Woman Fears for Her Life After Seeing Trump Yard Signs

By Greg Holt

A woman sees Trump yard signs at a rental, and “I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety.”

Wow – seriously?  Can anyone really be this pathetically stupid?  These are the kinds of idiots our nations indoctrination institutes (you may know them better as schools and colleges) regularly turn out.

If a simple yard sign traumatizes (Trumpatizes?) you, then what the liberals precious Democrats stand for should literally scare the hell out of you.

My husband rented a place in Maine and when we arrived in the evening we saw Trump yard signs and other white nationalist symbols. I immediately was terrified and scared for my life and family safety

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

I’m sure it’s only coincidence, but Ph.DBueno’s Twitter is suddenly private.

How far we have fallen as a nation, academia doesn’t turn out intelligent well-rounded highly qualified individuals anymore, no instead our indoctrination centers turn out people so brainwashed in Leftist dogma that they can see a simple yard sign and be terrified for their life.

This is opposed to what?  Seeing Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioting, looting, burning down buildings, assaulting and killing people?  How does that make a person feel?  I guess if you are a Leftist, you feel safe, because hey – Antifa and Black Lives Matter have your best interests at heart right?  Right???

Disappointed @airBnb doesn’t understand the trauma of TRUMP signs on a @airbnb rental causes Black person

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Disappointed Airbnb doesn’t recognize your non-right to be an idiot because you are black and therefore entitled and more special than the rest of us?  Please, get serious.  If you insist on hysterics and acting stupid, then don’t expect the rest of us to buy into it or justify it.

I shouldnt have to pay to stay at a place i dont feel safe and @AirbnbHelp at minimum should give me a full refund/voucher for all the trauma this experience has caused

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Right, you don’t have to stay at any place, you could have left, but this person like many other Leftists likes to play the victim and oh by the way, I want a refund.  Yeah right.

This experience shows that people are unaware of signs and symbols used. Top symbols that invoke fear for Black people …list below https://t.co/wXubFseobg

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

1 KKK symbols and flags
2 confederate flags and symbols

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

3 police lights /blue lives matter flag
4 trump signs and white terrorism slogans

— Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

5 USA Flag – yes this is a symbol used in many places to scare Black people

—Cary Bueno, Ph.D (@CarycruzBueno) September 24, 2020

Yes for sure, because the KKK is such a serious problem today, and all those who display confederate flags are out to get black people.  As far as the police, well black problems with law enforcement are largely self-inflicted.  Black on black violence and murder is way higher than white on black violence and murder – oh and police are more likely to shoot a white person then a black person.

This supposedly well-educated Ph.D is nothing short of an educated idiot.  Children have more sense then this.  These whiny crybabies are the same ilk that need coloring books and cry closets to deal with life.

What about the real concerns?  Like:

  • Antifa violence
  • Black Lives Matter riots
  • Burning down buildings and looting
  • Attacking innocent people, including elderly and children
  • Attacking and encouraging the murder of police officers
  • Threats of violence and even killing if Leftist demands are not met

This “doc” and everyone else will have a whole lot more to worry about if Joe Biden wins the presidency.

But hey, Trump signs are traumatizing, while burning, looting, and killing – these are just everyday events, no big deal, nothing to see here.

H/T Brett T. Twitchy

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Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

When Will Democrats Finally Get Tired Of Voting Democrat?

By Ron Ewart 

“There is only one thing that gives me hope as a Republican, and that is the Democrats.  It’s going to be hard to do a worse job running America than the Republicans have, but if anybody can do it, it’s the Democrats.” —P. J. O’Rourke, contemporary political satirist

My party, right or wrong, my party.”  I was born a Democrat.  I was raised a Democrat and by God, come Hell or High Water, I’m going to vote Democrat, even if the party platform is a socialist manifest.  The same goes for those raised as Republicans.  “My party, right or wrong, my party” is the mindset of most American voters, on either side of the aisle, with the exception of the Independent voter.  Unfortunately, most Americans are afflicted with this mindless party blindness.  We cover this human phenomenon in our article entitled “The Little Black Box Theory.”

One party (Republicans) believes in the founding principles of America and individual freedom and tries to be true to those principles, albeit haltingly. Unfortunately, the other party (Democrats) is doing every thing in its power to tear down those principles of freedom and gain perpetual political power. It is that simple.  The parties are all about power, never about principle.  (See: “Without Adherence To Principle, There Is Chaos”)

It would be great if the two parties were equally matched, but they aren’t. The Democrat Party has been very successful in brainwashing at least three or four generations of Americans using the public school system, academia, the news media, hype, lies and propaganda. Why else would millions of millennials subscribe to Bernie Sanders socialism?

Democrats have also been successful in capturing the hearts and minds of the journalistic class and now most of the news media acts in sympathy with and advocates for the Democrat Party.  That is to be expected when most of the journalistic class are products of liberal colleges.  This also applies to all government employees where government bureaucracies have become an illegal fourth branch of liberal government with tremendous power to shape public policy and derail any other policy with which they don’t agree.  This unconstitutional fourth branch of government is answerable to no one, least of all the voters.

A journalism student called Rush Limbaugh on Rush’s radio program one day.  Rush asked him why he wanted to be a journalist and the student blurted out that “he wanted to change the world.”  It obviously never occurred to the student that journalism was supposed to be an objective view of reality and to report that reality accurately.  Where did the student get that idea?  From the liberal college he was attending ….. or his parents.

So why do Democrats vote Democrat given what may be the irreparable damage that Democrats have wrought upon America and the current epidemic of violence, looting and burning that has taken over many of our cities under the false flag of Black Lives Matter?

Fiscally, Democrats have ballooned the national debt and the debt of many states and cities run by Democrats such that the debt is now un-payable, all caused by run-away local, state and federal government spending.  In 1974 the U. S. budget was $216.5 Billion.  In 2019, just 45 years later, the budget had risen by 1733% to $3.752,609 Trillion.  That’s not gross negligence it’s criminal.  Why would Democrats vote for this kind of governance?

In the Democrat’s attempts to gain political power, they have made promises to constituency groups for votes that far exceed the taxing resources of the area population, leading them into massive deficits and an exponentially exploding national debt.

In May of 2019 Forbes Magazine warned of a $5.2 Trillion Government Pension debt that threatens to overwhelm state budgets, a debt built up by Democrats to buy votes.  $5.2 Trillion is 25% of America’s Gross Domestic Product.  Now they want to be bailed out by the American taxpayer for their fiscal irresponsibility and the U.S. House of Representatives under speaker Nancy Pelosi (a Democrat) wants to give it to them, on the backs of the taxpayer.  Fortunately for the taxpayer, the Senate has stopped Pelosi in her tracks.

Democrats have been trying for over 100 years to create a monolithic society where only their vision of a socialist utopia is allowed.  Their vision is the complete dismantling of the U. S. Constitution, to be replaced by a Karl Marx socialist government.  Their vision is the antithesis of and in direct conflict with a free society, individual freedom, capitalism and free markets.

Under the Progressive ideology, their alleged goals were morality, economic reform, efficiency and social welfare.  It didn’t take long before these goals morphed into socialism as they attracted more and more of the population to their ideology by buying votes from naïve’ Americans, using the public’s money.  In the last several decades Democrats have become more strident and militant to achieve those goals, including riots, looting and arson, or the threats thereof.

When will normal, reasonable and prudent Democrats see through this false ideology and voting Democrats into power that want to de-fund the police and allow rioters to go free?

When will normal, reasonable and prudent Democrats get tired of open borders, sanctuary cities and a litany of violent crimes, drug trafficking and human smuggling committed by illegal aliens on the legal population?  Why aren’t Democrats angry over the lost jobs and the heavy financial burden that illegal aliens put on legal Americans for education, medical and social services and housing?

Black Democrats are calling all white people racist and guilty of white privilege. You white Democrats, how does that make you feel?  Why would you support a party that calls you a racist?  Black Democrats (most blacks are Democrats but that may be changing in 2020) want reparations (money and lots of it) for slavery and yet every American living today is not guilty of enslaving blacks.  No Blacks living today are slaves.  In fact, Blacks today are living much better than their African cousins in Africa.  There is no systemic racism in America as Democrats would have you believe.  Further, most white people are not racists.  If you are white, why on God’s green earth would you vote Democrat?  (See:  Yes, White Men Built America.  It’s A Fact”)

The Democrat party would have you believe that man is destroying the earth and creating irreversible climate change through his CO2 emissions.  They make Republicans, Democrats and Independents feel guilty for their CO2 contributions and therefore must pay dearly for their transgressions.  But their so-called climate change science is a false assertion.  (See: “Climate”)  They say we must in-act the very expensive Green New Deal, which is essentially the replacement of fossil fuel energy with wind and solar energy, a physical and financial impossibility.  They say we must go to electricity for our cars and trucks and yet the energy to charge the batteries in an electric car comes from coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydropower facilities.  Without fossil fuel energy, electric cars and trucks are useless, not to mention that it takes fossil fuel energy to build an electric car, or a wind turbine, or a solar panel.

But the environmentalists won’t let us build any more coal, or nuclear-fired power plants, or hydroelectric dams.  Without massive taxpayer-funded subsidies wind and solar energy are not economically viable.  Are Democrat voters incapable of seeing the absurdity of these policies?  It would appear so.  Or could it be that four generations of Progressive brainwashing have made them this way?

Why would a Democrat voter vote for a party whose presidential nominee is corrupt to the core, a man that has enriched himself and his family while being just one heart beat away from becoming the most powerful man in the world?  Every member of Joe Biden’s extended family has profited off of Biden’s open and notorious, pay-to-play corruption.  (See: “The Senate Ukraine-Biden Report”)

The Democrat Party is the party of the mob.  It is the party of violence, rioting, burning and looting.  It is the party of irrational emotion.  It is the party of fear and intimidation.  The Democrat Party is the party of usurious taxes and crushing regulations.  It is the party of obstruction.  The Democrat Party is a bully child with total lack of intellect, logic and reason.  The Democrat Party is a speeding rocket, spiraling through the air with no guidance mechanisms.  Why would a normal, reasonable and prudent person ever vote for such a party?

But worse than that, the Democrat Party is intent upon destroying the foundations of individual freedom for which millions of brave Americans laid down their lives to preserve.  Their weapon of choice is a mindless mob of brainwashed zombies using fear, guilt, intimidation and threats.  Their leader is a past-his-prime socialist who never had an original thought ever enter his mind.  At best he is a shill, an empty shell and a Trojan Horse.

One of our readers summed it up this way:

“I’ve followed Harris for over 2 years and she is a psycho and Biden is corrupt and nuts, completely.  If these dirt bags get elected and capture the Senate, Americans will get what they deserve.  Biden doesn’t have enough brains to plug in an electric toothbrush, and Harris is a flip-flopping, back-stabbing, power-grubbing fruit cake!  Trump is no panacea, but he beats the opposition hands down!”

The schism and racial divide that Democrats have inflicted on America in the name of obtaining absolute power and a monolithic society, could easily pit the flawed ideology of Progressivism/socialism against the unstoppable powers of freedom, in a bloody civil war.  In such an event, Democrats alone would be responsible for the carnage, misery, pain and death suffered by the general population and open America up to the military ambitions of one or both of the two other super powers.

So with all this irrefutable evidence in mind “When Will Democrats Finally Get Tired of Voting Democrat” and reject its evil freedom-killing intent.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

S.D. Governor: I Don’t Have The Authority to Lockdown the State, They Are Attacking Our Religious Freedoms

Bradlee Dean

“So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.” —Governor Kristi Noam

9 Governors of states within our union have refused to play games with the likes of the federal government, Bill gates and his little henchman Anthony Faucci concerning the fraud that they have perpetuated on the people of this country.

[Facebook Video]

And the one Governor that seems to stand out more then others is that of South Dakota’s Kristi Noam. Krist said that “I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” Gov. Kristi Noem said.

Justthenews.com reported “South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has declined to lock down her state amid the coronavirus pandemic even as other government leaders around the nation issued restrictions that significantly throttled the U.S. economy.

She said that she listened both to health officials and to individuals who informed her about the bounds of her gubernatorial authorities.”

“I know that when you have a leader overstep their authority in a time of crisis, that’s really when you lose this country. And I didn’t want to be guilty of doing that,” the Republican Gov. explained during an interview on “The Pod’s Honest Truth” podcast. “So I never issued a shelter-in-place, I never closed a business. I didn’t even define an essential business … because I don’t have the authority to do that.”

She went on “Noem explained. And during those calls she found that fear was driving people’s actions.

“What I am saying though is that what I heard on those conference calls was fear,” she said. “I was shocked and amazed by how fear controlled people and how emotional that they were. And to me it indicated that in this country we’ve lost faith and the steadfast promise of God’s faithfulness in our life every day has real consequences.”

She said that Americans must defend their religious liberty, which has been attacked amid the pandemic.

“They are attacking our religious freedoms. And so we need to use every tool that we have to make sure that we still have the ability to practice our faith and to gather as we see fit,” the governor said. “And we have directly seen in many of these states where they have allowed other gatherings yet restricted those who want to go to church and worship together.”

So I ask that if the people in this country see that this is completely un-Constitutional and that the federal government along with some of the states Governors and Mayors are attacking businesses and the church then why is it that people are falling into line with this perpetuated fraud (Psalm 78:9, 94:20, Ephesians 4:14).

In conclusion: The people must rise up and impeach every single one of these tyrants for transgressing the US Constitution and indict each and everyone of them (Article 2 section 4, Article 1 section)

[YouTube Video]



© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

CNBC Hires Former Fox Anchor to Bash Trump

By Cliff Kincaid

CNBC has been a good source for stock market updates and “Shark Tank” programs about new products. Its daytime schedule is best known for the antics of Jim Cramer, a booster of pot stocks who also provides analysis of financial markets. On Wednesday, however, former Fox News gay anchor Shepard Smith begins hosting his own Trump-bashing program on CNBC. This marks a definite turn to the left for the business channel.

Dozens of ads have been appearing, trying to convince the CNBC audience that he will provide just the “facts,” even the “truth.” CNBC describes the program as the channel’s nightly newscast “providing deep, non-partisan coverage and perspective on the day’s most important stories.”

But the commentator is best known for his disgust for those who reject his liberal opinions masquerading as news.

The one-hour show, “The News with Shepard Smith,” premiers on September 30 at 7:00 pm EST.

One of the major homosexual power players in the media, Smith was a closeted gay early in his career but then began to talk openly about his lifestyle choices and attended a National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association event in 2014 with other Fox News employees. It later became the Association of LGBTQ Journalists.

But he left Fox News in a controversy as the audience rejected his heavy-handed approach and his ratings lagged far behind the conservative news channel anchors. Described as “often” critical of President Donald Trump, he had completely dropped any pretense of objectivity on his show.

When the far-left Huffington Post in 2016 proclaimed Smith as “the future” of Fox News, many conservatives started looking elsewhere for news and information. However, Smith left Fox News in 2019, having achieved notoriety as the only gay anchor at the channel. His poor ratings took their toll.

Later, he emerged from obscurity and donated $500,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists, in order to protest criticism of the media. “Intimidation and vilification of the press is now a global phenomenon,” Smith said. “We don’t have to look far for evidence of that.”

Hence, Smith apparently believes it is improper for Trump to defend his administration against unfair press criticism by activists posing as journalists.

His decision to join CNBC, a sister network of Trump-hating MSNBC, is regarded as an attempt to inject more bias into a channel the normal CNBC business-oriented audience might not expect or anticipate. It’s comparable to making ESPN, once known for sports, into an arm of Black Lives Matter.

Indeed, the debut of the Shepard Smith show, just weeks before the election, is apparently designed to add one more anti-Trump commentator to the cacophony of anti-Trump voices already in the media, and therefore sway some votes against the president on November 3. The danger for CNBC is that it will lose its edge as a business channel giving objective analysis of the financial markets, driving members of its business audience away.

“Haters are going to hate” is how Shepard Smith, then with Fox News, referred to supporters of Christian clerk Kim Davis when she opposed gay marriage. It was perhaps the most notorious example of his disgust for those rejecting his lifestyle choices.

In fact, Fox News, CNBC, and scores of media organizations have served as sponsors of the Association of LGBTQ Journalists. This is the group that dictates, through an actual “stylebook,” on how to use “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & queer terminology.” Sponsors of the group’s upcoming convention include AARP, CNN, CBS News, Bloomberg, Fox, the Google News Lab, the Democracy Fund, McClatchy, the Facebook Journalism Project, and NBC Universal, parent of CNBC.

But in addition to attacking Christians as “haters,” Smith had complained on the air on Fox News that those turning out in support of Christian clerk Kim Davis and her stand against gay marriage were being “divisive.” He said Davis was surrounded by “grandstanders,” such as the “ridiculous” Mike Huckabee, a presidential candidate and former governor of Arkansas who served as a host of a talk show on the Fox News Channel. His daughter later served as Trump’s press secretary.

On his show about Davis, Smith had mocked her for having been married several times and having kids out of wedlock, not mentioning her religious conversion to Christianity that turned her life around and led to her take a stand against signing the gay marriage licenses. Smith said, “Ms. Davis apparently believes in the sanctity of marriage to the degree that she’s been married a total of four times. In fact, she got pregnant with her third husband’s children while married to her first husband. But fear not: her second husband adopted them.”

Davis was the target of this venom because she had objected on religious liberty grounds to putting her name and government title on licenses for homosexual marriages. She spent six days in jail. Later, she met with Pope Francis during his trip to the United States, a visit arranged by his ambassador to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Vigano. Francis removed Vigano, a traditionalist, from his post and Vigano has emerged as a fierce critic of Francis, declaring in letters that a Deep State with secular and demonic spiritual elements and a “Deep Church” are trying to destroy the Donald J. Trump presidency.

He says, “Presidential elections in November represent an epochal challenge, a biblical challenge, the outcome of which will be decisive not only for the United States of America but for the whole world.”

CNBC enters into this conflict with a noted proponent of the gay lifestyle who also wants to take down Trump. CNBC has taken sides. This can only hurt ratings.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Communism’s Promotion and Collusion in America’s Race Wars

Kelleigh Nelson

Myself and Alicia Garza in particular are trained organizers.  We are trained Marxists.  —Patrisse Cullors, Black Lives Matter Founder

Evil preaches tolerance, until it is dominant, then it seeks to silence the Good.  —Father Altman, 2020

The communists know, as the American people do not, that the city and community police forces now constitute one of the most important remaining obstacles to the gradual, insidious, and at first invisible establishment of the mechanics of their communist police state.  —Robert Welch, JBS Founder

Most conservatives understand that Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are communist organizations and are committed to overthrowing America’s culture, society and constitutional order.  BLM was founded in 2013 by three black women who are avowed Marxists.  They are also prophetesses of demonic darkness.

Antifa was founded in Germany in 1932;they promoted communism over fascism. The two organizations work diligently together fomenting anarchy, along with dozens of smaller communist and Islamic groups, under the guise of eliminating police brutality against black Americans, which national statistics have proven to be false. We are not experiencing a wave of social unrest generated by injustice or police brutality. We are watching an insurrection in progress, one which uses police violence as a pretext, but which has as its goal the destruction of the existing social, economic and political order in the United States.

Most Americans do not understand the demonic reality of Marxism and the communist infiltration of every facet of American society, peoples and culture.  This is the story of one black man’s devotion to communism for ten years, and his exit and exposure of their true evil.

Soviet Communists and Black Americans

In 1958, Manning R. Johnson wrote “Color, Communism and Common Sense,” a 78-page pamphlet about the communist infiltration of the black American community to incite strife, anger, envy, violence and riots. Johnson saw inequities against his race, but he was also raised in a Christian home and that core training led him out of the communist regime after ten years of watching how truly evil they were.  In 1958, black Americans were still referred to as Negroes and that is how Mr. Johnson writes of his race and the communist penetration.

Manning Johnson’s book should be in everyone’s library.  He exposes the names of the communist leaders in society who masqueraded as progressive liberals.  The 78-page booklet tells how black churches were subverted and the communist plot to use black Americans, concocted by Stalin in 1928, to create racial hatred.  He tells of the real “Uncle Toms,” communists who pose as “friends of the Negro,” and under the guise of a campaign for black rights, set race against race in a cold-blooded struggle for power.  They are the ones who plotted with a diabolical foreign power the moral decay, physical slavery and spiritual death of their own race.

Manning Johnson was inducted into the party largely because of the preaching of a communist Bishop of the Episcopal church, but his early Christian upbringing made him revolt at the obscene immorality of the Communist Party and its members. The communists had infiltrated the pulpits of America’s black churches, and don’t think they haven’t infiltrated the white ones as well.

Johnson labored for ten years in the cause of communism and was a dedicated comrade.  He believed that the end of capitalism “would bring the beginning of an interminable period of plenty, peace, prosperity and universal comradeship.”  He stated, “Being an idealist, I was sold this ‘Bill of Goods’ by a Negro graduate of the Lenin Institute in Moscow.”

Little did Mr. Johnson realize until he was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system—that this was the end toward which all the communist efforts among black Americans are directed.  He stated that he saw communism in its naked cruelty, in its ruthlessness and utter contempt of Christian attributes and passions.  He saw the low value placed upon human life, the total lack of respect for the dignity of man, the betrayal of trust, the terror of the Secret Police and the bloody hand of the assassin during and since those fateful years when he embraced communism.

Manning Johnson rose to one of the highest ranks, but found that the communists only intended to use his people in a bloody revolution to destroy America.  When he woke up to this evil, he dropped out of the party and spent the rest of his life warning all American citizens of the true nature of the Communist Party as he knew it from the inside.

Reds Seek Division

In 1928, communists said the racial differences between the American people constituted the weakest and most vulnerable point in our fabric.  The communists calculated that by constantly straining at this one spot, they believed eventually the cloth could be torn apart and Americans could be divided, weakened and set against each other ultimately ending in open combat.  (How many times have we heard that a new civil war is brewing?)

But communist agitators are not just in the black community, they’re working the white community as well.  White communist “friends” descended upon the black communities to help them become “liberated” from racial prejudice. Many of today’s BLM anarchists are white and some are school teachers.  The goal is hatred, bloodshed and violence between the races and they don’t care how they get it.

Black communists laid all the blame of the ills of black Americans at the feet of the white leaders of America.  Statues of historic figures, including America’s founders, have been purposefully destroyed by today’s anarchists. “Capitalism and imperialism are made symbols of oppressive white rule in keeping with instructions from the Kremlin.”

Johnson wrote, “Black rebellion was what Moscow wanted. Bloody racial conflict would split America. During the confusion, demoralization and panic would set in.  Then finally the Reds say, ‘Workers stop work,’ and many of them seize arms by attacking arsenals. Street fights become frequent. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, the workers organize revolutionary committees to be in command of the uprising.  Armed workers seize the principle government offices, invade the residence of the president and his cabinet members, arrest them, declare the old regime abolished, and establish their own power.” This is the ultimate communist plan.

Reds in America’s Courts

In 1926, R. M. Whitney wrote Reds in America, a book which exposed the Red plot in all its major ramifications.  It was profusely illustrated with documents seized from communist sources by Federal authorities.  In August of 1922, at a meeting of communist leaders in Bridgman, Michigan, the racial division program was read to all and promoted.  In 1958, the tragic effects of public and official indifference were obvious.  And now, sixty-two years later we are seeing the race revolution come alive.  The Reds have been plotting the overthrow of America for over a century.

Communist agents plotted the use of U.S. courts to aid in their communist goals. In Manning Johnson’s book, he includes a 1917 letter by former President Teddy Roosevelt to Felix Frankfurter wherein he criticizes Frankfurter for supporting “traitors,” “Bolsheviks” and “murderers.” Frankfurter, a Harvard Law School grad, worked for Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson. During World War I, he served as Judge Advocate General. After the war, he helped found the leftist/communist American Civil Liberties Union and returned to his position as professor at Harvard Law School.

Frankfurter was nominated to the high court in 1939 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and served until 1962. He was a loyal and trusted advisor to FDR and promoted his unconstitutional New Deal. (President Teddy Roosevelt, uncle to Eleanor Roosevelt, was right…FDR was a man who embraced communists in his administration.) Johnson documents that Supreme Court Justice Frankfurter quoted Red propaganda to bolster Supreme Court rulings.

Archibald Roosevelt, the fifth child of Teddy Roosevelt, wrote the preface to Johnson’s book and stated that Justice Frankfurter used a communist statement in his majority opinion for “Communist Party vs. Subversion Board.” One has to wonder how Frankfurter’s communist leanings influenced his judicial decisions

Reds in America’s Universities

Numerous organizations were formed, directed, controlled, and led by Reds and fellow travelers to influence and expose millions of black Americans to communist ideas.  Through those organizations and many others, black institutions of higher education like Howard University were penetrated to subvert teachers and students and politically contaminate the intellectual stream of black lives.  In 2016, the Washington Times reported that liberal professors outnumbered conservatives by twelve to one.

Here is the testimony of Judge Cobb, a patriotic black American, former professor of Constitutional Law and vice dean of Howard University, in which he tried to alert America to the grave dangers to our internal security inherent in the advocacy of communism by Mr. Mordecai W. Johnson, President of Howard University.

James A. Cobb was admitted to the bar in 1902 and began working for Howard University in 1917.  Cobb was a member of the Washington Bar Association for black lawyers and a special assistant to the attorney general. In 1925 President Coolidge appointed him a municipal court judge; he was the only African American on the municipal bench.

The failure to heed the sensational disclosures and timely warnings of Judge Cobb may well lie at the root of much of the present racial conflict, a conflict inspired by communists over a century ago.

Early Black Communists

E.B. Du Bois, writing in 1913, famously called the race question “the great test of the American socialist.” Later generations of socialists tended to agree with him, elevating the antiracist struggle to a place of centrality in left strategy. From the 1930s to the present day, American leftists have seen the struggle against racial oppression, most centrally of black Americans, as one of the key questions radicals face in the movement to remake American society. Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909.  Manning Johnson refers to the NAACP as The National Association for the Agitation of Colored People.

Eugene Victor “Gene” Debs (November 5, 1855 – October 20, 1926) was an American socialist, political activist, trade unionist, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and five times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States.  And there’s more…

Prior to the founding of the Socialist Party of America in 1901, there were two black socialists who left their mark in the historical record: Peter H. Clark who believed socialism was the remedy for society’s evils.  Clark joined the communist Workers Party of the United States (WPUS), the American affiliate of the International Workingmen’s Association, in 1876, shortly after its founding.

George Washington Woodbey was born into slavery in 1854.  He moved to San Diego in 1902 and joined the newly formed Socialist Party.  He said, “In the days of chattel slavery the masters had a patrol force to keep the negroes in their place and protect the interests of the masters. Today the capitalists use the police for the same purpose.”  Sound familiar?  This was the very beginning of the communist plot to defund America’s police and leave us indefensible.

Black History Heroes

America’s black communists were the antithesis of men like prominent black scientist, George Washington Carver whose quotes live on as guides to the people of America.  “Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” And, “Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.”

Booker T. Washington’ sinfamous conflicts with black leaders like W. E. B. Du Bois over segregation caused a stir, as it should have. He is remembered as the most influential African American speaker of his time. Washington became the first black  American to be invited to the White House in 1901, when President Theodore Roosevelt invited him to dine with him.  Roosevelt saw Washington as a brilliant advisor on racial matters, a practice his successor, President William Howard Taft, continued.

“The surge of progress of black Americans since slavery is largely traced to the work and efforts of these two men, their supporters, their emulators and their followers.  They had a deep and abiding pride of race, a firm belief in the ability of their people to rise above their past and stand on an equal plane with all others.  Equality was to them, not just a catch-word, but a living thing to be achieved only by demonstrated ability.”

Communists have worked to destroy the magnificent lives of men like Carver and Washington.  These are men who loved freedom and loved the country who provided liberty to every American.


The communists raised their ugly heads in the hopes of destroying America’s new found freedoms shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 to announce our separation from England.  The signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and our unalienable Bill of Rights was ratified in December of 1791 gave us the freedoms granted by God Almighty to all.

Communist missionaries stir over the long dying embers of race hatred, fears and grievances.  Decades ago, America consigned this to history, but Marxists want to keep it alive to destroy America’s race relations.

Obvious to even the most ignorant is the fact that everyone has prejudices in one form or another…it can be race differences, nationality, religion, economics, social and cultural standing…it can even be over your weight for heaven’s sake. We all have prejudices in one form or another…whether you wish to admit it or not.

The entire smear job on America has been in the works for a century.  Editorial writers, columnists, news commentators and analysts go overboard to destroy America via press, radio and television.  They give top coverage to racial incidents, fomented by leftists.  The black race is the sacrificial lamb of the widespread racial hatred the left is creating.  Race hatred is the Red cause, it feeds their destruction of our country.  They want to wipe out all the mutual cooperation and friendship and set the opening of a dark and bloody era in black and white relations.

The testimony of Manning Johnson to the House Un-American Activity Committee in 1953 is available here.  It tells the truth, and the truth is what sets us free.  The entire book is reprinted and available on the web.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People, Part 3

Servando Gonzalez

Initially, the CIA was structurally divided into four different directorates: Intelligence, Support, Administration, and Plans, each one headed by a Deputy Director. Eventually the Directorate of Administration disappeared, and the Directorate of Science and technology was created. As everything related to the CIA, however, the name Directorate of Plans was intentionally highly misleading. It actually had to do with the armed branch of the CIA, the one devoted to covert military operations of sabotage, subversion, terrorism, and psychological warfare.

After the end of World War II, Allen Dulles served as a government consultant in matters of intelligence. In 1948, after the CIA’s “failure” to forecast Colombia’s Bogotazo riots of April 9, 1948, Dulles was appointed to chair a three-man commission responsible for assessing the U.S. intelligence system and the CIA’s fail- ure to predict the Bogotazo.

The Dulles Report of 1949 (also known as the “Dulles-Jackson-Correa Report”) was a hatchet job on CIA Director Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter. It held Hillenkoetter responsible for what it considered a major and ongoing failure in intelligence coordination.[1] It is interesting to see that the common explanation for the CIA’s alleged “failures” —not connecting the dots for lack of interagency communication— was an excuse invented less than a year after the Agency was created and the CFR conspirators have consistently continued using it ad nauseam. One of the latest examples was the 9/11 Commission Report.

Hillenkoetter was a professional military man, the first CIA Director and the third Director of Central Intelligence of three short-tenured directors of a transitional organization called the Central Intelligence Group —the first two had been Admiral Sidney Souers and General Hoyt Vandenberg. When in the spring of 1947 the Central Intelligence Group was renamed Central Intelligence Agency, Admiral Hillenkoetter, not fully under the control of the CFR conspirators, became the CIA’s first Director.

As a result of Dulles’ biased report and his conspiratorial activities behind the curtains, supported by undersecretary of State Robert Lovett (CFR-controlled, Skull & Bones) and Robert Blum (CFR), an aide to Defense Secretary James Forrestal (CFR),[2] in October 1950 Hillenkoetter was substituted by General Walter Bedell Smith, a CFR member.[3] A year later, in 1951, Dulles was made CIA’s Deputy Director for Plans, the CIA’s clandestine arm in charge of covert operations.

Two years later, in 1953, CFR agent President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed Allen Dulles Director of Central Intelligence and CIA Director. Finally, the CFR conspirators were in full command of the aberrant monster they had created: the CIA. The very same year he was appointed CIA Director, Dulles and his Wall Street masters used the CIA to overthrow Iranian nationalist leader, Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh.

In 1928 the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, the Royal Dutch-Shell, and the Anglo-Iranian AIOC had formed a powerful oil cartel. But Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil production, breaking the oil cartel. This action sealed Mossadegh’s fate. Some Rockefeller-controlled American oil companies, in which Dulles was directly involved, feared their interests had been threatened by Mossadegh’s nationalist views. In 1953 Dulles used the newly created CIA’s covert action to overthrow Mossadegh by a CIA planned and executed coup d’ètat. The CIA had used its covert action capacity not to protect the interests of the American people, but the interests of the CFR conspirators.

The Iranian operation was so successful, that they repeated it a year later. In 1954 the CIA planned and executed Operation Ajax, the coup d’ètat that overthrew Guatemala’s democratically elected head of state President Jacobo Arbenz. The reason for this was not because Arbenz threatened the American people but because, a few months after being elected, he nationalized some unused land owned by the United Fruit Company.

Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles, were partners in the Wall Street law firm Sullivan & Cromwell. Among their important clients was the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit. With John Foster Dulles heading the State Department and Allen Dulles heading the CIA, they were the czars of Eisenhower’s foreign policy, and they made sure that the interests of Sullivan & Cromwell clients weren’t ignored.

The Guatemalan coup, which cost American taxpayers $20 million (a considerable amount of money at the time), was perhaps a setback for American interests in Latin America, because it reinforced the image of an imperial U.S. forcibly affecting the destinies of her Latin American neighbors. It was, however, a total success for CIA director Allen Dulles and his powerful CFR masters.

The Mossadegh and Arbenz operations were so successful that the CFR conspirators have repeated the same procedure again and again with good results. Some years later they did it again in Chile.

After a long process of destabilization carried out by both the CIA and its secret agent Fidel Castro, in September 1973 democratically elected Chilean President Salvador Allende was overthrown by a coup d’ètat. The Agency had run a powerful propaganda campaign against Allende, directed at convincing the conservative middle classes that Allende was a Stalinist would-be despot and a tool of Moscow and Castro. On his part, Castro carried out a propaganda campaign directed at convincing the left that Allende was not radical enough.

It was not a coincidence that John McCone (CFR), a former CIA Director, headed the ITT, one of the U.S. corporations actively involved in the coup. Also, war criminal Henry Kissinger (CFR) played an active role in the coup against Allende.

The CIA has been one of the best tools used by the conspirators entrenched in the Council on Foreign Relations in their pursuit of a communo-fascist global government controlled by transnational corporations, which they call the New World Order. A simple analysis of the CIA’s “failures” shows that they seamlessly match with the CFR’s successes in national and international politics.

In the conduct of their nefarious businesses, the CFR conspirators have used not only their own information collection capabilities through their secret agents operating inside transnational corporations, Wall Street banks, and the State De- partment, but also the raw information[4] obtained through the gathering and collecting capabilities of the CIA, the NSA, and other U.S. intelligence agencies. They have, however, ignored the CIA’s intelligence analysis capabilities, because, having their own intelligence analysts at the CFR they don’t need the Agency’s.

The CFR conspirators have never given any importance to the allegedly most important CIA Directorate: Intelligence.[5] That is precisely the area where raw information is collected and converted, through careful analysis and evaluation, into intelligence, before passing it, together with the analysts’ assessments, to the country’s leaders —usually in the form of an intelligence report or estimate forecasting what the opposition would do or would not do— as an objective tool to take into consideration when making foreign policy decisions.

But intelligence, like any other product of the human intellect, is very subjective. It is conformed and modeled by the assumptions of the people who create it, the intelligence analysts. And an important element in the creation of intelligence departing from raw information is the knowledge the intelligence analysts have, not only about the opposition but also of the consumers of the intelligence they produce —in the CIA’s case, the executive branch of the U.S. government.

As I have shown above in these articles, however, the true executive branch of the U.S. Government is not in Washington D.C., but in Manhattan. This explains why the true goals and policies of the U.S. government, under the control of the CFR conspirators, are not what it claims to be.

But the people in government, that is, the people who really control the U.S. government behind the scenes —in this case the CFR conspirators— don’t share their secret goals and policies with anybody except the trusted members of the inner core of the CFR, who obviously are not intelligence analysts working for the CIA.

Therefore, because of their wrong assumptions about who they are really working for, intelligence analyses and estimates produced by CIA intelligence analysts most of the time were not good for the CFR conspirators. Actually, in most cases they were highly damaging for the conspirators.

So, some of them canceived a weird idea. They called it “Team B.”

Click here for [Part 1], [Part 2]

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. In his study of the first years of the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government to 1950 (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Penn- sylvania State University Press, 1990), Arthur B. Darling, the Agency’s first official historian and a scholar of honor and integrity, heavily criticized the Dulles-jackson-Correa report. When Allen Dulles became CIA Director in 1953 he restricted access to Darling’s study, which was not made public until 1990.
  2. Forrestal eventually became one of the CFR’s strongest critics, but at the time of the Hillenkoetter affair he was still under the control of the conspirators.
  3. In honor to truth, at that time even some CFR members were not fully under the control of the CFR conspirators. I think General Bedell Smith may have been one of them.
  4. Sometimes erroneously called “raw intelligence.” But, by definition, intelligence is a very elaborated product. There is nothing raw in it. Actually, the most accepted definition of intelligence is “information (raw data) that has been evaluated and validated. Therefore, “raw intelligence” is a contradiction in terms. 20.
  5. See, i.e., Rowan Scarborough, Sabotage: America’s Enemies Within the CIA (Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2007), pp., 14, 18-19, 22-24. Also, Ralph W. McGehee, Deadly Deceits: My 25 Years in the CIA (New York, Sheridan Square Publications, 1983), pp. 190, 192.

Servando’s new book, Coronavirus for Dunces, is available at Amazon.com and other bookstores online.

Are Attorney General Barr and FBI chief ordering criminal operations against Democratic supported anarchists?

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

FBI Director Christopher Wray – the disappointing leader of the corrupted law enforcement agency –told a panel of lawmakers that Antifa possesses a dangerous political agenda that is encouraging violent riots, arson, looting and terrorist threats across the country. He also told the GOP and Democrat lawmakers that his special agents are conducting investigations into individuals who are leaders, members and affiliates of the anti-Trump/anti-America organization.

Last Thursday, Wray told the politicians that “Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement, or an ideology may be one way of thinking of it and we have quite a number, and I’ve said this quite consistently since my first time appearing before this committee, we have any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists and some of those individuals self-identify with Antifa.”

Wray’s boss, Attorney General Bill Barr, has also confirmed that FBI investigators are probing the participants of Antifa and other anarchists who were or are involved in uprisings in Portland, Seattle, New York City and other locations.

“People are pouring through all of the video trying to identify people to hold people accountable,” Barr said.  “I think Antifa and Antifa like groups are at the center of it,” he stated.

But House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-New York, claimed while riots, looting, violence arsons were raging, that Antifa is a “myth” made up by Republicans. He is shown in a video denying the riots are occurring, but there are hundreds of videos posted on the Internet that prove Nadler is a deranged Democrat.

On Monday, Attorney General Bill Barr and his Justice Department released a list of cities has been deemed “anarchist jurisdictions” under President Donald Trump’s instructions. Also, Trump ordered a review federal funding for local governments in cities where violence or vandalism has occurred while police officials are ordered to “stand down.”

A Trump memorandum ordered Attorney General Barr, in consultation with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Russ Vought and acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf (DHS), to identify jurisdictions “that have permitted violence and the destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract these criminal activities (anarchist jurisdictions).”

So far, the Justice Department labeled New York City, Portland, Oregon, and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.”

The directives aid DOJ was still working to identify other jurisdictions that meet the criteria outlined in the Trump memo. The president has made ridicule of those cities a regular feature of his campaign appearances, and he has mocked their top officials for their responses to the violence that has taken place during the protests. No one is mentioned more than New York City’s “empty-suit” leader Mayor Bill de Blasio, who spent most of his time denigrating his own city’s cops.

Barr said in his own statement: “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice…  will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”

As part of the memo’s labeling of the cities by Barr, the Justice Department cited city councils’ voting to cut police funding, refusing to prosecute protesters on charges like disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly,  and rejection of federal assistance, as well as injuries suffered by law enforcement officials during violent outbursts that went unpunished.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan issued a joint statement calling the administration’s move “thoroughly political and unconstitutional,” adding that “the president is playing cheap political games with congressionally directed funds.”

New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement Monday that Trump is “using the last few months of his presidency to sow more chaos, more hatred, and more fear,” and she pledged to defeat the administration in court over any such withholding of funding to the city and the state.

“If only that moron Letitia James took such a position when it comes to the thugs, cop-killers and terrorists populating New York City during its downfall,” said former NYPD detective Michael Robert Snipes. “Now all that needs to be done is for the Justice Department to investigate the corruption of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio, and AG James,” he added.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The “Trump Effect” Is the Republicans’ Only Hope

By Cliff Kincaid

The Wall Street Journal column, “Colorado’s Cory Gardner Struggles to Survive the Trump Effect,” tries to pin the blame on the president for the Republican Senator in Colorado consistently running behind his opponent in his race for reelection. The author, Jillian Kay Melchior, never once mentions that Gardner has been a booster of Colorado’s lethal dope industry and is losing conservative support because of it.

Recognizing that he is losing conservative votes, Gardner has now come out in favor of a quick vote on President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. “He Found His Spine,” proclaimed the conservative website Big League Politics.

Senator Lindsey Graham, often labeled a RINO (Republican in Name Only), is also in jeopardy. He is reportedly leading Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison in the South Carolina Senate race by only one point, 46-45 percent.

The explanation is Graham’s weak conservative credentials. Morning Consult finds that “While Trump has support from 93 percent of Republicans, Graham has support from 84 percent in the same poll —  making him one of the worst-performing GOP incumbents up for re-election this cycle among voters from his own party.”

But the problem is not confined to Gardner and Graham. Other Republicans in Senate contests polling behind Trump are Joni Ernst in Iowa, Steve Daines in Montana, Thom Tillis in North Carolina, and Martha McSally in Arizona.

Contrary to what the Journal’s Melchior says, the “Trump Effect” helps candidates.

In her column on Gardner, published before Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, the Journal’s Melchior wrote that “Mr. Trump, who lost Colorado by five points, has alienated many suburban women and independents,” but Gardner has alienated conservatives opposed to Colorado becoming the headquarters of national marijuana drug trafficking. Gardner has been in the back pocket of the dope business, earning him the label of “pot whore.”

On Facebook, the Melchior column was described as documenting how “Trump’s unpopularity is dragging down his [Gardner’s] re-election effort…” This is nonsense. Gardner is losing not because of Trump but because he, too, is a Republican in Name Only (RINO) taking the “progressive” line on legalization of dope, making him indistinguishable from his Democratic Party opponent, former Governor John Hickenlooper.

Ignoring all of this, she claims that Gardner “is a good candidate and an incumbent with a solid track record” and that “His struggle shows the peril of being a swing-state Republican in the age of Trump.” His problems are of his own making and have nothing to do with Trump. No Republican in good conscience could vote for him. Some might do so, only to say they voted against the Democrat, but Gardner is not a “common sense conservative,” as he likes to describe himself. Common sense does not drive somebody to be a shill for what is now being called “Big Marijuana.” It is Big Tobacco with the replacement of nicotine by THC’s mind-altering qualities.

Jillian Kay Melchior, an editorial page writer at The Wall Street Journal, was a graduate of Hillsdale College and worked for several conservative publications and organizations. But she ignores the social issues that motivate many voters.

Dozens of new anti-drug groups have emerged in recent years. One of them, Smart Colorado, reports, “Since Colorado voters legalized recreational marijuana with Amendment 64 in 2012, Colorado’s youth have served as guinea pigs in a risky experiment,” and that recent data show that “Colorado now ranks first in the nation for past month marijuana use by those 12-17 years old…”

The group warns, “We never foresaw how aggressive and powerful the financial interests behind this new billion-dollar industry would become.” Yet, Gardner is happy with this outcome.

Attorney David Evans, Senior Counsel to Cannabis Industry Victims Educating Litigators (CIVEL), has called Gardner “a pot whore.”

Democrats only need to win four seats to take back the majority in the Senate, and Gardner is a likely goner.

Tragically, Ms. Melchior isn’t alone is being a source of erroneous information.

In his Wall Street Journal column, “GOP Senate Hopefuls Try to Outrun Trump,” GOP “strategist” Karl Rove calls Gardner one of several superior GOP candidates running “energetic, nearly textbook-perfect campaigns.” He, too, ignores Gardner’s debt to the dope lobby.

Gardner gave an interview to a stoner publication, Marijuana Moment, and called  marijuana legalization a “significant success.”

Here’s what their “success” looks like, according to the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (RMHIDTA) program:

  • Since recreational marijuana was legalized, traffic deaths in which drivers tested positive for marijuana increased 109 percent while all Colorado traffic deaths increased 31 percent.
  • The yearly number of emergency department visits related to marijuana increased 54 percent after the legalization of recreational marijuana (2013 compared to 2017).
  • Seizures of Colorado marijuana in the U.S. mail system has increased 1,042 percent from an average of 52 parcels (2009-2012) to an average of 594 parcels (2013-2017) during the time recreational marijuana has been legal.

The argument was that legal dope would replace black market activity. But an investigation by public broadcasting found strong evidence of Colorado marijuana products “being exported to other states,” with law enforcement trying “to keep up with the burgeoning black market.”

If Gardner and the RINOS win, it’s because Trump will pull them across the finish line after they decided to vote for Trump nominee Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The “Trump Effect” is their only hope.

America: Why Do You Enrich Our Enemies?

By:  Devvy

The world wide web was truly a wonderful, remarkable ‘thing’ to happen for the world.  Sadly, over the decades it’s become a cesspool of filth from kiddie porn to promoting every form of sexual deviancy known to mankind.  The ‘dark web’ is most certainly the domain of Satan where child and sex trafficking contacts come together.  Snuff films.  Hire an assassin.  The worst on this planet is found there.

Most certainly, there are many wonderful ways which the Internet educates people, wonderful free on-line tours of places like the great museums and libraries of the world, live streaming of events and networks like Hulu and others.  (I canceled my Netflix subscription when they announced a big bux ‘partnership’ with the Obama’s.)

Slowly however, those who control the big monopolies have been using their technology against the American people.  For years and years, the ‘Gods of the Universe’ aka tech giants have been on a non-stop crusade to censor web sites whose content is conservative or constitutionally focused.  The independent media is a real threat to them and their agenda.

Google, Facebook, Twitter control 93% of advertising now.  They’ve killed off more conservative web sites in the past five years than I can count.  Massive monopolies who support the destruction of our constitutional republic.  Wired Lays Out the Case to Regulate Google’s Ad Market

You Tube, owned by Google, is the quintessential example of censorship forced by the scum of the earth, the Chinese Communist Party over in China. Stop posting to You Tube and start using alternatives that don’t censor free speech.

Brighteon.com is growing at a sizeable pace.

Apparently, You Tube’s biggest competitor is Dailymotion; see a list here.

Microsoft, which catapulted the despicable Bill Gates into the highest echelon of billionaires, is the primary source of programs used in school classrooms across this country as well as the private sector.  A massive monopoly that crushes any competition.

Those tech-giants and their CEOs demand cheap labor from foreigners while Americans with college degrees in technology work at McDonald’s or starve.  Big Tech: America’s Success ‘Depends’ on Corporations Importing Foreign H-1B Visa Workers

The prostitute media (MSM) has always worked full time to convince the American people there is a shortage of American workers for the tech industry.  A fat lie.  The Myth of America’s Tech-Talent Shortage

They all support open borders, traitors like the Clinton duo, corrupt dirty cop, James Comey and the list goes on. They support all that is destroying what America used to be for $$ and their power trips.

Social media came on the scene in 2003 in the form of My Space.  Social networking exploded.  But in 2008 with the emergence of that punk Mark Zuckerberg and his Facebook creation, My Space faded into oblivion.

Seems everyone has a Facebook page including the entire health care system, the private sector – just about all of them.  Except me, of course.  Never been on Facebook, never sent a tweet or sent a text.  Quit using Google a long time ago. Google giving far-right users’ data to law enforcement, documents reveal

You see, all of them harvest your life and sell it — raking in BILLIONS.  You are nothing but a paycheck for them.  Americans are justifiably concerned about the federal government’s super snooper, the NSA, but don’t seem to care about the same thing being done to them by the ‘Gods of the Universe’.

They sell your personal data to advertisers who then bombard your email box with their ads. “Free” gmail violates your privacy as do all of them which apparently doesn’t seem to bother people here and around the world.

Google Still Doesn’t Care About Your Privacy

Social media has been very, very beneficial in several ways yet at the same time, it’s also been weaponized to use against We the People.  Those not in denial vs the simply brain dead (that would be Bernie Sander’s cult followers and Basement Biden’s robots) know the big tech giants have also been interfering with our elections for several cycles.

No question about it yet YOUR incumbent and mine in Congress have done NOTHING for years but hold committee hearings to exchange spit with big tech corporation’s CEOs.  The same incumbents who will get reelected in November because the primaries are long over and as always, comes down to voting for a [D] or [R].

Gaetz: Congress Won’t Act on Big Tech Because They’re Bought Off by Big Tech

Congressman urges Barr to file criminal charges against Facebook CEO – Mark Zuckerberg is accused of giving false testimony, July 27, 2020 – Barr’s response:  Crickets

Not just Congress but DOJ.  Oh, every once in a while we get thrown a little bone which in the end produces no soup: Facebook targeted in possible FTC antitrust case, Sept. 16, 2020.  Well, it sounds good during an election year.

President Trump as we all know has been under attack 24/7 by useful fools in the prostitute media, all of the aforementioned tech giants and the narcissists in Hollywood.  Twitter has been his only way to reach the American people and it’s been overwhelmingly successful for him.  Although, there are times when he should have kept his mouth shut.

We also know those ‘Gods of the Universe’ have been in full attack mode to help undermine Trump’s chance at being reelected.  No dirty trick is beneath them.

So, let me ask you a question:  If you were going to war against your enemy would you then supply your enemy with money to purchase munitions and things like tanks to fight you, their opponent?  There’s a surefire way to lose a war.

Of course not.  So, why then, knowing what tens and tens of millions of Americans know about those ‘Gods of the Universe’ and their evil intentions continue putting money in their bank accounts?

Facebook Blocks Donations To Kyle!

Censoring Scott Atlas Should Be The Last Straw For Big Tech’s Censorship–“Google-owned YouTube removed video of a presidential advisor discussing COVID-19 lockdowns. Anti-trust action and legislation must cap this abuse of power.”

It’s not like there’s no alternative to Facebook because there most certainly is:  Conservative answer’ to Facebook launches – USA.Life also developing Google alternative, February 25, 2019

“Describing itself as the “answer to Facebook and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty,” a new social-media platform called USA.Life will officially launch Wednesday.

“Founder and CEO Steven Andrew said he decided to use his Silicon Valley tech leadership experience to launch the project after he saw Facebook block millions of people from getting his posts.”

Double-digit tens of millions of Americans besides industry use Facebook:  10 facts about Americans and Facebook –  Translated it means tens of millions of Americans are enabling Zuckerberg to sell their information and use those profits to promote hiring of illegal aliens among other items on his agenda and making sure Trump does not get reelected.

How about everyone – either in a personal capacity or your business – who condemns censorship and reveres our First Amendment right to free speech move their Facebook account to USA.Life?  Well, it would certainly send a message to Zuckerberg and his minions.  Likely there would be huge layoffs for which I feel bad but those individuals could get hired by USA.Life as it expands as well as other alternative platforms out there.  It’s called competition and free enterprise.

Yes, moving a Facebook account over to USA.Life is extra work – especially for businesses.  But again, why would we want to enrich those working to destroy our republic?

If you really believe in free speech isn’t it worth the effort to move your Facebook account to USA.Life or another platform?  Isn’t America and our future worth the effort?

There is another you might wish to consider:  Brighteon.social is EXPLODING in popularity as thousands of channels join new free speech alternative to Facebook and Twitter

BitChute.com is another good platform to replace You Tube.  BIG TECH CENSORSHIP: PULLING BACK THE CURTAIN

The same applies to Twitter.  Agenda driven in-your-face censorship.  Not to mention the very real harmful effects it has on people:  Twitter Alternatives Guide: How (and Why) to Avoid Twitter

Addictiveness and Tunnel Vision

“Social media is addictive by design, and Twitter is no exception. Every like or retweet gives the user a buzz, tapping into their natural learning processes with a trigger. It’s the same dopamine hit you’ll receive from any reward, and our lifestyle can change as we start to reinforce the behaviour with extended use. It’s why a significant amount of users seem to be on Twitter 24/7, constantly replying to a barrage of tweets. This can lead to an information overload, and the user can become desensitised to the content they’re consuming so rapidly.

Research by Anxiety UK suggests that young people who spend more than two hours per day on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram are more likely to report poor mental health, including “psychological distress”. If you’re feeling down, it could be best to step away for at least a week or so.

“If you don’t follow people with a variety of political viewpoints, it’s easy to have tunnel vision when it comes to certain issues. Twitter is especially guilty of this, unless you’re as nonpartisan as possible. Echo chambers and safe spaces can be a dangerous combination, no matter your political viewpoint. There are better platforms if you actually want to have a discussion, and we’ve listed some of the best ethical ones below.”

I know that sending those tweets can be helpful for businesses but I would never use Twitter and further enrich Jack Dorsey who hates Trump and you and me – but he loves the billions he makes off you.

Second attorney:  Twitter Locks Account of Kyle Rittenhouse’s Attorney, John Pierce

What if Trump decided to use an alternative to Twitter?  Let’s say he chooses Gab which is VERY popular.  What’s that?  “Welcome to Gab.com – A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome.”

Alternatives to Twitter for all platforms–  I hope someone can reach Trump and let him know it’s time to get off Twitter and use one of the other available social media.

Make it a campaign – use those hash tag things:  TrumpSwitch to Gab  -He’ll hear about it and hopefully look into switching.  I doubt he’d lose many of his 77 MILLION followers.  Once he learns about Gab or even one of the others listed on the web site above he can make the move.

Here’s another one to quit using:  Reddit Shuts Down Bill Binney While He Provides Evidence Refuting the Russia Collusion Sham

Those ‘Gods of the Universe’ social media giants want to tell you how to think, what to think and censor any information or data that goes against their personal crusades.

America:  If you’re sick and tired and fed up with censorship, drop your Facebook, Reddit and Twitter accounts and start using some of the other great alternatives.  Just post or tweet you’re switching platforms and will let everyone know a week in advance as to where they can now find you.

I know Snapchat and Instagram are very popular among young people who have nothing better to do with their time and are seriously addicted to social media.  A shame parents have allowed social media to distract their children from a real life and preparing them for a future.

Google Whistleblower Tells Alla video everyone must watch

Google can go to Hell in my opinion.  For years I use either www.startpage.com or the ever growing and popular www.duckduckgo.com – Protect your privacy and stop shoveling billions into your enemies bank account.

America:  It’s LONG PAST TIME to bring down the ‘Gods of the Universe’ working for our destruction.  Do not – I repeat – do not underestimate their power to change public opinion targeted at low information individuals.  It’s happening in hyper-drive right now.  A short list:

EXCLUSIVE: Democrats Are Now Using Pentagon Funded Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Efforts by Trump Supporters to Promote President Trump

#DELETED: Big Tech’s Battle to Erase The Trump Movement and Steal The Election, which features interviews with insiders from Google, Facebook, and other companies.

Bokhari: Big Tech Ensures Pro-Trump Messages Don’t Reach Undecided Voters

Big Tech Electioneering: Twitter Suspends “Team Trump on Tour” Account on Second Day of Bus Tour — Richard Grenell Wants Answers

Jim Jordan Asks Google if They Are Actively Helping Joe Biden Win the Election – Google CEO Sundar Pichai Doesn’t Say “No”! (VIDEO)

Yesterday’s Google “Glitch” that Disappeared Conservative Websites Reveals Secret Blacklist – Proves CEO Sundar Pichai Lied to Congress Under Oath

Top researcher, a Democrat, warns Big Tech is stealing election from Trump, July 29, 2020

“For Harvard-trained research psychologist and Democratic voter Robert Epstein, the question isn’t whether or not Google and other Silicon Valley giants are manipulating their searches and feeds to make sure Donald Trump doesn’t win reelection.

“A supporter of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020, he told WND in an interview Wednesday he has statistical evidence to back up the tech titans’ bias, derived from more than seven years of research, internal documents, emails, videos and the testimony of whistleblowers.

“He has testified to Congress that Google manipulation of search results could have cost Trump 2.6 million votes in 2016. In 2020, he believes, as many as 15 million votes could be manipulated.”

Facebook Censored 100+ Million Coronavirus ‘Misinformation’ Posts in 3 Months

“For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.”George Washington, Address to the officers of the army, March 15, 1783

“In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech; a thing terrible to publick traytors.”Benjamin Franklin, Dogwood Papers, written by Franklin in 1722, at the age of sixteen

“Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.” Thomas Jefferson to James Currie, 28 January 1786

“The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state.” John Adams, Free-Press Clause, Massachusetts Constitution 1780

Are you ready to really defend free speech?  Then make it a revolution.  Stop empowering and enriching our enemies.

One video that is a must watch on Brighteon is:  Shadowgate:  Millie Weaver’s Groundbreaking ExposeA must watch.  As the rats started to scurry, Weaver was arrested.  Very similar situation to what happened to Dr. Judy Mikovitz for blowing the whistle on Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Arrest, release, reputation ruined, bankrupted.

And, the big news is the Federalist Society’s, oh, excuse me, Trump’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.  I do not support her nomination but it’s too late now as Trump will not withdraw her nomination.

Why don’t I support Barrett being touted as the Antonin Scalia of the future? I’ll let you decide for yourself.  Yes, she is Catholic and appears to be pro-life.  I say that because of her own words:

“I think it is very unlikely at this point that the court is going to overturn (Roe v. Wade). … The fundamental element, that the woman has a right to choose abortion, will probably stand.” — 2013 lecture at Notre Dame on the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Well, if all the “conservatives” on the Supreme Court feel the same way when the next abortion case comes before them, they’ve all decided Roe v Wade ‘will probably stand’? And, tell me, Judge Barrett, just where the Hell does this “right” to choose murdering an unborn human being come from?  Surely not the U.S. Constitution.

Oh, that’s right!  The court’s OPINION (nine men) in Roe v Wade was based on the Fourteenth Amendment stating a woman’s privacy was protected.  Long, long ago when I read that decision I damn near gagged.  They skipped over this part of that amendment:  “…nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law.”

A baby’s heart beat can be heard in a few as 12 days but routinely at 18 days.  Stop a beating heart means death.  Any state that allows abortion IS depriving an unborn baby the right of life.  The argument that it’s not a baby until it’s born comes right out of the mouth of Satan.  What the Hell do these pro-abortion people think – that a beating heart inside a woman’s womb is what?  No, at that stage you don’t see a developing physical structure but that human being’s heart is beating which means life.

One of my email friends, after reading the articles below wrote, “I have not heard one Christian pastor oppose her.”  My only response was:  As for Christian pastors, they probably aren’t aware of any opposition and look at web sites that align with their faith.  And, if organizations like the Federalist Society say someone is “conservative”, well it must be so!  While Chief Justice John Roberts doesn’t remember being a member of the Federalist Society his name is on their membership roles for ’97-‘98.  Eh, just a coincidence.

Regardless of whether you support Amy Coney Barrett or not, get on the phone today and all your U.S. Senator:  NO HEARING’s on Barrett’s nomination.  Just vote and get it over with.

Barrett has already been vetted by virtually the same scum in the Senate.  She was confirmed in October 2017.  Democrat senators already know her stand on abortion.  Yep, It Seems Dianne Feinstein’s Religious Litmus Test for Barrett Is Coming Back to Bite Her

The senate confirmed her then so there’s no reason to hold any more hearings to rip her reputation to shreds.  They already know where she stands on issues.

A talk show host who broadcasts out of Lubbock, TX commented last week we need to have the hearings so the American people can watch the Democrats and their shenanigans.  No.  Look at what happened to Kavanaugh during those truly sickening hearings.  Not only was his reputation ruined, none of the accusations were true.  His family suffered right along with him for damn political games.

There’s nothing the Democrats can do to stop her confirmation but they will try with another grotesque spectacle if Mitch McConnell allows any hearings.  I say to old Mitch:  Quit playing into the hands of your enemy.  Grow a pair and state what I’ve written above.  “This body already held hearings for Judge Barrett only three short years ago and was thoroughly vetted and confirmed by you so there’s no need for hearings.  We will not use this nomination as fodder for your political future in an effort to once again, try to make the president look bad.”

High-profile Lawyer Barnes: Amy Coney Barrett would be a Disaster

Even if Amy Barrett is confirmed to SCOTUS, she’s still a statist who promotes forced vaccinations and indefinite lockdowns

Barrett excused or immunized questionable police conduct in almost every seizure case or use of force case she came across, many with fact patterns that will make her easily demolished in the court of public opinion in the age of George Floyd.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  My 9.19.2020 commentary:  FDA, COVID-19 vaccine & Sean Hannity.  I do them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net


Microsoft can terminate its services to you for ‘hate speech’

Twitter Bans Jewish Star of David in Profile Images – Deems it “Hateful Imagery”

Big Tech removed our videos with doctors telling the truth about COVID

Instagram is hit with $500BILLION class action lawsuit accusing the Facebook-owned platform of illegally harvesting up to 100 million users’ biometric data

Fmr Acting AG Whitaker: Facebook, Twitter Algorithms Could Be Viewed by DOJ as an ‘Illegal Campaign Contribution’

Conservative Group Launches Website to Battle Big Tech Companies Over Online Censorship

Google Refuses to Show Negative Search Suggestions About Black Lives Matter

The Coming Break Up of America, Part 1

By Frosty Wooldridge

America faces the most critical juncture in its 244-year history.  This entire BLM and Antifa anarchy must be stopped, or they will continue to be emboldened while our law enforcement and elected officials enable them to continue burning, looting and killing cops.  Indolent Americans sit on their Lazy Boy recliners wielding a remote while their country fractures before their eyes.  It’s been slow for the past 30 years, but it’s quickening in every sector of our country.

Have you noticed more and more people speaking different languages at the supermarket?  Schools?  Movies?  At your local bank?  Have you noticed radio stations and TV crackling with Spanish or other languages in our English-speaking America?  Have you seen more people disrespecting the singing of our national anthem?  Have you noticed our laws being broken such as red lights being run or people fleeing accident scenes where they were the cause?  Have you noticed more trash in your state and national parks, especially in California, Arizona, Texas and Georgia?

Have you noticed more flags being flown from other countries instead of Old Glory?  Did you know that more Mexican flags fly from houses, cars and establishments in California more than the Stars and Stripes?  Have you noticed what has happened to the Golden State?  Texas?  Arizona?  How about Georgia or Miami, Florida?

How about the outright defiance of our laws by our own citizens?  BLM and Antifa continue their anarchy because we fail to stop them.

Have you ever been incredulous about hearing something that sounded so preposterous that it “couldn’t be true?”  Take a second look.

You are watching the “Coming Breakup of America.”  That’s right.  Your country.  It is moving methodically, perversely, steadily and provocatively across our land.  Our Congress, governors and mayors of major cities like New York, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Detroit and Chicago aid it at the highest levels.  It is a nation-destroying experiment being forced on Americans that will prove more disastrous than 9/11.

Years ago, I read a book, Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America  by Thomas W. Chittum.  This book paints a grim picture of what is happening to our country.  At first, I was incredulous at his supposition.  But halfway through the book, his research was SO profound and SO evident that it became a page-turner.  It provided a sickening look into the methodology and process whereby my own country is being destroyed before my eyes.

“History is littered with wars which everybody knew would never happen,” said Enoch Powell.

Today, America fights two wars 10,000 miles away while its own borders suffer an invasion so vast, so powerful, so insidiously destructive, yet so subtle–even our own citizens can’t see it.  Not yet, that is. Chittum writes, “America was born in blood.”  He should know because he is a combat hardened Viet Nam veteran.

“Social, political and economic forces are pulling America apart and driving her toward a bloody conflict that may fracture the nation into several different countries,” he said.  “Riots, gangs, militias, exploding crime rates, massive immigration, rising unemployment, falling wages…these fuel the fires of war.”

Notice millions of Americans out of work!

He talks about nations versus empires.  “Empires consist of peoples of different religions, languages, cultures, races and nationalities,” he said.  “Nations are dominated by one group that makes up a majority of the population.  Nations are inherently stable while empires are always unstable.”

If you look around the United States, we were a stable nation before 1965 with a population mostly of European and African citizens and mostly one religion.  Today, we’ve imported 90 million people from areas so incompatible with American culture that we recoil at the horrors of female genital mutilation from Middle Easterners, polygamy of Hmong immigrants, honor killings from Asia, forced 13 year old girls into marriages and hundreds of different languages.  Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco and other cities speak more foreign languages than English.  “If you’ll notice throughout history,” he writes, “multiethnic empires break up in cataclysmic violence.”  The former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia are classic examples of multiethnic empires that shattered in tribal violence. Today, France is on the same track of self-destruction with its massive non-assimilating Muslim population. Also, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway.

Kant said, “Language and religion are the great dividers.”

Chittum talks about an unstable, tiered society.  Aristotle said, “The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law.”  Average American citizen can see we’re developing a massive underclass of illegal, Third World, uneducated poor that have become our ‘indentured servants.’  They won’t remain down on the farm for long. They are literally overrunning California, Arizona, Florida and Texas by sheer numbers.

America endures 20 million illegal aliens that have no allegiance to our country.  A dozen cities feature more foreign-born immigrants than American citizens.  Spanish-speaking radio stations own the airwaves in Los Angeles.  Miami features Cuban stations.  None have any allegiance to America.

How will it get worse?  If Biden ascends to the White House, he will grant amnesty to that 20 million which will encourage millions more.  There are so many legal aliens that they hide more illegal aliens via ‘ethnic sympathy’.   But what they bring us is as dangerous as any armed invasion.

As their numbers grow, they are aided by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund.  La Raza, another anti-American Mexican organization, works directly for the overthrow of America.  It reaches into the highest levels of our government starting with Alberto Gonzalez.  What does La Raza mean?  “For the Latino race, everything, everyone outside the race, nothing!”  LULAC is another group that supports the ‘Reconquista of Aztlan,’ or, the retaking of the American Southwest back into Mexico.

Notice that Mexican president dictates to our leaders what they will do with his 20 million illegal immigrants in our country. Notice 54 Mexican consulates in our cities around America supporting his people in our country.  Notice voter fraud by illegal aliens now able to throw our local and national elections.

After three chapters, Chittum’s writing sobered me, but I still wasn’t convinced until he offered concrete numbers.  “In California in 1993, 665,229 firearms were sold.  That’s 1,873 per day.  Enough firearms were sold to equip an infantry battalion.”  For the Californians remaining, there’s a lot of frightened people readying themselves for conflict.

“California is odds-on favorite to kick off Civil War II,” Chittum said.

It darn well could commence if/when Trump takes a second term in office.  House member Sandra Cortez called for “radicalization” of the electorate, her people.  She’s calling for violence. Same with House rep Maxine Waters in California.  House member Ilhan Omar, a Muslim, wants to dismantle our systems.

“The instinctive need to be a member of a closely-knit group fighting for common ideals may grow so strong that it becomes inessential what these ideals are,” said Konrad Lorenz.

Illegal Mexican border jumpers separate against being an American.  The 20,000 member “18th Street Gang” in Los Angeles owns the streets.  They coordinate all drug traffic, extortions of businesses, prostitutes and robberies.  Their power, along with MS-13 gangs in 40 American cities, grows by the day.  Over 60 percent of the members are illegal aliens and the other 40 percent are legal immigrants.  Since they possess no working skills in our First World society, they find crime as an easier vocation.  It’s termed ‘Third World Momentum’.   Its corruption is so deep, so wide and so embedded that it’s as intrinsic as the sewer systems in those cities.

How many and how much?  Los Angeles sheriff files register 100,000 gang members.  San Antonio features 5,000 gang members.  Chicago estimates 50,000 members.  MS-13 gangs operate in all major cities to distribute drugs.

For an example, merchants suffer $35 million losses from shoplifting daily in the USA.

So why do our politicians sit and twiddle their thumbs?  Why do they aid and abet by doing nothing?  Can’t they see what’s happening to California?  Texas?  Arizona?  The answer in a nutshell:  No!

Why?  Because Americans, like the proverbial frog being thrown into the pot of water and the stove being turned up to high, will keep adapting until we boil to death.  The same thing happened to the Romans, French, Spanish and every other great nation that tumbled into the dustbin of history. Spain backed into submission by the Madrid train bombing.  France stands on the doorstep of a crisis it won’t be able to contain.

I never thought I would have to fight for my own country inside my own country.  But the time is fast approaching.  Chittum adds that if immigration continues at 4.1 million per year, we won’t have enough Americans to stand up for America.

Part II:  Urban Street Gangs, Growing Militias, Ethnic Enclaves, Bloody Lessons of Tribal Europe, Solutions to this crisis.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Judge Barrett Is the Answer to Ginsburg’s Legacy of Death

By Cliff Kincaid

The late Howard Phillips, chairman of the Conservative Caucus, opposed the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a former general counsel for the ACLU, to the Supreme Court. “Instead of defending the humanity and divinely imparted right to life of pre-born children,” Howard Phillips had warned, “she would simply be another vote for the proposition that our unborn children are less than human and that their lives may be snuffed out without due process of law, and with impunity.”

“Today, we fight for her legacy,” says Democratic Party Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

By any objective assessment, a big part of her legacy was continuing abortion on demand, which has now taken 60 million unborn lives since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. “RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies that have been murdered during the decades that Ruth Bader Ginsburg defended pro-abortion laws,” said Rep. Doug Collins, who is also a military chaplain.

But only three Republican Senators voted to oppose the confirmation of this pro-abortion radical back in 1993. The three Senators, in that 96-3 vote, were Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Don Nickles (R-OK), and Bob Smith (R-NH).

Helms called her “a pleasant, intellectual liberal” but denounced her “outrageously simplistic and callous position” in favor of abortion and against the sanctity of human life. He said she spoke of “no qualification whatsoever” in support of abortion, saying it was a matter of “personal autonomy” and “the right to be let alone and to make basic decisions about one’s life’s course.”Helms went on, “Why…in the name of God did someone not ask, ‘But Mrs. Ginsburg, what about the unborn innocent and helpless child’s right to be left alone, that child who is about to be destroyed because of specious reasoning by people like Ruth Bader Ginsburg?’”

Her service to the abortion industry has been ignored by many commentators, including some on Fox News, who want to honor her personal career choices as a feminist. It’s truly terrible that she went through a disease. But she lived a long life and it’s also apparent that she tried to hang on to her seat on the Court for political reasons. She despised Trump.

Her long career stands in contrast to the unborn lives, mostly female, that were snuffed out by abortionists in a painful procedure that she personally sanctioned.

Worldwide, thanks to Ginsburg and others, the U.S. is third in abortions, behind Russia with 218 million and China with 401 million. Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2019, killing 42 million.

The late Phyllis Schlafly noted that Ginsburg was so extreme that she even wanted to write taxpayer funding of abortion into the Constitution.

Ginsburg also found another “right” that was in reality nowhere in the Constitution – gay marriage. Helms saw this coming, too, when he said that Ginsburg during her confirmation hearing that she was “likely to uphold the homosexual agenda.”

But it was mostly left to conservative leaders like Howard Phillips and Phyllis Schlafly — not Senate Republicans — to raise these concerns.

Looking at her confirmation hearing, Phyllis Schlafly asked, “How does it happen that a Supreme Court nominee whose only experience in private law practice was seven years as general counsel to the ACLU came to be praised by almost everyone as a ‘moderate’ and a ‘centrist’”? She answered, “My theory is: This just proves how easily men are fooled by a skirt. They deduced that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is ‘moderate’ because she isn’t a loud-mouthed, frizzy-haired, bra-burning, street demonstrator.”

The failure to recognize the danger of her nomination and legacy is relevant to what the Senate will do as President Trump nominates a successor. The propaganda barrage against the Republicans for moving ahead with Ginsburg’s replacement has already begun. Phillips and Schlafly have passed away, to be replaced by establishment conservative organizations like the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation to recommend judicial nominations.

Will they endorse a strong pick like Judge Barrett? Or will go for some “moderate” nomination, arguing this is the only way to get someone confirmed?

But Amy Coney Barrett was already confirmed by the Senate in a 55-43 vote to be a United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit. That means the vetting process can be shortened considerably. What’s more, Republican Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski voted for her. So did Democrats Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

It’s true that Barrett came under attack by Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein because she is a faithful Catholic. But this is the kind of fight Republicans should welcome. It would be interesting to watch the “Catholic” Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden oppose Barrett’s nomination.

For conservatives, Barrett is a woman who could serve as a real role model, in direct contrast to the radical feminism and ACLU activism that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will always be remembered for. This fight will offer the public an alternative to the notion that Ginsburg represents American women.

The oldest of seven children, Barrett and her husband, Jesse, a former federal prosecutor, have seven children, including two adopted Haitian children.

In a story about her life in Louisiana, a local paper noted that “her former New Orleans high school, St. Mary’s Dominican High School, named her their alumna of the year, recognizing Barrett ‘as a woman who instills Christian moral values while urging the practice of ethical behaviors as demonstrated through her dedication to family, public service or career.’”

One can anticipate Barrett being attacked by bigots opposed to her Christianity. For example, she will be attacked for her affiliation with People of Praise, described as a “tight-knit group” of conservative Christians.

Fox News, which was recently caught censoring a discussion of the role of billionaire George Soros in violent crime, ran a story about how Barrett had been “criticized” for her ties to the group when she was nominated by Trump for the Seventh Circuit. But it was the New York Times that led the criticism of Barrett based on her Christianity.

In terms of liberal and left-wing advocacy groups, the so-called Alliance for Justice will lead the opposition. the AFJ has received funding from the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation associated with billionaire investor Warren Buffett and his family, and  the Open Society Foundations associated with atheist George Soros.

Intervening in the unfolding contest, as if he’s the real presidential nominee, former president Barack Hussein Obama says Ginsburg “was a warrior for gender equality —  someone who believed that equal justice under law only had meaning if it applied to every single American.”

But as Howard Phillips testified, her belief in “the extinguishment of innocent unborn human lives, without due process of law,” was not only inconsistent with “the plain language of the Constitution” but with “the revulsion toward abortion which prevailed at the time when our Constitution was drafted and ratified.”

