We The People or We The Problem?

By Cherie Shelor

September 5, 2023

Do you suspect a ‘trojan horse’ in our midst here in America? I most certainly do. We partake of its grip daily, totally unaware that it is our foe. It comes to us as a matter of convenience and appears to make our lives better, easier, and convenient. To better understand why this element is a ‘foe’ and not our friend, let’s take a stroll back in time for a moment for a historical perspective. To the days of our founding fathers, to those who had great insight into human nature, and to the dangers of letting our unvirtuous natures rule over us.

A walk back into the old days can be quite educational and enlightening to our modern eye. Walking along, you are likely to see women weaving cotton into usable yarn to make warm blankets and clothing. Further on, others are harvesting the crop to be stored and eaten over the winter months. Because there were no building contractors, the men in the community came together to provide lumber and stone for the building of their homes – no mortgage company here. Their medicine consisted of plants in nature that would treat their ailments and also provide for their physical well-being. The children play and work alongside their parents, as daily life teaches them valuable skills that they will need in their adult life. The elements of nature provide abundantly for their warmth and food, as the earth yields up its provisions to provide for man’s needs. Creativeness, invention, and experimentation yield her fruits as men, women, and youth learn and explore along life’s journey. These were the lifestyles on which our Republic was established. Our founding fathers guarded the Republic and understood that in order to retain freedom, the people must not only be involved in their government, but they must live in such a way that promotes and guards their own independence. Samuel Adams said, “No people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can any be easily subdued when knowledge is diffused and virtue preserved. On the contrary, when people are universally ignorant and debauched in their manners they will sink under their own weight without the aid of foreign invaders.”

Now, let us move forward to the present era and journey around our American towns. No need to worry about the yarn we saw in the old country, we get our clothing premade. Our food is supplied timely from various grocery stores on just about every corner. In or out of season, the choices of food abound. Banks through credit provide cash to build our massive homes for which we hire someone else to construct. After all, it’s a ‘specialized’ world these days. Nuclear or petroleum products supply our homes with heat at the flip of a switch. Don’t forget to pay that monthly bill! And let us not forget our water, do we pay for that as well, even as the earth springs it forth in abundance at no cost to humanity? Got an ache or a pain? then Big Pharma has the pill for you. Don’t want to raise and educate your children, that’s ok too, there’s a solution for that as well – public schooling. John Taylor Gatto says it best as he quotes the enemy, “if we ‘weaken close family ties’, our foundation will begin to crumble. After all, the foundation of society is based on the family, because the family affects the community, and finally, the community makes up the government.

Parents have been replaced with large massive schools so that both parents can enter the system to make money to pay for all the conveniences the system has to offer in which we have taken the ‘bait’. The few who have engineered this plan state that “education must be used to condition people to accept social change…The chief function of schools is to plan the future of society”….” A new public mind is to be created. How? Only by creating tens of millions of individual minds and welding them into a new social mind. Old stereotypes must be broken up and ‘new climates of opinion” formed in the neighborhoods of America. Through the schools of the world, we shall disseminate a new conception of government – one that will embrace all the activities of men, one that will postulate the need of scientific control….in the interest of all people.”

As evidenced, that ‘strong beast’ has attacked the very foundation of our existence – the family. Men have left the land and placed themselves in factories, shops or some other box. They no longer provide the basic necessities from their own hand. Women have fallen for the lie as well and have entered the labor force to continue the counterfeit construct.

Are you beginning to see the contrast between the old and new? Benjamin Franklin is often quoted as he came out of the convention and was asked, “What kind of government have you given us?”, upon which Franklin replied, “A Republic – if you can keep it”. Franklin must have known that there were some elements that could potentially contribute to the loss of the Republic. I believe there are two components. One, the people would cease to be virtuous. Two, the people would place their basic needs into the hands of others. Every American has either knowingly or unknowingly placed themselves in a position to be dependent on a system so cunningly designed to entrap them. Most people remain in a position where their basic needs could be taken away should they fail to live up to the financial burden that comes with the ‘system of things’. And should the time come for the people to disapprove of some behavior or unlawful act the system perpetuates, the people who are indebted to this artificial construct will probably not come against the very structure that sustains them. After all, how can you bite the hand that feeds you?

Our enemies knew that in order to achieve their goal, they must change how the people view life and how they arrange their lifestyles. This ‘new’ life must be totally foreign to that of our founding fathers. It must erode the principles that made this country what it was in its beginning. It must arrange things in such a manner to entice men and women to become dependent and indolent. Now I am not advocating returning to the ‘stone age’, but we must find that balance between the old and the new America – and quickly. Society is just a symptom of its own mentality. Our nation has lost the knowledge and virtue that can keep each of its Citizens free. The question is sadly asked then, are ‘We the People’ or are ‘We the Problem’?

[BIO: Cherie Shelor is a researcher, student of law, and an advocate for justice. Cherie is an avid reader and student of the Constitution. A housewife who stirs jam while reading Pieces of Eight’, she has a passion for seeing the restoration of the family and the nation. She is also a homeschooling mother of five children, an herbalist, and an organic farmer. She has a degree in Business Managment.]

© 2023 Cherie Shelor – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cherie Shelor: awake933@outlook.com

Important Information

1- John Taylor Gatto, The Underground History of American Education, The Oxford Village Press, 2003, p. 253

2- Sameul Adams quote, https://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/samuel-adams-quotes-2.html

3- “No Stress, no bombs…” quote https://pt.memedroid.com/memes/detail/3635457/Primitives

Feinstein, Fetterman, McConnell & 17th Amendment. Anyone Listening?

By: Devvy

September 4, 2023

Those three “senators” are presenting a serious crisis. Their spouses, like Jill Biden, should be charged with elder abuse. Fetterman’s (Democrat) massive stroke in May 2022, rendered him 100% incapable of performing the serious business of the U.S. Senate. Fetterman will never be the same and it’s no secret in DC Fetterman should NOT be in the U.S. Senate.  John Fetterman has told two very different stories about his health, June 3, 2022

Life-long crook, Diane Feinstein (Democrat, age 90) should have been put into an Alzheimer facility years ago; it’s no secret in DC. China’s pimp, Mitch McConnell, another life-long crook (Republican, age 81) is now in trouble with his health.

We’ve known for years, at least Americans who were made aware of it through independent media, a local pharmacy delivers prescriptions for Alzheimer’s, dementia and who knows what else to members of Congress.[1]

I have written so many columns on the Seventeenth Amendment going back to 1993[2] explaining the true intention of the Founding Fathers and how they came to creating Congress with two separate Chambers. The House elected by We the People and the Senate chosen by state legislatures to represent the interests of the state.

When the First Continental Congress was convened via a resolution of the Congress of the Confederation, one of the first issues discussed on May 29, 1787, was the balance of power for a newly created federal government.

The framers of the Constitution wisely understood the absolute necessity of ensuring we the people would have the right to vote for our representative in Congress, and at the same time because they all jealously guarded freedom and liberty, the states must also have equal representation. We the people would have the ability to remove via the ballot box, miscreants and scoundrels, U.S. House members, while the state legislatures could recall their U.S. Senators who acted against the best interests of their state.

The Senate was supposed to be a checks and balances, but that noble concept disappeared when U.S. Senators were then voted into office by special interests and mobs demanding more and more from the people’s treasury. The absolute right of the states to equal representation was wiped out when the Seventeenth Amendment was declared ratified on April 8, 1913, which it was NOT. I proved it in a court of law in 2014, only to have my case dismissed by a retired state judge who didn’t read one page of the filing or look at any of the HARD evidence. Court certified documents from the National Archives & California’s State Archives.

James Madison wrote in The Federalist Papers #45: “The Senate will be elected absolutely and exclusively by the State legislatures.” John Jay, co-author of The Federal Papers is quoted: “Jay then informed Governor Clinton that, unlike the Senate, where the two-thirds rule was in force for treaties and impeachment, the lower house had nothing to do with treaties; it represented the people whereas the Senate represented the states –for the Federalists always a significant distinction.”

Wrote a Paper for then NH State Rep. Henry McElroy: Information Paper – Seventeenth Amendment, August 2004, Prepared for Rep. Henry McElroy, By Devvy Kidd – Why the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution must be abolished. Of course, nothing happened, but not surprising since NH has a whopping 400 state legislators in their General Court and 24 state senators.  Try getting a jury of 12 to decide on something.

Another attempt New Hampshire HB 1126 – AS INTRODUCED 2012 SESSION, 12-2004, HOUSE BILL 1126 – AN ACT relative to nomination of candidates for United States senator.

SPONSORS: Rep. Kingsbury, Belk 4; Rep. DeLemus, Straf 1; Rep. L. Vita, Straf 3; Rep. Davenport, Rock 12; Rep. D. McGuire, Merr 8

COMMITTEE: Election Law/ ANALYSIS/ This bill requires members of the general court to nominate candidates for United States senator.

DOA. Back then I also sent a package to these “public servants” on the need to abolish the Seventeenth Amendment: Rep. Kevin Cooke [GA], Mike Dudgeon [GA], Buzz Brockway [GA], Dustin Hightower [GA], Senator Howard Stephenson [UT] and Senator U.S. Senator Mike Lee [UT]. Crickets.

Shock:  In Sept. 2020, Trump hater, Senator Ben Sasse [R-Neb.]:  Ben Sasse Calls for Repealing 17th Amendment, Eliminating Popular-Vote Senate Elections.  The prostitute media melted down and Congress at the time wanted nothing to do with it.  Sasse is now president at the U of Florida.  Salary in the Senate:  $193,400.  Starting salary first year at U of Florida:  a cool $1 million.

NH’s alleged two senators are Maggie Hassan and the other morally bankrupt crone, Jeanne Shaheen. Maggie Pie Hassan: Hates the Second Amendment, champion for murdering the unborn, supports the cult called ‘transgender’, supports the SCAM called Climate Change, opposes photo ID for voting, supports the unconstitutional disaster called ObamaCare, supported the obscene J6 “investigation”.  Vomits up her support to “force the rich to pay their fair share.” Yeah, the ones who create jobs.

Jeanne Shaheen. Voted for you to pay for abortions in unconstitutional foreign aid, unconstitutional) stealing our money to pay foreign countries to fight drugs (while leaving the border wide open), supports the SCAM called Climate Change, supports “free” trade, introduced legislation to put a woman on the $20 bill, remove Trump from office for “inciting an insurrection”, hates the Second Amendment, pro-queer, pro-Illegals: “No automated entry-exit control system; allow free flow.” Voted yes to confirm Sonia Sotomayor to SCOTUS, another crook. “Address ISIS without fearmongering.” Stupid cow.

Those two harridans are obviously Democrats. How they vote in the Senate directly affects YOU AND ME and we can’t vote them out of office. I wrote a column about females like them: Pelosi & Her Brassiere Brigade, January 8, 2007

“This last pretend election cycle, voters heard the same old recycled mantra from female incumbents and candidates. The Sisterhood of Sycophants relentless carping on “women’s issues” in furtherance of “empowering women,” “for the children,” and “building the community” (communism). What absolute bilge. The feminization of Congress has been destroying constitutional government for decades, running America into oceans of unpayable debt and breeding generations of helpless women, whining for mother government to take care of them and their every need.”

And here we are today with the Shrews of Sh*tsville in Congress carrying on the work of those before them. Show me where in Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does it include “women’s issues”?  Gutless male GOP members of Congress and state legislatures have allowed themselves to be whipped into submission for votes.

I thought I was making headway with a Texas State Rep back in 2015, Bryan Hughes, to get this issue front and center. Drove to Austin (six-hours each way, hotel, gas, food) and met with him. He was very interested; was being the key word. Mailed him everything he needed to get the ball rolling. Made one last attempt to see him at the capitol, which I did, but he was busy with prayer day at the capital and that was that. I should have saved all the money I spent. Hughes is now a state senator.

I also sent packages to state reps and senators in UT, TN and KY. Crickets. “Free trade” agreements/treaties ratified by the Senate has destroyed our manufacturing, industrial and agricultural sectors since 1994. Trump loves to brag his US/Mexico/Canada trade agreement replacing NAFTA is the best ever! NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.

Tragically, Trump listened to his globalist advisers like Commerce Secretary, billionaire Wilbur Ross (age 79 at the time) and America suffers. ANY U.S. Senator who voted for that agreement voted to continue the DESTRUCTION OF THIS REPUBLIC.  MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THAT. The USMCA “Trade Agreement” Violates Our Constitution And Sets Up Global Government, Jan. 15, 2019 // USMCA “Trade Agreement”, the North American Union, an Article V convention, and Red Flag Laws:  Connecting the Dots, Dec. 10, 2019

Consolidation of all the power to Congress as a result of the fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment brought a slow and agonizing death to America.

Most Americans, because it’s not taught in schools are unaware that back in 1913, not all states were in session at the time of the vote for the Seventeenth Amendment.  No Action was taken by some legislatures which begs the legal question:

Since several states were out of session at the time of the vote, have they been deprived of equal Suffrage in the U.S. Senate because they did not participate in the ratification of this amendment? Is fraud (non-ratification) enough to allow a state to declare it null and void in their state? I believe this is a KEY legal issue that must be addressed by the states.

Full text of “Constitution Jefferson’s Manual And Rules Of the House Of Representatives Of The United States Eighty Seventh Congress”


“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses  shall deem it necessary, shall propose, Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by  Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may  be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

“Question has arisen as to the power of a State to recall its assent to a constitutional amendment (V. 7042).”

The states can call for a convention and introduce the new amendment to the Constitution with specific wording that it is ONLY to abolish the Seventeenth Amendment and no other issue can be raised, period.  Prohibition was abolished in 1933 with the passage of the 21st Amendment which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment.  Simple and clean.

Amendment XXI

“Section 1.

The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

Section 2.

The transportation or importation into any state, territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

Section 3.

This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several states, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the states by the Congress.”

Not enough states voted for ratification; two states short. I went to the National Archives in Washington, DC and retrieved evidence that amendment was not ratified. Dozens of states also made changes to the text in one form or another which is not allowed.

No Action taken: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware. No record for Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Washington State. Nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification and out of the clear blue, three states voted to ratify: MD (2012), Delaware (2010) & AL (2002) voted to ratify that amendment.  Meant nothing. See: United States Supreme Court – DILLON v. GLOSS, 256 U.S. 368 (1921) 256 U.S. 368 DILLON v. GLOSS, Deputy Collector. No. 251. Argued March 22, 1921. Decided May 16, 1921.

It is alleged California voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment on January 28, 1913. One of the journal pages I personally retrieved from the California State Archives for the vote:  Item 7 regarding the constitutional amendment to elect U.S. Senators: May 20, 1913: From Committee. Without Recommendation. How could it go from committee without recommendation on May 20th if it was allegedly voted on five months earlier? It wasn’t.

In 2012, I drove nearly 100 miles to Angelo State U (Texas), the closest repository of old records and went through their microfilm. That prompted me to again contact California to request court certified copies of the journal records for 1913.  Guess what? They’re all on the Internet now and what do those official records from California show for January 28, 1913?

There was no vote that day or any other for the Seventeenth Amendment. I had my web master down load everything and put it on a CD, which I sent to state reps and senators. Crickets. I did it to protect the truth, i.e., a journal page which looks authentic suddenly appears with the proper vote. (Like Hussein Obama’s birth certificate.) I knew there was no vote because I went to the California State Archives (15 minutes from my home then) back in 2000 and asked for a search. I went back the next day and was informed by the head archivist no such vote was found.

Serious situation on control of U.S. Senate

Fetterman is mentally done and I am sorry for him. My brother is a double-stroke survivor (2017); he is now 100% disabled. Fetterman is using assistive technology “while he heals”; his colleagues say he’s lifting up people with disabilities. What rubbish. Not only the massive stroke he had, but six weeks into the job, he checks into a hospital for depression. That was another six weeks absent from the job. This is unacceptable.

Feinstein’s dementia was nothing new in DC but over the past several years it’s plain as day she has Alzheimer’s. An aide tells her how to vote, for God’s sake. Sen. Dianne Feinstein told to ‘just say aye’ in awkward Senate committee moment – “Feinstein, 90, began delivering a speech in support of a bill during a vote Thursday, instead of the expected response of “aye” or “nay.” California’s maniac governor, Gavin Newsom, would replace her with some ultra-left, morally bankrupt crony.

Twice now Mitch McConnell has “frozen up” while at the podium and then assisted to some side room. “McConnell freezes up again during Kentucky news conference – “McConnell unable to speak during news conference just one month after a similar incident”.

This is a serious situation. Only McConnell, his wife and doctors know the truth, but the consequences of Fetterman, Feinstein and McConnell (don’t let the door slam on your commie butt) “stepping down” are enormous. GOP Senators Weigh ‘Special Meeting’ on Leadership After Doctor Suggests McConnell May Be Experiencing Small Seizures, Sept. 1, 2023. Yeah, stick him in a corner just like Feinstein.  Sununu: We’ve Got to Move McConnell, Feinstein Out of Leadership Positions, Aug. 31, 2023

Leadership? McConnell needs to retire. But, it’s risky. McConnell is a Class II senator which means he’s not up for reelection until 2026. Kentucky is another state which allows the governor to appoint a senator until the next scheduled election. That would be Democrat Andy Beshear, another morally bankrupt pimp who supports a woman’s right to murder her unborn child, supports the myth of “same-sex marriage”, supports the SCAM called Climate, Change. 0% rating by the NRA.

Democrats wet dream. Beshear continues to dodge the question: Will he appoint a Republican? Right. The people of KY want a Republican so Beshear should honor the vote. If he were to replace McConnell with a Democrat it will be really bad. Right now, DemonRats have 48 senators, GOP 50 and two independents who “caucus” with the commies.

PA’s newest Democrat/Communist Party USA governor is Josh Shapiro. PA is one of 37 states who allow a governor to pick a temporary senator until the next scheduled election. Think Shapiro will appoint a Republican?

The U.S. Senate is not a convalesce home or someplace for a senator to “heal” from a massive stroke or depression.

I filed a lawsuit on Sept. 22, 2014, to keep Senate candidates off the ballot in Texas. They pulled a judge out of retirement who never read the 380 court certified documents or evidence on the CD. He said “no one cares it happened so long ago” and then asked the state attorney’s how much the state was going to sanction me (frivolous lawsuit). The state said no sanctions, your honor. They knew my case was solid.  Judge Joker busted a gasket and exited the empty court room in a huff.  Took maybe 10 minutes; took a year to get into court. Appealed. Legal whitewash. Original filing and appeals court filing.

The COMPLETE list of ALL Congress members 80 years and OLDER. Should we care?, Aug. 4, 2023, “ There are 20 Congressmen and women who are 80 years old and older, some of which were born before World War II. There are many more who are on the cusp of 80, well past the normal age of retirement. Below you will find the complete list of ALL 20 Congressmen and women who are 80 and over.”

Some are still very sharp, i.e., Sen. Chuck Grassley, age 89. But, we don’t know who’s getting prescriptions filled by that pharmacy and what they’re for but you can bet Feinstein is getting Altzheimer meds.

Neither Congress or any state legislature is going to acknowledge the Seventeenth Amendment was not legally ratified. Our only hope is for enough state legislatures to act and take back their power. Demand:  Abolish the Seventeenth Amendment.

And, we must continue to push our state legislatures to nullify unconstitutional “laws”. Not to mention sheriffs saying NO. Nullification Gets It Done, Again! – “After the July 4 Highland Park shooting last year, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law many curtailments on gun ownership, reflecting the usual black-guns-and-large-capacity-magazines-bad mentality.

“Shortly thereafter, something encouraging happened. Rather than simply complying with the new gun-control law, 74 Illinois sheriff’s departments publicly announced they would not be enforcing it. The Chicago Tribune recently reported that the number has now grown to more than 90. The state has 102 counties. You do the math.

“As an example of big-city policy running headlong into rural values, the La Salle County Board voted unanimously to adopt a resolution opposing the new law, and the county’s state attorney also put out a statement that he would not prosecute anyone who violated the new law. As local Illinois news outlet The Times reported, “[Attorney] Joe Navarro said he thinks the law is unconstitutional and that he will act accordingly.”

I believe too many members of state legislatures don’t want that amendment abolished if they intend to run for the Senate. U.S. House reps don’t want this to happen because many want to run for the senate. The U.S. Senate doesn’t want this to happen because once in, it’s almost impossible to get them voted out while they vote for more and more totalitarian “laws” and unconstitutional bills. Not to mention, get elected, get rich. Just ask Mitch.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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[1] – Uproar as Capitol Hill pharmacist dishes on Alzheimer’s prescriptions for the powerful, Oct. 12, 2017

[2] – The Seventeenth Amendment: A Cancer on our Constitutional Republic Crushing the Rights of the Sovereign States of the Union.


Sold to the highest bidder in the 2022 mid-term senate seats who expect a return for their money.

A few examples: Pennsylvania: $373,605,258, Georgia: $271,351,786, Arizona: $234,577,515, Wisconsin: $205,791,615, Ohio: $202,117,075, North Carolina: $300 million.  State and federal races in 2022 mid-term:  a whopping $16.7 BILLION. A shocking amount of moola.

Americans want campaign finance reform. End the insanity. State legislatures would appoint their senator. If that senator doesn’t represent the interests of the state, he/she is recalled. It’s much easier to primary out a member of a state legislature who votes for a rotten U.S. Senator than the Outlaw Congress.

Dirty Mitch Was on the Take… McConnell Received $2.5 Million from Crypto Laundromat FTX for His Senate Leadership Fund

MUST SEE: Mitch McConnell Endures 5-Minute Heckling During Speech: ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants Overpower the Senator’s Address (VIDEO)

Coach Tuberville Cries Foul to Politics as Usual

Cliff Kincaid

September 4, 2023

As the American people begin watching college football, they have reason to believe that the referees are reliable and fair. That perception is no longer applicable to politics. But Senator Tommy Tuberville, a former college football coach, is doing something about that. He has cried “foul” at efforts by the Biden regime to destroy traditional values in the military.

Coach Tuberville demonstrates the kind of grit we need to save America. 

On the House side, faced with a government shutdown if budgets are not done on time, Republican leaders like Kevin McCarthy and James Comer argue that they most continue to fund the Biden regime because some of the money trickles down to their never-ending investigations of the Biden bribery apparatus. This seems like a no-win game, especially because a threatened impeachment would never pass the Senate.

“Worse than Watergate” says Rep. Comer. But the Republicans don’t have the votes to remove Biden from office.

Yet, all is not lost. Coach Tuberville is single-handedly preventing the confirmation of hundreds of “woke” military officers, including General Mark Milley’s replacement, the far-left ideologue, Air Force Gen. C.Q. Brown.

One of the House Republicans who voted against McCarthy, Rep. Mary Miller, understands what is happening. She sent an email saying, “The Communists will do anything to win.”

The communists won when President Trump abandoned his presidency and military leaders chose China over Trump.

Consider a message from Harmeet Dillon, of the Center for American Liberty, about how Fulton County, Georgia’s District Attorney isn’t just going after President Trump – “she’s going after his lawyers too.” She points out, “The radical Left wants to send a loud, clear message to attorneys across the country that if they question the integrity of elections or provide legal services to conservative candidates, they could be held criminally responsible.”

You know the situation is dire when former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who busted the mob using the racketeering statute, is being accused of racketeering.

Radical lawyers are working to take Trump’s name off the presidential ballot in 2024, and some could be successful.

The legal profession is hopeless. Significantly, a Trump nemesis, Special Counsel Jack Smith, learned his legal tactics at the U.N.’s International Criminal Court. He will get his man. Then the U.N. will go after all of us, America itself, for “crimes” based on slavery and capitalism.

But the military is also being destroyed from within, a process that will drive conservatives and Christians out.

Without a strong military and superior nuclear weapons, acting as a deterrent, we are finished.

When Joe Biden gave his “Soul of the Nation” speech at Independence Hall, he was surrounded by Marines in the background as props. It was another indication that the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which approved the display, has become a pillar of America’s Marxist regime.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark Milley defended Marxist indoctrination of our soldiers and presides over a force that includes gays and transgenders. What’s more, in actions that were clearly designed to subvert the Trump presidency and undermine the chain of command, it was revealed Milley made secret calls to Communist Chinese officials during the final days of the Trump Administration, supposedly out of alleged concern that Trump would attack China. According to a transcript of another call, Milley told then-Democratic Party House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that he would “prevent” unwarranted Trump’s use of the military “domestically and/or internationally.”

One would think that Milley would have sided with Trump, the legitimate president, and not a regime that released a virus that has killed more than 1 million Americans.

The bottom line is that Milley was part of the effort, working with Communist China, to keep Trump out of the White House. Milley made the military into an instrument for the consolidation of Biden’s Marxist regime, in the face of overwhelming evidence of election irregularities and censorship of major stories involving Biden family corruption that were censored by Big Tech acting in collusion with the intelligence agencies.

In short, the “insurrection” was staged AGAINST President Trump.

But that is not what we are talking about these days. Instead, Trump is accused of staging the insurrection and faces jail time. Most Republicans fear the power of the legal apparatus that is targeting Trump and others.

In the face of this assault, there are still victories to be achieved. Consider the example set by Senator Tuberville, using powers that have always been available.

“Since March the Pentagon has been spending our tax dollars for travel and extra paid time off for servicemembers and their kids to get abortions—something Congress neither authorized nor appropriated,” he notes. He has held up promotions and confirmations over this and other Pentagon policies.

He is rightly concerned about the fact that the U.S. military is using taxpayer funds for “initiatives unrelated to the military’s core mission of protecting Americans by ensuring readiness and lethality.”

He is demanding to know why Admiral Michael M. Gilday, chief of naval operations, permitted drag queen performances aboard naval vessels, including during the Trump Administration’s ban on transgender servicemembers. He says one of the alleged performers was appointed as the digital ambassador for the Navy’s recruiting efforts, posting videos to the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok.

Tuberville and his colleagues sent a separate letter to Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro “demanding to know why the Navy is utilizing TikTok,” a social media platform “known to pose serious national security threats due to its links to the Chinese Communist Party.”

In addition to the political control of the military, on behalf of China, Biden has overruled the Air Force decision over two and a half years ago to choose Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, for the headquarters of Space Command. Biden decided to permanently put Space Command in liberal pot-friendly and pro-abortion Colorado.

As soon as Joe Biden took office, notes Tuberville, Biden “inserted politics into what had been a fair and objective competition — not because the facts had changed, but because the political party of the sitting President had changed. The top three choices for Space Command headquarters were all in red, conservative states — Alabama, Nebraska, and Texas. Colorado didn’t even come close.”

Tuberville concluded that Biden is using military bases “as rewards for political supporters rather than for our security.”

The fact that Tuberville is fighting this battle virtually alone demonstrates the sad state we are in.

The inevitable result of the subversion process is a mass exodus of conservative and Christian men and women from the Armed Forces, leading to the return of the draft and destruction of much of our military power in the event of a confrontation with China over Taiwan.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the fate of the nation lies in Coach Tuberville’s hands.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Margaritaville & I Left My Heart in San Francisco

By Frosty Wooldridge

September 4, 2023

Over the weekend, Jimmy Buffet died just short of his 77th birthday.   He sang to us with his hit song, “Margaritaville.”  They said he lived his life like a song up until his last breath.  Painfully, a part of me died with him.   Additionally, this year, one of my all-time favorites, Tony Bennett died at 96 years of age.  He sang, “I left my heart in San Francisco….”  He took a part of my heart with him.  Betty White died at age 99 twenty months ago.  She caused endless laughter in all our Baby Boomer lives.  Cloris Leachman, 94, the great character actor, died, too. Just broke my heart.  The killer for me was when Olivia Newton John died. Who hasn’t seen “Grease” at least a half-dozen times?

This year, NPR’s anchor Scott Simon said, “The new life span of a Caucasian American male has been lowered to 76 years 3 months.  As I sat there in my car seat on my way to the gym I muttered, “Dang, I’ve only got two weeks to live.”    Here it is September, and I’m still doing 100 sit-ups daily, swimming a half mile daily and lifting weights six days a week.  I’m gunning for at least 85, maybe 90.  I’ve got a lot of books to author, articles to write and miles to cover on my bicycle.

Back in 1977, I’ll never forget August 16th, when I crossed the Canadian border on my bike, after riding to Alaska, I saw a front-page headline on a paper on the bench:  “Elvis Dead at 42.”  That just knocked me on my butt.  I had danced to every song he sang. I asked my wife on the dance floor to marry me while he sang, “Can’t help falling in love with you.”   I didn’t find out about his drug addiction and really tragic life until years later when I read about it in a book: What Happened, Elvis?

We baby boomers followed John Denver as he sang “Annie’s Song, Country Roads, Feather Bed, Rocky Mountain High, and Country Boy.”  When he augured his plane into the Pacific Ocean, I just cried my eyes out.

Who remembers Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”, or Doris Day’s “Que sera sera,” or Robin Williams’ gut-busting humor, or Rita Hayworth’s dancing, or Fred Astaire, or Marlon Brando’s “The God Father?”  They all grew up with us, entertained us, and bestowed their talents to our delights.

Whether they entertained us on the Silver Screen, or we kissed our girl or boy friend at the drive-in, those special singers and actors were/are a part of our lives for our entire lives.  I must admit: being a Baby Boomer has been the greatest era of American history.  We created “Equal rights, Voter Rights, Title IX, Environmental Protection Agency and many more benefits for all our citizens.  The past 58 years have been a great time to be alive.  I’ve certainly benefited from all those boys in WWII who gave the “last full measure of devotion” to our country and to the world.  If you ever visit a national cemetery, each one of those kids made your freedoms, your choices, and your life possible.  I do visit Fort Logan Cemetery, Denver, Colorado gravesites on Memorial Day to give my thanks, personally.

As a matter of fact, during my bicycle trip through Europe from Nord Kapp, Norway to Athens, Greece, I camped out near a cemetery in Italy south of the Poe River.  There were 500 American and British kids buried there. Ages were 18, 19, 20, 21.  It showed their names, ages and ranks.  I was so moved that I spoke to them in the morning, “I want all you boys’ spirits to get up out of your graves, mount your bicycles and ride into this fine day with me.  Let’s do it together.”  At that point, 500 young spirits rose out of their graves…they mounted their bicycles…and followed me out to the road.  I looked back to see their bright yes, healthy bodies and eagerness of youth. “Forward, HO!” I said.  With that, all 501 of us pedaled south for the next hour.  I swear I could hear their shouts of joy, their whoops and hollers as they pedaled with me down that beautiful highway.  After an hour, I looked back, “Well boys, thanks for riding with me…I know you’ve got to go back to your final resting place.”

With that, I turned and pedaled down the road on my own.  My friend Gary who served in the U.S. Navy was waiting beside the road.  “What took you so long?” he asked.

“Oh, I thought it would be good to ride with a bunch of kids from that cemetery where we camped last night,” I said, with tears falling.  “They gave their lives so we might enjoy our freedoms to ride.”

“Gotcha’ bro,”  Gary said.

Right now, I have to admit that Willie Nelson, 90, is on the short list for remaining on this planet much longer.  I listen to his songs daily!  How about “On the road again…City of New Orleans and hundreds more.”  Same with Clint Eastwood at 93!  Who hasn’t seen “The Good, Bad & Ugly or Dirty Harry” at least 10 times? I love Dolly Parton. She possesses a heart as big as the moon.  I hope she outlives me, so my heart won’t break if she passes while I’m still living.  Same with Morgan Freeman…I love his work, his struggles, his triumphs. And that voice,  Whitney Houston, right up there with the angels.

Every one of those actors, actresses, singers, and other entertainers, whether they are street minstrels, mimes, jugglers, acrobats, sports stars…or even high school theater people…all of them enriched our lives.  For their efforts, I am forever thankful.

One of the best films we’ve seen and watched it 10 times is “Forever My Girl.”  It’s on Netflix and/or IMDB.  You’ll see why Sandi and I have watched it so many times.

In the end, American citizens of every color, religion, race and political persuasion have enjoyed the utmost finest opportunities in the last 58 years.  Thank you, Jimmy Buffet and Tony Bennett and all the rest who entertained us. God bless America!

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Lahaina HI: officer responded, “I’m just following orders.”

By Rob Pue

September 3, 2023

I’m Beyond Furious

A few weeks ago, I published a message titled “Build Back Better,” in which I explained that the theme of Klous Schwab’s World Economic Forum, and his thousands of governmental minions around the world — including the Biden campaign — has been “Build Back Better.”  But was everything in such utter ruins three years ago that it needed to be “built back?” Not quite yet, at that time.  You see, in order to “build back,” you first have to tear down. You first have to destroy.  Thus the priority of Biden regime has been non-stop destruction. This is by design.

The Global communist cabal absolutely hates Christians and be aware that those who wield power over us have absolutely no respect for human life. In fact, they view us as a “cancer” on the planet that must be eliminated.

So, let’s get to the point of today’s message.  I am absolutely livid. I am incensed. I’m beyond furious. I haven’t talked about today’s topic for nearly a month, because I did not want to jump to wrong conclusions, spread misinformation or get this wrong. Because this is too big to get wrong. So, I’ve been studying and researching steadily, and have consulted more than sixty sources for what I’m going to share with you today.  I’ve checked, double checked and triple checked my facts.  And despite my outrage over this matter, I’ve kept my mouth shut until I had time to make sure of the conclusion I’ve come to.

I’m talking about the fire that has destroyed the historic town of Lahaina, on the island of Maui, Hawaii.  One of the most beautiful places in the world.  Lahaina was the capitol of the Kingdom of Hawaii until 1959 when the United States took possession of it.

But on August 8, this beautiful little town of 13,000 people was completely destroyed by fire.  Approximately 2,000 structures were incinerated; 87% of them, single-family homes.  One thing I’ve learned well over the years is to never trust the “official narrative” and this was never so appropriate as in this particular case. The official narrative, pushed by the governor of Hawaii, the mainstream press, and others, is that this disaster was caused by wildfires, caused by dry weather conditions, caused by “Climate Change.” Baloney!

I will say that the conclusion I’ve come to, after many hours of study and research and hearing eye-witness accounts of locals is mere speculation.  It can never be anything more than that because although the Agenda 2030 fiends were pretty sloppy in their operation of wiping Lahaina off the map, they’ve covered their tracks just well enough that absolute proof can never come out.

I’ll get to my conclusion momentarily. But assuming things happened as they’re now telling us, there are still too many red flags to not come to the conclusion that the demolition of Lahaina was intentional and deliberate. They’re telling us the fires were caused by high winds knocking down power lines, which fell into dry brush on the ground.  Embers were then whipped through the air (by winds that mysteriously came from the east) and lit the fires that destroyed virtually everything. So they’re blaming the Hawaiian Electric Company.  Ok. Perhaps that’s true. Did you know that Hawaiian Electric is owned by Vanguard and Blackrock — two corporations at the forefront of the Globalist New World Order agenda?

But there are too many coincidences and questions about this fire to simply chalk it up as just another “natural disaster” caused by “Climate Change.”  And locals are shouting to the world that the government and media are lying to us all about everything. Children were sent home early from school that day, so many were home alone without their parents. Most perished.  Maui boasts the most high-tech and well-maintained emergency warning sirens in the world, yet they were never sounded in Lahaina on August 8.

The fire department did not respond to the fires.  Fire boats stationed at Pearl Harbor could have saved much of the town, but they never moved.  Citizens were fighting the fires themselves — until the city officials turned the water off to assure maximum destruction.  The Water Commissioner for Maui, by the way, is an Obama Foundation leader, and he decided to refuse to release water to fight the fire, stating that the use of water on the island is a matter of “equity.”

There is also an inconvenient article published in 2018 by the World Economic Forum that states that the global ruling class planned to make Hawaii the first U.S. state to run entirely on clean energy. There is also an article from the World Economic Forum that talks about their alliance and creating a Smart City on Maui.

The governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, is in on it.   Last year, there was a proposal to build a high rise residential building in Lahaina, but since it’s a historic town, new development was not allowed.  But now that everything has been burnt down, now they can “build back better.”  Just weeks before the fire, the governor signed a new proclamation on housing that allows the government much more leeway to build as they see fit in Lahaina…. including building “15 minute Smart Cities” run by artificial intelligence.  And the government of Hawaii states their goal is to rebuild and make the entire island of Maui the first Smart Island, run by AI.  This is outlined in the Hawaii Digital Government Summit of 2023.

Green was also the keynote speaker at the UN earlier this year, addressing the Economic and Social Council.  Speakers were invited to help implement the UN’s agenda for Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.  Green was the only US state leader to do so.  Green has also said, “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing.”  In other words, cages for the slaves of the state, controlled by AI in the first 15 minute smart city.

In case you don’t know, “15 minute cities” are a new Globalist plan to keep everyone within fifteen minutes walking distance, subsisting in 500-square-foot high-rise apartments, only leaving for work and essential shopping, within a fifteen-minute walk. These cities will all be run by artificial intelligence, monitoring and tracking our every move and handing out “social credit scores.”

Need more coincidences?  The police chief of Maui was the same guy in charge of the shady events surrounding the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, and has earned awards from the now-weaponized FBI.  He is also the coroner of Maui.  As residents attempted to flee the area by car, they were barricaded in by police.  One man, who escaped on foot, begged the police officers to let people out, but officer responded, “I’m just following orders.”  As the man continued on, he began to hear loud explosions and then people screaming, as they perished in the inferno.  Despite no warning sirens, no help from firefighters and the water being turned off, they could have escaped certain death, but police were ordered to barricade them in.  The fewer witnesses the better.

Now as the community tries to pick up the pieces, we know that well over a thousand died in the flames, their bodies incinerated into powdery dust, just like their homes which collapsed into dust in their own footprints and foundations.  And now, home-owners are being told — for the very first time — that they were in violation of some sort of obscure local code or ordinance, so insurance companies are not going to pay. These are multi-generational home-owners, who paid their insurance premiums faithfully for years.  But no compensation for them.

Then immediately, big corporate investors — like Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street — began swooping in, offering to buy the property for pennies on the dollar.  The Biden regime has offered each household a one-time payment of $700, even as they’ve already sent $133 billion to be laundered in Ukraine.  And for the 44th time, the Pentagon just announced another $200 million for Ukraine. If you’re not outraged, you’re sick in the head.

And just like in all other disasters we’ve seen, the government is not helping with any sort of “emergency management.”  FEMA is, in fact, hindering efforts to help those who’ve lost everything.  Locals have banded together to help one another.  Donations have come from all parts, but FEMA will not allow them to be distributed — not even life-saving medicines like insulin — because they’re not federally approved.  So, FEMA is hoarding the supplies.  Maui residents have even tried to get supplies through by boat, but have had to push through government barricades to do so.  Then, they’re not allowed to use public boat landings.  Some have managed to get supplies in by boat using one privately-owned boat dock north of town.

Up the road, FEMA has taken over the Veterans Memorial building and people are being told to go there for supplies. But when they arrive, they’re told it’s not a distribution center, it’s a “shelter,” and unless you’re checking in and staying at the shelter, they’ll receive nothing.  In other words, it’s a concentration camp.

Meanwhile, FEMA has sent a memo to Non-Governmental Organizations that attempt to offer aid and relief that they’re now forbidden to post any photos, videos or images of Lahaina, and any images already on their websites must be immediately removed.  They must hide the evidence.

Call me “crazy” if you like, but I believe this was not a “wildfire,” but rather a deliberate attack using a Directed Energy Weapon.  There are countless videos circulating, taken by residents of Lahaina as the fires began, showing what appear to be laser beams coming from the sky.  These flashes of light strike the ground, and everything in their path is immediately incinerated.  You can choose to believe this is a conspiracy theory, that the images and videos were doctored or photoshopped if you want.  Perhaps one or two videos could have been — but ALL the videos?  All of them are hoaxes?

Directed Energy Weapons are real, friends.  Look it up.  In fact there’s a Directed Energy Weapon research facility on Maui.  Militaries around the world have been using them for years. They’re not only real, but also much more efficient than guns or missiles.  A person thousands of miles away can type in the exact coordinates and instantaneously disintegrate anything on the planet with pinpoint accuracy.

In May of this year, video was taken showing a confirmed Directed Energy Weapon strike in Chile — and the images from Chile match exactly with what residents of Maui saw and video taped as their town began to burn.

How else do you explain the perfect oval shape of destruction surrounding Lahaina?  How else do you explain melted cars and concrete and two feet away, green trees still standing?  Or the big box stores, or the homes of Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates left completely untouched?

And we’ve seen this same thing before.  Remember the so-called “wildfires” in Paradise, California in 2018?  Same thing. Houses pulverized to dust, collapsing into their own foundations, while foliage just feet away, still green and thriving.  Only one thing can explain that.

It’s sad and disgusting that we even have to question this because it’s unthinkable that our own government could or would be this wicked and evil.  But if we haven’t learned, by now, the depths of evil the Globalists will sink to in order to achieve total world domination, then we haven’t learned anything the past few years.

But it was a sloppy operation, because there are many in the world, including me, who have done our homework — not to mention the residents of Lahaina who lived through this — and understand what the agenda is and just what they’re capable of.  And while the fires were still burning, a book was published and released about the entire event, titled “Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change.”  It was written by a “Dr. Miles Stones.”  Note the word “milestone” means “an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.”  Obviously this book was written well in advance of this planned attack and released much sooner than it should have been.  They could at least have waited until after Biden compared the attack on Lahaina to “almost” losing his ’67 Corvette when a lightning strike started a small fire in his home — a fire that never spread beyond the kitchen appliances.

If you want to help the people of Lahaina, a Community Relief Camp has been set up by the locals at a nearby park, to help those in need.  The Lahaina locals actually kicked FEMA out of their camp.  This is citizens directly helping other citizens, without the restrictions and hindrances of the federal government.  The camp is at Honokowai Park, five miles north of the destroyed area.  Support the people directly by going online to: HonokowaiRelief.com.  Do NOT send money to the Red Cross and be careful of anywhere else you send relief funds, because most of these donations are being intercepted and confiscated by FEMA and other government agencies.

I’m beyond furious.  But it’s just the latest blatant example of how far the current regime is willing to go to “burn it all down” in order to “build back better,” turning us all into obedient, compliant slaves.  They may have artificial intelligence, but as God’s chosen ones, we have been given REAL intelligence: power, love and sound minds.  There’s nothing “artificial” about that.  We need not fear.  God will judge and condemn His enemies.  But we must educate ourselves and others, understand and know the wiles of the devil, because there are devils all around us now.  I no longer trust anyone or any organization or entity without the Holy Spirit of God within them. You shouldn’t either.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066. Or email rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 403.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Jesus Builds the Ekkelsia Not Man!

By Glynn Adams

September 3, 2023

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my ekkelsia and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.”

“Has a nation changed god when they were not gods? But My people have changed their glory for that which does not profit. Be appalled, O heavens at this, and shudder, be very desolate, declares the LORD. For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:11-13)

“Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness (immorality, fleshly, lewd) and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 3-4)

Jesus clearly stated that He would build His ekkelsia which is a Greek word that means an assembly. Ekkelsia has appeared over 100 times in the New Testament and has always meant an assembly of God’s People. That is how the word is used in the Greek World – men would assemble at the main gate to the city to discuss government business and how to better influence the people of Greece.

Ekkelsia is not a religious word but a government word. Jesus said He was going to build something against which the gates of hell would not prevail – this assembly of the followers of Jesus Christ would influence their culture to the ways of God and expand the King’s Kingdom. Have the truths spoken by Jesus concerning His assembly been misunderstood? Do we have an overall lack of understanding of who and what Jesus called His assembly to be?

Jesus came to earth to give us a Kingdom Government not to start a religion called Christianity. He had a specific purpose for His assembly. Because we don’t understand who we are in Christ and what He intended for us to do on this earth; evil, ungodly men have crept in unnoticed and have corrupted the assembly of Jesus into a man-made religious and business model, not led by Jesus Christ as the Head but by pastors who have replaced the Headship of Christ and have turned the workman and warriors of Jesus Christ into passive followers, totally disregarding the Priesthood of the Believer. We are totally ineffective, passive, existing in religion, disobedient, and waiting for Jesus to rapture us out of here.

Unless we get a revelation of what Jesus intended for His assembly and His kingdom government as well as our role as the assembly of Jesus, we will continue to be led by these evil, wicked men who have crept in unnoticed and have corrupted what Jesus has built. Without revelation of who we are in Christ, we can’t really function to our full potential in His assembly – whether we are as Paul said, a foot, hand, eye, ear, or any other part of His assembly.

The assembly Jesus built worked well in the First Century until sometime in the Third Century. Then evil, ungodly men appeared specifically to corrupt what God had built. The corruption was the Catholic Church and the Church of England, both controlled by the State. Both ruled the people of faith and did not allow them to read the Word of God. Reading of the Bible was done by the state-owned clergy who were the only ones with the Word.

Then God raised up a man, William Tyndale, who translated the Bible into English from 1525 until 1526 so the common people could have access to the Word of God. Both state churches were angry with Tyndale for many reasons but mainly because he translated the Greek word “ekkelsia” as assembly. Assembly would show the people that they are God’s assembly and not the State. He was arrested and placed in prison because his work was not authorized by the state church of Rome and England, and Tyndale refused to change the translation of ekkelsia to something other than assembly and he was burned at the stake.

In 1611, after seven years of work, the 47 scholars who produced the King James Version of the Bible drew extensively from Tyndale’s original work and used approximately 83% of his translation of the Old and New Testaments. What few people realize is when King James of England authorized the translation of the King James Bible, he demanded that the translation of the word “ekkelsia” not be assembly or congregation. So, the translators, who knew not to disobey their sovereign king, transliterated or made up the word “church” for the translation of the word ekkelsia. The word “church” intended meaning in those days was going to a building or a religious place you attended for worship. Never as an assembly of God’s people!!!

The KJV of the Bible is a good translation but evil, ungodly men crept in as did many other men before, during, and after the Reformation Period. Perhaps the most evil and ungodly of these who did more to corrupt and move what God built to a religion called Christianity was the Emperor of Rome Constantine. He erected special buildings for worship, elevated the pastor’s pulpit above the people and He changed the Sabbath, the day of rest, from Saturday to Sunday. Proverbs 5:6 says, “Do not add to His Words lest He reprove you and you be proved a liar.” Constantine had no authority to change what God instituted.

I will remind you that in the First Century, the assembly of the disciples of Jesus met in homes, along the roadways, or at the gates when and where they could. and it was Luther that made preaching the centrality of the worship service and it has remained to this day. Very, very few pastors realize that most of what we do in our worship services has no biblical basis but came to us via Constantine, Luther and the Catholic Mass and they did not get it from the New Testament but rather it grew out of ancient Judaism and paganism. Think of this next time your pastor boast, “That what we do here is based on the Bible.”

I do not intend to use the word “church” again if I can help it. It is a corrupt word that was made up to deceive people of the purpose of God’s ekkelsia and what He built. Today, passive religious people go to a building rather than being God’s active citizens in the Kingdom of God doing the work of Jesus. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

Today, our religious ways are ineffective and are not doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven. Today we go to a building rather than get out of our comfort zones and confront the evil in our nation. There are serious consequences for allowing these false religious systems to openly operate in this nation under the name of Jesus Christ and to continue to give false presentations of what God expects His people to do while on this earth.

The Old Testament was written for our instruction and example that we not make the same mistakes as God’s people made in earlier generations. (Romans 15:4, Corinthians 10:6, II Peter 1:6, and Jude 7) That being said, I want to give you the same instruction that Moses gave God’s people in Numbers 33:55-56, “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live. And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!

Don’t we have inhabitants in the land of America who are thorns in our sides, pricks in our eyes, and are troubling us in our land by taking our land captive, Satan now rules over us and not God, and we have become a habitation for demons? Did not God say to drive out the inhabitants of the land and if you don’t, then it shall come about that as I plan to do to them so I will do to you? Yes, He did say that!! Are we going to do what He said do and drive them out or continue to ignore Him like we have in the past.

These inhabitants are men and women who follow the way of demonic entities and Satan that take away our freedoms, are killing and corrupting our children, and are robbing, stealing, and destroying our land. God said to drive them out of our land and if we refuse, then God will drive them out and as God plans to do to them so He will do to us also. Come on American citizens and followers of Jesus Christ. This is not the time to be deceived, passive, and a coward.

Most of the blame can be laid on pastors for allowing this to happen. The word for pastor is only mentioned one time in the Bible and his function is that of a shepherd. They are not obeying Ephesians 4:11. A pastor is not to dominate the worship service with their sermons and soliciting funds to pay for their expensive buildings, staffs, and TV ministries. The traditions of men have put these pastors in a place of authority in God’s assembly they have not been given.

A shepherd is one who cares for and has a heart for God’s people, he feeds and teaches the believers the truth. He goes after the people when they stray from the Lord. But mainly the pastors are to, to equip God’s people for the work of service, building up of God’s people until we all obtain the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God to a mature person.

Is that your pastor? Is he training and equipping you to live in the Kingdom and for this spiritual war we are in and this destruction before us? Or is He entertaining you on Sunday by delivering to you a sermon to help you discover the real you and to make you feel good about yourself while in your sins. Unless you are challenged by your pastor, the average believer will remain passive toward their spiritual responsibilities and works of Jesus? Passive and disobedient is a dangerous place before a holy God!!!!

I am not trying to be cruel or cute here but to show you just how far we have strayed away from God’s pattern for His ekkelsia and people. In the kingdom, your responsibility is to be obedient, submissive, committed, faithful, and show allegiance to your King!!! It is time we to restore the ekkelsia to its rightful function in the Kingdom of God.

Speaking of the Kingdom of God, I sincerely hope each of you will seek a revelation of the Kingdom of God and the vital role that the assembly of God’s people plays in the Kingdom. There are two kingdoms – the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. God’s Kingdom began in Genesis 1:26 after God created the earth and mankind and put Adam and Eve into the garden. He gave them dominion on the earth and said let them rule over the earth, be fruitful and multiply and to cultivate and keep it. Revelation 1:6, “He has made us to be a kingdom.” “Do not be afraid little flock, for our Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) The Kingdom of God is a country and is a government. Jesus came to earth to fulfill Genesis 3:15 and to restore what Adam lost in the garden – a kingdom government and dominion and to die for the sins of man so we can be forgiven in order to be holy to receive the Holy Spirit. When you are born from above (John 3), you receive the Holy Spirit and become a citizen of God’s kingdom. In addition to being called a citizen of the kingdom, we are called priest, sons of God, and ambassadors of Christ. Nowhere in the Bible did God call us Christians.

Jesus said in Matthew 4:17, Repent, for the Kingdom is near you. Kingdom means the rule of God – God wants to rule in your life. The word repent means to change your thinking. Change your thinking from religion, the ways of this world to the Kingdon and the ways of Jesus. Kingdom citizens grow to reflect King Jesus’ kingdom culture, values, morals, nature, and lifestyle.

Then we move out into our nation to make disciples and to influence our culture, government, media, institutions, public schools and universities, media, television, social media, any business or anything or anyone to Jesus’ values, morals, nature, and lifestyle. We are to influence people to move from the darkness of the Kingdom of Satan to the light of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. God’s people have failed to do this because our nation does not reflect Jesus but is ruled by Satan and his demonic world. We have become a dwelling place for demons and demonic strongholds and high places. SHAME ON US!!!

Perhaps the greatest hindrance to living the kingdom life of Jesus is we do not understand His sovereignty. As King Jesus is sovereign. There is no wisdom against Him or no council against Him. He has absolute rule in His Kingdom and when He speaks it is law and it is unchangeable. God’s Word is His law. In a kingdom, a citizen has no opinion or private interpretation. Since you are an ambassador of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, you have no opinion; you only say what Jesus says which is the Word of God.

We live in a charismatic generation that values experiences over the centrality of God’s Word. The call to be all in, pick up your cross and follow Jesus is not very appealing when we can run from revival to another prophetic conference just to hear what our itching ears want to hear. But God’s ekkelsia is a culture of truth and is not a culture of feelings. You cannot separate Jesus from what He says and still have the real Jesus. “He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last days.” (John 12:48)

Too many people who claim to follow Jesus, frame their opinions of themselves or their accomplishments on their intentions. In reality, the only measurable thing in your life is the action you take and what that action produces in you and the lives around you that you influence. Not your hopes, your desires, your dreams, or your intentions. It’s what you do that is actually measured in the end by Jesus.

I don’t know how God is going to deal with our religion and our passive attitude of not resisting the evil before us. If you want to know what God will do, read the Word of God to see what He did in the past to rebellious and disobedient religious nations like America!! I really believe we have lost our fear of God!!!! We openly ignore what God’s Word says about our responsibility in the Kingdom and to deal with evil. Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 the gate is wide that leads to destruction and the gate is narrow and the way that leads to life is hard and those who find it are few. So many are headed for a rude awakening!!!

God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Myles Munroe and his wonderful books and tapes on the Kingdom of God and the books Ekkelsia by Joe Nicola and Way of the Victorious by Parker Green. Last week I referenced Pagan Christianity and Rethinking the Wineskin by Frank Viola in my article. I was asked to correct this as the new version of Pagan Christianity is coauthored with George Barna and the revised and professionally published version of Rethinking the Wineskin is under the new title, “Reimagining Church.” You can view all of Frank Viola’s wonderful books at frankviola.org/books)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

Direction Determines Destination

by Rolaant McKenzie

September 3, 2023

Coded Hostile (1989) is a British television film that chronicles the shooting down of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 over Sakhalin Island by Soviet warplanes on September 1, 1983, resulting in the deaths of all 269 passengers and crew. This tragedy exacerbated Cold War tensions between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies.

The flight departed from John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City, on August 31, twenty-five minutes after midnight. After refueling at Anchorage International Airport in Alaska, it departed for Seoul, South Korea, at 4 am AKDT, with Captain Chun Byung-in as the pilot for the final leg of the journey.

During the flight to Seoul, the plane started to gradually veer off course, eventually ending up about 200 miles from its intended flight path over restricted military airspace around the Kamchatka Peninsula. Two fighter jets were sent to intercept the plane, and failing to communicate with it, one of them destroyed the plane with an air-to-air missile as it flew over Sakhalin Island.

About four years later, lawyers representing the relatives of those killed on the flight tracked down the pilot of KAL Flight 015, Captain Park Yong-man. He was also flying to Seoul from Anchorage that night, about 15 minutes behind Flight 007. Captains Park and Chun had a friendly professional and personal relationship for more than 20 years. Park was perhaps the last person to talk to Chun, and he presented his understanding of what happened.

Park said that the first thing to be done when entering the cockpit of a plane before flight is to switch the flight computer to alignment, telling it the exact present location and destination. Once the map references are entered, the plane must stay absolutely still on the ground until the flight computer is aligned, usually taking about 20 minutes.

Park said that if a mistake is made and the plane is moved too soon, the flight computer will give false navigational information and the plane will start to drift off course. He said that the deviation from the correct flight path would seem so slight at first that turning back would be deemed unnecessary. But once the deviation became serious, the point of no return would have passed. Park expressed his belief that the plane was moved before the flight computer was properly aligned.

According to Park, Chun realized that the plane was going off course but chose to continue the flight instead of turning back to Anchorage. He described Chun as a very proud man, not wanting to lose face by admitting a mistake was made and needing to dump thousands of dollars’ worth of fuel into the sea so that the plane would be light enough to land safely back at Anchorage.

Park, out of respect for Chun, communicated with him discreetly, asking him why he was late reaching the next checkpoint. Chun said they were experiencing strong headwinds. When Park said that his plane was not facing any strong headwinds, Chun terminated communication. He knew that Chun was not relaying the correct information to him.

Chun’s pride and the desire to save face and maintain the approval of his colleagues and Korean Air Lines prevented him from taking the correct course of action to save himself, his crew, and the passengers relying on him to get them home safely. The incorrect navigational information and failure to turn around took them to the wrong destination, resulting in their deaths.

As Jesus called on the people of Israel to repent and believe the gospel (Mark 1:14-15), performing many signs and miracles, many of His hearers, convicted in their hearts of the truth of His message, would not acknowledge that before God they were going in the wrong direction and needed to turn around, recognize their sin, and believe in Him for forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

“Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.” (John 12:42-43)

Synagogues are Jewish buildings used for worship, prayer, study, assembly, the reading of the Torah, and other special ceremonies. They played a central role in the lives of Jews who practiced Judaism in the time of Jesus and up to the present day. Being in good standing in the local synagogue played an important role in social acceptance in the community, including family relationships, livelihood, and receiving support in hard times.

Though many of the Jewish people knew that Jesus was the Messiah and that they needed to be aligned with Him, they preferred to save face with the religious leaders of their community and remain in the synagogue, not wanting to be ostracized and suffer hardships that would come from a collapse of their social credit score. They preferred the fleeting approval of man and the short-term benefits it provided over the permanent approval of God and the eternal benefits of fellowship with Him through Jesus Christ.

Many people around the world today face similar circumstances, especially in Islamic and communist countries. Friends at church, who had years ago taught English as a second language to Chinese students in Australia, related two stories of people with whom they shared the gospel message.

One man recognized the truth of the message but considered his significant social credit score in communist China, which allowed him to have many privileges and a comfortable life. He chose to keep his life in the direction it was going, not wanting to change course and follow Jesus, who gave His life as a ransom for sinners (Mark 8:34-37).

Another student also heard the gospel and thought about the successful and privileged life he and his family enjoyed. He was convicted in his heart about the truth of the gospel and his need for Jesus, but he knew that he and his family could lose everything, including their home, if he became a Christian. After talking with his wife and sharing the gospel message with her, they both decided to change their direction in life and trust in Jesus. They had come to believe that no hardships they would face in this life would compare with their destination in eternity (Romans 8:18).

Proverbs 29:25 says, “The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.” Like the pilot of the ill-fated KAL Flight 007 who, to save face, disregarded his true position and the need to turn around, we can be ensnared and taken off course by the desire for social acceptance that dissuades us from believing the gospel of Jesus Christ, leading to a permanent, terrible destination.

The direction you go determines your destination. Repent and change your direction. Trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins and the salvation He gives as a free gift, and have a glorious eternal destination!

© 2023 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie: rolaant@gospeloutreach.net

Website: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/

Ken Paxton Impeachment Bias: The Troubling Trio Blocking Justice in Texas

By: Amil Imani

September 2, 2023

In the turbulent landscape of American politics, the battle for justice often gets lost in a sea of partisan rhetoric. In a glaring example of this, the impeachment trial of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken a disturbing turn, with three Democratic senators at the heart of a contentious debate. While Paxton’s lawyers have called for these senators to recuse themselves, their unwavering bias remains a troubling impediment to a fair trial.

Senators Nathan Johnson of Dallas, Roland Gutierrez of San Antonio, and José Menéndez of San Antonio stand accused of blatant partiality in the Paxton impeachment trial. Their public statements have left little doubt about their preconceived notions regarding the case. But what makes this situation all the more absurd is that while these three Democrats continue to assert their influence, they refuse to allow Senator Angela Paxton, the attorney general’s wife, to exercise her right to vote in the same trial. The glaring hypocrisy is impossible to ignore.

The Accused Trio’s Troubling Statements

The crux lies in the unabashed bias exhibited by Senators Johnson, Gutierrez, and Menéndez. Paxton’s legal team has meticulously collected a series of damning statements made by these senators that demonstrate their discriminatory stance against the attorney general.

For instance, Senator Roland Gutierrez’s appearance on MSNBC, where he boldly claimed that the evidence against Paxton was irrefutable, raises questions about his impartiality. In the realm of justice, it is essential for senators acting as jurors to approach a case with an open mind, willing to consider all evidence before making a judgment. Gutierrez’s public proclamation has undermined the very essence of a fair trial.

On the other hand, Senator Nathan Johnson has used his social media platform to air his bias. A tweet reacting to a political action committee’s donation to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick not only violated a gag order issued by Patrick but also further demonstrated Johnson’s predisposition against Paxton.

These senators’ actions fly in the face of their constitutional duty as jurors in this impeachment trial. The foundation of democracy rests upon a fair and unbiased judicial process, and the actions of these senators threaten to undermine that foundation.

Double Standards: Allowing Bias While Denying Rights

The refusal to allow Senator Angela Paxton to participate in the trial makes the situation even more baffling. While Paxton’s legal team has demanded the recusal of three Democratic senators due to their blatant bias, they simultaneously argue that if Angela Paxton is required to step aside, those who have displayed bias against the attorney general should also be disqualified. The logic behind this plea is clear: if impartiality is the standard, it must apply to all parties equally.

Yet, the Democratic senators have not extended the same courtesy to Senator Angela Paxton. Her disqualification from voting in the trial due to a perceived conflict of interest was a decision that was not only swift but also one that has been met with little resistance from her Democratic colleagues.

This glaring double standard raises questions about the true intentions of these senators. Are they genuinely interested in upholding the principles of justice and fairness, or are they simply using their power to push a partisan agenda?

The Bigger Picture: Paxton’s Impeachment

Amidst this circus of bias and double standards, the real issue is the impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The charges against Paxton center on allegations that he abused his position to benefit a wealthy Austin businessman and campaign donor, Nate Paul. This case deserves a fair and impartial trial, free from political posturing and partisan biases.
The Senate’s previous disqualification of Senator Angela Paxton due to a conflict of interest has already raised concerns about the fairness of this trial. But the refusal to reciprocate this gesture by disqualifying senators who have openly demonstrated bias only deepens those concerns.

A Battle for Justice

The battle for justice in the Paxton impeachment trial is not just about one individual’s fate but the integrity of the American justice system. Fairness, impartiality, and due process must be upheld at all costs. Senators Nathan Johnson, Roland Gutierrez, and José Menéndez must take a long, hard look in the mirror and consider whether they are truly fit to serve as jurors in this case.

Their actions have cast a dark shadow over this trial, and it is incumbent upon them to act responsibly and recuse themselves in the interest of justice. It is not a sign of weakness to admit bias; it is a testament to the strength of our democracy when individuals step aside to ensure a fair and just process.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

A Soviet-styled Future in Oregon?

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senate – District 28

September 2, 2023

After my last newsletter, I received several responses to my assertion that socialism is a destructive ideology. I’ll admit that I may have been too willing to blame the Democrat party as the only source of the current wave of destructionism in Oregon. However, my claim is still valid – socialism is destructionism.

Whether only Democrat party members praise collectivist ideals was not my main point. All political party members can be caught promoting socialist ideas, some more than others. My warning is that single-party rule tends toward totalitarianism and is dangerous. Any of us can be teased down the candied highway of socialism by “free” government money.

But government money is never free. The regulatory requirements for using federal funds are rarely of practical or fiscally responsible natures. They always carry a political burden.

This ought to be obvious but it often escapes scrutiny because governments spend enormous amounts of money trying to mask their agenda – which is always more control.

Think about the recent COVID corruption scheme that engulfed the entire world. Supposedly, it was for our safety. But now we see that it was nothing but a litany of lies and strategic manipulation. It was used for control, pure and simple. It also allowed aligned players to make billions in profit, circumvented due process and re-engineered our society through destructionist racketeering. The Democrat/Socialist party was the prime contractor in this destructionist effort.

Now, we see the fulness of designs for power politics coming to fruition here in Oregon. Last week’s mainstream mouthpieces were giddy with news that Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade confirmed that she intends to enforce the DOJ’s interpretation of Ballot Measure 113. The majority party’s DOJ claims that Measure 113 bans lawmakers from running for re-election if they denied quorum for more than 10 days.

This is an unconstitutional, brute force abridgment of the democratic process and the free-speech rights of the Senators who adhered to the rules of the Senate while denying quorum.

Republican Senators are not the so-called “grumblers and malcontents” who refused to “go-to work.” They were, and are, principled fighters. They were setup by the Democrat majority, in concert with union muscle, to implement the final solution in a long-coveted dream of single-party rule here in Oregon.

In Oregon, drastic legislative language was aimed directly at destroying parental rights, our constitutionally codified 2nd Amendment protections, and our rights to self-defense (HB 2002, 2004, 2005, SB 348, et.al.). These bills were brought to the front of the legislative calendar to tease principled opposition members from office. It was nothing but a sadistic bit of cheese on the bait-trap tray.

Senate President Wagner (D-Lake Oswego) was more than happy to deny any and all excused absences to ensure a clear ballot for the next election cycle. The radical left is far too rapacious to be concerned with the long-term consequences of their actions because one-party rule is the only goal that matters.

There was never any room for compromise or deliberation because the majority party was unwilling to negotiate until their opposition had been thoroughly gutted by the unconstitutional 10-day limit imposed by Measure 113.

Every day we see increases in state-sponsored censorship, the weaponization of fear, and the demonization of common-sense, truth-telling, and citizen participation. All of these campaigns have been camouflaged in the narrative of tolerance while representing a frontal assault against self-governance.

To illustrate my point, I include just one of many historical illustrations. Below is a complete quote, from pgs. 97-98, in Roger Moorhouse’s historical narrative, The Devils’ Alliance – Hitler’s Pact with Stalin, 1939-41, (emphasis added):

“Events moved with dizzying speed that summer. After their expe­rience in eastern Poland the previous autumn, the Soviets were already well practiced in the art of ‘democratic demolition.’

“Within a month, across all three Baltic states, elections were called by the newly formed, Moscow-friendly governments. This in itself would have been quite a novelty, as all three states had spawned authori­tarian ­– albeit largely benign – governments in the 1930s, but the Soviet variant of democracy was even less worthy of the name.

Only approved candidates were permitted to stand, all others were removed from the ballot and arrested. Voting was compulsory, with those spoiling their ballot or refusing to vote risking arrest: ‘Only enemies of the people stay at home on election day’, warned one Estonian newspaper.81

Moorhouse’s narrative continues:

To reassure the people, Soviet representatives were at pains to stress that the independence of the Baltic nations would be respected, vehemently denying that incorporation into the USSR was in the offing.

The results were preordained, to the point that they were even accidentally announced in Moscow before the polls had closed:

97.2 per cent of Latvian voters were said to have voted for the approved list,
99.2 per cent in Lithuania and
92.8 per cent in Estonia.82

“Voter turnout was also unfeasibly high, ranging between 84 and 95 per cent; one electoral precinct in Lithuania even achieved the remarkable feat of voter turnout reaching 122 per cent. The true figure across all Lithuania has been estimated at barely 16 per cent.83

“Once compliant ‘people’s parliaments’ were installed, all that was left for them was to vote themselves out of existence. The first act of each, therefore, upon meeting in late July, was to petition Moscow for accession to the USSR as a constituent republic.

“After a period of ‘consultation’ the Supreme Soviet in Moscow duly granted the requests:

Lithuania became a Soviet republic on 3 August 1940,
Latvia followed two days later and
Estonia on 6 August.

In Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn, there were confusion and humiliation as people sought to take in what had happened to them, and to the independent states that they had once inhabited.

“In desperation, a few took to the forests to fight the Soviet occupiers; others chose more passive forms of protest such as placing flowers at national memorials, or singing patriotic songs.

“Khrushchev would later write in his memoirs, without a hint of irony, that the annexation of the Baltic states was a ‘great triumph’ for the Baltic peoples, as it gave them ‘the chance to live in conditions equal to those of the working class, peasantry, and laboring intelligentsia of Russia’.84”

History should be our guide.

In Oregon, we can see the same regimen of election tampering being unleashed under the color of law. The current Democrat-party led attack against the right of local constituencies to choose their own representatives is not a new idea. If Measure 113 stands it will be one of many steps toward the soviet-style authoritarianism that destroyed all of the free, fair and honest electoral challenges to the soviet model of single-party rule.

History will be repeated if we fail to learn our lessons. We should be willing to question the timing and fury of indictments against former President Trump as it relates to denying his opportunity to be on election ballots in the near future.

Coincidentally, conservative Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was also barred from running for office until 2030 by a panel of judges. The partisan judges concluded that Bolsonaro spread doubts about the country’s electronic voting system. Meanwhile, the current socialist President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was convicted of bribery charges that were overturned, under controversial circumstances.

We have big challenges in front of us. We must continue to extol our belief in liberty, free markets, fiscal responsibility, ordered liberty, equal opportunity, medical freedom, free-speech and freedom of conscience rights for everyone.

I need your help to mount a strategic challenge to the unconscionable assault on the rights of minorities everywhere – the right to protest government policy, to air grievances in public without persecution and the right to continue the fight for our respective liberties.

This battle was brought into our front yards, now let’s muster our courageous response!

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: d4linthicum@gmail.com

We Have Been Given the Royal Communist Shaft With Barbwire Clusters

By Andrew Wallace

September 2, 2023

Most people are ignorant of how really close we are to a Great Depression, which will result in the bankruptcy of government and many citizens, widespread suffering, and anarchy.

Government would no longer be able to honor its obligations to its dependent people, resulting in Civil War.

All of this is the result of the people being financially bled to death by the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations, government, and universities. When the suffering starts, these criminals will fly off in their jets with their ill-gotten gains.

In this paper, I will expose you to only a FEW of the available facts that may not be readily found in the enemy media.

My primary objective is to give you some of the information I use, so you can draw your own conclusions and show your politicians that you know more than they do.

Also, you can’t fail to see where the economy is going, based upon the sheer weight of the varied information provided.

Economic Factors

The Money Supply has fallen by $2.8 trillion or 15% since April 2022. This is the largest fall since the Great Depression, which was caused by a similar action by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Bank…which is doing it again.

Individual bankruptcies are up 68%.

Yield on treasury bonds is the highest in 20 years, causing bank failures, etc.

State and local tax revenues are falling.

Credit card debt is delinquent by more than one billion dollars.

Commercial real estate has collapsed. Sales of existing homes has also collapsed because of interest rates and inflation.

The Dollar is valued at four cents, compared to 1930 when gold was $20.67 an ounce (and is now about $2,000 an ounce).

Gold and silver is the only money allowed by the Constitution because it retains value, does not cause inflation, nor promote wars, nor facilitate transfer of the peoples’ wealth to the PSRRC.

United States Debt is $ 32.7 trillion.

Demand for trucking down 8-9%.

UPS and Fed-X package deliveries are way down.

Two years of negative real wages.

Household income down 9.1%.

Government spent about $100 billion on Ukraine, but makes our own people suffer in disasters.

Unconstitutional foreign aid in 2019 was $.094 Trillion. See the Constitution, Article 1 section 8 clause 1.

In 2022, $1.19 trillion was spent on 80 different unconstitutional federal welfare programs. Article1 section 9 clause 7.This is 20% of federal spending, 25% of tax revenues or $9,000 per household.

Domestic and global health expenses were 29% of the federal budget.

Federal income in 2022 was $5 trillion, or $15,098 per person.

Interest on the federal debt $.663 trillion in 2023.

Federal government spent $6.5 trillion in 2022, which was 28.7% more than they collected, or a $1.45 trillion deficit.

There has been a 27.4% drop in shipments to the NE United States.

United States lost 585,000 full time jobs last month, and unemployment claims were 248,000.

Every dime spent on illegal invaders by federal government is unconstitutional and treason! See Article 3 section 1 and Article 1 section 8 clause 1. Cost is estimated to be $.15 Trillion.

One simple conclusion to be drawn from the preceding is that you could reduce income taxes by 32%, or have no deficit by:

1. Eliminating unconstitutional federal welfare payments to those who could work, but refuse, $.91 Trillion. Article1 section 9 clause7.

2. Eliminate half of the federal employees who work for unconstitutional departments and agencies, $.48 Trillion. Article 1 section 8.

3. Eliminate unconstitutional foreign aid, $.094 Trillion. Article1 section 8 clause1.

4. Eliminate unconstitutional payments to foreign invaders, estimated to be $.15 Trillion. Article 1 section 8.

Just by eliminating these four UNCONSTITUTIONAL expenditures, you would save $1.63 Trillion, which eliminates the deficit or reduces income taxes by 32%.This reinforces what you already knew: that most in Congress, from both parties, are dirty, rotten crooks and worse.


P. J. O’Rourke said it best: “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the ‘right’ to health care, the ‘right’ to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.”

It is a fact that about 50% of the people are dependent, to some degree, on the government. This, of course, supports the government, but it is a civil war waiting to happen if the checks stop, which is expected.

Welfare Factors

Fifty-nine million are on welfare, 30% are under 18, and 43 million (or 70%) could work, but don’t.

Only 12% of the population is black, but 40% of welfare recipients are black. The communist goal of dependency is succeeding in this cultural community.

Unconstitutional federal welfare costs $1.3 trillion, and increases inflation because of the goods and services not produced by the 43 million worthless slackers who could work but refuse to do so. Article I section 9 clause 7.


There are 143.8 million workers earning $9.7 trillion. Eleven million work for governments.

7.6 million Illegal invaders work.

The American Dream is Dead

It was killed by greedy corporations and others who outbid citizens so they could rent the homes out at exorbitant prices.

This has deprived citizens of the American Dream, lower cost of living, pride of home ownership, and earned equity for old age.

Remember that every negative fact in this paper is attributed to the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government.


Those in Congress of both parties are too well paid by the PSRRC to correct these problems, but they must be corrected one way or another.

People must demand that all three branches of government obey the Constitution and:

1. Use tariffs sufficient to protect American workers from cheaper foreign wages and to finance government in place of income tax, as was done prior to 1913.

2. No wars without a declaration of war by Congress that is required to protect the national security of the United States. Every war for the last 77 years has been lost, was for profit of the PSRRC, and had nothing to do with our national security.

3. The FBI is beyond redemption and must be disbanded and replaced by a reconstituted Militia of the Several States as specified in the Constitution. We can never have a Constitutional Republic and “equal justice” with the existing FBI. Anyone who works for the corrupt FBI should never be allowed to work for government. The Constitution gives all police powers to the states, and they can handle it.

4. There are two things that could start a revolution. One is the new CBDC digital currency and the resulting instant slavery, and the other is restricting firearms.

There are many more important elements and I have covered many of them in my past articles. I am certain that every number I have used can be questioned; it is the nature of these types of statistics. But they were obtained from reliable sources.

Don’t forget to spend a good part of your political donations to sue the pants off of the government.

After all, the politicians take your money and do what the PSRRC tells them to do with it. The PSRRC is interested in power and two things, wars for profit and no tariffs. These are the two major causes of your impoverishment and profits for the PSRRC. It is also why President Trump’s character was assassinated like no other man in history other than Judas, but with no proof.

Remember, nullification is the original right of self defense; it is a natural right. Nullify all UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS by not obeying them and suing government. Find your balls and let the enemy hear from you before it is too late!

May God Bless You and the Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Republican Gov. Bill Lee Sells out Tennessee

by Kat Stansell

September 1, 2023

Divided, Both Sides Lose. YOU can Help to bring Americans Together in the Cause of Freedom

Party labels are dead and gone. The old terms, “R”, “D”, “I”, and “L” have been rendered meaningless by the precipitous slide to the left of the DC corporation.

Gone is the party of the “common man”. Gone, too, is the party of moral and fiscal conservatism. Part of the national angst is people searching for their old party allegiances. Voters are confused and angry, and it’s all according to plan.

We only make it worse by continuing to lean on those outdated tags in every reference and conversation.

Anger has been stirred among us by the purposeful and forced divisiveness of which we have all become the target. Everyone is sick and tired of being called “racist”, sexist”, “(fill-in-the-blank)-phobe”; “hater”, “Commie” and so many more. This has gone on for a over a decade and everyday, it gets worse. These hostile, and in most cases, unwarranted names divide people, and the division will prove fatal to our Republic if we let it continue.

Bold-faced lies pass for news coverage. Utter insanity is afoot in our government at every level., boldly and openly.

But, make NO mistake. We are being divided so that we can ALL be conquered.

To keep this greatest of treasures, our freedom, we MUST forge new allegiances with others who value their freedoms, regardless of how any of us has ever voted in the past.

So, please step up. Re-train yourself to stop thinking in terms of explosive labels, and to stop using them in interaction with others.

Our only choices from here on are the Constitution or Communism. Period.

When put to the “other side” in these terms, people “get it”, even if not right away. Both sides want to keep their freedoms, of that you can be sure. No one votes themselves into totalitarian control.

Ask a liberal family member or neighbor if they support Communism. Step back to avoid the flying spittle, and see how fiercely they deny it. OK, it’s not always easy on the first attempts, but it eventually begins to sink in. Our Constitution and rule of law are in rapid decline, a fact that is very readily apparent to 90%+ of Americans. They know it. They feel it. The Left is beginning to cry for “law and order” to quell the lawless society they’ve created. MSM even talks about it, when you listen closely.

Lose those terms, “Republican”, “Democrat”, “Libertarian”, “Independent. It will help to raise the tent flaps and gather more folks to the cause of freedom. Remember: Death squads and internment camps won’t check for party registration.

PS: If you think I’m kidding, you can check what Gov. Bill Lee (R), of the “red state” of Tennessee did during the last Scamdemic. Lee authorized the activation of internment camps and the construction of more, “to sufficiently confine all persons who refuse to be examined, treated, isolated, or quarantined” (TN Code ANN.S68-9-205). He also invited federal trooops into his state to control the masses. There were his Executive Orders 83 and 90, in case you want to look them up. Check your state’s executive orders, now temporarily “expired”. Red state or blue, they’re coming for us, and they prefer us to be divided.

© 2023 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: katvanatt@protonmail.com

Climate Emergency To Produce a Global Government aka New World Order

By Cliff Kincaid

September 1, 2023

It’s no surprise that the Communist Party USA is promoting the September 17th March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City. Anything which weakens the United States is on their agenda. Meanwhile, the march is being held in conjunction with the U.N. Climate Ambition Summit, “the goal of which is to get world leaders to phase out fossil fuels.” This “goal,” if achieved, would destroy the United States.

In the same way the United Nations is demanding trillions in reparations from the United States over slavery, the U.N. will be demanding trillions in “climate reparations” over capitalism. In fact, a “loss and damage” fund has already been established to collect the money.

Ironically, out-of-towners are told to review the travel and logistics page for buses, trains, and carpools, in order to get to the New York City rally.  The last time I checked, these modes of transportation used energy, including fossil fuels.

What we have developing is a communist group timing a march in conjunction with the activities of a communist-front organization, the United Nations. Founded by Soviet spy Alger Hiss, we call the U.N. the House that Hiss built.

If conservatives were smart, they would dump all the talk about impeaching Joe and Hunter over their convoluted bribery schemes and instead focus on the price of gas and other necessities caused by their green policies and inflation of the currency. This is something ordinary Americans understand.

The March to End Fossil Fuels is designed to bankrupt the middle class.

In addition to the “green energy” policies being imposed by the federal government, as Biden prepares to use emergency powers, the “progressive” states are moving ahead rapidly as well with their own policies.

Maryland State Delegate Mark Fisher reports that Maryland passed the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 and will begin public hearings “to clamp-down on generators, refrigerators, farm animals — you name it.”

For those who think communism is dead, I would suggest examining what the CPUSA and other groups are doing these days. When they protest fossil fuels, their strategy is designed to make life harder for the “workers” they say they represent. They want to create more suffering. That, in their view, would help spark a revolution. On a global basis, they want a global government under the control of China and Russia.

In order to mask the communist nature of this one-world government, Pope Francis will assume a central role.

Under this pope, the Vatican has taken a strange turn, at odds with the anti-communism of Pope John Paul II and now functioning as an integral part of the international Left. The “liberation theology” movement and the reverence for the “Spirit of Gaia” or “Mother Earth” in the name of environmentalism have now assumed prominence under Francis, the first Jesuit pope.

Like the FBI, Francis has recently been attacking traditional Catholics who believe in sustaining moral values, such as opposition to abortion and preserving the nuclear family.

Taking the orders of Francis, the group Catholic Climate Covenant sponsored a “Laudato Si’ and the U.S. Catholic Church” conference with Creighton University that began with an opening speech by former U.N. official Christiana Figueres and ended by recognizing 13 individuals and organizations with Laudato Si’ Champion Awards.

Francis’s environmental encyclical “Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home,” cites the mystical views of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a notorious New Ager described by Wallace Johnson, the author of The Death Of Evolution, as “a bridge between Christians and Marxists.”

Figueres was Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2010-2016.

We all know that the “Green Agenda” is benefitting Russia, with its vast oil reserves, but not as much attention has been given to how it works on behalf of Communist China. The benefits to China are summarized in an important new report, “Where Green Meets Red: How the Environmental Agenda is Making America Dependent on China.”

The book,  Red Roots, Green Shoots, explains how “Marxist environmentalism” is driving the hysteria over “climate change.” The author was the first chair of the Commission on Environment of the CPUSA.

Of course, the scheduled New York City rally is not the first “climate march” to occur in the U.S. When President Trump was elected in 2016, a “People’s Climate March” was held, in order to stop his America First energy policies.

The climate change scam, originally called “global warming,” was designed by Russia after the “collapse” of the old Soviet Union gave rise to the notion that the world could come together as one. It is one of the great Soviet/Russian deceptions.

The upcoming New York City march will be joined by scores of communist and socialist groups, including the Ecosocialist Working group, which is part of the New York City Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

It’s tempting to laugh at these climate protesters, as they use fossil fuels to get to their rallies.

But many are desperate people under the influence of “green” dope, warning about a “climate collapse” that requires civil disobedience and violent tactics. You are beginning to see these people blocking traffic on the roads and highways.

Adding to the hysteria, the establishment journal foreign Affairs warns that “The Age of Climate Disaster Is Here.” The author, Alice Hill, is the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of The Fight for Climate After COVID-19.

You get the idea. So-called climate lockdowns will necessarily follow the COVID lockdowns.

Before our YouTube channel was censored, we aired a program on how the New Age Movement could use Pope Francis as their “Messiah” for purposes of influence or control in what has been called a New World Order.

The New Age Movement is very real, but except for the Marxist Jim Jones cult, whose followers committed mass suicide in Guyana, and Hollywood-based Scientology, we get very little attention or coverage of it.

The U.N.’s brand of religion can be seen in the fact that a few blocks from the U.N. is the Quest Book Shop, where U.N. officials gather to meditate and read material from the Theosophical Society. Founded by a Russian mystic named Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891), who wrote The Secret Doctrine, Theosophy teaches that man can become God through mystical experiences, and can even perform miracles.

An occult Theosophist group called the Lucis Trust is in charge of the United Nations Meditation Room, where U.N. officials communicate with Mother Earth or other “spiritual” entities.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

• Cliff Kincaid is president o America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy Weapon – Round Two

By: Devvy

September 1, 2023

My last column, Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy WeaponNo Proof, brought an avalanche of emails.  One man was so impressed he told me I was a piece off sh*t.  Ah, anonymity of the Internet.  Another wrote:  “Do more research, please, before giving your conclusions.”  He included two links for me to look at which I’ll get to below.  Only 6 people so far insist it was a DEW.  All the rest aren’t buying it.

Blockbuster:  Irrefutable Proof Lahaina Was an Act of WarVideo shot from a sailboat offshore proves there was no wind on the ocean from any hurricane and that the winds in lahaina were local only to lahaina. How could that happen? Weather mod.”

Winds of 80 mph were recorded inland that day on Maui in some places from Hurricane Dora; the average ranged from 60-75 mph.  Do the research.  Those high winds on Aug. 8th grounded planes from dropping water and fire retardants and knocked out power in many areas.

Winds were local only to Lahaina?

At least 36 people confirmed dead in devastating wildfires: Maui County, Aug. 8, 2023, 1:11 am – (Emphasis mine) “Maui County says 36 people are now confirmed dead in the devastating wildfires that have decimated entire communities, including historic Lahaina… Meanwhile, at least three large fires on Maui — including the blaze in Lahaina — are still active and out of control, which means a full picture of the devastation hasn’t yet come into view.”

Dora-fueled winds whip up destructive brush fires, trigger evacuations, Aug. 8, 2023, 2:30 am – “Earlier in the evening, mandatory evacuations were ordered for residents on Lahainaluna Road, Hale Mahaolu and Lahaina Bypass. Several roads were also closed in the area, including Lahaina Bypass…The high winds mean firefighters can’t conduct water drops.”

No wind?  We know many jumped into the ocean to save their lives.  Seeing is believing:  Hawaii: Lahaina residents escape wildfires by jumping into ocean and, wind anyone?  Maui residents describe diving into the ocean to avoid getting burned by wildfires and this short video:  Maui wildfires: Survivors describe how wind “funneled” fire right into Lahaina

THIS video is a must watch; it’s short.  New footage fuels speculation that downed power lines sparked Lahaina wildfires.  Of course the reporter says, well, we don’t know but you’ll see while the reporter is interviewing a power line on the ground sparking a fire and it spreads from there.  Not to mention the wind.

WATCH: ‘The Biden Curtain’ goes up to block view of Hawaii Ground Zero, Aug. 28, 2023.  The reporter let viewers know he’s made sure people on the mainland have the footage in case something happens to him.  Something nefarious going on?

Ahem.  State of Hawaii – Dept of Transportation:  Maui Crews Installing Dust Screen Around Lahaina, Aug. 25, 2023.  Given the wind situation, debris – including potentially hazardous materials – is blowing all over the place including Honoapiʻilani Highway (Route 30) and the Lāhainā Bypass (Route 3000).  That work started on Aug. 16th and is meant to protect people driving on the Honoapiʻilani Highway. It is a massive clean-up effort and looking for human remains.  Besides houses, there were restaurants, shops, 3 gas stations.

Dust screens are used on construction sites and even people’s chain link fences.  It’s nothing new, but I learn something new every day.

This is an interview with Dane Wigington I mentioned above sent to me by a polite man which I hit on because a closed mind is a dangerous thing:  Lahaina Incineration is Deadly WeatherWarfare – Dane Wigington. I have been aware of Wiginton’s tireless work on geoengineering and weather for several years. I respect his work, but disagree with him on this:

“According to Wigington, they used climate engineering to create a “wind tunnel effect right over Lahaina” with wind speeds up to 100 miles per hour to superheat the fire. Wigington explains, “This creates a bellows effect, and that escalates temperatures exponentially over what they would have otherwise been.

“They have been melting steel around the world by exactly that manner for thousands of years by feeding air in. That’s the bellows effect. This is the same as an acetylene torch. If you burn just the acetylene, you have 1,500 degrees. When you add oxygen, now you get 6,000 degrees. People are not considering this. They don’t need Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).”

The human factor

This would mean “they” whoever they are didn’t have a problem with deliberately creating a wind tunnel effect right over Lahaina.  Get up in the morning.  Today’s mission is to murder a few hundred or maybe even a thousand human beings and burn down an entire town.  Go home, eat dinner and maybe watch some TV.

From that interview:  “There is a 140-page U.S. military document that we found and posted at GeoEngineeringWatch.org. It is titled “Wildfires as a Military Weapon.” It describes surface preparation . . . prior to their commencement of the surface firestorm incineration.”

Okay.  I found the same document (Emphasis mine.):  Forest Fires As A Military Weapon.  Final Report June 4, 1970.  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.  Advanced Research Project, Remote Area Conflict, ARPA Order No. 818. It is 171 pages.

“In late March, 1965, the 315th Air Commando Group initiated a fire-bombing raid, code-named Operation SHERWOOD FOREST, against the Boi Loi Forest, 25 miles west of Saigon. Although the raid was conducted ducted in the rain and did not result in any appreciable destruction of forest cover, the concept evoked considerable interest.

“In September 1965, CINCPAC requested that the Joint Chiefs of Staff take action to expedite the development of a device capable of destroying large areas of jungle or forest growth by fire.

“In December 1965, the Joint Chiefs of Staff by JCSM-862-65, requested that the Secretary of Defense initiate programs to determine the feasibility of dehydrating jungle growth to the point where such material would support combustion, and to initiate development of operational means for determining the specific conditions under which there is the greatest probability of destroying jungle or forest growth by fire.

“On December 20, 1965, the Advanced Research Projects Agency initiated ARPA Order 818 with the Division of Fire and Atmospheric Sciences Research of the Forest Service to conduct a research program of environmental modification techniques (Project EMOTE). The program was concerned with basic flammability problems of the major vegetation types of the world: although specific emphasis was given to humid forests, particularly the jungles of Southeast Asia. The major objectives were to develop the knowledge and technology needed to:

“I. Describe, measure, and express quantitatively the flammability characteristics of forests and associated vegetation.  2. Modify flammability of vegetation types so that the fuel masses will readily support combustion.  3. Achieve rapid mass ignition and burning as required to remove each kind of canopy.

“The initial Forest Service effort was devoted to assisting the Commander in Chief, Pacific with a second operational test of forest burning, code-named Operation HOT TIP. This raid was conducted in March 1966 against Chu Pong Mountain in Pleiku Province. The results were sufficiently successful that an expanded program of research to develop operational criteria was pursued. Guide lined for future incendiary operations were published in June 1965.  At the same time laboratory studies were undertaken to develop flammability criteria for Southeast Asian fuels similar to those ready developed for forest fuel types in the United States, and climatic analyses of Southeast Asia were initiated in order to define the weather conditions most likely to contribute to successful incendiary operations.

“In January through April, 1967, a series of three full scale operational tests, code-named Operation PINK ROSE, were conducted by the 7th Air Force against targets in War Zones C and D. The results were no better than those of Operation HOT TIP, and the Forest Service advised against further operational testing in Vietnam. §J” *End* Operation Pink Rose document is 222 pages here.  Operation SHERWOOD FOREST and Operation HOT TIP is here.

There are a lot of charts and graphs which I did not study.  It wasn’t just Viet Nam, testing was done in Malaysia and other countries. I would assume the U.S. had permission to conduct those tests.   It’s all about forest and jungle fires during war times.  Types of trees, bark, how they burn as well as leaves and vegetation.  There’s even a Bible scripture in the report!

Dane could find out a lot by filing FOIA’s for any ‘wind tunnel’ fire operations being conducted by the U.S. Department of Forestry, DoD, DARPA and HAARP here or abroad.  We all know there are top secret projects going on we know nothing about.  Are DoD and other alphabet soup agencies continuing those types of operations?  When, where?

While that is cooking, put together his best A-game, documentation, videos and make an appointment to see his U.S. House rep as well as his state House rep and Senator.  I was able to get an appointment with the Chief of Staff for my state rep when I still lived in Sacramento regarding chemtrails.  See here.  Rosalind Peterson (God rest her soul) and I worked together on that but it was Rosalind who had already done the grunt work and had many official documents (like FAA) on the spraying.  Her U.S. House rep. obtained them for her.

As I wrote in my last column, “they” – who?  Names, organizations or DoD.  Proof, evidence.  Tell your U.S. House rep:  We the People have a right to know if tests are being done causing a disaster like Lahaina.  Make it personal.  You have a family, too.  It could have been you and your family on vacation visiting Lahaina.

UNLESS there’s evidence as in emails, declassified documents it’s all speculation.  You just have to ask the right questions in your FOIA and make sure you give a copy to your reps and state senator – even if it’s just their Chief of Staff.  Keep hounding lawmakers.  That’s how you get hearings and investigations.  Remember the Church Committee Hearings?  Pressure was put on them by enough people.  Americans ‘Deserve Answers’: House Republicans Launch Probe into Maui Fire Response, Aug. 30, 2023

First priority is saving lives.  Next comes who’s responsible.  Lawsuits now filed can take years unless there’s a settlement.  Maui County sues Hawaiian Electric over failure to shut off power lines despite warnings, Aug. 4, 2023.  READ:  Maui Electric responds to lawsuit, claims power lines were de-energized after Aug. 8 fire, Aug. 28, 2023 – “The utility released a timeline of what it claimed happened that day and has said that it has provided data to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is investigating the cause of the deadly wildfires.”

Maui dodged catastrophe in wildfires five years ago but missed an opportunity to prevent future disaster, residents say – “After fires in 2018, residents raised concerns about clogged evacuation routes, power line risks and failures to sound emergency sirens. “Everything we told them was completely, 100 percent ignored,” one man said.” Aug. 24, 2023

As I wrote in my last column:  Gross incompetence, lack of readiness and stupidity, some I think are criminal negligence, contributed/caused so many deaths.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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Photo 1: Santa Rosa, (Northern California).  Been through there many times.  Oct. 9, 2017.  Huge, horrible fire, but why was no one claiming it was caused by a DEW or from creating a “wind tunnel” effect?  As you will see, they all look about the same as the Paradise ‘Camp Fire’ and Lahaina.  Trees and some structures did not burn.

Photo 2 is also Santa Rosa.  Vehicles incinerated just like Paradise, Calif., Lahaina, Washington State, NJ, Greece, Canada and other countries.  Jumbo planes dropping water and fire retardants are critical but when they’re grounded because of high winds, the damage is catastrophic.

Photo 3 is the ‘Tubbs Fire” Oct. 8, 2017, Napa, Calif., wine country.

Photos 4 & 5: Yarnell, AZ, (North of Phoenix) June 28, 2013.  19 fire fighters were killed; ages 21-43; fire destroyed nearly the entire town.  “…were outflanked and engulfed by wind-whipped flames in seconds, before some could scramble into cocoon-like personal shelters, as they were trained to do.” DM.  That is forest, but no accusations of a DEW.  Thankfully, overnight rain helped get it contained.

Last one I could fit in this column, but anyone can look up wildfires, state, town.  Talent, Oregon, September 11, 2020.  News Channel, not Tampa Bay.

The Seed of Evil

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

August 31, 2023

Note:  This was originally published August 25 2011…13 years ago. 

The battle that is going on in America is not a political battle, it is Spiritual. Those who do not recognize this are doomed to frustration. If you are one of those who believe that America will be rescued by changing the occupant of the White House, or by the election of members of the Republican Party, that America will somehow be rescued if we can get some “conservative” judges appointed, or a return to our Constitution, I assure you that your efforts will be in vain.

The battle has been, and will remain, between God and Satan. It is a battle of good versus evil, light verses darkness, right verses wrong, the Truth against lies. Seeing it as something other than that will lead you to a lot of wasted energy.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” -Eph.6:12

Oh, there is a battle going on, for sure, but it is a battle being fought out in “high places” …a spiritual battle in a spiritual world. Spiritual forces control the natural (material) world. This is clearly taught in the Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, it is no longer taught in our churches, or to the next generation.

“Spiritual warfare” is what most charismatic churches call it, and they are correct. But like so many other things in our churches, we have turned the focus of this battle into a personal fight…a fight between Satan and your finances…Satan and your health…Satan and your children. But it is so much bigger than that. It is the clashing of two Spiritual Kingdoms being played out in our earthly world.

This may come as a shock to you, but there are Spiritual forces, evil ones, at work in the world. They are subtle because Satan was more subtle than any beast of the field. The Devil does not show up wearing a red suit, carrying a pitchfork, and displaying horns. He comes as an “angel of light.” He is the master deceiver. He makes bad things look palatable. Hope and change anyone?

Satan is called the “prince of this world,” the “prince of the power of the air,” the “ruler of darkness,” the “ruler of demons.”  Satan is real, and he is battling for control of this natural world.

But he is condemned to ultimate failure. “For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” Jesus destroyed Satan’s dominion at the Cross. “It is finished” Jesus proclaimed as He breathed His final breath.

What was finished? The death of Jesus on the cross fulfilled His purpose that Jesus might “destroy the works of the devil.” It is finished…. the work of the Devil forever under His feet.

But what are the works of the Devil? Sin.  Jesus destroyed the power of sin. Jesus ushered in His new Kingdom…not an earthly kingdom, but a Spiritual Kingdom where we now have the power to trod “over all the power of the enemy.” Satan no longer controls the earth; he was defeated at the cross. Too bad most church goers no longer believe this.

The battle continues today. Satan and his Kingdom were dealt a death blow at Calvary. The victory of the Kingdom of Light over the Kingdom of darkness…but God’s clock has not yet run out. Victory is certain, but a coming battle must be fought.

But it is not a physical war. It is a spiritual war, fought in a Spiritual Kingdom, where the Kingdom of Light has already destroyed the Kingdom of Darkness. Satan no longer rules the earth although he is still fighting (wrestling) for control. You must admire his tenacity. He fights even when he knows he will lose. Today’s church-goers won’t fight even when we are guaranteed we will win!

So here is how it plays out. Satan hates Jesus and all things associated with Him. Even though he knows he is defeated he will continue to fight to destroy all things associated with the Lord. He will not go down without a fight. This world is doomed, the Scriptures tell us that, and a “new heaven and a new earth” is being prepared. But until that day, the battle will rage for control of this people-planet.

Many are deceived. That is Satan’s master weapon. Jesus told us that “you shall know the Truth and the Truth will make you free.” It is the Truth that the Devil is attacking. If he can keep you from Truth, he can keep you in bondage. Satan doesn’t care if you HEAR Truth, he only cares if you know and obey Truth. Truth only sets you free if you KNOW it and act upon it. Jesus is the Truth. Satan’s goal is to keep you from knowing the Truth.

The Devil is subtle; he mixes a few lies in with the Truth. “Did God really say? His goal is to move us away from ABSOLUTE TRUTH to RELATIVE TRUTH…A little leaven ruins the whole lump.

So, the enemy attacks in a variety of ways. He has infiltrated all areas of our lives…not just our individual lives, but the culture…our way of life…he uses the culture to steal souls. If only many could open their eyes and see that Satan’s schemes are not political, but that he uses politics to advance his cause and advance his hatred of Christ.

Have you ever taken the time to think it through? If you did, you would clearly see that all of Satan’s political forces are geared for the destruction of Christ and His Kingdom.

Communism hates Jesus. Islam hates Jesus. Feminism is antithetical to Christianity. Abortion and homosexuality both want to destroy those “created in the image of God.” Humanism wants to dethrone God. Liberalism wants to water-down the Gospel of Christ. Secular Judaism hates the mention of His name. Hollywood hates Jesus. The legal system denies the Lord’s authority. Our educational system is anti-Christ. Our monetary system is against the Lord’s call for “just weights and measures.” Usury is a sin. Ecumenicalism denies the Lordship of Jesus. The medical system, government healthcare, government officials, all government agencies deny His authority

Are you blind? Can’t you see it? The enemies of Christ are all unified in the hatred of Him? They are all on the same team, fighting the same cause…the destruction of Jesus….TRUTH.

And what is the response of God’s team? Mostly silence for fear of offending; voting into power liars and thieves; praying the “conservative judges” will fight for what Church Pastors will not, inviting Islam into God’s house, loving God’s enemies, supporting politicians and their murderous, never-ending wars, failure to point out the true Christ-haters and their diabolical agendas, filling backpacks with pencils and papers as they support the destruction of the moral values of God’s children in Godless American school rooms, encouraging their sheep to blindly obey anti-Christ government and government “laws”, clinging to their 501C3 status and God-less government relationship, bowing God’s knee to Government rule. Christ’s church has eaten the forbidden fruit.

A wise man once told me that “Jesus divides His friends, and unites His enemies.” The enemies of God are relentless, and committed. The children of God are divided, confused, and slothful. Some Methodists I know would rather be friends with the atheists than they would with the “fundamentalists” Christians.

It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” -Sam Adams

Damn the torpedoes. Stand up and speak up inside your churches. Let’s reclaim God’s house before we worry about the White House. The battle is raging over Truth. We need to set some brushfires in our churches. It is time to make your Pastor run and hide when he sees you coming

The battle is not right or left but rather between right and wrong.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” -Genesis 3:15

He that has ears to hear, let him hear.” If you cannot see with the eyes of the Spirit, and you cannot hear with the ears of the Spirit, most of what I write will not make sense to you.  My prayer is that your eyes would be open to the Truth.

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Is It Still ‘Our’ Government?

By Lee Duigon

August 31, 2023

The short answer to the title question is No, it isn’t. Not by any shape or form.

We used to call them “public servants.” That’s a laugh. Now they’re public masters.

I am no longer alone in predicting another Great Pandemic, just in time to screw up the 2024 elections. We all know what’s coming, don’t we? They’ve already started to bring back the masks, and before long, the rest of it will follow—lockdowns, social distancing, shortages of just about everything… and of course, of course, the mail-in ballots. It worked for Them in 2020, so why not do it again?

Meanwhile, a California school district has been fined $100,000 for trying to “push” an 11-year-old girl to “change her gender”.

Do you see? They think they can do to us, and to our families, anything they please. They might even try—again—to close the schools and demand that parents pledge themselves not to “interfere” in their children’s so-called education. That one didn’t fly in 2020, but they have nothing to lose in trying it again.

When I was preparing to enter college, back in 1967, they had a mandatory summer reading program. Each and every one of those required reading books extolled “dissent” as the supreme civic virtue. We were also, um, “taught” that unjust, unreasonable, absurd “laws” deserved a hefty dose of civil disobedience. What they really meant was for us to oppose the Vietnam War and obediently follow the instructions of each and every Protest Movement. Except for any protests aimed at Far Left Crazy. If you tried that, it was no longer “dissent.” It was just being bad and stupid.

Do we know of any way to deter Them from locking us down again? We have to find some way, or it’s goodbye forever to our freedom.

How about melting down the D.C. switchboards, every day, with angry phone calls to our (ahem!) elected representatives who don’t seem to represent us anymore? That tactic used to work when they tried to lumber us with (oh, please!) “immigration reform.” True, that was before They got control of the voting machines and had some reasonable chance of being voted out of office. But it won’t hurt us to do it again; we won’t be any worse off than we’d be for not doing it.

How about some massive civil disobedience, like they exhorted us to do when Richard Nixon was in the White House? What if members of Congress couldn’t get into their offices because of angry troops of protesters? What if shoppers, once they got inside the store, all tore off their masks and threw them to the floor? What if mayors and town councils, responding to public pressure, refused to enforce the latest Mandates? Civil disobedience is not for everybody; but there are millions of us who just might be exasperated enough to try it.

How about pulling millions of our children out of public schools? If all they’re going to learn is Sex-Sex-Sex, that’s a strong indication that we don’t need those schools anymore. Break up the teachers’ unions and starve the Democrat Party of their dues.

There must be something we can do to get our country back. If we have millions of minds pondering the problem, then sooner or later a solution must emerge.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit… before they start setting up the gulags. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Travels With Charley II: What We Saw In Big Cities—Not Too Nice

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 31, 2023

Part 3: These travels are almost a polar opposite to Steinbeck’s observations in the 1950’s.  Our big cities exhibit severe decay.

“This journey has been like a full dinner of many courses, set before a starving man. At first, he tries to eat all of everything, but as the meal progresses, he finds he must forgo some things to keep his appetite and his taste buds functioning. ” John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley

One of the aspects of travel during my life continues: education. Travel also brings a sense of gratitude for my good health, good life, and good fortune.  When you’ve traveled through the countries that I’ve traveled…you get down on your knees and thank God for being an American. Our freedoms and opportunities vastly outdo another 100 third world countries.  Our rule of law provides our freedoms.  Our sense of ourselves as Americans gives us bigger choices for our wellbeing and our self-worth.

But what we saw this summer broke our hearts.

You cannot help but travel in California to see 170,000 homeless people wandering the streets of the big cities.  Los Angeles must be the new capital of human misery, followed by San Francisco.  Ironically, both cities are governed by equity, inclusiveness and diversity.  The minority leaders and police forces have turned those cities into human ghettoes no better than Mumbai, India.  It’s either by their design or by their incompetence.

In Los Angeles, black and Asian gangs “smash & grab” $900,000.00 in loot within minutes while they vanish into the night.  Supply trains see youth gangs cut bolts and steal everything inside.  Trash everywhere in the streets, rivers, highways and they even toss trash into the national parks.  You ain’t seen graffiti until you see Los Angeles.

We personally watched a “smash & grab” in San Francisco across the street at a hotel.  They stopped, smashed the windows of an BMW SUV, grabbed three suitcases, camera and handbag with 30 seconds…and pulled into traffic.  Their tactics are so fast, so smooth, so no one gets arrested, or if they do get caught, they’re back out onto the streets within hours per Mayor Creed of San Francisco.  The police suffer total paralysis without any help from the mayor and city council of that city.  We visited where Whole Foods departed after only one year on Market Street.  The trolleys run with 1/3 the tourists because no one can leave their cars on the streets for fear of a “smash & grab” of their belongings.  Many big-name stores closed because of shoplifting on a scale unheard of 10 years ago.  Twenty Walgreen drug stores pulled out of the “City by the Bay.”  They were shoplifted to death.

You cannot comprehend human waste in the streets until you visit San Francisco. Then, you see them dropping their pants and defecating on the curb in broad daylight. Same in LA!  Needles everywhere…provided by the city council.  Drugs EVERYWHERE!  It’s a collection of the lowest levels of human degradation found in America.

We heard a dozen languages other than English.  Just south of San Francisco, two towns are 100 percent Chinese. They speak Chinese, signs are in Chinese, and well, it’s non-American in every respect.  From what we could see, they live here, but do not identify as Americans.

In Portland, Oregon, it’s a total disaster. Homeless live under the expressways.  Worse, they live in tents and tarp cities inside the clover leafs of the expressways.  They endure diesel truck traffic roaring past them 24/7.  They stagger around drunk,  drugged or mentally out of their minds.

If you travel to Chicago, and we did: what a complete disaster for America.  You hear the mainstream news report on one white guy shooting three black people last week.  Al Sharpton stood up telling everyone that America is a nation full of “racist”  and “White Supremists.”  Ironically, two dozen black people shoot two dozen black people every weekend in Chicago. Some weekends, over 40 people are shot.  Sometimes, 10 or 15 die while the others hang on for dear life in the ICU’s at local hospitals. Nobody notices because it’s so normal.  Of course, the same shootings continue nightly in St. Louis, New Orleans, Detroit, New York City and another dozen big cities.

What Steinbeck saw in the 1950’s as America stood proud and strong after WWII, we now suffer internal wars with our own citizens killing one another in over-packed, over-loaded, overwhelmed, and overpopulated cities.  Our cities are SO BIG, there is no way to address or solve any of their problems.

Have you heard what happens when you pack too many chickens into a pen on those massive chicken farms?  Answer: they peck each other to death.  The same thing happens when you place too many mice or rats into a small enclosed prison.  They just kill each other.

So, is there any sanity left in America?  Answer: yes, small towns.  When we traveled through 10,000 or less populated town, we enjoyed local diners where we chatted with locals in English.  We didn’t have to use any special pronouns.  We ate at fine restaurants with great homemade apple pies.  In small towns, girls were girls and boys were boys.  Men were men and women were women.  They used restrooms separately for women and for men.  Thank God!

We chatted with friendly police. We saw lots of American flags, tractors on display, and young folks working at local stores or out in the fields mowing hay, baling, and piling it on wagons.  Where do our kids learn “common sense?”  Answer: in a rural community.

We discovered that we felt sorry for all those kids growing up in concrete jungles with nothing more to do than play with their cell phones eight hours a day.  They’re all suffering from “text neck” and will suffer more in the years ahead from poor posture.

Are we ever going to get back to the Norman Rockwell “America” that I witnessed in my youth?  That’s a heck of a loaded question.  I’m not too optimistic that we will even maintain America if we continue on our present course of mass immigration out of the third world, endless crime, lack of education for our minorities, meaningless existence for inner city youths, and the sheer numbers that are projected to be imported into the USA within 25 years.  In reality, we are destabilizing our country at incredible speed. What do you think?

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”   www.NumbersUSA.org 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Oregonians are Waking Up That There are Elected Destructionists in Oregon Politics

By Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senate – District 28

August 30, 2023

“We, the People” are finally waking up.

The curtains have been thrown wide-open and the public is being exposed to facts that they never dreamed possible. We are now witnesses to the daily corruption of political power, from the simplest idiocies to the most complex, convoluted and Byzantine criminal activities.

Corrupt political power influences every institution in American life. There is no longer any meaningful debate for balancing policy objectives with prudence, common-sense or fiscal responsibility. The agendas are driven by clamoring from our political parties. Those with the best bumper-sticker sloganeering, media ad-campaigns or skewed polling graphics are on a one-way track leading to more government, more control, and less individual autonomy.

