Will There Ever Be Justice And Jail For Those Who Have Committed Treason?

On Wednesday Nov 29thTrump tweeted ‘Now that Russia collusion is a lie, when do the trials for treason begin?  This was posted on a photo of Trumps liberal opponents behind bars.  These included Obama, Bill and Hillary and Robert Mueller among others.  Naturally the leftist media and Democrat extremists are inventing new names to call this President since he dares to speak from the heart and reflect the gut level truth that most Americans agree with.

It has long been clear that Mueller is tainted, has smeared and threatened all the wrong people and has only one real agenda and it is not about a Russian conspiracy but the ruin of Trump.  Mueller, though a registered Republican has at least 13 angry Democrats working for him and on ‘Hillary…or should I say ‘looking the other way and protecting Hillary?’

Mueller according to many sources has indicted at least 32 people and more on the way if he isn’t stopped.  In reading and reviewing the charges against many on Mueller’s list of ‘persecution’ as I call it, are carefully laid perjury traps played out like a scary labyrinth to walk through. Bam! Suddenly you are indicted for lying to the FBI when you didn’t even know you had lied. That is the evil and desperate game that Mueller has been playing. Remember to get at and ruin Trump, but in the process ruin men like General Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos. Jerri Corsi, on it goes, while Mueller is the one who needs the political, legal and media hammer dropped on him.

I challenge President Trump to continue his tweets and bold declarations of courage and truth about Mueller and this bogus investigation.  Also, about the borders and other passions that protect and reflect real Americans.  Bravo Trump.

Now, back to the real question Trump laid out so well, “Now that Russia Collusion is a lie, when do the trials for Treason begin?”  If not Treason for some in the Tweet photo, why not arrests, exposer and political ruin for most in that photo?  They are all anti-American, anti-Capitalist, anti-border security – comparing brave ICE members to NAZIS.  They are anti law and apparently anti peace since the former AG himself –William Holder was calling Americans to kick conservatives, and others urging the masses to throw conservatives out of restaurants and businesses, assemble mobs and destroy things, while calling down fire and God’s wrath from heaven.

I call on Trump to ask more questions like that then follow through with the political and legal hammer.  It is time for Christians, conservatives and Trump supporters to stand tall against this tyranny and evil onslaught.  We won’t be leaving restaurants or gas stations any time soon.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

This Christmas Isn’t So Jolly For Millions Of Christians

As we in America prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the annual visit from St. Nick, there are many who suffer and die because they celebrate the Reason for the Season.  I find it Ironic that the same people continuing to pine away for migrants who want to break into our republic do not give a Tinkers dam about the literal multi million victims of Islamic brutality against Christians.  They also turn a blind eye toward the 27 million black people who are enslaved by vicious Muslims in the Middle East and Africa.

In fact, wherever Muslims occupy a large segment of the population, they routinely engaged in political maneuvering in order to get an advantage.  Then they usually find a leftist judge willing to help them through legal edict, force elements of Sharia law upon the entire population.  In the state of Michigan a leftist judge recently overruled our way of life and gave permission to Islamic doctors to mutilate young girls so they would not enjoy certain pleasures when they get married.   Back in the Middle East, Jihadists continue to kidnap Christian children and then often rape them and try to brainwash them into becoming terrorists.

As for adult Christians, the custom is for the Muslims to lop off their heads if they do not renounce their faith in Christ.  If beheading is not the favored choice of a particular group of Muslims, then Christians who are not afraid to stand for Christ are tortured, raped or crucified.  In Syria, 66 percent of Christians have been neutralized.  Iraqi Christians have horrifically endured a 90 percent reduction or displacement among their decimated ranks.  In Nigeria, Christians are on the brink of extinction because Muslims have made themselves judge and jury.  They continue to hunt Christians down and kill them like the people who used to bump off buffalos on the great American plains.

According to legal scholar Jay Sekulow legal letters were sent to the United Nations office of Genocide Prevention.  To date they have garnered almost no real effort from the globalist enterprise to combat the Islamic genocide against Christians, or the awful enslavement of millions of black Africans.  I find it ironic that American leftist black activists hate America to the core and support every effort to harm our republic, primarily because of the past institution of slavery.  Yet they never, ever, ever complain about or question the racist Islamic practice of slavery today.  Nor do they seem offended by the fact that Muslims believe that black people have no souls and are only meant to be slaves.

The time has come for Americans to finally grow up and start pushing back against the slimy Islamic push to fundamentally demolish our exceptional nation way of life.  This is a nation of laws and we must put our elected official’s feet to the fire to make sure they begin to honor their pledge to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. If not, we could one day wake up and find it illegal to celebrate Christmas or more importantly, openly worship Christ our savior.  Martin Luther King Jr. said decades ago, “injustice anywhere can lead to injustice everywhere”.  If you don’t believe that statement, then explain why German, British, Swedish and other nations where governments turned on their own citizens and allowed Islamists to pour in and wreak havoc at will.  In Great Britain, those born in that once great empire can now face harsh treatment at the hands of the government if they simply identify a Muslim in a crime they report.  That is beyond crazy.  But leftists will by any means allowed destroy any western society they can that ever had any Christian elements, teachings or principles as part of the makeup of their nation.

The Islamic brutes, college professors, leftist activists and politicians all understand that the rudiments of liberty and unalienable rights were derived from and rooted in both the Jewish and Christian faiths.  Thus, the mad mission to extinguish the flame of Christianity and personal responsibility focused liberty is in full throttle.  The brutish Islamists and national sovereignty threatening migrants are two of the major elements the power hungry leftists are utilizing to help destabilize western civilization in order to negatively change the course of history, how we live and even what we believe.  We know Christmas is not so jolly for millions of Christians around the world, but if we in this republic don’t get a grip on reality, we may one day not be allowed to celebrate or even say Merry Christmas here.  Merry Christmas!

Don’t miss the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv. americamatters.us, SHRMEDIA.COM and Spreaker.  The Ron Edwards Experience is now also enjoyed at 12:00 AM ET Sundays on TalkAmericaRadio.us.  The award winning radio commentary The Edwards Notebook is enjoyed during the weekend Captain’s America Third Watch talk show now heard on 90 radio affiliates throughout the republic.  The Edwards Notebook commentary is heard at various times throughout the day on freedominamerica.com, and talkamericaradio.us.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

The Push For ‘No Borders’

Leftists want a world government—with themselves in charge of it, of course—so badly, they can taste it.

For years they thought Global Warming/Climate Change/Whatever was going to be their ticket to the penthouse: “We’re all gonna die, unless we give government fantastic new powers so they can save us!” But with Donald Trump in the White House, that gag’s been running out of gas. They’re not about to drop it, but now they’ve added another ingredient to the mix—“open borders.”

The other day, the Bing home page featured a 2015 article from The Atlantic by an economics professor, Alex Tabarrok: “The Case for Getting Rid of Borders–Completely”. This is humanist paganism on parade.

As a humanist, Tabarrok doesn’t believe in Original Sin. He stands with that great humanist philosopher and ne’er-do-well, Rousseau, who preached the innate perfect goodness of man that only gets screwed up by our no-good social, economic, and political institutions. Once we hit upon exactly the right combination of rules and regulations—and with Science to guide us, how can we miss?—we’ll have paradise on earth. If I knew how to spell the sound of a raspberry, I would plug it in here.

The nation-state, which has existed since civilization was invented, is one of those institutions that the ol’ perfessor would like to get rid of. Let everybody move around as freely as dust in the wind! Especially let Third World countries flood the West with migrants. If we do this, he asserts, the whole world will be awash in prosperity—sort of like California is now. It’s not so much an argument as a sermon. And a colossal exercise in wishful thinking.

There’s just one little point he never got around to mentioning.

If we get rid of all the countries by wiping out their borders, who’s going to be in charge?

I mean, someone has to be—right? Someone’s got to sign the welfare checks, and wring the taxes to pay for them out of whoever’s still working. Someone’s got to decide what the laws are, and enforce them. Who will that be?

See, you set up conditions that destabilize the nation-states—“The borders aren’t working anymore! It’s turning into chaos!”—and then you step forward with a grandiose offer to clean up all the mess you made. You point to the havoc your insane immigration policies have made of France, Germany, and San Francisco, and then volunteer to restore order before the whole civilization comes tumbling down.

Historically, there’s only one way to govern a whole bunch of nations gathered into one polity. You set up a government that’s bigger, meaner, and a lot stronger than any of those subject nations and you crush anyone who tries to change it. Think “Roman Empire.” Or “Soviet Union.” Judea tries to gain its independence? Just send in the legions to trash their cities and crucify several thousand of them along the highways. The other subject nations will surely get the message.

Leftists in America and Western Europe seem to dismiss the observation that the rest of the world, by comparison, is a pretty awful place. They propose, by allowing unrestricted immigration, to import some of that awfulness. Stripped of its virtue-signaling, it’s just a way to destabilize the Western countries and get the people desperate enough to turn to global government. You can’t call it a conspiracy because they’re doing it right out in the open for everyone to see. We know they want “open borders” because that’s what they’re always saying that they want! We don’t need to be mind readers: they’re telling us exactly what they want.

Government is a necessary evil that can only be mitigated by strictly limiting its powers. We need government, our country’s founders believed, because men are not angels. Having no handy reserve of angels to staff the government, we have to settle for a government of sinners. Their power therefor needs to be limited—and constantly pruned back, because it tends to overgrow its boundaries.

When Christ’s Kingdom is established on the earth, then and only then will we have a world government that has the right to rule.

In the meantime, the wannabes are just usurpers.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

People Prefer Safe Space Over Conflict – Go Along To Get Along

It is possible to learn things in the strangest of places and in the strangest of conversations.

I have always been a bit intrigued by prison life and exactly what goes on behind the walls of the penal institutions.  We have all heard the horror tales of rapes, muggings, and “jailhouse justice,” and certainly being incarcerated for an extended period of time would seem to be such a waste of life.

Just this week I had a discussion with a friend who had spent some time in the clink and is now radically saved which has led to a total change in lifestyle. His testimony is miraculous and a real eye-opener about the power of Jesus to transform a life. He now credits his time in jail as God’s plan to rescue him from sure destruction.

During the course of the discussion I asked him if it was true that prison was a dangerous place.

“It can be,” he said.  “But it is really no different than the outside world in that regard.  Most of the trouble you get in to is trouble that you brought upon yourself.  If you lay low and simply do your time you can get through it without much trouble.  You just keep your mouth shut, head down, and count the days until you are outta there.”

“Is there a lot of violence inside?  Do guys get beat up a lot by other inmates?” I asked.

“Sometimes.  But if you really sense that there is trouble lurking on the yard you simply stay safe in the cage.”  He said.

“Huh?  Safe in the cage?  What does that mean, Bill?”  I queried.

“Your cell.  The cell is a cage.  In order to protect themselves from thugs some guys simply spend all of their time sitting in their cell.  There are guards around and it is very hard for someone to get into another guy’s cell.  Safe in the cage.  You have no freedom…but there is also less danger.  Life is always safer if you stay in the cage.”

“Hmmm.  Did you ever spend much time in your cage?”  I asked.

“Not much,” he said.  “I always tried to avoid the conflicts and controversy.  I didn’t go out of my way looking for trouble.”

“Wow,” I murmured.  “Sorta like church.  Is that what you mean?”

“I’m not following you, Coach.  What do you mean by that?”

“Safe in the cage.  That is the way I see most Christians living their lives.  The church is the cage and it is a safe place for them to run to when things get a little bit scary out in the world.  Instead of standing up and pushing back against the forces that are attempting to intimidate them, they run to church because it is “safe in the cage.”  They can hunker down, avoid the controversy out in the real world, and breeze through their time until their time of release occurs.  Just like the men in prison.”

“Dude!  I have never looked at it that way!”

“Yeah.  Think about it.  Most Christians that I have been around my entire Christian walk are some of the most passive, non-confrontational people you would ever want to be around.  They are good people, but they really are not interested in ruffling anyone’s feelings.  No matter how much crazy stuff is going on around them they don’t seem to want to do anything about it.”

“Look at the schools,” I continued.  “The public schools are teaching their kids all kinds of crazy things…gender issues…homo sex…secular beliefs and the parents never make a peep.  The government takes their tax dollars and spend it on crazy things like abortion, macro evolution…things that go in direct conflict with what the parents believe in their home, yet they never voice a complaint to anyone about their displeasure.”

“Ahhh.”  He moaned.  “Now I’m picking up what you are laying down.  The parents keep their mouths shut because they don’t want to make any waves.  They know that if they speak out they run the risk of making someone mad and then they will have to deal with the consequences of what they stood up for.  It’s safe in the cage!  You’re right Coach!  The parent’s unwillingness to speak out actually imprisons their own children.  By going-along-to-get-along they are actually bringing harm to the one’s they claim to love.”

“You got it!  In a funny sort of way the church has adopted the same mentality as the men who are locked in America’s prisons.  In order to avoid any problems they simply sit in their church and wait for their time here on earth to run out.  Why cause trouble when they are simply passing through.  This world is not there home.  Sometime very soon the Lord is going to come and set them free.”

“Yep.  Safe in the cage.  I never looked at it that way.  Jesus came to set us free, not to simply keep us locked in a church.  Although it might be safe, warm, and void of conflict in the cage, hiding from controversy is no way for a Christian to live.”

“That’s it, Bill,” I sighed.  “Avoiding conflict may be a safe way to live, but it sure is a waste of life.  Somehow I don’t think that Jesus came just to make our time spent here on earth more comfortable.  Fear is a prison in itself.  There is nothing wrong with BEING afraid…but there is something wrong with STAYING afraid.”

“Man,” Bill replied.  “It looks to me like I have simply traded one form of bondage for another.  Hiding from controversy in the church really isn’t much different than hiding form controversy inside the prison.”

“That’s what I am saying.  Jesus came to set us free, not simply change our cage.”

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

E-Verify Would Stop Illegal Immigration: But Congress Won’t Pass It

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, no less than 1,500 illegal migrants violate our southern border with Mexico every night.  Dr. Steven Camarota, www.CIS.org, stated that an average of 500,000 illegal migrants cross into the USA annually.  They arrive via legal visas that they disregard and remain in the USA to find jobs.  They arrive as anchor baby mothers.  They arrive as workers.

An estimated 7 to 10,000 people from Central America rush our southern borders in an attempt to illegally cross into America for jobs and a better life.  The entire world sends us 1,000,000 (million) legal refugees annually, and we absorb them via our U.S. Congress that can’t seem to see our country bursting at the seams with too many people already and another 100 million about to be imported over the next 30 years.

The biggest draw for illegal immigration: jobs.

This mass transit of humanity crossing our U.S. borders continues after 40 years. Why?  Because our U.S. Congress refuses to pass the most powerful law to stop them: E-Verify.  That law, strictly enforced, would stop employers from hiring illegal aliens in their workforce.

However, Congress passed laws in the 1970’s, still on the books that state that anyone who hires, houses or transports illegal aliens faces a $2,000.00 fine for each illegal hired, transported or housed.  And, up to five years in prison for hiring, transporting or housing an illegal alien.

The legislative and the executive branches failed to enforce those laws for the past 40 years.  (Please note the correct branches of government Ms. Alexandria Cortez, one of our newest House members that thinks the three branches of government are, “The presidency, Senate and House.”  Dear God, yet another Maxine Waters in the House. Those two should be roommates as they share identical IQ’s.)  Result: 22 to 23 million illegal aliens now call the United States their home.  They’ve embedded themselves so deeply that nothing can dislodge them.  They’ve created underground economies, separate barrios, separate languages and parallel societies in America.

Those illegals send $69,000,000,000.000 (billion) in cash transfers back to their home countries annually. Mexico: $26 billion; China $16 billion; India $11 billion; Philippines $9 billion; Vietnam $7 billion.  Please understand that illegal alien employers pay off the books, so they don’t pay federal, state or local taxes.  Thus, you not only get bilked out of your tax dollars, you pay for all those services for illegals in your state.  (Source: www.Finder.com  (Cash transfers out of USA annually)

That money flies out of the USA while U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for those immigrants’ children K-12, food stamps, breakfasts & lunches, medical care and housing assistance.  At the same time, Americans pay out $296 billion in tax dollars to support illegal immigration through 15 different federal agencies.

Yet, former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner of Ohio suppressed passage of E-Verify his entire tenure.  Same with House Speaker Paul Ryan.  Same with Nancy Pelosi.  The same goes for Senate leader Mitch McConnell.  In fact, every leader of the Senate and the House for the past 40 years squashed any bills that would have arrested, detained, and prosecuted employers who hired illegal aliens.  They also squashed any bills to stop anchor babies by keeping them in committee. Those democrats and republicans serve other masters other than American citizens.

Thus, we care-take 22 to 23 million illegal aliens in this country and their millions of babies, now estimated to be somewhere between 6 to 8 million anchor babies.  (Source: Yale Study: September 2018; Illegal immigrant numbers study)

All the while, our unemployment rolls swell into the millions while we pay for food stamps, housing and welfare.  More immigration means more American workers live in poverty from very low wages and fewer opportunities.  A whopping 44 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Another 90,000 homeless dwell in tent cities in Los Angeles in the state where a mind-numbing six million illegal aliens live.

Why, pray tell, doesn’t Congress pass E-Verify?  Why don’t they enforce the laws on the books?  Why wouldn’t they enforce E-Verify if it passed into law?  Answer: big corporate giants like McDonald’s; Chipotle’s, Tyson Chicken, Hormel Foods, Montford beef, Marriott Hotels, Holiday Inn, construction firms, landscape firms, and cities throughout America dictate to their Congressional critters by bribing, cajoling with election money, and greasing their palms with greenback dollars.

In other words, our own leaders undermine the American working man and woman. Those same 535 scoundrels allow China to steal all our manufacturing jobs.  They gave away our textiles, manufacturing, and car manufacturing to India, China, Mexico, and other cheap-labor countries.

While men like Charles Schumer of New York give long-winded speeches about how he cherishes America, he takes his knife out and stabs every citizen in the back.  While Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein in California promise to serve Americans in their speeches, they take out the cutting board and hack up Americans’ jobs, quality of life and standard of living in favor of illegal aliens.  While Paul Ryan of Wisconsin looks nice and promises to support the American worker, he squashed, suppressed and destroyed E-Verify every year he served as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America.

And, like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter, Americans vote those folks back into office decade after decade.

Why aren’t there term limits to stop this betrayal of the American people?  Answer: once those people gain power, they never want to give it up.  Congress will never vote for term limits.

As the late British Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts; and absolutely power corrupts absolutely.”

All the while, you and I face a harsh future paying for unemployment, food stamps, homeless, 18-year wars that cost us $5.9 trillion and growing fragmenting of our country.  By 2042, the Pew Research Center states that American Blacks and Whites will become the new minority at 49 percent in our own country, which will be dominated by Mexicans at 51 percent.

All brought to you by endless legal and illegal immigration condoned and supported by our U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.  Why don’t you give your two state senators and House member today and thank them so much for screwing you and your family?

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The Forerunners Of The American Revolution: The Black Robed Regiment

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. …and whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degree’s, the consequence will be the same.” -Thomas Paine, author, and founder, 1777

I remember when I first got into ministry, I was approached and asked to attend a youth group to give my testimony, and of course, I obliged.

I also remember after giving my testimony that week that I began to hear over and over again by the youth pastor as to what they were going to do in reaching the up and coming generation. Yet, week after week it was the same thing, just sensationalized preaching with little to no action outside of the church building (1 John 3:18).

It then dragged month after month, at which point, I had enough. Here am I preparing (Colossians 2:7-18) to bring about the answers (Isaiah 6:8) to this world (John 4:35) and this guy is talk, talk, talk, and even more talk. I am not built to sit around in a church building and pacify and deceive myself by merely talking about what needs to be done (Proverbs 6:9; James 2:14-26).

How was I to sit around and merely talk about what Christ commanded us to do (Luke 19:10).  Just think of it this way, I would not have been at the church in the first place if there had not been someone who reached out to me (2 Corinthians 5:20).

As a side note, after every church service, I was in the church library studying the likes of Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, Martin Luther, Charles Finney, John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, John Calvin, Smith Wigglesworth, John Alexander Dowie, William and Catharine Booth, etc.  These were giants in the faith that obtained a good report and I wanted to know the God that they served (Hebrews 11:2). There is a definite difference between the church in America from the founding era to the present.

How was I going to spend the rest of my life reading about the history of the men that proved the God of Israel, and have been partakers of signs and wonders (Mark 16:20) and not do the same, especially knowing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)?

It was Jesus who said:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” -John 14:12

And if He is not a respecter of persons, then I have the same access into the Holy of Holies (Hebrews 10:19-22) to commune with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as our forefathers did (Acts 10:34).

Friends, I cannot sit in a circle and pretend (Matthew 23:3), I will not preach without His witness (Acts 5:32), I will not have any part of playing church without the practice of what I preach, for this is the widespread problem that we are having in this country today.

[YouTube Video]

Furthermore, my spirit hungers (Matthew 5:6) and strives for connection with the God of David (Romans 8:14-16), through Jesus Christ, to see Him do for my generation that which He did for David’s.  Scripture is clear, you do not find the Lord by just talking about His promises.  You must act.

“O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.  Thy righteousness also, O God, is very high, who hast done great things: O God, who is like unto thee!” -Psalm 71:18-19

Friends, is it enough to talk about what needs to be done? Is it enough to talk about great men of the past that proved the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? No, it is not! Talking alone does not get the job done.  Faith that worketh by love does (Galatians 5:6). Action speaks much louder than words.

“For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.” -1 Thessalonians 1:5

Bringing it closer to the present time from that of the biblical patriarchs is our founding fathers, who sacrificed themselves in order that their posterity might have freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).  I’m speaking namely of the Black Robed Regiment.

[YouTube Video]

I recently watched an A+ documentary-movie on the history of the Black Robed Regiment. These were the apostolic and prophetic preachers of their day (1 Corinthian 12:28) and the forerunners (Micah 2:13) who had the courage to act on our behalf over 242 years ago. They did not just preach out against the sins of the tyrants, they fought against him and his armies by resisting and throwing off his ungodly rule.

[YouTube Video]

“Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.” -President Thomas Jefferson

Roger Sherman, Architect and Signer of The Declaration of Independence said:

“Sad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and no longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men.”

How do Roger Sherman’s words line up with what you are seeing in America today? Today, we have nothing but a bunch of effeminate and godless hirelings who are afraid of their own shadows (Revelation 21:8), sitting in another one of their board meetings like a bunch of clowns in a circus trying to figure out how they can entertain and introduce the sheep-goats to the wolves (Matthew 25:31-46; 1 John 2:15-17).

“A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats!” –Charles H. Spurgeon

“But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.” -John 10:12

Think of this, a bunch of professors who claim to have the answers that the world needs and yet, they are unwilling to bring them answers in power so that they might be set free (John 8:36).

Again, Charles H. Spurgeon comes to my aid when he said,

“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you’re not saved yourself, be sure of that!”

After all, you cannot give what you do not have (Matthew 10:5-8; Jude 1:12)! But what of those who have brought the answers to this world?

Let’s light the candle and see how our forefathers led the way. Looking now to the example of the Black Robed Regiment and what was recorded on their behalf (Malachi 3:16), those who have gone before us in the faith (Hebrews 11), and see how they trusted in the living God (Proverbs 3:5), and how the Lord answered on their behalf.

“No class of men contributed more to carry forward the Revolution and to achieve our independence than did the ministers.” -B. F. Morris, historian, 1864

“The preachers of the Revolution did not hesitate to attack the great political and social evils of their day…” Frank Moore, historian, 1862

“To the pulpit we owe the moral force which was our independence. They prepared for the struggle, and went into battle, not as soldiers of fortune, but with The Word of God in their hearts and trusting in Him.”

“England sent her armies to compel submission and the colonists appealed to Heaven? -John Wingate Thorton, historian, 1860

“This righteous rebellion began in the churches before spilling out into the streets of Boston and the rural regions of the colonies. In 1776 mixing politics and religion was as common as drinking smuggled tea.”

“The colonial clergy created the religious climate that made it possible for the American Revolution to take place.” James L. Adams, author and journalist, 1989

“The Christian “ministers of war” had done their job well, in fusing their congregants with the feeling they were first and foremost Christian soldiers…”

“The poorly armed, ragtag American recruits set forth to do battle. …in the process they would turn the world upside down.” James Adams

“Since we are compelled to take up the sword, in the necessary defense of our liberties, let us gird on the harness with firm defiance and with fixed purpose, to part with our liberty only with our lives…” Moses Mather, pastor, 1775

“It must never be forgotten that religion gave birth to Anglo-American society. In the United States, religion is therefore mingled with all the habits of the nation and all the feeling of patriotism, whence it derives a peculiar force.”

“We are not fighting against the name of a king, but the tyranny; and if we sailor that tyranny under another name, we only change our master without getting rid of slavery.” William Gordon, 1777

“Expense is not to be regarded in a contest of such magnitude. What can possibly be a compensation for our liberties? It is better to be free among the dead, than slaves among the living.” Zabdiel Adams, pastor, 1782

“We know that our civil and religious rights are linked together in one indissoluble bond. Religion and liberty must flourish or fall together in America. We pray that both may be perpetual.” William Smith, pastor, 1775

Outside of the fact that this Black Robed Regiment documentary-movie was outstanding, what begs the question is where are the men in number to do the same things today? It is not God that has changed (Malachi 3:6)!

Below is a quote by D. H. Lawrence which serves as a warning to anyone that believes that inaction brings anything but slavery.

“Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

We Now Live In A Land Of Zealots And Lunatics

“I just had this New York thing. When I got there, I felt so at home. I said, ‘This is where the crazy people go.’ It’s OK to be yourself in New York.” —Lori Petty, contemporary actress and director

FROM THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH:  In a 1962 edition of Scientific American, the ecologist John B. Calhoun presented the results of a macabre series of experiments conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).  He had placed several rats in a laboratory in a converted barn where – protected from disease and predation and supplied with food, water and bedding – they bred rapidly. The one thing they were lacking was space, a fact that became increasingly problematic as what he liked to describe as his “rat city” and “rodent utopia” teemed with animals.  Unwanted social contact occurred with increasing frequency, leading to increased stress and aggression. Following the work of the physiologist, Hans Selye, it seemed that the adrenal system offered the standard binary solution: fight or flight.  But in the sealed enclosure, flight was impossible.  Violence quickly spiraled out of control. Cannibalism and infanticide followed.  Males became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual.  Calhoun called this vortex “a behavioral sink”.  Their numbers fell into terminal decline and the population tailed off to extinction.  At the experiments’ end, the only animals still alive had survived at an immense psychological cost: asexual and utterly withdrawn, they clustered in a vacant huddled mass.  Even when reintroduced to normal rodent communities, these “socially autistic” animals remained isolated until death. In the words of one of Calhoun’s collaborators, rodent “utopia” had descended into “hell”.

In the 1950’s, we were still fairly well spread out in America.  Suburbia became the escape from the high densities of big cities.  We had large lots where the kids could play in their own yards.  Suburban areas spread like wildfire all over America.  We built schools, churches, wide roads and parks.  We then added businesses, industry and commerce to the suburban lifestyle where we didn’t have to travel long distances to work in our cars.  Friendly neighborhoods popped up and people began to talk to each other again, relieved of the high densities, stress, crime and pressures of big cities.  Suburbia allowed us to stretch out a little, with more space for outdoor activities, and play.  Kids didn’t have to play in the streets, or in the hallways of large apartment buildings any more.

But all that changed in the late 1960’s when radical environmentalism raised its ugly head.  Environmentalists demanded that we save the suburban and rural areas for the trees, the animals, the birds and the insects.  Government started passing more laws to restrict growth and reduce lot sizes in the surrounding areas of big cities.   Environmental groups, like the Sierra Club, started doing studies on what were the optimum densities for big cities and came up with plans for high dense urban areas containing 50,000 people per square mile.  There are very few cities on the planet that contain 50,000 people per square mile. 

To accomplish this insane goal, hundreds of 25-story apartment buildings would have to be built in big cities.  Each apartment would have businesses, retail and parking on the first floors so people could walk or take their bicycle to work.  The apartment buildings would be connected by mass transit.  Cars would be discouraged.  This was all part of a grand plan called sustainable development created in a 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro under the UN policy known as Agenda 21.  But in fact the policy is little more than “rack ’em and stack ’em“, like rats in a cage.  We are now mentally and physically crippling our children from the negative impacts of high-density living.

Just like the rats in the National Institute for Health studies, people react negatively to high dense urban living.  “Violence increases. (Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Ferguson, LA)  Males and females became hypersexual, pansexual and, an increasing proportion, homosexual.  Anti-social behavior grows.”

Corruption in government also grows and politicians pander to the high dense urban populations (the mobs) for their votes by giving away “free” stuff, with the “free” stuff being stolen from taxpayers by unconstitutional law.  Cities, almost wholly dependent on government for survival, started moving left towards socialism.  Normal populations started giving sway to the growing demands of zealots, lunatics and fringe communities.  Common sense, logic and intellect were and are being replaced by liberal propaganda and political correctness to the point that the entire American population was and is being systematically brainwashed.  After eight years of Obama’s fundamental transformation, by 2018 the normal fringe elements (zealots and lunatics) of the bell shaped curve had more than doubled in size from 1955.  Our society was and is manufacturing birdbrains and criminals at greater frequencies.

Today we have the mayor of New York openly and blatantly moving the city towards socialism.  Meanwhile, management of city services has declined in deference to social services ….. for votes.  We have Democrat politicians openly promoting socialism as a federal policy in the land of the free and the brave.  We have colleges telling the students that they can’t clap, or use ALL CAPS in their writings and essays.  It might offend some people.  We have students carrying the American flag on a high school campus expelled because they offended the illegal aliens attending the school who were flying a Mexican flag.  Government is offering free health care, free college tuition and jobs without regard to the cost.  We have government squelching strongly held religious beliefs with respect to the gay lifestyle and gay marriage, by threats, fines and incarceration.  We have cities passing laws forcing artists that they “must” depict the gay lifestyle in their art even though it goes against their religions beliefs, much less their freedom of choice.

Because of very liberal immigration policies, we have illegal aliens believing they have every right to come into America and they have been crossing our borders illegally by the millions for decades, while the American taxpayer picks up the tab for their food, clothing, rent, health care and education.   States and cities are adding to the chaos by creating safe zones for illegal aliens under a “sanctuary city” policy.  Illegal immigration has now become an un-resolvable problem because the two parties will not come together on a reasonable, common sense compromise that favors the interests of legal Americans.

Zealots and lunatics occupy the halls of Congress and state legislatures, where compromise to solve pressing problems is blocked by political intransigence.  One such lunatic Congressman, Eric Swalwell, threatened legal Americans with nukes if they didn’t hand over their guns when requested by government.

Environmental lunacy, promoted by zealot Democrats, with the help of the U. S. Congress and the U. S. Supreme Court, has gained so much power in politics that they have been successful in literally repealing Fifth Amendment property rights and shredding large parts of the Constitution.  Worse than that, they are trying to force man-caused global warming down our throats, extract trillions more in taxes from us to solve this alleged human-caused problem, with the rational for such actions based on flawed science and made-as-instructed computer models.  Read articles from credible sources that debunk climate change HERE.

Gun control zealots (mostly Democrats) keep demanding more gun restrictions, even though restrictions by themselves will not stop mass shootings and they know it.  They just want more control and their ultimate goal is gun confiscation of the general population, just like England and Australia.  United Nation policies actually call for planet-wide gun confiscation of all citizens.

Again zealot Democrats gave us Obama Care, without a single Republican vote, and nationalized one sixth of the American economy.  Chief Justice John Roberts, an alleged conservative justice, voted with the liberals on the Court and sanctioned what was blatantly unconstitutional legislation.  In so doing, he alone tore a giant blood-gushing hole in the American health care system and aided and abetted rapidly increasing health care costs and a reduction in health care services.  The problem is now so acute that it can’t be resolved because of irreconcilable party divisions.

All this socialist and liberal lunacy and zealotry have given us a rising and un-payable national debt.  Mostly Democrats are responsible for the rising debt and have no compunction about raising the debt even more in order to buy off increasing numbers of dumb city voters ….. or illegal aliens.  Their goal is perpetual political power and they are well on their way to getting it.

Common sense, logic and intellect are rapidly being replaced by increasing lunacy and zealotry in America that is a direct result of high dense urban cities, dependency on government by urban populations and the rapid move towards socialism.   The deleterious effects of high dense urban living are mirroring the rat studies mentioned at the beginning of this article.  The cause of our cultural breakdown stems from the insatiable desire of large segments of the urban population to increase their mental “highs” from drugs, alcohol and human-degrading entertainment.  These addicted nut cases create the demand and their demand is supplied by the savage Mexican drug cartels.

Movies and television are two of the root causes of violence in our society and the break down of cultural norms.  The news media, movies, television and violent computer games combined are the “carriers” of the violence disease.

Many of our readers have asked us, what can we do about all of the financial, economic, immigration, health care, crime, violence and cultural disintegration we are experiencing?  We reply with:

“Sadly, we’re being done in by the zealot and lunatic mob majority.  The majority, mostly residing in big cities, has bought into the ‘mother government’ mantra and they want it to continue and they have the votes to make it continue.  People are generally weak and they fall for the Democrat ‘free’ stuff all the time.  That is how they are conquered, either by a party, a city, a state, a nation, or by one-world-government.”

“We are at a similar point as were the Colonials in 1776.  Many were quite happy with King George and didn’t want anything to change.  But about a third of the population had enough and decided to go to war.  Ironically, less than 3% actually took up sword, musket and cannon to take on the British.”

“Because big cities are almost virtually dependent on government and 80% of the population resides in big cities, we’re not sure that anything can restore constitutional freedom short of war.”

“It is said that he who has the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns wins.  Right now, the common sense side of the population is in the minority.  They may have the money and the guns, but they don’t have the votes.”

Evidently, most of the American people are perfectly content to be debt slaves and rats in a cage, dancing to the tune of a lunatic mob drummer.  Until we once again seek freedom with the same savagery and determination as we did in the Revolutionary War, debt slaves and rats in a cage we will be.  Soon we will be just like Europe, or worse, Venezuela and we will all stand by and watch it happen without so much as a whimper or a moan.

For the last 13 years and writing well over 500 articles on freedom, liberty and property rights, we have been trying to get people involved in saving their nation.  After making at least seven different attempts, at great time and expense on our part, to get people involved, we have decided to take the gifts of patriotism, capitalism and freedom on the road instead.  We will share those gifts with groups of 50 or more.  If you are tired of being pushed around by government, or a debt slave, or a rat in a cage, click HERE.

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Why Would Americans Hate Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving this year delivered a crushing blow to the NBA’s Boston Celtics who lost to the New York Knicks. NBC Sports reporter Abby Chin told Celtics star Kyrie Irving, “Happy Thanksgiving,” to which Irving responded, “F*** Thanksgiving.”

Apparently, Irving’s late mother was born into the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in South Dakota and he has recently begun embracing his Native American heritage.

But why would that cause Irving to be so hostile and unthankful for America?

I think I may know the reason.

Statistically speaking, Kyrie and American Millennials’ (ages 18-34) worst subject is history. Many know very little about our European ancestors, the Pilgrims, to whom the first Thanksgiving is attributed. Tragically, revisionist history has left out the specific reason these pioneers settled in America and instead have created a new inhumane narrative that has caused men like Kyrie to despise America.

Thankfully our American history is well documented and I would like to share some of it. You see, the Pilgrims wrote their reason for settling in America in the Mayflower Compact – the first American government document: “…for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith…”

By coming to America, the Pilgrims determined to set up an entire nation for the purpose of glorifying God and advancing the Christian faith.  This radical statement UNITED government with a responsibility to God and left a strategy for future generations to follow that has arguably brought about more liberty, prosperity, and joy to our nation than any other political philosophy in any other country in the history of the world! That is something to be thankful for.

The first national Thanksgiving occurred in 1789. According to the Congressional Record for September 25, immediately after approving the Bill of Rights, Mr. Elias Boudinot said he could not think of letting the congressional session end without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of America to render their sincere thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings He had poured down upon them.

The resolution was delivered to President George Washington, who heartily concurred with the congressional request, declaring:

“Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor . . . . Now, therefore, I do appoint Thursday, the 26th day of November 1789 . . . that we may all unite to render unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection.”

For years after, Americans were delivered from countless perils, received many victories and blessings, prospered beyond any country, and soon everyone envied the “American Dream” that God had given to persevering Americans, including amazingly talented athletes like Kyrie Irving.

I encourage everyone reading with this: let’s not just wait until Thanksgiving to thank our benevolent Creator. Like our founding fathers, let us give thanks to the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for America’s incredible founding. Let us pray that our government would never relinquish its God-given duty to preserve our rights. And finally, let us pray that American education would once again be based on truth, not dishonesty and disinformation.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

The Lunatic Communist Left And The Complicit Right Wing

The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed. —Karl Marx

Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled. —Karl Marx

Contentment makes poor men rich; Discontent makes rich Men poor. —Ben Franklin

The late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years as a prisoner of the Communist government in Romania, where he was persecuted for his faith in Jesus Christ. His experience led him to spend further years researching Karl Marx and the Communist doctrines he developed. While Communism portrays itself as a noble endeavor for the good of mankind, and claims an Atheistic view, Wurmbrand exposes its true roots, revealing that Karl Marx and the fathers of the modern Communist/Socialist movements were inspired by the powers of darkness.

Wurmbrand’s studies of Marx and his followers led him to write Marx and Satan.  He understood that the “prince of darkness” gave these men the “sword” by which they have terrorized the nations.  The Pastor proves this movement, still alive and festering in the United States today, is not simply the work of greedy men, hungry for wealth and power, but is “after the working of Satan” with the intent of destroying mankind. McCarthy was right, Marxists have infiltrated our local, state and federal governments.

College Professors

Pastor Wurmbrand was Jewish, and he understood that Marx was a rabid anti-Semite.  As I wrote in my last article, an extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats (read that socialists) compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 12.7 to 1.

Professors teach that the Palestinians are just, and the smallest nation in the middle east, Israel, should be destroyed.  They never tell of the brilliant medical advances as well as the inventions and discoveries by these amazing Israelites. There are only 15 million Jews in the entire world, they are God’s gift to mankind.

Racism and sexual assaults are used today to destroy people who have stood for truth, and our history has been destroyed under the guise of past racism.  As Marx stated, “Keep people from their history and they are easily controlled.”

This is what our education is doing, kindergarten through university.  Think about all the magnificent statues of past veterans and honorable southern leaders, destroyed by the fools who have no clue of real history…only the false history taught in our government schools. Their goal is destruction of our Constitution.

The federal government controls all education other than private, religious and home schoolers with their federal tax dollars.  Once any of these schools take one penny of tax monies, they too receive federal regulations…teaching socialism, hatred, victimization, and weakness. One need only read the 1933 statement from Pastor J. Gresham Machen on The Necessity of the Christian School to understand why vouchers, choice and tax credits are a danger to the last few independent schools.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The newest Democrat Congresswoman elected in the State of New York representing the Bronx and Queens is a hardcore communist.  She is a Bernie aficionado, and like Bernie is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.  Ocasio-Cortez was endorsed by progressive and civil rights organizations such as MoveOn, Justice DemocratsBrand New Congress (formed by Bernie Sanders supporters), Black Lives Matter, Democracy for America, and by gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, who, like Ocasio-Cortez, also challenged a longtime incumbent, Andrew Cuomo, in the 2018 New York gubernatorial election.  Ocasio-Cortez is supportive of every leftist cause, that supports her communist beliefs.

Ocasio-Cortez comes off as ignorant when she says things like, “When I’m inaugurated,” or that the three branches of government are “President, House, and Senate,” or “Congressmen, Congresswomen, and President.”

The “Medicare for All” plan being pushed by Senator Bernie Sanders and endorsed by a host of Democratic congressional and presidential hopefuls, includes Ocasio-Cortez.  A study by the George Mason University Mercatus Center claims Medicare-for-All would cost $32.6 trillion in government spending over 10 years.  Mere pennies!

Yes, she sounds like a total moronic fruitcake, but don’t be fooled.  This 29-year-old intends to be the next Nancy Pelosi.  She has a degree in economics from Boston University although you’d never know it.  She was an intern in the immigration department of Senator Ted Kennedy.  Quite obviously her oath to our Constitution will mean nothing since they are anathema to our founders’ liberties and freedoms.

Dave Merrick’s article, “The Manchurian Counterfeit” is instructive. He’s telling us that she is the next big Socialist Democrat to quickly rise to stardom.  Here’s a tidbit from his phenomenal article:

Alexandria Ocasio – Cortez is even more clever and slippery than a love child of Barack and Hillary on steroids.  Don’t let anyone tell you that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is another dumbbell added to the roster of liberal morons.

Islamist Hijabs in Congress

One of the Dems first official acts will ordain oppressive Islamist hijabs for wear in congress, changing 181 years of Congressional rules banning headwear.  Member-elect Somali Ilhan Omar, (D-MN) will be the first member of congress to wear a hijab.  She replaces Keith Ellison, a former acolyte of anti-Semitic minister Louis Farrakhan.

The newly elected Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is moving to embrace the hijab which is a symbol of Islamist oppression towards women and is sanctioned by sharia and fatwas. Under the Dems new proposal, this is a change proposed jointly by Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Incoming Rules Chairman Jim McGovern and member-elect Ilhan Omar and is part of a larger overhaul package.

The rule would be relaxed to allow religious headwear, like a hijab or kippah.  I’m all for the kippah since our society was based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, but if this law goes through, then how about native Americans wearing feathered head dresses and Indians wearing turbans, etc.

Omar had married her brother in 2009 to get him into the country illegally via some visa situation, and only recently went through the exercise of divorcing him.  This anti-Semite Muslim criticized anti-Israel boycotts during her campaign, but less than a week after being elected, she admitted that she supports the boycotts. This is taqiya which means Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Ask yourself why all Muslims in Congress are Democrats, and remember the Nazi (National Socialism) connection to Islamic terrorism.

Omar will be joined by fellow Midwestern Democrat, Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib, as the first two Muslim women in Congress.

Voters can thank the 45 members of congress who retired this year because they believed the fake media reports about their alleged slim chances of being reelected and/or because they are still NeverTrumpers.

Sanders and Booker on Drug Prices

Socialist Bernie Sanders says he wants to strip patents from drug producers if their prices are too high.  This is pretty much the same thing “Spartacus” socialist 2020 presidential candidate Cory Booker is thinking. They apparently don’t want to give drug companies incentive for research on MS, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.

What Bernie and Cory want is to lose the race for the cures.  Yes, American drug companies even with all their faults, do the research and foreign nations rely on this and sell the products at a discounted price…they never put any monies into the R and D.  Extending patents into perpetuity is ridiculous, they do need to go generic after the allotted time.  However, cutting their funds for research and development is just as insane.  I’m not with Trump on rushing these drugs to market that have not been thoroughly tested via clinical trials.  I remember Thalidomide only too well, along with a great number of other damaging drugs…Vioxx, Celebrex, et al.

Newt Blasts Vote Cheating Dems

So just where in heaven’s name are the Republicans in Congress screaming about the vote fraud in this election?  They haven’t said a word.  Former speaker Newt Gingrich, a man I’ve never trusted, actually blasted Democrats for their vote fraud, but have you heard a word from the majority Republicans in Congress?  Nada, even though Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was tossed out of Broward County for filming vote fraud, as stated in a recent article.

In a conversation with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich criticized Democrats for blaming their midterm election losses on Republican cheating while simultaneously trying to commit fraud in Florida and elsewhere. Link

Where is our representation for the taxpaying voters? They are silent…why?  Because the majority of them are part and parcel of the democratic socialist cabal promoting globalism…and this is why they fail to help our President pass his desired legislation.

“If you don’t let the Democrat win, then you’re cheating,” Gingrich said. “And it’s been stolen because you’re not allowed to win. They’re supposed to win.”

He’s right, the “resistance” is without conscience, they are haters who will destroy the country over their loss.

If you thought it was bad this time around, just wait until Trump demolishes their 2020 candidate. The howling will be historic.

Senate Republican Hold Up

Two of President Trump’s pics for top national security posts are being held up by Senate Republicans over issues unrelated to their qualifications, with the nominations set to expire this year and the current session of Congress winding to a close.  Rand Paul put a hold on the nomination of Joseph Maquire to head the National Counterterrorism Center, a position vacant over a year. He wants more information from the administration on how metadata collected by spy agencies is used by the government.

Chuck Grassley has placed a hold on William Evanina, Trump’s pick to head the National Counter Intelligence and Security Center over a long running fight with the intel community about access to highly classified documents.

Worse yet, the GOP Senate should confirm more nominees in December, but will they?  The lame duck 115th Congress is truly lame!  McConnell has filed cloture on two judicial nominees, Thomas Alvin Farr for a district court seat in NC, and Jonathan A. Kobes to fill an appellate vacancy on the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The plan is to vote on the two judges and three executive nominees in the next two weeks.  But guess what!?  A total of 32 judicial nominees are still awaiting confirmation on the floor, and the Senate should push through these nominees lest they have to be reported out of the Judiciary Committee again in the next Congress.  God help us, the new 2019 Congress is led by Commies!

Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is threatening to hold up the 20 judges still awaiting a vote in committee, including six circuit-court nominees.  Flake says he wants a vote on a bill to prevent Trump from firing special counsel Robert Mueller, who is an inferior officer in the executive branch.  God help me, Flake is a perverted ass, and he knows damn well that Trump will not fire Mueller, even though he should have been canned immediately.

The bill proposed is unconstitutional and Flake knows it…blocking judges to spite Trump is a tactic of the controlled opposition Republican Party cabal.  Fourteen percent of the judiciary is vacant … the White House can hardly nominate folks fast enough and the GOP Senate needs to confirm as many more judges as soon as possible this year, even if it means more days in DC.  Don’t give me the excuse of a lack of time…get it done!

Chief Justice John Roberts

Roberts, President George W. Bush’s appointee as Chief Justice, was responsible in 2012 for changing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate into a tax and thus rescuing President Obama’s signature legislation. He made himself totally untrustworthy with that decision.

Article I, Section 7, Clause 1 says: “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.” This clause was put in to ensure that that most awesome federal power was lodged in the political body most sensitive to public opinion.

“The power to tax is the power to destroy,” John Marshall wrote in the foundational 1819 case of McCulloch v. Maryland, so the Framers wanted to ensure that any such destruction came from the people themselves. (Unfortunately, those in the U.S. House of Representatives today rarely represent the people.)

This destruction came from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  Like Justice Ginsburg nasty comments about candidate Trump in 2016, Roberts verbally attacked our President.

Chief Justice John Roberts rebutted President Donald Trump’s statement that a ruling on Trump’s illegal alien asylum was made by “an Obama judge.”

Roberts responded, “We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them.”  Like hell we don’t Justice Roberts!

Trump tweeted, “Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts, but you do indeed have “Obama judges,” and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an “independent judiciary,” but if it is, why are so many opposing views (on Border and Safety) cases filed there, and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers, they are shocking. We need protection and security – these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!

Roberts said on the day before Thanksgiving that an “independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”

Well, I know what Roberts is full of, and it isn’t Thanksgiving turkey…


The left and right are two wings of the same bird.  Both belong to the same globalist establishment cabal to destroy America.  It’s up to us, and we had better both work and pray.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Environmental Hypocrisy Equals More Forest Fires

Following the November 14th story on the Massive Forest Fires several other news outlets ran stories similar to the one on News With Views. The Department of the Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke toured the recent forest fires in Northern California and the following news stories document what he said as a result.

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke blames ‘radical environmentalists’ for deadly California wildfires

By Paulina Dedaj   Fox News

‘The president’s right’: Interior chief pushes thinning forests to cut fire risk

By Dale Kasler   Sacramento Bee

 With the information documented in the previous Fox News story and the Sacramento Bee story regarding what Secretary Ryan Zinke said, it substantiates the documentation in my previous story.

For over 20 years I have monitored several “radical environmental” organizations. As a Montana licensed private investigator I spent one year as an infiltrator in Earth First (EF).

This one year gave me access to numerous other groups such as the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) whose beliefs are even more radical than those of EF. Another group not as radical at that time was the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity (SWCBD) but as in Northern California its actions caused a massive forest fire.

Among the recent staff of the SWCBD are former Earth First activist Keiran Suckling, Peter Galvin, Bill Haskins and Todd Schulke. While the Center’s staff has neither been charged nor convicted of any terrorism their beginning was somewhat controversial and circumspect.

Kierán Suckling, Executive Director, is a founder of the SWCBD.

Suckling is currently the executive director of the SWCBD and the founder of the Earth First SWCBD. On April 27, 1998 Suckling, stated in the Tucson Citizen, “We’re not trying to shut everything down.” However at that time and currently this statement contradicts their apparent goals and the opinions of those whose jobs, lives and communities have been drastically impacted by the law suits filed by the SWCBD and other extremist groups on a national basis to stop logging /thinning activites.

One example of these lawsuits was the Rodeo-Chedensky fire that left over 400 families’ homeless and ultimately severely damaged the entire community. Many citizens of Arizona blamed “radical environmentalist” for the June 18, 2002, fire including Arizona Senator Jon Kyl. The criticism comes as a result of a lawsuit over the Mexican Spotted owl which prohibited timber interests from thinning and cleaning the forest floors.

Suckling’s resume shows he was a USFS employee, working as an “owl surveyor.” During the beginning of his career as an Earth Firster, Suckling and the SWCBD were based in Silver City, New Mexico. Until Ted Turner’s foundation and other foundations stepped in, Suckling and his fellow Earth Firsters were without funds. It was during this time that Suckling was arrested on November 26, 1994 in Silver City, New Mexico for shoplifting a pair of hiking boots at the local Wal-Mart store for which he plead “no contest.”

In a Denver Post article, “An environmental group claimed responsibility for fires that caused $12 million in damages to the facilities at the nation’s busiest ski resort.

“Authorities have said the Earth Liberation Front cell was responsible for 20 arsons [actually current count is several hundred] around the West that did $40 million in damage, including the 1998 fire that destroyed a restaurant and other facilities at the Vail ski area. Other targets included a horse slaughterhouse and U.S. Forest Service ranger stations, research facilities, and an SUV dealership, all in Oregon.

“The group disbanded in 2001, but a federal task force known as Operation Backfire turned an informant and broke open the cell in 2005. The leader, William C. Rodgers, ran a bookstore in Prescott, Ariz. He committed suicide in jail in 2005 after his arrest.

“Chelsea Gerlach pleaded guilty to conspiracy, destruction of an energy facility and 23 counts of arson in 2007 and was sentenced to nine years in prison. As a member of the clandestine Family,

”Gerlach and others helped cell leader Rodgers in October 1998 haul fuel up to the Vail ski area. There, under the cloak of darkness, he torched the stately Two Elk Lodge and several other buildings and lifts, causing an estimated $24 million in damage.”

While thousands of people blame PG&E solely for the recent fires there are reasons to also look at the extremist groups that have prevented the US Forest Service and others for not cleaning the massive fuel buildup for the current fires.

According to Martin Espinoza Spinoza of the Press Democrat on June 19, 2018 Celebrity environmental crusader Erin Brockovich, who made famous by an Oscar-winning film about her work fighting PG&E, has joined the legal team representing more than 1,500 North Bay residents suing the utility company over last year’s wildfires.

Brockovich, who addressed a crowd of fire survivors Tuesday in Santa Rosa, has been brought on as a consultant for Mauro Archer & Associates and Watts Guerra LLP because of her long history working on lawsuits against PG&E, said former state Sen. Noreen Evans, a Santa Rosa attorney with Watts Guerra.

Google the following and it will give one a broader insight to information on the radical groups and what they advocate.

Deep ecology – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timeline of Earth Liberation Front actions – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Religion, violence and radical environmentalism – From Earth First! to the Unabomber to the earth liberation front.

Author Email: unfrend1@yahoo.com

Mr. Clausen has been a guest on over 250 U.S. and Canadian radio talk shows and TV news shows including ABC, CBS, NBC and repeatedly on FOX News.

He has been featured or quoted in over 800 books, magazines and news articles including the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post, Vancouver Province, Canada’s B.C. Report, New York Times, Newsday, Seattle Times, Oregonian, Sacramento Bee, Christian Science Monitor, The Dallas Morning News and a lengthy article beginning on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Mr. Clausen’s information has been translated and used by publications in many foreign countries including Japan, Ireland, England, Turkey, Germany, France and Chile.

In 1994, a film crew from Danish TV-2 flew to Seattle to interview Mr. Clausen for a television documentary about international and U.S. extremist organizations. The documentary, A MAN IN THE RAINBOW, was subsequently aired in several European countries.

© 2018 Barry Clausen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Clausen: unfrend1@yahoo.com

Protect Robert Mueller? Jail Him

“Nature gave man two ends – one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man’s success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.” George R. Kirkpatrick (1867-1937) Lecturer

Following the long over-due exit of Jeff Sessions, what do we see? Herds of useful fools egged on by the prostitute media who serve the Democrat/Communist Party USA gathered to chant: Protect Mueller!

Oh, for God’s sake, can these people be any more stupid from one day to the next?

Confront Corruption Hosted by Pantsuit Nation (A good belly laugh that one):

“Join us for a candlelit vigil at the White House to confront corruption and demand democracy. Be part of a national movement to highlight the importance of protecting the Mueller investigation and to ensure that potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, obstruction of justice, and myriad financial crimes get fully investigated without interference.”

The same ‘talking points’ are being used by 20 different “news” outlets including cable networks along with socialist mouth pieces in the U.S. Congress:

Dem Sen Murphy: ‘A Functioning Democracy Requires’ Action to Protect Mueller

First of all, that useful fool parrots the same lie that has been pushed on America’s school children and the great programmer called TV: Our democracy. Our legal form of government is a constitutional republic. These united States of America is not and never has been a democracy. The Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution hated democracy as a form of government and warned democracies always go down in flames.

Murphy upchucks we all have to band together to protect Mueller’s investigation. My God! It’s the world coming to an end! He further barfs up: “Well, President Trump couldn’t even wait 24 hours. Wednesday, with the Democrats’ election triumph not a day old, Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions, setting off a potential constitutional crisis.”

Sensational! Brilliant! A constitutional crisis for a president to get rid of an Attorney General who has fought tooth and nail to protect the dirty, rotten players in this nightmare? Please. If two sparks ever collided inside Rep. Murphy’s cranial area he’d electrocute himself.

Sigh. I must give these useful fools and products of the government’s dumbing down institutions of indoctrination they call public schools and colleges and universities a history lesson.

“Democracy is the most vile form of government. … democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as the have been violent in their deaths.”  James Madison (1751-1836) Father of the Constitution, 4th President of the U. S.

“A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.”  Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Founding Father& signer of the Declaration of Independence

“Democracy will soon degenerate into an anarchy; such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure, and every one of these will soon mould itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable [abominable] cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot (Think ANTIFA)

“A democracy is a volcano, which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption, and carry desolation in their way.” Fisher Ames (1758-1808) Founding Father and framer of the First Amendment to the Constitution

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.” John Adams (1797-1801) Second President of the United States and Patriot

“Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine percent.” Thomas Jefferson, Author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd President of the U. S.

I could go on, but for an excellent side-by-side explanation of democracy vs republic, click here.

One of the top Jackasses who thankfully won’t be around much longer to disgrace the halls of Congress, Jeff Flake, [R] chimed in with yet more political grandstanding: Flake: I Will Not Vote for Any Judicial Nominees Until Legislation to Protect Mueller Gets Vote

Mind you, these useful fools demonstrating with their vile signs and silly candle light vigils have zero understanding of the biggest scam in the history of American politics. A provable conspiracy to destroy a lawfully elected president, Donald Trump, spear headed by powerful individuals in the FBI, CIA and DOJ. An incestuous cabal of dirty players who will stop at nothing to protect THEIR criminal activities.

Dr. Edwin Vieira, a truly brilliant legal mind and strict constitutionalist wrote yet another column educating the American people on this very issue: Who is in Charge Here?

“Thus, with respect to the present “Russian collusion” inquisition, the real issue is not whether President Trump can remove from office Attorney General Sessions (who in any event ought to resign sua sponte on account of his own fecklessness), or Mr. Sessions’ underling Mr. Rosenstein, or Special Counsel Mueller, or any of their collaborators, partisans, and hangers-on. Of the President’s authority in that regard there can be no doubt. The real issue is two-fold: First, why has the President so far seen fit—or been woefully ill advised—not to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” by putting the screws to certain “Officers” who remain ensconced in the DOJ and the FBI even while they refuse to coöperate with Congress as well as the President under color of the specious claim that they are somehow “independent” of both of them? Second, what should he do at this juncture in order to correct this situation?

“The nonfeasance and misfeasance of some of these people may be matters of merely the incompetence, sloth, and hubris which are all too typical of entrenched careerist bureaucrats. But the prepensed malfeasance of others manifests their specific intent, not only to assail Mr. Trump personally, but also—especially—to attack the Presidency of the United States as an institution. By attempting to prevent President Trump from “tak[ing] Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” against wayward “Officials” in the DOJ and the FBI (among other swampy backwaters of the Deep State, such as various “intelligence agencies”), these subversives are mounting a cold coup d’état against the Constitution. Mr. Trump himself is merely the ostensible, America’s “Republican Form of Government” the real, target of this political aggression. See U.S. Const. art. IV, § 4.True enough, overt violence has yet to be employed in furtherance of this seditious conspiracy. Contrast, e.g., 18 U.S.C. §§ 2382 and 2385. Yet, for that very reason, most Americans—perhaps including the President himself—remain unaware of the true malignancy of the situation. See generally, e.g., [Link 1], [Link 2], [Link 3] and [Link 4].

“So, confronted by this guerrilla insurrection within the primary “law-enforcement agencies” of the Executive Branch, what is President Trump to do?” Read his column.

Fellow writer and friend, Kelleigh Nelson, has written several in-depth investigative pieces exposing Robert Mueller. A black-hearted domestic enemy of We the People. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If Hildebeast Clinton had made it into the White House none of this incredible treachery would have ever been exposed.

Book mark this column and read Kelleigh’s factual columns about the thoroughly corrupt Robert Mueller:

Robert Mueller’s Modus Operandi: Intimidation And Destruction

Mueller Uses Manafort As A Tethered Goat To Ensnare The Lion

Robert Mueller’s Amoral Abuse Of Power For The Elite

That is why the shadow government so hates Donald Trump. He is a threat to their game plan which has blown up in their faces and now that Sessions is gone and Whitaker is at the helm, I’m betting the fear factor has increased big time.

And, so, we have the Dem-o-rat vermin in Congress and their liars in the ‘mainstream’ media begin the usual Soviet-style propaganda (Saul Alinsky’s training) to protect an individual who not only has no honor, the SOB long ago betrayed any oath he ever took and is out for Trump’s blood no matter who he destroys along the way.

As I mentioned in a recent column, Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump  is all Acting (and hopefully permanent) Attorney General           Whitaker needs as a road map to secure indictments against that cabal of domestic enemies and too bad if Demorats in Congress fill their drawers and throw temper tantrums. The American people want the truth – even the brainwashed who might actually discover they’ve been played.

There is one video you must watch featuring former Secret Service Agent, Dan Bongino. Oh, I know, time is at a premium for everyone, but I promise you, this video also blows wide open the players, the paper trail and all Whitaker needs to get these domestic criminals indicted and thrown In prison.

Dan Bongino – Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History – Bongino has a couple of absolutely hilarious lines in his speech but make no mistake: He goes for the jugular with names and their roles in this conspiracy and then some. A tangled web of deceit that will make you sick. He also talks about ‘Spygate’ and the crimes involved with the FISA warrants.

Nunes Wants A New Attorney General to Investigate FISA Abuse, ‘Dirty Cops’ at FBI

Devin Nunes: ‘Fourth bucket’ of classified emails show info withheld from FISA court

So, where the Hell is “top prosecutor” John Huber? More than a year later and one would think Huber simply disappeared off the face of the earth. The fact that he is an Obama appointee might have something to do with his deafening silence: One year later: John Huber’s probe of Obama FBI-DoJ abuse of power produced nothing?

I believe this is the answer: Clinton, Comey, Uranium One: Who Is John W. Huber?

Good, decent people have been ruined because of Mueller’s criminal intent to get Trump and cover up what he and his cronies have done. General Michael Flynn and others who should never have been brought into this manufactured Russia collusion lie. Currently Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone are in the cross hairs of one of THE most corrupt scumbags ever to serve in office, Robert Mueller.

Watching duped, ignorant Americans rally to “Protect Mueller” is a perfect example of how too many Americans now resemble cattle instead of self-reliant, independent thinking individuals who believe in truth, honor and equal justice under the law.

Just a quick note on this one because people are PO’d big time: Judge bars US from enforcing Trump asylum ban

HOUSTON (AP) — “A judge has ordered the U.S. government not to enforce a ban on asylum for people who cross the southern border illegally, another court setback for the Trump administration’s efforts to impose new immigration restrictions without congressional approval.

“U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar agreed Monday with legal groups that immediately sued after President Donald Trump issued a Nov. 9 proclamation saying anyone who crossed the southern border between official ports of entry would be ineligible for asylum. The administration argued that caravans of migrants approaching the southern border made the new restrictions immediately necessary.

“Whatever the scope of the President’s authority, he may not rewrite the immigration laws to impose a condition that Congress has expressly forbidden,” said Tigar, a nominee of former President Barack Obama.”

As pointed out to me by a dear friend who is a constitutional attorney: “The language of the statute does not (obviously) contemplate illegal entry anywhere; it merely covers geographical points of entry. In any event, what about the statute which allows the President to stop all immigration, of anyone, at any ‘time? Under this “ruling”, every illegal alien who sneaks into the country and claims “asylum” status has to be allowed to remain in the country. Well, anyone and everyone can claim “asylum” status. So now we have open borders! If Trump does not stand up to this, he may as well turn over the office of President to Alexandria Osorio Cortez!”

Judge Tigar is another activist judge Trump should simply ignore and exercise his constitutional DUTY and AUTHORITY and worry about screeching hens like dementia addled Nancy Pelosi later. Let them scream ‘impeach’ until they turn blue in the face (pun intended), but the fact remains, we are being invaded and President Trump has the power to do more than just put up concertina wire while illegals sit on fences and laugh at us:

How The President Can Secure the Borders by Dr. Edwin Vieira.

President Trump: Please listen to We the Deplorables and bring Dr. Vieira on board as a legal adviser and let’s get this invasion stopped at the border and the hell with politics. Forget worrying about 2020 because if this invasion is not stopped now, there will be no Republicans elected in 2020 because even more millions of illegals will vote and it won’t be for the GOP.

We have your back, Mr. President and there are more of us than the ‘left’ and those dirty players trying to bring you down realize. Would you bring the late Antonin Scalia on board if he were alive and not a Supreme Court Justice? A no brainer and that’s why you should meet with Dr. Edwin Vieira because he knows the Constitution like few others and he is fearless.

(Note: Yes, it’s that time of the year and Newswithviews has some fabulous discounts on books which helps keep this web site up and running. Including my book, Taking Politics Out of Solutions. Give the gift of truth and help the cause by calling: 1.800.955.0116)

Important Items you may have missed:

What Trump should tell that 9th circus judge – Joseph Farah urges president to ‘tell him to stick it where the sun don’t shine’

Hypocritical CNN: Obama Can Bypass Congress on Immigration, Trump Can’t

Trump was right to send troops to our border – Presidents of both parties have done it By Gen. Anthony J. Tata

Ex-ICE chief: ‘Seeking a better life does not qualify for asylum’  – ‘They are committing fraud

I keep asking: How many more coffins for dead Americans?

Illegal alien kills school teacher – On Thanksgiving Day. What a day for her family.

New Jersey Jail Refused 92 Detainer Requests for Criminal Illegal Aliens: “Of the 92 immigration retainers denied by the jail, 52 of them were for serious crimes — classified by ICE as Level 1 and 2 offenses— such as homicide, sexual assault, and fraud.”

Child Rapists, Killer Busted near Texas Border

Border Patrol Catches 654 Illegal Aliens Who Entered Through ‘Outdated Border Wall Infrastructure’ (And make sure it’s kept doused in oil so the criminals can’t scale it and get over the top)

Believe it because it’s a historical truth.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Anybody Looking At What’s Happening To Europe?

While we watch a third world invasion from Central America knocking on our southern border with Mexico, is anybody watching what’s happening to Europe? Canada? Australia?

Immigrants overrun each of those Western entities by the millions.

What’s most interesting: their leaders invite the invasions of their countries against their countrymen and women. Worse, against their successful cultures!

European cultures face extinction or bastardization from incompatible religions, cultures and world views of the immigrants.  Those immigrants fundamentally ransack the parliamentary laws of Europeans.