The issue is straight forward and simple: does the Constitution protect our God-given right to life? Ginsburg was on the wrong side of this fundamental question.She did not in fact, believe the Constitution applied to “every single American.”

After 60 million abortions, it’s time to put human life in perspective in contemplating the legacy of “the legendary RBG.” In terms of killing, abortion makes coronavirus look mild by comparison. The abortion industry has spawned serial killers such as abortionist Kermit Gosnell and is so powerful that pro-life citizen journalists like David Daleiden have been investigated and prosecuted by politicians such as Kamala Harris for exposing the sale of aborted baby parts.

Perhaps in the afterlife, Ginsburg will be held accountable for the pain and suffering she inflicted on the innocent unborn. In the meantime, the Court needs a Christian judge willing to be guided by moral values. The choice is clear.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

The Real Ruth Bader Ginsberg

Roger Anghis

This last week a major event that will affect the election happened.  Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away.  It is always a sad time when a life has run its course. A person’s legacy is how that person is remembered. RBG was known for her support of sexual rights, women’s rights, and for paving the way for women to attain greater things than they had been able to achieve in the past.  These can be good things but only if they can be classified as moral.

As a Supreme Court Justice RBG swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  That means when a case came before the Supreme Court they would judge that case according to the Constitution and what it allows and what it doesn’t allow.  This is the only document that is allowed in adjudicating a case.  RBG did not agree with that precept even though she swore to do just that.  She believed that a lot of international laws were better than what she called the restrictions found in our Constitution. Justice Ginsburg has fired the latest salvo in the ongoing debate about the Court’s use of foreign and international law sources in constitutional adjudication. On Friday, she gave a speech to the International Academy of Comparative Law at American University, entitled “A decent respect to the Opinions of [Human]kind”: The Value of a Comparative Perspective in Constitutional Adjudication.  Not surprisingly given her earlier opinions, Justice Ginsburg comes out strongly in favor of the Court’s use of foreign and international law materials to interpret U.S. law, including the Constitution.  She begins with an historical defense:

From the birth of the United States as a nation, foreign and international law influenced legal reasoning and judicial decision making.  Founding fathers, most notably, Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, were familiar with leading international law treatises, the law merchant, and English constitutional law.  And they used that learning as advocates in legal contests . . . . The law of nations, Chief Justice Marshall famously said in 1815, is part of the law of our land.  Decisions of the courts of other countries, Marshall explained, show how the law of nations is understood elsewhere, and will be considered in determining the rule which is to prevail here.  Those decisions, he clarified, while not binding authority for U. S. courts, merit respectful attention for their potential persuasive value.

After quoting from Paquete Habana, Ginsburg turns her attention to the hostility to both foreign and international law on display in the U.S. Senate during Elena Kagan’s recent confirmation hearings (e.g., including the Senator who indicated he was “troubled” that Kagan “believes we can turn to foreign law to get good ideas”).  She contrasts these exchanges with The Federalist’s use of the law of nations and both positive and negative examples from abroad to defend the Constitution.[1]

I’m not saying that other nations may not have a better perspective on some situations but that doesn’t change the fact that it is only our Constitution that should be used.  We can change our Constitution if needed but until it is changed, it remains the law of the land.  She even went as far as to encourage other jurists to entertain international laws when adjudicating a case. Endorsing a principle that she called the “international perspective,” Ginsburg encouraged American judges to base their legal decisions in part on precedents that have been set overseas, especially in European courts.

Describing herself as part of the “dynamic school of thought” in constitutional law, Ginsburg spoke during the 2003 Women in Law Conference, hosted by the Oklahoma Bar Association at the Tulsa Renaissance Hotel.

The “dynamic school” views the Constitution as a living document, subject to continuous reinterpretation by successive generations, Ginsburg explained.

That contrasts with the “static” school of thought, which believes that the Constitution should be interpreted according to the original intent of its framers.

“Such jurists sometimes prevail in our courts,” she said, referring to judges who hold the static point of view.[2]

She even proudly stated that the majority decision to strike down Texas’ anti-sodomy law was heavily influenced by cases in the European Union.  As an example, she pointed to the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down that state’s law against gay sex.

Among the precedents the majority justices used to justify their decision were recent rulings by European Union courts that affirmed a person’s right to engage in consensual intimate behavior, she said.

Past Supreme Court decisions have upheld the constitutionality of anti-sodomy laws. But the European decisions helped show a global shift in thinking about human rights, which are now thought to include sexual privacy, Ginsburg said.

“Time can blind us,” she said. “Later generations could see that laws once thought necessary and proper only served to oppress.”[3]

I have a major problem with her train of thought about ‘laws once thought necessary and proper only serve to oppress.’  That law is based on the biblical point of view concerning homosexuality. Leviticus 18:22 states: When a man lies with a man in the manner that a man lies with a woman, it’s an abomination in the eyes of God.  Our laws are based on biblical laws and she acted like it was her right to re-write that precept handed down by God.  That’s not a legacy that I would want to be associated with.

As another slap in the face to a moral society she has advocated for the lowering of the age of consent for sexual activity to 12.  Many liberal websites deny that she has taken that stand but there is too much information out there.  An article from CNS News reports “Given that homosexual advocates are in a full court press to lower the age of consent as low as it can go, and pro-pedophile sitting Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s documented advocacy of lowering the age of consent to 12 years old, parents should be horrified…”

Ginsburg may have “changed” her opinion on this (or pretended to) by the time of her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Several liberal websites of course deny that she supports pedophilia, but there’s a PDF file with quotes from some of her earlier writings, which you can see for yourself.

Our Congress is so fearful of appearing the tiniest bit anti-Semitic that they could probably have gotten John Podesta’s satanist friend, Marina Abramovic on the Supreme Court if this were the pre-Internet age.

Clearly politicians in Congress were afraid to point out Ginsburg’s past (because she was Jewish), which would have doomed a White candidate for the Supreme Court if he had an equally sleazy record.[4]

I am sure that RBG was involved in some very important and beneficial decisions, but advocating pedophilia and homosexuality are not part of them.  Any time anyone takes a position that solidly opposes the principles of God, especially for one that is in a position of authority, it can become a stumbling block for the nation they are representing.  Ask Sodom and Gomorrah.

We must be careful who we place in high esteem. Our moral foundation depends on it.

© 2020 Roger Stone – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Stone: Stone@StoneColdTruth.com

Foot Notes

  1. Justice Ginsburg on using foreign and international law in constitutional adjudication
  2. Throwback Tulsa Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg touts international perspective
  3. Throwback Tulsa Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg touts international perspective
  4. Ruth Bader Ginsburg advocated lowering the age of consent to 12-2
  5. Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Roger Anghis (Westbow Press, Bloomington, IN) pp. 154-155

Whosoever Shall Save His Life Will Lose It

Rob Pue

Over the past six months, we have investigated and reported on most of the aspects of the rapid destruction of our country and the world-wide push for a Globalist New World Order.

In my last message I reiterated the urgent need for us all to be diligent in our own study of Scripture as well as the daily news reports — from RELIABLE news sources, NOT the mainstream media, so that we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices.  In order for us to know the truth these days, we have to work for it.  We can no longer take the “word” of our government and health officials or the mainstream press.  Clearly, they’re lying to us, and have been for some time. The truth is OUT THERE, if only we will look.  Unfortunately, for many, or dare I say MOST, you can put facts, figures, scientific evidence and more right in front of their noses and they still refuse to look.  That’s being willfully ignorant, and willful ignorance will be our demise.

I’ve told you about Event 201, a “dry run” of the “coronavirus pandemic” held in New York City last October, sponsored by Bill Gates and a host of other New World Order Globalists.  That was October 18th.  Interestingly, that same day, the World Military Games were held in Wuhan, China.  Military forces from nations around the world competed in “Olympic-style” exercises.  Our country came in 35th place, by the way — behind countries like Finland, Tunisia, Kenya, and even France. Of course, China took first place, and Russia second. The United States received ZERO gold medals in these military competitions.

I also told you last time that Event 201 was supported not only by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but also by Dustin Moskovitz and his wife.  In case you forgot, they are co-founders of Facebook.  So lest you are still wondering why Facebook is censoring and will soon be deleting anything posted that is conservative or Christian in nature, wonder no more.

I also discussed how closely Dr. Anthony Fauci is tied to the World Health Organization, how he has repeatedly given false and misleading information regarding the virus, and how the organization he ran gave $7.4 million to the Wuhan Virology lab for research on coronaviruses, just last year.  Not to mention the fact that he “predicted” in 2016 that President Trump would definitely  be faced with a major pandemic during his time in office.

You know about the fraudulent case numbers of COVID-19, how they’ve been constantly artificially inflated in order to keep us all wearing masks, keep us “social distancing,” keep our businesses and our economy shut down, keep people and businesses dependent on government welfare, keep schools closed, get even our youngest of children “used to” the idea of mask-wearing as “normal,” and provide HUGE financial incentives for hospitals and medical facilities to report as many positive cases as possible.  We all know the numbers aren’t real.  FEW of us know anyone who is sick, and yet we’re all still severely restricted as to where we can go, and what we’re allowed to do.

I’ve told you that the average person has a one in 3, 836 chance of contracting the virus, whether they wear a mask or not.  The odds of needing hospitalization for this are one in 852,000.  Yet the risk of dying in a car crash are only one in 114!  Yet here we still are — most all blindly complying and covering our faces.  Understand something clearly:  the masks are not about our health.  They’re about getting as many people as possible softened up to submit to government orders without question.  They’re about compliance, about breaking our will.

I told you about the doctors and attorneys who are pushing for the coming vaccine to be mandatory, with tax penalties, higher insurance rates and denial of government and private services imposed as penalties for those who do not take the vaccines.  And the fact that the CDC has urged governors to prepare for widespread distribution of a vaccine by November 1st — two days before the election.  There are many who have gone along with the masks but say they’re adamant about refusing the vaccines.  But when governors try to enforce this “mandatory vaccination” program two days before the election, what chaos do you suppose will ensue then?  Not to mention that President Trump has vowed to use the military to distribute the vaccines “very, very quickly.”

There’s also the question of a digital tracking system, a digital ID and a new digital currency integrated into the vaccines — a more efficient form of “contact tracing” — so that the new One World Government will easily be able to track every person, every financial transaction, everyone’s every movement and activity.

I also mentioned the republican governor of Ohio who is, right now, in the process of setting up FEMA Medical Martial Law camps — isolation facilities for those who MAY be suspected of being exposed to this highly questionable virus.  Laws are already in the process of being implemented to allow government and health officials to remove people — and their children — from their homes, forcibly if they refuse the vaccine.

You should know by now, that if you refuse this coming vaccine, you will not be able to buy or sell.  You will not be able to travel freely.  You will not be able to work or hold a job.  You will likely not be allowed to stay in your home as a sovereign citizen.  So you should prayerfully prepare yourself for what’s coming.

You should also know by now the true goals of organizations like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  If you’re unaware, their goals are the total dismantling of our American way of life and the loss of all our freedoms.  The total destruction of our country.  These anarchists are highly organized and extremely well-funded countless Leftist organizations — and countless large American corporations.

I told you previously that the department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they’re actively preparing now for an EMP attack, which will knock out our power grid nation-wide and “fry” every computer and every electronic device — including those in cars and cell phones.  You should also know that back in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent high-level staffers and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces to the Cheyenne Mountain bunker facility, 2000 feet underground in Colorado.  Do you still believe this was due to a “virus?”

So we know about the threat of a mandatory vaccine coming November 1st.  On November 2nd, NASA is predicting a potential asteroid impact on earth, with three potential areas of devastation.  While the chances of this actually happening are small, they are still 100 times greater than the average person catching the coronavirus.  Think about that!  I can’t help but think of Revelation 8, verses 10 and 11, “The third angel blew his trumpet and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the river and on the springs of water.  The name of the star is Wormwood.  A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter.”  Are we at that point?  I guess we’ll see in a little more than a month from now.

Now just recently, President Trump announced his “amazing” peace agreement, brokered between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, which earned him a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.  “Peace.”   A noble cause, indeed.  However, I’m a bit dubious, because as our country continues to be more divided with more hatred, division, fake news, and outright evil now evident for all to see than there’s ever been before in my lifetime, suddenly there is a cry of “Peace.”  Let’s read from Jeremiah, chapter 6:  “…from the least of them even unto the greatest of them every one is given to covetousness; and from the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely.  They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.”  No, friends, there IS no peace.  If you haven’t noticed yet, America is at war — from enemies both foreign and domestic.

While the Leftists claim the fires in the American West and Southwest are due to “climate change,” multiple arsonists have already been arrested for intentionally starting these fires, and interestingly, they’re all either part of ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter.  Yes, we know the state of California deals with wildfires and mudslides every year.  But it’s not just California this year.  Suspicious fires have destroyed much of Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Montana and Texas.  Do some research and look at a map of where the fires are… isn’t it interesting that the fires — caused by “climate change,” we’re supposed to believe, just HAPPEN to stop at the Canadian and Mexican borders?

Now, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died, leaving an open and contested seat on the US Supreme Court.  Another cause for more division, more hatred, more false accusations, more deception, more lies.

So on the 1st of November we have a threatened mandatory vaccine coming;  on the 2nd, a potential devastating asteroid strike, and on the 3rd, our national elections.  This year, more Americans than ever before have access to “mail in” ballots.  Already, at least 20% of those ballots have been found to be fraudulent — including many in Texas, New Jersey, Michigan and California.  In the end, I strongly suspect it will be many more than 20% of the ballots turning out to be fraudulent.

No matter what happens, this presidential election is GOING to be contested. Mark my words. There will be no clear “winner” on November 3rd.  The Leftists need only drag out the drama until 12 noon on January 20th, and the Trump/Pence administration will have no choice but to leave office.  Assuming the Democrats maintain power in the House, THEY will select the president.  So understand this:  they never had ANY intention of a Biden/Harris administration.  Their goal is “President Pelosi.”  Watch and see.

If all these things are not enough to cause the apathetic “sheeple” Americans to wake from their comfortable slumber, we also know now that the Chinese military has been training with soldiers in Mexico and South America for months.  Most recently, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show reported his research regarding Chinese Communist troops in Western Canada.  Hodges reported, “CHICOM troops now move freely in Canada under the cover of COVID-19 lockdowns as well as legislation from the Canadian government which allows the CHICOMs to use their military to protect Chinese assets in Canada.”

Initially, it was thought that China may seek to launch an invasion of the US from the Canadian and Mexican borders at the same time.  However, a more likely scenario is that the CHICOM troops will embed themselves among forces already wreaking havoc on America, such as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters.

They’ve already done this sort of thing in Ecuador over the last year to gain control of that country.  Hodges believes that with the permission of Democrat governors and mayors, they will likely infiltrate local and state governments in places like Seattle and Portland.  This is what they’ve been doing across all of Latin America — not just Ecuador.

In Canada, right now, estimates of embedded Chinese troops range from 6,000 to more than 20,000 — currently stationed near Vancouver, British Columbia — just a 2 1/2 hour drive from Seattle, an AMERICAN city that boasts a 16’ tall statue of Vladimir Lennin in one of their city parks.  By the way, ANTIFA and BLM did NOT destroy or harm the statue of Lenin in any way while they were busy tearing down as many AMERICAN historical monuments as possible.

Add to all this the infiltration of Muslim enemies into our local, state, and federal governments, in addition to all the Muslim sleeper cells that we KNOW have been training here for years, just waiting for the right moment, and it’s easy to surmise that something ominous may very well be on the horizon.

Folks, things are worse than you think. Right now. It may not be at your front door — yet.  But the sand is quickly running out of the hourglass. There’s more I could share with you, but my research is not yet complete. Suffice to say, it’s worse — much worse — than you think. We have been softened up over decades by Communist and Leftist indoctrination in our public schools and colleges. So much so that most Americans are now willing to silently comply to any unjust order the Almighty State hands down.  The evil ones are no longer even trying to hide their intentions.

I share these things not to frighten you, but rather to inform you and to, Lord willing, prepare you for what’s surely coming to our nation very soon.  Draw close to the Lord, friends, wake up and pay attention.  And decide TODAY how YOU are going to respond when it comes down to the choice between denying your Savior and saving your life.  Remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 16:  “…If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.”  The day may soon be coming when standing firm for your Lord will require your life at the hands of wicked, evil men.  Are you prepared?

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Harmful Effects of Wearing a Mask

Dr. John Ure, MD.

Masking, Just One Step More Toward Mandatory Vaccination And Total Control

This seems to be a question being asked all over the world. We have seen the Asian population wearing masks for years. I interpreted it as a means of protecting from pollution. Today it is for protection from illness. To prevent contracting a disease, or giving one to others.

My son called me the other day on his way to school for the first day. Shawn lives in Lincoln, Nebraska where we both graduated from Union College. Union is a Seventh Day Adventist four-year college. Shawn currently works at College View Academy and teaches physical education as well as history and is in charge of the athletic program. We spoke earlier about the possibility of not being able to compete against other schools as they have in the past in sports.

My son has studied the current situation extensively as have I and we are in disagreement as to whether a mask should be worn or not. I suppose it could be said that one is in the camp of a masker, or anti-masker.

For those of you that do not know me, I have been at physician for nearly 40 years. I have written several articles at this time on COVID 19, and you may read them under my name at NewsWithViews.com From my research I determined not to wear gloves nor a mask and have not done so.

Shawn told me that his school has decided to go ahead and have students come to class, but it will be mandatory for them to wear a mask at all times.

There is still debate as to whether this current situation is being mediated by a virus or bacteria or 5G radiation or perhaps a combination of many things. No one seems to have all of the answers, but everyone is telling us what we have to do in order to obey.

If in fact this disease is caused by a virus, they are 1/10 of one micron in size. It is also reported that the smallest pore size of a mask is approximately 3 microns. This means that a virus would have absolutely no problem moving through a mask. It has been related that it would be the equivalency of using a chain-link fence to stop swarm of mosquitoes.

As in any situation, there are always those who sit on either side of the fence. We have many physicians and scientists that state you should wear a mask, and others who say that you should not. London Real, with Brian Rose hosted a show when well over 150 doctors participated and the question was asked of them, how many of you think we should not be wearing masks. Raise your hand. They did not take time to make an exact count but estimated approximately 70% to 80% of the doctors raised their hand. They then asked if they thought mask wearing does little to protect from infection. The number was still approximately 70% to 80%.

Experts have pointed out why a mask is in fact detrimental. It is imperative that we have and adequate supply of oxygen. It is well known that we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. A recent video on YouTube showed the oxygen concentration without a mask was much higher than when an individual wore a mask. It has been reported that there have been syncopal episodes of drivers of automobiles and subsequent car crashes as a result of mask wearing.

Dyspnea is the condition of decreased oxygenation and this is what is occurring when one is wearing a mask. The build up of carbon dioxide is referred to as hypercapnia and is also present when one is wearing a mask. One does not want the imbalance of low O2 and high CO2.

Also the interior of a mask tends to capture both viruses and bacteria and concentrate them on the interior of the mask. In a short period of time the mask has been contaminated. There are reports of individuals that wear the same mask in an out of patients rooms over a complete 8 to 12 hour shift.

When one is experiencing dyspnea the body is experiencing stress. When this occurs the adrenal glands secrete cortizone to help correct the situation. Cortizone is an anti-inflammatory. This is the same situation that develops in the fight or flight syndrome such as being scared by a bear in the woods. Also adrenalin is released and heart rate and respiratory rate increase. When this occurs the immune defense mechanism of the body is impaired. The end result is that one is more susceptible to catching a disease. In fact, what one is trying to prevent occurs more readily.

The argument comes up as to why doctors and nurses in a surgical situation wear masks. The answer is to prevent contamination of the surgical field from saliva or pathogen’s that may be liberated from a cough or sneeze. Or perhaps to prevent a drop of sweat or moisture that would adversely affect the outcome of the procedure.

One can readily say that there are all types of makeshift masks of every kind, shape and color that there is very little effectiveness in disease prevention. The mask is being worn under the nose, hanging on the ears, under the chin and every other way you can imagine.

Next there is the controversy of wearing a mask when out in nature, hiking in the woods, or walking on the beach. There are those who insist that one must have a mask on at all times and in my opinion this is ludicrous. I have even seen people driving down the road where both the driver and passenger are wearing masks in their own cars. It is possible that they are not living in the same household. Viruses are not to be found in these places. Ultraviolet light destroys viruses. They are not out in fresh air and sunshine.

I am not much of a Facebook participant. I think it can be helpful, entertaining, and fun, but it can also waste a tremendous amount of time. It just so happens then I looked at the medical school that I attended in Kansas City and was called the Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine, or KCCOM for short. Now it is called Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience. From what I could see from the photos they all are subscribing to being mask wearers. I wonder if it is always the same, that those going to a school or through any training like the military feel that it was so much better when they went through. I guess it will always just be, something to ponder.

At the conclusion of the phone call with my son he stated that he did not agree with my stance and that over the next few weeks or months we will see just how many students in his school become ill. I am not sure whether there are other schools that are opening but not requiring the students to wear a mask. For a complete study, one has to have a control group. I do not expect this to happen.

I was talking with my cousin Gerald, and he said his grandson in Houston was given a choice of going to class or doing work on line at home. He recommended doing the work on line because he expected the schools to go to that in the future and he will already have a better handle on things.

Summing it up, I believe people are getting sick and dying just like they always have. I am confident that there has been a psyop of gargantuan size with an endgame of decreased freedom, destroying the economy, going to a cashless society, and getting rid of the nonproductive and the elderly. Use good common sense and use the brain that God gave you to discern truth from error. Do not be a sheeple. Duck and Cover and remember the elderly have been through tough situations before. Visit with them and learn from them, and give them the respect they deserve.

Are you a Masker or an Anti-masker?

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E-Mail Dr. John Ure: downtoearthmedicine@gmail.com

Website: DownToEarthMedicine.org

It is Time to Decommission Our Governors

Jake MacAulay

Recently a patriotic Pastor and close friend of mine became sick with the corona virus and is now bedridden in his local ICU. Despite this, Pastor Paul resolved to write his congregation a letter petitioning them to keep their church doors open. He did so while stating that the church’s role as a beacon of hope and light in its community is so unequivocally essential, that nothing, not even his current condition can be a valid reason to close its doors.

But, aside from the church’s necessary role, is there any concrete, scientific evidence supporting the belief that churches should remain open?

Well, as it turns out, there is, in fact, a magnitude of evidence supporting the reopening of not just the churches, but also the entirety of America.

In relation to the death rate of the corona virus, Pastor Paul wrote that out of the approximated 7.8 billion people on planet earth, a tragic, but relationally minute amount of less than 1 million have actually died. That means that the corona virus has only killed .01% of the world’s population which further accounts for less than 2% of the yearly death toll in general!

Now, aside from the clearly over exaggerated death rates being pushed by the media, there are numerous logical fallacies pertaining directly to the safety measures that have been pressed on America. IOTC Chapter Leader, Ricki Pepin, uncovered multiple issues with the CDC’s safety measures showing how they simply don’t line up.

Perhaps the most aggravating fallacy would be the fact that large businesses such as Walmart, Target, and Lowes, are constantly bustling with un-socially distanced customers and are allowed to remain open, whereas smaller businesses who rarely see crowded traffic must be shut down in the name of “safety.”

Another fallacy relates to the indecisive statements on protests and public gatherings. Up until this summer, all public gatherings of any kind, including those of protest and assembly against the lockdown, were deemed a danger to all society and were shamefully criticized on public television.

However, once the rioting spurred by BLM activists began, it was suddenly accepted and even welcomed as a powerful raising of the people’s voice. Chaos and the destruction of innocent people’s homes and property became the very acts that the media propagated to America as necessary, blaming the immediate spike in COVID cases on Independence Day celebrations and not the close quarters rioting.

These fallacies, inconsistencies, and outright breaches of freedom, are only two of the numerous mask misconceptions, biased press reports, safety delusions, and overall prejudice against the God-given rights bestowed upon us at birth. Even if these illogical measures were not being taken, there is no such authority given to the government by any laws or any charters to override the Constitution.

Thomas Jefferson made this defining statement, Who will govern the governors?  There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves.  They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray.  They alone are the safest depository of the ultimate powers of government.”

In no uncertain certain terms, it is time to decommission our Un-Constitutional Governors…

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Force Required To Save Families From Murdering Marxists

Andrew C Wallace

AMERICAN FAMILIES ARE AT A HIGH RISK OF BEING MAIMED AND MURDERED BY COMMUNIST SAVAGES, DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. These viscous and ruthless Communist Democrats attack the weak without mercy. They will only stop an attack, if met by overwhelming force, and if you don’t have it, you and your family will be DEAD, with your home burned down around you.

THIS IS NOT PATTY CAKE, OR A PHONY MEDIA NARRATIVE, THIS IS BRUTAL REALITY.  When I was a young man, the people I knew were God fearing, hard working, law abiding, and ready, willing and able, to defend themselves and their family. These characteristics are in short supply today. Many of our young men and women are spoiled, lazy, cowardly, naïve wimps, living with parents. They are indoctrinated with lies about Marxism by teachers and the media, ignorant of reality, lack ethics, hate  guns, and think there is such a thing as gun free zones. Right now, guns are the ONLY thing that will keep us free.

ALL INDEPENDENT COMMENTATORS AND PATRIOTS PREDICT THAT THE INSURRECTIONS NOW UNDERWAY WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THEY GET A BLOODY CIVIL WAR TO REPLACE OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC WITH COMMUNISM, OR PRESIDENT ARRESTS THEM FOR TREASON. Of course we must stop them before a Civil War. The Communist Democrat party wants a Chinese style dictatorship. No one wants to live in the Democrat Plantations, called inner city subsidized housing, but that is paradise compared to living under Communism. But, more importantly, under the Communists you would lose all Constitutional rights, and would be helpless slaves. To see the future under Biden and the Communists, you must look at the brutal murderous Communist dictatorship in China. The Communist Chinese killed millions of their own people, and our crazed Communists will kill millions of Americans, don’t doubt it.

IT IS TREASON FOR DEMOCRAT GOVERNORS, MAYORS, AND PROSECUTORS TO PROMOTE AND PROTECT INSURRECTIONISTS, WHO BURN , LOOT, MAIM, AND MURDER AMERICANS. We need to erect a gallows in the Capital to hang these Traitors as soon as possible, before more innocent lives and property are lost. If our President waits too long to enforce the law, we will lose our country to Communism. The laws on Treason are short, and simple to understand, I have copied them “exactly”, word for word, at the end of this paper. I defy anyone to read the laws, and tell me that the Democrat politicians don’t belong on the gallows.



SUPPORTERS OF COMMUNIST POLITICIANS, ARE USEFUL IDIOTS, BECAUSE IF WE DON’T STOP THEM, THE COMMUNISTS WILL ENSLAVE AND  MURDER THEM, AND US. Lenin, a founder of Communism labeled them as useful idiots. The problem for Patriots, is that after a lifetime of indoctrination by schools and a corrupt media, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to get useful idiots to accept the truth, or even to hear it. JB Williams said it properly “They vote themselves into Tyranny”.

IF COMMUNISTS CAUSE A CIVIL WAR, MANY PATRIOTIC AMERICANS WILL DIE IN THE DEFENSE OF LIBERTY, BUT THE COMMUNISTS WILL ALL BE DEAD. Patriots mostly hate Communists. If we have a Civil War, you must realize that everything you need to maintain life, and a decent standard of living will cease to exist, EVERYTHING. Those who need ongoing medical care, like me, will die. Social Security and Medicare will no longer function. Communism is brutal to the elderly. Communists define the elderly as Useless Eaters. Obama was first with Communist Death Panels, he told a woman on TV that her elderly mother could have a pill rather than more expensive care. Six Democratic Governors have now murdered thousands in elder care facilities by forcing Covid- 19 infected people into their facilities. Food and energy of all types will be scarce. Roving bands of irregulars will loot, rape, murder, and burn. Your paper money will be worthless; failing banks will legally exchange your deposits for worthless bank stock. The FDIC has very limited funds to protect deposits. If you doubt me, read some history. You can now see why it is so important to put an end to Biden and his Communist insurrection, before it is too late.


“ When it has no power it poses as a benign beneficent system. As it approaches dominance it becomes more and more strident and violence prone. Once in power it eats up competition with regulations and lawsuits. Once in total control it murders all opponents, steals property and enslaves the minds of submissive drones. It is an anti-Christ belief system!” (jon2554@enbarqmail.com)

BURNING, LOOTING, AND DESTRUCTION CAUSED LARGEST INSURANCE LOSSES IN HISTORY, AND WILL INCREASE EVERYONE’S COST OF INSURANCE. The Democrat Governors, Mayors, Prosecutors and Financial Supporters are guilty of Raw Treason, and should be charged and sued. You must never forget the jobs, and lives that have been lost forever. Increased insurance costs will be a burden to all of us, and we can blame the insurrectionists. There is no way to forgive Treason, gallows is the only solution.

MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW WHO THE ENEMIES OF “THE PEOPLE” ARE, SO I WILL TELL YOU. First of all it is a sinister cabal dedicated to a single world government with dictatorial powers (no elections) in the hands of a few self proclaimed elites. These people either made the right decisions for profits with hard work, and were lucky in business, or they inherited the money. It is amazing how these so called elites then think they are superior to the average person, because of luck in business, or inheritance, and then attribute no value to the average person. This explanation is not easy, I must explain the various levels. At the very top are the decades old, super rich, who are very publicity adverse, below them are all of the minions, including even the major stock holders, related corporations, elected officials, most media, school and university employees, Face book, Twitter, YouTube, federal bureaucrats, both political parties (excluding Trump Republicans), et al.

MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS OF LARGE CORPORATIONS ARE THE GREATEST CAUSE  of job losses, destruction of our manufacturing base, H1b foreign workers replacing Americans, illegal’s replacing Americans, trade deals to benefit other countries, destruction of viable American companies, public subsidizing of education and medical care of foreign workers to benefit corporations, and since 1970, the impoverishment of 90% of the work force and destruction of the Middle Class. All of this, and much more harm has been done by the major stockholders who control actions of company officials through the board of directors. Financialization  will explain a good part of this activity.

FINANCIALIZATION DECIMATED MIDDLE CLASS BY INCREASING STOCK PRICES TO BENEFIT CORPORATE OFFICERS AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS AT THE EXPENSE OF EVERYONE ELSE. Manufacturing and services were off shored, pension funds were raided, promised health care reduced, government subsidized illegal aliens and H1B visa workers replaced Americans, and growth capital was used for stock buybacks to increase stock prices. This resulted in benefits for corporate officers and profits for major shareholders with layoffs in lean times. Tax money was then used to bail out the corporations while the elites laughed all the way to the bank with your money, and jobs. Artificially increasing the stock   price is the primary objective, and the long term investors and employees be damned,. Overall, this also resulted in many more layoffs. Bill Madden, consulted with me on this paragraph, BMadden@tampabay.rr.com .

Corporate representatives write the laws for elected officials to pass which will benefit the corporations, to hell with the people.  President Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex, and its propensity for wars to benefit industry and military flag officers.

We have without doubt the greatest Constitution in the history of the world. But, many departments are Unconstitutional, as is the bureaucrat run “Administrative State”. Many of our judges want to make law, not interpret it, contrary to the Constitution. You could generalize that most government bureaucrats are overpaid Communists, and, or Useful Idiots, who support Communists rather than the People.

FAILURE AND CORRUPTION OF THE FBI IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS, ALONG WITH MOST OF THE DOJ. Very few cities would be burning, and looted if the FBI had arrested and prosecuted the perpetrators, supporting politicians, and those financing the insurrection. The ongoing and massive corruption by our elected officials would not be possible if the FBI was doing its job. It is widely accepted that the FBI is corrupt and in the tank for the Communists. All you need to verify this, is to look at their total failure to enforce the law resulting in great losses to the people. I call on the President to disband the FBI and to cut the DOJ by at least 50%. While the President is at it, he could disband the many unconstitutional departments, and save a bundle of money.

EQUAL JUSTICE DOES NOT EXIST FOR YOU AND ME, UNLESS WE ARE PART OF THE RULING CLASS. The laws don’t apply to high level associates of the old Republican or Democrat parties, they are immune. The political parties have changed. The Democrat party of Jim Crow, the Klu Klux Clan, and the little guy, is now the party of the SUPER RICH, Communists, and Urban Plantations. The old toothless Republican party consisting of Anti Trumpers, has been taken over by Trump’s new Republican party that supports the People, and is not backed by the super rich. The old Democrat party is now a ruthless Communist organization, that hates America, and is dedicated to the destruction of our Republic, regardless of the death and destruction required.

WHEN POLICE ARE ATTACKED IN A HARMFUL WAY, THEY MUST PROMPTLY USE DEADLY FORCE IN RESPONSE, WHICH HAS ALWAYS PUT AN END TO IT. Cowardice, and turning the other cheek, never works. This proven concept is simple, burning, looting, and rioting is treason, before you even consider the crime of harming a police officer. I am reminded of remarks by Gov. Happy Chandler at my graduation from the State Police Academy in the 1950s. He said in effect that we were to protect the public, but not to the extent that we were harmed, because we were of value to the state. I was taught to kill the people with kindness, or to kill them as required. In three years on the job, I never shot, abused. or cursed anyone. People expected protection, or firmness based upon their own conduct. That is not the case today.

THE ANSWER TO FAILING SCHOOLS IS TO GIVE VOUCHERS TO ALL PARENTS TO OBTAIN  QUALITY EDUCATIONS FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Many public schools are total failures that may improve if they are faced with competition for the first time. Good public schools would not be affected. Vouchers would be a simple thing to do, it may be the only thing to do. It is widely reported that many teachers are indoctrinating our children with lies, false history, race theory and anti American concepts, et al.. Many people know that the Economic Opportunity Cost of a college education is exorbitant, and unrealistic, as is their anti American indoctrination. The only answer is to take away their government funding, and end federal loans to students. Student loans allow universities to charge whatever they want. If their education is so great, colleges can loan the money to students. When I went to college the costs were bearable. Colleges like Harvard, with multibillion dollar endowments, are just greedy whores.




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E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.                                                   

Should the Nation Mourn Ginsburg?

By Cliff Kincaid

The New York Times headline, “As Nation Mourns Ginsburg, Trump Vows Nomination,” has two distortions. First, while many people are sorry to see her passing, the expression of deep sorrow is not something pro-life people would feel about someone whose rulings denied the humanity of the unborn. Second, the Times’ contrast of the “mourning” for Ginsburg with Trump’s vow to nominate a successor is designed to convey the notion that Trump is hard-hearted. But one could argue that “women’s rights,” as taken to an extreme by Ginsburg and other feminists, has been used to sanction the deliberate and savage murder of a human being.

Trump issued a “Proclamation on the Death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg” and visited the Supreme Court to pay respects. But Senator Jesse Helms called her “callous” toward the unborn when she was up for a confirmation vote in 1993. His warning wasn’t taken seriously by most fellow Senators. Indeed, he was one of only three to vote against her confirmation. Since then, 30 million abortions have taken place, making a total of more than 60 million since the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973.

Ginsburg, known as RBG, is being promoted by the Times as a cult figure, as a result of fighting sexist bias when she was on her career path.She did achieve her dream. The problem is that she denied the American dream to millions of Americans. Many cannot excuse or forgive her.

In her book, The Supremacists, Phyllis Schlafly noted that Ginsburg even endorsed funding of abortions as a constitutional right. That was too extreme for the Supreme Court, which rejected that idea in the 1980 decision, Harris v. McRae.

A major tragedy in the career of Ginsburg is her failure to understand the religious principles that she claimed to be following.

Liberal Fox News commentator Leslie Marshall said that Ginsburg, who was Jewish, “died on one of the holiest days in Judaism, Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. One of the themes of the holiday suggests that very righteous people would die at the end of the year because they were needed until the very end.”

But Thomas Jacobson of the Global Life Campaign notes that while Ginsburg quoted the Torah on the duty to do justice, she contradicted the Torah by supporting “the innocent bloodshed of babies in the womb, violating the justice requirements of the Law of God and the U.S. Constitution.” He added, “In God’s eyes, our greatest national sin may be the innocent bloodshed of more than 61.3 million babies. Can you imagine standing before the Creator, Lawgiver, and Judge of the world and being held to account in part for that? It is our prayer that she did repent before her death, and received mercy and forgiveness from Jesus Christ.”

Randy Engel, the traditionalist Catholic writer and founder and director of the U.S. Coalition for Life, said, “One can always pray for her immortal soul and wish her the same merciful judgement that we all desire from God at our own death. However, I believe that judgement will likely be tempered by the ritual lack of mercy she showed to the millions of unborn children who met their untimely death under Roe v. Wade which Ginsburg faithfully worshipped.”

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, of course, won’t be commenting directly on the Roe v. Wade decision which led to their deaths. The ruling will be treated as a “precedent” of the Court that a judge must address objectively. Yet, a recorded conversation with possible Trump nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett about raising a family and adopting children makes the pro-life case. “What greater thing can you do than raise children?” she says. “That’s where you have your greatest impact in the world.”

A campaign has already been started to portray Barrett as a religious zealot with too many children and too devoted to “Catholic values.”As if that wasn’t enough, the media have “discovered” she belongs to a Christian group, and this has now become a “scandal.”

While commentators praise Ginsburg for her Jewish faith, Christian judges like Barrett,  a Notre Dame Law School alumna and member of the Law School’s faculty since 2002, are being opposed for having pro-life tendencies and favoring adoption over abortion.

Francis Boyle, a law professor at the University of Illinois, goes further, asking, “Has Barrett taken any kind of pledge that’s relevant to her being on the Court? She is being positioned for the Supreme Court to do a job and overturning Roe v. Wade will be part of it.”

He says that when he interviewed with Notre Dame Law School, which describes itself as the nation’s oldest Roman Catholic law school, he was told by the dean that law professors took a required pledge that they had to conduct themselves consistent with Catholic values, “which I took to mean I would not teach, write or advocate in favor of abortion rights.”

But even belonging to a pro-life group is grounds for suspicion. In 2018, Senator Kamala Harris, now the Democratic Party vice-presidential nominee, questioned whether Brian C. Buescher should be seated as a federal district judge because he was a member of the pro-life Catholic group the Knights of Columbus. (He was confirmed 51-40).

“Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion,” the Catholic Catechism declares. “This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable.”

Harris’ running mate, Joseph Biden, claims to be Catholic but was denied communion at a Catholic church in South Carolina over his pro-abortion stance. The 2020 Democratic Party platform declares they believe in “safe and legal abortion” and full federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. It was founded by Margaret Sanger, a revolutionary socialist and anti-Christian activist who favored government programs to eliminate what she called “human weeds.”

Father James Altman, pastor of St. James the Less Catholic Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin, comments, “You cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period. Their party platform absolutely is against everything the Catholic Church teaches. So just stop pretending that you’re Catholic and vote Democrat.  Repent of your support of that party and its platform or face the fires of hell.”

The Altman video, in which he seems to suggest that Catholics who vote Democrat will go to hell, has gone viral.

His popularity with traditional Catholics suggests that attacks on Barrett’s Catholic faith, if she is the nominee, may backfire and drive more Catholics who take their faith seriously into the arms of President Trump.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People, Part 2

Servando Gonzalez

Historically, the U.S. never had an official permanent civilian central intelligence agency. The functions of intelligence and espionage were carried out by the State Department, the different branches of the armed forces, particularly the Navy, and the FBI. This explains why, after the end of WWII, Truman disbanded the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in charge of intelligence and refused to hear its chief, General Bill Donovan, arguments favoring the creation of a central intelligence agency. It contributed to his decision the fact that rumors that Donovan was trying to create an American Gestapo had been leaked to the press, most likely by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

It is likely that Truman, who was malleable putty in the hands of the CFR conspirators, actually acted under pressure from Hoover. The FBI director, perhaps not fully acting out of patriotism, but just defending his turf —the FBI was in charge of counterespionage in Latin America and was doing an excellent job— hated the OSS and strongly opposed its reincarnation in the form of a central intelligence agency.[1] And everybody, including the president, feared Hoover and his secret files he euphemistically called “biographical leverage.” As head of the FBI, Hoover knew the closets where all the skeletons were hiding —sometimes literally— and kept detailed records of it.

But Hoover, who had his own skeletons in the closet,[2] finally caved in to the conspirators’ pressures. So, Truman gave the green light, and the Congress passed the National Security Act of 1947 that established the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency.

Like all important documents in the history of the U.S. since the beginning of the past century, the National Security Act, as well as Wilson’s Fourteen Points, the League of Nations, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Income Tax, the Lend Lease, the Containment Doctrine,[3]  the Marshall Plan,[4] the Alliance for Progress,[5] the FEMA, the nefarious Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security, had been written by the CFR globalist conspirators at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan and placed on the President’s desk for him to sign.

Nevertheless, the National Security Act did not mention that the CIA could carry out covert operations. It was the National Security Council who on a series of secret intelligence directives bequeathed the authority to the newly created Agency to conduct covert operations to the CIA behind the backs of the American public.

So, the first measure taken by the National Security Council, a legally created government organization pushed down the throats of the American people under the pretext of avoiding intelligence “surprises” like Pearl Harbor, was to pass, behind the backs of the American people and its representatives in the Congress, an illegal directive they had no legal power to pass —the NSC had no executive powers—, authorizing the CIA to conduct illegal covert operations.

The document that gave the beast its fangs, was National Security Directive NSC 10/2, dated June 18, 1948, written by CFR agent George Kennan. By it, a new semi-independent, highly secret organization was created within the CIA under the intentionally vague name of Office of Special Projects (OSP), and CFR agent Frank Wisner was appointed to head it. Soon after, the OSP was renamed with the even more innocuous name Office of Policy Coordination(OPC).[6]  Author John Loftus found out that the Office of Policy Coordination was actually a secret CFR-controlled covert action department hidden from the American public and depending directly from Secretary of Defense James V. Forrestal, a CFR agent, and what Loftus calls “the Dulles (John Foster Dulles, a senior CFR agent) faction in the State Department.”[7]

Given the fact that the conspirators didn’t trust CIA’s first Director Admiral Hillenkoetter (not a CFR member), they managed to take the OSP from the CIA’s control and make Wisner report directly to CFR agent George Kennan at the State Department.[8] Hillenkoetter, however, was not satisfied with the deal, and asked the CIA’s General Counsel Lawrence R. Houston for a legal opinion as to whether the Agency could carry out covert operations. Houston’s response was that the National Security Act did not provide the CIA the legal authority to conduct covert operations.

The CFR conspirators had based their request to allow the CIA to carry covert operations in a diffuse provision of the Act, which mentioned that the CIA would carry out that type of operations as the NSC might order them “from time to time.” But, after admitting the fact, Houston observed that the provision also added that such missions must be “related to intelligence” and he was of the opinion that covert operations had only the most tenuous relation to intelligence. Also, he added, Congress had specified that the CIA’s main mission was to coordinate intelligence produced by other intelligence services.[9]

Houston was right. Moreover, allowing the organization in charge of collecting and evaluating information to produce usable intelligence to perform covert operations is tantamount to allow an accountant to perform an audit of his own work.

Nevertheless, paying no attention to all objections, CFR secret agents in the National Security Council pushed NSC 10/2, which gave the CIA carte blanche to carry out covert operations abroad through the OSP and later through the OPC.

NSC 10/2 determined,

“The National Security Council, taking cognizance of the vicious covert activities of the USSR, its satellite countries and Communist groups to discredit and defeat the aims and activities of the United States and other Western powers, has determined that, in the interests of world peace and U.S. national security, the overt foreign activities of the U.S. government must be supplemented by covert operations.”

“The Central Intelligence Agency is charged by the National Security Council with conducting espionage and counter-espionage operations abroad. It therefore seems desirable, for operational reasons, not to create a new agency for covert operations, but in time of peace to place the responsibility for them within the structure of the Central Intelligence Agency and correlate them with espionage and counter-espionage operations under the over-all control of the Director of Central Intelligence.”

“Therefore, under the authority of Section 102(d)(5) of the national Security Act of 147, the National Security Council hereby directs that in time of peace:

“4. A new office of Special Projects shall be created within the Central Intelligence Agency to plan and conduct covert operations;” …

“5. As used in this directive, “covert operations” are understood to be all activities (except as noted herein) which are conducted or sponsored by this government against hostile foreign states or groups or in support of friendly foreign sates or groups but which are so planned and conducted that any U.S. Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the U.S. Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for them. Specifically, such operations shall include any covert activities related to: propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerrillas and refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.”[10]

NSC 10/2 made no mention of assassination of foreign leaders and other people who opposed the conspirators’ plans, but a letter written by a “consultant” included among the documents creating NSC 10/2 gives an idea of what they had in mind:

“You will recall that I mentioned that the local circumstances under which a given means might be used might suggest the technique to be used in that case. I think that gross divisions in presenting this subject might be (1) bodies left with no hope of the cause of death being determined by the most complete autopsy and chemical examination, (2) bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate accidental death, (3) bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate suicidal death, (4) bodies left with residual that simulate those caused by natural diseases.”[11]

By creating NSC 10/2, which authorized the CIA to break the laws of this nation, the CFR agents infiltrated into the National Security Council who wrote and approved it under the pretext of protecting this country committed a major crime against America. They licensed a U.S. Government agency, whose job was to defend and protect the laws of the land as expressed in the Constitution, to break the law as they wished. NSC 10/2, actually authorized CIA officers to do whatever they wanted, except telling the truth or getting caught.

The OPC became the espionage and counterintelligence branch of the Central Intelligence Agency. CFR agent Frank Wisner, the person the conspirators selected to run their Mafia-like organization, was given a free hand in creating a criminal organization. This initial capital sin molded the CIA’s amoral ethos and marked the behavior of the Agency all these years. But even a perfunctory look at the CIA’s true origins show that its treasonous activities were never by mistake, but by design.

Like most important documents in the recent history of the United States, NSC 10/ 2 was written at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan. It was the work of CFR agent George Kennan.[12] It mentions as a proven fact “the vicious covert activities of the USSR, its satellite countries and Communist groups to discredit and defeat the aims and activities of the United States and other Western powers.” These alleged “vicious covert activities” of the Soviet Union were the justification the CFR conspirators gave to the American people, whose country was supposed to be the antithesis of the USSR, to allow the CIA to engage in vicious covert activities all around the world.

Some years later, ex-OSS officer and CFR agent Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., advanced the same idea in a 1967 article in Foreign Affairs, the CFR’s disinformation organ. According to Schlesinger, the West was forced to act against the Soviet Union, mostly because Stalin was paranoid.

But, without falling into the Left’s error of believing that the Soviet leaders were saints guided by high moral principles, there is ample evidence pointing to the fact that the Cold War, like the Soviet Union itself, was the CFR conspirator’s baby, conceived and nurtured[13] as a credible threat to maintain the American people in a constant state of fear. This threat justified the arms race as the result of the confrontation with the artificially created enemy. It is also a known fact that Eastern Europe was served to Stalin on a silver plate, as a sure way to increase the fear of communism in the world.

Stanford’s revisionist historian Barton J. Bernstein found evidence that, “By overextending policy and power and refusing to accept Soviet interests, American policy-makers contributed to the Cold War.”[14] A similar view was expressed by H. W. Brands. According to him, “The cold war had resulted largely from the efforts of the U.S. to export capitalism across the globe.”[15]

Not too different is the thesis advanced by Frank Kofsky in one of the best-documented books about the causes of the Cold War, which he attributes to a conspiracy carried out by the CFR power elite. According to him,

“Regardless of how outlandish or nonsensical most ‘conspiracy theories’ may be, the fact of the matter is that members of the ruling class and the power elite in the late 1940s showed themselves ready to resort to conspiratorial machinations whenever they deemed it necessary.”[16]

The process by which the conspirators instilled fear in the American people by brandishing the specter of Communism was repeated in the 1990’s after the unexpected implosion of the Soviet Union left the conspirators without a reason for the existence of the U.S. national security state. I have always suspected that the true reason for the first war in Iraq —a trap in which Saddam Hussein foolishly fell— was to provoke the Soviets to get into the conflict. At the time, however, the Soviet bear was already dead, and not even that direct provocation brought him back to life. Unfortunately for the American people, this failure to resuscitate Soviet Communism brought us the 9/11 events that justified the War on Terror as the makeshift replacement for the Cold War. Currently they are using the Coronavirus PsyOp as the replacement on steroids for the War on Terror.

Frank Wisner, the man the CFR conspirators appointed to head the OPC, was a troubled, mentally unstable man,[17] with the mentality of a gangster. To fill the new positions at the OPC he needed the very best ruthless lawyers money can buy. He searched for them in Wall Street, among the lawyers and bankers who, like him, had joined the OSS gang. According to his own confession, to do this dirty work Wisner wanted amateurs, not former cops, ex-military, or ex-FBI agents.[18]

Wisner knew that professionals might easily cut through the disinformational fog and discover the true purpose of the newly created CIA —which was not the protection of the interests of the American people. Therefore, he recruited “Patriotic, decent, well-meaning, and brave” men who, as he later admitted, “were also uniquely unsuited to the grubby, necessarily devious world of intelligence”[19]  and, therefore, easy to manipulate and keep in the dark about the true purposes of the organization.

Time proved that Wisner was absolutely right. Some years later, the CIA made the mistake of hiring former FBI agent Bill Harvey, a seasoned professional. Soon after, he discovered that Kim Philby, CIA’s counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton’s liaison with the British MI6, was actually a Soviet mole.[20]

© 2020 Servando Gonzales – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. The FBI’s fight against the CIA continued during Hoover’s long tenure as FBI director and somehow continued for some time after his death. This fight has been extensively documented by several authors, particularly Mark Riebling in his Wedge: From Pearl Harbor to 9/11: How the Secret War Between the FBI and the CIA has Endangered National Security (New York: Touchstone, 1994). What Riebling misses, though, is that Hoover’s fight was never directed against the CIA but against CFR agents infiltrated in the CIA which eventually turned it into one of America’s worst domestic enemies.
  2. Unconfirmed rumors about Hoover’s homosexuality have been around for many years. The fact that he never married and did not date women, as well as his too close friendship with Clyde Tolson, his chief deputy, have brought credibility to it. Rumors about the existence of some photos of Hoover dressed in drag were never confirmed. On the other hand, Hoover’s supporters have contested the rumors by bringing the fact that he hated effeminate homosexuals and didn’t admit then in the FBI. But history shows that gays, particularly gays in the closet, usually harass and persecute effeminate homosexuals.
  3. The Containment Doctrine was first expressed by CFR agent George Kennan in the famous article he wrote for Foreign Affairs under the synonym “X,” and later polished by the CFR’s “Wise Men.” See Evan Thomas, The Very Best Men: The Daring Early Years of the CIA (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006), pp. 9, 29.
  4. The Marshall Plan was actually written by CFR secret agent Richard Bissell. See, Evan Thomas, Op. Cit., p. 10.
  5. Though generally attributed to JFK, actually the first person who mentioned the Alliance was CFR secret agent Fidel Castro. On May 2, 1959, during a session of the Economic Assembly of the Latin American States, Castro suggested that, in order to avoid problems in Latin America, the U.S. should help Latin American countries economically. See, Herbert Matthews, Fidel Castro (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969), pp. 166-167. Next month, during a speech at New York’s Central Park, he called for an American “Marshall Plan” for Latin America in order to avoid communism. See, Hispanic American Report, Vol. XII, (No. 4, 1959), p. 205.
  6. Evan Thomas, Op. Cit, pp. 9, 29.
  7. John Loftus, The Belarus Secret (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982), p. 69.
  8. Thomas, p. 30.
  9. For Hillenkoetter’s and Houston’s objections to CIA’s covert operations see, John Prados, Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2006), p. 38.
  10. Information about NSC 10/2 in Christy Macy and Susan Kaplan, Documents: A shocking collection of Memoranda, letters, and telexes from the secret files of the American intelligence community (New York: Penguin, 1980), pp. 157-161.
  11. Ibid., p. 162.
  12. Thomas, pp. 9, 29.
  13. In a series of well-researched books, professor Antony Sutton proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the CFR conspirators created the Soviet Union’s military machine. See Sutton’s massive Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (Three volumes) (Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press,1968-1973), also his Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1974) and The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (Billings, Montana: Liberty House Press, 1986).
  14. Barton J. Bernstein, “American Foreign Policy and the Origins of the Cold War,” in Barton J. Bernstein, ed., Politics and Policies of the Truman Administration (Chicago: Quadrangle, 1970), pp. 16-17.
  15. H.W. Brands, The Devil We Knew: Americans and the Cold War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. vi.
  16. Frank Kofsky, Harry S. Truman and the War Scare of 1948 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), p. 308.
  17. After retiring from CIA Wisner committed suicide. See, Thomas, Op. Cit., pp. 319-320.
  18. Ibid., p. 15.
  19. Ibid., p. 11.
  20. See John Ranelagh, The Agency: The Rise and Decline of the CIA (New York: Touchstone, 1987), pp. 151-152.

If President Trump Is Not Reelected Forget About It

By Ron Edwards

I was recently in our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.  The occasion was a coming together of patriots and Christian prayer warriors.  We all wanted to both see first hand what the looney Mayor Bowser had been allowing on the streets of our national capital.  Also. we assembled to pray for our beloved republic.  All of the Zechariah 2:5 prayer warriors and patriots, like myself were horrified and filled with righteous indignation against the destruction and putrid occupation of the major avenue that leads straight to Lafayette Park and the White House.  As the unusually comfortable early autumn Washington D.C. afternoon evolved into a nice cool evening, the competing sounds of prayers and songs of adoring praise and worship against satanic Haitian style drum beats both filled the atmosphere.  I was on one hand filled with joy seeing so many like minded patriotic Christians praying for our republic.  Yet I also wavered between feelings of both sadness and raging anger, as I observed numerous businesses still boarded up, weeks after being broken into and pilfered by Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs.

Our mission of prayers also entailed visits to the Justice Department, the Department of Education, the United States Capital, the Washington Monument and other important locations.  We arrived on September 17th, known as Constitution Day.  It was ironic that both Black lives Matter and antifa hoodlums had threatened to lay siege to our capital.  We had been praying and declaring against that madness for weeks, ever since we heard about their little threat.  Thanks be to God, there was no influx of more legions of leftist BLM and Antifa goons flooding into the city as had been threatened.  Just the ones already there who were relegated to the streets they were stupidly allowed to take over.  It was still unsettling to see the damage already allowed by Mayor Bowser.  Major department stores, insurance companies, small businesses, etc. all boarded up, because communist rioters were granted permission to use the death of a black man or two as an excuse to engage in criminal activities.

I for one believe that the trip to Washington D.C. to pray for our capital, president and our exceptional way of life and against the abortion industry, was not in vain.  Instead of fifty days of Antifa and Black Lives Matter barbarians trouncing Washington D.C. with permission from Mayor Bowser, there is an ongoing fifty days of prayer in D.C. that are slated to end right after President Trump is reelected.  I am   convinced that the effectual ongoing prayers shall yield great results that will shock many naysayers and leftists who are hankering for the literal collapse of our troubled, but still great republic.

It is my sincere desire that the United States realign with her Judeo/Christian heritage and principles.  Throughout Washington D.C. there are still many reminders of our nation’s onetime appreciation of her Christian and Jewish connections. There are scriptures inside the top of the Washington monument and references to biblical principles on the Department of Justice building, just to name two.  The United States is engaged in a political war that will literally determine whether “We the People” benefit from the renewal of  our Independence or succumb to those who are trying to sink our republic into a new age of slavery and overall lack.   It is amazing ho history repeats itself.  On July 2, 1776, as the Continental Congress was meeting in Philadelphia to declare independence from Great Britain, commander in chief George Washington was gathering his troops on Long Island to meet the British in battle in and around New York City.  That day he wrote in the General Orders to his men these memorable words declaring that we as a nation, serve under God: The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves…The fate of the unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army.  Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submissions; this is all we can expect.  We therefore to resolve to conquer or die.

Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the cause, and the aid of the Supreme Being, in whose hands victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble actions.  The eyes of all our countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the tyranny meditated against them.  Let us therefore show the whole world that a freeman contending for liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.  The time is now for absolute victory over those assorted leftists hell bent on wiping out our exceptional republic.  There is no time for rino style dithering, nor cowardly behavior.  In the immortal words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself”.  Victory is assured if through God’s grace, we seize it now.  So let’s do it. God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.  Don’t miss tuning into WCETradio.com for the Ron Edwards American Experience talk show Fridays at 4:00 PM ET, 1:00 PM PT, or the Ron Edwards American Experience weekend edition, every Sunday at 2:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM PT.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

Eight Ways to Help Trump Win the Election

by Allan Wall

The 2020 Presidential Election is forty days away.  President Donald Trump has the most powerful forces of our society arrayed against him.

The overlapping forces of the Mainstream Media, the Democrats, the Deep State and traitorous Republicans are out to defeat Trump.

How are they doing it?  By running a great campaign?  No, they haven’t even tried very hard to run a good campaign.

They’ve done something even more effective.  What the Democrats and their allies have done is set up society to accept a narrative that Trump has failed, using two principal issues – the COVID-19 virus and the urban riots.

It’s very unfair, and it’s not true. But in politics, perception becomes reality to the uninformed.

Election Day is November 3rd, although early voting has already started in some states and mail-in ballots are to be used in some states.   So we don’t have much time.

We all need to do what we can to help Trump win.  Just imagine the results of a Democratic triumph and you know what I mean.

What the Trump campaign has to do is get out the vote.

It seem strange to those of us who follow politics closely, but many of our fellow Americans don’t really care much about politics.  Some don’t care enough to vote, or even to register.

But some of these non-voters would, if they voted, vote for Trump. So they need a little help and a little pressure.  They need to get to the polls and vote for Trump.

Remember too that presidential elections are decided by people in the middle, who might be swayed either way.  There are hard-core Republicans who will never vote Democrat, and hard-core Democrats who would never vote Republican. In the middle is the squishy part of the electorate.

That means that the most influential voters are the most uninformed and apathetic voters.  Your job is to find the potential Trump supporters from that squishy middle and get them out to vote.

Let’s think about what we can do to help the Trump campaign.  Here are a few suggestions:

[1] GET PEOPLE REGISTERED. If you know people who would vote for Trump if they were registered, and they aren’t registered, then by all means, get them registered.  Convince them to register and if necessary get them the forms with which to do it.   This is important because the registration deadlines are approaching.  Click here to see when your state closes down voter registration.

[2] DEFEND TRUMP. Organize a set of talking points, if you haven’t already, that defend Trump and might persuade friends and fellow citizens to vote for him.  There are people in the middle who might be swayed.  You can tailor your talking points to the issues that are important to your friends, acquaintances and neighbors.

[3] REACH OUT FOR THE UNCOMMITTED. Use those talking points to reach people in the middle who might be persuaded to vote for Trump. Of course, you don’t know who will or won’t, so you have to get the Trump message out. The internet is one way.  Write letters to the editor in your local paper, even small-town papers, there are people who read those letters. And have your talking points ready to defend Trump, in a friendly way, to undecided friends, relatives, neighbors and those who attend your church.  You might be surprised at the impact you have.

[4] DONATE TO THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. The campaign needs money.  Click here to go to the Trump campaign website where you can donate.

[5] MAKE CAMPAIGN CALLS. Contact your local Republican party office, and see if you can make campaign calls.  Besides making calls in your own state, you may be able to make calls to other states, including swing states.

[6] SUPPORT STATE AND LOCAL CANDIDATES. See what you can do to support Republican candidates for Congress, your state legislature, or candidates in  your county or city.  Because if Trump wins, he’s going to need their help.

[7] PUT UP SIGNS AND BUMPER STICKERS. You never know, a Trump bumper sticker on your car or sign in your yard might be just the thing that catches someone’s attention.  The more of them that are up, the more of a pro-Trump atmosphere is produced.

[8] Don’t forget to PRAY for a Trump triumph.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Allan Wall: allanwall39@gmail.com

The 2020 Election, Liberalism, Joe Biden, Domestic Terrorists, and the USSA

By Greg Holt

Liberalism is not just a way of thinking, if one can even call it such (thinking that is) – it is literally a disease that destroys those possessed of it.

I wrote an article back in March of 2017, that still holds true today, and well, everyday actually:

Leftist Liberal Professor’s Frivolous Rant: Fighting Trump Brain Rot

“So I decided to visit the dark side liberal side of the fence today, so I went to Salon.com and came across the following piece of nonsensical drivel:

The resistance is all in your head: 6 ways to fight Trump brain rot

Hmmm, clueless comes to mind here – but the title drew me in I confess.

The author, Sophia A. McClennen opens with this thought – if thought it can even be called:

‘For many, ‘1984’ has served as a guide to the Trump era. But it is not just the lies and the alternate reality of Trump that has given rise to parallels being made to Orwell’s novel. It is also the fact that his administration threatens to diminish our range of thought’”

This kind of extreme idiocy is still highly prevalent today, and has as a matter of fact only gotten worse.  Trump is guilty of wanting to do away with all healthcare, he’s out to get We the People, he’s in league with Satan, the world economy is being destroyed via Trump, the end of all things is coming because Trump does not embrace Climate Change, all the country’s woes stem from Donald Trump and his policies etc.

There is a larger problem here then these lying two-faced agenda driven storytellers that spout off this nonsense steeped in unadulterated idiocy.  That problem is that far too many Americans still – despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, believe these dark and twisted fairy tales.

I heard a commercial today that basically said that Joe Biden understands the “people.”  Why is that you say?  Because lying Joe was the guy who brought the car companies back to the United States.  How is it that these people are comfortable with telling such ginormous whoppers and broadcasting them all over the airwaves?  Biden had little to nothing to do with bringing back car companies to America, that was all Trump thank you very much.

Biden can talk all he wants about bringing back automotive industry jobs with Obama, or his plans to do so in the future.  He’s full of it.  Obama and Biden wrapped up the automotive industry (and many others) in the U.S. in miles of red tape and egregious regulations, demanded ridiculously stringent fuel economy standards, and generally exhibited a very hostile attitude towards the manufacturing industry as well as business in general.  No wonder businesses left the U.S.

Obama and Biden were also the ones responsible for weaponizing the U.S. government against their enemies, especially Donald Trump, and the still suffering General Michael Flynn among others.

The Russian collusion narrative was a poorly thought up hoax that the main stream media aided the Democrats in portraying as a legitimate issue to We the People – accept that it was not and it blew up in their collective faces.  And yet, Adam shifty-Schiff is at it once again with a new “witness.”

The Democrats have accomplished nothing of lasting value because they are fully and completely invested in destroying President Trump and then removing him from office.  There was the Russian collusion narrative built on bought and paid for shady information via the Democrats – more specifically bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton.  Then there was the Ukraine affair, funny how the real illegality in Ukraine was committed by Joe and Hunter Biden, the John Kerry family, and even Mr. Adam Schiff.

Then Trump killed thousands of people because he mishandled the response to the Coronavirus.  Funny, but it seems to this writer that the mishandling was done by Democrats like Cuomo who killed a lot of people by placing people that were infected with the Coronavirus into nursing homes.

It’s funny (not really) how today’s generation can repeat the liberal left’s talking points at will, while at the same time they are basically incapable of rational, logical, and critical thinking.  Teachers “teach” dumbed down school content (and even this Democrat teacher agrees) while providing students with such critically necessary information such as:

  • How to put a condemn on a banana
  • Why it’s OK to have two moms or two dads.
  • It’s ok to have an abortion and do so without parental consent
  • Israel is evil while the “Palestinians” are paragons of virtue and terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah are the oh so maligned good guys.
  • Islam is peaceful and true, while Jesus is a hateful whacko
  • Blacks are important while whites are vessels of pure evil

Students are taught that the woes of the world are largely the fault of – yes you guessed it, America.

Ask a student why America is bad and they will level a blank stare at you, or reiterate Leftist talking points without any real level of thinking or understanding being behind those talking points.

As I have written previously, those on the liberal left are a bunch of corrupt, godless anarchists seeking to destroy the U.S. and unfortunately they are succeeding.

There can be no doubt on this, simply do a search on Minneapolis riots, Portland riots, and U.S. riots are organized. Black Lives Matter founders admit they are trained Marxists.  BLM is also highly trained, and former Special Forces people are doing that training.

TCP News:

“These fools do not realize who or what they are dealing with, Trump does.  BLM and Antifa are not a bunch of college kids running around in masks doing fist pumps as part of a social justice movement.  These groups are well funded, highly trained, very organized, and they know exactly what they are doing.

If you doubt this, just read the following – right from a BLM “leader”:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has declared war on the police and has released a blueprint for Black Panther style armed ‘patrols’ monitoring police officers on the streets. BLM’s leader revealed in an exclusive interview that they are mobilizing a highly-trained military arm. The group held a conference in Los Angeles with ‘military advisors’ charting out details of the ‘Black Opts’ blueprint – which stands for Black Opportunities. Black Special Forces officers are training the BLM’s Black Ops department of Black Opportunities. BLM is raising a ‘war chest’ and plans to build a headquarters in an unused church in New York. (Source)’”

A Trump win in November is not only needed, it is a necessity for the well being of this country.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been deeply co-opted by the extreme far Left and will not move to do anything about the increasing violence in this country.  The violence perpetuated by Black Lives Matter and Antifa furthers their cause.  That cause is a socialist America, an America that will join the globalist world in forming a new One World Government.

Once the One World Government is formed, then and only then will the likes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter be reigned in.  Or more likely they will be made troops that are fodder for the cause, being sacrificed on the altar of globalism.

Then it will be too late of course, if it is indeed not already too late to stop these domestic terrorists.

Everything it means to be an American is in danger of being wiped out.  We run the serious risk of the U.S. being turned into just another Yugoslavia, or Venezuela.  It is in fact already happening.  The riots are not random acts of violence; they are in fact orchestrated with the goal of fomenting chaos.

Once the level of angst and violence reaches the needed level, then the saviors of our country can swoop in and right the wrongs, set the tone, fix the problems, provide all things for all people – just simply trust them.

Just like happened in Germany, China, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, and Russia among others.

Welcome to the USSA – the United Socialist States of America.

Read my three most recent articles:

@PressSec Kayleigh McEnany Roasts NY Gov. Cuomo – Then Absolutely Destroys Nancy Pelosi, All in the Same Day
Why the Kenosha Wisconsin Police Shooting does not Add Up
‘We are the party of the people – We are Democrats’: the Most Truthful Democrat Ad You Will Ever See (Watch)

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

The Ideology of Playing God

by Lee Duigon

Joe Biden says that if he’s elected president, Heaven forbid, one of the first things he’ll do is issue a nationwide face mask mandate. And everyone will have to Obey—to hear is to obey—even if you’re out alone in the wild, fly-fishing in Montana.

One wonders when all this face mask business will end—but why should it ever end? It springs directly from the ideology of messianic statism, if I may coin a phrase.

Messianic statism is the proposition that the state, and all the little tinhorn tyrants who serve it, shall be as God. It’s a weird ideology, maybe even a pseudo-religion. And it works like this.

There is no God, so the very highest authority must reside in the state and in its consultant, Science. Science knows everything and the state can do everything. Nothing bad should ever happen, but the only way to make sure of that is to grow the government to prodigious size and give it more and more power. And ultimately it will be big and powerful enough, and guided by the omniscient wisdom of its pet scientists, it will wipe out everything that makes life bad—war, poverty, disease, income inequality: you name it, it’ll be gone.

Communists used to describe this as breaking eggs to make the omelet, except they never, ever got beyond the breaking eggs stage. That’s simply because you can’t create an infallible state and infallible Science when all you’ve got to work with is eminently fallible human beings.

Oh, but it’s a seductive ideology! If you are poor, they’ll make you rich; if you are sick, they’ll make you well; and they throw in complete sexual license to sweeten the pot, if that’s the kind of thing that sweetens it for you.

So along comes the Chinese Communist Party Doomsday Virus, COVID-19; and based on chock-full-o’-nuts computer models that predicted 2.2 million deaths in the USA alone, they shut down the world’s economy, subjected all the healthy people to a global quarantine, and issued mandates on everything from having to wear face masks all the time to not being allowed by buy seeds for your garden. Suddenly everywhere you looked were signs reading, “By Order of the Governor.” ‘Cause we’re all gonna die unless we do what they say.

When’s all this mask stuff going to be over? After all, there are many diseases more deadly than COVID-19. Shouldn’t we be protected from those, too? Why should anyone get sick and die, when the state has the power to prevent it? Or rather, if we can give the state that power? It’s for our own good, you know! Besides, freedom itself is overrated: it’s so White Male, like the Constitution. It’s a luxury that invites disease.

Controlling other people’s lives is what makes statists’ lives worth living. They can’t get enough of it. And that messianic ideology is all they need to cast themselves as the good guys, doing what’s best for people even when they’re too stupid and ungrateful to appreciate it. Not only do they get what they want—control of other people’s lives—but they also get to look in the mirror and say “What a good boy am I!”

And we are left to wonder why, if everything they’re doing is for our good, they let criminals swarm into the streets and shoot our cities’ crime rates up to High Olympus. They protect us by defunding the police? But we don’t call them the Far Left Crazy for nothing, do we?

We may also wonder why we stand for such abuse, why we let them get away with it. Well, ordinary people are often at a disadvantage when dealing with fanatics. Evil is usually permitted to run wild for a time before we pluck up the courage to smack it down.

Which we will have an opportunity to do, this November.

Crush the Democrat Party, and you put messianic statism out of business.

Until, given the dynamics of our fallen world, we have to do it again.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; the bad guys will hate it if you do. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Why Are Democrats Promoting Violence and Supporting BLM and Antifa?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Latest financial figures show that Black Lives Matter along with Antifa anarchists tabulated in excess of $1 billion in property damages.  That does not include the executions of police, deaths of citizens during riots and the National Guard being deployed.

The main riots and damages occurred in democrat-dominated cities.  Is anyone putting 2 + 2 together to make a connection?  Why so much sedition and anarchy in cities and states dominated by democrat-governors and mayors? Citizens elected them to uphold “law and order” of the U.S. Constitution that guarantees each citizen peace and safety.

Unfortunately, Ilhan Omar, a Muslim refugee from Somalia in the U.S. House, wants to “…dismantle economic and political systems that oppress us….”  She also wants all Muslims to make Americans “feel uncomfortable” in our own country.  It would prove interesting what how she feels about the ‘oppression’ of her native Somalia where women face rape, murder and abuse as a normal, daily occurrence.  Omar also needs to be brought up on immigration fraud, marrying her brother and making remarks that cross over the ‘sedition’ threshold.

Rashida Tlaib, also a Muslim, wrapped herself inside a Palestinian flag once voters in the overwhelming Muslim district of Detroit, voted into the House.  She’s anti-Semitic and anti-America.  Please understand if Muslims dominated the House and Senate, they would install Sharia Law in a heartbeat and eradicate the U.S. Constitution.

Rep. Maxine Waters, (D-CA) spouts and encourages violence toward republicans in restaurants and public places. She screamed about “impeach 45” before he became president of the United States.

Never let it be said that House member, a bartender with virtually zero academic credentials, Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez from New York, screams to ‘radicalize’ citizens to violence.

Let this moment radicalize you,” radical socialist AOC said as a reaction to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “Let this moment really put everything into stark focus. Because this election has always been about the fight of and for our lives. I need you to be ready.  If Mitch McConnell isn’t going to honor RBG’s final wish, we will. And we have to. We are going to say that nothing is off the table, we are going to push for expansion of the Supreme Court. Let them know they are playing with fire.”

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, after BLM and Antifa created a “CHOP ZONE” in her burned-out city, sluffed it off as kids creating a “summer of love” until several people suffered death by shootings in that ‘zone’ and the businesses sued her in court for dereliction of duty.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey stood by while BLM and Antifa burned multiple blocks in his city with no intervention.

After Ruth Bader Ginsburg died this week, hundreds of rioters descended on House member Lindsey Graham’s home to scream, beat drums and blast horns throughout the night.  The same happened to Senator Mitch McConnell’s home with hundreds of rioters. If not for police, their homes would have been painted, broken glass and even could have suffered arson.

Other anarchists spray-painted some of the Lincoln Memorial. Others have attempted to deface the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument.  If not for police presence, they would have committed drastic damage.

Around the country, anarchists toppled statues from our history because democratic mayors and governors allowed the violence. If those rioters abided by our Constitution, they would have attended city councils, ran for office and changed the statues in a civil manner.

The question is:  who are the parents and teachers of these anarchists? Who brought those kids up to be 21st century hoodlums, rioters, looters and arsonists? How did they take the fairest and most human-centered Constitution in the entire world—and attempt to destroy it? It is the most-copied document in the world and the foundation for all other countries in the world that want freedom for their citizens.

If such anarchists succeed in dismantling it or destroying it through violence…exactly how do the rest of us survive in the hostility and chaos of their actions?  How will we rebuild the commerce and mercantile systems that allow us to function as a civil society?

We face a drastic if not sobering choice in the coming election. If Biden succeeds to the White House, we face open borders without restraints.  We face violence supported by liberal leaders in major cities such as Detroit, Minneapolis, NYC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and many others. We face dismantling of law and order in our country.

Do you want that kind of a future? Do you want that kind of endless violence?  Or, do you want our U.S. Constitution to be validated by the “rule of law” for every citizen?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Australian Report Discloses the Economic Destruction of the Global Warming Fraud

by Kathleen Marquardt

What is going on in Australia today? Some headlines:

  • Australian officials charged nearly 200 with fire offenses as deadly wildfires rage
  • Animal rights protesters damage farms, shut down center of Melbourne
  • A 28-year old pregnant woman has been charged with incitement after police raided her Ballarat home, allegedly encouraging friends to attend a lockdown protest.
  • Australia is said to be one of the largest carbon emitters per capita of carbon dioxide in the world. (But I couldn’t find it in top 10.)