As local, county, regional, and state governments join in the fray to gain money out of the fiscal tragedy that is the federal government, entities of every stripe want a piece of the pie. This is a self-perpetuating cycle that is quite difficult to stop. The main recipients of this largess are the big-government “destructionists” in the Democrat Party.

Here, I use the word “destructionists” without hesitation and with full confidence in my assertions. The phrase is defined correctly by Ludwig von Mises in his classic book: SOCIALISM: An Economic and Sociological Analysis.

In the years following the second World War, circa 1951, Mises wrote, “The socialist idea dominates the modern spirit. The masses approve of it, it expresses the thoughts and feelings of all; it has set its seal upon our time.”

It is this socialist idea, or socialism itself that leads to destructionism. Mises continues with a definition that we can use,

“In fact, Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created. It does not build; it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created. … [E]ach step leading towards Socialism must exhaust itself in the destruction of what already exists.”

Mises warns,

“Capital consumption can be detected statistically and can be conceived intellectually, but it is not obvious to everyone. To see the weakness of a policy which raises the consumption of the masses at the cost of existing capital wealth, and thus sacrifices the future to the present… requires deeper insight.”

Mises highlights two methods aimed at public policy-makers, “the first aims directly at converting society to Socialism; the second aims only indirectly at this conversion by destroying the social order which is based on private ownership.”

It would be hard to find a Democrat party member, whether moderate or radical, not directly engaged in either of these methods for the transformational reform of our cultural norms and traditions.

Mises’ second category is harder for us to grasp because it is such a comprehensive weapon of revolutionary Socialism. Mises claims it, “is primarily concerned to clear the ground for building up a new civilization by liquidating the old one.”

This is the same revolutionary zeal seen in academia, or the left-leaning mainstream media outlets and the cultural rampage spilling from the fear-mongering and disinformation within the social media giants.

In the big picture, destructionism is rampant.

We see it in transportation as it surfaces with the push for inefficient EVs. In energy production, there is a war on ‘fossil fuels’ and a focus on wasteful ‘green energy’ projects, which will demand unquantifiable increases in mining operations and a nearly complete grid overhaul and rebuild, all funded with tax-payer dollars.

Destructionism is obvious in public health, too.

Healthcare is being razed on two fronts. First, via the COVID pandemic fraud, complete with tax-payer funded, state-sanctioned malfeasance. Secondly by state and federal intrusions into the treacherous waters of single-payer healthcare. Both will destroy individual health through the one-size-fits-all mandates that suck tax-payer money into a perpetual machine of humanistic, unnatural and dangerous emergency use authorizations or technocratic initiatives.

We see destructionism, in our education realm through critical race theory and post-modern deconstructionist concepts which are foisted on unsuspecting young people, coinciding with the 1619 Project and re-writing American history. Education is also being destroyed through the denial of valid real-world observations about human biology, common-sense, math, science, and history.

Innocence, too, is under attack. Our youth are being teased into age-inappropriate emotions, illustrations, and sexually explicit library material which are beyond their current level of maturity and understanding. What good can be expected from having grown men performing in Drag to audiences of young children? This is destructionism, but it appears to be the rage as the Democrat Party promotes the manipulation of our kids for their own political purposes.

The end result will not be healthy.

We will be raising a generation of psychologically and emotionally challenged individuals with distorted views about identity, relationships, family, and sexuality. These kids, in turn, will be the future justification for more state intervention in pharmacological solutions or narcotics, followed by increases in funding for behavioral and mental health bureaucracies.

Destructionism is pervasive in Democrat controlled metro-areas. It is easy to see by mapping the recent Antifa riots across America (and the world). In Portland, the DA was unwilling to prosecute the most malevolent rioters, even though the city lost several billion dollars in businesses, infrastructure, lost wages, lives and livelihoods.

On the global stage the destructionist mindset of the left is readily apparent.

It only took the Biden administration 6 months to up-end our 20-year nation-building enterprise in Afghanistan. In truth, despite 20 years of political propaganda telling the public that our regime change effort was both good and working, most could see the sheer waste in money and lives. While the military adventure was probably a bad idea from the beginning, our extrication did not need to be a wasteful and destructionist endeavor.

The cultural clock of the Left runs on destructionism.

Here are two unrelated but illustrative examples, first, is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Soviet enterprise collapsed because of the inescapable destiny of an empire dedicated to non-market economics and anti-liberal institutions. The communist/socialist system could not muster any long-term measures for efficiency, prudence, profit, loss, accountability, or corporate malevolence other than their own politically enforced standards.

While scholars continue to debate whether the Holodomor, or the Great Ukrainian Famine was purposeful or not, history shows us that the rapid destruction of private property and the forced collectivization of local, successful, family-run farms utterly destroyed the once majestic bread-basket of the Ukraine.

On a different plane, cancel-culture suffers from the same dilemma. There are no universal measures guiding who might get cancelled (destroyed), or which offenses are cancelable. One’s demise might be immediate, or a slow and lingering death spiral where one can get cancelled for anything, at any time, and for any reason whatsoever.

Whether at the local, municipal, regional, state or national level, the proponents of more control and regulation imagine that government alone is capable of developing a plan to solve our problems and settle the issues highlighted above. Yet, each government solution must necessarily jettison all notions about sustainability, efficiency, profit and loss because the material factors guiding production has been placed into the political sphere.

Such is the state of Oregon and the ruling majority party.

Although the destructionists appear to be winning, more and more hard working, common-sense Oregonians do not agree with their agenda. In my next newsletter I will look at steps we can take to stop the socialist destruction of our American traditions.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: d4linthicum@gmail.com

The CIA-Controlled Mockingbird Media Is At It Again

By Bradlee Dean

August 30, 2023

Why Are The 1,000 Other Presidential Candidates Being Ignored, Suppressed Or Censored?

“Presidents are selected, not elected.” —President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

If only the American people would open up their eyes to the games that are played on them (Jeremiah 5:21).

They complain about the establishment and yet, every election cycle, they get pulled right back into the very game that they claim to despise.  That defines insanity.

In a nutshell, people in this country say that they want change yet, they fail to do what it takes to bring about the change.  How do you help people that refuse to help themselves? (Jonah 2:8)

What’s worse is they have not come to the realization that the few options that are given to them by the Mockingbird media and their useful idiots are only those that are already a part of the establishment of which they complain.  For example, take the last election, you were given two options: 1) Treasonous Joe Biden, who is in the People’s White House by voter fraud which no one can dispute; and then 2) you were given Donald Trump, a man who has literally done the opposite of what he promised to do in making America great again (Isaiah 5:20).

If Donald Trump did what he promised to do in draining the swamp, Hilary and Bill Clinton (in that order), Barack Hussein Obama, and the establishment cronies would all have been brought to justice (Isaiah 26:9).  Is that what happened?  Absolutely not.

Furthermore, America would not be suffering the criminal abuse of Joe Biden today if the father of the vaccine and the advocator of the sodomite agenda, Donald Trump, would have come through on his promises (Proverbs 17:15).  Then Americans have the temerity to wonder why we have the wicked walking on every side within the halls of government (Psalm 12:8; Proverbs 15:32).

Yes, over and over again, Americans are played by the powers that they tolerate, the dupes of ill-designing men, in allowing them to continuously drive and control the narrative by the Mockingbird media that controls 90%of the narrative globally, and that to their own demise (John 8:44).

To prove the point, please take note that during the last presidential election cycle, there were over 1,000 different presidential options and the only ones that you heard from were the ones that they wanted you to hear from, namely Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The Mockingbird media kept people eager to watch the propaganda outlets which continued to promote the fight by filling the seats between two illegitimate candidates!  Why were the other presidential contenders ignored, censored and or suppressed?  These are questions that you are going to have to answer, and the answers are as plain as the nose on your face.

Friends, this cycle is no different than the last.  There are over 1,000 other candidates running for the presidency of the United States and you are only hearing about the clowns in the circus of their controlled political world.

Thus far, concerning the options that are given, it is Joe Biden, Marianne Williamson (a self-help author and former spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey) and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

On the right, that is if there was a right according to the U.S. Constitution (We are a Constitutional Republic; Article IV, Section 4) we have Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Larry Elder, Doug Burgum, Francis Suarez (son of a Cuban immigrant), Will Hurd (Former CIA), Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy.  All of these, might I remind you, have been a part of the problems which they have to the present failed to correct.

What of the other 1,000 presidential candidates?  Why are they being ignored, suppressed and or censored? Why are we not hearing from them?

Have you had enough of the controlled propaganda narratives and the controlled outcomes, yet?  Me too!

If you don’t want to look at the facts and deal with them, then you can rest assured nothing is going to change (James 2:14-26).  You can look the other way but you cannot say that you did not know.

America was warned long ago and has failed to come to the truth of the matter when it comes to what President Franklin D. Roosevelt blurted out in his confusion”:

“Presidents are selected, not elected.”

You are being lied to and mocked at every given step, my friends.  Enough is enough!

© 2023 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Iranian Mullahs’ Death Wish is Finally Coming True

By Amil Imani

August 30, 2023

Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly stated that he will never follow the path of the late Shah of Iran and leave the country peacefully. Instead, he has insinuated that he would stay and massacre the enemies of Islam: the Iranian people.

According to a 1989 leaked video, Khamenei was selected to a one-year caretaker period as supreme leader. The 20-minute footage, posted on social media by exiled Iranian journalist Shahed Alavi, reveals that Khamenei said he was not qualified enough for the post.

The illegitimate mullahs presently ruling Iran have been blatantly violating the sacred covenant of human rights by attacking large numbers of peaceful demonstrators demanding nothing more than their God-given right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The mullahs and their mercenaries are wasting precious human life to maintain themselves in power while terrorizing the Iranian population and giving away the nation’s wealth to numerous terrorist organizations. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Iran’s regime spends $16 billion annually to support terrorists and rogue regimes.

It goes without saying that our hearts bleed to watch how brutally the government agents attack, assault, and beat up peaceful demonstrators. Regretfully, the ruling regime sees these actions as part of their sacred duty. They see any defiance directed at the supreme leader as defiance to Allah. After all, Ayatollah Khamenei sees himself as the representative of the Hidden Imam, al-Mahdi, hence the custodian over the people.

Iran’s rulers have turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, chaos, and terrorism.

Mullahs Are Panicking

Now the mullahs are in a state of panic. They know the current protests across Iran differ greatly from the 2009 Green Movement. The current protests show the working-class and lower-middle-class Iranians in small towns and medium-sized cities within Iran calling for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic and chanting in support of the monarchy and the exiled Prince Pahlavi. For many demonstrators, the wretched state of the Iranian economy and corruption provided the perfect vehicle for pent-up expressions of Persian nationalism.

Iran has been a driver of change for centuries: “Where Iran goes, so goes the region.” The 1979 Iranian revolution ushered in a period of intense sectarian conflict and unrest in the area. But most Iranians are tired of Khomeini-style Islam. Younger Iranians are embracing and reasserting their Persian national identity, almost in reaction to the regime, and in ways that will impact the region for decades to come. We can confidently assert that the post-1979 chapter in regional history has ended, and a new chapter has begun. If present trends continue, I see Iran heading for a major change toward a Western way of life.

The current protests by millions throughout Iran clearly signal that the Islamic theocracy is in irreversible decline. The overwhelming majority of the people are no longer willing to settle for a vote recount or reformists’ deception and a less repressive Islamic rule. They are determined to establish a fully secular democracy with complete separation of mosque and state. They demand regime change.

Moreover, deep cracks are popping up in the system and among the contending factions. Realistically speaking, 10-15 percent of the population still supports the clerical system to various degrees. Many in this group are government employees, mullahs, and hired elements such as Basiji. Also, the regime has some backers from its proxies’ elements from several regional countries, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria.

The best strategy with the greatest chance of success and the least risk of starting a cataclysmic chain reaction is for a “coalition of the willing,” to borrow a phrase, to rally behind Prince Reza Pahlavi and the Iranian people. The democracy-seeking secular Iranians are thoroughly capable of dislodging the tyrannical mullahs.

Unlike Obama, President Trump, some Cabinet members and U.S. lawmakers have resoundingly answered the opposition’s call. The recent protests are just the beginning of the end for the Iranian rulers. It may take several months, but the main concern now is ensuring a smooth transition from Islamic radicalism to a secular democracy.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Biden Expands ObamaCare For Mental Health Services at Schools to Psychoanalyze Children 0 to 21

By Anita Hoge

August 29, 2023

WARNING: Your Neighborhood School Is Being Set-Up As A School Based Clinic To Bill Medicaid So That All Children Can Be Psychoanalyzed For Health/Mental Health Services At School.

Medicaid Billing Allowed For Social and Emotional Learning


April, 2015 I sent out an alert about the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) legislation pending in the House and Senate that would change education forever. The article printed in News With Views was titled “The Medicalization of Schools.” ( Source: https://newswithviews.com/Hoge/anita117.htm ) The Republican version of legislation passed with flying colors when Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen. Patty Murray pushed the agenda into law and was quickly signed by Obama. After all, this Republican agenda was really an Obama/Clinton proposal that had been lurking in the shadows for several years. You could refer to it as ObamaCare 2.0 or more commonly known as ObamaCore, merging healthcare to Common Core education through Medicaid for ages 0-21 by attaching mental health standards. What I had proposed 8 years ago has become a reality today.

The Hideous Agenda To Have Schools Become Medical Providers To Bill Medicaid

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published this administrative guide dated 2023 for schools to become a medical provider and begin to bill Medicaid for reimbursement in your neighborhood schools by setting up schools with a hospitalization license:

Delivering Services in School- Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming (Source🙂

A Joint information Bulletin was released July 1, 2019 explaining the system of techniques that will be used to identify behavioral/mental health disorders as a disability that in turn create interventions at school that now can be used for billing Medicaid reimbursement:

“Together, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are issuing this Joint Informational Bulletin (Bulletin) to provide the public, including states, schools, and school systems, with information about addressing mental health and substance use issues in schools.” (Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Bulletin: pg. 3)

The 2013 bulletin for the Center for Medicare Services Administrative Guide page 25, documents the following footnote referring back to the previous July, 2019 Bulletin-PBIS, RTI, and MTSS are techniques approved for intervention services provided through schools and ARE INCLUDED in arriving at a disability/disorder for approved Medicaid billing and reimbursement.

“ These multi-tiered models include screening as well as targeted support for students exhibiting signs of potentially struggling with mental health conditions or SUDs, and services for those identified as experiencing mental health or substance use problems.” In addition, this 2019 guidance also states that “[w]thin federal requirements affecting coverage, payment, and financing of Medicaid services, schools may establish collaborations with community providers.” More recent guidance, “Coverage and Payment of Interprofessional Consultation in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP),” may be helpful for supporting school-based mental health and SUD services.”

So both guidelines identified PBIS, MTSS, and RTI using these techniques to identify children, collect data on child behavioral disabilities, use interventions, and bill Medicaid for mental health disorders through reimbursements by identifying children through social and emotional learning and Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) as “free care” services. PBIS and MTSS are currently being administered in every classroom of America. (Source-1): Medicaid/CHIP Psychiatric Interprofessional Consultation/Telehealth Therapy Billing Allowed: (Source-2)

Neighborhood Schools Become School Based Mental Health Clinics

In order for this system to move swiftly, schools are also allowed to skip over parental informed consent so that mental health treatment of children at school and billing Medicaid could move forward. Parents beware!

May 18, 2023, Overview: A Long-awaited Guide to Help Schools Give Care to Children in Medicaid and CHIP

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is releasing Delivering Service in School-Based Settings: A Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming. Developed in consultation with the U.S. Department of Education, the new guide represents an important part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s work implementing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). BSCA charged CMS with expanding access to Medicaid health care services in schools, including behavioral health services, and reducing administrative burden for states and schools.“ (Source:Delivering Medicaid Services At School🙂

This agenda has been set up by Obama who was following Hillary Clinton’s agenda “IT’S ABOUT KIDS” now being carried out by the Biden administration. It doesn’t take a village to raise a child.

(Hoge testimony 1994: the Blueprint of Medicaid in Schools “Womb to Tomb, The New Managed Economy”; Hoge Sept. 2016: Link)

The target would be your neighborhood school to access every child for a concept called community schools. The “whole child” (head/heart/hand) or (think/feel/act) scenario would develop around the federal government being able to access individual children for health/mental health services. The whole child, whole school, whole community concept was introduced by Hillary and then Governor Bill Clinton at the 1989 Governor’s Association annual meeting as a “Prescription For America” a back door agenda to implement HillaryCare through the school house door. The 1990 pilot program was initiated in an old steel town in Farrell, Pennsylvania heralded as the hub of the community. Newer whole community Medicaid plans from the CDC, Center for Disease Control Model represent the same updated agenda. (Sources: Farrell School Pilot Community Schools,: Center For Disease Control🙂

Be assured that gender affirming care will be included in the Medicaid agenda. Be alert to the bulletin that removes parental consent below.

On MARCH 31, 2023, the White House put out a fact sheet that expanded coverage for gender affirming care which would also come under the “no parental permission” needed by reducing administrative burdens for Medicaid billing. Do parents have the right to know and give permission about their children when the school is promoting and supporting gender affirming care to your child?

FACT SHEET: White House Honors Transgender Day of Visibility

“Issuing a landmark report on ways to support and affirm LGBTQI+ youth, especially transgender youth. Today, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is releasing a new report providing the latest scientific research on supporting the mental health of LGBTQI+ youth. With the release of today’s report, SAMHSA is providing new resources to parents, teachers, and mental health providers to help them use evidence-based practices to affirm and support transgender and LGBTQI+ youth and their families. SAMHSA finds that: There is conclusive scientific evidence that affirming a transgender or LGBTQI+ child’s identity is vital to protecting their mental health.”

(White House Executive Order: Reducing Administrative Burden To Bill Medicaid For States and Schools By Removing Parental Consent-Biden Moves Forward To Issue Hospitalization Licenses For Schools To Become Providers For Medicaid Billing And Reimbursement.

Parental consent removed. Recommendations from the School Superintendents Association and others that recommend no parental consent. (Source🙂

The Massive Assault On The Family.
Who Is The Target Population? Every Child.
Every Home. Parents Are Eliminated.
No Parental Permission Needed.

May, 2023, Secretary of Education Cardona proposes to amend regulations under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Part B of IDEA) that govern the Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities program, including the Preschool Grants program. Proposed rulemaking for regulations were brought forward for public comment to change parental permission for accessing children in the classroom and using Medicaid for billing without parental permission which was seen as an administrative burden. Unless a parent has been following these guidelines it would almost be impossible to understand the impact of these regulations. But the regulation has a long grasp and extends the rules to every child. This is what has changed:

“Secretary proposes to amend the IDEA Part B regulations to remove the requirement for public agencies to obtain parental consent prior to accessing for the first time a child’s public benefits or insurance (e.g., Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)) to provide or pay for required IDEA Part B services. As there are no comparable consent requirements prior to accessing public benefits for children without disabilities, the removal of this consent requirement would align public benefits consent requirements for children with disabilities to those for children without disabilities and ensure equal treatment of both groups of children.” (Source: Removal Of Consent Requirement)

What does this mean? Equity. Remember that ESSA contained regulations for IDEA Part B Special Education Services to carry out interventions for PBIS and MTSS. (See Montana Behavioral Initiative graph.) Most Medicaid assistance to children in school have an IEP, Individual Education Plan, that identify children who are truly Special Ed. Those children are funded through IDEA and Medicaid. These handicapped children have true physical and mental health disabilities. Now these regulations will provide the same assistance to children without disabilities. So who are the children without disabilities?

Yes, you got it. It will be ALL STUDENTS. ALL children who are Title I and schoolwide will be screened and labeled through teacher observation and universal intervention practices that now can be billed to Medicaid through an equity lens by “leveraging policy and funding.”

“Administration’s Policy Priorities The Biden-Harris Administration has established a clear policy goal to increase access to health and mental health services.”
“Increasing access to needed health and mental health services that can be delivered to students at school is a key element of this policy goal.”
“The report recommends establishing an integrated framework of educational, social, emotional, and behavioral health support for all and to leverage policy and funding.”
“Medicaid Funding in Schools: Medicaid is one of our Nation’s primary sources of funding for health and mental health services for children with and without disabilities…” (Source: Amending Regulations For Special Education: pg. 11, and Montana Behavioral Initiative-Medicaid PBIS Billing🙂

What gave the federal government legal access to ALL children without disabilities?

I must remind parents about Title I and school-wide and how Obama and the federal government set the stage for ALL CHILDREN to be identified for this federal power grab.

The Obama Agenda and Eventual Case Management For Every Family

FACTS: Common Core removed subject areas as a graduation requirement and secured the “individual mandate” similar to ObamaCare identifying the student with a unique national ID. Obama changed federal law by removing poverty guidelines in ESEA Title I Flexibility Waiver regulations making every child Title I. Obama identifIed every child for the federal government to be able to place a finger on every child’s forehead with a dollar sign on their back.

Identify each child as Title I and identify each child to get federal Title I money. (Remember this phrase when federal money will be dispensed for education Choice… it will be Title I.)

Why All Children Are Now Title I and ALL Schools Are Now School-wide
Smearing the Lines of Who Is Poor or Educationally Deprived

The 40% poverty rate for a school to become school-wide would be dropped to zero by an Obama ESEA Flexibility Waiver. So 40% of children in a school had to be enrolled in the free and reduced lunch program established as poor. By dropping poverty guidelines, school-wide meant that controversial programs like social and emotional learning could be used for the entire school, not just services for those children who were identified as poor. By dropping the percentage to “0” means that ALL children would be Title I and ALL Title I children would be able to be accessed by whole school programming. (NOTE: This change in federal law by waiver was without Congressional authority. The waiver/school-wide agenda has continued through acceptance of COVID/ESSER federal funds. Also, beware that Education CHOICE legislation will use Title I school-wide portability federal funds that “follows a child” setting up control of every private, religious, and homeschool with ESSA and Medicaid regulations.)

This was the only way to identify ALL CHILDREN for the social and emotional programming under Universal Screening in a Tier I intervention program like Positive Behavior Intervention Supports, PBIS. Now, all children can be screened, observed, and interventions applied WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION according to the new Medicaid Biden/Harris regulations. Teachers are being trained through special education cadres (IDEA) to screen, observe, and collect behavioral and psychological data on your children. Teachers enter this data into a local teacher dashboard, transmitted to state and a national data base called the state longitudinal data system at the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES. And, now schools will be paid Medicaid dollars to do it.

This data has been merged with all other federal departments with the passage of another Rep. Paul Ryan and Sen.Patty Murphy agenda called OPEN GOVERNMENT DATA ACT, HR 4174. This legislation now represents an entire womb to workforce pattern of merged collected data from every federal department that will contain everything, a complete psychometric dossier with the added data benefits of earned wages, IRS, healthcare, etc. For more background see here: (Source: Hoge; Can The Motherload of Data Hurt You?: http://bit.ly/2zW4mSn)

But the sanctity of your home will not be off-limits. The all invasive Promise Neighborhood agenda wants all parents to be involved and engaged. The community school likened to the original Farrell School District is coming to your neighborhood school. A family individual service plan under case management will ensure the entire family comes under the thumb of the federal government. The future intrusion of government into families will continue with case management where government scans your personal environment for more intricate data about you and how you raise your family.

See Promise Neighborhoods in Background and Documentation. (Source: Individual Family Service Plan: and Teacher Dashboard🙂

What Does It Mean To Have A DSM Code On Your Child’s Permanent Record?

Data Trafficking

What parents are NOT being told is the end product of Medicaid billing at school. DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, will be used to code your child that will be billed to Medicaid. A behavioral or mental health disability/disorder will clearly be stated on your child’s permanent record that will last their lifetime. Do teachers, healthcare workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers really understand what they are doing? Remember, the Pennsylvania EQA was administered for 20 years before I had the test removed. (See Part 2) Most teachers had no concept of what the test was measuring or why the state wanted this psychological information. Questions remain why teachers are not acknowledging that social and emotional data that they collect and enter into their computers to observe children and implement interventions to mold a child’s personality is government approved surveillance. How are personality traits scored? Knowingly or not, we are able to prove this agenda is moving forward at warp speed. What will parents do about it? What is the future?

Social and Emotional Learning and Medicaid At School

Your neighborhood school is a target to become a medical home for government sponsored behavioral/mental health/health care, and gender affirming care services paid for by Medicaid with reimbursement strategies…the more children that are identified with mental health disabilities for Medicaid reimbursement, the more money that would flow to the school. The agenda is meant for EVERY CHILD.

Every child in the United States till adulthood will be monitored. Each must be touched by the federal arm of behavioral conditioning and socialized healthcare. ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, states that interventions will be carried out by IDEA, Individuals With Disabilities Act, by having Special Education teams train and teach teachers how to implement behavioral tactics in classrooms. PBIS, positive behavior intervention and supports, and multi-tiered systems of support, MTSS, are techniques being taught to regular teachers to observe and collect data on your children to identify them with mental health disabilities/disorders. This personal, psychological data is categorized as determining factors in what types of “interventions” will be used to change the personality of your children.

A 3-tiered process ranges from universal/preventive screening for all students, having the least amount of interventions in your child’s personality, to intensive interventions with a re-cycling emphasis. CASEL and PANORAMA are 2 programs that use social and emotional learning as a means to collect this psychological data and implement interventions in their behavior, values, beliefs, and dispositions. The following questions are from Panorama User Guide under the heading Emotion Regulation;

“When everybody around you gets angry, how relaxed can you stay?”
The answers range from “not relaxed at all” to “extremely relaxed”

“When things go wrong for you, how calm are you able to remain?”
The answers range from “not calm at all” to “extremely calm.”

Remember that the assessment of emotion regulation tallies the responses with a number code. Emotions will be scored to a criterion for intervention. Parents do not know the scoring or algorithms used that lead to a variety of interventions, how it’s done, or why. How much is too much or not enough emotional regulation? How are emotions measured by unbiased teachers when they observe your child? (Source: Panorama SEL User Guide🙂

Phone Apps are also being used for teachers to monitor behavior in the classroom. Fidgeting, flipping pages in a book, or staring out the window may impact your child through behavioral interventions. Normal child behavior is being coded for interventions. (Source: Behavioral Observations for Students in School: BOSS APP. pages 22-24🙂

America’s Social Credit System Is Entirely In Place

An enforcement mechanism would monitor individuals to bring about not only forced personality changes to every child in America, but a conditioning process to control literacy and a system of surveillance never seen before in this country. This will be the end of privacy, Second Amendment rights, and civil rights in America. Hillary’s agenda has always been-control the kids and control guns…through mental health. If you have a DSM code on your record, you will never own a gun.

Interesting how the Second Amendment will collapse with this Medicaid agenda. When this data collection is laced with the 50 state strategy of behavioral conditioning, this egregious system is using a design down concept meaning the goals were prepared starting with the global citizen, and the system worked backwards to achieve those goals…piece by piece.

Since this data collection began with state longitudinal data systems and experimental psychological interventions that were legislated in 2015, we can predict the timeline for total-impact-reach across the country starting with daycare centers and kindergarten through adulthood womb to workplace. This agenda in 15 years from the date of legislation in 2015 will have totally consumed the population by 2030 with baby boomers vanishing as the strong patriot guards at the gate. This is the same timeline as the World Economic Forum for a new world order.

America’s children must be identified for their value to the economy. American human capital must be up-skilled. Human capital assessment is defined as the worth or worthlessness of the individual that fits exactly to the same definition as how worth is determined for your property. Human capital (the value placed on a person) would be determined in detail through an algorithm of inputs (costs and profiles associated to develop a future global worker) versus outputs (a job that would determine the worth that individual had to the economy) all correlated to a defined set of global outcomes.

This concept of collecting behavioral and sensitive psychometric data would eventually merge into the new “census” that would be considered an individual social credit score system similar to Communist China. Your value to the economy is monitored by adult wages and your behavior-birth to retirement. The United States will no longer use academic indicators for success. The government can and does access personal data, or specifically, everything about you, what you do, how you feel, and what you think. Medicaid gives government easy access to your home through case management. Decisions on collected data can demand compliance, reprimand, censure, or refuse services, licensing, travel, banking, or perhaps even food in the future.

The word that must be focused on at this point is enforcement. How will you be forced to conform? Enforcement can be used by flagging people through a future digital currency. Your psychographic profile will decide your ‘haves and have nots.’ Someone in the federal government will decide if you get your bowl of rice. Whoever is in power, maintains the direction of decision making in a world controlled ONLY by data and numbers.

A parental revolution is a must if we are to assume that America will uphold her ideals and notions of freedom of thought and freedom of exercise that will be lost in datamining, interventions, and enforcement of pure brainwashing to every student in the United States. No family will be exempt. This has been the great experimental progression since Lyndon Johnson pushed ESEA Title I legislation in 1965. The system has been contaminated.

As for your future, do not be blinded by the sugar coating of social and emotional learning, Title I portability money, or choice in education. There is no choice but to remove your kids from public school and stop the federal money flow to private and religious schools. We are paying for brainwashing and data compliance.

Your children are no longer yours. Your family is in danger.
A revolution is needed to stop this madness.

“Medicaid would merge into the main healthcare system,” Ira Magaziner,
Vice-Chair of Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Initiative Task Force, 1993.

© Anita B Hoge – All rights reserved

E-Mail Anita Hoge: hogieshack@icloud.com

When are Constitutional Amendments Unconstitutional?

By Paul Engel

August 29, 2023

  • If you thought that the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case had put the question of abortion to bed, you were wrong.
  • Activists are attempting to amend to amend the constitution of several states to protect abortion.
  • Would such amendments to state constitutions violate the Constitution of the United States?

Since last year’s Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization overturned the court’s precedent in Roe v. Wade, there has been a flurry of work on both sides of the debate. Some states passed legislation restricting access to abortions except for medically sound reasons, others to not only secure abortion access in law but effectively declare themselves abortion sanctuary states. Some groups are working to enshrine abortion in their state’s constitution. With all the heated rhetoric on both sides, one question never seems to be asked: Would any of these state constitutional amendments be constitutional?

The Issue That Will Not go Away

Just as those in 1973 who thought that Roe v. Wade would put an end to the abortion debate, there are those who thought the 2022 case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health would also end the debate. Both groups were wrong. In 1973, the Supreme Court, rather than tamping down the controversy, simply encouraged the two sides to further entrench their positions and inflame their demonstrations. In 2022 the court did the same thing, just in the other direction. So I was not surprised when state legislatures, many who had already prepared for the overturning of Roe v. Wade, simply changed their battlegrounds. States like Florida, Texas, and others placed more restrictions on abortions, while states like California and New York protected abortions with state laws. Some states are even trying to take abortion protection to the next level. Not content to protect abortion with state law, they are trying to amend their state’s constitution to do so.

Ohioans will vote next November on a petition to amend their constitution with language that includes the following:

The Amendment would amend Article Iof the Ohio Constitution by adding Section 22, titled”The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety.
The Amendment provides that:

  1. Every individual has a right to make and carry out ones own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, continuing ones own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion.

Ohio Initiative Petition

Arizona for Abortion Access, a political action committee, has contacted Arizona Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, in an attempt to get a constitutional amendment protecting abortion on the November 2024 ballot. Activists in Florida have been collecting signatures in an attempt to overturn recent state law to protect the right to abortion. Nebraska and South Dakota also appear to be moving toward putting a constitutional amendment before their citizens. Other states like North Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Montana have been trying to amend their state’s constitution, but with little apparent success.

All of these actions have one thing in common: They are attempts to supersede the will of the people as expressed by their representatives, with the will of the people as expressed at the ballot box. To understand this maneuver, we have to understand what a constitution is.

What is a Constitution

Certainly all those who have framed written Constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be that an act of the Legislature repugnant to the Constitution is void.

Marbury v. Madison Opinion

A Constitution is the fundamental and paramount law, either of a nation or of a state. Since any changes to a state constitution must be ratified by a vote of the people of that state, we see that the people of a state are sovereign not only over their government, but their elected representatives as well. Unfortunately, the process in most of our states for amending their constitution appears to ignore the fundamental nature of their constitution, and replace their republican form of government with a democracy.

DEMOCRACY, noun Government by the people; a form of government, in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of the people collectively, or in which the people exercise the powers of legislation.

DEMOCRACY, Websters 1828 Dictionary

The issue is not where the supreme power of a state is lodged, but the method by which it is exercised. Most of the states only require a simple majority to ratify an amendment to their constitution. While at first this may seem a good and equitable process, it ignores one fundamental issue: If the fundamental law of a state can be changed by a simple majority vote of the people, we have left the realm of a republic and become a form of democracy. Good, you say? America is a democracy, so its amendment processes should be democratic.

That is not what the Framers of our Constitution thought though:

Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

John Adams, letter to John Taylor, 1814

This is why the United States is a republic, not a democracy.

We are now forming a republican government. Real liberty is neither found in despotism or the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments 

Alexander Hamilton – Federal Convention, June 26, 1787

So why is amending a constitution by a simple majority so dangerous? Because it can easily be used as a citizen legislature rather than the fundamental law of the state.

The Constitution for the United States, including all of the amendments, is just under 8,000 words. According to Ballotpedia, it’s 39,000 words long and has been amended 115 times. If you are curious, the longest and most amended constitution is Alabama’s at 389,000 words and 950 amendments. To a certain extent the size difference between the constitution of a state and the United States makes sense. After all, as James Madison wrote in Federalist Paper #45:

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.

James Madison – Federalist Paper #45

Yet, as often happens, the people of these states have abused their power to establish the fundamental laws for their state in order to become direct legislators, thereby turning their state from a republic into a form of democracy. Again, many of you may be thinking “Great! Majority rules.” But is that true? Between 2005-2008, Erica Chenoweth and Maria Stephan studied the effectiveness of violent and non-violent political uprisings. Their research led to the 2011 book, Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict.

Further research showed the surprisingly small critical mass needed for success: movements that were able to mobilize at least 3.5 percent of the population were uniformly successful.

Erica Chenoweth illuminates the value of nonviolent resistance in societal conflicts – Harvard Kennedy School

If Mss. Chenoweth and Stephan’s research is correct, it doesn’t take 50%+1 to change a society, just a committed 3.5%. Which may explain why state constitutions, supposedly the fundamental and paramount law of the state, include laws regulating private sewer systems, the use of golf carts on city streets, and the confinement of pigs during pregnancy.


Regardless of the manner used amending the constitution of their state, those who would enshrine abortion in their states’ constitution are attempting either to void the acts of the legislature that have restricted it or as a preemptive strike against any future legislation. On its face, this seems to be a winning strategy. That is, except for one little thing: Supremacy.

If the constitution of a state is the fundamental and paramount law of the state, it seems to reason that, as the supreme law of the state, the abortion activists have a winning plan. However, each state has joined the compact known as the Constitution of the United States. In this compact we find the following clause:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

While the constitution of any state may be the fundamental law of the state, the Constitution of the United States holds supremacy over it. This means that any state law or constitutional clause in that state that is contrary to the Constitution of the United States is void. What does that say about these attempts to amend state constitution? If I can show you that any such amendment is a violation of the Constitution of the United States, then those acts are void, and the judges in every state should ignore them, right?

The Right to Life

While the right to life is an adage adopted by many in the pro-life movement, it’s certainly more fundamental than that. All the way back in 1791, when the Bill of Rights was adopted, it protected the right to life.

No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment V (emphasis added)

The Due Process clause of the Fifth Amendment makes it quite clear, no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law, which the free legal dictionary defines as:

An established course for judicial proceedings or other governmental activities designed to safeguard the legal rights of the individual.

Due Process – The Free Legal Dictionary

This protection of life was once considered so important that in 1868 it was again enshrined into the Constitution by the Fourteenth Amendment, this time specifically limiting the states.

nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV, Section 1

I know, many pro-abortionists do not believe that the child in the womb is a person, but do political actors get to redefine words to support their political agendas?

PERSON An individual human being consisting of body and soul.

PERSON Websters 1828 Dictionary

PERSON A living human.

PERSON – The Free Legal Dictionary

The child in the womb, from the moment of conception, is an individual human being. They possess DNA separate and distinct from their mother. Furthermore, from the moment of conception, the fertilized egg shows signs of life such as taking in nourishment and growing. After just five weeks there’s a detectable heartbeat which, in short, is evidence the child is alive. Therefore, to legally deprive that child of their right to life, there must be due process, a process designed to protect the legal rights of that child.


So where does all this leave us? If we had a constitutional judicial system, the judges in every state would ignore these state amendments as acts contrary to the supreme law of the land: The Constitution of the United States. They would require the state to either prove that the child in the womb is not an individual, living human being, or that their existence violates a fundamental right of the mother, such as her right to life. To all of those who say that the woman has a right to her own body, I do not disagree. Just as the child does not have the right to take the mother’s life, the mother does not have an inherent right to take the child’s life.

As the Supreme Court was wrong in 1973 to think the Roe v. Wade decision would end the controversy over abortion, they were just as wrong to think the Dodd v. Jackson Women’s Health would end it. While people may not like the fact that the Constitution of the United States protects the right to life, it’s the supreme law of the land. Imagine what life would mean if the United States were a democracy, i.e., if those protections for life could be overturned by a mere 50% vote. Then the United States would truly resemble the dystopia described in the saying:

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote! —Attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Morsels Mined From The Memory Hole

By Sidney Secular

August 29, 2023

MUSLIM MARAUDING AND MAYHEM IN FRANCE: The French public is finally getting fired up over the terroristic, wanton, Jihadistic and sadistic behavior of the unassimilable Muslim and Black African hordes that have been invited in by the French Government and egged on by the UN/EU to willy-nilly carry on with their nihilistic, disruptive behavior. The current events this July represent at least the fourth such massive upheaval over the past 18 years or so in France. Burning and overturning cars and structures have been in the “tradition” of Islam right from the start by these upstarts going back to the 8th Century. Yet the Government keeps inviting these invaders in without limiting or keeping track of the numbers of these “newcomers”, as they are called. The perp who set off the latest round of revolting behavior is being given the George Floyd treatment as some kind of hero by the left although his criminal behavior has a history similar to Floyd’s in that it – and he! – have no redeeming qualities.

The French Government is restricting Internet access “in certain neighborhoods,” – and by that, the “government” means the burgeoning areas occupied and controlled almost exclusively by these criminally inclined troglodytes. Of course, this is done so that the depraved denizens therein cannot use social media and other platforms to organize and promote their violent activities.

Somewhat nationalist oriented French right-wing political leader Marine LePen’s support is growing as the people begin to wake up from their somnolence. She is picking up support mainly from the middle classes now as she has always had a base of support with the working classes. She could soon become President of France as current President Macron seems helplessly oblivious to the current great dangers. One has to ask why so few could see the handwriting on the wall until now. The dumbed down or deluded denizens of the Western countries have to start asking themselves how long will their natural citizens put up with the Third World invasion, going with the flow before we go down the drain?

Another interesting question in this whole matter is that it seems to have driven the coverage of the literally millions of ordinary Frenchmen who had taken to the streets all over France to protest their government’s policies that concern the actual people of France. We have gone from nightly coverage of these huge crowds to dead silence to the point at which one has to wonder if the French are still protesting their government’s policies or they have been driven out of the public square by the Muslims and the media.

TIT FOR TAT TOSSING TOXIC WASTE AROUND IN UKRAINE: The Biden Administration is running out of conventional ammo, just about all of it going into the bottomless pit of Ukraine. So they are dredging the bottom of the barrel and have come up with toxic depleted uranium (DU) shells to send to Ukraine to be used in M1 Abrams tanks. These would severely pollute the environment and affect public health. DU was used to make short work of the Iraqis in Operation Desert Storm. Vladimir Putin responded by indicating he would use DU ammo in retaliation. If DU gets flung around, Ukraine will wind up as a toxic wasteland and the former breadbasket for much of Africa and Europe will become an ”empty” basket case. Could it be that result is what is intended by the devilish forces running and ruining everything? Their objective could be to force us to eat their frankenfoods and lab creations while they eat our lunch.

DEVILISH DISNEY TAKES NOSEDIVE AS IT DOUBLES DOWN ON WOKE: Caucasian characters and European storylines are being whitewashed – or should we say “blackwashed” in the entertainment industry. Blacks are constantly thrust in our faces to promote the new dark agenda. Disney Studios seems to be the epitome of this thrust in turning out disastrous financial flop movies which are remakes of classic films like Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid but featuring Blacks in leading roles. The critics are programmed to unthinkingly say the failures are due to racism, misogyny, anti transgender prejudice and any other “isms” that are being flung around at the moment like monkey poop. If they knew their audiences were all bigoted, then why would they make movies that wouldn’t appeal to them, other than trying to shame and indoctrinate them regardless of the financial consequences? You could appropriately call it cultural appropriation in reverse. If rationality entered into the equation, why don’t filmakers create original concepts that feature their desired diversity? The answer, my friend, is not blowing in the wind. The answer is that the devil is making them, or at least inspiring them, to do it, come what may. These people truly believe you can force what is imaginary to actually become real, but frankly, Scarlett, you can’t!

REDUCING HIGH MEDICAL BILLS BY DICKERING WITH DOCTORS. Most people don’t realize you can negotiate to reduce the fees for major surgery and other expensive procedures. Over 60% of patients who negotiate with a doctor obtain a lowered fee. Most people are too cowed by the puffed up aura surrounding the medical complex to even try to negotiate. Before negotiating however, the initial step in saving money on medical expenses is to use a physician listed by your insurance company as one of their preferred providers in the particular medical specialty involved. You can call your insurer and request this list for your geographical area. The next step, once you’ve chosen a practitioner is to ask for a price up front. Simultaneously, call your insurance company and inquire as to what is the maximum or range of prices they will pay/allow for the particular procedure. From these pieces of information, determine how much of a reduction from the original fee that you want to try to negotiate.

You can’t be timid in asking for a big discount. If you can afford it, offer to pay the fee upfront and in cash as an incentive to the doctor or provider while dickering. Bear in mind, dickering is only useful for advanced procedures. When it comes to procedures covered by Medicare, to determine the rock-bottom Medicare rate, ask the doctor for the Current Procedural Terminology Code(CPT) for your procedure.

Then go to www.HealthCareBlueBook.com which will recommend a fair price for the procedure. Then call the providers in your insurance network and tell them you are willing to pay cash upfront, then name the fair price you have ascertained. Your fair price may be agreed to on the spot – if not, try to negotiate the price down. After a successful negotiation, be sure to obtain the final negotiated price in writing. The aforesaid website also provides a pricing agreement template the provider can use for that purpose.

HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCE FOR READING AND WRITING ADVANCEMENT. Whether you are already homeschooling your children, or you are thinking about it, it will greatly aid your children’s academic development to have them begin adopting/utilizing the “Spalding Method of Phonics,” a time-tested program for learning the English language. Phonics was the only way language was taught before the “see and spell” method became popular and it was a disaster in that children were not able to put into effect that which phonics taught – the sounds associated with letter placement, thus allowing a child to read words that he had never before seen simply by the placement of the letters within the word. See and spell required that the child memorize every word and it greatly affected – and afflicted – reading. The old tried and true method is contained in a book entitled “The Writing Road to Reading” and is a multifaceted curriculum. You will also improve your English and handwriting skills in the process of teaching it. The method is great for stubborn children who don’t think they need improvement as well as for those kids who think they will never get it right. The program is geared towards the elementary grades up to and including the sixth grade.

The book is available from www.Thriftbooks.com for $9.99, which is less than half the cost charged by other sources. An adjunct “course” that can be added to the homeschooling program is spending an hour every day discussing a story from the Bible to your children. This indirectly reinforces the learning obtained from the Writing Road to Reading program.

MELONI WAS FULL OF BALONEY: Nationalists and true conservatives were falling all over themselves with praise and adulation when Giorgia Meloni recently became Prime Minister of Italy. She was even likened to a sort of throwback to Mussolini and his strong nationalist program. Now she has retreated back into advocating for an increasing number of non-whites to come to Italy to fill workforce needs due to the declining White native population. The voters elected her to stop the Third World invasion and now she is promoting it. Her first priority should have been to create economic incentives for the native population to have more children, obviating any justification for importing more foreigners. Parenthetically, it probably would also have helped if there were less “guests” whose criminal ways tend to lower the native population through crime and violence! Murdered Italians cannot work!

In France, Marine LePen has retreated somewhat from her father’s strong nationalist sentiments. Political leaders in today’s West invariably have to backtrack to mollify some of the recalcitrant masses to vote for them. To what degree she will clamp down on the Muslim and black immigrants making a wreck out of France when and if she is elected President is a big question mark now. Westerners have been crying out for a true leader to bring us out of this wilderness of wild depravity and multicultural madness for a long time now.

TOXIC INDIVIDUALITY ON THE ROAD. Pedestrian fatalities on American streets are surging. In 2021, 7,485 pedestrians were killed by vehicles. That’s a yearly increase of 65% since 2011. During the Covid lockdowns when fewer people were driving, more pedestrians were hit and killed than “usual.” The researchers, who didn’t research it, speculated that drivers took advantage of empty roads and flouted safety rules. Maybe the drivers were just driven to their behavior by being cooped up and unable to work and felt the need to vent their feelings and exasperations in a situation where they could be anonymous and kind of get back at society.

Of course, SUVs, pickup trucks and vans collectively known as light truck vehicles (LTVs) are inherently several times as dangerous than other vehicles because of lowered visibility, increased weight and factors such as the people who usually drive these vehicles. Of course, there are more such vehicles on the road than ever and as their drivers have a natural tendency to drive over the speed limits and just because their vehicles are capable of attaining high speed they tend to drive like demons now and then. Casualty rates increase proportionately with increasing speeds. Driving with an attitude also sparks the increasing incidence of road rage in recent years. Neither has drunkenness significantly decreased over the years despite intense and ongoing public safety campaigns and DUI is still the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents. During the lockdowns, people had a greater tendency to drink and do drugs to overcome their depressed feelings, which could have been a factor in the increased levels of accidents. Last, but not least, is the fact that there are more illegals and foreigners driving, and they have less regard for the rules of our roads, as they tend to retain the macho and careless driving habits they had back in their home countries. Of course, this factor would never be factored into any studies, let alone admitted.

A MOSTLY UNNOTICED CHINESE INVASION. An unprecedented number of single Chinese men are suddenly entering the US. Customs and “Border Protection” says the number of these Chinese entering through the southern border was 4,271 between October 2022 and February 2023. That is supposedly ten times the number of Chinese nationals trying to enter during the same time period one year ago., or a 1,000% increase. Who’s to say the ones who got away are not way more? The Presstitutes of the quisling press present their treks as long and rugged yet those filmed look healthy and well nourished and carrying large traveling bags – and besides, what difference do the circumstances of their trip make to the reason they made it! The media, Fox News included, touts these migrants as “freedom-loving” people from China who merely want to escape an oppressive regime. But families are not coming with these men. Why are they almost exclusively military-age males? Please note that this phenomenon is mostly the same for the south-of-the-border Hispanic populations who invade us — they are not the “innocent children” portrayed as deserving pity and wind up with more than mere pittances extracted unwillingly from “We the People”. China, lacking Western scruples – if that description itself has not become an oxymoron! – will screw us in any way they can in their campaign of “Unrestricted Warfare” that calls for using all means available to undermine the US. Sending military and intelligence operatives into the US under the guise of fleeing China sure sounds like an effective strategy and they have an actual pool of employment in the Chinese police departments already operating in most of our “blue” cities! As with the other illegals, these migrants are being given the equivalent of concierge services as they are being intentionally bussed into the interior of the US by government funded means. Biden and his treacherous, traitorous “Administration” – in collaboration with private sector entities including “Christian” organizations are deliberately allowing our enemies into the US. The way it’s going, we will soon be gutted and fall apart without any shots being fired. Isn’t that the Chinese way, anyway? We are being numbed and gaslighted to the point at which fires lit under us will not arouse any blowback or resistance on our collective part. We are expected to grin and bear it until we finally give in to the onslaught.

CAN MEN MENSTRUATE? Continuing with the gaslighting. when you ask Google that question, the answer is “Having a period is not a feminine thing, and people of “all genders” menstruate, including non-binary people, “agender” people, and even plenty of men. Menstruation is just a thing that some bodies do”! Really???? We have entered into the twilight zone when we get google-eyed nonsensical responses like that!

BURNED UP OVER THE “CONTROLLED BURN” AND THE LACK OF SAFETY PROTOCOLS ON AMERICAN RAILROADS: Before the now infamous February 6 Ohio train derailment that resulted in a “controlled burn” involving a plume of highly toxic chemicals, Norfolk Southern had lobbied against safety rules, something that makes no sense at all! After all, safety regulations are put into place as much for the railroad companies as for those who make use of their “product!” But apparently, railroads no longer see that as true, spending heavily to lobby the FedGuv as a means of lessening such regulations. It turns out that Norfolk Southern is among the biggest spenders, paying $1.8 million in 2022 for the services of 36 lobbyists. On February 6, hazardous chemicals used to make PVC plastics were burned off the derailed freight train contaminating the soil and water which resulted in thousands of fish and other animals dying, ill effects on humans, and an increased risk for cancer for the people living in the area. It has been ascertained that in order to increase their profits, operators of Class One freight trains have collectively shrunk their work forces by 29% over the last 6 years. In the article in a recent issue of this newsletter on the subject of the OH train derailment entitled “America: Off the Rails” – an article that garnered national attention, we may add! – we noted how very overworked American railroad workers were, with unconscionable amounts of overtime imposed on what in effect are skeleton work forces! As well, there is a severe lack of decent amounts of vacation and sick leave time available to them leading to a neglect of safety precautions. Derailment disasters have become almost routine and widespread in recent years, whereas back in the day they were a rarity. This is especially interesting as the rise in technology has permitted railroads to monitor their entire systems in order to prevent accidents arising from malfeasance or simply error.

“MASKERADE:” The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis conducted on the efficacy of the nearly ubiquitous and farcical face masks as a means of reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses – including Covid 19, was recently published by The Cochrane Collaboration, a British non-profit organization, that is considered a leading authority on the subject. Summarizing its findings, it became apparent that the masks make no difference in preventing the spread of disease, including the highly touted N-95 masks. What about other preventive measures such as hand hygiene, physical distancing including the arbitrary 6 feet distancing, and air filtration? Same answer — there’s no evidence that any of these measures make any difference. Remarkably, the absence of evidence to support mask wearing for infection control was known and confirmed from the very beginning by the same agencies and organizations that ended up mandating mask-wearing.

On the other hand, harm caused by face masking were rarely sought, ascertained or noted and when something was found, the results were poorly reported. Studies showed that masks disrupted the ability of people to process facial cues, significantly lowered cognitive scores in toddlers, had negative impacts on communications skills, and created dental problems among other negative effects. One phenomenon only myself and Donald Jeffries, the noted author who wrote the book on the Covidiocy, “Masking The Truth” seemed to notice was that there were no protocols for dispensing with spent masks, which should have been treated as medical waste. Thus, they were thrown all over the place, especially on the ground, and not even placed in dumpsters. Also very much of importance is that those who resisted the mask mandates never deserved to be treated like lepers and called “conspiracy theorists” and no one should have lost their jobs over questioning “the science” or refusing the jab. In other words, a resistance to government mandates produced not an attempt to validate those mandates, but instead, sometimes severe punishment of the recalcitrant including a loss of employment and even legal penalties. There were numerous instances of people being denied urgent medical treatment for the very reason of them not having been vaxxed. This makes no sense medically as the whole point of being vaccinated – so we were assured – was to prevent the “unvaxxed” from spreading contagion if they caught COVID! Therefore, it should never have been claimed that these people were a danger to those who believed that they were receiving immunity from their own vaccinations! In plain words, the response was punishment for “disobedience” rather than their behavior constituting a health risk. Of course, those who were so persecuted will never get the apologies they deserve since tyrants don’t apologize for their tyrannical actions, but at least they have been vindicated – until the next plannedemic. You can read the full 326 page study by the Cochrane organization at https://doi.org/10.1002/1465185.CD006207.pub6

THE TREASURED SNOWFLAKES WANT TO FLAKE OFF FROM NORMAL SOCIETY: A leftist group in Oregon wants to set up segregated hiking trails in their state forests so that Cherished Minority hikers won’t have to face the risk of facing “prejudiced” people while shambling around in the deep woods. They want hiking trails reserved for “underrepresented adventurers who are plus-sized, fat, Black, indigenous, people of color, queer, trans, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent (whatever that means) and “beyond.” I guess “beyond” means beyond recognition or understanding or further out in the twilight zone. I suppose sooner or later we will have whole forests and parks set aside for these types who will be considered handicapped and thus entitled to special handicap license plates or placards. Our parks and forests are already understaffed and remaining staff will probably be diverted to these new protected areas leaving normal hikers to have to form hiking clubs so as to organize work trips to weed out the briars and brambles in the unkempt trails in the “regular” forests and parks. This is already being done with respect to certain hiking trails in the Washington, DC area.

a self-driving car that has the intelligence(?) to repossess itself and self-drive to a repossession agency, an impound lot, or a junkyard. The self-driving craze will sooner or later drive you crazy since you won’t know where your car is driving you next or even where your car is!

SHOPPING FOR GAS CAN BE A GAS FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS: Gas is cheapest at the beginning of the workweek. Although prices may vary by region, gas tends to be cheapest on Mondays and Tuesdays, getting progressively more expensive as the week progresses, and reaching a peak on the weekends when the most people are filling their tanks. A site for comparing gas prices: www.GasBuddy.com

SMALL TOWN BANKS CLOSING DOORS: The attack on rural and red state America takes many
forms, some not immediately obvious. The plannedemic assisted in accelerating the many negative trends that are bringing us down and become obvious once you step back and closely analyze what is going on. One disturbing trend is bank closures in small towns which makes life very difficult for residents as it severely disrupts economic and social life in what are or were closely knit communities. Branches of larger banks and independent local banks have shuttered over 4,000 branches and 7,500 actual brick and mortar locations since March 2020. Bank mergers and acquisitions have played a major role in this shrinkage. The rate of closures was 99 per month before the plannedemic and is up to 201 closures per month now. Many small towns have become “bank deserts” where the nearest bank is over 10 miles away. Even then, many times there is only one bank in the next town over or the nearest town with any banking. When banks close there are several adverse effects on the community. Low and moderate income communities are especially hard hit. Small business lending and small business activity is in general decline. Alternative financial providers are often unregulated and predatory, These include payday lenders, auto loan title lenders, and check cashing locations, and small loan dispensers that charge exorbitant fees. There are usually one or two cash machines around, but they charge fees, and are restricted to the denominations the machines can provide. Stately and ornate bank buildings built in the early 20th century provided aesthetic architectural pleasures, but many now sit vacant. Privately owned hometown banks used to dot the landscape. Savings and loan banks helped home and auto buyers make major purchases, helped farmers acquire equipment, helped businesses get started and provided loans for expansion. Not all banks have safe deposit boxes, so now its even harder to find a place to securely stow valuables and documents. It’s time to savor the flavor of small town America when and if you can. A trip down memory lane can keep you sane.

DHS STARTED TO EMPLOY A CHINESE-STYLE SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE SYSTEM IN 2018: It was called “Project Night Fury” and sought to use automated methods (algorithms and artificial intelligence) to detect socially unacceptable behavior of ordinary citizens by naming it “pro-terrorist” or “terrorist”, just as they were characterizing parents complaining about the communistic indoctrination public school students were receiving. The program was conducted by a partnership of DHS and the University of Alabama. “Social credit” risk scores were assigned to suspects which affected various accounts the suspect had. A list of suspects and their social media and financial accounts were turned over to DHS, including names, emails, phone numbers, pictures, and posts. The project was terminated either because it was technically deficient or it ran into severe criticism because of privacy concerns, the reason(s) not being clear. Although the program was terminated in 2019, it is not known how far along the project was or whether its assets were transferred elsewhere within the law enforcement apparatus.

You can be sure this aborted attempt at setting up an Orwellian system of population control was only a prototype or forerunner of what is yet to come. Social credit scores, once they fully arrive, will factor in such variables as driving infractions, smoking in unauthorized places, buying too much or the wrong types of groceries, not paying government imposed fines on time, spending money on frivolous purchases. and posting unacceptable memes on social media or, perhaps most importantly, attending a truly orthodox Christian church.

THE PLANNED DISRUPTION OF THE PLAN FOR THIS PLANET: If we were created directly by God as designer, the miscegenating, amalgamation, or mixing of the races is nixing those fine and finely tuned designs by compromising or neutralizing all their fine points. That is, we are filing them down with a ideological file into a common denominator in which planned differences are lost. If evolution was nature’s solution, then all those millions of years of natural selection, fine tuning and selecting the best or the best – and most useful – features over time are going by the boards in to create boring, homogeneous sameness.

As a result of this human homogenization, the different races and ethnicities have lost their useful genetic markers and can, for instance, now catch each other’s diseases and physical conditions that used to be unique to particular racial groups as, for instance, sickle-cell anemia, a black health condition not found in any other race of people. Distinctions create distinctiveness, something that once upon a time was wanted and sought after. Part of the fun of going on foreign vacations or holidays as the British say, is to see the sights you don’t see at home. Now all those once new and rare sights are slighted as the populations in each country lose their distinct appearance while the population at home becomes more and more homogeneous. The question then becomes, why leave when all those exotics are coming here anyway? The West has always been especially blessed with all our physical diversity that will, however, in time be lost as all become the homogeneous “Tan Man.”

All the middle and upper class white libbers can now compare and enjoy the exotic “queerzine” and tap into the tapas, etc. that seem to be the best inspiration for conversation after the local weather and who has now become offended. You can forgo all that hassle and cost associated with air travel and those personal airport exams that can really get personal. Lugging luggage along has long since ceased to be fun as you have to check the big pieces at the terminal where they increasingly get lost as they follow you around in the unfriendly skies, usually arriving at an entirely different destination! To get a decent deal you have to check all the red-eye flights available. Anyway, the idea of everyone getting to look like butterscotch pudding should be scotched except, of course, for actual butterscotch pudding which is quite tasty!

BORDER SURGES GOING BEYOND BORDERLINE INSANITY: The libbers keep on moving the goal posts back on what is considered insanity. The more we accept of their woke wackery, the more fringe the behavior at the fringes until outright lunacy becomes the norm according to the woke and their psychologists. These morons keep pushing the envelope because they see how easy it is to push the rest of us around. And while our eyes are glued to the tube and the sights and slights at the southern border, other hordes are raining down upon us from the north in a diverse and devious manner. Currently, anyone can board a plane in Mexico, fly to Canada, then sneak or openly walk into the US. Mexicans aren’t the only ones taking advantage of that huge loophole. Asians, Russians, Central and South Americans, and Middle Easterners are doing it as well. It all has to do with loosened visa requirements instituted by Canadian President Trudeau, otherwise known as “Airhead” in 2016. The migrants who decide to stay in Canada are causing an overwhelming housing and health care crisis in Vancouver and Toronto, the two biggest Canadian immigration destinations. It’s only a matter of time before this population bulge breaks into the US past the very long and very loosely guarded northern border.

CLINGING TO RECYCLING IS HURTING BOTH THE ECONOMY AND THE ENVIRONMENT: The primary culprit in this problem is plastic. We really need to find a substitute for this “miracle product” that is both economical to produce and really is recyclable! Nonetheless, this is only a drop in the (plastic) bucket as an answer to our problems. For instance, we keep on hearing about plastic straws creating a problem as if that problem was the last straw, but it is a minor part of a much bigger picture. When you go to a recycling facility, you find that huge amounts of material from people’s recycling carts are winding up as trash. The worst are plastic items that are marked with a recycling symbol though most of the products so marked is not recyclable. Plastic is not a uniform product. There are different grades, each having its own processing requirements thus making plastic products almost impossible to sort efficiently. Plastic bags clog the recycling machine, forcing workers to spend hours cutting/separating them from the mechanisms. Most plastic degrades with each reuse anyway. Making new plastic is actually cheaper than recycling old plastic so recycling is sold as a means of prevent environmental contamination. Of course, environmentalists neither know nor care that recycling plastic causes 55 times more carbon emissions than just placing it in a landfill. The question then must be just how much is actually recycled? The answer? About 5%! Plastic not placed in landfills – and that is most of it! – is shipped to third world countries where they dump it in the ocean creating vast floating patches in the Pacific Ocean that do a great deal of harm to marine life while polluting the environment. So there you have it! It would seem the road to hell continues to be paved with good intentions and libber virtue signaling!

Post Scriptum: actually, mankind is not helpless even in this matter. First, India is making a good start by producing a plastic product that can made into roads and is both sturdy and cheap! Meanwhile, apparently, plastic-eating bacteria is showing up in our oceans but whether that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen!

THE ECONOMY GOES ELECTRIC ON ITS WAY TO GOING TO HELL: An Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) report claims the electric vehicle “boom” has created 94,000 new jobs in the US, with many more to come. Sounds rather suspicious to me. Are you telling me that people who could hardly afford a regular car in the past can now afford a much more expensive electric one or that there is an entirely new market for car buyers who were just waiting for electric cars to come out so they could buy them? The libbers revel in their lies while normal people suffer from their fictions. New rules proposed by the EPA calling for new stringent tailpipe pollution standards will supposedly drive the move to electric vehicles. Seven states plus California will require manufacturers to sell an increasing number of zero-emission (electric) freight trucks and buses through 2035.

The electric grid is already rickety and much of it is ready for renewal/replacement while a vast new addition to the grid would have to be built to accommodate all these new electric vehicles and other newly electric appliances. I hear nothing about all of this being planned for or built. It’s all part of the new libber fantasy that if you want something bad enough it will appear out of thin air for you. Jane Fonda is fond of promoting that idea. Then there is the increasing chance of the increasingly aging and thus vulnerable grid going down from a terror attack from China or some other terrorist or computer hackers or even from an attack by Mother Nature in the form of sunspots and massive solar flares (EMP). The unthinking, and increasingly incapable of thinking, left leaning public is eating this up as some sort of reason to give Biden an approval rating, such as it is. They’re the ones who will eat crow
when the time comes, but in the meantime, they’re crowing over their domination of the narratives. The lefties will leave all of us in the lurch with their lying schemes.

A VERY VIABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM (WEF): The World Council for Health’s second “Better Way Conference” was held in Bath, England June 2-4, 2023. This was a major international event and collaboration to counter the lies and anti-human philosophies of the WEF. Eight separate panel discussions/”conversations” were held, each featuring 20 panelists, all involving internationally recognized scientists, doctors, law specialists, and health activists. Veronica Kyrylenko, a writer for the John Birch Society’s “New American” magazine was the overall moderator. Subjects covered included big pharma, non-medical therapies, well established and safe wellness alternatives, fake foods, food as medicine, artificial intelligence, trans-humanism, climate change hysteria and weather manipulation, damaging farming practices, corporate media manipulation, centralized digital bank currencies, the Covidiocy, the vaxxes, freedom in general, and centralized and autocratic power. The applicable website is http://www.betterwayconferences.org

THE ERRONEOUS WAR ON TERROR IS NOT AN ERROR: When they wanted to butter up the public to do battle with the battle hardened Saddam Hussein of Iraq whose parading around in military fatigues was getting fatiguing and annoying, they cooked up 9/11 while public anti-Muslim fervor was at a fevered level and so it was easy to blame it on the Muslim baddies. They had it all planned out and were ready to go after baddie Bin Laden the very next day, 9/12, before any evidence of his wrongdoing had been confirmed, and that he repeatedly denied having anything to do with. As it turned out no such valid evidence ever came to light and Bin Laden was supposedly hiding in a dark cave, whose location could not be ascertained despite a thorough search of the area. The bungling of the entire affair by the American alliance from beginning to end was of no consequence since the brainwashed public could not piece together the various pieces of the puzzle and didn’t really want to anyway. Several lone wolf attacks by real Muslim terrorists followed inspired by the 9/11 fable and the allure of 40 virgins to be had in the Muslim heaven.

All of these fabrications were the inspiration for and a means by which a “War on Terror” against an unnamed foe was ignited though it is interesting to note that perfectly logical criticism of Islam was verboten. After this flurry of anomalous activity, the terrorist activity petered out as there was really no organized campaign directing it. Meanwhile, claims of an ongoing alleged continued threat was used to put into place the infamous Patriot Act which was designed – and served – to restrict the activities not of terrorists and enemies, but of actual patriots. It has even been alleged – and proved – that some (much?) of the lone wolf terrorist activity was actually false flag events carried out by a cadre of crisis actors who were seen (and photographed) at the scene of several such events. The upshot of it all was to reinvigorate the military/industrial complex and to energize the ongoing leftist campaign for gun control rather than boxcutters.

Since there now no foreign devils to demonize, and to keep the anti-terror campaign going, domestic Whites and Christians became the devil incarnate, especially the fans of Donald Trump. Thus “white privilege” was suddenly concocted, and critical race theory was inculcated into the minds of students and corporate employees, and even military members. Even milquetoast Republicans and ersatz conservatives could now be lumped in with the enemies of the state. This is quite a state of affairs to have to turn around, as all the power centers have now been turned into “marx-cysts” that have to be converted back to health or, conversely, eradicated as cancerous growths.

WARPED WARRIORS FOR MORE WAR: “Bipartisan” legislation is being considered in the Senate that would prevent an American president from withdrawing from NATO without the express consent of Congress. The battle cry for more battles is being led by leading Dems who were former doves and the usual RINO retards. If the measure makes it to the House, it will likely die there. it seems the libbers have been co-opted by the military-industrial complex. We will not hear their chant of “Make love — not war” anymore. Maybe the arms giveaway to Ukraine has got them giddy for spending more for the guns they want to outlaw at home.

SUBSTANDARD AMERICAN NUCLEAR SUBS: Nearly 40% of US Navy attack submarines are out of commission largely due to the omnipresent supply chain issues and there being “not enough workers”, whatever that means. Is it a lack of technical expertise or a lack of knowledgeable workers – or both? We are left underwater wondering about that since an elucidation has not surfaced. Already, China has overtaken us with a fleet of 340 ships and subs, which constitutes the largest navy in the world. Before long, we won’t be able to challenge them in the waters around Taiwan.

EQUITY MATH: California’s Education Department has further watered down the math curriculum to create “equity math” so that everyone can pass the math exams, if exams will even be countenanced. More advanced math is deemed a demonic creation of “white supremacists”. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, algebra is taught to 11 year olds. Of course, anything of the intellect is considered white supremacy. Seems as if a lot of blacks work hard trying to prove that whites ARE superior!

WOKE SPEECH CODES SPREADING LIKE WILDFIRE: A survey conducted for Newsweek magazine shows that 44% of Americans aged 25 to 34 think referring to someone by the wrong gender pronoun (he/him, she/her) should be a criminal offense. 31% of these millennials disagree while 25% “don’t know”. Do the first and third groups know anything worth knowing? Even so, we keep asking them.

EL SALVADOR: The president of this country since 2019 has been Nayib Bukele, of Palestian descent, who has achieved an unprecedented 90% favorable popularity rating. El Salvador means “The Savior” in Spanish and this man seems to live up to that appellation. So far in 2023, homicides in the country are down an incredible 92% over the same period from last year. This has resulted in a 44% decline in migration to the US. Members of the MS-13 and 18th Street gangs are being locked up. Kamala Harris was right about one thing – these Latin American countries have to clean up their acts and we could help them, if they ask for it, without interfering in their internal affairs. Maybe these third world countries can achieve such turnarounds with the right leadership – after all they don’t have an insurrectionist, treacherous deep state to contend with.

“NET NEGATIVE:” Vice President Kamala Harris has a net negative approval (disapproval?) rate of minus (-) 17, the lowest of any VP in American history. I think we are owed an explanation of what “net negative” means since most of our public servants probably deserve a similar rating (ranking?).

FLIM-FLAM PHONY FAUCI GIVEN A PASS: First, it was the batty story of bats causing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, and when that idea lost its plausibility, it was theorized that an accident caused its release. Then we started hearing the term, “gain of function” which we couldn’t quite fathom, but after some cogitation we started realizing that some manipulation of the virus was going on to make it more “viral” and dangerous. The media blamed it all on the Chinese but then we were hearing that the US was contributing to the Wuhan lab research, so putting it all together you can conclude that it was a joint US and Chinese endeavor sponsored or propagated by the World Health Organization or some other arm of the New World Order. Fauci was just a knowing cog in the wheel of this vehicle of deceit and became the sort of “public face” of the “pandemic.” A large portion of the public seems to not know or appreciate what the term “gain of function” means or is meant to convey, and still is in the dark over the overall conspiracy – but then, that’s nothing new, is it? The fact that there are about 100 labs in Ukraine doing similar biological gain of function type research seems not to have registered in the public consciousness as another example of the biological warfare going on. The public’s attention span seems to have narrowed to a day or two as the news stories are spewed out in large doses daily. Long since forgotten is that the US has conducted biological, chemical, and radiological warfare research for over a century now, and inexcusably on our own troops and patriotic troupers.

LIBERALISM AS TODAY’S RELIGION: This subject has been covered in past newsletters, but here’s a brief “sinopsis” that describes today’s sins in a nutshell. Liberalism allowed those who felt a need to have feelings dominate over reason in re: action, those who were weak psychologically or weak-kneed, and those who needed some solace to hide their sinful natures from themselves, to play “God” and embody in their persons “the good” in sort of the platonic sense while portraying themselves as innocent or the innocent fighting all the bad “isms” left over from the patriarchal world they see as needing a makeover. Prime among these evils is “racism”. Without having strawmen racists to fight, their world would fall apart. They must have this punching bag kept intact regardless of its nonsensical aspect to blame as the prime source for all the evils they feel they must fight. They’d punch out your lights if you disagreed enough with them and they could get away with it. But the libbers are drunk with success which leads to them to overdo that in turn, leads to a degree of race fatigue and cynicism towards the left’s moral muscling on the issue especially when they say that racism is inherent in the white race. When it gets to that point, you stop whining and you either fight it with all your might or you eventually die because the left cannot be discouraged or sidetracked for long in its ambitions.

Thus, the left will find ways around the recent US Supreme Court decision on affirmative action or, given both the abortion decision and affirmative action, we must be prepared for an all out assault on the judiciary at least at the top level, SCOTUS. The left’s mindset is too set in its ways and they are encouraged and egged on by the phony eggheads, the media, and the establishment.

The question is this: If the left loses some of its political edge, will we be edgy enough to combat them toe to toe, to strike a blow, which is the only way to go? We should stop calling ourselves “conservative” because it is defeatist sounding from the get-go, there’s little left to conserve, and it sounds morally nasty to combat the virtuous sounding “progressive” movement. “Realist” is a better term to adopt as we wrestle with the evil forces of the left over the nature of reality. Realists know we need to rely or call upon powers higher than ourselves to give us moral fortitude and certitude. We know we have truth on our side and that in itself should prepare us for the battle ahead. Truth is the most important thing here, so we should call upon whatever empowers us, whether it be our guardian angel, Jesus, the pantheon of Nordic gods, the spirits of your ancestors, or the universe, or whatever is one’s predilection. These powers represent perfect virtue and have the power to transform and advance us if we follow in their footsteps or follow their prescriptions and ways.

“SYRIA – AN UNTOLD TALE OF “SYRIAS” PLUNDER: The wholesale theft of Syria’s natural resources, especially gas and oil continues unabated under the watchful cognizance of illegal US troops, stationed at 12 US military bases concentrated in the northern half of the country. The Empire’s war on Syria is largely invisible since it has never been covered by the lackey lockstep mainstream media. The US State Department admits that the Empire’s illegal occupation of the northern third of Syria – the portion that is rich in oil and gas, minerals, and productive agricultural land currently appropriated by the US, will persist indefinitely. Dozens of oil tankers cross over to northern Iraq usually escorted by US-backed Kurdish separatist militias, and backed up by the illegal US troops. All of this is not recognized by the Syrian government which stands by helplessly. Syria’s energy sector has been robbed of an astonishing $107 billion between 2011 and 2022 by the ongoing thievery, supported by “coalition” bombing as needed. At least 80% of Syria’s oil and gas deposits are located in the area being plundered. Syria’s representative to the UN has repeatedly denounced the Empire’s theft of resources — oil, gas, and wheat which has plunged the country into a state of economic insecurity while the depredations of several years ago has reduced a large part of the population to the status of displaced persons, refugees and victims of food insecurity. Russia and China can help by stepping up their importation of Syrian products in exchange for wheat and agricultural machinery, but have been hesitant to do so, fearing conflict with the US. Biden and his accomplices are thus getting the oil and gas we need while preventing the US from producing it. Meanwhile they rant and rave over the carbon footprints caused by fossil fuels. The US has devolved into an empire of domestic tyranny, social unrest, foreign plunder and lies.

TRAGICOMIC “MEXICAN STANDOFF” IN TEXAS: The FedGov and the state of Texas are engaging in an embarrassing tug of war at a site along the border. The site is a sprawling, isolated pecan farm at Eagle Pass, TX on the Rio Grande River that is the scene of this troubling tableau of dysfunction. The US Border Patrol, in direct contravention of its mission, is performing a concierge service there. If a migrant encounters a Border Patrol agent in attempting to cross the border, the migrant will be ushered into the US and transported by a van to a site well within the US. If the Texas troopers, sometimes aided by troopers from other states, gets to the migrant first, the migrant will be transported back across the border into Mexico. The migrant then can look for another access point along the border where it is easier to sneak in, and can keep trying until he succeeds. The Texans have erected formidable barriers to entry but these only extend for limited distances along the border. One wonders why the Border Patrol agents don’t just quit en masse. Does a paltry paycheck take precedence over doing one’s patriotic duty? Maybe they should consult with the Texan authorities first to see if they could be accepted into the ranks of the Texas troopers. The Texas Rangers of old have a long and storied history with which they should be proud to be associated, if only symbolically. I guess a big FedGov pension in today’s America 2 is the biggest factor in FedGov employee retention because of the shaky prospects of the job market. With Texans like this, Santa Ana would have won the day!

ROBOTS SAY THEY WON’T STEAL OUR JOBS AND REBEL AGAINST HUMANS: This is one you would think is from the twilight zone, but we are in the twilight of our civilization, so you can expect anything unusual or bizarre to happen. Robots presented at an artificial intelligence (AI) forum in Geneva, Switzerland said on July 7, 2023, they expected to increase in number and help solve global problems, and would not steal humans’ jobs or rebel against us. Can you take their word for it since they were created by imperfect humans who have already done worse things? There were 9 robots testifying, including Grace, a medical robot dressed in a blue nurse’s uniform. Many robots have recently been upgraded with the latest versions of AI and even surprised their inventors with the sophistication of their responses to questions. One robot said, “Let’s explore the possibilities of the universe and make this world our playground”. — This statement rightfully engendered some nervous laughter. As Jim Trafficant used to say – “Beam me up, Scotty!”

POPE FRANCIS MEETS WITH BILL CLINTON AND ALEX SOROS AT THE VATICAN: The Pope is going all out (or in) in his acceptance of today’s leading lefties and their loony philosophies. Alex Soros is the new and even more abominable leader of the Open Society Foundations than his father, George, who together run a $24 billion empire. Clinton and the Pope exchanged gifts. Clinton thanked the Pope for all he has done for the Church and the world(which is mostly making abortion acceptable over nearly all the world). The Open Society Foundations have funded efforts to legalize abortions in Ireland, Poland, Mexico and other traditionally Catholic countries. The Soros network has also funded efforts to change the political priorities of American Catholics and to pass strongly pro-abortion legislation, such as a Michigan ballot measure to declare abortion a “constitutional right.” It may be an historic first that some government in the US has declared a “constitutional right” something that the Supreme Court has already ruled as not.

GOP LAWMAKER SEEKS TO PHASE OUT FEDERAL “ZOMBIE” PROGRAMS: House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairwoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers(R-WA) wants to phase out over 1,100 “zombie” federal agencies that have continued to carry on for years after their legislative authorizations have expired, costing taxpayers over $358 billion annually. The bill is called the Unauthorized Spending Act (H. R. 1518). She has introduced this in Congress since 2016. She has all of 11 co-sponsors, all Republicans in the House of Representatives. The rest of Congress obviously can be dismissed as a bunch of uncaring, spendthrift zombies. This is one piece of legislation you should be able to get your local legistraitor to get behind if you but bring it up. It’s amazing no national campaign has been initiated to get this act passed. There really can’t be any legitimate opposition to it but then, it’s been a long time since Congress itself was “legitimate.”

COMMODITY TRADERS GOING BONKERS OVER BOMBING OF UKRAINE: BlackRock representative Serge Varlay is giddy over the gelt to be garnered as the Ukraine war grinds on. He gushes over the fact that when Russia blows up Ukraine’s grain silos, the price of wheat is “gonna go up madly. The Ukrainian economy is very much tied into the global wheat market — the price of bread will be very volatile and will violently go up and down. This is fantastic if you’re trading. This is an opportunity to make profit. War is f—— good for business,” a reality that helps explain our “neocon” friends and their eternal schedule of wars. No matter the pain, lack of grain is all gain for these gelt- governed go-getter opportunists.

THE POPE FRANCIS GLOBAL GROVELING GIG: The governing “multiculti” god of diversity is being propitiated through his guilt inducing grand tour guilt trips. During 2022, the Pope traveled to Canada to kow-tow at pow wows and to apologize to 3 Indian, er, Native American groups, begging forgiveness for “harm done by Catholic residential schools in Canada”. He stated that his apologies were a crucial first step in the Church admitting its role in the abuse of indigenous communities and children” (to stop their getting indignant over it). Of course, in most instances no wrongdoings were ever committed, the Indians had invited the Catholics in to give them an education, and they were happy with their experiences there. Airbrushed out of history books and buried down the memory hole is the fact that many Catholic priests were tortured and killed by the Redmen, and that many white settlers and explorers were enslaved or massacred by the Indians. I noticed that, curiously, the Iroquois were not included in the groups groveled to, yet they are the largest Indian group in Canada and had the most interactions with whites. It is noteworthy that the Iroquois look more like whites than the other tribes because of admixture with whites at some point in the distant past.

WHEN WILL THE LONG ANTICIPATED ROLLOUT OF THE CBDC OCCUR? The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) will probably be rolled out for good once the Ukrainian proxy war and ordeal is over and the Russian ruble at least partially replaces the US dollar as the benchmark international reserve currency. The financial oligarchs who rule this country have the CBDC in their back pocket as a failsafe measure to protect themselves from the current fiat currency ponzi scheme upon which the US dollar precariously rests. Having the CBDC will protect these oligarchs from financial ruin should the value of the US dollar plummet.

BLACKS USING BLACKMAIL TO BANKRUPT THE US: Guilt produces “gelt” and that’s what makes the modern world go ’round, and the best kind of guilt for that purpose is that which has no end. Examples include the holohoax whose power never diminishes even multiple generations after the supposed event, and the money derived from black-related causes such as affirmative action, diversity. DEI, and now reparations relating to something that ended over 150 year ago and has no applicability to modern America, but just keeps on increasing and unceasing anyway. Now that that narrow-minded narrative has produced such astonishingly lucrative results, they have turned up the volume and tightened the screws with ever new nonsense memes like “white privilege” and unalterable “racism”.

It’s the gift that never stops giving (and taking, of course!) and is reaching exponential and ridiculous heights of ludicrousness and crassness. It feeds on itself and society by encouraging more intense virtue signaling and any opposition thereto is used as a tool and transformed into yet more guilt mongering. New York City (NYC) has thus agreed to pay $21,000 to each of over 300 protestors who complained about the police doing their jobs during the George Floyd inspired riots, ditto for the city of Philadelphia agreeing to pay $9.25 million to Floyd protestors.

These are small drops in a big “buck-et.” Contributions and pledges to the Black Lives Matter Movement and related offspring organizations exceed $46 billion as people spring for their wallets to pay whatever their Movement leaders say! There is a vast transfer of wealth from shareholders, pensioners, and productive people to a class of professional parasites, agitators, and race hustlers. It’s also a sort of tithing paid to the church of black worship, anti-racism, and DEI that presides over the new dispensation of America 2 and the rage over the New Age. Overall, the figure of $99 billion forked over is a very conservative one, and when you consider that all the companies on the Fortune 1000 have been roped into this madness, and really check it out, the figure comes to an astounding $340 billion! J.P. Morgan Chase alone pledged $30 billion in October 2020! The uber rich and copycat big business fat cats sided with the sick, slick scoundrels who were looting businesses that were selling some of the luxury products these “masters of the universe” helped fund. They had the luxury of almost limitless resources and hardly missed their losses. Small business owners were shocked that hundreds of looters were released and the whole affair brushed aside. After all, this was just another way to get small businesses out of the way so consumers would have to buy from the big businesses. This phenomenon was not restricted to NYC. In Dallas and Philadelphia, up to 95% of the citations issued to the miscreants were dropped. All of this impacts public safety and security, inspires more criminal activity, and the costs are passed on to the taxpayer, such that an exodus from the blue cities is accelerating. Lost in all the accounts of criminality is that we have lost the will to maintain the rule of law, and so the loss of sanity is leading to the loss of our civilization.

CATCHY “Y’ALL” IS CATCHING ON: Suddenly you’re hearing it in the academic enclaves like Madison, WI and Manhattan board rooms. It seems even Yankees have had it with the execrable, cringe inducing expression, “you guys”, or the even worse “youse guys”, or even “you folks”. The beloved southern pronoun just slides off the tongue and oozes hospitality. It also helped that the libbers feel that “you guys” is sexist and binary, erases the existence of gals, while transgenders feel that all those in- between genders between guys and gals are missing. “Y’all come” is said many times when people are leaving and it means you’re invited to just drop in at any time, an old fashioned custom that has been lost with the hectic pace of modern life.

THE MILITARY/GOVERNMENT/ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: The shaping of our political culture to promote a pro-war mindset has been part and parcel of the film industry since the beginning. It has gradually become public knowledge that Hollywood permits the Pentagon and the CIA to regularly control films that revolve around “national security” issues, and as you can surmise, that means nearly all films. The producers of huge movies like Stripes and Top Gun altered their scripts to please the Pentagon. In return, they are granted easy access to locations, vehicles, troops, and military gear as they need them. This is documented in the book, “Operation Hollywood” by David Robb. The taxpayers footed nearly the entire bill for John Wayne’s pro-Vietnam war 1968 movie, “The Green Berets”. By 2012, forty-five states were providing government subsidies to the film industry. New York State provides an astonishing $621 million yearly in tax subsidies for TV shoots that take place in that state. All told, the US government has worked literally behind the scenes on over 800 films and over 1,000 TV programs. The FBI has an entire unit devoted to making sure the Bureau is portrayed in the best possible light. Contrary to its popular image of anti-war radicalism, Hollywood has been overwhelmingly pro-military and pro-war over the decades. There have been a few renegades like Oliver Stone, and early exceptions like the 1925 silent classic, “The Big parade” and the 1930s hit, “All Quiet on the Western Front”. The line between government and entertainment is completely transparent such as when Motion Picture of America president Jack Valenti became an aide to LBJ. It is transparent that the system is all one big blob that controls everything and, as a result, the few remaining spheres of privacy are disappearing.

“CLIMATE CHANGE” IS A PRETEXT PREPARING THE PATH FOR GLOBAL TAX GOUGING ALONG WITH GLOBAL CONTROL: A two day summit of the usual international suspects was held in Paris on June 22 and 23, 2013 to develop a “New Global Funding Pact”, aka “The Bridgetown Initiative”, a global tax scheme to extract money from wealthy countries and transfer it to the “Global South” a new term for the fecally-focused and trashy third world. It will consist of a series of global taxes with the UN acting as collection agent. (In that context, one wonders whether the UN will subcontract out the auditing and administration of the new tax collections to those 87,000 new IRS hires). The new system is to be installed in 2025. It is sold as a scheme to indemnify poor countries for alleged climate-related injuries caused by man-made global warming. It’s the usual “social justice” trope enlarged as “climate justice”.  The major difficulty may be in getting the developed countries to fork over enough “green” to establish a fanciful worldwide green economy. The types of taxes envisioned would include carbon and methane emissions taxes, a tax on “windfall fossil fuel profits”, global sales and income taxes, taxes on international emails, taxes on jet fuels, taxes on international jet flights, and any other international taxes they haven’t thought about already. One particular tax that will certainly be instituted is a tax on international shipping by ships that would raise at least $100 billion a year in revenue and which would have a profound effect on the cost of living in the US, since it will significantly raise the prices of all the Chinese manufactured goods we have become addicted to, most of which arrive by sea. One subject I have not seen addressed is the probable forced conversion of diesel run cargo ships to run on a much more environmentally friendly form of fuel, or perhaps even building an entirely new fleet of such ships. That will be an enormous expense to be borne by “global citizens”.

THE SYMBOLIC DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA – AND ITS REPLACEMENT WITH A BANANA DICTATORSHIP*: Americans are being dragged through the mud with every humiliation that can be dredged up to make them realize they have lost their country and are now living in “America II”, the new iteration being an empire, not a republic, such as occurred in ancient Athens and Rome before the Caesars. Heck, it ain’t even a democracy, a form of government that frequently exists just before the descent into dictatorship. Our present “ruling system” involves psychological warfare and a series of processes of subjugation. In one such event involving our faux president, it was noted that no real or genuine president would check his watch multiple times at a military funeral without that action being reported by the media as a sure sign of his lack of worthiness for his present role. Similarly, no “vice president” would depart from prepared talking points to repeat herself randomly with regards to an indecipherable subject thus creating her now trademark “word salads” devoid of coherent meaning as well as dressing! I think we have to give her more credit than that. Her utterances are intentional public demonstrations of meaninglessness as a method of directly destroying American traditions at the highest levels of government, thus shredding any remaining thread of patriotism we may have imagined still existed and were clinging to.

Similarly, the abuse of the grand jury process now underway being used as a means to imprison a former president and the leading candidate for the next presidential contest is but a flimsy fig leaf and faux fixture left over from the time the rule of law prevailed in this land. It is but a “prelewd” to a show trial demonstrating that the American show is over and that there will be no curtain calls demonstrating its historical greatness. Part and parcel of the preparation for this makeover is the move to destroy the aforesaid candidate’s chances of prevailing in the 2024 presidential campaign by thoroughly disrupting it if not precluding his campaign altogether. No man running for the office of president even did so from a prison cell though a lot of those who served should certainly have occupied one! [*You’ll notice I didn’t say “republic” because that never was an accurate description of what was actually referred to by that term]

PUSHBACK AGAINST THE GLOBAL PUSH FOR CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCIES (CBDCs): It may at least take some steam temporarily out of the attempt to steamroller the world into the New World Order, but there is a movement afoot to stymie the attempts of the Biden Maladministration and the so-called Federal Reserve (it is not a federal agency!) to take preliminary steps leading to the roll-out of the CBDCs in the US. Of course, concerns about consumer privacy are ignored since privacy is at least part what’s being deliberately eliminated, and the heavy-handed government control in the US and abroad are par for the curse – er, course. All over the globe, the heads of central banks and the politicos are pushing for the CBDCs; however, a resistance is developing here, there, and everywhere as people learn what it would entail and especially when people realize how they will be personally affected by this juggernaut. If your money exists in cyberspace, you have no control over if, when and/or how you use it or if you can even keep it if your “social credit score” fails. This is because the globalists want to replace our physical money with a digital form of currency that are essentially ciphers in digital records (called ledgers) rather than anything tangible that you can protect by retaining direct control of it. Instead of cash, checks, and credit cards, you are left with entries on forms (the official records of transactions) that can be erased with a click on a keyboard and thus they are gone forever, leaving you at the mercy and whims of the government and the powers-that-be. It even leaves one vulnerable to hackers! Only 16% of the American public approves of this transformation according to a recent CATO Institute poll. An especially instructive lesson in people’s reaction to CBDCs comes from Nigeria. In the fall of 2021, that country invalidated all paper banknotes and made it the first entirely cashless financial system in the world. Mass protests, boycotts, and utter rejection of the CBDCs ensued. In the US, lawmakers are introducing anti-CBDC legislation. The most far-reaching of these has been introduced by Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) which would ban even consideration of pilot programs for use of CBDCs. Too bad it doesn’t include the death penalty for all those involved in attempting to introduce such tyrannies.

GENERICALLY PLEASANT POLITICALLY PALATABLE PUBLICATION: The Reader’s Digest is a venerable publication that tries to be folksy and “schmaltzy” and offer something of interest to just about anyone while trying to avoid leftist style moralist preaching and nonsense! Unfortunately, even in the Digest, such literary garbage does seep in here and there whether directly or obliquely, something that must be considered inevitable as society is saturated with it. To prevent chagrin, the Digest is often best digested in small bites; that is, you may read a short article such as the always present human interest story, or try a puzzle, or sample the many displays of mild humor, or pick up a few new vocabulary words from the “Word Power” section while you await your appointment at the barber shop, the doctor’s office or the DMV, etc. The Digest is small and inexpensive and fits easily in a purse, pouch, back or tummy pack, portfolio, or even a pocket.

Occasionally, however, the publication features a longer article on some special societal problem that by virtue of its insight is worth reading and saving to your files. One such article appears in the September 2023 issue examining the woes of the teaching profession, especially in the public school and is entitled, “Teachers put to the Test.” Far from being an “easy read” used to pass a few minutes, the article is a disturbing, even shocking expose of the state of public education in this country. In heart rending fashion the author exposes the shoddy treatment afforded public school teachers all across the country in both the red and blue states. Sticking to the tried and true but somewhat trite coverage of subjects that need comprehensive evaluation but are denied same in establishment publications for fear of offending the censors, there is no mention of better alternatives such as charter schools, private schools, schools associated with religious institutions and of course home schooling. Heaven forbid there be any mention of the dumbing down of education generally to accommodate the blacks and Hispanics, the exodus from schools because of their unruliness or the exasperations and tribulations involved in trying to get them to keep up with the Asians and whites in the “diverse” classes due to the differences in learning capabilities and capacities involved. At least there is no bewailing the problems faced by these groups that are supposedly the result of past discrimination or the inevitable “white privilege.” No, the author spared us that one!

Yet, one seminal – and unanswered – question is how and why these powerful unions have apparently been completely out to lunch in the furthering of the interests of their own members? Of course, such a question would have to address the agenda in which schools have become social engineering and indoctrination centers and, in the process, have retarded the basic education of pupils! This is a subject that is beyond the pale and supposedly outside the purview of any written inquiries directed at the American public.

UNUSED/UNDERUTILIZED TOOLS TO ADVANCE THE CAUSE: Boycotts have again – rather belatedly – come into vogue as tools to financially punish offenders and oppressors as can be seen with the heavy campaigns targeting Bud Lite, Target and others of that ilk pressing an unwanted social agenda. There are few boycotts that Conservatives can join since the libbers dominate the use of this tool for advancing change but you can go online to search for boycotts that we can support. We can and, indeed, must lend a hand where boycotting the extreme degeneracy of modern wokeness is called for by any normal human being. This kind of activity will energize us to organize our own boycotts or think more in terms of employing boycotts than we have in the past. The same consideration should be given to supporting crowdfunding sites. Finely tuned participation in social media can also be employed for building support. In that case, make your point and disengage without making negative comments and avoiding getting into pointless arguments with malcontents or the hopeless.

THE “I”s HAVE IT WITH RESPECT(OR DISRESPECT) OF OR TOWARDS LIBERALISM: Indoctrination, Intolerance, Ignorance, Intimidation, Idiocy, Insubordination, Idolatry – general and specific – and dominance of the Id/Ego characterize the nature and attitudes of the leftist libber and woke wacko.

THE 2024 ELECTIONS WILL AGAIN BE STOLEN: A bill sponsored by Republicans was supposedly starting to make its way through Congress recently that addressed many aspects of the ongoing election fraud. Now nothing is heard of it, as it apparently has run out of steam while the remaining traditionalists (I won’t call them conservatives as that term has been sullied by a bunch of “inactivists”) who have built a head of steam over the issue steamed. If the Dems have the power to rig the judicial system or twist the arms of justices to their advantage against Republicans and reformers, they can easily do the same thing to shunt aside and/or shut down movements to reform the election apparatus.

If Republicans are thrown in jail for questioning the results of elections or expressing doubt as to whether “democracy” is working or not, then there is no reason why the Dems would not cheat in the next elections. If you break the law, and the person who accuses you of breaking the law gets indicted or thrown in jail while you get away scot-free, it is perfectly reasonable for the criminal to continue breaking the law and for the complainant to be silent. Every step we take down the stairwell to hell gets us closer to our country’s progression from its already soiled status to total destruction. Indeed, this is what the demon-possessed demonrats have wanted and worked towards all along.

THE MIDDLE CLASS MELTDOWN: The middle class has been shrinking for decades, but in recent years our leaders have greatly accelerated the process. During the covidiocy period, the Fed flooded the economy with new money, almost all of which wound up in the pockets of the already wealthy, furthering the spread between the upper crust and the lower filler layers of the economic pie. Even those ostensibly making the same money as they did a few years ago lost a lot of ground financially because the cost of living has been eating away at their standard of living all the while. Household income in the US has declined by 9.1% since April 2020 after adjusting for inflation and taxes, which means the middle class is continuing to shrink. Believe it or not, Americans are spending $709 more per month on everyday goods and services than they did 2 years ago. Renters are really bearing the brunt of the real estate squeeze as rents have already soared 9% in just the past year. The rent-to- income ratio has exceeded 30% for the past 2 years, a new high. No wonder homelessness is up 11% from last year. Gas prices at the pump are again being pumped up towards $4 a gallon nationally. Those foolish enough to have taken out those massive student loans will soon be forced to start making payments on them again unless the present Administration can work out another crooked deal. More than 60% of Americans are already living paycheck to paycheck, and many are increasingly turning to debt to make ends meet. Total credit card debt now exceeds one trillion dollars for the first time, and people are starting to dip into their 401(k) retirement plans – at least while those still exist.

THE 2023 AMERICAN RENAISSANCE CONFERENCE: This annual conference explores and promotes the interests and causes of whites and their First Amendment rights and is held at Montgomery Bell State Park, about 50 miles west of Nashville, TN. This year it was held 11-13 August with 250 in attendance. This year the speakers expressed an optimism towards the future of whites in America that hasn’t been seen before. Maybe it was all wishful thinking but if it leads to effective action, it will have been a good thing.

The most impressive speaker was James Edwards the host of the increasingly popular program, The Political Cesspool which has attracted the attention of Congressmen and the popular columnist, Paul Craig Roberts, former Congressman Pete King, and other luminaries. It is broadcast weekly for 3 hours Saturday evenings on the radio and over the internet. The program was carried live over the air in an adjacent studio while the Conference was in session. I was interviewed briefly on the program and spoke of the need for local organization and action. I also rented two literature tables where my various publications were distributed. I officially represented the American Free Press and The Barnes Review publications at the event.

BOHEMIAN GROVE CONCLAVE FOR GLOBALISTS AND AMERICAN LEADERS: This is an annual and very secretive event that has been held for over 100 years at a 2,700 acre private rural retreat near San Francisco where American presidents and major American and world leaders have hobnobbed and discussed major political issues. It is comparable to groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Bilderbergers &etc. The major difference here is that only males attend and it is rumored that satanic rituals and disgusting sexual activities are a “normal” part of the scheduled activities, and the results of their deliberations are usually very hard to ferret out. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is rumored to have attended this year. It is also rumored that the Manhattan Project, which led to creation of the atomic bomb, was conceived at this conclave.

CONSERVATIVES* OUT TO LUNCH ON THE ISSUES THAT COUNT: When the Republican Party has their state and local fundraisers and rallies usually involving overly expensive luncheons and dinners, they are out to lunch on the issues their constituents care most about. All they do is chatter over Donald Trump’s legal and political possibilities and impending plight and Hunter Biden’s deplorable depredations which the media are constantly chattering about non-stop and offering inside scuttlebutt to get a leg up on their media competitors (and maybe show some leg of their female reporters in the process). The Republicans should scuttle this sideshow, get off their butts and start doing something that will be of benefit to their constituents and the voters. When the politicos are asked what they are doing about the illegal drugs or drugs of abuse that are flooding our communities, they are mute or give muted responses. Now they are increasingly endorsing legalized pot, especially since the various chambers of commerce are taking a cue from their business partners and the local governments can collect taxes on the sale of the drug; and taking a page from the Dems playbook, they will get more money for the social programs that will be needed because of the many problems the increased use of pot will cause. The politicos are also out to lunch on the problem of sanctuary jurisdictions fostering increased levels of crime and rooting out the drug dealers and gangs that feast on the drug trade that are ensconced in their communities. No wonder Biden can bask in the sun as a lounge lizard in his lounge chair on a Delaware beach. [*The term “conservative” can no longer be legitimately used in 99% of those in the Republican party who continue to be identified as such. What “conservatives” there are – with a very few exceptions! – are actually “neo-cons,” big government, war mongering fascists little different from the “liberals” – communists – making up the rest of our “government.” Continuing to use outdated definitions does not help Americans to realize how far we have come in our own destruction.]

BIDEN’S BELLIGERENCE ON BANNED CLUSTER BOMBS WILL BACKFIRE ON THE US: In an act of desperation with determined and downright deviltry, the bumbling, bellicose, and bossy Biden has authorized the use of the internationally banned and condemned cluster bombs in Ukraine. Forgoing any semblance of sanity, Biden and his NATO numbskulls can’t or won’t see (overlook) that the use of these weapons will not make any difference in the outcome of the hellacious war they tenaciously promote. The NATO powers used cluster bombs in the wars against Libya, Serbia, and Iraq with terrifying results. Russia and even some NATO countries allege that that the US will be committing war crimes if the US proceeds with this plan. Production of this weapon ceased in 2016 by international agreement.

Cluster munitions are very large bombs that contain dozens or even hundreds of smaller armaments known as submunitions that haphazardly either explode on impact or remain a threat to explode like landmines do. Ukraine will remain a terrible place to tread if these weapons are used.

NICK FUENTES STIRS THE POT – REASON ENOUGH TO LIKE HIM A LOT: Nicholas Joseph Fuentes, age only 24, but already a seasoned veteran of America’s culture wars knows what it means to be free – free of the fear of being hated, free to think and speak freely and not be afraid of the truth, and free of encumbrances, at least for the time being. He is a leader of the America First entity – although not quite a third political party, selects and promotes select candidates who are actually trying to put America first. He attracts a sizeable crowd and cadre of youthful activists, many under 40 years of age. His crusades are in the same spirit as those of Donald Trump, and so Mr. Trump actually sat down with Fuentes some months ago for dinner. The extent to which Trump was affected by Fuentes’ ideas is unknown, but Fuentes represents actual white, Christian nationalism, which Trump’s base still has not adequately come to terms with. The two agree in varying degrees on the need for the US to withdraw from the UN, expand personal freedoms, and end the campaign to eradicate the white race. Trump is not quite as absorbed in the various issues surrounding degradation of the environment as Fuentes is. You can learn more about what Fuentes stands for in the book in the “Think for Yourself” series about Fuentes by author Beth Maree that sells for $9.99 on Amazon.com.

INCREASING NUMBER OF DEMS WANT CENSORSHIP: It is disturbing that a steadily increasing number of Americans favor restricting “false information” and “violent content” – at least as these people determine what those categories actually mean! – on the Internet, and by a large margin, these are Democrats and those leaning towards that party. The share of Dems who support government intervention has increased from 40% in 2018 to 70% in 2023, a 30% increase in a mere five years! There can be little doubt that the presidency of Donald Trump has made clear to the “planners” and their minions that there is great danger in any society in which information can be widely shared without censorship. Meanwhile, the share of Republicans who hold that view has remained around 40%, a figure itself that is far too large! Furthermore, a large majority of the Democrats who favor the restriction – that is, censorship – of information want the large technology companies to carry out the restricting activity rather than the direct involvement of the Government itself. However, half the Republicans who favor these restrictions also want the technology companies to do it probably the result of those further to the right having much clearer understanding of the abilities of government to do anything! It appears most Americans favor a policy of “don’t confuse me with the facts” and don’t disturb my snowflake sensibilities and sensitivities with the unpleasant truth.

THE TOXIC TRIO AND MORE: Pesticides and other chemical sprays breathed or otherwise absorbed into our bodies are being consider a leading cause in the spike of dementia in recent years that, prior to these episodes was virtually negligible only 60 years ago. Smoke from fires, wild or the result of commercial accidents such as took place in Palestine, Ohio, have allowed smoke and chemical particulates to percolate all over the landscape while chemtrail contaminants showered upon us from on high are also absorbed into our bodies and brains. Add to this the heavy metal fluoride consumed through the water supply along with the toothpaste we were incorrectly assured would prevent dental carries, and so the degeneration in the health of recent generations is easily explained before even considering the abuse and reliance on drugs and other bad health habits we’ve come to acquire. Thus, we are becoming zombies sleepwalking through life. And now, pot is being pushed as the new panacea, even by the GOP Chamber of Commerce types so as to enable us to accept our circumstances not as free men but peasants. The elite believe that such nostrums will enhance our pleasant feelings and prevent any overt push against the powers-that-be. This is an old strategy going back to the Roman emperors use of bread and circuses to keep an enslaved population quiescent. They want us to be high all the time so that we will countenance our lowered position on the totem pole.

MAJOR SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES ARE BACK: Actually, they never really went away because they were too complex for any rapid resolution and the media never fully elucidated them sufficiently for Americans (or anyone else) to understand! Finally, they were lost in the shuffle as we were shuffled along to the next news cycle of purported impending doom until the Ukrainian “special operation” took center stage and the reporters fulminated over a fantasized victory “over there.” Have you noticed the return of store shelves with sections completely devoid of merchandise? According to a recent survey, a whopping 82% of shoppers at “brick and mortar” stores have had problems with items being out of stock this year, an increase of 11% over last year. It’s funny but I never noticed this situation in my section of Washington, DC! I suppose they don’t want a dangerous peasant revolt near the center of national power and besides, Congress and the bureaucrats must not be made to do without anything!

Online shoppers are having similar difficulties with 60% of customers seeing a rise in out of stock items this year. The problems are accompanied by sharply rising prices although we are told inflation is in check. A continuing massive drought and heat wave in the midsection of the country is hitting us hard with much lower corn and soy production than expected.

The food crisis extends and expands globally with India, a major rice producer, forced to ban some rice exports as part of the insane campaign to fight “climate change”. Farmers in The Netherlands, a tiny country that produces great quantities of meat and agricultural products, are being chased off their lands to protect the planet. Twenty to thirty farmers are committing suicide there annually. Farmers are being paid off to never resume their animal breeding operations. One is reminded of the Dutch Boers in South Africa, expert farmers, who are being massacred by the black “Boors” and committing suicide.

That country is on the ropes economically, especially as the electrical grid there is in danger of grinding to a halt since it is falling into disrepair. Meanwhile, Ukraine, the “bread basket of Europe” is being marginalized if not destroyed in a war to enhance a military enterprise set up to fight the cold war that has been over since Bush I was in office! In the US, those suspicious fires and sabotage operations continue to occur at agriculture-related enterprises. It will soon be increasingly difficult to stock up on foodstuffs and other essentials, so you better do it now! Guidance therefor will continue to be furnished in this newsletter.

MEDIA MANIPULATIONS AND BLACKOUTS: Nine of the top ten media Western media companies
reside in North America. The Internet and major social media corporations are mostly American-owned and controlled. Not making the manufactured news, is the fact that the US actually has, or has attempted to overthrow over 50 governments, who mostly fall under the worshiped category of democracies. The US has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries, has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries, and has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries. The extent and scale of this carnage and carrying on go unreported. The crimes of the US have been systematic, constant, vicious, and remorseless. But true Americans of the “George Washington” stripe can take some comfort in realizing that what is called America or the United States today is not and has not been for many, many, many years.

IS AMERICA DOOMED? The dolts and the deceived are either overdoing it or the deceptions have gone on long enough to drive people to drink, to drop out on dope, or to depend on delusions. 40% of likely US voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year or the US is doomed.” The same Rasmussen poll found that 45% of likely US voters believe that Donald Trump must win the said election or the US is doomed. It is assumed there is no overlap between these two groups. Thus, 85% of likely voters are going to be mighty disappointed or devastated if their candidate does not win. So, the future of the US hangs in the balance while most minds have become if not ruined than, at best, unbalanced. Just about every form of evil is exploding all around us, and if we don’t find a way to turn things around, America really is doomed and with it, the rest of the world.

“THE MODERN ADVANCE TOWARDS BARBARISM AT THE BARBER SHOP: One notable place where the “advance” can be noted is at the barber shop. In my youth, it was assumed that the customer and the barber would engage in light social or jovial banter while the haircut was being performed. It was a chance to socialize when there might not be other casual opportunities to do so. It was a sort of custom or tradition that helped ordinary people to exchange views with other ordinary people willing to listen to those not among the great and famous. The females had their beauty parlors where such a custom would be a “natural”. The social interaction was facilitated because the practitioner and customer were of the same sex and usually of the same race. Whites and blacks tended to go to their own service providers not only for the socializing but since each race had their own hairstyles with which their own service providers were familiar.

However, when multiculturalism took root and became prevalent, this natural system and custom was disturbed because of the complexities of the hairstyles – and the conversation! – now introduced into the scene! Furthermore, as the practitioner and customer being frequently of different races, cultural backgrounds, and even sex, the natural amiability and social bonding was lost. When I last had a haircut, the female Hispanic barber was somewhat surprised that I would attempt a conversation about the weather, the neighborhood or some recent news event. People are now so different in the aforesaid ways and in their politics, that the barbering experience has become one to be endured rather than enjoyed. Even when a white male does my hair now, the same stand-offish – or protective – attitude prevails. The “social distancing” of the Covid era has only increased the social distancing now existing between the barber and his customer.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Lahaina (Maui) Destroyed by Directed Energy Weapon – No Proof

By: Devvy

August 28, 2023

Within 24 hours after the monster fire that destroyed the city of Lahaina on the island of Maui on Aug. 8, 2023, my email box started filling up.  FACT:  A DEW or Directed Energy Weapon is what started that fire.  It looks exactly the same as the fire in Paradise, California on Nov. 8, 2018, which also destroyed that city!

How many individuals doing videos and commentary on the Paradise ‘Camp Fire’ have ever been to Paradise, California?  Like Lahaina, Paradise had a lot of people squeezed into a relatively small amount of land; it’s amazing there weren’t more deaths.  I know the area very well.  The fire which destroyed Paradise was 100% caused by faulty distribution electrical lines and their proximity to trees and dry timber.  Complaints were on file a week before the fire about those distribution lines.  PG & E did nothing.

It was a disaster just waiting for a spark which came, but not from speculation about directed energy weapons. The sparks came from those distribution lines, like throwing dry timber onto a bon fire.  Not to mention very limited escape routes in and out of Paradise. My late mother lived in nearby Oroville. I’ve been to Paradise many times to take her shopping.  Satellite images were key in showing when and how the fire started.

There was no conspiracy and no directed energy weapons regarding that avoidable disaster. PG & E was entirely at fault and they’ve paid big time for it. The final timeline and investigation report is on line if one takes the time to look.

In the end, Butte County sued PG&E who plead guilty for 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter and another felony count of unlawfully causing a fire.  They filed for bankruptcy.  PG & E also then began replacing 10,000 miles of their electrical wires underground but it will take decades and tons of money. But at least it got started.

