle.

On first and ten from our own 20-yard line, you see me take the snap, and then take a knee for a three-yard loss.  You call a time out and ask me why I did that.  I explain to you that this is an away game and the great majority of the fans in the stadium are cheering for the other team. I tell you that I am just trying to please them because I want our team to be well-liked.

Next time we get the ball, you watch in horror as I actually hand the ball off to a defensive lineman as he passes through our backfield on the way to another touchdown for our opponents.  Moreover, now you realize that nobody on our team seriously tried to stop him.

At some point, aren’t you going to wonder whether I’m really on your side?  And aren’t you going to eventually question the real motivation of our team?  If, time after time, our actions indicate that we are helping the opponent’s cause, won’t you eventually conclude that we are not on your side?

In the same way, when so-called “conservatives” only half-heartedly oppose the immoral actions of unconstitutional “liberals,” do you start to wonder where their commitment really lies?  If conservatism really amounts to nothing more than handing the ball to the other team and purposely losing the game, then how is conservatism any different from its supposed opposite?

If we want to advance the cause of liberty, do we need new players?  Or are you thinking that we need a whole new team?

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Porn Star Stormy Daniels’ Legal Action Against Trump Is Deep State Plan B

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

With the so-called Trump-Russian Collaboration Case being investigated by a team of buffoonish attorneys under the commander of an Independent Counselor named Robert Mueller — whose own background is questionable at best, suspiciously unlawful at worst – the nation’s mass media appears to have already found a new allegation that would lead to President Trump’s impeachment.

Television viewers, radio listeners, Internet surfers and newspaper readers are being bombarded with the name and face of former “adult film star” Stormy Daniels who is alleged to have had a love tryst with real estate magnate Donald Trump before her even pondered a run for the presidency.

As shown on Thursday night’s edition of The Hannity Show on Fox News Channel, every news anchor’s and reporter’s on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others are ignoring the latest revelations regarding possible criminal activity by the Democratic Party’ and the Deep State — and also ignoring the fake Mueller investigation – to zero on a salacious and irrelevant allegation by a woman against a powerful man.

“Had only this batch of half-assed journalists covered the [Bill] Clinton White House complete with the rape, sexual assaults, harassment and other hanky panky money-deals, pay-for-play schemes and witness intimidation. Maybe the Beltway Swamp would have been easier to drain,” said former police detective Wallace McWright in New York.

Of all the major news and commentary shows aired on Thursday, the popular talk radio team of Curtis & Cosby aired weekdays on WABC Radio in New York City covered the Stormy-Trump story with integrity, fairness and veracity. Co-host Curtis Sliwa is the founder and director of The Guardian Angels, a group of teenagers and young adults who volunteered to help police in their quest to reduce violence and injustice. Meanwhile, Rita Cosby, an Emmy-Award winning newswoman best known for her years with Fox News Channel and CNN, has added her own interviewing skills and news-gathering prowess to complete a show that entertaining and information.

On Thursday, March 22, 2018, David Schwartz, the attorney for Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal attorney, reacted to John Dowd leaving the Trump legal team, and revealed like Dowd has said, he too would advise Trump NOT to testify in the Robert Mueller investigation. Schwartz said quote, “I would try to avoid him testifying. I would try to block that testimony under oath.”

He also responded to comments made by Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti on CNN this morning claiming that Trump’s legal team, led by Cohen, is engaging in thuggish behavior and threats. Schwartz said quote “This Avenatti really uses term threat very loosely… if you consider speaking and negotiating with other attorneys a threat. Like that’s somehow a threat then I feel really sorry for Avenatti.”

Schwartz also revealed Cohen has never spoken to Stormy, only through her attorney. Schwartz said quote, “The only contact Michael Cohen has had is through counsel.”

Schwartz called Stormy’s current attorney Avenatti “effective,” but said he is confident Cohen will be victorious in his suit against her for violating her non-disclosure agreement. “He is trying to make lemonade out of lemons. But he’s case is a lemon and he’s gonna go down on this case… Hundred percent confident that EC LLC will win.”

***Schwartz made the above comments during a live interview today at 1pm ET on “Curtis and Cosby” on WABC Radio.

The FULL AUDIO of the Interview is in this LINK


David Schwartz on Mueller Investigation

15:18  SCWHARTZ:  You know I’ve been honored to have gotten those calls in the past from time to time. I would try to avoid him testifying. I would try to block that testimony under oath. I would, you know, certainly go for like his attorneys are trying to push which is the informal interview. Nothing under oath and I would shoot for that for sure.

Response To Being Called Thuggish

5:07  SCWHARTZ:  This Avenatti really uses the term threat very loosely, so I don’t know. Curtis we know your background. I’m from Brooklyn myself, and if you consider speaking and negotiating with other attorneys a threat. Like that’s somehow a threat then I feel really sorry for Avenatti if he considers that a threat. Michael Cohen has never spoken to Stormy, or whatever her name is Daniels. He’s never spoken to her, never emailed her, never communicated with her. Never had any contact with Stormy Daniels what so ever. The only contact Michael Cohen has had is through counsel. That’s the right way to handle legal disputes is when the two lawyers speak to each other. I don’t know what kind of threats that Michael Avenatti is referring to.

Confident They Will Win

16:38 RITA COSBY:  How would you rate her attorney?

16:40 DAVID SCHWARTZ:  Well, he’s effective. I can’t say he’s not effective. His tactics are go to the court of public opinion. He’s built up some social media following. I can’t believe, it’s all these people that want to see the President out of office. So, he’s very effective, let’s put it that way. He is trying to make lemonade out of lemons. But he’s case is a lemon and he’s gonna go down on this case. Because you know, to say this nondisclosure agreement is invalid, I don’t see any legal argument what so ever that will prevail… that this is an invalid agreement. This is an excellent agreement. She signed it. She entered into an NDA. She received the 130 thousand dollars. She has to abide by the terms of this agreement.

17:30 COSBY:  David you’re a hundred percent confident you’re going to win?
17:32 SCHWARTZ:  Yes.
17:33 COSBY:  One hundred percent?
17:34 SCHWARTZ:  Hundred percent confident that EC LLC will win.

The FULL AUDIO of the Interview is in this LINK.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Do Pets Go To Heaven?

Will the beloved earthly pets of righteous believers be able to reunite with their owners in heaven? Some say animals cannot go to heaven, as they do not have souls, while others proclaim that God loves His creation and all the animals He created and will restore them to life. This article will examine the Scripture verses related to man and animals and proclaim the belief that our beloved pet(s) will dwell with us in heaven, if that is our desire.


GENESIS 1:27-27 (NKJV):
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, overall the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

And YHWH (the Lord) God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (*soul).

Animals were not created in the image of God, nor with the intellect and wisdom of man. The requirement for an animal to dwell in God’s kingdom is different than it is for man.


Scripture proclaims that there are four living creatures dwelling in God’s heavenly kingdom, which are not angelic beings, nor are they human beings.

Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within.
(also: Ezekiel 1:5-15; Revelation 5:6-8, 7:11, 14:3, 15:7, 19:4).


REVELATION 19:11-14:
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like aflame of fire, and on His head  were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except  Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses.

So, as there are living creatures in God’s kingdom, and animals do not have the same mind or soul that a person possesses, it is not necessary for animals to have a full understanding of God to be able to dwell in God’s kingdom.

Human beings must live righteously and accept Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) as Lord and Savior in order to dwell eternally with God in heaven. God gave man dominion over the animals of the Earth (Genesis 1:28). Animals have been given an instinct to know that man is made in the image of God.

We are as gods to our pets. Our pets know that when we are with them they get to enjoy life better. We love our pets and feed them, shelter them, open doors for them, control the temperature, turn on the lights, clean them, groom them, pet them, make them comfortable, play with them, train them, and walk them. Our pets are happy to dwell securely with us.


PSALM 37:4 (NKJV):
Delight yourself also in YHWH (the Lord) and He shall give you the desires of your

Psalm 37 verse 4, within the full context of Psalm 37, refers to prophecy yet to be fulfilled. It speaks of a time when the meek shall inherit the Earth and the wicked people of the world are vanquished, at which time God will give His righteous saints the desires of their hearts.

The death of man and animals was not the intention of God in His original creation but came to be as the result of the fall of mankind into sin. This current age of man’s rule over the Earth is one day coming to an end and the death of man and animals are also being swallowed up in victory (1 Corinthians 15:54).

God’s righteous saints, those who will dwell eternally in His kingdom, will be given the desires of their hearts. There are creatures dwelling in heaven right now, and if it is a believer’s desire to resurrect his or her beloved deceased pet, God has promised to give us the desires of our hearts.

Reuniting with our deceased beloved pets are one of the desires of our hearts that God will give us in His kingdom.

© 2018 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Birthrates And The Future Of Western Christianity


The first weeks of March were some good days in “Trump World.” First came tariffs on steel and aluminum with plants expanding, establishment Republicans mad, labor unions praising Trump, globalists Cohn and Tillerson out, Navarro on the rise, North Korea pursuing peace, and McCabe finally fired. Then came the spending bill controversy. All of this is well worth a political article of sorts. However, after reading a couple of recent articles in the American-run website Russian Insider I was reminded of something much more important than pragmatic politics. It is regarding the realm of culture – the critical subject of birthrates in America and Europe and the survival of Western Christianity.

The first article quoted a famous Russian Orthodox priest, Dmitry Smirnov. Smirnov challenged his people to radically increase Russian birthrates for the survival of the Russian nation and culture.

The other article detailed the favorable results of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Federation’s combined effort to improve Russian birthrates and to advance Christianity in the lives of their people.

I sent these articles to a good friend who lives in the most Protestant Christian region of Iowa with a demographic dominated by prosperous middle-class Christians of central European ancestry.

Here was his immediate response:

I took my wife out to eat last night and the restaurant was rather busy so we ended up standing in line for several minutes before we could be seated. We were standing next to two couples who apparently knew each other from years back but had crossed paths and probably haven’t seen one another for ten years or more. The women were doing what women do, comparing notes on children and family. It was obvious they both had two children. The one lady was boasting how they have two grandchildren. When she turned to the other, she asked, “So how many grandchildren do you have?” In the saddest voice that we have probably ever heard, almost choking up, she said, “Oh, I don’t think we’re ever going to have any grandchildren with our kids.” When my wife and I sat down we commented on this and both agreed it was the saddest thing we’d heard in a long time. I almost wanted to turn to them and say “How have 50 years of feminism and the sexual revolution worked out for you? It doesn’t seem so harmless now, does it?” My other possible response was, “I have 22 grandchildren so far, can I loan you one for the weekend!” But I just bit my tongue and we sat down, reflecting on the sadness of it all. Now take that and multiply it by millions across America. God bless this Russian priest and his love for Christian children.

My friend’s analysis of the demographic issue of so few grandchildren is multiplied by millions of similar stories all across America. It is more than sad; it is a tragedy.


He was also correct in exposing feminism and the sexual revolution as two culprits in creating the current mindset of the modern young American woman. She is a woman who has put family and children on hold for personal pleasure and career. The feminist worldview, along with birth control, free sex, and abortion, have been convenient aids in the creation of the new liberated woman who has rejected her Biblical and historical vision of a home, a husband, early marriage, and a large family. All of which, in the end, would have surrounded her with a joyful band of grand, and great-grandchildren, a lifetime of memories, and fulfillment as her days roll on to the passing of this life.

The feminist movement that started in the early 1960’s has been one of the most successful social revolutions in recorded history. Its success is measured in the transformation of the American family. The constant media psyop (psychological operations) and indoctrination have been tremendously effective in getting Western women to completely reject millenniums of historical traditions of family life replacing it with an entirely alien view of her feminine role in life and society. A young Christian woman must be strong in her faith to be able to resist the attractive lure of the feminist sales pitch which seeks to ensnare these gullible souls with a life of freedom, pleasure, achievement and of course empowerment.

The critical decade of her 20’s, when great families are created, is now spent on temporal things that fade like all other vanities. The modern woman spends her 20’s cheating Gods created order with  personal driven activities of a job, amusements, multiple relationships, a new car, a dog, and travel, all of which in previous civilized societies were reserved for the time after her family was raised. These were often the best days in a married couple’s life; times of travel, personal pursuits and endless grandchildren events. The woman who buys into feminism in her 20’s will never experience this because she will not be able to get back that critical lost decade nor control her biological mortality.

A foundational doctrine of feminism is an “anti-baby” creed which views children as a nuisance and hindrance to the modern woman’s pursuit of perceived personal happiness.  Volumes could be written on the tragedy of feminism, the suffering it has caused millions of women, and its massive destructive cultural ramifications. If an evil mind in some dark place could have ever invented a social philosophy that could ruin historic cultures and destroy whole civilizations it would be feminism.

But, the Christian reader must look beyond the proponents of radical feminism and consider the Biblical response and ask how such a destructive worldview was not effectively resisted and stopped by the Church, specifically by Protestants, who only a half-century ago had the ear of an important majority of Americans in the 1960’s-1980’s.


The radical feminist agenda that changed the American woman could have been quickly stopped and tossed in the dustbin of absurd ideas if Protestant pulpits across the country had risen to the challenge, routinely attacked it and gave their congregations the Biblical alternative of true Christian womanhood.

I ask the Protestant reader, when have you in your church life ever heard a series of sermons exposing and attacking feminism while presenting the contrasting Christian alternative? Or listened to an adjoining sermon series on the Biblical view of children in which your pastor challenged the young women to their historic call, to marry early and have large families? I have sat under 45 years of sermons and I’m still waiting.

So what has happened in the last half-century? Without a thorough Biblical alternative, our young Christian women have drifted along under the massive media propaganda campaign of feminism. They have ended up with a blended view of their calling, a view that has a little Christianity mixed with a lot of feminism. Many of these Christian women, with their compromised worldview will end up delaying marriage, and if they marry at all will have small families, many with just two children.

How Protestant pastors and the many family organization leaders could have allowed this to happen I do not know. Their timidity and irresponsibility to the truth and their calling bring with it a significant claim of dereliction of duty which they will have to answer to God. In the meantime, our Christian women, families, and churches suffer from this lack of leadership.


We have all seen the images of Islamic men and clerics holding up babies to the sky declaring to Europe, “We will conquer you.”

Islamic leaders understand the great weapon they have in their birthrates and know that if they can get the smallest foothold in an egalitarian European country, in a few generations that country will become theirs. Their confidence of victory rests in the fact that their women have remained in their traditional roles as wives and mothers and have not succumbed to suicidal Western feminism.

They boast about how their high birthrates will overcome Europe yet European leaders sit paralyzed with no response or plan on how their culture and people can survive. Then again, no people can outlive the loss of their religion.


One of the most amazing things to witness in our time is the Christian leadership coming from Russia and much of Eastern Europe calling for the resurgence of nationalism, culture, and family. A renewal of Christianity in these former Bolshevik controlled countries is fueling this new dynamic.

It is astounding to watch the re-formation of Christianity with the mutual effort of both civil government and the Church serving alongside each other in their national resistance to Islamic immigration and Western debauchery. It is as if God pressed the pause button on Russia in 1917 and the Eastern European countries in 1945 and then recently hit play, causing them to pursue their old faith and traditions without having to experience 60-100 years of Western religious apostasy, feminism and moral decay.

The joint cooperation of church and state reminds the Christian of the great Protestant Reformation where the magistrates walked hand-in-hand with the Reformers to advance Christ’s Kingdom and renew a Christian culture.

In Russia today the government is promoting a massive Orthodox Church building program in Moscow and other large cities so that their people can walk to church. The purpose of this government program is more than just advancing Christian traditions but also it is to increase birthrates. The government recognizes that citizens who come under Christian instruction are less likely to abort and more likely to pursue larger families.

In Vladimir Putin’s recent interview with Megan Kelly, she asked the Russian president, “what do you see as one of your greatest accomplishments as president?” He replied with comments on the doubling of the Russian economy and bringing millions of his people out from under the poverty line. Then he said this:

“Back in the early 2000s, our population shrank by nearly a million people a year. Can you imagine the scale of the disaster? Almost 900,000 people. We have reversed this trend. We have even achieved a natural population increase. We have very low infant mortality, and we have reduced maternal mortality to almost zero. We have prepared and are implementing a large-scale program of supporting mothers and children. Our life expectancy is growing at a high rate.”

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, has a similar vision for his country. Half of Hungary’s media and banking is now Hungarian owned, after showing the door to the international bankers. The Hungarian leadership has also begun to elevate motherhood and encourage Christianity.

In Orbán’s February 19 State of the Union speech this year he declared:

“I believe that families form the unifying backbone of the entire country. I believe that everyone who commits to having children should be given all the support possible. I believe that mothers must be respected and honored. And I believe that if we do just this, then in the Carpathian Basin there will be more of us Hungarians, rather than fewer. I believe that we Hungarians have a future if we remain Hungarian: if we cultivate the Hungarian language, defend our Christian and Hungarian culture, and preserve independence and Hungarian freedom.”

Russia and Eastern Europe, with its vibrant renewal of Christianity, is providing worldwide leadership for the Church of Jesus Christ. Who could have seen this just 20 years ago? Is this not the work of God?


Western Christianity must take notice of Eastern Europe and start strategizing for its own self-interest and survival.

Personally, I don’t have much faith in the modern Protestant pastorate to expose and root out feminism in their churches and to challenge women in their congregations to obey God’s commands. Many of these men seem more afraid of their congregations than God.

Much of the Christian school movement and especially homeschooling was promoted, not by timid pulpits, but by Christian mothers concerned for the welfare of their children. The same may be necessary for the renewal of the traditional Christian family. Young women must start to see through the destructiveness of feminism, and on their own, seek to honor God in their Christian calling and dedicate themselves to having large families.

The hope one day, before it is too late, is for future church leaders to take on this critical task and help mothers in the church with what I call the “bambino strategy.” There are so many ways that churches can support mothers in their congregations and promote Christian womanhood with their young women. The practical means of aiding young mothers with large families are endless, starting with instructional classes from the older women to babysitting services.

One idea for a large church would be to dismiss the minister of music and allocate his salary to mother and children services. This could be combined with a church-run adoption agency for women in the congregation who are unable to have children.

For the “bambino strategy” to be effective the local church leadership must see that we are in a demographic battle for the survival of our religion and must begin to promote an aggressive pro-family vision to the congregation. Such a church may lose some offended members, but many more will come when the word gets out of their positive actions toward motherhood and the Christian family.

We must continually remind Christian women of the blessings of motherhood. Two such accounts are found in the Bible. The first and greatest of all is Mary, the mid-teen woman from Nazareth who was chosen to bare the Christ Child. To her Gabriel declares:

“Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” —Luke 1:28

Another was to Isaac’s wife Rebekah:

“And they blessed Rebekah and said to her, ‘Our sister, may you become thousands of ten thousands, and may your offspring possess the gate of those who hate him!’ “ —Genesis 24:60


To the Christian woman who asks “I would love to be married and have children but where are the responsible Christian men?” I entirely understand your frustration and a proper answer would need five additional articles. But, since I am writing about birthrates, and we all acknowledge that women run the relationship, marriage, and baby business, I am obliged to address women first.

I have hope that the day will come when Christian women can recapture their historic roles as wives and mothers and glory in their Biblical calling and where a Protestant can arrive at church on any given Sunday and view rows and rows of families in pews filled with Christian children. It would be a day when families with four children would be considered small and many would have seven or more. Six would be the norm.

Before that day comes, Christian people must realize that they are in a war against the forces of humanism, a battle for their very survival. We will never win this war against humanism politically for God has ordained the role of civil government to be a limited one. In God’s sovereign plan with His people, we must never forget that culture always trumps politics.

True societal reformation must be religious in nature and go to the heart of where people live. When we witness the rekindling of the Biblical family among the people of God, it will be an indication that a new reformation of Christianity is coming to the West.

Young Christian woman, unto you is given a great gift that is unique to your gender; the ability to bring children into this world. It is a gift that comes with a high and honorable calling to be guardians of society and keepers of civilization. Will you take on this call like countless previous generations of women or will you drawback and embrace a life the world offers you free from self-denial and sacrifice with promises of personal fulfillment, convenience and comfort?

© 2018 Tom Ertl – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom Ertl: tomertl@comcast.net

More Disturbing Aspects Of American Society: Depression

You can demonstrate, weep and rage against the gun violence at Parkland High School in Florida in the past month, and that’s needed.  On a more sobering reality check, our society faces accelerating traumas not being dealt with that led up to that shooting.

Teenage suicide in the United States remains high in the 15 to 24 age group with 5,079 suicides in this age range in 2017, making it the second leading cause of death for those aged 15 to 24. Suicide becomes the 11th leading cause of death for all those age 10 and over, with 33,289 suicides for all US citizens annually.  Why? Depression!

In other words, 14 teens kill themselves daily across the USA, but we don’t see anyone marching on Washington DC to solve the suicide plague reaching across America.

“The number of drug overdose deaths among 15- to 19-year-olds rose 15 percent for males from 2014 to 2015 and 35 percent for females from 2013 to 2015,” according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

That equates to two teens die daily from drug overdoses, yet we allow $50 billion in drugs cross our borders every year from Mexico.  Anybody marching on DC about that crisis?

The disturbing numbers may not simply be a case of the well-publicized epidemic of opioid painkiller abuse spreading to another age group.

“These trends fit into the overall picture: Overdose of opioid pills is the bigger problem among middle age and older age groups, while heroin and heroin contaminated by fentanyl are a huge problem among younger people,” said Dr. Daniel Ciccarone, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, who studies drug use.

As to the Parkland shooting of 14 teens, what caused that kid to take an assault weapon back to his high school to blow those kids away?  Did they bully him during his high school years?  Did his parents beat him? Somebody at school did something to him to create that much rage.

As a high school teen, I faced bullies beating me up until I grew to 6’2” and 180 pounds. Once I reached a bigger size, they stopped hitting me because I hit back with my fists.  But many kids don’t reach enough size, so the bullying continues.  At some point, they plot revenge.

On Facebook, this kid who talked about his depression:

I’m depressed. This is a brief description of how it feels to me:

Depression is wanting to talk but not having the energy to start a conversation.

Depression is not wanting to wake up because you don’t have to be ‘you’ in your dreams.

Depression is being hungry but nothing sounds good.

Depression is just as debilitating and painful as having a broken bone.

Depression is real and it sucks…

If you plan on sending me thoughts and prayers, it better be in the form of money. The former is actually useless to the person/people you send it to. You do that to make yourself feel better; to make you believe you actually did something to help.

From that incoherent message, he thought money might become his solution, but we all know that money didn’t save Robin Williams, Prince, Michael Jackson, Natalie Cole, Whitney Houston, Bobby Houston and thousands of mega rich people who died from drugs, alcohol or deaths induced by drugs.  All of them suffered from depression.

Even more oxymoronic: we face an opioid death epidemic.

Opioids—prescription and illicit—are the main driver of drug overdose deathsOpioids were involved in 42,249 deaths in 2016, and opioid overdose deaths were five times higher in 2016 than 1999. (Source: www.CDC.gov)

Anyone marching on DC to stop Big Pharmaceuticals from dispensing those deadly drugs?  Those 42,000 deaths equate to more than 40,000 times more than the 17 killed at Parkland by guns.

Again, 1.6 million accidents caused by texting on computers at 70 miles per hour!  Average of 4,100 deaths annually from texting.  But no one will enact a severely harsher law in fines and jail time to stop it.

America: we’ve got a huge problem growing in our county. It’s called ‘denial of reality’.  We charge around attempting to change gun laws, which remains noble in itself, but we haven’t scratched the surface of our entire multicultural society swirling the toilet.  Why? Because we do nothing to address the core issues facing us.

  1. Losing our American culture where everyone pulls in the same direction. With so many different and antagonist cultures, we’re being torn apart.  This isn’t America anymore, and it’s only going to get worse.
  2. Losing human face to face contact and communication. Cell phone should be banned in all schools. Check them at the door!
  3. Losing our communities to diversity, multiculturalism and racial conflict caused by diversity. No one stands, reads or enjoy being on the same page anymore.
  4. Losing our sense of commonality through diversity.
  5. Losing our understanding of peaceful interchange because of enormous violence in every media seen by our kids: TV violence, movie violence, video violence, pro wrestling violence, growing up in the ghetto violence, endless wars of the USA overseas violence, rapper violence and the list grows.

At some point, we must return to the basics: loving family life, cohesive community life, abandoned violence on TV, movies and videos games. Face to face with our kids instead of average American male watching 4.1 hours of TV seven days a week.

Without changing our dynamic, our kids and, in the end, our society faces mega consequences already playing out in drug overdoses, suicides and gun violence.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Omnibus Bill: Trump Outsmarted The Deep State Again The Wall Is Being Built

Republicans control the government, yet Congress still follows the Democrats’ playbook. Time and again, spending skyrockets, and conservatives are expected to fall in line to praise the party for making the big-spending status quo worse. —Rand Paul

Initial Reactions

A caller into Rush Limbaugh’s show said he’d become a Never Trumper when Cruz dropped out, but a democrat neighbor, and his entire family told him Hillary was dangerous, vote for Trump.  He said he’s not devastated by what President Trump signed, and that he had a lot of room left on his rope before he’d give up on President Trump.  He said, “I was challenged, now I’m going to put that same challenge back out there to you. Stay with President Trump.”

The majority of calls to Limbaugh were full of anger, disbelief and despair. The people felt betrayed.  One caller said he was a democrat who voted for Trump. He wants Obamacare repealed, the border wall built and refugee and illegal immigration stopped.

“The only one who can separate Trump voters from Trump is Trump, and he did it today,” said another.

This budget was designed to end the Trump presidency and play right into the hands of the Deep State who hate him.  But did it?  This was a spending bill, not a budget bill.  There is a difference, and Trump knows it!

Omnibus v Budget

Before everyone jumps off the Trump train over the spending bill, there are a few things you should know.  From the beginnings of American history, lump sum appropriations have been a source of contention. Jeffersonian Republicans wanted legal restraints, while the Federalists wanted Executive discretion.

We have today a mix of both: mandatory spending and discretionary spending. So, does the President have the ability to use the funds as he chooses? Yes, to a point. President Trump was not happy with the Omnibus Spending Bill of 2018 and voiced his displeasure up until he actually signed it at the last minute.  He can’t take money from the Jordan Wall, for example to make his own wall, depending on where those monies are appropriated. But within the budget there are likely places where he can adjust the way the monies are spent, and that includes the military building the wall.  Link

Presidents can use their influence over any items that have been appropriated, depending on the agencies involved. Obama used his to influence spending in agencies that were advancing his agenda.  In short, there is little information to tell us how appropriated money is actually spent, and in eight years we never found out what Obama did with the monies in his Omnibus bills, did we?!  Link

Congressional Betrayal Again

All our President had to do to rally the American people who love and support him, was to veto the Omnibus bill and tell Congress to go back and rewrite it.  His supporters would have been energized, they would have rallied for him and he could have filled the Congress with new conservative blood in November.

But Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell stabbed Trump in the back this week, by giving Schumer and Pelosi everything they wanted.  My initial reaction was outrage…

People were asking me why the hell Trump didn’t send this pile of bull dung back to the Congress and shut down the government.  We all emailed him and called the White House and said, “Veto this filthy thing.”  Why didn’t he take this to the people?  Why didn’t he talk to us?  Why didn’t he listen to what we said?  Why did he cave to Schumer and Pelosi?  Why did he give McConnell and Ryan (neo-con Trotskyites) the satisfaction of signing this garbage?

And don’t give me that old line of crap that he was threatened or his family was threatened, he knew taking this job was a big responsibility and could be dangerous.  He could put his family in hiding, so get off that bandwagon.  Watch his speech to the American people and look at his lack of exuberance regarding the promotion of this horrid bill.  He hated it.

The President’s Words

Before you read my initial responses to this bill, watch this two minute video where Budget Director Mick Mulvaney gives us the facts.  Trump needed nine Democrats to vote for the bill in order to get what he wanted, and the result is national security and restoring the military.

Our military has been so decimated by eight years of Obama, putting us way behind both Russia and China.  Trump had to have every dime, and had he vetoed this bill, the Congress would have cut defense spending, and that money could build the wall.

The President said, “There are a lot of things that I’m unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things that we shouldn’t have had in this bill but we were in a sense forced if we want to build our military, we were forced to have.”

Really Mr. President, why were you forced to sign this when you know you could have shoved it back in the face of the Congress and said, “NO!”  You weren’t forced to do anything.

“There are some things that we should have in the bill. But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not gonna do it again. Nobody read it. It’s only hours old. Some people don’t even know — $1.3 trillion. It’s the second largest ever.”

Again Mr. President, why did you sign something that is anathema to the campaign promises you made to your supporters?  And why would you sign something none of your staff has even read.  Let the government shut down before you sign a piece of legislation from the socialist democrats and the false friends on the right.

“But in this case, it became so big because we need to take care of our military. And because the Democrats, who don’t believe in that, added things that they wanted in order to get their votes. We have to get rid of the filibuster rule and go to 51 votes in the Senate if we’re going to have really sustained, continued success.”

Harry Reid got rid of the filibuster rule for the Dems, but haven’t you figured out yet that Senator McConnell isn’t there to help you even though you gave his wife, Elaine Chao the position of Transportation Secretary to butter up McConnell?  And our active military got only a 2.4% raise, biggest since 2010.  The Congress gets a 10% raise every year unless they vote against it.  Yes, we do need a strong military, and decent pay for our soldiers.

“DACA recipients have been treated extremely badly by the Democrats. We wanted to include DACA in this bill. We wanted to have ’em in this bill, 800,000 people, and actually it could even be more. The Democrats would not do it. They would not do it. To prevent the omnibus situation from ever happening again, I’m calling on Congress to give me a line-item veto for all government spending bills, and the Senate must end, they must end the filibuster rule and get down to work.”

They’ll never give you a line item veto because they hate you and everything you stand for.  And now your supporters feel abandoned and that you allowed the socialist left and the false friends on the right to dictate their demands in a budget bill that should have been loudly defeated and destroyed by you, the man we trust to Make America Great Again.

DACA?  Are you totally out of touch with the people who supported and elected you?  Where the hell are you getting the idea that we want the DACA people to be amnestied?  Do you have any idea of the cost of DACA’s to the American taxpayersWe do not want a deal on DACA, we know the criminality within this group and what it has already cost us.

I will never sign a bill like this again.

You shouldn’t have signed it to begin with Mr. President, but I understand why you had to.

Check out the bill if you have time to wade through over 2,200 pages, which obviously wasn’t done by congress or the administration.  Rand Paul voted against this monstrosity and he went through sections of it and tweeted parts of it.

Ann Coulter immediately threw Trump under the bus forgetting that this rot was the product of the schemes of Ryan, McConnell, Pelosi and Schumer, all of whom are brothers in arms against our President.

Ann may be right that Trump will never get another bill to sign because the Congress made it plain to the people that they don’t want to have a republican majority and they detest everything the President campaigned on.  We need some new blood in the 34 vacated republican seats, true conservative blood. Put aside misplaced anger and help us get true conservatives in Congress.  This is the key to getting rid of these greedy globalists who love personal enrichment more than our country.

The Budget

On Judge Jeanine’s show, Ann Coulter suggested Trump build the wall via the Seabees and take the monies from defense spending.  Instead, let’s use the funds seized from drug cartels to build a grand wall!

Rush Limbaugh stated, “This budget not only doesn’t fund his agenda, this budget makes it practically impossible for his agenda to be implemented, particularly on the primary thing that got him elected, which is dealing with the border and illegal immigration. Stop thinking of Congress as Republicans and Democrats. You’ve got to think of that as one unified group of people, establishmentarians who are working in a coordinated way to thwart and nullify the election and agenda of the Trump presidency.”  But Rush, that’s under a budget bill, not a spending bill.

Limbaugh explained some of what is in this monstrosity.  It’s well worth the read, but remember Congress wrote this filth, and it is not a budget.

Congress and Broken Promises

Planned Parenthood receives approximately $500 million in taxpayer funding every year through Medicaid and Title X grants for family planning. The Omnibus Bill continues their funding.

Sanctuary cities which are democratic strongholds will keep their funding.  The bill denies President Donald Trump explicit authority to withhold federal grants from the Democratic-dominated “sanctuary cities” which are trying to secede from the nation’s immigration laws.

Under a spending bill, Trump can slow walk these monies for things he wants in exchange.

Schumer’s Gateway Project

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s Gateway Project, a massive tunnel, bridge, and infrastructure expansion project linking passenger rail service between Newark, NJ, and New York City, NY over President Trump’s southern border wall is in the current omnibus spending bill.

As Paul Gosar (R-AZ) explains in this very important Breitbart article, this tunnel is an earmark. “This is an infrastructure process that should go through regular order. It shouldn’t be part of an omnibus bill. The American people spoke out loud and clear about a border wall.”  New York and New Jersey aren’t even putting up any money on this.

“National priorities such as funding for a southern border wall are being subverted by less important projects,” said Gosar. “This is nothing different than prioritizing earmarks. That’s strictly what’s going on here, is that it’s a negotiation with the Democrats.”

“It’s a crap sandwich. The American public lost, and the Republican mantra lost. Why don’t we stand up, grow a spine, and negotiate, and make sure that we get something for something because that’s what the American people put us here for.”

Again, Trump can hold this money hostage as leverage for his agenda.

Build the Wall

Like Rep. Gosar explained, border security was another campaign promise, and this bill screws us over big time.  Neither party wants the wall.  Why?  Because most of them are globalists who want borders eliminated and our sovereignty destroyed.

This budget “specifies that none of the budget and none of the construction may resemble the wall prototypes that the Border Patrol has been testing for the past few months.” The budget put together by the Republicans in the House of Representatives specifically states that whatever limited funds are used on fencing for 33 miles in Texas cannot “resemble” anything to do with “the border wall prototypes” that Trump went out and looked at the other day.


How many of you have heard that two Trump owned helicopters have crashed in the last nine months with Trump family members aboard?  The enemies of freedom really don’t want this President or his family anywhere near our White House. They’ll do anything to destroy his presidency.

The anger we all initially felt needs to be transferred to where it belongs, on our Congressional leaders, McConnell, Ryan, Schumer and Pelosi.

And yes, I was angry when Trump signed this monstrosity because of the rot within it from the Congress and how little Trump received from his republican majority, and the likes of smirking Ryan and McConnell.  I have had the weekend to think it through.  So, what do we want?  Do we want to kick Trump to the curb and go back to Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes or worse?

As upset as we are over this bill, and as much as we wanted it vetoed, there is still no one better than Donald J. Trump as our President, and he has some discretionary funding!  MAGA with Trump is our only hope.  Pick up a copy of Ed Martin’s latest book, Can’t Trump This 2017 and remind yourself of what Trump saved us from in just his first year, including no Hillary!

We have to get rid of the rot in Congress, and that means we have to fund and vote for true conservatives in our primaries. Kick the incumbents out, vote for no Democrats.

We must fight for what is right, if we don’t, then the loss of this great nation will be on our shoulders.  The same goes for NewsWithViews.  There are only a few really strong conservative websites, and NewsWithViews is one of the best. Thank you for continuing to help us stay alive and bringing the latest news and research into your mailbox every morning.  Please donate here.

PS: What you will get if Democrats take control.Democrat Candidate for Sheriff Suggests Killing People to Take Their Guns” You people better wake up.

Omnibus Spending Bill Betrayal: What Do We Do Now?

To say people are enraged at President Trump signing a grossly UN-constitutional spending bill – ALL to be paid for with borrowed dollars and the debt slapped on our backs – would be an understatement. OUR purse is now overdrawn $21 TRILLION dollars, yet those ‘experienced’ congress rats just voted to spend $1.3 TRILLION dollars that doesn’t exist to keep the government running for six months.

The Internet has been a bond fire since last Friday. My email box is flooded. Several said this is it, they aren’t going to vote in November! Why bother when this proves there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats? No, that’s not the answer. It’s not just congressional seats on the ballot in November; you can skip those if you want.  It’s also reelection for YOUR state capitol, governors, county sheriff’s, county board of supervisors, city councils and in many cases, judges. A whole slew of other offices that directly affect your life and your family.

Once again, the bill passed by the House and Senate is a monster 2,232 pages.  Who the hell has time to read it all? Certainly not your congressional person. They break the bill into 100-page sections, let their staff read and write an overview. We do know Sen. Rand Paul read it.

In this case, once again (is there an echo in the house), members of Congress were not given sufficient time to make an informed decision; about 1,000 minutes to the vote. The bill was jammed down their throats by Paul RAT Ryan and crook Mitch McConnell (so heavily endorsed by Ann Coulter over a perfectly qualified challenger) at the last minute.

(Say, Ann and Rand, how’s it working out with McConnell these days? You know, that super millionaire crook Switzer takes apart in his new book,  Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.  Former Speaker of the House and pedophile, Dennis Hastert did the same thing.  McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao (who became Transportation Secretary in Trump’s administration) are real experts at the game.

Coulter: The Conservative Case for Mitch McConnell
Oops: Maybe it hasn’t worked out so well: Coulter: McConnell Betraying Constituents for Good Press
Rand Paul endorses Mitch McConnell in 2014 Senate race, won’t back tea party challenger

There is NO excuse for this type of strong arming on legislation. NONE.  All Republicans should have revolted and said, no, we’re not going to vote on a monster bill we have no time to read before the vote.

The Outlaw Congress is in session all year long. They also take days out of session for the BS known as ‘District Work Weeks’ – much of which is spent fund raising.

You, the average American, just try to get an appt during the ‘District Work Week’ with your congress critter. There’s a hoot. He/she has a wall known as aides who want to know why you want to meet, who are you; your chances are slim to none unless you’re ‘somebody’. I know, I’ve been at this several decades.

In 2017, the U.S. House ‘worked’ 145 days out of 261 work days with a salary of $174,000 bux. For an average of 18 hours a week they make roughly three times the amount of money average Americans make in a year.  And, you’ll be happy to know those dogs in the Senate voted themselves a raise in the omnibus bill betrayal: Congress Gives Itself a Bonus in Omnibus: Senate increases budget by $48 million, salaries by $12 million

It’s not like they didn’t know another deadline was coming for a government shut-down. I firmly believe this was done on purpose to push through that rotten bill by Ryan and McConnell. Following the vote, Congress left for another 2- week vacation. That’s right. They’re now gone until April 9th on your dime.

Trump said he was forced to sign the bill for national security – to boost military spending by $60 billion. He said he would never do it again. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t sell. For those who support Trump signing the bill, let me remind people of some words of wisdom from a former president:

“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of these united States of America

I voted for Trump because not voting for him would be giving a vote to career criminal, Hillary Clinton. I believed Trump was a NY street fighter who would stand his ground.  And he has on some things. Trump then got people into a state of hope when he said he might veto that sickening bill.  Didn’t happen. Caving on that monstrous bill is inexcusable.

So what if the government “shuts down”?  Those of us who actually understand what that means know it is nothing more than a scare tactic. As for military spending, I have always supported our military. But, you don’t sell out the Constitution and we the people just to make life easier for corrupt politicians.

All Trump had to do is call their bluff: I will not betray the American people. Cancel your paid two-week vacation and go back to the drawing board. Pass a CR with a 30-day limit and do it right.

Instead, Trump said he will not do it again. Naughty boy. Who do you think is going to believe you after this? Some who have so much vested in your presidency they cannot bear the thought you have betrayed their trust. Others will remember Bush, Sr., when he said, “Read my lips. No new taxes.”

The result is we the people being raped again. Nancy Pelosi, who I firmly believe has dementia, and dung bag, Chuck Schumer went nuts celebrating Trump giving them just about all they could ask for in a wet dream. Oh, yes. The Democratic/Communist Party is celebrating while rubbing our noses in it. You, me, our children and grandchildren will be paying for that bill for the rest of our lives in interest to the private banking cartel, the ‘Federal’ Reserve.

Schumer Heaps Praise on GOP Omnibus Bill: ‘Era of Austerity’ Coming ‘to an End’
Flashback: Cutting veterans pensions vs cupboard is bare
Chuck Schumer Declares Victory on Omnibus: ‘We’re Able to Accomplish More in the Minority’

One of the most sickening things Trump keeps crowing about is how the Demorats didn’t take care of illegal alien minors, aka DACA and how much love HE wants to give them. We owe them NOTHING. It’s their parents fault for dragging them across the border and expecting never to get caught. The parents are likely illegal and they should be deported right along with illegal minors. Illegal means illegal.

If Trump believes this will get him votes in 2020 or even votes for GOP incumbents this year he’s badly mistaken. And, what about Trump’s commitment regarding illegal aliens? What about the U.S. Congress who sit and bitch at each other day in and day out while every day in this country American blood is spilled by illegals?

Or babies, teens and even senior citizen women are raped by illegals. Not to mention an average of 12 Americans who die every damn day of the week either by some drunken Mexican, El Salvadorian or Honduran or by murder.

Omnibus Spending Bill Allows More Illegal Aliens to Be Released into U.S. Through ‘Catch and Release’

“The omnibus spending bill, passed by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, will allow more illegal aliens to be released into the United States after they are caught crossing the southern border through the “Catch and Release” program…

“Catch and Release is the process where illegal aliens caught by federal immigration officials are released back into the U.S. until their immigration court hearing. Part of the reason for their release into the country is because the federal government refuses to fund the space needed to detain illegal aliens until their hearing. After being released, illegal aliens often do not show up for their court hearing and become quasi-fugitives living in the interior of the country, adding to the already booming 12 to 30 million illegal alien population…

“Ryan’s spending bill eliminates nearly 250 of those detention center beds, thus increasing the number of illegal aliens who will be released back into the U.S. through the Catch and Release program. The spending bill does not include any of the provisions from Trump’s list of pro-American immigration principles, where he called for the end of Catch and Release.”

Trump has also blasted how he got funding for the promised wall, but what’s actually in the bill?

Omnibus Bill Includes Specific Clause Barring Funding for Donald Trump ‘Wall’
Nancy Pelosi Gloats over Omnibus: ‘Democrats Won’; No Wall

I remember a recent article stating Trump is the most pro-life president in a 100 years. Really? That Omnibus Spending Bill once again violates the U.S. Constitution by stealing HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars from you and me to fund Planned Parenthood’s murder factories.

BROKEN PROMISE: Trump, GOP Congress Give Planned Parenthood $500 Million In Taxpayer Funds: “Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and other Republican leaders promised their voters for years that they would defund Planned Parenthood if given the chance to govern. Now, with Republican majorities in the House and Senate and a Republican in the White House, the nation’s number one killer of unborn children will continue receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.”

Oh, it’s only for six months! That’s about 18,000 more dead babies from abortion. Now, tell me all about Trump being pro-life and all those conservative Republicans in Congress (remember my column last week) who tout they are pro-life and then voted for that unconstitutional spending.

What can we the people do? The same thing countless others including yours truly have hammered on for years: The primaries are underway. VOTE OUT INCUMBENTS. If they can’t get the job done without selling us up the river, why give them your stamp of approval by voting for them in the primaries? WHY?

Incumbents need to be replaced because they refuse to kill the cancers killing US: Abolish the unconstitutional ‘Federal’ Reserve, Department of Education, EPA, HHS (Health and Human Services) and all the unconstitutional agencies and cabinets bleeding us dry as well as getting us out of the UN.

Go look at what’s called The Plum Book. Thousands and thousands of high paying government jobs for agencies and programs CONGRESS HAS NO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY TO FUND. THEY ARE COMPLETELY OUTSIDE CONGRESS’ ORBIT AND YET, WE THE PEOPLE CONTINUE TO GET RAPED TO FUND THEM.

A small number fall under Art. 1, Sec. 8, Cl. 17 of the U.S. Constitution. The rest don’t. Has your congress critter done anything for “smaller government” except puke up, well, gee, we’re going to spend less here and there?

The $1.3 trillion omnibus bill shows why the populist revolution has to target Congress next

“You may not agree with – in fact you may violently disagree with – President Trump’s pledge to “Build the Wall.” But can there be any voter in America who was unaware of that promise by the time of the 2016 election? Of course not. So it is simply staggering to see the sheer scale of our elected representatives’ arrogance in refusing to do what the American people voted for. It’s not just that the spending bill fails to fund the construction of a border wall along the lines the president has proposed. Almost unbelievably, it literally prohibits building a concrete wall or other prototypes. Not so much “Build the Wall” as “Ban the Wall.”

“And look at what Congress did to President Trump’s promise to increase border security by hiring additional border officers. The president signed an executive order soon after he took office calling for 10,000 more U.S. Immigration and Customers Enforcement (ICE) officers to protect America’s borders. He then scaled that back in his own budget submission to just an extra 2,000 officers. Guess how many are included in the budget Congress approved? The number of additional officers is capped at a mere 65…

“And all the congressional leaders are responsible for this outrage: House Speaker Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, both Republicans; and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, both Democrats. We ought to call the legislation they approved the Ryosi-McSchumer spending bill. There is only one long-term solution: the populist revolution with its demand for people power and decentralization must target Congress next. We need to elect Positive Populists who will go to Washington and give their power back to the people.”

What’s in that unconstitutional spending bill? I’ve put it some of it in an Addendum in case dedicated swamp cleaners want to make it into a flyer. Go after your incumbent who voted for that bill. Go here and look to the right where it says Final Passage and click on both house and senate to see how they voted. Not all Republicans voted for it. The first term idiot in my district (GOP) voted for it but then he’s just another know-nothing ‘conservative’.

As I said in my column last week, Texas’ primary was March 6th. Ted Cruz, a man with no country won his primary. Cruz gave up his Canadian citizenship when he decided to run for president. Under Canadian law he was a full Canadian citizen. There is NO documentation verifying he held dual citizenship which would also have made him ineligible as both his parents were NOT U.S. citizens at the time of baby Ted’s birth. Like the criminal impostor, Obama, Cruz is the consummate liar and deceiver.

Out of 21 GOP house seats, 12 incumbents won their primary; there were 9 open seats due to retirement or running for another office. 12 of the same people who refuse to cure the cancers were rewarded by Texas voters.

Challengers cannot win without a ground army. Just like when then unknown Dave Brat from Virginia beat GOP heavy and next Speaker of the House, Eric Cantor.  A political earthquake but it was done because ordinary folks like you and me got out there and helped the challenger beat an incumbent. An unprecedented primary win but a magnificent win.

Of course, the biggest problem is vote fraud which is how – no doubt in my mind – Paul RAT Ryan keeps winning his primaries.  I’ve covered vote fraud since 1993 on radio and in so many columns and yet, challengers continue to just walk away after they allegedly lose their primary.

Use the addendum to help a challenger win and get out the vote. Short of a violent revolution which no one wants, we have to put in the sweat to beat the professional politicians or nothing will change.


© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


1 – Boom! Lou Dobbs Goes Off: “Why Doesn’t Someone Tell Speaker Ryan to Go to Hell? – He’d Sell Out His Mother!”
2 – Say No To Girl Scout Cookies Because of Their Ties to Planned Parenthood
3 – Republican House Passes Mammoth Budget-busting Omnibus Spending Bill
The New American

Omnibus Spending Bill Betrayal: What Do We Do Now?2


America: OUR purse is overdrawn $21 TRILLION DOLLARS. Every penny below in the Omnibus Spending Bill passed in March 2018 – $1.3 TRILLION DOLLARS – has to be borrowed with the interest slapped on our backs, our children and grandchildren.

Are you really going to vote for your incumbent in Congress who voted for this? NONE of it constitutional. Stop reelecting the same incumbents every two years. These are just a drop in the bucket.

Post Office gets $58 million but only if it promises not to close down small, underutilized, money-losing post offices.

$9 billion for Govt Services Admin that oversees federal properties. Fed government spends $1.7 billion a year to maintain 770,000 empty buildings while continuing to buy new properties.

No dollars shall be spent “for the permanent stationing of US forces in Afghanistan”- We unconstitutionally invaded that country 16 years ago and continue to occupy it.

Border security to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia

Overseas contingency operations. Military slush fund that circumvents budget caps. Over a trillion dollars in that budget category.

$12m for Scholarships for Lebanon

$20m for Middle East Partnership Initiative Scholarship Program

$12m in military funding for Vietnam

$3.5m in nutrition assistance to Laos

$15m in Developmental assistance to China

$10m for Women LEOs in Afghanistan

$1m for the World Meteorological Organization

$218m for Promoting Democracy Development in Europe

$25m for International Religious Freedom

$10m for disadvantaged Egyptian Students

$1.371bn for Contributions to International Organizations

$51m to promote International Family Planning and Reproductive Health

$7m promoting International Conservation

$10m for UN Environmental Programs

$5m for Vietnam Education Foundation Grants

$2.579m for Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe

$15m to USAID for promoting international higher education between universities

$2.696bn for International Disaster Assistance

$1m for the Cultural Antiquities Task Force

$6.25m for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation

$20m for Countering Foreign State Propaganda

$12m for Countering State Disinformation and Pressure

Outside the authority of Congress. Left to the states under the Tenth Amendment:

$4 million to combat “excessive alcohol use”

$2.05 million for breastfeeding grants and preventing elderly people from falling down. Absurd.

$15 million to study counties with high obesity rates and promote healthy lifestyles. Mama government.

Back To Article

Good News Wouldn’t Exist Without Bad News

We have fake news, fake science, and fake events. There is only one source that you can be certain will give you the absolute truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – that is the Bible, God’s Holy Word.

The great deceiver, Satan himself, is described as the father of lies. One of his best deceptions is not to tell you a lie directly, but rather to obscure, hide or erase the truth. Yes, we are certainly told many lies today, but we should also ask the question, what are we not being told?

When we examine the spiritual landscape in America today, there is one truth clearly proclaimed in the Word of God that has, for all intents and purposes, been erased. What is that truth? The reality of God’s judgment that will result in souls being cast into hell for all eternity. Pastor John MacArthur wrote an article in 2014 which he entitled “The Disappearance of Hell”:

“According to recent polls, some 81 percent of adult Americans believe in heaven, and fully 80 percent expect to go there when they die. By comparison, about 61 percent believe in hell, but less than 1 percent think its likely they will go there. In other words, a slight majority of Americans still believe hell exists, but genuine fear of hell is almost nonexistent.

Even the most conservative evangelicals dont seem to take hell very seriously anymore. For decades, many evangelicals have downplayed inconvenient biblical truths, neglecting any theme that seems to require somber reflection. Doctrines such as human depravity, divine wrath, the exceeding sinfulness of sin, and the reality of eternal judgment have disappeared from the evangelical message.”

Yet when we carefully study what Jesus taught, He taught more about hell than any other prophet in the Bible. The Good News is only good because of the reality of eternal punishment in hell. Without that bad news there is no Good News.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

America Has Lost Her Constitution

As we see the Deep State emerge from every crevice of government there is one thing that is the only logical solution, America has lost her Constitution.  That sounds like a radical statement, but you will see in this series that the federal government has over stepped its bounds time and time again and now it seems that Washington has virtually ignored the foundation set out by the Founders.  It seems that Washington welds the majority of power in America leaving very little to the States.  Thomas Jefferson stated, “When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another.” We are in that place today.  One of the very few things the Constitution afforded the general (federal) government was the protection of the people.  This includes border security.  The federal government has failed miserably on border security.  Ronald Reagan attempted to get us border security in 1986.  The Democrats demanded amnesty for their illegal voters and promised border security if Reagan gave those here amnesty.  The Democrats got their amnesty, but Chuck Schumer has seen to it that there has been no border security.  This has supplied the Democrats with an endless supply of illegal voters for the last 32 years.  He is still doing all he can to NOT allow Trump to build the border wall. As usual, the Democrats are on the wrong side of the issue, but they are more concerned about their power than the American people.

Just to show how blatantly Congress, both Parties, ignore the Constitution all we have to do is look at the last general election.  The Republican Party had to ineligible candidates running for president.  Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.  I guess they felt that because Obama had been elected twice and he was ineligible that they could get away with it too.  No MSM brought up the ineligibility because it would have made them look bad for not pointing out Obama’s lack of qualifications.  The Constitution, in Article II, calls for only a Natural Born Citizen (NBC) to be eligible for the office of the president and in June of 1804 the 12th Amendment called for the same qualification be required for the office of the vice-president, as he could be required to fill the office of the president in the event of the president’s death.  Because the Constitution does not itself define the term Natural Born Citizen, many believe, in correctly, that anyone born in America is a NBC.  What one must do is understand what the Founders understood to be a NBC.

This term is taken from a book titled Natural Law as defined by Emmerich De Vattel in a book titled The Law of Nations.  Before the Constitution the closest reference we have to Natural Born Citizen is from the legal treatise “the Law of Nations,” written by Emerich de Vattel in 1758. In book one chapter 19,

212. Of the citizens and natives.

“The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.”[1]

Noting that both parents have to be citizens at the time of birth makes Obama, Cruz and Rubio ineligible for the office.  Obama was a British subject! . “The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.” – Section 212

“I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.” – Section 212 [2]

Considering Cruz and Rubio we see that with Rubio neither of his parents were citizens at the time of his birth.  Cruz was born in Canada and was a Canadian citizen. The debate over whether or not Senator Ted Cruz is eligible for the U.S. Presidency is about to end. It has now been confirmed that Senator Ted Cruz is neither a “U.S. natural born Citizen” or a “legal U.S. citizen.”

According to all relative legal citizenship documentation available at present, Senator Ted Cruz was born Rafael Edward Cruz, a legal citizen of Canada on December 22, 1970 and maintained his legal Canadian citizenship from birth until May 14, 2014, 43 years later.

The Cruz Campaign for the U.S. Presidency has claimed that Senator Ted Cruz was a “citizen at birth” via his U.S. mother and a “dual citizen” of both Canada and the United States in 1970 and that by renouncing his Canadian citizenship in 2014, he would become eligible for the Oval Office.[3] Cruz’s dad was a Cuban nationalist which makes him a Cuban citizen.  He claims that because his mother was a US citizen, having dual citizenship with the US and Canada, he is a US citizen. She did not have dual citizen ship as Canada did not allow that until February 15, 1977.  Cruz was born in 1970. Even then, because his dad was not a citizen until 2006, Ted Cruz is a Cuban citizen by law!

I never heard any news media, FOX included, talking about the ineligibility of either candidate neither was there any questions brought forth by either political party.  There are probable reasons for this that we will discuss later in the series.  The reason they got away with this and that Obama got elected twice is because We The People are no longer engaged in our political process, our Constitution is no longer taught in our public indoctrination centers (public schools) and complacency is the norm.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. http://www.birthers.org/USC/Vattel.html
  2. http://newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams296.htm
  3. http://newswithviews.com/JBWilliams/williams324.htm

CHAOS: Joshua vs. Jericho And Trump vs. Deep State

Did you know that 53 percent of Americans are either very or somewhat worried about the federal government monitoring or invading their privacy? 24 percent are not too worried, 22 percent are not at all worried and 1 percent don’t know if they are worried. They probably live in one of the legalized pot states.

Did you know that according to Joseph Bannister, former IRS investigator, there were 1.3 million cases of identity theft by illegal aliens from 2011-16?  In 2017, an additional 1.2 million cases of tax refund fraud occurred as illegal aliens used someone else’s Social Security number and filed income tax returns – and got rebates.  These represent only the ones who were caught… but Bannister says zero confirmed cases were referred to the Department of Justice or the investigative branch of the IRS for prosecution.

Evidently, you have to be an American citizen to be prosecuted for violating IRS laws.  If one of us stole someone else’s identity to get a job or a credit card, or if we filed a phony tax return to get a refund and got caught, we’d be in jail.

That idea tends to support the liberal progressive Democrat belief that illegal aliens are entitled to more consideration by government than Americans born in this country.  Dreamers (DACA) are idolized by Democrats.

The IRS is run by liberals.  Most government bureaucrats are liberal.  When Lois Lerner, director of the Exempt Organizations Unit (501 (c) (3) at IRS, took the Fifth and refused to testify in a Congressional Committee Hearing, Congress has no control over that agency… or any other, if the FBI and Department of Justice are any indication.

Is it any wonder that Americans have no confidence in government?  All government seems capable of doing is creating chaos!

Interestingly, a lot of brainiacs who spend their days looking out of think tank windows believe that chaos provides the quickest road to defeat American nationalism and is a quick road to a collectivist new world order.  It is well known that people, especially voters, cannot think straight in the midst of chaos.  Since Democrats have no viable political platform for the 2018 elections, it appears they have opted for chaos… thus James Comey, Robert Mueller, RussiaBait, etc.

A lot happened in this week’s news that pushes the “create chaos” meter forward.

This week’s news announced that senior management levels of our taxpayer-funded intelligence agencies have established their own set of rules (and possibly coordinate with rogue intelligence agents around the world) to remove from office a duly elected constitutional President.  The Deep State makes a joke of the Constitution they took an Oath to defend from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Isn’t there a penalty for a violation of Oath of Office?

We will likely never know because of a (rare) factual answer provided by Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on MSNBC about whether President Trump’s investigation into the Deep State was taking on America’s intelligence agencies.

“You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you,” Senator Schumer said, smiling.

Looking at the evidence (not just opinions, but hard evidence) of the firing of Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe a week ago, the FBI seems to think it gets to make its own rules and each agent is free to interpret them and also decide if they will follow them.  Constitutionally, however, they are required to follow the rules of the Department of Justice (if anyone is there to enforce them).  One would hope the DOJ follows and enforces the laws as defined by our Constitution, but there is little evidence it’s being applied to elitists and intelligence operatives.

Also in this week’s news, after President Trump signed a budget that included a giant deficit and then placed a huge tariff penalty on Chinese imports, the stock market dropped like a rock and ended the week down more than 7 percent.  The market is still far ahead of where it was when Trump took office and the GDP maintains a 3 percent growth level for the first time in many years, but this kind of market reaction is unsettling, to say the least.

Are you aware that Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s family (wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell) owns a major Hong Kong-based shipping company, Foremost Maritime Corporation, that delivers Chinese goods to America?  Was Trump sending the McConnells a hidden message?  Whatever his purpose, he enraged his conservative base – and rightfully so.  Be patient.  There is a chess game going on here.

Millennials and other children learned that Mark Zuckerberg, creator of their personal ego mirror, Facebook, has been sharing their “personal” data (which they post on the worldwide web by choice) with every kind of hoodlum, worldwide.  Like Lois Lerner, Zuckerberg thinks he should be the one to determine which political views are made available to the public.  He’s in trouble.

In Austin, TX, a 24-year old and very attractive young man with a gentle smile placed bombs on people’s doorsteps – or took them to Federal Express – to kill and maim complete strangers.  Neighbors say he was raised by good parents who were very involved in his life and that the family seemed happy and normal in every way.

Did the chaos get to him?  So much of our chaotic news and entertainment and computer and cell phone games involve violence!  Or was he a victim of the feminist drive to remove male dominant traits from boys and replace them with feminine traits (“either change or take Ritalin”)?  Girls are easier to handle.  We will never get the answer to that question.

Thousands of mostly young people attended a March for our Lives protest in Washington, D.C., yesterday.  They demand stricter gun controls in reaction to the high school shootings in Florida three weeks ago where 17 lives were lost.  There were voter registration booths at this function and at 800 other protests scheduled around the country yesterday, according to Stephen Gutowski, a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon.  Now why do you suppose they wanted to register voters during these protests?

If you want to know for which political perspective these protests were organized, you need only know that those who are financially supporting them include Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, George Clooney, and other well-known liberal progressive Democrats.  The dollars provided also helped organize the huge effort to remove guns from the hands of Americans.  I refer you to my News With Views article on the Florida shooting and gun control.

Since becoming Gun Free Zones, students in our schools have become helpless potential victims for the mentally depraved and people angered beyond reason with life in general.  These people are free to walk into any school and start shooting.  No one is there to stop them because schools are “Gun Free” zones.

You cannot fault kids or their parents for wanting something done to make schools safe again!  America’s children are entitled to safe schools!

Who started the concept of Gun Free Zones in our schools?

Former Vice President Joe Biden, a liberal progressive Democrat, introduced the Gun-Free School Zones Act which was signed into law in November of 1990.  The Bill prevents any person from knowingly possessing a firearm in a school zone.  Joe probably has a Facebook page which he believes is being held in strict confidence by Mark Zuckerberg, too.  The Democrats think he would be a good candidate for President in 2020?

I’m waiting for people to tell me why these students aren’t protesting about kids who kill far more people while driving and texting than school shootings do. In 2014, 42 percent of teens said they texted while driving.  More than half of all road traffic deaths — averaging 3,287 per day — occur among young adults.

I’d like to know when they are going to raise the driving age to 21 or force stricter laws on families with children when they buy a car.  Perhaps they could make an engine that automatically turns off when a cell phone is activated in a car?

Moreover, the school shooting deaths are a tiny percentage of the killing of unborn babies by Planned Parenthood.  The 2015-16 report shows 328,348 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood; in 2016, nine children were killed in school shootings.  Further, Taxpayers who oppose abortion are forced to give Planned Parenthood $500 million a year… but opposing death by abortion doesn’t get the guns out of American hands.

Perhaps we should call for demonstrations against anyone under age 21 having sex so unwanted pregnancies and resultant dead babies can be eliminated.  If such a law were passed, it would be just as effective as a law that takes guns from the hands of law-abiding citizens.  Criminals will always get their hands on illegal guns just as healthy teenagers will find a way to have sex if they have not been taught the discipline of how – and why – to avoid it.

The list of problems goes on and on.  How about some solutions?

For example, how do we get rid of sanctuary cities?

If the Congress really wanted to get rid of sanctuary cities they could pass a law stating that no city (incorporated or unincorporated) or county or state can declare any population center a sanctuary without a vote of the people.  If this were the law of the land, there would be very few sanctuary cities.   Congress doesn’t want to eliminate sanctuary cities or it would do so.  Your County Commissioners could do the same for your own county.

How about problems at Veterans Administration Hospitals?

Recruit physicians in the private sector to serve one day a week (weekends included) at VA hospitals.  Won’t that be expensive?  No.  Rather than paying them a wage, have them multiply the number of patients they treat by the amount of their usual per patient charge in the civilian world.  Let them deduct the total annual amount from their income taxes.  Physicians always seek good tax shelters.  This provides a good one and is easily verifiable via existing VA patient computer records already in place.

As liberal progressive Democrats keep heaping more and more reasons for chaos upon your head, just keep focusing on finding solutions.

Avoid chaos.  They want things to be so chaotic you can’t think.  When you can’t think,, you can easily be defeated.  Remember Joshua and what a small group of men did to a large defensive force at Jericho?

The Lord gave us a good example here on how to use chaos to bring down an enemy that is much larger than you.  And remember, the name “Trump” comes from those trumpets the Lord told Joshua to blow as his small contingent marched around the walls of Jericho… and the walls fell.

Those who want to end American nationalism in favor of world government are using chaos against us.  They want you to throw your arms in the air and give up — let your walls come tumbling down.  Ignore them and avoid chaos.

You also might want to spend some time thinking about how Donald Trump’s behavior in response to liberal chaos creates its own force.  When he speaks, liberal Democrats become chaotic.

There is a purpose for all things.

© 2018 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall: marilynmacg@juno.com

Tuberculosis Threat Coming From Unvetted Refugees

Those with a narrow focus tend to fixate on terrorism threats coming from unvetted refugees. But there’s an equally grave security and safety risk from the myriad diseases that accompany the refugee invaders and so-called unaccompanied alien children.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of these diseases: It is an airborne infectious disease spread by coughing or sneezing. There are about 13 million people in the US that have been exposed to TB and could develop the disease.

Even Africa has attempted to educate people about public health measures to avoid spreading TB, and its public service announcements advise citizens to cover their mouths when coughing or spitting, and to increase ventilation in crowded places. Yet, there are no such campaigns here in America.

To acknowledge the dangers of TB and other highly contagious diseases would be tantamount to warning Americans of the many dangers of the refugee invasion which our elites are trying to hide from the general public.

Americans seem to prefer pestilence to prevention and in general, are slow to react to potential danger until it has already manifested, and so we have not instituted such a preventive campaign.

After 20 years of decline, US TB rates are increasing. This can only be traced to America’s massive invasion of immigrants from TB hot-spots around the world. Four immigrant-mobbed states—CA, NY, TX, and FL have half the nation’s TB cases.

The Center For Disease Control (CDC) allows immigrants to enter the US without screening or treatment for latent TB. There are many more people with latent TB—one-third of the world’s people!—that actually show symptoms of the disease—and the latent cases could become active at any time.

Treating TB is no treat: It is labor intensive and difficult to effectuate. It requires patients with active TB to take drugs daily over a 6-month period, and the doses must be administered by a health care worker who must watch the patient swallow every dose. If the patient can’t come to a clinic, the health care worker must go to the patient.

Treating active TB in routine cases averages $17,000 for full treatment, but can run up to $430,000 when patients are resistant to drugs, in which case multiple drugs must be administered. Moreover, about 5% of patients assumed to be successfully treated will have a recurrence of the disease.

TB doesn’t attract media attention like the over-hyped infectious Zika and Ebola diseases get. Consequently, only about half the funding authorized to develop better drugs for treating TB are actually spent for this purpose, showing how lackadaisically the threat is being treated.

Besides TB, the invaders also bring in yellow fever, measles, whooping cough, bubonic plague, diphtheria and many other diseases that were on their way to eradication only a short time ago.

The Book of Revelation prophesizes that one-third the world’s population will die of “plagues” during the “end-times”: Could these latent TB cases and other disease outbreaks from immigrant invaders be what is referred to?

Playing politics with public health issues like TB could be a potent killer of American citizens, just as the A.I.D.S. virus proved to be…

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Rand Paul And The Shocking HR 1625 Omnibus Spending Bill

Kudos to Rand Paul for actually reading the omnibus spending bill and communicating with the American public about its ugly, ugly contents.  Some of the pork spending Rand highlights include:

  • $12M for scholarships to Lebanon
  • $20M for Middle East Partnership Initiative Scholarship Program
  • $12M in military funding for Vietnam
  • $3.5M in nutrition assistance to Laos
  • $15M in developmental assistance to China
  • $10M for Women LEOs in Afghanistan
  • $10M for disadvantaged Egyptian students
  • $1.37B (that’s BILLION) for contributions to International Organizations
  • $51M to promote International Family Planning and Reproductive Health
  • $7M promoting International Conservation
  • $10M for UN Environmental Programs
  • $5M for Vietnam Educational Foundation Grants
  • $2.579M for committees on Security and Co-operation in Europe
  • $500M to Jordan for a border wall (another source reported)
  • $1M for the World Meteorological Organization
  • $218M for Promoting Democracy Development in Europe (yep..the birthplace of democracy needs promoting)
  • $25M for International Religious Freedom
  • $15M to USAID for promoting international higher education between universities
  • $2.696B for International Disaster Assistance

(taken from his tweets)

Now if I did my rudimentary math right, that’s almost five billion dollars (out of $1.3T) just on those handfuls of examples. These things seriously need to be looked at.  How are we giving away billions of dollars to other countries, while our own nation is in over $21 Trillion in debt and there are glaring problems at home?

Apparently there’s also $6 Billion going to the National Science Foundation with ludicrous research projects being funded by our taxpaying money for things like studying if Japanese quail are more sexually promiscuous if they’re on cocaine.  See a great highlight of more ridiculousness here.

It took well over two hours for Rand’s office to print the 2,232 page Omnibus spending bill.  Rand was photographed holding the 4-5 ream document and said, “Well here it is, all 2,232 budget-busting pages. The House already started votes on it. The Senate is expected to soon. No one has read it. Congress is broken…”

Rand was good at keeping interested citizens in the loop when he tweeted nuggets like:  “Page 376 of terrible, rotten, no-good budget busting bill:  I found it! I found it! Border security, what President Trump wanted! no . . .wait a minute section says Defense can spend what funds it determines to enhance the border security of Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia”

Or this one:  “eyes getting tired but really someone should read this beast. Page 392 sec 9007: “no $ shall be spent “for the permanent stationing of US forces in Afghanistan” Wonder what they meant by permanent? Some might argue that after 16 years we approaching the definition of permanent.”

And would we even know such details if Rand hadn’t pointed them out:  “Page 430 of “crumni-bus:” Good news. The government is going to “earn” $350 million by selling oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Bad news is the $ won’t go to reduce the $21 trillion debt. The $ will be instead be spent elsewhere by the Federal government.”

Well you can see his whole strand of Tweet updates as he waded through the massive bill here.

A decent overview of the bill can be read here.

We need to keep in mind this was a spending bill to get us through the fiscal year, and it expires September 30, 2018.  Trump was adamant in declaring he would not be signing another bill like this in the future.  He expressed disgust with much of the bill, and that his primary motive was to keep the military funded.  (Incidentally, active duty received a 2.4% pay increase.)

Opponents of the bill argue that it practically gave the Democrats everything they wanted.  Conservative opponents were furious Planned Parenthood was not defunded, and yet one Congressman’s office explained to me that the automatic renewal for PP was removed in this bill, which enables the renewal to be at the discretion of the President.  If that is correct, that is good news indeed and may end up being a significant victory for those in support of life and babies.  I still need to follow up on that and see if it’s accurate.

I spent the afternoon on the phone calling my senators and congressmen to ask them a few questions about this bill and their support of it.  I was able to reach one of my two senators, and half of my congressmen’s offices.  One of my senator’s phone numbers did not work.

I asked three questions of each office I spoke with:

  1. Has my representative read the 2,232 page bill?
  2. Why did he/she vote in support of it?
  3. Why does he/she think this bill is productive and beneficial to America and Americans?

By the time I hung up, I was pleased that each office that spoke with me was knowledgeable enough about the bill, and why my representatives endorsed it.  None of my representatives/senators had actually read the bill.  They had their staff break it up and read it, and report to them.  I did not actually speak to any of my senators or representatives in person, and so was at the mercy of their aide’s knowledge.  This means no one could tell me how much of the bill my senator or representative had actually read him/herself.

My representative’s aides were actually the most helpful.  They were able to explain my representative’s disappointments and displeasures with the bill.  My senator’s aide was less helpful, explaining that twenty staffers separated the bill in about hundred page segments, but he had no knowledge if my senator actually read any of the bill himself.

What I came away with was my representatives voted in support of the bill in an effort to regulate the budget, and keep the military from additional delays in pay.  They each felt making sure the military was taken care of was of utmost priority.  They then each had specific examples of things in the bill that benefited the constituents of our state.  There were things like rural housing assistance, rural broadband, and school safety measures they felt strongly about.  The “Grain Glitch” was also a big issue for our region.

Contact your representatives and senators.  Engage in a conversation with them and let them know your concerns.  The next Omnibus spending bill should begin to be drafted in May/June.  Trump has already said there wouldn’t be a repeat of this one (from his account).  Hold them each accountable.  Mid-term elections occur this fall.  We need our state representatives to represent us, our interests, the interests of our regions, and the interests of our nation.

If our representatives had voted against the Omnibus bill, it would have been sent back for changes.  IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN SENT BACK. Each vote for that spending bill was a cowardly compromise.  One way or another we have to get the message to our representatives that we need to take care of the needs of our nation before other nations, and it cannot be at the cost of Americans.  Politics need to stop pandering to the politicians and instead begin serving the American people.  As Rand lamented, “Congress is broken.”

