By Steven Yates

November 26, 2022

The Race Is On!

Trump has announced, as everyone reading this probably knows. The response has been predictable. Trump’s speech was low key, with less bombast than in the past. To a corporate media waiting to pounce, this became “low energy” and “boring.” The speech covered a lot of territory. Thus it “meandered.”

In many respects it was a dark speech, though, recounting the disasters that have befallen America since January 21, 2021. These are easily summarized: the worst price inflation in half a century, chaos at the border, rising violent crime; rising interest rates, falling home values; worsening hostility to everything white, gender-bending being forced on elementary school children who have no psychological defenses against it; a foreign proxy war against Russia involving threats of nukes; aggressive gestures by China against Taiwan, and North Korea against everyone in reach of their rockets (South Korea, Japan, Guam). Little Rocket Man threatens to destabilize the entire region.

None of this would be happening were Trump still in office! Trump noted that we have two more years of the present disastrous regime!

He didn’t seem to play up the theft of his presidency in 2020 — or comment on the relative absence of the predicted red wave in 2022.

Biden’s approval rating was just 36 percent going into November 8, with many in his own party expressing doubt that he should run again in 2024.

So I ask this: does the near-absence of a resounding red wave make any sense whatsoever?

I myself wrote about the grip of the abortion death culture on the country, especially on left-leaning career women and brainwashed Gen-Zers who also support every “diversity” measure out there. These are important counter-considerations. But are American voters, whatever their sex or generation, especially if they buy gas and food and worry about their safety or that of their children, really so completely out to lunch that they would vote to keep the party responsible for the debacle of the past two years in power?

So could there have been fraud on a massive scale in this election?

Final consideration: a red wave did happen in Florida. Paul Craig Roberts explains:

How do we reconcile Florida’s red wave with the absence of one elsewhere? The answer is that Florida doesn’t permit all the voting ways that make it easy to steal. I voted in Florida on a paper ballot that was counted immediately prior to my departing the site, and I was given a confirmation of my counted vote. Gov. DeSantis and Senator Rubio won by overwhelming margins. DeSantis defeated Democrat Crist by 59% to 40%. Even heavily Democrat Miami-Dade County voted 55% for Republican DeSantis. Rubio defeated his Democrat challenger by a double-digit margin. Of Florida’s contingent of 28 members of the House, 20 are Republican. Why only in Florida were Democrats rejected as was expected to happen in many states?

Indeed, why?

My first point: except apparently for Florida, our voting system is broken. We either fix it, or we America First conservatives can forget ever being allowed to win again on a scale large enough to make any difference. Trump can forget about winning in 2024. The lawfare currently being waged against him will only accelerate as it is.

What to do?

Get rid of electronic voting machines and end mail-in voting.




Return to one-day, in-person voting, locally in one’s precinct (not in large voting centers as was done in Maricopa Co., Arizona, and precipitated the chaos there).

This was the system we Boomers grew up with. It worked. We took it for granted.

Use paper ballots that are verified with voter ID (drivers license, proof of legal residency), recorded, and counted on the spot.

All in one day!

This is why we call it Election Day (not Week, or Month)!

The system we grew up with delivered same-day results. We knew by late evening who won any given race.

The word digital wasn’t in our vocabularies.

Now we have all this much-vaunted digital technology on top of mail-in voting, and it takes days and even weeks to process and count ballots, often due to equipment “malfunctions” that appeared out of nowhere!

This is ridiculous!

My fear, though, is that such proposals as these have no chance of gaining traction, because of the grip official narratives now have on the body politic — among Establishment Republicans as well as Establishment Democrats.

Controlled corporate media (which no longer bothers to hide its preference for the Party of Chaos and Decadence) hammers them incessantly.

The first prevailing grand narrative: “election denialism” and “conspiracy theories,” not widespread fraud, cost Republicans their projected red wave!

Almost no one with visibility is challenging this publicly at a national level!

Kari Lake is challenging what happened in Maricopa Co., but in the face of the ridicule she’s receiving from local corporate media (especially the Phoenix-based Arizona Republic), I see no reason to think her challenge will go anywhere.

Oh, and there’s Mike Lindell, the “pillow guy,” who claims that his team caught cheating in real time.

But he’s a “conspiracy theorist”!

So I doubt we will see any investigation of whether fraud occurred in Election 2022, where, when, and how accomplished.

The approved messaging: repudiate Trump and Trumpism, red-staters, and you’ll win elections again!

Trump and Trumpism are “threats to democracy.” This is the second prevailing grand narrative presently circulating.

In plain English: we are being told to drop America First conservatism and go back to the globalist-serving fake “movement conservatism” of the Bushes, the Romneys, and other neocons.

If this occurs, the Party of Chaos and Decadence might as well stay in charge!

My second point, therefore, follows naturally:

We anti-globalist America First conservatives need to figure out where we want the GOP to go, or where we want to go with or without the GOP.

I am open to the possibility that Trump may not be our best standard-bearer.