Australia is, in many ways, a country like the United States; and both were used as places to settle convicts. When the US Revolution stopped Great Britain’s transport of convicted prisoners here, they deported them to Australia. The Commonwealth (federal government) of Australia was established on January 1, 1901,after approval of a draft constitution by Australian voters. As in the US, the constitution gave the commonwealth certain defined powers, and the rest of the powers were given to the governments of the six colonies, which were renamed states. In this respect and in its separate and independent judiciary, the political system resembled that of the United States; but theexecutive authority followed the British model, with a cabinet headed by a prime minister responsible to the lower house of the bicameral legislature. And, in the post-World War II-era, Australia’s foreign policy became more closely aligned with the United States.

In recent years, like many countries, including the U.S., Australian politics of both main parties have been moving decidedly to the left. This, as in the U.S., is attributable to Agenda 21/2030. Also, like in the U.S. and the rest of the countries that signed on to Agenda 21, the chief tool is Global Warming. Last year, President Trump announced that the U.S. was withdrawing from  the Paris Agreement, which is an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts, a major spokesman exposing the hoax of Global Warming ,notes that his nation is still part of the Agreement and, thus, has been “seduced into endorsing policies aiming at decarbonizing and consequently deindustrializing” their economy. Roberts avers that costly government policy has, knowingly, been based on “imprecise, weak, and unscientific” data. He is calling for a stop to “all climate policies” until the government provides scientific proof for the need for destruction of the economy.

Roberts speaks of CSIRO throughout, so let me introduce you. CSIRO is the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, established in Australia in 1926, as an agency for scientific research. CSIRO has expanded and is collaborating with leading organizations around the world, FYI, and you can draw your own conclusions, in the US, CSIRO works with:

  • Government Agencies including NASA, Livermore National Lab and Argonne National Lab
  • Commercial Businesses including Boeing, GE and Anatomics
  • Academic Institutions including UC Davis
  • Foundations and Public/Private Partnerships including the Gates Foundation
  • Venture Capitalists

Here is Senator Roberts summary of the report “SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY: The Onus is on Parliament to Scientifically Justify Climate Policies Costing Trillions of Dollars.

At the bottom is a link to read the full report.

Restoring Scientific Integrity

Senator Malcolm Roberts, 31 August 2020


Australian politics has been seduced into endorsing policies aiming at decarbonising and consequently deindustrialising our economy from 2050.

Climate policies and renewables subsidies are already costing households $13 billion per year through higher electricity costs, $1,300 for each Australian household. High electricity prices are dismantling our productive economy. Manufacturing, agriculture, small and large businesses cannot flourish under increasing electricity prices. Crucial energy intensive industries and value-adding processors of food and minerals are moving to countries with cheap energy.

At the core of the climate claims that push policies to cut the human use of hydrocarbon fuels like natural gas, coal and oil, is the claim that the output of carbon dioxide from burning those fuels is warming our planet, and that warming is a danger to humans and to our planet. Costly government policy must therefore be based on evidence that proves human CO2 directly causes climate change.

Politicians have the highest duty of care to base all policies on rigorous scientific evidence, especially policies that bring about radical change with severe consequences for people’s livelihoods and lifestyle. Expensive policies need justification, with impacts specified and quantified before implementation, and this can only be achieved when based on the solid scientific evidence that proves causation.

Our nation’s productive capacity, economic sovereignty and economic resilience have been decimated by climate policies and we are on the slide from independence to dependence on other nations. In my meetings with CSIRO’s senior offices I requested empirical evidence that justifies Australia’s climate policies. This document summaries my findings.

CSIRO has never stated that CO2 from human activity is dangerous

CSIRO would not attribute danger to carbon dioxide from human activity and have not provided evidence to allow any politicians, including ministers, to attribute danger.

CSIRO stated that the determination of danger was a matter for the public or for politicians.

CSIRO has refused to correct claims of danger made by government ministers reveals that it has been afraid to speak out about obvious politically driven deviations from science.

CSIRO admitted temperatures today are not unprecedented

At CSIRO’s second presentation where I requested evidence for anything unprecedented in climate, CSIRO after almost 50 years of climate research, provided one sole paper; Marcott (2013). This paper claimed that today’s temperatures are unprecedented.

Under further examination, CSIRO admitted that today’s temperatures are NOT unprecedented.

CSIRO withdrew discredited papers it had cited as evidence of unprecedented rate of temperature change

In addition to admitting that today’s temperatures are NOT unprecedented, CSIRO representatives were surprised to learn from my team that within two weeks of the release of Marcott’s paper in 2013, its flaws had been comprehensively exposed. Marcott was forced to admit this and said, quote: “the 20th century portion of our paleo-temperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be

considered representative of global temperature changes.”

This led to CSIRO withdrawing Marcott’s paper as CSIRO representatives agreed that his paper did not scientifically justify their claim and was scientifically discredited. CSIRO then cited Lecavalier and we showed it was not valid.

CSIRO has never quantified any specific impact of CO2 from human activity

CSIRO acknowledged the need for empirical data within a causal framework that proves cause and effect yet failed to prove that carbon dioxide from human activity causes global warming or climate change.

CSIRO never specified the amount of temperature changes attributed to carbon dioxide from human activity.

CSIRO relies upon unvalidated models that give unverified and erroneous projections as “evidence”

For the Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis to be scientifically accepted, it must be based on physical data. During the first meeting it was confirmed that CSIRO relies on unvalidated computerised climate models, not physical data. This is an admission of CSIRO’s lack of empirical evidence proving causation.

Climate model failures are demonstrated by their output which consistently over-predict warming trends compared to the physical data and observations. The erroneous results are the result of having limited knowledge of the factors affecting global climate, and due to the fact that modellers are trying to show carbon dioxide to be the main factor in driving temperature, when there is a wide range of assumed sensitivities to CO2.

CSIRO relied on discredited and poor quality papers on temperature and CO2

Harries (2001) was the sole paper cited for CSIRO’s claim of an unprecedented level of atmospheric carbon dioxide, yet this paper could not support CSIRO’s claim.

CSIRO seemed unaware of the serious flaws in the Harries’ paper due to the unscientific and statistically invalid methodology used.

After the failure of Harries’ paper to support CSIRO’s CO2 claims, CSIRO offered the Feldman et al (2015) paper. Incredibly the Feldman paper refutes the Harries paper, and ongoing discussions raised even more objections to the Harries’ paper

CSIRO admits to not doing due diligence on reports and data from external agencies

When CSIRO’s chosen papers were unable to definitively support its claims, CSIRO then offered the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) report, which also relies on unvalidated and inadequate climate models. The UN climate report has no empirical data within a logical scientific framework proving that carbon dioxide from human activity affects climate. Alarmingly, and despite relying on the UN’s climate reports, CSIRO admitted that it has never done due diligence on the UN IPCC or its reports.

CSIRO demonstrated little understanding of papers it cited as evidence

The question must be asked – how can CSIRO eventually offer up four scientific papers and show limited understanding of them? Instead CSIRO made a series of assertions and conclusions that were imprecise, weak and unscientific.

CSIRO’s appearance at these meetings with the four papers discussed in this report, which CSIRO had not read nor understood in their entirety, is reprehensible. It may be that the academic and intellectual arrogance of CSIRO prevented them from appropriate preparation and they expected that we would glaze over at the sight of a few scientific papers. Or more likely, that CSIRO could not genuinely offer any empirical evidence for climate policies, hence their poor performance at these meetings.

CSIRO allows others to misrepresent CSIRO science without correction

Politicians frequently reference CSIRO as the basis for claiming danger from CO2. CSIRO appears to not correct politicians, academics or journalists who make false, alarmist or exaggerated statements on climate, and allows CSIRO reports to be misrepresented.

Dr Alex Wonhas from CSIRO refused to say there is any danger from carbon dioxide from human activity, and suggested we ask ministers and politicians to state the source of their claims of danger. According to CSIRO, it has never advised politicians that human CO2 is dangerous.

CSIRO has misled parliament

Broadly speaking, the “evidence” CSIRO provided as a basis for climate policy development and coming from inadequate climate modelling or discredited scientific papers, is a gross misleading of the Parliamentary process.

Quite specifically at Senate Estimates (October 2019 & March 2020), in Dr Larry Marshall’s presence, Dr Peter Mayfield, (CSIRO’s Executive Director Environment, Energy and Resources) stated to the panel of senators that CSIRO had provided me with the statistically significant data proving there has been climate change outside of natural, cyclical variation. This was not true.

Interviews with international scientists

After listening to and discussing with CSIRO their chosen scientific papers, I consulted with a range of scientists and experts in the area of climate. There was overwhelming confirmation that the evidence that CSIRO provides for policy development is inadequate. Below is a list of the scientists interviewed.

Prof John Christy: Mathematician, Climatologist
Prof David Legates: Climatologist, Statistician
Dr Craig Idso: Climatologist
Dr Nils Morner: Sea level expert
Prof Nir Shaviv: Atmospheric Physicist
Prof Will Happer: Physicist
Dr Willie Soon: Atmospheric Physicist
Emeritus Prof Ian Plimer: Geologist
Mr Steve McIntyre: Mathematician, Statistician
Mr Bill Kininmonth: Former senior BOM official and Meteorologist
Emeritus Prof Garth Paltridge: Former CSIRO senior researcher
Dr Howard Brady: Geologist, Antarctica researcher
Dr John McLean: Climate Scientist, first audit of Global Historical Climatic Network temperature data
Mr Tony Heller: Geologist, engineer auditing NASA-GISS data
Ms Susan Crockford: polar bear researcher
Prof Luiz Molion: Brazil meteorology bureau
Dr David Evans: Climate Modeler
Mr Alex Epstein: Energy expert, Philosopher
Mr Marc Morano: Former staff of USA Senator James Inhofe
Mr Dan MacDonald: Farmer who lost property rights due to UN Kyoto climate protocol


  • CSIRO’s “evidence” for unprecedented change was easily refuted and a failure of peer-review was revealed in Marcott and Lecavalier.
  • CSIRO specified no quantified evidence of human impact on any climate factor.
  • CSIRO would not attribute danger to carbon dioxide from human activity and has not provided evidence to allow any politicians, including ministers, to attribute danger.
  • CSIRO stated that the determination of danger was a matter for the public or for politicians.
  • Australian climate policies have never been based on empirical evidence and logical scientific reasoning.
  • After assessing CSIRO’s cited peer-reviewed papers, it is inconceivable that government policy should be based on the unverified assumption that a peer-reviewed paper is accurate and contains the best available research, particularly when key data has been unscientifically fabricated.
  • As Australia’s premier government-funded climate science agency, CSIRO’s gross deficiencies need to be investigated to establish reasons for CSIRO’s deterioration.
  • CSIRO’s failure to correct government ministers claims of danger reveals that it has been afraid to speak out about obvious politically driven deviations from science.
  • Integrity and accountability need to be restored for both research and for presenting scientific conclusions, as well as for scrutiny of political claims and policies.
  • The CSIRO climate group’s inadequate case does not justify spending tens of billions of dollars, nor does it justify the destruction of trillions of dollars of wealth as a result of climate policies that hurt families, export Australian jobs and erode national security.
  • The onus is now on the federal parliament to scrap climate policies unless CSIRO can provide accurate, repeatable and verifiable empirical scientific evidence, within a logical scientific framework, that proves carbon dioxide from human activity affects climate variability and needs to be cut. Any proposed cuts need to be specified in terms of the amount, the impact and effects, together with the costs of making and not making the cuts.


  1. Until the government provides scientific proof of specific quantified effects of human carbon dioxide, all climate policies need to stop immediately.
  2. Australia needs a Royal Commission into climate science to restore scientific integrity into all government-funded climate science.
  3. Australia needs to consider measures to ensure ongoing scientific integrity, including an Office of Science Integrity. Such an office would:
  4. a) ensure scientific accuracy and robustness of all science used as a basis for policy development;
  5. b) present a more accurate picture of science and guard the people of Australia against

political interference in science and against vested interests misinterpreting science for personal gain;

  1. c) establish a mechanism to fact check and review the science being used for policy;
  2. d) manage the mandatory public posting of the science supposedly justifying policy that is claimed to be based on science. This is a policy proposal from America’s administration to ensure public scrutiny in the same way that transparency portals have been successful in increasing public service accountability for expenditure in American states.
  3. The employment of CSIRO’s Chief Executive, Dr Larry Marshall and of Dr Peter Mayfield, needs to be reviewed. Both these executive officers contributed to tarnishing CSIRO’s reputation for scientific integrity. Scientific integrity needs to be restored and given the behaviour of Drs Marshall and Mayfield and their failure of oversight as a minimum they would seem not capable of restoring scientific integrity.
  4. The parliamentary debate that has never been held, needs to start with parties that are advocating climate policies presenting to parliament their empirical evidence in a framework proving causation and justifying their climate policies with specific quantified targets and impacts.

Australian Senator Roberts has written a cogent report about the fallacies of Global Warming/Climate Change and the incredible price Australia, and all other countries that have signed on to the Paris Accord. He is asking for a Royal Commission into this. If he succeeds, we must hope that the Commission will be made up of scientists with integrity. I don’t say this lightly. Since Man-made Global Warming was first announced in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report in 1990, imminent scientists from around the world have spoken out against the so-called scientific data in it. There is a petition signed by over 30,000 scientists, that said among other things: There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in the atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

And, according to Dr. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric and space physicist, founded the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC): empirical evidence actual measurements of Earth’s temperature shows no man-made warming trend. Indeed, over the past two decades, when CO2 levels have been at their highest, global average temperatures have actually cooled slightly.Regarding carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: The observed increases are of a magnitude that can, for example, be explained by oceans giving off gases naturally as temperatures rise. Indeed, recent carbon dioxide rises have shown a tendency to follow rather than lead global temperature increases. (from obit by Heartland)

And one more note to put the nail in, from the Washington Times:  “Lost amid the coverage of Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg at last week’s U.N. Global Climate Summit were the 500 international scientists, engineers and other stakeholders sounding a very different message: “There is no climate emergency.”

The European Climate Declaration, spearheaded by the Amsterdam-based Climate Intelligence Foundation [CLINTEL], described the leading climate models as “unfit” and urged UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to pursue a climate policy based on “sound science.”

“Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy,” said the Sept. 23 letter signed by professionals from 23 countries.

Senator Malcolm Roberts is not a lone wolf crying in a desert; he has eminent scientists backing his facts. His request for a Commission is warranted.

© 2020 Kathleen Marquardt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kathleen Marquardt: koikpm@yahoo.com

Would You Be a Slave In Your Own Land?

By Ron Ewart

In a significant departure from our usual article, from time to time we extend our literary skills to poetry.  Some might think it corny.  But it’s just a different form of communication and expression.  Each poem is totally relevant to our current situation.  If you find them worthy, please feel free to share them with others.

“Would You, Will You ….. ?

By Ron Ewart

Originally penned in November 2012

Would you be a slave In your own land?
When once you were free?
Would you bow down
To bureaucratic or political tyrants
Rather than defending liberty?

Would you see your children
Condemned to slavery
When there was a chance
You could save them?
Would you deny them victory?
Would you deny your family freedom?

Would you let your country slip deeper
Into the jaws of debauchery?
Would you let the politicians force you
Into the dungeons of abject slavery?

Would you hide in the shadows
When your duty was quite clear?
Would you shrink from the battle
Because you are paralyzed with fear?

Is it true you are just a coward
And afraid to be free?
Do you tremble in the darkness
Hiding in a corner, shaking uncontrollably?

Will you instead gather up your stoicism
And join the fearless in our midst?
It’s time to save America from socialism
While shaking a determined fist?

Will you reach down in your very soul
And summon up your courage?
Will you cast your freedom ship afloat
And send her from her moorage?

Will you use the intellect God gave you,
And apply it to the fight?
Will you heed the haunting cry
To set our country right?

The question always remains,
Would you … or will you?
Your choice is to be in chains
Or live in liberty like all free men do.

So we ask each freedom-loving American,
Will you settle for chains and slavery?
Or will you get up off your can,
And engage in the fight for liberty?

Free Americans Are In A Fight For Their Very Lives

They will need all the strength and courage they can muster if freedom is to be preserved.

“Life is a fight, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others from taking your life, your property and your liberty from you!”      Ron Ewart

Very powerful, influential and rich people are doing everything in their power to defeat Trump and thereby reduce the free men and women of America to slaves of the elite class, the aristocracy.  Most of these people made their billions as a direct result of capitalism and free markets.  (See: “Billionaire Backers”)

Now these denizens of high tech and finance are using their billions to tear that system down by overwhelming it and erasing any other differing view points, together with lying, cheating, election fraud, censorship, stealing, fear, intimidation and violence.  They will do ANYTHING to win!

The news media is aligned with these very rich and powerful people (Progressives) and are working against Trump as well.

Academia is hopelessly in the tank for Progressive causes and is working against Trump while poisoning the minds of American college students and censoring any other ideology.

Our public schools have been hijacked by Progressives and for several generations have been indoctrinating our children in the ways of Progressivism, collectivism, social justice, environmental equity, climate change, systemic racism, critical race theory and white privilege.  Individual freedom and unalienable rights are the farthest thing from the minds of these super rich aristocrats who believe their way is the only way and like all megalomaniacs and bullies, they intend to shove it down your throats.  If you don’t like it, they will roll over you, embarrass you, intimidate you, threaten you and make you very afraid of what they can do to you.  You have every reason to be afraid.

The forces lined up against our Constitutional Republic, Donald Trump and the free people of America, are formidable and may be undefeatable by peaceful means. You can let them run all over you, or you can put up an impenetrable roadblock to their ambitions.  It will be up to millions of patriotic Americans to use whatever force is necessary to vanquish not only the aristocrats, (the establishment and deep state) but to destroy their false and fraudulent ideology if an exceptional and free America is to survive. It is we that should be intimidating “them.”  (See: “Nothing Will Change Until the People Act”)

Will WE do ANYTHING to win?  That is a tall order and it will require millions of courageous men and women to call upon “The Life Force Within Them.”


By Ron Ewart

Originally penned in January 2001
Slightly revised in May 2020
© Copyright 2020 – All Rights Reserved.

In all living things a life force resides.
The will to survive is paramount.
Living is a battle and you have to take sides,
For to do otherwise, the soul that is you will not count. 

No matter what life has in store for me,
Each new obstacle shall harden my resolve.
Be it fortress, or mountain, or just a large tree,
The life force within me will never dissolve. 

Should an event cripple me and leave me with one leg.
I shall hop forever if that’s what is demanded of me.
Should somehow I be left with no legs at all,
I will find the strength to slither or crawl.

If I finally end up with no legs or arms,
I will use my teeth to keep up the pace.
When my eyes will no longer show me the way
I will use my ears or the nerves in my face.

As long as there is breath in my body.
As long as the thoughts in my mind are clear.
I shall endure and forever press forward
Without hesitation, reservation, or fear.

For my destiny is not getting to some temporary place,
Where I cannot stay for but a moment or a smile.
For everyone knows it’s not getting there, it’s the race,
And it’s the life force within me that makes it worthwhile.

When nothing is left but a shallow breath,
And my heart beats with a dying sound.
My mind will look skyward as I wait for death
As the life force within me seeks higher ground.

And when finally the light has gone out of my soul.
I will allow the winds to carry me far.
Because the life force within me has me on a roll,
And I dare not let go on my way to a star.

Perhaps by sharing these poems we will have spawned a small measure of inspiration and motivation to those who take the time to read and digest them.

In every war there is a winner and a loser.  If Conservatives can’t or won’t fight for what is right and to preserve freedom, then Conservatives are hopeless losers.  We’re not talking about the politician Conservatives.  They’re no help at all.  We’re talking about the Conservative masses.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Another Federal Judge Rules That Coronavirus Shut Downs Are Unconstitutional

by Bradlee Dean

“A law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.” -Chief Justice John Marshall

On July 25th of this year, I brought to your attention the obvious when it comes to governors, attorney generals and/or mayors implementing that which is clearly out of the scope of delegated authority given unto them by the people that they are to serve (Matthew 20:28).

I wrote that nsjonline.com reported:

RALEIGH — “A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order preventing the enforcement of Gov. Roy Cooper’s executive orders that restrict church worship in North Carolina. A group founded by pastors and churches sued Cooper over his executive orders alleging they violate the U.S. and N.C. constitutions.

U.S. District Court Judge James C. Dever heard arguments on Friday from a group of plaintiffs who challenged Cooper’s authority to restrict religious activities. Saturday, the judge said the plaintiffs are “likely to succeed on the merits of their Free Exercise claim concerning the assembly for religious worship provisions in Executive Order 138, that they will suffer irreparable harm absent a temporary restraining order, that the equities tip in their favor, and that a temporary restraining order is in the public interest.”

The judge said unequivocally that “There is no pandemic exception to the Constitution of the United States or the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.”

Federal Judge: ‘There Is NO Pandemic Exception To The Constitution’ – Then Why Are Americans Going Along With It?

Well, another good judge, making reference to that which is constitutional and that which is unconstitutional (Deuteronomy 25:1), came into play on a national forum to state the obvious.

The Hill reported:

A federal judge ruled on Monday that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) coronavirus orders, which shut down the state, closed businesses and limited gatherings, were unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, a Trump appointee, said in his opinion that COVID-19 orders from Wolf and Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine violated and continue to violate the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly and the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment.

The efforts to stop the spread of the coronavirus “were undertaken with the good intention of addressing a public health emergency,” Stickman wrote.

“But even in an emergency, the authority of government is not unfettered,” he added.

“There is no question that this Country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort,” he wrote. “But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment.”

In conclusion: Friends, there is enough information exposing this perpetual fraud for what it is (Ephesians 4:14). I just thank the Lord that He sent in good judges to help further expose this fraud it for what it truly is.

“And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them.” Judges 2:18

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© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Kamala Harris Exposed: Harris Fought Tough Sex Offender Law While California’s AG

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

According to a report from California State Senator Jim Nielson’s office, the former ‘mistress’ of former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown possesses a history that assisted sex crimes offenders despite the victimization of young children at the hands of those perverts.

During her years as California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris had instructed all parole officers working for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) that the sex offender residency restrictions, approved by Californian voters, is unconstitutional in every county. As a result, parole officers no longer could enforce residency restrictions prohibiting sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools, playgrounds or parks.

“This [was] outrageous,” said State Sen. Jim Nielsen, who served as chairman of the Board of Prison Terms and advocate of the popular Jessica’s Law. “This unilateral decision by one politician not only goes against voters’ wishes, it puts children in harm’s way.”

According to Nielsen’s statement obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police (NACOP), the decision came about during a San Diego case where four registered sex offenders petitioned the court. In the densely populated county, convicted sex offenders had a hard time finding housing. On March 2, the Democrat-run California Supreme Court agreed that the mandatory blanket residency restriction of Proposition 83, known as Jessica’s Law, is overly broad.

Although the state’s Supreme Court ruling only pertained to San Diego County, Ms. Harris “advised CDCR that applying the blanket mandatory resident restrictions of Jessica’s Law would be found to be unconstitutional in every county,” according to the GOP Senator.

“Taking this decision and applying it to every county in the state is a risky and unnecessary leap beyond what the court opined and one I believe far exceeds the AG’s authority,” Nielsen added. “State corrections officials should review each case and impose the strictest conditions warranted to ensure public safety,” said Nielsen.

Passed in November 2006 with 70 percent of the vote, Proposition 83, commonly known as Jessica’s Law, prohibits convicted sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools and parks. The law was named after Jessica Lunsford, a nine-year-old girl who was abducted from her Florida home. She was raped and murdered by a convicted sex offender who lived closed to her home.

Harris’ blanket decision resulted in a key provision of Jessica’s Law being revised by her office despite an anti-sex offender law that a majority of Californians supported in a statewide referendum, Sen. Nielsen and other officials reported.

At the time, Republican state Sen. Jim Nielsen condemned Harris’ move against sex offender registration as “outrageous.”

“This unilateral decision by one politician not only goes against voters’ wishes, it puts children in harm’s way,” Nielsen said.

“Taking this decision and applying it to every county in the state is a risky and unnecessary leap beyond what the court opined and one I believe far exceeds the AG’s authority,” he complained.

“State corrections officials should review each case and impose the strictest conditions warranted to ensure public safety,” Nielsen added. He was joined by former State Sen. George Runner who is one of the sponsors of Jessica’s Law ballot initiative.

“The head law enforcement officer in California was more concerned about protecting the rights of sex offenders than she was of parents and children,” Runner said.

This is far from the only example of Harris letting sex offenders off the hook.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

The Big Lie Regarding the California Fires

Dr. John Ure

Here we go again. As if it were not enough that 82 people died, 17 injured and 82k displaced in 2018 Paradise, California. I guess because the sheeple did not catch on to what was happening they thought they could pull it off again.

When I happened to catch the footage on mainstream lying media, by chance, of the fires currently burning in California, I said to myself, it looks like directed energy weapons once again. I saw a tree burning on the inside and the color of the flames of the fires was a bright orange.

In 2018 there were similar fires in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Greece. The purpose of the fires seems to be not only reduction of the population but acquisition of land. In California the route of a planned rail line just happened to be in the area of the fires.

I have tried and tried to find people awake concerning the current fires but I can find little written or in video format. What I did find was a fire chief that stated that wooden poles only burned where there was metal or wire attached.

When one looks at a conventional fire there will be black smoke and after the fire is over there will be charred material around such as wood and other building materials. Not with these fires. They burn with a white gray smoke and everything is obliterated. I am telling you there is very little recognizable in the houses that have been destroyed. Even the commodes made of porcelain are pulverized. The cars have become so hot that the aluminum wheels have completely melted into a puddle on the pavement.

In viewing videos of the current fire of cars on the highway that were burned, I was amazed to see that there was no pattern of the burn and the cars were randomly burned while others were not burned at all.

Also it is amazing to see lawns that are not burned and trees alongside houses that are still intact and not burned. One should note that plastic trashcans and mailboxes were not burned which does not make sense.

One video I reviewed had about 3/4 of the house totally gone and the remainder looked as though nothing had happened. Another video pictured a business out in the middle of a parking lot totally destroyed. Obviously there were no trees or vegetation to catch the building on fire.

I am not advocating that there were not forests that were on fire, it is just not what destroyed many of the homes and people. I am convinced that what we are seeing is the result of a directed energy weapon such as a laser. There are numerous videos that show beams of bright blue light coming down in a bright flash.

Also it appears that a number of individuals are setting the fires. One video shows the police coming upon an individual who said he just came upon the fire. A lady officer said “didn’t I just see you at that other fire.”

He want on to say that he had lost his camera and was looking for it. He then related that he found $100.00 in a Walmart parking lot and turned it in and was rewarded $50.00. He also mentioned he was drinking Gatorade.

Could that have been some code to get him off the hook? He should have been arrested but was let go.

It is my opinion that an arsonist caught in the act of setting fire should be shot on sight. Perhaps this would give them something to think about before going about their nefarious business.

It was reported that there was an increased amount of chemtrail spraying just before the fires broke out. This would explain why the fires were orange hot because the aluminum on the ground and buildings will act as an accelerant. Smart meters may be involved, but I have not seen satisfactory evidence to say it is positively true.

Reading comments on the fires, one lady that had been in the military stated that the burned out cars looked just like those she had seen in Iraq. Could it be that the same type of device is being used?

I know that laser devices have been mounted on land vehicles, and they have been placed in aircraft. What I am not sure about is whether they have been placed in space. The star wars program of the Regan era was supposed to have had similar devices but it is very classified.

In conclusion masses of people are leaving California. It was stated that you could not turn the corner of a street without seeing a moving van and they are not just moving a few miles away. They are leaving the state. It was reported at one time that there were between 500 to 600 separate fires. I then came across a figure of 22,000. All I can say is that it looks like the entire Western half of the US is on fire.

Deborah Tevaras is reporting on the fires as is Richie From Boston. Otherwise the other reports have nothing to relate to directed energy weapons.

I have so much sympathy for those that have lost their homes and loved ones. Also for the firefighters that are risking their lives for others. It makes me sad when I tell people about it and they have an I don’t care attitude.

Wake up people!!!!! You could be next.

© 2020 John Ure – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dr. John Ure: downtoearthmedicine@gmail.com

Website: DownToEarthMedicine.org

Make Unborn Babies Great Again

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump said on Monday that he would nominate a justice with “high moral values.” That means someone who believes in the humanity of the innocent unborn. That means someone who is the exact opposite of Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the fundamental issue of our time.

There was a time when slavery was the moral issue of our time. The U.S. fought a civil war over ending slavery, even though the Marxist Black Lives Matter is trying to keep a racial civil war going for partisan political purposes.  But BLM has moved on, too. This Marxist group wants to destroy the nuclear family, a process that accelerated with Roe v. Wade in 1973 and was upheld by Ginsburg on several occasions. That decision has left 60 million dead. This is a form of slavery that has made unborn babies into the property of others, subject to whims about when and if they live, or die.

“Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves,” President Ronald Reagan said. “Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide.”

“While we did not agree with many of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s views about the Constitution or the judicial function, we never doubted her industry, dedication, gumption, civility, or patriotism,” said the “conservative” editors of National Review. But it wasn’t patriotic to favor slavery and it is not patriotic to favor the genocide of the unborn.

Being a woman with children and grandchildren, Ginsburg had a special responsibility to recognize and uplift the function of motherhood. Instead, she presided over the buildup of the machinery of death, otherwise known as the abortion industry. The financial power of this industry is what drives the modern Democratic Party and the opposition to Trump.

Stephan Richter, Editor-in-Chief of the Globalist, quoted Ginsburg as saying, “My heritage as a Jew and my occupation as a judge fit together symmetrically. The demand for justice runs through the entirety of Jewish history and Jewish tradition.” He commented, “No single Jew in the US in recent decades spoke so eloquently — and did so much to promote equality for all Americans as she did.”

She didn’t believe in equal rights under the law for the innocent unborn.

She was so pro-abortion that even during her confirmation hearings she refused to recognize the humanity of the unborn. For that reason, Senator Jesse Helms called her “callous.” But he was one of only three Senators to vote against her.

Since that time, 30 million innocent babies – out of that total of 60 million – have died, some through partial birth abortion. In this procedure, the skull is crushed or a vacuum issued to remove and empty the brain. Millionaire abortionist doctor Kermit Gosnell, who was subsequently convicted on murder charges and sentenced to life in prison, would slit the spinal cords of babies he deliberately aborted and kill them outside the womb.

Ginsburg was an example to young women, and a very bad example. She established a legal career that brought fame and fortune to herself but led women to believe that they had property rights over the unborn babies within them, and that they alone could decide their fate.

Now we face the prospect of some Republican Senators, in particular Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, opposing a quick vote on Ginsburg’s successor. This is what happens when women are conditioned to believe that unborn human beings are to be sacrificed on the demonic altar of abortion on demand. We can only hope they watch Abby Johnson’s remarks at the Republican National Convention, regarding how she left Planned Parenthood and became a pro-life activist. She now runs the group, “And Then There Were None,” to get people out of the abortion business. The movie “Unplanned” tells her story.

Women in particular should be in the forefront of the motherhood movement, dedicated to the proposition that all lives matter and all lives are created equal. But the radical feminism that can be found in the writings of Ginsburg has been transformed into a cult following over a women’s so-called “right” to control her own body even when that “right” affects another body and the life of another human being. It is a sickness, reminiscent of a form of child sacrifice common during the pagan era of Moloch worship. The Democratic National Convention of 2016 actually featured a woman boasting of her abortion. The crowd cheered. This is the modern-day Cult of Moloch.

Democrats for Life took out a full-page ad in the New York Times on Sunday “challenging the party’s extreme drift on abortion.” It took the form of a letter to the Democratic National Committee signed by more than 100 current and former elected Democrats urging Joe Biden and the Party to moderate its position on abortion.

Faced with the overwhelming evidence that abortion is a crime against humanity, literally, that has cost the lives of 1 billion people, the “conservatives” at National Review publish pablum about Ginsburg’s “patriotism” and others speak of her “values.” We are told repeatedly that she was a friend of the late conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

Let’s hope Scalia tried to educate Ginsburg about what real “values” mean. He had an obligation to do so.

When the Court ruled in favor of gay marriage, he said we were experiencing a “judicial Putsch,” or secret power grab. Similar to the abortion ruling, Scalia said this was not only the creation of a “right” that does not exist, but a decision that depends on public ignorance about what is really taking place.  It is our system of checks and balances and self-rule that has been undermined, he said.

The Court has been destroying the Christian foundations of our culture. And now, with President Trump promising a nominee guided by “moral values,” the left-wing legal and media establishment is crying foul and some are worried that real progress toward equal rights under the law can truly be made.

Trump said on Monday that his nominee would “abide by the Constitution” and she should be a “good person” with “very, very high moral values.”

Trump has made some serious mistakes in his presidency, certainly in the area of personnel decisions, but it looks like he is on the right track with his forthcoming Supreme Court nominee.

People are motivated. For Christians, the yard signs and banners, “Jesus is Pro-Life,” and “Unborn Lives Matter, “are increasingly popular. Another popular slogan, borrowed from one of the president’s signature lines, is, “Make Unborn Babies Great Again.”

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Trump’s Promise to “Fill That Seat” Excites Conservatives

By Cliff Kincaid

The “conservative” who vouched for the honesty and professionalism of Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller has recommended that President Trump NOT appoint a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg before the election. Fortunately, Trump is ignoring the advice from former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

In a piece for National Review and Fox News, McCarthy called on Trump to refrain from nominating a replacement and instead use the vacancy as an issue in his campaign for president. He said “…the fact that the president has the power to name a replacement for Justice Ginsburg and that Republicans have a majority to get the nomination approved does not necessarily mean that that’s the smart play.”

McCarthy was trying to play the role of “smart” guy – smarter than Trump. It wasn’t convincing.

Trump has wisely rejected this approach, and indicates he will nominate a replacement in the next few days.

McCarthy is the writer who said Robert Mueller was a fine choice as Russia-gate prosecutor. He said, “Bob Mueller is a widely respected former prosecutor, U.S. attorney, high-ranking Justice Department official, and FBI director. He is highly regarded by both parties…He is a straight shooter, by the book, and studiously devoid of flash.”

How did that turn out? McCarthy later changed course, admitting Mueller’s probe was political and designed to destroy Trump. In fact, McCarthy wrote a book about the bad job Mueller did.

McCarthy was wrong about Mueller and he’s wrong about replacing Ginsburg. He is a weak and timid advocate for conservative values.

McCarthy wagered “that a determined Republican effort to replace Ginsburg in the coming weeks would increase the chance that Biden defeats Trump, and that Democrats take the Senate while holding the House. If that happens, Democrats will repeal the filibuster, add four to six seats to the Supreme Court, and pack it with liberal ideologues. Whatever benefit will have been achieved by confirming a Trump nominee will be overwhelmed.”

He argued that, “The best play, particularly if Republicans lack the Senate votes they need anyway, would be to use the vacancy as a core issue in the 2020 campaign.”

It’s hard to know if Republicans have the votes to confirm a replacement. They have a 53-47 margin. If they lose some Republicans, perhaps some Democrats will come over to their side.  If they fail, at least they’ve tried. If they fail, Republican voters will know that Trump tried and that he was betrayed.

But at least Trump would have tried, and this is the course he’s chosen. That means he will nominate a replacement and we will have a hearing in which the real “legacy” of abortion of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be exposed for all to see.

This is more bad advice from Andrew McCarthy, a major writer for conservative publications and a regular on Fox News. He has steered us down the wrong path before.

It appears that after he wrote this column, things changed, and it was updated. It now ends with this: “For now, President Trump is signaling (by tweet) that he intends in short order to announce a nominee to fill the vacancy left by Justice Ginsburg’s passing, and that he will push for Senate consideration. There is a good chance that he won’t get Senate consideration before the election . . . but that the nomination of a solid prospective justice, and the inevitable comparison of the kinds of jurists a Biden administration would appoint, will help the president’s reelection bid.”

So suddenly McCarthy changes from advising Trump to wait on a nomination to admitting that a replacement would “help” the president. This will have to go down as a major flip-flop in the history of policy reversals.

It was “emended,” which means to make corrections and clarifications.

What happened is that McCarthy was trying to guide the process and was completely ignored, so he changed gears.

Now we will be facing an endless series of articles about why Trump should have waited, and why his nominee may go down to defeat anyway. But by making this an issue of right to life versus the culture of death, Trump will win no matter what. It is a fight that has to take place. With more than 60 million abortions already in America since Roe v. Wade in 1973, Americas needs a “reckoning”on the matter of the meaning of life.

All lives matter. This is a real social justice issue.

The death of Ginsburg has made the sanctity of life into THE issue of the 2020 presidential campaign. Trump has wisely seized it.

Here, too, McCarthy misses the point, saying, “For all the Democrats’ hysteria about the purportedly imminent reversal of Roe v. Wade (that never happens), every time a conservative is appointed, the fact is that Republican judicial nominees are forces of stability who favor judicial restraint, enabling Americans to determine democratically how they wish to live.”

He neglects to mention that Roe v. Wade terminated the ability of the American people to decide by inserting a “right” to abortion in U.S. law and the Constitution. It’s not “judicial restraint” to keep that “right” where it does not belong. Roe v. Wade must be overturned.

In short, there is no “right” to terminate the life of another human being. Why can’t a “conservative” like McCarthy state the obvious? And if human life is in jeopardy, why wait?

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Dialogues With the Devil

By:  Devvy

I’m going to mention the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg as it’s germane to this column.  Her death has thrown the Democrat/Communist Party USA into indescribable shock, although it shouldn’t.  Ginsburg spent the last several years battling cancer and other serious health issues not to mention sleeping on the bench.  Their panic is reverberating across this country like a massive tsunami.

Her death isn’t just a shock because she died but rather because of when she went.

Our voting system, because of the usual electronic and human vote fraud is now even worse with the massive mail-in voting and ballot harvesting.  Both parties know it and both parties are preparing their legal teams for a show down with the expectation it likely will end up in the U.S. Supreme Court.  Unless, it’s such a landslide for Trump the Democrats have no choice but to accept defeat.  Which they won’t, of course, just as when Hildebeast was declared the loser.

The Bush v Gore 2000 vote count disaster was settled by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Right now,there are eight justices.  Allegedly four are conservative, the other four are liberal.  No tie-breaker on the court right now unless Roberts decides to kick it back to a district court which I doubt he’d do, although with him one never knows.

It’s being reported Ginsburg’s last words were:  “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Instead of repenting her sins and preparing for her departure from this life, that woman is only concerned with making sure Trump doesn’t fill her seat before the election.

Well, Ruthie may have screwed the pooch as they say:  Liberal America Had an Epic Meltdown Over Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death, But They Have Only One Person to Blame

“Again, it’s not very nice to say or suggest such things regarding someone who has recently died, but Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who passed away last night at the age of 87, probably screwed over Democrats by refusing to retire during the Obama administration…

“Still, “Notorious RBG” made a serious miscalculation by not retiring during the Obama years. If she had, there probably would be a much younger jurist holding the line for the liberal wing of the Supreme Court right now. No hassle. Alas, that didn’t happen, and for all these liberals who are going ballistic—this battle was really RBG’s choosing. I think she, like many, thought Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election.

“She would then ride off into the sunset and that would be it. Instead, Trump won in arguably the biggest political upset of all time, certainly within the last generation, and she got stuck. It’s an unpopular opinion among liberal circles for sure, maybe more agree but keep it to themselves.”

There is a time table involved with getting a candidate declared winner.  No doubt the Democrats will try every dirty trick in the book to drag out a recount with the goal being Trump is not declared the winner in time.

Republicans are going to try and push through a nominee before the election.  Considering the disgusting political dog shows we’ve seen over nominees in past decades it will be ugly.  Democrats know this is their Waterloo and they will fight to the death.

The GOP Senate Damn Well Better Confirm Whoever POTUS Appoints

SCOTUS battle prompts threats, calls for arson: ‘Burn Congress down’ – ‘If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f—–g thing down.’ All those people sending threats need to get a visit from the Secret Service.

Michael Moore Urges Pelosi to Shut Down Government to Block GOP from Filling Ginsburg’s Seat

Pelosi on Using Impeachment to Stop SCOTUS Nomination: ‘We Have Arrows in Our Quiver‘ And, she’s got bats in her belfry.  Miss Nancy needs to read the Constitution, Art. II, Section 2, Clause 2:  “He [president] shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court.

Throw their hypocrisy right back in their faces:

Here’s What RBG Said About Filling a SCOTUS Vacancy in an Election Year

“When a similar scenario occurred four years ago, following the death of Antonin Scalia, the Republican-controlled Senate blocked Barack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. It was a controversial move, and Ginsburg had something to say about it:  Ginsburg publicly called on the Senate to go through with the nomination.

“That’s their job,” she said in July 2016. “There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the President stops being President in his last year.”

“Eight is not a good number for a collegial body that sometimes disagrees,” Ginsburg said on the issue a few months later during an event at the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington.Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who was with her, agreed. “I think we hope there will be nine as quickly as possible.”

Barack Obama, Joe Biden perform total 180 on filling Supreme Court vacancy in election year

“What did Biden say in 2016? “In response to Republicans who vowed to not consider Obama’s nominee — Appellate Judge Merrick Garland — Biden said it is acceptable to move forward with Supreme Court hearings even just months before an election.

“What did Obama say in 2016?  “Obama stated plainly that the Constitution requires the Senate to consider Supreme Court nominees, declaring that no rule exists stating that such consideration may only happen in non-election years.

“When there is a vacancy on the Supreme Court, the president is to nominate someone, the Senate is to consider that nomination, and either they disapprove of that nominee or that nominee is elevated to the Supreme Court,” Obama said in February 2016, just days after Scalia’s death.

“Historically, this has not been viewed as a question,” he continued. “There’s no unwritten law that says that it can only be done on off-years. That’s not in the constitutional text.”

Hillary Clinton: Quickly filling RBG’s seat would be ‘monument to hypocrisy,’ ‘greatest travesty’

Biden in 2016: SCOTUS confirmation can happen ‘a few months before a presidential election’ if Senate is involved in pick

Not just Democrats but RINOs in the Senate need to be shouted at as they say they won’t vote for a nominee until after the election.  Call and tell those parasites:  Confirm and stop playing your damn games with our country’s future. Melt their phone lines and pass the word. 

The four bottom feeders who could stop confirmation are:  sore loser, Mitt Romney [Utah], District office:  (801) 524-4380;  wretched witch, Susan Collins [Maine], District office:  (207) 622-8414);  brain dead, Lisa Murkowski [Alaska], District office number: (907) 271-3735 and long past his sell date, Chuck Grassley [Iowa] who has also stated he will not vote for a nominee in 2020, District office: (515) 288-1145. Those four RINO’s ARE the make or break.

Ted Cruz Offers a Solid Reason for Filling Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Vacancy Now – “So, can it be done? Well, the late Justice John Paul Stevens’ Supreme Court nomination lasted all of 19 days. Sandra Day O’Connor’s lasted 33 days. So, there is precedent, but a deep dive into our history goes even further to support the move for McConnell, Trump, and the GOP to fill this vacancy as soon as possible.”

Many times, I have written about one of the most prolific writers of the 20th Century, Taylor Caldwell.  Just a short back story so people know a little about that remarkable woman.  Caldwell wrote books of fiction (Late 1930’s – 1985 before she died) and used them to warn the American people about the architects of the global ‘new world order’. Thirty-three books;not all of them contained her warnings.  Great Lion of God about St. Paul and Dear and Glorious Physician about St. Luke are superb but they don’t deal with the destroyers of ‘modern times’.

Indeed, she did and most of her books were on the NY Times best seller lists for 7, 8 months to years.  They are that good.  Caldwell reached millions with the truth woven into her stories; she planted the seeds. She warned about the Council on Foreign Studies; of course, she was referring to the Council on Foreign Relations formed in 1921.  At the end of her epic work, Captains and Kings published in 1972, is a Bibliography listing these references – a short list:

A Primer on Money – Subcommittee on Domestic Finance, Committee on Banking & Currency – She consistently hits on the “Federal” Reserve in most of her books.  Former Congressman Louis T. McFadden – On the Federal Reserve Corporation, remarks in Congress, former Congressman Wright Patman, Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Cleon Skousen – The Naked Capitalist, Report from Iron Mountain.

She wrote about mankind, human nature, greed, hatred, jealousy.  Several of her biggest sellers are about family dynasty’s who made their massive wealth from the rails, oil, lumber to selling war and munitions.  I believe Americans think the term ‘social justice’ only came about in the last decade after the Trayvon Martin shooting.

In her earlier works (1938 forward) she wrote about “social justice” and other catch phrases used by the Communist Party International.  She warned about creeping communism and how it’s wrapped up in pretty bows and sold to the American people as the fight for worker’s rights.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  How Americans were being deceived even way back then.  This was many, many decades before Trayvon Martin.

Caldwell isn’t the only author to use her powerful reading base to educate Americans.  Iris Johansen is another.  In her fictional book, Body of Lies published in 2002, she called what I call the Unseen Hand or more popular today, the Deep State, Johansen used The Cabal because it is international in treachery and treason.

Almost every one of Johansen’s dozens of books are NY times Best Sellers for months.  Caldwell reached several generations; Johansen reaches all those new generations.  Mind you, these are works of fiction.  I know Caldwell knew the truth.  I have no idea about Ms. Johansen’s personal beliefs regarding the Masters of the Game but she did not have to include what is ridiculed by “the establishment” in that book to make the story work. From Body of Lies, pages 144 –146 :

“What’s The Cabal?”

“It’s a secret society that’s been in existence since the early 1900s.”

“Secret Society?” Galen said, “Be for Real.”

“I couldn’t be more serious.”

“And the society is named The Cabal?  For God’s sake, that means secret society.  They must be seriously lacking in imagination.”

“They’re called that because their members are drawn from the top echelon of other organizations.  And they think of themselves as the ultimate secret society.” Galen snorted.

“That was my reaction until I did my homework.  There are hundreds of secret societies around the world, and the U.S. has taken them to its heart.  The Freemasons, the Odd Fellows, Skull and Bones.  I know. They all sound a little ludicrous unless you study the membership lists…

“But there are also members in positions of power in the CIA and on Wall Street and practically every level of the business world.  It’s not only Skull and Bones.  The Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations have always been influential.  The Bilderberg Group is supposed to be so powerful it can influence worldwide politics itself.  Margaret Thatcher’s career took off like a rocket after she attended a Bilderberg meeting.  The same thing happened to Tony Blair after he was invited to a meeting in Vouliagmeni, Greece.  In 1991, David Rockefeller invited Arkansas governor Bill Clinton to a meeting in Baden-Baden, Germany.”

Dialogues with the Devil in my opinion is Caldwell’s most important novel. Not only is it unique, it explains a lot that mirrors what we’re seeing today.  Actually, the last few decades.  A growing percentage of our population so filed with hate – especially against Donald Trump and those who voted for him and will do so again.  We deplorables.

Maine cops hunt woman leaving dog poop in Trump supporters’ mailboxes;ANGRY LEFTIST Smacks 84-Year-Old Female Trump Supporter Across the Face at Trump Rally in Aliso Viejo — Beats Another Senior (VIDEO); Angry Liberal Caught on Video Telling US Veteran in MAGA Mask He Should Have Died in Afghanistan (VIDEO);

Portland Woman to Reporter on Murdered Trump Supporter: “Tough Luck. Don’t Be a F**king Trump Supporter in Portland” (VIDEO)College professor is suspended for saying she hopes ‘Trump supporters catch COVID-19 and die before the election’ during a virtual class in West Virginia

It’s not just the political swamp, it’s everywhere you look. The self-proclaimed Marxist, communist organization called Bolshevik Lies Movement and the very violent ANTIFA useful fools.  Watch: Triggered Woman Repeatedly Screams ‘F**cking Racist Dirty C**t’ at BLM Philly Protest“Hail Satan”:  After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft ExposedEvidence Mounts That BLM Works With Demons

The academic world spewing their hate.  Americans hate you because your opinion differs from theirs – any excuse they can think of to hate.  The America I grew up in was not filled with such hate – except during the civil rights movement back in the 60s.  The ugliness and hate which rolled across the south made one sick to their soul.

But why, why the hate?

Dialogues with Devil-A Novel, 216 pages was published in 1967.  I am not one to go on that we are in the last days as only God knows His plan for mankind – you’ll understand why I say that if you read the book.  What makes that book so important, I feel, is it answers the questions so many Americans have today about the spiritual earthquake that’s rocked this country for decades.

Why does man hate so much?  Because he/she hate themselves.  They hate for what they are not; they are not worth anything in their own eyes so they let envy, greed and jealousy eat them alive.  Their days are dismal because there is nothing in their souls.  The joy of God and our Lord, Jesus Christ, doesn’t exist for them – even for many lukewarm Christians.  They hide their denial because it’s to their advantage whether work related or because of family.  Those who call themselves Christians – in particular Catholics – who vote for candidates and incumbents who support murdering the unborn listen to Lucifer, not God.

Pew: 77 Percent of Catholic Democrats Support Legal Abortion – You cannot be Catholic if you support killing the unborn.  Period.

Dialogues with the Devil is not about abortion, it’s is about mankind. The gift God gave to mankind which separates us from the beasts and resisting temptation.  Mankind  has been seduced by the siren song of Satan in greater numbers today than ever in the history of mankind.  The entire novel is an exchange of letters between Archangel Lucifer and Archangel Michael.

Pg 37, Lucifer, who hated that God created mankind, responding to a letter from Archangel Michael.  A man who went to Hell believes it’s nothing but a bad dream.  Lucifer sets him straight.

“But lately I asked of a newly descended soul which had much acclaim on Terra: “What was your greatest desire on your world, you who were applauded by rulers and admired by your fellowmen?”

He replied, “Justice for all,” and put on a very righteous expression. That was admirable, for who does not admire justice, even I?  But I probed him.  He declared that in his earthly view all men deserved what all other men possessed, whether worthy or not. “They are men, so they are equal, and being born they have a right to the fruits of the world, no matter the condition of their birth or the content of their minds, or their capacities.”

“I conducted him through the pleasures of my hell, and he was delighted that no soul was lesser in riches than another, and that every soul had access to my banquets and my palaces, no soul was distinguishable from another, none possessed what another did not possess.  Every desire was immediately gratified, he discovered.  He smiled about him joyfully.  He said, “Here, justice is attained!”

“Then he saw that no face was joyful, however mean or lofty its features…But, as there is no challenge in hell, and no mystery, there can be no philosophy.  That night he came to me on his knees and begged for death.  I struck him with my foot, and said, “O man, this was the hell you made and this was the desire of your heart, so eat, drink and be merry.”

“He attempted to hang himself, in the manner of Judas, and I laughed at his futility.  I meditated that above all futility is the climate of hell.  He said to me in tears, “Then, if you are, then God exists.”…

“I replied to him, “But did you not deny Him on Terra?  Did you not speak of supra man, and man-becoming and the ultimate glorification of man on earth, without God?”

“I did not see God among men,” he said, wringing his hands.  “You did not look,” I said.  “You were too dull in your human arrogance and too enamored of humanity.  You never denounced your fellows for their lusts and their cruelties.  You told them they were only ‘victims.’  You refused to look upon their nature, for you denied the infinite variety and capacities of nature.  To you, one man was as good as any other man, and equally endowed, for the foolish reason that he had been born.  You saw no saints and no sinners.  It was only a matter of environment, though the proof was all about you that environment is a mere shading or tint on the soul, and is not destiny.

“You denied that men have gifts of the spirit, often above those of other men.  In truth, you denigrated those gifts of striving and wonder.  You denied free will.  Everything evil that happened to a man was only the result of his fellow men’s lack of justice.  You denied the reality of good and evil, the ability to make a choice.  In short, you denied life, itself.”

“Then God in truth does exist?” he asked, after a moment’s miserable thought.  “That you will never know,” I said.”

Pages 141 – 142, Archangel Michael’s letter in response to Lucifer’s last one: “But the needs of their souls are boundless, and only Our Father can satisfy them.   There is no necessity for ornament, for gold, for large possessions, for downy beds, for treasure.  These never content, and those who demand them for all of mankind are fools.  They have degraded their brothers to the levels of mindless beasts who want only to fill their bellies and oil their skins and satisfy their animal desires.

“But man, though soothed with the sweet words of the wicked, instinctively rebels against this degradation.  He will eat the unearned bread which is given him, and sleep in the soft bed for which he has not worked, and he will cavort in the stupid, mean little pleasures offered him – but a vast uneasiness grows in the silent places of his spirit, and he says to himself, “Is this all the world holds for me?”  Invariably, he has asked, and will again ask, that question and Our Father waits patiently for the asking.

“The young of Terra, are, this very hour, asking that desperate question, and are wondering why they were ever born, and to what purpose.  They call this wonder “the search for identity.”… Man’s questions invoke God’s answer, and it is always forthcoming.  Empty days of happy irresponsibility – which the evil consider a very heaven for mankind – lead to the query: “But must I then die, when I have not really lived?  What is this that trembles so hungrily in me, that I am not content?”

Page 145, Archangel Michael in response to Lucifer’s last letter: “You have raised up an anthropomorphic-centered philosophy called “Humanism,” which has declared that man is god, that man’s works are of everlasting importance on the planet, that he, himself, is his own saviour.

“This feeds his pride, especially if he is humble.  But inevitably what he sees with his own eyes refutes Humanism:  disease, age, death – the inexorable result of the scanty years of living.  Especially death.  No matter how long physicians labor to increase the span of life of man, the day arrives when he must confront the nothingness of Humanism, the grave of endless silence and darkness.  Does he rejoice, in that hour, that “man is all”?  I have seen among the blessed, and you have seen among your damned, that man knows in his heart that man, as simply man – no matter how wise, successful, and honored in his lifetime – is nothing.  There is no consolation at the hour of death for those who have been denied a more dignified destiny in eternity.

“The purse of Humanism is very pretty on its surface, but there is no gold within it.  It is flat with intrinsic emptiness.  It contains no coin to buy peace at the end of life.  It contains no key to anywhere.  It is gaudy cloth and ravels in the hand which seized it.

“You have spread confusion among even the faithful lately, so that multitudes now question if the Christ ever was born, lived was crucified and then rose from the dead.  And ranks of the stupid – who call themselves wise! – are even declaring that certainly, they accept Christ – but not the Father Who sent Him and that His Resurrection is only Symbolic.  What a dinner of husks you have offered to replace the life-giving Bread!” (End of excerpts.)

Millions of Americans have been seduced by Lucifer as easily as a seductress lures the weak.  Academia, highly intelligent men and women of industry, law and commerce to the ‘common man’.  In exchange for riches or a bastardization of “equality” they have traded eternity filled with love to one filled with nothingness.

Oh, make no mistake, I am a true capitalist at heart.  It’s not the love of money that is evil but what one does with the money.  Think George Soros.  Pastors, priests, bishops, ministers and deacons have betrayed their flocks to keep their tax- exempt status instead of reinforcing that God hates sin.  Heck, many just skip ‘religion’ and have feel-good, self-help sessions in their mega churches on Sunday and sin on Monday.

Think God is pleased with those ‘men (or women) of the cloth’ who teach sin is just fine and God loves you just the way you are?  Murdering the unborn and promoting the choice by males and females to engage in deviancy will bring God’s wrath.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was one of Lucifer’s most prominent influencers with her defending abortion, sexual deviants and presiding over the “marriage” of same sex deviants.  How can I say such a thing?  I just did because it is truth.

God gifted his children with free will.  Instead of living by His Commandments, His children (not just here in the US) have instead chosen to break so many of them.  Thou shalt not kill, steal, bare false witness.  Looting, rioting, killing.  Empty, dead souls who are enjoying themselves now but their hate will eat them alive in the here and now and after death.

His children have traded decency and virtue for licentious “lifestyles” that spit in His face.  The seeds planted by Lucifer; they have bitten into the apple poisoned by Satan.

Millions of His children have been seduced into believing they are more powerful than their Creator.  That they can become a god themselves. That there is no God, only government can see to their needs.  “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  Defy God with your craven images and worship of Lucifer but God’s wrath upon your soul will make the fires of Hell seem like winter.

How they laugh at us but in the end, it will be Lucifer who laughs last.  Lucifer who hates you and baits you into believing his lies.  Lucifer who whispers hate disguised as sweet nothings on gossamer wings.  He is not the one who chooses sin, he only presents sin as a scrumptious feast.

Lucifer who has been collecting souls for thousands of years has stepped up his game over the last few decades.  Sadly, too many who believe his lies can’t wait to devour the exquisite, earthy pleasures he teases with while luring you into believing socialism and communist are good. That sin is good and that God is nothing more than a fairy tale or mythological figure.

Man’s behavior and rejection of God and Jesus Christ and the predictable result – which we are seeing all across this country today – is masterfully presented in Dialogues with the Devil – A Novel.  Amazon carries it in paperback as well as Kindle and hard copy.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  My 9.19.2020 commentary:  FDA, COVID-19 vaccine & Sean Hannity.  I do them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

What’s The Worst That Can Happen With A Biden Presidency?

By Frosty Wooldridge

The oncoming presidential election portends a return to our Constitution and the ‘rule of law’ or support for Black Lives Matter, Antifa and continued burning and looting of cities across the country.

I spoke with my long-time friend, journalist Fred Elbel in Denver, Colorado.  He provided me with a critical understanding as to how impactful November 3, 2020 will be on the future of America.  We’ve got a choice between one brash president versus a man suffering from onset dementia and four decades in politics without any positive credits for having accomplished anything.  Why the democratic party voted him to represent them in this presidential election may be the most mysterious moment in American history.  He’s physically frail in that he falls asleep during interviews, ancient at 78, and cannot finish a sentence other than…“You know what I mean….”

If he wins, it wouldn’t be a “Biden Administration” but it would be a “Harris Administration” because Joe Biden may not live out four more years.  Most expect him to be incapacitated in office while being totally incompetent to serve as president of the United States.

Mr. Elbel, why do you think this election will change the course of history for America if Biden steps into the White House?

“This election isn’t simply a contest between Trump and Harris-Biden,” said Elbel. “Nor is it simply a contest between the Democrat and Republican parties. It’s deeper than that. This election is a turning point for America. We will decide whether we will continue as a Constitutional Republic or move dramatically toward socialism. [and open borders for endless immigration]

“If Trump wins, he will continue to nominate Constitutional conservatives to the Supreme Court. He will continue to make America great again and improve economic conditions for working Americans. With a Democrat win, it will be increasingly obvious that Americans are subservient to the state, not the converse.

“Ideally, with a Democrat win, we would return to the Kennedy years – to the golden age of Camelot. But we don’t live in an ideal world. The Democrat party is no longer your parents’ Democratic party. It has been co-opted by radicals with an overtly socialist agenda.

What’s the worst that could happen?

“James Kirkpatrick presents several possibilities in the September 15, 2020 V-Dare article, “Dems Planning To Enslave White America If Trump Loses,” said Elbel.  “I hadn’t expected to see a heading like that for another 20 years when White Americans become a minority in the country that their ancestors founded. But with the escalation of racial conflict and divisive identity politics, things have changed over the course of months.”

Here are possibilities as listed in the article:

Elbel continued, “I would add the virtual abolishment of the Second Amendment. The fact that millions of Americans own firearms will not matter.”

“Any or all of these possibilities could occur, alone or more likely in combination. For example, a Democrat-controlled Senate could abolish the filibuster, then pack the Supreme Court with liberal, non-Constitutionalist justices – which ironically would be allowed under the Constitution.”

Ben Stein brought up another important concern in his September 18, 2020 American Spectator article, Democrats Loathe Our Constitution:

The Democrats no longer respect the Constitution. I can tell this because the Founders said that only a self-restrained, God-fearing people could possibly live under this Constitution. It assumed enough self-discipline among its citizens that they would be self-governing, not ruled by mob or monarch, but ruled with regard for the higher opinion of mankind and of each other to manage an immense continent without being a police state…

The “crushing sense of dread” that my wife and I have felt all day is that the Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schiff/Black Lives Matter administration will tolerate, even applaud, such violence in the streets and neighborhoods of America that they will say they have to create a police state to run the country. Moreover, the violence will be so terrifying, and the leaders/instigators of the violence will be so terrifying that the Biden/Harris/BLM “team” will appoint the BLM leaders and their most insane white adherents to police America…

This is how Bolshevism came to Russia and how National Socialism came to Germany. And now it’s headed to us….

Rush Limbaugh has expressed similar concerns: If Trojan Horse Biden Wins, Marxists Will Rule America Unopposed, September 16, 2020. The entire article is worth reading. Here are a few excerpts:

I think if the Democrats win this election, you can say good-bye to an active and viable two-party system in this country…

I think if the Democrats win, then it’s hello one-party rule, and it is one-party rule of a bunch of Marxists and Leninists and uber-left wing radicals who are not interested in a two-party system. They don’t believe in opposition. There is no legitimate opposition….

I really think this is the future if we lose. I don’t think there’s any question about it. What they’re gonna do, for example, is pack the Supreme Court. They will create states out of Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. That will give them four Democrat senators in perpetuity. We will never win the Senate back. Take a look at California, take a look at New York, and that’s what they want to become of the rest of the country. And that’s what’s at stake in this election….

The American people are being defrauded. They’re being lied to daily over the kind of government the Democrats are gonna have, over the kind of administration the Biden administration will be.

“Americans have much to seriously consider before casting their votes this November,” said Elbel.

The pertinent questions?  Do you want to double legal immigration to 2 million annually into America? Do you want all 20 to 25 million illegal alien migrants to gain citizenship in America?  Do you want to pay for their EBT cards, Section 8 Housing, medical care, childcare and unemployment pay?  Do you want another 100 million immigrants imported into America by 2050 as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau?  Do you want American culture to survive or another 100 different cultures to saturate the American landscape?  Do you realize that a vote for “Biden-Harris” will inundate America with socialism, immigration, BLM, Antifa and continue lawlessness?

For Fred Elbel’s full report, please visit:   What’s the worst that could happen?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Rosh HaShanah and the Days of Awe Lead to the Time of Judgment

Ms. Smallback

We’re living in historic times nationally, politically, and especially spiritually. To borrow from Dickens:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”

…and depending on where one hangs his hat, is the identifier of which extreme one is sitting under. For me, it is the best of times, the age of wisdom, the epoch of belief, the season of light, the spring of hope. For me, I am so grateful I was born in this age. For all of the bad, the good is that much better.

At sunset Friday, the High Holy Day of Rosh HaShanah commenced.  Rosh HaShanah is the festival God ordained for the first day of the seventh month of Tishri.  It’s commonly referred to as the Feast of Trumpets, and carries weighty themes like the coronation of the King, the celebration of the Creation, and the call to repentance.

This year’s seems especially poignant, especially profound to me.

Rosh HaShanah’s theme of the shofar blast to awaken those in spiritual slumber to prepare for the coming judgment (at Yom Kippur), compels those with attentive ears and honest faith to prepare in the following ten days of repentance (Ten Days of Awe).  This is the season we are in exactly now.

I’ve been poring through some economic analysts and some prophetic insights, and the voices I’ve been listening to have some clearly overlapping themes for Rosh HaShanah and current events right now.  Here is my take on common threads from some of the analyses and how they overlap with Rosh HaShanah.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….”

We have some hard times coming economically, nationally, spiritually, politically and socially.

Bo Polny, Jim Sinclair, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Craig Hemke and some others project hyperinflation, stock market crash(es), and the fall of the dollar – basically an economic reset.  Polny accurately predicted the crash of April 21 when oil went negative.  He called that crash the foreshadowing of what’s to come, and projected another significant crash in late spring 2021.

Hemke pointed out that the Fed keeping interest rates at 0% through 2022 but letting inflation continue to rise will bring on the perfect storm for hyperinflation, the demise of the dollar, and the radical increase of metals and crypto currency.

All of the economic analysts I’ve listened to see hyperinflation and the value of gold and silver (all metals really) making stiff climbs up, possibly not to return.  They see the banking system collapsing, the dollar becoming worthless, and a hard reset in the near future with quite possibly and probably a new currency.  Sinclair and Austin-Fitts see the commerce and mercantile businesses being completely restructured.  Retail, entertainment and restaurant industries will be shaken down to a fraction of what they were.  Sinclair believes our economy will be rebuilt through infrastructure and construction.

Economic hardships and resets are going to be the worst of times for many, many people.  But it will be the best of times for those who have prepared.  Those who have sought the face of the Lord and His wisdom, who have listened to the counsel of His servants, many of those will have positioned themselves to withstand and even prosper in the days of economic judgments.

“It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness…”

Mario Murillo worded what’s coming like this:  “The rude awakening precedes the great awakening.”  He sees a coming judgment for pastors, politicians, celebrities and influence-makers.  He said the judgment is going to be surgical.  Exactly what God is judging will be cut out and brought into the open, as opposed to generic or general judgments.

Rosh HaShanah is a call to repentance, and ten days after Rosh HaShanah is the Day of Atonement:  Yom Kippur.  That’s when the judgment falls. (Yom Kippur starts on Sunday, September 27, 2020.) Word in the spiritual realm is the curtain on the dirty deeds is being pulled back this fall.  Although I think some of it has already been happening, it seems that whatever is unlocked on Rosh HaShanah and over these ten Days of Awe is going to be unstoppable after Yom Kippur.

Things that have been hidden are going to be exposed.  Murillo explained it as God Himself has provoked the darkness and brought the extremes we’re seeing to the forefront on purpose, and that purpose is EXPOSURE.  Extreme images we’ve seen and heard about of violent protests, arson-induced fires, child trafficking and pedophilia rings, occult rituals of the blackest deeds, set on a backdrop of martyred whistle blowers, unjustly imprisoned truth tellers, sacrificial men and women in homes and career fields are to expose and illuminate the manifest deeds of evil versus righteousness.

Dr. Clarice Fluitt said these judgments are part of the plowing for the upcoming harvest.  She explained that God is plowing up the soil of human souls.  Plowing turns the dirt over and exposes the hidden things under the soil, bringing them to the surface. Those things exposed are going to be judged.

For those who take their walk with Christ seriously, judgment can be altogether avoided.  Repenting of areas of sin, apathy, luke-warmness, gluttony, etc. and placing myself under the Blood covering of Christ will avert painful judgments.  We can seize this season of repentance to refresh our faith and renew our convictions.  We can humble ourselves in the presence of the Lord (James 4:10), that He may exalt us.

“It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…”

There is a growing glaring distinction in this world between those who believe God and those who do not.  The rise of unbelief is one thing, but we now have a gross increase of mockery to God and the things of God.  Culture and society are parading their anti-God beliefs and attitudes with an angry vengeance against what we know to be Holy.

We’re nearing the harvest time, and the closer we get to the harvest, the more obvious the wheat is next to the tares.  The sins and corruption being exposed are going to reveal the character of many churches, church leaders and church-goers as well.  There is plenty of disbelief among those with a Christian label.

Yet we can still choose to repent of our unbelief and walk in faith where we shirked it before.  We can take up the Cross of discipleship and be the ambassadors for Christ in a society and culture that has not found Him.  We only need to change our minds, repent.  And this is the season of repentance.  So let us repent and seek Him so that we may be partakers of His glory that is to be revealed!

Today, if you would hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…

Ps 95:7-8 NASU

“It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness….”

Bo Polny believes we are in a season of plenty with a season of want on its tail.  Mario Murillo said this is a season of an amazing mixture of dread and joy.  Murillo reminds us to “buy the gold refined by the fire so that we may become rich”.  That gold is intimacy with Christ that profits us with the power of God.

Clarice Fluitt reminds us that the keys to the kingdom belong to the redeemed.  She reminds us to align our words with the Word of God that we can engage in warfare on a spiritual plane in order to bring victory in a climate of defeat.

Rosh HaShanah is the perfect opportunity for us to pause before our Creator and seek His face for the condition of our souls, our families, and our nation.  Wisdom, true wisdom, is reverence for God, especially in this age where the world neither loves nor fears Him.

“It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”

Pastor Coverstone’s dreams have depicted a winter of despair.  The political climate in America has left a tenuous covering for civility and national unity.  Should the worst of the dreams and visions come to play, America will be looking at further hardships of rioting, food shortages, inflation and economic woes, violence and injustices, etc.

Rosh HaShanah gives us time to pause and take personal inventory before the keeper of our souls.  If surgical judgment is upon us, and certainly there is cause for that, we must still our hearts and seek His wisdom and counsel.  We must align with the will of Heaven to find favor in the court of Heaven.  Being outside of Heaven’s will leaves us wanting in the halls of justice.

The Israelites were protected in the land of Goshen in the midst of the judgments of Egypt.  Egypt was the world power at the time, and had found itself the defendant in Heaven’s court.  The judgments were levied and all of Egypt’s gods and witchcraft and wealth could not stay the hand of judgment against her.  For Egypt, it was a winter of despair.  Yet the Israelites were in their spring of hope as the protection of God shielded her from the judgments and led her to the Promised Land.

That same opportunity is afforded to those who abide under the shadow of the Almighty today.

As they say on Rosh HaShanah, “May you be inscribed in the Book of Life for a sweet year.”

Additional resources for further study:

Rosh HaShanah
Dr. Clarice Fluitt word
Interview with Bo Polny (Re:  Sept. 18)
Mario Murillo word

What To Expect When Trump Wins, Part 2

By Roger Anghis

The left has no intention of losing this presidential election and are willing to open cheat to do it.  They are planning to use voter fraud to do so.  They are experts at it and have used it for years even decades to win elections.  In most cases, without it, they would never win.

Remember when Al Franken ran for the Senate in Minnesota he initially lost and then they started finding ‘uncounted’ ballots during a recount and for some reason, they were all for him,  Days after it was reported that 133 ballots were missing in the Minneapolis portion of the Minnesota Senate recount, local officials in the city said they had discovered a misplaced stack of ballots. Democratic sources in the state, meanwhile, say that this group of votes were not counted on the day of the election, meaning they will have a larger effect on the outcome of the recount.

By mid-day, Friday a spokesperson for the city, Matt Laible, said that the envelope contained about 10 absentee ballots — a small number compared to the total number of votes casts in the state, but potentially very significant. An hour or so later, Marc Elias, Franken’s lawyer, declared that with all precincts recounted the campaign’s internal numbers had them ahead by a mere four votes.

“We are moving on to the next stage of the process,” said Elias. “We are not declaring victory.”

As such, the findings of the missing absentee ballots — which Laible said would not be tallied immediately — are being cheered by Al Franken’s campaign not merely because they come from a deeply Democratic area of the city and promise to bolster the vote total of the Democratic challenger.[1]

The Democrats have mastered a procedure called ballot harvesting where workers collect ballots from voters and deliver them to be counted. A full explanation can be found here.  What this allows to happen is known republican allots will be tossed and only known democrat ballots counted.  In some states, it is easy to determine the difference.  Under the bar code, there is a number and within that number, there is a ‘D’ for the democrat ballot and an ‘R” for the Republican ballot.  Pretty simple.  Colorado went from red to blue after we went to all mail-in ballots. Gee, I wonder how that happened?  In the 2016 election, we had 10 counties that had over 100% voter turnout.  One very heavy illegal immigrant populated county had 140%.  This was challenged in the courts, but all votes were allowed to be counted.  Colorado has been called the ‘Gold Standard’ of mail-in voting when in reality it is the poster child of voter fraud.  Most articles talking about this have been scrubbed from the internet. Using publicly available voter data and comparing it to U.S. Census records reveals the ten counties having a total registration ranging between 104 to 140 percent of the respective populations.

Counties such as Gilpin and Hinsdale have 110 percent of their populations registered to vote. Gilpin County has a total population of 5,441 with 17.4% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 4,494. Currently, Gilpin County has 4909 registered voters. Hinsdale County has a total population of 830 with 20% of the population below the voting age, making the highest possible number of registered voters 664. At 110 percent registration, that means that there are 515 excess voter registrations in Gilpin county and 68 excess registrations for Hinsdale.

While these voters come and go, they manage to turn out to vote. Records show Gilpin County had 61 percent voter turnout in the 2010 election and Hinsdale County had an astounding 92 percent voter turnout. This is far above the Colorado average turnout of 48 percent, and the national average of 41 percent.

All ten counties investigated by Media Trackers reported voter turnout greater than the national average. Nine out of ten also showed voter turnout well above the Colorado average. Mineral and San Juan counties, which have voter registration numbers of 126 percent and 112 percent respectively, had a voter turnout of 96 and 83 percent respectively.[2]

This was not unique to Colorado.  We saw this all across the nation in 2016:  Some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America’s adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud.

The Election Integrity Project of Judicial Watch — a Washington-based legal-watchdog group — analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2011–2015 American Community Survey and last month’s statistics from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The latter included figures provided by 38 states. According to Judicial Watch, eleven states gave the EAC insufficient or questionable information. Pennsylvania’s legitimate numbers place it just below the over-registration threshold.

My tabulation of Judicial Watch’s state-by-state results yielded 462 counties where the registration rate exceeded 100 percent. There were 3,551,760 more people registered to vote than adult U.S. citizens who inhabit these counties.

“That’s enough over-registered voters to populate a ghost-state about the size of Connecticut,” Judicial Watch attorney Robert Popper told me.[3]

I expect nothing less from the Democrats this year.  It will probably be on steroids because another four years of Trump will mean the exposure of all the Democrats have done to the American people and will set back their New World Order push another 30 years.  Reagan did that to them in the 1980s.  I believe that this will be worse for them than that.

Mark Zuckerberg is even preparing for just this type of voter fraud.  In a recent appearance on Axios on HBO, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that his company and “and other media” should work to convince the American public there is nothing illegitimate, strange, or suspect about the results upcoming presidential election taking days or weeks to be tabulated due to mail-in voting.