The reason this Omnibus spending bill is still good news, is it’s up to the discretion of the President how to appropriate the funds. It means he has been given some general guidelines, but there’s no one to enforce the general instructions. Only an approved Budget (per the US Constitution) has to be followed to the letter.  If you need examples, look at eight years under BO, with no budget and only spending bills. You’ll see he pretty much did what he wanted.

This spending bill can (and may) mean that he can take that $80 Billion for defense spending and hire the Army Corp of Engineers to build a border wall.  It can (and may) mean he can take part of that $80 billion and pull up to active duty enough military to arrest, detain and try treasonous criminals of the state (think HRC, EH, BHO) at Gitmo in military tribunals. Because it’s an omnibus “spending” bill and not a budget, there is considerable gray area and flexibility to be used at his discretion. This can (and will) actually be a good thing for US patriots.

In the meantime, it gives citizen patriots the time to pressure State Representatives and Senators to actually represent their districts in a manner that honors their Constitutional Oath. So begin the process of voicing your concerns to your state reps, and finding replacements worthy of the call if they should be replaced this mid-term election. Continue your support and prayers for truth and integrity to come forth and the light to displace the darkness. We’re still winning.

© 2018 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

New Portrait Of Trump Driving Liberals MAD(ER)

Frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig sent us this note and portrait which affected this writer deeply, and included this note:


Mr. Craig could not have described this painting better. I personally felt a lump in my own throat when seeing it, due to the gratitude I felt for Mr. Trump for putting his own wealthy life on hold to dive into the mess America has become due to a faulty steering wheel, which he will fix.

Embrace this portrait with your eyes and THINK how fortunate we are that God sent him to us.

The gifted artist who created this image of President Trump, Jon McNaughton, was inspired by the NFL’s ugly protests against the American Flag when The National Anthem is played before their games, the very flag under which they all became famous multi- millionaires. Strange protests indeed. Nuts if one wishes to be precise.

This is what led portrait artist Jon McNaughton to place his subject in the middle of a football field, titling the work, “Respect the Flag.” The love and respect President Trump’s face and body posture displays as he clutches the American Flag over his heart says it all. The reception of this portrait was hugely embraced by the public

The only protests against this portrait is from the Democrat-Communists, defined as ‘dead from the head.’ They only want to tear down anything of beauty, passion and patriotism. They produce gloom wherever they gather, attack people and slander anyone in the news. They want every American to be just like them and want America to become a third world progressive dictatorship

So let us examine what the opposite kind of “art” would look like from a Democrat Communist. Here’s that headline: HOLLYWOOD Actor ATTACKS Sarah Huckabee Sanders via Democrat”art”(?)

It is pathetic to see one pretend have talent such as being an actor or entertainer or even an artist even though they have no talent. Yet they are all over the place.

We now put the spotlight on alleged movie actor Jim Carrey, who fancies himself as an artist and proceeded to paint a portrait of The President’s Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and had it published for the world to see. That horrfic political painting was a deliberate insult because she is a conservative. Why would Carrey do this to a very respected and kind woman? Simple. Carrey is a Hollywierd Democrat, and Ms. Sanders is a Conservative with a conservative father, Michael Huckabee.

Unlike the REAL artist, Jon McNaughton, who painted the portrait of President Trump, which was his intention, Carrey’s work was created to insult his subjects making them look like angry constipated zombies.

How dare the totally untalented Carrey portray Ms. Sanders in such a degrading manner!  How dare he?

Ms. Sanders is absolutely the best, most knowledgeable, efficient, press secretary in history.  She is a gracious young woman who does her homework and is always thoroughly prepared. She looks good, dresses properly and inherited her father’s manners and decorum.

So, forget anything Jim Carrey does. His movies have long ago been forgotten. This “sick painting by him is only in the news since a REAL artist was recognized after painting a very beautiful, accurate, and right on target portrait of the most powerful man on earth which is rightfully getting all the attention.

RECOMMENDED. Go to the facebook page for artist Jon McNaughton and order a copy of his painting. That is the way to fight back and support a great artist who is also a patriot. You can also find that trashy “portrait” that Jim Carrey did of Ms. Sanders.

So there dear readers, we have exhibited a tutorial of how conservatives and leftists differ, whatever they do.


© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Dig A Ditch For One And Eventually Others Fall In

In 1973, the United States of America legalized the killing of unborn babies.  It has been calculated that at least 70 million unborn Americans have been denied their God given unalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The idea for the wholesale elimination of Americans was born in the evil mind of Margaret Sanger, during the early decades of the twentieth century. The racist democrat was on a mad woman mission to rid the planet of whom she considered human weeds, commonly known as black Americans. It was bad enough that she a white American thought it was her duty to eliminate black people. Even more insulting were the numerous dumb black ministers that Sanger and her fellow Democrat party racists convinced to persuade their parishioners to kill their babies for economic reasons.

The common mantra for many southern black church goers was, “you cannot afford that extra child, or because of racism life will be too difficult with few opportunities at best.” Those dumb ministers willing to help Margaret Sanger in her quest to exterminate blacks were recruited to control the “rebellious” ones who might see through the vail of deception being used to wipe out those whom Ms. Sanger dubbed, “human weeds.”  Sanger was often infuriated because she thought not enough black Americans knew their place.  Most black Americans had not yet been indoctrinated and stupefied by government schools.  Until after the Civil Rights Movement, just about every black American who attended school learned. As adults, they also sought to build a better life for their families and remained patriotic, despite the horrible practices of racist democrats and their Ku Klux Klan allies.

Chronicled in the exceptional book entitled the Negro Project, Author Bruce Fleury pointed out that Sanger’s American Birth Control League was a vast repository for racist views espoused by people like Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, Lothrop Stoddard, and Dr. Harry Laughlin.  Theses men were renowned racists whom Margaret Sanger totally agreed with and hoped to help wipe out or at least greatly reduce the black American population and other so-called minorities as well.  Margaret Sanger also held a special place of hatred in her dark heart for the Catholic church, because it had been adamantly opposed to killing unborn babies.  There were several failed attempts to pass birth control legislation that was supported by the New York Times, during the 1920s and 1930s.  Sanger never gave up on her mission of eliminating black Americans through abortion until she was forced to upon her death.

Sanger’s mission of death for the black American community became law in 1973.  The law did not specifically name black Americans, but proportionately more black Americans have and continue to participate in the practice of murdering their babies via abortion than any other people throughout the republic.  I believe that such a widespread disregard for life has opened the door to death in many aspects of everyday life for black American.  For example, nationally over 70 percent of all black American households are now run solo by feminist females who have no desire for a good husband and father figure on the premises.

That trend began when democrat party administrations during the 1950s and 1960s persuaded black females to prefer a government handout over a husband and father in the home.  Females were told that the men would not be able to support them and their children.  Of course, there was discrimination against black men who had fewer opportunities than others.  But ironically, during the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s, despite whatever discriminatory practices the democrats practiced, among most blacks who rejected the welfare mentality they were improving their lot in life.  They worked together and usually provided a better life for each succeeding generation.

Now other negatives have cropped up because of the constant drip, drip, drip of wrongful activity, particularly abortion.  I believe the old saying “when you dig a ditch for one, eventually others will fall in” has come to fruition.  The curse of abortion in recent years has spread like wildfire through the general United States population.  Such few Americans are now born we are no longer replacing those who die.  It was recently reported that people 65 years and older will soon outnumber young Americans.  That will grind our troubled social security system to a halt.  The sick attitude of “I don’t need or respect a man” is now more prevalent throughout America and greatly contributing to the divorce rate in the general population.

If the current trends do not reverse, the social ills now common in the black community will become commonplace elsewhere.  Senator Hubert Humphrey warned in 1967 that the then 30 percent abortion rate of the black community would help cause the disruption of social norms and a diminished quality of life across the board.  That has occurred and with the abortion rate now at 30 percent in the general American population you can expect to witness the same level of societal disruption. Many of us are praying that people will see the folly of their ways and turn toward a higher moral standard. My Dad used to tell me when I was a little boy growing up in Cleveland, “the strength of a nation is determined by the strength of her families.”  Unfortunately, what the racist democrats wished upon black American families is now plaguing much of the rest of society.  That ditch of peril for one race has spread to many others.

Wake up America while there is still a little time.  We still have a rendezvous with destiny and together “We the People” can fulfil it.  Join me Fridays on The Ron Edwards Experience on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and everywhere else via www.shrmedia.com and www.americamatters.us at 1:00 PM PST, 3:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM EST.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook syndicated radio commentary weekday mornings at 6:29 AM during AM News on KCKQ AM 1180 and americamatters.us. and nationwide on Captain’s America Third Watch weekend show, emanating nationwide from flagship station WGUL AM 860 the Answer Tampa, Fla. And www.am860theanswer.com.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Can We Compromise With The Left?

A liberal visitor to my blog says I’m a Hater for not wanting to “compromise” with the Left. But I’m not sure of what he means by “compromise.”

Take, for instance, the case of a Democrat city councilman in Washington, D.C., who recently blamed an unexpected snowstorm on an international firm of Jewish bankers, “the Rothschilds controlling the climate… to own the cities”. Well, all right—he did sort of apologize, after the public found out about his statement and blasted him for it. “I did not intend to be anti-Semitic,” he explained [cue laugh track]. Gee, mister, you sure fooled me.

How are we supposed to “compromise” with him? The Washington Post tried to shield him by devoting more than half of its reportage to zany conspiracy theories put out by the Far Right. Well, they’re not my conspiracy theories and I won’t answer for them. I’m not interested in conspiracy theories. I focus on what leftids actually say and do, for everyone to see.

They want, for starters, to take away our Second Amendment right to bear arms—because criminals and psychos don’t obey our current gun laws. That’s like taking away banks because criminals and psychos rob them, or abolishing the Internet to prevent identity theft.

We’ve made all sorts of compromises here, never insisting on anybody’s absolute right to obtain as many armaments as he possibly can, of as many different kinds as he can get. But the Left always demands more. Even with a total ban on private gun ownership, criminals and terrorists and crazies will still have guns. And decent, peaceful, law-abiding people won’t. That’s not a compromise. It’s just a raw deal.

How do we compromise on abortion? Allow it only on odd-numbered days?

Liberals send “gender coaches” into our first-grade classrooms to indoctrinate the kiddies on the ineffable wonderfulness of transgenderism. How do we compromise? Do it only when the schools are open? Or only with children whose last names begin with the letters A through K?

In 2016 the Democrat platform had a plank calling for the attorney general to “investigate” the newly-invented crime of “Climate Change Denial.” Oh, well—it’s only a very little piece of our First Amendment right to free speech; we can get by without it. So we’ll compromise and let them do that, and maybe they won’t demand any more concessions. This is the Neville Chamberlain theory of compromise.

Speaking of little pieces of the First Amendment, leftids would like to take away our right to a free exercise of our religious beliefs. Go ahead, tell me they don’t: as in, you’d better design and create a custom wedding cake for our lesbian wedding, or we’ll get the government to destroy your business and put you and your whole family into sensitivity training… until your mind is right. And don’t let us catch you praying in public!

How do we compromise there? “Oh, all right—you can take away our right to free exercise of our religion, as long as you leave us the right to decide which reality TV shows we want to watch”?

Don’t you love it when squishy, spineless Republicans implore conservatives to “reach across the aisle” to the Far Left Democrats? Every time we reach across the aisle, they pick our pockets; we’re lucky if they don’t steal our fingers, too. It’s how we wind up incrementally giving up our freedom, bit by bit. They never demand everything at once: they nibble us to death.

How many more pieces of our liberty can we be convinced to give away? When will the leftids tell us that’s enough, they don’t want any more?

Much better to defeat them utterly, put them out of business, and undo the harm they’ve done.

But when is the right time to compromise with the Left?

In one word: never.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

Endless Immigration A Form Of War With Violence Delayed

Electing Democrats That Want Open Borders is Insane

“Immigration is a form of war in which violence is delayed.” —Martin Van Crevald

When you look at all the conquering armies in history, ask yourself what act showed their dominance over the conquered country?  They raised their flag.  They built forts.  They displayed their power over the captured country.

Today, an army of 1.2 million legal immigrants invades America every 12 months. Additionally, according to Dr. Steve Camarota of www.CIS.org, another 500,000 illegal alien migrants storm over America’s borders, year after year.

As you can see from this 10-minute video, the ultimate result equates to America being conquered by a foreign army of immigrants.  Once they establish themselves, the violence begins.

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations.

In the meantime, we watch this army of invited invaders suck up every piece of welfare for our own cities.

Before 1986, the invasion trickled into the United States at the Mexican border. After the first amnesty signed by President Ronald Reagan, and six other amnesties since that time, we face a full-blown invasion of our country, language, culture and ethos.

Americans docilely listened to Democrats, establishment Republicans, and the mainstream media lecture them about why “they have a moral responsibility to welcome, financially support, and give legal preference to arriving legal and illegal immigrants who are very often the dregs of the societies they flee. The result has been an ocean of illiterate, dole-loving, unskilled, and often violent foreigners who guzzle down all the money the American taxpayer can provide, refuse to assimilate, vote blindly for America-hating American politicians – read Democrats – and generally constitute a potent acid that is dissolving the republic’s social cohesiveness. It is time for a change,” said Van Crevald.

Today, you won’t see Old Glory flying from Mexican houses in southern California, but you will see the La Rasa flag displayed everywhere or its brother, the Mexican flag.  In Detroit, Michigan, you never see Old Glory, but you see the black flag of Islam.  Minneapolis, Minnesota sponsors “Somaliland” filled with 120,000 legal invaders from Somalia, Africa.  Virtually all of them subsist on welfare paid for by your tax dollars. As you work, they sit and watch TV.  Plus, lots of offspring on your dollar!

“Violence delayed,” says it all.  Watch our country, city by city, devolve into another Detroit, Michigan. Watch Chicago become the next Detroit, Michigan as it sponsors and protects over 400,000 illegal aliens.  Chicago features the deadliest killing rates in America from those “melting pot” immigrants.  Notice California hosts, supports and sponsors over three million illegal aliens.  It also features 60,000 homeless people living in “plastic tarp-tent” cities in Los Angeles.  Another 10,000 homeless in San Francisco, yet Governor Jerry Brown protects them with laws in violation of America’s laws. Notice the drug-overdose rates skyrocketing from the drug distribution network created by violent MS-13 gangs now operating in over 100 American cities.

Western Countries Committing Suicide

A hundred years ago, the sun never set on the British Empire. Today, England’s rulers blow out the candles and tell the citizens to enjoy the darkness.  Prime Minister Theresa May watches her country turn into a Moslem caliphate of honor killings, female genital mutilation of all young Moslem girls, arranged marriages, Sharia Law displacing British Law, and happily supports the invasion began under Blair and Cameron. The British people sit idly by watching their country being conquered.

Last week brought news of yet another sexual grooming scandal of underage girls perpetrated by Moslems with roots in the Middle East upon poor and lower-class indigenous British girls. This follows similar scandals in the towns of Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby, Oxford, Bristol, Banbury, Aylesbury and Keighley. This time the scandal involves the West Midlands town of Telford. An 18-month investigation by The Mirror led reporters to describe the situation as Britain’s “worst ever” child grooming scandal:

Up to 1,000 children could have suffered in Britain’s worst known abuse scandal – where sex gangs targeted girls as young as 11. The rape hell of vulnerable young girls in one town – Telford – went on for a shocking 40 years…. As many as 1,000 children could have suffered at the merciless hands of perverts and torturers in Telford since the 1980s.

Girls as young as 11 have been lured from their families to be drugged, beaten and raped in an epidemic that, say victims, is still ongoing.

Three people were murdered and two others died in tragedies linked to the scandal.

In America today, as reported on February 2, 2018, by Assistant DA at DHS, at a White House press meeting, he said, “We see between 23 to 27 honor killings by Moslem immigrants in the USA annually, and total of 500,000 female genital mutilation cases.”

Again, “Violence delayed,” but growing at accelerating rates of speed within our own country by our invading immigrants.

If you’re a European-American in Miami, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago or Denver, plus most other major immigrant cities—you face total ostracizing within your own school systems.  For example, in Denver Public Schools, 173 different languages spoken.  As high as 67 percent dropout rates.

Whether you look at the violence during police killings, or Mexicans demanding citizenship while flying the Mexican flag, or Detroit Moslems demanding Sharia Law, we’ve got a full-scale invasion on our hands brought to us by our U.S. Senators and House members who don’t care what happens to our country, because they won’t lift a hand to stop it.

My question: who and why does someone want to destroy the social fabric of America, or Canada or Europe—when it’s been so successful for the past 100 years and much longer? What do they hope to accomplish by turning Sweden and Norway et al. into boiling caldrons of multicultural violence?  Weren’t Brussels, Paris, Nice, 9/11, San Bernardino, Orlando, Ohio State, NY City enough?  How do the big money power brokers hope to deal with collapsing societies brought to them by millions of African refugees?  What do our elected leaders hope to accomplish with another 100 million immigrants allowed into our country?

We citizens better start asking more questions and demanding more action to stop this invasion of our country.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Forefathers Face-Off With Modern Politicians – Americans, The Second Amendment Is A God-Given RIGHT, Not A Privilege

“The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

With all of that is going on with these anti gunner politicians (surrounded by armed security detail) working hard for their special interest groups, rather then upholding the US Constitution, the US Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold, instead, and in using the tactic of “necessity” based off of some tragedy or massacre, which, in many cases, are induced false flag events (conspired black ops Jeremiah 11:9), one must understand the methods and the language of their enemies.

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” – William Pitt (the Younger), Speech in the House of Commons, November 18, 1783

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

Furthermore, when you look to the anti-gunner corrupt politicians and their methods one must ask where did they derive their delegated authority to encroach upon the God-given RIGHTS of the American people? I cannot find it! Why? Because it isn’t there (Hosea 4:6).

Americans must come to terms that corrupt politicians are not the type that you can help or rehabilitate; they are the type that you must lawfully remove, or you will lose your God-given RIGHTS! (Article 2, Section 4, US Constitution)

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – President Thomas Jefferson

You must fight for your God-given RIGHTS! (Deuteronomy 1:8; James 2:14-26)

It is the difference between a FREE people, and an enslaved people there are no in-between (Luke 11:2).

“To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason, referencing advice given to the British Parliament by Pennsylvania governor Sir William Keith, The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, June 14, 1788

Therefore, it might be well for you to take a couple of minutes and read what our forefathers had said in their writings during the ratifications to establish gun rights to Americans as a whole, namely the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights. Who knows better what the Second Amendment means than the Founding Fathers that established our God-given rights?

[YouTube Video]

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

First, who are the militia?

“I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.” – George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788

“The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” – James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789

“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms…  “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.” – Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788

“What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty …. Whenever Governments mean to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise an army upon their ruins.” – Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, I Annals of Congress 750, August 17, 1789

Second, look to our American forefathers and how what they established contradicts the corruptions in the face of the present day criminal politicians (Psalm 94:20; Luke 22:48; John 8:44).

[YouTube Video]

“Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops.” – Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787

“A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, December 20, 1787

“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” – Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776

“A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be your constant companion of your walks.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 19, 1785

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to to John Cartwright, 5 June 1824

“On every occasion [of Constitutional interpretation] let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying [to force] what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, [instead let us] conform to the probable one in which it was passed.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Johnson, 12 June 1823

“Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of.” – James Madison, Federalist No. 46, January 29, 1788

“This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty…. The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.” – St. George Tucker, Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England, 1803

“The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms, like law, discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance ofpower is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. And while a single nation refuses to lay them down, it is proper that all should keep them up. Horrid mischief would ensue were one-half the world deprived of the use of them; for while avarice and ambition have a place in the heart of man, the weak will become a prey to the strong. The history of every age and nation establishes these truths, and facts need but little arguments when they prove themselves.” – Thomas Paine, “Thoughts on Defensive War” in Pennsylvania Magazine, July 1775

“The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them.” – Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833

“For it is a truth, which the experience of ages has attested, that the people are always most in danger when the means of injuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.” – Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 25, December 21, 1787 

“If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual state. In a single state, if the persons intrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.” – Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 28

“As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.” – Tench Coxe, Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789

“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined…. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able might have a gun.” – Patrick Henry, Speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 5, 1778

We have heard over and over from criminal anti-gunner politicians that we do not need 30 round magazines when it comes to our ability to protect ourselves.

Just a reminder to all, we do not need 30 rounds to hunt with, correct, but the Second Amendment was not written in case the deer turn against us, it was given in case our government does.

“The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it!”

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Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Can A Sign Revoke Government’s Implied License To Trespass?

For decades, government’s power, at every level, has increased exponentially to the point where the people are no longer sovereign.  They are but hapless “victims” of a centralized government whose constitutional limits were breached beginning as far back as the Civil War.  The people of America, thanks to the 14th Amendment, are now just “citizens UNDER THE JURISDICTION THEREOF of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  It was supposed to be that the United States and the State wherein we reside were under the JURISDICTION of WE THE PEOPLE, not the other way around.

Then along came the 16th Amendment (1913), which made those “citizens under the jurisdiction thereof” human collateral for the nation’s debt.  Without knowing it the people were forced to pledge the taxes from their entire life’s income to the government.  In the 1930’s FDR sealed the deal by making each individual’s Social Security number the loan number for that debt.  At that time, the people of America ceased being sovereign with individual and unalienable rights.  Some of you may remember when Social Security was supposed to be voluntary.  It is no longer.  Some may remember when Social Security benefits weren’t taxed.  They are now. Government’s growing power has increased dramatically in the intervening years, while the people sat on their hands and did nothing.

Since the 1930’s under FDR and subsequent presidents, the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court have aided and abetted the slow slide from individual sovereigns to serfs of a powerful, centralized government.  The U. S. Supreme Court has handed down decisions that significantly expanded the police powers of local, state and the federal government.  In the 1920’s the U. S. Supreme Court, by legislating from the bench, decreed that state and local jurisdictions could pass zoning laws.  The decision was just another government erosion of property rights.

In another decision the U. S. Supreme Court determined that before a government TAKING could occur in which 5th Amendment “just compensation” would have to be paid, the government could take up to 95% of an owner’s property, or the right of use of an owner’s property.  When environmental protection laws were passed in the early 1970’s it meant that the government could stop a landowner from using up to 95% of his or her property for environmental reasons before government would have to pay.  Government might just as well confiscate all of a person’s property, since 95% is essentially all of a person’ property.  Even though you lose the right of use of your property from government action, you still have to pay property taxes for the entire property.  The elimination of property rights continued un-abated by Congress and the High Court in coming years.

Originally, the intent of the Founding Fathers was that property ownership was to be virtually sovereign title and government could not interfere or subvert that title.  The right to own and use your property, without interference from government, was the foundation from which all other natural rights sprung.  It was and is called allodial title.   Again, the government came along and silently and seriously diluted allodial title by converting all title deeds to Statutory Warranty Deeds.

Here is a legal definition of property rights and property ownership, as drafted by a State Supreme Court Justice.

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal.  Anything which destroys any of the elements of property, to that extent, destroys the property itself.  The substantial value of property lies in its use.  If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.”  (See Ackerman v. Port of Seattle, 55 Wn.2d 400, 409, 348 P.2d 664 (1960) (quoting from Spann v. City of Dallas, 111 Tex. 350, 355, 235 S.W. 513, 19 A.L.R. 1387 (1921))).

“While it is up to each state to define property for itself, the right to use one’s property has been universally understood to be a fundamental attribute of real property ownership.  Compare Eaton v. Boston, C. and M.R.R., 51 N.H. 504, 511-512 (1872) (“the framers of the Constitution intended to protect property rights which are worth protecting; not mere empty titles . . . among those elements is, fundamentally, the right of use . . . “) and Lord Coke wrote that: “to deprive one of the use of his land is depriving him of his land.  What is the land but the profits thereof?” (See also John M. Groen and Richard M. Stephens, Takings Law, Lucas, and the Growth Management Act, 16 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 1259, at 1266, 1295 (Spring 1993)).”

Even a layman can understand that when “use” is severely restricted or taken, ownership becomes a barren right.  If property ownership is a “barren” right, then private citizens have no right to own property.  If a private citizen has no right to own property, then it follows that Government “owns” all property and in fact it does.  Just try not paying your property taxes and the government will TAKE your property.  Allodial property rights are no more.

Many in government and the environmental community actually believe that government should own all property and would like to see this to be the final outcome of private property in America today, the Constitution be damned.    The United Nations believes and has stated in a policy pronouncement that the environmental value of property is too high to allow private individuals to own property and only government should own property.  (We cover much about American property rights on our web page HERE.)

But one of the other basic pillars of property ownership in America is the right to exclude anyone from coming on your property and that means anyone, including government agents and law enforcement.  That right to exclude was codified into law in the following precedent:

A property owner’s right to exclude extends to private individuals as well as the government“. See United States v. Lyons, 992 F.2d 1029, 1031 (10th Cir. 1993) “The intruder who enters clothed in the robes of authority in broad daylight commits no less an invasion of [property] rights than if he sneaks in the night wearing a burglar’s mask.Hendler v. United States, 952 F.2d 1364, 1375 (Fed. Cir. 1991).

Once again the U. S. Supreme Court decided, in its infinite wisdom, that government agents and law enforcement have an “Implied License” to come on your property at any time they feel like it and “knock on your door and talk” to you.  This was called the “knock and talk” provisions of U. S. Supreme Court decisions in BREARD v. ALEXANDRIA, 341 U.S. 622 (1951) AND FLORIDA v. JARDINES, 133 S. CT. 1409 (2013).  The property owner doesn’t have to talk to the government agent or law enforcement officer, but nevertheless, government has a U. S. Supreme Court sanctioned right to TRESPASS on your property, whether you live in a big city, or the wild lands of flyover country.  Consequently, the U. S. Supreme Court willy-nilly waived your right to EXCLUDE anyone from your property, in favor of a “Police State.”  This was another erosion of allodial title.

However, in 2016, a 10th Circuit Appeals Court took aim at the “knock and talk” law and provided a mechanism for landowners to REVOKE government’s “Implied License” to TRESPASS on your property at any time.

For over 12 years the “National Association of Rural Landowners has provided a very powerful, legally intimidating 18″ x 24″ copyrighted “No Trespassing sign to landowners all over America.  Over 7,000 of these larger signs have been installed on private property in every state.  In our continuing search for stronger No Trespass language we kept looking for legal language that would revoke the government’s “knock and talk” right to trespass on your land.  Upon reading the not-well-known 2016 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, we found the legal authority to revoke government’s right and incorporated that authority in a “Revocation of Implied License” and “Right to Exclude” companion 12″ x 18″ copyrighted No Trespass sign.  Our two signs (large and small) are designed to work together, or separately, but they have more legal authority when installed together in accordance with the 10th Circuit Appeals Court decision.  You won’t find these two copyrighted signs available anywhere else.

NOTE: To meet the strict interpretation of the 10th Circuit Appeals Court case and to make the “Revocation of Implied License” No Trespass sign truly effective, there should be a sign at the entrance to the property and one sign on, or very near, the primary residence.  Consequently, the minimum signage is two “Revocation of Implied License” No Trespass signs.  We have made provisions on our web page to order one of our large 18″ x 24″ No Trespassing signs, together with two (2) of our “Revocation of Implied License” No Trespass signs to meet this requirement.  All of our signs come with a very powerful sample Posting Notice letter that can be mailed to local authorities providing “constructive notice” of the No Trespassing sign posting.  That letter includes the strong language and stiff trespass penalties from our “Revocation of Implied License” No Trespass sign.

America has evolved to the point that all government believes they have the absolute authority and right to trespass on your land at any time.  Under the Constitution and precedent law they don’t!  Some state and local governments have tried to pass ordinances forcing the landowner to provide an easement so that government can trespass legally.  We strongly advise against it or you will throw what little property rights you have left to the winds and find some nosy government agent looking in your bedroom window.

If you live in an apartment none of this has any meaning for you.  However, if you are an urban or rural property owner, you owe it to yourself to investigate our two powerful No Trespassing signs to see if they are applicable to your situation.  We have incorporated a link to the entire 10th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on our “Revocation of Implied License” web page so that you can see for yourself that the revocation of implied license authority granted in the decision is genuine.

If you have been the target of an unwanted visit by a government agent or law enforcement officer, you are going to want these No Trespassing signs.  If you haven’t had that experience, you will eventually and our powerful No Trespass signs could stop that visit.

You have a choice.  Either protect your rights, or give them up all together.

If you have questions or comments, you can contact us HERE.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Student Protests: Good Or Bad?

Hundreds of students across the nation faced punishments for participating in the national student walkout last week in support of increased gun control, according to published reports. There were even some students punished for not joining the protests.

My entire adult life has been spent educating people in America to think American.  During this time, I have experienced peaks and valleys of great hope and despair.

I have experienced hope in the resilience and courage of youth to stand boldly against injustice, and despair when I see their boldness being co-opted by a system of thinking designed to destroy and replace the moral fabric of our American Republic.

Let me be clear, if you can isolate American youth to abandon their constitutional heritage and train them to replace the safety and security of their benevolent Creator with that of their Government, then you can enslave them—or rather—they will enslave themselves.

Tragically, the United States public educational trend has become, “If our Founders say it, you must reject it!”

Quotes from men like Thomas Jefferson who declared, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms,” are outright rejected for the feeble ignorance of arms control.

A high school student named Alex, a junior at Downers Grove South High School, told Patch news, “I think our school should be encouraging us to take action as more and more school shootings seem to be happening all over the country.”

Well, Alex, historically speaking, any people group that has been disbarred the use of firearms become slaves to thug governments.

Declaration author Thomas Jefferson again made the accurate diagnosis that, “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”

The Second Amendment has always been the reason for the defense of our God-given rights in case the government becomes the enemy of the people.

The problem with Alex, and other students like him protesting gun rights, is their education consists of learning about a new, untried world of peace; where government control keeps us safe from everything. They pontificate about socialized happiness while they enjoy the protection of a Judeo-Christian system of ethics that has held back the ugly reality of secular, socialized despotism.

The wisdom of the Hebrew King Solomon speaks directly to this conundrum when he forecasted, “There is a man who has labored with wisdom, knowledge, and skill, and then he gives his legacy to one who has not labored with them. This, too, is vanity and a great evil.”

In the Preamble to the Constitution, the Founders wrote to future generations that the purpose of this new government by the people and for the people was to “preserve the blessings of liberty to [themselves] and [their] posterity”.  They left us a legacy where we have not labored.

In conclusion, I believe the actions of these protestors are Constitutional; but the purpose for the protests, in words of Solomon, is vanity and a great evil.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

The Effete FBI Blunders Again In ISIS Teen Murder Case In Florida: Cops

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Corey Johnson, a Florida teenager allegedly enamored with ISIS, the Oklahoma City Bomber, and white supremacist groups, is in police custody after cutting the throat of a 13-year-old boy during a rampage at a birthday sleepover.

Police are saying “Koran Corey” Johnson was driven by his Muslim religious beliefs. He’s accused of murdering 13-year-old Jovanni Brand a/k/a Jovanni Sierra and repeatedly stabbing two other victims at the slumber party.

Interim Palm Beach Gardens Police Chief Clint Shannon alleged during a news conference and press statement describing the bizarre sequence of events: “Our understanding is he had converted to Islam and had been watching violent videos online.” He had been on the FBI and Jupiter police radar screen since at least 2017 and was allegedly about to be arrested for a threat to a foreign school.

According to Chief Shannon:

  • Corey Johnson Is Accused of Stabbing One Victim More Than 30 Times ‘Because of His Religious Beliefs’
  • Corey Johnson Allegedly Had a Swastika as His Profile Picture on Facebook & Read the Koran Before the Murder
    Johnson Is Accused of Supporting ISIS, the Oklahoma City Bombers & Being a White Supremacist
  • Jovanni Brand Invited the Alleged Killer to Have Pizza Shortly Before He Was Murdered
  • Johnson, Whose Father Is Dead, Was About to Be Arrested for Terrorist Threats of a British School

In a story appearing locally in Florida on Saturday, it was reported.

A self-proclaimed ISIS sympathizer accused of stabbing three people, one fatally, in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida was already being investigated by the FBI and local police before his attack. According to the American Military News, the FBI was in the process of “discussing pending federal criminal charges” against him one week before the stabbing.

Corey Johnson, 17, was arrested Monday, March 11, for the multiple stabbings of three people during what was supposed to be an innocent birthday party sleepover. The self-described Islamic terrorist killed 13-year-old Jovanni Sierra and seriously wounded Elaine Simon, 43, and her 13-year-old son, Dane Bancroft.

According the AMN report, Johnson proudly proclaimed it was his Islamic faith that had inspired his bloody attack. He also claimed that he read verses from Islam’s holy book The Koran before he arrived at the home hosting the sleepover.

The suspect, Johnson, boasted of his knowledge of Muslim dogma that helped “to give him courage to carry out his intentions.”

“As if this killing weren’t bad enough, it comes at a time in Florida in which there was a high school shooting-spree leaving more than a dozen children and adults dead, and on Saturday a tragic and deadly bridge collapse on the campus of Florida International University in Miami. The three incidents occurred within days of one another,” said Det. 1st Grade Linda Travis-Bixby, a homicide and forensic science expert.

“What I find most troubling,” said Det. Bixby, “Johnson’s radical Islam beliefs coupled with his propensity for violence were known to school security, police and even the FBI. Also, it strikes me as odd that his incident never received 10 percent of the bridge and school rampage cases covered by the national media.”

However, one national source, Fox News,  did report that Jupiter Police, Palm Beach County School District police and the FBI previously received “intelligence gathering” on Johnson that prompted an investigation into his “alleged violent tendencies.”

Palm Beach County School District Police said that Johnson’s behavior was troubling as early as middle school. Johnson allegedly made anti-Semitic and anti-homosexual statements to students at school. School police officials admitted that they received information on Johnson and his “violent tendencies,” and that he also had “spoken about inappropriate places to bomb” and he “is a White Supremacist.

When Johnson originally grabbed the attention of law enforcement officials, they claim that officers investigated him by tracking his social media activity and movements, as well as interviewing members of his family.

“Sounds to me as if the so-called ‘premier law enforcement agency’ dropped the ball again. Perhaps President Trump will re-examine his list of ‘swamp dwellers’ that need removal from the FBI, ATF, DEA and other crimefighting agencies,” advised former police chief and director of security Joseph “G.I. Joe” Bovanna. “What we need are supercops to fight the terrorists, organized crime groups, illegal alien drug gangs and others. What we don’t need are Ivy League lawyers who are beholding to the radical left,” said the Marine veteran Bovanna. [Link]

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The Dems New Strategy: Run As A Conservative

Politicians who wish to succeed must be prepared to dissemble, at times to lie.  All deceit is bad.  In politics some deceit or moral dishonesty is the oil without which the machinery would not work.  —Woodrow Wyatt, British politician

So, if we lie to the government, it’s a felony.  But if they lie to us it’s politics.  —Bill Murray

Rick Saccone competed against Conor Lamb in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District and has apparently lost by a razor-thin margin to Conor Lamb.  Saccone, a current state representative with a formidable resume as a counter-intelligence officer in the United States Air Force, pledged to reel in government spending, and aligned himself closely with the president, once describing himself as “Trump before Trump was Trump.”

The two candidates were vying to fill the congressional seat vacated by Tim Murphy, the district’s longtime Republican representative. Murphy resigned in October after it was revealed that he had an extramarital affair and asked his mistress to get an abortion.  Saccone is far more conservative than was Murphy, and was one of the lawmakers who championed Pennsylvania’s “Castle Doctrine,” or “stand your ground” law, which allows “law-abiding people to protect themselves, their families and others from intruders and attackers without fear of prosecution or civil action for acting in defense of themselves and others.”

Republican Rick Saccone Campaign

Richard Saccone is serving in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, and represents the state’s 39th district.  He was his party’s nominee for the 18th congressional district special election, the vote was held on March 13, 2018. With all absentee ballots counted he trailed Democrat Conor Lamb by 579 votes, less than half a percentage point. However, Saccone has not conceded, and as of March 14 most news outlets had not declared a result, since the final vote is separated by less than one percentage point and a recount is expected.

Saccone is critical of welfare spending and is considered a budget hawk. He supports large-scale cuts to K-12 education, childhood education programs, public libraries, child welfare, and other state programs in order to pay back the federal government’s debt.  His voting record is truly conservative, and he would have made a terrific Congressman.

Unfortunately, Saccone failed to embrace Trump early on and to laud the President’s economic recovery via his tax plan which has buoyed the American economy.  As former President Clinton said so often, “It’s the economy, stupid.”  That statement was coined by James Carville and should have been used often by Saccone.  He would have secured more union votes, just as President Trump did in 2016.

Saccone’s beliefs are strongly influenced by Christian reconstructionist and author David Barton, who also introduced Saccone’s 2018 special election run.

When he announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate last February (he later changed course and jumped into the House special election), Saccone had Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton introduce him, and Sam Rohrer, a former Pennsylvania state representative who heads the American Pastors Network, lead an opening prayer.  Both Barton and Rohrer are Dominionists/Reconstructionists.  David Barton has been taken to task by Christian historians for his inaccuracies in his book, The Jefferson Lies, which Thomas Nelson Publishing withdrew from shelves, and Glenn Beck republished. Barton and Beck were both ardent Ted Cruz supporters.  Barton’s propaganda masquerades as history, and many Christians have been duped into believing his fabrications.

Just as worrisome is the fact that David Barton, in an interview with John Stewart, stated that sharia law is compatible with the U.S. Constitution.

Democrat Conor Lamb

This good looking and energetic young man campaigned not as a hardcore socialist Democrat like Pelosi and Schumer, but as a blue-dog Democrat, more conservative than most. Lamb ran a conservative campaign, appearing in ads with an AR-15 assault rifle. He knew how to grab the attention of conservative democrats, and to make Pennsylvania voters believe he was more aligned with Trump than his Republican opponent.

It Worked, The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing Has Fooled The People Again

Lamb’s win should not be one of unequivocal blue dominance in a red district won by Trump. The 33-year-old is a Marine veteran and Catholic. He says he personally (though not politically of course) opposes abortion, has called for changes to the Affordable Care Act, (how about repealing the whole thing?) emphasized the importance of bipartisanship, (we don’t want help from the left) and said he would oppose an assault weapons ban. On economic issues, Lamb is a union supporter who backs President Trump’s tariff plan.

Lamb told the Weekly Standard he would not have voted for legislation that would have prohibited abortions after 20 weeks, adding that he doesn’t label himself as “pro-life” because it’s a “political term.”  Yeah right, as a Catholic, abortion is anathema to the doctrine of the faith, but what does that matter with Democrats?  Killing human babies is a “right of privacy,” according to fellow liberals on the Supreme Court. The babies’ hearts beat with life, but these tiny humans are put through horrible and painful deaths in their own mother’s wombs and this act is insignificant to democrats and many republicans, and even those who claim Judeo-Christian faith.  If you want to know what Conor Lamb is really promoting, read Devvy Kidd’s recent article, Worthless “Pro-Life” GOP Incumbents: Vote Them Out.

Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned for Lamb a week ahead of the election, comparing the candidate to his late son Beau and praising him for his dedication to unions.   Remember that Joe is not only a plagiarist, but has no problem using the “F” word in public.

The question is, does Lamb really back Trump in any way, shape or form, or was this simply a new tactic to get Democrats elected?  Then, once they’re sworn in, their entire campaign credo changes back into what they really are…socialists.

Since Lamb’s tactic may have worked to elect him, the American voter needs to be wise to these new schemes.  No matter what democrat politicians may sound like and spew during their campaigns, their socialist tendencies become obvious once they’ve been seated.

Election Irregularities

The Pennsylvania GOP wants a probe of the many irregularities in this special election.  There were calls about machine errors, confusion about polling places, and a dispute over whether a Republican attorney could watch part of the elections process.

There is an issue with mis-calibrated voting machines in Allegheny County, the only county of four in the district that went for Lamb. An unnamed source said there were many reports of voters intending to vote for Saccone having their ballots cast by the machine for Lamb.

Obviously, the Democrats were aware that Allegheny County was prime for corruption and drew upon their considerable expertise in the area of voter fraud to steal another election for themselves and George Soros.

GOP attorney Joel Frank stated, “In the interest of transparency and nonpartisanship, we ask that you consider assigning this task to a Commonwealth elections’ official capable of conducting an impartial investigation in light of the positions you’ve taken on ongoing redistricting litigation,” Frank wrote.

However, Pennsylvania Governor Wolf, a Democrat said he did not have any concerns about the election, that his party won. [Link]

Non-Citizen Voters

The Washington Times reported that 100,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Pennsylvania elections, according to testimony submitted in late February 2018 in a lawsuit demanding the state come clean about the extent of its problems.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, (PILF) which has identified similar noncitizen voting problems in studies of Virginia and New Jersey, said Pennsylvania officials have admitted noncitizens have been registering and voting in the state “for decades.”

But state officials have stonewalled PILF requests for access to the data that could expose the problem, the group says in a lawsuit filed in federal court in Harrisburg.

“For months, Pennsylvania bureaucrats have concealed facts about noncitizens registering and voting — that ends today,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said.

He said Pennsylvania had already admitted to a “glitch” dating back to the 1990s that had allowed noncitizens applying to renew driver’s licenses to be offered the chance to register to vote. Mr. Adams said he now wants to find out how bad the problem is overall.


Voter fraud, illegal aliens or “non-citizens” being registered to vote, and Libertarian Drew Miller drawing off 1,379 votes in this election very well could have turned the tide against Saccone.  Trump needs strong constitutional conservatives to get his campaign mandates through the Congress.

We need to be aware of every rotten tactic the left will foist on the voters in every state.  As Rush Limbaugh has said so many times over the last few years, “Now is the time to destroy the enemy, and that enemy is the socialist left.”

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Stephen Hawking 1942-2018: Theoretical Physicist And Atheist Fool

Stephen Hawking (1944-2018) was a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. Hawking officially died on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 peacefully at his home in Cambridge, England at the age of 76. Many conspiracy theorists have speculated that Hawking had been dead for some time already and was being used as a government science propaganda tool, but for the sake of closure, this article will presume that Hawking’s date of death is accurate.

Hawking’s work included research on black holes, quantum mechanics, and singularity theories.

Hawking theorized that the universe created itself out of nothing and that there was no need for a God to have created it.

Although much of Hawking’s work was theoretical, the scientific world held him in the highest of esteem. The reason Hawking was heralded as a great mind was not necessarily because he was one. Most of the secular ‘scientific’ community has been hijacked by atheism and even the mere mention of God in any scientific discussion is considered taboo and ‘unscientific.’

Hawking undoubtedly was considered a good spokesperson for atheistic science due to his paralysis disability condition brought on by ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Who could intellectually argue with this poor crippled man, who could only communicate with the aid of a computerized speech-generated voice, without seeming like a physically abusive bully?

The secular scientific community and culture loved Stephen Hawking, not because he was a great scientist, but because he proposed a theory of the creation of the universe without a Creator.

Is Stephen Hawking really a genius, or is he actually just a propped-up tool of the godless secular scientific community?

The following Hawking quotes are addressed and refuted by this retired police officer, minister, and author using faith-based and scientific responses:

“When people ask me if a God created the universe, I tell them that the question itself makes no sense. Time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, so there is no time for God to make the universe in. It’s like asking directions to the edge of the earth; The Earth is a sphere; it doesn’t have an edge; so looking for it is a futile exercise.”

God exists outside of the constraints of His creation. God existed before time began, as He declared, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth,” -Genesis 1:1.

Hawking believed that there was no time for God to make the universe in, however, there was time for the universe to make itself in? Or that a self-created universe can create time, but God cannot exist outside of the boundaries of time and His own creation?

God did exist before time in our universe began. Genesis 1:1 declares so, as well as 2 Timothy 1:9 and Titus 1:2.

As for looking for the edge of the spherical Earth, using an unrelated analogy is not a scientific method or any sort of valid explanation, but I will play along… If one is viewing the sphere from space, one can point to its north, south, east, or west edge.

“We are each free to believe what we want, and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is; there is no God. No one created our universe, and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful.”

The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God,’” -Psalm 14:1, 53:1. Hawking, considered a genius by many, a can only offer a “simple explanation” that there is no God, no one created our universe, and no one directs our fate.

Hawking’s “profound realization”  is that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either! Probably?

As for me, I am grateful that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,” -John 3:16.

“Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going.”

Spontaneous creation occurring naturally, by accident, or by any means apart from God, has never been observed to occur and in fact violates science, the first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of the conservation of energy. The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.

Some may argue that the universe, before time began, was not an ‘isolated system,’ but the same scientific principle applies. It has never been observed that matter or energy has come into spontaneous existence by itself.

“There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.”

Faith should not be based on authority, but should be based on reasonable observation and logic. Hawking’s theoretical science is not based on observation and reason, but on theoretical speculation. Hawking wasted his entire life, spending it futilely on trying to scientifically prove that God does not exist. Hawking failed. Faith and science are not incompatible with one another, nor are they in competition with each other, so neither faith, nor science will “win.”

God supernaturally created the universe and the universe runs on the science-based mechanical principles that God put in place to govern it.

Is there proof of God?

There is proof of God, a God who can violate the laws that govern His creation, a God who can spontaneously create matter in violation of the first law of thermodynamics, and a God who can restore decaying matter, in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.

Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) performed miracles that can only be attributed to God. His miracles included spontaneous creation, turning water into wine (John 2:1-11), turning five fish and two loaves of bread into many fish and loaves, which fed over five thousand people (Matthew 14:18-21, Mark 6:39-44, Luke 9:13-17, John 6:10-14).

Yeshua (Jesus) also gave sight to the blind, healed lepers, raised the dead, and rose from the dead Himself, demonstrating that God can supernaturally heal and restore what has decayed.

The Holy Scriptures offer eyewitness accounts to the supernatural acts of God through Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ). Hawking did not accept any proof of God, so his thoughts became futile and his heart was darkened. He searched for answers and proposed unsubstantiated theories of how the universe came into existence without a Creator. Hawking worshiped the grand design of the universe, but refused to acknowledge and glorify the Designer of the universe.

ROMANS 1:20-22 (NKJV):
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His
eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools…

Stephen Hawking was an atheist fool.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Trump Indicts 18,000, Including Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid

INDICTMENT: WE THE PEOPLE Charge Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, BLM Special Agent in Charge Daniel Love for Utah and Nevada, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey… with: RICO.  Murder, wrongful prosecution, abuse of powers and subversion…

According to the NSA whistleblower, William Benney, the National Security Agency (NSA) has never been a signal intelligence agency, but a criminal organization.  Approximately 99 percent of its data is never processed, but the 1 percent that is processed is used to spy on and blackmail Congress to keep its budget alive, as it continues to waste our taxed dollars.

The NSA doesn’t discriminate, it spies on everyone.  Through the mobile device in your pocket or purse the NSA listens to your conversations and notes every ping from the cell towers you’ve passed to determine your exact location throughout the day; it reads and captures all of your emails, tweets, Facebook entries, Google searches and Cloud submissions. It deciphers every key stroke while you’re online, and through your Smart TV and other electronic devices it watches and listens to everything you do and say in your home.  Smart appliances monitor you and transmit the information directly to the NSA. Even your Smart refrigerator reads and transmits its contents, including the amount of the substance remaining in your digitally-stamped containers.  All of your metadata is filtered through an AI super computer in order to determine what you like or dislikes, what, and even how you think.  It can literally read your mind and predict your future.

This massive illegal spying on Americans has also collected metadata on every dual citizen trader, elite pedophile, drug dealer and white collar criminal. And yes, for probable future use, this metadata is compiled and stored on you.

On Nov. 17, 2017, the NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers, in a bold, unprecedented move, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to warn President-Elect Donald Trump that he was being monitored by the Obama administration.

When Trump announced that his phones were being tapped by Obama, the MSM ridiculed him, belittled him for months; they accused him of being paranoid and called him a liar, and they still haven’t retracted or apologized.

The very next day, The Washington Post—a CIA intelligence Community leak-dump, which also uses CNN—reported that Rogers was recommended to be moved from his NSA position.  That recommendation was denied. The U.S. “downgraded the CIA into a department of the NSA, ensuring total military control of the intelligence apparatus,” and NSA has kept Trump abreast of not only all of the Deep State’s treasonous activities, as well as the elite Shadow Government that manages the Deep State.

The Shadow Government and the Deep State were first introduced to us by President Bill Clinton’s Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley who revealed the international conspiracy in his 1348 page book, Tragedy and Hope.  The insight Quigley offered was priceless, “The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.  This system was to be controlled in feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.  The main purpose is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government.”

And here comes Donald Trump, trumpeting: “Make America Great Again, Americanism not Globalism,” with a promise to clean out the swap creatures.  This was a death cry to the decades of achievements by the Shadow Government and its Deep State swamp creatures.

The attendees of these meetings and conferences, such as DAVOS, G20, the Bilderberg, the Club of Rome, the Kyoto Protocols, World Affairs Council, and the World Government Summit, are the globalist Shadow Government cabal behind the Deep State. The United Nations was created by the Shadow Government and exists today solely to do its bidding

The Deep State are the members of the interconnected sub-organizations, such as the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Free Masons, Bohemian Grove, Council of Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission that consist of both Republicans and Democrats, members of Congress and senior bureaucrats; ‘journalists, editors, anchors, and media execs; CEOs, chairmen, presidents of mega-banks; Supreme Court justices; former presidents and vice presidents; Federal Reserve heads; celebrities; mega-church pastors; military brass; ambassadors; diplomats; tax-exempt foundation chiefs and executives; leaders and professionals at key universities. These are the hands, feet, and voice; they’re the swamp creatures that make up the Deep State.

On Dec. 21, 2017 President Trump Declares National Emergency Over Global Rights in Executive Order 13818 (EO), which states, ”…humanity was under such severe attacks from the abuses of global human rights and corruption that it threatens the stability of international political and economic systems,” and therefore he declared a “national emergency to deal with that threat.”

According to Trump, this declaration of war is because “Human rights abuse and corruption undermine the values that form an essential foundation of stable, secure, and functioning societies; have devastating impacts on individuals; weaken democratic institutions; degraded the rule of law; perpetuate violent conflicts; facilitate the activities of dangerous persons; and undermine economic markets.”

This powerful EO is so comprehensive it freezes the assets of anyone identified by the Treasury Department, Secretary of State or Attorney General, whether foreigners or U.S. nationals, who assisted, sponsored or provided financial or material aid to individuals within regimes or criminal networks who engage in human rights abuses, such as child traffickers and corruption.

Mass Arrest Update – Trump Executive Order To Freeze Financial …

The Pentagon, in its first-ever outside audit, found that $21 trillion went missing between 1998 and 2015.   That means, over the past 20 years $21 trillion has been funneled to the Shadow Government by Deep State operatives.

If Trump is able to confiscate this stolen $21 trillion, overnight we’ll become a creditor nation instead of the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. There’s approximately $3 trillion U.S. debt consisting of family credit debt, student education debt, veteran health debt, and small business debt.  It’s time for a debt jubilee.

The current U.S. Justice system is permeated with Deep State federal judges, district attorneys from previous administrations, and handpicked jurors in every district ready to acquit or convict anyone for any cause.  Therefore, it‘s impossible to institute justice under this system.

The new Military Manuel for Court Martial was issued on March 1, 2018. It is a 636-page annex to EO 13818, and prepares the way for Nuremberg-type tribunals, ANNEX 1 Section 1. Part II of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United … 

In accordance with this new manual, military tribunals are being established to indict, arrest, try, convict and sentence those members of the Deep State, along with the Shadow Government that has criminally held the world in economic slavery, caused psychological fear (terrorism), administered or benefited from sexual abuse, and deprived the peoples of advanced technological discoveries and factual information.

There are now over 18,000 sealed indictments. Guantanamo Bay Prison is being prepared, and the Specially Designated Nationals And Blocked Persons List (SDN …  of people, corporations and foundations have had their assets frozen by the U.S. Treasury Department based on Trump’s Dec. 21 EO.  Currently the list is over 1108 pages of Foundations, organizations, corporations and people that have operated for decades within the swampy Deep State without a hint of interference from law enforcement.

I also have what appears to be an indictment referenced at the start of this article.

The first actual shot fired in this war to save humanity is the 91,000 arrests around the world for human sacrifices and adult and child sex trafficking, with 45,000 arrest warrants still pending.  Deplorable practices of pedophilia, child rape, human sacrifice and human rights abuses permeate the Shadow Government.  They thrive on this type of behavior and it’s used to control and manipulate those within the ranks of the Deep State.

It’s estimated that 30 to 40 percent of the current broadcast media personalities and about the same number from the House and Senate will be either arrested or flee the country for their own depraved actions or for supporting the actions of others. 137 Military Elite Purged Under the Obama Administration

During the last five years of the Obama term, there were approximately 137 Military Elite Purged Under the Obama Administration. As Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely put it, “Obama is intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.” What the president calls ‘my military’ is being cleansed of any officer suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the administration on matters of policy or force structure.  One of those American patriots removed by Obama was U.S. Army Lieutenant Gen. Michael Flynn, who had faithfully served this country for 33 years and was unjustly fired by Trump.

This we know, the military has rallied behind Donald Trump and is the major source of his security today.

With the military’s sworn allegiance and the incriminating information provided by NSA, Donald J. Trump, knowing his life would be in constant danger, declared all-out-war on the Shadow Government/Deep State.

In an all out effort to resuscitate America, Trump cut the stranglehold on the economy from the treaties (NAFTA, CAFTA, GAT, etc.) that touted free trade but were actually controlled trade; he countered the tariffs that forced one-sided export and import fees; he killed the unfair restraints that bond America to harmful agreements like the TPP and TTIP; he cutoff the bias relationship from the U.N. legalities; and he removed the regulations and reduced the tax burden that choked America’s industry and businesses that forced companies overseas.

In one year, Donald Trump removed the fraudulent fiscal death-hold implemented by previous Deep State presidents and their administrations.

He forewarned them, and offered to allow them to go peacefully into the night, with a vow to never revert to their ways.  But in their arrogant indignation, they rejected his offer.  Now, he must expel them from their castles, and mansions, and dens, and they must be punished so that no one will ever entertain the thoughts of replicating their malicious deeds again.

So the war is on, and to say that the Shadow Government/Deep State is in a condition of panic is an understatement; they’re livid.  They’ve never been seriously challenged, and like the cornered rats that they are, they’re desperate.  They’re freedoms and even their lives are at stake and they’ll do anything to elude their fate.

This is not the time to sit back idly and observe.  We are in a war equal, if not greater than the War for our Independence from Great Britain.  Trump has drawn the lines, he’s rallied the troops and he’s fired the first shots for the continued existence of this country.  It’s your duty to unite with him, because if Trump loses, if he’s taken out, you mark these words, we will be murdered or enslaved.

© 2018 Al Duncan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Al Duncan: alduncan@pacific.net

The President Can Suppress School Shootings


Whatever the facts may turn out to be, the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida—and others which have preceded it throughout this country—are traumatic, tragic, and deplorable events. Effective action needs to be taken to prevent altogether, or at least to minimize the effects of, future happenings of this kind, whether in schools or other venues. All of this is self-evident. As always, though, the question remains: “What is to be done?”

Unfortunately, so far, the publicized reactions from the White House to the school shooting in Florida evidence confusion as to what should be done. Inasmuch as this school shooting is not the first such horrific event America has suffered (and probably will not be the last), the lack of a plausible plan of action, or even a coherent statement of general policy, forthcoming from that source  is disturbing.

As an old Italian folk-saying has it, “basta d’un pazzo per casa”—“one fool in the house is enough”. In the case of the White House, even one fool is too many, a plethora of fools intolerable.

Yet the White House’s failure to address the problem of school shootings in a courageous, a comprehensive—and especially a constitutional—manner amounts to foolishness in the extreme. Fortunately, as to other subjects, President Trump has shown himself to be a leader who does not suffer fools gladly (if at all), and who, when presented with a viable solution to a vexing problem, will act quickly and decisively on his own initiative.

Unfortunately, many people contend that it is not the President’s place to interject himself and the General Government into the essentially State and Local issue of school shootings. For example, Mr. Jake MacAulay recently published a commentary on NewsWithViews entitled “The Vitriolic Dialogue Of Federal Gun Restrictions Continues” (14 March 2018). In this piece Mr. MacAulay argues that

[c]urrently, the Trump administration, along with his unconstitutional Department of Education, are coming up with a plan unauthorized by the Constitution that will provide funding to states for improved background checks of gun buyers and fire arms training for teachers in government schools. In order to further his pandering of the gun lobby, Newsmax.com reported the President “has refused to increase the age restriction for so-called assault weapons. Instead, a new federal commission [on] school safety will examine the age issue, as well as a long list of other topics, as part of a longer term look at school safety and violence.”

So just where does the president, or Congress for that matter, get the authority to provide funding to state education infrastructures? The answer? Nowhere.  The Constitution grants no such authority and there is a specific reason for this.

Ask yourself the question, when has the federal government ever stopped or prevented a school shooting? How can the DC bureaucrats effectively keep nearly 100,000 schools safe?

Because they are the best equipped, our Founders intended the state and local government agencies to handle these types of circumstances. Your State and sheriffs’ departments are the only agencies that are constitutionally authorized to deal with prevention of tragedies inside of the respective states.

How do I know this? Because I have read the Constitution, and nowhere in Article 2 (which defines the powers of the president) is there any executive authority to administrate a Department of Education, or to appropriate funding to any agencies of the government or schools. Furthermore, Article 2 does not grant the president any authority to provide firearms training for teachers. He is to be the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces alone.

To put a finer point on it, you will find nowhere in Article I, Section 8, authority delegated to Congress to tax and spend for education or school firearms training.

The solution is to keep federal government entanglement out of state school systems and state law enforcement. Allowing the states to handle those critical areas will bring swifter, cost effective, and safer solutions because they are more equipped to deal with their own backyard.

Now, the present author is not aware of, and certainly would not uncritically defend or defer to,  whatever President Trump may have in mind for what Mr. MacAulay calls “a plan unauthorized by the Constitution that will provide funding to states for improved background checks of gun buyers and fire arms training for teachers in government schools.” On the other hand, although in the past Mr. MacAulay has posted many valuable commentaries on NewsWithViews, in this instance “Homer has nodded”. For, as what follows herein demonstrates, it is possible to present a proposal for a constitutional direction in which President Trump could and should proceed if he wants to apply the full powers of his office to a solution of the problem of school shootings.


1. Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution imposes upon the President the duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”.

2. Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution delegates to Congress the power “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union”.

3. Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution delegates to Congress the power “[t]o provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress”.

4. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution delegates to Congress the “Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence * * * of the United States”.

5. Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution provides that “[n]o Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law”.

6. School shootings are an egregious form of “domestic violence” which violates not only “the Laws of the Union” but also the laws of the several States, and imperils “the common Defence * * * of the United States”.

7. In its exercise of its authority under Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16, Congress has enacted 10 U.S.C. § 253, which provides that the President, “by using the militia * * * shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence” under conditions relevant to present-day school shootings.

8. “[T]he militia” which 10 U.S.C. § 253 empowers the President to “us[e]” includes all or any part of “the unorganized militia”, the composition of which Congress has defined in 10 U.S.C. §§ 246 and 247.

9. In every State, as so defined “the unorganized militia” includes large numbers of teachers, administrators, parents, and even some students.

10. Therefore, “by using the militia” to “take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence” in the particular form of school shootings, President Trump may call forth from “the unorganized militia” sufficient numbers of eligible teachers, administrators, parents, and even students—suitably organized, armed, disciplined, trained, and invested with specific governmental authority perforce of Presidential directives—to provide security for their schools.

11. In the course of “using the militia” to “take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence” in the particular form of school shootings, President Trump may “draw[ ] from the Treasury * * * in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law” whatever “Money” Congress may have made available for the purposes authorized by 10 U.S.C. § 253 out of the “Taxes” which Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 authorizes it “To lay and collect * * * to provide for the common Defence * * * of the United States”.

12. Such “us[e of] the militia” would enforce the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law in 18 U.S.C. § 922q in the one manner it which it undoubtedly needs to be enforced—that is, to prevent school shootings—under the President’s authority as “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States”, pursuant to Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 and Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 of the Constitution.

13. Such “us[e of] the militia” would also enforce the Second Amendment, rather than derogating from it, as do proposals for radical “gun control” now being promoted in the mass media as panaceas for the problem of school shootings.


I. Self-evidently, school shootings deny their victims various rights, privileges, immunities, or protections guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and secured by the laws of both the General Government and the States. These rights include the “unalienable Right[ ]” to “Life” itself mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, secured against deprivation without due process of law by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, and protected in every State by criminal and civil laws against murder, attempted murder, assault with a dangerous weapon, aggravated battery, wrongful death, and so on.

Indeed, the General Government’s own “gun-free schools” law itself is obviously intended—albeit on the basis of faulty reasoning—to protect students’, teachers’, and administrators’ rights to life (among other cognate rights). See Act of 29 November 1990, Pub. L. 101-647, title xvii-general provisions, § 1702 (“Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990”), 104 Stat. 4789, 4844; declared unconstitutional but then reënacted as amended in An Act Making omnibus consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, and for other purposes, Act of 30 September 1996, title vi—general provisions, § 657, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009-369; now codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922q. In addition, many of the States have enacted their own “gun-free schools” or equivalent statutes for the same purpose. See, e.g., Code of Virginia § 18.2-308.1. Plainly, these laws are violated every time a school shooting occurs, even if no one is actually killed or injured.

Now, with some very limited exceptions, no careful student of the subject can be a proponent of  “gun-free zones” of any kind. Yet one must also recognize that in an imperfect world it sometimes takes a crooked stick to beat a mad dog; that, as the Supreme Court observed in Anderson v. Dunn, 19 U.S. (6 Wheaton) 204, 226 (1821), “[t]he science of government * * * is the science of experiment”; that “politics is the art of the possible”; and that “gun-free schools” laws are on the books throughout this country (no matter how poorly thought out and otherwise inadvisable they may be). So, with appropriate circumspection, advantage should be taken of such laws until something better comes along.

On the other hand, the plain fact of the matter is that, so far, even armed with “gun-free schools” laws both the General Government and the States have proven themselves incapable of effectively suppressing school shootings, as such horrors continue to take place. So something more is needed to ensure that these laws are effectively executed for that purpose.

After all, a realistic appraisal of the present situation must take into account that far too many average Americans (as well as public officials) are untutored in the basic constitutional principles and practices of what the Second Amendment calls “a free State”, are incessantly bombarded with slick propaganda from “gun-control” fanatics eager to ban so-called “assault rifles” (and, if the truth be told, all other types of firearms), and are more likely than not to be driven by raw emotion rather than swayed by logical reasoning. Such people will tend to sympathize with the apparently “commonsensical” (but actually nonsensical) notion that the availability of the inanimate instruments employed in some school shootings is to blame for the carnage, rather than the homicidal intentions or impulses of the perpetrators, along with the contrived circumstances of the “gun-free zones” which facilitate, and even ensure the success of, such attacks.

This being the case, it is probably counterproductive for champions of the Second Amendment to stress the principle that the Amendment protects “the right of the people to keep and bear [semi-automatic] Arms [of quasi-military pattern]”, notwithstanding that in practice such “Arms” are all too often employed in school shootings. True enough, both the Second Amendment and the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution absolutely protect that right, as a matter of “the supreme Law of the Land”. See, e.g., the present author’s brief amici curiae in Kolbe v. Hogan, No. 17-127 (U.S. Sup. Ct., 23 August 2017), to be found at <www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/kolbe-v-hogan/>. And, of even greater consequence, if ordinary Americans were prohibited from possessing semi-automatic rifles and other “Arms” suitable for service in “well regulated Militia”, then no one—including students in this country’s schools—could hope to live for very much longer in even the semblance of “a free State”, in light of the strongly neo-Bolshevist political tendencies at work almost everywhere throughout this country. Nonetheless, for citizens unfamiliar with these particulars of constitutional law, and therefore unaware of the fatal consequences to “a free State” that will inevitably ensue if these principles are disregarded, the more convincing—because eminently pragmatic—argument must be that security against school shootings can best be guaranteed by transforming totally “gun-free schools” into internally “gun-protected schools”. That is, “gun-free schools” laws must be supplemented by executive actions and perhaps new statutes that as much as possible render schools effectively “gun free” for potential school shooters, by suitably arming and training teachers, administrators, parents, and even some students so that in the gravest extreme they can protect themselves immediately with guns, there being no equally effective alternative. For, with respect to school shootings, one sorry experience after another has confirmed in innocent blood the wry observation that “when seconds count the police are just minutes away”.

II. The Constitution and at least one statute of the General Government (in addition to its own “gun-free schools” law) provide a ready means for President Trump to deal with this situation on his own initiative, without further assistance from Congress or the States than is already available to him.

A. Pursuant to Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 of the Constitution, the President-elect “solemnly swear[s] (or affirm[s]) that [he] will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Article II, Section 3 imposes on the President the duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 designates him as the “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States”. Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 empowers Congress “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union”. The Second Amendment declares that “[a] well regulated Militia” is “necessary to the security of a free State”. And it should be self-evident that “the Laws [are not being] faithfully executed”, and “the security of a free State” is being imperiled, when schools—which should the agents for instilling in students the principles, and instructing them in the practices, of “a free State”—are suffered to remain “free-fire zones” for religious or ideological fanatics, drugged-up zombies, madmen, and agents provocateurs who obey no law other than the law of the jungle.

B. In pertinent part, 10 U.S.C. § 253 provides that

[t]he President, by using the militia * * * shall take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, if it—

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or
(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

In any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

This is no novel piece of legislation, but derives from An Act to enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes, Act of 20 April 1871, chap. XXII, § 3, 17 Stat. 13, 14.

The application of this statute to school shootings in particular is straightforward:

(i) The statute imposes no limit on the definition of “domestic violence”. And school shootings constitute, by commonplace understanding, an extremely serious form of “domestic violence” in every instance. (In some cases they may involve “unlawful combination[s], or conspirac[ies]” as well.)

(ii) The statute imposes no limit, either, on what “militia” (or part thereof) the President may “us[e]”, so long as that “militia” is recognized as such by some law of Congress. Pursuant to Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 of the Constitution, for “employ[ment] in the Service of the United States” in aid of “execut[ing] the Laws of the Union” (among other responsibilities) Congress has assigned most Americans to “the unorganized militia”. See 10 U.S.C. §§ 246 and 247. For their own purposes, the States, too, have consigned most of their citizens to “the unorganized militia”. See, e.g., Code of Virginia §§ 44-1, 44-4, and 44-5. Although an “unorganized militia” cannot qualify as “[a] well regulated Militia” for all possible constitutional ends, nonetheless it is a “militia” by statutory definition, is capable of performing some basic functions “necessary to the security of a free State”, and therefore comes within the compass of the President’s statutory authority to “us[e] the militia” * * * to suppress * * * domestic violence”.

(iii) The statute imposes no limits on “the measures” the President may “consider[ ] necessary to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence”—and clearly must include “using the militia” (which the statute allows) in order “to execute [whatever] Laws of the Union” may apply to the situation (which authority and responsibility the Constitution explicitly assigns to the Militia in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15).

(iv) History even as recent as what just happened in Parkland, Florida, should conclusively establish to the satisfaction of President Trump (or any other sentient and unbiased observer) that “the constituted authorities of th[e] State[s]” have time and again proven themselves “unable”, have “fail[ed]”, or have “refuse[d] to protect” students, teachers, and administrators (directly), as well as parents (indirectly), from school shootings, thus leaving that “part or class of [the States’] people * * * deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution, and secured by law”—the most obvious such “protection * * * secured by law” being the “protection” promised by “gun-free schools” laws against violent attacks with firearms in school. Apparently, too, “the constituted authorities” of the General Government with jurisdiction over the matter have done no better, or even worse, as the FBI’s shocking non-, mis-, or malfeasance prior to the Florida school shooting evidences. And, to make matters worse (if that be possible), the courts deny the victims of violent attacks any right to bring civil actions for monetary damages against such officials on account of their derelictions, because the judges’ misconceptions of “due process of law” supposedly do not “require the State to protect the life, liberty, and property of its citizens against invasion by private actors”. See DeShaney v. Winnebago County DSS, 489 U.S. 189, 195-197 (1989).

(v) In particular, inadequately enforced “gun-free schools” laws deny equal protection of the law to teachers, administrators, students, and parents. In States not under the heels of “gun-control” fanatics in public office, when teachers, administrators, parents, and even some students who qualify for concealed-carry permits are outside of school they can protect themselves with firearms to the selfsame degree as all other citizens. See, e.g., Code of Virginia § 18.2-308.01. Yet, even in such States, when those very same teachers, administrators, parents, and students are inside “gun-free schools” the relevant laws deny them the right of self-defense with firearms, and all other students the right to be protected by those teachers, administrators, parents, and fellow students who but for those laws could be armed. See, e.g., Code of Virginia § 18.2-308.1.

The right of personal self-defense, however, is neither just a statutory nor simply a constitutional right, but instead is a natural right that precedes and is independent of and superior to all statutes and constitutions. As the Founding Fathers’ most influential legal mentor, Sir William Blackstone, explained, “[s]elf-defence, * * * as it is justly called the primary law of nature, so it is not, neither can it be in fact, taken away by the law of society.” Commentaries on the Laws of England (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Robert Bell, American Edition, 4 Volumes & Appendix, 1771-1773), Volume 3, at 4. Therefore, inasmuch as the right of self-defense in aid of one’s life cannot be “taken away by the law of society” at all, and inasmuch as when confronted by an armed assailant a victim’s best (if not only) defense is his own firearm, it is impossible to imagine on what legitimate grounds public officials, on the one hand, can enable all eligible citizens to effectuate that right through the concealed carry of firearms outside the schools, but, on the other hand, can deny that very same right to some of those very same citizens within “gun-free schools”, where experience teaches that the dangers from attempted mass shootings are almost always far greater than anywhere else.

The only minimally arguable justification for this discrimination would have to be that, in contrast to its lackadaisical performance elsewhere, within “gun-free schools” the government provides such sure and certain protection for students, teachers, administrators, and parents as to render totally unnecessary their self-defense or their defense of others with firearms. Common experience, however, proves that this is never the case, because administrators invariably instruct teachers and students in the face of actual or even threatened school shootings to take various self-protective actions (other than the use of firearms) in addition to their reliance on whatever “security” measures the government has put into place. And everyone knows that such “security” as the authorities do deign to arrange or recommend can fail—and in too many instances has failed, with catastrophic consequences. Of course, it might also turn out that allowing teachers, administrators, some students, and parents to “keep and bear Arms” under appropriately controlled conditions while in school would not suffice to forefend school shootings in enough cases to establish the utility of that measure. But inasmuch as “[t]he science of government * * * is the science of experiment”, and inasmuch as other experiments for securing schools against mass shootings have not succeeded, the experimental method would recommend that such an allowance at least be tried.

C. All of the legal preconditions for an experiment of that sort have already been satisfied. As explained above, the Constitution imposes on President Trump the duty to “take Care that the [General Government’s ‘gun-free schools’ law] be faithfully executed”. The Constitution invests the President with personal authority and endows him with sufficient means to do so, he being the “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when [they are] called into the actual Service of the United States”, and the Militia being empowered “to execute the Laws of the Union” under his command with neither exception nor limitation. And in 10 U.S.C. § 253 Congress has provided the President and the Militia with a sweeping statutory mandate eminently suitable for that purpose, and the constitutionality of which cannot be questioned.

