Attempts To Impeach Trump Residue Of A Bull

The moment Donald J. Trump was elected as President of the United States, while Hillary screamed and wailed in the distance, efforts were made to….impeach him.  What?  Even though 68 million voters, many voting for the first time, put him in office, the Communist Democrats and Muslims wanted him out the moment the results were tallied while they were all having nervous breakdowns. In my 85 years on this earth, this is the very first time I ever witnessed impeachment discussions before the president had even moved completely into the Oval Office.

The Marxist leaders whose intentions are to put America under Communist dictatorship along with the New World Order were panicked out of their skin. The “Progressive Democrats”  have shown that they, like the Communists, are anti God and anti family. They saw their stated ideals crumbling before them as the final election results came in. This explains the rush to get President Trump out of office before he even got into that office. We trust that on that election night, Hillary and all the Democrats were wearing their Depends. Otherwise the Sanitation Department would have logged thousands of hours in overtime.

It became even more ridiculous as President Trump began his work, and during the first two years, kept every promise he made to America. He did not kowtow to foreign leaders like Obama bowing deeply from the waist in front of Muslim and other leaders, which was an embarrassment to all observers, especially Americans.

Indeed President Trump kept a rare form of dignity with every world leader he has met. He did not meet them with his hat in his hand. He met them eye to eye, toe to toe, as he negotiated what needed to be done with a gentle but firm strength which brought respect and results. His negotiating skills were finely tuned as he met with the various leaders.

Then cometh Robert Mueller trying to charge President Trump with collaborating with Russia to win the election.  HOGWASH! That “investigation” took 2 years costing over 25 million of our tax dollars [spent] to try and come up with compelling evidence, of which there was none. This entire mess was totally political with no basis in fact. But it did work as a distraction.

With apologies to Boris Karloff, Mueller very much resembles Frankenstein. Russia had absolutely NOTHING to do with that election. And even though the “Mueller Report” stated such, he is still charging ahead to try and find something….anything to get President Trump out of the Oval Office.

The Party of Satan has done everything possible to keep President Trump from carrying out his duties, the duties he promised to America. They have made it almost impossible for him to carry out his work even though he has accomplished more in his 2 years for the American people than any president in history.

There are constant interruptions to his work by continual subpoenas with bogus charges served against the Commander in Chief. All of these take time away from his work for the American people, since these bogus charges for impeachment must be answered. Lawyers are brought in to help deal with them, as well as all the side effects as a result.

Legal Eagles: Isn’t there a law about interfering with the duties of the President of the United States?  If not it is time to MAKE such a law. The Progressive Communist Democrats are virtually trying to stop our president from carrying out the duties he promised he would do. 
Evangelist Franklin Graham has set aside a Day of Prayer for President Trump on Sunday June 2nd. Pastors, please take note. Christians remind your pastor.  Graham said: “I am asking followers of Christ across our nation to set aside next Sunday, June 2nd, as a special day of prayer for President Donald J. Trump. President Trump’s enemies continue to try everything to destroy him, his family and the presidency. In the history of our country, no president has been attacked as he has. I believe the only hope for him, and this nation, is God.”

Please, everyone take part.

In closing, this writer would caution the enemies of America, identified above, against trying to remove our Commander in Chief from his rightful office. Remember, over 68 million people voted him into that office.  You can be assured that efforts to overthrow our government by attempting to impeach our president will be met with millions who are ready to lock and load.
Extra Note. This writer studied law when younger.
© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
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Mr. President: No Deals With Iran, Only Regime Change

In occupied Iran last Wednesday, the Islamic rulers stated plans to restart some nuclear activity as Trump sent warships closer to the area. Well, to be clear, the Islamic Republic of Iran never stopped its ambition to develop means to advance a nuclear delivery system.

Devotees of Islamic ideology, whether the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State (meaning all Sunni States) or other Islamic actors around the globe wish to accelerate their own apocalyptic vision of the “End Times.”

Iranian leaders hold to a Shia brand. The Sunnis leaders hold to their own version. But both are obsessed by a belief that their messiah is coming. The Iran Shiites believe they must lay the groundwork for the messiah (Mahdi) to come and build their Kingdom or Imamate. The Sunni counterparts aren’t really waiting. They have started with Stealth Jihad inside the United States and in every Western country in the world, until such time that jihadists are strong enough to declare a Caliphate.

After years of watching, researching and experimenting by our well-equipped intelligence agencies, we know now that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is yet another toothless U.N. body that is in for a whirlwind of frustration when it inspects Iran’s nuclear weapons’ sites. The provisions of the agreement negotiated by former Secretary of State John Kerry and his team of sycophants make Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” negotiations with Hitler look like a stroke of genius.

The American people deserve to know the truth of why we are still negotiating with a terrorist state that took the American diplomats hostage for 444 days.

Let us get to the bottom of this scenario! Former President George W. Bush, at his many annual State of the Union addresses, spoke many times about of the plight of the Iranian people. He once said, “If the Iranian people stand up for themselves, the United States will stand with them.”

Throughout his presidency, the Iranians, of all people, hailed Bush as a courageous President and an angel of freedom. While his popularity was surging in Iran, his approval rating at home was going down. Finally, the Iranian people realized that Bush’s love affair was all about Tehran’s nuclear ambition, not freedom and liberty for the Iranian people. Like his predecessors, it was “all hat, no cattle.”

As time went on, Bush vowed that the Islamic Republic would never be allowed to achieve its goal of developing nuclear bombs on his watch. He kept using all kinds of threats and promises, in order to persuade the mullahs to drop the nuclear project, to no avail. When a belligerent end-of-the-world, Holocaust-denier Ahmadinejad, became the Islamic Republic of Iran’s selected president, things started heating up. Time and again, the bellicose Ahmadinejad kept vilifying the ‘Great Satan’ and its sidekick Israel for having the gall to demand Iran abandon its program while his two main adversaries had their own arsenal of nuclear weapons. Ahmadinejad informed the world that what the Islamic Republic does is within its own national rights.

We are now witnessing the same pattern with the Trump administration.

Fast forward:

With the last administration at the helm, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) reached a nuclear deal on July 14, 2015, known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ that intended to limit Iran’s nuclear program and enhanced monitoring in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions. This appeared to benefit the Islamic Republic while leaving the door open for Iran secretly to continue with its nuclear ambition.

On May 2018, President Trump, withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, and restated a crippling sanction on Iran.

The best predictor of the future is the past. The Mullahs are proven vicious mass killers. The religious fanatic mullahs’ record is one of deception, dissimulation, treachery, violence and much more. These Quran-trained and directed agents of a wrathful Allah can never be trusted. They are master schemers. They have been in the business of deceptions for centuries. They have perfected the art of duplicity, doubletalk, double-dealing and treachery. Prudence demands better proof, much better proof. History will prove that President Trump did the right thing.

This raw, despicable regime represents the inevitable result of Islam, and its calling card of terrorism is now marching from the Iranian focal point to all parts of the globe. For the past forty years, people in the West, especially in the United States, have been on the receiving end of a very sophisticated and convoluted campaign of disinformation and propaganda, dished out by the Islamic Republic’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and its lobbyist organizations in the U.S.  MOIS, learned its methodology directly from the Soviet KGB and many of the Islamists who supported Khomeini were trained in the old Soviet Union.

My advice to the current administration is don’t let down your guard and make sure that no one lulls you into the deadly trap of complacency.

The United States has, in secular Iranians, its best friends in the entire Islamic world. It is imperative for the U.S. to help these Iranians to dislodge the vicious doomsday Mullahs, not as an act of altruism, but as a prudent measure of enlightened self-interest.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Government Handbook

When we first learn how to drive an automobile, there are both written and hands on instruction.  There are irrefutable principles that must be applied in order to make it to your destination.  For instance, keeping your hands on the steering wheel and making sure to drive in your lane is not negotiable.  Only idiots or those completely misinformed would drive in such a manner as to foolishly bring about harm to themselves or others.  For the most part people are properly taught how to motor about. But even with proper teaching, mistakes are sometimes made.  Sometimes the results are tragic.

When it comes to our republic, the Founding Fathers left us a beautiful instruction manual.  It is called the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.  It was inspired by the sound irrefutable principles enumerated in the Holy Bible as well some other influences including Blacks Law and Aristotle’s Law of Identity.  The Founders did not want the government to be the center of their lives as a dictatorship or overtaxing burden.  Not since during the time of Moses and the children of Israel did leaders encourage individuals to be self governed, as opposed to being lorded over by a bully government.  Of course, they understood that for such an arrangement to be successful, the people had to be of high moral character.

No liberty oriented government can be sustained if they refuse to properly instruct their offspring about that form of government they hope to sustain it.  Our Constitutionally limited form of government has been in danger of sliding into oblivion since 1913.  That is when world leaders convened a meeting  on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia.  At that gathering, the decision was made to methodically chip away at the “We the People” aspects of American life and replace it with centralized government, mob rule and over taxation.  But most important on their list to wipe from our republic was the Judeo/Christian ethics that were the bedrock and inspiring foundations of this land of liberty.

They knew that quickly stripping away our constitutional restraints upon government would not be tolerated.  Americans for the most part believed in the one and true living GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Their families were intact with parents in firm control of the scholastic instruction of their children and there were no impediments to the free utilization of the Second Amendment.  The globalists of Jeckyll Island cringed at the thought of you and I being free from government tyranny in a land of Liberty and Justice for all.

If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ and want to maintain and strengthen our Christian heritage learn and support the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution.  They are as follows in the government handbook known as the Amendments to the Constitution.

Amendment 1.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press: or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 11.

A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

My friend, if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.  For too long, far too many of my fellow Christians have been as proud as peacocks in their sustained no caring attitude for our Republic.  Many Christians do not care about America beyond abortion, pornography and maybe bad movies. Those topics are extremely important, especially the murder of innocent babies. But if we allow our freedoms and liberties to be whittled away, the ability to stop abortion and curtail other evils will be greatly inhibited.  Remember, with freedom comes responsibility. In fact, together both freedom and responsibility equal Liberty.  Let us together properly use our Liberty to build a better America that fulfils her manifest destiny of greatness.  God bless you. God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM EDT, 4:00 PM EDT on

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Making Humanity Redundant

Why are we here? Uh, to serve God and to proclaim His glory? To love Him, and to love one another? Sorry! Afraid I lapsed into Hate Speech there…

Consulting The Smartest People In The World, we frankly don’t know why we’re here—since it all came about by chance anyway—unless it’s to Save The Planet. Yeah, that must be it. To Save The Planet.

But how do we do that?

A British think tank called “Autonomy”—pardon me for laughing!—thinks the solution is… a nine-hour work week. They’re pretty sure they’re right about this because they’re getting their data from the United Nations and the United Nations never lies.

See there’s this “huge carbon footprint of business,” and that’s what’s got to be stamped out: “Stamp out footprints!” Catchy slogan, eh? In an ideal world, there would be no more business. No more creation of wealth. No more working to produce goods and services that other people want and are willing to pay for. Well, only nine hours of it. That’s all The Planet can stand.

But can all the work that needs to be done get done if everybody’s working only nine hours a week? Hah! Gotcha, you Biggit! It so happens we’ve got robots to do all that work, dude—and do it better than a bunch of lazy humans, too. And they never go on strike, never need a day off (unless they totally break down), never demand a raise, never expect an office Christmas party. Hey! You guys are lucky if we let you work nine hours a week! We only do it because speeches by left-wing politicians always sound so much better if the word “workers” is used at least once every two minutes.

But what’s everybody supposed to do for the other 31 hours that used to be part of the work week? Compose symphonies? Write cowboy poetry? Try to count the ants in an anthill?

Ah, we’re glad you asked! And we can answer in a single word:

Sex-bots. “Sex robots” would be two words, and you know how we hate to waste words around here.

The new generation of sex-bots is on its way; and they’re gonna have Wi-Fi, so you won’t even have to plug ‘em in. But best of all, scientists—sorry, I mean Scientists with a capital “S”—say these new sex-bots will be “indistinguishable from human beings.”

Wow. Think of it. Their appearance and movement will be so lifelike, you won’t be able to tell them from the real thing. Think of the possibilities for sitcoms! Like, here’s this poor guy married to a robot and no one ever told him it wasn’t a real human woman. And ha-ha-ha, everybody knows but him! It could even be a movie.

Even more awesome than its comedic possibilities, this, exults another Scientist,  this is “the beginning of a synthetic sexual revolution”! Put that in your pipe and smoke it. What could the world need more than another sexual revolution? There are still some normal people who need to be finished off.

As some Luddite pointed out (and he needs to be busted for Hate Speech), what do all these things—sex with sex-bots, gay marriage, transgenderism, and late-term abortion—have in common? Besides being cherished projects of the Democrat Party, I mean.

Easy! They all work together to depopulate the earth!

Because these are all humanist inventions, and there’s nothing a humanist hates more than his, her, or xer fellow human beings. The sooner the humanists can get rid of everybody else, the happier they’ll be.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Special Counsel Mueller Gives Final Back Stabbing To Trump In Press Briefing To Help Democrats

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Special Counsel Robert Mueller held a special news conference on Wednesday saying he couldn’t reach a conclusion on whether Donald Trump obstructed justice, as he stopped short of delivering a full exoneration of the president. Mueller, using the craftiness of a career lawyer and political operative chose his words to allow Democrats in Congress to continue their deranged pursuit of destroying the President using the criminal justice system and the impeachment process.

“If we had had confidence the president clearly did not commit a crime we would have said so,” Mueller said. His briefing — which denied questions from reporters — on the investigation showed he was disappointed in not proving anything against Trump.

“That’s why Mueller left open the obstruction question, something the Democrats are using to harass a President they despise,” said political strategist Mike Barker. “The only good news I heard was Mueller announcing that he was closing his office and resigning from public service,” he added.

Mueller sent a clear signal to House Democrats who have demanded his testimony that he won’t provide any information that hasn’t already been made public. “Any testimony from this office would not go beyond this report,” he said.

The special counsel also said he found “insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy” on election interference.

President Donald Trump’s newly appointed Attorney General, while keeping a relatively low profile in his first days on the job, now appears to have hit the ground running in his investigation of what many are now calling The Trump-Russia Hoax.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Trump-hating Democrats and news media were taken-aback when they discovered Barr had already begun his probe of the now-famous Hillary Clinton bought and paid for “dirty dossier.”

Barr selected U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe of — and spying on —

the Trump presidential campaign in 2016. The questionable investigation continued into the Trump transition and his early weeks as Commander-in-Chief.

John Durham, who is the U.S. Attorney in Connecticut, was appointed by Attorney General Bill Barr. He will examine the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into the actions and motives for interfering in the election and “chasing” members of President Donald Trump’s campaign team using arguably misleading or false evidence to obtain warrants. The now famous “dirty dossier” is based on lies and innuendo provided by a foreign agent, a former British MI6 officer Christopher Steele.

Deep State Suspects in Conspiracy to Overthrow an Elected President

Robert Mueller is the leader of the Trump ouster who are now trying to defend the Deep State’s control over American politics from Donald Trump’s assault on its tyrannical vision. In the process Mueller also hopes to atone for the firing of his friend and fellow conspirator, James Comey.  Unfortunately many Americans cannot see that this man is not a “pillar of impartiality” as the corrupt media paint him. He is deeply committed to Deep State corruption while impersonating a Republican.

Rod Rosenstein is the Deputy Attorney General appointed by Obama. This is one reason for his insistence on appointing Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to investigate Trump for alleged collusion with the Russians. His agenda is preservation of the Deep State as is Mueller’s. He would have been much happier if Hillary had won. In fact he was surely expecting it, as were FBI personnel such as Andrew McCabe.

Andrew Weissmann is the primary “witch hunter” on the Mueller team assembled to investigate Russian collusion. He is a notorious pit bull prosecutor with a record of suppressing exculpatory evidence in overreaching prosecutions that have been overturned by judges. He was a “Gung-Ho” Obama supporter. He is known to use questionable tactics in bullying a target’s underlings to force their testimony.

Peter Strzok was another Obama-loving FBI agent employed by Mueller because of his experience in counterintelligence. He is known as a devout Hillary Clinton supporter and one of the agents who interviewed Hillary about the email scandal, which turned out to be a phony powder-puff interview. He also edited Comey’s Clinton investigation resolution by replacing the words “grossly negligent” with “extremely careless” because the former action can be prosecuted in the handling of classified information while the latter cannot. His investigation gave almost all of Clinton’s subordinates blanket immunity even though none of them testified against Clinton.

Is this, as the media claims, a professional and objective team of crimefighters committed to solving an alleged crime? or was this is a coup d’etat to destroy the election of Donald Trump and and move to impeach him, which Mueller and his cronies had hoped would discredit the “people’s revolution” against the Deep State that Trump has fashioned.

“This horrendous nightmare is taking place because of the collectivist corruption of the DOJ and the FBI under Obama, Clinton and the two Bushes. Corruption in practice takes place in men’s institutions only after corruption of ethics and ideology takes place in their minds. Moral relativism (along with political collectivism) took over the minds of our professors, politicians and prosecutors in the aftermath of World War II and exploded throughout our culture from the 1960s to today. The chickens are now coming home to roost and usher in an authoritarian society,” said Jeffrey Longeran, a former criminal/civil investigations manager.

Conservatives in Congress should show they have spines and they should counterattack Hillary Clinton a the Deep State with an investigation of the egregious “Uranium One” money grab in which she authorized the sale of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia, which brought tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation from Russian sources.

The fingerprints of Mueller, Weissmann and Rosenstein are also on the Uranium One deal, for they worked assiduously to facilitate and protect its completion, knowing full well but not caring that it compromised American security. Because their stalwart political horse, Hillary Clinton, was benefiting. Thus the Deep State’s aggrandizement was benefiting.

“This scenario is unbelievable. The Mueller Probe corruption is something we would expect to find in an African or Latin American country, or one of the Nazi Show Trials under judges who took an oath to serve Adolph Hitler in the 1930’s. It is the result of obsessively partisan FBI leaders that have let their ideology and hatred influence their role as policemen.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Weaponizing Seems To Be The Name Of The Game

My Random House Webster’s College dictionary says a “weapon” is any instrument or device used for attack or defense in a fight or in combat. It is anything used against an opponent, adversary or victim: Most people would think guns but the weapon of satire, used by the Democrats is any part or organ serving for attack or defense, as claws, horns, teeth or stings, and that my dear readers is an excellent definition of the Democrat Marxist party in Washington, D.C.  There are any number of instruments or devices that can be used from the government using our children against their parents, the weather, language, FBI  or maybe the human migration which is becoming a force of nature and being harnessed and weaponized but in all cases we can see Satan’s hand at work. And you can bet the next edition of the dictionary will have included the word weaponization along with transgenderism. Yes, the left stole this nation by force. Think about how the words have changed.  Former neutral words have been weaponized.


But for right now, we’ll concentrate on the evil doers in Congress and the intelligent community which have been in control for too long and could become the most radical in American history, says Trevor Loudon in the April Schwarz Report.  He says the once-marginalized “progressives,” socialists, and even Communist Party supporters are taking the reins of several strategic Congressional committees and the Democratic Party leadership is bending to accommodate the fired-up young radicals. Both the April and May Schwarz Reports lists them all and the positions they hold. Go to

Loudon says the Socialist have been infiltrating the Democratic Party for decades and the Republican Party on occasion.  The situation has gotten gradually worse since the Vietnam War era. Democratic Party “moderates” have been mostly successful – with the help of the establishment media trained in college by Communist professors- in keeping a lid on their Socialist wing for years, but the relentless pressure from open Socialists, along with an increasingly indoctrinated populace, has finally blown the lid off the charade.  My second article I wrote for on October 15, 2001 was entitled: Is Communism Dead? The longtime smear campaign by the media against Wisconsin’s Senator Joseph R. McCarthy warnings about Communism clouded the truth.  The Socialist Party candidate for President of the U.S, Norman Thomas, said in a 1944 speech:  “I no longer need to run as a President candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.

In fact, the next article I warned people about the Comprehensive Child Development programs federalizing  (weaponizing) U.S. Children.    Again, a Republican President Nixon wanted the children early, creating Family Resource Centers.  Congressman John R. Rarick of Louisiana said September 30, 1971 was a dark day for America. The Federal government had now been authorized to take over our children by the passage of the Brademas child development programs, one of the salient selling features was the repeated assertion that the Day Care Centers were necessary to help working mothers and to provide facilities for youth care to encourage unemployed mothers to seek gainful employment. Yet the bill as passed by the House excluded mothers earning over $4,320 a year which made it a mockery of the propaganda that the bill was intended to help or encourage mothers to work. $4,320 a year in 1971 was a good salary compared what is required today. [Link]


The bill provided for in-home services and training in fundamentals of child development for parents, older family members acting as parents, youth, and prospective parents. The law was clear that where it was impracticable to replace the parent with the State, then the bureaucracy would train those functioning in the capacity of parent as a paid agent of the State creating another government agency to be formed.  Our state of Oregon has gone so far requiring these Nazis to visit the home of newborns not so much to check to see if the new parents are competent but to ask if the new parents have a gun. These thousands paid agents are members of the Communist union and being well compensated. [YouTube Video]

That was Child Protective Services that now rip children away from their parents for any reason with the police by their side, and without a warrant.  Vaccinations have been big time in the Oregon legislature this year after a few phony measles scare and when parents who would normally sleep through the entire six months Oregon legislative hearings woke up and stormed the Capitol because in the past they had religion and other exemptions in order to avoid vaccinations but now this was taken away from them. [YouTube Video]

In spite of the Autism vaccine being one of modern medicine’s greatest tragedy, HB 3063, the Forcible Injections bill, was going through the Oregon legislature which the Oregonians for Medical Freedom opposed and said the big push for passage is not the regular vaccinations many children got when they were babies but the last one that they now want the kids to have is the human papillomavirus aka “human papilloma virus” and it’s being given to pre-teen and teenage boys and girls giving them a false sense of safety when it comes to engaging in casual, pre-marital sex. The mainstream media is also calling for Vaccine- hesitant families to be arrested and the mass hysteria turning out to be quite an effective tool in slashing the rights of Americans to allow informed consent and religious or philosophical liberty when it comes to the hot vaccination topic. [YouTube Video]

 Even if the vaccine works to prevent papillomavirus, it still leaves kids open to a bevy of other sexually-transmitted diseases.  So, it’s like having an air bag in your car that deploys to protect you only if your car collides with a Toyota, but not any other type of car. Oregon still passed a bill allowing dentists to administer vaccinations, including MMR, HPV and annual flu shots to their patients during dental checkups and I notice my dentist as soon as a patient sits down in the chair is given a blood pressure check.


But back in Washington, D.C. the Declassification Directive gives Pelosi, Schumer and their Small Group few options. At this stage in the sunlight process, and with a mountain of visible evidence locked-in to the record of what took place, there is no evidence anyone inside the Washington Field Office of the FBI WAS NOT A PARTICIPANT.  There may be decent “rank and file” FBI agents in various positions throughout the country, but there is no honorable HONORABLE RANK AND FILE in the Washington, D.C. field office.  The entire apparatus is full of corrupt investigators, manipulative liars, participating schemers, and agents, officials who went along with three years of politically motivated investigations. There’s no recovery from the scale of their involvement. The weaponization of the FBI is a feature, not a flaw. No Surprise.

The legal risk for participants in ‘Russia-Gate’/’Spy-Gate’ seems very real. The best defense against that risk is political Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Schumer know how to lead the defense by saying any evidence discovered by AG Barr is merely weaponized retaliation from the Trump Department of Justice. The media are already supporting that cause. Speaker Pelosi needs to protect John Brennan, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and the participating small group writ large, if she is to retain her gavel and power. Minority leader Chuck Schumer knows the play and the media are already circling the wagons as part of their three-year ongoing participation.


Another method used is the human migration that is coming into our country– a force of nature being harnessed and weaponized.   While the media is diverting our attention to the southern border, so far 13 states have been handed over to the illegals. This is treason and the Democrats are still wasting time trying to impeach President Trump.  Article 3, Section 3, US Constitution: Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. Several states have passed unconstitutional legislation policies which counter and undermine the US Constitution, in order to hand your country over to illegals within the borders of the United States of America, or maybe they are like the State of Oregon which has been operating under a false Constitution since November 8, 1910.

In 2015 illegal immigrants swamped the DMV for California driver’s licenses. On January 2, the first day the program became effective,  at least 11,000 people had applied for the special licenses. More than 46,000 people statewide applied for special driver’s license for undocumented immigrants on the first three days. The California Department of Motor Vehicles said on Jan. 6 an extra $141 million had been budgeted to handle the flood of application which was expected to increase by more than 1.5 million over the next three years. DMV opened four new offices and hired an additional 900 employees.

Independent Journalist Sara Carter traveled to Guatemala this month to see what’s happening. She visited a town called Santa Rosa de Lima – ghost town – 60% of the people were gone. Everyone who was healthy enough ponied up thousands of dollars to the drug cartels to traffic them across our southern border. Witnesses to the border say the cartels are now shooting any civilians who attempt to cross on their own.  They charge $11,000 but will settle for half the payment until they can get to the U.S. and get jobs and the cartels are now operating on U.S. soil to extort additional money from the illegal aliens that they are shepherding into our neighborhoods.  She said America is becoming Guatemala and Guatemala is becoming empty.


And then there is the story I saw on the Dr. Phil show on May 6th. The family of Kendall, age 14 years old, was on the program the first hour the first day telling how Kendall is a constant liar. She has accused her older sister of beating her. The sister says it didn’t happen. She’s also accused the mother of physical abuse and the black step father, Anthony who threatened to spank her after she said such nasty things to her mother, she had a Protective Order and he fears she might say something to damage his career. The father was questioned quite heavily on the first day and he adamantly denied ever molesting her as she claims including while she was in the shower. So the next day while Kendall was on the stage and her face protected, because of molestation charges four years ago, the court wouldn’t allow her to be with her father so he observed from off stage. [Link]


On day two Dr. Phil listened to her for a good 30+ minutes or more and then finally she in tears mentioned how Anthony had moved into her home BEFORE THE DIVORCE WAS EVEN SETTLED and he was sleeping on the couch. I never heard one nasty comment the day before by the father against Anthony or his ex-wife.  This meeting on Dr. Phil was taking place four years after the couple married. Dr. Phil came up with a similar observation I had why Kendall went off the deep end using drugs, etc. She became emotionally battered and unstable after the divorce four years earlier. He told her she chooses the behavior and she chooses the consequences and tried one more time with questions about her father sexually abusing her and told her he is a mandated reporter and unless she admits to that being a lie, her father will end up in prison. I wasn’t able to see the end but earlier some folks from a place called WINGATE WILDERNESS were in the audience and ready to take her with them that day.

And then on May 22 Dr. Phil had a 28 year old daughter, Brittany who wanted her mom dead.  Brittany says her mother is the problem. The mother says Brittany is violent and very angry which Dr. Phil claims to be a manifestation of hurt, fear and frustration.  The show opened with a video that a hotel employee had sent to Dr. Phil showing an altercation between the mother and the girl in the hotel lobby. The mother, Donna sent Brittany to live with her father in Florida.  After a short time, he sent her back home. He at first thought his EX WIFE had been exaggerating but realized she wasn’t because he was experiencing the same problems.  BRITTANY WAS 8 YEARS OLD WHEN THEY DIVORCED and then in her dad’s place, she began to bond with her grandpa who died when she was 21 years old – ten years earlier and her anger seemed to develop about that time.  Dad says she’s a sweet girl one day and a tyrant the next. Apparently they got into an argument and he must have confronted her and she ended up calling the police.  Dr. Phil asked her why she didn’t leave if she had so many problems with her mother. He tells her to get a job and start building her life.

© 2019 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf:

The Muslim Invasion Is Not Something That You Are Able To Run From

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.” -Deuteronomy 28:63

There is a true story of three young people who thought it would be funny to cover up a stop sign at a four-way stop just to see what might happen.  Soon enough, they found out because one driver drove straight through and broadsided another car carrying three other innocent teenagers who were instantly killed.

If the law would have been obeyed and the sign left standing, three teenagers would still be alive today and a 15-year sentence would have not been served for each guilty offender.  These consequences could have all been avoided if these rebel teenagers had not messed with the law that was put in place for the good of all (Psalm 19:11).  It sounds much like what the Lord is conveying to America today.  The problem is that Americans are not listening (Exodus 16:28; Jeremiah 5:31), and because of their refusal to take heed to the signs (The Bible – US Constitution), there will be consequences.

“Now, therefore, hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. 

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. Your eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you. But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.

Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” -Deuteronomy 4:1-6

Now I ask, how many times have I made, in great specificity, reference to the impending judgments found in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 upon a nation that has wickedly departed from the Living God? I answer, hundreds, if not thousands, of times to date (Acts 18:6).

The fruit of America’s disobedience hangs clearly on her branches (Deuteronomy 30:19; Matthew 7:16) and is now within full sight for the world to see (Deuteronomy 28:37) and what she refuses to see matters not because God’s judgments are upon America.

[YouTube Video]

Judgment is now going to a new level of severity and why?  It’s because the people do not take it to heart (Malachi 2:2) nor are they valiant for the truth (Jeremiah 9:3). Americans have become obstinate and they hold fast to deceit (Jeremiah 8:5) in serving idols.

“And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins… And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.” -Leviticus 26:18, 21

As Americans continue to refuse to enforce the laws of God (Deuteronomy 4:1-6) in serving their idols they have fallen to the curse.

John Calvin stated:

“When God wants to judge a nation, he gives them wicked rulers.”

And Americans have taken on wicked rulers. Instead of representative government serving the people (see the Declaration of Independence), the people have now taken on the role in submitting to their idols.

What idols, you might ask? Instead of Americans holding to the law (Torah-Common Law) and to principle, they have given up their hearts and minds to their favorite lying politicians to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves, and that to their own demise.

What is happening in America today from the current administration concerning the Muslim invasion, as well as the illegals crossing the southern border are both subversive and treasonous (Read Article 3 section 3 US Constitution- 8 U.S. Code § 1324).

[YouTube Video]

I know that there are many in this country that have been duped by Donald Trump’s deceptive administration, and how, I know not (Revelation 3:18).  He is as easy to read as a flashing billboard on the side of the road.

The Sons of Liberty Media Contributor David Risselada writes,

“Ever since Donald Trump was running for president, there has been a mass movement dubbed ‘the resistance.’ The perception is that the left vehemently hates him and is doing everything they can to unseat him from the presidency.

This includes staging a fake Russian collusion story. The talking heads on the radio, Levin and Limbaugh, cannot stop talking about how much the left hates him. In fact, it is all they talk about. There is only one problem: None of it makes any sense because so much of what Trump does advances the leftist agenda or supports their narrative.”

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

The Sons of Liberty Media contributor Chuck Baldwin writes,

“Donald Trump emphatically promised to build a wall on the U.S./Mexican border, which Mexico would pay for. This is one promise I am glad he hasn’t kept. I AM ALL FOR STOPPING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. But I do NOT like border walls. I agree with Ron Paul: The same walls that ostensibly are used to keep people out can also be used to keep people IN. Plus, unless the United States is prepared to put military snipers and machine gunners on and around the walls (like Israel does), they do not work.

But Trump’s lie is not simply about the wall; it is about the entire phony façade that he truly wants to stop illegal immigration. It’s all a BIG, FAT LIE, folks.

Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) recently reported the stark truth about Donald Trump’s record on illegal immigration. And like most of the things, the truth is exactly opposite Trump’s rhetoric. ALIPAC produced a factual record of Trump’s immigration policies.

ALIPAC documents how Trump hasn’t reduced legal immigration levels like he said he would; instead he has raised them. That Trump promised to stop illegal caravans, but instead, he has allowed them to enter the U.S.—and has even supplied transportation for many of these illegals, at taxpayer expense, of course. That Trump promised to end Obama’s DACA amnesty, but he has NOT ended DACA. That he promised to oppose amnesty for illegals, but he and son-in-law Jared Kushner have cut a deal with Democrats to actually INCREASE the number of illegals receiving amnesty. That he promised to end birthright citizenship, but hasn’t done it. That he promised to end sanctuary cities, but hasn’t done it. That Trump promised to end the catch-and-release of illegals. But not only has he not ended the practice, he has INCREASED the practice.

ALIPAC President William Gheen notes:

Trump’s border wall promise remains 90% broken because a wall will not work as long as Border Patrol catches and releases illegals and escorts them into the USA.

Gheen goes on to say:

As you can see from these ten painful facts above [read his article], President Donald J. Trump is conducting the largest fraud ever committed upon the American public.

We thought we were electing another President Dwight D. Eisenhower, but we got another GW Bush because Trump’s immigration policies and legislative agenda are very similar to the Bush administration.

We need all Americans to come to terms with these betrayals and begin to organize rapidly to defend against these policies and the new legislative Amnesty push coming from the White House.

With lifelong Democrats like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump running the show in the White House and espousing plans to run for President as Democrats one day it makes many of us wonder… Was Trump ever really a Republican at all or merely an actor playing the role of a Judas Goat leading conservatives to our doom?

If you listen to Trump carefully or read his numerous Tweets, you will see Trump blaming Mexico, Democrats, judges, anyone and everyone but himself for these outrages at our border. Trump wants us to believe it is everyone else’s fault and responsibility but his own, when in truth the illegal immigration buck stops with Trump!”

[YouTube Video]

Let me ask you a question.  In all sincerity, how do you show mercy to people who refuse to correct themselves? What is it that one needs to understand before awakening to the danger which is now in America? Scripture is clear.

“They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercies.” -Jonah 2:4

[YouTube Video]

It is for the American people to be the force of law unto judgment (Isaiah 26:9, 51:4) starting with corrupt politicians.  That is only found with those who truly love God, the people and this country enough to do so (Matthew 22:34-40).

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” -Abraham Lincoln

“The strength of the Constitution lies within the will of the people to defend it.” -Thomas A. Edison

The future of America depends upon it.

Fight Back With The American People’s Citizen Grand Jury

“The duty of the citizen grand jury is to separate fact from fiction, after a full and impartial examination of the evidence and then decide if the evidence supports the filing of criminal charges in a True Bill Indictment.”

In a Constitutional Republic, it is the people’s representatives in state, county and city legislatures and the U. S. Congress to do the work of the people on their behalf.  Well, that is the way it is supposed to work and that is the way the Founders had intended it to work.  Unfortunately, the Founders could not have envisioned the depths to which politicians will go to obtain power, nor could they have imagined how corrupt politicians will become in their lust for power.  With the two American parties vying for political power, the people become unwilling and unwitting pawns to the dueling parties, or dueling ideologies.  Solving the many problems of a complex nation take a back seat to the war between the parties, which then divides the nation into a war between the people.  The greater the division, the more the politicians exploit the division. Allowing the divisions to grow and fester without intervention, finally leads to violence between the people.  Rifts between constituency, ethnic, or gender groups grows to a point where there is talk of civil war or revolution.  That is where America is unavoidably headed today ….. without intervention by the people.

If the politicians become corrupt, the institutions of government become corrupt.  Power becomes the overriding goal.  Instead of being governed by facts, truth and honor, the people are cajoled, manipulated and brainwashed by propaganda and special interest agendas, like Climate Change, green new deals, open borders and Medicare for all.  Corrupt public schools and colleges embed that propaganda and hidden agendas into the impressionable minds of the young, thereby perpetuating and cementing the lies and agendas for generations, a living example of our Little Black Box Theory.”  In time, multiple generations are infected and a Constitutional Republic slowly morphs into an absolute ruling class monarchy.  This is why so many millennials are flocking to the shores of socialist Bernie Sanders and the pea brained, loud mouthed, ignoramus congresswoman from New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

There are only two alternatives to resolving the war between the two ideologies ….. either peaceful, or violent.  Violence is not only messy and undisciplined the outcome is never assured.  History has proved that free societies are the least likely result of war.  Violence and war lead to massive losses in lives and property that can take decades and untold money and resources to rebuild, if ever.  Those that control the money, guns, land, food, water and health care win and they don’t want the people to have freedom.

Peaceful discipline and order are the only logical resolutions to the conflict between irreconcilable differences of parties and competing ideologies.  The Constitution and common law gave us a method where we can employ discipline and order, to reach a positive outcome.  One of those methods is the citizen, common law grand jury that has been fully sanctioned by the U. S. Supreme Court in United States v. Williams (90-1972), 504 U.S. 36 (1992).  Here is an excerpt from the decision.  We have underlined the important passages.

“The grand jury’s functional independence from the judicial branch is evident both in the scope of its power to investigate criminal wrongdoing, and in the manner in which that power is exercised. “Unlike [a] [c]ourt, whose jurisdiction is predicated upon a specific case or controversy, the grand jury can investigate merely on suspicion that the law is being violated, or even because it wants assurance that it is not.” United States v. R. Enterprises, 498 U. S. ___, ___ (1991) (slip op. 4) (quoting United States v. Morton Salt Co., 338 U.S. 632, 642-643 (1950)). It need not identify the offender it suspects, or even “the precise nature of the offense” it is investigating. Blair v. United States, 250 U.S. 273, 282 (1919). The grand jury requires no authorization from its constituting court to initiate an investigationsee Hale, supra, at 59-60, 65, nor does the prosecutor require leave of court to seek a grand jury indictment. And in its day to day functioning, the grand jury generally operates without the interference of a presiding judgeSee Calandra, supra, at 343. It swears in its own witnesses, Fed. Rule Crim. Proc. 6(c), and deliberates in total secrecy, see United States v. Sells Engineering, Inc., 463 U. S., at 424-425.”

If the U. S. Constitution has not been totally decimated or fractured by criminal interpretations of its content by the Progressives in our midst, “We the People” are still in control, provided that the “People” have the courage to preserve, protect and defend that control under the terms in the Declaration of Independence wherein it states: “That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”  If “We the People” abdicate our rights as the “consent of the governed”, then we are but pawns of an all-powerful government and deserve whatever the government dishes out to us.  One of our sacred rights is to prosecute criminals using the citizen grand jury when government won’ do the job.

Under the above named U. S. Supreme Court decision, the citizen grand jury can investigate ANY alleged criminal wrongdoing, even if it is just a suspicion of wrongdoing.  That could include, but not limited to, alleged criminal offenses by corrupt politicians, or bureaucrats, or criminal wrongdoing by private individuals, or large groups of individuals, whether they be American citizens, or foreign nationals.

Foreign nationals are illegally streaming across our borders in record numbers to the point that today illegal immigration isn’t just a problem any more, it is a crisis that affects every American, either in their day-to-day lives, in their culture and in their pocket books.

According to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia (deceased) “It is well established that the Fifth Amendment entitles illegal aliens to due process of law in deportation proceedings.”  Consequently, if illegal aliens are entitled to constitutional due process, they are also subject to the laws of criminality.  By crossing our borders illegally, they have committed a crime and are subject to criminal penalties.  That penalty is immediate deportation.  Instead, under America’s inane legal system and asylum laws, illegal aliens are blessed with the enforced generosity of legal Americans and are treated as if they have greater rights than do legal Americans.  In fact, illegal aliens have by law, been granted super citizen, above the law, status.  If this super citizen status for illegal aliens does not make legal Americans furious, they must be brain dead.

Rather than getting angry, the American people need to exercise their rights and obligations to see that the rule of law is not sullied by irresponsible government actions or legislation, actions or legislation that create magnets that draw foreign nationals to our borders and shores, encouraging them to break our laws.

To that end, we have established the American People’s Citizen Grand Jury, impaneled for the sole purpose of investigating the evidence of criminal wrongdoing by foreign nationals who have illegally entered the United States of America.  Their crimes consist of: 1) crossing any American national border illegally by avoiding the points of entry, whether by land, sea, or air, anytime after January 1, 1952; 2) lying to Customs Border Patrol (CPB) Agents about the foreign national’s status at entry, or presented false or forged documents; 3) seeking entry under U. S. asylum laws by providing false information; 4) being denied entry on asylum grounds in an immigration court; 5) convicted of a crime discovered by CPB agents at entry, or any crime committed, whether misdemeanor or felony, within the United States; 6) is guilty of moral turpitude, as described in the Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 212(a)(2)(i); 7) illegal entry into the United States after being deported one or more times; 8) is infected with a highly communicable diseases that could cause rapid infection of the general population; 9) overstaying an entry visa; or 10) violation of any other applicable federal immigration law.

The American People’s Citizen Grand Jury has three goals, investigation of the crime or crimes of illegal entry into the United States by illegal aliens (the crime is self-evident), documenting the evidence of the crime or crimes (affidavit of the evidence is drafted), and finally, a presentment of the evidence in an indictment (indictment drafted).   The investigation has already been conducted and is public knowledge, as is the evidence of the crime or crimes perpetrated by foreign nationals.  It is therefore the task of the grand jury jurors to analyze the evidence, sign a document of the evidence (the Affidavit) and present the indictment.  The effort might take all of fifteen or twenty minutes by a citizen juror.

If you still believe that We the People are truly, by nature’s and God’s will, the consent of the governed then your duty as a legal American is to become a juror on the American People’s Citizen Grand Jury and indict every foreign national that has broken our laws and illegally crossed our borders into the interior of the United States to live off the generosity and good graces of the once-free American citizens that have become apathetic pawns to a tyrannical government.  To do otherwise is to sanction the breaking of our laws by illegal aliens, in a nation whose only foundation for existence is the “rule of law”, not the rule of men.  If the illegal aliens prevail and gain amnesty, as the Progressives lust for, then the “rule of law” is meaningless.   If the “rule of law” is meaningless, then so too are the individual, unalienable rights and protections enshrined in the U. S. Constitution.

Obtain your copy of the juror’s By The People declaration today, as shown in the image that accompanies this article.

Remember, the citizen grand jury can be used for many other criminal issues that face Americans today.  It is not limited to the illegal immigration issue.  We don’t need a convention of the states (COS) to reclaim our Constitutional Republic ….. or a civil war.  We still have the “rule of law” by “We the People.”

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Illegal Health Care Worker Murders 12 Patients

Did you know that Democrat-Communists accuse anyone as being a racist who inquires about someone’s legal status?  Yes, this is the latest, despite the fact that intruders from Central America are mostly connected with the cruel murderous gang, MS-13.  Gang-style murders committed by illegal aliens have become common both on the Maryland and Virginia sides of Washington, D.C.
Yet nobody in the George Soros “main stream” media have reported on the immigration status of these roaming killers. The ‘press’ has been silent on that point. And of real concern is the close proximity to Washington, D.C., the most important area of The United States.  It would not take much for them to show up to interrupt and cause havoc in the houses of Congress and Senate.
Last week, three teens, including two confirmed illegal aliens from El Salvador, were charged with first degree murder in Prince George County, Maryland for literally butchering to death a 14 year old with a bat and machete.  So when was the last time this happened? It did not until now.  
This grisly crime has taken place now as the Democrats feel it is their duty to open the borders and overwhelm America with illegal hoodlums, for the purpose of weakening America. The Democrats are an evil party who want only evil to infect our country. Their obvious connection to Satan is compelling.
The Soros owned media has refused to inform the public that an illegal, who had barged into this country and obtained employment as a health care worker murdered at least 12 elderly women in Texas.  Billy Chemimir (the name he gave), a 46 year old healthcare worker, had already been charged with capital murder in March of 2018 in the death of Lu Thi Harris, 81, according to One News Now, but was indicted on Tuesday for 11 additional deaths.
Chemimir, a citizen of Kenya (like Obama) was living illegally in the United States and smothered his victims with a pillow and then robbed them.  This illegal savage killed them to rob them. So the government benefits are not enough for them.
Here is another brutal attack on citizens by illegals to steal their money, unreported by the so-called ‘main stream media.’
A group of 8-10 Somali teenagers armed with hammers attacked and injured several people at a rail station in Minnesota on Friday night, May 17th. This took place at the East Bank Light Rail Station near the University of Minnesota and, now get this, the infamous Little Mogadishu neighborhood. Yep, the robbers own neighborhood. There were several injuries.
One witness stated that it was a group of Somalis who were attacking anyone who looked like they had money or were white. Remember it was a Somali who threw the little boy off a balcony in a mall. It would seem that profiling would be in order.
The district where the attack happened is run by, Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar and has been labeled as “the terrorists recruitment capital of the U.S.” by Fox News.
In 2016, investigative journalist Ami Horowitz exposed the radical ideology of citizens who live in little Mogadishu as they openly admit they would prefer Sharia Law over the U.S. Constitution.
For God’s sake people, WAKE UP!!  Never EVER vote for a Satanic Democrat Communist.  Vote them all out of office in this next election
There was a time when every country had a border that was impenetrable. Going into another country one was met with a guard house with armed soldiers. A barrier was lowered so one could not go forward. You were to show your papers, your passport and any other identification, and declare who you were going to see and why. When the guards were satisfied with your ID, the gate would open.  Every country was secure.
To simply throw open the borders so anyone from anywhere can waltz in and out as they please has caused nothing but chaos and given every criminal open territory. This does not work and must be stopped.
As for these misled clergy who chirp how we must be hospitable and show love and caring, this minister would like to stuff their mouths full of Mr. Whipples product. Preachers, there comes a time when WISDOM is required for the sake of all.
Photo Caption: Mobs of illegals
© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles:

Want To Be Empowered? Let Me Show You

We hear the word ‘empowerment’ every day from wimpy Hollywood males who long ago genuflected at the alter of political correctness and the cancer called feminism. The females who like to call themselves movie stars and the inane ‘Reality TV’ stars usually lead the howling pack as their only claim to talent seems to be running around near naked or vomiting nonsense.

Other choruses come from politicians trying to herd the masses into ‘empowering themselves’ by supporting their own destruction. Most of those herds come across to me as under-educated zombies who lack common sense; true victims of Soviet-style propaganda brain washing. A dear friend always says the brain washed never wonder.

One incredible example of actually empowering Americans for the good of our country is the heroic efforts of Brian Kolfage, recipient of the Purple Heart and a triple amputee veteran fed up just like us. He put out the call, gathered a core group of advisors and set out to do what Congress – BOTH parties have refused to do: Build a wall and seal up our southern border.

His GoFundMe drive empowered Americans to be part of something historic. Raising $20 MILLION dollars from about 260,000 Americans, Brian went to work. Immediately maggots on the left and their web sites blasted it was a scam, they wanted an investigation and excoriated this fine man and his family in the most brutal fashion.

Construction was started last Friday and finished yesterday. One half mile, $6 million. One gap that has allowed thousands and thousands of leeches as well as terrorists, child molesters and drugs to cross over. On private land. Something never done before in the history of our country. They did what the Army Corps of Engineers said couldn’t be done.

Here is the story and video. I hope you take a few minutes to view it. Where there’s a will there’s a way. EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: “We Build the Wall” Completes First Half Mile of US Border Wall in 4 Days from Private Donations

Republicans had control of both chambers of Congress for almost eight years under Bush, Jr and did NOTHING to stop the invasion. They could have funded it AND introduced and passed the strongest anti-illegals invasion bill ever written and introduced by former Democrat Nevada Senator, Dirty Harry Reid. The American people continue to vote back in the same incumbents who do NOTHING but ask for campaign donations.

Trump keeps getting blocked by activist judges as another Obama appointee did last week: Judge blocks Trump from building sections of border wall

Act Surprised: Update: Far Left Activist Judge Who Issued Border Wall Injunction Donated Nearly $30,000 to Democrats

260,000 fed up Americans said screw you hyenas in Congress and all you liberal judges who care nothing about this invasion or our national security. We’re going to get the job done. THAT is real empowering of we the people.

We know our moral fabric long ago went into the toilet with the filth coming out of Hollywood which spread to pay networks like HBO and that group. Gradually and with careful planning big networks like ABC, CBS & NBC began indoctrination PROGRAMMING by slowly introducing queers into their prime time line ups.

Now, don’t get excited. If the darling of the progressive Democratic Communist Party USA, airhead extraordinaire, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can call homosexuals and lesbians ‘queer folk’, which she does, so can I.

Ocasio-Cortez: ‘Colonial’ Cauliflower in Community Gardens Makes Minorities Avoid Environmentalism

OMG: Cauliflower is white so it must be racist! Better to grow Yucca because it’s green! Okay, we’ve all had a belly laugh but the tragedy is that empty head actually serves in the U.S. House of Representatives.

I believe the American people are fed up with the whole “transform America” dogma unleashed by the criminal impostor president, Hussein Obama. That empty suit began shoving the communist goals down our throats from day one.

A little refresher:

Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 – January 10, 1963, Current Communist Goals, In the House of Representatives, January 10, 1963

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Gain control of all student newspapers.

Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

Begin discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”

Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”

Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

Control the institutions and you control the population.

So, if really want to stop the insanity then YOU have to make the effort. We the people have choices in life and while boycotts do hurt companies, it’s not the CEOs or Board of Directors I worry about.  I hate to see employees losing their jobs, I really do. But, if we’re going to save our country we have to take a stand and don’t back down.

The ONLY way you defeat an enemy is to kill them or starve them economically. Companies like Gillette who make razor blades. Something so common in 99.999% of American households and yet, they now feel compelled to market their product by promoting the myth called transgenderism. (So weary of -sms.)

Groundbreaking new Gillette ad shows transgender man shaving for the first time with the support of his father

Transgenders Mentally Ill & Should Be Treated With Compassion

Parents should be locked up for child abuse:

LGBT progressivism horrors: Parents to start physically maiming their own babies to slice off all “gender” organs in the name of progressivism and “equality”

I don’t use Gillette products but if I did, not anymore. A human being is born with male DNA or female DNA and no amount of hormones or mutilation can change that scientific fact despite the massive propaganda out there to the contrary.

Transgender Surgery: Regret Rates Highest in Male-to-Female Reassignment Operations

Study shows rising rates of suicidal acts in transgender adults

I wish this wasn’t from RT, but it really is very compelling and sad watching these people tell the truth:

I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary)

He Used To Be Trans—Here’s What He Wants Everyone To Know – A short video you should watch. Heyer calls this for what it is: CHILD ABUSE – “You are not alone. Up to 20% have regrets about their sex change. Sex change procedures are not effective, say researchers.  More than 40% attempt suicide after the operation. Here we reach out to those considering detransitioning.”

The same goes for where I shop, brick store or on-line company. I don’t shop at Target because the closest store is 40 miles from me in Midland, Texas. Even if I did, I wouldn’t. Teaching little boys it’s natural and healthy to have sex in another man’s sh*t while dressing it up with “gay lifestyle” is sickening.

Target stores donating $100,000 to promote gay lifestyle to school children

The same goes for the movie industry. I used to go to the theater to watch movies until the sludge, sewage, nudity, gratuitous sex and just plain not interested keeps me home. The last time I went to the show was in 2012 to see ARGO. I had no idea what went on in getting our people out of Iran and the huge risk and sacrifices that went into that operation. If you haven’t seen it, boy, you should. Very deserving of Best Picture at the Oscars.

As I don’t own a TV, I do subscribe to a few streaming networks like Hulu. I did have Netflix but recently cancelled. Same old trash promoting sexual deviants and a show that is neither entertaining nor educational. It’s more rot that sadly, is very popular with minors:  Parents to Netflix: Why is ’13 Reasons’ still on air? Program linked ‘to an increase in suicides among children’

Take your power back using your wallet. If this comes to pass, ask when you arrive if there is this lunacy surcharge and if so, tell them why you’re leaving and walk out. Promoting the MONSTROUS lie called global warming aka climate change can only be stopped (besides booting out politicians who support it) when the American people simply say no. You are not getting my money.

California restaurants may add climate change surcharge: ‘We as chefs want to do the right thing’

Since entertainment is a huge part of America’s way to escape for whatever reason and because tens and tens of millions of Americans do want clean, wholesome movies for their kids – and even themselves (Here’s a secret: I own the animated movie, Shrek, on DVD. The first one that came out. I saw it with little ones in my family and just loved it.) there is an alternative out there.

Pure Flix is a streaming network like Amazon Prime, Netflix, HULU, Vudu and many more. The difference is their offerings are such that you can actually watch them with your significant other without the tits and ass and ‘social justice’ agenda.  And, with your precious children. Movies that bring out the positive and goodness and learning.

For full disclosure, I receive no compensation from any books, videos, DVDs or networks mentioned in any of my columns. I simply want you to know we the people CAN change our nation, our country for the better – especially when it comes to our precious children.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s society and look what the government’s indoctrination centers they call schools as well as colleges, universities and Hollywood have done to their heads. They won’t stop until YOU stand up and say no. Remember: All they care about is the bottom line. $$ is their lust and reason for living.

Check it out. The monthly subscription rate is about the same as the ones listed above if not a few pennies less. They also have a first month free option.

People ask me all the time how I know all this ‘stuff’. I don’t work 12-hour days on the farm, ranch or 9-5 for a company. I work at home. I do a lot of research on a thousand different things. It occurred to me recently as I only write a weekly column, I could make an even bigger contribution. Time is an issue for everyone but if you read tweets, you can read a short post.

Soon I will have my very own blog. I know, cheer! Devvy is making it to 21st century technology! What I plan to do is put out a daily notice (Via free email alert) on something I found I want to share with people that can save money, health related information or how to do something that improves your life. What’s going on like in this column and much more. Just something quick and informative – including breaking news like the imploding of the corrupt players in the Russia hoax attempted take down of a presidential candidate and now President Trump.

It’s amazing some of the things I run across while looking for something else. Then I want to share it with everyone in real time. Cut through the junk and yellow “journalism”. So, stay tuned. Blog should be up and running within two weeks.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

A Wake-Up Call For Every Family And Church In The United Stares

The Making of a “Happy Slave”

The following blatant words taken from the G20 Sustainable Development Declaration, 2018, Argentina, serves as a wake-up call for every family and church in the United Stares:

“…education represents a strategic policy area that has a profound impact on people, the planet and the prosperity of nations. Education is the foundation of personal development as it provides children, youth and adults with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach their full potential. Education helps to reduce poverty and promote active citizenship, therefore contributing to peaceful, inclusive and prosperous societies across the world.” And to educate and train people to have the  …”necessary skills for the future of work, the importance of opportunities to re-and upskill throughout their working lives, and assist them to successfully adapt to change.” ( Emp. Noted.)

Is education really the foundation of personal development?

The UN Declaration eliminates parents, families, and churches to develop personal values and attitudes for this new world order. Eliminating traditional family values is the goal. Belief in God, loyalty to your country and the authority of parents will be erased. Children will be transformed and molded into the new global citizen through education. It’s mental health. It’s nationwide. It’s worldwide.

“…Successful strategists aim for the heart first” – Jeroen De Flander

Nothing in current history has ever been so plain, yet hidden behind deceptive phrases that ooze betrayal. Our children are a target, but the agenda is very clear. Schools in the United States have been used in experimental research in the area of the affective domain including the spiritual aspect of a child’s being, the heart. The teaching method is called the “whole child.” This has been the area where values, attitudes, beliefs, and dispositions have been the focus for behavioral conditioning and value change. United States citizens must have their individualist qualities, their freedom loving values, and their individualistic competitive personalities changed. Change in America is a must to conform the U.S. into a socialistic country including global compromise. Americans must become global citizens. Re-engineering education has toppled academics for the new psyche wards claiming to be your neighborhood school. The churches have closed their eyes.

How is it being done? Experimental and illegal data collection targets the individual needing behavioral change and identifies how much mental health interventions are needed to meet government goals processed in the classrooms of your local school. This system recycles children in a continuous feedback loop control model until the goals are accomplished.

When I exposed the Pennsylvania Department of Education for psychologically testing children at school, I uncovered psychological probing of the federal government through my federal complaint resolved in 1990 using the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment. The definition of “adapting to change” as the G20 Declaration states, was one target goal area from the EQA Pennsylvania test that I filed my complaint against. The Educational Quality Assessment was first developed by top behavioral scientists of the world in 1970. Our Pennsylvania test was the prototype for the national test, NAEP, National Assessment For Educational Progress that experimented using Pavlovian and BF Skinner’s behavioral classical conditioning for 20 years before I stopped the test. These systemic queries were just a beginning for the agenda to reassemble and refashion the patriotic frame that existed in America starting with our children. Full scale psychological warfare against our idea of freedom had begun. We see the results everyday in the news.

Standards, tests, curricula, and teacher training were all developed to measure and change personalities and their attitude toward the Republic. Curricula was developed around ten “harmless sounding” value-laden goals determined by a “correct minimum positive attitude” defined by your government. Goals were masked in “fake news,” otherwise known as a transformational paradigm-not-what-you-think definitions. Goals like Citizenship would be likened to the definition to what parents thought would be taught. Yet, NAEP and the Pennsylvania EQA had nothing to do with history, Civics or knowledge of international affairs. It was a purely experimental, psychological test that was used to create interventions or what techniques could be used to change the values and personalities of children and control literacy.

Children were placed in hypothetical situations and asked what action (behavior) they would take. Questions were posed by positive and negative responses and through reward and punishment where a threshold could be determined and scored at what point a child would change their behavior. The temperature-taking-devices would tally how warm or cold the child would conform toward global goals. In-classroom results now enlist the onslaught of Special Education cadres, behavioralists, that convene and train classroom teachers how to target “bad” behavior. They will decide your child’s future recipe called a personalized plan for obedience. They call it “implementation science.” Bad would be associated with being too individualistic, opinionated, patriotic, religious, and family oriented. Good would be associated with being cooperative, agreeable, and docile the key to melding the unthinkable…socialism or worse.

The key to manipulating values is deciphered from Bloom and Krathwohl’s Taxonomies of Educational Objectives…not to be confused with academics or true education. The whole child would be changed. Good/bad (social values), right/wrong (moral values), and beautiful/ugly (aesthetic values), were the objectives to condition how a child would think, feel, and act, smearing logistical lines of these value-laden goals. These techniques would confuse children creating artificial stress because values taught at home would conflict with the new global values taught at school.  The goal…collectivism and global competence…destroying American ethics and values.

This cycle of prodding using negative and positive reinforcements were used to create and validate “perfected” curriculum for behavioral change. The value laden and behavioral techniques that would change the personality of your child would be researched, evaluated, and proven effective. Our tax dollars and our government funded and approved the repulsive animal training and used our teachers as informers and enablers to thrust this system on its citizenry.

The “Happy Slave”

Skinner’s experiments delved deep into animal instincts researched on pigeons, rats, dogs, and humans. Behavior could be manipulated through reward and punishment. Skinner remarked about conditioning humans to that of a “happy slave” – “A system of slavery so well designed that it does not breed revolt is the real threat.” A collectivist syndrome surrounds the actions and behaviors of children by the constant threat of punishment overhanging the “climate” of the school. The teacher is trained in “applied behavior analysis/ABA” that was researched on extreme behaviors of autistic children. Therefore normal children are easily manipulated by that authority figure in the classroom through therapeutic techniques of compliance. Children are being molded into the “happy slave.” But of course, the name of ABA would be changed to more appealing synonyms so that parents would not revolt calling it Positive Behavior, Resilience, or Grit.

The global antidote for change would use reward and punishment to decipher at what point a child would change, and at what point they would change their behavior without protest…the happy slave. Citizenship had nothing to do with knowing our structure of government or Civics. Citizenship was defined as the psychological notion of threshold…at what point your child would change to go along with the group. Collectivism!

Adapting to change was first defined as “methods of coping with freedom.” This Pavlovian  concept was developed using tethered dogs, reward and punishment, and feeding cycles. Pavlov experimented with the idea of confining animals and studied how they would struggle to be free which he called the “freedom complex.”  The key to controlling the freedom complex was determined by feeding cycles to control how a dog would ACT. Soon the dog would LEARN that if he did not fight back while still tethered, he would soon be fed. Good dog.

Experimental research has been multiplied 100 times over in the last 40 years, especially the current adaptive computer tutoring/artificial intelligence through algorithms coded toward global objectives. Skinner’s “learning machines” would guide the child toward global objectives. There is no human interference on computers with pure operant conditioning used to attain functional literacy…nothing more. Don’t trust that algorithm.

Teachers observe, identify, and implement psychological conditioning. The first tier of change would be for ALL CHILDREN CALLED UNIVERSAL SCREENING.  If some children would not comply they would be forced into more intensive techniques, Tier 2 and Tier 3, for those who do not bend to the will of researched evidence-based doses of global interventions. The school day is no longer based on academic instruction. It’s functional literacy and recycling a bombardment of personality brainwashing. America’s children must be identified for their value to the economy. American human capital must be upskilled. Human capital assessment is defined as the worth or worthlessness of the individual that fits exactly to the same definition as how worth is determined for your property. Human capital (the value placed on a person) would be determined in detail through an algorithm of inputs (costs and profiles associated to develop a future global worker) versus outputs (a job that would determine the worth that  individual had to the economy) all correlated to a defined set of global outcomes.

The teacher in your child’s classroom is both-informer and enabler. They are being trained to data mine the hell out of your children. Observation data is collected and interpreted daily on your child’s behavior. Note that a teacher’s preference of how well they “like” a child or not, is completely arbitrary. The teacher first collects data explaining why the child did a certain behavior, begins conditioning interventions, and tallies the result of interventions all collected in a psychometric dossier. This is a system of recycling children that the government insists are deformed or disabled, slaps them in a global mold where the vision looms of widgets in a factory. The coding for these actions are tallied. Uniform data elements are digitized into state/national longitudinal data systems and standardized in every state that combine a recipe for compulsion…a global citizen. Reports are issued. Meetings take place behind your back, and finally you might be told about how your sweet little Johnny just needs a little nudging and that the teachers will perform interventions to help him adjust to this constricted and repulsive prison-like environment. They’ll call it resilience or grit in which the opposite is the true meaning. If your child becomes depressed, drugs are the antidote.The definition of resilience to these contortionists is merely not resisting to the goals and punishment…go along to get along just like tethered dogs. Grit is not the True Grit of John Wayne, you can be assured. This system is bold and cold.

Since FERPA regulations, Family Education Rights in Privacy, were illegally changed through an Obama Executive Order, (2012) personally identifiable information is able to be accessed and shared with 3rd party contractors and vendors without parental consent. Of course, we aren’t talking about academic records.  No, it’s psychological profiles including social, emotional, and behavioral dossiers. The new education law, ESSA, converted No Child Left Behind into mental health legislation mandating behavioral conditioning and interventions in the classrooms of America. Our classrooms have been turned into psyche camps. Privacy be damned.

No parent has disapproved. No parent has taken this system to court. No one has stopped the data mining. Free will is being smothered into that happy slave.

And the words just roll from their lips and these words appear to be soothing to a parent as teachers and principals smoodge along with their talking points to get you to agree softly saying, “We want your child to be safe. We want him to belong. We are family.” And then they smile.

These are the words that will bend your child’s mind. Read them slowly. Say them out loud, because they are wrecking havoc on your child:

  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
  • Response to Intervention.
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports.
  • Social and Emotional Learning.
  • Universal Design for Learning.

All is fine with the world as our children are dipped daily in socialistic and criminal activity with privacy invading techniques, psychological experimentation, and data mining through which outside vendors are making a fortune with constant high tech capitalistic surveillance.

This is deadly to the Republic. Your child is a commodity to fit into the New World Order and you are agreeing to the insult. Time will tell as I grieve for their freedom and the future of my country. Will the U.N. succeed while our country slumbers? Will no American parent claim their rights? Will churches watch as the hearts and souls of our children are devoured by the metallic beast? There’s a hush all over the world.

© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge:

Trump Should Push For “Islamic Reformation”

For decades, I delved into all sorts of Islamic books, read them and made notes of them. I contemplated, profoundly researched, spoke with some high-level Islamic scholars, tried to find a small hole, something that would lead me to believe that it is a possible to either put the genie back into the bottle or, somehow, erase the elements of violence within Islam. But each time, I ran into a wall. How could this be? Like hundreds of others before me, I too realized, without violence, fear, anxiety and blood, Islam would slowly weaken and eventually die.

There are some brave activists who are currently working hard to somehow erase a few Suras and make a new Quran that is free from violence. While their intentions are honorable, they basically try to make a new religion out of old one with no divine authority that was, supposedly, bestowed upon Muhammad to launch his religion. This is impossible.

My efforts to find a solution to reform Islam is not about prosperity, it is about the survival of the human race and the ability for all non-Islamic ideologies to survive. However, in the absence of evangelism and without the ability to reveal the peace-loving belief to the Muslim world, people just don’t wake up and suddenly denounce it. Does a seed grow in less than fertile ground?  Those who are brave are the ones who enable personal conversion, not those who justify Islamic slavery by alluding to salvation in nations possessed by evil.

Our Western politicians who actively aid and support Islamic regimes, are in fact doing a disservice to humanity, but try to please the Islamist bedfellows and use them as pawns. In the not too distant past, it was the socialist evils of Nazism and Communism that also used Muslim hatred to further their goals.  Apparently evil wears many masks.

For one, millions of professionally paid agents of this chauvinistic male-serving, women-enslaving fraud, all of them men, are busy around the clock and all over the world promoting the “religion of peace” by any and all means that seem to work. Often, customizing what they claim to be the word for word of Allah to suit their objectives.

They keep the fraud going and make it thrive so that these unscrupulous agents, the mullahs and imams, can keep on leading their charmed lives on the back of the ignorant masses. A huge factor working in their favor is the people’s death anxiety and the concern about what becomes of them after they die. The Islam fraud addresses this paramount existential dread craftily and with great success. You do as Allah commands and you will end up in immortal life in his unimaginably glorious and sensuous paradise. You fail to do so and your abode is the indescribably horrific hell from which you shall never escape.

Huge promises of goodies both in this as well as the next world are reserved for men including pleasure objects, women. Four wives and as many concubines as a man desires and can afford. What do women get, if they are servile to men and satisfy them? They will be also admitted to paradise. No specific goodies for them there. Perhaps even there they must continue to service men’s lust. Not a bad fraud launched by Muhammad and perpetrated by hook or crook by a bunch of his savage follower men.

Another factor that keeps Muslims from leaving Islam en mass, is the notion of apostasy. Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own belief.

The notion of apostasy is best understood within the overall Islamic dogma. Islam forms a binding covenant with the believer. Once a person is Muslim, he and his issue are considered Muslim forever. In this covenant, Islam promises to bestow its beneficence on the faithful conditional on the person’s total and unquestioned surrender to it in all matters. Some of the rewards offered by Islam to the truly obedient believer, particularly privileged males, are of this world as well as a great deal more promised to him in the next. If a Muslim faithful does not reap the rewards of his devotion in this world, Islam assures him of his inestimably cherished and limitless compounded rewards in the next world.

Islam demands subjugation of the individual’s will to that of Allah and permeates the thinking, the actions and the speech of Muslims by prefacing commitments they make contingent on the will of God (inshallah).

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him’ – Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57).

Islam is the greatest gift that Muhammad bequeathed on charlatan men to exploit the masses of fools. For as long as there are donkeys, there are those who would ride them, is a Persian metaphor that explains why the cast of Muslim clergies are so intent at keeping the donkeys they have and doing all they can to get more donkeys with fresh legs and strong backs to continue with their joyride.

Final Analysis

If a reform should ever occur within Islam, the Islamic religious high authorities can play a critical role in steering the masses toward or away from hatred and violence. This is the only solution. The late Pope’s public pronouncement, for instance, absolving the Jews as the Christ killers has reduced anti-Semitism among rank and file Christians. Fatwas—religious decrees—by Islamic Muftis and Ayatollahs carry considerable weight with their respective followers. It is my opinion that President Trump has the power to pressure these high ranking Islamic religious authorities to make a decree to remove the hatred and violence towards the Jews, Christians and non-believers from their holy books.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Choosing High Self-Esteem: Carrying The Mental Equivalent For Success

Millions of Americans live their lives with low self-esteem.  Teenagers learn it from one or both parents.  Others choose it by comparing themselves with movie stars.  Many young women mutter to themselves, “I’m not good enough…I’m not as pretty as Becky the captain of the cheerleading squad…I’m not smart enough to pull top grades.”

(Go ahead, kiss the girl, kiss the guy in the Valley of the Gods because you chose high self-esteem)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Often, young men drink booze to numb their frustrations from not being handsome, athletic or academically successful.  They hang with the wrong crowd or stay home where they find solitude.  Too often, teenagers of both sexes compare themselves to others.

Low self-esteem may be one of the greatest detriments to personal success socially, mentally and/or economically.  But, since it’s a learned behavior, it can be unlearned and changed.

Recently, one of my lifelong friends, the successful author of three published books, visited me in Golden, Colorado.  That night, after dinner on our deck, he and I reminisced about our college days together.  We both became teachers.  During the conversation, I asked him about his fourth book.

“I can’t seem to motivate myself to finish the book,” he said.  “I’m still dealing with low self-esteem.”