In a recent appearance on Axios on HBO, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that his company and “and other media” should work to convince the American public there is nothing illegitimate, strange, or suspect about the results upcoming presidential election taking days or weeks to be tabulated due to mail-in voting.

“One of the things that I think we and other media need to start doing is preparing the American people,” said Zuckerberg, is “That there’s nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or even weeks to make sure that all the votes are counted, in fact, that may be important to be sure that this is a legitimate and fair election.”[4]  If this isn’t a preparation for overturning an election, I don’t know what is.

Trump has warned about it and Attorney General Barr has warned about it.  Biden has 600 lawyers that have filed over 150 suits to allow mail-in ballots and to challenge the results if Biden loses.[5]  This election has to be so decisive in Trump’s favor that any fight to overturn it will be futile at best.  I think it will be.  The polls show Biden leading but his lead is shrinking fast.  Keep in mind that three weeks before the 1984 election Reagan was down about 6% and he narrowly won by winning only 49 states.  The technology to cheat is much better today than it was then.  Prayer and our diligence at the voting booth are necessary for the preservation of this great nation.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/franken-scores-more-ballo_n_148750
  2. Colorado counties have more voters than people
  3. Election fraud registered voters outnumber eligible voters 462 counties
  4. Zuckerberg: election may take weeks and cause civil unrest until media creates consensus on next president
  5. Biden democrats assemble 600 lawyers to fight election chicanery

Men’s Hearts Failing Them for Fear

By Rob Pue

I’d like to start and end today’s message with the words of Jesus as found in Luke 21.  Let’s start off at verse 25, where our Lord describes what we will be seeing as His return draws near: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”

Men’s hearts failing them for fear because of all that will be coming upon the earth.  Friends, I don’t live my life in a constant state of fear, and it’s not my intention to spread fear, because as Christ-followers, we have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but rather of POWER and of love and a sound mind.  We have the Holy Spirit within us, giving us discernment and counsel.  Therefore, we’re able to have SOUND minds — we’re able to think and reason.  So as we see the world in great despair, full of delusion and with deception, lies and lawlessness everywhere, we discern the truth from the lies.  We have ears to hear and eyes to see so we need not fear.  The Holy Spirit of God helps us to understand what’s happening.  The carnal man cannot understand and many — dare I say MOST — are led astray and taken in by the enemy’s lies.  As Christians, we have an advantage, because the Spirit has revealed the truth to us.    And although the persecution of God’s people will grow worse and worse in the coming days, weeks and months, we understand we have nothing to fear from those who can merely kill our physical bodies.  Our Savior holds our souls in the palm of His hand.  So fear not!

Having said that, I do believe that in these days now, we must be ever more diligent and we must work harder than ever to disseminate the truth to those who are deceived.  Like Jesus Himself, we must work the works of our Heavenly Father while it is day, because the night is coming when no man can work.  As long as we’re in this world, we need to be the LIGHT of the world, proclaiming the truth, while exposing the lies and not being ignorant of the devil’s devices… and, of course, always being prepared to give an answer to all who ask us for the hope that we have.  I spend a great deal of time studying, researching, fact-checking and sifting through all the endless news that comes across my desk 24 hours a day.  Today I need to share with you what I know, which will include some things you may not be aware of.

Are you aware that the current “pandemic” was forecast a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation — and that a “dry run” was staged in October of last year?  On October 18, 2019,  The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum hosted “a high level pandemic exercise” in New York City called “Event 201.”  This event included CEOs of major corporations, media and communications professionals, business, finance and economic leaders, health officials, UN officials and government leaders.  Key players included New World Order Globalists and those pushing for global “population control.”  This was a SIMULATION of a world-wide pandemic, to study how such a catastrophe would impact the world economically and socially.  It was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, the Center for Disease Control, the United Nations Foundation, NBC broadcasting, the Bloomberg Foundation, and the Central Intelligence Agency — yes, the CIA.  And the TYPE of pandemic that was studied was a CORONAVIRUS.

Here’s an interesting tidbit of information:  on the “Center For Health Security” website, they specifically cite that Event 201 was supported by funding from The Open Philanthropy Project.  What’s that?  The Open Philanthropy Project is funded mainly by Dustin Moskovitz and his wife, Cari Tuna.  Who are they?  Co-founders of Facebook!  They fund groups like the “Color of Change PAC” — which advocates for credit card companies to cease processing for conservative organizations, and claims Republicans are all white supremacists.  They also fund “The Urban Institute,” a Left-wing organization advocating for lax criminal punishment and higher taxes; “The People’s Action Institute” — a supporter of left-wing agitation tactics, including intimidation, protesting and trespassing; “The Drug Policy Alliance,” which is a George Soros-funded group that promotes decriminalizing the use of heroin and other hard drugs; the ACLU (need I say more?); the “Climate Works Foundation,” a “dark money” group that funds radical environmentalist organizations world-wide;  “Move-On.org,” a liberal funding organization that credits itself with passing Obamacare.  And according to the Federal Election Commission, Moskovitz spent nearly $20 million supporting democrats in the 2016 election, while his wife gave more than $7 million to democrats.  Do any of us still have questions as to why Facebook so aggressively censors conservative and Christian speech — especially when it comes to facts regarding this so-called “pandemic?”

I think most people with at least a couple of brain cells left to rub together, understand that Dr. Fauci is a liar and a fraud.  He has close ties with the head of the World Health Organization, who is also closely tied to Chinese interests.  It was the WHO that gave Fauci the ficticious models for COVID-19, stating that more than 2 million Americans would die if we didn’t immediately lock everything down.  “Just for two weeks,” they said, “until we ‘flatten the curve.’”  And just last year, The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases — the organization Fauci led — funded scientists at the Wuhan Virology lab for research on coronaviruses…to the tune of $7.4 million.  Yes, our friend Fauci is in this up to his eyeballs, and he’s been bought and paid for by the Globalist elites.  Not the least of which is Bill Gates, who has a serious financial interest in a mandatory vaccine, a global financial reset and the implementation of a new world-wide digital currency.

The fraudulent numbers of COVID cases have been so outrageous everywhere, purposely inflated in order to keep the fiction of a “pandemic” going and to keep people living in fearful compliance, we may never really know the truth regarding the number of people infected.  But according to a new study from UCLA and Stanford University, for the average 50-64-year-old, the chances of dying of COVID are one in 19.1 million, and the chances of even contracting the virus are vastly lower than previously reported.

The average person has a one in 3,836 chance of contracting the virus — with or without wearing a mask.  The odds of needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  What’s more, 94% of COVID deaths in the US had MULTIPLE other serious health problems.  They did not die FROM COVID, they died WITH it.  Now, compare these numbers with the risk of dying in a car crash — that’s 1 in 114, by the way — and YOU TELL ME if this “pandemic” warrants social distancing, forced mandatory mask-wearing in 35 states right now, business and church closures, cancellation of “normal” medical care and doctor appointments, forced isolation of the elderly, prohibition of weddings and funerals, not to mention cancellation of summertime festivals and fairs — and of course, the utter destruction of the American economy and the US dollar.

Last month, LifeSiteNews reported that two doctors and an attorney have argued that a coronavirus vaccine should definitely be MANDATORY — with tax penalties, higher insurance rates and denial of many government and private services imposed as penalties for those refusing the shot.

Meanwhile, on September 3rd, the CDC urged governors to be prepared for the distribution of a vaccine by November 1st, two days before Election Day.  National polls show conflicting responses to a mandatory vaccine from Americans.  One study shows 3/4 of the population are eager to get vaccinated as soon as possible.  Another, released almost simultaneously, shows 3/4 of Americans plan to refuse it.  So which is true?  We’ll soon see.

But higher taxes and health insurance premiums may be just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to penalties for those who choose to reject a COVID vaccination.  In Ohio, Governor Mike DeWine is in the process of setting up a FEMA Medical Martial Law Camp — an isolation facility for those who MAY be infected or MAY have been exposed to the virus.  I suspect other states are making similar plans to forcibly remove people from their homes if they refuse to take the vaccine.

But the forced compliance and fake pandemic were only the beginning of woes regarding the planned destruction of America.  Then came the riots, as the Leftists activated their own private army of anarchists with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and others.  The name “George Soros” comes up again and again every time such plans are implemented.   There’s no question this man is guilty of treason and sedition.  Why he is still walking free is beyond me.  Bear in mind that these organizations that pose as social- and racial-justice warriors are, in fact, highly-funded and well organized efforts to brainwash the public into accepting socialism — the precurser to all-out communism — in America and worldwide.

George Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” announced August 31st that it will invest $220 million in “racial justice” organizations and leaders.  $150 million will be used to support groups like Black Lives Matter and Circle for Justice Innovations.  The foundation will pour another $70 million into efforts to “reform” policing and the criminal justice system in America.  In other words, working to defund and disband police.

But Soros is not the only one funding the anarchy and riots across America.  Black Lives Matter alone is being funded with BILLIONS of dollars, not only by our domestic and foreign enemies, but even by the major corporations in our country.  Google has donated $12 million.  Facebook and Amazon donated $10 million each.  Apple Corporation and Walmart, $100 million each, just to name a few.

And what are the goals of BLM?  According to their founders, first of all, they openly state they are trained Marxists.  The BLM website states they seek to: dismantle “cisgender privilege,” uplift “Black trans folk,” foster a queer-affirming network, and free themselves from “heteronormative thinking.”  BLM is also anti-family, stating, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages.”  (That’s code for Communism, folks).  They also seek to defund police, end federal immigration laws, retroactively decriminalize all drug and prostitution-related offenses; they seek “reparations” to be paid to those previously incarcerated for drug and prostitution charges.  They demand free healthcare and education for all black people.  The demand that public schools must purchase and use ONLY history and civics textbooks by black authors, and of course, they demand massive reparations payments to all black people.

What about ANTIFA?  This is a loosely-connected conglomeration of various groups that use harassment, violence and intimidation to combat all things patriotic, socially conservative, and especially “Christian.”  Again, they seek the dismantling of the traditional family, the defunding of police, and the destruction of national sovereignty.  Like those marching with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA members use their fists and other violent tactics including throwing projectiles, such as bricks, crowbars, home-made slingshots, metal chains, frozen water bottles and balloons filled with urine and feces.  They’ve deployed noxious gases, shot fireworks at police and set fires to commercial buildings, homes and churches.  ANTIFA members are hard to number because they’re purposely so loosely-affiliated, but most are college-age young people, although many public school teachers and college instructors have also been arrested for their violent acts during the recent riots.

Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they are actively preparing for an EMP attack to occur at any time now.  An “EMP’ is a weaponized electromagnetic pulse that enemies could set off in our upper atmosphere, resulting in the meltdown of all electronics, including those in our cars, computers, cell phones and other devices, and bringing down the power grid nationwide.  This is planned for the dead of winter, which would cause innumerable deaths.

I found it strange that in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent  high-level staffers — and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces —  to the Cheyenne Mountain bunker facility, 2000 feet underground to ensure that in the event of a sudden security crisis, including any potential nuclear mission, there would be enough healthy troops and leaders to carry out orders.

But there have been even more shocking revelations in recent days regarding what our enemies are preparing for.  In my extensive study and research, I’ve uncovered things that certainly would cause men’s hearts to fail them for fear if they understood the enormity of what is coming upon the earth, very soon now.  Unfortunately, I don’t have space in this article to share these things with you today, but I WILL share them in my next message.

Until then, please work to inform, educate and encourage others with the truth, the best you can.  Many will not receive it.  But we must try.  Begin by removing your mask, if you wear one.  Masks are not only unnecessary and unhealthy, they also help to propagate the lies and the fear that the enemy is counting on to keep us all in submission.  And you will notice something when you defy the “mask laws” — when YOU refuse the mask, it gives OTHERS the courage to do the same.  That’s also one very SIMPLE and EASY way to begin significant conversations about all these things with others.

Let me close now, as I began, in Luke 21, starting here at verse 27: “And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”   May you have the peace which passes all understanding in your heart today.  Amen.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Ancient Chinese Philosopher’s Word For Today

By Rev. Austin Miles

Chinese Philosopher Sun Tzu who wrote the classic book, The Art of War, stated firmly that to win a war, one must first “know his enemy.” This is essential before entering into conflict where defeat will slap you down unceremoniously. In his own words, Tzu wrote: “Hence the saying: If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

With the unrest exploding in the United States at this moment, it is doubtful that anybody has any idea WHO their enemy is, or who anybody is for that matter. Even though they are coming at us from every direction, charging under the title of BLM, ANTIVA, and the rest of the world, along with a host of other misfits dedicated to taking over America and changing it into their image.

Let’s get acquainted and understand who’s who. BLM stands for; Black Lives Matter. We should participate and recognize that by turning over everything we have to this bunch of thugs who feel all white people owe them because of the horrors of slavery, which took place long before this current generation or the one before it even existed.

First of all, that is a ridiculous title for any organization. Don’t they understand that we were all created by God and that ALL lives matter and that includes animals? Whenever I have the opportunity of speaking with anyone, I am absolutely in awe of that person since that person is the ONLY one of him or her (even the undecided) in the entire world or universe. That makes everyone I meet very special in my eyes.

BLM is a Communist gang founded by Patrisse Cullors, which is funded in great part by the traitor billionaire American Citizen, George Soros, who gained his first fortune by showing the Nazis where his fellow Jews stored their valuables, which included classic works of art. Soros received a huge commission for each treasure he revealed to the Nazis. And why, we must ask, why has not Soros been charged with Sedition and Treason and put in prison.

According to Christians in Defense of Israel, the founders of BLM have made no bones about being “trained Marxists” or their anti-Israel, anti-Semitic goals. But the biggest surprise shows BLM’S “spiritual practices.” Yep, they have a religion, and are attempting to start a major race war. This columnist warned about this several years ago but the people did nothing to stop it.

Less than one hour’s drive from the Jewish neighborhood of Riverside, BLM recently wreaked havoc on Jewish families. According to Mat Staver of Christians in Defense of Israel, the zombies openly declared their association was with the occult. L.A. BLM leader Melina Abdullah told a crowd of nearly 100,000 in L.A. the following: “Our power comes not only from the people who are here, but from the spirits that we cannot see. When we invoke their names we invoke their presence.” So that’s how they do it.

An out and out race war is exactly what the Communists desire, knowing this would weaken the world, making it easier for a full Communist take-over. Then, nobody will be happy.

Stirring the pot, the blacks declare that everyone is suspicious of them so they do not have a chance to succeed. Now they are demanding ‘reparations’ for payment to cover the white man’s suspicion of them and their mistreatment during slavery, which took place decades ago.

Here is a BLM member alert. We all, every one of us, create our own stereotype. People judge us by our observed conduct. If we, or anyone like us does something nefarious, they will tend to be suspicious of anyone with those characteristics.

Example: What word comes to mind when one hears the word, ‘looting?’ Is it Irishmen or, black folk? So let’s be very cognisant of our own conduct and behavior under all circumstances. How we are perceived is entirely up to us, nobody else.

As for this writer, I eagerly look forward to anyone and everyone I meet knowing that each of you is a distinct creation of God and the only one of you ANYWHERE. That makes you pretty special.

Meanwhile, I think readers now know the enemy, the BLM, through the revelations here and what is seen on TV. So knowing who the enemy is makes it much less complicated to deal with. Hopefully, in the near future there will be no more conflict over anyone but ourselves.

There are reports that several of the deadly fires now plaguing the nation were started by BLM. If that is true, then all those culprits should be jailed forever and considering the loss of lives (horribly by fires) and destruction of their homes, they should, without delay be given a death sentence. It is time to stop coddling those who commit such dastardly deeds. For the sake of civilization and order, this must be done. Evil doers are creating more evil doers which help destroy countries. They should be severely punished.

The Philosopher Sun Tzu also stated this: “All Warfare is Based on Deception.” Yep. Another truth which becomes obvious when we consider those selfish greedy men who become wealthy in manufacturing and selling the tools used in war. There is really no excuse for war except profitability.

But this statement by the philosopher is even more profound: “The highest act of war is not to fight on a battlefield, but to subvert the enemy by destroying all the moral values in your enemy’s country.”

Please let that soak in. Why do the Communists, who wish to take over the U.S. along with the world. spend so much time and money in the effort to destroy religion and wipe the churches out of sight? As Karl Marx once bellowed to the crowd;, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” That’s right. The only reason the Communists so far have been unable to topple America and replace it in their own image, is due to the number of churches and Christians in this country.

Notice how quickly they worked to close down church services. Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco burped, “It is now a law that there now can be no singing in the churches.” How’s that again?? Church worship such as singing hymns is made illegal since the lyrics all glorify God. Even though I heard some church Sunday warblers in the pues that I would just as soon have taking a vow of silence.

The excuse used for such sacred prohibitions as censoring hymns of is the Coronavirus which every gestapo tactic by the government leans on for support as they put their restrictions on the people.

Let’s sum this up for all of our sakes. Here is the solution. Let us start back to church starting this Sunday. In church we will be with like-minded folk who hear the sermons of morality, integrity, honesty and exhibiting proper conduct. at all times. Why do you think the enemies of America first separate people from God? As Sun Tzu says, “The highest act of war is to destroy the moral values of the targets. Don’t fall for it. And remember this about promiscuous sex which costs a lot of time, money and reputations: The pleasure is momentary, the position is ridiculous, and the cost is dammed abominable.

See you in church.

Rev. Austin Miles earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy.

© 2020 Austin Miles – All Rights Reserved
E-Mail Austin Miles: chaplainmiles@aol.com

The CIA Has Never Worked for the American People

Servando Gonzalez

In 1947, CFR secret agents infiltrated into the U.S. government pushed the creation of the National Security Act, which created the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency, allegedly as a tool to manage the military, intelligence, and foreign policy areas of the U.S. government. But, soon after it was created, the CFR agents infiltrated in the National Security Council changed it into a tool to control the information reaching the eyes and ears of the Presidents, thus creating a smoke screen of disinformation around them.

Since the end of the Second World War, the CFR conspirators through their secret agents in the NSC have been putting blinders on American Presidents, feeding them disinformation and “suggesting” to them what decisions they should make. This guarantees that their most important policy decisions are the ones already made at the Harold Pratt House.

This curtain of disinformation surrounding the U.S. presidents explains why, even the ones who were not CFR members, have unknowingly advanced the goals of the CFR conspirators. Most, if not all, of the important decisions taken by American presidents about things they knew next to nothing, have already been taken at the Harold Pratt House in Manhattan, and later carefully implanted in the president’s brains.

These were the cases, i.e., of Truman ordering to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two Japanese cities where no military facility was located (actually Henry Stimson, Karl Compton and other CFR members convinced Truman to order the dropping of the bombs. Nagasaki, where no military installation was located,was the site of the largest Christian community in Japan), Kennedy making the fateful decision of changing the landing place of the Cuban invasion from Trinidad to the Bay of Pigs, which caused the failure of the operation (CFR secret agents McGeorge Bundy and Adlai Stevenson persuaded Kennedy to do so), and Nixon taking the U.S. dollar off the gold standard (CFR agent Paul Volcker persuaded him to do it).

The same thing happened to Johnson when the very same hawks in the NSC who had been pushing him hard to escalate the war in Vietnam, following the conspirators’ orders, transformed themselves overnight into doves asking Johnson to end the war immediately. Johnson was so appalled by the betrayal that he decided not to run for reelection.

There is a question that may come to mind: Why did the conspirators need a new intelligence agency, the CIA, when they already had an excellent one, the CFR?

The answer is relatively simple: they didn’t need another intelligence agency, and did not create a new one, because the CIA has never been an intelligence agency in the true sense of the word. So, again, why did they create the CIA if not to profit from its intelligence gathering and analysis capabilities?

According to an anecdote, when Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was informed that the Vatican, after getting the news that the Red Army had surrounded Berlin with an iron fist, had declared war against Nazi German, he laughed heartily and asked: “How many divisions does the Pope have?”

Like the Vatican, the Wall Street bankers and oil magnates who control the Secret Government of the U.S.  had enormous economic power to buy supporters and critics, but they also needed physical power to intimidate the cowards and punish the rebels. So, since late in the 19th century they began using the U.S. armed forces as their military arm to enforce their policies. The long list of American military interventions all around the world, beginning with the Cuban-Spanish-American war,[1] marked the beginning of “American imperialism,” —or, more properly, “Wall Street imperialism.” These military interventions on behalf of the Wall Street Mafia, which have gained the U.S. so many enemies around the world, were the direct result of this raw deal for the American people.

Just a perfunctory analysis of American military interventions all around the world since the mid-1800s, shows how the Wall Street and oil conspirators have used the U.S. army and navy, particularly the Marines, to carry out their Mafia-like criminal actions against other peoples and governments.[2]

Paradoxically, one the strongest critics of the Wall Street conspirators who used the U.S. armed forces, particularly the Marines, to advance their private interests was a military hero and a proud Marine himself: Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler.

As Gen. Butler put it bluntly,

“War is a racket. It has always been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

“A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what is it about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”[3]

But eventually the world changed, and it became more and more risky and problematic for the CFR conspirators to keep openly using the U.S. armed forces, particularly in Latin America, as the main tool to impose their will upon other peoples. The fact was acknowledged by secret CFR agent Franklin D. Roosevelt himself in one of his meetings with Winston Churchill during World War II, when he pointed out that open colonialism, as it had been practiced in the past, was no longer an appropriate option in the Caribbean.[4] This was not only because the Marines had become a worldwide symbol of American aggression and oppression, but also because a growing discontent among senior officers of the U.S. armed forces, not fully under the control of the conspirators, was making more difficult to continue openly using the American military for their nefarious purposes.

Still, the CFR conspirators needed an option short of the use of direct U.S. military action when coercion and intimidation alone cannot do the job. So, perhaps following Sun Tzu’s dictum that all warfare is based on deception, [5] the conspirators decided to create their own illegal private army. And the best way to create this army without alarming the American people and the world was by making it invisible. Therefore, they created it surreptitiously, keeping it hidden from public scrutiny under the cover of a legitimate U.S. government organization.

So, using their secret agents infiltrated in the U.S. government, in 1947 the conspirators forced down the throats of naive, or corrupt American politicians, the National Security Act, which created an organization they planned to use to fully exert their puppeteers’ control over the American presidents: the National Security Council. And an important component of the National Security Act was the creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, which they never planned to use as an intelligence agency, but as a cover to hide their military arm, now in the form of covert operations.

The CIA proved to be exactly the right type of organization the globalist conspirators needed to help them accomplish their illicit purpose of conducting their pillage and plundering all around the world. In the first place, it was free, because the American taxpayers were paying for it. Secondly, thanks to the CIA’s operational principles of secrecy, compartmentalization and need-to-know inherent to all intelligence services, it was relatively easy to hide its real activities from both the American public and non- CFR-controlled CIA employees who ignored the Agency’s true goals.

CIA Director Allen Dulles himself recognized the fact when he wrote,

“An intelligence service is the ideal vehicle for a conspiracy. Its members can travel about at home and abroad under secret orders, and no questions are asked. Every scrap of paper in the files, its membership, its expenditure of funds, its contacts, even enemy contacts, are secret.”[6]

But, despite their cleverness, the conspirators didn’t fool everybody. Former CIA Director Admiral Stanfield Turner (not a CFR member), for one, suspected that perhaps compartmentalization had some secret, non-proper uses. In a book he wrote about his experiences as CIA Director, he said:

“I found the system of compartmentation eminently sensible. I couldn’t help wondering, though, if it has been used deliberately to keep people from knowing what they properly needed to know.”[7]

When the CIA was created covert operations were not included among its functions and they were added surreptitiously just a few months later. And the globalist conspirators’ ruse worked to perfection. A list of U.S. military interventions abroad from 1947 to 1990, shows that after the creation of the CIA in 1947 there is an appreciable shift from the use of open force by the U.S. military to CIA-controlled covert operations. Just five years after its creation the CIA had carried out major covert operations in forty-eight countries to influence the outcome of political and military events on behalf of its CFR masters.[9]

As former CIA Director Admiral Stanfield Turner observed,

“The CIA’s covert activities had so increased in the 1950s and 1960s that some of them inevitably became public. Much of what leaked out, seriously alarmed the public and Congress. They did not condone all the activities in which the CIA had been involved.”[9]

Turner also found out that,

“The majority of the espionage professionals, from I could see, believed that covert action had brought more harm and criticism to the CIA than useful return, and that it had seriously detracted from the Agency’s primary role of collecting and evaluating intelligence.”[10]

Admiral Turner also discovered that during the tenure of directors Allen Dulles, Richard Helms and William Colby, the CIA’s espionage branch which included covert operations, had become dominant to the point that other branches feared being absorbed.[11] Turner didn’t mention, though, a very important fact: Dulles, Helms, and Colby, were senior CFR secret agents infiltrated into the CIA to advance the globalist conspirators’ secret goals. Moreover, not being a trusted CFR secret agent, Admiral Turner seemingly ignored that the CIA’s true primary role was not collecting and evaluating information and producing intelligence but working on the shadows to advance the interests of ts true masters, not the American people.

Servando’s new book, Coronavirus for Dunces, is available at Amazon.com and other bookstores online.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Servando Gonzales: servandoglez05@yahoo.com


  1. I have used the name traditionally favored in Cuba to designate the war, because, contrary to what is written in most American history textbooks, when the early imperialist conspirators decided to create the Maine incident as a pretext to enter the war, the Cuban patriots had already been fighting the Spaniards for long years. Actually, the 1898 war was the third of the wars the Cubans waged against colonialist Spain.
  2. A good source for discovering the true cause of most of U.S. interventions around the world is William Engdahl’s A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (London: Pluto Press, 2004) See also, Daniel Yergin, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power (New York: Pocket Books, 1993).
  3. General Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket (Los Angeles: Feral House, 2003), p. 23.
  4. Trevor Monroe, The Politics of Constitutional Decolonization (Kinston: University of the West Indies, 1947), p. 27.
  5. Written in China 500 B.C, Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War is considered a sort of Bible of intelligence and espionage. The book contains principles still relevant today.
  6. Dulles quoted in David Wise and Thomas B. Ross, The Espionage Establishment (New York: Random House, 19670), p. 290.
  7. Stanfield Turner, Secret and Democracy: The CIA in Transition (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1985), p.46.
  8. See, Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, United States Senate, Book I, Chapter VIII, April 26, 1976.
  9. Turner, op. cit., p. 76.
  10. Turner, ibid., pp. 84-85.
  11. Turner, ibid., p. 186.

A Falling Away, Part 3

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

Whenever our country faced crises in the past, like Covid-19 today, we turned to prayer as a nation. Now, however, due to the rising influence of liberal secularists, this seems lacking. Why? Biblically, we are warned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that in the latter times there will be a religious/moral “falling away.” And in Timothy 4:1-2, the Holy Spirit “speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared….”

Relevant to America today, Matthew 13:15 explains: “For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their hearts, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” We definitely need healing as a nation, both morally and physically, from Covid-19. We should pray every day for the Lord’s help, healing and mercy. And President Trump can issue a Proclamation rededicating our nation to the “National Hymn,” which is the tune for “God of Our Fathers.” Why this song? Because in this time of Covid-19, the third verse says: “…from deadly pestilence, be Thy strong arm our ever sure defense….” (A pestilence is defined as any virulent or fatal contagion or infectious disease, especially one of epidemic proportions.)

No doubt, liberal secularists will object, but they can be reminded that President Washington in his farewell address warned: “Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” And they can also be reminded of our national motto adopted on July 20, 1956: “One nation, under God.”

How ironic that Covid-19 came from China, and in 500 BC, the Chinese strategist Sun-Tsu declared: “The highest art of war is not to fight on a battlefield, but to subvert the enemy by destroying all the moral values in your enemy’s country.” Unfortunately, many Americans no longer abide by traditional Biblical values like abstaining from fornication. Let us remember what Benjamin Franklin said when the delegates at our Constitutional Convention were at an impasse on June 28, 1787. Franklin said referring to God: “…And have we now forgotten that powerful Friend? Or do we imagine we no longer need His assistance?…God Governs in the affairs of men….I therefore beg leave—that henceforth imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings…be held…every morning….” And for individuals around the nation suffering because of Covid-19 as I have, losing my mother, we should remember that Gospel singer Wintley Phipps said God wanted him to share with us the following: “It is in the quiet crucible of your personal, private sufferings that your noblest dreams are born, and God’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you have been through.”

© 2020 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

During These Times of Crisis, Hold on to the Constitution

By Jake MacAulay

I have always considered it a blessing to be born and live in a country founded on biblical principles, and I have made it my life’s work to study the Constitution and share what I learn.

Father of the American Revolution Samuel Adams made the following prophetic exhortation to his beloved countrymen:

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

I believe, more than ever, that the time Adams spoke of is now.

Cities in our country have literally been taken over by lawless mobs, and their criminal occupations have been fully sanctioned by governors, mayors, sheriffs, and city councils.

The anti-Christian, anti-American, pro-choice, avowed communist movement known as Black Lives Matter (which, by the way, cares nothing for black lives) has been openly praised and embraced by professional sports organizations, massive media, and entertainment conglomerates, along with civil government at all levels.

In complete violation of their offices, Governors around our country have stopped their state’s economies, ruined the livelihood of their citizens, misused the police power of the state leading to falsely imprisoning millions of people in their own homes, and announcing themselves as the author of a “new normal”.

Our Supreme Court has determined they are God and have used their position in an attempt to normalize infant murder and self-sanctioned the re-write of the sacred institution of marriage to include the abominable practice of Homosexuality.

The popular online entertainment streaming company known as Netflix is now airing child pornography for its viewers. In addition to this, the largest populated state in our union, California, has legalized pedophilia with consenting 14-year old’s of both homosexual and heterosexual sex.

And amidst all of this, we have seen Christ removed from schools, prayers eliminated in our governments, and Churches shut down to prevent gathering to worship. In the name of freedom, all moral concepts have been stripped away, and their alternatives have now become the new societal norm.

But when we eliminate all moral standards – When nothing is really considered to be “wrong” anymore, do we really have greater freedom?

One of the nation’s greatest orators, Daniel Webster knew the answer to this present question.

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.”

You see, if America’s Constitution and original Christian founding cannot be upheld and if the authority granted by the law is ultimately used to destroy the law, there will be no freedom.

Now is the time to, as our founders did, stand against the tyranny surrounding us. But, as we do this, we must remember to appeal to the divine providence our founders did. God is the maker and giver of laws, and if we try to solve these issues without Him, we may not see the same success.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 Jake MacAulay – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Obama is the Power Behind the Biden Teleprompter

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump was accused of going too slow on a coronavirus response. Now he’s accused of going too fast. “Danger of rushing vaccine” screams the headline over the political gossip publication Axios, designed for elites in the Big Tech industry who don’t read too much but want to know what to say and who to censor. Meanwhile, the liberals in the media are in ecstasy over Barack Hussein’ Obama’s new book, A Promised Land.

Mike Allen of Axios says former Obama aides “tell me it’s worth the wait” and that “Obama is a graceful, thoughtful writer who cares about the words — and has two previous bestsellers, Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope.”

You may remember that Dreams from My Father concealed the identity of Obama’s Marxist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and was reportedly ghost-written by former communist terrorist and professor Bill Ayers. Jack Cashill tells this story in his new book, Unmasking Obama.

You may also remember a column I wrote about Mike Allen’s conservative father, the great Gary Allen, who wrote a series of books exposing communist personalities and plots. Mike turned his back on his father’s work and has pursued a journalistic career of pandering to the rich, famous, and powerful. Gary Allen exposed people like Henry Kissinger. Mike Allen idolizes Obama.

Cashill’s book Unmasking Obama explains how conservative media and public interest groups worked to uncover and expose a series of Obama scandals, especially his communist ties but also his use of government power against his political enemies.  Hence, the subtitle is, “The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency.”

The print edition for the new Obama book, including two 16-page photo inserts, is $45. You can get Cashill’s book for about half the price and it will fill in the gaps in public knowledge of America’s first Marxist president.

Obama is still important, not only because he’s hawking a new book, but because he’s the power behind the Joe Biden candidacy.

While conservatives note the references by Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris to a planned “Harris Administration,” a Joe Biden victory will in reality be another Obama Administration, a third term for our 44th president. Anybody who gets Democratic Party email messages about the election understands that Obama is the fundraising hook or ploy in most of them. Biden can’t motivate the left, but Obama can.

The latest such message, entitled, “President Obama believes. We do too,” comes from the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State. In effect, Obama is raising funds for a presidency that will feature Obama, rather than Biden, as the president, and Harris will continue to function in a subsidiary role. Obama is not going away and is the real power behind the Biden teleprompter.

In effect, the race is between Trump and Obama – not “Sleepy Joe.” Biden’s foreign policy advisers once worked for Obama and gave us the carnage in places like Syria. They are agitating for another Middle East war.

This is not to say that Kamala Harris doesn’t have a legislative agenda. In fact, she is the sponsor of a Senate marijuana legalization bill, the MORE Act, that has a House counterpart that will be voted on shortly. A coalition of thirty groups has just sent a letter in opposition to the MORE Act to House leadership.

Harris says dope brings joy to people. But studies and experts note its addictive qualities. The drug lowers I.Q. and can reduce young people to the level of Antifa thugs acting like cannon fodder for the revolution. Perhaps this is the plan.

In any case, expect the major media, including the outlets like Axios, to ignore all of this, and cheer for legalization of the drug. Many probably “enjoy” the drug themselves. Perhaps this addiction helps explain their fawning coverage of Obama.

Many Republicans ignore the damage caused by the pro-marijuana movement, largely funded by George Soros, because one of their own, Senator Cory Gardner, is running for reelection in Colorado. He is what drug expert David Evans calls a “pot whore” for the marijuana industry, which is exporting the drug nationwide. Marijuana smuggling from Colorado has become a national scandal but Gardner continues to promote the deadly business. He should have stepped aside for a more conservative candidate and is going down to defeat, possibly costing the Republicans their Senate majority.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer apologized for calling House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy,” a nickname from Trump, but Cramer and Pelosi are both crazy because they promote dope as a legitimate business. Pelosi even claimed dope was a treatment for coronavirus. A study found 68 references in a Pelosi coronavirus relief bill to promoting marijuana.

Perhaps Obama’s “Promised Land” is one of free dope. His presidential pro-marijuana policies, carried out by his Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department, may have stemmed from his own history of heavy marijuana and cocaine use. His mentor Communist Frank Marshall Davis used drugs and produced pornography, among other nefarious activities.

Obama prefers Harris over Biden but will campaign for a Biden victory in November because he knows Biden is an empty suit and that Harris will be his puppet. It will be reminiscent of the dark days when Obama became a pawn of Communist Frank Marshall Davis but had to conceal the role of his puppet master, with the support of the media, as he took power.

After his second term was over, he rushed over to Beijing to confer behind closed doors with Chinese dictator Xi, in what the British Guardian called a meeting of “veteran cadres.”

Promised Land, huh?

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Conversation With a Foreign Cabbie

Steven Yates

In my admittedly limited experience, cabbies in foreign capitals tend to be surprisingly well-informed, much more so than general populations. But then again, there’s no telling who they’ve had in their cabs, especially at night when liquor has lubricated loose lips and there’s no telling what’s been disclosed in moments of indiscretion.

And when a gringo such as myself lets the cabbie know he doesn’t go along with the stupid policies “his” government has concocted over the years, the guy is more likely to open up.

This scruffy-appearing guy (born sometime around ’71 or ’72, I reckon) told me, speaking halting English that often lapsed into Spanish, “Your President Bill Clinton was un disastre, you know.”

“He wasn’t my ‘President Bill Clinton,’” I replied with a chuckle and left it at that, since I don’t think he was up for hearing how the Clinton Team Presidency became the first politically correct White House where it was clear: no white male had a chance of becoming Attorney General. On the third try, we got Janet Reno, and not long after, the Waco holocaust.

“Still, he was President in Los Estados Unidos,” the fellow said, glancing my way meaningfully, and there was no denying his being “the first in the office after the Soviet Union collapsed. Your country had a chance at real world leadership, and you blew it.”

I couldn’t argue.

Apparently motivated to talk since he could see I was the listening type, he continued. “Clinton and NATO almost wrecked the former Yugoslavia. My cousin Ricardo was there — he was a cab driver, too, in Belgrade — and saw that whole thing. The unprovoked attack on Serbia. When the Kosovo War ended, we predicted that something would happen on U.S. soil within three years, and it did.”

“You mean 9/11,” I said.

“Of course, I mean your 9/11. We have our own 9/11, you know.”

El Golpe,” I said, using the phrase Chileans use for the military coup that brought down the Allende government in 1973. “I know about it. You think the Muslims did ‘our’ 9/11?”

“Oh, I’m sure they were involved, but not the Muslims most gringos think did it. Not that bin Laden fellow.” He lowered his voice. We had come to a stoplight so he looked over at me, making purposeful eye contact. “Nothing I say leaves this cab, okay?”

“I am the soul of discretion,” I told him. Fortunately I’m writing this in English.

The light changed. He returned to his driving and said, “A coalition of Saudis, Israelis, and Zionist types in your own intelligence community and in your White House did 9/11.”

“You know this?”

“Well, who can prove anything like that?” he retorted. “These people don’t leave paper trails. But my cousin Ricardo had gone to the U.S. and was there when it happened and told me that was the talk in his circles. He talked about the dancing Israelis and other things your media ignored, probably because of who owns them.”

I knew who he referred to, so I said nothing.

“What amazes me, mi amigo, is that anyone still believes the official story,when you had a third building go down the same day, the same way, without any plane hitting it and where the, uh, dueno actually said, ‘Pull it.’” Dueno is Spanish for owner. “And the fall of that building was reported on TV before it happened! Some idiota got the time zone wrong, I figure.” I think we get the Spanish on that one. “Un chiste.” A joke. “I think anyone with a brain can see, something’s wrong with your official story.”

I shrugged. “I think most of us gringos gave up on our media a long time ago.”

“I get it,” he said. “But now your country is in a lot more trouble. As is ours. As is the whole world, I think. This COVID thing.”

“I’m listening,” I told him.

He paused, then said, “It’s not what it seems.”

Surprise, surprise.

“’El pandemia’ no es un pandemia real.

I invited him to elaborate.

“There’s a much bigger picture in play. Endgame, I’ve heard it called in your language. I’ve also heard Great Reset.”

I turned the words around on my lips and tongue.

“You know the World Economic Forum, right?”

“Of course,” I said.

“They, your former dueno de Microsoft, this Dr. Fauci your people fawn over, that whole crowd, they want a microchipped population. Digital IDs. That’s Endgame. They want it here as well as there. They want it everywhere. They want our chips integrated with their global, cashless money system where every exchange is recorded. They want a Chinese-type social credit system and the same mass conformity now forcing everyone to wear amascarilla to get inside any business. Eventually it’ll go from mascarillas tovacunas. That’s how the bad guys will get everyone chipped.” Mascarilla= face mask. Vacuna = vaccine. He’d pronounced ‘chipped’ cheeped since Spanish does not have our short ‘i.’

“How do you think it’ll play out?” I asked.

“They’ll tell us we’re getting vacunas for COVID. They’ll be on our skin, not injected like in the past. New technique they’re working on. They’ll plant a chip that way. It’ll be prepared for you and have your digital ID embedded in it, just like your passport and credit cards have RFID chips in them now.”

I’d known my passport had something in it. Everyone’s did.

“Before you board a plane, enter a bank, maybe even get a new job, there will be some machine to scan your chip. I think you have something like this in the States already, verdad?”  True?

“Real ID,” I said with a nod.

Sí. I’d forgotten what you call it.”

“It’s not an absolute requirement,” I told him. “Several states have non-Real-ID drivers licenses. I’m from South Carolina. I have a non-compliant driver’s license.”

“But your state also has compliant licenses, verdad?”

“Yes,” I had to admit. Because not everybody in the state has a U.S. passport which counts as federal identification, and they might have business in a federal building or a need to fly.

“So you were still forced into compliance. That’s what governments do. And with the chip that’s coming, you’ll be far more a slave. An enslaved population is why the bad guys engineered COVID.”

“You think it was made in the Wuhan lab?”

We’d come to another stoplight, and he looked over me as if to ask, Are you that much of a dolt? “Of course it was made,” he said. “If not there, then in your country and brought to China and released in Wuhan. I don’t know that, but COVID provides a cover for everything they’re doing. The disease isn’t that big of a deal. A bad flu. My neighbor caught it. He got over it. An amigo of mine said he tested positive and the government forced him into cuarentina. He never had any symptoms but lost his job. Lots of people are out of work because of this thing. It’s on purpose, you know. The bad guys want to destroy what little independence we have.” He glanced over at me again. “It’s the same in your country, verdad? Some50 million people sin trabajo?” Out of work.

“Something like that,” I said. “More, I think.”

“It’s all scare tactics,” he went on. “Lets the government shut down businesses they call—  What’s your word?”

“Inessential,” I filled him in.

“Inessential,” he repeated. “And close schools and gyms and restaurants and more.”

“I’m not sure closing schools is such a bad thing,” I mused, “if it encourages more homeschooling and less identity politics.”

He frowned. “’Identity politics’? What’s that?”

I gave him a Cliff Notes version. When I finished he said,

“¡Maldición! Sounds like your people want a race war on top of their other problems.”

“Some do, I think. But very little surprises me anymore.”

“Anyway, COVID,” he continued. “Why a pandemiafalsa? Because there’s waaay too much resistance to the bad guys, the globalistas. Your Donald Trump, who’s really—  I’m not sure how to say this in English.”

“Monkey-wrenched their plans, big time?” I offered.

“I don’t know ‘monkey-wrenched,’ but it sounds good,” he said with a barked laugh. “And there’s a bunch of other populistas. Bolsanaro in Brazil. Orbán in Hungary. Moti in India. Others. I’d even say Putin is kind of a populista, or maybe nacionalista is a better word, because he puts Russia ahead of the whole planet.”

I thought fleetingly of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Between Two Ages, with its three-stages progression from nationalism through Marxism to globalism, a word Brzezinski had actually used back in 1970. I wondered if the book had been translated into Spanish.

“And in your country,” my cabbie was saying, “there are those people refusing to wear masks. Who say openly they’ve never take the vacuna. Never give up their guns. People gave up their guns in Australia and New Zealand, and now look!”

So he knew about the police state conditions in those places. My cabbie did keep his ear to the ground.

Lasglobalistas are supporting your izquierda.” He said. Izquierda = the left.

“George Soros.” The name was on my lips.

“Among others, sending money to Black Lives Matter and other groups.”

“Like Antifa,” I said.

“Them too. Mostly Anglo guys, I hear.”

“That’s right,” I said. “What about here?” I asked him. “I was told that communists were trying to overthrow the government here last year?”

, there were comunistas involved, but who do you think was giving them money and support? Lasglobalistas hate liberty movements and liberty people. Isn’t one of your fellow gringos in prison right now because he tried to defend himself from a bunch of, uh, peaceful protesters?”

I sighed. “John Cobin,” I said. “I know him. I’ve known him for years. Former university professor with half a dozen books to his credit. He despises communists.”

“Yeah, in prison for defending himself from a mob that was attacking his truck. What I don’t think he knew was how filled with comunistas the legal system in Chile is. They want to put him away for a lot of years, is what I hear.”

“Seventeen,” I said.

“Sad,” he said. “And I hear you have people in prison up there in los Estados Unidosfor defending themselves, like this Rittenhouse fellow. Is that the name?”

“Yes. Unlike John he killed a couple of people, though.”

“In self-defense!” my cabbie said emphatically. “What I heard was that the guys attacking him were known felons, and that one of them was trying to hit him over the head with a skateboard!”

“True,” I said. “He’ll plead self-defense and probably get off. John should be found innocent, too. He’s accused of attempted murder. I don’t know how the law works here with self-defense, but I do know, one of the bullets he fired ricocheted off another vehicle before it struck the injured guy. He wasn’t shooting at anybody. That should get rid of the attempted murder charge.”

“In a reasonable court, yes,” the cabbie agreed, “but you’re not dealing with reasonable people. Comunistas are not reasonable people.”

“People that have lost out in the marketplace of ideas never are,” I said drily.

“How about lasglobalistas?” he asked. “Have they lost out in the marketplace of ideas?” he asked. “One of the things last year’s riots did was pit Chilean against Chilean, and you’ve got bigger divisions in your homeland with this election coming up. Some of you are throwing out history’s symbols of national government so the bad guys can prepare for the globalista governing system they plan if they oust Trump.”

“The riots are a distraction,” he said. “If they cause fear and disruption, they serve their purpose. If COVID causes fear and disruption, it’s served its purpose. Those have always been great motivators.”

I couldn’t argue.

“May I … ask you a question?”

“Sure,” I told him, refraining from my favorite one-liner I think you just did. I was no longer in the mood.

“Why did you estadounidenses come here? To Chile, I mean?” That Spanish word means U.S. citizen.

I hesitated.

“In a lot of cases, to get out of the U.S., verdad?” he answered himself. “Because you thought things would come apart up there in a few years.”

“Are they not coming apart?” I asked.

“They’re coming apart here, too,” he said. “The economy is terrible because of the riots and now the cuarentinas. But if the U.S. falls, the whole developed world falls, and we fall with it.”

I said nothing. What could I say?

“There’s no place to run and hide,” he said. “Not here, not anywhere. You have gringos in New Zealand — ha! — and Mexico and Panama and Ecuador and other places. All went through the same shutdowns or maybe worse than here, and they’re all tied into the banks run by the bad boys. Sooner or later, if you want to be free you’re going to have to get organized and draw a line in the sand where you are and say, ‘No more.’ And be prepared to back it up with deadly force if that’s what it takes. Do you own a gun?”

“No,” I admitted.

“Why not?”

“Never grew up with them. Never learned to use one safely. Never thought we’d all be in this mess.”

“You grew up too comfortable, it sounds like,” my cabbie said. “Some suburb, probably. Too many of you gringos grew up comfortable.”

I didn’t deny it, ignoring the grammar mistake.

Bienvenido al mundo real,” he said bitterly. Welcome to the real world.

We’d come to my destination. I’d almost forgotten about it. As he pulled to the curb, he looked to see what I owed him. I paid and gave him a generous tip.

“¡Muchas gracias!” he enthused. Then he turned somber again.

“There’s no middle ground, amigo. After Endgame, we are free or we are slaves. Your people need to take a stand, and we do, too. Because the bad guys are coming for you and they’re coming for me. Don’t think you can go off to some small town and hide, or just live on some farm, because they’ll get to those places sooner or later. Don’t think you can run to yet another country, because they’ll get there, too, and it’ll be too late. Las globalistas want mandatory vacunas for everybody, because they want mandatory digital IDs for everybody. Bill Gates says this himself. Smartphones won’t do because you can lose a smartphone or decide not to take it with you. The only way to get you totally in the surveillance grid is put a chip in your body. Dissent, and they’ll turn your chip off so you can’t buy food.”

“What do you recommend?”

He pursed his lips. “Nothing ever changed anything in this world except money and guns,” he said after a moment, “sad as that sounds. It’s too late for my cousin and me. We’ll always be cabbies and we’ll end up doing what we have to because we got families to feed. That’s how the bad guys nail you. You, you’ve got smarts and you’ve got time.”

“I’m not as young as I look,” I told him.

“You’ve got time,” he repeated. “Just don’t waste it. Get financially independent if you’re not, fast as you can. Then tell others. Support freedom in this world with your money. Remember, las globalistas are going to steal it anyway, so there’s no reason to hoard it. Support those fighting the bad guys before they bankrupt us all. Everything they’re doing right now is to cause fear and hardship, so when the time comes, we’ll give in and beg them to give us back our lives. The New World Order will be here.”

Eventually I got out into a cool breeze and stood on the curb. I looked down the silent street of a largely quarantined city under a gloomy gray sky. Lines were queued up outside a couple of grocery stores in the distance. A longer line ran from the doors of a nearby bank, where a pair of security guards checked people’s documentation before allowing them in. Most of those waiting were glued to their phones, oblivious.

My cabbie had leaned over and stuck his head out the passenger window. “Remember, amigo!” he exclaimed. “Freedom or slavery! There’s not going to be any in-between!

He drove off, turned right at the next corner, and disappeared. Seeing no alternative I got in line, in a place that had grown a lot more ominous of late….

Steven Yates’s next book, What Should Philosophy Do? A Theory, will be published early next year by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

If you liked this article, please consider supporting my work on Patreon.com; otherwise the lights on this kind of writing could go out at any time.

© 2020 Steven Yates – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Steven Yates: freeyourmindinsc@yahoo.com

Insurrection – or Just a Peaceful Protest?

JB Williams

2020 is not just a critical election year, it’s the year of the global socialist “insurrection” intent on overthrowing the Constitutional form of Government in the United States. Nothing like this has ever been seen before, anywhere in the world…

18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection – “Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

“If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

Elements of the 2020 Socialist Insurrection

  • A global bio-weapons attack (COVID19) funded by the Obama Administration since 2014 in Wuhan China
  • Total all-year shutdown of the best U.S. economy in over 50-years, forcing the nation and every citizen into bankruptcy
  • The rise of ANTIFA, BLM, NFAC under the direction of Obama’s Organizing For Action
  • Total socialist control of all mass-media and social media platforms under the guise of “fact-checking”
  • Mass riots, arson, looting, vandalism, assault and targeting of law enforcement in Democrat cities and states
  • 24/7 “fake” accusations and character assaults on the duly elected Oval Office administration
  • Massive intentional false health information designed to frighten citizens into self-imposed voluntary house confinement
  • 24/7 “false” utopian DNC promises of free everything for voters ignorant of the fact that they are being trained to vote themselves into tyranny
  • FAKE “fact-checkers” everywhere silencing all voices of dissent, including in your family
  • The total breakdown and destruction of “the people’s” most basic constitutionally protected Rights and Liberties
  • Wildfires set and fueled by leftists to cause additional destruction of property and create more chaos, falsely claiming the fires are the result of “climate change”
  • Blatant “false” health and medical information from the WHO and CDC used to cause more death, illness, and chaos ahead of the elections and force illegal mail-fraud balloting and ballot harvesting
  • Over 80 million “fraud” mail-in ballots for 2020, when only 6.3 million voted by absentee in 2016
  • Continued lockdowns, mask and social distancing orders, despite publicly released evidence of NO serious health threat from COVID19 that even rivals the flu
  • Massive numbers of “illegal” voters in numerous sanctuary cities and states under Democrat control
  • Obama appointed judges openly ruling against the Constitution and Bill of Rights, regularly
  • Obama Administration officials (deep state) planted in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS and Military over Obama’s eight-year reign of terror, operating to undermine and falsely assassinate a duly elected President
  • The democrat led efforts to disarm and defund all law enforcement, while promising to take all “instruments of war” (guns) from all private citizens, except their “peaceful protesters”
  • Hundreds of illegal international money laundering funnels pouring billions into the DNC, DNC candidates and DNC initiatives from around the world
  • A stolen 2020 election via DNC mail-fraud
  • False accusations that “Trump will refuse to leave office” once democrats complete their stolen election mission

This is just a list of the highlights… the massive INSURRECTION underway in the United States is unprecedented in world history. And it’s all happening out in the open, right under everyone’s nose, and nobody is doing anything to stop it.

Yet, something like this was anticipated by our Founders and previous administrations. The Insurrection Act of 1807 and subsequent U.S. Criminal Codes under 18 U.S. Code § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection, exist for a reason.

“Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.” 10 U.S. Code § 252 – Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority

“he [the President] may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”

The very first and most important job of any Oval Office occupant is to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

The U.S. Constitution and U.S. Laws exist for the sole purpose of assuring a President the full authority and power to keep this solemn Oath to the People of the United States, lawfully.

There is NO legitimate debate over the Presidential power and constitutional authority to lawfully use the power of that office to prevent INSURRECTION and the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.

There is NO legitimate debate over the President’s sworn duty to do exactly that, if and when, there is sufficient evidence of an organized effort to overthrow the U.S. Constitution via overt acts of insurrection, sedition, subversion and treason in our midst, and no other means available to quash such rebellion or uprising.

In fact, no less than twelve (12) previous occupants of the Oval Office, used these same laws to put down similar uprisings within the United States, all of which pale by comparison to everything we see happening in our country right now!

Thomas Jefferson (1808), Andrew Jackson (1831-1834), Ulysses S. Grant (1871-1874), Rutherford B. Hayes (1878), Grover Cleveland (1894), Woodrow Wilson (1914), Herbert Hoover (1932), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1943), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1957), John F. Kennedy (1962-1963), Lyndon B. Johnson (1965-1968), George H. W. Bush (1989-1992).

If you think this is a “partisan” matter, you’re wrong. Most of the presidents who used this power during their administrations were Democrats.

The only issue where there can be any debate at all is whether or not what’s going on in the United States today, rises to the level of “insurrection, sedition, and/or subversion.”

Clearly, there is a massive globally funded effort to not only remove President Donald J. Trump from the Oval Office, but to destroy our constitutional form of government, replacing all Charters of Freedom with a utopian Democratic Socialist form of government, in direct violation of the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and every State Constitution in this country.

Clearly, the globalist LEFT is willing to do anything — make false claims, false accusations, false investigations, a bio attack, false health information, rioting, looting, vandalizing, arson and even threats to life and private property, burning cities and thousands of acres across the country, to achieve their goal of overthrowing the United States. They are willing to go so far as to openly steal an election via massive mail-fraud and illegal ballot harvesting.

If what we see happening in America today isn’t insurrection, sedition, subversion and an overthrow of our government, our Constitution, and the American way of life, then these things simply do not exist.

Throughout history, the most dangerous enemy on earth is the enemy within… The enemy intent on destroying from within.

At no time in 240-years of American history, has our nation and way of life faced such a massive threat and although this threat is funded from all over the world, the enemy is operating from within the halls of our own government, the college lecture halls, mass and social media giants, and countless left-wing 501 and 527 groups.

With over 80 million illegal and unverifiable mail-fraud ballots flooded into the election process for 2020, it is totally impossible to arrive at any legitimate outcome to this November’s elections. Totally impossible!

What many American’s do not know is that the Democrats do NOT have to be declared a clear winner of the 2020 elections. They only had to make it impossible to declare Trump the clear winner. Lawyers will be fighting for and against illegal ballots for years to come!

Meanwhile, Section 3 of Amendment 20 to the U.S. Constitution says this…

“If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified; and the Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.”

The current Presidential term ends at noon Eastern Time on January 20, 2021, no matter whether or not we are able to declare a “clear winner” of the 2020 presidential election.

If it’s not possible to declare a clear winner, “Congress may by law provide for the case wherein neither a President elect nor a Vice President elect shall have qualified, declaring who shall then act as President, or the manner in which one who is to act shall be selected, and such person shall act accordingly until a President or Vice President shall have qualified.” …at noon on January 20, 2021…

The newly elected Congress is to be seated 17-days earlier, on January 3, 2021. It is the newly seated Congress that will have the power to simply appoint a President and Vice President at noon on January 20, 2021… when a “clear winner” of the November elections cannot be certified.

At that moment, all of the efforts itemized above and more, will have culminated in the successful removal of President Donald J. Trump from office, resulting in the successful overthrow of our country by global socialists.

If something is not done to prevent it before it happens, there will be no way back to freedom and liberty from there!

This is why the only lawful option is to declare these many acts of treason an open “insurrection” and shut it all down long before November 3rd. After that date, there will be nothing left but putting this overt overthrow of our country down in the streets!

If there was ever a time in U.S. history to enforce these laws, it’s now. If we’re not going to do it now, we’re not going to do it ever!

© 2020 JB Williams, TNALC.org – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail JB Williams: JB_Williams@comcast.net

Political Leftists And Parasites It’s hard To Tell the Difference

By Ron Edwards

There are a myriad of reasons why a human being becomes susceptible to the invasion of parasites into their bodies.  There are both good and bad microorganisms that interact with our bodies.  The good assist in the digestion of our food and aid in the process of the ability our immune systems to protect us from negative parasites.  Unfortunately, due to certain lifestyles, coupled with the intake of unhealthy processed foods and sugars, bad parasites and horrific diseases can both wreak havoc on the body.  As a result, there will be extensive damage and even premature death, which is the mission of harmful parasites and diseases.  Several years ago in an episode of my radio commentary, ‘The Edwards Notebook’, just before the Obama administration began it’s reign of political terror over the United States of America, I made a logical comparison of parasites and those of the political left.  Parasites neither create nor improve anything they encounter or invade.  For the most part political leftists usually do not create or build great institutions that actually benefit our republic.

Take education for example.  The vast majority of the oldest universities in the United States were founded by God fearing patriotic preachers and church organizations.  William and Mary, Brown, Dartmouth, Princeton, Harvard, There was King’s College, which was later changed to Columbia University, when anti Christian bigots gained control.  There is also William and Mary College.It was at one time famous for the biblically influenced education that churned out students capable of competing intellectually while famously adhering to and spreading God’s good news.

Harvard University was founded in 1636 by Reverend John Harvard and the Puritans, adopted the “Rules and Precepts” of the university that stated: “Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ at the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning.”  Even Harvard’s original seal, which can be seen etched in the walls of the campus today, states upon it these words: “Truth for Christ and the Church.”

Yale College was established in 1701 with a stated goal that ‘every student shall consider the main end of his study to wit to know Jesus Christ and answerably to lead to a godly, sober life.”  Christian faith may be propagated.” And King’s College, known today as Columbia University, purposed to ‘inculcate upon [students’] tender minds the great principles of Christianity and morality.” Princeton had as one of it’s founding statements: “Cursed is all learning that is contrary to the cross of Christ.

Unfortunately, by the 1950’s the last vestiges of Christ centered teaching, which was the bedrock of the famous superior intellectual instruction of the Ivy league schools was swept away.  In it’s place was the ever increasing leftist oriented dogma that has poisoned generations of students. Many of whom are in political office working to literally destroy our nation from within.  That unfortunate turn of events occurred, because of the massive philosophical shift that took place in the United States, thus causing the total abandonment of the very biblical pillars of educational and societal strength that helped make our republic the envy of the world.  It is my opinion the that the Christian leaders in both the church realm and in education are at fault for giving in to the demands of John Dewey inspired haters of God and rugged individualism.  Those demands included allowing God, high education standards, honest American history to be watered down and the abolishment of thorough Constitutional instruction, etc. to be the bedrock of Modern Education.  It is well documented that most educators are now more concerned about ushering in an amoral, godless society with an extreme leftist political leaning government that would exterminate our God given Unalienable Rights.  Just as parasites sicken the human body, so have the legions of leftists severely diminished the overall health of our society.  The cure for the illness of the parasitical leftists and their evil impact is a return to true education that includes biblical instruction, both at home and in school.

The Founding Fathers understood and asserted that the United States would fail if it lost its Christian foundation.  It is now up to Patriotic Christian believers to stand up and battle to reaffirm and reclaim our Christian influenced educational heritage with the same passion and commitment of the Founders.  If there is not soon a reestablishment of the cleansing impact of Christian principles, reverence for God and high academic standards, the political and social parasites will sicken our republic unto a brutal, broken socialist, amoral cesspool.  If you love, or at least appreciate our nation of life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, I hope you have the willingness to become engaged in the worthy battle to save her.  The republic and the rights you save, may be your own and that of your children and children’s children.  In spite of the enormity of the task at hand, it is apparent to me that “We the People” will via Providential guidance and the willingness to do what is necessary to clean the political/leftist parasites out.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 Ron Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

Mail-In Voting? A “Political Question” Which Only State Legislatures and Congress May Decide

By Publius Huldah

It has become obvious that one of the purposes of the COVID-19 scam is to bring about unrestricted mail-in voting in the toss-up and Red States so that the upcoming presidential election can be stolen by the Left for the senile Joe Biden and his constitutionally ineligible running mate, Kamila Harris.

On September 9, 2020, the Left achieved their goal for the Red State of Tennessee – unless the Tennessee State government enforces the US Constitution and rejects the federal judge’s unconstitutional order.

  1. The absurd Order from the US District Court, Middle District of Tennessee

The Tennessee Code permits mail-in voting for certain categories of people [Tenn. Code §2-6-201]; but requires those who register by mail to appear in person at the official place of voting and bring proof of identity when they vote for the first time [Tenn. Code § 2-2-115 (b) (7)].

Our elections are already tainted by the “ghost voters” described in Deroy Murdock’s article (published 2017) [here]. Murdock showed that throughout the United States, over 3.5 million persons who didn’t exist were registered to vote.  But that number wasn’t sufficient to elect Hillary Clinton; so the Left needs more ghost voters.  With mail-in voter registration, dead people can be registered to vote; and with unrestricted mail-in voting, those dead people can vote forever.

The Plaintiffs in this action claim to be distressed about the statutory requirement that first-time voters (who registered by mail) appear in person to vote because it forces them to choose between their “health” [they might catch COVID-19 if they go to the polls] and their right to vote.[1]

On September 9, 2020, federal judge Eli Richardson issued a preliminary injunction which has the effect of setting aside, for the upcoming presidential election, the statutory requirement – established by the Tennessee Legislature – that persons who registered by mail, show up in person the first time they vote.

Here is Richardson’s 29 page Order.

So let’s cut 29 pages of bunk down to its essence:  Richardson ruled that the Tennessee Legislature’s requirement that the first-time voters (who registered by mail) physically appear at the polls, imposes a “moderate burden” on voting rights; and the State failed to show the Court that Tennessee has a “legitimate state interest” to justify that burden.[2]

Even worse:  Throughout his Order, Richardson writes repeatedly [some 20 times] of Plaintiffs’ “First Amendment right to vote”; and says at the end of para 31 of his Order,

“…it is likely that Plaintiffs will prevail on their claim that the first-time voter requirement violates the First Amendment right to vote…”

But the First Amendment makes no mention of a “right to vote”.[3] Furthermore, in footnote 22 of his Order,the Judge says:

“In a prior order, the Court declined to address any suggestion that there is no First Amendment right to vote, for any purposes at all, by mail in particular… The Court was well aware that McDonald supports such a suggestion, but the Court simply did not need to opine on that matter.  The Court likewise does not need to do so here…”

What? The Judge declined to address whether or not a First Amendment right to vote actually exists even though he has already determined that Plaintiffs are likely to prevail on their claim that the requirement that first-time voters (who registered by mail) show up in person to vote “violates the First Amendment right to vote”!

2. Why do Plaintiffs and the Judge repeatedly speak of a “First Amendment right to vote”, when the Judge isn’t prepared to say that such a right even exists?

They may be aware that the federal court has no jurisdiction over this case;but are attempting to fake it by claiming that the case “arises under the Constitution” via the First Amendment.[4]

The judicial power of the federal courts is limited to those few categories of cases enumerated at Article III,§2, clause 1, US Constitution.  Not one of the categories invests the federal court with jurisdiction over this case.  This case can’t be said to “arise under the Constitution” because there is no “right to vote” in the US Constitution; and the remaining categories listed in Article III, §2 are clearly inapplicable.

So it appears that Plaintiffs have fabricated a mythical “First Amendment right to vote” in order to provide a pretext for the federal court to exercise jurisdiction in this case – and that the federal judge let them get away with it.

3. Article I, §2, clause 1, US Constitution, negates the absurd claim that there exists a federal constitutional right to vote. 

At Article I, §2, cl. 1, the States expressly retained their pre-existing power to determine the qualifications of voters:

“The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.” [italics added]

Accordingly, those who are eligible to vote for Representatives to their State Legislature are the ones eligible to vote for Members of the federal House of Representatives.[5]

With four later Amendments, the States agreed that they would not deny eligibility to vote to Citizens on account of race (15th Amendment), sex (19th Amendment), failure to pay a tax (24th Amendment), and for those 18 years of age or older on account of age (26th Amendment).  It is important to note that these four amendments do not grant the “right” to vote to the persons described in the Amendments – merely that the suffrage will not be denied to those persons on account of their race, sex, etc.

So the States retained their original authority to set whatever qualifications for voting they deem appropriate, subject to their agreement that they would not deny suffrage on account of a Citizen’s being in one of those four categories.

So there is no “right to vote” set forth in the US Constitution.  To the contrary, voting is a privilege granted or denied on the basis of whether applicants meet the qualifications for voting set forth within their State Constitution.[6]

4. What does our Constitution say about how the President and Vice President are to be elected?

Article II, §1, cl. 2 and the 12th Amendment set forth the procedures for electing President and Vice President.  Those procedures are described here under the subheadings, “Electors appointed by States were to choose the President” and “The 12th Amendment establishes procedures for voting by Electors”.

Our current procedures bear no resemblance to the Constitutional requirements.[7] It’s too late to obey the Constitution for the upcoming presidential election; so let’s see what our Constitution says aboutthe federal elections to Congress.

5. US Constitution: the “times, places and manner” clause

Pursuant to Article I, §4, clause 1, State Legislatures have the power to prescribe the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for US Representatives[8] and US Senators.[9]

This clause also provides that Congress may make laws which override such State laws.

So the power to determine the time, place and manner of holding such federal elections is delegated exclusively to the Legislative Branches of the State and federal governments.

It is up to the State Legislatures to decide which “burdens” are appropriate with respect to the place of voting – with Congress having power to override what a State Legislature decides.  The Judicial Branches of the state and federal governments may not substitute their views as to which “burdens” are appropriate and which are not.  These are “political questions” granted to the Legislative Branches to decide; and the Judicial Branches – state and federal – may not lawfully interfere.[10]

It is clear that “manner of voting” includes such matters as a requirement of personal presence at the place of voting.  This is what our Framers contemplated, as shown by their words quoted in footnote 8 below.  When a State legislature decides that personal presence is required – that decision can be overturned only by Congress.

So Judge Richardson’s view that the Tennessee Legislature doesn’t have a good reason for requiring first time voters (who registered by mail) to vote in person and present ID is irrelevant, and his Order is ultra vires.

6. What is the State’s remedy against the unlawful Court order?

So!  You have seen that determining the “place and manner of voting” is a political power delegated exclusively to the State and federal Legislatures.  It is thus a “political question”; and the federal [and state] Judicial Branches may not substitute their views for those of the Legislative Branches.

And since there is no “right to vote” contained in the US Constitution, the Federal District Court has no jurisdiction over this case. This case doesn’t “arise under the Constitution” or fit within any of the other categories of cases enumerated at Article III, §2, cl.1, US Constitution.

So the pretended Order of September 9, 2020, is ultra vires and lawless, and the State of Tennessee has no obligation to obey it.

The duty of the elected and appointed State and local officials is to obey the US Constitution.  When the dictates of a federal judge contradict the Constitution, State officials must side with the Constitution and against the judge.[11]

And what will happen if the State of Tennessee refuses to comply with the Judge’s order?  The Judge can’t enforce his Order.  He has to depend on the Executive Branch of the federal government to enforce it.[12] Do you believe that President Trump will send in federal troops to force the State of Tennessee to comply with Judge Richardson’s ultra vires Order?

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


[1] How do they get their groceries?

[2] Order at paras 29 – 31.

[3] The First Amendment says,

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The First Amendment is a limitation on Congress’ powers to make laws – it doesn’t grant a “right” to vote!

[4] In Federalist No. 80 (2nd para), Hamilton states that cases “arising under the Constitution” concern

“…the execution of the provisions expressly contained in the articles of Union [the US Constitution]…” [boldface added].

In the 3rd& 13th paras, Hamilton illustrates what “arising under the Constitution” means: He points to the restrictions on the power of the States listed at Art. I, §10 and shows that if a State exercises any of those powers, and the fed. gov’t sues the State, the federal courts have authority to hear the case.

[5] The 17th Amendment [ratified 1913] provides that those who are eligible to vote for Representatives to the US House are eligible to vote for US Senators.

[6] With the National Voter Registration Act of 1993,Congress usurped the retained power of the States to set and enforce eligibility standards for voting.  In a series of 3 papers, the last of which is here, I show how the assertions about The Federalist Papers made by the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court, in their attempts to justify their unconstitutional judgments, are false.

[7] Our disregard of these constitutional provisions doubtless contributed to the creation of the current chaos.

[8] Our Framers told us what “times”, “places” and “manner” mean:

  • In Federalist No. 61 (4th& 5th paras), Alexander Hamilton shows that “Time” refers to when elections are held. He explains that under the Articles of Confederation [our 1stConstitution], States had been conducting elections from March to November; and that uniformity in the time of elections is necessary “for conveniently assembling the [federal] legislature at a stated period in each year”.
  • “Place”: Hamilton also points out that the suffrages of citizens living in certain parts of the States could be defeated by restricting the place of election for Representatives in the House to “an INCONVENIENT DISTANCE from the elector” (2nd para). [caps are Hamilton’s].
  • “Manner” of holding Elections refers to such things as paper ballots or show of hands, the place of voting, and whether the States will be divided into congressional districts for purposes of electing Representatives. James Madison discusses the “Manner” of holding Elections in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, vol. 2, August 9, 1787:

“Mr. Madison: … the Legislatures of the States ought not to have the uncontrouled right of regulating the times places & manner of holding elections. These were words of great latitude. It was impossible to foresee all the abuses that might be made of the discretionary power. Whether the electors should vote by ballot or vivâ voce, should assemble at this place or that place; should be divided into districts or all meet at one place, shd all vote for all the representatives; or all in a district vote for a number allotted to the district; these & many other points would depend on the Legislatures and might materially affect the appointments …. what danger could there be in giving a controlling power to the Natl. Legislature? Of whom was it to consist? 1. of a Senate to be chosen by the State Legislatures… 2. of Representatives elected by the same people who elect the State Legislatures…” [emphasis added]

Rufus King in the Massachusetts Convention said in The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, vol. 3, January 21, 1788:

“Hon. Mr. King rose … It was to be observed, he said, that in the Constitution of Massachusetts, and other States, the manner and place of elections were provided for; the manner was by ballot, and the places towns; for, said he, we happened to settle originally in townships…” [emphasis added]

[9] When Art. I, §4, cl. 1 was drafted, the State Legislatures were to choose the State’s Senators to the US Congress – so the “place” of choosing the US Senators would be wherever the Legislature met.  With ratification of the 17th Amendment, Congress gained oversight over State laws addressing the “place” of election of US Senators.

[10] In Marbury v. Madison [link], decided 1803, the Supreme Court explained the concept of “political powers” and that the manner in which political powers are exercised is beyond the reach of the courts:

“By the Constitution of the United States, the President is invested with certain important political powers, in the exercise of which he is to use his own discretion, and is accountable only to his country in his political character and to his own conscience. …whatever opinion may be entertained of the manner in which executive discretion may be used, still there exists, and can exist, no power to control that discretion. The subjects are political. They respect the nation, not individual rights, and, being entrusted to the Executive, the decision of the Executive is conclusive …[and] can never be examinable by the Courts.”

Marbury addresses the political powers exercised by the President.  That same deference to the exercise of political powers has long been extended to the acts of the other political branch, Congress.  Where the Constitution grants a political power to Congress, the manner in which Congress exercises the discretion is also beyond the reach of the Courts.  So, for example, if Congress were to exercise the power granted to it by Article I, § 4, clause 1,to make a law banning mail-in voting; its action can never be examined by the Courts – the Courts may not substitute their views for those of Congress.

[11] Marbury v. Madison also stands for the Great Principle that when an Act of one branch of government violates the Constitution, the other Branches must obey the Constitution and not the unlawful Act.

[12] Alexander Hamilton made this same point over 200 years ago – see Federalist No. 78 (6th para). If law schools had made The Federalist Papers required reading, our Country wouldn’t now be in such a mess.

Banned by United Airlines

Coach Dave Daubenmire

They were once known as the “Friendly Skies.”  They no longer are.  My wife and I were denied a flight we had already paid for.  It happened last Monday on a flight home from a ministry trip to Wausau, Wisconsin.

Life has a way of challenging us, doesn’t it?  Just two weeks ago I wrote an article entitled, “I Ain’t Wearing No Stinkin’ Mask.”  You can read it here.  I warned in the article that you better get prepared to push back against the tyranny being brought on by the Covid PLANdemic.

This is not about a virus.  It is about forced compliance.  Laugh if you so choose…pooh pooh those who warn of forced compliance leading to a more sinister end if you choose…but the chickens are coming home to roost.

Winston Churchill famously warned us on the doorstep of WWII.

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed;if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you maycome to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” —Winston Churchill

What will it take to convince you that America is already at war?  Unfortunately, only one side is fighting.  Most God-fearing Americans are reluctant to admit how sinister the dark side really is.  Underestimating the enemy is a sure way to get one’s clock cleaned.  At what point will you be willing to fight?  When will enough be enough for you?  Do you really believe re-electing Donald Trump will make this all go away?

I ain’t wearing no stinkin’ mask…even if it means being banned from flying.  Here is the story.

Last Thursday my wife Michele and I flew United out of Columbus, Ohio for an event in Wisconsin, which included a lay-over in Chicago.  As is commonplace today we were greeted at the terminal door with signs telling us that mask use was MANDATORY when entering the airport.  The signs were everywhere.

Michele and I do not wear masks.  We both have medical and religious reasons why we refuse to put them on.  Normally no one hassles us when we politely explain.  THERE IS NO MANDTORY MASK LAW anywhere in America.  Businesses can not refuse to serve you if you have a religious or medical reason for your non-compliance.  That is called discrimination.

In fact, Federal Law prevents them from even questioning you (READ) if you have a MEDICAL or RELIGIOUS reason for the objection.  It is a violation of your Civil Rights if they ask for additional information or proof of your condition.

No one in the Columbus airport questioned us about masks.  No one at the United check in mentioned masks.  We went through the TSA anal examine mask-less. Signs were everywhere explaining that masks were mandatory, yet no one enforced it. We boarded the plane in CMH, walked down the ramp onto the plane, located our seats, and flew the hour-long trip to Chicago.  Drinks were not served but the kind stewardess did give us a cookie.  No one mentioned masks.