III. In light of the foregoing, President Trump not only is undoubtedly constitutionally able, but also is arguably constitutionally required, to promulgate an Executive Order or other appropriate directive to execute 10 U.S.C. § 253 by calling forth selected individuals from “the unorganized militia”—appropriately organized, armed, disciplined, trained, and invested with specific governmental authority—to provide security against “domestic violence” in America’s schools. Initially, this would not encompass all teachers, administrators, students, parents, relevant experts, and other useful personnel eligible for such service in “the unorganized militia”, because in the exercise of prudence any necessarily experimental program should be put into operation only gradually, with careful evaluation of the success or need for amendment of each step in the process. Little beginnings, though, often—and in this case surely would—lead to big things.

At the outset, however, President Trump must realize that the degree of coöperation he can expect from the States (and even from personnel in his own Administration) will vary widely. The political establishments in some, probably too many, so-called “blue States” will intransigently oppose him—either because rogue public officials in those States are fanatically committed to one or another form of radical “gun control” that aims at complete disarmament of the populace, no matter its fatal effects on “the security of a free State” in schools and elsewhere; or because they simply hate the thought that, in contrast with their own serial failures, Mr. Trump might actually “Make America Great Again” pro tanto by significantly reducing the incidence of, or even altogether eliminating, school shootings in a thoroughly constitutional manner. And, of course, the hostile mass media will vehemently inveigh against him on the ridiculous grounds that anyone who seeks to revitalize the Militia for any purpose must be a dangerous “fascist”, even though both the Constitution and Congressional statutes explicitly provide for the President’s employment of the Militia “to execute the Laws of the Union” in aid of suppressing “domestic violence”, whether in schools or elsewhere.

President Trump must turn a deaf ear to these discordant voices, treating them with the dismissal and even disdain they deserve. For, rather than the subjects of a political “popularity contest”, school shootings are matters of life and death for “the children”—on whose behalf Mr. Trump’s antagonists have always shown themselves more inclined to affect hypocritically lachrymose concern than willing to swallow their pride, shut their mouths, roll up their sleeves, and set to work to alleviate the problem in a constitutional manner. If he grasps the nettle firmly, “the Deplorables” will support him. And that should prove to be enough.

Unfortunately, President Trump should also expect some misguided opposition from those among his supporters who honestly question the legality of the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law. By supposedly compromising the Second Amendment, such people will contend, his invocation of that law for any purpose will betray his erstwhile promises to “Make America Great Again”. This line of argument, however, is an error easily exposed. For, no matter how many unconstitutional applications of the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law can be imagined, it is certainly constitutional as a basis for the President to “take Care that [that law] be faithfully executed” for the specific purpose of rendering schools “gun free” in terms of illegal “domestic violence” with firearms, by suitably arming teachers, administrators, parents, and some students called forth from “the unorganized militia”. After all, if a statute can fairly be read to further any undoubtedly constitutional purpose, it must be deemed constitutional for that purpose, no matter how many plainly unconstitutional purposes some tendentious misreadings of its bare language might supposedly license. “The cardinal principle of statutory construction is to save and not to destroy”, “‘to ascertain whether a construction of the statute is fairly possible by which the [constitutional] question may be avoided.’” NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, 301 U.S. 1, 30 (1937); and United States v. Thirty-seven Photographs, 402 U.S. 363, 369 (1971), quoting Crowell v. Benson, 285 U.S. 22, 62 (1932). Accord, e.g., Lynch v. Overholser, 369 U.S. 705, 710-711 (1962).

A. As any competent experimental scientist will recommend, as his first step President Trump should call forth from “the unorganized militia” individuals qualified to survey the relevant historical and legal literature, conducting comprehensive re-investigations of what actually happened in previous school shootings, not just what some public officials have declared to be their “findings”, or the mass media have reported as “facts”, in those cases. Just as there remain good reasons to continue to question the official “findings” and journalistic “facts” in the public record of (say) the assassinations of President Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King, so too do good reasons exist to doubt the completeness, accuracy, and even honesty of the “findings” and “facts” in the public records of school shootings. In this regard, three basic questions must be answered: Why was “security” nonexistent or inadequate in those instances? If adequate in principle, why did such “security” fail in practice? And would not arming and training teachers, administrators, parents, and even some students under the auspices of the Militia have done better?

B. Because of credible reports of many school shooters’ apparent involvement with physician-prescribed or -administered psychotropic drugs, President Trump should call forth from “the unorganized militia” individuals with the specialized expertise required to perform a thoroughgoing critical review of the FDA’s allowance and supervision of the general use (or, more likely, misuse and even abuse) of such medications. The primary issue would be whether these dangerous substances have been permitted to enter the stream of commerce without adequate administrative investigation and controls, without sufficient warnings to physicians and their patients (and in many cases their patients’ parents and school officials, too), and without notice to other authorities—particularly the FBI, the BATFE, and State agencies tasked with overseeing the purchase and possession of firearms—that the individuals taking these drugs potentially posed serious risks to themselves and others. The BATFE’s and various State agencies’ forms which collect information for “background checks” on commercial sales of firearms already require disclosure of prospective purchasers’ use of illegal drugs. Perhaps a very carefully crafted new line-item should be included to apprise regulators of a buyer’s use of “legitimate” psychotropic substances, too—thus allowing adequate time for investigation of the actual adverse effects of such use before the buyer’s personal possession (as opposed to ownership) of certain types of (or even any) firearms were approved—with, of course, adequate guarantees that buyers who used such drugs would not thereby find themselves listed on some sort of medical “Bill of Attainder”, and otherwise would receive every possible protection afforded by due process of law. See U.S. Const. art. I, § 9, cl. 3; art. I, § 10, cl. 1; and amends. V and XIV, § 1.

Even more thorny is the problem of under what procedures a firearm already legally possessed by an individual who uses legitimate psychotropic drugs could constitutionally be seized by the government if that individual credibly indicated to others that he might misuse his firearm to perpetrate a mass shooting or some other homicidal act. For—distinguishably from all other forms of “property” entitled only to the general guarantees against “unreasonable * * * seizures” in the Fourth Amendment and deprivation “without due process of law” in the Fifth Amendment and Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution—“Arms” are “property” explicitly protected by the Second Amendment against all “infringe[ments]” on “the right of the people to keep and bear” them, because they have an unique relationship to “the security of a free State”. Compare and contrast, e.g., Sniadach v. Family Finance Corporation, 395 U.S. 337 (1969) (seizure of wages without prior notice and hearing); Fuentes v. Shevin, 407 U.S. 67 (1972) (seizure of ordinary household appliances without prior notice and hearing).

C. Inasmuch as membership in “the unorganized militia” nowhere in the United States today requires individuals to undergo training which would specifically qualify them to provide any type of armed security in schools, President Trump should enlist experts from both the public and the private sectors to devise appropriate model training protocols for and programs of instruction.

From the public sector he should seek the assistance of outstanding personnel from well-accredited State police academies or like establishments. This would be especially appropriate, because preparing teachers, administrators, and some students in “the unorganized militia” to provide armed security in their schools would necessarily involve certain types of training already standardized for State and Local police forces—such as the legal principles and practices relating to the use of deadly force, to the detention of suspects, to identification and preservation of evidence at a crime scene, and so on.

Due to the unrestricted reach of 10 U.S.C. §§ 246 and 253 (as well as the limited exemptions allowed by 10 U.S.C. § 247), it could well be argued that, perforce of Article VI, Clause 2 (the so-called “Supremacy Clause”) of the Constitution, State law could not exempt personnel employed in police academies from service in “the unorganized militia”, and that therefore, just as any other citizens, such individuals could be called forth by the President for Militia duty “in[ ] the actual Service of the United States”. In any event, as a matter of coöperative federalism, the Governors in most “red States” certainly should be expected to direct such police personnel over whom they exercise jurisdiction to participate in the President’s program in the capacity of advisors, inasmuch as effective enforcement of the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law would redound to the States’ advantage, too, by indirectly enforcing the States’ own “gun-free schools” statutes.

From the private sector, President Trump should select top-flight instructors from the best firearms-training organizations (such as Academi, Gunsite Academy, Front Sight Firearms Training, the Massad Ayoob Group, the National Rifle Association, and Thunder Ranch). Besides enlisting individuals with varieties of expertise, experience, enlightenment, and infectious enthusiasm not generally expected to be found amongst personnel in police academies, this would give the lie to the disgraceful defamation now being broadcast in the mass media that the NRA, in particular, has “blood on its hands” because, supposedly motivated by the lowest of mercenary considerations, it puts a fictitious “individual right” of irresponsible Americans to possess dangerous semi-automatic rifles ahead of the safety of innocent students, teachers, administrators, and parents in this country’s schools.

In light of President Trump’s apparently warm relationship with the government of Israel, he might seek the assistance of anti-terrorism experts from that country, too. Their experience and insights should surely prove profitable. Their participation might also convince large numbers of persons within America’s Jewish community that, at least with respect to school shootings which indiscriminately target Jews as well as others, their traditionally disproportionate support for “gun control” is counterproductive.

These model training protocols and programs would supply the necessary predicates for the execution of the President’s Executive Orders, as well as for such new State and Congressional legislation as might be needed.

D. To facilitate passage of such legislation in the States, President Trump should call forth from “the unorganized militia” experienced legislative draftsmen to write model Militia laws tailored to each State’s particular statutory code. Admittedly, preparing the documents needed for comprehensive nationwide reform of this sort would be a tedious task, inasmuch as fifty separate model laws (along with supporting legal memoranda and other explanatory materials) would be required. And no guarantee could be had that all, or a majority, or even more than a few of the States would follow the President’s lead at first. In light of the seriousness of the situation, though, something would be better than nothing—especially if that “something” proved effective. For the success some States would achieve would assuredly generate uncompromising demands by citizens in other States for their recalcitrant political leaders either “to get on board” with Mr. Trump’s program or “to get out of Dodge”. It is hard to imagine how, even with knee-jerk support in the mass media, rogue public officials obsessed with “gun control” and obdurate in their opposition to employment of “the unorganized militia” could persist in obstruction of the President’s initiative when the hot breath of the voters scorched their necks.

Moreover, those States which adopted and faithfully implemented such model laws could be assured that no further intervention in their affairs on that score would be forthcoming from the General Government.

E. If rogue public officials in some States or Localities should attempt to thwart President Trump’s program—along the lines of the arrant “sanctuary-State” and “sanctuary-cities” obstructionism now being interposed against the General Government’s enforcement of its laws relating to illegal immigration—rather than coddling or negotiating with such miscreants he should peremptorily execute the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law by ordering the direct “federalization” of teachers, administrators, students, parents, and others in “the unorganized militia” in those areas, under the plenary authority vouchsafed to him by 10 U.S.C. § 253.

(a) To this, no disgruntled State or Local official could offer any legal objection, whether under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution or otherwise. For, as 10 U.S.C. § 253 provides, should President Trump determine that “domestic violence * * * so hinders the execution of the laws of [a] State, and of the United States within th[at] State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection”, he may “consider” that “the State * * * ha[s] denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.” Thus, 10 U.S.C. § 253 is “appropriate legislation” through which Congress has explicitly empowered the President to “enforce” in the first instance the requirement that no State shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”, perforce of Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. See the origin of 10 U.S.C. § 253 in An Act to enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes, Act of 20 April 1871, chap. XXII, § 3, 17 Stat. 13, 14.

Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment delegates to Congress a plenary supervisory power which it may wield in aid of Section 1 of that Amendment against the States perforce of Article VI, Clause 2 (“the Supremacy Clause”). Under that Clause, Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, 10 U.S.C. § 253, and the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law are “the supreme Law of the Land” by which “the Judges in every State shall be bound * * * , any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” And, as required by Article VI, Clause 3, “the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers * * * of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support th[e] Constitution” in the foregoing regard, not to disregard let alone defy it.

(b) Of course, were all State and Local public officials constitutionally literate and politically responsible, no objection would ever be broached by any of them, because President Trump’s enforcement of the General Government’s “gun-free schools” law through application of 10 U.S.C. § 253 would entail as clear-cut a case of true federalism in action as could be imagined.

(i) Plainly enough, that statute is an exercise of Congress’s constitutional authority under Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 18 “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union”, and “[t]o make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the * * * Power[ of Congress to call forth the Militia], and all other Powers vested by th[e] Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof”—including the power and duty of the President, in his capacity as “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States”, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 and Article II, Section 3.

And although Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution makes clear that “the unorganized militia” are components of “the Militia of the several States” (not of some nonexistent “Militia of the United States”), the States can claim no right to exclusive control over them. For under Article I, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16; Article II, Section 2, Clause 1; and Article VI, Clause 2, the States are constitutionally bound at all times to make their Militia (in whole or in part) available to “be employed in the Service of the United States” “to execute the Laws of the Union” under the President’s personal command. No exception to this requirement exists.

Moreover, for obvious reasons Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 empowers Congress alone, not the States willy-nilly, “[t]o provide * * * for governing such Part of the[ Militia of the several States] as may be employed in the Service of the United States”. At the present time, Congress has “provide[d]” no specific statute, code, or other set of rules “for governing” “the unorganized militia”, in whole or in “Part”. In 10 U.S.C. § 253, however, Congress has generally empowered “[t]he President, by using the militia * * * [to] take such measures as he considers necessary . . .” and so on, without limitation. In the absence of more specific Congressional directives, in order to “us[e] the militia” at all effectively in the execution of that statute the President himself would have to promulgate such “measures as he consider[ed] necessary” “for governing such Part of the[ Militia]” as he might call forth to “be employed in the Service of the United States”, and then would have to see to the enforcement of those “measures” in his capacity as “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into th[at] actual Service”, under Article II, Section 2, Clause 1. Indeed, because 10 U.S.C. § 253 could not at this time reasonably be enforced “by using the militia” without the President’s provision of rules adequate “for governing such Part of the[Militia]” when “employed in th[at] Service of the United States”, for the President not to promulgate such rules would be to shirk his duty under Article II, Section 3, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. The States, of course, would have no say as to either the substance of the “measures” the President “consider[ed] necessary” for governing “the unorganized militia”, or his applications of them.

(ii) Nonetheless, even when the Militia are called forth to “be employed in the Service of the United States”, Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution “reserv[es] to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress”. This, however, should pose no insurmountable obstacles to President Trump’s invocation of 10 U.S.C. § 253 to “us[e] the militia * * * to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence” associated with school shootings.

First, in light of the peculiar nature of the security required “to suppress, in a State, any * * * [such] domestic violence”, it would likely be possible for President Trump to promulgate “measures” which did not require the formal “Appointment of Officers” for governing “such Part” of “the unorganized militia” as he called forth to execute 10 U.S.C. § 253. Although as a practical matter the President’s “measures” would certainly have to assign different rights and duties to different persons performing different tasks, they would not necessarily need to vest the powers and privileges of rank in anyone. On the other hand, neither the Constitution nor that statute imposes any prohibition of or limitation on “measures” promulgated by the President which would authorize the members of “the unorganized militia” to select “Officers” from amongst themselves in order to perform “the Service of the United States” for which they were called forth. After all, even “the unorganized militia” are official State institutions, recognized as such not only by the Constitution in general but also by State statutes in particular. See, e.g., Code of Virginia §§ §§ 44-1 and 44-4. Otherwise, they could not be called forth by Congress to perform any “militia” function whatsoever, as Congress’s power in that regard extends only to “the Militia of the several States”. That being so, the statutorily authorized actions of “the unorganized militia” (or any “Part” thereof) in any State—whether called forth either by the State herself for her own purposes or by Congress “to be employed in the Service of the United States”—constitute “State action” in the constitutional sense. For whenever anyone who, “by virtue of public position under a State government * * * acts in the name and for the State, and is clothed with the State’s power, his act is that of the State.” Ex parte Virginia, 100 U.S. 339, 347 (1880). Therefore, “the Appointment of [their] Officers” by those members of “the unorganized militia” President Trump called forth “to execute the Laws of the Union” perforce of the authority delegated to him by Congress under 10 U.S.C. § 253 would be sanctioned by the power reserved to the States in Article I, Section 8, Clause 16.

Second, although Congress itself has not “prescribed” a general code of “discipline” for “training” “the unorganized militia”, it has necessarily delegated that authority to the President under 10 U.S.C. § 253—for otherwise the President would be unable effectively to “us[e] [that part of ]the militia * * * to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence”, in the form of school shootings or anything else. And no statute may be so misconstrued in principle as to render it nugatory in practice. With respect to “training”, the plan proposed in the instant paper depends entirely on personnel called forth from “the unorganized militia” or seconded to it by some other State agencies (such as police academies), under the supervisory authority of the President as “Commander in Chief * * * of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States”. Therefore, in compliance with Article I, Section 8, Clause 16, this plan would retain for the States “the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress” through its delegation of that power of prescription to the President under 10 U.S.C. § 253.

F. Pursuant to that statute, President Trump may “us[e] the militia * * * [to] take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, any * * * domestic violence”, without limitation as to either the sort of “domestic violence” which needs to be “suppress[ed]”, or the nature or extent of the “measures” necessary for that purpose. Presumably, such a sweeping mandate should suffice to enable him to call forth from “the unorganized militia” in any State whichever personnel he might require, on whatever terms and during whatever periods of time he might deem expedient, and to impose on those personnel whatever rights, powers, privileges, immunities, and duties he chose to stipulate, in order to deal with the “domestic violence” of school shootings in that State.

Nonetheless, because President Trump could rightly be concerned that the “measures” he promulgated in an Executive Order could be subject to outright repeal, vitiating amendments, or simple disregard in a subsequent Administration, he could also request Congress to enact new legislation which incorporated, expanded upon, and made permanent those “measures” with regard not only to school shootings but also to other widespread forms of “domestic violence” to which 10 U.S.C. § 253 should be applied. This could have two important additional effects: First, it could enable the President to call forth “the unorganized militia” in aid of State and Local police forces, Sheriffs’ departments, and other law-enforcement agencies now so handicapped by insufficiencies of personnel that they cannot effectively come to grips, not only with school shootings, but also with violent criminal enterprises organized in and funded through nationwide and even international networks. Second, such legislation could enable the President to call forth “the unorganized militia” to put paid to officially sanctioned “domestic violence” manifested most obnoxiously today in widespread “police brutality” (often of a maniacally homicidal character) which all too many incompetent and even corrupt State and Local law-enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and judges tolerate. Once called forth in “the unorganized militia” and vested with legal authority under the General Government’s laws, Local citizens theretofore long exposed to such depredations would surely show no mercy in eradicating them.

G. To be sure, most if not all of the “measures” President Trump promulgated in an Executive Order would presumably require adequate funding to be implemented. It is difficult to imagine, though, that somewhere within the General Government’s voluminous Statutes at Large Congress has not provided some “Appropriations made by Law” for some “Money” which the President could “draw[ ] from the Treasury” pursuant to Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution for the purpose of putting 10 U.S.C. § 253 into effect.Notwithstanding all of the foregoing, President Trump should expect that, through its minions, partisans, and useful idiots in the visible governments in the District of Columbia and the States’ capitals, the invisible government of “the Deep State” would bend its every malevolent effort to prevent his employment of “the unorganized militia” to suppress the “domestic violence” of school shootings. As has already befallen some of Mr. Trump’s attempts to “repel Invasions” by illegal aliens (for which purpose he should long ago have called forth “the unorganized militia” throughout this country), “the Deep State’s” seditious opposition to his calling f

H. orth “the unorganized militia” to deal with school shootings would most likely disguise itself initially in the garb of “judicial supremacy”—in particular, the purported power of a single rogue judge in a single trial court to issue a “nationwide injunction” which ties the President’s hands in every relevant instance, while the case slowly wends its tortuous way through a maze of writs, appeals, petitions, and so on, generating sheaves of orders, findings of fact and law, opinions, and other legalistic screeds as confusing to many lawyers as they are unintelligible to most laymen. For President Trump to acquiesce in such judicial imperialism would be inexcusable as a matter of law.

(i) As a general proposition (which need not be extensively elaborated here), “judicial supremacy” is (to borrow Bentham’s apt phrase) “nonsense on stilts”. See, e.g., my books How To Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary (San Antonio, Texas: Vision Forum Ministries, 2004), and By Tyranny Out of Necessity: The Bastardy of “Martial Law” (Ashland, Ohio: Bookmasters, Inc., 2014, 2016), at 481-491. Indeed, by candid admission of its own repeated blunders with respect to constitutional questions, the Supreme Court has exposed “judicial supremacy” as incoherent. See, e.g., Payne v. Tennessee, 501 U.S. 808, 828-830 & note 1 (1991) (collecting cases). For, self-evidently, “no amount of repetition of * * * errors in judicial opinions can make the errors true”. Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 107 (1985) (Rehnquist, C.J., dissenting).

(ii) Decisively, the breadth of President Trump’s authority to call forth “the unorganized militia” “to execute the Laws of the Union” pursuant to statutes enacted for that purpose has long been settled in his favor by the Constitution, the specific statute under consideration here (10 U.S.C. § 253), and even relevant precedent from the highest judicial authority.

First, the Constitution establishes three coördinate, co-equal branches in the General Government—the Legislative Branch (Congress), in Article I; the Executive Branch (the President), in Article II; and the Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court and other inferior courts which Congress may ordain and establish), in Article III, Section 1. Even the Supreme Court concedes that, by definition, a “coördinate” branch of government is “one [which] has no power to enforce its decisions upon the other [coördinate branch]”. Town of South Ottawa v. Perkins, 94 U.S. 260, 268 (1877).

Second, Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 of the Constitution requires the President-elect to “take the * * * Oath or Affirmation” that he “‘do[es] solemnly swear (or affirm) that [he] will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.’‘ Plainly, this commitment requires him to “‘execute [his] Office to the best of [his own] Ability’”, not in intellectually slavish obedience to the opinion of some judge, whose “Ability” may be far inferior to his own. Moreover, together with Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, his “Oath or Affirmation” requires the President to “‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, and to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”, against everyone, including rogue members of the Judiciary who misapply their “Abilit[ies]” in patent derogation of the Constitution and other “Laws”.

Third, Article II, Section 3 imposes upon the President the duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”. Judicial opinions, however, are not “Laws”—because in Article I, Section 1 the Constitution provides that “[a]ll legislative Powers * * * granted [in the Constitution] shall be vested in a Congress of the United States”, not to any degree in the Judiciary. The “Laws” are what they themselves say they are; whereas judicial opinions are just that—the mere opinions of fallible judges about the “Laws”, which may be correct or incorrect. And, contrary to the illogical notions that “the judiciary is supreme in the exposition of the * * * Constitution”, and that therefore an “interpretation of the [Constitution] enunciated by th[e Supreme] Court * * * is the supreme law of the land”, an incorrect “exposition of the * * * Constitution” is doubtlessly entitled to no greater legal standing than any other falsehood. Pace Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 18 (1958).

Fourth, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 of the Constitution empowers Congress (not the Judiciary) “to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union”. And through 10 U.S.C. § 253 Congress has delegated to the President (not the Judiciary) the power to “us[e] the militia” to “take such measures as he considers necessary to suppress, in a State, * * * domestic violence”. That statute further authorizes the President (not the Judiciary) to determine whether “domestic violence”

(1) so hinders the execution of the laws of that State, and of the United States within the State, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(2) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

And, as the statute evidences, in the exercise of its power under Sections 1 and 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Congress has determined that, “[i]n any situation covered by clause (1), the State shall be considered [by everyone, including the Judiciary,] to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.” See the origin of 10 U.S.C. § 253 in An Act to enforce the Provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes, Act of 20 April 1871, chap. XXII, § 3, 17 Stat. 13, 14. This obviates the otherwise relevant requirement set out in Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution that “[t]he United States * * * shall protect each of the[ States] * * * on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

Fifth, were the Constitution and 10 U.S.C. § 253 by themselves not enough to drive the point home, the Supreme Court has in principle already opined (correctly in this instance) that the President’s determinations under that statute must be accepted as conclusive by everyone else, including the Judiciary.

Pursuant to its constitutional power “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia * * * to repel Invasions”, in 1795 Congress enacted legislation which provided in pertinent part

[t]hat whenever the United States shall be invaded, or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian tribe, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth such number of the militia of the state, or states, most convenient the place of danger, or scene of action, as he may judge necessary to repel such invasion, and to issue his orders for that purpose, to such officer or officers of the militia, as he shall think proper.

An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions; and to repeal the act in force for those purposes, Act of 28 February 1795, Chap. XXXVI, § 1, 1 Stat. 424, 424.

Referring to the power so delegated by Congress to the President, the Supreme Court described it as

not a power which can be executed without a corresponding responsibility. It is, in its terms, a limited power, confined to cases of actual invasion, or of imminent danger of invasion. If it be a limited power, * * * by whom is the exigency to be judged of and decided? Is the president the sole and exclusive judge whether the exigency has arisen, or is it to be considered as an open question * * * ? We are all of opinion, that the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs exclusively to the president, and that his decision is conclusive upon all other persons.

If we look at the language of the act of 1795, * * * [t]he power itself is confided to the executive of the Union, to him who is, by the constitution, “the commander in chief of the militia, when called into the actual service of the United States,” whose duty it is to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” and whose responsibility for an honest discharge of his official obligations is secured by the highest sanctions. He is necessarily constituted the judge of the existence of the exigency in the first instance, and is bound to act according to his belief of the facts. If he does so act, and decides to call forth the militia, his orders for this purpose are in strict conformity with the provisions of the law; and it would seem to follow as a necessary consequence, that every act done by a subordinate officer, in obedience to such orders, is equally justifiable. The law contemplates that, under such circumstances, orders shall be given to carry the power into effect; and it cannot, therefore, be a correct inference, that any other person has a just right to disobey them. The law does not provide for any appeal from the judgment of the president, or for any right in subordinate officers to review his decision, and in effect defeat it. Whenever a statute gives a discretionary power to any person, to be exercised by him, upon his own opinion of certain facts, it is a sound rule of construction, that the statute constitutes him the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts.

Martin v. Mott, 25 U.S. (12 Wheaton) 19, 29-32 (1827) (Story, J., for the Court).

This legal analysis applies directly, and with decisive effect, to 10 U.S.C. § 253—

  • Congress enacted the Act of 1795 pursuant to its power in Article I, Section 8, Clause 15 “[to] provide for calling forth the Militia to * * * repel Invasions”. That very same Clause also authorizes Congress “[t]o provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union”. The principles Martin v. Mott invoked are equally applicable to both of those purposes for which the Militia may be called forth.
  • The Act of 1795 empowered the President “to call forth such number of the militia * * * as he may judge necessary”, and “to issue his orders for that purpose, to such officer or officers of the militia, as he shall think proper”. In like wise, 10 U.S.C. § 253 delegates to the President the broad authority “by using the militia * * * [to] take such measures as he considers necessary”. Thus, the latter statute is entitled to the same construction Martin v. Mott applied to the former one—namely, that “the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs exclusively to the president, and * * * his decision is conclusive upon all other persons”; and “that, under such circumstances, orders shall be given to carry the power into effect”, and no “other person has a just right to disobey them.” Indeed, as applied to 10 U.S.C. § 253, the principles of Martin v. Mott should extend far beyond the facts of that case. For there the President’s power could be directed only at actual members of the Militia; whereas, under 10 U.S.C. § 253, “such measures as [the President] considers necessary” are not confined to members of the Militia alone, but instead may reach essentially anyone and everyone whose behavior is in any way implicated, for good or for bad, in the “domestic violence” those “measures” are designed “to suppress”.
  • Martin v. Mott held that the Act of 1795 “d[id] not provide for any appeal from the judgment of the president, or for any right in subordinate officers to review his decision, and in effect defeat it”—whether through their own unaided efforts or by importuning the Judiciary to interject itself into the matter on their behalf (which the Supreme Court refused to do in that case). Neither does 10 U.S.C. § 253 “provide for any [such] appeal” or “right * * * to review” for a member of “the unorganized militia”. Even the modern-day Supreme Court has recognized that the Judiciary may not interfere with the President’s enforcement of discipline within the Militia. See Gilligan v. Morgan, 413 U.S. 1, 5-12 (1973). And other persons affected by the President’s “measures” are no better off. For whereas under the Act of 1795 the President’s power extended only to actual members of the Militia, under 10 U.S.C. § 253 “such measures as [the President] considers necessary” are not confined to members of the Militia alone, but instead may reach essentially anyone and everyone whose behavior is in any way involved in the perpetration or suppression of “domestic violence”.
  • In reference to the Act of 1795, Martin v. Mott observed that “[w]henever a statute gives a discretionary power to any person, to be exercised by him, upon his own opinion of certain facts, * * * the statute constitutes him the sole and exclusive judge of the existence of those facts.” No less than that Act, 10 U.S.C. § 253 delegates an equally “discretionary power” to the President to “take such measures as he considers necessary”. That being so, the President’s exercise of that power cannot be second-guessed by the Judiciary for any reason whatsoever. For “[t]he province of the court is, solely, to decide on the rights of individuals, not to enquire how the executive, or executive officers, perform duties in which they have a discretion. Questions in their nature political, or which are, by the constitution and laws, submitted to the executive, can never be made in this court.” Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137, 170 (1803) (Marshall, C.J., for the Court). To be sure, because in the situation under consideration here the statutory purpose and permission for “such measures” do not extend beyond “suppress[ing] * * * domestic violence” in a constitutional manner, some judicially enforceable limits to the President’s actions might conceivably exist. For example, his “measures” may not contravene any applicable provisions of the Bill of Rights. Otherwise, though, the scope, substance, and application of those “measures” are “political questions” left to his judgment alone.
  • Finally, no matter how deeply “the Deep State’s” friends on the Bench despise President Trump and how desperately they desire to thwart him at every turn, unless and until the Supreme Court overrules Martin v. Mott the lower courts are required to adhere to its reasoning “no matter how misguided the judges of those courts may think it to be”. Hutto v. Davis, 454 U.S. 370, 375 (1982). And should any one of those judges refuse to do so, and should attempt to curtail the President’s use of 10 U.S.C. § 253 by means of a purported “injunction” or other specious order, the President should simply refuse to comply.


The present author is not an attorney working for the Department of Justice. He is not a $1,000-per-hour lawyer of the genre with which President Trump is undoubtedly familiar from his former private life. He does not speak or write on behalf of any “gun-rights” group currently trying to solve the problem of school shootings without violating the Second Amendment or other provisions of the Constitution. Rather, he is simply a semi-retired attorney living in the placid obscurity of the “Canoe Capital of Virginia”. But if he can parse the legal literature and propose a viable solution to that problem in the instant paper, why is the matter so difficult for the bright lights of the Bar now roaming the White House to understand?

President Trump cannot shelter behind his legal advisors’ inattentiveness, insouciance, inactivity, or incompetence in this regard. For, even if no one in his entourage assists him, he remains personally obligated to figure out what to do. After all, how can he honestly claim to be “tak[ing] Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” with respect to the present-day crisis of school shootings if he neglects, fails, or refuses to investigate what the relevant “Laws” actually are and how they ought best to be applied?

This paper provides its author’s idea of a satisfactory answer to the question “What is to be done about school shootings?” The further query necessarily left unanswered, though, is “What will the President do?” Unfortunately, some of the approaches President Trump has suggested so far will surely prove counterproductive. For they fly in the face of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments; the Second Amendment; Article I, § 8, Clauses 15 and 16; Article II, Section 2, Clause 1; and Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution. See, e.g., [Link-1] and [Link-2]. And they certainly take no advantage of his statutory authority under 10 U.S.C. § 253. Of course, perhaps Mr. Trump has just been incautiously “shooting from the hip” about school shootings and “gun control”, and on reflection will align his thinking with the Constitution and common sense—rather than with the last “pro-gun” (or “anti-gun”) lobbyists who happen to get his attention. See, e.g., [Link].

If, however, President Trump’s future actions demonstrate that he cannot make up his mind on these subjects in a fully constitutional fashion, then America will have very serious cause to lament “basta d’un pazzo per casa”.

© 2018 Edwin Vieira – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Edwin Vieira: edwinvieira@gmail.com

Worthless “Pro-Life” GOP Incumbents: Vote Them Out

Now, one might gasp at the title of this column and knee-jerk the author must be ‘pro-choice’.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. There is no choice for the unborn baby murdered by some butcher given a license to kill:

Abortionist: I Cut Unborn Babies’ Cords So They Can’t Scream (Utah of all places)

“When the person asked if Torres hears the screams of the babies who she aborts, she replied: “You know fetuses can’t scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there’s really no opportunity, if they’re even far enough along to have a larynx…In the undercover investigations that Daleiden and his team did pursue, they listened to abortionists talk over dinner about crushing babies’ heads, joke about babies’ eyeballs falling out and discuss pulling apart unborn babies limb by limb.”

Roe v Wade. Nine male judges who justified the killing of an unborn BABY by hallucinating ‘a woman’s privacy’ as a right in the U.S. Constitution. Today, the fruits of their labor have butchered 60 MILLION babies. Take every man, woman and child in the State of California, add 15 MILLION more and then kill them all.  That’s how many babies have been murdered since Roe v Wade was unleashed upon this country.

Human life that began at conception. Due to the advancement of technology one can hear a baby’s heart beat at 16 days long before most women even know they’re pregnant. A heart beat means LIFE.

The Cloning of the American Mind & Abortion, 2007

“Once women were given the green light to behave like tramps, run around mostly naked, sleep around and have fun, the next hurdle was the unwanted pregnancies. Thus, was born the mantra of “a woman has the right to protect her reproductive rights.” Of course, this concept has been pushed to the nth by women in public office out of “compassion” and as fierce defenders of “women’s rights.” What these “gentlewomen” in politics forget to clarify is that reproductive rights have nothing to do with abortion.

“No one is forcing or telling any woman in this country they can’t reproduce. There are extreme cases where judges have put some restrictions on crack heads who keep having illegitimate children born addicted, but that’s a last resort. It would appear, even to the dumbest bulb, that women have been reproducing without government interference and then throwing away the results in a medical box marked “Toxic Waste.”

How are they any different than the savages called ISIS or monster, Josef Mengele?

Abortionist Curtis Boyd: “Am I Killing? Yes, I Am. I Know That.”
Abortion Clinic Employees — “Babies born alive daily.”: “He does a lot of huge abortions. A lot of the times, we would bring the big fetus that were over age, we would re-open the bag and just look at it and be like, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s so big!..Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out. He would yank pieces — piece by piece — when they were oversize. And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.”
Abortion Clinic Sends Coupons to Low-Income Women, Save $50 on Sundays

Thankfully, many abortion doctors and nurses have finally had their own epiphany and decided to let the rest of the world know the truth. For that, God bless them.

Former Abortion Doctors: “I’ve Taken Lives of Innocent Babies,” “I’m Destroying Life”

“The Centurion who stood at the foot of the cross of Christ suddenly became horrified at the crucifixion he was ordered to carry out. When Christ died, this Centurion dropped his sword and fell to his knees exclaiming, ‘Surely, this was an innocent man!’

“Those of us who have participated in the killing of unborn children are the Centurions of today. We have dropped our swords against the unborn child. Now we must recognize the depth of our guilt and deal with the ramifications…To revitalize our humanity we need to forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and be healed.”

“I was helping the doctor hold the baby [to keep it in the birth canal]. The other nurse got the instrument [a large syringe with a large needle], handed it to the doctor, and he inserted it into the base of the skull. Then he pulled the baby out. Its little hands were grasping. When the baby quit grasping, then he delivered it. He used the syringe to suction out the brains. – Testimony of witness to an abortion

“And typically when the abortion procedure is started we typically know that the fetus is still alive because either we can feel it move as we’re making our initial grasps or if we’re using some ultrasound visualization when we actually see a heartbeat as we’re starting the procedure.” – This account of D&E is part of sworn testimony given in US District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, May 27, 1999, Case No. 98-C-0305-S), by Dr. Martin Haskell, an abortionist.

Former Abortionist: ‘If Anybody Thinks Ripping Off Arms and Legs … Isn’t Painful….‘ – “A former abortionist who said he had performed some 1,200 abortions before his conversion to pro-life activist, said Thursday at a House subcommittee hearing that abortion causes pain to unborn babies. “If anybody thinks that ripping off arms and legs and crushing these children the way we’re doing during these procedures isn’t painful, they’re just kidding themselves … badly kidding themselves,” Dr. Anthony Levatino said at a hearing on the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. ”

Forever I have written one of the greatest failures of Congress is their refusal to remove judges from the federal bench as well as the U.S. Supreme Court because they are gutless. BOTH parties. How many times do we hear ‘conservative’ Republicans on some talk show complaining about judicial activism and horrible decisions by judges only to then pitch for campaign donations?

Well, I’ve heard the same hot air from ‘conservative Republicans’ for decades about Roe v Wade and how pro-life they are and yet here we are. Today while you go about life, the lives of 3,300 babies – human beings –  will be snuffed out. The Nazi’s had nothing on us at this point.

Ohio Judge Blocks Abortion Ban on Down Syndrome Babies, March 16, 2018

An Obama-appointed federal judge has blocked an Ohio law banning selective abortions that target babies diagnosed with Down syndrome. “Federal law is crystal clear,” wrote Judge Timothy S. Black of the U.S. District Court for Southern Ohio in a 22-page ruling granting a preliminary injunction against the state. Black — who has a reputation as a stridently liberal judge — wrote that the Ohio law “wrongfully” prohibits women from making the ultimate decision to terminate a pregnancy before viability. “It violates the right to privacy of every woman in Ohio and is unconstitutional on its face,” he added.

“Federal law is crystal clear,” wrote Judge Timothy S. Black of the U.S. District Court for Southern Ohio in a 22-page ruling granting a preliminary injunction against the state. Black — who has a reputation as a stridently liberal judge — wrote that the Ohio law “wrongfully” prohibits women from making the ultimate decision to terminate a pregnancy before viability. “It violates the right to privacy of every woman in Ohio and is unconstitutional on its face,” he added.”

Instead of this beautiful child

Judge Black supports ‘privacy’ for a female. Tortured, torn limb by limb and chemically burned:

Please do not think I am totally unaware of the special challenges parents of a Down Syndrome child and the child itself will have all of that child’s life. I am because I do a lot of research. Because I do care and seek to learn every day. Because I know myself and I can tell you that if God gave me a Down Syndrome child instead of the perfectly healthy daughter I birthed, I would love that child with all my heart.

Life. There is nothing more precious but it means nothing to too many career politicians and judges. Ben Shapiro said it so well in his efforts to wake up young Americans:

Shapiro Schools Pro-Abortion Student: ‘Either Human Life Has Intrinsic Value Or It Doesn’t’

“Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro refuted every pro-abortion argument a U.C. Berkeley student could throw at him.

“During a speech at the university, Shapiro fielded questions from a pro-abortion student. Responding to the student’s claims, Shapiro explained that:

  1. A fetus does have “intrinsic moral value,”
  2. “Drawing a false line” on where life begins “can also be applied to people who are adults,”
  3. A fetus has “potential sentience,” and
  4. “I don’t believe you being a burden on somebody is justification for them killing you.”

Do those products of ‘higher learning’ even know the definition of the words intrinsic or sentience? I doubt it. All they know is the propaganda about ‘protecting women’s reproductive rights’.

Republicans held the majority in both the House and the Senate under Bush, Jr. for nearly eight years. Did all those ‘pro-life’ incumbents (and don’t forget to send money to their campaign coffers) overturn Roe v Wade? Did they remove one single activist judge from the bench? No.

Now with President Trump and Republicans still holding the majority in the House and Senate have they introduced a bill to overturn Roe v. Wade, gotten it passed and sent to Trump? No. Congress can act very quickly when they want. But, it’s an election year so they tiptoe carefully because remaining in office (retiring as millionaires) and power IS all they really care about. Sure, there are some very committed members of Congress who have tried but not enough.

There sure as hell is no excuse for not removing activist judges. Rotten Supreme Court Justices like Kagan, crook Sotomayer and Chief Justice John Roberts should have been booted long ago. Roberts for his unbelievable betrayal on Obamacare.

I know the argument by political gas bags trying to defend their do-nothing existence: Well, we can’t get enough votes in the Senate to impeach. Boo-hoo. Try this on for lesson of the day:

Removing Federal Judges Without Impeachment – The Yale Law Journal

“Contrary to the orthodoxy, nothing in the Constitution mandates that impeachment be the exclusive method for removing misbehaving judges.

The Constitutional Text

“The Constitution authorizes the impeachment of federal judges, but it nowhere says that they can be removed only through impeachment. Nor do the Constitution’s relevant provisions easily lend themselves to any such reading. Articles I, II, and III respectively define the tenures, including the conditions that can terminate tenure, for the principal legislative, executive, and judicial officials. For example..”

Please read the rest of that very important piece. Don’t let cowardly, ignorant politicians break their promises. Oh, come to think of it, when was the last time your GOP incumbent promised to end Roe v Wade? I thought so.

Personally, if your incumbent hasn’t fought like a tiger to remove bad judges, throw his/her backside out during the upcoming primaries. This really is such a critical issue that gets ignored while the damn ‘Get Trump’ games continue day after day after day. There are perfectly qualified challengers for Congress ignored by voters every two years which makes me sick.

Right now, primaries are getting started so you’ll hear the same canned BS we just got done with here in Texas: I’m a pro-life Texan for Congress! (Our primary was two weeks ago.) How many more times will you elect the same ‘conservative’ Republican who has done nothing to throw activist judges off the bench and kill Roe v Wade once and for all?

Vote out worthless ‘pro-life’ GOP incumbents right along with so-called ‘moderate’ Republican incumbents who support killing unborn babies. When you vote think about what you read in this column.

On the civilian side, we must continue doing everything we can to educate both men and women from high school up that abortion IS murder. Why not show this array of baby body parts from abortions in sex-ed classes? Oh, the screeching that would go on by feminists and pro-abortion men and women. You can’t do that! It would offend students. Good. Let them see the truth.

Sex-ed classes across this country show soft-core porn all the time. I find what they teach highly offensive. I’m glad I kept my daughter in private Christian school. What she needed to know I informed her. A parent’s job not a public school. Anyone not in denial can see what the last 35 years of ‘sex ed’ classes have done for our culture and it’s not pretty.

The terribly misguided walk-outs last week by students over guns was supported by schools across this country. But, bring up abortion and you will pay the price: California high school teacher put on leave after asking whether schools would allow students to walk out to protest abortion  –  Because a student and a couple of parents bitched, a teacher is removed from the classroom for a couple of days. Punished for free speech all those spoiled brats in schools across this country demand for every little itch.

There used to be a lot of ‘blue-dog Democrats’ from the South who were anti-abortion. If you’re a Democrat reading this and value the sanctity of life, please, pass this column along. Life absolutely begins at conception and we should NOT allow judges to stay on the bench who privately think it’s perfectly okay to selectively murder a beating heart because of a disability – in some cases it’s ‘might have’ a particular medical issue. Publicly they issue a ban to stop a state law from taking effect.

Ohio’s legislature passed their bill. For once their idiot governor, John Kasich, did the right thing and signed it into law. Activist judges should not be allowed take it upon themselves to overturn a state legislature’s bill that protects ‘even’ a special needs child.

In my research I have read countless stories of parents of a Down Syndrome child. Stories filled with unconditional love for their baby as they raise their child even with all the hardships. Stories by adoptive parents who took a Down Syndrome child ‘off the hands’ of a mother who gave the baby up for adoption. There are loving people out there who will adopt a special needs child because every life is precious in the eyes of God and Jesus.

Luke 17:2, KJV: “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Murdering one of the little ones while yanking it from its mother’s womb is far worse than offensive in God’s eyes. Yet, look how many ‘Catholics’ have repeatedly voted for hard core abortion cheerleader, Hillary Clinton.

If you watch only one video today or this week, PLEASE take less than ten minutes to watch through modern technology an unborn baby at 32 days developing arms and legs – before most women know they’re pregnant. LOOK and see the truth. Abortion IS murder. Killing them at six weeks, two or three months or 20 weeks is infanticide.

Killing them and then selling their tissue or body parts is so horrifying even I run out of words. Why do you think “pro-choice” advocates fight to keep pictures of an abortion away from the public eye? Video: From Conception to Birth

Important Links:

1 –  25 Signs American Women Are Being Destroyed By The Sexual Revolution And Our Promiscuous Culture
#25 One study found that 86 percent of all abortions are done for the sake of convenience.
2 –
PepsiCo Says It Will Halt Use of Aborted Fetal Cells in Flavor Research
Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood Now
4 –
Twelve Out of Twelve Recent Studies Show Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer
5 –
Recent Studies Confirm Women Face Depression After Abortion, Other Problems
Study Links Abortion With Depression, PTSD, and Drug Abuse

U.S. Politicians In Congress: Undermining Our Laws

For the past four decades, 535 men and women elected to serve our U.S. Constitution failed to not only uphold our laws, but undermined our laws in deference to lawbreakers. Upon being elected, each one of them swore on a Bible to uphold the Constitution of the United States. Additionally, we see governors, mayors and city council members breaking our laws. We see U.S. Senators and Congress members defying our laws. We see U.S. Attorney Generals ignoring our laws, i.e., former Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

For the past 40 years, U.S. presidents and concurrent Congresses failed to enforce and secure our borders. Thus, in excess of 20 million illegal aliens jumped our borders to enjoy the fruits of their criminal activities in jobs, anchor babies, housing and welfare.  All funded by our tax dollars!  Additionally, millions of U.S. employers break our laws with impunity from enforcement.

For example, an average of 350,000 pregnant women violate our borders, birth their children on our dollar, and ‘anchor’ themselves in our country with their new U.S. baby.  A total violation of the 14th Amendment!  U.S. citizens pay K through 12 schools, food stamps, housing, breakfasts and lunches for millions of their children.  We pay with our tax dollars, year after year, decade after decade.  Yet, not one single member of Congress passed a bill to stop it. (Source: Anchor Babies, www.cis.org)

Additionally, we see billions upon billions of U.S. dollars sent back to their countries.  We see 1.7 million legal and illegal immigrants, annually, pouring into our country without skills, language or education.  They immediately enjoy welfare for life—but not one member of Congress introduces a bill to stop it.   We see diversity visa holders mowing down our citizens on bike paths in New York City and chain-migration recipients stabbing people in our cities—but you guessed it, Congress avoids its sworn duty: not one member introduces a bill stop it.

We see our tax dollars pay for undeclared wars for 10 to 17 years with no end in sight.  We witnessed our national debt expand to its current $20 trillion with no attempt to live within our financial boundaries.

We see individual U.S. Senators like John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Michael Benet (D-CO) and more do absolutely nothing to enforce our illegal alien employment laws, transport of illegal aliens and housing laws written to stop landlords from renting to illegal aliens.

We see such House members like majority speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), make speeches in the House that make no sense whatsoever stemming from onset dementia, works FOR illegal aliens by stating that, “These [illegal] immigrants are the future of America.”  She’s followed closely by Maxine Waters (D-CA) who supports Islamic Sharia Law in America.  Further lawlessness from Sheila Jackson (D-CA) who shows little initiative to write bills to enhance African-Americans’ ability to work, but she, like Waters, condemns Americans and the president with name-calling.

While few Congressional members secured our borders for the past 40 years, and many of them served in Congress for the past 40 years, they now support 800,000 to as many as 1.8 million illegal alien DACA recipients.  Former President Barack Obama in contravention of our Constitution violated our laws in attempting to give those illegals a free pass into our country of our laws.  Initial cost to U.S. taxpayers: estimated at $26 billion for starters.

Our lawmakers become criminals representing us

While such House members as John Lewis (D-GA) scream the loudest in name calling, along with Hank Johnson (D-GA) idle their days in their offices doing pretty much nothing for their constituents.

As to wars and killing our young soldiers, the majority of Congressional members rubber-stamp every military expense to further two current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: that continue for 17 years—accomplishing nothing. Except $7 trillion spent of our money!   All the while, they authorize our tax dollars for 700 military bases and 450,000 military personnel in 80 countries around the world.  All for what?  For absolutely nothing in our defense! Have you heard of “Empire”?

U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), 84, witnessing her Golden State turn into the poorest and most immigrant-overpopulated state in America—lacks a single clue as to what’s she fostered or allowed to happen to her constituents.  Los Angeles features 55,000 homeless living in tarp tents while San Francisco faces 20,000 homeless, flourishing drug gangs and rampant welfare by illegal aliens.  Yet, Californians vote her back into office decade after decade.

Speaking of California, its own Governor Brown defied the laws of America by creating a “Sanctuary State” that harbors criminal illegal aliens despite the fact that Kate Steinle suffered death at the hands of a man deported five separate times, but returned to murder that young girl.  Mayors of Los Angeles and San Francisco defend their sanctuary cities to the detriment of taxpayers into the billions for anchor babies, health care for illegals, underground economies created by illegals and schools totally destroyed as to education for American kids.

Even the mayor of Oakland, Libby Schaaf, warned illegal aliens of ICE raids a day before the raids took place.  In lawful terms: aiding and abetting criminals.

Shady antics also hold true in Denver, Colorado where sanctuary city proponents Governor John Hickenlooper and Mayor Michael Hancock harbor criminal alien immigrants against the wishes of law-abiding Americans.

The same holds true in New York City and New York State with Governor Cuomo and Mayor De Blasio defending and harboring criminal aliens against the laws of America.   Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner defend and harbor criminal alien immigrants.

Over 200 other mayors and city councils, e.g. Minneapolis, Detroit, Boston and Boulder, CO, break our laws—and you now face a country degrading into a third world caldron.  Corruption becomes a mechanism by which third world countries operate.

As America accelerates toward that third world destiny, what will you choose to do about leaders in your city and state?

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Can We Trust The Government To Define Your Mental Health?

Abortionists Need A Mental Evaluation, Not Gun Owners

Consider this, if you were to evaluate someone who you knew had already murdered thousands of people, qualifying them with the appellation of mass murderer, and you also knew he had a schedule to commit more murders, would you think the federal, state, and local governments in our land would say such a person is not mentally well? Should they not be permitted to wander free in society to continue their murder spree? You would think so. But what is the reality?

After 60 million murders, the abortionists in our land not only walk free, but the government pays them to commit these mass murders. It is beyond outrageous, and the hypocrisy of our government with their crocodile tears for dead students in the shooting galleries – which they have created – is beyond the pale. It is quite clear that their agenda is to simply disarm the populace in order to enslave us. Don’t trust anyone who demands any violations of our Second Amendment, they are not a friend of liberty!

When we think of battles being fought in our land, we usually think of the weapons that are visible and tangible. But the unseen weapons, those not often thought of, are actually far more important in the battle for our country.

Video of the sermon

One of the most powerful of those weapons is prayer. There is a great prayer movement in South Carolina focused on ending abortion. Many of these folks are involved with 40 Days for Life. South Carolina also has a strong Legislative Prayer Caucus, a caucus whose members are state legislators committed to advancing policies and initiatives that promote religious freedom, America’s christian heritage, and prayer. There are 40 representatives and 20 senators that compose the Legislative Prayer Caucus, and it appears their prayers – along with the prayers of the citizens of South Carolina – are making an impact:

“South Carolina lawmakers moved forward with a bill [last month] to ban all abortions in the state.

The bill, nicknamed the ‘Personhood Act,’ would require the state to recognize and grant legal protections to every human life, beginning at the moment of conception. It includes exceptions for medical emergencies when the mothers life is in jeopardy, as well as in vitro fertilization.

The bill passed a state Senate committee Tuesday in a 12-9 vote after a lengthy debate. It now moves to the full state Senate for consideration.

State Lt. Gov. Kevin Bryant sponsored the bill while he was a state senator, and Gov. Henry McMaster said he will sign the legislation if it reaches his desk, according to the report.

Approximately 6,000 unborn babies are aborted in South Carolina every year, the report states.

State Sen. Richard Cash, R-Anderson, said they hope the bill will overturn Roe v. Wade and end abortion in the U.S.

[By the way they don’t need to overturn Roe v. Wade, it is not law as courts do not make law, it simply needs to be ignored by law abiding Sheriffs who round up and imprison the murders committing abortions in their county.]

‘We are trying to challenge the Supreme Court on their fundamental error that a human being is not a person,’ Cash said. ‘A human being is a person.’”( www.lifenews.com)

There was a rather heated debate in the Senate Committee:

“Some doctors have voiced concerns the measure does not include any exceptions for situations when the life of the mother is in danger, warning it could create a ‘nightmare scenario’ in which doctors have to choose between saving the mother or ‘murdering’ the embryo.

[I guess the murder of 6000 babies each year is not a nightmare in the twisted minds of these who love murder.]

Cash argued no one would prosecute doctors if they take medical actions to save the mother’s life that result in the unintentional death of a child.

He additionally defended the prospective law’s abortion restrictions in cases of rape or incest, including when the victim is a child.

‘If a child is raped, yes, that is a horrible act,’ Cash said when pressed by a colleague. ‘Two wrongs dont make a right. You cannot erase the rape by killing the child. The child is an innocent person.’” (www.postandcourier.com)

To that I fully agree and would add what Pastor John MacArther said, “No human being then, is ever conceived outside God’s will or ever conceived apart from God’s image.” Or Dr. Ben Carson who said, “As a surgeon I have operated on infants pre-birth. I can assure you that they are very much alive.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

Have We Been Complacent With Our Government?

Have We Let The Government Go Too Far?

The Deep State shadow government has been allowed to be engrained in our government for so long that they will do whatever is necessary to maintain the control that they acquired. In the first part of this series we touched on how George Soros thought he had the election rigged for Hillary and in looking at the previous elections we see that the ‘candidates’ from either party seem to take the country in the same direction which gives credence to what Soros stated about Trump winning the popular vote and Hillary getting the electoral college.  He claimed it was a ‘done deal’.  Virtually all the candidates, except for Trump were globalists.  Republican Ohio governor John Kasich was even funded by Soros. He’s still shilling for the illegals and DACA kids completely ignoring the real American citizens which is the position of Soros and all the open border supporters.

We have had this shadow government for some time.  It was in place back into the 1800’s but was given a huge foothold in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson established the Federal Reserve.  This was a complete disaster for our monetary system.  It LOOKS like it is part of the government, but it is not.  It answers to no one in D.C. and the actual powers behind the Federal Reserve is the Bank of England: Together, these banks owned about 63 percent of the New York Fed’s outstanding stock. Mullins then showed that many of these banks are owned by about a dozen European banking organizations, mostly British, and most notably the Rothschild banking dynasty. Through their American agents they are able to select the board of directors for the New York Fed and to direct U.S. monetary policy. Mullins explained,

‘… The most powerful men in the United States were themselves answerable to another power, a foreign power, and a power which had been steadfastly seeking to extend its control over the young republic since its very inception. The power was the financial power of England, centered in the London Branch of the House of Rothschild. The fact was that in 1910, the United States was for all practical purposes being ruled from England, and so it is today’ (Mullins, p. 47-48).

He further commented that the day the Federal Reserve Act was passed, “the Constitution ceased to be the governing covenant of the American people, and our liberties were handed over to a small group of international bankers” [1]

Woodrow Wilson, regrettably, didn’t realize what he had done until after he has signed the Federal Reserve Act December 23, 1913.  He stated: “I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country.  A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of Credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated.  The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.   We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.  No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.[2]

The depth of this shadow government is so deep that it also involves private industry working on the governments behalf.  Last week, on Friday, Dec. 22, QAnon posted a cryptic narrative that the Democrats, including President Barack Obama, conspired with the FBI, the DOJ, and various U.S. intelligence agencies, including the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA, to prevent Donald Trump from being elected president, or to remove him from office should he be elected president.

QAnon referenced the Executive Order that President Trump signed on Dec. 21, and the link to Google’s Eric Schmidt announcing his resignation as head of Google’s parent, Alphabet, Inc.

According to the cryptic QAnon narrative, Schmidt played a major role both in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and in the subsequent conspiracy to promote the CrowdStrike analysis of the DNC email heist and the Fusion GPS dossier that attempted to establish the basis for arguing Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.

At key points throughout the QAnon timeline, Google’s Schmidt reappears as: the person responsible for developing Clinton’s campaign computer technology, a major funder of the Clinton campaign, a common link to Perkins Coie, the Seattle-based law firm that laundered for the Clinton campaign and for the DNC payments to Fusion GPS which were essential to develop the dossier.[3] Google isn’t the only one that does the governments bidding. Facebook jumped into the fray by blocking conservative posts and articles: Facebook’s trending bar deliberately suppresses conservative news, according to a new report.

Facebook, now arguably the most important distributor of news online, has cultivated the idea that its bar is an impartial algorithm that responds to “likes” and gives users only what they’ve indicated they want.

But in a bombshell confession on the tech blog Gizmodo, a former editor says popular conservative news would be kept off the “trending news” sidebar.

“I’d come on shift and I’d discover that CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] or Mitt Romney or Glenn Beck or popular conservative topics wouldn’t be trending because either the curator didn’t recognize the news topic or it was like they had a bias against Ted Cruz,” the former news curator told Gizmodo.

The news started a firestorm in conservative media circles. The Drudge Report ran the piece in its top slot with a picture of Facebook’s chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and the headline: “Not Leaning In … Leaning Left!” a reference to her bestselling book, Lean In.

Breitbart News editor in chief Alex Marlow said the report confirmed “what conservatives have long suspected: Facebook’s trending news artificially mutes conservatives and amplifies progressives.[4]

Dennis Prager posts informative videos on YouTube that are of conservative basis concerning constitutional issues and has been blocked by YouTube for ‘inappropriate’ content!  Prager University (PragerU) has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to stop Google and YouTube from unlawfully censoring its educational videos and discriminating against its right to freedom of speech. 

The lawsuit cites more than 50 PragerU videos which have either been “restricted” or “demonetized” by Google/YouTube. The PragerU videos range on various subjects presenting a conservative point of view, and include a video by noted Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz on the founding of Israel. PragerU previously compiled a complete list of their restricted videos here, which includes: “Why America Must Lead,” “The Ten Commandments: Do Not Murder,” “Why Did America Fight the Korean War,” and “The World’s Most Persecuted Minority: Christians.” 

In correspondence cited in the filing, Google/YouTube made it clear that the censorship of certain videos was because they were deemed “inappropriate” for younger audiences.[5] YouTube has blocked videos about negative information concerning Obama,[6] the thriving polar bear population,[7] and even on crimes committed by the TSA.[8]

Joseph Warren, a patriot, doctor and soldier who died at the battle of Bunker Hill at the ripe age of 34 made this comment: “Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn.”

We are there again and this time it is our own fault.  We can change the course we are on.  It won’t be easy.  We only need to ask God to give us favor and guide our path.  Do we have the fortitude our Founders had?  Time will tell.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. http://www.usagold.com/federalreserve.html
  2. I have unwittingly ruined my country
  3. Qanon exposes dem conspiracy to frame Trump claims googles Schmidt
  4. Facebook newsfeed censors conservative news
  5. Press release: Prager takes legal action against Google and YouTube discrimination
  6. Youtube blocks video linking Obama’s ties to Kenyan massacre
  7. https://www.infowars.com/youtube-blocks-polar-bear-explosion
  8. Youtube blocks video exposing TSA crime

Putting Mass School Shootings Into Perspective

Robert Peck

When a shocking tragedy like the recent Parkland, Florida mass school shooting takes place, the media keeps it in the headlines for days. Television inundates our senses with sights and sounds that reinforce the human emotion of the calamity while the drama is relived in front of our eyes day and night. The media milks an event like this for all the ratings it’s worth, keeping it in the news-cycle for up to a week, or at least until the next natural disaster or political scandal comes along.

Our senses can easily become overwhelmed by the relentless rehearsing of the story and its horrific details, all presented in a manner calculated to elicit an emotional response rather than rational thought. If we’re not alert, and diligent to exercise critical thinking, we can quickly lose perspective and join Chicken Little in believing that the sky really is falling, that mass shootings are sweeping the land, and that if the government doesn’t do something quick, “we’ll all die!”

Mass public shootings (properly called “mass murder,” unless you’re trying to sensationalize a particular aspect of the incident) are indeed a terrible thing that we should be working to prevent. But how much of the American landscape does the phenomenon of mass shootings really take up as opposed to the amount of news headlines it’s given?

Before we start passing new laws, giving up our rights, or consent to being strip searched at every checkpoint, perhaps we should put the matter into perspective and ask exactly how many children are actually being killed by mass shootings as compared to the various other threats to their lives. We want to stop all evil and protect every child, but it would be wise to know where to focus our attention and direct our efforts so as to have the greatest effect and save the most lives.

Actual Risk of Death Due to Mass Shootings

According to a report by the Congressional Research Service, about 20 people per year were being killed in mass public shootings in the early 2000s, a number that rose to an average of 37 per year in the period of 2009-2013. Since that report, my research indicates that we’ve averaged 60 deaths per year over the past four years. This is for all mass public shootings, which includes workplace, school, restaurant and other public places. A listing of each mass shooting from 1982 to 2018 reveals that 14 percent of those shootings took place at schools (including colleges), giving us an expected annual average of fewer than 10 deaths per year coming from school campuses.

To put these numbers into perspective, in a country of 327 million people, 60 killed per year in all mass public shootings is 1 per 5.5 million. To look at it another way, that’s one person killed per year from among the entire population of Minnesota, or about the same as are killed by lightning each year (51).

While every life matters, so does the truth, and the truth is that the excessive amount of media attention given to mass shootings is creating a very skewed perspective as to the role that they actually play in our society.

The sensationalizing of mass shootings has created a public perception of our country being awash in an ever-rising tide of murder and mayhem reigning in our streets and on school campuses. However, the truth is actually just the opposite. Homicide rates in the U.S. have decreased dramatically over the last couple decades, from over 9 per 100,000 in the early 1990s to only 4.5 in 2014.

At the same time, the number of guns in America increased from 242 million in 1996 to 357 million in 2013. The number of new guns being introduced into the population nearly quadrupled during the same period, from 4.4 million per year to 16 million. While guns may be a preferred weapon of mass murders, the sheer number of guns present in our society obviously is not driving the homicide rate as the two statistics are moving in opposite directions.

Mass Shootings Compared to Other Threats to Children

Though I was not able to find a single definitive document directly comparing the rate of mass school shooting deaths to other leading causes of death among school-age children, I did manage to find the following facts that help provide context for this discussion.

Auto Accidents – The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that over a 10 year period more than 9,000 children ages 12 and younger were killed in car crashes. If we factor in teens and college students, most of which are beginning to drive and have higher accident rates, I expect the number could reach as high as 20,000, or an average of 2,000 per year, as compared to an average of 10 per year killed in mass school shootings. Again, every life is precious, but as opposed to panicking with fear over mass school shootings, it would make 200 times more sense (mathematically speaking that is), to fear putting the kids in the car for a drive to Walmart, or to school for that matter.

Suicide – Suicide is the second leading cause of death in the 15 to 24 year old age group, coming in at over 5,000 per year. That’s 500 times more deaths by suicide than by mass school shootings. Some of the leading causes of teen suicide are listed as, “being bullied, social rejection, relationship breakup, academic failure in school and grade retention.” Bullying generally takes place at school and most social activity and relationships also tend to be related to school activities for this age group. Academic issues of retaining grades is directly a school matter. I expect that as many as a thousand of the 5,000 annual teen suicides could be to some degree school related. As compared to the number of students killed in mass shootings each year (average of 10), teen suicides arising from school-related issues alone is an outright holocaust taking as many as a hundred times more lives.

Drug Overdose – In 2015 there were 772 drug overdose deaths among teens ages 15 to 19. That’s 77 times more killed in this very small age group, spanning only five years, than are killed in all mass school shootings. While not all drug use is the product of school attendance, school is certainly a leading place where children become exposed to drugs, discover connections for obtaining drugs, and sometimes experience peer pressure to try drugs. One addiction treatment center states that “nearly 44% of high school students know a classmate who sells drugs.” If death by mass shootings in schools is “a problem,” then, by comparison, death by drug overdose among students is “an epidemic.”

Gang Violence – The National Gang Center shows gang-related homicides at 2,363 in 2012 as compared to an average of only 60 annual deaths for all mass public shootings. Though school-age children would only account for a portion of those deaths, yet the teenage years are where gang involvement tends to begin. Seattlepi.com reports that, according to a CDC study, “45 percent of high school students have gangs or gang members on their campuses,” a number that drops to 2 percent for private schools, though it is thought that increased parental involvement plays a part in that. Though public schools certainly are not making themselves a target of gang violence on purpose, it seems obvious that the threat to the lives of children arising from gang-related activity on school campuses far surpasses that of mass shootings by many magnitudes.

Sports Injuries – According to Youth Sports Safety Alliance statistics, 1.3 million children were admitted to emergency rooms with sports-related injuries in 2012. From 2008 through 2013, an average of 45 children per year died of sports-related injuries. Even sports programs, most of which presumably originate on school campuses, appear to be killing more than four times as many kids as mass school shootings.

Sexually Transmitted Disease – 6,721 Americans died of HIV/AIDS in 2014. As of 2015, youth ages 13 to 24 accounted for more than 1 in 5 new HIV diagnoses. An estimated 44 percent of those living with the disease are believed to be unaware. By extrapolation, we can expect to lose 200 per year to this disease from among this age group as future annual deaths – and this is only one of the potentially fatal STDs. Sexual promiscuity, much of it originating on high school and college campuses, is killing at least 20 times more of our youth than mass shootings. Yet I don’t hear the same cries to ban sexual promiscuity that I do to ban guns, but that’s a matter of hypocrisy that will have to be addressed another time.

 Transit to and From School – A reported 815 students die each year, and 152,250 are injured, during travel to and from school. Those numbers do not include extracurricular activities like traveling to sporting events or marching band competitions, which would likely put the total over a thousand. This is an amazingly small number of deaths considering the total number of children transported to and from schools every day. Nevertheless, transporting kids to and from school, and school-related activities, is killing a hundred times more children each year than are mass shootings. Yet no one is clamoring to “ban the buses” as that would clearly be irrational.

Now that we have some context for the subject, we can easily see that mass school shootings are among the least of the threats that children face. Nevertheless, we certainly want to take whatever appropriate actions we can to protect children from the rare, and rather unpredictable, mentally deranged and demonically tortured individuals who are driven to commit mass murder.

However, if saving lives is really the main focus, then there are much greater opportunities in areas like suicide, drug abuse, gang violence, and the spread of sexually transmitted disease. These deaths are much more preventable than are those caused by the extremely infrequent mass murder perpetrated by a random psychopath, and these activities are killing hundreds, or possibly even thousands of times more children.

Nevertheless, mass school shootings, like all threats to children, ought to be addressed.

Currently, the public is looking almost exclusively to the federal government to address the problem of school shootings. However, the federal government has no jurisdictional authority in this area. The U.S. Constitution does not grant the federal government any power over schools or education and it prohibits the federal government from interfering with gun ownership. Therefore, any actions taken by the federal government on these topics are without the force of law, or as the American Founders put it in the Declaration of Independence, they are “pretended legislation.” To be lawful, any actions taken to address schools, school shootings, guns, or school violence in general, must come from the states and/or communities.

Frankly, in light of the above listing of the ways children are being killed, the numbers of children being killed by each, and the degree to which each is associated with schools and school-related activities, I find myself questioning whether it might just be the government schools themselves that are the greatest danger to children.

© 2018 Robert Peck – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Robert Peck: rwpeck59@gmail.com

[BIO: Robert Peck began his political activism in the 1990s, first with the Ross Perot independent Presidential campaign, followed by the Republican revolution of 1994, then the Pat Buchanan Presidential primary bid of 1996, which lead to his acquaintance with former Nixon administration official, and Constitution Party founder, Howard Phillips. It was through Phillips, and involvement in the Constitution Party, that Bob was introduced to the principles of Christian Constitutionalism that have come to shape his political views.

Bob has been publishing political commentaries since 2008, facilitated local presentations of the Institute on the Constitution educational course, participated in organizing various political events and campaigns, and has served in the Constitution Party at both the local, state and national levels. Bob is a landlord in Spokane Valley, Washington, where he enjoys hikes in the woods and sometimes riding his motorcycle the long way home from church over the mountains and across the plains.]

U.S. Voters Flee From The Democratic Party, Re-Register With GOP

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

On the night of Nov. 8, 2016, a number of news reporters and anchors working for the likes of ABC, NBC and CBS News, as well as CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and other cable news networks were visibly shocked when they saw on their fancy election tally boards that a once Democratic stronghold voted in droves for Donald Trump thereby abandoning the favored Hillary Clinton.

Some of the men and women who populate American newsrooms found themselves — with tears in their eyes – having to declare Trump the winner of Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, with Pennsylvanian voters carrying the multi-billionaire beyond the 270 electoral votes he needed to win the presidency.

“There were scattered reports of voting machine glitches in Pennsylvania, where some voters said they tried to vote the Republican ticket only to see the Democratic boxes checked on their touchscreen,” said CNBC’s Antonio Jose Vielma..

The Democratic Party elite, their voters and their media cheer leaders expected the dark Blue State of Pennsylvania as a key state in the election night battle with Hillary Clinton winning Pennsylvania while Trump counted his electoral victories in other battleground states.

Trump was also the winner in FloridaOhioNorth Carolina and other key battleground states, increasing his number of electoral votes over Hillary Clinton, who believed – along with the vast majority of news business editors, anchors, reporters and news writers — she was a shoe-in for the Presidency. The bombastic former First Lady also abandoned her husband Bill’s policies and ideas while displaying her radical left history especially during her university and law school years.

Get-out-the-vote efforts have been intense in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. But most of the state’s African-American residents said they were contacted about voting by only one candidate during the campaign: Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Paul Walter is holding down the Josephine County Republicans Office in Grants Pass, Oregon every Friday from 10 AM to 3 PM. Walter says that people are coming in asking him if he can re-register them as Republicans.  “Why do you want to become Republicans” asks Walter. They replied, “My wife and I have been Democrats for over 40 years and what the Democrats are doing to Mr. Trump is disgraceful and we can no longer be part of that.” Walter replied “that is wonderful news but, be careful there are lot of Democrats in the Republican Party, we call them RINOs.” Citing John McCain, Paul Ryan or Jeff Flake as example. It’s easy to recognize them because they believe in big government, big taxes and they also hate Trump.

Nearly 100,000 Pennsylvania Democrats have switched to Republican since the beginning of the year. What’s more: The Pennsylvania Republican party says more than 240-thousand new voters have joined the party since last November.

The state Republican party says that the surge in Republican registrations is nearly twice the number of newly registered Republicans compared to both the 2008 and 2012 numbers combined.

The party says the new numbers come from the Pennsylvania Department of State which shows that 97,607 Democrats have actually switched to Republican. Numbers also show that 38,020 Republicans actually switched to Democrats.

“Enthusiasm is clearly on the side of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania this year,” Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason said. “Republicans are making historic gains in voter registration in the Keystone State. As the last-minute registrations are processed, we’re confident we will see our Party grow even larger. Since the November 2015 election, 243,139 new voters have joined the Pennsylvania Republican party.

During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power.

Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936. Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of anti-Depression reforms including regulation of financial institutions, founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power.

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power. How did this switch happen?

Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan – a die hard liberal famous for fighting a law regarding Charles Darwin’s Evolution blurred party lines by emphasizing the government’s role in ensuring social justice through expansion of federal power — traditionally, a Republican stance.

Republicans didn’t immediately adopt the opposite position of favoring limited government. “Instead, for a couple of decades, both parties are promising an augmented federal government devoted in various ways to the cause of social justice,” Rauchway wrote in a 2010 blog post for the Chronicles of Higher Education. The party’s small-government platform cemented in the 1930s with its heated opposition to the New Deal.

But why did Bryan and other turn-of-the-century Democrats start advocating for big government? According to Rauchway, they, like Republicans, were trying to win the West. The admission of new western states to the union in the post-Civil War era created a new voting bloc, and both parties were vying for its attention.

In the early 20th Century, Democrats sold themselves and their party to western voters. Republican Party leaders 1860s and 1870s had visibly favored businesses and business leaders based in America’s northeast. Republican politicians gained support  from the banks, railroads and manufacturers, while small-time farmers like those who had gone west received very little attention and gravitated to the Democratic Party.

Both parties tried to exploit the discontent this generated, by promising the little guy some of the federal largesse that had hitherto gone to the business sector. From this point on, Democrats stuck with this stance — favoring federally funded social programs and benefits — while Republicans were gradually driven to the counterposition of hands-off government.

“At one point, the Republican leaders throughout the nation began to embrace libertarianism, a political philosophy that espouses ultra-limited government,” said political strategist Mike Baker.

“While most libertarians support gun ownership, oppose abortion, and have shown they share some of the conservatives’ GOP agenda, they are almost religious about their opposition to ‘foreign entanglements,’ government drug enforcemenf, and other big-government agencies,” Baker said on Thursday.

“The Democrats, at least for a while, appeared to splinter – i.e. Dixiecrats – and today, once again find their party in a shambles complete with loudmouthed politicians who attacked those they would have endorsed and political action committees and non-profit groups who were and are radical to the point of being accused of treason by their more conservative rivals in the Republican Party,” noted

From a business perspective, Rauchway pointed out, the loyalties of the parties did not really switch. “Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places,” he wrote, “their core supporters don’t — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it’s just that in the earlier era bigger businesses wanted bigger government and in the later era they don’t.”

In other words, earlier on, businesses needed things that only a bigger government could provide, such as infrastructure development, a currency and tariffs. Once these things were in place, a small, hands-off government became better for business,” claimed Rauchway.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Islam Is Not A Religion, It’s A Fraud

From the primitive land of the Arabian Peninsula of over 14 centuries ago rose Muhammad, an illiterate hired hand of a rich widow Khadija, claiming he was the bearer of a perfect life prescription from God—the Quran. He claimed humanity could do no better than to follow its precepts as well as to emulate Muhammad’s own life example for a guarantee of bliss and salvation. In exchange for this, people had to embrace Islam—surrender—by surrendering their liberty to Muhammad.

Islam is the most successful fraud in the history of humanity and has been a great success. Millions of mullahs and imams keep the fraud going and over a billion and a half of the faithful pay for it. They pay in funds, labor and even life, for the IOUs issued to them by the Islamic organizations that glide through life without breaking a sweat for earning their daily bread. Islam is a fraud and Muslims are the victims.

Muhammad, during his Mecca years, was ridiculed for his confused sayings by his own tribe of Quraysh. He was called “shaeron majnoon”—crazed poet.

The death of his first wife and wealthy employer Khadija left Muhammad even more vulnerable to the ridicule and harassment of the Meccans. He fled from Mecca to Medina and in the relative safety of that city with a large tolerant Jewish community, Muhammad found more people willing to join his clique.

Muhammad in Medina 

Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything by claiming that Allah wanted it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to a dreadful hell. The duty of every good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.

Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robbery and killing. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all.

As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of “Jihad.” Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it is working today.

In no time at all, the savages of Arabia, allured by the win-win promise of Muhammad—you kill you get the booty from your victims in this world—you get killed and your abode will be the unimaginably glorious sensuous paradise of Allah—sword-in-hand, sallied forth to lands near and far.

Mind Control

As humans, our two legs move us along, but it is our minds that tell us which path to take in life and what to do. As the mind commands so goes the person. Yet, for humans, the mind does not arrive in this world with a set program of instructions. Contrary to many beliefs, we are born neither as demons nor as angels. Within each one of us is a potential for a demon or an angel. Many evolve into a mix of the two, a few fortunate mature into truly angelic and some become personifications of evil. It is the mind’s program that plays the critical role in making us what we are

Islam, from its inception, discovered the crucial secret of getting to the young mind early by adhering to the dictum: Instruction in early childhood is akin to carving in a rock. In the same vein goes the Jesuit saying, “Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you the man,” derived from the philosophy and theology of Saint Augustine. The immense importance of getting early to the young mind is also emphasized by non-religious doctrines as diverse as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory and Watsonian Behaviorist psychology.

Islam Apologists

And here we are in the 21st century facing the onslaught of the Islamists, jihadist and Islam apologists in our culture and way of life. These are the fruits of the tree of fraud, planted by Muhammad some 1400 years ago.

Self-described doctors of Islamic religion universally practice sugarcoating the fraud of Islam. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. The masses toe the line, support the clergy’s lavish parasitic lifestyle and the charade continues. It works like a charm. Use the Jihad of the sword when it can and use the “Soft Jihad” until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job. And don’t forget, the end justifies any and all means, Islam apologists keep on preaching to the hordes.

Islam apologists never present the naked face of Islam. They never speak of the Islam that thrives on hate, throws acid in the face of women who fail to don the hijab or girls going to school; flogging people for sporting non-Islamic haircuts,  stoning to death, violators of sexual norms and other forms of Islamic brutalities such as honor killing. They never talk about institutionalized pedophilia in Islam.

The prophet Muhammad “married” a six-year old child and consummated the marriage when Ayesha was only nine, when he himself was pushing sixty. When apologists are confronted with this repulsive behavior of the founder of their “perfect religion,” a few exercise the defense mechanism of denial and say it did not happen, dismissing their own most trusted historical record. Some say that it wasn’t exactly marriage. It was a politically expedient act, an act of the perfect emissary of Allah. Then we have numerous instances of the same child molestation happening in the Islamic world ever since the example set by Muhammad. It is a kind of marriage of pre-pubescent girls to older men. It was not long ago Dr. Salih bin Fawzan a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa proclaiming that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”

Adding insult to injury, Islam has powerful and unwitting allies in the masses of good-hearted gullible Americans who bend over backwards to protect the long-cherished principle of religious freedom. And it is this magnificent provision of our society that made Hillary Clinton, for example, reissue a visa to the likes of Tariq Ramadan who come to exploit the benign provisions of a benevolent system for establishing Islamic enslavement.

Muslims and Liberty

A Muslim’s surrender of liberty is not merely a matter of personal choice. Muslims abandon their most precious rights and are out to make all non-Muslims also do so, by hook or crook. It is said that misery loves company. And the type of misery that the fraud of Islam has visited on Muslims and the Islamic lands is a rapidly spreading plague that must be resisted by all who cherish their God-given liberty.

In spite of massive propaganda by Islamic organizations, more and more people are beginning to recognize Islam for what it is: A Fraud.


I challenge all cultural Muslims or any other kind of Muslim who is not a jihadist, to courageously do what is right, and take that fateful step; inhale the life-nurturing fragrance of freedom, abandon the fraud of Islam altogether and enlist in the ranks of the free where all members of the human tribe can live in peace and harmony.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Missing Link For School Shootings

In between Russia this, North Korea that and all the other fake news hobgoblin, we have “experts” galore trying to determine the cause of this Florida Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland  – 18 they claim recently but in their final analysis, it’s all about the guns in these “gun free zones.”

Come on folks, let’s cut to the chase. Milton William Cooper in his 1991 book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE in the Secret Government chapter, pages 224-225 wrote: “For many years, the Secret Government has been importing drugs and selling them to the people mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare program were put into place to create a dependent, non-working element in our society. The government then began to remove those programs to force people into a criminal class that did not exist in the ‘50’s and 60s’

The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. That was then, this is now and nothing has changed.  It should be noted that shameless criminals former President Barack Obama and A.G. Holder’s Operation Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal caused the death of not only two border agents but an estimate of a staggering 200 or more Mexican nationals targeted by Mexican drug lords six years ago for which they have never been held accountable.  Rep. Darrell Issa, who headed the House Oversight Committee during the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal said Holder “did willfully and knowingly sanction the program in order to advance their anti-second amendment agenda and then to cover it up.” Holder is a lawyer and should have been disbarred.

Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to OPEN FIRE ON SCHOOLYARDS and thus inflame the anti-gun lobby. Eliminating the Second Amendment has been the main goal but now we find the middle class begging the government to mandate school officials be trained and armed in order to protect the children, raise the age for gun purchases, make misdemeanor offenders ineligible to purchase a gun.

In an editor’s note, Cooper later included: “I have found that these events have indeed happened all  over the country. In every instance I have investigated…the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DUG PROZAC! This drug when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Then if you couple that with a post hypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion, you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator.

The Feb. 16, 2018 ABC News reported 17 year old Nikolas Cruz told authorities he heard voices telling him to commit this treacherous attack.  The Feb. 16, 2018 South Florida Sun Sentinel said Cruz had been diagnosed with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHA. He also had a history of self-harm and was once reported to the authorities for cutting his arms in full public view on the social networking website known as Snapchat.

Cooper went on to state if the bodies of the perpetrators who killed themselves or were killed were exhumed and checked for a brain implant, in every case, the name of the murderer’s doctor or mental treatment facility would be withheld and he was certain we would be able to establish intelligence-community connections and/or connections to known CIA experimental mind-control programs which makes me wonder about the recent Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock.


The February 16, 2018 New York Post reported over the course of seven years, police officers were dispatched to the home of Nikolas Cruz an astounding thirty-nine times but the Sneads saw no warning signs they claim.

While renowned Dr. Phil on his CBS program in 2014 opposed these drugs being given to children by some doctors and seemed to also oppose the diagnoses, he did not mention his profession as being part of the problem when he had the Sneads and their son, who befriended Cruz, as guests on his February 21st show.  The Sneads are the most recent care giver “parents” of Cruz and were aware of his gun collection and said he could have them with one exception – Nikolas had to get a gun safe and only James Snead would have the key.  His February 22nd show interviewed former students from the April 20, 1999 Columbine shooting in Littleton Colorado when 18 year old Eric Harris and 17 year old Dylan Klebold killed 12 fellow students and one teacher before committing suicide in the school library.


InFoWars interviewed Alexa Miednik, who had seen the “Professional school shooter” on social media believed there was a second shooter and said she was WALKING with the accused suspect Nikolas Cruz after she heard shots being fired. Joking she said, “I thought you were going to be the shooter.”  It is obvious to me the liberal mainstream media is not only pushing for stricter gun control laws but for an outright abolishment of the Second Amendment.  And the only person I’ve heard mention mental health professionals are the problem is NRA president Wayne LaPierre.


One of the Communist goals for the take over of the U.S. was to get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum, get control of teachers’ associations and put the party line in text books. (I Tim. 6:20) Democrat Jimmy Carter promised the 1.8 million-member unconstitutional National Education Association (NEA) that he would lead the charge for the creation of an unConstitutional Department of Education if they would help him get elected in 1976. The NEA delivered and so did he. Carter is rightly credited with being the midwife at the department’s birth on May 4, 1980 and America’s educational decline has been directly proportional to the amount of federal dollars spent.

Now, couple the failing education standards lacking in morals with all this new technology and the Internet social media, and many young folks on medically prescribed drugs and we have the answer to the school shootings.

Beverly Eakman in her book THE NEW FACE OF PSYCHIATRY said with little conscious awareness, Americans are being coerced daily by psychiatry to believe facts that are untrue and modify their beliefs and conditioned not to use reasoning. How could a relatively small cast of radicals snooker an entire population? (Communist Goal 39 – Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.)


While some students with higher than average IQ’s will go on to more challenging degrees, more are opting for courses in psychology, women’s studies, environmental, counseling and other worthless degrees.  Today liberal indoctrination trumps education at U.S. Colleges and female school teachers are not taught how to challenge brighter students, usually boys, who become easily bored and cause trouble.   We had such a problem 50 years ago when the system wanted to put our son on drugs which I debunked. A man teacher on the other hand can generally throw the fear of God into such students and can garner more respect.  Later I learned two other boys had the same teacher and had the same problems.  We eventually pulled our three adopted children from the public system and put them in a Christian school.


Today children deemed to be troublesome are falsely labeled with some fictitious medical term. First it was ADD, then it graduated to ADHD, bipolar, hyperactivity ad nauseam.   At least 9% of American school children have been given such diagnosis and medication which means 9% fewer future gun owners.   Recently, a school in Ohio claims the son of a family has ADHD. He had been psychologically evaluated but the parents believe it stems mostly from boredom and not being challenged in the classroom.  Sorta sounds like our problem 50 years ago. The school had tried on several occasions to get the family to have him diagnosed so that he could be medicated. When their offer was rebuffed, the school decided to call CPS. A family psychologist  pointed out that every child has “ADHD” up until two years of age but if he’s raised correctly, such behavior pattern are purged from him. But, today spankings are considered child abuse.  Where misbehavior was once addressed with the “board of education,” now it’s diagnosed as a brain defect (ADHD).  The result?  Medication is replacing moral training and why only in the United States?  Drug companies have become partners in profits and America has the 2nd Amendment.


Professional psychotherapy, with its underlying psychologies, is questionable at best, detrimental at worst, and a spiritual counterfeit at least. On one hand, there’s enough biblical and scientific evidence to shut down the secular psychology industry and with it the “Christian Psychology” industry. On the other hand, we’re not naïve enough to believe that the overwhelming amount of scientific evidence supporting its demise will be heeded by the majority of Christians. Doesn’t the Bible identify psychiatry as witchcraft?


The only solution for these school shootings is to get rid of the guns but not one PoohBah has zeroed in on the introduction of drugs into our classrooms. However, could that be next? Including “mental health” restrictions in background check for guns purchases opens up a Pandora’s Box. Jon Rappoport tells about the deranged psychiatrists becoming social justice warriors who are now giving children in poor neighborhoods Adderall, a dangerous medical stimulant by making a false diagnose of ADHD or no diagnoses at all. Their aim? “Promote Social justice” to improve academic performance in school.  The rationale is, the drugged kids will now be able to compete with children from wealthier families who attend better schools and guns will be eliminated.


Leading the way is Dr. Michael Anderson, a pediatrician in the Atlanta area. Incredibly, Anderson told the New York Times his diagnoses of ADHD are “made up,” ”an excuse” to hand out the drugs.  “We’ve decided as a society that it’s too expensive to modify the kid’s environment, so we have to modify the kid,” Anderson said.  It would be hard to find a clearer mission statement from a psychiatrist:  MIND CONTROL.

A researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Ramesh Raghavan, goes even further with his chilling comment. “We are effectively forcing local community psychiatrists to use the only tool at their disposal (to “level the playing field” in low-income neighborhoods) which is psychotropic medicine. So pressure is being brought to bear on psychiatrists to carry out and sustain a heinous behavior medication program, using drugs, against children in inner cities. It’s important to realize that all psychotropic stimulants, like Adderall and Ritalin, cause aggressive behavior, violent behavior.


In his 1985 book THE UNSEEN HAND by A. Ralph Epperson under the chapter on education says the new pattern of using the schools to MOLD THE CHARACTER THE GOVERNMENT WANTS has been furthered by a national union of school teachers, the National Education Association (NEA).( See Communist goals above.) In one of their reports, entitled “Education for the 70’s” the NEA wrote: Schools will become clinics whose purpose is to provide individualized psycho-social treatment for the student, and teachers must become psycho-social therapists. .   This will include biochemical and psychological mediation of learning, as drugs are introduced experimentally to improve in the learner such qualities as personality, concentration and memory.  Back in the 80s, foster parents were giving their foster children psychotropic drugs with the blessing of the Oregon legislature.


So, once again, such “experimentation” on children today which includes the use of the drug Ritalin to improve the behavior of certain students would not have been possible if Americans did not turn their children over to some neophyte, self- appointed would-be guru to be educated by them in the beginning.  Remember, the original schools in America were private, basically Christian where the children were taught by the parents or by the teacher hired by the parents. The original textbook was the Bible and all expenses were paid by parents.

What we are seeing here is a direct parallel to the old CIA program, exposed by the late journalist, Gary Webb, who detailed the importing of crack cocaine (another kind of stimulant) into South Central Las Angeles. It is widely acknowledged, and admitted in the Times article, that the effects of ADHD drugs on children’s still-developing brains are unknown. Therefore, the risks of the drugs are great. At least one leading psychiatrist, Peter Breggin, believes there is significant evidence that these stimulants can cause atrophy of the brain.  Deploying the ADHD drugs creates symptoms which may then be treated with compounds like Risperdal, a powerful anti-psychotic, which can cause motor brain damage. All this in service of “social justice” for the poor.

© 2018 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

Yester-Year Yearnings: Nostalgic Americana


It was once a favorite pastime for everyone in town

Anyone who drove down most Main Streets during the 1930s-1950s would likely find a neighborhood movie house with blinking bulbs and neon lights on its marquee. These social hubs, where rich and poor alike rubbed shoulders often stayed open seven nights a week and were owned by locals. Some seated a few hundred, while others boasted an upper balcony, just like the downtown palaces. During the Great Depression and during World War II, they collected scrap and sold war bonds. The cost of admission wouldn’t buy a bagel or cup of coffee today.

A medium-sized city could have more than a dozen neighborhood theaters with frequently changed showings. They had semi-exotic names like the Palace, Cameo, Globe, and Riviera. All showed second runs of films that first played downtown.

They called our local theater The Mermaid. To be sure, it was a far cry from Loew’s State Theater downtown with its palatial Indo-Persian-Chinese architecture. The Mermaid lacked marble stairs, a Tiffany chandelier, and uniformed ushers with flashlights–but it did offer a modest foyer with a box office flanked by colorful posters of coming attractions. Of course, posters also filled the outside glass cases. Many were colorful lithographs. Some now command fabulous prices at auction, such as The Black Cat(1934), $286,800; The Mummy(1932), $435,500; and Dracula(1931),(502,000).

People packed The Mermaid on weekends and most other nights. Lights dimmed around 6:30 P.M., which caused filmgoers to applaud and start devouring a box of Good & Plenty licorice or Chuckles jelly candy, washed down with soda pop. Matinees on Saturday were also a huge attraction.

The show opened with coming attractions, a cartoon, a cliff-hanger serial or Three Stooges comedy, and the latest newsreel. Comic book characters like Batman, The Phantom, and The Green Hornet made great action heroes in the serials. Two films followed–a low budget B movie and then the feature attraction from one of the big studios: MGM, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros. or RKO Radio Pictures. A frequent feature attraction was a Western with stars such as Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, or the iconic Hopalong Cassidy with their famous horses.

The lights went up around 10:30 P.M. and people walked home beneath street-lamps or stopped at an ice cream parlor for a sundae or milk shake and listened to the jukebox. Worrying about crime at these late hours was virtually unknown.

Neighborhood movie houses fizzled during the 1960s. Many were boarded up, gutted, or turned into bowling alleys, churches, or thrift shops. Even first-run houses downtown closed with the shift to shopping malls and shoe box size multiplexes that were cheaper to run with a greater variety of films, as the money-mongering mentality took hold.

TV, cable and videocassettes finished off the survivors.

The death spiral of the neighborhood theater was hastened by the types of movies incresingly being shown, which were unappealing or anathema to normal American mores and tastes. R-Rated, X-Rated, and unwholesome films proliferated. Off-color language, violence, sexual innuendo, base and morally repulsive themes, and inconclusive, ambivalent or unsatisfying endings with the “good-guys” not coming out on top began to dominate movie fare, signaling a propitious overall decline in interest in going to the movies. Even the normally wholesome and creative Walt Disney movies were going downhill.

When the neighborhood theatres closed, many mom-and-pop shops did likewise–thus ending an era of American small town life that was naturally communal, since alien and disruptive elements were absent.

As a character in the movie, “The Last Picture Show” says: “Won’t be much to do in town with the picture show closed”.

The refrains of the late Joe South’s tune, “Don’t it make you wanna go home?” reverberate in my mind.”

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular: sidsecular1@aol.com

“Lock Her Up” Wasn’t Just A Campaign Slogan

A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within…for the traitor appears not to be a traitor…he rots the soul of a nation…he infects the body politics so that it can longer resist.  —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Rex Tillerson Out, Pompeo In

On the 13th of March, 2018, Steve Goldstein, Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, was fired for contradicting the account of how Rex Tillerson was terminated. You lie to the media about how someone was fired in this administration and you lose your job!  That’s leadership! Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly notified Tillerson on Friday, March 9th of his imminent termination.

President Trump announced he was replacing Rex Tillerson with CIA Director Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State. In addition, the President revealed Deputy Secretary of the CIA Gina Haspel has been selected to replace Pompeo as Director.  It is troubling that John Brennan, former CIA Director under Obama, endorsed Haspel.  Brennan has lied, spied on Senate staffers, and has often leaked classified information to suit his own needs, not to mention the strong rumor that he converted to Islam.

Tillerson was initially chosen by those who headed up Trump’s transition team.  The task of selecting cabinet officials and key West Wing posts was in the hands of VP Mike Pence when Chris Christie was pushed aside.  Pence’s deep contacts with Republican establishment on Capitol Hill were seen as critical to navigating the transition, but many of us were not happy with the choices from the swamp.

The Secretary had supported Jeb Bush for President and donated to his campaign and super PAC. Those same establishment Republican moderates, Jeb Bush, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates all gave glowing endorsements of Tillerson.

Tillerson and the Iran Nuclear Deal

Wall Street Journal  “Tillerson Fired Over Rogue Bid to Save Iran Nuke Deal.  Efforts by Tillerson to save the Iran nuclear deal and ignore President Trump’s demands that the agreement be fixed or scrapped were the cause of months of disagreements between the State Department and White House.

The reason Tillerson was fired is that he was discovered to have been operating a rogue operation to save the Iran nuclear deal when Trump wants it either majorly fixed or scuttled. Tillerson was working with our “European allies” to see to it that Trump’s efforts met failure.

The president had a range of fixes that would tighten the deal’s flaws, but apparently Tillerson caved to European pressure to walk back the President’s demands and appease Tehran while preserving the deal.  He was undermining President Trump with European allies, and once Trump knew this, it was over for Tillerson.  With the uproar of the citizens of Iran wanting true freedom, this was absolute anathema to our President.

Constant Disagreements

Tillerson is also a big believer in climate change and Trump is not.  He had signed climate change provisions, including a commitment to the Paris Agreement.  The former secretary was also against the U.S. embassy being moved to Jerusalem.

Worse yet, Tillerson’s State Department confirmed  that it welcomed members of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), an umbrella organization that includes organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), to discuss Israel with Trump administration officials.  And there’s more.

Rex Tillerson had a number of significant policy and messaging disputes with the president, and every one of them was followed by a chorus of unnamed administration sources telling reporters that Tillerson’s ouster was imminent.

Secretary of State Tillerson betrayed our president’s trust and was terminated.  So why is Attorney General Jeff Sessions still employed?

Feckless Sessions and the Mueller Witch-hunt

As Roger Stone says, “Is it any wonder that once Jeff Sessions shamelessly recused himself from the Russia Collusion Conspiracy investigation and turned it over to his deputy Rod Rosenstein, that Rosenstein would reach out to his old mentor for help?  Rod worked directly under Mueller at the DOJ as far back as 1990.  When Comey was still working as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York, Mueller and Rosenstein were becoming thick as thieves.  Who is surprised when three of the top lawman fixers for the Clinton/Bush cabal desire the destruction of outsider Donald J. Trump.”

Rosenstein failed to restrict Mueller to the subject of Russian collusion, and Mueller along with his 16 Clinton-loving attorneys has delved into areas far exceeding what he was hired to investigate.  In fact, last year Rosenstein told lawmakers the special counsel handling the Russia investigation has “full independence.”  Really?  Now he’s said, “Bob Mueller is not an unguided missile.”  Like hell he isn’t!  That missile is targeting our President.

The House Intelligence Committee run by Chairman Devin Nunes and fellow Republicans, announced in a 150-page report that the committee is closing its investigation of the Trump Russia collusion story because after 73 witnesses and 300,000 hours, and pages of documentation, they haven’t a shred of evidence.  The Democrats dissented.  Why is Bob Mueller still functioning as special counsel, and why hasn’t Sessions shut him down?

Sessions’ DOJ has been so weak on real corruption that James Clapper will never be prosecuted for lying to Congress.  It’s been five years since the former spy chief lied to Congress about the NSA’s giant surveillance program, and the five-year statute of limitations for his crime has come to an end, guaranteeing him a peaceful retirement.  Clapper, director of national intelligence from 2010 to 2017, admitted giving “clearly erroneous” testimony about mass surveillance in March 2013, and offered differing explanations for why.

I’m all for Sessions going after sanctuary cities and illegal aliens, but he’s even failed there.  Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff (D) helped illegal immigrants convicted of crimes evade law enforcement, further endangering their communities, and endangering ICE agents.  Why isn’t this obstruction of justice?  And why hasn’t she been charged?  Nothing seems to happen with AG Sessions.  And think about those who have suffered at the hands of Obama’s DOJ and Mueller’s investigation because of Sessions’ spineless recusal, men like General Michael T. Flynn.

Obama and Fusion GPS

The recent Daily Caller article, “Obama [Hired] Fusion GPS to Investigate Romney.” exposes Obama’s hiring of Fusion GPS to investigate Romney during the 2012 campaign and dig up dirt on him. Obama’s campaign hid their payments to Fusion GPS through the law firm, Perkins Coie.  And this is the same way the Clinton campaign and DNC used to pay Fusion for the investigation of Trump during the 2016 campaign.

Obama, Hillary and Fusion GPS were investigating Romney, and then they created the Michael Steel Trump dossier, and Obama paid a million bucks to Perkins Coie to funnel the payment to Fusion GPS.

The Federalist discovered the Obama payments to Perkins Coie last October when the Washington Post first revealed that Hillary was paying the same law firm, to the tune of $12 million. So how come throughout the 2012 campaign nobody in the media ever thought of investigating whether Obama had used Perkins Coie the intermediary for their payments to Fusion GPS like Hillary did?

Records filed with the Federal Election Commission show that Obama’s “Obama for America,” the offshoot of Organizing for America PAC had paid nearly a million to Perkins Coie, same they paid in 2012 to destroy Romney.  [Link]

Obama/Clinton Collusion Ignored

Why are there no charges against Comey’s dereliction and leaks, Loretta Lynch, Hillary’s email scandal, Uranium One, pay to play, the Steele Dossier paid for by Clinton and the DNC via Glenn Simpson’s Fusion GPS, Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok’s plots against Trump and General Flynn, James Baker’s leaks, Strzok’s paramour Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr who worked for Fusion, Christopher Steele and the rest of the Obama Deep State traitors?  Why are there no indictments and prosecutions?

“Lock her up” wasn’t just a campaign slogan.  We meant it!

The Obama administration is responsible for all the spying and opposition research with Fusion GPS, and Hillary knew all about it.  And the funds all went through the Perkins Coie Law Firm, whose lawyers represented Obama and Hillary.  Therein lies the real collusion and corruption, but all is brushed aside to accommodate the targeting of our President, and the man responsible for allowing this to happen is Sessions.

Where is Trey Gowdy, Chairman of the Oversight Committee?  Gowdy is slow like a frog walkin’ regarding his investigation into the corruption in the DOJ and FBI, and it is apparent that he’s a fan of Mueller.  In a previous article I listed just a few of Gowdy’s statements lauding Mueller.

The documents requested from the DOJ and the FBI are coming in at a glacial pace.  Out of the 1.2 million documents the inspector general has, the committee has received less than 10,000 documents.

Trey Gowdy is the guy who brought us the 11-hour Hillary Clinton Benghazi saga, where she simultaneously played hero, victim and martyr, and Trey got nothing, he’s all bark and no bite.

Why No Second Special Counsel

On 6 March 2018, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Gowdy sent a blistering letter to Sessions and Rosenstein demanding a second special counsel to investigate Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses.  They specifically mentioned the anti-Trump dossier used in the FISA to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page, but it hasn’t seemed to go anywhere.

AG Sessions praised Asst AG Rosenstein the same day Rosenstein was identified in the FISA memo as one of the individuals who signed off on the slanderous FISA memo to spy on President Trump.

Gowdy and Goodlatte wrote that because the “decisions of both former and current Department of Justice and FBI officials are at issue,” they do not believe the DOJ is “capable” of investigating the “fact patterns in a fashion likely to garner public confidence.”

Rosenstein will never let this happen since his signature is on the FISA application which approved spying on Carter Page!  He doesn’t want to be investigated by a special counsel.

Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin also sent a letter to AG Sessions urging him to appoint a special counsel to investigate FISA abuses and how/why Hillary’s probe ended and Trump’s Russia probe began.

Sessions’ Weak Responses

Sessions told reporters that Inspector General Horowitz would investigate Obama’s FISA abuses!  But, IG Horowitz doesn’t have prosecutorial power and Sessions knows that.  The very day that Trump publicly and privately was raging about Sessions, the three top ranking officials in the Justice Department appeared together at dinner in a show of solidarity.

Deputy FBI Dir. Andrew McCabe was forced out because he was involved in an attempted coup against the United States and may face charges once the evidence is produced in an Inspector General report due out anytime now.

The FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility has recommended that McCabe be fired, but there has been no decision by Sessions to terminate the dirty cop on his staff and deny him the ill-gotten benefits of a pension. Chris Farrell says, “McCabe should be indicted, held in suspended animation on administrative leave until he can be indicted. He should not collect a penny of retirement, he shouldn’t be given lunch money.”  If Sessions does nothing and allows McCabe to continue to feed off of the American people then he’s again failing the trust of our President.  McCabe should have been fired the minute he was walked out the door.


We have no Attorney General, he’s been AWOL since he was signed in.  Who will keep the “Rule of Law” in this country if Sessions has recused himself from everything that needs prosecution and the Deputy AG is a close friend of Mueller whose only target is Trump?

It’s clear AG Sessions has no interest in getting to the truth about anything, just in presenting a facade that sort of looks like he’s not part of the deep state protecting the Obama-Clinton-Soros mobsters.

For a complete and thorough overview of this mess, read Joseph E. diGenova’s article, The Politicization of the FBI.  DiGenova would make a perfect U.S. Attorney General.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

America Has The Right To Rebuke Bad Trade Deals

Four over forty years the United States of America has been on the receiving end of being raked over the coals by numerous economic trading partners throughout the world.  It has not mattered whether friend or foe.  Just about every nation America continues to trade with enjoys a major trade balance in their favor at the expense the United States.  One must wonder, are United States trade negotiators for the most part not very bright?  Or are they so heavily influenced by the concept of international concerns that looking out for the best interests of their own republic is beyond their ability to comprehend?

Every time most media pundits opine about the current state of affairs regarding America her trading partners and adversaries, they without fail favor those nations that consistently take advantage of our America.  They have never once expounded about the literal economic disadvantage America consistently faces with 25 percent Chinese tariffs being levied against the two remaining United States based automakers. Toyota remains the number one auto producer in the world.  Not simply because they make the best cars.  Arguably American auto producers have closed the quality gap with foreign competitors.  But Toyota is free to produce and sell millions of cars in our country while enjoying a minimal tariff of around 3.5 percent maybe less.  Japan on the other hand slaps America with a ten percent tariff.  Our great buddy Japan makes it too expensive for most Japanese consumers to consider purchasing American automobiles by tagging on a seven percent import tax on U.S. motorcars.

I find it abysmal that many Americans make fun of our United States president, calling him nationalist and protectionist as if they are bad things.  Of course, the man is both nationalist and protectionist.  In fact, every American who has the sense to want what is best for their own country is technically a nationalist and protectionist.  I admit of being guilty and proud of being so.  Putting America first is not wrong or backwards.  For you folks who are proud internationalists, protecting our republic does not mean putting down or harming other societies.

Finally, we have a president who is doing his best to follow through on the pledges he made during his campaign for office.  That is most refreshing and when you think about it, like him or not president Trump is very trust worthy and what you see is what you really get.

What we will witness is an America that will soon shake off the self imposed shackles unwisely fastened upon our economy via stupid one sided trade agreements.  Those agreements benefited every nation in the world except this one.  Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continue to prove to be nothing but obstructionists against the Trump agenda designed to literally strengthen both America and her economy.  I rarely, if ever heard or read about either man complaining about or trying to slow down former president Obama’s effort to fundamentally change America into something that resembles a meager nation of lack.

With the departure of economic advisor John Cohn, Trumps critics openly condemned the president for “going to far” regarding trade negotiations.   They simply were satisfied with more of the same.  The departure of Cohn is a good thing, the democrat was not having any of the president standing up to trading partners and seeking a level playing field to help America.  Sometimes even a solution may come with a bit of temporary pain.  Of course, certain countries will squawk and belly ache.  After all, President Trump is upsetting the long standing worldwide tradition of basically screwing over our republic.  It is as if the world is saying how dare you even challenge us for taking advantage of you.

But if you take the time to talk to Europeans, many Asians or Mexicans they will eventually refer to how stupid they think Americans are because of what our government allows them to get away with.  All over the world, from Toronto to Tokyo, to Beijing and even Dublin, skylines are chock full of sky scrapers that were partially paid for with the trillions of dollars sifted from the United States through unfair trade practices.  Add in the Obama era regulations and taxes, the recipe for American disaster was cooking up the total hollowing out of our economic base.

Out of all the legacy manufacturing centers, Cleveland and Pittsburgh are the only two to make a noticeable transformation into centers of upstarts for new companies attracting millennials and in Cleveland’s case one of the world’s top medical hubs.  Both are also now experiencing a reasonable tourist trade. But Gary, Indiana, Youngstown, Ohio, Camden New Jersey and too many other cities still all bear the scars from the ravages of manufacturing that literally died and was resurrected in cities throughout Asia and Europe.

But just as the world grew accustomed to taking advantage of the United States of America, now they will gradually accept the new reality that or great nation is no longer available for being economically abused.  Feel free to partake of truth and fun via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 1:00 PM PST, 3:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM EST emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada,  www.shrmedia.com, www.americamatters.us call in and share your thoughts at 844.790.8255.  The Ron Edwards Experience is rebroadcast via www.talkamericaradio.us at 12:00 AM Saturdays and weeknights on www.freedominamericaradio.com at 9:00 PM EST, 6:00 PM PST.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Left Lies About Wikileaks And Attack’s Me For Speaking The Truth

In the 40 years that I have spent in American Politics, I have never seen a more hysterical lynch mob than the one at MSNBC, and other “Trump Hating” fake news sites. If you read the Washington Post, Salon or Vice, they would have you believe that I am on the verge of being indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for obtaining copies of the allegedly hacked DNC emails acquired and published by Julian Assange and passing them to Donald Trump and his campaign.

The drooling left-wing talking heads insist endlessly that Julian Assange, the publisher of WikiLeaks, is a Russian agent and WikiLeaks is a Russian front. Therefore, they reason that obtaining and passing such documents to Trump would be a treasonous crime.

There is only one little problem with this conspiracy theory. I never received anything from Wikileaks, or the Russians, or anyone else. I never sent Donald Trump anything. In fact, I never discussed the Wikileaks disclosures or allegedly hacked DNC emails with Donald Trump before during or after the election.

I testified for four hours before the House Intelligence Committee months ago, debunking this left-wing conspiracy theory. Unfortunately, although members of the Committee disparaged me in public session, I was only allowed to respond behind closed doors. Suggestions by the grumbling Democratic minority and amplified by Politico that my testimony was less than honest are completely and categorically false.

Last week someone on the staff of the House of Intelligence Committee leaked a carefully doctored and truncated screenshot of the direct message exchange I had with WikiLeaks. This material was long ago supplied to the House Intelligence Committee and even in its heavily edited form, proves yet again that I had no coordination or collaboration with WikiLeaks.

Unfortunately, virtually everything about this fake news fairy tale is wrong.

There is no evidence whatsoever that I had advanced notice of the source, content, or exact timing of the WikiLeaks disclosures that would so thoroughly rock Hillary Clinton’s campaign. There is no evidence whatsoever that I received any documents from WikiLeaks or Julian Assange, and quite obviously I could not pass on what I never had.

I never communicated with candidate or President Donald Trump regarding the WikiLeaks disclosures and the DNC emails, before, during, or after the election. The claim by the Democrats and some of their vicious handmaidens in the media does coincidentally jibe with the charges in a phony harassment lawsuit filed by an Obama approved front group, falsely accusing Donald Trump and me of receiving material hacked by the Russians and providing it to WikiLeaks (sound familiar?). The entire front line of Deep State criminals, including Ex-CIA head John Brennan and NSA perjurer James Clapper, filed an extraordinary ‘friend of the court” brief harping on Russian interference in our election… but never proved I had anything to do with it. Silly Rabbits!

The Greek chorus of left-wing fanatics led by MSNBC’s Ari Melber and whipped into a frenzy by over -the hill -Trump hater Tom Brokaw, the New York Times Michelle Goldberg and neocon Bill Kristol generate nothing but disinformation and lies. All of this hand-waving is designed to invite scrutiny of my records and activities by the office of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. No Russian…. or Wikileaks collusion will be found.

On January 20th, 2017, the New York Times reported in a page one story that I, as a longtime associate and advisor to Donald Trump, had been subject to a FISA warrant by which the FBI monitored my communications. The New York Times has never retracted this story, so I have operated under the assumption that all my communications including emails, text messages and phone calls have been monitored. They will yield no evidence of Russian collusion or collaboration with WikiLeaks or Julian Assange.

I essentially punked the Democrats and the media by carefully following the public pronouncements of Assange and WikiLeaks, mirroring them in my own postings. As Assange himself has said, Roger Stone never wrote or tweeted anything we hadn’t already said publicly.

This new assault on me is a naked attempt to twist the facts, because I so get under the skin of the “never Trump” media elites. It’s also meant to serve as a backdrop of lies for the harassment lawsuit that Donald Trump and I are fighting in front of a liberal judge in Washington D.C.

The Stone haters know that fighting this litigation, as well as dealing with any potential inquiries from the Special Counsel, will cause me hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional legal fees. Jousting with the House and the Senate Judiciary Committees racked up $497,000 in legal fees alone!

This harassment by the media and this expensive but bogus lawsuit are literally designed to bankrupt me and distract me from the coming fight by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Democrats in Congress to remove our President.

Clearly this is an attempt by the President’s critics to re-inflate their now discredited “Russian collusion theory.” They do this to distract from the growing evidence that the Obama Administration, the Obama Justice Department, and the FBI used evidence they knew was fabricated and paid for by Hillary Clinton/DNC. This was the basis for the phony rationale to “legally” justify spying by the State on the Republican candidate for President and his campaign.

I’m sure you have read about the decision by General Mike Flynn to sell his home in order to pay the mounting legal cost of his defense and his establishment of a legal defense fund. With these new attacks on my family, legal bills for an aggressive representation by my lawyers is projected to cost an additional $300,000. The Libtards are trying to bankrupt me.

I have been through many political battles and I have the scars to prove it. I stood with Donald Trump and his reform agenda from the beginning. I continue to believe that he has the courage, vision, and persistence to revitalize our economy, reduce our trade imbalance, seal our borders and rebuild our military strength.

As a strong supporter of the President and a friend to this cause, I hope you will consider a generous contribution to the STONE LEGAL DEFENSE FUND, set up to help defray my costs. The cabal of Liberal Democratic lawyers assembled by Robert Mueller have an unlimited budget of tax dollars and are unfortunately ungoverned because the most recent Special Counsel Law has expired. Under the expired law, Mueller would need the approval of a Federal three Judge panel to extend his investigation into any area beyond the narrow scope of his charge; “Russian Collusion.”

Mueller has a license to look at anything, and the Justice Department refuses to publicly disclose the size of his budget. It is safe to say that it has wasted millions and millions of our tax dollars.

Please help, contributions of any amount are deeply appreciated. I have three more grandchildren to put through college. This financial pressure on me and my family is part of the globalists plan to silence Donald Trump’s supporters and destroy his Presidency.

Their entire “Russian Collusion” narrative grows tedious. As a person who was drawn to politics by the fervent Anti-Communism of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, and whose own relatives were mowed down on the streets of Budapest in 1956, I have no illusions about the strident totalitarianism of the Russian system and the tough tactics of Vladimir Putin. At the same time, I think war with Russia over Syria would be yet another Neocon blunder. When a nation has thermos-nuclear weapons, I am a great believer in a dialog with them.

The indictment of 13 Russians including a caterer (which means Robert Mueller literally indicted a ham sandwich) who the Special Counsel knows will not be extradited from Russia to face trial is a joke. The somewhat inept and contradictory social media campaigns that have not been connected in any way to Donald Trump or the Trump campaign are not evidence of “Russian collusion.”

It was reminiscent of the “Show Trials” the Russians used to hold. More than half of the Russian money for internet promotions appeared to have been spent after the elections. At various times, they masked themselves as Anti-Trump, Anti-Hillary, Pro-Bernie Sanders and Pro Hillary, as well as sharing some Pro-Trump memes. Boris and Ivan were the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

The incredible progress President Donald Trump has made, considering the deep animus for him by the ruling elites of both parties and Washington’s Permanent Establishment, including our sadly politicized Intelligence Agencies are leaking and lying to spite Trump and screw the American people.

© 2018 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Federal Jury Convicts New York Gov. Cuomo’s Top Dem Staffer Of Corruption

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

The federal trial of Joseph Percoco, the former chief of staff of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, ended with the jury convicting the powerful New York Democrat Percoco on three felony counts of bribery and corruption. The close friends and political allies predict that the Cuomo-loving liberal will face as many as 20-years in prison.

During the trial that lasted a month and a half, prosecutors were able to reveal just how steeped in corruption Percoco was. The Buffalo News has the specifics on Percoco’s conviction.

Percoco was convicted of conspiracy to commit honest services fraud, conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud, and solicitation of bribes and gratuities in connection with a low-show job given to his wife by an energy company with a downstate power plant interest before the Cuomo administration. Percoco got nearly $300,000 in bribes through the scheme.

Another $35,000 came his way in 2014 from a Syracuse development firm while he was, for eight months, off the state payroll running Cuomo’s re-election campaign.

The prosecutors also focused on Percoco’s close relationship with Gov. Cuomo. The pair were apparently so close that Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Boone stated, “Getting a call from Percoco was like getting a call from the governor himself.”

The popular leftist Gov. Cuomo, while never charged with wrongdoing in this case or others involving his minions, had witnesses testifying that Percoco could lean on politicians and wealthy businessmen because of his closeness to Cuomo.  In fact, testimony entered at trial by defense and prosecution witnesses suggested how hard it would be for Cuomo to distance himself from the case.

“Gov. Cuomo, like his father Gov. Mario Cuomo who was a left-wing Democrat beloved by the vast majority of the anti-GOP news media. You’d have a better chance of convicting [former President] Bill Clinton of a crime than convicting any of the Cuomo men in New York,” said former police association attorney and labor leader Marcia Weingarten. “Unlike Hillary Clinton’s staffers who were protected by total immunity from the FBI, Percoco had no such accommodation,” Weingarten added.

The PERCOCO Bribery Scheme

U.S. Attorneys » Southern District of New York » News » Press Releases

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Southern District of New York

In the first scheme alleged in the Complaint, PERCOCO, who served as the Executive Deputy Secretary to the Governor between January 2012 and mid-2014, and again in 2015, is charged with abusing his official position and extensive influence within the Executive Branch of New York State (the “State”) by seeking and accepting bribe payments from executives at companies that were seeking benefits and business from the State, in exchange for PERCOCO’s use of his official authority and influence to benefit those companies. 

PERCOCO solicited the bribe payments from two clients of HOWE –the Energy Company and the Syracuse Developer – both of which had retained HOWE as a consultant to help them obtain official State action.  In email correspondence between HOWE and PERCOCO obtained through judicially-authorized search warrants, PERCOCO and HOWE referred to the bribe payments as “ziti,” a reference to a term for money used by the characters in the television show “The Sopranos.”

Bribes from KELLY and the Energy Company

The bribes paid to PERCOCO from the Energy Company were orchestrated by KELLY, the head of external affairs and government relations for the Energy Company.  Kelly conspired with PERCOCO and HOWE to funnel more than $287,000 in bribe payments from the Energy Company to PERCOCO and PERCOCO’s wife in exchange for PERCOCO’s official assistance for the Energy Company on an as-needed basis. 

As alleged in the Complaint: (a) State action was critical to the Energy Company’s business; (b) starting as early as 2010, KELLY provided personal benefits to PERCOCO, including expensive meals and a Hamptons fishing trip, in an effort to cultivate access to PERCOCO; (c) in response to KELLY’s requests for official State assistance, PERCOCO, who was experiencing financial difficulties at the time, requested that the Energy Company hire his then-unemployed wife; (d) in or around the end of 2012, KELLY caused the Energy Company to create a position for PERCOCO’s wife that paid approximately $90,000 per year while requiring PERCOCO’s wife to do little work.  In exchange for these payments, PERCOCO agreed to use his official position and influence, and did in fact use his official position and influence, to help the Energy Company with specific State matters as the opportunities arose.  Among other things, PERCOCO agreed to use his official position and influence to assist the Energy Company’s efforts to obtain (i) a valuable agreement from the State allowing the Energy Company to buy lower-cost emissions credits in New York for a power plant proposed to be built in New Jersey and (ii) a lucrative long-term power purchase agreement (the “PPA”) with the State guaranteeing a buyer for the power to be produced at a power plant proposed to be built in New York, which was expected to save the Energy Company approximately $100 million in development costs.

The Energy Company’s payments to PERCOCO’s wife were concealed in various ways to hide their true source.  KELLY ran the monthly payments to PERCOCO and his wife through a consultant who worked for the Energy Company in order to disguise the source of the payments.  KELLY also made sure that PERCOCO’s wife’s photograph and full name were not included in promotional materials for the Energy Company, and he falsely told his superiors at the Energy Company – on two separate occasions – that PERCOCO had obtained an ethics opinion from the Governor’s Office approving of PERCOCO’s wife’s employment with the Energy Company, when in fact no such opinion existed.  For his part, PERCOCO concealed the criminal scheme by failing to include the Energy Company as the source of payments on his State-mandated financial disclosure forms. 

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

National Geographic’s Orgy Of Guilt

Growing up, I used to love to page through my aunt’s National Geographic, grooving on the photos. These gave me the idea that the world was a wide and wonderful place, full of infinite variety. Somehow it never crossed my mind that I was Being A Racist.

But now, thanks to an “investigation” (good grief) by a University of Virginia professor, the new editor of National Geographic says she now realizes that “Our coverage was racist… for generations”. Oh, the pain.

Says the professor—really, what would we do without our colleges?—National Geographic wickedly presented a lot of people in Third World countries as “exotics, famously and frequently unclothed, happy hunters, noble savages—every type of cliché.”

The editor laments, “People of color [as we depicted them] were not often surrounded by technologies of automobiles, airplanes or trains or factories,” boo-hoo. And it was all because of Racism. It couldn’t possibly be, could it, that people in the Congo rain forest or the highlands of New Guinea in the 1950s didn’t actually have a lot of cars and planes and trains. Obviously they should have all been depicted as Connecticut commuters in three-piece suits.

To put it right, National Geographic next month will put out a special Apologizing for Our Dastardly Racism issue, owning up to all their racist sins since the magazine was founded in 1888. And promising never to do it again.

Do these people, even in their wildest imaginings, think anyone in the Andes Mountains or the Solomon Islands *cares* what National Geographic said about them in, say, 1925? Do they really think they’re that important?

But we are talking about liberals infected with the PC virus: that, or a group therapy session that has gotten out of hand. It’s not about what all those people in all those faraway countries think. It’s about what libs think of themselves and each other. It’s always about them, every single time. They moan and groan about how bad they used to be so they can brag about how good they are now. We’ve learned to call it “virtue signaling.” It’s supposed to impress us. And it’s certainly supposed to impress other liberals, who will get down-hearted when they find that they themselves can’t compete with the editors of National Geographic for the quality and quantity of past misdeeds. They’ll have to come up with something better than “I used to watch ‘Amos and Andy’ on TV.” Maybe hold another workshop about “White Privilege,” then go out and break some things.

The fact is that, once upon a time, there really were cannibals in New Guinea and headhunters in Borneo—as much as the Diversity mob now wishes to convince us that there weren’t. Somehow their definition of Diversity always works its way around to uniformity. It has to: the multicultural ideology insists that all cultures are equally good. Except ours, of course. They don’t like ours.

Today such pastimes as cannibalism and head-hunting are verging on extinction, thanks largely to the efforts of Christian missionaries and volunteer medics and teachers from the West. Their efforts are now augmented by those of home-grown missionaries, medics, and teachers, who can minister to the people in their own language—and are wise enough to understand that not every aspect of the indigenous culture has to be changed. Indeed, some of those home-grown missionaries have left home to venture abroad and minister to the peoples of the fallen West, trying to stanch the spiritual bleeding. It may yet prove that they got here just in time. Somewhere there’s an African Dr. Livingston trying to raise up the natives in the moral wilderness of England. He won’t find any headhunters, but he’ll find more than enough pagans to go around.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in a read a few posts. A single click will get you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Are The Young Males The Real Victims Of School Bullying?

I’ve been putting off writing this one for a couple of months.  I was hoping the gnawing in my conscience would go away if I simply outlasted it.

But I can’t.  At least not any longer. I have always found that speaking what was on my mind was the best pressure value…even if it raised the blood pressure of the readers. I would say that I am sorry, but that would be a lie.

Only the Truth can set you free…and I have a propensity for calling them as I see them.

With all of the howling going on in America today about bullying I find it ironic that much of it emanates from the Gestapo known as “public school teachers.”  There is nothing as dangerous to masculinity as the nine months most boys spend sitting under the thumb of the testosterone-tamers hell-bent on disconnecting boys from their natural male impulses.

I don’t care how politically correct it might sound but there are very few women capable of training a little boy how to be a man.  The 7 1/2 hours a day that a young male spends being trained exclusively by women is detrimental to their manhood.  I see it everywhere I look.

The inner city is especially dangerous.  Statistics indicate that nearly 70% of young African American males live in homes where there is no father present.  They are then shipped out the door to the local indoctrination center where 90% of the staff is female.  If, perchance, a young man finds himself in trouble he is rapidly dispensed to the Principal’s office where his unruly behavior is disciplined by…you guessed it…a female Principal.

For the super majority of young black men the first opportunity that he will have to be mentored by a man is when he steps foot on the athletic field.  That is, if he makes it that far without dropping out or being academically ineligible.

Finding a man in an elementary school is about as rare as finding an NRA member at a Hillary for President rally.  Is it any wonder the average American male has no idea what it means to “act like a man?”  Try as they might, most American women do not really understand what makes real men tick.  Our schools are full of “independent” women who finally have a chance to make men behave the way women want them to.

Save your catcalls.  Look around.  Have you noticed the number of millennial males still living with their parents long after they should have flown from the coup?  Have you noticed the propensity of men who are more interested in wearing skinny jeans than they are camo gear?

Who is training the boys?  Why is it so obvious that men are becoming less masculine and more compliant?  Our young men are being trained to be soft.  Getting in touch with your feelings is not an activity designed for men. Not all female teachers are bad for young guys but there is a serious assault on manhood in America and it is being led by the feminazis in our public schools.

I spent a career as a public school teacher/coach and I could tell you horror stories of the experiences that I had with women faculty whose sole purpose in life was to make the star football player bow to her every whim.  Many of the women HATED strong-willed teenage boys and they did the best they could to bully the testosterone right out of them.

I remember the day when young men were taught “man-up” and take responsibility for their lives.  Today to even use the term “man-up” is to be accused of being misogynistic. It is hard to turn him into a man when he is being punished for acting like one.  Males…the natural leader type…do not respond well to the badgering of bossy women.  Often the teachers are more interested in teaching the young man WHO is boss than showing him how to BE the boss.

I always tell the men in my life that you are born a male but you are a man by choice.

Dang, I bet I am making a lot of Jezebels mad today.  Spare me the emails.  Don’t waste your time trying to put me in my place.  I know my place and it is not under the thumb of a bossy woman.

Today was another fine example of it.  All across America students walked out of their school in protest of guns.  I happened to be speaking at a public school today as the walkout took place and I asked the class that I was addressing if there was going to be a walkout the next day in support of gun ownership.  They looked at me as if I had just passed gas.

“Aren’t there any of you in this class that support gun ownership?”  A beaten-down young feller in the corner of the room raised his hand halfway into the air.

“Great!” I exhorted him! “When are you going to organize the I-support-guns-walkout?  You certainly aren’t they only student at this school that supports guns?  Does anyone else support guns?”  I asked.  A few more male hands crawled cautiously in the air.

“So who is going to go to the principal and organize a gun rally?  I’ll join with you!”

No takers.  They were all afraid to express how they really felt.  The bossy girls in the class were too busy putting them down for caring about guns more than their classmates.

Strong American males are a vanishing species in this nation and I am not afraid to point out that decades of being trained by women has born a heap big pile of rotten fruit in the hearts of the once valiant American male.

No wonder we have seen an avalanche of pornography pour over this nation as young men struggle to find their way in this feminist driven society in which we live.  At least when the young guys are viewing porn they don’t have to deal with the lady on the screen putting down their every move.

My guess is that the gun marches at schools all across America today were organized by women…or men who act like women.

Laugh if you want to.  Call me names if that is how you normally talk to men.  But men get it.  They are just too demoralized to fight.   I wonder how many of the school shooters had a strong man in their lives?

Men who understand true Biblical masculinity are a vanishing breed.  There is no group more bullied than the young American male.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Solutions For Killing Our Kids Across America: It Will Play Out Badly

Part 2: How to solve all our social problems, killings, drugs, murders, mass shootings, mental illness, et al.

In part 1, we discussed all the ills of poor parenting, disrespectful kids, epidemic cell phone addictions, drug addictions, wars, video violence, TV violence, movie violence—and mounting ills besetting America.

How do you solve all those mega problems affecting kids and parents in our big cities?  Answer: you don’t.  Those problems and more will simply play out in all the negatives ways humans express themselves.

First of all, you must remember that we’ve turned our once essentially homogenous society at 90 percent European-Americans in 1965 into everybody else’s country with an added 100 million immigrants and their children since 1965. We have another 20 million illegal aliens operating underground in America and millions of the anchor babies. We lost our culture, language and ethos.  We multiculturalized and diversified ourselves into a pluralistic quagmire.  No chance to undo it or alter it or change it for the better.

Today, we see a majority of inner city kids flunking out of high school by age 16 and sooner. We see illiteracy rates exploding off the charts to as high as 78 percent in Detroit, Michigan. Much the same for Chicago and Los Angeles.  Those illiterate kids move into drug gangs, shoplifting gangs and gun battles.

As the violence in the cities accelerates, more and more Americans flee to smaller cities, quieter states and racial enclaves.  Detroit, Michigan showed us what happens when minorities take over and take a city down.

As high schools become more racially conflicted and/or religiously conflicted as in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Dearborn, Michigan with Moslem numbers exploding—watch for Sharia Law mandating in those Allah enclaves.  It’s as natural as rain for ethnic groups to find power in numbers and power in their religious sects.  If you remember, Pakistan once belonged to India, but the Moslems broke away to form their own enclave.  Look at Lebanon’s disintegration over a 30 years period of Moslem immigration.  Look at Europe’s countries falling one by one to Islamic violence.

This kind of fracturing advances on America as surely as the coming of the dawn.  Every sociologist on the planet tells us that multiculturalism and diversity do not work, cannot work and will not work anywhere at any time.  It’s going to play out in conflict.  Read Thomas Chittum’s book:  Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America.

As to drunk drivers, kids overdosing and the opioid addiction epidemic. No way to stop it because Big Pharma makes too much money to buy off Congress.  Alcohol companies make too much money to allow stronger laws to stop drunks from driving.  Follow the money.  We shall see tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of deaths from those big three addictions.  It will play out for those hooked on those drugs.

You can bet the U.S. Government and all of Congress continue these wars and plan for new wars.  We got duped into Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Desert Storm. We’re duped into continuing in Afghanistan.  The American people don’t care, don’t vote and remain too lazy to raise their voices against endless wars—that they fund. An all-volunteer Army makes it easy to continue those wars.

Can we stop all the TV, movie and video violence?  Can we demand decency and ethics on TV?  Nope!  Too few care and most don’t give a tinker’s dam.  That’s why it will continue.

How about school shootings?  We will see more school shootings and mass killings because a percentage of parents fail to actually parent their children into becoming responsible, accountable and reasonable adults?  Again, average American male watches 4.1 hours of TV, seven days a week.  His kids?  They thrive on their video, violent games or texting on their smart phones.

The drunken driving and texting deaths will continue because most people won’t lift a finger and Congress proves itself as corrupt as most state legislatures.

Will someone step in to help African-Americans with redundant jobs to fit educational levels with livable wages? Will someone work to distribute and teach birth control to all those illiterate inner-city blacks, poor whites and Hispanics.  Not a chance!   U.S. taxpayers will continue to foot the bill not only for those illegitimate babies, but 350,000 anchor babies annually birthed by 350,000 illegal pregnant women who violate our borders annually.  Why?  Nobody gives a hoot

How about death of our big cities?  That will continue. One look at Chicago, Las Angeles and Miami shows that law-abiding, peaceful Americans flee those multicultural nightmares where everyone speaks a different language, professes different-incompatible cultures and no one thinks like an American.

Where will those fleeing Americans go?  They will continue to enclave away from the big cities in small towns, mostly in northern areas like Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and eastern Washington State.

How about proper nutrition and eating correctly?  We’re so fat and obese across America today that we set in place a new junk-food paradigm that will continue until everybody grows too sick to function. We’ll be piling up on the hospitals beyond comprehension.   Coke: Open a Bottle of Happiness.  Big Mac, Coke and fries—our new basic food group. Don’t forget pizza!

As the cities become unsafe, they face degradation toward third world conditions.  As I’ve said before, corruption is a mechanism by which third world countries operate. They eventually fail.  Thus, look for more American cities to be overtaken by crime, failing schools and social chaos.

You’ll see more and violent demonstrations by Black Lives Matter, Moslem Brotherhood, La Raza and Antifa along with dozens of other unhappy ethnic groups. Watch the Moslems push for Sharia Law across every city they dominate.  It’s already taken over London, England with a Moslem Mayor and over 150 Sharia Courts and 50 Sharia councils.

What can you do?  Prepare to move your family to smaller towns in rural America away from big cities without welfare departments.  Prepare for jobs to maintain your community.  Give your kids the best chance of succeeding outside of big cities.  At this point, I don’t think enough Americans understand what’s coming in the next 10 to 20 years, and most don’t engage a plan for surviving the kind of chaos imploding those big cities.

Remember, within 10 years, we remain on course to import another 35 million foreigners into America from all over the world.  Within 20, it will be 70 million, and by 2050, a total of 138 million more people will be added to America at the current immigration, birthrates and refugee’s incoming.

America will never again be like those epic Norman Rockwell paintings. It will never again enjoy a single ethos.  It will never again enjoy Americans pulling in the same direction to make our country flourish. You’re going to watch all the big cities flounder in sociological, linguistic, religious and ethnic conflict.  It’s coming just like the Titanic headed for New York Harbor.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Chaos, How Could It Be Otherwise? Americans Do Not Believe Their Own Message

“…they overpass the deeds of the wicked” -Jeremiah 5:28

Church scandals, political scandals, media propaganda, war, sex trafficking, kidnappings, illegal immigration, etc. (1 Timothy 1:8)

Chaos, how could it be otherwise? (Psalm 9:16)

The American people are subjecting themselves yet again to the injustices (crimes, sin) and the transgressions of God’s moral law (1 John 3:4) that are being perpetrated upon them by magnifying the crimes rather than the law against the crimes (Isaiah 59).

Police, who are to enforce the law against crimes, have on their cars “Peace officers” (Matthew 5:9).

Yet, no matter how many times nor how many different ways I go back to the Word of God and show the American people the answer to the injustices taking place and how the law applies to ALL of us, regardless of the capacities in which we are occupied, for some reason or another, and without fail, people will always fall back into the old cycle of talking about the branches (lawlessness-injustices) on the tree rather than laying the axe to the root of the tree (bringing about judgment to establish peace) and taking it down (Luke 3:9).

Headline news in America:

Chaos, how could it be otherwise, Americans? (Jeremiah 6:6)

First things first, the very first Scripture in the Satanic Bible is “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” – Aleister Crowley, Satanic priest

Yet, God commands otherwise! Thou shalt not! Not because He hates, but because He loves (Exodus 20; Psalm 19:11; Galatians 3:24).  It is always wise for us to do what God commands for our own good (Deuteronomy 4:6).

God gave His law because He loves, and we know that love is the fulfilling of the Law (Romans 13:8-14). Love does not allow the sin (crime) to be committed upon yourself or against your neighbors (Leviticus 19:17).

[YouTube Video]

When you live in a country where 78% of the people profess to be believers (Christians), and looking around at what is seen in America today, one can only come to the realization that they do not really believe their own message (1 John 2:4).

The American Church: These “unbelievers” are guilty before the Judge of all the earth, and have ignorantly advocated that which God clearly condemns (Micah 3:5; John 7:7).

They destroy moral law, which Jesus magnified, through omission and ignorance and call it grace, which in truth is not true grace at all (Matthew 5:17).

Furthermore, the American Church believes that it is somehow the mercy of God to allow corruption to reign in the place of justice and judgment (Jeremiah 9:24; Psalm 9:16, 89:14, 97:2) when the opposite is true.  What is the fruit?  The fruit is a “feigned” or “counterfeit” compassion for the criminal rather than the victims themselves (1 Peter 1:22).

[YouTube Video]

King David prayed:

It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.” (Psalm 119:126)

And the people then stand back in apathy and wonder why “…judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off…” (Isaiah 59:14)

[YouTube Video]

This is the same American Church that promotes a false and “licentious” “grace” (Jude 1:4; Romans 3:31) day in and day out without shame or remorse (Jeremiah 6:15) because they have never been to the cross (Acts 20:21; 2 Corinthians 7:10).

Grace is defined, in part, is unmerited favor. Yet, in keeping with the heart of the Gospel, those that are forgiven much also love much!  With their eyes on the cross of Calvary (Galatians 3:1), those that truly love the Lord understand the price paid for their redemption. Upon comprehension, they will then live for Him who died for them (2 Corinthians 5:15) and will tolerate nothing which offends.

[YouTube Video]

If their message is true to Scripture, why then is sin abounding over the Scriptural grace that is to abound over sin?

“But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” -Romans 5:20

Where is the grace?

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines grace as:

“Favorable influence of God; divine influence or the influence of the Spirit, in renewing the heart and RESTRAINING from sin” (Ephesians 2).

Chaos, how could it be otherwise?

The Government: Where representatives of the American people have taken on the position of the employer rather than the employee, while tearing down the U.S. Constitution and its enumerated laws rather than upholding them as they swore an oath to do so are, at length, destroying our very freedoms.

How many times do American clergy and politicians need to be exposed before they are held accountable to the laws in which they are to magnify?

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

Chaos, how could it be otherwise?

Let me show you the otherwise….

“Hearken (Listen carefully) unto Me, my people; and give ear unto Me, O my nation: for a law shall proceed from Me, and I will make My judgment to rest for a light of the people. My righteousness is near; My salvation is gone forth, and Mine arms shall judge the people; the isles shall wait upon Me, and on Mine arm shall they trust.” (Isaiah 51:4-5)

“When thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” (Isaiah 26:9)

“But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.”

So then, the question falls to each and every one of us, who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? (Psalm 94:16)

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

What Happens When The People Cease Being Sovereign?

It is highly illuminating, if not wholly alarming, that one man was able to “sell” to a significant segment of the German people, his twisted vision of German pride.  We find some parallels to our own American political evolution over the last 80 to 100 years.  One of those parallels is the coincidence of the rise to power by Hitler and President Roosevelt (FDR) at precisely the same time, with some very similar economic and political events taking place in both countries.  The Great Depression affected most of the world’s economies.

Many were going hungry and had nothing to lose to subscribe to a political philosophy that would fill their bellies, or their national fervor.  Even though Hitler despised Karl Marx’s socialism and vowed to eliminate it from the German culture, what he created was a socialist dictatorship.  FDR did much the same thing, except that he created a socialist democracy that we live with today.  The idea of the people being SOVEREIGN with individual rights went right out the window.  Meanwhile, those that knew better in both countries, looked the other way.

Here are a few of the planks of the Nazi Party and its influence on the state, taken from the following link.  http://www2.dsu.nodak.edu/users/dmeier/Holocaust/hitler.html.   Some of the similarities between these planks and what exists in America’s Progressive political ideology today are very troubling.  (Any emphasis in these planks are ours)

The State

The state is born out of the necessity of ordering the community of the People in accordance with certain laws. Its characteristic attribute is power over every branch of the community. The state has the right to demand of every racial comrade [Peoplesgenosse] that he live according to the law. Whoever violates the laws of the state will be punished. The state has officials to execute its laws and regulations. The constitution of the state is the basis for its legislation. The state embodies power! In the state men of different opinions and different outlook can live beside each other. The state cannot demand that all men be of the same opinion. It can, however, demand that all men observe its laws.

The Party

In contrast to the state, the party is the community of men of like opinion. It is born out of the struggle for an ideology. In order to survive this struggle, it gathered together all men who were prepared to fight for this ideology. The ideology is the basis of the order in accordance with which men live within the party. While in the state laws are considered as pressure, obstacles, and difficulties by many citizens, the laws of the party are no burden but rather signify the will of the community. In the state the characteristic is the must; in the party the I will. 

III. The Functions of the Party and the State  

(a) It is conceivable that party and state are one and the same thing. This is the case when all racial comrades are converted to the ideology of the party and the laws of the state are the clear expression of the will of the ideology. Then the state becomes the great community of men of like opinion. This ideal situation will only seldom be attained in history. It is, in fact, only conceivable if this ideology is the only basis for the inner attitude and takes complete possession of the people….

(b) omitted…

(c) If the People are not impregnated by the party and its ideology, the party and the state must remain separate. The party will then be an order in which a select group of leaders and fighters is found. The ideology will be carried to the People by these fighters. The party shall prepare public opinion and public desire so that the spiritual condition of the People shall be in accord with the actual legislation of the state.  

Therefore it does not suffice for the party to be an elite, a minority, which is bound together in unity. The party has rather the task of accomplishing the political education and the political unification of the German People. It accordingly is charged also with the leadership of its associated organizations. In the course of this leadership the party fulfills its primary task: the ideological conquest of the German People and the creation of the “Organization of the People.” The state is a technical instrument to assist in the creation of this community of the people. It is the instrument for the realization of the ideology. The party is, therefore, the primary which constantly refills dead material with life and the will to life….

In America today, the ideological conquest of its people is being conducted in a similar manner.  Socialism, radical environmentalism and multi-culturalism, under the banner of Progressivism, are being “sold” (propagandized) on the basis of “the common” or “the collective“, without regard to the individual, or constitutional rights.  Under this new paradigm, “the common” and “the collective” have a greater priority than the individual, or the foundation of our laws, the U. S. Constitution.  (Hitler voided Germany’s constitution when he took power)  The three ism’s we have described are being forced on the American people by government edict, constant repetition in the print and electronic news media and institutionalized in our entire educational system, for the sole purpose of control, enslavement and domination of the people.  The man-caused global warming myth is an all-too-glaring example.  Grossly negligent control of our borders and amnesty for illegal aliens are another.

In furtherance of this process, these ism’s (like the UN’s Agenda 21) are being codified into American law by presidents and lawmakers who have taken on the mindset of protecting “the collective” from all dangers, real or perceived, at any cost to the people, or their individual rights.  There is no free choice as granted by our Constitution, only the mandates of the “state”.  (See the description of the Nazi “State” above.  Notice the similarities.)

The German and Japanese people paid dearly for their apathy, as did the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, today, Americans who should know better, are looking the other way, in abject apathy and indifference.

We have been and are at the crossroads of what the German people faced in early 1933.  Will we allow history to repeat itself, or will we make a course correction before it is too late because the people, who should know, were looking the other way?  WE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America can determine our future and the future peace of the world, if and only if we believe we are Sovereign.  We will only be the drivers of our future if we have the will, the strength, the courage, the multitudes and the resources to defend constitutional freedom and liberty.

America has a unique responsibility.  If we shrink from the battle our enslavement is all but assured.  The rest of the world is looking to the free peoples of America to show the way.  The question is, will we, or will we, and the rest of the world, pay dearly for America’s collective apathy and indifference?

Our Founding Fathers knew full well what can happen to government over time if the citizens aren’t paying attention.  They warned us repeatedly of the dangers.  In fact, Thomas Jefferson said:  “Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”

Later, in 1837, Daniel Webster said this: “…There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow.  Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter.  From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. I must confess that I do apprehend some danger.  I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.” 

Even with all these warnings, the predictions of these visionaries have come to pass and we will pay dearly for our apathy and indifference, unless ………………… we make the necessary and gut wrenching sacrifices to restore freedom and liberty and return America to its designed destiny as a Constitutional Republic.  There is still time.

Time always runs forward.  It has no backward component, unless somehow we invent time travel.  What has taken place IS and no matter how hard we try, history will record it for all to see.  If we have made a mistake, in some cases we can reverse it.  In others, reversal is simply impossible and all we can do is pay for the mistake.

But what if governments make mistakes?  They very rarely pay for it because their money is our money.  And they very rarely apologize for it, because they don’t have to.  They just promote the perpetrator, or they appropriate more of our money to pay for the mistake, while we stand in docile compliance of their audacity.

Now that we have been fully immersed in socialism and radical environmentalism for four score and ten, is there any hope of undoing what has been done, when so many of American citizens have forsaken freedom and liberty in exchange for the phantom veil of security and comfort?  How can we turn back the clock to a time when Americans were self-reliant instead of dependent; when Americans were responsible for their actions; or when the rule of law meant something; or when there were individuals with individual rights; or when the people looked to themselves to get out of a scrape instead of holding their outstretched hands to a nanny government for rescue and salvation?

How can we unravel the tangled web of razor wire that is our legal, way-too-expensive and unjust justice system?   How do we convince lawmakers that what they are doing is sapping the very strength and vitality out of our people by being everything for them and regulating every aspect of their lives?  How do the people undo the power that our government has amassed by violating the constitutional limits on its powers for over a hundred years, while WE THE PEOPLE have looked the other way?

All the talk, all the rhetoric, all the articles in the world will not turn back the clock to the time when all Americans were SOVEREIGN.  Either the believers and fighters in the defense of freedom and liberty coalesce as one on a grand scale, or the hands of the American clock will click ever onward towards abject socialism, radical environmentalism and the one world order.