Mind you, this man earned a world record in one category of weight lifting. He earned a Master’s degree in advanced education.

He reared four highly successful children.  His wife elevated herself to a world-class artist through his encouragement.

“So, Paul, are you going to coast your way to the doorstep of death?” I asked.   “Are you going to waste your literary gifts because of low self-esteem?  What’s the value in that choice?  Why would you squander your gifts because somewhere along the line, you bought into the ‘low self-esteem’ train, and you’re still riding it?”

“I’m not sure how to figure it out and how to get off the train,” he replied.

“It’s amazing,” I said.  “All my life, I’ve been accused of being too over-confident and self-assured.  Some call me brash.  I never thought of myself as inferior to anyone or anything.  Plus, I never compared myself to anyone.  In my youth, my dad put his arm around my shoulder when I faced difficult challenges. He said, ‘You can do that son’.  That became my truth.  Maybe you could borrow that ‘truth’ and incorporate it into you own life.  It’s more fun to live a life of high self-esteem. It creates a higher vibrational frequency in your daily life. It makes you happy. It makes you creative.  It allows you to laugh often.  It allows you to move toward your highest and best.”

“I never thought about it that way,” said Paul.

How do you escape low self-esteem?

First, change your view of yourself. Are you a victim or a product or a tragedy?  You decide.  You choose your relationship with any of your challenges or situations.  In the end, the universe doesn’t bequeath you a positive or negative thought pattern. You choose it and you live it.  Either way, you evolve your life by your choices. If you run from something, it consumes you. When you face it, you devour it.

Second, choose by daily habit to up-level your intentions for your world.   Choose to value every problem, disaster and defeat.  Use the gifts of defeat to grow your life.  At your funeral, would you feel good when your best friend spoke about you in the eulogy, “Paul lived a so-so life because he chose low-self-esteem, which buried any chance of living a truly remarkable life.  He wasted so many of his incredible talents.”

Third, no matter how tough the problem, you choose the solutions and engage the intention to grow.   Remember that an answer exists for every challenge in your life.

Fourth, unbridle your dreams.  Henry David Thoreau said it best, “If you advance confidently toward your dreams, and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpected in common hours. You will pass through invisible boundaries. You will engage new and liberal laws. And you will live with the license of a higher order of beings.”

Fifth, consciously open to the joy, happiness and creative energy of your life by shedding the ‘low self-esteem’ skin to engage a ‘high self-esteem’ energy field around your heart, mind and body.

Finally, you write the next chapter of your life by your hand and by your choices.  Engage the power of brave thoughts.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

Decoration Day, A Day Of Remembrance

The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war. —Douglas MacArthur

Americans never quit. —Douglas MacArthur

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. —Douglas MacArthur

There are only two holidays a year that bring me to tears.  The first is Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and the second is Independence Day, July 4th.  In 2011, I wrote an article entitled Real Americans.  I told of the loss and heartbreak I felt when I saw the flags waving and heard the firecrackers.  The loss of what we once had and what we have become was overwhelming.  I regained hope with the election of President Donald J. Trump, but I still fear for my nation.

Commemoration to Soldiers

Decoration Day started with a commemoration to the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War.  In the South, southern ladies’ groups commemorated the fallen soldiers on different days than the holiday of the north.  However, by the 20th century, all American soldiers who had fallen in war were remembered on the last Monday in May, originally May 30th.

Decoration Day meant placing flowers on the graves of the fallen, but soon became a memorial for all family members who had passed.  Those who know the real meaning of the holiday visit the cemeteries not only to decorate the graves of fallen American soldiers, those who served our country, but also to remember our deceased ancestors.

Decoration Day was officially changed to Memorial Day by Federal law in 1967.  On June 28, 1968, the Congress passed the Uniform Holidays Bill, which moved four holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Monday in order to create a convenient three-day weekend. The change moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30th date to the last Monday in May. The law took effect at the federal level in 1971.

This has no doubt changed the tenor of the Remembrance Day into one of a spring-into-summer three-day weekend holiday, which has caused the solemn honor of the original commemoration to be lost.  Japanese Nisei, Daniel Inouye, Hawaii’s former Senator, and a WWII veteran had tried every year to return the holiday to May 30th.

Today, this holiday of commemoration has become one of barbeques, picnics, baseball and swimming.  It no longer is a day of solemn remembrance of our nation’s loss.  When I think of all those who have served, I remember those in my own dear family.


The Memorial Day flag is to be raised briskly to the top of the pole at dawn and then lowered to half-mast until noon.  This is done in remembrance.  At noon, the flag is again raised to the top of the pole for the remainder of the day.

My maternal grandfather served in the Army as a cook in WWI.  His two sons, my mother’s older and younger brothers, my uncles, both served in WWII in Europe and in Germany respectively.  I remember my Uncle Bob telling me about how he hitchhiked across Czechoslovakia to see his cousin, Norm, who was also in the Army.  Uncle Bob was a medic and he would never talk about his service in WWII.

My paternal grandfather graduated from the Presidio (officer’s training) in 1917 with the Army Cavalry. I still have the humorously written program for his graduation dinner.  His degrees were in international law and French.  He married my grandmother that same year and went off to war.  His older brother, James, was also a soldier in WWI.  In a nine-page typewritten letter my great-grandfather, who was a Baptist preacher and physician, wrote to the church he founded in Bozeman, Montana, he mentioned how his wife worried and prayed for her two sons in France.  Here is a photo of my grandfather on his beloved horse, O’Hara.

My paternal grandfather remained in the military for many years.  I obtained his military records through my former congressman.  He was retired prior to WWII, but after Pearl Harbor and at the age of 50, he re-enlisted.  He was in charge of a German prisoner-of-war camp for a year or so.  The photos of this camp and the inmates look as though it was a great holiday for the Germans.  These original photos were at my friend, Harry Mazal’s Holocaust Library in San Antonio, Texas, but after Harry’s death, the University of Colorado Jewish Studies bought the library.  At the close of WWII, my grandfather, Colonel George Byron Morse, was in charge of the MPs at Nuremburg.  His Army Cavalry uniform and his boots are also in Colorado along with documents and photos.  Here is a photo of my dear friend Harry in his beloved library.  My library is filled with books that Harry sent me that no one else could get.

The Nisei

After the war, my paternal grandparents were very concerned about the second-generation Japanese Americans who fought on our side during WWII, the Nisei.  My grandmother, Stella Dolan Morse, was the inspiration for a veteran’s hall for them and the Nisei Veterans’ Memorial Hall was born.  My grandfather brought it to fruition and his picture still hangs prominently in their veteran organization.

The 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team, composed of approximately 14,000 Japanese American soldiers, became the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in American history. Among their many awards, they earned eight Presidential Citations, over 9,000 Purple Hearts, and 21 Medals of Honor.

The 100th/442nd fought many battles. One of the most historic was the Rescue of the Lost Battalion in October 1944, when the unit led a heroic drive through German lines in the Vosges Mountains to rescue 211 surviving soldiers of the 36th Texas Division. For this the governor of Texas named the Nisei soldiers “Honorary Texans.”

In 1945, the courageous actions of the 100th/442nd were critical in breaking the German Gothic Line. They fought the Germans through intense combat and liberated towns such as Bruyeres, Biffontaine, and Belvedere. They also helped free Holocaust victims from Dachau concentration camp.

Approximately 6,000 Japanese Americans served in the Pacific Theater in the Military Intelligence Service (MIS) of the US Army. These soldiers utilized their knowledge of the Japanese language and culture to defeat the Japanese military in the Pacific. General Douglas MacArthur’s intelligence chief, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, estimated that these contributions shortened the war by at least two years and saved countless lives in the process. For this, the MIS was awarded a Presidential Unit Citation.

When my retired, aging, California grandparents needed assistance, the Japanese were there to help them in every way.  At their funeral masses, the priests were both Japanese.  The eulogies from these brave Nisei are simply beautiful and showed what great love these Japanese American war heroes had for my paternal grandparents.

The Presidio Today

The Presidio today is nothing like what my grandfather would envision.  Congress voted in 1989 to end the Presidio’s status as an active military installation and on October 1, 1994, it was transferred to the National Park Service, ending 219 years of military use and beginning its next phase of mixed commercial and public use.  Sadly, that use is now part and parcel of the UN Agenda 21 program of destroying national sovereignty and our liberties.  In 1996, the United States Congress created the Presidio Trust to oversee and manage the interior 80% of the park’s lands, with the National Park Service managing the coastal 20%.

In 1993, the Gorbachev Foundation USA was invited to sink roots at the Presidio as part of the post’s conversion from the headquarters of the 6th U.S. Army to a national park.

From the website, Mikhail Gorbachev, Creatively Marketing Global Communism, comes this statement regarding Gorbachev’s State of the World Forum, “Former Soviet Communist Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev, founder of the State of the World Forum six years ago, used a $5,000 per person gathering of the world’s political and business elite to plea for the United Nations to adopt a Soviet-style “central authority” to manage the world’s business and environmental concerns.” 

And this,

“The collapse of the Soviet Union as presented in the western media was a fraud. The Soviet Union didn’t collapse and communism didn’t die. They just reorganized, and we see it today in our American Congress. This is Gorby’s goal for the United States…and that’s what the UN program of regionalization is about. The movement is to dissolve the United States as a nation and then to break it up into areas of regional governance under an unelected continental government similar to the European Union.”

If my grandparents on both sides, who fought in WWI and WWII for American freedoms knew of Gorbachev’s group in the Presidio, they would roll over in their graves.  They would never have believed it would happen, nor would they ever have believed we’d be fighting undeclared wars and passing unconstitutional laws.  Think about Obamacare, The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the Patriot Act, to name just a few of the hundreds of thousands of illegal and unconstitutional laws, acts, and executive orders.  My mother would never have believed it, much less my grandparents.  In fact, my grandparents never even heard of a “Trillion-dollar debt,” which is now as high as $22 trillion.

Undeclared Wars

To say it more succinctly, here is a letter my dear friend Ruth wrote in comment of the article, The Price of Freedom, “This Memorial Day, I mourn the lives of the tens of thousands of our troops, who are maimed and disfigured. I mourn the lives of the troops still stuck in the hell holes of Afghanistan and Iraq and those engaged all around the world in illegal interventions and wars of aggression, greed and empire building. I grieve for the returning veterans, whose minds are so broken, upon contemplating the horrors they have witnessed and the true nature of these wars, they are committing suicide in shocking numbers. Those who gave all, may be the lucky ones.

Unfortunately, these brave young men and women are not fighting for our freedom; they know it, and you know it. They are fighting to stay alive. They are mere pawns of the Military Industrial Complex. We need to follow what President Trump said, and bring all of them home now.”

This is what President Trump said he wanted to do, and it is why when he said the troops in Syria were to come home, General Mattis signed the order, but then resigned from the Trump administration.  We have an enemy on our soil, and we are not fighting that enemy.

We need those soldiers not just on our southern border, but we need them educated by men like General Michael T. Flynn who knows how we can win the global war against radical Islam and its allies.  Former FBI Agent, John Guandolo of Understanding the Threat is an amazing resource who can help us save our country from infiltration and destruction.


I grieve for my nation, for her soul, and for her people who are too busy watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol to see what has happened to our beloved country and who daily fail to fight to keep the freedoms our founders gave us.

I grieve because we’ve thrown God out of every facet of American society.  I grieve because we think nothing of murdering 60 million babies in their mothers’ wombs.  I grieve because I see the losses.  I grieve because I know too much, and I grieve because so few are fighting to save her…our once great America and her God-given freedoms.  I grieve, I mourn, and I weep and I’m still fighting to save her.  Unless more Americans stand up for truth, righteousness, liberty and freedom, I’m afraid all is lost.  Dear God in heaven, I grieve, and I keep working and praying.

This Decoration Day, remember all those who gave everything, remember those who came home hurt both physically and mentally, remember all our veterans, and help them, not just with prayers, but with funds that care for these men and women who have served our country willingly.  There are countless wonderful organizations that help our soldiers…give to them, and in so doing, you give to those who need it the most.

Remember those who gave all…please!

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson:

Major John E. Cleckner, Senior, US Army Special Forces, Retired

An American Hero Passes

John E. Cleckner passed away on Saturday, May 11, 2019 at Mercy Medical Center in Redding, California after a short illness. He was born in Warren, Ohio on December 12, 1937 to Edward and Ruth Cleckner.  He had five sisters; Sharon (Frank) Gargasz, Nancy (Jon) Dawson, Melinda (Rich) Dunlap, Melody Santos (Philip) Robas, and two brothers; William (Michelle) Cleckner, and Raymond Cleckner. Of note, Raymond was a combat Marine who fought and died in 1968 in the Battle of Hue City in Vietnam.

John married Doris Saterstad on September 11, 1987 in Minden, Nevada. Together they shared eight children; John E. Cleckner II, Kelly Napier, Shawn Cleckner, (deceased), Troy Cleckner, (infant deceased), Troy Coonrod, Jerry Coonrod, Larry Coonrod and Jon Saterstad and have been blessed by 14 grandchildren; Jacob Cleckner, Aeil Cleckner, Crystal Cleckner, Joseph Cleckner, Caleb Cleckner, Eric Cleckner, John Michael Cleckner, Josh McCabe, Ryleigh McCabe, twins John Cooper McCabe and Charleigh McCabe and Blake Berry and several great-grandchildren.. He also leaves behind numerous beloved nieces and nephews.

Major Cleckner enlisted in the United States Army in July of 1957 and served for over 22 years in Special Forces (Green Beret.) After retiring from the Army, John continued his service through a multitude of veterans’ service organizations that included authoring and coauthoring Local, State and Federal legislation, consulting on programs and projects that directly benefit veterans and their dependents, raising funds in excess of $1,500,000.00 to support veterans, their dependents and communities as well as civilian programs benefitting children and their families. John even returned to school at the age of 62 to obtain a degree as a Legal Assistant just so that he could provide help to veterans in need with their legal issues at no cost to the veteran.

During his life, John earned five college degrees; two of which were presented with honors.

Military Service Awards:

Major Cleckner earned the Combat Infantryman’s Badge (CIB); Expert Infantryman’s Badge (EIB); Special Forces TAB, Special Forces Combat Patch; American Master Parachutist Wings; Vietnamese Master Parachutist Wings; German Master Parachutist Wings; French Master Parachutist Wings; British Parachutist Wings; Vietnamese Ranger Badge; Soldier’s Medal for Heroism; Bronze Star for Valor, Bronze Star Medal for Meritorious Service 1st with Oak Leaf Cluster; Purple Heart Medal with Two Oak Leaf Clusters; Three Awards for Combat Wounds – Wounded Six times in Combat; Air Medal for Meritorious Achievement in Flight during Combat; Army Commendation Medal with 1st Oak Leaf Cluster for Meritorious Service; Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm for Heroism; Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Two Silver Stars – Two Awards for Heroism; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Army Occupation Medal for Berlin; Germany, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with Bronze Star; Armed Forces Reserve Medal with Hour Glass Vietnam Honor Medal; Vietnam Service Medal with Six Campaign Stars; Vietnam Campaign Medal; Expert Firing Badges M1, M14, M 16 and 45 Pistol; Presidential Unit Citation; Army Meritorious Unit Citation; RVN Gallantry Cross Unit Citation; RVN Civic Action Honor Medal Unit Citation; Inducted into the Order of St. Philip Neri, Awarded the Saint Philip Neri Medal by Special Forces Association (Green Berets) for Outstanding Military Leadership for over 25 years in Special Forces and Valor in the Field of Battle; Inducted into the Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor; Awarded the Ohio Medal of Valor; Inducted into the Special Forces Hall of Fame, First Special Forces Regiment (Green Berets) Appointed a Distinguished Member of the Regiment (DMOR) by the Secretary of the Army; Inducted into the United States Army Officers Candidate School Hall of Fame (Class 1-66 USA Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia on the Occasion of the 75th Diamond Anniversary of the Infantry School with 250,000 Graduates) Alumni Class 2016 had 32 HOF inductee) USAOCSAA

Veteran Service Organizations: * Denotes Life Membership

Special Forces Association* (SFA) Chapter 89 Northern California, Northwest Nevada and Southwest Oregon; Military Order of the Purple Heart* (MOPH); Disabled American Veterans* (DAV); United States Airborne Association (CAL-Neva); American Veterans* (AM VETS); American Legion (AL); Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); Shasta County Veterans Affiliated Council, Past President and Delegate (SCVAC); Association of Freedom’s Veterans, Berlin, Germany; USA Officers Candidate School Alumni Association; The Retired Officers Association (TROA); Veterans Home of Northern California, Legislation Co-Author; Veterans Home of California, Redding, California Support Committee, Consultant; California 1st Congressional District Veterans Advisory Council (Shasta County California) Representative; Veterans Administration Northern California Health Care System, Redding Veterans Advisory Council (VAOPC) Representative, Redding, California Veterans Administration Out-Patient Clinic (RVAOPC), Co-Founder; Northern California Veterans Cemetery Legislation Co-Author, 1988-2001; Northern California Veterans Cemetery Association (CVCA), Co-Founder: Northern California Veterans Cemetery, Igo, California Support Committee, Co-Founder and Consultant; Northern California Veterans Cemetery, Igo;, California Monuments and Memorials Committee, 10+ years; Shasta County California Veterans Day Parade, Chairman/Consultant 30+ years; Shasta County/Redding, California Memorial Day Services, Chairman, 4 years; Redding, California Veterans Memorial Grove, Restoration, Chairman; Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA); Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW); and Past Chairman of Victory Ensured Through Service (V.E.T.S) which is a philanthropic veterans organization which supports veterans’ hospitals and projects in California, Oregon, Washington and Arizona. To date, V.E.T.S has donated over $1,500,000.00 to veterans.

Military Writings/Author with Published Credit, US Army:

Combat in Cities United States Army Infantry School & Combat in Cities Doctrine. Authored Doctrine and assisted in design of Berlin Combat in Cities Training Center, Berlin Brigade, 2/6 Infantry; Gardon Plot 82nd Airborne Division Combat Reaction Plan, Air Movement of Men and Equipment World Wide, Battalion Level, 82nd Airborne Division, 1/504; Berlin, Germany-American Sector Anti Terrorism Program Baader-Meinhof Gang, The Red Brigade (German Autumn) & Turkish Terrorist/Black September Berlin Brigade, 2/6 Infantry; Special Forces Operations & Intelligence Training Program (SF O&I School), a complete rewrite of the SF O&I Training Program, (SFTGA). Training Program for Special Forces Non Commissioned Officers, E-8 and E-9; United States Army Infantry School Operations & Intelligence Training Program Non Commissioned Officer Shake and Bake Course per request from Unites States Army Infantry School, Fort Benning, Georgia 1967


California State Senate Resolution 2273 Honoring Major John E. Cleckner for…”his Service to Veterans, his Country and Community.” – Military Officers Association of America’s First ever President’s Award for Meritorious Service to Veterans And Community – The Retired Officers Association Certificate of Merit for “Outstanding and Exceptional Service to Veterans and Community” – “American Citizen of the Year”, Berlin, Germany 1973 – Shasta County Veterans Affiliated Council, “Veteran of the Year” 1991 – Vietnam Veterans Of America and Redding, California, “Outstanding Veteran and Civic Leader of the Year” 1993 – Commissioned a “Kentucky Colonel” to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels by Order of Kentucky Governor Louis B. Nunn for… “Service and Dedication to the Sons of Kentucky and the United States of America” – Letter of Commendation for… “Heroic Service in the Republic of Vietnam” and “Honoring the State of Ohio as a Son of Ohio” by Ohio Governor Bob Taft – Honored by the Ohio State Legislature for… “Valorous and Heroic Service during the Vietnam War”

Fraternal Organizations:

Master Mason, Blue Lodge; York Rite, *Royal Arch Mason, *Council of Cryptic Masons, *Illustrious Order of the Red Cross – “Knight of the Red Cross,” *Order of Malta – “Knight of Malta,” *Order of the Temple – “Knights Templar”; Shriners International, Noble in the Shrine; Legion of the Moose; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 25 Year Pin; Sons of Italy.

Community Organizations:

Founder/Author/Chairman, Special Olympics Program for Central North Carolina (Sandhills) Chairman 1st Three years with Honors from the Kennedy Family, Fayetteville Technical Institute and XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, North Carolina; C0-Director, Boy Scout Operations, District 10, Central North Carolina, 11 years; Youth Activities Director, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Summer Camps, Dependent Youth Activities (DYA) 3 years; Coach, Dependent Youth Activities (DYA), Baseball, Basketball and Football, Berlin, Germany, Fort Bragg, North Carolina and Redding, 13 years.


Services for John E. Cleckner Sr. will be May 21st 2019 at Allen and Dahl Funeral Chapel 2655 Eureka Way Redding California 96001. The viewing will be at 9 a.m. services at 10 a.m. followed by the burial at Northern California Veteran Cemetery 11800 Gas Point Road Igo California 96047. There will be a Celebration of life to follow the burial location to be announced.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Clausen:

It Is Time To Engage The Enemy

Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

We are at war. No I’m not talking about the Military Industrial Complex’s insatiable hunger for profiteering at the expense of American men and women’s lives. I’m not talking about the escalating conflict between the various political factions and their comic stooges played out in the news cycle day after day. I’m not even talking about the globalists and their open borders agenda for the destruction of American national sovereignty. I’m talking about a much more devastating war with eternal consequences. The war between the fallen ones and our great God that is raging all around us.

This war has a goal. Satan and his followers seek to capture every soul that God has created for the purpose of dragging that lost one into the pits of hell. God on the other hand is seeking to save that which is lost, namely every man and woman born in Adam and that remains unborn in Christ. So you see, the consequences are indeed for eternity.

The enemy is shrewd and often uses sublime tactics to deceive and divert. Alcohol, drugs, pornography, materialism, ego, are all fueled in America by abundant access to the addiction of choice.

What Does It Mean To Be A Soldier Of The Lord Jesus Christ?

Christians are soldiers in the Army of God. Specifically we are called to:

You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.

A key point in that passage is this – disciples/followers of Jesus are soldiers by birth, and the duty of every soldier is to obey his/her commander. Did you notice the context for obedience? It is our desire to “please” Jesus in our every action.

Here is a key point of fact that all Christians must come to terms with – soldiers in God’s Army are not pacifists. We are called to be “boots on the ground” people, to borrow a military phrase.

Here is a second fact that many Christians ignore – Intel is vital to an army’s success. What Intel do we need? For starters we need Intel about:

• The enemy’s troop size.
• The enemy’s troop movements.
• The enemy’s strategies.
• The enemy’s weaknesses.
• The best strategies to defeat the enemy.

Many Christians don’t understand the importance of hearing Intel about the enemies of God and because of that they don’t want to hear Intel that is upsetting. Therefore a significant number of pastors muddle along determined not to upset the sheep and make it their goal to only lead them to graze in pastures of the sheep’s choosing. Talk about a recipe for disaster! Letting the sheep dictate the direction of the Church creates a false sense of security and is tantamount to feeding them false Intel.

Refusing to understand the times in which we live has led the Church into a swampland of confusing responses and an increased level of timidity when a bold biblical response is needed. False Intel is a lot like cotton candy. It dissolves quickly, is wonderfully sweet, and goes down easy. In other words it is not hard to chew, swallow, and digest. The problem is it will rot your teeth, elevate your blood sugars to dangerous levels, and provides absolutely no nourishment.

Far too much of the Church accepts false Intel because it makes them comfortable and happy, but that is deception. This deception allows for comfortable and happy sheep to return week after week for more and more cotton candy and they bring their checkbooks with them. All seems well in Wonderland.

But as Lewis Carroll so famously wrote there comes a time to talk of other things:

The time has come,’ the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings.’

If you know anything about this poem and its meaning then you understand that the walrus and the carpenter lured a bed of oysters to their demise by talking of grand things and all of it intentionally misleading.

Much of the church today has been lured to the sidelines by talk of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings. The walrus and the carpenter are apt descriptions of many pastors today. How many are willing to concede that thousands upon thousands of pulpits are the source for fake Intel? If you cannot identify the problem you’ll never come up with a solution that works.

What is false Intel? It is not just refusing to tell the truth about America and the forces of evil that are hurling us headlong into massive social conflict. It includes the false Gospel of the “don’t worry be happy” Gospel hucksters, the “have your best life now” charlatans, and the “we’re all little gods” blasphemers. This kind of rotten false teaching is preached in many a pulpit week by week to a starving church. Little do these poor people understand that they are starving to death spiritually.
Seeking after and acquiring the best the world has to offer is no sign of God’s favor or success. The modern day Gospel hucksters preach wealth as a birthright of “The King’s Kids.” The Apostle Paul says this type of person has a depraved mind and is deprived of the truth.

If anyone advocates a different doctrine and does not agree with sound words, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, and with the doctrine conforming to godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing; but he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes about words, out of which arise envy, strife, abusive language, evil suspicions, and constant friction between men of depraved mind and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.

But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.
Listen friends, if your pastor’s calling is better suited to a motivational speaker than a fearless soldier of Christ, please get out of that place and find a real God-centered family of believers where you can grow and live a faithful action-centered life of Gospel proclamation.

If your pastor will not publically stand for Christ and denounce sin and warn of coming judgment then get out of that place and find a new body of Christ that is being faithful.

The enemy’s troops have already mobilized all across America. Yet week after week hundreds of thousands of Christians go to their holy huddle and never hear a word about the evil that has America in a choke hold. The enemy is using our education system, governments at every level, our civic organizations and more to push for a complete and total victory of evil over good.

The true soldier of Jesus Christ does not accept the fake Christianity that renders the faith a powerless and tragic meme. The true soldier will fight the good fight to the last breath because the eternity of the lost hangs in the balance.

The Soldier’s Mission

In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 we read Paul describing some of the power of the soldier of Christ.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete.

How do we destroy fortresses, speculations, and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God? By identifying every system of thought, philosophy, and even theology that attempts to marginalize, obscure, or eliminate God.

Soldiers of Christ, it is time to throw off timidity and any concern for what the world might think of us. It is time for all who call upon the name of Christ to be fearless. You will need to be courageous because when you stand against the “lofty ideas” and so-called knowledge that is the antithesis of true biblical knowledge and does in fact present itself as an enemy of God, you will be attacked, and these attacks will come from people you consider to be friends and even from your family.

Let’s start with a very touchy subject – the government indoctrination camps euphemistically called public schools. How do we “square” God’s commandments to have “no other Gods before Him” (Exodus 20:3) and “honor your father and mother” (Exodus 20:12) with a government education system that teaches children there is no God and that parents are idiots?

The average government school student will spend about 14,000 hours in a classroom before they graduate. This includes a great number of students that profess faith in Christ and are being reared in a Christian home. Statistics suggest that among these Christian students, each spends on average 1 hour a day interacting with their parents, and less than 3 hours per week at church services and associated activities.

Is it reasonable for us to assume that the Christian instruction they receive during time away from the government schools, will outweigh the thousands of hours of anti-Christian perspectives they are bombarded with by the government school system as well as the media? What does God say about how He expects Christians to educate their children?

Are you prepared to tell your family, neighbors, co-workers, and friends that every belief system except Christian theism is a false belief system that will lead them to eternal separation from God their creator? If you are then that means you are prepared to tell them:

• That abortion is murder and is the modern day equivalent to a blood sacrifice to Satan.
• That transgenderism is only the latest sexual perversion that Satan has used to undermine Christianity. Already we are hearing the calls for legalized pedophilia.
• That regardless of what laws Congress passes or the Supreme Court creates out of thin air, homosexuals and lesbians will never be married in God’s eyes.
• That live and let live is not a recipe for the long term viability of any culture and history has demonstrated that over and over again.
• That the righteousness of God when practiced by a people will exalt a nation but that sin allowed to flourish will destroy every people.

I am amazed at the number of people who declare they are believers but will state unequivocally that they could be wrong about Jesus and people like New Age heretic Oprah Winfrey could be right. I will say this as clearly as possible friends. God spoken to us in His Son Jesus Christ so that whoever will believe in Him will have eternal life. There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we are saved. God has supernaturally preserved a record of all of this so that we would know for certain that Jesus is THE Christ. If you are not sure about Jesus then you don’t know Him in saving faith.

The faithful soldier of Christ has put on Christ. Our identity is Christ. Galatians 3:26-27 says:
“For you are all sons of God through faith in Jesus Christ. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.”

A soldier of Christ endures hardship (Acts 9:16; 2 Timothy 2:3). A soldier of Christ recruits others (Matthew 28:18-20; the Gospels in their entirety). A soldier of Christ does not collaborate with the enemy (John 15:18).

I believe that the true Church of Jesus Christ – His body of born-again, blood bought, Holy Spirit empowered believers MUST get their feet on the ground, their hands “dirty” doing ministry among and to the lost, and begin to take action. We cannot sit back any longer. Will you join me and others who are taking the fight to the enemies of God?

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:
E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 2

Our nation has operated under the most successful government document devised by man in the history of the world and has made us the most successful, prosperous and powerful nation the world has ever seen yet Democrats hate it. For example, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, speaking to Egypt’s new government in 2012 stated that the US Constitution was not one that should be used as a guide: Just last week, for example, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told an Egyptian TV station that she would not recommend the U.S. Constitution as model for Egypt’s new government.

The problem, you see, is that the U.S. Constitution is “a rather old constitution.” Ginsburg suggested that Egyptians should look instead to the Constitution of South Africa or perhaps the European Convention on Human Rights. All these are “much more recent than the U.S. Constitution.”

Ginsburg’s comments echo those by Washington University professor David Law, who published a study with Mila Versteeg on the U.S. Constitution’s declining influence worldwide. In an interview, Law unfavorably compared the Constitution to “Windows 3.1”—outdated and unattractive in a world of sleek and sexy modern constitutions. Such obsession with the age of the Constitution is both absurd and irrelevant.[1] Keep in mind that she has sworn to uphold this Constitution, yet this modern court has used international law to adjudicate cases before it. In the Lawrence vs Texas, Texas’ sodomy law, they used an international treaty the United States had not agreed to yet to decide the case. Keep in mind the liberal jurists on the Supreme Court favor homosexual marriage and since they could not find anything in our Constitution to overturn Texas’ law, they went outside the United States to do so. In her own words: In terms of her own views, Justice Ginsberg did not mince words:

On judicial review for constitutionality, my own view is simply this: If U.S. experience and decisions may be instructive to systems that have more recently instituted or invigorated judicial review for constitutionality, so too can we learn from others now engaged in measuring ordinary laws and executive actions against fundamental instruments of government and charters securing basic rights. . . . The U.S. judicial system will be the poorer, I have urged, if we do not both share our experience with, and learn from, legal systems with values and a commitment to democracy similar to our own.

And the rest of the speech continues in a similar vein, with Justice Ginsberg raising and then contesting the views of foreign/international law opponents (including Justice Scalia, Judge Richard Posner, and Professors Eric Posner and Adrian Vermeule) while citing a series of “examples” of recent cases where the Court reached a decision with the aid of foreign and international law sources (e.g., Atkins v. Virginia, Lawrence v. Texas, Boumediene v. Bush, Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, and, of course, Roper v. Simmons).[2] So much for upholding the US Constitution. Four other Supreme Court jurists joined with her on this vote. All five should have been removed from the bench but nothing was done to uphold the integrity of the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are constantly ignoring our rights and passing laws that violate those rights. In Colorado this year our Democrat controlled legislature and homosexual governor have passed laws that give our votes in a national elect to people other than who we might vote for. If Colorado votes to elect a Republican president but the popular vote is won by a Democrat our Electoral College votes go to the Democrat. That violates the Constitutional process and violates the will of the people. They have also taken parental rights from parents in public school by not allowing them to pull their child out of the forced teaching of the homosexual lifestyle. They passed what is called a Red Flag bill that allows an anti-gun citizen to declare that a pro-gun citizen could be a threat to himself or someone else and without due process, the pro-gun citizens firearms can be confiscated with out being charged with anything.

Nancy Pelosi is pushing through the House a bill called the Equality Act that takes the religious rights of a person and subjugates them to a person’s sexual orientation. The Equality Act, a sweeping new piece of legislation that elevates sexual orientation and gender identity above religious freedoms, passed the House Judiciary Committee last week and could face a floor vote as early as next week.

“Essentially, the Equality Act gives people of faith an ultimatum: Change your faith-based practices or face government punishment,” ADF’s Sarah Kramer of Alliance Defending Freedom, wrote on the organization’s website.

The bill would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit and the jury system. One congressional aide said the Equality Act is scheduled for a vote next week, according to a gay publication covering the bill.

ADF and other prominent Christian and conservative groups, including Judicial Watch, James Dobson Family Institute, Liberty Counsel and the Heritage Foundation, are warning of widespread repercussions for believers since it eliminates Christians from relying on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to uphold their religious rights, according to World Net Daily.

“Religion is no excuse for discrimination when it comes to sexual orientation or gender identity,” Nadler declared. 2 I’m sorry but this fool, Representative Nadler, is confusing discrimination with morality. Democrats do not want to allow even the opinion of a moral person to be heard. In Colorado a few years back they passed SB100 which makes it illegal to put anything in print that offends a homosexual which makes it effectively illegal to print a bible in Colorado.

FaceBook and Twitter constantly ban conservative postings and accounts like James Woods but defend accounts by Hamas and other real hate groups. Has no one ever informed FaceBook and Twitter that this is America and we have the First Amendment that guarantees us free speech. If you notice it is the conservative voice that is silenced on college campuses, it’s the conservative voice that is silenced on the social media platforms, it’s the conservative voice that is silenced in print media. Justice William O. Douglas stated “A people who extend civil liberties only to preferred groups start down the path either to dictatorship of the right or the left.” This is what the Democrats are doing. They demand that only their voice be heard. They have gone as far as to demand that Trump’s MAGA hats be made illegal because the left hates them so much. Notice that conservatives NEVER attacked the idiots that wore Hillary’s pins and tee shirts. We let them look stupid in front of everybody. We allowed them their free speech.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:

1. Justice Ginsburg I would not look to the US Constitution
2. Equality Act elevating sexual orientation over religious freedom passes house judiciary committee

Dark To Light – By Way Of True Detective

Whether Nic Pizzolatto’s screen writing for True Detective (an HBO drama) was meant to be based on true events or not is pretty irrelevant.  If you want a visual allegory of the scourge that has infected our justice systems, our law enforcement agencies, our religious institutions, our schools, and our society, take the time out and watch True Detective.

For whatever reason, a percentage of the population just isn’t going to sit down and read books, testimonies, or even court transcripts of real events like the Franklin Scandal, Epstein Island, or even the NXIVM case – even though these are real cases that involve real people and corruption all the way to the highest office in the land.

[I don’t condone the nudity and full sex portrayals of the series, (but such is the depravity of HBO after all).  It’s possible to fast forward through most of them and not miss anything important.]

Season One, which has eight episodes, tells the true story fictionalized of satanic worship and sacrifice in the echelons of religion and governmental agencies – though it classifies it as “voo-doo”.  Don’t watch it as a literal interpretation, but as an allegorical one – with starkly literal examples nonetheless.

And don’t make the mistake of thinking it represents Christianity accurately, but do recognize it represents institutionalized religion shamefully accurately.  There are indeed people who lead in institutional religious settings who are involved in such evil actions as the Tuttle and Childress families in the show.  They hide behind their titles in their religious organizations and fool a naïve populace into thinking they are good or somehow upstanding – all the while leading lives of duplicity.  They have police and sheriff and judges and lawyers on their payrolls, and they get away with their heinous deeds, sometimes generation after generation.

Season One introduces us to two extremely flawed homicide detectives, Rust Cohle and Martin (Marty) Hart.  They are investigating a clearly ritualistic homicide of a young woman.  As their investigation unfolds, it leads to drug lords.  These drug lords are instrumental in administering drugs to the women and children they abduct and use for their atrocious rituals.  Rust gets the idea that other missing women and children may be victims of a similar fate, and begins to dig through missing persons files going back a decade or more.

What’s so shocking for those of us who have been reading and researching, ignoring the hyper-focused attempts of the entertainment industry and societal clamoring of distractions, is that this is actually true.  America (and really most of the world) has shocking numbers of missing persons.  Why?  Where are they?  Who is taking them?

Rust keeps a sketch book for a journal, and he sketches the evidence and symbols at the various crime scenes.  One of the symbols is the pedophilia symbol the pedophiles and traffickers use today and is on the FBI site for pedophile symbols.

As Q says, symbolism will be their downfall.  These people have gotten a little too brazen and taken society’s silence as complicity.  Their pride and arrogance in their elite status as untouchable and unapprehend-able has emboldened them to flash their symbols in their merchandising, their music, their photos, their “brands”.  We can recognize it now and we’re not ignorant anymore.

In True Detective, Rust begins to connect dots that are circumstantial at first, and those dots indicate a lot of the missing children are missing within regions of these religious schools headed by the Tuttle ministries.  Quickly a task force headed by none other than appointees from this religious head (Mr. Tuttle himself) is appointed to oversee the investigation.  Why?  Because the fox must oversee the henhouse to keep the other foxes protected.

For those of us who have tumbled down the rabbit hole of satanic and cult worship and sacrifices, we know that this is happening and has been happening, even in our backyards, and yes in our churches.  We know children are abducted for the nefarious purposes of rituals.  The show depicts Saturnalia ceremonies, which is nothing more than satanic orgies with human sacrifices.  This is not fiction.  This and other “ceremonies” occur at appointed times, and sacrifices and other activities are required.  What is apparently not regarded is the pervasiveness of this.  These are not isolated cases.  These scenarios are replicated all over the land in fields and homes and churches.  There are literally thousands of testimonies of survivors of these rituals, but if you don’t look, I guess you don’t see…

When Rust gets too close to the truth confronting the religious head of the region, he is suspended from his job.  People in high positions don’t like their positions challenged.  The Franklin Scandal depicted this reality quite plainly.  Those truly intent on apprehending criminals and bringing justice are frequently the martyrs of justice in these United States of America.

Years pass by and Rust has done a lot of digging and is closing in on putting the picture together.  Marty finds the entire projection unbelievable.  He warns Rust that he sounds crazy and this whole possible scenario of a large group of cult worshippers stealing women and children to torture and sacrifice them in their rituals, a scenario that goes back decades and has been going on for decades, is just too conspiracy theorist crazy.  He implies that maybe Rust has created this scenario in his head and has dwelt on it so long he just believes it.  And Rust answers what every red-pilled truth seeker has had to answer as well.

There’s a time when you lay out the scenario to the status quo.  You may choose a few people close to you at first, and gently introduce the data you’ve been learning.  But eventually, the truth cannot stay bottled up in you.  To paraphrase a prophet, it begins to burn in your bones.  And your findings and conclusions are questioned, even sometimes ridiculed as “crazy” or other terms.

But we all have that moment we have to reckon inside of ourselves if what we’ve been learning is truth or not, if what we’re beginning to see and understand is just all in our heads, some wild imaginations with some circumstantial evidence…    In Season One, Episode 7, at the fifteen minute mark Rust answers this question to Marty like this, “I had my time when I wondered if this was all in my head.  That time passed.

Now we know.  We know there are groups of deranged individuals who are abducting or hiring people to abduct women and children.  We know these people are in the upper echelons of religious organizations and government and law enforcement.  We know because too many people have died to expose it and too many people have survived it to expose it.  We can see it and we know and we echo Rust’s words at 22:15 of the same episode, “I won’t avert my eyes.  Not again.

If you can’t stomach the real life testimonies of victims rescued from these scenarios, maybe watch the fictionalized account of it in True Detective.  It depicts reality.  And what is going on in Louisiana (in the show) is going on across this land.  The scourge of pedophilia, abduction, torture and human sacrifice has been covered up by generations of judges, police, religious leaders and otherwise ordinary citizens for decades.

Rust and Marty closed in on one of the ring leaders and almost lost their lives.  Afterwards, Rust laid on the hospital bed and lamented, “We didn’t get them all.”  This is the lament of all of us who have been watching and waiting for the horrific crimes of political leaders, world leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, etc. to be exposed and brought to justice.

Marty responded, “And we ain’t gonna get them all.  That ain’t what kind of world it is.  But we got ours.

We don’t want to hear this.  We don’t want the evil to prevail.  We want justice for the victims.  We want the crimes exposed and penalized.  So we each, in whatever corner of this world we live in, we must each make effort to “get ours”.  We cannot avert our eyes anymore.  We cannot deafen our ears.  We must not harden our hearts because the wickedness is so wicked.

Season One was made before Q hit the American scene, but it had strange parallels to the fight for justice that Q embodies.  In the last scene, Rust (an unbeliever and atheist), expounded on an experience he had as he thought he was dying, and it alluded back to the stars and the darkness of night.  Marty reminded him that the stars tell stories.  But Rust has had some time to think about things and he has concluded, “There’s just one story.  The oldest.”  Marty asked him, “What’s that?”  And Rust responded, “Light versus the dark.

So I guess there’s even some truth in an HBO drama whose lead characters are an atheist and a Christian hypocrite.  The atheist (Rust) ends by telling the now disillusioned Christian (Marty), “You’re looking at it wrong.”  Marty asked, “How’s that?”  Rust replied, “Once there was only dark.  If you ask me, the light is winning.

The atrocities in True Detective are real atrocities and crimes that happen all over our nation.  There are people in everyday AND high positions who are engaged in horrible crimes and they seem to be getting away with them.  But even in our weakness, our frailty, and with our character liabilities, we can choose to no longer avert our eyes and engage in this battle of light and darkness.

There really are horrors that I hesitate to put into writing, for the very words that describe them are traumatic.  Spirit cooking, adenochrome, organ harvesting, cannibalism, snuff films and too many other things are being practiced by leading members of our government, our religious institutions, our entertainment industry, etc.  They are hidden (sometimes in plain sight), and they are despicable, heinous activities of the dark.  These activities are way more prevalent than you or I can imagine.  The NXIVM sex cult recruited women in deception and then bound them into sex slavery, even branding the women as property.  Hollywood, the music industry, politicians and other notables participated in this.  The second season of True Detective represented even more harsh and real realities and activities of darkness.  Just because it’s presented as theatrical fiction, doesn’t mean it’s not real.  It’s time we open our eyes and expose the darkness.

© 2019 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

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“A National Day of Action”

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.” — Amelia Earhart

“The first step in being unafraid is acting like you’re unafraid, even if you’re terrified.” — Anon

“….even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. ” — 2 Corinthians 11: 14 – 15

We can and must find ways to resist the destruction of Western man, his nations and institutions, and our strategies must involve more than writing essays, manning petition tables, and lobbying unresponsive politicians.  We are no longer involved in the process of  creating the language of our side of the debate; we have spent half a century doing this and educating others, and we are now quickly running out of time in which to save ourselves.  The time to act is upon us, and the question now becomes:  What targets do we specifically push back against, and how specifically do we do the pushing?

For the last half century, the inhabitants of the West have watched as a steady erasing of their societies has occurred before their eyes, with the Third World arriving in inexorable waves, permeating, reinventing, and ultimately obliterating the racial and cultural identities of nations that were once indisputably European and First World in nature.  There was absolutely no moral imperative that this purge occur, but our enemies, seeing human migration as a force of nature, decided to harness it and to weaponize it, and they have succeeded in doing incalculable damage to us as a result.  It is massive Third World immigration that will most likely be the force that ultimately destroys Western man by  scouring him out of existence, and since immigration is the primary and most visible weapon being used to erase our societies, any appropriate response should include it as the first target for any offensive.

To reiterate, mass immigration is the primary symptom of the assault being waged against us, and a response directed at mass immigration — and its attendant facilitating machinery — is thus the most logical offensive response that we should make.

Accepting this premise, let us theorize what active resistance might look like, and, more specifically, what a widespread organized response might look like.  There have been proposals of a National Day of Action, but what specific forms might it take?  What nonviolent forms of civil disobedience would be the most appropriate and the most efficient in targeting mass immigration, without bringing down on our heads the full power of the federal government or local law enforcement authorities?

It should be noted here that in the past, most efforts attempting to achieve political solutions to curb the on-going invasion have been delegitimized and marginalized.  And on the individual level, individuals objecting to mass immigration have simply been widely dismissed as being guilty of racism or intellectualized racism.  The mere use of the word “displacement,” to describe exactly what is being done to us, has traditionally drawn sneers and spittle from the parties orchestrating or facilitating our purge.  Further, in the past, many proposed and then actualized tactics have had minimal impact on the immigration debate;  for example, in the U.S., an Hispanic boycott of their own employment sites was noteworthy in its failure to gather participants.  Of course, the boycott was intended to protest what was perceived as anti-Hispanic immigration legislation, but few Hispanics remained home on the day of the boycott, few refrained from economic activity, and the overall economic impact of the boycott was so negligible as to guarantee that no subsequent similar efforts have occurred.  Further, an effort in March of 2014 by activist Kyle Hunt to organize an “anti-Diversity” nationwide “White Man March,” a day involving scattered demonstrations and pushback activities, apparently resulted only in a few banners being draped on overpasses and park benches in different cities.

Resistance taking the form of a boycott effort, or a “nationwide” demonstration, or something similar, would therefore have a very high potential for failure, primarily because it would be planned for a mass scale that cannot be realized.  Any action should thus seek to achieve maximum impact with a limited number of participants, or, to utilize a strategy of Nelson Mandela (non-hero that he was to us), we must attempt the greatest level of impact with a predictably limited number of willing activists, with the hope that mass actions will later materialize.

Perhaps a more simple analysis would begin merely by asking when a day of dissent should occur.  The 1965 immigration legislation that gutted our restrictive quota system was signed on October 3, 1965.  Ironically, the legislation passed through Congress with extensive promises that it would not alter the American demographic, political, or cultural landscapes.  The legislation was signed into law outdoors, before an entirely white audience, on Liberty Island, with Ellis Island and the crisp silhouette of Manhattan in the background.  As he signed the bill, President Johnson made the biggest understatement in human history, reassuring the audience by announcing, “The bill that we sign today is not a revolutionary bill.”  October 3 would thus be an appropriate date for a National Day of Action, or, perhaps July 5th, the day after the July 4th Independence Day Holiday, when many thousands of overwhelmingly Third World immigrants  are routinely sworn in as “New Americans.” (Our quota system was gutted as being discriminatory, yet few Europeans now arrive as immigrants on our shores.  So much for the Left’s definition of “non-discriminatory.”)

But what specifically might we do, as acts of defiance?  In the past it has sometimes been proposed that activists impede the functions of the government’s immigration bureaucracies processing our new colonists.  This might be as simple as gathering in small numbers on specific dates, like those mentioned, and blocking the entrances or otherwise impeding the activities of these government offices.  The offices in question would be those facilitating our country’s absorption of colonists;  the effort would not target offices involved in deportations. With a few dozen participants in a dozen U.S. cities, the impact even of such a limited offensive would be explosive.  Media coverage would be extensive, and participants in such sit-downs might exploit this by carrying placards with messages (a few possible examples come to mind:  “Stop Erasing America,” or “The American Nation-state Never Agreed to be Purged” or “In These Offices, They Faciliate America’s Extinction”).   As an alternative,  the demonstrations could be conducted silently, accompanied by someone handing out well-worded fliers, or accompanied by an articulate spokesperson who would speak to the press.  Ideally, identical activities would occur at each immigration/colonization office targeted.

The response of the Media, of course, would be shrill and vicious.  Government shills and religious and civic figures and Hollywood luminaries could be expected to be venomous in their denunciations.  Even passersby — like Pavlovian dogs — could be expected to snarl and shower abuse on the participants.

We would need to be prepared to be temporary martyrs for the cause of political incorrectness, ennobled by each epithet hurled at us.  The thunderous outrage and condemnation might nonetheless focus the national eye on the colonization process, galvanizing further debate and resistance.  Not to mention, that for a few hours or for a day the machinery of our destruction would be stilled.

The following year, on the same date, the exercise would repeat.  And then the year after that, and onward.  If the action successfully gathered momentum and numbers, additional demonstration days could be selected.  With any luck, the number of protestors participating in the demonstrations might grow, the resistance to the machinery of mass immigration would spread, and the functionings of the immigration bureaucracy would be substantively impeded to a point where they began to falter, requiring an overhaul culminating in more restrictionist immigration policies.  The alternative is that the bureaucracy will ultimately collapse anyway, under the sheer press of the numbers of people arriving; the difference would be that the faltering of the system would result in it becoming more restrictive rather than more easily exploited by our invaders, and the latter scenario of exploitation has been the one that has been the most commonplace in the past.

Protestors can expect to be cleared from the demonstration sites by law enforcement.  Offenders would be warned away, ticketed, fined, etc.  If a pattern of repeat demonstrations could be sustained, tickets might turn into a night in jail, and, with repeat offenses, even multiple nights in jail.  If the number of demonstrations indeed increased, even more draconian measures might be applied, despite the nonviolent nature of the activity; the demonstrators would be a manifestation of an enraging political nonconformity, like a red flag being waved before a bull.  Nonetheless, at the end of the day, and though the Heavens might appear to fall, it would still be worth the price, to preserve what is left of America.

Assuming that this movement could be expanded, in theory it could branch out to other manifestations of America’s ongoing destruction.  An agitating, albeit orderly, no-business-as-usual refusal to quietly submit to the death of our nation-state and culture.

In all of these actions, the rules of engagement would be the same rules that have been used in any life or death struggle.  The more pragmatic rules of conflict would apply; our straits are too dire for them not to be followed.  Anyone who assists us will be considered our ally.  Anyone who attacks our enemies will be our ally.  The stupid, the brainwashed, and the docile will not be designated as our enemies, even if they wander into our path and temporarily block our advancement.  We are fighting for them also.  These, and all other basic rules of conflict and engagement, will apply.

We are at a crossroads.  We will either shit or remain palavering and theorizing on the pot, until the approaching day when we end up residing inside the pot.  Nietzshe once wrote, “A brave army is a convincing argument for the cause for which it fights.”  Yet, how brave have we been, in our deafening inaction?  We are two decades from slipping into minority status in a land overwhelmingly founded and built by our ancestors.  We will not do so and then see our situation stabilize; any intelligent mind can perceive that our community will simply continue to dwindle in numbers and influence until we are irrelevant, dispossessed, and despised, floating in the midst of the wreckage created for us, clinging to the tattered remnants of a constitution and a rule of law that no longer protect us.  Only two options thus remain before us:   find some concretely meaningful way in which to bravely resist, or embrace a soon-approaching extinction.

We dissidents have been, to a significant extent, de-platformed, silenced, or marginalized in the arena of public debate, a place where all silence, enforced or otherwise, is interpreted as both compliance and consent.  This forces us into an uncomfortable means of redress, one demanding some form of active resistance.  In the past, violent men have said we have a moral right to resist what we are witnessing, a moral right undergirded by a duty to preserve and safeguard the world created by our ancestors, coupled with a duty to pass that legacy forward to our children.  However repugnant we may have found the actions of some of those men — and as much as we may attempt to embrace nonviolent tactics — the organic logic of those particular beliefs remains irrefutable.

We can draw strength from the words of Thomas Jefferson, who said:  “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”  It is not justice when our government abdicates its primary responsibility to defend and perpetuate the people and culture that placed it in power, and instead codifies into law the forces that will annihilate us.  It is primarily because this injustice has become law, and because venues for peaceful dissent are being closed off to us, that we must now begin the work of a more active resistance.  To achieve an active resistance,  we must take the struggle out of the blogs and into our institutions and streets, to actively confront and impede the machinery of our destruction.

Again, we must do so knowing that this conflict in which we must engage, this purposefully concealed and obfuscated conflict, is ultimately a struggle for our very survival, because it is a struggle for the survival of our nation-state and culture.  Whatever lies are told to us, we must cling to this truth.  Because of its existential nature, this is the most important struggle of our century, of our lifetimes, and there is no more important one in which we can engage ourselves.  There can be no more honorable struggle than the fight for the survival of one’s own people, and the very laws of nature itself demand such a struggle.  It is only a perversion of nature that defines “being on the right side of history” as being a capitulation to extinction.  Let us resoundingly reject such madness, and let us reject it by moving one another to action.

While there is yet time, let us begin.

© 2019 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

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A Case for Adultery

So the Democrat controlled House passes their so called Equality Act last week. As usual the name of the piece of legislation rarely if ever has anything to do with what it’s actually forcing on the citizenry or taking away from us. They always have to hide what they’re trying to accomplish. You could also call it the Anti-Religious Freedom Act couldn’t you? But that would be too obvious.

Nancy Pelosi, says, “It (the bill) will bring the nation closer to equal liberty and justice for all.”  Sexual orientation and gender identity “deserve full civil rights protections – in the workplace and in every place, education, housing, credit, jury service, public accommodations,”.  Notice these terms, Sexual orientation and gender identity.  The left despises the use of homosexuality.  They’re always trying to disguise it.  But don’t these people already have the same rights as anyone else?  Where don’t they have equal liberty?  Can they not buy homes and cars; get credit (you can do that on line)!  You can see them in the work place.  In fact just last week my wife and I stayed at a nice hotel where we were greeted at the reservation desk by what we assumed was a transvestite, a transgender or some combination thereof.  He was heavy set, about 6’2” wearing woman’s clothing with very white make up on his face such as a Japanese geisha. He also wore lipstick and a cheap orange wig, slightly askew.  It was stunning to say the least!  Now I agree that this poor, confused young man is at liberty to present himself that way and the hotel has every right to hire him for that position.  Whether or not it is a sound business decision I’ll leave up to you.  By the way we won’t be going back.  But there you have it “equal liberty and justice for all”.

Now it is only the House that passed this crazy bill, mostly along party lines.  It would still have to pass the Senate, controlled by the Republicrats and President Trump would have to sign it.  Word on the street is that ain’t going to happen.  You see there’s this other Bill or rather Amendment in our Bill of Rights and the very first one says that we as citizens have, Freedom of Religion, Speech and the Press.  It states specifically:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  This covers a lot of ground and in this case I have underlined the area that protects me and you from the Government forcing us to accept something that goes against our religious convictions.  You see I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and you can call me old fashioned but I was about 6 or 7 years old when I learned that homosexuality was wrong and considered a grave sin.  My parents taught me that and yours probably did too. They taught me and my 9 siblings’ basic moral behaviors and homosexuality was not on the list.  They also taught us the ability to make or perceive distinctions; perceptions or discernment based on what we know to be true.  We have to make discriminatory decisions everyday of our lives.  Do I do this or do I do that?  Do I buy this from her or do I buy that from him?  Do I buy a Ford or a Chrysler?   If I’m making these decisions based on prejudices, bigotry or hatred then we can call it discrimination.

Look, we are not stupid out here in real world land.  We know the difference between discernment and discrimination and we will not allow them to unconstitutionally ram something down our throats that goes against the protected religious beliefs we were raised with and know to be true.  I can open my Holy Bible which I believe is the word of God and right there in Leviticus Chapter 18…..hold on a minute.  What is Leviticus?  Well Leviticus is the 3rd book in the Pentateuch which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament handed down by Moses.  The Jews call it the “Torah” which means “teaching”.  I say again “teaching”.

So let’s get back to Leviticus, book number 3 of the Torah.  In Chapter 18 it refers to the “Laws of Sexual Morality” and gets very specific.  It spells out the many different forms of incest.  You know, stuff like how it’s wrong to have sex with our mom, our sisters and brothers and other relatives……..this is considered wickedness in the eyes of God.  Let me look that up. Wicked: 1. morally bad or wrong; acting or done with evil intent; depraved; I think we get the picture.

I will now take you to verses 20 through 23 of Leviticus 18.  Here they are.

20 Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her. 21 And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the Lord. 22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. 23 Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it. It is perversion.

So let me break that down.  We start off with vs. 20 sleeping with your neighbor’s wife which we sometimes call Adultery.  Then in vs. 21 we go to burning your children to death for Molech (and I thought we were screwed up).  This brings us to vs. 22 lying with a male as with a woman more commonly known a Homosexuality and lastly, vs. 23 mating with animals known as Bestiality.

What was it that God said to Moses regarding Homosexuality?  He said it is an abomination. That sounds bad.  Let me look that up.  Abomination or Abominate:  1. to feel hatred and disgust for; loath.  It appears God really doesn’t like this behavior.

So there you have it my friends.  This is what our Democrat Congress considers worthy of protection and promotion.  This is what they consider to be courageous and heroic behavior.  This is what Nancy Pelosi considers her top priority.  Do you think this will help them in the 2020 election?

Since adultery is in the same category as homosexuality, according to Leviticus, why is it not given the same civil protections that Congress wants to give homosexuals and trans-whatevers?  Why is it not part of the Equality Act?  Let’s examine this for a moment and I’ll use a man as an example.  Let’s say you’re interested in hiring someone to run your marketing department.  After reviewing several resumes you bring in a qualified candidate for an interview (we’ll call him Larry).  Larry handles himself very well.  He has a wife and kids.  He meets all the criteria you’re looking for.  Things look promising for Larry and you.  After Larry leaves, your secretary (Admin. Assistant) takes you aside and informs you Larry had an extra marital affair with her next door neighbor and caused the neighbors marriage to break up and it is not the first time this has happened.  Do you think Larry’s adultery and running around on his wife should be taken into consideration?  Is Larry the right guy to manage your company?  I mean you have many employees that you are responsible for.  What about their well being and futures?  Would this candidate’s adulterous behavior play a role in your decision?  Are his rights being violated if you don’t choose him for the position?  Do you consider Adultery a sin?  Are you practicing discrimination?  Do you see where this is going?  Can you see any other possible scenarios where a transgender or trans-sexual person would not be a right fit in such a position?  Just thought I’d ask.

Speaking of Adultery, there’s another Bible passage I’d like to examine with you.  It is found in the Gospel of John Chapter 8 verses 1 through 11.  I’m sure many of you are familiar with it.

8 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”

11 She said, “No one, Lord.”

And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

Do you think Jesus would have said anything different had the Pharisees brought a Homosexual before Him?  No. He would have said the same “go and sin no more.”

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Serial Stalker Who Made Previous Violent Threats Against Women Threatens To ‘Kill More Girls’

(True Conservative Pundit) What is wrong with our justice system today?  A man with a serious history of stalking and violent threats against women makes a Facebook post in which he threatens to, “kill as many girls as I see,” and probation is again the recommended course of action.

This is not the first time Christopher Cleary has made serious threats against a woman, nor is it the first time he has been given a sentence of probation.  Apparently what needs to happen here is that Cleary needs to actually commit a murder before someone has enough sense to take him seriously?

Cleary, according to the Independent was on probation for three separate cases – for stalking and harassment when he was arrested by police in Utah.  Cleary also has at least 8 alleged incidents of stalking against him since 2012.

According to Fox10, stalking is not all Christopher Cleary has been up to:

Police in Colorado also investigated complaints that Cleary threatened to bomb a grocery store in 2013 after an employee refused to cash his check, threatened to slit the throat of a Denver city employee after his car was towed, and threatened a mass shooting at a mental health facility during a phone call in 2016.

Cleary threatened a 17-year-old girl with killing her, stalked other women and made threats against them, threatened to blow up a grocery store, threatened to slit a city worker’s throat, and also threatened a mass shooting at a mental health facility.

Why is this man walking around in society as a free man?  Do these people have to move to the next step – which is usually to commit a murder before anything is done?  Cleary is obviously mentally disturbed and in need of help.

If the previous list of threats etc. were not enough to convince authorities that they are dealing with a serious threat in the person of Christopher Cleary, (they must not have read the same material I did) then his Facebook post ought to put to rest all doubts about what should be done with this man.  The following is a rather chilling excerpt from said post:

All I wanted was to be loved,” Cleary wrote in his post, “yet no one cares about me I’m 27 years old and I’ve never had a girlfriend before and I’m still a virgin, this is why I’m planning on shooting up a public place soon and being the next mass shooter cause I’m ready to die and all the girls the [sic] turned me down is [sic] going to make it right by killing as many girls as I see.” (source)

Exactly like the Parkland school shooting in which Nikolas Cruz made threats about shooting up a school, before he actually did it.

Sweeping everything under the rug is not how to deal with those who stalk others, repeatedly make violent threats, and publically post about mass shootings on Facebook etc.  When are those in charge going to learn to take these people seriously instead of all but acting like it’s only words, so hey, no big deal.

Judges who hand out probation like it’s candy, or simply pass on dealing with these cases are not helping matters either.  These people need help, one way or another, they do not need to be set free to threaten others until they psych themselves up enough to commit a murder.

These actions, as in refusing to deal with what needs to be done, by the way – are symptomatic of the Democrats.  If the Democrats have their way, this kind of thing will only increase, and the prison population will be on the streets right along with all the murdering illegals.

Welcome to the new America – home of the illegals, criminals, jihadists, and killers.

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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Congressman Elijah ‘Crooked’ Cummings And Spouse Being Investigated By The IRS: Watchdog

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

According to Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, who uncovered the violations, “Rep. [Elijah] Cummings is demanding President Trump’s tax returns and financial records. It looks like he has some tax problems of his own.”

Cummings was once heavily in debt — in part due to hefty child support payments to his first wife and two other women he had children with.

While Congressman Elijah Cummings reserves his vitriol for all things Trump and he insists that the President should be impeached and removed from office, it appears Rep. Cummings has his own dirty secrets he’s careful to keep hidden.

A government watchdog group on Tuesday filed an official complaint with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) against the Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS), a 501(c)(3) organization..Such complaints are routinely brought to the IRS for investigation. However what is unique about this specific complaint filing is that it accuses both U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, and his current wife, Maya Rockeymoore Cummings.

CGPS is headed by Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, wife to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD). In fact, a Conservative Base examination of the organization’s web site reveals that it is staffed by one employee, Mrs. Cummings.

Mrs. Cummings is currently Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and is a former candidate for Governor. Rep. Cummings is Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform which gives him considerable power to probe Republicans with whom he disagrees or with whom he has tremendous dislike — like President Donald Trump.

“I think he’s be aware of the complaint and the fact that certain Americans wish to see answers to the allegations that [Rep.] Cummings is just another fat cat politician making millions of dollars,” said former police detective and GOP campaign aide, Charles B. Thompson. “Cummings was once heavily in debt — in part due to hefty child support payments to his first wife and two other women he had children with.”

“Cummings is one of those so-called race-baiters who allow his own constituents to suffer years and years of poverty, violence and Chicago-style corruption,” Thompson, himself an African American.

The IRS complaint alleges numerous Internal Revenue Code violations, including prohibited financial benefits of the two Cummings.

CGPS has received millions in grants from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and, in late 2017, was granted a million-dollar contract from the government agency, General Services Administration. The funds were purportedly provided to fight childhood obesity. The written complaint asks the IRS — with tongue-in-cheek — to investigate whether “its organizers are getting fat off the grants.”

While heading CGPS — which appears to be nothing more that a one woman Internet operation — Mrs. Cummings heads a for-profit consulting firm called Global Policy Solutions, LLC, whose operations appear to have been indistinguishable from those of CGPS. Once again, Mrs. Cummings is the only employee listed on the CGPS web site.

The two supposedly separate groups — the non-profit and the for-profit — have shared office space, telephones, etc., all of which are flagrant violations of the Internal Revenue Code.

Another of the cited violations is a failure to provide or disclose a copy of IRS Form 990 when requested. According to Tom Anderson, director of NLPC’s Government Integrity Project, who uncovered the violations, “Rep. Cummings is demanding President Trump’s tax returns and financial records. It looks like he has some tax problems of his own.”

“To tell you the truth, many of my [law enforcement] colleagues believe Cummings is keeping the Trump-Russia Collusion nonsense on everyone’s mind so the elite media will have an excuse to avoid this latest Democratic politician’s hanky-panky.

Cummings has been struggling with serious financial problems after joining Congress over 20 years ago. His house was placed in foreclosure, at one point; he owed $30,000 in unpaid taxes to the IRS; and he was taken to court multiple times for thousands in unpaid debts. Cummings said his financial difficulties were due to his hefty child support payments.

Cummings and IRS Scandal

In April 2015, then-House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) released a report implicating Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings in colluding with the IRS, Lois Lerner against nonpartisan American voters rights group “True the Vote.”

Newly delivered internal IRS e-mails sent and received by former IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner and other IRS employees show that House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Minority staff, working for Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, began contacting the IRS in August 2012 about targeted non-profit applicant True the Vote.

The IRS produced this e-mail on April 2, 2014 – only days after Oversight Committee Members had taken new IRS Commissioner John Koskinen to task for withholding relevant e-mails. See video below.

Tom Fitton VIDEO: Obama CIA Chief John Brennan was ‘Key Ringleader of Cabal’ against Trump

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Why Is Islam Growing In The US?

The Muslim population is growing, and in the next two decades Muslims could become the second-largest religious group in the United States, according to a Pew Research study.

Well, there are a variety of reasons. For the most part, many Americans do not understand why after the 9/11 attacks, when close to 3,000 Americans died, the percentage of Muslims and their house of prayer, better known as mosques, rapidly increased. There is no question that our own government is the culprit. Ninety-nine percent Muslim, 43,000 Somali refugees were settled in the US under Obama.

Bush told Muslims they belong in America. “America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.”

The American people are confused and frustrated. They don’t understand why more Muslims migrate to the United States and why Muslims refuse to assimilate. Why they are creating their own enclaves as they have done in Europe? Here, as in Europe, they have captured town after town, while our own elected officials look the other way in the name of political correctness and the fear of the racist label personally attached to them.

A new appraisal shows the radically changing face of religion in America, “with the number of Muslims in the U.S. soaring 67% in the decade since the 9/11 attacks. Data released from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million in 2000.” According to Pew Research, just two countries – Syria (12,486) and Somalia (9,012) – were the source of more than half of fiscal 2016’s Muslim refugees. The rest are from Iraq (7,853), Burma (Myanmar) (3,145), Afghanistan (2,664) and other countries (3,741).

Knowing what we already know about the Islamic ideology and that Muslims are infected with it, why would we even allow one Muslim to move to America? That is criminal. The nature of Islam is based on violence. It not only condones jihad; it recommends it and promises great reward for the jihadist. It is obvious that our elected officials don’t work for us. They work for the highest Muslim bidder.

So, it is understandable when they bend over backwards to accommodate and appease Muslim demands such as Halal foods in public restaurants, in public universities, in prisons and elsewhere. Muslim demands are in accordance with Sharia Law. i.e., Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis refused to let their passengers carry alcohol or pets in their cabs, and claim it is against the Islamic Sharia [laws] and so on. This now occurs more frequently in the United States.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is our external enemy. Saudi Arabia is our enduring internal enemy, already within our borders and permitted to poison American Muslims with its Wahhabi cult.”

The U.S.-Saudi Arabia relationship goes back decades when both nations mutually benefited from their strong commercial ties. Many Americans are unhappy with this relationship. As history reveals, the Saudis were involved in the 1973 US oil embargo and 9/11 attacks, in which fifteen of the nineteen passenger jet hijackers were Saudi citizens. Meanwhile, our Presidents, one after another keep going back to this Arab state to receive a Gold Medal. Why American Presidents even accept a Gold Medal from the greatest Islamic terrorist country on the planet is something of a mystery.

On top of all that, Saudi citizens are permitted access within the US (so much for the Muslim ban) while they continue to build their mosques and send their radical Imams to guide their followers and preach the Quran, the book of hate. We know these mosques are a breeding ground for radicalization, yet we do nothing to stop it. We just hope they become Americanized. They have no intention of becoming that.

There is not a single church or synagogue in the cradle of Islam, Saudi Arabia, while thousands of mosques dot the tolerant and welcoming non-Muslim lands. Islamic countries that allow for Jewish and Christian places of worship subject these “People of the Book” to numerous subtle and not-so-subtle forms of persecution.

With each passing day, Islamic ideology is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches or synagogues in a non-Christian land? As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade about churches and mosques?

For now, Saudi Arabia has been given carte blanche in the United States. This scenario has been in motion for the past 40 or so years non-stop. If you were wondering why Islam is growing in the United States and we cannot do anything to stop it, now you know. In addition, the Saudis contribute untold amounts of money to many American universities. They also send radical Wahhabi professors to systematically brainwash American youth. All under the eyes of our elected officials.

In short: America has been heavily infiltrated by radical Muslims and is under Saudi Arabia’s spell. Islam is growing and no one can stop it because our elected officials seem to be in bed with the Saudis and perhaps other Arab Persian Gulf countries as well. If this policy continues, America will eventually lose its sovereignty to a large population of barbarians.

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The Government Handbook

When we first learn how to drive an automobile, there are both written and hands on instruction.  There are irrefutable principles that must be applied in order to make it to your destination.  For instance, keeping your hands on the steering wheel and making sure to drive in your lane is not negotiable.  Only idiots or those completely misinformed would drive in such a manner as to foolishly bring about harm to themselves or others.  For the most part people are properly taught how to motor about. But even with proper teaching, mistakes are sometimes made.  Sometimes the results are tragic.