No less than 90 “no go zones” inhabit dozens of towns and regions of France, Germany, UK, Holland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Italy and Spain.  The immigrants created separate societies within those countries. Separate languages, cultures and ways of life.

Latest newspaper heading: PARIS BURNS: Riot police fired tear gas as 30,000 protestors furious at Macron.

(Globalist French President Macron giving his country away to Islam.)

Geller Report, “Europe is sinking fast. Left-wing globalist politicians have destroyed Europe, with reckless economic and immigration policies. This is what the Democrat Party wants for America. French President Emmanuel Macron is one of the many European political elites who despise President Trump. That is because Trump will not ruin America, the way politicians such as Macron have ruined Europe. The MSM in the United States love President Macron.”

France accelerates into its own third world country as it allows endless immigration to cripple its culture, politics and economy.

Geller reported, “French police locked horns with thousands of angry protesters who stormed the streets with placards wearing yellow vests before hurling objects at riot police and starting fires. Shocking images show demonstrators waving an array of flags.”

Notice “an array of flags” from citizens from multiple nations.

Do you notice the same flag waving from different countries in Canada, America and Australia?

In Vancouver, Canada, now dominated by Chinese immigrants, the Canadian Maple Leaf flag remains out of sight to Chinese flags.  In Sydney, Australia, no longer an Australian city, it features flags and immigrants from over 100 countries.  And they don’t speak English.

One look at Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California shows a preponderance of flags from Mexico and Central America.

What does it mean?  It means Western countries import their own form of national suicide via allowing endless immigration to deform and displace their own cultures, languages and ethos.

A poll this week indicated that 73 percent of people in France have expressed support for the protests, which have been characterized as a grassroots movement.

The Truth Must be Told

In Dan Murray’s book, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity and Islam, he describes how Europeans have given themselves to “civilizational despair”, and that they simply lack the energy to save themselves from what their leaders thrust upon them.  They can’t seem to summon the energy to save themselves.

One critic wrote, “Murray frames the moral dilemma facing the west through a quote from the prophetic 1973 book The Camp of the Saints. Author Jean Raspail saw ‘A million poor wretches, armed only with their weakness and their numbers, overwhelmed by misery, encumbered with starving brown and black children, ready to disembark on our soil, the vanguard of the multitudes pressing hard against every part of the tired and overfed West.”

Murray describes the immigrants on the island of Lesbos, the slums of Malmö, and the streets of Paris. Later chapters go into extensive detail about the Islamic immigrants. They do not want to integrate. They have no respect for the host cultures. They are given to crime, especially rape. Their parts of the major cities – Paris, Stockholm, Berlin – become no-go zones for police, firemen and ambulances. They institute Sharia law among themselves and reject the host countries.

Europeans feature a fetid 21st century fatigue. European philosophy and culture crested at the end of the 19th century. It had nowhere to go except nihilism and hedonism, and Europeans chose that path. Europe allows Muslims to take over because it hasn’t the strength to defend itself.

“Europe has given up on freedom of speech when it comes to Islam,” said Murray. “Too many events have shown that it is too dangerous. It is the politicians who are especially cowardly. The people by and large, and in increasing numbers, don’t want widespread Muslim immigration. Yet the politicians keep the doors open and keep telling saccharine stories about how wonderful it all is.”

“There are huge contradictions between a Sharia law society and modern liberalism,” one critic said. “Treatment of women and homosexuals would top the list. Yet, liberals continue to push for open borders. Murray notes cases such as that of Pym Fortuyn in the Netherlands in which liberals came to oppose immigration (and, too often, to die for taking such a stance). He does not whatsoever go into the question of who owns the media that covers up Muslim crimes and broadcasts the message of diversity.”

There may be hope for Western Europe. The millennial generation is waking up. One of the most heartening books I’ve seen recently is Generation Identity.

Ironically, if you travel to Detroit, Michigan; Miami, Florida; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; San Diego, CA and Los Angeles, CA—you see exactly the same trend occurring with immigrants migrating into the United States—parallel and hostile societies.

Essentially, as the USA imports another 100 million immigrants within 30 years, it will write its own national suicide story.  It accelerates its own death via 1.7 million legal and illegal immigrants from 196 different countries, annually.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Democrats Anti-American Agenda, Part 1

As we begin to slosh our way out of the 2018 Midterm elections, we are made aware to at least two glaring realities.  First, the Democrats will do anything to win an election, legal or not, and not care how open they are about it.  And second, they will do anything to undo the 2016 presidential election.

I remember very well when Hillary Clinton stated that if a person didn’t accept the results of an election in America that it would be ‘direct threat to our democracy’ if he didn’t accept the results of the 2016 election.[1]  The reason she said that was because she was assured that she would win.  George Soros even said that Trump may win the popular vote, but Clinton would win the Electoral College.  It was “a done deal”.[2] If it was a ‘done deal’, then the election had to be rigged.  But that is just how bad of a candidate Hillary was, she couldn’t even win an election that was massively rigged in her favor.

Let me quote our Founders on the type of person that we need to have in office.  Thomas Jefferson stated, “The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest. Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.” You see that he brings up a point that the Democrats are not capable of achieving, honesty.  Jefferson was very big on government that kept to its constitutional role.  He didn’t like the judiciary very much because he saw that they could, and probably would, become an oligarchy that would become more powerful that the other two branches combined.  They have achieved that objective.  When Justice Sotomayor was going through the conformation process a video of her, which has somehow disappeared from the internet, claiming that even though they are not supposed to make law, they do it all the time.  She did say this in a 2005 Duke University panel discussion;  “All of the legal defense funds out there, they’re looking for people with Court of Appeals experience. Because it is — Court of Appeals is where policy is made. And I know, and I know, that this is on tape, and I should never say that. Because we don’t ‘make law,’ I know. [Laughter from audience] Okay, I know. I know. I’m not promoting it, and I’m not advocating it. I’m, you know. [More laughter] Having said that, the Court of Appeals is where, before the Supreme Court makes the final decision, the law is percolating. Its interpretation, its application. [3]

Jefferson warned on wanton interpretation of our Constitution by jurists who hold strong party ideals. “Our peculiar security is in possession of a written Constitution. Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. … If it is, then we have no Constitution. … [T]o consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions … would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. … In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”  Understanding that out ‘Court’ determined that blacks were not real humans.  Many southern states had laws on the books stating just that. From the late 1870s, Southern state legislatures, no longer controlled by carpetbaggers and freedmen, passed laws requiring the separation of whites from “persons of colour” in public transportation and schools. Generally, anyone of ascertainable or strongly suspected black ancestry in any degree was for that purpose a “person of colour”; the pre-Civil War distinction favouring those whose ancestry was known to be mixed—particularly the half-French “free persons of colour” in Louisiana—was abandoned. The segregation principle was extended to parks, cemeteries, theatres, and restaurants in an effort to prevent any contact between blacks and whites as equals. It was codified on local and state levels and most famously with the “separate but equal” decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).[4] Let me remind my readers that these laws were all Democrat supported laws that were supported until the 1965 Civil Rights Laws signed by President Lyndon Johnson, a racist in his own right. He just saw a new way to enslave the black population.  Even Charles Barkley, the great basketball player said that blacks have been voting for Democrats for 50 years and the Democrats have done nothing for them.

So, we can see that the ‘Court’ is not always correct in its interpretations.  Keep in mind that this same court decided that the right to an abortion was discussed in the Constitution as well.  In the 14th Amendment they saw the right of an illegal to sneak into our country, have a baby and that baby is a US citizen. The author of this Amendment, Senator Jacob M. Howard (MI) stated concerning his bill: This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of people.”  You have to be pretty arrogant to think that your concept of the 14th Amendment overrides that author’s true meaning, but Democrats are that way.  Democrats do this because they know that the illegals will vote for them.  They deny that, but they are liars.  Remember how upset they were about the alleged ‘Russian collusion’ that got Trump elected? If they were so concerned about outside interference in our elections, they would be just as upset over the illegals that voted in the last twenty elections we’ve had, but they aren’t.  The House of Representatives voted on a bill (H.Res 1071) Wednesday which recognizes that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote diminishes the voting power of US citizens. The bill passed by a margin of 279-72, with 69 voting “present.”

STAT OF THE DAY: 140 Democrats refused to vote ‘YES’ on a resolution condemning voting by illegal immigrants in our elections.[5]

As we continue to look at the actions of the Democrat party, we see that they are doing nothing for the American people.  They are doing what they feel they must do to regain power and that is their only interest.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Clinton said anyone who doesn’t accept the results of an election is a threat to democracy
  2. George Soros, Hillary Clinton electoral college
  3. Supreme court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in her own words
  4. www.britannica.com/event/Jim-Crow-law
  5. One Republican and 140 democrats refuse
  6. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 17-18.

God Calls On The Faithful, Not The Fancy

It must have been quite the scandal.  A young, 14 year old girl, Mary, engaged to be married, had just returned from a visit to her relatives, Elizabeth and Zechariah who lived in the hill country of Judah.  She had been gone for three months, and when she returned, she was pregnant.

She had not seen her fiance’ Joseph in all that time.  We can assume that Joseph knew nothing of Mary’s delicate condition;  as a carpenter by trade, he had likely been busy working, perhaps building a house for himself and Mary to live in after they were married.  In those days, a young man would not marry until he was well established, with a way to provide for his new wife and a place for them to live and raise a family.  Joseph was looking forward to the wedding day, and doing his best to make everything ready to receive Mary as his bride.

Imagine his shock and dismay when Mary returned to town.  Imagine what HE must have thought… his hopes and dreams dashed; all he had been working for these many months, seemingly gone.  He may have thought to himself, “Well, at least I found out what sort of girl she is BEFORE we got married.”  But he did not know what he was about to find out.

We can only imagine the buzz around town.  You know how people talk, especially in small towns.  Mary takes off for three months and comes back pregnant.  Obviously the child was not Joseph’s…  how her reputation must have been dragged through the mud among the townspeople.  She perhaps went from being a “nobody” to being despised.

And her STORY!  “The child she was bearing was not by the act of fornication, but of the Holy Spirit!”  She may as well have claimed she’d been abducted by a UFO.  How the people must have whispered and gossipped behind her back.  Her parents, also, must have had doubts.  Often times we read the story of Jesus’ conception and birth, but do not really think much about what the people involved endured through it all.

Yes, surely, Mary was the target of much controversy in her little village.  And surely most people expected Joseph to call off the wedding, and abandon her in her “sin.”   “She made her bed,” they likely said, “and now she’ll have to sleep in it.”

Things were different in those days.  Premarital sex was absolutely off limits.  Fornication was perhaps the greatest sin one could commit, other than murder.  Sex outside of Holy Matrimony just was NOT acceptable.  And Mary, they thought, had committed that horrendous crime.  There could be no forgiveness for her, at least among the townspeople, to say nothing of the religious leaders of her day.

But Mary knew something no one else did.  And she had no doubts.  Because three months earlier, she had seen something no one else in town ever had:  she saw for herself the angel Gabriel.  He came to her in person — in her home town of Nazareth in Galilee.  Mary was not only pure of heart and innocent of the crime people accused her of.  But Gabriel declared, in Luke 1, “Hail, thou art highly favored.  The Lord is with thee:  blessed art thou among women.”

The Holman Standard version of the Bible continues, “But she was deeply troubled by this statement, wondering what kind of greeting this could be.”  Obviously.  Here was an angelic being, the angel Gabriel, standing before her, calling her “highly favored” and “blessed among women.”   She must have been shaking in her shoes… but then imagine how much more disturbing the news must have been for young Mary, as Gabriel went on to explain:  “Do not be afraid, Mary.  For you have found favor with God.  Now listen:  you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will call His name Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.  He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Can you imagine YOUR response in such a situation?  Luke simply states, “But Mary asked the angel, ‘How can this be, since I have not been intimate with a man?’”  ABSOLUTELY she would ask that.  But the mere words do not convey the emotions and doubts and fears this young maiden must have been experiencing…  on top of that, these were the words of an angel.  Angels didn’t just go around appearing to EVERYONE in those days, anymore than they appear to us today.  This was something truly fantastic and supernatural.  And it was happening to HER!

Gabriel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  Therefore the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.”

What would YOU have done in Mary’s situation?  I can only imagine.  But likely still trembling in fear and excitement, Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s slave.  May it be done to me according to your word.”  By the way, Gabriel also let Mary know that her relative Elizabeth had ALSO conceived a son — even in her old age — and was at that very moment, six months pregnant.  And he added, “For nothing will be impossible with God!”

Immediately Mary set out to visit Elizabeth and Zechariah…  and when Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice in greeting, the baby inside her lept for joy!  Elizabeth then CONFIRMED what the angel had told Mary:  “You are the most blessed of women, and your Child will be blessed!”  Elizabeth went on, with sheer joy:  “How could this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?  For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me!  She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!”

Such joy, such excitement.  And such wonder!  How could all this BE?  Yet it WAS.  And it was happening to Mary, just 14 years old, some say, and not yet even married.

Mary must have wondered what her fiance’ Joseph was going to think of all this.  Would he believe her story about the angel’s visit?  And the confirmation from Elizabeth?  Yet she had great faith, and great obedience to the Lord.  Luke goes on in verses 46-55 with Mary’s song of praise because of what the Lord was doing in her life.  Unbelievable, yet very, very true.

And what about Joseph?  We don’t know a lot about him, but we can surmise what HE must have been going through as well.  After a three month visit away from home, Mary returned, pregnant.  He KNEW the baby was not his.  Matthew tells us only, “When Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”

We know from Scripture that Joseph was a “just” man, an honorable man, and a Godly man.  He was a FAITHFUL man, one the Lord knew He could count on to provide for Mary and the baby Jesus, to protect and defend them.  Yet, Joseph could not wrap his mind around the situation.  After all, he was only human, and this was the first he had heard of the situation.  He could have joined the rest of the townspeople in their derision and slander.  He could have accused her of sleeping around and he could have made it public record that this baby was NOT his — HE was not a fornicator!  He could have defended his own pride and reputation.  Imagine Joseph’s turmoil.  The sleepless nights, the anguish as all his hopes and dreams had been dashed, yet he knew he had to do the right thing.  He loved Mary, still, regardless of what she might have done.  But what would he do now?  Matthew tells us, “Being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privately.”

But then we read, “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.  For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.  She shall bring forth a Son, and thou shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.”

Matthew reminds us that all these things were foretold by the prophet Isaiah… which Joseph likely was familiar with, being a Godly man.  You, too, can read about it in Isaiah 7.  But still:  how INCREDIBLE that the Lord had chosen HIM as the husband of that virgin, foretold in the Scriptures so long ago.  But Joseph was a good man.  When he awoke, the Bible tells us, without a second thought, he did as the angel had told him, and took Mary as his wife.  Yet Mary and Joseph did not consummate their marriage until after Jesus had been born.

We all know the rest of the story of the birth of the Savior, how the entire heavenly host of angels praised the God of Creation, how the shepherds came and, in awesome faith, worshiped the baby Savior, as He lay sleeping — in of all places, an animal’s feeding trough in a barn.  We also know what took place after.  Joseph proved himself to be a faithful man, a good provider and protector of his family.  When Herod sought to kill the infant Jesus, he again did as the angel of the Lord instructed him:  with NO hesitation and with no doubt in his mind,  he immediately took his family to safety and settled in Egypt until after Herod’s death.  Then, again following the Lord’s instructions, he returned his family back home to Nazareth.

It’s a beautiful story.  But it is also a TRUE story.  It is HISTORY, not a fairy tale.   It’s the miraculous story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  The ENTIRE story of Jesus’  birth, childhood, ministry, death, resurrection and His soon return is indeed, the greatest story ever told.  And depending on where YOU stand with God, it’s either real GOOD news or real BAD NEWS for you.

As the song says, “Wonderful, Merciful Savior, precious Redeemer and Friend;  who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of men?”

Such is the love of our Heavenly Father for His children.  Jesus said, “There is no greater love than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  But second to that, as a father myself, I can tell you there is no greater love than a parent for their precious child.   I cannot imagine the INFINITE love it must take to sacrifice your own Son to save the souls of those that are born predisposed to hate you.  Scripture tells us, “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

Jesus came to show us Who God is, and like His Father, during His earthly ministry, He called the “least in the Kingdom” — men and women of no reputation to be His followers, ministers and disciples.  Imagine, a 14 year old girl and a carpenter, from the middle of nowhere, bearing and raising the very Son of God Himself… because God knew, these were FAITHFUL people He could trust.  These were His true servants.  They BELIEVED God and they OBEYED Him, without hesitation.  That’s real faith.

It is the same today.  God calls those who love Him, those He can count on to be faithful to Him, who believe Him.  He calls faithful men and women to be His servants, His hands and feet in this world, and those who are the MOST faithful you will probably never hear of in this life.  To the world, they are “nobodys.”   But the prideful, the “high and mighty,” the famous — those He has little use for, and in fact, Jesus Himself most often had to condemn the religious leaders, the Priests, Scribes and Pharisees  — as well as the rich people — for their hypocrisy.  Those He made examples of, for us NOT to follow.

It’s sad that so many today follow and worship the celebrities, the fancy folks who we see on TV, in movies, in politics, in popular music, in the media… even many church leaders.  Worldly people LOVE the rich and famous.    But those rich and famous ones  may have made a name for themselves here in THIS world, but unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ as their LORD, and not JUST their pseudo-Savior, life on this earth is the only heaven they will ever know.  Because it doesn’t matter that they know who Jesus IS.  What matters is, does Jesus know YOU.   For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?  God doesn’t care if you’re a ‘nobody’ in this world.  In fact, that’s usually who He chooses to do His best and most important work.  In the Kingdom of God, the first become last and the last become first and the greatest is servant of all. These are the ones who honor Him with their HEARTS AND LIVES, not just with their lips.  Those who BELIEVE and OBEY.

So let us each examine our own hearts today.  Do we truly BELIEVE and OBEY God, or do we just know OF Him?   Could YOU have done what Mary did?  WOULD YOU have done as Joseph did?  Or would your response – today – be drastically different?

You may not be seeing angels, but God has still given you His Word.  Will you believe?  Will you obey?  Jesus commanded us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching them to OBEY all He had commanded.  Not just the “nice” parts — not just the warm and fuzzy parts, those parts of God’s Word that make us and other feel GOOD — but the HARD parts too.  You see, Truth is often a hard pill to swallow, but it’s always what we need.  If we neglect to preach ALL Jesus commanded, in order to be popular and well-liked in this world, we are not good and faithful, nor are we servants to those who need Jesus’ saving grace the most.  So let us be faithful.  Let us be servants to all.  Let us always tell the WHOLE truth, protect and provide for the helpless and innocent.  Be about His Kingdom business, occupying until He returns.  Let us judge with righteous judgment, never afraid or ashamed of the only One Who offers a transformed heart and mind, and everlasting life, for all who will forsake the world, lay down their lives and humbly seek the Savior.  And then, when our time on this earth is through, we may hear those amazing words that Mary heard: “you are highly favored; you are blessed.  Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at (715) 486-8066 or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com.  Ask for message number 238.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Making Sense Of The 2018 Mid-Term Elections

By Lloyd G. Pearcy

(The Outcome is Better Than You Think!)

I have been a political junkie for 70 years, beginning with the Truman-Dewey election of 1948. The recent mid-term election was the second most disappointing and, also, the second most surprising of my life! The most disappointing and surprising was the election of 2012.

Early in the evening on election night I told my wife, “In my gut this election feels exactly like the 2012 election”.  Upon further reflection, I realized the 2012 and 2018 elections have several things in common:

  • Both elections occurred two years following historic conservative movements: The Tea Party emergence of 2010 and the Trump miracle of 2016;
  • In both campaigns, attendance at Republican campaign events was massive whereas Democratic crowds were sparse;
  • In both campaigns Republican rallies were characterized by spontaneous enthusiasm whereas Democrat events were rehearsed and mechanistic. (the “enthusiasm gaps”);
  • In both elections the polls indicated Democrat victories at the federal level;
  • In both elections there was massive voter turnout;
  • In both elections a significant Democrat “victory” was apparent almost from the time the polls closed.

As it turns out, these two elections were darkly similar in one other attribute, which I will explain later!

On a personal level there was one other eerie similarity: Heading into both elections I was supremely confident of a Republican tsunami; and I fell into crushing despair with both outcomes. And, on both occasions I briefly suspected God of abandoning the patriotic movements He had providentially started two years earlier! In 2018, three prophets that I respect (Mark Taylor, Hank Kunneman and Charlie Shamp) had strongly prophesied an unprecedented Republican victory.

So, how do we make sense of the 2018 mid-terms and why is the outcome better than we think?

  1. President Trump gained power and leverage via the 2018 election.

This election tilted the balance of power in Trump’s favor! Here’s why:

At Trump’s inauguration on January 20, 2017, the House of Representatives was composed of 246 Republicans and 194 Democrats. The Senate was composed of 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats. (I include the two independents (Bernie Sanders and Angus King) as functional Democrats).  But, only 19 days after Trump’s inauguration, there were only 51 Republican Senators. And at least 6 GOP Senators were RINOs at best!

So, from 2017 onward, the GOP had a strong majority in the House and a de facto minority in the Senate. Trump presciently routed all the Congressional investigations of the deep state through the House of Representatives. But, knowing the GOP would likely suffer losses in the House in 2018, Trump began in early 2017 to re-constitute the Senate. John McCain died. Lindsey Graham had a born-again political epiphany. RINOs Bob Corker and Jeff Flake were persuaded to retire.

After the dust settles from last week’s election, Republicans should end up with a 53-47 advantage in the Senate, depending on the outcome of the brazen Democrat attempt in Florida to ethereally materialize thousands of votes several days after the election. This calculation also assumes Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith will win the runoff election in Mississippi later this month.  And of course, Republicans always have the safety net of Vice President Pence’s tie-breaker vote.

Going forward the Congressional investigations and exposures of deep-state tyranny will simply shift from the House to the Senate! Meanwhile, Senate confirmation of judges and cabinet members is now assured! That is why the recent election shifted power in Trump’s favor.

  1. The 2018 election was a red tsunami and the Democrat “majority” in the House may be short-lived!

Earlier, I noted that the 2012 and 2018 electionswere darkly similar in one other attribute. . .”  In both elections Republican victories were negated by massive election fraud! But there is a watershed difference between 2012 and 2018. This time Republicans have a leader who will fight election corruption.

Neither God nor the Christian prophets failed us! God still works in mysterious ways. And the prophets accurately forecasted the real, not the fraudulent, election results.

It appears that President Trump anticipated the Democrat predilection for fraud and embedded a brilliantly camouflaged entrapment in the 2018 election.  The day after the election, Q-Anon, Trump’s unofficial mouthpiece that bypasses media censorship, hinted that “honeytraps” were embedded in the 2018 election procedures and mechanisms. Q also hinted the newly elected Democrat majority in the House may be short-lived. As Lenny Kravitz famously said, “It aint over til it’s over.”

On April 17, 2017 Trump appointed a Presidential Commission on voting fraud. Later he abolished the Commission due to lack of cooperation on the part of various Secretaries of State. He then assigned the investigation of election fraud to the Department of Homeland Security. Throughout the 2018 campaign he repeatedly promised his audiences, “If you will vote we will make sure your votes count.” Maybe he used the 2018 election to entrap the vote cheaters and later use the proof to nullify the election and/or prosecute criminally.

Over the past year Q-Anon has posted several thousand cryptic messages to the American people. One recurring phrase in recent posts says, “FISA will bring down the House.”  FISA is an acronym for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. A secret FISA court authorizes warrants. This was the process used by the FBI and Justice Department to spy on Trump both before his election and after his inauguration. It is the disclosure of these FISA applications and warrants that the FBI, Justice Department and deep state have been fighting. It is widely expected that when the American people learn all the FISA secrets the Democrat Party and even deep state itself may collapse.

I follow several savvy people who interpret Q Anon postings. Several have commented on the phrase “FISA will bring down the House”, I assumed that Q-Anon was using the phrase in its generic sense, i.e., to defeat the enemy. But several patriots interpret the phrase to mean that the FISA information will be released and, along with proof of voter fraud in 2018, the apparent Democrat control of the House will be set aside! Again, “It aint over til it’s over.”

Election fraud comes in many forms, including voting by dead people, multiple-voting cheats, busloads of paid phony voters, etc. Sometimes voting machines are pre-programed to record votes for Democrats even if the Republican lever is pulled. Other times corrupt election officials brazenly fabricate ballots! Sometimes mail-in ballots are sent to Democrat operatives rather than the registered Republican voter. When the real voter appears at the polls on election day, they are told they have already voted by mail. They are allowed to cast a “provisional ballot.” However, it is the fraudulent, mail-in ballot that is counted and given priority in the event of a recount.

Election mischief also takes the form of fraudulent voting by illegal aliens. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that the number of illegal aliens in the U.S. between 2012 and 2018 hovered between 11 and 13.5 million persons. Multiple studies estimate the number to be two to three times higher. A survey in California indicated that 13% of illegal aliens admitted to voting. Another study indicated the actual percentage may be double that.

Election fraud starts long before election day! Corrupt election officials tenaciously resist all mechanisms designed to insure the integrity of elections, such as voter identification. There is little or no oversight of the voter registration process! About half the states outsource the updating of voter-registration lists to native workers foreign countries.

  1. Trump can accomplish his full agenda even with a Democrat majority in the House.

It is no coincidence that the day following the election AG Sessions submitted an undated letter of resignation at the request of President Trump. Recall that Sessions recused himself from the Mueller investigation on the flimsy theory that a conflict-of-interest had arisen because he had talked with a Russian diplomat while a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The recusal allowed Rod Rosenstein, a career-long Clinton lackey, to oversee the investigation led by Mueller, another career-long Clinton lackey. By Sessions’ resignation the conflict of interest becomes moot and his successor replaces Rosenstein as Mueller’s boss.

The Sessions recusal was strategic! It gave the deep state a sense of security because two of their most trusted operatives oversaw the Trump investigation. And the President embellished the ruse by publicly criticizing Sessions to the point that the Democrats and media rushed to the defense of Sessions. I believe Jeff Sessions is a hero! Yes, it appears that Trump effectively fired him by “requesting” his resignation. But it was part of the plan from the beginning! And Trump’s parting message to Sessions was that the country will never forget the sacrifice he made for America!

The timing of the Sessions resignation indicates that Trump was waiting for the mid-term election before launching the final take-down of the deep state. Keep in mind that Trump has all the evidence.

All telephone calls, texts, wires and other communications by every person on the planet since the inception of the Patriot Act in 2001! They are all stored in the NSA Data Center in Utah.

All those computer records that Hillary erased from her servers;

All the information on Anthony Weiner’s computer that reportedly includes graphic video of Hillary torturing and killing a young girl in a ritual sacrifice to Satan;

All the phone calls and transmissions concerning Benghazi;

All the information on Obama’s phony birth certificate, his identity, and his multiple Social Security numbers;

All electronic communications pertaining to the transfer of uranium to Russia;

All the data on the criminal machinations of the Clinton Foundation!

All these months during which the media was obsessing over the Mueller investigation and Sessions was “doing nothing”, U.S. Attorney Huber and his army of investigators and lawyers have been busy processing more than 60,000 indictments. They have no doubt been aided in their work by their “stone’s throw” proximity to the NSA Data Center in Utah.

I love the political-activist sisters who call themselves “Diamond and Silk.” They said it best: “All Trump’s enemy’s think this is a game of checkers. But Trump is playing chess!”

[BIO: Lloyd G. Pearcy recently retired after practicing law for 50 years, during which time he believes he appeared in every court (federal, state and municipal) in Colorado. He was legal counsel to hundreds of local and national Christian organizations. As a young prosecutor assigned to juvenile court, he saw first-hand the need for out of home placements. He founded and for 11 years served as president and director of Excelsior Youth Centers, a premier residential treatment center for children with campuses in Denver and Spokane.]

© 2018 Lloyd Pearcy – All Rights Reserved

E-MAIL: lgpearcy@comcast.net

Macy’s Lesbian Kiss Inflames Viewers

DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING: Macy’s Department Stores are now a showcase for perversion and disease. They sickly promoted homosexual acts as seen in the Thanksgiving Parade yesterday. It spotlighted an interracial lesbian couple’s deep throat kiss seen around the world. Remember, this parade is supposed to attract children and their families.

This was well planned since the TV cameras spent time showing that scene even though there was a full cast of the Broadway show, “The Prom,” that filled the street in front of the flagship store in New York City. So this camera shot was PLANNED well in advance to exhibit the ‘joys’ of lesbianism.

Yes, that TV camera had been scripted to feature the Lesbian couple. And why not? California schools, have now formed LGBTQ classes to teach about alternative sex, and part of the curriculum requires the viewing of homosexual porn films…yes in the classroom…as part of the Communist inspired government plans for the future of America. This is the Deep State we are hearing about.

So how do these tactics help the Communist Cause? The Reds know that perversion and pornography works to WEAKEN the nations where it exists.

When this writer spent time behind the Iron Curtain in earlier days, I was told that the Playboy Magazine was banned from all Communist countries because, specifically, by making pornography available, men are weakened to the extent that they would be useless as an enforcer for the Party or as an opponent. 

Then I was told how the Communist government would see Playboy Magazine distributed throughout the United States, with heavy promotion, for that very reason. This is why the push for everything immoral upon all citizens is important to enemies

This is also why Communist leaders want no religion, churches, or Christians in general. So how do you think so many church people have been introduced and ensnared into pornography? It was not an accident. But it has weakened the church which was the goal.

Today there is porn available in hotel and motel rooms, gay pride parades that literally take over a city for that event with government officials many times as a parade chairman or riding a float to show ‘solidarity.’ They get by with such public filth due to the so-called, Main Stream Media that anoints the “Pride Parades”, as social advancement.

Remember too that Playboy Magazine instigated the publication of numerous other porn publications going in all sexual directions which could and can be seen on display everywhere.

It has become such an important issue that parents today can no longer ask to see the material and books their children will study in schools. Schools are in existence today to groom kids into perversion. 

Transgender freaks in dresses and full garish make-up now have story hours in the public libraries, where they read gender-bending stories to children.

As for Macy’s, do not patronize them. There are many other stores that handle similar merchandise. Many chain stores are closing. You know what happened to Sears. And Macy’s has already closed many of their stores due to shrinking business.

Let’s see that they close ALL of them. Don’t patronize them or watch their televised parade.  Macy’s sell overpriced items, plus have an annual world-wide television program that absolutely promotes deviancy.  

Forget the big balloons. You can see fabulous floats at the Rose Bowl Parade. Do not surrender your mind or your money to Macy’s garbage. Obviously Macy’s is a Democrat run company.

To think that Macy’s, knowing this parade symbolized the coming of Christmas, a very holy day of the year for Christians, which proclaims the birth of Jesus, would give their middle finger to God by exhibiting the very thing that is an abomination to God, to smear the meaning of that day before millions of viewers. It’s time to say goodbye to Macy’s and their televised parade.


© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

The ‘God’ Delusional Grab Bag Of Horror

Let us pause for a moment of silence as we contemplate the spiritual significance and depth of so many on the Democrat left.  It is Thanksgiving time and soon Christmas, so let’s look at the enlightened words of several who perceive themselves as light spreaders and are faithfully competing for the 4th person of the Trinity.

First, we are awed by Nancy Pelosi who not only constantly reminds us that as long as Trump is President she will never leave, but drools endless impeachment threats.  Remember when Pelosi spoke  to the national press club.   She preached that …” maybe the Trump Presidency is a message from God.  …. But maybe God is telling us that we have not done our job completely to rid our country of some of the negative attitudes, whether it’s xenophobia, anti-immigrant, anti-woman, racist, in whatever way. That is part of the task we have before us.”  (The New Republic)

She went on to say that Trump had done nothing positive at all for the American people in the first 40 days.  Then she showed off her spiritual significance of 40 days…40 days in the wilderness with Christ, then Moses and now magically, 40 days of failure with Trump.  Hmmm…

Maybe God is trying to tell us all something.  Could it be that people like ‘God speak’ Pelosi are the real failures to the American people since they ignore national and border security, moral foundations based on the Bible supporting the right to life instead of worshipping at the shrine of abortion and Gay marriage rights. All we hear is Rights, Rights and more Rights no matter what the moral and Constitutional breakage is surrounding them.

It is hard to hear anti Trump sermons from Pelosi, reminding us of course that she is a devout Catholic, when she guts and ignores the heart of the Holy Bible.  She is apparently blind to the miraculous and God inspired successes under Trump for America and that little thing called the truth.  Now, she fights to continue her Speaker position.  Perhaps she should shut up and find a prayer position.

Then there is enlightened Maxine Waters who constantly rains down heavenly wisdom on us all as she skewers Trump again and again.   I have lost track as to how many times Waters has declared that God was on her side and those liberals she represents.  She is the one who has called the nation to ‘push back’ calling on all to kick Trump’s cabinet members and supporters out of restaurants, gas stations essentially any public place.  Trump and his followers are not welcome anywhere.  She tells Trump and all Trump supporters to expect harassment.  Now let us pray and be reminded that God is on Water’s side, mob leaders and those who so spiritually kick people right out of their restaurants and chase them down the street.

I can’t think of any on the left who don’t treat God as a gumball and propaganda machine they pull out of their pocket at will to threaten, terrorize and call people to violent action against conservative Trump supporters and real Christians.  Praise God and  Jesus too, Really?

Hillary and Bill Clinton have done the same ‘Christian magician’ trick, using faith as a way to manipulate voters, while they chronically have slept around, been implicated with drugs, threatened countless people while destroying all they could of America.  Pass the offering plate yet again but don’t pray and follow the real God of the Holy Bible.

You lying, immoral, fascist, anti-American and anti-moral scum!  You don’t know good from bad, right from wrong, law from crime, security from danger and apparently God from Satan.

Blow blue smoke somewhere else.  Americans and America under President Donald Trump who God did put in, is healing up, getting strong again, rediscovering our core values and succeeding again.

America, God IS on your side and so is Trump.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Is Trump’s Presidency Collapsing?

The high-tech Big Media companies and academia are two major headquarters for the anti-Trump movement in America. President Trump refuses to take them on, except in ineffective Tweets. Now it looks like he’s selling out to the “prison reform” movement and Big Marijuana. This means more criminals and potheads on the streets. How’s that for making America great again?

He pardoned two turkeys, Peas and Carrots, before Thanksgiving and may soon have to pardon himself.

At this rate, he can kiss reelection in 2020 goodbye. His political people have absolutely no understanding of the “rainbow” forces or “permanent revolution” being assembled against him and financed by the leftist billionaires George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Michael Bloomberg, and assisted by New Age leader Oprah.

From a conservative perspective, as the Trump presidency flounders, it’s clear that much has been left undone by the Congress and President Trump. You can bet nothing much of benefit to conservatives will be done when socialists take control of the House next year.

To demonstrate the extreme disappointment among conservatives, consider a piece I wrote more than two years ago: Trump Threatens Liberal Media Monopolies. In a hard-hitting statement, Trump adviser Peter Navarro had announced that Trump, if elected president, “will break up the new media conglomerate oligopolies that have gained enormous control over our information, intrude into our personal lives, and in this election, are attempting to unduly influence America’s political process.”

Nothing has been done. Now, in just one of many cases of censorship, Facebook has “unpublished” activist Peter LaBarbera’s Facebook page, claiming his opposition to homosexuality and transgenderism is “hate speech.” Pete LaBarbera notes: the social media giant cites “safety” concerns and being “respectful,” but by not respecting and tolerating Christian conservatives’ views, is Facebook guilty of “hate” and bigotry?

We just learned that Senator Chuck Schumer’s lesbian daughter is an executive at Facebook.

To be sure, Navarro, now the White House trade advisor, is doing his best to take a hard line against Communist China. Navarro recently denounced the Wall Street bankers, hedge fund managers, and globalist billionaires for opposing Trump’s America-first trade policies. But his position was then undercut by White House economic adviser and “free trader” Larry Kudlow, a former commentator for CNBC, part of the Comcast conglomerate.

Rather than take on the Big Media, Trump is appeasing the far-left and the libertarian Koch Brothers with his “prison reform” bill. Fortunately, Senator Tom Cotton released the following statement about the so-called First Step Act: “Unfortunately, the new text of this legislation reveals that what started as a prison-reform effort has transformed into sentencing reductions and early-release for dangerous, repeat felons, and I therefore cannot support this bill.”

One of the most basic lessons in politics is not to alienate your base. Trump claims to be for law enforcement and public safety. But he wants to rush a pro-criminals bill through Congress in the lame duck session. The bill is supported by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, whose father was a criminal, and Van Jones, a former Obama official exposed as an anti-cop Marxist.

It will be up to Cotton and perhaps a few other conservatives to stop this dangerous jail break legislation.

Another failure by Trump, as we noted in our recent TV show with analyst Trevor Loudon, was the announced effort by Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a presidential task force on higher education. We have to dismantle the Marxist Madrassas, as we argued in our book by that name, partly through more online learning opportunities. But nothing has been done by the White House or the Falwell task force. No wonder millennials with no jobs and college debt voted for Bernie and the socialists.

Then there’s the dope problem. The “Special Report” on Fox News on Tuesday highlighted in a positive way the legalization of dope in Massachusetts. Nothing was said about the evidence linking the drug to mental illness and violence. It was all fun and games: Wow! An East Coast First! Look at those long lines for dope.

It’s reported that Trump may go for full legalization of a nationwide basis, under the advice of Kushner and Trump adviser and marijuana investor Peter Thiel. Trump’s policies on dope are looking worse than Obama’s. And Fox, which regularly censors criticism of George Soros, is looking more and more like CNN and MSNBC.

Trump still refuses to face up to the historic Democratic landslide on November 6, calling it a “victory” for him.  The Democrats even captured Orange County in California, known as Reagan Country.

Analyst Trevor Loudon notes the use of the Rainbow Coalition or “Brown is the New White” strategy, embraced by Barack Hussein Obama, against the Republicans. They will use it in 2020 against what they hope is a very damaged President Trump and win with 52, 53 percent of the vote. “Then,” he adds, “they’re going to legalize every single illegal immigrant remaining in the country, which will give the Democrats 30 or 40 million new voters overnight, and then they have the one-party state.”

Despite a solid record against the United Nations, we are still waiting on the White House to grant a presidential pardon of Army soldier Michael New, who was court-martialed and given a bad conduct discharge under Bill Clinton for refusing orders to serve the U.N. in Macedonia. This is something Trump can easily do that cannot be reviewed by the courts. But again, nothing has been done except to shuffle our request on to another administrative office somewhere.

However, if you’re Kim Kardashian and make an appeal for freedom for a convicted drug trafficker, your wish is quickly granted.

It looks like, in order to get anywhere with the Trump Administration, you have to have powerful family, corporate or Hollywood connections or else rent a fancy room in the 5-Star Trump International Hotel. The Family Research Council, for example, was advertising a dinner at the Museum of the Bible and accommodations at the Trump International Hotel as part of the group’s first-ever Christian heritage tour & summit!

While that may work for private groups with Big Donor money seeking access to government power, liberal judges seem to be having the last laugh, thwarting Trump at every turn. Rather than fight, he laments the power of judicial supremacy and backs off. He has lost a series of immigration cases and even suffered a major setback on the matter of cancelling a White House press pass for the obnoxious Jim Acosta of CNN.

“Put simply,” writes public interest lawyer Larry Klayman, “the overwhelming majority of the jurists selected by both Democrat and Republican presidents are the compromised product of the establishments of both parties.”

Klayman’s observation is most certainly true, and it even applies to Trump’s most recent Supreme Court nominee, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Washington insider recommended for the job by another Washington insider, the former Trump White House counsel Don McGahn.

Trump seems to think he can eventually win some of the cases he’s losing, as precious time slips away and more illegal aliens enter the country, when they arrive before the ultimate arbiter, the U.S. Supreme Court.

These cases may include Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s anticipated decision to go to court to force Trump to testify in the Russia-gate probe. Kavanaugh would likely rule against Trump, demonstrating his subservience to liberal Rockefeller Republican Senator Susan Collins (who provided the decisive vote to confirm him) and solidifying his status as a Washington insider beholden to the Deep State.

Eventually, Trump may join the ranks of turkeys Peas and Carrots in seeking a pardon for himself. If that happens, and it looks likely, the biggest turkey for conservatives may turn out to be the Trump presidency. He may go down in history as the last Republican president, as a result of ushering in a socialist one-party state.

[BIO:* America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) President Cliff Kincaid has had a nearly 40-year journalism career that includes serving as a co-host for the debate show “Crossfire” on CNN in the 1980s. He currently appears in a popular film on media bias and anonymous sources that is being shown in the Newseum, the journalism museum in Washington, D.C. Kincaid has written or co-authored more than 20 books and hosts an Internet-based Roku TV channel called America’s Survival TV that is available in more than 60 countries and is also on YouTube. Cliff’s book on Marxist dialectics, The Sword of Revolution, has been translated into Portuguese to reach people in Brazil, where an anti-communist revolution has taken root.]

© 2018 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: Kincaid@comcast.net

Dem Atheist Slams Columnist-Defends False Witness

The email below, is one of many sent to me by Robert Berger of New Rochelle, New York. This is typical of every email he sends to those writing for NewsWithViews. He attacks everything written and takes personal jabs at the writer. Mr. Berger smugly acts as though he is a spokesman for Jesus as you will see below, even though he is an atheist and hates all who believe in God.
Commenting on my story yesterday regarding the false witness, Christine Blasey Ford, who took over a million dollars to testify against Judge Kavanaugh, Mr. Berger staunchly defended her. It could be that Berger wants ‘recognition’ which makes him a real HamBerger.
The actual email below is published as it was sent. This writer never responds to nut mail. If you wish to respond to him, the email address is right below which is robertbberger@yahoo.com
—–Original Message—–

From: robert Berger <robertbberger@yahoo.com>
To: chaplainmiles <chaplainmiles@aol.com>
Sent: Sun, Nov 18, 2018 11:09 am
Subject: RE : Kavananaugh’s Accuser Worse Than Thought.

Hello again Chaplain Miles! Pardon me for being brutally Frank but your latest rant for News With Views is absolutely appalling. It assumes many facts which are not proven and  is a vicious attack on Christine Ford, who is anything but a “dim-witted blonde “.
Your description of her is not only grossly unfair but blatantly sexist and misogynist. And totally un-christian. This woman has a doctorate in psychology from a highly reputable university and is a highly respected researcher at a university.  
We have no proof she is lying, and Kavanaugh who is now a member of the Supreme Court, is not an angel by any means and has feet of clay. Why would Ford put her career and reputation in  jeopardy by lying?  
She cold have lost her job and have been banned form working in her field and never find work at another university. She would have opened herself up to a lawsuit by Kavanaugh .  
Bret Kavanaugh is a rigid and dogmatic opponent of women’s reproductive rights. He is not only utterly opposed to abortion but as a Catholic, wants to make contraceptives, the very thing which  has PREVENTED so many abortions over the decades. The  morning after pill  prevents surgical abortions.  
This is not “murder“. You cannot “murder“ something which can only be seen with a microscope.  These pills are not “abortifacients “. An abortion is the surgical  removal of a partially formed and VISIBLE fetus. A fertilized cell is not a “person“, any more than an acorn is a tree. Contraceptives MUST  always be  legal and affordable, and out government  should provide financial help to poor women so they can avoid unwanted pregnancies and provide for the children they have .  
If you are opposed to abortion, you have no moral right to be opposed to contraceptives. You cannot have it both ways. The Democratic party is the party which fights to help poor women and the poor  in general. The Republican party is the mortal enemy of women, the poor, the unemployed,  the disabled, people with serious illnesses, the elderly and infirm, children etc because ti has done nothing in our time but  try to deny these people everything they need to avoid starving and dying on the streets .
It blatantly defies  everything Jesus stood for. Its members are the worst hypocrites on earth. They are rich, privileged people who ca eat at the finest restaurants and have access to the best medical care on earth, yet they want to deny the poor and middle class the basic necessities of life. Under Trump, the abortion rate in America is guaranteed to INCREASE markedly .
Brett Kavanaiugh would vote not only to make abortion illegal but to deny women everything they need to provide  for their children and avoid unwanted pregnancies. He is a vile hypocrite. Trump is the most vile, evil and malicious president in US history. He is heartless, soulless, witless and brainless. He is a pathological liar. Every time he opens his fool mouth he lies. He is also a bogus Christian who cynically pretends to be one while living a life of debauchery.
If you read about Brett Kavanagh’s true record in life, you will see that he is far from being an admirable person. But  conservatives in America got their wish anyway and Kavanaugh is now a member of the Supreme Court.  
And even if he had not been confirmed, he still would have had a prestigious position on the second highest US court. But the future of  Christine Ford remains uncertain. All evidence shows her to be a good and honorable woman.  
Donald Trump is a known sexual predator. This man has absolutely no conscience and absolutely no remorse for the countless terrible things he done both as a president, businessman and a private citizen.  
Why do Christians all over America continue to worship this despicable man? And to revile his predecessor Barack Obama, who as an infinitely better president and is an infinitely better human being.  
A man who has been the victim of a vicious smear campaign which was designed to destroy him.  And yet who withstood all the blatant and vicious lies against him and  the vile racist hatred to which he was subject with dignity, restraint and forbearance. Obama is also an infinitely better Christian than Trump. He is a good, decent, honorable and highly intelligent man – everything which Trump is not. America has gone form the sublime to the ridiculous with Trump, who is  defiling the White and is a disgrace to the presidency, our government, the Constitution and the American people.  
It is Bret Kavanaigh who is worse than thought, sir. You should hang your head in shame for your latest post at News With Vews and ask your God for forgiveness. 
—Robert Berge,r New Rochelle, NY .
Editor’s Note: So here are the words of a Democrat, Atheist, God Hater, and dedicated Obama Supporter whose people want to have total control over you.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Could Democrats Survive A Media Assault?

Television’s living fossil, “Saturday Night Live,” recently mocked former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw, who lost an eye in the service of his country, fighting in Afghanistan. The public didn’t like it so they had to take it back; but they were astounded by that result. After all, Crenshaw was running for Congress as a Republican, so obviously he and his lost eye deserved to be lampooned. All non-Democrats, according to America’s nooze and “entertainment” media, deserve disrespect.

I don’t have TV at home, but because I’ve had to visit a lot of waiting rooms lately, I’ve been subjected to quite a lot of TV: and it’s all Trump-bashing, Republican-bashing, and America-bashing, all the time. Indeed, they seem to expect us to thank them for it.

But how would it be if the shoe were on the other foot? If Democrats, instead of Republicans, were the media’s daily target? How long would any leading Democrat last—how long would the whole party last—if he or she were lambasted every day and every night by the same kind of full-scale media assault aimed at Republicans?

If it’s morning in the waiting room, “The View” is on TV, right after Rachael Ray. “The View” has managed the seemingly impossible feat of being even more asinine, more bigoted, and more unhinged than SNL. It’s a gaggle of left-wing harpies who devote every broadcast to attacking Donald Trump and anyone else who isn’t them. It makes for a compelling reason to stand in the hall outside the waiting room.

But what if we turned everything around, and “The View” were a team of sharp and witty conservative women leading the media assault on Democrats? What if “The View” team consisted of Anne Coulter, Diamond and Silk, Laura Ingraham, Jeanine Pirro, and Michelle Malkin?

The ratings would be off the charts. Guaranteed.

Oh, the plethora of indefensible targets! Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama. John Kerry. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Nancy Pelosi. Antifa. Our colleges and universities, with all their safe spaces, speech codes, and Play-Doh. You’d run out of days before you ran out of targets. All those swollen gas-bags just waiting to be punctured! All those oh-so-self-enamored stuffed shirts just itching for a shaving-cream pie in the face.

Various polls, for what they’re worth, indicate that Republican voters are mostly resistant to the media’s jihad against their elected leaders. They aren’t deserting Donald Trump in favor of Corey “I’m Spartacus” Booker. Instead of being won over by the media, they’re digging in their heels and loudly cheering Trump when he hits back.

But how would Democrats fare, if the media were after their scalps instead of Republicans’? Can you even imagine Hillary Clinton as the guest of dishonor on the conservative version of “The View”? Nothing left but a quivering mass of protoplasm! And how would Democrat voters react, if every time they turned on their TV sets, someone was laughing at, razzing, mocking, and deconstructing their leaders? Something tells me they would be a great deal more vulnerable to these tactics than Republicans have been.

It’s very hard to imagine the media ever changing their tune; their leftism is carved in stone. Ditto our colleges, teachers’ unions, Hollywood, and all the rest of the fundamental transformation crowd. It would be a waste of time, money, and hard work to try to change them. Much better would be to replace them.

As the self-anointed Smartest People In The World, liberals freak out when regular people fail to pay them the veneration and obedience which they think is their due. As they see it, we ought to be turning cartwheels for joy because these wonderful know-it-alls have volunteered to rule us.

When the day comes when they are universally ignored, that will be a good day for America.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Who’s Team Is President Trump Playing For?

I don’t know if I have ever seen a public figure as hard to figure out as President Trump.  Certainly, no one who has ever been elected to the Presidency has been more of a battle axe than he.  He has forged a political coalition that has baffled even the most seasoned political scientists.

Which team is President Trump playing on?  Is he part of the deep state and his promise to “drain the swamp” merely a diabolical diversion from what he is actually orchestrating, or is he really “one of us” a man who has promised to deliver our government back into the hands of “we the people.”

We are going to know very soon.

I have to confess that I was on the Trump Train very early and that my public endorsement of him garnered much opposition from those who would normally be supporting the same values-driven candidate as me.  My support of him cost me many friends, some of with all of the fences still have not been mended.

But I saw something in him, early, that told me that one need not be a man of God in order to be God’s man.  I still hold that position and am a supporter of his today.  But I understand the anxiety many of my friends suffer.  If he is REALLY going to drain the swamp isn’t it about time that he called the Roto Rooter man?

Again, we are going to know very soon.

One of the things that really troubles me about some of my Christian friends is their inability, or unwillingness to “root” for him.  It is almost as if THEY have made up their mind that he is NOT God’s man and refuse to support him even 2 years into his term in office.  Stubborn as they are, I wonder if they follow the Bible’s mandate to “pray for our leaders” but instead secretly hope he fails so that they will have been proven right about his character shortcomings and fitness for the office.

I would hope that all Christians pray that he is successful, but I really don’t think that is the case.  Their own pride blinds them to the fact that God may not be operating the way that they expect Him to.  God is ambidextrous.  He is the originator of the idea of sleight of hand.  He fooled Satan into crucifying His Son.  I wonder what the odds at Vegas were on God coming out on the winning side of that power play.

Oh, but His ways are not our ways.  Perhaps someday we will realize that He plays by His own set of rules and that it is foolish to ever think we have The Creator figured out.

I became aware of politics 55 years ago today on November 22, 1963 when JFK had his head cracked wide open in Dealey Plaza.  In my mind, I always referred to that as the “day America died” because since that time our government has become a secret operation and the real truth of what was going on “behind the curtain” has been hidden from the American people.  The Kennedy assassination was the first of many “deep state” operations pulled on the American people.  Our “elected officials” no longer run the government.  Most are hired simply to make sure that the government continues to run according to plan…THEIR plan…the deep state…SWAMP…shadow government…that we all pray President Trump is committed to draining.

We will know very soon which team he is paying for.

Let me take the peel off of the potato.

Like so many of you I have waited patiently for 2 years for the hammer to drop.  I have followed Q Anon and all of the “insiders” dropping breadcrumbs as to what was really going on behind the scenes.  Trust sessions…trust Q…trust the plan.  Well, I have trusted them all and it is now time for the President to crap or get off of the pot.

It is apparent to anyone who is paying attention that the corruption in our government runs very deep.  It is clear that we have not had a REAL President since that fateful day in Dallas.  And I find it ironic that the battle has now gone full circle.  It appears to me that Donald Trump is fighting the same group that President Kennedy warned us about…the military industrial complex.

But in the 55 years since Kennedy was blown away that political swamp of miscreants has metastasized and become so entrenched that it is nearly impossible to dislodge them.  The way I see it, President is our last hope.  If he is a fraud, a bought and paid for agent of the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s bankers, then our ship is sunk.

Call me naïve’.  Call me foolish.  Call me a sellout.  But if Donald Trump is pulling our chain, then our nation has long since been lost.

We are about to find out where he stands.  We will soon know which team he is quarterbacking.  This is where the rubber meets the road.

Declassify the FISA Report.  Expose the criminal activities of the high level deep-staters at work in the Alphabet Agencies.  Expose for the world the criminal activities of those who were sworn to protect and serve us.  Perp walk them.  Show the American people the dark underbelly of our “election process” and the treasonous crimes of those who have manipulated the American system.

Restore the rule of law.  Re-establish justice.  Do away with the multi-level criminal justice system.  Return the government to THE PEOPLE.  Anything else is simply window dressing.

Pray for him…even if you don’t like him.  Pray he is God’s man.  What he does in the next 30 days will show us which team the President is playing for.

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Sick Muslim Female Genital Mutilation In America: Legalized By A Black Robed Judge

Two years ago, several doctors in the Detroit area, and their staff members participated in female genital mutilations of female children under nine years of age.  They’ve performed the barbaric Muslim ritual on hundreds of female children for 12 years until apprehended two years ago.

On October 20, 2018, an American judge ruled against the Michigan law that made the ritual illegal, and gave the doctors and their staff members, all Muslims, a free pass to continue.  Where are the feminists?  Where is the U.S. Constitution as to free choice about one’s body?  No one possesses the right to disfigure or dismember another person’s body, whatsoever.

Female genital mutilation proves the most barbaric, disgusting, cruel and violent act against a young female child under nine years of age.  What is it?  A practitioner uses glass or razor blades to cut the clitoris off along with slicing out the labia’s majora and minora.  They use no anesthetic.  Then the practitioner sews up the vagina just enough to allow the child to urinate.  Often the child dies from sepsis and other vaginal infections.

We faced hundreds of cases of infected genitals from the ritual in Denver, Colorado where I live, so much so, that Rep. Dorothy Rupert wrote a law to stop it. At that point, the Somali immigrants took it underground and continue the practice today.  Lots of girls get buried in shallows graves somewhere on the prairie.

At this point, our U.S. Congress imported 3.5 million Muslims.  They cut 500,000 of their female babies with FGM in the past 30 years.  They also average 23 to 27 “Honor Killings” of their women annually in the USA.  (Source:  Ed O’Callihan, White House briefing, Feb 2, 2018, “Honor killings and Female Genital Mutilation in the USA by Muslim immigrants.”)

If this doesn’t make you sick to your stomach, I am at a loss.  Our first world, modern society bows to a 6th century, Dark Ages, violent religion by giving the ‘Okay’ to assaulting a young child without her voice to say “no” to such a barbaric practice.  It’s mandated in Sharia Law to keep a woman “pure” and faithful to her man, who by the way, considers her “property”.  He can divorce her or kill her at any time as a Muslim.

A federal judge on Tuesday ruled that the U.S. law banning female genital mutilation was unconstitutional and dismissed charges against several doctors in Michigan who carried out the procedure on underage girls as part Muslim sect’s religious practice.

“U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman ruled that Congress had no authority to enact a law that criminalizes female genital mutilation (FGM). “As despicable as [FGM] may be… [Congress] overstepped its bounds.”

The ruling came after defense lawyers challenged the 22-year-old genital mutilation law that hasn’t been used until 2017 when Dr. Jumana Nagarwala was arrested and accused of mutilating the genitalia of young girls.

In other words, any young girl can be assaulted by anyone with a blade or broken glass to cut out her clitoris and labia’s majora and minor—without legal action against her.  Plain and simple, in a first world country, this legalizes “assault and battery” of a child without provocation or choice.

“It’s a giant step backward in the protection of women’s and girls’ rights … Especially when there is a global movement to eliminate this practice.”  — Shelby Quast

Why are we allowing Muslim barbarians to continue their barbarity in our country?  When they start tossing gays off buildings as they do in the Middle East, will that judge allow that practice, too?  What about four wives being legal?  Will we acquiesce to that, too?  How about “honor killings”?  Will we continue to ignore the average of 23 to 27 of them annually to grow to over 100 or 500 annually?

In the sick and demented Muslim world, 20,000 women meet their deaths annually at the hands of husbands, fathers, brothers and uncles because those 20,000 women said something wrong, or they weren’t needed as a wife, so the husband killed the first wife to marry another wife.  (Source: United Nations, “Honor Killings Report”)

Islam proves itself the most violent, demented, sick and disgusting religion in the world, but its followers just got a green light to cut all its daughters here in the United States.

Pathetic doesn’t start to describe this ruling by this stupid, sick and immoral judge:  U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman.

If allowed to continue, our country stands at the cliff edge of losing women’s rights, religious rights, gay rights, free speech, choice of religion and everything we fought for since 1776.

This is the most sad, disturbing and sickening column I have written in 40 years.  Everyone one of those Muslim girls suffers her sexuality being cut out of her and a brutal assault on her right to choose her life.

Michigan state Sen. Rick Jones also slammed the ruling.

“I’m angry that the federal judge dismissed this horrific case that affected upwards of a hundred girls who were brutally victimized and attacked against their will,” he said in a statement. “This is why it was so important for Michigan to act. We set a precedent that female genital mutilation will not be tolerated here … I hope other states will follow suit.”

I’ve said this statement before and I’ll say it again:

The Islamic religion-political-economic system: a highly emotionally infectious, contagious, repugnant and debauched ethnic disease masquerading as a religion–added to a diabolical Sharia Law mandate.  It warps minds of all adherents and forces them toward brutal, violent, cruel, vicious and insane behavior toward men, women and children.  It creates suicidal maniacs and insensate intellectual morons.  Humans under its spell lose their sensibilities, rational values, dignity and minds.  They resort to wanton acts of murder, cruelty, perversion and barbarism.  Because of mass immigration into first world countries, this insane religious disease floods into every corner of the planet—and with it a complete destruction of women’s rights, children’s rights, intellectual rights, gay rights, free speech, free choice of religions, dress, free choice of spouse, killing of gays, honor killings of women and a complete loss of humanity by Islam’s adherents.  If not stopped by the willpower and force of first world countries, it will ravage the free world back into the Dark Ages.  Frosty Wooldridge, six continent world bicycle traveler.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Violence In Tijuana: Caravan Immigrants Attacking Mexican Citizens But Police Stand Down

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Residents of Tijuana faced off with caravan migrants last night as police tried to intervene. The Tijuana residents wanted the caravan to turn back but the caravan was determined to get to the US border.

Both groups got into it over the caravan wanting to cross through their town. The citizens of Tijuana have worked hard to make a safe and prosperous city for themselves and they did not want caravan members there to ruin what they’ve built.

A huge crowd gathered together to stop the caravan members from getting off their buses and their efforts paid off!

Mainstream media only covered the caravan, but they did not mention the group of Tijuana protesters who did not want the caravan immigrants in their city.

It is reported that the Police are standing down, there was even rock throwing during the protest, but police did nothing.

A part of the media narrative of the Central American caravan to the U.S. border is the treatment of the Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transsexual community by their fellow “asylum seekers.” In fact, LGBT’s are being segregated from the other immigrants on their long trip to the Mexican-American border, which is now protected by about 15,000 Border Patrol agents and about 5,200 National Guard and U.S. Army troops.

While several thousand Central American immigrants are working their way north towards Tijuana, about 80 people from the LGBT community are already in the northern Mexican city, according to a police intelligence source.

The now separated group says their travel was paid for by an anonymous organization after they were discriminated against by people in the caravan, according to NBC News in San Diego, California.  They are currently resting in the city before they make their way to the port of entry in San Ysidro or Otay Mesa to request asylum.

“Very happy, truthfully, grateful to God especially because he has given us the opportunity to be here,” Nehemías de León, who arrived in Tijuana with his boyfriend.

“I think to do bad, you don’t have to migrate to another country. You just stay where you are,” de León added. “But I think we’re going for a better life. We want to work. We want to be what we’ve always been — honorable people.”

Another member of the immigrant LGBT community, César Mejía, told American reporters: “Even to bathe was a big problem, and when we wanted to shower there was no water … same with food.”

Caravan leaders said that almost 6,000 of those immigrants were departing Sunday morning. The size of the leading caravan seems to have grown since the group was in Mexico City for several days, raising the possibility that other migrants from trailing groups have joined the main caravan.  In the U.S. they will likely be greeted by U.S. law enforcement and military personnel who have been busy installing barbed wire along the porous borders of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.

Media Coverage of Immigrant ‘Caravan’ Flawed or Inaccurate

The American people are being subjected by the news media to disingenuous coverage of the now infamous “immigrants caravan” originating in Central American nations such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatamala. A top intelligence agency founder and owner Dr. Lyle Rapacki has investigated the true events occurring in Mexico with regard to not one but three U.S.-bound caravans of “asylum seekers.” (After reading this in depth report, please view video below.)

“I was informed the main caravan containing thus far the largest numbers of people traveling north to the U.S./Mexican Border has stopped in Oaxaca, Mexico.  Approximately 10,000 people are now in some form of holding in the aforesaid State of Mexico – Oaxaca,” reports Lyle Rapacki, Ph.D., owner of the private security firm Sentinel Intelligence Services, LLC.

However, there are two smaller caravans totaling about 5,000 men, women and children — mostly adult males — that are about 36-hours behind the main caravan.

It is unknown at the time of this report what kinds of shelter and/or temporary housing the main caravan has available.  Approximately 80% of the total people marching north are males in the age range of 16-40.

There are women and children, but that population group is a significant minority.  Severe infighting and hostile acts within the caravan have caused approximately 4,000 to turn back by buses brought in by the Mexican Government.  Said males in the caravan are extremely arrogant and angry, having already shown on video angry and hostile acts and hostile chants to law enforcement and anyone in authority.

From interviews conducted in this caravan, the males come from: Bangladesh, the Congo, Guatemala, Venezuela, Honduras, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and even Cuban Nationalists.  Guatemalan authorities detained and identified one hundred (100) ISIS Members at their border prior to entrance into Mexico.  The males in the main caravan have NO interest in seeking jobs or a better life in America, they are clearly agitators and hostile, and view America as a force to collapse.

It appears the Mexican Government has stopped all forms of reliable transportation to pick-up and transport north this caravan.

Mexican Federal Police and military have engaged the caravan, and likewise, have sent the order that mass transportation will not be permitted except to move southward out of Mexico.  It appears the incoming President of Mexico is joining Guatemala becoming a closer ally with America and President Trump.  The verified stoppage of the caravan is significant news, but a waiting game now commences to learn what steps will be next.

Commencing tomorrow morning, an aviation asset that has come forward to work with Dr. Rapacki and will begin flying over the Oaxaca area now known to be holding this large caravan.  The pilot will be flying a Beechcraft King Air 250 with retractable gear; twin turbo props engines, and 4 blade constant speed props.  Cruising speed of 330+ knots with fully loaded sophisticated electronics including duel navigation and communication radios.

“Overflight will be at 5,000 ft with crystal clear weather reported, and lower if needed.  Further identification and specific information is being sought.  Mentioned below are three (3) map sites you might find of use and interest,” said Dr. Rapacki in an email to NewsWithViews.com.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

If I Can Demoralize You, I Can Control You! Pornography: The Break Down Of America’s Virtue

“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their Virtue they will be ready to surrender their Liberties to the first external or internal invader…” -Samuel Adams

Today, Americans are being told that they must embrace diversity, to accept that which God forbids, in order to bring about unity among the nations.  We also are being told that we must think of the whole world’s good rather than just the United States and our sovereignty (Revelations 17:17).  Of course, that comes by taking on their world agenda and then we are led to believe that somehow it will unify us, the opposite is true.

One of the major propaganda pushes being used by the masters and players is to push immorality through advocating sexual promiscuity and pornography.

What unifies us (Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 4:3) as Americans is “that we are ‘rooted and built up in Him,'” not to be spoiled “through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ” (Colossians 2:7-8).

What unifies us is that we are “one nation under God.”  We are not to adhere to the nations by subjecting ourselves to the spirit of disobedience toward God (Ephesians 2:2, 6:12) by adhering to that which God condemns, which are the immoralities that separate us from our God, rather than adherence to the Word which is our strength, not our weakness. [Link]

Pornography (porn) defined is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the exclusive purpose of sexual arousal.

Greek Lexicon- 1. to prostitute one’s body to the lust of another 2. To give one’s self to unlawful sexual intercourse 3. To be given to idolatry, to worship idols a. to permit one’s self to be drawn into

Onsite said that Pornography in the United States has Advanced by technological development, it has gone from a hard to find “back alley” item, beginning in 1968 with the Golden Age of Porn (1969–1984), to being more available in the country and later, starting in the 1990s, readily accessible to nearly anyone with a computer or other device connected to the Internet. The U.S. has no current plans to block explicit content from minors, which is obviously their end aim (Matthew 18:6).

This is the Supreme Court’s version of freedom of speech, which advocates the crimes that they are appointed to prevent.