The clock’s inertia is over 100 years old.   The Pendulum of America’s clock swings ever wider towards enslavement, as freedom smiles from a distance and then fades into a dim memory of all things past.  The only human characteristics that will set things right and return this once-great land to its former greatness is for the people to believe and act as SOVEREIGNS.  Nothing less will turn back the clock of time, or jump it forward to a brighter future in the brilliant light of freedom and liberty, from which the pursuit of all happiness springs.

Traitors within, who haunt the halls of government, have bewitched us and taunted the devil within them and us.  The traitors bring servitude instead of freedom, security instead of liberty, and dependence instead of self-reliance.  We must be forever on our guard to prevent the traitor from convincing us that we are but victims and are in constant need of our father-mother government to watch out over us.  Even 2,000 years ago, wise men knew the evils of the traitor within and the devil that stalks freedom in the night and in the back rooms where ambitious men lay the seeds of slavery for all.

The clock is ticking as liberty seeks men who are willing to lay it all on the line to limit the power of government, so that freedom may enter and remain in the hearts and minds of all people forever and government fears the people, instead of the other way around.  What we have in America today is “What Happens When The People Cease Being Sovereign.”


© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

The Vitriolic Dialogue Of Federal Gun Restrictions Continues

Three weeks ago, I discussed how school shootings have become a monstrous epidemic. I also discussed the overshadowed slaughter of American infants that number in the thousands per day.

Last week, I discussed federal gun control restriction laws that are, in fact, breaking the law – not making the law.

Currently, the Trump administration, along with his unconstitutional Department of Education, are coming up with a plan unauthorized by the Constitution that will provide funding to states for improved background checks of gun buyers and fire arms training for teachers in government schools. In order to further his pandering of the gun lobby, Newsmax.com reported the president “has refused to increase age restriction for so-called assault weapons. Instead, a new federal commission school safety will examine the age issue, as well as a long list of other topics, as part of a longer term look at school safety and violence.”

So just where does the president, or Congress for that matter, get the authority to provide funding to state education infrastructures? The answer? Nowhere. The Constitution grants no such authority and there is a specific reason for this.

Ask yourself the question, when has the federal government ever stopped or prevented a school shooting? How can DC bureaucrats effectively keep nearly 100,000 schools safe?

Because they are best equipped, our Founders intended the state and local government agencies to handle these types of circumstances. Your State and sheriffs’ department are the only agencies to this day that are constitutionally authorized to deal with prevention of tragedies inside of the respective states.

How do I know this? Because I have read the Constitution, and nowhere in Article 2 (which defines the powers of the president) is there any executive authority to administrate a Department of Education, or to appropriate funding to any agencies of the government or schools. Furthermore, Article 2 does not grant the president any authority to provide firearms training for teachers. He is to be the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces alone.

To put a finer point on it, you will find nowhere in Article 1, Section 8, authority delegated to Congress to tax and spend for education or school firearms training.

The solution is to keep federal government entanglement out of state school systems and state law enforcement. Allowing the states to handle these critical areas will bring swifter, cost effective, and safer solutions because they are more equipped to deal with their own backyard.

George Washington in his Farewell Address, cautioned Americans that, “If, in the opinion of the People, the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.”

If the President, Congress, the States, or the American population believes the federal government should assume the aforementioned powers that reside in the States, then they should be working to amend the Constitution, NOT usurp the Constitution.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

#Metoo Community Activist Revives The 1972 Equal Rights Amendment

Since the women are the ones who bear the babies, and there’s nothing we can do about that, our laws and customs then make it the financial obligation of the husband to provide the support. It is his obligation and his sole obligation. And this is exactly and precisely what we will lose if the Equal Rights Amendment is passed. —Phyllis Schlafly

In 2014, Justice Antonin Scalia said, “I certainly would not want a Constitutional Convention. Whoa! Who knows what would come out of it?”  Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg then weighed in with the tiresome complaint of the feminists. Her first choice for a constitutional change, she said, would be the addition of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

Today there are five pro-abortion justices on the Supreme Court.  Several past and present justices have signaled in written opinions their willingness to use sex discrimination to strengthen abortion rights. Some of the states with Equal Rights Amendments have already used it to mandate Medicaid funding for abortions (our tax dollars at work) and overturn abortion restrictions.

Justice Anthony Kennedy will be 82 this July, and Justice Ruth Ginsberg will turn 85 on March 15, 2018.  If they were to retire and President Trump appointed two conservative justices like Scalia, originalists and textualists, we would have a much better chance of receiving constitutional interpretations and decisions from the top court.

As for this new Equal Rights Amendment, it needs to be stopped, and their first target is the State of Illinois.

The Original 1972 ERA Battle

Phyllis Schlafly was right about the proposed ERA some 46 years ago.  Everything she claimed it would do was exactly true and has now been passed in many states by the liberal courts rather than through an amendment.  The original amendment said neither the federal government nor any state could abridge or deny any right on the basis of sex, and its ratification seemed imminent. Both parties supported it, including President Nixon, and it passed the Senate in 1972 with 84 votes. [Link] By 1975, 35 of the necessary 38 states had passed it in their legislatures.

Illinois was not one of the states who passed the ERA, even though bordering states, like Indiana and Wisconsin, had done so. When it became clear that not enough states could accomplish this within the original time allotted, Congress extended the deadline to June of 1982. This deadline was debated and five states voted to recall their ratification of the ERA:  Nebraska, Tennessee, Idaho, Kentucky, and South Dakota.

In Illinois, ERA activists fought until the “bitter end.”  It died in the 1980s even with its now-declared dubious constitutional extension.  The 35 states that had enacted the proposed amendment did not concur with the extension.

I was still living in Illinois at the time, and in 1973, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles waged the battle against this vile bill in my state, and it lasted for ten years.  We had pamphlets, booklets, STOP ERA pins, and we worked through our state legislators, just as we’re doing today to stop another Constitutional Convention.

When feminists were trying to get the ERA passed in the 70s, actor Telly Savalas said, “I don’t understand these women. We give them a hundred percent of everything we have and now they’re fighting for fifty percent.”  Telly had a point, but today’s ERA is far more insidious than the first one.

Phyllis Schlafly said, “A lot of people don’t understand what feminism is. They think it is about advance and success for women, but it’s not that at all. It is about power for the female left. And they have this ridiculous idea that American women are oppressed by the patriarchy and we need laws and government to solve our problems for us.”

#MeToo Behind ERA Revival

#MeToo started in October 2017 as a hashtag used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.  It followed soon after the public revelations of sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein.  Do I believe all these women? No, I definitely do not, because this is another part of the destruction of Christianity and the American male.  Social activist and community organizer Tarana Burke created the phrase “Me Too” on social networks

Burke is also the Senior Director of the non-profit, Girls for Gender Equity.  Scroll to page nine of their 2016 990 for their government grants.

Burke is a Democrat American civil rights activist, and those who have joined her activism include #MeToo lawmakers who have slept with colleagues to get information out of them.  Democrat Assemblywoman Bell Gardens allegedly spoke graphically about her encounters, and allegedly urged fellow lawmakers to play “spin the bottle” after a political fundraiser. Link  This is the ilk promoting the poorly written new ERA.

The new ERA bill will do nothing to stop sexual harassment or assault, but what it will do is eliminate rights women have always had, harm our unborn children, and eliminate protections unique to women.

The Current ERA Agenda

Supreme court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as an ACLU attorney wrote that the original ERA would strike down over 800 federal laws that favor one gender over the other. Link  Widows will lose Social Security benefits from their deceased husbands, age of consent and parental notification laws will be eliminated, as well as single-sex bathrooms and changing rooms.  Sound familiar?

Past Illinois lawmakers voted this down 13 times, and we need to do it again.  This new bill, like the old ERA, mentions nothing about equal pay or equal rights. It is very poorly written.

In Frontiero v Richardson, Justice Ginsburg agreed with Justice Brennan’s opinion that American men put women, “not on a pedestal, but in a cage,” and that “throughout much of the 19th century the position of women in our society was, in many respects, comparable to that of blacks under the pre-Civil War slave codes.”

Today’s ERA is even more vile than the 1972 original.  Remember, the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, legalized abortion by a 7-2 vote. Six of the seven justices in the majority were Republican appointees.

Their new agenda is to 1) codify gay rights and abortion in the constitution and 2) drastically change the military.  The left wants to make us into a unisex society.

This new ERA would expand abortion rights from conception to birth and eliminate states’ laws against Rule 766 taxpayer funding for Medicaid abortions.  The rationale used is that men have access to medical care for issues unique to them, thus women should have the same availability, including abortion on demand.  Both Connecticut and New Mexico have ruled that under the ERA, the regulation prohibiting Medicaid funding discriminates against women, and especially poor women.

Supporters Agree ERA Expands Abortion Rights

Excerpts from amicus court briefs by the National Organization of Women (NOW) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) can be viewed here.  (Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem were on the front lines promoting the original ERA.)  These ERA supporters and abortion advocates agree that the ERA expands abortion rights and will permit Medicaid funding for abortions.

In fact, using ERA sex discrimination logic, scholars have stated that the ERA would eliminate all abortion regulations and restrictions, including partial-birth abortions.  It would also provide a new federal constitutional basis for abortion rights. Rather than Roe v. Wade privacy rights, the ERA would insert into the U.S. Constitution a right to abortion based on sex discrimination and would provide a legal basis for overturning abortion regulations and restrictions in all 50 states.

Conscience protections would be eliminated for hospitals, physicians, and nurses who do not want to participate in abortions.  Add to that the overturning of the Hyde Amendment, (which has not become a permanent law) and the threat of losing tax exemptions for private religious schools that discourage abortion.

ERA Drastically Harms Women

In the 18 states that have passed state ERAs, there have not been any benefits for women.  In fact, women have been harmed.  In Maryland a husband could no longer be required to support his dependent wife.  In Pennsylvania, a father was exempted from support for his minor children, and a husband’s legal responsibility for his wife’s medical costs was nullified.  Again, in Pennsylvania, gender-based automobile insurance rates were disapproved by the state insurance commissioner due to a claim of sex discrimination.  Women now have to pay the same higher rates as men even though statistically they have better driving records.

There’s far more.  Forget about:

  • Special workplace accommodations for pregnant women.
  • Separate women’s correctional facilities.
  • The Women Infants and Children Program (WIC).
  • Social Security benefits for stay-at-home mothers based on their spouse’s income.
  • Exemption for women for military draft and compulsory front-line combat.
  • Laws that support women for alimony, child support, and the exemption of a wife having to pay her husband’s debts even if he deserts her with children to support.
  • Gender designations for bathrooms, locker rooms, hospital rooms.


The feminists want to get Illinois passed and they have hopes that it will move to three other states, Virginia, North Carolina, and Oregon. If they get Illinois and one other, they are going to go full force with public relations saying the ERA is “retroactively” passed.  Untrue, but they will try it and it will create unbelievable problems.

Check your state, watch for it, because this ERA is devastatingly dangerous to the welfare of America’s women and their families. The agenda is quite different from what we faced in the 1970s.

Please contact your Illinois state senator and representative and encourage them to vote against the ERA (SJRCA4). 

The information in this article is from Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, who are working to brief the administration so they’ll know the dangers in the new ERA.  See also Nancy Thorner’s excellent article in the Illinois Review, Illinois Lawmakers Beware of Deceptive Sweet Talking ERA Proponents.

Please forward this article far and wide. 

P.S. NewsWithViews writers work overtime to bring readers the real truth of what is happening in our country.  We donate our time and efforts because the truth is so very rare today, especially in main stream media.  The CEO and publisher of NWVs has put his heart, soul, and personal funds into this effort.  Won’t you please help us by sending your monthly donations here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

More Information

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_Too_movement
  2. MeToo has revived the Equal Rights Amendment
  3. ERA strengthens abortion rights

Two Opposing Black Views of America

I had a fascinating phone conversation with a longtime black friend. Though we’ve had passionate political clashes over the years including periods of not speaking, we remain friends. He is a clergyman and college professor in his 70s.

While discussing black movies, “Fences”, “Get Out” and “Black Panther”, my friend said something outrageous. He said it is impossible for a white person in America not to be racist because racism is entwined in all things American. Folks, he sincerely believes his absurd view of America.

He went on to recount horrific incidences of racial injustice; a black boy sharing an elevator with a white girl igniting a race riot; black inventions stolen and black businesses destroyed. These events happened in the 1920s. And yet, the passion in which my friend reported them was as if they happened yesterday.

My friend’s anger at America is as if 8 years of Obama never happened and Oprah is not worth 3 billion dollars. He believes police routinely murder young black men. He believes America’s evil white power structure labors 24/7 scheming to undermine blacks economically and culturally.

In his circles of black academia, his erroneous beliefs are deemed unarguably true. They think any black who doesn’t subscribe to these obvious truths is either an idiot or an Uncle Tom.

Throughout our phone conservation, my friend repeatedly referred to whites as “crackers”. It never dawned on him that his derogatory use of the term “cracker” is as racist as whites calling us the N word.

My friend was even annoyed by praises showered upon Billy Graham in response to his death. Though he would deny it, my friend has a deep hatred for whites. And yet, I have witnessed God use him to bless people. I’ve come to realize that neither facts nor truth can penetrate my friend erroneously viewing white Americans as blacks’ greatest Nemesis. Therefore, I am praying for God to heal his vengeful heart against white Americans.

On the bright side, I caught an interview with black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas; a hero of mine.

Justice Thomas said he is worn down by what is going on in our country’s culture. Justice Thomas said, “At some point, we’re going to be fatigued with everybody being the victim.” Justice Thomas recounted a conversation he had with a young black woman who said, “I am really tired of having to play the role of being black. I just want to go to school.”

Folks, I know where this black sista is coming from. She just wants to be an American pursuing her dreams without being forced to carry the baggage of viewing herself as a victim of her skin-color. Isn’t this what civil rights pioneers fought, suffered and died to achieve?

Decades ago, we allowed Leftists to infiltrate public education, transforming our kids into their operatives. Consequently, black millennials who have never suffered an once of racism believe racial loyalty requires them to riot in the streets demanding racial justice. Leftists have our kids hating and fighting a war with a nonexistent enemy.

If a black awakens on a sunny morning, grateful to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet; viewing the world as their oyster; knowing between them and God, they can achieve great things — Leftists will call that black an Uncle Tom traitor to their race. Leftists have decreed that we black Americans must view ourselves as victims in this evil eternally racist country.

Clarence Thomas grew up in extreme poverty; familiar with feeling cold and hungry. He was sent to live with his grandfather. Justice Thomas said regarding his grandfather, “He is the single greatest human being I’ve ever met.” Clarence’s grandfather would not allow him or his brother to waddle in their bad circumstances, whine or complain.

With only 9 months of education, Clarence’s grandfather never saw himself as a victim. He never knew his father and his mother died when he was 7. His grandmother who was a freed slave took him in. And then, she died. His uncle, a hard man with 13 kids took him in. And yet, Clarence’s grandfather never complained.

Whenever young Clarence wanted to complain, his grandfather would say, “You have to play the hand you’re dealt.” Clarence’s grandfather became a great businessman, including owning his own farm.

Justice Thomas has a bust in his office with his grandfather’s favorite quote, Old Man Can’t is dead. I helped bury him.” Justice Thomas said that is the mindset his grew up with.

Isn’t Justice Thomas’ self-reliant mindset far superior and empowering than bitterly viewing oneself as a victim; placing your success or failure in the hands of someone other than yourself? Justice Thomas marveled that he grew up in a world of total illiteracy only to find himself in the Library of Congress. Justice Thomas is expressing the greatness of America folks.

Why isn’t Justice Thomas’ grateful and hope-filled vision of America, a land ripe with opportunity, being touting by civil rights activists — inspiring black youths to make right choices to become all they can be? Instead, Leftists demand that black Americans view themselves as victims. I choose to live in Justice Thomas’s America.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth: http://bit.ly/2kZqmUk

© 2018 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus: mr_lloydmarcus@hotmail.com

The Coward Of Broward County, Deputy Scot Peterson

17 people were killed and 16 others injured in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on February 14, 2018.

Broward’s coward, Deputy Scot Peterson has been rightfully shamed for his failure to act. Not only did this deputy fail to enter the school to engage the gunman, he made radio transmissions commanding other officers to not go into the school and remain 500 feet away from the school. Peterson, in essence, set up a barricade safety zone for responding officers.

Peterson’s actions were borderline criminally negligent homicide, and were an act of omission; a failure to protect innocent life; a duty all law enforcement personnel are sworn to uphold. Many are outraged that this deputy was able to resign after being suspended and receive his full pension. Deputy Peterson, retired, shouldn’t lose his pension, but he should be rightfully shamed for his actions, or failure to act, and his department should face civil penalties from the families of the victims for this deputy’s negligence in doing his duty, and for the Broward County Sheriff’s Department for a complete failure in handling the incident by ordering responding units to not enter the school.

I all but know Deputy Scot Peterson’s type. His actions on the day that will define his life spoke volumes about his mindset and what he believed being a law enforcement officer was all about. He took the common law enforcement motto, “Be safe out there, protect yourself, and make it home safely at the end of your tour,” to another level. His concern for safety of self and his fellow law enforcement personnel was paramount. The protection of innocent lives, at the possible cost of his own life or a co-workers, was secondary.

Scot Peterson was Parkland’s school safety officer. He didn’t take that position because he cared for the safety of high school students. It was a cushy assignment that offered him weekends off. The thought that he may have to actually use the gun in his holster one day never occurred to him.

Peterson’s mentality was not only for the safety of himself, but for the safety of other responding law enforcement personnel. This explains his radio transmissions telling all responding units to not enter the school and remain 500 feet away from it. The gunman, Nikolas Cruz, was able to finish firing his semiautomatic AR-15 rifle, drop it on school grounds, and casually walk out the doors of the school. He was apprehended by an officer from a neighboring police department minutes later, as he was walking down a street at a good distance away from the school where he just killed 17 people.

Captain Jan Jordan was the commanding officer on the scene. She ordered the responding deputies and units to form a “perimeter” outside Stoneman Douglas High School, instead of rushing immediately into the building, as the mass shooting unfolded there.


Setting up perimeters is for hostage situations, not for a gunman who is actively opening fire on students.

This is going to sound like a male chauvinist statement, but this is what happens when you put women and liberals in the military and in law enforcement positions. They hesitate. They don’t know how to act in a crisis situation. Sure, they can do the job most of the time, but the part of the job they often fail to do is when they are needed most, in a crisis situation when they must engage in combat.

As a former New York City police officer, and after having spoken to many of my former colleagues from the NYPD, we all agreed that we wish we could have been in Deputy Peterson’s shoes that day. We radio transmitted our location and “shots fired,” then ran towards gunshots, not with a reckless disregard for our own lives, but with due caution, utilizing cover, and relying on the training and experience we gained throughout the years as police officers. That’s how we rolled.

It seems as if there was a culture of non-engagement at all levels within the Broward County Sheriff’s Department. Could it be that a liberal mindset that “guns are bad” has permeated this organization, so much so that even the thought of their own deputies using guns to protect human life was unpalatable to this department?


In the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting, the usual liberal Democrat advocates surfaced, ready to push new gun control legislation upon law-abiding gun owners, as if disarming law-abiding gun owners will somehow solve the problem of gun violence in America. This time the liberals and the media began using new props: children, to advocate for tougher restrictions of guns. The reasoning, of course, is that they believe no one can question the wisdom of children, the potential victims of such shootings.

Using children is a propaganda tool that has been employed before by totalitarian governments, including Nazi Germany and the PLO. Palestinians would launch rockets at Israel, then put their own children at their military installations, so when Israel responded, they would kill Palestinian children in collateral damage. Then the Palestinians would get the media to report on Israel massacring their children. So now the leftist media in America hopes to do the same: use children as human shields to suppress discussion while advancing the cause of gun control.


The Parkland school shooting showed a government system failure on all fronts. Law enforcement personnel cannot be relied on to protect life in place of self-defense.

The right of school teachers to bear arms on school property has been infringed, which is the real reason why mass murders occur on school grounds. There is no one armed on school grounds to stop a gunman.

Prohibition of alcohol did not work in America and neither will gun prohibition. Liberals often live in a sort of fantasy world, where they think that if you just pass a law, you can make things go away. In the case of mass murder gun shootings, all that needs to be done is to ban “assault” rifles, and then they would disappear from the world. Things don’t work that way in the real world. When liberals place signs up in schools that read: “Gun Free School Zone,” a serial killer sees, “No Resistance Killing Field.”

For even if it came to pass that the Second Amendment was overturned and gun ownership throughout America was outlawed, then American people would do what was done during the alcohol prohibition years. Countless garages would be turned into gun manufacturing factories. Making a gun is not beyond the capabilities of the common American metal craftsman. Guns are easily manufactured and cannot be un-invented. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is the basic human right of self-defense and to protect the people from tyrannical government.

© 2018 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Killing Our Kids Across America

Part 1: Killing ourselves by various methods in the USA

While the Parkland, Florida school shooting left 14 kids dead along with three teachers, as a society, we must look beyond the dramatic deaths affecting young citizens of America.  Why are we, as a civilization, driving ourselves nuts to such an extent that some among us slaughter other human beings?

Today, across America, young children and teenagers watch violent television 24/7.  They play violent video games.  They access pornography at the click of their smart phones.  Talk about messing up their minds!  They watch reports on our endless wars and bombings overseas.  Millions of children stagger daily from distressed parents, at 50 percent divorce rates, either angry as hell with each other, or grinding emotionally against one another.  Those children lose structure, security and constancy of a normal home life.

Congress continues funding the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars for 17 God-forsaken years—with no end in sight—yet the American people support it by re-electing members of Congress who fund it. We’ve killed tens of thousands, even millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam and Korea.  And, we think 17 people killed in Parkland equates to horrendous killings?

Nightly news broadcasts show bombing runs and machine-gun fire as a normal part of daily life in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and beyond.

Each year, 55,000 teenagers across America die from drug overdoses from beer, opiate drugs, heroin and other drugs.  It’s a national epidemic, but no one will stop the Mexican drug cartels from selling $50 billion in drugs to our kids annually.  You think guns present a problem?  (Source: www.CDC.gov)

Kids watch R-rated movies like consuming peanut butter and jam sandwiches—no difference!  Kill, kill and kill some more.  The Rock, actor Dwayne Johnson, kills everything in mass shootings or a gunshot to the head of somebody he doesn’t like—and calmly walks away.  The TV show, Criminal Minds, depicts the most insanely sick, demented and sadistic kinds of crime any madman might dream up.  Yet, we feed it to our kids.  Edgar Allen Poe might jump out of his grave with delight knowing that someone bests his ravaged mind nightly on television.

We want to ban assault weapons?  American television proves itself the greatest assault weapon in our society.

Knifing wielding people kill 10 times as many victims as assault weapons.  Drunken drivers kill 12,000 to 15,000 people annually on our highways. Yet, we don’t do squat to stop that carnage.  Drunk drivers kill tens of thousands of little children over the years.

And texting, how about over 1.6 million accidents annually in the USA and 4,100 deaths—from some idiot teen or older person texting while driving 60 miles per hour in city traffic. Or, texting while sitting at a stop light!  You’ve seen them everywhere.  I’ve personally seen bus drivers texting in Denver traffic.  Guess what?  Flimsy to pathetically weak laws to stop it!

So, you think we’re going to stop school shootings by banning assault weapons?  According to the FBI, four times as many people die from knife stabbings than gun shootings—at 1,600 knifings annually in the USA.

How about abortions of fetuses in USA?  Try 650,000 abortions in the USA annually and 46 million worldwide—year in and year out.  We don’t call it killing, but what do we call it?  Anyone pushing for birth control for teens?

How about the violence to kids that arrive without a father?  Seven out of ten African-American children arrive in this world to a single mother, usually on welfare, to live a vacant, directionless life without a male role model.   They do poorly in school, drop out, join gangs and run drug rings and shoot people.  In fact, 98 percent of all black deaths stem from black on black killings.  Anyone trying to stop that carnage?   Chicago, Illinois proves a killing ground year after year.

How about medical doctors prescribing drugs year in and year out that kill over 100,000 innocent victims annually?  Anybody stop the AMA or Big Pharma from prescribing that much death?  Nope! Too much money to be made!   Consider that Big Pharma makes $100 billion annually for dispensing that nightmare drug: chemo. Half live and half die from it.  Is anyone prescribing organic eating, positive living, staying slim, non-chemical usage, exercise and spiritual balance?  No!  A pill or chemical drip will save you!

How about death by living in big cities?  Do you notice all the crime and violence stemming from big cities?  Anyone appreciate that living in big cities means you walk, play and exist on concrete? You never touch Mother Nature and she never touches you.  None of those kids knows where milk, eggs, orange juice, vegetables or any of their food comes from—except a grocery store shelf. A bag of Doritos and a Big Mac along with a Coke remain the favorite foods of choice.  No attachment or connection to the natural world! Total isolation from life itself!

“Tell me what you will of the benefactions of city civilization, of the sweet security of streets—all as part of the natural up-growth of man towards the high destiny we hear so much about.  I know that our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found. If the death exhalations that brood, the broad towns in which we so fondly compact ourselves were made visible, we should flee as from a plague. All are more or less sick; there is not a perfectly sane man in all of San Francisco.”  John Muir, naturalist

How about death of our children, and adults by obesity—into the tens of millions?  Grocery stores sell more death by processed foods, chemicalized foods and sugar-laden foods than anyone comprehends.  You may count over 90 percent of canned, glassed or packaged foods containing more chemicals than you can pronounce.  Fast food and junk food remain top choices along with cheese-laden pizza. Talk about a heart attack in a box!

Seven out of ten Americans suffer from being fat or grossly obese conditions.  Heart attacks strike and kill nearly a million Americans annually. Cancer takes down around million annually.  Diabetes affects 5.5 million Americans, but we keep pouring sugar down our gullets.  A whopping 79,000 deaths annually.  Anybody demonstrating for healthier eating to prevent the carnage?

Kids keep devouring Fruit Loops, Honey Smacks, Fruity Pebbles, Apple Jacks, Crispy Treats with chemical dyes, sugar and processed grains that kill or make you fat—then you die a slow-motion death.

Let’s look at those zingy soda pops like Coke “Open a bottle of Happiness” or “Mountain Dew” Live Fast!  Coke Zero!  All of them contain chemicals that cause heart disease, dental cavities, sugar addiction at 13 teaspoons per can, raise your blood pressure with caffeine and cause PVC’s (premature ventricle contractions). When you add the “diet” to the sodas, you consume synthetic sugars like aspartame, saccharin, Stevia, Splenda and sucralose. Several of them contribute to lupus, fibromyalgia and other neural short circuits in your body’s nervous system.  Anybody ever heard of water? How about a sweet, juicy apple or orange?  What a concept! Real foods!

I could write another page of what we’re doing to ourselves, but what can we do to save ourselves?  To stop the shootings? To stop eating and drinking ourselves to death? To stop violent TV programs?   To stop drinking and driving, and texting ourselves to death?

NEXT – Part 2:  Methods to stop the madness in America, stop deaths by guns, knives, texting, drunken driving, eating ourselves to death.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Deep State, Mainstream Media, And The Established Order Will Stop At Nothing To Prove The Unprovable


When I spoke of a back channel to WikiLeaks in a rousing Tea Party rally in 2016, I was probably over dramatizing the role of progressive talk show host, comic, impressionist, and activist Randy Credico.

I first met Credico when I was advising billionaire Tom Golisano in his 75-million-dollar independent bid for Governor of New York against Governor George Pataki, who governed conservatively in his first term but mortgaged controlled of state finances to the municipal unions in return for their endorsement in his re-election and Carl McCall the elected African-American State Comptroller.

Golisano, a maverick billionaire from Rochester, had proposed the legalization of medicinal marijuana as the candidate of New York’s Reform Party affiliate, the New York Independence Party who backed his message with millions from the fortune he made as the founder and CEO of PAYCHEX. It shows how far ahead of his time the billionaire philanthropist entrepreneur Tom Golisano was.

Credico pitched me on Golisano’s calling for reform of New York’s Draconian drug laws name for New York Governor Nelson “Rocky” A. Rockefeller. Rocky, who began as a liberal Republican needed to move to the right, along with a rapidly changing Republican party. Rockefeller rebranded himself as tough on drugs and crime to win back Republican voters outraged with his tax and spending policies. Rockefeller’s pollsters told him in his 1970 bid for a third term, he had to join the “Law and Order” brigade of Nixon and Agnew.

Although I was pro- marijuana legalization based on my mostly Libertarian views, I was really obtuse about our expensive, ignominious, and racist drug laws and the outrageous mandatory sentences for non-violent people in possession of small amounts of drugs which has created an upstate cottage industry of prison guards and purveyors of services to upstate prisons. Judges were restricted from any discretion, being compelled to mete out harsh punishment for first time offenders, despite the absence of any previous criminal record.

The Rockefeller drug laws were ruining lives, destroying families and rehabilitating no one, while tax payers paid through the nose for the long-term incarceration of an enormous disproportionate African-American and Latino prison population. Because of the less than valiant use of the pardon power by Governor Andrew Cuomo, people remained lost in New York’s broken system.

Randy Credico opened my eyes to all of this and arranged for me and Tom Golisano appear at a “countdown to justice” rally with the Reverend Al Sharpton, hip hop entrepreneur Russell Simmons and then Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, calling for reform of the Rockefeller Laws. Ultimately Simmons would hijack the negotiations in the state legislature to reform the law in the face of the wide spread criticism, but Simmons agreed to modest reforms that have not helped those still trapped in the corroded rectum of the New York State penal system

Credico is an engaging character with a deep sense of history, a great sense of humor, and a sometimes-deadly ability as an impressionist. Credico’s “Richard Nixon” is dead on. Credico actually had two Nixon impressions, the “relaxed” Nixon, worldly Statesman which is uncanny in its accuracy, and an “over the top cartoonish” Nixon, dropping catch phrases like “let me make this perfectly clear” and “I am not a crook.”

Credico had a stunning star-turn as a comic impressionist who ran afoul of Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show and was banished. By Credico’s own admission, this successful comedian’s career spiraled out of control because of drug abuse. Randy would grapple with his demons but reinvented himself as a one man advocate for drug law reform and prison law reform helping found the New York Mothers of the Disappeared, black and Latino mothers whose sons and daughters had disappeared into the halls of New York State penal system. Credico would travel to Albany dressed as Diogenes in his efforts to shame the Legislature and the Governor into drug law reform and broader use of the pardon system.

Credico’s talents as an impressionist were such that during Tom Golisano’s campaign Randy called the campaign manager as “Tom” and fired the young man. Golisano’s temperament made the gag believable. I continued to maintain that Credico, who has heard me rant over martinis and cigars can be heard in the voice message to Governor Elliot Spitzer’s father, warning him that his sons corruption would soon bring him down. Credico’s impression of me is incredible.

It was Randy Credico who first brought to my attention in mid-July 2016, the public claim of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange that he had significant material on the Democrats and Hillary Clinton and would publish those documents. Up until this time, I had not been paying much attention to WikiLeaks and was not following the WikiLeaks or Assange feeds on Twitter.

I knew that Randy had a long association with the William Kunstler Foundation and was particularly close to Kunstler’s wife, Margaret, the radical lawyer’s widow and a most able attorney herself. Randy was competing with hundreds of other journalists to land Julian Assange as a guest on his radio show at WBAI, a legendary progressive station in New York City, where Credico had seemed to have found his niche as a talk show host. Assange would subsequently give Credico extraordinary interviews that are well worth listening to. I figured Credico knew what he was talking about.

I asked Randy to confirm that the Australian journalist had credible information on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Assange is held a virtual captive in a cramped embassy in London where he is being persecuted for doing what all real journalists do, sometimes obtaining classified information from whistle blowers that embarrasses governments and publishing it. The intelligence agencies repeated insistence that Assange is a Russian agent and that WikiLeaks is a Russian front is as phony as their certitude that the DNC’s mail servers were hacked by “Russians.”

It is important to note that Credico never said from whom he gained this confirmation, or the source, or the content of whatever was coming. He told me it would be released October 1st. I consider him a confirming source and little else despite my hype of calling him a back channel.

From the end of July through August until the end of September, Credico insisted that Assange was about to publish this material on the Democrats which Randy described as “devastating” to Hillary, on October 1st. When Assange scheduled a press event on October 1st, I was among those predicting the impact on Hillary Clinton even though I did not know the source or the content of the disclosures. Credico speculated that the material pertaining to the Clinton Foundation, a prediction that turned out to be only partially right, with those emails lacking the “devastating” facts revealed in the DNC email traffic.

When Assange made no disclosures on October 1st, Alex Jones was among those publicly motherfucking Assange for losing his nerve. Credico told me that Assange had demurred on October 1st because of the concerns of one of his lawyers, Daniel Ellsberg, about threats to Assange’s life if he went forward with the disclosures. Remember, Hillary Clinton actually advocated the use of a drone strike to kill Assange in London, in order to prevent the disclosure of what she knew he had. Credico told me that Secretary of State John Kerry had astonishingly gone to British Prime Minister Teresa May and asked that Britain rescind its diplomatic recognition of Ecuador for one day, stripping Assange of his asylum, so that US and British authorities could storm the Embassy and seize Assange.

Credico also told me that Kerry had convened a conference call of the heads of state of the Latin American countries surrounding Ecuador to demand they assert pressure on the Ecuadorian government to turn over the embattled journalist, warning that there would be harsh treatment for those nations that did not help the US government in this regard.

Credico predicted that Assange “would do the right thing” and in fact Assange announced the schedule of a serious of forthcoming disclosures in his October 1st remarks, which was little noticed by the press. He would follow this schedule to devastating effect.

To make an important point, Credico never mentioned anything about the emails of John Podesta, nor did I publicly predict that his emails would be hacked and published by WikiLeaks or anyone else. Acutely aware of Podesta’s not-so-subtle hand in pushing stories regarding the Ukrainian business activities of Paul Manafort, I was well aware of Podesta’s extensive business dealings with the oligarchs around Vladimir Putin, having read about it in the Panama papers published in April of 2016. I had also read a devastating opposition research memo by the investigative journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi which outlined Podesta’s involvement in Russian banking, uranium, and gas interests. I didn’t need a heads up from WikiLeaks to tell me that Podesta’s business dealings would prove controversial and “his time in the barrel” would come. I specifically never made any reference or prediction about Podesta’s emails, and the assertion that I was involved in obtaining them for WikiLeaks is categorically false. Many media outlets reported on the Podesta brothers’ dealings, including a piece I wrote based entirely on public sources.

Attention Aaron Blake; I never had advance notice or knowledge of the hacking of any emails by anyone. Twist that one.

While I testified to the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence about all of this, I initially declined to supply Credico’s name to the Committee for fear of professional reprisal against Credico whose life seemed to have stabilized with his WBAI gig and he was getting big ratings for provocative interviews. At the urging of Rep. Trey Gowdy and other members of the Committee I decided to supply Credico’s name to the Committee in a letter from my attorneys to the Committee’s attorneys. As a I feared, Credico was fired at WBAI when his name leaked.

To be absolutely clear, neither Credico, nor WikiLeaks, nor Julian Assange, nor the Russians, or anybody else sent me any of the documents ultimately published by WikiLeaks. As Assange himself said, I never Tweeted or predicted anything that Assange and WikiLeaks had not already publicly disclosed. I was a keen reader of Assange’s Twitter feed and picked up significant interviews through a constant Google News search. I had no advanced knowledge of the content, source or ultimate timing of any of the WikiLeaks disclosures including the infamous DNC emails. I did carefully mirror Julian Assange’s own disclosures, but only after he made them.

Equally false is the irresponsible claim by Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin who extrapolated from the House Democrats Russian collusion memo that the Russians gave advance copies of the hacked material to Trump insiders and her assertion was that it included me. This is categorically false! There is no evidence to support this assertion, yet Rubin has refused a request from my attorney for a correction. When I said this on MTP Daily with Chuck Todd, Michelle Goldberg of the New York Times said this story did not exist. Goldberg falsely claimed that I said the memo itself inferred that I received such documents when I clearly ascribed this false report to the Washington Post. Here it is.

When the House Select Committee on Intelligence sought to question Credico regarding what he considered to be perfectly legal activity, well within his scope of operating as a journalist, the veteran comic asserted his 5th Amendment Rights. I on the other hand testified for 4 and a half hours, under oath explaining my comments.

Sadly Credico, having dodged under oath testimony in front of the Congress, is now having amnesia regarding what really transpired. Perhaps the out of work comedian is embarrassed that he was “talking out of school” prior to his landing Assange as a “big get” on his radio show.

Fortunately, Credico bragged about his role in educating me as to Assange’s claims that he had the “motherlode” on Hillary and would disgorge it, to another journalist.

Since I never received any material whatsoever from WikiLeaks or the Russians, or any other source, the charge that I provided those documents to either Donald Trump or anyone in the Trump Campaign is patently false. You can’t give what you never got. I can honestly say that I never discussed the WikiLeaks DNC material with candidate or President Donald J Trump before, during or after the election. This dog won’t hunt.

The Atlantic magazine recently published a truncated, doctored screenshot of a direct message exchange between me and WikiLeaks, which has long since been turned over to the House Intelligence Committee in its true and complete form months ago. Only in the current, highly charged atmosphere can a leaked document which is entirely exculpatory and proves that I was not collaborating with WikiLeaks, provoke an “AHA” moment.

The tragic meltdown of Sam Nunberg brought new attention to the issue of the WikiLeaks disclosures, when Nunberg in a wild a contradictory series of interviews said he would not cooperate or honor a subpoena for documents of any email between Nunberg and numerous officials of the Trump Campaign including Corey Lewandowski, Hope Hicks, Steve Bannon, Steven Miller and myself.

Sam Nunberg was not speaking at my behest or direction. Nunberg was however correct when he said I haven’t done anything wrong.

Vultures in the main stream media including the Washington Post, Salon, and Vice jumped to the immediate conclusion that my indictment was imminent because there was evidence that I had received a heads up and copies of the DNC documents and provided them to Donald Trump and the Trump Campaign. This is wishful thinking by my political enemies. There is no evidence to support such a charge.

The only possible impropriety of contacts or dialog with WikiLeaks, is based on a premise that Assange is acting for a foreign power, namely the Russians a mantra repeated endlessly by our politicized intelligence agencies, but unsubstantiated by any evidence they can cite. All the while, they push their ridiculous claims of being “highly confident” in their “assessment” of WikiLeaks and Assange. Julian Assange is a heroic journalist. As Sean Hannity who has interviewed Assange points out, WikiLeaks’ track record of accuracy and authenticity is unblemished after 11 years.

When I made this point in my MSNBC interview their legal analyst Ari Melber said I was “moving the goal post” in my declaration that Assange was not a Russian agent. He asserted that I did so to essentially absolve myself of treason because of the perpetuated lie that I trafficked documents from WikiLeaks, an activity in which I never engaged. What hole does Mr. Melber live in? I have asserted my belief that Assange is being persecuted simply because WikiLeaks has disclosed information embarrassing to the established order and the Obama Administration, as well as our overreaching intelligence agencies. For months, I have repeated my belief that Assange is being wrongly labeled as a Russian asset, including in this op-ed piece I wrote in for a newspaper in England. No Ari this is not something new that I have been saying.

And now, who should help Credico peddle the crap that he was not my connection to WikiLeaks, but Mike Isikoff, who the FBI fed the phony dossier to “place” a story they would then cite in court to support their politically motivated and illegal spying. A deep state shill, he beseeched me to disclose Credico’s name to him “for his book” and I wouldn’t spit it up.

© 2018 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

Trump: Don’t Back Off Slaying Destructive ‘Free’ Trade

“Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832) that I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.” —President Andy Jackson

President Trump ran on several BIG issues. Illegals, jobs and trade. Make America Great Again.

Despite my anger with him on a several things and his inexcusable firing and abandoning an honorable man like Gen. Michael Flynn, this political neophyte has been slashing and burning the very globalist tools dirty political whores have been supporting and outing traitorous globalists in Congress who work for anti-American corporations who hate our beloved Republic.

When I ran for Congress in 1993/94, NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) was on the table. How I traveled the district I ran in warning the dogma of ‘free trade’ was a major tool of those working to suck us into world government. My opponent now retired, Waffle Wally Herger, a life time state legislator and then congress critter for 27 years who went into Congress with a very modest net worth and retired a multi-millionaire (now lives on his beautiful ranch in Montana) warned against NAFTA and then voted for it. He betrayed every farmer and rancher in that district. He then allegedly went on to win reelection. It’s called vote fraud.

Lifelong Soviet Agent, Henry Kissinger, said about NAFTA: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system…a first step toward a new world order.” July 18, 1993 (A MUST read: Kissinger Out of the Closet) Every time I see President Trump canoodling with Kissinger inside OUR White House I don’t know if he’s ignorant of who Kissinger really is or if he’s just trying to read him.

Full page ad, NY Times, April 15, 1994:

1944. Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank. 1945. San Francisco: The United Nations. 1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization. History knows where it’s going. The final act of the Uruguay Round….to the WTO, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the UN and the IMF.”

Henry Kissinger, when asked the most important role Marxist Obama could play regarding the middle East: “Obama can give a new impetus to American foreign policy….his task is to step forward to create a new world.”

If you missed this in one of my columns, I would like you to take a look at this map published in the Denver [Com]Post, August 30, 1992: A New North America. Note page 2 and the comment about NAFTA. That deadly agreement was the prelude to the equally traitorous North American Union, another step towards transitioning America into a region of a one world government. In other words, America as a sovereign nation would cease to exist. So far, we’ve managed, despite traitors in the Republican Party and a dumbed down apathetic, self-centered population, to defeat it.

Oh, how the free-trade globalists have howled the past two weeks; it’s the end of the world! (If you missed Kelleigh Nelson’s exceptional column, Alec, Global Corporations, State Legislators, And An Article V Convention, do take the time and get it out there on all social media.) ALEC and the Koch brothers. Billionaire globalists who employ a lot of people but are poison for our constitutional republic.

It isn’t just steel, aluminum, beef or some car part at stake here. It’s also about national security and I mean serious business here.

Koch Brother on Trump Tariffs: Ignore National Security and Jobs for Profits and Cheap Imports:

“As President Trump made history signing into law his tariffs on steel and aluminum to protect American workers and U.S. industries, GOP megadonor Charles Koch called on “corporate leaders” to “reject” the decision.

“In an op-ed for the Washington Post, Charles Koch — one-half of the pro-mass immigration Koch brothers — urged corporations and chief executives to ignore the national security and job interests of the U.S. and instead focus on profits and cheap imports when it comes to Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminum.

“Koch writes, opposing Trump’s tariffs: “The same has been true throughout history. Countries with the freest trade have tended to not only be the wealthiest but also the most tolerant. Conversely, the restriction of trade — whether through tariffs, quotas or other means — has hurt the economy and pitted people against each other. Tariffs increase prices, limit choices, reduce competition and inhibit innovation. Equally troubling, research shows that they fail to increase the number of jobs overall.”

Make me gag. What BS! After NAFTA was unconstitutionally signed into law by our former slutty president, Billy Clinton, THOUSANDS – not a few hundred – but THOUSANDS of factories closed. Hundreds of thousands of textile jobs gone. Companies in business for a hundred years in states like Ohio and Pennsylvania gone. Tens and tens of thousands of good paying jobs for a whole career that built this country. And what did voters in those districts do? They allegedly voted back the same scum bags like Paul RAT Ryan who keeps voting to destroy American jobs!

“He, therefore, who is now against domestic manufacture, must be for reducing us either to dependence on that foreign nation, or to be clothed in skins, and to live like wild beasts in dens and caverns. I am not one of these; experience has taught me that manufactures are now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort; and if those who quote me as of a different opinion, will keep pace with me in purchasing nothing foreign where an equivalent of domestic fabric can be obtained, without regard to difference of price, it will not be our fault if we do not soon have a supply at home equal to our demand, and wrest that weapon of distress from the hand which has wielded it.” The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826. To Benjamin Austin Monticello, January 9, 1816

During hearings on the treasonous WTO/GATT monster, French financier Sir James Goldsmith testified in front of Earnest Hollings’ committee. He demonstrated that GATT would gut the American textile market. The following are some quotes from the Washington Times, December 6, 1993; they accurately reflect the late Sir Goldsmith’s statements during the hearings:

“Global free trade will force the poor of the rich countries to subsidize the rich in poor countries. What GATT means is that our national wealth, accumulated over centuries, will be transferred from a developed country like Britain to developing countries like Communist China, now building its first ocean going navy in 500 years.”

“China, with its 1.2 billion people, three Indochinese states with 900 million, the former Soviet republics with some 300 million, and many more can supply skilled labor for a fraction of Western costs. Five dollars in Communist China is the equivalent of a $100 wage in Europe.”

“It is quite amazing that GATT is sowing the seeds for global social upheaval and that it is not even the subject of debate in America….If the masses understood the truth about GATT, there would be blood in the streets of many capitals. A healthy national economy has to produce a large part of its own needs. It cannot simply import what it needs and use its labor force to provide services for other countries.”

“We have to rethink from top to bottom why we have elevated global free trade to the status of sacred cow, or moral dogma. It is a fatally flawed concept that will impoverish and destabilize the industrialized world while cruelly ravaging the Third World.”

Sir Goldsmith could see into the future, only it turned out far worse than he predicted. Just ask our disappearing fishing families what all these ‘free’ trade treaties have done to them. I haven’t purchased ONE item from Mexico since NAFTA was passed. No fruit, no vegetables. Nothing. The other day at the store I looked at nice green grapes which I love. Imported from Peru; I walked away. I’ll wait until summer and buy from American farmers.

Charles Koch Slams Trump And Tariffs: “Free Trade Is Essential To American Prosperity” – A fat lie.

And this leader of circle jerkers, including know nothing Joni Ernst, who doesn’t know history or what ‘free’ trade has done to this country: GOP Sen Sasse: Senior People in White House ‘Know’ Tariffs Are ‘a Really Dumb Policy’

Paul Ryan Leads Establishment Fear Campaign Against Trump’s National Security Metal Tariffs – Ryan is a globalist who doesn’t give a sh*t about you or American workers. He wants cheap labor for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and multi-national corporations bleeding us dry through the trade deficit and for fatter bottom lines.
More than 100 House Republicans rally against Trump tariffs

Patrick Buchanan explains it perfectly:

“Seems that, despite the academic consensus that free trade is win-win for all, free trade is not free. Great nations that have risen to global power by protecting their manufacturing, like Britain in the early 19th century, have begun their relative decline when they embraced free trade. Between 1870 and 1914, projectionist America and Germany both shoved Britain aside.

“Since Y2K, China, which protects its industrial base by keeping its currency artificially cheap, has surged past Italy, Britain, France, Germany and Japan to become the world’s second largest economy. And they are gaining steadily on us. Free trade appears to be the policy of fading nations.

“Perhaps it is time for a profit and loss statement of its costs and benefits. Undeniably, free trade has been a bonanza for the top 1 percent and many among our top 10 percent. As U.S. manufacturers shut down scores of thousands of U.S. factories to finance new plants in Asia, their production costs plummeted. Wages and benefits for Asians were, and are still, but a fraction of those of American workers.

“Health, safety and environmental standards were in some cases almost nonexistent. The eight-story garment factory in Bangladesh that collapsed in April, killing 1,100 workers, mostly women, and injuring another 2,500, would never have passed a U.S. building inspection.

“After having shifted production overseas and dramatically lowered costs, U.S. transnationals saw a surge in profits. These were used to push corporate salaries into the stratosphere, increase dividends to shareholders, and keep the Washington lobbyists working the Hill day and night for fast track and free trade. And the lifestyle of our corporate elites changed. Where their fathers walked sooty factory floors in smokestack towns in World War II, these masters of the universe fly Gulfstream Vs to Davos and Dubai to dine with titled Europeans, Saudi princes and Chinese billionaires.

“These are America’s winners from free trade. The losers? Middle Americans. The average U.S. family has not seen a rise in real wages in 40 years. This is directly traceable to the loss of more than one-third of all U.S. manufacturing jobs. And that loss, that deindustrialization of America, is directly tied to the $10 trillion in trade deficits since Bush I.

“Writers who celebrate how U.S. imports have risen in this month or that year almost never mention the trade deficit for this month or that year. Perhaps that is because the United States has not run a trade surplus in four decades, whereas, in the first 70 years of the 20th century, we never ran a trade deficit. Trade surpluses add to GDP; trade deficits subtract from GDP.

“And when in a company town the company closes the factory, the town often dies. And all the little satellite businesses — bars, diners, food stores, pharmacies — that rose around the factory, they die, too. “The tombstones of countless dead towns across America should read: Killed by Free Trade. Tenured economists on college campuses call this “creative destruction.” End of excerpt.

New and another must read: Patrick Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs?

There are many other pieces about Trump’s move on tariff’s but for the sake of brevity I’ve listed them at the bottom. I had ‘life interrupted’ with complicated surgery on my neck on Valentine’s Day (which meant nothing since I’m a widow). Recovery has been not only very painful but frustrating. (Not to mention the unrelenting, screaming pain for 34 days before I was able to get on an operating table.) Because there was massive trauma to the muscles in my left arm as well as nerves from my left shoulder to my left elbow it’s only been two weeks since I can use both hands to type. After a while it becomes painful, so, moving on…

It’s very understandable CEO’s of aluminum can companies and other businesses are very worried about this because it’s been nearly a quarter century since NAFTA was signed into ‘law’. I understand this subject quite well, believe me. I read all 2,400 pages of the NAFTA bill. I did not read all 28,000 pages of the WTO/GATT, just lengthy excerpts by outstanding journalists from the New American. A nightmare and since day one it has been detrimental to the U.S.

This is an example: ‘Aluminum imported into the United States is not a threat to National Security’. Why not make the aluminum here? Well, thousands of factories closed so let’s buy cheap from our mortal enemies like Communist China. Again, currency manipulation and the FED. I don’t drink soft drinks and have maybe two beers a summer but I would pay a few pennies extra to keep an American employed. I do support your industry but we must return to a policy to protect OUR manufacturing, industrial and agricultural sectors from being raped by foreign counties.

Peter Navarro Sounds the Alarm: U.S. Aluminum Industry is on ‘Life Support — Will Be Gone in ‘Year or Two’ Unless Trump Acts

“Let’s tackle this in two ways. First of all, let’s talk about the 232. When 232 investigation, it’s national security and economic security, broadly defined and it’s country-agnostic. Doesn’t matter who is sending us this product. The fact is, if we keep receiving it the way we are, we’re not going to have an aluminum industry. We’re not going to have a steel industry. Our aluminum industry, make no mistake, that thing is on life support. That will be gone in a year or two if the president doesn’t take the courageous actions he’s proposed.”

“When a country (USA) is losing many billions of dollars on trade with virtually every country it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down $100 billion with a certain country and they get cute, don’t trade anymore-we win big. It’s easy!” tweeted Trump.”

U.S. Steel to Call Back 500 Employees to Illinois Plant After Trump Announces Tariffs on Foreign Steel
♠ Very important which I will do a column on in the near future: Strengthening Case for Tariffs, Trade Deficit Soars to Nine Year High

Let me put it like this. God forbid the U.S. was ever attacked as we were when FDR not only allowed Pearl Harbor to be attacked, he desired they strike first. (FACT: FDR and The Pearl Harbor Attack by yours truly). When the last LEGAL war was declared by Congress after that attack, we had the thousands of factories needed to pump out aircraft, aircraft carriers, destroyers and every other type of war machine, guns, ammunition and hardware needed. Heck, my grandma and mother both worked on airplanes in factories during WWII.

Today, we’d be dead meat.

Cheap products? Who wants cheap junk? This all goes back to the “Fed” and currency manipulation I have been pounding on for decades – along with real heroes like Dr. Edwin Vieira, Larry Becraft and others.

We always hear about moving forward. I say go back. Go back to what made America the richest most productive debt-free country in the history of the world. Steel producing factories. Agriculture. Our wealth producing industrial history. Unless and until we all understand what made American great only then will Americans by the tens of millions support crushing ‘free’ trade. Fair trade is a good thing.

There are several very good books on why ‘free’ trade is so destructive. One is: The Pooring of America: Competition & The Myth of Free Trade by Dr. Ravi Batra. I really, really hope you will get a copy of Michael Hudson’s outstanding work: America’s Protectionist Take-Off, 1815-1914

If I had the money I would send a copy to President Trump, to the CEOs of aluminum can companies and so many others. If you belong to a union like UAW or others in industry get this book. Here’s what a few people who read the book had to say and they are right on point about Hudson’s book:

“Every American should be required to read this book by the time they turn 21. it tells an incredibly well researched story of the unique American political economy that developed in the 19th century to counter the pessimistic free trade ideas of Britain and how they were gradually abandoned as America started to take Britain’s place as a world power. Michael Hudson provides wonderful historical and biographical context for each generation of American protectionists and shows how intimately related the politics of the time and protectionist political economy were. Any attempt to teach 19th century American history without the information contained here will result in a warped, even devastatingly flawed, view of American History. The only Disappointment this book inspires is the disappointment that it took this long to be written and the story it contains hasn’t been more widely told. In conclusion, this book is critical to understanding the development of America, the history of protectionism and the roots of free trade dogma in today’s politics. If the world doesn’t learn how the united states became an industrialized nation, today’s developing countries will never industrialize themselves.”

“That there is an argument for tariffs, even an argument for isolationism, many would deny. But the fact is every industrial nation got its economic feet on the ground by exercising its sovereign right to impose import restrictions, generally against the free trade arguments and the urgings of the British. And the ideas put forth by the American School were highly influential in this regard. I strongly urge you to get this book and read all about it.” (Be sure to read the second critique down; too long to quote here but excellent: Scholarly review of a neglected but crucial era in American economics)

I know farmers are chiming in and worried but for the love of God, farmers MUST learn why family farming was deliberately destroyed (and still is) by the FED. Please read my column on this if you’re a farmer or know one of our heroes who work tirelessly to put food on our tables: The Farmer and the FED

Get a copy of Hudson’s book and read it. I know. Everyone is busy but this ranks at the top of America’s destruction and is critical for creating American jobs and national security. Make this column go viral so as many people as possible will buy the book and pass this link through the dozens of social media sources. Please support President Trump’s efforts on this and tell your Congress critter to do the same.

© 2018 Devvy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Important links:

1 – How NAFTA Failed Mexico
2 – It’s war: Stop the TPP and TAFTA
3 – Farage Slams EU’s ‘Deep Hypocrisy’ on Tariffs: ‘All That Trump Has Done Are the Same Things That You Yourself Has Done’
4 – Europe promises retaliation if Trump puts tariffs on steel – with peanut butter, bourbon and orange juice on hit list
5 – Great News: Globalist Cohn quits over tariffs
6 – Elon Musk goes on tweetstorm, siding with Trump over tariffs
Shut up you ignorant gas-bag and that includes no nothing, Joni Ernst:
7 – Sen. Chuck Grassley: Trade tariffs do not put America First – low barriers, expanded access do
8 – Brown asked why some Air Force service members deployed to Afghanistan were twice issued Chinese-made boots – 2012. Christ, how the commies must laugh at us.
9 – Indictment: Military boots made in China said ‘Made in the USA’ 2016

Stormy Daniels, A Weather Modification Weapon, And Trumpocalypse

The relatively recent appearance of Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claims to have had an affair with President Donald Trump for money, like the Category 4 hurricanes that seemed to come out of nowhere to devastate the Florida coast, appears to be a geoengineered storm created to devastate Trump.

But the real target of this artificial storm involving Stormy Daniels is strategically designed to destroy the widespread support Trump enjoys among evangelical Christians as the mid-term elections approach.

The question remains, as we pose in our bestselling Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, co-written with Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson, whether Daniel’s account is true. Many Americans have serious doubts about the truthfulness of her story because of the timing of her announcement, inconsistencies in her story, and the fact that despite what she claims she has a lot to gain monetarily and in terms of notoriety in both the adult video business and mainstream entertainment.

For Trump’s political and Deep State opponents to use Daniel’s so-called testimony against him, it’s not necessary for it to be true. It’s only necessary for evangelical Christians to believe that it’s true, or at least wonder. The goal is to constantly bombard Trump with an endless series of alleged scandals, Russian collusions, improprieties and so on to erode his political and moral credibility with his political base.

The operatives behind this, whoever they are, have strategically targeted Trump’s “evangelical Christian” voter base with things like “Stormy the Porn Star’s” accusation of an affair with Trump. These dark political operatives know full well that the “Stormy Daniels affair” does not fly well with evangelical Christians, especially women, because both Christian men and women view the “affair” as biblical adultery. This also has a secondary effect of destroying Trump’s growing favor among Democratic and Republican women, who are not religious.

The challenge before evangelical Christians and some evangelical Christian leaders is not to allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled by highly sophisticated political operatives who often know more about the moral values and theological principles in the Bible than many Christians. They are already creating an “evangelical Christian narrative” based on biblical principles and enrolling targeted Christians who will be easily led to go against Trump for money and a slick counterfeit of biblical morality.

The only reason this is possible is because we now have several generations of Christians and Christian leaders who have not developed a strong biblical worldview capable of understanding historical truths in the Bible, such as the long record of pagan and immoral world rulers that God raised up to deliver his people in times of crisis. These Christians have a weakened understanding of the Bible and cannot discern the difference between superficial holiness and piety and the deep sins that break the heart of God.

The Orwellian mainstream media has artificially engineered a national social crisis in which powerful men in the entertainment and other industries have been accused in large numbers of using their power to abuse women sexually and psychologically. The reality is that it is highly possible that a significant percentage of these women are telling the truth. Most women have experienced sexual abuse in different degrees in their own lives or know a woman friend who has.

The social climate right now is a kind of pervasive disgust of men and their sexual aggressiveness. While Trump has not been accused of abusing or molesting women, and if it was true, which at this point there is not enough evidence to prove this conclusively, Trump may get caught in the riptide of all the abused women accounts and, if it were true, large numbers of Christian women and men would perceive it as the sin of adultery.

The bottom line is if Trump lied to his wife and committed adultery with a “porn star,” this alone will not jeopardize his evangelical Christian base, but it will damage it and that is the goal of the political operatives. “The Stormy Daniels Porn Star” situation cannot be viewed singularly. It is part of an overall master plan that involves manufacturing, fabricating and if possible discovering numerous situations politically, sexually, and ethically that added up have the collective power to hurt him.

Before we get into the reality of operational weather modification technology or what some people claim are weather modification weapons of which this article contains publicly documented proof, many in the mainstream media will falsely attempt to call that claim a “conspiracy theory,” which according to former CIA Director John O. Brennan and Russian President Vladimir Putin it is not a conspiracy theory, but a scientific reality.

Brennan spoke about this during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington D.C. on June 29, 2016. This speech, “Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations,” is available to be read on the CIA website. In his speech, Brennan talked about modern technologies we currently have that can change the weather.

Geoengineering refers to technologies such as “Chemtrails” and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HARRP) in Alaska, which can change the weather.

“Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do,” Brennan said.

The former CIA director then talked about geoengineering technologies that can transform of modify the weather, create or stop the rain, and end droughts. Although he openly admitted that this technology is online today and demonstrated his enthusiasm for positive things through geoengineering, these powerful technologies can be used for good or evil purposes. As with so many technological and scientific breakthroughs, modern technologies can be used to benefit or harm mankind.

Examples of this dichotomy would be nuclear energy, which can produce nuclear power or atomic bombs, or genetic engineering that can heal and prevent diseases or create worse problems like some of the genetically modified organisms (GMO) foods that genetically produce harmful diseases. It’s not an accident that Putin publicly announced that America has weather modification weapons and that Russia does too.

Highly advanced modern technologies also exist in the realm of scientific mind control, persuasion and creating groupthink for controlling the masses. Political campaigns, public opinion and wars have always been manipulated through the mass media’s use of advertising techniques, propaganda, social engineering and the science of mind control.

In the same way that weather modification technologies can generate good or severe weather, psychological operations (PSYOPs) can artificially create positive or negative perceptions among the American public regarding candidates and issues.

In this way, the “Stormy Daniels Porn Star” matter is like a weather modification storm. It bears all the hallmarks of an artificially-generated mythology designed to attack the trust between evangelical Christians and Trump who is the first president in America’s history that has championed Christianity in a serious way by standing up for Christian martyrs around the world, acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, defended the constitutional rights of pastors to speak out on issues from their pulpits, challenged abortion, and truly sided with evangelical Christians on many moral and spiritual issues.

Finally, Trump has boldly confronted the technology giants on their unconstitutional suppression and censorship of Christians on social media and the Internet.

Once again, the mainstream media in America cannot report the truth because they are part of the problem. They are sold out and are nothing more than agents for the globalist elite and their agenda. The mainstream media is owned by just six globalist corporations. They are the “thought police” of Big Brother referenced by author George Orwell in his book, 1984.

As we revealed in Trumpocalypse, there is an historical relationship between the Deep State, the mainstream media and the Internet and social media giants. It was American intelligence agencies like the CIA that started “Operation Mockingbird,” allowing the CIA to embed its operatives—some of the biggest names in journalism—into mainstream media companies. The CIA placed into top media positions countless reporters, editors and producers who were trained at a CIA school of journalism. This includes major media figures at Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS, NBC, and ABC, along with major motion picture studios and radio and television networks. The CIA played an active role in either directly or indirectly funding and controlling both leftist and conservative media such as William F. Buckley, founder of the National Review.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon and countless other tech giants were initially funded by the CIA and continue to receive massive investments through front companies. If you want to know why Trump is attacked 24/7 by most of the mainstream media and the tech giants, it’s because the mainstream media and the tech companies represent the views and opinions of the CIA, and not those of “We the People.”

The mainstream media and the big tech companies are significantly controlled by the CIA and the globalist elite.  Beginning around 1947, the first CIA director appointed by globalist David Rockefeller was Allen Dulles. What legal and governmental authority gave Rockefeller, one of the world’s richest individuals to select and appoint the first head of the CIA?

The answer to that question involves who really controls and owns America? The answer is very simple. The world’s wealthiest international banking families such as the Rockefellers rule America from a “Shadow Government” and the Deep State.

When David Rockefeller, who founded the Council on Foreign Relations and set up the globalist United Nations, was alive he and other globalists like former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, members of the Rothschild banking dynasty family and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger laughed privately at this fairy tale in which the average American believes their nation is run by “We the People.”
The notion that America is actually ruled by “We the People” ended in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This fairy tale reality is a virtual reality illusion projected by scientific mind control and media technology. It is the “Scientific Dictatorship” outlined by Brave New World author Aldous Huxley who gave a speech before 2,000 neuropsychiatrists at the University of California, Berkeley in 1961 when he said, “In the truly effective Scientific Dictatorship men and women will not know that they are slaves. They will learn to love their slavery {though scientific mind control.)”

The reason that a significant percentage of the mainstream media would openly lie about the existence of these technologies is because the majority of journalists who work for mainstream newspapers, blogs, news sites, radio, television, tech giant social media firms and major search engines have chose not to be true journalists like many were decades before, but they are now the Orwellian armies of Big Brother and the “thought police” that Orwell warned of in his novel, 1984.

Many of them are painfully uneducated in the true sense of the word and have little or no understanding of history, politics, economics, philosophy, culture, religion and how our world really works. They are merely the programmed voices and faces who are paid to conceal the truth and drive the globalist agenda of which they have no clue what it is about.

Most of them have never been real journalists. They are second rate salesmen and saleswomen for the dissemination of globalist propaganda. In their delusional world of groupthink and scientific mind control they are propped up by expensive sets, wardrobes, graphics, make-up people, plastic surgery and Botox injections. In their insular, bi-coastal world where they and their Hollywood star friends scream at the American public for not supporting gun control, the higher-level media have their lives, families and children protected by literal ex-military and small private armies of ex-Navy Seals who are heavily armed with multiple, fully automatic assault rifles, bulletproof vests, bulletproof black Cadillacs and specially fortified homes that are patrolled 24/7 by a private military of anywhere between four to ten private soldiers.

Yet while they scream for gun control and carefully edit the news videos and interviews to support their narrative even it is not true, they demand that defenseless elderly people, single mothers with small children, and African Americans and Hispanics in gang-infested neighborhoods to give up their means of defending themselves. Guess what happens when these defenseless single mothers, elderly, people, African Americans and Hispanics in dangerous neighborhoods are the victims of a home invasion robbery involving heavily-armed gang members smashing into their homes high on powerful mind-altering drugs?

If these people can afford an alarm system, how long do you think it really takes the police to get there in any major city? Let me give you a hint. It takes about an hour after the gang has tortured, raped, brutalized and done things to the single mother, her children and others that are too graphic to put in this article.

Yet this narcistic media in collusion with Hollywood stars and politicians want to eventually take away all guns so every person in America is defenseless. Many in the media know the truth, but the mainstream media are owned by just six globalist corporations that are owned by the globalist elite families that represent less than percent of the world’s population and control and own 99 percent of the world’s wealth.

The globalist elite have an agenda to completely disarm the global population for a very specific reason that you will never hear the mainstream media report on, just like the mainstream media never told you the truth about what would happen to the American working class and middle class when all these secret trade treaties were signed. Instead of having integrity and acting like journalists, they were paid off to keep their mouths shut and they knew full well what was coming.

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul McGuire: newmediavoice@aol.com

God, The Astronaut, Endless Space And The Moon

In the beginning there was nothing. How about the endless space of which there is no beginning or end?  Outer Space goes on and on…and on forever.

If there was nothing in the beginning, wouldn’t space have had to be created? Some of these question will be brain busters but do not strain too hard to find the answers. I wouldn’t want any of my readers to get a mental hernia. Throughout this examination, I stay braced as a precautionary measure.

In the beginning, there would not have been any construction companies or tools, yet, through the winds of time it all came together including the planets scattered all over the heavens. And here we are today. First question:

What was the first liquid and food consumed on the moon? I’m betting that most are unaware of this story.

Forty-five years ago, two human beings changed history by walking on the surface of the moon.

But, what happened before Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exited the Lunar Module is perhaps even more amazing, if only because so few people know about it.  I’m talking about the fact that Buzz Aldrin took communion on the surface of the moon.  Some months after his return, he wrote about it in Guideposts magazine.

The background to the story is that Aldrin was an elder at his Presbyterian Church in Texas during this period in his life; and, knowing that he would soon be doing something unprecedented in human history, he felt that he should mark the occasion somehow.

He asked his minister to help him and so the minister consecrated a communion wafer and a small vial of communion wine. Buzz Aldrin took them with him out of the Earth’s orbit and onto the surface of the moon.  He and Armstrong had only been on the lunar surface for a few minutes when Aldrin made the following public statement:

“This is the LM (Lunar Module) pilot. I’d like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and wherever they may be, to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his or her own way.”  He then ended radio communication, and there, on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home, he read a verse from the Gospel of John, and he took communion.

Here is his account of what happened:

“In the radio blackout, I opened the little plastic packages which contained the bread and the wine.  I poured the wine into the chalice our church had given me.  In the one-sixth gravity of the moon, the wine slowly curled and gracefully came up the side of the cup.  Then I read the scripture:  ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit … Apart from me you can do nothing.’

“I had intended to read my communion passage back to Earth, but at the last minute [they] had requested that I not do this. NASA was already embroiled in a legal battle with Madelyn Murray O’Hare, the celebrated opponent of religion, over the Apollo 8 crew’s reading from Genesis while orbiting the moon at Christmas. I agreed reluctantly.”

“I ate the tiny toast and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the intelligence and spirit that had brought two young pilots to the Sea of Tranquility.  It was interesting for me to think that the very first liquid ever poured on the moon and the very first food eaten there were the communion elements.”

“And, of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon – and who, in the immortal words of Dante, is Himself the “Love that moves the Sun and other stars.”

How many of you knew this? Too bad this type of news doesn’t travel as fast as the bad does.

Share with others you know.

The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts, the safest place to be is in someone’s prayers, and the very best place to be is in the hands of God.

Fact check by Snopes.com: TRUE

Our deepest thanks to Lawrence Craig for alerting us to these facts that are little known to most.

After that event in space, I was standing in front of a 7-11 store in California. A man walked over to me, started clearing his throat as I thought, “oh here we go.”  It seems that whenever anyone comes into my presence it seems to stimulate the biographical impulse.

Clearing his throat again he said, “I see you are wearing a cross.”
“Do you know what I think about religion?”
“I’m confident I’m going to find out.”
“For me religion is just a crutch.”
“Crutch nothing. It’s a whole wheel chair.”

The man studied my face, then said, “How can you believe that stuff, that God has always been here and will always be here…no beginning, no ending. That’s impossible!”

Motioning to him I said, “Walk out here with me. I want to show you something.”  I then said to him, “Look up there. What do you see?”  “Sky” the man said. ‘Now look past that and what do you see. “ummm  more sky.”

‘And now look past that and what do you see?”  The man’s face became strained as he said….’m o r e  s k y.’ ‘Yep’ I said to him, more sky…it goes on and on…and…on…FOREVER. There is no ending. Now you see this endless space with your own eyes. Here it is, right in front of you. Can you explain this? No you cannot. Nor can I, or anybody else.

“Now that you have seen this, can you truthfully state, after seeing what you just saw, that it would be impossible for God to have always been here and will always be?”

The man with a confused look subtly nodded his head up and down, wished me a good night and he went his way silently.


© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Christian Persecution And Getting Ready For Battle

We had the experience of going 24 hours without power this weekend. It reminded me of how dependent we are on the supply of electricity as well as how much we take it for granted. No lights, no hot water, in fact, no water at all, no appliances, washer, dryer, dishwasher, no heat! All that we take for granted was suddenly not available. This particular storm came without much warning (we were told there would be no snow or ice), so I was surprised by the intensity of the wind which brought down power lines. The old Boy Scout motto is cogent, ‘Be prepared.’

We face a battlefield in our country these days; a battle for the soul of our nation. Will we repent and turn back to the One True God as Sovereign Ruler of our land, and therefore His Law and His Will as the supreme good in our country? Or will we continue down the path of pagan deconstruction of all things good, righteous, just and holy?

Around the world the church of Jesus Christ faces intensifying spiritual warfare:

Morning Star News reported that after Christians in Southern India this year distributed 170 Gideon Bibles, Hindu extremists issued harsh threats to them before snatching their car keys and stealing the remaining Bibles from their car and setting those Bibles on fire in the Singutam village. On January 21st one Hindu issued an ominous warning on video to Christians. “You are useless people, you will give a Bible to whoever you want. How dare you, you shameless idiots. From now on if any of you distribute Bibles we will attack you brutally. How dare you promote Christianity.”

Video of the sermon

What we as Christians need to do is be prepared for this battle. As the history of warfare repeatedly demonstrates careful advance preparation is the key to victory. It is helpful to look at those who have succeeded in battle before us, those whose careful preparation laid the foundation for victory. In Joshua we find just such a model. The last two weeks we studied the crossing of the Jordan River and now we see what top priority on the other side was.

Joshua 5:1-9 “And it came to pass, when all the kings of the Amorites, which were on the side of Jordan westward, and all the kings of the Canaanites, which were by the sea, heard that the Lord had dried up the waters of Jordan from before the children of Israel, until we were passed over, that their heart melted, neither was there spirit in them any more, because of the children of Israel.”