When it comes to our republic, the Founding Fathers left us a beautiful instruction manual.  It is called the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.  It was inspired by the sound irrefutable principles enumerated in the Holy Bible as well some other influences including Blacks Law and Aristotle’s Law of Identity.  The Founders did not want the government to be the center of their lives as a dictatorship or overtaxing burden.  Not since during the time of Moses and the children of Israel did leaders encourage individuals to be self governed, as opposed to being lorded over by a bully government.  Of course, they understood that for such an arrangement to be successful, the people had to be of high moral character.

No liberty oriented government can be sustained if they refuse to properly instruct their offspring about that form of government they hope to sustain it.  Our Constitutionally limited form of government has been in danger of sliding into oblivion since 1913.  That is when world leaders convened a meeting  on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia.  At that gathering, the decision was made to methodically chip away at the “We the People” aspects of American life and replace it with centralized government, mob rule and over taxation.  But most important on their list to wipe from our republic was the Judeo/Christian ethics that were the bedrock and inspiring foundations of this land of liberty.

They knew that quickly stripping away our constitutional restraints upon government would not be tolerated.  Americans for the most part believed in the one and true living GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Their families were intact with parents in firm control of the scholastic instruction of their children and there were no impediments to the free utilization of the Second Amendment.  The globalists of Jeckyll Island cringed at the thought of you and I being free from government tyranny in a land of Liberty and Justice for all.

If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ and want to maintain and strengthen our Christian heritage learn and support the First and Second Amendments of the United States Constitution.  They are as follows in the government handbook known as the Amendments to the Constitution.

Amendment 1.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press: or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 11.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

My friend, if you don’t know your rights, you don’t have any.  For too long, far too many of my fellow Christians have been as proud as peacocks in their sustained no caring attitude for our Republic.  Many Christians do not care about America beyond abortion, pornography and maybe bad movies. Those topics are extremely important, especially the murder of innocent babies. But if we allow our freedoms and liberties to be whittled away, the ability to stop abortion and curtail other evils will be greatly inhibited.  Remember, with freedom comes responsibility. In fact, together both freedom and responsibility equal Liberty.  Let us together properly use our Liberty to build a better America that fulfils her manifest destiny of greatness.  God bless you. God bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed via The Ron Edwards Experience talk show every Friday at 1:00 PM EDT, 4:00 PM EDT on

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New Investigators Examine The Origins Of The Mueller Investigation

There must be “consequences” for those claiming Russian collusion if Mueller report shows none.  —Tucker Carlson

Democrats continue to show day in and day out, they’re nothing but sore losers. At some point, they have to realize that they have been beat by President Trump in the 2016 election. They’re getting beat … on issues that actually matter, and I think they’re a sad excuse for a political party right now. At some point, they have to decide if they want to govern.  —Sarah Sanders

This is not a game! This is the president of the United States. This nation deserves full-time leadership and no further effort to subvert, to overthrow the presidency of Donald J. Trump.  —Lou Dobbs

When during their exhaustive 22-month investigation did Mueller and his team of Hillary supporting Democratic prosecutors realize they had no case?  Probably no later than at the end of 2017, but I’d guess from the beginning.  By the time Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, the FBI had been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year to corroborate the bogus Steele dossier’s allegations.

Democrats and their complicit media are far worse than sore losers. They have done everything in their power to destroy President Trump from the day he declared his candidacy. They hate him, they hate his supporters and they hate anyone who righteously campaigned for him.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

It is clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil U.S. citizen Carter Page.  Signing on behalf of the DOJ were Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and then current DAG Rod Rosenstein who each signed one or more FISA applications.

Rod Rosenstein approved the application to extend surveillance of former Trump campaign associate Carter Page. The NYTs claimed the FBI and DOJ’s application was based partially on research by investigator Christopher Steele, who compiled the spurious dossier.

When Rosenstein testified in a House hearing about FBI and DOJ abuses, he was asked by former judge Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) about the FISA warrant he signed and Rosenstein looked to FBI Director Wray for the answer – a move that disturbed Gohmert.  Rosenstein said he signed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) documents to spy on Carter Page and told Congressman Gohmert that he didn’t need to read every document he signed, that he merely needed to understand what’s in it.

Now that Rosenstein has stepped down, he is doing everything he can to cover his backside. But he was the one who gave an open letter of appointment to Robert Mueller to conduct an investigation confirmed by then FBI Director James Comey before the House Permanent Select Committee on March 20, 2017.  And it was Rosenstein who wrote the letter to President Trump stating Comey needed to be fired.

That started this entire nightmare-from-hell for not only the President, but his administration, supporters and the entire country.  The people who ran the DOJ were vicious dogs, and yes, our bloated government uses “national security” to cover up their crimes.

There is far too much on Rod Rosenstein that doesn’t make sense.  He is far too chummy with Mueller, Comey and Wray to really want true justice.  And few believe he didn’t want to wear a wire and record our President.

The Sordid Mueller Investigation

The Mueller investigation is finally over and $35 million American tax dollars have been spent on researching and investigating the cooked up lies of Hillary Clinton and the DNC “paid for” Steele dossier which led to this fictitious probe.  And all those tax dollars were paid to attorneys who hate Donald Trump.  Andrew Weissmann was the man given authority to hire the rest of the investigators for Robert Mueller, and Weissmann should have been disbarred long ago after the Enron case where he bent or broke rules to get false guilty pleas.

The resulting investigation prosecuted Americans for everything except the “collusion” it was supposed to uncover, many of whom will suffer lasting affects.

Weissmann was Mueller’s legal Pit Bull and the two of them worked hand in glove using the same rotten modus operandi they’ve effectively employed for over thirty years.  Those in their crosshairs even plead guilty to charges that weren’t crimes.  They also plead guilty to save family members, and they pleaded guilty when they’d previously been investigated by the government and found innocent. They pleaded guilty when those on the left did far worse and were never charged…i.e., Podesta’s and Biden’s.  Financial destruction was imminent for all targeted by Mueller.

Sidney Powell wrote the tell-all book, Licensed to Lie, and it exposed the corruption of justice especially in the Enron case.  Powell served in the Department of Justice for ten years in Texas and Virginia and has devoted her private practice to federal appeals for the past twenty years.  “All of the cases Weissmann pushed to trial were reversed in whole or in part due to some form of his overreaching and abuses,” Sidney Powell told The Washington Times. “The most polite thing the Houston bar said about Weissmann was that he was a madman.”  In early 2018, Sara Carter reported that Weissmann and Mueller were connected to two of the largest scandals in FBI history, and they got away with it.

Bill Barr’s Investigators

What are the odds that the Durham investigation will bring the corrupt players to justice?  Certainly, there is hope with the new Attorney General William Barr.  However, knowing government machinations, I am not holding my breath.  Yet…justice is so longed for, and John Durham looks to be the man who could give it to us!

John Durham, the prosecutor appointed by AG Barr to investigate how Trump-Russia allegations emerged and spread within federal law enforcement, has already been looking into whether the FBI’s former top lawyer, James Baker, illegally leaked to reporters.

The U.S. attorney from Connecticut appears to have begun that work more than seven months ago, to judge from an underreported transcript of an October congressional interview with Baker.  Could it be that Acting U.S. AG, Matthew Whitaker, who succeeded Jeff Sessions and held the post from early November 2018 to February 14, 2019, tapped John Durham?

Mr. Durham has a long history of serving as a special prosecutor investigating potential wrongdoing among law enforcement and national security officials. He was appointed to the federal bench in 2017 by President Trump. Attorney Durham has even investigated the use or misuse of FBI informants.

In fact, one of his best-known investigations was of the FBI’s handling of the mass murderer and Boston mobster Whitey Bulger.   It was Robert Mueller, Mr. Integrity, who kept four innocent people in prison for decades in order to keep Whitey Bulger from being exposed as an FBI informant. Four people who were innocent were kept in jail for years in order to protect the status of murdering Whitey Bulger as an FBI informant.

In 1999, AG Janet Reno appointed Durham to investigate if FBI informants Bulger and his buddy, Stephen Flemmi had corrupted their FBI handlers.  In December 2000, Durham revealed secret FBI documents that convinced a judge to vacate the 1968 murder convictions of the four other FBI informants because they’d been framed by Robert Mueller’s FBI.  Two of those four men died in prison.  Mueller kept four innocent people in jail for years to protect the informant status of Whitey Bulger, a mass-murdering Boston mobster who ended up dying in California, and it ended up costing American taxpayers $100 million plus in civil judgments.  For the full story, purchase John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order.

Former federal prosecutor, Nora Dannehy agreed to join Durham two months ago.  Dannehy prosecuted complex political corruption, including cases resulting in the convictions of former Connecticut Gov. John G. Rowland and former state Treasurer Paul Silvester. In 2008, she was assigned to Washington to investigate whether prosecutors in the President George W. Bush justice department had been fired for political reasons.

William Barr has enlisted the help of the CIA to investigate whether the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign was motivated by partisan bias.

CIA director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, and FBI director Chris Wray are all participating in the investigation, which Barr first announced publicly during a congressional hearing last month.

Is this a danger sign or an indication that someone highly knowledgeable is on the case?  Christopher Wray is part of the Deep State; he’s covered for many of the corrupt in the FBI and made derogatory remarks regarding our President.  He should never be involved.  As for Gina Haspell, we don’t know where she stands.

John Huber

For eighteen months we’ve not heard a peep out of John Huber, he’s MIA and as a U.S. attorney who oversees federal prosecutions in the District of Utah, we should have heard something.  Even Jim Jordan has commented that Huber is like “Where’s Waldo?”  Where’s Huber?

There has been nary a public peep from U.S. Attorney John Huber, the man Jeff Sessions assigned to get to the bottom of things.  Likely witnesses say Mr. Huber has never contacted them, and members of Congress say they are still in the dark despite regular pleas to see progress.

Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department prosecutor and now a private lawyer, with her husband, Joe diGenova, said of the Huber investigation, “It is a head fake, a farce.  It was an attempt by Sessions to get Republicans off his back. I’m embarrassed for them because they fell for it, and I hope something happens now.”  Link

Allegedly Huber is working collaboratively in the internal investigation with Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, but we have no idea when that report will be made public.


Barr told a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing, “I am going to be reviewing both the genesis and the conduct of intelligence activities directed at the Trump campaign during 2016. I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal, I think spying did occur, yes.”  The mainstream media hates that he used the word “spying,” but Barr has openly said it’s a perfect word to use.

And now, Barack Obama’s corrupt officials, including former Attorney General Eric Holder are all lashing out at AG Bill Barr because he has launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.

They’re even harping at each other because of their fear of what John Durham’s investigation might lead to… perhaps grand jury indictments for many of them.

We can only hope!

P.S. NewsWithViews needs your help. Tirelessly, our CEO works to bring up-to-date news to our readers.  We’ve lost both advertising and twitter because of censorship by the enemies of freedom. It’s up to those who love freedom and the truth to help us survive. Tell your friends to sign up for daily emails, and please consider monthly donations to keep us alive. The writers at NWVs are not paid, we do this to save our beloved country for our children, grandchildren and descendants.  Please help.  Donations can be sent here. If possible please use PayPal.

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It’s War, All Right

David Horowitz’s new book, “Dark Agenda,” has an apt subtitle: “The War to Destroy Christian America.”

It’s a war, all right—the jihad of a false religion that seeks to dominate the Western world, which it can’t do unless it wipes out Christianity. We are not talking about Islam. This false religion is leftism.

Why call it a religion, when so many of its adherents are atheists?

Because, like all religions, Far Left Crazy is founded on a non-negotiable faith. Christians believe in God, and believe that salvation comes from God, through belief in Jesus Christ, our Savior. But leftists, in total contrast, believe that salvation comes from within, through the workings of the state, science, schools… and small groups of enlightened leaders wielding political coercion like a scythe. If you’re in their way, they’ll cut you down.

I’ve been holding off writing about the so-called Equality Act, which House Democrats passed last Friday while honest people were coming home from work, because I viewed it as a stunt, a manipulative piece of absurd pseudo-legislation whose sole intent is to stir up the party’s Far Left Crazy base in time for next year’s presidential election: red meat for the fanatics, giving them something to fight for. And conservatives hopped a ride on it, because it’s great fund-raising for them, giving their base something to fight against.

I still believe it’s a fund-raising, rabble-rousing stunt. It has virtually no chance of being passed by a Republican-controlled Senate—fail us this time, GOP, and we will gut you in the primaries—and President Trump has already said he’ll never sign it.

By “Equality” the Left means homosexual supremacy, a weapon for crushing all opposition to, all criticism of, any innovative “lifestyle” promoted by the Democrats—even religious opposition founded on the First Amendment. You can’t have the Equality Act and freedom of religion, freedom of speech; one or the other will have to be torn down. Guess which one the Democrats would like to erase.

Democrats have torn off the mask of moderation. Either they’re lemmings rushing full-tilt toward the cliff, or they really think America is up for this. I can’t decide which.

But imagine an America in which all the things the Democrats say they want, they get. Then try to get to sleep at night.

It would be an America in which a tax rate of 70 percent and up would shatter the economy. An America of unlimited abortion, even of babies born alive. An America of “open borders,” with millions of illegal aliens swarming in unchecked, importing crime, poverty, and societal chaos. An America in which new hate speech and Climate Change denial laws rip through what’s left of our freedom. An America in which the free exercise of the Christian religion becomes a criminal act. And on top of all that, a Green New Deal whose proponents wish to abolish privately-owned cars, air travel, and beef.

In horror movies the vampire always has an edge because people simply can’t believe in vampires and never get around to defending themselves until it’s just about too late—and they don’t even have Democrats looking to strip them of their Second Amendment rights. Here, people find it impossible to believe that a major political party really wants to do these things. This is how Far Left tyrants Chavez and Maduro fundamentally transformed their country, Venezuela, from a successful, vibrant country into a poverty-stricken Third World hell-hole. No meaningful opposition crystallized until the damage was done. Whether it can ever be repaired remains to be seen.

As incredible as it may seem, Democrats are fired up to do the same to our country.

Believe it—and don’t let them do it.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Drop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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While The Good People Pray And Talk, The Doers Are Changing The Country

A little over a month ago I visited Hillary Clinton’s house in Chappaqua, NY where I called for her indictment.  I went alone.  I figured it was time somebody from the uber “silent majority” to DO something.

There are plenty of talkers in America.  Spend 10 minutes on FAKEBOOK and you will realize that there are gobs of “podcasts” streaming on the internet.  Everybody is talking.  Offering their opinion on what needs to be done to rescue this nation.

But very few actually DO anything.  When was the last time you saw Rush out in public actually DOING something…using his platform to actuate change in the culture?  Talk is cheap.  That is why there is so much of it going on.  Talking ABOUT a problem is not SOLVING the problem.  Action is required to effect change.  Talking is not acting.

The nation is blessed with hundreds of Patriot groups. They care about this country but aren’t really DOING anything to rescue it.  Oh, they have their meetings where they discuss ideas but rarely do you see any culture-changing actions come from those meetings

Meanwhile, the LEFT is constantly taking their grievances to the streets.  They move the ball down the field.  The LEFT actually gets onto the playing field and act upon what they believe.   Have you happened to notice which side is winning?  Evidently, ACTING is more effective than TALKING.

Pastors pray, radio hosts talk, bloggers talk, conservative politicians talk, patriots groups talk. While the Dems, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Move On, and their ilk flood the streets and ACT upon what they believe.  The TALKERS then talk about what the DOERS are doing.

…and meanwhile America goes down the tubes while the TALKERS explain.  Turn on Rush and his wannabes and they will give you play by play analysis of how the LEFT is winning the game.  The airwaves ripple 24 hours a day as the talkers TALK about how the battle is being lost.

TALKERS talk and DOERS do.  The DOERS are winning.  Look at the scoreboard.

Would you actually like to win for a change?  Are you willing to actually follow the LEFT and become “doers of the Word and not hearers only?”

A month ago I visited the Clinton’s home in Chappaqua and demanded that HILLARY BE INDICTED.  I went alone.  I videoed my action.  I challenged others to get involved.  You can watch the video HERE.

The TALKERS laughed at my DOING.  Some ignored me and called me a lunatic.  But some folks who want to be DOERS noticed what I DID.  They wanted to DO something as well.  So they got organized.

This Sunday May 26th we are going back to Chappaqua.  It is the first of many things that we are going to DO.  Would you like to get involved?  Would you like to actually DO something?  Well, this is your chance.

Visit, study what is on this website, and then get involved.  Get off of the bench and into the game.

Hundreds of us are getting in our cars and driving to Chappaqua.  We are going to meet up and caravan together into town and demand that the government do its job and INDICT HILLARY CLINTON.  She is a felon.  James Comey told us she was, but he explained that there was a different system of justice for the rich and powerful.  Check out his video on the website.  He charged her with four felonies.

Are we going to let her get away with it?  Are we going to sit silently in our homes and TALK about how unfair the system is or are we going to actually DO something and demand that the Justice Department do their job!!  If you had done what Hillary did would you be walking around as a free man?  Why is she?  Doesn’t that bother you?  Don’t you think WE should DO something?

Well, we are.  Please join us on our Equal Justice Tour.  It is just the beginning of a movement of DOERS who want to see the rule of law reestablished in America.  Equal Justice Under The Law is our demand.  We must show our elected officials that justice matters to us.

This event will be peaceful.  You may not even leave your car.  We won’t stoop to the harassing actions of the Left but merely “petition the government for a redress of our grievances” by demanding her indictment.  She isn’t some TV personality.  She was a public official who betrayed her oath.  We demand EQUAL RIGHTS NOT SPECIAL RIGHTS.

All the info that you need can be found at  The time is now to come to our country’s aid.   Talk is cheap.  Our window of time is short.  It is our time DO something.

Many have criticized us.  Many more will.  But they are TALKERS and we are DOERS.  If you love this country and you are not afraid to stand up, please load up your car, make a few signs, and join us in Chappaqua.

If you can’t GO you can SUPPORT our efforts here

This could be the start of something BIG.  Let’ reestablish Equal Justice in America.  Our grandchildren are counting on us.

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E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

An Open Letter To Rep. Steve Cohen: Your Denial of God In The Oath Disqualifies You From Office

Sacred Writ guarantees the nation whose God is the Lord will be “blessed”.

Thomas Jefferson testified: “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”

Tennessee Congressman Steve Cohen tells us:

“I think God belongs in religious institutions: in temple, in church, in cathedral, in mosque — but not in Congress,” said Cohen, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, civil rights and civil liberties. “What Republicans are doing, is using God.”

“And God doesn’t want to be used,” he said.

My conclusion?

Steve Cohen, you are not qualified to be a member of Congress, much less chairman of the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution.

To say, “So help me God,” is not “using God”; it is acknowledging and asking for advocacy and aid from whom the Declaration of Independence identifies as our Creator.

This feeble display of intellect shows your shallowness, Mr. Cohen. You are an inch deep regarding the constitutional and theological underpinnings of America. Our founding documents declare that our Creator endowed every individual with their rights and it is the government’s duty given by the Creator and His creation to secure those rights.

When you make the statement that any American, Republican or otherwise, is “using God,” it is a not-so-clever way of trying to disavow God’s authority in the matter.

The Constitution contemplates that God’s authority be acknowledged and his assistance and favor be sought.

By denying the sovereignty of God over American justice, you deny the advocacy and backing of the Author and Protector of your right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Making an oath before Almighty God reminds the oath taker that there is an eternal system of rewards and punishments that applies to him personally. This, of course, safeguards the justice system by calling on the Author and Warden of Justice.

This is precisely what an oath is all about.

I think we can assume that if the witness does not see himself accountable to God for the truthfulness of his oath and he/she doesn’t fear eternal consequences from God, then what would stop them from lying if they are able to get away with it? Why should they care about a Congressman, or Judge, or any human for that matter?

Mr. Cohen, understand that while the purpose of Government is not to make a man a Christian, it is to penalize by statute and justice those who seek to inflict violence upon the liberties God has given to mankind.

Government exalts Law because it was given authority from God, and it (government) is a servant of God that will benefit mankind.  If Government were to separate itself from the God who ordained it, it will corrupt, for no one has another person’s interest in mind without the moral constraints given by the God who redeemed mankind.

Lest you forget, Mr. Cohen, you swore an oath of office to uphold this “American View” of law and government.

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© 2019 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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Overwhelmed By A Clear And Present Danger

Last week in our article entitled, “Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion“, we covered some of the generalities of illegal immigration.  We received a response to the article from a Floridian that tells the story in stark human terms.  This gentleman wrote:

“As a native of a large Florida city I have lived thru wave after wave of economic migrants, drug smugglers, malcontents and evacuees.  First the Cubans, then Jamaicans, Puerto Ricans, Hondurans, Nicaraguans and loads of Mexicans came. This city is now only about 4% White Americans.  The Jews dominate some neighborhoods.  I guess they are considered white so when you take them out of the average there are less than 1% whites left.  Even the once thriving colored community has mostly moved north.  The Cubans cling to political offices and dominate local government jobs.  There is incredible corruption.”

“I moved to another county 25 years ago.  We have been overrun and now are 45% white remaining.  The newcomers are not Americans and behave like where they came from.  My local Home Depot only broadcasts announcements in Spanish.  The Venezuelans have taken over the community just North of me.  Like the Cubans, they have no intention of assimilation.  They hook up to every government handout they can get and there are agencies that help them.  My property taxes have increased disproportionately and I cannot afford retirement in my current home.  Our local sales tax was just raised 1% to give them more.”

“In Florida we have Democrat/communists in all elected positions.  I am planning on moving to North Florida soon. As a kid, this place was a paradise.  Now it is hell.  If I were to send you a 30-minute local news cycle, you would simply think it was just another third-world country.  The carnage, crime and absolute chaos of life living around them.”

“When the dollar collapses and the treasury goes dry, the major communist areas will self correct.  I think 50% will be dead in the first week.  As life becomes impossible for them I hope they will self deport.”

To add to this Floridian’s nightmare, Senator Marco Rubio just tweeted out:  “Unlawful arrivals are overwhelming our system.  I have just been informed by the Palm Beach Sheriff that starting next week Border Patrol will begin transporting 1,000 migrants a month from the Southern border to Broward & Palm Beach Counties and releasing them, pending an asylum hearing.”  (Releasing them to whom?)

1,000 illegal immigrants add up to 12,000 illegal immigrants in a year, in just one small area of Florida.  Cities and towns in New Mexico, Texas, Arizona and California, and all around America, are being flooded with illegal aliens by the tens of thousands.  The illegal aliens have no money, so who supports them?  You do!  You pay for their food, their rent, their education, their health care and more.  It is estimated that each illegal alien will cost the American taxpayer $82,000 over the alien’s lifetime. (Source: Fox News)  Do the math!  Whether it is 10,000,000 illegals or 30,000,000, the cost is staggering.  At $30 million illegals, the cost is $2.46 Trillion.

California is a prime example of illegal immigration going off the rails.  The poverty rate is higher than the national average.  The taxes to support illegal aliens has gone far beyond taxation without representation.  Homelessness is rising at an accelerated rated and their cities are unconscionably filthy.  God knows why responsible Californians put up with it.

Many of the illegal aliens are sent to live with illegal alien relatives in America.  Just to make sure that these illegal alien relatives can’t be deported, the Democrats slipped in a little known paragraph in the last appropriations bill:

SEC. 224. HYPERLINK (a) reads …

“None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act, or provided from any accounts in the Treasury of the United States derived by the collection of fees available to the components funded by this Act, may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child (as defined in section 462(g) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002”

Once they are here, the illegal-alien new arrivals and the relatives they are living with, are shielded from deportation.  We certainly don’t want to deport any future voters for the Democrat Party, now do we?

Every time there is a reasonable proposal to “fix” the illegal immigration crisis, the Democrats throw in a ringer, complicating the problem even more and making it impossible to fix.

With over a million illegal aliens crashing our borders every year and released into the general population by the flawed “catch and release” policy, and the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens already living in America in the shadows, (no one believes the 11 million figure any more) the impact on the economy and the culture has been and is, not only unsustainable but economically draining.  Even worse, that government would allow it to happen is criminally negligent.

The so-called current fixes to the problem are no fixes at all and only exacerbate and complicate the problem.  Senator Lindsey Graham’s proposal addresses the asylum issue, it nevertheless is leaning closer and closer to AMNESTY for the Dreamers.  AMNESTY for the Dreamers will only add to the magnets that have created the illegal alien invasion in the first place.

The “Merit” proposal for legal immigration, just recently put forth by President Trump, is a start but doesn’t address the worst magnet of all ….. the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that allows any baby born in America to become an American citizen.

The sides are so far a part there is no hope, either in the short or long term, of the government ever passing “common sense” immigration reform legislation.  If the government won’t fix it, which is their duty to do so, then whose job is it?  If the people won’t step up to the plate, then do we just let the problem persist in perpetuity until we, as a nation and as a people, are totally OVERWHELMED, CULTURALLY DILUTED ….. and broke?

Rational, non-politician Democrats, can’t be any happier with an out-of-control immigration crisis than are rational Republicans.  But then who knows, rational may be a contradiction of terms.  Are there any rational human beings any more, or just ideological ones?  In contrast, are there any courageous living patriots today that will pick up the “sword” when they are threatened?  Is there any American that cannot “see” that we are being OVERWHELMED BY A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO OUR SAFETY, OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND OUR SECURITY?

Why is it that the American people, en masse, gloss over or ignore the fact that every single foreign national that gains illegal entry into the United States, is breaking the law and committing a criminal act?  In a country of laws, if one segment of society can break the law and then get rewarded for it, but all the rest have to obey the law, then a “nation of laws” is meaningless and will collapse in the long run. If a “nation of laws” is meaningless, corruption and chaos reign.

Even though government tries to convince the American people that they are in control of the situation, the government is lying through its teeth.  If they aren’t in control, then once again, corruption and chaos reign.  In fact, corruption and chaos are America’s reality.  Only the people can restore order and turn corruption and chaos into a government that operates constitutionally, efficiently, effectively and with honor.  It is those people we address with the rest of this article.

In our last article we wrote:  “Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration?  You moan, groan and complain about it but do nothing.  The hard truth is, it is abundantly obvious that your government won’t stop it.  Even so, all is not hopeless.  Enough legal and united Americans from either party can stop it, if they are of a mind.”

The Founding Fathers gave us the legal tools to solve a problem, if government refuses, or is unwilling to solve it.  One legal tool is the “Citizen, Common Law Grand Jury.” (CCLGJ)  The CCLGJ has been upheld by the U. S. Supreme Court.   “In a stunning 6 to 3 decision on May 4, 1992, Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive, nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people.  It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to, directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.

The CCLGJ “Fourth Branch of Government(BY THE PEOPLE) is just one of the solutions to taking back our government and our country, person by person, city by city, county by county, state by state ….. and returning the federal government to its constitutional limits!  (The only other solution is for the American people, en masse, to turn against all illegal aliens, push them out of the shadows and force them to self-deport.)

We discuss that by-the-people solution on our new web page in our never-ending effort to reclaim our sovereign, individual rights and put a stop to illegal immigration using the CCLGJ and do the job that government seems powerless to do.  Which of you will step up to the plate and actually do something for your country?  We are!

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The Question that Americans Should Be Asking their Acting Representatives? Where Did You Get that Authority?

“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.” -Article 6, Clause 2, US Constitution

Recently, Communist and representative of special interest groups Cory Booker said Americans should be ‘thrown in jail’ if they won’t give up their guns (Luke 11:21-22).

[YouTube Video]

Wow, that is a pretty strong statement to make especially when Corey has armed security details protecting himself from the people that he is to serve.

Isn’t his job to uphold our laws to protect our rights? It is!

This sure flies in the face of him doing what he promised to do, with his hand on the Bible, swearing an oath to uphold the enumerated laws, which ensures our rights, not eradicate them.  How telling.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -2nd The Bill of Rights

[YouTube Video]

Here’s a question for you:  Where is Corey Booker deriving his authority from to usurp our rights?  It’s not from the US Constitution, and surely not from “We the People!”

Do our rights come from government, or do our rights come from Corey Booker? Don’t be confused (Daniel 9:7), they come from God (Exodus 18:21).

“The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” -President John F. Kennedy

As a matter of fact, according to our Declaration of Independence, those that are to represent “We the People, derive their just powers from the consent of the governed… “We the People,” under God.

[YouTube Video]

Americans, our rights come from God.  We then delegate authority to those who are to represent us under God (Exodus 18:21)!

Again, our rights come from God, not from the generosity of our representatives.

When Americans stand down and allow these demigod wannabes to do what they will, you then add strength to tyranny, for they don’t have the law on their side.

How These “Useful Idiots” Attempt to Justify their Positions

What special interests do to push forward their unconstitutional agenda is to put up their hand-picked “Useful Idiots” on both sides of the aisle of a debate.  This is a debate that they create to tear down law for there is no difference between the left and the right (Mark 3:25).  They then begin to debate away that which is unconstitutional, and all of this occurs in the face of the American people who did not know the difference either way (Hosea 4:6).

[YouTube Video]

So, when you hear a Corey Booker, a Mitch McConnell, a Nancy Pelosi, a William Barr, a Maxine Waters, a Donald Trump, a Elizabeth Warren, a Alexander Ocasio-Cortez, a Ilhan Omar, a Rashida Tlaib or any other said representative, regardless of what office they occupy, attempt to implement that which is unconstitutional, ask them the question, “Where are you deriving that authority from?” It will leave them bewildered, as well as powerless to further transgress American laws.

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

Venezuela’s True Problem. Part I

“A genuine man goes to the roots. To be a radical is no more than that: to go to the roots.” — José Martí

For the past weeks we have following the reports, mostly biased, of the dramatic events occurring in Venezuela. There have been quite a few articles trying to explain what the problem is with Venezuela, a country that a decade ago was one of the richest in the American hemisphere. Nevertheless I will offer a very simple, one-word explanation of what I consider the cause of Venezuela’s true problem: oil.

Yes, oil. Venezuela has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, probably larger than Saudi Arabia. This has been Venezuela’s blessing, but also its greatest curse, mostly thanks to the criminal activities of John D. Rockefeller, an evil man who once said: “Competition is a sin.”

One of the main goals of the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was destroying competitors by all means necessary, including threats, arson, dynamite and even assassination.[1] In order to hide his fortunes, JDR created a legal aberration called the trust. He also invented the so-called “charitable foundations,” a way to give away some of his money to avoid paying taxes while still having control over it.

The foundations directly or indirectly under the control of the Rockefeller family have been a powerful force brainwashing people into accepting the New World Order they envision. Disguised by alleged good intentions, the foundations they control have promoted most of the worst things going on in America and the world, from eugenics to cultural Marxism.

Even more, JDR invented the trust, a corporation of corporations, another aberration that has proven to be highly damaging to modern civilization. Actually, corporative capitalism, whose main goal is destroying competition, is not capitalism at all, but either Fascism [Benito Mussolini called Fascism “the corporative state.”] or Communism.

Nevertheless, John D. Rockefeller faced a big problem: contrary to being a scarce, limited resource, as he and is minions claimed, it is an abundant commodity. The Earth holds almost limitless amounts of oil. Moreover, oil is abiotic; it is not a “fossil” fuel and has nothing to do with the dinosaurs. Actually, oil and natural gas deposits are mostly formed by inorganic means, rather than by the decomposition of organisms. [2]

Explaining the current U.S. war drive as an imperialist fight for economic resources —the die hard leftist myth of “war for oil”— has actually helped the conspirators’ efforts in hiding their true current goals, which they have expressed on innumerable occasions: the elimination of at least 85 percent of the world’s population and the destruction of industrial civilization. This will result in the reduction of the few survivors to pre-industrial, medieval levels of consumption in a communo-fascist totalitarian system they call the New World Order. Obviously, this has nothing to do with greed and exploitation, but with something much worse and evil.

So, once he was in control of most oil resources in the world, JDR worked hard to hide or destroy oil resources he didn’t control. A typical case was Russia.

At the end of the 19th century, the Russians discovered a large amount of oil in Baku, near the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. At the time, the Baku oil field was considered the largest known oil deposit in the world. By the early 1880s, Russian crude production reached 10.8 million, almost a third of U.S. production.[3]

As expected, Rockefeller and his criminal associates of the American International Corporation (AIC), Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, were deeply alarmed about the Russians challenging their ambitions of controlling the world oil supply, and they began conspiring to develop a plan to stop the Russians in their tracks.[4] They concluded that the only way to achieve their goal was to depose Czar Nicholas II, and the only way to accomplish that was through a “revolution.”

History books, mostly written by unscrupulous CFR-controlled disinformers passing as historians, have painted the Russian revolution as the result of a spontaneous uprising of the Russian exploited proletarian masses against their oppressive government.

According to this vision, Russia’s disastrous participation in WWI, which had cost the lives of four million men, created widespread discontent. A growing economic crisis and food scarcities contributed to increase the problems. Demonstrations of people asking for food started in many cities. This chaotic situation created the conditions for the revolt that overthrew the czarist government and eventually changed Russia into the Soviet Union, a new society based on the anti-capitalist, communist principles of Marxism.

But this vision is not exactly true.

Mainly thanks to the efforts of scholars like Antony Sutton,[5] G. Edward Griffin[6] and others, now we know that the “spontaneous” Russian “revolution” was actually a covert operation planned and carried out by international bankers and oil magnates. It would have been impossible to succeed without the money supplied by some of the most notable millionaires at that time.

Tsar Nicholas II already had initiated the implementation of a series of reforms directed to change Russia from a medieval into a modern society, which included the emancipation of the serfs, the creation of a Duma —a national assembly—, and rural communes. These reforms would have encouraged the Russian people to think about the possibility of a benign government in which the people would democratically participate.

But some influential Wall Street bankers and oil magnates were not happy with these changes in Russia, and conceived another plan. In order to proceed with their plan, John D. Rockefeller, together with fellow conspirators, such as bankers Mellon and Morgan and steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, plus several of America’s robber barons, joined their resources for up to $50 million (an enormous sum at the time), and created the American International Corporation (AIC), a powerful cartel allegedly devoted to stimulate world trade. The truth, however, is that the AIC was created to fund the overthrow of Tsar Nicholas II by a small group of professional revolutionaries: the Bolsheviks.

To this effect, between 1907 and 1910 the conspirators met several times with Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, already living in exile in New York, and with Vladimir I. Lenin, another Russian revolutionary living in exile in Zürich. Eventually the arch-capitalists struck a deal with the arch-anti-capitalists: in exchange for financing their “revolution,” the capitalists would be allowed to have a hidden hand in designing the economy of what was soon to become the Soviet Union —allegedly the staunchest anti-capitalist nation in the world.

With the help of the conspirators, Lenin returned to Russia with plenty of gold in his famous “sealed” train, and, soon after Trotsky, under the protection of President Wilson and Colonel House, followed Lenin’s path with more gold. This gold made possible the Russian “revolution” that eliminated Russia as a competitor in the oil business.

After the Bolsheviks they had sent to overthrow the Russian government took power over Russia, the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil bought 50 percent of the huge oil fields in the Caucasus, thus having control over the oil production in the area. Moreover, in 1927 their Standard Oil built a modern refinery in Russia and, soon after, the Vacuum Oil Company, a subsidiary of Standard Oil, made a deal with the Soviet government to market Russian oil in Europe.

So, controlling oil production was the key goal of he Rockefellers to control competition. That was the reason why the CIA, an organization they created and controlled, orchestrated the assassination of Jorge Gaitán in Colombia, Patrice Lumumba in the Congo, and Enrico Mattei in Italy, as well as the coup that overthrew Mossadegh in Iran. It was also the reason why, following David Rockefeller’s orders, Castro invaded Angola, [7] an oil producing country.

It was also the reason why the U.S. military invaded Iraq to overthrew Saddam Hussein, after falsely accusing him of developing weapons of mass destruction, and why, more recently, the U.S. overthrew Muammar Gadaffi in Libya. It is not a coincidence that all of them wanted their countries to compete in the oil market.

Something similar happened to Venezuela, another potential competitor the Rockefellers feared and managed to keep under their control.

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  1. Ida Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company, McClure, Phillips and Co., 1904.
  2. “Fossils From Animals And Plants Are Not Necessary For Crude Oil And Natural Gas, Swedish Researchers Find,” Also, Jerome Corsi, The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People. For information about how the Rockefellers and their minions manage to hide America’s huge oil reserves in Alaska, see Lindsey Williams, The Energy Non Crisis.
  3. Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power, Part I (New York: Pocket Books, 1991), p. 59.
  4. John Christian Ryter, “The Secret Life of AIC,”, March 31, 2009.
  5. Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1974).
  6. G Edward Griffin, The Creature From Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Appleton, Wisconsin: American Opinion, 1994).
  7. Castro’s soldiers protected the Gulf Oil refineries in Cabinda from “saboteurs,” and Castro was paid in dollars for their services. Half of the production of Gulf Oil in Angola ended up in U.S. refineries.

At the time, the Rockefellers’ Gulf Oil Company reported that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (CFR) had given the company permission to pay the Castro-backed regime in Angola about $100 million in oil royalties that Gulf had placed in escrow. Gulf holds the concession to operate the oil fields in Cabinda, an Angolan province.

In 1976, CFR agents inside the State Department pushed the Clark Amendment, named after Senator Dick Clark (CFR). The Amendment forbade the U.S. to give any help to Jonas Savimbi’s UNITA group in Angola in its fight against the Rockefeller-backed Castroite troops.

What was the result of Castro’s victory in Angola? A few months after Castro’s troops took control of the country, Angola became one of the U.S. largest commercial partners in Africa. Chase Manhattan Bank, Bankers Trust, Citibank, and Morgan Guaranty, gave large loans to Angola. The business of General Motors, General Tire, Caterpillar, Boeing, IBM, NCR, Pfizer, Xerox, and other American corporations, flourished in the country. Ninety-five percent of Angolan oil was exported to Western countries.

For one of the best analysis of how oil has been the true motivation behind most U.S. military actions in the XX century, see William Engdahl, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. Unfortunately, it has continued in the XXI century.

Red Flag Laws – Double Speak For Gun Confiscation

When I went to pick up my concealed carry permit at the Sheriff’s office in Montana, I was asked if I would wait a few minutes because the sheriff wanted to talk to me. I wondered if he was going to impress on me the importance of being careful, that a handgun was a dangerous weapon, or something to that effect. He came out of his office and thanked me for getting my permit, stating that I was the only one who could save my life. He added that the police are not responsible for protecting us, they only respond after we call, and that is often too late.

So we need to realize that we are our own protectors. With that in mind, I posit that the Second Amendment is needed now more than it has been in a long time. All these actions attempting to take away our right to defend ourselves, our families, and our property, are very dangerous in today’s world.

Do you scoff? Am I being paranoid? Let me give you an example on which I rest my case. This is from JUSTIA’s Warren v. District of Columbia (see footnote 1):

In the early morning hours of March 16, 1975, appellants Carolyn Warren, Joan Taliaferro, and Miriam Douglas were asleep in their rooming house at 1112 Lamont Street, N.W. Warren and Taliaferro shared a room on the third floor of the house; Douglas shared a room on the second floor with her four-year-old daughter. The women were awakened by the sound of the back door being broken down by two men later identified as Marvin Kent and James Morse. The men entered Douglas’ second floor room, where Kent forced Douglas to sodomize him and Morse raped her.

Warren and Taliaferro heard Douglas’ screams from the floor below. Warren telephoned the police, told the officer on duty that the house was being burglarized, and requested immediate assistance. The department employee told her to remain quiet and assured her that police assistance would be dispatched promptly. Warren’s call was received at Metropolitan Police Department Headquarters at 6:23 a. m., and was recorded as a burglary in progress. At 6:26 a. m., a call was dispatched to officers on the street as a “Code 2” assignment, although calls of a crime in progress should be given priority and designated as “Code 1.” Four police cruisers responded to the broadcast; three to the Lamont Street address and one to another address to investigate a possible suspect.

Meanwhile, Warren and Taliaferro crawled from their window onto an adjoining roof and waited for the police to arrive. While there, they saw one policeman drive through the alley behind their house and proceed to the front of the residence without stopping, leaning out the window, or getting out of the car to check the back entrance of the house. A second officer apparently knocked on the door in front of the residence, but left when he received no answer. The three officers departed the scene at 6:33 a. m., five minutes after they arrived.

Warren and Taliaferro crawled back inside their room. They again heard Douglas’ continuing screams; again called the police; told the officer that the intruders had entered the home, and requested immediate assistance. Once again, a police officer assured them that help was on the way. This second call was received at 6:42 a. m. and recorded merely as “investigate the trouble” it was never dispatched to any police officers.

Believing the police might be in the house, Warren and Taliaferro called down to Douglas, thereby alerting Kent to their presence. Kent and Morse then forced all three women, at knifepoint, to accompany them to Kent’s apartment. For the next fourteen hours the women were held captive, raped, robbed, beaten, forced to commit sexual acts upon each other, and made to submit to the sexual demands of Kent and Morse[1]

Appellants’ claims of negligence included: the dispatcher’s failure to forward the 6:23 a.m. call with the proper degree of urgency; *3 the responding officers’ failure to follow standard police investigative procedures, specifically their failure to check the rear entrance and position themselves properly near the doors and windows to ascertain whether there was any activity inside; and the dispatcher’s failure to dispatch the 6:42 a.m. call.[2]

Now tell me that we don’t need guns, that the police will be there to save the day. They may save the day, but they very well might not save us or our loved ones.

On top of that, they aren’t even held accountable when they ignore calls for help; they behave as they did in the above case. The attorney for the women cited the Civil Rights Act of 1981, Section 1983, as follows:

42 U.S. Code § 1983.Civil action for deprivation of rights

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309 (c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)

If you read the Code, you might believe that anyone acting under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, who causes someone to be deprived of any right

shall be held liable. Wow! Sounds great. But . . .. The big BUT. No, the Code doesn’t have a but, but a but is perceived to be in the Code by our courts today.

Carolyn Warren, Miriam Douglas, and Joan Taliaferro, (and Wilfred Nichol in another case) sued the District of Columbia and individual members of the Metropolitan Police Department for negligent failure to provide adequate police services. The respective trial judges held that the police were under no specific legal duty to provide protection to the individuals who were suing the police department, and dismissed the complaints for failure to state a claim upon which relief could be granted. A panel decided that Warren, Taliaferro and Nichol were owed a special duty of care by the police department and reversed the trial court rulings, while unanimously concluding that Douglas failed to fit within the class of persons to whom a special duty was owed, and affirmed the lower court’s dismissal of her complaint. The full court, on petitions for rehearing, canceled the panel’s decision, stating, “After re-arguments, notwithstanding our sympathy for complainants who were the tragic victims of despicable criminal acts, we affirm the judgments of dismissal”.

In other words, the police do not have to protect us, and even after some Keystone Kops behavior are not responsible for any harm done by their negligence.

So what does this have to do with Red Flag laws? Everything!

Yes, this happened in the District of Columbia, but that isn’t the only jurisdiction that has courts coming down with the same decision. What does that tell you?

It tells me that I want to be armed. And wish I had an AR-15. Pepper spray would have been as good as a squirt gun for those women. But what does this have to do with red flag laws?

John R. Lott Jr, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and an expert on gun rights, writing in the Washington Times on the Red Flag gun laws states, “. . . the laws are more complicated than usually discussed in the press. Depending upon the state, anyone from a family member, intimate partner, ex, house or apartment mates, or police can file a complaint. Under Colorado’s proposed law, anyone can make a phone call to the police. They don’t even have to be living in the state. There is no hearing. All the judge has before them is the statement of concern.” He also pointed out, “It has always been possible to take away someone’s guns, but all 50 states have required testimony by a mental health expert before a judge. Hearings could be conducted very quickly in urgent cases, But gun control advocates argue that it’s important to not even alert the person that his guns may be taken away. Hence, the 5 a.m. police raids.

“When people really pose a clear danger to themselves or others, they should be confined to a mental health facility. Simply denying them the right to legally buy a gun isn’t a serious remedy. If you think that you are any more likely to stop criminals from getting guns than illegal drugs, good luck. The same drug dealers sell both and are a major source of guns. And there are other weapons such as cars.

Despite the sacrifices, the evidence shows no benefits from these laws. Looking at data from 1970 through 2017, Red Flag laws appear to have had no significant effect on murder, suicide, the number of people killed in mass public shootings, robbery, aggravated assault or burglary. There is some evidence that rape rates rise. These laws apparently do not save lives.”

Lott mentioned that, “Depending upon the state, anyone from a family member, intimate partner, ex, house or apartment mates, or police can file a complaint.” That is scary enough; if an ex or even an angry or jealous family member wanted to, they could file a complaint. But we now live in very fluid times. Sue, a friend called me last week and related what had happened to her. Her daughter, Kerry, left a frantic text message that she needed her to come right away. Sue called Kerry to find out what was happening. Kerry was at a minor-league baseball game, enjoying herself and had no emergency. Sue called the police who told her that there is an app you can get that lets you use other people’s phone numbers. It happens that Kerry has a bit of a stalker situation at her work and she suspects that he is the one that made the call. But as the police told them, there is no way to trace who made the call.

I can easily imagine someone like that Red Flagging her. Or, there is another scenario I can imagine happening (and I don’t have much of an imagination or I’d be writing fiction and selling lots of books). That is someone(s) wanting to break into your house to rob you or worse, do to you what those men did to Carolyn Warren, above. With such open Red Flag laws, they can disarm you by cop. This isn’t farfetched. The police would take your guns and, by the time you got the situation rectified, you might be dead.

Because we humans need to protect ourselves and we aren’t born with claws, enormous teeth, or venom, we must use tools to protect ourselves. The quintessential tool is a gun. It’s easy to use and carry, and it is effective – both as a weapon and a deterrent. Plus, people have a choice whether they want to have and use guns or not.

And it has been a basic right. But right now, our right to own guns is being eroded faster than California’s bullet train. Not in one fell-swoop, but chipping away, one new law after another so that the powers-that-be will not have to come after our guns because we will have given them up with each new gun-grab.

There are people who are mentally unfit and are dangerous, who shouldn’t be allowed guns, and we need to find ways to protect society from them. But disarming the country is not the answer.

In reality, the Red Flag laws are being driven by emotion, not reason and logic. Gun owners, gun supporters, and freedom lovers need to stand up and bring common sense back to the dialog. This is truly an issue of protecting our lives, our families, and our property. We cannot, we must not, allow unsupported emotions to drive the day.

© 2019 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt:


[1] District Of Columbia court of appeals 1981

[2] Ibid.

Constitutional Showdown On Oregon

The Revolutionary Communist Party of America launched an advertising campaign at the University of California in Los Angeles in early May by chalking and distributing signage on concrete sidewalks and elsewhere in an effort to recruit college students to subscribe to their communist ideology.  Even after being asked by staff and housing officials to stop their activities, the group distributed a Manifesto condemning Capitalism (meaning competitive Free Enterprise Capitalism.) Monopoly Capitalism is Fascism, “The merger of corporate and state power,  Mussolini.” said Robert D. Gorgogllione, Sr.

The Communists remained in the campus dorm, known as “The Hill” for several hours before leaving displaying a white board which bore the message, REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY SOLUTION. Regulations forbid using housing space without permission, chalking and signing on The Hill without UCLA approval…but there exists no process for sanctioning non-resident violations.  Robert inquires why Communism should not be permanently expelled from the University Campus?  He asks, if we could not and cannot tolerate Nazism, why do we tolerate Communism which has murdered at least 150 million human beings since the October “Bolshevik” Communist Russian Revolution of 1917!

I have the same questions. One of my first articles for News With Views in October 2003 was entitled, “Is Communism Dead?” But rather the MSM doing some investigating on the subject, they chose instead to smear long time Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy who claimed college campuses were a hotbed of communist professors who indoctrinate and turn out journalists who continue to hide the truth about communism while defaming McCarthy.


My May 20, 2019 New American magazine arrived and along with ten pages on The Age of Artificial intelligence which is here,  a lady in one whole page describes how her Al Alexa plans her day from awakening until bed that included her shower, coffee and a driver to work and when she got to work her Al  assistant’s voice came from the speaker on the computer terminal in front of her that said  “Please turn in your ID and exit the building, your services are no longer required.” Must I say more?  Alex Trevek on Jeopardy is close to retirement and he introduced his Alexa a few shows ago that will ask the contestant’s questions. [Link]

“And the Lord spoke all these words: I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me. Thou shall not make to thyself a graven thing, nor the likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or in the earth beneath, nor of those things that are in the waters under the earth. Thou shalt not adore them, nor serve them: I am the Lord thy God, mighty, jealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generations of them that hate me.”

Some have suggested we are more than one full year into that Biblical Seven Year Tribulation and we should flee but there is no place to hide. In addition, humans are already being kept from understanding how ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is working, how can we hope to understand, much less control, the increasingly intelligent AI of the near future? Or is it already too late? Get the magazine. It’s well worth the $3.95 for one copy plus postage. Phone 920-749-3784 [Link] Our only option: REPENT! John 3:16


God said in Genesis 1:3 as He was creating the world, “Let there be light” and so it was. President Reagan said, “Take down this wall” to the communist and miraculously, the Berlin Wall, which stood for 28 years, the ultimate symbol of humanity of communism, came tumbling down like Humpty Dumpty or at least we thought only to learn years later it was just another lie.  President Obama in 2009 and the administration knew the lies behind all this but could care less because they also know most Americans are too busy to care.  We are too busy to research real science and find out this total fraud…UNTIL OUR OX IS GORED. [Link]

But meanwhile, back in the REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXIST STATE OF OREGON the totally out numbered Republican Party in the legislature are fighting to stop the many Marxist Democrat bills that include a 40% property tax increase on homeowners if lawmakers remove the Measure 5 property tax cap. Then there are the SIN TAXES – $800 million beer, wine, tobacco & soda and a proposed 15-cent gas tax increase. The $600 million carbon tax (HB 2020) is expected to raise gas taxes by 15 cents – that’s on top of the 12-cent tax increase two years ago.. To add insult to injury, the Taxpayer Association of Oregon says the politicians refuse to call a tax a tax. Instead they are calling it a ‘CARBON CAP AND INVEST’ BILL AND A ‘GREEN JOBS BILL’…THAT MAGICALLY RAISES $700 MILLION! The Carbon Tax is also projected to raise natural gas prices by 11%.

And then they want to steal our $336 kicker tax refund. The Constitution requires over-collected tax revenue to be returned to taxpayers. Right now, the Oregon Legislature is sitting on a pile of $686 million dollars of over-collected tax revenue (SJR 3). Oregonians have rejected a sales tax nine times but now this 2019 legislature as decided simply to hide the next sales tax – by charging business on their sales behind the scenes, instead of on the receipt where customers can see it.

The forcible vaccination bill drew crowds at the Capitol (HB 3063) regarding exemptions. Oregon became the first state to allow dentists to vaccinate children when Governor Kate Brown signed a bill on May 11th.

Then there are bills right now that would increase the tax rate of small businesses so that they would pay higher tax rates than large big corporations in Oregon (HB 2155, SB 211) and last but never least, since the 2019 Janus U.S. Supreme Court decision which gave government workers the right to choose to pay union dues or not, HB 2643 transfers responsibility to pay basic union dues for government workers to the government agencies where they are employed–taxpayer’s get the shaft again. And thanks to the FREEDOM FOUNDATION located at PO Box 552, Olympia, Washington 98507-9855 and in Oregon: PO Box 18146, Salem, Oregon 97305, thousands of state workers are opting out.

In Washington, D.C. our phone calls make a difference. Legislators consider one call to represent 10,000 people (who did not call) so keep both the rascals in D.C. and your own state elected officials on speed dial.


So, the GOP resorted to Walking Away to deny a quorum for the Democrats for four days in the middle of May hoping to get some concessions from Democrat Senate leader, Peter Courtney, a former lawyer, elected to Salem City Council 1974-1981andafter losing a bid for Congress in 1984, he landed an Administrative Position at Western Oregon State College where he was paid $30,000. He’s been in the Oregon legislature since 1981- all the more reason for Term Limits. He retired from Western Oregon University where he was an adjunct professor and assistant to President Mark D. Wiess.  When he first ran for the legislature, he ran as Peter Rabbit with a bunny suit and got elected. He’ll be collecting from his unconstitutional Public Employee Retirement System for his six years as a Salem Councilman, his administrative job at WOSC and now the Oregon legislature. (Check out the Bill of Rights, Section 20. Every home should have a current Oregon Blue Book on the library shelf from the Secretary of State. 503-986-1523. $20+ postage.)  It was noted in 1994 when lobbyists doled out a plethora of perks Courtney turned down most of the gifts and meal offers but lately he’s never felt shy of voting for tax increases and padding his own pockets with the bankrupt Ponsi PERS. [Link]


Now I’ve said all of the above to bring you to a man by the name of Ron Vrooman who calls himself a “spear carrier” but I call him a Pit Bull when he’s discovered something wrong in government, he tries to correct it.  And so it is. He claims we have color of law, a legal fiction on Oregon. It has been that way since Nov. 8, 1910. Article VII Amended our Oregon Constitution and was placed into our Constitution without one vote being counted in any county. It was done by Governor Frank W. Benson. He was Secretary of State at the same time – a Constitutional impossibility.  Ron says a number of years ago a fellow named Milt went to every county and got a signed document from the Election Clerks of each county. Ron says there are at least 3100 counties in America and people living in all of them. Those people need to do some research into their own county history to find out the actual status of their county government. Most likely, State of State franchises simply “moved in” after the Civil war and have operated like cuckoo birds in a robin’s nest ever since.

Ron then says the executive, legislative and judicial branch of the lawful government switched to color of law from rule of law. They have been that way since 1910. Their oaths are with the bogus amendment wording and he has pulled the oaths of all Washington County judges and has formed an Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly and Common Law Grand Jury.  In the meantime, the State of Oregon’s legislature, judiciary and executive refuse to self correct so they are Constitutional nullities. The facts are clear and the records are clear. It’s all published – misprision of felony – perjury of an Oath.

It should be noted that the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (Public Law 79-404) passed by Congress put the lawmaking bureaucracy into business called a democracy. When a state receives federal assistance, it yields that portion of federally-funded state activity to Federal rules and regulations – the federal control we distrust. The rise of the administrative state – the alphabet soup of federal regulatory agencies exercising unconstitutional power was planned and instituted by FDR and was modeled after plans by Mussolini and Stalin. [Link]

The Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly which he has so diligently managed to form with some other patriots nearly as dedicated has brought all of this to the attention of each sheriff and notified Governor Kate Brown, Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and our recently appointed Secretary of State, Beverly Clarno since the death of Dennis Richardson. Republican Bev Clarno was House Speaker in 1995. Additionally, several State of Oregon Senators and Representatives, Cops, Clerks, DAs, etc. have also been notified and know the intention of Ron’s group.


He believes the only, allegedly, legitimate elected authority in Oregon are our Sheriffs so how do we get them to abide by their oaths? Under our current corrupt system, each one is an oath breaker and we encourage them to self correct or resign, he says as they are without honor if they can’t keep their oath. On behalf of the Oregon Statewide Jural  Assembly he says we look forward to a resolution to our unlawful corporate governance and a return to a Constitutional Republican form of government at the same time the Democrat Communist Party about to collapse has been attempting since the Trump election to over throw our government. John Brennan voted Communist in 1976, then entered CIA in 1980.

Ron is 80 years old, and claims to be neither an atheist nor a Christian, Jew or any known religion, but is thankful for the many great positive encounters he has experienced in his work to “clean the bastards out and re-constitute our Constitutional Republic form of government on our state.” He said he was LDS baptized at age 13 and when he told his grandpa, he said “that’s ok, it will wear off.” He attended a Lutheran college. It was in 2014 he began to find the truth and found the documents and read them several times. He said he was really smart when he joined the Navy in 1956 and was offered a Mensa membership. The VA tested him in April and found him still to be superior. His mother was Lt. Army Air Corps WWII.

I first met Ron on the Internet after my article about Salem Radio jock Jeff Kropf’s interview with the widow of Arizona rancher LaVoy Finicum when she came to Salem to file a wrongful death suit.  Jeff has been a six term Oregon legislator (1999-2007) and well versed in legislative back door tactics.

According to a February 22, 2016 New American magazine headline:  LaVoy Finicum SHOT, KILLED.  LaVoy was a spokesman for the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife in eastern Oregon in January 2016 protesting among other things the unlawful imprisonment of Dwight Hammond, 76, and his son Steven Hammond, 49, who were convicted in a 2012 after a prescribed burn on their land spread to nearby public lands in 2001.


Finicum was shot dead at a roadblock by troopers of the Oregon State Police. He was driving a pickup truck with four passengers, including two women, all of whom were arrested and taken into custody. One of Finicum’s passengers, Ryan Bundy, a son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, was wounded, reportedly in the shoulder, during the arrest.  Ammon Bundy, another son of Cliven Bundy and a leader of the occupation, was arrested, along with an additional passenger and driver of a second vehicle.  Two witnesses claimed LaVoy was shot with his arms in the air at the roadblock on U.S. 395 outside of Burns, Oregon. They were traveling with Finicum from the wildlife refuge to the town of John Day, Oregon, where the occupiers intending to meet with the Grant County sheriff and local ranchers. Oregon’s CEO, Governor Kate Brown gave the order that culminated in the murder of Robert Lavoy Finicum. Then she passed a statute exonerating the killers of any wrong doing and so went the legislature and the judiciary, “Repugnant,” says Ron.

When a people lose their moral compass – their fixed standards of right and wrong, wrote David Whitney in his article regarding the federal land grab, a terrible plague descends upon the land.  It is heartening when Truth and Justice win out and such was the case.  U.S.  District Judge Gloria M. Navarro cited multiple egregious abuses by federal authorities in her declaration of a mistrial on December 20, 2017 but left open the possibility of another retrial. Later the president pardoned the Hammonds.  In the meantime, Arin Marcus, an Oregon city resident has launched another effort to recall Governor Kate Brown who he blames for Robert Lavoy Finicum’s death in 2016. For more information contact him at SAFER OREGON POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE.  He has about 100 email subscribers plus FACEBOOK

On May 30 at the Archives Bldg in Salem people will be attending a public records demand. Was there a citizen ballot initiative to place Article VII amended on the ballot Nov. 8, 1910?  If yes, provide the details. If not, then it must have come from the legislature through the governor to the Secretary of State. The State of Oregon, the corporate governance in Salem, needs to provide its bona fides. How and when did Oregon lose its sovereign entity and become a corporation and deprive us of our Constitutional Republican form of Government? Contact Ron Vrooman at if you want to join his group in the records search on May 30.

In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot /S/ Mark Twain.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf:

Attorney General Barr Goes On Offense Against The Deep State With Special Prosecutor

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

President Donald Trump’s newly appointed Attorney General, while keeping a relatively low profile in his first days on the job, now appears to have hit the ground running in his investigation of what many are now calling The Trump-Russia Hoax.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Trump-hating Democrats and news media were taken-aback when they discovered Barr had already begun his probe of the now-famous Hillary Clinton bought and paid for “dirty dossier.”

Barr selected U.S. Attorney for Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s and the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe of — and spying on —

the Trump presidential campaign in 2016. The questionable investigation continued into the Trump transition and his early weeks as Commander-in-Chief.

John Durham, who is the top federal prosecutor in Connecticut, will examine the FBI’s decision to open a counterintelligence investigation into the 2016 presidential election and its actions and motives for interfering in the election and “chasing” members of President Donald Trump‘s campaign team using arguably misleading or false evidence to obtain warrants.

The warrants were allegedly based almost solely on the Fusion GPS reports which were allegedly ordered and purchased by the Democrat’s losing presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Durham’s investigation is the latest Justice Department into the attorneys and FBI personnel involved in the Russia investigation. Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz – the agency’s watchdog – and the U.S. attorney for Utah, John Huber, are also reviewing aspects of the investigation.

Huber has served as the United States Attorney and lead federal law enforcement officer in Utah since June 2015.  He served for almost two years as an appointed U.S. Attorney by President Barack Obama Administration.  Former Trump Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, appointed Mr. Huber to continue his service as the U.S Attorney in Utah in March 2017.

In August 2017, the United States Senate unanimously confirmed President Donald J. Trump’s appointment of Mr. Huber to serve an additional four years as United States Attorney, something that many Trump supporters believe was a smart move.

Meanwhile, the essentially Special Prosecutor, Durham, has twice previously led high-profile internal investigations of the Justice Department. He examined links in the 1990s between the FBI, Boston police and mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger and, years later, was tasked by President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama to investigate CIA abuse of detainees and its destruction in 2005 of videotapes that contained recordings of alleged terrorists being tortured.

As special prosecutor investigating the Russia probe, Durham won’t possess the same autonomy that the Justice Department granted to Robert Mueller when he became special counsel. Durham appointment follows Barr’s boldly frank questioning of the earliest days of the Trump-Russia Collusion investigation.

“I think spying did occur,” said Barr to a Senate panel last month. “The question is whether it was adequately predicated. And I’m not suggesting that it wasn’t adequately predicated. But I need to explore that.”

“It was as if General Barr lit a match near a gasoline storage facility. The Democrats — who all appear to be inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome — disputed the use of the term ‘spying,'” said former police forensic psychologist Lynda Hawthorne.

Former GOP strategist and police commander George Wellman agrees with Dr. Hawthorne:

“The Democratic 2020 presidential candidates, Trump-despising lawmakers and the so-called news outlets have all counted on the far-left broadcast and print news organizations will or the progressives will have to find another form of propaganda to sell their products of lies, hate, deceit, and trickery. Many, many news consumers are becoming more and more distrust of the news stories being released and promulgated.”

One of the nation’s top non-profit, public-interest groups announced this week that the U.S. Department of Justice finally released 73 pages of records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This latest document release is yet another legal action by Judicial Watch in order to investigate and expose government misconduct or criminal action.

This latest batch of records contains the text messages and calendar notation written by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “star” prosecutor Andrew Weissmann showing how he led the hiring effort for the investigation that targeted President Trump. “Looking at the folks who were appointed to investigate President Donald Trump, it became common knowledge that the entire Mueller team were registered Democrats.

Weinstein, who gained the nickname of “Bulldog Weinstein,” is believed to be one of the most — if not the most – —  politicized government lawyers in Washington, D.C., according to a number of federal law enforcement officials. “Weinstein was a shark and he was popular with the likes of former President Barack Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder

The document production came in response to Judicial Watch’s June 7, 2018, lawsuit filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a December 15, 2017, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01356)). at that time who Judicial Watch sought:

  • All text messages sent to or from DOJ official Andrew Weissmann regarding Donald Trump and/or Hillary Clinton between August 8, 2016 and the present.
  • All calendar entries, whether in physical or electronic form, for Weissmann from January 1, 2015 to the present [December 15, 2017].

Weissmann was formerly the Obama-era chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section.

Weissmann’s calendar entries provided to Judicial Watch start in May 2017, even though the lawsuit sued for records going back to 2015. The few text messages produced by the DOJ did not specify the year sent or received.

Weissman’s calendar shows that he began interviewing people for investigator jobs on the Mueller operation almost immediately after it was announced that he had joined the team in early June.

On June 5, 2017, he interviewed former Chief of the Public Corruption Unit of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York Andrew Goldstein. Goldstein was a Time magazine reporter. Goldstein contributed a combined $3,300 to Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012. His wife, Julie Rawe, was a reporter and editor for Time for 13 years, until 2013. He became a lead prosecutor for Mueller.

The next day, on June 6, 2017 Weissmann had a meeting with “FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] counsel.”

Weissmann interviewed another prosecutor, Kyle Freeny, from the DOJ Money Laundering Section for the team on June 7, 2017. She contributed a total of $500 to Obama’s presidential campaigns and $250 to Hillary Clinton’s. She was later detailed to the Mueller investigation.

He interviewed a trial attorney who worked with him in the Criminal Fraud Section, Rush Atkinson, on June 9, 2017. Records show that Atkinson donated $200to Clinton’s campaign in 2016. He is a registered Democrat and contributed $200 to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Atkinson also became part of the Mueller team.

Weissmann interviewed DOJ Deputy Assistant Attorney General Greg Andres for the team on June 13, 2017. Andres donated $2,700 to the campaign for Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) in 2018 and $1,000 to the campaign for David Hoffman (D) in 2009. Andres is a registered Democrat. His wife, Ronnie Abrams, a U.S. district judge in Manhattan, was nominated to the bench in 2011 by Obama. He joined the Mueller team in August 2017.

The same day’s calendar entry shows a reference to MLARS [Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section] at DOJ and to Cyprus MLAT [Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty].

The calendar references an appointment on June 15, 2017, to “NY knock-and-talks.” The same day, Weissmann has a note for “Ethics Training Session.”

On June 16, 2017, he makes a reference to “Rule 4.2”, concerning the propriety of lawyers talking to witnesses represented by counsel.

On June 27, 2017, Weissmann conducts more hiring interviews.

On June 28, 2017, he notes discussion of a Grand Jury taking place.

On Independence Day, July 4, 2017, Weissmann holds a “Team Leader Meeting” and a “Daily Ops Meeting” in the Special Counsel’s conference room.

On August 3, 2017, there is a meeting about a Manafort “reverse proffer.”

On November 20, 2017, there is a meeting regarding a “proffer,” and the same day they have a call regarding Skadden attorney Alex van der Zwaan, who later pled guilty to a false statements charge.

On Thanksgiving Day, 2017, Weissmann convened a Team Manafort Meeting at FBI.

On Christmas Day 2017, he held a Team Manafort Meeting and a Daily Ops Meeting.

On New Year’s Day 2018, Weissmann held a Team Manafort Meeting.

Weissmann held many meetings throughout the period regarding Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan, who was sentenced for lying to investigators, including a February 11, 2018, meeting (followed nine days later by van der Zwaan’s guilty plea).

Weissmann’s text messages include a March 11 (year not provided), message indicating that he landed in the U.K., and on March 15, he received a text from someone who says, “Long time no see. Re reports that OSC [Office of Special Counsel] subpoenaing documents at Trump’s business, my sources say must take a hard look at [Redacted].”

“These documents show Andrew Weissmann, an anti-Trump activist, had a hand in hiring key members of Mueller’s team – who also happened to be political opponents of President Trump,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “These documents show that Mueller outsourced his hiring decisions to Andrew Weissmann. No wonder it took well over a year to get this basic information and, yet, the Deep State DOJ is still stonewalling on other Weissmann documents!”

Judicial Watch previously released documents showing strong support by Weissmann for former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’ refusal to enforce President Trump’s Middle East travel ban executive order. Weissmann reportedly also attended Hillary Clinton’s Election Night party in New York.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Islam: The Enemy Of The US Constitution

Islam with its rule of Sharia presents an imminent threat to subvert and replace the Constitution that governs our lives.

Muslims are the only minorities in the world who will never submit to Western laws and in fact, they are the only minority who actively works around the clock to dismantle it. To Muslims, the highest US authority and document is considered a heresy. In a parallel attack, “Legal Islam “exploits every provision of the law in free societies to promote Islam and silence its critics through expensive legal shenanigans.

So, our Constitution and even State and local laws are essentially meaningless to a Muslim, and the Bill of Rights, once its usefulness as a means to perpetuate Islam in America is no longer necessary, will certainly be disparaged and ignored.

Islam not only is incompatible with the United States Constitution; it is its greatest enemy. Muslims will always consider Sharia law as the supreme law of Allah and will do anything and everything to replace our laws. Hence, it is imperative that we fight Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism. It is, therefore, imperative that the Constitution be revisited in such manner that it no longer grants a pass to any cult simply calling itself a religion. A Muslim can never ever be a Muslim and an American at the same time.

This is an admission that Islam is not just a religion.  It is a cult.  It seeks total control over a person’s mind and body.  And, as such, our Constitution is totally in contradiction with Islam.  They will push politicians for local control and self-determination of their own laws.  In this way, America will become two nations; a weakened traditional one, and a growing, menacing Islamized one.

In the interest of impartiality, the authors of the Constitution did not define what constitutes a religion. Presently, a plethora of sects, cults, orders, all claim to be a religion and cover the length and the breadth of the land. So, as long as these “religions” minister to the legitimate spiritual needs of their congregation without threatening the rights of others, there is no reason for concern. However, when one or more of these claimants strive to undermine the very Constitution that protects them in order to impose their belief and way of life, serious problems arise.