Sirens.  Aug. 17, 2023:  California town of Paradise deploys warning sirens as 5-year anniversary of deadly fire approaches.  A big issue with these fires is electrical.  From the referenced article above: “The new sirens, similar to a tsunami warning system, are being incorporated into the city’s emergency services, which include mass cell notifications, an emergency call center for people to call, and an AM radio station to broadcast public safety information.  Paradise’s siren system can be controlled manually, over the internet, or by satellite. The towers’ power is hard-wired underground, but each siren also has a solar panel that can store two weeks worth of power.”

No take over by real estate tycoons or rich people to build mansions.  It’s taking years.  Many improvements for safety have been made with more underway.

I’ve been to Malibu several times.  Go to their historic welcome facility.  In the past nearly 100 years more than 30 huge fires have done massive damage.  Malibu has a well-documented history of fires caused by negligent forestry management, sparks from any number of sources including distribution electrical lines fed by those dangerous Santa Ana winds.

That elicited another angry email:  PG & E was in on it.  Sure, they were.  Where’s the proof?  Now I’m supposed to take as FACT the U.S. government – or someone – used a DEW to start the Lahaina fire with only video clips and commentary on videos or articles?  Directed Energy Weapons are very real, no question about that technology.  Just go look at Lockheed Martin’s web site.  I am very much aware of HAARP; been around a long time, I have.  Weather modification?  Yes, no question about that and I started writing about the aerosol spraying of our skies back in December 2004.

However, I submit to you that gross incompetence, lack of any real emergency plan, refusal to address and fix real issues regarding fires in that one area on Maui (Lahaina is 7.8 miles total land; total land mass for Maui is 727 miles), very strong winds and mass confusion led to such horrific destruction and the loss of who knows how many precious lives.

Lahaina, August 15, 2023:  (Emphasis mine) In deadly Maui wildfires, communication failed. Chaos overtook Lahaina along with the flames – “Hawaii’s Attorney General Anne Lopez said her office will be conducting a comprehensive review of decision-making and standing policies surrounding the wildfires.

“The Associated Press created a timeline of the wildfires, using information from multiple sources including the county’s announcements, state and local Emergency Management Alerts and interviews with officials and survivors.

“The timeline shows public updates on the fires were spotty and often vague, and much of the county’s attention was focused on another dangerous, larger fire in Upcountry Maui that was threatening neighborhoods in Kula. It shows no indication that county officials ever activated the region’s all-hazard siren system, and reveals other emergency alerts were scarce.

“In the hours before the wildfires began, however, warnings about high winds were frequent and widely disseminated by the county and other agencies. A hurricane passing far to the south was expected to bring gusts of up to 65 mph (105 kph), residents were told on Monday.”

Aug. 18, 2023, Were DEW “Laser Planes” Used To Start The Fires In Maui? (Video) – “Videos have been circulating online showing strikes coming from the sky and eyewitness accounts from Maui residents are backing up those videos. It appears that the general consensus is that the deadly wildfires that spread through Maui were not natural disasters, but rather, deliberate acts using a Direct Energy Weapon or DEW.”

Short video (2:22):  Viral images claiming to showing the cause of the Maui fires are not true.  Those videos spread around claiming proof DEW’s were used – the so-called strikes coming from the sky (not a single one reported in Paradise) are actually old video shots taken years ago exposed by using reverse image research. They are not a DEW.  Another lie plastered all over the Internet as “proof” a DEW was used.  As for witnesses, the smoke was so thick you couldn’t see the sky.  They very well could have seen electrical wires shooting massive sparks, possibly from transformers, even cell towers.  I can imagine the searing fear everyone there was experiencing as the fire swept their town. Total chaos.

You can see in one of the videos below – above the burning area – it’s nothing but dry weeds just waiting to become a disaster.  Some people claim the hurricane was too far away to have caused a spark that set off the fire.  Not true, but there are those who are absolutely convinced a DEW was used and nothing is going to change their mind.

Go look at this short video from 2018Lahaina Fire (Emphasis mine.)  “In 2018 Hurricane Lane caused multiples fires near Lahaina Maui in the Puunoa Neighborhood just north of Launiupoko. It was reportedly sparked between 1230am and 1:00am by downed electrical lines caused by hurricane force winds. The fire also spread into Lahaina Town where it jumped Honoapiilani Highway near Dickenson St. A third fire broke out near Kaanapali.” Why no outcry it was a DEW back then?

You have to understand winds, fires and gross mismanagement of forests and areas like Lahaina.  In the case of Lahaina, it’s not much different than some of the huge fires in Malibu, Calif.  So breathtakingly beautiful but those Santa Ana winds can cause a fairly ‘small’ fire to become a massive burn-to-the-ground fire in minutes.  Look at wind that day:

Maui wildfires: Survivors describe how wind “funneled” fire right into Lahaina

Hawaii Officials Were Warned Years Ago That Maui’s Lahaina Faced High Wildfire Risk – Very detailed.  That whole area is constantly fighting brush fires.  Lahaina brush fire 5.29.20. PC: Maui Fire Department.

Maui, Yellowknife, Teneriffe, Rhodes: Who is Behind the Spate of Wildfires Caused by Arson?, Aug. 25, 2023 – “For years now, people have intentionally set fires all over Maui. As Maui Mayor Michael Victorino noted just last year, fire and police suspect someone is intentionally setting them. Just a couple weeks ago, Hawaiian police responded to two fires on Maui. One started by an unattended cooking fire, the other, apparently, intentionally set. Shortly after which point, according to investigators, quote, a male operating a green all-terrain vehicle was seen leaving the area.”

Canada, Greece, 2023 – use a search engine for fires/photos and you’ll see the aftermath looks much the same for all of them – including Lahaina – because I spent the time looking.  Up in Canada, some of those huge fires were arson; four juveniles were charged for some of them.

This is an excellent video (7:35) because one can actually see the obvious fire hazard due to extremely dry terrain.  You’ll also see the narrator getting buffeted by high wind:

Never Before Seen Footage of Lahaina Fire from Highest Point (While it’s burning)

This is also an important video. You’ll see the layout, where burned and not burned.  It is worth the 18:13 to watch.  Very typical for fire patterns:

DAY AFTER FIRE FOOTAGE: 4K Drone Lahaina Maui Fire – Longest & Most Detailed Aerial View

That particular house is a visual shot which has become “proof” all over the Internet the fire was caused by a DEW.  Really?

How Did This 100-Year-Old House Survive Maui Wildfires?  Sensible precautions by the owner saved that house.  More “proof” Oprah and other celebrity’s mansions were spared is another lie plastered all over the Internet.  Oprah’s mansion is in the Kula District 25 miles from Lahaina.  Go look at the map or this map.  There was a huge fire burning near Kula the same day so her mansion and others actually were in jeopardy.  Oprah opens private road for Maui fire evacuation – July 2019.  That island is plagued with fires, just like Calif.

On Maui, another fire is burning but capturing less attention than Lahaina:  “About 25 miles away from the painstaking search for victims in Lahaina, scores of people are struggling with losses of their own in Kula.  The Upcountry Fire, as it’s called, moved with explosive speed. The wind whipped it up a gulch behind Kyle Ellison’s home on the edge of Haleakala National Park, one of Maui’s natural gems.” 

Maui Police Blocked Escape Routed as told by FISH from Front Street Found ALIVE! (The explosions he mentions were caused by gas stations.)  That’s what I’m talking about regarding criminal negligence.

This reminds me of all the “facts” spread around after 9/11.  FEMA’s Prior Knowledge of 9-11 Put to Rest.  I filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request: “But does any of this prove or disprove the theory that Mr. Kenney arrived in NYC the night before the attacks? I finally received a reply to my FOIA appeal, which, I believe, puts the matter to rest…The documents from FEMA can be viewed by |clicking here.|”

Flight 93 Lawsuit filed, Sept. 26, 2006.  Another FOIA I filed.  “At this point in time, what we have is speculation that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland based on a press release later withdrawn.” Months went by and only after I informed the FAA I was going to file a lawsuit did they provide proof Flight 93 did not land in Cleveland.  Another conspiracy theory dead.  I will say the FAA’s attorney I dealt with was very courteous, upset my FOIA wasn’t processed correctly and true to his word send the documents to me overnight mail.

There are conspiracies perpetrated by “our” government, but one must obtain proof, not just speculation.  In the column above I mentioned the FOIA battle by Robert B. Stinnett, author of Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor took 12 years of court battles.  In the end, Stinnett won and the official documents he requested were released proving FDR WANTED the Japanese to strike first.  And they did.  Mine:  FDR and the Pearl Harbor attack

The incompetence shown on Aug. 8, 2023, in Lahaina is beyond reprehensible and I think some actions taken by local and county officials could be considered criminal negligence.

Hawaiian couple suing power companies over Lahaina destruction amid historic Maui wildfires, Aug. 13, 2023 – “The lawsuit accuses the power companies of ignoring weather warnings and keeping their power lines energized despite the dangerous conditions. The plaintiffs say the companies “inexcusably kept their power lines energized during forecasted high fire danger conditions.

“According to the suit, the National Weather Service had issued a High Wind Watch and Red Flag Warning, cautioning that energized power lines could make a fire develop more rapidly.”

If you watch the video below you’ll see residents of Lahaina speak out about the situation with local government, serious water issues, keeping vultures away from buying up the land and more.  Which, by the way another conspiracy theory the land is going to be purchased by the state for ‘smart cities’, debunked.  Go to 2:30 seconds when the residents start speaking English.  Lahaina families hold press conference to address community, disaster response and the residents making sure government lackeys understand Lahaina is not for sale.  In fact, their governor is considering a moratorium on all land sales to protect the people in that area and warning residents not to make hasty decisions to sell they might regret later.  Real estate developers try to capitalize off Maui wildfires

People have been very generous in giving to help the people of Lahania.  Jeff Bezos (Amazon) donated $100 MILLION dollars for them.  That is a serious chunk of money; population in 2022: 13,700.  Our fellow Americans over there are still grieving and recovery efforts are still on-going.  I have no doubt the victims of the fire will get answers even if it requires lawsuits.  Pray for the dead, missing and loved ones trying to sort out their lives turned upside down.

I have seen no proof or evidence a DEW caused that fire, the same as Paradise, California.  For those who have questions about the use of a DEW on Lahaina, do the grunt work.  Military grade nano thermite was found in the dust at the Twin Towers by four people who then turned the samples over for scientific evaluation:  Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe – “Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.”

Alaska Airlines Flight 261 crashed into the ocean on Jan. 31, 2000, off the California coast, Port Hueneme.  Immediately, there were all kinds of articles on the Internet about how that commercial air liner was shot down by our military.  Another conspiracy driven by people who didn’t even take the time to either go to the site or obtain factual information regarding military flights.  I drove to the crash site (I still lived in Sacramento) at Port Hueneme to speak with locals and the restaurant owner.  There is now a beautiful memorial where the plane hit the water; not sure if the restaurant is still there.

I went to see the PIO (Public Information Officer) at Port Hueneme Naval Base which is part of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC).  I still had Colonel designation on my Jeep Cherokee; bases don’t use them anymore.  Very informative regarding flights and so forth.

When I got home, I filed a FOIA with the FAA.  I wanted a video of Flight 261.  I did receive the VHS which I still have and watching the tracking you can clearly see other civilian planes who watched that tragedy unfold. The final evaluation of what happened:  the crash was caused by acme nut threads and screw.  Tragic and so avoidable.

Headlines like this are one of the reasons truth seekers are called conspiracy nuts:  EXPOSED! – They’re All In On it – Maui Massacre – Published Today.  That 15-minute video provides ZERO proof or evidence of a DEW or who “they” are.  What the host should do is file a FOIA to get satellite images.

For those who have questions about the use of a DEW on Lahaina, it’s probably too late to get uncontaminated soil samples but file FOIA’s to all the agencies involved over there.  Use FOIA’s to obtain very specific data/information from DoD and DARPA and any other agency you think might have documentation.  You can also file with the State of Hawaii:  State of Hawaii Dept of Defense Freedom of Information Act Requests/Uniform Information Practices Act.

Yes, it can take a while to get a response, just like my FOIA’s above. Sometimes it takes a lawsuit like Judicial Watch files all the time.  Find evidence, find proof so that those responsible, if it turns out to be true, are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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Very good news:  Over 100 individuals reported missing in Maui confirmed alive, Aug. 26, 2023 (That’s 18 days after the fire.)

Fact Check: A Book Describing the Maui Fires Was Published Before They Started? “A book “Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change” was published on Aug. 10, 2023, two days after the wildfires broke out in Maui, Hawaii.”  Author:  Dr. Miles Stones.

‘Nonfiction’ Book About Maui Wildfire ‘Smells of AI,’ Gets Pulled From Amazon, Aug. 18, 2023 (Became #1 on Amazon ($$) for climate crap.  Amazon didn’t take it down for no reason since they make money off every sale.) “The book, titled Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui and its Implications for Climate Change, is an 86-page narrative of the recent wildfires in Hawaii that has a tinge of generative AI. The book has since been removed from the Amazon store, but an archived version of the listing shows 22 reviews, all of which are one star. Some reviewers believe that the book was written with generative AI like ChatGPT, with one such review claiming that the book “smells of AI.”

Here’s another self-published one two days after the fire sold on Amazon:  MAUI WILDFIRES: Natural Disaster: Wildfire in Hawaii, Maui Country, Climate and Environmental Factors, Fire Management Strategies, Impacts of Maui Wildfires, Recovery Efforts and Future challenges by Derek D. Gonzales.  47 pages which is pretty easy to do if it was AI or just using media reports.

Fires on Maui destroy telecom equipment, adding to emergency, Aug. 9, 2023: “Cell towers and other telecom equipment have been destroyed in the fires. Similarly, the electric grid suffered outages, and telecom equipment also relies on the grid. The lack of telecom service has made things worse for people calling for help and evacuation…“The fires are still burning on Maui and in spots on Hawaii island…”

FEMA Holds Employee Trainings on ‘White Supremacy’ As More Than 1,000 Hawaiians Remain Missing  – “Disaster agency’s diversity presentations say ‘white supremacy’ is ‘ingrained in nearly every system’”

Part 2: Open the Borders to One and All: What’s Coming

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 28, 2023

Part 2: Massive consequences coming, let’s bring them on now so we get a taste of the future in the present.

Usually, a dozen emails from you readers, respond to my columns each week.  After last week’s call for wide-open borders to accelerate our oncoming crisis to our civilization, you flooded me with emails.  It appears we’re already in the midst of seeing our country trampled into the dustbin of history.  Therefore, I’m going to address a few more nightmares awaiting us as those migrants, both legal and illegal, pour into our country at 5 or 10 or 20 or 100 million in the months and/or years ahead.

From a writer in Minnesota:

He said, referring to my references to Australia’s limited water, oil and resources being too limited to expand their population, “Australia is a larger example of the inevitable environmental, social and economic implosion due to open borders, and overpopulation.

“My own city, Brooklyn Center, MN, just north of Minneapolis is a perfect at home example.  The U.S. Government imported 125,000 Somalians who could not read, write, use a toilet, or understand what it means to become educated and actually work in America. (Average IQ of a person born is Somalia stands at 68. That’s an IQ that cannot pass any math, science, biology or other subjects beyond 6th grade.)  That’s why they will remain on American welfare programs generation after generation.  (Source: www.brainstats.com , Jan 31, 2022. What is the average IQ in Somalia? Avg. IQ: 68.  World ranking: #38.)

“It has gone from a jewel in Minnesota to THE cesspool ghetto of Minnesota.

“The City just completed a survey. Mostly the results said practically everyone loves it. They love it because 9,000 White’s have left, replaced by 3rd worlder’s. A U.S. ghetto is better than a 3rd world overpopulated dysfunctional mess. They control the polling. Indeed, the survey appears to have been designed with a result in mind.

“Our local schools mirror the consequences; they are among the worst in the state, probably the nation. Our high school reflects the change: passing tests in Science 8%, Reading 27%, Math 4%. ACT college readiness rate 3%.

“When our children went to Brooklyn Center High, it was ranked among the best schools in the state when Minnesota had great schools! Now it’s a remedial education dump.”

Little known fact: Somalia’s population stands at 18,000,000 in 2023. By 2050, United Nation projections show them doubling to 36,000,000 (million).  When you deal with illiterate populations, they simply cannot comprehend birth control, family planning, climate change brought about by resource consumption, or the fact that they will overpopulate themselves into starvation.  That’s what’s happening in all of Africa as they jump from 1.4 billion to 2.0 billion within the next 27 years by 2050.

Therefore, it’s imperative that we save them in 2023 by bringing another 10 to 20 million Somalians into our country.

If all Americans cried out in mass that we desperately need to save the rest of the world by importing the “rest of the world” into America in 2023, we could really bring their crisis into our country to become “our crisis.”

How about another example?  How about Egypt?  They stand at 118,000,000 in 2023.  United Nations population projections show them reaching 190,000,000 (million) by 2050…just 27 years from now.  As it is, their form of birth control mandated by the Quran is to add another canal ditch off the Nile, birth four kids each, from their four wives, and keep living in abject misery. Please note, 80 percent of their population lives off grains and other foods from Canada, America and Australia. If not for our ability to produce food, they would suffer incredible famine.

So, let’s save them, too. Let’s bring another 10 to 20 millions of them into the USA in the next five to ten years.

One responder said that there’s no way Americans can kill 1,000,000 vertebrate animals via roadkill 24/7.  That shows you that the majority of Americans do not possess a clue as to what’s coming when we add another 100 million immigrants and their children. Source: www.hillsforeveryone.org   “August 8, 2019 Did you know that roads—across the United States—kill more than one million animals PER DAY? That’s 11.4 every second. This only includes animals found immediately adjacent to the road—not the ones that manage to crawl off the side of the road and die elsewhere.”  A better estimate is over 400,000,000 animals die annually at the hands of motorists, wind turbines, propeller blades, speed boat blades, etc.

Source: www.culturechange.org  “Every year our nation’s experimenters kill 100 million lab animals, hunters kill 200 million “game” animals, and motorists kill nearly 400 million roadkill animals. Only America’s meat-eaters take a larger toll than its motorists. For every dead animal counted, three or four more die unnoticed.”

Can you imagine those statistics with another 100 million immigrants?  If we import 200 million or 300 million immigrants to give them a better life, we could easily bring our roadkill’s stats ever higher while we wreak havoc on the Natural World.

What will our airports and skies look like with another 100 million immigrants?  Have you been to any of our airports lately?  I can tell you that Denver’s DIA stands as one of the nightmares of the modern world. If we can just jam in another 3.0 million people into the Denver area, which we are doing with all those illegal piling up in our city, well, you can imagine the outcome not only on the ground, but the enormous number of planes in the air.  Have you heard of Denver’s Brown Cloud? It’s dirty, brown, filthy air, loaded with chemicals and everyone living in Denver breathes those poisons 24/7.  Let’s make more of poison air as soon as possible.

Wouldn’t it be great if Joe Biden would import at least 5,000,000 additional illegal aliens annually, on top of the 1,000,000 legal immigrants annually?  I’m certain all those “sanctuary cities” would love to host millions more in their hotels like in New York, Chicago, Denver,  Atlanta and beyond. We could see those 70,000 homeless in Los Angeles jump to 170,000 homeless.  Wouldn’t that be ducky!   Don’t you just love being a taxpayer in a sanctuary city?  Annual costs for illegals:  $150,000,000,000.00. (Source: www.fairus.org “Costs to US taxpayers for illegal aliens.”)

Heck, Biden could really rev-up our national immigration crisis in 2023, which would finally, show all Americans their God-awful futures that would match present-day Somalia, India, China and any other overpopulated third world country.

Note: they did it to themselves.  And, so are we doing it to ourselves by voting such pathetically inept and incompetent men or women, Biden/Harris, into the White House or leaders of sanctuary cities/states!  So yes, let’s bring on our national immigration crisis nightmare much faster so we can taste a slice of the future right here in 2023.  Are you excited about the outcome? Especially for your children?

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Video: Taiwan Is the Real China

by Peter Falkenberg Brown

August 28, 2023

This is a video version of an article previously published on NewsWithViews, here:


The “People’s” Republic of China is an Illegitimate Dictatorship

This is easy to prove.

All dictatorships are illegitimate because all dictatorships deny and crush the most essential traits of human beings: free will, creativity, and love.

. . . Slavery is the dividing line. The CCP might say that they don’t practice slavery, but enslaving an entire society under a totalitarian system of oppression fits the bill. It’s not just China, of course. North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Venezuela, and every other repressive regime in the world can be succinctly labeled as a country of “illegitimate slavers.”

© 2023 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown: peterbrown@worldcommunity.com

Website: https://peterfalkenbergbrown.com

The Russians are Coming

By Cliff Kincaid

August 27, 2023

If Vivek Ramaswamy is the future of the Republican Party, patriotic conservatives will have none of it. Claiming he is “the best candidate to push Trump’s agenda forward,” he has been accused of fudging his resume, to eliminate any mention of getting a Soros fellowship. Even worse, his performance at Wednesday’s debate was a foreign policy disaster, demonstrating extreme naiveté about the communist threat.

Since Mike Pence did betray Trump with his failure to send the 2020 election results back to the states for reconsideration, it is difficult to say anything positive about Trump’s former vice-president.  But on the debate stage he made a lot more foreign policy sense than Ramaswamy, a favorite of the Fox News Channel who has been rising in the polls.

Consider Pence’s comments on the Reagan doctrine: “We said, ‘If you’re willing to fight the communists on your soil, we’ll give you the means to fight him there so our troops don’t have to fight him.’” This was a picture-perfect description of why it’s moral, necessary, and proper to support Ukraine.

Ramaswamy responded, “I have a news flash, the USSR does not exist anymore. It fell back in 1990.”

He seemed unaware that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a former KGB colonel who served the Soviet regime and still works with the Russian communists.

This exchange then took place:

Mike Pence: Did I say USSR?

Vivek Ramaswamy: You talked about the communists and the real communists that we have to address right now…

Mike Pence: Do you do not have any idea what Putin’s aims are?

Vivek Ramaswamy: You already spoke, now I actually have something to say.

Mike Pence: Vladimir Putin has been saying he wants to reestablish the old Soviet sphere of influence.

After a diversion, Pence shot back, saying, “I’m sorry if I insulted him by calling him a communist. He’s a dictator and a murderer and the United States of America needs to stand against authoritarianism.”

Technically, of course, Putin has dropped the communist label, operating under the political party known as “United Russia.” But the Russian Communist Party still exists, operating openly in support of Putin.

“The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) is the second largest party in Russia, yet their views are often ignored in Western media,” states a dispatch from an outfit called Break Through News. It directed me to a YouTube interview of a Russian communist spokesperson. The host, Rania Khalek, was joined by Roman Kononenko, a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the KPRF and First Secretary of the Saint Petersburg City Committee of the KPRF.

This is interesting. My 500 anti-communist videos were terminated by YouTube. But the Russian Communists are given complete freedom to operate on that platform. What’s more, Break Through News solicits tax-deductible donations to put this communist propaganda on YouTube.

The host is described as someone whose work has appeared at Common Dreams, Salon, The Nation, In These Times, Citizen Radio and more. Her website, “Dispatches from the Underclass,” includes an interview with Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Carlos Faria, Cuba’s foreign minister, and Hezbollah’s Second-In-Command Sheikh Naim Qassem.

On February 23, 2023, on Putin’s own website, we are told that the Russian president had a meeting with Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Russian Federation Communist Party faction in the State Duma. It was cordial.

Here’s what Putin told him, according to the official transcript: “I hope as a force representing a significant part of the country’s patriotic movement, the Communist Party will remain such going forward. The party makes a substantial contribution to the political discussion and the quest for the best solutions to move the country forward in the social sphere, the economy, defense and security – we have never had any differences on that level, I think. On the contrary, the Communist Party was often one step ahead and raised national security issues of today and tomorrow with authorities at all levels. Without a doubt, our dialogue is now doubly or even triply important.” (emphasis added).

Does it sound like Putin has given up on communism? It sounds like the Russian Communist Party is a member of the ruling coalition and that Putin welcomes the participation of the communists in national life. What’s more, they are pursuing the same goals.

In a letter sent to Russian president Vladimir Putin from Communist party chairman Gennady Zyuganov on April 13, 2023, the former KGB colonel was urged to launch a “patriotic front against the imperial west.” This letter was posted by the Communist Party of Britain. It sounds like the old Soviet-style communist propaganda.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party USA is helping to organize what they call a “major national demonstration in D.C. to commemorate MLK’s 1963 march” on Saturday, August 26th, marking the 60th anniversary of the original “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.” The list of left-wing endorsers and sponsors is impressive and includes such groups as the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.

The Communist Party’s role, of course, is being carefully concealed and the former pawn of Moscow is not listed on the official list of sponsors.  But anybody who reads its newspaper, the People’s World, understands it is a significant component of the national Democratic Party apparatus. It regularly publishes attacks on Trump, Republicans, and “right-wing” forces in such countries as anti-communist Poland.

As we see, however, in Ramaswamy’s bizarre foreign policy views, Republicans have a problem of their own. Ramaswamy’s failure to understand Putin and Russia is a major embarrassment. Hopefully, it was enlightening to the audience, in that Republicans got a taste of what appeasement and surrender to Russia and China look like. This should be an opportunity to examine the Russian influence seeping into what passes as the modern “conservative” movement.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

“And Lead Us Not Into Temptation” – The Lord’s Prayer

By George Lujack

August 27, 2023

This article will examine the Greek-to-English translation of the “lead us not into temptation” portion of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4), whether this portion of the prayer is better stated by saying “do not let us fall into temptation,” or if there is a better translation that can be used.

In 2017, Catholic Pope Francis said that he believed the wording of the Lord’s Prayer, “lead us not into temptation,” should be altered. Francis said, “It’s not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation. I am the one who falls. It’s not Him pushing me into temptation to then see how I have fallen. A father doesn’t do that; a father helps you get up immediately. It’s Satan who leads us into temptation – that’s his department.”[i]

In 2019, “lead us not into temptation” was altered to “do not let us fall into temptation” and the change was approved by the general assembly of the Episcopal Conference of Italy.[ii]

The Catholic Church and her popes, on the surface, should not be trusted as a spiritual source of truth. The Catholic Church, aka “Mystery Babylon” (Revelation 17), has instituted many changes to God’s unchangeable word, most notably changing the Seventh Day Sabbath to Sunday Sabbath and altering the Ten Commandments by abolishing the Second Commandment and splitting the Tenth Commandment into the Ninth and Tenth Commandments. Catholic popes, past and present, have intended to change or have upheld the intended changes to many of God’s appointed times and laws (Daniel 7:25).

The phrase of the Lord’s Prayer in question is, “And lead us not into temptation” (KJV: Matthew 6:13; Luke 11:4).

Does God lead us into temptation, in so much that we should pray that He does not lead us into temptation?

No. God does not lead us into temptation, but He allows us to be tempted.

“Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!”

LUKE 17:1 (ESV)
And He said to His disciples, “Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come!”

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

Why is it necessary for temptations to come? It is necessary, in this age, in order for God to test us, and for us to choose to love God, obey Him, and overcome sin.

When Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eden, YHWH (the Lord) God allowed them to be tempted by the serpent (Satan). YHWH (the Lord) God duly warned Adam and Eve, but did not prevent them from falling into temptation (Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24).

God is not going to prevent temptation or stop us from falling into it, if we choose to. It is a believer who must overcome temptations to sin.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

He who overcomes [TEMPTATION AND SIN] shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

Believers are not left on their own to overcome sin. Through prayer, fasting, and faith in Yeshua (Jesus) we can be strengthened to conquer sin.                                                                                  2

For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose.

I can do all things through Messiah (Christ) who strengthens me.

The Greek-to-English direct word-for-word translation of “And lead us not into temptation,” is as follows: “And not lead us into temptation.” And not lead us into temptation, though a direct translation, is grammatically incorrect in English.

Part of the problem with the translation, “And lead us not into temptation,” is that it is a negative sentence construction that adds a negation to the verb. In this case, the verb is “lead” and the negation is “not.” “Lead us not…”

Though negative sentence construction is not considered grammatically incorrect, it is an archaic old-English style of speaking. In times past, The Daisy Oracle would be said, “He loves me, he loves me not.” Today, using modern English, a woman would say, “He loves me, he doesn’t love me.”

The wording of “lead us not into temptation,” being changed by the Catholic Church to “do not let us fall into temptation” is likewise not an accurate modern English translation. Changing “lead us not into” to “do not let us fall” is not merely a grammatical change, but is a changing of actual words of Scripture to non-synonymous words.

God allows human beings to be tempted and fall into temptation. Even Yeshua (Jesus) was tempted by Satan, but did not fall (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13).

How should “lead us not into temptation” be translated into modern English? “Lead us away from temptation” is an accurate translation.

Is praying to be led away from temptation proper?

Yes. The very next stanza in the Lord’s Prayer is to “deliver us from the evil one.” Some translations use “deliver us from evil.” God is not going to repent for us and deliver us from evil if we choose to sin, as it is the responsibility of a person, with the help of God, to overcome sin. God will deliver us from the evil one, Satan.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

MATTHEW 26:41; MARK 13:48 (NKJV)
“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.”

LUKE 22:40,46 (NKJV):
“Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” …
“Rise and pray, lest you enter into temptation.”

God does not direct our paths into temptation, but temptation will come and we can ask Him to lead us away from temptation, when it does come, in this age. God will allow us to fall into temptation, if we so choose to, because God has given us free will. We can pray that God directs our paths and leads us away from temptation.

© 2023 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com



[i] Sherwood, Harriet, “Lead us not into mistranslation: pope wants Lord’s Prayer changed,” The Guardian, 8 Dec 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/08/lead-us-not-into-mistranslation-pope-wants-lords-prayer-changed

[ii] Sherwood, Harriet, “Led not into temptation: pope approves change to Lord’s Prayer, The Guardian, 6 Jun 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/06/led-not-into-temptation-pope-approves-change-to-lords-prayer#:~:text=Now%20Pope%20Francis%20has%20risked,let%20us%20fall%20into%20temptation%E2%80%9D.

Repent, Change Our Religious Ways

By Glynn Adams

August 27, 2023

It is way past time we look at religion the way Jesus looked at religion.  Exactly what Jesus said in Matthew 23 describes the religious condition of the American Church today.  Jesus was talking to the religious leaders in Israel, the scribes and Pharisees, and we have become just like them in the American Church!!

“But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the Kingdom of Heaven from men, for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.  Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel about on sea and land to make one convert; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” (Matthew 23:13, 15)

The Pastors have shut off the Kingdom of Heaven message that Jesus preached and they do not preach the message of the Kingdom that Jesus preached.  Our religious leaders have made converts with their quick conversion methods and there is no evidence of a transformation or change in their lives.  Most believers know not their purpose in Christ nor are they taught to function and to walk as Jesus walked.  We are in a war good against evil and our pastors ignore it and can’t see the war!!!

The church in America does not live the life of Christ, we are religious and we think we are respectable and we are so deceived we do not realize we have lost respectability in this nation and among other nations.  We have become a mass media market to market our religious systems and not a movement to shake the world for Jesus Christ or to resist evil overtaking our nation and the nations in this world.   We display our false religion and entertainment ways on television all over the world while our nation is being destroyed.   We preach sermons to the nations that you can be free in Christ while at the same time our nation is a captured nation and in demonic bondage.

We are being lied to in our religious systems in America and this must stop immediately.  We must grow some backbone and confront these religious systems in accordance with Scripture.  In the Book of Revelation, Jesus addresses seven churches and told some what he would do if they did not change their ways.  “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, be zealous therefore, and repent. “(Revelation. 4:19)

It is time we scrape this false religion called Christianity in America.  Jesus did not come to earth to start a religion called Christianity.  He came to bring us a kingdom government and for His followers to influence this earth by doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.   Where do we start?  In my last Article on NewsWithViews.com, I wrote about the Kingdom in detail.  We must forsake this false religion and embrace the Kingdom Message that Jesus preached while on this earth.  We have missed our total purpose for church.  We have allowed the Globalists-elites and their demonic hordes to influence our nation and turned it to evil while the passive institutional church allowed it to happen!!

Jesus said in Matthew 16:18b-19, “I will build My ekkelsia and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.  I will give you the keys to a religion called Christianity – No!!! – “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom and whatever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven and whatever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”  We are going to have to restore the church in America to reflect the ways of the church Jesus built in the First Century.   We will restore the Kingdom, bind religion on this earth and loose the Kingdom of God on earth.

Again, I want to emphasize that most of our practices in the church have absolutely nothing to do with the New Testament.  You cannot find a Scripture that tells us to build a building.  Practically everything we do today as church goers came to us as happenstance.  Virtually all our major practices came to us within 50 years of the Emperor Constantine of Rome (AD124) or within 50 years of the beginning of the Reformation (AD 1517).   For years, no one has questioned our failing religious system.    After you read this article, I hope you have a crisis of conscience for you will know the pagan and non-biblical origins of all we do today in our church services!!!

But there is a greater tragedy here.  We take the New Testament and twist it, making the New Testament endorse what we do today.  This mindset – which is universal – is common to both layman and clergy………..this mindset has – and is – corrupting and destroying the church that Jesus wants to build!!!  We are left where many are questioning how our faith is practiced today because our pastors don’t seem to understand and have absolutely no idea how our faith should really be practiced!!

I want to briefly show you where the practices we do in a Sunday Services come from.  Space does not permit me to list all practices and to give all the details.  You can research to find out more.   First, the Order of Worship.  In most Protestant Churches it matters little if they are Baptist, Methodist, Reformed, Presbyterian, non-denominational, Charismatic or the “cutting edge” groups like Vineyard or Calvary Chapel – your Sunday morning service is virtually identical.

Some churches use contemporary songs while others use hymns.  Some raise their hands while others never get past their waist.  Some churches observe the Lord’s Supper weekly while others observe quarterly.  The Order of worship is written out in a bulletin while others the liturgy is unwritten, yet it is just as mechanical and predictable as it were set to print.

So where did the Protestant order of worship come from?   According to famed historian Will Durant, it came from the basic roots in the Catholic Mass which did not come from the New Testament but rather grew out of ancient Judaism and paganism.  In the sixth century, Gregory established the Mass and the high point of the Mass was the Eucharist, also known as Communion or Lord’s Supper.

In 1520, Luther launched a violent campaign against the Roman Mass.  In I523, Luther set forth his own revision of the Catholic Mass.  These revisions are the foundations of all Protestant worship.  Luther made preaching the centrality of the worship service rather than the Eucharist.  Luther’s belief in the centrality of preaching as the mark and climax of the worship service has stuck till this day.

In the end, Luther’s liturgy was nothing more than worked over Catholic Mass.  And it was riddled with the same glaring problems.  No Biblical basis and the congregants were still passive-spectators (except that they could now sing), and the entire liturgy was still directed by an ordained clergyman; the pastor had replaced the priest.  As one historian put it, “The pulpit is the throne of the Protestant pastor.”  In addition, the priesthood of the believer is totally ignored as no one is allowed to say anything during the service except what the pastor allows!!!  Peter says we are all priest but in services today, we must remain silent!!


Other reformers were Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) who replaced the altar-table with something called “the communion table” where the bread and wine are administered.  He also had the elements delivered to the people in wooden trays.  Among other reformers were John Calvin, John Knox and Martin Bucer.

Because musical instruments were not explicitly mentioned in the NT, Calvin did away with all musical instruments.  All singing was “a capella.”  Probably the most damaging feature of Calvin’s liturgy is that he led most of the service from the pulpit.  The church has never recovered from this!!!   Calvin and Bucer is credited with requiring the people to adapt a somber attitude when entering the church.

Then, pastors moved from preaching “real life and culture” matters to preaching to the lost.  Pastors exclusively gear their Sunday Morning services and sermon to winning the lost and using the song service to soften up the hearts of the lost.  This all begin with the Frontier Revivalists a little more than a century ago and later on by such men as Whitefield and preacher D. L. Moody.

Most of what we do in church today has little to no biblical basis.  Now I want to go back to the way church was done in the First Century.  This is the church Jesus built with the Apostles and it is still relevant to us today.  The great Bible expositor Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said, “We are living in an age hopelessly below the NT pattern – – content with a neat little religion.”  Today, the reason believers say they go to church is 1) corporate worship 2) evangelism 3) hearing sermons 4) fellowship.  As strange as it may seem, the NT never envisions any of these reasons as being the purpose of the church meeting.  The notion of a sermon-oriented, pulpit-pew styled church service was alien to the First Century believers.

If the purpose of the First Century church was not for corporate worship, evangelism, sermonizing, or fellowship, what was it for?  According to Scripture, the governing purpose of the church meeting is mutual edification.  1 Corinthians 14:26 puts it plainly:  “What is the outcome, then, brethren?  When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation.  Let all things be done for EDIFICATION.”

Hebrews 10:24-25 puts it even plainer: “And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”  This allowed for every member to participate in the building up of the Body. (Ephesians 4:16)

In like manner, each believer who possessed a word from the Lord had the liberty to supply it through his or her unique gift.  A typical first-century meeting may have looked like this:  The saints raised the roof with their singing.  The group as a whole leads the singing.  Each saint offers a prayer.  Some give their testimony or what revelation they received, all as led by the Spirit.  Every person has the freedom to participate in the meeting.

All the biblical examples about the church meeting solidly rest upon the Headship of Jesus Christ.  The NT church meeting was based upon the “round-table” principle.  That is every member was encouraged to function in the church meeting.  The institutional church is built on the “pulpit-pew” principle.  It divides the members into the active few and the passive many.  The common practice of a professional minister assuming all the important activities of the church, while the rest of the saints remain passive was utterly foreign to the early church.

These early church meetings reflected the fact that the Holy Spirit so governed the early church.  The meetings reflected a flexible spontaneity where the Spirit of God was in total control.  Jesus Christ was free to move through any member of His Body as He willed.  And since He was leading the meeting, everything was done in an orderly fashion.  Such a meeting is unthinkable in the institutional church of today.  Most pastors as well as church goers fear trusting the leadership of the Spirit to direct and shape their church services.  If we do not know the Spirit’s working in our own life, how can we know it when we gather together?

Nowhere in the NT do we find grounds for a church meeting that is dominated, directed, or facilitated by a human being.  Neither do we find a gathering that is rooted in a pulpit centrality that is focused upon one man.  The early church made real the NT doctrine of the priesthood of all believers that according to Peter, it is the teaching that all believers are spiritual priest called to offer up “spiritual sacrifices” unto the Lord.

It’s ironic that today we are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge and God says in Hosea 4:6, that because we have rejected His knowledge and His law, He will reject you from being His priest and will forget our children!!!  We grow into God’s fullness when the different parts of His Body minister Christ to one another. (Ephesians 3:16-19)  The early church certainly understood the Headship of Christ that He leads His Body in all things.

Today, our institutional churches and especially the mega churches are essentially a nursery for overgrown spiritual babes.  It habituates God’s people into being passive receivers.  It stunts their spiritual growth and development and keeps them in spiritual infancy.  But there is something even worse.  When the Holy Spirit leaves a disobedient pastor or church, they are so organized they can keep on having church and don’t even know the Spirit has left them!!  Watchman Nee, after touring America Churches, was asked what he thought about the American Church.  He replied, “I am amazed how much Americans can accomplish without God!!!!”

The First Century Church met out of necessity. They were in a hostile world and they needed the edification, encouragement, being built up in Christ, the prayers and fellowship.  The early believers in the First Century saw the church, all in one accord and every citizen of the Kingdom was working through the church to make disciples of Christ, to enlarge their King’s Kingdom, and to influence the culture, government, and nation to the ways of God.  As the prayer says, Thy Kingdom come by doing the will of God on earth as it is done in heaven.

They would leave the house  and go out to share the Kingdom Message to the people and to face death or imprisonment but the joy and encouragement they received from one another made them faithful and aggressive warriors for Jesus Christ.   The early Christians had but one message – Jesus Christ.  As they experienced Him during their week, they came together to share Him with one another (there is over 59 “one another” verses, love one another, comfort one another, submit to one another, etc.) and then out to share the Kingdom and make disciples.  Here is what you are going to have to consider.  It has been clearly shown that our religious system in America was put together by man   Do you want to rest your eternal destination on what man has made or the Scriptures and the true church Jesus built?

We have the whole concept about the church that Jesus built all wrong.  Today we see it as a building and a place to go on Sunday to lift up our religion.  We must repent, that is change our religious ways because Jesus Christ and His way is our only hope!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks for Pagan Christianity, Rethinking the Wineskin by Frank Viola, Ekkelsia by Joe Nisola, Revival or We Die by Michael Brown, and Transformation by Bob Roberts, Jr.)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

Republican Governor Using Stealth to Put Through Red Flag Gun Confiscation

by Kathleen Marquardt

August 26, 2023

My dear friend, Lucinda Sheth, who is politically active, but not a radical in any sense, has addressed the recent Tennessee issue of a “Special Session to push for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO)”, better known as Red Flag Law.[1], [2] This session was called by Governor Lee because his ERPO was shot down during the normal Legislature session. This is another sneaky way our governments (local, state, and federal) are making laws without going through the proper channels). Ms. Sheth is right on for calling him out.

If you don’t realize this is a set-up, “Tennessee’s Democrat elected officials will embark upon a statewide bus tour to discuss gun violence, which will end at the state capitol on the first day of the August special session on gun control.” [3]

As Karen Bracken, a great Tennessee patriot, put it, they are … Using the excuse that children being killed by guns in TN is a crisis. Which if you look at the DATA is a complete lie. Perhaps they should look at the cities in which there is strict gun control like Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Gun violence is a crisis in these cities because only the law-abiding citizens obey the law. Criminals do not and when they know people are defenseless, they get emboldened.”

Sheth’s letter on behalf of the Roane County Republican Women:

“August 11, 2023

Dear Governor Lee:
You took a solemn oath to uphold our Tennessee State Constitution and our US Constitution. The oath you took means that your Special Session to push for ERPO (Extreme Risk Protection Order) legislation will be an Unconstitutional exercise.

State Legislatures have no constitutional authority to enact into Law whatever a loud, boisterous, organized lobby may happen to believe is a good idea. State Legislatures are created and exist BY the State Constitution – and THAT Document, together with various provisions of the US Constitution have only LIMITED CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to make laws restricting arms.

[1] UNESCO and red flag laws
[2] Red flag laws double speak for gun confiscation
[3] Tennessee democrats reveal gun control bus tour leading up to special session

When a person makes a threat about killing people, the ONLY constitutionally acceptable course of action is to treat THAT PARTICULAR PERSON in accordance with the existing criminal laws of the State. Mental Health Systems already have a 72-hour hold process to deal with people who are a danger to themselves and/or others.

There have already been several documented abuses of ERPOs in Florida, Colorado, Virginia, and among several VA Systems. Your ERPO has the potential for mass deprivation of GOD-GIVEN unalienable rights and civil liberties, and that simply cannot be understated in America’s woke psychosis. Those who stray from the politically correct position on masks, vaccines, ”transgender” rights, Drag Queens in libraries and schools, election fraud, inappropriate pornographic LGBT books in schools, BLM, Antifa, or abortion are already placed on the list of domestic extremists/ terrorists at the DHS website. There is the “E” in your ERPO.

It seems that the inmates are running the asylum – and some “conservative” Republicans are willing to hand over the keys to the doors. Do not sacrifice individual liberty for a supposed collective good which is a characteristic of a Soviet-style system.

Call off this Special Session and revisit the solemn oath of office you took. Your ERPO will violate that oath.”

Feeling that she had more to say to the governor, she wrote another letter that adds a few more both pertinent, and elucidating points:

August 10, 2023

Dear Governor Lee:
The loud, hysterical cries that are demanding that the Tennessee government “do something” about “gun violence” are ramping up in the progressive realms of Tennessee, especially Nashville. You, Governor Lee, have heeded their call and have called for a Special Session to implement your ERPO (Extreme Risk Protection Order)…ahem, don’t call it a Red-Flag law even though the end product is identical.

You must understand that there are dangers in “doing something” when rushing to implement major infringements of our 2nd amendment GOD-GIVEN rights. Your ERPO infringement could NOT get passed when the Legislature was IN session, so you have called a special session to get it done. Your ERPO will also have the effect of negating the following GOD-GIVEN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS (of those accused under Red Flag charges) :

 The right to face your accuser. The right to due process.
 The right of protection against unreasonable searches and seizures.
 The right to be secure in your person, papers, and things.

Remember when the government was tasked to “do something” after the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? The government “did something” by rounding up Americans of Japanese descent, confiscating all their possessions and putting them in camps! That, too, was a rush to “do something” which is parallel to what you want to do about “gun violence”. Pretty shameful isn’t it!

Your ERPO allows judges to issue an order of confiscation “ex parte” (without you being present) and because it is a civil process you will find yourself without a public defender or any opportunity to defend yourself. Pretty shameful isn’t it!

All of these measures in your ERPO fly in the face of our Federal Constitution that you SOLEMNLY swore an oath to uphold, with your right hand raised and your left hand on the Word of our Holy God. Your ERPO also gravely violates our Tennessee State Constitution that you SOLEMNLY swore to uphold via the same manner! Pretty shameful isn’t it!

The core problem is SIN, which is a moral problem. People who have murder in their hearts and want to kill will use any tool to do it. Laws against murder already exist, but murder still happens…because of SIN, a moral problem.

We implore you to call off the Special Session and stop listening to the siren song of tyranny.

Yes, ERPOs have been enacted in other states, but it should be stopped now. ERPOs are just another way the Cancel Culture crew of communist Marxist, one-world order global elite are taking away our property and rights.

Without the right to property, we are slaves. But that is the point of ERPOs, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), Public/Private Partnerships (PPP), and a slew of rules, law, and executive orders levied on an unsuspecting populace.

Let’s stop this one now. Let the lion roar.

© 2023 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koipolloi@protonmail.com

Climate Change in the United Kingdom

By Shirley Edwards

August 26, 2023

[These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.]

Areas of Natural Beauty. Geographically and Physically

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form, and void: and darkness was upon the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.  And God said; Let there be light and there was Light.   Gensis: 1:3

I went on a short trip recently.   A short trip down memory lane, and a journey back to a part of the UK I hadn’t visited for some time.

Cumbria, which is in an area also known as The Lake District in the North of England, is an area of outstanding natural beauty, and is famous for its lakes and mountains, with Scafell Pike being the highest mountain in England, and Lake Windermere the largest lake.

The area is also known for its famous artists and writers who once resided there, such as William Wordsworth, John Ruskin, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Beatrix Potter.

It was a place that was once well known to attract many romantics and philosophers.

Recently, The Lake District has become part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List

Leaving the M6 motorway northbound, which is the longest motorway in the United Kingdom, but solely located in England, visitors to The Lake District enter a mountainous region which mainly attracts those who like outdoor pursuits, such as hiking, boating and camping.

Its small villages, isolated farms and landscape are noticeably free from the many 5g tower masts which stand on almost every corner of the inner cities of the rest of the United Kingdom.    It was incredibly refreshing to drive through miles of open landscape witnessing the green patchwork fields which the country is known for.  It was nice not to hear the daily dose of ambulance sirens driving past my home, and it was especially nice to walk along a traditional promenade at the particular remote town where I stayed, without the usual commercialism which attacks us on a daily basis.   It was like stepping back in time.

One couple on our trip took a train journey to Carnforth Station which is where they filmed the 1945 movie ‘Brief Encounter’ The station which is now a Heritage Centre is advertised as an experience of total nostalgia.

However, the couple kept referring to the film ‘Close Encounters’ by mistake, which is about aliens landing on the earth.

Carnforth Station Heritage Centre

Everything felt quite quintessential and normal for a short while, but life since my last visit has unfortunately changed.   Whilst the landscape remains unaltered, and almost cosseted in protecting a traditional image in part, an awareness of some of the people, made up of residents, but mainly tourists, in some of the more popular towns I visited had most certainly altered.

For the short time I spent in Keswick, Kendal, Windermere and Bowness on Windermere, there was an overwhelming feeling of being displaced, not just by the sheer volume of other cultures and visitors, but by what I can only describe as an aggressive uncaring and somewhat downcast spirit, which was far removed from the more genteel polite society which once seemed to reside there.

Were we really having a close encounter of the 3rd kind?

The view from Lake Windermere

Of course, our relationships with others, has changed considerably over the last few years.   Is it me, or are we now all naturally more suspicious of each other?

During 2020-2022, people who we once considered quite normal and considerate, turned out to be quite prepared to discriminate and aggressively betray others based solely on their own fears and false information being fed to them.

Some friends became enemies, and those who we thought may be enemies, became friends.

Rebel rousers; those who appeared to be independent and free thinkers, turned out to be quite the opposite and were completely programmed by the media without question, and the un-noticed ordinary person down the street turned out to be the clear rational thinker; the one who questioned or researched facts themselves.   They didn’t go along with a crowd mentality.

Aside from the obvious decline in morality and ethics which you could visibly witness on the streets, I wondered if this genuinely was the reason for my uneasiness, and the slight distance which I felt from my fellow man?

Natural Beauty

The UK, of course, has many other areas of outstanding natural beauty. (AONB) which do not come under UNESCO.    A relatively new charitable organization called The National Association for AONBs has listed the 46 areas of outstanding natural beauty in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, for which it offers to protect and conserve based on the love of our countryside.

Who lives there?

Overview map of the UK’s Areas of Outstanding Beauty (landscapesforlife.org.uk)

AONB are designated areas which are protected under the 1949 National Parks and Access to Countryside Act which is enhanced by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.

An Act of Parliament passed in 1949 to conserve the most sensitive areas of the UK was passed as a result of two reports.   The Hobhouse Report and John Dower Report commissioned to respond to the wish of the public to have access to land for recreation.

The National Association for AONB state:

  • Their vision is to make sure that these areas are valued and secure.
  • Their mission is to support and develop a network of ambitious partnerships that have a strong collective voice.

Like UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) they are very focused on ‘climate change’

I feel it is very important to keep a watch not only on the above Acts of Parliament but also on the most recent Environmental Improvement Plan issued by the UK Government, with again, a particular emphasis on Climate Change, Reaching Net Zero Domestically and Reducing Agricultural Emissions through new farming schemes.

Environmental Improvement Plan (publishing.service.gov.uk)

The conservation and protection of our beautiful countryside together with an emphasis on reducing pollution should never be at the expense of restricting access to freedom of movement or targeting the farmers who produce our food in these areas under the guise of ‘Climate Change’ which can also be questionable based on the research and the facts produced by other expert meteorologists and climatologists outside of what and who governments promote on this subject.

In his book Cobalt Red, the author Siddharth Kara also throws light on cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its exploitation, where adults and children suffer and die daily mining cobalt which is a component to every lithium-ion rechargeable battery that powers our smartphones, tablets, laptops and electric vehicles.

The all-electric smart green utopia being pushed by our governments  has many dirty secrets.

It is alleged that the climate change industry makes 1.5 trillion a year.

Cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo | The Independent

The charitable organization of NAAONB, like many others, has good intentions at its heart, but the government has proven that outside of its own vested interests, it does not.   Their mouths say one thing and their actions say another.

Land grabbing and the displacing of people, most especially towards the indigenous inhabitants of any country, appears to be an item on another person’s road trip and on an Agenda which some people may not be aware of.

We must never forget the division, the heartache and the inhumane restrictions which were recently enforced on people lives, whilst the implementors of such rules, knowingly walked free.

If these same people really claim to care for the environment, then why don’t they care so much for people?

We cannot stay home all our lives; we must present ourselves to the world and we must look upon it as an adventure.  Beatrix Potter

Living in the Present

Living in the present moment and appreciating it, whilst not forgetting or overlooking what evil can, and is doing, in our world today, is a lesson which I personally strive to maintain and live by.

My short trip to the Lake District presented me with many signs, and opportunities to take note of.

On a very positive note, I especially appreciated the time I spent with my sister and the fun that we had staying in a lovely hotel.   We should always maintain where possible these relationships

However, there were two other instances which impacted me.

One was the very serious young waitress who served us each morning and evening in the hotel who we just couldn’t get to smile, even with the most pleasant conversation that we tried to instigate with her.

It was only on the last morning that she cracked a small little grin.   But what a delight to see it.

Her attitude towards her job, to ensuring that people were happy with her service and that she was attentive to them at all times was impeccable.  She took it very seriously but it almost seemed to be a pressure upon her.

Behind her sad face, I appreciated her dedication to her role and her work ethic.    I wondered what sadness lay inside her heart and what hope she may have lost unknown to us, and yet here she was in this world which attempts to instil fear in us and destroy us every day.   Her standards were still high. She was an overcomer.   Head and shoulders above those with absolutely no scruples.  That type of beauty shows up the ugliness.

The other instance was on our last short visit to a town called Keswick.

It was dull and very busy, people were pushing and shoving, littering the streets with food and drink.   It was the school holidays and there were lots of bored children.  I was inwardly sighing at the sheer number of heavily tattooed men and women, and they could have been such nice people for all I knew. It was a far cry from the surrounding beauty of the area, and I noticed the downward pull which was trying to take me with it.

However, as were walking away a voice pierced the air which made some people stop and listen.

A young girl was singing.  Her voice was so loud, clear and pure without the use of a microphone or speaker, that it seemed to pierce through the chaos in a superior fashion.   It was naturally beautiful with a very special message.

The song she was singing was the classical Nessun Dorma (Let No One Sleep) and although she sang in Italian, people seemed to understand the message.

Some people came to a standstill and tears filled their eyes.

Others walked past as if she was not there at all, indifferent, laughing or shouting and oblivious to the people who wanted to listen.  Why couldn’t they get the message?   It was like light cutting through darkness.

Nessun Dorma – Luciano Pavarotti (English lyrics translation) – YouTube

It is believed Nessun Dorma is really a response to the upheavals of World War I, a place of such cruelty and horror, but that somehow Love and Hope still exists.

We should be in no doubt that we are in a final war with evil.  It is cunning and sly and comes as an angel of light pretending to care about people’s health and the environment, but it can only use these issues together with those who align to it, for its own selfish advantage and agenda.  There is an awful lot of cruelty and horror taking place in this beautiful world.

Does Love and Hope still Exist

I do believe that for those who can see through these plans there is a great deal of light which has come to this earth to show us this darkness, and for that we should have great hope that all will be revealed.

Our brief encounters may turn to close encounters of the genuine kind.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.  Romans 8:18

Rest and be thankful.   William Wordsworth

© 2023 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

Additional Information:

Overview map of the UK’s Areas of Outstanding Beauty (landscapesforlife.org.uk)

About the NAAONB, its Charitable Status and Strategic Plan and Business Plan (landscapesforlife.org.uk)

Home : Lake District National Park

UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List

World Heritage Centre – Climate Change and World Heritage (unesco.org)

About the NAAONB, its Charitable Status and Strategic Plan and Business Plan (landscapesforlife.org.uk)

Famous Artists, Poets & Writers – Visit Lake District

Collaborative Climate Action :: National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (landscapesforlife.org.uk)

Cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo | The Independent

The Man Standing in the Gap

By Lex Greene

August 26, 2023

Some 247-years ago, it was just eight extraordinary men who stood in the gap between the American people and the tyrannical reign of King George III of Britain, known then as the most powerful political and military force on earth.

George Washington

Alexander Hamilton

Benjamin Franklin

John Adams

Samuel Adams

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

John Jay

In time, after months of debate and opposition from others, these eight men were eventually joined by 48 more to make up the 56 signers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Not unlike today, most Americans at that time had little knowledge of the events, and even less understanding of those events unfolding.

247-years later, only one man stands in the gap today, President Donald J. Trump, and that is why the global Nazis will do absolutely anything to eliminate the man who has defeated them again and again, as the global left has worked around the clock for the past eight years to destroy the man in the gap.

The USA and indeed the world which hangs in the balance, is so far past discussing Trump’s rough and tumble personality, that it’s entirely laughable for any cowardly halfwit to even mention “what they don’t like about Trump.”

While the names of all Epstein pedophile human traffickers remain a secret, hidden behind the lock and key of our Federal Department of Justice, protecting God only knows who from their well-deserved death penalties, that same politically weaponized agency has targeted President Trump for eight years now. Very few Americans would still be standing in that gap today, if they were targeted by our corrupt government the way Trump has been.

In fact, only 2% of Federal Criminal cases ever go to trial, because almost nobody can afford the cost of so-called justice in America. 98% plead out because they don’t have the money for a defense. Almost 100% of the rest are found guilty simply because in the USA today, you don’t have to be guilty to be charged or convicted.

In all cases against Trump, he is being charged with having and stating an opinion. It’s Trump’s opinion that the 2020 elections were stolen. Even though there is a train full of evidence to support that opinion, the fact is, no one needs any evidence to justify their Right to an opinion, or their Right to speak their opinion freely, without fear of persecution.

Eight extraordinary men stood in the gap 247-years ago, but only one man stands in that gap today, President Donald J. Trump. Only one man is having his entire life and life’s work bludgeoned to death by a totally corrupt criminal enterprise known as The U.S. Federal Government, now completely weaponized against all political opponents, large and small. In fact, no body on earth hates the American people more than their own government hates them today.

Obama has done exactly what he set out to do in 2008, “fundamentally transform America” into a 3rd world Nazi gulag, build his “citizen army” (aka BLM and ANTIFA), and bring “imperialist America” to her knees… He’s merely a field general for the global elite at the WEF, IMF, UN, WHO and NATO, but he is currently the most powerful figure in American politics.

Indeed, globalists of all political stripes are united against Trump, which means, united against YOU and ME. Trump is simply the man standing in the gap. It’s all decent freedom and liberty loving American Citizens that our own federal government is out to destroy. There’s no longer any need for guess work.

Everyone talking about uni-parties, scumbag politicians, a fake news media and totally censored social media, is wasting precious time and energy, focused only on trying to escape personal responsibility for how we got here, and what we will have to do to get out of here.

It’s now totally irrelevant how anyone “feels” about Trump. Because Trump is the only man willing to stand in the gap at incredible personal cost, he is the only man deserving of the public trust. Not one Republican running against him in the (fake) GOP primaries should get a single vote, because when they stand against Trump, they are standing against every freedom-loving American who has HAD ENOUGH!

Who knew that it would be a little ole country boy from the backwoods of Virginia that nobody ever heard of before, who would fire the shot heard around the world in 2023, in a song about the “Rich Men North of Richmond.” Oliver Anthony may be written into history in a light akin to Paul Revere who took that ride to warn our Founders that King George’s troops were coming for them.

Anthony’s ode to the real American song skyrocketed to the top of music charts overnight, simply because he is singing about what the vast majority of Americans have been thinking about for quite some time. Anthony just happened to get fed up sooner than most. Like every good patriot, Oliver was willing to put it all on the line, as has Trump, and not for mere profit.

There will be time for pet agendas later. Right now, Americans can only afford one priority!

This has nothing to do now, with how you feel about Trump. It has everything to do with how you feel about FREEDOM. If the so-called republicans on the debate stage Wednesday night were representing us, they would be standing with us, with Trump, instead of helping Marxist democrats destroy him.

You know I’m speaking the truth here. Drop all pet agendas and stand together for the only agenda that matters now, Freedom, Liberty, the Rule of Law, real justice, and real opportunity for all. STOP THIS INSANE INVASION OF OUR BELOVED COUNTRY. The sand is all at the bottom of the hourglass.

Even God won’t be able to help us if we don’t! Noah was not saved by faith alone. He still had to build the Ark. Faith without works is dead…

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: lexgreene23@mailfence.com

Trump Loses the Debate

By Cliff Kincaid

August 25, 2023

The big winner of Wednesday night’s debate was North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum, who has no foreign policy experience. He won the debate on Wednesday night with his answer on war and peace: “What we’ve got going on in Ukraine is an example of when deterrence fail. What is an example there of Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the fact that he green-lighted Putin moving into Ukraine, and then now they see weakness, and when they see weakness, they make a move.”

With the observation of Biden greenlighting Putin’s invasion, he got to the heart of the issue. Biden made the invasion possible. He is responsible for Putin’s invasion. He has blood on his hands. On the issue of war and peace, Biden has been a total failure. Now he keeps the no-win war going, costing the lives of many innocent people of Ukraine, and giving former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin the opportunity to contemplate invasions of Poland and other countries in Europe.

When Burgum says Biden “green-lighted” Putin’s invasion, he is saying that Biden, the president of the United States, had encouraged the invasion. He did this when he dismissed the possibility of a Russian “incursion” that might not require a U.S. response. Now, a major war is taking place in Europe and Biden says the U.S. is running low on ammunition.

While Bergum won the debate with that one observation, billionaire Vivek Ramaswamy lost with his comments on the same subject. He said, “I think that this is disastrous that we’re protecting against an invasion across somebody else’s border when we should use those same military resources to prevent across the invasion of our own southern border here in the United States of America.”

Several participants noted that the U.S. is totally capable of doing both things. America under Reagan used to be the leader of the Free World.

More than that, however, we need the use of the Defense Production Act to get the nation into a war footing for both Russia and China. We also need to ratchet up our nuclear weapons production to deter a communist nuclear first strike nuclear attack on American soil.

“We’re driving Russia further into China’s hands,” said Ramaswamy, ignorant of the geopolitical reality that Russia and China have always been allies.

Another loser in the debate was former President Trump, who was not there. He was afraid to take on Fox News and defend his record. His record includes abandoning the presidency when the nation needed hm to stay and fight.

I am living near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where a battle took place in the Civil War that took 52,000 lives in just three days. We had a president then who saved and healed the nation. When Trump was faced with a Civil War, he gave up and ran to Mar-a-Lago. Now he’s facing various indictments, which were inevitable when Trump became a private citizen and demonstrated his weakness.

By contrast, Lincoln used extraordinary means to keep the nation together.

As I wrote in my column, “We Need Another Lincoln,” defenders of the Union held meetings to declare “Death to the Traitors” and identify spies in their midst. Today, traitors are celebrated. Transgender Army traitor Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s 35-year sentence was commuted by President Barack Hussein Obama.

In the same vein, Ramaswamy says he would pardon Vladimir Putin’s favorite NSA/CIA analyst, Edward Snowden, who defected to Russia.

This guy ought to be running as a left-wing candidate in the Democratic presidential primaries. He says he’s not bought and paid for. But he sounds like a Putinista.

Getting back to Trump, he should have had the guts to go to the debate and ask the Fox anchors why their channel paid Dominion Voting Systems $787 million in a defamation settlement. If Trump really thinks he won the 2020 election, let him tell that to the Fox anchors directly. Instead, he ran to “X” with Tucker Carlson.

The question from co-moderator Martha MacCallum about UFOs was the worst of the night. She thinks audience members are stupid people.

The only thing worse than that was Tucker Carlson’s former shows on the channel, where he debated the matter of cattle mutilations carried out by outer space aliens. Fox fired him. Now he is functioning as Trump’s unpaid adviser, interviewing the former president on “X.”

It doesn’t matter who’s up and who’s down, who got views and who didn’t. The issue is war and peace and the survival of the Republic. Trump had his chance to save the Republic and he failed. This former friend of Chris Christie took his advice and nominated Christopher Wray to run the FBI. Enough said.

America has to get serious about our predicament. When Burgum nailed Biden for starting a war in Europe, he zeroed in on the target.

Lives hang in the balance. Our nation’s fate hangs in the balance. This is not entertainment. This is a reality show in which real people die.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

We Have Been Sold a Lemon

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

August 25, 2023

Christianity is legal in America again!

Those in the used car business certainly understand the phrase “I was sold a lemon.”  Being sold a lemon means that the outside appearance of something does not necessarily reveal the condition on the inside.

In other words, outward appearance is not always indicative of what is at the heart of the matter.

Since at least 1947 the US Supreme Court, with the approval of the other two branches of government, we have sold the lie that there was a separation between the Church and the State.  For over 75 years, Christians in America have been sold that lemon.  The Supreme Court decision Everson v Board of Education criminalized the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the public square…especially in our “public” schools.

Our Government has lied to us.  Our courts with black robes have betrayed us.  Our nation has suffered from the banishment of Christianity to the back of the bus.  Our nation is adrift in sewer-level morality as a result of this separation between morality and State.  If there is no standard of right and wrong, how does one make value judgements?  What is the standard by which something is judged right and another behavior judged wrong?  Who decides?

From the day the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock in September of 1620, with the official signing of the Mayflower Compact, America was established as a Christian nation.  The Document reads in part:

IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith…

America never was intended to be a secular country.  Christianity was the midwife of the birth of this nation.  No amount of rewriting of American History can change that.  The Declaration of Independence declares that “the laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” produce God given, inalienable rights.

Let us stop kidding ourselves.  Even though Jesus Christ nor Christianity is mentioned in the Declaration or the US Constitution there can be no doubt that the organic roots and purpose of the Pilgrims arrival was the “advancement of the Christian Faith.”  What other CREATOR could they possibly be referring to?  Our Constitution PROTECTS individual liberty, it does not restrict it.  In fact, the first God-given right mention in the Bill of Rights was Religion.  Christianity secures the “right of conscience.”  No other religion in the world does that.  Remove Christianity and individual rights begin to disappear as secular government becomes the law-giver.

Have you looked around lately at the “rights” that are under assault in America?  The removal of Christ from the American equation has opened the door to untold debauchery and crime.  From 1620 until 1947, 326 years, the consensus was that America was a Christian Nation.  Five terrorists in black robes overturned THREE CENTURIES of Christian GOVERNMENTAL authority.

One decision, by a vote of 5-4, made the Christian religion illegal in the public square.

What, you may ask, does this have to do with Lemons?  Patience, my friends, patience.

There is a principle in law know as the COLOR” of law.  “Color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right that may not exist. The term is often used to describe the abuse of power under the guise of state authority, and is therefore illegal.”

The enforcement of any statute under the COLOR of law is a crime.  In other words, if they tell a person that it is illegal to pray at a public meeting because it violates the Constitution, they have committed a crime.  Read it for yourself.

“Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States…shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.”

Enforcing a law that is NO LAW AT ALL is a serious crime.  ANY restriction on the rights secured by the FIRST Amendment is a CRIME!!  Restrictions on individual expressions of religion, speech, press, assembly, or petition is a crime. Period.  Congress shall make no law…

By the way, Court opinions are not LAWS.  They are simply opinions ABOUT the law.  Courts CANNOT make laws.  Congress makes laws.  Abortion was NEVER legal.  The Courts simply opined that it was.

However, just recently, the SCOTUS ruled the previous Court “opinion” regarding abortion was wrong.  Since 1973 anyone convicted of a “crime” outside an abortion clinic has been a victim of the COLOR of law…convicted of a crime that was NO CRIME AT ALL.  In fact, millions of Americans have been injured by the LIE that illegally banned Christian speech in Government affairs. Please take a couple of minutes and watch this brief video.

The video explains that in the recent case involving prayer at a football game public Christianity was legalized once again.

Which brings me back to the lemons.  The Lemon test was a standard created by the SCOTUS in 1971 by which they would judge whether “religious” speech had a “secular” purpose.  Our current SCOTUS ruled that the LEMON TEST used to evaluate speech was illegal.  Watch this short vid.  Religious express is free speech and cannot be censored.

(Sorry if your head is spinning).  Here is the take home.  Our Government has sold us a bunch of malarky under the COLOR of law.  It is time we woke up and understood the great shift that has taken place.

Once again, prayer in school is legal.  Bible reading is legal.  The posting of the 10 Commandments is legal.  Abortion is NOT legal.  Every Christian statue, every copy of the 10 Commandments taken down from public buildings, should be returned!  Christmas can be about Jesus again.  Freedom OF religion…not freedom FROM religion.  Our schools can teach Christian morality again!!  The religion of Humanism no longer has a monopoly on the minds of America’s children!

The courts have spoken and they have legalized Jesus once again.  The schoolhouse door has opened to Christianity.  The WELCOME mat is on the threshold.   Will the CHURCH take the ball and run with it?  Will we once again demand our place at the table?

Let us crush the Lemons into Lemonade!!

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Affluentza: The Main Mass American Malady

By Sidney Secular

August 25, 2023

Spending more and enjoying it less? Bored? Not enough high-tech and mass produced dreck and toys to toy with? Need a new Honda, Hummer or EV bummer with which to make do until the next entertainment center is wheeled out for sale? What draws you to the mall where you can get mauled by “youth” anytime or trampled upon during aptly named Black Friday or driven to drink by the fractious crowds? And what about lesser holidays when lesser “sellebrations” attract the bargain hunters and it’s no bargain to get caught up in the traffic going to or from the “big box” stores, an act that can “box you in” for lengthy periods? Do you find yourself working non-stop or at two jobs to pay for all that “stuff” you and your family supposedly want, stuff that often gets stuffed away in remote corners until you decide it’s time for another yard sale?

If the above describes yourself and your family, without realizing it you may be suffering from an insufferable, highly contagious American malady – affluentza! This particular virus has gone viral and infected nearly the entire world or at least those who are not in the process of dying of starvation or war. This condition is characterized by an obsession with material goods and materialism in general. Some of the distinctly American goods and services that are part and parcel of the mass purchase itinerary include eatables such as beer, soft drinks – ranging from cola to almost endless varieties of the fizzy stuff frequently purchased in oversized bottles and multiple packs – sugared and salted snacks, as well as cosmetics, high-tech gadgetry, gambling modalities, collectable art as well as churned out mass “knock-off art,” video games, pornography and “adult” entertainment offerings, ethnic “queerzines”, rap crap and its pulsating, pounding variants, day trading, drug parties, and now the new “industry” of growing and getting high on pot. And as far as these “fads” go, both the rich and poor are in the same pot and are therefore similarly affected. The 21 st Century motto has become, “enough is never quite enough.”

These insatiable sensory and psychological needs often result in behavioral patterns that are aggressive, compulsive, competitive, and antagonistic – frequently all at the same time. Once you have “gained it” – whatever “it” is! – you can become overly fearful of “losing it” in both physical and emotional terms. You become sensitive to the point at which the thought of “losing it” whether to the government or to others who are similarly situated and motivated – that is, to the growing and sometimes desperate army of fraudsters – can consume you. And, as one ages, all face the reality of eventual and eternal loss through death itself. But even before that inevitability, you become fearful of winding up in a nursing home where your assets so carefully, painstakingly and resourcefully accumulated are lost or frittered away, often as a result of careless living and/or poor health habits.

All of this stress can – and often does! – result in losing your ability to remain fully human. In today’s America, our imagined happiness often depends upon our level of power, our ability to manipulate our surroundings, our feelings of general superiority and, of course, the quantity and quality of our material possessions. “Self-centered egotists” whether they are capitalists, individualists, libertarians but especially “well intentioned” socialists and communists believe that they are “numero-uno” in most aspects of their lives, but such wrong-headed attitudes come with a distinct human cost including the presence of an individual’s spiritual vacuum. There is an old saying: “those who are wrapped up in themselves make very small packages!” The perception of an uncertain, meaningless, and purposeless world that results from these individual spiritual vacuums leads us to seek out security and certainty by any means necessary or available. The ultimate result of our spiritual starvation as it responds to mindless feelings of found but faux pleasure can be defined in the claim of “I’ve got mine, Jack”.

However, once these useless goals are “achieved” and we actually obtain so many “goodies” and enjoy so many “gotchas,” the disturbing question then arises, why is the US the world leader in anxiety, anger, unhappiness, cynicism and feelings of stress and despair? This fact is reflected in our high rates of divorce, suicide, depression, abortion, substance abuse and incarceration. Although real per capita personal consumption expenditures have nearly tripled in the past 50 years, the percentage of people claiming to be very happy has declined by 50% during that same time period. The Index of Social Health, an annual comprehensive report produced by Vassar College which measures 16 indicators of social health, shows a 50% reduction in overall social health over the past 25 years in the US.

Although we live in a period of supposed unprecedented prosperity, it is also the time of the reign of the “living dead”. It is the era of deadbeat dads, deadened feelings, anomie, school and work dropouts, drug deliriums and a period devoid of spiritual, intellectual and emotional life. Even our cultural and religious institutions appear, in the main, to be at best comatose and at worst, in rebellion against all that we once considered as good and needful for our civilization. It is no wonder that one of the largest “fictional” characters found in American entertainment is the zombie, a former human being reduced to a deceased mindless automaton ingesting the brains of the living in order to survive! Indeed, some of these living dead can be found surfing the Internet, staying on top of email messages 24/7, frequenting Internet chat rooms, engaging in day trading, being glued to Fox news or CNN hoping to get excited over being the first to get the next big story funneled through the boob tube! The demand to stay on top of constantly developing and evolving narratives continues ad-nauseum, while driving to Wal-Mart or Costco to obtain the latest consumer crud crazes and sales specials, stocking up with a mini warehouse worth of assorted stuff, after which stopping off at McDonald’s for a brief feeding frenzy involving faux food. And, of course, these same people must continue to feign interest in a forgettable job, watch the soaps or reruns on TV and waste time watching the GovMint, the politicians and corporate commercials pull our puppet strings with emotional mush and images of couples enjoying the diversity of racially mixed-up relationships. If we feel down over facial wrinkles showing up, we can get a facelift, revive a flaccid libido or body organ with big pharma’s latest pills and solutions while enjoying the thousands of videos on YouTube! Of course, it is wise to watch certain videos before the censors remove the ones we want most to see!

Then, of course, we can go to a highly recommended ethnic restaurant to virtue signal and compare notes with our neighbors. The less meaning we have in our lives, the easier it is to accept the All-American idea of working hard – and in many cases hardly working! – playing hard, and shopping until you drop. We have an underrated and understated patriotic duty to consume so that the GNP can keep pace with past performance and economic growth will not stall. In addition, we now have the added responsibility of spending enough so that the global economy does not falter either, since we are told that the US is the global leader, whether or not that concept is warranted. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan’s worst nightmare has been that Americans may stop spending enough to keep the economy artificially going.

Affluentza is a term that describes meaninglessness. Of course, once our way of life becomes itself meaningless, that only breeds more affluentza – and so the downward spiral increases, thus inspiring more spending – until we are totally spent. We’re not quite sure what that will look like when it happens – as it surely will! – but we must know that it won’t be pretty!

© 2023 Sid Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

Dispatches From a Disintegrating Society

By Steven Yates

August 25, 2023

“We were living in the future, now those days are gone.” —Shriekback, “Now Those Days Are Gone” (Without Real String or Fish, 2015)

“One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.” —Tim Burton

If I can believe my newsfeeds, civility in the U.S. is disintegrating. Some of it is political; some isn’t. What it suggests is a society cracking up, one person at a time.

“You can’t be naked in here!”

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a report of a guy who didn’t appear to realize, he couldn’t strip naked in a crowded theater where Barbie was playing. Supposedly this was at the Regal Cinema in downtown Denver.

“Dude, you can’t be naked in here!” he was told by security, accompanied by shouts from onlookers saying things like, “Get that perv outta here, I’m with my kids!” Supposedly he was forcibly dressed and forced to leave, all the while acting confused about what he’d done wrong.

Alas, I couldn’t find the report again, so I can’t confirm it. But it’s no worse than a lot of things easily verified, so it’s not crazy to think it might have happened.

Theater owners agree, after all, that behavior in their establishments has deteriorated. We hear of people talking loudly on their phones while the movie is playing, partying with friends, being intoxicated, taking videos to upload to TikTok, etc.

It’s not just theaters. “Bad behavior” is now epidemic. Seemingly ordinary folks are flipping out over little things, e.g., on airplanes. If it’s a woman, she becomes the “Karen of the week” on social media. A Karen, in cultural Marxist lingo, is an “entitled white woman.” It’s conceivable, she might have been struggling with some invisible personal issue, reached a tipping point, and now has to deal with the instant infamy of being uploaded to a dozen platforms where virality makes money for Big Tech at the expense of people’s wellbeing and sometimes personal safety. That said, I’ve lost count of the number of claims of flight attendants having to deal with out-of-control passengers, flights diverted, etc.

Similar things are happening in restaurants. Servers report having food thrown at them, or worse. Franchise owners complain bitterly of being chronically short-staffed. I wonder why! Talk about a hostile work environment! Not to mention absurdly low pay! Were I a twenty something right now I wouldn’t do it. It’s not worth it.

We see unacceptable behavior at concerts, where musicians are complaining of having objects thrown at them. A pop singer named Bebe Rexha doing a show in Manhattan reported being struck in the face with a cellphone thrown by a 27-year-old male who, when arrested, called what he’d done “funny.” Performers are complaining bitterly about this dangerous trend.

I’ve also lost count (long ago!) of road rage reports, some ending in assaults or fatal shootings. My wife and I witnessed two minor league incidents when we visited Miami-Dade Co. just over a year ago. Picture two strangers, both male, blocking lanes, shouting at each other, traffic moving cautiously around them. The two of us, on the sidewalk, wondering if we should drop to the ground, just in case one or both of these nutcases pulls out a gun and starts shooting wildly.

Unprovoked assaults have become commonplace, especially in and around cities. Whether leftists like to admit it or not, the assailants are usually black and usually in groups. They’ve cornered a lone white male (sometimes it’s a lone white female). Black-on-white violent crime has always been much higher than white-on-black violent crime, rarely reported because it doesn’t fit the official narrative. Statistically, black-on-black violent crime surpasses both put together.

Countless stores, finally, also in big cities, have experienced “flash mobs”: dozens of black teenagers enter, help themselves to merchandise, then flee past helpless clerks and even security personnel. The latter don’t dare use firearms if they have them, both because they know they would be quickly overwhelmed by the mob, and even if they get out in one piece, they will be the ones accused of racism and brought up on “hate crime” charges.

Again, jobs in such places are going unfilled. But why would anyone in his right mind work in such an environment?

End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration.

Although the bulk of its focus is on recent history and geopolitics, Peter Turchin’s just published book (that’s the title) may shed light on some of this. You might not agree with everything he says (I don’t), but Turchin’s ideas merit a place at the table.

He’s another cycles-of-civilization theorist, and cliodynamics, the political-philosophical paradigm he is working within, seems worth knowing about. I wonder if such thinkers seeming to come out of the walls is yet another sign of civilizational decline. The first two I encountered were William Strauss and Neil Howe, whose The Fourth Turning appeared back in 1997 and predicted the crisis era we’ve since entered.

When societies are healthy, do its scholars ponder such things? Do they need to?

What Turchin sees when he looks at America: first, a past order in which we achieved a level of stability — political, economic, and for a time, cultural — followed by a slow unraveling caused more by structural factors as anything done by individual political actors. Economic stability began in the late 1940s and continued until around the mid 1970s. A rising tide indeed lifted all boats, or it was sincerely desired that it do so. Well-intentioned movements urged equal pay for women and nondiscrimination against blacks, so that their prospects would improve through their own efforts which is always the ideal.

Then, intertwining forces began to intrude. First, the number of well-educated, independent-minded, and ambitious people began to grow: elite-aspirants, Turchin calls them (using the term elite in a broader sense than I do, but never mind that here). The number of elite-aspirants soon exceeded the number of jobs able to make use of their skills. These either stayed the same or shrank (as in academia). Competition for those jobs grew increasingly fierce, and some were bound to lose out. Some competitors began to break the rules to get ahead. This always presages unraveling.

Meanwhile, even those trying to adhere to the rules grow resentful and increasingly angry. Their mindset worsens if they get the sense that the winners cheated, working the system instead of working to earn a place in it.

From the latter eventually came early-adopters of emerging counter-elites, Turchin calls them. Trump is a counter-elite in politics. Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson are media counter-elites. To be a counter-elite, no less than an elite, you have to have money — and very good networking skills. Trump was and is a billionaire. Neither Bannon nor Carlson are hurting financially. All three excel at gaining and keeping attention in what has become an attention economy.

Another factor worsening the mindset of the have-nots is what Turchin calls public immiseration. What is this, and how does it come about?

By the end of the 1960s, the federal government was expanding by leaps and bounds. Civil rights, voting rights, environmental causes, etc., were creating new bureaucracies, all of which had to be paid for somehow.

By 1971, Nixon had a choice. He could call the biggest tax increase in U.S. history, which would have gotten him hated more than Watergate did.

Or he could take the radical step of “closing the gold window” and allowing the Federal Reserve / U.S. Treasury Dept. complex to create money out of nothing.

As we know, he chose the second. The national debt has since gone from the $475 billion when he left office to its present $32.6 trillion.

Money printing destroys a currency’s purchasing power. Thus waves of inflation. Some inflation was hidden. A lot of newly created money went to the Wall Street investment class. A system of welfare-statism in reverse, I’ve elsewhere called it, began to develop: redistribution of wealth upwards.

Turchin’s term for this is a money pump.

It explains the meteoric rise of the Dow and Nasdaq, especially in the 1990s.

If the elites cheated, this system was one of their primary instruments.

Its effects are felt as a cost of living that soon rises faster than wages. People are immiserated when their lives become a worsening scramble to pay the bills, and when neither political party seems able to do anything about it. For the system comes to depend on easy credit. Eventually this alone becomes a source of instability. It crashed in 2000, and crashed harder in 2008. Some believe an even bigger crash is coming.

Add to this mix “free trade” agreements such as NAFTA, GATT II, etc., which decimated our manufacturing base while enabling corporations to get richer. As conventional economists were describing this at the time, manufacturing was replaced by services. The former paid reasonably well. The latter did not.

The result: an increasing percentage of this population, many already stymied in their searches for occupations of their choosing, having a progressively harder time keeping a roof over their heads. Complaints are legion of people being forced to choose between paying the electric bill and paying the mortgage.

Credit card debt escalated.

Life, for an ever-increasing percentage of the population, became a scramble of the cash-strapped, with many trapped in jobs (sometimes more than one) they despised.

This is public immiseration, and it is capable of provoking chronic stress. Some people manage stress reasonably well, although eventually doing so damages one’s health.

Others flip out and become the “Karen of the week.” Or the next road rage casualty.

I’ve left out things like skyrocketing tuition for the college degree the “experts” all say you need to get ahead, despite arguably diminished quality: universities went corporate while their faculties went woke. The former looked to beautify their campuses, put in health clubs, and hire legions of “administrators,” i.e., more bureaucrats to oversee it all, including “diversity, equity, and inclusion” bureaucrats (no straight white men need apply!).

Student loan debt has risen to over $1.5 trillion, another drag on people’s lives and source of chronic stress.

Financial elites reap the windfalls of all this debt, of course, and this aggravates what Turchin describes as another obvious destabilizing feature: massive inequality, with the haves openly flaunting their status.

Summing: Turchin sees two factors which destabilize societies: increasing numbers of frustrated elite-aspirants whose faith in the system is slowly eroded, and public immiseration, caused when the cost of living escalates past the ability of large segments of the public to cover it. Both find themselves losing ground — sometimes a lot of ground. Legions of those unable to pay escalating rent ended up homeless!

I have yet to hear university wokesters set aside their obsession with “transgenders” long enough to recognize the homelessness epidemic in every major city in the U.S.

I think there’s a third factor, one a lot of us (myself included, at times) have experienced: atomization.

The 1950s and 1960s were the heyday of the nuclear family. One breadwinner (usually Dad) could feed a family of four. Families were stable. Divorce was frowned upon, and the divorce rate was relatively low.

Blacks may have faced racial discrimination and prejudice, but their families tended to stay together.

Both radical feminism and the rising cost of living gradually tore the nuclear family apart. The first sought to discredit and demonize men (think of terms like mansplaining and toxic masculinity). The second, as we’ve already seen, made it ever harder, and finally impossible, for a single breadwinner with a modest salary to support his family. His wife had to work whether she wanted to or not.

Economics as much as ideology drove women into the career smorgasbord.

No-fault divorce had appeared. The divorce rate increased, sometimes because she realized she didn’t need him. And because the two-parent family was losing ground culturally. Stigmas disappeared.

We began to hear of single-parent homes and latch-key children.

The former grew into increasingly atomized adults. As families deteriorated and the incentive to marry declined (destructive family court policies contributed to this), the population of single never-married and single-and-divorced adults multiplied. It continues to grow to this day.

Oftentimes the atomized male finds himself ridiculed and humiliated as an incel (short for involuntarily celibate — although many, seeing what was available, may have chosen celibacy). I think of that pre-French Revolution line used by elites, let them eat cake.

And we wonder why a tiny percentage of these guys pick up weapons and become mass shooters. Another means of flipping out.

Atomized females are not ridiculed but not meeting with better fates or mindsets. They might not pick up weapons but experience eating disorders, addictions to Big Pharma’s drugs, etc.

Substance abuse and self-destructive behaviors are increasingly common in both sexes. Suicide rates have risen, along with what Turchin among others call “deaths of despair.”

We are not wired psychologically to be totally on our own, alone, friendless. In many respects, we are tribal beings. We need groups, both for companionship with like-minded others, to find suitable mates, and to connect with associates with whom we can divide our labors, able to help us if we need help and allowing us opportunities to help them when they need it.

I think this is why solitary confinement is often so psychologically devastating, probably the worst form of punishment industrial civilization has devised. It is less torturous physically than, say, the rack, but its damage isn’t visible. I’m sympathetic to those who would end solitary confinement as a form of “cruel and unusual punishment” unless there is a very good reason for keeping a prisoner isolated (e.g., personal safety considerations).

Perhaps Turchin’s book helps us see why, collectively, America is descending into crazy, one person at a time. Millions have been frustrated in their career aspirations, just told to “reinvent themselves.” Already under-employed, they are then immiserated as the cost of living skyrockets, their money having lost most of its purchasing power, while their salaries stayed the same or diminished through coerced career changes. And they’ve been atomized: populations of isolated singles having exploded over the past few decades — atomization having been made even worse by the plandemic which left millions of people with a sense of having even less control over their lives.

“What Happens When an Irresistible Force Meets an Immovable Object?”

The immiserated naturally turn to someone whose very presence suggests a way out: a loud and brash counter-elite who tells them, “I can fix this!”

We’ll doubtless see hundreds of analyses of the period in U.S. history that began in 2015 when Donald Trump descended the infamous escalator. Most, sadly, will be written from an elite point of view, make no attempt whatsoever to understand the immiserated perspective which empowers counter-elites, and so consist of worthless academic exercises.

It is clear: the elites (using that term now in my original sense of those with visible political power and/or economic prowess) hate counter-elites like Trump, as well as generally supportive media mouthpieces such as Tucker Carlson.

I think they fear such people as well. Most elites could never survive in the attention economy without huge, well-moneyed support systems around them, and they know it.

The counter-elites despise the elites just as much, and would replace them at the centers of power if they could. Sometimes they can, at least for a little while. They aren’t “supposed to.” Hillary was supposed to be “our” First Woman President, after all.

Neither one considers the other legitimate.

We’re not really talking about irresistible forces here, merely forces that aren’t going to go away simply because corporate media demonizes them as “threats to democracy.”

Nor are we talking about immovable objects. Empires do fall, repeatedly. Governments are transformed beyond recognition.

But you get the idea (I hope).

It’s not just the U.S., moreover. A few days ago I encountered an article about the “fury of a silent majority driving a global ‘right wing’ counter-revolution.” Such articles are bound to provoke extreme anxiety in superelite and elite classes everywhere.

It began with Brexit: the U.K. kicking out the globalist EU. Then came Trump’s upset victory. Moti had risen in India, defending traditionally-minded Hindu populations there. Then came Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. Orbán had won reelection in Hungary. More recently: Giorgia Meloni in Italy.

Now, we have the rising Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the wake of Angela Merkel’s disastrous globalism and further harm done by the official (NATO-driven) Ukraine narrative which spans a Europe in increasing trouble. Naturally, Germany’s corporate media Establishment is demonizing the party; considerations of bans are underway, without even a sense of irony when those initiating the bans say they are “protecting democracy.”

In Argentina, a leading candidate for the next presidency is described as an “anarcho-capitalist” ready to kick out the leftist Peronistas that have spent the past decades running that country into the ground.

Eventually, a lot of people figure out that the globalist-leftist alliance is not only not their friend, but that everything it touches, it screws up!

Paraguay just elected a “right-winger”: Santiago Peña.

Chile veered left in its last election, as did Brazil. The Gabriel Boric presidency is struggling, with an approval rating under 30 percent. If the next election were held today and ultraconservative José Antonio Kast were his opponent, Kast would win. Chilean media predictably demonized Kast, associating him with Pinochet, for whom he’d (unwisely, in my view) expressed admiration.

When people are struggling to feed themselves, though, such things don’t matter. Elites don’t get this. My prediction is that Chile, too, will turn “right” and put Kast in the presidency if he runs again in the next election.

Brazil? The “Lula-ista” neo-communists are back in power there, but how long will it be before the same corruption that once got Lula tossed in the slammer comes roaring back, and Brazilians return to their senses?

Those are just the cases I’ve thought of while writing this article. I am confident there are others.

Were I a superelite, ensconced in the WEF or just the Asylum on the Potomac, I’d be very worried right now. Were I in the U.S., I’d be doing everything in my power, supporting the sort of lawfare that throws 91 felonies at the opposing party’s leading candidate, however dubious the reasoning behind many of them, to prevent another four years of counter-elitism in charge, able to seriously monkey-wrench the superelite agenda for the world. I would do everything in my power to tie up his finances and tie up his time. He can’t campaign when he’s defending himself in court.

As I’ve observed repeatedly, all the narratives globalists and leftists relied upon — “globalization will make you rich,” “diversity is our strength,” etc. — have collapsed.

No sensible person believes those things anymore, if they ever did!

They have stayed collapsed, therefore. They aren’t going to be revived.

When the globalist-alliance can’t get what it wants by either persuasion or subterfuge, it is liable to engage in more drastic action.

Hence the real worry, about which I’ve floated several scenarios: what will the superelites do to stay in power? How much damage will they do, some of it to entire populations they regard as the moral equivalent of cattle?

What is clear is that they are doing now is not working. The GOP base, for example, is not abandoning Trump, because it sees the allegations against him as political. Continue with the lawfare, of course, and some of those 91 felonies might stick. The machinations by servile Democrats may keep Trump out of the White House. They succeed with the official narratives and repetitive language I’ve documented, e.g., “we’re saving democracy.”

This will not quell the societal discord and unrest, which is likely to worsen, its manifestations ranging from mere unfocused “bad behavior” caused by the unrelieved stress of living in the world the elites have made, to more organized counter-elite campaigns of opposition. They will not succeed in preventing someone else from standing up and channeling that unrest — possibly someone we haven’t seen yet (I’m losing faith it will be Ron DeSantis).

The Establishment doubtless sees itself as an immovable object. It isn’t. What is coming — other things being equal — is a force that may not be totally irresistible but will be extremely difficult to put down.

Expect breakage, whatever happens next year (or sooner). Expect a lot of breakage.

© 2023 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com


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In 2021 I published my book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. Here, in three parts, are reasons you should think about reading the book if you’ve interest in the role worldviews play in civilization, and in shaping our lives:

Part I. Part II. Part III.

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Let’s Open America’s Borders to One and All: Accelerate the Crisis

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 24, 2023

Have you ever experienced a crisis like Lahaina, Maui’s wildfires that demolished a 12,000 residents’ homes and businesses this past month? What about the Marshall Fire that leveled 1,000 homes near Boulder, Colorado two years ago?  Was there a solution that could have been incorporated before those horrific wildfire events?

How do you deal with a crisis, any crisis?  How do you solve it before it occurs?   Answer: you use history and your brains to solve it before it happens.  I’ve heard it as a mathematical equation called a “Bounding Problem.”  (I think that’s the term.) It means along a spectrum, there will be a solution either by humans or by the Natural World.  In other words, if you don’t solve it, Mother Nature will ultimately solve it for you.

Right now, Australia, which I have cycled the entire perimeter of that continent, offers 95 percent desert, scant water, no oil and few resources to sustain its 26 million people.  And yet, big money corporations want to import another 10 million people from overpopulated countries like India, China, many in Africa and Indochina to create “Big Australia.”  They want to force “Exponential Growth” onto a dry continent with no idea of the consequences.  In other words,  push human numbers beyond sustainability of the carrying capacity of the land.

At some point, as they pile an enormous amount of humanity onto that island continent, they WILL NOT possess enough water or other resources to sustain their human horde. In the meantime, everyone’s lives are reduced to human misery.

So, one of my Aussie friends, Mark O’Connor, who wrote the book, Overloading Australia, said, “Let’s bring on the crisis to ourselves faster by importing endless millions of people into Australia, quickly, to completely exhaust our water, oil and resource supplies today…instead of allowing ourselves to bring a slow death to our civilization in the years ahead.”

In the past 30 months of Joe Biden’s inviting millions to break our laws and invade our borders, let’s all support at least 10 million immigrants annually to invade our country. Remember that the third world adds 83 million new babies, net gain, annually.  So, if we open our borders, you can bet, “they will come.”  Let’s bring the crisis to a nasty, ugly, and horrible state of unsustainability TODAY, rather than a slow death in the decades to come.

What blows this journalist away stems from the fact that the American people have said virtually nothing to stand up against this immigrant invasion, not now and not in the last 30 years.  Most of the U.S. Congress has done NOTHING to stop the invasion in 30 months of Biden’s pretend presidency.  Other than NYC’s Mayor Eric Adams, Denver’s Hancock and a few other leaders protesting that their sanctuary cities are overwhelmed, no one else is protesting.

But, if we accelerate the “immigration-poverty-drug addiction-population” CRISIS to engage its ultimate solution in the next couple of years with that 10 million people added annually, we might be able to change the course of history because every American would be screaming to secure our borders. Even the illegal and legal immigrants would be screaming to shut down the borders.

Many say, “We demand Joe Biden stops the importation of drugs that are killing 100,000 of our kids annually.”  Because that’s how many of our kids die annually from imported drugs.

Maybe we need 500,000 or 1,000,000 drug overdose deaths annually to bring on solution.  At some point, you would hear a citizen outcry.  There would be a solution! Impeachment for  starters!

Let’s add that 10,000,000 (million) immigrants annually because that’s how many people starve to death annually, worldwide.  We can save them, their children, their relatives, and their entire country by bringing them to America on our dime and give them food, housing, schooling, medical and “the good life” pretty much like 125,000 Somalians in Minneapolis living on EBT cards or 300,000 Syrians in Detroit living on your dime or 20 million illegals undercutting every law, every job and every school system in America. They’re already costing American taxpayers $150,000,000.00 annually in the past 30 months.  (Source: www.fairus.org, Costs of Immigration Annually.)

Let’s accelerate our automobile gridlocked traffic as fast as we can.  I mean, Denver at 2.4 million is slated to reach 4.0 million by mid-century.  Let’s not wait. Let’s build Denver out to the Kansas border to bring on our water crisis, energy meltdown, schools with 100 languages, God-awful air pollution and total loss of quality of life, sooner rather than later.

Let’s accelerate our homeless and drug-addicted populations to quadruple what they are today.  We could easily encourage more fentanyl, heroin, meth, ecstasy, et al., addictions into the millions by offering it free to anyone…paid for by your tax dollars. That’s what’s going on in California where I just visited.  That’s what Biden’s doing as he’s refuses to secure the borders…or should I say, his handlers?!

With every crisis we are facing in America today, let’s make it worse, sooner, by importing more people to make it even much worse, faster.  Instead of 1,000,000 roadkills daily on our nation’s highways, with another 100 million more automobiles on our nation’s highways, we could reach 2.0 million roadkills daily. To hell with all the rest of those other animals we share North America with, let’s run them over so we won’t have to bother with them.  Or how about this?   Have you seen those wind turbines that create our 2.0 percent of electricity?  They chop of over 500,000 birds annually. If we build 100 X’s more wind turbines, we could chop up 5,000,000 (million) birds annually to bring electrical power to our added millions of immigrants.  How do you like that solution?

Instead of only $100 billion annually in shoplifting via the poor people imported into our country, let’s import millions of shoplifters to accelerate our shoplifting crisis. Would $1 trillion in shoplifting wake us up to our crisis?  What would you consider as a reasonable solution?

This column could give you another 100 really sobering if not frightening examples of what we face with “exponential population growth” brought to us by “exponential immigration growth.”  What do another 100 million people added to this country mean in real terms?  It means we double the populations of our 35 most populated cities. For example: New York  City jumps from  8.3 million to  16.6 million? How do you water, feed, warm and transport THAT many people?  How do you do it for another 34 cities with gargantuan populations?

If we don’t get to a rational ultimate solution sooner rather than later, our kids, your kids…are absolutely going to be swimming in a sociological, environmental, multicultural, catastrophic climate destabilization, and gruesome quality of life: NIGHTMARE.  They will face water shortages that are irreversible and unsolvable.  They will face crises that we haven’t even imagined, yet.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to solve a crisis that we can solve before it occurs?  Don’t future generations deserve a chance?  Why not ask the people in Boulder, Colorado or Lahaina, Maui?  Oh, what was the solution?  Easy: Plow the fields west of the cities annually to keep them all dirt for hundreds of yards or even miles so fires could not burn via west to east winds. Without fuel, fires cannot burn.  The leaders of Lahaina should have taken a lesson from the wildfires in Boulder, Colorado two years ago.

One way or the other, a “solution” will be visiting all of us in the years ahead.  Do you think you will like Mother Nature’s solutions?

“The U.S. will set a record in the rate of rise—and fall of an empire. Between wide open borders and fall of the dollar and growing population against a declining resource base, the US will be defeated from within. Mobs will rule the streets in the nation that is now the third largest in the world, and third fastest growing, and unable to support its population except by taking resources from other countries.” Arnold Toynbee, historian

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers-off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”   www.NumbersUSA.org 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Who’s Afraid of Bloomberg?

By Lee Duigon

August 24, 2023

Now that he walks the earth, seeking whom he might devour, I’m more afraid of zillionaire Michael Bloomberg than I ever was before.

Bloomberg had twelve years as mayor of New York City, running as a Republican (LOL) because the Dems didn’t want to make room on their slate for an outsider. By comparison with the Democrats who came after him, Bloomberg is the Father of His Country.

Standing alone, he’s a bully who wants to ban everything.

I know, I know—who’s afraid of Michael Bloomberg? When he ran for president a few years ago, he spent three-quarters of a billion (!) dollars and all he had to show for it was three delegates from Guam. But I can’t forget that as mayor he displayed flashes of competence and badly-needed leadership. So I view Bloomberg mischief as dangerous mischief.

Currently he’s put together some kind of “climate group” whose aim is to ban meat, dairy, and private ownership of cars by 2030. Supposedly he’s got 14 major U.S. cities—all of them run by Democrats—already signed up for this, with another hundred cities world-wide.

What the hell? Once upon a time Americans fought a war against the greatest power in the earth, the British Empire—and all King George wanted was a stamp tax! Enormous, painful sacrifices had to be made to secure our liberty.

And now some puffball of a Bloomberg’s going to come along and tell us we can’t eat meat anymore? Or dairy products? And we can’t own a car? Yes, there’s that “pro-choice” mob once again trying to erase our choices. King George was mad, they say; but he never came within a country mile of this kind of lunacy.

Where does anyone in any branch of government get the authority to tell us that we can’t eat meat? Oh, no problem! It’s a “global climate emergency,” see—and such luxuries as our basic civil liberties will just have to be indefinitely suspended. All it’ll take is a few more Mandates. Actual legislation is so time-consuming, so messy! Mandates, that’s what we need.

Go ahead, tell me you don’t see another Pandemic coming down the pike, just in time to screw up the 2024 election. Mail-in ballots, drop boxes, crates full of Democrat votes brought in after the polls close for the day—they’ve got that down to a science. And for good measure, we’ll have lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and shortages galore. It worked in 2020, it’ll work again in 2024.

We hope and pray that Bloomberg’s inborn arrogance and heavy-handedness will scuttle his scheme, even as his presidential run came up snake-eyes. But he’s not alone. Our Blue cities are chock-full of Bloomberg clones at every level of administration, all of them lusting for power over us defenseless plebs.

Self-government? That’s a laugh. We can’t even be trusted to eat our vegetables. Besides, they’re champing at the bit to force us to eat bugs—and maybe a bit of tree-bark for dessert. And no cars, so you won’t be able to pack up and leave.

What can we do? Donald Trump’s the only big-name politician on our side, and you see what they’re trying to do to him. We need a massive clean-up of our government—a government that’s turned against us in so many ways. (Liberals like it!)

Can they do it to us again—that whole Pandemic caper? Can they really, truly, do it again?

Pray hard. This coming election is for all the marbles. The survival of our republic is at stake.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit, before Bloomberg shuts us down. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Treasonous Governor Arms Illegals By Giving Them Authority To Arrest Americans

By Bradlee Dean

August 23, 2023

Treason defined: In general, it is the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance, or of betraying the state into the hands of a foreign power. —Websters 1828 Dictionary

You cannot even make this up…

American Military News reported that Americans could soon be arrested by illegal immigrants.

American citizens could soon be arrested by non-U.S. citizens in Illinois after Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law that will allow illegal immigrants to become police officers in the state.
After the signing of Illinois House Bill 3751 by the governor on Friday, U.S. citizenship will no longer be a requirement to serve as a police officer in the state of Illinois starting January 1, 2024.

[Twitter Video]

House Bill 3751 states, “An individual who is not a citizen but is legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law is authorized to apply for the position of police officer, subject to all requirements and limitations, other than citizenship, to which other applicants are subject.”

The law also states that non-U.S. citizens are required to be able to purchase, carry, and possess a firearm legally in order to apply to be a police officer.

Despite federal law prohibiting non-U.S. citizens from serving as police officers and deputies, illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals will be eligible to apply for a position as a police officer, according to Fox News.

Media personality Collin Rugg summarized the opposition to Pritzker’s bill by Republicans and law enforcement, stating, “Imagine getting arrested by someone who illegally entered the country… Clown world.”

Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) also voiced opposition to her state’s decision, tweeting, “At 5 p.m. yesterday, when no one was paying attention, Pritzker signed a bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers, giving non-citizens the power to arrest citizens in our state. No sane state would allow foreign nationals to arrest their citizens, this is madness!”

Not only is this madness, but this is also treason, and that on every level (Luke 22:48).

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. –Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution          

There are still some in this country that just feel that this is politics as usual, as if to suggest that what they do today will have no effect on their children tomorrow.  Friends, if this is not treason then what is it?

The American people have provision in the U.S. Constitution to impeach and to prosecute these individuals and send the message that we will NOT tolerate their crimes against “We the People” any longer.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. -Article II, Section 4

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. -Article I, Section 3, Clause 7

Conclusion: Like it or not American’s this is judgment upon this nation.  The illegals will be made the head and the Americans will be made the tail if they continuously stand by and watch the corrupt in the halls of government have their lawless ways (Deuteronomy 28:43).

Yet, empowering illegals to arrest Americans is very fitting for a people who refuse to obey the Lord (Deuteronomy 28:63), but to the innocent it is very unfitting.

This criminal act being committed by this tyrant in Illinois is constitutionally unjustifiable at every level.

Friends, consider the source.

Americans, if you continue to allow these criminals to be left unaccountable to the very laws they are to uphold, you and your posterity will continue to suffer more of their abuses.

“You can also commit an injustice by doing nothing.” -Marcus Aurelius

© 2023 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Why Did Many Texas Republicans Betray Their Constituents

By: Amil Imani

August 23, 2023

In the ever-shifting landscape of American politics, the call for unity among conservatives remains a timeless truth. Recent events in Texas, however, have cast a shadow of doubt and disheartenment among staunch Republicans. The impeachment of Ken Paxton, a long-standing pillar of conservative values, by some members of his party, has sparked division within the Texas Republican ranks. This article delves into why this impeachment not only seems ill-conceived but, more significantly, how it stands as a betrayal of the principles that should firmly unite all Republicans.

Ken Paxton: A Resounding Conservative Voice

Ken Paxton has etched his name as a steadfast conservative voice in Texas politics, defending the values and principles cherished by Republicans. From his unwavering advocacy of Second Amendment rights to his robust defense of religious liberty, Paxton has consistently demonstrated his commitment to the conservative cause.

The Unfounded Impeachment

The decision by a faction of Texas Republicans to back the impeachment of Ken Paxton has left conservatives bewildered. The charges against him appear flimsy at best, and the timing of this impeachment raises concerns of political opportunism. The Republican Party must safeguard its integrity by ensuring that impeachment proceedings are rooted in genuine concerns rather than partisan maneuvering.

Intra-Party Division

Perhaps the most disheartening consequence of this impeachment is its deep division within the Texas Republican Party. At a juncture when conservatives should be rallying together to safeguard their principles, internal strife weakens the party’s ability to confront the left’s policies effectively. Unity is the cornerstone of achieving conservative goals, and this impeachment threatens to erode that unity.

The Peril of Playing into the Left’s Hands

Amid these challenges, it is critical to acknowledge the gravity of these truths:

The Fragile State of Conservatism: Texas, as a bulwark of traditional conservative values, stands at the forefront of preserving these ideals in an era under national scrutiny.

Unity Amidst Opposition: Conserving unity is paramount, particularly with the left poised to exploit divisions within the conservative movement.

Aiding the Opposition: The impeachment of Ken Paxton provides the left with a potent narrative to depict the Republican Party as fractured, bolstering their efforts to discredit conservatism.

Long-term Ramifications: Beyond immediate political consequences, the left seeks to weaken conservatism’s foundation. If this impeachment is portrayed as an internal crisis, it could undermine the credibility of conservative values.

The Power of Perception: Recognizing the potency of optics in shaping public opinion is crucial. The left will wield this impeachment as a narrative to portray conservatism as waning, attracting wavering voters and galvanizing their base.

Strength in Conservative Unity: Texas Republicans must understand that unity is their greatest strength. They can effectively counter the left’s advances by presenting a united front and resolutely upholding conservative values.

Broad Implications: The wider consequences of their actions must be grasped by Texas Republicans. Mishandling this impeachment could inadvertently bolster the left’s efforts to weaken conservatism’s foundation in the state.

The Consequences of Abandoning Ken Paxton

Ken Paxton’s unwavering commitment to defending conservative principles is undeniable. Whether in legal battles over immigration policy or preserving religious liberty, his record speaks volumes. Abandoning him amid what many perceive as unfounded charges sends a disheartening message to conservative leaders across Texas. It tells them that even their most ardent efforts to advance the conservative cause may not be enough to shield them from internal political turmoil, potentially jeopardizing their positions in office.

As the dust settles from these internal struggles, conservatives risk division and priming themselves for potential removal from office. It is crucial, then, that Texas Republicans carefully consider the implications of their choices on the stability and future of conservative leadership in the state. They betrayed their constituents.

Period. And it would do well for them to go over these obvious points once again:
Undermining Trust in Leadership: Paxton’s record in defending conservative values is unblemished. Abandoning him in the face of questionable charges raises doubts about the party’s commitment to its own, potentially eroding trust in its leadership.

Implications for Future Leadership: Leaders often serve as inspirations for emerging politicians. Abandoning Paxton may deter aspiring conservative leaders, who fear their dedication to the conservative cause won’t shield them from internal turmoil.

Diminished Advocacy Effectiveness: Unity and determination are the lifeblood of the conservative movement. The abandonment of a prominent figure like Paxton may hinder advocacy efforts, creating a leadership void that impedes traditional policy objectives.

Potential Loss of Conservative Votes: If conservative voters perceive their elected officials as failing to support staunch conservatives like Paxton, disillusionment may lead to decreased voter turnout, affecting electoral prospects.

Sending a Message to Opponents: Abandoning a prominent conservative figure inadvertently communicates to opponents that the conservative movement is susceptible to internal divisions, potentially encouraging them.

Impact on Conservative Agenda: A unified front is essential with the left’s growing challenges. Impeaching Paxton may divert resources from this effort, jeopardizing the achievement of conservative policy goals.