Notice the fear and trepidation of the pagans in face of the Army of the Lord seeing the mighty power of God. One of the things we must never forget is the reality that, if God is before us, it doesn’t matter who is against us. Yes, we face powerful enemies, both in the visible realm the forces of wickedness, atheism, idolatrous belief systems and so on, but even more notably the invisible powers, the host of evil, Satan and his minions arrayed against us. If we were to make those enemies, their power, their prominence, and cunning our focus we would cower in fear and shrink from the battle field. But we should not fear; indeed, our enemies here on earth and even in the invisible realm, were they to perceive the way things actually are, they would tremble in fear and trepidation just like the king and inhabitants of Jericho and all other cities in the Promised Land did. Those people heard the reality of what God did in drying up the Jordan at flood stage allowing all Israel to cross over. No doubt they thought they were safe from war with Israel if the flood stage remained – usually a month or more. But now they saw that the God of Israel could do miraculous things against which they had no defense.

The challenge we face in our day is that Satan has masterfully orchestrated a denial of miracles. People have adopted the materialistic world view that says miracles are not possible and that God, if He exists at all, cannot perform miracles.

For example, many people follow the philosopher David Hume who wrote in his An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, “A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience as can be imagined …”

Notice his premise, “firm unalterable experience has established these laws.” The Laws of the Universe are not established by God – he claimed – but by human beings based upon their own observations and their own experience. So, it is entirely a man centered worldview, believing that man is the measure of all things and man’s experience is all that is needed to establish truth. But what if something happened when man is not present, that cannot be taken into evidence when establishing these manmade laws? And what about all that happened before man came into existence? So, the evolutionist believing the universe to be billions of years old admits that man has been part of this a fraction of that time span. This means that Hume is very short-sighted in his worldview. Hume goes on the speculate, “it is a miracle that a dead man should come to life; because that has never been observed, in any age or country. There must, therefore, be a uniform experience against every miraculous event, otherwise the event would not merit that appellation.” He outright denies the 500 eyewitness testimonies of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This view of the world is out of touch with reality. There is a God in heaven who has all power, who established all the Laws of the Universe, they are His Law and He is free to make alterations on the spot; to stop the Jordan river from flowing its normal course, to bring down the walls of Jericho, to even make the sun stand still in the sky, to raise His Son from the dead. We don’t even need to look for natural explanations of these miracles. Many have expended ink and sweat to explain the Jordan stopped up by an earthquake, or perhaps the pole shift was underway on the day the sun stopped – or in other words, the earth’s rotation had a hiccup causing a delay in the sunset. Not that all these might be explanations of how the miracle took place, but they miss the point, the point that God is Sovereign over all His creation.

The amazing thing to me is the arrogance of our modern society. The ancients who we often despise as backward or ignorant were much more in touch with the reality that there is a supernatural realm and that miracles can and do happen. Jericho believed, the Amorites believed as well as the Canaanites, it is only the foolish moderns who refuse to believe.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

Have We Let The Government Go Too Far?, Part 1

Ever since the election in 2016 we have seen that there is a government within the government, a shadow government if you will, that actually runs the government. When looking back at previous elections we can see that this shadow government has been in control for decades, NO MATTER WHAT PARTY IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. During the 2016 election anti-American George Soros stated in an interview that Clinton winning the electoral college was a ‘done deal’: In recent weeks, Democrats have attempted to paint Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump as a lunatic for claiming that the election is going to be rigged in favor of his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

Even Republican politicians and former politicians are telling Trump to knock off such talk.

But, as usual, Trump’s shrewdness and defiance of standard political decorum – in which the “opposition” party merely rolls over and surrenders in the face of Democratic pressure – is winning the day.

None other than billionaire investor and longtime Democratic supporter George Soros has said that the fix is literally in for the election, in favor of Clinton – no matter how much of the popular vote, and from which battleground states, Trump captures.

As reported by Top Right News and other outlets, during a recent interview with Bloomberg News, Soros – a Democrat mega-donor – openly admitted that Trump will win the popular vote in a “landslide.”

However, he said that none of that would matter, because a President Hillary Clinton is already a “done deal.”

In the interview, which is now going viral, Soros says with certainty that Trump will take the popular vote, despite what the polls say now (which are completely rigged to oversample Democrats), but not the Electoral College, which will go to Clinton.

When the reporter asks if that is already a “done deal” – that Clinton will be our next president no matter what – Soros says “yes,” and nods his head.[1] If Soros hadn’t put things in motion to assure that outcome, how could he have made that statement?  Keep in mind that the Soros has control over the company that supplied the electronic voting machines to 16 States:  George Soros has influential control over a company who will supply 16 US states with voting machines for the upcoming presidential election. 

Smartmatic Group, an electronic voting corporation whose headquarters are located in the U.K., offer support services to the Electoral Commissions of 307 counties in 16  States.

The chairman of Smartmatic’s board, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, also serves on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation and has very close ties to the billionaire.

According to Smartmatic’s website, they supply voting machines in the following States: Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin.[2]

We are all aware of the Clinton/DNC paid for dossier which was put together to take Trump down in case he won.  To no one’s surprise really, the news just broke on what most of us previously suspected and now we have confirmation of: no other than the Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Hillary Clinton lied, as her campaign team and the Democratic National Committee paid for the now debunked and infamous “Trump Dossier”, which was one of the main motives for the Trump Campaign Team-Russia collusion investigation supervised by Clinton operative and bag-man Robert Mueller.

It is now an established fact that Democrats funded the former British spy Christopher Steele, who compiled the so-called Trump Dossier. And that shows how Democrats leveraged Russian sources in order to spread fake news/fake intel about a political opponent, with the end game being them trying to sway an election. Sounds familiar, right? That’s what they’ve accused Russians of, in typical leftist doctrine: accuse others of what you were doing in the first place.

It is not clear how much money the Democrats spent on that fake Trump Dossier, but we do know that the law firm of Clinton’s attorney Mark Elias, Perkins Coie respectively, received 5.6 million dollars in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016 from Clinton Campaign team and an additional 3.6 million dollars from the DNC since November 2015. It is fairly logical to assume that at least a portion of that money was used to pay for the Trump Dossier. There were also Republicans involved in Fusion GPS’s efforts to dig into Trump’s background, but they were not identified so far.[3]

These are just a tip of the ice berg concerning what is being called the Deep State.  Our government is involved in more than we would like to know and some of it seems to come straight out of a Hollywood science fiction thriller.  The system was called HAARP.  It was exposed that the government was working on a system that could alter the weather.  It was, as I understand it, to be used as a military weapon. It was supposedly dropped in 2013 after  lot of negative press but I have my doubts that it was stopped. HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was a little-known, yet critically important U.S. military defense project which generated quite a bit of controversy over its alleged weather control capabilities and much more.

The project was shuttered by the military in 2013 after attracting large amounts of negative publicity, though HAARP-like research undoubtedly continues in other secret projects. This essay reveals major deception promulgated by those involved to lead the public to believe HAARP was simply a research facility with little practical military value.

Though denied by HAARP project officials, some respected researchers allege that the electromagnetic warfare capabilities of the project were designed to forward the US military’s stated goal of achieving “Full-spectrum Dominance” by the year 2020 and of “Owning the Weather in 2025” (see USAF document summary here). Others go so far as to claim that HAARP technologies have been and continue to be used for weather control, to cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, to disrupt global communications systems, and more.

These researchers point to major aspects of the program which are still kept secret for alleged reasons of “national security.” The U.S. patent of a key developer of HAARP and other documentary evidence support these claims. And there is no doubt that electromagnetic weapons capable of being used in warfare do exist. The HAARP project’s $300 million price tag also suggests more was going on than meets the eye.[4]

Then we have claims from former CIA operatives on other types of programs that would seem to come right out of a 1950’s sci-fi movie.  In an impromptu conversation on Jan 11, Black Ops operator, geophysicist with degrees in Mathematics and Physics, and Oklahoma City Bombing whistleblower Cody Golden Elk Snodgres spoke of the many different kinds of plausible deniability weapons being used by the Deep State on Americans–and by extension on civilians worldwide.

Touching on various Mind Control projects run by the NSA/CIA, including Project Slammer, a mid-’80s ten-year FBI/CIA behavior modification project run with the NSA, DIA, and US Navy and Air Force Intelligence which used psychotronic weapons and psychological studies, and a synthetic telepathy project run inside the Vatican—the Holy See–he describes how occult and Satanic ideologies from Project Paperclip and before, from Mengele and his evil experiments, preceded the set-up of various experiments in the ’40s and ’50s by the OSS and CIA, and relates the use of various exotic weapons used on those being targeted including psychic energy weapons labeled PSY INT derived from remote viewing and Project Stargate experiments, as well as microwave weapons, sonic weapons, holograms, and electronic images, and runs through several patents from the past few decades.  

Mind Control weapons and methods, he reveals, are definitely being used on Americans. Plausible deniability weapons include long-term assault with slow-kill weapons as well as faster-kill assassination weapons.

The first of many conversations on these vital and necessary subjects, in the interests of informing all, Cody says he can talk for hours on the mind control projects that he has knowledge of, and that he believes everyone needs to hear about.  For his whistleblowing, he reports retaliation; he speaks about being surveiled and sniped at and targeted with microwave weapons. With his bodyguards, he says, and high-level detection equipment, he is able to protect himself.[5]

Mind control, psychotronic weapons, synthetic telepathy, psychic energy weapons, microwave weapons, sonic weapons, holograms, and electronic images?  Just what are these people planning for Americans?  This is what you get when there are not people of integrity in places of authority.  Is it any wonder why the Deep State wants Trump out?  Their risk of full exposure increased greatly with his election.  The American people have no choice but to fight back or lose all.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. George Soros Hillary Clinton electoral college.
  2. George Soros owns voting machines
  3. Exposed: Hillary Clinton’s DNC paid for Russian dossier on Trump
  4. HAARP weather modification electromagnetic warfare weapons
  5. Deep state whistleblower Cody Snodgres reveals the targeting of Americans with mind control microwave psychic energy weapons

Popping The Christian Bubble

How are things going for you in your life as a Christian?  How is your walk with Christ?  What, exactly, does that look like in day-to-day life?  What — for you — does “CHRISTIANITY” consist of?

I ask these questions because so many church-goers seem to be living in what I call a “Christian bubble.”  We seem to be increasingly isolated within the four walls of our church buildings.  Regular church-attenders and pastors alike have become so intimidated by the ever-increasing anti-God bias of our modern American culture.  So much so, that we choose to just keep our mouths shut, keep our faith to ourselves.

In the past, I’ve described it this way:  as the LGBT movement has been embraced and emboldened with the support of corporate America, the media, the government, the public school systems, and even the churches, unrepentant sodomites have “come out of the closet,” pridefully waving rainbow flags and celebrating their sin, while Christians have been perfectly content to take up residence INSIDE those same “closets,” too afraid to speak up, stand out or even QUESTION the abominations raging throughout our land.

I dare say, Christianity has become all about US.  We go to church on the weekend, and for most, that is the extent of our Christianity.  SOME of us read the Bible on our own at home, but not very many.  SOME of us also have a regular prayer time, but not very many.  These things are all well and good, but there’s just one problem:  living this way is not biblical!  You see, the Christian life is not supposed to be all about US and OUR needs.  We are not just supposed to be feeding OUR souls — we are supposed to be winning OTHER souls, discipling them, and teaching them all Jesus commanded.  We are SUPPOSED to be the Salt and Light of the Earth.  But we’re not.  Even if we DO pray — and a surprisingly low number of professing Christians make this a priority — we pray in error; usually asking God for only those things that affect US, only those things that WE feel WE need.  Instead of praying, “Thy will be done,” we thank the Father for His provision, and then proceed to ask for more and more and more… but sadly, usually, only for OUR own personal needs and wants.

Equally disturbing is this notion that Christians are to have nothing to do with the things of this world.  We are told by our pastors and church leaders to stay out of “politics,” to stay out of controversy, to mind our own business, to focus all of our attention, give all of our tithes and offerings ONLY to the church.   It is continuously drilled into our heads that we’re to have nothing to do with anything outside the four walls of our meeting places.  This is SO unbiblical, I can barely believe we have bought into such lies.  Yet it is the prevailing practice in nearly every church I know of.

Just ask your Pastor if you would be allowed to announce a gathering of church folks at the local abortion center, to stand in the gap for the voiceless, preborn babies about to be torn limb from limb in their mothers’ wombs.  Ask your pastor if you can recruit others from your church to go to a schoolboard meeting and protest the pro-LGBT curriculum being used to indoctrinate your children.  Ask your pastor if you might use a room of the church on a special night to show a documentary about the evil agenda of the socialists, liberals, feminists, and muslims seeking to throw God out of every corner of America.  I already KNOW the answer:  “Sorry, NO.  We can’t get involved in things like that.”  And THEN the church leadership will begin to view you as a “right wing wacko,” and start seeking ways to marginalize you.  They’ll tell others to avoid you.  They will secretly laugh at you behind your back, because you are so radical, so “counter-cultural.”

But I have news for you: our Savior, was the most radical, and the most counter-cultural Person to ever walk the face of the Earth.  And HE Himself gave us COMMANDS  to follow, most of which we KNOW about, but most of which are NEVER preached on  nor taken seriously — except of course, the ever-popular out-of-context, misinterpreted  “Judge Not,” which sadly, even our Christian leaders are now teaching as the “Whole Counsel of God.”

Turn to Matthew 5.  Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt has lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted?  It is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under the feet of men.”  He was speaking to His disciples here.  Those who truly WERE — in every sense of the word — CHRIST-FOLLOWERS.  He told them they were the SALT of the Earth.  In this passage, Jesus was explaining a concept in terms His followers could understand.  In those days, “salt that had lost its savor” really only HAD one possible use:  it was used, literally, as PAVEMENT on roads.  They paved the roads with otherwise useless salt.  So it REALLY WAS trodden under the feet of men.

There are many translations of the Bible, and some say “…if the salt has lost IT’S savor…”  But in the original text, Jesus ACTUALLY said, “…if the salt has lost HIS savor…”  This makes quite a difference.  Because He wasn’t just talking about table salt here.  He was talking about PEOPLE.  WE, as Christians, are to be SALTY!  We are to have SAVOR!  If we DON’T, Jesus said, we are literally GOOD FOR NOTHING in the Kingdom of God!

Likewise, Jesus continued by saying, “You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all that are in the house.  Let YOUR light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

So unless I am grossly misinterpreting this, Jesus specifically told His disciples, in one of His most important teaching times, that His followers were to be the SALT and the LIGHT of the world.  We are not to lose our savor and we are not to hide our light.  Why would He teach these things, if in reality, He meant for us to hide inside the four walls of our church and NEVER EVER EVEN ATTEMPT to impact the culture around us?  Never EVER get involved in the things outside our churches?  Never EVER speak of Jesus’ commands or stand up for God’s Word and truth when sin is pridefully celebrated and normalized, and the doctrines of demons taught to our children and grandchildren as “the new normal?!”

My friends, we live — most of us — inside a “Christian bubble.”  Most of us know nothing about the horiffic abominations going on outside our churches, nor do most of us CARE.  We occupy ourselves with vain religion, with ritualistic “praise and worship.”  But if we are NOT engaging the culture… if we are NOT being salt and light to a lost, deceived and dying world all around us, all our “praise and worship” is useless.  In fact, the very form of “Christianity” we practice has, today, become “good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by men.”  And so why are we suprised that Christianity no longer has a “voice” in America?  It’s simple:  we NEVER open our mouths!

What was the message of John the Baptist, as he made way for the start of Jesus’ work here on earth?  “Repent!”  And what was Jesus’ first message when He began His earthly ministry?  You got it:  “Repent!”  Jesus also gave the Great Commission at the end of Matthew 28:  “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU.”  This “Great Commission” is also recorded in Acts 1:  “You shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the Earth.”  He said all these things as His final instructions to His followers, and then ascended into Heaven.

But my friends, we have been TAUGHT — most of us all our lives — to misinterpret these commands of Christ.  We have been taught that the Great Commission means we are to 1) either give money to overseas missionaries, or 2) to go overseas and feed the poor, dig wells and build houses.  Again, these are not BAD things to do, but it’s NOT what Jesus commanded.

In Matthew 28, He commanded us to TEACH EVERYONE to observe all He had commanded.  So did He actually mean the exact opposite?  That we are to keep our mouths SHUT and never speak out against evil, never talk about sin and the need for repentance, but rather to be loving, accepting, “open and affirming” of sin, lest we offend someone who may be pridefully embracing and celebrating their sin?  And when He said we are to be His witnesses, He put it THIS way:  “first in Jerusalem, then in all Judea, then in all Samaria, and THEN to the uttermost parts of the Earth.”  So did Jesus actually mean the exact opposite?

Did He mean we are to FIRST go to the uttermost parts of the Earth and do service projects, all the while neglecting our personal “Jerusalems?”  And WHAT IS “Jerusalem” to us?  It is our HOME TOWN.  FIRST, He said, we go to our HOME TOWN.  Then we go to our state, then we go to our nation, and LASTLY, we go to the ends of the Earth.  If we do not have the COURAGE to be salt and light in our own home towns, we have no business going on a tropical vacation disguised as a missions trip.  Sorry to sound harsh here, and I do NOT mean to downplay the vital work of those saving lives in foreign lands.  Certainly the missionaries that go there have good intentions and many absolutely ARE doing the Lord’s work.

But what about the rest of us?  They are KILLING BABIES down the street from our churches, and Christians just “praise and worship and pray” louder.  Tell me:  do you think God hears such prayers?  They are teaching ‘TRANSGENDERISM” as a normal, natural alternative lifestyle to your CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN, and most of us do nothing about it, for fear of being looked upon as “judgmental,” “offensive,” or “harsh.”  They kicked God out of our public schools in 1962 and Christians did nothing.  Now they are erasing and rewriting history.  They are KILLING BABIES!  And we KNOW BETTER, yet we remain silent, content, fat and happy inside our “Christian bubbles.”

If you want to talk about “harsh,” Jesus had some VERY harsh words for people like this.  He did not show LOVE to everybody.  Matthew 15, “You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying ‘this people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me.  In vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’”

Truly, Jesus had some VERY harsh words for the cowardly religious leaders of His day.  He called them:  “hypocrites,” “blind guides,” “fools,” “whitewashed tombs,” “serpents,” “brood of vipers,” and “liars.”  In John 8, He told them, “You are of your father the devil.”  It seems Jesus was not very “Christian” by today’s standards, was He?  He also reacted with righteous anger when He found the temple had been turned into a den of thieves, making a whip, physically attacking the wicked ones and overturning tables.  I doubt He would be very welcome in most of today’s churches.

So do you think He would just “be ok” with abortion?  With a sodomite “pride” parade?  With leading innocent little children astray with the lies of the devil, teaching them to question their very gender?  Do you think He would be ok with people just going to church, listening to the sermon, babysitting kids in “Childrens’ Church,” serving as money collectors during the “offering time,” and never DOING anything more?  Never engaging the culture or questioning the lies of the wicked, evil liars who are leading our precious little ones to hell — or worse yet, KILLING THEM in cold blood before they are even born?!

SATAN rejoices, no doubt.  But what would Jesus do about all this?  Would He be sitting and listening to endless sermons, raising His hands in so-called “praise and worship” while MILLIONS outside those four walls are perishing in their sinful delusions?  Come on, folks!  It’s time we pop the bubble.

There is a WHOLE WORLD of REAL CHRISTIANITY going on outside the building where you go every weekend.  You need to understand, you don’t GO to Church, you ARE the Church — IF you’re a true Christ follower.

I was just as guilty of living inside that Christian bubble.  For years, I never knew, never realized, there is a WHOLE WORLD of REAL CHRISTIANITY outside those four walls.  There’s so much more to it than a weekly “service,” personal Bible study and personal prayer time.  We are to the the Salt of the Earth.  The Light of the World.  We ABSOLUTELY ARE called to ENGAGE the culture, and there are MANY TRUE CHRISTIANS who are doing just that.  Most likely you have no idea about this world, because your pastors forbid you to associate with such Christians, and certainly will never promote such “radical activism.”

Why?  Because it takes COURAGE.  It takes thinking outside the box.  Bottom line:  it takes taking Jesus Christ at His Word, taking up our crosses daily and REALLY — I mean REALLY — following Him.

Do you want to be a part of this?  Do you want the REAL DEAL?  Or are you content just “playing church?”  The day will come when the Righteous Judge will separate the sheep from the goats, placing the goats on His left and the sheep on His right.  And the lukewarm — those happy and content inside their “Christian bubbles,” — He will vomit out of His mouth and say, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity.  I never knew you.”

If YOU ARE READY to get serious about these issues and if you’re ready to meet like-minded people, I encourage you to join us, March 9th and 10th at the 2018 Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  All these issues and more will be discussed by some of the most notable leaders in the Christian world from around the nation.  You will be educated, informed and equipped to have an IMPACT for Jesus in this lost, sad, sick world.  If you don’t already know about this EXTREMELY VITAL Conference, I encourage you to call me for all the details.  No matter where you live, anywhere in America, if you are serious about your faith, you NEED to be at this Conference.  And you need to bring your children and grandchildren with you as well!  I guarantee it will be life-changing.  And if you actually ACT on what you learn there, God may yet have mercy and heal our land.  Please don’t miss this opportunity.  We may never get another one.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 219.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Embracing Discrimination

Modern liberalism forbids any kind of discrimination, in any sense of that word. It this continues to be extended to every aspect of life, it will destroy every human society and institution, as it is in the process of doing now. This is the crisis our civilization faces.

Liberal ideology manifests in tolerance and non-discrimination as the ruling principles of society, the principles to which all other principles must yield. A society which cannot discriminate, distinguish, or differentiate between itself and other societies will go out of existence. To truly be, we must be able to be ourselves, whatever that entails. As part of that definition and determination, we must define boundaries for ourselves. Erasing our national borders, a liberal objective, essentially erases our identity as an independent entity.

These liberal principles are very simple and radically extreme. Yet very few people, even hard-line conservatives are aware of these principles; or if so aware, are in dire fear of mentioning them. Instead of opposing the primary principle of non-discrimination, conservatives oppose its secondary manifestations such as multiculturalism and political correctness.

Let’s say we got rid of multiculturalism and political correctness; would that end Moslem immigration? No, multiculturalism is not the source of Moslem immigration. The source is the liberal belief that we must not discriminate against other people on the basis of their race, ethnicity, culture, religion, etc. This was the idea behind the 1965 Immigration Act and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The latter basically said that all discrimination is wrong, period. No one in today’s society is willing to oppose this this utterly ridiculous idea. No one up to now has had the nerve to question the immigration of Moslems per se, or say it should be reduced or stopped, except for mild and contrived restrictions in regards to migration from countries harboring terrorists. If we hadn’t experienced a recent spate of terrorist incidents, the insidious Moslem immigration, incompatible with our basic principles, would go on without practical opposition. The few writers and pundits who have the nerve to say that Islam is a mortal danger to our society still will not say we ought to stop or reduce Moslem immigration. This is because of the overarching liberal zeitgeist which says that it the most morally wrong thing for people to embody is to have or show a critical view of a foreign group, and to want to exclude that group and keep it out.

The equality principle of modern liberalism is expressed in the idea that unassimilable  immigrants must be permitted to flood our society, changing its very nature, since we cannot pronounce judgments on these immigrants.   The prevailing attitude is that one who makes these types of distinctions or value judgments must be banished from polite society, or more and more commonly at least be banished from a mainstream career.

The Civil Rights laws and implementing regulations, in destroying our right to select those with whom we wish to associate or do business with, obviated the freedom of association guaranteed to us by the Constitution.

The liberal inability to agree to establish a standard or common set of ethical guidelines for behavior creates an “every man for himself” approach to life, banishes God from a role in setting forth rules for behavior, and negates generally accepted Judeo-Christian behavioral models from the public sphere.

The inability to discriminate or the prohibition against doing so in regards to one’s dealings with others, or in determining standards or proper ethics or morals, extends “downwards” into the lower realms of personal tastes and behavior. Thus, boorish attitudes and behavior are tolerated, sloppy personal standards in in dress and clothing choices are accepted, foul language becomes standard, improper English usage and grammar become normal, people trample on each other’s personal spaces by not respecting their right to privacy or dignity such as by talking on cell phones loudly where a quiet atmosphere should obtain in places like medical offices or at the theater.

It appears that sufficient conservative resistance to liberalism cannot be generated in acceptable forms to retard or stop it. It is pessimistic, but one can only hope that liberalism will collapse of its own contradictions and irrationality, or that unprecedented occurrences of sufficient magnitude will shake society to its foundations such as physical disasters, disease epidemics, economic depressions deeper than we have experienced, or unprecedented terror attacks sufficient to change the prevailing paradigm. Absent such extreme occurrences or some newly developed technique to force discussion about Islam, unbounded immigration, and unalterable racial differences, there will be no change in the ruling paradigm. Somehow, the idea that discrimination is the greatest sin must be attacked and destroyed. It must be shown that it is incompatible with our continued existence as an organized, orderly society.”

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: sidsecular1@aol.com

School Shootings And Cover-Up In Britain

[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years. Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Considering I live in a country where the majority of people have never owned a gun or even seen a real one; there’s an awful lot of talk about gun control going on over here.

Sparked once more by the most recent mass shootings in Las Vegas and Florida, our mainstream news seems to be vehemently attacking the American people, and in particular, its president, Donald Trump, for protecting second amendment rights on a monumental scale.

Leading the way, British journalist Piers Morgan is one of the most formidable and aggressive forces amongst us, in his attack on gun ownership and its laws in America. Highlighting the obvious random murders which are carried out by gunfire upon innocent adults and children, he appears to be championing a cause which many British people support.

Maybe, it is our obvious differences in how we have been exposed to firearms that creates the chasm, and now affords such support; but are countries which now live under very strict gun ownership controls any safer than in America, and do will live under an illusion of feeling protected based on our past history as being a country with one of the lowest rates of gun homicide based on tight gun control?

I have discovered, one of the most stringent gun control laws enforced in the UK came about in the late 1990’s when a ban was made on all handguns (with the exception of those chambered for .22 rim fire cartridges) by John Major under the conservative government and later by Tony Blair under the labour government who went on to ban the .22 handguns. [Read]

This came about after 16 children aged six and under together with a teacher was shot and killed in a primary school in Dunblane, Scotland in 1996. [Read]

Dunblane, which is a small quiet village, was visited by local resident, Thomas Hamilton, a legal gun owner, early one morning just as school had started. He proceeded to walk through the school, opening fire and randomly shoot children.

Today, the public are unable to read the full investigation into Dunblane, called the Cullen Inquiry, because of a closure order preventing publication for 100 years. However, some of the documents were released in 2005 revealing that Hamilton had previously been under investigation by Child Protection for many charges which included assault and obstructing police. It is reported that no action was taken.

Dunblane seems to hold a ‘secret’, and an untold story. It is very evident the village is united and not quite at peace about the outcome with the inquiry. I don’t blame them. The question on why no action was taken against Hamilton has raised some accusations of there being a cover-up.

In Dunblane Cathedral is a beautiful sculpture to the children who died. On one side of the sculpture it reads

“But still I dream that somewhere there must be the spirit of a child that waits for me”

The quotation to me seems to sum up a loss of innocence on our own part, besides being dedicated to the families and children of the Dunblane Massacre. [Read]

Knife Crime in the UK

The UK is no stranger to random attacks upon children in schools.

In 2001, I happened to work for a short time for an organization called Spurgeon’s Child Care. In a new initiative to recruit volunteers to visit children who were in care, and to launch the project, I was delegated to find a suitable celebrity to speak at the launch. It was a difficult task. Eventually, I wrote to a young lady by the name of Lisa Potts, who had been awarded the George Medal for her bravery.   In 1996, she had been working at an infant school as a nursery nurse and a man entered the playground and proceeded to attack them with a machete. In attempting to protect the children, one of Lisa’s arms was almost completely severed, and she suffered severe cuts to her head, back and other arm.   Several children were also very badly injured.

The assailant, Horrett Campbell, who was arrested the day after the attack claimed that he heard voices, and that he was told the children ‘represented the devil’. It is also reported that he idolized the killer Thomas Hamilton, the murderer of the Dunblane incident.

It is reported he showed no remorse and saw what he had done as a good thing. [Read]

Currently the number of people owning licensed firearms in the UK is 2 million together with 1.3 million legal shotguns in England and Wales.  This does not account for the number of illegal owners.   Every household most certainly possess knives, although a machete cannot be accounted for.  There is a significant rise in both gun and knife crime in the UK, and whilst some British citizens live under a false sense of feeling protected, some are very aware of our vulnerability in a world of increased violence which now incorporates terrorism.  We are also aware of no-go areas, honour killings, child abuse on a grand scale, an increase in rape, human trafficking and increased drug and alcohol addiction within the population.   In respect of mental health problems, health agencies report that patients with mental health problems are more of a danger to themselves than other people. [Read]

Time to Change, an organization which aims to change attitudes towards mental health states:

“The majority of violent crimes and homicides are committed by people who do not have mental health problems” [Read]

My own thoughts are that violent crimes and homicides are not committed by anyone who is in a ‘balanced’ state of mind.

We should all strive for a balanced mind.  This is under threat.

On a daily basis our exposure to crime and fear, with fear being the operative word is growing; and yet to speak out about fear of terrorism, or our caution around some people who appear to be very unbalanced, is becoming the worst crime of all.

Hate Speech

Hate speech seems to account for anything which might offend or hurt someone else’s feelings or views. It can lose you your job, imprison you, and isolate you. It is extremely one-sided.

Those who feel you are being hateful by pointing out obvious facts can be very aggressive.

Many tactics used by hardened news reporters, politicians, some activists (and journalist’s) can bully you down into submission by over-talking you, accusing you, contradicting you and confusing you.

We live in a Dunblane scenario of hidden truth and suppressed facts.   Innocence becomes lost.   We die internally, our voices not heard; resentment and injustice grows, our thoughts torment us.

Thoughts can become audible; good becomes bad, and bad becomes good.   Confusion is life threatening because it can change your identity.

In a recent interview with British journalist Cathy Newman and her guest, Canadian professor Jordon Peterson on the gender pay gap, the questioning became an interrogation using all of the above tactics. When Peterson was accused of offending other people he admitted that this is what we must risk and accept from each other in order for healthy conversation and he had sat for a long time being offended and made very uncomfortable by Newman’s questioning. He displayed a vast amount of grace and wisdom during the interview. He did however know his enemy. He knew that which was outside him and he knew that which was inside himself.

You can watch the interview here.

“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.” —Sun Tzu (The Art of War)

© 2018 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Why The Constitutional Convention Could Destroy What’s Left Of America

Article V of the Constitution has only 22 words about a convention for proposing amendments, but the most important is the word “call.”  Since only Congress can “call” the convention, it means that states have no control over who can be a delegate, who makes the rules, who sets the agenda or who wields the gavel. —Phyllis Schlafly

I don’t see a single flaw in the constitution, all I see are failures to obey the constitution.  —Bill Whittle

Many on the left and the right are working together to rewrite our 1787 Constitution, that magnificent and precious document, the fountainhead of our unparalleled American freedom, independence, and prosperity which secured our God given unalienable rights. They believe that changing our Constitution or adding amendments will force politicians to obey it.  With that premise, since few obey the 10 Commandments, should we change them as well?

The dangers are many, and euphemistic sounding reasons for another Convention convince constitutionally uneducated citizens of the need for a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA).  Few Americans have read the actual BBA bill, which would change our constitution and legalize the already unconstitutional spending by Congress, and when Congress couldn’t meet the budget because of their spending, they’d simply raise taxes on the American people.  The Constitution lists the enumerated powers by which Congress is limited in its spending, the BBA Amendment changes those enumerated powers.

Two Methods for Proposing Amendments

Article V of the Constitution includes two methods for proposing amendments.  The first and only method used for 27 amendments thus far empowers Congress to propose an amendment, “whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary.”

The second method for proposing amendments, which has never been used since the original 1787 Constitutional Convention (Con-Con), is through a convention called by Congress “on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states.”  Once 34 state applications are received, Congress is bound to “call a convention for proposing amendments.”

Article V tells of two modes of ratification.  The amendments proposed by Congress or at a convention, can only become part of the Constitution once they’ve been “ratified by the legislatures of three fourths (38) of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress.”

Advocating Constitutional Change

Conservatives who advocate for a Con-Con fail to understand that once Congress convenes a convention, it cannot be undone, and no predetermined rules or limitations, adopted by either Congress or the states will have any bearing on what the convention delegates may choose to do or propose. Link The delegates would have free latitude to propose any changes they see fit, including the writing of an entirely new constitution, along with changes to the mode of ratification, so as to guarantee the adoption of their amendments.  It would be a runaway convention and it is not without historical precedent.

Imagine the delegates appointed by state legislatures like California, New York or Illinois.  Every God given freedom would be eliminated and every leftwing socialist program would be enforced.

Throughout American history there have been those who wish to rewrite our U.S. Constitution. Link  In 1943, it was a Chicago lawyer for Marshall Fields and Time, in the 1960s it was Senator Everett Dirksen, and we came close to a convention in the late 1980s.  Now in the 21st century we are again faced with those on the left and right advocating for another convention.

In his book, Six Amendments: How and Why We Should Change the Constitution, (2014), former Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, who wrote the dissenting opinion in the Supreme Court’s Citizens United case, proposes to change the Second Amendment to read:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms when serving in the militia shall not be infringed.

The addition of these five words essentially allows for the criminalization and disarming of homeowners and law-abiding citizens.

Stevens, appointed by Gerald Ford, would also change the First Amendment to limit political speech, change the Eighth Amendment to forbid the death penalty, and change the Tenth and Eleventh Amendments to end sovereign immunity for the states and absolute immunity to state and local elected officials when they don’t follow federal laws.

Then there’s Henry Hazlitt, American economist, and libertarian (1894-1993), who was the former economic advisor to James Dale Davidson, founder and former head of the National Taxpayer’s Union (NTU).  Davidson’s NTU was instrumental in promoting a Con-Con in the early 80s and he claimed he gave $100,000 every year to the cause. Hazlitt wrote A New Constitution Now in 1942, and republished it in 1974.  His book makes the argument for replacing America’s presidential system of government with a parliamentary one resembling Great Britain’s. I thought we fought a revolutionary war to escape that form of government!

Hazlitt states, “An amendment could be proposed that would strike out everything after We the people,” and that of course, includes the Bill of Rights.

Warnings from Statesmen

On November 2, 1788, James Madison, the Father of our Constitution, wrote a letter to G.L. Turberville when he was asked how he felt if another General Convention should be called.  Here is a portion of his letter, written only a year after the 1787 Constitution:

An election into it would be courted by the most violent partizans [sic] on both sides; it would probably consist of the most heterogeneous characters; would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.

Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention which assembled under every propitious circumstance, I should tremble for the result of a Second, meeting in the present temper of America, and under all the disadvantages I have mentioned.

In Federalist No. 49, Madison warns against a convention to correct breaches of the Constitution. He said the legislators who caused the problem would get themselves seats at the convention and would be in a position to control the outcome of a convention.

In Federalist No. 85 (last paragraph), Alexander Hamilton said he “dreads” the consequences of another convention because the enemies of the Constitution want to get rid of it.

Our first US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay wrote that another convention would run an “extravagant risque.” (obsolete spelling of risk)

US Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg reminds us in his September 14, 1986 editorial in The Miami Herald that at the convention of 1787, the delegates ignored their instructions from the Continental Congress and instead of proposing amendments to the Articles of Confederation, wrote a new Constitution; and that “…any attempt at limiting the agenda would almost certainly be unenforceable.”

US Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger said in his June 1988 letter to Phyllis Schlafly:

…there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention…After a Convention is convened, it will be too late to stop the Convention if we don’t like its agenda…A new Convention could plunge our Nation into constitutional confusion and confrontation at every turn…

US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said on April 17, 2014 at the 1:06 mark of this video.

I certainly would not want a constitutional convention. I mean, whoa! Who knows what would come out of that?

Convention supporters ridicule these warnings as “fear mongering.” And they quote law professor Scalia in 1979, before his decades of experience as a Supreme Court Justice, to “prove” otherwise.

Here are additional letters and articles by eminent jurists and scholars to the same effect.

Any intelligent person must seriously consider these warnings from these brilliant men. James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Justice Jay, Justice Goldberg, Justice Burger and Justice Scalia understood the plenipotentiary powers of delegates to an Article V convention.  Link  (h/t to Joanna Martin)

The Historic and Dangerous Legal Precedent

The only historic precedent for a Constitutional Convention occurred in 1787.  The 55 attending delegates were tasked with the “sole and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation (AOC).”  Article XIII of the AOC stipulated that “any alterations” made to them must be unanimously “confirmed by the legislatures of every State.”

Both of these mandates were exceeded.  The delegates chose to replace the Articles with an entirely new federal Constitution.  They altered the mode of ratification from being “confirmed by the legislatures of every State,” in Article XIII of the AOC, to “the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof,” in Article V of the new Constitution.  On September 13, 1788, with only 11 of the 13 states having ratified the new Constitution, the Continental Congress passed a resolution that it “had been ratified.”  The new Constitution replacing the AOC was adopted before being “confirmed by the legislatures of every State,” as Article XIII required.  With such precedent, who can say this will not happen again?

The 55 attending delegates to the 1787 Convention

a) ignored their pre-set limited agenda;
b) trashed the entire existing government;
c) wrote a new constitution; and most important,
d) (to assure adoption of their new constitution), they ignored existing ratification requirements, wrote new ones, and used the new rules to bypass the state legislatures.

A second Con-Con hasn’t been held in 231 years because, by virtue of the only historic precedent, nothing can stop a second convention from doing everything the first did.

Phyllis Schlafly Eagles Oppose a Con-Con

An Article V convention cannot be limited. The text of the Constitution expressly states that only Congress may “call” it, and multiple “Amendments” will be allowed – a plural “s” after “Amendment.”  Nowhere does it state that a Convention can be called, opened or convened and bypass Congress.

Big liberal states like California and New York would have 10 to 30 times more power at an Article V convention than small conservative states would, because the Supreme Court has required the “one man, one vote” rule since 1964. The House would also require voting based on population.

Supporters of the “Convention of States” falsely claim that States would not ratify bad amendments. But state legislatures did ratify the 17th Amendment, often unanimously, even though that took power away from them to elect U.S. Senators. Media pressure to ratify amendments becomes unstoppable.

The original Constitutional Convention had three essential conditions that do not exist today: (i) secrecy from the media, (ii) participants who fought in the American Revolution against tyranny, and (iii) George Washington presiding.

Authorship of the 1787 Constitution was a collaborative effort, with Gouverneur Morris deserving the most credit for the elegant style of the wording in the document.  The ideas embodied in the Constitution were from many sources.  Today we have liberals like Bernie Sanders and George Soros rewriting our Constitution, not to mention the moderate left leaning Republicans.

Tactics of the left are being used to try to pass a “Convention of States.” That project is funded by secret donors who have hidden agendas. There are wealthy globalists who do not like our Constitution for many reasons. One of the prominent directors of the Convention of States has also been a leader of the “Never Trump” movement, who has helped only Hillary Clinton.

The first thing liberals would do in an Article V convention is to attempt to repeal the Second Amendment, and also to insert a right to taxpayer-funded abortion and gay marriage into the Constitution.

If the problem is that politicians do not obey the current Constitution, then writing a new one is no solution to that problem. Politicians who ignore the current Constitution would ignore a new one, unless of course it allowed them to do as they please and then they’d follow it.

On July 12, 2016, the Republican platform committee resoundingly rejected a call for an Article V convention, for many good reasons as stated by conservative delegates during a televised session.

Progressive Education

It’s interesting to note that these folks pushing another convention often refuse to debate those who know the historic precedents and documents of our founders, but when they do, they always end up failures in the public forum.

We must realize that progressive education has destroyed academic education, and it happened long ago, other than in a few hundred private schools and among home schools, academic teaching is gone.  Eliminating the US Constitution and American history from education started in the late 1960s.

Progressive education does not believe in moral, religious or cultural absolutes, but rather only believes in questioning those absolutes and replacing them with relative truths, i.e., convenient lies. Indeed, we need to consider whether the proponents of progressive education have always been “intending to make a clean sweep of traditional values and start with a new set,” as C. S. Lewis put it in his 1943 book, “The Abolition of Man.”

America is shifting from a nation governed by a Constitution to a nation governed by an agenda. What the agenda is should matter to people who love their freedom.  It doesn’t matter whether Republicans or Democrats are in power, the agenda keeps moving forward either way, directing us all toward what is touted as a more “enlightened,” a more “socially conscious,” and a more “open and tolerant” society. Link

Unfortunately, our children are learning nothing of freedom and liberty, our heritage or Constitution, what they are learning is a socialist agenda.


The 1787 Constitution and the Bill of Rights secured our liberties and listed our basic God given human rights.  America’s founders were statesmen who stood against tyranny, taking great risks personally and financially to leave a legacy of freedom to the world.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Why Do Non-Muslims Convert To Islam?

“The Muslim population in the U.S. is growing and highly diverse, made up largely of immigrants and the children of immigrants from all across the world. Indeed, respondents in the survey hail from at least. 75 Nations.

The number of non-Muslims who are converting to Islam is rapidly growing. In the U.S., the majority are African-Americans (a third of all US Muslims according to most authorities), but there have also been significant numbers of others to convert as well, many of them well-educated. Muslims in non-Muslim lands proselytize relentlessly and convert others while any Muslim who leaves Islam is judged as an apostate and automatically condemned to death.

Islam actively suppresses and even prohibits the practice of other religions, including those of the “People of the Book,” Jews and Christians. There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerant and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “People of the Book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution.

With each passing day, Islamic ideology is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches or synagogues in a non-Christian land? As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade with regard to churches and mosques?

Question: Why is it that the Muslims are so hell-bent on passing laws and resolutions of the sort they are pushing?

Answer: Because Islam is loaded with faulty and bizarre beliefs as well as many primitive, discriminatory and shameful practices. So, they need to build a steel fence around their corral of absurdity to protect it and them from crumbling under the assault of truth. They have much to hide and fear exposure the most.

Question: Why is it that these followers of Allah don’t mention any other religions besides Islam for the privilege they are seeking?

Answer: Because to Muslims, Islam is the super-religion and final religion of Allah. Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without religion are considered blasphemy and blasphemous by the faithful.

In a non-Muslim land, Muslims are completely taking advantage of US laws and the Constitution. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect a legitimate religion and enhance liberty, but in reality, subverts democracy and freedom.

Needless to say, presently, America is faced with a Trojan horse called “Islam.” Regrettably, America, with a long history of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. This is an important question that must be researched, evaluated and provides the result to the American people.

What Attracts People to Islam?

Excellent question and hard to answer. i.e., an Irishwoman on converting to Islam: ‘It excited me.”

Many may not quite understand, but Islam is like a contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victims, it is capable of transforming them to helpless pawns that have no choice but to execute what they are directed to do.

It’s true that the vast majority of the victims of Communism were people living in Communist states. Some 38 million Soviets were killed (this number fluctuates from 10 to 60 million depending on the source) because of Communism. Close to 65 million Chinese citizens were killed because of Communism. That the victims of Communism were largely members of socialist societies says a great deal about the ideology itself.

Nearly 270 million people have been murdered since the inception of Islam, 1400 Years. It is also true with Islam. Muslims are the main victims of Islamic ideology. The political nature of Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional ideology that needs to be discarded. Islam’s charter Quran is the root cause of Islamic violence, just as Marxism was the root cause of international Communist totalitarianism. Of the reported 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions more are rapidly joining them while still other millions are being proselytized.

Islam Is a Mental Disease

The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult. A devout Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the ideology of Islam, “submission,” leads everything up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is unconditional submission to the will and dictates of Allah.

Islam’s Attraction to African-Americans

An article in Christianity Today (Aug 20,1990) reported that in the U.S., the average age of those converting to Islam (31) is about twice that for conversion to the Christian faith (age 16). It listed the main reasons given for becoming Muslim: Islam’s doctrine is simple and rational, all believers are equal, it is a “practical” religion, and lacks a priesthood.  I have heard the same things from African-Americans in Philadelphia more than once. But first on their list is perceived racism in the church. Roughly summarizing

The discrimination that we feel makes Islam attractive to us because it’s a way of rejecting the culture that will not have us. In sociological terms, I think that one of the reasons that many African-Americans go to Islam as opposed to Christianity.”

Here is the what the leader of the Islamic revolution of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini said many years ago: “Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious. Islam does not allow swimming in the sea and is opposed to radio and television serials. Islam, however, allows marksmanship, horseback riding and competition. Meeting in Qom ”

Broadcast by radio Iran from Qom on 20 August 1979.” quoted in Taheri, The Spirit of Allah (1985) p.259).  [ref]

Commonly, the Quran is full of black and white, right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable verses. When men didn’t convert to Islam, they were labeled infidels and were slaughtered; their women and children were taken along with all their belongings as booty. It was either Islam’s way or the highway. This radicalism is very much in evidence today.

Deciding to join Islam, means committing oneself to the creed and its goal. One cannot join an order without adhering to its precepts and practices. It is absurd, for instance, for a person to voluntarily join the military while saying that he doesn’t believe the military’s objective of killing an enemy. All these Muslims who are not rabid advocates of jihad are in clear violation of their creed. Even these people are complicit in the mayhem and murderous acts of their co-religionists by financial support and in other ways.

Jimmy Carter

The truth in this entire nightmare can be traced back to the liberal democratic policies of Jimmy Carter, who created a firestorm that destabilized our greatest ally in the Muslim world, the Shah of Iran, in favor of a religious fanatic, the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Islam, by its very nature, is patriarchal and authoritarian. Once liberty is surrendered for submission, a host of serious consequences present themselves. The individual becomes little more than a passive obedient vessel of Allah and his perspective of himself and life drastically changes. Once he submits to the all-powerful, all-knowing, he is absolved of the responsibility of having to chart his own way in life.

What to Do?

A few short answers:

It is important to understand that the human mind is not a perfect discerner of objective reality. In actuality, reality is in the mind of the beholder. The outside world only supplies bits and pieces of raw material that the mind puts together to form its reality. Depending on the type and number of bits and pieces that a given mind receives, its reality can be very different from that of another mind.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that Islam has been in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for its wanton behavior toward others from the day of its inception to the present.

Resist Multiculturalism

For a variety of reasons, during the past decades, Western societies opened their doors to a flood of Muslims from Islamic lands. In so doing, they aimed to make the newcomers feel at home, retain their way of life, and live in harmony with the indigenous population. Some call it a practice in Christian charity. But good-heartedness not only failed, it boomeranged and severely hurt the welcoming hosts. It is wonderful to be charitable. It is great to be good-hearted. But being charitable and accommodating evil can empower evil to literally tear out your good heart.

Islamism and jihadism are on the rampage playing out all over the world and literally tearing out the hearts of innocent people, many of them Muslims. We don’t want to repeat European mistakes. We want no multicultural fantasy to create a nightmare reality. Muslims who live here must become part and parcel of America just like all the other diverse people who have come to this wonderful land. Muslims must abide and honor the same values and laws that have made this nation a beneficent refuge for all people. No separate but equal foolishness that was the banner cry of the segregationists, for Muslims. It must be together, equal, and under the same law.

Challenge the Politicians

The gospel truth is that some politicians are paid agents. They do and say what gets them elected and keeps them in office. As a voter and fund contributor, you are important. Let them know how you feel and how you are going to treat them if they sell their services and become Islam apologists and enablers. Hold them accountable at all levels of government, from the local city council to the resident in the White House

In short, we have a great country, deprived by numerous challenges. We can ill afford to become complacent or disheartened. If we band together in a common cause with devotion to our nation’s principles, values and the Constitution, we can meet and defeat any threat of any type or magnitude. Past generations of Americans have always done so successfully and this generation of Americans must do no less.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Iran’s Ayatollah Advises Democrats To Confiscate Firearms

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

In the midst of his ongoing proxy-war against Israel — using Hezbollah terrorists to launch rockets onto Israeli soil — Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei weighed in on the current Second Amendment debate in the United States.

While Israeli citizens endure Iran’s latest terrorism attacks, Khamenei echoed the American “Deep State’s” call for disarming U.S. gun owners under the guise of protecting children from the kind of mass-killings that were seen in Florida and other schools throughout the U.S.

“The leader of a renegade nation openly hostile to America’s freedoms has found a certain degree of simpatico thanks to the relationship crafted by President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and members of Obama’s national security team. Obama and Kerry both entered into a nuclear arms agreement with the Ayatollah Khamenei that was hailed by many politicians and the Democrat’s cheerleading news media consortium as being a triumph for peace,” said former police officer and attorney Mike Baker.

“Obama always seemed to prefer comradeship with Iran over protecting and serving the needs of the American people. It doesn’t matter to him and other enlightened politicians if Iran continues to construct a nuclear weapon and a missile delivery system that could kill millions of Americans a/k/a the deplorables. In Iran, Obama found a leader he could admire and possibly emulate,” Baker stated in an interview with Conservative Base’s editor, Jim Kouri.

Khamenei who is at once a religious Muslim and a feared dictator often brags about having total control of his own people, suggested that American leaders immediately disarm American citizens thereby laying the foundation for a strong centralized and omnipotent government. Besides, more and more Americans are becoming aware that the U.S. Deep State indeed exists and that more and more politicians view the U.S. Constitution as hindrance to achieving the Utopian society envisioned by the likes of Obama, Hillary Clinton and other globalists.

Khamenei’s idea about the Second Amendment is a model that many U.S. leaders would “officially” oppose, while they secretly plot to duplicate.  As with past dictators, the Ayatollah’s first pursuit when he came to power was to disarm Iranian civilians, a ploy utilized time and time again.

In addition, many American elitists — politically-active captains of industry, the overpaid but under-educated denizens of newsrooms, the self-congratulating hypocrites in the entertainment industry, and other fellow-travelers –have been silent about their pleasure of being on the same page as Ayatollah Khamenei’s regarding gun control, Christianity, Judaism and other issues appearing on their hidden agenda.

With all of the attention of the Trump-impeachment-obsessed Democrats — and the majority of their news media minions — was focused on the hearing of fired FBI director James Comey, most Americans were ignorant of Obama’s actions that always seemed to benefit the Ayatollah.

These President Donald Trump-hating leftists were disappointed when Comey testimony showed that:

Trump is not now, nor has he ever been, under investigation by the FBI; President Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch, told Comey not to call the probe into Hillary Clinton’s endless scandals an “investigation,” but rather a “matter”; and that Comey himself leaked his own memo about meetings with Trump, giving them to a leftist university professor to secretly turn over to a news media denizen.

During the Comey testimony, there was another hearing that uncovered much more explosive and disturbing information: President Barack Obama and his administration disbanded national security units which were originally charged with investigating Iran’s network of Islamic terrorism funding.

Obama, Valerie Jarrett (born in Iran), Susan Rice and other members of the former President’s inner-circle “systematically disbanded” special law enforcement units throughout the federal government that were investigating the Iranian, Syrian, and Venezuelan terrorism financing networks. Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry were concerned the counter-terrorism units would lead to Iranian officials walking away from Obama’s precious nuclear deal with Iran, according to a former U.S. official with expertise in dismantling criminal financial networks.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Our Elected Leaders Breaking Our Laws

You might read such headlines out of comic books!  But we, the citizens of America who elect governors, mayors and city council members to uphold our laws—instead—discover that they embrace lawlessness.

New York Mayor De Blasio defends illegal aliens along with Governor Cuomo.  Mayor Michael Hancock of Denver and Governor John Hickenlooper created sanctuary cities to defend illegal alien murders, rapists and robbers—all over Colorado.  The governor protects them from arrest.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel defies federal laws by protecting all illegal migrants in the “Windy City” that now boasts the “Murder Capital of America” as its biggest accomplishment.

Along with those corrupt elected officials who swore on a Bible to uphold the U.S. Constitution, State Constitution and all laws of America, we face over 240 sanctuary cities across the United States that harbor criminals, rapists, killers and shoplifters.  They protect anchor baby mothers who illegally birth their children on U.S. soil at our expense into the billions of dollars at 350,000 of them annually, year after year, decade after decade.

This month, “Eight hundred criminal illegal aliens avoided arrest in Oakland, California because Mayor Libby Schaaf gave Bay Area residents a 24-hour notice of pending ICE raids,” according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan.

“She gave them warning, and there’s 800 that we were unable to locate because of that warning, so that community is a lot less safe than it would have been,” Homan said.  “I watched her statement where she says her priority is the safety of her community. Well what she did had the exact opposite effect.”

“I’ll say this to the mayor and every other politician that wants to vilify the men and women of ICE: We’re not going away. We’re going to keep enforcing the law.”

National Sheriffs’ Association Executive Director and CEO Jonathan Thompson publicly denounced Schaaf, saying her warning to the illegal aliens, most of whom are priorities for removal, put city residents and ICE officers in danger.

“This is just another example of a California politician playing politics with the safety of the community,” Thompson said. “What the Mayor is doing is dangerous and reckless. By alerting the public of the operation, she gave known criminal illegals safe harbor which ultimately put the people in that area, as well as law enforcement, in danger.”

What confounds me: the brazen disregard for American citizens!  I mean, our elected officials defend and protect lawlessness and people illegally residing and working in American in violation of our laws.

Tipping point!  Have you heard of that term?  It equates to “that point where an individual, entity or organization chooses to succeed or fail by its actions.  Once that point is reached, the entity thrives or perishes.”

One of the most important lessons I learned in my travels through third world countries: corruption becomes a mechanism by which third world countries operate.  It becomes entrenched. Once that happens, it takes a revolution to dislodge corruption.

Today, in California, corruption and third world conditions control the situations of their failing schools, their loaded prisons, their illegal workforce, their failing infrastructure, gridlocked highways, failing hospitals and ER wards. A whopping 50,000 people live on the streets of Los Angeles in tents and tarps.  Their human waste and filth degrade the streets to third world conditions.   Responsible Americans flee California as fast as the moving vans will extricate them from the area.

Remember why Detroit, Michigan dropped from 1.85 thriving Americans to its present number of 648,000 “refugees” today, and most of those arrived as Moslem immigrants.  Detroit can no longer boast that it’s an American city. It features almost more foreign born than native born Americans.  Thanks to the U.S. Government.

Again, in Chicago, Illinois, corruption controls everything in that lawless city where Rahm Emanuel houses in excess of 500,000 illegal alien migrants. Their schools face utter chaos daily with illiteracy, and gangs flourishing.  Flunkout and dropout rates set records annually.  Drugs spread like the bubonic plague.  Deaths by opiates scream across the streets.  Because of the loss of the rule of law, Chicago boasts being “The Murder Capital of America.”

We, as a people, and as a country must ask ourselves: would we rather live by the rule of law and law enforcement, or do we want to become a nation of Detroit’s, Chicago’s, Los Angeles’, New York City’s, Miami’s, Minneapolis’ and worse?

You discover the answer in the 240 sanctuary cities that protect and defend lawlessness.  You discover that Americans in those cities don’t care enough to participate and/or change those cities to law-abiding entities.

If we all keep “not caring” or “not getting involved”, we will find ourselves at the tipping point of becoming a third world country where corruption and lawlessness continues as the norm.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Our Children Are Our Inheritance. Invest Into Them. Nothing Matters More

Are You Spending the Inheritance?

A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. —Proverbs 13:22

I think I shared with y’all that I just signed up for Medicare.  For the life of me I cannot figure out how I got so danged old.  The thought of being 65 is sobering…I remember when 65 seemed really old.

But that is the reality of my life.  And unlike so many others of my generation that I cross paths with, I am not in the middle of some identify crisis. The central focus of my life, other than the Lord, is the care and nurturing of our beloved children’s children.

Michele and I are “Grampie” and “Gigi” to four little jewels and now that our lives have slowed down a pace or two I realize how much I missed in the raising of our own three children.  The hustle and bustle of providing for a young family seems to absorb so much of your time that the raising of our own children is really nothing more than faint memories.

I thank Jesus that He didn’t let me mess up our own children too much…we had no idea what we were doing.  Parenting is a classic case of on-the-job-training if there ever was one.  You know the old saying…if I knew then what I know now…sometimes life would be easier if it was lived backwards.

Ultimately, your children and grandchildren are really all that matters in life.

Michele and I were rolling down the interstate the other day when came upon one of those huge recreational vehicles that are so common on America’s highways.  As we passed by I couldn’t help but notice the bumper sticker on the back.

“We’re Spending Our Children’s Inheritance.”  I know it was supposed to be a joke but it didn’t strike me as funny…it struck me as sad.  Is there anything sadder than a selfish old couple living out their retirement years spending the inheritance?

Are you mad at me yet you selfish old baby boomers?  Well, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Living for oneself is a pretty empty lifestyle.  A good man, the Scriptures tell us, leaves something behind.  The only difference between some of my retired friends and the pouty millennials is that at least the old folks are able to pay their own way.  Their grandchildren want a lot of things as well…they simply want somebody else to pay for it.

Look in the mirror, Grandpa and Grandma, your bank account may be healthy but the lives’ of your grandchildren are empty.  Heritage is more than money.  A wise man once warned us “what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”  A more current paraphrase might be, ‘what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose the souls of his grandchildren?”

Leaving an inheritance is serious business.  And it isn’t about money.  It is about tradition…culture…faith…and eternal life.  Trading a $500,000 state of the art RV for an empty spiritual legacy isn’t a very good trade.  That is something that a “good” man would never do.  There are some things a child can only learn from a grandparent.

I was reminded of that again last week when the latest slaughter took place in one of our government schools.  I watched “our leaders” offer all kinds of solutions as to how to keep the children safe inside the government indoctrination centers.  No one would point out that it wasn’t an “assault rifle” that took the lives of some grandparents’ grandchildren, but a darkened heart.

Jesus told us “the light came into the world but the men loved darkness because their deeds were evil.“  Evil hearts produce evil fruit.  It is not the guns that the grandparents should worry about but the blackened hearts of the children that their grandkids attend school with.

Jesus also warned us that we should “fear not he who has the power to kill the body, but rather he that has the power to kill the soul.”  Although your grandkids might be “good kids” they are surrounded daily by soul-less classmates…internet zombies…who don’t know the difference between good and evil.  I can assure you of this, you would immediately remove your grandkids from school if you were able to see the hearts of some of the classmates they are exposed to on a daily basis.

So what are you waiting for Grandpa?  At what point are you going to sit down with your own children and offer to pay for a private Christian education for your grandkids?  When will you go to your own children and offer to pay their mortgage if Mom stayed home and homeschooled your grandbabies?  What good will your Luxury RV be when you see your once-innocent granddaughter struggle to get off of drugs and reject all of the values that you had hoped to instill in them?

Every one of those crazy snowflakes that you see marching on TV probably have grandparents who would tell you what a “sweet” and “innocent” child their grandchild had been as a youngster.  What could possibly have caused them to reject their grandparents’ values? Something happened along the way.  Something stole their soul.  Most American kids have not spent the first minute in Sunday school.

Guns should be the least of our worries.  The public schools are destroying the souls of America’s children. Grandmas and Grandpas must sacrifice everything they have to protect the souls of the precious progeny. Sell you vacation condo. Sell your motor home.  Do whatever you can get rescue our future from the grips of the Secularists. Your grandkids need your investment now…not after you die.

Our children ARE our inheritance. Invest all you have into them. Nothing matters more. It is time to start leaving an inheritance rather than spending it. Sell your RV and build an arc. The souls of your grandkids are the ultimate prize.

What is the value of your loved one’s soul?  Be careful you don’t trade what you cannot keep for the thing that you must not lose.

Are you spending the inheritance?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Global Warming Mania: Government School Forbids Children From Touching Snow

They’re Going to Make Us… Happy?

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of unhappiness in the world. But now, at long last, the United Nations is going to do something about it.

Last month at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Real Smart Globalists launched (trumpet fanfare) the World Happiness Council, dedicated to making the whole world happy. It will be funded mostly by the UN, which means mostly by the defenseless American taxpayer. And it will make us happy whether we want it or not. As Sheikh Somebody said, “The role of governments is to bring happiness to their peoples.”

No, this is not a satire.

Seated on the 12-creature board of the World Happiness Council will be some Western college professors, a few Muslim bigwigs, and a former Bulgarian communist jailer—all experts in the art of making people happy, or else. You’d think it might be a thankless task, but you’d be wrong. The world is already moving in the direction of universal happiness through various forms of—well, what they always rely on: strict coercion.

Universal happiness is going to climax with the grand-daddy of all leftid pipe dreams, the Universal Basic Income—free money doled out to people, no strings attached, just for existing. It’s an idea that really picked up a lot of steam, for some reason we can’t possibly imagine, during the Obama era. Hey, soon robots are gonna be doing all the work, anyway, so why not pay everybody for sitting around playing video games?

But before everybody in the world can enter a life of uninterrupted leisure, something has to be done about making them happy while they still have to—ugh!—work. A Swedish company has found the answer to that question: compulsory exercise. Every Friday, all the employees must go to the gym for compulsory yoga.

How compulsory? As the company president explains, “If you don’t want to exercise or be part of the company culture, you have to go.” ‘Cause exercise makes you happy, see, and everybody doing the same thing at the same time, all in the bosom of the company culture, is what leftids call diversity. And it’s something to do while waiting for the Universal Basic Income to kick in.

Throughout history, disease and injury have led to much unhappiness. So from now on, disease and injury must be avoided—especially by children. A happy world has happy children.

The principal of a little school in East London understands this. Faced with a Global Warming snowstorm of epic proportions this month, he issued a decree forbidding the kiddies to “touch snow”. A whole playground covered with the gorgeous white stuff, and the kids can’t even touch it. No snowmen, no snow-forts, and certainly no snowball fights! Just a little piece of ice or a tiny chunk of gravel in the snowball, and boom! You’ve knocked somebody’s eye out, and the school gets sued. “If they can’t touch it, they can’t throw it,” says the principal.

What? Not being allowed to play with the snow will make children unhappy? Pshaw. Just double up on the Gender Education classes, and they’ll forget all about the snow. Besides, the Authorities always know best. That’s what world government’s all about, isn’t it?

There are all sorts of schemes afoot for guaranteeing human happiness. All it needs is for some world government to organize it.

It comes down to doing God’s job for Him, entrusting it to The World’s Smartest People, who know so much better than we do, what makes us happy, healthy, and if not wise, at least contented.

And if you’re still not happy, after all is said and done, they can always flog you till you finally cheer up.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in for a visit? A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

School Shooting: False Flag – What History Teaches Us

“It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” —Henry Kissinger

Russian Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves,” and leading it they are in America today.

Leading through opposition simply means that if a tragedy is necessary to bring about a means to an end (more gun control), then they will bring it about themselves through False Flag attacks to lead people to the debating table for more gun control (Jeremiah 11:9).

This will continue until the American people realize who and what is behind all of this, which at length, will be full gun confiscation.  America, there is NO debate! You have God given rights, not privileges handed down to you by the state.  These people work for you, not you for them.  Make the distinction for your own sakes.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. -2nd Amendment of the Bill of RIGHTS

[YouTube Video]

False Flag refers to covert operations designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party (group or nation) being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

P.S. False Flag does not mean that people did not die, it just means you must seek out who really committed the act!

Adolph Hitler was notorious for sending in his brown shirts to commit crimes on his orders, and then he would come in behind them only to blame his political opposition for the crimes that he was responsible for committing.  He would then play the problem solver so he would look like the savior of the world.  However, little did people know that until after the fact.  History shows him over and over again as the responsible individual (2 Thessalonians 2:3-12).

[YouTube Video]

If you want to see history in replay simply look to the history of dictators and what it is that they did and how it is that they did it when it comes to their crimes committed against their own people.  They always found pleasure in doing the unthinkable in so many different ways.  History is, without a doubt, today repeating itself.

[YouTube Video]

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In the present, we go from this alleged massacre in Florida with no evidence produced of the shooting spree itself, to a national gun control debate within just a couple of days led by CNN.

The CNN debate questions were found to be scripted and so were the questions for the students as well. (video scrubbed – removed by Facebook and Twitter)

[YouTube Video]

We see eyewitness and ear witness contradictions from start to finish concerning the CIA-controlled media’s narrative on what allegedly took place.

Eyewitnesses Alexa Miednik says she spoke to the suspect Nikolas Cruz after hearing gunshots during alleged shooting in another part of the building.

Alexa said, “I kind of joked to him about it and said I’m surprised you weren’t the one who did it.” She added, “He just gave me a, ‘huh?'”

The video has been scrubbed.

Ear witnesses say there were 3 shooters and 2 shooters. (Videos have been scrubbed)

There were three drills during the school day, the third one in which the police told students that they were going to shoot off blanks during the drill while students were to act like it was a real scenario, and magically Nikolas Cruz arrives on the scene during the drill with a weapon. The media also wants you to believe that he folded up an AR-15 and put it in his back pack by the way.  The AR-15 just happens to be the very weapon that the tyrants are looking to ban. (Video has been scrubbed)

A teacher claims that she thought the shooter was originally a policeman with full tactical gear on, full metal body amour, helmet, face mask, etc., which no one saw Nikolas Cruz wearing.

“Useful idiot” and blatant liar David Hogg being coached by the media for his scripted narrative on camera (video scrubbed) as well as how David’s sister lost 4 friends, then 2… Then 3?

From the EMTs and police being told to stand down during the alleged shooting all the way to the corruption that is now being exposed of that of the Chief of Police and the Broward County Sheriff’s office and its corrupt connection, we see something is not right in all of this.

Then right on cue, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube scrub the Internet with any objectionable questions when it came their narrative (Proverbs 18:17).

The media and its allies have a long history of attempting to cover for conspirators. (Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing, Columbine etc.)

[YouTube Video]

Don’t forget this lunatic in Florida, namely the sheriff of Broward County who has compared himself to Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and former Miami Dolphins coach Don Shula, has extensive ties to every corrupt politician known in the USA.  Now surfacing are the many cover-ups with Broward County Sherriff Scott Israel (Proverbs 5:22).

[YouTube Video]

We, as a people, have seen corruption coming from every corner of those who call themselves journalists and representatives (in whatever capacity), the lies, and cover-ups and treason (Article 3, Section 3 US Constitution).  And now, a blatant attack on anyone that would dare question the narrative is enough to understand who is doing the attacking through authoritarian means.

It is the truth that sets men free (John 8:36), not what we perceive it to be because they said so.

It has been said, “A lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on.”  The fact of the matter is that in this country, with all the light and knowledge that we have been so graciously given by our God, there is no excuse for a lie to take a half of a step (Isaiah 51:4).

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Mama, Your Child Is Going To Die

She knew the angels were near when Jessica, with a tear in her eye, looked down at little Billy.  She instinctively knew there wasn’t much she could do to save him.  Billy’s once unblemished face was now mottled with scaly lesions.   His eyes were closed.  His breathing was shallow and every now and then a shudder would rattle through his frail body.  The doctors had given up and sent little Billy home to die.

Inside, Jessica trembled with fear.  Her lovely child was near death and she felt all alone and helpless.  Tom, Jessica’s husband, was no help.  He was angry and moped around the house shaking his fist at the wall and yelling, “how could this be happening to my sonWhat did we do wrong to deserve this punishment and anguish?  What could we have done different to prevent little Billy from becoming sick and near death?”

Little Billy wasn’t always a sickly child.  He came into this world full of life, with fire in his eyes, goodness in his heart and a zest for life.  His cheeks were rosy and his laugh and smile made everyone around him feel good.  They would involuntarily smile when Billy smiled and laugh whenever Billy laughed.  It was a happy time.

Many who saw little Billy knew there was something special about him but they couldn’t quite put their finger on it.  They knew he was different and unique but didn’t know why.  It was if Billy’s new life brought light to the darkness and opened a door into a sunlit world where peace, harmony, strength and freedom could rein again on a troubled planet.

At first, Jessica and Tom beamed with joy.  They couldn’t wait to tell everyone the news about little Billy and how uncommonly delightful he was.  The news of his birth and his uniqueness spread far and wide.  People traveled many miles to see little Billy, as if he was the magnet and they were the paper clip.  Jessica and Tom had brought this beautiful child into the world that seemed to be the promise of all things good, wholesome and true.

Sadly, Jessica and Tom couldn’t know that serious trouble lurked menacingly in their future, where their lives would be shattered and little Billy would be brought to the brink of death.

As Jessica and Tom basked in the joy of their beautiful newborn child, things began to change.  Outside forces were at work to unsettle and disrupt their happy home and their loving attention to little Billy.  The couple started moving in the fast lane with lots of late-night parties.  Entertainment became more important to them than caring for their precious child.

Both were well educated and had high paying professional jobs, which required much time away from home.  Rotating baby sitters became a way of life, depriving little Billy of the loving care of his own parents.  Billy was being biologically deprived, with tragic consequences.

Jessica and Tom had lots of money but lots of money led to massive spending.  Credit cards were maxed out.  Second loans on their beautiful home were taken out to pay for their growing appetite for constant entertainment and new possessions.

Heated arguments over money, possessions, drinking, debt, politics and sex became more frequent.  Their marriage was coming apart at the seams and they were very near bankruptcy.  The only thing that kept them afloat was more borrowing.  But as everyone instinctively knows, borrowing beyond the ability to pay the debt, ends in disaster.

When Jessica and Tom argued at home, little Billy would cry uncontrollably.  They had trouble settling him down.  Eventually, little Billy grew irritable and cranky.  He wouldn’t eat and threw up regularly.  He would get little fevers and colds that seemed to linger longer than they should.  Sometimes blemishes would appear on his body and then would go away.  But the blemishes always returned.

Jessica took little Billy to the doctor, but the doctor couldn’t figure out what was physically wrong with him.  None of the tests could pinpoint a specific disease or diseases and no treatments seemed to work, as little Billy grew steadily worse.

Jessica and Tom tried family counseling.  The counseling would work for a while but then the arguments would start all over again as pressures and debts mounted.  Their lives were tumbling out of control and little Billy was getting the brunt of it.  Billy, now devoid of love and nurturing, was paying the price for his parent’s anger, neglect, inattention and apathy.

As Jessica looked lovingly down at her dying son, more tears streamed down her face and deep sobs racked her whole body.  She tried to remember when it all started going wrong but her life with Tom seemed locked in the grip of a foggy mirage.  Bad memory after bad memory rolled over and over in her mind as if to punish her and Tom for their selfishness.  How could they have been so stupid as to ignore the most precious thing in their life?  How did they let money, entertainment and self-indulgent behavior rob them of their responsibility to take care of the one they loved so much?  How could they have let their need for self-gratification snuff the life out of little Billy’s promise of peace, harmony, strength and freedom?

Tears stained her cheeks as she shook with more sobs.  She looked at little Billy again and again and then, in a burst of self-recrimination, screamed to her self, “Your child is going to die and you killed him!”

Ladies and gentlemen, it should be obvious to the reader that this fictional story was to bring a special emphasis on America’s dire condition.   Metaphorically, America has visible lesions on her face.  Her breathing is shallow and frequent shudders are shaking her very soul.  On the surface, those in power will say that America is healthy, robust, energetic and proud and it appears to be.  But the truth belies the perception.  Thanks to a slight temporary shift in our political world, our economy is coming back.  People are getting jobs.  Companies are growing, money is more available and markets are strong.  But all this alleged good news ignores what is going on behind the scenes.  You are not being told that the crumbling foundation of freedom upon which we stand, has irreparable cracks in it and that foundation is now perched precariously on the shifting sands of apathy, neglect and a seriously flawed ideology.