One such ideology is Islam in all its forms. Islam is more than a cult. It is an ideological superstructure encompassing all institutions, social, economic, political, military, civil, legal, educational, and even private affairs. It is of relatively recent arrival on the continent and is rapidly burgeoning in both numbers and influence. Therefore, it is imprudent to ignore the threat it poses to the larger religious and secular communities.

Can a religion or a cult become so powerful and so uncivilized that it can hide behind the Constitution to preach an ideology of hatred and advocate a plan to destroy our society and subvert our government? We need to consider whether our Constitution enables and protects “religions” that are being used to put our very society and our freedoms in jeopardy.

Islam seeks nothing less than a total global domination.  The word Islam literally means “submission” or “surrender.”  Its scripture must be taken literally, its provisions are intended to dominate every waking moment in the life of a believer.  There is no room for being a half-hearted Muslim and no toleration of watering down its invocations.

The true nature and the threat of Islam is evident in the Quran, a document of exclusion, hatred and violence that shapes Muslims’ thinking and behavior.

The problem is, too few Americans are aware of this, and organizations such as CAIR while other Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations are taking full advantage of our naïveté. Moreover, Islam stands in stark contrast to the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution and what the First Amendment was designed to protect: our God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Understand that Sharia is very complex, and it’s derived from multiple Islamic sources.

I say humanity must remain strong and resolute.  People must stop deluding themselves.  Islam will never, ever coexist with the infidels.  We must remove this cancer from this land, move away from an exclusionary, primitive, and tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Trump China Trade Deal – What You Need To Know

“The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers.” —Congressman Henry Clay, 1824

The current trade dispute with Communist China has filled a lot of headlines. A great deal of the coverage is inaccurate and claims made have been destroyed over time. I’m talking about the destruction of our major sectors: manufacturing, industrial and agricultural which began as soon as the unconstitutional NAFTA was signed into ‘law’.

The communist Chinese have NEVER been a friend of these united States of America. They are God-less barbarians regardless of how expensive the three-piece suit worn by their masters. (I can still hear their screams)

Here’s a prime example of the garbage out there:

On Free Trade, Even Karl Marx Is Smarter Than Donald Trump – Marx “was a champion of free trade, and no friend of tariff barriers.”

Of course, he was. Marx was a communist. Oh, I know. The ignorant out there will shout Marx was a Marxist! Those mental midgets might at least take a few minutes to find out if there’s a difference:

“Is there any difference between communism and Marxism? Well, the two “communism and Marxism” are the same with not much difference between the two. Communism is really based on Marxism and the two cannot be separated. However, one can see that Marxism is the theory and Communism is the practical implementation of Marxism.”

The Marxist Influence – Billy & Hillary Clinton

Free trade has destroyed not built up our country. Time has proven that to be true. Not only did jobs get sucked down to Mexico and over to commie China, those countries began flooding this country with their cheap crap while American workers lost everything. Because they lost their jobs, what did they buy? Cheap crap from communist China and Mexico.

If you think that’s hyperbole, I can assure you it’s not. After NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) I traveled through the hardest hit states like Pennsylvania and Ohio. THOUSANDS of factories closed in a half dozen states within a couple of years. Our fellow country men and women who had worked for companies all their lives found themselves with no jobs.

Towns and smaller cities decimated by NAFTA and then the equally destructive WTO/GATT.  The youth of those cities and towns had nothing to keep them there so off they went to bigger cities to find work along with relatives. Cities that could not handle such a massive influx; their infrastructures taxed to the limit.

A champion of that destruction is former Speaker of the House and someone I detest, globalist Newt Gingrich. He and Rush Limbaugh pushed hard to get NAFTA passed. Gingrich was in bed with globalist traitor, Bill Clinton and they got the job done.  1993 presser with Gingrich bragging about passage of NAFTA.

If you haven’t seen it before, click here and see what should have warned Americans about NAFTA. The bastards behind all this are still conspiring to destroy America and suck us into a global world government.

“He, therefore, who is now against domestic manufacture, must be for reducing us either to dependence on that foreign nation, or to be clothed in skins, and to live like wild beasts in dens and caverns. I am not one of these; experience has taught me that manufactures are now as necessary to our independence as to our comfort; and if those who quote me as of a different opinion, will keep pace with me in purchasing nothing foreign where an equivalent of domestic fabric can be obtained, without regard to difference of price, it will not be our fault if we do not soon have a supply at home equal to our demand, and wrest that weapon of distress from the hand which has wielded it.” The Letters of Thomas Jefferson: 1743-1826. To Benjamin Austin Monticello, January 9, 1816

In 2000, former Speaker of the House, drunken wino, Johnny Boehner and Satan’s handmaiden, Nancy Pelosi, had the window to get US out of the WTO/GATT treaty. They did not. Only American companies continually slapped down and fined by the World Trade Organization can fully understand the hardship they’ve endured since that destructive treaty was passed rewarding countries that are our enemy – like commie China.

“Tell them (the South Carolinians who wanted to nullify the Tariff Act of 1832) that I will hang the first man of them I can get my hands on to the first tree I can find.” —President Andy Jackson

Gingrich wrote a forward for a book by another globalist, Alvin Toffler, titled “Third Wave.” Toffler was pushing for the end of nation states and the end of our Constitution and sovereign country. Newt loved it so much he put it on his recommended reading list while still Speaker of the House.

Well, it seems old Newt has had a change of heart. Now he says he ‘misunderstood’ the communist Chinese. MAKE ME GAG. For being touted by Sean Hannity and others as so smart and intellectual, it now dawns on you about China, it’s past and how those commies think is not good for America? Now commie China is dangerous?

Newt Gingrich: China and how we got it wrong, May 19, 2019

No, Newt. “We” didn’t get it wrong. You and your anti-American worker financial supporters and mega-corporations knew ECXACTLY what you were doing pushing free trade and China. Now you’ve written a new book, which thanks to pumping by Hannity and others, will no doubt become another best seller lining your pockets after you destroyed millions of jobs and hundreds of thousands of lives.

Did you ever ONCE drive through the parts of our country destroyed by NAFTA? Talk to farmers in Florida after NAFTA was in effect for about a year and let them tell you how they plowed under millions of pounds of tomatoes because they couldn’t compete with cheap tomatoes from Mexico?

Did you go around the country and listen to the heart-breaking stories YOUR decision to enrich anti-American corporations that only became so wealthy from the sweat off the backs of Americans and then you and your globalist buddies in Congress stabbed them in the back. YOU, Newt Gingrich, are one of the biggest culprits in destroying the middle class. It continued after you left and right up until today with ‘cheap’ labor using illegal aliens.

Know what, Newt? You’ve now got more millions than you could ever spend. How about driving through the waste lands out there and giving $10,000 here and there to little towns you helped destroy? When pig’s fly. Buy your book? When cows fly.

NAFTA, GATT and all the other “free” trade agreements and treaties have gutted what made America the most prosperous nation on earth.

Last week Rush Limbaugh had a very good show on commie China and this fact: THEY need us. They need YOU to keep buying their cheap crap. Their economy depends on you to a very, very large degree. Trump knows this and he should NOT back down despite the scare tactics:

Companies warn Trump trade war is about to hit consumers

Why weren’t they warning what would happen after NAFTA? After CAFTA and all the other “free” trade treaties that have so destroyed what made America financially superior?

Lifelong Soviet Agent, Henry Kissinger, said about NAFTA: “What Congress will have before it is not a conventional trade agreement but the architecture of a new international system…a first step toward a new world order.” July 18, 1993 (A MUST read: Kissinger Out of the Closet) When I saw President Trump canoodling with Kissinger inside OUR White House I don’t know if he’s ignorant of who Kissinger really is or if he’s just trying to read him.

Full page ad, NY Times, April 15, 1994:

  1. Bretton Woods: The IMF and the World Bank. 1945. San Francisco: The United Nations. 1994, Marrakech: The World Trade Organization. History knows where it’s going. The final act of the Uruguay Round….to the WTO, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the UN and the IMF.”

There isn’t a damn thing ‘free’ about free trade treaties or agreements. One thing Limbaugh hammered on that Americans either aren’t listening or don’t care is the fact that China has been SCREWING us for decades. They’ve been stealing OUR technology. They ARE a national security risk to this country and if you think I’m just blowing smoke, how many Americans do you think read the Cox report?

What’s that? The Cox Report proves the Chinese stole defense secrets, nuclear weapons technology and much more. From us. If members of the Democratic/Communist Part USA want to scream and yell about the phony Russia collusion, where was that party’s voice over Chinagate?

And, under whose watch did Chinagate come about? Why, Newt’s global buddy, Billy Clinton.

This is a very good summation: Exclusive: Bill Clinton and the Selling of US Security – For the Clinton crime family, selling out US national security is a family business

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History

Indeed. And then there is Uranium One with Hildebeast Clinton in the driver’s seat.  Just wait. That one is coming and then what will her party puke up to cover her well-padded backside she tries to hide wearing $3,000 long jackets?

The Cox Report: The unanimous and bipartisan report of the House Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China. Below is the full archive.



Richard Nixon started the ball rolling in 1972 when he met with Chou En-Lai in Shanghai to “cement a new world order.” That’s when the U.S. government and anti-American worker corporations began sleeping with the enemy. China with their re-education camps alive and well today. Their people ruled over with an iron fist who have no idea what freedom means.

Out of all the books I’ve read on this, these two are at the top.  I’m sure there are others but I recommend these:

The Pooring of America: Competition & The Myth of Free Trade by Dr. Ravi Batra. Michael Hudson’s outstanding work: America’s Protectionist Take-Off, 1815-1914

I know this is a very difficult time for our farmers and ranchers. Anyone who has read my work going back to 1993 knows I am a champion and supporter of our farmers and ranchers. I haven’t purchased one single vegetable or piece of fruit from Mexico or any South American country since NAFTA. I didn’t have to as our farmers provided my food.

Our farmers are killing themselves – yes, suicide – in record numbers. Pray for them while this battle goes on because it’s truly terrible times for them made worse by all the flooding recently.

The communists have to “save face” so they are going to dig in their heels. Trump knows this as he’s done business with them before as well as many other countries. Before NAFTA and all these “free” trade treaties think about how prosperous our nation was and how countries didn’t seem to have a problem trading with us. They wanted our quality goods, beef, pork and crops.

Then when the time was ripe with globalist Clinton in the Oval Office, rich former American corporations and corrupt politicians like Gingrich made their move. The one thing we DON’T want pushed by Trump’s advisors who he needs to kick to the curb is the alleged solution to NAFTA which is NO solution:

The USMCA “Trade Agreement” Violates Our Constitution And Sets Up Global Government – A VERY important read.

These are the most concise, accurate and factual pieces on tariffs outside of books. I hope you will take the time to read them.  The dogma of “free” trade has been poison for our country.

Tariffs: The Taxes That Made America Great, May 13, 2019

How Tariffs Really Work & Why Business News Often Seeks to Scare the Public About Them, May 14, 2019

Trump has been right about China for decades while the entire establishment got it wrong

STOP feeding the Communist Chinese and countries like Communist Viet Nam your money. My God, hundreds of millions have died under communism and you want to support their totalitarian regimes with your money?

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

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Koch Brother on Trump Tariffs: Ignore National Security and Jobs for Profits and Cheap Imports

Another globalist witch: Former State Dept. Official Under Trump Tells China to Quit Negotiating Until Trump is Removed in 2020

Co-Create Your Life Journey

Most people stumble through their teens, stagger through their twenties and meander into their thirties.  By forty, they suffer a mid-life crisis before bumping into the Big “5”  “0”.

(On life’s highway, you meet wonderful people co-creating their lives. Hang out with people who love living, thrive at every venture and love to share their secrets. Keep listening and then, take action.)

Photo by Frosty Wooldridge

From 50, they face the last third of their lives with a sense of a downhill slide.  Most never lived any “great” moments or vanquished any dragons let alone navigated a great sailing ship called the Black Pearl like Captain Jack Sparrow.  None took off through space like the Next Generation on the Starship Enterprise.

Most Americans enjoy two-week vacations with scant time to climb Mt. Everest or raft the Amazon.  Others feel so locked into their jobs that nothing or no one can change their fate.

What if teens and twenties changed the course of their existence by co-creating their lives with a greater power, a higher understanding and a plan to enjoy their way of life?

Captain Jean Luc Picard said, “Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.”

Breathe that statement into your spirit.  Incorporate it into your mind.  Engage it with your passions.

What turns you on in your daily existence?  What moves you to action? What calls you?

For every human being on Earth, a little engine inside calls for “something” to activate a life-calling.  How do you find out which path calls you?

What heroes do you follow?  Why?  What great moments in history move you? How do you feel when you study a certain subject?  What books engage your interest?  What famous movie role inspires you?

It’s my contention that you discover your life path by following the slightest thread of your desires.  From there, you make your intentions.

If you remember Star Wars, Luke Skywalker landed his fighter space craft in a bog where the fabled Yoda lived on some far-flung planet. The bog felt dense, steamy, depressing and foreboding.  Luke’s spacecraft sank into the muck.

After some time, Yoda discovered the young Luke Skywalker.

“Why have you come?” asked Yoda.

“I need to know how to engage the Force,” replied Skywalker.

“You must believe in yourself,” said Yoda.  “The Force moves in and through you. It engages every cell in your body.  You must open up to something better.  You must open to and flow with your beliefs.  You need to align with your higher energies.  The universe moves in your favor. Understand and harness that Force.”

“But how?” asked Skywalker.

“You see your fighter space craft stuck in the bog?” asked Yoda.

“Yes, it’s stuck,” said Skywalker.  “Just like me with the Force.”

“You must open to the creative energies of the Force,” said Yoda. “You must surrender and receive.  You must believe. In the end you must weave your own story.”

“That’s a bunch of grand claptrap,” said Skywalker.

“Okay, use the Force to lift your craft out of the bog and set it on dry land,” said Yoda.

“I’ll try,” said Skywalker.

He engaged his mind. The craft moved a little, but quickly, Skywalker gave up.

“I don’t think I can do it,” said Skywalker.

“You can’t just ‘try’ young Luke Skywalker,” said Yoda.  “You must know you can do it.”

With that, Yoda raised his hands, aimed his mind at the craft, and lifted it out of the bog onto dry land.”

“I don’t believe it,” said Skywalker.

“That’s why you failed in your own attempt,” said Yoda.

On this long journey of your life, you must co-create your life path with the creative energy within you.  You possess all the tools and all the ingenious energy to engage a positive, useful, purposeful and happy life.

Open to possibilities daily, engage the flow, and receive the favors of the universe. Finally, weave your story toward co-creating your dynamic life. Take action toward your chosen destiny.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


So Help Me God – The Battle For The Heart And Soul Of America

Life presents in black and white.  Doesn’t it?  Right and wrong, good and evil, light and dark.  I know metaphorical expressions wear us out, but these well-known comparations suggest for us what is and is not acceptable behavior.  They’re a product of natural law.  Unchanging principles and morality many believe endowed by God.

“A fundamental presupposition of Natural Law is that man’s reasoning power is a special dispensation of the Creator and is closely akin to the rational or reasoning power of the Creator himself.  In other words, man shares with his creator this quality of utilizing a rational approach to solving problems, and the reasoning of the mind will generally lead to common-sense conclusions based on what Jefferson calledthe laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.’“  The 5000 Year Leap, A Miracle that Changed the World

Natural law is a precept embraced by our founders based on the thinking and writings of ancient Roman lawyer Cicero.  Cicero defined natural law as true law.

“True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and ever-lasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions…. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely.  We cannot be freed from its obligations by senate or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it.  And there will not be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now and in the future, but one eternal and unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, its promulgator, and its enforcing judge.  Whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst punishment.” Cicero, taken from Great Political Thinkers and quoted in The 5000 Year Leap.

In a civil society, absent written laws, natural law is observed by humankind.  At least by those who choose not to live in breach of humankind’s enduring principles and “the laws of Nature and Nature’s God.”

“(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them.)”  Romans 2:14-15

I stand in good company proclaiming that we arrived in this world knowing right from wrong.  Like freedom, it was written on our hearts.  People argue against that.  Especially if they do not accept the natural order or a Supreme moral authority.  The moral authority that defines right and wrong.  It’s the reason we do not need written laws to know that lying, stealing, and murdering are wrong.  Going against what we inherently know, puts us in a place where people and nations lose their way.  Life without contentment is frustrating.  During our brief time in this world, contentment is impossible if there exists a nagging feeling that what we’re doing is wrong.  Unnaturally wrong.  When our man written laws make the unacceptable acceptable or turn evil to good then, as we say over here in the hills, we are on the rocky road to perdition.

It’s an age-old internal struggle. Spiritual warfare some call it.  We choose to follow a Supreme moral authority or we cast it off and decide for ourselves what’s right and wrong.  We become our moral authority with ever expanding boundaries. When boundaries expand to encompass others, others who may not hold to what we embrace as moral and natural, we see fits of rage and demands that they not be allowed to have a business or even exist in the public square.  Observe today’s America.  People cast off the concept of a Supreme moral authority, what is or is not natural, and then insist that others not only accept their behavior, but also endorse it.  That is where the battle for the heart and soul of not just people, but for a nation ensues.

In the latest effort to rid ourselves of divine influence, Democrat led committees no longer require witnesses to end their sworn oaths with “So Help Me God.” They’ve removed the Supreme authority from the oath.  So, who is it that’s holding them ultimately responsible for truthfulness?  Go read Kelleigh Nelson’s excellent article on the subject.

If you’ve read this far without moving on, maybe your asking what exactly is it I’m babbling on about.  It’s not hard, you know.  I need not provide a list, but I will.  Go read Romans 1.  The letter from the Apostle Paul to the Romans may as well have been addressed to America and for that matter the entirety of Western Civilization.  America cannot exist as America living in the gloomy gray between black and white, light and dark, good and evil.

© 2019 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry:

The Epidemic Of A Seared Conscience

Nobody has the right to not be offended. That right doesn’t exist in any declaration I have ever read.[1]

Many Americans have been propagandized to the extent that they now form an entire subclass – the perpetually offended. What are the signs? One of the most glaring signs of this new genre of the walking infantile is the belief, often expressed by aggressive and even violent behavior, that anyone or thing that offends them ought not to be allowed to exist.

People that think this way apparently believe that the universe operates according to their ideology. They have no real justification for believing this way. They can’t point to any standard of moral reasoning, logical analysis, or time-tested system of thought that supports their viewpoint. They further demonstrate their ignorance by believing everyone would be better off believing like they do. Remarkable, they think they are the modern equivalent of the knights of old, riding in to rescue the damsels in distress, in this case culture, civility, and the American way. The truth that these individuals cannot grasp is something much different.

Here is a case in point: Two University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill students were recently arrested and charged with assault. What led to their arrests? They were arrested after they physically and violently attacked a pro-life activist who was on the campus with Created Equal, a group that uses dialogue to attempt to persuade people that abortion is the murder of unborn human beings. One of the strategies that Created Equal uses is the prominent display of actual pictures of the dismembered bodies of babies, the result of “choice” as abortion is euphemistically called by those attempting to disguise the barbaric truth of what abortion is and does to the preborn human.

Pictures of babies who have suffered the cruelest fate imaginable are a powerful reminder of the truth of what abortion really is. Pictures leave no room for debate about abortion being “women’s reproductive healthcare” as the brainwashed like to call it. Abortion ends the life of the baby and therefore trying to obfuscate this truth by calling it “reproductive healthcare” is idiocy.

The university students mentioned above were shocked when law enforcement officers arrested them. They could not believe that their noble cause of violently opposing and assaulting pro-life individuals resulted in arrest. One of the students said, “I cannot believe this is happening,” referring to her arrest.

Another example of the same mindset demonstrated by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill child murder supporters is the now infamous behavior of Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims. Sims, the self-proclaimed champion of a women’s right to murder her unborn child, thought he was valiant and courageous for demeaning, belittling, and verbally intimidating an elderly woman outside a baby murder facility.

What was the crime that set Sims over the edge? This grandmother was walking in front of the murder mill while praying silently. For this gross offense Sims took it upon himself to video the woman, demanding her name and address, offering a money reward to anyone who would identify her and where she lived so that he and others that think like he does could go harass her at her home.

In the least Sims demonstrated that he has no business making decisions that affect citizens of the state of Pennsylvania in his capacity as a State Representative. More troubling than that however, is the fact that Sims thought it perfectly normal to call for a mass turnout of like-minded baby murderers to intimidate an individual for having the temerity to be at a place where women murder their children and pray that they would change their minds.

Then there is the recent case of the morally bankrupt young women celebrating the act of murdering babies by dancing through a graveyard of crosses representing aborted babies. This publicity stunt was noteworthy for the callousness with which these young women were exulting child murder. Here is one report of this incident:

Planned Parenthood supporters at the University of Texas at San Antonio protested at a Students for Life symbolic cemetery for the unborn.

The incident occurred on April 9 as Students for Life commemorated aborted babies through a cemetery display, the pro-life nonprofit group revealed in a press release Wednesday. Students for Life set up pink crosses and talked to students about pro-life options as part of a spring Planned Parenthood Truth Tour throughout college campuses.

Young women from the university’s Students United for Planned Parenthood group interrupted the memorial activity. The protesters strode through the assembled crosses, shouted and waved signs, according to video footage.

“Look, there’s mine right there,” one Planned Parenthood supporter shouted in the video, pointing at a cross and pretending an aborted baby lay beneath it. A student shouted across the cemetery that she loves having sex and aborting babies. “My number one kink,” she can be heard saying in the video, as noted by Students For Life.

“I love advocating for abortion! My uterus loves advocating for abortion,” another girl shouted, waving her sign. “When I say Planned, you say Parenthood. When I say aborted, you say fetuses!”

“It’s a fetus graveyard!” another protester said.[2]

What has happened to a great number of men and women in America is that their conscience has become seared. Their mind is in a state of depreciating ability to grasp morality personally and interpersonally. They have become incapable of moral reasoning and logical analysis that lead to guilt or shame related to their thinking and behavior. They are being turned over to the darkness they crave and prostitute themselves to and on behalf of.

Depending on the severity of the behavior, psychologists call this psychopathic or sociopathic behavior. The difference between the two is that a psychopath has no conscience remaining. The psychopath’s conscience is completely seared and devoid of any emotion of shame or guilt associated with their behavior. Ironically, Hollywood glamorizes this behavior, giving tacit approval to the violent and murderous results of psychopathic people.

The sociopath has a small amount of conscience remaining. This person might still feel a twinge of guilt but not enough to stop their evil behavior. Both the psychopath and sociopath are dangerous to others with which they interact and especially those with whom they disagree.  Courtrooms across this nation are filled with cases involving the egregious behavior of people with little to no functioning conscience.

All of the examples above demonstrate varying states of the inability to reason morally. America is well down the path of being wrested from its moral foundations by psychopaths and sociopaths whose faculties have been impaired by evil. What can be done to correct this development? We must first understand what we are dealing with.

The late J.I. Packer said concerning conscience that:

An educated, sensitive conscience is God’s monitor.  It alerts us to the moral quality of what we do or plan to do, forbids lawlessness and irresponsibility, and makes us feel guilt, shame, and fear of the future retribution that it tells us we deserve, when we have allowed ourselves to deny its restraints…Satan’s strategy is to corrupt, desensitize, and if possible kill our consciences.  The relativism, materialism, narcissism, secularism, and hedonism of today’s Western world help him mightily toward his goal.  His task is made yet simpler by the way in which the world’s moral weaknesses have been taken into the contemporary church.[3]

Packer identified the real crux of the issue. Conscience is a God-given warning system that has been deliberately turned off today in a large number of Americans. An alarm cannot warn of danger if it is not connected to a power source.

Slowly and over time the innate ability of Americans to determine right from wrong has been strategically and with malice corrupted. The constant drive to remove and even erase Christianity from the public mind and memory has borne the rottenest of fruit culturally speaking.

How can a culture sustain moral uprightness from generation to generation when even the Church, that instrument of God meant to inform and when necessary, correct culture, begins to emulate the culture? When a society becomes seared in conscience, when a critical mass of people begin to think and advocate for evil under the guise of good, and exchange light for darkness, their minds become seared as with a branding iron and the resultant scar tissue renders them incapable of returning to correct thinking and behavior absent a radical surgery.

The Church is meant to be God’s scalpel, guided by His hand to make perfect incisions to remove the cancer of evil, the scar tissue of a seared conscience, and in so doing, restore right thinking and behavior to all individuals. When the Church refuses to do that mass deception is allowed to congeal and that environment creates hostility toward the truth of man’s precarious condition and toward the only solution to his dilemma.

The answer to this predicament is not for the Church to go with the flow, to seek the path of least resistance, to affirm inclusiveness as that term is meant today and throw open the doors to culture. The only answer that will turn America around is a full-on biblical revival that must start in the pulpits of America and sweep through the local bodies of Christ spread out over this nation. That kind of revival cannot be contained and it will spill over into local school boards, city councils, college campuses, businesses, state representatives, and finally our national leadership. When God’s people once again bow their knee to Him alone, then revival will come, minds will be freed from the bondage of the demonic slavery imposed upon them from God-hating miscreants who have secretly snuck into our churches, communities, and governments at every level.

True biblical revival will transform hearts, heal minds, and lead to tangible action by those delivered from their bondage. True biblical revival will come on the heels of true repentance, a faith that demonstrates a changed heart, mind, and life trajectory.

The Scriptures[4] tell us that: There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9

This means that only through faith in Christ will people become free from a seared conscience and the inevitable consequence of that state. Christian, rise up and take your place in the army of God, and march forward in victory, for our God has given us this land. Occupy until He returns!

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:
E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg


[1] Quote attributed to author Salman Rushdie found here.

[2] See Planned Parenthood Texas unborn cemetery

[3] J.I. Packer, Rediscovering Holiness.

[4] All Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, The Lockman Foundation, 1995.

A Constitutional Crisis, Part 1

The Democrats have been screaming that President Trump is creating a constitutional crisis.  Just like everything else the Democrats complain about it is they who have created the constitutional crisis.  You know they blamed Trump of ‘colluding’ with Russia when in reality it was Hillary and the DNC who paid for the dossier and Hillary who sold Russia 20% of our uranium to Russia.  I think Mueller stopped the investigation because all roads led to Hillary and Obama.

What we are seeing is the Democrat Party ignores the principles of our Founding Document, the Constitution.  Our Constitution set guidelines for the federal government and anything not listed there is under the authority of the States. Our Federal government has very little it has authority over.   Protecting the citizens is the most important duty of the federal government yet they have ignored that duty for decades.  Reagan attempted to get border security in 1986 but Senator Schumer saw to it that it never happened.  He has blocked any type of border security since.  It is a never-ending source of voters for the Democrat Party that he does not want stopped.

We know that over the eight years that Obama was president the NSA, National Security Agency, has been collecting information from social media, emails, texts, posts on FaceBook, Twitter and all other social media and even our phone conversations.  The Forth Amendment to the Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.  The collecting of this information is a direct violation of this Constitutional right.  Congress has done nothing to stop it.  This practice was kicked into high gear after September 11, 2001 with the Patriot Act.  We should pay attention to the warning issued by Benjamin Franklin: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Looking at all of the government agencies we have; Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, this one should be a convenience store not a government agency.  This is just to give you an idea of the overreach of the federal government. There are 668 government agencies.[1]  I’m not saying that as we have grown and become a world leader in power and prosperity that we don’t need some of these agencies but at no time was the Constitution amended to allow this to happen.  In looking at a couple of these agencies the Department of Education is NOT an area that the federal government has any authority to control.  Now, they will claim that they don’t set curriculum they just perform oversite for uniformity, but they do set testing standards.  When you set testing standards you just set the curriculum.

The Democrat Party has a long record of ignoring the principles and guidelines of the Constitution.  Woodrow Wilson took our economic system and gave it to a foreign organization.  The Federal Reserve isn’t federal, and it isn’t a reserve, it is an organization that controls our interest rates and our money supply.  He stated after he had allowed the formation of the Federal Reserve: “I am a most unhappy man; I have unwittingly ruined my country.  A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of Credit.  Our system of credit is concentrated.  The growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men.   We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world.  No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

There has been numerous calls for all bills to list the part of the Constitution allows this particular bill but that has never been passed.  The Democrats contempt for the Constitution and any attempt to reign them in is legendary.  One member of the House from the State of California, surprise, surprise, is Pete Stark, Representative CA 13th District (1993 – 2013).  He’ll tell you in no uncertain terms that as a citizen, you’re no more than a pile of that stuff Bess Truman took twenty-five years to get Harry to call fertilizer.  Congressman Pete Stark continues his rampage against the American people. His views on what this country should be continues to be exposed. In a recent townhall meeting someone questioned Stark on how demanding that others pay for your healthcare is in the US Constitution. Stark said with conviction that the federal government can basically do whatever the hell it wants, thus insinuating that the citizens have no say. In essence, Pete Stark is saying that the federal government is a dictator.

“The Federal Government can do most anything in this country,” Stark said in response.

There are no checks and balances in his mind. The feds are an all powerful being and your chances of stopping it from doing anything is nil.

This is the same congressman who recently said in June 2010 that “The borders are quite secure” and asked a minuteman in the audience “who you gonna kill today?”. While you may disagree on the immigration issue – unlikely as poll after poll shows 80+% oppose illegal immigration – Stark has also showed his contempt for an elderly constituent in September 2009 by telling him “I wouldn’t dignify you by peeing on your leg. It wouldn’t be worth wasting the urine.”.[2]

This is the so-called party of the people.  They stomp on the rights of the people if those right are in the way of the democrats getting what they want.  The most recent example of this slap in the face to our laws by the democrats is the recent House vote to find Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress for not releasing information from the Mueller Report that would be illegal for him to release.  That is how blatantly the democrats ignore the laws and our Constitution.  They demand Trump be found guilty of something so they can impeach him, and they don’t care what kind of illegal activity they have to do to get that information or what they may have to do to invent that information.  This is exactly what they did with all the Russian collusion hoax.  This was an attempt to take down a duly elected president because they wanted to retain power and now, they are being exposed and they want him out of office before too many more of them are outed.

© 2019 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes


The SS Empire Windrush: The Mayflower In Reverse?

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

The SS Empire Windrush, a ship that will live in infamy in the minds of European nationalists, arrived in London from Jamaica in June 1948. When it disgorged 417 black immigrants, it marked the start of the large-scale, organized, non-white immigration into Northwestern Europe. Thus, it can be viewed as the reverse of the arrival of the Mayflower on North American shores, in that instead of the English starting the displacing, it was the start of the English being displaced.

The story of the vessel is yet another manifestation of the gradual destruction of the white race and its cultures.

In one of history’s unintended iron­ies, the vessel that would mark the end of racial homogeneity in Britain commenced life as a National Socialist cruise liner. The ship was commissioned in 1930 as the MV Monte Rosa.  Until World War II, she was employed in the “Strength Through Joy” National Socialist program to give more than 25 million Germans an opportunity to enjoy free cruises and leisure pursuits during their vacations. The program was seen as a means to break down class barriers and enhance the German sense of community, as there was no privileged status such as first-class accommodations or perks given to certain passengers and not others.

The ship was converted to military purposes in 1939. She was one of several vessels later turned into a hospital and evacuation ship employed to help rescue many thousands of Germans trapped in Latvia, East Prussia and Danzig by the rapid westward advance of the Red Army toward the end of the war. Many of these vessels never made it to a safe destination, and untold thousands were killed by Russian torpedoes. This was the case of the Wilhelm Gustloff, on which an estimated 10,000 perished, the greatest tragedy in maritime history. However, the Monte Rosa made it through safely.

In May 1945, the Monte Rosa’s German career ended when she was captured by British forces. She was renamed the SS Empire Windrush and handed over to a Jewish-owned New Zealand shipping company. She was one of several former German vessels passed on to Commonwealth shipping companies, primarily Jewish owned, by the Jewish secretary of state for war, Emanuel Shinwell. Shinwell had a side career of passing British secrets to the murderous Israeli revolutionary military force called the Irgun in 1947.

With the crumbling of the British empire, the Empire Windrush was employed to ferry British troops from their Commonwealth outposts back to their homelands. During May 1948, the ship’s operators were given the authority to increase profits by filling her to capacity with black Jamaican settlers on the return trip to Britain before the commencement of the next assignment to ferry British troops around. This momentous decision was taken arbitrarily without thought as to consequences and caused great shock to British politicians when it came to light. The British minister of transport authorizing the importation of large numbers of blacks was Harry Louis Nathan, formerly a member of the Jewish law firm of Oppenheimer, Nathan and Vandyk.

Government contracts and the Jewish control of maritime activity played an instrumental role in the burgeoning commercial passenger industry that would bring waves of blacks, Pakistanis and Indians to Britain over the next two decades.

It cannot be ascertained whether the motivation for this transportation of people was initially purely profit-driven or was also part of a concerted campaign to inundate Britain with non-whites. It would appear to be a combination of the two, with a progressive tilt over time toward the latter.

Several politicians and senior civil servants expressed misgivings over the landing of the Empire Windrush with her unwanted “newcomers,” the elites’ politically correct term of choice. There was still a housing shortage since large parts of London were heavily bombed during World War II; strict food rationing remained in place after the war (in fact, rationing in Britain was worse after than during the war); the feeling of a need for control over every citizen, necessary in wartime, had not yet fully dissolved; and in spite of the myth of a labor shortage later propagated to justify the coming of the invaders, no industry was seriously undermanned.

Into this tense atmosphere of apprehension, discomfort and shortages came the strange strangers. The newcomers had been told before leaving on their voyage that they would be fed and housed upon arrival. The locals’ unease was at first disregarded, and then shunted aside as an act of Parliament provided for a hearty welcome for the intruders. Many more ships carrying dusky Caribbean settlers arrived after that first docking.

After the initial false narrative that the British government brought in the Third-Worlders to help overcome a labor shortage, the government, tongue in cheek, expounded the fantasy that Commonwealth subjects should be “freely admissible” to the United Kingdom to hold the crumbling empire together. The British solicitor general, Frank Soskice, yet another Jew, proclaimed that the British government had no legal power in peacetime to prevent the landings in London of the Empire Windrush. Thus began the new initiative of “Destruction Through Diversity” whereby numerous other troopships disgorged dusky immigrants into Britain.

Winston Churchill remarked during the next administration: “Problems will arise if many colored people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with color problems in the UK? Public opinion won’t tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.”

Of course, by then it was too late. Black immigration increased dramatically from 2,000 in 1948 to 42,000 in 1957. A government report of December 1953 stated that the new population could not secure employment, not because of discrimination, but because the newcomers had “low output” and their working life was marred by “irresponsibility, quarrelsomeness, and lack of discipline.” Black men were said to be “volatile in temperament … and lacking in stamina,” and black women were “slow mentally.”  Worse yet, “future social and criminal patterns were being established.”

The famed Notting Hill Race Riots of 1958 were the culmination of white reaction against black crime and miscegenation—300 to 400 whites violently demonstrated against black criminality resulting in six days and nights of uninterrupted interracial warfare. This event represented a clear opportunity for Britain to turn back the tide, but the proliferation of Jewish lawyers stymied all efforts at effective white resistance.

Within 50 years of the first docking of the Empire Windrush, the racial composition of England had changed entirely. Following the black Carib­beans, the Punjabi Sikhs and Hindu Gujaratis came from the Indian subcontinent. Next came the Muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Many big towns now have areas in which white people have become rare; talking about immigrants in those places as “minorities” sounds perverse. More than one-third of inner London’s children do not have English as their first language. Settlers now include Afghans, Africans, Arabs and others all the way through the alphabet  and the Zulus.

After catching fire during a voyage, the SS Empire Windrush sank to a watery grave on March 30, 1954, but her legacy was to cast a pall over the nation. The leftists are doing their best to keep the memory of the Empire Windrush alive. A public square in Brixton, London was named “Windrush Square” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of her landing in London with the first set of black invaders. It was featured during the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games. The salvaged wheel of the vessel sits relic-like for veneration at the offices of the Open University in Camden Town, London.

Sidney Secular is an officer in the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC) and a freelance writer. CofCC has an excellent newsletter that keeps you informed about its activities and includes provocative articles and editorials as well. To find out more, go to its website located at



On June 22, 1948, the United Kingdom was changed forever by the arrival at Tilbury of the Empire Windrush, with its cargo of blacks from the Caribbean immigrating to the white lands of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The ship sailed on May 27, 1948 from Jamaica, stopping briefly at Trinidad, before heading toward England. The image of the Carib­beans filing off her gangplank has become a symbol to many of the destruction of the white race.

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The Make-Believe World Of A Transgender Powerlifter reported this week “Powerlifter Mary Gregory — a biological male who competes as a female — made headlines last month after breaking multiple women’s powerlifting records, which sparked widespread outrage.”

But after a review, the Raw Powerlifting Federation has stripped the weightlifter of the titles because they determined Gregory was not eligible to compete as a woman.

Some things are real. Some things are make-believe. Knowing the difference is critically, crucially important.

Let’s imagine that the X and Y-chromosomes no longer have anything to do with the biological sex of a human. From now on you are free to medically treat males and females however you want. Cervical and prostate cancer screenings are no longer necessary because reproductive organs are just an old delusion of gender-phobic, reproductive tyranny.

To act upon this train of thought is very dangerous and will cause great harm… probably fatal harm. The example I just used is easy to agree with because the physical laws of the universe – like the laws governing health and reproduction – are quite easy for us to discern.

Unless you are a transgender powerlifter?

Raw Powerlifting Federation President Paul Bossi released a comprehensive statement explaining why the federation stripped Gregory of the titles.

“Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification. On the basis of all information presented to the board of directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male,” Bossi explained.

“Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts,” he added.

Gregory was “infuriated” by Bossi’s statement, especially since the weightlifter has been taking female hormones for a whole year.

“I feel like I’m being tarred and feathered as this person who got in there, competing against 50 women, and just stomping all over them, and won by some magnificent total,” Gregory said. “Not to denigrate my own accomplishments or achievements, I’m so very proud of them, but the numbers that I lifted aren’t class leading.”

You see, even Gregory knows deep down that he is a male. Based upon his statement, he is acknowledging the laws of Nature and Nature’s God, while denying them with his actions.

If you, perchance, have swallowed the notion that these moral laws don’t exist, or that you can invent them and discard them at your will, or if you think that only the ones that you actually happen to believe in actually apply to you, then you may be careening carelessly toward the end of a moral cliff. You see, you don’t break the rules; the rules break you. And we might do well to remember that this is true not just for us as individuals, but also for our community and our country.

If our country continues on a path of denying the fixed, moral laws of the universe, this is a clear indication that we are no longer acting in accordance with reality. It is not real to think that a person, or a people, can do these things without disastrous consequences.

Shouldn’t we pay attention to what our founding documents declare? When God made the world he made physical and moral laws. To think or to act as if they don’t exist is make-believe… dangerous… deadly.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

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LGBTQ: Forcing Us To Embrace Their Destructive Lifestyle

Someone asked, “What is behind the LGBTQ agenda?” The goal of LGBTQ enforcers is to forcibly normalize their lifestyle in the minds of the 97% of the population that is not LGBTQ. This is why we are bombarded with the LBGTQ lifestyle inserted into everything. Why are major corporations making the promotion of LGBTQ which are less than 3% of the population their top priority?

A Disney theme park TV ad featured two homosexual couples with children without showing a single heterosexual couple. Why is Disney so intent on appeasing this minute less than 3% of their market?

Converse launched a new line of shoes celebrating the LGBTQ lifestyle. The star of Converse’s depraved marketing campaign is an 11 year old drag queen. Converse says their campaign shows the power of expressing one’s true self. That is a lie. Converse is encouraging children to live a lie, rather than embrace who they truly are. Converse is engaged in child abuse.

Pure and simple. Lord help us.

Those in the LGBTQ lifestyle appear angry at and in rebellion against God; the God of Christianity. If you notice, everything LGBTQ enforcers advocate is in direct contradiction of God’s original plan for family, marriage, gender and Christian principles and values. It is not a coincidence that God’s symbol of the rainbow has been hijacked to represent a behavior which God says is an abomination. (Leviticus 20:13)

LGBTQ enforcers demand that we affirm their lifestyle to soften their nagging guilt. This is why LGBTQ enforcers have infiltrated public education beginning in preschool to teach our kids that their lifestyle is normal and even superior to heterosexuality.

My wife Mary said, “You know they will attack you for saying they feel guilty.” The Bible says they feel guilty until God gives them over to a reprobate mind. (Romans 1:28)

We all have LGBTQ family and friends whom we love. Since liberal activists on the Supreme Court, in essence, made same-sex marriage the law of the land, our acceptance and tolerance is no longer good enough. With an iron-fist, LGBTQ enforcers are using government to demand that we affirm their lifestyle against our conscience and religious beliefs. Clearly, those in the LBGTQ lifestyle feel guilty. Therefore, they must force us to say they are normal to make them feel better about themselves.

Countless studies confirm that the LGBTQ lifestyle is not normal; usually related to childhood trauma.

A homosexual friend said he loved his dad dearly. When he was a child, he awoke every morning at 3am to have breakfast with his dad before he went to work. One morning his dad scolded him telling him not to wake up. His dad simply did not want him tired for school. But to my friend, it was a profound rejection. My friend said from that day forward, he never woke up at 3am again. I could hear the pain in my friend’s voice. Over the years, I witnessed my friend suffer; always seeking love from unattainable men. I helped him recover from a suicide attempt over a man who rejected him.

One of my aunts had 5 sons by two fathers. Neither of the fathers participated in the boys’ lives. They lived in the projects on government welfare. I did sleepovers at my cousins’ home. Even though I was a little kid, I could feel that they envied me for having my dad living with us; my mom and 4 younger siblings. My cousins’ home had a sadness, an air of hopelessness, poverty and depression. I felt sorry for them.

Their mother was bitter and brutal. I saw her beat the two sons she disliked with pots, her fist and even a baseball bat. She treated her youngest son horribly. He and I were around ten years old when I watched her repeatedly pound him with her fist. He was so use to being brutalized that he did not cry until well into his beating. He became homosexual and died young of AIDS.

Her eldest son was amazing, assuming the role of father to his brothers. He worked his way through college and became extremely successful. Embracing homosexuality, he died of AIDS around age 40.

I believe growing up in that household contributed to my aunt’s two sons’ homosexuality.

Islam advocates executing homosexuals. So why have LGBTQ activists launched war on Christians rather that Muslims? LGBTQ enforcers target Christian businesses to force them to service same sex weddings against their religious convictions. And yet, LGBTQ enforcers stay clear of Muslim bakeries, flower shops and wedding photographers. Logically, shouldn’t LGBTQ enforcers be on the warpath against Muslim businesses rather than Christians?

God calls the homosexual lifestyle an abomination, but does not advocate killing them. God said with loving kindness have I drawn thee. (Jeremiah 31:3) So why do LGBTQ enforcers despise Christians while expressing support for Muslims?

We are becoming increasingly pressured to stop speaking truth and forced to embrace evil destructive lies. A woman told me her adult children are seriously questioning her sanity for supporting Trump and for not supporting Planned Parenthood, man-made climate change and the LBGTQ agenda.

I stand strong that God is on our side and in control. The roots of evil are shallow. We stand on a rock-solid foundation of righteousness and truth. Our job is to simply continue spreading truth and fighting the good fight for what is right. Rest in Christ and trust that all is well.

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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Marxist Democrats Delete God From House Proceedings

Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. —Vladimir Lenin

The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization.  It must be destroyed.  —Karl Marx

Communism is a religion that is inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God. —Billy Graham

The campaign and election of President Donald Trump has proven to be the ultimate expose of the Democratic Party’s long ago shift to Marxism.  For decades they’ve hidden their true globalist goals by using euphemistic terms and double speak to lull the citizenry.  A prime example is the “Affordable Care Act,” which is not at all affordable for the middle class when insurance deductibles have risen into multiple thousands.

The Leftists that were hounded into hiding by the 1950’s “Red Scare” have rebounded with a vengeance and heavily impacted American society.  The demise of God is their main target.  Over a half-century (many believe much longer), the socialists ended up taking over the universities, media, and cultural institutions and permeated them with their “Cultural Marxist totalitarian” ways.  They have become effective “anti-anti-Communists,” whose chief weapon is character assassination.

The actions and demands of the left mimic their desired communist society.  The “Rule of Law” no longer applies. As in communist countries, the corrupt go free to write books and become even more famous, while the innocent either die in prison or are financially broken with ruined reputations.

Democrats Delete God

The socialism of the Democrat Party violates at least three of the Ten Commandments. It turns government into God, it legalizes thievery and it elevates covetousness. But the real core of communism is the hatred of God.

The majority party in the House of Representatives has removed God.  It has deleted the Almighty from as many Congressional proceedings as possible, including the swearing in of witnesses.

When Congressman Mike Johnson (R-LA) raised a point of parliamentary inquiry as to why witnesses did not say, “so help me God” during their swearing in, Rep. Johnson asked Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) to please have the witnesses do it again including the “so help me God.” Cohen said, “I don’t think it’s necessary and I don’t want to assert my will over other people.”  Then Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) pipes up with, “If any witness objects, he should not be asked to identify himself.  We do not have religious tests for office or for anything else and we should let it go at that.”

Well, excuse the daylights out of me Reps. Cohen and Nadler, but we have used this swearing in for over 200 years.  As Rep. Johnson said, “It goes back to our founding history and it’s been part of our tradition for more than two centuries, and I don’t know that we should abandon it now.”  Watch the two-minute video.

Remember too that Democrats tried to delete God from their 2012 Platform at that year’s Democratic Convention. The first two voice votes were overwhelmingly in favor of deletion and so was the third, but the chairman realizing how bad this would be for them recognized the nays as being louder (which was a lie) and God was not eliminated from their platform. So, what’s next – remove our national motto, “In God we Trust” from our money? Nadler has a five-decade history of being an atheist and anti-American and Cohen is also an uber-leftist. Who died and made them the arbiters of changing American history?

Communists Destroy Religious Freedom

In Communist Red China, they’re closing churches, toppling crosses and even rewriting scripture.  Pictures of Jesus are forcibly replaced with pictures of Xi Jinping.

The official believed to be behind the forcible removal of 1,700 crosses from churches in eastern China has been promoted by the communist government, and it’s feared this move signals that the heightened Christian persecution of China’s 60 million Christians might carry on.

But the anti-Judeo-Christian culture and worship of God is not just in Communist Red China; it’s throughout Europe and America.  Here is a partial list of religious removals across America.  Atheists are the antagonists, but the Democratic Party has become the communist anti-God movement.

In 1962, the Warren Supreme Court removed prayer from school.  Few realized how that decision monumentally influenced our society.

Compare that to the fact that kindergarten students in Communist Red China are forced to sign away their religious beliefs.  The Education Bureau of the Chinese district of Lishan has launched a campaign to eradicate religious belief in kindergartens, which includes having the schoolchildren sign a commitment statement promising to avoid religious activities, an actual atheist manifesto.  The commitment statement includes the declaration: “I will adhere to the correct political direction, advocate science, promote atheism, and oppose theism.”  Minors are not allowed into churches, even with their parents.  God is verboten in a communist society.

The Politics of Hate

Elected officials are leading the nation’s youth in the hatred of Jews, Christians and the unborn. Speaker Pelosi actually invited an anti-Israel Imam to lead prayer in our US Congress.  In the past, this same Imam had praised Hamas martyrs, and compared Jews to Nazis.

One need only look at the filth spewed by Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) who recently disgorged her venom against Israel, Jews and the Holocaust.  Her vilification was directed against Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and America’s President Trump.  It was Tlaib’s reference to a “calming feeling” in relation to the Holocaust’s aftermath that has drawn the most ire and upset.  She defended her support of abolishing Israel with a one-state solution by falsely painting Palestinians as saviors of Jewish refugees.  Here’s the story and reaction.

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) referred to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, as a day in which “some people did something” during her keynote address at a private fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Greater Los Angeles last March. Please read Muslim Mafia by Chris Gaubatz’ father.

Omar and Tlaib have found themselves embroiled in at least half a dozen scandals, including laughing about al Qaeda on camera, lying that Israelis “occupy” the Hamas-controlled Gaza, following a flagrantly anti-Semitic Instagram account, and hanging out with pro-Palestinian Linda Sarsour and members of CAIR which is a designated terror organization in the United Arab Emirates. Link

With Omar’s continued anti-Semitic verbiage, prominent House Democrats negotiated with party leaders to enact some sort of measure against her remarks. Pelosi settled on watering down her critique of anti-Semitism as much as possible. The resolution listed “Jews” seventh in their condemnation of racism, right in between “other people of color” and “Muslims.”

Then there’s the homosexual pro-abortion member of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives, Brian Sims, who posted a self-incriminating video showing himself verbally assaulting an elderly Catholic woman praying the rosary in a peaceful protest outside a Planned Parenthood abortion mill in his district, calling her an “old white lady” who was doing something “disgusting.”

She was simply advocating for the lives of preborn human beings and women who are considering abortion. He also attempted doxing of teenagers for doing the same and it took the internet by storm.

Who in Pennsylvania elected this man who feels he can get in the faces of those who believe life is precious and are fighting for the unborn babies who feel the pain of their own murder every time one of them is aborted?

At least a thousand pro-life protestors gathered on the spot where state representative Brian Sims filmed himself harassing a peaceful woman praying outside the clinic to save the lives of unborn babies.  Link

China’s Dying Rooms

The Dying Rooms of China are no different than the dying rooms of America where our unborn children are murdered daily by the thousands, but the reality is we’ve moved into the same Chinese infanticide where we will murder children who have been born alive after abortions, letting them die alone in closed rooms.  When Obama was in the Illinois legislature, he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA) several times.  He preferred these babies died alone in back rooms after they survived murder by their mothers.  The same is in China, and we’re moving into that ungodly, evil realm.

The transcript from the 1995 BBC television documentary tells the story.  Those infants who were about one year old, or even younger, were tied to beds at night to die. Once, an infant’s fingers and hand were eaten by rats. You can see how those children suffered.

Producers/directors Brian Woods and Kate Blewett uncovered the systematic neglect of abandoned babies in Chinese state-run orphanages. They found “dark rooms” where the weakest and least liked children are left to die. These are known as “The Dying Rooms.” China’s one-child policy, now they’re allowing two, created a race where most families desired boys and therefore parents were forced to abandon their babies. Their unfortunate and tragic lives are left at the mercy of these orphanages where their sad fate is ultimately decided by the staff and ignored by the government.  No one can watch these documentaries and tell me this ungodly evil is not coming quickly to America.

Marx and Satan

The late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years as a prisoner of Nicolae Ceausescu’s communist government in Romania, where he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ.  His wife Sabina also spent years in communist prisons.  Finally released, he researched Karl Marx and the Communist doctrines he developed.

While communism portrays itself as a noble endeavor for the good of mankind, and claims an atheistic view, the Pastor exposes its true roots, revealing that Karl Marx and the fathers of the modern Communist/Socialist movements were inspired by the powers of darkness.  Wurmbrand demonstrates how the “prince of darkness” gave these men the “sword” by which they have terrorized the nations. The Pastor proves that this movement is not simply the work of greedy men, hungry for wealth and power, but is “after the working of Satan” with the intent of destroying mankind.

One comment of his book said there are numerous similarities between the rhetoric of feminists, social justice warriors, communists/Marxists, atheists, “regressives,” liberals and the satanic agenda.  She pegged it!

Richard Wurmbrand’s 1986 book, Marx and Satan, gives all the proof, including the infiltration of liberation theology into both Christian churches and synagogues.  Those of us who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the targets of the “evil one.”

Wurmbrand’s Senate Testimony

In 1966, before the U.S. Senate, 89th Congress, Pastor Wurmbrand testified about the torture he and his fellow Christians received in communist Romania prisons.  I would urge everyone who believes in the Almighty to read the transcript.  The Pastor had been in America for only a month when he appeared before the Senate, and he could never again wear shoes because of the beatings on the bottom of his feet.  He bared his back and showed the multiple scars from brutality.

He told the Senators that he could not tell the full details of what was done to believers because they would run screaming from the room.  Please read the transcript.  He tells that in the prison of Piteshti, the Communists would force a very religious prisoner to be “baptized” daily by putting his head into the barrel in which his fellow sufferers had fulfilled their necessities, meanwhile, obliging the other prisoners to sing the baptismal service.  And priests and pastors were compelled in the Romanian prison of Piteshti to say Mass over excrement and urine. Why? Wurmbrand asks, were Christians tortured into taking Communion with these as the elements? Why such an obscene mockery of religions?

The depths of satanic depravity were evident. If, in fact, true Marxism and Communism deny both heaven and hell, why in Romanian and Soviet Union prisons were nuns who would not deny their faith, raped anally, and Baptist girls had oral sex forced on them. Using Luciferian techniques, the communists made martyrs die blaspheming because of the delirium provoked by torture.


As George Washington said, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.”

Jewish immigrant from Poland, Haym Solomon, actually converted French loans to cash to finance the American Revolution.  He raised $20,000 for the Continental Army on request from General Washington, and he personally supported members of the Continental Congress such as James Madison.  He died a pauper at age 45 and he was never repaid by the new government he supported, although it was indebted to him.  He was a Jewish American patriot whose invaluable support of the new nation of freedom and liberty was the goal of this Godly man.  I believe Haym Solomon helped to save our Republic.

John Adams said, “You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom.” No, America’s children aren’t taught our history anymore.  If we don’t stand for liberty, we will lose it.

It is our responsibility to once again save our Representative Republic from the democratic socialists and communists who hate the God both Jews and Christians worship.  Lord hear our prayers.

P.S.  The saboteurs of freedom, those who censor everything that is righteous and decent and Constitutional are working overtime to eliminate truth from those who seek it, have not just removed advertising from NewsWithViews, but they’ve now banned our articles from Twitter.  Continuing to keep this website afloat is up to those who read and forward the articles.  We need your donations, and we need the articles spread to your friends.  Tell them to go to the website and sign up to receive daily postings, and please remember to help us with monthly donations.  We thank you so much for remembering us and keep reading!

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Jihad And Mental Immune System

It is safe to say that before the 9/11 attacks; most Americans did not have the slightest knowledge of Islam and why a group of Arabs murdered so many innocent people in the name of their God. Some 18 years has passed since that dreadful day.

I think many of the same people who had no way of knowing of Islamic ideology during the 9/11 tragedy, some eighteen years ago, are still in a state of denial and live in a Utopian world, an ideal world where everything is as good as it can possibly be for everyone. But when reality hits again, they don’t know where to run and hide. This unconscious denial of a thought or an emotion, is referred to by psychologists as “mental block.” A mental block runs through their entire system of belief. This philosophy is clearly demonstrated after numerous horrific terrorist attacks in the United States in the aftermath of 9/11.

Let’s not blame the people, but instead, briefly try to decipher this phenomenon of the human mind.

Our beliefs and ideas make us human, and their quality determines the kind of human we are. We shield and fiercely defend our beliefs and ideas for good reason: without their integrity and internal harmony, the mind becomes disorganized and even dysfunctional. While our inborn immune system fights off viruses and bacteria that aim to kill us, another immune system, the mental immune system—MIS—gradually formed after birth, protects the mind and takes every measure to keep the mind’s ideas and beliefs on the same page. Humans are living information machines, receiving input from both external sources as well as the body, processing it in some fashion and producing output: our thoughts and behavior. From the moment of birth, parents, siblings, and others play pivotal parts in supplying the input and influencing how it is processed.

The raw material for ideas and beliefs reaches us through the senses. The brain takes the massive barrage of input and attempts to organize it and incorporate it in an orderly fashion: a monumental task that is taken for granted until something goes seriously wrong. Relatively minor glitches in the workings of the mind, such as misunderstanding, misperception, and making poor decisions, occur daily and may not present serious problems. Over time, however, even these minor glitches in the mind, caused by faulty input, poor processing or both, can add up and significantly compromise its integrity.

The MIS is not limited to the sole task of preventing intrusion of the disruptive or undesirable input. It also actively seeks ideas that are harmonious and confirmatory of the ones already in the mind. Through the active admission of the supporting ideas, the MIS reinforces its defenses and reduces its vulnerability. Given the tabula rasa—blank slate—nature of the mind, early input becomes of paramount importance in determining its further development. It was in recognition of this reality that the famed behavioral psychologist, J. B. Watson proclaimed:

“Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select – doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors. I am going beyond my facts and I admit it, but so have the advocates of the contrary and they have been doing it for many thousands of years.”

What Watson said may not hold perfectly in every case. Yet, the essence of his boast is indeed supported by numerous studies as well as naturalistic observations. Early environmental influences play the cardinal role in programming the mind—setting it on its course. In actuality, the brain seems to say: first come, first served. It is for this reason that Muslims are overwhelmingly born to Muslim parents, Hindus to Hindu parents, Catholics to Catholic parents, and so on. This is not to say that changes, even major changes, are not possible after the early years. They are possible and they do happen in some instances. However, in order to make major changes, happen, major re-working must take place in the mind. Change is effortful and the law of conservation of energy also applies to the working of the mind and mitigates change unless the incentives to do so overcome the default mode of inertia.

The parents, other adults and children, as well as the prevailing culture are powerful teachers and trainers of the young mind. In the Islamic world, Islam permeates every aspect of life with overbearing severity. The young mind has little access to competing non-Islamic input. As the child’s foundation of belief forms, the MIS works to protect it, further reinforce it, and bar, falsify, or dismiss any ideas that may clash with the mind’s already in-place contents. As humans, we lack comprehensive pre-programmed software—instincts—to direct us in life.

We, however, are born with pre-dispositions—rudiments of software programs that will be further elaborated in interaction with life. We are, therefore, importantly dependent on how we and others, and in what fashion, further elaborate the rudimentary software. Somehow, there has been a trade-off. As our brain evolved both in size and power, what few instincts we may have had gave way. In a real sense, we took charge of our own destiny. Science is learning more and more about the brain/mind, considered by many experts as the most complex and enigmatic entity in the universe. With each passing day, another piece of the brain/mind puzzle falls into place. During the Presidency of George W. Bush, psychologist Drew Western and his team at Emory University used FMRI—functional magnetic resonance imaging—on 15 strong Republicans and 15 staunch Democrats to literally pinpoint the parts of the brain involved in what is called “confirmation bias,” the lead faculty of the MIS.

The participants were asked to evaluate statements by George W. Bush and John Kerry where the candidates clearly contradicted themselves. The researchers found that the Republicans were as critical of John Kerry as the Democrats were of George W. Bush, while both fiercely defended their respective political comrade. The surprising part of the study is that while the confirmation bias was at work, the brain areas ordinarily associated with rational decision-making were inactive. By contrast, an elaborate network of brain structures that process emotion and conflicts were highly activated. In short, confirmation bias has its own brain resources that shunt out the reasoning parts in order to protect the already in-place beliefs and preferences. The confirmation bias, the mainstay of the MIS, protects beliefs values and ideas, be they political, religious, or of any other type; it is also helped in the discharge of its functions by the mind’s defense mechanisms such as rationalization (faulty reasoning) and denial (refusing to accept the reality of the irrefutable).

Allocation of extensive faculties of the brain to content protection demonstrates the critical importance to its normal functioning of safeguarding the mind’s contents. It is important to remember that rationality is not the master faculty of the brain. Emotions also play major parts in even tasks that are ordinarily thought to be the purview of rationality, particularly when one’s beliefs, values, and ideas are at stake. Much of the work of the MIS is done without the person himself being fully aware of it. Confirmation bias seems to be almost automatic and autonomous—a first line of defense against unwelcome intruders and a means of summoning other resources of the mind to defeat the unwelcome invaders.

Because this subject is so extensive and detailed, I will now cut to the chase.

There is nothing inherently wrong with religion. Religion can be a tremendous force for good. However, when religion, this feeling-based belief, is filled with superstition, intolerance and hatred, then the beholder of that religion embodies those qualities and becomes a veritable menace to the self and to others. Feelings energize actions. Destructive feelings energize destructive actions.

Muslims living in theocratic states tend to be victims of their own religious brains: their religious brains are indoctrinated, from the moment of birth, by an extensive ruthless in-power cadre of self-serving mullahs and imams who are intent on maintaining their stranglehold on the rank and file of the faithful—their very source of support and livelihood. The mullahs and imams, as well as parents and others, envelop the receptive mind, feed it their dogma, and shield it from information that may undermine or falsify their version of belief. For as long as there are bigoted, self-serving clergy and their collaborators with first exclusive access to the blank slate, the problem of supplying wave after wave of Islamofascists will persist.

Let’s get to the bottom line in this: it is the brain/mind that assesses things, makes decisions, and orders actions. To the extent that the in-place software of the religious brain is exclusionary in nature, hateful in orientation, and violent in tendency, to that extent the individual is both the perpetrator and the victim of barbaric acts. The surest way of dealing with Islamofascism is through effective inculcation of a religious software that promotes tolerance of diversity, freedom of faith and conscious, goodwill to all, as well as purging of all the vile and discriminatory dogma that permeates this outdated primitive belief of some 1400 years ago.

While we must work through civilized means to find a cure to a deadly virus, we should also not spend our time in an imaginary Utopia ourselves. Have no doubt about it, the Quran is an extremely dangerous book that must be brought under control by any means available to us before the Islamic fire eradicates us all.

This book of Allah with many direct commands to its believers to commit Jihad, an Islamic holy war against anyone who does not submit to Islam. Even the people of the Book, Jews and Christians, are specifically targeted. Now, the only question that remains is the extent of the Muslim’s obedience to the Quran, the Sunna and the life examples of Muhammad. To be sure, a great many Muslims are not following the dictates of the Quran perfectly, as they should, since they consider it to be the literal immutable perfect words of Allah. Hence, what I’m saying is in fact patently true and far from being patently false as you adjudicate.

Furthermore, nowhere do I say they believe in shedding the blood of others automatically, makes every Muslim go on a killing spree. Yet, the commandments of the Quran to the believers are clear and emphatic.

I am not speaking about those Muslims who are born into this religion. These individuals have not voluntarily chosen Islam as their faith and need not recite the Shahada. They are Muslims automatically by virtue of birth.

They may or may not become diehard jihadists. I reference those who voluntarily become Muslims and take the oath of faith– the shahada. Deciding to join or converting to Islam, means committing oneself to the creed and its goal. One cannot join an order without adhering to its precepts and practices. It is absurd, for instance, for a person to voluntarily join the military while saying that he doesn’t believe the military’s objective of killing the enemy. All these Muslims who are not rabid advocates of jihad are in clear violation of their creed. Even these people are complicit in the mayhem and murderous acts of their co-religionists by financial support and other ways.

My intention overall is and has always been to make sure as many Americans as possible understand Islam and its goal. I hope by working together, we can distinguish between the jihadists that are ready to commit mass murder in an instant, and those cultural Muslims who are most likely are as ignorant of Islam as non-Muslims.


Let me be honest, no realistic cure that would end the deadly virus of Islam has yet been discovered. But for now, here are a few suggestions.

The best place to start is clearly the home, then schools, and perhaps religious institutions where the deeply-entrenched mullahs and imams of vested interest must be compelled by law to refrain from preaching messages of hate and violence against unbelievers. Perhaps free societies should constitute a diverse panel of citizens to scrutinize all religious teachings and screen the software programs for destructive viruses. Once these viruses are introduced into the mind, clearing them, as we said before, becomes difficult if not impossible. A religious brain programmed by the message of justice, love and respect for all is bliss, while the discriminatory, hateful, and violent religious brain is a curse.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Black Americans Better Wake Up Quick

Slavery could not do it, the Ku Klux Klan could not do it, Jim Crow could not do it, Margaret Sanger could not do it, the Democrat Party could not do it, Redlining could not do it. Not allowing Black Americans into many business establishments could not do it. But the government school education system has set the American black community back one hundred years. We all know the horrors of slavery suffered by blacks in this country and the around the entire world. Slavery was an accepted practice the strong used against the weak since before Jesus walked the earth. The Jewish population suffered through centuries of slavery, as did Slovenians, the Armenians were brutalized and so on and so on. To this very day, black Africans are enslaved by the millions at the hands of both African and Arab Muslims. Ironically, blacks and their leftists/liberal comrades maintain a bitter attitude toward the United States due to the past American and world slave trade. But they are as mute as deaf donkeys when it comes to the subject of the current Islamic slave trade.

Despite the demented democrats of yesteryear, for example when Frederick Douglas experienced the raging wrath of his brutal democrat slave masters and overseers, Douglas sought to rise from the rubble of his meager existence.  Mr. Douglas never allowed himself to take on the mentality and evil actions taken against him as a way of life for himself.  That is why I find it disheartening to witness the actions of many black Americans who today murder other blacks at a much higher rate, than racist democrat KKK brutes of the past ever dreamt of.  Conservative activist Candice Owens recently stated “Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood was an evil genius.  She said, she hopes to exterminate blacks like weeds” & so began “educating” us about choice”.  She is the author of voluntary genocide.  18 million black deaths later and liberals still defend her dream.  Sad!

In fact, black Americans are the one and only segment of the citizenry who are not growing and in some cities are literally shrinking in population size. Even illegal border crossers are reproducing at a much faster rate than black Americans.  That is a sad fact that speaks volumes, about the horrible state of affairs among black Americans.  Black Americans are for the most part convinced they are better off presenting themselves as victims who never receive their warped interpretation of justice.  In fact, the Congressional Black Caucus for years took annual treks to Cuba to learn how to disrupt the normal functions of society.  One of the methods commonly used is never being satisfied with solutions no matter how generous and effective they are.

That demented practice has spread to leftist female organizations, snowflake college students, unnatural sexual practitioners, the ACLU and anti-Christian bigots, just to name a few.

The unappealing practice of complaining is the majority of all communications uttered by a most democrat party/leftist ideology driven black Americans.  They complain about lack of opportunities in America.  Now that a record number of jobs and opportunities to open a small business, they complain about people who are wealthy and make a lot more money than they do.  The females complain about men, whether they are the near perfect guy or a loser.  The majority of Black Americans today would be a source of overwhelming disappointment to great Americans like Frederick Douglas, Lewis Latimer, General Benjamin O. Davis, Madam CJ Walker, etc.

Those great history makers were not governed by hate, nor did they allow the democrat party to convince them that they were less than everybody else and needed special handouts.  For instance, Frederick Douglas fought until the day he died against the insane practice of slavery and racism after the Civil War.  But never did he advocate for the promotion of practices or principles that would bring harm to the United States of America or the black population.  Today, so-called black leaders promote every evil idea ever formed in the evil minds of leftist white democrats.   1. No school choice for parents who want to secure a better education for their children 2.  Watered down education standards for blacks 3. Agitate on behalf of open borders 4. Disdain pro Americans like Col. Allen West, who promote policies and principles that are beneficial for all Americans   5.  Hate Israel 6. Rail against Free Market Economics   and so on and so on.

Most Black Americans are being left behind both figuratively and literally.  Black Americans had better wake up quick and get their heads out of the back end of the golden donkey. In addition, it is time for black Americans to stop being so bitter and complaining to high heaven.  If not, they will continue to self-destruct via broken families, broken lives and by carrying out Margaret Sangers’s vision of blacks killing their own young in massive numbers.  Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EDT, 1:00 PM PDT on AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nv and  I want to welcome WAAM AM 1600 Ann Arbor as the newest weekend radio home for The Edwards Notebook commentary.

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Stop The Dangerous Fake ‘Equality Act’

Could somebody please tell me why the Democrat Party has made the protection and promotion of homosexuality, same sex marriage and trans-genderism their primary mission?  I mean without exception every single Democrat elected to office these days has this near maniacal impetus towards the homosexual agenda forcing it into every aspect of Americana. And they are doing this against the will of the vast majority of the people.  It’s true.  When the general public is asked what are your main concerns about our nation, discrimination of homosexuals and their cross dressing buddies didn’t even make the list.

The reason I bring this up, there is at this moment a very dangerous bill gaining a lot of attention in congress and championed by the House Democrats called the Equality Act, H.R. 5 and in the Senate S. 788 “To prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation, and for other purposes.”  If this were to pass (and it could with the help of some Senate Rinos) it would force virtually every institution in society, including religious institutions, “to hire, serve (bake cakes), and promote homosexuals and individuals confused about their gender.”  Other results would be that Christian and Jewish adoption agencies will be required to place children with homosexuals or trans-genders, and Christian ministers and priests as well as rabbis will be required to marry two men or two women.  Counsellors of faith will be banned from helping people with unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion. Everyone will have to affirm the LGBT agenda or face repercussions such as losing tax exempt status or worse.  This piece of legislation is completely unconstitutional but has that ever stopped them from trying?