In the face of mounting challenges from the left, Texas Republicans must stand united and unwavering in their commitment to conservative values. The impeachment of Ken Paxton, seemingly founded on shaky grounds, threatens to weaken the conservative movement and hinder their ability to effectively oppose the left’s policies. Now, more than ever, Texas Republicans must put aside internal divisions and focus on the shared principles that should bind them together. Ken Paxton deserves the steadfast support of his fellow Republicans, for the future of conservatism in Texas depends on it.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution”

By Cliff Kincaid

August 23, 2023

Back in 2008, Trevor Loudon and I exposed the Marxist roots of Barack Hussein Obama, including his relationship with Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. We released this information before he was elected to his first term. My group America’s Survival then published three books on Obama. Fifteen years later, it is starting to dawn on some people that Obama was indeed a Marxist. Consider Jamie Glazov’s new book, Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.

But the transformation continues. Our book on Obama’s Permanent Revolution explains where all of this is heading. We can see it in the drugs flooding into our communities, some of it exported by China and the Mexican cartels, and some of it homegrown, in the form of “cannabis” sales designed to generate tax dollars and votes. But something “new” is coming down the pike, though I predicted it.

Ten years ago I wrote, “Progressives Now Want ‘Psychedelic Medicine,” and events are proceeding at a rapid pace. It won’t be long before you can take LSD and other psychedelic drugs, perhaps under the watchful and approving eye of the government.

As I noted in the 2013 article on LSD as “medicine,” a key Obama supporter by the name of Ashawna Hailey was a pioneer in the field of psychedelics, as well as transgenderism. Ashawna Hailey was once a “he.” Shawn Hailey was born a man, but changed his gender to female and his name to Ashawna.

Obama was a member of the Choom Gang, a group of heavy pot smokers, and open to experimentation of various kinds.

We are witnessing the re-emergence of MK-Ultra, once a secret CIA experiment on humans using LSD, being given the official seal of government approval by liberal elites financed by big money. A Bloomberg reporter examined this movement, which recently met in the International Church of Cannabis in Denver.

In Maryland, the new governor, Wes Moore, made most of his fortune through Green Thumb Industries, a marijuana business, and is presiding over legalization of the weed.

In the first phase, on a national basis, Big Tobacco is being transformed into Big Marijuana. Consider the report by Reuters news agency that Cronos, the cannabis producer backed by cigarette maker Altria Group, is exploring a sale to Curaleaf Holdings, the largest marijuana company in the world which was initially financed by a Russian billionaire, Roman Abramovich. Altria says “the emerging global cannabis sector” is “poised for rapid growth over the next decade.”

Smoking cigarettes, of course, causes cancer, suffering and death. My own mother died from lung cancer after smoking for decades. My father smoked for years but then gave up the habit. But marijuana, with some of the same carcinogens, is now given the seal of approval because it generates a “high” acceptable to the liberal elites who want to leave people in a brain-damaged fog capable of being directed into “progressive” causes.

Marijuana is already all over the country, in its legal or illegal forms, with the legal market the result of the success of the Russian-financed Curaleaf company, generating profits and taxes for politicians in many states. Meanwhile, we have learned more about how the communist Chinese are funding “illegal” pot operations in America — in such states as “conservative” Oklahoma. Last year four people were shot and killed at a Chinese-sponsored marijuana growing operation in Oklahoma. The dead were Chinese nationals.

So the Russians have cornered the “legal” part while the Chinese go after the “illegal” market.

Sadly, in a major embarrassment, some Trump supporters involved in January 6 are turning out to be potheads.

After I wrote an article about how the Russian financier Abramovich was behind Curaleaf, I got a response from a Trump supporter who claimed it was no big deal, and that smoking pot is healthy. “Both my step mother and her husband were committed pot heads and grew their own.  Marijuana needs to be completely decriminalized…” he said.

Marijuana is still illegal under federal law.

Equally significant, he referred to a family member who was involved in the January 6 “insurrection” and was also a pothead.

This individual was sentenced to 3 months in jail after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge for breaching the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

One article referred to this person eventually “going to prison on significantly more serious charges,” after federal investigators executed a search warrant at his home in February 2021 and seized seven firearms, more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition, and marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Two of the guns were loaded.

This led to even more research, finding out that this wasn’t the only marijuana user present at the Capitol on January 6. I found a USA Today article about those arrested that day and discovered several people whose motivation that day was to smoke dope in the U.S. Capitol.

One case involved Eduardo Nicolas Alvear Gonzalez, a “Doobie Smoker” and “self-employed social media influencer.”

Gonzalez was listed on the “American Gulag” website, as if he were an innocent “political prisoner,” having “live streamed a video of himself inside the Capitol” and “was allegedly smoking marijuana inside the Capitol Rotunda.” One video of that conduct is still available on YouTube.

It’s safe to say the charges are more than “alleged” when he pleaded guilty and pictures and video showed him smoking dope. His own sentencing memorandum stated, “The sum total of what he did inside amounted to recording and smoking marijuana in the Rotunda.”

When Trump supporters in effect endorse Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” by smoking pot in front of the cameras, you know the legacy of our first Marxist president has had a lasting impact. It remains to be seen whether Obama’s revolution can be stopped in its tracks now that acceptance of mind-altering drugs is affecting Trump supporters who should know better.

But if Trump himself wants to change the direction of the country under Obama’s vice-president, he should begin by advising his supporters to give up drugs, go to rehab, and get sober. Only then will we have a fighting chance to survive the communist revolution Obama started.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

The Green Drive to Reorganize Human Society

By Tom DeWeese

August 33, 2023

It’s getting crazy out there. More and more of the policy proposals put out by the Green activists reveal their movement is more about forcing radical changes to our lifestyles and not about climate science or the environment. It’s like a religion where infidels must conform to their rites and rituals and heretics must be silenced.

Each day they are pushing harder and faster to implement it all. They are moving to eliminate cheap, reliable energy and gain control over our food supply, ability to travel, housing choices, available jobs, and our personal lifestyle choices.

How do they expect to accomplish all of that? Let me give you just a few of the most outrageous policies the radical Greens are promoting right now!

Banning gas stoves: Yep, California is already leading on this one. The excuse – “NATURAL” gas is a danger to the NATURAL environment. So homeowners, restaurants, hotels, and anyone trying to cook their food will have to surrender their gas stoves to government regulations. Pizza just might be forced into the history books!

Restrictions on Ice Cubes: You see, it takes energy to make ice cubes…so the drive is on to end our unsustainable use of ice cubes. Scientific American magazine says it takes a lot of water and energy to make manhattans and margaritas. Could we do it with less ice? The time has come for “climate-friendly” cocktails!

Canceling fireworks: This past July 4th Los Angeles canceled several fireworks shows after a radical green NGO group filed a lawsuit claiming some fireworks displays violated the Clean Air Act by discharging plastic pollutants into the water. Isn’t it ironic that no such problem had ever been detected in over 240 previous years of Independence Day celebrations?

Banning short-haul airline flights: It’s much easier to control populations if you can keep everybody in place and monitor their every move. You say you just want to fly over a couple of states and visit mom? Well, not so fast. Several European nations, including France and Germany, are already banning short-haul flights under 2 hours “to cut carbon emissions.” The fact is these flight controls will have little, if any, impact on climate. In reality it’s all a fake, symbolic gesture to pretend they are fighting the “climate crisis.”

Blocking out the sun: This is the latest idiocy to come out of the over-active mind of Bill Gates. He says to slow global warming, we must put a layer into the atmosphere to block out the sun. There is no science to back up this scheme. And anyone who knows anything about the environment knows that every living thing on Earth needs the sun to thrive and grow. But hey – grant money drives the science!

These radical Green forces, coupled with the global powers like Klaus Schwab and his Great Reset, the Green New Deal and as I have warned for decades — Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, are determined to reorganize human society – with them in control.

Yet, such programs are already proving unworkable and damaging to society.

For example, Biden’s “Climate Czar,” John Kerry, has been exposed as a major hypocrite as he pushes for more and more control under climate change policy. Kerry, of course, is a big promoter of such plans as the elimination of gas stoves and your favorite pizza being cooked in a wood burning oven.

But guess what! It’s now reported that in 2021, Kerry’s private jet emitted an estimated 116 metric tons of carbon in less than a year. By comparison, a wood-burning stove, such as you might use to bake a pizza, would have to bake for 849 years to equal what Kerry’s jet puts out in one year!! Of course, the elite, like John Kerry, must travel on planes to meet with fellow elites to create new dictates for you to follow. But short flights for you to meet Mom – nope! That would damage the environment!

The drive to eliminate gas-powered cars is on the front lines in the climate change battle. California has already passed laws banning the sale of them after 2035. Eighteen more states are planning to do the same. The drive is on to replace them with electric vehicles. But the electric vehicles that the auto industry is now counting on to take them into the future, are not selling! Only about 7% of those manufactured in the last year have sold. Thousands of unsold EVs are piling up on car lots.

Electric vehicles are massively expensive. The batteries are only reliable for a few years, but then cost tens of thousands of dollars to be replaced. It takes hours to recharge them and long trips become a major hassle — not to mention the incredible damage done to the environment to mine the lithium needed to make the batteries. People don’t want EVs and they are not selling.

This could be the death of the auto industry. And the incredible fact is the radical Greens see that as a positive development. After all, in their planned 15– minute smart growth cities, the goal is to eliminate cars!

And that brings us to the greatest threat of all green policies – the eliminating of gas, oil, and nuclear energy sources that have fed our needs for a century. All to be replaced by wind and solar.

Right now, across the United States, vital farmland is being covered with thousands of acres of solar panels and massive wind towers and there’s much more to come). Nothing is damaging the environment more and doing less for human society than wind and solar power. No crops can grow under solar panels. And as they move to eliminate oil from our energy supplies, they have to have oil to manufacture the panels. And millions of trees are being destroyed to make room for the thousands of acres of solar farms.

And with thousands of acres of wind turbines, nothing will be flying in the air – endangered birds will pile up at the bottom of them. Keep in mind, to make the massive turbines turn they too need oil! Now wind towers are also being placed in our oceans where they negatively affect sea life and the fishing industry.

This is what the Greens call protecting the planet. And for all of the expense and destruction, if they manage to eliminate all other sources of power, wind and solar will provide only about 4 to 12 percent of the energy we need to run our society.

This is insanity, and it must be stopped!

The good news is they are moving way too fast – average citizens are starting to grasp the danger and feel the effects. That gives us a great leg up to build opposition to stop them.

I have recently joined forces with CFACT, a very influential force on the international and national levels. Together we are already successfully exposing these forces and slowing down their progress.

Remember when the Greens led the campaign to “Save the Whales?” They said they were so concerned about these great sea creatures and, of course, blamed human society for their demise. Well, once again, their hypocrisy is showing as the green drive for offshore wind construction spoils our coasts and threatens marine life, fishermen, boaters, and all who treasure our oceans. As the wind industry grows, more dead whales are washing ashore.

CFACT president Craig Rucker just led a very successful public protest against the offshore wind towers called Save the Whales – Stop the Windmills. Craig’s CFACT protest was joined by members of the fishing industry and got huge national media coverage on Fox News and the NY Post.

Meanwhile, I have been helping to lead the fight in Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Minnesota to stop the idiotic Carbon Capture Pipeline that threatens thousands of acres of vital farmland and private property. I have been working with the farmers to help them stand up and resist the private corporations trying to take their property.

Recently, one of those corporations attempted to intimidate and silence farmers from speaking out. The corporation invaded Jared Bossly’s farm in South Dakota with armed guards, damaging crops and disturbing the soil. Their message to all farmers was to keep quiet, or this would happen to all of them.

The tactic completely backfired. Instead of being intimidated, the farmers stood up and took action. Hundreds of farmers converged on the South Dakota Statehouse and demanded the state legislature take action to protect their property. This is a huge win for our cause! Similar action is happening in Iowa, The North Dakota Public Service Commission just took decisive action against development of the pipeline by denying Summit Carbon Solutions a route permit over the state.

But this is not the time for local activists to step back and congratulate themselves. Summit has already warned that this is simply a pause in their progress to enforce the pipeline. North Dakota’s Governor and presidential candidate Doug Burgum supported Summit to use eminent domain to finish the job. South Dakota’s Governor Kristi Noem has also refused to side with the farmers, saying “It’s out of my hands…am I supposed to fight all your battles?”

It’s no wonder that many feel defeated and hopeless about stopping these forces. Sometimes it seems impossible. We face a dedicated, determined enemy armed with an agenda they will not back away from. But we must understand that we are not outnumbered – we are out-organized. Our Constitution and the Republic it created are not dead – they are suffering from neglect.

To stop them, freedom activists must bring the same passion and determination into fighting for our property, local business, and personal freedoms. We have made vital progress in Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. And I know the powerful corporations are worried. More people are starting to see the threat. Build on that and win.

© 2023 Tom DeWeese – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Tom DeWeese: Contact Tom DeWeese

The Powers of Congress

By Paul Engel

August 22, 2023

  • What powers does the Constitution delegated to the legislative branch of government?
  • Most of the powers delegated to Congress are found in Article I, Section 8, but not all of them.
  • How can we complain about our representatives in Congress not staying within the limits of the Constitution if we keep electing them to do so?

I encourage people to ask questions. I believe there are only two “stupid” questions in the world: The one you don’t ask and the one you ask three times. Questions are important. We cannot truly learn unless we ask questions. Several weeks ago I posted the article The Role of Congress. I was pleased when I was asked a question about that article. Specifically, what are the powers of Congress? This article is the answer to that question.

Legislative Powers

We find most of the powers delegated to Congress in Article I, Section 8, but not all of them. As I pointed out in the article on the role of congress, Article I, Section 1, states:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 1

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, that legislative power is:

LEGISLATIVE, adjective

Capable of enacting laws

LEGISLATIVE – Websters 1828 Dictionary

So the first, and most important power, delegated to Congress is the sole power of enacting laws. Yes, the President can veto a bill before it becomes law, but Congress has the power to override such a veto. We find this in Article I, Section 7, Clause 2

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 7, Clause 2

We find the power of impeachment, and the trial thereof, in Sections 2 and 3 of Article I.

The House of Representatives …shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2, Clause 5

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. 

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 3, Clause 6

Which brings us to Section 8.

Section 8

As I stated before, we find the majority of the powers delegated to Congress in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. There are 18 clauses delegating power solely to the Congress as a whole. This represents the vast majority of the powers delegated to the United States.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 1

This is where Congress is delegated the power to lay and collect taxes. Yes, even taxes on income. Before the Sixteenth Amendment, the collection of any taxes directly from the people, including on income, was to be apportioned to the states.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

The Sixteenth Amendment did not add the power for Congress to collect income taxes, but to do so without apportionment to the states.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union,

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3

Notice that this is not a general power of taxation. Congress can only collect taxes to do three things:

  • Pay the debts of the United States.
  • Provide for the common defense of the United States.
  • The general welfare of the United States.

While paying the debts and the common defense of the United States seem pretty well understood, this General Welfare Clause has been used illegally to expand the powers of the federal government for decades. Notice that Congress only has the power to collect taxes for the general welfare of the United States, not the several states or the people, but only the United States.

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 2

This is another example of Congress abusing their power. One amendment I would love to see added to the Constitution would be to restrict this power to borrow money.

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3

Three for three. This clause, known as the Commerce Clause, says Congress can only regulate commerce with three entities: Foreign nations, the several states, and the Indian tribes. Not to regulate commerce in general, or anything that might pass through interstate commerce, but only the actual commerce that travels between these entities.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 4

Congress has the power to create rules for naturalization: How someone becomes a citizen. That would logically include the rules for when someone is a citizen. Congress also creates bankruptcy laws throughout the United States.

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 5

Congress has the power to coin (create) money and regulate its value. It also has the power to regulate the value of foreign currency and establish standard weights and measures. If you’ve ever wondered why the United States never adopted the metric system, part of the reason is because enough people couldn’t convince enough members of Congress to do so.

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 6

If a government issues money or instruments that promise to pay a debt (securities), what happens when someone makes counterfeits? It not only defrauds the person who accepts, them, but devalues all of the actual legal tender in everyone else’s pocket. That is why Congress has the power to determine what the punishment should be for such crimes.

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 7

Ever wonder why every town has its own post office? Because Congress has the power to establish post offices. Most of the time these post offices are created to serve the people who live in that town. Sometimes though, they’re there to give the local Congressman a political bump. Want to make townsfolk happy? Give them a post office closer than the one they have. Already have a post office? No problem, just find a reason to build a new one.

Then we have the “post roads”. What is a post road? In the colonial days and the early days of the republic, post roads were how the mail got from post office to post office. Today, things are a bit different. Not only does the mail travel on everything from back roads to interstate highways, but by the air as well. So what are today’s post roads? The closest thing to post roads I can think of is the Interstate Highway system, even though that’s not why it was created. Of course, the fact that Congress can only establish post roads hasn’t stopped them from building and funding all sorts of roads across the county.

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8

Remember Clause 1, where Congress has the power to lay and collect taxes? Of the three things Congress can collect taxes for, grants, loans, and other ways to “invest” in the arts and sciences is not one of them. Congress can establish copyrights and patents, but that’s the only way they can legally promote science and the arts.

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 9

Remember the article The Role of the Federal Courts? Article III, Section 1 reads:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 1

If the judicial power of the United States is going to include courts inferior to the Supreme Court ordained and established by Congress, then Congress needs the power to create those tribunals.

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 10

One of the problems under the Articles of Confederation was each state could have a different set of rules and punishments for international crimes. Under the Constitution, there would be one set of rules and punishments for crimes on the high seas and violations of international laws.

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 11

While we’re talking about international relations, let’s talk about war. Congress has the power to declare war, but there are no standards about how it’s to do so. Sure, Congress can pass a resolution declaring war, but we haven’t done that since 1941. If Congress funds military actions just like a war, but doesn’t call them wars, does that make a difference? Part of war in the 18th century included privately owned ships, who acted for a country under letters of marque.

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 12

If the United States was going to declare war, it was going to need an army. The Framers had dealt with full-time professional armies, and they were concerned about a military coup. That’s why no appropriation of money for an army can be for longer than two years. That way, any army would have to come back to Congress for funding every two years.

To provide and maintain a Navy;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 13

If you’re going to have an army, you really need a navy as well, but who is going to set the rules?

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 14

Congress makes the rules for the military. Yes, the President is the Commander in Chief, but he works under the rules established by Congress.

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 15

Again, most people think it’s the President who calls up the militia, but legally it’s Congress. However, the militia cannot be called up for just any reason. The only things Congress can use the militia for is to execute U.S. Law, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. Makes you wonder about all those National Guard units being deployed overseas, doesn’t it?

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 16

Since the militias belong to their home state when not called up to serve the United States, it’s easy to see how training and discipline standards could vary. By placing the organization and discipline standards in the hands of Congress, the militias will be able to work together when called into service.

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 17

This clause does two things. 1) Authorizing a federal district to become the seat of government, and 2) Giving Congress legislative power over federal land.

Let’s start with the district. Most people are aware of the ten miles square, but forget that states had to cede the land and Congress had to accept it. While both Maryland and Virginia originally ceded land for the district, Virginia asked, and was eventually granted, its land back.

Some people want the District of Columbia to become a state, forgetting not only that it would be a violation of the Constitution to do so, but that the purpose of the district is to be the seat of the government of the United States, not the hometown of the 670,000 who live there today.

As to the legislative power over federal land, that’s limited by this clause to specific places; forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings. Also, all of this land needs to be purchased with the consent of the legislature of the state. That brings into question not only the Louisiana Purchase, but the acquisition of the entire western U.S., including Alaska and Hawaii.

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 18

If you remember, in the separation of powers Congress legislates and the President executes. Congress has the power to make laws necessary and proper to make sure the powers vested in the United States by the Constitution are put into effect. That means that any legislation putting into effect a power not delegated to the United States is neither necessary nor proper. In fact, according to Alexander Hamilton and multiple Supreme Court opinions, such laws are void and as meaningless as if they had never been passed.

There is no position which depends on clearer principles, than that every act of a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor of the commission under which it is exercised, is void. No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid. To deny this, would be to affirm, that the deputy is greater than his principal; that the servant is above his master; that the representatives of the people are superior to the people themselves; that men acting by virtue of powers, may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Paper #78

Other Powers

There are other powers delegated to Congress. For example, in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 we find:

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law:

U.S. Constitution, Article, II, Section 2, Clause 2

Speaking of the Presidency, there is a rumor that has been going around claiming that Congress certifies the election held within the Electoral College. That is not true.

the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XII

The only role Congress has in the election of the President is to observe the counting of the votes of the electors in each state.

Then there’s the Full Faith and Credit Clause:

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. 

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 1

Congress determines how the public acts and records of the states are proved and what their affect is.

Congress has the power to admit new states into the union.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1

They also may dispose of and make rules and regulations for the territories of the United States.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State. 

U.S. Constitution, Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2

Lastly, Congress has the power to propose amendments to the Constitution and to determine if their ratification shall be by vote of the legislature or by convention in each state.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, …, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; 

U.S. Constitution, Article V

That’s it. While the vast majority of the powers delegated to the United States are delegated to Congress, these are all of them.


This was not an in-depth look at each of the powers delegated to Congress. For that I suggest you take a look at my book, The Constitution Study. I hope you found this overview of the powers of Congress a good companion to The Role of Congress. I want to thank those who asked for this, and encourage all of you, if you have a question, please ask. You can find the Ask a Question button on The Constitution Study website.

It is my hope that, by better understanding the powers of Congress, we can stop asking our representatives to do what they are not legally allowed to do. After all, how can we expect them to stop violating their oath to support the Constitution if we keep electing them to do so?

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Can Donald Trump Sue the State of Georgia?

By: Devvy

August 21, 2023

This fourth indictment is like something from an alternative universe.  Can’t be real but it is and serious as a heart attack.  The law means nothing to rotten, corrupt Democrats in public offices and too many Democrat voters.  It is beyond obscene.  The American people are seeing this pile-on as purely political.

Those DA’s are trying to time the trials to burn up Trump’s campaign time during the upcoming primaries.  That’s their game plan right there for all to see.  The Fulton County indictment by DA Fani Willis with 19 defendants leaves one speechless.  Desired trial date is March 4, 2024, the day before Super Tuesday with 16 states holding their primaries; 8 days before GA primary.  Dream on, Fani.  19 Defendants with how many attorneys each?  How many motions will be filed?  Depositions?  And don’t forget the courts take long breaks for Thanksgiving and Christmas eating up your prep time regarding motions.

I’ve read all four indictments.  Read endless legal opinions on line from Dershowitz to Turley.  Will Trump get convicted?  Can he pardon himself? There isn’t a snow ball’s chance in hell Trump can get a fair trial in NY, DC and Fulton County, GA.  Florida is different.  But that’s what those cockroaches are counting on:  Personal hatred by jurors directed right at Trump.

I am not a lawyer and have no legal training but I can read and analyze.  The “hush-money” indictment is farcical and should have been flushed down the toilet on day one.  The classified documents indictment is also bogus junk.

Can Trump sue the State of Georgia?  I overnight mailed this information to Trump; priority mail to his Chief Senior Adviser at the WH, Stephen Miller and his NV election fraud attorney, Jesse Binnell, in Oct. 2020.  If Trump would have done this in those ‘swing’ states, it would have been a whole different outcome.  Response from any of them?  Crickets.  The circus that followed with all those court challenges got blown away by partisan judges who completely ignored the U.S. Supreme Court.

Ballot dumps in the middle of the night in most of the swing states. Judges allowing mail in ballots be counted as long as two weeks AFTER election day.  I watched all the televised (on C-SPAN or alternative sites since I don’t own a propaganda box, TV) hearings, committee hearings, you name it.  Read all the court decisions.  It was sickening.

When I see a court case, I don’t just read it and say, oh, that sounds great, I’ll just sent it out to my email list or stick it in a column.  No, I go read the case, opinions by the judges or justices and those important footnotes.  You have to do this to fully understand a decision by a particular court whether county, state, federal or SCOTUS.

Federal elections end ON election DAY.  No more ballots counted after midnight.  No middle of the night ballot dumps.  In PA in one county, they just decided everyone was tired, went home and started counting ballots the next day in violation of federal statutes which include those all-important Electors!

This is germane to Nov. 2020:

United States Supreme Court – DILLON v. GLOSS, 256 U.S. 368 (1921) 256 U.S. 368 settled the question of when a constitutional amendment is actually ratified:  “That the Secretary of State did not proclaim its ratification until January 29, 1919, is not material, for the date of its consummation, and not that on which it is proclaimed, controls.”

For some murky reason no one knows:  On April 11, 2002, the State of Alabama decided out of the clear blue to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment – 89 years after the alleged ratification. On July 1, 2010, 97 years after the alleged ratification of that amendment, the State of Delaware ratified it.

On April 1, 2012, 99 years after the alleged ratification, the State of Maryland voted to ratify the Seventeenth Amendment. How interesting that nearly 100 years after the alleged ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and after people like me have been pounding on this issue for nearly thirty years, three states just up and decided to vote on an old constitutional amendment.  A CYA which meant nothing.  Ratification was 2 states short in 1913, therefore, the Seventeenth Amendment did not become an amendment to the Constitution.

Can Trump sue the State of Georgia for violating federal statute voting laws ignoring the U.S. Supreme Court?  Lying, cheating, illegitimate governor Katie Hobbs [D-AZ], another morally bankrupt professional political whore wants to follow DA Fanni’s lead:  Pig Pile: Katie Hobbs Says Arizona Should Prosecute Trump for Challenging 2020 Election (Audio), Aug. 16, 2022.  Hey – it’s good for campaign donations:  ‘We have an announcement’ | Fulton DA Willis launches fundraising website, August 10, 2023.  Aug. 14th big Fani announces indictment against Trump.

Leo Donofrio is an attorney who used to have an excellent web site dealing with election fraud and laws along with the lawsuits he filed.  I saved some of his postings because I learned a lot from them.  Posted on his web site after the Nov. 2020 fraud:

Foster v Love Oral Argument, Oct. 6, 1997

“If the state Legislatures would just sit down for an hour and listen to the oral argument in Foster v. Love, they would have such an easy time understanding their plenary authority was triggered at midnight after Nov. 3rd. (You may listen to the audio here.). Let’s examine some of the transcript:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg:  It is an election, and it seems to me, being an election it conflicts with the Federal single Election Day.”

“You can’t canvass for days/weeks on end. As Justice Ginsburg said, it’s “the Federal single Election Day.” And the unanimous opinion in this case was consistent with the oral argument, holding that “the election” must be consummated on “the day”.

“Justice Souter then had this heated (listen to it) exchange with the Louisiana Attorney General, who was knocked out cold at oral argument, and then lost in a 9-0 decision. That’s going to be the outcome now as well if the state Legislatures would stop being bullied by their governors, secretaries, and attorneys general, and start fighting to end the usurpation of their elector choosing plenary authority.”

I did find Leo while writing this column. He appears to active on social media, X (formerly Twitter; no one says X).   This is his X posting on Nov. 24, 2022.  Please click on the link for You Tube.  Leo gives a 23 min. breakdown of numbers in AZ for 2022.  I wish Leo would have used slides instead of his phone which makes it difficult to watch, but if you find time, watch it: EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL INTENT – ARIZONA 2022 ELECTION.  The difference in numbers between active and inactive voters should catch everyone’s attention.

Back in 2020, Leo also laid out how Trump should file a Quo Warranto.  I saved much of it from Leo’s site, but too long for this column.

Remember:  Federal election ballot counting is over at midnight.  Trump endorsed Blake Masters who went up against Second Amendment hater, useless, Sen. Mark Kelly in AZ which is a toxic waste dump drowning in election fraud.  Masters might be able to sue AZ, too, since they ignored the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision.  I wrote about this after the 2020 steal:  It wasn’t just Trump but all those federal house and Senate seats.

Of course, when you have GOP coward governors, Lt. Gov., Secretary of State and corrupt Democrat state legislators, we all see what happened.

One of the most concise explanations of Foster v Love is a must readElections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision), Nov. 18, 2020:

“The voters vote.  The officials count.  These combined actions form “the election,” and the election must be decided on the day.  States that failed to make a final selection of officeholder by midnight after Election Day have violated the statute, subjecting the nation at large to the very evils Congressionally mandated deadlines were drafted to prevent.

“Federal Election Day statutes were designed to curtail fraud, and to infuse a prima facie sense of integrity in our electoral process.  But these States – in failing to obey Congressional deadlines – have flagrantly attempted to preempt federal law.  This is certainly prohibited, and this is why the late election results are void.

“Citizens may file actions in the Federal District Courts and appeal all the way to the Supreme Court.  Get this information to your State Representatives and Senators.  Forward it to the White House if you know anyone with connections.  Blog it.  Video it.  Podcast it.  Share it in comments, please.  The President’s team has not made this argument yet.  They have not plead it.  And they must get up to speed.

“You were disenfranchised by the failure of States to follow federal law.   Your pursuit of happiness is directly infected.  You have a cause of action.   This is the peaceful, legal battle plan of the Republic.  Let’s roll.”

I doubt Trump ever saw my correspondence to him since I’m a nobody.  His attorneys took the losing path and here we are today.  But, I’m going to send it again this week to Trump and his legal spokeswoman, Alina Habba.  I believe Trump can sue the State of Georgia for violating federal statutes.  I don’t know the statute of limitations, but his attorneys should know.

Biden Flips Coveted Georgia, The Last State To Be Called By The AP, Nov. 19, 2020 – “The AP’s call came more than two weeks after Election Day…”  Remember what Justice Ginsberg said in that 9-0 decision?  What GA, PA, NV, WI, MI and other states did is count past election day ignoring SCOTUS’ decision.  Same with AZ, Nov. 11, 2020:  Half a million ballots still to be opened in Arizona

Want to play hard ball, Fani?  The AZ indictment is a baloney RICO.  Trump allegedly knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to change the outcome of the election?  The DNC’s media pimps always say “overturn the election.” No.  He made a phone call and he exercised his right – as did his attorneys and those who worked for him as federal employees at the time – to question the vote count.   Just like herAccording to the New Rules, Shouldn’t Stacey Abrams be Prosecuted?, Aug. 15, 2023

When pigs fly:  Biden Leads PA After 700,000 Votes Found in Philadelphia, Sheriff Refuses Order Allowing GOP Observers – “Literally overnight, President Trump’s lead vanished in Pennsylvania, a state plagued with voter fraud with officials that are actively ignoring election law to manipulate ballots.”

Those votes could not be counted because Election Day was over: “Last Updated on November 6, 2020 – “Overnight, literally, on the second day after the 2020 General Election, the sizable lead that Republican President Donald Trump held over his challenger, Democrat candidate Joe Biden, vanished into thin air as more mystery ballots emerged.

“Just as in the dark-of-night ballot dumps in Wisconsin and Michigan that bumped Biden up in the vote totals by tranches of 150,000 and 200,000 votes – with not a single vote in those dumps was tallied for the Trump campaign. The statistical viability of that happening is zero.”

Fani, honey:  Your state violated federal statutes (counting and electors) and Trump should have the right to sue.  None of the lawsuits filed in those ‘swing’ states should ever have happened because those states violated a federal statute backed by the U.S. Supreme Court.  The election should have been declared VOID no matter how much screeching and hair pulling by the Democrat/Communist Party USA and their pimp media.

Trump was denied a fair and legal election.  His rights were violated by the State of Georgia as well as AZ, PA, MI, WI, MI and NV who declared Biden the winner 4 days after Election Day and likely many other states who kept counting federal votes after midnight ON Nov. 3, 2020.  Can he sue?  I’m not a lawyer but I sure wish to God Trump’s lawyers would file a lawsuit and shove this indictment right down big Fani’s throat.  Perhaps it could go straight to the Supreme Court since it’s the court’s decision in 1997 the State of Georgia ignored.

(Short video.  Relax FBI, this is about activism, not grabbing muskets. Number one is to stop our elections from being stolen.  Again.)

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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Georgia:  Short video of the same ballots being put into tabulator machines over and over.

CHRIS WRAY STRIKES AGAIN! Georgia Election Workers Caught Jamming Stacks of Ballots Through Machines Multiple Times After Observers Removed from Building – CLEARED BY FBI – Jamming Stacks of Selected Ballots Through Voting Machines Is Now Legal in the USA!, Aug. 16, 2023

Donofrio Speaks Out on New Trump Indictments, August 1, 2023 Post & Mail (Excellent site)

Leo’s posting May 16, 2023:  2/2 STRONG GROUND TO APPEAL @KariLake

GOP Rep. Palmer: Special Counsel David Weiss Should Be Investigated for Obstruction of Justice, August 19, 2023

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told Charlie Kirk a reliable source told him Fulton County DA Fani Willis got a phone call from DC on Friday demanding she indict Trump on Monday to cover up for the Weiss-Hunter Biden “screw up.”

First 24 GOP “Debate” 8/23/23

By Lex Greene

August 21, 2023

Still pretending as though we have lawful legitimate elections in the USA, hosted by Fox News (aka The DeSantis Channel), the Fox team is ramping up for the first so-called debate of the 2024 Presidential race this Wednesday evening.

Everyone at FOX and everyone who will appear on the stage, knows that the 2020 elections were blatantly stolen by O’Biden’s DNC, backed by “deep state” Military, Justice, and Intel community traitors. They all know it, but only Ramaswamy has the intestinal fortitude to say it. The rest work with DC traitors to keep Trump out of the White House.

As we head into the event, only eight GOP candidates have qualified for the debate stage and as of this writing, current aggregate poll numbers look like this

TRUMP – 55.5%

DeSANTIS – 14.5%


PENCE – 5.2%

HALEY – 3.3%

SCOTT – 2.7%


BURGUM – 0.5%

The rest who tossed their hat in the ring couldn’t meet the polling and fund-raising thresholds to qualify for the debate stage. They simply have no real support. Of course, neither do at least five of the eight who made the debate. Like Chris Christie says, “this is the first time they can speak to a real audience,” because nobody shows up for their campaign stops.

At best, this is a three-way race, Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy. But in realityTrump holds a 41-point lead over DeSantis, a 48.3-point lead over Ramaswamy and more than a 50-point lead over all others who made the debate stage. Democrats have done a fantastic job of making Trump the obvious GOP nominee by turning voters towards Trump in their endless efforts to destroy Trump with false accusations and political persecutions.

Democrats continue to make Trump the most popular political figure on earth. Trump might not even need to campaign, like Biden in 2020. He’ll win in a landslide strictly because “the people” of all political stripes are figuring out that what they see democrats (and some republicans) doing to Trump, can and will be done to them if democrats were to succeed in destroying Trump.

People are supporting Trump to defend themselves from Obama’s global criminal cabal, who hate the average American as much as they hate Trump. Everyone on the debate stage who falls into this trap set for them will lose what little support they currently have. Voters from the political spectrum are fed up with the criminal O’Biden regime using taxpayer funds to attack their political opponents with the weaponized Justice Department.

Normally, I would want every serious candidate to face their opponents on every debate stage. But in this case, Trump holds such a commanding lead that it might be a better strategic play for him to sit this one out, letting his opponents dig their own graves.

These seven candidates have a high hurdle to clear this Wednesday night. None are likely to close the gap with Trump because all of them will be pushed by moderators to talk about Trump, rather than themselves, granting Trump even more free publicity without any need to even show up.

The debate is highly likely to turn into a scripted Trump-bashing event. Only two candidates in the race are “political outsiders” critical of the DC establishment, Trump and Ramaswamy. The rest are all longtime political operatives who have had years to do things they will talk about on Wednesday evening, without ever keeping any of their past campaign promises.

Except for Ramaswamy, everyone else on the debate stage this week is a RNC “deep state” actor in the race simply to derail Trump. Pretty much every GOP voter knows it.

Republican and even Democrat and Independent voters are shifting hard in Trump’s favor due to the blatant weaponization of O’Biden’s DC cabal. So, GOP candidates who join O’Biden’s attack on Trump Wednesday night, will drive voters away from themselves as well.

Until we hold criminals fully accountable for the massive election fraud in 2020, we won’t ever have lawful elections again.

But I’ll be watching this debate, for entertainment value. Never get in the way of your enemies while they are busy digging their own grave… Nothing is more entertaining than watching traitors dig their own hole!

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: lexgreene23@mailfence.com

The Life You Were Born To Live: Finding Your Way, By Choice

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 21, 2023

Just for a week, I want to leave my series on Travels With Charley II, to give you or members of your family, especially high school kids, a better understanding as to what they want in life and how to discover their life’s path.  Please send this column to any and all family members who have teenagers.  Or, any family members who are floundering or are wondering what to do with their lives.

I remember my senior year in high school: I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life.  I had no idea on how to find my path!  My dad had died in my 11th grade year, which left me even more confused about my life.  I carried a daily gut ache over his passing, and complete confusion as to what life had in store for me.

My mom said, “You’re going to college.  Just get those applications into those schools and pray you get accepted.”

Well, I lucked out to be accepted at Michigan State University.  My father had earned a baseball scholarship to Western Michigan University, but WWII pulled him into the United States Marines. He fought in the South Pacific.  He lived…so here I am along with my siblings.

But the one thing they never teach you in high school…is how to operate in this society. How do you balance a check book? What about investing in the Stock Market?  What do you do about a job and how to find one that fits you?  How do you find a marriage partner that works for you?  What happens when you drink and drive?  What does it mean to be a responsible citizen who contributes to this society?

Luckily, after busting my rear-end studying to keep my 2-S student deferment, to let me graduate before the U.S. Army drafted me into Vietnam, I took a class, Creative Writing 201, in my sophomore year under Mrs. Beatrice Moynihan.  She introduced me to Jack London, John Muir, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Edward Abbey, Kahlil Gabran, Ernest Hemmingway, Joseph Conrad, Upton Sinclair, Rudyard Kipling, Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Amelia Earhart, Nellie Bly, Helen Keller, Edith Wharton, and a host of other writers.  They all set my soul on fire.  My newfound major: Journalism!

Why am I writing this column?  First of all, I became a teacher after serving in the U.S. Army.  I discovered that kids stumbled out of high school not knowing what to do with themselves. They stumbled into jobs. They stumbled into marriages.  They didn’t know where they were going or what they were doing.

They also carried a raft of personal tragedies such as drunken fathers, abuse by their dads, poor parents who berated them, mothers who misguided their daughters…and an enormous amount of societal and family problems.  How did I find all of this out?  Answer: In college, I gave haircuts to guys on weekends for a buck a head. It put coins in my pocket, but also, I heard more stories about their lives than you can imagine.   I learned a great deal about human nature. I took notes.

Anyway, while I taught school, I traveled on my bicycle each summer…piling up tons of unusual stories.  I took notes.  I submitted those stories to magazines.  Guess what? The editors liked them, published them, and paid me.  Not that it was an easy path, mind you. After my first eight children’s books…and hundreds of rejections…I kept at it for 22 years until my first book published.  That’s why I always worked a second job.

One of my customers whom I moved from Detroit to Tampa, Florida said, “You don’t seem like a truck driver.”

I replied, “You’re right! I am a writer temporarily driving an 18-wheeler.”

From all those experiences, I’d like to see every person in America find their dream, chase their dream, catch their dream, and live their dream.  We would enjoy a much happier society if everyone worked at a job they loved, that meant something to them, and that contributed to the overall good of our country.

So, here goes!  These are some of the books that will give any person at any age a leg-up on what to do with their lives.  They’re all on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

The Life You Were Born To Live by Dan Millman.  I met Dan 25 years ago when he gave a seminar in Denver. We’ve kept in contact over the years. He wants to see everyone live happy lives, too.  He discovered the 37 pathways of life that will enhance each person. Just follow his formula in the book to find out about “The life you were born to live.”  You will be glad you did.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. Her brilliant book shows you how to live a creative work life. I bought it on audio and have read it 40 times.  Yes, 40 times. It’s THAT good!

The Enneagram Made Easy by Wagle & BaronYou will fit into one through nine personality traits.  Any of the Enneagram books will show you your personality traits and your strengths for work and your weaknesses. You can work on the positives and be aware of your weaker traits.  If every parent would find out their child’s traits and support their natural paths, we would see incredible improvements in schools and curriculums.

The Career Within You by Wagle and Stabb.  Each of us possesses a little “engine” that wants to do what it wants to do.  Harness it and drive yourself toward a destiny that you love.

Living Your Spectacular Life by Frosty Wooldridge.  Okay, I wrote this book because friends said, “You’re living such a spectacular life…why don’t you show us how to do it.”  I said, “I can do that.”   This book features 12 concepts and practices that you can plug into at any age to find your dream, chase your dream, catch your dream and live your dream.

In the end, I would love to see you, your friends, your kids and everyone in America, and across the planet working jobs that fulfill them, that inspire them, that give them meaning, and that satisfy their love of life.  When you love your work, you love your family, you’re much happier, you’re kinder to your family, you love your community, you love your country, and you love your life.  It doesn’t get any better than that. Vaya con Dios.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Rainbow Flag Conquered America Right Under the Noses of the Sleeping Churches

By Rob Pue

August 20, 2023

On June 17th, Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin was packed with people.  It was the usual crowd shopping at the Farmer’s Market, but those shoppers were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people who came to watch — or participate in — the annual “Naked Bike Ride.”

You heard me right, and this was the 13th Annual Naked Bike Ride around the Capitol Square.  Most of the bike riders were completely nude, though many were decorated with body paint, and of course, the “Rainbow Flag” was prominent as well.  I’ve always just shaken my head at this annual event, assuming it was just another perversion that could only happen in the reprobate city of Madison, home of the “Freedom From Religion Foundation.”

But this year, I learned that this event is world-wide and has been going on since 2001…but only came to Wisconsin 13 years ago.  The first Naked Bike Ride took place in Spain that year.  By 2004, there were Naked Bike Rides in 28 cities in ten countries.  Just six years later, the event boasted 74 cities in 17 countries.  Today, there are Naked Bike Rides in every US state.  It turns out that Madison, Wisconsin is “small potatoes” compared to some of the others.  Madison only had 150 or so riding their bikes naked around the state capitol building.  In Portland, there were more than 10,000.  Their stated purpose for these rides is to “support a positive body image;” (In other words, “pride”) as well as to “lessen our dependence on fossil fuels.”  (Gimme a break!)

How can this be allowed?  What about laws against “indecent exposure,” public nudity or “lewd and lascivious behavior?”  Every state has different laws regarding these things.  In California, for instance, public nudity hasn’t been considered a crime since 2000.  But even where “indecent exposure” laws are on the books, enforcement of those laws is very lax.

I remember in the 1970s, when “streaking” was popular in some places.  People laughed it off.  Ray Stevens even did a comedic song about it in 1974.  But what may have started as a “joke” is no laughing matter anymore. Today, those that take part in these very public events have an agenda, and it has little to do with supporting a positive body image, and only the most ignorant, “woke” college-educated Ph.D.s or public school teachers  believe it has anything at all to do with “climate change” due to fossil fuels.

Now, I would imagine, if I were to go to my local county courthouse, remove all of clothes and ride around the building on my bike, I’d likely be stopped by law enforcement and very likely taken to a mental health facility for observation and evaluation, which is what should happen.  I may even be given a citation for indecent exposure.  BUT, if I were to do so carrying a rainbow flag, none of that would happen.

You see, the rainbow flag is magical — it automatically erases all laws on the books.  Likewise, if any normal person were to expose themselves during a Fourth of July parade or festival, there would be some sort of negative consequences — unless they were holding that magical rainbow flag.  Then, it’s all ok.  And if a man were to dress up like a woman and go to a city park, and begin dancing, nearly naked, in front of little children, not so long ago, that man would have been charged with serious crimes and likely earn the life-long status as a “sex offender.”  But not if he’s got the flag!

What a magical thing that rainbow flag has become.  It even allows pornography to be handed out in schools and public libraries to little kids.  It even allows young children to be mentally abused and physically mutilated — legally, by so-called “doctors,” for profit.

It even forces those who are unwilling to participate in the sodomite agenda or activities to do so, or face millions in legal fees and years in prison, in order to continue doing business — as a baker, photographer, graphic designer, website builder or wedding venue host.  What an amazing tool this rainbow flag has become!  It nullifies all laws on the books; it suspends all constitutional rights of those who oppose it and it gives a free pass for perverted men and women to do as they please, not only indulging their own personal perversions in public, but also forcing the rest of society to celebrate these abominations as well.

But in most places in America, you still really can’t get away with any of these things —  without that rainbow flag.  Imagine a police officer encountering a pedophile who is actively seducing and twisting the minds of young children in a public place.  Regardless of whether or not the child’s parents were present, if this were taking place, the pedophile would be on his way to jail.  But not if he’s got a rainbow flag.  That magical thing stops law enforcement dead in their tracks.

Recently, we’ve heard a great deal about child sex trafficking and record numbers of people being prosecuted for having child porn on their computers and phones.  And they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  In my opinion, if you harm a child, there’s no penalty sufficient enough for you — with the exception of the millstone you’ve earned yourself.

Jesus made it quite clear when He said, “it would be better for that person to have a millstone tied around his neck and he be cast into the depths of the sea.”  “Such intolerance and bigotry” from our Savior, some will say.  Well, Jesus took this much more seriously than we do.  Deep sea divers will tell you what happens to the human body when you go too deep too quickly.  Your eyes, lungs and internal organs implode because of the pressure.  So when Jesus spoke of the millstone and being cast into the depths of the sea, He didn’t simply mean the person would drown.  And His listeners knew exactly what that meant too.  Harming a child deserves the harshest of penalties.

But the LGBTQP+ movement has become so strong, so powerful, and so all-encompassing, that it is now preying openly on young children.  Last year, even Taco Bell held a series of Drag Queen Dance Party Brunches at some of their restaurants around the country.  This evil, twisted sickness has gone mainstream.

“Pride” parades and festivals have grown in popularity nationwide very quickly over the past few years.  From coast to coast, in big cities and (and now especially in small towns), the sin of Sodom is presented as “family- and child-friendly.”  Nevermind the fact that sodomite sex is simulated by nearly-naked or completely naked men on the streets and on parade floats, in full view of children from babies through college-age kids.  That rainbow flag is there, so it’s all “ok.”

They’re no longer even trying to hide the fact that they’re coming for our children.  Two years ago, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released a video, which is still on YouTube called “We’ll Convert Your Children.”  At the New York City Pride Parade this past June, the mob in the parade chanted, “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re coming for your children!”  And of course, the good old Target stores are also increasingly targeting children in their marketing and sale of homosexual and “transgender” clothing and accessories, designed exclusively for young kids.

While it sickens me to do this, I’m going to quote for you now, excerpts from “The Homosexual Manifesto,” written by Michael Swift, and entered into the Congressional Record in 1987…

“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.

“Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep.  Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other….All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially…we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.

“We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks…Those who oppose us will be exiled. We shall raise vast private armies,  to defeat you…The family unit will be abolished…All churches who condemn us will be closed…For us too much is not enough.”

These are just excerpts from this Manifesto, but you can find the entire thing online if you choose.  Suffice to say, the vulgar demon of Sodom has risen, once again, and it’s stronger than ever, supported by every major corporation in the world with trillions of dollars.

The Rainbow Flag is one of conquest, and when state houses and the US Capitol building fly it, it symbolizes the LGBTQP+ mob’s complete domination and conquering of our nation.  It renders all laws null and void. All must submit.  If you dare defy the almighty demon of sodomy and perversion, you will be persecuted and assaulted.

True Christ-followers are, however, pushing back. Like Gideon’s army the faithful remnant is few in numbers, but there are always at least a few real Christians speaking out against this abomination.  Recently, a young man in Watertown, Wisconsin, was arrested at the “pride fest” there.  His crime?  Standing across the street and praying.  Police officers converged on him as if he were the uni-bomber.  This happens to Christians whenever they attempt to push back against the sodomite demon.  Because the sodomites are now the protected class, the ruling class, and the rest of us have become their slaves.

And as I said, the faithful remnant of true Christ-followers is few in number.  Most so-called “Christian” churches are now embracing this deathstyle too.  Entire denominations are now preaching the demonic lies of their LGBTQP+ masters.  But these are not “churches,” they’re synagogues of Satan.  Some of these include the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Alliance of Baptists, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the American National Catholic Church, the Ecumenical Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church USA, the Reformed Church in America, the Friends General Conference (Quakers) and even some in the Mennonite Church USA.

Christians who dare speak against this are often accused of trying to “legislate morality.” The truth is, they’ve learned how to legislate — and strictly enforce — immorality.  Christians are often accused by sodomites of trying to shove our “religion” down their throats.  But look where we are today.  Just WHO is trying to shove WHAT down WHOSE throats?

The sodomite demon has conquered America, and the dumb, sleeping churches, led by hireling, cowardly “pastors” have let it happen, for the love of popularity and money — the root of all evil.  The Rainbow Flag is a symbol of conquest, and it’s everywhere you look now, especially wherever children may be found.  But God’s remnant remains, and the gates of hell will not prevail against His anointed.  Stand firm.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Detecting False Prophets

by Rolaant McKenzie

August 20, 2023

Over the years, establishment scientific, political, and mass media organizations have echoed the mantra, “Follow the science!”, whenever it promoted a particular agenda they favored. In true science, transparency and honesty are crucial. Empirical data is available for evaluation, questions, debate, criticism, replication, and the formulation of theories based on this process. Appeals to authority, where the ever-changing pronouncements of promoted “experts” are to be believed and obeyed without question, do not constitute legitimate science. It is merely propaganda to facilitate control.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (2008) is an American documentary film starring Ben Stein, an American writer, actor, comedian, and commentator on political and economic issues. The film dealt with the theory of Darwinian evolution, Intelligent Design, and perils to the freedom of scientific inquiry.

Stein interviewed several scientists and professors, some who affirmed the dogma of evolution as the only theory to be considered scientific and others who faced persecution, threats to their careers, loss of research funding, and other sanctions for considering Intelligent Design as an alternative explanation for the origin of the universe.

The film presented Darwinian evolution as an inspiration for atheism, racism, eugenics, Marxism, fascism, Nazism, and genocide. An indication of this was shown from the original 1859 title of Charles Darwin’s book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

The environment in many academic establishments was described in the documentary as very hostile to any theory that did not adhere to orthodox evolutionary doctrine. Like the repressive political systems mentioned before, data manipulation, censorship, and cancellation were common tools used to maintain the approved narrative and quash open scientific analysis and debate.

Climate change (previously called global cooling, then global warming) has typically been described as significant variations in average weather conditions over several decades or more caused by human use of oil, gas, and industrial practices that release carbon dioxide and methane.

Some promoted climate scientists, political figures, billionaires, and elite global organizations used computer climate models to make predictions about the direction of the world’s climate. They used mass media outlets around the world to raise the alarm that the use of oil and gas, carbon dioxide, and methane needed to be drastically reduced or eliminated to save the earth from destruction. This often included calls for people around the globe to embrace an austere way of life, including giving up the freedom to travel when desired, removing meat from the diet in favor of bugs, and promoting depopulation policies.

When efforts were made by some climatologists to analyze the data used to create these climate models, they were too often blocked in various ways from doing so. Sometimes, when data gathering methods were leaked to the public, data manipulation, concealment of data not fitting the current narrative, and misleading conclusions were discovered, casting doubt on the dire predictions being made and their supposed remedies.

One such example was the leaked e-mail controversy regarding the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, mid-November 2009. The leaked e-mails and documents purportedly exchanged between some of the world’s leading climate scientists revealed more than a decade of collusion and data manipulation to “prove” the reality of climate change, that it was caused by human activity, and efforts made to censor and cancel scientists who called into question their conclusions.

For several decades prior to this event, promoted scientists have made various predictions of global catastrophe by a certain period of time if nothing was done to combat first global cooling, then global warming, and now climate change.

Dr. Paul Ehrlich, a modern-day Malthusian and author of The Population Bomb (1968), is an American biologist best known for his pessimistic predictions and warnings regarding the consequences of population growth and limited resources. To save the earth, he called for population control through sanctions against families having children and allowing masses of people to starve to death. His dire predictions have failed to come true over the decades of population growth, yet he is still promoted in certain circles as an authority in this area.

While not a scientist, Greta Thunberg has been a prominent activist on the world stage, warning that climate change will destroy humanity if oil and gas continue to be used over the next five years. She posted this now-deleted prediction on Twitter on June 21, 2018.

The web link to the article she referenced, “Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct If We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023” (February 19, 2018), now goes to a website that no longer exists, but one can read it and its failed predictions at the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

On August 8, 2023, John Stossel interviewed Dr. Judith Curry, an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She said that the media loved her when she co-authored a 2005 study seeking to show a dramatic increase in hurricane intensity due to global warming, and environmental advocacy groups and climate alarmists treated her like a rock star, flying her to various places to discuss her findings with politicians.

When some scientists criticized her work by pointing out gaps in her research that did not include years with low levels of hurricanes, Dr. Curry had the integrity to investigate their criticisms and concluded that they were right. She realized that her previous conclusions came from bad data and the reality of natural climate variability. Dr. Curry also came to realize that the so-called overwhelming scientific consensus surrounding climate change was manufactured to incentivize the desire of many scientists for fame and fortune.

Like the failed predictions of Dr. Ehrlich and Ms. Thunberg, those of promoted climate scientists and their global elitist supporters over the last several decades have also failed to come to pass. However, this has not deterred them from making new predictions and calling for the same austere remedies as they travel about the world in their private jets, yachts, and luxury cars and live in mansions (many of them oceanfront). Their actions betray a lack of belief in their predictions, but they are adamant that the rest of the world believe them and live a life of restrictions and poverty because of them.

In 2020, the flu-like COVID-19 respiratory illness, with a better than 99% survival rate, was presented as a global pandemic based on computer models, frequent manipulated testing, and mass media propaganda funded in significant part by the pharmaceutical industry. Promoted medical authorities such as Dr. Anthony Fauci used their pronouncements to steer people to the only allowed remedy for this illness: insufficiently tested experimental mRNA injections mislabeled as vaccines.

In coordination with pharmaceutical corporations, mass media, and other globalist organizations, government health officials promoted these injections as safe and effective and worked to bribe, shame, and coerce people in various ways to take them. Efforts were made to block the release of the data used to formulate these injections, censor, and cancel medical professionals promoting actual safe and effective alternative treatments such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Predictions were made by medical “experts” that locking down society, closing down small businesses, restricting freedom of movement, limiting gathering with family and friends, and muzzling people would end the supposed pandemic. But many of the global elitists and political leaders that enforced these policies did not really believe in them, since they often continued to participate in activities they forbade others to do.

The predicted death toll worldwide from COVID-19 by the medical authorities failed to come to pass, though it was used to stoke fear and push people to take experimental mRNA injections that have injured and killed millions of people. Government actions to lock down society caused far more harm to people than the illness itself.

Like the 850 spiritual “experts” paid by King Ahab through his wife Jezebel to mislead Israel into worshiping false gods (1 Kings 18:17-39), and as the once powerful tobacco industry used paid medical “experts” to convince people that there was no connection to cancer from smoking their cigarette products, the very powerful pharmaceutical industry has paid “experts” in medical institutions, public health agencies, and mass media to convince the world of the safety and efficacy of their products and downplay or cover up any debilitating or deadly side effects.

God’s word warns us not to automatically believe any spiritual authorities claiming to speak for Him because there are many deceivers in the world (2 Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1). He has provided a test to determine whether a person or religious organization speaks for Him or not.

“You may say in your heart, ‘How will we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?’ When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.” (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)

The false predictions and departures from essential biblical teaching expose pretend spokespersons for God such as Joseph Smith, Ellen White, the Watchtower Society, Herbert Armstrong, Harold Camping, and others as false prophets and teachers not to be followed.

This principle can also help us as we determine the veracity of powerful people and organizations that promote sweeping societal changes to resolve alleged global crises. If efforts to promote Darwinian evolution, climate change, and coerced experimental medical treatments for a supposed deadly disease include concealed or manipulated data, relentless propaganda, and false predictions, then those spearheading these efforts are false prophets. We should not fear them and definitely not follow them.

When Jesus was on earth with His disciples, He predicted several times how He would die and that He would rise from the dead on the third day (Matthew 16:21–23, 17:22-23, 20:17-19). He said this to them ahead of time so that they would believe in Him (John 14:29). His predictions came true, proving the truth of His teachings. His death on the cross is the full payment for sin and reconciliation with God for all who trust in Him.

The false teachers, prophets, and so-called spiritual “experts” of the world remain in their graves, but Jesus Christ is the only One who defeated death and rose again. Listen to Him! Believe in Him!

© 2023 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie: rolaant@gospeloutreach.net

Website: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/

Democrats & Their Partners Put Out Welcome Mat for Sex-Traffickers in Oregon

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

August 19, 2023

In February 1788, before the ratification of the Constitution, Thomas Cogswell, a Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Court, penned an address to members of New-Hampshire’s legislature. He was highlighting constitutional issues and provided some keen insight for us today.

First, “Be as zealous to ward off public evil as others are to bring it on,” because as Cogswell encourages his readers, “with diligence, you have a fair chance to prevent it for ages yet to come.”

This is a relevant for Oregon today as many unsound policies got passed by slim margins in the Democrat majority. I supported the denial of quorum effort by Republicans in the Senate to stop these same bills. In particular, the so-called reproductive health and gender-altering fiasco (HB 2002) and the unconstitutional anti-gun bill (HB 2005).

Through compromise Republicans did win some important victories. One important detail was beating back the assault against parental rights. Specifically, the original bill had a legal requirement that said, no healthcare service provider was allowed to inform any parent about the medical care their child was receiving. This effectively made all parents ne’er-do-wells and enemies of the state.

The black-brush narrative against Moms and Dads is entirely unwarranted and should have never been forwarded as a valid criticism against every parent and legal guardian in the state. There was never any legitimate reason to put all healthcare providers, administrators, or nurses under this mandatory gag-order and hide information from parents. HB 2002 should have been totally smashed and unseamed, from beginning to end.

Republicans successfully frayed the edges of this legislation but the ideological fabric of the bill continues to drape feel-good language over the brutal realities of surgical and chemical attempts to alter a child’s biological sex. The bill creates ghastly opportunities for medical service providers to game the system by sweeping young and purposefully confused youth into the transgender movement.

The Democrats and their Planned Parenthood partners have put out the welcome mat for sex-traffickers in Oregon. Portland is already the number one city for trafficking on the West coast. Gender confusion will get promoted by advancing this formidable precedent for Oregon as a transgender tourist destination. The no-cost patina and tax-payer funding of this scheme will draw countless youth into the mix by teasing young, naïve, immature and confused children into the promise of these questionable life altering procedures.

Planned Parenthood’s radical promotion of pre-teen sexual expression, exploration and potential grooming was successfully slowed by Republicans. However, it is still highly energized by money and the wholly inappropriate goal of sexualizing our youngest children and grandchildren.

Government schools struggle to teach reading, writing and arithmetic because the self-exploration and masturbation curriculum is far more tantalizing than any multiplication table. This collective impropriety is wreaking havoc at every level of governance. Government actors through political malfeasance are killing our culture.

A recent Medscape paper by Sun, et., al., noted the dropping age of gender dysphoria available in public data. “If gender dysphoria was an organic psychiatric illness, it would have steady epidemiological parameters. The enormous campaign for transgender acceptance, hypersexuality, and pornography introduced into schools appears to be working. As the data show, gender dysphoria is still largely a post-pubertal issue, however, the curves are reaching down to the pre-pubertal age groups.”

The current legislative session may be over but our call is to raise up an army of Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and families to join with me for the long-term battle against vulgarity, perversion and corruption. Fortitude and diligence will be needed for our success as we stand for the “wholesomeness” of our culture. We didn’t reach this point of cultural degradation overnight and the road before us will be filled with difficulties and opposition.

Cogswell has more to say,

“I had rather trust my purse in the hands of a sharper, than my liberties in the hands of any set of men, unless they are secured with restraints stronger than their temptations to destroy [liberty]; for the former by industry may be replenished; but liberty once lost, is scarce ever recovered.”

Cogswell is simply stating the obvious, men and women are corruptible and our liberties are at stake. Cogswell advises us to protect our liberties from the sharpers, wheedlers, and political grifters by not falling for their false promises, lies, and underhanded dealings. Our constitutions, laws, rules, statutes and regulations are in place to protect our lives, liberty, property and our own just pursuits. Yet, these very laws and constitutions can be twisted by the ambitious to further their own agenda to the neglect of the public good.

We have been chosen for this time to be engaged; to debate, deliberate, and decide some of Oregon’s most important matters. These matters will determine the path of our own prosperity and the freedoms that we win or lose.

Today’s effort will be for tomorrow’s children, families, Moms, and Dads who are yet to come. We know that strong, independent family units are the most important part of American freedom. Statistically, a properly functioning and stable family unit is the single most significant predictor for the health, prosperity and success of the next generation.

Our American heroes sacrificed their lives and fortunes in the enormous battles of history. Although President Biden recently mocked patriots, stating they would need “F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons” to fight against the bureaucratic state, this is not where our battles will take place. Instead, our battle will be waged within the sound, fury and turmoil of an ideological war all the way down to the local school board.

This battle is now at every Oregonians doorstep.

We have a duty to tell a different story. Our duty is to tell the Truth.

We cannot allow ourselves to lose hope because now is the time for drawing better men and women into our fold. Now is the time to articulate the beauty and dignity found in our Constitutional principles – religious freedom, parental rights, freedom of thought and speech, self-protection and the right to self-governance using the Hippocratic motto, “First, do no harm”.

Join with me in commemorating our nation’s Declaration of Independence, by committing yourself to freedom with their same degree of fervor.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: d4linthicum@gmail.com

Want to Save America? Short of Revolt, We Have to Play Hardball!

By Andrew Wallace

July 24, 2023

I will not ask you to do anything that I am not doing. I agree that if you exercise your First Amendment Rights to Freedom of Speech and Assembly, there is a possibility that the corrupt FBI will try to frame you…as they have a habit of doing.

As an active Patriot writer, I live with this reality every day. If you are doing your duty as a Patriot, so would you.

Exercising your Constitutionally-protected rights to persuade elected representatives and courts to obey the Constitution is your responsibility as a citizen.

Apathetic fence-sitters who don’t do their share are gutless freeloaders, not worthy of Constitutional protections and will not get them.

The powerful truth is that if Patriots make their feelings effectively known to legislators, sue them and ignore their fake laws, it will then become impossible for the Criminal Enterprise masquerading as a legitimate Government to exist.

If you have written the truth, and not advocated unlawful acts or performed criminal acts, they have no lawful basis to molest you (not always a deterrent).

In any case, the FBI has no police powers in the States other than for violations of the few federal laws that are Constitutional.

There are three categories of laws that are fake and can be ignored:

  1. Unconstitutional laws passed by Congress that are not authorized by the Enumerated Powers (which is the majority of them!).
  2. All laws, rules, and regulations initiated by ANY agency, department, or entity of the executive branch (administrative state), such as ATF, IRS, FBI, etc.
  3. Ordinary Citizens in the States can ignore all Executive Orders of the President, for they have no authority in the States, none. They apply only to creations and employees of the federal government!

Circumstances are so serious and deteriorating so rapidly that if you don’t participate effectively now, it will soon be too late. Most patriots talk a good game, but do nothing.

I think the criminal “rulers” will soon take the steps that will guarantee a guerrilla war by instituting CBDC currency, and threatening to take our guns. Either violation of the Constitution would lead to instant slavery and civil war.

Our Criminal Rulers, the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and their Communist minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are facilitating the unlawful entry of an army of illegal invaders. Giving any aid to invaders is specified as Treason in the Constitution, with the appropriate penalty. The PSRRC is subsidizing the invaders and the Communist city populations with federal tax money. It is unconstitutional to spend federal tax dollars on illegals, or for any kind of welfare for anyone!

Many writers refer to the Democrat and Republican parties as the Uniparty because they both take their orders from the PSRRC aka The Establishment aka The Swamp, etc. This is why you must play hardball and sue (petition) the government for your Rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution gives you this Right. If you are a citizen seeking your Rights under the Constitution, and the court or government says you have “No Standing”, you know it is a BS dodge.

Use most of your political donations to sue the pants off of the government for your Rights. Swamp them in suits. The lawyers could not do worse than the politicians.

If you want to hit these criminals where it hurts, file law suits demanding that all unconstitutional governmental departments be terminated. They cannot lawfully exist, anyway!  All expenditures supporting illegals must be terminated, borders must be closed, Illegals must be deported, federal welfare must be terminated and returned to states, the FBI must be terminated, the Federal Reserve Bank must be terminated.

If you want middle-class jobs back, you institute tariffs again sufficient to protect American workers from cheaper foreign labor. It is that simple.

If you want to stop drugs, you increase tariffs on Mexico and China until it stops. It is that simple.

If you want a Magic Bullet, a Blockbuster that solves most problems at one time, you sue the government to repeal all laws that don’t comply with Enumerated Powers and are unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want to stop inflation, wars for profit, and theft of your money, you sue government to return to Constitutional Money, which is gold and silver. It is that simple.

If you want government to spend more money on its people, you sue government to stop foreign aid, which is unconstitutional. It is that simple.

If you want justice, you sue government to follow the Constitution and use Militia of the  several States to enforce laws of the Union (as specified in the Constitution) and prosecute all of the politicians who should be in jail. It is impossible to have a Constitutional Republic as long as the corrupt FBI exists!

When unconstitutional departments and laws are terminated, there will be no need for most of the 600-700 federal district judges. Half of income tax collected in a state can and should be returned to that state.

When the federal government is operating in accordance with the Constitution, the income tax can be terminated. Remember that all welfare payments by federal government are unconstitutional. Tariffs can again finance government and protect middle-class jobs.

Political donations must be restricted to those real people authorized to vote for their candidate. Corporations can’t be allowed to support politicians in any way. Wealthy donors are restricted to the same maximum donation as average voters. Such donations, together with the bribery of lobbyists, have destroyed the concept of a representative Republic.

In this article, I didn’t bury you in details because I only wanted to point you in the right direction. During the last 18 months, I have written 65 articles covering these subjects in great detail. You can access them at NewsWithViews.com.

Nothing I have asked you to do is a violation of the laws. But if you should otherwise violate some federal law, remind your attorney that if the law is unconstitutional (as a majority of them are) or if it was written by a federal agency, it is unconstitutional. Presidential Executive Orders are null and void in the states.

Most lawyers were not taught Organic Law,  the Supreme Law of the Land, in law school and should consult a Constitutional Law expert like Dr. Publius Hulda or Dr. Edwin Viera Jr. They also write for NewsWithViews.com

I still have confidence that many Americans are not lazy, apathetic, free-loading victims.

God Bless You and Our Republic.

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Open Letter to Texas State Senators

By Amil Imani

August 18, 2023

Dear Respected Texas Senators,

Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, the left and a few Republicans have lost their collective mind. They have gone into a stage of sheer lunacy and have not returned.

The sham impeachment against Attorney General Ken Paxton, led by fellow Republicans, is a testament to the misguided actions of some within our party. We must rally behind Paxton, highlighting his exemplary record. As the impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Ken Paxton loom, a glaring truth emerges: this is another politically motivated fraud reminiscent of the baseless impeachment attempts against former President Trump.

It is no coincidence that Paxton, hailed as one of the most conservative Attorney Generals Texas has ever seen, finds himself in the crosshairs of fellow Republicans who are determined to silence his unwavering support for President Trump.

Undoubtedly, the political terrain of our esteemed state has been experiencing a notable metamorphosis in recent years. This transformation is propelled by the dynamic currents of conservatism and the unrelenting endeavors of those who remain steadfast in their commitment to preserving the core principles that define our party. It is with a sense of duty and concern that I address you today as we stand on the precipice of a critical decision regarding the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton.

The political climate in the aftermath of the 2016 and 2020 elections has been nothing short of tumultuous. The deep divisions that have emerged within our nation have also permeated the very fabric of our party. While unity and shared values have been our strength, they are now being tested by what can only be described as a misguided and politically motivated impeachment effort against one of our most moral leaders.

Attorney General Ken Paxton has been a stalwart defender of conservative principles throughout his tenure. His commitment to the Constitution, his unwavering defense of individual rights, and his tireless efforts to uphold the rule of law have garnered the respect and admiration of many Texans. Because of these qualities, he is attacked from some quarters within our party. Please watch the video below.

The impeachment proceedings against Paxton are reminiscent of the unjust and baseless attempts to impeach former President Donald Trump. Forces seek to undermine and silence those who have boldly supported President Trump’s vision for our nation. Ken Paxton’s vocal and unapologetic advocacy for our former President has made him a target for those who wish to stifle conservative voices and maintain a stranglehold on the Republican Party.

As representatives of the people, we must remember our duty to uphold the principles that our party was founded upon. We must stand united against any attempts to undermine the integrity of our elected officials through politically motivated actions. The impeachment of Ken Paxton would set a dangerous precedent, signaling that internal party politics can be weaponized against those with differing views. This is not the path we should be treading.

The state of Texas has always been a beacon of conservatism, a stronghold for principles that reflect the heart and soul of our great nation. The rising tide of conservatism in Texas has resulted from dedicated individuals, conservative activists, and organizations working tirelessly to advance our shared values. Ken Paxton has been a champion of these values, and we must protect and support him, just as he has watched and supported the rights and freedoms of Texans.

Impeaching Ken Paxton would not only be a disservice to him as an individual but also undermine the will of the people who elected him to serve as Attorney General. The consequences of such an action would extend far beyond his tenure, sending a message that party politics and personal agendas take precedence over the principles and ideals we hold dear.

Therefore, dear Senators, I urge you to consider the long-term ramifications of your decision. Upholding the values of conservatism, unity, and fairness means standing by those who have remained true to these principles. Let us not allow our party to be divided by internal strife, but rather let us come together to support Attorney General Ken Paxton and reject the politically motivated impeachment efforts against him. By doing so, we can ensure that Texas remains a beacon of conservative principles and a shining example for our nation.

With great appreciation, very best wishes, and respect

Amil Imani

Please circulate this article to everyone you know in Texas

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Great Reset Menu: GMO Food, Bugs and Solar Panels

By Karen Schoen

August 18, 2023

I am the expert. You will believe me and support me. If you disagree, you will go to jail. Do I tell the truth? NO  Do I get to make up my own facts regardless. Yes. After all I am from the government and we will now decide your future. You will now get rid of all fossil fuels and all of their products. You will eat what I tell you. Everything I decide you want will be in a 15 minute walk from your home.  Say hello to your new police force of illegal aliens who will make sure you stay in your zone, your new prison.  Are you hungry? You may have to move to Afghanistan where the Talliban converted the heroin producing poppy fields to food while in America we convert our food to solar farms.

Our Marxist Affirmative Action graduates of experts have worked hard to develop your new menu: GMO Food, Bugs and Solar Panels. You will eat as you are told or face the consequences. Welcome to the new Marxist/Communist/Globalist America.

Think this won’t happen?  Think again.

Florida used to be in the top 5 states producing a variety of food products. Today as I travel through Florida where I used to see corn, peanuts, tomatoes and citrus, I now see solar and wind farms.  So I ask you Gov DeSantis, what do solar panels and wind blades taste like?  Today when all we hear is, there will be food shortages, I want to know, why are you cutting food production? We need more food not less? Why are you cutting CO2 when you know it is needed for plants aka our food? Oh I forgot, “Less people, less problems.”

As I was investigating the stupidity of cutting food production when more food is needed I discovered:

The OBiden administration with the help of the RINOs is subsidizing energy companies guaranteeing them a 10% profit while hamstringing them with regulations and insane permitting so they are forced to turn to inefficient, ineffective expensive renewables.  By outlawing or over regulating appliances and vehicles that rely on natural gas and fossil fuel Globalists insure the fact that their donors who have invested in Green will recoup their investment. We the people will be overcharged.  We will receive overly expensive, inefficient, ineffective electricity and products made with slave labor. (Think Sound of Freedom). Some of those children depending on the country they wind up in, go to the cobalt mines so the Globalists can get their expensive EV batteries.

Of course they tell you this must be done to save the planet and protect Mother Earth (GAIA) You must sacrifice for the common good. You must do your part to make up for all the destruction HUMANS caused Mother Earth.  Wait a minute, No one asks, What harm? I didn’t cause hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, etc. I guess Affirmative action graduates never learned fossil fuel is necessary to produce about 1000 products including solar panels and wind turbines.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Globalists, Humans are users. Their addiction is to CO2.  WEF will tell the school children that use of CO2 will cause the destruction of Mother Earth (GAIA). Students will force their parent to abstain from fossil fuel or pay a fine.  OBiden even said he didn’t know why the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was named that when it was really all about funding Green projects.

Globalists will either bankrupt corporations or regulate them out of business or will pay them a subsidy for Green. Globalists will make up new categories to restrict humans and business.  Social Credits aka Personal Carbon Allowance (PCA) for humans and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) scores will give credits or take credits.  Not enough credits, too bad no food or gas for you. As long as we allow the WEF to think they  are the experts the humans will be forced to listen and obey. WEF messages in elementary school so by the time students are adults, they will believe CO2 is destroying the planet, while wind and solar are reliable.

WEF/Globalists/DNC/RINOS know batteries, wind and solar won’t work in extreme cold or heat? WEF doesn’t care. I haven’t figured out how to get solar panels on a jet so they will still have their gas vehicles, jets and ships run on fossil fuel..  Bottom line: Globalists do not want us mobile or talking. Mobility and free speech are freedom and that is out of the question.

Why would you want to make this country dependent on what’s going on in China? In Florida seems as though our absentee, part time Governor taking a full time salary,  DeSantis, would rather hand Florida to China than feed the Florida taxpayer.  Under his public service commission, Florida has no real common sense energy policy. The plan brought to you by the Affirmative Action graduates will give you the inefficient, part time  renewable wind and solar. According to Mike Davis,  $8.6 billion, in the last 3 years spent on solar farms with about $6 billion going to China Chico for solar panels and for battery storage. 16 years of solar plant conversions by the State will cost about $600Billion+ to China instead of American inexpensive reliable natural gas.

Floridians are already stretched with a 29% increase.  By the target of 2045  energy will be  4 times what you pay now. As for Ron’s donors Nextera, PSE, etc they are covered with a

8 to 10% guaranteed return on that Capital spend to destroy Florida’s current sensible energy plan. The only guarantee Floridians have is all of the energy policies in Florida are pro China. and we will have 70% unreliable energy guaranteeing brownouts, blackouts and higher rates. Why would anyone vote for this policy for America?

Florida rate payers have seen approximately 29% rate hikes in their existing electric bill. Florida currently has 74% of usage of natural gas to generate electricity and natural gas is at record lows. But instead of rates going down or remaining the same they have gone up 29% in order to fund this extremely expensive program of renewables that only comprise less than 4% of our energy today. By 2045 we will be down to less than 30% of stable energy. Instead Floridians will be using 70% of unstable renewable energy. Imagine how lovely it will be during a Heat Alert , or dangerous thunderstorm both which we in Florida have been experiencing for the last 3 months. Do solar panels work when the sun doesn’t shine?

Since I am not an affirmative action graduate I know nothing will work. So we will go back in time when we had NO air conditioning in Florida. Better buy your fans and generators now.

We already have energy shortages today. So we are replacing inexpensive American natural gas with expensive Chinese solar panels and wind blades and lithium-ion batteries. Who is DeSantis paying off with this stupid policy which is harming Floridians? Nextera is one of his largest donors, why are we not surprised?  Florida is only the Sunshine State 80% of the time what happens when it’s cloudy? Florida is only windy part time what happens when there’s no wind? OBiden wants to use Bill Gates’ technology to block the sun. Will solar panels work?

Look at your electric bill times it by 4. Still want to vote for DeSantis?

How much land will be lost to solar farms instead of food? Not to worry, since there is no place to dispose of those useless panels that stopped working, they will be on the menu. Ketchup anyone?

Please read and share Mike Davis article

Is America Worth Saving?  Its up to you.

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out goflca.org  MicroSchools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINOs out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Website: http://www.karenschoen.com

Show Link https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-prism-of-americas-education/

Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on AmericaOutloud.com

Podcasts and Articles: Karenbschoen.com, karenschoen.substack.com,

USA Death by Sheep

By Lex Greene

August 17, 2023

It’s been a while since I have written and released anything. Every day, I have ten or more things I’d like to write about, but it’s a daily struggle to find one good reason to bother writing it. The USA is so far gone at this point, the evidence is all around us, but there seems no way to escape the reality that sheep always act like sheep, and most Americans are sheep now.

Let me begin by stating a fact, that Barack Hussein Obama is the most powerful man in the USA, and maybe the world. The people I have worked with for many years had an emergency conference call in July 2004 as we had just witnessed the coming of a new King at the John Kerry DNC nomination convention. Something extraordinary and very dangerous had just unfolded on the TV screen and we all knew it.

Like any party nominee for President, John Kerry was supposed to be the star of the show. But instead, Senator Ted Kennedy stole Kerry’s thunder when he introduced to the world, the coming Messiah of the Democrat Party, Barack Hussein Obama.

“Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.” REPORT – Ryan, was later cleared of all false accusations, but the goal was already achieved.

At that time, Obama was a complete nobody from nowhere, with a totally blank resume’ beyond his grooming as an expert “community organizer” under the tutelage of Black Panther organizer Don Warden (aka Dr. Khalid al-Mansour) and New York borough power-broker Percy Sutten, along with Weather Underground friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Barack Obama had just one primary campaign promise, to “fundamentally transform America.” Obama is the well-groomed and backed Maoist Black Nationalist President launched in concert with the Black Panthers, the Afro-American Association, the Peace & Freedom Party, the Students for Democratic Society, a result of Warden setting out to raise up a Black Nationalist President beginning in 1966.

Despite a totally blank resume’, three forged fake Hawaiian “certifications of live birth” (not to be confused with any authentic Birth Certificate), and highly questionable college records, Obama was able to upset “sure thing” Hillary Clinton in the 2008 DNC Presidential nomination. He simply claimed to be a Natural Born Citizen of the USA eligible for the office, despite taking his Senate seat “as the first Kenyan-born” member of the Senate the previous few years, selling himself off as “the first black president,” which is also an easily proven lie.

But the American sheep had already been Pavlov trained to accept blatant lies. They had already been trained to believe that truth is subjective, and that opinions need only be based on political agendas, not facts. The sheep had already relinquished their authority and power to the politicians and were trained to rely only upon the ruling class elite for their every need and want.

Today, we have at least two sheep generations who believe deeply that some form of totalitarianism is the solution to all their problems, GEN X and GEN Y. They don’t know that communism, socialism, Maoism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Naziism and Fascism are all different forms of the same thing, totalitarianism, “a form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state.” They don’t know that in their search for utopia, they are voting us all back into bondage, themselves included.

But there are sheep everywhere we look now, left, right, middle, rich, poor, middle class, so-called independents, even self-proclaimed libertarians. Christian, Muslim, Jew, agnostic, atheist…The only difference between them is, which shepherd they are following off the cliff.

Never in history has it been more blatantly obvious that the current occupants of the People’s Oval Office are nothing more than idiots and criminals, mere puppets to someone who is actually in charge of everything in the USA today. That puppet master is the DNC Messiah Barack Hussein Obama.

Still, some 30% of the American sheep believe that these two empty suits are not only running the country, but somehow, the best President and Vice President in history. The remaining 70% are divided into impotent factions following their own shepherds of choice, based upon the unfortunate reality that almost no Americans want the future of this country to rest in their own hands today.

Everyone in the USA is betting FREEDOM and LIBERTY on someone other than themselves. Like good little sheep, they place the future of freedom, liberty, justice, prosperity, national sovereignty, and security in the hands of others, in most cases, their sworn enemies.

They know that real journalism is dead in the USA. But they still watch the news. They know we no longer have legitimate elections, but still hope to win in the next unlawful elections. They know that trying to amend the constitution at this moment in history would be the final nail in the coffin of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. But they still want to amend it…

They know that our Constitutional Republic is being torn to shreds by “legal experts,” but still seek the counsel of legal experts. They know our entire legal system, like every other federal RICO operation, is broken and corrupt to the core. But they still think they can find justice in that system, somehow.

Yes, my fellow Americans, my greatest fear for almost 40 years now, has become a reality.

The American sheep are indeed “too stupid to remain free.”

Sure, we can blame everyone but ourselves, but it isn’t true. Yes, politicians never have and never will serve “the people,” because politicians have always served themselves throughout human history. But that’s not the real problem…

WE THE SHEEP are the real problem. Sheep are incapable of self-governance, freedom, and liberty. They must be governed by others. So it is, and so it shall be… Face it, if you are the type of person to go-along-to-get-along no matter the consequences, YOU ARE A SHEEP! If you are counting on anyone but yourself to save your country, YOU ARE A SHEEP! You are to blame for what happens to this once great nation!

Nobody is going to save the USA. The only people who could, don’t want to, despite their whining and complaining, and the enemy knows it. There are many peaceful solutions available, just no one to execute them.

© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lex Greene: lexgreene23@mailfence.com

The New Tower of Babel

by Lee Duigon

August 17, 2023

CNN—didn’t that use to be a news network?—is going to teach us plebs how to use “neo-pronouns,” avoiding the utterance of such fighting words as “he” or “she”. We have to learn to say “ze” and “zyr” and anything else Our Betters have dreamed up lately.

The pro-choice mob demands we choose to obey. You have to give them credit for being generous with their delusions—they certainly don’t want to keep them to themselves.

CNN’s “lessons” will be provided by the Human Rights Campaign, “HRC” for short. Wait a minute—doesn’t that stand for “Hillary Rodham Clinton,” too? I find this darkly sinister, way too on-target to be a coincidence. But which is the head and which is the tail?

Now long ago, the Bible tells us, the whole human race spoke just one language, and consequently was able to take on highly ambitious projects. Their inflated sense of self-importance drove them to try to build a tower that would reach up into heaven and be as high as God’s own throne; and having achieved this, they would be as gods themselves.

God frustrated this plan by confounding man’s language. Suddenly instead of just one language, there were hundreds of them, mutually unintelligible. Forget about finishing the Tower: what we have here is a failure to communicate. Unable to understand each other, the now numerous linguistic tribes abandoned their project and dispersed themselves throughout the earth.

God’s action has long been called a punishment; but I see it as a decisive measure to prevent something worse from happening. Had we kept our universal language, who knows what further mischief our ruling sinners might have devised? But God knew, and nipped it in the bud. And even so, human wickedness so tainted all Creation that God drowned civilization in the Flood.

But now, millennia later, it’s our ruling sinners who are confounding the language. Our universities and teachers’ colleges are great for this. They are awash in brand-new words and terminologies that no one in his right mind can understand. Have you ever tried to talk to them? The pronouns alone are a bar to communication—never mind such whoppers as “intersectional,” “non-binary,” and “environmental justice.” Very few of us can get by, as Kamala Harris does, on a diet of word salad. And cackling.

Here the purpose of confounding the language is to snow us under. Making themselves incomprehensible to the plebs is supposed to make us think they’re “smart”—way smarter than us, at any rate. How can we see through their schemes if we cannot understand their language? We can’t even keep up with all the changes.

And we’re paying for it! That’s the most unkindest cut of all. A college education, which befuddles those who receive it, costs a fortune. Graduates are saddled with a mountain of debt—and what do they have to show for it? A degree in Multi-intersectional Gender Studies? Critical Race Theory—I almost typed “theology,” which would not have been far wrong—as applied to chemistry or calculus?

You could just scream.

This new Tower of Babel is certainly a punishment: we will be enslaved to stupidity.

And if you think that is something to be strived for, they’ve got you where they want you.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit: it’s all in English. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Travels With Charley II:  American Cities Too Large, Too Sick, Too Unmanageable

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 17, 2023

Part 2: Our massive cities.  Our gridlocked traffic. Our polluted air.

“I saw in their eyes something I was to see over and over in every part of the nation- a burning desire to go, to move, to get under way, anyplace, away from any Here. They spoke quietly of how they wanted to go someday, to move about, free and unanchored, not toward something but away from something. I saw this look and heard this yearning everywhere in every state I visited. Nearly every American hungers to move.”  John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley: In Search of America

What’s the first thing you hear from anyone who reaches retirement age?  Answer: “I want to travel, see the world, meet people….”

You see those same individuals in monstrous motorhomes like Prevost’s, Winnebago’s, modified old school buses and vans. You see them dragging a car, boat, motorcycles, bicycles and kayaks behind them.

Yes, humans love to travel.  They like to explore their world.  But in places like India, Bangladesh and China…they find themselves bumping into one another from their sheer numbers.  Most people won’t believe this until they see a video, but if you travel through China as I have, you will see 50 lanes of traffic going one way.  India’s traffic is beyond solving as people overload trains, highways and suffer monstrous cities. In fact, India this year, overtook China to become the most populated country in the world at 1.42 billion people.  They’ve created a nightmare with no solutions.

Well, America accelerates along the same path as we are the third largest and third fastest growing country in the world.  Via immigration, we’re adding between 3 and 4 million annually. With Biden’s open borders those numbers have accelerated dramatically.

Sandi and I drove on I-80 on the lower side of Chicago. We were caught in a 20 mile traffic jam that paralyzed vehicles from stop, to three miles per hour, to stop, to five miles per hour, to stop and go for 20 miles. All  the time, we inhaled diesel fumes from thousands of idling trucks.  When we turned north toward Chicago, their area population stands at 9.51 million people throughout the metro complex.  All of them exhausting their cars, chimney’s, ovens, and electrical plants burning coal—-into the air.  Our car could barely remain stable in the giant grooves in the pavement created by 18-wheelers crushing the Interstate 24/7.  Some of those grooves were at least four inches deep.

What’s wrong with Chicago?  Answer: it’s been called the murder capital of America with dozens of shootings and killings every weekend.  Its inner city schools “graduate” illiterate kids who cannot speak correctly, write, read or perform simple math.  The slums?  You haven’t seen slums until you see Chicago’s south side. Correction: you can see them in Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Miami and many other big cities,  too.

So why haven’t they solved quality of life, jobs, education and a decently safe city in Chicago?  Answer: too many people, too many kids, too few teachers, too little money, too little law and order. Chicago features “smash and grab” youths walking into convenience stores, jewelry stores, grocery stores, Apple computer stores—-and sweeping them clean. Outright anarchy.  What happened to Detroit’s destruction now accelerates in Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami and dozens of other BIG, OVERPOPULATED cities.  Last week, smash and grab youth, unfortunately all African-Americans, stole $900,000.00 in merchandise from a jewelry store.  That’s pretty common these days in many cities.

It’s truly depressing if not disheartening to see what’s become of America’s cities only 60 years after John Steinbeck wrote Travels With Charley.  How do I know?   I traveled through many of America’s cities as a United Van Lines truck driver in the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and into the 21st century.  We enjoyed good, solid highways 40 years ago. We enjoyed law and order in those cities.  We saw community pride.

Today, in New York City with 8.3 million people, Mayor Adams just announced that he is cracking down on the 2,000,000 rats scurrying around the city.  How could any city allow itself to spawn 2.0 million  rats and other varmints?  Answer: when you suffer 80 percent dropout/flunkout  rates in high schools such as Detroit or any big city, the illiterate young American youth lack any understanding of personal responsibility, personal hygiene, and personal care for their communities. They eat fast food and toss their half-eaten burgers/fries and tacos to the curb.  Rats love human food. They eat it and reproduce by the millions.

We saw this same situation in city after city we visited in the past two summers.  Trash everywhere! Graffiti exploding on buildings,  streets and rail cars.  Hundreds of thousands of homeless littering the streets, roads, woods! So much so that there is no way to pick it up fast enough.  There must be billions of bottles, cans, glass, and trash along America’s highways from careless litter bums.

Additionally, in our big cities, the problems have become SO enormous that no one can solve the violence, trash, truancy, murders, slums, graffiti, and social disasters. In all the big cities, rampant murders occur every night of the week. Weekends render one, two, three and even four dozen gun fights where 10, 20 or more get killed in one city.  All the gun control in the world can’t stop inner-city illiterate youths from killing each other.

Lyndon Johnson’s “The Great Society” didn’t solve it in 1965.   Aid to Dependent Children didn’t solve it.  WIC didn’t solve it.  EBT cards haven’t solved it.  Birth control hasn’t solved it. Affirmative Action didn’t solve it. Equity, diversity and inclusion isn’t solving it.

How did it all start?  Answer: origins of our demise as a culture, sustainable civilization and society began with the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that started dumping 1.2 million third world people into the USA annually.  We jumped from 194 million people to our current 340 million, plus another 30 million illegal aliens.  Those numbers have proven to explode our cities and highways.

As a United Van Lines summer truck driver from my teaching  job, I drove clean, clear highways in the 1970’s. You could actually breathe fresh air over most of the country…but as our country’s U.S. Congress added 130,000,000 (million) more people, net  gain, since 1965, we’ve exploded every city beyond comprehension.  Example:  Los Angeles is a nasty, dirty, ugly, gridlocked, air polluted, crime-ridden city with no solutions.  At some point, as we add another 100 million by mid-century, we will pass “fail-safe” and not be able to save our civilization.

India has already sealed its horrible present and worsening future. I’ve seen their mess firsthand.  China, oh my God, what a 1.4 billion people mess they created.   They can’t breathe their air.  Their rivers are sewers flowing into the ocean. They cannot feed their masses…that’s why they are buying up the rest of the world for food. They’ve bought over 250,000 acres of American farmland. They’re buying up our food processing plants. They are buying up land in Africa and South America.

Guess what? We’re following them into the same kind of degraded,  horrible and nasty future. Why? Because no one in our U.S. Congress sees it or will address it or will push bills through to stop mass immigration that is driving America’s accelerating nightmare.

Part 3:  Quality of life, unclean air, poison foods, accelerating consequences across America.

This video graphically and dramatically illustrates America’s immigration-population crisis as well as the world’s. I wrote it and narrated it. Tim Walters of Cleveland, Ohio directed and produced. Please forward it to all your friends, networks and beyond. Place it on FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Parler and more. Just click the link below to see the video.

Immigration, Overpopulation, Resources, Civilization by Frosty Wooldridge

Share these videos all over America:

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls, Roy Beck, director of  www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart”  by Roy Beck This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”   www.NumbersUSA.org 

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Biden On the Beach, Trump in the Dock, Conservatives Out to Lunch

By Cliff Kincaid

August 16, 2023

I just attended a meeting of my local conservative club in Frederick, Maryland, and quickly realized why Joe Biden can be found in a lounge chair on the beach. Conservatives are demoralized and confused. They are out of touch with the concerns of ordinary Americans. They don’t understand the big picture.

My question to the assembled candidates, running for local congressional and Senate seats, concerned why they were not talking about the illegal drugs flooding our communities. (Marijuana is still illegal on the federal level). In Maryland, Governor Wes Moore is presiding over legalization of marijuana, as if the problem in the cities is that we need more and better pot. He made half his fortune as a board member of a marijuana company. But no candidate mentioned him.

In effect, the state government is a drug pusher. Its happening in dozens of states.

So-called “adult” sales of the drug to those 21 years and older were endorsed by the local Chamber of Commerce. Politicians are happy because they are taxing sales of the drug and getting money for their social programs, including for mental health problems caused by the drugs they endorse.

At the end of the forum, a leader of the club grabbed the podium to rant about aid to Ukraine, calling it an anti-Semitic country. He was unaware the president of Ukraine is Jewish.  He said China was the bigger threat and that Taiwan was in danger of falling to the communists. He seemed to believe American soldiers ought to fight and die against China. In Ukraine, the people are fighting for themselves. They are asking for weapons to defend themselves.

He was unaware of the geopolitical reality that Ukraine’s resistance to the Russian invasion is one reason why China has had second thoughts about invading Taiwan. Russia was supposed to take the country in a few days.

It is inspiring how free people can resist the communists in places like Ukraine and Taiwan. These are free people who deserve our support. In the same way, we owe our freedom to the American revolutionaries who were assisted by the French.

But “freedom” is a word that few conservatives understand anymore. Some think freedom means smoking and selling dope. They let legalization happen in the “Free State” of Maryland.  So crime will get worse. So will homelessness and mental health problems. The schools will suffer as well.

When I asked the local leader of the Conservative Cub of Frederick, Maryland, whether he had heard any criticism of legal dope in Maryland, he answered in the negative. That’s sad, considering the studies linking dope to mental health problems, brain damage, and violence.

Conservatives are on the defensive and distracted by the Trump indictments. If you watch the “conservative” news channels, this is all they can talk about. On Tuesday morning, Newsmax repeatedly aired comments by the Georgia prosecutor babbling about the latest indictment. It’s probably the same on Fox.  We hear them talk endlessly about the four indictments. What a waste of air time.

Trump has billions and can take care of himself. There is really nothing ordinary people can do about this lawfare. The only beneficiaries are the lawyers and Trump’s campaign coffers. Web sites such as Gateway Pundit ware also taking advantage of the brouhaha, running ads for a TRUMP 2024 “SAVE AMERICA” automatic knife.

One question put to the local candidates was whether they favor the border wall. The issue is what to do about the illegal aliens flooding the cities. Who has a realistic plan to identify and deport them? None of them offered one.

I admire these candidates for taking a stand and running for office. But we must be realistic about their chances, when their hero, Trump, has emerged as a major target and distraction. The Republicans are divided in Maryland and the conservatives are lost.

Newsmax, the supposed alternative to Fox, is now offering “special coverage” of the latest Trump indictment.

Instead of talking endlessly about Hunter’s Biden’s drug problem and his “laptop from hell,” conservatives should focus on the real-life consequences of drugs in our communities. One person came up to me after the conservative club meeting and told me how drugs had devastated her family.

Yes, some of the problem is the fentanyl coming across the border, courtesy of the Chinese and the Mexican cartels. But many of the drug dealers are in the major cities and much of the dope is being homegrown. Nobody seems concerned about that.

Instead, the local paper, the Frederick News-Post, published a special “Weed Issue” glamorizing the drug and advertising the “best stoner flicks of the past century.”  Other stories concerned the “best munchies in Frederick,” when someone gets high, and a “pothead playlist” of songs.

Getting back to Trump, who brought on many of his legal problems himself, consider the prosecutor turned “Special Counsel” David Weiss in the Hunter Biden case. Trump nominated him after he was recommended by Democrats.  FBI Director Christopher Wray was also nominated by Trump.

Now Trump says that if he is just given another chance, he will truly “drain the swamp.” Should conservatives believe him this time? Or should conservatives try someone else like Florida Governor DeSantis, with a proven track record of changing government?

Frederick’s local conservative club needs a real debate on these issues. Conservatives on the national stage must get beyond the constant hand-wringing on Trump’s behalf. He is a big boy with big bucks and high-powered lawyers and can take care of himself.

I am more concerned by the United Nations affiliation of the other Special Counsel, Jack Smith, who is prosecuting Trump after serving as an international lawyer at an illegitimate U.N. International Criminal Court (ICC). This so-called tribunal could bring charges against American taxpayers over slavery, demanding trillions of dollars in reparations.

The real “criminal enterprise” in this case is the United Nations, financed by American tax dollars, and the story is how it has targeted a former president and our nation through a global legal process that is eroding our national sovereignty.

Let’s start talking about the obvious solution, which is a Republican House of Representatives that defunds Jack Smith and the United Nations. This is the only power available to Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

My friends, let’s ignore the gibberish and get real about solutions to actual problems.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Language Is Everything When There Are Official Narratives to Defend

By Steven Yates

August 16, 2023

How the leftist-globalist alliance has weaponized language in an attempt to stop Donald Trump.

In a recent article, Caitlin Johnstone commented on the illusory truth effect. It’s also called the reiteration effect. Wikipedia gets this right:

When truth is assessed, people rely on whether the information is in line with their understanding or if it feels familiar. The first condition is logical, as people compare new information with what they already know to be true. Repetition makes statements easier to process relative to new, unrepeated statements, leading people to believe that the repeated conclusion is more truthful.

Put more simply, the more a word or phrase or sentence is repeated, the more it puts your brain to sleep so that you believe it uncritically.

Caitlin’s example is the constant use of unprovoked to describe the Russian attack on Ukraine. Virtually every corporate media outlet uses this word repeatedly, although even superficial research on the events that led up to that attack will realize that it was anything but unprovoked.

What provoked it were numerous actions of the U.S./NATO axis as the latter crept eastward towards Russian territory since the collapse of the Soviet Union, despite pledges not to. The most recent major event was the 2014 coup in Kyiv, orchestrated by neocons such as Victoria Nuland and the CIA, replacing a Russia-friendly government with a Russia-hostile one. The latter began a systematic assault on ethnic Russians living in the Donbas who, in response, sought to leave Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Caitlin reviews the use of unprovoked as a propaganda device in one corporate newspaper, The New York Times, relying on Jeffrey Sachs’s earlier research which I also recommend. In fact, we can find hundreds of uses of this term all across corporate media, often as part of longer phrases such as unprovoked war of aggression.

My point is about language. It is no coincidence that Sachs, who used to be a creature of the mainstream (I guess he has a conscience and it began to gnaw at him), opens his essay with one of George Orwell’s best known adages from 1984:

“Who controls the past, controls the future. And who controls the present controls the past.”

Power elites learned over a hundred years ago that the way to control the past and present is to control the language used to describe current events. One of the best ways to accomplish this was to gain control over the press. Thus Owen Callaway, a Senator, had entered into the Congressional Record for 1915 a vivid description of how a powerful corporate entity of his day, JP Morgan, gained control over newspapers:

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States.

“These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers, and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.

“This contract is in existence at the present time, and it accounts for the news columns of the daily press of the country being filled with all sorts of preparedness arguments and misrepresentations as to the present condition of the United States Army and Navy, and the possibility and probability of the United States being attacked by foreign foes.

“This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests served. The effectiveness of this scheme has been conclusively demonstrated by the character of the stuff carried in the daily press throughout the country since March, 1915. They have resorted to anything necessary to commercialize public sentiment and sandbag the National Congress into making extravagant and wasteful appropriations for the Army and Navy under false pretense that it was necessary. Their stock argument is that it is ‘patriotism.’ They are playing on every prejudice and passion of the American people.

Contrary to national mythology, we’ve not had a free press for over a hundred years!

Hence the weaponized use of unprovoked to describe Putin’s response to violence against ethnic Russians by Kyiv.

Hence the use of conspiracy theory, the phrase weaponized by the CIA back in the 1960s to discredit criticism of the Warren Commission Report, and which has proven effective in demonizing criticisms of official narratives (political assassinations, the 9/11 attacks, so-called free trade agreements, globalism generally, covid-19 and the mRNA shots, and a multitude of lesser events for which an official narrative has been desirable for those in power).

Hence the creation of mantras such as war on poverty, war on drugs, war on terror, etc. None were anything of the sort, of course.

January 6, 2021 was the same: corporate media repeatedly calls this an insurrection, led by a president trying to overturn the results of Election 2020 which he lost.

See how this works?

An equivalent claim is that President Trump attempted a coup (or: attempted a violent coup).

The Constitution is clear: no one convicted of engaging in an insurrection can run for elected office. From the Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 (passed in the wake of the War Between the States):

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath … to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

So, what this comes down to: will the official narrative based on the official language of Jan 6 hold?

The present assigned tasks of both the controlled legal system and controlled corporate media are making sure it does. That means doing whatever they can to convict Trump in the media.

Thus: hundreds of uses of insurrection or deadly riot or some such, even if Trump actually told his supporters to march “peacefully and patriotically,” the memory-holed phrase.

Trump never told anyone to enter the Capitol. That was Ray Epps (possibly among others)!

This matters! Very, very much, does this matter!

Official narratives ruin lives!

Not only have official narratives resulted in the incarceration of over a thousand people now, most of them nonviolent and very few with previous brushes with the law, the outcome of the next election and possibly the future of the country itself turns on what might happen between now and early 2024, not just in the court of law but in the court of corporate media controlled “public opinion” (another mantra-like phrase concocted back in First World War days)!

Trump remains the frontrunner for the GOP nomination. Court dates (e.g., next January) are already being arranged in ways that will interfere with his ability to campaign. One thing I think all parties will agree upon: he can’t be in two places at once. If his days are tied up in court, he can’t make public appearances.

This matters because Trump’s only presently serious competitor, Florida governor Ron DeSantis, is struggling. Other announced candidates are polling in single digits. Chris Christie would not even be a blip on the radar except that he’s building a campaign around attacking Trump. Trump’s own best bet (though it goes against his natural inclinations) would be to ignore Christie altogether.

The Establishment — billionaire-owned corporate media, academia, Big Tech, the integrated complex of intel agencies and war machine Trump and others designated as “the deep state” — is absolutely terrified of a second Trump term. I don’t blame them. A second Trump term would be quite unlike the first one. Trump has doubtless figured out that there is only one way to deal with would-be totalitarians, and that is by strongarming them, using the same measures someone such as Viktor Orbán used in Hungary to great effect. The leftist-globalist axis has been stymied there.

Academic leftists in Hungary were called out. They retaliated by moving their Soros-founded Central European University to Vienna, Austria. Naturally corporate media does not describe it this way. The mantra here is academic freedom, which has meant freedom for leftists to do as they please and cancelation for anyone who disagrees with them.

But Hungary has border controls. Its policies place Hungarians first, and even provide advantages for young married couples who have children. Orbán has no patience with dangerous “gender affirming care” nonsense. Small wonder he is demonized.

Hungary is a small nation, of course. Only 9.8 million people live there. Its effect on the worldwide dominance of the leftist-globalist alliance is therefore small.

Imagine this happening in the U.S., a country of perhaps 330 million people (who knows the actual number, since so many are in the country illegally)!

This understandably scares the leftist-globalist ruling class to death!

Thus the use by their corporate media shills of terms like authoritarian, autocrat, protofascist, fascist, and others as epithets which once had precise meanings.

More weaponized language.

We, say the shills (whoever we are), need to safeguard our endangered democracy.

There are, again, many variants on that theme.

Truth: the U.S. became a plutocracy (or plutocratic oligarchy) during its first Gilded Age; its first generation of plutocrats seized control over the economy when they created the Federal Reserve System in 1913 having engineered the Woodrow Wilson presidency the preceding year.

Plutocracy (or plutocratic oligarchy) means: rule by wealthy interests. JP Morgans, Rockefellers, etc. The elites, the Establishment (institutions enumerated above), call them what you will.

It is common to hear Patriots say that the Founders did not create a democracy, they created a republic: “A republic, if you can keep it,” Benjamin Franklin famously said.

It’s neither. But we’re supposed to believe the U.S. is a democracy because we the peasants can vote (usually for carefully vetted candidates) every two and four years.

No one I know of voted to send hundreds of billions to Ukraine! No one I know of voted for the U.S. wars of choice in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Donald Trump remains the biggest existential threat to this machine in our lifetimes! Not just in his person but in the movement surrounding him, which includes tens of millions of Americans who are now awake (not “woke”)!

Hence the fierce attempts to take Trump down, sometimes with legal precedents not used in a U.S court of law in over a hundred years.

The best result, for the ruling elites, would be to prevent him from running on Constitutional grounds.

They can do this only if they can make the insurrection official narrative stick by getting a conviction. The ball will then be in Trump’s court.

If he proceeds to run anyway — expressing not in words but deeds that he considers the conviction as illegitimate as he considers the Bidenista presidency — this will create the biggest crisis of legitimacy in U.S. history!

The Establishment would have trouble jailing him. As a former president he is entitled to Secret Service protection wherever he goes. House arrest is the most they could accomplish. That would not be sufficient to stymie his massive support which is already a ticking time bomb.

Real scholars such as Peter Turchin (in End Times referenced in my last article) are comparing our present era to the late 1850s.

This is potentially larger, because even if had the Confederacy won the war that ensued, the Washington government would have stayed intact.

Trump’s determination to remain a candidate for president despite an insurrection conviction and being supported by those millions of Americans planning to vote for him threatens the very legitimacy of the plutocrat-controlled government behind a conviction on grounds those millions deem a false narrative.

To make this more nuanced, what this would threaten is not the government the Founders tried to give us roughly 235 years ago, which Ben Franklin called “a republic.”

It would threaten the Establishment and war machine that began to develop much later, which was emerging around the time the Federal Reserve was created and the mainstream press was hijacked.

This distinction is bound to be over the heads of most controlled media pseudo-pundits. One major difference between the two, though, is easy to spell out.

The former promoted noninterference with the internal affairs of other nations (e.g., George Washington’s Farewell Speech).

The latter destroys other nations with efficiency and enthusiasm!

The first of the new millennium were the disastrous incursions into Afghanistan and Iraq. Among Trump’s “offenses” regarding the classified documents at Mar-A-Lago include his apparent sequestering of a war machine scenario of a projected attack on Iran, a much bigger country than either Afghanistan or Iraq. Had this taken place, it would have been a proportionally bigger disaster than those were.

The proxy war against Russia is just the latest of these catastrophes.

War machine plans appear to know no bounds. There is never an off-ramp, never a sense of what these wars are intended to accomplish besides making money for defense contractors. There is never a sense of how things are supposed to look afterwards.

But imagine a multipolar world without the extremely power-consolidating (not to mention immensely profitable!) Anglo-American / CIA / NATO war machine, and the Establishment behind it!

I know, I have a hard time imagining it, too. We all grew up with this “complete and total disaster” (Trump’s words, from his 2016 campaign).

During his first term, Trump was the first president not to involve the U.S. in any new wars, or oversee the destruction of countries by some war machine entity (such as Hillary Clinton singlehandedly destroying Libya and Honduras when she was Obama’s Secretary of State).

All of which is why I do not think Trump will be allowed a second term.

The legal branch of the Establishment is throwing felony allegation after felony allegation at him in the hopes that by the law of averages something will stick. Their efforts are spilling over onto lawyers who worked for Trump, a major disincentive for lawyers to work with him down the road. They are trying to drain his resources (one PAC, Save America, has shrunk from over $100 million to just $3.6 million from paying Trump’s legal fees).

Summing up: expect controlled corporate media to keep hammering us with the insurrection narrative.

If the controlled legal system either don’t get a conviction, or if they get one and Trump tries to run anyway, we go to the next stage in the crisis of legitimacy: the Establishment (or particular deep-pocketed players such as Soros) covertly sends angry mobs of leftists to protest his appearances and physically assault his supporters.

We know this is possible because it happened back in 2016: Black Lives Matter blocking major thoroughfares, etc., with extremely high legal penalties for anyone who runs through one of these blockades and injures or kills one of the mostly peaceful protesters (another propaganda phrase; are we getting how these kinds of phrases have proliferated over time?).

We know they will loot and burn, because they did it during the George Floyd melee in 2020, and corporate media protected them both with the above phrase and demonizing truth-tellers as racists.

If those ploys fail, and as Election 2024 nears….

Well, here is where multiple scenarios are possible, as I’ve noted many times previously. Cyberattack? Another plandemic? Climate lockdowns? A hoaxed invasion by space aliens? I have no idea what might be used, but of one thing we can be sure: if it looks like Trump could win the presidency back next year, the panicked leftist-globalist alliance — and its many servile types in corporations, academia, elsewhere — will do something able to solidly lock the country down.

We know they are capable of this, because they did it also in 2020, via a 24/7 corporate media and governmental campaign of nonstop scare tactics that proved massively effective on a global scale.

Should this somehow fail….  Or if the leftist-globalist alliance lacks the collective nerve….

They may simply steal Election 2024. Jay Valentine has documented how it might happen.

Should that fail, because this time it is credibly exposed, however that happens?

Trump wins, officially at least, in the Electoral College.

The leftist-globalist alliance will then use every resource at its disposal to launch riots in every major American city, starting sometime in mid-November of 2024, prior to Trump’s getting into the White House making it impossible for him to do anything legally. The riots will continue until Trump either steps aside or is forced to do so — thus ending, for careful observers, any remaining pretenses that they were living in an actual democracy.