“Liberty is the right to do what the Law permits.” -Charles DeMontisquie

Hollywood, along with the media and corrupt representation, help promote sexual promiscuity, the children learn the lesson (Proverbs 22:6), they are then impregnated and taught by the same courts and media to eradicate the fruit of the womb under the guise of choice (Proverbs 6:17).

The very things that Scripture warns us to stay away from are the very things that the corrupt in the world governments are promoting.

“I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” -1 John 2:14-18

If one would like to test the accuracy of Scripture and would like to know the truth of the matter, that is all you have to do is look to what happens when men fail to take heed to the Word of God (Psalm 18:21).

  • David and Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11)
  • Solomon and his lust for foreign woman (I Kings 11)
  • Samson and Delilah (Judges 16:1-20)
  • The Sodomites (1 Peter 2:6)
  • Bestiality (Exodus 22:19)
  • Incest (Deuteronomy 27:22)

Yet, in America today, no matter where you go, whether it be in your health books in high schools or stories told to children in pre-school , movie trailers or a movie, if it be a commercial, a radio ad, a billboard on the side of the road or a billboard on a bus or in a magazine on the rack, when going to the grocery store check-out or even going into a restroom, there it is, right in front of your face: sexually suggestive content. It is not hard to find, it is hard to ignore (Psalm 101:3; Matthew 6:22; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Hebrews 12:2; 1 John 5:4).

When you go to your computer and go online, there it is:  ads popping up with suggestive content, content that you have to check off and rate so that their ads do not return on the same page (and this is often found, in many cases, on G-rated sites), content pops up that you cannot ignore.  It is literally coming at you from every direction. All of this is by design to further wield power over a people by first demoralizing them, and in the end, enslaving them (John 8:34).

Piggybacking on this are the big tech companies who are also promoting that which is subversive to American government such as Twitter, Google, and Facebook. [Link]

I have found Twitter to be the absolute worst as I would scroll through their live feeds and having pops ups come out of nowhere from semi-porn sites to blatant pornography sites. You then go to block the image only to find that Twitter then saves it. You then look to the source of the images or film only to delete pages that have sexually explicit content on them while new ones at the same time pop up and adhere to your feed, which only leads you back to what you similarly just deleted.

I personally had to delete 37,000 friends so I would not have to see their feeds any longer.

You may even want to check out what sort of movie content that you may have in your homes.  Many actors and actresses you will find have compromised themselves in selling their souls for the world that they desire to have through advocating sexual promiscuity.

“And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.”

And what did Jesus answer?

Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” Luke 4:5-8

[YouTube Video]

How destructive is the choice (Deuteronomy 30:19) of pornography?

Every Second:

  • 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet.
  • $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet.
  • 372 people are typing the word “adult” into a search engine.

Every Day:

  • 37 pornographic videos are created in the United States.
  • 2.5 billion emails containing porn are sent or received.
  • 68 million search queries related to pornography- 25% of total searches- are generated.
  • 116,000 queries related to child pornography are received.

How Online Pornography Affects Americans

  • About 200,000 Americans are classified as “porn addicts.”
  • 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites.
  • 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography.
  • 34% (?) of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop up ads, misdirected links or emails.
  • One-third of porn viewers are women.

Family/Marital Pornography Stats

The negative effects of pornography do not end after development. They can be just as harmful to families and marriages.

  • According to National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families, 2010, 47% of families in the United States reported that pornography is a problem in their home.
  • Pornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300%.
  • 40 percent of people identified as “sex addicts” lose their spouses, 58 percent suffer considerable financial losses, and about 33% lose their jobs.
  • 68% of divorce cases involve one party meeting a new paramour over the internet while 56% involve one party having an “obsessive interest” in pornographic websites.

Pornography is the fuel to the fire concerning rape, sodomy, pedophilia, sex trafficking etc… And yet it is promoted around the clock. [Link]

Maybe this explains why pornography was illegal in America, and according to law, it still is (Deuteronomy 22:22; Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:28; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Revelations 21:8).

Denmark was the first country to legalize pornography in 1967.  The following year, the United States Supreme Court , acting outside of their scope of authority (Article 3, Section 1, US Constitution; Jeremiah 5:31), held that people could view whatever they wished in the privacy of their own homes.

[YouTube Video]

[YouTube Video]

What is even more diabolical about all of this is when pornography was becoming normalized, with the help of the likes of Alfred Kinsey and friends, the federal government was setting up the people for crimes that they fueled through the use of pornography they just legalized.  Interesting how that works. [Link]

[YouTube Video]

Scripture tells us that “Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant” (Proverbs 9:17).

Matthew Henry explains, “How diligent the tempter is to seduce unwary souls into sin! Carnal, sensual pleasure, stupefies conscience, and puts out the sparks of conviction. This tempter has no solid reason to offer; and where she gets dominion in a soul, all knowledge of holy things is lost and forgotten.”

God’s moral law states:

“Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14)!

“The soul that sinneth shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20)

Jesus said in the New Testament:

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” -Matthew 5:27-29

The consequence of unrepented (Acts 20:21; 2 Corinthians 7:10) sin before God is death and Hell (1 Corinthians 6:9).

Pornography is designed to break down unity between man and his Maker (Isaiah 59:2), to break down the family, leaving it to be open easy prey to those who are wielding power in hopes of absolute control over their lives (John 10:10), to give power to the nanny state and in the end, to destroy the soul (Romans 6:23) and the country.

“Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a whore; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.” -Leviticus 19:29

Yet, we find that 68% of professed Christians watch porn in America. This is a lack of Christianity (Hebrews 4:15; James 1:12-16).

To unite with Christ (Galatians 3:24) is to depart from sin.

Jesus came to deliver His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21) and to manifest Himself in destroying the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” -Revelation 12:11

“Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” -1 John 4:4

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” -Galatians 5:1

“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” -Galatians 5:24-25

“Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” -Romans 8:37

Remember friends,

“While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued!”

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Out Of Tyranny Freedom Was Born

They came and they kept coming. The British came. The Dutch came. The Swedes came. The Germans came. The French came. The Spaniards came. The Italians came and the Greeks came. Individuals and families came because they were being religiously and economically persecuted in what had become tyrannical old Europe. They left their homes of a thousand years to settle in this new land called America. The risked everything to come for freedom. Some would never reach the shores of America and died on the voyage.

They found a pristine land and began to tame it.  They carved out the forests to grow their crops and build their homes.  They built churches to practice their faith.  They opened businesses to ply their trades.  They built public schools and colleges to bring education to the masses.  They built huge seaports to accommodate the great sailing vessels from all round the world.

These pilgrims, hardened by adversity, first toyed with communism but found capitalism and land ownership more productive and profitable.  Great thinkers, like Franklin, Adams and Jefferson began to wrestle with the elements of freedom and how to craft documents of a representative government.  From those documents came the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.  But it took a war with England before true freedom would be born from the minds of long dead philosophers and new world statesmen.

After the Revolutionary War, with their collective foots planted firmly on the Eastern shores of America, they looked west to the vast forests, mountains and open plains of an unsettled land.  They bought huge swaths of the West from France, Spain and England to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.  They forged steel and turned it into locomotives and railroads.

Once again a massive migration began westward across the mountains, the plains, the deserts and the forests.  Americans were on the move again for that insatiable desire to own land and be free.  They traveled by horseback and they came by covered wagon and they came by foot.  They faced unspeakable obstacles in their path.  From unmerciful weather, to steep mountains, deserts and rushing rivers to cross, to hostile Indians, to dust, to locus, they just kept coming.  Many made it all the way to the Pacific and started a new life in the Sun.  Many died along the way.

They built small towns and large cities as they moved west.  They connected the cities with the stagecoach, the pony express, the telegraph and finally the railroad.  To welcome in the new world of motorcars they built tens of thousands of miles of roads and bridges between the towns and cities.

To feed a hungry and growing nation they planted millions of acres in grain.   They raised cattle, horses and sheep on the wide-open spaces to supplement the grain and ushered in the infamous cattleman and cowboy, which became an indelible icon of the west that still lives today.

These undaunted pioneers built factories to forge the steel.  They built steam engines to drive our machines and power our industries.  They extracted oil from the ground to refine gasoline for our cars.   They discovered rubber to build the tires for those cars. They invented electricity to light and heat our homes.  We no longer had to live in the dark at night.

They invented new fabrics to make our clothes, fabrics that were created from the dredges of oil refining.  They built skyscrapers with the steel to house our great engines of commerce.

They created, invented and forged a nation of strong individuals, born of adversity, who found they could do anything to which they set their minds.  They were proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent.  They gave no quarter and asked for none.  These were the pioneers that built America.

The blood of those pioneers courses through the veins and arteries of today’s American.  Yes, we’ve grown soft and weak to some degree, but the principles of freedom and liberty are still part of our DNA.   Those embedded principles can be re-ignited by the adversity of the conflicts and divisions that divide us.  Because out of adversity comes strength, stamina and resolve.  On this day of Thanksgiving, let us resolve to never let those principles die out of neglect, apathy, or fear.

In all of life’s creatures, nothing is as awesome as the goodness, beauty, strength, power, creativity, spontaneous generosity and spirit of the human individual, man, woman, or child.  That beauty, strength, power, creativity, generosity and spirit is manifested best, when they are allowed to flourish under the umbrella of freedom.   It is that individual freedom that allowed Americans to do what no other nation has done since the beginning of civilization.

Individuals, working either individually or collectively with other individuals, have been, are and always will be the movers and molders of a society.  They are ultimately the decision makers and the risk takers, whether those decisions and risks be of the small variety covering our daily lives, or the ultimately large decisions and risks that set the direction of cultures, countries, or hemispheres.

Most positive human achievement comes as a result of efforts of and by an individual, not a society, or a culture ….. or a mob.  Scientific discoveries, improvement in the human condition, or positive advances of government, come about from individuals working either by themselves or with a few others.  A collective or a community didn’t invent the light bulb.  Thomas Edison, an individual, did.

Individualism is the engine that keeps the wheels of a free economy turning.  Individuals, running their own businesses, create sixty to seventy percent of all United States jobs.  What a country we live in.  What a tribute to its resilient peoples.  We are people of guts, courage, intellect, enterprise, fortitude and compassion.  We are individuals in a sea of individuals and there is no strength on Earth that can match ours, in spite of our perceived troubles.  That strength and power is a direct result of individuals and individual expression, living free.

If we must emulate someone, let us emulate the individual achievers.  If we must follow, then let us follow in the footsteps of those that pioneer and forge ahead no matter what the odds or what peril lays in front of them.  Intelligent, wise men and woman of vision forged the constitution of the United States.  Courageous, individual pioneers settled the West against all odds.   Now today, the individual spirit of thousands of entrepreneurs start new businesses every day, risking their relationships with each other and their personal fortunes, no matter how large or small.  They put up with every conceivable obstacle thrown in their path, not only from market forces but also by government regulation and edict.

That individual strength and power still lives today in millions of Americans. But an evil socialist force, in the form of a political party, is trying to strip that power from us by calling us names, demeaning our character and attacking our principles.

To counter that evil force millions of free Americans must bind them selves together by rallying around a Manifesto of Irrevocable Constitutional Principles and agree to preserve, protect and defend those principles at whatever cost.  A few of those Principles from the Manifesto are shown below.  There are 20 more principles covering a wide range of vital constitutional issues.

Principle No. 14 – LOBBYING:  Restrict, by legislation, the access of narrow-focus lobby groups in Washington DC and State legislatures, including the all-powerful environmental lobby. We should be a government of the “people”, not special interest groups.

Principle No. 15 – TERM LIMITSNo public official shall be allowed to remain in one political office for more than two terms, forever. Entrenchment is an enemy of a good and just government, where remaining in office becomes a greater priority than service to country.

Principle No. 16 – SUBSIDIES:  No group, business, agriculture, or otherwise [including Amazon] should be subsidized by the taxpayers.  If a business cannot stand on its own based on sound business practices, then it should fail.  Stronger, better managed, businesses should take their place.

We encourage each of our readers to take the time to review our Manifesto by clicking HERE.

A Canadian saw our Manifesto and couldn’t wait to get a copy.  We wrote to him and asked him why a Canadian would be interested in an American Manifesto.  He wrote back to us and said:

“To answer your question as to why a Canadian such as myself show interest in the irrevocable conservative manifesto. Well let me tell you I am a Canadian Patriot, I believe in Libertarian and Conservative ideals. The problem with Canada is that it is presently ruled by a hostile Liberal government led by Justin Trudeau who in my humble opinion is a rabid globalist who is selling out our country day by day, little by little to the globalists. I see my country progressively being “Islamified” and those Muslims being given special rights and privileges. Their stipend just for showing up on our shores is about 50K a year while many of our veterans are languishing in homeless shelters.  Obviously there is a problem, and I want to be part of the solution. I am amazed on how your constitution is God given and was entrusted to your Founding Fathers to bring it forward. This is why I ordered your constitutional manifesto because it might act as a guideline for someone such as myself to become more politically active.”

Must it take a Canadian to make us finally wake up to the solid, God-given, unalienable rights of America’s beginning?

We have few choices left to preserve constitutional freedom in America.  We either confront this evil force by peaceful means, or by war, or return to the global tyranny from which we escaped four long centuries ago.  There is no other place on the planet to seek freedom.  There are no more wild frontiers to conquer.  There is no more free land to work.  There is only freedom to preserve.

Our lives are easy and we have grown soft and accustomed to being pushed around by government.  We hesitate to get involved out of fear, so we keep our heads low and out of sight.  When one of our neighbors goes down to government abuse, we hide in the shadows and thank God it wasn’t us, just as the German people did in the first half of the 20th Century.

242 years ago, government was the enemy and the Founders knew it.  So they crafted a document to hold government in check.  But government has broken its constitutional bonds and is now free to tax us, herd us, corral us, abuse us and enslave us.  Government is still the enemy today and to our detriment we let it out of its constitutional cage.

As an example, California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell just threatened American gun owners with nukes if they didn’t comply with gun confiscation.  That’s how arrogant government has become.  The next step is absolute power and ultimately enslavement.

Ladies and gentlemen, millions of Americans are still proud, self-reliant and fiercely independent.   But if those millions of proud Americans do nothing, that globalism/socialist evil force will win and all Americans will become nothing more than indentured servants to government, or worse, international debt slaves to the one-world-order.  Thanksgiving will cease to have any meaning whatsoever.

Our culture is hopelessly divided and in tatters.  Our southern border is being overrun because of flawed immigration law.  Most of the 13 colonies that gave birth to freedom are now socialist strongholds.  Our national sovereignty is up for grabs.  Our debt is in the stratosphere and our constitution is on the ropes.  Our Republic is but a distorted image of its former self.

It is an undeniable truth.  Those with the most money, or the most votes, or the biggest guns always win unless the people rise up and overwhelm those advantages with the power of the many.  After what happened in the mid-term election of 2018, there’s not much time left to stop the socialist-one-world train.  It’s on the tracks and picking up speed.  But then which one of you is going to join with us to STOP IT?

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Who Could Possibly Support Nullification?

Donald Trump’s new interim Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker, was recently criticized by CNN for holding to the proper, legitimate, and constitutional position that states have a right and a duty to interpose and nullify unconstitutional federal laws, policies, or court opinions.

Now Black’s Law Dictionary defines Interposition, as “the action of a State while exercising its sovereignty in rejecting a federal mandate that it believes is Unconstitutional or over-reaching.” Similarly, Nullification is defined as “The act of making something void; the action of a State in abrogating a federal law on the basis of State sovereignty.”

In a 2013 campaign speech Whitaker stated about nullification: “Now we need to remember that the states set up the federal government and not vice versa. And so the question is, do we have the political courage in the state of Iowa or some other state to nullify Obamacare and pay the consequences for that?”

He went on to add:  “But do I believe in nullification? I think our founding fathers believed in nullification. There’s no doubt about that.”

Mr. Whitaker of course is correct, both nullification and interposition were used by our founders in 1776 being documented in the Declaration of Independence wherein are written the words, “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them… such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations.”

Nullification was also the tool of anti-slavery abolitionists who used it as much as possible, especially against the abominable Fugitive Slave Act. Almost every northern state passed what were known as personal liberty laws meant to thwart the unconstitutional Act.

Now opponents of our founding fathers, like CNN contributor Stephen Vladeck, believe concepts like nullification are “…irreconcilable not only with the structure of the Constitution, but with its text, especially the text of the Supremacy Clause of Article VI—which not only makes federal law supreme, but expressly binds state courts to apply it.”

Tragically the average ignorant American will believe Vladeck but if they would just read Article VI of the Constitution, they would realize that Vladeck’s assertions are utterly false. What Article VI does not make supreme are “federal laws,” what it does make supreme is the “Constitution.”

Another calamitous view many Americans have, is that whatever the federal courts rule as “constitutional” is what is “constitutional.” This is known as judicial supremacy — and judicial supremacy is also a misinterpretation of the Constitution.

What we all must understand is that all federal laws and Supreme Court opinions must comport with the Constitution – and if it doesn’t the states must interpose, challenge, and nullify.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Infanticide: Child Sacrifice And Abortion

In the wake of the 2018 midterm elections, with the Republican Party in all likelihood gaining a few Senate seats (after the recounts), there is renewed optimism that President Donald J. Trump will soon be able appoint a new conservative justice to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace extreme liberal abortion advocate justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

If President Trump nominates a staunch conservative justice, which he says that he will, the Democrats will not have the Senate votes to prevent the nomination.

With a new conservative justice serving on the high court’s bench, the U.S. Supreme Court will be composed of a solid 6-3 conservative majority.

With this new majority hopes for restrictions on abortion, or the outright abolition of abortion by the U.S. Supreme Court, are high. Whether or not the U.S. Supreme Court is able to restrict abortion or overturn Roe vs. Wade remains to be historically played out.

Such hopes must be tempered with the understanding that the abortion loving liberals of America would go completely berserk over a complete ban on abortion and the U.S. Supreme Court often acts with cowardice in the face of angry mobs, often citing case law as a means to not overturn existing statutes.

Christian denominations vary on their doctrinal positions on abortion, generally the more liberal sects permitting the procedure, while the more conservative ones opposing it. Many contend that there is no explicit prohibition of abortion in either the Old Testament or New Testament books of the Scriptures. This article will refute that contention.

Infanticide is the killing of a child within a year of birth or the societal practice of killing unwanted children soon after birth. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. The terms ‘child sacrifice’ and ‘abortion’ are deceptive words used in order to make the practice of infanticide palatable for all those who partake in the murder of infants.



And YHWH (the Lord) God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

A liberal interpretation of when life begins is when a baby takes its first breath. The problem with that understanding is that Adam was created as a mature man, not one who was formed through the gestation process as a child in the womb. Therefore, Adam never knew life as a fetus, nor as a helpless infant, as Adam did not have a mother. Adam’s first moment of life was as a fully formed man, when he took his first breath.


Then the word of YHWH (the Lord) came to me, saying: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

YHWH (the Lord) proclaimed that He knew Jeremiah before he was fully formed in the womb and was physically born. Secular culture has attempted to deceive women into believing that the babies they carry in their wombs are just fetal tissue blobs of flesh, and not human beings, but modern ultrasound technology makes it obvious that pregnant women are nurturing developing babies in their wombs.

EXODUS 21:22-25 (NKJV):

“If men fight, and hurt a woman WITH CHILD, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”

God’s law protected the unborn child as a life, who, if killed in the womb of the mother, the man who caused the child’s death was to have his life forfeited. If any harm was caused to the child, whatever harm was done to the child would likewise be imposed on the man who caused the harm.

LUKE 1:41,44 (NKJV):

And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.

2 KINGS 8:11-13 (NKJV):

Then he set his countenance in a stare until he was ashamed; and the man of God wept. And Hazael said, “Why is my lord weeping?” He answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the children of Israel: Their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword; and you will dash their children, and rip open their women with child.” So Hazael said, “But what is your servant—a dog, that he should do this gross thing?”

2 KINGS 15:16 (NKJV):

All the women there who were with child he ripped open.

All throughout the Scriptures it is noted that a pregnant woman is a woman with child or that there is a babe in her womb. There are many more Scripture examples of the term women ‘with child’ than the few examples cited above.

The word ‘fetus,’ which originated in the late 14th century, is often utilized by abortion advocates, with deceptive evil intent purposes, as a word used to dehumanize a baby in the womb and to deflect from what they are really doing: killing a child, as they instead claim that they are aborting a fetus.


You shall not destroy your conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born.

*Lost Books of the Bible

The most direct prohibition against aborting a child comes from the writings of Barnabas in the Apocryphal books. The General Epistle of Barnabas lays a greater claim to canonical authority than most other non-canonized Apocryphal books and many early Christian church leaders esteemed it genuine and canonical. Barnabas was a companion preacher with Paul. Barnabas was a Levite who, after conversion, sold his home and gave the proceeds to the apostles (Acts 4:36-37). Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith (Acts 11:22-24). Barnabas was named as an apostle in Scripture and was beloved among the brethren (Acts 14:14, 15:25-26). Barnabas’ epistle may not have been unanimously regarded as canonized Scripture, inspired by the Holy Spirit, but his writings certainly were inspired by Barnabas himself, a true man of God.


As the term ‘abortion’ is a term used by modern day abortion advocates, the phrase ‘child sacrifice’ was used by idolaters in Scripture. It is easier for a woman to deceive herself and live with the belief that she aborted her fetus, rather than acknowledge the truth that she murdered her child. The same was true in biblical times past. It was easier for a woman to deceive herself and live with the belief that she sacrificed her child to a pagan god, rather than acknowledge the truth that she murdered her child for convenience.

LEVITICUS 18:20-21 (NKJV):

Moreover you shall not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife, to defile yourself with her. And you shall not let any of your descendants pass through the fire to Molech, nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am YHWH (the Lord).

The command to not allow any of your descendants to pass through the fire to Molech is preceded by the command to not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife. If a man did commit adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the result would often be an unwanted pregnancy, which would lead to an unwanted child, a child born out of wedlock, a bastard. Such was the case when King David impregnated his neighbor’s wife Bathsheba (2 Samuel 11:2-5). Unplanned children or children conceived in sin are our descendants and God commands us to not kill them.

Unwanted children, children of inconvenience, children of burden, children of sin, in biblical times were often discarded, as unwanted children are discarded today; they were murdered. Today, a woman goes to an abortion clinic to have the baby killed in her womb by infanticide doctors. In biblical times, women would give birth to a baby, then offer it as a human sacrifice, murdering the child in a caldron of flames before a pagan god, carried out by one of the pagan god’s priests who would later clean up the charred remains from the idol’s oven and discard them. A medical fee is paid to the abortion clinic today, while an offering for the child sacrifice service was paid to the priests of the pagan deity in biblical times.

The Scripture commands and condemnations against killing children by passing them through the fires of pagan gods are numerous…


There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire.

2 KINGS 16:2-3 (NKJV):

Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do what was right in the sight of YHWH (the Lord) his God, as his father David had done. But he walked in the way of the kings of Israel; indeed he made his son pass through the fire, according to the abominations of the nations whom YHWH (the Lord) had cast out from before the children of Israel.

2 KINGS 17:16-17 (NKJV):

So they left all the commandments of YHWH (the Lord) their God, made for themselves  a molded image and two calves, made a wooden image and worshiped all the host of heaven, and served Baal. And they caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire.


And they built the high places of Baal which are in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination.

EZEKIEL 16:20-21 (NKJV):
“Moreover you took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore to Me, and these you sacrificed to them to be devoured. Were your acts of harlotry a small matter, that you have slain My children and offered them up to them by causing them to pass through the fire?”

Ezekiel 16:20-21 clearly indicates that sons and daughters passing through the fire was not some pagan ritual or rite of passage in which sons and daughters lived. The children were devoured in the flames. God rhetorically asks, “Did you really think that your sin of harlotry (sex out of wedlock), was such a small matter that you could offer the children up that you bore as a result of your harlotry, My children, to other gods as a sacrifice to atone for your sin?


For when you offer your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire, you defile yourselves with all your idols.

Ezekiel 20:31 indicates that there was a price to be paid, a ‘gift,’ offered to the priests of the pagan gods as a service fee to dispose of an unwanted son or daughter in a ritualistic ‘sacrifice’ before an idol god. Pagan deity priest baby cremators, as well as abortion doctor butchers of today, are in the baby killing business and neither ever offered their services for free.


As it was in times past, the same holds true for today. All infanticides conducted by mother or father, be it child sacrifice or abortion, are done so for selfish reasons. The child is unwanted and the parents do not want to be burdened with an unwanted baby.

Many women (and men), up to and after an abortion, prefer to bury the abominable deed in their past and not acknowledge what they have done, often justifying it for whatever reason. This is not repentance acceptable to YHWH (the Lord) God.

JEREMIAH 3:12-13 (NKJV):

“For I am merciful,” says YHWH (the Lord); “I will not remain angry forever. Only acknowledge your iniquity, that you have transgressed against YHWH (the Lord) your God.”


And they did not repent of their murders [ABORTIONS] or their  sorceries [NARCOTIC DRUG USE] or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

God will forgive the sin of abortion, if you who are guilty of this iniquity acknowledge your sin, repent of it, and ask God for forgiveness.

© 2018 George Lujack – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail George Lujack: georgelujack@gmail.com

Why Supreme Court Opinions Are Not The “Law Of The Land”, And How To Put Federal Judges In Their Place

Central to the silly arguments made by the “Convention of States Project” (COSP) is their claim that 200 years of Supreme Court opinions have increased the powers of the federal government (as well as legalized practices such as abortion); that all these opinions are “the Law of the Land”; and we need an Article V convention so we can get amendments to the Constitution which take away all these powers the Supreme Court gave the federal government.

But the text of Article V contradicts COSP’s claim.  Article V shows that our Constitution can be amended only when three fourths of the States ratify proposed amendments. The Supreme Court has no power to amend our Constitution.  And it’s impossible for an amendment to take away powers our Constitution doesn’t grant.

  1. First Principles

Let’s analyze COSP’s silly argument.  We begin by looking at First Principles.

  • The Judicial Branch was created by Art. III, §1, US Constitution. Accordingly, it is a “creature” of the Constitution.[1]
  • The federal government came into existence when the States, acting through special ratifying conventions held in each of the States, ratified the Constitution.[2]

Since the Judicial Branch is merely a “creature” of the Constitution, it follows that it is subordinate to the Constitution, and is completely subject to its terms.  It may not annul the superior authority of the States which created the Judicial Branch when they ratified the Constitution;[3] and as a mere “creature” of the Constitution, it may NOT change the Constitution under which it holds its existence![4]

  1. Supreme Court Opinions are not “the Law of the Land”

Article VI, cl.2, US Constit., the “supremacy clause”, defines “supreme Law of the Land” as the Constitution, and acts of Congress and Treaties which are authorized by the Constitution.  Supreme Court opinions aren’t included!

Furthermore, Art. I, §1, US Constit., vests all law-making powers granted by the Constitution in Congress.  Our Constitution doesn’t grant any lawmaking powers to the Judicial Branch.

So why does everybody say, as we heard during the Kavanagh confirmation hearings, that Roe v. Wade is “the Law of the Land”?  Because Americans have been conditioned to believe that the Supreme Court is superior to our Constitution; that their opinions about our Constitution are “law”, and we are bound by them unless and until they issue new opinions which release us from their previous opinions.

  1. Organic & statutory law and the totally different “common law” precedent followed in courts

Americans have been conditioned to ignore the huge distinctions between organic and statutory law, on the one hand; and the common law which is embodied in the precedents followed by judges in litigation.

Organic Law

Black’s Law Dictionary  defines “organic law” as

“The fundamental law, or constitution, of a state or nation, written or unwritten;[5] that law or system of laws or principles which defines and establishes the organization of its government.”

The organic laws of the United States are

  • The Declaration of Independence – 1776
  • Articles of Confederation – 1777
  • Ordinance of 1787: The Northwest Territorial Government
  • Constitution of the United States – 1787

The Articles of Confederation was our first Constitution.  It was replaced by our Constitution of 1787 when it was ratified June 21, 1788.  The Northwest Ordinance was superseded by the transformation of the area covered by the Ordinance into States [pursuant to Art. IV, §3, cl. 2, US Constit.].

Do you see how absurd is the claim that the Supreme Court, a mere “creature” of the Constitution of 1787, has the power to change the Organic Law of the United States?

Statute Law

Black’s Law Dictionary defines “statute law” as the

“Body of written laws that have been adopted by the legislative body.”

As we saw above, all legislative Powers granted by our Constitution are vested in Congress (Art. I, §1). Acts of Congress qualify as part of the “supreme Law of the Land” only when they are made pursuant to Authority granted to Congress by the Constitution (Art.VI, cl. 2).  When Acts of Congress are not authorized by the Constitution, they are mere usurpations and must be treated as such.[6]

Common Law

The “common law” applied in courts in the English-speaking countries came from the Bible.[7] The Bible has much to say about our relations with each other:  don’t murder people, don’t maim them, don’t steal, don’t bear false witness, don’t tell lies about people, don’t be negligent, don’t cheat or defraud people, and such.  The Bible provides for Judges to decide disputes between people and empowers Judges to require the person who has violated these precepts to pay restitution to the person whom he harmed. So, e.g., the Biblical prohibitions against bearing false witness and slandering people became our modern day concepts of slander, libel, and defamation.  These principles were applied in the English courts from time immemorial, and are applied in American Courts.  Modern day American attorneys litigate these common law concepts all the time.  So if I am representing a client in an action for say, fraud, I look at the previous court opinions in the jurisdiction on fraud, and see how the courts in that jurisdiction have defined fraud – i.e., I look for “precedents” – the courts’ previous opinions on the subject – and I expect the Judge on my case to obey that precedent.[8]

THIS is the “common law”. It is “law” in the sense that it originated with God’s Word; and from “time immemorial” has been applied in the Courts of English speaking countries.  But this precedent is binding or persuasive only on courts.[9] As precedent for judges to follow, it is never “the law of the land”!

So, keep these three categories – organic, statutory, and common law – separate, and do not confuse court precedent with the “Law of the Land”.  The latter is restricted to the Organic Law, and statutes and treaties authorized by the Organic Law.

Now let’s look at the constitutional jurisdiction of the federal courts.

  1. What kinds of cases do federal courts have constitutional authority to hear?

The ten categories of cases the Judicial Branch has authority to hear are enumerated at Art. III, §2, cl. 1, US Constit.[10]

The first category is cases “arising under this Constitution”.  In Federalist No. 80 (2nd para), Hamilton shows these cases concern “provisions expressly contained” in the Constitution.  He then points to the restrictions on the authority of the State Legislatures [listed at Art. I, §10], and shows that if a State exercises any of those prohibited powers, and the federal government sues the State, the federal courts would have authority to hear the case (3rd & 13th paras).

So if a State enters into a Treaty, or grants Letters of Marque & Reprisal, or issues paper money, or does any of the other things prohibited by Art. I, §10, the controversy would “arise under the Constitution” and the federal courts have constitutional authority to hear the case.

Likewise, if a State passed a law which violated the Constitution – say one requiring candidates in their State for US Senate to be 40 years of age – instead of the 30 years prescribed at Art. I, §3, cl. 3 – the federal courts have constitutional authority to hear the case.

So the purpose of this category is to authorize the Judicial Branch to enforce the Constitution – not re-write it!! [11]

Now let’s look at one way the Supreme Court butchered our Constitution in order to strike down State Laws they didn’t like.

  1. How the Supreme Court violated the “arising under” clause to hear cases they have no constitutional authority to hear

Let’s use “abortion” to illustrate the usurpation.  Obviously, “abortion” is not “expressly contained” in the Constitution.  So abortion doesn’t “arise under” the Constitution; and the constitutionality of State Statutes prohibiting abortion doesn’t fit into any of the other nine categories of cases federal courts have authority to hear. Accordingly, federal courts have no judicial power over it. The Supreme Court had to butcher words in our Constitution in order to usurp power to legalize abortion. This is what they did:

The original intent of §1 of the 14th Amendment was to extend citizenship to freed slaves and to provide constitutional authority for the federal Civil Rights Act of 1866. That Act protected freed slaves from Southern Black Codes which denied them God-given rights.[12]

Now look at §1 where it says, “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;”

That’s the “due process” clause.  As Professor Berger points out [ibid.], it has a precise meaning which goes back to the Magna Charta:  it means that a person’s life, liberty or property can’t be taken away from him except by the judgment of his peers pursuant to a fair trial.

But this is how the Supreme Court perverted the genuine meaning of that clause: In Roe v. Wade (1973), they looked at the word, “liberty” in the due process clause and said, “liberty” means “privacy”, and “privacy” means “a woman can kill her unborn baby”.[13]

And they claimed they had jurisdiction to overturn State Laws criminalizing abortion because the issue arises under the Constitution at §1 of the 14th Amendment! [ibid.]

The Supreme Court redefined words in Our Constitution to justify the result they wanted in the case before them.

The Supreme Court didn’t “enforce” the Constitution – they butchered it to fabricate a “constitutional right” to kill unborn babies.

And the lawyers said, “It’s the Law of the Land”; the People yawned; and the clergy said, “the Bible says we have to obey civil government – besides, we don’t want to lose our 501 (c) (3) tax exemption!”

  1. What are the remedies when the Supreme Court violates the Constitution?

The opinions of which the convention lobby complains constitute violations of our Constitution.[14] The three remedies our Framers provided or advised for judicial violations of our Constitution are:

  1. In Federalist No. 81 (8th para), Hamilton shows Congress can impeach and remove from office federal judges who violate the Constitution. Congress is competent to decide whether federal judges have violated the Constitution!  Impeachment is their “check” on the Judicial Branch.
  2. In Federalist No. 78 (6th para), Hamilton shows the Judicial Branch must rely on the Executive Branch to enforce its judgments. If the President, in the exercise of his independent judgment and mindful of his Oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”, determines that an opinion of a federal court is unconstitutional; his Duty is to refuse to enforce itThe President is also competent to decide whether federal judges have violated the Constitution!  Refusing to enforce their unconstitutional judgments is his “check” on the Judicial Branch.
  3. On the Right & Duty of the States – who created the federal government when they ratified the Constitution – to smack down their “creature” when their “creature” violates the Constitutional Compact the States made with each other, see Nullification: The Original Right of Self-Defense.

© 2018 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


[1]Creature” is the word our Founders used – e.g., Federalist No. 33 (5th para) & Jefferson’s draft of The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 (8th Resolution).

[2] Art. VII, cl. 1, US Constit., sets forth ratification procedures for our Constitution.

[3] Madison’s Virginia Report of 1799-1800 (pp 190-196).

[4] Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787 shows that on July 23, 1787, the Delegates discussed who was competent to ratify the proposed new Constitution.  Col. Mason said it is “the basis of free Government” that only the people are competent to ratify the new Constitution, and

“…The [State] Legislatures have no power to ratify it.  They are the mere creatures of the State Constitutions, and cannot be greater than their creators…”

Madison agreed that State Legislatures were incompetent to ratify the proposed Constitution – it would make essential inroads on the existing State Constitutions, and

“…it would be a novel & dangerous doctrine that a Legislature could change the constitution under which it held its existence….”

It’s equally novel & dangerous to say that the Supreme Court may change the Constitution under which it holds its existence.

[5] It is said England doesn’t have a written constitution.

[6] Acts of Congress which are not authorized by the enumerated powers are void. They are not made “in Pursuance” of the Constitution and have supremacy over nothing.  Federalist No. 27 (last para) says:

“…the laws of the Confederacy [the federal government], as to the ENUMERATED and LEGITIMATE objects of its jurisdiction, will become the SUPREME LAW of the land; to the observance of which all officers, legislative, executive, and judicial, in each State, will be bound by the sanctity of an oath. Thus the legislatures, courts, and magistrates, of the respective members [the States], will be incorporated into the operations of the national government AS FAR AS ITS JUST AND CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY EXTENDS…” [capitals are Hamilton’s]

See also Federalist No. 33 (last 2 paras) and Federalist No. 78 (10th para).

[7] John Whitehead mentions the Biblical origin of the common law in The Second American Revolution.

[8] Art. III, §2, cl.1 delegates to federal courts power to hear “Controversies between Citizens of different States.”  Much of the litigation conducted in federal courts falls into this category.  These lawsuits aren’t about the Constitution.  Instead, they involve the range of issues people fight about in State Courts: personal injury, breach of contract, business disputes, fighting over property, slander & libel, etc.  In deciding these cases, federal judges are expected to follow the “common law” precedents.

[9] In Federalist No. 78 (next to last para), Hamilton discusses how judges are bound by “precedents” which define and point out their duty in the particular cases which come before them.

[10] In Federalist No. 83 (8th para), Hamilton says:

“…the…authority of the federal …[courts]…is declared by the Constitution to comprehend certain cases particularly specified.  The expression of those cases marks the precise limits, beyond which the federal courts cannot extend their jurisdiction…” 

[11] James Madison agreed that the purpose of the “arising under this Constitution” clause is to enable federal courts to enforce the Constitution.  At the Virginia Ratifying convention on June 20, 1788, he explained the categories of cases federal courts have authority to hear. As to “cases arising under this Constitution”, he said:

“…That causes of a federal nature will arise, will be obvious to every gentleman, who will recollect that the states are laid under restrictions; and that the rights of the union are secured by these restrictions. They may involve equitable as well as legal controversies…”

[12] This is proved in Harvard Professor Raoul Berger’s meticulously documented book, Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

[13] In Roe v. Wade (1973), the Supreme Court said under Part VIII of their opinion:

“…This right of privacy, whether it be founded in the Fourteenth Amendment’s concept of personal liberty and restrictions upon state action, as we feel it is … is broad enough to encompass a woman’s decision whether or not to terminate her pregnancy…”

[14] Many Supreme Court opinions violate our Constitution.  Wickard v. Filburn (1942), discussed HERE, is another of the most notorious.  But we elect to Congress people who don’t know our Constitution or The Federalist Papers; and they are unaware of their Duty – imposed by their Oath of office – to function as a “check” on the Judicial Branch by impeaching federal judges who violate our Constitution.

Socialists Are Stealing Elections And Destroying The Republic

It’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes. —Communist leader Joseph Stalin

Just as feudalism was an advance over slavery, and capitalism was the next step after feudalism, socialism is the next step after capitalism. Socialism in America will come through the ballot box. —American Communist Gus Hall

The Christians are always singing about the blood.  Let us give them enough of it.  Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar!  And let them drown in their own blood!  I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher.  —American Communist Gus Hall

Communist Control

Our Department of Justice (DOJ) is thoroughly corrupt.  There is no justice for the lawbreakers but plenty of injustice for the innocent. One need only look at the cast of characters in both politics and the DOJ who should have long ago been indicted, tried and convicted, all of whom are Democrats, with a sprinkling of Trotskyite Republicans.

We call Democrats liberals (bleeding hearts is a total fallacy, they bleed for no one), and progressives…another euphemistic term as though they are moving toward progress.  Progress into what… an oligarchy or totalitarianism with complete subservience to the state? They used these ambiguous terms and many others in order to appeal to the ignorant. Back when this started had they called themselves Marxists, which is what they truly are, it may have gotten them shot or hung.

Marxist doesn’t fully define them today.  I would call them Leninists or Stalinists because the violence and oppression they are pushing for is right along the lines of Stalin’s purges and Lenin’s “Red Terror.”

Hillary Clinton said, “Civility can start again when democrats take control of the House and/or the Senate.”  Sounds a lot like National Socialist Hitler who said, “We shall only talk of peace when we have won the war.”  The Democrats turn to Socialism is an ominous sign for the party and for the country.

Bernie Sanders, newly elected Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Palestinian Muslim Rashida Tlaib are not the only communists in our Congress. Since November 2016, nationwide membership of the Democratic Socialists of America  (DSA) jumped from 5,000 to 40,000 and before the midterms to 52,000. There are now at least 77 DSA members in the 115th Congress, and back in the 111th Congress, eleven of them sat on the Judiciary Committee.  More will be on the Committee in 2019, and most of them are funded by George Soros’ MoveOn.org.

The political left has been known as Marxists for many years. The infamous Weather Underground terrorist organization of the 1970’s held the political ideology of Marxist Socialism, not liberalism.  The 44th American President was great friends with unrepentant lying terrorist, Bill Ayers, who now calls himself a communist with a small “c.” Ayers is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar.

Snowflake Universities

Core values, traditions, the American family and the ideas of accomplishment and achievement are being destroyed, not just in our universities, but now in our high schools and middle schools.  Creative writing, creative thinking, reason, logic, all of these things are being weeded out as destructive and threatening to the objective of sameness and equality and equity.  The core of today’s college and university doctrine is socialism.  Academic education has been destroyed in every educational establishment that has accepted federal tax dollars.  The rising popularity of socialism is threatening America’s future.

Our children are molded from kindergarten through high school with the socialist indoctrination found in common core!  When they reach the university level, they have been primed to accept socialism.  An extensive study of 8,688 tenure-track professors at 51 of the 66 top-ranked liberal arts colleges in the U.S. published by the National Association of Scholars found that the ratio of faculty members registered as Democrats (read that socialists) compared to those registered Republican is now a stunning 12.7 to 1.

It’s no wonder these propagandized and brainwashed young people vote for Democrats.  Since the late 1800s, this has been the plan of the ruling elite.  We saw the results in our recent midterm elections.

American Communists

In the 1940s and early 1950s, the Communists really did a number on Senator Joe McCarthy and destroyed his reputation, but the truth is out there.  Sen. McCarthy was absolutely right that communists had infiltrated our State Department and Hollywood.

Former State Department employee Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury in January 1950 for testimony dealing with accusations that he spied for the Soviet Union during the 1930s.  He was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department official and as a UN official.

Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy” by M. Stanton Evans will change forever how you think about Sen. McCarthy and the Soviet penetration of the U.S. government and society.  That was then, this is now and communists are even more prevalent today.

The Communist Party U.S.A. (its name varied in the early years) was founded in Chicago in 1919 and opened its national headquarters in that city in 1921. But the bulk of the movement’s members were in New York, and in 1927 Communist headquarters were shifted to a party-owned building in Manhattan two blocks south of Union Square.

New York would remain the capital city of American Communism from then on, and today, who really can deny that both Chicago and New York are led by those who favor communism. Leading communists such as William Z. Foster, Marxist Politician and General Secretary of the Communist Party from 1945 to 1957, and Earl Browder, leader of the Communist Party USA and General Secretary during the 1930s and 40s, had their offices on the top floor of the 12th Street building. It became the custom to refer to party leadership as the “ninth floor.” (And, for some reason, even in non- and anti-Communist left-wing circles, “the party” was always understood to refer to the Communists, rather than any rival organizations.)

No one wants to call today’s Democrats what they really are…full-fledged hardcore Communists, the same ones Joe McCarthy warned us about. Just take a gander at the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx in 1848.

Read again the quotes by Gus Hall, former leader of the Communist Party USA, and four-time Presidential candidate, and note that John Brennan, the former CIA Director under President Obama, actually voted for Gus Hall in 1976.  In 1980 he was hired by the CIA.  In 2013, Obama hired John Brennan as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in the corrupt justice department.  He held that position until January of 2017, and thankfully, President Trump finally pulled Brennan’s security clearance.  Is he a Communist?  Well, he certainly isn’t a patriot.

2018 Mid-Terms

Trump supporters are bereft over the latest election, they are apoplectic over these phony recounts which seem to happen every time a Republican wins the election by a narrow margin.  Every new mysteriously found batch of uncounted votes always supports the Socialist Democrat and destroys the Republican winner.  When Department of Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen reported that there was no vote fraud in this election and it was the most secure in history, I laughed out loud because vote fraud has been going on for decades.

One need only remember John F. Kennedy’s election in 1960 where his father, old Joe Kennedy had Mayor Daley’s Illinois Democrats make sure enough dead voters cast their ballots for his son.  And he won by just 8,800 votes, largely due to margins in Chicago where Mayor Daley tightly controlled the Cook County organization.  In Texas, home of Kennedy’s running mate Lyndon Johnson, he won by a margin of 46,000. Had Nixon carried both states, he would have won the electoral college, 270 to 252.

Mobsters Frank Costello and Meyer Lansky both confirmed late in their lives that Joe Kennedy Sr. was a gangster. He made his millions on illegal booze.  Sam Giancana, mob boss of the criminal Chicago Outfit from 1957–1966 said, “Joe Kennedy is one of the biggest crooks who ever lived.”

Lyndon Baines Johnson made sure he won a 1948 Texas election for Senator which he’d lost.  He overcame a 20,000-vote deficit to achieve his famous 87-vote victory in the 1948 Democratic runoff primary against a former Governor, Coke Stevenson. A South Texas political boss, George Parr, had manufactured thousands of votes for him, just as has happened in our recent 2018 midterm election, overturning several victories for Republicans.


President Trump and other Republicans are crying foul and accusing Democrats of trying to “steal” the election. Given the history of voter fraud in this country and the heavily Democratic makeup of Florida’s Broward and Palm Beach counties, their suspicions are probably justified.  The corruption in Broward is infamous.  The election supervisor, Brenda Snipes, even mixed bad provisional ballots with good.  Snipes has a history of allowing illegal aliens and felons to vote.

Florida Department of State officials have asked federal prosecutors to investigate possible election fraud in Broward County and three others where Florida Democratic Party volunteers are accused of sending voters altered state election documents with incorrect information.  Federal Prosecutors also discovered altered election documents in Broward County tied to Florida Democrats.

Senator Rubio was right when he tweeted, “Bay County was hit by a Cat 4 Hurricane just 4 weeks ago, yet managed to count votes and submit timely results. Yet over 41 hours after polls closed Broward elections office is still counting votes?”

Slim margins trigger automatic recounts, and ultimately the Democrat wins by a few hundred votes. In the 2008 Minnesota Senate race, Republican incumbent Norm Coleman was 215 votes ahead of Democrat Al Franken.  The recount put Franken ahead by 225 votes, but a later investigation showed that 1,099 felons, all of them ineligible, had voted.

A recount in Arizona took the Senate race from Martha McSally and gave it to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.

Republican Brian Kemp won the gubernatorial race in Georgia after a recount battle.  Democrat Stacey Abrams says the voting laws in Georgia are too restrictive and she plans to change them.  Most likely she’d like felons and illegal aliens to cast votes.

As John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky note in their book “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk,” most felons favor Democrats when they can vote.

Thankfully Rick Scott won the Senate seat over Bill Nelson, and Ron DeSantis won the gubernatorial race over Soros trained socialist, Andrew Gillum.


Election day doesn’t mean anything anymore when the Democrats can magically find thousands of uncounted votes that are for the losing Democrat, who then automatically asks for a recount and wins.

Devvy Kidd, a friend and fellow columnist for NewsWithViews, has written numerous articles on vote fraud.  It exists across America and is one of the weapons used by the socialists to install their fellow democrats. The Gateway Pundit reported that since election day, Democrats picked off over a dozen House seats and two Senate seats.

Senator Marco Rubio said, “Democrat lawyers came to Florida to get judges to change Florida elections laws, after the election. That isn’t a strategy to win an election, that is a strategy to steal an election.”

The indoctrinated elitists on both coasts think of us in the “fly over” area of America as the knuckle dragging, gun toting, Bible reading uneducated masses who shouldn’t count.  They want our votes eliminated and they’ll go to any lengths to do just that.

Do the Republicans care?  Since the majority of them lean left, why would they?

P.S.  With social media and main stream media both censoring conservatives, the few outlets who bring us the truth need to be supported.  One of those websites is NewsWithViews.  Our stable of writers work diligently to bring you their personal opinions and research on the status of American politics.  We need your continued help to maintain the website.  Won’t you please donate, (use Pay-Pal if possible) and tell your friends to sign up to receive the daily articles from this great conservative site.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Snowflakes Or Reasoning Adults – It’s The Parents’ Choice

Our nineteenth-century legal theory (individual rights, contract, ‘a man can do what he likes with his own,’ etc.) was based on the conception of the separate individual. Mary Parker Follett, The New State

What is more important to people than their children? If people aren’t willing to stand up and fight for their children, we cannot expect them to care enough to stand up for anything else. Anyone who is not homeschooling their children, or working with them daily to undo the brainwashing done at schools, is giving his or her children over to be, at best, useful idiots. You don’t believe this is being implemented now? UNESCO’s Education 2030, goal 4.7:  By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, . . and the promotion of global citizenship.[1]

All those who are complaining about what is wrong need to stand up and do something about it. They don’t have to do it alone; there are organizations out there fighting to get schools back to teaching instead of indoctrinating, others that are working to stop Agenda 21/2030, and those protecting property rights. Every issue has organizations working against the globalism being inculcated on every level of society. But parents must be parents; they must protect their children. Parents need to grow up and man up now, or they must accept the responsibility when their children becomes snowflakes, because that is the only product coming out of our schools (other than those addicted to the drugs prescribed them for ADD, ADHD, etc., brought on by the ‘teaching’ methods).

Our schools are the breeding ground for anti-individualism.

Throughout the whole cycle of public education the child’s relationship with his family complements and guides his relationship with his peers and school.

When the child is in preschool, his contact with his parents will be fairly intensive. The parents will actively participate in his education and spent considerable time in the institution itself. For this reason the institution should be close to the parents’ residence.

During that time of the child’s education in the general ‘s school community, the relationship with his parents changes in character. Contact becomes less frequent (only a few times a week) and is related to holidays. Hands the interaction of children and their parents make take place either with in the educational institution or in the parents’ home. In either case, it requires a specific and yet to be defined spatial organization. To some up: the first foundations of Communist personality are established in nurseries through the relationship of children with their peers and preschool groups the personality further develop some primary groups during the earliest grades. These are excellently suited to foster the unfolding of all aspects of a child’s potential.[2]

While millions of Americans now homeschool their children, too many more Americans have no idea why these parents are going to the trouble when there are ‘perfectly good schools in every neighborhood’. Twenty years ago Charlotte Iserbyt wrote The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, in hopes of waking up all of America to the mind controlling, morally relativistic, and bringing about radical change to the our educational system.

The system is working exactly as planned; the problem is that the American public has been fooled into thinking the plan is to educate our children. Oh, no. The plan is, as Iserbyt says, “. . . the gradual transformation of our once academically successful education system into one devoted to training children to become compliant human resources to be used by government and industry for their own purposes.”[3]

We are evolving now a systems of ethics which has three conceptions in regard to right, conscience and duty which are different from much of our former ethical teaching: (1) we do not follow right, we create right, (2) there is no private conscience, (3) my duty is never to ‘others’ but to the whole.

Man cannot live by taboos; that means stagnation. But as one taboo after another is disappearing, the call is upon us deliberately to build our own moral life. . . .. It is we by our acts who progressively construct the moral universe; to follow some preconceived body of law – that is not for responsible moral beings.

Teachers no long educate, they are now change agents teaching what the powers-that-be want our children to believe is reality when it is anything but. Again from Iserbyt, “The reason Americans do not understand this war is because it has been fought in secret—in the schools of our nation, targeting our children who are captive in classrooms. The wagers of this war are using very sophisticated and effective tools:

  • Hegelian Dialectic (common ground, consensus and compromise)
  • Gradualism (two steps forward; one step backward)
  • Semantic deception (redefining terms to get agreement without understanding).”[4]

Hegelian dialectic:
an interpretive method, originally used to relate specific entities or events to the absolute idea, in which an assertable proposition (thesis) is necessarily opposed by its apparent contradiction (antithesis), and both reconciled on a higher level of truth by a third proposition (synthesis). from the Free Dictionary. Basically, it is like our Congress now – there are two ‘opposing’ sides who pretend to be bitter enemies looking for the best mediated answer. But that answer is where those two sides had decided to end up, but knew that it was not good for the citizens, just themselves, so they did this little dance to distract us from reality.

This war has been going on for over 150 years – talk about ‘gradualism’! From John Dewey, “Upon the ethical side, the tragic weakness of the present school is that it endeavors to prepare future members of the social order in a medium in which the conditions of the social spirit are eminently wanting.”

And John D. Rockefeller, “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.”

As to semantic deception, I’m sure every thinking person can identify it every day as we listen to MSM. It is the NewSpeak of today.


[1] http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002456/245656E.pdf

[2] Baburov et al, The Ideal Communist City, pp. 63,64

[3] Iserbyt, Charlotte The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, p. xi, 1999

[4] Ibid, p. xvii

Immigrants Versus Americans: Fragmenting America’s Culture

As the latest immigrant onslaught approaches our southern border, powerful forces continue their assault on American citizens, our laws, culture, language and ethos.

While many watch the caravan approach, this 12-minute video shows the incredible speed of the invasion being perpetrated upon our country.  It shows countless illegal migrants who have usurped our borders and claim they have reconquered their land: Reconquista via La Raza, which means, “The Superior Race.” This video shows they mean business and they grow in numbers and hate for America.

In the Video below you will notice the Mexican flags flying high over San Diego, California

In reality, southern California features 22 Spanish radio stations.  Additionally, six Spanish speaking television stations garner at least 5 to 10 million Spanish speaking people with no less than six million illegal aliens occupying San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and dozens of small cities.

“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands?  Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system.  Balkanization of the United States has begun.”

And, yet, Governor Jerry Brown and U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein welcome the law breakers and border jumpers.  California maintains its “sanctuary state” status for protecting every illegal alien within its state lines.

What has their leadership garnered?  You will see 90,000 homeless Americans living in tent-tarp cities in Los Angeles.  Another 11,000 homeless live in the streets of San Francisco, causing such hygiene problems, that professional conferences have been cancelled by big corporations.  How do I know about these homeless encampments?  I bicycled through them this summer.  They are real, and they are growing in numbers.  In other words, third world poverty, illiteracy and misery entrenches itself in California.  But, it’s also manifesting in Tucson, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and dozens of towns in Texas.

In my world bicycle travels across six continents, and through dozens of third world countries—what word would you use to describe the prime driver of poverty and misery in those countries?  Answer: illiteracy.

That’s the driver.  When a population remains illiterate, it births more babies who add to the illiteracy fire.  The more illiteracy, the more it births more illiteracy.  It becomes a vicious cycle that cannot be broken.

The illiteracy rates in Mexico and Central American countries drive their poverty.  That poverty longs for “a better life”, so it migrates to America and Canada. But people cannot all of a sudden change their culture and brain power because they enter a first world country.  They simply degrade a first world country into the illiteracy rates of a third world country. Thus, the first world country devolves into a third world country.  You’re seeing it manifest in New York City, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Denver, Houston, Dallas, LA and San Francisco.

You’re also seeing illiteracy manifest because of language. In Denver, Colorado, teachers must contend with and try to teach with 173 different languages.  Result: American kids fail to gain an adequate education to thrive in this dynamic society.

As to diversity and multiculturalism riding in on the heels of every immigrants, James Walsh hit the nail on the head about “balkanization of America has begun.”

If you travel to Michigan or Minneapolis today, you will see 150 enormous billboards featuring Moslems advertising their religion and racial bias against Americans.  Additionally, both states feature new members of the U.S. House of Representatives. They will be swearing into office on the Quran.  Except the Quran mandates destruction of any other religion, governance and economic system that doesn’t follow Sharia Law.  Thus, the people of those two states voted for individuals known as “soft jihadists” whereby they slowly and quietly undermine the U.S. Constitution bit by bit, day by day, and person by person.

Boston imam Abdullah Faaruuq said on November 12, 2018, “What’s wrong with you, you sick Americans? This is the land of the coward & home of the slave; Islam is America’s future; without Islam America will meet its demise.”

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

And yet, our U.S. Congress imports these jihadists, both violent and soft, by the tens of thousands annually.  As their numbers grow, Americans flee Islam dominated cities like Detroit, Miami, New York City, Chicago and dozens more.  At some point, there will be no place else to flee from multiculturalism and diversity.  The Pew Research Center stated that Latino-Mexican-Hispanics will become the new majority of 51 percent by 2042.

Can you imagine the results of another projected addition of 100,000,000 (million) immigrants by 2050? Can you imagine another 10 million Moslems imported into the USA?  Can you imagine  another 20,000,000 (million) Mexican-Central American immigrants?  Can you imagine what their presence will do to our country as to language, culture, religion, quality of life and environment?

For the past five years, I’ve called for a total shutdown of all immigration. We need to give our country a chance to survive, instead of flooding it into illiteracy, violent Islam and linguistic chaos.  If not, we shall see our culture, language and ethos completely devolve into third world misery—from which none of us will escape.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Will This Man Bring Down Our Domestic Enemies?

Everyday millions and millions of Americans wake up to the nightmare that has become like a 10-ton blanket thrown over our beloved Republic. Corruption, cover-ups and political dirty dealing.

For 29 years I have devoted my life trying to educate my fellow Americans on the big picture, although, it all started for me when I discovered the truth about the “Federal” Reserve. From there I have traveled a zillion miles it seems and yet, my journey has been short compared to countless individuals who had been in the trenches long before my eyes were opened.

Dr. Edwin Vieira, Larry Becraft and so many, many others exposing the lies about the misapplication of the federal’ income tax filing requirements, the disabilities of our monetary system, plans for global government and more. Good, decent Americans like Bill Benson who has paid a horrendous price for proving the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was not properly ratified.

It was through Bill’s work I discovered the Seventeenth Amendment was also not ratified by enough states. The fraud remains because those amendments are critical in continuing to syphon off the wealth of our nation, giving the fruits of our labor to foreign banking institutions and rotten, corrupt foreign governments and upsetting the balance of power (senators by direct election). Gutless, cowardly judges have allowed lies to become “truth”.

When serial adulterer and cocaine sniffer (like Obama), Billy Clinton became president with the blessing of the Bilderberg group, millions of us with eyes wide open knew it was just the beginning. Like the criminal impostor ‘president’, Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, Clinton was never fully vetted and exposed for the slimy POS he is and remains to this day. It wasn’t in the playbook for what I have termed for decades: The Unseen Hand.

The cabal that controls the shadow government and its players. Today the term is ‘deep state’. The goal for more than 100 years has been to force us into a one world government. Thanks to individuals who’ve written outstanding, highly researched books about this diabolical plan, newsletters and then the Internet, countless Americans – at least those who still cherish freedom and liberty – have slowly awakened over the past twenty years.

The rot and corruption we’ve seen from local fiefdoms to the highest office, president, has been staggering. Suffering through years of racism and crapping on the U.S. Constitution by vermin like Eric Holder. Watching Hillary Strongman Clinton try to grab the White House was a sickening spectacle and the old witch is still traveling around making speeches that foul the air.

We have fought a war against all the evil in the form of elected and unelected officials, biased judges and against the tens and tens of millions of people in this country who have NO clue or understanding of what’s really been going on and the ultimate goal. Sadly, I believe most of them could care less.

The dirty in-it-for-themselves and all the power behind their office both in Congress and state capitols have continued to ‘GIVE them bread and you own them forever’ breeding generation after generation of individuals who only care about how much they can suck from the government’s teat. The day of reckoning and that debt bomb is coming.

Say what you will about Donald Trump, when he legitimately won the presidency, that is the day dirty domestic traitors in this country soiled their drawers.

To this day I get email from people saying why wasn’t vote fraud used to usher Hildebeast Clinton into the White House? The same reason that caused a political earthquake in DC when an unknown college professor, Dave Brat, unseated the second most powerful man in the U.S. House, Eric Cantor: Arrogance.

Cantor brushed off Brat as if he were nothing more than a sideshow nuisance. His arrogance wasn’t lost on the voters and they threw his globalist backside out of office.

The shadow government was so sure Trump would never get elected by the masses under the spell of the Democratic/Communist Party USA (Yes, they official call themselves the Democratic Party not the Democrat Party). Trump and the American people blindsided them. Nothing has been the same since.

Especially not for those who have enriched themselves, committed long lists of crimes and used the power behind their offices to destroy this country and equal justice for all under the law. Now I am specifically talking about the Department of Justice. Nearly destroyed under Eric Holder and then the hapless Loretta Lynch. Had Trump not been elected, the major players would never have been exposed.

Many of us had at least some hope when Jeff Sessions was confirmed as the new Attorney General. Then jaws dropped all across this country when he recused himself from the manufactured ‘Russia collusion’ fantasy. Trump must have wondered how could Sessions have betrayed his oath so badly and so quickly?

It took me awhile but I finally decided Sessions, like the fake president, Obama, is a Manchurian Candidate in the truest meaning. Sessions is a national disgrace.

We probably will never know but one thing is for sure: Between Sessions and the smarmy Rod Rosenstein, our country has been put through Hell with scum bags like Robert Mueller, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and others for almost two years.

All of Hillary Clinton’s crimes swept under the rug by dirty cop, James Comey. Phony Russian ‘dossier’ meant to completely destroy Trump. Ignoring Hillary Clinton’s role in selling 20% of our uranium to the Russians while her prostitute media lapdogs concentrated on a concocted story about Trump being in a hotel room while whores pissed on the bed.

Well, Sessions, thank God, is now gone. Why Rosenstein, a major dirty player, is still there is a crime in itself. Hopefully, he will be gone soon.

In the meantime, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker is now causing the players in this dirty heap of deceit to crap their drawers as they see a real threat to their lies and criminal activities. Oh, yeah, here come all the lawyers and lawsuits to stop Whitaker from exposing and prosecuting the dirtiest of the dirty.

Justice Department Explains Why Whitaker Appointment Is Legal; Maryland Sues, Nov. 15, 2018

Maryland. How sad. Over run with socialists and Marxists aka Democrats who know how to play filthy, not just dirty.

WASHINGTON, DC – “The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is defending the legality of President Donald Trump’s appointing Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general, showing the president’s decision is consistent with the Constitution, federal law, and Supreme Court precedent, as the State of Maryland seeks a court order ousting Whitaker.”

None of that matters to the scum who control Maryland. I spent about nine months in the State of Maryland back in 2003-2004. It has gone to Hell and yet the voters don’t seem to care or support a party that has ZERO respect for the Constitution if it gets in their way.

I just have to add this one because if it weren’t so serious, Whoopi has given us a great laugh. Goldberg wouldn’t know what the U.S. Constitution said if James Madison stood in front of her and read it word for word. Her BRAIN-DEAD co-host Sunny Hostin is another piece of work. Whoopi Goldberg to Trump: ‘You Can’t Poop on the Constitution’

Why have the Democrats and their prostitute media gone into overdrive to keep Whitaker from doing his job? The same reason they are playing their usual wounded party role regarding contested senate seats. FEAR.

Acting AG Whitaker: ‘Special Counsel is Required’ To Investigate Clinton Foundation, November 13, 2018

“Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general of the United States and a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Iowa, said in a 2016 interview that there is enough evidence “in the public domain” to warrant the appointment of a “special prosecutor” to investigate the Clinton Foundation. He added that the Foundation was “clearly a pay-to-play situation” where if you gave money to the Foundation, you got “preferential treatment” at the State Department, which was headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2013.

“Hillary Clinton’s emailing of classified documents through her private computer server was a “serious” problem, but the “real ballgame” is “where Clinton Foundation donors were given preferential treatment,” said Whitaker in an Aug. 25, 2016 interview with Breitbart News Daily.”

Get them on the record unless they take the Fifth: Lame-Duck GOP House Judiciary to Subpoena James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Nov. 16, 2018

Deep State Is Totally Panicked Over President Trump’s New AG Pick, About to Launch Hot War – Acting AG Matthew Whitaker said he’d prosecute Hillary Clinton, called Mueller investigation ‘witch hunt.’

Now, one particular POS in the U.S. House who holds the distinction of being of one the biggest PROVEN liars ever to serve in Congress, Adam Schiff, has his thong in a melt down over Whitaker.

Adam Schiff: The Tearing Down of Our Justice Department ‘Is Going to End’: “Tuesday night on MSNBC’s midterm election coverage, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said now that Democrats control the House of Representatives, President Donald Trump will not be able to tear down of the independence of the Justice Department.”

Anyone who has been following the massive trail of corruption under Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, Comey, Lynch, McCabe and that whole cabal of domestic enemies knows Adam Schiff’s statement is CRAP born out of a hallucination having nothing to do with reality. Another gas bag in the Democratic/Communist Party USA in love with his mirror. He’s a clown but a dangerous one now that his party is allegedly the majority in the U.S. House.

Sessions set a very bad precedent by declaring he recused himself from the thoroughly discredited ‘Russia probe’ right out of the box. There was/is NO justification for what he did except to stab Trump in the back. Period.

Swalwell: ‘We’re Going to Do All We Can’ to Get Whitaker to Recuse Himself: “On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) vowed that Democrats will do everything they can to get Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker to recuse himself due to the fact that Whitaker has “pre-judged” Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

“Swalwell stated that Democrats should “project confidence, tell the American people, you elected us to stop this. We’re going to stop this.”