We walked off the plane in O’Hare airport and moved to the gate for our flight to Wausau.  Nearly all of people in the airport were wearing masks but Michele and I did not.  We arrived at the gate and waited 45 minutes for our departure.  No one said a word to us about our uncovered faces.

We boarded the plane when summoned by the gate agent.  We walked onto the plane with our carry-on bags and found our seats.  Up to this point NO ONE in two different airports had questioned us about our exposed faces.

Once on board our flight to Wausau an extremely bossy and authoritarian stewardess began to chastise Michele and I regarding our mask.  She ordered us to put them on or leave the plane.  Michele politely responded that she had a medical exemption and showed the stewardess the exemption card she wears around her neck.  The stewardess REFUSED to even look at it and once again threatened to call security to remove us from the plane.  We did not comply.

Soon the Captain was standing at our seat asking us to comply.  He was kind and considerate.  We told him we would put on a mask since he had asked us in a respectful manner but made it clear that we were doing it under duress.  The flight took off as scheduled.  No delay.  No commotion.  No disturbance…just a very rude stewardess acting like a dictator…proudly trampling our rights.  Flight ended, we deplaned, story over.

Fast forward to Monday morning at 8 am.  Michele and I arrived at the United desk to check in for our flight home.  The lady at the counter told us that there was a problem.  A thug showed up and told us that we would not be flying “today” because of the disturbance that we had caused on our previous flight.  “Multiple disruptions” he informed us.  I asked him if we had the right to face our accuser.  “Not today.  You won’t be flying today.”  End of story. No refund.  Have a good day.

We rented a car and drove the 8 hours home.

During our time in Wausau we received several text messages from United advising us about checking in online as we prepared for our flight home.  Not once did they warn us that our flight might be in jeopardy so we could have been prepared for our encounter at the airport.  No warning.  No flight.  Left standing at the counter holding our bags.

We will be taking legal action, but this was merely a dry run for what is coming.  Soon you will not be able to shop for food, buy gasoline, go to the Dr., or live your life without some type of Government mandated compliance.  It all started 19 years ago with the Patriot Act after 911.

Take off your shoes, let the TSA pat you down, steal your belongings because it does not meet their rules for flying, face recognition, cell phone spying, Governmental compliance.

Muslims do not have to remove their face coverings why should Christians have to put them on?

BTW, did you know that the most dangerous place in the airport is the restroom?  Feces spread COVID.  Millions of particles are released into the air during a bowel movement.  Did Dr. Fauci tell you that?  Is there a restroom on the airplane?  Hmmm?Evidently, we need gas masks in restrooms.

I will not be flying anymore.  I have had enough of it.  America used to be free.  Now America is fearful.  Tyranny has become normal.  It will only get worse.

Where will you draw the line?  Airplanes today, automobiles tomorrow.  The “Land of the free and the home of the brave” is perishing.

Where will you draw the line?  I have drawn mine.  Screw United Airlines.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Scaring Ourselves Silly

by Lee Duigon

I saw a rather bizarre sight the other day.

Children were coming out of St. Francis’ school, across the street: all of them wearing face masks. Instead of laughing and talking as they always do, they were completely silent. And to pay their deep respects to Social Distancing, they walked with their arms outstretched in front of them, as if they were wearing blindfolds. It reminded me of Lou Costello imitating Frankenstein.

Good grief, they’ve made school even worse than it has always been. Around the block, at Campbell School, the kids don’t come out at all, except to leave. No recess. Empty playground. Unless it’s bad weather, that playground’s always full of children… playing. But it’s been beautiful weather all week, and the kids can’t go outside. King Virus will getcha if you go outside.

In fact, when it comes to the dreaded coronavirus, outdoors is the safest place to be. Sunlight kills the germs. Even a little breeze scatters them. King Virus would surely rather have the kids cooped up indoors all day. But who ever says our schools teach things that are true? Can you say “the 1619 Project”?

We’re scaring ourselves silly and freaking out our kids. There are many diseases more deadly than COVID-19. Are we supposed to shut our country down from now on, whenever a disease is on the loose?

And as if that weren’t enough to bear, there won’t be any marshmallow Peeps this year. That’s right—no Peeps. What kind of civilized country has no Peeps? But the company’s afraid to re-open the factory. King Virus will getcha if you go to work. But of course it’ll totally let you alone if you go out to riot. The virus is a fan of Mostly Peaceful Protests.

But if you want something you can really be afraid of, don’t go yachting just now in the waters off Spain and Portugal. It seems killer whales have been attacking yachts and fishing boats, ramming them repeatedly, damaging the steering gear and injuring the crews—and scientists do not know why. It’s not something you have to worry about if you live in Kansas, but it really does sound kind of scary. And the scientists are baffled.

Britain’s premier Far Left noozepaper, The Guardian, is not baffled, though. Not for a minute. The whales are getting nasty because of [trumpet fanfare] Climate Change! And we’ve only got another “51 days to save the planet!” Otherwise it’s the End O’ The World. Well, someone had to inject new life into the Climate Change boogieman, which is past its sell-by date. Can’t blame The Guardian for trying. You hate to lose a good apocalypse.

So we’re all gonna die from Climate Change, we’re all gonna die from the virus, we’re all gonna get bushwhacked by the white supremacists who are hiding under every bed, and if none of those get us, sooner or later the big bad orcas will. And don’t forget Systemic Racism! Maybe that’s what has cheesed off the whales.

Only government can save us, say the progs. And not just any government: this is a job for Global Government. Give ‘em absolute power and watch ‘em do their thing! Put The Smartest People In The World in charge, and they’ll deliver. Hell’s bells, if Joe Biden can’t get us out of this predicament, who can? While you’re waiting for Antifa and Black Lives Matter to come and torch your neighborhood, take a few minutes to reflect on what a wonderful job they do of raising our consciousness. What are a few burned-out city blocks, compared to that?

I don’t believe in an all-powerful, all-devouring government, but I do believe in God. Psalm 24 teaches us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

And I trust in His providence, and in His righteousness, to see us through—

In spite of all our foolishness.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, https://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit to our whale-free zone; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Tucker Carlson Interviews Frosty Wooldridge on America’s Immigration Crisis, Part 2

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: Quality of life, standard of living, species extinctions, planetary balance, eco-systems

“Thank you for joining me, again,” said Mr. Carlson. “We received hundreds of responses from your first visit.  You’ve opened a can of worms for the American people.”

“Well, as a teen, I used to go fishing on Hogback Lake in LeRoy, Michigan, so I know how to open a can of worms,” I said. “When Americans are given the facts, they can use the knowledge to create a national discussion on what kind of a civilization they want to hand over to their kids.  Right now, we’re on the same course as the Titanic.”

Carlson: After watching those two videos, I can’t say as I can argue with you.  Those are some pretty nasty scenarios.  In fact, I would encourage all Americans to watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration off the Charts” video.  There’s no way to escape the facts that we cannot sustain another 100 million immigrants.”  Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

Wooldridge:  You know, Tucker, thank you for being one of the first at the national level to bring these startling realities to all Americans. It doesn’t matter what your race, creed or color is, because you and your children will be in the middle of an ecological-sociological-economic tragedy around the year 2050, if not sooner.  It’s not “if” it’s coming, but “it’s” coming if we don’t change course.

Carlson: You’ve promoted a book by Christopher O. Clugston with a wrenching title: Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment with Industrialism.  In that book, he shows how our entire civilization will collapse because we’ve exhausted all the minerals-metals and NNR’s that allow us to function.  Do you have any follow-up on that?

Wooldridge:  Clugston is the Einstein of knowledge of resources on this planet. He methodically shows that we accelerate on a collision course with the finite-limited resources on this planet by 2050.  At that point, we will have added 100 million people to America and 3 billion more to the planet.  There’s no way to water, feed, house, work or sustain those horrific numbers. His conclusion shows that all our great cities will collapse for want of metals-minerals-water-energy and the like.  Many other experts corroborate Clugston’s findings.

Let me read a paragraph from Clugston’s findings: “Our impending collapse will result from our irreparably and irreversibly impaired global natural environment, specifically, from Earth’s extensively depleted and/or decimated finite and non-replenishing non-renewable natural resource reserves—a circumstance that cannot be remedied.”

Further, “Restoration of our irreversible and irreparably impaired global natural environment will be physically impossible. Through industrialism, humanity set out to accomplish great things; and we have accomplished great things. Unfortunately, we have obviated ourselves in the process.”

Carlson: Reading it gave me a chill about my own family’s future.  So, what other negative aspects do we face as we near 2050?

Wooldridge:  Do you have another three hours?  We humans have proven ourselves very clever creatures, but we lack the long term understanding of living within the carrying capacity of a finite planet, finite fresh water, finite arable land, finite animal kingdom, finite quality of life, and most of all, a delicately balanced biosphere.  When you add billions and billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere over the decades—you’re overloading the planet’s systems.  When you kill off one-third of all animal life by 2050 as the Harvard Professor Edward O. Wilson predicts at current extinction rates—you’re destroying the Web of Life too quickly for Mother Nature to recover or maintain a balance.

When we poison the soils, rivers and oceans 24/7 with 70,000 deadly chemicals—we’re poisoning ourselves.  Notice the cancer rates. Notice the drug usage. Notice the despair and depression.  Notice the enormous amount of obesity in America. Notice the addictions of millions. Notice the heat trends. I’ve said it before that the ocean may look placid on the surface, but a riptide cannot be seen as it traps you, and finally, carries you to your death.  We’ve pretty-much created a terrific riptide called human overpopulation in America and worldwide.

Tucker, do you think we stand a chance of surviving another 100 million people?  Then, why would we choose that path? Why are we letting our leaders take us on this endless growth path? This is a scientific fact: exponential growth always leads to collapse.

Carlson:  I don’t know the answer to your question, but I can see the calamity of another 100 million people trying to scratch out a living in America?  Besides, you’re the expert, not me.

Wooldridge: We had all better become experts if we hope to survive what’s coming.  We need a national discussion-debate with the finest minds in this country and around the world.  We need guys like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos with all their billions to organize conferences that bring solutions.  We need a president in this country that comprehends science, reality and the multiple dilemmas of this ‘monster’ of a civilization we’ve created during the Age of Oil.  Neither of the two major candidates possesses a clue as to what’s coming.  They are stuck in the past or in the here and now, and simply cannot grasp the realities of the future.

Carlson:  This is the most depressing interview I’ve ever conducted. Can you give the audience some hope?

Wooldridge: Tucker, how about you bringing on the top population experts, climate experts, species extinction experts, water experts, energy experts, arable land experts, quality of life experts, energy experts and another dozen specialists each week to educate a really deaf-dumb-blind public as to what we face. And give them 15 minutes or more to explain their expertise on particular subjects. Americans can’t know what they face because the mainstream media suppresses and ignores the facts that I’ve given you in this interview.  Why? Because corporate money-mongers own the MSM, think only of their bank accounts and could care less about the future. It’s totally ‘stupid thinking’ at the highest levels.

Carlson:  Why aren’t more experts and leaders alerting or at least educating the American people?  Why not start bringing solutions that will actually have us changing course?

Wooldridge:  Would you like to see my 90-minute talk-slide show of what’s coming?  It’s titled: “The Coming Overpopulation Crisis Facing America: and what you can do to change course.”  In that program, my audiences’ jaws drop because once they understand what our country is facing, it’s like a tube of squeezed toothpaste—you cannot ‘un-know it’.  We need a national discussion at every city council meeting, governors’ conference, corporation heads, U.S. Senators and all Americans. This topic must be at the center of NPR, PBS, 60 Minutes, CBS, ABC, FOX, CNN and all local stations.

Carlson: Yours has been the most sobering if not depressing interview of my career. I hope you take this message to all the media outlets.

Wooldridge: Well, let’s take action instead of becoming victims of history.  We can change course.  We must change course, now!

Carlson:  Thank you Mr. Wooldridge.  We’ll have you back.  And that’s it for this evening folks….

Please note: This virtual interview was not aired on television.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Antifascism Groups Becoming Huge threat to U.S., Claim Intelligence Experts

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

Antifascist (ANTIFA) groups have become far more organized, equipped, funded, and even trained in special camps to bring about immense social disruption, property damage, business and financial loss, and violent clashes with law enforcementThese groups are sorely underestimated by city and other elected officials, according to a National Association of Chiefs of Police intelligence report.

Do not confuse these zealots with the hippie rioters of the Vietnam War era of the late 1960’s.

The members of ANTIFA are extremely mean-spirited and violent.  Recruitment programs reach into the 6th grade level of schools, and indoctrination into Marxism is not hidden; whether for young students or college age adults who comprise the largest block within the organization.

The ability to be mobile, bringing additional resources to multiple cities simultaneously, is also a new development aided by large cash infusions from financial pockets dedicated to the overthrow of America, her values and principles, traditions and form of government intent on creating a Communist system.  This is not mere philosophy or flashy talking points, this is the “end goal” of the Antifa movement.

“There is still a common perception that workplace violence and school shootings, are random shootings just occur by someone who just snapped,” said Dr. Lyle Rapacki, the founder and CEO of Sentinel Intelligence Service, LLC.

Rapacki notes that the Exceptional Case Study Project by the U.S. Secret Service demonstrated: “Planned, targeted attacks are not confined to those involving prominent public officials and celebrities.  Tragically, such attacks are a frequent feature of interpersonal violence in this country today.  Cases involving stalking, domestic violence, workplace violence, and bias-motivated criminal activity involve planned – often violent – attacks on intentionally selected targets.”

[YouTube Video]

“Knowing about a threat…knowing how to respond to a threat might make all the difference between successfully repelling an attack or succumbing to an attack; whether from terrorism or domestic violence or criminal activity, or even becoming a victim in a catastrophic event “down the street.”  If you are a leader of a business or corporation or the leader of a family, knowing what could jeopardize the safety, well-being and continuity of your business or family could determine if you will still enjoy your business or family after the threat announces itself,” notes Dr. Rapacki.

The Obligations of active ANTIFA members is to:

  1. Track white nationalists and Far Right groups in every region of the United States.  This includes surveillance over the internet, public records, and real-time surveillance.
  2. Oppose public Far Right organizing whatever it takes, and disrupt and crush all activities and even individual members.
  3. Support all anti-fascist groups aligned under the banner of ANTIFA.
  4. Build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.  This includes violent confrontations, use of unsophisticated items like Molotov cocktails, M80s, pepper spray, balloons filled with urine and/or feces thrown at law enforcement officers.

Mentioned below are depicting all of the aforementioned, and more.  The information is well researched and written for your easy study, and also provides a good working and tactical profile of these multiplying violent Leftist groups:

A suspected gunman, Robert Williams, allegedly ambushed two uniformed police officers who were sitting in a patrol van on a Saturday night, shooting and wounding one officer after a bullet grazed his chin and neck, narrowly missing his carotid artery. Neither officer returned fire.

About 12 hours later, police say Williams then opened fire inside police headquarters at the 41st Precinct in the Bronx on Sunday morning. During the rampage, he struck a police lieutenant in the upper left arm, who returned fire but missed. The gunman shot through all the rounds of a 9 mm handgun before laying on the ground and surrendering to officers. (Editor’s Note: The 41st Precinct in the Bronx during the 1970s was known nationally as Fort Apache since the police station was surrounded by hostile criminals. A major motion picture — Fort Apache: The Bronx — starred Hollywood icon Paul Newman as a Bronx street cop.)

Both injured officers in the twin incidents were released from the hospital on Sunday and were greeted by claps and cheers from dozens of fellow officers waiting outside the hospital.

Mayor Bill de Blasio — who had come under harsh criticism from police officers in the past,is again accused of contributing to anti-cop rhetoric in the city– called the incidents “an attempt to assassinate police officers,” and condemned the acts of violence.

“He’s a cop killer,” NYPD union leader Patrick Lynch decried of Williams on Monday, before continuing to bash the “elected officials who rushed to the hospital,” after the attacks but “aren’t supporting us on a regular basis.”

“It’s not too late to stand up on that soapbox and say, ‘My words against police officers did damage. My words got into the heads of criminals on the street who thought they were safe enough to try to kill police officers,” Lynch said, taking aim at city officials like Mayor Bill de Blasio.

As time goes on, police officers across the country are being scolded and denigrated by politicians, mostly left-wing officeholders. After major police organizations and unions endorsed a second term for President Trump, the Democrats became more emboldened and actually refused police protection to American citizens.

[YouTube Video]

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

When We Had a CIA That Worked for America

By Cliff Kincaid

The left-wing Soros-funded National Security Archive has released some documents about the CIA’s good old days, when the agency had anti-communists on its staff and they responded to the orders of a duly elected resident. The documents concern the overthrow of the communist president of Chile in 1973.

Chile was once run by an associate of Fidel Castro. Today, there is a narco-terrorist communist regime in Venezuela and the CIA can’t seem to do anything about it.

The National Security Archive is outraged, of course, by the documents it highlighted on the 50th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s September 15, 1970,order to overthrow the communist Chilean President Salvador Allende. But I find this document refreshing. “1 in 10 chance, perhaps, but save Chile,” ordered Nixon.

In this case, officials did the right thing, carrying out the president’s orders to thwart the communist advance in South America.  “Not concerned [about] risks involved,” wrote CIA director Richard Helms about the president’s orders and policy. It was successful.

The National Security Archive receives millions of dollars from left-wing foundations, including the Soros-funded Open Society Institute, but also gets money from Dow Jones and the New York Times.It frets that Nixon had “demanded regime change in the South American nation that had become the first in the world to freely elect a Socialist candidate.”

Socialist? He was a Castro puppet. And he seized power with only 36 percent of the vote.

It’s a “Full time job — best men we have,” Nixon had said, arguing for a sustained effort to stop communism in Chile. “Make the economy scream.”  The CIA didn’t have to work too hard. The people didn’t want communism and turned out in the streets to protest. The military responded with a coup against Allende and General Augusto Pinochet took power.

Faced with a popular rebellion against his communist policies, Allende shot himself with an AK-47 assault rifle given to him by Castro.

Pinochet saved Chile from communism, and presided over a transition to a free market economy that produced the greatest prosperity in Chilean history. He led a revolution in Chile that by communist standards was virtually bloodless. Some 3,000 people were killed by the military when they overthrew Salvador Allende. By contrast, in Russia and China, millions were slaughtered.

Pinochet stepped down from power voluntarily and preserved freedom in Chile.

But the Communists and their friends could not forgive Pinochet for saving Chile from communism. A renegade left-wing Spanish prosecutor tried to have Pinochet prosecuted for human rights violations when he visited London for medical treatment.

Consider the CIA today, in regard to Venezuela’s Allende, the late Hugo Chavez, who was succeeded by Nicolás Maduro. President Trump’s proposed replacement, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaido, is another socialist. His Popular Will party is a “progressive” party and a member of the Socialist International. He doesn’t inspire much confidence.

With years to plan Maduro’s demise, but crippled under Barack Hussein Obama, the CIA is in such bad shape they can’t or won’t replace one socialist with another. Guaido, the speaker of the National Assembly, is still on the outside looking in, wondering why the CIA is so incompetent and clamoring for more economic sanctions on the regime. But they haven’t been enough to generate “regime change.”

If any country was ripe for an anti-communist revolution, it is Venezuela. But the CIA can’t pull it off. President Trump should find out why.

Venezuela was once a major oil exporting nation but became an economic basket case under Chavez and Maduro. The regime is more of a national security problem than Iran and is believed to be running guns to terrorists and trafficking cocaine. Indeed, the Department of Justice in March indicted Maduro and other officials, along with two Colombia terrorist leaders, on drug and other charges.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said Maduro and the other defendants “expressly intended to flood the United States with cocaine in order to undermine the health and well being of our nation.”

It’s great for President Trump to be presiding over peace in the Middle East, but what about the security threat a few thousand miles south of our border in Venezuela?

Former CIA officer Brian Latell, author of Castro’s Secrets,once revealed that Hugo Chavez and/or his brother Adan were likely recruited by Castro’s intelligence service and that the Venezuelan intelligence service operates as an “adjunct” of the Cuban DGI.

Yet, current and former CIA officials seem more concerned about Trump. Former CIA officials Michael Morell, Michael Hayden and Philip Mudd all denounced Trump before he took office. Former CIA operations officer Evan McMullin ran against him as an independent presidential candidate.

Obama’s director of the CIA was John Brennan, who voted for the Communist Party (CPUSA) ticket when he was in college but was hired by the CIA anyway and quickly rose through the ranks. He is implicated in the Deep State effort to destroy the Trump presidency.

The disclosures from the National Security Archive remind us of the days when the CIA destabilized communist regimes. Our own anti-communist Trump presidency seems to be their number one target these days. They seem to want to install a socialist regime in Washington, D.C.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

You Caused It. You’re Guilty. Shut Up and Comply

By Ron Ewart

“Guilt is cancer.  Guilt will confine you, torture you and destroy you as a [human].  It’s a black wall. It’s a thief.”  —Dave Grohl, contemporary American singer and songwriter

“Yep.  You Caused It.  You’re Guilty.  Now shut up and comply!”  No, you’re not guilty.  Where are the American mavericks that will tell the judge, jury, or government to go to Hell?

Of all the emotions that control human behavior, guilt, fear and anger are the most destructive.  Guilt can make us change our behavior for the good or bad.  Fear can stop us in our tracks.  Anger can make us act in an uncontrollable manner, where reason, logic and common sense are absent.  Government has mastered the use of guilt, fear and subterfuge to manipulate and control the people.

In the late 1920’s President Hoover retained the University of Chicago and Harvard University to conduct a study on how to manipulate the masses through their subconscious minds.  Both universities were at the top of the curve in studying social studies and industrial psychology to determine a “satisfactory structure for society.”

The Rockefeller Foundation was supposed to have funded the study since John D. Rockefeller was the founder of the University of Chicago.   The Rockefeller Foundation was up to its neck in funding psychological studies and creating organizations to work with universities and government for the purposes of controlling how the government works, employee work standards and planning public policy initiatives like the New Deal and Social Security.  George Soros is doing the same thing today.

All this work by Rockefeller, the universities and the government was the seed of a growing and powerful centralized government.  The Great Depression was just the emergency that the Progressives were looking for to increase federal government control of America and its citizens and to create a “satisfactory structure for society”, socialism.  The American people were never asked if that is what they wanted.  FDR just did it!

World War 2 was the next emergency used to subjugate the American population even though it was a necessary evil.  The Coronavirus of 2020 was the third major emergency that opened the door to rapidly increasing federal government and state control of the people.  There have been many small emergencies since the Great Depression that have accomplished the same thing.  Even before, the 16th Amendment from 1913 was a form of manipulation and control.  Americans are heavily manipulated, controlled, regulated, directed and subjugated but they don’t seem to be aware of it, much less care.  Today’s society is a far cry from what the Founders envisioned.

Why would a just government, built on constitutional principles, want to manipulate or control the people of a free country through their subconscious minds?  The answer is abundantly obvious.  The last thing that a powerful central government needs are individuals thinking independently for themselves, proclaiming they are free and resisting government intervention in their lives.  The first thing that totalitarian or strong centralized governments do is to coral the independent thinkers, take their livelihoods and guns away, lock them up, starve them, or re-program them to be compliant government robots, as the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Muslims of Western China and what Stalin did to the people of Ukraine.

The reader may ask, how is the government manipulating and controlling me?  They are doing it in so many subtle and not-so-subtle ways, from birth to death.  Most Americans are totally unaware that they are being controlled and manipulated.

And it is not only government that is trying to manipulate you.  Every single TV advertisement you see is an attempt to manipulate you and get you to buy their product, with a barrage of one-half second hypnotic images.  When the ad says you will save “X” number of dollars, it is a lie because you aren’t saving anything.  The price is the price.   The alleged “saving” is a mirage to con you into thinking you are getting a better deal.  And don’t forget the small print at the bottom of the ad where all the negative stuff is contained.  There is no way that anyone could read the ultra small print in the time frame the ad is aired.

But the worst manipulator is the government.  Public school socialist, environmental and one-world-government indoctrination is manipulation of the worst kind because it is aimed at our most impressionable and vulnerable in our society, our children.  Children have no defense against brainwashing by government and special interests, unless their parents intervene.  Sadly, after three generations of indoctrination, the parents have been just as brainwashed as their kids so they see no need to intervene.

America’s public school system is designed to force-feed a Progressive (socialist, environmental, one-world) agenda down their pretty little throats and make them compliant to whatever the government wants or demands.  “Yes master!  Whatever you say master!”  It’s disgusting!

Then there is the “Climate Change” fraud, alias, man-caused global warming.   One only need Google “Climate Change” to find out how government, academia and social media have manipulated and propagandized the subject.  All of the articles in the first three or four pages that Google identifies, are designed to squelch any climate deniers even though there are mountains of credible scientific studies and peer reviewed papers that disprove man-caused global warming.  You won’t find those studies and papers on Google, or in your local newspaper.  But you will find them at this link:  (See “Climate”)

Climate Change propaganda is everywhere.  It is in our schools and colleges.  Our kids are brainwashed in it.  The news media echoes the climate change mantra incessantly. It appears in hundreds of national geographic documentaries.  Forest fires are being blamed on climate change.

Corporations have even jumped on the bandwagon.  Amazon just named the new hockey arena in Seattle “Climate Pledge Arena” and has allegedly pledged $2 Billion to be net zero CO2 emissions by 2040.  It is purportedly buying 100,000 electric delivery vehicles ….. with electricity supplied by fossil fuels.

The planet may be warming but man’s contribution to global warming (CO2) is negligible as compared to the other elements that control climate, such as the Sun, cloud cover, radiation, water vapor, the earth’s tilt, wobble and orbit, distance from the Sun, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, ocean currents, etc.  There are so many variables controlling climate it is virtually impossible to accurately model and predict that man is the cause.  (See: “3.4% x 3.62% x 2%)

Why does government want to con you about Climate Change?  So that they can manipulate and control your behavior and extract huge sums of money from you to fix a problem that man didn’t cause.  It’s never about the environment.  It is always about power and control.  If you don’t believe their propaganda and lies, they do everything in their power to discredit you.

Government and the environmentalists use the environment as a weapon to relieve you of your rights and constitutional freedoms.  Government and the environmentalists make you feel guilty for damage to the planet and by God you are going to pay.  “Comply or else.”

We used to be a nation and people of innovation, invention and ingenuity.  But almost everything we invent now or want to build to improve the human condition or provide a product that serves a need, is either restricted beyond profitability, or a law passed to make it illegal.  Now everything is about conserving or doing without. Clean nuclear and hydropower are off limits.  Building dams that provide electric power, irrigation and flood control, are a no, no but tearing down dams is all the rage.  What for?  So that Indians, a very small minority, can increase their 50% share of the salmon catch. But building taxpayer-subsidized, inefficient wind and solar farms is OK.

Unfortunately, most Americans have depended upon and given into government for so long, they have forgotten how to do for themselves and have abdicated their right to freedom.  They have become pawns and slaves without even knowing it.

They have allowed violence and rioting to take place with no consequence.  They have allowed our politicians to pass unconstitutional law and look the other way.  They have allowed over-educated, psychological idiots to take over the public school system and teach anti-American, racist non-sense, all with the people’s permission.  They have allowed government to squander their money and criminally increase the national deficit and debt, but do nothing.  The have allowed government to divide them by race.

They have allowed our borders to be overrun by illegal aliens that we taxpayers have to fund, but remain quiet. The people have allowed government to nationalize their health care without a whimper.  They have allowed three major social media companies to dictate political discourse and censor conservative ideas, but do nothing to stop it.  They have given into the loss of their freedoms to almighty government and special interest groups that hold no allegiance to individual freedom and un-alienable, God-given rights, much less the Constitution.  For the sake of a few pieces of silver they have prostrated themselves before government and bow to its supreme power.

The people have been told that they are guilty of just about everything and therefore must comply with all government edicts.  They are scared to death by government and environmental or public health pronouncements of dire consequences if the people don’t give into and capitulate to government mandates.

As an 83-year old American, we stand in disgust of what we see and what millions of Americans have become.  At one time Americans were fighters that gave birth to freedom, tied two oceans together with the iron horse and tamed a continent.  In uncommon courage and at great sacrifice they won the freedom for over a billion people in two world wars.  Americans are a generous people beyond a fault.

But we have become weak and docile, anxious to avoid a fight, even if that fight is brought to our doorstep, as it is today in cities all over America.  Now we engage in drug and alcohol dependency and contemplations of suicide.  Many are racked with depression.  We watch senseless nonsense on our TV and movie screens.  Because of our distractions and fear, we won’t lift a finger in our own defense or the defense of freedom itself, even while the socialist enemy is pounding on the front gate with designs to relieve us of our life, liberty and property.

What is to become of the people of America?  Will they listen to the snake oil salesman that utters false promises of a socialist utopia?  Will they capitulate to the siren call of drugs and alcohol addiction?  Will they give up their honesty, morality and values for dependency on government?  Will they become immersed in the debauchery of irredeemable entertainment?  Will they lose their connection to a strong work ethic?  Will they give up their faith?  Will they abdicate their freedom for convenience and government largess?  Will they allow government or political parties to divide them by race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or color?

We can give into “You did it!  You’re guilty!  Shut up and Comply!,” but we don’t have to.

There is nothing in nature or the law that says we have to bow down to self-induced or compulsory enslavement.  The only answer to the approaching loss of freedom is REBELLION ….. on a massive scale.  But do enough of us have the courage.

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

California Passes Bill To Reduce Penalties For Sex With “Willing Children”

By: Bradlee Dean

“Sex before eight before it’s too late.” -North American Man Boy Love Association

With all that is going on the world today, one might consider asking the question as to why our said representatives have so much time on their hands to take the time and decriminalize those who mean to prey upon children (Luke 17:2).  Then again, we live in a country that gives a pass to those who sanction their murder (Proverbs 6:17).  So, it should come as no surprise to anyone as to how backwards Americans have become (Isaiah 59).

When the sodomites began to attack my ministry (Matthew 5:10) when we were defending our children from them back in the early 2000s, that is when George Bush was pushing forth their agenda behind the backs of his supporters. I remember being called every name in the book of the reprobates (Romans 1:28).

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They called me such names as “bigot” and “hater.”  I was also called a “liar” when I brought up the fact that their end aim was children.  All anyone had to do was to go to the congressional record to find out if it were the truth or not.

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The Daily Mail recently reported: “French ‘paedophile’ faces death by firing squad in Indonesia ‘for molesting 300 children and beating those who refused to have sex with him’.”

“A French man could be executed by a firing squared in Indonesia after being accused of molesting more than 300 children and beating those who refused to have sex with him.

Police said they arrested pensioner Francois Abello Camille, 65, last month at a hotel in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, where they discovered two underaged girls in his room.

Camille faces death by firing squad or life in prison if convicted on the raft of charges – including accusations he filmed the illicit encounters – under Indonesia’s child protection laws.”

Only in America, where not only the representatives of special interest groups but also the accomplices that give these criminals a pass in daring the justice of God (Jude 1:7), do these people want to normalize the unthinkable.  We have sodomite Scott Weiner advocating a criminal act.

It is interesting to note, as Hollywood paedophiles are beginning to be called out for their crimes against children, these feigned representatives of the people are calling forth the normalization of crimes against children (Exodus 22:22-24).

Pamela Geller, a contributor from The Sons of Liberty Media, writes:

California lawmakers passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex offender is within ten years of the age of the victim.

According to SB 145, the legislation “would exempt from mandatory registration” as a sex offender “a person convicted of certain offenses involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring the person to register.”

The measure would allow a judge to decide if an adult who engages in oral or anal sex with a child must register as a sex offender if that person is within ten years of the age of the victim.


Say what you will, friends, concerning the acts of these paedophiles, but you can rest assured that the God-fearing daddies and mommies in this country are not going to put up with it, and neither am I (Proverbs 16:6).

[YouTube Video]

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

BLM and ANTIFA: Death to America

By: Amil Imani

It is a fundamental human trait to locate the source of anything bad happening and try to neutralize it. There are, however, times that the source of the harm cannot be pinpointed or when successfully recognized, it cannot be eliminated. Failure to recognize the source or neutralize it can devastate our cities.

The current rioters’ sense of victimization is a reaction that frequently goes hand-in-hand with displaced aggression on a convenient safe target. The aggression can be verbal, physical, or a combination of the two.

The longstanding slogan “Death to America and Israel” vilifying the U.S. and Israel started in Iran by the occupying rulers. No ordinary Iranian has ever used that filthy phrase. When the media unknowingly attributes or refers that Iranians on the anniversary of the Islamic Republic chanted Death to America, they are being deceitful.  They are not making a distinction between the people of Iran and the regime. Iranian people respect both the US and Israel. These paid regime’s apparatus and agents, like (ANTIFA and BLM) who incessantly and by the order of Ayatollah Khamenei keep using the phrase “Death to America” on special occasions and anniversaries perhaps for psychological reasons.

If you look at both videos, you will see the similarities between the two. Antifa and BLM chanting Death to America. It is obvious that the Islamic Republic of Iran is very involved in training these domestic terrorists. After Forty-one years, it is easy to figure out their modus operandi.

Another reason the regime will never stop chanting their favorite phrase of Death to America is because of the Shah’s relationship with the US. Tsarist Russia to the north was dead set to annex much of what had remained of Iran and aimed to expand itself all the way to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. Then there were the British who had colonized Indian Subcontinent and dominated much of the Middle Eastern Arab lands. Iran was next in line. The demise of Tsarist Russia gave birth to yet a more virulent threat of the Soviet Union. Of more recent time, the United States and its support of the Shah, who had an amicable relationship with Israel, made the U.S. and Israel perfect targets of blame.

It must be mentioned that Iran of today, on the one hand, has the potential of rapidly becoming a nuclear state and becoming a formidable adversary that would not settle for anything less than the total subjugation of the free world. On the other hand, in Iran’s people and culture is a genuine potential for replacing the doomsday-bent Mullahcracy and making Iran the free world’s staunchest partner with the U.S. in the Islamic world. If only the Trump administration realized this.

Here is the disturbing question, what if this violent domestic group known as Antifa offers perfect cover for jihad and secretly works with the Islamic organizations as an arm of violent jihad? On numerous occasions, Antifa has openly threatened to massacre American patriots and even President Trump. This group is one of Obama’s legacies, created  to inflict more pain on the American people. “Eight years of Obama’s leadership has left America demonstrably weaker and more divided. Rather than the promised “healing”—racial and otherwise—the Obama era frayed the ties that bind us.”

Like ISIS that grew rapidly and controlled large parts of Iraq and Syria, if BLM, ANTIFA and the source of their funds is not immediately blocked, it can become uncontrollable. They too like ISIS have support from other nations. In the case of ANTIFA and BLM, they have support from China and Iran. They are also supported by heavy weight organizations, including, Walmart, AT & T, Home Depot, L’Oréal Paris, Fox Corporation and the NFL.

Also, consider no further than Barack Hussein Obama (organizer) and George Soros (funding).


Barack Hussein Obama in 2008: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Antifa and BLM are his ‘security force’ that is carrying out his objectives (communism and destroying the established order).

“In that time, ISIS went from obscurity, mocked by President Barack Obama as a terrorist “JV team,” to the world’s most brutal terrorist network, not only responsible for thousands of deaths in the Middle East but also linked to hundreds more in dozens of terrorist plots in the West.”

We should not reject the idea of Antifa to play a larger role in the aftermath of a Trump victory, only with a stronger emphasis on violence.

In short, freedom may suffer retreats periodically and tyranny may advance occasionally. Yet, the American people must be prepared to meet any challenge and pay any price to safeguard the precious treasure of freedom for themselves and to bequeath their legacy to the next generation. We cannot remain complacent or silent. Time is of the essence.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Karl Marx, The Satanic Prophet of Darkness

Kelleigh Nelson

For more than 40 years, (more like 100) confessing Christians have become fearfully silent regarding the advancement of secularism and evil in our society. Unless Christians push back on these issues today,  America will soon become totally immersed in socialism, and our grandchildren will grow up in communism. Unless Christians speak up in their churches today, the confessing Church will soon be silenced, not by decree, but by default. —Pastor Wayne Edward – Silent No More

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity… In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.  —Antonio Gramsci (1915) Italian Marxist philosopher

Communism has decided against God, against Christ, against the Bible, and against all religion. —Billy Graham

The Communist vision is the vision of man without God. —Whittaker Chambers

George Orwell warned that whoever controls the past, the history of the country, controls the future.  With the anarchist destruction and obliteration of so many historic statues and monuments, Orwell’s statement rings true.

The mainstreaming of Marxism in US colleges and universities 30 years ago is now showing devastating results to the Republic. Karl Marx is the satanic prophet of darkness for the founders of Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa and every other communist organization.

BLM has now led to a record number of mass shootings.  Mass shootings are inescapably tied to the BLM violence that crippled police, wrecked public safety, and led socialist democrats to call for an end to cops.

“The BLM riots aren’t just a struggle session or cancel culture. They’re doing a lot more than terrorizing diners or burning down stores. The BLM riots and movement are killing people.Democrats had spent years falsely claiming that guns, rather than criminals, kill people. Now they’ve moved on to blaming gun violence on social ills that will be remedied by defunding police and shifting even more money into the same broken and corrupt welfare state.” See Daniel Greenfield’s article, Black Lives Matter Led to Record Number of Mass Shootings.

The radical anarchists who are burning, looting and murdering are embracing Marxist theoretician and Italian communist, Antonio Gramsci who called for the very elimination of Judeo-Christian societal norms and morals in order to institute socialism, i.e. Marxist communism.

Domestic terrorists have now started fires in Washington, Oregon and California with losses of 3.1 million acres burned in California, 954,000 acres lost in Oregon and 500,00 in Washington state.  Thirty-five people are dead, and many more are missing. This is satanic evil perpetrated by those who hate God.

Synagogues/Churches Defiled

In democrat-controlled cities, today’s subversives are not only destroying and defacing businesses, but they’re attacking synagogues, churches and religious statues, but mosques have not been targeted.  Hamas-linked CAIR and other subversive groups have been issuing pious statements of support for the “demonstrators,” without a word of condemnation for the violent riots.

Today’s wokeness, cancel culture, and social justice emanates directly from the very same source, God’s greatest foe, the divider, the liar, and the prince of darkness, is championed and embraced by today’s communists in BLM, Antifa, Islam and dozens of small communist groups.  BLM founder Alicia Garza embraces Islamist Linda Sarsour known for leading the disgusting 2017 Women’s March, and being openly hostile to Jews, and affiliating with virulent anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

Catholic parishes in Florida, Massachusetts and California are under attack while statues of the Blessed Mother are being vandalized in New York.

In California, the 249 year-old San Gabriel Mission was firebombed, after weeks of BLM and Antifa threats. Thankfully, the historic paintings, the Stations of the Cross, and other artifacts had been removed from the sanctuary as part of the renovations being done to prepare for the mission’s 250th anniversary next year.

The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Denver, a 108-year-old building, was at the center of some of the local riots, including the hit-and-run of three Denver police officers, and suffered permanent damage. The walls were also vandalized with graffiti reading, “Pedophiles” and “God is dead.” A Connecticut Catholic Church was vandalized with satanic symbols and sacred statues were desecrated in Florida and Colorado.  Throughout the country, assaults on religious statues are prevalent.

Church buildings in California, Minnesota, New York, Kentucky, Texas, and Colorado were attacked.  The assault on St. John’s Episcopal Church by radicals and racists was the ugliest moment of the riots in Washington D.C. Not only was the famous 204-year-old church, which every president since James Madison has attended, sprayed with graffiti, but some of the thugs even tried to burn it down by starting a fire in its basement.

In Troy, New York, BLM stormed a church service, took over their sanctuary, insulted parishioners and chanted “hail satan.”

In Los Angeles, Congregation Beth Israel’s walls were defaced with graffiti reading, “F___ Israel” and “Free Palestine.”  Some of the windows of the facility were broken and the gates were badly damaged.

Protesters also vandalized and damaged Congregation Beth Ahabah, a more than 200-year-old Reform congregation in Richmond, Virginia.

Synagogues in Los Angeles’ suffered the largest burst of vandalism and destruction.  Some of the ugliest graffiti was reserved for the Baba Sale synagogue of Moroccan Jewish refugees named after the rabbi who had helped lead Moroccan Jews out of the Muslim country and to Israel.  See Daniel Greenfield’s revealing article, “God is Dead: Leftist Rioters Vandalize Churches and Synagogues.”

In the 1870s and 1880s, anarchism originally meant a radical protest movement of impoverished artisans or downtrodden rural laborer’s, while Marxist Communism had its practice come to stand for the birth certificate of modern social democracy.  This is what we’re seeing in the streets of America today, where there are no consequences for insurrection and lawlessness. Antifa communists even burned a Bible and the American flag in front of Portland’s federal courthouse.

Both fascists and communists hate the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The Marxist Dethroning of God

Marx was recruited by the Communist League (small group of communists in Europe) to summarize their beliefs. Marx a Jew himself, hated Jews as well as all religions that worshipped God.  Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara in Cuba killed more Cubans (per capita) who didn’t agree with their politics than Hitler and Stalin combined – yet the young people of today think Guevara is a cool dude. Guevara taught that “man has to muster up as much hate as he can to smash the skulls of the imperialist Americans.”  Guevara’s picture was featured in a 2014 Blue Bloods program where it hung on a classroom wall so children would believe the murdering commie was some kind of hero.

Marx said the very purpose of communism was to, “Destroy capitalism and dethrone God.” Marx knew that the Judeo-Christian beliefs and teachings which American capitalism was built on was a bulwark against his godless Utopian Society. Marx also taught that socialism is a temporary transition to communism. “Thus, Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well,” Marx wrote in a poem in 1837, a decade before his Manifesto. “My soul, once true to God, is chosen for Hell.” That certainly seemed to be the perverse destiny for Marx’s ideology, which consigned to death over 100 million souls in the twentieth century alone.

In 1849, Marx wrote, “When our turn comes, we shall make no excuses for the terror. There is only one way in which the murderous death agonies of the old society and the bloody birth throes of the new society can be shortened, simplified and concentrated, and that way is revolutionary terror.”

Communist regimes put Marx’s principles into practice, starting with the first Marxist state. Between 1917 and 1921, the Soviet Union destroyed nearly 600 Russian Orthodox monasteries and convents. The leaders of the first communist country oversaw the killing of at least 300 Orthodox clergy. This bloodbath eventually became Soviet policy. The Eighth Party Congress decreed in 1920 that “the Party aims at the complete destruction of links between the exploiting classes and religious propaganda, while assisting the actual liberation of the working masses from religious prejudices.”

In his recent article, Alex Newman stated, “There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind BLM, and it’s not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead ancestral spirits and allowing them to work through BLM leaders. Sound crazy? BLM bosses admit it.”

BLM co-founder Patrice Cullors, who boasted in a TV interview of being a “trained Marxist,” revealed that she is also consulting spiritual entities and allowing them to “work through” her.  Those entities are demons.

Watch Alex’s short video on occultism in BLM.

Communist Revolution

Consider the mob riots in Europe in 1848; they didn’t simply happen, they were planned to burst into full bloom, spontaneously and simultaneously in several countries.  Riots have to be incited.  Moreover, revolution spanning the breadth of an entire continent is highly unlikely without thorough planning, exact timing, skillful execution, and close coordination.  So, it’s not by sheer coincidence that certain revolutionary figures had been flitting from one European hot spot to another, just like its not likely that cities in America are spontaneously erupting in violence and destruction.  It is all planned and purposefully orchestrated and executed by the communists and their wealthy benefactors who desire the overthrow of America.

While most understand Marxism, what’s not so well known is the philosophy of Leftist thinking. It was given birth to in 18th century France, cloaked beneath the cover of Enlightenment.  It was sheltered under seemingly reputable names like Rene Descartes, Sir Issac Newton, Sir Francis Bacon, and John Locke and gave birth to liberalism. Much like Marxism and Communism, it purported to use philosophy to combat poverty and unfairness, but its core was new age and occultic.

Leftist thinking powers came from French writer, historian and philosopher, Voltaire.  His argument against religion was “reason over superstition.”  Another philosopher who aided Voltaire was Denis Diderot who provided a sneak peek into the Left’s use of violence with a quote that is commonly attributed to him, “Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”

Gary Gindler’s recent article, Ernst Röhm, Maximilian Robespierre, and Democrat Party Storm troopers is telling.  America’s Leftist democrat mobsters imitate the Nazi Brownshirts in many ways, although in some ways they differ.  Today’s leftists decided to emulate the Black shirts of the Italian socialist Mussolini (in clothing choice), the Brownshirts of the German National Socialists (in their methods of terror), and the Maoist Hongweibing (in ideological stubbornness). Black shirts, Brownshirts, and Hongweibing are ancient practices of global leftist movements.  In other words, in 2020, neither leftist philosophy nor the current generation of leftists in America could come up with anything new.

Calls for the dissolution of the police or defunding of police are attempts by democrats to transform the police from a law enforcement agency into a rioters’ protection agency.  But wait…the end result with the National Socialists was that the SS Stormtroopers eradicated their “comrade” Brownshirts in the “Night of the Long Knives.”  It’s likely that the “Black shirts” of today will be eliminated by their wealthy masters.

Recall the comments and emails regarding guillotines.  The same fate may await the American democrat goons after an internal power struggle.  Remember Maximilian Robespierre, one of the founders of the leftist ideological terror, fell under the guillotine at the hands of his fellow revolutionaries.

If the SA militants in Germany were replaced by the SS militants in 1934, then someone else will obviously replace the white Antifa and black and white BLM stormtroopers for there are enough left-wing terrorist organizations in America.  Perhaps the go-ahead for the internal crackdown against Antifa and BLM will be given immediately after Biden’s loss on November 3 this year.

Leftist Politicians Allow Insurrection

Democrat politicians are allowing the communist violence to continue because their beliefs mirror the anarchists.  Seattle actually closed a park for a religious rally, but allowed anti-cop protests.

Social media and mainstream media are democrat owned.  Their allegiance is with the communist revolutionary anarchists.  Patriot Prayer promotes belief in God, but Facebook banned Patriot Prayer, and its founder Joey Gibson six days after one of their members was executed by Antifa.  The perpetrator later lost his own life.  This censorship is, in itself, evil.  Patriot Prayer is a pro-Trump group that often counter protests against far-left extremism, but FB didn’t deem them worthy of posting on their website.

The first sentence in the first amendment of our unalienable Bill of Rights states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”  Churches are shut down, limited to congregants, masks required, and a California judge has disallowed indoor church gatherings.  This is totally unconstitutional, but no one seems to be up in arms at the loss of our unalienable rights.

John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church is being denied their first amendment rights and are having their property seized for disobeying the totalitarian edict by Governor Newsom not to assemble or sing.

Another California church is pleading for relief after fines reach over $60,000.  The church was fined $5,000 for holding a morning service and $5,000 for an evening service during which congregants sang.

In Chicago, Mayor Lightfoot threatened to bulldoze two churches if they fail to obey the arbitrary edicts issued by the city concerning Covid restrictions. They said the buildings would be demolished.

Some of God’s people will not be denied.  In late July, 12,000 Christians gathered on the steps of the California Capitol building in Sacramento to pray and worship together to inspire hope in the midst of the pandemic and to encourage the Church to be strong in the midst of government shutdowns.

What we’re seeing in America today with these violent mob forces is much like the French Revolution of 1789.Their idea of freedom was one that was characterized by the pursuit of absolute power and secularism that included a mob-driven violent and forceful de-Christianization campaign. Eliminating God meant an ever-changing description of right and wrong, which is evident today in America’s decaying culture and society.


Our universities are teaching the Marxist hatred of God. Tim Snediker, a doctoral student in religious studies at the public university in California, tweeted that he would “assassinate Jesus of Nazareth” if he had a time machine.

Everything that is happening in the streets of America right now is 100 percent planned and executed by the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the mainstream media.  They have embraced godless communism and have become America’s greatest enemy.

Faith, hope, charity and forbearance are dangerous ideas for a system that relies on fear and envy. And what is dangerous must be destroyed. To create the communist heaven on earth, the faithful must abandon their beliefs or endure a living hell.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

We Have All Tested Positive For Cov-Idiocy

By Dennis Kelly

I had been avoiding writing this article for many weeks and it wasn’t until I received a recent video (which I will attach near the end) that prompted me to finally sit down and bang this out.  You see, in a way, haven’t we all tested positive for Covid-19?  How is that you might say?  Even though we’ve never taken an actual test nor do we have any of the standard symptoms of this horrifically contagious disease such as Fever, Dry Cough, Tiredness, etc., I for one find myself suffering from the lesser known symptoms of this terrible illness.

You see, often times I find myself frightened and bewildered when I walk into a large 5 acre retail store such as Wal-Mart or Home Depot and I’m the only one not wearing a mask on my face.  It’s as if I’m in the TV series “The Walking Dead” and I’m the only one not dead.  I notice many of the mask wearers stare at me but due to the mask I cannot tell if they’re smiling or frowning.  I want to think they’re smiling.  Occasionally I spot another un-dead and we look at each other with a slight wink and a nod and slowly shuffle on.

I’ve also witnessed this bizarre behavior while sitting in a restaurant and I see people walk through the door with a mask over their face but remove it when they are seated.  Then they’ll put the mask back on to walk the 10 steps to the rest room and do the same as they head to the exit all the while no one else is wearing a mask sitting at the tables.  I’ve even seen people eating a meal with a mask hanging from their ear by a mask loop.  It truly frightens the hell out of me.

Another mind warping phenomenon is the parking lot mask wearers.  These poor individuals are so susceptible to this disease they don their mask 50 yards from the door of the grocery store in order to protect themselves or more importantly protect other patrons  who they might pass traveling the 50 yards back to their own vehicles.  I also notice many of these kind souls wear their mask under their chins for quick and easy access and they always know where it is.  I think that’s smart.

I know that in almost ALL cases establishments have now posted at the entrance that masks are required upon entry.  Some even post “IT’S THE LAW” when it is not.  In all cases the Government stipulates exemptions as this one states:  The order exempts those who “cannot medically tolerate a face covering,” but doesn’t specify what that means or how a person proves it.   But try and convince a Mask Bully that you are exempt and you’ll have a fight on your hands.  I happen to be one of these unfortunate souls who cannot medically tolerate a face covering and the American Disability Act protects me from sharing with anyone why I cannot wear a face mask.  Many people think I’m just being insensitive and uncaring but it’s just another insidious aspect of this disease I have to suffer with.

My latest fear is that this mask wearing is not really about protection at all but perhaps may have another agenda behind it.  Your Government has absolutely no specifications whatsoever regarding these masks.  You literally could scotch tape a couple of toilet paper squares to your nose and meet the Government guidelines.  I remember when this terrible plague first came to our shores we were told by certain medical experts that face masks would not be required.  Even today you will find dozens of articles and videos of medical professionals who espouse the uselessness of wearing a face mask.  There are actual studies proving that it is harmful to you by reducing oxygen intake let alone the fact these masks are filthy.  They’re used over and over again.  It’s comparable to never changing your underwear isn’t it?  Imagine your surgeon about to perform your appendectomy and just as you’re about to go under they pull the red bandana from around their neck up over their nose and say we’ll see you in the post op.  That’s what we’re dealing with aren’t we.  Aren’t the discarded surgical mask, gloves and gown treated as bio-waste material?  They just don’t throw them in the dumpster do they?    So why is our Government trying to enforce these ludicrous demands of face covering to protect each other and “STAY SAFE”?  No one is staying safe.  Are we also to think that we are staying safe from a virus that cannot quite make the 6 foot leap or that the virus knows on which aisle you are walking?

In truth my biggest fear is how Covid-19 has infiltrated and corrupted the rational thinking process of the vast majority of our adult population.  People who I thought were bright, intelligent, independent thinkers are the ones I describe in the beginning of this article who dutifully and promptly slap on a mask where ever and whenever they see a sign that tells them to do so, never giving it a second thought.  What makes matters worse is they are doing it to their young children.  As I said before, the data is clear that wearing a mask depletes the oxygen to the brain and these young children are being forced to where these hideous masks by their parents and public school systems.  I think it is child abuse, don’t you?  In the video you will see what your Government has in store for our children and grandchildren.  If it doesn’t turn your stomach then you suffer from another side affect called Cov-Idiocy.

In all seriousness, haven’t you had enough of this Covid-19 garbage?  Isn’t it clear that they’ve weaponized the common cold and seasonal flu?  Even the CDC has published that their death rates were wildly erroneous by as much as 90 percent!  So why are you still putting up with this non-sense?  When will the light go on?  We are seeing mass protests in England, Germany, and Italy against their Governments crackdowns and mandates.  When are the good people of these United States of America going to stand up and shout FREEDOM!

© 2020 Dennis Kelly – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Kelly: denniskelly@charter.net

Democrats’ Destroy-Trump Efforts Almost Comical

Joan Swirsky

For the past 50 or more years, the Democrat Party––always leftwing but today both viciously anti-American and virulently anti-Semitic––has worked tirelessly to inflict its worldview on everyone in America.

By stealthily infiltrating our media, our schools (from pre-school to universities), and since Obama our Intelligence Services and Military, it has sought to convince our electorate that high taxes, open borders, sanctuary cities, shipping manufacturing jobs to foreign countries, post-birth infanticide, and total government control from cradle to grave are good––and that the U.S. Constitution, capitalism, high employment, law and order, indeed patriotism are bad.

No one has spelled out the devolution of the Democrat Party and the key players responsible for its demise more comprehensively than writer Shari Goodman––read her entire article here!


Since the election of 2016, when business mogul Donald J. Trump outsmarted 20 Republican opponents, all career politicians, and trounced Hillary in the Electoral College to win the presidency, Democrats seem to have contracted a mutating virus a thousand times worse than Covid-19.

The anti-Trump symptoms are identical in all of those “tolerant” Regressives:

  • Shout down opposing views.
  • Spew insults and epithets.
  • Create falsehoods and pretend they’re true.
  • Support the domestic anarchists and terrorists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa and the vast destruction they’ve sown for the last four months.
  • Vow to vote for a seriously cognitively compromised candidate and a running mate who accused him of both racism and sexism.

Almost comical!


Of course the real reason for this systemic derangement is that President Trump convincingly exposed the deep criminality of Big Government and the cozy arrangements that cost the American taxpayer billions of dollars each year:

  • The Obama-Biden regime’s weaponizing of the FBI, CIA, and the FISA Court, et al, resulting in ongoing investigations which could and should land the principals of those organizations in Gitmo.
  • The crooked money “arrangements” enjoyed by higher-ups like former VP Joe Biden in securing multimillion-and-billion-dollar windfalls for himself, his son Hunter and his brother James. Ukraine, anyone? China, anyone? There is this damning piece about the Biden Crime Family Inc.
  • But worse is Debra Heine’s article about the explosive new documentary, “Red Dragon: Uncovering the Bidens’ Chinese Secrets” that “tells the hidden story of the secret financial relationship between Joe Biden’s family and the Chinese government, exposing how the Bidens’ business dealings even served the strategic interests of the Chinese military while Joe Biden was VP of the United States.”
  • The horrible treaties, including the Iran deal, NAFTA, NATO, et al, that benefitted foreign countries significantly more than the U.S.
  • The interest of the “anti-war” Democrats in keeping wars going endlessly (always follow the money).
  • The degree to which lobbyists and the members of Congress they hire determine legislation that is good for their pocketbooks but not for We the People who they purport to represent.
  • The utter impoverishment of Democrat philosophy and policy.


Candidates Biden and Kalamity are telling the American public that it is they––and not President Trump––who will bring America to its best days yet. Yet they admit they will:

  • Raise taxes to unprecedented levels.
  • Reinstall the strangulating regulations that President Trump did away with in order to allow Free Enterprise to flourish.

And, according to Sundance, Joe Biden opposes:

  • Energy independence.
  • Stable energy development for our economy, which is the backbone of manufacturing revitalization.
  • Earth-mineral exploration and development.
  • And he “promises to reattach our economy to the Paris Climate Treaty which will forever restrict the growth of American industry.”

Given all these economy-killing policies, the delusional Biden-Kalamity ticket continues to assure us every day that we should trust them to invigorate the economy and boost employment.

Almost comical!

Cui Bono––Who Benefits Under Biden-Kalamity?

Certainly not the Black community which has enjoyed the highest employment in American history under President Trump!

Certainly not the Blacks who have been imprisoned with disproportionately harsh sentences, but thanks to President Trump’s “First Step” program have been freed to enjoy gainful employment and their cherished freedom. By the way, where was the Obama-Biden tag team for eight years in bringing such life-enhancing legislation about?

Certainly not the Hispanic community which has also enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.

Certainly not women who have enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.

Certainly not the youth of our country who have enjoyed record employment under President Trump’s policies.


Think about it. Since Donald Trump and his gorgeous wife Melania came down the escalator in Trump Tower in June of 2015, every leftist pundit, commentator, TV anchor, sophisticated scribe and Hollywood ditzoid predicted––with amazing confidence and self-important arrogance––that “Donald Trump will not be President of the United States.” Here is my favorite clip of those always-wrong know-nothings.

Today, about six weeks from the election, all those brilliant Democrats––you know, the ones with the fancy college degrees, the impressive credentials, the high IQs, the decades in government service at the highest levels––are the same leftists who:

  • Failed at the Russian hoax.
  • Failed at the Ukraine hoax.
  • Failed at the Impeachment hoax.

That’s a lot of failure. But it hasn’t stopped the Democrats from continuing to fail.

While President Trump is busy bringing about unprecedented breakthroughs in forging alliances between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Serbia and Kosovo, and now Israel and Bahrain––for which he has rightfully earned not one but two nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize––Democrats once again prove their idiocy by admitting that they loved when the arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat received the prize and when Barack Obama received it for….um…what???––but all of a sudden, they hate the Nobel Prize.

Almost comical!


Now desperate, the Democrats trot out an article in the far-left Atlantic magazine that alleges that the president called American World War I veterans who died in France “suckers” and “losers.” This canard was an accusation not one person in America believes, given the president’s unequalled respect for and largesse to our military, including the massive build-up of the U.S. Military that the Obama-Biden regime eviscerated, emasculated, and tore down at every opportunity.

Where did this poison dart go? Another failure.

The next day, the same now-panicked leftists trotted out the “breaking,” “explosive,” and also go-nowhere revelation that Bob Woodward, the reporter for the fanatically anti-Trump Washington Post, revealed in his new book, Rage, that President Trump, gasp, didn’t want to panic the public and so played down the potentially dire information he was receiving about the China virus, Covid-19.

Imagine going to a doctor or bringing your child to a doctor, only to have that medical professional enter the room and tell you, “This is bad, very bad.” A sane person would call this doctor an alarmist and walk out of the room, outraged by his or her lack of empathy, lack of optimism, and failure to suggest a plan of action.

President Trump, on the other hand, demonstrated tremendous empathy for a scared public, the indomitable optimism that characterizes the American character, and an extensive plan of action that was implemented with seamless efficiency––all things that Doomsday Democrats hate!

Unfortunately for Woodward and his boss Jeff Bezos, this poison dart also failed because the American public that leftists hold in such contempt have eyes and ears and see for themselves what the president did to protect them, including immediately shutting down travel to the U.S. from China, and then from Europe, and then employing his vast executive experience in obtaining more personal-protective equipment and medically-outfitted ships and masks and respirators and testing than any country on earth––and in typically Trump record-breaking time.


No doubt, these frantic, Democrats will keep up the anti-Trump drumbeat until Election Day on November 3rd––fabricating explosive headlines, leveling damning accusations, and working overtime to rig the election.

But this effort will earn them a Z for zero success. That is because I suspect that most Democrats are not that dumb, that when they get into the voting booth and draw the curtain, and even when they fill out the mail-in voter forms, they will pull the lever or check the box for the man who promises––and has already delivered––peace and prosperity.

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Another Black Robed Tyrant Strikes – Again

By: Devvy

“You seem to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have, with others, the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps…. Their power [is] the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control.

“The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.”  —Thomas Jefferson

We are now into months of the latest round rioting, looting and burning courtesy of the Bolshevik Lies Movement aka Black Lives Matter and fascist anarchists known as ANTIFA.

The lives of millions of Americas continue to be destroyed financially as well as their health both mental and physical, by the continuing mandatory restrictions placed on them by tyrant governors, mayors, school boards and teachers unions over this latest coronavirus strain.

In the movie, The Patriot with Mel Gibson, his character asks a question before a vote on whether or not to take on the British:  Would you rather have one tyrant 3,000 miles away or 3,000 tyrants one mile away?

And so, it is today.

For decades I’ve railed against rancid decisions by federal judges and the U.S. Supreme Court – along with about a million other Americans keeping a watchful eye.  Example:

PLYLER v. DOE, 457 U.S. 202 (1982) – 457 U.S. 202 – Argued December 1, 1981; Decided June 15, 1982. Held:

“A Texas statute which withholds from local school districts any state funds for the education of children who were not “legally admitted” into the United States, and which authorizes local school districts to deny enrollment to such children, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Pp. 210-230.

“(a) The illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases challenging the statute may claim the benefit of the Equal Protection Clause, which provides that no State shall “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” Whatever his status under the immigration laws, an alien is a “person” in any ordinary sense of that term. This Court’s prior cases recognizing that illegal aliens are “persons” protected by the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which Clauses do not include the phrase “within its jurisdiction,” cannot be distinguished on the asserted ground that persons who have entered the country illegally are not “within the jurisdiction” of a State even if they are present within its boundaries and subject to its laws.

“Nor do the logic and history of the Fourteenth Amendment support such a construction. Instead, use of the phrase “within its jurisdiction” confirms the understanding that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protection extends to anyone, citizen or stranger, who is subject to the laws of a State, and reaches into every corner of a State’s territory. Pp. 210-216……

“The court held that “the absolute deprivation of education should trigger strict judicial scrutiny, particularly when the absolute deprivation is the result of complete inability to pay for the desired benefit.” Id., at 582. The court determined that the State’s concern for fiscal integrity was not a compelling state interest, id., at 582-583; that exclusion of these children had not been shown to be necessary to improve education within the State, id., at 583; and that the educational needs of the children statutorily excluded were not different from the needs of children not excluded, ibid.” (Bold emphasis mine.)

In other words, too bad for the states of the Union and the taxpayers. Illegal aliens cannot be deprived of an education paid for by stealing from the taxpayers! Illegal alien students who have no legal right to be on U.S. soil. Here in Texas there are more than 400,000 ILLEGAL alien minors in grades K-12 costing we Texans nearly $4 BILLION dollars a year.

The court goes on to say that illegal alien students didn’t have any control over their parents smuggling them into this country, so they are entitled to special consideration under the 14th Amendment. What rot. Special consideration?  An amendment says what it says but those justices decided it’s okay to make “special considerations”.

In 1982, 4 justices on that court were appointed by Nixon, one by Eisenhower, one by LBJ, one by JFK and two by Reagan.

When that decision was made, Congress had already passed endless immigration laws. Anyone who enters this country without going through the proper channels is here illegally. They are not “persons” invited into the U.S., they smuggle themselves across the border.

Were any of those justices who voted against We the People and for illegals impeached?  Of course not.  I can remember quite well back in the 1990’s members of Congress like J.D. Hayworth who would appear on FOX belly aching about partisan judges but donate and get me reelected!

They were as gutless then as Republicans are today always worrying about what MSM pimps will say about them or how their vote on a specific bill might endanger their chances of reelection.

“At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that the invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. 

“In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all inability to account.”  —Thomas Jefferson in a Letter to Monsieur A. Coray, October 31, 1823

Jefferson was right about no man is made to be trusted for life in regards to federal judges and the U.S. Supreme Court.  Back in 2004, Dr. Edwin Vieira wrote another one of his brilliant books, How to Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary:

“The most important constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of the rule of law and the ability of the people to enforce true law by restraining runaway activist judges…For decades, such judges have been simply making up law.

“What is worse, liberal and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behavior by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate…In this brilliant, accessible, and documented work, Dr. Edwin Vieira offers us the best researched and clearest overview to date of the power of the people to control a runaway judiciary.”

Notice it says “…the power of THE PEOPLE to control a runaway judiciary.”

For it must be We the People as Congress – regardless of which party is in power over OUR lives – they have refused to do their constitutional duty by impeaching judges who make egregious decisions.  Edwin’s book should be mandatory reading for all junior or senior high school students.  Mandatory as well as my personal favorite book:  Samuel Adams: Father of the American Revolution

People complain all the time about how Trump has “failed” regarding building the wall on our southern border yet how many of them know the many times federal judges have slapped him down making it damn near impossible to get anything done?

Complaining and doing something about it are two different things. In my column last week on DOJ refusing to indict and prosecute elected public officials, I included my letter to AG William Barr asking readers do as I did.  I received two emails from individuals who basically said it’s a waste of time because it hasn’t worked in the past.

Well, if only 15 or 27 people sent a letter one would be right.  But as I said in my column if Barr’s desk gets buried under one million letters it changes the ball game.  He who yells the loudest gets heard.  Edwin wrote a column about this back in 2013: Defeatism Insures Defeat.  I highly recommend everyone read it because Edwin is spot on:  “The question then arises: “For what are WE THE PEOPLE waiting? Until it is too late to do anything effective? Be forewarned. That day will dawn only too soon.”

Do you know only eight federal judges have been impeached and thrown off the bench in the entire history of this country?  Eight, yet look at the destruction reigned down upon We the People by federal judges and the U.S. Supreme Court, i.e., Roe v. Wade and “marriage” between sexual deviants.

“The germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body, (for impeachment is scarcely a scare-crow,) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little to-day and a little to-morrow, and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all be consolidated into one.”  —Thomas Jefferson in a Letter to Charles Hammond, August 18, 1821

In July of this year President Trump signed an Executive Order to stop illegal aliens from being counted in the census.

Act surprised:  Federal Judges Block President Trump’s Effort to Exclude Illegal Aliens From Census Count For the Purpose of Congressional Representation

“Crooked New York Attorney General Letitia James lead a coalition of states, cities and counties and sued to challenge Trump’s executive memorandum.

“The unanimous three-judge panel for the US District Court for the Southern District of New York said in its 86- page opinion that Trump’s memorandum violates the executive branch’s “constitutional responsibility to count the whole number of persons in each State and to apportion members of the House of Representatives among the States according to their respective numbers.”

U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman was nominated by Hussein Obama – an ILLEGITIMATE candidate who usurped the office of president by fraud and deception. “Federal law allows rulings by a three-judge panel in such a case to skip a review by a circuit court and instantly be appealed to the Supreme Court.”

One can only hope Trump’s legal team does appeal it to the Supreme Court but with corrupt Chief Justice Roberts and wobbly “conservatives” on the court, don’t hold your breath.

The bottom line is illegal aliens are here illegally, period.

THEY SHOULD NOT BE COUNTED IN THE U.S. CENSUS BECAUSE THAT PERSON PHYSICALLY SHOULD NOT BE ON U.S. SOIL TO BEGIN WITH.Congress has the absolute right to set immigration laws. Our immigration law says if you, a person, enter this country without being invited, without the proper documentation you’re an illegal alien. So, how does that give that “person” – in this case illegal aliens – the right to be counted in the census?

Illegals are subject to deportation when caught by law enforcement and Border Patrol.  Those judges simply blew that off.

Giving more new seats in the U.S. House of Representatives based on counting individuals who should be deported is not only unfair it’s simply damn wrong.  I have long written and said on radio and in speeches one of the biggest failures of the U.S. Congress over the decades is not impeaching judges who make unconstitutional, and in some cases, outright partisan, decisions that affect all of us.

Going back to Plyler v. Doe mentioned above.  In the court’s decision, it states:

“Use of the phrase “within its jurisdiction” thus does not detract from, but rather confirms, the understanding that the protection of the Fourteenth Amendment extends to anyone, citizen or stranger, who is subject to the laws of a State, and reaches into every corner of a State’s territory. That a person’s initial entry into a State, or into the United States, was unlawful, and that he may for that reason be expelled, cannot negate the simple fact of his presence within the State’s territorial perimeter.

“Given such presence, he is subject to the full range of obligations imposed by the State’s civil and criminal laws. And until he leaves the jurisdiction – either voluntarily, or involuntarily in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the United States – he is entitled to the equal protection of the laws that a State may choose to establish.

“Our conclusion that the illegal aliens who are plaintiffs in these cases may claim the benefit of the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection only begins the inquiry.”

I want to vomit. A person not invited into the U.S., who is here illegally and not a citizen of these united States of America is subject to protection under an amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

States like Texas should challenge that decision now that the Supreme Court has a “conservative” majority and I cringe when I say that.  We must get Trump reelected because there are potentially two more seats that will be open.  Hopefully, Ruth Bader Ginsberg will finally decide she can’t sleep on the bench any longer (age 87) and because she spends more time in the hospital and recuperating than on the bench.  A wretched witch.

The other possibly Stephen Bryer, age 82, who might decide another four years with Trump in the White House is more than he can stand.  One can pray.

We must hold our noses and vote for Republican incumbents who will be on the ballot in November, House and Senate.

If the House somehow remains in the hands of the Democrat/Communist Party USA and Republicans hold the Senate, it will be the same nightmare we’ve lived the past four years only worse.

If, God forbid, through vote fraud the House and Senate were to be taken by the Democrat/Communist Party USA, don’t think for a NY second they won’t try to impeach Trump the first week after they’re sworn in.

Perhaps things will change in 2022, but unless and until the American people actually take the time to know what we know, it will be the same as I wrote back in 2004:

American Electorate Rewards Lying, Anti-American Congress

No doubt the champagne flowed freely election night for the Republican party faithful, although for the life of me, I can’t understand why. For a nation in turmoil and demanding change, the same Congress is being returned to Washington, DC! The same Congress that has been controlled by Republicans for the past ten years.

America is sending back the same Senate (plus a few new faces) that has refused to remove one single corrupt federal judge or member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The same Senate that passed unconstitutional treaties like NAFTA & GATT without reading them that has destroyed millions of jobs since passage of both treaties. The same Senate that allowed Mr. Bush to invade Iraq without a formal declaration of war.

With the exception of a few seats which opened up for various reasons, the same House of Representatives will be returned to wreak even more destruction upon this country. The same individuals who voted to pass the insidious “Patriot Act” without even reading it. The same incumbents who have out spent any other House before them like drunken sailors in a bar with promises of more spending yet to come on unconstitutional programs and give-a-ways. The same House that allowed Mr. Bush to invade Iraq without a formal declaration of war. America is returning the same Congress to power that has destroyed our manufacturing, industrial and agricultural sectors.

The same Congress that has refused to lock down America’s borders and will allow the wholesale invasion by illegals to continue. The same Congress that has refused to get rid of NAFTA and GATT which will continue destroying American jobs and reducing the middle class to poverty. The same Congress that continues to bald face lie to the American people about the voluntary nature of the income tax, withholding and social security.

The same Congress that refuses to abolish the unconstitutional Federal Department of Education – a key tool to dumb down America for a one world government. The same Congress that will continue to promise better, affordable health care when they are the very body that is primarily responsible for destroying the best health care system in the world.

The same Congress that kowtows to foreign interests, raping the Americans people for hundreds of billions of dollars in unconstitutional foreign “aid.” The same Congress that refuses to nullify America’s participation in the Communist controlled UN. Instead, the prophetic words of Congressman James Utt on January 15, 1962 have come to pass: “You can expect to see a one world government, Communist controlled, under the United Nations. You will see the United Nations run up astronomical debts which we, under the terms of the treaty, are bound to pay.”

The same Congress will return to Washington that refuses to abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve, thereby ensuring that we the people will continue to have the fruits of our labor stolen from us by the money cartel, further reducing us to poverty:

“This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the Money Powers, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., at the time of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

“Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, rich and predatory money lenders.” Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee

Don’t expect any remedy on illegal immigration, massive taxation, foreign aid, eliminating unconstitutional cabinets and out of control spending as a result of voting all the incumbents back in office. It hasn’t happened since the Republicans have controlled Congress for the past ten years and Mr. Bush has already demonstrated his readiness to back up Congress by signing unconstitutional legislation into law.

America is returning the same Congress that hasn’t held your best interests at heart for decades, yet they were once again rewarded for their lying and massive efforts to destroy your rights by passing thousands of new, unnecessary and unconstitutional laws cementing a police state and giving away our sovereignty.

The same Congress that will rob you to pay for programs for illegal aliens, and in fact, want to give illegals a free pass, further denigrating the meaning of citizenship and allowing criminals, rapists and terrorists to remain illegally in our country has been rewarded. The same members of Congress (both parties) are being returned to seats of power who promote the murder of unborn babies and promote the perverted culture of death known as “gay orientation.”  Rest at link.

Republicans held the majority in both chambers under Bush for seven years and under Trump from 2017 – 2019.  Did they get any of the above fixed?  No.  Both parties refuse to touch the privately owned, unconstitutional “Fed”.  They need the magical money machine to keep borrowing for the grotesque, undeclared wars abroad and unconstitutional spending.  I rest my case.

However much you want to puke, putting Republicans back in power of the House and Senate will at least buy us two more years.  Trust me when I say more and more Americans are waking up.

I have a feeling Trump has plans on many issues but cannot talk it about until he’s reelected because then he doesn’t have to worry about getting reelected.  I also believe Trump has learned a lot “on the job” about betrayal and realizes just how dirty and filthy are the politics in Washington, District of Criminals.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  I will be doing them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Why You Should Cast a Vote Against the Media

By Cliff Kincaid

In comments reminiscent of Hillary’s “deplorables” remark about Trump voters in 2016, a major media figure has gone nuts over those who refuse to buy into the left-wing narratives about climate change, race war, forced vaccinations, and other items on the agenda of Biden for president.