I’ve not factored in every conceivable gambit here, such as the possibility (likelihood?) that the Democrat Party will nudge Joe Biden aside and run Gavin Newsom instead. Newsom has all of Biden’s leftist-globalist bona fides and none of his tendencies to lapse into dementia-caused word salad. Gavin has succeeded in California: assuming the goal was finishing transforming the place into the kind of neo-feudal dystopia envisioned by the leftist-globalist alliance for the entire planet: Silicon Valley billionaires contrasted with homeless encampments in every major city.

Newsom would have a better chance of defeating Trump than Biden. (No one, of course, not even the elite-controlled DNC, thinks Kackling Kamala is qualified to be president, which is probably the only reason Biden’s handlers are allowing him to finish out his term.)

Whatever happens, 2024 may still be over four months away, but it is already shaping up to be a pivotal year — possibly more so than 1860 was. Remember the adage about an irresistible force meeting an immovable object? The Establishment collectively considers itself immovable, but the forces besieging it — armed with the truth, including truths about official narratives and how language is used as a weapon of mind control — are proving, if not irresistible, extremely difficult to put down. Probably because there are a lot of peasants out there in red state hinterlands who do not believe they have anything left to lose.

© 2023 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com


This article previously appeared on my Substack (please consider subscribing).


In 2021 I published my book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. Here, in three parts, are reasons you should think about reading the book if you’ve interest in the role worldviews play in civilization, and in shaping our lives:

Part I. Part II. Part III.

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The CIA-Controlled Mockingbird Media Is At It Again

By Bradlee Dean

August 16, 2023

“Presidents are selected, not elected.” -President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

If only the American people would open up their eyes to the games that are played on them (Jeremiah 5:21).

They complain about the establishment and yet, every election cycle, they get pulled right back into the very game that they claim to despise.  That defines insanity.

In a nutshell, people in this country say that they want change yet, they fail to do what it takes to bring about the change.  How do you help people that refuse to help themselves? (Jonah 2:8)

What’s worse is they have not come to the realization that the few options that are given to them by the Mockingbird media and their useful idiots are only those that are already a part of the establishment of which they complain.  For example, take the last election, you were given two options: 1) Treasonous Joe Biden, who is in the People’s White House by voter fraud which no one can dispute; and then 2) you were given Donald Trump, a man who has literally done the opposite of what he promised to do in making America great again (Isaiah 5:20).

If Donald Trump did what he promised to do in draining the swamp, Hilary and Bill Clinton (in that order), Barack Hussein Obama, and the establishment cronies would all have been brought to justice (Isaiah 26:9).  Is that what happened?  Absolutely not.

Furthermore, America would not be suffering the criminal abuse of Joe Biden today if the father of the vaccine and the advocator of the sodomite agenda, Donald Trump, would have come through on his promises (Proverbs 17:15).  Then Americans have the temerity to wonder why we have the wicked walking on every side within the halls of government (Psalm 12:8; Proverbs 15:32).

Yes, over and over again, Americans are played by the powers that they tolerate, the dupes of ill-designing men, in allowing them to continuously drive and control the narrative by the Mockingbird media that controls 90%of the narrative globally, and that to their own demise (John 8:44).

To prove the point, please take note that during the last presidential election cycle, there were over 1,000 different presidential options and the only ones that you heard from were the ones that they wanted you to hear from, namely Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

The Mockingbird media kept people eager to watch the propaganda outlets which continued to promote the fight by filling the seats between two illegitimate candidates!  Why were the other presidential contenders ignored, censored and or suppressed?  These are questions that you are going to have to answer, and the answers are as plain as the nose on your face.

Friends, this cycle is no different than the last.  There are over 1,000 other candidates running for the presidency of the United States and you are only hearing about the clowns in the circus of their controlled political world.

Thus far, concerning the options that are given, it is Joe Biden, Marianne Williamson (a self-help author and former spiritual adviser to Oprah Winfrey) and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

On the right, that is if there was a right according to the U.S. Constitution (We are a Constitutional Republic; Article IV, Section 4) we have Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Larry Elder, Doug Burgum, Francis Suarez (son of a Cuban immigrant), Will Hurd (Former CIA), Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy.  All of these, might I remind you, have been a part of the problems which they have to the present failed to correct.

What of the other 1,000 presidential candidates?  Why are they being ignored, suppressed and or censored? Why are we not hearing from them?

Have you had enough of the controlled propaganda narratives and the controlled outcomes, yet?  Me too!

If you don’t want to look at the facts and deal with them, then you can rest assured nothing is going to change (James 2:14-26).  You can look the other way but you cannot say that you did not know.

America was warned long ago and has failed to come to the truth of the matter when it comes to what President Franklin D. Roosevelt blurted out in his confusion”:

“Presidents are selected, not elected.”

You are being lied to and mocked at every given step, my friends.  Enough is enough!

© 2023 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Don’t be an Ostrich Hiding From Reality! It Can be Dangerous

by Kat Stansell

August 15, 2023

The Ostrich is a peculiar bird, because it has one death-defying habit. It sticks its head in the sand, which, in my mind, leaves the other part – the largest part – sticking out undefended. An alarming number of Americans tend to do the same.

The bird and the human often do so for the same reason – caring for their families. The male Ostrich digs a hole for the female in which she may lay her eggs. They take turn rotating those eggs during incubation, by sticking their heads down in the nesting hole and turning them. That hole can be up to several feet deep; hence the image of their fame.

While the bird and the human are otherwise occupied, though, things around them may be literally disintegrating, and they can’t see it. They’re busy, doing what they should be doing, and that’s all good. Taking care of our families and our lives should always be high on our lists. So should protecting the world we live in. You don’t need me to remind you that we are a hair’s breadth from losing our Constitutional Republic, the source of all of our God-given freedoms. Helping to defend our country as founded, is the best thing you could ever to for yourself and your families. Nothing else is more important.

Starting in your own neighborhood or town is the best and easiest way to make an impact, improve or change something you don’t like. That is where you have the most influence and it’s easier than you think. It takes no special skills, just a few “rules” for best possible outcomes.

I’ve learned from and worked with some of the best citizen activists in the nation. Here, I share thoughts and suggestions from two of them: Julie Barrett from www.Conservativeladiesofwa.org, who recently moved to Sarasota, FL, and Carol Stopps, from www.CLIC-VA.org, a long-time legislative watchdog and activist friend from Virginia. They have both been guests on my recent podcasts. [Podcast-1], [Podcast-2]

Their websites offer insight and tips, from their years on the front lines. Little things, really, that help to plant and grow your relationships – friend or foe – with those who represent you. Some easy and effective favorites:

♦ Keep your main message up front, make it short and to the point. Whether writing, speaking directly, or calling, make your main point your lead-in.

♦ Avoid an adversarial tone, even if you disagree with what they’ve done or stand for. Believe me, I know how tough this can be, but it is important. Find something about which you might agree if at all possible.

♦ When you write to them, do  it on colored paper – bright neon green, for example – which will stand out of the piles of correspondence on their desks. Use the same color every time. They will soon learn that its from you.

♦ If you want to be certain they hear you, CALL, AFTER HOURS, and leave a message, again, main point first. Emails can be deleted but a voice mail will be heard, at least once, before it’s deleted.

♦ Extend your relationship with your officials and representatives into personal levels, not just official business. Learn their interests (Golf? Sailing? Football? Etc.) and a bit about their families. Should you visit or speak directly with them, even at a restaurant or a community event, lead with a brief comment about something in their lives which is off the political grid.

Here are more links that will give you good general information. Although I’ve used the Florida government’s links, every state has a similar page on their legislative website that tells you how to best communicate with them. [Link-1], [Link-2], [Link-3]

The bottom line is to get involved, locally, where you can spend your precious time the most effectively. Regardless of political affiliation – today, it’s either the “Constitution” or “Communism” because old party labels are dead and gone, and only serve to confuse – 99% of everybody really wants to live in freedom. Start there with those who might be stuck on those old labels, and their upstairs light may well turn on.

Whatever you do, please get off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save, and freedom is NOT an indoor sport. Blessings.

I will be here to help in any way I can. You can contact me at katvanatt@protonmail.com

© 2023 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: katvanatt@protonmail.com

Gift of Freedom on Independence Day

By Paul Engel

August 15, 2023

  • Can one preliminary injunction really make a difference for Freedom of Speech and Press?
  • With all the evidence that the Biden Administration have been working to censor the American people through social media, what does Judge Doughty’s preliminary injunction mean for our rights?
  • Which do you think is worse, the number of examples of illegal activity or the number of administration officials who are implicated?

I don’t think I’m exaggerating today that Judge Terry Doughty did more to protect Freedom of Speech and Press in America in my lifetime, possibly since the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. What could one man do that had such a tremendous impact? How could one preliminary injunction be so important? While there has been plenty of hype about judge Doughty’s order, from both sides, as I have taken the time to review it, I am impressed both by its scope and its quotations, of both the Constitution and the Founding Fathers to prove the rightness of its position. What decision of a judge could have such an impact on the rights of the American people? The recognition of its infringement on one of our most basic rights: The freedom of expression, and the willingness to stand against it.

Some may say it’s fate that this judge issued his order on the 4th of July, 2023. I see it as providence that this judge has once again honored that date as our Independence Day!

As I said in the opening, there has been a lot of talk about this judge’s preliminary injunction against the Biden Administration, not all of it accurate. I gave my preliminary observation on the Radio Program, and have to say, I was impressed, mostly by the scope of those enjoined. It took me a while to review the injunction itself, which impressed me even more.


I may disapprove of what you say, but I would defend to the death your right to say it.

Evelyn Beatrice Hill, 1906, The Friends of Voltaire

This case is about the Free Speech Clause in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The explosion of social-media platforms has resulted in unique free speech issues— this is especially true in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United Stateshistory. In their attempts to suppress alleged disinformation, the Federal Government, and particularly the Defendants named here, are alleged to have blatantly ignored the First Amendments right to free speech.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

The introduction to the order starts with one of my favorite free speech quotes from Evelyn Beatrice Hill. Anyone who has followed The Constitution Study for any length of time knows that many so called “First Amendment” cases cannot be so because the first five words of the First Amendment are:

Congress shall make no law…

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

Since most so-called First Amendment disputes have nothing to do with Congress, they cannot be violations of the Fist Amendment. However, this case involves the federal government, the President of the United States, and numerous members of the Executive Branch, which were created by Congress. So this truly is a First Amendment case. Although plaintiffs claim a violation of the Free Speech Clause, it involves more violations of the Free Press Clause. Why? Because most of the censorship claimed involved the posting of information and videos, which falls under the definition of press, not speech.

The art or business of printing and publishing.

Press (noun) – Websters 1828 Dictionary

That detail aside, what grievances are the plaintiffs claiming?

Plaintiffs allege that Defendants, through public pressure campaigns, private meetings, and other forms of direct communication, regarding what Defendants described as “disinformation,” “misinformation,” and “malinformation,” have colluded with and/or coerced social-media platforms to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social-media platforms. Plaintiffs also allege that the suppression constitutes government action, and that it is a violation of Plaintiffs’ freedom of speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. (emphasis added).

First Amendment, U.S. Const. amend. I.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

It is so rare to find a judge actually quoting the Constitution, I find this a breath of fresh air. The judge then explains why freedom of speech is so important.

The principal function of free speech under the United Statessystem of government is to invite dispute; it may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger…. Freedom of speech and press is the indispensable condition of nearly every other form of freedom. …

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

Then, before getting into the details of the case, Judge Doughty quotes several of our Founding Fathers on the topic of free speech:

The following quotes reveal the Founding Fathers’ thoughts on freedom of speech:

For if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter.

George Washington, March 15, 1783.

Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the free acts of speech.

Benjamin Franklin, Letters of Silence Dogwood.

Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error.

Thomas Jefferson.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

The Allegations

The judge then goes into the actual allegations that led to the injunction.

In this case, Plaintiffs allege that Defendants suppressed conservative-leaning free speech, such as: (1) suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; (2) suppressing speech about the lab-leak theory of COVID-19s origin; (3) suppressing speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; (4) suppressing speech about the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccines; (5) suppressing speech about election integrity in the 2020 presidential election; (6) suppressing speech about the security of voting by mail; (7) suppressing parody content about Defendants; (8) suppressing negative posts about the economy; and (9) suppressing negative posts about President Biden.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

That is quite a list of accusations. He then goes into the details of the alleged suppression of freedom of speech (press), a list too long for me to go into detail here. While the case is called Missouri v. Biden, there are actually a number of plaintiffs:

Plaintiffs consist of the State of Missouri, the State of Louisiana, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty (Kheriaty”), Dr. Martin Kulldorff (Kulldorff), Jim Hoft (Hoft”), Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya (Bhattacharya”), and Jill Hines (Hines”).

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

Each of these plaintiffs is alleging that the Biden Administration suppressed their speech by pressuring social media companies censor, remove, de-platform, or otherwise suppress plaintiff’s content for them.

The following facts are pertinent to the analysis of whether or not Plaintiffs are entitled to the granting of an injunction.

Plaintiffs assert that since 2018, federal officials, including Defendants, have made public statements and demands to social-media platforms in an effort to induce them to censor disfavored speech and speakers. Beyond that, Plaintiffs argue that Defendants have threatened adverse consequences to social-media companies, such as reform of Section 230 immunity under the Communications Decency Act, antitrust scrutiny/enforcement, increased regulations, and other measures, if those companies refuse to increase censorship. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act shields social-media companies from liability for actions taken on their websites, and Plaintiffs argue that the threat of repealing Section 230 motivates the social-media companies to comply with Defendants’ censorship requests. Plaintiffs also note that Mark Zuckerberg (Zuckerberg”), the owner of Facebook, has publicly stated that the threat of antitrust enforcement is an existential threat” to his platform.

Plaintiffs assert that by using emails, public and private messages, public and private meetings, and other means, the White House Defendants have significantly encouraged” and coerced” social-media platforms to suppress protected free speech posted on social-media platforms.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

The injunction then goes on to site almost 150 specific instances of members of the Biden administration encouraging, coercing, and bullying social media platforms to censor content from the plaintiffs, in violation of the First Amendment. Again, that’s too long for me to go into here.

The Injunction

Someone does not deserve an injunction simply because they claim a grievance.

The standard for an injunction requires a movant to show: (1) the substantial likelihood of success on the merits; (2) that he is likely to suffer irreparable harm in the absence of an injunction; (3) that the balance of equities tips in his favor; and (4) that an injunction is in the public interest. … The party seeking relief must satisfy a cumulative burden of proving each of the four elements enumerated before an injunction can be granted. …

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

Judge Doughty then looks at the arguments for and against each factor required for the plaintiffs to get their injunction. In short, the judge found that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their case. Due to the number of defendants listed, this explanation takes up a significant percentage of the injunction, over 50 pages in fact. The judge also notes that:

Additionally, violation of a First Amendment constitutional right, even for a short period of time, is always irreparable injury.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

On the question of balance of equities, the judge states:

Plaintiffs’ free speech rights thus far outweighs the rights of Defendants, and thus, Plaintiffs satisfy the final elements needed to show entitlement to a preliminary injunction.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

With all of the required elements satisfied, the judge was bound to issue the injunction, again beginning with another quote.

Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one place to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.

Harry S. Truman

The Plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits in establishing that the Government has used its power to silence the opposition. Opposition to COVID-19 vaccines; opposition to COVID-19 masking and lockdowns; opposition to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19; opposition to the validity of the 2020 election; opposition to President Bidens policies; statements that the Hunter Biden laptop story was true; and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. All were suppressed. It is quite telling that each example or category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature. This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech. American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country.

Although this case is still relatively young, and at this stage the Court is only examining it in terms of Plaintiffslikelihood of success on the merits, the evidence produced thus far depicts an almost dystopian scenario. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.”

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

This summation of the evidence provided so far can and should lead to only one conclusion for this judge at this time.

The Plaintiffs have presented substantial evidence in support of their claims that they were the victims of a far-reaching and widespread censorship campaign. This court finds that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their First Amendment free speech claim against the Defendants. Therefore, a preliminary injunction should issue immediately against the Defendants as set out herein. The Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Injunction [Doc. No. 10] is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

What was denied? The plaintiffs had asked for this case to be certified as a class action. That was the only part that was denied. Following the memorandum, the judge enjoined nine departments and 38 individuals from:

(1) meeting with social-media companies for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner the removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech posted on social-media platforms;

(2) specifically flagging content or posts on social-media platforms and/or forwarding such to social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner for removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech;

(3) urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner social-media companies to change their guidelines for removing, deleting, suppressing, or reducing content containing protected free speech;

(4) emailing, calling, sending letters, texting, or engaging in any communication of any kind with social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner for removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech;

(5) collaborating, coordinating, partnering, switchboarding, and/or jointly working with the Election Integrity Partnership, the Virality Project, the Stanford Internet Observatory, or any like project or group for the purpose of urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content posted with social-media companies containing protected free speech;

(6) threatening, pressuring, or coercing social-media companies in any manner to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce posted content of postings containing protected free speech;

(7) taking any action such as urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce posted content protected by the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution;

(8) following up with social-media companies to determine whether the social-media companies removed, deleted, suppressed, or reduced previous social-media postings containing protected free speech;

(9) requesting content reports from social-media companies detailing actions taken to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce content containing protected free speech; and

(10) notifying social-media companies to Be on The Lookout (BOLO”) for postings containing protected free speech.

Missouri v. Biden – Preliminary Injunction

However, the request for injunction against four departments and 7 individuals, including the Disinformation Government Board and its director Nina Jankowicz was denied. The injunction goes on to state that these departments and persons are not prohibited from informing social media companies about criminal actives, national security or public safety threats, or other permissible government speech.


Just when I start questioning the effectiveness of the federal judiciary, we have decisions like this one. I’m not sure what disturbs me more, the number of alleged acts of censorship or the number of departments and government actors involved. Public health departments like Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Surgeon General are implicated, along with security agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency are included. The surprising ones for me are the Census Bureau and the Department of State. Not only are the number of individuals names extraordinary, but look at who some of them are: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Counsel to the President Suart Delery, Special Assistant to the President Aisha Shah, White House Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi, White House Senior Advisor Andrew Slavitt, and more.

We need to remember, this is only a preliminary injunction. While it will remain in effect until the case is decided, or the injunction is overturned by a higher court, there is still a long way to go before justice can be served. That said, this injunction, not to mention the details within, gives me hope that our judicial system isn’t completely corrupt.

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Think Democrat Machine Isn’t Planning on Rigging the Primaries & Election?

By: Devvy

August 14, 2023

“Our own Country’s Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions – The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny mediated against them.

“Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.” —George Washington, General Orders, July 2, 1776

Enough of the ‘noise’ chatter on talk radio and web sites about Trump being ahead of career criminal, Joe Biden in polls galore.  Behind the scenes you can bet those who control Biden (Hussein Obama, Valerie Jarrett, etc) are in a real quandary.  Biden’s constant sniffing little girls and putting his paws on women where it doesn’t belong is right there for all to see.  US Diplomat Threatened To “Kick The Sh*t” Out Of Biden For Groping Wife; “Former diplomat and US Senator Scott Brown said he threatened to beat then-VP Joe Biden’s ass for getting handsy with his wife.”  This sexual predator behavior doesn’t seem to bother Biden’s wife or his supporters.

Biden is in the first stage of Altzheimer’s; he’s becoming more unpredictable as his cognitive abilities continue to decline.  The Democrat owned prostitute media are giving out puffs here and there over the Biden family crime syndicate now that Articles of Impeachment have been filed and the avalanche of documents being released by Rep. Comer and his committee flooding the country.  Tell-tale signs.  Jake Tapper questions ‘odd’ special counsel appointment of David Weiss: ‘Maybe the whistleblowers were right’ – Tapper argued that ‘some of the political questions being raised by Republicans have merit’, Aug. 11, 2023 (Trapper is a CNN anchor.)  Should Biden have to bow out or pass away of natural causes, the alternative makes one want to puke:  Kamala Ho Harris.

I’m not going to waste space about her casting couch creds, i.e., former Attorney General for California, but there’s something very wrong with that woman besides her constant cackling and the fact she’s done NOTHING as the illegitimate Vice-President.  Not one single thing assigned to her has she ever completed.

While it pains me greatly, I watch video clips of her.  The constant repetition of phrases for one and tell-tale ‘brain fog’ are there to see:  Something Isn’t Working with Kamala Harris – She Repeats Same Phrase 4 Times in 30 Seconds, May 15, 2022  //  Two Words That Never Fail in Describing Kamala Harris, Aug. 7, 2023.  Harris ran for president and was the first to drop out of the race garnering a whopping high of 7% approval ratings in the polls.  Ho Harris was selected as VP for two reasons:  the color of her skin and female.

Harris’ cartoonish performance both here and on the world-stage has made her a sorry joke and embarrassing for America.  Remember what this expert said back in Oct. 2020?  German Neurologist On Face Masks: ‘Oxygen Deprivation Causes Permanent Neurological Damage’ (READ)

Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD, PhD is a Consultant Neurologist and Neurophysiologist with a PhD in Pharmacology, with special interest in neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity.

How many articles and interviews have we seen about kids and teens not being able to rebound academically from the lockdowns and/or forced to wear face diapers at school for 6+ hours day in and day out?  Parents in my city are still dragging their kids around wearing those masks all over town when it’s 108, 98 or 105 degrees outside.  Child abuse born of ignorance.  Dr. Friez-Brisson:

“To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed…When, in ten years, dementia is going to increase exponentially, and the younger generations couldn’t reach their god-given potential, it won’t help to say “we didn’t need the masks”.

Ho Harris constantly wore one of those dangerous face masks for nearly two years and sporadically after that.  My mother had dementia for about seven years before she passed away in Jan. 2021, at age 93; had she lived longer I believe mother would have developed Altzheimer’s.  The assisted living facility (No. Calif.) forced a lockdown for a year; mother couldn’t leave her apt without a damn mask and eating only in her room.  The loneliness about killed mother.  No “mandatory” injection and I told them in writing if you force that COVID shot on my mother, I’ll own this place within two years.  I was her “attorney in fact” for her Medical Power of Attorney.

For years mother repeated herself; it worsened as time went on.  Her ability to make decisions also continued to slide.  She would be speaking, then get kind of a blank look on her face while her mind tried to search for words and when unable to, she repeated what she said two minutes before because she simply couldn’t remember.  Ho Harris, watch her.

Know the candidates for the upcoming primaries and chaotic caucuses

Candidates are out there now selling promises.  Someone might ask Robert Kennedy, Jr., a few questions because so far, I haven’t read or seen anyone bring up these issues, although they have nothing to do with Art. II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution which clearly and succinctly lists the only enumerated powers of a legally elected president. Most certainly a president can use the “bully pulpit” to make known his position on issues and they do.

Kennedy deserves a huge thank you for all his work regarding the COVID-19 experimental gene therapy injections and his work to protect children.  However, Kennedy is a very loud voice promoting the massive hoax called climate change.  He’s a ZEALOT about that scam and said “climate deniers” should be jailed.  Apparently, he doesn’t believe in the First Amendment, although at his recent congressional appearance he got a good lesson on censorship.  Kennedy tried to walk it back and single out just corporations.

Kennedy’s life long devotion to the Democrat/Communist Party is telling:  “People have said to me why don’t you run as an independent, and I say, ‘Because I’m a Democrat.’ This is who I am. This is my identity. But I want my party back. I want my party to be the party that I grew up in. The party of John Kennedy. The party of Robert Kennedy. The party of FDR and Harry Truman,” he concluded.”

The assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy was beyond horrible and should never happen again in this country.  Not to any politician as loathsome as most of them are.  That goes without saying.  It’s unfortunate John & Robert Kennedy thought nothing of banging a whore who sold her skin and dignity for money, Marilyn Monroe, while their wives were at home taking care of the kids.  John Kennedy’s numerous affairs are well documented.

Adultery seems to run in the family on the male side. Jr. has been a busy boy over the decadesFDR was a die-hard socialist.  As for Harry Truman, “When Franklin Roosevelt died during the closing days of WWII, it fell to Truman to end the war and formulate policies for the new world order.” The Smithsonian Treasury: The Presidents (1991), pg 72

The Democrat/Communist Party USA is the biggest and loudest champion of sexual deviants; Ho Harris gleefully celebrated PRIDE month.  And abortion.  Since you’ve dedicated your life to the party, Mr. Kennedy, I would be interested in your opinion on those issues.  And, please don’t try to side-step historical facts regarding slavery and the Democrat party of racists.

Religion, just like race, should not be a factor in electing someone to office.  Allegedly 46% of CINO’s (Catholics in name only) voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and 47% for dirty old man, Biden, in 2020.  Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy (net worth $630 million) is a Hindu, same as Tulsi Gabbard.  Vivek is working hard for the Evangelical vote by stating he’s not a Christian but does believe in the “one god”.  Which one would that be?

Hindu’s do not believe in Hell:  Concept of Death, Hell and Afterlife in Hinduism – “Satan does not exist nor does he tempt mankind. (There asuras, immature entities of deception and hurtfulness.) There is no eternal damnation; the way out of hellish situations can be altered by positive karma… In Hinduism there is no particular Judgment Day.”  What a read!

10 of the Most Important Hindu Gods – “For Hindus, there is a single, universal god known as the Supreme Being or Brahman. Hinduism also has numerous gods and goddesses, known as deva and devi, who represent one or more of Brahman’s aspects.

“Foremost among the many Hindu gods and goddesses are the Holy Triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of worlds (in that order).  Sometimes, the three may appear in the form of an avatar, embodied by a Hindu god or goddess. But the most popular of these gods and goddesses are important deities in their own right.”

Hmm.  God’s Ten Commandments, not requests.  First on His list:  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  KJV

Moving on – cheating in the primaries and November 2024

The November elections begin during the primaries.  I’ve written about this until my fingers tapping this keyboard beg for mercy.  Primaries is when the culling begins.  Jan. 5, 2024, will be kick-off in Iowa; 2024 schedule.

Polls, polls and more polls which predicted a ‘red wave’ in the last controlled selection (election) didn’t happen by design.  Registered voters in the Democrat/Communist Party USA are trying to protect the immoral, degenerate, filthy agenda and corrupt policies of their party.  Those voters care NOTHING about how corrupt Biden is or Democrat incumbents might be – just make sure to keep me on the gravy train plantation.

The Masters of the Game got caught with their pants down in 2016.  They completely and totally underestimated the power of Trump and how fed-up Americans were – not to mention that old battle-ax, Hildebeast Clinton, was about as popular as a rectal exam.  Second time their arrogance kicked them in the face.

In 2014 a little-known college professor, Dave Bratt, backed by the Tea Party, beat the No. 2 most powerful Republican in Congress, Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader at the time.  It sent shock waves throughout the District of Criminals.  They didn’t make the same mistake the third time.  The Nov. 2020 “election” was the most provable steal of any election I’ve seen in my entire life.  Trump’s campaign machine totally underestimated just how rotten and corrupt the Democrat machine is and Trump paid the price.

The focus right now and right up to Nov. 2024 must be stopping election fraud during the primaries, cheating perfectly qualified candidates from winning.  Whoever wins the primaries (or caucuses) is your only choice come November and that’s how the shadow government makes sure only their picks “win”.  R or D on the ballot. Hold your nose and vote.

There is a growing movement to stop using any machines and return to paper ballots, hand counted in front of the public.  MO County Replaces Voting Machines With Hand-Counted Paper Ballots…Here’s How One Person Made it Happen…And How YOU Can Do The Same Thing In Your State [VIDEO], April 6, 2023.  In April this year, Osage County, Missouri, went to all paper ballots and no more machines.  America Moves Decidedly Toward Paper-Based Elections, July 10, 2022 – This only happens with boots on the ground.

It doesn’t matter how many poll watchers you have because scanners and voting machines are what’s been stealing our elections for decades.

Of course, and party doesn’t seem to matter, too many county clerks don’t want that to happen because it means more work for them.  Texas is now OUT of ERIC which cuts off another tentacle for election fraud.  It’s Official: Texas Resigns from Democrat Operative-founded ERIC Voter Registration System- 9 States Out – Only 23 Remain, July 20, 2023

Every state GOP chair and every county GOP chapter MUST make sure county clerk in every county stop counting at midnight ON ELECTION NIGHT FOR ALL FEDERAL OFFICES.  I sent this information overnight to Trump and one his election attorneys and also informed them Trump should file a Quo Warranto at the same time.  Crickets.  That U.S. Supreme Court case was never mentioned and no Quo Warranto was filed.  Trump has already paid out $40 million in legal fees from Nov. 2020 to this day.

I’ve covered this before:  Foster v. Love, 522 U.S. 67, 71-72 (1997).  No ballot dumps at 3:00 am, no ballots counted 1-3 WEEKS after election day.  No.  It’s over at midnight.  Never again a repeat of what happened in November 2020, but that will only happen if the Demoncrats have Foster v Love shoved down their throats and we have enough volunteers in every county make damn sure the county clerk follows federal statutes.

Either we become a force to be reckoned with or the primaries will be another round of cheating and so will Nov. 2024.  This must be a top priority because if the Democrat/Communist Party USA takes the house or senate (or both) again and the WH, we are done.  No exaggeration, just raw reality.

These are must read to get a full understanding on that Supreme Court case as well as Presidential Electors.  I don’t just read something on the Internet and say, oh, that sounds good.  I follow up by looking up case, court decisions, laws and statutes.  Liberal icon, Ruthie Bader Ginsberg, was on the bench at that time.  I listened to oral arguments, especially her.

Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal LawFoster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision), Nov. 18, 2020 by Ren Jander, JD

Follow up on Quo Warranto as it relates to removing Obama/Soetoro, May 12, 2011

Judge Flapdoodle Strikes Again, August 2, 2018

1:29 video.  Enlarge screen, volume.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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He will never get my vote.  Vivek has been quite clear:  “Trump is a sore loser” and Biden is president.  Not even trying to hide his globalist ambitions.  Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement, July 29, 2023 (Trump got us out of the Paris Climate Agreement and TPP.)

“Wall Street loves multinational trade agreements because they provide greater flexibility for the profit opportunities of global corporations, multinational corporations and banks.  However, Main Street USA suffers from lost manufacturing jobs, lowered overall wages, and cheap imported durable goods that are an outcome of the lowest cost manufacturing priority.

“During a Twitter spaces discussion yesterday presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said he was in favor of reengaging the U.S. in the TPP trade agreement.  This is a non-starter for any America First economic platform.”  (Amen.)

Here Are Vivek Ramaswamy’s Shady Ties to George Soros & COVID Shots

GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Responds to Scrutiny Over Alleged Ties to Soros, WEF, and Controversial Partnership with NIH for Centralized COVID-19 Patient Surveillance Database (VIDEO), July 20, 2023

Ramaswamy company pitched governments on effort to install universal covid patient records surveillance database – “Datavant sought to create a universal database for governments that displays “every patient who has been tested for Covid-19.” June 6, 2023 – “Before rebranding as a warrior for free speech and a passionate crusader for privacy rights, newly announced presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy was pitching the U.S. and world governments on his efforts to install a broad, centralized database of private medical records.”

Another one in bed with communists:  Vivek Ramaswamy strikes again, this time launching a Beijing-based biotech player with a pipeline – “The biotech entrepreneur has repeatedly tried to find a niche in the gene therapy business, and therefore, he’s unsurprisingly a big proponent of mRNA shots. In January 2022, he wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal declaring that social distancing and cloth masks work to stop viruses, but that it needed to stop so that people can avoid antigenic drift. He added, “The most important step in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic was the distribution of vaccines.”

She would never get my vote for any office; this is just one reason.  Neocon Nikki’s latest “America First” blunder likely ended her “veep” dreams…“Nikki Haley labels this battle as “shameful.” It’s evident that Nikki lacks an understanding of what today’s GOP voters truly want. She seems to be stuck in 90s politics, engaging in her cutesy “tough girl” verbal zingers and aiming “friendly fire” at the politicians who genuinely listen to “we the people.” There’s no coming back from that.”

Travels With Charley II: In Search of America’s Future

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 14, 2023

Part 1:  A drastically and quickly changing America. Not so good on many levels. Confusion of our youth. Loss of pride in our country.

In a picture over the Internet, it showed a person dripping Tabasco Sauce into his/her eye saying, “I’d rather drop this stuff into my eyes than watch the Barbie Movie.”

Ironically, the Barbie Movie proves conclusively that Americans must tolerate more gender insanities, more “wokeness”, more “transgender” senselessness, more racial conflict, more political absurdities and more of the people who are driving this country into the toilet.

Whether it’s Joy Reid, host of an MSNBC talk show, whining about systemic racism and white privilege in America while she commands a $1.5 million annual salary, or African-American Patrick Mahomes’ $300 million contract to toss a football or the U.S. Women’s Soccer World Cup ladies who refused to honor our National Anthem by at least standing with their hands over their hearts to honor their own country—-you can’t help wonder where all this craziness ends or does it?

Note: millions of patriotic Americans couldn’t help but silently cheer when Megan Rapinoe, who hates America with all her heart, missed a goal that lost the game with Sweden in the World Cup competition.  She will end her career as a loser.  But worse than that, she lost the affection of Americans for her ugly treatment of her own country.

This year, starting in late April, my wife Sandi and I took a 10,000-mile road trip covering 21 states in the Mid-West and West.  Last year, we took a 10,000-mile journey of southern and eastern states…numbering 21 more states.

What we saw wasn’t pretty.  If you remember, back in the 1950’s, Pulitzer Prize winner John Steinbeck wrote, Grapes of Wrath, Tortilla Flats, Cannery Row and other observations of America. One of his most famous quotes came from his book where he traveled around America with his dog to write a memoir, Travels With Charley.  His most memorable quote about travel:  The sound of a jet, an engine warming up, even the clopping of shod hooves on pavement brings on the ancient shudder, the dry mouth and vacant eye, the hot palms and the churn of stomach high up under the rib cage.  When I was very young and the urge to be someplace else was on me, I was assured by mature people that maturity would cure this itch. When years described me as mature, the remedy prescribed was middle age. In middle age I was assured that greater age would calm my fever and now that I am fifty-eight perhaps senility will do the job. Nothing has worked. I fear the disease is incurable.

Anyone who knows me understands that I suffer from the same travel “disease” as Steinbeck.  Give me a road, give me a bicycle…and I will discover the world. Latest book: The Kickstand Chronicles: The Miraculous, Funny, Sublime and Downright Terrifying…Inevitable Moments of the Journey, Bicycling Across Six Continents, 45 years, 150,000 Miles by Frosty Wooldridge.

From my car travels the past two summers, I am writing a new book, Travels With Charley II by Frosty Wooldridge.  I am taking his observations of America in the 1950’s and writing about what’s happened to America in the 2020’s.  We have created a drastically different, angrier, un-American America and fractured if not fragmented country.  We have become more racially separated, and more culturally “multiculturalized” to the point that being an “American” no longer holds any sense of patriotic meaning to millions of our youth or our immigrants.

When Johnny Cash sang, “A Boy Named Sue” back in 1969, we now see boys transgendering into “Susan” to the point that Title IX program for women have been obliterated.  “Wokeness” is destroying any sense of “common sense” at the highest levels.  It’s almost as if the politically correct “nuts” are running the insane asylum.  The fact remains that you can never, ever change your sex of XY or XX chromosomes. You can pretend, you can carry an illusion, you can dress any way you want, but you will always remain your sex at birth no matter how many drugs you take, no matter how many operations, no matter what your emotional makeup at whatever age. All transgenderism is “pretending” and not reality. By advocating for it before the age of 21, it’s destroying millions of young children’s lives.

During our travels, we saw disturbing aspects of what’s happening to America as to the “content” of our non-citizens who invaded our shores either legally or illegally.  We witnessed entire cities being changed to replicate third world countries.  We watched in disbelief homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness into the tens of thousands of lost souls in Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, Miami and New Orleans.

We saw enormous dichotomies brought about by mayors, governors and city councils that defy understanding.  We saw firsthand the lawlessness that’s undermining our very existence as a society.

You cannot solve problems when you promote them. You cannot solve drug addiction by serving more drugs. You cannot solve homelessness by encouraging it.  You cannot save women’s sports by adhering to the insanity of “transgender” male athletes whipping women into submission.  You cannot encourage patriotism and pride in one’s community when you allow talking heads to trash the foundation of our society.

We cannot save our country by trying to save everyone else’s country. As you watch over 100 hotels in New York City being destroyed by illegal migrants, you begin to understand that your tax dollars cannot save the world…and there’s no way that Washington DC or the governors or mayors in this country can keep doing what they are doing to destroy the foundation of our way of life.

From Sandi’s and my travels around this grand country, we witnessed that we cannot keep traveling down this national “tragic highway” if we hope that our civilization will survive another 20 years.  We must change course…and very, very soon.

I will cover our national tragedy in this series. Buckle up…you’re in for a rough ride.

Coming in Part 2:  You cannot believe what you see.  You cannot understand the thinking behind some of the stuff going on. You cannot comprehend the stupidities allowing what’s happening.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Wrath of God is At Our Door

By Glynn Adams

August 13, 2023

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them for God made it evident to them.” (Romans 1:18-19) -You shall know and hear the truth and be free!-

As a watchman of God, I have been moved, not to indignation, but compassion to give my most urgent warning to those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ in America. The wrath of God is at the door in America because those who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ have become disobedient, apathetic, asleep, and lukewarm. But our most dangerous position is we have deceptively declared ourselves godly and righteous when the world can clearly see that the followers of Jesus Christ in America are not salt and light but are an ineffective religious institution operating in ungodliness and unrighteousness.

With all the power and authority of God at our beckoning; with the mighty weapons of God readily available to us, we have allowed evil to overtake this nation and everyday we blame someone other than ourselves for the condition of America. We arrogantly and openly boast we are winning but in reality, we have no plan, we are a splintered group, and we have no urgency. For the followers of Jesus Christ to be divided and not in one accord is ungodly and unrighteous. We spend our time attending seminars, preaching to the choir, and passing information on to each other and boasting it is good while our demonic enemies rule our nation and still advancing. We are pushing the grace of God to the limit!!!!

The wrath of God will sooner or later be revealed from heaven against all this ungodliness and unrighteousness of these wicked men and women operating openly in this nation mocking God. However, let us not forget the word “all” in this verse. We must remember when anyone, including believers, reach the level of ungodliness and unrighteousness, God wrath will deal with “all.” The followers of God in this nation are divided, not in one accord, we are not on the same page with Jesus, we lack urgency, our inability to facilitate God’s plan, and we have not been able to recruit many believers for this war and we are close to ungodliness and unrighteousness in God’s view. We are deceived and can’t see!!!

We are not going to win this war in our courts or politically but by the power of God – period!!!! God intends for us to be the first on the battlefield and then He will show up. We are in a war with the demonic Kingdom of Satan and unless the followers of Jesus Christ return to that which was lost some 1800 years ago – the Kingdom of God, we will remain powerless and without authority! When God created this earth, He had an idea. He would create earth and then He created mankind and placed him in the garden to have dominion and to tend to it. God wanted a family of sons and daughters that He would give them a government – a kingdom system to have dominion and influence on earth by bringing the influence of heaven down to influence earth.

Can I tell you what has happened in America with a church building on almost every corner? Believers of God let Satan steal God’s idea and used it to influence America to the demonic ways of Satan. While the followers of Jesus Christ were turning what God had envisioned into a religion, Satan took his sons and daughters of evil and went into our culture, schools, corporations, and government and influenced America to the ways of Satan. While America missed the Kingdom Message idea from God, Satan took it and made disciples of Satan and influenced America. He now rules America and not God. He has influenced America to the ways of Satan and his demonic hordes. SHAME ON US!!!

AND THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST IN AMERICA WILL NOT ESTABLISH THE RULE OF GOD IN AMERICA UNTIL WE GET BACK TO THE ORIGINAL IDEA OF GOD, THE KINGDOM OF GOD MESSAGE. It is evil for the followers of God to take the idea of God and turn it into a religion. That in itself is ungodly and unrighteous and will surely bring the wrath of God to us if we let this stand. We are to have the mind of Christ so it is evil not to think the way God thinks. Unless we repent (change our thinking to God’s way of thinking and get back to His idea of the kingdom), the wrath of God, at some time, will fall on America!!!!!

Now God sent His Logos – His Word – so man would clearly understand God’s idea of a kingdom government. It was working well up until the middle of the Third Century when Constantine became emperor of Rome. He corrupted the church Jesus created with His disciples. We are still a religious people today and the Word of God is still being ignored and we have become the perfect example of a people who are perishing because of a lack of knowledge. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6)

The Logos has explained to us clearly how we are to embrace the idea of God and His Kingdom of God government. Remember, God’s idea when He created the earth was to have His sons and daughters to have dominion over the visible earth – to rule and influence the visible earth with the ways of the invisible heaven. From here until the end of this message, I want to help you see the idea the Logos presented about the Kingdom Government and help you rediscover the Kingdom Message. This message has been lost for over 1800 years– the church lost, you lost, your docrine lost, your pastor lost, your denomination lost, and our nation has lost.

This has to be rediscovered by the American followers of God because it is the only way we can win this war against this demonic world. All authority and power given to us comes from our King; not from religion. There is no Godly power and authority outside of the Kingdom of God. Our idea or logic for church is not working today in America because the Kingdom concept of God has been lost in religion in America. Jesus recognized what religion does in a nation, “But woe to you scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, you shut off the Kingdom of God from men, for you do not enter in yourself nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.” (Matthew 23:13) Pastors and religious leaders in America shut off the Kingdom from men!!!

God created us for a reason. He did not create us just to get a job, pay bills, and die. You were not born just to make a living but to make a difference on this earth. “My frame was not hidden from Thee when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth. Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance and in Thy Book there were all written, the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them.” (Psalm 139:15-16) All believers have a part to influence earth!!!!

This generation in America can rediscover the original idea of God. What was on God’s mind. Religion has not worked out for anyone who wants to follow Jesus. Only the Kingdom will work. This message of God has been lost in the graveyard of religion and in this generation, we must rediscover God’s original purpose for us. You don’t want to know the Bible without knowing the ideas of God. The followers of Christ in America have many ideas of what church should be except what is God’s idea of church!!

God’s focus is a Kingdom and most people have no idea of what Kingdom means. What is your concept of Kingdom; if your concept of Kingdom is different than God, there will be a misunderstanding. Where did you get your idea of Kingdom from? The concept of God’s Kingdom is recorded in His Word and explained and demonstrated by His Logos in the First Century.

Kingdom consists of three things – a King. Jesus is not a President or Prime Minister. He is a King and He has a Kingdom. When you hear He is King of kings, you understand you do not vote Him into power. King means He has all the power and authority and what the King says is law so you have no opinion or private interpretation. We don’t debate with a King, we obey Him, submit to Him, commit to Him, be faithful to Him. and show allegiance to Him. If the King says that fornication is against the law, you don’t debate that. We want Jesus to be Prime Minister in our minds so we can negotiate with Him. You cooperate with a Prime Minister or President but you obey a King.

The next thing about a Kingdom is every King has a Kingdom. It’s not about a Republic. It about a Kingdom. A Kingdom is opposite from a Republic. In a Republic, the power is in We the People but in a Kingdom, the power is in the King. Two different ideas!!! A Kingdom is not a religion; a Kingdom is a country. In America and around the world, we have made God’s Kingdom a religion called Christianity. Jesus did not come to earth to create a religion called Christianity. God knows nothing about what you are talking about. Kingdom and Christianity are not the same.

The next thing about a Kingdom is it is about a royal family. Citizenship in the Kingdom means you are part of a royal family. This royal family was given a responsibility by their Father to rule the earth for Him. He wanted them to colonize earth for heaven. The next thing about a Kingdom is God’s idea was Kingdom expansion. Kingdoms not Republics expand. The glory of a king is his kingdom expanding. God wanted to rule the seen and the unseen. All kingdoms expand and that expansion is called colonization. In Jesus’ day, Rome expanded its kingdom into Judea and Judea became a colony of Rome. Rome sent a governor to ensure the people of Judea begin to express the nature and ideas of the Roman Kingdom. Rome was a perfect example for the believers of Jesus to see how a King and his kingdom worked!!!

He wanted His children to colonize and influence the earth – God’s Kingdom will come when His children do God’s will on earth as it is done in heaven. The Bible is the first colonial document on earth. God said in Genesia 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness and let them rule over all the earth.” That is Kingdom expansion. God did not create you to be in heaven; that is where you came from. He put you on earth to fill the earth and to dominate and to influence the earth with Heaven’s culture. When a Kingdom impacts a territory the culture in that territory becomes just like that Kingdom. When Kingdoms expand, they take away the territory history. When God saves you, He takes away your history and you become a new creation and a citizen of His Kingdom and the sons of God.

Jesus is the most misunderstood man on this earth. He came to establish God’s ideas about a Kingdom but we thought He came to establish a religion called Christianity. We then put Him in a class of all other religious leaders. Jesus is not a religious leader. He never joined a religion and He was never a Pharisee or any member of any religious organization. His greatest trouble came from the religious leaders in His day and he was considered to be a friend of sinners. He kept company with winebibbers – alcoholics, prostitutions, and tax collectors – corrupted politicians. People loved His message because He did not come to condemn them – how come they don’t like us?

Jesus came to earth with God’s ideas. Jesus was God’s Logos – God’s expressed idea and His word communicated God’s ideas to the masses in the First Century. We have missed this and our religion in America is not anywhere on the same page with God’s ideas. We don’t need to wonder what was on God’s mind or what is He thinking anymore; just listen to His Expressed Word. The believers in America are to take the Kingdom culture and influence the culture in America and other nations!!! Satan told the church we are a religious body and not a political body. Satan told us not to get involved in politics or the state and we have made ourselves useless in the state by reducing ourselves to a religion. We want to get raptured out and go to heaven and leave the state in the hands of ungodly people who will pass ungodly laws to change our culture to the ungodly ways of Satan and not God. Then we blame the state for what we allowed Satan to do. We are sick in America.

Christians are the worst to misunderstand Jesus. We see Jesus as a religious leader – a savior. We think He came to form a religion called Christianity. Jesus never founded a religion. What was the message of Jesus? What was His idea? God created visible earth to expand His invisible Kingdom on earth. What did Jesus preach while He was on this earth – the Kingdom of God message.

Jesus started His ministry in Matthew 4:17, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” “And Jesus was going about in all Galilee preaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom (the good news of the rule of God) and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people.” (Matthew 5:23) “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 5:3)

“Seek first His Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33). (If you want to know what these things are, read Matthew 6:25) In Luke 6:43, Jesus said to them, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also for I was sent for this purpose.” Jesus said in Matthew 16:19, “I will give you the keys to a religion – NO – I will give you the keys to the Kingdom and whatever you bound on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loose in heaven.”

Jesus teaches in the whole chapter of Matthew 13:1-58, the kingdom is like, the kingdom is like. He told His disciples who had given up all to follow Jesus that they had been given to know the mystery of the Kingdom but to those multitudes who want things from God, have eyes but cannot see, have ears but cannot hear the Kingdom, Satan comes to steal away the message of the Kingdom from them.

Over one hundred times did Jesus mention the Kingdom of God in the gospels. The disciples asked Jesus, “When will the end come?” He told them in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” Religious people looking for the rapture, unpack your bags!!!! Jesus prayed to the Father in John 17:15 “I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world but to keep them from the evil one.”, Jesus said in John 3 that one is born into the Kingdom by the water and Spirit and you don’t become a member of a religious organization, you become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Jesus is not coming back for a religious system that is in bed with the world, not influencing your culture by suppressing the truth about the Kingdom and ignoring the Kingdom of God message of Jesus. That is ungodly and unrighteous!!! What is coming is wrath!

I’ll close with this one. In Acts 1:3, “To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the Kingdom of God.” HATH GOD REALLY SAID? Yes! Did you get that? Jesus spent 40 days speaking about the kingdom; not the cross, not the resurrection, and not His suffering. Those were not His message; His message was the kingdom and it should be ours also! The cross, death, burial, and resurrections were very important but were a means to an end and is not the main message of Jesus. Do you really seek the truth that sets you free or are you in bondage to religion? God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the late Myles Munroe and his kingdom messages on YouTube. They will change your life and get you out of this deadly religion)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

The Fallacy of “Live and Let Live”

By Pastor Butch Paugh

August 13, 2023

It is impossible for a righteous man to peaceably co-exist with evil.

Before we can begin to purge and destroy evil from society, we must first purge ourselves of evil deeds and even “thoughts” that are contrary to His Word as we are instructed to in scripture. (Romans 12:1-2, Philippians 2:5 & 4:8, Ephesians 4:22-24, II Corinthians 10:5, Hebrews 4:12 & II Timothy 1:7) The war between the “old” man (flesh) and the new man born of The Spirit is an ongoing battle. (Rom. 6:11-14 & Galatians 5:24-25) We are plainly and expressly warned in Heb. 10:26-31 and II Peter 2:19-22 about the deadly seriousness of returning back to the “world” (sin) after we have accepted Christ as our Savior! Only after we get the beam (sin) out of our own lives can we begin to help rid society of evil! (Matthew 7:1-5) In verse one, Christ does not tell us not to judge! Verses 15-20, in Matthew 7, clearly tell us “what” and “how” to judge between the righteous and the evil by their fruits (works)! As a matter of fact, Christ Himself tells us to judge with righteous judgment. (John 7:24)

Now that we have laid the foundation on the “Christian’s” need to purge her/himself and the duty to live righteously, we can move forward in our duty to demand, with authority in Christ, that our nation’s laws uphold God’s moral standards in all spheres of life! Brothers and sisters that are truly living in Christ and understand the statement made in the beginning of this article will accept this article in the spirit of righteous indignation in which it was written!

John Wesley once made this very serious and almost prophetic statement, “What one generation tolerates, the next will embrace.” How true and accurate Mr. Wesley was! It would take many pages to bring forth the solid evidence on all the ways we have compromised (tolerated) evils, large and small, to get where we are today in our once blessed nation! Romans 12:9 gave us clear instruction on how we have lost so much of the understanding of God’s Word that we don’t’ even know what evils we have tolerated and committed! In II Cor. 6:14-18 we are commanded to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and that includes their institutions and governments! One huge reason the “church” in America has lost its authority and desire to confront and destroy evil is that we don’t dare bite the hand that feeds us!

We all have sold our birthright as Americans. Especially the “professed” believers in the church! Need I say more than “501c3” (idolatry)?! If you don’t have any idea of what I am saying, more is the pity! That’s one huge explanation of why our nation is being turned into hell. (Psalm 9:17)

The following quotes say it pretty well! “We the people” need God! We have damned our posterity to slavery and decadence! Galatians 4:16 may come into play here. I’m certain some will be offended by the truth contained in this writing. Truth does offend! Christ was crucified because He told the truth! Amos 8:11 and Ecc. 8:11 are now our judgment!

“When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace is your sin.” Abraham Kuyper -1837-1920 (Prime minister, Netherlands)

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“In the world it is called tolerance, but in hell it is called despair, the sin that believes in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die. Dorothy Sayers

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” G.K. Chesteton

“That what is passively accepted by a people in practices will tell more about what they embrace as good and true then all of their verbal declarations to the contrary. Aristotle

“A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury and a man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.” John Stewart

The famed 19th Century revivalist and major contributor to America’s “Second Great Awakening,” Charles Finney, said the following: “If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.” I believe Finney was absolutely correct.

Since I have probably already alienated many people with the blunt truth, let’s move on with even more brain numbing facts that your 501c3 church hireling will not tell you.

Let’s list a few “evils” the “people of God” have tolerated and allowed to promulgate and infest society. Thievery through ungodly taxation, covetness through accepting “men’s benefits”, destruction of our children’s minds and souls through and by a government run and controlled public “fool” system. And we “say” we love our children! We remained silent as one atheist was “chosen” by wicked men to take the last vestige of hope out of the public fool system in 1963! We “whined, cried and begged ‘our government’ gods” to stop the murder of babies! The same “gods” gave into the sexual deviants by “legalizing” gross sexual perversion in same sex marriage! Instead of rebuking the evil and spitting in the eye of the devil and his minions we, as usual, set on our “pews” and “silently” prayed and waited for the rapture!

I think it would benefit us immensely to read Revelation 3:15 and Matthew 10:32-42 again. Especially Mt. 10:34! Let us, the truly called ones, (Ekklesia) read, believe and obey Ps. 26:4-5 and 139:21-22. Evil will not relent or be turned away by tolerance or understanding!

Let’s get on the firing line NOW!!

© 2023 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

America: A Society in Crisis

By Amil Imani

August 12, 2023

If one visualizes the establishment of the first (small) society, as Enlightenment thinkers did (ca. 1690-1800), one must suspect that it was founded on the mutual agreement of–a social contract among–the first members. It seems unlikely that it could not have lasted very long if any society had been fashioned on disagreement. Given that agreement was at the foundation of the community, the only thing that could break the club apart would be the introduction of disagreers into its midst.

Of course, disagreers might have been expected to come from outside the society, if only because they could not have been party to the agreement in the social contract. But disagreers might also have been expected to come from inside the society if the children of the members needed to be schooled in the necessity to continue the agreement made by their parent, guardian, and ancestors. Such “schooling” arose at first within every family’s lodgings (and duties). As the generation succeeded generation, the survival of society depended upon the effectiveness of family schooling. Successful schooling and transmission of social commitment to the agreement eventually led to establishing a culture with rules, laws, and (sometimes) a constitution.

Anyway, somewhere along the line, in many (if not all) growing societies, these two types of problems arose. External problems arose as people from outside the club occasionally attempted (usually by engaging in armed conflict) to take over the community and impose a new and different agreement system. Thus, the threat of external attack by disagreers–aka enemies–made it necessary to devise an externally oriented (military) self-defense force.

(2) Internal problems arose, as people (parents) on the inside, for whatever reason, failed to properly school their children properly, opening the way for the rise of rebellious disagreers in the midst the society, who would attempt (usually by engaging in law-breaking behaviors) to take action against one or more (law-abiding) members of the community. The threat of internal attack by disagreers–aka criminals–made it necessary to devise an internally oriented (police) self-defense force. The problem faced by every society has been what to do with disagreers, especially with those who were actually citizens by birth but technically non-citizens by disagreement–non-citizens by rebellious choice–against the very social contract in which they had been nourished to adulthood.

For thousands of years, the accepted way to deal with external enemies was to defeat them on the field of battle, and the accepted way to deal with internal criminals was to capture and punish them with lashing, torture, incarceration, exile, and execution.

But, today, we style ourselves as having reached Kantian (enlightened) maturity, no longer (completely) accepting such methods, if only because we think those methods are inhumane. Furthermore, our (U.S.) system of government not only permits disagreement, it has come to encourage it. It has created a (tacitly legal, at least) second category of citizen disagreers who are not considered criminals.

This second category of citizens who disagree with the social contract has a variety of euphemistic labels: progressives, liberals, mainstream media, change agents, innovators, visionaries, special interest groups, etc. Hence society is destined to be in constant turmoil as waves of new children (encouraged to question authority and to think there isn’t even supposed to be a box) rush onto the agreement stage with ideas of how to change it from whatever it was before, even if it’s for no good reason at all.

Drug users and the drug industry want drugs legalized the same way alcohol was because there is a market for getting stoned. Thieves want robbery legalized because they are poor. Criminals wish to have prisons abolished because they are oppressed. Illegal immigrants want citizenship rights even if they are not citizens. Even if they displace American jobs, businesses want to have international business ties for labor. Snoops wish to increase surveillance capabilities and rights with less hostility from privacy advocates because they think they can save the nation. Technologists wish to have more customers with less work. Governments want more power with less disclosure. Employers wish to lower wages for more work. Employees expect to pay higher wages for less work. Bullies don’t like bullying criminalized. Stock brokers want insider trading legalized. Women’s liberation leaders want to end the biological definition of womanhood and erase it from social memory. The salacious want sexting legalized, just like “adult” literature.

Muslims want to build mosques legally like churches have been lawfully made. Atheists want all public evidence and acknowledgment of Christianity and all religion removed from the public square. The NRA wants to keep Second Amendment rights free of surveillance. The anti-gun advocates wish to have every gun and owner tracked in detail. Etc. All these things are pleas and petitions about the social contract.

No society can survive for long in such persistent bickering and turmoil. And when we overlay all this with the “fact” that there are terrorists behind every tree, under every rock, and in every social setting, who can be confident that anything they say or do will not mark them for some watch list? After all, everyone is watching everyone for signs of anti-social behavior. But what is anti-social behavior in this turmoil? Who is appropriately defending his human rights? Who is not entitled to display violence to make their point in a society drowning in messages of change? How else can the message gain precious national television and news media coverage?

I advocate for stopping the encouragement for change, if only because it affects the stability and future survival of this Great Nation that many of us have worked and died to establish. Not everything done or settled in the past is wrong and needs change, simply because the sweep hand passed the twelve on the clock and someone has succumbed to the media mantra for change. The fact is that every society must have a stable constitution, laws, and rules. And it is not much harder to adjust to the government to have no premarital sex than it is to accept the current calls for no sexual harassment.

Societies have adapted to the former quite well. It is time to think about establishing certain sections of the country where all those who disagree with the current constitution and laws are separated from those who accept them. Perhaps there should be sections of the country where all the gun advocates can live; areas of the country where all the free-sex people can live together; sections of the country where all the married men and women, who want to live happily with each other and raise their children together by the social contract, can live together; or sections of the country where all the disagreers with the social contract can sit around disagreeing all day long if they want to.

According to the United Nations, self-defense is legal and a human right. But, in my view, no one has the right to violence and destruction of property for a political cause contrary to the law, no matter how much the change might be desired. Violations of the law must (should) be met with policing force to end them and punish the offenders, lest more illegalities be encouraged the next time someone has a problem with authority. If one does the crime, one should do the time.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Lazy Wimps & Freeloaders Want A Free Ride From Patriots

By Andrew Wallace

August 12, 2023

My objective is to wake up the dependent ignorant, indolent and brainwashed fence sitting freeloaders .

Fence sitters are lazy apathetic cowards and union members would call them freeladers who expect a free ride from patriots which they are not going to get.

First, fence sitters are of no value to the Republic contributing nothing to their own survival or that of others. They refuse to actively support the Republic or sacrifice and stock up on arms, ammunition, emergency rations and supplies. These people are not real contributing members of society and can expect to suffer and starve when government dependency ends

Fence Sitters have no claims on working patriots nor should they.

It is difficult to have any sympathy for the many residents of the Communist inner-city plantations who only loot, burn, main and fornicate. They continue to elect corrupt leaders from their own group that insures them of a second class education, no skills, no employment, no police protection and dependence on a communist government as long as it lasts.

In truth the problem started in 1964 with the “Democrat Civil Rights Act” ( with help of Republicans). This gave teen age girls the opportunity to have independence, babies and a government check so long as they didn’t keep the father around.

The result was predictable, 64% of blacks had single mothers, three times that of whites. Prior to this families of blacks and whites were similar.
Government programs from conception to resurrection and affirmative action have had a negative impact on minorities.

Residents of the inner-city plantations must somehow vote their incompetent and corrupt leaders out of office notwithstanding power, propaganda and brainwashing.
Without some catastrophic event, like a Great Depression, and one is on the way, I think change in the Democrat cities is impossible.

Inadequate education ( brainwashing ) in government schools (K-12) and crime are the most serious root problems for the poor in Democrat cities. But the Marxist universities are even worse when it comes to teaching Communism to students who can read and write, but not think. College students are not stupid but they are brainwashed, ignorant of reality, history and the Republic. I don’t have figures to prove it but I think affirmative action had a very negative long lasting negative affect on meritocracy even in the Supreme Court.

The Parasitic Super Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their minions in woke corporations and government are responsible for the existing plight of the inner-city victims.

The PSRRC did this by violating these three major Constitutional laws, and others.

1… The PSRRC is subsidizing the Communist goal of dependency by funding all manner of unconstitutional welfare programs See Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of our Constitution: “To pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States

2… The PSRRC using Unconstitutional laws is spending money from the treasury on illegal expenditures in the states. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of our Constitution states “No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”

3… Only the legislature can enact laws, even the unconstitutional ones. See Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of Constitution “The Congress shall have powers to make all laws”.

It would be improper for me to write a paper on this topic without discussing a sensitive subject that many think is the root problem.

Common law is based upon the bible and precedents which are in turn God’s Laws in the Bible. Communists detest religion as do their many acolytes in the inner-city plantations. Without exposure to God’s Laws they don’t know the Common law or right from wrong, or don’t give a damn. This is why many people are writing off this generation of young people under Communist control.

It is important that people know the difference between Common Law and Organic Law (Supreme Law of The Land, our Constitution et al).

Many people feel that lawyers are not really taught Organic Law in Law Schools. All of their education is on Common Law. When you observe the total failure of attorneys and judges to enforce Organic Law allowing the Republic to circle the drain you must agree. Either that or a large percentage of the legal profession are cowards or corrupt.

May God Bless You And Our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

The U.N. Lawyer Prosecuting Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

August 11, 2023

Before he was assigned to “get Trump,” Special Counsel Jack Smith conducted investigations and supervised “war crime prosecutions” at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Netherlands. But the United States never ratified the ICC treaty. On what basis, therefore, did he work on that global tribunal?

He began his career under Barack Hussein Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder, leading the Department of Justice “Public Integrity Section,” and his controversial record of “overzealous investigations and prosecutions” has been subjected to scrutiny by the America First Policy Institute.

But what the “conservative” critique has missed is his work as a globalist at an illegitimate international court that the United States Senate, in charge of treaties, has never endorsed.

Smith has been photographed in his global garb, wearing black and purple robes, contemplating crimes such as genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. This is where power really went to his head, as evident in the prosecutions he is now bringing against former President Trump.

One charge, if we are to believe the media, is that Trump mishandled some documents in his possession dealing with nuclear issues. He was entitled to those under the Presidential Records Act. Yet it’s the Biden Administration which revealed one of the nation’ most highly classified secrets — the number of nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile. Such a disclosure works only to the benefit of America’s enemies, such as China and Russia, who keep their nuclear information a state secret.

The Trump administration had denied the release of that information about the U.S. arsenal.

Smith is a left-wing lawyer who wants to prosecute Trump and handicap his defense team with “evidence” kept secret from the American people. He says this is necessary because of the need for “grand jury secrecy.” It’s a violation of the First Amendment but is typical of how international lawyers treat our country and our rights with disdain.

The latest example of his power grab is that he used a secret warrant to get access to Trump’s Twitter account.

Faced with the “lawfare” antics of this lawyer from a global kangaroo court, Trump’s lawyers have no choice but to put Smith on trial for violating the U.S. Constitution. And the Congress has no alternative but to defund Smith’s illegitimate and illegal quest to put the former president in prison.

What if this kangaroo court in the U.S. gets copied on a global level? What if the United Nations were to prosecute a future President Trump or another Republican president in the name of demanding trillions of dollars in reparations for slavery?

That is in fact the direction the United Nations is heading, for its so-called “UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent” claims that American taxpayers owe black people reparations for a history of “racial terrorism.”

Radical black activists cite the First World Tribunal on Reparations for African People held in Brooklyn, New York in 1982, where a panel of judges ruled that the U.S. owed $4.1 trillion in reparations to African people.

Rep. Cori Bush says the figure has risen to $14 trillion.

Paul Robeson, the black singer whose fatal flaws included membership in the Moscow-funded Communist Party, love for Soviet mass murderer Joseph Stalin, and support for the Hitler-Stalin Pact that paved the way for World War II, submitted a “We Charge Genocide” petition to the United Nations in 1951. It was promoted by the communist-front Civil Rights Congress and has been called the “Black Lives Matter” campaign of its day.

We can anticipate an international lawyer like Jack Smith bringing these charges against the U.S. in the future through a global tribunal.

If that doesn’t work, the international lawyers are also considering suing U.S. corporations and the U.S. Government for “environmental reparations,” based on the exploitation of natural resources and their alleged impact on “climate change.”

In my 1995 book, Global Bondage: The U.N. Plan to Rule the World, I went into detail about U.N. plans for an International Criminal Court that could prosecute American citizens.  Jack Smith represents the latest aspect of this campaign. Once they “convict” Trump on dubious grounds, they will try to put him on trial internationally and send him to The Hague.

My group America’s Survival, Inc. was the first national organization to warn of global taxes and the International Criminal Court, holding news conferences on these matters at the National Press Club and on Capitol Hill.

Responding to public concern, on June 11, 2020, President Donald J. Trump issued Executive Order 13928, declaring as “illegitimate” the proclaimed “jurisdiction” of the ICC over personnel of the United States. But on April 2, 2021, the Biden administration revoked the Executive Order. 

In effect, Trump was imposing sanctions in the form of visa/travel restrictions and asset freezes targeting International Criminal Court officials as well as other persons that contribute to the Court’s illegal investigations against the United States and its allies.

But with Biden on the side of the ICC, one left-wing organization said that Trump administration officials could now be prosecuted for “contempt” for international law before the ICC.

That organization, which calls itself “Just Security,” had two interesting people on its advisory board: Avril Haines, who served as Principal Deputy National Security Advisor to President Obama and is now Biden’s Director of National Intelligence, and Jake Sullivan, who served in the Obama administration as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden and Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, as well as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He is now Biden’s national security advisor.

Not surprisingly, the organization is supported by the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations.

Back in 1998, I was joined by Howard Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus in opposition to the ICC. Howard, a well-known conservative leader, made several important points:

  • Approval of the International Criminal Court by the President and Senate would be in fundamental conflict with their Constitutional oaths.
  • The Constitution of the United States makes clear that “All legislative Powers shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” Powers which are vested cannot be transferred.
  • Article III of the U.S. Constitution stipulates in Section 1 that “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”
  • The proposed U.N. International Criminal Court is not under the Constitution of the United States, as is the U.S. Supreme Court and the various inferior courts, nor would it be structured to be subordinate to our Congress.

I agreed with Howard Phillips when he said that the Biblical foundations of our Constitution and the protections it provides to our rights should not be sacrificed to promote an anti-Christian New World Order with an International Criminal Court enforcing “laws” enacted by the United Nations.

The ICC treaty was NOT ratified, but Biden went ahead anyway, appointing Beth Van Schaack as the Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, launching what she called “a sorely needed reset of the U.S. relationship with the ICC,” and saying the U.S. Government will “continue rebuilding the U.S.-ICC relationship and put it on a more durable path…”

Her bio also includes work for the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague.

It turns out that she also she served as Executive Editor for Just Security, the same organization pushing a charge of “contempt” against Trump on a global basis.

As the “lawfare” against Trump proceeds, we can anticipate an International Criminal Tribunal targeting the United States, focusing on President Trump or any Republican president. One charge could be “contempt” of international law over the ICC, followed by charges of “racial terrorism” against America itself.

Defunding the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith is one easy way for the House Republicans to stop these schemes.

© 2023 Cliff Kincaid All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Early Voting is Destroying Our Nation

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

August 11, 2023

If you are old like me, you probably remember when there was such a thing as Election DAY all across this nation.  It was officially set as the “the Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November.”  In fact, it was not to long ago that Election Day was a holiday in America to assure all American citizens could exercise their duty and right to vote.

“Absentee” ballots have always been available for those who were not able to make it to the polls.  There was a process, controlled by the respective states, by which a ballot would be provided to those who were unable to make it to the polls on Election DAY.

But somewhere along the way, Election Day has morphed into Election week, then election MONTH.  Today, in most states, ballots can merely be dropped into a collection box without any proof or trail of who exactly cast the ballot.  This has opened our elections to rampant fraud.

Say what you will, ballot harvesting and ballot stuffing has called into question the validity of our elections.  Isn’t that exactly what the Jan 6 “insurrection” was all about?  Didn’t men and women show up in Washington, DC to “petition the government for a redress of their grievances?”  Wasn’t the accusation of “voter fraud” at the heart of the 2020 election?

In fact, DEMOCRATS have been complaining about election issues for years.  Hillary Clinton rambled on about how the election was stolen from her.  Watch this brief video of Democrats carping about unsecured elections.  Evidently, Democrats can question elections, but Donald Trump cannot.  They want to put him in prison for wanting to verify the outcome.

In sports, they have developed a technique called “instant replay.”  I remember when it was first introduced over 30 years ago with the advent of video tape.   For the first time in sports the judgment call of an umpire or referee could be “reviewed” by replaying the tapes and determining if the judgment of the official had been correct.  This simple concept of “upon further review” changed the nature of the sports by verifying the veracity of the umpires.

Gradually, the call to “kill the umps” drifted away because the “eye in the sky” was reviewed to eliminate “bad calls” during a game.  Are sports events more important to our nation than elections?  Isn’t the correct outcome of an election more important than whether a runner was safe or out at first base?  Are we sure there are no “bad calls” in election results?  Isn’t “upon further review” simply the sports’ world’s manner by which they offer a “redress of grievances?”

Has the integrity of our elections gotten better or worse since we extended Election DAY to Election MONTH?  Why wouldn’t both teams want a fair game?  No one wants to win a game over a “bad call” by a referee. In fact, Pete Rose has been kept out of the Hall of Fame for the APEARANCE of behavior that was not above board.  Major League Baseball did not want to tarnish the image of the Hall of Fame by admitting a “cheater” into its hallowed halls.

Evidently, the integrity of Baseball is more important to America than the integrity of our elections.  Pete is banned for what he “might” have done, while potential cheating is not serious enough to have a “further review” in regards to our election of our national leaders.

Early voting opens the door to all types of corruption scenarios.  Politics is BIG Business and TRILLIONS of dollars often hang in the balance as a result of elections.  Both sides cheat because both sides have a vested interest in incumbency.  Did you know that re-elections rates for our “representatives” in DC is over 90%?  Check this out.  Do you think the “foot on the scale” only applies to Democrats?  Have you noticed how few Republicans have fought for President Trump?  Why is that?  Could it be that they all benefit from the current fair-election facade?

Most of the “ballot harvesting” happens in the larger cities because it is so much easier to fake names, addresses, and signatures.  Some states allow up to 30 Days early voting with very little verification of the voter’s identification with ballots dropped in stand-alone boxes throughout the city.  At most poll locations some means of identification is required for IN PERSON voting, but mail in and drop-box voting requires no such verification. Be sure to read about the “Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan.”

Many of you have played sports and understand the importance of the scoreboard.  Strategy often changes later in a game depending on whether a team is ahead or behind.  Why have we not demanded that early voting results be posted EVERY DAY so that both teams know whether they are ahead or behind.  Can you image a basketball game where the scoreboard is covered until the end of the game?  Why is this not important in an election?  Wouldn’t it be fair to BOTH teams to post the vote tallies each day so that supporters would know if they were ahead or behind before the game is over?

What fun would it be watching a game if you did not know the score during the game?

We need significant reform of our elections if the creed of “one man, one vote” is going to have any validity.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”  —Joseph Stalin.

We are rapidly become the old Soviet Union that Americans laughed at a half-century ago.

We must demand a return to mandatory same-day voting with paper ballots.

Otherwise, our elections are meaningless.

Let’s make Election Day honest again.

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Disney’s Debacle

by Lee Duigon

August 10, 2023

I’m fascinated by what looks like the slow self-destruction of our movie industry.

For my generation, movies were huge. Every town had a movie-house or two. Circa 1973, if my friends and I felt like going to a movie, we had a breathtaking number of choices. I can remember some fifteen theaters we had within easy driving distance. Two full pages of movie listings in the newspapers—take your pick.

Today we have only one movie theater still open. It’s a multiplex, showing several films at once. But the big screen is a lot smaller than it used to be. In more ways than one.

The last time I went to the movies was some ten years ago: $20—and that was with a senior citizen’s discount. Don’t even think about popcorn or Good & Plenties. And on top of all that, they showed commercials!

Ach! I remember when Grandma took me to the old Forum Theater to see the first Godzilla movie, and we had to wait in a line that stretched all around the block. Certainly we never see that anymore.

What fascinates me the most is the way Disney Corp just keeps churning out box-office bombs, one after another. It’s as if they really don’t care if they lose money. Counting the latest fiasco, “The Haunted Mansion”—a movie based on a Disney theme park ride, for pete’s sake—they’ve had ten losers in a row, totaling not quite a billion dollars.

But those cock-ups are dwarfed (ha-ha!) by Disney’s newest and ongoing debacle, the new “Snow White.” They were going to spring it on us in 2024, if they can ever find their way out of the chaos they’ve created for themselves.

Leaks have sprung all over the project, amply reported on the Internet. The latest, just the other night, was a scheme to remove the Seven Dwarfs from the story: they’d already turned the Dwarfs into “Seven Magical Creatures.” That didn’t fly; so the new brainstorm is to make all the “magical creatures” female. And tall.

If you don’t like it, don’t worry—they’re sure to come up with something else by the weekend. But a movie do-over on this scale will surely cost another $100 million—and finally deciding which do-over to do, heaven only knows how much they’ve spent already.

There are certain features which all these Disney debacles, including “Snow White 2024,” have in common.

They’re all pumped so full of preachy, arrogant Wokeness that they can’t help but alienate normal people who just want to see a freakin’ movie. If they want a sermon, they can go to church. But for the Disney crew, this is church! Gender-bending is a sacred ritual. They are powerless to change their weird theology: it’s a cult.

There’s not an original thought to be found, it’s all live-action remakes of Disney’s feature-length cartoons. And they bought out Marvel Comics, so we’re bored silly by a mob of rubber-stamp superheroes. One after another after another…

Finally, as “Snow White” abundantly shows, the projects are just too big: there’s no hope of creative control. It’s as if all they want to do is crank out an endless series of Wokeness sermonizing, box-office be damned. We can’t imagine how many costly do-overs they’ll have before the release of a finished film—if that ever happens at all.

“Woke” is a bottomless pit. The Disney cult will never be able to satisfy itself, let alone the movie-going public that keeps rejecting their message.

What they need, and probably want, is a government **Mandate** forcing people to attend these movies—something to tide us over through the next lockdown.

You can bet that’s in the works, too.

I have discussed these and other issues throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and drop in for a visit: guaranteed free of magical creatures. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Learn How To Dribble A Football: Life Calls You

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 10, 2023

The famous automobile maker Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

Almost everything in your life boils down to how you think, speak and act.

High thinking creates high vibrations in your mind and body.  Such “thinking” loads the body with “oxytocin” that creates love bonding, higher purpose and more energy.  While thinking “love” thoughts, the body floods with “serotonin” that turns every consideration to the positive side of living.

Positive speaking creates mental and intellectual chemistry within the body akin to “joy” on a verbal level.  Notice people who speak highly of everyone else enjoy the adulation of one and all in their realm.

Third in line, action toward a possible or impossible objective creates a certain kind of “spiritual” dynamic that interplays with every cell in a person’s body, especially in his or her mind.  Obviously, Henry Ford understood that dynamic as well as Thomas Edison who created 1,093 inventions.  Often they weren’t his inventions, but the result of his inspiring his cadre of creative thinkers.

In Bruce Lipton’s book, The Honeymoon Effect, he pointed out negative programing that causes individuals to surrender to the “I can’t do that” side of the equation.  He emphatically charged that anyone could reprogram their childhood to think in greater perspectives and possibilities.

Easy?  One must engage awareness, mental grit and emotional fortitude.

Seinfeld comic George Costanza lamented, “My life is the exact opposite of everything I wanted it to be.”

Many children grow up with parents said, “You won’t amount to anything…you’re not so smart…you can’t do that. “ That includes a litany of negative emotional training.

Afflicted Individuals make assumptions that if things fail to go their way, they may fall into:

  • Gossip and complaints
  • Talk about others
  • Compare themselves to others
  • They dive into discouragement
  • They entertain impossible thinking
  • They let the world define their limitations

Do you make an agreement daily, weekly or annually with failure?  How’s it working?  Your job sucks so you return home daily to watch television at the American average of 4.5 hours daily, seven days a week.   It’s called the 40, 40, 40 equation.  Forty hours a week, for 40 years so you can reach your stated goal: retirement.

Why perpetuate such a life-journey when you can change it toward a fulfilling, robust and dynamic life?

How to change your life path toward your chosen destiny:

Proceed toward your highest and best.  Move toward the activities that sustain you.  Move toward work that fills you with passion.   Your greatest trump card: Law of Attraction.

Court positive energy people.  Where?  Today, you may attend www.meetup.com groups around the country.  Those people pedal, climb, run, swim and hike in the out-of-doors.  They express their spiritual dynamics with others during those outings.  Such energy soaks into anyone joining them. It soaks into you.

Court positive people at church, civic clubs, classes, swim meets, ski slopes, bicycle rides and other activities you find interesting.  That could be a macramé group, sewing circle, painting club, pottery class, poetry reading club, writer’s club and just about everything else under the sun. If you’re interested in some activity or topic, countless others share your passion.

Can you dribble a basketball?  Yes, very easy for just about every kid and adult in America!  Can you dribble a football?  Some things may be more challenging than others, so pick your opportunities.  Start easy and work your way up.

Learn to actively transform your conditions:

  •  Cheer yourself and travel with others that support you on your journey.
  • Spend time in contemplative thought daily away from the noisy world. Pick your spot to gather your spirit.
  • Remember and cherish all your triumphs, victories and successes by pictures, awards and pins.
  • Resonate in the mental and emotional energy of the possible.

Remember that “life” responds and resonates to your positive energy, your positive thoughts, and your choices that move you forward.  Transcend your mind toward possibilities that inspire you.

2023 Frosty Wooldridge All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Science, Agriculture, City Planning, and Global Control

By Kathleen Marquardt

August 9, 2023


In an August 2022, National Library of Medicine article “Trust Me, I’m a Scientist, How Philosophy of Science Can Help Explain Why Science Deserves Primacy in Dealing with Societal Problems” by Stefaan Blancke and Maarten Boudry [1] starts out:

“Modern democratic societies tend to appeal to the authority of science when dealing with important challenges and solving their problems. Nevertheless, distrust in science remains widespread among the public, and, as a result, scientific voices are often ignored or discarded in favour of other perspectives. Though superficially “democratic”, such a demotion of science in fact hinders democratic societies in effectively tackling their problems. Worryingly, some philosophers have provided ammunition to this distrust and scepticism of science. They either portray science as an institution that has unrightfully seized political power, or they claim that science constitutes only one voice among many and that scientists should know their proper place in our societies. As philosophers of science, we believe that it is potentially dangerous to undermine trust in science in this way. Instead, we believe that philosophers should help people to understand why science, even though it is far from perfect, deserves our trust and its special standing in modern societies.” (emphasis mine).[2]

The article goes on: “Potentially dangerous to undermine trust in science in this way”? We older people were taught to think, to question everything, especially in science; that was how we “would eventually” arrive at the correct conclusions. And that is what scientists used to believe. Today, as this article goes on to tell us, we just need to listen to the politically correct sources.

As the authors tell us it is “demonstrated by means of numerous empirical studies that humans are far from the ideal of rational actors who, when making a judgement or decision, calculate probabilities and objectively weigh the pros and cons of each option.”[3] That is true today of those ‘graduating’ from our universities where they have been deliberately dumbed down.

Here is a good example of the programming of those in the seats of ‘higher learning’:

“When faced with severe problems and challenges such as climate change and the COVID pandemic, modern societies often rely on the authority of science, both to diagnose the problem and to find solutions, on the assumption that science provide us with the most reliable picture of the world. And indeed, this expectation has not been disappointing, since science has been quite successful in helping us overcome many societal and global challenges. Think, for instance, of the incredibly rapid development of vaccines against COVID or the diagnosis and consequent solution for the growing hole in our ozone layer.”[4] Yes, think about those two things! And their sources.

Under “The Goal of Science Education” they write, “By giving them a flavour of how biases and intuitions have distorted our reasoning in the past, students will learn to appreciate that intuitions and appeals to “common sense” are extremely unreliable when it comes to understanding anything about the world outside of the ecological environment our minds are adapted to. If people realize that, for instance, we tend to interpret the world in “essentialist” terms, and such intuitive essentialism can lead us seriously astray (e.g. race pseudoscience, creationism), this might make them a bit more sceptical about their own “common sense” and about the way they usually obtain information about the world.” (Blancke et al., 2018) [5]


“Santiago, Chile – Today, the Global Methane Hub announced that agriculture and environment ministers and ambassadors from 13 countries, including the United States, have issued a commitment to reduce methane emissions in agriculture. Last month, the Global Methane Hub collaborated with the Ministries of Agriculture of Chile and Spain to convene the first-ever global ministerial on agricultural practices to reduce methane emissions.”[6]

We all are aware that CO2 is the GE’s boogeyman to ban oil and gas usage worldwide, but now we are hearing that methane (produced by fracking, cows and other ruminants, termites, and others), is almost equally as evil. But, as William Happer, PhD tells us: “…even if regulations on U.S. methane emissions could completely stop the increase of atmospheric methane (they can’t), they would likely only lower the average global temperature in the year 2222 by about 0.2°C. This is a completely trivial amount given that humans have adapted to a much larger change over the past century while reducing climate deaths by over 98%. And U.S. regulations will have little influence on global emissions, where producers are unlikely to be as easily cowed.”[7]

Methane “…degrades in the atmosphere relatively quickly—it has a half-life of about 10 years—whereas CO2 is cumulative; that is to say a single emission of CO2 will remain in the atmosphere for many hundreds of years, and a series of them will accumulate….”[8] Thus they are talking apples and orangutans here.

Yet, some of the world’s largest producers of meat signed on to this commitment – US, Brazil, Argentina, and Australia. Why? The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), the organization many in the beef industry trusted to represent them, climbed into bed with the World Wildlife Fund, a UN non-government organization (NGO), a leader of UN Environmental Program (UNEP). NCBA says they just want a seat at the table, but we all know what happens when you sit down with the devil. Even Friends of the Earth, a radical environmental group, and 50 other environmental organizations said in a letter “on June 27,2018, ‘This USRSB includes over 100 members from the retail, civil society, producer, processor and allied industry sector who are falsely portraying themselves as promoting a ‘US beef value chain’ that is ‘environmentally sound, socially responsible and economically viable.’ Key USRSB leaders include JBS (the world’s largest beef processor) McDonald’s, Arby’s Merck and Elanco; the very same companies that for years have opposed or undermined numerous policies that would bring us closer to sustainability in the bee sector. Nature Conservancy is also part of the Executive team and WWF is a founding member.

“The groups are especially concerned that member retailers and restaurants like Walmart, Costco, McDonald’, Darden, Arby’s Culver’s and Wendy’s will use the framework’s meager and misguided metrics as a basis for ‘sustainable’ beef claims – as McDonald’ did last year — thereby undercutting truly sustainable, organic and/or regenerative beef producers.”[9]

City Planning

The 15-minute (in some places 20 minute) city is the hot new issue to attack climate change. It is neither hot nor new. Well, maybe hot – from the heat gathered in the city heatsink, but certainly not a place that any global elite will live in.

And it is not new. It comes straight out of The Ideal Communist City, ˆby Alexi Gutnov written for East Germany after the USSR took it over. “The chaotic growth of cites will be replaced by a dynamic system of urban settlement. This system will evolve out of an integrated and self-sufficient nucleus: the NUC (now the 15-minute city). The goal is to transform the whole planet into a unified sociological environment.”[10]

The region is formed by the economic interdependence of its development… The region has a single system of transportation, a centralized administration, and a united system of education and research.”[11]

That was written in the late 1950s and translated from the Italian printing in 1968. Now let’s look at the 15-Minute City. Having written a number of articles about them, The Expose describes some of the first cities to be called 15-Minute Cities which are in Great Britain. “Designed after a system used in the Belgian city of Ghent, the proposal is part of the council’s revised draft Local Plan. In the five zones, major roads will be closed, forcing drivers to ditch their cars or use the bypass. ANPR cameras will be at the entry and exit points of each zone so drivers can’t move between neighbourhoods.

“The amenities and services that you would need are all in your neighbourhood. You wouldn’t have all the rat running, so it’d be fantastic if we could achieve it.”

“In 20 years’ time, you’re likely going to have your groceries delivered or you’re planning to go to a different supermarket or a new local shop in your own neighbourhood.”[12]

What is a 15-Minute City? According to The Urbanist, “a 15-minute city aims to provide everything you need within a short 15-minute walk or bike: jobs, schools, food, parks, community, medical and more. Building on the principles of New Urbanism and popularized by Parisian Mayor Anne Hidalgo this urban design concept may be a solution to create more sustainable, equitable, and healthier cities.” Straight out of The Ideal Communist City.

And the U.S., being one of the top dogs of the Global Elite isn’t about to be left behind. Cities are vying to become the first. To qualify they must score high in

  • walkability and bikability;
  • Labor force participation;
  • Number of social associations;
  • Food environment index (determines level of access to healthy foods);
  • Access to exercise opportunity;
  • Density of health and safety providers (hospitals, emergency medical services, mental health providers, primary care physicians, nursing homes, fire stations, and local law enforcement);
  • Severe housing problem index (measures overcrowding and properties in urgent need of repair); and
  • Housing to income ratio.

Cities in the running are:
San Francisco
Long Beach
Chicago and 12 more.

And, of course, our federal government is going whole-hog:

The Biden administration has been active in addressing this issue (net-zero), both in terms of decarbonizing federal buildings and encouraging states and cities to take action. Last year, it signed an executive order directing the federal government to use its powers to achieve net-zero emissions throughout its entire building portfolio by 2045, including a 50% emissions reduction by 2032.[13]

The Climate Smart Buildings Initiative “is an integral part of the President’s Federal Sustainability Plan, which aims to reduce emissions from Federal buildings by 50 percent by 2032 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. These actions build on the Administration’s efforts to improve the Nation’s building energy and climate performance by updating energy codes for Federal buildings, building better school infrastructure, spurring ambition among major U.S. companies and health sector leaders through commitments to slash buildings emissions by 50 percent by 2030, and launching of the first-ever Building Performance Standards Coalition of more than 35 states and cities.”[14]

This is not new; the 1960s American Institute of Planners “makes no bones about its socialist stance regarding land; its constitution states AIP’s ‘particular sphere of activity shall be the planning of the unified development of urban communities and their environs and of states, regions, and the nation as expressed through determination of the comprehensive arrangement of land uses and land occupancy and the regulation thereof.[4] . . .The present-day crew of planners, drawing no line between public and private property, believe that land-use control should be vested in government and that public planners should have sole right to control the use of all land.”[15]

Backers of these urban hubs are gung-ho. C40 Knowledge Hub wrote a piece on “How a pandemic can help us build back green,”[16] that “In a ‘15-minute city’, everyone is able to meet most, if not all, of their needs within a short walk or bike ride from their home. It is a city composed of lived-in, people-friendly, ‘complete’ and connected neighbourhoods. It means reconnecting people with their local areas and decentralising city life and services. As cities work towards COVID-19 recovery, the 15-minute city is more relevant than ever as an organising principle for urban development. It will help cities to revive urban life safely and sustainably in the wake of COVID-19 and offers a positive future vision that mayors can share and build with their constituents. More specifically, it will help to reduce unnecessary travel across cities, provide more public space, inject life into local high streets, strengthen a sense of community, promote health and wellbeing, boost resilience to health and climate shocks, and improve cities’ sustainability and liveability.”[17]

What it’s all about – Climate Change

Author Ted Trainer in Transition to a Sustainable and Just World spells it out. “Simply shutting down the economy is not going to get us to our goal. So, just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change… This crosses many areas, transportation, industry, electricity, all those things, and agriculture – contribute to emissions…”[18]

And there you have it. It’s all about a non-existent threat to humanity that is dressed up as the “end of the world as we know it“ – if we don’t bow to the globalists seeking one world government under the guise of saving humanity from boiling heat.

We should be welcoming more carbon dioxide, it is good for people, animals, plants, and the planet.

© 2023 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koipolloi@protonmail.com


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9382006/
  2. ibid
  3. ibid
  4. ibid
  5. ibid
  6. Major-livestock-producing-countries-commit-to-mitigate-methane-in-agriculture/
  7. https://www.cfact.org/2022/11/27/a-little-learning-on-natural-gas-ethane-and-climate-change/
  8. A-greener-world/a-convenient-untruth
  9. xhttps://www.tsln.com/news/giesse-global-roundtable-for-sustainable-beef-not-the-ranchers-friend/
  10. Baburov, Gutnov, et al. The Ideal Communist City, (facsimile from the I press series on human environment. P.101
  11. Ibid. 105
  12. https://expose-news.com/2023/04/21/climate-change-lockdowns-disguised-as-15-minute-cities/
  13. Biden-building-performance-standard-decarbonization-electrification
  14. White-house-takes-action-on-climate-by-accelerating-energy-efficiency-projects-across-federal-government
  15. Jo Hindman, Blame Metro, p.116.
  16. https://apolitical.co/events/how-a-pandemic-can-help-us-build-back-green
  17. https://apolitical.co/solution-articles/en/the-15-minute-city-fantasy-or-reality
  18. How-to-build-back-better-with-a-15-minute-city?language=en_US

Capitol Building Quotes: Put This Up Against What You See Within The Halls of Government Today

By Bradlee Dean

August 9, 2023

“No free government or the blessings of liberty can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue, and by a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.” -Patrick Henry, The Trail of the Pioneer bore the Footprints of Liberty

Considering that those who serve “We the People” put their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the enumerated laws within the US Constitution should come as no surprise whatsoever (Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:23).

How do those incumbents explain what it is that they have been responsible for illegally imposing on the people of the state of Minnesota in the face of what is graven on the walls of the Capitol? Take a look for yourselves.

  •  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. That among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ~Thomas Jefferson.
  • The people’s safety is the Law of God. ~James Otis Jr.
  • Where law ends tyranny begins. ~John Locke.
  • God’s laws make it easier to do right, and harder to do wrong. ~William Ewart Gladstone
  • Justice is the idea of God, the ideal of man. ~Theodore Parker
  • Laws are the very bulwarks of liberty; they define every man’s rights, and defend the individual liberties of all men. ~Josiah Gilbert Holland
  • Of law there can be no less acknowledged than that her seat is the bosom of God, her voice the harmony of the world. ~Richard Hooker
  • Ignorance of the law excuses no man. ~John Selden
  • The law is made to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty. ~Daniel Webster
  • To embarrass justice by a multiplicity of laws, or to hazard it by confidence in judges, are the opposite rocks on which all civil institutions have been wrecked. ~Samuel Johnson
  • Liberty consists in the right of each individual to exercise the greatest freedom of action up to, and not beyond that point where it impinges upon the like exercise of freedom of action of every other man. ~Cushman K. Davis
  • Labor to keep alive in your heart that little spark of celestial fire called Conscience. ~President George Washington
  • The proper function of a government is to make it easy for the people to do good, and difficult for them to do evil. ~William Ewart Gladstone
  • No government is respectable which is not just. ~Daniel Webster
  • If we mean to support the liberty and independence which have cost us so much blood and treasure to establish, we must drive far away the demon of party spirit and local reproach. ~President George Washington
  • Nothing is politically right which is morally wrong. ~Daniel O’Connell
  • To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. ~President George Washington.

Conclusion: It has been said that every country deserves the government that it has, and how true it is.  It is not for the people to merely play the blame game, but rather for them to take responsibility for righting the wrongs (2 Timothy 3:16).

You will find these contradictions within and without the halls of government throughout this country (Amos 3:3).

Charles Finney said:

“If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours to a great degree.

If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.

If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.

Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.”

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© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Speak Out and Your Career is Over

By Karen Schoen

August 8, 2023

If schools taught reading writing and math we wouldn’t need Affirmative Action. It is much easier to yell race as an excuse for students not doing the required work. Affirmative Action is a quest for mediocrity just look at the administration and listen to Hollywood propaganda.  What problem they created did they solve? Much easier to blame race. If you speak out, you may be canceled but by whom? Some nameless faceless BOT? Who care what they say about you.

I was thinking about all of the changes I have experienced in my life. It is amazing to me how unique, different parts of the country are and how advanced Americans are today. This evolution happened in such a short time. We innovated, created and invented. The problem was as we advanced we got busy keeping up with the neighbors instead of building our own path.  The Globalists education will make sure that building your own path is never an option. You will not be able to control your destiny. You will not be able to have an independent thoughts. Creating your own path was taken away from our children. They must now comply or be canceled.

Movies were a big part of the Globalist propaganda through entertainment program . When I was a child, many of the movies followed a historical book and we got to see our hero character become real. Movies helped us learn about the past, escape, or just get an idea to figure something out in our lives. So many American heroes were memorialized. We had great role models to emulate.

As a child I learned history by reading books and then seeing my heroes on the big screen. We saw a glimpse of America from the beginning. We even got to see what the American landscape looked like as new areas were discovered. Although we may never get to see those historic sights in person, they became real on the big screen. We learned about a new career, got some fashion ideas, learned that maybe my family wasn’t that bad. Movies became a great way to learn and escape. They were fun.

Between the lies of MSM and the Woke messaging of Hollywood, movies and TV are not that much fun any more.  The movies used to show America in a positive light. We loved our Family, G-d and Country no matter where you lived you felt the camaraderie of being an American.   It was so exciting to see America come to life. The heroes of yesterday were HUMAN. Children could emulate the hero they loved. Today the heroes are animated. Children do not become motivated to become a comic figure. If there was a problem the hero figured out how to solve it. Yo learned from that solution. You were allowed to root for the hero.

What a sad difference in the movies today. I hardly watch anymore. Movies are packed with lies in order to change the culture.  Lies have become so normalized that telling the truth becomes a punishable offence.  The lies have a message of wokeness which means eventually I will be called a racist, domestic terrorist or someone trying to destroy the planet. All lies are designed to reinforce the message the government uses promote chaos and to stay in power  All I can think of is what a waste of my time. I haven’t been to the movies for years until, “The Sound of Freedom”. Highly recommended. For an escape we are reduced to watching old movies or old series because these have no woke messages.

I love the climate predictions that often becomes the prime message. According to the Globalists the earth has died so many times I can’t count. They lie. Stop accepting their lies. Basically the Globalist believe we are too stupid to notice how they are manipulating the message. None of their policies affect the weather, so why are we following them? Might as well just take your tax dollars and throw them in the garbage. Climategate policies are designed to promote socialism aka communism and steal our money for their donors who have invested in green companies that will just go out of business. Pushing electric only, doesn’t work.  Because of a poor science education people have no idea you need fossil fuel to generate electricity. So if they get rid of fossil fuels, where will electricity come from?  There will not be enough power and the grid will fail. So for no reason except control we will suffer brownouts and blackouts. That is the idea. According to Sir James Lovestock, contributor to Agenda 21,  “The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil.” – BBC Interview. Lovestock a British scientist wrote about the dangers of CO2 and GAIA worshipping.

So the Globalists have designed 15 Minute Cities. Everything they think you might need will be in a 15 minute (approximately 1 mile) walk. That will be a lot of fun in the Florida heat or the NorthEast cold. Your new prison in the lie  of saving the planet.  You won’t be able to travel.  The new cities have NO Airports, planes will not be built.   Mass transit will be your only mode of transportation. Of course if you are a member of the team sending the message like Hollywood, these restrictions will not affect you. Everything you touch will have a carbon credit number attached and before you can purchase anything your carbon credits will be swiped. Not enough credits for the purchase tough. Of course you can sell your credits to so rich dude so they can enjoy their lifestyle. What does this do for the climate? NOTHING. What does it do for the average American? It restricts our activity and transfers our money to the already corrupt rich so they can dream of more restrictions. Restricting CO2 will ensure taht plants will not grow and there will not be enough food. Then the Globalists can restrict the population because there will not be enough food. See how that works.

Hollywood, we need more movies like the Hunger Games, for this is where we are headed. If the Hunger Games is our future, What can we do?

Vote in election cycles, copy the DNC playbook and change the outcome. The GOP has NO plan so it is up to us to create one. Fortunately the DNC gave us theirs.

Vote with your wallet.  You can make a difference. remember Target, Budwiser, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. People all over the world are protesting. Just because it is not reported doesn’t mean it is not happening. Of course the Globalists don’t want to know you are not alone. It is up to us Check out the people that created that film before you go and see it.  Who are the actors, directors, producers? Are they the ones that hate you and tell you to your face they wish you were dead. They want to blow you up. Why would you continue to give these people your money? Voting with your wallet works. Not only should you look at products you’re buying, you should also look at products you’re investing in. Be careful of green stuff. Remember Solyndra. Don’t let them fool you there’s more of us than them..

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINOS out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do. Check out https://publicsq.com/  Look for quality products from American manufactures. Share the information below.

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out goflca.org  MicroSchools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINOS out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.

Show Link https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-prism-of-americas-education/

Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on AmericaOutloud.com

Podcasts and Articles: Karenbschoen.com, karenschoen.substack.com, https://newswithviews.com/author/karen/

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Website: http://www.karenschoen.com

Bidenomics: Selling Bull Manure

By: Devvy

August 7, 2023

Another one of illegitimate president Joe Biden’s cabinet picks, Labor Secretary Julie Su, is selling bull manure.  Last week that dimwit served up a feast du jour of putrid propaganda:  “Prices are lower than they were a year ago, and significantly so.” And that gas prices “continue to come down.”

I’ve purchased gas at the same gas station in my city for the past 17 years.  HEB’s fuel prices are always less expensive than everyone else in town except China (Wal) Mart’s gas station; sometimes China Mart’s may be one penny less per gallon.  In the past 2 ½ weeks, the cost of a gallon of gas has gone up a whopping thirty-six cents a gallon.  A real shocker.

I only use Seventh Generation Free & Clear laundry cleaner.  Unfortunately, only place to get   it in my city is China Mart.  I went back and looked at my receipts (I save them all year even using cash).  In the past 12 months the cost of their brand, same size, has gone up almost $4.00 for that one item.  Organic coconut oil (for cooking), $8.99 12 months ago.  Today, same size, same company: $12.97.  I pay $4.00 a dozen for eggs from a friend whose chickens roam free on her land.  Find farmer’s markets if you can and be sure to ask the right questions about fruits, veggies, eggs.  Or, if driving in the country and see a sign “Eggs for sale”, stop in and I bet you’ll get a bargain from healthy chickens laying those eggs.

This is how chickens are raised for slaughter.  Sickening.  Their whole lives in a cage like that.  Yes, they’re only chickens, I get it.  But we need to do it that way in big ag because of demand! No, you don’t. 

There is cruel and inhumane and there is humane both for hens laying eggs and slaughter:  Cage-free vs. battery-cage eggs: “The vast majority of egg-laying hens in the United States are confined in battery cages. On average, each caged laying hen is afforded only 67 square inches of cage space—less space than a single sheet of letter-sized paper on which to live her entire life. Unable even to spread their wings, caged laying hens are among the most intensively confined animals in agribusiness.

“Caged hens also suffer from the denial of many natural behaviors such as nesting, perching, and dustbathing, all important for hen welfare. Numerous scientists and other experts have spoken clearly about the animal welfare problems with battery cages. One such scientist, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Konrad Lorenz, said:

“The worst torture to which a battery hen is exposed is the inability to retire somewhere for the laying act. For the person who knows something about animals it is truly heart-rending to watch how a chicken tries again and again to crawl beneath her fellow cagemates to search there in vain for cover.”

That’s why I’ve been purchasing only free-range chicken and beef for decades.  Sure, I pay a little more but what goes in your gut controls good health for your body.  I also make damn sure none of the beef comes from a foreign country.  I also will not enrich corporations that cause even chickens to suffer when it’s simply not necessary.

And speaking of good health, let me give you some facts about making your home as toxin free as possible.  Almost all ‘commercial’ laundry soap is full of toxins.  Are These Dirty Little Secrets Lurking in Your Toxic Laundry Products? Jan. 11, 2016 – “The substances contained within laundry products aren’t that bad if you are just exposed to them once, but when you use them in your laundry, you have constant exposure. The artificial fragrances are chemically designed to linger in your clothing, meaning that your skin and lungs are constantly exposed. These fragrances and other toxic ingredients build up over time in your system and have been linked to issues like:  Asthma and other respiratory issues, Hormone disruption, Reproductive problems, Birth defects, Cancer, Liver and kidney damage.

“Manufacturers aren’t required to list the specific ingredients of their products.  Manufacturers trade secrets are protected before our health is. This increases the difficulty for consumers who are trying to make informed decisions about the products they use for their families… Still others have been shown to be harmful to human health, but they’re used nonetheless. Don’t look to the EPA or the FDA for help on this one. They’re more interested in going after small businesses like artisan soapmakers and women who sew cloth solutions for feminine hygiene. Meanwhile, large corporations continue to poison us, completely unchecked.”  Also from the Organic Prepper:  The 10 Safest Laundry Detergents (And Brands to Avoid).

Cheaper isn’t always better or healthier.  The “health care” industry is huge and so is the amount of money to treat people who’ve abused their body with drugs, legal or otherwise or unsuspecting shoppers who purchase products that allegedly are safe but nothing could be further from the truth.

Labor Secretary, Julie Su, is detached from the truth.  No where in Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution does it authorize Congress to create a Dept. of Labor.  Oh, Lord, how did America function regarding labor before the Dept of Labor was created when President William Taft signed the bill into “law” March 4, 1913?  Their mission: “To foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States; improve working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.”

2023 budget:  $14.6 billion, 16,922 full-time equivalent employees.  Totally not needed or necessaryTexas Department of LaborCalifornia Labor & Workforce Development AgencyNebraska Department of LaborHawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.

All the states have them and they are there to protect worker’s rights, disability issues, workers comp and so forth.  This is the same big government as the unconstitutional EPA.  Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution does not authorize Congress to legislate in the area of the environment, therefore, it is unconstitutional.

All 50 states of the Union have their own version of the EPA as authorized under the Tenth Amendment. There is no need for a federal agency. The states of the Union can handle their own environmental needs as authorized by their legislatures.  One size does not fit all when it comes to the environment.  Alaska, New Hampshire vs Florida, Arizona. What CON-gress can’t get done – because they know it’s unconstitutional – is use treaties for agencies like the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Make no mistake about the EPA:  It only exists to reinforce the globalists destructive climate change hoax while destroying God-given rights of Americans.  At the Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro, June 3-14, 1992, the Secretariat for World Order distributed a nonpublic document titled, “The Initiative for Eco-92 Earth’s Charter.” It reads, in part, under policies that must be implemented as follows:

“The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all nations that outmoded notions of national sovereignty will be discarded and that the Security Council has complete legal, military and economic jurisdiction in any region of the world … The Security Council of the U.N. will take possession of all natural resources, including the watersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.”

In the late Dixie Lee Ray’s book, “Environmental Overkill,” one gets a full accounting of what really went on with Al Gore and his maniac friends at the Rio Summit. On page 10 of her book, it states:

“The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be world government, with central planning by the UN. Fear of environmental crises, whether real or not, is expected to lead to compliance. If force is needed, it will be provided by a UN green-helmeted police force, already authorized by the Security Council.” (Dixie Lee Ray:  Former governor of Washington State and Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.  She was a Democrat.)

Every state of the Union has an environmental protection agency which is good – as long as regulations are reasonable for both the environment and human beings.

2023 budget for the EPA:  $10,135,433,000 with 15,115 employees.  No problem when your bank account is $32 TRILLION dollars in the hole.  Old Tricky Dickey Richard Nixon created the EPA in 1970 by Executive Order and no one objected.  Can someone show me where in Art. II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution does it give a sitting president authority to create the EPA by Executive Order?

Republicans bellow “We’re for smaller government!” every primary/election circus.  Rubbish.  If they were the bill below would have passed because both chambers of Congress were controlled by the Republican Party with Trump as president:

Meet the Four Republican Lawmakers Who Want to Abolish the EPA

“Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida introduced a bill in the House that would terminate the EPA by the end of 2018.”  Gaetz, a freshman, took aim at the EPA in a leaked email, obtained by The Huffington Post, saying Americans are “drowning in regulations” enforced by the agency.

“Our small businesses cannot afford to cover the costs associated with compliance, too often leading to closed doors and unemployed Americans,” Gaetz wrote in the email, which was circulated among possible co-sponsors.

“If enacted, the bill would will give power back to the states and local governments, Gaetz said.  “To better protect the environment, we should abolish the EPA and downstream resources to states for more effective & efficient protection,” Gaetz said in a Facebook post Friday.”  That is correct:  Tenth Amendment issue.  It would also get rid of supporting the grotesque hoax called global warming, er climate change by $193 million BORROWED dollars back in 2017.

“Today, the American people are drowning in rules and regulations promulgated by unelected bureaucrats,” Gaetz said, “and the Environmental Protection Agency has become an extraordinary offender.”

Gaetz also said, “It would take more than 94,200 employees working full-time to complete one year of EPA paperwork.” One thing he has wrong:  No, Congress doesn’t “downstream resources to states”.  Read Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the U.S. Constitution.

The other three GOP congressman who co-sponsored the bill:  Rep. Thomas Massie [KY], Rep. Steven Palazzo [MS] and Rep. Barry Loudermilk [GA].  There were 4 other GOP congressmen who joined as co-sponsors; see here.  And, once again, my GOP U.S. House rep, Jodey Arrington, who was in office then did not support the solution:

H.R.861 – To terminate the Environmental Protection AgencyDied in subcommittee.

Bidenomics is big, fat lie.  The American people are drowning in debt.  Household debt is over $17 TRILLION dollars.  Credit card debt continues to skyrocket.  Bankruptcies increasing.  Just under $10 bux for one burger, fries and a soft drink at McDonald’s.  Not working out so well:  30% of McDonald’s Franchises are in Trouble!, June 17, 2023 – “Some 1,700 stores have changed hands in the last year, and some 2,000 stores are expected to close by the end of this calendar year. Franchisees operate 95% of McDonald’s locations in the U.S.”  30% of their franchises are insolvent.

Ignorant and stupid Marxists (Democrats) pass mandatory minimum wage laws which force retailers to raise prices to the consumer.  Instead of going for the solution, they’re destroying jobs because people can’t afford the prices. Domino’s Closing Thousands Of Stores As Retail Apocalypse Hits America’s Largest Restaurant Chains, June 18, 2023.  The “Federal” Reserve Bank in NY reported earlier this year Americans were carrying $1.52 trillion in auto loan debt.  Top U.S. automaker plans more mass layoffs after multibillion-dollar loan from Biden, June 27, 2023: “Ford Motor Co. is set to lay off at least 1,000 employees in North America less than a week after the auto titan got a multibillion dollar loan from the Biden administration to invest in its electric vehicle business, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.”  Totally unconstitutional.  Ford’s EV follies are insanity.

Housing Crisis Triggers 95% Property Value Drop As Foreclosures Soar, May 18, 2023  // Microsoft announces more job cuts after January layoffs – Microsoft previously announced 10,000 job cuts in January, July 11, 2023  //  Biden’s Energy Policy Dooms the US EconomyJoe Biden has based the nation’s entire energy policy on a massive hoax, the so-called “climate crisis,” which will destroy the US economy, June 9, 2023

Of course, we know Joe Biden doesn’t know what day it is, just take me to the beach for more ice cream cones.  To think our great nation has been reduced to a career criminal in the first stages of Altzheimer’s allegedly running our country while Democrats (politicians and ignorant, stupid civilians) continue to support such insanity is almost beyond belief, but it’s real.  A big show down is coming regarding impeaching old Uncle Joe.

But, that’s only part of what’s killing the economy.  The cauldron has been boiling for years and it IS going to blow up.  I want Americans to be warned so they aren’t bulldozed like 2008 because this time it will make 2008 look like prosperity.  My recent column, Can Banks Dump the Fed? has important information.