Did any of you really send your elected representative to your State House or to Washington DC to fight for this “LBGT……movement”?  I didn’t either.  It’s not a burning concern for many.  Then why the frenzied drive to constantly ram this agenda home?  So I started to take a look around to see how we got into this fix and I ran across this little item.

The Communist Takeover of America: 45 Declared Goals (Congressional Record, 1963) Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35, January 10, 1963

Of these 45 goals which are still part of the congressional record, I will list only a few for you to draw your own conclusions as to why we are in the state we are in.

  1. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States. (done)
  2. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks. (done)
  3. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. (done)
  4. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” (done)

If you read the entire list you will be stunned at how many of these 45 goals are in place and have been for decades.  It covers the takeover of the Arts, the churches, the press and all forms of media, the Courts and basically all aspects of American culture.  Were any of you aware that such a list was recorded in the congressional record 56 years ago?  Me neither.

You can read entire list here.

From my point of view this Equality Act is nothing more than another attempt at forcing you and me and every business, big or small, every school, regardless of grade level, every church or religious organization, regardless of denomination to accept the Homosexual Agenda or suffer the many consequences.  If Bob, your Sales Manager shows up some morning in high heels and a skirt calling himself Roberta, you’re SOL.  Same goes for your child’s second grade teacher who used to be a woman but now prefers to be a man.  Explain that one to little Megan.  How about sports teams?  I’ve already seen where some muscle bound high school kid now claiming to be a girl joined the girls wrestling team.

The front page photo showed this poor young lady in a head lock with this contorted pained expression on her face and this hulk on top of her showing these bulging biceps.  It was ridiculous.  The losing team withdrew from all future competition claiming it unfair and rightfully so.  Use your own imagination as to how this could affect the family structure and our entire way of life.

Do any of you see this glaring discrimination against Homosexuality?  Isn’t it now forced into every media platform available?  Isn’t it now imbedded into every Hollywood movie, television program, including HBO, Netflix, Amazon, and even children’s cartoon shows?  Are they not winning lawsuits against those who politely decline performing services for same sex weddings such as baking a wedding cake or photographing the affair based on religious principles?

As I asked in the beginning of this commentary, why have the Democrats made the Homosexual Agenda their top priority?  I believe it is because they know it will create havoc.  It will create further division and overload the system.  They are hell bent on tearing down this nation any way they possibly can.  It is also my belief that the Democrat Party cares nothing for Homosexuals and is just using them to push us further down a road of depravity and confusion.  This is the true agenda of the radical left who have completely co-opted the Democrat Party (see goal # 15 above).

I pray that this dangerous piece of legislation called the Equality Act will fail in dramatic fashion because the populace woke up and said HELL NO!   My purpose here is to bring it to your attention and in doing so perhaps you will talk it up and spread it around.  And if it fails we all know it is only temporary.  They’ll be back at it shortly.  We have to become and remain as vigilant as the radical left has always been.

© 2019 Dennis Kelly – All Rights Reserved

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A Nation Of Stoners

Americans are bored. In fact (if it is a fact), we are bored for 131 days a year, which is 36 percent of the calendar. This is according to a survey of 2,000 adults, sponsored by Bowlero Bowling Alleys.

The survey defines a boring day as a day in which no “fun” occurs. The primary causes of such a day, according to the adults surveyed, seem to be work and parenting: these “suck the fun out of life.” Sixty percent complain that “life is just too grown-up.” And movies cost too much. They miss the fun they had as children—birthday parties, sleepovers, and just hanging out with friends. For some reason it doesn’t occur to them that they could still have birthday parties, sleepovers, and friends—if they wanted them. I mean, how hard can it be to ask a couple of people over to watch “Attack of the Crab Monsters” late at night, and then sleep on the couch, air mattresses, or whatever? Who says they can’t do that?

The survey also gives us the math by which they reached the figure of 131 days a year, but that’s too boring to repeat here.

To be sure, there’s a lot of scope for boredom nowadays. There is the flat, drab, monotonous landscape of “diversity”—everyone’s an aggrieved minority, everything is racist, everybody has to have exactly the same stupid left-wing opinion as everybody else, like the same things, hate the same things—oh, wow, that’s boring!

But the real problem is that too many of us get spoon-fed everything from day care right through college, which is a kind of day care, only more expensive… and suddenly you’re done with college and the spoon mysteriously disappears. No one’s around anymore to organize your sports, arrange your play dates, tell you what to read, what to watch on TV, and tell you what you think, sparing you the effort of thinking for yourself. Suddenly we are thrown back upon our own puny resources which have been so badly bonsai’ed by our popular culture and our so-called education system. What to do for fun? We don’t know!

But never let it be said that our ruling class is not up to the challenge of, well, ruling us.

Recently the New Jersey legislature voted down a bill to legalize recreational marijuana, despite our Far Left Crazy governor’s frantic efforts to define it as the civil rights issue of our time. Now they doubt they can ever get the bill passed, so they’re moving on to Plan B: put it up for referendum. The people will vote to get high. No way it can miss.

Setting the stage for this, the New Jersey nooze media are all on board the cannabis express, “cannabis” sounding so much more Scientific than “pot.” I saw a nooze story today which claimed that cannabis will “help you with your workouts.” It will even “help you with your meditations”—although what kind of meditation any pot-head might have is probably better not imagined. Mostly they just sit around and act stoned. Unless they’re driving stoned. And the airwaves are full of commercials and public disservice announcements lauding “cannabis” as the answer to life’s problems—a genuine panacea, with absolutely no down side.

These are people who ought to know better—highly “educated” (oh, boy!), highly paid, supposedly responsible media and political bigwigs—practically knocking themselves out to get the rest of us habituated to marijuana. Why? Why do they want us stoned?

I’ve found the company of pot-heads excruciatingly dull; but I wonder if this is what our ruling class has come up with as the cure for a national epidemic of tedium. Can you be bored and stoned at the same time? When you’re wasted on pot, does Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders start making sense to you? Or do you just not care, you’re high, none of that grown-up stuff matters—at least not for the time being. Everything just makes you giggle.

Is this the electorate they want? Is this what the top-down push for pot is all about?

A nation of stoners. If liberals want it, it can only be bad for us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Political Party Of Death

Let me say right off of the bat that I am not a Republican.  Yes, I usually pull the lever for the Elephant in the race, but that does not mean I stand in support of the Republican Party. Voting Republican has not cured the ills in this nation and it took me a long time to realize that there is very little difference between the two parties.

But there is a small difference and there truly is such a thing as the lesser of two evils. Both parties are connected at the top to the deep state and even though sometimes I think it is useless to vote at all there is no reason for a Christian to EVER vote for a DemoncRat.

The Democrat Party is a party that openly supports death. The war-mongering Republicans have blood on their hands as well as they have never seen a war that they didn’t support, but the Demoncrats love of death is unabated and unlimited.

The Demoncrat Party is the party of death and no amount of “social justice” can over ride that obvious fact.

The Scriptures tell us that “All they who hate me love death.”  On every major issue that involves life the Demoncrats are on the side of death.

Remember here, I reluctantly vote Republican.  I am not a supporter of the Republican Party.  But how can any Christian ignore the Democrats affinity for all things that lead to death?

Abortion is numero uno for me.  The Demoncrats openly support death for the unborn child.  Although they hide their blood lust behind the euphemism of a phony word called “choice”, the Truth is that the choice they support is death.  As one who has spent a lot of time outside of the abortion clinics I promise you I have never seen a pro-abortion Demoncrat support adoption.

Killing the baby is not a “choice”, it is murder.  The Matron Saint of the Demoncrat Party, Planned Parenthood, does not actively support adoption because there is too much money to be made off of the bloody backs of the helpless baby.  Planned Parenthood floods Demoncrat coffers with tax-payer money in attempt to keep baby murder “safe and legal.”

Demoncrats support Planned Parenthood and the right to kill babies.  Remember, “All they who hate me love death.”  In fact, they are actually in support of killing babies AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN BORN.

No Christian could EVER vote for a party that supports abortion.

Homosexuality is a death style.  Simply check the statistics.  The homosexual lifestyle is a high-risk lifestyle rife with high-risk behaviors.  The end result of such unnatural sexual practices is death and destruction as studies show that the homosexual deathstyle may erase as much as 20 years off of life expectancy.  Yet the Demoncratic hacks at the NEA continue to teach this “alternative lifestyle to our children.

As if that was not enough, acceptance of pedophilia and bestiality are slowing creeping their way through organizations that support the un-godly Demoncrats. The Demoncrats are hell-bent on dragging our children down the path of destruction.

The Demoncrats also have their steely eyes locked on the elderly and the infirm.  Although the infamous Obama Care was crammed up the rear end of Americans with NO REPUBLICAN votes, the reality of ‘death panels” are playing out all across America.  As I write today’s commentary an elderly woman is being killed in Houston as the hospital unplugs here ventilator and dialysis machines against the wishes of her family and her husband of 41 years.  Read the story HERE.  Republican George Bush’s fingerprints are all over this case.

The greatest example of The Party of Death’s hatred of God is there rejection of all things Christian in regards to our oath’s of office.  Recently, Jarrold Nadler and his gang of ghouls removed “so help me God” when swearing in witnesses before Congress.  Catch these dastardly Demoncrats in action HERE.

How can there be so much confusion in the populace?  How can nearly 60 percent of Catholics continue to support the Party of Death when the Catholic Church for decades has been one of the greatest proponents of a legacy of life in America?  The Catholic Church used to believe that the use of birth control was a sin.  Today, they are wavering on abortion.  If American Catholics voted what their catechism teaches abortion, homosexuality, divorce, and euthanasia would come to an end in this nation.

The Demoncrat Party would collapse without the support of “pro-life” Catholics who ignore the life issue and vote based on social justice issues that ignore the plight of the pre-born.

Christians are losing ground in the cultural war because they simply no longer understand what it means to be a Christian.

Would Jesus be in support of abortion?  Would Jesus be in support of homosexuality and all of its deviant sexual practices?  Would Jesus support the killing of the infirm and the elderly simply because it was costly and inconvenient?  Would Jesus support the teaching of deviancy and Godlessness to our nation’s youth?

Only a CHINO (Christian In Name Only) could ever vote contrary to the teachings of Jesus.  The Republicans aren’t much better, I admit.  But at least they don’t stand in direct opposition to the edicts of Christ.

If you vote for a Demoncrat you better check your theology.  God is not a Republican, but I guaran-darn-tee you He ain’t a Demoncrat.  Voting to support a party that specializes in killing the weak and innocent borders on sin.

The Demoncrat Party is the party of death.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Top Hillary Aide Admits He And Hillary Used Unsecured Email For Official Business

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Despite the seriousness and illegality of the entire Hillary Clinton Email Server scandal that endangered the lives of Americans — many of whom are fearful of Russian and Chinese cyber espionage and indiscriminate Internet hacking of classified material — the news media and the Democratic Party’s top officeholders were too busy pushing their anti-Trump agenda to report to the American people the contents of yet another “document dump.”

A well-known, well-respected Inside the Beltway watchdog this week promulgated the transcript of a federal court-ordered interview of Jacob “Jake” Sullivan, who served in the State Department as Hillary Clinton’s senior adviser and deputy chief of staff when she was secretary of state. During the course of the sworn statements of Sullivan, he admitted under oath that he and Clinton used her unsecured, unauthorized non-government email system to conduct official State Department business including material that was classified “top security.”

The Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery centered upon whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system and whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.

While still serving as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s staff were involved in “hanky panky” as part of damage control for their boss prior to her appearance before lawmakers investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack that occurred on Sept. 11, 2012. They were instructed to set aside any documents that would hurt Clinton politically and not turn them over to the Accountability Review Board (ARB) that was investigating the alleged missteps by the Obama administration especially those by the State Department, according a report on Monday by former CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.

At the same time that Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill were hobnobbing with Democrats in Iowa on Sunday, a former Clinton assistant, Ray Maxwell revealed to reporters that State Department cronies beholding to Secretary Clinton were instructed to sift through documents in a “secret” operation conducted in the headquarters’ basement.

The goal was to exclude anything that might point to Clinton’s mismanagement of embassy security especially in nations that were involved in conflicts with radical Muslims such as Egypt, Iraq and Libya.

During Clinton’s tenure, Maxwell was a high-ranking deputy in the State Department’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), which was ordered to collect any and all documents regarding the shocking Benghazi terrorist attack.

According to Maxwell, Hillary Clinton’s top assistant was  present during the after-hours document review. But Maxwell wasn’t assigned to help in the hanky panky occurring in the Sunday document caper, he said. Maxwell’s description of what he saw — boxes full of government documents — reminds many observers of Hillary Clinton’s days as a First Lady during the Whitewater investigation. That incident in 1996 created a controversy that was quickly dismissed by the news media that all but covered up the story of how the longtime missing documents were discovered in Hillary Clinton’s White House bedroom.

Sullivan’s deposition is part of United States District Judge Royce C. Lamberth’s order for senior officials — including Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Jacob Sullivan, and FBI official E.W. Priestap – to respond under oath to Judicial Watch questions.

A video of the Sullivan deposition exists but is under seal after the Justice Department and State Department, which opposed any discovery, objected to their public release. The court denied release of the video depositions for now and left the door open for reconsideration.

“A federal court wants answers on the Clinton email scandal and Mr. Sullivan is one of many witnesses Judicial Watch will question under oath,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It is shameful that the Justice and State Departments continue to try to protect Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration on the email scandal.”

U.S District Court Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Obama administration senior State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, as well as E.W. Priestap, to be deposed or answer written questions under oath. The court ruled that the Clinton email system was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”

Judicial Watch previously released interrogatory responses given under oath by E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, in which he stated that agency found Clinton email records in the Obama White House, specifically, the Executive Office of the President.

“She told me, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks and pull out anything that might put anybody in the [Near Eastern Affairs] front office or the seventh floor in a bad light,’” says Maxwell. He says “seventh floor” was State Department shorthand for then-Secretary of State Clinton and her principal advisers.

“I asked her, ‘But isn’t that unethical?’ She responded, ‘Ray, those are our orders.’ ”

A few minutes after he arrived, Maxwell says, in walked two high-ranking State Department officials.

In an interview Monday morning on Fox News, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, named the two Hillary Clinton confidants who allegedly were present: One was Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff and a former White House counsel who defended President Bill Clinton during his impeachment trial. The other, Chaffetz said, was Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, who previously worked on Hillary Clinton’s and then Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns.

“When Cheryl saw me, she snapped, ‘Who are you?’” Maxwell says. “Jake explained, ‘That’s Ray Maxwell, an NEA deputy assistant secretary.’ She conceded, ‘Well, OK.’”

A full transcript of the deposition is available here.

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Europe Is Finished: America Is Next

Europe once again has entered the Dark Ages. Europe no longer is the old Europe. It is just a matter of time that Europe falls into the hands of the Islamists. There is nothing we or anyone can do to reverse this process. America would be better off to save itself than following the path of Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of being rescued from Islam. Let us not fool ourselves, Europe will become an Islamic continent in our life time.

Immigration based on merit can strengthen a nation. Immigration from third world countries by lottery, can destroy a nation. Recent massive Muslim migration into Europe has completely altered and reshaped itself and its culture. It is almost unrecognizable. Wherever Muslims go, so goes its ethos.  You cannot separate Muslims from Islam. Islam is a monolithic-cult: the barbarian culture of Islam. As Islam gains more power, it will inevitably impose itself and its ways on all others. Islam should have been eradicated from the face of the Earth hundreds of years ago. But it is here and it is making inroads in traditionally non-Muslim lands. Islam is a dangerous ideology that erroneously is referred to as a “religion.” Forget the peace.

Here we must ask ourselves, why Muslim countries do not replicate America’s lenient laws to build churches and synagogues in a non-Christian land?

As much as President Trump has a passion for the economic trade deficit, wouldn’t it also be reasonable to commit to the same type of arrangement with Islamic countries in an equitable and comparable trade with regard to churches and mosques?

Question: Why is it that these followers of Allah don’t mention any other religions beside Islam for the privilege they are seeking?

Answer: Because to Muslims, Islam is the super-religion and final religion of Allah. Judaism and Christianity are the only other two religions that are granted a grudging minimal recognition by Islam. All other religions and those without religion are considered blasphemy and blasphemous by the faithful.

In a non-Muslim land, Muslims are completely taking advantage of Western equanimity and acceptance of customs and traditions that are not their own. They use the same provisions of the law that are intended to protect a legitimate religion and enhance liberty, but it is completely the opposite. Its mission, as it was 1400 years ago, is to conquer the non-Islamic lands.

Presently, America is faced with a Trojan horse called “Islam.” Regrettably, we have a long history of protecting religious freedom which still clings to the “hands off” policy of leaving any doctrine or practice billed as religion alone. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. This is an important question that must be researched, evaluated and provides a result to the American people.

What Attracts People to Islam?

Excellent question and hard to answer. Many may not quite understand, but Islam is like a contagious disease. Once it invades the mind of its victims, it can transform them into helpless pawns that have no choice but to execute what they are directed to do.

It’s true that the vast majority of the victims of Communism were people living in Communist states. Some 38 million Soviets were killed (this number fluctuates from 10 to 60 million depending on the source) because of Communism. Close to 65 million Chinese citizens were killed because of Communism. That the victims of Communism were largely members of socialist societies says a great deal about the ideology itself.

Nearly 270 million people have been murdered since the inception of Islam, 1400 years ago. It is also true with Islam. Muslims are the main victims of Islamic ideology. The political nature of Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional creed that needs to be discarded. Islam’s charter Quran is the root cause of Islamic violence, just as Marxism was the root cause of international Communist totalitarianism. Of the reported 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, millions are already trapped in the terminal stages of this affliction, while millions more are rapidly joining them while still other millions are being proselytized.

Islam Is a Mental Disease

The people enslaved with the extreme cases of Islamic mental disease are highly infectious. They actively work to transmit the disease to others, while they themselves engage in horrific acts of mayhem and violence to demonstrate their unconditional obedience to the dictates of the Islamic cult. A devout Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the ideology of Islam, “submission,” leads everything up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is unconditional submission to the will and dictates of Allah.

Many Europeans are fleeing their ancestral homeland ahead of the Islamic fire which is engulfing their countries. These are the affluent and the ones with foresight. Others are either oblivious to the threat, aim to accommodate it as the holy grail of multiculturalism, or will end up one day seeing themselves in the fight of their lives. For Islam does not believe in multiculturalism. And there will be those who will eventually wake up from their stupor, they will either completely capitulate or fight the Muslims in bloody block-by-block, street-by-street battles.

Fellow Americans: I have been sounding the alarm for nearly 25 years. This is our last chance to do all we can to prevent the Islamic fire from devouring our civilized democratic republic.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Your Country Is Literally Being Handed Off To Foreigners

[DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

“The problem isn’t just that Donald Trump is a narcissistic liar, the problem is that his followers don’t care!” -Unknown

If there is one thing that I have seen in my life, and that on a continuous cycle, it is the American people that are caught up into the circus of politics. Americans just cannot figure out the game that is being played. They do the same things over and over in following politicians that promise them everything and deliver nothing.  In fact, they often provide the opposite of what they promised (John 8:44).

That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. -Ephesians 4:14

This is done by the men and the women that have transformed themselves into angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

[YouTube Video]

Instead of Americans doing their own due diligence by studying the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15) and the US Constitution, they just turn on the television to be lied to on a 24-7 basis. All this is in the face of the 94% of Americans that say they do not believe the media, but keep falling to the same deceivers over and over again.  Then they wonder why they are reaping the curse (Jeremiah 17:5; Daniel 9:7).

[YouTube Video]

Speaking of one of many such deceivers is Donald Trump! I have shouted from the rooftops time and time again that what this man says, and what he does, are just the opposite (John 8:44).

For example the American people are told that the economy couldn’t be better and that Trump will eliminate the national debt in 8 years, only to find that instead, his budgets would add 1.9 trillion during this time increasing the U.S. debt to 29 trillion dollars.

On April 26, 2017, We were told that Donald Trump pulled the feds out of K-12 education, as if to suggest that a campaign promise has been fulfilled.

However, the fact is that on September 10, 2018, Donald Trump and his U.S. Education Secretary pick Betsy DeVos signed on to a radical global “declaration” that calls for, among other absurdities, brainwashing children to believe in the United Nations-backed ideology of total government known as “ ‘sustainable development.” In fact, the pseudo-treaty inked by Trump’s education chief suggests that the purpose of schooling is to indoctrinate children with the right “values” and teach them to be obedient worker drones.

Donald Trump sells himself on the campaign trail as the pro-lifer to the American people only to find out that, once again, just the exact opposite is true.

( reported February 9, 2018 – Despite promising to defund Planned Parenthood, President Donald Trump signed a budget Friday, which was passed by the Republican-led Congress, that fully funds the nation’s largest abortion provider.

In a letter to pro-lifers during the election, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence said “I am committed to … Defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions, and reallocating their funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women.

While the budget provides more funding for community health centers, it also fully funds Planned Parenthood.

In fact, Trump has signed multiple continuing resolutions (CRs) that fully funded Planned Parenthood despite his campaign promise to defund it.

The bill was passed in the wee hours of the night (Same thing with the Patriot Act after September 11th, 2001) and complaining they had just seven hours to read the 2,232-page bill, the “length of two Bibles,” according to Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA), a bill, said Senator Rand Paul,  “which almost no one read.”

The president plays up to the public that he is in full support of the Second Amendment, and then blatantly attacks it by suggesting after the Parkland shooting that government should first take the guns first and then provide due process.  The president goes on to show his hand by banning bump stocks, as well as nominating gun confiscating advocate William Barr for Attorney General of the United States. In Trump’s first 500 days of incumbency, 55 illegal and unconstitutional legislative acts have stripped Americans of the right to bear arms under 26 governors in which most were Republicans.

I have also highlighted in the past the treasonous acts of this administration concerning that of removing NAFTA and replacing it with something far worse. I wrote that the American people have been diverted in keeping their eyes on the southern border concerning illegal immigrants coming into America, but they fail to hold accountable America’s said representatives who are illegally alluring them into your country in the first place. Point man Donald Trump and rivals Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have you heated up over a wall that was promised, which has yet to be built. 

On November 30, 2018, President Trump, along with the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of Mexico, signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) “Trade Agreement”. “Trade” is in quotes, because the document isn’t about “trade” – it’s about setting up global government. “Agreement” is in quotes because the document is a “treaty” – and that invokes the two-thirds ratification requirement of Art. II, §2, cl. 2, US Constitution.

Kristin Stockheimer wrote at The New American:

Not only is it still alive, it is larger and much worse than NAFTA! The text of the USMCA, according to former U.S. Ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman, has portions and chapters of the agreement that are identical to those in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Robert Lighthizer even admitted it is “built on” many TPP aspects. These facets, according to The New American writer Christian Gomez, have the potential to strip the U.S. of its sovereignty: 

Much like the TPP Commission, the Free Trade Commission can make changes to the USMCA without the consent of Congress. In fact, the agreement completely undermines Congress’ Constitutional Article I, Section 8 power to regulate trade with foreign nations.

Watch with your own eye’s the video exposing the hypocrisies of this current administration and his double talk.

[YouTube Video]

A brand new video just this morning was also brought to my attention concerning what is actually happening on the southern borders, and this on a daily basis. [Video]

William Gheen reported Top 10 List of Trump’s Broken Campaign Promises.

  1. Trump reversed his campaign position of reducing legal immigration levels and now supports raisinglegal immigration levels according to his State of the Union Speech of Feb 5, 2019. Trump also signed a legal immigration increase of unskilled H2B visas in the Amnesty containing secret budget bill H.J.Res. 31. New reports indicate his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s new immigration legislation will contain more legal immigration increases that will harm American workers.
  2. Trump promised caravan illegals could not come into the USA. (Caravan illegals allowed to enter the US under Trump’s Catch and Release directives.)
  3. Trump promised to end Obama’s unconstitutional DACA Amnesty on his first day in office. (Trump continues DACA Amnesty giving deportation protection and jobs to more than 700,000 illegal aliens in violation of existing federal laws!)
  4. Amnesty Don: Trump promised to oppose Amnesty. (Trump endorsed Amnesty legislation HR 4760, signed Amnesty for illegal immigrant minors in the secret budget bill H.J.Res. 31Tweeted he is open to larger Amnesty on Jan 20, 2019, and has deployed his son-in-law Jared Kushner to cut a deal with Democrats to give Amnesty to millions of illegals.)
  5. Trump promised an Executive Order to end birthright citizenship for illegals to rally his base just before the 2018 elections. (No Order Issued.)
  6. Trump promised all illegals, including DACA recipients, would go home. (Trump now supports Amnesty via HR 4760 and HJ Res 31 which allows most illegals to stay.)
  7. Trump promised DHS would clean up elections fraud when he canceled the Kris Kobach led Commission On Elections Integrity. (No DHS Action.)
  8. Trump promised to end Sanctuary Cities. (No Action on that and now Trump delivers more illegal aliens to Democrat strongholds where they receive maximum taxpayer benefits and protection from deportation.)
  9. Trump promised to end catch and release of illegals. (Catch and release continues.)
    (UPDATE FEB 18, 2019 TRUMP SIGNED EMERGENCY ORDER)– Trump said he would declare an emergency and have the military build the wall. (No action till Feb 18, 2019) Trump’s border wall promise remains 90% broken because a wall will not work as long as Border Patrol catches and releases illegals and escorts them into the USA. [Link]

And for pulling the mask off this current administration, as well as the past administrations, the ignorant shoot the messenger by accusing, “You must be for the Democrats” (Hosea 4:6)! I respond with, “Unprincipled fools.”  What is happening today is not under a Democrat, is it? And Barack Hussein Obama, the foreign sodomite, is not the president any longer, is he?

Let me play the fool’s game that so many today are caught up into and set the record straight, today’s Republicans are yesterday’s Democrats.

There is no such thing as a Democratic Party no more than there is a Republican Party (There are 101 party un-Constitutional affiliations). The party system runs antithetical to the US Constitution.  In other words, a political language which is foreign to our Constitution.

I will stand with representative government when they do the right, and I will stand against them when they do the wrong, period! It is being a principled people. Principles, not favorites. I am for the law (Article 4 section 4 US Constitution).

[YouTube Video]

How many times did Jesus warn not to be deceived about many coming in His name (Matthew 24:5; Mark 13:6; Luke 21:8)? How many times did Jesus teach that we are to judge men by their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20)?

And for all of this, the American people are still trying to figure out what is happening to them and their country.

Americans, this is what is promised to a nation that refuses to keep the commandments of the Most High God (Leviticus 26:15-46; Deuteronomy 28:63). Simply put in a way that no man can refute.

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E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion

“Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor.”   —Elton Gallegly

“Illegal immigration is a crisis for our country.  It is an open door for drugs, criminals, and potential terrorists to enter our country.  It is straining our economy, adding costs to our judicial, health-care, and education systems.”  —Timothy Murphy

But then you know all this, don’t you?

There is no question!  By simple logic, illegal immigration has been and continues to be a deadly invasion of guns, drugs, humans carrying diseases, taking American jobs, soaking up “free” welfare, housing, education and health care benefits and adding to America’s crime rate.

Why do they come here?  That’s simple.  They are leaving hopelessly crime-ridden, socialist countries where poverty, hunger and corruption infect their daily existence.   Consequently, when they come here, their mindset is already socialist and they are looking for free handouts from government because they believe that government owes them, not unlike the “Occupy Wall Street” crowd who want GOVERNMENT to do a better job of redistributing the wealth ….. to them.

Why aren’t these illegal aliens stopped at the borders?   Because laws have been purposely passed, court decisions rendered and immigration settlement agreements (Flores) signed to encourage illegal immigration.

Nevertheless, we applaud the heroics of overwhelmed border patrol agents that do a thankless job with way too few resources.   Unfortunately, some of these brave border agents have been incarcerated for treating these illegal alien invaders as the criminals they are.  Democrats go nuts about a couple of young kids dying while in border patrol custody, but ignore the brutal gauntlet that immigrants must go through to get here.  They further ignore the disease, drugs, guns and human trafficking and lost jobs to legal Americans that illegal aliens bring.

Why are violent and brutal Mexican drug cartels shipping drugs across the borders?   Because way to many Americans are hooked on drugs and living a decadent and irresponsible lifestyle.

What economic magnets draw these illegal alien invaders across our borders?  Very generous safety net benefits; free housing; free, bi-lingual education; free health care and a Federal Government that does not adequately enforce current laws against hiring illegal aliens.  Added to this gross negligence by the Federal Government, are cities, counties, states and churches that set up sanctuary policies, giving a free pass to illegal aliens, or a place to hide.

Who pays through the nose for this government-sanctioned illegal alien invasion?  The legal American taxpayer!

This is hardly new news, is it?

This illegal alien invasion is comprised of un-educated, low skilled humans that feed off the enforced generosity of legal Americans.   This rag tag bunch of socialist peasants have no intention of assimilating into the American culture and adopting the English language.  They boast of their rights under American law, when in fact they have no, or should have no rights as illegal aliens.  They spit in American faces and tell us they are going to take back “their” country.

They have babies in America, which then become American citizens under the misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.  They are reproducing at a rate that is almost twice the reproduction rate of non-illegal aliens.  Numerous immigration advocacy groups support the illegal aliens and entice them to come to America.  These groups use unconscionable American law to provide aid, comfort and legal advice to the illegal aliens.

In point of fact, there is no price for an illegal alien to pay by chancing the border crossing, except maybe his life if he chooses the wrong place to cross.  The desert can be very unforgiving.  Yes, they might be caught by the Border Patrol and sent back to Mexico, but they will just keep trying until they cross the border successfully and find themselves a place to hide in America.  Or, under America’s “catch and release” policy they get a free ride into the interior of America.  Once they have been here for awhile, they will then look for a job at ridiculously low wages and make application for welfare benefits to supplement their income, or enter into a life of crime to support themselves, or their illegal drug habits they picked up south of the border.

If an armed invasion came across our borders, we would instantly defend those borders with American troops and the full force and fury of the American military might.  Right now our southern border is a tragic human war zone by any definition.  So why would the federal government not treat this illegal alien invasion at our southern border with an equal military force, with orders to shoot to warn first and shoot to kill if the illegal alien refuses to turn back?   If this policy were adopted, the illegal alien invasion would stop, literally overnight.  Harsh?  You bet.  But so is an illegal invasion of America.

The claim that America is a country of immigrants and was built by immigrants, as a way to rationalize this illegal alien invasion, is specious.  The lion’s share of the immigrants that built this country came here legally and there was no safety net benefits, free housing, free education, or free health care.  They had to have a sponsor.  They had to learn English, the Constitution and American history in order to become a naturalized citizen.   They had to swear allegiance to the Constitution of the United States.  They took classes and attended meetings for five years before they could take the test and recite the pledge.  These people who became naturalized American citizens were and are eternally grateful for the opportunity to enter the land of the free and fully intend to assimilate into American culture as best they can.

This isn’t something you haven’t heard before, is it?

What does the illegal alien do when they get here?  They hide in the shadows.  They get sympathetic charity groups or churches to shield them, or to defend their non-right to stay here.  They get criminal employers that employ them.  If they have a visa, they over-stay their visa and embed themselves in illegal enclaves.  Many who are caught by authorities are given a free pass.  Many commit crimes, end up in our courts and jails and the American taxpayer gets to fund their court costs and 3 meals a day, television, free health, dental and eye care, exercise facilities, a library and other benefits while they are in jail.   Legal Americans must pay to receive these benefits and must also pay to support the jailed alien.

In a raid, ICE used 2,000 agents to round up 3,000 illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes and deported them, from a list of over 500,000 known illegal alien criminals that are purported to be in America.  500,000 known criminals mind you!   Many of those deported will be back in America within a few weeks or months because they have learned how to avoid the CBP and ICE and to use our system for their own gain.

Illegal aliens end up in our schools where the school district has to hire bi-lingual teachers and tutors to attend to their special needs.  They get free meals in school.  If they stay in America long enough, some states (California and Texas) give them in-state tuition rates to attend college.

The liberal politicians are forever trying to give them amnesty, or a path to amnesty, which is amnesty by any other name.  Why do the liberal politicians want to grant them amnesty?  For the same reason they have bought off millions of Americans with money from the public treasury …. in exchange for more Democrat votes!

The illegal aliens end up in hospital emergency rooms without insurance and because of an ill-advised American law, the hospitals have to attend to their injuries or other health issues, at a cost that must be born by the legal American taxpayer.  Many hospitals are going broke or shutting down because of it.  One hospital in Florida, after spending over a $1.5 million on health care for just one illegal alien, chartered a plane and flew him back to the country from which he came, at an additional cost of $30,000.  An administrator for that hospital testified before Congress on the exorbitant costs to treat illegal aliens, in not only her hospital but all of Florida as well.  It’s outrageous and unconscionable!

If an American breaks a law there is a price to pay.  If an illegal alien breaks the law, in way too many cases they get a pass, or are rewarded with free benefits and cash.  If it became law that every Democrat household had to support an illegal alien family, the illegal invasion would stop overnight.

The result of this massive invasion of illegal aliens will be an America that no longer resembles a Constitutional Republic, where individual rights were sacrosanct and where life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were sacred gifts from our creator.  In its place will be a country of whiners, complainers and free loader miscreants that will riot in the streets if they don’t get what they want from government.  Taxes and regulations will increase exponentially and the entrepreneurs that built this country may just find another country to build, in a re-play of Ayn Rand’s book, “Atlas Shrugged.”

But then you know all this, don’t you?

We predict that if America’s Constitutional Republic dies, we’ll end up just like the European Union where productive countries will be forced to bailout profligate ones, where the debt of grossly negligent countries will be forgiven (Greece) and the productive ones (Germany) forced to take up the slack in order to keep the Union together. Because of planet-wide failed socialist policies, negligence, corruption and bad behavior are rewarded and achievement and production are penalized, all based on the flawed emotion of irrational compassion ….. for votes.  This is an upside-down, Alice-in-Wonderland world that is doomed to fail, with drastic consequences.

As a result of pervasive illegal immigration, the entire world of countries will be brought down to the lowest common denominator and mediocrity, corruption and daily riots will become a way of life.  This will lead to war and maybe the final war that could set a civilized planet back to the medieval, dark ages, where the twin evils of hopelessness and despair reside.

So America had better get a handle on the illegal alien invasion now, or suffer the irreversible consequences.  But like so many other problems that America and Americans must endure, government lets the problems go beyond the point at which they can be corrected.  So we are not holding our breath that the government will do anything about the illegal alien invasion other than, in the end, grant all of them amnesty.

And the world’s governments and the people go round and round in an infinite number of circles, just like the stupid dog that is trying to bite its own tail …. with the same results.  The dog finally gives up, but governments never give up going in circles, in a continuous, never-ending repeat of all that is insane.

By our own hand, apathy and indifference, we are being “Done In By Our Own Irrational Compassion.”

But then you know all this, don’t you?  The question is, what are you going to do about it?

Just how bad do you want to stop illegal immigration?  You moan, groan and complain about it.  The hard truth is, your government won’t stop it, but enough legal Americans can.  Our next article will provide a path to a “We the People” solution and we’ll see just how bad the American people want to stop illegal immigration.  Americans talk a big game, but they are short on follow through.

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

The American Right And Duty To Bear Arms

Although we have had many liberties enshrined in the US Bill of Rights since colonial days, the right to bear arms is likely the oldest recognized God-given right of them all. Without the right to bear arms, the other Bill of Rights “rights” can be taken away from us, so it is the most important right and therefore should be the First Amendment to the Constitution, vice the Second. Many mass murders in history have resulted from a public that was disarmed/unarmed.
In England,  the mother country of the US, the citizenry, or more accurately peasantry, were well stocked with their own weapons, and the King actually relied on the common man to help maintain law and order. English king Edward IV required all “Englishmen and Irishmen” to have adequate archery weapons and each town was required to have an archery range on which each citizen was to practice on “feast days”. Price controls were actually placed on longbows so that every commoner could afford one. The consciousness of the British people as proud, armed, and free gradually developed in contrast to the unarmed or disarmed peoples on the European continent where the emphasis was on professionals to maintain law and order.
Under Queen Elizabeth I(reigned 1558-1603), the term “militia” was reinvigorated. It was defined as a universally armed citizenry. This was merely re-emphasis of of an older tradition going back to 690 AD and likely earlier whereby ownership of weapons entailed a duty for all able-bodied men to serve in the militia, or “fyrd”.
In the beginning, the American colonists purchased their own guns and obtained additional firearms from their state governments. As early as 1623, Virginia ordered each plantation owner to ensure that he had a good supply of armament. In 1631, the Colony ordered that no one work in the fields unarmed. Militias were to meet each week after church services for training. By 1673, the Colony was providing firearms to anyone too impoverished to buy a gun, and similar legislation was being enacted in the other colonies.
The American colonists were accorded the same gun rights other “Englishmen” already had. The American colonists viewed the 1688 English Bill of Rights as recognizing liberty for self-defense, including self-defense against government agents.
This has nothing to do with a “well-trained militia”, let alone the National Guard or a standing army that the liberals keep interjecting into the debate. The true militia is entire body of free men and women, which could include boys and girls, and could involve use of “assault weapons” or any type of weapons, for that matter.
In any event, cooler heads in England recognized the colonial obsession with arms and called for reconciliation with the colonists. However, the British hotheads prevailed, leading to an attempt to disarm the colonials, which in turn led to the American Revolution.
As the revolutionary agitation increased, Maryland called for all the colonies to form “well-regulated” militias in 1774 and set the example by requiring all Marylanders aged 16 to 50 to arm themselves into military-style companies. “Well-regulated” here did not mean a force closely controlled by a bureaucratic government, but one where the natural leaders and those with high expertise would be selected by their comrades or naturally rise to the top of the ranks. Virginia, led by George Washington, immediately followed the example of Maryland, since they were sister colonies in temperament and their leading families were closely related/associated.
During the Revolutionary war, while there was a “Continental Army” of the confederated states, answerable to Congress, sovereign state militias played a major role in the fighting, often unaided by American regulars.
After America won her independence, the US was governed by the Articles of Confederation from 1781-1789. Despite the widespread and well justified opposition to a standing Army, the Articles established just such an army. Already, too much power had been allowed to pass from the states to the national government. This trend continued with the establishment of the Constitution in 1789. Concurrent with the establishment of a standing army, the issues of the rights of citizens to bear arms and provide for their own defense versus the Government taking over these functions resulted in much turmoil and debate, which still continues to this day. This concern was the primary mover in establishing the Bill of Rights which firmly established the right and sacred duty of individuals to keep and bear arms. This issue was debated more than than the others related to issues of liberty leading up to the Bill of Rights.
The legal right, sacred duty, and responsibility of American citizens is to keep and bear arms; and be safe, responsible, skillful and competent in their use if it becomes necessary to deploy and discharge them where the use of force is considered necessary. This is the true meaning and thrust of the Second Amendment. The US Supreme Court reiterated this interpretation in the 2008 D.C. v. Heller decision.  Still, repeated attempts are being made to reinterpret the Second Amendment as a “collective” vs. an individual right.
We will now consider the related issue of “concealed carry” and the permits that may be required to authorize it.
In the earliest days of the US and in the colonies, there seem to have been no laws concerning the bearing of concealed arms, and it must have been common to carry weapons in that manner. When men went around armed, apparently no one worried whether the arm was open or concealed and the Second Amendment makes no mention of it. Anyhow, since our rights come from God and are merely guaranteed by the Constitution, we have the right to keep and bear arms, regardless of any concealment.
Over the years, beginning in the early 19th Century, various restrictions/bans have been enacted by the individual states on what can be carried and in what manner, and the requirement for permits has been established in some cases. By the mid-19th Century, restrictions increased to the point where prohibition of concealed carry became the status quo in the US, and any kind of carry was only permitted in special circumstances. This was the situation until the 1980s when the trend reversed to a significant extent. Now 40 states allow concealed carry, and in 16 states a permit therefor is not required.
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Divided We Fail

Rep Eric Swalwell just said that “Women is not in the Constitution.” Obviously Swalwell has no idea and probably never read the US Constitution or he would have noticed that the word MAN was missing as well.  Missing on purpose because your founders were smart enough to know that mentioning anything less that ALL people would divide the country and make it easier for evil to gain a foothold.

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Passivists or victims will never touch the flow of the river even when a change due to flooding or pollution is necessary. An activist will build a dam or clean the water in order to improve the quality of life.

There is nothing for whites to be ashamed of in America; it is just history. It is the way it was. The sad part is that the blacks who built America along with the European whites – have had the American Black history replaced with victimhood and hatred.

Will we let a small coalition of blacks, Latinos, feminists, gays, government workers, union members, environmental extremists, the media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the “forever needy,” the chronically-unemployed, illegal aliens, and miscellaneous fellow-travelers…End the Constitutional Republic of America?

I listen to the Democrat candidates. All they do is spew MORE HATRED, aimed to make victims of every minority group imaginable…except for whites, of course. I can not imagine why any white person would vote for a candidate who LIES, calls them names, pushing White Guilt Complex; and all the while telling them that all that is needed is MORE MONEY to fix things. I am embarrassed that I once was a Democrat.

Time to tell the children of America: You do NOT have a RIGHT to tangible objects or material things. GOD gave you the ability to succeed. No one but you is standing in the way of your success. IT is not up to ME to pay for YOUR STUFF. That is YOUR job. How come I don’t hear anyone saying that?

In America, God grants our Rights. (Our Founders recognized this!) The Constitution protects those Rights. If you think life will be better somewhere else, please leave!

As we prepare for Memorial Day, read the Bill of Rights to your children. Point out Rights are not different for different people under the Constitution.

The opening states: “We The People.” It does not say WE the White people, Black people, Christian people, or Jewish people!

There are NO divisions in America’s Constitution. The only division comes from those who wish to destroy American headed by a regime of globalists, seeking to force on us – their New World Order.

  • Just listen to GWH Bush 41. Google his speeches. He is very CLEAR!!
    He is calling for a World Government – headed by the UN!!
    So did Clinton, and Bush 43…
    So did many of their PREDECESSORS!

Click on following very important link for Roscoe Drummond, Herald Tribune, on an article regarding the U.S., Governors’ visit to the Soviet Union after Pres. Eisenhower signed the initial agreement with Soviet Union (Khrushchev) in 1958.

The Eisenhower-Khrushchev agreement covered planned U.S.-USSR activities in ALL areas. President Reagan followed up in 1985, with the USA-USSR cultural exchange agreement which also contained agreement to merge U.S. and Soviet education systems, currently implemented today under EDUCATION RESTRUCTURING aka NCLB, Common Core, ESEA, ESSA.

Massive documentation regarding the Reagan-Gorbachev agreement can be found here and at the Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (FREE) download.

And of course, who can forget Obama?

HE TOLD US: “We will fundamentally transform American.” In order to transform, you must first DESTROY. Michelle said: ‘we’ll change History.” And so they have. They have set out to DESTROY America, and that destruction is well on its way:

With open borders and illegals voting, “we will never again out-vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the Rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take zealots, not moderates and shy, not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.”

Poor trade deals made America a debtor (slave) nation. Add that their desire to merge  America, Canada and Mexico into one economic zone and America is gone. Their main goal is MONEY, Power and Control! Not America.

Most of us never ask, where is the hatred coming from? Why is it happening? We see the man in the street and learn that Americans can no longer answer simple questions. Yet we do not ask WHY? Perhaps because we are afraid of the answer – which is under our nose, and the answer is “School”.

Before the early 60’s America was always in the top 10 in the world for education. Now we are mediocre. Why did America not keep its sovereignty, and strive for excellence as in the past? The answer to that is CONTROL. People who think freely are hard to control. Lies about education were created.

Being an American comes with a JOB. The Founders intended it that way! Being an AMERICAN comes with RESPONSIBILITY. If taught properly in school, students would know the way their government works, understand the Rule of Law, and realize the law does not change for different GROUPS of people. All GROUPS have the same rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. This is the framework that our Founders put in place. That is why in America, we have EQUAL JUSTICE under the Law not social justice.

Social Justice was created by the communists, in order to rally the groups around victimhood while collecting donations MONEY. Social Justice creates justice for a specific group, a protected group status. THINK: Doesn’t it follow that if YOU are not part of that SPECIFIC group, you do NOT HAVE PROTECTION under the LAW? Break up into groups is necessary to divide the people. Curious how no one ever asks “How many people does that new law affect?”  Why are we spending millions to make changes that affect less than 5% of the population?

Think ABOUT it!! So, we are no longer EQUAL in the eyes of the LAW – unless we are part of that SOCIAL JUSTICE GROUP.  Why is so much effort put into dividing the American people? Divided people are easier to CONTROL.

When today’s immigrants come HERE, they are not required to learn our language, or assimilate into our culture! They are used by the left to create a sub culture voting block. They are separated from the existing population and culture. Coming from countries giving minimal free stuff, they can not believe the amount of free stuff they now get from America. They will vote for the group giving the most free stuff. By continuing multi-culturalism aka DIVERSITY , We continue to promote the GROUP or HERD mentality insuring the demise of America.

The concept of being AMERICAN, of being ALL different peoples together in the same land, in the same country, following the same law disappears!

  • Our individualism, our culture…LOST FOREVER.
    We MORPH into…THE BORG!!
    Comply, Resistance is Futile

Education is the one thing that affects all Americans. We call it the lowest common denominator. When you declare commonality in education, you must teach to the lowest and slowest. It is now the job of the school to dumb the population by training not educating while they REPLACE:




Eventually, people lose their ability to legally comment on their opposing view and will surrender America’s culture, heritage and traditions – without a shot being fired! Political Correctness  marks the end of free speech as we know it.

Our children will no longer know FREEDOM, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Instead, they will be told by the government, what makes them happy and to be happy with the crumbs the government provides.

Realize this is the final chapter of the sad story of America in DECLINE. But the chapter has an open ending left for us to complete. Realize, the ending will only be THE END…IF YOU ALLOW IT! If you do NOTHING, nothing changes!

The curtain WILL come down. The damage has been done. But a solid leader still has a short time to rewrite the ending. Remember this too: EVERY American is a leader! You can either be a VICTIM…OR AN ACTIVIST. You can’t be both. The choice is yours.

Is America worth saving?  If not you, who? If not now when?

© 2019 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen:

Black Robed Tyranny: Eight Year Old Boy Falsely Imprisoned And Taught Transgenderism

The information from this article about a Nellie Muir School teacher in Woodburn, Oregon has been taken from a reporter named Whitey Woodworth at my Salem, Oregon Statesman Journal. Ironically, Nellie Muir grade school is the same school our children once attended in the sixties when the population was about 11,000. Today the population is 25,000 and ranked 21 in Oregon.  It was on our local TV news on 5/8 so some national stations may have picked it up. The title on her article was taken from wording in the lawsuit that the parents have filed:  False Imprisonment, negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The student was 8 years old when his teacher, after noting the boy used the staff bathroom, pulled him aside, kept him from recess and showed him videos and books “in an effort to promote (him) becoming transgender.”  The then second grader and his parents had made arrangements with the school for him to use the staff restroom because of a digestive-related condition, which was never explained further.

The teacher assumed the boy was not comfortable using the public boys’ restroom because he was transgender. In April 2018, without notifying the parents and without any authorization from the school district, the teacher began developing a lesson plan to help the boy understand what it meant to be transgender.


She began keeping the student inside the classroom alone during recess at least three times to show him videos and teach him “it is acceptable to become transgender.”  These lessons included episodes of the reality television series, “ I AM JAZZ” about a transgender gal named Jazz Jennings, books, “I Am JAZZ” and “WHO ARE YOU?” the Kids Guide to Gender Identity,” and discussion on the difference between male and female body parts.

The books and show, which were recommended by an unknown non-school employee transgender individual… “exposed the boy to sexual topics and sexual discussion”, according to the lawsuit. During the lessons, the student was not allowed to go outside for recess until he finished the videos or books.  The lawsuit accused the teacher of singling out the boy by pulling him from regular student activities without the parents’ permission.


At the end of the school week, the teacher told the boy to take the books home and share with his family. That’s when the parents found out.  (Matt. 10:26) There is nothing covered which shall not be revealed.  “The parents were extremely shocked to find out she would expose (their son) to various sexual concepts, such as the difference between male and female body parts,” said the family’s attorney, EDGAR DIAZ in the lawsuit. The parents filed a complaint with the school but said school officials minimized what had occurred telling them “IF THIS HAPPENED IN PORTLAND, IT WOULD NOT BE A BIG DEAL.” Portland is #1 city in Oregon with a population of 628,000. Apparently in other districts across the U.S. we learn that transgender men perform ‘DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR’ in front of public school children.

The lawsuit said the lesson had lasting damage causing the boy to become confused about whether he was going to turn into a girl. He now shies away from playing with “girl” toys or playing “girl related” games. He underwent personality changes, becoming more depressed, aggressive and isolated and now attends counseling.  “He has also become afraid of attending the current school, seeing (the teacher) and using the boys’ bathroom,” Diaz said in the complaint. [Link]

His parents also struggle with anxiety, stress and depression following the incident. The parents now fear their son will have gender identity issues because the teacher, not them, taught their son about identity.  The lawsuit accuses the teacher of false imprisonment for confining the student during recess time without a valid reason and claims the school breached the “special duty entrusted by the law” to supervise teacher and protect students from controversial topics and emotional harm.

I found it interesting that this nine page article by Anita Hoge about teachers being trained to break your child’s will suddenly “cannot be found.”  But her opening said, “Our American children are being conditioned to blindly accept a planned global economy.  That means American ideals as patriotism and love of country must be deleted from what is taught to our children…Competition and rugged individualism must be erased from their personalities…”  and what better way than to change us into a SEXLESS SOCIETY.

Attorney Diaz said the school district failed to properly train and supervise the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher’s actions demonstrated “she either meant to inflict severe emotional distress or knew her conduct could result in emotional distress,” according to the lawsuit. Diaz said her actions “constituted an extraordinary transgression of socially tolerable conduct.”

The complaint requested $79,999 for current and future counseling, medication, doctor’s appointments and therapy and $920,000 in non-economic damages. It is my fervent prayer that more families find a good attorney and sue these evil doers into oblivion which should eventually force closure of the unconstitutional public schools controlled by communist teacher’s union getting their marching orders from such REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXISTS as the nonprofit Southern Poverty law Center, a  Civil Rights organization that attacks conservatives. Will this 83 year old grandma be next?  (Psalm 46:10)


Then there is the case of a Texas dad who lost custody of his six-year-old-son for not affirming transgender identity.  James Younger, who since the age of three has undergone social transitioning to be identified as a girl.  Jeff Younger, the father, and friends of James maintain James really desires to be a boy when he is not in the presence of his mother, who is responsible for enrolling the child into school as a girl and having the child undergo psychological assessments.

The child is currently in the process of social transitioning before he can begin chemical hormone therapy at the age of eight. In the divorce, the mother has sought the father to pay for James to visit a trans-affirming therapist and also pay for any medical alterations or therapies that James may need to transition to female as he gets older and subsequently the courts agreed and have required the father to pay at least 50 percent for future gender-related medical expenses as well as the father being banned from talking to the boy about the sex change and cannot share religious teaching with his son on sexuality or gender.  Of course not. What does the Bible say about the Alphabet Agenda (LBGTQ).  The Bible says there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)  


The Psychiatry profession once labeled homosexuality as a mental disorder but applied pressure to the profession to get the clarification removed, a decision I hope they regret today because now Christian businesses are being targeted and succumbing to the gay agenda.


Michael Swift way back in 1987 told the parents they were planning to “sodomize your sons….” Larry Kramer in 1987 is on record confessing he may have killed many partners with AIDS.  In the book A QUEER THING HAPPENED TO AMERICA on Pg. 136 he talked about the sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of him. “I think I murdered him.“

In the 2007 book NOT HOLIER THAN THOU, Alan Stang wrote about how children were being sodomized.  He mentioned a person named Craig Spence who “maintained a call boy ring that catered to the political elite, and, unlike most D.C. call-boy rings, offered children to its clients. Some of them were kidnapped and held prisoner. Sports fans may remember former Penn state assistant football coach, Jerry Sandusky who  was arrested and jailed in 2011 on a new child sex abuse charges brought by two new accusers, including one who claims Sandusky molester him numerous times in a basement bedroom. He now faces 50 charges stemming from accusations he molested boys for years on Penn State property, in his home and elsewhere.

And I guess the most recent tragedy to expose mental health problems with transgendered people and which the mainstream media has done its best to be low key in reporting is Jennifer and Sarah Hart, both 39. They are a lesbian couple posing as foster parents who had been under investigation by Child Protective Services, in their home in the State of Washington. They decided to take their six foster children for a ride, drove through Oregon and down the California coast where the driver took a 100 foot plunge into the ocean at 70 mph. All of the children except one had been found. Each had been  heavily sedated. [Link]

Robert W. Peck in his article WHAT’S WRONG WITH BEING TRANSGENDER? reminds us that 35 percent of transgender youth attempt suicide. That statistic makes encouraging children to experiment with transgenderism the equivalent of handing them a revolver with two loaded chambers and encouraging them to experiment with Russian roulette or driving off a California cliff at 70 mph.


So, instead of exposing transgender madness as being a mental illness, we’ve been brainwashed into believing it sets a person free to be who they really believe they are and we are not to discriminate.  Here’s another example:  The New York Post recently reported the parents of the young shooter in the Colorado school shooting are more concerned about what pronoun is being used for their child than the shooting. The shooter, born Maya McKinney, is listed as 16-year-old female, but the child prefers the name Alec and wants to be known as a male. The teen’s lawyers asked that the pronoun “he” be used for their client. McKinney and Devon Erickson, 18, are accused of fatally shooting one classmate and wounding eight others at the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math school in Highlands Ranch outside Denver.


II Tim. 4:3-4 says “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine” and simultaneously pastors who should be warning people of this sin “feel limited in their ability to speak out about homosexuality.”  We are experiencing corrupt religion in our modern time. A very large part of the problem is that many pastors are now afraid to preach the entire truth from God’s Word. According to a recent study, about one half in the U.S. are worried about offending their congregations. In particular, the report indicates that 44% feel limited in their ability to speak about homosexuality. [Link] I wonder how many chose Bible College instead of a little time serving in the military where boys are developed into men.

In the Living Bible, Acts 9, Paul, who was threatening with every breath and eager to destroy every Christian, went to the Hi Priest in Jerusalem requesting a letter addressed to the Synagogue in Damascus, requiring their cooperation in the persecution of any believers he found there. As he was nearing Damascus on the mission, suddenly a brilliant light from heaven fell upon him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Paul, Paul, why are you persecuting me? “Who is speaking?” Paul asked and the voice replied in V. 5- “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting: it is hard to kick against the pricks. “ The King James Version was not as kind as the Living Bible.  One of the definitions in the dictionary says a “prick is a nasty, obnoxious contemptible person.” We have become humanity without a conscience.  The most recent Democrat and gay person running for President told us as he held hands with his partner if we aren’t comfortable with his lifestyle, speak to God. WELL, GOD HAS SPOKEN TO THE PRICK.  Amen!  We can blame the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2015 for approving SAME SEX MARRIAGE now causing the confusion. Maybe that decision should be overturned???


To add insult to injury, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants an “EQUALITY ACT” (HB 2282) added to the 1964 unconstitutional Communist Civil Rights Act which would add “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”, honoring pedophilia, open all restrooms to transgenders and make it ILLEGAL to disapprove of the poor LGBTQ “victims.” Jesus says they are pricks and not to be pitied. They need to repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness. Don’t forget the teacher in Nellie Muir who was beginning the “grooming” process on an 8 year old in school.

Henry Makow says, “It helps to see heterosexual love as a mystical dance. The male leads; the female follows. You can’t have a graceful dance without each partner playing his part.” Heterosexuality is not based on “Equality.” Women empower men by surrendering to them in exchange for love. Femininity is based on the exchange of power for love. When men do it, they are emasculatedATTENTION: TAKE ACTION NOW BY SENDING YOUR U.S. REPRESENTATIVE A MESSAGE TO VOTE ‘NO’ ON THE EQUALITY ACT.

And now, this being election season, every day on our news we see pictures of these Queers involved in politics shown in pictures with their partners, such as Jared Polis, a wealthy tech and education entrepreneur and former five-term congressman from Boulder who has been elected the first openly Governor of Colorado shown with his partner, Marion Reis. However, what they fail to recognize, the state of Oregon has the FIRST gay governor, Kate Brown (I am ashamed to report). The Polis election was celebrated by LGBTQ advocates nationwide, however, at this time in Oregon, the Republican GOP senators finally displayed some spine and as I draft this article, have walked out of the Capitol so that the Democrats can’t have a quorum to implement their REGRESSIVE TOTALITARIAN MARXIST agenda and Kate has asked the State Police to bring them back…but more on that in another article.


One of the recent Democrat and gay person running for President, is Peter Buttigieg, who proudly announced his presidency with his partner in the spotlight with him. After WHITE GUILT twice elected the unqualified candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, nothing would surprise me anymore. The word “gay” replaced sexual preference in the early 1990s. [Link]  Pete says “if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me, your quarrel  sir, is with my creator.” The Bible clearly declares that the righteous Kings of old would rid their lands of the sodomites (homosexuals), while in the present, those who want to be the king (Isaiah 14:14) literally want to fill the land with sodomites.

Yes, indeed folks, Daniel 7:25 describes a time when we are changing “times and Laws” working towards a “genderless” society. [YouTube Video]

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E-Mail Betty Freauf:

Creating Solitude For Your Spiritual Bliss

Americans living in big cities race through their days with gridlocked traffic, honking horns, cheeky taxi drivers, police sirens and jostling pedestrians racing toward their destinations.  At work, they juggle temperamental co-employees, deadlines and ashes-in-the-mouth bosses.

Once finished with work, they race home to spouses, kids and dinner preparations.  The working groove consumes them while their responsibilities for daily living press their emotions to the wall.  With all the automobiles, appliances and conveniences in America—we oftentimes lack peace and quiet in our lives. As we race through our metropolitan arenas, even optimists admit that science will be hard pressed to replace this precious spiritual commodity:  solitude.

(Bull elk bugling on a mountain meadow during autumn) Photo by FW

How can we step back to an oft forgotten pleasure in our lives, in our hearts and in our minds?  How can we refresh our spirits? 

John Stuart Mill writing in 1848 when cities remained smaller, less hurried and enjoyed more community among their residents said, “It is not good for man to be kept at all times in the presence of his species. A world from which solitude is extirpated, is a very poor ideal.

Solitude, in the sense of being often alone, is essential to any depth of meditation or of character; and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur, is the cradle of thoughts and aspiration which society could do ill without.”

If you feel the same way in your journey, the quest for solitude grows as you add birthday candles.  A certain spiritual bliss accompanies your advancing years.  Solitude brings divine calm and intellectual clarity. To abridge your life creates more simplicity in your daily rigor.  Once mastered, you will enjoy an inner peace and an outer enjoyable countenance.

How does anyone move his-her body, mind and soul into solitude?

  • Take a daily walk in the nearest park in your city.  Sit under a tree. Sit by a pond.  Stare into a patch of flowers.  Pull up a long stalk of grass and stick it into your mouth. Suck the green insides of the stalk of grass to feel the heartbeat of the universe pulsing over your tongue.
  • When you reach a stretch of grass or forest; take off your shoes and socks. Stab your feet into deep grass or sand or rock.  Let your body reconnect with the vibrations of the Earth to re-harmonize your entire body’s vibrations with our planet.  Many call it “grounding” and it works profoundly to refresh your spirit.
  • Choose the best time of day for your “solitude” moments.  It may be early before work as you sit by a river, stream or on the beach.  It could be a stroll along a quiet walk at dusk where the sun’s final glory mesmerizes your spirit.
  • While solitude means being alone in the “moment”, you might be one who loves solitude with another who shares your “heart strings” about life.  By all means, make your “solitude moments” a couple-thing if that works for you.
  • The point of solitude means to be luxuriously immersed in the quiet moments of your own choices.  You become fully aware of being alive without being ushered into the scurry of daily living.

In my own hiking times through the woods in acceptance of solitude, I feel the “sweet spot” of temperature playing upon my skin. I feel the essence of light shining through my eyes.  I accept my quiet essence pulsing into the energies of life.  Once I reconnect with every blood cell charging through my body, I churn with delight.

Therefore, walk into the woods, the park, along the river or by a pond to discover solitude.  You will enjoy renewed strength to enjoy your days.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty:

9/11: Quest For The Truth Continues – What You Don’t Know

Like so many, many others, yours truly has been called every conspiracy name in the book just because 18 months after 9/11, I could no longer ignore what was right in front of my face.

America has been torn apart by Trump’s election. Years, not months, of dirty, rotten treasonous activities by higher ups in the FBI, DOJ and who knows who else.

Our whole nation is being ripped by special interest groups for one cause or another while a massive human invasion continues on our Southern border. Drugs, Muslim terrorists and leeches flood across the border while the scum in Congress spend their time on whizzing contests to see who can out-subpoena the other.

FBI Breaks Up Homegrown Islamic Terror Camp in Alabama Owned by Terrorist Siraj Wahhaj and his Supporters, May 11, 2019

Muslims who by their belief in a phony religion they call Islam which is NOT a religion, continue to get elected to public offices all across this country. Gullible, tolerant fools in this country continue to defend Muslims so as not to be slapped with some offensive label. We as a nation are going to pay for such stupidity in the not too distant future.

This September 11th will mark year 18 since that day most of us will never, ever forget.

Eighteen long years families have been fighting for the truth. Not the lies and cover-up by agencies of our government, but the truth about what really happened that day.

You know, kids today weren’t even born when our country was shaken to the core. Millennials on the lower end of the birthday scale were toddlers. They have grown up in a world of electronic gadgets, iPhones, smart phones, iPads, social media. They haven’t a clue about 9/11 which given their ages is understandable.

What is not understandable to me is why adult aged Americans by the tens and tens of millions simply refuse to consider anything other than the official story about 9/11. Oh, yeah, it’s painful. I will NEVER forget that morning and well into the days afterwards while glued to the TV.

Americans knew the enemy on Pearl Harbor Day, no question about that. Congress declared an act of war and the rest is history. At the time Americans had no idea their socialist president, FDR was the one responsible for that attack. He allowed it to happen: FDR and the Pearl Harbor attack my column on WND:

“When Franklin Roosevelt died during the closing days of World War II, it fell to Truman to end the war and formulate policies for a new world order.” –The Smithsonian Treasury: The Presidents, 1991

“One shouldn’t believe everything they read in a book, but in the case of “Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor” by Robert B. Stinnett, there can be no denying the awful truth that FDR not only knew the Japanese were going to attack, but official documents prove FDR wanted them to strike America first.

“Stinnett spent 16 years doing his research and fighting in the courts to obtain a plethora of shocking documents under the Freedom of Information Act – their authenticity cannot be denied. This link to a .pdf file provides a few of the official documents, i.e., “It (official document) directs the Hawaiian U.S. Army commander, Lt. Gen. Walter Short, to follow an official U.S. government desire: ‘The United States desires that Japan commit the first overt act.’”

“Pearl Harbor was no surprise. “Day of infamy,” indeed.” And, yes, on a beautiful Sunday morning FDR got his wish.

Sixteen years to get the documents. We are into almost 18 years since 9/11. Due to the dedication of thousands of Americans, the truth about 9/11 IS going to come out – no thanks to the rotten media cabal and even the majority of alternative media on the Internet. The real truth about 9/11 is just too horrible to even approach.

No, I’m not one of those who think George Bush, Jr., had anything to do with the planning or execution. Never have. He’s too dumb and unreliable to be included in something so dark, so sinister, so savage. Muslims were involved, no question about that. Their hatred of these united States of America is sealed in cement.

Ilhan Omar was elected via fraud to the U.S. House last November. I believe at this point there’s no doubt she married her brother but then what can one expect? Muslims in-breed and have been doing so for over a thousand years. She is a lying, dangerous America hating piece of scum who should be removed from Congress.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have taken brutal beatings over the years because hundreds of them which has become thousands, took a look at what happened to Building 7 on 9/11 and the Twin Towers. Their training and experience (I mean individuals with 30-40 years of demolition expertise) told them something was wrong. Their eyes told them the truth while the TV and government lied through their teeth.

Last month Ilhan Omar who makes me sick to my stomach, made a comment that was so sickening you just wanted to hit something: “Some People Did Something on 9/11”. The outrage was deafening except to those who tried to prop her up with nonsense like she doesn’t have a good understanding of language. Omar is a Somali who should be shipped back on a raft.

A & E for 9/11 Truth posted a video playing off her toxic words that I want you to watch right now. It’s about six minutes. Like some original film I have from the OKC bombing, it’s these on-site people and media coverage in real time that should have alerted Americans that what they were then sold later on was a lie.

Please. Take the time and then come back here. Video

See what I mean?

The architects and engineers with that group have traveled to many countries over the years participating in forums, presentations and doing media in an effort to rally for the truth. Of the nearly 3,000 who died in the World Trade Towers many were not citizens of this country.

I know I ask you to read a lot which is why I say bookmark this column and get to it this weekend. We CANNOT defeat our enemies until we understand them and we cannot expose the truth without becoming educated about an event. This is a read and watch videos contained in article: AE911Truth Journeys to Switzerland for Gathering of Forward-Thinking Minds

“Gage started off by explaining the continuing importance of understanding the cataclysmic event that rocked the world 17 years ago.

“We’re not just talking about buildings here!” he said. “The events of 9/11 reshaped our foreign policy and resulting debt in the national economy – as well as decimating our civil liberties. We invaded two countries, where we are still engaged in the longest wars in our history. We killed more than two million people.

“We are engaged in a $5 trillion war on terror. Any of us can be arrested and imprisoned without a right to lawyer, a trial, a jury. We can be tortured and even assassinated. It all started with 9/11! And, most specifically, it started with the catastrophic destruction and loss of life at the World Trade Center. If there is any question about what really happened there, then shouldn’t we exhaust all means of finding the truth?”

“Simple, that is, until one actually looks at the evidence and easily determines that: (1) The Twin Towers could not have possibly failed in the manner the government attempted to show they did, and (2) there is ample forensic evidence and eyewitness testimony proving the intentional controlled demolition of not just the Twin Towers but also of Building 7 (which was not hit by a plane but which imploded in seven seconds later that afternoon).

“After Gage finished cataloguing all the signs pointing to explosives and incendiaries having been planted in all three buildings, the audience seemed stunned by the overwhelming quantity and irrefutable nature of the evidence he laid out. They leveled some thoughtful questions at Gage: “Why would the perpetrators have done this?” and “How could they set up all those explosives?” were among the queries.”

Their work has been attacked, their reputations trashed as well as anyone who has written a credible book seeking the truth about what happened that day. I’ve covered this so many times in columns.

One of the handful of what I consider to be a must watch and most credible as far as explaining and SEEING the deceit and lies is an independent film titled, Anatomy of a Great Deception viewed free on line more than 3.1 MILLION times. It will change your mind about how you feel about the government’s cover-up. Anatomy of a Great Deception Part 2 is coming out this September.

Massimo Mazzucco produced a five-hour documentary, The New Pearl Harbor. I ask you: What if it was your loved one who died that day? Murdered on those planes that went into the World Trade Towers,  Flight 93 and Flight 77 which did not hit the Pentagon.

Oh, Flight 77 didn’t hit the Pentagon? No. Where did it go? I believe I know and someday someone with enough money who wants to find the truth I’d be happy to tell them my theory based on the only option in ditching a commercial jet liner that day. Believe me, if I had Trump’s money, the operation would already be underway.

Anyway, Mazzucoo’s documentary is a must watch. You can do it in sections as he has made it very simple on his web page. There is a 29-minute clip from his documentary on You Tube dealing with the Muslim “pilots” who as you will come to see couldn’t fly their way out of a paper sack never mind the incredibly difficult time maneuvering the alleged flight path of Flight 77 into the Pentagon. 9/11, The Hijackers

Hani Hanjour: 9/11 Pilot Extraordinaire – From the ridiculous to the sublime

“[Flight Academy] Staff members characterized Mr. Hanjour as polite, meek and very quiet. But most of all, the former employee said, they considered him a very bad pilot. “I’m still to this day amazed that he could have flown into the Pentagon,” the former employee said. “He could not fly at all.” [New York Times]”

This is also a must watch video (37 minutes): MASSIVE Breakthrough In 9/11 Investigation! – (with Richard Gage & Barbara Honegger), Dec. 1, 2018

For those unfamiliar with Barbara Honegger, she has been a real dog with a bone; this interview deals with the grand jury. “…Barbara Honegger who famously exposed the truth behind the Iran Contra scandal in the 1980s as a member of the Reagan White House with her book ‘October Surprise’ and now works with the Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Inquiry.”