In a newsletter actually headlined, “A screaming, spreading wake-up call,” Jim VandeHei of Axios exhibited a bizarre display of ranting and raving in print against ordinary Americans who support Trump and refuse to believe left-wing drivel about current events. He went through the roof in anger and screamed that they are “refusing to believe scientists or experts about factual news, coronavirus prevention, global warming, vaccines and established truth.”

He added, “Think about the number of educated people in your own life who share fake stories or believe B.S.”

In apocalyptic terror, he proclaimed, “It’s as if God or the galaxy, or whatever you believe in, are screaming for politicians and the public to pop our bubbles and pay attention —  and believe our eyes.”

This temper tantrum was actually distributed by Axios to subscribers to its newsletter. It’s clear VandeHei believes only in himself, as a self-proclaimed arbiter of knowledge and truth. In short, he’s an arrogant elitist. This is typical of our media today.

My reaction to this meltdown, as an analyst and critic of the media for over 40 years, is that VandeHei is one of the prominent people who share those fake stories and the B.S. I’ve seen it all before. He is one of those who excuse the Deep State’s vendetta against Trump. Rather than reason and argue with people, he thinks the voters should just accept whatever the media elites are promoting at the time. Those days are over.

By way of background, you may have noticed that we are in the home stretch to November 3 and the media are increasingly concerned that everything they throw at President Donald J. Trump is not sticking. Even when Trump makes a mistake, such as the interview with Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, most people ignore the faux pas and move on. As a result, billionaire Mike Bloomberg has just committed at least $100 million to Joe Biden in Florida alone. Expect George Soros to also intervene monetarily.

They are worried that Trump voters are standing with the president and swing voters perceive that the mentally frail Joe Biden is not up to the job and that he will be a puppet of radical socialists who will undermine the economic recovery.

These voters understand that while Trump has flaws, he is vastly superior to a rapidly fading front man for the socialist left with obvious mental deficiencies who is inclined, based on advisers’ comments, to get the U.S. into another war.

In the middle of this massive medical cover-up for Joe Biden, Jim VandeHei of  Axios has decided to scream and yell at the American people. They have lost their minds in  a panic over the prospect that Trump will win.

A former reporter for the Washington Post who is now CEO of Axios, a corporate-funded publication, VandeHei writes in such a way as to appeal to America’s elites by treating the common man as an ignoramus.  The corporate-funded outlet went for federal bailout loans during coronavirus but then under fire decided to accept dark money from unseen entities.

One of his alarmist claims is that there is a “racial reckoning” in America “after literally decades of warnings about needed policing and economic reforms.” In other words, despite the trillions spent in a failed “war on poverty,” we need a central government that will spend more, including reparations, to settle down those rioting in the cities and threatening to take their violence into the suburbs.

VandeHei accepts the narrative that the protests and riots over the death of George Floyd, a heavy drug abuser who died after resisting arrest, are legitimate. He deliberately ignores the Marxist and occult roots of Black Lives Matter. Of course, he has to maintain this stance out of respect for the “diversity and inclusion” nonsense. Otherwise, he would, as a white man, be accused of “white privilege” and have to resign.

On so-called “global warming,” an article of faith for those with New Age beliefs, he says “It’s nearly impossible to find a scientist who doesn’t agree that a warming planet has contributed to the wildfires destroying big slices of California, Oregon and Washington.” Here, he ignores the arrests of arsonists and the documented evidence of forest mismanagement by state and local officials.  The “global warming” theory — that rising temperatures have somehow “contributed” to fires — is designed for the liberal politicians such as California Governor Gavin Newsom to excuse their own incompetence.

If we followed his advice, America’s energy independence – achieved under Trump – would be sacrificed on the altar of the Green New Deal. And the forests would continue to burn while homeowners go without power.

He has a throw-away line about believing in vaccines, when people are understandably wary of vaccines that have proven side-effects and benefit Big Pharma benefactors of Axios. He seems ignorant of the flu vaccine that was withdrawn after injuring people. He doesn’t remember the rotavirus vaccine that killed kids. Or the HIV/AIDS vaccine that wasted billions and never arrived.

Finally, VandeHei seizes on a legitimate issue, “a fast-rising China,” explaining that “China grows bigger and more powerful, most recently seizing control of Hong Kong and trying to buy allies at U.S. expense.” He then quotes from the New York Times to the effect that dictator Xi Jinping said that China’s progress in fighting the virus, including reopening schools, has “fully demonstrated the clear superiority of Communist Party leadership and our socialist system.”

Not a word about the origins of the virus in China and the mounting evidence that it was man-made.

If the use of the quotation from the Times is meant to suggest that Xi is right that the Chinese system is superior, then VandeHei is an apologist for tyranny and even more of a dangerous fool than the previous examples suggest. He has to know that, rather than being a top-down system, America has federal, state and local governments, all of which have played a role in containing the impact of the China virus. It may not be as “efficient” as a dictatorship but it is a system that incorporates the will of the people through their elected governments at all levels. Here, people can protest. In China, protesters are imprisoned or shot.

People are not buying the media line that “peaceful protests” involving black and white communists are acceptable and that Trump rallies violate the law and should be banned. 

For me, and most people, the American system, as imperfect as it is, is preferable to China’s.

On the issue of the China virus, the Axios newsletter began with a quote from Anthony Fauci on left-wing MSNBC about not returning to normal until 2021. This is presented as Gospel. At least we know what cable channel Axios editors are watching for their “news.” The public understands that Fauci has lost all of his credibility on the matter of coronavirus because of his flip-flops on such matters as human-to-human conduct and the usefulness of masks. They don’t take Fauci seriously anymore. The media use him to bash Trump.

The “screaming, spreading wake-up call” from VandeHei is instead a wake-up call for the American people, so they can once again get an appreciation of the true nature of the corrupt “news” media. The media are angry that more and more people choose not to pay any attention to them. They remain silent or even encourage efforts by Big Tech to censor Trump voters and Trump himself. But on the ground, at least in my area, I see many “Trump” signs and bumper stickers and none asking for a vote for Biden.

Meanwhile, Trump boat and auto parades with big “Trump” banners and American flags are taking place all over.

VandeHei says open your eyes. We have. He hasn’t. Perhaps his mask is hiding reality.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Tucker Carlson Interviews Frosty Wooldridge on America’s Immigration Crisis

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 1: The big picture, endless immigration, America’s scant future.

“Thank you for joining me, tonight,” said Mr. Carlson. “With all the challenges facing America in 2020, this one is the least discussed.  I’m glad you’re here to talk about it.”

“It’s a pleasure, sir,” I said.

Carlson: What got you into this overpopulation-immigration topic?

Wooldridge: It all started back in 1970 when I walked down the Red Cedar River at Michigan State University as a senior.  Many booths addressed human overpopulation and growing environmental consequences.  Rachel Carson had published her groundbreaking book, Silent Spring, on how Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Bayer corporations poisoned the world with their crop chemicals like DDT being sprayed, injected and applied to fruits, vegetables, grains and corn.  We had robins dropping out of the trees, as well as Bald Eagles dying from their eggs being contaminated by chemicals.  We banned it, but those companies created other more deadly chemicals like RoundUp to take DDT’s place. They still sell DDT to third world countries in 2020.  I discovered that big corporations chase money over morality.  Profits over ethics.  Death of the Natural World over integrity.

Additionally, Paul Ehrlich published his book, Population Bomb. At the time, humans reached 3.5 billion on the planet in 1970.  He provoked a sense of urgency in my studies and understanding of the world.

Carlson:  What took you over the edge as to your involvement?

Wooldridge:  I became a math-science teacher in 1973 in Denver, Colorado.  It provided me with three months off each summer to explore the world.  As a twenty-something, I traveled on a bicycle to Alaska, across the USA coast to coast, across Europe, the length of South America, and the perimeter of Australia.  I saw the devastation of the rainforests.  I scuba dived the oceans in the 60’s to see such beauty, but over 50 years, I witnessed plastics overwhelming our oceans.  Plastics will prove the worst invention of the human race…especially for all the rest of the world’s marine creatures.

Carlson: What affected you the most during your travels?

Wooldridge: First off, I was a naïve kid riding around the world for the sheer joy of travel on a bicycle.  None of what Carson or Ehrlich wrote about connected with me until I reached China, India and Bangladesh.  By the time I traveled from Hong Kong to Beijing, the stunning enormity of their 1.1 billion population (now 1.4 billion in 2020 and still rising) totally upended my world view.  India, right behind China with 1.3 billion today, well, I watched rivers flowing in plastics, the filthy Ganges and entrenched illiteracy-poverty no one in America can comprehend.  Most people in India still use outhouses or the ground. The “human misery index” cannot be comprehended until you see it firsthand in India or Africa or Indochina.  The filth overruns India on multiple levels as to ground water pollution, air pollution and trashing of the environment.

Carlson:  Why be concerned when all of their problems are on the other side of the world?

Wooldridge:  Because the mainstream media suppresses this information, the American people don’t have a clue as to what’s coming to our country.  While American women and indeed, all Western countries, after Earthday 1970, opted to birth an average of 2.03 children or less, the rest of the third world raged ahead to add 4.2 billion people to the planet to reach 7.7 billion in 2020.  Those same people add 80 million, net gain, annually. They’re staving and living in incomprehensible misery in Africa, India, Indo-China, Mexico and many other third world countries.  Humans cannot keep up with or improve their conditions with mindless and endless growth.  At the same time, we humans are wreaking havoc and destruction on the Natural World.

Carlson: Why is that our problem?

Wooldridge: Because population-refugees are fleeing their overpopulated regions to migrate to Europe, Canada, America and Australia.  The problem grows because we added 130 million from 1970 to 2020, but we will add another 100 million by 2050.  It’s not sustainable.  It’s called “exponential growth” which mimics a cancer cell.  It keeps growing until it kills the host.  Immigration, if allowed to continue into America, and in fact all Western countries that chose stable populations, WILL most certainly collapse all our countries because there’s no way we-they can survive the water, energy, resource and arable land exhaustion coming at us like a runaway locomotive.

Carlson:  Can you gives a visual of what’s coming?

Wooldridge: Yes, I’ve got two videos by Roy Beck of www.NumbersUSA.org that every American should see.  The first 5-minute video shows how the third world adds 80 million, net gain, annually. That’s births over deaths.  The second shows what our country will look like with another 100 million to reach 440 million and on to 625 million within 80 years.  It’s not going to be a pretty picture for anyone as we continue to savage this planet’s resources with our incredible demands for resources.  Here’s the two videos, Tucker:

“In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, Immigration, Poverty, and Gum Balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

Carlson: Those are very sobering videos, Mr. Wooldridge.  Every American should see them, especially if they have children. What can we do to start preparing ourselves for the end result of another 100 million people added to the USA within 30 years?

Wooldridge: There’s no way to prepare for the impact of another 100 million people.

Carlson: What then?

Wooldridge:  We MUST shut down our borders to all immigration. It’s that simple.  If we allow another 100 million, we’re done!  That many people at our present level of immigration cannot be sustained.  They will, like a cancer cell, collapse our entire civilization.

Secondly, we MUST create a national-international conference for all world leaders annually, including religious leaders, population experts, environmentalists, catastrophic climate destabilization specialists and other top people—to create solutions to save ourselves.

Carlson: How do we help those refugees if we don’t continue immigration?

Wooldridge:  We help them in their own countries with growing crops, water filtration and birth control.  That’s the only thing that will save them.  If they don’t or won’t engage birth control, they will seal their own demise.  It’s that simple and that harsh.

If we don’t stop all immigration, not only can we NOT save them, we won’t be able to save ourselves.  We will face unsolvable problems with irreversible consequences.

Carlson:  I’m going to have you back. Every American needs to understand what we face.

Please note: This virtual interview was not aired on television.  Part 2 of the interview will delve into the intricacies of what America faces if we continue down this immigration path.

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

What To Expect When Trump Wins

—Roger Anghis

The last four years have shown America something that I do not think most Americans knew and that is just how much the Democrat Party hates America.  It began on the night of the 2016 general election.  I vividly remember seeing the liberal news agencies react in almost horror at the fact that Hillary could possibly lose the race.  One commentator was so infuriated he was cursing on the air.  He wanted to know what the **** was happening.  Rachel Madow was on the verge of tears and describing what she thought America was going to turn into.

People began to riot in the streets burning cars and stores.  The reaction was almost shocking.  We had seen some violence during the campaign specifically in Chicago when a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters: When Ja’Mal Green, a prominent black activist and Bernie Sanders supporter in Chicago, saw that Donald Trump was coming to the University of Illinois Chicago, he knew what he had to do. “Everyone, get your tickets to this. We’re all going in!!!! ‪#‎SHUTITDOWN,” he posted on Facebook last week.

Little did he know they actually would shut it down.

Friday night, hundreds of protesters invaded Trump’s rally while thousands more marched outside, leading the candidate to abruptly cancel the event due to safety concerns. The night spun out from there, as angry Trump fans clashed with protesters, who saw the shutdown as a victory.

Protesters interrupt virtually every Trump speech. But what made Chicago different were its scale and the organization behind the effort. Hundreds of young, largely black and brown people poured in from across the city, taking over whole sections of the arena and bracing for trouble.

And as the repeated chants of “Ber-nie” demonstrated, it was largely organized by supporters of Bernie Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate who has struggled to win over black voters, but whose revolutionary streak has excited radicals of all colors.[1]

What we were seeing was the beginning of the left exposing to the American people their outright demand to be in power.  We saw violent acts from the left for the next four years and almost every time they had the gumption to blame Trump or his supporters for the violence that they themselves committed.

In January of this year one of Bernie Sanders’ Iowa campaign organizers, Kyle Jurek, was caught on several occasions making statements referencing violence against conservatives:  On reaching people that he deems to be “fascists”: “The only thing that works, the only thing that fascists understand is violence. So, the only way you can confront them is with violence.”

  • On what happens if Trump is re-elected: “F***ing cities burn.”
  • On if Trump supporters should be “re-educated”: “I mean, we gotta try, so like, in Nazi Germany after the fall of the Nazi party there was a s**t ton of the populace that was f***ing Nazified. Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their f***ing people to not be Nazis. Like, we’re probably going to have to do the same f***ing thing here. That’s kind of what Bernie’s whole f***ing like, ‘hey, free education for everybody!’ because we’re going to have to teach you to not be a f***ing Nazi.”
  • On Soviet gulags: “There’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right? And actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us that they were. Like, people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually meant for like re-education.” [2]

I can remember during the 2016 campaign Hillary was always accusing the right of violence even though it was always the left that was burning and looting.  She had taken a page out of Hitler’s playbook where Joseph Goebbels, Hitlers Minister of Propaganda stated: “Accuse others of the things that you are doing.”  All the riots that we have seen over the last three-plus months have occurred in Democrat-controlled cities and perpetrated by Democrats, paid by outside sources.  Many claim that George Soros is behind the riots and they are probably right.  Watch this video of an organizer of a lot of the so-called protests in California where he states he gets checks signed by Soros.[3]

George Soros also funds the Open Society Foundation which is a major supporter of blm and has been since 2015.  Soros uses the Open Society Foundation to do a lot of his dirty work.  He has transferred the bulk of his fortune, $18 billion, to that foundation.[4] I would think that this would be classified as treason by funding sedition but Trump my address this in his second term.

Right after Trump won the election in 2016 they immediately began the attack on him attempting to nullify/overturn an election.  Maxine Waters began calling for his impeachment before he was even sworn into office.  She has advocated confrontations against him and his staff and cabinet since the day after his election.  We’ve seen them try the Russian collusion, impeachment, the fake plandemic, and are demanding all mail-in ballots so they can commit voter fraud on a scale only seen in communist countries and we will continue to see the left do whatever they can to get him out of office.

Sanders didn’t get the nomination because he sold out again, but Biden has adopted Sanders’s extreme agenda.  They actually believe that he can beat trump. They believe as they did with Hillary, the polls which are so skewed towards Democrats it is ridiculous. One poll had Biden ahead of Trump by only five points. but they only polled 21% Republicans.  Trump pulled thousands of supports in Kenosha. but Biden only had a hand full of people show up when he went and the majority of them were media.

Do not fool yourself, the Democrats will do anything to regain power and if they can take the House, Senate, and the White House, they will never again relinquish that power, and the America we know will be nothing but a footnote in history. The Democratic Party platform ardently adopted by “Aphasic” Joe Biden would entail an abrogation of the Constitution; a gaming of the voting system and the addition of new states (D.C. & Puerto Rico) to guarantee the Democrats perennial electoral victory; and a complete revision of America’s capitalist economy, transforming it into one based on the tenets of socialism as the stout pillars of a society ruled by critical theory. [5]

They actually have a plan to stage a coup if Trump wins: As if 2020 were not insane enough already, we now have Democrats and their ruling class masters openly talking about staging a coup. You might have missed it, what with the riots, lockdowns, and other daily mayhem we’re forced to endure in this, the most wretched year of my lifetime. But it’s happening.  It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”[6]

This is not a game.  The threat to our freedoms is real.  Ronald Reagan stated: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

If Biden wins, Kamala Harris will be president before the end of the first year. AOC will control our energy which means we will not have any energy. Bernie Sanders will in control of the economy, which means we will be a third world nation.

Vote wisely.

© 2020 Roger Anghis – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. How Bernie Sanders supporters shut down Donald Trump rally in Chicago
  2. Breaking: Bernie staffer – kill political opponents, burn people in streets, cops to be beaten if Bernie loses
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op1yqcIdhbE
  4. https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/278591/
  5. Democrat’s behavior today forecasts violent aftermath if Trump wins re-election
  6. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/coming-coup

Rage and Vain Things

Rob Pue

I’m starting today in Psalm 2, verses 1 through 5. “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?  The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, ‘Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.’  He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.  Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.”

As Solomon once noted, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  Still today, the heathen RAGE.  In fact, they are raging more intensely than I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life, and it’s growing worse every day.  And the people IMAGINE many vain things.  Note here that the HEATHEN rage, and the PEOPLE imagine a vain thing.  Who are the “heathen?”  Obviously, this speaks of the ungodly — the God-haters.  And who are the “people?”  I believe this refers to those who consider themselves God’s people, those who honor Him with their lips, but whose hearts are far from Him.

Some time ago, I spoke about the word “Imagine,” the root word of which is “Image.”  When we IMAGINE, with our own simple human minds, we create an image in our minds, and it should be noted that all sin flows from the heart and then begins in the mind.  This is why Paul told the Corinthians that we are to “CAST DOWN imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”  In other words, when those thoughts that are contrary to God’s will enter our minds, we are to take them captive — and make the conscious decision to turn away and choose instead to follow the commands of Christ.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

The problem with the wild imaginations of the heathen is that instead of taking every thought captive to Christ, they break the second commandment, essentially creating for themselves “graven images,” “engraved,” if you will, in their minds.  They are SO ENGRAVED, in fact, that they form their worldviews, and now today, even their perceived personal identities.  Thus we have people “identifying” as “transgender,” for example.

They have IMAGINED vain things, created false gods and ideologies which they now worship, instead of God; believing lies instead of truth.  Identifying as “homosexual” or “transgender” or “pro-choice” or “democrat” or “republican” IS their god.  As the Scripture says, “they take counsel together,” UNITED against the Lord and His anointed, saying, “Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us.”  This is the demonic theology of secular humanism and “moral relativism.”  “If it feels good, do it.”  “What might be right for you may not be right for me.”  “That’s fine if that’s what YOU believe, but it’s not what I believe, and that’s fine.”   There is no moral compass, no absolute truth.

But this is all vanity.  The “heathen” RAGE, while the “people”  IMAGINE a VAIN thing.  Have you noticed the utter impotence of the Establishment, Institutional “churches?”  While the heathen rage, the church people, with no courageous, Godly shepherds to lead, teach and train them up, are left to their own devices, and because they are biblically illiterate, they imagine vain things.

And what IS a “vain thing?”    According to the dictionary, “vain” or “vanity” means: “excessively proud of or concerned about one’s own appearance, qualities, achivements, etc.”  And PRIDE in, or concern about one’s appearance or qualities.”  And “vain” and “vanity” have other, equally important definitions as well, including: ineffectual or unsuccessful, …futile.”  And without real significance, value or importance;  baseless or worthless.”

Salt that has lost its savor, good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled on by men… those heathen that rage against God and against His anointed are prideful, narcissistic, self centered, “entitled,” and the ideologies they IMAGINE are ineffectual, unsuccessful, futile, baseless and worthless.  And today, we have more “church people” than ever, being wooed along just the same as the God-haters, and they are embracing the same vain imaginations.

Today, vain, evil and useless ideologies have taken root, setting themselves against God and His anointed… and the church people are going along with it.  The kings and rulers of the earth take counsel together, against the Lord.  The “powers that be” behind the social revolution taking place mysteriously behind the scenes are part of this too.  And they all believe they can “break the bands of the Lord and His anointed asunder and cast away their cords.”  Not gonna happen.  Because their rage is in vain.  Yet they still continue to rage.  Because it’s all they know.

Recently, I spoke on the topic of “hypocrisy.”  I talked about the origin of the word “Hypocrite,” and explained that the literal definition of “hypocrite” is “an actor or performer.”  I gave several examples of the hypocrisy of our Hollywood heroes — actors, entertainers, performers — those who are the primary players in the forming of the worldviews of our young people.  Indeed, it seems, ALL the people, young and old, God-haters and “church people” alike, take their cues from cultural trends.  Those trends are molded and set by celebrities, performers and entertainers, and their fervent advocates among leaders in government, the mainstream press, and the public educational systems.  They are all working hand-in-hand, setting themselves against the Lord.

It’s not my intention to propogate a “conspiracy theory” here.  But it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true.  I believe that God recently opened my eyes and revealed something to me that is very important and very real.  It explains why so many of our young people — and even so many of our adults — are turning their backs on God and choosing to embrace lies.

First, let me go back to the words of Moses in Deuteronomy 11.  He said:  “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you rise up.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates…”  Moses was speaking here of God’s Commandments.  He went on to say, “See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse…the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God…the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you by following other gods, which you have not known.”

As always, God gives us the freewill to choose.  The “bands” that the godless want to break asunder and the “cords” they desire to cast away are the commands of God.  As fools, we can certainly choose to DO that;  but the result is a curse on our house, our children, and our children’s children.  In other words, exactly what we are seeing taking place in our world today.

For those pulling the strings and orchestrating all this behind the scenes — yes, CONSPIRING together, to create a new one-world, godless Utopia — it has been a long, slow process.  But it has now come to fruition, and the “curse” that God said would come is here:  depraved minds, seared consciences, the love of many grown cold, as God has “given us over” to suffer the consequences of the choices we have made.

Here is how this demonic plan, put into motion many years ago, has played out:  In June of 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided that prayer in public schools violated the First Amendment because it constituted the establishment of religion.  So even though, from the foundation of this nation, prayer before the school day began was the standard of a respectful and reverent student body, it suddenly became “illegal” and forbidden.

A year later, the Supreme Court forbid public school students from reading their Bibles.  Even though all of our nation’s schools and colleges were not only founded on biblical principles, but the Bible was the standard textbook from which many students learned to read and the Book from which they gained their moral compass, the simple decision of a few men rendered it, too, forbidden.

Ten years later, the Supreme Court decided the murder of unborn babies would now become “legal.”  There were many other Supreme Court decisions along the way that seemingly became the “law of the land,” even though the Supreme Court has NO authority to make laws.  Yet we quietly acquiesced to each one.

Then in 2015, another landmark, as the Supreme Court DECIDED it was now the “law of the land” that men may marry men and women may marry women, and anyone who opposed this was labeled a “hater.”  “Love wins” was the smug, spiteful response of the deranged sodomites.  Meanwhile, the church people simply rolled over and continued to sleep, just as they have since 1962.

Today, our Creator has been thrown out of public education entirely, as our Godly heritage and history is sandblasted from public view.  One may not even speak the name of Jesus, unless it is used in it’s accepted context — as a CURSE WORD — without incurring the wrath of the State.  Today, our children are indoctrinated with the demonically delusional “science” of evolution from the youngest of ages, and the sodomites cannot get their hands on our children early enough — “the earlier the better,” they say, hoping to normalize this perversion even among pre-schoolers.  By the time your children endure pre-school, kindergarten, 12 years of public school and four years of college, they’re completely brainwashed and you no longer even recognize them — even if, and sometimes ESPECIALLY if, you took them to church and Sunday School every week.

Their minds have also been poisoned with entertainment and social media.  As parents, we allowed them to watch what we considered “wholesome” television.  The cute little girl, Lindsay Lohan, was adorable.  Preteen daughters grew up with her, had posters of her in their bedrooms.  Then there was Hannah Montanta, whose real name is Miley Cyrus.  And of course, all the kids watched the entertaining “Bill Nye the Science Guy.”  They grew up watching these people and became “hooked.”  These were their childhood heroes, and parents considered it good, wholesome entertainment.

But as our kids came of age, so did these actors…. and our kids continued to follow and emulate them.  Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus, all those “boy bands” the Moms thought were so cute…  all became sexualized and depraved in high definition living color, and our kids followed along.  Now, “Bill Nye the Science Guy” has a new program targeted to adults called “Bill Nye Saves the World.”  But this is no savior.  This man, who our children adored as toddlers and pre-teens, now has one of the most perverse television programs out there, extolling the “virtues” of sodomy, still railing against God and Creation, and selling the most dangerous lies possible as scientific truth.  And who is he talking to now?  The SAME kids — only now, they’re in college.  Is it any wonder our colleges no longer tolerate diversity of ideas, and they RIOT if a conservative speaker has an opinion?  Is it any wonder many of our college students now need “safe spaces” with Play Doh, coloring books and free condoms?

“Hook em while they’re young,” they say.  And so they have.  And thus, we no longer recognize most of our children today.  Their minds were captured when they were just babes, and we let it happen, because we were too blind to see what was really going on.  We practiced our vain form of religion faithfully once a week, thinking “our church isn’t like those others, our church is ‘good,’  — and it has a GOOD ‘youth group.’”  All the while sending our kids to public school indoctrination centers every day, thinking “our school isn’t like those others — our school is good.”

Mere frogs in the pot as the water temperature rose, and we, as the church, enjoyed the warm, comfortable bath water, until we found ourselves boiled. It’s our own fault, my friends. We let this happen. We did not fix God’s Word in our OWN hearts and minds; we certainly didn’t tie them as symbols on our hands or bind them on our foreheads.  We didn’t teach God’s commandments to our children, talking about them when we sat at home and when we walked along the road, when we went to bed and rose up.  We didn’t write them on the doorframes of our houses or on our gates…  No.  We left all THAT up to the youth group and the church.  We had before us a choice of blessing and cursing, and we chose the curse.  We let our children be led by the hypocrites of the entertainment world and vain religion, and we ourselves forgot God.  Today, as we see our childrens’ lives and our world self destruct, the Lord speaks to us in His wrath and we are “VEXED in His sore displeasure.”  Why on earth would we expect any other outcome?

There IS hope, but you MUST take this seriously now.  TURN BACK, people!  Remember God, and if we seek Him in true sorrowful repentance, He will hear from heaven and have mercy on us.  He IS merciful and gracious and full of love for those who truly seek Him.  But time is short.  RIGHT NOW is your time of decisionHear me: RIGHT NOW IS YOUR TIME OF DECISION!  Tomorrow you may step into eternity.  He has set before us blessing and cursing.  It’s OUR choice.

Audio CDs and transcripts of this message are available when you call me at Wisconsin Christian News, (715) 486-8066.  Or email Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com and ask for message number 199.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Restoring American Greatness Means Abolishing the CIA and FBI

By Cliff Kincaid

Ignoring the nearly 200,000 deaths from the China virus, Conrad Black wrote, “Trump Has Had a Historically Great First Term,” for a website called “American Greatness.” This treatment of President Trump’s first term comes from someone pardoned by Trump for financial fraud. (The case for a pardon was supported by individuals as diverse as Henry Kissinger and Rush Limbaugh). Black wrote a pro-Trump book, Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other.

Despite several domestic and foreign policy successes, including breakthroughs for Middle East peace, Trump’s first term has been tainted. Some setbacks can be blamed on the Deep State, the Democrats and communist revolutionaries in the streets. But that still leaves the China virus. By any objective measure, the China virus is more deadly than the Islamic terrorists responsible for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the post-9/11 anthrax attacks.

One can argue this is China’s fault. But the China virus occurred on Trump’s watch. It is a major blot on his record. He will forever be remembered as the president in office when the China virus was unleashed on America and the world.

At the same time, one can argue that his 2020 presidential opponent Joe Biden has no clue as to what’s going on, and that Trump, despite his faults, is better than the alternative. But claiming Trump has had a “great” first term on a website on “American greatness” is just wrong.

Black also claims that Richard Nixon, who was forced from office in scandal, had a great first term, for “ending the constant recent anti-war rioting, skyjackings, and assassinations he inherited, withdrawing the United States from Vietnam while conserving a non-Communist government in Saigon, opening relations with China, signing the greatest arms control agreement in world history, starting the de-escalation of the Cold War, ending segregation and the draft, founding the Environmental Protection Agency, and beginning a Middle Eastern peace process.”

I’m not sure what he’s claiming in regard to peace in the Middle East. Israel has fought its enemies and won, but the nation’s survival is still at risk from various Islamic regimes in the region, several backed by Russia.Here, Trump deserves credit for withdrawing then U.S. from the Syrian quagmire and facilitating normal diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain.

Black praises Nixon for “opening relations with China” when that deal, arranged by Henry Kissinger, has clearly backfired. And “withdrawing the United States from Vietnam” was a precursor to the takeover of South Vietnam by the Communists, producing hundreds of thousands of boat people and the genocide in Cambodia.  Nixon’s EPA became a weapon in the hands of radical environmentalists. Trump has wisely cut back on the EPA’s heavy-handed regulation of American business.

Regarding Trump, Black says he “has recognized and gained international support for containment of the geopolitical challenge of China,” but that seems to be a little too late. Trump would have been better-advised to mount a bioterrorism defense against China before the China virus was unleashed. Instead, Trump saw the competition with China as economic and financial in nature. That was part of the China challenge, but now we know it was not the main part. We are likely to discover that China used research funded by the National Institutes of Health to manufacture COVID-19. This is a scandal involving the Medical Deep State.

To make matters worse, in the midst of this pandemic, he tells Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward that he played down the deadly nature of the virus.

When we look back on 2020, we will acknowledge, as we have after so many disasters, that the federal government was not prepared. Part of the reason was that the CIA and FBI were spending their time trying to destabilize the Trump presidency instead of preparing for war from China. These agencies are mostly useless for defending America from its foreign and domestic enemies. They did not understand Chinese communism.

Trump would be wise to advocate their abolition and replace them with a new and accountable structure. Their schemes almost cost him his presidency, and they can be assumed to be busy right now trying to elect Joe Biden.

Don’t forget that, prior to September 11, 2001, the Islamic al Qaeda terrorists were training on American soil, even using American planes to practice their attacks. The CIA and FBI didn’t notice until it was too late and nearly 3,000 people were dead.  The FBI still can’t admit that al Qaeda terrorists stole anthrax from a U.S. lab and sent it through the mail, killing five people, infecting others, and destroying the U.S. economy. The FBI blamed those attacks on a dead American scientist.

Nineteen years later, we still have little confidence in the CIA and FBI. And the cost of the American intelligence establishment has skyrocketed to $60 billion a year. But don’t worry. Under Trump’s acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, a member of the gay Log Cabin Republicans, the agencies grew more friendly with the LGBTQ “community.” I still can’t see how any of this helps protect America from our enemies.

When the intelligence agencies fail us, the victims of 9/11 and the China virus pay the price. In the case of 9/11, our military was deployed to destroy the terrorist enemy in Afghanistan, and our soldiers are still there, 19 years later. Meanwhile, one head of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was killed, to be replaced by another, the Egyptian Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is hiding somewhere, probably in Afghanistan, and perhaps being protected by the Russians.

Thousands of American soldiers have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and tens of thousands have been wounded, fighting for Muslims that don’t want our help. The cost is several trillion dollars.

We have an intelligence establishment that fails us, and when we are faced with yet another disaster on American soil, our soldiers are called upon to fight the enemy. They are still in Afghanistan 19 years later.

As we struggle to recover from the China virus, and the deaths keep accumulating, China seems to have the upper hand economically and even militarily. The very expensive military-industrial complex won’t save us, either. In fact, their policy of sending more of our soldiers overseas makes no sense at all.

Americans are sick of being betrayed. We are tired of our soldiers fighting abroad and coming home in caskets or as wounded warriors.

The first step in correcting the situation is recognizing the truth about what is happening to us. Our intelligence agencies are not serving the interests of the American people. Our nation is in dire peril.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org

Republicans Can Still Win

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

The most recent poll shows Biden with 50% and Trump with 43% of the vote. However, with only 2 months to go before the November election, there is still a chance for Republicans to win if they employ the strategy of Ronald Reagan in whose administration I served.

The 1960s were dominated by Democrat presidents with the exception of Richard Nixon, who was not all that conservative, telling newscaster Howard K. Smith on January 6,1971 that he was “now a Keynesian (Socialist) in economics.” Ronald Reagan went beyond the usual Republican fiscal conservative base and emphasized social issues like education, court-ordered busing, school prayer and abortion. This appealed to many independents and socially conservative Democrats, and gave Reagan the margin of victory in 1980 and 1984.

In 1982, I was teaching at UNC-Chapel Hill and was asked to come to Washington where I became a problem-solver for President Reagan, for example solving the problem of racial-balance busing by showing it resulted in massive discrimination against African-Americans, and solving the problem of school prayer by presenting it as an issue of free speech.

I wrote the first draft of President Reagan’s published essay on education reform, and today, Republicans can offer positive new initiatives like voluntary compilation of successful new teaching methods and activities organized by subject matter and/or grade level for others to use. This could help reverse the downward slide in education since National Education Association president Catherine Barrett in February 1973 wrote that by the year 2000 “basic skills” would be reduced to just one-quarter of the school day so teachers could instead become “change agents” regarding students’ values. In higher education, there should be the introduction of “Contemporary Cultures” at the freshman level so students can learn about one of more foreign countries’ language, history, economics, culture, etc. This, in turn, should help universities seeking foundation grants and also help graduates seeking employment with multinational firms. Next, Republicans could call for a major RIF (Reduction in Force) in the U.S. Department of Education, because Washington bureaucrats do not solve educational problems, classroom teachers do. And monies saved from the RIF could be sent by Congress to the states specifically designated to increase teachers’ salaries.

Regarding abortion, I explained in The Washington Post (“The shaky Roe v. Wade is destined to fall,” May 19, 2019), that the “Achilles heel” of Roe v. Wade and its companion Dore v. Bolon was the Constitutional conference of personhood at birth because it makes no sense to say a child born prematurely at 5 months after conception is a “person,” but a 9-month old preborn child is not! Pursuing an abortion case before the Supreme Court on this basis would have an excellent chance of overturning Roe and Doe.  President Trump could win the 2020 election on the basis of abortion alone.   While the country is split on whether women should be able to have abortions, the overwhelming majority of Americans are opposed to having their tax dollars used to pay for them.   In 2019, Biden changed his position from opposing tax funding for abortions to now supporting such funding, which is an imposition of a pro-abortion morality upon American taxpayers who do not want their tax dollars used for killing preborn babies.  This includes a large number of people who would otherwise vote Democratic.   Now, as single issue voters, they would vote for Trump, and he should encourage them to do so in this campaign.

In foreign relations, we always have traded and always will trade with other nations, but when we gave the World Trade Organization (WTO) the authority to force our Congress to change our laws (e.g., the WTO gave Congress until November 1, 2000 to change our foreign sales corporation laws, and the House complied on Set. 13 and the Senate on November 1), we went too far in undermining our national sovereignty. We also went to far in outsourcing so many manufacturing jobs, like pharmaceuticals and critical airplane parts to China, which is no friend of the USA, thus posing health and national security risks. According to an early 2011 CNN report, “The United States has lost a staggering 32% of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000—Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.” And also by 2011, we were already losing ownership of many of our major companies—-sound recording industries were 97% foreign-owned, metal or mining 65%, motion-picture and video industries 64%, book publishers 63%, plastic products 51%, etc. Amoco’s profits were going to England, Purina’s and Gerber’s profits to Switzerland, Transamerica’s profits to The Netherlands, etc.

How prescient was A. M. Rosenthal when he wrote “The New World Order” in The New York Times (May 5, 1998) and warned: “The U.S., its democratic allies and major dictatorships are rapidly building a new world order….The U.S. gets to sell strategic material to China, offering as an extra a visit by the U.S. President to honor the Communist leaders and expand their power and political life span. Religious and political mavericks in the totalitarian partners of the new world order get prison, or death, or both. The press of the democracies get to say costs of imported goods are down, how nice. Americans and Europeans may come to object for political or moral reasons, or because the new world order may after all cost them their jobs….”

When all else fails, remember that Democrats seem to have a unique ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Biden currently seems unable to give intelligent answers to spontaneous questions unless the answers have been provided for him on a teleprompter or unless he has memorized them in advance.   At some point, the American public may ask itself, “Do we really want to place our lives in the hands of someone like this?”

Republicans from the president to the Congress to the governors have a chance to change this, but they must act soon before it is too late!

© 2020 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

Insurrection Underway, Bloody Civil War to Follow

Andrew C Wallace

THIS IS STARK REALITY RIGHT NOW. Democrat Communist shock troops known as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, et al, have started an insurrection by burning, looting, killing and destroying our cities. Their objective is clear, to make life miserable for Americans so they will accept a Chinese Communist Type Dictatorship rather than freedom under our Constitution. If Biden wins, it will be clear sailing for the Communists, but if President Trump wins we have  a chance to keep our Republic without a Bloody Civil War. If Biden wins or loses, the Communists will continue the insurrection for they have too much invested to quit.

YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY. You must know who is directing and paying for this Treason with impunity. It is the elites who consider themselves entitled and superior to you and me. The elites consist of most of the following: major corporations, banks, teachers unions, trust funds, media, professional sports organizations and athletes, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Hollywood  personalities, federal bureaucrats, universities, military flag officers, et al.

YOU MUST KNOW WHY YOU AND PRESIDENT TRUMP ARE HATED. It is because we stand in the way of their absolute power to profit and enslave the people. President Trump is the only president in modern times to try to return our government to the people. He has ended policy, after policy, that enrich the elite while impoverishing the people. Trump has infuriated the elites by ending the export of manufacturing, replacement of American workers with cheaper foreign labor, restrictions on illegal migration, new trade deals, ending profit from needless wars. et al. He did all of this while working within a nest of vipers, liars,  and traitors who are well paid by the elites to resist his programs.

EQUAL JUSTICE DOES NOT EXIST. The DOJ mostly fights to protect political criminals, and is slow, to never, indicting them. The FBI has been shown to be a criminal organization and mostly useless in their total failure to indict those financing and promoting the insurrections. The country would have a chance at equal justice if the FBI was totally disbanded. It is evident to anyone who can read, that many of our Judges are corrupt, ignore the Constitution, and think the law is what they say it is.

THOSE WHO SUPPORT DEMOCRAT COMMUNISTS ARE USEFUL IDIOTS, so said Lenin, a founder of Marxism. Lenin was referring to those thugs in  the streets, or anywhere else. Anyone, who supports an impossible ideology, that always fails, while killing millions, is also ignorant. If these Useful Idiots read history they would know that if their revolution prevails, the Communists must, and will kill them. There are no exceptions to this fact. But, their probable fate is to die in a civil war at the hands of patriots, who hate them with a passion, for trying to destroy the greatest nation on earth, and everything that is dear to them

WHAT YOU LOSE IF COMMUNIST BIDEN WINS. You got a taste with Obama’s Death Panels, a pill rather than treatment for the elderly, who they called Useless Eaters. You saw the stark, horrible truth of communist  policy toward Useless Eaters, when six Democrat governors sentenced tens of thousands to death from the virus in homes for the elderly. It is impossible to maintain our present level of health care, retirement, or living standards under the Communists. The simple truth is that anyone who has earned, and is receiving health care in order to live, will die. There will be no money for anything, Social Security will be gone, and we will drop into a terrible economic depression because of the impossible communist programs.

WHAT YOU MUST DO NOW TO SURVIVE. You must vote without fail, and encourage others to vote, or this could be your last Democratic Election, if the Communists don’t steal it. The next most important thing you must do quickly, is to buy firearms, like the AR15, with a lot of ammunition. You can expect retail stores  to be depleted, so you must have a supply of emergency food. You must be capable of defending your home and family, the thugs will go to the suburbs when there is nothing left to loot and burn in the cities. If the thugs come for you, call 911, but be prepared to defend yourself, because in many cases, police will not come for various reasons. The alternative is to die, and see your house burned to the ground. This is no game, the Communists are ruthless, and they don’t give a damn about you.

PRESIDENT TRUMP DOES NOT NEED TROOPS TO STOP THE INSURRECTIONS, HE ONLY NEEDS THE COURAGE TO ARREST THE RESPONSIBLE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS AND FINANCIAL BACKERS. These Communists have violated several parts of Chapter 115 of 18 USC, These are simple laws to understand. For your convince I have copied them below.


  • 2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §§1, 2, 35 Stat. 1088“.

  • 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.) Mar. 4, 1909, ch. 321, §3, 35 Stat. 1088.

  • 2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  • 2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808July 24, 1956, ch. 678, §1, 70 Stat. 623Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  • 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of person.

© 2020 Andrew Wallace – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Andrew Wallace: natlmktg@gte.net

Are People Losing Their Professional License Celebrating Freedom?

Jake MacAulay

Recently, I was emailed by a fellow patriot in Colorado. The email contained a letter from the Department of Regulatory Agencies of Colorado concerning the “safer at home” Labor Day weekend. In summary, the letter decreed that all Labor Day celebrations adhere to the strict COVID-19 guidelines set by the state government. If the regulations were to be disobeyed, anyone present would have their work licenses revoked or at least, negatively affected.

In addition to the license warning, the letter also addressed the rise in COVIC-19 cases throughout the month of July. While forgetting the BLM riots which certainly did not abide by any health ordinances, the Department undoubtedly blamed the sudden spike on those participating in July 4th Independence Day celebrations without adhering to CDC health ordinances.

Those from this department concluded that, in order to stop another spike in cases like the one from mid-July, the health ordinances must be strictly followed under the “force of law.” In their “professional” opinion, these celebrations of freedom cannot be so freely celebrated.

But is Labor Day a true celebration of freedom to begin with?

In the late 19th century, millions of European citizens began to flee to America, many for its Capitalist free market opportunities. These immigrants brought with them the numerous Communist theories they had learned from men like Karl Marx. Upon arrival to America, they realized how “unfair” the free market of America was in the Industrial era.

With this realization, the immigrants, led by Eugene Debs, began to call for a communist change in America, sporting the concept of equal share of resources as their motto. Soon enough, peaceful protests turned into riots among the working class of America.

After years of unrest, murder, protests, and rioting, the sitting president, Grover Cleveland decided to appease the small, complaining portion of the populace by designating a free day off, with the hope of an increased chance of reelection. In the end, this day off became known as Labor Day, Eugene Debs, the leader of the communist rioters was imprisoned, and Grover Cleveland failed at winning the next election.

So, you see, the first Labor Day was actually a result of individuals breaking the law to get their way. However, it is currently considered to be a day of celebration where Americans can rest and truly enjoy the fruits of liberty… until now.

Now, such free celebrations have been removed, instead replaced by a constricted day of pretended legislation. This injustice, however, is no longer a result of an un-American populace. It is a result of an un-American Government.

The entity that was first designed to protect our liberty has now become the one that denies them. Departing from its sole purpose, the government has created ordinances, mandates, and regulations under the color of “Law” to accomplish their one-sided growth.

They have then tricked the American populace into believing these mandates are enforceable by coining the phrase, “force of law.” After years of the people of America accepting and even welcoming these breaches of law, the government has established a dominant control over the constitution and, likewise, the American people.

What we now face is the compilation of corruption caused by years of these un-American tyrants. This tyrannical government now believes that it has the authority to suspend your rights on the basis of “safety” as it sits idly by as innocent people lose their livelihood in the same types of communist riots that the government of the 19th century allowed.

This is why it is so incredibly crucial to remember our Capitalist founding based on the Ultimate Word of God. When we stray from our biblical founding, tyranny begins to reside, people become restless, and the nation falls. That is why it is our duty to fight against this tyrannical injustice. That is why we must stand together. This is how America was founded. This is how we must make it again.

Holy Writ reads, “Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” Let us as the people of America rest in the Lord and act in the Government around us to bring about the same change our founders did. Let us as Americans abide where the Spirit of the Lord is.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

In Remembrance of 9/11

By: Amil Imani

The September 11, 2001 attacks on American soil, left an indelible nightmare etched onto American psyches in a way few other events in living memory have. In an August 2011 Pew Research survey, 97% of Americans who were at least eight years of age, when the attacks occurred, said they remembered exactly where they were or what they were doing when they heard on this horror.

The terror attacks of 9/11 had an immediate and considerable effect on international travel worldwide. The terror attacks, were a pivotal moment in modern history and they represent the most lethal attack against the United States by a hostile foreign force since Pearl Harbor. Today, September 11, 2001 continues to impact the entire world and our lives in so many ways.

“The report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9/11 Commission) concluded that the key officials responsible for determining alien admissions (consular officers abroad and immigration inspectors in the United States) were not considered full partners in counterterrorism efforts prior to September 11, 2001, and as a result, opportunities to intercept the September 11 terrorists were missed. The 9/11 Commission’s monograph, 9/11 and Terrorist Travel, underscored the importance of the border security functions of immigration law and policy. In the 110th Congress, legislation was enacted to modify the terrorism-related grounds for inadmissibility and removal, as well as the impact that these grounds have upon alien eligibility for relief from removal.”

While we are preparing ceremonies for over 3000 people who were killed, we must also keep this in mind. America cannot afford to continue down this current path of appeasement, hoping that Islamic issues will simply go away by themselves. The breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 was only the first installment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults, about which we have been repeatedly warned by devout Muslims.  Unless we abandon our way of thinking, we will suffer the consequences of a dangerous complacency. The best and most rational way of dealing with this violent ideology that promotes terror, hate and mayhem is through effective immigration policies. We must accept that Islam is incompatible with our Constitution, rule of law and our values.

The idea that Muslims are only a very small minority and it is simply not possible that this small group could destroy America from within, is a myth that the leftist media crafted and forced down the throats of gullible Americans. The American people have been repeatedly lectured by the know-it-alls, elected officials and leftist media, who claim that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. According to them, those of us who sound the alarm are a bunch of bigots, racists and Islamophobes. Well then, wouldn’t it be more prudent to let the facts settle the matter, rather than blindly accepting either position?

Of course, it would, except for one huge problem. In the face of threats, people tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial pills, in the same way they turn to their aspirin bottle when a headache strikes.  Well, just ask any European who fled his country for a safer place like the US if the Islam problem is real and deadly. I have news for you: Neither the pronouncements of officials, nor any tranquilizer can make Islam go away. Islam is here and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us as it has in Europe.

Recall that it took only 19 of these killers to launch the aerial mass murder of 9/11 that killed almost 3,000 people, shattered our open trusting way of life, and cost us trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, we have not learned anything from the 9/11 attacks but instead, act as if we are suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome.”

America the land of the free, is under assault by the deadly ideology of Islamic subversion. There is not a day that goes by that I read comments about Islam will conquer America from all over the social media and those major issues that threaten this land of the free. Many Americans know what the problems are, but they are helpless in solving them alone. Why? Because we are a representative republic and expect our elected representatives to know the problems are and solve them.

The reality is, We the People live in a fantasy world and are under the assumption that everything will be all right. But it won’t be. Who is right? We, individual Americans, often, are outmanned and outgunned against the powerful globalists who are in charge. Lone Rangers win only in make-believe movies. In real life, governments, institutions and organizations are the ones that prevail. They have the funds to buy the services of the media; employ lawyers, politicians, and mercenaries of all stripes.

Folks, there are not many differences among the D.C. Beltway elitist class politicians of either party. The elitists have crafted their own version of the universe and want you to see our world through their lenses, a political deception and tactic that they have prescribed for you to see. Political elitists despise patriotic Americans as they did Tea Party activists. They have carefully manufactured smoke and mirrors for their subjects where citizens think and act as though they have political choices, thus perpetuating the myth of democratic participation. Commentator Walter Lippmann on numerous occasions spoke of this type of control over the masses.

We the People must re-evaluate and amend all that has been fed to us for years by crafty politicians and the leftist mainstream media. America is not safe and it is only going to get worse. Islam’s invasion is currently in progress just under your nose via subversion. Unfortunately, many Americans are not even aware of it.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Our Constitution Provides Two Separate and Independent Methods for the Federal Government to “Call Forth the Militia” to Suppress Insurrections

By Publius Huldah

Because of its excellence and relevance to the insurrections being fomented in our cities by the Marxist organization “Black Lives Matter”, Antifa, and other revolutionary organizations; I sent the recent paper by Edwin Vieira, JD., Ph.D., titled, “The President’s Authority To Suppress Insurrections” [link], to my lists.

In response, some objected that the riots in the cities are local issues to be handled (or not) by the State and local governments – that they are not “federal” issues over which the federal government has jurisdiction. Some also asserted that Article IV, §4, US Constitution prohibits the President from sending the National Guard into a State to quell such disturbances, unless & until the Legislature or the Governor of the State requests it.

Those objections are not well-founded.

First: What’s going on in our cities is not something which can be prudently brushed aside. It is a classic manifestation of a Marxist revolution – see, e.g., this article from “Workers’ World”. Furthermore, as shown below, the President of the United States has constitutional and statutory authority to exercise his own judgment as to whether he should send in the “Militia” to suppress the uprisings.

Second: Our Constitution provides two separate and independent methods for the federal government to suppress such uprisings.

Dr. Vieira’s paper sets forth the other method of “calling forth the Militia” – the method provided for at Article I, §8, clauses 15 & 16, US Constitution. That provides for the intervention of the Militia within a State at the initiative of the federal government, regardless of whether the State requests it. [1]

When highly knowledgeable and experienced persons, such as Dr. Vieira, speak in their area of expertise, and their words contradict our existing beliefs; we ought to re-examine our beliefs, instead of dismissing what such persons say.[2]

So let’s review Article I, §8, clauses 15 & 16, and some of the early Acts of Congress implementing them.

  1. The American Militia is 400 years old

Throughout our colonial period, able-bodied free males were expected to be armed and trained and ready on short notice to defend their home, family, neighborhood and Colony. They were the “Militia”. In Mel Gibson’s movie, Patriot, Gibson’s character commanded a South Carolina Militia Company. The Militia was not “regular Army” – it was comprised of farmers, pastors, shopkeepers, etc., trained in the use of arms and prepared to fight for defense of Family and Community.

In our Constitution of 1787, our Framers provided for a regular Army and Navy at Article I, §8, clauses 12, 13 & 14. Pursuant to Article II, §2, clause 1, the President is Commander in Chief (CINC) of the Army and Navy.[3]

Our Constitution also recognized the continued existence of the Militia, and assigned to it three specific federal functions: Article I, §8, clause 15 empowers Congress:

“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”.[4]

Clause 16 authorizes Congress:

“To provide for the organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress”.

In 1792, Congress passed the Militia Act which “provided for” the arming of the Militia by requiring every able-bodied male Citizen of the ages 18-45 (with a few exceptions) [5] to acquire a rifle, bayonet, ammo pouch, ammo,[6] and report to his local unit for training.HERE is the Militia Act of 1792.

When the Militia of a State isn’t in the service of the United States for one of the three purposes listed in Clause 15, its function is to help in its own State – however the need arises. And in Federalist No. 46, James Madison says the Militia is to defend the State from the federal government in the event it becomes tyrannical.[7]

  1. Who has the authority to call forth the Militia into service of the United States?

Article I, §8, clause 15 authorizes Congress to “provide for” calling forth the Militia “to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”. How does Congress “provide for” calling forth the Militia into the service of the United States?

In Martin v. Mott, 25 US 19 (1827), the Supreme Court considered the Militia Act of 1795 [link] which authorized the President to call forth the militia when he judged it necessary to repel an invasion or enforce the laws of the United States. The Court pointed out that the power had been entrusted by Congress to the President, and said that,

“We are all of opinion, that the authority to decide whether the exigency has arisen, belongs exclusively to the President, and that his decision is conclusive upon all other persons.”

So! In the Militia Act of 1795, Congress “provided for” calling forth the Militia by delegating to the President the power to determine when it was advisable to call the Militia into national service to repel an invasion or to execute the laws of the Union.[8]

  1. Transformation of the Militia into the federally controlled National Guard

During the early 1900s, Americans elected Progressives [Fabian socialists] to office. And these “Progressives” commenced the conquest of our Country. They had to eliminate the threat the Militia posed to the totalitarian federal government they intended to create. So with the “Efficiency in Militia Act of 1903” (the “Dick Act”) [link], Congress federalized the Militia. And this is how the Militia of the several States, which is the primary defense of a Free People and the States against a tyrannical federal government [2nd Amendment], was put under federal control. And the States went along with it because their People were ignorant, short sighted, and bought off with federal appropriations for the new federalized “National Guard”.

So we don’t have an organized & trained Militia – now, we have federal troops – some on active duty in the Regular Military; others as weekend warriors in the Reserves or National Guard.

  1. Current Acts of Congress providing for calling forth the “Militia” (federal armed forces)

Today, the provisions of the US Code which address calling forth the “Militia”[9] into national service are: 10 USC §251, 10 USC §252, 10 USC §253, and 10 USC §254. Note that the President still has statutory authority to use his own Judgment respecting whether to send the “Militia” into any State:

  • to enforce the Laws of the United States [10 USC § 252];
  • to suppress uprisings which deprive the people of the rights, privileges and immunities, and protections recognized in the Constitution and secured by Law, and the State government isn’t protecting those rights [10 USC §253]; and
  • to suppress uprisings which oppose or obstruct the execution of the laws of the United States or impede the course of justice under those laws [10 USC § 253].
  1. Conclusion

Our Constitution is an elegant piece of work. Its parts are interconnected and fit together. So we must read each clause in the light shed by the other clauses and by the Principles of our Founding as set forth in our Declaration of Independence. We must never insert our own biases – no matter what they are.

One of the most valuable characteristics of our federal system is the ability of the state and federal governments to be “checks” on each other. In Federalist No. 28 (7th para), Alexander Hamilton says,

“… in a confederacy[10] the people … may be said to be entirely the masters of their own fate. Power being almost always the rival of power, the general []national or federal] government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of the state governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government. The people, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress. …”

We would be wise to celebrate the President’s constitutional and statutory authority to protect us from the death and destruction being brought about – with the connivance of State & local officials – by the Marxist revolutionaries. When State and local governments refuse to protect their people from such death and destruction, the President has a clear power to intervene.

Now, we must start electing Presidents who know and obey our Constitution.[11]

© 2020 Publius Huldah – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Publius Huldah: publiushuldah@gmail.com


1- Our Framers thought of everything – including rogue State governments. See, e.g, Federalist No. 28.

2- One of the themes of Proverbs is that a wise man listens and increases his understanding. Be wise.

3- To be CINC means that the President has the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General and admiral of the Confederacy (Federalist No. 69).

4- Let that clause sink in!Our Framers did not want a standing Army [go here and search for “standing armies”] – that’s why appropriations for the regular Army were limited to two years (Art. I, § 8, cl. 12). National defense, enforcement of federal laws, & suppressing Insurrections were to be the responsibility of the Militia. When the federal gov’t needs to enforce its laws, it is to call forth the Militia – the armed and trained Citizens – to do the enforcing! During the Washington Administration, the federal gov’t called forth the Militia to enforce the federal excise tax on whiskey. Federal law enforcement is thus the province of the Citizens – the Militia! It is most manifestly NOT the province of armed thugs in the employ of the Executive Branch of the federal gov’t.

5- Pursuant to §2 of the Militia Act of 1792, federal officers & employees were exempted from service in the Militia. Can you figure out why they were exempted?

6- The arms, ammunition and accoutrements so acquired by the Militia Man were his personal property and were held free from claims of all creditors. They could not be seized and sold in payment for any judgments, debts or taxes. See last sentence of §1 of the Militia Act of 1792.

7- This is why Article II, §2, clause 1provides that the President is CINC of the Militia only when it is called into national service. This is also why §2 of the Militia Act of 1792 exempts all federal officers and employees from service in the Militia.

8- The Militia Act of 1795 also provided that in cases of insurrection against a State government, the President could send in the Militia upon request of the State Legislature or Governor.

9- Even though we no longer have a “militia” within the meaning of Article I, §8, clauses 15 & 16; the current US Code uses the term in order to connect the activities of the federal armed forces with Art. I, §8, clause 15.

10- Our Constitution created a “federation” (“confederation”) of sovereign states which were united together for the sole purposes enumerated in the US Constitution.

11- I may have been wrong to fault President Trump for not sending the National Guard into the States to suppress the Insurrections.  In The Coming Coup? [link], Michael Anton writes:

“…It started with the military brass quietly indicating that the troops should not follow a presidential order. They were bolstered by many former generals—including President Trump’s own first Secretary of Defense—who stated openly what the brass would only hint at. Then, as nationwide riots really got rolling in early June, the sitting Secretary of Defense himself all but publicly told the president not to invoke the Insurrection Act. His implicit message was: “Mr. President, don’t tell us to do that, because we won’t, and you know what happens after that.”

If that is true, then the President should fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and should “purg[e] the [military] officer corps of anyone not down with the program and promoting only those who are.”

The Truth About Marx and Satan

Kelleigh Nelson

Communism is a religion that is inspired, directed and motivated by the Devil himself who has declared war against Almighty God. —Billy Graham

It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their [the communists] terms. It was a deal; we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.  —Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured for his faith for 14 years in communist Romania

I have found truly jubilant Christians only in the Bible, in the Underground Church and in prison.  —Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured for Christ

While out for a walk on a beautiful day, into my head popped the verses from Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And another in Psalm 14:1, The fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God.’They (fools) are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. And how we’re seeing this so clearly today.  As a Christian I knew in my heart that those of us who love God and our nation, who love liberty and freedom and our constitution know these verses only too well and are seeing them come true in watching the deterioration of America’s society.

How profound these verses are for us today with the daily violent communist activities in our beloved America.  Is there a relationship between Marx and Satan?  According to dear Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, you bet there is!  Marx actually began his life in a God-fearing family and claimed (as is documented) that he was a Christian.  He changed somewhere along the way and had a deep personal rebellion against God and all Biblical and Christian values.  He became a Satan worshipper who actually participated in occult habits and practices and even his bizarre hairstyle was part of his satanic beliefs.

Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs was imprisoned in Romania for 14 years for his outspoken views against communism.  He urged believers not to be duped into thinking Marxism was a political or economic theory or that Marx was in fact a benevolent believer in equality for all men.  Marx’s own statements expose him as a hater of God, and therefore, a hater of God’s creatures, as those who have suffered under communism well know.

The Pastor was tortured unbelievably for all those years because of his faith and his body held the scars he showed when he testified before the U.S. Senate Sub Committee on the communist exploitation of religion in 1966 in the 89th Congress.  You can read his testimony here.  He was never able to wear shoes again as his feet had been so horribly beaten that only slippers enabled him to walk comfortably.

It was in 1986 that he wrote the book, Marx and Satan and told how the communists thought while torturing him and the other priests and pastors. The pastor tells that the communists explained to him and others, “If we kill you Christians, you go to heaven.  But we don’t want you to be crowned martyrs.  You should curse God first and then go to hell.”

He states that in the prison of Piteshti, the communists would force a very religious prisoner to be “baptized” daily by putting his head into the barrel in which his fellow sufferers had fulfilled their necessities meanwhile obliging the other prisoners to sing the baptismal service.

According to official Marxist doctrine, which is only a disguise, neither God nor the devil exists.  Because of this teaching, Christians are persecuted by the communists.  However, the Soviet newspaper of April 1974 reported that there were atheist circles in Red Latvia’s schools.  The children in the 4th through 6th grades were called “little devils,” while the 7th graders were “servants of the Devil.”  In another school, 8th graders were called “faithful children of the devil.”  It was forbidden to worship God, though devil worship was openly permitted and even encouraged among the children.

The orthodox cathedral in Odessa, much loved by the Odessites, became the meeting place of satanists soon after the communists came to power.  They gathered also in Slobodka-Romano and in Count Tolstoy’s former home.  There were satanist masses said by deacon Serghei Mihailov of the treacherous Living Church, an orthodox branch established in connivance with the communists.  It was a satanic mass as a parody of Christian liturgy in which human blood is used for communion.  Also, in Odessa a statue of satan used to be exhibited in the Museum of the Atheists.  It was called Baphomet.

If the Marxists and communists were not satanists, then why were priests and pastors compelled in the Romanian prison of Piteshti to say mass over excrement and urine?  Why, Wurmbrand asks, were Christians tortured into taking communion with these as the elements?  Why such an obscene mockery of religions?

If, in fact, true Marxism and communism deny both heaven and hell, why in Romanian and Soviet Union prisons were nuns who would not deny their faith, raped anally, and Baptist girls had oral sex forced on them.  Using Luciferian techniques, the communists made martyrs die blaspheming because of the delirium provoked by torture.

The depths of depravity of the communists in trying to force Christians to disavow their faith is beyond human understanding and can only be explained as being from “wickedness in high places.”

Wurmbrand writes that Marx only once in all his works ever mentioned torture.  Many of his followers were tortured by Russian Czarist authorities, yet Marx is usually described as a humanist, so one would expect him to write about such things as horror.  However, his comment on same was that, “Torture is productive, it leads to ingenious inventions.”  “No wonder,” as Wurmbrand states, “that Marxist governments have surpassed all others in torturing their opponents.”  This alone displays the satanic nature of Marxism.

President Obama as well as Hillary Clinton considered Saul Alinsky as their political teacher and high priest of left-wing activism.  In Alinsky’s infamous book, Rules for Radicals, on the very first page, he makes a so-called humorous comment about the book being dedicated to the first radical, Lucifer.

Ephesians 6:12 is clear that our warfare is against demons, against the “angels” that rose up against God and were cast down from the throne.  And, as Pastor Wurmbrand makes so very clear in his book, Marx and Satan, they are truly one and the same.

These verses are so plain for us today and for the battle we are in to save our beloved country.  Verse 13 says, “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.”

God’s Word makes it extremely clear that we are involved in a war, and that we must take up the weapons as every good soldier does.  In this verse we are told to stand…which is a military term for holding our position.  In verse 12, the word “against” is used four times stressing the determined hostility of the enemy.  We are confronting something that we cannot overcome except that we have invisible help to draw upon.

We can never ever underestimate the enemy…and although we are truly at war, it is a war to the death against foes who are supernatural, demons from the pit to be quite clear, and those who wish to have world control.

Verse 14–17 states, “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15, And your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace; 16, Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked.  17, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.”

Ask any soldier what emotions they go through during war, during their time on the battlefield and you will get a range of both mental and physical emotions that will stagger the imagination.  But we are told several times in these verses to stand.  We must hold our own as we fight the pressures of Satan and his demons and those of this world as well. We must have the solid convictions of our beliefs and our faith and take that stand and not move from it.

The breastplate of righteousness is integrity, it protects the heart, chest and vital organs, and if we are to stand firm in the truth that we know, both Biblical and as free men, our hearts have to be protected.  We have the truth of freedom and we have known liberty that God blessed America with back in 1787.

In this Biblical account of the Christian’s armor our backs need to be protected, and it is our fellow soldiers and our faith in God that watches our backs.  Again, our battle is with wickedness in high places.

Communism is present today in our government, in our congress, and throughout our country.  As dear Pastor Wurmbrand so thoroughly documents in both Marx and Satan and his other widely known book, Tortured for Christ, Marxism is a satanic entity and force from the pit of hell with the fiery darts of the evil one constantly on attack.

Can we win this war?  Can we turn around over 150 or more years of satanic plotting of destruction of this country?  It looks impossible when one knows the full extent of the treachery that has gone on for so many decades to destroy and control us.

Nevertheless, we have an abundance of strong and faithful believers in God and in freedom and liberty. Our Judeo-Christian foundation is one that encompasses the old and new testaments of the Word.  It is really up to all of us who love America to fight against the fiery darts of the evil one and yes, to take our stand against the evil which permeates from communist doctrine.

May we be on God’s side.

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

President Trump’s Self-Inflicted Wound Could be Fatal

By Cliff Kincaid

President Trump gave interviews to Washington Post Watergate reporter Bob Woodward, who helped bring down another Republican president, Richard Nixon. What could go wrong?

Author and attorney John O’Connor comments, “Most tragedies result from hubris, and Trump thought he could schmooze Woodward, whereas Woodward was only intending to print the quotable negative stuff. Trump may have been great for many hours, but any lawyer knows that the opposition does not care about your good testimony, they care about the bad stuff, the mistakes. It was stupid.”

Trump would have been well-advised to read O’Connor’s book, Postgate, which looks at the roles played by a former top FBI official and the CIA in the scandal that brought down Nixon. The book probes the paper’s “strikingly deceptive partisan journalism,” while examining an alternative theory of why the Watergate break-in occurred.

As a former editor at Accuracy in Media, I worked with AIM founder Reed Irvine on the same topic, focusing on a special role played by the CIA in Watergate. At this late date, the real nature of the Watergate scandal is still unresolved.

Trump is now denouncing the new Woodward book, which he says he won’t read, but he should have proceeded with caution in the first place.

Although he is new to Washington, D.C., he should have known that Woodward has made millions writing books that make news because of the startling insider stories that Woodward seems to have a knack for digging up. In Trump’s case, he had Trump’s cooperation.

As Reed Irvine and I wrote at the time, Woodward once admitted that he uses sources, documents, and other means to “figure out” the truth. But his 1987 book, Veil, included an interview with William J. Casey, the CIA director, after Casey had brain surgery and could not speak intelligibly. His hospital room was guarded and Woodward was never admitted to it. Yet, Casey was supposed to have spoken 19 intelligible words in the interview.

Woodward didn’t have to “figure out” anything with Trump. The president granted him interviews.

In Watergate, Woodward and his partner Carl Bernstein had an anonymous “Deep Throat” source, believed by some to be Mark Felt, who was second in command of the FBI at the time. John O’Connor represented Felt and his book Postgate looks at his role.

Reed Irvine and I wrote a series of articles questioning whether Felt was in fact Deep Throat. We argued that Felt was not in a position to supply the information about Watergate that is attributed to Deep Throat in the Woodward/Bernstein book about the scandal. Our conclusion was that the key Watergate sources were somewhere else in the bureaucracy, probably the intelligence community.

Watergate was a template for what is now happening to Trump, and Trump fell into Woodward’s trap.

Using a “scandal” to oust Trump has not worked so far, and the Woodward book may only succeed in making more money for Woodward and his paper. But the interviews Trump gave to Woodward are a sad reminder that he has made some strange decisions that have come back to haunt him.

On the same day the juicy quotes came out, Trump announced some new possible nominations for the Supreme Court at a news conference where reporters pummeled him about the Woodward book.

Tragically, one of Trump’s two appointments, Neil Gorsuch, wrote a decision on LGBTQ “rights” in the Bostick case that makes a mockery of the rule of law and has demoralized conservatives everywhere. I was one of the few who wrote critically of his nomination, noting his membership in a liberal church, questionable testimony, and spotty record.

As I also noted in a previous column, “The Traitors, Dopes, Dupes, and Globalists Around Trump,” Trump’s list of bad hires includes Neil Gorsuch, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Anthony Scaramucci, and John Bolton, among others. Still, Trump has survived all of them.

Postgate author John O’Conner and others are being featured in the new film, “Plot Against the President,” coming next month, about how the intelligence community targeted Trump in much the same way they may have brought down Nixon.

So far, Trump has survived. But based on the Woodward book and the quotes from Trump about avoiding coronavirus panic, including, “I wanted to always play it down,” the left is armed with another weapon. It is now raising the Watergate question about what Trump knew and when he knew it, regarding the contagious nature of the virus.

By telling Woodward he wanted to avoid panic, Trump has created more of it.  The death toll from the virus, after all, is approaching 200,000 in the U.S. alone, and Trump understands better than most that China bears criminal responsibility for releasing the disease on America and the world. This attack, which is continuing, is worse than 9/11.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

American Traitors

Dave Daubenmire

Years ago, here in the Columbus, Ohio area there was a radio personality who often went on a verbal tirade and at the end of it he always lamented:

“Ain’t It Bout Time Somebody Done Something?”

I have been thinking about him a lot lately as it appears to be more likely everyday that no one is going to do anything about the machinations of the Deep State.  As I hunt and peck on my computer today, we are 54 days away from the 2020 election and not one member of the Deep State has been brought to justice.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is past time for some perp walks?  With all the talk about the investigations that were going on behind the scenes many Americans were excited about the prospect of some high-ranking, very recognizable dignitaries making some very public perp walks.  It is looking less likely every day.  To this day, Benedict Arnold is famous because of his crimes.  How can anyone ever have any confidence in our Federal institutions if no one heads to the gallows?

Literally…to the gallows.  Some Deep State officials should forfeit their lives for the crap they have pulled over the past several years.  The swamp is deep, and although the corruption did not all the sudden begin recently, the exposing of the corruption has never been more publicly visible.

You do remember the idea of pitchforks and torches, don’t you?  The idea of vigilante justice that occurred when those whose job it was to keep things honest failed to do their jobs?  The good ole boys in town would round up a citizen’s posse and go make sure some of the varmint’s in government were held accountable for their malfeasance in office.  “We the People” often required an angry mob to re-establish justice.

Are we there yet, or are we just too dignified for that today?  What are we to do when the corruption in government is so deep that there is no longer any real justice?  Currently, we have a legal system, but not a justice system.  How long will we wait for corrupt government officials to prosecute their corrupt government buddies?  Like pond scum, the swamp creatures cover for each other.

Treason has occurred under our watch.  Real treason, from domestic enemies within our own government.  Domestic enemies are more dangerous than foreign ones because they look so much like the people they claim to be working against.  Domestic treason is still punishable by death.

I did some research I would like to share with you.  These are actual Federal codes designed to keep our politicians honest.  Read through some of these and see if you think that there are some Donkeys and Elephants who are guilty of violating them.  Consider also, those domestic terrorists in the streets in Portland and other cities who are intent on overthrowing America.  The Law can be found here.

  1. U.S Code §2381. Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

  1. U.S Code §2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both

  1. U.S Code §2383. Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States

  1. U.S. Code §2384. Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both

  1. U.S Code §2385. Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereofShall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

How much more of this are we Americans going to take? What would our forefathers have done? Trusting and electing evil men to do good has not worked. Voting for RINO Republican’s has not worked. We’ve been betrayed.

“Ain’t it bout time somebody done something?”

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany Roasts NY Gov. Cuomo – Then Destroys Nancy Pelosi

By Greg Holt

(TCP News)  Governor Cuomo threatens President Trump, and Speaker Pelosi circumvents her own states (city’s) rules, and then blames a small business owner for her own actions.

This is all unfortunately standard atypical behavior for the Democrats.  Threatening the president and his staff – blaming the American people for their own decisions and acts.

This isn’t the good old days where each political party maligned the other and the party best able to market itself won; unless one party was involved in a scandal the other party could use to blow them out of water of course.

Scandals are still fuel for the fire of course, but the Democrats have long moved past that.  Democrats are into using the FBI to spy on the competition, enforce laws that don’t exist, investigate without evidence of a crime, suppress actual real crimes, protect and encourage illegals at the expense of U.S. citizens; basically weaponizing the entire U.S. government apparatus to ensure their victory over their counterparts – whatever it takes.

Then we have New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who actually threatened President Trump.

“Gov. Cuomo says: Trump ‘better have an army to protect him if he comes to NYC’”

When and how did it become ok (especially for a prominent public figure) to threaten the president of the United States of America with bodily harm?  The New York Post said Cuomo “all but threatened President Trump’s safety,”no, there is no “all but,” the disgraceful loudmouth failure of a governor without a doubt threatened Trump’s safety – period.

Here’s what White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had to say about that:

“It’s not often you hear a governor describe in vivid detail how he’s lost control of his state, but there you have Gov. Cuomo saying, ‘You can’t come to New York without an army.’

“Well I guess that is the case when you have more than 1,000 shootings before Labor Day, when there’s a 277% increase in shootings in a one month period over the year prior,” she continued.

“It’s very rare you hear a Democrat governor nakedly admit to failure and that’s what Governor Cuomo has just done for us.” (Source)

Everyone has heard by now of Nancy Pelosi’s quiet visit to her hairdresser (or so she thought).  What you may not have heard is Pelosi shifting the blame for what happened to the owner of said salon that Pelosi broke the rules to go to.

Here is part of the dressing down @PressSecKayleigh McEnany gave Pelosi:

“Apparently the rules do not apply to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She wants small businesses to stay shut down, but only reopen for her convenience.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed immediately defended Speaker Pelosi – only his defense shows just how out of touch and supremely ignorant he is, just like the rest of the Democrats.

“It’s really unfortunate with everything happening in this country, with the fact that we basically have a dictator in charge of running this country,” Breed said Wednesday of the attention Pelosi’s visit has received. “And we have our Speaker Nancy Pelosi working day and night to fight against the challenges against the White House — she has spent her entire career working for this city and working for this country — it’s unfortunate that this conversation has blown up in the way that it has and distracted from the real issue. We don’t have good solid federal leadership helping us facilitate this COVID response … We have bigger issues as it relates to this country.”  (Source)

Oh, and Pelosi is the one holding up aid in Congress – so much for her “working day and night” for this country.

The owner of the salon Pelosi went to has been receiving hate texts and even death threats.

“The hard part of all this is that I have been in that community for 12 years, and since this happened I have received nothing but hate text messages, death threats,” she said.  They’re going to burn my hair salon down, my Yelp page is just unbelievable with bad reviews.

“It’s just sad that my community is pulling this.”