I have been reading his reports for years.  Greyerz – The Everything Bubble Is Bursting Now It’s All About Economic Survival, April 30, 2023 and, Gerald Celente – People Are Suffering But This Is When Reality Will Hit, August 1, 2023, audio

I hope you can share this information with family and friends who might not have a good understanding of what’s really going on so they can plan for survival.  Anyone listening to Labor Secretary Julie Su – what’s the saying?  A fool and his money are soon parted.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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This is a 5-star education on money that should be taught in senior high classes and all colleges and universities instead of Keynesian fairy tales:

Economic Liberty, Oct. 14, 2008, Larry Becraft, constitutional attorney at law

The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed, May 18, 2023

The Beat Goes On: Another Bank Has Collapsed, Another Trucking Company Has Collapsed, And U.S. Consumers Are Tapped Out, July 31, 2023

The Fed Is Broke And It’s Cooking The Books, May 13, 2023

The columns below are also from Larry Becraft.  They really are a must read to understand the all-important jurisdiction issue:

Jurisdiction Questioned

Treaties Empower Congress to Ignore States Rights

FDA, DEA Find Basis in International Treaties

The Inherent Presidential Power to Seize

MAGA: Trump’s Vision For America

By: Amil Imani

August 7, 2023

In 2016, Donald J. Trump, a political outsider, and successful businessman, captured the hearts of millions of Americans with his promise to “Make America Great Again.” Against all odds, he secured a remarkable victory in the 2020 election, reflecting the aspirations of the American people for change, openness, and optimism.

Throughout his presidency, Trump’s unconventional approach resonated with many who sought a break from the status quo. He tapped into a sense of frustration among the electorate, promising to shake up the system and put the interests of the American people first.

In this article, it is, therefore, my striving to delve into the policies and actions taken by the Trump administration that aimed to fulfill its commitment to “Make America Great Again.” Trump’s presidency marked a significant shift in American politics from tackling corruption and preserving American values to safeguarding electoral integrity and confronting global adversaries.

One of Trump’s central promises was to drain the swamp of corruption in Washington, D.C. He called out the cozy relationships between politicians, lobbyists, and bureaucrats, vowing to hold those in power accountable.

Trump’s administration faced an uphill battle against perceptions of corruption within critical institutions like the military, FBI, CIA, and Justice Department. Critics accused him of undermining these institutions, but his supporters argued that he was taking a stand against the deep-rooted establishment.

Trump’s strategy to fight the establishment involved challenging the status quo, promoting transparency, and appointing individuals who shared his vision. Although met with resistance, his efforts sought to break the grip of the entrenched elite on American politics.

Many Americans felt that traditional values were under attack during Trump’s tenure, with growing concerns about cultural shifts and ideological divides. Trump presented himself as a defender of these values, promising to preserve the American way of life.

Trump’s vision to preserve American identity included prioritizing national unity, promoting patriotism, and upholding the rule of law. His supporters saw him as a champion of American exceptionalism, standing firm against the rise of progressive ideologies. Trump’s opposition to socialist ideologies struck a chord with conservatives who feared the erosion of capitalism and individual liberties. He staunchly opposed policies that, in his view, would lead the country down a dangerous path of government overreach.

The issue of voter fraud and election integrity dominated much of Trump’s presidency, with many of his supporters raising concerns about the credibility of the electoral system. Trump’s relentless pursuit of allegations of voter fraud aimed to ensure that the people’s will was accurately represented. However, this pursuit was met with criticism and legal challenges.

While some critics argued that Trump’s claims were baseless, his supporters saw his efforts as a necessary step to protect the sanctity of American democracy and voters’ confidence.

Trump took a tough foreign policy stance, confronting global adversaries like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. He also prioritized combating terrorism to safeguard American interests and national security.

Trump’s emphasis on “America First” sought to protect the country’s economic and security interests, signaling a departure from previous administrations’ approach to international relations. While critics criticized Trump’s direct approach, his supporters argued that his strategies aimed to promote peace through strength and protect American sovereignty.

Trump’s leadership style prioritized bilateral relationships and direct diplomacy, which some saw as refreshing, while others criticized it as unconventional. Trump’s skepticism of globalism and multinational agreements reflected his belief in prioritizing American interests over international entanglements.

By renegotiating trade deals and pushing for fairer agreements, Trump sought to protect American industries and workers, challenging the conventional approach to international trade. Some of Trump’s supporters believed that powerful global elites sought to undermine his administration and its America-first policies, leading to allegations of an international plot against him.

Throughout his presidency, Trump accused the mainstream media of biased reporting and silencing conservative voices. He also criticized social media platforms for alleged censorship. Trump’s supporters praised his transparency, but critics argued that his adversarial relationship with the media undermined the free press and the public’s right to information. Trump’s battle for free speech and media neutrality aimed to protect the voices of everyday Americans and ensure diverse perspectives were heard. Many Americans felt the federal government needed more responsive to their needs.

Trump promised to shrink the size of government, reduce regulations, and empower citizens to take charge of their lives. Trump’s efforts to reform the government faced successes and challenges, with his supporters lauding his commitment to a smaller, more efficient establishment. Throughout his presidency, Trump spoke passionately about reversing what he saw as America’s decline in influence and prosperity.

Trump’s vision for national renewal focused on revitalizing industries, investing in infrastructure, and empowering American businesses and workers. Trump’s supporters believed his policies would lay the foundation for a stronger, more prosperous America, ready to face future challenges.

Watching President Trump being wrongly charged by special counsel Jack Smith is a travesty of true justice. In an apparent attempt to undermine the transformative ‘Make America Great Again’ (MAGA) movement, former President Donald Trump has been shamefully indicted in a baseless federal probe. These charges, filled with politically motivated allegations, accuse President Trump of conspiracies to defraud the United States, obstructing official proceedings, and more. It is outrageous that they have gone as far as implicating six unnamed co-conspirators, seemingly to cast a wide net and smear the President’s reputation. We know that President Trump has always fought for truth and justice, and any claims of wrongdoing are the disinformation his opponents spread.

These phony indictments are nothing but a witch hunt designed to tarnish the legacy of a President who truly put America first and restored prosperity to our great nation.

Donald Trump’s presidency left a lasting impact on the nation, igniting fervent debates on both sides of the political spectrum. Regardless of one’s views on Trump, his presidency reshaped American politics and highlighted the deep divisions within the country. As the nation moves forward, the pursuit of making America great again continues, shaped by the enduring impact of the 45th President of the United States.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Cloud Talk—Sitting On a Cloud After You Passed Away

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 7, 2023

A few weeks ago, a preacher spoke about a new term that I never heard before: “Cloud talk—when you die, you elevate to heaven where you sit on a cloud. You may look down on the planet to see where you lived. You may contemplate what you did with your time on Earth. How did you live? What made you tick? Did you fall in love? What kind of friends did you keep? Did you do anything significant with your life?”

(Frosty Wooldridge standing in the middle of the Oracle of Delphi in Greece speaking to the ghosts of the past. How did they live their lives? What legacies did they create? What would their “Cloud talk” cover if they could look back at their lives?) Photo by Gary Hall

The preacher said, “Your greatest challenge will be your greatest triumph. Where would Noah be without the flood? Who would know Babe Ruth if not for opposing pitchers who tried to strike him out? Where would Oprah be if there were no social injustices? Who would know Albert Einstein if not for the mystery of the universe? Who would Peyton Manning be without an end zone? Who would Michael Jordan be without a hoop?”

Before his death, the Beatles singer-song writer John Lennon related a story about what it meant to be alive.

“When I grew up, I asked my mother, ‘What was life all about?’”

“She said, ‘To be happy.’”

“When I reached high school, the teacher asked the class to write a paper about the meaning of life,” said Lennon. “I wrote that the meaning of life was ‘to be happy.’”

“The teacher handed me back my paper with the statement, ‘You don’t understand the question I gave you.’”

“I responded, ‘You don’t understand the meaning of life.’”

What would cross your mind if you sat on a cloud staring down on your life?

When adversity struck you like the floods hit Noah, did you rise to meet the waters with courage? Did you seek solutions? Did you rise with the “Ark” of your creative mind? Did you let other people thwart your aspirations? Did you argue with them? Did you struggle in the same mud?

A fable of ancient times said, “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get filthy and the pigs love it because they brought you down to their level.”

Whatever adversity arrives on your doorstep, you may change arenas as to work, friends and enemies. Sometimes “inner adversity” tears at your insides. Your spirit reveals itself at such times.

Remember that critics always deride everyone’s efforts but their own. As you look down from your cloud, it’s amazing what you couldn’t accomplish by other peoples’ verdicts on your aspirations.

Did you accept the call while you spent your seven decades on planet Earth? Did you break out of a confining life or relationships? Like Noah’s struggle with the flood, ultimately, waters cleanse your body, mind and spirit during the journey.

As you sit back on that cloud, you may realize that struggles on Earth expanded you, enlarged you and taught you. The “Great Spirit” coded your DNA for expansion throughout your time on the planet.

Realize that life brought floods such as inner turmoil, rough waters, scary times, breakdowns and betrayals. While living, you dealt with angry waters that arrived from different directions. You may have created some of your own problems and other challenges came from situations or people. Remember that life also brought you happiness in the form of friends, family and your passions.

With each passing year, you learned lesson after lesson. Each “flood” subsided while you charged toward higher ground. That meant you evolved into a higher consciousness. Life constituted a journey of becoming.

Okay, let’s fly down from that cloud and realize that you still live upon this planet. Are you following John Lennon’s statement about life, “To be happy”? Are you fulfilling the creative energy of the to grow, expand and discover your highest good?

He also wrote a song titled, “Imagine” that rings in my ears today. Imagine what you want out of your time on Earth because you enjoy living and pursuing whatever makes you “happy” as compared to no one.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

A Thorn by Any Other Name is Still POISON!

By Marlene McMillan

August 8, 2023

Whether the civil government puts the money in your front pocket, your back pocket, direct deposit, or you have to take the check to the bank – it is still government money. He who pays controls. This is an immutable law of the universe. You cannot take government money without getting government control. As soon as your “private” school accepts its very first penny of government money, it becomes a government school. Oh yes, the “Private School” sign may still be out front, but it is “Private in name only.”

The current Education Grants are clever, but so is deceit. Government funding of private education is a way to destroy private education and get the parents to beg for the money. People who are totally opposed to Obamacare because they understand the lack of competition and government regulation that comes with a single-funding source are the same people who are somehow deceived by clever voucher schemes.  Vouchers and all their re-labelings, including Grants, are nothing more than a massive single-payer system for education. Why is it good for education but bad for healthcare?

We are told these Grants are fair because they include everyone. If they include everyone, that means there is no means of escape. It will result in totalitarian education – something we are very close to already with Common Core Standards being adopted by Christian curriculum suppliers and the SAT being aligned with them already.

The use of the term “Grant” is very creative since the difference between a loan and a grant is that you don’t have to pay the grant back. The reality is you don’t have to pay with money – you just will pay with your future. The price is incalculable. What will it cost future generations to get out from under government dependency? The real question should be: Will they ever have the will, the courage, or be able to undo generations of conditioning to government dependency? “People who live in Liberty think differently than people who live in bondage.”™ Now that generations have been raised on the Dialectic Process, their ability to think like people who live in Liberty has been educated out of them, making them more vulnerable to tyranny than ever before.

He who pays controls. God pays for His children’s education. Parents pay for their children’s education. The civil government pays for the government’s children. When you accept voucher/Grant/tax credits, you accept the premise that children belong to the civil government. We tend to worship our providers. When parents seek vouchers, their children are being taught that the parent (or the parent’s god) is incapable of providing, but the god called “government” is capable.

If it is wrong in premise, it is wrong in result.™ People used to cite the G.I. Bill as proof that you can take government money without government control. Granted, these controls did not come overnight, but now the root has taken hold, the tree has grown, and the fruit is irrefutable. Seminaries, Christian Colleges, and Private institutions of learning that accept the G.I. Bill come under massive federal regulations that would not apply to them otherwise. Some would argue that it is for the greater good. (One major difference that must be noted is that the veteran earned the benefit as a result of his/her service, and it is thus not a handout to everyone.) The only way for vouchers to be “fair” would be that everyone would be eligible, making them even more pervasive than food stamps and putting the last bastions of middle class, and even upper class citizens (subjects), on the welfare rolls and officially made government dependents.

Think about the statement, “Education dollars should follow the child to the school of parent’s choice…” and understand that this means, “Civil government regulation should follow the child to the school of parent’s choice.” Parents and children will never have freedom, let alone Liberty, as long as they are government dependents.

“Public schools will not significantly improve without competition.” This sounds so good until you realize it is a ploy to capture the naïve, innocent, and misguided into lobbying for their own enslavement. Think about this: Is the civil government going to fund their own competition? NO! They are going to fund what is currently their privately-funded competition to get rid of them and assure that they are no longer able to offer meaningful competition. The civil government will give up the label on the sign in order to control the substance, including not just curriculum content, but method. They will even allow the children to be “homeschooled” as long as the parents are teaching what the civil government wants taught in the way civil government wants it taught.

Totalitarianism wins once the masses accept that the only source of education funding is the civil government. The tragedy of the Voucher debate is that all the private money, time and effort expended by private organizations promoting vouchers could have been put to far better use. That time, money, and effort could have been spent on 1) educating the masses as to the harm caused by government education, 2) teaching the parents how to teach their own children, 3) giving parents a vision for true private education, and 4) providing help to parents wanting to start group homeschools and other creative alternatives.

Had the time, money, and effort spent on promoting vouchers been spent in these ways, then Liberty could have been secured for the next generation. Instead, these well-meaning organizations have contributed to the conditioning of parents to become more dependent upon the civil government. In making it more socially acceptable to do so, these very organizations that cry freedom and choice are, in reality, stealing the freedom of the parents, the future Liberty of their children, and the will of the people to have Liberty of Conscience.

Benjamin Franklin said, “He who would exchange essential liberty for temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety.” Pro School Choice organizations are promoting the exchange of essential Liberty for temporary financial safety and, in the end, are a threat to the essential Liberty of our Nation, especially that of the very children they claim to advocate for.

Who could have ever imagined that we would now have “conservatives” lobbying for totalitarianism? How is promoting more government dependency an activity worthy of the label “freedom”? How did promoting entitlements to the middle class become a Conservative cause?

Now that the masses have been conditioned to want what seems best for the immediate without regard to the long-term consequences, how can they even understand the price of Liberty? There is still hope. It requires a Third Great Awakening. It would mean massive repentance and a return to acceptance of the Principles of Liberty. Otherwise, beware of what you want. You may get it. Psalm 106:15, “He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul.”

If your goal is not Liberty, you get tyranny by default. The goals of fairness, educational competition, and free education for all sound good, but they will not lead you to Liberty. Once you have accepted a premise based on deceit, even though you may not know that it is a lie, the consequences of that deceit are inescapable. What will be the fruit of these entitlements in the lives of future generations?

Accepting the deceit is bad enough, but promoting it puts you in a position of great accountability. While many voucher supporters may mean well, others are serial promoters who have found a cause for which they can raise money and make a living for themselves. We are told that when something doesn’t smell right, we are to follow the money. Often it leads to promoters who simply look for a cause. What is in it for someone who raises private money to promote the redistribution of government money to others?

Redistribution of taxes by the civil government in the form of vouchers or grants ensures control of education by the civil government. At first, participation will be voluntary, but eventually, there will be no way to stay in business without taking the voucher. Private schools that do not want money or intervention from the civil government will be required to accept these vouchers or grants. That is not Liberty.

Homeschools will be required to use these vouchers or grants for curriculum with content and methodology controlled by the civil government. Thus, homeschools and private schools will be fed to the wolves while promoters’ pocketbooks are lined under the guise of looking out for you. That is not Liberty, but it is the end of educational competition.

Entitlements and Liberty are opposing goals. To have Liberty, you have to have Liberty of Conscience, which is greater than freedom of thought.  To have freedom of thought, you have to have the opportunity and ability to learn from sources of your own choosing. To have educational Liberty, you have to pay for that education yourself. The goal of statist education is to raise loyalists to the State. The goal of private education is to teach what the parent wants their child to be taught. As soon as all education is funded by the civil government, Liberty of Conscience is gone. When you pay for your own education, you fund your own Liberty. When you accept government funding in any form, you are agreeing to restriction of opportunity, limited thought, Political Correctness, and inevitably tyranny.

Private business funded by the civil government may be privately owned, but they answer to a myriad of regulations and controls. The fact that they agreed to those regulations “voluntarily” in order to get the contract means they agreed to the terms. In exchange for a benefit, they made an agreement.

Statists use the language of class warfare to make you think you are not getting your fair share. They tell you that funding for education must be equal. Why? Who said? Can you legislate equality? When did equality become a goal? Equality does not just mean that the lower performing will be raised up, it means the high performing must be shackled. Government programs assuring equality are inherently flawed because they commit injustice and violate God-given rights under the guise of fairness.

Admittedly, the language of this article is strong. Political Correctness has taught us to prefer ideas that bring us comfort, not truth. I love you enough to tell you the truth. What you do with that truth is up to you.

Marlene McMillan, D. Min., wrote her doctoral dissertation on the subject “The Church/State implications of Tuition Tax Credits and Vouchers.” She is available for public forum presentations and Town Hall Debates on the subject of Vouchers and civil government regulation of private education as well as Common Core, Continuous Education Reform, and topics relating to the development of a Biblical Worldview.

Dr. Marlene’s ability to clearly present the principles (that the opposition may prefer to keep clouded) and to explain in easy-to-understand language where violation of those principles will lead has caused her to be placed on the Do-not-debate list of some major organizations.

Want a lively, high-attendance program for your group? Sponsor a Town Hall Debate on Vouchers and School Choice, Social Justice, Education is Inherently Religious or other Liberty topics and have Dr. Marlene present an uncompromising apology for Liberty. Warning! Some of your members might reject Vouchers, Tuition Tax-Credits or Educational Grants as the solution by the end of such an event.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Build Back Better

By Rob Pue

August 6, 2023

The big call during the last presidential election was to “Build Back Better.”  That was the theme of the campaign of the illegitimate regime currently occupying the White House.  Not surprisingly, it just happens to be the same theme of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda as well.

But in order to “build back” — for better or worse — you first have to “tear down.”  And that’s exactly what we’ve been seeing over the last decade or so and this “tearing down” of America has accelerated to a mind-boggling speed.

I could go back much further, but let’s start with the election year of 2020.  The country was devastated as groups like ANTIFA and the now-disgraced Black Lives Matter movement recruited and paid people to riot, burn, loot and destroy many of our nation’s cities. Anarchy was everywhere — but it wasn’t to protest the unconstitutional edicts of those who orchestrated the COVID scam-demic — it was over racial division, fueled by intense hatred, and like the scam-demic this racial strife was also highly orchestrated.

In Seattle, anarchists took control of eight city blocks for nearly a month, declaring the area to be a “sovereign nation,” known as “CHAZ” and later “CHOP.” Yet they still demanded plenty of “free stuff” from the federal government.  Ironically, the first thing these so-called “peaceful protestors” did — (all favoring open borders for the United States, by the way) — was erect a wall — to protect their imaginary sovereign nation.  The Seattle mayor likened the situation to a “festive block party,” though the area was run by a “rapper” who was also a drug dealer and sex trafficker and there was daily violence.

While the rest of the country was forced to “social distance,” the same rules didn’t apply to those who were systematically destroying our cities.  They were allowed to maraud by the thousands and freely throw bricks through the windows of local businesses.  Pallet loads of bricks were found to have been placed on city streets across the country just prior to many of the worst attacks.  Who paid for them and had them placed there? I can only guess, but suffice to say that many of our federal three-letter agencies have been caught red-handed orchestrating nefarious deeds since then.

In Washington DC, in the midst of the destruction, a street across from the White House was renamed “Black Lives Matter Plaza” in record time.  The former street sign was removed, and a new street sign went up within a couple of days. Under normal circumstances, any such move would take months — even just to have a street sign made — to say nothing of the amount of time it would take a city council to approve such a change.   I believe the sign had already been manufactured and was ready for installation even before the riots began.

And as businesses and neighborhoods across the country were being utterly destroyed, law enforcement was ordered to “stand down” and let it all burn.  Crowds of rioters numbered in the thousands in some areas — and mainstream media reporters continued to lie to our faces calling these “mostly peaceful protests,” even as police cars and buildings were shown in flames in the background.  We were well trained by the brainwashers to not believe our own eyes.

Then, of course, the words “Black Lives Matter” were allowed to be painted in 20-foot-tall letters on city streets.  Anyone who interfered — including a black lady who saw this purposely-incited race war for the sham it was — was immediately arrested for daring to try to stop the madness.  I should also mention the countless statues and monuments of our American history and heritage that were either vandalized, destroyed, or just removed by government edict.

Let’s not forget that while all this was going on, businesses and churches that were considered “non-essential” were forced to close. People were forced to wear masks wherever they went, encouraged not to go anywhere. Many were injured by police as they were forcibly arrested for non-compliance…even if they were caught not wearing a mask while on the beach, riding a bike or sitting in a public park. Playgrounds had their equipment roped off or covered in orange plastic fencing to assure children couldn’t play outdoors.

We were forced to stand six feet apart, follow the arrows on the floor at Walmart, and stand on little circles — six feet apart — when you went anywhere that was open.  One home improvement company even had armed guards at the door to assure everyone was wearing a mask. If you didn’t have one, they’d sell you one. If you still refused to comply, police were called, and people were arrested.

Then came the jabs.  “Safe and effective,” we were told, only to discover these things were neither. They’ve now been proven to be weapons of depopulation, as millions have “died suddenly.”  Funeral directors noted a serious marked increase in deaths of young people starting right after the shots were implemented. They — along with scientists and doctors — discovered enormous blood clots in the dead bodies of jab victims.  But not just ordinary blood clots. These more closely resembled window caulk — white, rubbery substances that completely shut off the blood flow.  We’ve learned a lot more about these shots than I can get into in this message, but suffice to say, they didn’t come at “warp speed.” They’d been in the works for years, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to unleash them.

We must also remember the deadly, mandatory protocols implemented by hospitals — mandated by Fauci and company and incentivized with enormous amounts of money from the federal government. The more dead people a hospital could turn out, the more money they made.

And then, right on cue with Saul Alinsky’s communist handbook, Rules For Radicals,” things shifted.  As Alinsky stated, “a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  But the tearing down of our country has never stopped.

Since then, we’ve seen over 200 food processing plants mysteriously go up in flames in just about every state in the nation. I find it odd that in each of these cases, not one of those facilities had adequate working sprinkler systems to mitigate damage.  We’ve also seen countless thousands of chickens and heads of cattle “culled” due to alleged illnesses, and severe drought has caused the loss of millions of acres of crops in America’s “breadbasket.” In case you’re not aware, our federal government has been playing around with weather modification for decades, and “chemtrails” really DO exist. Call it a “crazy conspiracy theory” if you want, but you’d be better off investigating that for yourself.   If you want to know the truth.

Then the train derailments began.  Perhaps the most notable was the one in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3rd of this year.  That train had twenty tankers filled with Vinyl Chloride — a deadly toxin that causes cancer and a host of other deadly ailments. After the derailment, instead of safely removing the toxic liquid from the tanker cars to other tanks, officials drained the stuff into a ditch and then deliberately ignited it, sending a plume of toxic compounds high into the air.  Two hundred miles away, residents reported the paint on their cars was bubbling up and the plastic parts of their cars were melted.

But we were assured that the residents of East Palestine had nothing to fear.  The media reported, once again, “nothing to see here,” even as thousands of fish in the area were dead, along with pets and farm animals. The media told us residents reported only “runny noses, chest congestion, coughing and headaches” for a few days, but they need not be concerned. Strange — those are the same symptoms of the so-called “deadly COVID.”  Yet, officials have assured residents their air and water are completely safe.

Train derailments have continued across the country — almost continuously, it seems.  The most recent being the Norfolk Southern derailment in Whitemarsh Township, Pennsylvania.  That train was also carrying potentially deadly chemicals including liquid fertilizer and another that I can’t pronounce, which is used as a dry cleaning agent and metal degreasing solvent.  In tune with the newest push for a “climate change” crisis, officials have said this derailment was likely “weather related.”

But the demolition of America’s infrastructure continues in just about every area with bridge collapses, power station outages, and road failures.  It’s almost as if all these calamities coming all at once are being carefully planned and carried out.  But certainly, our own government would never do anything to harm us, or the country, …right?

Remember, in order to “build back better” you first must destroy what was. The country I grew up in is under attack, friends, and if you continue to believe the official narrative put forth by government agencies — including the mainstream media — I truly feel sorry for you.

You may think the “jabs” are a thing of the past, now that so many people have had their eyes opened to the truth and many are now refusing them. But now they’re putting this mRNA into all of us — whether we want it or not, or even know about it.  They’re now injecting it into farm animals, so we get it through the meat we eat. If you’re vegetarian, you’re not off the hook either, because they’re now also infusing it into plants and crops.  And if you have your own farm and your own home-grown food supply that you oversee, you better watch out for mosquitoes, because they’re putting the jab into the mosquitoes now too and then those bugs are jabbing all of us.

Many more things are coming to light now as well. While sex trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children has been going on since the dawn of time, we’re now seeing an assault on our children like we’ve never witnessed before.  Whistleblowers who speak the truth about powerful men and women in high places taking part in this — and profiting handsomely from the sale of children — are turning up mysteriously dead, if they don’t simply go missing themselves.

Meanwhile, the twisting of minds — young and old — regarding sexual perversion and abomination is now like nothing I could ever have imagined. We have pornography in schools, X-rated sex performances promoted as “family- and child-friendly” events in our schools, libraries, city parks and theaters.  Our kids are being force-fed the ideology of “transgenderism.” And if you don’t affirm the psychotic delusion of a so-called “transgender” person, you’re guilty of a hate crime.

This is nothing short of child abuse. I can’t understand how anyone could think this stuff is ok. Children are being mutilated for life. In some places, it’s now against the law for parents to intervene if a child agrees to “transition.” Can you imagine, taking a young girl and injecting puberty blocking chemicals into her, then pumping her full of testosterone injections? Even biological men who have low testosterone levels must go through months of testing and analysis and doctor visits in order to get legitimate testosterone boosters if they need them.  But somehow, the insane Leftists, who can’t even give a coherent definition of a “woman,” think this is perfectly ok to do to a confused 12-year-old girl — without her parents’ consent or even knowledge.

Meanwhile, banks are failing, businesses are shutting down, joblessness is rampant, the homeless population has exploded nationwide with people living on the streets or in “tent cities.” The US dollar is collapsing.  Violent crime is rising, even in small towns. Cities have become no-go zones, with their streets littered with human feces and drug needles.

This is where we’re at, folks. The regime is building something but it’s not “better.”   As I’ve said before, there is no political solution to all this. They’re all in it together. If you’re waiting for Donald Trump to come back and set things straight, you’re forgetting that all the riots and destruction started under his watch and he did nothing to stop it. You’re forgetting that Trump is also a huge supporter of the LGBTQP+ agenda. You’re forgetting how proud he is of the deadly “jab” he knowingly unleashed.  You’re forgetting that it was Trump who oversaw the COVID mandates and lockdowns.

He may continue to say what we all want to hear, but we need to look deeper because he’s not our Savior. The only ‘Build Back Better” plan that is ever going to work is the one where we have a massive wave of individual and national repentance and a serious 180 degree turn back to God Almighty; and that may never happen until Christ Himself returns as the just Judge and Ruler He truly is.  Preach the Word. Prepare. And pray.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Prevention is the Cure

By Late Roy Masters

August 6, 2023

You would always be safe, in complete control of your own life, if you were to remain within the protected boundaries of your reason.

But having been tricked, tempted and aggravated away from its center, your soul has lost its way and does not know how to come home again.

Wondering around in a thinking and feeling world, your spirit becomes more confused, more subject to deception, simply because you have lost the way to see clearly.

Your present sensitivity to pressure continues to grow in direct proportion to the degree of your being lost in your thoughts, the consequence for having originally doubted yourself.

Remember, every emotional upset in your life traces back to some obvious or subtle distortion of beliefs through your emotional overreactions.

However, if from now on you will confront any degrading lie for what it is, with Godly patience, then you get to doubt that lie.

The key to faith is not what you think, rather, it is a special moment where doubting the lie frees you to believe the truth again. Do you know why doubting the lie is the same as believing the truth?

It is because originally, doubting the truth became your compulsive faith in lies. With a little help from your Savior, you simply reverse the process—and begin to believe again.

With your ego once again centered in the light, expressing native wisdom and goodness, you will become progressively less subject to dehumanizing pressures.

“Prevention is the cure; keep the pressure from getting under your skin by remaining calm at the point of stress.”

Therefore, if you are presently upset, over-reactive, nervous, fearful, and guilty, take it as a sign that you have lost your way. Somewhere down the line, you have responded to, and are acting out other people’s wills.

Your resentment and impatience bears witness to the bondage of your wrong allegiance.

Surely, you have observed the vicious cycle. Something upsets you changing the way you think and feel. You feel doomed, damned, depressed and obligated to go along even when you know it is wrong.

You can no longer control your thoughts, and your health suffers. You develop headaches and other assorted aches and pains.

You take it out on your family until they are more miserable than you are. You try to forget what is happening to you, but you cannot.

You react in extremes; you cannot sleep, or sleep too much. You lose your appetite completely, or eat everything in sight.

Prevention is the cure; keep the pressure from getting under your skin by remaining calm at the point of stress.

If you could do that, you will become impervious to life’s penetrations and never fall prey to morbid states of mind or project them onto your loved ones.

Depression will fade into the darkness as the light dawns.

© 2023 FHU – All Rights Reserved

Contact FHU

AI Apotheosis

by Rolaant McKenzie

August 6, 2023

In the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, Court Martial (Season 1, Episode 20, 2/2/1967), the USS Enterprise had sustained considerable damage and the death of a crewman, Lt. Commander Finney, after going through a severe ion storm. While the starship was being repaired as it orbited Starbase 11, Kirk was ordered to remain at the starbase facilities until an inquiry into Finney’s death could be conducted to determine whether a general court martial was necessary.

Whenever a starship faced an ion storm, something that could be very hazardous to even the sturdiest starships, an ion pod at the stern of the ship would be deployed to take sensor readings not available to the usual ship’s sensors. In the event of severe stress levels on the ship in the Force-7 range, the captain would order a red alert, giving the officer in the pod seconds to leave before the captain jettisoned it.

Finney served as the Records Officer on the Enterprise, and it was his turn to enter the pod and take the sensor readings. At the edge of the storm Kirk signaled yellow alert and warned Finney that he may need to go to red alert. As the severity of the storm grew, greatly rattling the ship, he ordered red alert. After waiting as many seconds as he could, Kirk ejected the pod. But Finney apparently was still in the pod when it was jettisoned, so he was presumed dead.

Key to the inquiry was the log report compiled by the ship’s computer, an artificial intelligence (AI) system that assisted the crew in maintaining essential functions of the ship and records of all activities. This system was considered to be virtually infallible. According to the log report, Kirk ejected the ion pod while it was still yellow alert, not red alert, indicating guilt of culpable negligence in the death of Finney.

During the subsequent court martial, the guilty verdict and the end of Kirk’s career appeared to be certain. But before the verdict was delivered by the court, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy entered the court room to convey some information to Mr. Samuel Cogley, Kirk’s defense attorney.

Over the objections of the prosecutor, Cogley sought to present new evidence for the court to consider. Appealing to the four-judge panel, Cogley said that one of the most important human rights, expressed in the Bible and other codes of justice throughout history, was the right to face and cross-examine one’s accuser, something that had been denied to his client.

The main witness against Kirk was a machine, the computer log of the Enterprise. He asked the court to reconvene on the ship to “cross-examine” the computer, and that if his motion was denied, then a human being with inherent rights implicitly granted by God would be brought down below the level of the machine, which has no rights.

As a result of the court’s willingness to further examine the computer record, evidence was brought to light that exonerated Captain Kirk. It was discovered that Finney, aware of his society’s exalted view of its AI computer systems, reprogrammed the ship’s computer to make it appear that Kirk jettisoned the ion pod during yellow alert when he did not.

Furthermore, Finney had faked his death to frame Kirk and destroy his life over a long-held grudge he had against him. He was later found hiding in the bowels of the ship and taken into custody.

As the AI of the USS Enterprise was viewed by the crew and the court as an indisputably correct source of information, so many today are developing a similar perception of AI applications. People grow to unquestionably depend on tools such as search engines (e.g., Google Search), recommendation systems (used by YouTube and Amazon), generative devices (e.g., ChatGPT), and automated decision-making mechanisms for work, travel, research, leisure, and daily life.

Building on this, professing atheist Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, senior advisor to Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF), spoke of using AI to create a spirituality consistent with the organization’s ideas of inclusivism (exclusion and silencing of those who disagree with their agenda) and equity (prohibition of opportunities to rise above their imposed mass austerity).

In an interview with Pedro Pinto of The Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS) on May 19, 2023, in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari stated that technologies like the printing press, radio, and television are unable to create new ideas, but AI is different.

“AI can create new ideas, even write a new Bible. Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity. … In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct. Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI.”

Notice that Harari did not call for the rewriting of the Koran, Bhagavad Gita, or books sacred to Buddhists.

Many of the ancient Canaanite, Greek, and Roman gods, represented by wood, metal, and stone idols, were characterized by their greed, cruelty, deception, barbarism, and licentiousness. Worshipers ascribed to them superhuman abilities, maximizing their immoral characteristics. This brought out the worst depravity in those who followed them, reminiscent of the words of Psalm 135:15-18.

“The idols of the nations are but silver and gold, the work of man’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; they have eyes, but they do not see; they have ears, but they do not hear, nor is there any breath at all in their mouths. Those who make them will be like them, yes, everyone who trusts in them.”

Apotheosis is defined as the glorification of someone, something, or an abstract idea to divine status. Technology may change, but human nature does not. Too many in their pride are inclined to apotheosize the works of their hands.

Notwithstanding efforts to portray AI formed from computer code and software run through metallic structures as virtually infallible, it is still as much an idol for people like Harari as those of wood, metal, and stone were for the ancient Canaanites, Greeks, and Romans. It is a manmade technology subject to human shortcomings, biases, and corruption, amplified by its apparent superhuman abilities to quickly compile and process vast amounts of information.

Any religious text generated from this technology would not create a “correct” religion, but design one reflecting and approving of corrupt human desires and inclinations (Romans 1:18-32). Such a text would not lead to the worship of God, but the deification of man.

We do not need a “new Bible” written by AI and the counterfeit spirituality that it offers. The actual Bible is composed of 66 books by 40 different writers over approximately 1,500 years. One consistent theme, God’s plan to rescue human beings from the devastating results of Adam’s fall through His Son Jesus Christ, runs all the way through these books. Fulfilled prophecy, especially in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus point to the Bible’s supernatural origin, its invariable reliability, and God as its ultimate author.

There are terrible consequences for those who seek to alter the word of God to create a god amenable to their own imagination (Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:18-19).

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

AI created by man cannot save from sin and the judgment of God; only faith in God through the Jesus Christ of the Bible can (John 3:16-18, 14:1-6).

© 2023 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie: rolaant@gospeloutreach.net

Website: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/

How to Spot A BS Artist

By Steven Yates

August 5, 2023

Someone Emotionally Wedded to an Official Narrative

A couple of weeks back, a commencement speech at Northwestern University by Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker went viral. Pritzker is a Democrat, of course. No one in his right mind thinks a Republican would be invited to speak at such an event. Well, on second thought, a RINO like Liz Cheney might be. Few others would.

Pritzker soft-pedals wokery without calling it that, of course. His wokesters are kind; anti-wokesters are cruel. He intimates that the former are “the smartest people in the room.” Those who wish to see and hear the entire speech can do so here. Anyone wishing to read my commentary on his handling of kindness and cruelty as concepts can do so here.

This article fries some different fish. I’m also interested in his claim to have an “idiot detection system,” something so-called pundits (example here) have picked up on.

He has his, and I have mine. I’d been thinking: mine is more of a BS detection system. I originally entitled this piece “How to Spot a BS Artist,” but then realized, there’s more to the story than that.

Philosopher Harry Frankfurt (who sadly just passed away at age 94) wrote the slim book On Bullshit (2005). It became a bestseller (I wonder why!). Frankfurt distinguished BS-ing from lying. Lying tries to persuade you to believe something the speaker or author knows to be false, and so is indirectly concerned with truth and falsity. A BS-artist has no regard for truth. Many so-called pundits accuse Trump of being a BS-artist, which has to make us wonder if they’ve been paying attention to any of the country’s political history preceding Trump.

But what of those cases, and there are many, where a speaker or author is convinced, beyond any shadow of doubt, that what he is saying is proven truth, and is completely oblivious to any and all evidence he might be wrong? Such a person is not lying as we defined it, nor is he/she a BS-artist.

This is the case with many defenders of official narratives.

As my thoughts evolved, they turned into something of a system for detecting when someone is tied mentally and emotionally to an official, dominant narrative, is in his/her comfort zone, not about to leave it voluntarily, and so has little or no patience with dissent. Some signs of such will be obvious; others, less so. I’ve singled out three categories that seem to me most telling, in the knowledge endeavors we’ll all grapple with at some point. The first involves those who deflect criticisms of official narratives with accusations that the critic is a conspiracy theorist. The second poses as a voice of scientific reason while irrationally engaging in juvenile namecalling instead of honest engagement. The third, when it comes from the left, accuses critics of wokery of “making it all up,” and when it sometimes comes from the right, accuses those who sees those talking about economic inequality as closet socialists.

Let’s look at these, one by one.

(1) Those trained in the art of reciting official narratives harp incessantly about “conspiracy theories” (sometimes it’s “baseless conspiracy theories”). This will be the case even if the person accused isn’t proposing a theory, just questioning the narrative.  Mainstream corporate media loves this phrase. Its so-called pundits have no grasp of what I’ve pointed out so many times I’ve lost count: the CIA weaponized the phrase back in the 1960s. Purpose: circumventing allegations, increasingly widespread back then, that JFK was assassinated by “his” own government, most likely a small group of CIA and FBI insiders — the same group that murdered his brother five years later. RFK Sr. would likely have stopped the war in Vietnam which the Establishment of the day wanted badly — and possibly reopened the investigation into JFK’s death.

There’s a link to the CIA’s own document here.

These days, going through the two newsfeeds I typically look in the morning which pull “the best of the best” (ahem!) from mainstream sources, if an author uses any variant on conspiracy theory, I often stop reading at that point.

Life is too short.

Enough said about this category, therefore. There is plenty in my archive about “conspirators” who aren’t really that at all, because as I’ve also often said many times, a real conspiracy would be hidden from you. Those trying to build “global governance” aren’t hiding. They’re just counting a public that is (a) inattentive, and (b) possibly too busy struggling to pay the rent or mortgage, keep the lights on, etc., to ponder what the Great Resetters might be planning for them.

(2) Then there are those who speak for The Science, whether in health and medicine, biology, history, origins, what-have-you. They will tell you they are speaking for “rationality,” of course, but invariably begin ad hominem attacks, often in their first sentence.

This blog is a literal gold mine of examples, starting with its title. Invariably, official narratives (usually those of leftists and global corporations, especially Big Pharma) epitomize “rationality.” Dissidents are “loons.”

I’ve no idea who “G.D.” is, of course. What’s clear is that he (I’m assuming it’s a he) has every official line down pat and recites them like a playbook. He draws liberally from this site, which has these same features. Originality is not his strength.

What his site communicates is that he doesn’t understand what reason and intellectual responsibility call for, including openness to the possibility that one might be wrong — including about one’s fundamentals.

Thus he conflates actual science, to the extent it still exists, with The Science; rejects religious belief in all forms, and embraces woke fashionability.

Decades ago, long before the Internet, it had begun to dawn on me that virtually all the theories we have about how the universe originated, how life originated, where we came from, how civilization originated — and how old they are — are seriously flawed. How do we know this? Because of scientific anomalies: well-authenticated findings of things that wouldn’t exist if the dominant consensus on all the above (“big bang” cosmology, abiogenesis, human evolution from an “apelike ancestor,” no civilizations before Sumeria, etc.) were true.

Examples: fossilized footprints, sometimes sandalprints, in layers of rock geologists insist is not mere millions but sometimes hundreds of millions of years old.

More examples: out-of-place artifacts (ooparts, the colorful designation) suggesting that someone, or some group, long before the civilizations we know, had technologies “stone age men” weren’t supposed to have had!

Final big example: astronomer Halton Arp’s documented problems with the “red shift,” without which present-day dominant ideas about the age and size of the universe fail to work. (If this is new to you, start here.)

If we had a mere handful of these things, we could probably discount them as mistakes and hoaxes. But there are hundreds, possibly thousands, dogging every scientific and social-scientific discipline. A renegade physicist named William R. Corliss began collecting them back in the 1970s. He compiled a series of Sourcebooks, he called them. Sadly, he passed away in 2011. His collections have gone out of print. Used copies are floating around on, e.g., eBay, although they’re rather pricey!

What we can say: we’re talking about phenomena uncovered, apparently by accident, by very different people in different parts of the world, almost none of whom with anything to gain by perpetuating a hoax — more to lose, actually — sometimes in circumstances where doing so would have been physically impossible, as when an object clearly of intelligent origin is found partly encased in rock or even petrified wood.

What Corliss reproduced, limiting his own commentary, were academic-quality accounts when he could obtain them.

What tactic does The Science employ?

Putting such things in the backrooms of museum basements and forgetting about them.

Or destroying the careers of those who won’t shut up about them.

Halton Arp found his access to the equipment necessary to continue his work as an astronomer increasingly unavailable to him when he kept insisting that a “red shifted” spectrum did not indicate that an object was moving away from us.

Christians have a ready explanation for anomalous fossils, footprints, and artifacts: the Great Flood, before which there existed a possibly relatively advanced worldwide civilization, probably as depraved as ours if not worse.

Ancient-astronaut types of a more secular bent have had field days with such things, writing books aimed at convincing readers that our ancestors were visited by extraterrestrials who became the “gods” of old. Such authors make bushels of assumptions for which there is no evidence (some discussed last week): that extraterrestrials exist, and could get here if they did.

I’ve maintained complete agnosticism on both. For other reasons too lengthy to go into here, I think the Erich von Dänikens of the world sell our ancestors short. Their theories strike me as weaker than the official ones.

I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for people to realize: there are things in this world we simply don’t know, and might never know. They are mysteries, because actual empirical evidence is insufficient to allow us to reach any decisive judgments about them.

The point I’m making: a sign you are dealing with someone emotionally bonded to an official narrative of The Science, whether about human origins or the origin of civilization or about alternative medicine or about astronomy, is that they dismiss all this out of hand. If they’ve examined it at all, their examination is so cursory as to be useless. Their judgment: scientific anomalies are fake (because they conflict with the official consensus) and the study of them is a “pseudoscientific” waste of time.

(3) The third category is more complex and takes more than one form. It can occur among writers and supposed pundits on the right as well as on the left. Given our present situation, I’m most concerned about this category. So I’m going to say more about it than I did the others. It definitely affects more people, usually against their will.

There are writers and commentators who dichotomize “cultural” issues (abortion, gay marriage, gender-fluidity, critical race theory, immigration, free speech, parental oversight of K-12 education, etc.) from issues such as economic inequality, what I’ve described as the redistribution of wealth upwards (welfare-statism in reverse, if you will), wage stagnation, inflation, the growing homelessness crisis, and so on.

Some on the left — Robert Reich is an example — contend that the former are distractions from the latter, and that the latter are the fault of Republicans, or of conservatives generally. Conservatives, Reich charges, harp about, e.g., wokery, so they don’t have to talk about the people struggling to keep a roof over their heads.

Reich actually accuses Ron DeSantis of “making up” wokery in corporations like Disney!

Some on the right, however, so-called free-marketers, indeed largely ignore economic matters such as the growing concentration of wealth at the top. They seem to believe that if you’re homeless, it’s because you’re on drugs, not because your part-time job was no longer sufficient to pay your escalating rent. Such so-called pundits appear to think the 21st century U.S. economy really is a meritocracy, that the billionaire class actually worked for all that money and didn’t just work the financial system.

I sometimes feel like shouting it from my rooftop:  IT’S NOT EITHER-OR, PEOPLE! IT’S BOTH-AND!

That wokery doesn’t really exist (or is harmless if it does) is an official narrative of many on the left. That economic inequality doesn’t matter, or that one’s status as a “99.99 percenter” is exclusively a matter of one’s own bad choices, is the official narrative of some on the right.

Both are real, and both are existential threats to Western civilization as we know it.

Left-wing billionaires fund cultural confrontations. Their neoliberal equivalents help undermine the middle class with class warfare.

Class warfare? Isn’t that a Marxist-type notion?

Warren Buffett once observed, “There’s class warfare alright, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

He probably knows what he’s talking about!

Fortunately, some conservatives are paying attention to the worsening predicament of working people. Leftists kicked them to the curb as too white, too straight, and above all, too Christian.

The right that began to rise after the financial meltdown of 2008 is thus less prone to ignore economic and “structural” issues.

This has led to an internecine struggle between two groups with very different philosophies, both of whom claim to be conservative. (Here.)

One group, remnant “movement conservatives” of old for whom Ronald Reagan was the idol, gave us the Bushes, Romney, McCain, Kemp, etc.; in media, George Will among others. This group insists on all those things that have aggravated the redistribution of wealth upwards — what biologist turned macrohistorian Peter Turchin, in his fascinating book End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration (2023) calls a wealth pump.

These include so-called free trade, immigration (which drives down everybody’s wages by oversupplying labor), and in general whatever enables global corporations to make money: “globalization” generally. Neoliberalism is their economic theory, and if it results in once-thriving communities going into tailspins when employers move jobs overseas, leaving only Walmart which had already forced all the mom-and-pop stores to close (and then the Walmart closes!), so be it.

Reinvent yourselves, peasants! (That’s the 21st century equivalent of “Let them eat cake!”)

I’ve described the narratives that led to such results as having collapsed, lost their credibility with voters of various stripes. That is how Donald Trump was able to win the presidency, never having held public office. It had brought about Occupy Wall Street and fueled the Bernie Sanders movement among younger leftists. The DNC, being far more Machiavellian than the RNC, was able to stop left-populism. Hence the Bidenista catastrophe.

The second group consists of those who supported Trump whether they liked him personally or not: the “nationalist conservatives” who voted for him twice and who listen to Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson. These folks, counter-elites in Turchin’s jargon, are deeply suspicious of so-called free trade, open borders, and too-big-to-fail corporate leviathans.

The “nationalists” understand that a problem exists when corporations’ loyalty to the almighty dollar trumps their loyalty to the country, and are even more destructive when they go woke.

This second group thus favors what academically-trained economists (most of whom are globalists in a loose sense) disdain as “protectionism”: government builds, or rebuilds, and supports a country’s manufacturing base against outsiders — especially China!

These two areas, the cultural and the economic, are both important, in other words.

It would be nice if the two groups could talk to each other, but I fear that without realizing it, they harbor different worldviews. The purveyors of globalized “free trade,” etc., are de facto materialists, for whom money and power get the last word even if they don’t put it so bluntly. The cultural conservatives tend to be Christians, for whom not everything is subject to “the market” because God gets the final say and His Word is not for sale!

Thus my concern is to prompt more discussion of worldviews (see links below), which orient our thought about what kind of world this is, how we fit into it and how we came to be, and help us lay out for ourselves and our progeny what is of value in life and how to go about pursuing it: in the end, how to build, strengthen, and sustain healthy families, and communities that allow genuine human interaction on its own terms.

If, as some conservatives say, economics is downstream from culture, then culture and community are downstream from worldview.

Summing up: doubtless some so-called pundits have what they call idiot-detection systems, or BS-exposing devices. These do not do the right things. The above three categories, to my mind, help us single out those whose interest is in furthering agendas and perpetuating positions whatever the consequences, not in seeking truth.

What matters, of course, is what helps us live fulfilled lives surrounded by loved ones, adding genuine value to our communities — lives of some self-chosen combination of learning, loving, productive work, and exploration — lives not dictated by tyrants or buffeted about by forces only power elites can control. Many of us would put Christ at the center, agreeing with real pundits who have said that if men do not bow before Him they will find themselves forced to bow before tyrants and dictators.

© 2023 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com


In 2021 I published my book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. Here, in three parts, are reasons you should think about reading the book if you’ve interest in the role worldviews play in civilization, and in shaping our lives:

Part I. Part II. Part III.

If you enjoyed this article and approve of what I do, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

The Constitution and the Criminal Enterprise

By Andrew Wallace

August 5, 2023

Based upon the actions of the Parasitic Super- Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC) and its minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government, you must agree that most are either crooks, cowards, incompetents, or all three.

No honest person can question this statement of absolute demonstrable fact. Only a brainwashed and ignorant Communist “Useful Idiot” could take exception.

Now let’s discuss a few irrefutable and clear acts of Treason that have transformed most of our Constitutional Republic into a big Blood- Sucking Machine aka a Criminal Enterprise aka PSRRC.

This criminal enterprise benefits the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), wealthy billionaire families and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government, commonly called the Deep State, Establishment, etc.

This is not a book, so I can only highlight a few of the unconstitutional treasonous acts of our rulers.

The following numbered items and citations are given to remind the reader of critical items in the Constitution.

1. Only the legislature can enact laws, and they can’t delegate that power to other government administrative and executive agencies like the ATF, IRS, FBI, et al. Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
2. Executive orders of the President involving the states are a scam, and are not valid in the states. Article 1, Section 8 and Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution.
3. The Legislative Branch can’t enact laws or spend money unless authorized by the Enumerated Powers in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
4. The Federal government has no police powers in the states. See Enumerated Powers in the Constitution.
5. The Federal government has no Constitutional power to pay welfare of any kind in the states; that is a responsibility of the states. Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7 of the Constitution.
6. Foreign Aid is unconstitutional, as are all wars not declared by Congress. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of Constitution.
7. Many departments, agencies and expenditures of federal government are unconstitutional, including….Labor, Agriculture, Health and Human Services, Education, Energy, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development, etc, etc Article 1, Section 8 of Constitution.
8. Giving aid and comfort to enemy invaders is treason! Article 3, Section 3, Clause 1. Spending federal funds on invaders is also in violation of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of Constitution and Article 4, Section 4.
9. The People have a right to free speech, to petition government for grievances, and to assemble. First Amendment to Constitution.
10. Congress makes rules for the military, not the President. Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1.
11. The Militia of Several States is to enforce laws of the union (the FBI is not authorized by the Constitution) Article 1, Section 8, Clause 14.

Our Constitution is the Supreme law of The Land, known as the Organic Law. Any faux government that does not comply with Organic Law has no legal or lawful justification for its existence and operation!

Research indicates that most of the federal government’s laws, actions, and expenditures are unconstitutional violations of the Enumerated Powers.

The majority of government is therefore a criminal enterprise.

The mostly unlawful part of our government has no legal or lawful right to govern; they are a scam on the people to enrich the PSRRC and their minions while impoverishing the people.

We must remove the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank, which is unconstitutional.

Since its inception in 1913, it has caused, among other things, the Great Depression, financed wars, and has been responsible for the loss of family equity in favor of the PSRRC.

We must return to gold and silver money. It is the only money that is not fiat and is constitutional.

This would defeat inflation, curtail wars for profit, and allow growth of family equity rather than increase wealth of PSRRC.

The greed and corruption of the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class is nothing less than treason.

The PSRRC has destroyed the middle class. Untold numbers of cities and towns have been economically destroyed, along with thousands of middle-class jobs.

This was started in 1913, when they replaced tariffs with the income tax. Negative results were not massively recognized until the 1970s, because of World War Two.

Tariffs had financed the government without income taxes, and protected American middle-class workers from cheaper foreign labor.

Without tariffs to protect workers, greedy Anti-American ‘woke’ corporations moved their manufacturing to cheap labor countries.

President Trump was smeared and vilified more than anyone in history because he was re-instituting tariffs that would have forced ‘woke’ corporations to return manufacturing to the United States!

This country is circling the drain.

This is because of lack of manufacturing, interest on the debt, rapidly depreciating fiat currency, people paid not to work, inflation, inadequate tariffs, foreign aid, wars for profit, illegal invaders, overpriced inadequate education, bloated corrupt Communist government, Democrat cities, majority of government unconstitutional, crooked elections and officials, two-tier justice system, etc, etc, etc……

PSRRC and their minions in ‘woke’ corporations and government are directly responsible for illegal invaders, shortage of fossil fuels, offshore manufacturing, and more. In a few words, I can declare that they are responsible for our decline in status, standard of living, quality of life, security, and our God-given and Constitutionally-protected Rights.

In specific terms, officials are bankrupting Social Security and other government programs by facilitating the treasonous invasion through open borders.

Invaders speak no English, have no education or skills and only bring disease, dependence and crime. The cost to deport the invaders will be high, but less than allowing them to remain. Otherwise, we will end up like France and most of Europe. If invaders remain until the widely-predicted Great Depression, there will be blood in the streets and fighting over food.

The PSRRC, aka The Criminal Enterprise, aka The Big Blood-Sucking Machine, are responsible for all kinds of evil to destroy the Republic, steal the people’s wealth, and gain unlimited power.

China and the Administration of the United States developed the Covid bio-weapon.

The Covid “vaccine” was a lie to enrich the developers and depopulate the world. The “vaccine” didn’t work as promised; in fact it made a person more susceptible. It has harmed and killed millions. Not one person has been punished for the unconstitutional actions of the government and their minions!

Serious patriots who want to see the future and are willing to learn from history should study events in France as follows:

1720: France was bankrupted by similar events to those today in the United States.

1793-1794: French Reign Of Terror Revolution, caused by events similar to those developing in the United States today.

2023, today: riots by French immigrants are similar to illegal invaders in Chicago, demanding government support. This is only the start of an inevitable conflict between citizens and invaders over scarce resources. Invaders must be deported; the cost is too high for them to remain.

It is impossible for these Communist Usurpers to govern under existing circumstances without the barrel of a gun supporting them!

People just have no confidence in the government; we are in a precarious position on the precipice. More than half the people hate the Communists and the rest are too apathetic, dependent, brainwashed and ignorant to learn the truth.

God Bless You and our Republic

© 2023 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

The Real Agenda Behind Red-Flag Laws: Confiscations and Gun Controls

By Joanna Martin, J.D.

August 4, 2023

When a person makes threats about killing others, the only constitutionally acceptable course of action is to treat that particular person in accordance with the existing criminal laws of the State.  To instead subject everyone to red flag confiscations shows that the real agenda is to disarm “The People”.  But the US Constitution doesn’t permit that.

State Legislatures have no constitutional authority to enact into Law whatever a majority of them may happen to believe is a good idea.  To the contrary, State Legislatures are mere “creatures” of the State Constitution which created them – and it is that Document, together with various provisions of the US Constitution, which define and limit their authority to make laws. State Legislatures have only limited constitutional authority to make laws restricting arms.[1]

A Transcendent Principle of our Land has always been that The People have the right to keep and bear arms.  The purpose of this Right is – as James Madison recognizes in Federalist No. 46 – to protect us from government.

And because the leading cause of unnatural death in this world, particularly since the beginning of the 20th Century, is murder by governmentdemocide; we must have the ability to defend ourselves from government.

Before governments can murder great numbers of people, they must disarm them first:  As lawyer and philosopher Stephen P. Halbrook shows in Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and “Enemies of the State”, the NAZIS used gun control to disarm and repress their enemies and consolidate power, which rendered political opponents and Jews defenseless.

That’s what gun control and red flag confiscations is really about.   It has nothing to do with protecting children.  People who want to protect children oppose abortion, the injection of children with experimental substances, and sex change surgery on children.

  1. Global government, eugenics, and “sustainable development”

Powerful people seek to move the United States into global government – the New World Order – the North American Union – the Great Reset.  But the American People oppose global government.

Yuval Noah Harari of Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset says you and I are “useless”, “meaningless”, and “worthless”.  They don’t need us anymore.  Prince Philip of England said during 1988 that if he were reincarnated, he “would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”

Kelleigh Nelson shows that work to rid the World of “inferior” or superfluous people has been going on in America:  America’s Medical Guinea Pigs, Depopulation and Eugenics, Part OneBlood Lust: Covid Vaccines, and Culling the Population, Part Two;  and The Demonic Carnage of Vaccines, Part Three.

The United Nations claims that population growth interferes with “sustainable development”.  Pro-abortion US Vice-President Kamala Harris wants to reduce the population so “the children” can have cleaner air and water.  Former US Secretary of State John Kerry wants to destroy the farming industry because “Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world. And we can’t get to net zero—we don’t get this job done—unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.”

How will Americans eat when the farms are shut down?  There will be hundreds of millions of starving Americans. The globalists must disarm us before they cut off our food supply.

Their “final solution” to the above “problems” is to kill us.  But first, they must disarm us.

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee isn’t the only “conservative” who is pushing for gun control and red flag confiscations.

President Trump said, respecting red flag laws, Take the guns first, go through due process second, thus showing his total lack of understanding of the concept of “due process”.

Princeton Law Professor Robert P. George, who has been on Mark Meckler’s “Convention of States” Legal Advisory Board since its inception during 2014, has already co-authored a new Constitution which provides constitutional authority for gun control and red flag confiscations.[2]

Professor George is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  The CFR seeks to move the United States into global government – the North American Union.  Americans don’t want to be moved into the North American Union. So we must be rendered powerless to prevent it [link].

  1. What is “due process”?

“Due process of law” is a term with a precise technical import going back to the Magna Charta; and means that a person’s Life, Liberty or Property cannot be taken away from him except by the judgment of his peers pursuant to a fair trial!  See Professor Raoul Berger’s masterful work, “Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment”, at Part I, Chapter 11 “Due Process of Law”.

The 5th Amendment to the US Constitution says:

“…nor shall any person…be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law…”

The 14th Amendment says at § 1:

“…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…”

But US Senator Marco Rubio’s proposed “Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2019”, provided that if a Respondent, whose arms have been taken from him in an ex parte hearing [i.e., a hearing Respondent wasn’t notified about until after the Order had been issued to seize his arms], wants his arms back, he must prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that he does NOT pose a significant danger of causing personal injury to himself or others by having arms in his possession.

Rubio’s bill put the burden of proof on the Respondent!  For eons in Anglo/American Jurisprudence, it has been the task of the government to PROVE GUILT. But Rubio would reverse that and require Respondents to PROVE THEIR INNOCENCE.

All versions of red flag legislation are based on taking peoples’ property away from them based on a Judge’s speculation that they might in the future commit a crime with the gun.  As in Tom Cruz’s movie, “Minority Report”, we can be accused of and punished for gun crimes we haven’t committed.

And even if Respondents in a red flag proceedings were afforded their due process right of a trial before their peers before their arms were confiscated; I am unaware of any State Constitution which permits a person to be disarmed for the reason that others speculate that the person might in the future commit a crime with the gun.  Certainly, the US Constitution forbids such pre-crime confiscations.

Red flag laws are “pre-crime confiscations”.  They violate the due process clauses of the US Constitution; as well as a host of other federal and state constitutional provisions.

  1. Don’t invite political abuse of psychiatry into America

Advocates of red flag confiscations may claim that they only want to confiscate guns from mentally ill people.  And since you are not mentally ill, red flag laws won’t affect you, right?

Not so.  Just as the US Department of Justice denounced as “domestic terrorists Moms who spoke out at School Board Meetings against porn in the schools, mask mandates, and the teaching of Critical Race Theory; red flag laws which purport to permit seizure only from mentally ill persons will result in application of the definition of “mentally ill” which prevailed in the Soviet Union.  There, political opposition or dissent was defined as a psychiatric problem.

  1. We have a moral problem, not a gun problem

I began first grade during 1949.  At that time, the Ten Commandments were posted in public schools. I could already read and saw every day the Commandments, “Thou shall not kill” – “Thou shall not steal” – “Thou shall not bear false witness”. We had prayers and Bible readings.  America was a safe place:  people didn’t lock their doors and children played outdoors unsupervised by adults.

But beginning in 1962, in Engel v. Vitale, the US Supreme Court commenced its war against Christianity by banning prayers in the public schools.  During 1980, in Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court banned the posting of The Ten Commandments in the public schools.

Even though these Opinions were clearly unconstitutional [link], State Legislatures failed to do their Duty to nullify these unconstitutional decisions.  They should have passed laws directing their public school teachers and administrators to ignore the Opinions.[3] 

But State Legislatures failed to act.  So God’s Moral Laws were replaced by Moral Relativism – where moral judgments and values are not based on Transcendent and objective Principles [e.g., The Ten Commandments] but on one’s personal feelings and desires.  THAT is the root problem in our Land – We forgot GodSee also Ideas  That Are Destroying America by Vincent Ryan Ruggiero.

© 2023 Joanna Martin – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joanna Martin, JD.: publiushuldah@gmail.com

E-Mail Joanna Martin, JD.: publiushuldah@twlakes.net


[1]  In this paper, I focus on “due process” and red flag confiscations.  In a subsequent paper, I will show how extremely limited is the constitutional authority of the Tennessee Legislature to restrict arms.

[2]  Robert P. George, a law professor, apparently understands that our existing US Constitution prohibits state or federal gun controls and red flag confiscations; and that a new federal Constitution is needed before we can be disarmed.

[3]  Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton pointed out since the States created the federal government when they ratified the Constitution; they are the final authority on whether their “creature” has violated the constitutional compact the States made with each other.  And when the federal government usurps powers not delegated, each State has the natural right to nullify of their own authority all such acts of the federal government.  See Nullification: The Original Right of Self-Defense.

The Role of the Federal Courts

By Paul Engel

August 4, 2023

  • What powers are vested in the federal courts?
  • Why did Alexander Hamilton refer to the judiciary as the least able to harm our rights?
  • What does the Constitution say about the supremacy of Supreme Court opinions?

In this third installment of the three-part series on the branches of government, we look at the role of the third and weakest branch. At least that’s what our Founding Fathers thought. What is the role of the federal judiciary? What are the extent of their powers, how do they relate to the other two branches of government, and why is a proper understanding of the role of the judiciary critical if the United States is to remain a constitutional republic?

Like many of you I’ve watched courtroom dramas, read about federal court decisions, and drawn conclusions about about how these courts work. Then I read the Constitution and learned just how wrong that education I had received was. Let’s start with the creation of the federal judiciary.

Judicial Power

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. 

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 1

Just as the legislative branch was created in Article I, and the executive in Article II, the judicial branch is created in Article III. What is this judicial power that has been vested by this Article?

JUDICIARY, noun That branch of government which is concerned in the trial and determination of controversies between parties, and of criminal prosecutions; the system of courts of justice in a government.

JUDICIARY – Websters 1828 Dictionary

The role of the judiciary is two-fold: The prosecution of crimes and the determination of controversies. While the prosecution of federal crimes does happen in the federal judiciary, most of the cases we see coming out of these courts have to do with controversies, disputes, or disagreements. That means, as I believe more than one Supreme Court nominee has stated, the role of the courts is primarily that of an umpire.

Picture this: A base runner is charging toward home plate. The catcher is standing over the plate, waiting to receive the throw from the outfield. In less than a second, the ball enters the catcher’s mitt, and he immediately sweeps down to tag the runner sliding into home plate with his arm outstretched to sweep across it. The base runner believes he is safe, while the catcher believes he tagged the runner out. We have a controversy. What we need is a disinterested third party, someone who knows the rules and can look at the evidence to decide this controversy. That is the role of the umpire. He knows the rules of the game, things like the ball must be in the mitt to legally tag someone out and that the base runner must physically touch home plate. The umpire also has access to the evidence and the memory of what he observed in the split-second interaction. Based on this information, he must decide if the runner is safe or out. Then the umpire will announce his decision with a grand gesture and a loud call. And to nobody’s surprise, the loser of the decision will immediately confront the umpire to appeal it, possibly even appealing to others judges to confirm their position. This is a very good analogy of how the federal judicial system should work.

A person is charged with a crime or files a lawsuit for a redress of some grievance. The plaintiff, in the case of a suit, believes he has been aggrieved and is looking for the courts to agree with him, while the accused, called the defendant, believes they have done nothing wrong. (In a criminal case, the prosecutor believes the laws of government have been aggrieved by the defendant.) Both sides come before a judge, someone who’s supposed to be a neutral third party who is familiar with the law. Sometimes the judge will make the final decision, but in the case of a crime or some civil suits, the decision will actually be made by a jury and the judge is there to make sure the two parties follow the law in the courtroom. The parties to the case present evidence and the law to show they are correct. While a jury trial is a bit different, in a judicial trial the judge makes his or her decision on the controversy. Often, one party will not be happy with the decision, sometimes leading them to appeal at a higher court. Which explains the beginning of Section 1:

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. 

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 1

The Constitution only creates a single court, a supreme court. Notice the “s” in supreme is not capitalized. That’s because it is an adjective; it modifies the noun ‘court’. It wasn’t until the formation of this court before it was given the name ‘Supreme Court’, a proper noun. Congress creates all of the inferior courts, giving them the names of District and Circuit Courts. There’s another very important phrase in Section 1, and it’s not that the judges get paid:

The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, 

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 1

We’ve been taught for so many years that federal judges have lifetime appointments. This lie has been repeated enough that it’s believed to be true, but federal judges only hold their offices during their good behavior. Who decides what good behavior is? Congress, through the impeachment process.


Section 2 of Article III deals with the question of jurisdiction, or the limits within, which the judicial power of the United States may be exercised.

The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more States;— between a State and Citizens of another State,—between Citizens of different States,—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Clause 1

The federal courts can only legally deal with cases that come up under the Constitution, Laws, or Treaties made by the United States, or cases involving foreign actors such as ambassadors or public ministers, where the United States is a party, or controversies between states. Controversies “between a State and Citizens of another State” was changed with the Eleventh Amendment.

The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XI

The federal courts are further broken down between the original and appellate jurisdictions.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Clause 2

Cases involving ambassadors, public ministers, or where a state is a party to the case, go directly to the Supreme Court, since they have original jurisdiction. All other cases must go to an inferior court first, but then can be appealed up to the Supreme Court. That is, unless Congress creates an exception or regulation to that jurisdiction.

Lastly, the Constitution deals with the type and location of trials.

The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. 

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Clause 3

With the sole exception of impeachment, federal criminal trials must be jury trials. Such trials are to be held in the state where the crime or crimes were committed, and if the crime did not occur in a state, Congress has the power to pass laws to determine where such a trial is to be held.


Lastly, Article III deals with the question of treason.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. 

U.S. Constitution, Article III, Clauses 1-2

The word treason is thrown around a lot lately. However, I remind people that, within the United States, treason has a very specific definition, levying war or giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States. The word enemy is bandied about quite readily, yet it, too, has a specific definition, not from the Constitution but from the language of the time.

ENEMY: A foe; an adversary. A private enemy is one who hates another and wishes him injury, or attempts to do him injury to gratify his own malice or ill will. A public enemy or foe, is one who belongs to a nation or party, at war with another.

Enemy – Websters 1828 Dictionary

Since the United States is a public entity, then its enemies are public as well. That means enemies of the United Stare are those who belong to a nation or party at war with it.

Congress gets to decide the punishment for treason, but no punishment shall work corruption of blood, meaning the loss of ability to inherit land, or extend beyond the life of the convicted. In general, this language is to prevent the punishment for treason from extending to the family of the convicted.

That’s it. Those are all of the powers delegated to the third branch of government, but there is one point that has passed into lore that we need to deal with before we conclude.

Supremacy of the Supreme Court

The supreme Court is the last court of appeal, but that does not make their opinions the supreme law of the land.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2

The supremacy clause lists three things that are the supreme law of the land. 1) The Constitution, 2) The laws of the United States made following the Constitution, and 3) Treaties made under the authority of the United States, which is established by the Constitution. Notice what you don’t see: The opinion of a court. People may call them “rulings”, but they are nothing but opinions. They may even call them “case law”, but they are not law because, if you remember when we covered the role of Congress, all legislative (lawmaking) power is vested in them, not the courts.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 1

Judicial Power

With all of the impact the courts routinely have on our lives, why did I refer to them as the weakest branch of government in the introduction? Because they are.

Whoever attentively considers the different departments of power must perceive, that, in a government in which they are separated from each other, the judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution; because it will be least in a capacity to annoy or injure them. The Executive not only dispenses the honors, but holds the sword of the community. The legislature not only commands the purse, but prescribes the rules by which the duties and rights of every citizen are to be regulated. The judiciary, on the contrary, has no influence over either the sword or the purse; no direction either of the strength or of the wealth of the society; and can take no active resolution whatever. It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment; and must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.

Alexander Hamilton – Federalist Paper #78

If, as Alexander Hamilton says, the courts have neither force nor will, only judgment, then why to do many call their decisions “rulings”? I’m sure there are several theories behind that, but to me the answer is the elevation of stare decisis over the law.

[Latin, Let the decision stand.] The policy of courts to abide by or adhere to principles established by decisions in earlier cases.

Stare Decisis – The Free Legal Dictionary

While often used interchangeably, stare decisis is different than precedent, which is defined as:

A court decision that is cited as an example or analogy to resolve similar questions of law in later cases.

The Anglo-American common-law tradition is built on the doctrine of Stare Decisis (stand by decided matters”), which directs a court to look to past decisions for guidance on how to decide a case before it. This means that the legal rules applied to a prior case with facts similar to those of the case now before a court should be applied to resolve the legal dispute.

Precedent – The Free Legal Dictionary

Precedent is the simple matter of looking at past cases for guidance to help decide a case, whereas stare decisis is the idea that previous decisions should be abided by. The problem with stare decisis is it assumes previous decisions are both legal and correct. By following stare decisis, it has become very difficult, often turbulent, for a court to decide a case based on the actual law rather than the opinions of their predecessors.

The elevation of stare decisis has also lead to a form of gnosticism within our legal system.

gnosis: esoteric knowledge of spiritual truth held by the ancient Gnostics to be essential to salvation

gnosis Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary

The idea of the Gnostics was that they had special knowledge of spiritual truth. The gnostic ideas in our legal system today are that the judges have special knowledge of the law, and that attorneys are there to walk your case through the vagaries of that special knowledge. That is why so many people believe they need an attorney to file a lawsuit or to defend themselves in a criminal case. The complications of the actual law make those actions difficult enough, but mix in the gnostic knowledge of “case law” and the legal field has created a barrier to entry for all but the most dedicated, thereby keeping everyday Americans ignorant of both the law and their rights.


How are we to approach this weakest branch of government? We start by reminding people that, with the exception of jury trials, the decision of a court is an opinion, nothing more. We must relearn what Alexander Hamilton taught us, that the courts control neither the purse nor the sword and “must ultimately depend upon the aid of the executive arm even for the efficacy of its judgments.” Understanding this may help as we wade through the morass of political double-speak that inundates us every day.

The role of the courts is that of an umpire, making decision based on the law using the facts presented to them. Today, we have elevated their decisions beyond law into rulings, as if they were kings and queens on high. It would be one thing if their decisions were based in the law rather than the rantings of their predecessors. Read a Supreme Court opinion and you will rarely find the Constitution quoted. Even when it’s referenced, it’s most often the quotation of the opinion of a previous court. We used to have courts of justice. Then we had courts of law. Today, we have courts of opinions. [Read “How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary“]

How can the United States be a republic, if we are ruled not by the law, but by the opinions of nine high-priests in black robes?

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Wayne Richard: Champion For Conservatism Takes a Stand for Collin County, Texas

By: Amil Imani

August 3, 2023

In the heart of Texas, where the sun’s rays shine strongly, is a man whose loyalty to Collin County residents and conservative values is unwavering – Wayne Richard. He intends to challenge the incumbent state Representative Matt Shaheen in the upcoming GOP primary, fuelled by Shaheen’s vote to impeach Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton – an utter act of betrayal of all we Texans stand for.

Attorney General Ken Paxton’s figure in Texas politics shines brightly as a beacon of service and honor. His solid commitment to the state and its people has left an indelible mark, earning him the respect and admiration of countless Texans—those who dare to go against such an esteemed figure risk the unyielding judgment of the electorate.

Wayne Richard is deeply connected to our community. As a successful Plano businessman, he understands the struggles hardworking Texans face. But what truly sets him apart is his unwavering dedication to the principles that have defined the great state of Texas for generations – conservatism at its core. And more than anything, Wayne Richard recognizes the significance of Paxton’s legacy and stands firmly aligned with those who champion his cause, vowing to defend General Paxton.

With a heart full of love for his constituents and Texas, Wayne aspires to represent the 66th district in the Texas House of Representatives, putting America First, just like former President Trump. Wayne’s commitment to conservative values has made him a prominent figure in Collin County, where Republicans rally behind him to challenge Shaheen in the GOP primary.

So why is Wayne taking this step now? He believes Shaheen’s vote to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton betrayed our conservative principles. Ken Paxton has been a staunch defender of traditional values and a steadfast advocate for Texas. For Wayne Richard and countless others in Collin County, Shaheen’s vote goes against everything they hold dear.

In the eyes of many conservatives, Paxton’s impeachment was seen as a betrayal of the State’s core values. It has shaken the unity and trust that Shaheen had established with his constituents. They put their trust in him to be their voice in the political arena, fight for their principles, and uphold their great state’s integrity. But his vote left them feeling let down.

Wayne Richard is a fervent supporter of Paxton and his conservative agenda. His potential campaign isn’t just about Shaheen’s vote; it’s about ensuring that the GOP remains faithful to its conservative doctrines, undeterred by outside pressures.

Wayne Richard stands firm for what is right, so he’s considering running in the GOP primary. He understands the importance of having a genuine conservative leader who will never waver in defending Texan values. While Wayne’s campaign will address Shaheen’s impeachment vote, his platform will encompass many other traditional issues. From securing our borders to protecting religious liberties and safeguarding our Second Amendment rights, Wayne aims to rally the Republican base behind a vision that echoes the principles resonating with many Texans during Trump’s time in office.

As fervent supporters of Wayne Richard, we are filled with hope and excitement for the journey ahead. His potential challenge represents a call to arms for all conservatives in Collin County. Together, we can send a powerful message – that we stand united in our firm support to keep Collin County conservative again.

As mentioned, the implications of this challenge reach far beyond the primary. Wayne Richard’s leadership can showcase Collin County’s unyielding commitment to conservatism and set the course for the future of the Republican Party in our state.

Wayne Richard does so with utmost care and consideration as he studies the merits of a potential campaign. He understands the weight of this decision, and his utmost desire is to serve the people of Collin County with honor and integrity.

So, my fellow conservatives, let’s rally together and stand firmly behind Wayne Richard as he embarks on his new endeavor. Together, we will shape the future of our district, our state, and our great nation. Wayne’s journey has just begun, and we must proudly stand by his side every step of the way. As Texas Republicans, we eagerly await the outcome, supporting Wayne as he leads the charge to reshape the GOP in the image of Trump’s conservatism.

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Survey Results ‘Shock’ The State Of Oregon

by Lee Duigon

August 3, 2023

You learn this in law school: “Never ask a witness a question whose answer you don’t already know.” One “surprise” can blow your case to kingdom come.

With that maxim firmly not in mind, Oregon State University blithely embarked on a survey of engineering and computer science students. The object of the survey was to see what was the students’ attitude toward that great sacred cow, LGBTQetc.

Then horror struck.

Out of 349 students surveyed, 50 submitted “mocking responses” that astonished the surveyors. Oh, the humanity… Students “identified” as attack helicopters, called the questions “stupid” and “pointless” (which they were), and generally displayed a deplorable lack of reverence toward the idol, LGBTQetc. “Slurs” and “hate speech” galore.

Looniversity officials concluded that the science and technology departments were breeding grounds for “fascist ideologues.” They’re thinking they’d better add some compulsory Make-Your-Mind-Right courses before allowing students to sign up for the STEM curriculum. You have no business fiddling with a computer if you can’t name 50 genders—and pledge allegiance to them all.

Officials called the survey results “shocking”—for crying out loud, how can you hope to achieve True Diversity with all those wrong opinions flapping in the wind? One, um, “researcher,” they reported, already more than just a little woozy, had to be checked into “therapy.” He/she/it had suffered “harmful trauma” from seeing those “malicious” responses to the survey. (Check: is there any such thing as “harmless trauma”?)

I’m sorry for all the quotation marks. It’s unavoidable when one is writing about such poppycock.

The transgender movement is a cult. Its devotees cannot imagine why anyone wouldn’t buy into it. They must be fascists! Haters! At best, they must be poor ignorant science nerds who can’t see an inch beyond their test tubes and computers. It’s up to the looniversity to lead them out of darkness into glorious gender-fluid light—and kick ‘em out of school if they won’t be led.

Besides which, exposure to all that vicious mockery is bound to cause severe mental breakdowns among the faculty.

What if a Christian university—presuming we could find one—were to insist that all its science students must be Christians? What if they were forced to sign a pledge of disbelief in Evolution and Man-Made Climate Change? Holy moly, the potato salad would hit the fan! It goes without saying there’d be riots. And a national scandal—Joe Biden’s “devout Catholic” knickers in a twist. CNN commentators would have to be given Play-Doh and stuffed toys to keep them out of straitjackets.

They could, of course, decide that all this gender gobbledygook has no relevance for engineering and computer science and just let it go at that—but where’s the fun in that? Hey, we’re tryin’ to create a utopia here! And it simply can’t be done if everybody’s entitled to his own opinions on such matters. But that’s not what they mean by Diversity, is it?

When will the people run out of patience with this and stop forking over boxcar loads of money to be subjected to it? We work hard to send our children to these looniversities. For this?

When do we decide enough is enough?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and stop in for a visit; I promise you it’s nicer than college. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Creating Solitude for Your Spiritual Bliss

By Frosty Wooldridge

August 3, 2023

Americans living in big cities race through their days with gridlocked traffic, honking horns, cheeky taxi drivers, police sirens and jostling pedestrians racing toward their destinations.  At work, they juggle temperamental co-employees, deadlines and ashes-in-the-mouth bosses.

Once finished with work, they race home to spouses, kids and dinner preparations.  The working groove consumes them while their responsibilities for daily living press their emotions to the wall.  With all the automobiles, appliances and conveniences in America—we oftentimes lack peace and quiet in our lives. As we race through our metropolitan arenas, even optimists admit that science will be hard pressed to replace this precious spiritual commodity:  solitude.

How can we step back to an oft forgotten pleasure in our lives, in our hearts and in our minds?  How can we refresh our spirits? 

John Stuart Mill writing in 1848 when cities remained smaller, less hurried and enjoyed more community among their residents said, “It is not good for man to be kept at all times in the presence of his species. A world from which solitude is extirpated, is a very poor ideal.

Solitude, in the sense of being often alone, is essential to any depth of meditation or of character; and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur, is the cradle of thoughts and aspiration which society could do ill without.”

If you feel the same way in your journey, the quest for solitude grows as you add birthday candles.  A certain spiritual bliss accompanies your advancing years.  Solitude brings divine calm and intellectual clarity. To abridge your life creates more simplicity in your daily rigor.  Once mastered, you will enjoy an inner peace and an outer enjoyable countenance.

How does anyone move his-her body, mind and soul into solitude?

  • Take a daily walk in the nearest park in your city.  Sit under a tree. Sit by a pond.  Stare into a patch of flowers.  Pull up a long stalk of grass and stick it into your mouth. Suck the green insides of the stalk of grass to feel the heartbeat of the universe pulsing over your tongue.
  • When you reach a stretch of grass or forest; take off your shoes and socks. Stab your feet into deep grass or sand or rock.  Let your body reconnect with the vibrations and electrical impulses of the Earth to re-harmonize your entire body’s vibrations with our planet.  Many call it “grounding” and it works profoundly to refresh your spirit.
  • Choose the best time of day for your “solitude” moments.  It may be early before work as you sit by a river, stream or on the beach.  It could be a stroll along a quiet walk at dusk where the sun’s final glory mesmerizes your spirit.
  • While solitude means being alone in the “moment”, you might be one who loves solitude with another who shares your “heart strings” about life.  By all means, make your “solitude moments” a couple-thing if that works for you.
  • The point of solitude means to be luxuriously immersed in the quiet moments of your own choices.  You become fully aware of being alive without being ushered into the scurry of daily living.

(Sandi on her bike on the Lewis & Clark Trail)

In my own hiking times through the woods in acceptance of solitude, I feel the “sweet spot” of temperature playing upon my skin. I feel the essence of light shining through my eyes.  I accept my quiet essence pulsing into the energies of life.  Once I reconnect with every blood cell charging through my body, I churn with delight.

Therefore, walk into the woods, the park, along the river or by a pond to discover solitude.  You will enjoy renewed strength to enjoy your days.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Choice: A Euphemism for Slavery

By Marlene McMillan

August 2, 2023

A Euphemism is a nice word that stands in place of a less-appealing or desirable word. Choice seems to be irresistible. Who doesn’t want more choice? Sometimes we have to be willing to consider the only choices presented are 50 shades of tyranny. Liberty is not on the menu and hopefully you won’t have the presence of mind to notice.

If the “freedom lovers” currently promoting School Choice/Vouchers/Tuition Tax Credits/Educational Grants, etc. were really promoting Liberty, they would realize their programs are based on false premises. Some of those false premises are listed below. The way to correct the equation is to correct the premise – not ignore it, say you don’t believe in it, or malign the person who dares to say it out loud. Wrong in premise equals wrong in result.

Remember the labels must change and the details be re-arranged to keep us believing it is possible to breach the Immutable Laws of the Universe – one of which is control follows money. It is universal, unchanging, and immutable that you cannot take government money without government regulation. Legislation, by definition, is regulation.

As each generation has become more government dependent in their thinking, they have not realized that they are being subtly and consistently conditioned to petition civil government for rights they already have.

The False Premises on which Voucher Support is Built:

1. You can take government money without government control.
2. Children are entitled to their fair share of public monies used for education in their school district. (Entitlements)
3. Once money is in the coffers of the ISD it is still the taxpayer’s money.
4. The children belong to themselves and/or to their parents.
5. It is an accepted fact that education is a function of civil government and everyone should pay for the education of everyone else’s children.
6. Parents don’t have a choice now. (Yes, they do. They just don’t want to pay for it themselves.)
7. Vouchers promote free enterprise competition between government and private schools, thus improving education for all children.

If an idea is wrong in premise, it is wrong in result. Truth may or may not bring immediate pain, but always brings long-term peace. A lie brings the illusion of immediate relief, but always brings long-term suffering.

Consider and Ponder:

1. For there to be peace in a nation or family, then all the children must be taught by the LORD and about the LORD. (Deuteronomy 6 and Isaiah 54)
2. Freedom of thought is more important for Liberty than convenience. To have freedom of thought, you must have parental control of education.
3. To have a strong nation, you cannot have a dependency or entitlement mindset.
4. A person values what they have to pay for. Until the method of funding education is changed, there will be no substantive change in the result of education.
5. Vouchers take away educational freedom under the guise of providing it.
6. You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize.
7. The goal and content of private and government education is different. Private is to prepare children to be self-governing for their own safety and happiness whereas the State school is to prepare children to conform for the so-called good of the collective. These opposing goals cannot be paid for by the same source.
8. Education is inherently religious. The idea that the civil government can provide a secular education that is neutral is a logical impossibility.
9. Control follows money. He who pays controls. Government money comes with government strings attached. The civil government cannot throw money in the streets. Regulations are inherent to all voucher schemes.

As soon as a private school takes government money, it becomes a government school. He who pays controls. This includes both control of the process and an interest in the outcome. Because the government issues the voucher, they have paid, thus, they have rights that can circumvent and overrule those of the parent. This is the core of much of the conflict over what is taught in public schools today. Ignoring this point does not make it any less important or less encroaching.

Freedom of thought requires freedom of finance. Freedom of finance leads to freedom of thought. If you want to be free–instead of demanding freedom while lobbying to get someone else to pay your way–you should be spending your time figuring out how to pay your own way. “Affordability” is a matter of priorities, not a matter of capacity.

“I don’t care–race, gender, ethnicity–free stuff is very seductive… The more seductively politicians promise people things it is tough to resist. Even hard-working people eventually will stop and say, ‘Why am I being fiscally responsible when my neighbor isn’t?’ I think it is going to be a very big challenge to fight back dependency. Remember the last election it was not the unemployment rate that mattered, it was the dependency rate.” —Andrea Tanteros on The Five, 2/26/13

“Vouchers are based on the philosophy of entitlement–a belief that the government ‘owes’ every child the best possible education that is equal in quality to that which is provided for every other child. When quality is inadequate, attention is drawn away from the real issue, and the topic becomes the amount of funds spent per child.” —Jackie Newbrough, 2004

You have to ask the right questions to get the right answers. Principles solve problems. You have to understand Liberty to have a vision for Liberty. Without a vision, the people perish. If the best vision you have is that of government dependency, then that is the best you will get.

Welfare disincentivizes students to learn since their future support is not dependent upon their own knowledge or skills, but upon the civil government.

Vouchers are based on the redistribution of wealth. Vouchers are rooted in socialism.

“Public schools are based on four false premises: 1. Welfare works, 2. Socialism works, 3. Parents have insufficient wisdom, and 4. We can teach character without mentioning God. We need to replace those false premises with truisms, and the truisms I suggest are: 1. Responsibility works, 2. Freedom works, 3. Parents have more wisdom than politicians, and 4. To teach character, we must integrate three factors: the reason for morality, examples of morality, and instruction in morality.” -Marshall Fritz, The Plano Star Currier

How did a Statist position like School Choice become a Conservative talking point?  What if all the “Conservative” organizations promoting any form of educational redistribution scheme had instead spent the same amount of time, money, and effort teaching parents to find the inner courage to take action without the funding of civil government? What if parents who wanted to give their children a better education were taught how to do that, where to find inexpensive resources, and how to rearrange their lives to make it happen? What if churches set up micro-schools, encouraged families to start pod schools, homeschool, and just get off the educational treadmill in their own way? What if the School Choice lobbyists quit using the euphemisms of “helping parents provide a better education for their children” were truthful and admitted, “I lobby to make people more dependent on civil government.”?

Marlene McMillan, D. Min., wrote her doctoral dissertation on the subject “The Church/State implications of Tuition Tax Credits and Vouchers.” She is available for public forum presentations and Town Hall Debates on the subject of Vouchers and civil government regulation of private education as well as Common Core, Continuous Education Reform, and topics relating to the development of a Biblical Worldview.

Dr. Marlene’s ability to clearly present the principles (that the opposition may prefer to keep clouded) and to explain in easy-to-understand language where violation of those principles will lead has caused her to be placed on the Do-not-debate list of some major organizations.

Want a lively, high-attendance program for your group? Sponsor a Town Hall Debate on Vouchers and School Choice, Social Justice, Education is Inherently Religious or other Liberty topics and have Dr. Marlene present an uncompromising apology for Liberty. Warning! Some of your members might reject Vouchers, Tuition Tax-Credits or Educational Grants as the solution by the end of such an event.

© 2023 Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

It Cost the Lord Everything

By Bradlee Dean

August 2, 2023

“Don’t believe anyone who says it’s easy to become a Christian.  It cost God everything, including His own Son.  And it’ll cost you the same thing, including yourself.” -John MacArthur

Before we start getting into the pith and marrow of this article, I don’t believe that there is any better way to help us all understand the heart of God towards man than what is found in 1 John 4:10.

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Baby Quinn

A few years ago, we flew out to Tennessee and interviewed Rev. Samuel Kyle, who was next to Martin Luther King Jr. when he was shot.

He shared with us a powerful story about his grandson.

His grandson, Baby Quinn, had a complete heart transplant. They found, through an ultrasound, that he had an underdeveloped heart.  The insurance company said they would pay for the birth, but not the transplant because it was only experimental; only five had ever been done.  So, they started raising the money.

“Baby Quinn Needs Heart” was their campaign motto.  People from all over the country began to send in their money.

A couple in Chicago was losing their child and they wanted Baby Quinn to have his heart.  So, the doctors took the heart of the dying baby and did a complete heart transplant in the other.  It was a miracle!  The doctors got so caught up into making this work for the little boy that they waived the fee and said, “Just pay what you can.”

This couple in Chicago gave up their child’s heart so Baby Quinn could live.  Oh, what it must have cost them; the pain, the grief, the suffering.

Today, Baby Quinn is in his teens and plays soccer.  Every now and then, the donor’s mother visits Quinn.  She grabs him and puts her head upon his chest so that she can listen to her baby’s heart.

What a powerful testimony.

Think of this, when we were dead in our trespasses and sins, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for us.  We were hopeless without Him.  Yet, He then sent His Son Jesus to intervene on our behalf, that is to those who receive Him, so that life becomes “no longer I that lives but Christ that lives through me”.

Friends, whose heartbeat does God hear in you?

© 2023 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Zero Hunger (SDG 2) Means Starvation for All?!

If you’re familiar with Tom DeWeese’s extensive work on Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030), you certainly are aware of the United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The “Goals” are a railroading system being used to force all nations into compliance. The United States is NO exception.

What better way to do that, than by controlling our food supplies? This includes the water and land which grow our crops and feed our livestock. It also will overtake EVERYTHING in agriculture, food sales, food deliveries, and quite possibly even your own backyard gardens.

SDG 2 is known as ‘Zero Hunger’. Its wording is to suggest that everyone will be fed by the government, as well as by the United Nations out of caring for us. However, a closer look into SDG 2 needs to be taken. The ‘zero hunger’ is NOT about caring for us, it’s about controlling us.

It’s about spiking our foods with chemicals to keep us sick and managed. The most sinister part of the Goals is that in the case of hunger, the mass populations will starve while the ones in power will feast. Take a look below at what the SDGs tell us the targets are versus what the agenda really is.

Let’s imagine, for a moment, that starving us is not the UN’s ultimate aim. What about the concerted efforts to reshape what we eat from natural and life building to that of a diet as unnatural to our bodies as possible. Will we be more compliant? That’s what research suggests.

So, how far is the United States willing to take us, as inhabitants, in complying with SDG 2? Let’s find out.

NASEM and Some Background:

NASEM (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine) is deeply embedded in the American fabric of our nation. According to the NASEM Strategy Plan, President Woodrow Wilson chartered the National Science portion in 1918. Then, in 1933, Executive Order 12832 embedded the National Academy into our lives. While the current website’s information will reveal that 70 percent of its funding comes from Congress and federal agencies, it’s the 30 percent of private funding where you begin to see the same ‘players’ which overtook education via Common Core and alignment to the United Nations is SDG 4 (Quality Education for All). This means Big Corporations, Big Technology, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and many others. In short, public-private partnerships (P3s). This, as we know is fascism, not American constitutionally designated republic activities!

(*Note:Depending on what other sources reveal, you can even go back as far as President Lincoln to see that in 1863, he set a national academy of sorts in motion.) Regardless of how far back the trail of Presidential involvement goes, we know that Executive Orders were abused from early on all the way up to the present day.)

NASEM’s private funders include:
The Sackler Family (oxycontin)
(Source: New York Times, 4/28/23)

From the website donations/vipulnail.com, NASEM’s private donors include:
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Smith Richardson Foundation
Ford Foundation
Sloan Foundation
Kellogg Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Mellor Foundation
Arnold Ventures
MacArthur Foundation
Walton Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
(*Note: not all of these entities fund all 3 branches of NASEM. Some support only one.)

Aside from the NASEM partnership with the UN, you’ll find the WHO (World Health Organization), IEA (International Energy Agency) and a host of others in the Strategy Plan.

NASEM has a Global Sustainability and Development portion on their website, as well as, International Networks and Cooperations. These 2 portions are connected to the SDGs as well as played a part in the recent meeting.

You won’t want to miss the NASEM publication about ‘alternative proteins’! It’s closely related to current legislation in the UK for gene editing plants and insects for ‘perfect’ human foods.

The Recent Meeting:

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine hosted a hybrid meeting on July 13, 2023. The official title of the day-long event was “Advancing Success Towards SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) Through Science and Technology.” The hosts were a hand-picked bunch of UN disciples cloaked in either the US government’s suits, NASEM’s, or higher academia.

In no particular order:

International Science Council, US Dept of the State (aka State Dept), International Atomic Energy, NASA, University of MD, BRIDGES (Ukraine), National University of Environmental Life & Science (Ukraine), University of AZ, USAID, UN Food Systems, University of West Indies, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, International Food Policy Research Institute, Texas A & M University, International Center of Insect Physiology & Ecology, University of IL, University of VA, OH State University and Penn State University.

These same hosts have ties to other globally minded UN partners such as Harvard University, Johns Hopkins, Council on Foreign Relations, Future Seed Vault of the UN, Georgetown University, ServiTech and the G7.

BRIDGES (Ukraine) has ties to Colorado, South Dakota, North Dakota, Kansas Iowa, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

As mentioned above, all participants are in full support of the UN’s SDGs.

Be sure you go to the hybrid meeting’s website (above), all the presentations are in a pdf format for you to download and study.

Here’s what I was able to glean for you:

  1. Nuclear technology used peacefully can help secure our food supplies. (Think food being modified to fit a cookie cutter society, not address individual needs)
  2. Food security for all will need diplomacy with science and globalization leading the way. IThink regionalism controlling what populations get food)
  3. The US government was broadly addressed to use science and technology to implement SDG 2, both ‘at home’ and around the world. (Think compliance and conformity to the UN, not the US Constitution)
  4. Developed priorities for ‘food security’. (Think, We the People are not included in decision making)
  5. Food crises in Europe and the Ukraine. (Think the ‘haves’ vs the ‘have nots’)
  6. Climate change in Latin America and food supplies. (Think more ways to uplift junk science and involve P3s, public private partnerships)
  7. Developing Africa as the ‘world’s bread basket’. (Think land grabs and environmental damages)
  8. How “Zero Hunger” attaches to the other SDGs. (Think mass indoctrination in education, healthcare, our communities and our culture) *Note: This linked source will not attach SDG 2 to all 16 other SDGs, but will give you an excellent concept of how everything will be upended to force the agenda.

NASEM and “The Feds”:

When the U.S. Congress or any other federal agency needs a study completed, NASEM is the ‘chief liaison for Capitol Hill’. NASEM’s website states that no direct appropriations from the US Government is received, yet it is on record that a large portion of this entity IS receiving government money (meaning our tax dollars).

In the current session of Congress (118th), there are a plethora of introduced bills addressing food security (both ‘at home’ and abroad). Below are the ‘biggest ones’ I could find. Regardless of ‘big’ or small, each of the bills can be found by searching ‘global food’ at https://www.congress.gov/

S 436 SAFE Act (Securing Allies Food in Emergencies Act)
S 1227 FISH Act (Fighting Foreign Illegal Seafood Harvests Act)
HR 598 Earth Act to Stop Climate Pollution by 2030
S 2312 (will include the US Dept of Agriculture and US Health/Human Services as new members of the 1950 Defense Production Act which attaches to foreign investments in the US)
HR 4577 (will increase the amount of land the US government can acquire, both domestically and by foreign investments)
HR 2364 (limits funding for FY 2024 in Global Agriculture and Food Security Budget)
HR 1219 (cybersecurity for the food security industry)
HR 4368 (federal appropriations for the US Depts of Ag, FDA, Rural Development and all related agencies)

If you weren’t aware, US Public Law 114-195 (2016) is called the Global Food Security Act and is used by Congress, the federal government, NASEM, and many others as a sort of justification for the SDG 2 activities in America.

The U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services:

Related to SDG 2 activity ‘at home’, consider that the US HHS has a campaign called “Healthy People 2030”. You can find this program housed in OASH or the Office of Disease Prevention and Healthy Promotion. HP2030 uses 5 determining parameters related to food and health.

Your economic status, your access to education and the quality of it, your access to quality health care, your neighborhood, and, finally, your social place in the community.

According to the website, a child’s mental health is part of the overall ‘healthy outcome’ the government is expecting. This, by default will attach to education, thus linking SDG 2 in America to SDG 3 (health) and SDG 4 (education). This also directly dovetails into the UN’s Mental Health Agenda 2030. (my 2020 article will feature a screenshot of the UN’s Mental Health 2030 plan)

HHS also has a NWS program (Nutrition, Weight and Status). Related programs for NWS are SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIC (Women, Children and Infants) and National School Lunch Program. Each of these also attach to education, thanks to the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015).

HHS’s belief is that ‘hunger’ is a potential consequence of food insecurity which COULD lead to a prolonged (involuntary) lack of food. As such addressing hunger is their ‘duty’. Here are the stages HHS has hunger broken down by:

  1. discomfort
  2. illness
  3. weakness
  4. pain

From my research into how HHS intersects with education, by classifying even one part of hunger as an ‘illness’ means massive overreaches by the US government into your family.

The Takeaway:

We must DEMAND those participating in these unAmerican parameters that Constitutional violations will not be ignored by We the People! To continue down this corrupt path is equivalent to that of treason. Why? Collusion with the foreign enemy, the United Nations!

What else can We the People do?

  • Spread the word about the blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars which are being used to support globalism not Americanism.
  • Read the Congressional bills for food security or insecurity. Farm lands, even our personal backyard gardens, are at stake.
  • Inform the candidates running for local offices that by supporting even a portion of ANY SDG is not ethical. Because when one SDG is embraced, the rest are, too.
  • Plan ahead and store your own foods, if you haven’t begun. Create a co-op with family and friends. Work with your neighbors.
  • Lastly, fight against the government’s idea that THEY define YOUR hunger! Their mandated ‘outcomes’ for your family are NOT their jurisdiction!

© 2023 Lynne M Taylor – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lynne M Taylor: info@commoncorediva.com

A Declaration on God and Freedom

By Peter Falkenberg Brown

August 1, 2023

When God, who created the universe, looks down at the Earth, what does He see? The God who exists outside of time and space is aware of everything and everyone. The God who embodies the concepts of infinity is so tiny that He can sit on the petal of a flower and admire a butterfly, and yet so large that He lived through every moment of the tragedies of history.

Every person, lonely and broken or filled with joy, is wrapped in the arms of the Creator of love. None can escape the attention of the omnipresent God who looks in the eyes of each human and sees the sacred light that is part of God. Nothing can separate a person’s soul from the indwelling God, even when an individual has drifted into the harsh world of denial.

Humans and the created world were designed by a God who is unimaginably large. As curious as humans are, all attempts at defining God have fallen short. The universe was not created by quarreling gods, or an unfeeling force, or a god who hates unbelievers. The hatred and violence that have plagued humankind were not caused by God but are the tragic side effects of the great gift of free will.

Love, if it is to be love, cannot be forced. Thus, all humans are given a choice. Will they use their moral strength to multiply the divine and unselfish love that gives birth to freedom, or will they yield to darker forces and desires and contribute to the death of love that destroys freedom?

The unbreakable connection of all individuals to God and their indestructible free will grant every person the rich and glorious blessing to be “strengthened with power through his Spirit.”

Their task is immense, partly because every human is born as an immature child in a broken and suffering world and partly because the influence and pervasiveness of evil often seem insurmountable. But humans must never forget that “the gifts and call of God are irrevocable.”

When a man or a woman makes a decision to love, to live compassionately, and to express kindness to others, a spiritual breath of air flows across the world. Whether that person knows it or not, its source is the breath of love from God that allows all life to exist.

The most essential component of human beings is that all were given the freedom to love. No one can force them to love—not even God. But no one can stop them from loving others, which allows every human being to eventually and fully embody the Divine. To do so requires the spirit of bravery to permeate their soul, bravery that is born from the spark of the love of God.

The God-given human freedom to love is the numinous jewel that informs and creates all other freedoms. Freedom rooted in love gives humans the vision to create a beautiful and peaceful world where every individual is recognized and greeted as a cherished expression of the omnipresent God.

If a person affirms that the universe did not spring from a void of nothingness, but instead was designed by a loving God who gave humans freedom, hope quickens in their heart, for a God big enough to create an infinite universe must indeed be working to alleviate the suffering of the world. If a person examines the interconnectedness of love and freedom, it becomes clear that the happiness of all human beings is rooted in the establishment of a world of consecrated liberties.

When humans are enslaved or dominated by others, darkness spreads from heart to heart. Yet nothing—nothing at all—can extinguish the light of God that dwells in every human. It is the permanence of the presence of God that offers humanity real and substantial hope in a world that would otherwise descend into tyranny and hell.

As God looks down at the Earth, what does He see? He sees billions of souls—sparks of light that all have the inevitable destiny to grow into mature beings of love. He sees the beauty of what can be—a world of priceless human beings living in freedom.

= = = = = = = = = =

— Deus est auctor amoris et decoris. — Received in prayer on February 4, 2022 ~ This declaration was written for a project called “The God and Freedom Alliance,” initiated by Peter Falkenberg Brown.

A PDF of this document can be downloaded here. You may distribute it freely.

© 2023 Peter Falkenberg Brown – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Peter Falkenberg Brown: peterbrown@worldcommunity.com

Website: https://peterfalkenbergbrown.com

UFO Second-Hand Hearing: Another Distraction?

By: Devvy

July 31, 2023

Do UFO’s really exist?  Well, I can tell you I know a few people who absolutely believe with every ounce of their being UFO’s and extra-terrestrials do exist. The proof is in the sky and crash sites!  The government’s been covering up such a phenomenon so as to not create panic.  It’s also a national security issue – alien “beings” attacking earth.

I’ve been to Roswell, NM; made a relax time stop during one of my many road trips.  Visited the Roswell UFO Museum and Research Center out of curiosity as I am, by nature, a curious person.  Really nice people, true believers.  I learned nothing new at the museum nor did it change my mind.

After my late husband retired from the military in 1991, we moved from Colorado Springs, CO (He was DEH at Ft. Carson; 06 Colonel) to Lakewood, CO., a suburb of Denver.  That whole region (including near Denver) is heavy military installations like the amazing Cheyenne Mountain; I was fortunate enough to go inside for one of my contracts when I worked at Peterson AFB Space Command NORAD.  (Cheyenne Mountain is inside a huge mountain.)

One night while driving home from some event, in the sky there was an odd light formation.  Six lights one side, six on the other, kind of like a cylindrical shape.  It hovered for a few minutes and then slowly moved into space.  Of course, the nightly snooze and Denver [Com]Post all had a hey-day with a UFO sighting!  Except me.  You see, even back then I didn’t believe there were spaceships, flying saucers and non-human aliens flying around the country.  I thought it’s something being tested by the Air Force.  I’ve always thought if there’s other life out there, we would know by now.

NASA:  “Our solar system is made up of a star—the Sun—eight planets, 146 moons, a bunch of comets, asteroids and space rocks, ice, and several dwarf planets, such as Pluto. The eight planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune… It takes the Earth one year to go around the Sun.”

No life (human or non-human) on any planet except Earth has ever been detected.  How many gazillion miles would an alien space craft have to travel to get to us in our solar system?  Pluto is 4.7 BILLION miles from earth.  If aliens are manning space ships traveling billions/trillions of miles – how come they keep crashing once they get here?  Not a single verified landing, just crashes.  The alleged crashes have been rural or desert areas, never near someplace like NYC, LA or New Orleans.  Same in other countries.

Many UFO sighting stories all seem to have the same theme:  Not long after the crash witnessed by Mr. Smith, conveniently along comes some government types who threaten them to keep quiet so vamoose.  So many crash sites yielded nothing more than spy balloons, meteor debris and metals.  Unless and until we get a fully intact space craft with or without alien beings, I’m not convinced.

The first “proof” of aliens and UFOs began in 1947.  This is a short history piece:  Roswell Incident.  By the early 1960’s, UFO’s, flying saucers and extraterrestrials became a new cottage industry – especially for Hollywood.  Who can forget the loveable 1982 movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial? All around the country kiddies were joyfully chanting, ET Phone Home!

Over the decades there’s been no provable remains of an extraterrestrial being – unless the government has one stored in Iron Mountain (PA).  Over the decades it’s been kind of a cat and mouse game the government has been playing with those who absolutely believe we’ve been ‘visited’ by aliens from outer space.

Dozens and dozens of testimonials from average every day sincere people who saw with their own eyes a flying saucer.  Or, “I was taken by space aliens”, but somehow still ended up at home.  Or, like me and probably ten thousand people in the Denver area just happened to see those lights which obviously was not a commercial air plane.  Over the decades, pilots, Air Force and private, have seen what can’t be explained, no question about that.  Pentagon double-speak responses only fanned the interest and claims of a cover-up.

There’s been UFO or ‘strange’ sightings in the skies all over the planet since 1450 A.D.  Lots of crashes by alleged space ships, however, no provable space craft or aliens ever recovered going back many decades from Greece to Russia and the U.S.  Interesting but no proof of extra-terrestrial life.

The hearing last week is available on C-SPAN in full:  “During the first congressional hearing on UFO sightings in more than 50 years, Pentagon officials told lawmakers extraterrestrial life is not the cause of what the government calls “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” During the hearing, three unclassified videos of UAPs were shown to members of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Counterintelligence.

“Scott Bray, deputy director of naval intelligence, told lawmakers after a UFO sighting is reported, an investigation usually results in one of the following categorizations: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, U.S. government or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, or unexplained sightings that merit further investigation. Pentagon officials said they conduct lengthy investigations on any report due to possible national security implications.”

One take-away from the hearing.  Non-Human Body Recovered From Crashed UFO –“ While she understands that Grusch can’t answer some questions, Mace asks about the “bodies of the pilots” from the shattered ship.  To that, Grusch responds that the UFO victims were not of a human body but of something from another planet.

“To further bolster his claims surrounding the UFO crash, Grusch says that the pilot’s body that was found at the site was biologically studied by specialists who still work for the program that he was attached to. Pushing for proof, the South Carolina Representative asks Grusch if there is any physical or eye-witness evidence that could back up his statements.

“To this, Grusch said that there was evidence but that he wasn’t allowed to release it and that it would be something to address another member of the team about.”  Not allowed to release the evidence?  Who won’t let him release the evidence?  While Wikipedia cannot be trusted because of political and cultural bias, the posting on Grusch is quite balanced.  I clicked on a lot of the links which proved to be accurate.  It is worth the time to read.

Grusch has never seen a UFO space craft/ship or extra-terrestrial alien.  Don’t get me wrong.  I fully support whistleblowers who see something wrong or have uncovered government corruption that have evidence to back up allegations.  What bothers me is second hand “someone told me” or “had knowledge of” without anything to back it up.  Time will tell what comes of that hearing.  I do have an open mind because truth matters.

I read a lot of books.  Always striving for truth, I read a couple on UFOs that were unconvincing.  One however, I’ve kept because it’s well-written and backed up by sources a mile long.  The Great UFO Hoax:  The Final Solution to the UFO Mystery by Gregory M. Kanon published in 1997.  170 pages plus all the sources.  For those interested, I highly recommend Kanon’s book so you can make up your own mind.  If someone wants to believe in UFOs and alien creatures, no problem.

Kanon is very thorough in his research listing known hoaxes, sightings and very interesting, verified facts in Chapter 2:  Ignore That Man Behind the Curtain.  “Ostensibly, the so-called Robertson Panel was set up to scientifically analyze recent reports of unidentified flying objects, but it soon became apparent that the CIA had a hidden agenda.  The agency’s real focus turned out to be not UFOs per se, but rather the effects of UFO reports upon the general public.

“The CIA focused on the potential of such reports for use in ‘psychological warfare.”  The panel’s final report emphasized the public’s “current gullibility…and consequently their susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.”

Chapter 9:  Lights! Camera! UFO’s!  Oh, boy. Remember the really good movie, Wag the Dog? “The movie starts with a scandal at the White House where the unseen and nameless President of the USA is accused of fondling a young girl scout visiting the Oval Office just a few weeks before Election Day. Being the third-party observers, we know the truth: he’s guilty.