Besides A & E for 9/11 Truth, another organization that has spent who knows how many thousands of hours on this planned event is Pilots for 9/11 Truth:

“Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe who have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time…

“We do not accept the 9/11 Commission Report — a Commission admittedly “set up to fail” according to the Chairman himself, nor “hypothesis” as a satisfactory explanation for the continued gross violation(s) of the United States Constitution being committed by Government agencies, and the sacrifice every American has made and continue to make — some more than others.

“We stand with the numerous other growing organizations of Firefighters, Medical Professionals, Lawyers, Scholars, Military Officers, Veterans, Religious and Political Leaders, along side Survivors, family members of the victims — family members of soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice — including the many Ground Zero workers who are now ill or have passed away, when we ask for a true, new independent investigation into the events of 9/11.“

According to the media – MSM and a whole lot on alternate media sites – the architects and engineers who have sacrificed so much and these pilots with actual flying experience in the same model commercial jet air liners are nothing but conspiracy nuts who don’t know what they’re talking about.

Really? The ALL have nothing better to do than spend years of their lives trying to get the truth to the American people?

This is what is going on right now. I hope you take time to read the links below so you and hopefully millions via social media networking will see what’s going on is deadly serious. If you think the war being waged against Trump by the Unseen Hand (aka Deep State) is something, blowing open 9/11 will be a category ten hurricane.

9/11 Grand Jury: An Unprecedented Opportunity

“What transpired last month is without question the greatest step forward the 9/11 Truth Movement has ever taken toward bringing about a real investigation into the events of September 11, 2001.

“In a letter dated November 7, 2018, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York notified the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry that he would comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 requiring him to present to a special grand jury the Lawyers’ Committee’s reports filed earlier this year of unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center.

“This means a 23-member grand jury, vested with subpoena power and the authority to take sworn testimony, will hear the voluminous evidence of the World Trade Center’s demolition and will have the ability to conduct a thorough investigation that results in indictments against suspected individuals — in other words, what the 9/11 Truth Movement has been working toward for 17 years.”

Lawyers’ Committee ‘Names Names’ in New 9/11 Grand Jury Filing, March 12, 2019

“Today, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry — with whom AE911Truth has partnered in our ongoing Grand Jury Investigation Project — announced the filing of a “petition supplement” naming persons who may have information material to the federal grand jury investigation of the World Trade Center’s explosive demolition on September 11, 2001.

“The 33-page document contains 15 different categories of persons who may have information material to the investigation, including contractors and security companies that had access to the WTC Towers before 9/11, persons and entities who benefited financially from the WTC demolitions, and persons arrested after being observed celebrating the WTC attacks.

A names-redacted version of the petition supplement, which was filed with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York on February 14, 2019, has been made available to the public. The un-redacted version filed with the U.S. Attorney today will remain undisclosed in the interest of maintaining the secrecy, security, and integrity of the grand jury proceeding.”

There were trucks going into the basement levels of the World Trade Towers in the middle of the night preceding that horrible day.  Just like two men were seen rigging wires in the parking/basement area of the Murrah Building a few days before it was blown in OKC. A demolition from the INSIDE, not from a Ryder truck.

Families, Lawyers, AE911Truth File Lawsuit against FBI over ‘9/11 Review Commission Report’ – Scroll down to Complaint Filed on March 25, 2019. Click on Complaint to see the full 44-pg filing.

Media censorship over this lawsuit: Courthouse News yanks article for its woefully fair and accurate coverage of 9/11 lawsuit, March 28, 2019. I can tell you I hit on Courthouse News here and there and it’s not close to fair or balanced anything.

If the masterminds behind 9/11 think they are going to get away with it, well, they might pass away from old age, but one way or the other, just like Pearl Harbor, the truth WILL be exposed to the world.

And if I, like so many others, get attacked and called vicious vile names and labels, so be it. The deaths on 9/11 should never be forgotten and I don’t know about you, but my heart bleeds for all the families, both here and in other countries.

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

These are also important:

WATCH – 7- minute video, 2.2 million views: My Son Was Killed on 9/11- Watch this father who has been trying to get justice for his beloved son for the past 18 years. The son’s injuries are critical. This video also contains spontaneous comments from first responders with years and decades of experience. What? Are they all lying?

Security Alerts, Disabled Fire Alarms, and Unused Elevators: Suspicious Events at the World Trade Center Before 9/11, Sept, 7, 2018

‘Debunking the Real 9/11 Myths’ – Republished with Brand-New Look and Layout Use It Wherever ‘Popular Mechanics’ Rears Its Ugly Head

Breaking Through the Conspiracy of Silence: AE911Truth at the ASCE Structures Congress

Up to their necks: Dick Cheney and Rudy Giuliani: The First Government Officials to Dismiss the Idea of Controlled Demolition on 9/11, September 11, 2018

Twitter Users Celebrate ‘Deserved’ 9/11 Terror Attacks

Lawsuit Seeks Answers on Five Men Arrested on 9/11 – Secret document declassified

The Magnum Opus of the 9/11 Consensus Panel: A Review of Griffin and Woodworth’s ‘9/11 Unmasked’ by Dick Lowman, P.E.

These are a few of my columns which are literally loaded with source reference material. Yeah, I have spent a LOT of time on 9/11. Reading and watching videos. Sorting through the junk. It has always been my goal in working this murderous rampage is to bring you as much factual material as possible.

Asking questions at the Flight 93 Crash Site – I went there. One particular interview with a witness who was standing there and saw Flight 93 go into the ground cannot be disputed. He had no reason to lie.

9/11 Truth Seekers: The ‘lunatic fringe’ is whom?

A new 9/11 revelation – cover up continues – Brother Jeb’s (Bush) Timely Executive Order and FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”

My extensive archives on 9/11

Why Muslims Refuse To Assimilate

It is not that they refuse to assimilate, it is that they can’t. Muslims, irrespective of the country of their origin, (except Iran or Turkey) were raised in such way that they can never assimilate into Western culture. True Muslims unanimously abide by and live under the laws of Sharia and not the Constitution of the United States of America or other man-made laws in other countries.

People who live in the West must understand that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, one must adhere to and perform many rituals, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadiths/Sunna, every waking moment of his entire life. Disobeying these rituals does not make one a moderate Muslim, but rather it would make him a non-Muslim, facing an uncertain future. It is not their fault that they adhere to their customs and traditions. They were born with it. It is our fault that we bring them here and force them to assimilate. They won’t.

Keep this in mind, it is mandatory for a Muslim to adhere to Islamic laws and not to a man-made law like the US Constitution. A Muslim can never be both a Muslim and an American at the same time. If an American politician does not understand this common theme within Islam and its political nature, it is a disservice to those who elected them into office.

Now that Muslims are here in the United States, they do not shy away to demand an accommodation according to their own Islamic Law which is unconstitutional. We are left with no choice but to allow them to do as they please. Like any good dhimmi would do. That is Sharia law.

What is incredible is the gall and audacity of Muslims to demand Western democracies legalize Sharia in their own societies. Large populations of Muslims, most recent arrivals, in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, Sweden and the USA are now experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Sharia rule their Islamic communities. This is just the beginning and it may seem relatively harmless to the political simpletons in our midst. Yet, once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also to those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Sharia, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman can divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and literally toss the wife out of “his” home with no compensation.

What Can Be Done at This Stage?

We need to establish a review board to study this ideology with a mission to ensure that no “religion” preaches and practices in violation of the United States’ Constitution. Islam is incompatible with democracy and subversive of our way of life and one that blesses this nation. It is imperative that we fight Islamofascism with the same determination that we fought other enemies of freedom such as Nazism, Fascism, and Communism.

I say humanity must remain strong and resolute.  People must stop deluding themselves.  Islam will never, ever coexist with infidels.  We must move on – move away from an exclusionary, a primitive, and a tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.

While we frivolously waste, our precious time talking about it without any drastic action taken, Islam and sharia continues to creep into every aspect of our American culture.  There are only too few dedicated, freedom-loving people are sounding the alarm.  That’s not enough.  Why do most of our fellow citizens not get it?  Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values.

That’s wonderful in a Utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization – much less American culture.  We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom is more fragile than at any time since WWII.  While we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence, and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same exact enemy who resides on our own soil in broad daylight.

While we still face the threat of International Communism, America is facing a deadlier threat than communism. We are facing the multipronged threat of Islamic terrorism. How to deal with this new enemy is something we are still not ready to deal with.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Be Careful What You Believe

The book of Daniel speaks of the end times, when, as we read in Chapter 12, verse 4, “many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.”  I don’t think there is any question that knowledge has increased at a dramatic pace over just the past few years.  In many cases, frighteningly so.  The trouble is, there are so many in our world today that “KNOW” so much that simply isn’t true.

We live in a world today that is FILLED with misinformation and DISinformation, “fake news,” that is deliberately designed to confuse and deceive us all.  Jesus said of our adversary, the devil, “…he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaks a lie, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”  Yes, the father of lies is working overtime these days, and many there be that are easily deceived.

Have you considered, lately, just how MUCH information we drink in every single day?  And just how MUCH of it is lies?  We’re being indoctrinated with demonic LIES at an alarming pace.  It’s been said that if one tells a lie long enough, eventually, even the liar will believe it to be true.  This seems to be the case now.  Just look around… I read recently that there are now SIXTY THREE different “genders.”  Now, you had BETTER work very hard at memorizing all 63, because if you make a mistake and call someone by the wrong “pronoun,” you will face the wrath of the legal establishment.  Such was the case recently in Canada, where a man was fined $55,000 for calling a man a “man.”  Can you even BELIEVE THAT?  But YES, that REALLY happened.  And the same is likely to happen here in the US, where multiple states with activist “lawmakers” and judges, working for the LGBTQP+ agenda are now implementing stiff penalties for the “crime” of “misgendering.”

The Leftists in America — and around the world — are “of their father, the devil,” the father of lies.  And they are experts at lies and deception.  They are determined to destroy our way of life at all costs, starting with the destruction of the family, by vilifying males — especially WHITE males, along with fatherhood… and even MOTHERHOOD, for that matter, as they cannot kill off enough babies to satisfy their demonic lust for innocent blood.

NOW, if children ARE (somehow) born alive, there are those that want the freedom to commit open and “legalized” infanticide.  No longer content to kill the unborn, now, like everything else, “ANYTHING GOES” — as long as it fits their ultimate agenda to steal, kill and destroy.  Who else but these demons would dare have the audacity to call the abomination of abortion “women’s healthcare” — and have half the population BELIEVE that lie?!

Who else would demand that we open our borders to dangerous criminals, thugs, gangs and invaders from nations that hate us — invite them in by the THOUSANDS, and then tell us we must be compassionate as they (once again) steal, kill and destroy our nation from within, as the Leftists roll out the red carpet to welcome them?  Notice they always speak about “compassion for the children” when talking about “immigrants.”  But folks, these are NOT immigrants.  They are foreign invaders.  And why, suddenly, are they SO concerned about these CHILDREN — when they march and protest and DEMAND that our OWN American children be “legally” murdered — at any and all stages of life?  And they laugh about it.  But we all just “go along.”  We are SO dumbed down, SO apathetic and lulled into complacency.  Open your EYES, people!  Look at Europe.  Europe has FALLEN to Islam.  Nearly a THOUSAND Christian churches BURNED to the ground by muslims in France last year alone — so what do we do?  Import Islam to THIS country too, because, of course, THAT could NEVER happen here!

Who else but these fiends would even TRY to convince us all that there are 63 different and distinct “genders,” and all are equally valid?  Yet many here in America are now coming to accept that idea as “fact.”  Nevermind even the SIMPLEST science or biology lesson.  And IF a child manages to make it to 4 years old, they are then sent to the public school indoctrination machine, where sodomy and “transgenderism” is not only DEMONSTRATED for them, but made to look like “fun” — and something EVERYBODY needs to try out for themselves, because you NEVER KNOW — you, too, just might be “gay.”  AND THEIR SO-CALLED ‘PARENTS’ ENCOURAGE THIS!!

I’m so tired of the lies.  “The Affordable Care Act.”  How’s THAT working out for us?  “Women’s Healthcare.”  Yeah, right…. where every abortion leaves one dead and one wounded.  And even the CHURCHES are getting in on the act…  The watered-down, feel-good “talks” (you can’t call them sermons) pushing the fake “health, wealth and prosperity gospel” was not enough to mock our Savior.  Now we have sodomite “pastors” pushing “inclusion.”  Now we have so-called “Christian’ churches marching IN the “pride” parades, as near-naked man dance and gyrate on the “church” floats in the parades, simulating sodomite sex, to the delight of the roaring crowds of onlookers.  Now we have “Chrislam,” because, we are told, “Christians and Muslims all worship the same God,” so we all need to unite.  No.  We do NOT.

I haven’t watched television news in a very long time.  But recently, my father-in-law was staying with us and he enjoys watching Fox News, so the TV was on… I lasted about a half hour and couldn’t take it anymore:  one fake news story after another.  One left-wing propaganda-filled puff-piece after another, disguised as “news.”  And because they call it “fair and balanced,” so many of us fall for it.   But do you realize that Fox News is partially owned by Saudi Arabian muslims — and partially by the demonic Disney Corporation?  Yeah, friends, I hate to tell you, but even Fox News is “fake.”

The news media is absolutely corrupt to the core, in league with the so-called “progressives,” and they are MORE than just “complicit” in the multi-million dollar witch hunt against Donald Trump; they absolutely helped to orchestrate that debacle.  Meanwhile Hillary Clinton, a PROVEN felon, walks free.  Hollywood and the entertainment industry is also part of this puzzle.  Turn on literally ANY television show these days, and it’s only a matter of MINUTES before they bring a “homosexual” or “transgender” character into the mix.  Even on programs that you would think would have ZERO connection to such things, like “House Hunters,” or home remodeling shows.  Every few episodes, the audience is introduced to a loveable sodomite couple looking for a house, or making plans to remodel a house.  You don’t want to get me started with the indoctrination of even our youngest children to this stuff — on television, the internet, public schools, libraries, churches, popular music, you name it.  And it’s ALL lies.

But as I said at the outset, we are living in a time when “knowledge has increased” — dramatically.  We have technology now that I could never have dreamed of just a few years ago.  And it is NOT as wonderful as we might think.  Today, there is almost NO PLACE you can go where you are not constantly being watched, monitored and your data being recorded.  Consider Facebook.  Now, I admit, I use Facebook, because we have a Wisconsin Christian News Facebook page, where we post REAL news from alternative media sources and reliable investigators.  It IS an alternative — and very effective — way to reach thousands of people.  So we use it to present REAL news and things of significance.  It has a purpose.  It’s a tool.

But many people are obsessed with Facebook.  They post ALL their personal information on their page, from the meals they eat to the places they vacation, to the movies they watch to the books they read.  They post information about their home, their jobs, their free time, their pets, their children and more.  Now, IMAGINE, if you will, what people would say if the CIA or Homeland Security were to REQUIRE us to hand over all that personal information.  “Absolutely NOT!”   “No way!”  But along comes Mark Zuckerburg, right out of college and invents this “fun” thing called Facebook — and people willingly and happily relinquish all their privacy.  Do you REALLY THINK the stuff you post on Facebook is not being recorded, tracked and placed in a data base?

Then consider our cell phones.  Do you realize that they are ALWAYS listening to us?  And they are linked to Facebook as well?  Let me tell you what happens FREQUENTLY to us… my wife and I will be driving in the car and talking about some arbitrary topic… THINKING we’re having a private conversation.  But we are NOT.  Even riding alone in the car, just the two of us.  THEY’RE LISTENING.  Most recently, my wife mentioned to me that we needed to get a new coffee maker.  And the next time she checked her Facebook page, there were dozens of ads for coffee makers.

On another occasion, I was involved in an accident when a deer jumped in front of my vehicle.  I was in the middle of nowhere, and had no idea how I was going to explain my location when I called the accident in to 911.  I need not have worried about that.  Because they could tell EXACTLY where I was, because I was using a cell phone.  The “authorities” ALWAYS KNOW exactly where we all are and what we are all doing.    I also have to wonder WHO may be WATCHING us through those HANDY little cameras that are now built into EVERY cell phone.

Not to mention devices like “Alexa,” which people WILLINGLY place in their homes and find so useful.  Just call out “Alexa…answer a question.”  And this device will search the internet and give you the answer.  But PEOPLE!  Do you not realize these devices are ALWAYS listening to everything that is going on in your home?  Good grief, we don’t even have privacy inside our own homes anymore.  The same can be said of the new TVs, refrigerators, washers and dryers that can be remotely controlled from an app on your phone… THEY are listening to you too.  Did you know that?  Do you CARE?   MY question is, WHO is listening to THEM?  And why?

Trust me, it’s not JUST to market and sell things to you.  Data and information is being gathered and stored and USED on each one of us constantly.  We’re watched by video cameras at every stop light.  We’re listened to by all of our devices.  Every key stroke on our computer is being recorded SOMEWHERE.  And we find it delightful and convenient, willingly and happily handing over all our personal information.

Remember the TV show “American Idol?”  I don’t even know if it’s still on the air.  I haven’t watch television in so long, I have no idea.  Do you realize that entire THING was MARKETING?  Disguised as a “talent contest,” the producers of the show would pre-select a new “rising star” in the entertainment industry before each season began.  Yes, that is MY opinion.  It was all a farce.  Then they would get viewers to tune in every week for months, to see all the contestants, and WHO would “rise to the next level” and become the next “American Idol.”  Friends, they took you for a fool — advertisers lined up to pay for it.  And so many eagerly tuned in every week to see how their favorite contestant would do… but all the while, the eventual “winner” had already been pre-selected… and now they didn’t even have to spend money on marketing this person — because America had already become hooked; and the ad dollars paid for it all.

Seriously, there is almost NOTHING REAL, almost NOTHING TRUE in this world anymore… with the exception of God’s Word, the Bible.  And even God’s Word is being perverted and twisted in some new “translations” and “easy to read versions,” that just “happen” to leave out KEY AREAS OF SCRIPTURE and essential doctrine.  Yes,  as we read in John 17:17, God’s Word is truth.  But make SURE what you’re reading really IS  GOD’S Word.  Don’t settle for any fake substitutes.

I could go on… I could tell you about the lies of Obama and Hillary Clinton, the lies of the Supreme Court, the lies of our legislators and our “public servants.”  I could tell you the truth about the so-called “war on drugs,” the pharmaceutical industry, the sickening and tragic growth of pedophilia and human trafficking throughout our nation and our world.  I could tell you about the genetically-modified ingredients in the food we eat.  Good grief!  Even our FOOD is fake!  And I could tell you how our educational system is churning out obedient, brain-washed little “transgendered” socialists, eager to support the New World Order and the Leftist agenda.

Call me a “conspiracy theorist” if you wish.  But I urge you to be diligent and be discerning.  Question everything, because as I said, almost nothing you hear in these days when “knowledge is so greatly increased” is going to be the truth.  So BE CAREFUL what you believe.  Words have meaning and lies have consequences; some of them ETERNAL consequences.

We have ONE truth, however, that we can always count on, and which NEVER changes.  Not with the winds of popular opinion, and not even with all the twisting and manipulation our Leftist “friends” can scheme up… and that… is GOD.

Having said all this, let me now close with the words of God Himself — words that absolutely CAN always be trusted…we can rest assured, of our Creator, we need never have any doubt.  These words of Scripture seem especially appropriate today.  From Malachi 3:  “And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not Me, saith the Lord of hosts.  For I am the Lord, I change not!”   You better believe it!

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email  Ask for message number 255.

© 2019 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:

The Dangers Of 5G

Our modern technology usually comes with unforeseen dangers.  Sometimes those dangers are known but simply ignored.  Simply put our society demands convenience and we don’t pay any attention to the ramifications of those demands. I have heard for years that there is a danger of radiation from cell phones, but we keep plowing forward into a area that has exhibited probable problems.

There are so many articles that have been written on this and there have been so many studies done on this subject that we ignore because the convenience of the technology has made us more efficient and profitable. On this site you will find articles of Child cancer, Buying and EMF Safe Property, wifi appliances and the effects of computers, monitors and wireless mice.[1]  One of governments encroachments in this area is their insistence on smart meters.  They have been known to cause health problems as well as feed information to them that is violation of our 4th Amendment.  I did a series on Smart Meters in 2017 which can be read here.[2]

In these studies we see the dangers in the earlier versions of radio frequency keeping in mind that the new 5G will expose us to more radio frequency: Data from 3 major cancer registries demonstrate increased incidences of glioblastoma multiforme (a  very  aggressive  form  of  brain  tumour)  in  the  frontal lobe,  temporal  lobe,  and  cerebellum, despite  decreased  incidences  in  other  brain  regions. Although  this  may  represent an effect  of diagnostic  bias,  the  incidence  of  both  large  and  small  tumours  increased  in  these  regions.  The cause  of  these  observed  trends  is  unknown.  So  said  Zada  (2012);  maybe  it  has  something  to  do with  mobile  phone  use?  Dobes  had  found  a  significant  increasing  incidence of  primary  brain tumours  between  2000  and  2008  (2011), including glioblastoma  multiforme (2011) particularly after 2006.  De Vocht reported (2016) that malignant neoplasms of the temporal lobe had increased faster than expected. A latency period of  10 years reflected the earliest latency period when this was  measurable  and  related  to  mobile  phone  penetration  rates,  and  indicated  an  additional increase  of  35%  during 2005-2014.  Bortkiewicz  (2017) carried  out  a  meta-analysis  of  twenty  four studies (26 846 cases, 50 013 controls) reported up to March 2014. A significantly higher risk of an intracranial tumour (all types) was noted for the period of mobile phone use over 10 years.[3]

The introduction of newer and stronger electromagnetic fields can have a serious effect on not just the human body but our environment, animals, plants and so on. Some people seem to be up to 100 times more sensitive to their biological systems being affected by  external  sources of  electromagnetic  fields,  either  at  low  (power frequency)  or  high  frequency (including  mobile  phone  communications  technology),  than  others  (Leitgeb 2003, 2007).  The condition  they  have  is  referred  to  in  a  variety  of  ways;as  electrosensitivity,  or  as  electrical sensitivity or hypersensitivity. This condition is referred to as ES throughout this article.

Human  beings,  and  all  other  living  creatures,  have  always  been  exposed  to  electromagnetic fields. The sun’s radiation levels  and  the  natural  earth  energies  are  what  the  human  being  has evolved  with  and  adapted  to.  So  the  sceptics  ask,  how  come  we  are  suddenly  talking  of  a sensitivity to electromagnetic fields when we have never reacted before?

Things have changed, that’s why.  The  density  of  electromagnetic fields  around  us  is  now  many hundreds  of  millions  of  times  the  natural  level  reaching  us  from  the  sun  and  other  sources.  We have not had the time even to begin to adapt to the radiation from our use of  electricity, mobile phones and telecommunications masts, and proliferating wireless technologies. [4]

We are always wanting bigger and better, which is not always bad but we should proceed with caution.  Who doesn’t want faster, bigger (or smaller), more efficient? Take wireless mobile telecommunications. Our current broadband cellular network platform, 4G (or fourth generation), allows us to transmit data faster than 3G and everything that preceded. We can access information faster now than ever before in history. What more could we want? Oh, yes, transmission speeds powerful enough to accommodate the (rather horrifying) so-called  Internet of Things. Which brings us to 5G.

Until now, mobile broadband networks have been designed to meet the needs of people. But 5G has been created with machines’ needs in mind, offering low-latency, high-efficiency data transfer. It achieves this by breaking data down into smaller packages, allowing for faster transmission times. Whereas 4G has a fifty-millisecond delay, 5G data transfer will offer a mere one-millisecond delay–we humans won’t notice the difference, but it will permit machines to achieve near-seamless communication. Which in itself  may open a whole Pandora’s box of trouble for us – and our planet.[5]  More studies can be found here that cover subjects such as mobile phone related hazards, hearing, tinnitus and a myriad of other things.[6]

If you’re really technical this site has a lot of articles concerning adverse biological effects or damage to health from Wi-Fi signals, Wi-Fi-enabled devices or Wi-Fi frequencies (2.4 or 5 GHz).[7]  If you haven’t noticed the government isn’t looking out for you on this. They are even demanding that you use the smart meters. We are on our own, which we should be, but we should have some protection from the government.  They don’t protect us from GMO products, in fact do all they can to not let us know what is in the food we eat which is the opposite of why we have the FDA.  They allow glyophosate, agent orange, to be sprayed on our food and on our lawns, which is what the EPA is there to stop, but they don’t. They won’t do anything about 5G either.  If anything is to be done, it will be up to us to do it.  I’ve always said, ‘Stay informed to stay free’ but now we have to stay informed to stay healthy.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Foot Notes

  3. Library downloads mobile phones 3 cancer 2019
  4. Library downloads es-1 reaction 2018 09

Mothers A Gift Or Not A Gift?

Working as a chaplain I have spoken to many young and older people about their mothers. Some were in a violent world they had created for themselves, while some were in prison or in juvenile detention. Others were executives with families who were well respected in their communities. Asking each one what brought them to this point in their lives, all of them said basically the same thing. That their mother’s influence was the reason they were where they were.

Thinking back on my own life I could see how that could be true. Shortly after I was born, my father split. He wanted nothing (like me) to stand in the way of his being a ‘ladies man.’ My mother, Mevel Shanks Keeney, crushed by my fathers action, packed us into her car and drove from Texas to the Midwest where we had relatives in Kentucky. We settled in nearby Evansville, Indiana where she quickly got a job at the Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company as a secretary.

Women made less than men at the same jobs so it was a stretch to live on her paycheck but we did. And she had to take money from her modest pay check to put me into day care while she worked. We had rented a walk-up 2nd floor apartment. on Governor Street. She made that into a home with furnishings, inexpensive, but tasteful.

Even as a three year old, I noticed her impeccable manners, honesty and morals. Even though her clothes were inexpensive she looked like a model.

In those days, stores had ‘charge accounts’ where one would pay for merchandise by making payments each week, which she did without fail. A department store she had an account with, Straus and Brothers, suddenly caught on fire during the night. Everything in the business office was destroyed. The next Monday she went to the store. A few people were there trying to put things back in order. My mother spoke to a woman and said she was there to make a payment on her bill.

‘Oh my,’ the woman said, everything in the office was burned up. We have no idea how much you owe.’ “Well I know how much I owe,” she said, “so let’s go where I can pay you.” The woman walked to an open area, my mother said, “Here is my payment”, the woman took it, marked it on my mother’s receipt. Mom continued to go back every week while they put the store back together, never missing a payment until the bill was paid in full.”

One night she said to me, “Would you believe that there are people who took advantage of that fire by not paying their bills?” Even at three years of age that made a lasting impression upon me. Even though we had so little money to live on, this made me feel that we were better than those people who used the fire as an excuse not to pay their bills.

When Christmas came, my mother did all she could do to make a good Christmas for me. She managed to get a scrawny Christmas tree, and some lights which she strung on the tree. In those days the bulbs were big, not like the little twinkling bulbs they have today. And to this day I still want those big lights on the Christmas tree. ‘Silent Night’ was playing on her radio. It was Christmas Eve. She knew that she had paid all her bills but there was nothing left for a Christmas dinner. She looked into the bare cupboards. Yes, they were empty.

She went to the living room, sat down on our sofa, and began to cry. It was the first time I had seen my mother cry. I walked over silently, put my little hand in hers and sat quietly at her side. Suddenly my mother stopped crying, wiped the tears from her face, and said, “What’s the matter with me? God has been good to me. He’s kept us together, He’s kept a roof over our heads….Oh Lord, forgive me for my unfaithfulness. C’mon Son. You can help me.”

She got out a fancy table cloth that her grandmother had made and given her, put it on the table, then placed the best dishes she had along with silverware, and then found a candle and holder which she put it in the middle of the table. One would have thought we were about to sit down to the finest Christmas dinner in town.

She lit the candle, we sat down, she took my hand in hers, and prayed over that empty table, thanking the Lord for His goodness. As she was praying, there was a knock at the door. She continued praying as the knock became more persistent. She closed her prayer, then got up to answer the door. Standing on the other side of the door was a messenger with an envelope in his hand which he gave to my mother.

Puzzled, she took the envelope, thanked the messenger, came in and opened the envelope. There was a note from her boss which said; “Becky (that was the name my mother was known by), I didn’t have a chance to buy your son a Christmas present. Here is $7.50. Would you please buy a present for me to him?

That was a lot of money in those days. My mother grabbed me by the hand, “C’mon Son” she said. We dashed down the stairs, into her car and she drove to Hasselbach’s Grocery Store, going in just as the store was getting ready to close for the night. She filled up a basked with food, paid for it, and had money left over, we came home, and we did have the finest Christmas dinner of anyone in town. This is when I began to really know God, and to inherit the integrity of my mother.

I have never cheated any man, nor would I ever. My young adult life started in show business, traveling road shows, doing some movies and was successful. However, I could never get that scene at the empty table out of my mind. I left show business to enter the ministry which has been blessed.

When my mother died, not too long after my ordination, I did her funeral. “How can you do your own mother’s funeral?” her best friend Margaret asked. “I can do it because I loved my mother and I knew her better than anyone.” The funeral home was packed. I used as my text, Nehemiah 8:10–“For the Joy of the Lord is my strength. I feel that joy this morning and extra strength knowing that my mother went in great victory to be with The Lord.”

I told how my mother had actually died in the hospital, I had asked God for two more years with her before He takes her home as we had things to work out. She came back and the first thing she said was, “Son I saw Him. I saw Jesus! When it is my time I am ready to go. I KNOW He’s there.” And the next two years were the greatest we had ever known.

Four people gave their hearts to God at that service and a married couple with children who had divorced got back together at that service and remarried.

It was a blessing to have the Mother I had. To all mothers out there, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. And for those who had a substitute mother, do wish them a Happy Mother’s Day and maybe even take a single rose to them. They no doubt played an important role in your lives.

© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

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The REAL Reason Behind Tiger Woods Receiving The Presidential Medal Of Freedom

(True Conservative Pundit) I know, I know – I can hear the comments already.  Why are you writing about that loser Tiger Woods?  Is Tiger Woods the despicable human being that some on the Left make him out to be?

Tiger Woods received the Medal of Freedom and the media blew up like it was the end of the world.  Some said it was just not kosher because President Trump and Tiger Woods are friends and business partners (Tiger Woods designed a golf course for Trump). (source)

Then there were those who cited Tiger’s past indiscretions and his resulting divorce.

Tiger Woods was revered as the be all and end all in the world of golf.  One year after turning pro, Woods was ranked number one in the world and well on his way to fame and fortune.  Tiger was a cut above the rest of us.

Then came the reports of Woods alleged extramarital affairs and drug problems.  The fall from grace was quick and hard.

As if those issues weren’t enough to deal with, there were Tiger’s serious health issues.  Tiger Woods underwent knee surgery, and four back surgeries.

This writer does not in anyway condone Mr. Woods marital behavior, but to be fair, one needs to look at the entire package.

Imagine that at some point after being outed for cheating on your wife; allegedly using drugs and possibly alcohol, you were to return to playing professional golf.  You know the minute that you step out on the golf course that there are plenty of people who want to see you fail, and fail in a big way.  Everyone is talking about you, and most of that talk is NOT flattering.  The media has had a field day with your missteps and everybody knows your every failure and mistake intimately.

Can you even for just a moment imagine how tough it was for Tiger Woods to leave his home everyday, let alone step back into public life?  Tiger Woods who before was a star, and who could do no wrong – is suddenly thrust under a microscope and most of the attention is negative.  He knows many not only want him to fail; many even think Tiger deserves to fail.  Despite all this, Woods gets out on the course and does what he did best, he plays golf.

To add insult to injury – Mr. Woods also had to come back from some serious physical impairments.  Woods had issues with his knees, so he had knee surgery, BTW – recovery from knee surgery is not fun.  If you have ever watched golf, then you know how the back is twisted during a golf swing.  Now imagine you have had four back surgeries – one of which was a spinal fusion.  Do you suppose that this might affect your golf swing a little?

So it probably seemed like the world was out to get him, no one thought he could make a comeback, plus Tiger had to overcome the rather serious injuries he had received.

This writer cannot prove this obviously, but I think Tiger Woods “can do attitude,” his willingness to admit he did wrong and take responsibility for his actions while dealing with the horrendous amount of negativity and even hatred directed his way – combined with overcoming serious injuries along with equally serious surgeries, these then are the reasons that Trump awarded Tiger Woods the Medal of Freedom.

The Leftist hacks that made this award presentation all about the business relationship between Mr. Woods and President Trump are at best clueless, and at worst lying through their collective teeth.  Trump is viewed and labeled a racist and a hater by the media, so please tell me, who in their right mind would want to accept an award from Trump for business reasons knowing that this person would receive an incredible amount of flack for doing so? Would it not make a lot more sense to refuse the award in that case and avoid all the trouble?

This writer cannot condone everything Mr. Woods did, but at the same time I think given all that Tiger Woods overcame in order to once again become a champion golfer – well Mr. Woods was a good choice for this award and is an inspiration to others.

Everyone makes mistakes, something the Leftists seem to conveniently forget.  If the Leftist liberal whackos are looking for something or someone to condemn, why do they not condemn those who support the murder of helpless babies even on the day they are born?  Why don’t Leftists condemn defending and protecting drug pushers, killers, child molesters, and violent criminals in their sanctuary cities?

No, no, no, it is much more important to condemn a pro golfer who made some mistakes as well as the man who has done more for the U.S. than all the Politicrats combined – President Donald J. Trump.

All the best to you gentlemen.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

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The Scars Of Unbelief

[or Pleiadians, Light Workers, a Galactic Federation and a Dog]

I may have a peculiar faith.  I actually believe the words of God.  I believe He is who He says He is, has done what He’s says He has done, and will do what He says He will do.  Faith usually comes easy for me, and I probably actually have the gift of faith.

Over my three decades of walking with God, I developed a personal belief system in Him and in my life in that I believe God takes care of me personally.  I believe God is sovereign.  (There’s a lot in that, but that will suffice for now.)  I have experienced unusual favor in my life, and what I consider supernatural protection.  Abundant testimonies of protection and provision apply here, and they have led me to the conviction that I am kept by God.  Nothing (good or bad) comes to me without His permission.

In late February this year, I had two dreams the same night with what I deemed a warning.  The first found me in a convertible with my best friend with the top down, and parked on a road that had an upper ridge above it.  On the ridge above me was a mountain lion.  The second found me in a restaurant with my best friend, and I had left without my coat.  Several blocks after leaving I realized I had left my coat hanging on the back of my chair.

Both of these dreams were alarming to me because I knew what they meant.  They meant I was uncovered – outside of my protection bubble.  A convertible with the top down (uncovered), with a mountain lion looking down on me is a vulnerable situation.  Coat represents covering, and I had left it.  I began praying to ask God how I was vulnerable, how I was unprotected and uncovered.  The first response I got was that I have been lazy pleading the Blood of Christ over myself, my home and my family daily.  But I had a nagging there was more…

Then on March 21, while on a walk with my small dog, I was attacked from behind by a dog that jumped its fence.  The attack was severe enough that I had punctures and lacerations on three different parts of my body, some that required stitches.  (But they don’t stitch dog bites because of infection.)  Had I not been able to get my pepper spray out of my pocket after the fourth bite, I don’t know how I would have fared.  The dog was aggressive and intentional.

The next month was a process of healing.  I was in physical pain for about a week after, dressing bandages and having trouble sleeping.  I fought anxiety, (I am never anxious), and depression (again, I am never depressed).  Physically I was tired all the time and had trouble sleeping.  The day of the attack, in that same hour in fact, I thought, “The natural parallels the spiritual.  What is going on?”

Sidebar:  I have learned that the natural world frequently parallels the spiritual world.  When something manifests in the natural is usually an indication something has happened in the spiritual realm.  If there is something out of the ordinary, I have learned to ask God what it means.  It would be a full other month before I was to understand what it meant.

Being a truth seeker, I have had to retrain myself to not reject information just because I don’t believe it.  I have had to train myself to keep open the possibility that I may be wrong, misinformed or I may misunderstand.  It is a precarious position to be in when everything you have held strong convictions on is called into question.  Integrity tells me truth is more important than perceived homeostasis.  Perceptions lie – even if unintentionally.  Because of my desire to walk in integrity while pursuing truth, I have trained myself to not initially reject OR accept anything, regardless of my personal convictions, beliefs and experiences.

Over the past six months, and being in the public sphere through social media and the internet, I’ve been exposed to numerous “truthers” – people sincerely searching for truth.  There is a group of these people who sometimes claim to be Christians, who sometimes claim Christ as the Messiah, but who have strange doctrine.  They call themselves Pleiadians, Light Workers, etc.  They speak of other dimensions, other beings, frequencies and vibrations.  These are all things I know to be true.   So I have not discounted them.

Quantum physics has revealed at least twelve dimensions.  The spiritual dimension is another dimension – probably one of the twelve.  Humans interact in four:  height, width, depth and time.  There are other beings, usually unseen by humans.  In the spiritual realm we know them as angels, demons, cherub, “heavenly creatures”, etc.  Some have been identified as “aliens”, and there is a startling amount of evidence of such beings.  Both light and sound can be used for healing (and torture).  Vibrations or frequencies are especially significant in the quantum physics world, and there is a direct correlation to health and frequencies.  (Which is another reason 5G towers are a bad idea.  Look at the impact on human health.  It’s also the reason blue tooth in the ear causes brain tumors.)

These people like to speak like they are the enlightened ones and everyone else is in the dark.  They do have specific truths, yet their application is suspect.  They speak of a “Galactic Federation”, and they interchange words for Christ, acknowledging His existence (most of them, anyway), but calling him an “Ascended Master”.  They promote the Bible as man-made religion and do not deny (a) God – but there are other denials more subtle.

While I would agree the general public is clueless about most of these topics, if you’ve pursued truth for a length of time, these truths will indeed surface.  Multiple national governments have hidden their alliance with “aliens” and their “classified” work with UFOs. DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) exist for the works of this very topic, and the works there are clandestine.

But as time progressed and their voices grew louder with their claims of truth, seeds of doubt were gradually laid that I didn’t recognize as doubt.  I didn’t realize I had tabled points of my convictions, in a suspended state of waiting for more evidence one way or another.  I had left the door open for the possibility of error or misunderstanding on my part.  But I didn’t realize I had left the door unguarded.

Nor did I recognize the seeds of doubt had sprouted into plants of unbelief.  I thought I was solid.  I thought I was square.  I barely recognized my prayer life had quietly subsided as I was waiting for God to act one way or another, to dispel or confirm.  I retorted to the (oh wise one, as social media stroked the ego of this mouthpiece) person who called Christ an “ascended master”, that if Christ was truly just an “ascended master” there was no need for Him to die on the Cross.

When I had suffered the attack and began seeking God for what parallel it represented in the spiritual, I looked at the symbols.  Walking represents forward movement, advancement and progress.  That was stopped.  Dogs (if they are not your personal pet) symbolize unbelievers, religious hypocrites, and the apostate (to name a few).  The right side of my body was damaged from the attack, and right symbolizes the place of your authority and power.  The parts of my body that I still bear the scars from symbolized these things:  1) my strength, authority and/or responsibility, 2) my mind and truth, and 3) intimacy and relationship.

The Lord showed me my advancement and progression had been abruptly stopped because of attacks from unbelievers, religious hypocrites and apostates – which had significantly (and temporarily) damaged my place of authority and power.  [Which explained to me how my usual favor and protection was compromised, and reiterated the dream of warning a month prior.]  The damage was to my strength and authority (in the spirit realm especially); it assailed my mind and TRUTH; and affected my intimacy and relationship with God.

Because I failed to guard the door I left open to filter truths, seeds of doubt grew into unbelief that I didn’t initially recognize.  This place of vulnerability caused damage in my faith and my intimacy with God, weakened my spirit and authority in the spirit, and affected my place of truth in my mind.  It was way more damaging than I realized.

It wasn’t until I was speaking with a lovely young woman, and our conversation led me to tell her about some very specific places God has intervened in my life for my protection and well-being, that I realized the unbelief I had been harboring.   Today my body is healed, with significant scars on the places of damage.  I call them my scars of unbelief, and they serve as reminders to guard the door to truths.

I am once again able to settle into a place of strength and authority, with full confidence my protection is secure.  I have rejected the unbelief that masqueraded in the promise of “deeper truths” than the God of Creation, the God of the Bible, and Christ as Messiah.

What these light workers and “Pleiadians” fail to recognize, is God is a personal god.  He is personally involved in His children’s lives.  Alliance with aliens is simply alliance with demons.  Looking to your “light workers” for your guidance will ultimately lead to your demise.

God’s Word was given for our instruction and protection.  Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 11:3-5*,

But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.  For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully.

[*And yes, this is from the New American Standard Updated version.  Please don’t write to tell me I should only read and quote from the KJV.  I address that here.]

No, this “ascended master” Jesus is “another Jesus”.  This is not the gospel.  This is perversion.

Scripture is also clear about aligning with “light workers”:

Col 2:18-19 [NASU]

Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God.

Angels, aka “light workers” are here to carry out the will of God.  Worship, adoration, exaltation of an angel as one’s guidance is clearly a perversion of their role, and causes disjointedness.  Christ is the Head, and from the Head we’re to get our guidance.

In fact, this “man-made Bible” that instructs us in this “man-made” religion is very clear on the order of angels:

Hebrews 2:5 [NASU]

 For He did not subject to angels the world to come, concerning which we are speaking.

If you go on to read the context of that thought, you will see the earth is in subjection to man.  (and quotes Psalm 8)

Pleiadians and “Light Workers” like to talk about how these light guides are here to save the earth.  (and they reference some great “Galactic Federation”)  They are ignorant that Christ came to save humanity; and humanity is responsible for the earth.  Humans – through Christ – is the order for change on this earth.

This people group likes to talk about the earth ascending.  This is a bizarre teaching.  They explain that humanity’s consciousness is ascending, and thus the earth.  This “ascension”, they claim, is to a superior earth.  Because a lot of these people sincerely believe they are Christians, I thought maybe they just replaced or exchanged terminology but the concepts were the same?  No.  There is a deception in this as well.

I understand the need or desire to separate your terminology from the old church terminology.   The church and its traditions and false teachings have left a bad taste in a significant population of western society.  There’s a need to break away from some of that.  But this isn’t that.  This is a perversion of truths that causes deception.

I’m all for truth.  I have established my life on the pursuit of truth.  I’ve been disheartened, disillusioned, infuriated and a host of other difficult and uncomfortable emotions as I’ve learned certain truths.  The Bible will most likely never cease to be a source of misunderstanding, misapplications, misappropriations and division until time runs out.  However, when you know God personally, have a relationship with Him, and adhere to His Sovereignty, the higher and deeper truths are personified in your life.

Precisely because I’ve had the miraculous, the unexplainable and supernatural occur in my life through a relationship with my Creator and my Savior, I am able to say Christ indeed is the way, the truth and the life.  Doubts and unbelief have no ground (other than what I give them) in the light of a life that is abandoned to God and has seen and tasted His Presence working in that life.

And while there is truth in other beings in other dimensions, “light workers”, sound and light vibrations and frequencies altering matter – there is no truth separate from the Source.

*Shout out to my “mom”, Marilyn, who reminded me to seek what the spiritual implications were when I was attacked, and to Sensei Jade, a reader in Idaho, who was a voice of reason, reassurance and direction in this time.  God bless you both mightily!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Why Are They Bashing Chick-Fil-A Now?

Chick-fil-A is a very successful fast food chain which sells chicken sandwiches.  I personally think their sandwiches are very good, as do many others.

Yet, in the past decade, Chick-fil-A has been under fire by purveyors of the Radical Gay Agenda and its followers.

I’ve written about this twice before, in two previous News with Views articles:
Chick-fil-A Versus the Radical Gay Agenda (August 2012) and Chick-fil-A Chickens Out (September 2014).

How did a chicken sandwich fast food franchise enrage the Homosexual Lobby?

In 2012 Chick-fil-A was at the center of a media firestorm involving the powerful gay lobby, which has much clout in today’s society.

The restaurant chain, owned by the devout Baptist Cathy family, did not refuse to serve gay customers, nor did it fire employees for being gay, nor has the company supported violence against homosexuals.

So what was the big deal?

Chick-fil-A through its charitable arm known as the WinShape Foundation, had donated money to several organizations which oppose gay marriage and the Radical Gay Agenda. This made the company a target.

When interviewed by Baptist Press, Chick-fil-A, President Dan Cathy affirmed that “We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit.”

In a later talk show interview, Mr. Cathy stated that “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage’. I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about.”

Dan Cathy, by his donations and comments, had dared oppose the Radical Gay Agenda.

When these donations and statements were noised abroad to the general public, the radical gay activists and supporters went into a tizzy. There were calls for protests and boycotts against the company, other companies broke ties with Chick-fil-A and city governments tried to prevent them from opening stores in their municipalities.

On the other hand, some notable individuals spoke up for Chick-fil-A. Even the American Civil Liberties Union defended the company’s right to free speech. Mitt Romney, however, then the GOP candidate for president, refused to defend Chick-fil-A even on free speech grounds.  Romney later lost the election.

Grassroots supporters of Chick-fil-A found a great way to support the company. On August 1st, 2012, Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, thousands of supporters showed up at Chick-fil-A restaurants to support the company by buying its products.

The company enjoyed record-breaking sales. An average Chick-fil-A restaurant had 29.9 percent more sales than usual, and 367 more customers than on a typical Wednesday business day.

It was a great victory for freedom of speech and a great show of support for Chick-fil-A. It showed that social conservatives too could use the economic weapon.

But even before Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, the company was already beginning to backpedal.

In July of 2012, a month before the Appreciation Day, a company statement said that “Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.”

In September of 2012, a month after Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, a pressure group called “The Civil Rights Agenda” had already reported that Chick-fil-A “ceased donating to organizations that promote discrimination, specifically against LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) civil rights.”

By March 2014, the company’s tax reports indicated that Chick-fil-A had indeed stopped donating funds to all the organizations that the Gay Agenda groups had objected to, with one exception – the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which the same-sex promoters consider anti-gay.  In that same month, Dan Cathy expressed his regrets for having brought his company into the controversy.

To summarize, Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-A opposed same-sex marriage, stood up for traditional marriage and was attacked. Grassroots supporters turned out to support the company, and Chick-fil-A profited. Rather than follow up on that victory, Chick-fil-A chickened out and surrendered to the Same-Sex Marriage Agenda.

And that’s what the gay lobby activists wanted all along.

When it came to high-profile support for traditional marriage,  Chick-fil-A chickened out.

But that wasn’t the end of it.  Now, in 2019, even though the company chickened out, Chick-fil-A is under attack again.  And there’s a lesson there.

Here’s how Think Progress reports it:  “Chick-fil-A has taken great pains to downplay its anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and giving, seven years into a national boycott by LGBTQ and allied diners. But contrary to the company’s latest claims that it has no political or social agenda, newly released tax filings show that, in 2017, the Chick-fil-A Foundation gave more than $1.8 million to a trio of groups with a record of anti-LGBTQ discrimination.” (Click here for article link).

So, according to Think Progress, as of 2017, the Chick-fil-A foundation was giving money to “a trio of groups with a record of anti-LGBTQ discrimination”.

According to Think Progress: “The donations — $1,653,416 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Home, and $150,000 to the Salvation Army — actually represent a slight increase from the previous year. The foundation’s funding comes almost entirely from the corporate treasury and shares leadership with the company.”

OK, now we at least have concrete organizations.  Let’s look at what each has done:

  1. The Salvation Army, reports Think Progress, “has a long record of opposing legal protections for LGBTQ Americans and at the time of the donations had a written policy of merely complying with local ‘relevant employment laws.’ “ But then Think Progress reports that  “The organization’s website has since changed to indicate a national policy of non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”  So does that mean that the Left will no longer complain about Chick-fil-A giving to the Salvation Army?
  2. The Paul Anderson youth home, says Think Progress, ”… teaches boys that homosexuality is wrong and that same-sex marriage is ‘rage against Jesus Christ and His values.’ Later the same article reports that sometime in 2017 the Chick-fil-A Foundation decided not to donate to the Paul Anderson Youth Home anymore.   Does that mean the Left will leave them alone about that?
  3. FCA “Fellowship of Christian Athletes”, says Think Progress, “…is a religious organization that seeks to spread an anti-LGBTQ message to college athletes and requires a strict ‘sexual purity’ policy for its employees that bars any ‘homosexual acts.’ In other words, the FCA upholds Christian morality.  And Think Progress calls that discriminatory.

It’s also interesting to point out that Chick-fil-A tries to sound politically correct when defending itself.  For example, read this statement (also quoted in Think Progress): “We have never donated with the purpose of supporting a social or political agenda. There are 140,000 people – black,white; gay, straight; Christian, non-Christian – who represent Chick-fil-A. We are the sum of many experiences, but what we all have in common is a commitment to providing great food, genuine hospitality, and a welcoming environment to all our guests.”  

To summarize, Chick-fil-A was attacked in 2012  for supporting organizations opposed to homosexuality.  Even though they were supported by many customers, Chick-fil-A chickened out and bowed to pressure.

But that didn’t help them.  Now there is a new wave of criticism.  Because now, simply to donate to an organization that supports Christian morality is controversial enough.

This is the direction in which our country is headed.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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Judgment Day Coming For Democrats

Democrat Sen Mazie Hirono verbally brutalized AG William Barr during the Judiciary Committee hearing. Sen Hirono’s abuse of AG William Barr and disrespect for our president was condescending and breathtakingly evil. Her request for Barr to resign was rooted in spin and lies. She venomously denounced president Trump as a “grifter and liar”.

Can you imagine the American lefts’ response to a Republican calling Obama a grifter and liar? That Republican would be declared a racist; high-tech beaten and stoned to death in the public square. All standards of decency have been thrown out the window in leftists’ mission to stop Trump from restoring America’s greatness and to remove him from office. Vitriolic disrespect for Trump and his family and even death threats are acceptable.

Wicked Democrat Nancy Pelosi outrageously claimed Barr lied and committed a crime during the hearing. Pelosi knows fake news media will promote her absurd charge against Barr as the truth.

On my car radio, I heard ABC news report that the Mueller report concluded that Trump did try to collude and obstruct justice. I thought, “That is not what the Mueller report concluded.” My relatives who pay little attention to politics hear fake news media lies and believe them. Most of my black relatives believe Trump is racist, hates women, blacks and Mexicans. These are absurd strategic lies promoted by evil Democrats and their evil fake news media minions.

Due to fake news media hiding the truth while promoting Democrat lies, my black relatives have no idea that Trump is doing an amazing job for America, blacks and women. Black unemployment has reached historic lows.  Women and Hispanics are also thriving in Trump’s economy.

By rolling back a ton of Obama’s overreaching absurd government regulations, America is experiencing a remarkable wave of prosperity. Unemployment is at 3.6%, the lowest since 1969. In essence, everyone seeking a job has one. The private sector average hourly wage is $27.77. Despicably, fake news media is hiding the great job Trump is doing for the American people. Fake news media is demonically obsessed with spreading lies about Trump 24/7.

But folks, what really turned my stomach was watching Democrats Mazie Hirono, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris’ arrogant attitude of superiority at the hearing as they spewed evil hateful lies. Clearly, they will destroy whomever necessary to undermine Trump’s remarkably successful presidency. My sense of justice and fair-play hates to see Hirono, Pelosi and their fellow Democrat minions get away with it.

The Bible says they will not get away with it.

A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaks lies shall perish.” Proverbs19:9

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Exodus 20:16

Democrats are insidiously bearing false witness; lying to the American people, in total contradiction of the Mueller report which did not find Trump guilty of collusion or obstruction. And yet, Democrats with the help of their minions in fake news media persist in keeping their Trump colluded and obstructed lie going.

A day of reckoning is coming for Democrats and their fellow treasonous anti-Trump/anti-America resisters.

Democrats and fake news media still do not know how to defeat Donald J Trump, the new sheriff in town in Washington DC. Like the sheriff in the classic movie, “High Noon”, Trump is courageously fighting alone. Unlike most Republicans, Trump stays on offense rather than cowering in fear in response to political attacks.

Democrats and the deep state are panicked because President Trump is about to declassify details of their silent coup to destroy his presidency. As the Bible says, those who bear false witness will be punished. Praise God!

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

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Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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John E. Fetzer And Constance Cumbey – Fighting Either For Or Against The “New Age Movement”

Two former Seventh Day Adventists originally from the Fort Wayne, Indiana area – very, very different paths!

The ironies have not escaped me.  One of the greatest perpetrators of the New Age Movement came from the same corner of Indiana where I was born and raised, although he arrived much earlier than myself (1909 vs. 1944).  That was John E. Fetzer.   One sounding the major warnings against the New Age Movement, myself, also came from that same corner of Indiana.  John Fetzer was born in Decatur, Indiana.  I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Ironically,  for formative years of our respective lives, we were both once Seventh Day Adventists.  Out of curiosity, I searched online for mentions of our respective selves in SDA archives.  The following is from the James White Library of Andrews University, the flagship Seventh Day Adventist university located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  Mr. Fetzer (1909-1991 and myself (1944 – present) took very, very different paths.  Ironically, I only learned of Fetzer’s Seventh Day Adventist background after reading a by now well publicized book by Brian C. Wilson, a professor of Comparative Religions at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Kalamazoo, Michigan is where John E. Fetzer was headquartered for many years and where he built his business empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars.  Kalamazoo is the home of the recipient of the huge fortune left by Mr. Fetzer on his death in Hawaii in 1991.

Ironically, all I knew of Fetzer until 1988, the year Marilyn Ferguson called me to brag that she was enroute to a very large New Age conference John Fetzer was holding in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  Prominent figures from around the globe — New Age and globalist elites were to be in attendance, per Ms. Ferguson to me the very day she went there.

Marilyn Ferguson and I were rivals — literally competing for souls.  She for the New Age Movement, myself against same.  I met her personally on a few occasions and was even in her home on 3 different occasions at her her invitation and urging .  The New Agers were anxious to check me out, but considered me a very real threat.   I know Marilyn Ferguson was a dedicated New Ager for most of her adult life.  I personally heard her very worried mother who happened to be in her house one of the two different days I was there plead with her daughter Marilyn to go back to Jesus.  Over the years I had several encounters with Marilyn Ferguson, including but not limited to a live television debate against her on an Marilyn Ferguson and I met on several occasions.  She sent my publisher, Huntington House a threatening letter.  When that moved neither them nor myself, she next sent me a letter somewhat more conciliatory.  We had breakfast in a Windsor Ontario Restaurant in 1982.  In 1984 I was surprised to be called by her secretary and invited to come to her home in Los Angeles, California for the first New Age “World War IV” party.

I said I would let them know.  I called Bill Keith, president of Huntington House,  my publisher and told him of the sudden invitation for an event only two days away.  Richard Trosclair, his partner, called they called me back saying it was very important I be there.  They would make the arrangements for the flight.  I called a fellow researcher, Sylvia Beadleston McKevey in San Jose who agreed to fly up to Los Angeles and join us.  We both stayed with another researcher friend Betty Irwin in the Los Angeles Palos Verdes area.  On Sunday afternoon we three made our way to Marilyn Ferguson’s home at the top of Mt. Washington in L.A   The New Agers were obviously curious to look me over.  It was quite a disparate collection of backyard with nametag attendees.  Indeed, Timothy Leary was one of those present in her backyard party.

I was at her home on two future occasions — one was in early October 1987, right after a major earthquake in the LA area.  There I met her mother, justifiably worried about Marilyn being involved in a movement denying Jesus, and I met her husband and children along with the family parrot.  The next time I had a live encounter with Marilyn Ferguson was in the early Spring months of 1988.  An Indianapolis TV station producer called to ask me to debate her on a live television program.  Apart from that, we had many long telephone conversations from time to time over the years.  All calls were initiated and placed by her.  Motives are some times difficult to gauge, but I suspect she respected me.  I also assume she was calling to try to find out how much I knew.  Certainly, she learned that I knew plenty.  Most certainly she could never say she was not fully and politely warned.  Marilyn Ferguson could be a very likeable and personable individual.  I’ve prayed that when she died on October 8, 2008 in Banning, California at only age 70, that maybe she better late than never had accepted her worried mother’s warning — one that I personally heard her give in October 1987.

As to John E. Fetzer, I learned from Dr. Wilson’s book that he graduated as valedictorian from Emmanuel Missionary College in Berrien Springs, Michigan.  While in attendance there he organized and ran its first radio station.  That station he later purchased and relocated it to Kalamazoo, Michigan changing it from its religious format to a more secular one.

I am suspecting that John Fetzer may have known much more about me than I did about him, most likely starting in the year 1982, the year my work detailing the hidden dangers of the New Age Movement went very public.

I faced tremendous challenges and foes in outlining the horrifying plans that New Age activists were not afraid to put in print.  They were riding high in 1982.  Between 1975 and 1982 and for many years thereafter, another personality, Benjamin Creme, an Englishman of what he claimed was Jewish and Scottish descent toured the world in style proclaiming first that a new “Christ” was coming and after July 19, 1977, he was here.

I am now suspecting that John Fetzer was a major contributor to what had to be the enormous travel bills for Benjamin Creme and his claimed messianic cause.  I now know from books publicly placed on the market and documents available online from the Fetzer Institute of Kalamazoo, Michigan, that former Seventh Day Adventist long since turned to New Age spiritualism and beyond studied and read Creme along with his nephew, Bruce Fetzer, also from a Christian heritage.

John Fetzer was one of America’s wealthiest men.  Childless from his marriage to another Seventh Day Adventist, Rhea, he left his entire vast fortune to be used for propagating New Age beliefs and their goals of a New World Order, a New World Religion, and to secure acceptance for a new “messiah” they freely admitted was not Jesus.

The irony also has not escaped me that Fetzer also might have been a large factor in the treatment I received from those in the Evangelical community trying so hard to persuade the Christian world first that there was no New Age Movement.  When that effort failed, there were major attempts to redefine it — denying both its obvious Luciferic and political aspects.  The effort was to tell Christians that it was not a threat to Christianity and the other monotheistic religions of the world, Jews and Moslems included.

If you have not already read my now several years old articles on the internet about “The Hijacking of Evangelicalism”, you might want to now retrieve and read them.  If you have already read them, you will want to review them.   I am about to update them with information I have gained on Fetzer’s possible role in that process — in his close personal relationship with Paul N. Temple and Temple’s Institute of Noetic Sciences.

It is now my growing suspicion that Fetzer may have even paid a substantial portion of the cost of producing the world-wide newspaper ads ran in a half million dollar campaign.  Those ads ran in upwards of 20 major papers on April 25, 1982.  They proclaimed that their new “Christ” would be introduced to the world within two months.  They firmly believed they would do so.

It is my belief that with the help of God, we took them and that campaign by surprise and they have been delayed for upwards of 37 ears — between 1982 and 2019.

It is further my belief that they are now on the march and sanctifying the New Age belief system complete with Alice Bailey (Lucifer Publishing Company, Lucis Trust) via attempting to confer public sainthood on John E. Fetzer and his “spiritual” work.

Where have the Seventh Day Adventists been on this?

I did a little digging on the internet tonight.  I also found this quote from a Kalamazoo site:

Fetzer Institute

But most of the money went to the John E. Fetzer Foundation, which he established in 1962. Called the Fetzer Institute today, it sponsors research into what Fetzer called the connections between body, mind and spirit – another interest of his from his youth. In August of 1987, Fetzer moved his foundation and its staff of nearly 30 to new headquarters overlooking Dustin Lake on West KL Avenue in Oshtemo Township. The structure is an equilateral triangle shape representing the three connections he believed in. His interest in parapsychology and spirituality began at an early age, and he claimed to have had several spiritual experiences that influenced his later life. While spending a year bedridden with complications of influenza, he made this commitment, “If I am permitted to live, I will devote my life to the spiritual work of the Creator.” For the next 73 years he did. . . . [1]

Well, as I read the texts that John Fetzer and I were both raised with, he was doing mirror image opposite work to that of the Creator.  More accurately, he was following every biblically forbidden spiritual practice as well as the “Thou Shalt have no other gods before me” from the 10 Commandments.  What led him that way?  Was it an excuse to him that his mother once confessed to having visited a fortune teller?

Ironically, my own mother once confessed that to me.  There was a time in her post Seventh Day Adventist years that I was dismayed to find her with a Ouija board.  These were religious practices condemned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church.  They were also clearly condemned by Scriptures.

Is there Seventh Day Adventist fault in these deviations from the faith?  Maybe.  I’m reading into the Fetzer experience as outlined by biographer Brian C. Wilson that Fetzer equated some of his own “spiritualism” to Ellen G. White, the prophetess of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Maybe there was far too much emphasis in the Seventh Day Adventist Church on the writings and “visions” of Ellen G. White and too little on the plain wording of Scripture.  I am thinking that I remember little emphasis on Deuteronomy 18 that contained an explicit list of spiritual practices forbidden to the Israelites as they entered the land that the Lord took from others for pursuing those practices.  Here is the express language taken from the King James version of the bible.  It reads just about the same way in every other version:

When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations.  There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.

For these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners : but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.

The Seventh Day Adventists also, following the teachings of Ellen G. White, characterized many of the Gnostics as the true Christians — the “true church” that went underground for a period of 1,260 years.  I heard this teaching many, many times during my youthful years in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Thankfully, we also sang “give me the Bible, holy message shining.”  Fortunately for me, that part stuck.  There were others, like David Koresh, John Fetzer, and others now deeply ensconced in the occult who interpreted things very differently or in the characterizing the Roman Catholic Church as the Beast of Revelation, missed other scriptural indicators of what the real beast would eventually bring forth — as foretold in Revelation Chapter 9, the rise of the occult.  Another sad indicator of that was a site for a former Seventh Day Adventist I found on the internet.  She had formed her own church devoted to radical feminism, goddess(es) and all.  She calls herself “Katia” and is now openly into all forms of the occult, radical feminism, Eckart Tolle.  Here is something she wrote:

I went to Seventh Day Adventist schools and boarding schools during all my childhood and teen years. They teach a love for the Cathars big time. Our elementary school teachers made us read stories and color pictures of Waldensian and Albigensian children walking perilous mountain cliffs, hiding from the Inquisition on pain of death, carefully writing out copies of the Bible. [My book “The Hidden of the Rainbow” is out of print. A few copies remain on Amazon and shopping cart.]

I left the Adventist church as a young adult because they don’t acknowledge the Divine Feminine, but I still have a friendly attitude toward some of their doctrine. I have been studying the Gnostic Cathars more in depth than usual lately and found some old notes I made last year. I realized the Adventists have a lot in common with the Cathars — who were called Waldensians and Albigensians in their day, only the Roman Catholic Church called them Cathars, originally a derogatory term meaning “purists” or “pure ones.”

Here is what I jotted down last year when I realized the uncanny similarity between the SDA’s and Cathars / Waldensians / Albigensians. The SDA founder, Ellen G. White, visited the Cathar / Waldensian valleys area in Europe (Italy and France border area) twice in 1885 to 1887 while she was in Europe. Chapter 4 of her famous book, The Great Controversy, is about these cool heretics. Adventists really really honor heretics!, good for them.[2]

Author: Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at


Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow is available on this website.

© 2019 Constance Cumbey – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Constance Cumbey:


[1] This is the website for the Kalamazoo Public Library.

[2] Here’s what she is doing today, per her blogspot/website:
Author: Katia is a consecrated independent sacramental bishop. She directs the online Esoteric Mystery School and Interfaith Theological Seminary. Check it out at, or tinyurl. The blogger calls herself “Katia” and she is obviously well-versed in SDA theology and teachings as well as her unfortunate and obvious involvement in the occult, sanctified in her mind by its equation to her own belief set.  Her article goes on to discuss other parallels.  I looked up Ellen G. White’s own comments in my copy of “The Great Controversy” and did note that she had indicated that those fleeing had been subject to some degree to pagan influences.

The Democrats And Stealth Jihad

The relationship between the Muslim community in America and the Marxist Democrats is commonly described as a marriage of convenience, where Muslims will ally with leftist politicians, who will joyfully yield some of their authority to this group of enforcers so principled conservative politicians and Christians who advocate sane social policies are kept out of office. To acquire power has always been the goal of the Democrat party.

While America is in hibernation, Muslim organizations with the help of Democrats have been busy, working “stealthily” to change America into what is called “soft jihad.”  Soft jihad is practiced where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe the sword of jihad, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the public would likely stamp them out.  A critical tool of soft jihad involves penetration of the American educational system, such as Da’wa, the religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims and strengthen the Islamic Ummah.

The Democrat Party has intentionally put America on a precarious path to lose its freedom and American values we have cherished for over 200 years.  We, not only must accept, but be as vocal as we can to declare the current Democrat Party and enemy of our country. This party is no longer the party of Kennedy.  It has become the greatest threat to our national security and our survival as a nation.

Question: Why do the Democrats support every radical group, back Islamic ideology, honor their holidays and customs, and promote Islam as “the religion of peace,” while they know that Islam is not a religion of peace? In fact, it is an ideology of death. The answer is quite simple: The Democrat Party stands with anyone who dislikes America and the Republican Party.  History has proven that once Muslims reach close to 10% in population, they institute Sharia law and adopt their own legal system – a government within a government. They also will be in a position of hard jihad.

While most Americans have been snoozing, Muslim organizations have been busy and working “stealthily” changing America slowly. Keep in mind that Islam operates by stealth when not yet quite powerful, just the way Muhammad himself operated. Then, gradually builds its power to the point that the soft approach no longer is necessary to subdue others and imposes its will.

The stealth soft strategy is presently playing out in the United States. Islam’s tentacles are expanding into the body of this free and welcoming nation. The total numbers of mosques, these warehouses of terror, have exponentially expanded. No one really knows the exact numbers of these terror centers, but it is still growing like a weed. Try to find one Church or a synagogue in the House of Saud! This 7th century mentality, with the help of our Democrats and some establishment Republicans have managed to increase their house of terror at least by 500% since the 9/11 attacks. Go figure!!

The left is chronically unhappy about America, because it is looking in the mirror and rightfully sees its own miserable reflection. As an example, for the past two years, these mentally retarded people known as the Democrats created the “Russian Collusion Witch Hunt Hoax” in order to impeach the President of the United States. The hoax was based largely on an anti-Trump “dossier” conjured from the fertile imaginations of two nefarious characters: ex-British spy Christopher Steele; and Fusion GPS Founder, Glenn Simpson.

Meanwhile, the Democrat lawmakers who never seem to miss an opportunity to advance their cause, sent a personalized letter to a the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a designated terrorist group in the United States for future fundraising and assist these terrorist groups to infiltrate our Congress.

Any time anyone arises to serve this great nation and aims to keep it on its course toward its glorious destiny, the left recoils. In the West, an unholy coalition of mentally-deranged suicidal-homicidal liberals, together with self-aggrandizing Islamic apologists, are doing their best to assist Islamists in the destruction of the existing order of freedom and liberty. To make matters worse, a vociferous clique of local leftists, “useful idiots,” with a suicide wish, are doing all they can to take the country with them to the grave they so earnestly seek.

When the Democrats and their new found allies don’t like what they hear they resort to ridicule, accusations and name-calling. In fact, they call everyone their favorite word “racist.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these people would, for once, abandon their primitive mindset and use a civilized method of dialogue?

If Muslims wish to live among civilized people, they must be encouraged to reject, if not Islam itself, one of its deadly derivatives, Islamism, which has become a sharp thorn, inflicting huge pain in our civilized society. They must be encouraged to combat radicalism. They must know that the free people of the world eagerly embrace them with open arms once they rise to the occasion and defeat Islamism.

We, in the United States of America must resist both Marxist Democrats and Islamists’ ideology with all we have. The survival of this country depends on that.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Leftist Losers Deny God The Great Shamelessly Revere Him

Leftists throughout America are working feverishly to systematically wipe out the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  They seek to place themselves in the position of a twisted government God of ignorance, oppression, tyranny, trauma and economic despair. The self anointed leftists do not want you to understand your inalienable rights which come from God.  They include Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness and or Property.  Through leftist ideology the American black community reversed course from a majority upwardly bound population into a mostly self-destructive, incurably ignorant socially engineered community.  As a result, many American inner cities devolved into hell holes of economic and moral depravity.  Leftist politicians promised, “if you vote for me and I’ll set you free.”