No, we didn’t and with help from God, I pray Whitaker is going to be the one to blow this whole corrupt scheme against Trump to bits as well as take on Hildebeast. As for Swalwell, another little weenie running around acting like Caesar had this to say last week: Democrat Eric Swalwell: If Gun Owners Defy ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, ‘The Government Has Nukes’

Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s Comments On Nullification Is The Founder’s Position

Mainstream Media Still Stupid on Nullification

After Sessions took his gutless backside out of the Justice Department building, Ann Coulter lamented there would no longer be anyone there to keep up the relentless war against illegals. Really, Ann? Aren’t you the same person who endorsed corrupt Mitch McConnell for another term in the senate over Matt Bevin?

Mitch McConnell’s primary opponent comes out swinging

“There’s a tremendous level of dissatisfaction with the fact that for 30 years, he’s been just a big government guy,” Matt Bevin said of McConnell. “He votes for every bailout, he votes for every piece of pork, he is a huge fan of earmarking — it has been temporarily banned, as you know — but folks like Mitch McConnell have made a career of greasing the wheels for themselves and for others.”

“Bevin slammed McConnell as a “big proponent of increased taxes,” a “proponent of pork barrel spending” and as “someone who doesn’t have a tremendous amount of respect for the constitution.” He’s been an unapologetic supporter of the Patriot Act,” Bevin said.”

Say, Ann – how’s McConnell working out for you now?

Ann Coulter: Trump should fire Elaine Chao to get back at McConnell, July 31, 2018

“Conservative commentator Ann Coulter said Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao should be removed from the Trump administration because of her husband’s slow progress on the border wall.

“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a radio interview last week that funding for President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall would “probably” not happen until after the mid-term elections, adding that it is “something we do have a disagreement on.”

What needs to be done is a forensic examination of McConnell and his wife’s (Elaine Chow) financial dealings with the communists: Mitch McConnell Has Strong Ties To The Communist Chinese And His Corruption Runs Very Deep

There’ve been some articles indicating Trump has a short list to replace Sessions. One name seems to be popular: Outgoing Rep. Trey Gowdy. NO, NO and NO. First of all, Gowdy has set his future on teaching law and making big bucks in the private sector. Second, but really first on my list is his absolute failure investigating Benghazi and allowing career criminal Hillary Clinton to get away with that cover up; running guns to Syria and sitting on her fat ass with her boss, cool dude, Barack, while Americans were being slaughtered.

“You Put Your Politics Before Us” – Benghazi Survivor Lashes Out At Brennan As Former CIA Boss Says ‘May Sue Trump’ (If you have not seen 13 Hours – The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, you simply must. It is free on-line now. Takes a few minutes to load. Netflix might still have it on their menu. I honestly don’t know how they got through what they did.)

J. Christian Adams: Next Attorney General Must Have DOJ Experience to Clean Up the Institutional Corruption – READ

“Adams said the key to cleaning up the Justice Department’s excesses is for Trump to appoint someone who understands the institutional problems within DOJ and can therefore reform it and root out the “careerists” who are not truly “Constitutionalists.”

Whitaker was Sessions Chief of Staff. Think he doesn’t know the institutional problems within DOJ and who the rotten players are? Whitaker was a U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa.

Think Whitaker doesn’t know what’s been going on and the big players? How could he not? I wouldn’t be surprised if he has read Gregg Jarrett’s book. Think he doesn’t know federal laws? He’s also pro-life which automatically makes him poison for Democrats who support murdering an unborn baby.

Sessions did everything he could to protect the corrupt. Make no mistake about that. His DOJ has been fighting tooth and nail to keep the truth from the American people. Gregg Jarrett’s book, The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump should win a Pulitzer Prize in journalism. If you haven’t read it, you should.

I say, President Trump: Put forward Matthew Whitaker’s name as your choice for Attorney General. I believe he actually has the stones to go after the big players and step on Rod Rosenstein’s face in the process. Give him a chance. Tell old Mitch McConnell you want Whitaker confirmed and let’s get on with it.

Things cannot continue as they are – especially with the Democratic/Communist Part USA allegedly controlling the U.S. House. It’s long past time to have a REAL Department of Justice and start the indictments. If Whitaker doesn’t play hard ball and go after the criminal players, then get rid of him.

Thanksgiving is Thursday. As usual I’m spending it alone with my doggies. People feel sorry for me; a widow with all my family in California. Don’t. I have a roof over my head and if I want turkey, I’m a damn good cook.

Remember our fellow Americans from the Hurricanes in Texas who still have no homes; many businesses never re-opened. The hurricanes in Florida. The horrific fires last year in the Santa Rosa area and all the ones in-between out in California and other states. And now the awful ones still going in So. Cal and the massive one in No. California near where my mother, brother, niece and friends live: Paradise, Magalia and surrounding area which I know so well.

Burnt to the ground in a few hours. Nearly a hundred dead. Over 1,000 still missing. All the dead livestock, forest creatures, dogs and cats. All burned before anyone could get out of the path of that massive inferno.

Record number of homes simply burnt like logs in a fireplace. Thousands and thousands of people who will spend Thanksgiving being thankful for their lives but who have nothing left except the clothes on their backs at the time they fled. Too many had no insurance altho’ that I don’t understand. A home for average folks is the biggest investment one makes.

I might be alone but I have Missy & Maddy, my little Jack Russell Terrier and my Tibetan Mastiff who I love dearly. Unless we have a power failure or something, a warm home (even though it’s sold and I’m moving in a couple of weeks) and all my possessions. I have much to be thankful for.

Wishing you and yours a safe and heartwarming Thanksgiving and while you’re at it, pray for our fellow Americans who have suffered so much and face monster challenges in the months and years to come. And please don’t forget my new book “Taking politics out of solutions” A great gift for Christmas.

Links you might find interesting:

The House That Evil Built

Gregg Jarrett: Trump did the right thing by telling Jeff Sessions – You’re Fired! – He is 100% on point.

How The Full Declassification Of This FISA Warrant Could Trigger The ‘Great Awakening

Hillary Clinton to get more questions about email – Judge gives Judicial Watch permission for grilling

Report: ‘FBI Tried, Failed To Recruit Russian Oligarchs’ For Collusion Narrative – Bureau was desperate to create Russian collusion story against Trump

‘Stunning’: Ohr fed dossier info to top Mueller deputy  – ‘Development that should effectively end special counsel investigation’ (Of course it didn’t with Sessions at the top)

Hannity panel explodes over news Mueller’s right-hand man was in on Russia ‘hoax’: This should kill the probe

Strzok Drafted Comey’s Letter to Congress About Weiner’s Laptop

Warrants to Spy on Carter Page Obtained Without FISA Court Hearings, DOJ Filing Reveals

FBI Special Agent Jonathan Moffa told Congress on Friday that the FBI has used leaked stories to obtain FISA warrants

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Democrat Sen. Kamala Harris Compares Immigration Cops To KKK

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

California’s far-left Democrat, Sen. Kamala Harris, compared U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) on Thursday, which angered the agency’s acting director who replied that there isn’t an equivalence between patriotic and brave law enforcement officers who enforce the law, and a racist mob bent on violence and intimidation.

The exchange between Senator Harris – the sister of a Hillary Clinton minion, Maya Harris —  came while Ronald D. Vitiello, the acting director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, appeared before the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Mr. Vitiello had sharply criticized sanctuary cities and their officials for refusing to cooperate on deportations. He also requested that Harris and her likeminded politicos respect for his employees who he said deserved not to be disrespected by politicians, the press or activists looking to score political points.

“Harris and other Democrats have been merciless in their rhetoric against the ICE special agents, the Border Patrol and Customs agents. Besides Sen. Harris, who sounded much like Hillary Clinton who, during her presidential campaign, compared police officers in minority neighborhoods to ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria], Rep.

Luis Gutierrez called ICE agents the Gestapo,” said Gregory St. Francis, a retired federal law enforcement officer.

“Democrats may at times pay lip-service to law enforcement, but they have repeatedly shown they detest certain cops who enforce laws with which the Democratic Party disagree,” noted St. Francis.

During her grilling of the ICE acting chief, Ms. Harris, the California Democrat who is already vying for Democratic Party presidential bid, said there are “many” people who perceive ICE officers as similar to KKK thugs in using violence and intimidation.

“I’m very specific about what I’m asking,” she said. “Are you aware that there’s a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America?”

“Mr. Vitiello should have reminded Harris that it was the Democrats in the South who created the Ku Klux Klan. If it wasn’t for federal law enforcement groups, there would have been no one fighting the KKK and imprisoning their leaders,” Greg St. Francis said.

National Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council President Chris Crane released the following statement after Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and David Perdue (R-GA) introduced a resolution in the U.S. Senate, “Opposing the targeted harassment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and employees and     reaffirming the fundamental principle that public safety services should be provided without discrimination.”

“On behalf of the men and women of ICE, I want to thank Senators Cassidy and Perdue for introducing this resolution and for standing in solidarity with ICE law enforcement officers and staff, especially at a time like this.

“The actions taken by Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler against ICE employees living and working in Portland are reprehensible, and we believe unconstitutional. We feel nothing short of blessed that no ICE employees suffered serious injury or death as a result of the mayor’s negligent actions. We applaud Senators Cassidy and Perdue for their efforts to bring attention to and condemn what ICE employees have gone through in Portland and around the country,and urge all Members of the Senate to support this resolution.

“Certain elected officials, political leaders, and members of the press have engaged in hateful and often false rhetoric against our officers and employees encouraging widespread death threats and the targeting of ICE officers, employees, and their families. For these leaders, officials, and the media to enflame this type of hatred toward our officers and staff – at a time when law enforcement personnel are being targeted and have been assassinated on our nation’s streets – marks a truly dark time in our country’s history. It’s comforting to know that some in Congress, like Senators Cassidy and Perdue, still understand the value and importance of supporting the brave and courageous men and women of law enforcement.

“National security, or even basic border security, does not exist without the interior enforcement of a nation’s immigration laws, as the horrific events of 9/11 and indeed terrorist attacks worldwide have proven. With over 2 million criminal aliens estimated to be currently residing in the U.S., our jails and prisons are already dramatically overcrowded and local police are often overwhelmed, begging for ICE and its resources to assist in making our communities safer. Those calling for the abolishment of ICE don’t understand the significant threat to our nation’s security and the safety of American communities that their ideas present.”

The National ICE Council represents the over 6,000 rank and file ICE law enforcement officers and support personnel who enforce our nation’s immigration laws, apprehend dangerous criminals and keep our communities safe each and every day. The men and women of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) serve in all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, Saipan, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and in Fiscal Year 2017 made 143,470 overall administrative arrests. Of these arrests, 92 percent had a criminal conviction, a pending criminal charge, were an ICE fugitive or were processed with a reinstated final order. (Source: Fiscal Year 2017 ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations Report.)

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Kavanaugh’s Accuser Worse Than Thought

Who can forget Christine Blasey Ford, the dim-witted blonde with the mature face and little girl voice who blatantly accused Supreme Court Candidate Brett Kavanaugh of the unthinkable? It was an orchestrated effort to torpedo his appointment to the High Court.  First of all, she is a Democrat who wants to sabotage anything Republican.

Question: So what was the motive behind her desperate attempt to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court?

Answer: She knew he would overturn Roe v Wade. Yes, Ford lied to protect Roe v Wade.

Why was it so important to her?

“Corcept Therapeutics (Corcept.com) manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this Corcept.com web page detailing their research papers.”

You ask why Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford would do this? Here are 4 reasons:

1) She owns a major portion of the company that makes the morning after abortion pill and she is afraid Kavanaugh will overturn Roe v Wade, therefore making her million dollar empire go caput.

2) She’s a professor at the same college (Palo Alto U) where Diane Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, is on the board of directors. She has worked with Blum on the “resist Trump” movement for two years.

3) Dr. Blasey-Ford’s brother,  Tom Blasey, is business partners with Peter Strzok’s cousin Jill Strzok for a company called Exelis Inc. Enough said there.

4) Feinstein and Chuck Schumer appointed lawyers to set up three GoFundMe pages for her the week BEFORE she testified, which are currently up to over a million dollars for her to keep as payment for her testimony.

No doubt more info will be coming as this writer has a “Secret Source.” Don’t believe for one minute this “professor” came out of nowhere.

Now the real issue concerning Professor Ford. Not only has she hurt a very good man and his family, but in doing so she committed a serious sin in the eyes of God who commands us not to bear false witness against anyone. And she received over a million dollars to do so making it doubly offensive to God.

She may think now that she was clever but ahead she will face God and the horror of the “White Throne”Judgment just before the trapdoor opens and she is plunged into the pits of hell and remain there forever.

False witness causes loss of reputation, divorce, job loss, harassment, harm by others, destruction of families, tearing down of relationships, humiliation and in general puts the victim in what seems to be, hell–where she is now headed.

This is not preaching…..this is a reality. And that million bucks will do her no good there.

Direct appeal to Ms. Ford: Please spend some time alone and think. Think about God, He is real. Talk to a pastor, let him tell you about Jesus. Accept Jesus as your Savior after confessing your sin and asking forgiveness for that sin. He will forgive you. Also confess your sin to the entire Kavanaugh family and ask their forgiveness. We can almost guarantee that they will forgive you.

You cannot keep that ill-gained million dollars. You must give that to the poor, like a homeless shelter or to homeless veterans’ housing. THEN you can attain salvation, forgiveness, start all over, and you can be assured that as you do, a peace will cover your face, making you an attractive woman. Again, Please Ms. Ford…..T H I N K.  And Christians, pray for her that she will come to Christ.

READERS, please redistribute this story widely so it will eventually come to her attention.

Photo Caption: Christine Blasey Ford


The Fraud That Never Was

What was witnessed this last Tuesday the Democrats pathetic attempt to win elections by massive voter fraud.  Democrats claim that they are just counting legitimate votes.  There is a problem with this and that is there has been multiple times in the elections since at least 2008 that voter fraud has occurred.  Remember when Al Groper Franken won his first election?  On election night he lost and then on a recount he wins by 312 votes.  But there was a problem with this count, 341 felons voted for him in just one county. The six-month election recount that turned former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Al Franken into a U.S. senator may have been decided by convicted felons who voted illegally in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.

That’s the finding of an 18-month study conducted by Minnesota Majority, a conservative watchdog group, which found that at least 341 convicted felons in largely Democratic Minneapolis-St. Paul voted illegally in the 2008 Senate race between Franken, a Democrat, and his Republican opponent, then-incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman.

The final recount vote in the race, determined six months after Election Day, showed Franken beat Coleman by 312 votes—fewer votes than the number of felons whose illegal ballots were counted, according to Minnesota Majority’s newly released study, which matched publicly available conviction lists with voting records. [1]

Democrats have denied voter fraud for years even though it has been proven.  The spin doctors who deny the existence of voter fraud have no boundaries.

“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project. [2]  Every election since 2008 has exposed more and more voter fraud.  In 2010 Missouri had 15 counties with more than 100% voter participation,[3]  California had 11 counties with more voters that of age voters. [4]  In the 2008 election there were multiple counties where Obama got 100% of the vote, which is a statistical impossibility. [5] In Colorado in 2012 we had multiple counties with up to 140% participation: A review of voter registration data for ten counties in Colorado details a pattern of voter bloat inflating registration rolls to numbers larger than the total voting age population. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale. [6]

States are required to clean up their voter role from time to time because people die, move or acquire a criminal record that denies them the right to vote.  During the Obama reign of terror his Attorney General, Eric Holder, sued everyone for attempting to clean up their voter rolls: With critical midterm elections less than four weeks away, the failure to scrutinize voter registrations and clean up voter rolls leaves our system vulnerable to voter fraud, and a Justice Department whistleblower says the Obama administration is actively trying to stop states from bringing records up to date and ensure only eligible voters are casting ballots.

J. Christian Adams further asserts that voter fraud does occur and is indirectly responsible for the passage of Obamacare.

Adams is author of “Crimes Against the Republic: How the Democratic Party’s Voter Fraud is Fundamentally Transforming America.” He left the Justice Department early in the Obama administration and has regularly spoken out about what he considers to be partisan actions by Attorney General Eric Holder on voting and other civil rights issues. [7] Florida tried to remove known illegals from their voter rolls in 2012 but Holder sued to stop them: The US Department of Justice announced Monday it will sue Florida to stop the state from purging ineligible voters from its voter rolls. The DOJ statement came after Florida filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security for failing to cooperate with efforts to clean up the state’s voter registration records.

A preliminary comparison between drivers license records and voter registration has flagged as many as 182,000 registered voters who may not be US citizens.  Florida officials sought access to the DHS immigration database (SAVE) to verify their matches but DHS has refused to respond to the state’s requests.

At least 141 non-citizens have been found on the voter rolls and 47 on this list have cast ballots in previous elections. More than 500 on the list have been identified as citizens and lawful voters. [8]8 They were even sued by Holder when they tried to remove people that had died!  “Panic has set in in this administration over the last four weeks because of polling numbers showing things do not look good.  So the Justice Department, it appears, has responded accordingly by using the power of the federal government to force states like Florida to keep illegals on the voting rolls [and] to do other things in other states on voter ID, like South Carolina, to really attempt to ratchet the election in their favor.”

US Attorney General Eric Holder has fought against every measure that has been taken by states to insure an accurate and fraud free election.  He has ruled any form of voter ID to be illegal and now they try to intimidate states like Florida from cleaning up their voter registration lists.  One would wonder why they would stop the removal of dead people and others that were ineligible to vote unless the Democratic Party has plans on using these names and non-citizens to cast illegal votes for Obama and other Democrats.  Plans for voter fraud seem to be the only reasonable explanation of the actions of the Holder and the DOJ. [9]

As I finish this column it has been reported that massive voter fraud has occurred in Fulton County in Georgia, a Democrat stronghold: Abrams’ search for provisional ballots may yield fruit, but her search for credible provisional ballots that can be counted in this election will prove futile. Why?

A full 1,811 provisional ballots in Fulton County were duplicates (49 percent), and 1,556 of them (42 percent of the total provisionals) were rejected.

Three of the individuals were not citizens, 581 were not registered to vote, and 972 did not live in that county.[10]

We don’t have to question why Florida is in a tizzy with their votes this year.  The losing Democrats are demanding that the votes by illegals be counted!  Ohio passed a law to clean up its voter rolls and the law was challenged.  It went all the way to the Supreme Court where by a 5-4 ruling, was upheld.  Notice the 5-4?  This is why Trump concentrated on the Senate races.  There are 4 jurists on the Supreme Court that ignore the Constitution and the laws of the land. We must return the Court to the conservative majority if we plan to have any hope of keeping America free.

The fraud must be stopped, the Democrats must be stopped.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Felons voting illegally may have put Franken over the top in Minnesota
  2. https://www.nationalreview.com/2014/04/Dems voter fraud Denial John fund
  3. Missouri 15 counties with more than 100 voter registration
  4. SD California more voters than eligible adults
  5. Philadelphia voter fraud: Is it possible that Obama won 100 percent of so many precincts
  6. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  7. Whistleblower: Obama blocking voter roll cleanup
  8. Holder sues Florida: stop removing illegal aliens from voter rolls
  9. DOJ stops Florida from removing dead people & foreigners from registered voter list
  10. Bombshell: Fulton county numbers show massive duplicate ballots rejected ballots non citizens trying to vot

Nut Case Not So Nuts

Cesar Sayac may not be crazy as a rightwing loony.  Rather, he could be one of millions who recognize the despicable within the Democrat and Republican Party’s leadership.  The despicable leader is not President Trump, who is a loyal American hero, and in sync with those millions who don’t like what is happening to our country.

Sayac may have built what looked like bombs. He will pay a heavy penalty for this feckless stunt.  He mailed them out to the most despicable in his view, but failed to mention that both parties have a plethora of disposables.

Those, who are not so blind, can see what is happening to the United States of America.  The majority that loves their country really are afraid to do anything where they are labeled as bias, prejudice, nationalistic and intolerant.  So they continue to watch the spiraling down of once the most prosperous, scientifically advanced, inventive nation on the face of the earth.

Our nation sees its Constitution in shreds; its justice system biased; its borders violated; its economy teetering on a precipice of enormous debt; racked by industries that would rather turn over our most secret technical invention to the Chinese in order to have access to millions of its consumers. The media have been most biased, favoring the political left’s animosity and regret that Hillary and Bill are not the successors to a failed Obama presidency.

China’s government demands that any business that wishes to sell our products must first turn over the development technology accompanying the products. China holds billions of dollars in the form of American bonds that can be reclaimed as it sees fit, thus it is able to threaten and cripple the value of the dollar which is already severely inflated. Each time the treasury approves more debt without regard to accompanying taxation to repay it or cuts superfluous grants and donations to other countries who hate us, the debt increases.


The Federal Reserve, neither federal or reserve, converts the debt and holds it as their personal reserve.  The reserve notes are nothing but unbacked paper representing only what our government considers as the legal vehicle of exchange.  The FED composed of Morgan banks and other American banks but also international bankers, out-of-country members sit on the FED’s Board of Directors, such as the Rothschild and Warburg banking interests to decide the financial course and control of our government.  They decide when to raise or reduce interest rates.  When they raise interest rates, the banks apply the interest to their reserve holdings at a nominal 10%; ninety percent is then put back into their lending system at increased interest rates which in-turn cause inflation across the board to a point where housing and rentals become too expensive for all but the wealthiest.  In other words, the cost of food, clothing escalates and small businesses become crushed as unaffordable and can’t compete against Amazon, Walmart and Google. On the other hand, by not raising interest rates, bankers refuse to lend money to business and for needed loans.  This is what caused the worst depression in our history when the stock market collapsed in 1929.


The congress and previous presidents have been complicit with the financial situation we face.  They are, as a body, irresponsible to allow their spending, so to speak “on the cuff.”  Worse than that, they ignore the most dangerous hacking China’s government has perfected to a point where thousands of attacks on the nation’s Defense System alone related to sophisticated weaponry stolen daily. All levels of production are also being attacked by China’s hacking and illicit surveillance.  This should result in in war under any circumstance, yet our CIA, FBI, Military Intelligence at the highest levels keep their observations from public view, although not from the president’s daily briefings.  War at any level would be as devastating as the collapse of our economy, but much worse, since it would ultimately go nuclear.  Therefore, even our president can ill conceive placing our nation in what would probably be worse than all of the wars in history packaged into this one.

Nelson Mandela was awarded the Noble Peace Prize in 1993.  He was elected president of South Africa in 1994. Since that time, an estimated 70,000 whites, many were land owners, have been brutally murdered in South Africa.  In 1985, Mandela was offered a release from prison by then President Botha on condition that he denounces violence and bloodshed. Mandela refused.


The U.S Department of State leftists in Congress promoted Nelson Mandela to be the next president of South Africa despite the fact that he was on the U.S Terrorist until 2008. To illustrate naivety and a pusillanimous irresponsibility, take the case of Georg H.W. Bush:  He agreed to a tickertape parade in New York, wined, dined Mandala at the White House and allowed him to speak to a joint session of Congress while still on the terrorist list. (Reference: “Conservative Action Report Vol 8 No. 2”)


The recent attack on the Tree of Life Jewish Synagogue in Pittsburg Pennsylvania was a hate crime. As far as we know this was a purely, evil individual and the death penalty should be reinstituted.  The good people belonging to churches of different denominations also many institutions gather in sympathy because of this outrage. The national TV and media outlets caused a deluged of information throughout the entire continent of the crime of killing innocent religious Jews gathered in prayer.

Who are these factions that are threatening our country?

1. Those who  are the product of public schools inculcated with softcore subjects and a lowered grading system, whereby everybody receives a passing grade, and receive diplomas when only the very few with technical knowledge in math and science are hirable in industry.

2. The Communist philosophy that crafts “socialism” as acceptable when in fact, every example where it has been accepted drifts into financial insolvency and dictatorial government.  Norway and Sweden are now awakened to their insolvency and total dependence on their government/social experimentations.

3. The infernal plan of David Rockefeller and his multibillionaire cohorts within industries that desire cheap labor willing to turnover technical formation in exchange for China’s consumers.  They, the depraved, strive towards the new world order, whereby their  desire is to also open the doors to a unified European populace which even now is  experiencing a real danger, losing national independence in exchange for the loss of their own sovereignty.  The Hague is where the center of unelected government and judicial system has already been established.

4. China, a pseudo socialist government, is a modified Communist dictatorship in mufti and Chairman Mayo’s the founding father of Communist China is changed from ruthless killer to a benign benefactor to obfuscate the real historical truth.  The rapid increase in China’s change from poverty to opulence; its modernity is reflected primarily in its improved metropolitan centers and its transportation systems and especially its sophisticated surveillance ability to control its millions with pinpoint accuracy, even in remote areas.   Militarily, after President Nixon opened the door by recognizing China’s government as legitimate, spy-warfare soon developed and became a major offensive and defensive achievement. Its highly advanced hacking of our industrial secrets is now able to reproduce products in-house that effectively stopped the need to purchase foreign products. Because of lower wages, China became so highly competitive that sales to those countries, who gave away their secret technologies, now buy from their most dangerous competitor. This is a sure-fired way for China to compete in future intra-planetary exploration and missile capabilities using the technologies that others developed. China’s Navy is expanding as its surrounding islands are being occupied illegally. China’s textile industry approximates nearly 100 percent in low cost clothing within the United States; also there are thousands of additional items where the United States is not competitive to meet China’s lowered currency value and ridiculously low wages in competition to those in the United States rest of the Free World.

5. Nationalism  can be subjugated to tyrants, the frontal attack by military forces no longer is an avenue to destroy  national boundaries.  It proved to be too expensive in blood and tears. The New World Order (NWO) Plan must use the surreptitious approach by undermining moral integrity and insert what is a diabolical, historic change in well-established biblical guidelines and ethics. The fathers and mothers who cried for freedom and condemned the draft and declared the U.S Constitution as outmoded, as just another piece of paper to be stored in a museum and ethical, historic principles are outmoded, left behind in this new age of freedom. They considered the Ten Commandments a hindrance to their new utopian agenda. They were the generation of what became nihilists who once partook in the Woodstock Festival where everything was  acceptable even to the level of maniacal degradation of music to “Rock,” art to pornography, literature to illiteracy, comity to violence; decency to sexual orgies and violence in the movies produced in Hollywood.   Marriage is considered but only a convenient symbol abandoned as a sacrament, so is the warped, hideous practice of abortion just before birth… not considered as murder.


6. The children of the Woodstock attendees further carried out their parent’s rancid traditions. The present day result of what can be concluded is dismal as witnessed especially in San Francisco, California where drugs are the new age solution.  Unemployable addicts camp on the streets and sidewalks and toilets are outmoded, replaced by the new age relief system.  Each day, highly paid street cleaners garbed from head to feet with protective clothing including face masks to counter the stench and infections from the excrement and urine deposited on streets. The Hollywood socialist wealthy liberals live in secluded and walled mansions and are oblivious to what their political leanings support. They don’t wish to see or hear about this problem as the major threat against our nation.  Many state government leaders have succumbed to the temptation to add Marijuana on top of alcohol, the major mind bending compositions that have already brought about a major curse to the nation. Since “weed,” according to the users, led most to addiction to crack cocaine and more addictive drugs.  “Greed is good because it causes new avenues toward success” was the public opinion thirty years ago. The curse be upon us


7. Congress needs to be regularly replaced with fixed terms as the law of the land to end their embedded, retirement incomes and perks.  Every election period, there is a ritual by the special interests that the nation will fail if incumbents are not reelected. Millions of dollars are contributed by self-serving interests, such as the drug cartels, industries that deal with China and Russia as friends.

8. There is one sacred cow where the perpetual flood of arms and nuclear material has embellished a mini-state to dominate over the entire Middle East. Israel’s power and unrestricted ability to wipe out whole villages in territories that resist its domination has forever created hatred and revenge by Arab/Muslim and Palestinian sympathizers.  Israel appears exempt by all religious and successive U.S government Administrations.  It is now considered sacrilegious to criticize Israel during throughout the past 71 years because of Israel’s tools of influence.  Its major benefactor, the first nation to recognize its legitimacy as a sovereign state was declared by President Harry Truman.  The fact is peace can never be achieved, if Israel’s conduct is not scrutinized. The drain on our enormous debt in perpetual defense of Israel is not sustainable.  Washington was so correct in his final admonishment not to pick favorites, but treat all nations with equanimity.


9. The Khazars, a number of tribes that once controlled an area roughly encompassing The Ural Mountains to the Carpathian Range, the Caucasus and much of the Black Sea. About 1/3 of what is now Eastern Europe as well as the Asian Steppes came under the direct control by the Khazars of their client states.  The vast area separating the Eastern Christian Empire, or Byzantium and Eastern Caliphate was home to numerous Turkic tribes, related by similarities in language and a common geographical ancestry.  These tribes were mostly nomadic, expert horsemen, fierce warriors and inclined to remain unaffiliated with either the Christian or Islamic Empires.” Reference: (The Khazars-by-Peter Wolf and Jeff Zolitor)

9.a  One of the Khazar tribes became the most powerful amidst the other tribes and also were not to be pressured by the surrounding expansion of  Muslims and Christians.  The tribe was led by their chief by the name of Bulan who sought not to choose an alliance and be under the jurisdiction of the Tsar or the Pope, so he chose a diplomatic alternative…the Jews.  He brought in Rabbis to circumcise all males of the tribe.  The natives were smart and talented but undereducated people. The Rabbis offered to accept them within their religion and the Khazars recognized their own lack of education so Judaism was an open door to modernity.

The fact remains, were they really acceptable within Judaism because throughout the centuries, beginning in 971 AD, they were excluded by conservative Jews since no Khazar had the principal requirement of having a Jewish mother. This was not the only cause that was and still is in conflict with a large segment of religious orientated Jews because Khazars  have their own standards not always ethical or legal.


When Tsar Nicholas allowed the Khazars to leave the pales of containment that Catherine the Great instituted to isolate the Khazars because of their disruptive practices within Russia’s population, the restrictions were followed on by Peter the Great who introduced Russia to modern development by his visits to Europe. He still maintained Catherine’s pales of containment because of the rebellious Khazars. Once permitted to leave their restricted areas, they spread throughout the diaspora and a large number landed in the United Stated at the turn of the 19th Century.

Their historical lack of ethics and well-honed studies in private Jewish schools paid well in a superior business acumen in accordance applied to their own rules. Soon, they became involved in media; the world of finance and Wall Street; also, the internet; television and newspapers; also. as publishers of  school books that promotes revisionist history; accentuating socialist/communist ideals as acceptable.


Communism for them was just a tool by another means to bring down our country, but the prime reason is to involve a weakened U.S., as a dependent country of the new world order centered at The Hague.   David Rockefeller, who headed the Rockefeller fortunes, announced this fact to the Council on Foreign Relations and thanked the media for not publicizing his intentions.  He stated that now it doesn’t matter because it is too late to change its course. The Rockefellers were not Khazars. Their main influence was their “friends” within Congress and the billionaires related to finance and banking.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, backed by Senate Minority Leader Schumer and Adam Schiff, chairman of the Democrat opposition within the joint Congressional Committee are prime example of Khazar influence during Judge Cavanaugh’s hearings which exemplified the ruthless verbal abuses and contrived lies regarding false sexual claims against the Judge.  Pray that our nation’s many enemies are not successful and that we survive as a civilization that sets standards of morality, trustworthiness and honesty.

© 2018 JW Kress – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JW Kress: kressretired1982@outlook.com

Open Letter To President Donald J. Trump, Part 1

Dear Mr. President:

It appears to many of us that you don’t really know what some of the people in your administration are up to. I believe you are being ill-advised by those in your administration who have a totally different agenda.  The first lady mentioned in her interview from Africa that she did not trust everyone in the West Wing.  You said the same thing on Fox and Friends only a couple days later.

You have kept so many of your promises, and for that we’re very thankful. However, it seems as though you aren’t going to keep your promises concerning NAFTA, especially since you lost your rejection of Chapter 19. That portion of the revised NAFTA allows Canada, Mexico and the United States to challenge one another’s anti-dumping and countervailing duties in front of a panel of representatives from each country. Over the years, Canada has successfully used Chapter 19 to challenge the United States on its softwood lumber restrictions.


Mr. President, you have told us for some time that you were going to renegotiate NAFTA to our benefit or you would pull out of it completely. Now that it has been renegotiated, it certainly is not to our benefit. In fact, the new version is even worse than the original.

The New American Magazine posted an article by Christian Gomez, entitled, “NEW NAFTA: Text of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Sir, I am humbly asking you to read this very important article. It outlines the problems with the new agreement to replace NAFTA and Mr. Gomez definitely believes they are worse.  In fact, what I have read thus far leaves no doubt in my mind that he is right.

The proposed USMCA has been widely portrayed as a replacement for NAFTA, which supposedly will no longer exist. Yet an honest look at the new agreement shows that what will no longer exist is the highly unpopular NAFTA name. Not only does the USMCA retain sovereignty-diminishing provisions found in the NAFTA agreement, but it actually strengthens and expands them.

Let me present an example of one of the many absurdities I find in this proposal.

In a bold step toward a potential North American Union, The USMCA establishes a new governing international bureaucracy. Chapter 30 of the agreement establishes the creation of a Free Trade Commission as a regional governing bureaucracy overseeing various lower regional committees.

Beneath the Free Trade Commission, the USMCA authorizes all three countries to establish 16 subordinate committees and each committee will have a representative from each country; and the possibility exists that each of these committees will have someone in charge, like a chairperson. We have 16 x 3 equals 48 x 3, or maybe 4, this could mean that these 16 committees could have a staff of at least 144 and possibly 192, all of whom are unelected by the people.

Something else which surfaces out of all this conglomeration of committees and commissions and humongous amounts of staff…most likely, all these heads of the various commissions will be insiders who will be chosen by the hierarchy of the USMCA. That being the case, we can reasonably expect practically all these staff to work towards the unspoken objectives of the USMCA – the successful fruition of the NORTH AMERICAN UNION.

“The USMCA has a total of 34 chapters, 12 more than the original NAFTA, which had only 22 chapters. Unlike the 1994 NAFTA, the USMCA includes chapters on labor, environment, anticorruption, regulatory policy, competitiveness, and Mexico’s exclusive ownership of its gasoline and natural gas resources, among others.”

The last part of the above paragraph raises some very serious questions, two of which have been pointed out by Arthur Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society…

  1. Why is it necessary to spell out the fact that Mexico retains exclusive ownership of its gas and natural gas unless they are worried about international controls or an eventual North American merger?
  2. Why Mexico and not Canada or the United States?

Mr. Thompson continues by stating that the first question one has to ask is why are socialist Canada and corrupt Mexico (led by a very pro-communist president) happy to sign this deal?

Because they are playing their part in aiding the agenda for the new world order, i.e., world government to use the trade agreement strategy to incrementally and gradually combine all of North and South America into one regional entity.  They would be happy to sign, for they know that the agenda’s plan is to successfully combine all separate nations into regional entities of their areas. Then they follow up with combining all regional entities into one global entity with global authority.

This is likely the reason Mexico chose to have it spelled out that it would retain exclusive ownership of its gas and natural gas. They could avoid sharing with the U.S. or Canada if the North American Union successfully comes to fruition as planned.

Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer

Why didn’t our trade representative, Mr. Lighthizer, get the same agreement for America? He simply could have had it entered into the text of the agreement affording America the exclusive ownership of all its mineral properties.

If Mr. Lighthizer is on our side and protecting our interests, surely that is something he would arrange for our benefit and protection, but he did not. This raises the question – is he on our side? No! Absolutely not. I say this because of where he comes from, who he is connected with, and their objectives.

What Lighthizer and others are up to is the destruction of the sovereignty of all nations and the amalgamation of all of them into one entity of global governance, i.e., the new world order, or one world government – Novus Ordo Seclorum (A new order of the ages).

Council on Foreign Relations

Mr. Lighthizer is a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and as such he would conduct his activities to bring to fruition the goals and objectives of the CFR.

Mr. President, despite your great intelligence and ability to accomplish much of what others have tried and failed, it appears that you are unaware of the purposes, goals and objectives of the CFR.

The CFR came into existence in 1921. It was headed by John Foster Dulles who later became the U. S. Secretary of State.  The specific purpose of the organization is to change the United States so that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.

Curtis Dall, in his book, “FDR, My Exploited Father-in-law,” said in reference to the CFR, and I paraphrase, “I was there in 1939 when these men with their attaché cases descended upon Washington; I could have had my place at that table (here he gives the address of the Pratt House which was headquarters of the CFR) but first I had to consider loyalty to my country and therefore I had to decline.”

There were prior actions by the forces which brought about the birth of the CFR. Around 1917, during the Russian Revolution, Alexandria Kerensky successfully deposed the Tsar and was in the process of setting up and putting into action a reform movement, when the powers behind the scenes in America smuggled Lenin and a large quantity of gold into Russia which was used to take control of the revolution and place it in the hands of the Bolsheviks.

This is how Russia became a part of the agenda for world government. The reason for it is very simple.  In order to move America away from its position at that time, which I will call the Thesis, to a diametrical one, there was a need for a nation that represented the diametrical position, or the Antithesis, which would be the arch enemy of America. Through manipulation of our foreign policy by members of the CFR for over a century, and through the application of dialectical strategies, the United States is almost at the point where it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union, and thus with the remainder of the world.  This is the resulting synthesis they are working toward.

American Sovereignty

Mr. President, the one thing we have to keep in mind is that we can recover from a lack of jobs and a bad economy – as the recent surge in our economy after your election proves. But what we cannot recover from is the loss of our sovereignty!

You really had the globalists worried in your recent speech before the United Nations, and especially when you declared that,” We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy. America is governed by Americans. We reject the ideology of globalism, and we embrace the doctrine of patriotism.”

What a wonderful statement, and it did my heart good to know that we had a President who would make such a declaration. But then either knowingly or otherwise you erased everything you said prior to that; when you stated, “The United States is committed to making the United Nations more effective.”

No, Mr. President, a “more effective” United Nations would be better able to undermine the sovereignty of our nation and all nations which is their goal. They were brought into existence specifically for this reason. Their main target is America for the national sovereignty of all other nations cannot be undermined as long as America remains sovereign. It gives me great pain Sir, to have to tell you that you have contradicted yourself by first telling the UN and the world that America intends to remain a sovereign entity and then claiming a ‘more effective’ UN is your goal. That amounts to a gigantic turn-around. The UN is the world’s greatest enemy of national sovereignty and a more effective UN would jeopardize the very sovereignty you have so greatly defended.


This so-called great trade deal, the USMCA, is part of and plays into the goals of the UN. And I’ll just be straight-up with you sir, there are no words to resort to, which completely conveys the depth of my contempt, scorn, revulsion, and loathing for those who promote, support and go along with this so-called “free trade” deal, or any other which threatens our national sovereignty.

Your advisors have, no doubt, set you up, Mr. President.  I expected as much when I learned something of the back-trail of Mr. Lighthizer.  Undoubtedly others are involved. One or more of your advisors recommended him to you, and surely some of them knew him and what he supported.

The ball is in your court Sir, if you let this deal come before Congress and the Senate it will in all probability be ratified which will begin the globalists’ process to bring to fruition the North American Union.  Another result will unfortunately be the failure of your reelection in 2020.

Don’t allow the globalists to make you out as one of their pawns in betraying America.  To hell with them…step up to the plate and do what is in your character to do.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan: semper87plus@yahoo.com

Impeach The President . . . Who?

Let’s suppose, just for the sake of argument, what would happen if it is discovered that Donald Trump’s real name is Barry Soetoro, that he was born in Kenya, that the birth certificate he produced was an inept CIA falsification, that the Kapiolani Hospital in Hawaii, where he was allegedly born, took that name several years after he was born?

What do you think would happen if Trump’s Social Security card had been issued by a state where he never resided? What if nobody can remember him at the schools he allegedly attended? What if his university records were frozen and closed to the public?

What if it is discovered that Trump’s alleged mother lived in Indonesia at the time it was teeming with CIA operatives who were frantically trying to overthrow the democratically -elected leader of that country and substitute him with a corrupt tyrant they could control?

Let’s suppose that President Trump would have told about his Muslim faith and given $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques. That he had bowed in submission before the Saudi King. That he had attended for 20 years a Liberation Theology Church that condemns Christianity and professes Marxism. That he purposefully omitted “endowed by our Creator ” from his recitation of The Declaration of Independence.

Let’s suppose that it was Trump who said that NASA’s “foremost mission” was to outreach to Muslim communities. That Trump was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the White House, and who hanged photos of Chairman Mao on the White House tree. That he funneled $900 million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas. That he ordered the United States Postal Service to honor a Muslim holiday with a new commemorative stamp. That he said that America was not a Christian nation.

What if it is discovered that Trump’s secret goal is to destroy U.S sovereignty, open the borders to an invasion of illegal aliens, export American jobs abroad and fuse the country into a global government he euphemistically called the “New World Order.”

Would that have been motive for impeachment under the charges of treason of the highest order?

Of course not!

Actually, the impeachment frenzy against President Trump is because he has done nothing of the above. If he were an impostor and a traitor, the Invisible Government of the United States would love him from the bottom of its crooked heart. That love would have been a clear proof that Donald Trump is not in the White House because a large majority of the American people elected him, but that he had been selected by the same people who selected the Bushes, Clinton and Obama: the globalist conspirators ensconced at the Council on Foreign Relations in Manhattan.

If, instead of fighting the anti-American forces trying to make America great again, Trump would have been another traitor compelling big corporations to outsource American jobs to China, the globalist conspirators and their minions in the mainstream press would love him.

If, instead of trying to restore America’s traditional values and more, Trump had worked hard in the shadows to destroy them, the politically-correct crowd would adore him. If Trump had declared that the non-existing global warming was the highest threat to America and its people, and told us that, in order to stop it we must lower our standards of living, the mainstream media would call him a true American hero.

But no. To the globalist traitors President Trump is a real and present danger, and they are working had to get rid of him by any means necessary.

A widely-accepted myth of American politics, repeated over and over, is that the American President is the most powerful man in the world. Well, the Trump presidency has shown that it is true, but only if the alleged most powerful man in the world is a puppet in the hands of the actual most powerful men in the world: the international bankers who control the world’s economy, including the U.S. economy.

Banker Amschel Mayer Rothschild is often quoted as saying: “Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes the laws.”

Well, he was right on the money. (pun intended)

© 2018 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com

Does Music Sooth The Savage Beast?

Now this is not about Democrats. This is about four legged beasts, even though this writer would not call an elephant a beast. An elephant is a very social animal, that is family oriented, fiercely protects its young and remembers every kindness shown.

They say an elephant never forgets even though they really don’t have a lot to remember. But if one helps an elephant in trouble in any way, or any of its family, that elephant will remember that kindness for the rest of its life.

Even the biggest of elephants display emotion and can be soft hearted. Such was an elephant several years ago named Tarra, who lived in an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee.

A little dog named Bella came to live at the sanctuary. She and Tarra became friends, then the best of friends. They would walk together, play together, and simply spend time together in a favorite spot within the large compound.

When Bella had to have surgery on her back, she was confined in the veterinarian room on the second floor of a building within the sanctuary.

While going through the surgery and recovering, Tarra stayed next to the building, looking up at the second floor, and refused to move.  For three days Tarra stood vigil.

Finally when Bella was better, the veterinarian carried her out on the balcony of the second floor so that Tarra could see her. Eventually, Bella recovered completely and was able to go back outside with Tarra which made them both very happy.

Then, their eight year friendship was tragically ended when Bella was killed by what was believed to be a coyote. Tarra found her, gave a mournful trumpet yell, tenderly picked up her little friend’s bloody body and carried it over a mile to the spot where she and Bella had spent so much happy time together, then laid her down gently, as she stood beside Bella’s body trumpeting in grief.

In a film clip of Tarra during that sad moment, one could spot a big tear from the elephant’s eye running down her cheek.

Elephants are magnificent creatures, yet there are those insane knuckle heads who are born thieves, with money as their god, who hunt down innocent elephants to disable them and saw off their tusks which they sell to dealers who make art objects out of them that are sold at a big price.

Fortunately there are human beings who establish elephant sanctuaries for pachyderms  who have been mistreated.

At one such sanctuary, a classical pianist visited, and asked the director if he could bring his piano into the sanctuary so that he could play for the elephants. The director said, “fine.”  The man left, came back with a piano in his truck, unloaded it, set it up in a new section of the sanctuary where two blind elephants lived.

He then sat down and began to play classical music, such as Clair De Lune. The moment he started to play, the two elephants completely relaxed and began slowly to dance, swaying their heads back and forth in time to the music. They loved it.

As a special bonus to our readers, below is the link to in depth story and the concert for elephants.

Readers, please remember to be kind to ALL living creatures.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

How Changing Definitions Can Redefine A Great Republic

Recently I participated in a discussion about the ongoing ranker between president Donald trump and deranged CNN reporter Jim Acosta.  The rather vigorous chat was on Fox 2 Detroit, where there arose in me an overwhelming sense of disappointment.  The television discussion program consisted of a panel of two extreme leftists and two conservatives, one of which was me.  The two hosts were two leftists as well.  My disappointment was not in the political persuasion of the two leftist panelists, nor in that of the two leftist talk show hosts.  For I knew of their leanings.

As the program ensued It became alarmingly clear that the political leanings of my gabfest competitors were deeply ensconced in something much more grotesque than simply a difference of opinion or even a different path toward the same goals of betterment for our beloved republic.  What I witnessed was once again more evidence of a common deviant thread that has infected the very soul of so many misguided Americans.   I listened while our president was called nasty names for simply trying to literally protect our nation from being overrun by illegal border crossers or talking back to an overbearing reporter devoid of any respect for the office of the president.

The word of God plainly explains about how people will call that which is good evil and that which is evil good.  For example, the word nationalist.  It used to be understood as being proud of one’s own country. To want it to be prosperous, strong, a great place to call home and an example for other nations to emulate.  But today, leftist democrats have redefined nationalism as racist, bigoted and evil for wanting to protect our sovereignty.  The leftist democrats are working to redefine life and reshape it in their own globalist/leftist image.

To be honest with you, democrats have represented and fought to establish and maintain evil for centuries.  According to Democrats, though they created the KKK, owned 4,000,000 million slaves, lynched blacks from trees and convinced black women to prefer welfare over having a husband in the home.  Yet today they are the blacks best friend.  According to Democrats illegal border crosser votes should be counted to assure victory for their tyranny promoting candidates.

Democrats believe in cheating during the election process and the vote counting must continue after the fact until they get the results they want, by finding votes in far flung places.  According to Democrats, Kavanaugh should have been arrested, despite the fact they knew all along he was innocent, even before the females admitted that they lied.  Of course, now they want fair justice for wacko lawyer Michael Avenatti who has been accused of domestic violence.

According to Democrats, it is more important to Make false charges of Russian collusion with Donald Trump stick than work to maintain American prosperity, sovereignty and military readiness.  So far there has been no concrete evidence, but Democrats are willing to continue to spend enough money to build a border wall just to make persuade people to believe their false accusations.

At one time it was considered prudent to limit the number of legal immigrants into America to allow for assimilation and to preserve our exceptional American culture.  But for today’s Democrats no number of illegal border crossers is too large and that no matter how rapid the influx, no number of illegals can be an invasion of any kind.

The gospel is commonly known to mean good news about salvation and the ultimate victory over evil.  But the gospel according to Democrats means the abolishment of all that is good and decent.  In the Bible the devil eventually loses.  But for the time being, evil Democrats never ever quit.  If or when America is restored to her destiny of greatness, both conservative Republicans and people of good will must put forth an unrelenting vigorous effort toward such a goal.  Then our republic will completely assume her Providentially determined mantle as that shining city on a hill nation of true Liberty and Justice for all.

Let us get together via the Ron Edwards Experience talk show Friday emanating from flagship station KCKQ AM 1180 KCKQ Reno, Nv. and worldwide via americamatters.us.  Also, the Ron Edwards Experience is available Saturdays on KYAH AM 540 Gilbert, Utah 6:00 PM MT, 8:00 PM ET and Sunday midnights on the TalkAmericaRadio network.  The award winning commentary The Edwards Notebook is now enjoyed on 90 radio stations in 34 states overnights every weekend during the Captain’s America Third Watch emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla. and everywhere else via www.am860therswer.com

© 2018 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

What We Voted For

If you failed on Election Day last week to vote straight Republican, it’s time you got a closer look at what you voted for.

The night after the election, a mob of “protesters,” protesting nothing in particular, surrounded the home of Fox News conservative commentator Tucker Carlson, vandalizing his driveway, making lots of noise, and scaring his family. Said Carlson, “They weren’t trying to change my mind or advocate for a position. They were threatening my family to get me to stop talking.”

Of course the hooligans were all gone by the time the cops arrived. Washington, D.C., police are investigating it as a hate crime—ya think? I thought it was already against the law to terrorize a family at home, but it’s just so much nastier when such behavior is motivated by “hate” instead of, say, love. Or inability to find anything else to do.

But despite two years of rioting, tantrums, and even attempted murder—they shot Congressman Scalise, almost killing him—America last week allowed the Mob Rule Party to get back control of the House of Representatives.

You wanted the Democrats, folks, and now you’ve got them. I hope you have a good appetite for all the mischief that will follow.

Despite recapturing the House, and stealing a Senate seat in Arizona, many Democrats went into an emotional decline over the Party’s failure to win the Senate, too. At Elmhurst College—yeah, “college”: as in “higher education”, LOL—students traumatized by the results of the election had to be given “space” to “process” the bad news which threatened to unseat what little sanity they still possessed. Complete with cider, coffee, hot chocolate, and treats. Welcome, next generation of Democrat voters.

What are these students going to be when they grow up? Assuming they grow up at all. We are at liberty to doubt that that can ever happen. “Education” has done its work only too well.

Here’s something that happened six months after the 2016 election, but they’re only talking about it now: Facebook fired one of its top executives for supporting Donald Trump for president instead of Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt woman in the world. The powers at Facebook were appalled that this 26-year-old zillionaire donated $10,000 to a political action group opposed to Clinton. They tried to force him to shift his support to a Libertarian joke candidate, but he wouldn’t play ball. So they canned him.

He did receive a rather gigantic golden parachute to ease his transition to unemployment. A janitor or mail room clerk wouldn’t have been so lucky.

Really, it’s gotten to the point where I would hold myself bound to vote for a bad Republican over a good Democrat (if there’s even such a thing as a good Democrat, anymore): the Democrat Party has gotten that evil. Not that the Republicans are plaster saints; but at least they aren’t mobbing people and chasing them out of restaurants.

Are there really that many Americans who are in favor of repealing tax cuts, trashing our national borders, making it a crime to disbelieve in Man-Made Imaginary Climate Change, and pushing “transgender” as if their lives depended on it? Is the Democrat De Luxe Fun-Pack truly that appealing? Because if you didn’t vote Republican, you voted for all of the above… and then some.

There is very much that can be achieved by fanatical minorities who never rest, never compromise, never keep an agreement, and never accept defeat. The Democrat Party is owned by such persons.

All of us, we really do have to work harder to put a stop to this. Much, much harder.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit before I get banned. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

If Christians Found Their Conviction They Would Be In Control

Never underestimate an opponent.

That was a lesson I learned early in my athletic career.  The easiest way to get your hind-end kicked was to assume that you were going to win simply because you were better.  History is lined with the stories of upset victories and every one of those upsets occurred because the favorite was either overconfident or deceived.

Both attitudes will eventually lead to defeat.  Have you ever heard of Goliath?  He was superior to the little shepherd boy in every measure except for the one that really mattered.  David was committed to victory while Goliath was focused more on his own abilities.  It is hard to defeat a prepared, focused, and committed opponent.

We, those who carry the Name of Christ are on the verge of squandering a game that we never should have lost.  In the battle of the ages the American church has greatly underestimated the skill set of our opponent.  Even though we were warned in Scripture that we were “not to be ignorant of his devices,” we have been.  Failing to comprehend the seriousness of the battle we have given into apathy.  What has caused our unwillingness to “earnestly contend for the faith?”

Even though the Bible clearly spells out the game plan of “our adversary” we have failed to taken him and “his devices” seriously.  We are losing the battle, not because we are not well equipped, but because we are oblivious to how diabolical and how committed our opponent truly is.

Satan, Diablo, the Devil, is a worthy opponent.  He is so powerful, and so effective, that he has been able to convince most of the Christian world that he doesn’t really exist.  For those who DO believe in Satanus, America’s Christian leadership has tricked us into thinking that the Devil is nothing more than a personal agitator who designs are set on making individual life miserable.

The Devil, the tell us, is after your health, or your finances, or out to “steal your joy”, as if he was nothing more than a supernatural mosquito whose main goal was to keep the individual Christian from living a comfortable life.  The Devil is real, they told us, but they sold us a Walt Disney version of the fallen cherub…you know what I mean…red tail, horns, pitchfork…a comic-book character who comes out of hiding around Halloween.

Our failure to understand his purpose, his power, and his techniques have left once-great, once-Christian America gasping for breath.  While the Church sat around and counted our blessings, the enemy of our souls was raiding our houses destroying everything good.   As long as he could keep us focused on ourselves we would miss the greater battle that was raging around us.  Satan was not after “our stuff.”  He had his sights set on control of the world.

We have underestimated the dark side.  Satan has pulled a reverse David and Goliath on the Church because we have lost focus of what he was really after.  The battle we are engaged in is a battle for the world.  Yes, it is partly a personal battle, but it is more importunately, a corporate battle.  The battle is against the two seeds.  The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman…found in Genesis 3.  Most dumbed-down Christians STILL do not understand it.

Imagine with me how GOOD Jehovah must be.  He is the Creator and Giver of life.  The Bible teaches us that He was perfect in every way and that our “eyes have not seen, nor our ears heard, neither has it entered into our hearts, what God has in store for those who love Him.”  Our feeble minds cannot even conceive of how vast and complete His goodness is.  Real Christians serve a Real “all powerful” God.

But my high school science classes taught me about Newton’s law and that “for every action there is an equal and OPPOSITE reaction.”  If God is ALL good, how deep and how dark must the dark side be?  Christ conquered all of that darkness, but the prayer He taught us to pray states “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in Heaven.”  The earth is not yet perfected…and will not be until His coming…but in the meantime he adjured us to “Occupy, Til I come.”

Occupy is an action verb.  It connotes the idea that someone else is intent on taking over.  Help me out here, if the battle has been won why did He command us to hold the ground?  Could it be that the “adversary” is not yet under His feet?  Could it be that “God’s team” was placed here to actively oppose the evil one?

Look around America.  Think back to the days of Father Knows Best and ask yourself what has happened to 1950’s America?  Could it be that while we were fighting a cartoon-character opponent, the Devil and his minions were actively at work fighting to pull off the greatest coup in the history of the world?  Could it be that his greatest strength was convincing us that he was not really very strong?

Focus your eyes for a moment on every major institution that influences the culture and name for me ONE the Christians are in charge of?  Media, Education, Finances, Entertainment, Government, Family, even the Church has fallen into the hands of the enemy.  While Christians have been dressing up like the Devil to celebrate Halloween, the Devil has been eating all of the candy out of our sacks.  Our churches have lied to us.  They have taught us to look to the coming Kingdom while ignoring the one right in front of us.

Just a warning.  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.  The darkness spreads through deception.  So much of what we see, hear, and are taught simply is not true.  Lies rule the day and Satan is the father of them.

If, as Jesus said, “all power has been given unto me both in heaven and earth” what would it look like if His disciples actually lived as if HE was supposed to be in control?  What if HIS people occupied those gates of power?

I John 3:8 says “For this purpose was the Son of man manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil.”  What if He meant it?  What if the Devil really WAS a defeated foe?  What if our job was to “go into all of the world…and teach all that He commanded us?”  What if God’s people are supposed to put the Devil under the feet of the Lord?

What if what we did here on earth really mattered HERE ON EARTH?  What if the Devil was a defeated foe HERE AND NOW?  What if Jesus was counting on us to help build His Kingdom ON EARTH?   What if the Lord was waiting on us to act?

What if we really believed that Jesus was King of Kings HERE AND NOW?

What if the gates of hell really could not prevail against His church?  What if HIS CHURCH was His plan to conquer the darkness?  What if we stopped under-estimating the Devil and started conquering him?

If the Church actually believed Jesus controlled “all power in Heaven and on earth” would it change the way we responded?

What would it look like if Christians were actually in control?

© 2018 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Caravan Onslaught On Border: Bleeding America By A Thousand Cuts

When do too many become too much? Why must the world’s miseries become America’s responsibilities?  At what point, does the immigrant line end?

In the past month, emotional writers around the United States tell us that we must accept and care for the 14,000-strong immigrant caravan chugging toward our southern border. More open-borders activists plan to fight the military in order to allow the migrants into the United States. The Catholic Church encourages its flock to violate our borders at every level. The Pope, standing behind the tall walls of the Vatican, scolds us for building a wall on the Mexican border. High powered leaders, like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Schumer, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Michael Bennet and more Congressional Critters, press for no borders for America. They feel we should dissolve our borders and open up our country to unlimited immigration.

Catholic Charities, Lutheran Charities, Muslim Charities and Jewish Charities encourage refugees, equip them and plant them in thousands of cities across America annually: all on your taxes.  Congress aids and abets them.

An average of 300,000 pregnant women from all over the world violate America’s borders to birth their anchor babies annually. Those babies cost you, the American taxpayer, billions over the decades, if not into the trillions of dollars.  Congress does nothing to stop them.

Congress mandates 50,000 diversity visas annually to give a “Golden Ticket” to third world poor people to arrive in America with an apartment, food stamps, automobile and cash for as long as they choose.  All on your taxpayer dollar!  To sober you to this Congressional boondoggle, 14 million third world poor sign up for that Golden Ticket to America every year.

If given a free ticket on a plane to America, 100,000,000 (million) to as high as 500,000,000 (million) citizens of the world would gladly vacate their hellish countries to come to America, Canada and Europe.  The United Nations reports that 68,000,000 (million) refugees languish around the world at this date.  That number will exceed 100 million within 10 years. In India, 60 percent of Indians do not enjoy access to a toilet or shower. No wonder they chain-migrate into America like a human monsoon.   (Source: Indian Express)

As it is, 1,200,000 (million) legal immigrant refugees flow into the United States annually. That’s 100,000 every thirty days.  Once established, they chain-migrate their relatives from 196 different countries.

On the illegal side, the U.S. Border Patrol reports that 1,500 illegal alien refugees jump our borders successfully 24/7.  That adds up to 500,000 illegal aliens that break into America annually. (Source: Dr. Steve Camarota, Illegal Alien Flow into the USA, www.cis.org)

Bleeding heart Amanda Cater wrote a letter to the Bozeman Montana paper pleading on behalf of the Central American caravan of immigrants about to invade America’s borders. She said, “The people seeking refuge are a very small percentage of our 325 million people.  We must let them into our country.”

She didn’t mention that we suffer 11,000 homeless in San Francisco, 10,000 homeless in my City of Denver, 12,500 homeless in Seattle, and 90,000 homeless living in tarp cities in Los Angeles. In August 2018, New York City reported 63,025 homeless people, including 15,421 homeless families with 22,907 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up three-quarters of the homeless shelter population. (Source: Basic facts of homeless in USA, Google)

Cater didn’t mention that 44,000,000 (million) Americans, refugees and illegal aliens subsist on food stamps that cost American taxpayer hundreds of billions of dollars annually.

Dr. Paul Nachman, a population expert in Montana, responded to Cater, “We already admit over one million legal immigrants yearly, causing substantial stress in our national life.  (Think: stagnant wages, galloping housing prices, schools blitzed with influxes of non-English-speaking pupils, jammed highways, welfare burdens, inter-ethnic strife, ….)  Meanwhile, in recent years, the Gallup organization has done worldwide polls revealing that 160 million adults want to move to the U.S., and the number would be much bigger when we count their children.”

Above all of this invasion, our national debt stands at $21 trillion.  Anybody see a problem with that?

Additionally, we face a fractured and fragmented Congress seething to disembowel President Trump and all Republicans.  We face 240 Sanctuary Cities supporting all illegal aliens living within their boundaries.  We face millions of employers cheating our tax codes by hiring illegals for a fraction of a living wage.

And yet, we’re expected to care for the rest of the world’s desperately poor, disenfranchised and sick.  At the same time, those same third world refugees produce a net gain of 80,000,000 (million) new babies annually around the world.

Thus, the line of refugees never ends.  Watch this five-minute video to see what it looks like.

In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself.

Watch this 10-minute video to see where our country is headed.

“Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

The burning question begs to be asked:  do you want to bequeath this kind of a civilization to your kids?

If you don’t, you need to take action. If you don’t care, don’t take action and let history tell the tale how the United States, the most successful country in the world, devolved into a desperately poor, overpopulated and overwhelmed civilization.

Ironically, at a future date, American citizens discovered they could not immigrate to any other country in the world to save themselves.

Here’s what it looks like graphically:

(Permission to republish this population graph by Roy Beck, www.NumbersUSA.org)

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Minnesota’s CAIR ‘s Jaylani Hussein Tries To Link White Christian Protestants To The KKK

These people are willing to take it to any length. and adhere to anyone that can help them put themselves into the victim position. What are they the victims of you may ask? American Laws. They are not under attack, they are attacking!

Jaylani Hussein Executive director from CAIR Minnesota (Council on American-Islamic Relations) and Linda Gordon author of “The Second Coming of the KKK” join up at St. Cloud State University November 2, 2018, in hopes of playing the sympathies of the ignorant, about 30 people showed up.

First, I must point out, that you were to register before you could even walk through the front doors, and second, no one was allowed to film, or record a word of what was being shown or said (John 18:20).

I have personally spoken on thousands of occasions and that publically without worrying about anything that I have shown or what I may have said, and why? Because I am there to uphold and to maintain America’s Laws and values, I am not there not to tear them down (Exodus 20, Isaiah 42:21, Hebrews 10:9).

First up, Linda Gordon. After drudging through Linda Gordon’s broken sentences, confusion and misinformation where she did her very best to lay at the feet of White Protestant Christians as the culprits behind the said crimes of the KKK (An arm of the Democratic party) against the blacks I decided that I wanted that portion of my life back.

One must pause here and scripturally reflect that many come in the name of being Christians, and yet it was Jesus who warned over and over again, that we are not to be deceived of such men (Matthew 24:5, Luke 21:8).

Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 tells us clearly:

“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

Outside of the reoccurring theme that white Christian Protestants are the problem, Linda Gordon then adds the hate group list produced by The Southern Poverty Law Center to her presentation, the group that has openly declared that they want to destroy the groups that expose (Luke 12:2), and stand against their totalitarian methods, Mark Potok, director of intelligence at Southern Poverty Law Center said, 

“Sometimes the press will describe us as monitoring hate crimes and so on … I want to say plainly that our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”

[YouTube Video]

A little homework into the Southern Poverty Law Center clarified its true mission: Make money while working hand in glove with the mainstream media to attack America’s foundation using a Communist/Marxist agenda.

SPLC’s founder is lawyer Morris Dees who in 1961 earned money by doing legal work for the Ku Klux Klan. That information alone brings enough red flags to expose SPLC as an illegitimate and anti-American organization.

Dees founded SPLC in 1971 after the civil rights battle had been won and there was no more money left in representing groups like the KKK. He then jumped to the other side of the fence, masquerading as a “civil rights organization dedicating to fighting hate and bigotry, and seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of society.” Interesting, because in 1986 SPLC’s entire staff quit in protest of Dees’ refusal to “address issues such as homelessness, voter registration and affirmative action – that they considered far more pertinent to poor minorities …” (Harper’s Magazine).

In the mid-1990’s, the SPLC ventured beyond beating the twice-dead horse of chasing KKK members, obviously because Americans no longer viewed them as a threat. They no longer raised enough support to rake in on the racial issue, so they now found a new focus: organizations that stand for America’s moral values. Today, as this administration attempts to trample the Constitution underfoot, the SPLC has decided to create new “victims” to cash in on.

The SPLC even goes so far as to repeatedly align with a variety of hate-driven, anti-American political groups, including communists and communist-friendly individuals and organizations.

[YouTube Video]

Then we have CAIR’s director Jaylani Hussein’s turn to take to the bully pulpit. As expected, Jaylani immediately puts the Muslims into the position of the victims all the while accusing those same people that Linda Gordon was accusing, namely them white protestant Americans (86%) that are guilty of aiding the Muslim migrants in having a better life here in America (Deuteronomy 29:43).

Jaylani went so far as to link his conversation to that of the SPLC hate list as well, while in his confusion inadvertently telling on himself. Jaylani states that there are organizations in the US that are calling out terror-tied Muslims by even posting their physical address to make people aware of their intents against Americans. Of course in a lawful sense, and on the other hand and in an unlawful since the SPLC has a history of this, do you remember twenty-eight-year-old Floyd Lee Corkins II, the man who attempted to murder members of the Family Research Council in Washington, D. C. back in August of 2012?  He pleaded guilty to three out of ten charges, including committing an act of terrorism. He didn’t plead guilty to a “hate crime.”