Of course, most Americans won’t believe us.  Several generations, including the current crop of parents and their children, have grown up in a world totally foreign to the one designed by the Founding Fathers and consider the Constitution and the foundation of freedom as passé and out of date, thanks to this seriously flawed ideology.

We have become as puppets on a string that dance to a hidden oligarch’s drummer and we are not even aware of it.  We are no longer individual sovereigns.  We have become compliant, robot-like, 14th Amendment “citizen subjects” of government.  This isn’t fake news this is reality.

The costs to fix all of America’s ills have risen into the millions of dollars per second, if there even is a fix.  Nevertheless, if we do nothing, America’s future can only end in one of three alternatives: revolution or civil war; merged into the one-world-order; or becoming a third-world socialist dictatorship.

Because of our self-indulgence, inattention and apathy, because of our divisions and arguing amongst our selves, our American culture and our “child” and flag of freedom are dying before our eyes.  There appears to be no cure because the idea of individual sovereignty and freedom is dying.  Collectivism has taken its place.

Every American should be yelling, “… how could this be happening to my countryWhat could we have done different to prevent America from becoming sick and near death?”  But they aren’t.  They are yelling, “we won’t more from government!”

Life is good in America, isn’t it?  Why rock the boat?  We can ignore all this other unimportant “stuff” ….. or can we?

Throughout history, as kings, dictators and oligarchs tightened the strings of power, the people have always looked the other way out of fear or apathy.  Because they have looked the other way, the world has had to endure, at great cost, the likes of Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, the Ottoman Empire, the Crusades, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, radical Islam, the Mullahs of Iran, the Kim Jong family of North Korea and for the last 100 plus years, the Democrat Progressive ideology that threatens to erase forever American freedom, liberty and sovereignty.

The list of Kings, dictators, despots and oligarchs is long and bloody, while human atrocities have mounted to staggering proportions.  Man has killed himself many times more than what Mother Nature has thrown at man in the 6,000 years of human civilization.  In every case, the masses looked the other way as the one man or the few men rose to absolute power.  History is repeating itself once again and the masses are still looking the other way.  American freedom is sick and near death and the American people are unconsciously killing it!

It boils down to a situation where everyone knows what the problems are, but no one knows how or wants to fix it, because to fix it would take a massive effort of millions of united Americans who are willing to lay it all on the line and put their money where their mouths are.  No one is willing to put it all on the line even though they know that this train we are on is headed for a very sharp curve and WILL derail.  It’s as if we all know it is coming to a drastic end and we’re just going to watch the end hoping it won’t affect us ….. but it will.  Sadly, we are just putting our collective heads in the sand.

As a prolific author on freedom and a powerful advocate for Rural Landowners, we have written over 500 weekly articles in 12 years on the erosion of liberty in America.  In the same time period, thousands of other conservative authors have written similar articles on where we are as a country and the Hellhole we are headed for.  In that time and even much longer, the needle has not moved one inch towards conservatism but instead has moved ever faster towards socialism, collectivism and a powerful central government, the greatest admonition and fear of the Founding Fathers.

No matter what we, or others have said or written in the defense of liberty, it has no meaning or effect if the words aren’t backed up by the people’s force of will.  Instead and as we speak, millions of Americans right now are looking down at their hand that holds a cell phone.  That cell phone is a direct link (puppet string) to the giant corporations, the elite, the establishment, the deep state, central bankers, the government apparatus (i.e. NSA, FBI, CIA, etc.) and the oligarchs in power.  They are watching our every move and we let “them” do it to us!   We are no longer SOVEREIGNS with unalienable rights.  We have become unwitting government slaves and we are too enamored with technology to recognize it.  In fact, they own us!

Humans say they are intelligent and at the top of the food chain.  But how can that be if they are so easily duped?

But wait!  Could a simple mindset shift, “Save the USA?”

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Are Gun Control Restrictions Making Or Breaking The Law?

Are Gun Control Restrictions Making Or Breaking The Law?

In light of the still very recent calamitous shooting in Parkland, Florida, there has been continuous talk about the authority the U.S. government and its agencies have to restrict the use of individual firearms of American citizens. In my travels, I hear individuals in airports, hotels, restaurants, and all over speaking about it. So I felt compelled to make a non-emotional, Constitutional point.

Barring the words of the Second Amendment, “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” the Constitution is silent on this fundamental God-given right to self-preservation.  Furthermore, and more importantly, it grants no authority to the federal government to speak to this issue.

Consider with me, if you will, that there are hundreds of thousands of individuals in the United States serving in an elected public office.  As a result, there is constant opposition to the way they behave; and for those who vote on bills or resolutions, the way they vote.

Of course, the First Amendment preserves their unalienable right to voice their grievance in this manner.  And I’m glad that it does so.

Understanding no one is perfect, we can all be assured that those in office have certainly made their share of mistakes. But as Americans, we must operate on the assumption that the law-abiding people in any specific geographic region want their representative to represent them in a lawful manner. Likewise, those represented should make this their first priority.

But do you realize that just because the media, public opinion, a political party or, furthermore, a legislature, a court, or another public official declares something to be the law, this alone does not make it so?

In the instance of firearm restrictions, in order for it to be lawful, it must meet two objective standards. One is an eternal standard: the moral law.  In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson calls this the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God.  An example of a violation of the moral law (or the Law of nature) might be a law against arson or a law against rape.

Similarly, an act of a legislature must also meet the requirements of the U.S. and State Constitutions.

If it fails to meet either of these two standards, then it fails to be a law, and any public official’s oath requires that they vote against it.   They have no choice but to follow their oath.

And this is true no matter how good it sounds, how politically expedient it is, or how well-intended it might be.

And so, when an elected official disappoints you by voting differently than you demand, I am asking that you consider whether what you are demanding is, in fact, lawful.

Because if you ask your representative to vote for something that violates the Moral Law or the Constitution, then you are asking him to “break the law,” not to “make the law.”

This is applicable no matter what the legislation is. This is a simple question of authority and whether or not it has been delegated to your representative.

Learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

School Shooting: Causes And Cures

By Cynthia Davis

Everyone wants enhanced safety.  However, the ideas for how to achieve this goal have thrown this Country into a quandary.

Most news is focused on symptoms, not the real problems.  To find the right answers, we must look at the root cause.  Some people blame guns, psychotropic drugs, and lack of law enforcement.

However, I have not heard anyone talk about what schools teach students.  My daughter was required to read “The Most Dangerous Game” about someone who hunted other human beings.  Many other books she was required to read in other years were just as bad.

The blatant disrespect of human life or the glamorization of heinous or shameful behavior plants seeds of pathological behavior and creates emotional scars that may never heal.

Every experience forms a conscience for either good or evil.  We must recognize what we’re doing when we teach any curriculum that indelibly damages the conscience.  So many schools are trying to not talk about anything religious, yet moral standards are religious because they all originate from one’s worldview.   When will the schools take responsibility for their part in debasing the character of the students by mainstreaming evil?

We should never accept this as normal!  There is only a finite amount of time in each class.  Every time a teacher assigns an immoral book, it removes time that could be spent on true classics.

Schools used to teach virtues like courage, honesty, brotherly love and the dignity of our humanity.  What happened to all the good literature that used to teach children useful lessons that would make them a success in life instead of this mental pollution forced upon them as a requirement for graduation?  Many of these books actually teach racism and enlarge the cultural divide.

Whatever happened to Robinson Caruso, Little Women, Moby Dick, Frankenstein, Ben Hur, C. S. Lewis, John Milton?  Students need stories that nurture the soul, spur hope, inspire greatness, unity, compassion, love for our fellow-man and an acute awareness of right vs. wrong.

Public educators used to spend classroom time teaching students good character and encouraged them to aspire to make their lives count and to make the world a better place.  We must use every opportunity to promote a more free and virtuous society.

[BIO: Cynthia Davis is a former state legislator.  She is a radio host and author of Home Front – a blog offering hope and analysis at the intersection of family and government.]

© 2018 Cynthia Davis – All Rights Reserved

Contact Cynthia Davis


E-Mail Cynthia David: homefront@cynthiadavis.net

Time To Ban Public Schools?

When the sage points at the moon the fool looks at the finger. — Zen koan.

Jeff Cooper, a true philosopher of firearms who, among his many achievements in the field, created the color-coded levels of readiness, wrote that men fight with their minds; the tools they use are irrelevant. Rapper Ice-T, who most likely never heard about Cooper, reached the same conclusion when he wrote the lyrics, “My lethal weapon in my mind.”

Nevertheless, the overall reaction of the CFR-controlled presstitutes, brainwashed high school teenagers, bleeding heart liberals and corrupt politicians after the recent shooting at a school in Florida, shows that the anti-gun lobby is focused only in the tools the killers had in their hands, but doesn’t care much about what they had in their minds when they were mercilessly killing their classmates.

According to this twisted reasoning, a fast remedy to stop school killings would be to totally ban the sale and possession of M-15 rifles. Following their twisted logic, somebody may suggest that, in coming shootings, the cold-blooded assassins should use only shotguns or AK-47s.[1]

Not surprisingly, not only “progressive” liberals have adopted this wrong point of view, but also some “conservative” Republicans are not alien to this erroneous reasoning. Proof of this is that the Transportation Security Administration, one of the most useless organizations ever created by man,[2] is totally focused in detecting the tools terrorists have previously used.

I have seen a video in which a TSA female employee, wearing Muslim garb, is giving a thorough pat down to a Catholic nun. On the other hand, security officers of El-Al, the Israeli airline, are focused mostly not on checking what the travelers carry in their bags, but what they carry in their minds, and their record shows that this approach has been highly successful.

In the mid-1980s, somebody coined the phrase “going postal” as part of the American English slang. It meant becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment. The expression derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which USPS workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, members of the police and general public in U.S. Post Offices. Between 1970 and 1997, current or former postal employees in at least 20 incidents of workplace rage killed more than 40 people.

Some years later somebody made the connection and found out that most of these killers were Vietnam vets, whom the USPS had given preference in hiring. Most of them suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental health condition triggered by terrifying events such as wars, causing flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety. But, one may ask, the current killings have been committed by students, not by war vets affected by PTSD. These students have never been in war. This doesn’t make any sense.

Well, if you think so, you are wrong.

For the past thirty years there has been a war going on against the American people. But this not a conventional war waged with tanks, battleships and planes on conventional battlefields —at least not yet. It is a secret, insidious type of war whose battleground is the people’s minds. Its main weapons are propaganda and mass brainwashing by disinformation, cunning, deception and lies in a large scale not used against the people of any nation since Nazi Germany. Though important, however, those elements are just part of a series of carefully planned and executed long and short-term psychological warfare operations. In synthesis, it is a war in the people’s minds, a psychological war —a PsyWar — one of whose main battlefields is the public schools, and our children have been the main casualties in this war.[3]

So, instead of focusing on the tools — the current focus of hatred in on the AR-15 semi-auto rifle — why nobody, except President Trump, has mentioned the problem of mental health? Why ha nobody in the mainstream press called for a rigorous, in-depth study of what has been on the minds of the killers. Even more important, why gave most of these killings happened in public schools, to the point that we should coin a new phrase to describe it: “going educational.”

The answer is because focusing on the killers’ minds would reveal the true cause of the shootings; something the anti-gun lobby doesn’t want us to know.

In 1999 I wrote an article I titled “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools,” that was published in an Australian newspaper[4] Eight years later WorldNetDaily reproduced it, adding, “Editor’s note: This prophetic commentary was first published in June 1999.[5] There is not much I can add to my 1999 article, but it is a very long one, so I am going to reproduce just parts of it below and add a few new comments at the end.

The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are In Our Schools

Soon after the school shootings at Jonesboro, Ark., and Springfield, Ore., were reported, the American media began rounding up the usual suspects: guns and, by implication, the National Rifle Association and the parents who allow their children access to guns. Since then, school killings in the U.S. have become a common occurrence, and both the national media and gun control advocates keep chanting the mantra that access to firearms is the main reason for the killings. The killings, they claim, are a reminder of the terrible price we all pay for the lax gun control laws in our nation.

It is interesting to notice, however, that the self-appointed “gun control advocates” are actually “selective gun control advocates.” When they talk about gun control, they don’t have in mind controlling the guns in the hands of the government, only in the hands of private citizens. In a country where, in a growing fascistic trend, extensive use of all types of guns among government agencies is mushrooming — even UC Berkeley proudly announced the creation of its own SWAT team — none of the gun control advocates seem to care about veritable private armies controlled by the BATF, IRS, INS, FBI and other federal agencies. The purpose for this selective gun control, they claim, is to curb criminality.

But, as history has proved over and over, criminals don’t destroy countries, governments do. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China and Castro’s Cuba, just to mention a few, are countries where stiff gun control laws were enacted. Yet, as soon as the gun control laws were in place, people were to witness thousands of their fellow citizens killed by guns, in the hands of government thugs. In fact, the disarmament of its citizens was a precondition for allowing their governments to kill them with total impunity.

The inconsistency of the gun grabbers’ reasoning is amazing. The ones that now are blaming guns for the schools killings are the same people that, faced with increasing teenage sex, decided to provide high-school kids with free condoms because, they reasoned, kids were going to continue having sex anyway. These are the same people that, faced with extended drug usage, decided to provide addicts with free hypodermic needles because, they reasoned, addicts were going to continue using drugs anyway. Now, faced with kids killing other kids, I expected from them nothing less than a plan to provide the killers with free guns because, I reason, these kids are going to keep killing people anyway. But no. Because a few kids are killing people with guns, the coercive utopians want to deprive all American citizens from their guns. A very interesting example of convoluted reasoning.

The weak side of the gun control theory is that the famous oxymoron “guns don’t kill people, people do” is absolutely true. Evidence shows that, though many American citizens keep guns at home, they don’t use them to kill their fellow citizens, nor do their kids go to school to shoot at their classmates. On the contrary, most legal gun owners believe that human life is sacred and have passed this belief on to their children.

Once more: Guns don’t kill people

In early 1981, during my first weekend after moving to Zurich, Switzerland, I went with my family to the main railroad station and experienced a cultural shock. Dozens of civilians, carrying powerful rifles and plenty of magazines full of ammo, were getting in and out of the trains, and nobody seemed to pay any attention to it. Later, somebody explained to me that they were reservists going to their monthly military training. Then I learned that most able Swiss citizens keep at home a powerful military rifle and several hundred rounds of ammunition. Curiously, I have never heard of a Swiss schoolboy using his father’s rifle to kill his schoolmates.

The amazing fact is that guns, even guns in the hands of trained soldiers in the battlefield, don’t kill people. While studying the effectiveness of American soldiers during World War II, U.S. Army Brig. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall discovered the incredible fact that less than 20 to 25 percent actually took part in battle using their weapons. After interviewing thousands of soldiers, even soldiers who had been in close combat with German or Japanese troops, Marshall and his team of researchers found that 75 to 80 percent of riflemen did not fire their weapons at the enemy, even to save their lives and the lives of their friends. Some of them prefer to die rather than kill the enemy. The reason for this was the strong inborn resistance of human beings to kill a fellow man. Further research revealed that the rate of soldiers firing at the enemy during the Civil War was very similar.

As a result of Marshall’s findings, Army psychologists created new training methods, and they were applied in the soldier’s training. The results were impressive. During the Korean War, the rate of soldiers firing their weapons in combat rose to 55 percent, and it reached 90 to 95 percent during the Vietnam War. What were these methods? Mostly brainwashing the soldiers to believe that what they were killing were not human beings, but pieces of inanimate matter. This was obtained through a process called manufactured contempt, which includes the dehumanizing of the enemy. Another factor that contributed to the high rate of killing in Vietnam was the extended administration of tranquilizing drugs to the soldiers. Does this ring any bells?

A few years ago, when Florida’s Dade County passed a law allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons, the selective gun control advocates predicted mayhem and civil chaos. But their predictions never materialized, and criminal activity involving guns actually dropped considerably. In Israel’s kibbutzes, assault rifles and submachine guns are always kept fully loaded and at hand. I have never heard of any Israeli child using his parent’s guns to kill classmates.

When somebody uses a car to kill a person nobody blames the car, but the driver. Why, then, when somebody uses a gun to kill a person we always hear the gun control advocates raising their voices? Neither guns nor cars kill people; people do. As the lyrics of a well-known rap song repeats over and over, the most lethal weapon is your mind. Researchers at the North Carolina Center for the Prevention of School Violence seem to agree. They believe that the reason for the current epidemic of school violence has to do with a change in the student’s thinking. Now, how did this change in the children’s mind come to be?

Lowering the violence threshold

In an extraordinary book, “On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society,” author Dave Grossman took a look at how conditioning soldiers to overcome the instinctive loathing of killing is the main factor in post-combat stress. He also shows how by lowering the violence threshold contemporary society, especially the media, replicates the army’s conditioning techniques. The result is increased violence in society.

When I was a kid, I was told that human life was sacred because it was a gift given to man by his Creator. The command “Thou shall not kill” included your own life; therefore, suicide was forbidden. Granted, that was a non-scientific fact, just a belief, but it was accepted by most people as normal, civilized human behavior. Even at school, where students were supposed to learn scientific facts, the ones who expressed their belief in the sanctity of human life were not scorned or harassed. But things have changed in America, and not for the better.

Instead of the non-scientific belief that life is a gift, now children are told at public schools the non-scientific belief that life evolved from a piece or unanimated matter. Day after day, over and over, teachers hammer in into their student’s impressionable minds the unscientific belief that, far from being a miracle, life is just an accident of nature.

There is a practical reason for the teachers’ unscientific behavior. The coercive utopians have always seen Judeo-Christian religion as the main obstacle to their plans, so they have been using Darwin’s theory of evolution as a handy tool in their battle against religion. Their main goal is to lower the ethical and moral threshold to brainwash children to accept their views.

The techniques the brainwashers apply to lower the student’s moral threshold are very sophisticated, some of them closely resembling psychological operations used by intelligence services all around the world. For example, most schools have instituted a “pajama day,” in which students come to school wearing their pajamas. That seems pretty inoffensive, and no parent would question it. But the “pajama day” is just the first step for the creation of the “cross-dressing day,” in which students come to school dressed as members of the opposite sex. The “cross-dressing day” is actually a “transvestite day” in disguise. Its only purpose is to lower the student’s moral threshold into accepting previously socially unaccepted behavior. After the “cross-dressing day” has been in practice for several years in a school, nobody would object if some day a student decides to come to school every day dressed as a member of the opposite sex. If somebody raises any questions it would be easy to dismiss it by alleging the student’s rights and the fact that everybody does it, at least once a year.

Another common technique successfully applied in some schools is the showing of films like “Natural Born Killers,” and the use of death and suicide rehearsing, in which student’s write suicide notes, visit mortuaries, and even lay in coffins to feel the experience of death. This is carefully planned psychological conditioning to lower the moral threshold of the students to accept violence and death as natural. Death and suicide has become a common subject in “progressive” school curricula.

In their ferocious fight against religion, the social engineers have been successful in the de facto banning of Judeo-Christian ethics from our public schools, and a cornerstone of Judeo-Christian ethics is the belief in the sanctity of human life. The result, as we now see, is probably not exactly what they had in mind. But don’t let their anti-gun yelling and shouting confuse you. They are not that foolish. They know exactly the real source of the problem, which is not guns or parents’ behavior. But, unable to publicly accept the blame for their mistake, now they are blaming us for the results of their gross miscalculation and, with the help of a corrupt, accomplice media, pulling a victory out of the jaws of defeat.

Granted, the belief in the sacredness of human life is not a scientific fact, but, even from just the practical point of civilized life on this planet, it is a very useful one. Apart from any religious consideration, it is evident that believing in the sacredness of human life has a strong redeeming social value. But kids who come to public schools holding that value are systematically ridiculed and psychologically harassed. Instead of the Judeo-Christian ethics, students in our public schools are spoon-fed with situational ethics: “If you feel good doing it, then it is OK. Do it.” Therefore, if you feel good lying, stealing, having sex, particularly homosexual sex, or taking drugs, then it is OK. Do it. But, in their rush to lower the moral threshold to gain acceptance for their behavior, they forgot the ubiquitous law of unintended consequences. The coercive utopians apparently failed to realize that they were opening a Pandora’s box – and we are paying for their mistake.

The fascist social engineers are masters in semantic deception, which in plain English means using a fancy, misleading term to name an activity quite different from the one the name suggests. So, they created outcome-based education, constructivism, block scheduling, site-based management, team teaching, Socratic dialogue, holistic grading, and the rest of the tools that, allegedly, were going to improve our system of education. The reality is that all of these supposedly educational techniques are just tricks created to be used as a smoke screen for covering their actual indoctrination and brainwashing activities. The fact that they have been acting for so many years with total impunity has convinced them of their cleverness and our stupidity.

Using the tricks of their trade, the social engineers entrenched in our public schools have been working hard brainwashing the students behind their parents’ backs. To reach their goal they use techniques that range from proven methods of psychological brainwashing to the administration of psychogenic drugs. You’ll be surprised to know the number of students who are taking drugs administered by the school’s nurses, allegedly because they suffer from “attention deficit/hyperactive disorder.” Prozac and Ritalin, some of the drugs of choice, are known for their wide range of side effects.

The main effort of the social engineers entrenched in our schools is directed at modifying the students’ behavior into accepting, among others, the belief that human beings are just pieces of highly evolved matter. Now, if one of these pieces of evolved matter has something you want, why not destroy it? If some of those pieces of evolved matter hurt your feelings or do something you don’t like, why not get rid of them?

The cardinal principle of situational ethics, as currently taught in our public schools, is that if you feel good doing something, then there’s no reason for not doing it. Creating a high sense of self-esteem, the social engineers claim, is paramount, and doing whatever makes you feel good is the key for reaching a high sense of self-esteem. Some witnesses testify that the students who went on a killing rampage in their schools were feeling real good. I bet that, at least while they were pulling the trigger shooting at unarmed victims, the schoolboys turned into assassins were enjoying a very high feeling of superiority and strong self-esteem.

Authors H. Stream and L. Freeman, in an insightful book called “Our Wish to Kill,” probed America’s homicidal obsession, examining everything from “wilding” incidents to serial killers. They conclude that actual killings are simply tangible expressions of the hundreds of thousands of murders that are fantasized in our minds but never committed. One of the functions of the Judeo-Christian and other religions, at some time shared by schools, is to raise the threshold of violence, making it morally unacceptable and, therefore, difficult to commit. Lately, however, schools have joined the media in pushing down the violence threshold, making it morally easier and simpler to commit.

After the massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., President Bill Clinton was busy throwing a smoke screen on the true causes of the killings. According to Clinton, the responsible for the creation of the monsters next door were guns and parents. But Bill Clinton, a natural born liar, knows better. The roots of this recent trend in school violence are to be found in the Arkansas brainwashing labs, whose three main elements, AGATE (Arkansas Gifted and Talented Education), the Arkansas Governor’s School and the Arkansas School of Mathematics and Science, are the aberrant creation of none others than Bill and Hillary Clinton. It was there, and not at the student’s homes, where the seed of violence and death was planted for the first time in the minds of impressionable children. It was there where the brainwashing techniques were first tested and fine-tuned for many years. Now, the brainwashers are pushing for its nationwide implementation.

The national media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television and, particularly, “progressive” teachers working hard at brainwashing our children at the public schools are the true makers of lethal weapons. They are the ones who have created the abominable monsters who unmercifully kill other human beings. Sometimes the monsters use guns, though knives, poison, explosives, baseball bats and rocks have also been used as murder tools. The media, Hollywood, computer game designers, death metal bands, television, teachers, and not the parents and gun makers as some claim, are the ones who are poisoning our children’s brains, turning their minds into lethal weapons. Now, because they have absolutely no decency, the makers of lethal weapons want to use the problem they have created to carry out two of their cherished agendas: taking guns away from the citizen’s hands and curtailing parents’ rights even more.

Far from disappearing, school violence in America will keep rising, and this is just the beginning. The nationwide implementation through Goals 2000 and other federal government programs of the brainwashing techniques tested in Arkansas and now successfully applied in many public schools will bring momentous consequences to the future of this nation.

Well, close to twenty years have passed since I wrote this article, but still there is not much I can add to it. As I predicted, far from disappearing, shootings at public schools have kept rising and the people in charge have done nothing to stop it. The only thing I would like to advise Americans is, first, to begin using the term “going educational” when referring to this type of incidents[6] and, second, to fight hard to eliminate the main source of the problem, that is not guns but government-controlled public schools.[7]

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


1. Shotguns are so deadly that for many years the Geneva Convention banned its use in war. Moreover, some people ignore that war rifles use ammo designed not to kill but to main, because a wounded soldier creates more logistic and morale problems to the enemy than a dead one, but the Soviet AK-47 uses ammo designed to kill. On the other hand, when you are shooting a defenseless target such as school children, even a sling shot can prove lethal.
2. Well, if its true purpose was to change Americans into obedient sheeple I have to recognize that the TSA has been very successful. There is a new generation of Americans that can’t conceive boarding a plane without taking off their shoes, passing through an X-ray machines or being groped by a pervert.
3. For an in-depth study of this PsyWar see my book Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People.
4. The New Australian, No. 123 (12-20 June), Sydney, 1999.
5. World Net Daily.com, http://www.wnd.com/2007/04/41175/
6. I don’t discard up front some conspiracy theories which, though apparently farfetched, are the only ones that can explain some apparently unexplainable facts surrounding these incidents — such as the fact that in most of the school shootings the students had been told in advance that there was an active shooting exercise planned for that day. By the way, on 9-11-2001, Air Force pilots were told not to follow procedures to stop unresponsive planes because there was a terrorist attack exercise planned for that day. Rings any bells?
7. If you think that banning public schools is a extreme measure I would like to remind you that, according to what Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote in The Communist Manifesto, among the ten key measures that must be taken to implement communism in a country, a cardinal one is “Free education for all children in pubic schools.” Karl Marx and Freidrich Engerls, The Communist Manifesto (Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1967), p. 105. Other necessary requirements were “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax,” as well as “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank,” an organization we in America call the Federal Reserve Bank. But discussing this would take another whole article.

What to Do With Iran’s Mullahs

Many experts believe that it is just a matter of time before the confrontation between the world and Iran’s Mullahs, with the U.S. leading the charge, after President Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the nuclear deal, setting off a catastrophic conflagration. The present stand-off is bound to change, either by the U.S. use of force to make good on its threat that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable, or by the Mullahs managing to make the unacceptable an accomplished fact.

Although the main adversaries are the U.S. and Iran, much of the world has a huge stake regarding this potentially catastrophic confrontation. Israel, the Persian Gulf states, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq as well as nations farther away from the region are willing and unwilling parties to this unfolding crisis.

The situation is dire indeed. Anyone who believes that sane rational people on both sides are engaged in brinkmanship to secure the best advantage but would eventually work out a compromise, is deluding himself. In some cases, time works as a healer and even as a solution of thorny problems. Yet, this problem will not go away, and time would only make the cataclysmic clash more likely and deadly. There is, however, a non-violent solution, without appeasement that offers the best chance for resolving the impasse: change of regime in Iran.

Selected President Hassan Rouhani bellicosity notwithstanding, the Islamic Republic of Iran is on the verge of collapse upon the head of the despised Mullahs and their emblematic Revolutionary Guards, (IRGC). A few nudges from the outside world would serve as the tipping point for the long-suffering Iranians to rise and bury the Mullahs in the graveyard that they so richly deserve and have made of Iran.

Here are some indicators of how seriously the Islamic Republic is ailing:

♦  The $100 barrel of oil is no more. It is down around $62. Oil money is the Mullahs’ lifeblood. The Mullahs are strapped. They can’t pay the salaries of teachers and other government employees, including their terrorist proxies. Rouhani’s largess to buy and hold his constituency has exacerbated the problem. The Islamic Republic is unable to continue financing their terrorist clients abroad.

♦  The great majority of Iranians are fed up with the misrule of the Islamic Republic. Students, workers, and women’s groups have been in the forefront of fighting the Islamists. Even among the high-ranking clergy a significant widespread dissention is surfacing. Ayatollahs in the twin holy cities of Qom and Mashhad, are in trouble. Recent uprisings started in Mashhad and then spread across the country.

♦  Tehran is already quivering under the mild UN and US sanctions and is desperately trying to avoid a tougher Security Council resolution. The Mullahs’ smiling emissary, former president Muhammad Khatami, presented one of the Mullahs’ initiatives to Americans and European personalities at the latest World Economic Forum in Davos. Khatami’s initiative includes the willingness of the Mullahs to suspend uranium enrichment under some reasonable-sounding conditions. At the moment, the Islamic regime has restricted Khatami’s activity and he is barred from leaving the country.

♦  The Islamic Republic finds itself isolated and has decided not to carry out its threat of suspending relations with countries that voted in support of the U.N. sanctions, nor have the Mullahs summoned the ever-ready thugs on their payroll to demonstrate and harass the embassies of those nations.

 ♦  Iran is timidly putting up with the U.S. arrest and interrogation of their senior Revolutionary Guard commanders in Iraq.

♦  The very mild U.N. sanctions are already rattling the Iranian economy. Even after the nuclear deal, the perception was that Iran’s economy will excel. But it backfired. The Rial, Iran’s currency, is shaky; the business community is deeply worried; and thousands of contracts remain unsigned due to uncertainty of what might happen next.

♦  Experts predict that hundreds of thousands of Iranian workers will join the already swelled ranks of the unemployed in short order, even under the present mild sanctions. Senior foreign diplomats report a significant “moderation” in the Mullahs behavior and signs that they wish to get themselves out of the present predicament.

♦  Fear of a possible attack by the U.S. has badly shaken the morale of the ruling elite who see their ill-gotten wealth and power in serious jeopardy. The multi-billionaire mullahs, are moving their assets out of the country and transferring it to a safer place.

♦  The Islamic Republic is facing serious setbacks in Lebanon, in the Palestinian Territory, in Syria, and even in Iraq. The Mullahs’ attempt to seize power in Lebanon has aroused much of the Lebanese population against them and their proxy, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, is in disarray. The Iraqi thug-cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, the Mullahs’ mercenary force, face serious problems due to the pressures from the U.S. and the Iraqi government. In recent weeks, hundreds of Mahdi fighters have been killed and many more have been arrested.

♦  The above is by no means an exhaustive list of troubles the Mullahs face. Yet, they should make us realize that both Rouhani and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his gang are on shaky ground now that the Iranian people in all strata of life in Iran despise them. A nudge here, a nudge there will likely topple the Islamofascist’s regime and save everyone a lot of trouble.

It is dangerous and unnecessary to attack Iran militarily; nor does the U.S. need to go the route of appeasement with a seriously weak adversary, as the IRI under the rule of the mullahs is now proving itself to be. The most effective and prudent solution is to change the regime in Iran. This idea is hardly new. What is new, here is a list of non-violent undertakings that holds considerable promise in disposing the homicidal-suicidal Mullahs. Governments should enact the following:

♦  Declare unequivocally the commitment to respect the territorial integrity of Iran, as well as the rights of Iranians to decide, through a democratic process, all matters pertaining to their life and their country.

♦  Initiate, without delay or equivocation, a comprehensive program of assistance to all democratic Iranian opposition groups, including Mr. Reza Pahlavi who is very popular inside and outside of Iran, in their struggle to accomplish the regime change themselves.

♦  Proclaim far and wide, the cardinal reason for taking these measures against the Mullahs’ “reign of terror” is to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons, the threat they pose to the region as well as to the world, and the stimulus they provide for other nations to develop their own nuclear arsenal.

♦  Enforce the U.N. sanctions by inspecting every vessel headed for Iranian ports to make sure they are not ferrying prohibited material. Other than vessels known to be carrying foodstuffs and medicine, each ship should be subjected to an elaborate inspection.

♦  We should once again Persuade Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and other Persian Gulf Arab oil producers to significantly increase their output and drastically cut the price. It is the least they can do to forestall the emergence of a nuclear Shiite Iran bent on ruling the region.

♦  Obtain court orders to freeze the overseas assets of Iranian leaders, since they are clearly ill-gotten funds that rightfully belong to the nation.

♦  Shut down, or severely restrict the operation of the Mullahs’ businesses in Dubai and other Persian Gulf states.

♦  Shut down Iranian missions. Severely restrict Iranian officials and nuclear scientists from foreign travel. Recall your ambassadors from Iran.

♦  Deny the Iranian Airline operation and encourage non-Iranian airlines to cease serving the country.

♦  File legal charges against the leaders of the Islamic Republic’s wanton violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; for their crimes against humanity, genocidal actions against religious and political groups; for support of international terrorism; for the demolition of religious sites and cemeteries; for rape, torture, and summary execution of prisoners of conscience; for forgery of documents, for acts of blackmail and fraud, and much more.

♦  Declare and treat the clerical regime as illegitimate. Stop or slow down Iran’s import of refined petroleum products.

♦  Shut down the Islamic Republic’s web sites and block their television and radio broadcasts.

♦  Provide Internet & Wi-Fi Access across Iran.

♦  Identify the agents of the Islamic Republic and prosecute them as promoters of international terrorism. Investigate individuals and organizations that lobby or front for the Islamic Republic.

♦  Take all necessary steps to stop investments in Iran. Persuade banks to refrain from dealing with Iran and the issuance of letters of credit.

♦  Pressure businesses to stop dealing with Iran. Pressure governments to stop doing business with Iran. Warn countries such as China and Russia against commercial adventurism.

In short, the Iran problem is urgent. It is a world problem. A warning to the world: You need to act now. Apathy is sleep. If you sleep, you weep.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Former Federal Prosecutor: Trump Should Pardon All Mueller’s Victims

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“It’s kind of cruel what’s going on right now and the president should put these defendants out of their misery,” said Larry Klayman, a conservative legal activist. “I think he should pardon everybody — and pardon himself.”

In Politico’s recent piece on Trump Administration and campaign personnel caught up in the bogus Deep State “Russian collusion” narrative led by Robert Mueller, former Justice Department attorney Larry Klayman called for immediate pardons by President Donald Trump — including a pardon for former National Security Advisor and retired Army General Michael Flynn.

With nothing to show for all of their investigations into non-existent collusion, former FBI Director Mueller and his crew of Democrat partisan lawyers have cast about for something — anything — to explain Crooked Hillary Clinton’s 2016 rejection by the American voters, filing totally unrelated charges against Trump campaign members and the now ludicrous indictments of 13 Russians for nothing more than social media posting.

Despite all their resources and the eager parroting of the false collusion narrative by the CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the rest of the leftist media — there is clearly no “there” there — and it’s high time this whole pathetic charade comes to an end, Friend!

“It’s President Trump to put his foot down — FIRE Robert Mueller and PARDON the victims of his “Deep State” inquisition — and I want you to help me make that clear,” Klayman advised..

“That’s why I’m calling for an IMMEDIATE public DEMAND, Friend, and asking you to add your name to the Freedom Watch “End the Witch Hunt, Pardon the Victims!”

Special Counsel Mueller Nailed as Dirty ‘Cop’ and Plagiarist

After an arguably overreaching year-and-a-half investigation that included the FBI and Obama administration spying on Donald Trump, his family, his business practices, his campaign, his transition team and his administration, the number-two man in the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein, called for a news conference.

He told the Trump-hating news media that indictments were being released charging 13 Russian nationals with alleged cybercrimes.

However, instead of shining additional light on the Trump-Russia collusion case, Special Counsel Robert Mueller had Rosenstein deliver a press briefing that further detracted from the credibility of Mueller and his team of Democrat lawyers. Rosenstein announced charges against Russian operatives who interfered with the U.S. presidential election process during the 2016 campaign cycle and following Donald Trump’s victory over the Democratic Party’s super-politico Hillary Rodham Clinton.

With the help of the news media sycophants, Mueller and his Trump-bashers should have made a splash with their announcement but instead it was called “a nothing-burger.”

Truth be told, the liberal-left reporters at Buzzfeed and The Atlantic had already extensively exposed the Internet trollers years before Trump announced his presidential ambition.

According to the unenforceable indictment, the 13 Russian suspects have worked for several cyber-related companies, including a “troll farm” based in St. Petersburg, Russia, called the Internet Research Agency (IRA), which operated both pro- and anti-Trump social media accounts, as well as accounts favorable to Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders.

Mueller’s spokesman Peter Carr said in a statement: “The indictment charges all of the defendants with conspiracy to defraud the United States, three defendants with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, and five defendants with aggravated identity theft,” 

“What Peter Carr, Rosenstein and Mueller avoided mentioning was the fact that it would be quite surprising if Russia would actually extradite 13 of its citizenry,” said criminal attorney Michael Barker. “Besides, why would Vladimir Putin turn over 13 skilled operatives to the United States?”

Several journalists who actually examine old press stories discovered a 2014 report from Buzzfeed  which shows that not only was this troll group’s activities known, they were also fairly transparent about what they were doing.

“Russia’s campaign to shape international opinion around its invasion of Ukraine has extended to recruiting and training a new cadre of online trolls that have been deployed to spread the Kremlin’s message on the comments section of top American websites,” according to Alex Jones and his InfoWars.com website.

Jones’ website also describes: “The bizarre hive of social media activity appears to be part of a two-pronged Kremlin campaign to claim control over the internet, launching a million-dollar army of trolls to mold American public opinion as it cracks down on internet freedom at home.”

A 2013 article from The Atlantic reveals the same scheme by Russian trolls to influence U.S. opinion on a number of political issues.

“A Russian journalist who visited one such comment-mill, the St. Petersburg Internet Research Agency, met with a coordinator who said the job was not unlike writing copy for a hair dryer: ‘The only difference is that this hair dryer is a political one,’” wrote Olga Khazan.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Destroying Our Oceans With Trillions Of Pieces Of Plastic

As young scuba divers in the Gulf of Mexico back in 1963, my brother Rex and I enjoyed pristine magic under the surface of beautiful blue ocean waters. Mother Nature dazzled us with her endless display of fish, eels, whales, sharks, turtles, rays and kelp.

Fifty-five years later, human beings dazzle our scuba diving trips with trillions of pieces of plastic floating on and below the surface of all our oceans on this planet.  Ten-mile-long drift nets strangle and suffocate sharks, whales, porpoises, turtles and any creature caught in their plastic grasp.  Plastic bags resemble jelly fish as they float in plumes across our oceans.  Ocean beaches feature washed up plastic trash sometimes knee deep and miles long on once-pristine white sands.

All that plastic kills sea birds by the millions.  Avian life thinks a Bic lighter means food, or a bottle cap, or anything floating on the water.   Plastic kills countless whales and porpoises.  It kills and kills and kills.

Twenty years ago, Oprah Winfrey featured the 60 ton, as big as the size of Texas, 30 to 60 feet deep, floating plastic island, known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.”  Take a look at how it kills.

Today, because we did nothing as the community of humanity, the garbage patch exceeds 100 million tons of floating plastic.

“When the waste was natural material, we could leave it and not think about it,” researcher Jenna Jambeck said. “Even disposing of it in the land was fine, but plastic has increased 650% in the last 40 years.

Plastic waste discarded in the ocean raises a number of concerns. It damages ecosystems and marine animals, contaminate our food supply, and lead to chemical leaching.”

“Estimates of the time it takes to degrade plastic range from hundreds to thousands of years — and because plastic has only been around for 100 years, there hasn’t been enough time to observe the process,” says Darby Hoover, senior resource specialist at Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group.

Last year, one study in the journal PLOS estimated that a minimum of 5.25 trillion floating plastic particles weighing 268,940 tons float on the surface or sink to the bottom of our oceans. That equates to 46,000 pieces of plastic floating on every square mile of our oceans.  Latest estimates show that humans toss 3.5 million pieces of plastic into the oceans 24/7.

In other words, marine creatures don’t stand a chance today, tomorrow or forever.  They become collateral damage as to humanity’s gross negligence of plastic production.

This estimate included only surface plastics, and not the materials that have sunk.

“A lot of people think of an island of floating garbage, people envision that there are forms of an island you can see on Google Earth — it’s much more diffuse than that,” Hoover said. ” All of our oceans are plastic soups—everywhere you can go.”

Thus, today, if you eat any ocean marine life, you eat plastics! What goes around, comes around, back to you. Think about that when you eat salmon, tuna, squid, swordfish, et al.  You’re doing the same thing to yourself as you did to that salmon or tuna.

Here in America, we grow as the third largest producers of plastics behind China and India.

Other than ten states, NY, VT, MI, CA, OR, WA, MA, ME, Ct, IA, that feature 5 to 10 cent incentive-driven return laws on plastic, metal and glass drink containers—no one in 40 states lifts a finger to initiate financial-incentive laws to return plastics to the stores for recycling or reuse.

Ironically, everyone wants to protect our environment, but only 33 percent of Americans commit to serious recycling.  In other words, the majority of Americans could care less.

As a lifelong trash picker-upper, I attest to Americans’ trashing their own country.  We walked onto this pristine land over 300 years ago, but today, I estimate over 50-80 million personal trash dumps on famers’ lands.  Throw in 50 to 100 million junked cars laying across the USA in every state.  Toss in billions of bottles, cans and plastic containers!  Just look into the wilds for hundreds of thousands of abandoned trailer homes left for decay anywhere and everywhere across America.  You’ve seen them in your travels.  You lived with them in your own towns and cities.

But no one lifts a finger to do something about any of it.  Ah, the usual excuse:  “Oh, all that trash is on private property.”

Yeah, well, 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic trashing our oceans cannot be excused as private property.  Yet, no country lifts a finger to stop it or change it or remove it.

The challenge:  what are you doing in your own community and state to pass incentive-driven recycling laws?  What are you doing to put a 25-cent deposit-return price on every piece of aluminum, steel, glass and plastic container sold out of mercantile stores?

Why do you use plastic bags out of the grocery or mercantile stores when you could bring your own cotton bags repeatedly over the year?

Why haven’t you initiated container-return laws in your city or state?  Why haven’t you called your senators and House members to get their butts in gear? What and why are you waiting?

Why must you take action in your neck of the woods? This video shows how your actions or inaction affects the entire world.  We either stop this plastic onslaught of our planet, or we will become victims of it:

Plastic pollution, our planet, our future

Flushing plastics down their toilets

If these videos don’t make you sick, and don’t make you cry—I don’t know what will move you to action. I am one journalist, one voice, one mind, one scuba diver and one person who cares.  I need your help.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

As Go The Pulpits, So Goes The Nation

Another school shooting.  Another call from the so-called “progressives’ for gun control, OR the outright confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.  “Remove the guns,” they say, “to keep our children safe!”

Another lie from the lying left.  If the truth be told, the liberal, humanist, socialist “progressives” couldn’t care less about children.  They have an agenda — to disarm Americans in order to institute their UN-sanctioned “one-world government,” and a “new world order.”  In other words, tyranny.  Tyrants in control, enslaving the people.  Game over.

Many will say I am putting forth a conspiracy theory.  But many are ignorant of the wicked devices of our enemy, and many are ignorant of what is REALLY, truly going on in this world.  They’d rather follow and believe the “fake news” of the mainstream media than delve deeper into the real truth of this evil agenda.  And yes, there IS an evil agenda.

Look at our public schools.  No longer do we teach “civics” classes in public schools, because the powers-that-be must make sure our kids remain ignorant of our history and our rule of law.  Kids have no idea about our Constitution or Bill of Rights, the Revolutionary War, our fight for Independence.  That “Greatest Generation” that fought World War 2 to free the world from tyrants is quickly fading into history, no longer able to tell their stories.  And our public schools do not tell their stories anymore either.  In fact, if any American History is taught in public schools AT ALL anymore, it has been “twisted,” “spun,” and “revised,” to make AMERICA the Great Evil of the world.

We send our kids to the public schools — or should I say the “Government Indoctrination Centers” — and after 12 years, they hold the exact opposite views on cultural, social and moral issues that we hold.  And after four more years in government universities, we no longer even recognize our kids at all.  What is wrong with us?  Do we not have eyes to see what is happening right before us?  Tell me we’re smarter than that.

It’s been said that public university professors have two main goals for incoming freshment:  1)  get the kids to reject their Christian faith — if they have any faith left at all.  And 2)  get the kids to question their sexuality, their gender, and encourage them to “experiment.”  No longer is there any such thing as “absolute truth.”  Now, it is “moral relativism.”  “What’s right for you may not be right for me, and that’s ok,” they say — UNLESS of course, “what’s right for ME” happens to be traditional family values, faith in God and a love for the country called “America” that USED to be.  Then, of course, you are a “hateful, racist bigot” and your opinion counts for nothing.  You MUST BE SILENCED!

So now we’re in the midst of yet ANOTHER push for the removal of guns from the hands of Americans.  Every day, I am seeing more and more signs in public places stating these are “Gun Free Zones.”  No guns permitted.  How’s that working for us?  All the mass shootings that have taken place in recent years have happened in “Gun Free Zones.”  Apparently, those bent on wreaking havoc and taking lives don’t read the signs.  These “Gun Free Zones” are nothing more than shooting galleries for the mentally disturbed, the disgruntled, the demonically-possessed.  When you pass laws to ban guns, I assure you, the only ones with the guns will be the tyrannical government, the police and the criminals.  GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM, folks!

Let’s just look for a minute at our public schools.  I graduated from high school in 1983,  35 years ago.  I can tell you, even at my small RURAL school, even way back then, it was a cesspool of immorality.  Bullying was rampant, beyond belief.  Filthy, vulgar, foul language and blasphemy filled the hallways, the lunch room and even the classrooms.  That was 35-40 years ago.  I cannot even IMAGINE what it must be like today.  Because at that time, things like pornography were “hush hush,” even though it existed.  Homosexuality was shameful.  People did not celebrate it with PRIDE — much less jump on the bandwagon at the urging of their teachers and try it out for themselves to see if it might be “right for them.”  In grade school, we still stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance every morning.  We didn’t indoctrinate and twist young minds into joining “ANTIFA.”  How FAR we have fallen!  Our CHILDREN, my friends, are in GRAVE DANGER in our country today.  Not JUST from rogue shooters — but especially from those we TRUST — the school boards, the teachers, and those pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Today we have “drag queens” leading story time for pre-school-age children in public schools and libraries, and the parents not only ACCEPT this, they EMBRACE it, all in the name of “diversity.”  Today our kids readily accept the idea that abortion is simply a “woman’s right to choose,” and that Planned Parenthood is really all about “women’s healthcare!”  Give me a break!  Today, our kids not only have to deal with all the things WE had to deal with in school… they ALSO have the added burden now of deciding for themselves whether they are male or female  —  any input on this matter from parents is STRICTLY prohibited, as we have seen in recent news stories.  We have lost our collective minds, reaping what we have sowed.

In 1962 the US Supreme Court banned prayer in public schools.  A year later, it banned the reading of the Bible in public schools.  Where were the Christian parents?  Why were they not OUTRAGED enough to stand up and fight — for morality, for righteousness, for their children and their Savior?  Christians did nothing.  Imagine if the day after prayer was banned in public schools if every DAD went to every public school principal and in righteous anger declared that this will NOT STAND!  We may have had a chance.  But Christians did nothing.

And so today, we scratch our heads and wonder what can be done about all the killings in the public schools.  God was tossed out on His ear a generation ago;  so  now we only seek Him after another bunch of our kids are shot down in cold blood.  THEN we gather and hold “prayer vigils,” holding candles while we weep.  But many don’t even know what prayer IS.  They stand and hold a candle, but there’s no repentance, no real understanding of what we are so guilty of as a nation.  We are SO very lost.

America is suffering under what the Bible calls “Blood guiltiness.”  In another infamous case where the US Supreme Court was unlawfully allowed to “make a law,” it declared, in 1973 that women were now legally able to have their own children murdered.  And the blood of the innocent little babies, knit together by God Himself in their mothers’ wombs cries out from the ground to Almighty God.  We are guilty of shedding innocent blood.  Ezekiel 22, “You have become guilty by the blood that you have shed, and defiled by the idols that you have made, and you have brought your days near, the appointed time of your years has come.  Therefore, I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all the countries.”  These are the words of the Lord.

Need some more?  Pslam 106, “They poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood.”  Lamentations 4, “How the precious children of Zion, once worth their weight in gold, are now considered as pots of clay, the work of a potter’s hands.”  In otherwords, common, disposable… garbage.  THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN, people!  THESE ARE OUR BABIES!  Their blood cries out from the ground, as did the blood of Abel, to Almighty God.  And as we have so cavalierly shed the blood of 60 MILLION innocent babies in this nation in the last generation, though we cannot see it, because it is kept behind closed doors, out of sight, a “taboo” subject we are never allowed to discuss, their blood is running like rivers in our streets, and so why are we surprised when we are reaping so much violence and bloodshed elsewhere?  Frankly, I’m surprised we aren’t seeing more.  Frankly, I’m surprised the Lord has not yet poured out His full wrath on this nation and destroyed it as He did Sodom.

Yes, I am ANGRY!  I am ANGRY that you can go to just about ANY Christian church in America today — and you can go there for the next 40 years, and you will NEVER hear any pastor touch these subjects with a ten-foot pole, for fear of offending some in the pews, for fear of talking “politics” from the pulpit.  For fear of being “distasteful.”  For fear of the weekly “take” falling short in the collection plate.   It’s SICK!  And YES, I am angry.  “As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.”  Our Pastors, who refuse to teach, who refuse to preach the WHOLE counsel of God, straining at a gnat while swallowing a camel, neglecting entirely the weightier matters of the law, while instead talking about “how to have a sexy marriage,” “how to be wise stewards,” “why we need to ‘tithe’ in order to be good Christians,” “God’s love for all mankind, how we’re ALL God’s children….”  The list could go on, but I … …just can’t.

Guns are not our problem, folks.  Our problem is the fact that we, as a nation, have rejected God.  You may not realize this if you live in a Christian “bubble” like many do.  But you would be AMAZED at how many people in America today know absolutely NOTHING about God, about His Word, about Holiness and righteousness, and about their need for repentance and the Savior.  Even regular church-goers have been so woefully and poorly taught, they cannot explain the truth of the Gospel, and they CERTAINLY would never have the courage to share it if they ever took the opportunity.  Christianity has become a “spectator sport,” where we are never asked to do ANYTHING, always encouraged to stay away from those “wackos” who fight the murder of innocent babies, who speak out against sodomy and the reprobate minds that have become so warped by the enemy’s deceptions that they cannot even say for sure whether they are male or female.  “Stay away from people like that,” our pastors tell us.  “They are radicals.  They are nuts.  They do not represent what our church believes.”  Indeed.  They do not.

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 5 that we are to have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather, EXPOSE them.  We also read that it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret — and yet today we have Christian churches not only endorsing baby killing, sodomy and the demonically-twisted lie of “transgenderism,” we even have churches PARTICIPATING in these evils… approving of abortion, FUNDING and PRAYING FOR Planned Parenthood, ordaining sodomite preachers!

Go to Romans 1:  “Although they KNEW God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them.”  Go to ANY sodomite “pride” parade and you will find literally DOZENS of so-called “Christian” churches PARTICIPATING in the parade with their own vulgar parade floats; while, meanwhile, a mere handful true Christ-followers will be on the sidelines trying their best to minister God’s Word and tell the Truth amidst hundreds of thousands of lost souls, so filled with hatred of God, they would kill every Christian if they could…  and our PASTORS tell their people to stay away from the truth-tellers, the bold, courageous Christians willing to put their lives on the line for the Gospel.

Well, the risen Christ had a different message than these hirelings.  He said the RIGHTEOUS will triumph over the evil one.  How?  “…by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving NOT their own lives, even unto death.”  Radical?  Yes.  Acceptable in our churches today?  No.  You’d be a wierdo.  You’d be a radical.  You would not be welcome.  Pastors would encourage others to stay away from you.  And they do.

As go the pulpits, so goes the nation.  The blood that flows from our public schools is the same blood that flows in our streets — innocent blood of our children, the judgment of God on a nation that has rejected Him — a nation whose every thought seems to be only evil, all the time, only honoring Him with their lips when it becomes convenient, …or necessary to calm the guilty conscience.  Until we repent and turn — corporately —  as a nation, back to our Creator, I don’t believe He listens to our superficial prayers, offered up in vain.  We can stand and hold candles and gather and mourn together EVERY TIME violence erupts in our land, but until we turn BACK to God, He will not take part in any of our sorrowful assemblies.

We are lost.  We are sheep without shepherds, led by cowardly hirelings.  I’m sorry to be so blunt.  I do not wish to impugne ALL pastors.  Certainly there ARE some bold, courageous ones out there, and I know some personally.  But the VAST majority in America today are hirelings.  Jesus was even more emphatic than what I have said here, using words like “Snakes,” “Brood of Vipers,” “Whitewashed tombs.”  And He told those religious leaders they were “of their father, the devil.”

It’s time for some COURAGEOUS CHRISTIANITY in America today.  We have to decide if we’re serious about this, or if we are just going to let the evil one have his way with us while our children and grandchildren die, with twisted minds, broken hearts and lost souls.  If YOU ARE READY to get serious about these issues and if you’re ready to meet like-minded people, I encourage you to join us, March 9th and 10th at the 2018 Wisconsin Christian News Ministry Expo and Conference in Marshfield, Wisconsin.  All these issues and more will be discussed by some of the most notable leaders in the Christian world from around the nation.  You will be educated, informed and equipped to have an IMPACT for Jesus in this lost, sad, sick world.  If you don’t already know about this EXTREMELY VITAL Conference, I encourage you to call me for all the details.  No matter where you live, anywhere in America, if you are serious about your faith, you NEED to be at this Conference.  And you need to bring your children and grandchildren with you as well!  I guarantee it will be life-changing.  And if you actually ACT on what you learn there, God may yet have mercy on us all.  Please don’t miss this opportunity.  We may never get another one.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 218.

© 2018 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

School Shootings: Are Today’s Secular Schools The Cause?

The evidence is in – Gun Free Zones do not work. The criminal knows that gun free zones assures him a safe working environment; he need not fear that anyone will fire back at him. A gun free zone is also another name for a soft target, and murderers are cowards, they always seek soft targets. For example, the movie theatre mass murderer in Aurora, Colorado drove past many other movie theaters to find the one that was a gun free zone. After all, who wouldn’t want a safe working environment?

Now the curious thing to me is the discussion following the Parkland, Florida mass murder – no one is highlighting the fact that the murderer was a graduate from that same high school. So, the murderer was a product of that high school.

Now let’s turn back the hands of time. 60 years ago in America, were there mass murders in any high schools? Consider a parallel idea for a moment to help understand this. Hypothetically, what if there was a factory that produced widgets? 60 years ago, the factory producing those widgets operated smoothly and the widgets it produced did what they were designed to do and society was blessed by the factory through the products produced.

Video of the sermon

But something changed, and sixty years later that same factory was now producing defective widgets, some of which turned out to be murderously defective and went about destroying other widgets before they completed their journey down that production line. The factory has become a menace to society. Wouldn’t a rational question be, what happened to that widget factory? What changed in that plant which once was a blessing to society and today produces defective widgets? Wouldn’t we want to find an industrial engineer who could investigate what has changed and what can be done to correct the problem? Wouldn’t it make sense to investigate the factory rather than say the problem is the weapon used by the widget to destroy other widgets? I don’t hear this sort of rational discourse today after shootings like the Parkland massacre.

So then, compare our schools from 60 years ago with the schools we have today. What has happened in those 60 years, since 1958?

Consider the Supreme Court decision known as  Engel v. Vitale in 1962 that prohibited public prayer to the One True God in government run schools. Then in 1963 they opined in Abington v. Schempp to prohibit Bible reading in those same institutions. Then in 1980 the court claimed that it was unconstitutional to have the posting of the Ten Commandments in these schools in the case Stone v. Graham. It is also revealing to read an opinion written by the godless Judge Paul Stevens. He says,

“Posting of religious texts on the wall serves no … educational function. If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the children to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey the Commandments … This is not a permissible state objective…”

The Ten Commandments of course includes the sixth commandment – “Thou shalt not murder.” Stevens claimed it was not permissible to teach the Commandment “Thou shalt not murder” in the schools.

So take the Bible away, take prayer away, as well as the Ten Commandments, take them completely out of the educational establishment and what has replaced it? Moral relativism. The school refuses to teach that there is any standard of right and wrong and they encourage the student to choose his own standard for himself.

Compound this with the teaching of evolution in every subject area possible, and you have communicated to the student that he is nothing more than the compilation of endless mistakes and mutations over millions of years, that he is just a highly developed animal and that the only law which exists in the universe is that the strong should kill the weak to further the evolution of mankind via the survival of the fittest.

And now for the coup de grace… abortion. Teach all children that murder is a sacred and honored right in the hands of any pregnant woman. It is so sacred the state government will pay for the murder to take place. It is so sacred that the school will hide the murder from the grandparents of the child in the womb to be murdered, so sacred that they will make everything quite easy for a pregnant mom to murder her unborn child.

Given this condition, I am amazed that we don’t have more Parkland massacres in our day. Everything inside the “widget factory” is designed to produce murderers. It is tragic that 17 people made in the image of God were murdered at Parkland. But what about the 60 million murdered in the womb in our land, with nearly all of the women who murdered their own children being products of the government-run school system?

Again, the reality no one seems willing to talk about is the fact that the “widget factory” is very effective at producing mass murderers. We are told that due to the opinions of 5 wicked tyrants in black robes that conditions inside the “widget factory” can never be changed.

This means schools will continue to endlessly produce mass murderers. If that is the case, then I would say it is well past time to destroy how public schools are ran before they produce more death. They have become a menace to society. Never should we disarm the citizens in this land who must protect themselves daily against the murderous products of our state-run school systems.

The Word of God teaches us that the education of the next generation is the most critical work to be accomplished in a society. It is so critical that God gives very specific directions for who is to do this work as well as how it is to be done.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Pastor David Whitney and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 David Whitney – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail David Whitney: dwhitney@iotconline.com

Billy Graham: Legacy of A True Hero

This last week we witnessed the passing of not just a man but a man like we have not seen in the public eye for decades upon decades.  But he was more than that.  He was a hero’s hero.  We have not seen a man in the public eye, with rare exceptions, especially a man in ministry, that has no skeletons in their closet.  Are there others. Yes! But none that have been in the public eye for the decades that Graham has.

Billy Graham has been advisor to every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower. The only exception would be Barack Obama.  Obama did spend some time with him in 2010 but actively counseling him, no.  Obama’s primary ‘spiritual’ advisor was Jim Wallis who is more of a secularist than a true minister of the Gospel. Jim Wallis is the kind of religious leader that secularists quite like. A spiritual adviser to Barack Obama and regular on the podium at the World Economic Forum (WEF), the US Christian writer and activist quotes Adam Smith and Josef Schumpeter as readily as he does Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul.

Associated with the political left of the US evangelical movement, Detroit-born Wallis has campaigned on issues as diverse as the death penalty and global poverty to climate change and immigration. Now he’s turning his attentions to the business community. He’d like to see a “moral economy” ushered in – a desire that he believes many corporate leaders, religious and non-religious, share with him.

Sermons on Mount Davos

Wallis has become a regular attendee at the annual Davos business summit in Switzerland, where he notes an escalating interest in values and ethics. For years, he’d be assigned a slot at 7am on the fourth floor, he says. “Now we’re on the plenary session at 10:30am.” As well as issuing an ethical call-to-arms, 65-year old Wallis also co-chairs WEF’s Global Agenda Council on Values, which seeks to promote a more principled approach to capitalism.[1] Jesus never taught a ‘more principled approach to capitalism’.  Jesus believed in full blown capitalism, not some idiotic ‘social economics’.

Though Graham concentrated on a person’s relationship with Jesus, the most important aspect of Christianity, he believed in reaching out to those in need to give them a helping hand.  Too many preachers try to make you believe that money is the root of all evil.  Money is neither good or bad.  What a person does with it can be good or bad but the money itself isn’t bad.  Scripture tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil.  We have to remember that Solomon was the richest man in the world and I believe that no one today is as wealthy as Solomon was.  The point to this is to do what Billy Graham was called to do required a lot of money.  The Amplified version of 2 Corinthians 9:8 states: God is able to make all grace and favor and earthly blessing come to us in abundance so that we may always, and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self sufficient possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation.  This isn’t living on get by street.  The Billy Graham Evangelical Association required millions annually to operate.  I can never recall any type of scandal concerning the millions that went through the BGEA.

There have been multitudes of ministries that have come and gone because of the leaders using the monies donated to their ministry for their own personal use.  Just look at the Clinton Global Initiative.  Out of the millions that are donated only about 5% makes it to charity while hundreds of millions go to ‘administration’, i.e., Clinton’s pockets. In 2013, the Clintons made 11 U.S. grants of about $6 million, including $2 million to one of its spinoffs, the Clinton Health Access Initiative. It took in nearly $300 million that year, its financial statements say.

The Clinton Global Initiative, meanwhile, does list some “commitments” it has with veterans groups, most of them starting after 2011.

In one example, the initiative takes credit for gaining a commitment from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America in 2011 to join the Chamber of Commerce in holding Smart Job Fairs.[2]

In 2013 the Obama administration, under the direction of Lois Lerner, both Samaritans Purse and Billy Graham Evangelical Association was attacked by the IRS.  This took revenue from helping people to fight this uncalled for attack.  It is my opinion that this was done specifically because of the Christian basis of both foundations.  It goes without saying that Obama’s main concern was the advancement of islam and the discrediting of anything Christian. Evangelist Franklin Graham has stated in a letter to President Barack Obama that the Christian charities he is leading were also targeted by the IRS along with conservative groups last year.

Graham sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday outlining how Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association were the subjects of an IRS probe during the 2012 campaign season.

“In light of what the IRS admitted to on Friday, May 10, 2013, and subsequent revelations from other sources, I do not believe that the IRS audit of our two organizations last year was a coincidence – or justifiable,” wrote Graham.[3]

After decades of preaching the gospel, helping people, and counseling 10 presidents his organization is treated like a Clinton organization. Even though this happened he still would pray for Obama every day. His example of the love of God is not often seen. His legacy is unmatched. His character is a thing to be reached for by all of us.  We may not always agree with his stand, but I believe his insight into the Word of God exceeds most preachers today.  He is with his Lord today and his beloved Ruth. He harmed no one while he was on this earth and did all he could to help others to get where he is today.

The world has lost a great influence for God, but his family will continue his work.  Some have even proclaimed that his passing has triggered a new era for the church.  Time will tell.  But we will all be better off because of Billy Graham.

Congratulations on your graduation.


  1. Sustainable business Barack Obama spiritual advisor ethical business
  2.  Clinton foundation gives tiny fraction of 2 billion
  3. Franklin Graham: IRS targeted samaritans purse Billy Graham evangelistic association

Trump Is Right On Trade

Dr. Walter Williams was the first guest on Mark Levin’s new show on Fox News last week on Sunday night.  It was a fabulous show.  We should pay attention to many comments Dr. Williams made, but one statement stands out as a basic philosophy we all need to heed.

He said those who think security is more important than freedom will get little of either; and, those who think freedom is more important than security will find both.

Keep that in mind as you read this article.  It is important… and it will likely make you aware of your own personal priority structure.  Which do you place first?  Do you prefer security or freedom?  We would all like to have both, but if you had to choose, which would it be?

Other questions you need to ask yourself as you read this article and listen to supposed experts on the subject of President Trump’s imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum include the following:

  1. What nation is the biggest threat to America’s world leadership?
  2. Which nation in the world controls North Korea and its threats of nuclear war against America?

The answer to both questions is: China. Russia is significant and is not to be ignored, but China has a population of 1.4 billion and the Russian population is about 1/3 the size of America’s.

This final question is one that will indicate whether or not you have any common sense.

Is your nation (in this case America) dependent for defense materiel like aluminum and steel on the nation that is the greatest threat to our security internationally?  China produces 1.7 billion tonnes of steel annually.  The answer to the question is “yes.”  Is America’s ability to respond to threats of – or indeed an actual attack of  – war impacted by this?  The answer to that question is also yes.

That should give you some idea of the importance of the actions regarding tariffs on steel and aluminum taken by President Trump last week.  It was interesting to watch Utah politicians react negatively to the tariffs (which will stimulate steel industry jobs in their state and others).  Follow the money.  Look up the history of Geneva Steel and Anderson Development and the intended use of  Geneva’s 1,750 acres by Anderson.  Interesting stuff.

The U.S. imports most of its steel from Canada but much of Canada’s steel is owned by investors in India.  We need to remember how 20 percent of our uranium ended up in the hands of the Russians when Hillary Clinton arranged to sell it to a “Canadian” company which was owned by Russia (which bought the uranium from the “Canadian” company). Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Canada’s steel is shipped to the United States so it is unlikely that Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government will be happy with the tariffs.

The U.S. is the largest importer of steel and aluminum in the world.  What are two of the most needed things required to produce weapons of war?  Steel and aluminum.

There is little doubt that the cost of goods will increase because of the tariffs, but how much?  According to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, the increased cost for a can in which to deliver the beer you drink will be one cent.  How much the beer companies will increase the price, telling you it is because of the increased cost of aluminum, is a different issue.  One cent per can is the actual cost.

According to Andrew Kenningham, chief global economist at Capital Economics, “The direct impact on the global economy of the tariffs President Trump announced yesterday would be minimal.  But the fact that they are being justified under a flimsy pretext of national security increases the risks of retaliation,” Kenningham says.

We can tell from Kenningham’s title – chief global economist – whether he is a globalist or a supporter of American sovereignty (and German, French, British, and other European nations’ sovereignty, too).

“Steel is needed for the military” is a flimsy pretext for President Trump’s decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum?  Let’s take a look at reality.

An aircraft carrier contains 47,000 tons of structural steel and serves as home to 6,000 Navy personnel.

We have all heard the stories – well, those of us who pay attention to things like this have heard – how military jets have crashed because they do not have access to new parts.  According to a recent article by James Hasik, senior fellow at the Scowcroft Center on International Security, however, all segments of America’s domestic steel industry contribute directly or indirectly to the defense of our nation.

“Whether it is missiles, jet aircraft, submarines, helicopters, Humvees or munitions, American-made steels and specialty metals are crucial components of U.S. military strength.  Steel plate is used in the bodies and propulsion systems of the naval fleet.  The control cables on virtually all military aircraft, including fighter jets and military transport planes, are produced from steel wire rope.  In addition, land-based vehicles such as the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, Abrams Tank and MRAP vehicles use significant amounts of steel.”

President Trump has sworn to strengthen our military.  It starts with tariffs on steel and aluminum so that our own production of these key metals can become instantly available to us should we need them for our national defense.

I understand that under an anti-military administration like Barack Obama’s that steel is considered “a flimsy pretext,” but under a President who recognizes that America is not just an ordinary country and who vows to put “America First,” it is not a flimsy anything.  The military uses it for everything from nuclear submarines to Patriot and Stinger missiles and armor plate for tanks and field artillery.  Military aircraft and our fleet of ships is also dependent upon it.

Under President Obama, our military was reduced in size and necessary goods to support it… in ships available to defend us, in aircraft available to defend us, and in all ground troop equipment.  President Trump is making sure we are able to defend ourselves but, more important, is making sure we are sufficiently strong militarily so other nations will think more than twice before attacking us.

Remember under whose American administrations North Korea became a nuclear threat to us:  Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.  President Trump is working hard and is playing catch up before Kim Jong-un achieves his nuclear missile delivery capabilities.

In an April 2017 memo from President Trump to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Trump asked Ross to consider whether “steel is being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security.”  Thus, while the media is portraying the Trump tariff decision as an instant, reactionary action, it’s untrue.  The President has been looking into this issue for a year.

What’s the old saying about the penalty we pay if we forget history?  We are bound to repeat it.

I was alive during World War II… a child, but I remember it well.  I recall that for Japan to sustain its war effort in China, it needed territories that produced oil, iron for steel-making and other natural minerals (which Japan lacked).  Japan seized oil fields in Indonesia, Malaya (as it was then known), and Burma.  The military-industrial results tell the story.  During the war, Japan produced 70,000 aircraft; the U.S. produced 300,000 aircraft and ten times more munitions.

Trade wars are not pleasant events.  We can plan on an increase in the cost of some goods while President Trump keeps his promise to keep American as his primary consideration for any action he takes.  For too long, emphasis has been on industries profiting at the expense of our national security.  It will take a short period of time for the pendulum to swing away from industrial profits back to the center of the scale where it belongs.  It is not as if the President has a choice.  This is the only way to make his economic policies work for the people instead of against them and in favor of industry.

The stock market has been over-valued for a long time.  In other words, the price per share is often greater than companies deserve based on actual productivity.  Don’t worry about the initial reaction – downfall – in the stock market.  I believe it will right itself quickly.  We may pay more for goods shipped from Europe.  China may increase its prices for consumer goods where it knows will be the most painful for lower and middle class Americans.  That, too, will have a relatively short life because China’s entire economy is based on its exports.  That fact controls how high they can increase costs.  If it gets sufficiently high so the American people stop buying their goods, it will be too costly for them to continue.  The Chinese economy is big, but it is not in good health at the moment.  President Trump could not have found a better time to take these actions.  Are you going to feel some economic pain?  Probably… but it’s far better than slavery to government and it won’t last long.

For those who hate capitalism, you might want to learn an economic lesson here.  The greatest weakness of socialist and communist nations is their lack of being able to develop a middle class.  Socialism and communism are two class systems… the elite and labor.  The lack of a middle class creates an economic problem:  Their system of economics (socialism, communism) prevents them from creating a class of people who can afford to buy products made in their own nation.  That, in turn, requires the socialist/communist economy to be totally dependent upon exporting its goods to other nations who can afford to buy them.  That is China’s current problem.

All of the college students out there who think socialism is cool will, undoubtedly, enjoy their status as laborers after graduating from college.  The elite class in socialist and communist nations is very limited to the extremely wealthy and since the only other class available is labor, welcome to the realities of socialism!

“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him; better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  Henry Ford

Trump is right on this issue – though by the end of the week you will hardly be able to believe it based on all of the fake news about his tariffs you’re about to hear.

© 2018 Marilyn Barnewall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Marilyn Barnewall: emembee@charter.net

Multiple Abuse Of Drugs Is Now An Epidemic

The opioid epidemic is addressed in the media as if both doctors and patients are unaware of how harmful opioid pain relievers like Vicodin, Oxycontin and Percocet are. Use of these substances has suddenly “exploded”(media term) in recent years with no sensible causes put forth for the sudden increase. After all, these drugs have been around for a good while and their abuse is suddenly out of control as if people have suddenly forgotten how to avoid doing things that cause physical pain. It’s not as if there is a sudden dearth of modalities for physical pain relief or management. A host of specialized pain management centers have been around for about 50 years now. Once ostracized pain relief modalities have been gradually accepted as effective such as chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, osteopathy, yoga, herbal treatments, physical therapy, and a host of “holistic” modalities are being employed.