Of course, via decades of programed indoctrination, government schools stupefied generation after generation of Americans who increasingly rejected intellectual prowess and moral decency.   As morality decreased and leftist based indoctrination increased our constitutionally enumerated unalienable rights have been consistently whittled away.  That is why a Montana citizen was thrown in prison after the Environmental Protection Agency because he dared to construct two ponds on his property. He was so distraught, he died of a heart attack.  Bold Christian ministers and the Founding Fathers led the Separation from England. They did so because of property rights abuses not unlike the one suffered by the gentleman from Montana who died, were often carried out for sport by governments who could because the people were either not armed or ignorant of their rights.

I find it amazing how men such as Benjamin Franklin and many others of his time had moral fortitude and common sense. Thus, they recognized that living under tyranny should be done away with.  Unfortunately, many Christian ministers along with most politicians today were not properly educated concerning morality.  As a result, they are not disturbed by the tragedy of our unalienable rights being trampled on day after day.  There is no broad based outcry against the massive ongoing slaughter of Christians around the world. This is far different from when the comparatively fewer six million Jews and one million  northern Africans wiped out during World War Two.

Of course, by design the impact of Biblical truths have been minimized via indoctrination and now outright bigoted banning from most segments of an increasingly corrupt society.  The Bible describes the power of words.  That is why the leftist controllers of academics, many corporations, community organizations and even left leaning churches prevent the communication of Biblical absolute truths and principles.  It has been said that an army moves on its stomach.  I believe that society moves according to the words spoken within and over it.  That is why “We the People” of God must unashamedly mainstream Biblical principles back into communication cycle of our republic.  In addition, we must conduct a more knowledgeable and patriotic course of communications regarding America the beautiful.  We are instructed to speak life over our lives, loved ones, health, goals, etc.  Then by all means speak life over the United States of America.  That is a good first step along with the wicked defeating words of prayer and declarations by those equipped to effectively communicate in such manner to render the works of darkness impotent.  2nd Chronicles 7:14 should be adhered to, because when you get down to it, we must humble ourselves.

Men such as Benjamin Franklin understood such matters and relied upon Biblical principles as guideposts in the foundation of our beloved republic.  On June 6, 1753, Benjamin Franklin wrote from Philadelphia to Joseph Huey: “I can only show my gratitude for these mercies from God, by a readiness to help his other children and my brethren.  For I do not think that thanks and compliments, though repeated weekly, can discharge our real obligations to each other, and much less those to our creator.  You will see in this my notion of good works, that I am far from expecting to merit heaven by them.  By heaven we understand a state of happiness, infinite in degree, and eternal in duration.  I can do nothing to deserve such rewards…Even the mixed, imperfect pleasures we enjoy in this world, are rather from God’s goodness than our merit, how much more such happiness in heaven!”

How much better off would our republic be today, if leaders beyond the pulpit had such a mindset?  God bless you Gob bless America and may America bless God.  Be blessed via the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM EDT, 1:00 PM PDT on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada, Saturdays at 6:00 PM MT Delta, Utah on KYAH AM 540 and 12:00 AM Sundays on

© 2019 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

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Christians Must Stop The Spreading Sewage Of Jew Hatred

How odd of God to choose the Jew, but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God and hate the Jew.

The Judeo-Christian ideals upon which this nation was founded are abhorrent to the new left and the Democrat party because they are an obstacle to government usurpation. —David Horowitz

Jews appreciate every moment of life. It doesn’t matter if things are going the way you want them, stop and pause, and raise your glass to the delicious opportunity life is giving you right now. You’ll never get that moment back again. “L’Chaim!” – a traditional Jewish toast. —Rabbi Jack Kalla

Most of my articles are political in nature, and truly this one isn’t that different, yet readers will find the flavor of it directed at our Judeo-Christian culture and beliefs.  Virulent anti-Semitism is again on the rise here in the United States, even with the most pro-Israel and pro-Jewish President in history, but the hatred is not just directed at Israel and the Jews.

The satanic hatred is against all of God’s people, especially our Jewish brethren but also our fellow Christians. Why? You guessed it! Muslims and their allies in Congress, the left, the universities, the colleges, and the old-line anti-Semites.

Stuart Kaufman wrote a brilliant article recently entitled, At the Boiling Point, and his words echoed in my heart.  He says, “I am sick to my stomach, at the boiling point with anger. The swamp gases of Jew hatred are seeping through the surface of civilization so rapidly that I cannot see how they can be contained, especially given the tepid response of so many, including my Jewish brothers and sisters. Jew hatred is a disease that corrodes the soul. It erupts periodically into epidemic proportions and we appear to be at the inception of just such an eruption. It unfortunately is to be expected in Europe, where it has festered for centuries, but it has now broken into a fever here in the United States and it is spreading like wildfire.”  He then goes on to tell of our Congress now being infested with Jew haters.

So, let me tell you why I love these people and why I love Israel!

My Chicago Childhood

Rogers Park, Illinois was my home until 1960 when we moved to the suburb of Park Ridge.  I loved Chicago, loved my grammar school, Stephen F. Gale, and I loved all of my 40 some classmates, 75 percent of whom were Jewish.  Rogers Park was a mixture of gentiles and Jews and we lived together in harmony.  My first schoolgirl crush was on a boy who lived down the street from me. His name was Barry Weinstein and we walked to and from school together nearly every day.

My best friend Sandra was in front me in this 1956 picture, my other best friend Flo, was second from the right in the third row from the top. Barry was the third from the right in the bottom row. See if you can find me.

No one can look at these children and tell which of us are gentiles and which of us were Jewish. All of these children had parents just like mine, their doors were always open.

After we moved to the suburb of Park Ridge in 1960, I went to Maine Township High School East with over 6,000 enrollees. It was built in 1929 with an indoor rifle shooting range and swimming pool. The ratio of Jewish students was much smaller in Park Ridge, but there was never a separation between us.

College was a local school and the students were every ethnic and racial background. One black upper-classman who we all absolutely loved was murdered because too many white folks were always at his apartment.  This was the 60s folks!  The funeral was one of abject misery and bereavement for the loss of such a terrific classmate and friend.

When I married, we lived in another Jewish neighborhood in Chicago with a synagogue caddy corner across the street from us.  Most of my friends were Jewish and Italian.  Jews, Italians and Greeks are very similar in their love of people, their joy of life, children, good food and dancing. (During the Holocaust, those life-loving Italians and Greeks smuggled Jews to freedom and hid them from the National Socialists.)

When my firstborn came along, she had colic and I rarely got any sleep. And who came to help me? The mothers of my Jewish girlfriends came over and took care of my little one for several hours, cooked meals for us and let me get some sleep. They got me through the first few months until the colic passed. What a blessing!

From my early childhood, I have had dear Jewish friends, and in our once wonderful Judeo-Christian society and always in my heart, we are brethren and friends, but times are again changing and hatred has reared its ugly head.

Anti-Semitic Attacks

The main stream media ignored President Trump’s joyous National Day of Prayer where he again called for unity.  The highlight was when our President asked Poway, CA survivor Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein to say a few words.  The Rabbi had been injured when a gunman attacked his Chabad Synagogue killing one of his congregants and injuring several others.  Rabbi Goldstein said, “The way to react to darkness is with light.” He told the audience to stand up and face down hatred and he thanked America and “mensch” Donald Trump for standing with the Jewish people.  But this was only the latest attack.

The Tree of Life Synagogue assault last October 2018 in Pittsburgh may be the deadliest attack against Jews in American history—but it’s nowhere near the first. [Link]

Rising anti-Semitic hatred is changing Jewish life across the United States.  In 2018, there were 1,879 recorded attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions. That was the third-highest year on record since the 1970s, when anti-Semitic attacks were first recorded against Jews and Jewish Institutions.

Capped by the deadly shooting that killed eleven worshippers at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue on Oct. 27, 2018, assaults targeting Jews rose 13% in 2018, according to Tel Aviv University researchers. They recorded nearly 400 cases worldwide, with more than a quarter of the major violent cases taking place in the United States.

In Germany there was a 70% increase in anti-Semitic violence.  Critics say British Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, a longtime critic of Israel, has long allowed anti-Jewish prejudice to go unchecked. Anti-Semitic hate incidents in the United Kingdom hit a record high in 2018, with more than 100 recorded in every month of the year. Corbyn’s supporters have been accused of sharing Holocaust denial and international Jewish banking conspiracies on social media. Several members of the party have quit it in protest.

In France, attacks against Jews rose by 74% last year; an alarming trend experts have linked to the spread of hate speech and the tension surrounding “Yellow Vest” protests.  Jewish graves are desecrated with swastikas. Anti-Semitic acts already account for half of all its documented hate crimes. [Link] Simon Wiesenthal Center has had a Jewish travel ban to France for decades.

There’s more…the Netherlands saw a 19 percent increase in recorded anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 to a record 230 cases. Sweden, Greece, Spain and other Europeans have seen an influx of refugees who have brought Islamic anti-Semitism and anti-infidel hatred to the countries they now occupy.

The Jerusalem Post listed the nine worst global attacks on Jewish sites, not including the numerous terror attacks on Jews in Israel, some of which have targeted synagogues.

And this past week, Gaza jihadi groups launched at least 600 rockets and mortars at Israel since the latest conflict began, while the military has struck what it says are hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the coastal enclave, Israel Defense Forces said on Twitter.

The latest conflict was sparked after militants shot and injured two Israeli soldiers. The attack prompted swift military retaliation, which resulted in the deaths of two jihadis. That, in turn, led to an onslaught of mortar and rocket fire from within Gaza, unraveling the tenuous calm.

NYTs Vitriol Raises Nazi Hatred from the Grave

In addition to the shooting attacks, assaults and vandalism, there has been increased anti-Semitic vitriol online, especially in social media and from Islamic congresswomen, and in newspapers, including a recent anti-Semitic cartoon that appeared in The New York Times’ international edition.  It is the “cartoon” at the bottom, shown below the graphic featured during Hitler’s reign of terror. Notice how identical they are.

After a huge outcry, the NYTs removed the first cartoon, only to replace it with another Jew-loathing graphic.

Christian Persecution

Those who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are targets, both Jews and Christians.  People from different religions, various organizations gathered at the Indonesian Christian Church to pray for the nation in light of the 2018 church bombing in Surabaya. Every month, 105 churches are attacked, vandalized or burned in the top 50 countries on the World Watch List. [Link]

Christians are being persecuted, attacked, and murdered in numbers not seen in years, according to Open Doors, which tracks the numbers involved in Christian persecutions. [Link]

Every month, according to statistics compiled by Open Doors, 345 Christians are killed for faith-related reasons, and 105 churches and other Christian buildings are burned or attacked. Worldwide, one out of nine Christians experiences high levels of persecution.

While North Korea is rated the most dangerous country for Christians (for the 18th consecutive year), Islamic oppression is behind the persecution of Christians in eight of the 10 worst countries. In Muslim-majority countries, Christians are discriminated against for jobs, violently attacked, or even killed. [Link]

Rounding out the top 10, following North Korea and Afghanistan, are Somalia (No. 3), Sudan (No. 4), Pakistan (No. 5), Eritrea (No. 6), Libya (No. 7), Iraq (No. 8), Yemen (No. 9), and Iran (No. 10).

It’s not a coincidence that all of these countries—except North Korea and Eritrea—are predominately Muslim. In fact, “Islamic extremism remains the global, dominant driver of persecution, responsible for initiating oppression and conflict in 35 of the 50 countries on the list,” Open Doors stated.

And it is not just Muslims attacking Christians. Hindu nationalists in India frequently assault Christians, usually with no consequences from official authorities. And in the officially atheistic communist-controlled nation of China, Xi Jinping, the nation’s strongman, is increasingly hostile toward Christians. Vietnam has also stepped up its persecution in recent years.

In just 2019 alone, according to Open Doors, 4,136 Christians have been killed for faith-related reasons, and 1,266 church buildings and other Christian buildings have been attacked. Not unreasonably, when the historic cathedral of Notre Dame was set ablaze in Paris, many assumed it was a deliberate Islamic attack of arson. [Link] Yet, the cross still stood amongst the ruins.

Anti-Semitism’s Origin

Why have the Jews suffered throughout history?  There’s one simple answer…Satan wants them destroyed because they’re chosen by God.  The evil one not only hates the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but he hates those who worship Him, both Jews and Christians. Satan, the influence that seduces people into sin and evil, is embraced by the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

There are only 15 million Jews in the entire world.  Yet the disproportionate hatred against them is rooted in satanic lies. It was theosophist and Russian occultist, Yuliana Glinka, who cooked up the Protocols, and she was the companion and coordinator for Russian occultist, Madam Helena Blavatsky‘s Theosophical Society. [Link] Then too, there’s the anti-Semitic heresy of replacement theology found in so many Christian church doctrines.  For centuries this false doctrine has been used to ignite violence against Jews.  It happened in the pogroms, the Inquisition, and the Holocaust.

Each year one week is set apart in the Jewish calendar as Holocaust Remembrance Week. Yom HaShoah is the annual day for remembering the Holocaust. The immense tragedy of six million Jews lost was certainly not the first time in history that Satan sought to destroy God’s people.

Israel is described in Jeremiah 2:3 as the “first fruits of God’s harvest.”  She is God’s wife, “For thy Maker is thy husband; Jehovah of hosts is his name: and the Holy One of Israel is thy Redeemer; the God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5

Satan hates both Jews and Christians because he hates God. As Christians, we have a moral responsibility to commit ourselves to the survival of the Jewish people because they are beloved of God.  Paul in Romans 11:1 says, “I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.”

In spite of centuries of persecution and attempts to wipe out the Jewish people, “Am Israel Chai,” the people of Israel live.


In 1976 Jewish author and ethics professor Philip Hallie, a graduate of Harvard and Oxford, flew to France to interview villagers of Le Chambon who had been taught the Bible literally by Darbyites who had a thorough knowledge of the history of Jews as told in the Old Testament.  The entire Christian village of Le Chambon hid Jews from the Nazis, and they are remembered in Yad Vashem as righteous Gentiles.  They understood that the Jews were forever God’s people.

In Hallie’s book, Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed, he tells the story of a German Jewess who went to a Darbyite farm to buy some eggs and was invited into the kitchen.  The farmer’s wife asked with a light of interest in her eyes, “You—you are Jewish?”  The woman who had been tortured for her Jewishness stepped back trembling and became even more frightened when the farm woman ran to the steps leading upstairs and called up, “Husband, children, come down, come down.”  The Jewish woman’s fright disappeared when the farm woman added while her family was coming down the steps, “Look, look my family!  We have in our house a representative of the Chosen People.”

As Christians and fellow worshippers of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we must stand with Israel and the Jewish people.

P.S. NewsWithViews operates solely on donations.  We had advertising, but google pulled it because we’re “too conservative.”  Now Twitter has banned us … why?  Because we’re “too conservative.”  We’re counting on our readers to help us out and to post our articles on Twitter. The censorship of Constitutionalists is an outrage, and something does need to be done. But in the interim we need your help to keep the website up and running.  Please tell others to sign up for emails and please add us to your monthly donations.  Thank you!  And keep reading!

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

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A Festival Of Culture Rot

After Alexis DeToqueville toured America in the early 19th century, he predicted that the United States would be a great, successful nation. America will be great, he said, because America is good; and the thing that made it good, he said, was the nation’s strong attachment to the Christian religion.

I wonder what he would have said if he’d been able, last week, to observe the annual Met Gala.

The gala is a fund-raiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art—a gathering of celebrities a lot of us have never heard of, all competing to see who can show off the silliest clothes and waste the most money on it. In fact, it’s a top-of-the-line freak show.

This year’s show-stopper was an actor, Jared Leto, who showed up in a “diamond-encrusted” bright red Gucci gown. If the diamonds were real—we are at liberty to doubt it—he achieved the remarkable feat of making diamonds look cheap.

But the thing that really wowed whoever was watching this was the severed head he carried in his arm, a wax head that was a perfect replica of his own: unless the head on his shoulders was the dummy and he was carrying the real one. Hard to tell, with celebrities. Last year this, er, person won applause by being “Jesus Christ in Gucci”—nothing like a bit of blasphemy and disrespect to earn kudos from the whoopee crowd. He has also won an Oscar for playing a “trans woman” in some stupid movie. “Trans woman” is a euphemism for a mentally ill man who insists he is a woman.

Normal people wonder, “What on earth is the point of carrying a wax head around?” Uh, was he going bowling later, but couldn’t find his ball? The owner of my local health food store told me he watched a few minutes of it on TV, but had to stop. “I couldn’t figure out why anyone would ever go out in public looking like that,” he said. Some of the celebrities, he added, “looked like you might catch something nasty from them—something you might not be able to get rid of.”

Almost too horrible to contemplate is the thought that there might be an audience for this extravaganza. What if there are millions of people out there who think the Met Gala is really cool, and wish they could be part of it? For whom the word “grotesque” has no meaning? Who actually watch these pretentious, trashy movies?

Okay, once upon a time 25 cents would buy you a ticket to the freak show at the Indiana State Fair, and you could marvel at the fat man, the guy with head-to-toe tattoos, the weird lady with the snakes, and the sword-swallower. Morbid curiosity—which I suspect most of us have, to one degree or another—packed them in. Like, “Gee, I see it, but I don’t believe it!” The Met Gala is the same thing; it just costs a lot more money. Much of its audience may well be normal people gawking at the weird celebrities, laughing at them, feeling good that they’re not them, and maybe shaking their heads in quiet pity.

Maybe the real audience, the audience that thinks it’s just too cool for words, is really only very small, numerically, and we are not turning into a nation of creeps. We can always hope, can’t we?

If DeToqueville were to tour America today, he would still find many people worshiping God, reading the Bible, praying, performing honest work, raising sane and decent families, loving one another, and trying to be good—because they know what good is, and value it, and aspire to it. Because they know it’s infinitely more valuable than dressing up silly and carrying a wax head around to impress other silly people. He might find that the culture-rot crowd occupies only a small place in the nation’s life, for all the ink they get.

We might succumb to a curiosity that can’t help wondering just how far these alleged celebrities will go; but that doesn’t mean that we respect them.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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The Left Stole This Nation By Force

Words are powerful.  They can make or break an argument, a relationship, or even a judicial system.  Our entire nation has been captured and we really have no idea how it happened.

Well, let me help you here.  One of the greatest weapons that the Left has used to STEAL this nation is through the power of words.  Just stop and consider for a moment the words that we use today that have nothing to do with the meaning of the words 50 years ago.

Some call it evolution.  I call it destruction.  Devolution is actually a better term.  America hasn’t EVOLVED, it has devolved.  Despite what the academics, the entertainers, and the talking heads have told you, America is not better off today than it was fifty years ago.  We have been lied to.  Snookered would be a better term, by the wordsmiths and their effective, decades-long march through the institutions of America.

Think about how the words have changed.  Gay, tolerant, accepting, love, judgment, are neutral words that have been weaponized.  Heck, masculine, male, man, are all nothing more than identifiers twisted and used for an evil intent.  The altering of the words has turned America upside down.  Today, the children, and those who act like children, are running the world.  How did all this happen?

By force.  That’s how they did it.  But we don’t even understand that process either because we have allowed the word-meisters to miss represent what FORCE even means.  Read carefully this verse out of the book of Matthew.

From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and violent men take it by FORCE.”

Is force violence?  Is violence force?  Why is it we always hear from America’s pulpits that we are to avoid “violence” while our entire heritage is being taken from us?  Violence is a result of FORCE.  Let me do a bit of word-excavating with you. is a great place to start if you want to truly understand how the RIGHT has been manipulated by the words that the LEFT has altered.  Can someone explain to me why you find yourself calling homosexuals GAY?  Homosexuals aren’t GAY…happy…they are some of the nastiest people we run into while doing street ministry.  Yet the culture has programmed us to call them by the name that the LEFT has chosen…Gay.  And we dutifully comply.  Why do you call homosexuals gay?

Force is defined by Mr. Webster as “To compel; to constrain to do or to forbear, by the exertion of a power not resistible. Men are forced to submit to conquerors. To overpower by strength.”

Isn’t that exactly what the LEFT has done to our culture?  Would you like me to rattle off for you the devastating cultural changes that they have FORCED down our throats through the judicial process?  Have they taken over our schools and the education of our children by the use of violence or force?  Has the name of Jesus been stripped from the minds of our children and our government by the use violence or by force?

You see, violence is what they accuse US of when we choose to push back against the FORCE that they have applied. Like the trained monkeys we all parrot the mantra “don’t get violent.” The LEFT uses FORCE while they accuse us of VIOLENCE.  The two words really aren’t that different.

But even the word “violence” is a sham.  Mr. Webster tells us that to “violate” means  To injure; to hurt; to interrupt; to disturb; To break; to infringe; to transgress;” Don’t you understand how much the average Christian has been violated by the FORCE of the LEFT?  Everything that the LEFT has destroyed in this nation has been done through the use of FORCE…judicial force in particular.  They have perpetrated VIOLENCE on  the beliefs of Jesus-fearing Christians for nearly 70 years.

And WE are the ones they accuse of “threats of violence.”  My friends, as difficult as this is for you to swallow, violence comes about as a last result of those who have been FORCED to accept things against their will.  The Left and the courts have FORCED us to violate our conscience while warning us not to get violent.  FORCE by deception IS Violence.

We are at a crossroads in America and if we do not push back WITH FORCE against the Demonic Left, violence awaits us on the horizon.  We must push back NOW with an even greater FORCE to prevent physical VIOLENCE in the streets.

Violence is defined as “unjust force; moral force; vehemence.”  We have lost America through the use of unjust moral vehemence which was FORCED upon us.  We have been violated.  The weapons they have used have been lies and deception.  Those are far more dangerous and destructive than any man-made weapon.

Properly applied moral FORCE will ultimately prevent violence.  Let’s push back NOW before it is too late.

“From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God has suffered violence and violent men take it by FORCE.”

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Muslim Representative Ilhan Omar “Warmly Welcomed” Into An American Public School

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. –Sir Winston Churchill 

It is almost surreal what is happening in America today in so many different ways. I think that if much of what is happening in this country today was happening in a third world country, Americans would ask their government to intervene on their behalf.  Yet, that country that I am speaking about is America, and its government is, in fact, alluring these people into this country in a treasonous process (Deuteronomy 28:63; Article 3, Section 3, US Constitution).

[YouTube Video]

Ever since September 11, 2001, we have been told by the mainstream media that we have been under attack by the Muslims, only to find that these same media outlets are giving cover to the same people that are now moving in and setting themselves up into government positions only to usurp and attack (John 8:44).

They have even going so far as to give their speeches in Arabic! All of this is going on in America today (Leviticus 26:16).

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

What is more alarming is that the number of mosques in the United States have jumped up to 74% since September 11, 2001.  The US survey 2011 counted a total of 2,106 as compared to 1,209 in the year 2000.

As of 2016, there are as many as 3,000 mosques in America, with a total number of 3.3 million Muslims residing in this country (Deuteronomy 28:44).

The same media, as well as the present administrations and agencies that have been created since September 11, 2001, have been silent on the fact that there now over 35 jihadi training camps right here on American soil.

These same Muslims have been colonizing for some time under the noses of the American people with the help of the complicit media through a mayor’s compact in the United States (Deuteronomy 28:43).

[YouTube Video]

Ilhan Omar’s Islamobhobia meeting in St. Cloud, Minnesota had no support outside of what the CIA-controlled media was willing to push.

In close pursuit is when CAIR’s subversive terror-tied operative Jaylani Hussein is trying to convince a handful of people that the KKK is somehow linked to white Christians (Revelation 12:10.) That would be a lack of Christianity there, Jaylani.

Friends, these plans have been rolling out for decades.  Back in 1989, Sharifa Alkhateeb was talking of infiltrating the American system. She said, “Our final objective (In America) is to create our own Islamic systems.”

On several occasions, I have alerted (Jeremiah 4:19) the American people of the Muslim infiltrations into public schools.  This has been with the help of Communist American Civil Liberties Union, the American Muslim Council and Americans United for Separation of Church and State, who joined up with the Clinton administration to help create an environment that opened the door to Muslim teaching, while attacking anyone who speaks of the Christian religion in public schools.  By the way, Christians have never lost the right to speak in public schools.  Additionally, all these subversive organizations have the same father (John 10:10).

[YouTube Video]

American public schools have been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.

As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings and practices:

  • Learning to become a Muslim
  • Fasting for Ramadan
  • Learning the five pillars of Islam
  • Memorizing verses of the Quran
  • Adopting a Muslim name
  • Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)

Recently, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Ilhan Omar got a pass as she was welcomed into elementary schools to talke to students behind closed doors where parents and the press were allegedly not allowed.

Ilhan Omar wrote on Twitter, “Thank you Anne Sullivan Community School for the warm welcome.”

I want to make clear as to why this is happening today in America:

“I am the Lord your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bands of your yoke, and made you go upright. 

But if ye will not hearken unto me, and will not do all these commandments;

And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant:

I also will do this unto you…” -Leviticus 26:13-46

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

Lest We Forget The Heroes Of America’s Silent Revolution

“The Framers of the Constitution knew that free speech is the friend of change and revolution.  But they also knew that it is always the deadliest enemy of tyranny.” —Hugo Black – Former U. S. Senator and Associate Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court (1937 – 1971)

History, like a bubbling brook, flows forever from the past, to the present and finally into the future, twisting and turning, taking numerous detours, but slowly fading into a ghostly oblivion that will be mostly forgotten by the masses.  It moves in fits and starts, with moments of interminable boredom and every now and then, punctuated by cataclysmic events.

Human memory floats from event to event, flushing out past events and replacing old ones with the new ones.  We constantly are reminded of Hitler’s Holocaust because it was so horrific that it requires pushing and prodding almost daily, so that such an event never occurs again, even though smaller Holocausts, or ethnic cleansing, are happening all over the planet at this very minute.

But some of the little events in history deserve to be re-visited often so that we remember why the event happened and a collective pledge to see that it isn’t repeated.

All news is history, since it has already happened.  Current history is a sound bite and video clip on a TV screen, or an utterance on a radio station, or words in a daily newspaper that are forgotten by the next day, unless of course the history is kept alive because of its global importance ….. or for a political agenda.

How many of you are tired of hearing about the Mueller Report on collusion and the political aftermath?  It is incessantly kept alive by a 24 hourly barrage of seemingly never-ending meaningless drivel from a politician, or some news anchor with a wild-eyed opinion, bereft of fact but oozing with political bias.

As history flows by it isn’t readily apparent to the masses that a silent revolution is now inexorably moving along under the surface where its effects aren’t felt (yet!) on a national, or even a regional scale.  Across the board, people are angry and that anger leads to action, both peaceful and violent.  The peaceful actions receive short shrift, while the violent ones reach the national news and appear on nightly newscasts.  Millions of Americans are angry for all the wrong reasons, while millions more are angry over the loss of freedom and the insane policies and legislation being put forth by hollow politicians, trolling for votes.  You know who they are!

Some of those millions bemoaning the loss of their freedoms are taking action.  Clueless critics call their actions misguided, or even illegal.  Such is the case of those who dare to challenge government authority and pay a huge price for so doing.  Some have paid the ultimate price, like Lavoy Finicum shot dead (executed) by state or federal agents, on a lonely, snow-covered stretch of a southern Oregon highway.  His crime was occupying the Oregon Malheur Nature Wildlife Preserve with Ammon Bundy and some other cowboys and girls that have grown tired and weary of government overreach and outright tyranny.  They were there protesting the incarceration of fellow Oregon ranchers Dwight Hammond and his son, for the made-up federal crime of terrorist arson.  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was mad at the Hammonds for not turning their property over to the government and found a way to get even.   Some have said that there was Uranium on the Hammonds land and the government wanted it, even if they had to throw the Hammonds in jail to get it.  Fortunately, President Trump pardoned them.

The only way Filicum, Bundy and the others could bring attention to their protest was to make the national news.  The only way to make the national news was to commit an act of open and notorious resistance to a government that has lost all allegiance to the U. S. Constitution.  For that, government agents shot down Lavoy, leaving a widow, a bunch of children and a ranch without a male head of household.

To many Westerners, Lavoy Finicum was a hero, not a villain, or a criminal.  Of course Lavoy wasn’t perfect and he had a lot of flaws.  But then no one is.  Nevertheless, knowing full well that his actions could bring harm to himself and embarrass his family, he took the risk anyway.  The risk he took for freedom and resisting government abuse was the loss of his life.  How dare he have the audacity to challenge all-mighty government!  But the truth is, government wouldn’t have so much power if more people, on a large enough scale, challenged government every day.

All across America little acts of resistance to the loss of freedoms are playing themselves out in state after state, county after county and city after city.  Most resistance never even makes the local news, much less the national news.

Hardest hit are those who choose to make their living off the land.  For the alleged environmental “crime” of tilling the soil, or raising livestock, government is crushing them with regulations, fines, penalties and sometimes incarceration.

In response to our article entitled, “Is the Great Western Rural Lifestyle Dying“, one farmer expressed his frustration and disdain:

“Our government is of the opinion that our environment and the species that inhabit it need to be protected.  Increasing buffer widths, over reaching and over lapping regulator agencies, and political agendas prevents one from doing the right thing when it comes to being a responsible steward.”

“Ten years ago, a three page hydraulic permit from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at no cost, could be obtained in about six weeks to remove or replace a collapsed culvert within a fish stream.  Today, that same project will require permits from about six different agencies, cost thousands of dollars and take over two years to receive, if obtainable at all.  Government is more into the money flow to the bureaucracy than resolving an issue.”

“Fish numbers within our waterways are not increasing despite billions of dollars being spent on fish recovery.  As long as the money continues to flow without accountability, there will be no incentives to resolve the crisis.”

“The system is broken, the general public is clueless and unconcerned, and there is no desire to fix it.”

This farmer, dead on with his assessment of life in America and mad as Hell, is a silent hero, sewing the seeds of what could be the next revolution.

The socialist Democrats in America and their ignorant followers are doing everything in their power to tear down and abolish those institutions of freedom that were given birth from our Founding.  In their wake of destruction, millions of Americans are feeling the pinch.  They are frustrated and angry.

How quickly we forget the fight of those few that choose to preserve, protect and maintain those freedoms. All over America, those Vanguards of Freedom are risking everything, but none more so than America’s rural landowner.

The seeds of freedom were planted for us over 240 years ago on a new continent, full of promise and opportunity for those who were willing to pay the price.  The price to sow those seeds of freedom was steep indeed.  But the roots of those seeds still lie in each one of us today, whether we know they are there or not.  The courage that it took to plant those seeds of freedom is an integral part of our roots.  That is what separates us from peoples of all other countries on earth.  We have known true, individual freedom and once known, it will always seek higher ground, no matter the attempts by evildoers to contain or destroy it.

Unfortunately, that promise of freedom and the opportunities to prosper from it have in part become our undoing.  Our success has left us soft, blind, apathetic and vulnerable to the enemies of freedom.  We would rather unknowingly lose our freedom slowly, bit-by-bit, and seek security, than take the harsh road of defending that freedom, even though we know that, in the end, we make the wrong choice.  It is each generation’s solemn duty and obligation to defend that freedom, for their children and grand children.  We abdicate that duty and obligation to mindless apathy, fear, or the lust for “free” stuff from government.

So we ask each and every one of you to look in the mirror.  You know what is happening and yet you look the other way.  You know that our foreign and domestic enemies lurk in the shadows, ready to pounce, but you stick your head in the sand and pray that it won’t happen.  But just ask Roger Stone if it can happen.  You know that a fight is looming on the horizon, but you refuse to prepare for it.

Illegal aliens are overrunning our borders by the millions, at an unsustainable cost to legal Americans and a breakdown in the rule of law.  Our health care system is a dismal failure and pricing millions of Americans out of the system, while millions of the poor get their health care for free.  Our kids are being brainwashed by socialism and radical environmentalism in our schools.  Our roads, bridges and utilities are crumbling.  We let foreign powers run all over us in trade, that is until President Trump came along.  With all this staring Americans in the face and more, they just shrug it off and do nothing.  It’s way past time to do “something.”

Deep in your heart and mind are the roots of freedom and the courage to defend it.  Like a tree that gains sustenance for survival through its roots, we too can gain sustenance and courage from our roots in which resides the indelible memory of our hard-won freedom over two centuries ago.

Let us not forget the few heroes engaged in today’s silent revolution, heroes that have put everything on the line in the defense of freedom.  Let us never surrender to tyranny no matter what the cost.  Take one small step for freedom and display it for all to see.  Swear that “You Will Never Give In to Socialism and Government Tyranny, Or The One World Order.

Through free speech, that is so far still free, and in the profound words of Associate Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, we intend to be the undeterred enemy of tyranny.  Hopefully, we won’t be forced to do it ALONE where martyrdom becomes our enduring legacy?

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Is The Electoral College Worth Keeping?

“It unites in an eminent degree all the advantages,” Alexander Hamilton wrote in The Federalist No. 68, “the union of which was to be wished for.”

As discussions begin again on the next presidential election, the Electoral College debate has been rekindled. I find it necessary to get ahead of the curve and discuss the facts about the Electoral College and why our Founders created it.

In their infinite wisdom, the United States’ Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

Consider the following statistics:

  • There are roughly 3,100 counties in the United States.
  • Trump won approximately 2,600 of them.
  • Clinton won just under 500.
  • Trump’s county win covered about 84% of the geographic United States.
  • Clinton won 88 of the 100 largest counties.
  • Without these counties, she would have lost by 11.5 million votes. Even so, Clinton only garnered about 2.8 million popular votes than Trump.

In other words, Clinton’s votes were very concentrated in only a few states whereas Trump’s votes came from a wide enough geographic area to win the Electoral College. Trump had 304 Electoral votes; Clinton had 227.

Here is a very quick civics lesson:

Article 4, Section 4, of the United States Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” Nowhere in the Constitution does the word “DEMOCRACY” appear. It also appears nowhere in the Declaration of Independence.

In a Republic, the law is supreme, and all men, including its leaders, are subject to it.  The Law is objective, a fixed standard; it is what we call the “Rule of Law.” In a Republic, the minority has rights, which even the majority may not violate. In a Democracy, however, majority rule is absolute. This makes the law subjective and ever changing. It is what we would call the “Rule of Man.”

To select our president by a popular vote would be a purely democratic election. This election would favor only states with major population hubs, making the rest of the country irrelevant. The tyranny of the majority populace would dominate America, and minority population would never be assured protection from the majority.

The Electoral College was to be a wholly separate body for choosing the president. Developed at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, it was a compromise among plans for a national popular vote and to have Congress choose the president. It also acts as a State check on Federal power, thus protecting smaller States.

Liberty and justice for all Americans is the goal of the Constitution, making the Electoral College both right and American.

And in the words of Alexander Hamilton, “If the manner of it be not perfect, it is at least excellent.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2019 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay:

Saul Alinsky (Dems, Deep State, MSM), Meet The Boy Who Cried Wolf

It was the end of the Obama era, a presidential administration best known for lying-with-a-smile to the American public, fully supported by a leftist media who painted a rosy picture of everything this “historic” president screwed up during his tenure. A brief list of the Obama administration failures would include a no growth economy marked by negative economic indicators such as high unemployment, record federal deficit spending, and a massive increase in food stamp recipients throughout the nation; a weakened military with a president who aided and abetted America’s foreign enemies topped off by a final act in office of sending $150 billion in cash on wooden pallets to Iran; a complete disaster of a federal healthcare plan known as Obamacare;  a pay-for-play corrupt administration that rewarded its political donors and weaponized various government agencies to harass and prosecute conservatives and any political opponents, and a regime that gleefully oversaw the further moral decline of the nation, lighting up the White House in rainbow colors to support the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage on June 26, 2015, as soon as the decision was announced.

After all these failures, the leftist media kept telling us that these were successes, and now we were going to continue as a nation down this road and break new ground, by electing Hillary Clinton as president. This was going to be historic, the mainstream media told us, and the 2016 presidential election turned out to be historic, but the mainstream media did not share the enthusiasm held by the American public when America elected its first businessman, Donald J. Trump, a man who had never previously held an elected public office, to become the 45th president of the United States!

Hillary Clinton was supposed to win, grumbled the leftist media. They rigged the narrative, they rigged the polls, they rigged the election (as best as they could), they informed the American people that Hillary could not lose, and they, as Democrat operatives, were all-in the tank for Hillary. On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump and Mike Pence were elected president and vice president of the United States respectively. But Hillary Clinton was supposed to win, grumbled the Democrat operative leftist media. They just couldn’t let it go.

So, they did what Democrats do… they employed Saul Alinsky Rules for Radical tactics by initiating a phony criminal investigation into Donald Trump, claiming he colluded with the Russians to “steal” the 2016 presidential election.

“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” – Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

In spite of all the evidence that Hillary and Bill Clinton colluded with the Russians in the Uranium One deal, and Hillary Clinton and her Democrat operatives rigged the 2016 Democrat primary stealing the Democrat nomination from Bernie Sanders, and Barack Obama was caught on a hot microphone saying to Russian President Dmitri Medvedov that he would have more flexibility to negotiate on missile defense systems after the 2012 election, it was duly elected President Donald J. Trump who was investigated for colluding with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election!

“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” – Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police

After an exhaustive witch hunt investigation by Robert Mueller, based on no probable cause or evidence, the Mueller report concluded that Donald Trump did not collude with the Russians to steal the 2016 presidential election.

Ah, but wait, say the Democrats. We believe that President Trump obstructed the Mueller investigation!  Democrats are saying, with a straight face, that President Donald Trump, the man who has been undoing the havoc left by his predecessor Barack Obama, is guilty of obstructing justice by merely defending and declaring himself innocent from the attempted coup d’état, that the Democrats, their operatives in the Deep State, and the leftist media have tried to foist upon the American people!

In the words of the late, but not-so-great lawyer for O.J. Simpson, “If the gloves* don’t fit, you must acquit.”

*In the murder case of O.J. Simpson, the gloves actually did fit.

If there is no underlying crime, there can be no obstruction of an investigation for a crime that does not exist.

If a man is brought to court before a judge, having been charged solely with ‘resisting arrest,’ the judge will ask, “Well, what was the underlying crime that the man resisted arrest over?” If there is no underlying crime, the judge will rule, “case dismissed.”

“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

Saul Alinsky (Democrats, Deep State, leftist media) meet the Boy Who Cried Wolf. We the American people have listened to your lies for many years now. Democrats and the leftist mainstream media have cried wolf far too many times, and no rational person believes them any longer. National network newsrooms have been overrun by LBGT agenda-driven advocates who cannot possibly offer unbiased viewpoints of an alpha male conservative, President Donald J. Trump.

Pray for our 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump! May God bless him, keep him safe, and guide him with the wisdom he needs to keep America great and to overcome the leftist wolves who relentlessly attack him and want to turn America into a communist hellhole.

It’s Like Deja-Vu All Over Again

It’s Like Deja-Vu All Over Again[1]

The late baseball Hall of Famer Yogi Berra was known for his “Yogi-isms.” I thought of him the other day as I was contemplating the political insanity that has gripped America. Honestly, haven’t we seen this play before? In fact, we have seen this before from the now notorious Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky became a “community organizer” before the term for what he did even existed. He was a favorite of union and communist leaders because his confrontational approach to protests appeared to bear fruit in concessions from those he considered the “bourgeois.” Surprisingly, he proudly acknowledged the mastermind behind his methods in the text that the Progressive Marxist Democrat Party and those aligned with them utilizes to this day. In his acknowledgement to the book Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, Alinsky wrote this:

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”

One thing is for certain, you can’t accuse Alinsky of knowing what the Bible teaches. Satan didn’t win a kingdom. He was thrown out of heaven for his foolish pride, thinking that he, a created being, could somehow overthrow his Creator. He was cast down to the earth and seized control of what is not his through lies and deceit. As such, he is a pompous potentate for a short time. It is an erroneous interpretation that ascribes a kingdom to the enemy of God. Indeed, Jesus said that He possessed all authority in heaven and on earth.[2]

It is quite telling that Alinsky aligned himself so nonchalantly with Satan. Even if he meant it to be humorous, which I do not think is the case, he was playing with fire. The rotten fruit that came out of Alinsky’s mind has spilled over into the streets of America and has caused bloodshed and mayhem.

So, what “rules” did Alinsky develop through his efforts at organizing people into action? Here are Alinsky’s rules:

  1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood.
  2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone.
  3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.
  4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.
  5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
  6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.
  7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”Don’t become old news.
  8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.
  9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist.
  10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.
  11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
  12. “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.
  13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.[3]

Many politicians, special interest operatives, and America-haters are following Alinsky’s game plan to the letter. They are of course aided and abetted by the internationalists in the Council on Foreign Relations, the United Nations, and the too big to fail multi-national banksters, to name just a few.

Much of the Church has succumbed to a belief that these Luciferians have more power than they really do (see rule #1 above). The truth is if the Church ever realizes the authority that it has been given and presently possesses,[4] it is game over for the imbeciles running roughshod over Americans.

Unfortunately the game appears to be continuing unabated for the God-haters. Contrast the headlines today with what Alinsky determined to be the critical points of control listed below.  In How to Create a Socialist State, Alinsky wrote that in order to topple a free people and turn them into serfs of the state, i.e. socialists, you must gain control of specific key elements.

There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. The first is the most important.

  1. Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
  2. Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  3. Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control – Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing, and income).
  6. Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school. Think: “Common Core.”
  7. Religion – Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.
  8. Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.[5]

These tactics are in play today, being employed by those who openly desire to destroy America. The Democrat Party and their Republican and now Muslim co-conspirators make no pretense of their aim to completely destroy the freedoms and liberties of Americans and to do that they must destroy Christianity. These miscreants are in a full out race to outdo one another with their idiotic promises that appeal to no one with even half a brain. Their taunting and reviling of God, prayer, the Bible, and Christians is bearing rotten fruit. Lawsuits filed against Christians are commonplace today. Municipalities appear to take joy in refusing displays of Christian themed national holidays while simultaneously forcing American children to undergo re-education indoctrination processes aimed at disarming them against the real dangers of the satanic geopolitical force commonly called Islam, the twisted and demented transgender confusion, and the butt-sex crazed political darling, homosexuality.

The Luciferians among us and that includes many who say they belong to Jesus, are seeking to kill, steal, and destroy the liberty and freedom of Americans, but the real goal remains the same: destroy the true Church. That is why we see so many calling for the United Nations to step up and become the arbiter of all things. The United Nations is Satan’s stronghold. The United Nations sponsors the Parliament of World Religions hoping to develop and mobilize millions who will receive any god but the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. The Interfaith Dialogue zombies, social justice shills, and victim class agitators, all babbling about white privilege and injustice, wealth redistribution, and now reparations, take their marching orders from the United Nations. The United Nations is poised to step in when the time is right and Christians are being played like a banjo and don’t realize it.

What the people in the Christian Progressive camp, the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Muslim politicians, the rising socialists, and every other leftist aberration do not understand is that they cannot triumph over the true Church. There will be many who follow them into eternal damnation by their apostasy but the true Church cannot be defeated under the command of a defeated foe, that dragon of old, Satan.

Friends, it is time for Christians to stop being intimidated by the leftists of every stripe. Their father Satan is a defeated foe and he has no power or authority over a blood bought, Holy Spirit filled, redeemed, adopted, son or daughter of the Most High God. Church rise up! Pastors and Elders, lead the flock God has entrusted to your care into this war for the hearts, minds, and eternal destinies of Americans. Do it or get out of the way and let a real man of God lead them! Christian, stop your nonsensical mumbling about “all we need to do is share Jesus’ love” and start loving people by telling them the truth about salvation for those who repent and trust in Christ and judgement for those who reject Christ. Jesus Christ is returning with a sword and as the Judge.

Jesus said you are either for Him or against Him. If you refuse to fight evil then let me tell you clearly, you are against Him. Fall on your face, confess, repent, and be restored, then get up and get in the fight.

May Christ be glorified in all the earth by His people!

© 2019 Mike Spaulding – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding:
E-Mail Mike Spaulding: pastormike@cclohio.corg



[1] This statement is attributed to Yogi Berra. Found here
[2] Matthew 28:18.
[3] You can find Alinsky’s rules posted in hundreds of places on the internet. These were found here
[4] Luke 10:19.
[5] Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.

We Are Now Living In The “Bizzaro World”

I want to share with you some thoughts that have been plaguing me lately and it involves the new media darling running for President in 2020, Peter Buttigieg who is the mayor of South Bend Indiana.  He is an unashamed sodomite who parades his sodomite partner around referring to him as his husband (that’s hard to type).  He talks about his homosexuality as if it’s perfectly normal and the media doesn’t even blink.  In fact they are now touting Mayor Buttigieg as the number 2 Democrat contender in New Hampshire.   Wow, someone help me here!  This guy is running for the president of the United States!  And to think Bill Clinton had a minor little escapade with a young intern (female of all things) that created a media circus for months and nearly shut down the country in the mid nineties.

Buttigieg justifies himself with the excuse, “if you have a problem with who I am take it up with my creator”.  No Mr. Buttigieg, that’s not how it works.  Like all of us sinners, when it comes time for me to face my Creator we won’t be discussing you and your lifestyle choices.  I will have my hands full reviewing my own issues which are legion.  And I don’t have a problem with who you are.  You come across as a pretty intelligent guy.  But if you plan to guide this nation with clear understanding and sound decisions for America, this moral code of “Do What Thou Wilt” isn’t going to do well by us Deplorables in flyover country.

My brother and I were discussing this situation when he told me that he was recently watching a news channel (probably Fox) where this young politician, was on stage proclaiming his run for the presidency in 2020. Of course it was Peter Buttigieg.  When he finished his speech he walked over to this gentleman (his husband) standing off a ways and planted a sloppy, wet kiss on the lips.  Not fully understanding what he was witnessing my brother had a completely natural and normal reaction of shock, dismay and revulsion.  You know, the same one you have when you see two men kissing on some Netflix program they push in your face at every opportunity.

Now I suppose there are some who would claim such a reaction as being Homophobic.  Well, let’s examine this further.  Webster’s Dictionary says the word “Homophobia” is a condition where one has an: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals. It’s first known use: 1969 (interesting year indeed).  So it seems this condition of Homophobia appears to be a rather new disorder, only 50 years old.  Prior to then it apparently didn’t exist.  You see my friends, what they’ve done here, is taken the perfectly normal human reaction to homosexuality and turned it upside down and backwards.  They’ve tied “irrational fear of” with “an aversion to” along with “discrimination against” and voila, if you do not embrace the Homosexual agenda, you now have a mental disorder.  You suffer from Homophobia and you need to get help soon!

People, we are now living in the “Bizzaro World” from the old Superman Comic book series of the 1960’s.  It was an alternate world where everything is upside down and reversed.  What’s right is wrong and what’s wrong is right.  What’s good is bad, what’s bad is good.  In popular culture, “Bizarro World” has come to mean a situation or setting which is weirdly inverted or opposite to expectations.

I want to tell you my friends, there is no such affliction as Homophobia.  It doesn’t exist.  It’s made up to mess with your mind.  You are not wrong.  The generation of your parents and grandparents didn’t have it wrong.  Your aversion to the practice of Homosexuality is natural and normal.  It is a shameful practice and goes against everything in God’s creation.  These poor young souls who have grown up and have been educated in this inverted, brainwashed culture are screwed unless we intervene.

Keep in mind it was us Deplorables who showed up in the millions, overturning the rigged system that was in place and preventing the criminal Clinton cabal from driving a final stake through the heart of our wounded nation and we’ll show up again in 2020.  So take courage.  Hang on to you treasured values.  Hold fast to the morals you were raised by.  Do not be deceived by this corrupted culture being pushed down your throats and remember, “The Truth” is not fair and balanced.  It is simply “The Truth”.

In the Bizarro world of “Htrae” (Earth spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states “Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!” In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: “Guaranteed to lose money for you”. Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, “Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together”. This is intended and taken as a great compliment.  From Wikipedia

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Is Islam Inherently Violent?

To some people perhaps, the title of this article sounds Islamophobic. And as is the case, Muslims always rush to defend their religion by stating there is violence in “All religions.” Fortunately, the non-Muslim world has in its possession Islam’s document, the holy book of Islam, the Quran which is filled with many Suras, verses and orders of violence.

“The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually based on their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may hide. Muslims who do not join the fight are called  ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.”

Islam is anything but a religion of peace. Violence is at the very core of Islam. Violence is institutionalized in the Muslims’ holy book, the Quran in many Suras.

Right from the start, violence served as the engine of Islam under the command and supervision of Muhammad himself. For one, the Prophet’s son-in-law and cousin, Ali, was titled the Commander of the Faithful for his unsurpassed feats of butchery. Ali with the assistance of one or two of his thugs, beheaded some seven hundred captives, most of them Jews, in only one day. This man, highly esteemed by the prophet of Allah, had a sword that had its own name—Zolfaghar. Ali’s portrait, holding the menacing sword, adorns the homes and shops throughout Shi’a’-lands. And this man, Ali, is revered by the Shiites at the same level as Muhammad.

On the Sunni side, Muhammad’s equally revered is Umar, another unabashed killer of untold numbers. And of course, the choice weapon of these champions of the religion of peace was the sword. And to this day, a sword adorns the flag of the birthplace of the religion of peace, Saudi Arabia.

And Islam, by the nature of its very doctrine, appeals to man’s baser nature. It promotes intolerance, hatred, discrimination, and much more:

A pious Muslim does not and cannot believe in freedom of choice. In the religion of Islam—Submission—everything is up to Allah, as clearly and repeatedly stipulated in the Quran. The raison d’être for the Muslim is to be unconditionally submissive to the will and dictates of Allah. Everything that a “good” Muslim does is contingent upon the will and decree of Allah, he is indoctrinated to believe. Humanity is facing a deeply troubling dilemma.  Not only does Islam support violence, even its Prophet Muhammad commands:

“Kill whoever changes his religion.” Sahih al-Bukhari 9:84:57

Islam is tantamount to violence. Violence is the lifeblood of Islam and it has been ever since the time of Muhammad in Medina by Muhammad’s own edict and conduct.

Without violence of all types, Islam would undergo a slow death. Violence is in the fabric of this crooked ideology.  Take away violence and you shut down the blood supply from the body of ‘ISLAMS.’ Islam is violent, not only against non-Muslims, but it is also violent against its own numerous sects and offshoots. Even within every sect and offshoot violence in the most savage ways is practiced.  Just to name some examples: public lashing, cutting off hands for stealing even a morsel of bread, blinding convicts or hanging them, stoning so-called adulteresses, castrating sexual offenders and the hanging of homosexuals.

Muslims, instead of march out of the suffocating swamps of submission to the meadow of liberty, Allah’s faithful aim to drag the rest of humanity into the deadly Islamic quagmire.

Islam may have been an improvement to the life of the savages that roamed the Arabian deserts some 1400 years ago. However, the 21st century world is not willing to surrender to the clearly failed and failing Islamic experiment, simply because of the claim that it is the one and only true religion of Allah.

Islam is a belief of blood. It lives and thrives on blood. It can be animal blood, enemy blood or even its own blood. Consider the horrific practice of self-flagellation. Shiite faithful march en masse in public places, beating themselves with chains, cutting themselves with knives on their heads, torso and arms, causing blood to gush out and all this to commemorate religious historical events.

Truth be told: violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, raised by violence, thrives on violence and dies without violence.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

NWO’s Pope Francis And His Soros-Inspired Globalism, Islamofascism

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Following the surprise election of outsider Donald Trump to our nation’s highest elective office — a victory that sent shivers up and down the spines of the Washington, D.C. denizens — the elites realized they were in a fight for their very existence and their religious zeal is misplaced by the left’s adherence to principles — abortion, euthanasia, homosexual

The American people will never know how many tears were shed over their precious Hillary Clinton’s failure to win an election on Nov. 6, 2016. The socialists suddenly found that they needed to revise the plan emanating from the Deep State controllers and contributors so that they could push their radical leftist laws, regulations and policies.

Information gleaned from Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton’s and her campaign manager John Podesta’s emails,  and DCLeaks documents from George Soros’ own Open Society Foundation corroborate that Soros’ private intelligence operatives” secretly met with top Vatican cardinals, according to the documents obtained by Conservative Base’s editor Jim Kouri.

From the beginning, Pope Francis has displayed to the world his distaste for — and disrespect to — Trump and his administration. For instance, the Pope continues his enormous opposition to Trump’s “get tough” immigration policies and his Border Wall project that is being incorporated into the overall illegal alien criminal policies and procedures.

“Basically, from what we’ve gleaned from the Wikileaks and DCLeaks material, the Pope is actually colluding with one of the world’s wealthiest — some say wickedest — neo-Socialist who is hell bent in creating a single ruling entity for the entire planet. His vision dwarfs even the world described by George Orwell in his cautionary tale 1984,” claims political consultant and attorney Michael Baker.

Baker believes that of all the pontiffs sitting on the Vatican throne Pope Francis is the closest to an irreligious Marxist by far. “The fact is our Pope is from South America, which is arguably a hotbed of Marxism, neo-Socialism and totalitarian communism. It gave this Pope a different perspective from those coming from European nations,” Baker noted.

Pope Francis has donated $500,000.00 dollars to assist migrants in Mexico. The funds, from the Peter’s Pence collections, will be distributed among 27 projects promoted by sixteen Mexican dioceses and religious congregations, which requested assistance in continuing to provide food, lodging, and basic necessities to the migrants.

From the moment Donald Trump became president of the United States, Pope Francis has been relentlessly attacking him personally and politically regarding illegal immigration. Pope Francis believes that illegals should have free access to the United States anytime they so choose, our laws regarding immigration notwithstanding. Now it has been revealed that the Roman pope has put his money where his mouth is, and has begun funding the migrant caravans that wish to illegally gain access to America.

This is a pretty bold move considering that the Roman pontiff is supposed to be a “man of peace”, but Jorge Mario Bergoglio is nothing of the kind. Remember that he is not only the pope of the Roman church, he is also the king of the Roman Vatican city state known as the Holy See. Francis is a man of war, a man of conquest, and will not sit idly by and allow America to operate as a sovereign nation.

The Holy See is the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City State, a sovereign, independent territory. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law.

Pope Francis has just moved against the United States to assert his will on how America’s borders will be operated by personally funding the caravans. No one, anywhere in the world, has the “right” to enter the borders of any sovereign nation. No one. We take in people when we can because we are a compassionate people, but entrance to the United States is not anyone’s “right”. So what should our response be to this obvious act of war by the Roman king of Vatican City?


FROM THE VATICAN: According to a statement from Peter’s Pence, “In recent months, thousands of migrants have arrived in Mexico, having travelled more than 4,000 kilometres on foot and with makeshift vehicles from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Men and women, often with young children, flee poverty and violence, hoping for a better future in the United States. However, the US border remains closed to them.”

Diminished aid and media coverage

In particular, the aid is intended to assist the more than 75,000 people who arrived in Mexico in 2018, in six migrant caravans. “All these people were stranded, unable to enter the United States, without a home or livelihood”, the statement reads. “The Catholic Church hosts thousands of them in hotels within the dioceses or religious congregations, providing basic necessities, from housing to clothing”.

Although a great deal of attention was focused on the caravans at the time, the Peter’s Pence statement notes that “media coverage of this emergency has been decreasing, and as a result, aid to migrants by the government and private individuals has also decreased”.

The statement from Peter’s Pence insists that “a regulated and transparent use of the resources, which must be accounted for, is required before the aid is assigned”. It notes that thirteen projects have already been approved, with another fourteen currently being evaluated.

“Thanks to these projects”, the statement concludes, “and thanks to Christian charity and solidarity, the Mexican Bishops hope to be able to continue helping our migrant brothers and sisters.”

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Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Safeguarding Friendships—A Way To Care For You And Your Friend

It’s been said that a “best friend” constitutes a miracle of the universe.

During your lifetime, you attach to certain individuals who “mesh” with you mentally, spiritually and physically.  At first, you share the weather, sports, latest boyfriend or girlfriend and the latest event on the local or national scene.  As time passes, you become attached because you share deeper feelings, concerns, triumphs and fellowship.

Your friendships may revolve around a beer, wine or dancing.  You might go for a walk, a bicycle ride or the movies.  You might backpack, ski or raft a river.  You share moments of danger, serenity or wonder at a sunset.  During those times, you develop feelings through laughter, stories and shared opinions on an array of topics.

Friendships develop for a short time, a long time or a lifetime.  Each friendship provides you with life energy, inspiration, fellowship or companionship.  You might enjoy wise advice.  You may enjoy laughter.

Your friends pull you through good times, bad times, heartache and heartbreak.  Most individuals don’t think about their friendship—until they face loss of one.

At some point, you may lose a short-term friendship because you didn’t nourish it.  Friendships need watering or emotional deposits into the “heart bank.”  This inquiry revolves around examining the character of your various connections.   You may value solid relationships so you periodically watch the dance within your relationships to make sure you maintain your part of creating a solid, equitable bond.  Obviously, this requires being able to step back to witness your behavior within that friendship. For example, you might ask:

Are you monopolizing the dialogue and thus not aware of the tone of the energy field between you and your friend, thus not actually present to the message of your friend?   You may have done this with the result of a drain in the sweet energy and feeling between your friend and you, yielding disconnection.

Are you not speaking your opinion or feelings in order to keep the peace and avoid their anger or sadness?  Are you gauging your sharing and truth-telling only on what you think safest to share?  Do your actions exhibit your authentically showing up in the friendship?

At times we choose the ‘low road’ simply due to lacking skill-sets for how to negotiate conversations that will ruffle another.  Anyone who does not ‘stand in our own moccasins’ will certainly bring opinions and feelings that clash with ours at some point.  When we do not understand another’s position, the more authentic and honorable offering may be to just say we do not know how to handle the disparity but are committed to exploring so we can understand.

This adage reflects the friendship idea: each individual within the dynamic must make regular deposits to keep the connection thriving: e.g., deposits of goodwill, compliments, phone calls to make a time to see each other, especially when the other seems to be over-withdrawing our account.

In this time of cell phones, emails and other electronic “coldness”, you must decide on face-to-face time in order to fulfill a deep friendship that lasts longer than a “tweet” or “chat” or “stumble.”

Direct communication creates wholesome connection.  Who of us does not know that connections lose playful energy when issues are swept under the rug and the other person not well listened to?  The emotional account becomes strained.  Do you want real connection?  You betcha!

Do you? If so, are you willing to become more aware?  The result will be the safeguarding precious, creative friendships.

Newest book:  Old Men Bicycling Across America: A Journey Beyond Old Age, Baby boomers love this book!  Available on Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge. You want to live a spectacular life?  Follow his 12 concepts and practices for a whale of a ride through life! He shows dozens of men and women who live spectacular lives by their choices.  Amazon or ph. 1 888 519 5121

FB page: How to Live A Life of Adventure: The Art of Exploring the World


© 2019 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

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Impeach Trump And Barr, Nadler’s Attacks Are To Get This Done

The childish, unprofessional antics by members of the Outlaw Congress over AG William Barr’s requested testimony last week was simply shameful.

Unhinged Democrat Brings KFC and Ceramic Chicken to Whine About AG Bill Barr at Presser

As regular readers know, I have been registered no party since 1996 when I left the GOP; never voted for a candidate in the Democratic/Communist Party USA. I was less than enthusiastic about Barr’s nomination and confirmation due to his decades long friendship with dirty traitor, Robert Mueller. If anyone doubts who the real Robert Mueller is, at the bottom of this column are several comprehensive columns on that criminal. Just wait until Uranium One heats up.

Mueller, I pray, may end up in a federal prison yet with his co-conspirators, Comey, Lynch, the Clintons, McCable, Strzok – the whole treasonous cabal who tried to remove a lawfully elected U.S. president.

In addition to the asinine clown show, mentally deranged Straighjacket Brigade president, Jerold Nadler (D-NY) has demanded Barr actually break the law!

Uh, oh: Democrat Leader Jerry Nadler’s Son Works for Firm Suing Trump – This is Material Real Conflict of Interest – He Must Recuse! “Democrat congressman Jerry Nadler, leading the investigative charge against President Donald Trump, has a son whose firm is trying to get access to Trump documents for their clients in numerous lawsuits against President Trump.”

Then, like Loretta Lynch and Billy Clinton who spoke in a private plane on the tarmac ONLY about their grandchildren, Nadler & his son can have a private conversation about the documents his law firm might get for Trump. They would both lie and swear by each other since there would be no witnesses.

Nadler’s comrade horse’s ass, Adam Schiff, I’ll name as VP of the Straightjacket Brigade, needs to be committed to an asylum. Not only is he the official King of Liars in the U.S. Congress, he also wants Barr to violate the law.

Presidential candidate no one wants who thinks very highly of herself, Kamala Harris, jumped into the dung heap – for votes. This poster female for the BS called ‘social justice’ is nothing but another commie gasbag. Oh, that’s right! She’s a” progressive” Demorat who campaigned during Barr’s testimony. Yeah, that’s what those speeches are in these hearings. World-wide coverage; a billion in free campaign advertising. What a joke:

Kamala Harris asks DOJ IG to probe whether Trump asked Barr to investigate political opponents

Reparations Time? Kamala Harris’ Father Says Family Descended from a Jamaican Slave Owner – Harris wants you and me to pay for slavery – something we had nothing to do with but her family did. How about demanding reparations from the descendants of tribal heads in Africa who sold their own to slavers for trinkets?

Hey, it will get Harris votes from black Americans who want to blame you and me for things that happened HUNDREDS of years before I was even born. Most people believe Harris is African American but she’s not and the witch is playing it up for all she can milk it.

The author of the piece above got it right: “Will she write a check to repair the damage her ancestor Hamilton Brown did to the slaves in Jamaica? Perhaps the media can do its job and ask her. Don Lemon might, as he seems concerned about her authentic blackness.”

Then we have one of the most disgraceful displays of malice and character assassination next to the fileting of Brett Kavanaugh ever in the Senate by another waste of human skin: Maize Hirono. Born in Japan and elected by brain dead voters in Hawaii. What Senatorette Hirono did was absolutely shameful because what she barfed up has no basis in reality.

Watch these two back to back short clips of Hirono call Barr a liar and must resign. Barr just sat there and listened to her BS. What could he say? Nothing for the moment but look out lady, the indictments and convictions are coming.

And who is sitting next to that despicable female calling the US Attorney General a liar and a sitting president a grifter? Why, none other than Sen. Richard Blumenthal who lied about his military service, was caught in his lies and still the zombies in Connecticut allegedly elected such a sorry POS.

Joe diGenova: Comey memos constitute a ‘suicide note’

Not to be outdone, this dangerous female who I believe has advancing dementia blasted: Pelosi: AG Barr ‘Was Not Telling the Truth’ to Congress — ‘That’s a Crime’

Hypocrites all. Let’s walk back a short period of time.

May 17, 2017: Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel

“Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. said, “Former Director Mueller is exactly the right kind of individual for this job. I now have significantly greater confidence that the investigation will follow the facts wherever they lead.”

“Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., Hillary Clinton’s running mate in last November’s presidential election, called the announcement “a good move.”

“Now let’s get some answers,” he tweeted.

“Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, called the action “a good first step.” “Bob was a fine U.S. attorney, a great FBI director and there’s no better person who could be asked to perform this function,” she said in a statement. “He is respected, he is talented and he has the knowledge and ability to do the right thing.”

Yeah, it was the right move until Barr and Mueller told the truth: No collusion. Then Demorats across the board crapped their drawers at such high speed they make Montezuma’s revenge look like a puppy fart.

That 22-month nightmare was a ‘Seven Days in May’ coup d’etat. Not by the military – but by high ranking traitors in the Department of Justice, FBI and others. Only this one lasted a hell of a lot longer than seven days.

Mueller’s Mules, er, his investigators were politically stained before they even began that witch-hunt. I believe the final number of Democrat operatives who served Mueller investigating a hoax was 16. Big money donors to career criminals, Hildebeast and Bill Clinton and the criminal impostor president, Barack Hussein. See here. All Demorats. What a joke.

Even before Mueller’s waste of taxpayers dollars to investigate a manufactured political hoax, Demorats were getting worried: Are Democrats Beginning To Turn On Mueller?, Jan 8, 2019

HERE THEY ARE: The 10 Biggest Lies in the Mueller Report, May 4, 2019

Andrew McCarthy: The big lie that Barr lied, May 3, 2019

MUELLER GETS CAUGHT! Devin Nunes Just Caught Dirty Cop Mueller Lying to American Public about Joseph Mifsud, May 3, 2019

THIS is obstruction: How Convenient. FBI ‘lost Notes’ From August 2015 Meeting with IC Inspector General Regarding Hillary Clinton’s Private Server, May 4, 2019

Deciding Barr was a more advantageous target, the Democratic/Communist Party USA members of the Outlaw Congress decided to manufacture more lies about Barr and his intent. It’s almost beyond comprehension what we’ve seen the past couple of weeks. Barr’s testimony was simply proof positive those corrupt power mad politicians should all be run out of Congress by voters.

2020 Democrats turn post-Mueller findings ire on Attorney General Barr, demand release of full report

Adam Schiff Demands AG Bill Barr Resign – Calls Barr the “Second Most Dangerous Man in US”

Congressman blasts Nadler’s demand for AG to ‘break the law’ – Barr threatened with contempt if he won’t submit raw Mueller evidence – “Collins said Democrats “continue to deliver inaccurate statements and abusive politics, while demanding the attorney general either break the law or face contempt charges.”

“Their chief complaint against the attorney general is his upholding the rule of law when they wish him to disregard it,” he said.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Hits Back at Pelosi: Nadler Lied, Not Barr

“The Jig’s Up!” Watch Boss Chuck Grassley Chew Up and Spit Out Liberal Conspiracy Media Over Mueller Report

McCarthy: Mueller report ‘flouts Constitution’ – ‘Blithely … reversed the burden of proof’

Now For The Real Collusion Investigation: The Obama Admin And Russian Misinformation Used By The FBI And DOJ, Also Known As The ‘Steele Dossier’

Braying asses like Nadler are banking their constituents are too stupid and uninformed to know anything about the law. Sadly, they are probably right. Otherwise, why would anyone vote for Nadler, Schiff or the butt of every bar joke these days, Alexandria Ortega-Cortez?

Let me tell you this: The Special Council statutes forbids the release of grand jury testimony and other protected information (like classified or individuals who would be put at risk) in a final report – unless ordered by a federal judge. Nadler knows this so why does he continue making threats and demands of Barr?

Because he’s up for reelection next year – just the same as the entire U.S. House of Representatives. 1/3rd of the counterfeit U.S. Senate is up for reelection in 2020.

What you’re watching is nothing but a game for votes. The coup failed. That cabal of dirty traitors like Comey have to be privately praying they don’t end up in prison because it’s certainly on the table if Barr actually does his job.

Demorats hate Trump with a passion unseen in my lifetime against any president – including Tricky Dickey Nixon. Their hatred of Trump goes beyond irrational, it’s become dangerous. The treatment of Barr during his testimony was nothing more than a continuation of their sh*t show to get Trump by destroying William Barr nominated by Trump.

Well, Demorats in Congress didn’t want Barr for AG anyway. The vote was 54-45 with three Demorats voting for Barr; two later allegedly had ‘buyer’s remorse’.

This extended harassment of Trump and Barr is also about trying to stop a real investigation into the treasonous players and the DNC. The whole rotten stinking incestuous cabal is now at real risk and dung like Nadler, Hirono and Schiff know it.

Senator asking chief justice to probe FISA-court abuse/Democrats’ dossier used as evidence to spy on Trump campaign

Ukraine’s embassy admits DNC did try to collude with their government during the 2016 election

AG Barr gets attacked because his probe endangers powerful people

Far-fetched? CIA Warns Deep State Planning Civil War To Stop Trump

Just as We Predicted: In August 2018 TGP Reported on Nellie Ohr’s Pivotal Role in the Russiagate Scandal – Yesterday She Was Criminally Referred to the DOJ, May 2, 2019

Here Are the Questions Republican Lawmakers Should Ask Robert Mueller During His Testimony Before Congress

As I said at the close of my column last week, this is going to continue right up to the 2020 election. One can pray Barr and honest, dedicated individuals in the FBI and DOJ go after the rotten cabal responsible for the witch hunt that has so divided and hurt our country. The damage is there for all to see.

In the meantime, please, get involved and help clean out the House and rotten senators up for reelection next year; see my column here.

These columns by Kelleigh Nelson should be read and slapped up on social media.  Knowledge is power.

The DOJ’s Brazen Cesspool Of Criminal Activity

Mueller’s Goon Squads: Injustice, Destruction And Devastation

Robert Mueller’s Amoral Abuse Of Power For The Elite

Robert Mueller’s Modus Operandi: Intimidation And Destruction

Mueller’s Politically Charged Corruption And Partisan Special Counsel

Robert Mueller’s Sordid History Of Illicitly Targeting Innocent People

McCabe And Strzok Contrived To Destroy Lt. General Flynn

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

The truth: America’s Most Anti-Christian President – The most extreme leftwing figure to ever occupy the White House.