However, according to an interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation following the shooting, Corkins wanted to kill as many people as possible, then smear their faces with Chick-Fil-A sandwiches, and kill the guard. He had also taken substantial steps in the preceding week to carry out other crimes. His use of the sandwiches was to “make a statement against the people who work in that building … and with their stance against gay rights and Chick-fil-A.”

His Statement of Offense also read, “He committed the shooting for political reasons. He had identified the FRC as an anti-gay organization on the Southern Poverty Law Center Website.”

“Consistent with his statement to the FBI,” the Statement of Offense continued, “a subsequent search of Corkins’ family computer revealed that on the afternoon of Sunday, August 12, Corkins used the computer to visit the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website, as well as the websites for the FRC and the second organization on his handwritten list.”

Regardless of the facts, Jaylani throughout his meeting continued to push bias and misinformation to make out that white Christian Protestants were and are the problem.

These people are willing to take it to any length. and adhere to anyone that can help them put themselves into the victim position. What are they the victims of you may ask? American Laws! They do not have the shield they have the spear. They are not under attack, they are attacking.

Maybe Jaylani has forgotten about who the responsible party is and what the American people have been inundated with over the last 17 years after 911 through the CIA-controlled media?

[YouTube Video]

Or maybe he has forgotten about how just recently there were over 100 Somalia teens and adults’ assaulted families and children at a local park in Minnesota?

Or maybe Jaylani has forgotten the breakout of Somalia’s at the Mall of America?

Or maybe he just happened to overlook the mass stabbing on September 17, 2016, where terrorist Dahir A. Adan went on a spree at Crossroads Center shopping mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Ten people were injured, and the attacker was shot dead inside the mall by an off-duty law enforcement officer.

[YouTube Video]

Or maybe Jaylani wants you to forget that CAIR officals or former officials have been arrested on charges related to terrorism, yet all it offers is silence and stonewalling in discussing what are it’s real motives.

[YouTube Video]

Jaylani is like that of Southern Poverty Law Center and the LGBT communities.

[YouTube Video]

CAIR has now joined in the alliance (Isaiah 28:18) with attempting to pull down American sovereignty step by step through subversive acts like that of their predecessors. Jaylani may have forgotten (I am not playing the fool) as to what he is doing here, and what it is that he wants Americans to forget, but I have not!

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

We Just Sit There And Watch While Our Home Burns

“When a ‘forest fire’ is lit, there is no telling which way it will go.  It depends on the ‘wind’, the ‘fuel load’ and the ‘humidity’.  The ‘wind’ is about to blow real hard, the “fuel load” is huge and the humidity is dropping rapidly.  It just takes the right ‘match’, a lightning strike, or spontaneous combustion to set the ‘fire’ in motion.  The question is, what (or who) will set it off?  Could it be health care, an illegal alien invasion, the one-world-order, radical environmentalism, man-caused global warming, the brainwashing of our kids, or trashing the Constitution by politicians and special interest groups?   Was Jefferson right?  Does a society need a revolution every hundred years?  Messy, but could it be necessary if freedom is to be defended and preserved?  If he’s right, we’re long overdue.”  —Ron Ewart

Why in the world do we allow the news media and the Democrats to openly destroy a sitting President by any means, legal or illegal, thereby attempting to repeal everything he has done FOR America?  How many Rush Limbaugh’s, or Sean Hannity’s, or thousands of conservative authors will it take to light the fire of freedom in America?  How bad does government corruption have to get before the people will get angry enough to act in a decisive way?  How many millions of Central and South Americans and terrorists will we let cross our borders illegally before we say enough is enough?  How is it that two high-dense urban counties in Florida can manipulate the vote so that only Democrats win?  Why did we let the Democrats destroy the American Health Care system and do nothing?  How long are we going to sit by and watch the socialist Democrats turn America into a bankrupt Banana Republic before we tell them where to get off in no uncertain terms ….. and mean it, with force if necessary? 

That’s right!  We are civilized and we have been trained to be nice, polite and civil.  But how is that working out for us?  Has it stopped the onslaught of a flurry of local, state and federal laws and taxes that continue to “eat” away at our freedom, our liberty, our property rights and our wallet?  Have we reined in government corruption with pleasantries and soft words?  Have DC politicians, the Deep State, or your liberal-controlled state houses, or your city or county councils changed course because conservatives are being civil?  Has being nice changed one liberal-progressive-socialist mind?  Not likely.

Virtually every Conservative knows it.  Their home of the free and the brave is on fire and burning down!  We are engaged in a 10-alarm fire but so few seem to care, or don’t know what to do.  Unexplainably, Conservatives haven’t even employed their first line of defense in a fire and that is to engage fully committed “fire fiighters.”  Sure there are token efforts to fight Progressivism going on all across the country, but the token efforts are too small, mostly rudderless and hopelessly underfunded.  Only a massive, nation wide effort has any chance to peacefully undo what Progressives have done to this country while the rest of us watched.  Is our only alternative to peace and freedom, war?

Progressives have been able to fundamentally change America and convert (brainwash) Americans into believing that Progressive/Socialism is the only right way, in spite of Conservative’s somewhat limp opposition to that fundamental change.  It is readily apparent that Conservatives do not have academia and they certainly don’t have the news media in their pockets.  What they might have is enough people to oppose the liberal-progressive agenda, if America is truly a center-right country, as so many have claimed.  However, if those “enough people” cannot come together on their values and principles and vigorously defend them, the liberal-progressive agenda has won.

The depth of anyone’s commitment to change is directly related to their conviction that what they stand for, is right.  The more intransigent is your opponent, the more force you will have to bring to defeat that opponent.  As you increase your force, being nice becomes less and less effective, as history has taught us.  Neville Chamberlain did not stop the Nazis by being nice and Obama didn’t stop Iran or North Korea by being nice, either.  Only the threat of overwhelming force and devastating sanctions have brought Iran and North Korea to the negotiating table.  President Trump has done that, not wishy-washy Obama or the Democrats.

Unless conservative Americans increase their force against the opposition and cease being nice, the other side will not get the message.  Unless conservative Americans realize that they are not going to win by donating pennies to those who are fighting for their freedom on their behalf, the force that freedom groups are able to apply to the problem can only be “limp” at best.  Because not only does the opposition have a large segment of the people, academia and the news media in their pockets, they have billions of our tax dollars to push back against Conservatives, at the executive level, the legislative level and at the judicial level, be it local, state, or federal.

In a war and we are in a war of ideas, ideology and philosophy, when the other side holds most of the “aces”, (and the votes) and they do, the opposing side had better resort to the winning tactics of generals who are out numbered, out gunned and out spent.  Being nice is not one of those tactics.

General Washington changed the field of battle by employing guerilla warfare.  The British moaned and groaned that he wasn’t fighting fair.  Tough!  As he was out numbered, he turned to the messages of passion and patriotism to motivate his men.  When he was out spent, he enlisted the help of the enemy of his enemies, France.  Conservative Americans are not in a shooting war ….. yet, but if they do not start resorting to the strategy of winning and cease being nice, they will most certainly lose and so will freedom and liberty.

To that end, what is needed is a powerful statement of principles that all Conservatives can rally around.  We strongly suggest that the statement of principles should be embodied in a “Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto.”  The Manifesto must contain a set of basic principles that are non-negotiable, along with an un-dying commitment to preserve, protect and defend those principles.  Anything less is appeasement.

Three of those principles in the Manifesto are listed here.

  1. Close the borders to illegal immigration, slow down legal immigration to 250,000 per year, significantly tighten the rules for asylum seekers, stop chain migration and end the visa lottery. Grant only legal status to DACA immigrants, but not amnesty.  They should live out their lives in citizenship limbo.  Aggressively, and we mean aggressively, deport ALL criminal illegal aliens, no matter what the crime, misdemeanor, or felony.  If other non-criminal illegal aliens get caught up in the criminal illegal alien round up, so be it.  They aren’t supposed to be here in the first place.  Stop all government benefits for ALL illegal aliens, including welfare, health care, education and housing.  Perhaps then they will self-deport.  Harsh you say?  Tough?

As we mentioned in a previous article: If an unwanted guest invaded your home and the unwanted guest demanded that you pay for the unwanted guest’s room, board, education and health care, you could very easily be motivated to expel that invader with violence.  These illegal invaders from Central America and other places around the globe, have invaded our HOME and have demanded we pay for them.  They should be expelled without question, or national sovereignty is meaningless!

  1. Seriously restrict the rules for welfare, merge all current and overlapping federal welfare programs into one federal program. Make all able-bodied welfare recipients subject to drug testing and every recipient must be working diligently to seek gainful employment.  If the welfare recipient fails the drug or work test, cut off the welfare ….. period.  If you make welfare easy, you will condemn countless more Americans to a life of perpetual poverty and degrading indignity.
  2. Demand that the Congress immediately set about to balance the federal budget. The only exception would be during a state of war declared by Congress.  If that means cutting back entitlements then that is the price Americans will have to pay to ensure America’s economic and financial health.

These are just three of the principles contained in the “Conservative Irrevocable Manifesto.”  We have listed many more basic, rock solid principles in our Manifesto Petition.  If you agreed with the first three principles, we’re sure you are likely to agree with the rest.  A copy of the “Conservative Manifesto” Petition can be obtained by clicking HERE.

This powerful Manifesto would be employed as a set of demands if we ever have to implement “The Encirclement.”

If we don’t PRESERVE our freedom ladies and gentlemen, our HOUSE WILL burn down.  It’s on fire now and the “fire fighters” are drinking coffee and watching television in the firehouse.  On this 100th anniversary celebrating the end of World War 1, think about it.  If we don’t put out the fire soon, all the sacrifices of our men in uniform to preserve “Constitutional Freedom” will have been for naught and European Socialism for America will have won.

It is big American cities that are driving this move towards national socialism for all.  Over 200 years ago Thomas Jefferson wrote that, “When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe.”  Jefferson was unknowingly prophetic and his prophecy is about to come true ….. unless?

© 2018 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Is Nationalism Bad? Should We Look To France?

During an Armistice Day centennial observance in Paris on Sunday, French President Emmanuel Macron said the “ancient demons” that caused World War I and millions of deaths are growing stronger.

The French leader said, “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. In saying ‘Our interests first, whatever happens to the others,’ you erase the most precious thing a nation can have, that which makes it live, that which causes it to be great and that which is most important: Its moral values.”

Along with most of you reading this, I am certainly glad that our founding fathers did not look to France for any political advice. George Washington, America’s first President of our Constitutional Republic, reflected in his Farewell Address after two successful terms in office that “…along with the peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none; the support of the State governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies; the preservation of the General Government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad.”

Was George Washington a prideful dictator who didn’t care about the rest of the world? Did he perhaps consult with demons and desire to start a world war?

By common sense and reason, Donald Trump arrived at the same conclusion as Washington.  On Monday, the President tweeted:

“Just returned from France where much was accomplished in my meetings with World Leaders. Never easy bringing up the fact that the U.S. must be treated fairly, which it hasn’t, on both Military and Trade. We pay for LARGE portions of other countries military protection… I told them that this situation cannot continue – It is, and always has been, ridiculously unfair to the United States.”

I would add that it is not only ridiculously unfair, but it is unconstitutional, that is to say, unlawful.  Let me say that again in clear certain terms. When Americans allow their government to operate outside of the clear authorizations of the Constitution, things become ridiculously unfair to THESE United States. Therefore our founding fathers made these types of actions by the federal government both unauthorized and illegal. Any congress or president who acts outside of these powers become the adversary to what Washington called “the anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad.”

Make no mistake, our Founding Fathers were not interested in sustaining other countries, nations, or empires with the wealth, citizenry, military, or political infrastructure of America.  They were interested in very few and defined duties which lead to the peace and prosperity of American citizens, who were then free to help the rest of the world with their personal resources and morality. The evidence of this successful thinking can be witnessed in the thousands of missionaries and billions of dollars sent by Christians and non-profit organizations to the underprivileged and poverty stricken of our world.

Washington knew, “’Tis folly in one Nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its Independence for whatever it may accept under that character; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of having given equivalents for nominal favours and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect, or calculate upon real favours from Nation to Nation. ‘Tis an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard.”

I am grateful that experience is finally discarding this illusion in America.

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Massive California Fires Are Unnecessary

By Barry Clausen

Environmental Hypocrisy?

Note: As you can see, in the past this revised story has been run in several publications including NewsWithViews.com in 2012 and 2014 and to this day little has been done regarding the source of the fuel for these increasing forest and wildfires. Currently, as the forests and the communities around them continue to burn and take lives, you can thank the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and radical environmentalists for their actions or in many cases their inactions.

During the early part of the 1980’s I was employed as a USFS employee in Ennis, Montana, my job was to write brochures related to the experiences we Americans can enjoy on our public lands. It was during this time I studied Pine Beetles and Dwarf Mistletoe, which at that time were just beginning to get established in many of our National Forests.

“Happy Camp, in northern California is where the Karuk Tribal Headquarters are located. In years past the actions of the Tribe along with environmentalist are responsible for the five local timber mills shutting down. Once that happened tree thinning of dead and dying trees halted in the area which allowed fuel loads to go unchecked.

Happy Camp is dominated by Forest Service land that encompasses 6,000 acres of private land and 600,000 acres of public land, once the environmentalists and Karuk Tribe had halted timber sales, many tribal members had to leave town to find jobs. Today, shamefully, Happy Camp has become famous for drugs.

U.S. Forest Service (USFS) employees throughout the west say an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or an Environmental Review (ER) can take from one (1) to ten (10) years to complete. Upon completion, there is an additional process for logging contracts or to thin trees on our National and State forest lands. Upon conclusion of that process, environmental groups file lawsuits to stop any logging while homes burn along with our forests and in some cases causing deaths.

The following two paragraphs and the pictures were taken from Evergreen Magazine in 2012.

“What is happening in Colorado this summer is happening all over the 11 western states: Oregon, California, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Montana, Washington and New Mexico. And it will continue to happen in progressively larger and more deadly scales until the federal government [that would be Congress] gets serious about doing the thinning and stand tending work necessary to reduce the risk of stand replacing wildfires in overstocked and dying federally-owned forests.

“The “hobby forestry” projects the Forest Service is currently conducting aren’t making a dent in the crisis we face. Large-scale, long-term projects that pay their own way [meaning no taxpayer subsidies] are the only solution. We have the science, manpower, technology and markets needed to do this work safely and successfully in an environmentally sound way. And still Congress refuses to act. Meanwhile, depending on whose estimate you wish to accept, somewhere between 40 and 60 million acres of federal timberland in the west are ready to burn with the next lightning strike or abandoned campfire.”

By 2014, decades later with little being done about the parasites, they have left many of our National Forests overrun by Pine Beetles leaving millions of acres of dead and dying trees. With the millions of acres of dead trees dropping their nettles to the ground, the possibility of massive fires is astounding. As you travel the highway from Bozeman, Montana to the hereby town of Livingston, instead of flourishing green trees the mountains are covered in brown trees – dead from Pine Beetles. Sadly this is true in several other western states as well.

Using the Butte National forest as just one example, the Native Eco System Alliance and the Alliance For The Wild Rockies file lawsuits and in almost all cases they have been successful in halting timber sales. The Butte National Forest has 3.4 million acres of federal lands and as of 2014 1.3 million of those acres are either dead or dying. There were three logging sales pending in the Butte forest, they are the Fleece Sale, the East Deer Lodge Valley Sale and the Flint Foothill Sale and all were being protested and in the process of being halted because of the environmental groups legal maneuvers.

As environmentalists fight to stop logging in the forest, one has to wonder if they realize what dangers they are promoting to families, their homes and the forests.

Wildlife and ecosystems they rely on are destroyed. Streams become polluted and fish die and when the rains come massive mudslides are inevitable. In the past there have been some radical environmentalists from Eugene, Oregon that say it is better to burn the forests than to allow timber companies to log. One has to ask the question, is it better to destroy homes and our forests by using our tax dollars to further their radical agenda than to have healthy flourishing forests as a result of responsible forest management?

Throughout the west it is the same story, environmentalists creating havoc with American industry. In just one case, in December of 2009 logging activity was halted in the Six River National Forest after Karuk Tribal activists blockaded logging roads. The Karuk were working with three radical environmental groups, the Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC), Klamath Forest Alliance, and Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center who stated in their jointly filed lawsuit that they were against that logging plan. These groups and the Tribe ultimately prevailed in that lawsuit.

Another example of thousands I can site is about one of the most despised persons in Northern California for over two decades is the radical environmentalist Felice Pace of the Klamath Forest Alliance. Pace has worked aggressively against not only the timber industry but also against farmers and ranchers by continually testifying to the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board that farmers and ranchers are ignorant of good agricultural practices. Additionally, Pace has worked with the Karuk’s efforts to stop all logging and hobby gold dredging on the Klamath River which is destroying local communities as a result of abolishing the tourist trade. While at the same time many of Pace’s associates have been involved in the growing of marijuana on America’s National Forests near Happy Camp.

To reiterate, it is time (2018/2019) to save our National Forests with the help of our elected officials. Using President Obama who’s staff controlled the USFS, California’s Governor, Jerry Brown and California’s Assemblyman Jim Nielsen as examples, so many of them apparently believe it is better to criticize each other, to lie, cheat and steal to further their own political agenda and financial gain instead of dealing with radical environmental groups that are damaging America’s resources and economy.

According to an alleged tweet on November 10, 2018 President Trump stated, “more than 4,000 are fighting the Camp and Woolsey Fires in California that have burned over 170,000 acres. Our hearts are with those fighting the fires, the 52,000 who have evacuated, and the families of the 11 who have died. The destruction is catastrophic. God Bless them all.”

Another alleged tweet by Trump on Saturday November 10, 2018 he blamed the wildfires on “gross mismanagement” of the state’s forests, and threatened to withdraw federal funding from California. “There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor.”

Now that President Trump is in office it is time for all Americans to stand firm and demand change within the USFS and do what is necessary to make that stand a reality and mandate to do what is necessary to prevent the destruction of our forests, the thousands of homes & structures and most of all the deaths of our most beloved citizens.

California Governor Jerry Brown went public with his version of the massive California wild fires. Brown seems to think the fires in California are a direct result of ‘Global Warming” without even mentioning the possibility of any other cause like poor forest management or the cause of massive fuel loads as a result of millions of dead and dying trees. Nor has he commented on the tremendous amounts of carbons flooding the atmosphere from these out of control forest and wildfires.

If all the concerned citizens of our country would all call their elected officials in the Senate and Congress and demand change we “might” see a difference if they are indeed concerned about our National Forests.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Barry Clausen: unfrend1@yahoo.com

Michelle Obama’s New Book: I Will Never Forgive Trump

Another leftist book tour on the way

As is typical of leftists, including former first lady Michelle Obama, they find some controversial tid bits and create a book to go on a national book tour.  Michelle is no exception.  Her statements reflect the paranoid delusions of the DEMOCRATS and field of lies they stand in.

Michelle declares boldly that she will never forgive Trump for his ‘crazy and mean spirited’ Birther Conspiracy’ regarding where her husband was born. The Obamas have stated from the beginning, when the birther controversy started to storm that Barack was born in Hawaii. That was the lying position statement of Barack even while evidence was swarming around him to the opposite.  I will never forget how the media weighed into this lying criminal enterprise.

No one in the mainstream media nor any Democrat would look at the heavy amount of growing evidence against Obama and where he was actually born.  They would only attack journalists, investigators and alternative media who dared day after day to point out the truth, that Barack Obama was not eligible to run for President and frankly violating our Constitution and law to do so.  There, bigot Roth as spoken yet again about this.  I screamed on my national radio show then and in untold articles but the national betrayal grew.  We were all racists daring to point out the criminal enterprise of a guy who was part black and also half white.  Which part was I supposed to hate?

Many known and respected investigators, journalists and professionals  have proven that the first birth certificate Obama threw out to the public was 100% fraudulent and not real.  Others flew to Hawaii and found zero evidence of any Obama birth there. They looked at records of all hospitals and tracked every step of Obama and hid Mom.

Evidence boldly pointed to Obamas birth outside the country.  This was reinforced by Obamas own Grandma saying he was born in Kenya.  Verified records showing flight info as to where Obama and his Mother were pointed also to Kenya, not Hawaii for the birth.

Bringing this make believe, racist mean spirited and bigoted conspiracy current, Is Michelle right to bring this up yet again and blame Trump for this mean fantasy of sorts?  How dare Trump say Obama wasn’t born in the US.

Only one small teensy-weensy problem with Michelle’s assault on Trump the birther bigot now.  Recently in a trip to Africa Obama declared  proudly that he wasn’t born in the US.   He admits to being born on Kenya where all the proof and investigations have pointed to for years.

I hope Michelle will have a lovely book tour pushing her lies about where Obama was born and continuing her witch hunt against Trump.  I will stand with ‘lying mean spirited and bigoted’ Trump who stands on the law, truth and right priorities for America.  Oh yea, Trump legally and Constitutionally got voted in as President, Obama did not.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

The Real America And Her God Loving Patriotic Citizens

My definition, the definition that I’ve always believed in, is that esprit de corps means love for one’s own military legion – in my case, the United States Marine Corps. It means more than self-preservation, religion, or patriotism. I’ve also learned that this loyalty to one’s corps travels both ways: up and down. —Chesty Puller

Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. —President Calvin Coolidge

Patriotic Americans receive devastating news every day…news that either makes them give up, or makes them fight even harder.  We have to keep in mind that God is always in control…He always has been, and He always will be.  And He tells us to think on the good things.

In Philippians 4:8, He says, “Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

This article is about the good things … those things that represent the true American spirit of patriotic and God-fearing citizens who love this country and will fight for her to their last breath.

Louisiana Governor Huey Long

Huey Pierce Long Jr. (August 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935), self-nicknamed “The Kingfish,” was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935. He was a Democrat and an outspoken populist.  Had he not been assassinated, he may well have become President rather than Franklin Roosevelt.

When Huey ran for Governor of Louisiana, he made promises to the people.  One of those promises was that if the rural communities gathered enough signed petitions requesting electricity, Governor Long would make sure they received their requests.  My friend Joe told me the true story of how his grandfather gathered the signatures and gave the petitions to his son, Joe’s father.

Joe’s parents were married in the mid-1920s, and they lived in a rural Louisiana community.  Joe’s young father delivered those petitions to Governor Long.  Since Joe’s Dad lived on the other side of the Mississippi River, he had to walk several miles to the ferry, wait for it to come, and then ride it across the river and then walk a good distance to the State Capitol Building.

Back then you didn’t have to go through secretaries or wait for appointments, and Joe’s Dad simply told the secretary he needed to see the governor.  He told Governor Long why he was there and that he had the signed petitions requesting rural electricity. The Governor picked up the phone and called someone and told him that he wanted electricity distributed for these rural citizens.  Joe’s dad could hear both sides of the conversation, and when the Governor was told they couldn’t do it, Huey cussed him out and said, “I made a promise to the people, and God Dammit, you do it.”

Joe’s father thanked the Governor, made the long trek back to the ferry, and then the long walk back home.  When he was sitting down for dinner, he looked out the window, and there were the trucks coming with all the equipment and the poles to string electric lines.

That’s how our government worked back then when politicians kept promises and Americans knew they could count on most of them keeping their word. Rural Louisiana was blessed with electricity.

In 1936, a year after Huey Long was assassinated, the Rural Electrification Act was passed which provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve isolated rural areas of the United States.

President Nixon

Richard Milhous Nixon (January 9, 1913 – April 22, 1994) was the 37th President of the United States from 1969 until 1974.  When he was a child, his mother read the Bible to him every single night.  She actually told him that one day God would call on him and he should be ready.

On Yom Kippur October 6, 1973, the Holiest of days in the Jewish calendar, a coordinated surprise attack came against Israel. To demonstrate how much Israel was up against: 180 Israeli tanks faced over 1400 Syrian tanks; closer to the Suez Canal, a mere 436 Israeli infantry were poised to fight over 80,000 Egyptian soldiers, this even after Israel’s military buildup. The attacks by Egypt and Syria were backed by nine Arab states as well as one non-Arab state: The Soviet Union.

President Nixon was awakened at 3 a.m. with a call from Israel’s leader, Golda Meir.  She told the President that they desperately needed America’s help to defend their nation.  Nixon immediately heard the voice of his mother… “One day God will call on you, and you must be ready.”

The President knew that the only way to end the crisis and push out the Communist influence was to provide American arms to the Israelis in order to defeat Russian arms in the hands of the Syrians and Egyptians. Both Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the President wanted to conduct the airlift, but according to CIA Director Vernon Walters, “Nixon gave it the greater sense of urgency. He said, ‘You get the stuff to Israel. Now. Now.’”

Things did not go particularly well for Israel over the next couple days, but as Israel started to push back the daily advances, the Nixon Administration initiated Operation Nickel Grass, an American airlift to replace all of Israel’s lost munitions. This was huge, planeload after planeload of supplies literally allowed munitions and materiel to seemingly re-spawn for the Israeli counter effort, 567 missions were flown throughout the airlift, dropping over 22,000 tons of supplies. An additional 90,000 tons of materiel were delivered by sea. According to Abraham Rabinovich, “While the American airlift of supplies did not immediately replace Israel’s losses in equipment, it did allow Israel to expend what it did have more freely.”

Richard Nixon’s role, and that of those within his Administration, in the Yom Kippur War has been credited with literally saving Israel from an onslaught of potentially devastating attacks. The President recognized the threat that an Arab victory posed, the “threat of victory by Soviet arms,” according to author Conrad Black. The Soviet government was the Arab world’s chief supplier of munitions, and was strategically attempting to spread its influence throughout the region.

Nixon stands out among presidents for taking the boldest risk for Israel: a much-needed arms airlift during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. An astonishing 567 missions by American aircraft (not to mention deliveries by sea and El Al flights) kept Israel fighting. Nixon ignored the counsel of Henry Kissinger, who wanted to allow the war to play out for a while longer to give Egyptian President Anwar Sadat the political cover he needed to make peace in its aftermath. The stakes were too high for Israel to play with timing, Nixon told Kissinger.

Nixon had little to gain and much to lose. He was in his second term and, in any case, the Republican was never going to win over the largely liberal Jewish vote. The airlift helped spur an Arab oil embargo, driving gasoline prices sky high. Preoccupied by Watergate and mired in Vietnam, and against the advice of his Jewish adviser, Nixon risked a new war with the Soviets to save Israel.

“Those were momentous events in world history,” noted historian Stephen Ambrose. “Had Nixon not acted so decisively, who can say what would have happened? The Arabs probably would have recovered at least some of the territory they had lost in 1967, perhaps all of it. They might have even destroyed Israel. But whatever the might-have-beens, there is no doubt that Nixon “made it possible for Israel to win, at some risk to his own reputation and at great risk to the American economy,” historian Stephen Ambrose said.

“He knew that his enemies would never give him credit for saving Israel. He did it anyway.”

A great quote from this much maligned American President was very telling, when he said, “Americans admire a people who can scratch a desert and produce a garden. The Israelis have shown qualities that Americans identify with: guts, patriotism, idealism, a passion for freedom. I have seen it. I know. I believe that.”

President Nixon saved our best friend in the middle east and he kept his promise to God and his momma.

Donald J. Trump

At President Trump’s last rally before the mid-term elections, he was in Rush Limbaugh’s hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  Rush gave a rousing speech, and encouraged the audience to respond with all the slogans we’ve heard so many times.  Then as President Trump entered, Lee Greenwood sang his famous song, God Bless the USA.  Trump smiled, waved, and then embraced both men and shook their hands.

Several minutes into his speech, a woman close to the dais fainted.  Later we found out that she was diabetic and hadn’t eaten in a while.  President Trump asked if there was a doctor in the house and while she was being cared for, he asked for prayer from the audience. A physician came and the President was silent for eight minutes until the lady was loaded on a gurney and taken to an ambulance.  Trump said, “That’s one of our great people there.”

The audience watched as help came for the collapsed patriot and from the back of the crowd came voices raised in song.

In short order the entire audience joined in, singing the first verse of Amazing Grace.  A chill went up my spine and a tear ran down my cheek as I watched these remarkable American patriots sing that wonderful song while one of their own was helped by paramedics as our President waited and watched.


There are many more stories of America’s greatness, we all know that, but these three things from history epitomize the soul of this country, her people, and her greatest leaders, even with their faults and foibles.  As our Lord says, and as we must constantly do…think on the good things!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Merkel, Macron, Trudeau And May Versus Trump

This past week, President Macron of France, along with Merkel, May and Canada’s Trudeau, shunned President Trump for being a nationalist. Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Holland and Finland’s leaders follow in Macron’s steps.

A lady on Facebook chastised Trump for his steadfast honoring of America’s right to borders and maintaining a sovereign nation. The entire Democratic party of America welcomes the 14,000 immigrant caravan to break over America’s borders in their quest for a better life. What the Democratic Party and its followers don’t realize:  100,000,000 (million) would move to America next week if given a plane ticket. So who receives the lucky lottery numbers out of billions on the planet living in squalor?

Mass migration into the hundreds of millions across the globe in the 21st century.

But what those leaders don’t admit grows more ominous by the day.  Since Merkel allowed mass immigration into Germany in 2015, and essentially, the entire European Union—every country in Europe boils like a cultural cauldron awash in linguistic chaos, violent Muslim religious confrontations and terror events, no go zones too dangerous for Europeans to enter and a growing “civilizational despair” at losing their countries to third world barbarians.

In the land of free speech, Norway locks up anyone who speaks out against Middle Eastern and African immigrants.  No matter how many rapes of Norwegian women by immigrants, no Norwegian dares speak up against the power elite.  If anyone does speak up, they can be charged with a hate crime.  No matter how many torched cars, vandalism of stores and homes, completely trashed schools and educational systems—immigrants cannot be blamed or corrected or deported.

In Sweden, once the most peaceful country in Europe, it absorbed so many Middle Eastern and African immigrants, that its citizens face becoming minority status within three decades.  Additionally, rapes, robberies, torching of cars and shoplifting dominate the evening news. One prominent imam stated, “Sweden will become Europe’s first Islamic caliphate.”

In France, tourists must guard their purses from immigrants prowling the streets for ‘marks’.  European women cannot safely walk the streets of any city dominated by immigrants.  France features parallel societies that speak, practice and fulfill Islam’s prime directive: “Convert or kill all non-believers.”   France suffers from 90 ‘no go’ zones where French citizens dare not tread.  Sharia Law, alien and diametrically opposed to democracy, operates in all Moslem dominated cities. Under that law, no French woman possesses any rights whatsoever.  While Macron welcomes hundreds of thousands of illiterate Africans and Middle Easterners, his countrymen prepare for civil war.  Yet, Macron chastises and condemns Trump for his loyalty to America.

In Germany, Merkel faces expulsion for her acceptance of 2,000,000 (million) Islamic immigrants.  In a country about the size of Oregon, with 68,000,000 (million) people and too crowded to spit without hitting someone—she overloaded every city, town and village with people who cannot and do not enjoy any commonality with the German people.  But the damage cannot be reversed.  Nationalism grows by the day throughout Germany and much of Europe as citizens prepare to defend their homelands against an invasion of barbarians.

Theresa May, leading the United Kingdom, lacks the guts, gumption and vision to save her own country.  In the UK today, Islam dominates dozens of once British cities.  Much like Detroit, Michigan, British citizens flee the violence, rapes, robberies and destruction of their schools.  Today, two different London’s exist: one Moslem and one British European.  Moslems created 130 Sharia Law courts and over 50 Sharia Law city councils.  Honor killings occur with too much regularity on innocent women, along with thousands of female genital mutilation cases—these barbaric practices flourish in a country based on free speech, women’s rights and children’s rights.

And the man-child Trudeau of Canada simply immigrated his own country into a multicultural morass of confusion, anger, angst, welfare, languages and fragmentation.  British Columbia of Canada will become the first state to secede and become the new overpopulation outlet arm of the Chinese.

Belgium, Holland, Finland and Denmark suffer the same fates as the rest of Europe.  Every single African and Middle Eastern immigrant that crashes the gates of each country—brings that country closer and closer to its final destruction of culture, language and ethos.

Whether you read Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail or The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity and Islam by Douglas Murray, or America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by FHW—you cannot help but succumb to the uneasy feeling that America shares the same fate with endless immigration.

In the wake of “Merkel’s Mistake,” the German prime minister’s 2015 invitation to the Middle East of unlimited immigration to her country — and therefore the European Union, a fair number of populist politicians have risen to power promising to radically curb mass immigration: Orban in Hungary, Duda in Poland, Kurtz in Austria. And Salvini in Italy.

If and when the United States collapses from endless third world immigration, Donald J. Trump will be seen as one of the few leaders in the world that saw the danger, acted as best he could to stop it, and yet failed because of the overwhelming power of the U.S. Congress to thwart him, and the incredible apathy of the American people who sat by watching their own country turn into everybody else’s county.

And worse, America ultimately collapsed into a balkanized, unsustainable, culturally confused, totally destroyed sense of identity and environmentally degraded civilization beyond repair.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Alleged GOP Losers Just Walk Away, As Usual

Well, what can one say about the mid-term elections other than it doesn’t make sense. Not to someone like me who has been on the vote fraud issue since 1993.

Yes, 40 GOP incumbents did not run for reelection. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. Allegedly the Democratic Communist Party USA trounced the Republicans to take control of the House. When pig’s fly. In order for us to believe that we have to believe tens of millions of voters voted for this:

Dementia addled Nancy Pelosi wants to raise taxes. Allegedly Democrat voters agree with being raped in more taxes.

That coo-coo-clock queen wants to get rid of the tax cuts that have put more money into the paychecks of Americans – including Democrats. That must be just fine with the tens of millions of Democrat voters who have benefited from those temporary tax cuts (they expire in 2025) as they allegedly voted against incumbent GOP House members who voted to give them more money in their paychecks or against a GOP challenger who supports those tax cuts.

The Democratic Communist Party USA supports criminal illegal aliens murdering Americans every day as well as drunk Mexicans on the road wiping out whole families or a dad or mother with children in the vehicle. That apparently was just fine with Democrat voters last week.

The Democratic Communist Party USA and its minions in office whether Congress, mayors or governors support so-called sanctuary cities that harbor and aid illegals, terrorists and drug dealers who are here illegally. Some of their mouth pieces want to abolish ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) so those criminal illegals can continue to flood across the border or stay in YOUR community to rape, rob and steal.

Illegal immigrant killed 3 after ‘sanctuary’ release from custody, ICE says

“Luis Rodrigo Perez, 23, a native of Mexico, is charged with fatally shooting two men and wounding two others on Nov. 1 and fatally shooting a woman the next day. He was being held on domestic violence charges at the Middlesex County Jail in New Jersey in December 2017 and was released in February, NJ.com reported.

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials said they placed a detainer on Perez while he was in custody, but the request was not honored nor was the agency notified when he was let go, said Corey Price, acting executive director of ICE.”

THAT IS what Democrat voters apparently support by allegedly sweeping the House. Another illegal alien, not immigrant, destroys lives and families. Democrat voters support that by their votes last week.

ANY American who voted for a Democrat incumbent or challenger SPIT IN THE FACE OF EVERY HUSBAND, WIFE, MOTHER AND FATHER WHO HAVE HAD A THEIR SPOUSE OR CHILD KILLED BY AN ILLEGAL ALIEN OR DRUNK/DRUGGED UP ILLEGAL DRIVING ON AMERICAN ROADS. If you think you will never become an ‘Angel Mom’ who had to bury her 13-year old son after being murdered by an illegal alien, you’re DAMNED STUPID AND SHAME ON YOU FOR YOUR VOTE to keep protecting those killers.

The Democratic Communist Party USA supports flooding this country with more illegals to steal jobs from Americans – including ones held by Democrats. They support those caravans coming towards our border even though we KNOW terrorists are likely among them as well as gang members, drug dealers and hardened criminals.

Apparently, that was just fine with Democrat voters last week. It apparently is okay with Democrat voters last week to allow thousands of disease infected unskilled individuals who want to CHEAT the system to illegally cross into our country.

Apparently, it’s okay with Democrat voters to pay for free medical, dental and every form of welfare under the sun for all the illegals sneaking across our border or the caravans coming. No doubt a few of the House seats won by Democrats were probably legitimate as those voters are IGNORANT of freedom and liberty and see only freebies coming from YOUR wallet:

Districts with Large Foreign-Born Populations Sent Far-Left Democrats to Congress:  A couple of Muslims who believe Islam is a religion and who I have no doubt will not take the oath of office sworn on a Bible because their ONLY goal is to force the world to submit to their phony god, allah.  Muslims have slaughtered hundreds of thousands of humans over a couple of centuries for being infidels. They are brainwashed by a fake religion and taught to lie to deceive.

In my last column I directed you to a short excerpt from a speech I gave on this very subject and how it destroyed the Republic of Rome. In case you missed it, do read the short 4 pgs because it IS what’s going on in this country.

And, speaking of my last column where I once again informed Americans about the strongest anti-illegals, anti-anchor baby myth bill already written that stops ALL forms of welfare for illegals, that is now dead. With the Democratic Communist Party USA controlling the House, there is no hope it would ever get passed even if a Republican introduces it.

Illegals will continue sucking hundreds of billions of borrowed dollars for welfare in every form with that debt slapped on our backs, our children and grandchildren. Flooding our schools with their sick kids and bankrupting budgets cheating YOUR child of a good education. That is what Democrats voted for last week.

Donald Trump has spear headed ridding private industries of a TON of job killing regulations that simply are not necessary – except for the agenda of the globalists. Gus Hall, head of the Communist Party in the US for decades and perennial presidential candidate wrote a short book titled, Ecology: Can We Survive Capitalism? It was all about how to use the environment to kill capitalism. Use lies and propaganda to create an environmental crisis to kill capitalism and private industry. Democrats have bought that Soviet-style propaganda hook, line and sinker. Hall also said this:

“Socialism in America will come through the ballot box.” And,

“The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher.”

The Democratic Communist Party USA has drowned America in the blood of 60 MILLION unborn babies killed in their own mother’s womb.

What Trump has done is bring back the coal industry from death. Apparently, that was not okay with Democrat voters in W. Virginia because they allegedly voted to reelect another POS, Sen. Joe Manchin. Trump won W. Va. by more than 40 points in 2016. Manchin belongs to the party that kills jobs and does everything they can to make voters dependent upon mother government’s teat. Give them bread and you own them for life.

Millions of Democrats apparently voted to give power to the Democratic Communist Party USA to continue wasting BILLIONS OF BORROWED DOLLARS on the myth called global warming or climate change. One of the biggest con jobs ever sold to the American people. FOOLS.

Getting the US out of the destructive NAFTA (No American Factories Taking Applications) and re-negotiating has helped dairy farmers in states like Wisconsin, Ohio and others. Apparently, that is not okay for Democrat voters in that industry and those states.

Since Trump took office millions of jobs have been created in manufacturing and other sectors for all Americans regardless of color, ethnic origin or party affiliation. Apparently, that is not okay for Democrat voters because they allegedly voted against incumbents and candidates who helped make that possible.

Following the well-coordinated smear job on now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats by the droves said they’d seen enough of that sickening event:

‘Walkaway’ Movement EXPLODES after Dems Plot against Kavanaugh Fails

“Democrats have never lied so blatantly, so often, or doubled and tripled down so hard as they did in their efforts to sabotage the career of Judge Kavanaugh who has led a spotless career and an equally spotless personal life. It’s a historic moment because what was hanging in the balance was the ability of qualified Republican candidates for the highest court in the nation to accept presidential appointments by a duly elected president and be rightfully confirmed…

“All of the Democrats protesting and drama filled rants against Kavanaugh have actually worked against them. This is evidenced by the HUGE surge of people joining the #Walkaway movement. This viral campaign is for Democrats who are so fed up with their party’s antics and lies that they ‘walkaway’ from the party. Check out this news clip to learn more about the recent explosion in numbers for this viral campaign.”

Yet, allegedly, Democrats turned out in huge numbers to vote for the very people who put on such a sickening display of lies and deceit – like CORRUPT criminal, Diane Feinstein.

Abortion is a staple of the Democratic Communist Party USA. Yet, despite ALL the solid, provable, scientific evidence thanks to technology that human life begins at conception, millions of Democrat and likely some ‘independent’ voters voted for pro baby-killing incumbents or candidates.

YOUR day in front of God will come and spewing “I just wanted to protect women’s reproductive rights” won’t cut it with Him. Getting pregnant IS reproduction so no one is trying to take that away from you stupid females.  Abortion is not reproduction. It kills what you have reproduced. Abortion KILLS a BEATING HEART, period. I hope you’re happy with your vote.

The bottom line is tens of millions of Democrat voters, white, black, Mexican, Latin American and others voted AGAINST every positive thing that’s been accomplished since the 2016 Nov. election. Really? Tens of millions of Democrats voted to put back into power the very party that damn near destroyed this country under the criminal imposter president, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama. Really?

Democrat scum in Congress and their fans are crowing they will impeach Trump. Billionaire lefty: Tom Steyer Urges Democrats to Impeach Trump in New York Times Op-ed

Really? The House can make formal charges against a president but it’s the Senate that does the impeaching and Republicans hold a solid majority, thank God. The rabble are shouting they’re going to impeach Kavanaugh. Really? They all have their anal sphincter confused with the empty space between their ears.

As I don’t own a TV, I monitored the election on line in real time and sure as the sun shines, five minutes after the polls closed with 1% of the ‘votes counted’ races all across and up and down the East where the polls closed first were ‘called’. Every time polls closed in a time zone, same narrative. Same old, same old.

If you read my Blind Loyalty booklet on vote fraud, this is the same old tune with those machines and scanners. Elections – Winner/Loser (Democrats & Republicans Only)

I have written about vote fraud in dozens of columns, just a sample:

How They Sell Vote Fraud as Legitimate Election Totals

Will Vote Fraud Determine Upcoming Primaries – Again?

Vote Fraud: What They Aren’t Telling You – Don’t skip this one.

Vote fraud over and over and all over

Despite all the provable vote fraud over the years, the majority of alleged GOP losers simply conceded an hour or two after TV and cable networks ‘called’ the election. Now, a handful of seats might have gone to Democrats, but not the way it allegedly turned out. No way. Makes no sense.

So, why do Republicans – with an exception here and there – always just walk away without a fight? California’s Rohrabacher not conceding despite media’s call of Democrat victory:

“With tens of thousands of votes remaining to be counted, the campaign of longtime Republican U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California was not conceding defeat Saturday after the Associated Press called the House in favor of his Democratic Party opponent.

“The AP declared that Harley Rouda, 56, a Republican-turned-Democrat who criticized Rohrabacher for his skepticism over climate change and depicted him as an out-of-touch abettor in Washington gridlock, had won Tuesday’s election in California’s 48th Congressional District in Orange County, south of Los Angeles.”

By the time I am writing this, allegedly Rouda has won. Another stinking socialist idiot going to Congress. This is from his campaign site:

“As Washington touts economic growth, too many Americans are being left in the dust. Republican-led efforts, such as tax-cuts for the super-rich, have prioritized the whims of special interests at the expense of the American people.” The so-called ‘super rich’ provide millions of jobs for Americans – including Democrats –  so they must be penalized for being successful and providing jobs.

Rouda’s worn out clichés on education and complete ignorance of the Second Amendment (while he professes to be a ‘patriot’) is proudly posted on his campaign site. Rouda also makes the statement that health care is a right. Really? Tell me where in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights you find that? Health care is a product and service people purchase just like homeowners or life insurance.

Here’s a little reality for you, Rouda: Giving the House to the Democratic Communist Party USA and the Senate remaining GOP controlled we will see NOTHING but gridlock and more BS for the next two years. And, since when does the media call a victory?

Well, if you read my Blind Loyalty booklet you got educated on the now defunct (not really) VRS: “The networks also own the exit-polling united called Voter Research and Survey. That allows them to announce who won the presidency at 7:01 pm before a single vote is counted. NES merged with VRS and now known as Voter News Service. What does that mean?”

I explain all of this in my Blind Loyalty booklet which I retired in mid-2004 after selling 700,000 copies at cost without doing any advertising other than being on radio. What I’m going to do is scan the booklet and make the link available in a future column.

Right now, though, I sold my house in 4 days which shocked me to no end. Then a scramble to find a new one to buy which I have; half the size and half the mortgage. Yeah! The bottom line is in between packing, getting moved (always miserable even tho’ it’s only 3 miles or so) and dealing with closing two escrows, etc., I just don’t have time to get the booklet up today but I will so keep reading my columns so you don’t miss it. Sad to say it will make you sick. All this propaganda about how much progress has been made regarding electronic voting machines and security is nothing but feel good baloney.

By now most of the country is no longer focused on those hordes of illegals approaching the border. Why? Because Democrats are fighting in several states to once again steal legitimate wins – especially in the all-important Senate. If we’re lucky, two more U.S. Supreme Court judges, federal judges all over the country, trade and treaties – all high stakes for the Democratic Communist Party USA.

Suddenly, in several states, votes are showing up; where did they come from? Of course, it’s not just the machines, it’s also rotten, corrupt party devotees who are willing the cheat for a win and if it’s one thing Democrats know how to do is cheat in elections. Why her ass wasn’t shown the door years ago is solely due to her race:

Brenda Snipes, Broward elections official at center of ballot storm, has history of controversy

“Snipes, who has held her office since 2003, is no stranger to controversy. Earlier this year, Scott’s administration said it was monitoring her office after a judge ruled in May the county broke federal law by destroying ballots in Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s 2016 Democratic primary race against Tim Canova, Politico reported.” That’s just the tip of the iceberg with that maggot.

Election Fraud Expert: Brenda Snipes Allowed Illegal Aliens and Felons to Vote; Illegally Destroyed Ballots

Fla. GOP Candidate Sues Broward: 77,000 Votes Magically Appear

Marc Elias, Lawyer Tied to Clinton Campaign & ‘Pee Dossier,’ Leads Dems’ Florida Recount Efforts

Florida Vote Count Official Accused of Having More Voters on Rolls than Eligible Citizens

Nine Arrested in Alleged Voter Fraud Scheme in Texas Border Town, Nov. 9, 2018; All with Mexican surnames.

Arizona should have been a no-brainer for candidate Martha McSally against the incumbent Red, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema who “suddenly” jumped into the lead. Sinema who actually called AZ voters crazy among other things. AZ is a gateway state for illegals slithering across the border bringing crime and drugs into their state. We KNOW illegals are voting. I guarantee you a forensic exam of voter registrations state wide will show a huge percentage of illegals registered and who voted.

Kyrsten Sinema widens lead in Senate race over Martha McSally

Trump claims ‘corruption’ as Democrat leads Arizona Senate race because big counties let voters ‘fix’ signatures that don’t match state records – and now the whole state will do it – There are still more than 300,000 yet to be tallied because of a decades-old computer system that wasn’t built to handle a flood of ballots cast by mail

While alleged GOP candidates and incumbents who supposedly lost simply went home, Democrats are willing to fight back even when they know they’ve lost.

Texas governor considers probe of ‘illegal-alien voting’ – Poll worker admitted in undercover video ‘tons’ had cast ballots

Illegal Migrants Boast of Aiding Democrats’ Campaigns

So, yet another circus has started costing taxpayers untold millions of dollars along with all the drama from the left and vomit from Hollywood trash and pop ‘stars’ who believe you and I actually give a second thought what they say or promote. None of them get my money for their movies, music, fashion or anything else. Snoop Dogg Smokes Weed Outside White House Ranting, ‘F*ck the President’ Michael Moore: ‘Preventing Black People from Voting’ Only Way Republicans Can Win

Florida’s secretary of state orders recounts in Senate, gubernatorial races; Trump ‘watching closely’

Accusations fly over Broward County ballot shenanigans: Mystery truck deliveries, slow counting and more

Shocking Video Footage Shows Florida Ballots Transported By Private Vehicles Being Transferred Into A Rental Truck On Election Night

Official Records Show Underage Teenagers Voting In Florida – I mentioned this in my column last week about voter registration and county clerks. As Trump tweeted and is so true: “Rick Scott was up by 50,000+ votes on Election Day, now they “found” many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes. “The Broward Effect.” How come they never find Republican votes?”

Breaking: Broward County Employee Signs Affidavit Admitting Seeing Elections Staff Filling Out Blank Ballots!

Act surprised: Stacey Abrams’ SISTER is Judge Presiding Over Campaign Lawsuits

Election official in Arizona’s Senate dispute represented figure in ‘Fast and Furious’ arms scandal

This one takes the prize for complete idiocy:

Lawyers for Gillum, Nelson campaigns objected to noncitizen’s vote being denied

Georgia is being torn up over the vote count. While I had no doubt that old cow, Claire McCaskill would be ousted, I was shocked Jon Tester in Montana allegedly won reelection. Montana, a state known for self-reliance and independence? Guess not.

But, as I have said and written ad nauseum, as long as we have electronic machines and scanners counting the vote despite all the assurances they can’t be hacked (which they easily can) we will never have honest elections. Right along with scum like Brenda Snipes in Florida willing to break the law to keep Republicans out of office. Go back to paper ballots which are secured and hand counted in front of the public. Otherwise, this sickening and repeat crap will never end.

The recounts and contested races by Democrats in AZ, Georgia and Florida will continue to cost taxpayers a huge sum of money. The Internet will continue with blazing headlines every few hours. Probably not about hanging chads but anything they can grab onto to fill space.

So, prepare yourself. We are going to have two more years of a new manufactured scandal EVERY day or two as the mentally deranged continue to go after Trump led by the Democratic Communist Party USA controlling the House.

Millennial nit wits like Ocasio-Cortez newly elected to the House who are nothing but empty-headed socialists will try to make their brand stick with bills.

The House will try to un-do the good things Trump and his cabinet members have accomplished, make no mistake about that. The only thing that will defeat them is the GOP firmly controlled Senate and Trump. What should get done – like getting that perfect immigration bill from Dirty Harry Reid – won’t. The push for amnesty will continue as well as illegals flooding across the border bringing with them infectious diseases, heavy duty guns and rifles (we’ve seen the videos), drugs and more violence against Americans.

Things are going to get very ugly.

A must-read link: Did Big Tech Steal the Election — for Dems and Itself? This is exactly why sites like NewsWithViews have to be reader supported. So many have gone under the past year. Please Donate Here.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Drone Wars

According to Reuters, on October 10, “FBI director Christopher Wray told a Senate panel that the threat from drones ‘is steadily escalating.’…Wray told the Senate Homeland Security committee that the FBI assesses that ‘given their retail availability, lack of verified identification requirement to procure, general ease of use, and prior use overseas, (drones) will be used to facilitate an attack in the United States against a vulnerable target, such as a mass gathering.’…The FBI has said drone threats could include surveillance, chemical, biological or radiological attacks or attacks ‘on large open-air venues’ and attacks against government facilities.”

In several of my NewsWithViews columns going back to December 28, 2015,  I warned of drone attacks.  And so, I was not surprised when on August 4, Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro was attacked by drones while delivering a speech. I have a better record than the FBI, CIA, and NSA at predicting terrorist activities (see the first of my NewsWithViews column for April 29, 2013, and you will see I predicted terrorists would do 4 things, all of which they did within 2 weeks).  So, over a year and a half ago, I warned the U.S. Secret Service to develop preventive contingency plans for a drone attack upon the president or White House.   Over the last year and a half, I have twice warned the Secret Service, and I have warned the media, personally emailing David Muir, George Stephanopoulos, Martha Raddatz, Terry Moran, and others of the coming drone attacks, but they never mentioned these on the national news.

I knew that terrorists would eventually get tired of shooting a few people or running over them with vehicles, and instead launch drones packed with explosives far away from their targets, fly them almost silently (perhaps at night) at over 100 miles per hour into unsuspecting targets like the White House, Times Square in New York City, college or high school sports stadiums, open air concerts, schools, etc.   Now I also know that the Secret Service has the White House surrounded by an electronic jamming system which they believe will thwart any drone attack.   Also, when the president makes a speech somewhere in the U.S., a Secret Service officer has a little black attaché case that does the same thing.   However, not every sports stadium, school, etc. have these systems.

And besides, there are ways around such systems.   For example, let’s say the system works up to a mile radius.   All the terrorist has to do is launch the drone(s) from 2 miles away, guide it or them to just over a mile away from the White House, then cut off his communications guidance system, program the drone(s) to ignore all future external communications, and instead transfer control to within the drone itself which flies high and locks on to (or follows GPS coordinates to) the visual image of the White House to complete its attack.

Not only that, but if you look at the cover of TIME for June 11, you will see nearly 1000 drones in the sky over California controlled by a computer program.   They could be launched simultaneously against the White House, the president giving an outdoor speech, or against a city’s school or sports stadium by a disgruntled high-tech student seeking revenge.  Not only could they be launched in this country, or against a foreign leader like President Maduro, but also against Israel.  Currently, great attention is being paid to a possible future ICBM missile attack by Iran against Israel.

However, given that Israel could easily knock such an initially slow-moving missile out of the sky, isn’t it more likely that Iran would get its anti-Israel surrogates Hamas and Hezbollah to launch simultaneously computer programmed drone attacks from just outside Israel’s border? These could be launched at night against small Israeli villages, or against Tel Aviv from a barge just off its coast.  In fact, in the future, you will probably see warring nations use drones rather than soldiers to attack each other. Thus, the title of this article, “Drone Wars.”

Reading this article, you might say that even though we may not be able to prevent all such attacks, by requiring all drones to be registered (like guns), we can at least identify and apprehend the terrorists.   However, over a year ago, an American court ruled that the government cannot require the registration of drones.   So, in the future, drones will become the preferred weapon of terrorists, and it has just started with the August 4 attack upon Venezuelan president Maduro.  Hopefully, there will not be a drone attack from northern Virginia or elsewhere upon President Trump, but don’t be surprised if there is.

(Note: If you have benefitted from reading any of my over 300 NewsWithViews articles, please realize that I was not paid for any of them, and contribute to my 94-year-old mother’s over $30.000 a year health expenses  She lives with me at 1027 St. Mary’s St., Raleigh, NC   27605)

© 2018 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

Black Panthers’ “Constitution” – Brace Yourselves

This columnist believes that the ‘race wars,’ did not naturally happen. The black race was agitated, probably by George Soros, who was reaching for any method that would weaken The United States of America. This manufactured dissension caused more and more demands by blacks to white citizens.  It has reached the point that the big question now is: Will anything satisfy the black race?

This will help answer that question:

But first, pour a cup of your favorite coffee, sit in your favorite chair, and…watch  your language while reading. ****

What the New Black Panthers Want–(check their website.)  Here’s what the New Black Panthers DEMAND; ”We want freedom.  We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.”

We believe in the spiritual high moral code of our Ancestors. We believe in the truths of the Bible, Quran, and other sacred texts and writings.  We believe in MAAT and the principles of NGUZO SABA. We believe that Black People will not be free until we are able to determine our Divine Destiny.

We want full employment for our people and we demand the dignity to do for ourselves what we have begged the white man to do for us.We believe that since the white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind, and used every “dirty trick” in the book to stand in the way of our freedom and independence, that we should be gainfully employed until such time we can employ and provide for ourselves.


We want tax exemption and an end to robbery of THE BLACK NATION by the CAPITALIST.

We want an end to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms: imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, Zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.We believe that this wicked racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of reparations.

A form of reparations was promised 100 years ago (forty acres and a mule) as restitution for the continued genocide of our people and to in meaningful measure and repair the damage for the AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maangamizo/Maafa).

We believe our people should be exempt from ALL TAXATION as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land and the overdue reparations debt remains unpaid. We will accept payment in fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency.  As genocide crimes continue, people’s tribunals must be set up to prosecute and to execute.

The “Jews” were given reparations.  The Japanese were given reparations.  The Black, the Red and the Brown Nations must be given reparations.

The American white man owes us reparations. England owes us reparations. France owes us reparations, Spain and all of Europe. Africa owes us reparations and repatriation. The Arabs owe us reparations. The “Jews” owe us reparations.

All have taken part in the AFRICAN OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL HOLOCAUST and the slaughter of 600 million of our people over the past 6,000 years in general and 400 year in particular.  We know that this is a reasonable and just demand that we make at this time in history.

We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings, free health-care (preventive and maintenance).  We want an end to the trafficking of drugs and to the biological and chemical warfare targeted at our people.

We believe since the white landlords will not give decent housing and quality health care to our Black Community, the housing, the land, the social, political and economic institutions should be made into independent UUAMAA “New African Communal/Cooperatives” so that our community, with government reparations and aid (until we can do for ourselves) can build and make drug free, decent housing with health facilities for our people.

We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society.  We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in the present day society.  We believe in an educational system that will give our people “a knowledge of self.” If we do not have knowledge of self and of our position in society and the world, then we have little chance to properly relate to anything else.

We want all Black Men and Black Women to be exempt from military service.

We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us. We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America. We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, “by any means necessary.”

We want an immediate end to POLICE HARRASSMENT, BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black People. We want an end to Black-on-Black violence, “snitching,” cooperation and collaboration with the oppressor.

We believe we can end police brutality in our community by organizing Black self- defense groups (Black People’s Militias/Black Liberation Armies) that are dedicated to defending our Black Community from racist, fascist, police/military oppression and brutality.  The Second Amendment of white America’s Constitution gives a right to bear arms.  We therefore believe that all Black People should unite and form and “African United Front” and arm ourselves for self-defense.

We want freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal, state, county, city jails and prisons. OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL

We believe that all Black People and people of color should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial. ‘Released’ means ‘released’ to the lawful authorities of the Black Nation.

We want all Black People when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by white law of the Constitution of the United States.

We believe that the courts should follow their own law, if their nature will allow (as stated in their Constitution of the United States) so that Black People will receive fair trials.  The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives a man/woman a right to an impartial trial, which has been interpreted to be a “fair” trial by one’s “peer” group. A “peer” is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background.  To do this, the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black Community from which the Black defendant came.  We have been and are being tried by all white juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning person” of the Black Community.


And, as our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, “a liberated zone” (“New Africa” or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people.

FREE THE LAND! “UP YOU MIGHTY NATION! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL!” BLACK POWER!  History has proven that the white man is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No one has been able to get along with the white man. All the people of color have been subjected to the white man’s wrath. We believe that his very nature will not allow for true sharing, fairness, equity and justice. Therefore, to the Red Man and Woman, to the Yellow and to the Brown, we say to you “THE SAME RABID DOG THAT BIT YOU, BIT US TOO!”  ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

The SOLE PURPOSE of a Black Panther

The SOLE PURPOSE of a Panther is to be a REVOLUTIONARY in the Black/Afrikan People’s liberation struggle, and to mobilize the masses towards self determination. A Panther MUST be a vanguard example at ALL TIMES. In order to accomplish this great and divine mission…

She/he must be:

*  Spiritually, culturally, and politically conscious.
*  Respectful and courteous to all people and demand the same in return.
*  Militant – Always engaged in war for the minds and hearts of black people, while carrying one’s self in an organized and orderly fashion.
*  Humble – Willing to release any arrogant attitudes or superior ideas of one’s self.
*  Disciplined – Willing to sacrifice your lower or personal desires for the greater good of the mission.

This is all it will take to have a civil discourse between the races.

*** (Editor’s note:  This was published as written, including sentences in all caps. It is doubtful that this “constitution” was written without a lot of help by someone who is determined to create a race war in order to weaken America.


Photo Caption: Black Panthers’ Harassment Detail

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Why Are We Suffering from An Identity Crisis?

By Mike Spaulding

But you are a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  —1 Peter 2:9[1]

When reality smacks up against perception it can be a very sobering experience. Statistics from the Barna Group  indicate that professing Christians hold to the same views as their unsaved friends and neighbors in the categories of viewing pornography, maintaining legalized abortion, and in supporting same-sex unions.[2]

Pornography is a plague upon every person it entraps, disrupting the natural affections and distorting the expectations people place upon their spouse’s. Pornographic images burn themselves into the memory banks of the mind and the enemy of God’s people throws them up on the big screen every opportunity he has. Social scientists and law enforcement professionals agree that many crimes are directly linked to the perpetrator’s pornographic viewing.[3]

Abortion, for all the euphemisms people use to blunt the truth of what it is, is still the murdering of unborn human beings. The barbaric practice of abortion – regardless of the type, scope, or process – is still a modern day blood offering to Satan.

Same-sex marriage is an oxymoron. Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Adultery is not “having a fling” or an “affair.” It is a violation of the covenant a man and woman swear to uphold before God as their witness.

Since all of this is true, why do so many professing believers struggle to overcome these spiritual, physical, and emotional traps? When the data is available for everyone to see, when wrecked lives, utterly devastated marriages, and children in crisis are evidence of the dangers of the actions captured statistically above, why do Christians of all people continue to believe they won’t be touched by their participation in them?

How is it possible that people who have the Holy Spirit of God living in them can engage in such behavior on a routine basis? How is it possible that people who profess to follow Jesus Christ practice at nearly the same percentages as their unbelieving family, friends, and co-workers the things listed above? These statistics alert us to the fact that the holiness and righteousness Christians are empowered to exhibit is not done by many thousands who profess faith in Christ. And apparently many are perfectly fine with that.

Friends, something is terribly wrong with the type of Christianity being manifested by a large segment of professing believers today. How has the message of the Bible become so convoluted as to give cover for egregious behavior such as stated above?

I believe that one of many reasons professing Christians engage in ungodly and sinful behavior is that they have become convinced that God loves them no matter what and that His primary concern for them is their happiness. Thus, if God wants what makes us happy, then an unexpected pregnancy can be terminated because after all, God knows we are not ready to be a parent and it would be a shame to try to raise a child when the timing isn’t right.

Now, readers should be asking themselves at this point, where does anyone who reads the Bible come up with the idea that God’s primary concern is for people’s happiness? You are correct to ask that question, and I believe you already know the answer. It’s not found in the Bible but it is taught by many pastors as their stock and trade. Appealing to people emotionally is big business in the Church today. Encouraging people to chase things natural to the flesh and cloaking it in quasi-biblical garb, only feeds the beast of ego, unfettered desire, and unfulfilled expectation.

Overcoming sinful behavior is not aided by reminding people that God loves them so much and will continue to love them through their sinful behavior. Let’s apply that to drug addiction. How are we helping people by telling them that God loves them as they are shooting a deadly poison into their veins, and He loves them even up to and including their overdose and death? Stop that! You and I both know we are going to make an intervention and we are going to do whatever it takes to assist someone to stop their behavior, even employing what is commonly called tough love.

The truth is that pastors are creating train wrecks in believer’s lives by the things they teach week by week. Calling people to holy and righteous living is so 1950’s in the minds of many today. Simply teaching the Bible is now viewed as backward and out of step with modern people. But here is a truth we must accept and press – abandoning straight forward Bible teaching has opened a Pandora’s Box that we cannot shut. I believe this is why so many Christians engage in the ungodly behaviors listed above. They are not hearing the Bible taught as the power of God unto salvation and godly living. It is instead seen as a collection of good moral guidelines if they are ever needed.

Adding to the clear dilemma is the fact that discipleship and church discipline are also disregarded. If we are taking the Scriptural command to make disciples of every nation, teaching them the words of Jesus – and we are lovingly confrontational as part of our corporate life together – then these snares of the enemy would not be so successful.

What Christians need today are pastors who will say “the deeds of the flesh are . . . .” and who will back this up with action. Christians are as the Apostle Peter reminds us, “… a Chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Because Christians, those who have trusted in Christ’s atoning work on Calvary’s cross for the forgiveness of their sins, have been called out of the darkness to walk in the light that is Jesus Christ, we should deny darkness any and every opportunity to manifest in us or in those we love.

Only when we are walking in the light of Jesus Christ can we proclaim His excellencies. Our testimony to what God has done in our lives is a very important aspect of remembering who we are. God says many things about His sons and daughters in the Bible. We can encourage one another with those things.

Are we suffering from an identity crisis as believers today? Indeed we are.

Too many Christians do not understand because they’ve never been taught that they are dragon slayers. Christians are meant to be people of renown or at least a peculiar people when contrasted with the culture at large.[4]  Wisdom and courage are to be our constant companions. An unflinching devotion to Christ is of primary importance in our lives. Christ said that our love for Him would be demonstrated by our obedience to what He commands. Obedience to Christ leads to blessings from Him, assurance of who He is and a constant experience of His power working in us and through us.

We cannot occupy until Christ comes again if we do not know that we are even in His Army. Where do we start to regain what has been lost to the deceptive teaching of hirelings and modern day motivational speakers masquerading as pastors? We start right here with reclaiming our spiritual God-given heritage.