Pelosi has previously called for a nationwide mask mandate.  (Source)

I think Nancy Pelosi who imperiously violated the city’s rules for her own benefit (including not wearing a mask inside the salon – like she wants mandated for everyone else) and then said the salon owner set her up – owes the salon owner an apology.  The salon owner’s business is basically ruined, but do you suppose powerful Speaker Pelosi cares?

I rather doubt it.

If it does not directly benefit Nancy Pelosi, it does not warrant her attention.  I take that back, it most definitely warrants Pelosi’s attention if she is looking to publically decimate someone for daring to oppose her in any way.

Pelosi and Cuomo and so many other Democrats are vile, disingenuous, lying, and greedy power seeking politicians who will stop at nothing nowadays to accomplish their mandate, socialism and an eventual One World Government.

I wrote a few weeks ago that, Anyone Stupid Enough to Vote for a Democrat Gets What They Deserve – Voting Democrat is a Vote to Give Away ALL of Your Rights & Safety.  Unfortunately, the rest of us would also pay the price for a Democrat win.  Biden is unstable, and Harris is a conniving self-serving “winning is all that matters” politician that will sell out the American people in a heartbeat.

Democrats are (maybe were, but I don’t think so) the party of the people, so they say.  I for one cannot fathom how anyone can fall for this malarkey.  The Democrats are for themselves and basically, to hell with the people.  If that offends your sensibilities – well you are going to be a whole lot more offended if the Democrats win in November.

Check out the video in this article, a very honest look at the Democrats and what they truly support.  The cities in the U.S. with the highest crime, the most violence etc. are almost exclusively Democrat run and have been for many years.  That should be enough to warrant anyone’s attention and serious thought.

But no – many people, liberals all; continue to make excuses and blame Trump for the problems that they themselves created through their own mismanagement of these cities, states, etc.

A couple of examples:

The mayor of Minneapolis (and Minnesota’s governor) watched “mostly peaceful” rioters destroy the city. “Black Lives Matter and Antifa burned down Minneapolis – if they didn’t burn it, they defaced it or stole it.”  Then these idiots decided that Trump should authorize federal funds to clean up the damage.

Remember CHAZ?

“After all the riots, looting, violence, and burning down of properties and cars etc., now we have a group of people that have taken over a section of Seattle Washington.  Astonishingly enough, Seattle’s mayor and the governor of Washington have stood by and allowed this to happen.”  (Source)

People are I believe beginning to realize that the supposed saviors of our country (the Democrats) are anything but.

I grew up being told that actions speak louder than words.  Just look at the above actions and so many others in the news these days.  Are these really the people you want to be making decisions for you and our country?

Read my three most recent articles:

Why the Kenosha Wisconsin Police Shooting does not Add Up

‘We are the party of the people – We are Democrats’: the Most Truthful Democrat Ad You Will Ever See (Watch)

Anyone Stupid Enough to Vote for a Democrat Gets What They Deserve – Voting Democrat is a Vote to Give Away ALL of Your Rights & Safety

Don’t forget to follow TCP News on ParlerUSA LifeGabSpreelyFacebook, and Twitter

Let’s all continue to fight political correctness, indoctrination, Leftist propaganda, liberalism, and keep sharing the truth – knowledge is power.  Until next time…

© 2020 Greg Holt – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Greg Holt: admin@trueconservativepundit.com

Trump’s on Our Side

by Lee Duigon

President Donald Trump takes the American people’s side against self-anointed elites and opinion-shapers. That’s why they’re trying to destroy him.

Last week he delivered body blows to Far Left Crazy. Oh, the pain!

First he banned “Critical Race Theory” from being “taught” to federal employees in just about every branch of the bureaucracy. “Critical Race Theory,” a poison concocted by our academic establishment, proclaims that all white people are evil, born racists, to blame for everything that’s ever been wrong in our country, and that they all need and deserve to be punished for it—and all of this with their consent, no less!

For some reason, President Trump thought this was “divisive” (ya think?) and virulently anti-American. They were ordering white male employees to write “apologies” to non-whites and women: no submission, no job. So of course he banned it. Can you imagine a “Critical Race Theory 2.0” that turns the tables to require the purposeful humiliation of black people? That would be allowed for how many nanoseconds?

A few days later, the president took aim at the New York Times’ hate-America classroom package, “the 1619 Project”. I don’t know why we had to wait till Donald Trump came along to have one of our elected representatives asking why in the world we should have to pay Far Left teachers’ union creeps to “teach” our children that our country sucks. But then it was a mystery why we ever let them do it in the first place.

If it comes from the New York Times, you know it’s got to be bad for America: the Times never met a communist it didn’t like. “The 1619 Project” teaches that America was, and is, all about perpetuating slavery and oppressing non-whites. It’s intended for use in public schools from coast to coast. In fact, its perpetrators have been boasting about how they hope to get it into every school.

Fine, says our president—but not with federal money, you don’t. He has directed the Dept. of Education to look into it, starting with California (where else?); and wherever it’s been brought into the school, pull the funding.

Now it’s virtually unprecedented for the president to side with the people against the know-it-all elites—Far Left “educators,” Far Left teachers’ unions, Far Left nooze media, et al. In addition to being profoundly grateful to Mr. Trump for doing so, we must support him to the hilt. As he sides with the people, so the people must side with him—not just sit back and wait for him to do it on his own.

He needs and deserves our votes, and not just in the presidential election. He can’t, by himself, give us back our schools that we pay for. We have to take back our natural, God-given authority over the education of our children; and he can, and will, help us take it back.

If we ever lose our republic, and our liberties, our foolishness in allowing people who hate us to educate our children will be the number-one cause of it.

How can that be hard to understand? Don’t let people who despise you teach your children!

Don’t let them do to us with textbooks what Hitler and Stalin and Tojo, with all their fleets and armies, couldn’t do.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Devolving American Citizenship?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 9: With another 100 million immigrants, you get 100 million people from 196 countries with 196 different world views, religions, cultures and languages.  Do you think any of them will be on the same page as American-born citizens?

The single worst bill passed by our U.S. Congress: the 1965 Immigration Reform Act. The late Senator Teddy Kennedy, the perpetrator of the bill, could be named the “Father of the Destruction of America.”

He changed the 200,000 annual quota system of compatible Europeans migrating into America to 1.5 million annually in 2020 from all over the world.  He’s the reason for our adding 130 million people from 196 countries around the globe in the last 55 years.

He brought us millions of the most unskilled, uneducated, and uneducable people from around the planet, and the most incompatible cultures with our American culture.

Do you think that a bushman/tribal hunter-gatherer African Somalian immigrant with an average IQ of 68 can actually function in America’s first world economy and educational system?  Do you think such an immigrant possesses any affinity to American values?  The U.S. Constitution?  How many of them do you think even understand the Constitution let alone read it?  How many leech off the EBT cards?  Answer: hundreds of thousands.

Notice Ilhan Omar, a Somalia refugee that now resides in our House of Representatives. She foments anti-American rhetoric with every news conference. She wants all Muslims to make Americans “feel uncomfortable.”  It’s a bet she has NEVER read our Constitution.  She lacks any education, brain power or affinity for America. She lived on food stamps and scammed the U.S. Immigration System by marrying her brother.  She should be deported for her lawlessness.

Another House member, Rashida Talaib in Michigan despises America and when elected, wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag. Does anyone think Maxine Waters loves America? You can’t make this information up. It’s all on record.

Note that we now face millions in poverty, over 1 million homeless and 40 million on food stamps.  California looks more like a foreign country than an American state.  Los Angeles features over 60,000 poverty-stricken people living in tents in the streets of the city. Another 11,000 live in San Francisco.  With no solutions?  What happens when we import another 100 million third world immigrants that cannot be fed or housed?  And, what is the point?

Once they land on us, they enclave into their own cultures, languages and world views.  We’re talking about 100 million people that do not and cannot assimilate into America.

Can you imagine the fracturing and fragmenting of our national ethos?  What about OUR culture built up over 240 years? What about our cohesive English language being driven into a minority status?  What happens when all their world views compete for local and national offices?  Do you remember what happened to Detroit once Mayor Coleman Young took over in the 1980’s?  Exactly 1.2 million Detroiters fled the city over a 15-year period.  How do I know? Detroit degraded to jungle law. I worked in Detroit for twenty years to see it.

With only 125,000 Somalia’s in “Somaliland” in Minneapolis, Minnesota, they have already trashed the school systems. Americans are fleeing that “African” enclave of Muslim discontent.  What happens when we allow another 50 or 100 cities to be dominated by “Somalilands?”

What happens when Spanish becomes the dominate language?  Anybody see how successful Mexico stands today?  Why do you think 15 million illegal Mexican migrants now call the USA home?  They escaped the failed state of Mexico. What happens when they create the “Failed State of America?”

Does anyone in America understand that Europeans face becoming minorities in their own countries?  Do they understand that the arrogance of the Islamic religion has death-grip on their cultures, language and freedoms?  That barbaric religion maintains a strangle- hold with its political-religious-economic system that counters anything civil or anything about women’s rights, children’s rights, dress choice, spouse choice, freedom of speech, FGM, fatwa, and much worse.

If we continue on this path, and we import that 100 million immigrants by 2050—how do you think the American ethos and our language will survive?  Answer: it won’t.

We will be driven to the lowest common denominator of destroyed educational systems, civic pride, culture, jobs and loss of excellence.  And, how do we feed and house that many more people without destroying our own environment and resources?  Do you want that for your kids?  Do you want it for yourself if you’ll be here in 2050?

Do you think this series hits home?  Can you see it coming?  Have you read, The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray?  How about, The Blackening of Europe by Clare Ellis.

“The Blackening of Europe is a critical analysis of the historical and ideological origins of the European Union, with special regard to the consequences of these developments for the indigenous Europeans who presently risk becoming demographic and political minorities in their own homelands.”

If we import enough refugees from the third world, we will, in turn become the third world ourselves. Demographics dictate destiny. Now do you see why the next 100 million immigrants will determine our society’s fragmented future?

Can you imagine Antifa and Black Lives Matter stomping around your city? Your neighborhood? Have you seen what they’ve done to 50 cities in America?  Thus far, $5 billion in damages as reported by NPR. These anarchists mean business.  Can you imagine enough third world refugees going on the rampage because our food stamp and other welfare systems collapse?  I can see it as clearly as the coming of the dawn.  Why not stop it today by creating a national outcry to cease all immigration?

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future. If you have more solutions, please write me. Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course? If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

The “Diabolical” China VirusIs Worse than 9/11

By Cliff Kincaid

A Wall Street Journal article about coronavirus carries the fascinating headline, “‘Really Diabolical’: Inside the Coronavirus That Outsmarted Science.” The subtitle is equally intriguing and says in part: “SARS-CoV-2 is a wily virus, with mysterious origins and a powerful ability to infect and spread…” But the authors spend most of their time trying, unsuccessfully, to trace the virus to a natural outbreak from bats.

They write, “Taken on its own terms, SARS-CoV-2 is the infectious disease success of the past 100 years. Almost unmatched in the annals of emerging human contagions, it has parlayed a few chance infections into a pandemic of around 27 million confirmed cases so far.”

Here, the death toll is approaching 200,000. Even if these figures are adjusted to reflect the fact that 94 percent of COVID-19 death cases had underlying poor health conditions, it’s more deaths from the China virus than 9/11. And it’s continuing to kill people.

Ironically, the China virus came from a country ruled by a regime that persecutes its own Muslims.

But our media do their best to protect the Red Chinese communist regime from its criminal complicity in what amounts to the use of a virus as a weapon of terror.

The authors of the Journal article do not pursue the obvious conclusion that the “diabolical origins” of coronavirus are in a Chinese lab and its “mysterious origins” are man-made. Instead, they say, “Initially, it was widely believed the virus made its home in bats, which harbor hundreds of different kinds of coronaviruses. But it ventured into new species.” That means it infected human beings, by accident we are led to believe.

One particular doctor is finally named, and he is said to have “shared his findings with experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, adding to a growing body of evidence that led China to confirm to the world that the virus was leaping from person to person.” The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is an official body that obviously didn’t do its job as advertised.

Notice the words, “experts,” “growing body of evidence,” and “led China to confirm.”

This is how modern-day journalism attempts to persuade you to accept conclusions that the virus is somehow naturally occurring. That’s what China wants you to believe. Unlike the Islamic perpetrators of 9/11 and the anthrax mailings, the Chinese want to avoid responsibility and retaliation for what they have done to the American people and the world.

The reference to “diabolical” is said to be from Peter Piot, the head of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and a co-discoverer of Ebola, who fell victim to the coronavirus himself in March. “This virus is really diabolical, it came like a thief in the night with an insatiable appetite for victims to devour,” he is quoted as saying.

It doesn’t sound like an ordinary coronavirus. Piot went on, “It behaves unlike any other virus. It spreads through our respiratory system because there are receptors in our noses and throats — but then it goes through your entire body: blood vessels, the heart, every organ could be targeted. It’s crazy.”

Crazy? Not when the origin of the virus is a communist country ruled by mass murderers. This is madness with a purpose.

The biographies of the two Journal reporters indicate they are highly-educated people who have graduated from the finest schools. The end of the article carries the notation: “The Wall Street Journal is examining the causes of the coronavirus catastrophe and the bungled response that followed.”

The bungled response includes the reporting.

For an explanation as to why reporters may be going soft on the Communist regime, consider a separate article in the Journal about how “Chinese authorities haven’t renewed expiring press credentials for at least five reporters working for U.S. media outlets…” and that one of them works for the Journal. For the time being, they are allowed “to continue working with their expired press credentials for now.”

The regime is waiting to see which publications tailor their content to suit the regime.

The real scandal, not covered in this Journal article, continues to be the source of the virus – and China’s role in spreading it. This is by far more important than whether to wear a mask, a subject on which people may differ.

The readers of the article saw through it. One commented, “Mysterious origins? Not a chance. The only winner from COVID appears to be China. Without any use of force, they silenced the Hong Kong protestors and decimated most Western economies. Without a doubt, they have ushered in a new era of biological warfare….”

Another said, “The inevitable conclusion is that this virus was bio-engineered in China and deliberately spread to the rest of the world as a bio-warfare attack.”

Still another wrote, “Interesting article. Also interesting in that it does not mention a word about the Wuhan laboratory with its ‘bat lady’ who studies viruses in bats from the most obscure locations. Not a word about the lax protocols used at that lab either.”

The responses from readers demonstrate that people are extremely skeptical of what they see, read, and hear. They can’t understand why the paper went out of its way to absolve the Chinese communist authorities. The comments also reveal that they have access to other sources of information and they compare and contrast that information with what the Journal is reporting as fact. This is all good news.

Most reasonable and thinking Americans understand the basic fact that the coronavirus came out of China, and that China, and China alone, is responsibility for this killing machine ravaging the world. But less understood is whether American medical expertise was used in an effort to make the virus more dangerous than the ordinary flu.

The facts show that China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In the middle of this scandal is NIH director Dr. Francis Collins, an Obama holdover who publicly affirms his Christian faith but has a long history of collaborating with the officially atheist communist Chinese regime.

In addition to the matter of China engineering the virus, this is an area that deserves more investigative reporting from papers such as the Journal. But telling the complete truth risks permanent expulsion of the paper’s reporters from China and a negative reaction from the Medical Deep State here in the U.S.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Will The Bureaucracy Be The Downfall of American Freedom?

By Ron Ewart

“One of the greatest threats to mankind today is that the world may be choked by an explosively pervading but well camouflaged bureaucracy.” Norman Borlaug, (1914 to 2009) An international agronomist

Most Americans have no idea as to the scope and power of the federal, state and local bureaucracies.  Although all bureaucracies grow by their vary nature, local government has grown the most.  From 1990 to 2010 federal government employment has stayed relatively steady.  In the same period, state government has grown by about 1,000,000 employees, or a growth rate of almost 24%.  Local government on the other hand has grown by 3,700,000 employees, or a whopping 34.3%.  The growth rate is directly related to the passage of more laws and the explosive growth in social services.

In the Open the Books Oversight Report entitled “Mapping the Swamp” that analyzed federal employment in 2016, the following observations were made:

  1. The federal government pays its disclosed workforce $1 million per minute, $66 million per hour, and $524 million per day. In FY2016, the federal government disclosed 1.97 million employees at a cash compensation cost of $136.3 billion.
  1. Over a six-year period (FY2010-2016), the number of federal employees making $200,000 or more has increased by 165 percent; those making $150,000 or more has grown by 60 percent; and those making more than $100,000 has increased by 37 percent.
  1. On average, federal employees are given 10 federal holidays, 13 sick days, and 20 vacation days per year. If each employee used 13 sick days and took 20 vacation days in addition to the 10 federal holidays, it would cost taxpayers an estimated $22.6 billion annually.
  1. In FY2016, a total 406,960 employees made six-figure incomes – that’s roughly one in five disclosed federal employees. Furthermore, 29,852 federal employees out-earned each of the 50 state governors receiving more than $190,823.
  2. At 78 out of the 122 independent agencies and departments we studied, the average employee compensation exceeded $100,000 in FY2016.

Are federal employees paid more than those in the private sector?  You bet!  The Heritage Foundation found that federal employees make on average 22% more than private sector employees for similar work.  The American Enterprise Institute determined that federal employees made 14% more.  It is no doubt somewhere in between these two numbers.

But bureaucratic wages are not the real story.  The real story is buried in just how much power do federal, state and local bureaucracies have in passing laws and shaping public policy.  The answer is disturbing.

The first thing to remember is that most, if not all, government employees are products of the liberal college system.  When they enter employment with the government they already have a built in, left leaning bias.  It is from that left-of-center prism, that they conduct the business of their particular agency.  Many times that bias interferes and obstructs the wishes and mandates of our elected representatives.  The federal bureaucracy has worked against Trump and his policies since he was inaugurated in 2017.

Although this is not a new phenomenon, it has grown more pronounced in the last several decades as the gap between conservatism and liberalism continues to widen.  From this, the DEEP STATE was born.

The second thing to remember is that 36.1% of state and local government workers are represented by unions.  In contrast, only 6.5% of private workers are represented by unions.  This union representation gives government workers exceptional bargaining power in setting salaries and benefits.  In fact, it gives these unions the power to blackmail the taxpayer for greater wages and benefits by threatening to strike if their demands are not met.  As a result government employee pensions funds are criminally under funded.  Since almost every American is required to do business with government employees, the average American is held hostage by government employee union demands.

But then in late May of 2020 a black man was killed by a white policeman in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the nation exploded in violence, rioting, looting and arson.  The term “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) becomes a rallying cry for the millennials (the 18 to 34 crowd) and these young and dumb kids take to the streets in large protests and destruction of lives and property in major cities across America.  Suddenly “Black Lives Matter” and “white privilege” blossom into a full-fledged religious cult that infects our every day lives, including our institutions and corporate boardrooms.

Corporations, in a gushing display of guilt and protectionism, donate huge amounts of cash to “Black Lives Matter” and similar organizations.

Democrat politicians start donating to the rioters through their surrogates, the “Black Lives Matter” organization, the Black Business Collective and “Claim the Block” group.

Fringe socialist organizations plan new curriculums for public schools to teach kids that America is a racist country but only white Americans are racist.  The New York Times “1619 Project” was designed to do just that.  1619 refers to the year that black slaves were allegedly introduced to the North American continent.

Attempts to rub out American history are made by tearing down statues in cities nationwide.  Textbooks are being revised to fit the “Black Lives Matter” narrative.  Our kids are being brainwashed in our public schools in the liberal ideology and systemic racism and have been for several decades.  Common Core State Standards was just an extension of this social justice brainwashing.  Public schools have become institutions of indoctrination, not objective learning centers.  But then why not, most of our teachers are also products of liberal colleges.

Socialist Democrat mayors and governors show their sympathy for BLM by looking the other way when rioting, looting and arson are taking place.  They tell the police to stand down and won’t authorize the use of the National Guard.  As a result, the violence grows and grows.  Some mayors are allowing “Black Lives Matter” to be painted on city streets with taxpayer-funded paint and labor, in direct violation of the Hatch Act.

Democrat prosecutors refuse to prosecute those violent individuals arrested for attacking police, looting and arson.

But worse than all that, the entire local, state and federal bureaucracy are forcing white government employees into cult indoctrination, re-education seminars to re-train the “White Privilege” out of them.  These re-education seminars are being forced on white employees only, under what is called, “Critical Race Theory” or CRT.  It is being introduced to public education all across America as well.  The following is an abstract of CRT.   It should turn your stomach.

“The emergence of Critical Race Theory marked an important point in the history of racial politics in the legal academy and the broader conversation about race and racism in the United States. More recently, CRT has proven an important analytic tool in the field of education, offering critical perspectives on race, and the causes, consequences and manifestations of race, racism, inequity, and the dynamics of power and privilege in schooling. This groundbreaking anthology is the first to pull together both the foundational writings in the field and more recent scholarship on the cultural and racial politics of schooling. A comprehensive introduction provides an overview of the history and tenets of CRT in education. Each section then seeks to explicate ideological contestation of race in education and to create new, alternative accounts. In so doing, this landmark publication not only documents the progress to date of the CRT movement, it acts to further spur developments in education.” 

Christopher Rufo, adjunct fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, told Tucker Carlson the other night on Tucker’s nationwide broadcast that:

“It’s absolutely astonishing how critical race theory has pervaded every institution in the federal government.  What I have discovered is that critical race theory has become, in essence, the default ideology of the federal bureaucracy and is now being weaponized against the American people.”  

Rufo claimed, the Treasury Department recently hired a diversity trainer who said the U.S. was a fundamentally White supremacist country, and that White people upheld the system of racism in the nation. In another case, Sandia National Laboratories, which designs nuclear weapons, sent its white male executives to a mandatory training in which they, according to Rufo, wrote letters apologizing to women and people of color.  The matter is so serious, Rufo added, that Trump should immediately issue an executive order and stamp out this destructive, divisive, pseudoscientific ideology at its root.

Evidently, Trump got the message and has directed the Office of Management and Budget to crack down on federal agency anti-racism training, calling it “divisive and anti-American propaganda.”

What happens when an idea, or an ideology, infiltrates the huge power base that is the government bureaucracy?  What happens is that all decisions made by that bureaucracy are “colored’ by that idea or ideology.  Black Lives Matter becomes a battle cry and a religious hymn.  White people are racists and therefore bad and must be re-trained.  The idea or ideology blossoms into full fledged mass hysteria, purposely manufactured by one party for purely political gain.

What does this sound like?  It sounds like what the Chinese Communist Party is doing to the Uighur Muslims in western China, without the concentration camp barracks and bob wire.  The Uighurs are being forced into labor camps where they are required to listen to lectures and sing hymns praising the Chinese Communist Party.   What is difficult to understand is why white Americans, who are being subjected to this non-sense, (de-programmed) don’t get up and walk out of these seminars?

All this Black Lives Matter and White Privilege hysteria eerily parallels the insanity of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 and 1693.  In colonial Massachusetts, adolescent girls Abigail Williams, Betty Parris, Ann Putnam, Jr., and Elizabeth Hubbard began to have fits that were described by a minister as “beyond the power of Epileptic Fits or natural disease to effect.  The events resulted in the Salem witch trials, a series of hearings, which resulted in the execution of 20 citizens and the death of five other citizens of Salem Village, Massachusetts (present day Danvers, Massachusetts) and nearby towns who were accused of practicing witchcraft.  The episode is one of America’s most notorious cases of mass hysteria, and it has been used in political rhetoric and popular literature as a vivid cautionary tale about the dangers of isolationism, religious extremism, false accusations and lapses in due process.  (Source: Wikipedia)

Whether it is pitted windshields, Salem witch trials, Critical Race Theory, White Privilege, or Black Lives Matter, if these mass hysteria diseases infect government bureaucracies and our educational institutions and are allowed to metastasize within the system, the future of a free America is in grave doubt.  Will the bureaucracy be the downfall of American freedom?  That depends on whether good people will rise up en masse and purge America of suicidal ideologies and reclaim individual freedom and unalienable rights …. no matter what the cost. The German people DIDN’T and 50,000,000 people died needlessly!  Will Americans follow suit?

We will conclude with this small tidbit of statistics.  It took less than 3% of the population to win America’s Revolutionary War.  The current government bureaucracy, at all levels, represents 5.6% of the total population.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Bill Gates: Those Who Engage In Anti-Vaccine Efforts – They Kill Children!

Bradlee Dean

Ever Take The Time To Know What Is In Vaccines? (Videos)

“So it’s an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn’t have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts — you know, they, they kill children. It’s a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important.”

[YouTube Video]

This, of course, coming from none other than Bill Gates, who is not a doctor nor is he an elected representative.

[YouTube Video]

Bill is the one responsible for calling forth the depopulation of the planet as he is also the one trying to sell you the virus as being legitimate. He is also the one trying to sell you on the vaccines (Ephesians 4:14).


[YouTube Video]

Most of us today, know that which is taking place in America today concerning a virus is nothing more than a perpetuated fraud (John 8:44)


Let’s go to the next step.

Despite hundreds of thousands of doctors debunking the coronavirus, the government is running roughshod over the people and says to get ready for vaccinations. This is totalitarianism, a government of force, and nothing short of it (Leviticus 26:15-18).


What one needs to know is exactly what is in some of the vaccinations and what are the ingredients to them.

[FaceBook Video]

[FaceBook Video]

Regardless of what is being sold to us concerning another pandemic, if we do not get behind the government, then we are all enemies of the state.  It is time for people to understand that the government has no business whatsoever enforcing any vaccination on anyone anywhere (Psalm 94:20).

It is time to resist and time to deal with those who are, in fact, guilty of perpetuating these crimes on the people.

[YouTube Video]

In conclusion: Robert Kennedy Jr. stated” “Governments love pandemics the same way that they love wars. It gives them power, it gives them control, it gives them the capacity to impose obedience on human beings.”


© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

The Psychology of Belief

By: Amil Imani

In general, beliefs are like roadmaps. Beliefs are impetus that supply the brain into action.

A religious underpinning of belief creates fanaticism in some adherents, since fanaticism is often seen as a reflection of one’s true loyalty and strong faith.

Beliefs, be they religious or otherwise, are tied to a central figure such as a prophet, a philosopher, or a social reformer. Particularly in religion, the central figure and his high disciples occupy a rarefied, nearly superhuman, sphere. These figures wield great power over their followers.

The famous Bohemian novelist, Franz Kafka said, “by believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it. The nonexistent is what we have not sufficiently desired.”

Belief, is a powerful human disposition to find a source or a person to whom he can attribute strengths and qualities that he himself yearns for, yet he lacks—a father surrogate. People age, but the insecure child within remains at the core of many. It is the child within that attaches himself to an omnipotent role model. And the Islamic clergy are powerful father figures to the flock.

The founder of a religion presents to the child within the lost father he no longer has or he never had. It is for this reason that the founder of a religion is held in the highest esteem and his edicts are obeyed wholeheartedly by his followers. The believers’ degree of devotion is in direct proportion to the hierarchy of religious authorities—a line of father surrogates.

It is baffling why some people cling to patently false beliefs.

One explanation is that the person is suffering from some neurological and mental disorder. A case of recurrent seizure that triggers hallucinations is an example.

Another explanation is the role of herd mentality. That is, one may reason if others believe it, it must be the case and he should also believe it.

Yet, another possibility is that the person, for a variety of reasons, convinces himself that the belief is indeed true or worthy of adherence. In the case of Muslim clergy, the practice of self-convincing bestows immediate material benefits, a promise of afterlife compensations.

A mullah or an imam who tirelessly preaches Islam may be or not be a person of deep conviction about what he is promoting. What is certain is that this person is the immediate beneficiary of what he wants others to believe. He, as a preacher, is assured a life-long secure job in this world as well as a promised magnificent eternal accommodation in Allah’s paradise. For him, it is a win-win deal.

The practice of self-persuasion is universal among people, in numerous instances of life. Even at times, it takes the form of an outright self-deception. People are extremely apt at deception and rearranging facts to suit themselves. The practice of deceiving others is, unfortunately, widespread and seen in numerous spheres of life. There is irrefutable evidence that humans use the same faculty of deception to deceive themselves. The widely-used self-deception tactic called “denial” thoroughly documents this claim. A full-blown alcoholic, for instance, deceives himself by vehemently denying that he has alcohol problems and continues to drink to avoid facing the stark reality of his affliction.

In other instances, a person may convince himself to the truth of a baseless belief after being exposed to it, perhaps adopting it tentatively at first, then gradually through self-suggestion and other influences, rigidly adopting the belief. A case in point was dramatically observed during the last Iran-Iraq war. The Iranian mullahs considered the war with Iraq a holy war. Clearly, they saw themselves as the true and faithful Muslims—Shiites, followers of the line of Muhammad—while they viewed the Sunni Saddam Hussein and his forces as enemies of true Islam.

A murderous jihad war killed and maimed millions on both sides. It raged for nearly a decade. The mullahs on the Iranian side incessantly preached to the mostly untrained and very young recruits the rewards they would receive by suffering martyrdom. They issued made-in-China plastic keys to Allah’s paradise to children and sent them forward to clear minefields.

Having preached this terribly deceptive scheme and having sent thousands of little boys to their deaths somehow convinced some of the preachers of the truth of their own lies. Repeatedly saying to yourself and others about the veracity of such a belief, even if you do not believe it at first, eventually may lead to converting yourself to the truth of the belief. Several low-ranking frontline mullahs began donning the paradise keys around their own necks as their dog-tags and rushed forward with the children as minesweepers.

In other cases, a person may adamantly cling to a belief after espousing it publicly for lacking the courage to change his position or fearing the loss of face if he admits to his error.

“Reality is built on a collective agreement and a system of beliefs ranging from the most intimate and personal, to group beliefs, country-wide beliefs, regional beliefs, and world beliefs.”

For as long as Muslim high priests retain their stranglehold on masses of Muslims, generation after generation of father-figure seeking jihadists will turn to them, revere them, and carry out their violent decrees obediently.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

The “October Surprise” Confrontation with Russia

By Cliff Kincaid

The positive news of a Russian coronavirus vaccine, the first in the world, comes as a Russian opposition leader was poisoned with a chemical agent called Novichok that can be traced back to the old Soviet days. Clearly, the Russians have some expertise in the areas of germ warfare and bioterrorism.

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State, says, “The United States is deeply concerned by reported preliminary conclusions from German medical experts that Russian opposition activist Aleksey Navalny was poisoned.” Navalny was sent to Germany for medical treatment.

This has put German Chancellor Angela Merkel in a difficult spot, since she has been proceeding with the $11 billion gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2, making Germany more dependent on Russia for its energy needs. Merkel blames the Russians for the attempted assassination of Navalny, but doesn’t want to cancel cooperation with Russian on the pipeline, which is near completion. President Donald J. Trump, supposedly a Russian agent, has been pressuring Merkel to abandon Nord Stream 2, pay her NATO dues, and buy gas from America.

What’s fascinating is that Russian President Vladimir Putin was a KGB colonel in East Germany and may have supervised the rise of a young German communist youth leader, Angela Merkel, destined to become chancellor of Germany after reunification.

The “October Surprise” is here. Now, less than 60 days before the presidential election, Trump finds himself in the middle of a confrontation involving Germany with Vladimir Putin and Russia. He can stand up to Putin and Merkel at the same time, while exposing the communists on the streets of America with a proposed Nuremberg Initiative to put Putin and his comrades on trial for crimes against humanity.

These extraordinary developments, coming on the eve of America’s 9/11 commemoration, remind us of another poisoning case involving Alexander Litvinenko.  A former KGB officer, he had identified Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current leader of alQaeda, as a Soviet KGB agent. Litvinenko was poisoned in London and killed after he wrote a book, Blowing up Russia, on how Russian agents are behind certain acts of alleged Islamic terrorism.

Ayman Zawahiri, still a Most Wanted Terrorist, was director of al Qaeda’s biological weapons program.

As various experts have argued, the post-9/11 anthrax attacks were never solved by the FBI because the evidence suggests the anthrax was stolen by an al Qaeda operative from a U.S. lab. Admitting this major breach of security was too much for the Deep State to admit. Instead, Robert Mueller’s FBI blamed the attacks on a dead American scientist, Bruce Ivins.

As we remember the lives lost on 9/11, don’t forget that not only couldn’t the CIA and FBI stop the attacks, they couldn’t even stop the al Qaeda terrorists from coming into the U.S. and taking flight training on U.S. soil.

The anthrax letters praised Allah, a tip-off to the identity of the perpetrators, and one of the hijackers was spotted a few days before the assault in a Palm Beach, Florida, pharmacy getting medication for his hands, which had become red and swollen. Another hijacker, who lived and trained as a pilot in Florida where the anthrax attacks began, went to the Holy Cross hospital in Fort Lauderdale complaining of a nasty leg lesion that could have been caused by anthrax. Yet FBI officials dismissed this evidence.

Incredibly, General Kenneth McKenzie, the commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), has just revealed that the U.S. knows where Zawahiri is based. He says, “The home of alQaeda is in eastern Afghanistan right up against the border (with Pakistan), (a) very small presence there, but the global leader [Zawahiri] is there.”

Trump’s promise to withdraw U.S. troops from the nearly 19-year war in Afghanistan depends on neutralizing  Zawahiri. But the Russians may be protecting him. After all, he’s their agent.

The Navalny poisoning continues a trend. As I discussed in a 1995 American Legion Magazine article about Novichok,  the Soviets have long been interested in the use of poisons, Pavel Sudoplatov, deputy director of foreign intelligence of the NKVD (later called KGB), reveals in his book, Special Tasks, the existence of a poison laboratory, called “Lab X” as far back as 1937. The lab developed poisons used to assassinate enemies of Moscow at home and aboard.

After the 2018 Novichok poisoning of military intelligence defector Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England, former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, who met his own unfortunate demise on October 27, 2019, in England, said, “If two cruise missiles were to be launched at the Lubyanka, the level of terrorism worldwide would drop by approximately 80 percent.”

Lubyanka is the name for the headquarters of the FSB, formerly the KGB.

As President Trump has said repeatedly, his opposition to Nord Stream 2 has done far more to undermine the Putin regime than anything Biden, Hillary, or Obama ever did over the course of their political careers.

But Trump can go further, without going to war, by promoting the so-called Nuremberg initiative of trials for Communists and their fellow travelers. As Geert Wilders, a critic of radical Islam who wrote the book, Marked for Death, notes, “…although defeated Nazi Germany was subject to de-Nazification, there was no de-Marxification after the fall of communism… And without the public accounting of a trial, people tend to forget how evil communism was.”

Trump could adopt the initiative, challenging Democrats to support a proposal that would, as a by-product, highlight the evil nature of the ideology that is currently driving the violent activities of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups on the streets of American cities. The real communist dupes would be exposed in the process.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

Emperor’s New Clothes, Anyone?

Joan Swirsky

Every night for over 100 days, the entire American (and international) public has seen the criminals of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa getting away not only with arson and theft and assault and harassment, but murder.

While this or that reporter stands directly in front of a government building or independent black- or white-owned business that has been set on fire, with flames soaring into the sky, and the sound of gunfire causes that reporter to flinch, duck, or run for cover, he or she insanely and steadfastly maintains that We the People––the highly intelligent American public––are not seeing what is right before our eyes!

When the leftist media tell us that the “protests” we’re seeing in dozens of Democrat-run cities throughout our country are “peaceful,” do these media lackeys really think we’re that stupid…or blind?

Every day and night for all these months, we’ve seen these bought-and-paid-for leftist media whores try to convince us that up is down, black is white, bad is good. Just a small sample of these electronic and print media fakes include:

  • CBS-TV
  • NBC-TV
  • ABC-TV
  • CNN-TV, et al …
  • NPR radio…
  • The NY Times
  • The Washington Post
  • The Los Angeles Times
  • The Chicago Sun-Times, et al.

Emperor’s New Clothes, anyone?


You can look at billions of leftist-generated e-mails, millions of Tweets, and multi-thousands of Letters to the editors of newspapers across the country––both in print and online––and find not one message of objection, disgust or fear about this escalating domestic-terrorism crime wave.

The only conclusion any sentient person can draw is that these Biden supporters approve of this violent criminal behavior, somehow believing that if enough chaos takes place, Americans will vote for the guy who promises to end it, ole basement Joe himself.


We all know that liberals love children. How much they lament the cages that illegal immigrant children were put in after they were constructed by the Obama-Biden regime.

How much they bemoan the multimillions of lives lost because of their belief––and legislation––in the extreme importance of routine abortion, mid-term abortion, late-term abortion, and post-birth abortions in which the lives of vibrant, living, fully-developed babies are, ahem, terminated.

How much they regret the disproportionate lives of aborted black babies in the Planned Parenthood centers they’ve purposely and disproportionately place in black neighborhoods.

And so it follows that these leftists––in their demonstrated respect for life––would teach their own children and grandchildren that if they don’t like someone’s opinion or style or philosophy, it’s perfectly acceptable to:

  • Light that person’s car on fire,
  • Punch that woman in the face and knock out her teeth and then throw her to the ground,
  • Smash the windows of this guy’s homegrown business and steal all his goods,
  • Blind that offender with a laser beam, or…
  • Shoot him or her dead.

Indeed, this is what leftists are teaching their children and grandchildren by their unmistakable approval, indeed embrace, of the violence by BLM and Antifa over the past several months––a crime for which all of them should be indicted!


President Trump has offered immediate help to all the mayors of the Democrat-run cities in which this violence is taking place, but following orders from the moneybags who are funding this mayhem, they refuse his offers, leaving the citizens they’ve taken an oath to protect in abject fear.

What a preview of our country if a Democrat is even voted for dogcatcher, much less president!

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Feckless Fauci Foments Fear to Keep the Sheep in Line

Kelleigh Nelson

When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.  —Euripides

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest.  —Benjamin Franklin

Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. Republics…derive their strength and vigor from a popular examination into the action of the magistrates.  —Benjamin Franklin

Today the world is the victim of propaganda because people are not intellectually competent. More than anything the United States needs effective citizens competent to do their own thinking.”  —William Mather Lewis – President, George Washington University 1923-1927

So, when you ask me whether I listen to Dr. Fauci’s advice, my answer is: only with skepticism and caution.  —Peter Navarro

We’re all in this together!  Every news channel told us that, including Fox.  Nope, we sure as hell weren’t in this together.  States like Michigan, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Virginia, North Carolina, California and others are still purposely keeping people from opening their businesses and making a living.  In this together?  Not by a long shot. First, businesses were fraudulently shut down by the lies of Dr. Fauci and gang, and now they’re being demolished by communist subversives in states run by democrats.

Marxist protestors have free rein, but many taxpayers who run businesses are literally eradicated never to rise again. It’s purposeful; it drags down the economic resurgence after Dr. Fauci’s false models were given to President Trump.  Those models came from China’s good friend, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)and were used to purposely destroy President Trump’s strong economy. Here’s the entire Fauci timeline on Covid.

“Tedros is really an outstanding person,” Fauci said during the March 25 coronavirus task force briefing. “I’ve known him from the time that he was the minister of Health of Ethiopia.” (Where he covered up the country’s cholera.) But President Trump knew the truth and tweeted, “The WHO really blew it.For some reason, funded largely by the United States, yet very China centric.”

Fauci is no friend of President Donald Trump.  Were Fauci, Birx and Redfield vetted before they were hired by the head of the Coronavirus Task Force, VP Mike Pence? Doubtful.

Fauci, Pelosi and WHO

Is it a coincidence that Dr. Fauci has a close relationship with Dr. Tedros Adhanom of WHO and that Dr. Adhanom is very tight with China?  Is it a coincidence that WHO Director Adhanom gave Dr. Fauci the models for Covid-19 stating 2.2 million Americans would die? And isn’t it interesting that Dr. Fauci ran to President Trump with the false WHO models and told him the nation needed to be shut down for two weeks which ended up being several months and murdering the economy.

There are too many coincidences with Fauci, WHO, the democrats and other powers to believe this wasn’t a diabolical plan by the Deep State to annihilate the magnificent Trump economy.  The communists in the Democrat Party don’t give a damn about anyone’s livelihood or businesses.  They care only about succeeding to eliminate Trump and regaining their control to turn America into a socialist dictatorship.  This pandemic was forecast a decade ago by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Five months before the “plandemic” hit, in October of 2019, The World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation met to discuss the fictional “Event 201,” which describes the Covid-19 pandemic as fed to us via media.  Their plan was to have global business and governments working together according to the representative from Johns Hopkins University.  They called it a new Coronavirus affecting the respiratory system.

Their forecast came true, their lies were spread and believed.  The sheep in America donned their masks, closed their businesses and stayed at home, for a virus that actually killed less than yearly seasonal flu.  Only now, 9 months after the warnings in December of 2019, are we beginning to see the truth, yet only a few have awakened and stopped drinking the kool-aid.

Latest Statistics

Thanks to One America News, a new study from UCLA and Stanford University finds for the average 50-64-year-old, the chances of dying of Covid are one in 19.1 million, and the chances of contracting Covid are much lower than previously thought.  People are vastly overestimating their chances of being infected and going to the hospital, especially here in America.

The average person in an average county has a one in 3,836 chance of contracting Covid and that’s without wearing a mask or doing any of the unscientific, high school science project of social distancing.  Even the odds of being hospitalized are vanishingly small even in the “at risk” category.  The chances of getting the virus and needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  These figures were from May, when the deaths were 16 times higher than they were last week.

The risk of dying from a car crash is one in 114…so think of that comparison next time you don the face diaper or are required to social distance.

Combined with this latest data, the risks for keeping the country locked down falls apart and reveals the risk to the American public is much lower than so-called experts like Dr. Fauci had claimed.

Covid vs. Flu

Cases of Covid are falling, and we’re hearing that a new Center for Disease Control (CDC) report shows 94 percent of Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. had contributing conditionsOnly six percent of people died of the virus who were allegedly healthy.  Thus, only 9,200 deaths have been allegedly caused by Covid alone, not the 176,000 previously “reported.” The other 166,800 deaths had comorbidities like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, emphysema etc.  Nursing homes and assisted living facilities accounted for 45 percent of Covid deaths.  Those in the northeast were hardest hit due to policy decisions by democrat politicians who discharged seniors with active Covid-19 infections from hospitals to long-term care facilities.  Eliminate those numbers, and Covid is far less dangerous than seasonal flu.

And the tests…false positives and false negatives were reported. More than 600,000 military-connected Americans affiliated with the Tricare health plan were told in error that they had been diagnosed with COVD-19.

Hospitals received more funds for positives, so the numbers were definitely skewed.  Even Dr. Birx said they were 25 percent less, and a hospital employee told me it was more like 50 percent less than reported.  Hospitals needed more money; they were losing income on normal surgeries stalled during the shutdown.

The CDC estimates that influenza has resulted in between 9 million – 45 million illnesses, between 140,000 – 810,000 hospitalizations and between 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010. We don’t social distance, don face diapers or freak out during flu season.  Are you getting the picture, this was a planned pandemic to scare the American people into compliance, and the sheeple fell for it!

Now Dr. Fauci is spewing, “The U.S. has an ‘unacceptably high’ level of COVID-19 cases going into fall.”  Huh?  Sounds like horse hockey to me.  Fauci is again using fear to frighten the American people into voting by mail and affecting the outcome of the election.  Dr. Fauci doesn’t want you voting in person.

Covid-19 a Tool to Beat Trump

It’s not surprising that the Chinese state media claimed Coronavirus is a tool to beat Donald Trump.  China Global Television Network (CGTN) issued a nearly six-minute video entitled “Can COVID-19 beat populism?” in which the Chinese Communist Party-run network leverages the coronavirus as “another straw on the camel’s back to expose Trump’s hollow politics.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s love of Hillary Clinton, Speaker Pelosi and the democrats who said they’d kill the economy to be rid of Trump is obvious.  The Wuhan virus was the catalyst Pelosi was looking for, and now the economies of democratic run states are still being locked down and purposely destroyed.  Communism means control of production for everyone except friends of the party, and that’s what they’re doing.

Fauci Files

In late July, 2020, John Solomon of Just the News reported on Fauci’s career being dotted with ethics and safety controversies inside the NIH. There was alleged sexual harassment, a whistleblower was fired for reporting safety concerns and reinstated, drug trials in Africa were plagued by safety reporting lapses, and a pregnant mother with AIDS, who hoped to save her unborn child, was given drugs that killed her and her baby.

Fauci’s agency repeatedly broke federal contract laws. Solomon reported that the NIAID, the federal agency headed by longtime public health expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, has been cited several times over the years for failing to comply with federal contract and expenditure laws, internal government audits reveal.

His NIAIDfell under investigation some years back concerning their research in developing a new drug to combat AIDS. Their calloused approach, under Fauci’s leadership, used human guinea pigs as test subjects. They were not volunteers. Fauci chose foster children from New York, Illinois, and elsewhere. The children were administered a non-tested drug without any promises of patient protection. Many of them were not even provided with patient advocates, as required by law, to monitor the children’s health as the drug surged through their veins. As a result of Fauci’s negligence, 10 of the children died.

Silencing a Cure

Fauci also joined big tech in silencing the use of Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin and Zinc. Fifteen years prior to Covid, Fauci’s NIH had approved HCQ to cure coronaviruses; nobody needed to die.  For 15 years, Fauci has known that chloroquine and its even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (therapeutic) but prevent future cases (prophylactic). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

Dr. Harvey Risch, a noted Yale epidemiologistis an outspoken proponent of HCQ treatment for COVID-19.According to Dr. Risch who was interviewed by Mark Levin, Dr. Fauci is now responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and must be stopped!  He described how Dr. Fauci allowed at least 17,000 AIDS victims to die by not certifying an effective drug (AZT) for treatment back in the 1980s, and he now argues that Fauci has done the same thing with Covid.

There’s far more money for Fauci and the NIH, and his friend Bill Gates in Remdesivir by Gilead than with a cheap, 65-year-old safe drug like HCQ.  There’s also far more money to be made via vaccines that are not proven safe and are protected from lawsuits of those injured or killed by them.  China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID that has an office near Wuhan, and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID…none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO.

Combined results from National Health Service (NHS) hospitals led by Oxford University and six others have confirmed findings and established that at least one other equally cheap and widely available steroid, hydrocortisone, also saves lives in late stage Covid. With HCQ and now hydrocortisone, we don’t need a vaccine.

Fauci also claims the State of New York did it correctly despite being marred by many grave errors, but statistics don’t lie.

Fauci’s Grants

A disturbing pattern of cooperation between Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID and the Chinese military raises questions about technology transfers and the origins of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Colonel Lawrence Sellin’s recent article, Did Fauci’s NIH Institute Financially Assist China’s Military?, exposes the links between Fauci and the Wuhan Virology lab, patents, China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army, and millions in grants from Fauci’s NIAID.

Sellin writes, “The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas has been designated one of the ten Centers for Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases newly funded by a NIAID grant totaling $82 million. UTMB has at least two permanent faculty members trained at China’s Military Medical Universities, has had connections to or former employees from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Yusen Zhou’s State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity, Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences in Beijing, as well as other Chinese institutions.”

Our tax dollars fund the National Institutes of Health.

Fauci’s Destruction

Over 600 medical doctors wrote a letter to President Trump which stated that the devastation of the lockdown of our economy was a serious accident with massive casualties far worse than the virus itself.

“The health effects are greatly underestimated and under reported. This is a mistake of enormous magnitude,” says the letter from Simone Gold, M.D., a specialist in emergency care in Los Angeles, and the spokesperson for the physicians. Fauci is calling this a “media epidemic.” The number of suicide calls has increased by 600%.

“Ending the lockdown is not about Wall Street or ignoring people’s lives; it’s about saving lives. We cannot allow this disease to turn the U.S. from a free, energetic society into a society of broken souls dependent on government spending. This is a huge mistake. The lives of millions of people are at risk because of the lockdown.”

That we are dealing with massive brainwashing by the media is confirmed by one of the world’s leading virologist and flu specialists, Professor John Oxford of Queen Mary University in London.  He says, “Personally, I would say that the best advice is to watch less news on television that is sensational and not good. I consider this Covid outbreak to be a winter flu epidemic. Last year we had eight thousand deaths (in the UK) in this category, of which 65% had heart disease and so on. I believe Covid will not exceed that number. We’re suffering from a media epidemic!”


Everything Dr. Fraud has said and done since January has been designed to increase deaths and hysteria, to collapse America, and to defeat Trump.

The NIH doc has been everywhere…on TV, interviews etc. urging Americans to lockdown, abandon jobs and their sick and dying family members, their businesses they built with blood, sweat and tears.  He drove our economy into the dirt, kept children out of school (a good thing today), and eliminated graduations, proms, weddings, vacations, funerals, and church gatherings.  If we didn’t do this, we were no better than serial murderers.  Americans were relentlessly demonized for daring to speak out or even question the Holy Writ of Fauci…the unconstitutional lockdowns, the MSM that empowered democratic governors in their totalitarian dictatorships.

The flagrant violation of our Constitutional rights, all these Kafka-esque rules that protected big businesses like Walmart and further empowered massive corporations like Amazon, while small business withered and died were purposeful. Democrat New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (aka Warren Wilhelm) was finally allowed to openly practice his antisemitism. Fauci allowed this…and he did it to destroy the one and only President we’ve had in decades who has fought for the American people.

Rise up!  Rip off the masks! Breathe fresh air!  Dump the government kool-aid…the cry is FREEDOM!!!

© 2020 Kelleigh Nelson – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

DOJ:  Elected Public Servants Are Above the Law

By:  Devvy

We know illegal aliens have been voting in our elections for decades.  It’s underway right now with mail in ballots, ballot harvesting and soon early voting using electronic and counting machines easy to rig.

The U.S.  Department of Justice has done nothing to stop aiding, harboring and freeing illegals by non-elected bureaucrats and elected public officials – for decades.  Below is my snail mail letter to Attorney General William Barr.

All of this could have been stopped decades ago by Congress.  Instead, both parties have turned a blind eye to the strongest anti-illegal alien bill ever written – despite snail mail letters by many of us to them over the past six years; I’ve never received a single reply. Yet, Americans continue to re-elect the same failures back to Congress election after election.

September 4, 2020

William Barr, Attorney General of the United States
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Subject:  Why has DOJ turned a blind eye to elected public officials violating the law?

Dear Attorney General Barr:

I realize the Department of Justice is stretched thin tackling criminal anarchists, terrorists and a myriad of other criminal activities.  My purpose in writing is I want to know why DOJ continues to ignore entities like banks, non-elected as well as elected public officials who violate our immigration laws?  Especially with the November election coming as we know illegal aliens have been voting in OUR elections.

Just a few days ago 19 illegals in North Carolina were charged with vote fraud during the 2016 election – years after the fact.  That’s not good enough. When millions of them vote it can and has affected the outcome of elections.

No One Is Above the Law has become nothing but a popular catch phrase for politicians and non-elected public “servants”.   Politicians seeking reelection or partisan hacks on the boob tube.  As I and millions of others see it, if no one is above the law then why the Hell are career white collar criminals like Bill and Hillary Clinton, usurper Hussein Obama, Joe and Hunter Biden, just to name a few are still walking around free?

Let me give you a few oldies then move on to the here and now.  Going back to March 21, 2005, from a transcript, Lou Dobbs show:  “The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is encouraging banks to sign up illegal aliens in the banking system, calling the growth of the market a compelling incentive for U.S. banks to enter this largely untapped market.” And the FDIC program demonstrates that unbanked Latin American immigrants can be brought into the financial mainstream.

“But there are clear laws on the books for the integrity of the immigration system. United States criminal code, “It is a crime punishable by 10 years in jail for aiding and abetting someone in this country illegally for commercial gain.” And the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972 makes it clear banks must know their customer, and any illegal activity must be reported to the government.”

Nothing was done to anyone at the FDIC.  Apparently, the law doesn’t apply to them or banks.

In one of my columns I wrote:  “Why hasn’t the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau been indicted? (February 2, 2010)

“Keeping with the Obama Administration’s mission to conduct the most diverse outreach campaign in history, the director of the U.S. Census Bureau is touring Mexican border towns with high illegal immigrant populations to personally assure that those who fill out questionnaires this spring will not be deported.

“This is a safe thing for everyone to do regardless of your immigration status,” the president’s handpicked census director (Robert Groves) told residents of a renowned illegal alien “colonia” in south Texas this week. He visited several dilapidated makeshift homes off of a dirt road in a Laredo neighborhood called San Carlos to stress that census data will be kept confidential and not turned over to immigration authorities.”

Why wasn’t the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau indicted and charged for violating our immigration laws? Where is ICE?  From my column:

“County Gives $100k To Group That Aids Illegal Immigrants, April 20, 2010: “In a disgraceful waste of tax dollars, a community group that assists illegal immigrants in the U.S. and helps them evade arrest has received $100,000 from a county that ironically has increased immigration enforcement in the last year. “The public funds went to Progreso Hispano, a nonprofit in Fairfax Virginia that proudly helps illegal aliens and aims to empower them and improve the quality of their lives and communities. The charity also counsels illegal immigrants who get arrested and offers a handy guide for “undocumented” residents dealing with federal agents.”

Why weren’t those Fairfax County Virginia elected officials indicted and charged for violating our immigration laws as well as personnel at Progreso Hispano?  No One is above the law? Apparently, the whole bunch of them are.

EEOC Signs Deal With Mexican Government To Protect Illegal Aliens in American Workplace, September 2, 2014

“When CNSNews.com asked how employers who have broken federal law by hiring illegal aliens can be sued for discrimination or abuse, a spokeswoman said EEOC does not require “documentation” to handle a claim.

Yes, under federal law, it is illegal for employers to hire undocumented workers,” Kimberly Smith-Brown told CNSNews.com via email. “However, when someone does come to us with a complaint, we will assist them with their claim.

“The EEOC does not ask the documentation status of anyone that comes to our offices,” Smith-Brown said. “An undocumented worker is afforded the same protections under the law as everyone else.”

Since it’s illegal to hire illegal aliens, pray tell, Ms. Smith-Brown of the EEOC, how is it illegal aliens who have no right to work in this country are given the same protections under our laws as natural born and naturalized U.S. citizens?  No one is above the law?  Apparently, the EEOC feels they are with the blessing of Congress paid for by my tax dollars.

In 2013, members of Congress brought illegal aliens as “guests” to the State of the Union address given by usurper, Hussein Obama:  Sen. Mark Warner [D-VA], Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez [D-IL] and Rep. Marc Veasey [D-TX].  Guests?  Why wasn’t ICE there to arrest them since it was in the media?

No one is above the law?  I guess that doesn’t apply to the Gods of Olympus aka Congress.

State legislators and governors (14 to date) who sign bills into “law” that issues driver’s licenses to illegal aliens are in violation of federal immigration laws yet not ONE has ever been indicted and prosecuted. Illegals get drivers licenses to work. Illegals who’ve killed hundreds if not thousands over the years driving drunk on our roads and highways.  No one is above the law?

April 15, 2020, California governor Comrade Gavin Newsom announced a sickening cash pay out to illegal aliens in his state:  $70 million paid for by U.S. natural born and naturalized taxpayers in violation of our immigration laws.  Exactly why my late husband and I left California in 2006.  We were tired of being raped in taxes to pay for illegals who have no right to be on U.S. soil.

March 15, 2018: California Appoints Illegal Alien to State Office – by a member of their legislature; the man’s parents are also illegals so where is ICE?  2015, the city council of Huntington Park, California, also appointed two illegals to city commissions.  Why hasn’t ICE picked them up for deportation and indicted whoever appointed them?

No one is above the law?  What a sickening joke and a mockery of our immigration laws.

There’s no such legal entity called a ‘sanctuary city’ or state that harbors, protects and funds illegal aliens.  In February 2018, Oakland, California mayor, Libby Schaaf, publicly warned illegal aliens an ICE raid was imminent.  Aiding and abetting illegal aliens. Schaaf and countless mayors across this country are above the law because DOJ has not gone after them with indictments.  Do your cease and desist letters and when they don’t comply, indict them and send a clear message that has teeth to ‘No One Is Above the Law’.

And now this:  New Jersey Governor Okays Work Licenses for Illegal Migrants (Breitbart) “New Jersey’s Democrat governor signed a bill on September 1 that allows illegal migrants to take well-paying licensed jobs from Americans and legal immigrants, even amid the dramatic recession that has pushed many Americans out of jobs.

“Previously, [people] were required to have a “lawful presence in the United States” to qualify for a license. This law (S2455) removes that barrier. [Gov. Chris] Murphy’s office said the law — which takes effect immediately — will benefit about 500,000 undocumented residents in New Jersey.

“The law allows illegals — including DACA recipients — to get licenses for many blue-collar and white-collar jobs.The license will allow illegals to work as electricians, plumbers, HVAC workers, lab technicians, nurses, doctors, architects, and many other careers.”

That so-called “law” is in gross violation of our immigration laws.  Allowing illegals to steal jobs that belong to Americans.  Companies and corporations are prohibited by law from hiring illegal aliens.  ICE raids meat packing plants for hiring illegals and now a governor is doing basically the same thing by giving them licenses to work.Aiding and abetting for financial gain.

So, what are YOU going to do about it?

Prosecuting must include sheriff department personnel: Sanctuary Los Angeles County Vows to Free Criminal Illegal Aliens into U.S., August 12, 2020

“Los Angeles County, California — a sanctuary jurisdiction — will not cooperate with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, vowing to free all criminal illegal aliens into the United States.

“The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office had already ceased most cooperation with ICE agents, freeing up to 100 illegal aliens every day into the community, according to Homeland Security officials.”

Freeing more rapists, drunks, thieves and murderers back into communities.  Illegal Alien Accused of Raping 7-Year-Old Girl Freed by Maryland Sanctuary County, July 6, 2020; Criminal Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Colorado Father of Five, August 8, 2019;  67-year-old Vietnam veteran Samuel W. Jackson killed by a drunk illegal alien driver in Norristown, PA, Nov. 15, 2019; the week before another drunk illegal killed Mark Knapp in Wayne County, New York.  How many more drunk illegals being protected by elected public officials is it going to take?

No one is above the law?  Well, Attorney General Barr, if that’s the case when is YOUR Department of Justice going to start indicting and prosecuting governors, mayors, state legislators and sheriff department personnel for violating immigration laws?

If that would happen, I damn straight guarantee they would all scramble like the rats they are and cease and desist in their unlawful protection of illegal aliens.  If you do nothing, the lawlessness will continue. Metaphorically, cut off the head of the snake.

Since Congress – both parties – have failed to fix this mess, it’s your job to uphold the law.  Unless No One is Above the Law means mayors, legislators, Congress critters, sheriffs and governors are exempt.  How many more coffins will it take for DOJ to uphold our immigrations laws?  How many more babies, teens and adult women have to be raped for you to do your job?

8 U.S. Code § 1324 – Bringing in and harboring certain aliens? Section 8 USC  1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii)

Enforce it.


Devvy Kidd

CF:  President Donald Trump

Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf

(For your convenience:  President Donald Trump, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500; Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Washington, DC 20528)

I didn’t bother sending a copy to my U.S. House rep, Arrington or Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz.  Will you join me in sending your letter to Barr?  Maybe a million letters piled on his desk as well as a copy to Wolf at DHS would be a good start.  If you want, use the text in mine, condense it if you want;maybe add your personal story.

Letters to unelected and elected public servants should usually be kept short if possible.  Not this time.  Shove it down Barr’s throat.

If you or a family member are harmed in any way by an illegal alien released by law enforcement or elected officials know the law. From the great Jon Christian Ryter many years ago:

“It was Truman who pushed the Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952 through Congress in the closing days of his administration. Under Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be “Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law. Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and National Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien.”

There are immunity laws regarding law enforcement and elected officials so one should consult with a good constitutionally grounded attorney.

He who yells the loudest gets heard.

[I hope you can listen to my Devvy’s Commentary audio recordings; here on front page of NWVs.  I will be doing them on a regular basis so if you’re signed up for free email alerts from NWVs, you’ll get notification when one is published.]

Note: For a thorough, comprehensive education on the Fed, the income tax, education, Medicare, SS, the critical, fraudulent ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment and more, be sure to order my book by calling 800-955-0116 or click the link, “Taking Politics Out of Solutions“. 400 pages of facts and solutions.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Devvy: devvyk@npn.net

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Running Out of Oil  Guaranteed!

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 8: We will exhaust oil reserves by mid-century. What will power our tractors and move our food for 440 million Americans in 2050? Anybody thinking about the future of our children?  Not really!

Over ten years ago, I read a compelling and sobering book by James Howard Kunstler: The Long Emergency.  He predicted the end of the “Oil Age.” Other top writers, research scientists and experts continually pound on the drums that the human race faces “oil exhaustion” in this century.  One of the very best, Blip: Humanity’s Self-Terminating Experiment With Industrialism by Christopher O. Clugston will shock the pants off you if you brought children into the world.  Why? Because they will be right in the middle of their lives when oil and resources face total exhaustion.

“The cheap oil age created an artificial bubble of plentitude for a period not much longer than a human lifetime….so I hazard to assert that as oil ceases to be cheap and the world reserves move toward depletion, we will be left with an enormous population…that the ecology of the earth will not support. The journey back toward non-oil population homeostasis will not be pretty. We will discover the hard way that population hyper growth was simply a side-effect of the oil age. It was a condition, not a problem with a solution. That is what happened and we are stuck with it.” James Howard Kunstler, The Long Emergency

Kunstler warned us nearly two decades ago, but we didn’t listen. Peak Oil and the Hubbert Curve: Marion Hubbert predicted that the United States would run out of oil by 1970.  We did!  Today, we import 7 out of 10 barrels of oil. Someday, the Middle East and South America will exhaust their oil reserves.  Yes, we’ve squeezed the ground for more oil via fracking, but the fact remains, we are on our last oil legs.

Have we planned for the future as we run out of oil?  No!  Have we listened to the experts with all the science on their side?  No!  Our presidents and our U.S Senators along with all our House members lead us into a dead end, blind alley with no chance of survival once oil becomes exhausted.  You won’t hear a peep out of the national media that SHOULD be educating you as to what’s coming—but they don’t and they won’t.  Remember the cigarette “Marlboro Country” lie they continued for decades while 500,000 Americans lost their lives annually to lung cancer?  The national media prove excellent at keeping the general public in the dark.

Oh yes, of course, the mythical Green New Deal will save us.  No! It won’t!  Wind, wave, river and solar cannot generate the amount of energy rendered from oil.  And, there’s nothing on the horizon that will replace the versatility of oil.

Ironically, back in 1970, we featured 200 million Americans.  But then, that nasty little 1965 Immigration Reform Act started adding the next 130 million more people.  Now, it’s adding another 100 million more people by 2050.  Anybody listening?  Anyone raising his or her voice?  No!  You won’t hear a peep out of the national media as to what’s coming, but you can be assured that IT’S coming and, really, coming in the blink of an eye—just thirty short years—and oil will either be gone or it will be SO expensive that a gallon will cost $20.00—IF you can find secure it. (Source: $20 Per Gallon by Chris Steiner)

“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive? As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 9-10 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.” —Walter Youngquist, energy

Pretty sobering, n’est pas?  Do you love your kids?  Guess what? Without you speaking up across America, they will be in the middle of a living nightmare when humans exhaust all their/our oil reserves.

Right now, we burn 20 million barrels of oil 24/7 in the United States.  The world burns 99 million barrels of oil DAILY every day of the year.  That’s about 36 billion barrels annually, give or take.

Today, China adds 27 million new cars, net gain, to their highways annually as they race, like the Kentucky Derby, to surpass the United States.  In his book, Kunstler said that by 2030, China with 1.4 billion people, will be  burning 98 million barrels of oil on its own, annually.  Dear reader: that’s less than 10 years from now.  That means humanity will be burning over 200 million barrels of oil per day.  Can you imagine the environmental havoc it will wreak on this planet?  Talk about catastrophic climate destabilization with the enormous carbon footprint!

You can see by the sheer volume of oil burning that our civilization won’t survive.  When you add the carbon exhaust/footprint, it’s horrendous what kind of pollution we inject into the biosphere.  Our oceans face total acidification. It’s bleaching the reefs. It’s changing the phytoplankton count. It’s wiping out entire ecological marine systems.

About 10 Billion Humans Living On Earth by 2050

As oil diminishes, we humans remain on course by adding 80 million new babies, net gain, annually. That, in turn, by 2050 means another 2 to 3 billion people added to our already bloviated 7.8 billion humans.  Are you seeing a problem here?

In Part 6, one of my readers answered with a solution about the “water problem” we face with another 100 million immigrants added to America.  He said, “We need to add more desalinization plants no matter what the cost.”

That statement stunned me because it wouldn’t solve anything, but it would cause more human growth…and as I’ve stated in this series…exponential growth always leads to collapse.  Therefore, no amount of desalinization of saltwater into fresh water would solve our overpopulation problem.

The only solution that will work, can work or has any chance of working: population stabilization.  Am I wrong?  Do you have a better idea?  Do you think ‘technology’ will save all of humanity as it swarms over the planet?  What about all the other animals that get terminated into extinction during the “Sixth Extinction Session” now rampaging across the planet?

Once again, this Part 8 of this series either depressed you or inspired you with the facts as to what your children face in 2050.  Here’s what it looks like in a 10-minute video with graphs that show WHAT IS coming to America if we don’t stop all immigration.  Why not help them in their own countries?  Don’t you think we need to lead the world in understanding that we can’t keep importing millions of more people into our civilization?  Don’t you think every citizen in American needs to see this video by Roy Beck?  Are you going to pass it around to all your FB friends, Twitter and LinkedIn?  Are you going to write letters to have yours truly be a guest on all the top TV and radio show?  What are you waiting for?

Immigration by the numbers—off the chart” by Roy Beck

This 10-minute demonstration shows Americans the results of unending mass immigration on the quality of life and sustainability for future generations: in a few words, “Mind boggling!”  www.NumbersUSA.org

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Resistence and Rebellion in the UK – Where are the Men?

Shirley Edwards

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

“Surely the coastlands shall wait for Me; And the ships of Tarshish will come first.  To bring your sons from afar, their silver and their gold with them, To the name of the Lord your God, and to the Holy One of Israel, Because He has glorified you.” —Isaiah 60:9

Trafalgar Square is a large open pedestrianized area in London known as a site for its many celebrations.  It is also deemed to be a centre of national democracy and protest.  At weekends,demonstrations and rallies are often held there on many different political, general, and religious issues.

For tourists to London, Trafalgar Square is also well known for being the site of Nelson’s column, which is a five-metre-high column holding the statue of Lord Admiral Nelson who died on HMS Victory, off Cape Trafalgar, Spain in 1805during the Napoleonic Wars.

There are also four very large bronze lions which are 20ft in length and 20 feet high, symbolizing protection around the base of the column. Tourists often have their photographs taken there.  There is a legend that if Big Ben, a well-known clock in London strikes 13, the bronze lions will become alive.  However, Big Ben was‘silenced’ a few years ago whilst it undergoes some restoration!

Lions also feature heavily in the symbolism of our British identity.  In spiritual terms lions, of course, are also seen as predators as well as protectors.  The lion is the biblical emblem of the tribe of Judah and later the Kingdom of Judah.  It is also the symbol of the capital city of Jerusalem.  It also represents the resurrection of Jesus, with Christ as King.

Lions are known to sleep with their eyes open.

Is the Lion Awakening?

On Saturday 29, August 2020 a demonstration was held in Trafalgar Square against the mandates which have been made by the UK Government under Covid 19 and the vote now being made for a 2-year extension of their powers. Organized by Piers Corbyn, brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the demonstration was entitled ‘Unite for Freedom’.  The event attracted thousands of supporters from across the UK.Speakers included world class doctors and nurses, including Professor Dolores Cahil, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Adil Senator, Dr Scott Jenson, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Eric Nepute, Dr Mikael Norway, Kate Shemirani, and DrKevin Corbet, and many others.   It was very encouraging to hear respected doctors, questioning the statistics which have been recorded in relation to Covid deaths.

However, the most rousing and inspirational speech was perhaps delivered by David Icke who has a large underground following in the UK.  He emphasised we are dealing with a virus of Fascism. Labelled a conspiracy theorist for many years, he has, however, painstakingly and relentlessly warned people around the world of a group of elitists, that are evil by nature, and who are purposefully orchestrating events around the globe in order to create a One World Order, with total control over every human being.  He has provided excellent research and evidence to support the claims and has a metaphysical view on the human states of reality and freedom.  In his speech, he mockingly gave credit to Covid 19 for being the perfect alibi for every loss of freedom which we have recently endured.

Over 25 years ago, I happened to listen to David Icke at a small conference which I attended and recall him listing the process whereby a cashless society would be bought into existence.  His warnings have always remained with me as step by step I have witnessed those plans being put into place over many years culminating in what we are experiencing today with the promotion of the cashless society.

Whilst David Icke’s speech was really inspirational and has had world-wide coverage, there were, however, certain key notes in his words which ideally should have been delivered  from  someone with a biblical point of view, most especially when I heard him shout “The Lion Sleeps No More” which also makes reference to the title of one of his many books.

His battle cry of “Human race – get off your knees,” made me wonder if the Lions of Tarshish and her cubs, who are referenced in the Bible and could possibly be the UK and Commonwealth countries, including the USA and Australia, were the ones who were prophesized to restore Christian morals and rise up once more to fight the tyranny which has been under-valuing and destroying  its core principles.    Certainly, if Lions were to rise today, a pre-cursor to that requirement would have to be our separation from the EU and an independent support towards ‘Israel’.

Search and Rescue

Sadly, but with the exception of 25 Christian leaders who have recently invoked the Magna Carta to sue the government over church lockdowns (some churches in the UK, still remain closed until 2021) there sometimes appears to be only a handful of Christian voices in the UK speaking out in regards to the take-over of freedoms under Covid 19, in contrast to secular voices which are loudly crying out for Freedom right now.

The 25 leaders which include Dr David Hathaway and Dr Gavin Ashenden who was former chaplain to the queen may have argued that the compulsory lockdown of all churches breached the first clause of the Magna Carta, where King John “granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs forever, that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable”.  It also breached Article 9 of the European Convention of Human Rights which secures freedom.

Rev. Ade Omooba who is the co-founder of an organization called Christian Concernin the UK led the group.  Christian Concern have painstakingly fought most of our battles in relation to laws being passed which go against Christian principles; and over many years they are the organization who have challenged laws being made in relation to protecting human life and defending people from their oppressors.

However, warnings from the church have seldom been publicly heard, and the desperate silent voices of many people who are crying out to hear someone make sense of the current Covid confusion, are therefore finding comfort elsewhere.

To date, there has been no mention of God from our Government.  No call to public prayer or repentance in order to bless a nation of her faults, or any public message of hope or comfort from the main leadership of The Church of England. People are turning to the most unlikely of figures for a sense of unity in a world of division in the UK in relation to the oppression they are experiencing.

With voices being silenced from singing in church together with mandatory mask wearing for church goers, the conformity and the absence of any enthusiasm or bravery towards this oppression from most churches, whilst in the same are as there are open restaurants, café’s and pubs, unfortunately denotes a certain weakness which is not inspiring.  Yesterday I passed a church with its doors still firmly closed. On the opposite corner was a pub with people sitting outside enjoying a pint singing along to the music which was blaring from inside.

Many people, including myself, have been therefore encouraged recently by a few unlikely British voices which includes the actor Laurence Fox who has bravely spoken up after being accused of being a white privileged male, Dr Vernon Coleman, who from his armchair amusingly recites what we are all  thinking in regards to the handlings of our government of Covid 19,  Katie Hopkins, Douglas Murray, Lord Sumpton, Peter Hitchens, Tommy Robinson and his bravery for  relentlessly speaking out against child grooming gangs, Brian Gerrish of UK Column who presents a political analysis of events in the UK, and others who fight against our loss of freedoms. We also look across to the USA and still gain great encouragement from a country who are not afraid to acknowledge the love for their country and the authority of God in their lives. [Britain tarshish and bible prophecy]

Ironically, whilst the UK has been complying with Covid 19 rules, there has been a great uproar about the BBC banning the lyrics from Rule Britannia and “Land of Hope and Glory” being sung in its coverage of The Last Night of the Proms which is an 8 week classical concert held at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Explanations have been various from appeasing Black Lives Matter to the Covid 19 regulations of singing in a closed environment?

The BBC appears to have now changed its decision because of the outcry and now we will be treated to their renditions. 18 socially distanced BBC singers will now sing the anthems. [Link]

It appears the UK will vehemently defend the right to sing about not being slaves whilst acting like slaves and churchgoers want to sing Onward Christian Soldiers but not act like soldiers.  We are a very funny lot.

Therefore, who and where are the Lions of Tarshish?  There are many conflicting and various assumptions ‘out there’

Inwardly, we are all in a spiritual battle for our lives.  Enlist now, keep watch, be courageous, stay hopeful, stay awake and sleep no more.   Remember:

A Lion sleeps in the heart of every brave man. —Turkish Proverb

It is better to be a Lion for the day than a sheep all your life. —Elizabeth Kenny

The Truth is like a Lion, you don’t have to defend it.  Let it loose: it will defend itself. —Augustine Hippo

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a Lion needs the approval of sheep. —Vernon Howard

I was not the Lion, but it fell to me to give the Lion’s roar.  —Winston Churchill

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.  —1 Peter 5: 8

© 2020 Shirley Edwards – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Shirley Edwards: eshirley02@gmail.com

The Truth is Out There

Rob Pue

Jeremiah was known as the weeping prophet.  His Old Testament book is one of my favorites, because I can relate to Jeremiah.  I understand the struggles he went through.  The Lord told him to warn the people of His coming judgment because of their rebellion, disobedience and spiritual adultery.  But He also told him they wouldn’t listen.  They’d continue to worship false gods, including Baal, and even burning their own children alive as offerings to Moloch.