That may shock some readers, but let’s remember: our movement predates Trump. Approved narratives about the presumed benefits of “globalization” to Americans had collapsed, as well as those of the “social justice” movement (once called political correctness, now it’s called Wokery) as whites became the only ethnic group in America to enter a visibly downward economic spiral in the new millennium.

These collapses happened well before 2015. Trump did not cause them. He benefited from them. He was able to channel their effects on the GOP base and ride them straight into the White House. The fact that a man with no previous experience in politics was able to do this ought to be of great interest!

But now?

In my last article I expressed bafflement over Trump’s treatment of DeSantis. What I’ve read and what correspondence I’ve had since doesn’t go beyond what even mainstream corporate media has figured out: DeSantis won reelection in Florida without seeking Trump’s endorsement. This bruised Trump’s ego, and he’s launched a preemptive strike against a potential rival for 2024 nomination.

I worry that Trump’s Mt. Everest sized ego, combined with a lack of focus and an inability to control his temper, are going to be his downfall. As he remains for all practical purposes the dominant influence on the Republican Party base, he could take Republicans down with him.

Even if DeSantis runs (he has not announced, and has plenty of time). Then there will be question marks. Would a hypothetical Candidate DeSantis state the real reasons for his 2022 victory in Florida and pledge to fix our broken election system? Or would he keep silent, having caved in the face of the approved narratives?

Either way, absent such fixes, we get four more years of rule by the Party of Chaos and Decadence!

Which would be catastrophic!

Especially with World Economic Forum Great Resetters breathing down our necks!

We America First conservatives have to define what we stand for besides the slogans: what kind of society we want, and what we are willing to do to build it. This includes the possibility of withdrawing, separating, building our own autonomous, self-sustaining institutions — independent of the official ones. And be prepared to defend ourselves, if need be (emphasis on defense!!). For however long it takes to ride this out.

We need to do this now — well before 2024 gets here! Actually we needed to do it yesterday — last week, last month, last year! Long before now!

It’s easy to say, we have over a full year. That’s a good recipe for sitting on our rear ends while our enemies are doing nothing of the sort!

I developed some suggestions here, here, here, here, here, and here! I know of groups who have already mostly separated themselves and are educating others how to do it.

GloboCorp — the Great Resetters, globalists, the superelite, call them what you will — know what kind of world they want!

They have said so, many times, in multiple venues, and in books that are readily available on sites like Amazon and elsewhere.

They did not change Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030 because the latter phrase looks prettier.

Twenty-thirty is their target year, in which they plan for us peasants to “own nothing, have no privacy, and be happy.”

Given the situation with voting and the unlikelihood that it will be fixed, I am not optimistic that the present system can be saved! But it can be exited!

Hence my interest in systems capable of political-economic autonomy and independence — rooted in an ethical and political philosophy I’ve begun calling responsible freedom.

The race is on: globalist techno-feudalism — the culmination of all the mainstream-approved narratives, plus the destruction of the dollar and Anglo-American (white, Christian) heritage and culture, ending with the Great Reset — or responsible freedom in which persons have intrinsic value and we act accordingly in a decentralizing world.

I will develop these final points in more detail in Part 2. For now, it should be sufficient to say: this race will be won, or lost, by 2030! We have, at most, eight years to get this done! After that it will be too late!

To Be Continued in Part 2.

© 2022 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

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ANNOUNCING: an online course/tutorial entitled The Philosophy of Responsible Freedom, directed by Jack C. Carney with myself as chief partner: a Zoom-based intellectual encounter between an atheist (Carney) and a Christian (Yates) exploring the history of ideas using Academy of Ideas videos and supplementing them with the thoughts of others. Carney is an autodidact in areas ranging across psychology, psychiatry and anthropology who emphasizes the importance of human relationships in a world where loss is omnipresent (he also teaches English online). I am an author and trained philosopher with a doctorate in the subject who taught philosophy courses in years past, walked away from academia, still writes philosophy emphasizing the need to identify, clarify, and evaluate the success (or failure) of worldviews in civilization, stages of civilization, the quest to build free societies, and how worldviews either enhance or hobble responsible freedom. Course/tutorial outline here. For more information or to get on our email list:

Steven Yates’s latest book What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory (2021) is available here and here. His earlier Four Cardinal Errors: Reasons for the Decline of the American Republic (2011) is available here.

While admittedly the real world can be scary enough, he has also written a novel of cosmic horror. The Shadow Over Sarnath will be published early next year.

The campaign I have been running improved a little last month, with one new Patron since my last article. The reality remains: people are exiting such sites, often for reasons beyond their (or my) control. I might still have to return to pursuing copywriting, copyediting and ghostwriting clients as a source of income in this era of roaring inflation.

Thank you, “Joe Biden”!

This would mean reduced visibility on It might even mean a “farewell” piece in December, even if only temporarily. Those are the breaks. I am not independently wealthy. To reverse this while there is still time (i.e., before a new client accepts my offer), please consider pledging today by going here and signing up.

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