The first action we take is throwing off the effeminate pseudo-identity that culture has foisted upon us. Why do we allow pagans, heretics, and the unsaved masses in the media, government indoctrination centers (public schools), and social media behemoths to dictate to us who we are in Christ? Men, it is time to be real men. Lead your families with godly vision and holy fire. Love your wife and give her your best, not the crumbs left over after doing everything else that needs done in your day. Protect your children from the ravenous wolves of secularism, the anointed high priests of our government education propaganda system and from the evil of media in all its ubiquitous forms. These are slithering serpents that brainwash people until they become mindless zombies repeating the ungodly drivel of progressivism which is only progressive in its march away from God.

Secondly we must become better at listening carefully to the Holy Spirit. He will lead us day by day if we will take the time to listen. How important is this? Consider just a few of the things the Bible tells us about living by the power of and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  (Acts 2:38).

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.  (John 3:5).

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. (John 6:63).

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.  (Galatians 5:25).

for we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh, (Philippians 3:3).

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24).

The reality of our new life in Christ is that we are provided with all that we need day by day to live obediently to the Father by the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit will always lead us into righteousness and will never lead us into error. The Holy Spirit will always lead us toward the fight and never advise us to duck and run.

Thirdly, become people of prayer. Husbands pray for your wives.[5]  Wives love your husbands, support and respect them. I encourage wives to pray[6] Proverbs 4:20-27 over your husbands daily. It states clearly the importance of listening to the Word of God and allowing it to govern the mind, soul, and heart.

20 My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your sight;
Keep them in the midst of your heart.
22 For they are life to those who find them
And health to all their body.
23 Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
24 Put away from you a deceitful mouth
And put devious speech far from you.
25 Let your eyes look directly ahead
And let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.
26 Watch the path of your feet
And all your ways will be established.
27 Do not turn to the right nor to the left;
Turn your foot from evil.

Finally, plumb the depths of the Bible together as men, women, and children. Stop the misinformed segregation of our young people into their “teen” or “youth” groups and learn the wonder of our great God together. Make sure you are teaching your children the Bible and not a publisher’s watered down version of Bible stories.

Demand and only support shepherds who are faithful to proclaim the whole truth of the Bible. Friends, it is in the pages of the Bible that we learn who God is and what He says about us. Our identity is found in God’s Word, in His heart for us, and in the myriad pictures of His love for us. Remember and cherish this.

A word of caution here – this is not a call to a “witch hunt” or to creating a new cadre of Pharisees that sit in judgment of shepherds God has called. It is a call to support and encourage faithful men who teach and preach and give of themselves for the benefit of God’s people. You should know the difference between men who need to be dismissed because they are not called of God and men who need to be supported. We are called to treat one another with love and respect.[7]

When we understand who we are in Christ, the resources that are ours by spiritual birthright, and the power that living a life of obedience yields to our earthly benefit, we will regain our true identity and rise up in unison to advance the Light that is Jesus Christ.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com

[BIO: Mike Spaulding was ordained to the ministry in 1998.  Since then he has planted two Calvary Chapel churches – Calvary Christian Fellowship, St. Marys, Ohio, in 1998, and Calvary Chapel of Lima, Ohio, in 2005, where he currently serves as teaching pastor. Mike holds a B.A. in Organizational Management, a Masters Degree in Theological Studies, and a Ph.D. in apologetics. E:Mail Mike Spaulding: drmichaelspaulding@gmail.com]


[1] Unless otherwise stated all Scripture references are from The New American Standard Bible Expanded Edition, 1995 Update (La Habra, CA: Lockman Foundation).

[2] For stats on pornography among professing believers  –  Accessed March 8, 2018. For stats on abortion  –  Accessed March 8, 2018.  For stats on same-sex unions  –  Accessed March 8, 2018.

[3] Statistics available hear.  Accessed February 25, 2018.

[4] 1 Peter 2:9 in the KJV.

[5] I will provide specific reasons why men must pray for their wives in a future article.

[6] Covering Your Husband in Prayer 31 Days available here  –  Accessed February 26, 2018.

[7] Mark 12:29-31; John 13:34-35; Romans 13:8; Galatians 5:13; Ephesians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 3:12; for example.

America Took A Step Back

On Tuesday night this week America took a huge step back.  In 2016 we took a step forward in the process of restoring America, but they couldn’t seem to get running on all eight cylinders.  Speaker Paul Ryan has been bent on initiating his agenda over President Trumps. He couldn’t get the funding for the wall together because he didn’t want the wall funded.  His donors are open border people.  He stabbed the American people in the back on that.  The stupidity of Tuesday night is putting the Democrats in charge of the purse strings gives us an absolute guarantee that all we will have for the next two years are investigations, attempts to raise taxes, attempts to impeach Trump, no border security and we may even see an attempt to impeach Kavanaugh.

The frustration of voters is understandable. But to put the Party that has no interest at all in the American people in charge of the House is about as dumb as it gets.  What needed to happen is replace the Republicans that refused to support Trumps agenda.  Sometimes I look at the actions of the voters and I see why we have idiots in D.C.  They switch the Parties without changing the members of those Parties.  You can only make a change when you change what you are doing.  Einstein said the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Our Founders intended for there to be a steady stream of different people holding office to keep everything fresh and new, but we have members in Congress that have been there for 30-40 years.  Then we have a Congress full of lawyers and according to the real 13th Amendment, published in at least 18 separate publications by 11 different States and territories from 1819 to 1868, declares that lawyers were prohibited from serving in government.[1]  But somehow that amendment was quietly removed and replaced by a slavery amendment.  But that is a story for another time.

What is totally baffling to me is how uninformed or how apathetic the American voting base is.  When we look at all of our history, we can see that Democrats have never had good economic policies, ever.  Woodrow Wilson gave us the Federal Reserve which is run by foreign banks controlled by the Rothchilds and other foreign entities.  Franklin D. Roosevelt turned an eighteen-month recession into a ten-year depression.  Granted he came in three years after it started, and Herbert Hoover didn’t do what was necessary to reverse the recession either but we didn’t come out of that recession until WWII in 1941, nine years after Roosevelt took office.  His own economic advisor said his policies didn’t work and later studies have proved that his policies prolonged the depression.  After scrutinizing Roosevelt’s record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years. 

“Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump,” said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA’s Department of Economics. “We found that a relapse isn’t likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies.” 

In an article in the August issue of the Journal of Political Economy, Ohanian and Cole blame specific anti-competition and pro-labor measures that Roosevelt promoted and signed into law June 16, 1933.

“President Roosevelt believed that excessive competition was responsible for the Depression by reducing prices and wages, and by extension reducing employment and demand for goods and services,” said Cole, also a UCLA professor of economics. “So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies.”[2]

John Kennedy did do what was needed.  He cut taxes and government spending, which is why he could not run as a Democrat today.  Jimmy Carter did the same thing that FDR did, raised taxes and increased government spending and them over regulated businesses.  Recovery didn’t come until Reagan was elected, cut taxes, some government spending and de-regulated businesses so they could operate again.  This caused an economic boom that lasted into the new century twenty years later and was given a boost with tax cuts by George W. Bush.  Bus, however increased spending way too much.

Obama came on the scene and repeated the stupidity of Carter and FDR of spending, increased taxed and burdened business with regulations like no other president.  He averaged about 65 new regulations a day for every day he was in office that cost businesses well over $20 billion a year!

I bring up all this to point out that this is the only kind of garbage governance that you are going to get from the Democrat Party because it isn’t about the American people with them, it’s only about them.  Example, the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.  It wasn’t about his character flaws because there are many within the Democrat Party on that committee that has much worse character flaws that Kavanaugh has.  Kamal Harris slept her way up the political ladder with married men, Cory Booker sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl when he was in college, by his own admission, Diane Feinstein had a Chinese spy on her pay role for over twenty years, and Richard Blumenthal faked being a Viet Nam veteran for years.  The question here is why do we vote these people back into power when all they do is make sure they benefit at your expense?

Consider their stance on illegal immigration.  They literally demand that they be allowed to let these illegals in and give them things that our homeless should be getting.  They do it because they know when they are able to vote they will vote Democrat.  Chuck Schumer and many other Democrats voter to fund sanctuary cities, voted no on making English the official language of the US government, voted YES to building a fence on the border then voted no on funding that fence.  He did this, so he could say he voted to build the fence. Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security, YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship, NO on limiting immigrant benefits & controlling borders more tightly, and voted to provide funding for social services for noncitizens.

I stated at the top of this column that we took a step back.  Knowing what the Democrats do, allowing them to be back in power in the House is insane!  Mad Maxine Waters who has only one purpose in life and that is impeach Trump.  Adam Schiff who has only one purpose and that is to start 18-20 investigations on Trump, Nancy Pelosi who just wants that gavel back in her hand.  She only has a 27.5% approval rating! They want the power, so they can destroy their enemy, conservatives any and all.  Pelosi refers to conservatives being hurt as ‘collateral’ damage.  “We owe the American people to be there for them, for their financial security, respecting the dignity and worth of every person in our country, and if there is some collateral damage for some others who do not share our view, well, so be it, but it shouldn’t be our original purpose.”[3]  They won’t do anything that the American people will benefit from and we insanely put them back in power.  Even Lindsey Graham said during the Kavanaugh hearings that power is all they want and don’t care how they get it and he hoped they never get it.  We gave it to them.  Stupid on steroids.  There is no question as to why we are in the shape we are in.

Republican lost the House but there were no riots, no protests, no one sobbing uncontrollably, nobody’s moving to Canada, nobody burned cars or businesses and there is a good reason why, conservatives are adults which is more than you can say for liberals.  A lot more.  We will put up with the Democrats BS for two years and then vote them out.  But I still think it was really stupid to put them back in power.  Too many people didn’t vote and when that happens, we elect bad politicians.  We’ll just have to see how bad they really are.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. Missing 13th amendment to the united states constitution which prohibited lawyers from serving in government
  2. FDR’s Policies Prolonged Depression
  3. Nancy Pelosi’s collateral damage

Unreported: Black Panthers’ Intimidating Voters In Georgia

The Black Panthers small mob, armed with AR 15 Rifles, stood menacingly near the voting area, where Georgia black democrat woman, Stacy Abrams, placed her bid to be the Governor of Georgia. 

She was backed by famous New Age practitioner Oprah Winfrey, a billionaire, who was pushing her for that office, which would make her the first black governor ever.

To power that point, Oprah invoked racism, hatred and lynchings, things that took place a hundred years ago in her monologue supporting Abrams. Isn’t it time to update the monologues? People are sick of the same ole-same ole.

Readers will remember how a few elections ago, the armed uniformed Black Panthers intimidated Republican voters, meaning that only democrats, should be elected…or else. This is the United States of America! This is the voting style in 3rd World countries, but not here. Get a grip!

In this case as well, the police did not come, arrest them and charge them with interference of voting. This is nuts!  Plus Dereliction of Duty by the police, meaning,  failure, through negligence or obstinacy, to perform a legal or moral duty to a reasonable expectation.

Even though reports were made, the police did nothing, did not even respond by coming to the area to break up that threatening mob. Yet the Black Panthers posed confidently in front of the voting place with their guns, making eye contact with all they could, as voters entered the voting area. The Panthers’ faces were stern with a touch of mean, posture erect, with their rifles in hand.

Particularly interesting, Stacy Abrams was a staunch backer of confiscating all AR 15 Rifles from citizens, making those weapons illegal to own, but what a different attitude when those guns are being used to help her get voted into the office of governor. Typical Democrat hypocrisy.

However, voters walked past the Panthers and into the voting area and voted for Brian Kemp, who is now the governor elect. Even so, Stacy Abrams refuses to concede that she lost the election. She is throwing a hissy fit and demanding a recount of the ballots. This has the fingerprints of a typical George Soros event.
Since Soros owns the so-called Main Stream Media, it was expected that they would not print one thing about the Panther’s voter intimidation. The only truthful news one can get is from the internet Citizen Journalists.
For example, NewsWithViews.com, RenewAmerica.com, AmericanProphet.org, iPatriot.org, OliveBranchReport.com, Exposing Modern Mugwumps.com www.revaustinmiles.com, and CapitolHillOusider.com, just to name a few.
Through these citizen sites, you will learn exactly what is taking place all over the world. And take TV news with a grain of salt. This will give you an idea of what is happening but don’t take any of that as gospel, but check the internet news sites to find out the real story and what and who is behind it.
Stacy Abrams indeed has earned her status. She is now the only black woman to be a candidate for that office. So she did earn one recognition which should boost her ego.
Photo Caption: Black Panthers Intimidating Voters in Georgia

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Children To Become “Critical Agents Of Change” With Agenda 2030

James Warburg, testifying at a hearing on revisions of the United Nations Charter, stated that we would have world government whether we liked it or not. He also stated that the only question was whether it would be by consent or by conquest and Goal 4, of Agenda 2030 demands the indoctrination of all children worldwide, with kids described in the agreement as “critical agents of change” who will rely on the Sustainable Development goals to “channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world.”  And in the 1980 EARTHKEEPING book, the author urges Christians to support Bread for the World and New Agers are to request their people to become “agents of change” and to become “active agents in changing local, national, educational and ecclesiastical structures.”

Do these statements make you feel all warm and fuzzy after we saw young women (snowflakes) weeping when their heroine, New World Order Hillary Clinton with alleged Parkinson’s disease got beat for President? Rush Limbaugh just reported that Supreme Court Justice Ruth “Buzzi” Ginsburg had fallen and cracked some ribs and young folks under 30 are offering their own ribs on social media and whatever organs she might need.   And Oregon elected transgender Democrat Kate Brown as governor again who made sure she gave her victory speech in front of a dozen or so clapping young children which she commented being the future leaders.


Yes, indeed, children worldwide must be so thoroughly indoctrinated that they will not just submit to the UN ideology known as “sustainable development,” but actually go out and “promote” it. “By 2030, there will be the assurance that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles.” Goal 4:  adding that children must also be indoctrinated into “global citizenship” and the UN’s perverse view of “human rights” that is totally at odds with the                                                                                                                                                                                                    God-given rights recognized by America’s Founders.  In the book AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE, the UNESCO Association Schools project was “dedicated to preparing children and young people to live in a global society and to develop their attitudes of “Earth Patriotism” that are vital in an increasingly interdependent world.


Earth Day 2019 is an event observed annually on April 22. It is a day held to demonstrate and promote environmental awareness and calls for the protection of our planet and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.  The Psychiatric Industry once noted in its diagnostic manual that homosexuality was a mental disorder until its lobby got it removed so likewise could these New Age folks  with friends in unconstitutional government agencies who destroyed Oregon’s timber industry be diagnosed with something similar?  Oregon’s once vibrant timber towns are now ghost towns with a tavern and a grocery store waiting for vacationers to visit.

In August 2018 it was noted wolves had returned to Northeastern Washington and were killing sheep and non-lethal measures had not been successful so ranchers wanted to shoot them, but some environmental group challenged a kill order before any action had been taken and filed a lawsuit.   It has stirred up quite a controversy.  One cattleman said they were getting threatening phone calls.  Recently you saw on the news where many Congress people were being threatened for some reason with harassing phone calls and mysterious packages delivered to their homes by more mentally deranged folks .  Here’s another reason to subscribe to NEW AMERICAN. The Nov. 5, 2018 magazine has an article: MOMMY, DON’T KILL ME and in addition to describing the sickening procedures, testimonies of women’s regrets, I wonder how many folks that don’t want the wolves killed are pro-choice. [Link].  The Nov. 5th NEW AMERICAN has a movie review about Kermit Gosnell who did late-term abortions in theaters now.


An article I wrote on Nov. 7, 2004 the day of that election illustrates nothing much had changed from today. [Link].  However, we elected Donald Trump in 2016 and thus far, he has been driving a wedge through the Deep State/United Nations plans which tells voters they had better stay involved in their party and not only vote, but become precinct committee people unless they want their children to become little “communist change agents.” It’s already happening in our schools but it’s not too late.


What the heck is Sustainable Development you may ask? With the help of Alex Newman in the August 20, 2018 NEW AMERICAN magazine, I shall endeavor to acquaint you with this very dangerous socialist/communism agenda. [Link]

In fact, the magazine’s headline topic was entitled DEEP STATE IN ACTION and this is what we’ve seen in action since the election of President Trump-chaos.   Another article explains how the Deep State globalists are using mass migration to de-Christianize the West. Once again, I would recommend readers subscribe to this excellent magazine. The 8/20/2018 magazine may be ordered by phoning 800-727-TRUE costing  $3.95 plus postage.  One year subscription- 24 issues – $49.00 and would include Constitutional voting records of elected officials.

The UN Agenda 2030, often dubbed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Post-2015 Agenda, is one of the international agreements being used to impose a global government on humanity. Believing God has failed, the deal adopted in September of 2015, formally entitled “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” calls for radical, centrally directed changes in the lives of every person on the planet. [Link].

There are 17 “Goals” in all, with 169 “targets,” that, taken together, would replace liberty, self-government, free markets, and nationhood with totalitarian technocratic rule at the global level. Reading the document, that much becomes clear:

Mass murdering communist and Islamist dictators expressed fervent approval of the plan. Indeed, the regime controlling mainland China, which has murdered more of its own citizens than any other government in history, boasted publicly of its “crucial role” in developing Agenda 2030. Former NATO chief Javier Solana, a socialist, touted the plan as the next “Great Leap Forward.”

Then-UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also made clear the significance, calling the agreement the global “Declaration of Interdependence,” even as he was busy touting the UN as the “Parliament of Humanity.” (Emphasis added). Speaking at the opening ceremony of the UN confab that adopted the scheme, Ban called Agenda 2030 a “universal, integrated and transformative vision for a better world.” “We need action from everyone, everywhere, “ he continued.  “We must use the goals to transform the world…Institutions will have to become fit for a grand new purpose.”

The text of the agreement makes clear the nature of the scheme. “This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity,” reads the preamble. “All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.  The preamble also claims the UN goals will “free the human race from the tyranny of poverty,” though nearly 80 years of UN anti-poverty efforts have done little to reduce poverty, says Newman.


The scheme also claims it will “heal” the planet, or “Mother Earth” as the UN agreement refers to it. Not-so-subtly purporting to usurp the role of God, the UN even claimed that the “Future of humanity and of our planet lies in our hands.” Here we go again, they use the fear factor. In May 2016, CBS reported a little 6 year old from Vernon, Washington went viral as he laments over how we are destroying the environment . This is an Agenda of unprecedented scope and significance,” boasts the document. “Never before has world leaders pledged common action and endeavor across such a broad and universal policy agenda.”


The specifics are even more troubling. In fact, Newman says Agenda 2030 is essentially a road map to global totalitarian rule over humanity.

The UN Agenda 2030 mandates national and international wealth redistribution too. Goal 10 commits to “reduce inequality within and among countries. “ (Emphasis added) That will “only be possible if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed.” Also part of the plan is to “ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources,” This is, of course,  the language used by communists and socialists for more than a century, and now it is enshrined into what globalists dub “international law.”  But even wealth redistribution is just the socialist start; the governments agreed to take control over the means of production: “We commit to making fundamental changes in the way that our societies produce and consume goods and services. “ Government-controlled “universal health coverage” and “vaccines for all” are also mandated.


While many conservatives believed the election of Donald Trump meant the excesses of the Obama years were over, vast swaths of the federal bureaucracy are still implementing Agenda 2030 and the rest of the UN’s globalist agenda. [Link]  In 2011 and again in 2016, the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quietly signed a deal with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), vowing to cooperate on everything from climate-change “education” to imposing UN agenda 2030. The EPA-UNEP agreement, which went almost entirely unnoticed until now, bypassed normal constitutional and legislative procedures and facilitates what one leading critic described as the “globalization” of the U.S. government. And so even while President Donald Trump has announced that America would withdraw from the UN Paris Agreement on “global warming” and other UN schemes, federal bureaucrats hiding in the unconstitutional agencies are still dutifully working to implement them all.

The so-called Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), that was sent to THE NEW AMERICAN magazine by a high-level source within the environmental movement, claims that the “UNEP and the EPA share common goals and objectives” and that the EPA and the UN will “consolidate, further develop and intensify” the “cooperation” and “effectiveness” of the two in achieving “their common goals and objectives.” Under the plan, the EPA purports to have the power to cooperate with other governments and international organizations “to protect the environment globally.” And among the goals outlined in the document, the joint EPA-UNEP scheme provides the “framework” via which the UN and the EPA can cooperate in the “implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals, and through which they may intensify such cooperation.”

Under the agreement, the EPA and the UNEP agree to cooperate on a broad range of initiatives. Among the areas where the two vow to work together with governments around the world is the implementation of UN environmental agreements, including the changing and enforcing of laws and regulations to meet UN demands. The scheme also calls for working together on “education,” including on “climate change.”


The agreement purports to commit the EPA and the U.S. taxpayers who fund it to help the UNEP and other governments in “Transitioning to a Green Economy.” That specific clause calls on the EPA and the UN to promote UN programs such as the “10-year Framework of Programs,” a Marxist-style global scheme that aims to use government to make production and consumption “sustainable” as mandated under Agenda 2030. The entire “sustainable development” agenda is totalitarian to the core, calling for government control of consumption and production, the very essence of communism.

It was not immediately clear how the EPA under the Trump administration was dealing with the MOU. But according to the terms of the scheme and an official in the agency, it will remain in force for five years from the date it was signed, with the option to extend it at any point prior to its expiration. The agency did not offer much in the way of answers, only saying it was still active while referring questions on substance to other bureaucracies. A plethora of agencies means no one is held accountable. [LinkProperty-Rights are in jeopardy when these agencies meet behind closed doors. This is the standard operating procedure used by the UN and its globalist agents to avoid our Constitution.  For them our founding document is just a trouble-some nuisance. Even as President Trump walks away from the Paris Climate Accord, with this MOU in place the EPA has still agreed to its basic implementation.


The Newman article then goes on to explain about Agenda 21 before Agenda 2030, the Paris Agreement (Goal 13).  Everything was going according to plan until Donald Trump, who on the campaign trail publicly described the man-made global-warming hypothesis as a “hoax,” was elected President. One of his promises was to quit sending money to the UN and about six months into his presidency, he announced publicly that the U.S. government would be withdrawing from the Paris Agreement after the allegedly required four years of waiting time had passed. His base was excited, and celebrations broke out among conservatives.

But the threat is far from over. For one, the U.S. government is still technically involved. Second, the federal government continues to fund many of the globalist organizations and foreign governments that are busy implementing the Paris Agreement, ranging from the UN and the World Bank to Third World regimes around the world.

And finally, more than a few state and local governments all Democrat controlled have vowed to continue implementing the illegal schemes with or without the feds such as Portland, Oregon. Former Vice President Al Gore confirmed on 9/12/1998 at the dedication of Portland’s Light Rail, “a lot of ideas are started and tested here in Portland.”  On 8/9/2018, Portland is back in the headlines again with their E-SCOOTER REVOLUTION AND ELECTRIC CARS. Their goal is 1800 scooters which began arriving a month ago so grab your helmet. A 10/4/2018 story was about a Portland woman who had serious injury and ended up in a wheel chair – 25 injuries had been reported thus far and the numbers are growing.

At least a dozen states and many more cities have vowed to implement the Paris Agreement. In the case of California, authorities have even defied the U.S. government by signing that state’s own “climate” deal with the communist regime ruling China. And let us not forget the Bolshevik, New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio who announced on May 1 that it would become the first American city to “submit” a review of its “progress” on implementing Agenda 2030 directly to the UN.


If Americans hope to avoid the horrors of totalitarian global governance, it will require organized action at all levels. Ensuring that these policies do not take root at the local level is key.  Simply voting is no longer enough.  Christians are aware the Bible refers to a One World Government and we know it could be tomorrow but it’s not going to be fun so pastors encourage your members to lift their lazy butts off the pews and get involved. [Link] At the national level, Americans must pressure Congress and the White House to begin dismantling the whole “sustainability” apparatus within the federal government and stop surrendering our national sovereignty to a UN world government. Phone Pres. Trump (202-456-1111) and your representatives (202-225-3121) and senators (202-224-3121) to support H.R. 193, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act.

© 2018 Betty Freauf – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

Black Panthers Intimidate Voters In Georgia Gubernatorial Race

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Breitbart News has obtained photographs of members of the New Black Panther Party wielding weapons and holding signs supporting Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a leftist who hopes to be the first black female governor in Georgia, the highly-rated news and commentary web site reported on Election Day 2018.

Abrams’ Panther-supporters arrived in the wake of television talk host and actress Oprah Winfrey’s visit to Atlanta, Georgia on Abrams behalf where she said she refuses to allow the sacrifices of those who were “lynched” and “oppressed” to be “in vain.” Winfrey is one of the world’s wealthiest people and it’s a known fact that white Americans and Europeans helped her to achieve superstar status which led to an enormous fortune.

The gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams, has said she understands that if blacks possess the energy and motivation to strive, as well as the brave spirit to confront their challenges, black Americans’ potential is boundless.

Although she is one of the Democratic Party’s top leftists — pro-abortion, pro-gun control, pro-reparations, and other leftist issues — she has proven her ability to hide her agenda from the Georgia voters.  A lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), she has received recognition from the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Asian Americans Advancing Justice (Georgia), the National Urban League, EMILY’s List, and the sacred cow of the left, Planned Parenthood.

The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense – 10 Point Program and Platform (Verbatim)

What the New Black Panthers Want; What the New Black Panthers Believe”

  1. We want freedom.  We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.
    We believe in the spiritual high moral code of our Ancestors. We believe in the truths of the Bible, Quran, and other sacred texts and writings.  We believe in MAAT and the principles of NGUZO SABA. We believe that Black People will not be free until we are able to determine our Divine Destiny.
  2. We want full employment for our people and we demand the dignity to do for ourselves what we have begged the white man to do for us.We believe that since the white man has kept us deaf, dumb and blind, and used every “dirty trick” in the book to stand in the way of our freedom and independence, that we should be gainfully employed until such time we can employ and provide for ourselves. We believe further in: POWER IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE! WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE! ARMS IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE!
  3. We want tax exemption and an end to robbery of THE BLACK NATION by the CAPITALIST.  We want an end to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms:  imperialism, criminal settler colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, Zionism, Apartheid and artificial borders.We believe that this wicked racist government has robbed us, and now we are demanding the overdue debt of reparations.  A form of reparations was promised 100 years ago (forty acres and a mule) as restitution for the continued genocide of our people and to in meaningful measure and repair the damage for the AFRICAN HOLOCAUST (Maangamizo/Maafa). We believe our people should be exempt from ALL TAXATION as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land and the overdue reparations debt remains unpaid. We will accept payment in fertile and mine rally rich land, precious metals, industry, commerce and currency.  As genocide crimes continue, people’s tribunals must be set up to prosecute and to execute.

The “Jews” were given reparations.  The Japanese were given reparations.  The Black, the Red and the Brown Nations must be given reparations.  The American white man owes us reparations.  England owes us reparations.  France owes us reparations, Spain and all of Europe.  Africa owes us reparations and repatriation.  The Arabs owe us reparations.  The “Jews” owe us reparations.  All have taken part in the AFRICAN OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL HOLOCAUST and the slaughter of 600 million of our people over the past 6,000 years in general and 400 year in particular.  We know that this is a reasonable and just demand that we make at this time in history.

  1. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings, free health-care (preventive and maintenance).  We want an end to the trafficking of drugs and to the biological and chemical warfare targeted at our people.

We believe since the white landlords will not give decent housing and quality health care to our Black Community, the he housing, the land, the social, political and economic institutions should be made into independent UUAMAA “New African Communal/Cooperatives” so that our community, with government reparations and aid (until we can do for ourselves) can build and make drug free, decent housing with health facilities for our people.

  1. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent American society.  We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in the present day society.  We believe in an educational system that will give our people “a knowledge of self.” If we do not have knowledge of self and of our position in society and the world, then we have little chance to properly relate to anything else.
  2. We want all Black Men and Black Women to be exempt from military service.
    We believe that Black People should not be forced to fight in the military service to defend a racist government that holds us captive and does not protect us.  We will not fight and kill other people of color in the world who, like Black People, are being victimized by the white racist government of America.  We will protect ourselves from the force and violence of the racist police and the racist military, “by any means necessary.”
  3. We want an immediate end to POLICE HARRASSMENT, BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black People. We want an end to Black-on-Black violence, “snitching,” cooperation and collaboration with the oppressor.

We believe we can end police brutality in our community by organizing Black self- defense groups (Black People’s Militias/Black Liberation Armies) that are dedicated to defending our Black Community from racist, fascist, police/military oppression and brutality.  The Second Amendment of white America’s Constitution gives a right to bear arms.  We therefore believe that all Black People should unite and form and “African United Front” and arm ourselves for self-defense.

  1. We want freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal, state, county, city jails and prisons.OFFICIAL NBPP BLACK POWER MANUAL  

    We believe that all Black People and people of color should be released from the many jails and prisons because they have not received a fair and impartial trial. ‘Released’ means ‘released’ to the lawful authorities of the Black Nation.

  2. We want all Black People when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by white law of the Constitution of the United States.

We believe that the courts should follow their own law, if their nature will allow (as stated in their Constitution of the United States) so that Black People will receive fair trials.  The 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution gives a man/woman a right to an impartial trial, which has been interpreted to be a “fair” trial by one’s “peer” group. A “peer” is a person from a similar economic, social, religious, geographical, environmental, historical and racial background.  To do this, the court will be forced to select a jury from the Black Community from which the Black defendant came.  We have been and are being tried by all white juries that have no understanding of the “average reasoning person” of the Black Community.

  1. WE DEMAND AN END TO THE RACIST DEATH PENALTY AS IT IS APPLIED TO BLACK AND OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN AMERICA. WE DEMAND FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS OF THE BLACK RED AND BROWN NATION!We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.  And, as our political objective, we want NATIONAL LIBERATION in a separate state or territory of our own, here or elsewhere, “a liberated zone” (“New Africa” or Africa), and a plebiscite to be held throughout the BLACK NATION in which only we will be allowed to participate for the purposes of determining our will and DIVINE destiny as a people. FREE THE LAND! “UP YOU MIGHTY NATION! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH WHAT YOU WILL!” BLACK POWER!  History has proven that the white man is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No one has been able to get along with the white man. All the people of color have been subjected to the white man’s wrath. We believe that his very nature will not allow for true sharing, fairness, equity and justice. Therefore, to the Red Man and Woman, to the Yellow and to the Brown, we say to you “THE SAME RABID DOG THAT BIT YOU, BIT US TOO!”  ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

The SOLE PURPOSE of a Black Panther
The SOLE PURPOSE of a Panther is to be a REVOLUTIONARY in the Black/Afrikan People’s liberation struggle, and to mobilize the masses towards self determination. A Panther MUST be a vanguard example at ALL TIMES. In order to accomplish this great and divine mission…

She/he must be:
1. Spiritually, culturally, and politically conscious.
2. Respectful and courteous to all people and demand the same in return.
3. Militant – Always engaged in war for the minds and hearts of black people, while carrying one’s self in an organized and orderly fashion.
4. Humble – Willing to release any arrogant attitudes or superior ideas of one’s self.
5. Disciplined – Willing to sacrifice your lower or personal desires for the greater good of the mission.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Dear Kansas Governor-Elect Laura Kelly

Congratulations on your election as Kansas Governor!  Though I didn’t vote for you, I did listen to your acceptance speech for indications of how you would lead.  I was encouraged to hear you say, “I will do everything in my power to set the right tone.  I will listen every day to leaders from both parties and to the people of this state.  We’ll take the best ideas no matter where they come from and we’ll work together despite our political labels.”  Until proven otherwise, I am believing that you were sincere in that and I’m trusting you’ll keep your word.

With that said, I’m going to share a story that serves as an analogy.  I know someone who is a very gifted writer.  When she was in college, she had a mandatory writing class in which every paper written had to go through four drafts, peer review and public reading/comment, before the final draft could be submitted.  Her first drafts were always scored A’s – above 92%.  That left little room for correction on three drafts that still had to be submitted.  She was understandably frustrated when peer reviews and public comments on her papers would offer little to no concrete criticisms for improvement, as every draft submitted had to show change from the prior drafts.

One particular paper she wrote she took an unpopular stance on a controversial topic.  A few peers were especially harsh in their criticisms, but unable to be concrete or give specific areas that needed correction.  The professor kept redirecting the critical peer reviewers to narrow down or pinpoint their criticisms.  All they could say was they “didn’t like it”.  The girl felt like they couldn’t get past their own opinions on the controversial topic and just didn’t want to like it.  The professor got them to narrow down their “just don’t like it” to at least a page they didn’t like, and a couple peer reviewers she could even get to narrow down to a paragraph or two they didn’t like.  That was the closest they could get to reviewing it with constructive criticism.

The professor met with the girl after class, in which the girl’s frustration was evident.  The professor said, “Here’s the deal.  You’re a better writer than they are critics.  They don’t have the same aptitude for the written word as you do, and therefore cannot find meaningful ways to critique it.  But don’t throw out their criticisms just because they can’t express it in a helpful way.  That’s why I was trying to help them pinpoint the page or paragraph(s) that didn’t sit well with them.  Look at those spots in your paper again, and see if they can’t be smoothed out or reworded or something.  Don’t throw out their criticism just because they can’t express it effectively.”  The girl was humbled, and it was a lesson she never forgot.  She was actually able to reword and rewrite the sections that had vague criticisms and on the second peer review, the criticisms were recanted.

The lesson in this is this:  we lead in our strengths.  Yet criticism highlights weakness.  If we throw it out, we lose the ability to be sharpened.  I think what you were saying is you’re open to those criticisms, those voices of dissent that counter your narrative.  If that be the case, please consider the following.

I’m a native Kansan, born here, raised here, lived a couple stints in Colorado and Texas, and landed here to raise my family.  I love this state.  I love the simplicity of nature in Kansas, the hard work ethic of the people, and the ability to self-govern.  I love that you can pretty much live to your convictions here in Kansas and that Kansans by and large have a live and let live attitude. I love that Kansas is affordable to live in and raise a family in, and is central enough that I can see most of the rest of the nation without too much trouble.  Kansas is an oasis, a hidden treasure.  You said your campaign was “guided by a spirit to put our families first… that is what will guide me as your governor as well.”   You also said that means a “laser focus on responding to your [Kansans] priorities.”  [I hope that doesn’t just mean those who voted for you?]  If you will govern our state by recognizing the differences in priorities for Kansans, you could be one of Kansas’s most successful governors.  Since you said that means “cooperation, compromise and bipartisanship,” I sincerely hope you are able to recognize the conservative values that have kept Kansans voting conservatively (three counties excepted) for pretty much its entire history.

Because Kansas has some financial and economic challenges before it, I highly recommend a new book out by a fascinating woman from the banking industry who compiled a twenty year research project for understanding people’s decision making process in spending, investing and managing money.  She ultimately found out those tendencies paralleled into political leanings and persuasions.  Because you’re willing to cooperate, compromise and incorporate bipartisanship, the information could be quite useful.  She found that one type of person is a builder, and the other a manager – to varying degrees.  The reason President Trump has been so successful at quickly turning the American economy around, can be found in the pages of this book.  And the reason we need the other side of the (political) aisle to keep the economy alive can also be found in this book.  Conservatives build, liberals manage.  We need both.  Conservatives take risks and need liberty to take those risks.  Liberals manage the risks with numbers, and consequently make a lot of rules for managing.  If not careful, a lopsided approach locks progress. I am happy to send you a copy of this book.

When you said, “We’re going to make sure our schools prepare our children for a changing economy,” recognizing that a vast number of Americans are benefitting under the positive economic changes in America today will help a large percentage of Kansans know you’re serious about being bipartisan.

The role of governor is, in many ways, even more important than the role of the POTUS.  What is determined in our local and regional politics affect us more daily than the national and international arena.  If we can actually restore the rule of law and follow the Constitution as it was written, states would wield more authority than the federal government, like they’re supposed to.  This is what can make being a citizen of Kansas so liberating … or so oppressive.  Let’s build Kansas and make it better.

In the area of education, of which you are demonstrably passionate about, putting the authority back into the hands of local school boards would enable parents to have a greater say in the public education of their children.  If Kansas could instill a hunger and thirst for knowledge, and depart from the indoctrination that our politicized educational system has become, we could lead the nation in true change and set an example for others to see.  Let’s stop telling the students what to think, and teach them instead how to think critically.  Let’s get social agendas and political agendas out of education and get back to building stronger, quicker minds.

Throwing more money in a broken system will not be the answer.  (Consider restructuring or recreating a system that actually works, where the educators/teachers get paid a fair and reasonable salary and the administrators are not being paid exorbitant luxury salaries; where students actually learn and retain in constructive and meaningful ways information that is actually useful and builds knowledge, and are not given indoctrinated data points to regurgitate on a test that qualifies or disqualifies them for funding.)

Is the goal to equip and train generations for the future?  Or is it to create a work force that is managed?

Please keep in mind that there’s a substantial conservative base in Kansas.  We love our freedom, we love our children, and we love our God.  Some of us have read the Constitution, know what it says, and expect that to be the final say.  And some of us actually read our Bibles and attempt to live lives that bring honor to God.  While you claim that Kansans wanted a change so they elected you, please humbly remember you didn’t get 50% of the vote, and there’s still a significant population of Kansans that are tired of being taxed to death, told to embrace behaviors that contradict their beliefs and consciences, and reject socialism.  If you can work with these Kansans, you can see success and Kansas can progress.

While you’re endorsed by Emily’s List, have received funding from Planned Parenthood, and have on your platform that you want to make sure women “have access to reproductive healthcare, including birth control”, please keep in mind conservative Kansans hold the sanctity of human life above any laws of convenience.  If you’re really endorsing putting “families first”, let’s not hypocritically endorse the murder of our babies at the same time.

Some of us support political candidates based on the character of the person, and less on the policies. Kris Kobach’s concession speech was humble and self-abasing.  He recognized the voices he stood for, thanked those Kansans, and more beautifully, recognized God.  He conceded his election as governor was not God’s will at this time.  By proxy, that implies your election is God’s will.

You have an opportunity to implement strategies and policies that can foster positive growth for ALL Kansans.  In some circles, you’ve been accused of being deceitful and a socialist.  This may very well be hateful rhetoric, I don’t know.  I was encouraged by your words I’ve quoted above, but I, and thousands of other Kansans, will be waiting to see if your actions support such.  I’m willing to compromise and cooperate for the good of our Kansas community, and yet not bend on the things that really matter.  While I did not vote for you, you are still my governor.  I want your success so my state succeeds.

Perhaps your aptitude for governing will exceed your critics’ ability to express their criticisms in a helpful manner.  Should this happen, maybe you can still expend energy on the critique in case there’s something that can be bettered.  God bless you; God bless Kansas, and God bless America.

© 2018 Ms. Smallback – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ms. Smallback: M.Smallback@cox.net

Time To Deal With The Enemies From Within

Either many elected office holders in the federal government are mentally stunted, don’t know nothin’ and got that mixed up regarding border security, or they are trying to help the invaders.  For years, an average of about 4,000 illegal border crossers have been streaming into our republic every week.  It is about time that at least one of those many invasions into the United States has garnered massive attention from both the media and “We the People”.  But the problem is, far too many people are seemingly more concerned about the aid and comfort of those hell bent on illegally invading the United States, than protecting our national sovereignty and unique American exceptional culture.

The American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828 edition plainly defines the word invasion.  It sates:  A hostile entrance into the possessions of another; particularly, the entrance of a hostile army or mob into a country for the purpose of conquest or plunder, to change, or the attack of a military force.  The north of England and south of Scotland were for centuries subject to invasion of England by William the Norman was in 1066.  Also, an attack on the rights of another; infringement or violation.  The word invasive means; Entering on another’s possessions with hostile designs; aggressive.  Infringing another’s rights.

The word Nationalism means to simply place one’s own nation in high regard, promote the well being of one’s own society. To place the interest of your nation above the interest of other nations, illegal border crossers, etc.  That does not mean to take advantage of other nations, but rather to prevent other countries from taking advantage of our nation.  One of the prime duties of government is to protect our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic.  Unfortunately, today America’s most dangerous enemies are in the collegiate classroom.  It is there where the likes of Eric Holder, Michelle and Barack Obama, Joe Biden, almost all dragon media news anchors, talk show hosts and reporters are completely indoctrinated to hate America and prefer globalism.

Thousands and thousands of filthy migrants are slinking toward our unprotected southern border.  It is rumored that many Central American prisoners have been released and are part of the mass of individuals heading toward our republic.  The fact that many people in both the Congress and the Senate are actually in favor of allowing the gooks into our republic proves that the time is now for patriots to unite and fight back. Without such an effort, the leftist politicians and Soros funded activists will continue to be emboldened in their mission of intimidation and national destruction.  These enemies from within do not like this nation, our constitution, our unalienable rights which come from God, nor the God who gave us those rights.

One of the enemies from within, Mrs. Hillary Clinton recently said that “there is no reason to be civil until we win”. Washed up rock and roller Madonna said she dreamed of blowing up the White House.  Former attorney General Eric Holder stated “kick them when they’re down.” Crazy Maxine Waters screamed encouraged people to harass anybody who supports Trump.  The truth is, many elected officials who are supposed represent you and I who pay their salaries are in support of the 14 thousand plus invaders who seek to poison the United States with their presence. Drug dealers, MS 13 gang members and human traffickers are among their ranks.

For those who do not know, many of our elected officials have crossed over and joined in the Cloward Piven inspired strategy to help fundamentally change America first via indoctrination in government schools.  After decades of that madness, they now have millions of brainwashed Americans who accept and encourage legions of American hating villains who will wreak havoc to invade our nation at taxpayer expense to bum rush our border and file on in unvetted.  I believe that one of the many evil results of the scourge of abortion has been the replacement of millions of murdered unborn Americans with illegal border crossers. Leftists and the big wig Chamber of Commerce types say we need the illegal border crossers to fill jobs. That is bunk. They mainly want the illegals here to breed, change our society and vote for democrats.

The enemies from within are out to wipe out every aspect of our Constitutionally limited form of government, our Christian heritage and national sovereignty.  They also seek to decimate equal opportunity and replace it with government mandated equal results.  Thus the time is here for us to become the resistance movement against those enemies from within who are plotting to literally destroy our exceptional nation way of life. Voting in good statesmen and women is a decent start, but our republic does not have a chance to remain great in the long run, unless what is taught to succeeding generations is dramatically revamped.

Almost all the enemies from within America became the detriment they are due to being indoctrinated in government school, especially University.  What is taught to one generation dictates the direction the nation takes in the next.  Above all “We the People” must seek Providential guidance or we try to rescue and revive our republic in vain.  God bless you, God bless America, and may America bless God.

Be blessed by The Ron Edwards Experience every Friday on KCKQ AM 1180 Reno, Nv., www.americamatters.us, SHRmedia and Spreaker at 4:00 PM ET, 3:00 PM CT, 2:00 PM MT, and 1:00 PM PT.  The Ron Edwards Experience is now a part of the weekend radio lineup on KYAH AM 540 Delta. Utah 5:00 PM PT, 6:00 PM MT, 8:00 PM ET.  Also catch a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary during the weekend edition of Captain’s America Third Watch emanating from flagship station WGUL AM 860 Tampa, Fla. To 90 radio stations across America and worldwide www.am860theanswer.com.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

CNN Commentator Don Lemon’s Racist Charges Divide America

In a recent TV news cast on CNN, host Don Lemon said, “We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.”

This American journalist just about dropped my lower jaw to the ground upon hearing such a moronic statement by African-American Don Lemon.  This man, vacant of serving his country, and mostly serving as a biased critic of all white people—owes his freedom to those who served.

Ephraim Mattos, as a member of Free Burma Rangers after his Navy SEAL Service, he and his teammates have rescued civilians who are caught up in wars not of their own choosing.  He issued a statement that went viral.

“ After surviving three wars, a gunshot wound, a near fatal drowning, a failed parachute, Taliban ambushes, ISIS snipers, mortars, mine-fields, suicide bombers and laying down my life for the cause of freedom while fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with my brother Arabs, Asians, Blacks, Hispanics, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Animists, and Atheists, I have now returned home to the USA where a CNN host has labeled me as a radicalized right wing terrorist simply because of my gender and the color of my skin.”

Terry Gross of NPR interviewed a female journalist on the East Coast who wrote about deaths by a white nationalist killing 11 at a synagogue, but she never interviews anyone about the thousands of blacks being killed by other blacks in Chicago.  On July 4, 2018, African-Americans from the “Windy City” engaged in 70 gun fights, knife fights and hundreds of domestic abuse beatings.  Not a word from Ms. Gross.  Certainly not a peep from Don Lemon.

Navy SEAL Mattos continued, “I represent just one of the hundreds of thousands of conservative white men who have fought to preserve freedom in this great Nation and in other nations. My forefathers are the 3% who founded this Republic against the might of the British Army. It was white Conservative men who died by the tens of thousands after charging into our southern states to free our black brothers from the slavery imposed on them by the Liberal left. We were the ones who acknowledged that women have a right to vote. We held the line in WWI and charged the beaches of Normandy in WWII. We have fought for freedom and liberty for generations and we continue to do so today alongside all of our brothers and sisters regardless of their race or religion.”

Hitler said the same thing about the Jews that Don Lemon of CNN just said about white men. Lemon stands as the face of the Democratic Party and African-Americans. Whites fought for generations to free them and uplift them. Over 500,000 white men died in the Civil War to free blacks.  As it stands in 2018, more blacks face slavery and starvation in Africa than ever in the United States.

Oprah Winfrey stated in a television interview that all white people need to die for her race to prosper.  In 2013, she said that “older people, who were born, and bred, and marinated” in racism “have to die” before racism can be solved.”  Had she ever been born and lived in Africa, her home country, she would be starving to death in a thatched hut in Sudan.

Another oppressed minority in America continues to climb into power positions for one single reason: to install Sharia Law into America.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar Ahmed, director of Council on American Islamic Relations.

And yet, voters in Minnesota installed Keith Ellison, a Muslim Brotherhood member, and domestic abuser, into the Attorney General slot, along with two House members of Islam.  Anyone see some problems screaming toward our Disunited States of America?

For the first time in history, a single nation, once 90 percent European-American only 50 years ago, has absorbed over 100 million third world people from 196 countries with failed cultures, educational systems, violent religions, lack of jobs and bad governments around the world—and concentrated them into one arena, and hoping they will become Americans. In reality, they can’t, they won’t, and they are not becoming Americans.  Do you, whether you are black, white, Christian, Muslim, Hispanic or otherwise—think it’s going to get better by adding 1.7 million more immigrants annually?  Do you think the projected addition of another 100 million immigrants will solve racial, cultural and religious differences in the next 30 years?

You must be wondering what in the hell have we done to our country and our kids?

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

When ‘Smart’ Means Stupid

(I refuse to write about this week’s elections. It’s to our country’s shame that any Democrats were elected at all.)

The religious divide between regular people and The World’s Smartest People can be seen clearly in the daily pretensions and hubris of liberals.

Remember “the Invisible Hand”? It was a metaphor for a free market—millions of people independently making decisions according to their personal interests, and the patterns that seem to arise out of it. Patterns of supply and demand, for instance: or fashions in clothing, architecture, or cars. The end result, we see: but the daily, incredibly complex operations that bring about that result, we don’t see.

Regular people are content to live with the Invisible Hand. In fact, most of them never even think about it. They see it as just “the way things are,” and if it’s not broken, they don’t want to fix it. And it’s usually not broken.

But The World’s Smartest People can never be content with that—all those grubby little peasants deciding what they want to wear, or have for supper, or where they want to live: who do they think they are! Obviously they’re unintelligent, or The World’s Smartest People would have known them from The World’s Great Colleges. And really, you can’t have unintelligent people making all those decisions. They’re bound to get it wrong!

No, no, no! No more Invisible Hand. Instead, conscious planning. By The World’s Smartest People. Take those decisions out of the hands of the peasants and put them into the hands of the true Citizens Of The World, who always know what’s best. Their professors told them they know what’s best.

And it’s so much more Scientific, to have everything planned out in advance by experts, rather than allow it to develop haphazardly. We all want to be Scientific, don’t we?

See, now: anything planned by The World’s Smartest People is, and has to be, “smart.” Like smart cars, smart growth, smart meters, smart phones, etc.

So there they were, up in Toronto, with a plan to turn it into “Smart City Toronto”—that is, in their words, “to create smarter, more efficient, environmentally friendly living spaces”. Look, you peasants! Here, we’ve got drawings! Can’t you recognize an earthly paradise when you see it?

But notice their use of the word “create.” No more Invisible Hand. They’re going to “create” your living spaces for you. And make it a “smart city.”

Be very afraid of anything that liberals pitch to you as “smart.” Most of it will be used to spy on you and administer attitude or cultural adjustments as needed. Really smart people will decide when you need them.

There was a hiccup in the plan when their top expert resigned recently, as a protest against the project erasing the residents’ privacy. That led immediately to another thing which The World’s Smartest People think themselves qualified to do. In Canada, it’s called “balancing rights.” Here, they had to balance residents’ privacy rights against their own rights to obtain and use the residents’ personal data to usher in Nirvana. Guess which way the see-saw tilted.

“Balancing rights” is Canada’s favorite euphemism. They use it to slide under the door the whole idea that your “rights” are whatever the government—that would be, again, The World’s Smartest People—decides they are on any given day. Not only what those rights are, but also their weight. And somehow they’re just never as heavy as the government’s urgent “need” to make all your decisions for you. It’s for your own good, you know.

It’s a religious divide because regular people rely on God’s Providence to sort things out, while liberals always scheme to set themselves up as gods—to be obeyed without question, to be given the power to “balance” your rights against their schemes, to wield the electric cow prods that herd us into Paradise.

It’s stupid to fall for hustles sold as “smart.”

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/. Stop in and enjoy it, before some smart gadget rats me out. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Why The Red Wave Failed To Keep The House

My God!  How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of, and which no other people on earth enjoy!  —Thomas Jefferson

All Socialism is Democratic Socialism. Socialist nations take away civil liberties by referendum. Democratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter. The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty.  —A.E. Samaan

Dear God, I bow my head and ask, if it be thy will, please save this land from those who seek to destroy it.

AWOL Sessions Resigns

News that will thrill Trump supporting Americans is that AG Sessions was asked to resign by President Trump.  His temporary replacement will be Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice.  Rod Rosenstein and Robert Mueller need to be ousted along with Sessions.

Long ago I came to the realization that Sessions was an establishment globalist with years in the Senate, and he was put into the Trump campaign as a foil to become part of the administration as a crucible to destroy this President.  I am still horribly sad about this because I thought this Alabama Senator was a good decent man…and it hurts my soul.

What do we need?  We need a man like Joe diGenova, one who would support our President, one who knows evil, and one who can easily smell deception and destroy it.

Joe diGenova has the background and chutzpah to clean out the DOJ, and I would suggest that President Trump offer Attorney diGenova the temporary job for a year to clean up the filthy DOJ mess.  If diGenova cannot leave his practice to help our President, then Mr. Trump needs to ask him who would be as exacting and knowledgeable as diGenova who could fill the spot and clean out the traitorous establishment Deep State insiders in the DOJ.

Historical Precedence

As the media has been telling us, historically first term presidents lose the majority in Congress during the midterms.  There are exceptions to this rule.  In 1934, Franklin Delano Roosevelt substantially increased the Democratic party’s majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Why?  Because of the Depression and FDR’s “New Deal.”

In the midterm elections of 2002, Republicans gained seats in both chambers of Congress. The Republicans picked up net gains of 2 Senate seats and 8 House seats.  Why?  Because of September 11, 2001.

Because of what President Trump has accomplished by himself, with little help from his congressional party members, it is astonishing and horrifying to true conservatives that we lost the House.

There Was No Blue Wave

One wonders if the spineless republicans chose retirement because they felt a media manufactured blue wave was on the horizon and believed the fake news.  The red wave should have, and could have taken the house as well.  Our President has done the most amazing job of single handedly turning back the socialist tide in America.

Depending on how you count, 39 Republicans and 18 Democrats were not running for re-election. That includes 13 Republicans and 10 Democrats who were leaving to seek another office, such as governor.  Excluding them, 26 Republicans and eight Democrats are walking away from their political careers at the end of the 115th Congress. That’s the purest retirements by Republicans and the fewest by Democrats since the 2008 election.

Where was our Trump hating Speaker Paul Ryan?  As a Republican he should have told the retiring Republicans to stay and help our President to save the country and the House majority.  But that’s not Paul Ryan, he’s an open border establishment globalist mediocre Republican and I fully believe he purposely stayed as Speaker to help destroy the majority in the House.  The good news is a conservative, Republican Bryan Steil, has won the former House seat held for 20 years by outgoing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Then there’s the purposeful redistricting…Obama’s Soros groups were in charge setting up the congressional districts all over the country.  Conservatives tried to fight it but to no avail.

In Arizona they’re saying they just now found another 500,000 votes that weren’t counted.  Yeah right, you don’t just “find” another 500K votes.  But this is another way the Democrat, Krysten Sinema could “win” over Republican Martha McSally.  For those who believe there is no voter fraud, which has been proven time and again, it is rampant throughout every district in America.  Do your homework!

Nine out of eleven of the representatives Trump campaigned for won.  Those who didn’t want Trump’s help lost their bids.  And really, why would Americans vote for more mediocre and moderate Trump hating Republicans?  They abstained from voting.

The Press

The press disgraced itself again this morning during President Trump’s press conference regarding the election.  What animals!  Several reporters refused to concede the floor and hijacked the microphone.  Our President however, with the finesse of a leader, told those who report fake news to sit down…there were several ill-mannered and uncivil actions where the CNN media and others would not shut up.  The President put them in their places.  God but I love this man!

The White House has pulled Jim Acosta’s press credentials because of his rude and uncivilized behavior.  He is no longer allowed into our President’s press conferences

These fools should have lived under one of our past tyrannical presidents who would have closed their newspapers and imprisoned their editors…and that my friends was in the 1800s. Link


Oh yes, we’re irked, we’re pissed, we’re angry, we’re sad, we’re depressed and we’re fuming, but there’s more to come.  We know that the democratic house will attack this president at every opportunity, and he will have to increase his legal staff by at least ten times just for the democratic subpoenas sent his way.  The evil of the left will consistently try to destroy the President we voted for and put in our White House, but they will also try to destroy us who voted for him.  And this is why we have to decide that we’re going to be even stronger, and we’re going to help this president, the people in Congress who love him, and we’ll not only work, but also pray continually to Make America Great Again.

We’ve been given a reprieve, a chance, a Biblical Nineveh, and a glory of a man who loves our country and her people…stand with him, pray for him, and work for him…this is our only chance.  Don’t give up…not ever…our descendants are relying on us.

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Still The Smartest Guy In Washington DC

Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president––for only the third time in almost a hundred years––with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical leftwing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.

The Blue Wave that the leftist media has been predicting for a year now turned out to be a blue puddle, with even their most aggressive spokesperson, former House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, making nice and wanting to make deals with the man who sits in the Oval Office.

And Republicans still control the Senate and can still boast that President Trump is solely responsible for:

  • Two rock-ribbed conservative justices on the Supreme Court (for the next 40 years!),
  • A booming economy,
  • Sky-high employment of women, blacks, Hispanics, and young people,
  • A significantly strengthened military,
  • Equitable foreign-trade deals,
  • And the beginning of The Wall, which promises to stop the rising tide of illegal aliens and sanctuary cities and the punishing price they cost hard-working Americans.


After President Trump’s annihilating defeat of Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 election––306 decisive Electoral votes to Hillary’s paltry 232––Americans witnessed an unprecedented reaction from what used to be called the loyal opposition. It was not the requisite graciousness of the disappointed loser. Nor was it the anticipated anger and frustration of those who knew their political philosophy and programs were about to be overturned.

Instead, when the new president was elected––and even before that, on the very day in June of 2015 that he announced his candidacy––the Grand Poobahs of D.C. who always considered themselves the smartest guys in the room by virtue of their educations, lofty positions, fancy credentials, grandiose senses of entitlement, and vaunted self-regard, got together and decided that:

  1. They reviled the results of the election and the loss of the prestigious jobs they believed they’d maintain under a Democrat chief executive,
  2. They feared that a Trump administration would discover the vast corruption of the previous Obama regime and act to prosecute the criminals involved,
  3. They believed it was the job of these far-left socialists, communists, and jihadist sympathizers from Obama’s Federal Bureau of Investigation, Obama’s Department of Justice, Obama’s Central Intelligence Agency, Obama’s National Security Council, et al, to destroy the Trump candidacy and, failing that, his presidency.
  4. They resolved to put their brain trust together, their collective professional experiences, and do anything and everything in their power to depose or criminalize or impeach a duly elected President Trump.

And they fervently believed in their ability to actualize this plan because they had already successfully executed a coup d’état only eight years before, ferreting Barack Obama––of dubious American citizenship and the paltriest of credentials––into the core of America’s body politic, concealing his past history, enlisting their reliable media whores to savage anyone who questioned his eligibility and even his very competence, and counting on their Hollywood stooges to use their vaseline camera trick to give the Obama persona a gorgeous glow.

The plot was hatched, and as Rudy Giuliani, one of the president’s lawyers, told TV host Sean Hannity in mid-August, ex-CIA director John Brennan was behind the entire bogus investigation into the alleged collusion of the Trump presidential campaign with Russian operatives.

The entire salacious sham is spelled out here in graphic detail by Forbes’ reporter Paul Roderick Gregory.

However, with Pres. Trump’s ascension to the presidency, they dreaded––with good reason––that their carefully-constructed House of Cards would be dismantled by a seasoned chief executive who loathed their visceral antipathy to the notions of American exceptionalism, a powerful military, booming capitalism, the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution, and borders that protected America against foreign invasion, et al.

In fact, the multi-billionaire George Soros, the mad genius behind so many of these anti-American philosophies and the chief financier behind a huge number of leftwing organizations which help elected Democrats (and many RINOS––Republicans in Name Only) and also those with seditious and/or treasonous agendas, recently admitted as much to The Washington Post, saying that President Trump has almost destroyed the New World Order, and “that he (Soros) did not foresee Trump’s meteoric rise to power.”

According to Zerohedge.com, Mr. Soros “actually has a reason to feel that way because Trump has single-handedly presided over the dismantlement of the Liberal-Globalist world order that Mr. Soros has worked for decades to build. In a simple spree of tweets, and presiding over the return of [Judeo]-Christian morals, ethics, and values in American society, ideas that are absolutely anathema to the atheist billionaire,” the president has literally decimated the Soros vision.

Boo hoo!


My personal belief is that the entire Obama regime––indeed the entire country, the entire world––was run by  George Soros, with the brainy Valerie Jarrett as his personal emissary. In the coup he effected, the wily hedge-fund mega-mogul anointed Mr. Obama the titular head of what now appears to have been a collusion-riven criminal enterprise.

And make no mistake, the fish always stinks from the head. Today, the faux former “president” Barack Obama is still running around the world talking amiably to despots and, recently in Africa, admitting that he was born not in the United States but in––ta da––Kenya! Exactly why “Birthers” like me thought that, according to the U.S. Constitution, he was ineligible to even think about running for the presidency, much less occupying the Oval Office fraudulently for eight years!

Who are the henchmen the poseur Obama chose to run his corrupt regime, the “smart guys” who contrived the phony Steele Dossier and who orchestrated the plot to destroy the Trump candidacy and then presidency? We can start with the poseur himself.


  • Barack Obama, former state senator from Illinois, former “president” of the United States: supposedly educated at Occidental College, Columbia University, Harvard Law School (but every transcript and diploma––if, in fact, they exist––sealed forever!).
  • Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to Barack Obama: Stanford University, University of Michigan Law School.
  • John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (2013 to 2017), former Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to Barack Obama: Fordham University, master’s from University of Texas at Austin. Oh, and also voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election!
  • James Comey, former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (2013-2017): College of William and Mary, University of Chicago Law School.
  • Peter Strzok II, former Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division of the FBI: bachelor and master’s degrees from Georgetown University,
  • Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Director of the FBI (2016 to 2018): Duke University, Washington University in St. Louis Law School.
  • Rod Rosenstein, United States Deputy Attorney General: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard Law School,
  • James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence: University of Maryland, master’s from St. Mary’s University in Texas.
  • Hillary Clinton, former first lady of Arkansas, former first lady of the United States, former U.S. senator from New York, former Secretary of State: Wellesley College; Yale University Law School.
  • Sally Yates, U.S. States Attorney and U.S. Deputy Attorney General under Mr. Obama: U. of Georgia undergrad and law school and executive editor of Georgia Law Review.
  • Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor (2013 to 2017), U.S. diplomat, Brookings Institution fellow, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, staff of the Nat. Security Council and Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs (under President Clinton): Stanford Univ (Phi Beta Kappa), Master’s and Doctorate degrees from New College, Oxford (in England).
  • Bruce Ohr, former associate deputy attorney general under Mr. Obama, Harvard (degree in physics), Harvard Law School.


And let us not forget the wives of these Deep State colluders, as scrupulously documented by journalist Marilyn Barnewall in her must-read article, “Deep State Husbands.”

Barnewell tells us about the central roles played by Bruce Ohr’s wife Nellie Ohr: (Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges with a major in Russian History and Literature, Master’s and Ph.D. from Stanford Univ.). But Ms. Nellie just revealed that she would refuse to testify because of spousal privilege or some such nonsense. If she has nothing to hide, why on earth wouldn’t she testify?

Then there is Peter Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, who according to Barnewell, “must be admired for being very quiet as her husband’s romantic episode with Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyer Lisa Page has been media-blasted on front pages world-wide. Or perhaps the Page episode was part of a plot?”

Ms. Hodgman-Strzok’s career boost happened at precisely the time the FBI needed someone at the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) to, if need be, control access to any illicit contributions or other transactions from publicly-traded entities (like governments and corporations) involving the Clinton Foundation.”

And let us not forget the wife of Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Lisa H. Barsoomian (called the “Guardian of the Deep State’s Secrets Gate, and as an expert in destroying evidence, or “the cleaner”).

According to Barnewell, Barsoomian “has represented Robert Mueller three times, James Comey five times, Barack Obama 45 times, Kathleen Sebelius 56 times, Bill Clinton 40 times and Hillary Clinton 17 times.  Another source says that between 1998 and 2017 Barsoomian herself represented the FBI at least five times.”

This is the short list, but there are many other like-minded collaborators. Hillary Clinton (Wellesley, Yale Law School) is way up there, her mission in life to bring down the legal, legitimate, fairly-won presidency of Donald J. Trump, the guy who permanently wiped her off the political map.

Look at all their fancy credentials. I have… including the oh-so-impressive degrees of the executives and reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times, on and on and on.

I’ve also researched the degrees and advanced degrees of the men and women who fancy themselves anchors and commenters and reporters on MSNBC and CNN and the leftist networks ABC, NBC, CBS, and also PBS and radio’s NPR, and that is not to omit the career leftists at Fox, like Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith (and, I suspect, Bret Baier and Brit Hume), who consistently fail to conceal their anti-Trump bias.

All the Ivy League schools these leftists attended, as well as the London School of Economics, the graduate schools of Stanford and Cornell and U. of Chicago and the Columbia School of Journalism, on and on, should be deeply ashamed of the colossal and deeply dishonest and biased and sometimes sociopaths they graduated!

All of them wrote and talked on and on for months and months on end about Bad Trump and Good Democrats and all of their predictions fell far short of the Blue Wave they predicted!


In the midterm vote the other day, Americans told the aggressive, arrogant and vociferous left that they failed to seize the ultimate reins of power because:

  • The pink pussy hats didn’t work.
  • Hollywood didn’t work.
  • The bought-and-paid-for demonstrations didn’t work.
  • The pajama boy college snowflake meltdowns didn’t work.
  • The fake dossier and the Russian-collusion thing didn’t work.
  • The creepy porn lawyer didn’t work.
  • The Kavanaugh hit job didn’t work.
  • The racist allegations didn’t work.
  • The illegal-alien invading army from Honduras isn’t working.
  • Oprah didn’t work.
  • The New York Times didn’t work.
  • The billions poured into their campaigns didn’t work.
  • On and on and on and on.


November 6, 2018, will go down in history as the day the American electorate affirmed America’s legacy that our brilliant Founding Fathers established 242 years ago, and that the American public has now opted for once again––a balance of power––with the lion’s share remaining with the president!

And who accomplished this stunning feat? None other than President Donald J. Trump, who single-handedly wrested the reins of power from the previous thug regime which had effectively contaminated our country’s most esteemed agencies––the FBI, CIA, NSA, the Pentagon, Homeland Security, et al––and implanted hundreds of far-left judges, as well as an entire industry of media whores, far too many of whom were and are:

  • Anti-American.
  • Anti-Semitic.
  • Against the U.S. Constitution.
  • Against a strong American military.
  • Against free speech.
  • Against gun rights.
  • Against fair trade.
  • Against American law enforcement.
  • Against secure borders.
  • Again, on and on and on and on and on.