Side show presented to you by idiots, partisans and fools

Chickin’ Lickin Democrat Threatens to Use Sergeant at Arms to Drag AG Bill Barr in to Testify before Liberal Attorneys – Reminds me of a hyena. A picture is worth a thousand words.

HERE WE GO… House Dems Ask DC, Virginia Bar Associations to Investigate Bill Barr

Meacham: Barr’s decided his fate is better off with Trump than the rule of law

Rachel Maddow’s 17 Most Audacious and Paranoid Russia Hoax Lies

Long past their sell-date but too narcissistic to go away: Ticket prices plunge for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s speaking tour

Fox’s Judge Napolitano Still Spreading Anti-Trump Conspiracy Theories – Many wonder what happened to Napolitano? Personally, he flushed his credibility and integrity down the crapper after he was re-instated on FOX. I guess the big bux and towing the network line means more to Napolitano than his personal character. When I saw him being interviewed several years where he said he supports open borders, that did it for me.

© 2019 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy:

New California School Books Slam-Dump Trump

Why Churches MUST open Christian Schools. Public Schools now the Devil’s Domain to Promote Evil

Our schools today are not places of higher learning but government re-education camps of propaganda to further the One World Order agenda where the world would live under the orders of one dictator.  Never has this columnist seen such malfeasance as that being practiced in today’s schools, used to brainwash students and to control the very thoughts of them. Leftist thoughts that is.

In our public schools today, there are mandatory LGBTQ classes to indoctrinate minds that gay is OK and perversion is strength. No student is allowed to opt-out of these sick classes. This is shocking, destructive and downright nasty. No one could even think of such things happening in our schools back in the days when Communism and homosexuality were hidden and virtue expected.

As usual, California is the leader of dingbat rulings that then spread throughout the nation like a fast moving plague. What happens in California unfortunately does not stay in California.

The public schools, totally run by Communist Democrats, use valuable class time where classic education has been obliterated and replaced with indoctrination of left wing politics. Graduating students come out knowing absolutely nothing but pushing back on all things decent and joining protest marches.

The latest school ‘history’ books in California describe our legally voted-in president, Donald Trump as a “racist’ and ‘mentally ill.’ Over 68 million people voted Trump into office. This is who the majority of voters wanted in The Oval Office. But the leftist immediately began trying to “impeach” our duly elected President so that one of them could take over. Trying to impeach a just elected president is ridiculous. Especially since he immediately began to accomplish everything he promised.

The earlier  schools taught manners, discipline, respect, Love of God and patriotism.  But that all ended in the 60’s when we allowed atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair to complain, take to court and persuade that court-The Supreme Court- to abolish prayer in schools because she simply did not believe in God. So others should not believe in Him either. Kicking God out of our schools was not the most brilliant decision. This turned Satan loose to rampage and begin his unending evil which is now seen every day.

Todd Starnes was the first to publish this latest outrage that Advancement Placement students, beginning in California, are going to be taught that President Trump is mentally insane and his supporters, all of whom are mostly older, often rural or suburban, are also overwhelmingly white. That did it by golly.

In other words, Advanced Placement students are going to be taught that President Trump is mentally insane and his supporters are a bunch of irredeemable deplorables. Such descriptions would be laughable, but this garbage is being shoved into the minds of impressionable American teenagers.

Worse yet, a Pearson (Textbook Publisher) spokesperson defended the textbook, claiming it underwent “rigorous peer review to ensure academic integrity.” Academic Malfeasance would be a more accurate description.

Then there came SNOPES, the organization to correct phony news, so they say. That organization is owned partly by George Soros, who controls all the media and has Snopes to debunk any stories that he disagrees with. Snopes attacked this columnist who had learned that shortly after 9-11, Islam was being taught in the public schools, and wrote a world wide feature on it, after getting copies of the lesson plans and handouts. The media came down on me, and The Pittsburgh Gazette, had a Muslim writer tear me apart, calling me a liar and by name in the headline of their story.

Snopes said that the story was a hoax, that the entire story of Islam being taught in the public schools was a lie, in order to kill the story and keep it from the public.  Interesting, Soros controls the news media and the organization that tears apart legitimate stories to keep the public in the dark.

This latest attack on public school books slamming President Trump serves two purposes by the Soros Snopes: (1) It takes a major story, makes the story its own by slamming it, which brings Snopes more click bait with all public attention on their version of a major event, and (2) It serves to discredit anyone they want to bring down.

When pinned down, SNOPES stated that it was a lie that Pearson Textbooks teach that President Trump is a mental case. No, by golly, they say that ‘during polls taken during the pre-election, some persons said that Donald Trump was mentally insane and racist.’ Well that’s a big difference doncha know. Someone else saying this to someone else is not textbook publishers stating this, but random people.  Notice how Soros managed to get that idea out.

The Muslim indoctrination courses forced upon seventh grade public school students that this columnist attempted to stop, has expanded. Islamic and Muslim ideology has multiplied to the extent that we now have 50 Muslims in national political offices. Muslims now speak in public schools and in front of community organizations. And the public have been so blinded that they allow this.

Meanwhile despicable crimes are being committed by Muslims throughout the United States. I think of the three Muslim kids who raped a 3 year old and then urinated on her. This took place in an Idaho Falls  apartment building they had been placed in by doo-gooders who want to prove they love everybody. Residue of a bull! Forget these fantasies and deal with life itself honestly.

Americans have seemingly taken leave of their senses by voting Muslims into U.S. political offices. This is more than dumb. It is downright stupidity since it results in national suicide. Look at France and Germany.

One of those Muslims ‘voted’ into public office, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) returned to her home district in Minnesota last week to visit some area schools.  She spoke at Saint Anthony Middle School in Minneapolis and it was reported that parents and press were NOT ALLOWED to attend. Activist Mommy,  Elizabeth Johnston, an excellent website, made this known. The school stuck to their guns and shuttered doors to parents and the press.

What does Omar have to hide? What does the school? What gives them a right to host such a highly controversial speaker without allowing for press and parental oversight? This is highly disturbing. And just plain nuts!  As a public servant, anytime she is speaking to the public she should be on the public record.

Public schools are becoming nothing more than indoctrination factories for children. If you hope your child will be able to think freely for themselves one day and use facts to guide them (versus feelings), now might be the time to consider alternatives to public school!

We want ladies and gentlemen to graduate from our schools, not sexual deviants, anti-Americans, anti-God misfits and criminals.

There is so much more garbage sweeping into the public schools.  There is only one solution. Get your kids OUT of Public School!

READERS, contact your pastors and persuade them to open a Christian School in their churches. PASTORS, listen to them. It takes virtually nothing to open a Christian school. It is not complicated. This columnist taught in Christian School for a couple of years and saw first hand what an excellent choice that was for students.



© 2019 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles:

Lies Of The Left, Part 3

The left has become the party that will do anything, say anything to gain authority and power.  Our government is supposed to be a government of the people, for the people, by the people but the left has the opinion that it is a government of the government, for the government, by the government.  One of our Founders, John Jay, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, stated in the Federalist Papers #64 : “[T]he government must be a weak one indeed, if it should forget that the good of the whole can only be promoted by advancing the good of each of the parts or members which compose the whole.”  He also stated, “Those who own the country ought to govern it.”

The government has been going down the path of dictatorship with every Democrat controlled government.  Look at Detroit, Chicago, California and any other poverty-stricken city/State.  They are all Democrat controlled.  The top ghettos in America are all governed by Democrats and have been for decades.  Baltimore has five of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country, FIVE! [1]  It is a bastion of democrat control.  Every city/State that is dominated by Democrats have massive taxes, massive poverty and they legislate control of every area of a citizen’s life.  They promise prosperity but NEVER deliver.  Just look at all the promises the Democrats have made to black community yet they are still poor.  Under Obama black unemployment skyrocketed for and wages fell.

The Obama administration claimed it would be transparent yet Fast and Furious information was never released, Benghazi was called the result of a Youtube video when it was actually a cover up for Hillary’s gun sales to radical muslims, Obama did not support the freedoms that our Constitution gave us.  Our top cop under Obama, Eric Holder, stated that he though certain laws were not constitutional so he would no longer enforce them.[2] Obama did all he could to kill conservative businesses by having banks deny them accounts using Operation Choke Point, which Democrats are trying to resurrect.  Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) is warning that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her cronies on the House Financial Services Committee are feverishly pushing to resurrect “Operation Choke Point,” a program to target conservatives set up in the Obama administration.

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, “Operation Choke Point was a Justice Department and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. initiative launched in 2013 and aimed at cutting off banking services to certain businesses.”

“Some of the unfavored transactions targeted by federal regulators included the sale of firearms, ammunition, fireworks, dating services, tobacco products and payday loans.”

The Trump administration ended Operation Choke Point in August 2017. But legislation making the practices the program employed unlawful has yet to pass Congress, so the program, though unused, is still alive.

Congressman Davidson, who sits on the Financial Services Committee, recently told The Western Journalthat Ocasio-Cortez “essentially in several statements tried to revive the practice of using the financial system to win a debate that they’ve already lost.

“Trying to use the financial system to effectively say, ‘You’re not going to bank with those people, are you?’”

Davidson also made the point that this kind of pressure campaign against companies engaging in lawful commerce is wrong. [3]  A government that tries to destroy/stifle free enterprise is NOT a representative government but a dictatorial government.

Our media is infested with left wing agenda driven corporations.  In 1983 90% of the media was owned by fifty companies.  By 2012 that 90% was owned by six companies. The six corporations that collectively control U.S. media today are Time Warner, Walt Disney, Viacom, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, CBS Corporation, and NBC Universal.  Together the “big six” absolutely dominate news and entertainment in the United States. [4] You can listen to the nightly news of every station in your area and the wording for each of the topics reported are virtually identical.  This isn’t freedom of the press, it’s indoctrination by the press.

What we see when this happens is the narrative of a few is pushed by the majority.  Look at the Southern Poverty Laws Center a racist, biased organization that hates companies and people that support biblical values and moral character.  Virtually ALL media, with few exceptions, back this organization’s ‘findings’ that companies like Family Research Council are hate groups because they stand for biblical values, the values that made America the greatest nation in the world.  SPLC attacks any organization that is supposedly anti-black, yet they have been accused of that very thing: More than two decades ago, I was managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser, which was located one block from the SPLC in downtown Montgomery, Ala. I proposed an investigation into the organization after ongoing complaints from former SPLC staffers, who came and went with regularity but always seemed to tell the same story. Only the names and faces changed. The SPLC, they said, was not what it appeared to be. Many urged the newspaper to take a look.

We were, at the time, anything but adversaries with the center. Like other media outlets, we generally parroted SPLC press releases. We also became friends with SPLC staffers, occasionally attending the center’s parties. Some of my reporters dated staffers at the center.

That relationship, however, suddenly soured when reporters Dan Morse and Greg Jaffe (both of whom now work for The Post) began making serious inquiries about the SPLC’s finances and the treatment of black employees. [5]

The left has been pushing global warming for decades.  Even though no evidence has ever been presented that proves it, it is a venue for control that they are pursuing.  We see this attempt with this idiotic New Green Deal.  They want to eliminate cars, planes, trucks, ships, cows and totally renovate every building in the US save the planet, which only has 12 years left according to them.  Keep in mind Al, I invented the internet, Gore said the ices caps would be gone and coastal cities would be flooded by 2014.  Just to prove that God has a since of humor, we had record ice caps in 2014.  The last two ‘Global Warming’ conventions he attempted to put together had to be cancelled because of snow.

This New Green Deal is obviously a tool for them to control what you do, where you go, how you get there, what you eat and where and how you live.  That’s total control of your life.  It goes without saying that none of this Green Deal could be established in the next twelve years meaning it is futile.  The world is doomed, just like it was in 2000 and in the 1930’s when they said we were headed of a mini ice age.  NONE of it ever happened.  Their lies meant to control the populations have failed and will continue to fail.  But if we don’t stop them, they will continue to try to get their way.  They won’t let up and we must not let up on our defense of our freedoms.

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis:


  1. 25 most dangerous neighborhoods
  2. Obama administration will no longer defend doma
  3. Obama program to cut off banking for conservative businesses is back
  4. Six corporations that control almost everything we watch hear and read
  5. A Washington Post op-ed about the SPLC illustrates three truths about the media

Ignorance, Fear And LGBTQ

Mary and I met with several black relatives for dinner at a restaurant in Baltimore. The jovial conversation drifted to politics. I was stunned that they know nothing about several important political issues. Because they only watch mainstream media, my relatives are either misinformed or uninformed.

For example: My relatives have never heard of Sharia Law. When I explained the tyranny of Sharia and how leftists are promoting it in America, my relatives were shocked. Overwhelmed, a relative said, “I’ve heard enough. Can we change the subject?”

The second thing that disturbed me was my relatives’ intense fear of pushing back against LGBTQ indoctrination that is impacting their lives. As I said, these are not political people. And yet, they know they had better not get caught opposing LGBTQ activists forcefully infiltrating every aspect of our lives; from public education to entertainment to Sunday morning worship.

A relative said her two granddaughters told her about a picture posted on the internet by their cousin. Their cousin is a girl who posted a picture of her kissing her girlfriend. All these kids are in elementary school. Disturbed, my relative asked her son, her granddaughter’s father, about the picture. He begged his mom not to say anything about the picture. He feared that disapproving of their cousin kissing her girlfriend could lead to him being deemed an unfit parent and losing custody of his daughters.

Another relative said his two little granddaughters were painting their fingernails. Having a little fun, he bent his hand femininely and said, “Paint my nails too.” The little girls immediately turned stone-faced. They said, “That’s not funny Pop-pop. It’s not right to make fun of them like that.” My relative was taken aback by how upset his granddaughters were with him. He did not know that kids are taught beginning in pre-k that homosexuality is superior to heterosexuality.

Another relative chimed in about a visit at his adult daughter’s home. His granddaughter looked beautiful in her gown for a formal high school event. He was shocked when her date arrived. It was a girl wearing a tuxedo. He thought this was terrible but hid his feelings, fearful of offending his daughter and granddaughter. He knew they would think he was an old-fashion, out-of-date hater if he showed any sign of disapproval.

Folks, LGBTQ activists’ domination of our culture has come a long ways from the days when they claimed they only wanted tolerance. Today, they demand that we bend a knee in total submission and approval of their lifestyle in education, entertainment media and even Christian churches. LGBTQ activists are aggressively seeking to ban the Bible, declaring it bigoted hate speech. LGBTQ activists seek to make it illegal to counsel those who wish to transition from LGBTQ lifestyles.

Leftists are thrilled about “Corpus Christi” which is a blasphemous movie in which Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as homosexuals.  And yet, leftists are demanding that public schools forbid students from drawing pictures of Mohammad because Sharia law says to do so is blasphemy.

My late dad, Dr Rev Lloyd E Marcus said homosexuals were coming out of the closet and forcing us who believe the Bible into the closet. Truer words were never spoken.

Years ago, I wrote an article about how LGBTQ activists were aggressively seeking to infiltrate and take-down Christian institutions like the Boy Scouts of America. Tragically, LGBTQ activists have transformed the Boy Scouts away from its Christian founding, principles and values. Everything I stated in that article was 100% true. Shockingly, Christians, conservatives and Republicans who usually agree with me backed away from me. My article was branded “mean-spirited” and “anti-Christian”.

At that time, I was Chairman of a PAC which helped to elect conservative candidates. LGBTQ activists attacked our candidate, demanding that they disassociate from this “hater”, Lloyd Marcus. My employer warned that if the bad press intensified, he would be forced to request my resignation. This was my first time personally experiencing the wrath and punishment of LGBTQ activists, simply because I warned people about their mission to bully us into submission.

The surprising intensity of the LGBTQ attacks, reporters chasing me down and sticking microphones in my face, scared me. I could not give a rat’s derriere about what leftists think of me. I had to fight off feelings of guilt as I witnessed LGBTQ enforcers attacking everyone associated with me.

My wife Mary and I prayed about the situation. My wife is awesome. Mary said, “You must spread truth without fear of man.” Life has taught us that while my paycheck came from my employer, God is the true source of our financial security. The heated attacks over my LGBTQ/Boy Scouts article faded away. I was not fired.

However, another of my controversial articles sparked tension between my employer and me. Mary and I concluded that I must be free to write as I am led by God. I resigned from my position as chairman of the PAC.

For years, leftists have accused me of being a black “Uncle Tom sellout” highly paid by the Republican Party. This is not true. Quitting my position as chairman of a PAC was a serious financial decision; an act of faith. God is faithful and has sustained us. Praise God!

I left our family gathering at the restaurant feeling a bit disturbed that my relatives were so politically clueless and so fearful of attempting to stop LGBTQ activists from forcing their anti-Christian agenda down the throats of our children. Still, I am determined to continue spreading the truth and standing up for what is right. God is the source of my strength.

On a positive note, my wife Mary is a crab-cake snob. The crab-cakes at Romano’s restaurant were excellent.

© 2019 Lloyd Marcus – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth

The Democratic Agenda: The Nothing Burger Of The Century

(True Conservative Pundit) God hung the world on nothing; the Politicrats are hanging themselves on nothing too.

What exactly is the Politicrat agenda you ask?  Nothing, absolutely nothing.  The Demwits have no agenda to speak of whatsoever.  They have no future direction or agenda to address let alone deal with America’s ills, no legislative accomplishments, and are without a leg to stand on.

Yeah, yeah, there is plenty of noise about a proposed infrastructure deal, but this writer would be surprised if this deal has any legs.  It is being reported that the Dems are really after a climate change appropriation camouflaged as an infrastructure deal; oh, and they will throw in some actual infrastructure with the supposed deal.

Democrats and their RINO helpers have in the past shown a willingness to take any and all money supposedly earmarked for roads and spend it on their “special interests.”  This new infrastructure deal is not at all about infrastructure – in reality it is nothing more than a somewhat tamed down version of AOC’s Green New Deal.  God help us if Trump allows this deal to go forward without ironclad guarantees.

Take a look at this quote concerning a letter, which according to Conservative Daily News, was sent to Trump via Nancy no-mind Pelosi and Chuck-you Schumer on this very topic:

In fact, the letter does not contain any mention of roads, bridges or highways, but instead urges Trump to ‘go beyond transportation’ and include spending for climate change, housing initiatives, public health and ‘clean energy.’”

This is typical Democratic tactics, couch their true aims in a bill that the complicit mainstream media will advertise and present to America as must-have beneficial legislation, when in truth it is nothing more than another Politicrat spending spree on stupidity.

Next up: According to The Daily Caller, Adam shifty-Schiff is calling on AG William Barr to resign:

House Judiciary Chairman Adam Schiff is calling on Attorney General William Barr to resign for allegedly giving ‘deliberately false and misleading’ testimony to Congress last month.”

This claim by shifty-Schiff was made despite the fact that Mueller himself; who, “expressed concerns” about AG Barr’s letter to Congress on Mueller’s conclusions concerning the Trump/Russia collusion probe – apparently called AG Barr and informed him that he did not find Barr’s letter to be misleading or inaccurate, according to the Washington post.

Then we have the Muslims in Congress.  Maybe that does not seem like a problem to many, but it IS a problem.  These Muslims do not support the U.S. or it’s people – rather they support Islam.  They therefore fit right in with the Politicrats who are too cowardly to rebuff their often times hateful statements.  Remember Ilhan Omar’s ant-Semitic comments?  Or how about her comments on 9/11 – “some people did something.”  We can plainly see how distressed Omar was over the attacks on her fellow Americans that resulted in the deaths of thousands of people from these Islamic terrorist attacks.  Omar in this writers opinion is no American.

In Omar’s latest hate filled, ignorant, and stupid rant, she proclaimed America will not be the nation of white people – while proclaiming that President Trump is to blame for the rise in anti-Semitism as well as being at fault for the recent attack on the Poway Synagogue.  Yes – the very president who has supported the Jewish State all along and even moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, proclaiming to the entire world that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

All this coming form the one who said Israel has no right to exist and that Congress was being paid off to support Israel – AND is in bed with terrorist organizations such as CAIR.

The Politicrats have no clear legislative agenda that benefits America, and they have no clear solutions to America’s problems.  Instead, there is never any true attempt at teamwork, rather the Politicrats engage in subterfuge, lies, misdirection, character assassination, Trump bashing, incitement of violence against Christians and conservatives, (while they accuse Trump, Crenshaw, and others of inciting violence by simply telling the truth) and politically motivated attacks.

One has only to look at the content of the mainstream media’s news stories to see the truth of all of this, actually just reading the headlines lays it all out as plain as day.  If it is a question or a concern as to the Politicrats; everyone else is lying, out to get them, participating in wild conspiracy theories, engaging in Trump cronyism, or are simply too stupid to see the truth – which by the way includes We the People.

If on the other hand the questions raised concern the Republicans, conservatives and/or Christians; well hold on now – don’t anyone dare to doubt the Politicrats who are above reproach.  This same people group according to the Politicrats are always, always guilty until proven innocent.  Just look at the Trump/Russia collusion investigation, supposedly there is to be clear evidence of a crime before a special counsel is called to investigate.  Except that there wasn’t any, evidence that is.  But when you are NOT a Politicrat, well, to Hell with evidence, who needs evidence right?

This author has written extensively on what the Politicrats stand for, and it is nothing good, and nothing that will help America – only what will help advance the Politicrat agenda which coincides with the coming One World government – destroy America while handsomely profiting from doing so.

The Democratic agenda is the nothing burger of the century.  There is no agenda, unless you call Trump Derangement Syndrome an agenda.  The Politicrats have one thing on the table, and one thing only – a vendetta of biblical proportions against President Donald Trump.  This vendetta rules their every waking moment, it fuels their every decision, and it dictates their every move and every action that they take or do not take.

These are your Democrats and RINOs America, how much longer will you tolerate them?  The time to take action is NOW; support those who fight against these un-American traitors.  Sign petitions against them, call, email, and write to your representatives in Congress, vote them out of office.  Make your voices heard America, before it’s too late.

Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst and author. By day Greg is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.

If you would like to republish his articles, feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website the article appeared on.

Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the Church

© 2019 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt:

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Nellie Ohr’s Work On The ‘Trump Dirty Dossier’ Referred To Attorney General For Prosecution

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

“Don’t be satisfied with the Mueller report. This is bound to happen again because these arrogant, condescending, lying, leaking haters of you and me and the America that doesn’t have power, will do it again unless we stop them. And the only way to stop them is with justice. True justice- behind bars justice,” Judge Jeanine Pirro, Fox News Channel, Author of Radicals, Resistance and Revenge: The Left’s Plot to Remake America.

On Wednesday morning, the nation’s lawmakers, news correspondents, political operatives, government law enforcement and intelligence officers, as well as interested partisans within the two major political parties and the smaller organizations — such as the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, the Constitution Party of America and others — were practically glued to the floor of the U.A. Senate. It was a big day for the Senate Democrats: They were going to be briefed by Attorney General Bill Barr on the recently released Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report that he and his legal team of partisan Democrats admitted contained no criminal allegation.

However, the Senate hearing regarding the Mueller Report gave Democrats the ability to resort to name-calling, conjecture, providing unsubstantiated information and turning the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” on its head. It also showed how weak-kneed most of the Republicans are since they still control the Senate and it’s oversight committees and yet they are allowing their opposition in the Democratic Party and the leftist news media to smear and sneer [at] the GOP without providing any corroboration.

What the Democratic Party’s plan to control the media narrative didn’t expect was that many Americans have dropped or limited their news reading and/or ceased their listening/watching news outlets such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.

The Nellie Ohr Case

One news story that will be given the old “quick shrift” undoubtedly will be the news media coverage of Nellie Ohr’s referral to the Department of Justice for an investigation into her connection between her employer, the well-known private intelligence firm in Britain known as Fusion GPS , which just happened to hire Nellie Ohr, who is married to one of the top attorneys at the Justice Department.

According to a number of news accounts and Beltway scuttlebutt, Nellie Ohr is the wife of Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr. Ohr reportedly worked on the Hillary Clinton Email Case and then he worked on the case of Trump-Russia Collusion.

Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015.  Nellie Ohr’s work was then used by former MI6  spy, Christopher Steele, in putting together a “Dirty Dossier” which was then shared with out-of-control partisans at the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, today questioned Attorney General Bill Barr on the Department of Justice’s report on their investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election during a full committee hearing. There, Sen. Cruz highlighted Democrats’ failed attempts to denounce the validity of the Mueller report based off their biased party-line views against President Trump.

“I think this hearing today has been quite revealing to anyone watching it. Although perhaps not for the reason some of the Democratic Senators intended,” Sen. Cruz said. “One thing that’s revealing in the discussions and questions that came up, a word that occurred almost none at all, is the word ‘Russia.’ For two and a half years, we heard Democratic senators going on and on and on about Russia collusion. Instead, the principle attack that the Democratic senators have marshalled upon you concerns this March 27th letter from Robert Mueller. And it’s an attack that I want people to understand just how revealing it is. If this is their whole argument, they ain’t got nothing,” Cruz quipped during the Barr hearing.

Watch Sen. Cruz’s line of questioning here and/or read the full transcript is below:

Sen. Cruz: “Let me start by just saying thank you. You’ve had an extraordinarily successful legal career. You didn’t have to take this job. And you stepped forward and answered the call, yet again, knowing full well that you would be subject to the kind of slanderous treatment, the Kavanaugh treatment, that we have seen of senators impugning your integrity. And I, for one, am grateful that you answered that call and are leading the Department of Justice both with integrity and fidelity to law. That is what the nation rightly expects of our attorney general, and I believe you are performing that very ably.

“I think this hearing today has been quite revealing to anyone watching it. Although perhaps not for the reason some of the Democratic Senators intended.

“One thing that’s revealing in the discussions and questions that came up, a word that occurred almost none at all, is the word “Russia.” For two and a half years, we heard Democratic senators going on and on and on about Russia collusion. We heard journalists going on and on about Russia collusion. Alleging, among other things, some using extreme rhetoric, calling the president a traitor. We heard very little of that in this hearing today. Instead, the principle attack that the Democratic senators have marshalled upon you concerns this March 27th letter from Robert Mueller. And it’s an attack that I want people to understand just how revealing it is. If this is their whole argument, they ain’t got nothing.

“So, their argument is as follows–let me see if I understand it correctly. You initially, when you received the Mueller Report, released to Congress and the public a four-page summary of the conclusions. Then on March 27th, Mr. Mueller asked you to release an additional nineteen pages, the introduction and summary that he had drafted. And indeed, in the letter what he says is, quote, ‘I am requesting that you provide these materials to Congress and authorize their public release at this time.’ And the reason he says, ‘It is to fully capture the context, nature and substance of the office’s work and conclusion.’

“And so, you did not release those 19 pages at that time. Instead, a couple of weeks later you released 448 pages. The entire report which includes those nineteen pages. Do I have that timeline correct?”

Attorney General Barr: “That’s right.”

Sen. Cruz: “So, their entire argument is: General Barr, you suppressed the 19 pages that are entirely public, that we have, that we can read, that they know every word of it, and their complaint is it was delayed a few weeks. That was because of your decision not to release the report piecemeal but rather to release those 19 pages along with the entire 448 pages produced by the Special Counsel?”

Attorney General Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Cruz: “If that is their argument, I have to say that is an exceptionally weak argument. Because if you’re hiding something, I’ll tell you right now Attorney General Barr, you’re doing a lousy job of hiding it. Because the thing they suggesting you hid, you released to Congress and the American people. So if anyone wants to know what’s in those 19 pages that are being so breathlessly, ‘Oh, Bob Mueller said release the 19 pages.’ You did. You did it a couple of weeks later. But, we can read every word of the 19 pages along with the full report.

“In your judgment was the Mueller report thorough?”

Attorney General Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Cruz: “Did they expend enormous time, energy and resources in investigating and producing that report?”

Attorney General Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Cruz: “And the Mueller report concluded, flat out, on the question of Russian collusion the evidence did not support criminal charges?” 

Attorney General Barr: “That’s right.”

Sen. Cruz: “And indeed the Mueller report, if I have these stats right, was compiled by 19 lawyers who were on the team, approximately forty FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, more than 230 orders for communication records, almost 50 orders authorizing the use of pen registered, 13 requests to foreign government for evidence and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses. Is that correct?”

Attorney General Barr: “That’s right.”

Sen. Cruz: “So, we have investigated over and over and over again. And the substance of the accusations that have been leveled at the president for two and a half years have magically disappeared. Instead, the complaint is the 19 pages that we can all read that is entirely public could have been released a few weeks earlier. Oh, the calamity.

“Let me shift to a different topic that has already been addressed already quite a bit. I believe the Department of Justice under the Obama administration was profoundly politicized. And was weaponized to go after political opponents of the president.

“If that is the case, would you agree that politicizing the Department of Justice and weaponizing it to go after your political opponents is an abuse of power?”

Attorney General Barr: “I think it’s an abuse of power regardless of who does it.”

Sen. Cruz: “Of course.”

Attorney General Barr: “Yeah.”

Sen. Cruz: “To the best of your knowledge, when did surveillance of the Trump campaign begin?”

Attorney General Barr: “The position today appears to be that it began in July. But I do not know the answer to the question.”

Sen. Cruz: “It is an unusual thing, is it not, for the Department of Justice to be investigating a candidate for president, particularly a candidate from the opposing party of the party in power?”

Attorney General Barr: “Yes.”

Sen. Cruz: “Do we know if the Obama administration investigated any other candidates running for president?”

Attorney General Barr: “I don’t know.”

Sen. Cruz: “Do we know if they wiretapped any other–”

Attorney General Barr: “I’m sorry. I guess they were investigating Hillary Clinton for the email, the email thing.”

Sen. Cruz: “Do we know if there were wiretaps?

Attorney General Barr: “I don’t know.”

Sen. Cruz: “Do we know if there were efforts to send investigators in wearing a wire?”

Attorney General Barr: “I don’t know.”

Sen. Cruz: “So, General Barr, I would urge, you have had remarkable transparency. You promised this committee you would with regard to the Mueller report. You promised this committee and the American people you would release the Mueller report publicly. You have released the report. Anyone can read it, it’s right here. I appreciate that transparency. I would ask you to bring the same transparency to this line of questioning about whether and the extent to which the previous administration politicized the Department of Justice, targeted their political rivals, and used law enforcement and intelligence assets to surveil them improperly.”

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail:

Rise Up In The Spirit Of Paul Revere

Paul Revere was an American silversmith who took part in the American Revolution as a member of the Boston Tea Party and alerted the Lexington Minutemen before the approach of the British in 1775. Paul Revere has become a household name in America. Revere was a hero, a patriot and a symbol of the American Revolution because he risked his life for the Colonies. Due to his bravery, courage and patriotism, Revere was immortalized by the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem (Paul Revere’s Ride). This poem is perhaps the main reason that both are memorialized today.

The cliché that history repeats itself may be true or may be open to debate. But the same events do occur at different times and eras that we sometimes wish our past heroes could come back and rescue us again. We live in an era that could use a few Paul Reveres.

Heroes like Paul Revere never die, they will be remembered forever. Why? Because Paul Revere is the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is a Paul Revere. Muslims and their paid for media constantly attack those of us who sound the alarm about Islam, the deadliest ideology in human history and erroneously call us “Islamophobes.” People have no idea that we are at war with an enemy as savage, as voracious and as heartless as the Nazis.

Meanwhile, this enemy is on the march through “stealth jihad,” and it aims to obliterate anything and anyone that stands in its way. Sounding the clarion call about this deadly ideology is not Islamophobia, as many as these apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Warning of the danger of Islamic ideology is based on irrefutable facts, and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative.

Iran, the country of my birth, has been at war with Islam for over 1400 years and currently, Iran is under the occupation of the same savages who propagate Islamophobia immediately when you criticize this cult of death. I have been sounding the alarm about Islam’s imminent deadly threat for over three decades. The Islamic treasury flush with oil extortion money together with the help of the left enjoys the upper hand in this battle of survival for freedom. The slaveholder Islam has been transformed into a more virulent form of Islamofascism. It is an inveterate unrelenting enemy of freedom. We need to act now and stem the tide of this deadly threat. Tomorrow may be too late. Freedom is too precious to abandon through complacency, acts of political correctness, or outright cowardice.

We have a saying in Persian that the way you take your first step, points your path for the rest of your journey. To elucidate this, please allow me to elaborate and give a brief account of Islam.

Islam’s very first step was that of violence aimed at the decimation of any people that stood in its path of conquest. It all started with Muhammad when his own Quraysh tribe chased him out of his hometown of Mecca. He was a troublemaker that earned the “crazed poet” epithet.

He escaped from Mecca and settled in Medina where a large tolerant Jewish community lived. There he found enough peace to start his campaign to gather a bunch of thugs with the promise of booty in this world as well as eternal pleasures of a sensual paradise if people followed his edict.

The rest is history. One of the very first things he did was to turn on the Jews of Medina – an easy and convenient target to kill, loot and enslave. Being amply rewarded for this thuggery, his followers expanded their range. To this day, the goal is the same, destroy any and all people who refuse to surrender everything they have to this creed of savagery and slavery.

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to galvanize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism and totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable doctrines of hate and violence remain confined to their place under the “shameful” classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program for life. Hence, it is people who are guilty of bringing them to life, the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense in a court of law, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts, practices and blindly following Islam’s bidding, constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carrying out its ruthless instructions at great harm to non-believers.

A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd.

The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard obedient literal believers of Allah.

Then, there are those apologists who do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out of it. These illusionists—the smoke and mirror artists—are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half-truth-half lies, to keep the faithful in line and fool gullible non-Muslims.

And then there are the sheep— rank – and – file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot-soldiers—those servants of the All Kind and All Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kefirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerfully as they slash a lamb’s throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their katyusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population.

Are all Muslims the leeching clergy, or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you ask?

The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person’s Muslim-ness. If he is only a Muslim who does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoing of Islam.

Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem.

Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. Let me answer that. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned either by God or self-appointed. I am not egoistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoing. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocide, religiously-based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place and any other considerations.

My focus is Islam, because I, my people and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascim visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence.

I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims—my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries.

I am the voice of tens of thousands of Iran’s best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped and viciously slaughtered by Allah’s beasts presently ruling Iran.

The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people’s vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with the ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele.

In the meantime, over the past four decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy, they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world’s most drug-addicted societies and have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive.

It is, so, I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice, and warn others of the dangers of Islamism in all its forms. I also challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join the forces of liberty and justice of free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind.

Fellow patriots: It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, in the spirit of our past American patriot and hero, Paul Revere, I beg, each and every one of you to rise up, speak up and urge other good patriotic men and women of this great nation to unite and defend, protect and safeguard America before this insidious enemy of all persuasions would try to silence us by ever-creeping Islamofascism.

© 2019 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The DOJ’s Brazen Cesspool Of Criminal Activity

If that body (Congress) be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. —President James Garfield

Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever persuasion, religious or political. —President Thomas Jefferson at first inaugural address

Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit. —President James Madison, Federalist No. 51, February 8, 1788

The Russian collusion investigation was a coup…brought to us by those within the Obama administration and his Department of Justice (DOJ).  Indications point to Obama as the director of this insurrection. It was a conspiracy, it was criminal activity with several violations of U.S. Title 18 code; the most shocking violation of the Constitution in criminal activity in the history, not just of America, but of a western government.

Much of this rises to the level of treason, as well as sedition, as it was a clear conspiracy.  There should be indictments especially when the reality is that the collusion was on the Democratic side and the contrived dossier came from Russian intelligence. These people need to be indicted, charged, and sentenced.  If they’re not, then our Constitution is nothing more than a sham.

The Marxist movement within the DNC is in control right now.  The “regressive” goals of the Marxists fully match what the democrat left is promoting today.

Eliminating our sovereignty is one of their top goals. In order to turn this country into a globalist Marxist government, three things must be destroyed. They have to change the Constitution, especially the first and second amendments.  As Marxists, they despise and target Christianity and want it destroyed because it underlines our Constitution and faith in our Creator mentioned in the Declaration of Independence.  And, they must destroy the very founding principles of America…our culture.

All three of these goals are coming to fruition and this rises to the level of treason.

Mueller Shouldn’t Have Taken the Job

Robert Mueller should never have accepted the appointment of Special Counsel for an investigation into Russian Collusion.  He knew from the very get-go that the dossier was a pile of schmutz, yet it is never mentioned in the final Mueller report.

Victoria Toensing, of diGenova and Toensing Law Firm, stated in her recent WSJ article that, “Justice Department regulations authorize appointment of a special counsel when the attorney general ‘determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted.’”  She goes on to say that Rod Rosenstein who was then attorney general because of AG Sessions’ recusal, disregarded the criminal conduct requirement and authorized a broad and vague counterintelligence probe, directing the special counsel to investigate “any links” between the Russian government and the Trump campaign.  This was unprecedented and gave a blank check to Mueller, and his gang of Hillary supporting democrat attorneys, the right to go after anyone or anything related to President Trump.

Toensing explains in detail the changes that are needed in the regulations governing the appointment of special counsels. “The rules were written by the Clinton Justice Department in 1999 after Congress declined to renew the law providing for the appointment of independent counsels.”

Her final statement in this important article is, “Mr. Barr’s Justice Department can amend the regulations without Congress, just as Janet Reno’s department wrote the rules two decades ago.  The democrats will scream and yell, but when they control the executive branch, they’ll love the clarity.”

The weaponization of the intelligence community and other government agencies created an environment that allowed for obstruction in the investigation into Hillary Clinton and the relentless pursuit of a manufactured collusion narrative against Trump.

A willing and complicit media spread unsubstantiated leaks as facts in an effort to promote the Russia-collusion narrative.  Link

Rosenstein Retiring

Rosenstein is retiring as of May 11, 2019, and Barr has said, “Rosenstein served the Justice Department with dedication and distinction. His devotion to the Department and its professionals is unparalleled. Over the course of his distinguished government career, he has navigated many challenging situations with strength, grace, and good humor.”

Oh, Right AG Barr, the man who gave a blank check to Mueller and who allowed this improper, illegal, and unparalleled investigation of a sitting president is a devoted professional. This is the same man who protected the Clinton/Obama people, silent on her illicit emails and who signed off on FISA warrants from the bogus Trump dossier, who wanted to use the 25th amendment against the President and offered to wear a wire to record our President.

Excuse the hell out of me, but this is pure hogwash and I hope Barr knows it.

Mueller Targets

Lt. General Michael Flynn was the first of their targets for good reason and was set-up by the FBI, by Obama, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and others.  He never lied to anyone, including VP Pence who I believe was instrumental in working with the FBI to eliminate General Flynn.  Fear of Mike Flynn was of top concern.  He is an expert on China, Iran, Islam and our intelligence community and had to be dispatched. Many were involved in eliminating this brilliant veteran from helping our President.  He should be freed of this horror his family has lived through for over two years.  Please help defray the millions in legal debts by donating to whatever you can to

Paul Manafort was investigated by the DOJ in 2014 and they found his conduct not prosecutable.  But the resurrection of the evidence by Mueller’s team has destroyed him because of his four-month position as campaign manager with candidate Trump.  He spent nine months in solitary confinement because of democrat appointed judges when apparently multiple murderers, Charles Manson and Richard Speck, weren’t even put in solitary confinement.

Investigators accused Manafort of lying in court despite the fact that he denied candidate Trump’s prior knowledge of the June 9th, 2016 meeting he attended with Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. with a Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The same goes for Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone who have been pressured to sign a plea deal falsely attesting to being conduits to Julian Assange.  Roger also needs help with his legal defense fund.  Both he and General Flynn have lost their homes.

Democratic Disappointment

The end of the special counsel’s probe shattered the Democrat’s claim of Russian conspiracy.  Of course, we all know where the real Russian conspiracy lies, but main stream media will never divulge the truth.  Americans are more interested in the economy, illegal immigration and health care than this spurious investigation of our President.  Don’t forget that the left not only hates Trump, but they hate everyone who voted for him.

And what is in this final report is as revealing as what is not in the report…there is nothing whatsoever regarding a mention of the fraudulent and manufactured Steele dossier.

The dossier, characterized by Former FBI Director James Comey under oath as “salacious and unverified,” consisted of opposition research compiled by a former British intelligence officer and commissioned by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  This piece of garbage was created by Hillary Clinton and the DNC; and Hillary’s campaign manager was pushing the fake Russia story at the DNC convention the very same day the FBI launched the Trump/Russia investigation. Link  And yes, DNC lawyers met with the FBI on Russia allegations before the surveillance warrant.

At this point everyone should know about the involvement of Obama, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, James Baker, Bill Priestap, James Clapper, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, former Director of National Security Agency Michael Hayden, and far more, including Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller himself, along with his 17 democrat attorneys who went after President Trump.

Comey was the catalyst that started this when he showed the Steel dossier to the President and then leaked it to the press.  When James Comey was questioned by Congress, he answered, “I don’t know,” “I don’t recall,” and “I don’t remember” 236 times while under oath. But he remembered enough to write a book where he comes off as sanctimonious despite Amazon’s five-star promotion.

James Comey claimed that the Mueller report was deficient.  However, Comey’s statement on Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized home email server that allowed the Chinese to intercept Clinton’s server and classified documents in real time was more than deficient!

The FBI has admitted that those illicit emails from Clinton’s server were also found in the Obama White House.  Yes, Obama knew!  E.W. (Bill) Priestap, assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, made the disclosure to Judicial Watch as part of court-ordered discovery into the Clinton email issue.

Where Were Whistle Blowers

Apparently, no one in the FBI thought it crazy that former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe said “F Trump” many times in a meeting with agents.  And apparently no one in the FBI thought it absolutely insane for Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein to offer to wear a wire and record the President!  But wait, there’s more.  Strzok and Page both discussed sending a counter-intelligence officer to Mike Pence’s first transition briefing as Vice President elect.  Where’s the investigation?

VP Pence says that he was deeply offended by Strzok and Page for their talk of infiltrating his transition team.  I don’t hear him being deeply offended by what has happened to the President, to General Flynn, to Paul Manafort, to Roger Stone, to Papadopoulos, or to Jerome Corsi.  This “shadow president” wants more than anything to be the leader of the free world.  Surely the Koch brothers and Dick and Betsy DeVos will fund his campaign for President, just as they’ve funded him from the beginning of his political days.

AG Barr

Our new former Bush attorney general is being excoriated for standing by the President, when in fact, he seems to be standing by the law.  Do I trust this long-time friend of Robert Mueller?  Not yet.  I want to wait and see what he does legally.  So far, he’s been honorable, but I cannot give him credence as a man who would stand by the “rule of law” until the perpetrators of this conspiracy are brought to justice and until those who committed crimes are indicted.

The leftists are accusing AG Barr of a “coverup” and “exoneration,” but the real coverups lie with all of them and Obama’s DOJ, not to mention Robert Mueller who never investigated the dossier pack of lies.  He obviously had no interest in the coup perpetrated by the very FBI which he led from 2001-2013…the last two years under Obama who kept him past the 10-year term via Congressional approval.

Mueller avoided opening the true can of worms…the Steele dossier, and actually covered for his FBI.  He even kept Strzok on his investigation payroll for six months after the Strzok/Page emails became known.  As Kimberley Strassel said in a recent Fox interview, Mueller was to investigate Russian interference in the election, but he never looked at the fact that the fake dossier may have been disinformation from the Russian government.

Strassel asks in her WSJ article, “How did Mr. Mueller spend two years investigating every aspect of Russian interference, cyber hacking, social media trolling, meetings with Trump officials, and not consider the possibility that the dossier was part of the Russian interference effort?”

Let’s pray that the Inspector General, Michael Horowitz and our new Attorney General William Barr actually answer the questions Mueller refused to touch!


Todd Starnes reports that many advanced placement students across the fruited plain will be using an American history textbook that depicts President Trump as mentally ill and his supporters as racists. The textbook, published by British owned Pearson Education, is titled, “By the People: A History of the United States.” It was first exposed by radio host Alex Clark in 2018.  Pearson promotes common core testing and corporate school-to-work education.

And all of this was brought to us by the Democratic Party’s nominee, Hillary Clinton, who stole the nomination from commie Bernie, stole debate questions, had the FBI bury evidence against her, financed a fake dossier, weaponized the FBI by spying on her opponent, outspent her opponent, and still lost to a man she called incompetent.

Why isn’t she in prison?

© 2019 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

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In God We Should Trust

It boggles the mind how often and far sweeping the effort to eliminate the role and knowledge of God’s role in our nation’s birth and growth to greatness.  After decades of the leftist effort to strip the memory of God from our swampy capitol, there are still many reminders of faith that remain.  Washington D.C. is chock full of Christian symbols that adorn its buildings and monuments as an abiding evidence of God’s role in our republic’s heritage.  From halls of Congress to every landmark edifice, biblical and religious quotations and images are inscribed and preserved as an official testimony to the true and rightful place God maintains in our nation’s birthright and history.

In the House Chamber is the inscription, “In God We Trust.” Also, in the House chambers, above the gallery door, stands a marble relief of Moses, surrounded by twenty two other lawgivers.  At the east entrance to the Senate chamber are the words Amuit Coeptis, which is Latin for “He has favored our undertakings.”  The words “In God We Trust” are also written over the southern entrance.  In the Rotunda is the painting of “The Baptism of Pocahontas,” and also “The Embarkation of the Pilgrims” the depicts the Pilgrims praying on shipboard led by William Brewster.  Clearly seen in an open Bible are the words, “the New Testament according to our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.”  The words “God With Us”  are inscribed on the sail of the ship.

In the Capitol’s chapel is a stained glass window depicting George Washington in prayer under the inscription “This Nation Under God.”  Also, the prayer from Psalm 16:1 is etched in the windows, which states, “Preserve me, God, for in Thee do I put my trust.”

The Supreme Court building has a number of places where there are images of Moses with the Ten Commandments.  Moses is included among the great lawgivers in Herman MacNeil’s marble sculpture group on the east front.  As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door and a display of the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door and a display of the Ten Commandments is also engraved over the chair of the Chief Justice.

When you enter the beautiful Jefferson Memorial, you will find many references to God.  A quote that runs around the interior dome says, “I have sworn upon the alter of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the minds of man.”  One of the panels reads: “God who gave us life gave us liberty.  Can the Liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed conviction that these liberties are a gift from God?  Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

Millions have entered the Lincoln Memorial and gazed upon the magnificent statue of Abraham Lincoln.  His famous speeches are inscribed into the walls.  On the left side is the Gettysburg Address.  He said, “We are highly resolved that these dead shall not have died in vain, that in this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” On the right side is Lincoln’s second Inaugural Address, which mentions God fourteen times and quotes the Bible twice.  He concludes with a lament over the destruction caused by the Civil War and appeals to charity in healing the wounds of the war. “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle for his widow and his orphan, to all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Such reference to the almighty was the way of life in times of both struggle and ease.  America has always been great, although there were mistakes and traumas along the way.  After all, no one is perfect.  But so long as the goal to strive for righteousness, both individually and as a nation remained intact, America advanced overall.  But those hell bent on her destruction have vastly inhibited our republic on many fronts ranging from education, national security and Providential guidance.  As we witness the crossroads America finds herself today, it imperative that “We the People” trust in God, or forget about it.

Don’t forget to tune into the Ron Edwards Experience talk show, Fridays at 4 PM EST, 1 PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nevada.  Everywhere else you can listen in via at home or your cell phone.

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Why Barr Must Confront The Deep State

Due to her amazing job taking care of our home, 9 birds, 2 cats, one greyhound and me, my wife Mary has not followed the intricate details of the Mueller/deep state silent coup to end Trump’s presidency.

Mary asked, “Is Mueller a good guy or a bad guy? To prevent her eyes from glazing over, I kept it simple. Mueller is a bad guy. He could have concluded in two weeks that Trump did not collude with Russia to steal the presidential election from Hillary Clinton. And yet, Mueller dragged out his bogus investigation for over two years which dramatically harmed Trump’s approval numbers and even may have caused Republicans to lose the house.

Then, Mary asked, “Why won’t AG William Barr comply with Democrats’ demand that he release the Mueller report unredacted?” I explained, redacted means taking a marker and blacking out information unrelated to the investigation. During the course of an FBI investigation, personal information about your life will surface. It is unfair and illegal to go public with your personal information if it has nothing to do with the charges against you.

Therefore, Barr would be breaking the law if he released the Mueller report unredacted. Embarrassing dirt was exposed during the Bill Clinton sex sandals investigation. Democrats wanted to make sure such details would not be made public again. They passed a law that future investigations must be redacted. Now, Democrats are demanding that Barr break their own law.

Fake news media and Democrats know the law prevents Barr from releasing the unredacted Mueller report. And yet, Democrats are absurdly viciously attacking and seeking to destroy Barr, flooding the airwaves with their lies that Barr is illegally protecting Trump. Democrats know they can lie to the American people about Barr because fake news media will cover for them.

The Mueller report found no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia.  And yet, Democrats, the deep state and fake news media intend to continue promoting their lie that Trump colluded and obstructed justice all the way to the 2020 presidential election.

Exposing their repulsive arrogance and sense of superiority, John Brennan, James Clapper, Adam Schiff, James Comey and Obama minions are moving full speed ahead with their treasonous quest to remove Trump from office. These evil people are using fake news media to sell their lie that Trump is guilty of obstruction for simply confronting their lie-filled attempts to over-through his presidency. They expected Trump to behave like a typical wimpy passive Republican and allow them to destroy him.

AJ William Barr must follow through with holding them accountable to save Trump’s presidency and the rule of law in America. The only thing that is going to stop the deep state’s Terminator cyborg focus on removing Trump from the White House is a powerful political punch in the face by Barr.

Bullies are cowards. As a black kid growing up in the mean projects of Baltimore, bullies took my lunch money. Cousin Jimmy confronted them with a threat of personal destruction if they dared to bother me again. They complied. Cousin Jimmy also taught me the power and wisdom of having a strong military. Washington DC is full of cowardly bullies, hellbent on undermining the will and best interest of the American people.

These bad players in the deep state have no fear of punishment for their treason. Barr must push them back on their heels, forcing them to go on defense.

When Barr probes deep into the deep state’s outrageous, unprecedented and illegal attempt to reverse the 2016 election, all the cockroaches will run, exposed by the light of truth and justice. That will be a glorious thing to see; a great day for America.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
Help Lloyd spread the Truth:

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They Call It ‘U.S. History’

Some years ago, back in the 1990s, I was substitute teaching at a local high school—U.S. History, Advanced Placement class: smart kids. Their teacher had left an assignment for them to do in class, so I didn’t have much to do. They also had to hand in essays. I asked them if they’d mind if I read the essays while they did their classwork. Since I wouldn’t be marking the essays, they were cool with that.

The subject was the Mexican War. They were short essays, so I read them all: all 22 of them.

Each and every one of those essays stated the opinion that the United States was absolutely morally wrong to go to war with Mexico, that the war was totally unjust, and that it was a bad thing that America won it. Et cetera—a wholesale, unanimous condemnation of that chapter of our country’s history.

I just had to say something. Couldn’t let it pass. So I asked for their attention and I spoke my piece.

“I think I’m seeing something here today that hasn’t been seen before,” I said. “For the first time that I know of, the vast resources of the state—in this case, this school building, with its teachers and administrators and their salaries, maintenance costs, textbooks, insurance, and all the rest—is being used to teach a whole generation that the state is not worthy of their loyalty. And I wonder what that bodes for this country’s future—teaching young people that it’s a bad country, that it doesn’t deserve their support.

“Every one of you voiced the same opinion in this essay, as if there could only be one side to the question: Mexico’s side. Not America’s. As if our country didn’t even have a side. And that’s not history. It’s not an education. And it’s not honest.”

Then the bell rang, so there was no time for discussion. A few months later, though, at the same school, one of the girls from that class met me in the hall and said, “I can’t stop thinking about what you said about our essays.” “I’m glad you’re thinking—keep it up,” I answered. So maybe I accomplished something. I’ll never know for sure.

Fast-forward to the present: a new U.S. History textbook for Advanced Placement high school students, “By the People,” published by Pearson Education and scheduled to be used in many schools next year, states—as a history lesson—that Donald Trump shows signs of mental illness, is obviously a racist, and was elected by “angry racists.”

Those angry racists are tens of millions of American voters, including quite a few of you. All bad naughty people, for not electing Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the Northern Hemisphere. For not wanting any more Far Left government. For saving our country from open borders, Obamacare, and the weird Climate Cult inhabited by citizens of the world.

Did I just let it slip that there was more than one side to that 2016 election?

But our education establishment doesn’t want that. What they want is roomful after roomful of college-bound high school students all writing essays stating that the angry racists of America, that wretched country, elected that racist lunatic Donald Trump because they’re just too dumb and wicked to appreciate the good things that global socialism has to offer! They want 22 kids with one opinion. Millions of kids with only one opinion. That’s what they call an education.

When are we going to stop educating our country to death? If we could stop tomorrow, we’d still be stuck with a couple million college snowflakes who’ve been spoon-fed Far Left Crazy from kindergarten right through their senior year at Indoctrination U. It would take years and years to undo that damage, if it could be undone at all.

Government schooling serves the government, and the left-wing whackos who infest it.

All the people are allowed to do is pay for it.

We have to stop it… before it stops us.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, . Stop in and visit; a single click will take you there. You can also find my articles at .

© 2019 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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Do You Believe In Miracles?

Whatever happened to the Supernatural?  Why is it that in the day in which we live we see so little of the miraculous?  Is it because there is no God or is it because there is so little faith?

I want to believe in miracles.  Don’t you?  I want to believe in the miraculous hand of God, don’t you?  I want to believe that the supernatural is still available and at our fingertips.  Don’t you?

Could it be that there are so few miraculous healings because there are so few of us who really believe God is still alive?  Is it possible that even those of us who believe in God still have a hard time convincing ourselves that He is still in the miracle working business?

Would He even BE God if He could not do the miraculous?

In the past weeks I have seen the miraculous hand of God move, yet even after it occurred it was still hard for me to give credit where credit is due.  In each case I knew what I was seeing was more than a coincidence…impossible actually…but we have become so jaded that we have lost the ability to BELIEVE.

It is actually cognitive dissonance in reverse.  Cognitive dissonance is common in the world today.  It is the inability to believe what your eyes see.  For instance, believing you can smoke cigarettes and not have it affect you is a perfect example of disbelieving what all of the evidence proves.

Failure to believe in miracles is the same thing.  When something happens that we cannot explain we simply write it off as a coincidence…or a strange happening…rather than actually recognizing the miracle that has taken place.

Don’t you want to believe in miracles?  Don’t we pray for miracles?  Don’t we petition the Lord with prayers for Him to move in the midst of our situation?  Aren’t we grateful when things all work out?  Why don’t we see that as a miracle of God?

God has gotten out the miracle working business.  The problem is that we have gotten out of the miracle BELIEVING business.

American Christianity has become so faithless.  The entire ministry of Jesus on earth was loaded with miracles.  He went around healing the sick, raising the dead, and encouraging His followers to do the same.  Wherever Jesus went, miracles followed.

Why does the church no longer believe in them?  Why is the healing of the sick not an everyday occurrence?  Is it because Jesus has lost His power or is it that we have lost our ability to believe?  Why has the miraculous become rare in the American church today?

When Jesus was about to leave the earth to return to His Father He charged his followers In Mark 16:16-17 by saying;

And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

These were more than mere exhortations to His followers…they were pseudo commands…evidence of what a follower of Jesus would look like.   Cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and see them recover…everyday miraculous sort of stuff.

Why don’t we see it today?  Why is there no power in the American church?  Why are building more hospitals and closing more churches?  Why is the miraculous no longer common place?

At another place in the Scripture’s, John 14:12, Jesus told His followers this:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Was Jesus a liar?  Is the church showing these greater works that Jesus was referring to?  Is the age of miracles over?  Has Jesus broken His promise?  Why does the miraculous seem so rare?  If God can no longer work miracles is He REALLY God?

Turn on your television.  The rise in the occult is astonishing.  The supernatural is everywhere.  But most of the supernatural that the citizenry is observing is coming from the dark side.  The church, supposedly full of believers empowered by the Holy Spirit are shaking powerlessly inside their stained-glassed fortresses.

Jesus confronted the dark side.  He pointed out to His disciples the impact of evil and explained to us how to successfully battle against those forces.  Walk into any church and you will hear sermons on how to get victory over those forces, yet there is virtually no follow through.

The visible “Church” is oblivious to the spiritual battle raging all around them.  While the pagans and the occultists are becoming bolder every day, openly casting spells and launching a frontal assault on all things righteous, Christians are too dumbed-down to unleash the power that Christ made available to them.

Jesus told us that He would build a church “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”    He left us with supernatural power to win a supernatural war.  Why does the church seem so powerless against the forces of darkness?

The “church” is unbelieving and our lack of faith has made the miraculous rare.  Things will never change in this nation until the church believes it can.  God is waiting for His TRUE church to arise.  Will you step out in faith?  Will you fight when things seem impossible?  Do you REALLY believe that “with God all things are possible?”  You move and God moves.

Do you believe in miracles?

© 2019 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire:

Presidential Candidate: I Cannot Help Myself, I Was Born This Way! It’s Gods Fault

“If you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me, your corral sir, is with my creator!” —Pete Buttigieg

The Bible clearly declares that the righteous Kings of old would rid their lands of the sodomites (Homosexuals), while in the present, those who want to be the king (Isaiah 14:14), literally, want to fill the land with sodomites.

“And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land.” -1 Kings 22:46

I am here speaking of self-professed sodomite Christian (No such thing -The Lord and the Devil are not united) Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is unabashedly and unashamedly running for the President of the United States of America.

You see, Pete is one that has taken part in what no man has ever in the history of mankind has, in daring the justice of God.  Pete has “married” another man (2 Peter 2:6)!

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

Pete along with the Homosexual lobby, are now taking the blame game to a whole new level, they now want you to blindly cheerlead and parrot along with themselves that somehow or another The Living God who does in fact condemn sodomy (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 etc.), is now guilty for the  choice’s that Pete and the homosexual lobby now make concerning their abominable lifestyle choices. They resort to “we were born this way, and we cannot help ourselves, it is Gods fault.”

Scripture does say, “Surely I was brought forth in iniquity; I was sinful when my mother conceived me” (Psalm 51:5). King David, a man after God’s own heart repented (Psalm 51:17).

And “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).Them that are truly Born again (John 3:3) have repented.

But not Pete. Pete apparently has forgotten the Gospel message and that it is:

“Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at Hand!” -Matthew 3:2

Apparently, Pete feels that he has no need of repentance for he is innocent in the matter of being a guilty sinner before a Holy and Just God.  Repentance must only apply to those who are guilty of breaking God’s laws (Isaiah 66:2; Psalm 34:18, 51:17; 2 Corinthians 7:10). And Pete feels that he is not one of them (Isaiah 8:20).

“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” 1 John 1:8

What does Pete resort to here? Instead of repenting for his own transgressions, he now turns and blame’s God for the choices that he makes.

Yes Pete, and to the homosexual lobby, sodomy is an abominable choice (Deuteronomy 30:19; Romans 6:15-18, 12:2; James 1:12-15), and it is a choice that has damnable consequences unless you repent.

Furthermore, sodomy is felony in every state of our union.

[YouTube Video]

You do not blame the lawgiver for the transgressions that you commit.  It is not the lawgiver’s fault (Romans 3:20).  It is the fault of the one that chooses to commit the transgression (1 John 3:4).

Let me say it this way: anyone blaming God for evil is like blaming the sun for darkness! This is blasphemy (Mark 3:28-29)! Pete Buttigieg and the homosexual lobby are at war with God, and it is a war that they will not win! History is repeating itself friends.

It has been rightly said, “He who spits towards Heaven will surely fall on his back,” and they mean to take the rest of us down that road with them.

[YouTube Video]

Friends, right must always be right, truth must always be truth, and purity must always be purity. Right and wrong are permanent fixtures of morality that God established through the Ten Commandments that cannot be moved or shifted from their proper place.

You cannot bring right down to a lower level because others may want it lowered to fit their lawless lifestyle. It must be where it always is.

Is crime to replace the law that produces liberty?  That’s no good for any society. That produces bondage, not liberty. Do away with the law and you have no crime. Criminals love that mentality!

Right is right eternally, and cannot be wrong. You cannot lift up wrong and make it somewhat right.

We have all heard the lawless try to excuse themselves of doing that which is right, just and true by saying, “I was born this way” or “I just can’t help myself!” This is very specious, but utterly false.

Man’s inability is not the kind which removes responsibility. Sin is moral, not physical. Never fall into the error that moral inability will be an excuse for sin.

When a man becomes such a liar that he cannot speak the truth, is he thereby exempted from the duty of truthfulness because he “cannot help himself”?

If your employee owes you a day of labor, is he free from the duty because he has made himself so drunk that he cannot serve you?

Is a man freed from debt by the fact that he has spent the money, and therefore cannot pay it back?

Is a lustful man free to indulge his passions because he cannot understand the beauty of morality? “After all,” he says, “I was born this way.”

This is a dangerous doctrine, America. The law is a just one, and man is bound by it though his sin has rendered him incapable of doing so (Galatians 3:24).

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

© 2019 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean:

We Will Not Surrender To A Democrat Aristocracy

“All compromise is based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals.  Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.”  —Mahatma Ghandi

Maybe a large percentage of Americans are buying it, but we’re not. We’re not buying the Democrat’s insane Green New Deal, open borders, or its Medicare-for-all, or its abolishing ICE and the Electoral College.  We’re not falling for allowing the prisoners in our prisons to vote.  We’re totally opposed to so many taxes being levied upon the rich that they will take their money and spend it elsewhere, where tax-and-spend leftists like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC, aren’t in power.

We’re aghast at Democrats not only allowing homelessness all over our cities and condoning it, but throwing more money at it, thereby making it even worse.  We’re disgusted with what the Democrats have done to our cities that are now infested with crime, drug addicts and mental health derelicts.

Our women and children aren’t safe any more and law abiding citizens can’t walk down the street without running into muggers, bullets whizzing by, murders, burglary, lone-wolf terrorist attacks, drug deals going down, thousands of needles laying on the sidewalks and in the gutters, and the dredges of society using city streets for bathrooms.  Don’t believe us?  Watch the local TV news channel every night.  It wasn’t like this in the 50’s and 60’s.

We’re not buying amnesty, voting rights, bilingual education, rent subsidies, health care and safety net benefits for illegal aliens that break our laws.  We’re not buying radical environmental laws that render constitutionally protected property rights non-existent, or locking up millions of acres of land from public access, at the expense of all Americans but mostly private landowners.

We’re not buying national health care (Obama Care) that has seriously deteriorated medical treatment in America and has added greatly to our national debt.

We’re not buying proposed or ratified treaties that dilute, diminish, or extinguish our sovereignty and we are certainly not buying the words of the traitors (Democrats) who promote the one-world-order, over American sovereignty.

We’re also not buying the premeditated brainwashing and indoctrination of our children in public schools and colleges.  We’re not buying never-ending entitlement programs so that liberals can remain in power by buying votes with our tax money from dumbed-down urban Americans; entitlement programs that will, in due time, without any doubt, bankrupt this country.  It’s not “if”, it’s just “when” and the “when” is alarmingly soon, especially if the Democrats take control again.  Social Security and Medicare are already on the brink of bankruptcy and the Social Security lock box is filled with government IOU’s that may never be paid back.

In fact, we are sick to death over the power struggle between the parties, without the application of principle, or what is good for the American people as a whole, like securing our borders from invasion.  We are sick to death of law, after law, after law that restricts our freedom of choice, our freedom of movement, our freedom of what to buy, our freedom of what to eat, our freedom of what to wear, our freedom of where to live, our freedom of where to work, our freedom of what to drive, our freedom to live on and use our property without draconian government restrictions, and our freedom to roam freely throughout America without having to go through check points and body searches.

We are sick to death of the social and environmental propaganda being taught to our kids in public schools.  We are sick to death of open borders and illegal immigrants coming into this country and feeding at the government “pig trough.”  We are sick to death of politicians that keep adding “feed” to that “pig trough” with our money, in exchange for future votes.

We are sick to death of politicians making law from the wish lists of narrow-focus lobby groups (socialists, environmentalists, corporations, unions, elitists, globalists, etc.) that violate our Federal and State Constitutions.  We are sick to death of environmentalists who have taken over every level of government and lobby their radical agenda on the party of Democrats that aids and abets the lobbyist’s every whim.  We are sick to death of radical environmental protection, SMART GROWTH and SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT policies under UN’s Agenda 21, without due process, much less compensation for the affected.  There isn’t a wetland (no matter how small) that government won’t protect, at the expense of increased taxes, increasing regulation, erosion of property rights and the loss of our individual freedom.  We are sick to death of land use laws that show a reckless disregard of our very foundation of property rights, freedoms and liberties, that were paid for by the blood and treasure of all of our brave men and women in uniform, who are even fighting today for our freedoms.  One could ask, are they fighting for freedoms that now don’t exist?

We are sick to death of irresponsible citizens (free loaders) and illegal aliens who’s only interest in Government is what they can take from it, not what they can give back to society by being a productive member.  We are sick to death of government bureaucracies that waste billions of our tax dollars.  We are sick to death of corrupt and arrogant politicians and the constant violation of their oath of office.  We are sick to death of government spending our tax dollars to engage in the fight against the fraud that is man-caused global warming, while the question of man being the cause is still in serious doubt.  If man is not the cause, then why would they do this?  The answer is obvious; central control of money, land, water, air, food, health care and energy.  If you control these, you control the people.

We are sick to death of some citizens of this land denigrating our war on terror, while our brave men and women in uniform are in harms way and losing their lives, limbs and minds defending our freedoms.  We are sick to death on how the VA shabbily treats our wounded veterans.

We are sick to death of the unmitigated “bull” coming out Hollywood’s radical left wing and we are sick to death of politicians, ignorant individuals and the media who tear down our country, or fabricate crises for political gain.

Legislators think they know what is best for us, but in almost every case they are wrong, or blatantly self serving.  They constantly violate their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend both the federal and state Constitutions, in passing laws, “for our so-called own good“.   The fact is, we are sick to death of government at all levels, as it is run-amok and out of control.  Government steals our money, it steals our land, it steals our freedom and sells our sovereignty to the moneychangers and the world elite.  Government is only about WHO WIELDS POWER, not what is constitutionally right for its citizens.  Politicians, justices, judges and bureaucrats, (in either party) must revert back to the supreme law of the land, (our Constitutions) or you can kiss what is left of our liberty, goodbye!

We are sick to death of the whole mess that government has created and that Americans have allowed.  We are sick to death of Government’s out-of-control waste, fraud, abuse and corruption.   Yes, President Trump and his devoted followers are making a difference.  But the DEEP STATE and the Democrats may get him anyway.

To register our disgust with where America stands today, we are making available to the public our “We Will Not Surrender to a Democrat Aristocracy” Button.  (shown in the above image) Click on the link to get your button.

In the end, others may be fooled, but we are one group of Americans that WILL NOT SURRENDER to the inevitability of socialism, radical environmentalism and the one world order.  We will fight until there is no fight left in us.  This is a one-of-a-kind, great country and its freedom is worth fighting for.  Would there be man (or woman) among you that will JOIN us in that fight?

© 2019 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart:

Obstruction Of Injustice Is Not A Crime – It’s A Duty

For two years we heard the drumbeat of “Collusion, Collusion”

Now, we keep hearing the phrase “Obstruction of Justice.”

I’m curious about this phrase and I think it deserves some examination.

“Obstruction of justice” is what they call a “process crime” and falls into the same category as “contempt of court,” and “perjury.”  These acts are prosecuted because they are considered to harm the public interest in the functioning and integrity of the judicial system.

But this presumes that the judicial system is functioning in the public interest and functioning with integrity.  What if government agents or even whole agencies are not pursuing justice but are themselves acting in a corrupt manner designed to serve a private or a corrupt purpose?

If investigators or prosecutors misuse their authority and, under the color of law, use the law to break the law, isn’t it the duty of citizens to resist — that is to say — obstruct, such wrongdoing?

And isn’t it especially the duty of elected officials (like a President) to resist and to oppose?  Doesn’t their oath of office compel them to interpose against the corruption?

When investigators, investigating agencies and prosecutors misuse their power and authority to further an injustice, I am hoping and praying that my elected officials will resist, interfere and obstruct with vigor.

In the Old Testament Book of Micah, we are told that the Lord God requires of all men, “…to do justly.”

So, “Obstruction of Injustice” is not a crime.

In fact, it’s a duty.

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© 2019 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

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