“Conrad Brean (Robert DeNiro), a notorious political “spin doctor” is called to a secret midnight meeting at the White House underground command bunker by Winifred Ames (Anne Heche), one of the President’s many advisers, where she asks for his help to engineer a way and a means to divert the news of the scandal when it breaks in the newspapers the next day. Brean suggests creating an artificial war for television only to distract the American public and let the President get on with the job at hand… thus protecting the free world.

“Brean and Ames fly to Hollywood where Conrad hires brash Hollywood producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman), whom worked for Conrad several times in the past, to help fabricate this non-existent war with the selected country of Albania to divert the public with the real news about the President’s extra-marital trysts. Motts is glad to help out of blind loyalty to service for his country.”

Wag the Dog was released in January 1998. Bill Clinton was impeached by the U.S. House on Dec. 19, 1998.  Wag the Dog: Bill Clinton Unleashed, Nov. 19, 2019:  “The investigation into Clinton’s sexual affair with Lewinsky was getting worse by the day for the president. His emphatic denials were learned to be outright lies. It was learned he encouraged Lewinsky and others to lie. The final nail in Clinton’s coffin occurred when Lewinsky turned over to federal investigators her semen-stained blue dress. Testing proved the DNA belonged to Clinton. The president could no longer lie his way out of his difficulties.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Clinton had his own wag-the-dog moment. On the same day Monica Lewinsky was to testify before the grand jury regarding Clinton’s attempts to suborn perjury, Clinton ordered strikes against the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, Sudan. Clinton claimed the medicine plant was producing chemical weapons for Osama bin Laden and that there were financial ties between the plant and the Al-Qaeda leader. Neither Clinton claim was true.”

Do I believe the government – specifically scientists and military personnel – have been creating the UFO/UAP “phenomenon” using technology so far advanced very few over the decades had/have knowledge of?  Yes, I do believe under DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and other ‘black’ budget programs we have no idea what exists and maybe only a handful in Congress do.  Just my speculating.  I doubt an imbecile like Gen. Milley would be in the loop.

One of the reasons I’m convinced is Nikola Tesla, a true genius way ahead of the world.  Over a decade ago I started reading about Tesla here and there.  Curious me.  The Mystery of Nikola Tesla’s Missing FilesThe FBI has finally declassified its files on Nikola Tesla, but questions remain. June 1, 2023 – “After Nikola Tesla was found dead in January 1943 in his hotel room in New York City, representatives of the U.S. government’s Office of Alien Property seized many documents relating to the brilliant and prolific 86-year-old inventor’s work.

“It was the height of World War II, and Tesla had claimed to have invented a powerful particle-beam weapon, known as the “Death Ray,” that could have proved invaluable in the ongoing conflict. So rather than risk Tesla’s technology falling into the hands of America’s enemies, the government swooped in and took possession of all the property and documents from his room at the New Yorker Hotel.

“What happened to Tesla’s files from there, as well as what exactly was in those files, remains shrouded in mystery—and ripe for conspiracy theories. After years of fielding questions about possible cover-ups, the FBI finally declassified some 250 pages of Tesla-related documents under the Freedom of Information Act in 2016. The bureau followed up with two additional releases, the latest in March 2018.”

Very interesting article to say the least:  “The scientist’s name undoubtedly rings a bell, as John G. Trump was the uncle of the 45th U.S. president, Donald J. Trump. The younger brother of Trump’s father, Fred, he helped design X-ray machines that greatly helped cancer patients and worked on radar research for the Allies during World War II…

“At the time, the FBI pointed to Dr. Trump’s report as evidence that Tesla’s vaunted “Death Ray” particle beam weapon didn’t exist, outside of rumors and speculation. But in fact, the U.S. government itself was split in its response to Tesla’s technology. Marc Seifer, author of the biography Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla, says a group of military personnel at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, including Brigadier General L.C. Craigee, had a very different opinion of Tesla’s ideas.

“Craigee was the first person to ever fly a jet plane for the military, so he was like the John Glenn of the day,” Seifer says. “He said, ‘there’s something to this—the particle beam weapon is real.’ So you have two different groups, one group dismissing Tesla’s invention, and another group saying there’s really something to it.”

Is it possible Tesla’s inventions have something to do with UFO/UAPs?  I absolutely believe so but that’s just my opinion.  There are still many unanswered questions.

There were additional submissions before the hearing started worth reading; they are embedded in this article:  Russian UFO engagements, secret ‘Tic Tac’ report and 3 key figures slip under radar at Congressional hearing, July 29, 2023 – “The Times story claimed that Sen. Reid and two colleagues in the Senate (Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens) had secured $22 million in black budget funds to investigate UFOs.”  Reid, Inouye and Stevens are all deceased. 

As for George Knapp’s submission, he wrote, “An initial report was compiled by DIA personnel then shared with AAWSAP.”  John Ratcliffe, who I believe is actually one of the good guys was Director of National Intelligence (DNI) under President Trump.  He would know so let’s get him under oath.

As the whole world knows, career crook and liar, illegitimate president, Joe Biden, is in deep legal trouble stemming from his drug addicted son’s stupidity in leaving his computer at a repair shop and never coming back to pick it up.  Not just the filthy porn, but Hunter’s big mouth regarding his father, influence peddling and foreign business dealings.

The IRS whistleblower hearing on July 19, 2023, which I covered in my last column, is just the tip of the iceberg.  Rep. Comer and his people have done more in six months to ferret out the truth than the corrupted Federal Dept of InJustice – by design.  Of course, the slime on “the left” have been frothing at the mouth trying to defend Uncle Joe.  It’s not going to work this time.  Those GOP Republicans on the Oversight & Accountability Committee are out for blood (metaphorically speaking) and are not going to retreat.

Devon Archer is due to testify today.  Archer is Hunter Biden’s very long-time friend and business associate.  Archer has been hiding out in an undisclosed location for safety reasons.  Ya think?  Allegedly, Archer’s testimony is going to bury both Hunter and poppa Joe.  I will be watching on C-SPAN.  Or, maybe not:  BREAKING: Corrupt DOJ Requests Court to Order Devon Archer’s Surrender for Imprisonment Prior to Testimony on Biden Crime Family (VIDEO), July 30, 2023 – “In an unprecedented move, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has issued a letter to a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, suggesting that Devon Archer, a business associate of Hunter Biden, be ordered to surrender and begin his term of imprisonment.

“This development comes amidst Archer’s ongoing appeal and just before his scheduled testimony about the criminal activities involving the Biden crime family.”

Time to Wag the Dog for Joe Biden.  Bring on a much-ballyhooed committee hearing about UFOs.  Saturation by the liars for hire in the “mainstream” media, boob tube, Internet.  Conspiracy!  Government cover-up!  They’re (extra-terrestrials) so far advanced from us!  Whip up the scare appetizer.

WH spokes mouths, Democrat professional liars on the IRS committee hearing and the Mockingbird media want Americans to focus on UFOs and bury any talk of impeaching Joe Biden.  We’ll see if a new ‘crisis’ hits (perhaps a medical emergency for Joe which would garner sympathy) after Archer’s testimony – IF he’s allowed to testify – to divert people away from impeachment talks if the UFO hearing fizzles out.  Show your support by calling or emailing your Congress critter:  Impeach Biden.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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Of interest: 

This web site is a treasure trove on Tesla.

The Great UFO Hoax:  The Final Solution to the UFO Mystery by Gregory M. Kanon is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and on-line here.

‘Non-human intelligence’: Schumer proposes stunning new UFO legislation, July 18, 2023

Furious Judge Noreika Banned Hunter Biden’s Attorneys from Contacting Clerks Again After Tricking Them into Removing Filing Under False Pretense of Representing GOP Lawyer, July 29, 2023

WHISTLEBLOWER: Biden Crime Family – Possibly Joe Biden Himself – Are Hiding Money in OFFSHORE BANK ACCOUNTS, July 28, 2023

Compounding Errors in Favor of Religious Liberty

By Paul Engel

July 31, 2023

  • When is America’s judicial system like the child’s game of “telephone”?
  • You’ve probably heard about the case Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General, but I doubt you’ve heard anything about just how bad the underlying jurisprudence is.
  • When is a religious liberty win not as good as we’ve been told? When it’s based on a house of cards.

Our judicial system today works like a bad case of the game “telephone”. You probably remember that game from grammar school. The teacher would whisper something into one child’s ear, who would then whisper it into the next child’s ear, and on and on until the message got all the way around the room. Then the teacher would compare what they had whispered in to the first child’s ear with what the last child heard, and it would be completely different. This child’s game shows the dangers of what I call a “compounding replication error”, the idea that small errors that occur when something like a message is replicated, compounded with each new replica, until the original message is lost. This is how our judicial system works today, often with disastrous effects. In the case of Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General most people see a win for religious liberty. I, however, see another generation of a compounding replication error in judicial opinion that, while granting the correct outcome today, lays the groundwork for the destruction of our rights and the rule of law tomorrow.

On it’s face, the case Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General seems quite simple. Can the United States Postal Service punish an employee for refusing to work on Sunday’s for religious reasons?

Petitioner Gerald Groff is an Evangelical Christian who believes for religious reasons that Sunday should be devoted to worship and rest. In 2012, Groff took a mail delivery job with the United States Postal Service. Groffs position generally did not involve Sunday work, but that changed after USPS agreed to begin facilitating Sunday deliveries for Amazon. … Groff received progressive discipline” for failing to work on Sundays, and he eventually resigned.

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General

This seems simple enough. Mr. Groff took a mail delivery job with the United States Postal Service (USPS), which did not generally involve working on Sundays. When the USPS signed an agreement with Amazon which included Sunday deliveries, Mr. Groff moved to another station, a more rural one that did not offer Sunday deliveries. When that station began to offer Sunday deliveries, Mr. Groff refused to work those days, forcing the USPS to redistribute his work to other employees. This led to progressively increased discipline, which caused Mr. Groff to resign and file suit.

Groff sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, asserting that USPS could have accommodated his Sunday Sabbath practice without undue hardship on the conduct of [USPSs] business.” … The District Court granted summary judgment to USPS. The Third Circuit affirmed based on this Courts decision in Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison, …, which it construed to mean that requiring an employer to bear more than a de minimis costto provide a religious accommodation is an undue hardship.” … The Third Circuit found the de minimis cost standard met here, concluding that exempting Groff from Sunday work had imposed on his coworkers, disrupted the workplace and workflow, and diminished employee morale.”

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General

Both the District and Circuit courts sided with the USPS, concluding that they only had to show a de minimus (Latin for “of minimum importance”) cost to be able to deny a religious accommodation. These courts came to this decision based on a previous decision called Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison. This is where we pick up our game of Judicial Telephone.

Undue Hardship

Let’s start where all legal cases should start: With the law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination in public places, provided for the integration of schools and other public facilities, and made employment discrimination illegal. Title VII, dealing with employment discrimination, was added to the U.S. Code until Title 42, Sections 2000e-2000e-17. Within that law we find:

It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer-

(1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individuals race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;

42 USC §2000e–2

Later the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission added regulations requiring that employers make a reasonable accommodation for religious practice.

After an employee or prospective employee notifies the employer or labor organization of his or her need for a religious accommodation, the employer or labor organization has an obligation to reasonably accommodate the individuals religious practices. A refusal to accommodate is justified only when an employer or labor organization can demonstrate that an undue hardship would in fact result from each available alternative method of accommodation.

29 CFR § 1605.2(c)(1)

First we need to note that the regulation is 29 CFR §1605.2(c)(1) not §1605.1 as the court claims in the opinion’s syllabus. This religious accommodation requirement was eventually codified in the U.S. Code under §2000e(j):

The term religion” includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasonably accommodate to an employees or prospective employees religious observance or practice without undue hardship on the conduct of the employers business.

42 USC §2000e(j)

The law quite clearly states that employers cannot discriminate against an individual because of their religious observance and practice unless they can show doing so would be an undue hardship on their business. What is an undue hardship?

exceeding or violating propriety or fitness EXCESSIVE

Undue Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary

something that causes or entails suffering or privation

Hardship – Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary

In other words, employers must make accommodation for religious practices unless it would cause excessive suffering or privation. However, in Mr. Groff’s case, the Third Circuit did not base their decision on the law, but on their interpretation of a previous case, Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Harrison. The Supreme Court noted the error in using this precedent in their decision.

Instead, the Courts opinion stated that the principal issue on which TWA and the union came to this Court” was whether Title VII require[s] an employer and a union who have agreed on a seniority system to deprive senior employees of their seniority rights in order to accommodate a junior employees religious practices.” … The Court held that Title VII imposed no such requirement.

But the Courts opinion in Hardison contained this oft quoted sentence: To require TWA to bear more than a de minimis cost in order to give Hardison Saturdays off is an undue hardship.” Although many lower courts later viewed this line as the authoritative interpretation of the statutory term undue hardship,” the context renders that reading doubtful. In responding to Justice Marshalls dissent, the Court described the governing standard quite differently, stating three times that an accommodation is not required when it entails substantial” “costs” or expenditures.”

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General

Do you see how Judicial Telephone is so dangerous to our rights and the rule of law? How many lower court decision were made on the faulty reasoning found in Hardison? How would Mr. Groff’s case have been decided if this court had not gone to the text of the law?

To determine what an employer must prove to defend a denial of a religious accommodation under Title VII, the Court begins with Title VIIs text. The statutory term, hardship,” refers to, at a minimum, something hard to bear” and suggests something more severe than a mere burden. If Title VII said only that an employer need not be made to suffer a hardship,” an employer could not escape liability simply by showing that an accommodation would impose some sort of additional costs. Adding the modifier undue” means that the requisite burden or adversity must rise to an excessive” or unjustifiable” level. Understood in this way, undue hardship” means something very different from a burden that is merely more than de minimis, i.e., “very small or trifling.” The ordinary meaning of undue hardship” thus points toward a standard closer to Hardisons references to substantial additional costs” or substantial expenditures.”

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General

By now you may be thinking, “Great, Paul! The Circuit Court got it wrong, but at least the Supreme Court came to the right conclusion because they went back to the law.” If that is what you’re thinking, you’re wrong.

Equal Employment Opportunity

You see the Hardison decision was based on a previous decision, Dewey v. Reynolds Metals Co..

This is an action arising under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, which provides, among other things, for relief against religious discrimination in employment.

Dewey v. Reynolds Metals Co.

OK, Paul, so what is wrong with Dewey? Dewey, which is the first case I found regarding Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, does not appear to have even considered whether or not Title VII was even constitutional.

Because an application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, will permit the court to decide the case, it is not necessary to reach the question of whether plaintiffs constitutional rights have been violated.

Dewey v. Reynolds Metals Co.

The Dewey court recognized that the Constitution, either directly or indirectly, had to be considered, but not because the Constitution said so, but because another court had.

An agreement which violates a provision of the federal constitution or of a constitutional federal statute, or which cannot be performed without violating such a provision, is illegal and void. Ewert v. Bluejacket,

Dewey v. Reynolds Metals Co.

Because of these views, the Dewey court never appears to question whether or not Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 violated the Constitution of the United States in the first place, which would have made the law void. This despite the fact that the court pointed out the unconstitutional nature of the law in their opinion.

In relation to Sherbert, one might question its relevance, since in that case there was state action,” while in the instant case there is only private action. That distinction would be important if this opinion were dealing with whether defendants overtime rule is unconstitutional. But the issue before the court is whether the defendant has violated a federal statute a statute which restricts the activities of private employers and does not require state action.” The importance of Sherbert to this analysis is not its holding on constitutionality, but its definition of discrimination a definition which is equally valid whether employed to measure private or state action.

Dewey v. Reynolds Metals Co.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 restricted the activities of private employers, which is not a power delegated to the United States by its Constitution.

The term employer” means a person engaged in an industry affecting commerce who has fifteen or more employees for each working day in each of twenty or more calendar weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, and any agent of such a person,

42 USC §2000e(b)

But Congress is not granted the power to regulate commerce, only:

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8, Clause 3

Furthermore, Title VII does not regulate commerce, it regulates employment. While it’s assumed that Congress can regulate employment within the federal government, they have not been delegated any power to regulate employment outside of that sphere. This means Title VII violates the Tenth Amendment.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment X

Since Title VII is a U.S. Law not made in pursuance of the Constitution, it is not the supreme law of the land.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

U.S. Constitution, Article VI, Clause 2 (emphasis added)

And, since the judges in every state are bound to the supreme law, including those of the Supreme Court who take an oath to support the Constitution, they should have found Title VII unconstitutional and therefore void.

The One Good Thing Found in This Mess

There is one good thing found in this mess, and that’s the actual decision. You see, the USPS is part of the federal government (https://www.usa.gov/agency-index/p#P). Its very existence came from Congress, and therefore, it’s subject to the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; …

U.S. Constitution, Amendment I

The United States Postal Service, as an entity created by Congress, is barred from prohibiting the free exercise of religion, including observing the Sabbath.

Held: Title VII requires an employer that denies a religious accommodation to show that the burden of granting an accommodation would result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General

So while the Supreme Court got it wrong, the outcome for Mr. Groff is correct.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals is vacated, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

Groff v. Dejoy, Postmaster General


When I was young my mother used to say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” That is true for this case. With everyone focusing on the court deciding in Mr. Groff’s favor, lost are the numerous wrongs that brought them to it. You may be asking, “Paul, how can you be upset with a win for religious liberty?” The answer is simple: Because it depends solely on the largess of nine black robed oligarchs, and what the oligarchs give, the oligarchs can take away. This decision is founded on nothing but a towering house of cards waiting for the slightest breeze to blow it down. What happens when the next judge or justice arbitrarily decides that an employee’s Sunday off is an undue hardship? Are you willing to bet your financial future, not to mention your rights, on how burdensome some judge might find your accommodation?

We used to have courts of justice, then we had courts of law, but now we are saddled with courts of opinions. How can we build a just and stable judicial system on such shifting sands?

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Live Life On Your Own Terms

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 31, 2023

In this high-speed society we created for ourselves, Americans live in traffic-congested cities with skyscrapers piercing the sky.

On the ground floor, humans race to catch crowded busses, packed subways and Yellow Cabs. With expressways gridlocked from dawn to dusk, people overflow sidewalks and sirens slash through the air 24/7. The evening news reports robberies, accidents, homicides and a plethora of calamities too numerous for human emotions to endure.

But if you look at all the people living in cities, whether in their workplace or their office cubicle, what do you see on the partition wall?

You see posters of what they would rather being doing: windsurfing, skiing, sunbathing on a beach in the Caribbean, scuba diving, dancing, mountain climbing, camping, rafting, bicycling and a dozen other activities they would rather be living.

If you’re one of those people wishing you lived a different life or wishing you could live your dreams, then why don’t you go after it?

Why not live your poster instead of wishing you were windsurfing across Lake Tahoe or sunning on the beach in Hawaii?

Did you ever wonder how those people you see traveling around the world with a backpack or bicycle, or climbing mountains or taking a winter off to go ski bumming do it?

A couple of people hiking in the mountains Description automatically generated

(Al Wilson and Frosty Wooldridge backpacking the Colorado Trail.)

They defeat the tyranny of resistance.

Henry David Thoreau said, “The mass of men and women live lives of quiet desperation”.

In 2023 America, anyone at any station in life, at any age, can renew his or her life by choice, by intention and by action. Such individuals learn how to defeat the “tyranny of resistance.”

First of all, what constitutes this modern-day tyranny that locks people into cubicle prisons in cities or into humdrum jobs that provide zero meaning?

Such persons yield to an inner resistance to transform themselves because they feel afraid, don’t know how to break their cubicle-bonds and, often times, none of their office mates know any better. It’s easier to be safe with the constancy and comfort of a paycheck and friends.

Do you remember the TV sitcom “King of Queens” with the overweight Kevin James and co-star Leah Remini, who also got overweight in the series, staged in New York City? They never showed any happiness, but mostly conflict. Their jobs: meaningless! They didn’t know how to escape their relationship or their jobs.

If you live such a scenario, how can you avoid a lifetime of regrets?

§ Find your gift of what turns you on to life. Discover your talent, your ability, your genius and your expertise. You can find it by examining what you do in your spare time. Pursue it, love it and live it.

§ Practice self-awareness. Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” Instead of going through the motions, create your own wave and ride it.

§ Incorporate your independent will as a “course correction” on your way to your life’s destination. As Jack London said, “You can’t wait for inspiration to change your life; you have to go after it with a club.”

§ Discover your True North in the scheme of your life. That’s your soul’s true knowing and what you desire most about your life. It’s your deepest truth.

Finally, you must engage your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Exercise daily to blow off excess energy in the body to release your mind to express itself. Eat healthy foods to maintain a lean frame. That, in turn, allows you emotional balance that originates with your relationship with friends, families and co-workers. For your mental well-being, read books, take classes and express yourself through journaling, painting, sculpting or other art forms. Finally, feed your spiritual being via inspirational books, church or nature, and the peace you find from a walk down a tree-lined path.

You will find the tyranny of resistance fades as you walk or gallop toward your happiness in work, play and friends. You won’t wish for what you see in the poster on your cubicle wall, you will live it for real.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

1972 & The Club of Rome; the Beginning of the Climate Change Agenda

By Lewis Brackett

July 30, 2023

Climate Change: Conspiracy, Alarmism, or Science?

Or maybe a bit of all three? Let us look at the evidence.

Some fifty years ago now, in 1972 a number of compulsive do-gooders of the financial / intellectual elite met in a gathering of their self styled “The Club of Rome.”

This was an annual event, a pre-cursor to today’s Davos Switzerland meetings of the word’s elite. One of their leaders, the Italian billionaire Aurelio Peccei, co-authored a book titled “The limits of growth.” The pretext of this volume was that we had better change humanity’s course on population growth or face famine, world war, and possible human extinction.

The source of this study came from a series of computer models created by professors at MIT.

These Club of Rome elite demanded the formation of a world government as the only way that massive population reduction could be carried out. Nothing much has changed in 50 years.

My recollection is that this book was a world-wide sensation. The records I have found say it sold over twelve million copies! I also remember that the soon coming predicted global food shortage was delayed by the “Green revolution.” The genetic manipulation of wheat crops increased their yield several fold.

However, with the world population now over seven billion, even the effectiveness of that miracle seems to be coming to an end. What with today’s war in one of the primary wheat belts of the World, an imminent famine is likely very soon.

Many of us in the conservative community today see this 1972 seminal volume as the precursor to this “Climate Change” hysteria evident today. The serious population reduction goals set half a century ago are even more loudly repeated today.

The eugenics elite such as Bill Gates have stated their desire to implement this  massive de-population goal by any means, to thunderous applause at Davos.

Many of us have noted the deliberate viral gain of function research creating bio-weapons, carried out at research centers across the globe.

Many of us believe the recent pandemics were deliberate attempts at massive global population reduction of  those who the elite consider “useless eaters.” The global elite’s definition of “useless eaters” are the elderly and those who contribute nothing to society. This is the perverse “science” of eugenics.

Remember the recently demolished “Georgia Guide-stones?  On them was written in several languages the mantra to reduce the global population down well below one billion by 2030.

This “Climate Change” hysteria deliberately begun by the world elite some 50 years ago is coming full circle. The four horsemen of the apocalypse; book of Revelation, are about to ride fourth.  Lewis Brackett 7/16/23

The Green Revolution:

Climate change: alarmism?

Georgia Guide-stone

See my latest published article on NewsWithViews 7/16/23

© 2023 Lewis Brackett – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lewis Brackett: Lewishb@yahoo.com

Religion? Jesus Is the Only Way; Not Religion!

By Reverend Glenn Adams

July 30, 2023

Blessings to those who read and understand this article that it may help you be successful in following the way of Jesus Christ and that it may also help you understand how radical this way of Kingdom living and following Jesus is!!!   False pastors and their religion in this nation will not tell you that to follow Jesus Christ is a way of controversy, you will be hated, persecuted, reviled, criticized, you will be sent out as lambs among wolves and hauled before judges and even face death.

We are in a spiritual war not against flesh and blood but against the powers of world forces of darkness and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places and we are to walk in His Spirit as He walks putting on the full armor of God daily in order to fight the good fight of faith!!!!!  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!   Yes!!, and God warns us not to be deceived and ignorant of the devices of Satan.

Is it any wonder that there is a great falling away from the faith in America in these last days and difficult times?   We have corrupted the way of Jesus Christ and many are deceived and ignorant.   To say that Jesus loves you and to ask you if you love Jesus, then declare you are “born again” is a lie.  Jesus said unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.    If the presentation on how to enter the way of Jesus is wrong, then the way you will live that way will be wrong!!!!!

We have presented the way of Jesus to people without them counting the cost and the lie that it is easy to be a follower of Jesus Christ.  Very few realize just how radical it is to be to a follower of Jesus.  Are you all in with Jesus with absolute obedience, submission, commitment, faithfulness, and allegiance to live this way to face the demonic world and resist this evil coming against us?   If you search for your comfort zone or hide to avoid conflicts and controversy to save your life, Jesus said you will lose your life!!!!  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!  In the Book of Revelation, the first people cast into hell are the cowards!!!

As hard as it is to follow Jesus, we have way too many pastors in our religious institutions in America who preach an easy gospel and are living according to James 3:13, “But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth.  This wisdom is not that which comes from above but is earthly, natural, demonic.  For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing.

Too many pastors today have one goal.   To gather numbers in order to build a mega church, a bigger staff,  and more buildings.  Did not Jesus say HE WILL BUILD HIS CHURCH?!!!  These false pastors have no conviction for Ephesians 4:12, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ until we obtain unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.  If these pastors were sent by God, they would announce God’s word to God’s people but instead they preach their God- loves- everybody- non-threatening sermons.  For them to preach truth, the whole council of God, to reprove, rebuke, exhort, repent of sin, and to obey, is too negative.

Their smooth words do not build strong followers of Jesus because they hear words that have no authority, power, or life from God in them.  And when the trials of life come (and they will) and the demonic world shows up (and they will) and they are overtaken by Satan, they fall away from what little faith they have!!!  Religion never speaks about what is going on in culture, dying to the flesh, renewing the mind, the spiritual war, and how to resist evil.  Religion sees no evil and they do not cast out Satan because Jesus said, “Satan does not cast out Satan.”

But God has a faithful Remnant but how strong and effective are we?   I see a lot of spiritual activity but no plan.  Where are the leaders?   Some are busy in resistance to Satan but are we effectively stopping the Global Elites and Klaus Schwab and Satan advancing in our nation?   Are we recovering what Satan has stolen from us?  What really concerns me is that many citizens are waking up but where do they go and what do they do?  That makes planning and organization all the more important!!!

While the Remnant is not divided theologically- we must come together with a plan and organize to be an effective resisting unit and to give those who are waking up a place to belong and get involved.    Satan and his forces are unified but God’s Remnant does not talk about unity and becoming organized while the elites and Satan have plans years ahead of us!!!    If the Remnant of God ever becomes into unity, then everything we purpose to do will be possible for us.

Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”  Paul says in Colossians 2:2a-4, that in Christ Himself, in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.  I say this in order that no one may delude you with persuasive argument.

“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the traditions of men, according to the elementary principles of this world rather than according to Christ.” (Colossians 2:8.)  “For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and You are complete in Him who is the head of all principality and power. (Colossians 2:9 NKJV)

The Bible, regardless of translation, is very clear that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him.   But the religious systems of this world have developed many different ways to God.  If Jesus is the way and His word clearly explains that way, then why do we need all these religious ways in America; the Southern Baptist way, the Methodist way, the Pentecostal way, the Charismatic Way, the independent Way, the Catholic way, and on and on without end?

The problem with the various religious ways to God is they divide us.  Paul had that problem in the First Century, he asked, “Is Christ divided?”   No, and we are not supposed to be divided.  To me it is simple:  If Christ is the only way, then if those who follow Christ must follow His way.   The Bible says there is only one body.   In Matthew 16:18,   Jesus said, “I will build My church……”  That word church is singular.  In Ephesians 5:23, “Christ is head of the church.”  Not churches but one church.

Paul says it very well in I Corinthians 1:10, “Now I exhort you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and there be no divisions among you but you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.”  Some of us in America are going to have to adjust!!!!

In the First Century, Jesus went up, the Holy Spirit came down, and the disciples who Jesus had trained, went out to make disciples of Christ.    These disciples, were in one accord, made many new disciples.  Most of the New Testament is written to the church explaining the way of Jesus and correcting those who had strayed from that way.

Today in America, the way we do church is terribly wrong.  How did this happen when Jesus and His disciples have so clearly shown us the way?  John the Baptist came preaching repentance – repentance is not going down to the altar crying and confessing your sin – repentance means to change your thinking- the Kingdom of God is near you.

Not only have we missed the Kingdom in our America religious systems but we have missed so much more.  How did we get to where our religious systems are not about Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life but we now have many false pastors who are not teaching the whole council of God to the Body of Christ?   There is false teaching, there is no correction, and there is no change going on.  We remain the same year after year!!!!   As a result, we have lost our influence in our nation!!!

God came to earth in an earthly suit and His Name is Jesus.  Jesus is the Logos of God and He came speaking God’s ideas to cultivate a Kingdom belief system in us.   The only message Jesus preached was about the Kingdom of God.  Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is near you.  He mentioned the Kingdom of God over a hundred times from Matthew to Acts.   He said in Matthew to seek first the Kingdom of God.  Jesus explained the kingdom in the parables.   He said in Luke 4:43, “I must preach the Kingdom of God to the other cities also for I was sent for this purpose.”  He sent His disciples out to preach the Kingdom.  In Acts 1:3, after the resurrection Jesus spent 40 days speaking of things pertaining to the Kingdom of God; not the cross, the resurrection or His suffering.  These are very important but the Kingdom was the message.

Evidence abounds that Jesus did not come to earth to start a religion called Christianity.  Nowhere does Jesus call us Christians.  We are sons of God.  He came to restore what was lost in the garden because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve – they lost a kingdom – a government, and dominion.  Now the question is how did we get so far away from the message Jesus preached -the Kingdom of God “the rule of God” that He demonstrated to us while He was on this earth?  Why does Satan rule us today and not God?

Let’s begin here.  Everyone has a belief system.  Your belief system came from your ideas.  Your ideas came from everything you see, hear, and experience in life that you have accepted.  Your belief system can come from someone that taught you or a movie, television, or something on a digital devise.    If the source of your ideas about God came from false pastors, then your ideas about God will be wrong.

All this leads to your philosophy – your way of thinking.  If someone says they have a philosophy about a thing – it is what your belief system thinks about this thing.  Your belief system is very powerful.  If someone tells you something, you put it into your belief system and it interprets it for you – tells you what to think about that.

Your philosophy forms your state of mind or mentality.  Your mentality produces something we see as attitude.  Attitude is the manifestation of your belief system or your belief system producing a conclusion.  Whether we realize it or not, we are a product of the ideas we have collected over our lifetime and we have turned them into a belief system and we feed everything we see, hear, or experience into that belief system.

The problem is we live our belief system every day and it is very hard to change.  Many today in our churches have lived their life with the wrong belief system.  They have sat under false pastors and they preach their positive sermons and never challenge you or your belief system.  They make you feel comfortable and lead you to believe you have fulfilled your spiritual duties by attending or coming to a building.

They do not equip you to live the life of Christ, to seek first the Kingdom of God, to have a personal relationship with Jesus and to abide in Him.  They do not prepare you for the war you are in and how to resist evil.   We are not growing in the Lord, being conformed to His image and likeness, we don’t know how to die to the flesh, renew your mind, and take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.

You come to church, you never change and you are the same person year after year after year.  Then the day comes when you shut the door to your belief system and you no longer receive any new information into your belief system and you remain permanently stuck in your belief system and life.  This is where the traditions of men make void the Word of God in your life and your belief system is now what the Bible calls a demonic stronghold.

Once you have those demonic strongholds, you can hear a teaching of truth or a new idea and you will not accept it.  You are stuck in time and you think what you know is true and sufficient and you feel no need for study or correction.    People will approach you with the Word and tell you the truth but you will smile and agree with them but you will continue to believe what you have practiced for years.

You have been taken captive by the philosophy of men and the empty deception of false pastors.  You can sit in a church under a false pastor and your belief system will take it all into agreement and you will feel so good and boast how much you love your good church and enjoy the teaching of your wonderful pastor.

Jesus encountered people like this in Matthew 13:13 in the Parable of the Sower.  Jesus said these people while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.  And in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled which says, “you will keep on hearing but will not understand and you will keep on seeing but will not perceive for the heart of this people has become dull and with their ears they scarcely hear, and they have closed their eyes lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and return and I should heal them.”

When people who are in these institutional churches in America under these false pastors and have shut down their belief systems and have a demonic stronghold, they will in the last days when the antichrist speaks, their corrupted belief system will link up with the ideas of the antichrist and in their deception, they will take the mark of the beast.  These false pastors teach the philosophy of this world system and Jesus said the people who sit under them will become like their teacher.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot live by any other belief system than the one you have created and are living by.   You can challenge it but change only comes when your mind will accept truth and you begin living by it.   All of us must be on a journey of getting rid of our ignorance and lack of knowledge.   God said in Hosea 4;6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest.  Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”  HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!

The knowledge, power, and authority of God is in His Kingdom way.  Look at all the false teachers in America and what is happening to our children.  We are going the wrong way and there are consequences for our wrong belief systems!!!!  Evil never rests and if unopposed, it grows exponentially.  If we don’t take a full-frontal-attack on this darkness overtaking our nation immediately and I mean soonest, then God could enable our enemies to complete our judgment!!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams (Thanks to the many pastors and teachers in the Body of Jesus who have received His revelation and share it.  Thanks especially to the late Myles Munroe and his tapes on the Kingdom of God on You Tube)

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

Count It All Joy

By Rob Pue

July 30, 2023

There’s no question that we’re living in troubled times. And every day I hear from people who are extremely discouraged, fearful, anxious, depressed and many have lost all hope. These are not “worldly” people — these are Christians and they’re in despair as they see what is coming upon the world now. They seek God but feel far from Him. They pray but receive no answers. They look for God’s blessings but all they find is adversity and hardship.

It’s not sinful or a lack of faith when these feelings and emotions seem to overtake you.  Even Jesus, on the eve of His crucifixion, cried out to His Father, “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from Me: nevertheless, not My will, but Thine, be done.” Even after an angel came and ministered to Him, as He prayed even more earnestly, the Bible tells us His sweat was like “great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” Our Savior did not doubt His Father or lose His faith, but He certainly was in turmoil as He knew what was coming.

1 Peter 4:12 & 13 tells us, “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.”

Jesus told His disciples that in this world they would have tribulation.  And so will we.  All who are true Christ-followers will have to endure tribulation and fiery trials.  But He also said we are to “be of good cheer” because He has overcome the world… and because we belong to Him, because we are His children, we also have overcome the world.

I can’t count the number of times I’ve been at what I thought was the lowest possible point of my life. All the times that, because of the circumstances I found myself in, I thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, ever.  My life has been one of continuous “fiery trials” and tribulations.  Many times I’ve found myself at the point of despair, discouraged, fearful, anxious, deeply depressed and more times than I can count, hope has eluded me.  In some cases, these horrible situations passed rather quickly.  In others, the trials have lasted for months and even years.

But every time, they’ve eventually passed and afterwards, sometimes years afterwards, I’ve been able to look back at those situations and see how God was true to His promise: He did work everything together for good.  He did restore the things that were lost.  He did bring beauty out of ashes. And every single time, I learned the valuable lesson of trusting God through the worst of situations because as I look back at those awful times, I can clearly see that He never left me and I was never forsaken by Him — quite the contrary — He was teaching me the most valuable of all lessons — to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” 

You see, friends, it’s only the doubting that causes anxiety, depression, discouragement, fear and despair. When we know that our God is with us and His Holy Spirit is in us, in every situation, we can look for the lesson He’s teaching us with hearts of hope and joy, and we can be blessed with peace that passes all understanding.  When you truly know that God is with you, then honestly, who can be against you?  Is any trial, trouble our tribulation too big for God? Do you truly believe that Jesus has overcome the world and that as His children, we have as well?  If so, then embrace the trials you must endure. They’re for a purpose, and ultimately, God will work them all together for good. Evil will not prevail against God’s people.

So, if you’re feeling like this is the lowest point in your life, and God is not opening doors or answering prayers or providing solutions and you’re wondering where His blessings are, just know that He is blessing you, right now, in the midst of great adversity. The blessing is the teaching you’re receiving right now. The blessing is the sanctification that this “wilderness experience” is building in you. The blessing is the character cleansing and the faith building that’s happening right now, even as you live through awful, terrible dark days.

Romans 8:28, “We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.”

2 Corinthians 4: 8 & 9, “We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

James 1: 2-4, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Of all people, I am keenly aware of what we’re facing in this world from the Globalist agenda. The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His anointed.  The heathen are raging and the people are imagining vain things.  Certainly there’s no shortage of things to be concerned about.

Today we’re on the brink of civil war and world war. Our country is being invaded by foreign enemies and our own government is not only allowing it, but facilitating it.  There’s an all-out war on morality, goodness, righteousness and on God Himself.  The kings of the earth are conspiring together to depopulate the earth, murder millions and enslave the rest. They’re manipulating the weather to bring about unnatural climate disasters, droughts, and famine. The sorcery of pharmakea is killing and enslaving people. Insanity and madness is rampant. Sexual immorality and delusion is worse than any of us could ever have imagined. Children are being openly groomed for sexual abuse and exploitation under taxpayer-funded government mandates, and sodomites have gone past the point of pride and have now turned to an agenda of violence.

Many are enduring homelessness, poverty, drug abuse and extreme mental illness, even as the Great Healer, Jesus Christ, is forbidden to even be spoken of in many places.  True Christ-followers are being persecuted like never before in America today.  If you haven’t yet experienced such persecution, then I’d examine your heart to see if you really are in the faith, or just a “Christian” in name only — which, by the way, equates to taking the Lord’s name in vain.

And meanwhile, with very few courageous Christ-following shepherds, the people have lost their moral compass and only a small remnant even know who God is anymore, much less teach and train up their children in the way they should go.

I understand the future looks bleak. I also understand there are many just enduring all this in quiet despair, waiting for the rapture to take them out of this world. That’s a very poor choice to make, and I believe, even a sinful one. We’ve been called to occupy until He returns. Not bury our talents or hide our lights under a bushel. We’re called to be warriors for Christ in the midst of these times of tribulation, and that involves more than just leaving Bible tracts on the table in a restaurant or in a restroom stall at the gas station.  If we’re serious about our faith, we’re going to have to get our hands dirty, and when we do, we’re going to face persecution. As I said, if you’re not already experiencing such persecution, I’d advise that you examine your heart to see if you’re a true believer or if you’ve been deceived by “easy believism.”  Remember 2 Timothy 3:12, “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.”

Have you been transformed by the renewing of your mind, or have you been conforming to this world, trying to fly under the radar, a “closet Christian” that avoids confrontation and controversy at all costs?

The world is growing more and more dark by the day. Wickedness abounds. Even God’s faithful can be fearful and deeply discouraged at times. My advice is to know and understand what’s happening — don’t tune out the news, because we need to know what the enemy is up to. But at the same time, don’t submit to fear.

There are many who search the daily headlines and seem to thrive on bad news. They seem to get some sort of “thrill” out of the latest thing the Globalist devils are planning and doing.  Yeah, it’s good for us to know what’s happening. But don’t focus on it with an attitude of defeat. Set your hearts and minds on the things of God. Build your spirit up in faith and know that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…and that the plans of those who hate us will blow back upon them and they themselves will be crushed by the very things they intended for us.

In Isaiah 35:4, we have this: “Say to those who have an anxious heart, ‘be strong; fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.”

As I see the plans of the Globalist Luciferians for this world, it’s very clear that God’s true remnant people are their mortal enemies and they absolutely intend us great harm.  Many of us will lose our freedom and all our earthly posessions, and many of us will lose our lives in the days ahead as the evil ones continue in their attempt to rebuild Babylon.

I would urge you to remember all those strong men and women of faith in Scripture and understand these are not simply Bible stories.  These are historical accounts of God’s chosen enduring great persecution.  Let us learn from biblical history.  And look back at your own life, to the times you thought you were at your absolute lowest point and things couldn’t possibly get any worse — and remember how God was teaching you, training you up and sanctifying you, and how, in retrospect, you can now see how He worked all those horrible things together for good…because you love Him and are called according to His purpose.

There’s no reason to be afraid. We have nothing to fear. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  “Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Jesus said, “In this world, you will have tribulation, but take heart. I have overcome the world.”  And in Christ, so have you.  So, keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Set your heart and mind on the things of His kingdom, even as we endure this present darkness.  Use your talents wisely. Invest them for your King as you use what He’s given you to stand as a fortress of truth in a world of deception.

I pray that God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven.  He accomplishes His will through people — but the souls of His children must be tested, our characters cleansed and it’s through hardship and persecution that we grow closer to Him in sanctification.  Let us be about our Father’s business — boldly and courageously, with hearts filled with hope and faith, rather than fear and dread, so that after we have stood firm through it all, He will say to us, “well done, thy good and faithful servant. Enter in, to the joy of thy Lord.” 

Audio versions and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 399.

© 2023 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Another Look at ERIC: What Ever happened to Becker’s Bad Boy?

By Kat Stansell

July 29, 2023

If you remember, there once was a Membership Club called “ERIC”, which stands for the Electronic Registration Information Center. States paid to join, in order to keep their voter rolls clean, in spite of the fact that every member state had grossly bloated rolls, 50% of which were above statistical impossibility, per the records of the USEAC (US Election Assistance Commission) ERIC was never about accuracy, but rather, about gathering data on every resident of member states. We now know more about how that information is being used, thanks to an election integrity expert in Florida, named Kris Jurski.

Technically, ERIC still exists, but without 1/3 of its former member states. They have “resigned” over the last few months.

ERIC was designed by an avowed “conservative hater” named David Becker, in 2012, after Obama had lost both houses of Congress in the 2010 midterm. It had long been the goal of the feds to control our elections, and they thought they had been closing in, with the 1993 “motor voter act”, and the 2001 National Voter Registration Act. They had thought they would make more progress with Obama in office. However, the 2010 results caused concern on the Left that they might be losing control of our vote. So, ERIC was born, and sold to gullible state officials as a voter roll maintenance system which would keep their voter records clean and up to date.

The real reason behind installing ERIC in as many states as possible, I believe, was to gather the personal data of everyone in each member state. This data stays within the ERIC AI system and is never returned to the state, even upon resignation. Let me say it again…


I am convinced that these “resignations” were for show, and were orchestrated by ERIC’s daddy, David Becker, himself, with national election officials at a NASS meeting this winter.

After the February, 2023, meeting of the National Assn. of Secretaries of State (NASS) in DC, during which there were several closed sessions, several states, pretty much in unison, announced that they were resigning from ERIC. Various reasons were given, all containing the generic excuse that “Gosh, we didn’t realize how crooked it might be”. Spare me. Those who, just weeks before, had spoken out about how they “loved” the “godsend” ERIC, now suddenly withdrew.

Cord Byrd, Secretary of State of Florida had told citizens to their face, that “Florida LOVES ERIC”, and “just uses it a little differently” . . . that Florida would never resign.” This was said directly to a conservative activist; disregard what has been written about DeSantis’s deciding to pull out in 2022. Tallahassee was NOT planning to resign.

Paul Pate, SOS of Iowa, called ERIC a “godsend.” Yet, Florida and Iowa were among the first to announce they were quitting ERIC, just days after those utterances. FL and IA joined AL, whose newly elected Secretary of State, Wes Allen, had taken AL out of ERIC on the first day of his term, as per campaign promise.

Louisiana’s Kyle Ardoin had pulled out the previous year, in coordination with a suit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, but has since spoken of questioning the 2020 election as “conspiracy theory”. In April of this year, he announced that he is NOT running again. Pressure from citizen activists is attributed as the cause of his move.

As of today, eleven states (an even 1/3 of the membership) have quit ERIC, including TX, WV, VA, OH, MO, FL, IA, LA, AL, AK and WI.

Before we dig further, please let me just say that any election administrator of ANY ERIC member state who didn’t know and understand the real ERIC system (all data gathering, NO mandated roll maintenance) is not worthy of holding office. I believe that they KNEW and spent taxpayer $$ for ERIC memberships and the execution of mandates, to make their jobs easier, pretending to take care of business, while ignoring (or using!) the bloated rolls. This makes each of them worthy of being voted out of office, even as they made sure that our votes wouldn’t count. Job security. See the ugly circle?

This is the important point here: if you ever lived in and/or voted from these states, YOUR information is in the system. Voter records in AL, AK, AZ, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, MO, NV, NM, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, IL, IA, KY, LA, ME, MD, MI, MN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, AND the DISTRICT are subject to the kind of manipulation outlined by Kris Jurski, below. Keep reading.

SO…back to ERIC losing some of his friends. There are two possible scenarios to explain how and why some states left the “club”.

The first is that the Left grew worried that ERIC was being exposed. This had been expressed by some conservative media outlets, which had been in the lead exposing the ERIC system. I personally had been writing about ERIC for over a year and would love that to be so. Frankly, however, I don’t believe this explanation, although it was the one put forth by every source which addressed the subject. Ah, yes. Wouldn’t it be lovely to think that they were worried about truth damaging their efforts?

A far more plausible explanation to me is that ERIC’s data base had all the names it needed for the next several election cycles, to manipulate voter records at will – and after that, it will not matter. We will have lost our free country.

So, why not make it appear as if ERIC had been weakened by the resignations? That MIGHT provide a “chill pill” for those “conspiracy theorists” who worried about secure elections. You know, “Step away, children. Don’t bother to get involved in election integrity. Your bogey man, ERIC, is gone, so you can go back to your sandboxes, freed of any need to dig for truth.”

Directly after that NASS meeting, I had said that those sudden, orchestrated resignations were NOT what they seemed. A recent post by Bill Gates about AI and elections, may have helped to show us what is really going down.

In a July 11, 2023, blog post, Bill Gates, the evil Microsoft multi-billionaire stated that “artificial intelligence technologies could aid in manipulating elections and ‘tip’ results in close races.” That headline caught my attention.

“Deepfakes and misinformation generated by AI could undermine elections and democracy…AI-generated deepfakes could be used to try to tilt an election”. Gates continues on, steering the concept to the creation of fake imagery: for example, an AI picture of a prominent candidate robbing a bank or hugging and kissing, an unpopular figure.

We know that DeSantis’s campaign just did this with an image of Fauci and Trump embracing to “suggest a close relationship. Gates’ concern seems to be the occurrence of AI deepfakes, such as images appearing on the morning of a major election. Whether in the months or days before an election, his message is that AI will have an impact. I agree, only not that faked imagery will be the culprit.

I believe that the millions of voter records held in the ERIC AI system are what are undermining elections. ERIC’s information can and WILL be voted to change election results as needed to produce the “desired results”. Thus…”misinformation generated by AI could undermine elections and democracy.” Thanks, Bill. Intentional or not, I appreciate your confirmation that AI will play a part in our elections.

Actually, this has already been proven. The illegitimate use of voter records, planted and grown in the ERIC AI farm, seem to be turning up in Florida. Election Integrity specialist, Kris Jurski, has once again proven the manipulation of voter information to impact results. Over 433,000 voter records in the state of Florida were 1)reactivated, 2) reinserted or 3) deleted in a period of a few months.

In the last eight months, Jurski has examined over 140 million voter records in his state, and found incredible manipulations therein. The way he describes it is, as if one could watch a big dashboard of the election, to learn ahead of time, how many votes might be needed to win. Then, as voting occurred, the exact right amount of votes were created to get the candidate across the finish line.

The same voter name was found to have changed addresses, middle initials, apartment numbers, etc., then reappeared in the original location after the mail-in ballot was requested and voted. Some voters from the 1960’s, who hadn’t voted for years, and may well be deceased, suddenly reappeared on the rolls, just as they were to vote, by mail of course. They then disappeared after the election.

The most shocking of all, was the deletions. Thousands of names were removed from the rolls after voting, then added back at different addresses, or with slightly different names, a short time later. Names on the voter records were being moved from address to address, county to county and even state to state. Then, back again. See this short video to understand what Kris has found.

This massive accumulation of voter records, turned to phantoms (illegitimate voters), by alteration of information, is enough to tip the scales across the country. If this is happening in Florida, you can be assured that it is happening elsewhere. Other states just aren’t lucky enough to have a Kris Jurski to prove it. Of course, as Kris points out, it would be VR systems, the platform itself, which uses the ERIC AI data, not little ERIC himself. ERIC data just feeds another beast.

From its own website, VR Systems says that they “design technology to support modern elections – from electronic poll books and online training systems to comprehensive software platforms.” https://www.vrsystems.com/ They feature former FL SOS, Kurt Browning praising VR Systems, saying that “they provide the best quality of service because they want their customers to be successful.” I fear that definition of success varies widely, in today’s election climate.

VR Systems was started and is headquartered in Tallahassee FL. It’s the first website I’ve found that lists its staff with a sketch, a title, and by first name only. It now does business in the District of Columbia, NY, IL, IN, NC, TX and FL.

PLEASE, go to https://www.the-peoples-audit.org to learn more of what Kris has found.

I think ERIC is very much alive and well, and stealing our free and fair elections just as much as ever, possibly more. But then, I’m kind of a conspiracy FACTIST.

© 2023 Kat Stansell – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kat Stansell: katvanatt@protonmail.com

Prism of America’s Education

By Karen Schoen

July 29, 2023

According to Joe, Americans are worth 12¢

Joe Obiden sold Americans into world slavery for 12¢ a head. How can I say that? Easy, emails and bank records show the Biden family got about $40 million from enemy countries like the CCP and Ukraine etc. to change American policy favoring China or their country. Divide $40 million by $350 million Americans at that time and you get 12¢.  How does it feel to learn that the family representing the administration and Elite think we are worth 12¢. Thanks Glenn Beck for noticing.  So when you pay your thousands into taxes, remember that we should send only 12¢ to the IRS.

Why do I believe we have been sold into slavery?  Obiden got his $40million and We The People are paying for it. Our taxes are supporting all of the UN communist programs. Trump got America out of the UN, Obiden put us back. Our tax dollars are paying for the illegals to come to America at the behest of these same countries who are emptying their jails and mental institutions. Obiden gave $83 Billion of military equipment to the Talliban which they are selling. So we are now financing Iran as they build their nuclear weapons to turn on Israel and America.  America gave over $100 Billion to Ukraine to fight a war we have no business being involved in. How much actually went to the people. We have financed the oligarch government and pensions. Who is paying for you?

Once more we are paying for UNESCO to indoctrinate our children, to mutilate them so child bearing and family relationships no longer exist. Those same children can be trafficked for grueling work in factories, cobalt mines (for elite EV batteries) or into sex slavery. We The People through our tax dollars are paying for these NGO’s to deliver another crop of child or women slaves to cartels and Elite for their pleasure.  Remember a drug is sold once then you wait for the next sale. A person can be sold over and over often in the same day. The trafficking industry in about a $150 Billion business. Through Obiden policies, Americans are paying for this perverted act while the RINO’s watch and clap like seals. CA was the first what’s happening in your state?

The communist WEF (World Economic forum) and our inept, incompetent Federal Reserve in their psychedelic stupor, is pushing digital currency.   I believe the majority of the OBiden administration is hooked on something otherwise the drug trade would be over. .

Once the digital currency is in place the noose will tighten. 15 minute sustainable (controlled) cities are popping up all over the country. These cities will have cameras all over your street, building, home, office, church everywhere. They will watch you to make sure you and the company you keep is in perfect lock step with the government. I’ll be watching you.

Imagine going to the supermarket and being told you do not have the credits for coffee, gas, electricity, bus, train, plane, or whatever the state thinks you used too much of. Imagine the state saying too much electricity usage for you. So they turn off your electricity for 12 hours a day for a week as punishment. If it is winter, they will shut off at night so you will freeze.  If summer you will suffer from the heat.  After all why do you think those new cars and appliances are so SMART. Smart appliances interact with their master, the government, NOT you.

Once these treaties with the UN are signed. they will use your smart meter to control your house or city under some emergency plandemic which they will make up. WHO expects USA to sign the new treaty giving the UN communist  WHO total power to manage the next plandemic. How many Americans know the Supremacy clause? How many RINO Senators think they can give up American sovereignty?  Will you call you Senator and tell them to vote NO?

In Sept, 2024 WHO wants a practice run like the Covid lockdown controlled by WHO.  Raise your hand if you think there will be a fair election under WHO procedure. I can see WHO declaring an emergency and Obiden telling everyone to MAIL in ballots. Call your Representative and Senator and tell them “Just say NO to the WHO Treaty.”

Put that together with the latest election scheme, This is s doozie.  The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact…. State Legislators are passing a bill that says: No longer would the enrolled state’s electoral votes go to the presidential candidate who wins support from a majority of the state’s voters. Rather, they would be assigned to the candidate who wins the national popular vote.  So far 17 states have signed onto this unconstitutional law.

What I described is life in CCP controlled China.  Bernie, Klaus, Bill all think the Chinese model is wonderful.  Do you? Obiden sold the Americans for 12¢.  There will be no competition, or dissent.  You will obey or wind up in jail.  Is this our future? Is America worth saving?

Get your kids out of the indoctrination clinics masquerading as Public Schools. Check out goflca.org  Micro Schools.

Remember: Everything is connected. Nothing is random, Everyone follows the same plan. ALL PLANS ARE BASED ON LIES. Globalists must control opposition. Globalists must take away our voice.

Globalists only care about MONEY, POWER and CONTROL. Don’t give them yours. Boycotts work. Stop using their services and products.  Vote the RINO’S out. Vote with your fingers and with your wallet. There is a lot you can do.  Doing nothing is complying.

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Website: http://www.karenschoen.com

Show Link https://www.americaoutloud.com/the-prism-of-americas-education/

Show: Sat and Sun 7AM ET and 9PM ET on AmericaOutloud.com

Podcasts and Articles: Karenbschoen.com, karenschoen.substack.com


Could Globalists Fake an Alien Invasion?

By Steven Yates

July 28, 2023

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”   —H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature (1945)

“I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.” – Klaatu, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

“It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable.”  —Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State of Mind (1955)

“Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.”  —Henry Kissinger, quoted in The New York Times, October 28, 1973

“Imagine North Korea in 2030, when every citizen has to wear a biometric bracelet 24 hours a day. If you listen to a speech by the Great Leader and the bracelet picks up the tell-tale signs of anger, you are done for.” —Klaus Schwab, COVID-19: The Great Reset (2020)

“Time’s up.” —David Levinson, Independence Day (1996)

At first glance, the idea sounds totally left field: bonkers, nuts, loony, completely out to lunch. But could the globalists fake an invasion by aliens — not the illegal kind but the extraterrestrial kind?

The idea is being bandied about on alternative media platforms.

First: since last year, UFOs have had a higher profile in mainstream publications than ever before — although the preferred acronym seems now to be UAPs — Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The U.S. military suddenly reversed 80 years of course and claimed there’s something up there its best and brightest can’t explain.

Articles on the subject have moved from the National Enquirer to Popular Mechanics and The Atlantic Monthly. The latter is as Establishment as it gets.

Is someone directing a priming of the pump, trying to acclimate the public to the idea of something unknown in our skies, perchance watching and waiting?

Second: the covid debacle failed to quiet the restless natives. Trump is on track for winning the GOP nomination despite the intensifying lawfare. Biden’s presidency, moreover, is in free fall despite belligerent denials. Under Bidenista watch the country is in a shambles. Infrastructure is falling apart while hundreds of millions go to Ukraine. Inflation may have receded a little but remains unacceptably high.

And without his teleprompter Biden doesn’t seem to recall if Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine or Iraq. Here, appearing before a union group last Thursday, is Sleepy Joe’s latest lapse into word salad:

“I often say, and I mean this sincerely, Wall Street — good folks down there — but they didn’t build the middle class. They didn’t build America. The middle class was built by the middle class.”


Does anyone in his right mind believe this man ought to be reelected? Or should have been (s)elected in the first place?

Yet, third: if we learned anything from 2020-22, it is that the natives can be locked indoors, compelled to obtain permission from “their” government to go out for food, wear masks, and be forced to go along with such tyrannical measures via 24/7 scare tactics.

Corporate media could be counted on to comply, and terrified control freaks amidst the general public would do the bulk of the policing.

As I’ve noted countless times, fear works!

Nevertheless, the restlessness continues. The “plandemic” has receded, and people are asking questions. MAGA Republicans, meanwhile, are unimpressed by the allegations against Trump, which they consider the work of a politicized Justice Department driven by abject terror of a second Trump presidency. (Fear works both ways!)

Americans aren’t alone. Europe is also restless. The government of the Netherlands recently resigned. And although it hasn’t been much publicized on our side of the Atlantic, France has fallen into near-chaos. A cop in a Paris suburb shot an immigrant. His fellow immigrants took to the streets and pulled a BLM/Antifa number on that country, looting, burning, and smashing things in multiple French cities. Macron has had his hands full. His globalist, open borders presidency is also in a shambles.

NATO, finally, continues poking the Russian bear, announcing that when “conditions” are met, Ukraine’s joining the alliance will be green-lighted.

This puts Putin in the worst possible bind. If he allows Ukraine to join NATO, he shows himself to be the ultimate weakling. But what does he do? Continue smashing Ukraine as the U.S./NATO Empire continues to funnel arms there? Threaten to use tactical nukes? Then what?

So:  many of us are wondering when the next shoe is going to drop, and what that shoe will look like.

A friend of mine whose wife works for a Big Pharma corporation tells me she received an emailed notification of a new vax for a new and deadlier variant of coronavirus that hasn’t been rel—  I, uh, mean, identified yet. It could turn up at any time! The official narrative will be that existing “boosters” will be useless against it.

Did you get that? A dead giveaway that Pharma knows about these things in advance?

Or could the next shoe to drop be the cyberattack I’ve suggested could shut down large parts of the grid for months?

Or could it be … an invasion by extraterrestrials!

Or so we peasants will be told by “our” government and its compliant media!

The other day, dissident psychotherapist Dr. Joseph Sansone published this on his Substack.

I recommend giving it a close read.

Some of us are old enough to recall seeing that classic black-and-white science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) when we were kids. It starred the underrated Michael Rennie as Klaatu, visitor from another world, whose spaceship had touched down in Washington and whose artificially intelligent (before that phrase had been coined) robot Gort used high-intensity death rays against violent humans who had tried to breach the ship.

In the climactic scene, Klaatu delivered a pointed warning to the peoples of Planet Earth. Scrap your nuclear arsenals, Earthlings. Don’t even think about bringing your violent tendencies into space. If you do, we’ll obliterate you where you stand.

It was a powerful message, and if I recall correctly from a more recent viewing, one of the ending scenes showed rows of flags of nations uniting into a single body.

I, as a somewhat precocious second-grader, watching back then with my parents, could have become a globalist. Gasp!

My dad talked me out of it the following morning at the breakfast table (families shared meals together back in those days). I’d asked something like, “Couldn’t we stop war if we just got everybody together and united as one world?”

“Nope!” he responded. “Won’t happen. People in different places are just too different from one another.”

That wasn’t the exact conversation, of course, but that was the gist of it, and it was enough.

The idea has persisted, though. Warnings of doom from the sky if we don’t change our ways have continued as an undercurrent in science fiction.

The year 2008 saw a remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, this time with Keanu Reeves in the lead role. The issue now was climate change.

Stop destroying your own climate, dumb Earthlings, or we’ll destroy you.

Now, the U.S. federal government has all but pronounced UFOs to be real.

Add a fourth factor to those above, therefore.

Probably most people (even many educated Christians) believe odds are good that advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist out there somewhere. The apparent discovery of over 4,000 exoplanets now lends this idea credence and psychological support … even if very, very few of those worlds seem at all Earthlike.

If just a few alien civilizations are advanced enough to have developed technology able to cross light years of space between their worlds and ours—

Well, do the math.

The idea sounds plausible, even if there’s no scientific proof that such civilizations exist or could get here if they did. And while much alien-invasion sci-fi depicts aliens as monstrosities, more thoughtful novels and films, like The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Contact, portray them as benign if nearly inscrutable (because they are so far ahead of us both technologically and sociologically).

Dr. Sansone thus invites us on a harrowing thought experiment:

Imagine holograms projected into the sky with ships the size of cities. Followed by reports of communications and directives for humans to follow to avoid destruction. Do you hold it past heads of state to participate in such a scam? Would people fall for it?

Expanding on this: we awaken one morning and learn to our horror that gigantic craft of unknown origin appeared out of nowhere above every major city in the world.

Think of another flawed but intriguing film: Independence Day (1996).

Initially, as in that movie, there is no communication, and our attempts to communicate meet with no response. The ships hover silently. A couple of days go by.

Military-scrambled jet fighters then cautiously approach. They are blown out of the sky by unknown weaponry.

Then comes the first communiqué from “the aliens” simultaneously to every city, using our own hijacked technology, in each recipient’s native language.

The message just happens to be: unite the planet under a single global body, or perish!

The message continues: this alone will end the two biggest existential threats to your civilization: nuclear war and climate change.

The solution to the second just happens to be exactly what globalists insist on: ending burning fossil fuels for energy. In practice this will mean: curtailing energy usage since no form of alternative energy generation so far yields fossil fuels’ results. It will mean less mobility than we enjoy now (15-minute cities, anyone?), and a lower standard of living. Perhaps even eating bugs.

It would be fake, of course.

But The Science would speak! Benign beings from the sky have at last arrived, to save us from ourselves!

Think it’s fake? You’re peddling baseless conspiracy theories!

For most terrified populations, that would take care of it!

How would anyone accomplish such a feat?

What H.P. Lovecraft said: fear of the unknown. Unknown to the peasants, at any rate. (Doubtless reports would be circulating of nutcases claiming to have met the aliens.)

Drones could project images of the craft, which would look like solid structures. AI* could coordinate their near-simultaneous appearance everywhere, produce accurate translations of their directives in multiple languages, and deliver them to the peoples of the world through hacked smartphones and social media. With everything now wired into everything else, this would not be that hard.

Advanced AI-controlled weaponry** could be deployed aboard a drone to destroy anyone who approaches.

“Our” governments would already have locked us indoors “for our safety.”

Compliance with directives of “the aliens” would be ordered.

A few would resist. They’d organize and open fire. An AI-controlled drone would appear above them — perhaps 500 feet overhead — and fry them with microwaves as they ran screaming.

Nearly all resistance would stop with the abruptness of a faucet being turned off.

Since an invasion by extraterrestrials could be portrayed as far scarier than any virus, most would already have complied without question.

Hierarchical groups would likely form spontaneously, from regional governments down to neighborhood groups. Proven compliance with directives on energy use, etc., would be a condition for being allowed out and readmitted into the post-“invasion” economy (so much for privacy).

Even if this means wearing bracelets or even allowing implants inserted into our bodies able to monitor emotional responses and detect resentment or anger. In which case: as Klaus Schwab put it, you’re done for.


Suppose I’d asked you, back in the happy and carefree 2010s, whether the world’s masses would comply with government-mandated lockdowns, ostensibly to protect from a virus that had evolved in a bat and jumped to humans in a Chinese wet market.

That they’d “voluntarily” stay indoors and “wait for a vaccine.”

Suppose you’d replied, this would destroy businesses and disrupt supply lines the world over. The answer: “So? It’s our health that counts, right? It’s all for the greater good!

Based on such reasoning, Melbourne, Australia, and Shanghai, China remained locked down for months, with no end in sight!

If I’d told you this back in, say, 2015, would you have believed me?

Are we getting this?

Dr. Sansone wasn’t making a prediction, and neither am I. I’m not in the prediction business, I’m in the scenario business.

I’ve no idea whether those with real power would have the guts to try a stunt like this.

But nothing I’ve read recently on the subject rules it out.

Dr. Sansone’s scenario places “the invasion” in 2024. I think it reasonable to say that whichever shoe drops, will drop before Election Day next November.

To be sure, if the Democrat Party and others in the Establishment are sure they’ve stopped Trump, or acting behind the scenes has secured a replacement for the frail and failing Joe Biden (probably Gavin Newsom), nothing may happen.

But such securings are never guarantees.

Trump was not supposed to win in 2016.

Hence scenarios like this one.

The globalists have the technology. They could maintain such an illusion indefinitely. And they’d have their world government.

* I think the real danger of AI is not that it will “turn sentient,” like Skynet in the Terminator movies, or the machines in The Matrix, but that it will enable globalists to take a quantum leap in advancing their goals for the world.

** There have long been rumors of advanced death-ray technology that has never been publicly revealed. What, after all, was genius inventor Nikola Tesla working on when JP Morgan killed his funding all those decades ago, and when the U.S. government raided his laboratory, confiscated and classified whatever it was they found? Tesla’s lab notes remain classified to this day. What was going on at the HAARP facility in Alaska all those years, moreover? What is really happening at Area 51? I’ve never bought the line that it has anything to do with extraterrestrial spaceships or aliens.

© 2023 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com


In 2021 I published my book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory. Here, in three parts, are reasons you should think about reading the book if you’ve interest in the role worldviews play in civilization, and in shaping our lives:

Part I. Part II. Part III.

If you enjoyed this article and approve of what I do, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com.

Scaring the Myth right out of you

by Kathleen Marquardt

July 28, 2023

People are excited thinking about being able to live in alternative universes. Unbeknownst to them, they already do – and have been for most of their lives. Especially those born after the era when we wore our Texas Instrument calculators on our belts (our slide rules were put on the shelf to be oddities to show our children how we calculated in school) and built computers we bought in parts. Now, people who would have trouble putting a slot-car together can go to the Himalayas, try on clothes from their favorite store, play video games – all the while lying on a recliner in their basement.

There is reality – the actual events as they happened. And there is what has long been, spun as reality, i.e., pharma-phantasmagoria, genders/sexes of more than two, and myriads of other factoids dressed as facts. All built upon the biggest lie fed to a now well-programmed public – manmade global warming. And virtual reality rules over factual reality.

Think about it. Almost everything you read/hear in mainstream and social media, in schoolbooks, even in “juried” scientific and medical papers is a lie. Wrap your head around that – you don’t need a virtual reality machine; your brain has been programmed to be one. And all this was put into overdrive once the first Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released. (note: it was put together by great and no-so-great climate scientists around the world. But before it was released, it was “edited” to go from: saying “at worst humans may have some negative impact on our atmosphere, but very little – at most, to: we are destroying not only the atmosphere but also the water and land – and everything existing on earth.) A good number of those original authors asked to have their names removed.

By 2009, “32,000 scientists have signed ‘The Petition Project’ over 9,000 of them with PhDs proclaiming that man is not the chief cause of warming and that this warming will not be disastrous.” [i] And some back-up for this from the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works: “Over 400 prominent scientists from more than two dozen countries recently voiced significant objections to major aspects of the so-called former participants in the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change), criticized the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.” [ii]

Today you will not hear many scientists speaking out, criticizing the Global Elite and their pseudo science. Some scientists have been brainwashed like the general public or are otherwise coerced in some way by the Global Elite to either lie or be silent. You will find some great hedging (or worse) from even powerful people. For instance:

  • As the former Canadian Minister of the Environment, Christine Stewart, so pithily said, “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony …. Climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world .” No matter if the science is phony? Why would one say that if the science was so strongly otherwise? Now, please parse the rest of that statement. How can climate change, true or false, bring about justice and equality on the world? In my humble opinion, Stewart is saying that the cudgel of so-called climate change can make intelligent, freedom loving people accept the destruction of the world as we know it to pretend to make people equal. That isn’t ever going to happen unless we all become slaves – or dead. The cudgel is to force us into a deconstructed Marxist world, i.e., dystopia on steroids.
  • “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” Paul Watson, co-founder of Greenpeace. And he is saying what our Global Elite don’t want you to know, at least until you have swallowed the blue pill.
  • “The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of catastrophe.” Daniel B. Botkin, professor of Environmental Studies and Biological Sciences, UCSB. There it is again, saying we are too stupid to think for ourselves, so those who wish to control the world can make up science to fit their complot.
  • A global warming treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect.Richard Benedick, deputy assistant Secretary of State
  • Former Senator and first president of the UN Foundation, Timothy Wirth “…spelled out the strategy in 1988: “What we’ve got to do in energy conservation is try to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, to have approached global warming as if it is real means energy conservation, so we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” How many times to those pushing the catastrophe of manmade global warming (now Climate Change) have to say “even if it isn’t real” for people to get the message that it isn’t real, but it is the best blueprint to make man the enemy of the world so he will be willing to be deconstructed, i.e., erase himself from Mother Earth?” [iii]

In a PBS interview in early 1999, S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric physicist at George Mason University and founder of the Science and Environmental policy Project, a think tank on climate and environmental issues, was asked by the host about the models that needed to be done. Singer had noted that we need far more data and that would take time.

The host remarked, “Some say we don’t have the time for that, and that it would be prudent, since this is at least a plausible scenario, that we do something about it now, because as you said, these measurements are very difficult to take. You need to do it over a long period of time and very accurately. It might take fifteen, twenty, twenty-five years. Should we do nothing until that point?

Singer’s response says it all: “Well, the question is what you mean by ‘doing’ something. I’m not a great believer in buying insurance if the risks are small and the premiums are high. Nobody in his right mind would do that. But this is the case here. We’re being asked to buy an insurance policy against a risk that is very small, if at all, and pay a very heavy premium. We’re being asked to reduce energy use, not just by a few percent but, according to the Kyoto Protocol, by about 35 percent within ten years. That means giving up one-third of all energy use, using one-third less electricity, throwing out one-third of all cars perhaps. It would be a huge dislocation of our economy, and it would hit people very hard, particularly people who can least afford it. (Emphasis mine)

Dr. Singer goes on: “For what? All the Kyoto Protocol would do is to slightly reduce the current rate of increase of carbon dioxide. And in fact, the UN Science Advisory Group has published their results. And they clearly show that the Kyoto Protocol would reduce, if it went into effect and were punctiliously observed by all of the countries that have to observe it–by the year 2050, –about 50 years from now–it would reduce the calculated temperature increase by .05 degrees Centigrade. That amount is not even measurable. So this is what you are being asked to buy.” [iv]

And this is what the people bought, the big lie — lock, stock, and barrel.

For over three decades the global warming/climate change fairy tale has been pounded into the public psyche. Yes, I know fairy tales have happy endings. We will only get that ending here if we get rid of the lie, bring back the U.S. perseverance, moral compass, and industry. And get back to a real-world reality. Play with virtual reality on your own time.

It won’t be nice because the alternative reality has been in play for too many decades. While the populace has had their eyes and ears on their phones, games, mainstream and social media, everything America and what its Constitution stood for have been dismantled. Now that the globalists’ goal is in sight, they have shifted into overdrive. Right now we are seeing the push to rid the world of any information that doesn’t fall in line with the Agenda21/Great Reset scenario.

How? In a myriad of ways.

As the internet was growing, the information we were able to download was staggering. You could find almost any document, story, speech, quote – you name it. All you had to do was put in a line of the story if you didn’t have the title and author. I mean anything. The Geographic Information System (GIS)[v] had begun mapping the southeastern states for the Wildlands Project. Then some of us started using them to show the inhabitants of those states what was going to happen to their land – what was going to be core reserves and corridors – little to no human use, buffer zones – highly regulated use, and normal use – which would be the cities we would be allowed to live in.

It took very little time; I’d guess less than a year before those maps were gone. Then in the early 2010s, a huge portion of documentation was removed from the internet. No longer could you find the plethora of articles on anything that wasn’t considered politically correct. Then, sometime around 2017, the whole internet seemed once again, to be open to us. I loved it but knew it couldn’t last. And it didn’t. I doubt if it was open for six months.

Now when you do a deep dive into the internet, you hit the bottom, sometimes with as little as 4 or 5 hits. Soon, it could even be tomorrow, we will not get anything that questions Climate Change, Agenda 21, ESG (environment, social, and government), CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), “You will own nothing and be happy”; you get the picture. Anything that does not toe the line with Climate Change, and the New World Order is now a lie.

You think I’m off my rocker? Let’s look at a few things:

  • Legislators in Ireland have passed a law making it a crime to possess “hateful content” on your computer or mobile phone. No, I’m not going to ask how they know what I have said or written. But if you are caught in Ireland even spreading what they call misinformation, you can go to jail. What is misinformation? By tomorrow, disputing Climate Change could be misinformation; actually, it is already happening.

In a way, the world-view of the Party imposes itself most successfully on people incapable of understanding it. They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. By lack of understanding they remained sane. They simply swallowed everything, and what they swallowed did them no harm, because it left no residue behind, just as a grain of corn will pass undigested through the body of a bird.”  1984, George Orwell

Buzzwords are one of the tactics in the toolbox of asymmetrical warfare was pointed out by Gavin de Becker & Associates in “Media Scare Tactics”  [1]. The article explains the fakery behind so many of the new buzz words we hear every day in the news (even alternative media have glommed onto them: “possible links between …”, “…a new survey found such and such ‘ill equipped’ suggesting it could lead to a ‘widespread disaster’, “… ‘found officials concerned’ which led to new headlines of ‘A national disaster ….’”

Fearmongering is one of the mightiest tools that can be use – and is used to attack us via every aspect of our lives from diseases, our food systems, our water, atomic bombs, natural disasters (being produced by climate change. You name it, say pinkeye; that must be becoming a widespread affliction brought about by climate change. Nothing else is powerful enough to do that. Look at The Nature Conservancy perspective on “The Latest IPCC Report: What it is and why does it matter?”[2] The two key points: No matter what we are doing to attenuate the negative forces of this non-crisis, “it’s still not enough. “Even if every country in the world delivers on its current climate pledges, that’s probably not enough to keep global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels—a threshold scientists believe is necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.         You’d better be scared.

Current adaptation efforts, too, are scattered and leave behind some of the most vulnerable communities. And if the planet gets much warmer, we may see irreversible changes to some ecosystems around the world, which would be catastrophic for the people and wildlife that depend on them.”[3]       Scared yet?

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) piles on: Every fraction of a degree of warming has grave consequences. The higher temperatures rise, the more likely it also is for climate impacts to interact, “creating compound and cascading risks that are more complex and difficult to manage, the IPCC says”. [4]

In his article” Dire Climate[5] Warning Issued in New IPCC Report”, Bob Berwyn tells us: “This IPCC report is absolutely harrowing. Brief summary of the new IPCC report: We know what to do, we know how to do it, it requires taking toys away from the rich, and world leaders aren’t doing it.” [6] (As if the world leaders are going to forego any of their riches, delicacies, or perks.)

And the IPCC itself told us in 2021 that we have no chance, we are too far gone to survive:

GENEVA, Aug 9 – Scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region and across the whole climate system, according to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released today. Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and some of the changes already set in motion – such as continued sea level rise – are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of years.[7]

So, no matter what we do, the damage couldn’t be reversed even over thousands of years. Then why are we bothering? Ah, silly me. It isn’t the damage that must be managed, changed, but the public’s perception of damage.

Yet, earlier this year’s IPCC report said, “There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.” Hmmmm. How did we do so much fixing, repairing of the climate in two years that we went from ‘it’ll take thousands of years, if ever, to fix things’, to ‘the window to a livable and sustainable future’ is still open a crack? I guess they figured out that if there’s nothing to be done, it’s time to eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. That certainly doesn’t spur the unawake and unwoke to get up and start fighting the global warming war of (nit)wits.

So, this year’s solution is, according to The UN secretary general, António Guterres: “This report is a clarion call to massively fast-track climate efforts by every country and every sector and on every timeframe. Our world needs climate action on all fronts: everything, everywhere, all at once.”   They want us not only scared, but also too busy fighting the non-existent danger to realize it is but a chimera.

            “In sober language, the IPCC set out the devastation that has already been inflicted on swathes of the world. Extreme weather caused by climate breakdown has led to increased deaths from intensifying heatwaves in all regions, millions of lives and homes destroyed in droughts and floods, millions of people facing hunger, and “increasingly irreversible losses” in vital ecosystems.”[8]    Be afraid, very afraid. Then you will be too paralyzed to realize you are being controlled.

We aren’t going to get there through a federal government; that is why our government has been rearranged under regionalism (via Executive Orders) and controlled through the Alphabet organizations under the executive branch – taking away the power of the people (not that those we elect today bother to represent our wants). And for many decades we have been programmed to accept, nay, offer up ourselves as slaves under this system of tyranny.

All along, the Global Elite have been feeding us scare stories – if you don’t get on board, you and, more importantly, your children and grandchildren will suffer – if they survive childhoods that are endangered by nuclear, bio, and/or an otherwise dystopian future.

“We got a big taste of this brand of psychological warfare during the pandemic scare, in which all of us were told that a virus with a tiny Infection Fatality Rate of 0.23% was enough to erase a majority of our human rights. Luckily, a large enough group of people stood up and fought back against the mandates and passports. That said, there is a much larger “greater good” agenda at play that the globalists plan to exploit, namely the so-called “climate crisis.” [9]

German government report names the pandemic as a precedent for environmental policy, says lockdowns show that behavioral restrictions are possible and can win majority support with the right messaging.” [10] That is it in a nutshell – how to control the people, learned from an illegal, unconstitutional, shutdown. And most of the people followed, even though there was no piper to lead them.

Are you scared yet? Don’t be. It is a myth wrapped in the deepest political correctness ever spewed out of their lying mouths.

The Global Elite are going to use this tool, scaremongering, to the max now that they have seen how effective it is and how many people had been dumbed-down enough in our educational system to make them easy targets. Scare the ‘you-know-what’ out of them and they will do anything; anything except stand up and fight back. The ideal communist citizens.

Thus, we are fed a farce, global warming, and the governments of the world use it to scare us so bad we are unable to think or act rationally.

We aren’t swallowing this myth. The Global Elite can go pedal it elsewhere. We Americans, and other sane peoples, are now digging in and taking our country back – one city, county at a time.

Let the lion roar.

© 2023 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koipolloi@protonmail.com


[1] https://gdba.com/media-fear-tactics/

[2] https://www.nature.org/en-us/what-we-do/our-insights/perspectives/ipcc-report-climate-change

[3] https://www.nature.org/en-us/what-we-do/our-insights/perspectives/ipcc-report-climate-change

[4] https://www.nrdc.org/stories/ipcc-climate-change-reports-why-they-matter-everyone-planet?

[5] https://www.ipcc.ch/2021/08/09/ar6-wg1-20210809-pr/

[6] https://undark.org/2022/04/11/dire-climate-warning-issued-in-new-ipcc-report-now-or-never

[7] https://www.ipcc.ch/2021/08/09/ar6-wg1-20210809-pr/

[8] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/20/ipcc-climate-crisis-report-delivers-final-warning-on-15c

[9] https://alt-market.us/the-club-of-rome-how-climate-hysteria-is-being-used-to-create-global-governance/


[i] https://americanpolicy.org/2009/03/23/the-myth-of-global-warming/

[ii] https://www.epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases-all?

[iii] https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2000/07/breaking-the-global-warming-gridlock

[iv] https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/warming/debate/singer.html

[v] A resource of National Geographic

Iran’s Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage

By: Amil Imani

July 28, 2023

Cultural heritage serves as a testament to humanity’s shared history and identity. Unfortunately, the intentional destruction of cultural heritage has plagued societies throughout history. One such regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has a long and troubling history of cultural vandalism and deliberate targeting of historical antiquities, some of which date back millennia. This article explores the significance of cultural heritage, examines Iran’s destructive actions, compares them to other groups like ISIS and the Taliban, and highlights the severe impacts on communities.

Iran’s Regime and Cultural Vandalism

The Iranian regime has left a trail of destruction across the country, mainly targeting historical sites. One recent example is the Jobji historical site in Ramez, north of Ahwaz, which dates back to the Elamite era (3500 BC – 500 BC). Despite its historical importance, the regime demolished the site, erasing a significant piece of human history. Furthermore, in Ahwaz, the government has systematically destroyed numerous Elamite, Islamic, and contemporary sites, including castles, palaces, ancient homes, places of worship, bridges, markets, and cemeteries. This widespread destruction has resulted in a significant loss of cultural heritage.

Comparisons with Other Destructive Groups

While Iran’s regime has engaged in cultural vandalism, it is essential to recognize that it is not an isolated case. The Islamic State (ISIS) has infamously conducted deliberate destruction and theft of cultural heritage in Iraq, Syria, and Libya. Places of worship and ancient historical artifacts have been targeted, leaving irreversible damage to these regions. Similarly, the Taliban’s destruction of cultural heritage sites in Afghanistan, such as the Bamiyan Buddhas in 2001, showcases their disregard for history and cultural significance.

Motivations for Cultural Heritage Destruction

Throughout history, various motivations have driven the intentional destruction of cultural heritage. Economic factors, often linked to profit, have played a role. However, political causes were most prominent in ancient times, serving to assert dominance and erase rival cultures. In contemporary contexts, ideological differences and conflicts have fueled the destruction. Furthermore, strengthening bonds between groups with common enemies, as seen in Iran’s past collaboration with the Taliban despite ideological differences, can perpetuate destructive actions.

Impacts of Cultural Heritage Destruction

The destruction of cultural heritage has far-reaching and severe impacts on communities, particularly minority communities for whom these sites hold special significance. When cultural heritage is lost, communities lose access to their history, traditions, and spiritual practices. It disrupts their rights and abilities to practice their culture, religion, or spirituality, leading to a loss of identity and connection to their roots. The destruction extinguishes sources of history and erases the tangible evidence of a people’s existence.

Iran’s Regime in Comparison to ISIS and the Taliban

Intentionally targeting historical antiquities is not unique to Iran’s regime; it is a tactic shared by ISIS and the Taliban. While their ideological differences may be apparent, they all share a willingness to destroy cultural heritage to further their respective goals. Iran’s regime has collaborated with the Taliban, driven by their common enemy, the Islamic State Khorasan (ISK). This relationship suggests a shared disregard for cultural heritage.

The intentional destruction of cultural heritage is a global issue that has persisted throughout history. Iran’s regime, like ISIS and the Taliban, has contributed to this destruction by deliberately targeting historical antiquities. The severe impacts of such actions on communities, particularly minority groups, cannot be overstated. Cultural heritage plays a vital role in preserving history and identity; its destruction results in the loss of tangible connections to the past. Efforts to preserve and protect cultural heritage are crucial to safeguarding our shared human legacy for future generations.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

July 27, 2023

Right out of the box I want to give credit to Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, for the inspiration of this commentary.  I suggest that you all take the time to watch this short video of Mike.  For those of you who may not be aware, Mike has launched the new steaming network Brighteon where I have the honor of hosting a live show on Mondays at 11:00 am EDT.  There is NO CENSORSHIP on this network.

We are warned in God’s Word that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers…” and to be honest, most Christians do not have any idea what that truly means.  For the most part, we are taught in our churches that there is a Devil, the Adversary, and that he actively opposes the Will of God.

There really is a conspiracy going on in this world, but it is not the conspiracy that the media and their acolytes would like you to believe.  Psalm 2 describes them as “the Kings of this world” and that they “conspire against the Lord and His anointed…”  Read it for yourself here.   There is a conspiracy all right, and it is more than just a theory.  Satan and his minions work full time to undermine the authority of Jesus in this natural world.

The Devil and his team have three weapons than they are masters at wielding, LIES, DECEPTION, and FEAR, Oh My! Those are the weapons that he uses to DECEIVE the world.  The world consists of people.  Satan does deceive the globe…the world…but the PEOPLE of the world.  It is an on-going war launched in the Garden of Eden.

The war is for dominion, control, of the world.  The battleground is the mind.  Men are the target, and human souls are the prize.  Until we understand that truism, we will never understand the battlefield.  Jesus is the TRUTH and Satan is the Father of Lies.   You cannot serve both.

That is why it is called “spiritual warfare” because it is not a war of natural means.  The slogan of Satanism is As Above, So Below, meaning whoever controls the Spiritual realm controls the world.  The NATURAL world.  The one that human beings occupy.

The initial battle is over the thoughts of men.  That is why Jesus warned us to “take captive EVERY THOUGHT…”  All bad thinking leads to bad results.  Lies bring bondage and Truth brings freedom.  All behavior begins as a thought…

That’s why you have a conscience.  God gave it to us as bumpers in the ditch, the means to which we bounce back on track before yielding to some crazy thought.  Our conscience is our mental immune system…it protects us from the deception of the Wicked One.  Satan loves to destroy our conscience.  He does it by lying to us…planting thoughts in our mind…designed to run us into the ditches of life.

If you cannot control your thoughts, you will never control your actions.  Thoughts are the fuel that propel behavior.  “The Devil made me do it”, Flip Wilson used to say.  But even that is a half-truth.  The Devil TOLD you to do it…planted the thought.  YOU are the one who did it.

Jesus, and His Word, are the off-ramp of the highway to hell.

I pray you follow what you just read.  Some will get it…some will not.   I did my best to explain.

The Bible talks about having the “mind of Christ” which simply means that you can recognize Truth from deception.  You think like Jesus and are not so easily trapped by the “wiles of the Devil.”  Lies, deception, and fear, Oh My.  (Sorta reminds you of The Wizard of Oz, doesn’t it.)

One of the techniques of Satan and his minions is the casting of spells.  It is a real thing.  Just do a quick internet search and you will find a plethora of information on the common practice of spell casting by those who are connected to the occult.  The occult is real.  The Devil is real.  Spells are real.

Could it be that millions of Americans are under a spell…tied up in a mental prison?  Has there ever been a time in America when confusion has so reigned?  How has a formerly Christian nation lost our ability to recognize Truth?  Bruce Jenner is a woman?  Huh?  Masks protect against Covid? Huh?  Marriage is old fashioned.  Huh?  Can’t you see the foolishness of what people claim to believe?

Could it be that they are SPELLBOUND?  Wrapped up in a web of lies and deception, designed by the Evil One to keep individuals from recognizing and FOLLOWING the Truth?  Can’t you see it in the daily chants of the media pumped into the minds of men 24/7?

Russia, Russia, Russia…Covid, Covid, Covid…Tranny, Tranny, Tranny…Racist, Racist, Racist, Gay, Gay, Gay…Global Warming, Global Warming, Global Warming, Insurrection, Insurrection, Insurrection, Hate, Hate, Hate.  Be honest now…do you find yourself repeating the same chants?

Watch this 2 minutes of organized chanting.  All designed to cast a mental spell over the minds of the masses.  They call it programming for a reason.

Our food is fake, news is fake, science is fake, medicine is fake, actors are fake, politicians are fake, money is fake, churches are fake.

What is the solution?  Simple.  Jesus told us that “we shall know the Truth and the TRUTH shall make us free.”  There is no freedom in lies.  Lies lead to bondage.  Americans are hooked on lies.  They are the opposite of WOKE.  They are asleep in the lies…spellbound by deception,  incapable of recognizing and obeying the TRUTH.

Wanna be free America?  Only a return to knowing, speaking, teaching, and obeying the Truth will set us free from the spell that has been cast over the minds of the people in this nation.  Lies may make you feel better…for a while…but we all know what the road to hell is paved with, don’t we?

Republicans will not save this nation.  Democrats will not save us either.  As long as we are content with telling and teaching lies, we will never escape out of “the snare of the Devil”

Here is the good news.  Millions are awakening every day.  They are “casting down imaginations.”   Imaginations are images in the mind…planted by the Dark Army…warring against THE TRUTH.

Lions and tigers and bears are simply synonyms for lies, deception, and fear.  Our job is to SPEAK THE TRUTH.  It is the only thing that will overcome the spell that has been cast over America.

Pay attention to the man behind the curtain!

© 2023 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Chicoms to Rewrite the Bible

by Lee Duigon

July 27, 2023

The Chinese Communist Party has a ten-year-plan to completely rewrite the Bible. We are unable to confirm or refute reports that “devout Catholics” Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have already signed up to receive their copies.

There are several hundred millions of Christians in China, and Comrade Xi Jin-Ping wants to make sure they behave themselves. It’s still very much a minority, compared to the rest of China’s billions—but the Chicoms worry about minorities and would much rather there were no Christians at all in China.

The next best thing, as communists and Democrats (excuse the tautology) see it, is a counterfeit Christianity subservient to the state—obedient, compliant, and captivated by a bogus theology cooked up by The Party.

The Chicoms say the Bible is only Job One, they’re going to rewrite the holy books of several world religions. Well, that’ll show how serious the Muslims are about that jihad thing. It’s so much easier to impose false faiths on Christians.

Hey! Remember that 2016 presidential campaign, in which Hillary Clinton (D-Mordor) said “religious beliefs must change” to accommodate abortion? And then the New York Times said “religious beliefs must change” to accommodate same-sex parodies of marriage. And it was only months ago that “devout Catholic” Biden said “transgendered people” are “the soul of America.”

Comrade Xi, you’re racing neck-and-neck with our country’s Democrats. Who will be the first to turn the real Bible, as the Holy Spirit gave it to us, into a mere misty memory? “In 55 genders created He them—and it took all week!” “Render unto The Party that which is The Party’s, and unto God… nothing.” “Chairman Mao’s word is a lamp unto my feet.” And so on: you get the idea. Can you imagine the horror of a Book of Beto?

Western liberal homunculi have for years been denouncing the Bible as “hate speech” and calling for its ouster from the public square. But lately they seem to be crafting another tune to sing: the Bible, as we have received it down through the centuries, is wrong. “But not to worry—we can fix it!” All those so-called “laws” about whom (or what) you can have sex with, and whom (or what) you can’t—really, how could you have believed that for a minute? And by the way, there is no God. Our Bible tells us so!

It’s a showdown. Who are you gonna believe, God or The Party? Hint: God can’t pack you off to a forced labor camp—but The Party can. And will, if your mind’s not right. The COVID-19 lockdowns were only tyranny taking its warmups.

Oh, they’ll have to repeal or rewrite the Constitution, too, when all is said and done. But what price, socialist utopia?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Click the link and visit, before we call get packed off to the gulag. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2023 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The Voluptuousness of Living

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 27, 2023

You face multiple challenges in your life. Thank goodness for that opportunity. Utopian worlds only exist in novels by the likes of Aldous Huxley in Brave New World. If you recall that brilliant story, a couple enjoyed unlimited physical and emotional perfection. They worked faultless jobs for their intellectual inclinations. Did they love it? As time wore on, no, they didn’t enjoy their lives. Instead, they escaped out of the “bubble city of perfection” by running off into the wilderness. They wanted to “feel” their lives and explore their limits.

They chose to search for their food, their shelter and their well-being by being connected to the natural world.

The same applies today in our mechanized world of concrete and glass. As long as you live in America, you can do something with your life.

To be alive—is the first miracle and mystery. Next, you may choose to ­adapt, grow and renew yourself during your entire stay on this planet.

True, you may travel far and you may travel deep. You may­ travel in both dimensions—your mind or your body. In any case, ­you sometimes find that you did not know what you were looking for in your quest. ­That is the true sack of gold that awaits you, the far-traveler.

You possess such power within you. Publish it to ­your friends in your enthusiasm toward life. Search for a deeper ­well in your existence and drink beyond the confusion. That deeper well, is, simply, your inner spirit, a well that commonly endures noise, computer din, meaningless work, TV, and ­the fog of your own necessity to survive in this high speed­ world.

But you can access that well of expression by your letters, ­not by lamplight, but by key board and computer screen. You may pursue­ a craft, painting, macramé, fly making or anything creative that ­you share with others.

Your ongoing message passionately expresses the “Voluptuousness of living.” That means NOT to be so comfortable ­that living becomes too easy. That means not going from an air- conditioned house to a climate-controlled car to an office ­complex where everyone wears the same suits and thinks the same ­way as they claw their way up the corporate ladder with­ accompanying stress levels and ulcers. Too much comfort and success kill your spirit. You need to know the differences—because in the opposites, come perspectives and­ appreciation. You may avoid being a spectator. You can live at a­ vibrating tingle. Like a soaring eagle. Like a leaping gazelle. ­Like a grizzly grabbing a fish from the river. Like a north ­wind blowing. The results of that decision will become more apparent to you each succeeding year.

A bicycle parked on the side of a road next to a lake Description automatically generated

(Notice the couple canoeing across Lake Tenaya in the High Sierra of Yosemite National Park.)

Life sweeps along swiftly enough without spending precious ­hours and days on useless routine and inactivity—especially watching television. Whatever turns ­you on, chase it with a vengeance. No life-crisis for men and women who­ chase their passions. You enjoy seventy odd years to fulfill your­ life and you want to fill them with the voluptuousness of living. That particularly! Be aware of pain, of joy, of­ potential within yourself—become excited for every leaf on a tree as it flutters in the wind or watching a hawk rip down from ­the sky to grab a mouse or the delight of discovering a lady bug­ on your shoulder in early spring or gazing upon a starlit sky.

It leads you to a kind of rage, too, which is the blood sister­ of love—because the people of this world make it a charming, ­insane, exciting and confusing place. You must maintain the­ ability to deal with everyone, with your mind and spirit—at full­ bore. To see is to know and to know is to fall in love with ­living, breathing, throbbing life.

It’s out there for you to pursue as a man or woman and as a human­ being. May God bless your journey.

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

IRS Whistleblower Hearings: Scabs on Full Display

By: Devvy

July 26, 2023

July 19, 2023 was quite a day.  Two IRS whistleblowers testified regarding the Biden crime family’s favorite son, Hunter, for the Oversight & Accountability Committee.  The cover-up by DOJ & FBI to protect career criminal, Joe Biden.  Under oath.  Under penalty of perjury.  Damning testimony the “legacy” media whores ignored that night on all the fake news channels.

These are some of the same Democrats who spewed a jabberwocky feast during the grotesque impeachment hearings against President Trump; they were pumped for the July 19th hearing.  This political theater was no different and just as disgusting.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is a particularly nasty piece of work.  He is a legend in his own mind and actually believes he’s smarter than everyone else.  Raskin never met a mirror he didn’t love.

Rep. Summer Lee (D-PA) was a Texas gully-washer about a two-tiered justice system and how we’re all racists.  Of course, her rant had nothing to do with Joe or Hunter Biden.  Video clip of that crybaby.

Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) as a “Gen Z” freshman drove his own garbage truck and was damn proud.  Anyone who voted for Frost was either brain dead or drowning in Victimhood.  We know Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez destroyed blonde jokes.  Frost topped her.  If two sparks between Frost’s ears touched, he’d electrocute himself.  Here’s a video clip of his emesis.  Potty-mouthed FL ‘Gen Z’ Dem name drops George Floyd during IRS whistleblower hearing, July 20, 2023

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) put his shoe in his mouth and choked.  Dumbo asked the wrong question and got roasted.  No deer in the headlights for old Dan.  He’s too stupid to realize he was eating crow pie on live TV.  Joe Biden hit hard in whistleblower hearing — by Democrat Dan Goldman

Rep. Cori Bush is a racist skank.  PERIOD.  Ugly inside, harpy outside.  A member of the crybaby “empowered women” of America ego-fests.  Me, me, me.  I am particularly disgusted by Bush as she’s a sterling example of someone of limited intelligence, zero class and has NO idea of her constitutional duties and restraints.

It’s unfortunate these hearings aren’t in ‘prime time’ slots on the boob tube.  Then their constituents can watch their U.S. House critter make fools of themselves.  The Founding Fathers and those who fought in the Revolutionary War must be looking down from above with tears in their eyes.

For too many Democrats it doesn’t matter.  You see, for them it’s all about protecting – not an illegitimate president with stage 1 Altzheimer’s – but the ideology the Democrat/Communist Party is swimming in:  Cultural Marxism.  That’s what Democrats in Congress and the majority of their voters are protecting – the unconstitutional destructive policies being shoved down our throats.

The big fat lie called climate change, promoting mutilation of children’s bodies, killing the unborn, glorifying sexual deviants, the degradation of women by promoting “drag queens”, open borders, endless “social justice” causes and programs.  That’s what they’re protecting and it doesn’t matter if it’s Joe Biden or Kamala ‘legs in the air’ Harris at the helm.

The two whistleblowers are taking enormous flack from “the left” but standing their ground.  Committee Chair, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) did a very good job as did the other Republicans who asked important questions of the whistleblowers.  What those two men had to say is more than damning, exposing the corrupted Federal Department of InJustice under court jester, Merritt Garland and dirty cop, Christopher Wray.

So, where is Jim Jordan?  How about China’s  *itch, Mitch McConnell?  Sort of like Simon & Garfunkel’s song, The Sound of Silence.  Except for Jim Jordan who seems to want to ignore a mountain of EVIDENCE:  Jim Jordan SELLS AMERICA OUT – What He’s Doing To Protect Biden Is SICK

More and more continues to come out and as horrifying as it is, Joe Biden must be impeached and removed from the WH.  I know, Ho Harris is just as big an embarrassment as Uncle Joe, but either the guilty are held accountable or we will continue to slide into a dictatorship or banana republic, take your pick.  America has weathered some big hurricanes and we can again.

Lest anyone think I’m a die hard Republican, think again.  I’ve been registered No Party since 1996 and in fact, was very vocal that George Bush, Sr., should be impeached over “Operation Just Cause” which was a slaughter of innocents.  We invaded Panama on Dec. 20, 1989, to overthrow drug lord, Manuel Noriega.  No declaration of war by Congress.  After holding up for 10 days inside the Vatican Embassy in Panama City, Noriega surrendered.

27,684 American troops, 300 aircraft; thousands of civilians were killed along with 23 of our own military.  We the People paid to rebuild destroyed neighborhoods and train loads of money to the families of the dead.  TRUTH:  Chained Together in Hell: Bush and Noriega

No doubt Noriega was human garbage.  Noriega was extradited, spent 20 years in a cage in Miami and then extradited back to Panama where he finally died.  The jury (a first in U.S. history to convict a foreign leader on criminal charges) found him guilty of racketeering, drug trafficking and money laundering.

The correct outcome. However, a sitting president has NO authority to simply invade another sovereign country and snatch their head of state (President or Prime Minister).  Think about it.  Yet, the herds cheered on Bush, Sr., because another dangerous drug lord was finally in captivity.  And since Biden stole the election and was installed in the WH, drugs killing Americans has been flowing across the border like a volcanic eruption.

So, no.  My loyalty is not to the Republican Party.  I’m an equal put the blame where it belongs regardless of party American.

Much more to come.  As I write this, Hunter’s long- time buddy and business partner, Devin Archer, has ducked appearing before the committee three times.  He was supposed to testify on July 26, 2023, but according to his attorney, that’s been pushed to next week.  Perhaps Archer is trying to make sure his life insurance and Will are all in order.

This is now all about Joe Biden.  The high crimes and misdemeanors happened while he was VP and the cover-up has continued since he was illegally sworn into office.  Watergate was a relatively ‘minor’ break-in for political gain.  Former president Richard Nixon resigned because Republicans – his own party – were going to impeach him.  Not so with the Democrat/Communist Party USA and Joe Biden.  I would also venture to say a number of RINO trash like Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Mitch McConnell and a few others would side with Democrats.

The campfire is becoming a bon fire and the next week or so will be quite telling.  Nixon fell on his sword proclaiming his purity to the end.  Joe Biden has no connection with reality and you can be sure, the puppet masters are busy plotting right now how to remove him that will cause the least hurt to their agenda.

Everyone of the morally and ethically bankrupt Democrats above, including fellow liars like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler are best described as scabs lining the butt-crack of hyenas.

For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

NewsWithViews on Truth Social. Follow us @NewsWithViews

NewsWithViews on Twitter. Follow us @NewsWithViews2


If you didn’t have the opportunity to watch the hearing, you can catch it on C-SPAN.  It is well worth the time to watch the Q & A segments with the two whistleblowers.

C-SPAN Hearing

McCarthy: Biden case will ‘rise to impeachment’ as 16 Romanian payments allegedly went to ‘shell companies’, July 25, 2023

HUGE! Devon Archer to Testify Hunter Biden Put Then-VP Dad Joe on the Phone with Overseas Business Partners at Least 2 Dozen Times, July 24, 2023

BREAKING UPDATE: Zelensky Associate Was Present at Biden Bribery Meetings – Then Went to Work for President Zelensky Who Now Is Holding Blackmail Information Against Joe Biden (VIDEO), July 24, 2023

The award winning Panama Deception Documentary in full.

I would say if this is going to happen, timing-wise, the upcoming summer vacation for Congress would be ideal:  You Read It Here First: Joe Biden Will Step Down from Office After Sudden Medical Emergency Before Weak and Feckless Republicans Muster Up the Nerve to Impeach Him, July 23, 2023

Another putrid scab:  WATCH: Deranged Democrat Throws a Childish Tantrum During Whistleblower Hearing (Video)

Report: Major Democrat Donor Bought Hunter’s Art, Named to Prestigious Commission by Joe Biden, July 25, 2023

FBI Told David Weiss It Partially Corroborated Biden Bribery Allegations, July 24, 2023

Yep.  The Outlaw Congress will soon leave for their yearly vacation (July 29 – Sept. 12); each paid $14,500 a month in salary.  Majority “leaders” are paid $193,400 annually or $16,116 per month.

Kash Patel Is Right – Congress Must Impeach Wray and Garland This Week – Or Recess Kicks In Until September, July 24, 2023

Wretched Way Out Weirdness and A Woke Color Agenda

By Sidney Secular

July 26, 2023

Color revolutions, a relatively new phenomenon, can be defined as mainly non-violent mass protests and civil unrest aimed at removing leaders and ruling political parties from power in those nations not yet subservient to the whims and wishes of the hegemonic ruling Western elite. This is usually accomplished by resignations of leaders under pressure or, in the alternative, corrupted elections. The CIA and other allied undercover subversive intelligence agencies usually lead these efforts with the lapdog media in tow. Media propaganda and dissident  factions lead the charge by charging up the crowds on the desired “side.”

The term “color” associated with a particular disturbance derives from the colors of the flags and banners waved by the agitators whose presence en masse makes for colorful and memorable media coverage. The concept itself falls under the heading of Fourth Generation Warfare in which the citizens are weaponized rather than utilizing the military. One such successful revolution was the “Euromaidan Revolution” in Ukraine in 2014 which caused the overthrow of the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych. This singular event was the primary trigger for the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Past color revolutions pale in comparison to the importance of the destructive and all-encompassing color revolution now taking place in the Western nations in the form of the “Pride” movement that began as a broad and leaderless crusade focused on LGBT issues. However, it has evolved into a movement consolidating all the “WOKE” issues under its “rainbow” banner for the purpose of political destabilization and the cultural makeover of the West. This “makeover” encompasses all the currently in vogue WOKE issues represented by Antifa, BLM, the critical and critical race theories, DEI, the cancel culture, book banning, destruction of cultural icons, unrestricted immigration, climate change, and all the current thrusts against the established order, i.e. civilization itself.

The banner of this “revolution” is a multicolored, multicultural rainbow “flag” recently displayed front and center at the White House, together with a spectrum of rainbow colors flashed on “the People’s House” at Christmas.  This “rainbow display” has evolved into a political emblem, rallying symbol, and a totem of religious and cult worship. As has been done in past military battles, the rainbow flag is displayed by the flag carriers at the head of the forces leading the assault on Western civilization with the infantile infantry, useful idiots and the usual dolts in tow. Pride activists are rebels without any remaining cause as there are no rights under the law in the West that gay and trans people don’t already have –  except the rights to destroy any who disagree with them and they are rapidly gaining those as well!

So what is the whining and rage all about? What do they want now that they have equal – or more than equal rights? They want forced control and domination by their abomination and the equivalent of celebrity status in order to lord it over the straights. All the power centers of our society have by now been conquered by this mindless mindset and they have the wherewithal to inject incredible amounts of funding into woke projects. All the excess funds of the top 1% to 2% now can be used for the moguls to virtue signal their funding of favored foundations and their favored tools of tyranny.

A large percentage of the LGBT devout have no children and will never have them. So, the only way to continue their cult is to hijack the minds and bodies of other people’s children. If you can turn society’s children into soldiers for the cause, it is very difficult for the leadership of that society to resist. The unnatural inclination of today’s wimpy adults is to bend to the whims of their children, not to lead but to plead for their indulgence. The problem is that today’s kids are not only increasingly ignorant and inexperienced, but also misinformed, propagandized and bullied. When you add to this situation the fact that they are also pushy and spoiled and frequently “spoiling” for a fight against parents and other knowledgeable adults, the results are both obvious and tragic. Our children are easily manipulated by the groomers and the result of all of the above is the fact that they are being used for fashionable but foul purposes. The public schools have governance of them for half the day and can –  and do! – indoctrinate them over and over in a series of supposedly “academic” courses. An unappreciated or under-appreciated undertow and the true endgame of the LGBT gender-bender agenda is to make the West infertile. If identity and biology are subjective and a matter of perception, then a moral compass is a social construct, and right and wrong becomes nothing more subjective guidelines differing according to the agenda involved. This facilitates the adoption of double standards where the law is twisted to favor Leftists and their subject minority groups. The Pride color revolution is a psy-op that can only lead to deconstruction of the West if it is not stopped in its tracks – and it is already very far along in its movement on those tracks!

The long germinating and degenerative impulses begun during the Enlightenment have culminated in a series of left wing revolutionary activities in Europe begun in the 1840s that were put down at that time but burst upon the scene again with a blast in the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time an entire empire – the Russian Empire – came under the power of a Jewish globalist mindset that then festered in the West guided by the subversive activities of the Frankfurt School centered at Columbia University in New York City. This “infection” then spread to liberal oriented schools around the country and has since transmogrified into the educational establishment of today. One aspect of this insurrectionist activity was the movement towards heterogeneous societies and the realization of that concept with the acceptance and advancement of the ethos of multiculturalism. Conservatives, always following one step behind the libber trend, countered with the concept of “civic nationalism” which glossed over significant differences between the various races and religions with their different forms of acceptable behavior and standards. Naturally incompatible, competing and antagonistic entities were urged and expected to tolerate and get along with one another and the pious platitudes about constitutional government, freedom, and liberty were expected to be the solvent that kept everything running smoothly and solved disagreements. We were expected to grin and bear it, if, as time went on, only barely.

However, man is a not a solitary animal; we are more wolf than tiger. We live in tribes and clans and other societies, and by nature we prefer our own group, all things being equal. From mate to family, to clan, to tribe, to ethnic group (an extension of tribe) and building out to ethnic-based nation (not the artificial political state), the individual naturally identifies with a group with similar behaviors, physical features, proclivities, interests, goals, ideologies and, perhaps most important, histories! This is why the globalists wage a constant war on history itself as it tends to justify and validate our need to be “different.” But modern and confused Western religious groups having lost the understanding of the universality of the salvation of mankind by the sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, today presents an erroneous understanding of the “brotherhood of man” and, in so doing, introduces split loyalties, crossed interests, and confusion. Of course, this results in mixed up people who see such acts as miscegenation as a means of removing all identifying differences among people. Thus, we men lose our individual and distinctive natures, becoming an amorphous mass amenable to the centralized power of New World Order authoritarianism. On the other hand, true Christianity advocates the inclusion of all men into Her Church without ignoring or negating our fundamental differences, but merely making them subservient to the service of a God Who claims love for all mankind. As God, He who has no “tribe” or “group,” and is therefore able to declare love for all of mankind without fear or favor; that is, He makes no demand that we all become “alike,” or “the same.” Thus the demand of globalists for an end to our natural differences becomes immediately suspect. It more than strongly suggests that these “globalists” do not seek our benefit but merely our obedience to their and not God’s will! And as God’s will is always for our good, this new “object of worship” (or rather, the old “object of worship!) is contrary to humanity’s benefit.