There is no doubt that the immense number of people who attempted to impeach, indict, or generally bring down the Trump presidency were of the upper-crust of America’s intelligentsia––educated, sophisticated, seasoned in the nefarious ways of Washington D.C., and ferocious in their mission to cover their own crimes by eliminating the one person––President Trump–– who could and would expose them and call for his Attorney General to indict them, prosecute them, find them guilty, and imprison them.

No problem, they all thought. We are smart and he is, well, not so smart.

But ha ha ha on all of these misguided egomaniacs. In spite of the massive, collective effort all of them made over the past three years to bring down our chief executive and Commander-in-Chief, they now have to deal with the cold hard fact that President Donald J. Trump––who has formidable education credentials himself––is indeed the smartest guy in the room!

Watch out!

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

America, Did You Forget About The Created “Fake News” Legalization from 2016

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.” –Harry S. Truman

President Harry S. Truman said of the Central Intelligence Agency that he would have never have agreed to the formulation of the CIA back in 1947, if he had known it would become the American Gestapo.

Just think of this, he compared the CIA to the American Gestapo (Hitler’s SS).

The Gestapo was a secret state police of Nazi Germany. They were given authority to investigate cases of their definition of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany, which history teaches us were self-inflicted.

He then went on to say:

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.”

A policy making arm of the government? In other words, we now have the government working and representing the government and its interests in spite of the people that they are to serve.

Policies, in fact, circumvent and undermine constitutional law, they are not law.  Remember, policy follows law, law does not follow policy.

[YouTube Video]

An article was written at Common Dreams on Monday, December 26, 2016, called “Under Cover of Christmas, Obama Establishes Controversial Anti-Propaganda Agency.”  I’d like to quote from the article and comment on it. 

“It owns all these not-at-all-important laws are smuggled into NDAA that are signed on Christmas Eve with basically no public debate,” wrote media critic Adam Johnson.

Notice that it was signed on Christmas Eve while everyone was enjoying the Christmas holidays in taking a much-needed break from the “circus of politics” and the agents of their particular “special interest” groups.

[YouTube Video]

Notice also that there was “no public debate” because they did not want the people to know what it was that they were enacting upon them.

“In the final hours before the Christmas holiday weekend, U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday quietly signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law—and buried within the $619 billion military budget a controversial provision that establishes a national anti-propaganda center that critics warn could be dangerous for press freedoms.”

Notice the acronym NDAA stands for the “National Defense Authorization Act.”  They did not want to raise eyebrows, and furthermore, they create names like this because they know all the while that no one would dare talk down a bill with a name like “National Defense.”

Also, take note that it was “buried within the $619 billion military budget.”

We were warned from President Eisenhower of the Military Industrial complex on Jan. 17, 1961.

This bill was not out in the open.  It had to be hidden, tax dollars being illegally dispersed and allocated to programs that suppress the very laws that they have been entrusted to uphold, namely the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Still, it was sold to the American people as “anti-propaganda” when, in fact, it was written and funded to promote propaganda.

This is much like the “PATRIOT Act” which was implemented at 3:30 in the morning without giving adequate time for any one representative to read before voting on it after September 11, 2001.  That act undermines the United States Constitution while setting up agencies which target the government’s political opposition, namely Christians (Acts 11:26), constitutionalists, patriots and conservatives.

Remember, the Gestapo did the same things after Hitler attacked his own Reichstag.  They created various security police forces only to combine them on a later date into one force (Homeland security, TSA, CIA, FBI, etc…)

[YouTube Video]

The Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, introduced by Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, establishes the Global Engagement Center under the State Department which coordinates efforts to “recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.”

Further, the law authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies to help “collect and store examples in print, online, and social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda” directed at the U.S. and its allies, as well as “counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda to influence the policies and social and political stability” of the U.S. and allied nations.

“The law authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies.” Really?

What constituent has delegated authority to his representatives to allocate funds to non-governmental agencies?

Government is merely securing their position against the American people, which is the opposite of their purpose.  This is tyranny.  It also is to further indemnify themselves from the consequences of what they are responsible for in creating in these types of bills.

The head of the center will be appointed by the president, which likely means the first director will be chosen by President-elect Donald Trump.

The new law comes weeks before the New York billionaire assumes the presidency, amid national outrage over the spread of fake news and what many say is foreign interference in the election, both which are accused of enabling Trump’s victory.

Friends, here you have the CIA-controlled media creating “fake news” and then turning on the free press and accusing them of “fake news,” only to further garner more control over the internet and media resources abroad.

They want control. They want no opposition to their propaganda. They want it one-sided, and they want it biased in which you will always see it their way (John 8:44).

[YouTube Video]

Look to Facebook, Twitter, Google and their latest stunt of censoring and shadow banning much of the government’s political opposition, which proves the point of what it is that they are involved with here.

Look to local media paper outlets who are all feeding from the same source.  They want controlled talking points and controlled dialogue where nothing else is permissible but what they release.

They have even gone so far to set up their own version of “fact checkers,” which are funded through the CIA, such as Snopes.

[YouTube Video]

Those combined forces have already contributed to the overt policing of media critical of U.S. foreign policy, such as the problematic “fake news blacklist” recently disseminated by the Washington Post.

Look to who released the “fake news blacklist.”  It was the Washington Post. Who then fueled the fire? The same media that 94% of Americans say they do not believe in, and rightly so. They want to knock everyone over by force while they are left standing. Who then gains from all of this?

And for those paying attention over the holiday weekend, the creation of the new information agency under the Propaganda Act appears to be another worrisome development.

If only people would learn (Psalm 9:17, Hosea 4:6).

[YouTube Video]

© 2018 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

What Do We Need To Learn From This Election?

Despite being founded on the principle of limited, enumerated powers derived from the will of the people and subject to the transcendent Will of the Creator God, the current government in Washington DC is now a corrupt corporation acting as an organized criminal enterprise. Departing from its roots, wherein it acknowledged the God of the Bible as the Creator and Lawgiver, it has become Godless and grasping and now has its tentacles in virtually every aspect of our lives.

This dilemma is nothing new; it is a byproduct of state worship, commonly known as state-ism and has often been calculated and collaborated by both major political parties. The solution is not to simply elect our favorite political party into power. No political party is America’s savior. While certain political victories may serve to slow down the degradation of our culture, they certainly cannot be the solution to those problems.

Jedidiah Morse, who was a historian, educator, and known as the Father of American Geography, made the following conclusion with regard to our current American conundrum:

“To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. All efforts made to destroy the foundations of our Holy Religion ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation… in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom… Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government — and all the blessings which flow from them — must fall with them.” 83

The Hebrew prophet Jeremiah warned, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes man his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come…” Contrasting this is the promise,  “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water…and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

Regardless of the outcome of this current election, the urgent need now is to return to the fixed standards found in the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God. Unless this Godly American agenda lives in the hearts of the people, we are at the mercy of evil and ruthless men.

I love the Constitution, but my work is worthless unless our foundation is the God of the Bible.

President John Adams insisted, “Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand… (The people) may change their Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting Liberty. They will only exchange Tyrants and Tyrannies.”

Schedule an event or learn more about your Constitution with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution and receive your free gift.

© 2018 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

We Are Surrounded In A World Of Liars And Conmen

“The politicians of your country will always try to encircle you with the high walls of lies! You must know that the truth is beyond the walls and without meeting the truth you cannot meet the freedom!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan  – Turkish Playright, Novelist and Thinker

Sometimes it’s deceivingly subtle.  Sometimes it’s blatant and in your face.  Sometimes the lies are camouflaged in soft images of family and hidden behind the innocent utterances of young children.  The cons are ubiquitous and are issued forth from every form of communication.  Politicians lie, advertisers lie, corporations lie, unions lie and insurance companies lie. Lying has become so common we lie to each other.  Even Supreme Courts have issued decisions decreeing that political ads can lie during election cycles.  We cheat on tests and lie to our insurance companies for claims for damages that weren’t the cause of the current claim.  (Did you just feel a twinge of guilt upon reading the last statement?)

Lying in advertising has become a professional art form.  Car commercials are the worst.  They lie by omission.  Their ads say, “you save $8,719 off MSRP.”  Millions of Americans have no idea what MSRP stands for.  The prices on cars have become so high, they are afraid to put the price in the commercial for fear of scaring potential customers away.  Now if a wary customer applied logic to these ads, they would soon discern that they aren’t really “saving” anything.  The price is the price no matter what subterfuge the advertiser uses in trying to lure you into the showroom.

Another way TV car advertisers lie is to put the disclaimer information in such small print you can’t read it.  But even if it was in larger print, you couldn’t read it anyway because the disclaimer only appears on the screen for a few seconds.  Obviously, the advertiser puts up the disclaimer on the screen to comply with the law.  But what good is a disclaimer if you can’t read it?

Drug advertisers do somewhat the same thing when they put up the side effects of the drug.  Once again, the print is so small and it is on the screen for such a short period of time, it also can’t be read.

Sadly, we are living through another political season for the 2018 mid-term elections.  We are barraged with endless TV ads explaining why this or that candidate is unfit for office, or whose policies are antithetical to ours.  The ads for or against some initiative are the most deceiving.  It is impossible to know whom to believe without exhaustive research.  Most of the advertisers lie through their teeth, or so bend the truth it is unrecognizable.

While writing this article we watched former president Obama lecture us on how badly the Republicans lie….. over health care.  He, the master liar and hypocrite, should hardly be the one to expose lies by the Republicans.  His 2009 and 2010 speeches on Obama Care about how you can “keep your doctor” and you can “keep your health plan” were lies to get people to think just how great Obama Care was going to be.  As usual all his lies led to a federal health care boondoggle that has not only cost millions of people their doctor and their health care, but the people have seen their premiums skyrocket.

The truth is, if lying was a criminal offense, most of Washington DC would be in jail.

Lying, deception and conning the American people are not a new phenomenon.  Back in the late 1920’s President Hoover retained Harvard University and the University of Illinois to undertake a study on how to manipulate the people through their subconscious minds.  The Rockefeller Foundation funded the study.  Many of the results of that study found their way into administrative policy and federal legislation.

Government lies, deception and cons, are without a doubt the most ubiquitous.  Since the ink was dry on the Constitution, government has been lying, deceiving and conning the American people for a fare-thee-well.  The passage of the 16th Amendment that gave birth to the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service may be one of the biggest cons perpetrated on the American people in the country’s then 137-year history.  It was the brainchild of the bankers and politicians looking for a way to control the money supply and providing irrevocable collateral (the people as debt slaves) for all loans made to the government by the Federal Reserve.

The next big con by the federal government, under a 1933 declared state of emergency, was FDR’s New Deal and Social Security, which started the long slide into socialism.  Government subsidies of individuals and businesses grew exponentially as government drew down the Public Treasury.  Millions of Americans became the unwitting pawns of a power-hungry government.

From there the government (mostly Democrats) became obsessed with power and helping ANY American in need, for their votes.  They devised plan after plan to accomplish that goal, beginning the upward climb to an un-payable national debt that now stands in excess of $20 Trillion.

President Johnson gave the American people the “Great Society” wherein the federal government expanded welfare to millions of Americans to the point there are now at least 80 over lapping means-tested welfare programs administered by the federal government.  Federal and state means-tested welfare now approach $1 Trillion per year.  Given that most welfare programs are rife with waste, fraud, abuse and corruption, 20% of that $1 Trillion is wasted or frittered away.  The waste could be as high as $200 Billion per year of your taxes.

But government wasn’t done with welfare or many other government programs for the “good of the people”.  Each time the government invented and then funded a new social program, or an environmental edict, billions more taxpayer funds would be needed and the freedoms, that the people had come to expect, were slowly withering away.

Each federal and state program for the “good of the people” were passed into law, while the politicians assured the people, through lies and deception, that it was all necessary and needed.

Then came the big environmental lie.  In the late 1960’s Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act. (NEPA)  NEPA spawned the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Clean Water Act (CWA).  From these policies came countless other environmental legislation that tightened a legislative noose around every landowner in America and added huge costs to the family budget.  The government told us that all these laws were necessary to protect the environment but what they didn’t tell us (they lied by omission) that these laws would gut Constitutionally protected property rights and the 5th Amendment requiring just compensation for government TAKINGS.  Government could take up to 95% of the use of your property “for the environment” and wouldn’t pay you a dime.

From this environmental legislative insanity came man-caused global warming.  According to their propaganda, man was destroying the planet and he must be regulated in all forms of human activity that MIGHT damage the environment, which is just about everything that man does.  Just some 40 years ago the same environmentalist scientists were sounding the alarm of global cooling, backed up by “unquestionable” science.  They lied then and they are lying now and the American people continue to believe the lies.

Government and the environmentalists cooked up a plot to increase regulation and extract trillions more taxes out of Western nations by lying to the public about “climate change.”  International accords were drafted and approved by member states that included the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen conference and the Paris Climate accord.  Thankfully, America didn’t sign the Kyoto Protocol, or the Copenhagen conference and withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord.  China and India just ignored the first two international agreements and their participation in the Paris Climate Accord is a not-so-funny joke.

Without substantial scientific proof, government and the environmentalists, both national and international, pursued one of the biggest, planet-wide con games ever perpetrated on the human species.  They lied to the public by telling them that man’s contribution to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was sending the world headlong into a run-away warming spell that would doom humans to extinction, if the government didn’t act and act now, no matter how much it cost.

With stealth and more lies they planted the alleged dire consequences of “climate change” into every American institution from the public schools, to the colleges, to the corporations, to the Unions and to a wide array of environmental special interest groups.  They dummied up the science to get the desired result.  They even bought off the American news media that continue to propagate the fraud.  Government and the environmentalists are now so invested in the LIE, they concoct more lies to prop up the main lie.

We have devoted an entire web page on the NARLO website to article after article that refutes every aspect of “climate change.”  Since we posted that page, many more articles have surfaced further debunking this environmental myth, disguised as irrefutable truth.

One of the more egregious examples of political deception, lies and perjury occurred during the recent Kavanaugh Supreme Court nominee confirmation hearings.  The attempts by the Democrats to derail the confirmation will go down in history as the most raucous display of raw, naked political power without conscience, ever seen in the Senate.   And yet the voters may reward the Democrats anyhow and give them back the House of Representatives.

It is said that no one can take advantage of you unless you let them.  But that assumes that you are aware that someone is trying to take advantage of you.  When you are asleep, you are vulnerable to attack by stealth.  A thief can sneak up on you in the night without your knowledge, do you physical harm, take your possessions, or burn down your house.  A thief is at least honest about being a thief.  But a government that does the same thing with stealth, or lies, or deception, when it has no authority to do so under our constitution, is worse than a thief.  To violate the trust of the people, when you hold the power over their lives, their possessions and their property in your hands, as government does, is treason.  While the people slept, government’s greed, avarice and the lust for plenary (absolute) power filled the vacuum we left by our inattention and apathy.

The Founding Fathers crafted an excellent blue print for freedom, but they could not craft a defense against those with evil intent and a lust for power, that would dare to break the bonds of the Constitution, if the people refused to hold those in power, accountable.  The Founders could also not prevent the weakness of the people who would sell their souls, their freedom and their liberty for security and a few pieces of silver, dolled out by politicians with their dirty little fingers opening the lock to the public treasury, all the while thirsting for votes to remain in power.  It would appear that after 242 years and hundreds of thousands of men and women who were maimed or gave their lives to defend our freedom, we successfully became independent from a foreign power, England, only to become hopelessly dependent on our own government because we listened to and believed the LIES.

By now the mid-term elections are over and most of the election results are known.  We did not know those results when we submitted this article for publication.  The outcome of the election will give us an idea the direction America is headed.  Are we headed for peace among our people, continual prosperity, financial security and secure borders, or are we headed for open borders, bankruptcy, endless strife, conflict and eventually civil war where all the LIES will be exposed in the history books but at great human cost?

Hopefully, we won’t have to implement our plan of “The Encirclement.”

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

A Blue Wave Coming? Try Red Tsunami

The Democrats and their hysterical leftist leaders just don’t get it. Their message is veiled, manipulative and fractured. No matter how much they dress up, throw on more makeup, or take all their clothes off, they don’t connect. Their lies, tendency to violence and acting out have become record breaking and award winning now…. just not election winning. Americans of all kinds know that the Democrats have evolved into a desperate marching – Me Too – monster that does not reflect anything other than their desperation for power.  They don’t have time for real people and their needs.

Democratic leadership continues to run to microphones and scream persecution while reminding the masses that Trump is really Hitler…be very scared.  Sadly, in their twisted speeches and reminders of how Trump is rotten, they are speaking to fewer and fewer listeners. Even Hillary and Bill are getting very small audiences, while Trump fills huge coliseums everywhere, he goes. It won’t be long before they will have to hand out special magnifying glasses for those entering a liberal event to even find another person.  People get lonely you know.

The sold-out media and Democrat left has always been in denial about the power of Trump and his blunt pro American message. Trump’s message translates to most of us in America, minorities, women and many liberals much to the horror of the DEMS.  Americans are now yelling out: ‘Thank God there is someone finally in the White House who cares about America, my rights, my job, my safety and our economy!’  ‘Thank God we finally have a President who will protect our borders from the illegal and dangerous masses trying to storm through every day in every way.

Americans are overwhelmed with joy that we are boldly building energy independence again, rebuilding our military the way it should be and getting trade deals right with countries all around the world who have been happily taking advantage of us.  Oh yeah, just about every American is shocked in a great way about paying dramatically less taxes on many levels after experiencing only tax increases with Obama.   I have barely touched on all that Trump and the resurrected GOP has done and continues to do in record pace.

Trump is out speaking all over to sell out crowds and lines wrapping around buildings while we continue to hear of the huge blue wave coming fast.  This is nothing but desperate Democrat and media lies and empty coliseum misery.

Let us all vote from our heart, for freedom and this time for the GOP and Trump politicians because they are representing God, freedom for all, protection and safety, jobs and achievement, erasing waste and building our country back on multiple levels.

Most of the nation watched in horror and wonderment the Kavanaugh hearings.  Accuser after accuser was brought forward as the Democrats attacked and attacked, knowing he had to be guilty if for no other reason than Trump wanted him confirmed to the Supreme Court.  Thank God after 7 FBI investigations and other investigations that not only was he proven innocent of the vial charges but now we know that at least 2 of the ladies who had accused him of abuse and rape like charges admitted it never happened.  It was all false and political.  What a total shock…not!  That is how the Democrats play these days…who cares about truth?  Who cares about law?  Who cares about doing what is right?  Just destroy Trump, conservatives and Christians.

There is something very big and even shocking coming and it ain’t blue!

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Citizen Militias Heading To Border

With the upcoming invasion of thousands of migrants coming with the intention of crashing our borders and virtually taking over our country, it was astonishing to hear that the White House said the military would be sent to protect our border, BUT, now hear this, they would not have live ammunition!  WHAT???

So how will the military protect our country? Perhaps they would throw their rifles and handguns at the intruders hoping to knock them out. Sure. This columnist could not imagine President Trump giving such an order. But that is what has been reported on the “Mainstream Media.”

This column suggested that if ever there was a time for citizen militias to suit up, this would be it.  THIS IS WAR! Make no mistake about it. Those in the caravan have the goal of sabotaging America, which is part and parcel of Hungarian Jewish Communist George Soros who has been planning for this and financing it for a long time.
Now the Dems have unraveled another strategy. As readers will remember, the Black Panthers fully armed tried to threaten voters a few years ago. Why they were not arrested and jailed is a question for Jeopardy. 

Column Contributor Lawrence Craig informed us that The “New” Black Panther Party, which is armed with Assault weapons and ready to go, are supporting Democrat Stacy Adams who has no platform except to be a useful idiot for the Communist Party.  New-Age Oprah showed up to boost her by bringing to mind hatred, lynching of men and women and oppression from 100 years ago as a reason to vote for Stacy Adams. 

One must remember that the Ku Klux Klan was a hate organization created and fulfilled by Democrats!  Get that?

Mr. Craig also informed us that the University of Wisconsin that hosted three day early voting sites and putting extra resources into providing students with the documentation they need to register and vote–ALL students, is handing out voter ID’s to foreign students so they can vote. As Mr. Craig writes, “These university officials are those we have entrusted to educate our college students and prepare them. (?)  

Many of the students are foreign nationals and non citizens…it’s like printing out a generic background check that is rubber stamped by the authenticity of the university.” And you can bet that all students were advised to vote for Democrats.
Tomorrow, Tuesday November 6th, the mid term elections will take place. Do not, again, DO NOT under any circumstances, vote a democrat in for any reason. To do so is to vote for the destruction of the United States of America. To vote for a Democrat is a vote for Communism.
It is to be noted that this writer was a Democrat for a number of years, whose cousin was the last good Democrat President.
We have been told that the Texas Militia has begun to gather to meet the caravan invaders with force, not blanks but force which is especially needed at this time, bringing us back to the days of the founding of our country.
Again, this is WAR. We cannot let this happen. Other militias in the U.S. please take notice. Nothing is more important for all of us than to stop this caravan with whatever it takes to do so. And this may settle things once and for all.
And citizens, by all means be certain that your homes are protected with fire power. It is your duty to your family and country to get out and VOTE. And for the sake of our families and country, vote Republican.

© 2018 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

Robert Mueller’s Amoral Abuse Of Power For The Elite

Over time, the hallmarks of a Mueller operation clearly emerge: Persecute the innocent.  Let culprits and killers go free.  Cover for covert operations, no matter how immoral.  Punish whistleblowers. Reward wrongdoing.  Use the weapons at hand to worship the State: misleading leaks, intimidation of witnesses, destruction of documents, bribery and lies.  In Mueller’s world, the truth itself is collateral damage.  —Louisiana State Senator John Milkovich

Judging by Mueller’s history, it doesn’t matter who he has to threaten, harass, prosecute or bankrupt to get to allege something or, for that matter, anything. It certainly appears Mueller will do whatever it takes to bring down his target — ethically or unethically — based on my findings.  —Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert

The Republicans absolutely must retain the majority in these midterm elections or we could face more of Rosenstein’s purposely created monster…Special Counsel Robert Mueller who has covered up and botched cases for decades. Robert Mueller should be looking in the mirror for Russian collusion by himself and Hillary Clinton in Uranium One. His recusal from the appointment by Rosenstein was required.

And now, Rod Rosenstein was apparently engaged in discussions with some corrupt FBI officials to wear a wire to record our President in order to help the Deep State.  Mr. Trump is most likely keeping him around until the Mueller investigation is over.  When that’s done, goodbye AG Sessions and Deputy AG Rosenstein.

Jeff Sessions has been an abysmal failure and Rosenstein is the most politically corrupt Deputy Attorney General in the history of this country.  Both of them are responsible for giving us two years of Robert Mueller whose government corruption goes back at least 30 years.  He is an evil, nefarious and treacherous figure, and Republicans truly are delusional if they think the special counsel was ever going to be fair.

The Mueller Book

Diane Long, a fellow Phyllis Schlafly Eagle from Louisiana sent me a book she said I absolutely must read.  I was stunned with the opening chapter.  We thought we knew about former FBI Director Robert Mueller and the Deep State infiltration of the Department of Justice (DOJ).  We thought we knew how totally untrustworthy they are, but this book by Louisiana State Senator and attorney John Milkovich takes it even further.  The title of the book is Robert Mueller, Errand Boy for the New World Order, and it is available on Amazon or through pay pal.

Congressman Louie Gohmert wrote a 15,500 word expose of Mueller entitled Robert Mueller Unmasked and he said this, “Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people. His many actions are a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.  I do not make these statements lightly. Each time I prepared to question Mueller during Congressional hearings, the more concerned I became about his ethics and behavior.”

Senator Milkovich’s book goes far deeper on several of Mueller’s targets including the Whitey Bulger Gang, Pan Am 103, Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), Ruby Ridge, 9-11, Anthrax, Weapons of Mass Destruction, The Surveillance State and the War on President Donald J. Trump.

FBI History

As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, the history of the DOJ and the FBI leave much to be desired.  The DOJ was founded, and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant in 1870 and at that time eliminated one-third of federal legal staff.  People forget that the FBI is the National Security Agency’s (NSA) primary partner in domestic spying, which allows them to work in secret.

Edgar Hoover joined the DOJ in 1917 as the first Director of the FBI and immediately rose to prominence because of his role in the ”Red Scare” and ”Palmer Raids” in 1919. He subsequently ”served” 10 presidents and nearly twice as many attorneys general for 47 years.

Hoover spent his career amassing and expanding his power.  ”Hoover didn`t trust anyone he didn`t have something on,” an aide later acknowledged. ”He`s got files on everybody, damn it,” Richard Nixon said.

The FBI and much of the DOJ is built on political power, not on protecting the American citizenry from criminal elements.  Hoover had files on everyone, a protection factor for himself so that he could blackmail and control those in power.  Not much has changed.

Decades of FBI Corruption

Let’s go all the way back to brilliant crime writer, Jack Olsen’s Last Man Standing, the gripping story of Elmer “Geronimo” Pratt, a decorated military Viet Nam veteran war hero and community leader, who was framed by the FBI in one of the greatest travesties of justice in American history.  The FBI targeted Pratt in a cointelpro operation. Why?  Because Pratt as head of the Los Angeles Black Panthers did not believe in violence.

I spoke to author Jack Olsen, to Elmer Pratt, to his lawyers Stu Hanlon and Johnnie Cochran.  The theft of 27 years of this innocent man’s life is what the FBI is all about.

Elmer Pratt was convicted for the 1968 murder of Caroline Olsen on a Santa Monica tennis court. He spent 27 years in prison before the conviction was overturned in 1997 after a judge ruled that prosecutors had concealed evidence.

Geronimo Pratt spent a great deal of time in solitary confinement and was constantly a target of assassination. As a UCLA student though, he had led the Los Angeles Chapter of the Black Panther Party, and became the quarry of the FBI. Here is the spellbinding saga of Pratt, his lawyers, freeing Geronimo, and suing the FBI for false imprisonment for the first time in American history

In April 2000, a federal judge approved a $4.5 million settlement of the Pratt lawsuit, against the City of Los Angeles and the FBI.

We know many other unconstitutional actions were used by the FBI, and several of them are listed in Senator Milkovich’s amazing book.

Mob Boss Whitey Bulger

On 30 October 18, James “Whitey” Bulger, 89-year-old Boston mob boss, was killed in prison by a fellow inmate with mafia ties shortly after he was transferred to a West Virginia federal prison.

Bulger was reportedly wheeled away from security cameras and beaten with a lock in a sock and also had his eyes gouged out.  Sources told The Daily Mail that Whitey Bulger was about to out people in the FBI, specifically FBI officials of the informant program.

In the midst of Bulger’s homicidal heyday, from 1975 to 1994, Robert Mueller served as Assistant U.S. Attorney and later U.S. Attorney for Boston.

As an FBI informant, Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI to cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset River. FBI agents in the pocket of Whitey Bulger had framed four men for a murder they did not commit.  According to some researchers, the Boston FBI actually assisted Bulger’s gang in the commission and coverup of murders.  And when the FBI agents weren’t pocketing bribes from Bulger, they were helping him murder potential witnesses who were poised to expose the FBI’s sordid deal with Whitey Bulger.

Four men were framed and convicted for the murder of Teddy Deegan to protect Bulger and his henchmen.  Sara Carter reported that the bureau buried the truth to protect the brother of Bulger’s partner.  Two of these men died in prison.  One of them was posthumously proven innocent and in 2001, all four were exonerated of Deegan’s murder.  The FBI intimidated a public official who disagreed with the conviction, and they devastated the family of another who was wrongly convicted. Louis Greco’s family was destroyed because of his false conviction.

It was Robert Mueller, first as an assistant U.S. attorney then as the acting U.S. attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardon boards throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies,” writes the Boston Globe’s Cullen. “Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors.”

Pan Am 103

The tragic bombing of Pan Am 103 on December 21, 1988 and the murder of 259 people was covered up by Robert Mueller.  A group of U.S. intelligence specialists led by Major Charles McKee of the Defense Intelligence Agency had gone to Beirut to find and rescue hostages.  While there, they learned about CIA involvement in a drug smuggling operation run through an agency called COREA.  Time Magazine reported the likely explanation for the bombing, supported by independent intelligence experts, was that U.S. operatives “targeted Flight 103 in order to kill the hostage-rescue team.” This would prevent disclosure of what McKee’s team had learned.  That theory was also supported by the fact that the CIA showed up immediately at the scene of the crash, took McKee’s briefcase, and returned it empty.  Link

Mueller was appointed as the chief investigator of the bombing over Lockerbie of Pan Am 103.  He presided over a systematic effort to conceal the crimes culminating in the destruction of 103.  He did not bring to justice drug dealers, the terrorist paid to bomb the plane, the CIA agents who helped smuggle heroin into the U.S. or the CIA agents who notified Iranians that McKee and his team were flying on Pan Am 103.  There was no justice for Charles McKee or for the other 258 passengers aboard this flight.

Mueller’s Effortless Coverups

Senator Milkovich’s book exposes the Mueller coverup of the Bank and Credit Commerce International (BCCI), the international crimes, black ops by intelligence agencies on both sides of the Atlantic, and how conspirators were kept out of jail.

Ruby Ridge was where the FBI snipers shot and killed Vicki Weaver while she was holding her 10-month-old baby, shot and killed her 14-year-old son while he ran from gunfire, and shot Randy Weaver.  Why? Because Randy refused to become an undercover agent for the FBI investigating separatist groups.  Mueller was infuriated over criticism by members of Congress of the FBI siege and murders.

Innocent Dr. Bruce Ivins ended up taking his life because of the false charges of his anthrax involvement by Robert Mueller and James Comey.

Our surveillance state all comes down to Robert Mueller’s efforts while FBI Director after 9/11. Monitoring American citizens despite the fact that the government knew about 9/11 and were given many warnings, was the goal.  The Surveillance State in America has now become the pretext for the intelligence establishment to spy on every law-abiding citizen in America, including our President while he was campaigning.  Mueller implicitly argues that the perpetual and ubiquitous data collection of the digital and telephonic communications of millions of law-abiding Americans is constitutional.

The story of Mueller’s tactics in 9/11 and the deaths of two brave men are devastating.  John O’Neill who led the FBIs counter terrorism division and died in the towers, as well as Dr. David Graham who was poisoned…these are the biggest stories in this fabulous book.  FBI Director Robert Mueller covered up so much, including the involvement of the Saudis.  Mueller strove to conceal that intelligence agencies and the federal government had substantive evidence before 9/11 of an imminent terrorist attack, and top intel bureaucrats and government officials did nothing.

Dr. David Graham, a Shreveport, Louisiana dentist contacted the FBI about two men he suspected were planning an attack against America.  The FBI wouldn’t listen, instead they tried to intimidate Dr. Graham.  After the attack, he saw pictures of these two men in the newspaper.  Graham was a decorated Viet Nam veteran, with enough experience to know the FBI had failed in its duties.  He had warned federal authorities, but they did nothing.

He wrote his account in a report and even carried a 96-page report to local FBI agents.  As Graham got closer to releasing his report on what had happened, the FBI admonitions not to publish became ominous.  The attacks on Graham became stronger and he ended up poisoned and suffered for a year and a half before succumbing.  This is a story everyone needs to know regarding the actions of our intelligence agencies.


Deep State operative Mueller was long-time close colleagues with both James Comey and Rod Rosenstein.  President Trump possesses the authority to fire them all.  This book gathers so much of his involvement over the last 30 years of Mueller’s career.  It is an astonishing chronicle of coverups, corruption and collusion. It is 165 pages of pure documentation of evil.

You can order from Amazon or pay pal.  As well, you can order directly from Senator John Milkovich at 656 Jordan, Shreveport, LA 71101.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 1

As the cauldron continues to bubble, the Internet is awash with crap passed off as expert opinion regarding the ‘legal’ myth called anchor babies. Biased prostitutes on networks like CNN (Communist News Network) as well as racist garbage elected to Congress have talked themselves to death in support of a political agenda vs the U.S. Constitution.

President Trump continues to be hammered by the mentally deranged who support open borders and allowing criminals, terrorists and hordes of uneducated, unskilled leeches who want your paycheck – especially in job sectors like restaurants, hotels and construction. His announcement to send U.S. military troops to the border I’m sure increased the number of prescriptions for drugs from the Congressional pharmacy. (Members Of Congress: Alcoholics, Dementia, Alzheimer’s – How Many?)

I am not a lawyer but I do know how to read and do the research. So, let’s start with the destructive anchor baby myth – something I and so many others have been trying to educate the American people about for what seems like forever.

“If anyone’s going to be deported, it’s going to be you! … Get out! We are the future. You’re old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you – leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your duty to die. Right now, we’re already controlling those elections, whether it’s by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having children we’re going to take over.” –Augustin Cebada, information minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los Angeles.

States must fight legal fiction called ‘anchor babies’, my column, October 3, 2011

“What exactly is this legal fiction referred to as an ‘anchor baby’? The theory is that a child born on U.S. soil of an illegal alien female, regardless of country of origin, automatically becomes a U.S. citizen.

“Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Those favoring illegal aliens sneaking into our country use the Fourteenth Amendment as justification for babies born on U.S. soil by mothers who have no legal right to be in our country. They are wrong.

“Consider these words from Edward J. Erler, Professor of Political Science, California State University, San Bernardino, in his column (I hope you take the time to read all of it):

Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny

“In sum, this legacy of feudalism—which we today call birthright citizenship—was decisively rejected as the ground of American citizenship by the Fourteenth Amendment and the Expatriation Act of 1868. It is absurd, then, to believe that the Fourteenth Amendment confers the boon of American citizenship on the children of illegal aliens. Nor does the denial of birthright citizenship visit the sins of the parents on the children, as is often claimed, since the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are not being denied anything to which they have a right. Their allegiance should follow that of their parents during their minority. Furthermore, it is difficult to fathom how those who defy American law can derive benefits for their children by their defiance—or that any sovereign nation would allow such a thing.”

“He further points out: “But in any case, to say that children of legal aliens are entitled to citizenship is one thing; after all, their parents are in the country with the permission of the U.S. It is entirely different with illegal aliens, who are here without permission. Thus repeal of the current policy of birthright citizenship for the children of illegal aliens would not require a constitutional amendment.”

“Prof. Erler hit it out of the ball park: Children born on US soil of an illegal alien parent (or two parents) regardless of country of origin have no “right” to U.S. citizenship.”

An ILLEGAL alien female dropping a kid on U.S. soil is here illegally and so is the newborn. Everyone in favor of this industry is trying to use the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as justification:

Amendment XIV – U.S. Constitution

Section 1. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

So-called anchor babies are not subject to the jurisdiction of these united States of America because the mother is here ILLEGALLY and not protected by our Constitution and neither is her kid. As a matter of fact, a baby born to a mother from Mexico under their Constitution is a citizen of Mexico, not the U.S.

Mexican Constitution – Chapter II

Article 30. Mexican nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization:

  1. Mexicans by birth are:
  2. Those born in a foreign country of Mexican parents; of a Mexican father and a foreign mother; or of a Mexican mother and an unknown father;

Quoting one of the experts on the destruction of the illegal invasion and ‘anchor babies’, Frosty Wooldridge, wrote in one of his columns, January 6, 2011:

“April 4, 1997, President Sedillo of Mexico stated that “We will not tolerate foreign forces dictating and enacting laws on Mexicans. Our contention is that we are not enacting or dictating any laws on the Mexican illegal alien children born by illegal alien females in the US territory. Further, he states that “he was going to use all diplomatic and legal forces at his disposal to protect Mexicans living in the United States.”

What Sedillo was saying is legally correct:

Illegal aliens who smuggle themselves across our borders from Mexico are Mexican citizens and so are their off spring according to their Constitution, which is why he vows to protect “Mexicans living in the United States.”

Now, my state of Texas took steps to stop giving illegal alien newborns birth certificates – the beginning of sucking the gravy train for a lifetime. Naturally the lawsuits came rolling in costing we Texans a ton of tax money better spent:

Mexican and Central American Illegal Immigrants Sue Texas for Birth Certificates, July 24, 2015

“Citizens of Mexico and several Central American nations have filed suit, claiming entitlement to birth certificates for their children born in the United States. They allege that the Texas denies them the certificates because they do not possess the required identification.

“The parent plaintiffs of the 23 children claim that the State of Texas violates their children’s rights because the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that any child born on U.S. soil warrants American citizen. It also provides that they are citizens of the state where they reside. The plaintiffs and their children reside in Texas.”

  1. Texas is not violating their children’s rights because illegal aliens are not U.S. citizens and have no constitutional rights.
  2. “…the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that any child born on U.S. soil warrants American citizen” is simply repeating a fiction.
  3. They and their children do not reside in Texas. They squatted here in Texas after sneaking across our border.

The articles continues:

“They allege in their petition filed in U.S. District Court in Austin that the birth certificates are being denied because of their immigration status. They argue that, “Such refusal is de facto based upon the immigrant status of the Plaintiff parents.” In the lawsuit, the parents do not refer to themselves as “immigrants,” or “illegal immigrants.” They refer to themselves in their legal capacity “as next friend.”

“In the petition filed in federal court in the Western District, the parents cite the Equal Protection Clause and the Supremacy Clause, and allege that their rights are being violated under these sections. At issue is the form of identification that is now being required of parents by the Bureau of Vital Statistics in border communities. They claim that officials in Hidalgo, Cameron, and Starr counties deny them birth certificates lawfully theirs and their childrens’.”

Again, it all comes down to the law: “…deny them birth certificates lawfully theirs and their childrens’.” Since they broke the law by sneaking across the border, they are not here lawfully so stop trying to twist words to justify a lie they are somehow “lawfully” entitled to birth certificates.

Memo From Middle America: Trump Says “Eliminate Anchor Baby Loophole” —Texas May Have Begun!, August 25, 2015

“According to the complaint by the plaintiffs, Texas officials refuse to provide birth certificates because they won’t accept the infamous matricula consular, a form of ID issued to illegals by Mexican consulates in the U.S, Now, illegals have to show a driver’s license or border identification or a visa with their passport.

“In Texas, an applicant for a driver’s license must produce documentation proving “Identity”, “Social Security number”, “U.S. citizenship or lawful presence status” and “Texas residency”. The “border identification card” is for foreigners who may live right across the border and are authorized to cross back and forth. It is a legal form of identification. But they didn’t have that either.

“The “visas with passport” part means Texas doesn’t accept a foreign passport unless it has a current U.S. visa attached [Texas fights suit after denying birth certificates to children of illegal immigrants, by Eyder Peralta, NPR, July 23, 2015]. Obviously, the plaintiffs can’t provide these documents.

“In effect, these illegals are demanding that the U.S. accept an identification document issued by the Mexican government with the express purpose of facilitating the illegals’ presence in the U.S. The Mexican government’s subversive scheme only works because too many American jurisdictions do accept it. (And seeing how well it worked for illegal Mexicans, Central American countries began issuing equivalent documents to their illegals in the U.S.)”

If this would have been done decades ago across this country, illegals would have gone back to where they came from because they come here to steal the fruits of your labor: “The parents complain their children are not able to obtain government benefits, including health insurance, and they cannot enroll their children into school.

Naturally, the corrupt Mexican government is howling like a stuck pig:  Mexico Warns Texas to Stop Refusing to Issue Illegal Alien Babies Birth Certificates, August 27, 2015

“The Mexican government is warning that Texas’ denial of birth certificates for U.S. children born here to undocumented immigrants stands to imperil the relationship between Mexico and the Lone Star State. The concern was raised in an amicus brief filed Monday evening to lend support to immigrants parents who sued Texas after being denied birth certificates for their U.S.-born children, even after showing their “matrículas,” the ID cards issued by the Mexican consulate to undocumented immigrants.

“[It] not only jeopardizes their dignity and well-being, but could threaten the unique relationship between Mexico and Texas, the Mexican government said in a brief tied to a lawsuit filed against the state by Texas Civil Rights Project and Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid. The lawsuit, the Texas Tribune reported, was filed on behalf of six U.S. citizen children and their undocumented parents, who came from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. Other groups since have joined the suit.”

They should rethink their bitching because you don’t push Texas around without a fight. And the BS about ‘undocumented’ means they are illegal aliens not immigrants and they have no documentation because they slither across our border illegally. The State of Texas has the absolute legal right to make required documentation mandatory.

Guess who ended up with the bigger cojones?

Texas allowed to deny birth certificates to US-born kids of undocumented parents, October 19, 2015: “A federal judge has ruled that Texas may continue to deny birth certificates to children born in the U.S. to undocumented immigrants who are unable to present the specific documentation that is now required by the state.

“While all children born on U.S. soil are automatically granted full citizenship rights, undocumented families allege that Texas has recently raised the bar for the types of documentation it accepts from immigrants who seek birth certificates for their U.S.-born children.”

The author of that rubbish, Amanda Sakuma, doesn’t know her ass from her elbow and just keeps repeating the same old lies along with popular propaganda TV shows like Law & Order: “While all children born on U.S. soil are automatically granted full citizenship rights…” Wrong.

No, Bill O’Reilly, the Constitution doesn’t make “anchor babies” U.S. citizens, August 24, 2015

“On…August 19, 2015, Bill O’Reilly argued with Andrea Tantaros about a Supreme Court decision from 1985, INS v. Rios-Pineda [471 U.S. 444]. He vociferously claimed he was right and Ms. Tantaros was wrong (as was Donald Trump the previous night) about so-called anchor babies, children born in America to illegal aliens living here. O’Reilly said INS v. Rios-Pineda was the definitive and declarative issuance of the Supreme Court regarding the Fourteenth Amendment’s provision that people born in America are automatically American citizens. In fact, O’Reilly was and is wrong. The case had nothing whatsoever to do with the Fourteenth Amendment and anchor babies. It had to do with the Attorney General’s discretionary ability to deport people who are here illegally” (http://pjfusco.com/?p=3075).

‘EXACTLY!  “Fox News’ O’Reilly is not a lawyer and never went to law school. Nevertheless, he freely offers legal opinions. Sometimes he’s right. So is a broken clock.

‘O’Reilly should stop treating a passing reference in a United States Supreme Court to “anchor babies” as United States citizens as a definitive pronouncement on constitutional law, study the history of the Fourteenth Amendment to glean its intent and apologize to Angela Tantaros and Donald Trump.

“Justice John Marshall Harlan II explained in Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967}, that the sponsors of the Fourteenth Amendment believed that citizenship needed to be defined, lest freed slaves be denied citizenship under the “reasoning” of the Dred Scott decision, “good law” before the Civil War and notorious since.

‘Granting United States citizenship to “anchor babies” was NOT intended when the Fourteenth Amendment was enacted.

“In 1898, in United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649, the Supreme Court ruled that a child born in the United States to legal immigrants was a United States citizen. It did not address the issue of the citizenship of an “anchor baby.”

“Anchor babies” received a mention in an 1982 Supreme Court case in which it was not an issue. Therefore, that mention is merely dicta, not holding.”

Watch–Harry Reid in 1993: ‘No Sane Country’ Would Grant Birthright Citizenship

On August 24, 2014, I wrote a column, A Bill: Stop All Public Welfare in Any Form for Illegal Aliens. In that column I quoted dirty Harry Reid, now retired Senator and one of the biggest crooks to ever serve in the Senate next to Diane Feinstein from a bill he introduced in 1993 ripping illegal aliens a new one. THE strongest anti-illegals bill ever written.

His statements were to announce a bill he introduced back then titled the Immigration Stabilization Act [S.1351]. I’m betting it was not written by Dirty Harry, but by lawyers who know what they’re doing and the sure to come legal challenges. It covers the whole gambit of turning off the trillions spent over the past 28 years since Reagan sold us out. One section I want to highlight: TITLE X–CITIZENSHIP


“In the exercise of its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Article of Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress has determined and hereby declares that any person born after the date of enactment of this title to a mother who is neither a citizen of the United States nor admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident, and which person is a national or citizen of another country of which either of his or her natural parents is a national or citizen, or is entitled upon application to become a national or citizen of such country, shall be considered as born subject to the jurisdiction of that foreign country and not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States within the meaning of section 1 of such Article and shall therefore not be a citizen of the United States or of any State solely by reason of physical presence within the United States at the moment of birth.”

Of course, Dirty Harry has now ‘repented’ after his wife whacked him with his diaper: Harry Reid Furiously Backpedals After Trump Tweets 1993 Anchor Baby “Mistake”

Dirty Harry was speaking about the legal fiction called ‘anchor babies. I sent a letter to Senator Ted Cruz and Reps. Louis Gohmert, Steve King [IA] and a half dozen others: Re-introduce Dirty Harry’s bill and get this in front of the American people. Never received a single response from any of them.

At the time, the criminal impostor president, Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Obama aka Barry Dunham aka Barack Dunham – ALL aliases used by that POS over his worthless lifetime was still in office so it would have never been signed into law. But after Trump was sworn into office I sent them all the same letter again and just like the first attempt I received not one reply.

After President Trump was sworn into office I sent him the same letter with Dirty Harry’s own words and the name and bill number asking Trump to put the screws to the House and Senate and get that bill passed. I sent it again to President Trump earlier this year. I received a letter thanking me for writing the president.

As time went by I figured no one was listening while THE final solution (besides actually enforcing our immigration laws and ending the ‘catch and release’ game) has been already written. So, you can imagine my absolute shock last week when President Trump brought up Harry Reid and anchor babies. I thought, Holy Mackerel! At last!

The left and those who support open borders all joined in with the usual cacophony of trying to twist the Fourteenth Amendment with a ton or two of the standard racist accusations.

Trump is right – ending birthright citizenship is constitutional – Right to the point

“As a result, the president of the United States has the authority to direct federal agencies to act in accordance with the original meaning of the 14th Amendment, and to issue passports and other government documents and benefits only to those individuals whose status as U.S. citizens meets this requirement.”

Now, if anyone and I mean anyone who votes for a Democrat tomorrow for the U.S. Congress is someone who wants criminals (rapists, murderers, thieves), terrorists and leeches to continue flooding across our border. THAT is their platform along with protecting gangs like MS-13 and continuing to rob you blind in taxes and destroying America’s moral fabric with their degenerate social causes.

Not that the incumbent Republicans are any better for a hundred reasons which I and so many others have covered over the decades, but with Trump as president, we can get Dirty Harry’s bill passed by both chambers of Congress if they have a majority and Trump will sign it, I believe. The American people want the invasion to stop now.

IF YOUHAVEN’T VOTED YET, GET OUT AND VOTE TOMORROW. You can skip voting for someone in a particular office like dog catcher, but the general election ballots are also for sheriffs, governors, Congress, your state house and sometimes constitutional amendments.


Moving on to Part 2. The left going absolutely bonkers over Trump putting military on the border and what he can and can’t do and what hopefully he will do.

Links – the hordes are after your wallet and job:

Mexico Offers Caravan Migrants Benefits to Stay, Thousands Refuse – ‘No, we’re heading north!’

Koch bros are POISON if you know their agenda the past decade or so:

Billionaire Koch Brothers: ‘Against Our Principles’ to End Anchor Baby Policy

The Koch Brothers, Purveyors Of Dark Money

The Pernicious Influence Of The Koch Brothers

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 2

‘Anchor Babies’, Posse Comitatus And The Invaders, Part 2

When President Trump announced he was putting the U.S. military on the border to stop the latest, well-coordinated, well-funded hordes in several caravans coming from South America up through Mexico, the gutless MSM and political whores in Congress went bonkers.

Those of us who understand what’s at stake said it’s about damn time.

We the people have long ago had it with disease infected illegals smuggling themselves across our border and that includes those brought in under asylum status from countries like Somalia and various ones from the continent of Africa.

Highly qualified doctors and researchers have been warning for years these people are bringing in diseases long ago wiped out in the U.S. I don’t give a damn if the illegal alien or asylum individual is from Ireland, Honduras, Canada, Viet Nam, France or Nigeria. It’s not the color of a person’s skin, it’s what they’re bringing into this country.

Medical Expert: Migrant Caravan Could Pose Public Health Threat (Not could, but will as they’re not tested or screened.)

Caravans Bringing Disease: Threaten Healthcare Overwhelm & Metastasizing Deficits, August 29, 2018

“But what about people who enter our country illegally? The CDC specifically cites the possibility of the cross-border movement of HIV, measles, pertussis, rubella, rabies, hepatitis A, influenza, tuberculosis, shigellosis and syphilis. Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent in South Texas, warned: ‘What’s coming over into the U.S. could harm everyone. We are starting to see scabies, chickenpox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections and different viruses.’ Some of the youngsters illegally entering our country are known to be carrying…infectious diseases that might endanger American children when these immigrants enter schools across our nation.[Emphasis Added. Ed.]

10 new cases of the mysterious Polio-like illness confirmed in U.S. – Atlanta is infested with illegals. Their lunatic mayor, Kasim Reed, says Atlanta is a sanctuary city and has stopped cooperating with ICE. That fool has refused to accept ICE detainees. In other words, he’s obstructing a lawful agency from apprehending and getting deported criminals of every flavor.

Georgia toddler paralyzed overnight as AFM fears grow nationwide

Leishmaniasis Now In US, How Do You Suppose It Got Here? July 28, 2018 “Leishmaniasis is recognized as an endemic human disease in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America.”

List Of Parasites And Diseases Muslims Illegals Bring With Them

VIDEO: Tuberculosis [and others diseases] a ‘ticking time bomb’ in Muslim migrant flow to U.S.

Health Expert Blasts CDC: Ignores Own Study, Allows Refugees Into U.S. Without Latent TB Screening

Illegals have flooded this country with diseases. Their medical treatment comes from YOUR paycheck. Many have never seen a dentist so all of their dental work is paid for by YOUR paycheck while you struggle to provide health care and dental for you and your children. If you contract one of the diseases imported by illegals, can YOU afford to take weeks or months off from your job? How about your precious child(ren) becoming infected and possibly dying?

The caravans heading to our Southern border was perfectly timed; it wasn’t just some spontaneous event. Critical mid-term elections. Trump finished negotiating and dumping the disastrous NAFTA with Mexico. NOTHING happens in DC without a plan funded and orchestrated by big, dirty money. America haters who will do anything to destroy OUR beautiful republic.

By the way, did you see the pictures of our flag with a swastika on it being burned by protesters in front of the American embassy in Honduras who support the illegals in the caravans coming here? Last year in violation of the U.S. Constitution, the thieves in Congress gave $175 million bux in foreign ‘aid’ to Honduras. All debt slapped on our backs, our children and grandchildren.

Now, Trump has been criticized for his actions regarding the military on the border. I’ve read dozens of articles and op-ed pieces on this and most of it is junk and yellow ‘journalism’.

Rome wasn’t destroyed by an army but through demographics; do read this when you have time. It is an excerpt from a speech I gave on this very subject. You won’t be disappointed if I do say so myself…

President Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of our military. Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution:

“The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States;”

What we are seeing IS an invasion, period. A human invasion Mexico has allowed to flourish for decades. They did not stop those caravans from Honduras and Guatemala because they don’t want to. Fine. It’s time for our NY street fighter president to bring in the force of our military.

Act surprised. Open border, money grubbing lawyers are already fighting Trump for his actions to save this country and stop the insanity of allowing tens of thousands of illegals from crossing the border.

Migration Lawyers Recruit Caravan Migrants to Defeat Trump’s Asylum Reform

We KNOW because of arrests that too many of the so-called asylum refugees have turned out to be criminals, liars and leeches who lie through their teeth to stay here.

Now, there’s something called posse comatus. I’ve written about this before:

“Years ago, I brought to readers attention the treason by darling of FAUX News, Oliver North:

“1987: Then U.S. Attorney General William French Smith blew the whistle on a fairly low ranking Marine officer by the name of Oliver North. According to Smith, Lt. Col. Oliver North directly helped draft a plan in 1984 to impose martial law in the United States in the event of an emergency. This secret plan would suspend the U.S. Constitution and turn over control of the government to the little known agency at that time: FEMA. This plan would appoint military commanders to run state and local governments. Implementation of this plan would have been triggered by violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad. Essentially, it amounted to a complete and total suspension of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.”

“As we all saw with Katrina, the military was brought in and the inalienable rights of the American people were simply stomped on. In the same link above, I brought your attention to a look into the future regarding military control of the civilian population:

“The next real war we fight is likely to be on American soil. Our civilian-military face-off (November 30, 1997)

“One startling quote in this article is from Admiral Stanley Arthur, Commander of U.S. naval forces during the Gulf War, where he says, “Today the armed forces are no longer representative of the people they serve. More and more, enlisted as well as officers are beginning to feel they are special, better than the society they serve.”

“When you turn to page two of this story, the headlines read, “Bill of Rights no obstacle for the Corps.” Another disturbing quote jumps out at you, “Because of the rising potential for civil disobedience within the inner cities it is ‘inevitable’ the U.S. military will be employed more often within American borders.”… Why the concern that there is a potential for civil disobedience by Americans? Where did this come from? …..

“Further into this shocking story: “…Major Reeves notes, when faced with violating doctrine or violating the law, some Marines chose the latter course and detained suspects and conducted warrant less searches. Indeed, with characteristic Marine Corps bluntness, the major states that, “in interviews with Marine officers involved in domestic peacekeeping missions with officers responsible for articulating the Marine Corps’ policy on domestic peacekeeping, it became apparent to the author that Marines took whatever action was necessary. At times, these actions required Marines to violate U.S. law.

“Similarly, Marine Capt. Guy Miner reported in the Gazette that Marine intelligence units were initially worried by the need to collect intelligence on U.S. citizens, which would violate a 1981 Executive Order, but that “this inhibition was quickly overcome….” And to chill you even further, “To enable the Marines to execute these new domestic missions in the same way that they do abroad, Major Reeves calls for major alternations in U.S. laws. “Experience from the Los Angeles riots,” he warns, “demonstrated the need to grant U.S. Marine forces the legal right to detain vehicles and suspects, conduct arrests, searches and seizures in order to accomplish the peacekeeping mission.”

“Go ahead, print out the newspaper and read it. If this doesn’t give you the daytime version of pavor nocturnus, then you don’t grasp the severity of the problem. We are seeing more and more domestic spying on Americans, no knock searches killing innocent people, warrant less searches on flimsy probable cause and ‘civilian check points’ on our roads and highways. The misnamed ‘Patriot Act’ continues to be abused by federal dragoons. This is NOT the America thousands spilled their blood for on the battle fields during the Revolutionary War.

“In my last column, I once again covered the National ID and it’s real purpose. Coming on the heels of this massive financial meltdown that will only get WORSE going into next year, consider this headline:

Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1

“3rd Infantry’s 1st BCT trains for a new dwell-time mission. Helping ‘people at home’ may become a permanent part of the active Army.

“They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack.”

“It all sounds quite innocent with the mission of “helping” Americans. Just like Katrina. Benevolent mother government. Until you remember the plan Oliver North drew up and the previously mentioned blue print for the Marines to inject themselves into the civilian sector. All triggered by “violent and wise spread internal dissent, disagreement with government policy or national opposition to any U.S. military invasion abroad” or “rising potential for civil disobedience within the inner cities it is ‘inevitable’ the U.S. military will be employed more often within American borders.”

“A substantial number of Americans believe this is a gross misuse of our military under The Posse Comitatus Act, a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878, prohibiting most members of the federal uniformed services (the Army, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement police or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (states, their counties and municipal divisions). In other words, the PCA limited to a great degree the powers of the federal government to use active military for law enforcement.

“There have been more laws enacted by Congress over the years explicitly allowing the military to be used in certain domestic scenarios. Legal hawks say the most significant is the ‘Military Support for Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies Act of 1981 (“MSCLEA”), the purpose of which is to allow the exchange of information and services between military and law enforcement “when necessary” to protect the people and interests of the United States.

“Major Craig T. Trebilcock, U.S. Army Reserve, penned a paper titled, ‘The Myth of Posse Comitatus‘, in October 2000, where he said: “Is the Posse Comitatus Act totally without meaning today? No, it remains a deterrent to prevent the unauthorized deployment of troops at the local level in response to what is purely a civilian law enforcement matter.”

Stopping this invasion on our border is NOT local law enforcement. This column by a really great American should be read by millions of Americans. If you don’t have time right now, book mark and read it because Michel Cutler KNOWS what he’s talking about:

The Threats Posed by the Impending Invasion –  All Americans need to wake up and pay attention. October 25, 2018

Trump has now shipped military to the border. Reports are the Pentagon said ‘we ain’t gonna do it’. Well, Gen. Mattis, Sec of Def, here’s a clue for you: You work FOR and at the pleasure of the President of these united States of America. If you don’t agree the invasion must be stopped and that Trump HAS the legal power and authority to use our military AT the border to repel the invaders, pack your duffel bag, General and go home. Thanks for your service but it’s time to retire permanently.

I agree with Cuccinelli on this but the only border governor who might do it is ours here in Texas. Too bad we have no real constitutional militia:

Exclusive–Ken Cuccinelli: States Can Stop Migrant Caravan ‘Invasion’ with Constitutional ‘War Powers’

Armed Citizens Join the Front Lines to Help Prevent Caravan Riders From Entering the U.S.

In the meantime, part of the wall is being built. Many laughed when they saw our military setting up tents. Comments were negative because I don’t think people understand why Trump is doing that. It’s called catch and release. Illegals get across the border, detained, given a court date and never show up. NOT this time promises Trump.

Donald Trump Vows Tent Cities To End Migrants’ Catch-and-Release, Nov. 1, 2018

“The U.S. government is already building tent cities to ensure that the caravan migrants and other economic migrants are not released when they ask for asylum, President Donald Trump said Thursday afternoon.

“We’re putting up massive cities of tents, the military is helping us,” he told reporters in a White House briefing. “We have thousands of tents …  We are going to hold them right there, we are not letting them into our country.”

“The migrants “are going to stay with us until the deportation or the asylum hearing takes place, we are not releasing them into the community,” he said.”

If they throw molotov cocktails as they have done to get into Mexico from South America, I believe we will see a real show down. Fine. The President of Mexico will be blamed as well he should be for not growing a pair and stopping those caravans at the opposite end of his border. What a bunch of wimps.

“President Donald Trump warned caravan migrants traveling to the Southern border of the United States on Thursday that he would not put up with violent attacks, even if it was just people throwing rocks.

“Trump instructed the military to treat an attack from rocks the same as an attack from a rifle.

“Anybody throwing stones, rocks, … we will consider that a firearm because there’s not much difference when you get hit in the face with a rock,” he said, referring to the group attacking border guards in Mexico.”

Some say Trump flinched. I don’t. Rubber bullets and other riot ‘accessories’ can and should be used to keep the hordes from stepping on U.S. soil. We don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve received emails from frustrated people who want the military to just shoot the invaders. Well, you really can’t do that UNLESS that invader has a gun and decides to shoot at our Border Patrol or military.

An international incident like that isn’t necessary. Repelling the hordes can be done without such extreme methods like shooting women and children. The terrorists, gang members and drug dealers. No problem from me. Shoot them.

One can hope that when the invaders get to the border and see a strong show of force, they make the right decision, turn around and either seek asylum in Mexico or go back to where they came from. If they decide to run the border, into the tents they go and will stay. Oh, yeah, the lawsuits will fly but, in the meantime, the riff-raff and criminals will stay put.

I’ve read comments from progressive liberals about border towns becoming militarized because of U.S. troops on the border. You know what? Tough ____.  Our country is being invaded. Get that? We have no idea who these people are, where they really come from, how many diseases they’re bringing with them, which ones are gang members or terrorists.

Our military is to guard and protect OUR borders, not Iraq or some other foreign country in the Middle East who seem hell bent on remaining in the 12th century with their tribal in-fighting. Putting our military on OUR border to repel this invasion is the proper use of our troops and if it inconveniences a few people in border towns, I’m really sorry. Keep voting for the same worthless incumbents in Congress who could have stopped this years ago.

AND, I pray will happen by passing Dirty Harry’s old bill as covered in Part 1 of this column.

So, let’s see what happens when the time comes. Call or email Trump and tell him you support troops on the border and we demand the invasion and any caravans be stopped. If the invaders step on U.S. soil, into the tents and detention they go.

Do the same with your congress critter: We support troops on the border to stop the invasion.

And build new, effective walls from Texas to California instead of raping us in taxes to support illegals and their lifestyles.

I have NO doubt there’s a lot talking going on between Trump and the president of Mexico. Trump needs to stand firm and NOT back down, period. He’s done more about this in a very short time than any president since Reagan sold us out. At least give him a chance as Trump fights his own damn party RINOs, the Democratic/Communist Party USA and tries to keep from being assassinated.

PHOTOS: U.S. Military Troops Reinforce International Bridge Ahead of Migrant Caravan, Nov. 3, 2018

$145M Texas border wall project awarded, Customs and Border Protection says, Nov. 3, 2018 – Money well spent instead of on illegals bleeding us dry.

Again: If you haven’t voted, get out tomorrow and vote.

There’s already been vote fraud going on:

Texas voters casting early ballots claim voting machines are switching their ballot choices

Democrats Trying to Win by Cheating in 2018 Midterms, October 31, 2018

“Eric Eggers, author of “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” says election and voter fraud is being discovered before the 2018 midterm elections, and that is good news. Eggers explains, “I think what people are realizing is you have to attack and address voter fraud on the front side of an election. . .The reality is if you don’t address it on the front side, it’s virtually meaningless to address it afterwards. Trump’s talking about it and people reading my book and watching shows like this means they are paying attention.

“There is a story in Texas that happened not too long ago where it was confirmed that members of the Texas Democrat Party were sending voter registration forms with the boxes already marked that said, ‘Yes, I am a citizen; Yes, I would like to register to vote,’ and they were sending them to noncitizens and sending them to dead people. So, that is serving voter fraud up on a platter. The Texas Democrat party behind it is only confirmation of what many have known for a long time and what I write about in the book. There is an organized effort to exploit the vulnerabilities in our election system, and, thankfully, people are taking it seriously.”

San Francisco spends about $6,326 for each non-citizen voter to sign up for local election, report says (STUPID liberal asses – Come on, Jeff Sessions. Go after their Board of Stupidvisors and mayor.)

Election FRAUD warning: Tech giants and fake news media conspiring to steal the mid-terms, Oct. 30, 2018

Days Away From An Election That Will Help Decide The Future Of America, This Long History Of Voter Fraud Proves The Demonrats Will Resort To Crime In Attempt To Steal Back Their Lost Power – Lots of important data and facts in that piece.

Mario Obledo, founding member/former nat’l director of Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), former CA Sect’y Health/Welfare on Tom Leykis radio talk show (Hear the quote here)

“We’re going to take over all the political institutions in California. In five years the Hispanics are going to be the majority population of this state.” Caller: “You also made the statement that California is going to become a Hispanic state and if anyone doesn’t like it they should leave – did you say that?” Obledo: “I did. They ought to go back to Europe.”

Go to Part 1

© 2018 Devvy Kidd – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


Nine Ways Trump Is Solving the Illegal-Migration Problem (Aided by Jeff Sessions), Sept. 29, 2018

Illegal Alien Convict Accused of Sex Abuse Bankrupts County with $1M Taxpayer-Funded Medical Bills, Aug. 2, 2018. Sexually abused an 8-year old. Take the SOB outside and shoot him. That takes care of that.

100 Bangladeshi Nationals Apprehended near Texas Border in 3 Weeks, Sept. 10, 2018

Sanctuary State: ICE Arrests 150 Criminal, Previously Deported Illegal Aliens Across California, Sept. 28, 2018

This is the human trash Pelosi, Schumer, Cuomo, Waters, CNN, MSNBC and open borders Hollywood whores want to protect. MS-13 gangs are as vicious as the major drug lords in Mexico and So. America:

Border Patrol Arrests of MS-13 Gangsters Up 50 Percent in 2018, Sept. 29, 2018

Courts Have Deported Half of Obama’s 2014 Adult Migrants, Sept. 19, 2018

Border Patrol stops caravan of 128 illegal immigrants from entering US, Aug. 22, 2018

Sub-human garbage. The gang’s motto is ‘mata, viola, controla’ which means ‘kill, rape, control’.

Dozens of MS-13 members are charged with murder, assault and drug trafficking during the gang’s reign of terror in a small California farm town,  Aug. 31, 2018

Central American Migrants Set Fire to Mexican Immigration Facility, Oct. 30, 2018

Cleaning Plastic From The Oceans One Pound At A Time

The magic of www.4ocean.com cleaning plastic out of your oceans.

Back in 1963, my brother and I hoisted scuba tanks over our shoulders to dive in John Penne Kamp National Park on the south coast of Florida.  We enjoyed stunning beauty, pristine reefs and a world of underwater wonders.

By 1967, Dustin Hoffman starred in the movie “The Graduate” where a mentor told him, “You got to get into plastics man…plastics are the future.”

Well, in 2018, the future landed on all of us with plastics to the tune of 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris torturing the world’s oceans. That horrific number of plastic pieces floats on the surface or descends to the bottom of every ocean, sea, lake, river and pond in the world. Oceanographer Julia Whitty, at On Earth Magazine, tabulated that 46,000 pieces of plastic float on every square mile of oceans around the world.