Unfortunately, the pain being experienced is not so much physical as emotional and stress related(more like anguish). The opioid problem is primarily one associated with Whites, and lower and middle class Whites at that, which leads us to the crux of the problem. The lower and middle class Whites are the groups most shunted, left behind, and disrespected in our politically correct society. They are the ones most affected by the loss of manufacturing and technical jobs as whole industries and large companies have moved offshore. Domestically, Whites, including recent college grads, have had no increases in jobs in many years since all the new jobs have gone to immigrants, and to a lesser extent domestic non-whites through affirmative action and diversity policies. Disillusionment, disappointment, and mental/emotional anguish then are the primary root causes of the opioid epidemic.
The areas most affected by the opioid crisis are the Appalachian region and the “heartland” areas characterized by rural areas and small towns embedded within or adjacent to the farm areas. These are largely white “blue-collar” and white lower middle-class areas that have never caught up to the rest of the US economically to start with, especially in the South. Many of these areas have been decimated by the drastic decline of the manufacturing base which used to provide steady, decent paying
jobs, many providing for pensions for longevity on the job which have now been lost as the larger companies absconded or the smaller ones were absorbed by larger entities. Some of these geographical areas are almost literally ghost towns or shells of their former selves. These are bleak reminders of what once was and are very depressing psychologically to the remaining population who don’t want to move or don’t know what to do with themselves, and so seek solace in drugs.
Now comes marijuana which is increasingly being used and legalized as a recreational drug and suddenly and questionably accorded new medical benefits,, while its many established and very harmful attributes are glossed over. The new benefits are dubious since too little time–just a few years–has elapsed to demonstrate them conclusively. However, the harmful affects have been known for a long time. It has repeatedly been noted over the years that marijuana consumption leads to abuse of “harder” drugs. How about finding out if marijuana use will lead to increasing, already catastrophic opioid use? What if blue-collar whites (in addition to the educated types) suddenly start getting on the marijuana kick? It is no secret that marijuana has been implicated in almost as many auto accidents as alcohol abuse. What if people become addicted to all three–opioids, marijuana and alcohol? Detrimental affects of marijuana include memory loss, impairment of judgement, schizophrenia, psychoses, and even death. Now, synthetic marijuana is starting to be produced in laboratories with the same baleful affects ensuing.
Lo and behold, marijuana use is most prominent among Whites, especially the baby boomers and their offspring. Statistics on marijuana use, like opioid abuse, by race, are not well known or publicized, which tends to be the case where whites are the ones most affected by a phenomenon.
As a foretaste of things to come, we can already see the havoc that widespread use of marijuana will create everywhere by examining what has happened in and to Colorado since “grass” was legalized in 2012. That state is increasingly coming under the influence of the drug cartels, as the Hispanic proportion of the population increases.  The drug cartels are sponsoring the spread of a new variety of marijuana that has much higher levels of THC, the plant’s main psychoactive ingredient. This is generally making the “pot” in Colorado much more addictive and harmful than run-of-the-mill marijuana. The new plant is indistinguishable from the “regular” plant in looks, smell, and taste.
The number one problem in Colorado schools is student pot smoking. At lunch breaks, the kids pile into cars, roll up the windows, and smoke away. Re-inhaling the trapped smoke is called “stove piping” and is causing truly intense “Rocky Mountain Highs”. When the students return to class, they become hopelessly unable to learn anything new.
States bordering Colorado are suing the Rocky Mountain State for damages caused by marijuana smokers coming across their borders, engaging in crime, and depleting their law enforcement resources. Legalization has not reduced crime as was promised. Black market pot is actually cheaper than subsidized marijuana. There are more pot shops than liquor stores in lower income areas. Burglaries, robberies, and other crimes have increased.
“Synergise” all of this with the opioid epidemic and you have an exponential increase in crime. Half of all babies admitted to the Pueblo, CO hospital are addicted to marijuana related to their mothers being addicted to pot. Combining alcohol with pot also has synergistically harmful consequences.
These are only the beginning of the pot woes. Recreational marijuana can lead to testicular cancer. High humidity is a side affect of growing pot in homes, resulting in damage from mold. Inordinate amounts of water required to grow pot are draining the state’s water resources, and since ecosystems cross state lines,  are draining the water resources of the generally arid surrounding states. A task for the future will be to determine how much pot can be consumed before one can be considered legally impaired for driving purposes. Pot residues linger in the body for days whereas alcohol residues are eliminated within hours.
If many of the other states that have not yet legalized pot follow suit, (which the federal government is recommending that they do not do) the entire country will eventually “go to pot”.
The Trump Administration is increasingly criminalizing drug abuse, so unless incarceration is accompanied by new rehabilitation programs, overcrowding in already overcrowded prisons will increase. The White segment of the prison population is already the one most mistreated and discriminated against, and a new influx of Whites will just exacerbate their problems. Of course, increased incarceration means removal from the workforce, which just increases the economic problems Whites face.”
© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Sidney Secular: sidsecular1@aol.com

Uncle Sam Is The Biggest Brother

Once upon a time there was a collection of radicals, who were highly educated in the natural law and the errors and successes of past political and economic systems.  They were American Colonists with names like John Hancock, Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, et. al.  They believed that each man was uniquely created by God and could have a personal relationship with the Creator if  he or she chose to do so.  This mind-set also caused these men to reject the idea that God only spoke to men through either the Pope or the King, and that the political theory of the “Divine Right of Kings” was a scam used by kings to justify their dictatorial form of government.  Claiming their divine right, kings would claim they represented God to the people and that all their policies were God ordained and therefore infallible.

Instead, these radicals reasoned that if each of them were uniquely created in God’s image, not only were they all equal before God in the spiritual sense, but that every man was also equal politically.   Back in the 1700’s such thinking was radical compared to the status quo.  They also believed that men were capable of governing themselves and writing their own laws.

In 1775, the “Divine Right of Kings” form of government clashed with the “all men are created equal” way of thinking when the King’s government imposed a tax on tea in the American Colonies.  The amount of the overall tax burden was small, only about 2%, but the way the tax was imposed on Americans was highly offensive to them.  American Colonists objected to any tax being imposed on them that they did not approve of through representation in the legislative body imposing the tax.

Americans further objected to being forced to purchase the taxed tea only through governmentally approved outlets.  In fact, these passionate and thinking Americans were so opposed to this construct they successfully boycotted the entire scheme and the tax on tea had to be withdrawn.  Ultimately a war was fought over these conflicting political theories and much blood and treasure was expended in order to resolve the conflict.  During the War of Independence, Americans would cry out “No Taxation without Representation”.

What replaced the “Divine Right of Kings” in the newly formed United States of America was a Constitution that recognized that every man had equal standing in the new government.  This new governmental system utilized democratic processes, representing  We the People, to run the government.  The new system also recognized that men are fallible, as all men sin and fall short of the glory of God.  One characteristic of this new Republic was that a citizen’s rights were more important than what might someday be the appetite of a mob.

The Declaration of  Independence listed 27 grievances against an abusive King; and the new Constitution recognized that political leaders might be so bad that they might need to be removed from office through an impeachment process.  Our system of reoccurring elections also allows for bad actors to be removed from office.  This was a huge change from the previous system where the King claimed he represented God and that his policies were therefore infallible.

Believing that all men are sinners, the founders of  America chose to limit the power and size of government such that at the beginning America had a limited form of government, limited by what Thomas Jefferson referred to as “the chains of the Constitution”.

How is that working out for us today?  Not so good I would say.   Referring to the CIA’s World Fact Book, we see that the government of the United States is the biggest government  in the world at $3.893 trillion in budgeted annual expenditures.   China is second at $2.897 trillion.  Japan is third at $1.931 trillion.  And Germany is fourth at $1.484 trillion.   Recently demonized Russia isn’t even in the top 10 at $286 billion per year, just one fourteenth the size of our budget.

In fact, in all of recorded history, the government of the United States is the biggest government the human race has ever seen on Planet Earth!  Uncle Sam is Biggest Brother.  How did this happen with a Constitution that guarantees us a limited form of government?

The simple answer is that our government ignores our Constitution.  More accurately, what it does is lure us away from our God-given rights as guaranteed in our Constitution with benefits and privileges such that we leave our common law and constitutional rights behind in the rear view mirror in exchange for cradle to grave governmental security.

We have come full circle and have made government our God through a modern version of the Devine Right of Kings.  However, instead of being up front about this new scheme, instead we are tricked into joining a new political overlay that uses familiar sounding terms, like “citizen of the United States,” which is a statutorily created entity subject to Congress’ authority and  unable to object to the rules and regulations pertaining to the benefits and privileges being sought after.  This constitutes a political overlay that has caused the original Republic and its Constitution to go into hibernation.

All of us have left the jurisdiction of the Several States, where Congress’ authority is limited, and instead joined the “public rights” jurisdiction where Congress has plenary power.  Most of us have no clue as to how all of this works.

Instead of relying on our God-given natural rights, memorialized in our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, we chase after “public rights” created by a bleeding heart Congress anxious to make us subject to its authority as we indulge in tax payer funded benefits.  Congress has created a “right to food stamps”, a “right to unemployment benefits”, a “right to low interest loans” if you are a student, a farmer, and first-time home buyer.  There are rights to farm subsidies, grants, and of course bailouts for those too big to fail and too big to jail.  (For a discussion of  “public rights” see  Kuretski v. C.I.R., 755 F.3d 929, (D.C. Cir. 2014.))

In reality, these “public rights” are not rights at all, but government granted privileges.  The United States Supreme Court has ruled many times that those who chase after a privilege have no standing to complain , object or otherwise defend any right, as there is no such thing as a “right” in the universe of privileges.

A big government, who takes care of us from cradle to grave, is also a government that has become a defacto god.  We are now right back to where we were before the War of Independence, except the tax rate and the size of government has increased an order of magnitude compared to that of 1775.  The ancient Divine Right of Kings is very much alive and well today.

© 2018 Phil Hart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Phil Hart: northskiguy@yahoo.com

Swamp Stink Special: A Rubin Sandwich, Covered In Schiff

Well, another Trump-Russia collusion hoax-peddler from another leftist media rag is out with another specious, conclusory attempt to reinforce yet another bunch of Schiff floated downstream by House Intelligence Committee Democrats in the form of a 10-page “rebuttal” memo replete with all kinds of clever stories and, as expected, absolutely ZERO evidence to support anything in the Democrats’ ceaseless carousel of phony allegations against the president and his 2016 campaign.

This time the designated Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theorist is an actual creature of the Beltway Swamp, where democracy goes to be thwarted by “Democrats.”  But to call the duplicitous Trump-deranged neo-liberal Washington Post warmongress-in-chief Jennifer Rubin a ‘conspiracy theorist’ would be a terrible insult to that moniker, even as a CIA-invented pejorative.

After reading Rubin’s flimsy attempt bolster the Democrats’ Schiffy, heavily-redacted memo the term conspiracy fantasist is far more fitting. Rubin’s brand of conspiracy-peddling follows the modus operandi of the Clinton spinmeisters who manufacture intrigue and fabricate complexities to cleverly, if cynically, insinuate their seething ulterior animus into the public discourse surrounding any controversial issue or contentious question.

Rubin is one of the phoniest of all phony fake news poseurs who would never be accused of trying to inform or explain or illuminate. Quite to the contrary, Rubin’s raison d’etre is to disinform, confuse and obfuscate, so she can capitalize as thoroughly as possible at every turn (including every “Right Turn”) on the rotten fruits of her underhanded literary machinations.

Just like that of her fellow travelers in the fascist left’s pseudo-intelligentsia, Rubin’s aggressive casuistry is conscious and purposeful, serving as both a tactic and a tool.

Create confusion, exploit confusion. Divert and distract from the simple, obvious truth of the matter by concocting complicated, convoluted conspiracy claims that conveniently dovetail with ulterior partisan and ideological motives, while providing cheap cover for more deception, disinformation and defamation.

Rubin’s cursory memo on the Memo is weak sauce, rich with irony coming from someone whose entire political identity is itself a cynical fraud. Rubin’s Washington Compost blog is laughably called “Right Turn” and purports to offer “reported opinion from a conservative perspective.” Rubin’s “conservative perspective” is on par with Sasquatch. We’ve all heard that Bigfoot exists, but who among has every actually seen one?

Prior to her arrival to the Swamp with her carpetbag full of authoritarian statist bromides, ready to launch her illustrious career as a shrill militarist described as “conservative” by everyone except, you know, actual conservatives, Rubin was a failed left coast “labor and employment” lawyer who followed seven years of indoctrination at U.C. Berkeley (undergraduate and law school) with a 20-year stint in L.A. shilling for Big Corporate Hollywood.

This is not to say that someone with a “conservative” pedigree on par with Jane Fonda’s is incapable of being cured of her leftist lunacy. Yes, miracles happen. But it has been more than a decade of (actual) conservatives’ having to suffer false association with Rubin’s dubious opinion columns that one of her WaPo colleagues described as “at best … political pornography” before suggesting Rubin be canned “not because she’s conservative, but because she’s just plain bad.”  Given that Rubin is actively in bed with the worst of the worst of far-left Democrat deceivers, it is long past time for Rubin and her Bezos Post puppet masters to finally drop this offensive charade and cease and desist from any further false claims that Rubin is anything remotely resembling a conservative.

Like David Brooks and Bill Kristol, Rubin is a darling of the leftist media establishment because as a counterfeit conservative she serves the function of either embarrassing conservatives with her strident warmongering or teeing up the opportunity for her leftist cronies to mischaracterize real conservatives as somehow extreme or unreasonable when compared to Rubin’s much more acceptable-to-leftists (i.e. counterfeit) rendition of conservatism. All the better if Rubin simply goes on the attack against real conservatives, as suits her fancy.

The WaPo and its crony fascist hierarchy, like all left-bent corporate media, likes their conservatives like they like their news: FAKE. Unfortunately for Rubin and the continued viability of her long-standing ruse as an impostor conservative, her compulsion to attack those not aligned with her big government proclivities and global interventionist militarism has escalated into an unhinged obsession as it concerns anything and everything Trump.

Consistent with her enamor for Mitt Romney, Rubin is an evangelical never-Trumper whose seething hatred for our president…for HER president…is so intense in both word and deed that she is now effectively-indistinguishable from the worst of the unhinged Democrats in Congress.

In other words, Rubin has finally become her true self, showing her true colors as a disingenuous quisling that neither leftists nor conservatives can credibly suggest is an actual conservative.

So, it is just another bonus benefit of the Donald Trump presidency that his mere existence in that office has forced the permanent, involuntary unmasking of a longtime ideological grifter who has consistently been a willing tool of the most ardent enemies of all things conservative.

Returning to the Democrats’ ‘much memo about nothing’ with all its Schiffty hedges and dodges and hair-splitting sophistry, it is quite clear that Rubin’s attempt to declare victory, and somehow breathe life back into the same discredited narrative the Democrat distractionists have been pushing since the summer of 2016, is not a sign of its strength, but its weakness.

Were the memo anything close to as persuasive or dispositive as the Schiff wagon has been busy for the last 48 hours clattering around the Hill to proclaim, certainly Ms. Rubin would not have saw any need to spend her Saturday cobbling together such a sloppy, wishful declaration of its success as a Democrat counterpunch.

Without getting into Rubin’s cherry-picking around the memo’s rather-scatterbrained contents to prop up the steaming pile of Schiff that it is, I will simply address Rubin’s deceitful attempt to bring me into her fantasy narrative. Specifically, Rubin wrote:

The memo also states that “Russian agents previewed their hack and dissemination of stolen emails.” Was this a heads-up to Roger Stone? If they were previewing the email release to anyone associated with the Trump campaign, that surely constitutes collusion by anyone’s definition.

Rubin really shows her smarmy leftist lawyer-liar chops with this little cherry-picked tidbit. The actual memo section from which Rubin lifts this single sentence about Russians “previewing their hack and dissemination of stolen emails” is as follows:

Now, I can certainly concede that this memo contains a good bit of language and syntax that are exactly what one would expect from a bunch of sleazy partisan lawyers on a mission to manipulate and obfuscate details with confused or confusing phrases and sentence construction. I must admit, even a Berkeley-trained lawyer who worked for Harvey Weinstein’s cronies for 20 years would, as I did, ask themselves what the hell that sentence even means, specifically.

Rubin, of course, like a good leftist ambulance-chaser, is not one to let the sloppy, Schiffty drafting by her fellow lawyer scum stand in the way of using it in just as deceitfully as it was intended to be.  There is NOTHING in that sentence or paragraph that makes it anything but unclear as to what is even meant by “previewing”, nor how one can preview a “hack and dissemination”, versus previewing documents themselves.

Nor do I understand at all what Miss Rubin means by her own sloppy, inarticulate drafting of her comment: “was this a heads-up to Roger Stone?”

What exactly the hell do you mean, Jenny??  A heads-up? From whom? To whom? How?? Please feel free to email me to let me know what exactly you are suggesting.

In the meantime, permit me to set your confused fake news brain right on this question. I will repeat what I have stated verbally and in print, repeatedly, over and over and over, including under oath before your soul-sister Schiff and the entire House Intelligence Committee: I have NEVER had any contacts with any Russians in any way whatsoever having anything to do with my work for the Trump Campaign or any campaign or any business or professional or even personal undertaking, EVER.

I did not have and have never had access to, or possession of, any leaked materials, hacked or otherwise, from any source, by any means other than what has been published openly on the internet, i.e. any view I had of any materials of any kind from any source by any means was from the same place that anyone else in the general public would find and access them on the internet.

No Russian intelligence “preview”, no “heads-up”, no Russian collusion, nothing that would ever validate or even come close to resembling your demented defamatory delusions. Period.

You have now been warned that your fake navel-gazing comment, and any other like it, suggesting or speculating or wondering aloud in a manner that casts me in a false light and attempts to imply that I participated in any activities with any Russians for any reason, is purposefully-defamatory and flat-out deceitful.

Kindly cease and desist and, if at all possible, please consider going back to where you most belong: chained to a desk in the bowels of some degenerate Hollywood sweat shop for 3rd-rate lawyers…

© 2018 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

A Message To Future Generations

Understanding the Identification and Treatment of Special Interest Aliens (SIA)


In 2014, a rogue wave of children and families from Central America overwhelmed our Border Patrol agents (BPAs) on our southwest border. To the government, they are known as “OTMs” the abbreviation for “Other Than Mexican.” The circumstances of their arrival are intriguing in that unlike other illegal aliens, the vast majority of OTMs promptly turned themselves in. Why is not known for certain. There can be no doubt, however, that the scheme has given Mexican drug cartels and—potentially—terrorists a propitious opportunity to simply step over the invisible line that is our border undetected by BTAs because the agents processing the new arrivals could not man their posts.

This paper focuses not on OTMs, per se, but rather a subset tagged “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) by the Department of Homeland Security. They come from “Special Interest Countries,” (SICs). SIAs are illegal-immigrants who are believed to be terrorists. They are planning attacks against us, and they are a force with which we will have to reckon.  This paper will explain who they are, from what countries they come and how they may be about to launch a devastating strike. To doubt that is an error. To ignore it is lunacy. To allow it to happen is tyranny. That—unfortunately—is the new status quo.

The Agencies and Departments Watching Our Border

The number of governmental entities assigned to watch our borders, waterways, skies, social media and overall defense is truly remarkable and gargantuan when considered together. Just a quick glance at the list of departments and agencies gives one a sense of the magnitude of the just how serious illegal immigration is—and this does not address illegal aliens already in country. Explaining the raison d’être of each exceeds the scope of this paper, but can be seen in Appendix A. These agencies and departments primarily focused on day-to-day illegal immigration at the borders are:  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS); US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); US Customs and Border Protection (CBP); and the U.S. Coast Guard.[1]

The Department of Homeland Security is the tip of the organizational spear when it comes to protecting the nation against terror attacks. It was formed eleven days after 9/11. Ex-Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was the first director and, after it was established as a Cabinet-level department, he served as its first secretary. In cobbling it together, Ridge had to navigate the rough waters of entrenched bureaucracies and cultures to form the new defensive entity all under one umbrella, an arrangement from which many agents are still irked to this day. One of its numerous key initiatives was to find and break down the Chinese walls that had thwarted data and information sharing by our many intelligence agencies since WW II and throughout the Cold War.[2] Prior to 9/11, intelligence gathering had been highly territorial (as mandated by law) with the FBI concentrating on domestic intelligence and law enforcement and the CIA being responsible for collecting international information (even though they sometimes worked together and crossed paths).

At its inception, Ridge encountered numerous databases. Had the information within them been in one or two or crosschecked they may have thwarted the 9/11 attacks.  Clearly, departments, agencies and databases had to be merged and then imported into newer and better-designed electronic repositories that enabled the various departments to access shared information far more swiftly.[3] While some databases are separate out of necessity, they are available to the important overseers of our safety and are housed in central places. In addition to databases, then Director Ridge had to pluck previously independent or semi-independent agencies and groups out from under other agencies and departments that had put down decades-old roots and transplant them into DHS soil.[4]

In November of 2000 the Homeland Security Act was passed and signed and DHS became an official department which opened its new doors on March 1, 2003.[5] After Secretary Ridge resigned, Michael Chertoff took the helm on February 15, 2005. Under the Second Stage Review, Secretary Chertoff tasked 18 action teams and 250 members of DHS to evaluate the structures, policies and procedures in place and to determine if they had been properly assigned with clear missions. They also teamed up with public and private partners at the federal, state, local, tribal and international levels. The end result of the study and reorganization comprised a Six Point Agenda that addressed the following:

1. Increase overall preparedness, particularly for catastrophic events;
2. Create better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently;
3. Strengthen border security and interior enforcement and reform immigration processes;
4. Enhance information sharing with our partners;
5. Improve DHS financial management, human resource development, procurement an information technology;
6. Realign the DHS organization to maximize mission performance.[6]

In addition, there was an initiative to “Centralize and Improve Policy Development and Coordination.” On the Department of Homeland Security website are listed the actions needed to form a Directorate of Policy, which was created to:

  • be the primary Department-wide coordinator for policies, regulations, and other initiatives
  • ensure consistency of policy and regulatory development across the department
  • perform long-range strategic policy planning
  • assume the policy coordination functions previously performed by the Border and Transportation Security (BTS) Directorate
  • include Office of International Affairs, Office of Private Sector Liaison, Homeland Security Advisory Council, Office of Immigration Statistics, and the Senior Asylum Officer.”

Strengthen Intelligence Functions and Information Sharing.

“A new Office of Intelligence and Analysis was developed to ensure that information is:

gathered from all relevant field operations and other parts of the intelligence community
analyzed with a mission-oriented focus
informative to senior decision-makers
disseminated to the appropriate federal, state, local, and private sector partners led by a Chief Intelligence Officer reporting directly to the Secretary.”[7]

In an effort to forge greater cooperation and to eliminate some of the territorial issues that lingered still, Secretary Chertoff and his team developed an initiative to “Improve Coordination and Efficiency of Operations.” Chertoff assigned a new Director of Operations Coordination to conduct joint operations across all organizational elements

  • coordinate incident management activities
  • use all resources within the Department to translate intelligence and policy into immediate action
  • The Homeland Security Operations Center, which serves as the nation’s nerve center for information sharing and domestic incident management on a 24/7/365 basis, [is] a critical part of this new office.”

“Enhance Coordination and Deployment of Preparedness Assets. The Directorate for Preparedness was created to  consolidate preparedness assets from across the Department

  • facilitate grants and oversee nationwide preparedness efforts supporting first responder training, citizen awareness, public health, infrastructure and cyber security and ensure proper steps are taken to protect high-risk targets
  • focus on cyber security and telecommunications
  • include a new Chief Medical Officer, responsible for carrying out the department’s responsibilities to coordinate the response to biological attacks
  • Managed by an Under Secretary this Directorate will include infrastructure protection, assets of the Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness responsible for grants, training and exercises, the U.S. Fire Administration, and the Office of National Capitol Region Coordination.”[8]

The departments, agencies and organizations that play the greatest role in direct border protection are:

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which is tasked with securing our borders. It is under this organization that Border Patrol Agents work. They monitor ports and places of entry and, oddly, “facilitating legitimate trade and travel.”  In addition to BPAs, inspectors enforce customs and laws governing agriculture.”[9]

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), which is responsible for providing immigration-related services. It is this group that is engaged in processing of immigrants and is responsible for deciding if those crossing our borders are refugees, asylum seekers, those applying for naturalization and/or deciding which immigrants can be granted work permits.”[10]

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While more involved with interior investigations ICE also handles customs, and is responsible for detaining illegal immigrants and their deportation. It also focuses on national security and is responsible for catching smugglers. Finally, the agency helps trace support given to terrorists and exercises authority over other criminal activities.”[11], [12]

Current Status Quo at the Southwest Border

The current status quo along our southwestern border is a badly snarled and confusing morass. It bears a striking resemblance to groves of Banyan trees, the tangled roots of which make the little enforcement the president will permit under his executive mandates, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA), confusing, obstructive, obfuscating and difficult. As a result, some people being set free may well be SIA terrorists.

To most Americans, the perception has long been that the vast majority of those illegally crossing our southern border are Mexicans, people coming here in search of work, looking to join family or a gang. While that may have been the case in the past, it is no longer supported by the latest immigration numbers today. According to a study done by Pew Research, detention of illegale Mexican aliens is at an all-time low.[13] The primary reasons cited for the reversal are, current mixed economic conditions, fewer job opportunities in the U.S., increases in deportations and better border enforcement.[14] However, the numbers of illegal aliens has not diminished. As Mexicans have opted to stay home, children from Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras have quickly filled the vacuum. Numerous sources indicate that President Obama’s executive actions have helped spur these children to make the dangerous journey through Mexico and ultimately up to our border.

Many of them are trying to escape the horrors of poverty, violence and unstable political regimes, but the first motivator, indigence, brings up an interesting question. If their parents are poor, how can they come up with as much as $10,000 to have coyotes (people paid by cartels to smuggle drugs and humans across borders) or others bring their child up to the Rio Grande, the natural boundary flowing between Mexico from the U.S. No sources could be found to suggest that terror groups are funding the trips, but one must wonder who is. If they were arriving in a group of five, that would be understandable. But they are coming in droves and in the same timeframe.

There is no question that the children are diverting BPAs from covering their guard posts so illegal border crossers, in particular members of the Mexican drug cartels, their “mules” (people hired to smuggle drugs into the U.S.), as well as gang members and Special Interest Aliens, can cross the border far more easily. SIAs are of considerable concern to our intelligence and law enforcement agencies for obvious reasons. Stories are appearing with greater frequency on various news websites and blogs about how radical Islamists are being stopped as they try to enter the country. What is not known is how many actually make it into the U.S. for each terrorist caught? According to On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox News, May 6, 2015, ISIS now claims it has terrorists in 15 U.S. states, a contention not yet verified by either the FBI or CIA.[15] As stories about our borders and immigration imbroglio in general continue to be kicked around, we are hard pressed to cut through the spin to understand the truths about the issues involved.

In 2014, people from 94 different countries have or have tried to illegally enter the United States, many coming across our southern border. According to Terror Trends Bulletin (TerrorTrendsBulletin.com)  the Special Interest Countries of biggest concerns number 34, including: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, the Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen and two Palestinian territories, Gaza and the West Bank.

In fact, between October of 2013 and August of 2014, half of 138,000 people was comprised of unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, while the other half were families from the same countries in Central America.[16] As noted, these people have been designated as “Other than Mexican” (OTM) by the U.S. Border Patrol and the various immigration intelligence groups under the Department of Homeland Security.

The growing concern for the intelligence community, the military, Border Patrol, ICE, DEA, Customs and other agencies, is the growing threat posed by SIAs who emigrate from the nations above, all of which are embroiled in, or exporters of, terrorism. For those who keep their eyes on our borders, the search is focused on members of terrorist cells who cross into the U.S., especially those who may be carrying a component of a weapon of mass destruction (WMDs).

Neither SIAs nor SICs are covered by the mainstream media (MSM), a shared ignorance which is deafening. For the MSM, political battles and Bruce Jenner’s gender change are far sexier than delving into the true vulnerabilities that the many children still arriving at our border are causing. In addition, Border Patrol, ICE and DEA agents are thwarted and frustrated by a Justice Department that has ordered that they not enforce immigration laws by unconstitutional executive fiat as those agents desperately struggle to mitigate the threat from SIAs.

In researching this paper, it was noted that hundreds of departments and agencies have abbreviations (see Appendix B) associated with those crossing the Rio Grande and entering the country unimpeded. There are far too many for the scope of this paper. However, two critically important ones SIAs and SICs have percolated to the top and are being used with an unsettling and increasing frequency. Reports have entered news cycles about members of ISIS setting up training camps just south of the border. Members of terrorist cells being stopped by BPAs begs the question: How many have managed to get through? Where are they headed and how do we interdict them when they are aided in their pursuits by cartels, coyotes and gangs running drugs along well-established routes?

One recent report exposes a very troubling situation that is being officially denied by the U.S. and Mexican governments, but the source of the story, Judicial Watch (JW), is solid and, according to JW, the government is holding meetings in Mexico to contemplate how to debunk the reports. Judicial Watch, a highly prestigious and reputable organization that is able to get documents that not even Congress can, is reporting that ISIS has set up a base and has a cell in northern Mexico, both only miles from the border (see Figure 1 above). The base is in Anapra, which is located just west of Ciudad Juárez and is only eight miles south of the border with Texas. That puts it perilously close to El Paso, Texas, and more concerning, in close proximity to Fort Bliss, a U.S. Army Base.[17] According to Judicial Watch (JW), “Two days after JW broke this disturbing news Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervisors called a “special” meeting at the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez. A high-level intelligence source, who must remain anonymous for safety reasons, confirmed that the meeting was convened specifically to address a press strategy to deny Judicial Watch’s accurate reporting and identify who is providing information to JW.”[18]

According to Judicial Watch, the ISIS cell is in Puerto Palomas, also west of Ciudad Juárez, but it “targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming.” The report states, “During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as ‘plans’ of Fort Bliss – the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army’s 1st Armored Division. Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.”[19] While the government may deny the report, that plans for Fort Bliss and the trappings of Muslim paraphernalia were found just where Judicial Watch said ISIS has a presence, seriously casting into doubt government denials.

The Judicial Watch report also indicates that ISIS is now coordinating with some of the Mexican drug cartels. JW’s story continues, “Law enforcement and intelligence sources report the area around Anapra is dominated by the Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Cartel (‘Juárez Cartel’), La Línea (the enforcement arm of the cartel) and the Barrio Azteca (a gang originally formed in the jails of El Paso). Cartel control of the Anapra area makes it an extremely dangerous and hostile operating environment for Mexican Army and Federal Police operations.”[20]

As mentioned, the government has announced that the Terror Alert had been raised to Force Protection Condition Level Bravo, the highest since 9/11, for all military bases. Given ISIS’s almost direct line to Fort Bliss, that may have been the reason for the kicking the threat warning system up a notch inasmuch as military bases in particular are now at risk.[21] In addition, cartel coyotes may be helping ISIS members get across the border, where Judicial Watch reports ISIS has “spotters” in the East Potrillo Mountains (seen in the distance in the photo above).

Special Interest Alien Classification and Entry

In U.S. Response to Special Interest Aliens, A Collaborative Effort, U.S. Border Patrol Assistant Chief Doyle E. Amidon, Jr.[22] discussed the classification of SIAs as people coming from “special interest countries (ASICs) whose ideologies, religious or otherwise, produce a strong anti-American sentiment that could potentially cause individuals to carry out terrorist attacks against the United States.”[23]

Not all SIAs are Islamic extremists. Some may come from North Korea or other countries that do not consider the U.S. to be a friend or ally.  Amidon noted two ways that they enter the United States: “They may legally present themselves for admission at a designated port of entry (POE), or they may enter surreptitiously, both at and between the designated ports of entry.”[24] Importantly, he explains that the vast majority who are in country overstay their visas (classified as “out of status” and “overstays”), and are more likely to be caught by regular law enforcement than by Border Patrol Agents.[25]

The problem, he claims is that when a visitor requests a visa, even if they say they plan just to visit Disneyland, they are issued visas that span six months. He points out a common-sense issue with that policy. A six-month timeframe provides ample opportunity for a terrorist to plan, prepare for and execute a terrorist attack. In addition, at the time he filed his report in 2008, there was no system in place alerting immigration officials to the fact that someone had overstayed their visa.[26] However, he continues, even if such a system were in place, there are not enough enforcement officers to respond to an Overstay’s last known address or location. In essence, Amidon explains that visa holders are on the “honor system,” meaning they are expected to leave when their visa expires. With the system now, a terrorist could enter legally on a six-month visa and after it expires they simply move around the country to avoid detection.

Thus, not having the right kind of notification system in place leaves us open to attack and even if we knew that an SIA’s visa had expired, if they don’t remain where they say they are staying, they can obviously elude capture. What kinds of threats do terror groups entering through our perforated border pose? While in total there are 59 terrorist groups recognized by the U.S. State Department (see Appendix C), in addition to ISIS, those suspected of crossing or planning to cross our borders are more apt to be from the Special Interest Countries known to be tainted by terrorist groups.

Islamic terrorists will gladly be exposed to or injected with highly contagious diseases, such as smallpox, drug-resistant tuberculosis, typhoid or even a highly infectious strain of Ebola. Before being symptomatic, they come into the country and by walking around coughing on others in crowded places such as subways, elevators, restaurants, etc., they trigger a pandemic that could take the lives of thousands or tens of thousands depending on their pathogen of choice.  Sarin gas, ricin, anthrax and a vast array of chemical agents could be used, as well, in addition to all kinds of weapons. In either case, we may never know who the attacker was.

Finally, active cells could carry out an attack on critical electric-grid substations, the failure of which could compromise or cripple our entire electric infrastructure. Other obvious threats are car bombs, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) placed on the side of a busy highway or train tracks and a variety of other devastating attacks.


Clearly, that ISIS is now believed to have a base and camp within miles of the U.S. border near Texas and New Mexico, the need to clamp down the border in the southwest is now more necessary than ever.

The reports cited in this paper, which date back as far as 2003 and as recently as April 2015, are known to all of the various departments, agencies and bureaus assigned to protect the country. One wonders why the Obama administration insists on doing nothing about securing the border in that area. He must know from his Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) what the threats are.

Some euphemistically claim that Obama’s only interest in leaving the border open is to allow more budding Democrats to enter undetected, but given his penchant for the Islamic religion, it is jarring to think that there may be another motivating factor that keeps the border open. As can be seen in one of the photographs above, there is no impediment to anyone wishing to visit New Mexico’s mountains, as ISIS has reportedly done.

Certainly, stopping illegal immigration may not be something President Obama wishes to do, but with recent reports putting ISIS on our southern doorstep, the protection of the country and its populace must be a major top-priority if not with Obama then with Congress. Certainly, just as Iran must demonstrate its nuclear goodwill before sanctions are lifted, any comprehensive immigration plan for illegal aliens already here must be predicated on the construction of effective measures to keep new illegal aliens and terrorists out.

The border needs to be fenced in in the same way Israel has separated itself from its neighbors. The visa system must be revamped and far shorter visas issued, and there must be a system in place that notifies Border Patrol and ICE agents when a visitor’s visa has expired. Finally, we need more agents to find and deport the Overstays and help take care of the Central American kids. Failing that, a greater presence at the border by the National Guard is imperative.

If these measures at the very least are not taken, the underbelly of the United States is fully exposed and vulnerable. It is only a matter of time before ISIS or some other terrorist group south of our border plans a catastrophic terror attack against us.  All they would need to do is learn from the attack on an electric substation that occurred here two years ago. That may well have been a dress rehearsal for an attack on substations without which the grid cannot remain viable. If the grid is compromised, government sources who do not wish to be mentioned indicate that upwards of 90% of the U.S. population will succumb within a year. with our electric grid, down due to a terrorist attack the “wait” time is over.  We need to fence off the border right now or tempt fate.


  1. Public Law 107–296 107th Congress (November 25, 2002).
  2. Guiliani, Rudolph W. (2008). The Resilient Society Guiliani [online article].
  3. Guiliani, Rudolph W. (2008). The Resilient Society Guiliani [online article]. Retrieved from http://www.city-journal.org/2008/18_1_homeland_security.html
  4. Vol 4, No 1 (2010) LaFree, Gary (2010). The Global Terrorism Database: Accomplishments and Challenges [online article].
  5. Homeland Security Act of 2002, Title I – Department of Homeland Security.
  6. (August 9, 2012) Department Six-point Agenda.
  7. Ibid
  8. (August 9, 2012) Department Six-point Agenda.
  9. (2002) Homeland Security Act of 2002, Title I – Department of Homeland Security.
  10. Ibid
  11. (August 9, 2012). Department Six-point Agenda.
  12. Ibid
  13. Passel, Jeffery S., Cohn, D’vera and Gonzalas-Barrera, Anna (April 23, 2012). Net Migration from Mexico Falls to Zero—and Perhaps Less.
  14. Ibid
  15. Purported ISIS warning claims terror cells in place in 15 states (May 06, 2015).
  16. Women’s Refugee Commission, Fact Sheet, Confined Without Care: A Guide to the Detention of Mothers and Children in the U.S. Immigration System.
  17. ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm (April 14, 2015)
  18. Ibid
  19. Reports, Terrorist Acts Corroborate ISIS in Mexico Story JW Broke Last Month (May 5, 2015).
  20. ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm (April 14, 2015)
  21. Diaz, Daniella (May 8, 2015) What is Force Protection Condition Level Bravo?
  22. Amidon, Doyle E Jr. (March 25, 2008) S. Response to Special Interest Aliens, A Collaborative Effort
  23. Ibid, Page 2
  24. Ibid, Page 2
  25. Ibid, Page 3
  26. Ibid, Page 3


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Jihadist Threat on the Southern Border. (November 21, 2014)

Joint Task Force North. (January 26, 2010). Joint Taskforce North.

Judicial Watch Obtains New Border Patrol Apprehension Statistics for Illegal Alien Smugglers and “Special Interest Aliens.” (MARCH 9, 2011).

Jeffrey, T. P. (April 28, 2010). Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens Using Drugs Predominantly Supplied by Mexican Traffickers.

Star, P. (January 17, 2012). Napolitano: DHS Is Working with Mexico on ‘Special Interest Aliens’ Threat Along U.S.- Mexican Border.

Longmire, S. (March 31, 2015). The Nature and Impact of Illegal Immigration on Security in Texas.’

Evans, Michael. (June 19, 2014). New Report, Declassified Documents, Highlight Security Concerns at “Mexico’s Other Border

Sector Profile – Fiscal Year 2014 (Oct. 1st through Sept. 30th)

Hicks, S. (N.D.). Special Prosecutions.

Stein, D. (March 4, 1999). Temporary Protected Status.

Krogstad, J. M. & Passel, J.S. (2014, December 30). U.S. border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows.

Longmire, S. (May 11, 2011). What Can We Learn from Trends in ‘Special Interest Alien’ Migration Into the US?

Appendix A Departments and Agencies Under the Department of Homeland Security in Coordination with the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Justice

Departments and Agencies under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS is responsible for providing immigration-related services such as processing immigrant and nonimmigrant benefits; adjudicating refugee, asylee, and naturalization petitions; and granting or denying work authorization.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP is charged with securing U.S. borders at and between ports of entry and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. It includes Border Patrol agents, as well as inspectors enforcing immigration, customs, and agriculture laws.z

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE handles the interior investigative and enforcement responsibilities of immigration and customs, including detention and deportation. ICE focuses on national security, financial, and smuggling violations to target the support behind terrorist and criminal activities.

US-VISIT. This is a stand-alone program office responsible for implementing the program that uses biometric indicators to track the entry and exit of nonimmigrant visa holders at U.S. air, land, and sea ports of entry.

Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS). OIS is responsible for developing, analyzing, and disseminating immigration-related statistical information, including the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. 2

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). CBP is charged with securing U.S. borders at and between ports of entry and facilitating legitimate trade and travel. It includes Border Patrol agents, as well as inspectors enforcing immigration, customs, and agriculture laws.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE handles the interior investigative and enforcement responsibilities of immigration and customs, including detention and deportation. ICE focuses on national security, financial, and smuggling violations to target the support behind terrorist and criminal activities.

US-VISIT. This is a stand-alone program office responsible for implementing the program that uses biometric indicators to track the entry and exit of nonimmigrant visa holders at U.S. air, land, and sea ports of entry.

Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS). OIS is responsible for developing, analyzing, and disseminating immigration-related statistical information, including the annual Yearbook of Immigration Statistics.

Bureaus Under the State Department

Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). PRM is responsible for formulating policies on population, refugees, and migration, as well as administrating U.S. refugee assistance and admission programs.

Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA): CA interprets visa laws and regulations and serves as a liaison between the Department of State and overseas embassies and consulates on visa matters. Oversight of visa policy now rests within DHS. Consular officials issue visas and passports and provide services to U.S. citizens abroad.

Offices and Boards under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice

Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). EOIR is responsible for adjudicating immigration cases and for the interpretation and administration of immigration law. Its components include:

Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA). BIA is the highest administrative body for interpreting and applying immigration laws. It has nationwide jurisdiction and is responsible for hearing appeals of decisions rendered by immigration judges or DHS district directors.

Office of the Chief Immigration Judge (OCIJ). This office is responsible for conducting formal court proceedings related to immigration cases. Their decisions are final unless sent to BIA.

Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer (OCAHO). OCAHO oversees the administrative law judges who adjudicate employer sanctions, document fraud, and IRCA-related discrimination cases.

Office of Immigration Litigation (OIL). This office holds jurisdiction over all civil immigration litigation and is responsible for coordinating immigration matters before the federal district courts and circuit court of appeals.

Office of Special Counsel for Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices (OSC). OSC investigates and prosecutes employment discrimination based on citizenship status, national origin, document abuse, or retaliation. It also engages in outreach and education regarding employer sanctions’ anti-discrimination provisions. Source: Retrieved from migrationpolicy.org

Appendix B Abbreviations Used by the Department of Homeland Security

ACAP              Alien Criminal Apprehension Program
BOP                Bureau of Prisons
BORCAP       Border Patrol Criminal Alien Program
BTS                 Border and Transportation Security
CAP                Criminal Alien Program
CBP                Customs and Border Protection
DACS             Deportable Alien Control System
DHS               Department of Homeland Security
DOJ                Department of Justice
DRO               Office of Detention and Removal (ICE)
EOIR             Executive Office of Immigration Review
EREM           Enforce Removal Module
FTE                Full Time Equivalent
FY                  Fiscal Year
GAO               Government Accountability Office
HHS               Health and Human Services
ICE                 Immigration and Customs Enforcement
IEA                Immigration Enforcement Agent
IJ                    Immigration Judge
INA                Immigration and Nationality Act
INS                 Immigration and Naturalization Service
IRP                Institutional Removal Program
LACJ             Los Angeles County Jail
OI                   Office of Investigation
OIG               Office of Inspector General
OTM              Other Than Mexican
SIA                Special Interest Aliens
SIC                 Special Interest Countries
SST                State Sponsors of Terrorism
USCIS          United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Source: DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of Inspector General

DETENTION AND REMOVAL OF ILLEGAL ALIENS, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Appendix C –  U.S. State Department List of Terrorist Groups

Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
al-Mulathamun Battalion
al-Nusrah Front
al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
Ansar al-Dine (AAD)
Ansar al-Islam (AAI)
Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi
Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah
Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia
Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis
Army of Islam (AOI)
Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)
Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
Boko Haram
Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA)
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)


Haqqani Network (HQN)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Indian Mujahedeen (IM)
Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT)
Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
Kahane Chai (Kach)
Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) (Kongra-Gel)
Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ)
Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LeT)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG)
Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem (MSC)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N)
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
Revolutionary Struggle (RS)
Shining Path (SL)
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)

Source: All terrorist groups as defined by the United States Department of State.

© 2018 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Alec, Global Corporations, State Legislators, And An Article V Convention

Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention, I would tremble for the result of the second. —James Madison, Father of the Constitution and fourth President of the United States

All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree. —James Madison, speech at the Constitutional Convention, July 11, 1787

The majority of Americans do not understand that our Representative Republic is under attack and has been for decades. As Ben Franklin said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”  Basically, we lost it long ago, but we cannot afford to lose the 1787 Constitution or our liberties will be a thing of the past.

Who is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)?  It is a think tank whose members consist of state legislators and corporations who gather together behind closed doors to write legislation for the states. Dark money funds ALEC, especially the Koch Brothers, but more on them in another article.  ALEC has long been promoting an Article V Constitutional Convention.

ALEC’s membership is 95% corporate along with 2500 of the 7500 legislators from every state. This is where state legislation originates.

ALEC Founder, Paul Weyrich

The number one mover and shaker of the rightwing Council for National Policy (CNP) was Paul Weyrich, albeit there were others with more money and power, the Coors family, and Planned Parenthood promoter, Richard Mellon Scaife, heir to the Carnegie Mellon fortune.  Scaife has allegedly funded ALEC to the tune of more than $7 million. One must remember that Scaife funded both sides of the aisle and was connected to Rockefeller (Chase Mellon Bank).

The Council for National Policy was founded in 1981by charismatic Baptist, Pat Robertson, Tim LaHaye, Nelson Bunker Hunt and twice tried for murder, Texas oilman, T. Cullen Davis

Weyrich was the Grand Poohbah of the CNP. He co-founded the Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation and the American Legislative Exchange Council and was the first president or director of all three.  He also once served as advisor to former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin of Chechnyan genocide fame. He wrote about it in an article in the Heritage affiliate, Townhall Magazine.

In 1987, Weyrich wrote an article entitled, “A Conservative’s Lament,” which showed his unabashed yearning for a Parliamentary form of government for America and his strong belief that America needed a shadow government…which is what we seem to have with the Council on Foreign Relations.

Back in 1992, when recently deceased Ross Perot came on the scene, he was gung-ho for a Con-Con.  Like Weyrich, he stated emphatically that we needed a parliamentary government and bragged that “his people” could get the remaining states needed for a Con-Con “in their sleep.”  Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and fellow patriots stopped it.

ALEC History

ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It’s not just a lobby or front group, ALEC is one of the most powerful unelected councils in the country. [Link] Note that unelected councils and task forces, and public-private partnerships, etc. are forms of government used in democratic socialist and communist countries.

ALEC first came into being in 1973 in Chicago as the “Conservative Caucus of State Legislators.” In 1975, with the support of the American Conservative Union, ALEC registered as a federal non-profit agency. Through the corporate-funded Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called “model bills” reach into almost every area of American life and, more often than not, directly benefit huge corporations. In ALEC’s own words, corporations have “a VOICE and a VOTE” on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state, and sometimes in the federal legislature.

The Madison Group, the predecessor to the State Policy Network (SPN), similar to mini Heritage Foundation’s in each state, was “launched by ALEC,” and housed in the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, so says a 1991 report by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). The Heartland Institute was/is a member of ALEC.  Link  The Institute has also functioned as a publisher and promoter of ALEC’s model legislation, including a new Article V Constitutional Convention.

Heartland is funded by the Koch brothers, David and Charles, the former being a member of the globalist Aspen Institute. Remember Aspen Institute’s former Director was none other than Maurice Strong, author and promoter of UN Agenda 21. NCRP also reported that the Madison Group’s annual meeting was, at that time, “sponsored by Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation,” led by Paul Weyrich.

One has to remember that Heritage Foundation fellow and CFR member, Richard V. Allen drafted NAFTA, and Stuart M. Butler wrote the monograph for Heritage promoting the individual mandate in healthcare.

Corporations Write the Bills

Watch this six-minute video of a backroom ALEC meeting in Georgia.

Corporations hand to state legislators their “wish lists” of legislation to benefit their bottom lines. The membership of ALEC is 98% corporate and the corporate membership is the one that funds almost all of ALEC’s operations. They have bought their way into the process by which corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. ALEC’s legislative leaders are responsible for getting the bills introduced and passed. They introduce and carry the bills in their statehouses as their own brilliant ideas. As an example, the immigration bill, SB1070, was written by ALEC and carried by Russell Pearce, word for word, to Arizona. Private prison corporations had a huge part in ALEC’s crafting of SB1070.

The legislators never disclose that corporations wrote and vetted these bills along with fellow politicians behind closed doors at ALEC meetings. So, everyone who is a member of ALEC is influencing not only state bills, but likely most federal bills as well, written by corporations with vested interests…along with lobbyists and state representatives.

ALEC’s Corporate Donors

ALEC has a huge list of corporate donors and corporate members, and here is a state by state partial list of politicians that are known to be involved in, or previously involved in ALEC. Not all dues-paying members of ALEC are included because ALEC does not post its full list, but the list includes politicians who have been in a leadership role in ALEC, as a member of a task force, or other publicly known role. It also includes politicians who have been featured speakers or who have accepted awards at ALEC meetings.

In the mid-1990s, the Church of Scientology became one of ALEC’s members and underwriters, for the apparent purpose of interacting with state lawmakers on mental health-care issues. Here’s an excerpt from a 1998 fundraising letter written by Bruce Wiseman, the president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International, (CCHR) a highly controversial anti-psychiatry front-group of the Church of Scientology. Wiseman writes,

“ALEC is a national organization made up of legislators from every state as well as some federal legislators who meet and draft model legislation for every state. The return for that has been enormous! CCHR has worked its way up the conditions at ALEC and recently got an article published by ALEC in opposition to mandated mental-health parity, which went to key state legislators who deal with health issues in their respective states. In addition, the ALEC membership has opened the door to meeting numerous legislators and other opinion leaders from around the country.”

ALEC exists to maximize the profits of their corporate kings and financiers, especially Koch Industries, Exxon Mobile, PhrMA, Altria, and Pfizer, who pay upwards of $25,000 just to become members.

ALEC and the Article V Convention

ALEC has long promoted an Article V Constitutional Convention using the excuse that we need a Balanced Budget Amendment, the same excuse used in the late 70s and defeated by Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and fellow patriots. If you’ve read Publius Huldah’s articles on same, here and here, then you understand what a terrible danger the BBA actually is to our Constitution.

ALEC even produced a “Resolution for Limitations on Authority of Delegates to a ‘Convention for Proposing Amendments’ (Article V, United States of America Constitution.”  ALEC claims this resolution will curtail and eliminate the possibility of a “runaway convention.” The resolution restricts delegates to work only on those amendments authorized in their legislative instructions and calls for the immediate recall of any delegate that works on an unauthorized amendment.” This is total balderdash! Once a Convention is opened, all is fair game!

A 43-page handbook, written by ALEC’s “constitutional scholar,” Robert G. Natelson, entitled: Proposing Constitutional Amendments by a Convention of the States,” was provided to their mostly-republican members, along with model legislation to carry back to their states. The booklet is full of spins, lies, and misdirection.  It claims the states must exercise control as given to them by the founders, that they must move quickly, that state legislatures will have complete control over the process, and will answer to the state legislatures they represent.  This is far from the truth.  There is no provision in Article V empowering state legislators to choose the delegates to a Constitutional Convention or to “limit” the scope of a Con-Con.  There are no rules, no regulations, and certainly no instructions.  Link

Historical Precedents

The 1787 Convention set historical precedents that side with a runaway convention.  A convention today could propose bad amendments or even a new constitution like the one written over a period of 10 years, at a cost of $25 million, by the Ford Foundation, which eliminates everything after “We The People,” and that includes our God given, unalienable rights.  Once a convention is opened, they could force it on the American people by way of creating and utilizing a new mode of ratification.

Wolf-Pac, and the Convention of States Project, (COS) says that can’t happen despite the fact that it did happen when the 1787 Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation and totally threw them out and started anew.  Oh, what those wonderful freedom loving statesmen gave us then, but today, there is not a statesman alive who would be a match for even one of the men in the 1787 convention.

The very reason most often cited by scholars for their opposition to an Article V Convention is because the 1787 Convention set the precedent. There is absolutely no way that a new convention can possibly be controlled, no matter the circumstances or restrictions set down prior to the convention.  The intention from the outset of many of its proponents, chief among them James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, was to create a new government rather than fixing the existing one. This is also what exists today, and Madison called them, “violent partisans.”

Left and Right Promote Con-Con

The neo-conservative Trotskyites on the right, Sean Hannity, Michael Farris, Mike Levin, David Barton, Glenn Beck, Tom Coburn, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Jim DeMint, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, CFR memberGrover Norquist, Charles and David Koch who heavily fund ALEC, Gov. John Kasich, former Gov. Mike Huckabee, Tennessee’s Michael Patrick Leahy, Georgetown Professor Randy Barnett, Judge Andrew Napolitano etc. etc. ad nauseam, are all fomenting change to our Constitution through an Article V convention.

George Soros and his Constitution 2020 along with his Open Society Institute and the Center for American Progress are heavily funding a new convention. Groups like the Goldwater Institute’s Nick Dranius and Compact for America, I Am American, the “Move to Amend” coalition, Turk Cenk Uyger’s Wolf Pac, Mark Meckler’s Citizens for Self-Governance, Harvard Professor Lawrence Lessig, and others are promoting a new convention. Link

William Furth of “I am American” actually physically pushed Publius Huldah off a stage several years ago in Knoxville, TN, when she tried to explain to the audience the dangers of another convention.


Countless authorities have stated that a Constitutional Convention cannot be controlled. Once a Con-Con is opened, the entire document can be taken down and changed. There are no statesmen today like our founders, and the risk of opening a convention for any reason would result in the destruction of the last threads binding us to a representative Republic.

P.S. So many fabulous researchers and journalists write for NewsWithViews.  Many of us spend hours in research to bring you information you will not find anywhere else.  Why do we write for NWVs?  Because our CEO and publisher knows our God given freedoms and liberties are in grave danger.  He knows what Communism looks like because he escaped it as a child.  This is why we support this great website.  Please remember us every month as you write your bills.  Every dollar you send helps to keep us alive, and ask your friends to sign up to receive the daily emails. You can donate here.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Allow America To Prosper Or Lose It

Every day I rise from my bed, I am utterly baffled at the number of Americans from various walks of life who more vigorously support policies that potentially cripple our beloved republic, than those that most benefit “We the People.”  Every time I read about or hear individuals, primarily from the political left harping about fewer opportunities for black Americans a laugh, because I now realize they are blatant liars and do not give a rip about anyone but their own selfish political gain or mission to help harm the United States of America.

Just recently Al Green Rep. of Texas complained about the disparity between Black Americans and White Americans when it comes to income.  In fact, at a recent hearing the normally grumpy congressman proudly invoked the race card.  It should be more accurately described as the stupid and hypocrite card.  The not so good representative continues the many decades tradition of only complaining about this and that and rounding it off with the traditional charge of racism.

Representative Al it’s racism Green along with his fellow leftist democrats do not and have rarely ever supported policies that benefit black Americans, especially economically.  He and the others have never during my lifetime voted to support tax cuts, reduce regulations that strangle business activity or fight to insure a higher quality education is provided for students to enable them to be more competitive in the arena of finding a good job or opening their own a new business.

Mr. Green wants to promote the concept of white guilt, where there is none.  White Americans walking around today are no more guilty of past oppression of Black Americans than the evergreen trees growing on their property.  Let me be perfectly straight with you.  Representative Al Green and his leftist comrades are guilty of playing a corrupt Saul Alynski inspired game of never being satisfied.  They are always griping and finding either racism, or unfairness under every rock and behind every door knob.  Their goal as stated by former president Barack Husein Obama is to fundamentally transform America.  Not into something greater, as a land of liberty and opportunity, but rather a carbon copy of the changes that have taken place in Venezuela.

To further prove my point, every time the subject of building the needed wall on our southern border is broached, the same usual suspects always complain.  They chant racism, xenophobia, nationalism, etc.  They encourage illegal borders to boldly protest and disrespect out own government, rules and traditions.  They funny thing is, the very people Rep. Green and the other gripers claim to be concerned about, are the ones they are literally helping to destroy.  Our elected government officials are supposed to work on our behalf, but most no longer do.  Not give the advantage to illegal border crossers, while complaining about the plight of Black Americans.  You rarely hear democrat party representatives exhibiting authentic concern about the lack of consistent academic achievement in black American communities.

I believe that one of the consistent goals of the government school overseers is to keep the masses incurably ignorant and intellectually stunted.  Let us not forget that one of the first actions of Obama’s first term as president was to shut down an academically superior Black high school in the Washington DC area.  The last thing the leftists want is a population of high achieving blacks showing example after example of learning and doing their best. That far outweighs being a bitter angry American hating member of the incurably ignorant masses.  Destructive leftists like Rep. Green, Nancy (crumbs) Pelosi and many others depend on the ignorance of those who consistently vote them into office and cheer on their leftist representatives effort to screw them over.  America is now at an incredible crossroads.  She is poised to take off economically and be restored to greatness on many levels. For her to finally reach her full potential, individuals like Rep. Al Green must not be allowed to squander the great opportunities that lie ahead for us.  Allow America to prosper or forget about it.   You can prosper from The Ron Edwards Experience talk show Friday at 4:00 PM EST and 1:00 PM PST, emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada and also enjoyed via www.americmatters.us, and www.shrmedia.com The Ron Edwards Experience is also enjoyed at 12:00 AM Saturdays on www.talkamericaradio.us.

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

A Matter Of Perspective

When Alexander the Great entered the kingdom of the Phrygians on his way to conquer the world, he was met by a delegation of that people carrying the famous Gordian knot—or so goes the myth. It was thought that no such conquest as Alexander intended could be achieved without the would-be conqueror “undoing” this large and complex knot. The young Macedonian King looked momentarily at the puzzle and immediately took out his sword and with one mighty blow, cut it apart through the middle—thus “untying” the knot! Alexander had seen that great “puzzle” from a different perspective. Instead of trying to determine the course of each cord, he looked upon the whole and acted accordingly!

Those who would conquer the world today provide us with just such “knots” in order to engage our minds in useless efforts to seek out their hidden meanings and intentions but, as with Alexander, we need not bother! We need only to seek out who has created the knot to know how to proceed! And this is nothing new! In Scripture, Jesus Christ tells us that we cannot get figs from thorns and that a tree is known by its fruit; that is, one cannot get good fruit from bad trees and vice versa. A “bad” organization is not going to produce good plans for our future.

The so-called United Nations—that organization created as the foundation of the New World Order—has presented an “updated” version of its original Agenda 21 now renamed Agenda 2030. If you go to the UN website, you can download all 41 pages of this effort at “transforming our world.” It is presented as an agenda for “sustainable development.” Of course, you may be assured that the “transformation” intended as well as what and, more importantly, who will be “sustained” will be presented in the most benign of terms in order to soothe and placate the vast majority on the planet whose existence will be grossly changed if, indeed, they are permitted to continue to exist at all! But you will not read in this handy little guide about the intention to establish a New World Order with a tiny elite at the top and those serfs and minions permitted to exist to serve that elite, on the bottom.

Like Alexander gazing upon the Gordian knot, one need only look upon the organization presenting this “agenda” to understand what it means and therefore, what it intends. And, like Alexander, we must be prepared to strike it with the sword of liberty to end its convoluted and devious evil. Wasting time trying to understand and/or explain the hidden agenda is just that—a waste of time! All of these New World Order strategies must be first, recognized, second, rejected and third, destroyed.

Time is running out. We are almost at the point of no return while far too many decent people and lovers of freedom waste their time with trying to discover who the enemy is and what it has in mind. It is akin to a man whose car is stopped on the tracks at a railroad crossing with the train coming on, choosing to read about this history of railroading rather than putting the car in gear, hitting the gas and getting the hell off the tracks! Believe me, my fellow Americans, this train is very close!

© 2018 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: sidsecular1@aol.com

Our Fragile Civilization

As partakers of Western civilization, we enjoy amenities that, throughout history, have been hard to come by—stability, relative prosperity, domestic tranquility, and, above all, personal security. We don’t enjoy them absolutely; but we do enjoy them relative to what people have had to put up with in the past. And the world even now is full of places where those amenities are not enjoyed: because they don’t come naturally to human beings lumbered with Original Sin.

Civilization is fragile. It has to be envisioned, it has to be planned, and it has to be worked for; and once achieved, maintained. Otherwise you wind up with a lost civilization. The great Indus Valley civilization, for one, flourished mightily circa 1500 B.C. but today is so lost, we don’t know the name of a single person who lived in it, nor a single word of their language.

Our civilization that we take for granted was a long time getting to be what it is now. We should take care to keep it going. But we seem not to realize that.

Galloping culture rot has set in; and we can see no more shudder-worthy example of it than was on display last week at the Gucci FallWinter 2018/2019 Full Fashion Show. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Director Alessandro Michele, who is the poster boy for what’s wrong with Europe and why it won’t survive, had his models parade around a hospital bed in what looks like an operating theater. There was a message in that. Inspired by some absurd “Cyborg Manifesto”—every pile of driveling idiots seems to have a “manifesto”—Michele was saying there is no more “natural” anymore: we are only whatever we carve and drug and mutilate ourselves into being, only whatever we say we are. No more “Male and female created He them.” In fact, no more “male” or “female” at all: only “constructs” proceeding from our own debauched imaginations.

Well, that’s what the “transgender” movement’s all about, isn’t it? So Michele gives us “genderless” models. Lucky us. One of his models carries a severed head that looks like her own. Very nice vision for the future, Al.

Even more striking is the facial expression worn by all the models, all the same—a kind of petulant glower, reminiscent of Sonny Liston at a weigh-in. Remember when fashion models used to smile? These don’t. They look like they’d like to bite your face off, only they’re too dispirited to do anything quite that energetic. They remind one of a line in an ancient Sumerian poem: “The dead shuffle under their black plumage; their food is clay, their only drink is ashes.” With that vision to inspire them, the Sumerian civilization went extinct.

The audience applauds when Michele comes out to take his bow. Maybe there’s going to be a clay and ashes buffet afterward.

As for the garments—some of which don’t even fit, but appear to be several sizes too large—it would be remarkable to see any real person actually wearing one.

So we’re going to create ourselves into anything we want to be, going to take God’s place. Why, then, all the glum expressions? Why aren’t those models deliriously happy?

Instructed by the Bible, Europe spent some two thousand years struggling out of barbarism. The history of that struggle makes for grim reading. Our own country’s founders thought so, and did their level best to try to avoid the cruelties, the perpetual war, the violence that moved our ancestors to flee across the Atlantic to a new world. It was not until after two world wars, and after the collapse of communism, that it was morning in Europe.

But the night is coming on fast.

Both the rise of civilization, and its fall, originate within the human heart. If that fashion show is any indication of what’s in Europe’s heart today, the demise has already begun.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Who IS Obama?

A recent article written by a Chicago union man was recently forwarded to me by a frequent contributor to this column, Lawrence Craig who asks the question millions have asked and have been fluffed off for asking. So Who IS Obama? That is the question.

Obama managed to become an Illinois Senator. His position there did not receive a great deal of attention.His quiet placement in the Senate was to buy time.
Next he was on a campaign trail announcing his candidacy for President of the United States. His position on running the U.S. was made abundantly clear when he was asked on the street by Joe the Plumber, what would be the first thing he would do if elected? 

Without missing a beat Obama said he would “redistribute the wealth.” And nobody questioned that Communist mission statement. This writer saw and heard that since it was shown on live TV.

And who can forget that major campaign speech on an outdoor stage with two Greek columns that he would stand in between. 

This represented a royal setting where he looked and sounded like a gay Greek philosopher.

His was a strange campaign since absolutely NO personal information about him was disclosed. Yet his charisma carried him through the entire process.

As the nation watched on election day, the “results” showed that Obama won the election. We now had our first ‘black president,’ in our nation’s history. At least that was half right since he was only half black.

Now get this: a couple of hours later on that election day, Grant’s Park in Chicago suddenly came alive, with a prepared stage, seats that covered the entire park being filled with thousands of people for the “Election Night Victory Party,” which was soon underway.

A miracle obviously had occurred. An undecided election had just been called, the president named, and within two hours, Grants Park had been fully put together for this huge public gathering. That was either a miracle or a colossal demonstration of optimism.

Furthermore, we dove in a bit deeper and learned that Obama had deposited a million dollars to secure Grants Park for that, again, Election Victory Party–SIX MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION even took place!  So it was a done deal.

All personal information about Obama was blocked from view. It was not even certain if he was born in the U.S. since no birth certificate was provided despite repeated requests. 

We understand Obama’s sponsors including George Soros and The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) spent millions of dollars for lawyers who skillfully blocked any and all information about him, including his college records, wedding records or birth information about his two daughters.

Yes, Obama, who was shoe-horned into the Oval Office, will go down in history as the perpetrator of the greatest fraud in history. And Obama was not VOTED in. He was put in by a subtle 
There was total election fraud, voting machines rigged, dead people voting. Nothing about it was legit.

His eight years in office were the most disastrous years ever as the U.S. was being re-structured. The Democrat Party, actually The Communist Party, had prepared for America to become ruled by them which would be the last country to give in to the New World Order making it possible for them to now take over the entire planet.

The American public begin to demand his birth certificate. As the pressure began to build, Obama announced that he would provide his birth certificate from Hawaii where, he said, he was born.

It was good I found it when I did since they scrubbed that off the newspaper site as more and more inquiries came in.

Since Obama left office after his 8 year whirlwind of destruction, he would not leave D.C. He (his sponsors) bought a mansion within walking distance to The White House for him to live in. He still seems to be making decisions as the George Soros Communists plan to move him back in along with Hillary.

transition where he will be reinstalled.

The recent school shooting in Florida was directed by George Soros who ingeniously devised a way for kids, high school students to protest nation-wide, against the private ownership of guns. Talking about innocent kids being used for political propaganda in order to take over The United States!

Did anyone question how these students in different high schools managed to book tour buses to take them to state Capitols and one coming up in the United States Capitol in D.C.? We need to ask more questions. First of all, this will require a lot of money to pull off.

How could they raise that much money for renting buses, paying drivers, traveling, hotels and food? They didn’t have to. George Soros and his demoncrats took care of all these pesky details in order to focus all attention to disarming America so it will be easier for Communists to come in with a bang and take charge of this country. 

It is time to question more, write opinions to your area newspapers, and refuse to accept what the Democrats are trying to push on us. There are two sides to this. The Communist Democrats who represent only those whose goal is to dismantle the United States and put us all under THEIR command.

The other side is the true citizens of America who want our country as founded by our forefathers. The true citizens of America love our country and are the millions who voted in Donald J. Trump as our president. 

Let us stand firm, never give up, give in, or get out. This is OUR country, not a Communist country. Let us never forget that. Everyone should be prepared to fight for our freedom.

Photo Caption: Obama and Gay Lover in College

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Are We Losing America To Endless Immigration?

“Every age, every culture, every custom and tradition has its own character, its own weakness and its own strength. It features its beauties and ugliness; accepts certain sufferings as matters of course, and puts up patiently with certain evils.  Human life is reduced to real suffering and hell—only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap.” —Herman Hesse

Today in America we face being forced to overlap hundreds of cultures and religions into our midst without any understanding of the final result: cultural disintegration of our country.

Any society that lacks courageous leadership faces paralyzing fear from its governors, to its mayors all the way to its average citizens.  Today, in America, we watch old men and women in Congress fudging, excusing and pushing for endless immigration from antagonistic countries and cultures from all over the world.

Does anyone think a Somalian, Congolese, Indonesian, Sudanese, Ethiopian, Iranian, Afghanistanian, Syrian, Egyptian or dozens of other ethnic groups possess anything in common with average Americans?  Can their violent religions that created their millions of refugees co-exist with America’s basic cultural and religious foundation?

By our own hand, we watch our leaders lead us into the jaws of racial, cultural and sociological conflict the likes never seen in the world before.  Or have we?  This 15-minute video shows exactly what happened to other societies that allowed endless immigration.

The ultimate connection of immigration to war in America:

This is not ‘if’: this situation barrels toward us like a Formula 1 racing car!

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

One look at the multicultural chaos invading Europe and Canada might give anyone a sobering look at reality.  Rape from Moslem immigrants permeates every sector of every country in Europe.  That’s their norm to treat women like property.  They ‘honor kill’ 20,000 of their women annually as a normal aspect of Islamic Law.  And, we think we’re going to escape that reality?  (Source: United Nations report on “Honor Killings.”)

On February 2, 2018, Asst. DA from DHS, Ed O’Callihan stood up at White House press room to state, “We now have 23 to 27 honor killings in the United States annually.  We reported 500,000 female genital mutilations in the USA from Moslem immigrants.”

Yet, virtually all of 535 members of Congress, save Steve King (R-IA), Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) and Peter King (R-NY), do nothing to stop the legal immigrant flood boiling into our nation.  None of those representatives cares a twit for future generations as they chase their tails figuring out how to deal with 13 Russian spies who diddled their way around our 2016 presidential election.  When, at the same time, 20 million illegal aliens wreak havoc on our own schools, medical facilities, traffic, shoplifting, drug networks, thefts and killings.

We’re being saturated, infiltrated and doused with immigrants who possess no understanding or affinity toward our culture, our laws and our way of life.  We’re being forced into diversity and multicultural chaos.

Cowardice, not courage, remains the cause of our U.S. Congress, and it will reign supreme if we fail to stand our ground. If this doesn’t concern you, you’re part of the problem, not the solution.

Courage and fear carry zero tolerance for each other, and it’s time we choose which will characterize our nation by choosing which will characterize each of our lives and families. If we want courage to arise in our nation, it must arise in each of our lives.

“Diversity within a nation destroys unity and leads to civil wars,” said social scientist Garret Hardin. “Immigration, a benefit during the youth of a nation, can act as a disease in its mature state. Too much internal diversity in large nations has led to violence and disintegration. We are now in the process of destabilizing our own country. The magic words of destabilizers are ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’.”

If you don’t want a Paris, France, San Bernardino or Orlando or Fort Lauderdale event in your community, it’s time to call for a total “Immigration Shutdown Now.”

Call your senators and House rep:  1 202 224 3121 or 1 888 995 2086. Demand a stop to all immigration and stop to any Syrian immigration.

Definition of slogan: ”Immigration Shutdown Now means the American people want a total shutdown on all legal and illegal immigration. That means we want all illegal immigration stopped by arresting, prosecuting and jailing employers of illegal aliens. We deport all illegal aliens by taking their jobs away and as we catch them.  We want English mandated as our national language. We demand a cessation of Muslim immigration in order to protect our culture, language and way of life. We can’t save the world but we can save or destroy our civilization.  We demand a stable population that allows everyone to live, work and thrive into the 21st century. Especially our children.” FHW

(Permission to republish this population graph by Roy Beck, www.NumbersUSA.org)

Muslims cannot in any way become Americans. The Koran forbids it.  Their entire context of religious-political Sharia Law demands subjugation to their religion with no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution. The Koran forbids women’s rights, marital choice, free speech, gay rights and religious rights.  Our way of life remains completely out of bounds to Islam. This 4-minute video explains our plight.

That’s why you need to take action. Send this series to everyone in your network. Educate them.  Urge them to take action by joining these websites to become faxers of prewritten letters and phone callers.  We must force Congress into an “Immigration Shutdown Now!”

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute, astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

Take action by joining for free:
America: www.CapsWeb.org ; www.NumbersUSA.org ; www.Fairus.org ; www.CarryingCapacity.org

United Kingdom: www.populationmatters.org

Sustainable Population Australia: www.population.org.au

To obtain buttons, jerseys, mugs with the logo “Immigration Shutdown Now”

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com