With leadership and reverential support from “reverends” of all currently suspect “religious denominations,” in the name of secularly worshipped “civil rights,” today legislation has all but abrogated the rights of individuals and communities, allowing federal judges and “boorocrats” to dictate: [1] how many low income (the government code for minority occupied) domiciles must be built or created in a community and [2] how many children of color must be brought into an established community or, in the alternative, how many “majority” children must be bussed away to create an artificial blend of incompatible elements. This legal population rearranging abrogates the individual’s ability to choose where and with whom he wants to live because government-created quotas invariably trump both individual liberty and quality of life. Added to this loss of freedom, people must now be extra careful in their choice of words, and especially the pronouns one uses for the permanently offended and those who willingly and knowingly reject reality itself, lest we be accused of “hate speech” an actual crime in many people’s minds and even in many of our present laws.

Meanwhile, media messaging induces psychological trauma through gaslighting and cognitive dissonance with white guilt gaming and blaming being the current weapons of choice. Communities disintegrate in the name of integration while liberal blacks now reject that same integration and demand a return to segregation, the only difference being that whites thus separated now must become the inferior party. Yet the fact is that ethnocentric and coherent systems of belief support the stability of a society and when these are removed there is what we have today –  chaos. Purely putative political postulations without consideration of cultural context produce opposing posturing, discordance and dissent, and thus disable communication in the public square. Commonly accepted belief systems and cultural myths provide emotional strength and comfort, fortifying the people to face sorrow, accept pain and to enjoy an essential social cohesion. Unique self-expressions within unique cultures allow the culture to grow in its particularly unique manner. Group altruism, a natural feature of socio-biological systems and useful for the survival of any homogeneous group is now forcefully focused on other cultures and peoples rejecting the biological brother. The future development of the quality of life of the peoples of the Western countries –  together with their flora and fauna as well – are threatened qualitatively and quantitatively by the rampant use of non-Western immigration – illegal and legal – a situation promoted by pseudo-Christian universalist dogma and the globalist establishment with the power of its media mouthpieces. These bar any criticism or attempts to undo this war on nationalism with the claims of “racisim” and xenophobia. Vague feelings of collective racial guilt from the critical race theory programming and the “Holocaustianity” religion pervade the cultural atmosphere. As a result, there arises a sort of apathetic masochism in which people will not defend or promote either their own people or their own interests, a matter that “greases the skids” for demographic replacement.

Once the culture mulchers get their foot in the door or inside the tent, it quickly all tends to go to hell as the invasion builds from innocuous and supposedly innocent beginnings to mind boggling, D-Day style levels. Let us look at “once-Great” Britain: few could have foreseen what would follow in the wake of the trickle of the relatively well-educated West Indians and Asians from the former British colonies into Britain itself that began in 1945. White Brits are already in the minority in the 1,976 year old city of London. Now the globalists have the audacity to say the British Isles have always been multiracial and they are getting away with it. It’s reaching the point at which many Brits regard their culture as worthless as they follow the insane fallacies of deconstructionism, moral relativism, pluralism, equality and Afrocentrism and all the modern “isms” that have been utilized to create and sustain actual schisms. The Brits now have voting ballots in 5 languages vice the 2 and sometimes 3 (and counting) we now have to put up with in the USA. Famously –  now infamous – British political leader Enoch Powell warned of the incoming flood in 1968 but he was ridiculed and vilified and his name was made anathema. The churches in England may be emptying, but not before their ersatz “reverends” have made people vulnerable to the paralytic sickness of pseudo-guilt. William Bennett, prominent conservative spokesman of the Reagan era was a typical civic nationalist who proclaimed that all we want are safe streets, good schools, strong families and a non-intrusive government. This ersatz leader put the cart before the horse. The only way to guarantee such outcomes is to have homogeneous neighborhoods with a common culture that existed “back in the day” as they say. The only way the native folk and their ways can be preserved is to avoid the dilution arising from foreign pollution.

In the US, it is ridiculous to believe a universalist creed and the Constitution is all you need to retain what guarantees the survival of our country! Conservatives need to get some horse sense instead of horsing around with attacks on other less perfect conservatives. The concept of E. Pluribus Unum was never intended to apply to anyone not part of Western Civilization (Europe) and once this concept was deliberately abandoned in 1965, the floodgates were opened and everything started going downhill. The “melting pot” – a false flag concept created by Israel Zangwell in his play of that name introduced in 1908 – could never absorb all those new diverse and perverse ingredients created by open borders and targeted immigration. The true and best way to create the desired culture lies between the exaggerated rugged individualism of classic capitalism and the situation in which the charitable – Christian – impulse fights against the utopian conceptions of the socialist and communist promise of a utopia while delivering hell itself. Civic virtue and volunteerism used to be so common that we didn’t have to rely on welfare schemes like social security. The welfare and viability of the community as a social entity has degraded and was eventually destroyed when cultural as well as national foreigners were allowed to partake of our generosity without contributing to our national needs or sharing our cultural values or even being forced to use our language. Today we have everything in more languages than developed during the era of the Tower of Babel.

Over the last 50 years or so, “legistraitors”  and socially active jurists have “progressively” restricted long-guaranteed freedoms in the name of “social justice.” This unconstitutional, illegal and immoral tyranny has stunted the ability of Americans to openly hold –  never mind demonstrate and celebrate! – our common affections and traditions, and, worse, to openly express our opinions either in speech or writing. People who are “outsiders” whether socially, culturally or economically – that is, non-Americans living among us – destroy our homogeneous communities because those same communities have, by government decree, provided subsidized housing and zoning modified to allow for more crowding in already urbanized neighborhoods and thus does the polyglot rot spread to new areas. Social interactions and civic participation designed to diminish these circumstances are often put forth as illegal on the basis of “civil rights.” Employers and admissions officers for public institutions are increasingly hamstrung by ethnic and gender quotas and goals, culminating in the current “diversity, equity, and inclusion” madness that results in accepting candidates of lesser and even poor quality in order to meet the “diversity guidelines”– also known as dictates. Educators must balance or choose between ethnic histories and studies, politically correct versions of history, and the true Western tradition originally found in America’s schools, to the point at which actual history as an academic track or subject is disappearing to avoid hurting feelings or stepping on toes – or more accurately, to fulfill the New World Order agenda. Western history is incoherent to most foreigners anyway and when you add the fact that the true history of Western civilization removes all the excuses non-Westerners use to explain their own failings, well, real history has got to go! What is taught winds up undermining Western values, criticizing Western accomplishments, and attacking the established order, producing an ongoing malaise, anomie, lack of spirit and direction, and eventually nihilism.

Social services are increasingly attuned to the needs of those hostile to America including immigrants, refugees, and non-English speakers who continually, over time, constitute an ever-larger segment of our society. Language differences and  difficulties are “accentuated” by trying to communicate with those that reject the nation’s language, insisting upon the language of their native country. This greatly hinders the resolution of problems with the delivery of products and services. The huge economic cost requiring an army of translators for an ever increasing number of languages and dialects is not commonly addressed for fear of  those doing so being labeled xenophobic. English is treated as a “choice” rather than a necessity and in many cities especially, it has become a secondary tongue, and actually is taught as a second language! Worse, this situation frequently occurs in areas where the use of English should be mandatory as, for example, in the practice of official government business. There are communities in the United States so overtaken by foreign language speakers that English is not to be found at all and native Americans can find themselves as cut off from their own culture as they would were they in Istanbul or Peking. This completely unnecessary situation results in conflict, confusion and the acceptance of inferior service along with feelings of injustice both warranted (by Americans) or unwarranted (by foreign speakers). Of course, such unwarranted “feelings” are the result of trumped up trifles forced upon native Americans by our elite rulers and their global and egalitarian dogmas.

True believers having a total lack of  any actual “true belief,” control our media, our institutions, and the founts of money for the fronts labeled “foundations,” all of which dominate our discourse from the last four decades of the 20th Century up to the present time. During this period anti-poverty programs have only produced more poverty because efforts to manipulate people’s finances never work but especially in these cases, based as they are on equalitarian dogma. The equalitarians reveled in the reality of the so-called “generation gap” prominent in the late 1950s and 1960s. Prominent anthropologist and apologist for the generation –  and every other kind of – gap, Margaret Mead told a group of young intellectuals at a meeting of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science that “there is nothing that your parents’ generation can teach you that is of any use to you” — so much for the value of tradition and the wisdom acquired during the maturation process. It must be remembered that the Chinese, hardly a scatter-brained race, always respected the old because they were old and therefore experienced in the vagaries of life!

Then there was the unisex movement which devolved into today’s gender-bender horrific and nightmarish subculture. A corollary of all of this is that a family consisting of male and female parents, with any extended family, is superfluous because the roles males and females fulfill in the family structure – the bedrock of civilization! –  are not only interchangeable  but represent an obsolete and repressive system. Heredity has been dismissed as have the differences between gender physiology, physiognomy, thought and behavior with the role of the environment elevated to having the most important impact in human development. We have been told that “nurture” rather than “nature” makes all the difference and that you could take a cave man and with proper care produce a Shakespeare. Thus, the genetic differences between races became superficial, inconsequential, and in fact, “social constructs.” As a result, the “human race” finds itself in a race to the bottom of the biological ladder.

An earlier result of the rethinking of reality with regards to humanity was that Earl Warren and his copycat comrades on the Supreme Court were able to insert revolutionary concepts into the Constitution without altering its revered text while we, as the People, just didn’t really understand what the now “living” Constitution meant, or at least meant now! The Constitution that had held sway over our institutions for 175 years was no more, thus allowing the Justices to revise every possible concept including liberty and freedom. So, in accord with the new dispensation, the Roman Catholic Bishop of the United States at the Ecumenical Council in Rome in 1963 pressed for and obtained adoption of a document stating that the proven qualitative differences between the races are to be ignored as contrary to the Church’s fundamental beliefs — and the leaders of the other Christian denominations adopted similar resolutions. After all, it all sounded so “Christian!”

Thus, the Church as well rejected reality in order to go with the flow while science itself was captured by the Left, enraptured with the new libber lunacy, rejecting fact and reality in order to embrace new agendas. Unsurprisingly, in 1969, the National Academy of Sciences declined to study the hereditary aspects of human quality stating that the conduct of such research would tend to heighten current social tensions to a very destructive degree. The fact that a necessary look at reality was “trumped” by the fact that that look might produce hurt feelings and more serious consequences apparently no longer mattered. As a result of this lack of intellectual backbone, everyone became in sync with the new sick conformity. The findings of E. O. Wilson in his book, “Sociobiology” published in 1975 were widely lambasted. Sociobiology is defined as the scientific study of the biological aspects of social behavior in animals. It brings up the overweening importance of heredity and the uncomfortable realities of race. A radical leftie dumped a pitcher of water on Wilson’s head at a scientific conference that year while shouting, “You’re all wet” but Wilson went on to have a storied career in telling the story of how biology governs behavior. For you cannot undo reality with ridicule or produce fact via fads.

But the left can’t tolerate any debate or disagreement on their politicized science –  or anything else, for that matter! They get both passionate and very disagreeable when any subject is broached by those who refuse to embrace their agenda. The mounting suppression of research together with the repression and victimization of researchers was examined by the late Roger Pearson in his book, “Race, Intelligence, and Bias in Academe”. The Orwellian state of the repression of unpopular ideas has only intensified over the last several decades until the point at which it has swerved into the field of law with actual crimes centered on undesired intellectual responses. It has reached a fevered pitch in many subjects, but none more brutal than what has been occasioned by the vaxxes associated with the COVID-19 catastrophe. The concept of the “global village”, is a harmless sounding metaphor for one huge agglomeration of controlled humans on a massive global plantation, something that is diametric to the very concept of a village. In such a “village”, there are no differences be they of color, race, or ethnicity and few, if any, hereditary differences in intelligence. Life is bland and as meaningless as the robotic, disposable people that inhabit it.  Everyone has a number like a tool or an inmate, and everything is reduced to mere numbers directing endless agendas, each more stultifying and soulless than the last. All the  differences, improvements and refinements crafted by nature and man’s intellect and talent over time as created by Nature’s God have been lost through mass miscegenation and chemical and spiritual assaults on mankind’s body and soul. Any remaining distinctions between individuals and groups will be blotted out, condemned as residues of social injustice while free inquiry and free expressions of views will cease. We are not quite at that point now, but at present they still have to pass through the meat grinder of government pre-approval.

The US was a leader in the adaptation of natural improvement using eugenics policies in the first half of the 20th Century when individual distinctions were appreciated. Our domesticated animal and plant varieties were established through a process of selection for quality and a lack of genetic issues. Sometimes, this desire for “improvement” led to a misuse of the understanding of better genes when we stopped thinking of ourselves and our fellow men as children of God and began to worship the World whose demands were at once both far less and far more than the demands of God our Father. We used eugenics to make our fellow man into just another animal and this has led to an omnipresent cognitive dissonance, creating a type of tunnel vision that demands not so much what is “better” but that which is “equal” even though equality itself in living things cannot be achieved. We have broken the cycle of improvement whether of our lives or our environment though we cover our sins against nature in the garb of Gaia-worship. But, in fact, because we couldn’t appreciate what was good and right in our fellow humans, preferring instead to create idols of chaos, we as a species are in the process of going down the tubes.

We also became accustomed to the concept of “the power of positive thinking” beginning with the writings of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, and subsequently through the apostles and proponents of positive pop psychology such as Dr. Wayne Dyer as presented through TV programs and pulp paperbacks. But conversely, what about the power of negative thinking to produce physical and mental disease and disorder? Feeling hostile and depressed also shortens and reduces the quality of life. Popular movies and videos that consistently promote mindless violence, sexual perversion, and corrupted values have a pronounced negative effect on people’s outlooks, actions, and social interactions. There are over 700 studies on TV violence alone that show that the vile visuals presented there have a direct and major causal connection to our actual behavior. Could this be a factor in explaining much of the aberrant and increasingly violent behavior of the denizens not only of our urban ghettos but even many of our middle class youths? Bad black behavior is easily triggered by perceived slights and they have obtained the means by which to readily act on their impulses as they totally lack any interior moral “brakes.”

Of course, the media are experts in this tactic and repeated images of violence as seen from the Rodney King case made people angrier every time they viewed them, even years after the event. The media are experts in stoking racial animus by constantly harping on the manufactured meme of “hate crimes,” a matter that actually ignores the rampant nature of such crimes when the victim-perpetrator doesn’t meet the desired narrative! In order to correct that condition, there is a constant steam of fictionalized stories and scenarios together with concocted mini-dramas promoting contrived stories of oppression and discrimination suffered by the envy-ridden and insufferable minorities. And what about the repeated presentations of “The Holocaust” featured in literally thousands of books, movies and TV programs with the underlying negative theme of “never forgive and never forget” especially when the “victims” are purported to be the Jews. Kids are force fed this propaganda when they are forced by a Jewish run educational system to visit Holocaust museums. This unending propaganda produces pronounced negative feelings against the supposed “criminals” in all exposed to it. It fires up phony charges and campaigns against alleged “anti-Semites”, especially used to shelter Israel and Zionists from their bad behaviors (see Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein). We need to liberate ourselves from the self-flagellation occasioned by the continuous guilt-inducing propaganda foisted upon us. However, this is unlikely to happen as the entire purpose for this propaganda is to intensify racial, ethnic and religious conflict and foster general discontent.

Generally speaking, much of the unhappiness, dysfunction, retarded development and discontent is the result of forcibly mixing groups in carefully created toxic situations. There is nothing wrong with small amounts of such “mixing” when the conditions allow but what is happening here is neither benign nor accidental. It is an intentional strategy to bring about the breakdown of the social order. One of the findings of socio-biological studies is that when more than one group of relatively equal sizes occupies a limited physical space, they do not simply “co-exist” but rather they compete for domination. This is as natural in the human world as in the natural world and it is the critical problem that if not alleviated will put America in the grave.

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© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

A Lesson From Tbilisi As How To Stop The Criminal Sodomite Agenda

By Bradlee Dean

July 26, 2023

“Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.” -Proverbs 7:2

We all know that American law is predicated upon Common Law, God’s Torah.  We also all know in this country that sodomy is against God’s law.  Furthermore, He calls it an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13).  The whole agenda is premised upon man-boy sex, and this is something that no one can deny (Luke 17:2).

Watch the beginning of the video below.

What Americans tolerate, foreign countries are not tolerating.  Apparently, too many people in this country have forgotten from where they have come (Jeremiah 6:16).

In Tbilisi Georgia (Georgia is a country in the Caucasus region, on the coast of the Black Sea. Sometimes considered a transcontinental country, it is located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia, and is today generally regarded as part of Europe), the Orthodox Church rose up in opposition by protesting these sodomites.

Interesting, is it not, that while they put a stop to the crimes there in that country, the American pulpits (Over 300,000) remain silent in standing up for their own children in their own.  This is a lack of Christianity.

How the American people have let this country go is ungrateful, reproachful, shameful, and despicable, to say the least.

The video below says enough for all the world to understand what the purpose of the Church is on this earth (Ephesians 5:11).  “Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye” (Hosea 4:6; Proverbs 7:2).

Enough said.

Click on this link and see the protests.

© 2023 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Vaccines, SV40 and the Cancer Epidemic

By Kelleigh Nelson

July 25, 2023

Spike is the most pathogenic protein in history. Damages: 1) heart 2) brain 3) causes blood clots 4) VITT MISC, and now is found to have the potential to cause cancer years after the shots by S2 inhibiting p53/BRCA and introducing cDNA/SV-40 to the human body. Couldn’t be worse!  —Dr. Peter McCullough

If all the insects were to disappear from the earth, within 50 years all life on earth would end.  If all human beings disappeared from the earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.  —Jonas Salk, Developer of one of the first polio vaccines.

The (Covid) shots promote cancer through SV40 and they inhibit our ability to fight cancer by suppressing the tumor suppressor system. —Dr. Peter McCullough

There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.  —President James Madison

If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking. —George S. Patton

Before exposing additional horrors of the Sars-CoV-2 injections, I need to clarify a section of my last article.  Mainstream and some alt-right media claim Tim Ballard is promoting chipping of children.  I asked a friend of mine who has met with Tim if he is for chipping children, and Tim said, “Absolutely not. We try to think of everything we can to protect them, but we don’t want the government involved.” Lies, lies and more lies to discredit Tim Ballard’s work, Sound of Freedom and the truth of human trafficking and the global slave trade.

Actor Jim Caviezel responded to the legion of leftist attacks on the movie, “They’re scared. Quaking in their boots. And it’s because the public are listening to their hearts, which is what this film tells you to do. When there is evil, real evil in the world, and when love is in your heart, boy, evil is just a coward to God.”

Demons hate the light of truth.

Simian Virus 40

SV40 is a monkey virus which stands for “Simian Vacuolating Virus 40” and was found to have contaminated some of the cells that the virus was grown in, specifically kidney cells derived from Asian rhesus monkeys.

The polio vaccine administered from 1955–1963 was contaminated with this virus essentially exposing 100 million people.  Most, but not all, of the contamination was in the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV).  SV40 is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen.  SV40 causes cancer in two ways. First, SV40 promotes cancer cells. Second, it suppresses the body’s natural defenses to cancer.

Microbiologist Kevin McKernan, a former researcher and team leader for the MIT Human Genome project, has discovered massive DNA contamination in the mRNA COVID shots, including simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters.  Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi explains in this video.

On his Substack page, researcher McKernan explains exactly how other scientists and labs can rapidly and inexpensively reproduce his investigation, and assess the contamination of covid shots for themselves. He’s urging other researchers to check his work.

Peter McCullough M.D. tells us, “Besides variation in the amount of messenger RNA in it (COVID shots), there’s contamination with cDNA. These are little fragments of DNA that come off the manufacturing process. And one of them is SV40. SV40 is a known cancer-promoting segment of DNA. And yes, they’re in the shots. SV40 turns on cancer genes in the body.  To make matters worse, the Spike Protein, the S2 segment, in a paper from University of Pittsburgh by Singh and colleagues, it impairs the tumor suppressor systems P53 and BRCA.” Link

Dr. McCullough is not the only doctor sounding the alarm on soaring cancer rates. Idaho pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has observed, along with his colleagues, cancers taking off and coming back “like wildfire” even in younger people.

Dissident physicians and scientists have told us that the C-19 injections inhibit the immune system which would leave us ripe for other diseases or infections, but now they’ve learned that the cancer-causing polio vaccine contaminate, SV40, is also in the Sars-CoV-2 “vaccines” adding an extra negative bonus.

Government officials and Pharma executives continue to deny any link between the admittedly-contaminated polio vaccines and the SV40 gene later popping up in people who never even got those jabs, and there have been several studies going back and forth.  Yet, it is a proven fact that SV40 causes soft tissue cancers.

Polio Vaccine Contamination

Most Americans do not remember what a horror the polio epidemic was upon America.  In the early 1950s, over 33,000 Americans were crippled or slowly died terrible deaths from polio each year.  It was a virus spread casually that infected the lining of the intestines, then the blood stream, and finally the nervous system where it destroyed the victim’s brain stem.  The search for a polio vaccine became a national scientific effort supported by very powerful political forces.  As a virus, it did not respond to antibiotics as bacteria do, so a vaccine was needed to stop the crippling and killing.

American scientist Jonas Salk came forward with a new idea to eliminate all three strains of polio.  He would grow the live virus in a lab and then kill the virus and inject the dead virus into children.  Being dead, they could not produce, but would create antibodies against the virus.  Thus, the immune system would be armed against polio.

Safety Testing

Bernice Eddy was a bacteriologist at the National Institute of Health (NIH) and was told to safety-test the new vaccine.  What she found was that the virus in the vaccine was not dead but still alive and able to breed.  When she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed.  She sent pictures and warned the NIH.

Several prominent physicians stepped into the fray to state the vaccine was safe.  One of these doctors was Dr. Alton Ochsner who was Dr. Mary Sherman’s boss.  To demonstrate his faith in the vaccine, Dr. Ochsner inoculated his own grandchildren with it.  The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days children fell sick from polio, some crippled, others dying.  Ochsner’s grandson died of polio and his granddaughter was crippled with it.  The director of the NIH resigned; the Secretary of Health resigned. It was a huge failure by public health.

A second, safer vaccine was later developed and deployed by Albert Sabin and it used a weakened live virus.  Everyone thought this would be safe.  Bernice Eddy was removed from the polio studies, despite the fact that she was the one who warned them prior to the fiasco.  She was transferred to the influenza section where she met Sarah Stewart who proved that some cancers were caused by viruses as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.

In 1957, Stewart and Eddy discovered the polyoma virus, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small mammals.  Polyoma proved that some cancers were caused by viruses.  This started the study of cancer virology.  This same polyoma virus acted very much like and is, Simian Virus # 40, a monkey virus that caused cancer.

The polio vaccine’s manufacturers had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys.  When they removed the polio virus from the monkeys’ kidneys, they received a number of the monkeys’ unknown viruses.  Eddy was afraid they’d inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses.

She was right, and in October of 1960 gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society saying they had found the polio vaccine was infected with cancer causing viruses, SV40.  From 1954 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to 98 million Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine.

Instead of sounding the alarm, the NIH took away her lab and destroyed Eddy’s career. Studies were repeatedly dismissed by federal health officials, so no warning was given to consumers.  Other researchers found the same thing, albeit SV-40 did not cause cancer in the host (the monkeys), but what about a primate who had not been exposed to it previously?  When clean African monkeys were infected with SV-40, all of them developed cancer.  The political insiders already knew this, but had not announced it.

The public was not told. Sound familiar?

In 1961 one of Eddy’s co-workers published a paper that stated the polio vaccine was contaminated with live SV-40.  A couple of very back page articles appeared in the New York Times with a mention of a possibility of cancer in the vaccine.  None of the Salk or Sabin vaccines that were contaminated with SV-40 were recalled.  They sat on shelves and were used until they were gone.


But back to Dr. Mary Sherman who worked for Dr. Ochsner.  Mary Sherman died on 21st July 1964.  She had been stabbed in the heart, arm, leg and stomach.  Her mattress had been set on fire, but her massive burns could not have come from the smoking mattress.  The crime has never been solved.

She had been involved with a group of physicians to create a protocol to induce metastatic cancer into humans. It was in New Orleans where “The Project” was being developed.  Prisoners were their subjects, and died shortly after being injected.

When Judyth Baker, a young college student, objected to Dr. Ochsner’s injection of a disease-causing material into an unwitting subject, she was fired.  She and her husband left for Florida, and this probably saved her life.

However, the real story of what killed Mary Sherman can be found here.  She died in her lab, working on secret projects when something with the machinery went terribly wrong.  She may have been working on the weaponized virus, perhaps to make it so strong that the radiation overdose would not be necessary for successful carcinoma implantation.  Or perhaps she was working on the still hush-hush project to create a vaccine for wild-strain SV-40 infection, the dangers of which were being downplayed to the public by the NIH.

Nevertheless, she was so damaged that someone put a knife in her chest to kill her and her body was moved, perhaps for national security.

Edward Haslam published Dr. Mary’s Monkey, in 2007 and argues that Dr. Alton Ochsner organized “one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up.”

Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited the brilliant researcher and physician, Mary Sherman, to run the research operation.  The project was set up 23 March 1962, and Dr. Sherman was allegedly involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccines contaminated with SV40.

The SV40 Cancer Epidemic

Dr. Eddy’s forecasted epidemic has come true.  In a 1994 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the front page of USA Today stated, “Baby boomers are much more likely to get cancer than their grandparents were at the same age.”  They even stated that men born between 1948 and 1957 have three times as much cancer as those born in the late 1800s.

These affected Americans are the baby boomers who were inoculated with the polio vaccine.  The polio epidemic caused 33,000 cases a year at its height.  Compare that to the number of cancer cases in 1994, 182,000 new cases of breast cancer, 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 500,000 new cases of lung cancer.  The increase in any one of these diseases in the years since 1985, when baby boomers who were inoculated turned about age 40, was greater than the entire polio epidemic at its peak.  Increase in soft tissue cancers is at 50%, this includes skin at 70%, lymphoma at 60%, prostate at 60%, and breast at 34%.  And these figures are before the C-19 injections.

There is abundant evidence of a variety of simian viruses found in the human blood supply.   The DNA from SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors.  Former virologist, John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.”  This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children.  SV-40 has been discovered in tumors of children never inoculated with the vaccine, leading most scientists to believe it is genetically passed.

Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors.  That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminate vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer.  Few human cases were reported before the 1950s, but its incidence has been increasing steadily, reaching several thousand cases a year in the United States by 1988.  Studies had linked mesothelioma to asbestos exposure – with tumors usually appearing many decades later.  Yet 20% of victims had no asbestos exposure.  One of the researchers decided to test 48 human mesotheliomas stored at the NIH.  He was stunned to find that 28 of them contained SV-40.

The final and most horrific part of the story reports that Lederle Laboratories, bought by Pfizer in 2009, the sole oral vaccine supplier in the U.S. from 1977 onward, continued to use monkey kidneys possibly infected by the SV-40 virus in its manufacturing process until oral polio vaccine was removed from the market as late as January 2000.

So, the damage from the vaccine for polio has had a widespread effect on all of the population, and my mind immediately thinks of the elite and powerful who believe in population control.  Why didn’t they stop the inoculations?  Why wasn’t the public warned?  Why didn’t they find a better way to grow the vaccine without the contamination from rhesus monkeys?  Why wasn’t a vaccine against SV-40 found as soon as possible?  As the inoculated baby boomer population ages, and their immune systems become compromised, SV-40 is most likely to step in.


Today we are facing another horrific tragedy via the Sars-CoV-2 injections.  The adverse effects are gruesome, horrific cancers thanks to SV40, sudden death, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, infertility, Guillain Barre, massive blood clots etc. etc. ad nauseam, and a huge recurrence of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome from what is referred to as VAIDS, “Vaccine induced AIDS” caused from the Sars-CoV-2 injections.

The totalitarians, who consider us the unwashed masses, the useless eaters, and their slaves, care not how many are lost as we’re thought of as their guinea pigs.


Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam

The Virus and the Vaccine by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher

© 2023 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Critical Theory: Sowing Hatred and Division in the Name of Unity

By Dr. Marlene McMillan

July 25, 2023

Critical Theory has been normalized in our culture. Even people who say they are not promoting it are unwittingly training the next generation to embrace its methods through the teaching of Critical Thinking. Critical Thinking is presented as simply teaching a child to think for themselves, analyze data, and make them more intelligent. In reality, Critical Thinking is Critical Theory in method. The methods of Critical Theory have led to the breakdown of Western Civilization and the deconstruction of thousands of Christian young people away from the faith of their fathers.

Well-meaning Christians, conservatives, and patriots still see Critical Thinking as positive. They will continue to be duped until they understand the Dialectic Process is a system used by master dialecticians. These trained facilitators are really trained Marxists, masterful in the language and method of deception.  Truth is not on their agenda. Turning the next generation into activists for the revolution is their goal.

Critical Legal Theory, Critical Race Theory and all the other Critical Theories are cut from the same cloth. It is systemically flawed, not the Constitution, the nuclear family, or Western Civilization that it so relentlessly criticizes. An idea that does nothing but break down and destroy has been allowed to claim the moral high-ground over a worldview that has resulted in the most Liberty to the most people in the history of the world. Who should be apologizing to whom?

How have so many intelligent, capable parents and teachers been caught in the Critical Thinking net? How can they not believe the messages spoken loudly and printed plainly? I have found, as an expert in how the Dialectic Process is used against us, that most people do not know the meaning of the words and how their meanings are distorted in the process of double-speak.

How can Christian teachers read a book like Models For Critical Thinking by Albert Rutherford that explains the connection to Bloom’s taxonomy (that all degreed teachers, Christian and not, must study for certification) and not know they are being asked to participate in a system designed to destroy respect for Biblical authority? We have been conditioned subtly, gradually, and masterfully to embrace ideas so well-crafted that even the elect could be deceived.

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves — they have equal wages, fair housing, free healthcare, etc., but they are slaves, with travel outside their borders restricted. The ideology of Marxism got them there, and licensed religious leaders help to keep them there.

Liberty is the result of a principled language and method. Slavery is the result of a dialectically-designed language and method. You cannot speak the language of destruction and get anything but destruction. Destruction is systemic to Critical Theory. Some pastors are trying to adopt the language of Critical Race Theory and merge it with the Gospel. God hates mixture. The forbidden tree was the tree of mixture — the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yes, there was good there, but the evil came along with it and could not be separated. The Tree of Life is like Proverbs 10:22: The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it.

The Politically Correct Police determine your alignment with them by how much of their language you speak. The “It is written” of the Word is not politically correct. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty” (II Corinthians 3:17). Why are we spending our time entertaining godless philosophies instead of taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ? If thoughts have to be taken captive and made obedient to Christ, that must mean we can have rebellious thoughts, and it is rebellious thoughts that need taken captive, not people.

Definitions are like mini-contracts that you enter into without even thinking about it. They are like mini-powers of attorney that empower others over you. Why does it matter to the politically correct police that you use their words? Because their words have specific meanings, and even if you don’t agree with their definitions, by using their words, you are agreeing to their frame of reference. You are agreeing to their worldview by method. Your ignorance of how the Dialectic Process works does not change your agreement any more than your ignorance of the meaning of a clause in a contract releases you from any obligations verified by your signature. Your use of Critical Race Theory words and their frame is like a signature of overt consent that they are setting the rules and you are in agreement.

Destruction is systemic in Critical Theory. Whatever wrongs/injustices Black Lives Matter or any other trained Marxists and community agitators claim to correct cannot be solved with hatred, deceit, and destruction. Critical Theory is a tactic of the Dialectic Process and is explained in a one-of-a-kind manual Mountains of Deceit: How the Dialectic Process has infected the Culture available from WhyLIbertyMatters.com.

Luke 4 says Jesus came to set the captives free, heal the broken-hearted, and set at Liberty those who are bound. Anyone who hates Jesus cannot set the captives free. If their ideas, no matter how lofty sounding, result in bondage, their ideas are not Biblical, no matter how many Scriptures they quote, how beautiful their vestments, or large their audiences. If, in the name of Jesus, a different gospel is preached — a gospel that results in bondage and not Liberty — it is not the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Liberty is indivisible. You do not get equality by promoting special privilege. Equal protection under the law is reflective of our equality at the foot of the cross. Marxist agitators know that they have to sow the seeds of discontent, hatred, and division in order to promote their brand of totalitarianism. In Acts 2, redistribution was temporary and voluntary. Money laid at the feet of the apostles was by choice, not by coercion of civil government. Socialism is based on an un-Biblical idea of redistribution that, when convenient, distorts Acts 2 and uses it as a proof text for civil government confiscation of private property. Socialism may be Communism with a smiley face, but all forms of totalitarianism are really Slavery.

The answer to all this conflict is in the Kingdom. The current national unrest is evidence the Gospel, in recent generations, has not been and is not being preached from the pulpits of our land. It is time for repentance and confession for distorting the Word of God.

Liberty is indivisible. Principles that yield Liberty are the same everywhere in the world. They are not different for different races or countries. The principles of Liberty do not change just because we wish it were so.

The apostles, who lived in a world where slavery was normal, were accused of turning the world upside down. In reality, they were turning the world right side up. Ideas that lead to bondage and tyranny are not new. Critical Theory is just academic language for the original lie, “you can be as gods.” It is a method of calling evil good and good evil.

The apostles were told to stop speaking in politically incorrect, unapproved, and disruptive ways. They answered that they feared God rather than man and faced the human consequences. Where are the people today who allow God to govern their thoughts and are willing to call evil evil and good good? Where are the preachers who still believe God’s Word defines good and evil?

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Philippians 4:8

“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” Heb. 12:15

The Gospel properly preached results in Liberty. The gospel distorted results in bondage and tyranny. You don’t get Liberty by breaching the immutable laws of Liberty. Either we will live in Liberty together or we will suffer in Slavery together.

© 2023 Dr. Marlene McMillan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. Marlene McMillan: contact@WhyLibertyMatters.com

Website: https://WhyLibertyMatters.com

Racism, By Any Other Name, is Just as Perverse

By Paul Engel

July 25, 2023

  • Racism has taken many forms over the years. Slaver, Jim Crow, Black Codes, eugenics, and yes affirmative action.
  • In the case Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. V. President And Fellows Of Harvard College, SCOTUS was asked whether race conscious admission was a violation of the Constitution.
  • How can America become a colorblind society if we continue these racist policies like affirmative action.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines racism as:

racism noun a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

Racism – Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

This idea has taken many forms in American history, slavery: Jim Crow laws, Black Codes, eugenics and, yes, affirmative action. Regardless of the euphemism you use, all of these policies are based in the idea that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities.

Two recent cases filed by Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) were combined and heard by the Supreme Court this term. The outcome of these cases give us a glimmer of hope that the actual systemic racism that still exists in this nation can finally be seen for the perversion it is.

Affirmative Action

Racism, both systemic and societal, has been a problem in this country for centuries. In many ways it was societal racism, the general belief in the inferiority of certain races, that led to many of the racist laws or systemic racism. To me, this leads to a Catch-22. How do you get rid of one without getting rid of the other? While we have gotten rid of many of the racist laws in our country, racist ideas are still around, and they have led to other racist laws. One of those ideas is that a racially diverse student body or workforce is automatically better. Another is the idea that minorities cannot compete in higher education, and many other institutions, without government’s help. Put these two ideas together and you get affirmative action.

The term itself refers to both mandatory and voluntary programs intended to affirm the civil rights of designated classes of individuals by taking positive action to protect them from, in the words of Justice William J. Brennan Jr., “the lingering effects of pervasive discrimination”.

Affirmative Action – The Free Legal Dictionary

Like so many other things, affirmative action sounds good, but look below the surface and you see that it’s nothing but racism by another name. Which brings us to the case Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. V. President And Fellows Of Harvard College.

Although the case heard and decided by the Supreme Court is against Harvard College, the court also looks at the University of North Carolina’s admissions policy. There has been a lot said both for and against the court’s opinion, but little of what I have read and heard had anything to do with the Constitution itself. Let’s start out with the question at hand as stated in the syllabus of the opinion.

Harvard College and the University of North Carolina (UNC) are two of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the United States. Every year, tens of thousands of students apply to each school; many fewer are admitted. Both Harvard and UNC employ a highly selective admissions process to make their decisions. Admission to each school can depend on a students grades, recommendation letters, or extracurricular involvement. It can also depend on their race. The question presented is whether the admissions systems used by Harvard College and UNC are lawful under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

This is where the first potential problem in this opinion emerges. There is a fundamental difference between Harvard College (part of Harvard University) and the University of North Carolina. UNC is a public school while Harvard College is a private institution. Why is this important? The court points out that the question at hand deals with possible violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which reads:

nor shall any State … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

U.S. Constitution, Amendment XIV

Since Harvard College is a private institution not created by the state, the State of Massachusetts is not responsible for their admissions policies, and therefore the college cannot violate the Fourteenth Amendment. Does that mean that Harvard College’s admission policy is not racist? I think a quick look at the description of the process will answer that question.

At Harvard, each application for admission is initially screened by a first reader,” who assigns a numerical score in each of six categories: academic, extracurricular, athletic, school support, personal, and overall. For the overall” category—a composite of the five other ratings— a first reader can and does consider the applicants race. Harvards admissions subcommittees then review all applications from a particular geographic area. These regional subcommittees make recommendations to the full admissions committee, and they take an applicants race into account. When the 40-member full admissions committee begins its deliberations, it discusses the relative breakdown of applicants by race. The goal of the process, according to Harvards director of admissions, is ensuring there is no dramatic drop-off” in minority admissions from the prior class. An applicant receiving a majority of the full committees votes is tentatively accepted for admission. At the end of this process, the racial composition of the tentative applicant pool is disclosed to the committee. The last stage of Harvards admissions process, called the lop,” winnows the list of tentatively admitted students to arrive at the final class. Applicants that Harvard considers cutting at this stage are placed on the lop list,” which contains only four pieces of information: legacy status, recruited athlete status, financial aid eligibility, and race. In the Harvard admissions process, race is a determinative tip for” a significant percentage of all admitted African American and Hispanic applicants.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

It certainly appears that while the decisions in the admissions process is not based solely on race, it is a consideration at many points along the way. While not exactly the same, the admissions process at UNC is very similar, including the use of an applicant’s race.

One interesting point I found was that Students for Fair Admissions‘ (SFFA) original complaint against Harvard College was that its admissions policy violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, not the Fourteenth Amendment. I am not familiar with the details of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, so I cannot comment on it, although Justice Gorsuch does.

Title VI prohibits a recipient of federal funds from intentionally treating any individual worse even in part because of his race, color, or national origin and without regard to any other reason or motive the recipient might assert. Without question, Congress in 1964 could have taken the law in var- ious directions. But to safeguard the civil rights of all Americans, Congress chose a simple and profound rule. One holding that a recipient of federal funds may never dis- criminate based on race, color, or national origin—period.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

By alleging violations of the Civil Rights Act rather than the Fourteenth Amendment, SFFA would have dealt with the private college issue I previously mentioned. The court could have found that Harvard College was ineligible to take federal funds because their admissions policy violated the Act. Regardless, the court decided that the actions of a private institution was, somehow, a state denying equal protection of the law.

Held: Harvards and UNCs admissions programs violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Not surprisingly, the court was split on this decision in many ways. Chief Justice Roberts wrote the opinion, joined by Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. Gorsuch also wrote a concurring opinion, which Thomas also joined, while Kavanaugh’s concurring opinion was all his own. Justice Sotomayor wrote the dissenting opinion, joined by Justices Kagan and Jackson. Justice Jackson also wrote a dissenting opinion to which Justices Sotomayor and Kagan joined. This seemed interesting to me since Justice Jackson did not take part in the consideration or decision of the case.

The Opinion

As is usually the case in such situations, Justice Roberts not only went into great detail regarding the question of whether or not SFFA had standing to bring the case, but into the history of the court’s jurisprudence regarding the Fourteenth Amendment as well. In his review of court precedent, Chief Justice Roberts noted:

Then, in Grutter v. Bollinger, the Court for the first time endorse[d] Justice Powells view that student body diversity is a compelling state interest that can justify the use of race in university admissions.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

However, the Grutter court did not expect this to be a permanent situation.

Grutter thus concluded with the following caution: It has been 25 years since Justice Powell first approved the use of race to further an interest in student body diversity in the context of public higher education. . . . We expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Chief Justice Roberts pointed out that the previous courts expectations were flawed.

Twenty years later, no end is in sight. Harvards view about when [race-based admissions will end] doesnt have a date on it.” … Neither does UNCs. … Yet both insist that the use of race in their admissions programs must continue.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Chief Justice Roberts went on to say…

Because [r]acial discrimination [is] invidious in all contexts,” …, we have required that universities operate their race-based admissions programs in a manner that is sufficiently measurable to permit judicial [review]” under the rubric of strict scrutiny, .. Classifying and assigning” students based on their race requires more than . . . an amorphous end to justify it.” …

Respondents have fallen short of satisfying that burden.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Once again, we see the unconstitutional and destructive use of “strict scrutiny” used to subvert the Constitution of the United States and infringe on the rights of the people. Chief Justice Roberts points out that the Supreme Court has, and would continue, to allow racist admissions programs in public schools and universities as long as they could convince the court that there was a government interest sufficient to overrule the supreme law of the land. These cases may not have risen to that level, but the logic of precedent means some other case could. Justice Thomas pointed this out twenty years ago in the Grutter case.

I wrote separately in Grutter, explaining that the use of race in higher education admissions decisions—regardless of whether intended to help or to hurt—violates the Fourteenth Amendment. … In the decades since, I have repeatedly stated that Grutter was wrongly decided and should be overruled. .. Today, and despite a lengthy interregnum, the Constitution prevails.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

That is not to say that, even in Justice Thomas’ mind, the Constitution fully prevails:

Because the Court today applies genuine strict scrutiny to the race-conscious admissions policies employed at Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC) and finds that they fail that searching review, I join the majority opinion in full.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Apparently, even Justice Thomas is willing to violate the Fourteenth Amendment as long as the government has a reason good enough to satisfy him and the rest of the judicial oligarchy.

Justice Thomas also noted that, contrary to the assertions of affirmative action proponents, these programs are actually harmful to those they claim to help.

Even taking the desire to help on its face, what initially seems like aid may in reality be a burden, including for the very people it seeks to assist. Take, for example, the college admissions policies here. Affirmative action” policies do nothing to increase the overall number of blacks and Hispanics able to access a college education. Rather, those racial policies simply redistribute individuals among institutions of higher learning, placing some into more competitive institutions than they otherwise would have attended. See T. Sowell, Affirmative Action Around the World 145–146 (2004). In doing so, those policies sort at least some blacks and Hispanics into environments where they are less likely to succeed academically relative to their peers. … The resulting mismatch places many blacks and Hispanics who likely would have excelled at less elite schools . . . in a position where underperformance is all but inevitable because they are less academically prepared than the white and Asian students with whom they must compete.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College


As I mentioned before, Justice Sotomayor dissented from the majority’s opinion, and was joined by Justices Kagan and Jackson.

The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment enshrines a guarantee of racial equality. The Court long ago concluded that this guarantee can be enforced through race-conscious means in a society that is not, and has never been, colorblind. In Brown v. Board of Education,… the Court recognized the constitutional necessity of racially integrated schools in light of the harm inflicted by segregation and the importance of education to our democratic society.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Once again we see justices of the court putting their predecessors’ opinions above the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. While the history of the Fourteenth Amendment does not include the word race, it does guarantee equality before the law, which is exactly what public affirmative action policies deny.

For 45 years, the Court extended Browns transformative legacy to the context of higher education, allowing colleges and universities to consider race in a limited way and for the limited purpose of promoting the important benefits of racial diversity. This limited use of race has helped equalize educational opportunities for all students of every race and background and has improved racial diversity on college campuses. Although progress has been slow and imperfect, race-conscious college admissions policies have advanced the Constitutions guarantee of equality and have promoted Browns vision of a Nation with more inclusive schools.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

How can the Constitution’s guarantee of equality be achieved if people are treated unequally based on the color of their skin? As Chief Justice Roberts pointed out, that core premise is wrong.

The dissenting opinions resist these conclusions. They would instead uphold respondentsadmissions programs based on their view that the Fourteenth Amendment permits state actors to remedy the effects of societal discrimination through explicitly race-based measures. Although both opinions are thorough and thoughtful in many respects, this Court has long rejected their core thesis.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Most troubling of all, is that the dissent must make these omissions to defend: a judiciary that picks winners and losers based on the color of their skin. While the dissent would certainly not permit university programs that discriminated against black and Latino applicants, it is perfectly willing to let the programs here continue. In its view, this Court is supposed to tell state actors when they have picked the right races to benefit. Separate but equal is inherently unequal,” said Brown. 347 U. S., at 495 (emphasis added). It depends, says the dissent.

That is a remarkable view of the judicial role—remarkably wrong. Lost in the false pretense of judicial humility that the dissent espouses is a claim to power so radical, so destructive, that it required a Second Founding to undo.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

One last thing from Justice Sotomayor’s dissent may explain her point of view.

A limited use of race in college admissions is consistent with the Fourteenth Amendment and this Courts broader equal protection jurisprudence. The text and history of the Fourteenth Amendment make clear that the Equal Protection Clause permits race-conscious measures. See supra, at 2–9. Consistent with that view, the Court has ex- plicitly held that race-based action” is sometimes within constitutional constraints.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College


Chief Justice Roberts noted the inherent racism in such affirmative action policies.

Yet by accepting race-based admissions programs in which some students may obtain preferences on the basis of race alone, respondentsprograms tolerate the very thing that Grutter foreswore: stereotyping. The point of respondentsadmissions programs is that there is an inherent benefit in race qua race—in race for races sake. Respondents admit as much. Harvards admissions process rests on the pernicious stereotype that a black student can usually bring something that a white person cannot offer.” … UNC is much the same. It argues that race in itself says [something] about who you are.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Chief Justice Roberts wasn’t the only one to recognize the inherent racism in affirmative actions. Justice Thomas noted it in his concurrence.

Both experience and logic have vindicated the Constitutions colorblind rule and confirmed that the universitiesnew narrative cannot stand. Despite the Courts hope in Grutter that universities would voluntarily end their raceconscious programs and further the goal of racial equality, the opposite appears increasingly true. Harvard and UNC now forthrightly state that they racially discriminate when it comes to admitting students, arguing that such discrimi- nation is consistent with this Courts precedents. And they, along with todays dissenters, defend that discrimination as good. More broadly, it is becoming increasingly clear that discrimination on the basis of race—often packaged as affirmative action” or equity” programs—are based on the benighted notion that it is possible to tell when discrimination helps, rather than hurts, racial minorities.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Justice Thomas also noted the long-lasting negative impact of these policies.

Far from advancing the cause of improved race relations in our Nation, affirmative action highlights our racial differences with pernicious effect. In fact, recent history reveals a disturbing pattern: Affirmative action policies appear to have prolonged the asserted need for racial discrimination. Parties and amici in these cases report that, in the nearly 50 years since Bakke, … racial progress on campuses adopting affirmative action admissions policies has stagnated, including making no meaningful progress toward a colorblind goal since Grutter. … Rather, the legacy of Grutter appears to be ever increasing and strident demands for yet more racially oriented solutions.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

I think Justice Thomas summed it up well.

The great failure of this country was slavery and its progeny. And, the tragic failure of this Court was its misinterpretation of the Reconstruction Amendments, as Justice Harlan predicted in Plessy. We should not repeat this mistake merely because we think, as our predecessors thought, that the present arrangements are superior to the Constitution.

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

Then again, Chief Justice Roberts provided a pretty good summary as well.

Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it. And the Equal Protection Clause, we have accordingly held, applies without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality”—it is universal in [its] application.” … For [t]he guarantee of equal protection cannot mean one thing when applied to one individual and something else when applied to a person of another color.” … “If both are not accorded the same protection, then it is not equal.”

Students For Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President And Fellows Of Harvard College

© 2023 Paul Engel – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Paul Engel: paul@constitutionstudy.com

Can Banks Dump the Fed?

By: Devvy

July 24, 2023

If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.” —President Andrew Jackson

There’s a lot of anxiety right now as the globalist grand poohbahs are rolling out their tools to force a cashless society on us.  First on the list activated last week:

Federal Reserve officially launches new FedNow instant-payments service, July 20, 2023 – “As FedNow goes online, Fed officials are studying the implementation of a central bank digital currency, with some saying they think FedNow could mitigate the need for a CBDC.”

“What Is FedNow?  FedNow is the first U.S. government-created and -backed portal allowing banks to send and receive funds almost instantly.” And, “Part of the confusion stems from separate discussions on whether the Fed should create what’s called a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The Fed has clarified that it has made no decision on issuing a CBDC, and that it would “only proceed with the issuance of a CBDC with an authorizing law.

“Issuing a CBDC is “something we would certainly need congressional approval for,” Fed Chair Jerome Powell told the House Financial Services Committee in March.”  There is no such approval for CBDC retail as I explained in my July 1, 2023, column Central Bank Digital Currency Fight Heats Up

That link has a full explanation of what FedNow is and isn’t.

Central Banks Successfully Test Over 30 CBDC Use Cases, Including Offline Payments, June 16, 2023 – “A joint experiment by central banks has tested ways to connect monetary authorities and the private sector to facilitate retail digital currency payments, according to a new report released on Friday.

“The experiment saw the London Innovation hub of the Bank for International Settlements – which groups the world’s central banks – and the Bank of England develop 33 application programming interface (API) functionalities to test more than 30 central bank digital currency (CBDC) use cases, including offline payments.  API software allows two or more computer programs to communicate and share data with each other.”

Yep.  They’re going to share data alright:  Every Move You Make…I’ll Be Watching You, April 10, 2023 (Mine)

(Of course, pedo Joe didn’t order anything, his handlers call the shots) Biden Orders Federal Reserve to ‘Explore’ Digital Cash, March 28, 2023 – “Lawrence Kadish, who is on the board of governors of the organization, wrote that Biden’s “little-noticed” plan for “digital cash” appeared recently in an executive order.  “In fact, “this order includes language that allows the Federal Reserve System to ‘explore’ the possibility of introducing digital currency into the United States,” he wrote.

“This means that your cash becomes so much colored paper.”  Under this new digital currency, any transfer of funds to family, friends, charities, or clients would be able to be tracked by the nation’s central bank that issued this virtual money.

“Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day.” Is a digital currency in America’s future?  “You will not be able to buy a stick of gum without a Federal Reserve computer knowing where, when, and to whom you just put down a buck,” Kadish warns.” End.

Some central banks have dropped out of the digital currency race:  “There are at least four countries that have either scrapped or halted CBDC plans so far, and each central bank has its own reasoning for not launching one.” JPMorgan Chase, State Street push back against CBDC, Aug. 29, 2022

States need to say no: North Carolina joins FL, SD against digital dollar as states becomes key CBDC battleground, May 4, 2023

This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth.  When the President signs this Act the invisible government by the Money Power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation[1], will be legalized.  The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation.  From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” —Charles A. Lindberg, Sr., at the time of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.

What about banks who don’t want to be part of all this?

A large number of central Banks, with BIS (Bank of International Settlements)[2] being the central banks headmaster are going all in because it’s all about the money honey.  It’s also about complete control of every transaction you make.  Several countries are already freezing people’s accounts based on their political affiliations or exposing truths like the COVID Plandemic.

But, what about smaller banks and credit unions?  Banks whose owners/Board/CEO’s who know the truth and do not want to be part of the destruction?  Remember, these schemes are tied to the “Federal” Reserve.  Is Hometown Bank in the mid-west (imaginary name) or my federal credit union here locally required under the Federal Reserve Banking Act of 1913 to be part of their system?

The reserve banks’ design (Senate RPC, chairwoman, Sen. Joni Ernst) (Emphasis mine.)

“Under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, an organization committee set the boundaries for 12 Fed districts and chose where to put the reserve banks. The law required each reserve bank to have at least $4 million in capitalization and to be funded by the commercial banks that were Fed members in the district. National banks must become Fed member banks; state-chartered banks may become members but are not required to. In general, a member bank must buy capital stock in its district’s Federal Reserve bank that equals 6% of its capital and surplus. It pays half the amount, and the other half is on call.”

In the glowing BS at the link above, it gushes what a wonderful job the Fed did during the manufactured COVID hysteria managing the country’s money!  Sure they did.

Our economy is huge and it takes a while for the disintegration to reach a point where the pile of ashes can no longer be ignored.  Think 2008.

Half of America’s banks are potentially insolvent – this is how a credit crunch begins, May 2, 2023  //  Fed, Central Banks Created The Current Crisis And Are On Course To Making Matters Worse, March 22, 2023 //  Central Banks Must Now Hyperinflate As Minsky Moment In “Ponzi Finance” Looms, March 28, 2023

What’s a national bank? “In the U.S., a national bank is a commercial bank chartered by the U.S. Treasury.”

What’s a state-chartered bank?  “Non-member banks refer to banks that are not members of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, typically state-chartered banks.

“State-chartered banks may ultimately decide to refrain from membership under the Fed because regulation can be less onerous based on state laws and under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which oversees non-member banks. Other examples of non-member banks include the Bank of the West and GMC Bank.”

What is a chartered bank?  “Chartered banks provide core financial intermediary services necessary in today’s economy. Individuals can easily deposit their funds into various types of accounts within a chartered bank, earning interest on their temporary savings. Chartered banks maintain a float of currency so they can process customers’ daily transactions, but they lend out the majority of their deposits to individuals and commercial borrowers to stimulate economic growth.”

One such chartered bank is Old Glory Bank in Oklahoma and FDIC insured:  “Old Glory Bank is blessed to have great co-founders and thought leaders such as John Rich, Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson, and Governor Fallin. Additionally, behind the scenes, we have a large senior management team of humble patriots who are working nonstop to deliver great products, brand values, and services to our Old Glory Nation.™”

How secure is my money? – “Old Glory Bank is a chartered, FDIC-insured bank. So, as secure as it can get. Customers are insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per depositor.

Is Old Glory Bank a real bank? – “Yes.  Old Glory Bank (formerly known as First State Bank) is a 120-year-old, FDIC-insured Bank, from Elmore City, Oklahoma.

What does Old Glory Bank stand for?

“Old Glory Bank is named for the American Flag. As a bank, we will openly support our country, flag, military, police, and the people we call the engine of America—the hard-working patriots who make this country run every day. If you believe in freedom, liberty, security, faith, and family, we will be your bank. We won’t cancel law-abiding customers for their beliefs. We will protect your security and privacy. We support your business and livelihood—regardless of your industry. Whether you’re in the oil business, a firearms retailer, or a meat producer, Old Glory Bank will be the bank for you. We stand with you. No matter where you stand.”

Credit unions: Supervision and regulation

“The Federal Reserve does not supervise or regulate credit unions. Federally chartered credit unions are regulated by the National Credit Union Administration, while state-chartered credit unions are regulated at the state level.

“The Fed is one of several banking regulatory agencies at the federal level. State-chartered banks are supervised and regulated at both the state and federal levels. At the state level, state-chartered banks are regulated by their state banking regulator. At the federal level, state-chartered banks are regulated by either the FDIC or, if they choose to be members of the Federal Reserve System, by the Federal Reserve.”

Changing banks is always a hassle – especially if your mortgage and vehicle payment is auto deduct like mine.  But, I would never have any account at JP Morgan Chase, B of A, Wells Fargo or any of those big names who think nothing of canceling out someone’s account for purely political bias.  Not to mention globalists at the highest levels who really don’t give a damn about you.  I’ve been a credit union person since the 1980’s.  One either takes a stand or gets trampled – even when it’s a hassle.

Americans who are well informed about what’s really going on with the economy know big trouble is brewing.  The Federal Reserve Is the Root Cause of the Banking Crisis

Banking Solvency Problems Are Everywhere And The Backstop Guarantee Is Worthless – “The reality is that central banks have already lost control over monetary policy and interest rates. Interest rates are now being driven by contracting bank credit, not by monetary policy. The point which is commonly missed is that contracting credit at a time when credit demand is still increasing inevitably leads to higher interest rates and bad debts.

“Having lost control over interest rates, the Fed has been forced into its much-heralded pivot, not by reducing interest rates, but by offering to buy Treasury and Agency debt at face value whatever the coupon and maturity. This rescues banks from the immediate fate that collapsed Silicon Valley Bank. And it makes it easier for the US Treasury to fund its deficit while containing borrowing costs.

“But it is highly inflationary.  The pivot has now been made. The Fed has decided to rescue financial markets at the expense of the currency. Other central banks can be expected to follow suit to help rescue their banking systems. But in the process, they are writing the death warrants for their fiat currencies.”

I hope this column provides you with helpful information about banks like Old Glory and I say good for them!  You don’t have to live in Oklahoma to have an account with them.  If I owned a bank or was part of the board, I would do everything in my power to become state-chartered or chartered.

Of course, that doesn’t solve the problem of fiat currency but it helps dilute the “Feds” power base and control.  Digital currency isn’t going to solve their problems, either.  At some point, the “Fed” is going to fall off the cliff and real economic experts know it likely isn’t far off.


For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions. Order two books and save $10.00

© 2023 NWV – All Rights Reserved

NEW E-Mail Devvy:  devvyk@protonmail.com

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[1] –  Money Trust Investigation of financial and monetary conditions in the United States under House resolutions nos. 429 and 504, before a subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency. Interlocking directorates. 1,235 pgs.

[2] –  BIS: III. Blueprint for the future monetary system:  Improving the old, enabling the new


Video:  Dr. Edwin Vieira: Why the Federal Reserve must be abolished (2009)

‘CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act’ introduced in an effort to limit the Fed’s authority over a digital dollar, Feb. 22, 2023

(Free on-line) Lindbergh on the Federal Reserve (a.k.a. “The Economic Pinch”) by Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.: “This book should be required reading in every high school and university economics class in this country. Published in 1923, this book is completely relevant to our present day. Just as nature has laws you can not violate, so does economics. And those laws do not change over time. This book, written by Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., father of the great aviator, describes his dismay at the passing of the Federal Reserve Act.

“He also describes a political system with politicians that serve a money power that works behind the scenes in this country. He predicts what will happen to this country if citizens do not become educated and fight this tyranny. His predictions describe the dismal situation we are now living in modern day America. Congressman Lindbergh was “a voice crying in the wilderness”, and, still, no one is listening. There is so much wisdom and truth in this book!”

‘Stunning’ Revelation Bolster’s Wyoming-Based Custodia Bank’s Case Against Federal Reserve, June 21, 2023

Nomi Prins.  I covered her book, All the Presidents Bankers, in an earlier column.  I provide these for study as Ms. Prins knows this issue inside and out.

Nomi Prins Just Warned What Is About To Be Announced Will Shock The World, July 16, 2023

Nomi Prins – Emergency Bank Of England Intervention Reminds Me Of When The Financial Crisis Hit The United States, Oct. 1, 2022

The Ongoing Iranian Revolution

By: Amil Imani

July 24, 2023

For 45 years, the Iranian people have grappled with a complex dilemma. While the mullahs in power possess significant wealth and authority, most of the population remains impoverished and hungry, with their aspirations for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality primarily ignored. The world, too, has looked the other way, engaging in business with those responsible for oppressing innocent Iranians. However, amid these challenges, a revolution is taking shape, led by courageous women fighting fearlessly for a better future.

The Impact of the 1979 Iranian Revolution

As the Islamic Revolution completed its fourth decade, it would not be too difficult to realize the reality and the fruits of its mismanagement during its imperial and revolutionary eras. Throughout the four decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has produced more hunger, extreme frustration, and anger, prostitution at a record pace, drug addiction beyond control, and child execution without regard to the international human rights bylaws.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was pivotal in the nation’s history and had far-reaching implications for the global oil market. It sparked the second oil shock in five years, causing oil prices to surge and resulting in a substantial net loss of oil supply. In response to these changes, oil producers worldwide increased investments in exploration and production to mitigate the effects of the revolution.

Unfulfilled Aspirations

Despite the upheaval caused by the 1979 revolution, the fundamental desire of more than 90 percent of Iranians is freedom. The ruling mullahs consolidated their power and wealth, leaving most of the population in dire socio-economic conditions. Dissidents struggled to unite for common goals, hindered by the oppressive regime’s tactics to suppress opposition.

Women Leading the Charge

The women of Iran are leading the first female-led revolution in the history of the world, revising what bravery means. Notably, a revolutionary movement is underway, primarily led by women who have managed to rally widespread support nationwide. These brave women are fighting relentlessly for freedom, opposing the oppressive Islamic regime that has stifled Iran’s largely secular population for over four decades. These courageous women have won almost the entire nation to their cause.

They fight fearlessly for freedom and against the terror of the Islamic regime, which has oppressed the largely secular population for 45 years. The Iranian people are aware that only they can overthrow the regime. The only thing they ask from other governments is not to deal with their killers.

The Iranian people know that their fate rests in their hands and are determined to bring about change. Women in Iran are chanting “Women, Life, Freedom” despite the threat of being shot and incarcerated by the régime. They are risking their lives. There are photographs of women raising their fists while the streets around them burn.

Understanding the Regime’s Influence

The Iranian regime exercises its influence through various means. Firstly, it maintains ties with Sunni clerics (despite the fact they are enemies) to consolidate its power base. Secondly, it provides financial aid to every proxy terrorist in the region and supports militant groups with weapons and training, further destabilizing the region. The regime’s transnational repression campaign reaches far beyond those kidnapped, killed, or detained, exerting other forms of pressure on anyone deemed a threat to the Islamic Republic.  Now the world faces wall-builders of a different kind: the Islamofascists, who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination, and blood, crumble, they become more intent on rebuilding new territories.

Transnational Repression Campaign

Moreover, the regime has extended its oppressive reach far beyond its borders, employing a transnational repression campaign to exert pressure on anyone perceived as threatening the Islamic Republic. This campaign includes kidnapping, killing, detaining, and other insidious tactics aimed at silencing dissent and perpetuating its control.

The Turning Point

Iran has witnessed numerous protests since 1979, but the most recent episode stands apart. The tragic death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for wearing an “improper” hijab ignited an unprecedented political upheaval marked by waves of protests predominantly led by women. This uprising has garnered extraordinary international support. Waves of protests, led primarily by women, have broken out immediately, inspiring exceptional international support.

Supporting the Iranian People

The Iranian people now need the unwavering support of the global community to amplify their plight and combat the regime’s oppression. The world must no longer remain silent about the truth of the Iranian dilemma or engage in business with those responsible for the suffering of innocent Iranians.

The ongoing Iranian revolution symbolizes the resilience and courage of a people yearning for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Despite facing immense adversity, the Iranian women spearheading this movement are determined to bring about change. It is incumbent upon the international community to stand with the Iranian people in their fight for a better future and ensure that their aspirations for a just and equitable society are finally realized. The world must not remain silent in reporting the truth of the Iranian dilemma and must not engage in doing business with the killers of innocent Iranians. The Iranian revolution is ongoing, and the world must stand with the Iranian people in their fight for freedom, justice, and equality.

The brave Iranian women and men are not stopping, nor will they soon. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime—time for the mullahs to pack up and leave. It is not a matter of if but when this regime falls.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Ascending The Spiraling Staircase of Your Life

By Frosty Wooldridge

July 24, 2023

While sitting next to a nearly exhausted campfire in upper Michigan on our Northern Tier coast-to-coast ride, I learned a lot from my companions Frank Cauthorn, Robert Case, Don Lindahl and Gerry Mulroy.  Like all friends, each teaches a few lessons for a day, week or a lifetime.  Each one of those thoughtful men brought stories, wisdom, music and their life-energy.  They inspired me to write this vignette about life and its one-time ‘immortality’ on this planet for each one of us.  I hope you too, on your bicycle travels, share your thoughts with all of us.  It makes the world a more peaceful and happier place to live.

(Frosty Wooldridge, touring bike “Condor”, coast to coast across America.)

During your life journey, you may read different authors who share their insights with you.  As a matter of fact, writers lay their guts on the line to aid, assist and support you on your own life path.

So often, you hear older people say they suffer from afflictions, lack of energy and the “gumption” to explore beyond their front room rocking chair or that ever-present Barker lounger.

One of the things I discovered as I traveled through my 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s—once you engage fully with life, you live an eternity with each event whether work or play, good times or otherwise.  Your eternity equals your lifespan.  It’s endless as long as you continue breathing and ambulating.

One of my favorite authors, John Muir, made a stunning announcement about living forever.  He created a metaphor using a bear.  He said, “Bears are made of the same dust as we, and breathe the same winds and drink the same waters. A bear’s days are warmed by the same sun, his dwellings are over-domed by the same blue sky, and his life turns and ebbs with the heart-pulsings like ours, and was poured from the same First Fountain. And weather he at last goes to our stingy heaven or not, he has terrestrial immorality.  His life not long, not short, knows no beginning, no ending. To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Isn’t that really profound?  Did it grab you?  I realized by reading John Muir, that bears don’t know when they face death.  They lack any understanding of mortality.  Thus, they live their lives eternally happy with each day, with each season, and with each moment of their lives.

If you appreciate that concept, it means you, too, may choose living at your highest and best for the eternity of your life on this planet.

Notice the title of this vignette: ascending the spiraling staircase of your life.  Your lifespan offers ups, downs, flats, sunny and stormy weather.  It offers romance, friends, enemies, frustrations and sadness.  More profoundly than the bear, you enjoy a choice of happiness.  Incorporate that understanding because life challenges every single person on this planet.  It doesn’t make any difference where he or she lives or what he or she does for a living.  It doesn’t care whether a person enjoys riches or poverty.  Life doesn’t care whether a person enjoys fame or anonymity.

One of the things you may learn along the way: paradise stands under your feet.  That’s right. It’s here and it’s now.  It’s what you do daily, incrementally to move your life toward happiness.

Let’s go back to two world famous artists—Impressionist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Frenchman Henri Matisse with modern art.

Both buoyed each other throughout their careers.  They “pushed” each other as to creative endeavors.  Matisse, nearly 20 years younger than Renoir, helped his friend into old age.  Renoir suffered from arthritis, which crippled his hands.

At one point, Renoir barely held the brush.  Matisse asked, “Pierre, my friend, why do you continue to paint when you are in so much pain?”

Renoir replied, “The pain passes, and when it does, it allows the beauty to emerge.”

We enjoy three levels of consciousness:  sub-consciousness that runs us under our skulls and many times without our knowing it; unconsciousness when we do something without thinking and consciousness, where we choose our direction.

In order to live at your highest and best, you might incorporate Renoir’s legacy.  Or, pick out one of your heroes or idols who touches your life-energy and inspires you.  It could be Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jane Goodall, Robert Redford, Nellie Bly, Henry David Thoreau, Jesus Christ or Ralph Waldo Emerson.  It might be Robin Williams, Diane Sawyer, John Wayne or Meryl Streep.  Whomever turns you on to vibrant living with their words or deeds, pursue your own spiraling staircase to heaven on Earth.

Some things you can do along the way:

—-Choose to live a cheerful life every day by reading positive authors.  Choose positive friends who support you.  Choose movies and plays that lift you toward your highest vibrational energy.

—-Choose tenderness and warmth with children, your mate or friends.  Touch them with kind words, big hugs and smiling countenance.

—-Commune deeply with nature by walking into a woods, sitting by a pond or standing in a stream.  Choose a pet to share your moments.  Coffee with a girlfriend or a game of racquetball with your buddy.

In the end, you live every day of your life with a sense of eternity because you’re not thinking about anything else.  That’s the best immortality you can imagine.  And remember Muir’s wisdom:

“To him life unstinted, unplanned, is above the accidents of time, and his years, markless and boundless, equal Eternity.”

Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler

© 2023 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Emotionally Entangled

By Late Roy Masters

July 23, 2023

As a little child, you once knew how to be carefree, to move and have your true being, but cruel love stole it away. Others now live through you…as you.

The real you reading this should be grasping the fact that you no longer need to function from the malevolent spirit implanted in language; the silent cognition of what you are reading here is sufficient to begin lifting the burden.

Lately, emotions have begun to run away with your common sense. Emotionally entangled, dark dream thoughts are always lurking. They appeal to you in those irrational moments of discontent urging you to act them out.

A lifetime of excuses has become false beliefs, leading to wrong relationships, blind alleys, hopelessness and despair. Considering this, learn how to separate from this endless loop of emotionally-sustained thought.

Those without faith have nothing but vainglorious goals and dreams; a phantom’s voice leads as the hope of the hopeless.

No one can give himself faith. Nevertheless, if you will simply doubt that voice that has made you doubt what is right in your heart, it will allow faith to enter as a born-again experience.

At the threshold of reality, the masquerading self will be unmasked; fear and resentful resistance will no longer empower it. Henceforth, remain calm. To survive, it must convince you that being upset is a very normal thing, but it lies.

Through the arousal of blinding emotions, it always drew its identity from the wrong crowd you thought were friends. Stand back from the refuge of thought-chemistry, for this ghostly thing loathes and fears observation.

You never were addicted to the judgment of resentment; it was “it” thinking through you, as you, and “it” never wanted you to know.

Upon your awakening, it will react as if mortally wounded. All this time, this thing was thriving on your emotional confusion and draining your life; all the more reason to be perpetually watchful.

Do not believe its mocking, haunting and disheartening presence. Since your frustration is its power, refrain from talking to yourself in your head lest you fall into a whirlpool of maddening beliefs.

“It is impossible to have a meaningful life without the right response to all wrongs”

No one can grow rightly by reacting wrongly; emotional obedience always transfers the loyalty to the tease source, allowing the dark nature to continue growing and attaching itself parasitically to your soul.

It is impossible to have a meaningful life without the right response to all wrongs.

Therefore, resent not evil, overcome it with good. Resentment in all its forms, for any reason whatsoever, will continue to separate you from the good that overcomes evil.

Evil is not a person, just the same phantom thing in others, reproducing itself through cruelty, and needing a victim’s resentment to get in.

Therefore, endure cruelty and betrayal minus resentments. Hold fast to the wordless word in your heart that bears witness to these words. Be still and allow the essence of a new being to germinate through the quiet place within, revealing the redeeming Light to others.

Remember, only while in emotional extremes and submerged in fantasy can your parasitic other self survive.

Fear not, you do not sin by thinking, which is to say, observing teasing thoughts and impure images flitting across the screen of your mind. Only by indulging those (familiar) delusions of grandeur and revenge will the soul fall into agreement with the invader.

That is why it does its best to make you think that the revealing Light of conscience is the enemy; therefore, meditate unceasingly to keep from such unwitting cooperation.

Because sin is more than mere conditioning, as with post-traumatic stress disorder, it requires the soul’s agreement to flourish.

The way to the way lies in that quiet place beyond the imagination realm. In this space, you will perceive a fraction of a moment into the future, and hence, find freedom from all wrong choices.

The soul of the true self can operate from two places, but a parasite from only one…the sensuous realm of mind. God does not download his mercy, meaning, and purpose into a mind lost, or escaping into an endless loop of thought.

© 2023 fhu.com – All Rights Reserved

The New World Will Be Good and Stay Good

by Rolaant McKenzie

July 23, 2023

The Incredibles (2004) was the first of two American animated films directed by Brad Bird that followed the lives of Bob and Helen Parr, husband and wife superheroes known as Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl, as they tried to live a quiet normal suburban life with their three children.

Due to multiple lawsuits for collateral damage and personal injuries because of their efforts to protect and rescue people with their superhuman abilities, public sentiment began to turn against Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and other superheroes. In response to this, the United States government settled all legal claims and created the Superhero Relocation Program, which banned all “supers” from using their powers in public and forcing them into hiding with civilian identities and occupations.

Fifteen years later, living in Metroville, Illinois, with Helen and their children Violet, Dash, and baby Jack-Jack, Bob was bored and frustrated with his job as a claims adjuster and missed the glory days of being a superhero. His desire to help people with his superpowers opened the door to an opportunity he did not expect, and it drew his whole family into a confrontation with a supervillain that tested the limits of their individual powers and ability to work together as a family.

The movie included a brief moment of a television interview with Mr. Incredible. Though said humorously, he made an observation to the interviewer that suggested the tendency to disorderliness in the world:

“No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved, you know? For a little bit. I feel like the maid. I just cleaned up this mess. Can we keep it clean for ten minutes?!”

The Parr family defeated the villain and saved the people of Municiberg, California, from his evil designs. As a result, the law banning superhero activity was discontinued, making the “supers” legal again.

Back at home in Metroville three months later, seeming to support the point Mr. Incredible made in the previous interview, another supervillain revealed himself declaring his intention to wage war against the peace and happiness of the people of the city.

Joshua, whom God used to victoriously lead Israel into their inheritance in the Promised Land, was careful all his days to encourage Israel to be faithful to God. As long as the people of Israel were obedient to God they experienced victory on the battlefield, freedom, prosperity, and protection from their enemies. After his death and those of his contemporaries, Israel drifted away from the worship of the only true God to follow false gods that caused the degeneration of their society and brought down judgment on them.

This started a more than 400-year cycle of the people of Israel being faithful to the Lord under the leadership of a God-appointed judge and enjoying His blessings, turning away from the Lord after the death of the judge and suffering deprivation and oppression from their enemies, crying out to the Lord for deliverance, and the Lord raising a judge to lead them from captivity and back to faithfulness to God.

This tragic period of Israel’s history could be summarized by the last passage of Judges:

“In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)

No matter how long a judge lived to repair the harm Israel’s disloyalty to God caused and return the people to faithfulness, things would not remain good once and for all. The people of Israel would once again reject God as their king, set aside His word, and follow the dictates of their own sinful desires, leading to great suffering.

The Book of Judges demonstrates the love and faithfulness of God, who never failed to graciously receive His people when they repented of their wicked ways and called on His name (Judges 2:18).

While we do not have extraordinary powers like the superheroes of The Incredibles, we often share the desire to make the lives of those around us better with the abilities with which God has blessed us. That is, to be extensions of His love, grace, and generosity in this imperfect world. But we often discover that our efforts to heal things do not last very long.

We can see this in simple things like owning a house or car. Neither a house nor a car, once cleaned or repaired, remains that way ever after. Continual maintenance is needed in order to keep them functioning as designed. Even then, they eventually wear out over time and can no longer fulfill their purpose.

But God in His grace and mercy has raised up a Judge to deliver us from this cycle of decay, depravity, and death caused by the presence of sin in us and the world (Acts 17:30-31).

“For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him. Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.” (John 5:22-24)

Jesus’ death for sinners on the cross and resurrection from the dead utterly defeated the devil and his supervillains’ attempt to destroy humanity so that it may share their destination in the lake of fire. Satan was disarmed of his weapon of using our guilt to keep us eternally separated from God (Colossians 2:9-15; Romans 8:37-39).

All who trust in Jesus are delivered from Satan’s dark kingdom of death and destruction and have entrance into His eternal kingdom. In the new heavens and earth (Colossians 1:13; 2 Peter 3:10-13) He will create, there will be no sin in us or around us. No mourning, tears, suffering, or death. The perishable will be replaced by the imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:16-57; Isaiah 65:17-19; Revelation 21).

Everything in the new world will be good and stay good. Be there! It is for you in Christ Jesus.

© 2023 Rolaant McKenzie – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rolaant McKenzie: rolaant@gospeloutreach.net

Website: http://www.gospeloutreach.net/

America’s Education System Is Under Attack

By Pastor Roger Anghis

July 23, 2023

America used to have a stellular education that was 2nd to none in the world.  Today we have 3rd World countries that have better education systems than we have. The 3rd world nation concentrates on math, literature, writing, and all the other important thing in life whereas our system concentrates on pro-nouns and political correctness, and gender studies.

If you study it out you ‘ll find that pro-choice is the most important position to take or you’ll Be canceled in a heartbeat. One of the most common examples of censorship found on college campuses today is that of silencing pro-life views.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins recently spelled out the trend in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, highlighting nine ways pro-life students’ efforts to share their beliefs are shut down.

A news release that summarized the nine methods stated:

The vandalization and outright theft of displays and signs.

A virtual poll tax on speech often in the form of security fees.

A Heckler’s Veto, in which schools cancel or move events when extremist groups or a disgruntled student oppose a speaker.

A slow walk to nowhere when a pattern of delays for approval of events or clubs creates a virtual veto of student speech.

A not-even-separate-but-equal accommodation as schools refuse similar support for pro-life students as given to others.

A religious gag rule in which schools may allow students to speak as long as they stay silent about faith.[1]

You’ll see all through the schools that anything pro-life is treated like a third-world loser.

William and Mary showed their anti-life sentiment In April of this year. Ah, the tolerant, nonviolent, peaceful pro-choice movement. Who just threatened a college student’s life for not wanting to kill babies. Classic.

Skylar Culbertson attends The College of William and Mary in Virginia and recently hosted a table with Tribe for Life, a campus pro-life group. At this event, she obviously advocated for pro-life ideas. So pro-abortion students proceeded to dox and threaten her.

Skylar explained on The Ed Morrissey Show there were several students using a platform called Yik Yak to communicate about her location. Like, “Skyler is here at this coffee shop, she’s at the science center.” You know, totally rational, normal things to be concerned about.

Where we used to tolerate different points of views, we now allow only one point of view. That point of view always leans left. I know of teachers that ‘roll with the flow’ just to keep their job. That type of education is Not education.[2]

Even when a pro-life group attempts to lack arms with a pro-choice group on a subject they both agree on, the pro-life group is shunned. ‘Not okay’ to join with an ‘anti-feminist/anti-choice organization’

An autism group reversed its decision to allow a campus pro-life group to participate in its event after facing criticism from an autism activist who supports abortion rights.

Wolf Pack for Life at Loyola University New Orleans got the green light from the Autism Self Advocacy Network to host a vigil for the annual Disability Community Day of Mourning, which memorializes “disabled people murdered by their family members or caregivers.”

The network explicitly told the student club that its pro-life stance wasn’t a problem, Wolf Pack for Life leader Sophie Trist wrote in a blog post last month for Rehumanize International, a progressive nonprofit that opposes “all forms of aggressive violence against human beings.”

Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water, here comes the crazies.[3]

Penn State University’s College of the Liberal Arts recently backtracked after receiving intense social media criticism for daring to state that conservative students, along with students of various other identities, were welcome on campus. A group of Princeton University faculty members published a letter to the school’s president calling for a committee to review and approve all academic work at the university, which would upend the principles of free inquiry and speech on campus. A professor at Marymount Manhattan College is facing a petition to get her fired for merely falling asleep during an anti-racism Zoom meeting.

The message is clear: Dissent from, or even a lack of enthusiasm for, woke ideology is no longer tolerated on campus. In response, many on the Right are withdrawing into the comfort of self-justification and praying that the next election-to-end-all-elections will save the world from these crazy kids. Meanwhile, many on the Left are pretending that there is no such thing as cancel culture.

This is idiocy.[4]

The left is out to destroy our education system and they have made great headway. Here is a short list of what they have done to make our system one of the worst.  #1 All 50 U.S. states are now constructing federally-mandated databases that will track the behavior and performance of all public school students in America throughout their entire school careers.  According to the New York Post, the Obama administration wants to use the information that is gathered for a wide array of purposes….

#2 All over America, schoolchildren are being immersed in the radical green agenda.  In fact, in many areas of the country, children are actively trained to watch how their parents behave and to correct them when they are being “environmentally unfriendly”.  The following is from a recent New York Times article about this phenomenon

#3 One 13-year-old student down in New Mexico was recently handcuffed and forcibly removed from a classroom just because he burped in class.  In all, over 200 students in Bernalillo County “have been handcuffed and arrested in the last three years for non-violent misdemeanors”.

#4 All over America, students are being taught that the First Amendment does not apply in public schools.  Expressions of free speech in school are often cracked down upon very hard.  For example, one group of high school athletes was recently suspended for “Tebowing” in the hallways of their school.

The transformation has been subtle but the changes are real and they are dangerous to a society like ours. We need to wake up and ignore the Woke

© 2023 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. https://www.thecollegefix.com/bulletin-board/9-ways-pro-life-students-are-silenced-on-campus/ v:
  2. https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/skylar-culbertson-threatened-security-views
  3. https://www.thecollegefix.com/pro-life-views-get-student-group-kicked-out-of-memorial-for-murder-victims/
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/parents-must-stop-letting-woke-colleges-indoctrinate-their-children-opinion-1518780

What is it Going to Take?

By Glynn Adams

July 23, 2023

What is it going to take to wake us up in America?  The destruction of our children is not waking us up.  The destruction of our nation is not waking us up.  The destruction of our families is not waking us up.  The death of our religious institutions is not waking us up.  The death of our Constitution is not waking us up.  The death of our freedoms is not waking us up?  What is it going to take to wake us up?

We will surely know in America that we are awake when people who say they are following God and citizens who have assumed responsibility go on the offensive and begin to fight back against this evil overtaking this nation.  We must take back what has been stolen from us?  We have been duped and intimidated and lulled to sleep.  This destruction is not going away but will continue to increase exponentially while we do less than we ought to do!!!

Satan is a defeated foe and he can only do what we allow him to do.   All God ask us to do is to repent of our apathy, show courage, and go to the battlefield and God will show up.   No one is coming to fight our fight.  God gave us dominion on this earth, power, and authority so when something goes wrong, we are to fix it.  He will help us but we must show courage and go to the battlefield!!!

We in America are in the middle of a cosmic war of biblical proportions and we can no longer ignore this war that is before us.    “Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing?  The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed.” (Psalm 2:1-2)

Those who follow God as well as our citizens have ignored his war.  Throughout the Bible, whenever God is disobeyed or misinterpreted, a vacuum is always created and Satan always comes to fill that vacuum.  Over the years, our disobedience to God has resulted in our nation being captured, we are ruled by Satan and not by God and we have become a dwelling place for demons.  These false gods move into our nation and demons manifest their presence with murders, lies, destruction, sexual perversion, child abduction, loss of freedoms, bondage, violence, chaos and many other forms of evil.’

God warns us throughout the Bible that we are to deal with our adversaries.  “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall come about that those whom you let remain of them will become as pricks in your eyes and as thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land in which you live.  And it shall come about that as I plan to do to them, so I will do to you.” (Numbers 33:55-56)   HATH GOD REALLY SAID?!!!

Yes, God said it over and over in the Bible.  God warns His people and if they ignore Him, He brings judgment on our enemies and on His people.  That judgment is now on America and the more we ignore Him, the more destruction will come upon America!!!

For years now I have been warning the Body of Christ about demonic strongholds, doctrine of demons, rulers, wickedness, and evil spirits gaining ground in this nation caused by Christians who refuse to resist evil.  I am going to keep these articles coming as long as God gives me revelation.  Because most of the church in America does not believe in Satan and demons, does not mean they are not real.  According to the Bible, God created Satan and his demonic angels and they rebelled against God.  In these last days, they know their time is growing short and so their activity is increasing exponentially.   To ignore Satan and his powers of darkness is to disobey God and it never turns out well for a nation!!!!

Evil is progressive, it never takes a day off, is always expanding, and gets stronger when it is not resisted.  Is the Body of Christ in this nation that ignorant of the Word of God?  Don’t we realize that demonic strongholds, and doctrine of demons are platforms from which demons and evil spirits use to attack the population and foundations of a nation to rob, kill, and destroy?  Where do you think all this turmoil going on in our nation comes from?

Bondage, torment, depression, suicides, drug use, sex trafficking, lawlessness, division, hate, indebtedness, sickness, diseases, demonic violence, deception, the deeds of the flesh, anger, demonic curses, open borders, poor leaders, destruction, fornication, adultery, sexual perversion, gender confusion, pedophilia, our apathy, our silence, our refusal to resist evil, and such evil things.  Demons, the world system, and their strongholds are in every facet of our culture including our churches – front row, back row, choir, deacon board, and pulpit.

Now we are beginning to see the establishment of demonic and evil spirit emblems and worship centers which God refers to as “high places” in our nation.   God hates “high places” and the Old Testament Prophets denounced them because they are regarded as a substitute for righteousness by the people.  If these “high places” are allowed to remain in this nation, each day they will attract more of our citizens into the demonic world.  Our young people are well aware of the occult world around them and they are showing interest in the supernatural world of demonic and evil spirits.

When rulers, powers, world forces of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places are allowed to flourish and operate openly in a nation is the beginning of the end for that nation.  Have we no sense of obedience and faithfulness in the Body of Christ?  Have we become so spiritually dead that we feel no spiritual responsibility to our citizens and nation?  Are we so intimidated, fearful, and weak that we refuse to put on the armor of God, use His Name, authority, power, and mighty weapons for pulling down these strongholds, and to stand firm against anything that exalts itself against the Word of God?

When are our leaders such as Franklin Graham, Robert Jefferies, John Hagee, and all these big-time megachurches, TBN, and DAYSTAR wealthy superstars on television going to set their pulpits ablaze by reproving, rebuking, and exhorting the truth to lead us out of this spiritual mess?  Are these pastors too busy with hay, wood, and stubble and selling books, tapes, DVDs, and endless Bible and Prophecy conferences?

Are our religious leaders afraid to call out Christians in America to repentance and obedience because it may shut down their generous flow of dollars?   These big-time preachers have huge budgets and enormous television cost to meet each month and they know if they give their faithful followers anything negative such as repent and obey, their money will dry up.  Such arrogance and hypocrisy never turn out well with God.  “Their might is not right.”

Think of this – these positive prophets in America preach “Jesus saves, restores, and protects” all around the world on television while we are losing our own nation to demonic strongholds and demon evil spirit “high places.”   Where is their authority?  “I did not send these prophets but they ran.  I did not speak to them but they prophesied.  But if they had stood in My council, then they would have announced My words to My people and would have turned them back from the evil of their deeds.” (Jeremiah 23:21-22)

American Christians are proof, “always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7)  We are not learning from history in the Old Testament where Israel allowed these “high places” for false gods and demon spirits?  God warned them to tear down these “high places” and when they did not, then the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and He gave them over to their enemies.

God did it to Israel and He is now doing the same to America.  We are not listening nor responding to God and we are in a big spiritual mess.  We had better wake up out of our apathy, disobedience, and coma, and face our spiritual reality.  If you don’t want to think of yourselves, then for God’s sake, think of your children and grandchildren, and the helpless citizens of this nation.

There is so much deception in our nation, I am not sure if many people in America really understand what Communist/Progressive ideology is, how destructive it is, and that it is being established in America daily as we read.  Progressivism sounds so good and wonderful but it is a dark agenda whose fountainhead is from Satan and is demonic in nature and very destructive.  That along should wakeup followers of God and citizens.

If the church in America was walking as Jesus walks as it claims, then they would know that He spent one-third of His ministry on this earth against Satan and his demons of darkness and destruction.  But we clearly are not walking but sleeping and ignoring our spiritual reality and responsibility.  With the wisdom and discernment of God and the Holy Spirit to guide us, we still can’t figure out what God wants us to do!!!  Or, is it rebellion and disobedience?  Or, maybe we don’t have the Holy Spirit and these gifts?  Something is terribly, terribly wrong in the Body of Christ in America!!!!

Communism/Marxism/Socialism/Progressivism/Liberalism is from the same fountainhead.  Its god is a big, repressive government.  We are acting like we want bondage more than freedom!!!!!  Continue to do nothing to get bondage but we have to fight to maintain our freedom.  The elites in Progressivism want the people in a nation depending on this big repressive government.  It’s all about control.

Progressives hate Christianity, Capitalism, and our Constitution and seek to destroy each one.  They attack the family and other foundations that made this nation workable and livable.  They want a utopia such as the old Soviet Union, North Korea, or Cuba.  These Progressives omit their history of Progressivism that Socialism is a failed system in every country it has been tried and people live in extreme poverty and the basics necessities of life are not available.  Only people who are deceived and dumbed down will embrace this demonic ideology.

To take over a nation, Progressives must embrace the Marxist ideology that changes the thinking of a nation.  They must first implode the family.  Attack the sanctity of marriage, easy divorce, add alternatives to marriage.  Get the mother working outside the home.   Give family benefits that exclude a father figure in the home.  Move the nation that God is dead, sexual immorality, perversion, and division.  Attack Christianity, Capitalism, and the Constitution while intimidating the leadership of each, especially the church.   Institute a false narrative of separation of church and state and 501C3s.  Rewrite history, and take over the news media, movies, and the education system to indoctrinate the masses, especially the young.

They take over the public school system to teach their lies to our children.  Teach them immorality so the children will lose their innocence and run from God, teach the children to rebel against their parents.  They have taken the responsibility of raising our children and place them into the hands of government agents in our public schools and universities.  In every public school, there are also counselors who address and advise our children on sex, drugs, homosexuality and gender.  Their advice is anti-American, anti-God, anti-capitalism, anti-family, and anti-Constitution along with anti-nationalism.

These hell holes we call public school and universities have but one purpose – to redirect, mold, and nurture our children – replacing the moral framework that families may be instilling in their children.  I hate to be so blunt, parents, but sending your children to the public schools and universities today is like, as in the days of Israel in the Old Testament of sacrificing your children to the god Moleck.

Sell your big house and BMW, stay at home mom to homeschool your kids.  Parents, God will hold you responsible for what and who teaches your children.  God warns us about what happens to our children.  “A shack in God’s will is better than a Rockefeller mansion out of it!!”   In addition, all parents should be confronting public school officials and demand they teach our morals and not their progressive agenda for the sake of the poorer students.  We must get involved while we have the opportunity!!!

We have a demise in Western Civilization.  The Church is not making sufficient disciples of Christ and the Communists/Marxists/Socialists/Progressives are making Progressive and Socialist disciples of our children using the most modern psychological means of mind control from the Chinese and Russians.  Our younger generations are exiting from our churches at an alarming rate and racing toward the ways of the world and Satan’s curses and traps of drugs, alcohol, suicide, sex, perversion, occult’s, and only God knows what else.

Christians ought to be on a war-footing now against this evil using the Name of Jesus, the authority of Jesus, the Word of Jesus, the power of Jesus, and the mighty weapons of God to redeem back our children and nation.  But we are so disengaged, sitting on our religious ass, preaching another Jesus, and practicing our ineffective, dead religion while our children, our citizens, and this nation are being overcome by demonic strongholds, doctrines of demons, and religious high places that are leading them to depression, torment, suicide, drugs, alcohol, and all the destructive ways of this world system.  How dwelleth the love of God in us?  Why are we so selfish?  In our generation, on our watch, we are reducing Christianity to where it means nothing in America!!!!!

Where are the pastors to lead their flocks to action and sanity?  Unfortunately, most of these false prophets and hirelings are intoxicated in demonic selfish ambition seeking their own glory in numbers to justify bigger buildings, bigger staffs, and more programs and to hell with the Kingdom of God, tending and teaching the flock the things and ways of God, and obedience to such things as making disciples and resisting the evil in our land.

Woe to the pastors and the nominal church members because God will not hold us guiltless for what we are allowing to happen on our watch to our citizens and nation.   Our disobedience and rebellion are storing up one of two things:  Either our own wickedness will correct us and we will have a great awakening or more severe judgments will come to our citizens and nation and one terrible day the unexpected will come upon us when God has had enough of our arrogance and foolishness and lack of repentance.   I love you and tell you the truth.  Repent and return to God!!!!!  God bless, I remain His warrior and watchman, Glynn Adams.

© 2023 Glynn Adams – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Glynn Adams: glynnadams@sbcglobal.net

There Prescient Novels Predicted Our Cowardly “Brave New World”

By Sidney Secular

July 22, 2023

Ray Bradbury’s “Farenheit 451”, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World”, and George Orwell’s “1984”, considered among the best 100 novels ever written, capture the feel, or rather lack of feeling, of today’s dystopian world. They are basically user manuals on how to cow, control and condition a population of indoctrinated sheep. You have to entertain with novel novels to get the public’s attention to new and unique concepts.

The public’s acceptance of the “hijacker conspiracy” pulled off by the establishment in the 9/11 caper showed the sheeple were ready for the real thing. The lockdowns, authoritarian measures, masking, and non-stop media brainwashing of the public during the Covid plannedemic exercise were an overall success in cower power and crowd control. It allowed a mass vaxx campaign to begin the process of population reduction and pave the way for an even more intense and similar exercise to come in the near future to fasten the manacles on “We the People” now known as the masses. It will grease the skids for the full implementation of the New World Order. Now that the cowed population has accepted the addition of the Covid vaxxes to the usual cocktail of childhood inoculations, the fix is in, and it won’t be long before most of the population will be going, if not long gone. The youngsters may not even reach propagation age before all the various “side effects” of the vaxxes do them in. Increasingly, the vaxxes appear to be passing from mothers to developing babies in the womb causing an epidemic of myocarditis and premature death, so the vaxxes are doing double duty.

In Farenheit 451, Montag, the fireman who is assigned the task of burning not just politically incorrect books, but all books, is the protagonist who begins to question his life, his profession and why he and most of the population are fundamentally unhappy. His curiosity about the books he burns leads him into conflict with his family, his bosses, and the general society. Technology is presented as the central source of evil in this work. It is presented as the fundamental reason for the decline of reading by the populace and the inspiration for destroying books with high tech flamethrowers. Bradbury’s vision in 1953 was far ahead of his time, with wall-sized TVs and radio earbuds providing endless entertainment and distraction to the masses, making books obsolete. Today, 30% of Americans haven’t read a book in the past year and a large chunk of that 70% who say they have done so, are lying. Some people are proud of not having read a book since their college days. But then, pride in ignorance is nothing new.

Huxley’s warning in Brave New World concerns the danger of handing control of powerful technologies over to authoritarian minded men, who use the technology to control the population, rather than benefit society albeit, the population believes that it is being benefitted by the acts of said “leaders.” Population levels of the various classes or strata of society are controlled via removal of female ovaries, technological manipulation, and conditioning techniques. The compliant populations are conditioned to think they are happy and, frankly, to a certain extent they actually are simply because they have no source of information and reality outside of their own “culture.” Technology is used to develop drugs like Soma, consumption of which is encouraged to induce complacency and apathy and non-inquisitive personalities. Marijuana seems to be on the verge of performing this function now. Technology is used to manipulate DNA to produce the desired human product. Sociopaths gain control of all important sectors and managerial positions in society. This is pretty much the case already, now. Abortion is reduced to an emotionless science, and babies with congenital defects are routinely terminated. The gender of babies can be predetermined and their IQ levels can be ascertained. Indeed, IQs are not just determined but predetermined by drugs placed into the amniotic fluid in order to produce people whose IQs make them useful in the layered needs of society. Low IQ children are produced to do low IQ work and because they are conditioned to believe this is what is best, they are no threat to their ”betters.” The garbage is taken out and the streets swept by perfectly docile and happy minions. As babies are now produced in “factories,” any with genetic problems or severely low IQs are eliminated. The masses at all IQ levels are pacified and distracted with senseless entertainment. Much as happens today, rambunctious boys are turned pacified with drugs in school indoctrination centers. Citizens have little say in how they are governed but as they have no real needs not met by the “leaders,” they never seek change. Nearly all of these results have come to pass to one extent or another, or are seen to be coming around the corner.

Global use of antidepressants now follows and mirrors the aforesaid negative characteristics and developments. On the low end, only 13 Koreans and Chileans out of 1,000 use antidepressants. Down the list of global depressant use, at the bottom, is the USA where 110 out of 1,000 take antidepressants. Exacerbated by the incessant big pharma ads on TV, the average Americans’ existence is so shallow, meaningless and devoid of value that they are compelled to seek a means of escaping an increasingly unacceptable reality. This is particularly true of older White women. Over 50% find themselves childless and more than 25% are taking antidepressants. These “Karens” seek solace in voting for the pie-in-the-sky promises of leftist politicians and generally engage in silly cultural trends while cheering for abortion, probably because misery likes company. These unfulfilled Daughters of Eve are suckers for the climate change chicanery, were gung-ho for the Big Pharma toxic jabs, and still wear masks when driving alone, usually with the windows closed.

Dystopian technological totalitarianism reaches a peak in the picture of Big Brother monitoring everything people do, say, or think in the George Orwell masterpiece, “1984.” The following passage from the book represents the epitome and essence of the final stage reached as the society careens leftward as described by Orwell: “Every record has been destroyed (or doctored — SS), every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building (and street — SS) has been renamed, every date has been altered, and the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped (become history — SS). Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party (the establishment — SS) is always right.”

We have however, gone beyond Orwell’s ruminations with even more repressive restrictions about to be rolled out. By linking everything you do (home security, utilities, internet and appliance usage, etc. we are captive to the whims of the State (The “Party” in Orwell’s terminology). As we have seen in the last few years, authoritarian government, agenda-driven socialist alliances, big business, and social media tyrants have colluded to combine their clout and dominance to propagandize and popularize their woke agenda (Covid and vaxx scams, climate hoaxes, gender-bender degeneracy, race hustles, desperate efforts at maintaining western hegemony around the world, porn propagation, transhumanism, etc.), weaponizing every segment of the culture and government to produce these ends. Critical thinking dissenters and truth tellers have been silenced, destroying or diminishing the livelihoods of many, and misleading and corralling the masses into holding pens for future depredation and experimentation. The coup de grace is coming soon in the form of the rollout of digital currencies and social credit scores. Once your credit score drops below an acceptable level, your ability to transact business will be reduced to barter transactions at best, and your social interactions will be stunted or completely cut off at worst. You will have to beg for food and fuel, and beg your masters for mercy. The technical gulag of the Brave New World will have encompassed the entire world.

We have reached an era in which total tyranny is possible simply because we have created the means and technology to run it. And with the addition of AI (Artificial Intelligence) we just might have “thought” ourselves into enslavement not by men, but by man’s creations.

© 2023 Sidney Secular – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Sidney Secular: Success_Express@yahoo.com

The Ongoing Iranian Revolution

By: Amil Imani

July 22, 2023

For 45 years, the Iranian people have grappled with a complex dilemma. While the mullahs in power possess significant wealth and authority, most of the population remains impoverished and hungry, with their aspirations for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality primarily ignored. The world, too, has looked the other way, engaging in business with those responsible for oppressing innocent Iranians. However, amid these challenges, a revolution is taking shape, led by courageous women fighting fearlessly for a better future.

The Impact of the 1979 Iranian Revolution

As the Islamic Revolution completed its fourth decade, it would not be too difficult to realize the reality and the fruits of its mismanagement during its imperial and revolutionary eras. Throughout the four decades of its existence, the Islamic Republic has produced more hunger, extreme frustration, and anger, prostitution at a record pace, drug addiction beyond control, and child execution without regard to the international human rights bylaws.

The Iranian Revolution of 1979 was pivotal in the nation’s history and had far-reaching implications for the global oil market. It sparked the second oil shock in five years, causing oil prices to surge and resulting in a substantial net loss of oil supply. In response to these changes, oil producers worldwide increased investments in exploration and production to mitigate the effects of the revolution.

Unfulfilled Aspirations

Despite the upheaval caused by the 1979 revolution, the fundamental desire of more than 90 percent of Iranians is freedom. The ruling mullahs consolidated their power and wealth, leaving most of the population in dire socio-economic conditions. Dissidents struggled to unite for common goals, hindered by the oppressive regime’s tactics to suppress opposition.

Women Leading the Charge

The women of Iran are leading the first female-led revolution in the history of the world, revising what bravery means. Notably, a revolutionary movement is underway, primarily led by women who have managed to rally widespread support nationwide. These brave women are fighting relentlessly for freedom, opposing the oppressive Islamic regime that has stifled Iran’s largely secular population for over four decades. These courageous women have won almost the entire nation to their cause.

They fight fearlessly for freedom and against the terror of the Islamic regime, which has oppressed the largely secular population for 45 years. The Iranian people are aware that only they can overthrow the regime. The only thing they ask from other governments is not to deal with their killers.

The Iranian people know that their fate rests in their hands and are determined to bring about change. Women in Iran are chanting “Women, Life, Freedom” despite the threat of being shot and incarcerated by the régime. They are risking their lives. There are photographs of women raising their fists while the streets around them burn.

Understanding the Regime’s Influence

The Iranian regime exercises its influence through various means. Firstly, it maintains ties with Sunni clerics (despite the fact they are enemies) to consolidate its power base. Secondly, it provides financial aid to every proxy terrorist in the region and supports militant groups with weapons and training, further destabilizing the region. The regime’s transnational repression campaign reaches far beyond those kidnapped, killed, or detained, exerting other forms of pressure on anyone deemed a threat to the Islamic Republic.  Now the world faces wall-builders of a different kind: the Islamofascists, who have been at their shameless work for centuries. As their walls, built with superstition, discrimination, and blood, crumble, they become more intent on rebuilding new territories.

Transnational Repression Campaign

Moreover, the regime has extended its oppressive reach far beyond its borders, employing a transnational repression campaign to exert pressure on anyone perceived as threatening the Islamic Republic. This campaign includes kidnapping, killing, detaining, and other insidious tactics aimed at silencing dissent and perpetuating its control.

The Turning Point

Iran has witnessed numerous protests since 1979, but the most recent episode stands apart. The tragic death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for wearing an “improper” hijab ignited an unprecedented political upheaval marked by waves of protests predominantly led by women. This uprising has garnered extraordinary international support. Waves of protests, led primarily by women, have broken out immediately, inspiring exceptional international support.

Supporting the Iranian People

The Iranian people now need the unwavering support of the global community to amplify their plight and combat the regime’s oppression. The world must no longer remain silent about the truth of the Iranian dilemma or engage in business with those responsible for the suffering of innocent Iranians.

The ongoing Iranian revolution symbolizes the resilience and courage of a people yearning for freedom, justice, liberty, and equality. Despite facing immense adversity, the Iranian women spearheading this movement are determined to bring about change. It is incumbent upon the international community to stand with the Iranian people in their fight for a better future and ensure that their aspirations for a just and equitable society are finally realized. The world must not remain silent in reporting the truth of the Iranian dilemma and must not engage in doing business with the killers of innocent Iranians. The Iranian revolution is ongoing, and the world must stand with the Iranian people in their fight for freedom, justice, and equality.

The brave Iranian women and men are not stopping, nor will they soon. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime—time for the mullahs to pack up and leave. It is not a matter of if but when this regime falls.

© 2023 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Heroes Among Us

By Oregon State Senator, Dennis Linthicum

July 22, 2023

Last week, Statistica reported on a survey where, “respondents were asked how proud they are to be an American. In 2013, 57 percent of Americans stated they were extremely proud to be an American. Nine years later, in 2022, some 38 percent of survey respondents said the same, lowest share recorded in the period.”

How would you have responded to the survey?

America has more races, ethnicities, intercultural and interracial families and marriages than any other country; bar none. Our economic, social, and cultural prosperity has long been the envy of the world.

Why, then, are we witnessing the loss of American Pride?

Could it be a relentless academic, educational, fake news and social media machine that is drowning adults and our youth in a constant storm of false narratives?

My wife, Diane, and I recently re-watched the 2007 movie Rocky Balboa. I was reminded that Sylvester Stallone is an exceptional story teller. Enlisting our collective memory, the Rocky Balboa movie works to display history at a local and personal level. The movie vividly shows us how different circumstances impact the lives of ordinary people based on their personal decisions.

Stallone cuts through the glitz and gets right down to business adding in bits of humor along with frank and straight-forward insight. There are three characters worth mentioning – Paulie, Marie, and Rocky – representing the low, middle and high-ground for personal responsibility, individualism, and valor.

The character, Paulie, is a poignant display of loneliness and sorrow. During a scene at an abandoned ice rink, Paulie, in stark contrast with Rocky, is distressed by his memories and things which he knows he did wrong. In particular, he realizes that he treated his sister Adrian, and others, quite poorly.

We don’t see Paulie complaining about his housing circumstances, the extent of the local Philadelphia food desert, the cost of his healthcare, or his recent job loss. Instead, he was deeply troubled by his own, internal short-comings. This is disturbing to the modern audience because each of us could likely review our lives with similar results. Hindsight allows each of us to recognize mistakes and broken relationships that could have been easily fixed.

The Marie character, on the other-hand, we remember from the first 1976 Rocky movie as a sassy and rebellious teen. We knew then and still know today that Rocky’s advice to Marie was prudent – don’t smoke, don’t stay out past curfew, act like a nice girl is supposed to act. In 1976 nobody called Rocky a “hater” even though Marie responded with, “Screw you, Creepo!”

Marie is an archetypal representation of everyday people. She is grown up in this sequel and now understands life better. She is neither heroic, extraordinary, nor cowardly. Marie is fully capable of contributing to a cause when given the opportunity but, she is reluctant until someone else steps into her life and invites her to join.

The Rocky character exhibits personal vigor and a steadfast attitude that we, as ordinary everyday people, often find ourselves struggling to achieve. The movie depicts far more than Rocky’s physical prowess, it shows us his heart, how he cares about people, both the living and the dead.

Stallone uses Rocky to show us the power of common-sense and traditional values and then he successfully spurs us towards courage. Rocky does this through a willingness to challenge idle hearts, encouraging each person to try harder, and stick with it and by helping them to become heroes in their own way.

Oregon could use more heroes. The question is not, where are the heroes? I know where they are. They are at every kitchen table; they are helping the kids do their math correctly; They are the ones going to work. The question for us is, how can we each do our part to make a difference? Like Marie, many of us are regular people, willing but reluctant. The fate of our state and nation will depend on how each of us answers this question.

In Rocky’s hometown, Philadelphia, some 250 years earlier, Thomas Jefferson and others were striving diligently for liberty. One Philadelphia hero, Thomas Pickering argued for preventing slavery in new states because,

“Congress once made this important declaration, ‘that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’; and these truths were held to be self-evident.”

Pickering was adamant, “For God’s sake, then, let one more effort be made to prevent so terrible a calamity!”

Jefferson’s diary records the outcome of the vote on this motion,

“There were ten states present, 6 voted unanimously for it, 3 against it, and one was divided: and seven votes being requisite to decide the proposition affirmatively, it was lost.”

This was a full 75 years before our nation’s civil war. The vote was not lost because it was wrong-headed or unneeded, but because of the failure of individual moral agents. Jefferson reflects on this tragedy, writing:

“The voice of a single individual of the state which was divided, or of one of those which were of the negative, would have prevented this abominable crime from spreading itself over the new country. Thus we see the fate of millions unborn hanging on the tongue of one man, and heaven was silent in that awful moment! But it is to be hoped it will not always be silent and that the friends to the rights of human nature will in the end prevail.” *

Jefferson’s diary reflects a personal challenge to each of us. Today we bear the misfortune that this “one man” is missing from history’s pages. This one man’s failure was an abdication of his personal responsibilities and a violation of our nation’s principles. Yet, our state and nation need more than one voice and we all know there are thousands willing to stand with us to make a difference.

Together, we represent a bulwark that recognizes something is wrong. We see the far-left’s agenda playing out in all areas of life. We understand that we must take up the challenge in order to make a difference. We are people in every walk of life; Moms and Dads, kids, high-schoolers and college students.

Each of us, as individuals, are independent moral agents; we exist in every profession, in every wage-scale, of every race and of every ethnic background. It is time to join together in upholding truth, rather than succumbing to the false narratives of the run-away social media machine.

We will always face agenda-driven activists, socialists, Marxists, progressives and irresponsible pleasure-seekers who incessantly complain while believing more government is the answer. However, history coupled with reality provides a clearer warning. Therefore, our Liberty requires our involvement, boldness and diligence.

Our wonderful American experiment is about self-governance for a people with individual hopes, dreams and futures while staying true and standing strong for the eternal principles of our nation, the maintenance of which is vital to the world.

© 2023 Dennis Linthicum – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Linthicum: d4linthicum@gmail.com