Plastics today reside in the tissue of fish, birds, whales, dolphins and turtles.  It’s permeating the entire food chain as it disintegrates into tiny pieces ingested by sea life.

Cruise ships jettison it, military fleets toss it overboard and regular humans around the planet toss 3.5 million pieces of plastic into the oceans 24/7.  Scientists calculated that 16 billion pounds of plastics land in the oceans annually.

In 2018, 1,000 miles off the coast of San Francisco, “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” floats 100,000,000 (million) tons of plastic between two gyres. (ocean currents)  It expands to the size of Texas and reaches 30 to 60 feet deep in places. It represents humanity’s disregard, disrespect and outright savagery toward the planet and all living marine life.

Marine and avian life eat plastic bottle caps that look like food. It chokes their digestive systems for an agonizing death. It kills millions of seals, turtles, sharks, whales, dolphins, seagulls, pelicans and countless other species living in our oceans.

How plastics kill ocean life.

When Oprah Winfrey exposed the 60-million-ton Great Pacific Garbage Patch 20 years ago, I felt the world’s leaders might gather in a conference to create a financial incentive of 25 cents on every piece of plastic sold in mercantile stores worldwide.  That price would command everyone’s attention for 99 percent returns of all plastic pieces.  Instead every country in the world ignored the “Patch” so that today, it houses 100,000,000 (million) tons of plastic and kills even more marine life.

In the last decade, two surfers, Alex Schulze and Andrew Cooper saw the beaches and oceans flooded with plastic. They decided to act. Please examine this short video to get an idea of their quest:

Removing plastics from our oceans.

If the video doesn’t distress you, or it doesn’t disturb you, or it doesn’t make you angry at how humans continue destroying our planet home—then, continue to do nothing.

However, if these videos make you sick to your stomach, how about putting your anger, frustration and distress to work like those two surfer boys? How about taking action in your own community or state to create a 25-cent deposit recycling law for all plastic containers?  Or, how about speaking to your two U.S. senators to create a federal 25 cent deposit-return law for the United States?

If you’re too busy for those actions, how about donating $20.00 or $100.00 to buy bracelets from www.4Ocean.com . They will pick up one pound of junk out of our oceans with that donation. They will pick it up in 27 different countries with people who WILL take action because you bought bags, equipment and machinery to do the job.

Pass this commentary around to your friends.  They may become outraged enough to donate $1,000.00, $50,000.00 or more. We MUST change our deliberate destruction of our planet.

The worst choice you can make: feel that you can do so little that you do nothing at all.   You will never miss the $20.00; and you can do so much good to bring about positive change on your planet’s oceans for yourself and your kids.

I bought my bracelet with a seabird theme. You can donate for sea turtles, whales, sharks and more with color themes that fit your style. Once you join, share this with your friends. Let’s create a national movement to make our world a thriving place for all life.

Contact them and buy that bracelet: www.4ocean.com

Vaya con Dios!

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Liberal Portland OR. Sheriff Mike Reese Frees Illegal Alien Who Then Kills Wife

By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri

Multnomah County, OR. —An illegal alien in Oregon who allegedly killed his wife and dumped her body in a ditch is causing an enormous controversy about professional relations between (ICE) Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Department.

ICE officials claim they placed an immigration hold — known as a detainer — on Martin Gallo-Gallardo when he was arrested on a domestic violence charge in March, months before he allegedly murdered his wife, Coral Rodriguez-Lorenzo.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office in their response to the news media claimed they never received the detainer from ICE headquarters in Washington, D.C.. But they admitted even if they had received the ICE request to hold Gallo-Gallardo, they would not have notified ICE due to a 2014 federal court ruling which was eventually overturned.

During a Friday afternoon press event, Multnomah County Sheriff Mike Reese accused the Homeland Security Department’s ICE of “being deceitful” about their detainer request.

The 45-year-old Gallo-Gallardo is accused of repeatedly stabbing his wife after returning from a weekend party. He allegedly dumped her body near a summer camp.

When he was arrested in March 2018 on assault charges against her, a grand jury decided not to move forward with the case after she was unwilling to cooperate. Gallo-Gallardo was released on bail from the county jail.

According to federal law enforcement investigators, the murder-suspect is a Mexican citizen who entered the U.S. illegally and without documentation. ICE said if Multnomah County had held him as requested, he likely would have been in federal custody instead of returning home to his wife, whom he savagely stabbed to death.

ICE responded to the crime in the following statement: “ICE maintains that cooperation by local law enforcement is an indispensable component of promoting public safety. Gallo-Gallardo is a citizen of Mexico who has been previously apprehended by the Border Patrol multiple times unlawfully entering the United States.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) placed an immigration detainer on Gallo-Gallardo on March 6, following his arrest for Felony Assault 4th degree. The Multnomah County Jail did not honor that detainer and Gallo-Gallardo was released on bond on March 8.

Also in Oregon, as reported by NewsWithViews.com, an illegal alien from Mexico entered a guilty plea to multiple charges of kidnapping, sodomy and sexual assault on Friday. Sergio Jose Martinez, 34, a Mexican national who in the past was deported from the United States at least 20 times has been convicted of 10 counts of sexual assault in Oregon.

Police said Martinez was armed with a knife and assaulted a woman in the basement parking garage of a building on the 2100 block of Northeast Halsey Street at around 7 p.m. Monday.

Martinez ran away when uniformed police officers arrived. They chased the suspect on foot through the neighborhood before he was finally nabbed after broke into another apartment.

Meanwhile the investigating detectives connected Martinez to another sexual assault that occurred Monday morning several blocks away.

Police reports and court documents allege that Martinez entered the woman’s home through an open window, used scarves and socks to blindfold her, gag her and tie her up before he sexually assaulted her and beat her with punches and the slamming of her head against wood floor.

In his subsequent sexual assault and attack, the police probable cause affidavit accuses the suspect Martinez was hidden in a dark corner of the parking garage and he first approached a woman telling her he wished to talk.

The woman in fear of the suspect offered Martinez her money, her cellphone and her personal laptop computer, but Martinez, she said, threatened to kill her and forced her to get into her car while pointing a six-inch knife at her, according to court documents.

The probable cause affidavit states the woman kicked Martinez in the midsection, but he said, “you shouldn’t have done that,” and again threatened to kill her.

The woman had pressed the panic button on her car alarm system before she got into the suspect’s vehicle. Court documents noted she escaped from the car, but Martinez tackled her and slammed her head onto the ground.

People nearby heard screams and rushed in to help, causing Martinez to run away. When he was caught by police, he was carrying the 6-inch knife and the items he stole from both victims, according to the probable cause affidavit.

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown had officially declared Oregon to be a Sanctuary State for all illegal aliens in February 2017.  Her executive order forbids all state agencies and employees from helping federal immigration officials locate or apprehend illegal immigrants.

Oregon State Law already forbids state and local law enforcement agencies from using public resources to find or arrest those whose only crime is being in the country without proper documentation, Brown’s order goes a step further in solidifying the state’s sanctuary status by expanding the law to all agencies.

Oregon is among the growing number of Democratic Party run states that provide ‘sanctuary’ to illegal aliens. Such state laws equate to not cooperating with federal immigration law enforcement agencies who require state and local law enforcement and sheriffs’ departments to to turn over illegal aliens with criminal backgrounds, especially immigrants who commit violent crimes.

Instead these ‘sanctuary’ cities and or entire states choose to harbor these criminals, putting them before the safety and well-being of American citizens residing in these areas. [YouTube Video]

The investigation of sex crimes case is extremely difficult and demanding, requiring not only technical expertise and experience, but also sensitivity towards the victim. The detective or prosecutor assigned to investigate should always remain cognizant of the fact that the entire criminal justice process, beginning with the initial police interview right through adjudication, poses an additional ordeal for the sex crime victim and her family and loved ones.

The trauma of sexual attack leaves the victim at once hurt — physically and emotionally — angry, anxious, fearful, vengeful, confused, hate-filled and distrustful. In many cases, the victim blames herself for the act, thinking she contributed to the crime. If she was returning home late from a party, she may tell herself she deserved what she got because of her carelessness late at night or early in the morning. The investigating officer(s) must reassure her that she did nothing wrong. The rapist or sex offender is the one who committed the crime.and the one deserving punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

In some cases, the investigators will find the victim to be uncooperative, even hostile the preliminary stages of the interview/preliminary report. Sensitivity and understanding of the psychology of rape and sexual assault are prerequisites to a successful sex crimes investigation.

Most big-city police departments have specialized units for sex crimes as do most prosecution offices. In New York City, for example, there are several sex crimes squads or units operating within all of NYC’s five boroughs. In addition to the NYPD’s specialized squads, the District Attorney’s Office in each borough have assistant district attorneys assigned to a special sex crimes unit.



© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

Desperate Democrats Now Posing Naked To Get Votes

Forget the ‘Me too’ movement which has grabbed up thousands of ‘poor me’ ‘desperate for attention’ liberal women running to cameras across America.  As it seemed, just about everyone in America was attacked or raped by evil men. Off with them all to an island I say!

Now the Democrats during the final hours of the Mid Term saga, where they are predicting the Democrat wave of the century are boldly introducing the ‘Grab the vote’ campaign.  Sounds reasonable on the surface.  They have a right to push for votes.  However,  Grab the Vote is a bunch of women, all sizes, shapes and nationalities posing stark naked for a photo.  They are only holding a voting ballet that covers their privates.  They are thinking that this will call in the DEMS to vote.

This is certainly a change in national Democrat policy.  Now they are in to visual terrorism as the masses are forced to look at naked bodies not meant for publication.  I do wonder how blinding the liberal masses is going to help them get out to vote.  Perhaps they should keep with what they know and do so well, threaten, assault, burn cars and buildings, while kicking opponents out of restaurants and gas stations.   That is certainly fueling this blue wave of greatness and of course having nothing real to run on other than shred the moral foundation of the country, raise taxes and let all terrorists and illegals come across the border.

To stay on the winning path, the Democrats need to put their clothes back on and continue running on nothing while threatening all who are slightly different.  Their Blue wave has carved a nude path all the way to the bottom of the ocean.  They will be an enormous success, that is success of more failure than ever this Mid Term.

Please do go vote but perhaps cover your eyes.

© 2018 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

This Election May Be The Most Important Of Our Time

For the last three general elections we have heard commentators tell us, at least the conservative commentators, that this is the most important election of our time.  I thought they were just making it sound important but looking back at the results of those elections it is obvious that they were very important. More important than most people on the right thought.

In 2008 we were looking at a candidate we knew, John McCain and a candidate will still don’t know, Barack Obama.  I have been an independent since Reagan. Whom I voted for both times, because in my state you’re Democrat or Republican or you don’t participate in the primary process.  I knew John McCain and knew he was a bad candidate.  Nobody really knew Barack Obama, still don’t, but what was available on him proved he was a horrible candidate.  Obama even stated what he was going to do to take America down several notches.

On Meet the Press on September 7, 2008 he stated: “It’s my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails – – – perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ……” We need to conduct ourselves ‘like the nations of islam’?  Seriously? That should have scared the heck out of all of American voters.  This didn’t bother the Democrats.  If that wasn’t enough, in his book Audacity of Hope he stated: ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.’  Any one that would stand with our enemy instead of the nation he was elected to serve as leader, doesn’t deserve to hold that position.  But, again, this didn’t bother the Democrats.  Then we had the flag pin moment.

He stated: “As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides.” “There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression…” “The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing.”  Obama continued: “The National Anthem should be ‘swapped’ for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song ‘I’d Like To Teach the World To Sing’.[1] 1 He felt that wearing the flag was taking sides?  Isn’t that what the President is supposed to do?  Then he states he wants to feminize our National Anthem!  What more did any God-fearing patriot need to hear to know this anti-American lowlife was not fit for the office?  Again, the Democrats had no problem.  They wanted power and didn’t care who got hurt to get it.

McCain was bad, but he wasn’t that bad.  A friend of mine that was one of our State Senators commented that elections have consequences.  That they did.  In 2008 we elected a British subject, literally, as President of the United States.  He may have been born in Hawaii, which is greatly questionable, and we don’t have time to cover that in this article, but because his dad was a British subject, international protocol acknowledged by the United States dictated that Obama was also a British subject and citizen of Kenya.  Again, the Democrats didn’t have a problem with violating the Constitution and neither did the Republicans.  That shows you how many globalists are in the Republican Party.  Elections have consequences.

The worst part about Obama was he was re-elected in 2012.  People ignored the fact that he did two world tours apologizing for the actions of America.  You know, saving the world from German domination in WWI and German/Japanese domination in WWII, being the most prosperous nation, the world has ever seen without giving our wealth away to nations that won’t let their people access the resources of their nation, what cads we are,  giving aid to nations that hate us and the list goes on.

Then we have the ‘most transparent administration in the history of America’.  People either forgot or ignored the Chrysler bailout,[2] and who could forget Obamacare?  You know the, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor lie,[3] the political profiling by the IRS,[4] the assault on free speech and due process on college campuses,[5] then we have the EPA’s Cap and Trade on carbon emissions.[6]  Elections have consequences.  Do we even have to talk about Fast and Furious?, Benghazi?, the Iran nuclear deal and the pallets of money he sent them.  By the way, when Loretta Lynch was asked where Obama got the money, she pleaded the 5th.  So we’re sure that it was an upright transaction.  Remember Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents?  We still don’t have those documents. Elections have consequences.

Now we see the riots, shootings, bomb threats from the left because they are no longer in power and demand that they get it back.  Remember Hillary Clinton stating that there will be no civility until the Democrats are back in power?  She didn’t say that because Democrats are civil, she said that because they won’t be civil until they are back in power!  Her statement went like this: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” she claimed. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”[7]  You would think she was talking about Trump destroying all that is America but the reality of it all is she is seeing everything that her womanizing husband and the Bush’s and the illegal president Obama began to build to make America the banana republic being torn down.

This is the most important election of our life time.  Every election from this day forward will be the same thing.  If the left ever gets back in power. we can kiss this great nation goodbye.  Lyndsey Graham stated during the Kavanaugh hearings when it was obvious that the Democrats were bound and determined to keep a liberal seat on the Supreme Court that he hoped they never were put back into power because of what they would do if they ever had the opportunity.

Elections have consequences and we see what they do when they aren’t in power, what will they do when they are in power?  I fear for my children and grandchildren.  If we/they slack up just a little our nation will be nothing more than a footnote.  The Democrats have exhibited just what they will do.  Open borders and allowing anyone who crosses the border to vote, they’ll get rid of the Electoral College and conservatives will never hold office again.  America will be no more than a third world disaster.  Trump would use a different word, but this is read by people who may find a more accurate description offensive.

Elections have consequences!  Please think before you vote.  Your kids future depends on it.

© 2018 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org


  1. https://www.onepoliticalplaza.com/t-116898-1.html

2, 3, 4, 5, 6.  10 ways Obama violated constitution presidency

  1. Hillary Clinton throw civility out the window until democrats retake congress

Dem Women Pose Nude For Votes

You read the headline correctly. A new ad for the purpose of gaining Democrat votes feature…now brace yourselves…nude photos of Democrat women!

Our first reaction was, is Nancy Pelosi and Dianne Feinstein in the photos? The news item states that the “ladies” are going nude to protest GOP with a caption with slight variation, “Grab’em by the Ballot.” Nice.

The purpose, according to news releases, is to urge people to vote against Republicans this Tuesday. Ten women are in the photo to convince people to cast their ballots for Democrats instead of Republicans. Yep, that’ll do it every time.

If you remember, it was proved that the appeal of Democrat women was so powerful and irresistible that these were the only women that Judge Kavanaugh could not control himself around…according to creative news sources.

Breitbart reported that the photos were taken in a Vermont studio on October 28th. It was organized by Dawn Robertson, 48, a Harvard Law School graduate and founder of a recruitment company, who told the Daily Mail she organized the photo shoot because of the rise of the #MeToo movement and hoped to push back on what she says is the Republican Party’s attack on women and transgender rights. How’s that again?

MilesTones is trying to figure out the captions to be used in the photos. One being considered is: Sex Takes a Holiday.  Or perhaps “The reason for Twin Beds.” That department is working on it.

We do thank Lawrence Craig, a frequent contributor to this column for rushing this breaking news to us.


© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

What The Framers Really Said About The Purpose Of Amendments To Our Constitution

One of the silliest of the many unsupported claims made by those lobbying for an Article V convention is that our Framers said that when the federal government violates the Constitution, the remedy is to amend the Constitution.[1]

It shouldn’t be necessary to point out that their claim makes as much sense as saying that since people violate the Ten Commandments, God should amend the Ten Commandments.[2]

And since none of our Framers said such a silly thing, the convention lobby can’t produce a quote where it was said.

Even so, some have believed it and repeated it to others.  Americans!  We must demand that people prove their claims before we believe what they tell us.

I will show you original source documents, and you can see for yourself what our Framers really said about the purpose of amendments to our Constitution.

Madison’s Journal of the Federal Convention of 1787

James Madison was a delegate to the federal convention of 1787 where our present Constitution was drafted.  He kept a daily Journal. I went through it, collected every reference to what became Article V, and wrote it up – here it is.

Madison’s Journal shows what our Framers said at the convention about the purpose of amendments to our Constitution:

Elbridge Gerry said on June 5, 1787: the “novelty & difficulty of the experiment requires periodical revision.”
George Mason said on June 11, 1787: The Constitution now being formed “will certainly be defective,” as the Articles of Confederation have been found to be. “Amendments therefore will be necessary, and it will be better to provide for them, in an easy, regular and Constitutional way than to trust to chance and violence. It would be improper to require the consent of the Natl. Legislature, because they may abuse their power, and refuse their consent…The opportunity for such an abuse, may be the fault of the Constitution [i.e., a defect] calling for amendmt.” [boldface mine] [3]
Alexander Hamilton said on Sep. 10, 1787: amendments remedy defects in the Constitution.[4]

The Federalist Papers

In Federalist No. 43 at 8, Madison said the purpose of amendments to the Constitution is to repair “discovered faults” and “amendment of errors”; and “amendment of errors” and “useful alterations” would be suggested by experience.

In Federalist No. 85 (13th para), Hamilton said useful amendments would address the “organization of the government, not…the mass of its powers”[5]

Throughout Federalist No. 49, Madison warned against a convention for proposing amendments, and showed that a convention is neither proper nor effective to restrain government when it encroaches.

Madison’s letter of August 28, 1830 to Edward Everett (p. 383-403)

Madison says:

“Should the provisions of the Constitution as here reviewed be found not to secure the Govt. & rights of the States agst. usurpations & abuses on the part of the U.S…” (p. 398)

So he is talking about provisions – defects – in the Constitution which permit the federal government to abuse the States.  He goes on to say:

“…the final resort within the purview of the Constn. lies in an amendment of the Constn…”[6]

So he’s saying that when a defect in the Constitution exposes the States to abuses by the federal government, the remedy is to amend the Constitution.

To fully grasp Madison’s point, we must look at his letter in its historical context of the Tariff Act of 1828:  The southern states bought manufactured goods from England.  England bought southern cotton.  But infant industries in the Northeast couldn’t compete with the English imports. So during 1828, Congress passed a Tariff Act which imposed such high tariffs on English imports that the southern states could no longer buy them.  England stopped buying southern cotton. This devastated the southern economy. So South Carolina wanted to nullify the Tariff Act (the “Tariff of Abominations”); and developed a theory that a State had a “constitutional right” to nullify any federal law, and the nullification would be presumed valid, unless three-fourths of the States said it wasn’t valid.

Madison opposed South Carolina’s theory because the Tariff Act was constitutional – it was authorized by Art. I, §8, cl. 1, US Constitution.  States can’t nullify a constitutional law![7]

But while the Tariff Act was constitutional, it was abusive:  Article I, §8, cl. 1 was being used to benefit infant industries in the Northeast at the expense of the southern states.[8]

So what’s the remedy “within the purview of the Constitution” for the Tariff Act of 1828?  Madison doesn’t spell it out – but obviously Art. I, §8, cl. 1 could be amended to say that Congress may impose tariffs only to raise revenue to carry out the enumerated powers; and may not impose tariffs in order to benefit domestic industries, or to benefit one section of the Country at the expense of other sections.[9]

Washington’s Farewell Address

In his Address, Washington warns that we must require people in the federal government to confine themselves within their constitutional powers; and we must not permit one department [branch] of the federal government to encroach on the powers of the other departments (p. 15-19).  He then says,

“If in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.” (p.19)

So Washington is talking about what the people may come to see as defects in the Constitution:

  • If we want one branch of the federal government to have a power which the Constitution delegates to another branch, we should amend the Constitution to redistribute that power.[10]
  • If we want the federal government to have a power the Constitution doesn’t grant, we should amend the Constitution to delegate the additional power. No matter how desirable it is for the federal government to have the additional power, we must not permit it to exercise the power by usurpation.[11]

And this is what Alexander Hamilton, who along with James Madison assisted Washington in drafting his Farewell Address,[12] had previously said in Federalist No. 78:  The representatives of the people [Congress] may not violate the Constitution even if a majority of their constituents want them to:

“…Until the people have, by some solemn and authoritative act, annulled or changed the established form, it is binding upon themselves collectively, as well as individually; and no presumption, or even knowledge, of their sentiments, can warrant their representatives in a departure from it, prior to such an act…”  (5th para from the end)

Our Constitution isn’t defective, it’s ignored!

Our Constitution is a 5,000 year miracle.  Our problem is everyone ignores it. The solution is to dust it off, read it, learn it, and enforce it.  Downsize the federal government to its enumerated powers.

Demand Proof of what people say before you believe them.

If Americans would follow the example of the Bereans (Acts 17:11) and demand proof of the claims the convention lobby makes, they would spot the false claims and preserve our blessed Constitution.  Judges & Juries require trial lawyers to prove their claims. Demand the same from lobbyists for a convention!

© 2018 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


1 Michael Farris claimed [but couldn’t link to a quote because Mason didn’t say it]:

“George Mason demanded that this provision [the convention method of proposing amendments] be included in Article V because he correctly forecast the situation we face today. He predicted that Washington, D.C. would violate its constitutional limitations and the States would need to make adjustments to the constitutional text in order to rein in the abuse of power by the federal government.”

2 Amendments can’t “rein in” the fed. gov’t when it “violate[s] its constitutional limitations” because when it does so, it is ignoring the existing limitations on its powers. Hello?

3 Mason’s concern was that the new fed. gov’t wouldn’t agree to amendments needed to correct defects in the new Constitution:

  • Under the Articles of Confederation (our 1st Constitution), amendments had to be approved by the Continental Congress and all of the States (see ART. 13). So Art. V of the new Constitution dispensed with the requirement that Congress approve amendments.
  • Who should be able to propose amendments? Madison wanted Congress to propose all amendments, either on their own initiative or at the request of 2/3 of the States.  But Mason said the States should be able to propose amendments without asking Congress because Congress might become oppressive and not permit the States to get the necessary amendments.

So the convention method was added. And it provided a way for States to propose amendments.  But it also provided a convenient opportunity to get a new Constitution, since the delegates would have that transcendent right, recognized in our Declaration of Independence, to throw off one government and write a new constitution which creates a new government.

George Mason hated the new Constitution.  He said on Aug. 31, 1787 that he “would sooner chop off his right hand than put it to the Constitution as it now stands”; and if it wasn’t changed to suit his views, he wanted another convention. Everybody knew that to get a new Constitution, you need a convention.

Madison and the other Framers went along with adding the convention method because they knew the people had the right to meet in convention and draft a new Constitution whether or not the convention method was added to Art. V [e.g., Madison’s letter of Nov. 2, 1788 to Turberville  p. 299 at 2.]; and they couldn’t stop People in the future from doing what they had just done.  So Madison, Hamilton & John Jay promptly started warning of the dangers of another convention: see the Brilliant Men handout.

4 Here’s an illustration of what States soon saw as a defect in our Constitution:  Art. III, §2, cl. 1 delegated to federal courts the power to hear cases “between a State and Citizens of another State”. But when a citizen of South Carolina sued the State of Georgia, the States were outraged!  See Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 419 (1793). So the 11th Amendment was ratified to take away from federal courts the power to hear such cases.

5 The Constitution drafted at the federal convention of 1787 delegates only a tiny handful of powers to the fed. gov’t.  See this chart.

6 Madison continues, “… according to a process applicable by the States.”  Madison always said that when States want amendments, they should ask their congressional delegation to propose them.  E.g., Madison’s letter of Nov. 2, 1788 to Turberville (p. 299 at 2.).

7 See Madison’s Notes on Nullification (1835) HERE  (p. 573-607).

8 The Tariff Act of 1828 violated our Founding Principle (2nd para of the Declaration of Independence) that the purpose of government is to secure the rights God gave us. God never gave us the right to be free of competition in business.

9 In the very next paragraph, Madison says that when there is a pattern of usurpations and abuses, we must step outside of the Constitution and resort to the original right of self-defense: resistance, i.e., nullification or revolution (p. 398).

10 E.g., Art. I, §8, cl. 11 delegates to Congress the power to declare war.  But if we want the President to have that power, we should amend the Constitution to delegate that power to the President.  We must not permit the President to exercise that power by usurpation!

11 If we wanted the fed. gov’t to exercise power over labor unions, wages & hours, safety standards, food & drugs, manufacturing standards, agriculture, energy, housing, transportation, education, medical care, the environment, etc., etc., etc., we should have amended the Constitution to delegate those powers to the fed. gov’t.  But we ignored Washington’s advice, and permitted the fed. gov’t to exercise those powers by usurpation.

12 The Introduction to the Farewell Address (p. 3) says that George Washington composed it with the assistance of Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

Choices To Make – There Could Not Be A Better Laid Plan To Destroy Our Country Than What Is Unfolding Before Us

It is hard to say how our country derailed or lay the blame for it on to one person.  We’ve all had a role and I do have some things to say about it.  I pray every American is thinking hard about the choices before them and the future choices made brings.

It is sad for me to state it, but we’ve become a godless, hate filled nation.  It is always worth remembering that God does not inspire hatred.  He inspires greatness, justice, mercy and humbleness.

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” —Micah 6:8

We’ve abandoned common decency.  We show little respect to anyone who disagrees with us.  The sad thing is, too many of us do not know what we believe and instead side with one group or the other out of ignorance and blind hatred.  We’ve been led down this path by fallible people.  People who are or would be our leaders are not ignorant of our history or how an economy works, but choose to distort or revise it to suit their motives.  And those who are wholly ignorant choose to blindly follow a personality.  Other than supernatural, there could not be a better laid plan to destroy our country than what is unfolding before us.

Americanism versus Socialism?

There are varying definitions of Americanism.  It may mean holding to a collective identity, upholding traditions and values, the manner of using the English language, or a cultural style.  Most anything can hang beneath that shingle.  First, it means freedom and individual liberty as a human birthright.  A birthright from God long preceding founding of the United States of America and is as old as humankind itself.  It is an Americanism because it is the cornerstone of our great nation and guaranteed us by the law of the land.  A laissez-faire economic system where transactions between private parties ought to be free of government interference is an Americanism.  Because of the expansion of government and creeping socialist tendencies, keeping the government at bay is growingly more difficult than it should be.  Each individual’s pursuit of happiness and wealth by providing goods and services others need and desire also provides employment for the producers.  It is the circle of economic growth responsible for the wealthiest nation on earth.  Even with that very basic understanding there is a threatening push for socialism.

How about the bottom line up front?  If Socialism is such a panacea why does there always seem to be a caravan from failing Socialist countries headed to our undefended practically invisible borders.  Short of war, the people in control of those countries will never change.  Instead, they’ll open the pressure valve releasing the poverty stricken and uneducated for the journey north rather than allowing it to blow.  There is a narcissistic view held by American Socialists that they are smarter and know how, under the veil of social justice, to make Socialism work.  Never admitting that every attempt at Socialism has failed resulting in abject poverty and body counts into the hundreds of millions.  Government is only marginally good at governing.  When it controls the entire economic system, means of production and healthcare it isn’t even marginally good.  In fact, it’s disastrous.  Hitler was a Socialist.  The biggest head scratcher is the most prominent voices pushing Socialism and Communism are the pampered and super wealthy such as entertainers and athletes where evidence of hard work and educational letters are a rarity.  Wealthy only because they were blessed to be in America.  They are the cheerleaders for the classless society.  The society in which they’d never willingly belong.

Make the choice.

Open borders?

I’m married to a legal immigrant.  Our country is filled with many legal immigrants who are assimilated American citizens making significant contributions to our country.  I support legal immigration, but it must also be controlled.

Open borders are part of the globalist worldview supported by the ultra-wealthy.  This is the worldview that brought about the no borders European Union.  Mass migration into these open borders countries is causing untold problems, not the least of which is a failure to assimilate.  In most all cases, they appear to be economic migrants rather than the purported war refugees.  Difficult for any country to absorb, especially the European welfare states.

Open borders are what some are pushing for the USA.  These are not spontaneous gatherings of humans.  Instead it is a well-organized and supported assault on our sovereignty.  These people are marching behind the flags of their countries toward our borders.  They’re economic migrants not looking to assimilate only to earn, in most cases tax free, money and send it back home to prop up the failing socialist economies they’ve fled.  If Washington’s politicians want a look, just drive a short distance West on US Route 50 to Falls Church or a little way out Columbia Pike to Annandale.  Read all of the “how to avoid immigration and ICE” posters at the restaurants and stores.

The bottom line?  If we open our borders to all comers our country will simply cease to exist.  We will only succeed in importing the socialism these economic migrants fled and if ever allowed citizenship and the right to vote we will have lost forever.  Our country will break up quicker than you can say Balkanization.

Make a choice.

The New World Order?

This is the aim of the world’s ultra-wealthy the likes of George Soros and everything mentioned up to this point are just aims of the plan.  Ultimately, one world governance, one world economy, one world religion…  There would be the George Soros’s of the world and you and I in the serfdom.  We would be the classless society.  There is but one barrier for the New World Order.  It’s the United States of America and thanks to the genius of our founders a free and armed society.  We’ve had past presidents who subscribed to globalism and worked diligently to move us in that direction.  What we have now, adored and hated, is a New World Order battering ram.  In my lifetime, only Presidents Kennedy and Reagan spoke with as much passion about America and her greatness as does Donald Trump.  Most assuredly Kennedy and Reagan spoke more eloquently and neither had a cell phone, but the message rings the same.  We are a great and sovereign country capable of great things and we should strive to remain so.  All three in their actions bucked the new world order.  Kennedy was assassinated, Reagan was shot.  With all the vitriol spewed daily toward President Trump we should, even if required to set aside blind hatred, pray for the safety of him and his family.

Make a choice.

© 2018 JD Pendry – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JD Pendry: jd@jdpendry.com

Website: Pendry’s American Journal

Beware Of Lesbians Wearing Hidden Microphones

Oh, my, Praise God, how timely was this title that dropped into my lap from the Internet just about the time I was going to start an article about the saga of Marion County Judge Vance Day’s time in the public eye, ethics investigations and suspension that spans several years and possible prison time all because initially he wouldn’t marry same sex couples which escalated into other more serious charges.  However, a jury selected and opening statements just hours away, the state’s case abruptly disintegrated.  Day faced two counts of illegal possession of a firearm and two counts of first-degree official misconduct for allegedly allowing Veteran NAVY SEAL Brian Shehan, who he initially helped in Veteran’s Court, to handle some of his family’s firearms.  Shehan’s felony DUI was later reduced to a misdemeanor and he refused to return to Oregon to testify.

Judge Julie Frantz dismissed the case without prejudice. “It feels good that their case collapsed because it was a house of cards the entire time,” Day told the Statesman Journal. They could have subpoenaed Shehan but these liberals who live in echo chambers in Oregon’s judicial system knew the jury would have probably found Day innocent had it gone to trial so they saved some taxpayer’s money, for once. Court records indicate the defense intended to have a doctor testify about how Shehan’s traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder from his military service may have affected his memory.


Judge Day was never approached by lesbians wearing hidden microphones to ask the Judge to marry them.  No, when the Supreme Court declared same sex marriage legal on June 26, 2015, to avoid possible persecution, Judge Day immediately decided to not marry anybody – heterosexual or homosexual and instructed his staff.   (IITimothy 3:11) Perhaps he foresaw how it could be possible for lesbians wearing hidden microphones to entrap bakers refusing to bake a wedding cake, or a photographer who refused to take wedding pictures, and the possibilities goes on.  For those businesses that become victims, it costs them dearly for defense and it is extremely lucrative for the homosexual community and lawyers who represent them.  (I Tim. 4:2) [Link]

Judge Vance Day had to initially sell his home to hire lawyers. I wrote about Judge Day’s persecution.  Vance is thankful for the outpouring from more than 20,000 people praying and donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to his legal battle and I thank my readers who may have donated. Vance is a Christian and surely recognized “all things are of God” and that Satan was behind this harassment.  (Titus v. 15) Prayers were answered and he has come out victorious. He added that his refusal to take a plea or resign quietly further enraged his opponents. [Link]  “It’s not in my nature to back down in front of bullies,” Day said.

He’s 57, a married father of three, still has an active license to practice law in Oregon so now he must start to rebuild his reputation and his livelihood after being appointed by DEMOCRAT John Kitzhaber to serve as position 5 Judge in Marion County, Oregon’s 3rd Judicial District in August 2011.  Compare Kitzhaber’s fall from grace in February 2015 to Judge Day’s persecution. [Link]  Day worked as a private practice attorney for 20 years and served as the chairman of the Oregon Republican Party from 2005 to 2009.


Day’s ethics case went before the Oregon Supreme Court in 2017. The Supreme Court ruled in March the commission had proven Day was guilty of six out of eight misconduct charges and ordered the Judge Day be suspended for three years. The court concluded that Day provided a conflicting, false account of his interaction with Shehan. The dropped charges provided some vindication for Day, but his attorneys said the judge was anticipating having his day in court to clear his name.  [Link]

“It is disappointing that it took nearly two years and an incredible waste of our public funds to reach this result,” attorneys Mike DeMuniz and Steven Sherlag  said. “Judge Day was looking forward to finally receiving a transparent public airing of the facts, which we believe would have led to an acquittal on all charges.” Are we suffering from ineptocracy? [Link]

As a side note, in 2012 the Oregon Supreme Court set up an office for the Talmud; however, former Oregon Governor Goldschmidt, Kitzhaber and Rep. Ron Wyden all took their oaths on the Talmud years earlier. To this day, Kitzhaber paid a small fine but no prosecution. Goldschmidt was caught up in a sex scandal which you might find of interest involving a 15 year old girl. [Link]


And another scandal may be brewing in Oregon about the Democrats again.  It seems Brad Avakian, the dude whose power went to his head when he was Oregon’s Bureau of Labor Commissioner and who seized Sweet Cakes by Melissa’s bank account and fined her $7,000 for refusing to bake a “wedding” cake for a couple lesbians has now targeted members of his own party.  The $7,000 fine soon escalated to nearly $137,000 included interest accrued for not paying the state on time. – a tidy sum for lesbians who may wear microphones.


Avakian is going after Oregon’s Senate President, Peter Courtney, House Speaker, Tina Kotek, the head of Legislative Counsel, Dexter Johnson and others for hiding sexual harassment perhaps for lack of Democrat support when he ran against GOP Dennis Richardson for Secretary of state.   He has literally launched his own investigation demanding that a judge now hold all of these officials in contempt plus fine them $1,000 per day for every day they have not responded – nine people have been subpoenaed by Avakian and it allegedly carries the weight of law. Every person has hired outside counsel.  An article in the Willamette Week, also on Oregon Watchdog.com, claims his investigation threatens to reveal the identity of the woman and Avakian has obtained a protective order to protect her privacy.


After the Supreme Court had ruled in favor of the Colorado cake baker, on June 13, 2018 a program on T.V. had a clip called, “What Would you do?   The program was set up as a bakery. When the owner refused to bake a cake for a lesbian couple, two young women walk out and took a couple with them. Emotions ran high. “They are just like the rest of us,” one said. (Romans 1:26, 27) A black customer said the baker was making a judgment and people deserve to be served.  These brainwashed public schooled folks listening to fake news on the mainstream media still missed the point.  THE BAKERS NEVER REFUSED SERVICE.  In all cases, they’d sold bakery goods to same sex couples before. The rubber met the road and their Christian principles were tested when they were asked to bake a “wedding” cake and they refused.


That was in June. In September 2018, The Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2018, P. A13 had an article by Bob Kuhn who reported Canada legalized same-sex marriage in 2005, amid many promises that traditional religious believers would be protected. Those promises have proved empty.   Earlier this month the Supreme Court of Canada told Trinity Western University, which he leads, that it could not open a law school.  Accrediting a school that upholds traditional Christian teachings on marriage could send the wrong message to Canadians who disagree with Trinity’s beliefs, Kuhn said.

This isn’t about the quality of our educational programs. Our researchers hold millions of dollars in  grants.  Many members of our faculty have been recognized as 3M Teaching fellows, Canada’s most prestigious award for excellence in educational leadership. We are consistently ranked one of the best Canadian universities for educational experience, according to the National Survey of Student Engagement.

Trinity simply is being punished for asking its faculty and students to observe traditional Christian teachings on marriage through a community covenant. In 2001 the high court ruled decisively that this policy did not disqualify the university from training public-school teachers. It seemed as if the ruling gave Trinity a secure place as one of the few private faith-based schools in Canada.


But that was then. In 2012 Trinity decided to open a law school. It would have been the only private one in Canada and the only one to offer a specialty in charity law. It was an arduous task from the beginning, says Kuhn. Three provincial law societies – similar to state bar associations in the US – said no in March 2014. Everyone agreed that Trinity’s program met all the requirements and would train competent lawyers. But law societies across the country held public meetings during which Trinity’s students and faculty were called bigots and worse.

The Law Society of Upper Canada, the nation’s oldest and largest, told the high court in Ottawa during oral arguments on Nov. 30, 2017, that accrediting any “distinctly religious” organization would violate the Canadian Charter, which is similar to the US Bill of Rights. It added that when the government licenses a private organization it adopts all its policies as its own. If these arguments had been accepted they would have spelled the end of Canada’s nonprofit sector. In their zeal to root out the supposed bigotry of traditional religious believers, these lawyers were prepared to dynamite Canada’s entire civil society.


Kuhn says thankfully the court passed over some of our opponents’ more extreme arguments. Instead, on June 15 it ruled that making Trinity’s faith-based community standards mandatory could harm the dignity of members of the LGBT law students was “concrete,” while the infringement on Trinity’s religious liberty from refusing to accredit its qualified law program was “minimal.” [Link]

We respectfully disagree with the court. As the British Columbia Court of Appeal put it when it ruled in favor of Trinity’s law school in November 2016, a “society  that does not admit and accommodate difference is not a free and democratic society, one in which its citizens are free to think, to disagree, to debate and to challenge accepted norms without fear of reprisal.”

Despite this blow, Trinity will stand firm in its belief (like Judge Day) which extend far beyond what the court ruled on. While all this controversy has swirled around us, said Kuhn, Trinity alumni have continued their remarkable record of service. Two graduates, Richard Taylor and Jeffery Komant, opened a school in Rwanda, and another established an organization to rescue child prostitutes in India. A group of Trinity alumni successfully lobbied Parliament to allow Yazidi refugees to enter Canada more quickly. Current Trinity students have founded a campus support network for survivors of sexual assault and raised money to sponsor a refugee family from Congo.

We are disappointed but we are not deterred, he said.  We will continue to be a biblically based, mission-driven university committed to provide everyone an excellent education – regardless of race, sexuality, gender orientation, or religion. We will continue to teach our students the importance of using their skills to serve others. And above all, we will continue to stand firm, and be what we have always been – a “distinctly Christian” community


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive – making deception the law of the land. The Lord Jesus also prophesied that the period just before His return would be a time of unprecedented deception. (Matt. 24:24) Spiritual deception and seduction are running rampant. Unless you’ve had your head buried in the sand, you must know this is the case…the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (2 Tim. 4:3) [Link]

We see thousands of well-dressed, well-fed primarily young men coming to our southern border to raise havoc within a few days.  While Pres. Trump is allegedly planning to meet them with U.S. military troops, I worry about United Nations “Peacekeepers”  known for killing those they are sent to protect.  In May 2016 Congress was threatening funding UN “Peace” troops. If U.N. “Peace-keeping” troops were on their way to the U.S., at least one U.S. Senator, Bob Corker (R-Tenn) would be on the first plane home to protect his family from the never-ending supply of rapists, predators and child molester among the UN’s disgraced military forces. [Link]  Please dear readers, pray like never before.  Ask Vance Day if he thinks prayer helps…

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Betty Freauf: bettyfreauf@gmail.com

On Nov. 6th – Let’s Give The Democrats The Mother Of All Defeats

Republicans – Let’s Win Nov. 6th With Real Prayer And Your Vote

Miracles still happen and I predict they will again on November 6th with the GOP keeping the HOUSE and the SENATE.  Few if any pollsters and mouth pieces of the left predict the GOP will keep the HOUSE. 99% of the polls lead toward the DEMS picking up the HOUSE and the GOP maybe keeping the SENATE.  Here we go again with a nation looking at poll after poll and endless soundbites attempting to manipulate old news while rewriting current news.  We see the DEMOCRATS drooling over their specialty, pulling fake news out of the hat.

The few questions remaining before this historical vote are these.  Are you a victim or a victor, a leader or follower, brainwashed or a real thinker?  Are you a slave or free?  Do you believe for American and GOP success this Mid Term, enough to pray for your success against all odds?  Do you look at the wind and the waves and trust polls, science and facts as we are told, or do you trust Jesus and call on his power to help with and confirm a GOP win?

During the election of Trump and Hillary just 2 years ago we saw that millions of believers fell to their knees praying for their country and asking God to heal us and build us back again.  We pleaded with God to intercede.  As you all know, Trump won and Hillary didn’t, though her and her DEMOCRAT left still cry fowl on the votes and call it a Russian conspiracy.  She can’t possibly imagine that God himself weighed in to stop her and secure a victory for Trump quite legally and with the votes of the people in unheard of places and states.  That wasn’t just the Trump effect, it was the God effect and don’t you forget it.

Once again, the cards are stacked against us with the lying media, polls and DEMS pulling out every trick they can.  Remember, one with the real God is the majority and there are millions of ‘ones’ standing with God again who will vote right, believe and pray for victory.

Trust in God, pray and believe for a midterm miracle, praise God in advance and vote.  The Holy Bible says in 1st Corinthians 1:26-28 to ‘call things that aren’t as though they are.’  It says to do it again in Romans 4: 17.  Therefore I call it.  We will boldly win back the HOUSE and SENATE with our Lord at the helm and guiding the whole winning process.

That settles it -not Russian conspiracies, manipulated caravans, unemployed movie stars, shootings, mobs and lying polls.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

Support Trump – Get Out And Vote For The GOP On Tuesday November 6th

Mid-terms are held on November 6th and if you support President Trump  you’d better get out and vote.

Two years ago, we elected Donald Trump, hoping for a new opportunity for our nation.

President Trump has accomplished a lot, but he has also been hindered  by strong opposition.

Who is the opposition?

The opposition includes, but is not limited to:

The Democrats as well as many Republicans.  Most of the Mainstream Media.  The Hollywood Left.   Much of the federal judiciary. The “Deep State”, a collective term for government employees who sabotage Trump’s policies. And so on…

When you look at all the opposition facing Trump, it’s quite admirable that he has accomplished what he has.

Now we face the mid-term elections, in which a third of the Senate, and 100% of the House will be chosen. It is absolutely imperative to get as many Trump supporters in Congress as possible.

So get out there on November 6th and vote for the Republicans for Congress.

Yes, I know some of these Republican candidates aren’t as good on the issues as we’d like.

But just imagine what a Democratic takeover of Congress would mean. The Democrats would shut down the Trump Agenda and even, if possible begin impeachment proceedings.

Even a divided Congress, in which each party has  a chamber,  could effectively freeze the Trump Agenda until the next election.

Thanks to years of mass immigration, the demographics of the United States are changing. Mass immigration is a Democratic voter importation scheme.  You’ve got to wonder why so many Republicans supported it over the years.   If  current mass immigration continues much longer, the Republicans will cease to be a national party.

Already, it’s  getting harder and harder to elect Republicans.  So we need to get out and vote on November 6th.

What is your cause?

The Constitution? Limited government?  American sovereignty? Do you want to protect babies in the womb? Do you want to protect religious freedom? Do you want to defend the right to bear arms?  Do you favor immigration reduction? Do you want to decrease U.S. interventionism abroad?

If you support any of these causes, or all of them, your best bet is with President Trump. But Trump needs help.  Trump can’t do it alone.  Trump needs help in Congress.

The primaries are over.   Maybe your favorite candidate didn’t win. OK, that candidate may have more success another year. Or maybe not.

The point is, on November 6th, it’s not time to quibble about who should have won a GOP primary.  It’s time to get  out and vote for the GOP candidates, to keep as much of the Congress as possible out of the hands of the Democrats.

The Democratic Party, in case you hadn’t noticed, is getting more radical than ever.  It is not the party of FDR or of JFK, both of whom were more conservative than today’s Republicans.

Today’s Democratic party is not even the party of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.  That incarnation of the Democratic Party looks  conservative in contrast to the Democrats of today.

The Democratic Party of today, on the federal level, is the party of radical socialism, open borders, extreme PC fanaticism,  the radical homosexual lobby, transgender lobby  and the abortion lobby.  It’s not real big on freedom of speech either.

Many Democrats on the local level are good Americans, but their party has been hijacked on the national level.

Donald Trump’s election in 2016 gave us an opportunity (not a guarantee) to turn things around.

Yes, Trump has made mistakes, but he’s still our best hope at this time to protect American sovereignty and at least to attempt to stop (or at least slow) the downward slide of our nation.

That’s why we’ve got to support Trump. And on November 6th, the best way to support Trump is to vote for Republican candidates for the U.S. Congress. We’ve got to send as many Republicans to Capitol Hill as possible. Tell your friends to vote GOP also, and give them a ride to the polling station if they need it.

Support Trump – Vote GOP on the 6th of November!

© 2018 Allan Wall – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Allan Wall: allanwall39@gmail.com

Why The Political Left Hopes You Abandon Faith In Christ

The leftist war against Christianity, common decency, America, good education, the two original genders, straight men, Trump, black Americans who left the democrat party plantation, women who appreciate their husbands, etc., etc. seems to be never ending.  Of course, there actually is a good reason for that.  Going all the way back to the Founding of this republic, there have been those (for example, the loyalists) who have sought to undermine the divinely inspired concept of liberty and one nation under God.  For decades, much like parasites invading a healthy body to destroy it, the leftists have poisoned the government school system via indoctrination and have caused a sickening impact on the thinking processes and actions of many Americans.

Despite the preponderance of evidence to the contrary, American students in both government schools, colleges and universities have been convinced that communism is the way to go and that most of the Founding Fathers were evil non-Christian racists.  But clearly there was a predominant Christian consensus in colonial America that shaped the Founders thinking and their writing of the founding documents and laws, resulting in the republic we have today, but can lose if we don’t stem the bigoted leftist tide against what is good for “We the People.” The Declaration of Independence identified the source of all authority and rights as their “Creator,” and then accentuated that individual rights were God-given, not man made and handed out by big government.  Thus, there would be no king or established religion to stand in the way of human liberty or dignity uniquely tied to Judeo-Christian ideals.

While knowledgeable historians do not limit the “Founding Fathers” to the 55 delegates at the Constitutional Convention, this core group of men represents the religious (Christian) sentiments of those whose shaped the political foundation of our republic.  As a matter of public record, the delegates included 28 Episcopalians, eight Presbyterians, seven Congregationalists, two Lutherans, two Dutch Reformed, two Methodists, two Roman Catholics, one unknown, and three deists (those who believe in an impersonal God gave the world its initial impetus but then left it to run its course).  A full 93 percent were members pf Christian churches, and all were deeply influenced by a biblical view of mankind and government.

A study of the Founders last Will and Testaments provides convincing declarations of the strong religious beliefs among so many of them.  Add to that their personal writings concerning their faith in Christ, plus their leadership roles in establishing and guiding numerous Biblical societies, plus their service in active ministries, and evidence is overwhelming.

In a joint statement, John Adams and John Hancock wrote: We recognize no sovereign but God, and no king but Jesus.”

Second President John Adams noted:  The general principles upon which the Founders achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity…I will avow that I believed and now believe that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.  John Adams, Second President

He who made all men hath made truths necessary to human happiness obvious to all…Our forefathers opened the Bible to all.

Samuel Adams, Signer of the Declaration of Independence.

“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ”.

Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia.

“To the Supreme Head of the universe, to that great and tremendous Jehovah, who created the universal frame of nature, worlds and systems in number infinite…To this awfully sublime Being do I resign my spirit with unlimited confidence of His mercy and protection”. Henry Knox, Revolutionary war general.

This is just a minute smattering of quotes from the vast majority of the Founders who supported and encouraged including the fruitful benefits of Christian principles and a firm belief in God.  Only demented determined bigoted deniers of the left continue to peddle their denials as truth to generation after generation of students in order to fundamentally change America into something more akin to Europe, China, Venezuela or anything other than the land of Liberty and Justice for all.  In fact, that is one of the reasons why the Political Left hopes you abandon or reject Faith in Christ.  My fellow Americans, seek ye the truth for yourself and be a part of making America greater than she has ever been.  The republic you help to save could be your own.  God bless you, God Bless America and may America bless God.

Join me every Friday on the Ron Edwards Experience Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 2:00 PM CT, 1:00 PM PT via KCKQ AM 1180 www.americamatters.us, www.shrmedia and Sunday midnights on TalkAmericaRadio and Spreaker.  Don’t miss a page from The Edwards Notebook commentary daily via AM News on KCKQ and AM 1180 Reno, Nv. www.americamatters.uswww.freedominamericaradio.com  and TalkAmericaRadio.

© 2018 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Must Be Defeated

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. —Frédéric Bastiat

We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. —Adolf Hitler

I cannot urge my readers strongly enough to click on the links of every one of these leftist organizations for the truth of what their goals are in destroying our beloved America.

There are many Democrats who need to be defeated, but one who would ruin the State of Florida is Andrew Gillum.  Where he received his training will be of special interest.  Gillum is running against Republican Ron DeSantis for Governor of Florida.  Socialist Andrew Gillum graduated from a progressive training school called Rockwood Leadership Institute.

America’s Communist Candidates

The Rockwood Institute has spawned a string of Soros-financed leaders, who run and work in organizations like Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Media Matters for America, MoveOn.org and the Tides Foundation, one of the nation’s largest funders of progressive groups…along with many others.  Democrat Gillum is running on a platform of abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and impeaching President Donald Trump.

Rush Limbaugh stated that Gillum wants Florida to be a sanctuary state and he wants Florida to be open borders for all illegal immigrants. Gillum is the classic American socialist who believes America is the problem in the world and that poverty in Central America and the Southern Hemisphere is our fault because we have hogged and stolen too many and too much of the world’s resources.  What horse hockey!  Andrew Gillum is a walking, talking Barack Hussein Obama on steroids.

Law Enforcement

If you hate America’s law enforcement officers, you will love Gillum, as 38 Florida sheriffs have asked him to withdraw his support for a radical organization’s “Freedom Pledge” via Dream Defenders (DD) which refers to anti-police rhetoric.  DD views the United States as a racist nation where deep poverty and a “vicious cycle of disenfranchisement, discrimination and depression” plagues nonwhite minorities.  They are for more “civil disobedience, civic engagement, and direct action.” The long-term goal is to cultivate “a new generation” of young radical activists. And yes, despite his denial in the debate with Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, Gillum did sign the radical group’s pledge.

Killing in Utero Babies

Killing babies in the womb is a standard promoted by Andrew Gillum.  Florida Planned Parenthood has proudly endorsed this man who believes in the murder of the unborn.  He’s never studied the founder of Planned Parenthood who hated black Americans and planted her filthy abortion clinics in the poor black neighborhoods to purposely destroy the black babies she hated in the womb.  Andrew Gillum is supported by National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), and Pro-Choice America.  He is supported by the Planned Parenthood PAC.

Gillum looks at things the way communists and Marxists do. He does not believe in the power of the individual because that leads to inequality and unfairness. He wants everyone to get free health care and free medical care, Medicare for all, oh yes at a cost of trillions to taxpayers. He believes in a guaranteed national income.  These communist plans, if ever implemented, would bring to a screeching halt throughout our nation and Florida…everything nationwide that is building our amazing economy.

Gillum’s Communist Training

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum served as director of a radical youth training organization whose mission was to challenge U.S. “predatory capitalism,” abolish the prison system, fight a “spiritual resistance” battle against “Christian hegemony,” redefine the meaning of “borders” while aiding “undocumented” aliens, and enact the “collective liberation” of “communities of color” amid what it called the United States’ “colonialist” “white supremacy.”  How lovely…a totally Marxist plan.

George Soros’ army of communist revolutionaries includes those who have graduated from the Oakland, California Rockwood Leadership Institute, like Islamist Linda Sarsour who was one of the leaders of the Women’s March after President Trump was elected.

Gillum’s graduating class included Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, also located in Oakland, CA, which was founded by another graduate of the Institute, Van Jones, President Obama’s infamous former “green” jobs czar. Jones stepped down from his position after it was exposed that he was a founding organizer for the communist revolutionary group Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). Soros has financed Color of Change.

Denise Collazo of the Soros-financed radical PICO Network, which in its own terminology says it is “pushing for citizenship, and more, for an estimated 11.3 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.”  We have 5,000 illegals a day entering our country and now we have thousands in three different hordes intending to break our banks and come into the United States.

Mary Anne Hitt from the radical Sierra Club environmental activist organization.

Nan Aron, president and founder of the Soros-funded Alliance for Justice.

Here is a list of U.S. organizations sponsored by George Soros.  This will boggle your mind.

And guess what, Breitbart was the first to raise concerns over this far left candidate.

Gillum directed and oversaw the extremist Young People For, or YP4, while he worked at the George Soros-financed People for the American Way, or PFAW, as field organizer in 2002 and then Director of Youth Leadership Programs from 2005 until January 13, 2017.

Gillum Corruption

The Miami Herald reported this story: Gillum’s ticket to ‘Hamilton’ came from undercover FBI agent, new documents show.  This was a 2016 trip to New York City.  The FBI agents also paid for Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum’s hotel room according to a newly uncovered trove of records.  Once a close friend of Gillum’s, Corey is at the center of the FBI’s long-running probe into corruption in Tallahassee.  There were photos, a video and dozens of text messages between Gillum, the Democratic nominee for governor, former lobbyist Adam Corey and an undercover FBI agent. They appear to contradict Gillum’s explanation for the expenses, which have been made a major issue by his Republican rival, Ron DeSantis.

Gillum continues to claim the tickets came from his brother, but text messages at the time of the trip show Gillum was told the tickets came from “Mike Miller,” an FBI agent looking into city corruption who was posing as a developer.

Gillum has not been charged with a crime and has said that FBI agents assured him he’s not a target of the investigation.  But former federal agents and prosecutors say the outing provides an important glimpse into the FBI’s long-running probe into public corruption in Tallahassee, and the lengths to which undercover agents went to investigate Gillum.

At bottom left, Andrew Gillum poses with Adam Corey and his brother, Marcus.

Special to the Times/Herald.

And this Daily Wire article Undercover FBI Agent Paid Thousands Supporting Gillum Fundraiser, Report Says, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Gillum’s friends in the FBI are assisting his candidacy for Governor of Florida.

Florida Gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis has said Gillum is “embroiled in a lot of corruption scandals.”

Conservative Candidates Need Our Help

Here are just three of the many candidates who need our monetary help and our prayers.

John James is the stellar Michigan conservative running for the Senate against Democrat Debbie Stabenow.  He’s an Army veteran, a graduate of West Point, and holds two master’s degrees.  We need him in the senate!  Like so many other great conservative republicans, he is not receiving funds from the RNC. Donate here.

Omar Navarro is the all-star gutsy conservative Republican running against Mad Maxine Waters in California.  He is a small business owner and native of California.  He is of both Mexican and Cuban descent and believes only in legal immigration.  We need this man in the House!  He has not received one penny from the RNC.  Donate here.

Marsha Blackburn needs our help to win the Senate seat in Tennessee replacing moderate Bob Corker.  Her Democrat opponent is Connecticut carpetbagger and former Governor of TN, Phil Bredesen.  You can donate here.

There are so many more wonderful true Trump conservatives running for office against long time Democrat incumbents.  We need to step up and help them, and that goes for former Congressman Ron DeSantis who is the Republican gubernatorial candidate in the State of Florida. In all candor, his opponent, Mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum is an entrenched and committed socialist.


There’s just no comparison, just in terms of solid citizen, decency, straight-down-the-middle normalcy, there’s no comparison in the names like Gillum versus DeSantis, it’s not even a toss-up. So many others are the same thing…and I can’t even mention them all, but you know who they are.  Conservative candidates need our help.  You know who they are, send them your grocery money because many of them are receiving absolutely no funding from the neo-con RNC…we have to save our country…it’s up to us!  Do it!

© 2018 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: Proverbs133@bellsouth.net

They’re Killing Our Culture

It seems just a few weeks ago I was writing about Netflix glamorizing and exploiting teen suicide, on the heels of its “Star-Spangled Salute to Abortion.” Who knew they’d be back so fast with something even worse?

Netflix has an animated cartoon show, “Big Mouth,” which depicts young teenagers engaged in every kind of sex act you can think of. One of the show’s creators describes it as “super-dirty.” And another says they get away with pitching it at children because it’s just cartoons, albeit filthy ones.

Behind the cartoons we have child actors, average age, eleven. They speak the super-dirty lines. Makes you wonder about their parents.

“Big Mouth” and Planned Parenthood are in a mutual admiration society. That’s to be expected. The more children you “educate” to behave as if they were characters in “The Satyricon,” the more potential customers you have for Planned Parenthood. “Big Mouth” seeks to do just that. They call it “coming of age all over the place.” “Coming of age”—really? That’s what it means?

Why is Netflix doing this? Why would anyone create a show like this? Aside from somehow making money for its perpetrators, what good purpose is served by training children to be sexually hyperactive?

Well, heck, it’s “progressivism,” which is a euphemism for Far Left Crazy. “Progressives” are big on sexual “liberation”—in this case, a liberation from decency and sanity. Progs can’t be on a scene for five minutes before they start agitating for sodomy, abortion, transgenderism, and assisted suicide—with or without the sufferer’s consent.

But progs do more than just debauch children. They seek to turn adults into children.

U.S. Senator Corey “Spartacus” Booker, fresh from his comedy gig at the Kavanagh hearings and looking to set himself up for a presidential run in 2020, lost no time in proposing another scheme for doling out free money to “the poor”. But not just any poor! He wants to dish out up to $50,000 a head to “black poor,” thinking it might make a nice nest egg for, oh, buying a house or starting a business—you know: instead of blowing it on lottery tickets or parties and winding up stone broke a week later.

As a progressive/liberal/moron, Booker believes government, which has no money of its own, has the right to scarf up money earned by normal people and divvy it up among the Democrat voter base… in order to create “income equality.” Somehow handing out free money is expected to cancel out the effects of growing up in a home without a father, in a subculture where crime and drug abuse and out-of-wedlock births are cultural norms, and being warehoused in overfunded public schools where they don’t learn jack. Progs like to natter about getting to the “root causes” of crime, poverty, etc.—but all they want to *do* is hand out other people’s money.

What about the millions of ordinary normal black people who own houses, raise families, work at jobs, and go to church? But normal people of any color are invisible to left-wing crazies.

Whether it’s Corey Booker, Arne Duncan, Barak Obama, Jerry Brown, Elizabeth Warren, or any other dozy liberal, they all want to herd adults back into childhood and have government “take care” of them for all their lives. People who don’t want to be taken care of like infants are haters, racists, biggits, and the rest of the Far Left bestiary.

To see the full design, just put the two halves together: training children to live in a state of sexual anarchy—which is most unlikely to put them in any position in which they might succeed in life—and training adults to live and think like children who have to be cared for. If your country winds up a Third World basket case, oh, well, who cares, as long as the Democrat Party rules it?

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2018 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

We Must Stop The Anchor Baby Invasion Of America

According to the Pew Research Center, in 2008, 350,000 pregnant woman jumped America’s borders or rode in on a visa to birth their “anchor babies” on U.S. soil.  That practice continues for the past 30 years by hundreds of thousands and now millions of pregnant women who birth their “jack pot” child in the loving arms of American taxpayers. (www.PewResearchCenter.org , Birthright Citizenship)

Last year, 2017, according to the report, 270,000 women birthed their anchor baby on U.S. soil.

The practice costs American taxpayers trillions of dollars over the last three decades.  Each child enjoys pre-natal, birth in hospitals and post-natal assistance along with K – 12 education, food stamps, Section 8 Housing, free breakfast and lunches, living expenses and more on the U.S. taxpayer’s back.  Years later, the child may chain-migrate his or her entire family into America, and they do by the millions.

In other words, America stands as the “charity ward” for the rest of the world.  You may look up on line for websites that encourage anchor babies from China, India, Mexico, Korea, Brazil, Africa, and dozens of other countries.

Former Senate Majority leader Harry Reid used to rail against “any country that would reward lawbreakers with citizenship.”

Journalist Kimberly Dvoark said, ““Birth Tourism” has become a billion-dollar industry due to America’s lax immigration and citizenship laws. More than a half a million anchor babies are now born in the US each year, creating instant citizen status for the foreign parents who have foreign loyalties and connections.”

U.S. baby births create big business, especially in China. On the website usbabydiy.com, you may access endless pages of advertisements for birth centers, many of them found in San Diego, New York and Miami. The ads offer room and board for several months, including, services for/after pregnancy and tout the best medical care money can buy.

“Your U.S. born baby will become a U.S. citizen,” said immigration attorney Mr. Sapochnick. “Having a baby here, there’s nothing illegal about it. It’s just people are making it into a profit industry.”

Sapochnick said, “Baby brokers can charge anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 per family.”

What Costs Do American Taxpayers Bear?

If you average anchor baby births at 300,000 annually, you’re looking at 300,000 babies times $8,000.00 average for a hospital birth.  The math staggers the imagination.  If the child suffers congenital heart disease, cleft palate or other deformities, the costs rise into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Next, take that child through K -12 education at $8,000.00 annually times 300,000 students.  Later, you must pay for English as Second Language costs at $2,000.00 per year per child.   You also pay for that child’s breakfasts and lunches for 18 years because its mother lacks any money to pay for that child or taxes.  You’re paying for its mother’s housing, food stamps, electricity, heat and water.

To show you how corrupt our U.S. Congress proves itself, Georgia House of Representatives member  Nathan Deal, 15 years ago, tried to pass a bill to stop the anchor baby practice.  It still sits in committee.  Another current member of the House, Steve King (R-IA), introduced a bill five years ago to stop the anchor baby practices.  It sits in committee, untouched.  For some reason, all 535 Congressional Critters failed you, the American taxpayer, for the past 30 years.  Who allows it, what reason, and why does this financial suicide continue?

Five years ago, because Ireland faced being overrun and financially bankrupted by desperate pregnant immigrant women from Africa, they shut down “birthright citizenship.”  They became the last country in the Western world to stop it.  Nonetheless, 38 other third world countries retain birthright citizenship, but they suffer such poverty and lack of medical care, that no one violates their borders to birth a baby.

What does the Anchor Baby Invasion Mean in the End?

Such callous disregard for legal American citizenship by our U.S. Congress allows foreigners of every stripe to usurp our borders and prey upon our educational, welfare and economic systems.  A record 87 hospitals and ER wards bankrupted out of existence in southern California and Arizona, and more to come in Texas, in the past 10 years.

We’re looking at parallel societies springing up in Spanish speaking and Spanish dominated slums in southern California.  We see unsolvable homelessness, drugs use and illiteracy.  Those persons lack any identity to America or allegiance. You will see more Mexican flags flying in Mexican dominated cities in California than Old Glory.

We also see Mexican nationalism digging deep roots into our southern states. Essentially, they re-colonize our four border states, slowly and ever so effectively.

The costs spiral into the trillions of dollars.  For a country standing eye-ball deep in $21 trillion of debt, such billions and into the trillions of dollars of costs to U.S. taxpayers for anchor babies means endless loss of American citizen financial viability.

It also constitutes a denigration of citizenship because it begins with violating the laws of our sovereign nation.  It abuses legal immigration by sidestepping the rule of law.  It creates move poverty in those immigrant ghettos where schools cannot function.  Once that poverty manifests along with commensurate illiteracy rates, you see gangs, drugs, violence and more welfare births.

Whether President Trump stops the anchor baby invasion by executive order or Congress stops it by voting to amend the 14th Amendment, we need to stop the Anchor Baby invasion of America.

© 2018 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com