The priests and religious leaders would continue to preach falsely and they would persecute Jeremiah intensely.  And even though the people knew they had strayed so far from the commands of God Almighty, they couldn’t have cared less.  They were comfortable and happy in their hedonism.  There was no fear of the Lord among them.  Still, Jeremiah continued to warn of what was to come when the longsuffering patience of God ran out.  But they continued to mock Jeremiah.  And they mocked God too.

In Jeremiah 10:21, we read, “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes and see not; which have ears, and hear not.”  Sort of like the old saying we all know so well:  “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”  Isn’t this exactly what’s going on in our world today?  So many blind and completely oblivious to obvious deception, unable to discern between the true and false.  They couldn’t care less, even though many modern day “watchmen on the wall” continue to sound the warnings.  They have no interest in the truth, and no time for God.

Most are so blind that they refuse to even look when you place clear facts, figures and evidence right in front of their noses.  It’s frustrating to me, because it seems that SO MANY now CHOOSE to believe the lies. The result is the chaos and havoc, fear and submission, blind compliance and obedience to things that are more and more wicked and evil every day.  The fact is, some things are SPIRITUALLY discerned and the carnal man cannot comprehend the truth.  It’s not that they don’t want to — they CAN’T.  Still, I have to wonder, in complete amazement: how can so many people look around at all that’s happening in our world today and believe such obvious lies and just blindly go along?  It seems most people now will fall for any lies the evil ones toss out there, no matter how ridiculous they are.  And they’re only too eager to blindly obey, never questioning, never thinking critically…never thinking at all, really.  Just doing as their TV or their smart phone screens command.

In 2nd Thessalonians 2, we read about the great “falling away” from the faith that will occur before the Lord’s return.  Certainly MANY today have fallen away from the truth.  The majority of the modern day church pastors flat out REFUSE to preach the whole counsel of God for fear of offending someone.  They ABSOLUTELY refuse to step out and speak the Word of Truth beyond the four walls of their sanctuary buildings, their “safe spaces.”  In fact, in order to keep the people pacified, almost all refuse to speak the Word of Truth INSIDE their safe spaces as well…  truth has fallen in the streets, folks.  The sheep are led to slaughter, without the protection and guidance of a faithful shepherd.  The people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

But it’s not all the pastors’ fault.  You see, the time has long since come when people will no longer endure sound doctrine.  Instead, to soothe their itching ears, they’ve heaped up for themselves false teachers who tell them what they want to hear — winking at sin, just a little “adjusting” of the Scriptures — you know — to stay current with the modern times…and, of course, to satisfy their carnal lusts.

It’s long been said that if God doesn’t send fire and brimstone raining down upon America, then He owes a huge apology to Sodom and Gomorrah.  I think we can all agree that our heavenly Father has been MORE than patient and longsuffering with us stiff-necked, hard-hearted, self-centered, adulterous people.  Now, today, we’re seeing Bible prophecy playing out before our very eyes, and STILL most refuse to see.

We are, right now, at perhaps the most pivotal time in all of history.  I believe we are very near that great, final Last Day, when Christ will return with eyes as flames of fire, making war on those who despise Him, rendering righteous judgment and setting things right again.  But I also believe that those of us who name the name of Christ are going to have to endure a time of testing, the likes of which we can’t possibly comprehend right now.  I believe we WILL have to endure great hardship and persecution (SOONER than we realize)… and not all will survive the test.  Many will fail.  Many will betray the Savior when it comes down to a choice between life and death; for that matter between inconvenience and comfort.

I’m sorry to tell you, friends, but we are not special in our day.  Do we really think we will somehow escape the trials that ALL of Jesus’ disciples endured?  All the early apostles of the Church?  All the martyrs who gave their earthly lives for His Name’s sake?  Are we so much more special?  Does God loves us that much more that He will allow us to enter the Kingdom on the easy, smooth path?  Or are we to walk through that same narrow gate, that same rocky path of those who went before us?

Things are happening very quickly now.  Six months ago, life was pretty much “normal.”  Now, we’re told by the earthly powers-that-be that “we’re never going back to normal.”  Masks are never going away.  We’ve been trained to obediently comply with whatever our government “masters” command.  Nevermind the double standards… Governors and legislators pass edicts, mandates and even laws to control us “peasants,” but conveniently exempt themselves.  They do this pretty much all the time, in case you haven’t noticed.  It’s only recently, when we’re no longer allowed to travel freely, unmolested on our way, that some have started to take notice.

But in the land where “all men are created equal,” still some are more equal than others.  If you’re a Leftist, Marxist, Socialist, Communist…if you’re part of ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBT or “transgender” movement, you’re allowed to pretty much do whatever you feel like doing.  Murder your own children, redefine “marriage” and “family,”  recruit young children into a sodomite lifestyle; even burn, loot and destroy claiming your right to “freedom of speech” and “peaceful protest.”   You’re even allowed to physically attack people now.  You’re allowed to deface property —  public buildings, streets, monuments and signage.   Wicked Governors, Mayors and City Councils give you a free pass  — just as long as you don’t actually SUPPORT America and love your country.  Basically, the law doesn’t apply to you, if you fall into one of the privileged groups on the Left.  HOWEVER, if you’re just an average, run-of-the-mill peasant, you MUST adhere to STRICT rules, especially during this current health scam:  mandatory masks, face shields, social distancing, you must close your business down when told to.  If the rulers are in a good mood you MAY be allowed to open your church building, but you MAY NOT be allowed to sing praises to God out loud.

Few of us understand:  these things are not just happening here in the US.  It’s GLOBAL in scope.  Nations around the world are LOCKED DOWN.  The “New World Order” Globalists are running the show now.  It never was about the “virus,” you know, any more than it’s about “racial inequality.”  Oh yes, there IS a virus out there and some people have died from it; but the numbers — even the very fraudulent, inflated numbers — have not come anywhere CLOSE to justifying what’s taking place throughout the entire planet right now.    And we didn’t begin seeing the massive riots and devastation until “SOMEONE” — once again — called up the troops and “ACTIVATED” Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.  And once again, this is WORLD-WIDE.  Very nefarious forces are at work, right now, to take over the world.  But they can’t do it until America has fallen.  So America must be destroyed for their plan to succeed.

Our US Constitution (what’s left of it), our Representive Republic (again, what’s left of it) and the fact that many of our citizens are legally armed is troublesome to the Globalists.  But they seem to have found simple solutions to these problems.  Who would have ever thought it would be so easy for them?  Most people here are eager to believe the lies, obediently covering their faces as they’ve been told, staying at home when they’re told to do so.  Happily collecting their socialist “government benefits” in exchange for not going to work anymore.  Soaking in hour after hour of Leftist propaganda on their big screen TVs as they sit at home.  Never questioning the dictates of the government or the official talking points of the “health experts.”  Being “good little peasants” — and feeling “oh-so-superior” to those “rebels” who refuse to mask up and those crazy conspiracy nuts, who think our government leaders would ever tell a lie.

Our country hasn’t been so divided since perhaps the civil war.  In fact, it may well be much worse now; there is just SO MUCH HATRED.   And from what I’ve seen, there couldn’t be two more diametrically opposed political parties in the history of the world.  Donald Trump was elected for his patriotic nationalism — “make America great again.”  National sovereignty, stop illegal immigration.  Stop being abused and taken advantage of by our enemies.  But Donald Trump can never make America great again as long as he continues to compromise…. as long as WE continue to compromise.  There’s no “deal” you can ever make with the demonic Left and hope to make America great again.  To make America great again, we would need a RADICAL transformation of hearts and minds.  We would need to see a massive revival of wicked men and women crying out for God’s mercy.  We would need repentance of biblical proportions!

Instead, we continue funding Planned Parenthood; we continue the fiction of same-sex so-called “marriage,” and cowtow to the radical LGBT agenda.  We allow Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and Debra Birx to act as tyrants, closing our country down and destroying our economy.  We allow the fiction of a “national coin shortage” to go unchallenged.  We allow criminals like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros (just to name a few) to skate away free, while good, tax-paying, law-abiding citizens are persecuted.  We allow American cities to be taken over by thugs and anarchists; historical monuments to be torn down, police departments to be defunded and disbanded; citizens to be forced out of work, forced to wear masks, forced to take a vaccination.  Forced to be ashamed of our heritage, forced to hand over all our freedoms, while we allow the Left to wreak havoc nationwide, doing as much damage and harm as they possibly can.  Our cities are burning, the inmates are running the asylum — while law-abiding citizens, patriots and Christians are willingly muzzled.

We also have Joe Biden and his vice-presidential choice Kamala Harris (who, by the way, not being a natural-born citizen is legally ineligible to run for this office… but since we’ve already had a Kenyan president, I guess that no longer matters).  But I don’t believe the democrats ever had any intention of putting Biden and Harris in the White House.  We need to stop looking at what they’re SHOWING us, and start thinking more critically.  I believe I can easily see right through their plan… and here it is:

According to a report by the New York Times at least three-quarters of all American voters will be eligible to receive a ballot in the mail for the 2020 election — the most in US history.  No matter how you slice it, this is a recipe for massive election fraud.  If you thought the “hanging chads” of days-gone-by were a nightmare, wait until you see what’s going to come of this.  With so many mail-in ballots, there’s simply no way this is not going to be a contested election.

Whatever the results, they WILL be challenged.  And that’s exactly what the Left is hoping for.  I believe the Globalists, who really run things, will drag the election results out as long as possible.  They just need to make it through until 12 noon on January 20th, 2021.  At that time, without a clear win for either side, the Trump/Pence team will have no choice but to leave.  Who, then, is next in line?  Assuming the Democrats maintain power in the House of Representatives, then the Speaker of the House takes the Oval Office.  Can you say “President Pelosi?”  Yes, friends, THAT is the plan on the Left in this perverted “3-D Chess” match.  Then, I believe we’ll see complete, total, unconditional surrender to the New World Order.  This will come with forced mandatory vaccinations, mandatory digital tracking chip implants, and a global financial “reset.”  Law and order —  or better stated, ENSLAVEMENT — will quite likely be provided by UN troops from foreign countries… yes, UN tanks and armored vehicles patrolling our streets, going door-to-door, confiscating our firearms, and even our children if we dare cross them.   And it’s completely reasonable to assume this could easily all happen by mid January.

But in case you didn’t have enough to think about,  NASA has been tracking an asteroid, about 6 1/2 feet in diameter, which is set to strike the earth on November 2nd — one day prior to the 2020 National elections.  There are three potential impact sites — but according to NASA, none of these scenarios will cause a “deep impact,” though it may cause localized devastation.

Most likely though, the asteroid will miss Planet Earth altogether.  According to scientists, the chance of it striking us is only 0.41%.  Those are pretty miniscule odds, I guess, aren’t they?  But bear in mind, the odds of catching the Coronavirus if you’re under 65 years old are only 0.04%.  So… nearly a half-a-percent chance of the Earth getting hit by the asteroid the day before the presidential election.  On the other hand we’re measuring COVID infections in the “hundredths” of a percent!  And because of THAT and the FEAR we’ve been brainwashed with, the WHOLE WORLD has shut down, civilization has turned to anarchy and chaos and now when you venture out of your home, you step into the Twilight Zone, where EVERYONE is forced to wear a mask.  Sadly, SO MANY don’t even question anything anymore.  Because of strong delusion, sent upon them, because they CHOSE to believe the lies.  Open your eyes, friends.  And work to open the eyes of others too.  Because the truth is out there, for those with eyes to see.

© 2020 Rob Pue – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue: Rob@WisconsinChristianNews.com

Righteous Obedience

Butch Paugh

This sounds like such a simple and easy statement, doesn’t it?  I feel most certain that most people who profess faith in Christ will quickly speak up and say that our God is our ultimate authority! However, the brutal truth is that our actions speak far louder and clearer than our words!

Let’s take a little time and search the scriptures for the “correct” answer.  Many people are going to be surprised by the first facts presented in God’s infallible word, the 1611 KJV bible!

We will start with one that I have quoted many times myself.  This one verse seems to answer the question of obedience once and for all in every aspect of the question, “who do we obey?”  Acts 5:29 states, “then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men”.  That settle it, right?  Yes, in one area, but further study is needed in other areas.  For example, Romans chapter 13 and I Peter chapter 2.  Let’s take a deeper look into His word!

In the case of Acts 5:29 you will find that the opposition to what Peter and the others were teaching was not the civil powers, but rather the “ecclesiastical” or church authorities.  You may be thinking, well why would the “church” powers be upset with the preaching of the “gospel”.  (Acts 5:17-42) I would have to say, for the same reason many “churches” are upset with the sound doctrine of God’s Word today!  It upsets their belief structures and threatens their “hold” on the people that are following their “pernicious” ways and damnable “heresies”.  Pernicious — Strong’s Greek No. 684, “Ruinous, destructive and damnable”!  Heresies – Strong’s No. 139, “disunion, sect, self-willed opinions!”  It also cut into their “profits”!  Vs. 3.  So, in the first area of the question, we are looking into church leaders, conferences or detrimental teaching that are not to be obeyed if contrary to God’s word!  Of course the apostles were taken out and beaten for their defiance and disobedience.  They went away rejoicing because they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name!  To obey men in this case damns the people to destruction!  Heb. 13:17 instructs us to obey righteous ecclesiastical authority because the righteous spiritual leaders know they must give an account for the souls they are responsible for.  My friends,that is a HUGE responsibility!

Now, let’s examine a few scriptures that are used often by people who haven’t studied God’s Word throughly enough to discern His will.  (II Tim 2:15)  We will start with Rom. 13:1-7 Most that read verses one and two will say, “See. There you are!  We have to obey Caesar, i.e. government!”  Almost none will read any further to see what Paul was explaining to those who take the time to study the passage.  Let’s take a look.  This explanation will be brief.

It is obvious that Paul, who was writing the epistle to the church in Rome from prison, was not telling us to obey unrighteous laws and edicts of man’s government!  He wrote this in prison because he would not obey godless government’s laws and disobey God!  He goes on to explain what government should be!  Please note in verse 3 that government should not be a terror to people who do good works, but rather a deterrent to the evil done by evil men!  He went onto say that if you are a righteous individual doing good works, you should have no need to fear “Godly” governments!  Righteous government has the “power” i.e. authority from God to enforce His moral laws!

Verse four tells us that Godly magistrates is a minister (deacon) of God to punish evil doers.  Up to, and including the death penalty.

Verse five through eight instructs us to be subject to these “just” authorities, not out of fear, but rather for conscience sake.  Verse 6 says to pay lawful taxes to support God’s ministers who attend continually on supporting a moral society.  Verse seven to render to all their dues which simply means duty or debt.  Custom means an import or levy.  Fear meant to respect “righteous” authority and to “fear” punishment” for evil doers.  Honor means esteem and respect.

Now you have been able to read the true meaning of Romans chapter thirteen.  Really simple to understand with a little study, isn’t it?

Another scripture used to justify being passive and compliant to evil authorities is I Peter 2:13-16.  Please take the time to carefully read these verses.  Peter, who was crucified upside down for breaking an evil civil authority’s corrupt laws, is saying exactly the same thing as Paul did in Romans thirteen. We are to obey because the kings and governors were sent by God to punish evildoers and to praise them that do good, verse 14!  Are you beginning to see the full picture now?  It truly is very clear, isn’t it?

Here is a list of righteous men and women who challenged unjust and unrighteous laws and rulers!  Also listed are the scriptures where you can read for yourself that man’s law systems (government) are not to be obeyed above God’s Word, i.e. law system!  Even to the point of deception to protect innocent life!

Ex. 1:15-20, Jos. 2:1-2-7, Dan. 3:4_18, Dan. 6:10-13, Acts 5:17-42.

Brothers, sisters, friends and all others, whether you “want” to believe God’s Word or not doesn’t change the truth!  Literally millions have been imprisoned, persecuted, prosecuted, whipped, beaten and even murdered, (martyred) for the cause of righteousness in obeying God over men!

You have to decide for yourself who you will obey!  The sooner you make the decision, that no matter what the cost, you are going to obey God, the easier it will be!  Remember Romans 6:16.  Your soul depends on it!

© 2020 Butch Paugh – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Butch Paugh: ctdm@hotmail.com

The Evil Will Increase

Pastor Roger Anghis

What we are seeing in the streets of America is what Paul wrote about in the book of Romans concerning the end times and what will begin to occur as the time of the Gentile wraps up. Romans 1:28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (29)  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, (30)  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, (31)  Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:.   The word reprobate means morally corrupt, depraved, foreordained to damnation.  When we consider the actions of what the Democrats call ‘peaceful protestors’ they fit the dictionary’s definition of a reprobate.  People with common sense know that these people are NOT peaceful protesters but anarchists hell-bent on destroying America as we know it.

Please understand that I support 100% a person’s right to PEACEFULLY PROTEST.  It is part of our Constitution but when that protest turns from peaceful to violence with the burning of buildings and looting and even murder, then that protest has stepped over the line and should be stopped at all costs. In Portland, on Saturday a Trump supporter was shot and killed by the antifa/blm crowd. “Portland Police officers heard sounds of gunfire from the area of Southeast 3rd Avenue and Southwest Alder Street. They responded and located a victim with a gunshot wound to the chest. Medical responded and determined that the victim was deceased,” the Portland Police Bureau said in a statement.

Portland has been the site of nightly protests for more than three months since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Many of them end in vandalism and violence, and hundreds of demonstrators have been arrested by local and federal law enforcement since late May.[1]

Andy Ngo, a social media activist covering the riots in Portland, tweeted: “On the 95th night of riots and violent protests in Portland, a conservative rally attendee was fatally shot.  Upon confirming the deceased wasn’t one of theirs, antifal and blm cheered and danced in the street outside the Justice Center.[2]  First thing here is why was this the 95th day of riots and violent protests?  Why hasn’t the so-called leaders of Portland put a stop to the violence against the citizens of Portland?  Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) has admitted that he has no plan to stop the riots.  He actually believes that they’ll “Burn themselves out”.[3]  The problem is half his town is being burnt down while he’s waiting for it to ‘burn itself out’.  People are losing everything they have worked for over the years; jobs are being lost and the worst is people are losing their lives while he sits and waits.  I find it hard to be more reprobate than Ted Wheeler.

It seems the closer we get to the election the worse it gets.  The devil does not like giving up the ground that he has already taken.  The intensity between now and November 3rd will increase exponentially because it is obvious that nothing the left is doing is having the effect they wanted.  Actually, the effect is the opposite of what they wanted.  You can tell by Nancy Pelosi’s attitude toward Trump.  She doesn’t think that the Democrats should even consider having any presidential debates:  Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday she doesn’t think there should be any presidential debates ahead of the November election, arguing Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden shouldn’t “legitimize” a discussion with President Trump.

“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Pelosi told reporters. “I do not think that the president of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody has any association with truth, evidence, data, and facts.”

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States,” she added.[4]

Anyone with a half dozen functioning brain cells knows that Biden will be destroyed in a debate against Trump so the Democrats are trying to lay the groundwork to justify not having the debates by attempting to disqualify Trump’s ability to be truthful.

The hatred is getting worse even among politicians.  Maxine Waters has been calling for violence against Trump and any of his supporters: Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters, calling for attacks on the Trump administration at a rally in Los Angeles Saturday: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”[5] Pam Keith who is running for Florida’s 18th Congressional District is calling for ‘open season’ on Trump supporters: This Democrat is vying to land Florida’s congressional seat for the 18th district, but a Twitter post dating back to June 10th  of this year puts her disturbing mindset on full display:

“GOP: Yeah he’s dead. But it’s not a big deal because he was a “bad guy.” Is that REALLY the new rule they want? Killing is OK if it’s a “bad guy?” Is it now open season on: Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Gates, Cohen, Trump, Barr, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski, Bolton, Pompeo, Papadopolous, Parscale.”[6] Notice that Twitter didn’t pull that tweet nor have they banned her from Twitter.

These anarchists keep pushing and are now threatening to “put police in graves and burn down the White House.” The left-wing extremists in Washington, D.C., whom the media were quick to defend after they harassed attendees of the Republican National Convention late Thursday were back on the streets Saturday talking about burning down the White House and killing cops …

Listen to one of these “peaceful protesters,” as the media describe them, unleash his inner extremist in a rant directed at his followers.

“I’m at the point where I’m ready to put these police in the f–king grave. I’m at the point where I want to burn the f–king White House down.  I want to take it to the senators, I want to take to the Congress, I want to take the fight to them,” the extremist in the video above said.

“And at the end of the day, if they ain’t going to hear us, we burn them the f–k down. I’m one that talk real s–t. I talk it in New York, and I talk it in D.C. The same way I f–k police up in New York, I f–k cops up here in D.C. The same way I bust police in the head in New York, I bust police in the head in D.C.”[6]

This is just September.  We have until November 3rd and the closer we get the more intense the liberals will get because they are in death throes.  They know that this November the election will decimate the Democrat Party and they must find some way to pull the election in their direction, but they have no person that can do that.  They have no policy that will do that.

We must be prepared for what the liberals do.  Will we have to take up arms? We might and Kenosha verified that.  Understand that the police will be overwhelmed in some cities and you will be in a position of defending yourself.  Be prepared! Do not wait. I believe that after Trump wins again, and he will win, we will see violence in America like we haven’t seen since the Civil War.  Don’t be caught sleeping.  Be prepared.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Roger Anghis: roger@buildingthetruth.org

Foot Notes

  1. https://apnews.com
  2. Trump supporter murdered in Portland
  3. Portland mayor: No i don’t have plan to stop riots
  4. Pelosi says there-shouldn’t be presidential debates in 2020
  5. Maxine Waters political violence
  6. DC rioters up the ante start with pep talk on putting police in their graves burning white house down

The Curious Connection Between America’s Foreign Wars and the Enemies Within

By Cliff Kincaid

Let’s understand why a liberal magazine known as The Atlantic would release an anonymously-sourced unsubstantiated story about President Trump allegedly making offensive comments about wounded and fallen soldiers. It has everything to do with misdirection. The magazine knows that Joe Biden’s record on war and peace is scandalous. That means the media have to talk about something else.

Before the story was issued, a liberal outlet released an article, “Joe Biden, don’t let Donald Trump run as the antiwar candidate!” The left was afraid that Trump would run in the last days of the campaign as an anti-war peace candidate and that Biden’s record of support for wars in Iraq, Serbia, Syria, and Libya, would backfire on him.

Under these circumstances, the only option, as we have seen numerous times over the last three years, is to smear Trump with a made-up story. They hope news consumers will be misled and confused.

One possible charge that could stick against Trump is that he may have referred to former Senator and GOP presidential candidate John McCain as a loser. Trump has said something similar about Mitt Romney. They are both losers, in his view, because they both lost winnable races against Barack Hussein Obama. Hence, both McCain, the 2008 candidate, and Romney, the 2012 candidate, are losers. By contrast, Trump is a winner, having defeated Obama’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016.

McCain not only lost to Obama but then turned around and distributed the phony Russia dossier to hurt Trump. The whole story was told by Allan Ryskind in his Washington Times column, “Did Sen. McCain ‘collude’ with Russia?” The long-time Human Events editor noted that McCain secured “opposition research on Mr. Trump from Putin-friendly sources” and didn’t seem to care that “current and ex-Russian intelligence officials and the FSB (formerly the KGB), provided some of the document’s most damning contents.”

Let’s be completely honest. The media never admired McCain for his Vietnam War service and years being held as a POW by the communists. They admired him because he was a “maverick” who frequently took the liberal line. His use of the dossier played right into their hands, perhaps deliberately so.

If the media will peddle a phony dossier based on Russian sources about Trump, there is nothing they won’t say or do. They don’t care about our troops, or the fact that they have been sacrificed by the Bush-Clinton-Obama-Biden Administrations in wars in Iraq, Serbia, Syria, and Libya. What the media care about is destroying Trump.

The war in Afghanistan, launched after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, has raged for nearly 19 years, making it the longest war in American history. More than 2,400 U.S. service members have died in Afghanistan since the U.S.-led invasion in late 2001 to topple the Taliban, which was protecting al Qaeda, while more than 20,000have been wounded in action.

President Trump has been withdrawing U.S. forces and wants them down to as little as 4,000 by the November 3 election. He’s also pulling them out of Iraq, a war Biden vigorously supported and then lied about.

If Trump can be faulted for anything, it’s the failure to clear house at the FBI, which failed to solve the anthrax mailings which occurred after the 9/11 terrorist attacks staged by al Qaeda.

Retired Foreign Service officer and intelligence analyst Kenneth J. Dillon did extensive research on the case and concluded  that then-FBI director Robert Mueller “was responsible for the suicide of the alleged but wrongly accused mailer, Bruce Ivins, as well as for the subsequent cover-up.”

That’s the same Robert Mueller who ran the Russia probe based on the phony dossier.

Dillon’s research indicates that Ivins prepared the anthrax to test vaccines, but the anthrax was sent to various civilian labs, including one infiltrated by an alQaeda operative. The anthrax was transferred to another alQaeda operative, Abderraouf Jdey, and used in the attacks. “There was a very lax attitude in the pre-9/11 era relating to the handling of anthrax,” Dillon says.

Dillon adds that, “The news media have not reported key aspects of the al Qaeda theory of the case, but there have been articles on the putative possession of anthrax by the intending September 11, 2001 hijackers while they were in Florida and on al Qaeda’s biowarfare projects in Afghanistan.”

In his research, Dillon explains that the FBI not only failed to stop 9/11 but  the anthrax attacks as well, and there arose “compelling reasons” for the Bush Administration (and subsequent administrations) “to avoid a reinvestigation of the events of 2001 and specifically what had gone on inside the U.S. Government in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks.” In other words, there was a massive cover-up.

None of this should be that surprising. There were cover-ups before this, including such scandals as the FBI/ATF armed assaults on Randy Weaver’s home and family at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and the Waco religious compound in Texas (both are covered in a very good Netflix series).

One can argue that the post 9/11 anthrax terrorist attacks were the result of a real “inside job,” involving stolen anthrax from a U.S. lab, and a cover-up was launched, stemming from the influence of what we today call the “Deep State,” led then by the same Robert Mueller called upon to cover-up malfeasance by the FBI in the Russia-gate matter. It was another scandal that made government “experts” look foolish or worse.

Continuing to send troops to Afghanistan, supposedly to root out terrorists, when the federal government can’t “solve” the mystery of the anthrax attacks, even though they can be traced to al Qaeda operatives on US. soil, makes no sense.

Trump is wise to quickly dismiss the fake news attacks, continue his policies of bringing the troops home, and concentrate on the real enemies that occupy positions of power in both the Deep State and the military-industrial complex.

As news consumers, we have an obligation to see through the propaganda and understand that the anti-Trump attacks are coming from people who have a lot to hide. They are the “national security experts” who have failed to protect our nation and send our young people off to never-ending and no-win wars.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

The Unnecessary Pain and Death of a Great Woman

by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D.

In 1942, my mother, Peggy Cuddy, turned down a full first-year scholarship to a prestigious girls’ college, instead traveling the state with a doctor to help poor children. In the mid-1940s, she received an invitation to go to New York and work for the new World Health Organization (WHO) headed by Brock Chisholm, who was given that position by Communist spy Alger Hiss. She turned down the invitation and got the February 1946 edition of PSYCHIATRY, which included an article by Chisholm stating that the real problem of the world was the concept of right and wrong that parents and preachers were teaching their children. Years later, Dr. Ursula Anderson of WHO came to the U.S. to coordinate with the Carter administration a “Child Health Plan for Raising a New Generation of Children.” It said there would be one “health care home” in each county where people would have to go with all their medical records to receive health care! This would have been the beginning of Socialized Medicine in the U.S., except that my mother found out about it and spread the alarm around the nation, so this insidious plan was rejected. All Americans owe my mother a huge debt for saving them from this first movement toward Socialism.

In great health in 2015, she entered a nursing home where they took her food away from her and tossed her in a bed in which she was not secured. She fell out, badly hurting her head requiring stitches. She had been sent to the nursing home from a local hospital where they had given her the wrong medication that caused an acute brain disease (see Today’s Hospitalist, July 2018, page 10) costing me $160,000 out-of-pocket, taking all my life’s savings (see www.gofundme.com/f/ywexz-help-peggy-and-dennis-cuddy). Whenever one asks Medicare to investigate, the matter is turned over to Kepro. When Kepro supposedly investigated what happened to my mother, I found that all they do is request the hospital records. When I asked them what happens if those records are incomplete or inaccurate, Kepro replied, “We trust them.” This is a multimillion dollar national scandal, and in the case of asking them to investigate what a hospital did to my leg, Kepro actually accused my doctor of saying something he never said!

Recently, mother was admitted to the same hospital, and for 14 days she was given only a small portion of the food I brought her (they returned 2 bottles of Ensure to me) . She was also given pain medication that “hurt her ability to fight off infection.” With her immune system “wiped out,” according to her dermatologist, her relatively small facial skin cancer quickly tripled in size! The Emergency Room (ER) where she was admitted incorrectly fed her causing her to aspirate and talk as if she had a stroke. An ER doctor later told her to “go home and suffer.”

A few days later, she had a slight temperature of 100.4, and went to the ER where her test for COVID-19 was negative. She was admitted for a urinary tract infection and was given no food for 3 days, making her weaker and weaker. Three times I asked for a COVID retest and was denied. The chief medical officer later admitted they probably should have retested her when her oxygen level dropped and she was sent to intensive care. Hospital staff are treated differently than the public, and if a staff member is suspected of having Covid-19, they wait 5 days to test them to cover any lag time in symptoms. Twelve days after admission, my mother was finally retested and told she had COVID all the time.

When I saw her in the COVID critical care unit, I was surprised to learn her nurse was from Wuhan, China where COVID originated ! I was told by her primary evening doctor that death was inevitable, and he pushed me toward letting her die even if she improved and left intensive care, becoming a regular patient ! Would you like to be told you should let your mother die even if she were upgraded out of intensive care and feeling no pain?

On August 2, I was told she had “a good day” after being put on a ventilator. On August 3, her day doctor said her heart, lungs and kidneys were stable, and she had “tolerated dialysis well.” On August 4 at 2:43 pm I and others were surprised to be told she had been pronounced dead ! Remember that my mother’s immune system had been “wiped out,” and I was told by her critical care doctors that Covid-19 had gone through holes in her lung membranes into the bloodstream, resulting in “multiple organ failure.” I was repeatedly told by all her doctors they were doing “everything possible” to help her, but this was not true! There was knowledge available to them they did not use!

First, the woman who gave my mother COVID was immediately given remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax, and in 5 days walked out of the hospital well. They didn’t even try this treatment on my mother, Next, according to Kevin Kimberlin (chairman of Spencer Trask & Co., which has backed research by Jonas Salk and others) “medicinal signaling cells (MSCs, remestemcel-L treatment is derived from allogenic mesenchymal stem cells provided by Mesoblast Ltd.) eliminate the virus, calm the immune overreaction known as a cytokine storm, and repair damaged lung tissue….In one pilot study in March, doctors at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York treated a dozen severely ill Covid-19 patients on ventilators with MSCs. Two infusions modulated their hyperactive immune systems, and 83% of those patients survived….A July 10 article in The Lancet reported on 13 critically ill Covid-19 patients also treated with MSCs. Eleven of those patients lived….The number of virus-fighting T-cells rose even as inflammation fell, suggesting that these cells can control the immune response as needed. In addition, chest X-rays showed that the drug repaired lung tissue, in some cases within 48 hours. Healing tissue is essential because the cytokine battle with the Covid-19 virus is so vicious that it punches holes in the delicate lung membranes, allowing the virus to flood into the bloodstream and body cavities. These holes must be repaired, as virus leaks create some of the complications (such as) multiple organ failure.” Some hospitals will use an excuse for not providing the treatment by saying final test trials have not been completed. However, Public Law 115-176 passed May 30, 2018 says if a seriously ill patient cannot enter a test trial, they may ask for the treatment immediately anyway!

I asked NC Governor Roy Cooper’s Department of Health and Human Services, headed by Dr. Mandy Cohen, to investigate what happened, but they refused! Therefore, you should all be vigilant regarding the care you and your loved ones receive at nursing homes and hospitals, because the pain and death experienced by my mother could happen to you or your loved ones if you don’t!

© 2020 Dennis Cuddy – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dennis Cuddy: recordsrevealed@yahoo.com

The Communist Led War On America’s Police

By J.W. Bryan

It is apparent, even to the most naïve or gullible, that there is a war against our police officers. This is nothing new; it’s been going on for many years. However, what we are now witnessing is the Marxist war against American society by first destroying those who protect us. This has been a Communist objective for over a hundred years.

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels outlined their overall strategy. First of all, they stated that what they wanted was to win the battle for democracy. Second, they wanted a social revolution. But what they don’t tell you is that a democracy is mob rule, a representative republic is based on the “rule of law” the latter of which Marxists want destroyed.  Link

Democracy v. Republic

They knew that with a democracy the masses could be manipulated in such a way as to incrementally destroy the republic and thus the law which results in the end of liberty for the individual thereby having a disastrous effect on society as a whole. Also, they wanted a social revolution, since the communist revolution could fail without first destroying the social fabric of the country.  We are watching the social fabric being destroyed.

They want to destroy the various aspects of society that hold a civilization together; BLM has openly stated their desire to destroy the nuclear family, church, business, local government.  The very history of the community had to be eliminated to make room for the new society, the new reality, run by communists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  The three lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter have stated they are trained Marxists.  And they were trained by Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground.  Antifa was founded in 1932 in Nazi Germany, they were against fascism because they loved communism.

Equality for All Americans

Black lives do matter, just as all American lives matter.  Total equality for black Americans reached a crescendo in the 1960s by Americans who fought for freedom for all.  In the 50s, when Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine black students from entering the schoolPresident Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to ensure the safety of the “Little Rock Nine” and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld.

Education was integrated that very day and America stood proud.  But behind some of the civil rights movements were those who promoted violence, and it hurt America’s cause of freedom for all.

Civil Rights

The so-called “Civil Rights” struggle which was allegedly spearheaded by Martin Luther King with a program of non-violence.  But violence followed the preacher.  Chicago’s Mayor John Daley would not allow the violence into his city.  He knew that communists followed Dr. King.

According to John McManus, former Public Relations Director and later President, and now President Emeritus of the John Birch Society, stated,

When rioting, burning, looting, and anarchy engulfed numerous American cities, Robert Welch, Founder and President of the Society, began urging that more attention be given to exposing the so-called “civil rights” struggle. He praised the effective educational campaigns that had already been undertaken by member-created Truth About Civil Turmoil (TACT) committees and he urged starting more of them. Those who participated weren’t asked to join the Society; they were enlisted to help spread sound information that dealt with this single problem. TACT committees sprang up in numerous locales and so did TRAIN (To Restore American Independence Now) and (Support Your Local Police) SYLP committees – all using the guidelines supplied by headquarters.

Continuing on from the report of McManus, in the History of the John Birch Society – recounted by someone who was there,

As a part of the campaign to spread truth about civil turmoil, the Society reprinted two small booklets openly published by Communists. These were the 1928 “American Negro Problems” written by Hungarian Communist Joseph Pogany using the alias John Pepper, and the 1935 “Negros in a Soviet America” authored by American Communists James W. Ford and James S. Allen. These small publications called for two revolutions – one aimed at establishing Communist control over the nation’s southeastern states (creating a Soviet Negro Republic) and the other aiming for Communist control of the entire nation (establishing a Soviet United States).  The Ford and Allen booklet spelled out the twin goals: “The revolution for land and freedom in the South and the proletarian revolution in the country as a whole will develop hand in hand.”

After Society members distributed these two very revealing publications, Welch produced his own analysis of the Communist designs in a booklet entitled “Two Revolutions at Once.” In it he targeted Martin Luther King as a favorite of the Communists who trained and financed him, and who looked to him to lead the campaign to implement their plans.

Then and now, political leaders and the mass media consistently portrayed King as a champion of non-violence and an apostle of peace. But in a widely distributed article first appearing in the October 1965 issue of American Opinion, JBS writer Alan Stang corrected these and several other notions about King. Regarding the oft-stated claim that King and his cohorts relied on non-violence, Stang presented the King strategy as it had been spelled out by King himself in the April 3, 1965 issue of Saturday Review. The “non-violent” Martin Luther King freely admitted that his strategy relied on creating violence and that it couldn’t succeed unless some was created. As recounted in Saturday Review, the four-step King program called for:

  1. Nonviolent demonstrators go into the streets to exercise their constitutional rights.
  2. Racists resist by unleashing violence against them.
  3. Americans of conscience in the name of decency demand federal intervention and legislation.
  4. The administration, under mass pressure, initiates immediate measures of intervention and remedial legislation.

By reading Alan Stang’s Uncelebrate King, part one, one can be brought to a complete understanding of how the King strategy played out, as well as the fact that when the non-violent demonstrators violated the law, such as spitting on the police, or throwing bottles or bricks at them, the photographers were inactive but when the police responded, as they should, then the cameras became active to show the racists resisting. (Bold type mine)

These are examples of what would be reported throughout the fake news. Following is an excerpt from Stang’s article, “Uncelebrate King, part one:”

Drue Lackey was Montgomery, Alabama’s Chief of police…he stated that when the Selma march reached Montgomery, that so-called “non-violet demonstrators” tried to provoke his policemen to react by throwing “non-violent bottles and bricks, and bedecking them with gobs of spit, while other “non-violent” demonstrators waited nearby to take pictures.

Here is Chief Lackey’s rendition, in part, of the event: “Those four days on the road had turned into a habitual sex orgy by the time they reached the capitol, King was always seen on TV marching in the front row among clean, well-disciplined performers. It was all a sham. He stayed partying separately most of those days, and would only arrive in a chauffeured limousine for appointed press deadlines, leaving immediately after.

Most of the others put off at least until nightfall, what they had come for, as this mob had been bused in from across the country and around the world.  They were unemployed blacks, white students, party activists of both races, all on promises of free food, booze and all the sex they wanted.  We witnessed them sleeping on the ground all together, and a lot of sexual activity went on throughout the night, with frequently changed partners. This is what the federal government sponsored; a bunch of Communists and moral degenerates.”

The Communist Conspiracy Exposed

Over and over, Robert Welch repeated the slogan he had created: “Fully expose the civil rights fraud and you will break the back of the Communist’s Conspiracy.”

In response to the revolutionary activity, Welch marshaled his forces made up of the members of the John Birch Society along with many who were not members. Across the nation, members responded with distribution of literature, parade floats, letter writing, speaker events and more. In communities throughout the nation, but especially in Southeastern states, members succeeded in hiring halls, gathering audiences, and hosting such knowledgeable experts as black ex-communists Leonard Patterson and Lola Belle Holmes, former FBI undercover operatives Julia Brown and Gerald Kirk, widely respected journalist George Schuyler, Rev. Freeman Yearling, Charles Smith, and others – all Black Americans who were totally convinced of the need to expose the Communist threat posing as a crusade for “civil rights”.

Early in 1966, the Society released its 75-minute film “Anarchy USA” to aid member efforts in combating civil rights agitation; it was the work of Society official G. Edward Griffin. The film presented the Communist strategy given in film clips featuring their own destructive strategy. It then presented Julia Brown recounting her experiences in the Communist Party and her first-hand testimony about being instructed to follow King and implement his strategy.

Experiences recounted by Leonard Patterson during the film were somewhat different from those of Mrs. Brown, but he concluded as she had about the fundamental goal of the Communists. In part, he stated:

When I was a young man only 23 years old, I joined the Communist Party. I knew (Communist Party Leader) Gus Hall and other top-ranking American Communists very well because I trained with them (during the 1930s) at the Lenin University in Moscow. I broke away from the party when it became clear to me what the Communists were really up to was to use the Negro people in this country as cannon-fodder in a violent and bloody revolution aimed at the establishment  of an American Soviet dictatorship….I’m not speaking of things I read about! These are things I personally participated in.

In the late sixties, my wife and I attended an event in Alexandria, Louisiana in which Leonard Patterson, speaking of his involvement in activities in the Communists war against the police, referred to an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in which, according to him, they killed one of their own members to make it appear that it was the police who were guilty.

The impact of the film, “Anarchy USA” along with all the “Support Your Local Police Committees” and with all the concerted action by the many Black Americans as well as that of the John Birch Society in exposing the Communist civil rights agenda for a war on the local police, drove the campaign underground.

But the war on the police was not yet dead; it had only been forced into a smoldering dormancy biding its time to once again renew its attack on our local police. This time it’s not only a war on our police but also a war on American Society and the law. Reportedly, some authorities in control of the law have actually caved to the invaders. In the military that would be called treason and that’s what it is.

Today we can see that very fraud in Black Lives Matter whose three female founders were tutored and indoctrinated by the Weatherman Underground and have professed that they are trained Marxists.We are being invaded and the perpetrators are being protected by the very politicians in charge of the cities. May God reward them according to their service – the only way they will receive justice will be by God.


What we are currently witnessing is not only the acquiescing with the Communist agenda, but the deceit of many of our elected officials. J. Edward Hoover referred to them in “Masters Of Deceit” as Sleepers in the Communist ranks who pose as Conservatives or Anti-Communists, but are actually those who are only waiting for the time or times when they can use their influence to either advance the Communist agenda, or to prevent action that would be detrimental to it. We have many of this kind throughout local, state and federal government, and in the total society.

If we continue to let our officials go along with the dialectical program of the opposition – accepting one compromise after another, we are going to see our local law enforcement taken over by the federal government and consequently very shortly after by the United Nations. This will result in law enforcement that will protect the U.N. from any pro-American action which will develop to restore our independence.

According to what the UN has planned for us we most likely won’t have the liberty of working against it.

So, as a starter, we need to get as many Support Your Local Police Committees set up across the nation as possible and also as quickly as possible. Get a few people together and if you don’t know how to proceed with starting a program for supporting your local police – get in-touch with the John Birch Society or contact the New American Magazine.

These are the first things we need for people to do; then follow up by learning as much about this issue as you can, but above all – get involved.

© 2020 J.W. Bryan – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail J.W. Bryan: alliejwbryan@gmail.com

The BLM Takeover of NY Public Schools: Promoting Black Panther Agenda

Jake MacAulay

The events of the past few months have been perilously traumatic on the American people. With reports of police brutality, protesting, rioting, and the recurring topic of racism in America, the attention of the American people has been captivated and a new regime has begun to undermine the principle of America’s founding.

Saul Alinsky, an activist and political theorist in the 60’s and 70’s was most notably known for his book, Rules for Radicals. After giving an acknowledgment to Lucifer in the front pages of the book, Alinsky wrote:

“The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community, …fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression, …stir up dissatisfaction and discontent, and …search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them.”

Unsurprisingly, Alinsky was exactly right in his statements, and, unfortunately, this has become the case in modern America. With the rapid escalation of racial issues and so many opting towards divided chaos and destruction rather than a firm and united voice against injustice, it is easily realized that Alinsky’s teachings are increasingly effective.

Recently, I received an email titled, “The Black Panthers: Ten Point Program” containing a list of new learning point demands BLM will be introducing into the New York Public high school’s curriculum.

The ten points listed by the Black Panthers were essentially a “We want this” list directed towards the government to ensure a free cost of living to every black individual underneath its jurisdiction.

Commodities such as food, housing, health care, land, clothing, education, employment or a guaranteed income, and “just” compensation for years of injustice are not just asked, but demanded of the government to be given to all black communities in America. In addition to the fulfillment of every need and the many wants of the Black Panthers, an end to America’s Capitalist free government is especially required.

Aside from teaching the outrageous demands of the Black Panthers, high school teachers are additionally encouraged to ask the students leading questions pertaining to the “benefits” of Socialism and the justification of violent crime.

This program is an outright attack on the founding of America, demanding a departure from its Capitalist free economy and not only justifying, but promoting the evil acts of violence suffered on the innocent American people as if they are deserved.

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the greatest and most respected civil rights activists of his time, stated many times in his teachings that bitterness, hatred, and violence was to be despised and would do nothing but create more problems than before. In addition, he firmly stood against those who ignored the many pressing issues surrounding them.

Rather, the Reverend decisively positioned himself against both the complacent and the destructive, opting rather towards “the more excellent way of love and non-violent protest.”

Instead of adhering to these principles, BLM has assumed the position MLK described as “the black nationalist” and has acted in the extreme with the destruction of private property and now implementation of narcissistic and violent education.

Now is the time for us in America to follow in Rev. King’s footsteps and not be complacent in this time of numerous injustices, but stand firm against them while remaining true to the underlying principles of peace America was founded upon, and not let the violent passions of others become the means by which we base our current life.

Sign up for a FREE U.S. Constitution course with Jake MacAulay and the Institute on the Constitution.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Jake MacAulay: Jake@TheAmericanView.com

Travel Expenses for Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s LAPD Security Detail

By Jim Kouri – Senior Political News Writer

In the midst of a deadly virus pandemic as well as weeks and weeks of protests, riots, murders, arsons and assaults in several cities including Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon), Chicago, New York, and others, it appears the far-left mayor of Los Angeles regularly goes on taxpayer-funded trips to foreign countries.

The Democrat leader, who is a local officeholder with no authority to represent the United States overseas, is yet another Democratic Party member who treasures his relationship with the Chinese communist regime in Beijing. As with other anti-American Democrats, the Los Angeles tax-and-spend mayor is quick to portray his travels as part of his leadership in one of the nation’s largest, most populated cities.

In a press statement obtained by the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Judicial Watch announced last week that it obtained the details of the travel expenses of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) security detail.

This is the same Mayor Garcetti who forced his city’s businesses to close their doors, pushed civilians to remain in a massive “lockdown,” and demanded Christian, Jewish and other church goers to forego religious services. However, Garcetti is allowing marijuana stores to remain open and arguing on behalf of rioters, looters and thugs by claiming the alleged well-paid protesters are mostly peaceful.

Over a four-year period, $438,195.06 of taxpayer money was spent on police officers’ air transportation, hotel/motel lodging,meals and incidentals.

These costs do not account for salaries and potential overtime, according to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

This information was requested by the attorneys for Judicial Watch:

  • Any and all record concerning, regarding, or relating to monetary expenses of the Mayor’s security detail;
  • Every fiscal year budget of the Mayor’s security detail;
  • Any records and communications concerning, regarding, or relating to the Mayor’s security between the LAPD and the following entities:
    • The Office of the Mayor;
    • The California Fraternal Order of Police.

The timeframe of the records was July 1, 2013, to present.

The security detail travel expenses from FY 2015-2018 break down as follows:

Total Cost: $438,195.06
Airfare: $154,077.27
Lodging and Car Rentals: $132,516.87
Meals and Incidentals: $54,063.66

Specific International trip costs:

$6,996.48 to Beijing
$16,408.81 to Paris
$5,525.47 to Aukland, New Zealand
$22,270.16 to Rio de Janeiro
$4,842.52 to Doha, Qatar
$2,895.61 to Mexico City
$9,163.79 to Aarhus, Denmark
$10,712.44 to Berlin
$8,145.91 to Lausanne, Switzerland
$2,185.20 to Lima, Peru
$9,437.12 to Paris

On June 3, 2020, Fox News reported that Mayor Garcetti said, “that he tasked the city to ‘identify $250 million in cuts’” from the police department budget. Adding that, “Garcetti said it is incumbent on the city to ‘step up and say, “What can we sacrifice?’”

On June 3, 2020, The Los Angeles Times reported that in response to Mayor Garcetti’s request, Los Angeles officials stated that, “they will look to cut $100 million to $150 million from the city’s police budget as part of a broader effort to reinvest more dollars into the black community.”

On November 2, 2018, The Los Angeles Times also uncovered and reported that, “Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti’s security detail has racked up nearly $450,000 in travel costs since 2015 as Garcetti visited other parts of the United States and foreign countries …”

According to the Times, Garcetti’s travel was intended, “to bolster his national profile ahead of a possible presidential run …”

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Contact Jim Kouri – E-Mail: COPmagazine@aol.com

War is the Big Issue of the Campaign

By Cliff Kincaid

It may be the sleeper issue of the 2020 presidential campaign – trigger-happy Joe Biden’s record of support for the disastrous Iraq War and his repeated lies about his role in starting that war.

But like those offering excuses for Nancy Pelosi going to a beauty parlor that is closed to ordinary people, many “progressives” are prepared to overlook Biden’s war-mongering past because their allegiance to the Democratic Party supersedes their commitment to ending foreign wars.

This came up during the Republican National Convention when Senator Rand Paul said, “Joe Biden voted for the Iraq War, which President Trump has long called the worst geopolitical mistake of our generation. I fear Biden will choose war again. He supported the war in Serbia, Syria, Libya.”

That’s a lot of war.

Even the liberal “fact-checking” website PolitiFact rated Paul’s remarks as “mostly true,” with the caveat that Biden claimed that on one occasion he privately questioned military action.

Biden was essential to the Iraq War going forward.

After President Bush went to war in Iraq, with the strong support of then-Senator Joe Biden, he rewarded former CIA Director George Tenet with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The invasion of Iraq, launched in part on the basis of false information provided by Tenet’s CIA, was justified by the argument that American troops were helping to build a democratic and lasting government in Baghdad that would stabilize the area and reduce the terrorist threat. Instead, the invasion led to Iranian domination of Iraq and the rise of ISIS.

In an article in The American Conservative, Daniel McCarthy wrote, “The Iraq War launched by the Bush administration (with the support of Democrats like Joe Biden, of course) destroyed the Saddam Hussein regime that had kept a check on Iranian power. More than that, it destabilized Iraq, and ultimately Syria as well, in ways that created channels for wider Iranian influence.”

Biden has claimed that the declaration of war on Iraq, titled, “Authorization for the Use of Force,” was not an authorization for President Bush to invade Iraq and go to war. But that’s not the only lie he has told.

CNN reported that, in response to an Iowa voter who expressed concern about Biden’s foreign policy record, the former vice president said that he opposed the Iraq War “from the very moment” it began in 2003. That was another lie. Even CNN noted this lie, in an article, “Biden again dishonestly suggests he opposed the Iraq War from the beginning.” CNN stated, “It’s false that Biden opposed the war from the moment Bush started it in March 2003. Biden repeatedly spoke in favor of the war both before and after it began.”

Incredibly, CNN added that Biden’s campaign had previously said that he “misspoke” when he made a similar claim. Bernie Sanders accused Biden of “rewriting history” over his vote for the war.

The record is clear: Biden lied repeatedly about going to war, and doesn’t seem to know when he lies and when he tells the truth. This is a sign of brain damage.

Biden co-sponsored a resolution supporting the invasion and declared, “I do not believe this is a rush to war. I believe it is a march to peace and security. I believe that failure to overwhelmingly support this resolution is likely to enhance the prospects that war will occur …”

A mini-documentary, “WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War,” explores what the Institute for Public Accuracy calls “Biden’s pivotal role in backing the invasion with disastrous results.” Produced and directed by Mark Weisbrot and narrated by Danny Glover, it examines Biden’s role as the chairman of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 2002. Weisbrot wrote an op-ed for The Guardian, declaring, “[Biden] had a power much greater than his own words. He was able to choose all 18 witnesses in the main Senate hearings on Iraq. And he mainly chose people who supported a pro-war position.”

Weisbrot wrote, “The Iraq War has been a prominent, even decisive issue, in some recent US presidential elections. It played a significant role in the surprise presidential primary victory won by a freshman senator from Illinois named Barack Obama in 2008. His heavily favored Democratic primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, had voted in the US Senate to authorize the war, and Obama didn’t let her forget it during that contest.”

Foreign policy expert Stephen Zunes wrote an article, “Would Joe Biden, Like Hillary Clinton, Lose to Donald Trump Over the Iraq War?.” He argued that Biden’s role in getting the war authorization through the Democratic-controlled Senate has “raised serious questions regarding his electability.”

The “WORTH THE PRICE?” website is still a worthwhile stop for those interested in Biden’s commitment to the military-industrial complex. But it’s too late for the “progressives” to stop Biden from getting the nomination. And we are now learning that Biden’s foreign policy team is laying the groundwork for  another war in Syria if Biden wins in November.

One political operative, Jacob Jeremiah “Jake” Sullivan, is a prominent Democratic foreign policy adviser to Joe Biden and previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign. He claims that, “During his tenure as vice president, Joe Biden led the effort to end the Iraq War,” ignoring his role in authorizing that war.

Sullivan noted that Biden is “the parent of a service member who deployed to Iraq” and “he understands the risks our troops take to keep our country safe. Sending them to fight overseas is not an academic exercise for Joe Biden — it’s deeply personal.”

That was a reference to Beau Biden, an Iraq war veteran who died from brain cancer. Another son, Hunter, was discharged from the Navy Reserve after testing positive for cocaine.

As of August 31, 2020, the Pentagon’s casualty report estimates total American deaths in Iraq at 4,431, with 31,994 wounded in action. There have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties and the war has cost the U.S. $2 trillion.

President Trump has been withdrawing U.S. forces and says that the number of troops in Iraq will drop from the current 5,200 down to 3,500.“We’re down to a very small number of soldiers in Iraq now,” Trump said, “We defeated the ISIS caliphate in Iraq and Syria.”

The current US-Iraq Strategic Dialogue is based on the continuing draw down of U.S. forces.

Branko Marcetic, the left-wing author of a book about Biden, Yesterday’s Man, argues that “Biden holds significant responsibility for the bloodshed that has engulfed Iraq and the surrounding region since the invasion.” He notes that Rep. Seth Moulton, who also ran for the Democratic presidential nomination, had called for Biden to admit he was wrong for voting for the war.

What’s more, a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll showed more than 40 percent of participants between eighteen and twenty-nine were less likely to back Biden because of it. That includes millions of men, ages 18 through 25, who are required to register for the Selective Service and a draft to wage war.

There is a push by some “progressives” who support Biden to change the males-only draft registration system to include women. But while women don’t have to currently register for the draft, they can volunteer for the military and go to war in foreign countries.

Like their male counterparts, they can judge Trump’s opposition to never-ending foreign wars with Biden’s lies about his role in making the Iraq War possible.

The conclusion is that Trump is the anti-war candidate.

As Senator Paul said, “President Trump is the first president in a generation to seek to end war rather than start one. He intends to end the war in Afghanistan. He is bringing our men and women home. Madison once wrote, ‘No nation can preserve its freedom in the midst of continuous warfare.’ I’m proud to finally see a president who agrees with that.”

Muslims’ Insidious Objectives

Amil Imani

Every organization has a mission or a mission statement with a goal in mind. They work day and night to reach their ultimate target. Think of Islam as an organization (not just another religion) with an ambitious mission. What is that ambition, you might ask! Here are some thoughts!

While our fellow Americans are snoozing, or at least not as active or proactive as their counterparts, Muslims never deviate and never stop pursuing their goal of world domination. They place their primary focus on non-Islamic lands, and in this case, in Europe as well as in the United States.

Knowing Islam intimately, let me assure you that to Muslims, the goal is everything. Since Islam is not your typical religion and most of you are aware of Islamic brutality, let us call it “religious fascism.”The ultimate objective of Islam is to rule over the entire world under the Islamic Ummah—never mind that these life-in-hand soldiers of Allah disagree with one another regarding the Ummah itself and who is to reign over it. That is a “family dispute” that they will resolve by their usual favorite method—brute force.

Like any organization and sub-organization, conflict exists. Islam is not an exception to that rule. They too disagree with one another on several issues. Each Islamic sect believes that it has the Prophet and Allah on its side and it will prevail over the other. For now, they should work diligently to achieve the intermediary goal of defeating all non-believers. There are countless instances that substantiate Muslims’ “End justifies the means” guiding principle. This policy dates to Muhammad himself.

Muhammad repeatedly made peace covenants with his adversaries, only to violate them as soon as he was in an advantageous position to do so. Betrayal, deception and outright lies are fully condoned in furthering the work of Islam. In the present-day world, the work of Islam is defined by a deeply-entrenched and influential clergy who issue fatwas—rulings—that become directives and laws to the faithful.

As an example, Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Iranian Islamic state, for one, made extensive use of the fatwa. Widely-known in the west as Khomeini’s fatwa condemning Salman Rushdie to death for his book “The Satanic Verses.” A less known fatwa of Khomeini during the last Iran-Iraq war led to the slaughter of thousands of Iranian children. Children, nearly all under 15 years of age, were given plastic keys to paradise as they were commanded by the fatwa of Khomeini to rush forward to clear minefields for the tanks to follow. The Islamic murderers, in obedience to the fatwa of a bloodthirsty man of Allah, had no problem in deceiving the clueless lads made in China plastic keys to paradise.

Such is the existential threat of Islam. It is a rigid Stone-Age controlling system with a stranglehold over many of nearly one and a half billion people under its command.

A dangerous feature of the fascistic personality is the relative lack of independent thought. This deficiency makes the person highly amenable to manipulation. Islam, by its rigidly authoritarian make-up, robs a Muslim of independent thought to the extent the believer blindly adopts it as his infallible system of belief. Hence, the ideology of Islam is guilty of conditioning masses of people as easily manipulated instruments in the hands of influential figures.

One of the greatest subtle, yet important differences between the Muslims’ thinking and that of the people in the West is the extent to which Muslims are fatalistic. There is hardly a statement that a Muslim makes without being conditional—conditional on the will of Allah. “I shall see you tomorrow, Allah willing,” “You will make it home, Allah willing,” “Things will work out, Allah willing,” and on and on and on. To the Muslim, Allah is on the job—on every job. Allah, with his invisible mighty hand, literally does run everything. “Allah’s hand is above all other hands,” adorns every imaginable space in Islamic lands—a telling point about the Muslim’s fatalism and submission to the omnipotent omnipresent hand. If something happens, it is Allah’s will. If it does not, it is Allah’s will. The rank and file Muslim has little will of his own. It absolves him of all responsibility. This mentality is in stark contrast with the “take charge” and “can do” mental characteristics of Americans in the West.

Intolerance, fatalism, institutionalized slavery, injustice, jihadism, oppression of women and non-Muslims, celebration of death, lack of respect for individualism, rejection of freedom and democracy, belief in the theocracy of Allah as administered by a self-serving clergy who are not accountable to the people, stifling of questioning and inquiry, disallowing all legitimate forms of freedom, and on and on.

And in the Quran, itself, Allah gives these people their mandate: Cleanse the earth from all kefir (infidels), and help usher in the Golden Rule of Islam over a corrupt world. This high-purpose strategic goal of Islamization legitimizes by any and all tactics.

Qur’an 8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.” Allah, in his kindness, leaves a bit of wiggle room for the unbelievers. Those who refuse to convert or whose life is spared may live under the rule of Islam by paying poll taxes (jizya).


Although I may be preaching to the choir, there are some things worth repeating. For now, Muslims in the West have realized that it is easier to change America through subversion (stealth jihad) than through violent jihad.

While many Muslims work around the clock  to advance their cause, i.e., to infiltrate our schools, education system, our law enforcement agencies, our healthcare system and run for an office with the help of Democrats and some GOP officials provide them with necessary tools, regrettably, only a small number of Americans understand the real threat.

There is no doubt Islam’s goal is to religiously dominate the world, which involves complete control over all phases of society through the brutal means of Sharia, with no distinction between mosque and state, between religion and liberties.

As Muslim organizations march through with their own crusade here in the United States, under our nose, I have yet to see any officials stopping them. On the contrary, they have been assisting them.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved

Humanism vs GOD – Socialism vs Liberty

By Ron Edwards

In the midst of these up and down times, it is comforting to know that one day in the distant future, Jesus Christ will return to reign supremely for a thousand years.  After that time God will bring forth a new heaven and a new earth for all his adoring children to enjoy eternally.  But as we can plainly observe, things are far from heavenly at this time.  Of course, so nobody gets it twisted, I am not declaring that every single detail of our lives are bad, nor current times hopeless.  But to every observant sovereign citizen, it is plain to see that ‘We the People’ need to be concerned, but not worried about current events.  In some respects, there is righteous indignation over the civil unrest and lawlessness being encouraged by leftist democrat politicians to spread everywhere, including to where you reside.

No sooner had we sensed a little sigh of relief from the ravages of the Coronachinavirus, then like clockwork, the preplanned ongoing racial and civil unrest began.  The perfect opportunity for the outbreak of destruction was the death of George Floyd, who struggled with police officers and then expired after while experiencing an eight minute knee smash to the neck.  Vociferous protests immediately erupted and are still happening in certain locations.  By now it is reasonably easy to conclude that the Black Lives Matter and Antifa Marxist/rioters/community activists are over their fake mourning period.  It is so disingenuous for the variety of America haters to be posing as people that are  concerned over the death of black Americans.  If their concern was genuine, then there would be ongoing discussion and concrete actions to stem the ongoing effort by black Americans to murder their fellow black Americans, both inside and outside the womb.

I believe there are three important areas to be addressed in order to properly address the ongoing effort of using the cry of racism to literally destroy our beloved republic.

  1. Engage in healthy “truthful” debate regarding ways in which we as sovereign Americans can work together to rebuild our republic that owes us nothing, but through opportunity offers us everything.
  2. To consistently teach the truth now and to succeeding generations regarding our national Bill of Rights and demand that government assume it’s proper position as defender of those rights. Also the reestablishment of personal responsibility for one’s own actions and reminding people that our rights actually come from, God Almighty.  That all men are created equal and their freedom is not permission to burn down the town for political, personal or so-called peaceful protest reasons.
  3. The time has come for the roots of foolishness to be ripped up and replaced with real solutions to certain problems like race relations. First and foremost, neither Antifa, or black lives Matter were created to foster real solutions to any problems whatsoever. They are both full blown Marxist organizations hell bent on the literal destruction of our land of liberty, and the death of anyone who disagrees with their evil mission.

What began as a maddening series of protests accusing police of racial bias quickly assumed the real motives of the perpetrators, to wreak massive destruction of any and everything beneficial to normal society.  Part of their deep, deep, dark mission is to also demolish our great institutions, history, the traditional God ordained family, male authority and the free market.  It is a shame that hotels in our national capital must board up all but one of their entry points, because arsonists and other brutes are allowed and encouraged to destroy property and threaten people.  But that is what Marxists do and have always done.  Then there is the old and worn out class envy card the activists/Marxists consistently throw out.  Both they and the political democrats hope to literally wipe out the middle class.  The reason is, the leftist goal of fundamentally transforming our republic into the peoples republic of Amerika will not happen, so long as the majority are reasonably successful and secure.  The middle class represents the opportunity for anyone to experience success and strive for greater achievement.  Unfortunately, the leftists/democrats want to take that away from us, so they can wield control from cradle to grave.

As we witness and engage in the epic battle over our republic, we must never forget that between the years 1917 and 2017, oppressive communist/leftist regimes were responsible for the unnecessary deaths of over 80,000,000 110,000,000 [million] people, most of whom simply wanted to live free and unmolested by cruel and inhumane dictatorships.  In our own hemisphere, the nation of Venezuela did not have to deteriorate into the abysmal communist state that exists there now.  It serves as a glaring warning for our own republic as anarchists seek to bring about those brutal conditions to our land.  The humanist root of communism/socialism must be destroyed and replaced via the reestablishment of America’s unique relationship with He whom the Founding Fathers recognized as our Creator.  As I have stated in my award winning radio commentary, The Edwards Notebook the number one enemy of the USA is the government indoctrinating school system.It must be abolished and reconfigured within the original framework to properly educate students.  If not, like Ronald Reagan said we would then be one nation gone under.  God bless you, God bless America and may America bless God.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Edwards: ronedwards@edwardsnotebook.com

Website: http://theronedwards.com/

I Ain’t Wearing No Stinkin’ Mask

Dave Daubenmire

Where will you draw the line?  At what point are you going to stand up and declare I WILL NOT COMPLY!!

I have already reached that point.  In fact, I never did buy into to the whole mask thingee. I have been around long enough to recognize a scam when I see one and from Jump Street the whole idea of wearing a mask seemed like nonsense to me. There are just too many was for ANY disease to spread.

Sorry, my friends, but it is common sense.  Everywhere you go someone has already been there.  Every doorknob, every handrail, every gas pump has already been touched by hundreds of other people.  The idea that a virus would ONLY spread through the face was as crazy as believing that filters on the end of cigarettes limited one’s changes of getting lung cancer.

Pardon the metaphor, but it was stupid on its face.  I never jumped at Jump Street and I am not jumping now no matter how much that 80-year-old ghoul Fauci tries to scare me.  (BTW why don’t these goons ever retire?  Fauci, Pelosi, et al…80 + Go home already.)

I ain’t wearing no mask.

I believe the virus is real.  I believe that some people die OF it.  But there is a difference between dying OF Covid and dying FROM Covid.  The more they test the population the more cases they discover.  That makes sense.  I would imagine that we all carry lots of things that we do not know that we have.

If I need a test to see if I have a virus does it even matter?  If I am not sick why do I need a test to tell me I am?  Back in the days when America was sane, they called that being a CARRIER.  Today they call that ASYMPTOMATIC …without symptoms.  In other words, you have the virus, but it does not make you sick.  According to a study published by TIME, 80% of those who have COVID NEVER GET SICK!!  Throughout human history we have quarantined the sick, not the healthy.

I ain’t wearing no stinkin’ mask.

Permit me to ask a few commonsense questions.  I apologize if logic triggers you or makes you dizzy, nauseous, or angry.

If masks work why do I have to wear one to protect you if you are wearing one?

Why is it ok to take off my mask to eat or drink?

If social distancing works why do I have to wear a mask?

How does the virus know it can only go 6 ft?

If masks work why did they release prisoners from jail rather than just giving them a mask?

How does the virus know to spread at Trump rallies but not at BLM riots?

Why does the virus spread in churches but not at Wal Mart, Lowe’s, Home Depot, or Krogers?

Where did Bill Gates get his medical degree?

Don’t get me started….

Is anyone with me here?  I AIN’T WEARING NO STINKIN MASK!!

I am sick it.  I’m sick of the bullying and the virtue signaling.  You are not a better person than me because you have a mask on your face.  I worry about REAL health issues like the GMO poisoning of our food, the Nazi-like control of America by Big Pharma, the effects of 5G, the manipulation of TRUTH by the media, and diabolical plan to vaccinate all Americans.  Mandatory vaccinations, I might add.  Brought to you by the rock group The Fauci Five.

Vaccinations are dangerous.  You don’t have to believe me.  You can ignore all the voices giving warning to the dangers of injecting foreign DNA into our bodies.  YOU can take the vaccine if you want to but why do you want to push your VALUES on me?  My Body, my choice, right?  Or does that only apply to dismembering little people inside their mommy’s womb so that they can inject the baby’s cells into you through vaccinations.

Oh Yeah.  You didn’t hear about that from The Fauci Five and the controlled media?  Read it here.  Deny it if you want to.  Do so at your own peril.  Aborted baby cells are used in vaccines. Here.  You damn science deniers.  You believe in wearing masks but deny aborted fetal tissue in vaccines.

Let me say it again.  I ain’t wearing no mask.

And I am not going to take a vaccination either.  I have already drawn my line in the sand.  I have stopped going to some of my regular haunts because of their mask policies. “Just comply, Coach!  It is only a mask.  What harm can it do?”

Idon’t know what harm it can do and neither do you.  Stop twisting my arm and inferring what a rotten human being I am simply because I will not fall in line like some brain-dead goat and Baaaa to the latest demands of the “government experts.”

Aren’t these the same “experts” that tell us that an unborn baby is not alive?

Just this week the CDC reported that 6% of all deaths during this PLANDEMIC were a result of COVID ONLYand yet the media continues to blow the horn about how many new cases are appearing in the country.  More people are getting the virus and fewer people are dying.  Evidently the masks don’t prevent us from getting the disease but are we to assume the mask keeps us from dying once we get it? I wonder how many of those who died with COVID wore masks to prevent it?  Wake the hades up!

We are being conditioned, my friends.  If you do not have the courage to say NO to mandatory masks do you actually believe you will have the courage to say NO to mandatory vaccinations?

Mandatory masks…mandatory vaccinations.   You better decide NOW.

I have drawn my line in the sand.  My body…my choice.  Not just NO to masks…but HELL NO!

I ain’t wearing no stinkin’ mask.

© 2020 Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Dave Daubenmire: ptsalt@gmail.com

Will America Survive Another 100 Million Immigrants: Running America Out of Water?

By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 7: We’re on the edge of water scarcity in seven states today, much worse tomorrow with another 100 million immigrants

As we dive deeper into this series, do you feel a sense of alarm?  How scared out of your wits are you?  What about your children who will be caught in the middle of this human tidal wave or better yet, a “Human Katrina?”  And like Katrina, meteorologists warned everyone to get out of New Orleans.  They talked about 150 mile per hour winds that would rip everything to shreds.  It did!

Yet, too many people stayed in their homes, couldn’t get out and/or simply resigned their lives to Mother Nature.  They died.  They had to be saved by brave people.  The carnage?  Unbelievable!

Last year, I traveled to Mexico Beach where a Hurricane Michael barreled through the area and tore buildings off their foundations.  At one resort hotel, the only thing left—a toilet sticking out of the floor tiling while the hotel landed somewhere inland.

(We witnessed a 40 mile swath of destruction along Mexico Beach, Florida from Hurricane Michael. As noted, the only thing left of that hotel was the toilet. If we keep adding immigrants to America, we won’t have enough water to fill a toilet.) Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

Yes, most of us weren’t affected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Michael that hit Mexico Beach.

(We witnessed this kind of destruction from Hurricane Michael in 2019 for 40 miles.  Again, every American faces this kind of a future in shambles if we fail to stop mass immigration of another 100 million people. What are you going to do for your children once you understand the enormity of our predicament?)  Photography by Frosty Wooldridge

But I’m going to guarantee you this fact right now in the middle of this series: if we don’t stop mass immigration into the United States, EVERY single American of every race, creed and color WILL be drastically affected when we add another 100 million immigrants to our country to reach 440 million around 2050.  There won’t be any escaping to safety because there won’t be ‘safety’ for anyone.

We’re going to talk about entire systems breaking down.

Let’s Start With Water

Over in Africa, India or the Middle East, a person uses less than five gallons per day. When that immigrant sheds his or her misery in his or her overpopulated country, and arrives in America—their water usage explodes to 88 gallons a day at home.

When you multiply that times 330,000,000 Americans in 2020, you see an astronomical  29,304,000,000,000 (trillion) gallons used 24/7.  Let’s add another 100,000,000 immigrants times 88 gallons equates to another 880,000,000 (million) gallons 24/7.

Now let’s look at the cows, pigs, and chickens that must be fed, watered and fattened daily.  A milking dairy cow drinks 30 to 50 gallons of fresh water a day.  American farmers keep 9,000,000 (million) dairy cows to keep your table filled with milk 24/7.   That equals 450,000,000 (million) gallons of water daily to keep you in milk.

Now let’s add another 100,000,000 immigrants who will follow the same practices and uses of dairy products. As you can see, these numbers climb to insane levels.  They’re not sustainable. There’s only a limited amount of rainwater, ground water and fresh water in lakes.

To grow crops, you see HUGE circular irrigation sprayers all over this country. They suck up the Ogallala Aquifer in Nebraska much faster than it can charge.  That’s happening all over America.  At some point, there will not be enough underground water supplies to irrigate our crops.

We’re not even talking about water usage for pools, products from manufacturing that utilize water by the billions of gallons.

While we’re at it, we’ve got HUGE hog farms, chicken farms and beef farms that dump billions of tons of fecal and urine waste into the ground that ends up in ground water.

Have you notice cities with sprinkler systems? How about the millions of gallons daily for golf courses?

Today, eight states face severe water shortages in 2020. They are: South Carolina, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, Oregon and the granddaddy of all drought areas—California—with 38 million people—and projected to reach 59 million by 2050.

“California’s current water shortage crisis is in the midst of its fourth straight year.  Sever to exceptional drought conditions affected the entire state for two straights months in summer months. More than 38 million Californians live in drought areas. The highest number of people in the United States.”  (Source: USA Today, 9/7/15)

If you think they suffer problems in 2020, I’ll bet they can’t wait to see their state driven up to 58 million by 2050 as projected by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Ironically, 98 percent of their growth stems from legal and illegal immigration.  ( Source: www.CapsWeb.org)

So, are you thoroughly depressed or is that a burr under your saddle?  Be absolutely certain that this report only touches the surface of what WE ALL FACE if this immigration invasion continues.

As Clint Eastwood once said, “Whiskey’s for drinking, but water is for fighting’.”

If we add another 100 million people to our country, we’re all going to be fighting for water, paying horrendous prices for water, and, at some point, we will not be able to solve our water shortages because there will be too many people and too little water.

As an American journalist, and as a father to two boys, and as a rational/common sense individual—I hope you send this series to all your friends. We NEED a national conversation-debate on changing course for our children. Not ten years down the road when there are an added 35 million more of us.  But today!

Again, remember that a Constitutional Republic is not a spectator form of governance.  It’s up to your to take action.  Write to ABC, NBC, CBS, 60 Minutes (60M@cbsnews.com), CNN, NPR, PBS, your local radio and TV stations. Demand they interview top specialists on the many facets of human overpopulation and how it will affect everyone in less than 30 years.  Tell them you want a national discussion-debate on what kind of a civilization you want to bequeath to your children.

If you do take action, here are some points to make with your elected officials:

What can we do to save our civilization? 

  1. We need to shut down all immigration into America, period.  We don’t need them, we can’t sustain them, and we cannot survive them.  Remember, the third world adds 80 million net gain, annually, so there is not end to the line.  Immigration remains futile for them and for us.
  2. Secure the borders with troops, walls and barbed wire.
  3. Start using tracking devices for all visas into the USA to make sure they exit after their visit.  Create prohibitive consequences of jail and fines.
  4. Stop all pregnant illegal alien mothers from birthing their “anchor babies” on our soil to gain instant citizenship. Simply amend the 14th amendment to negate birthright citizenship.  Deport them.
  5. Under US Code 8, section 1425, it’s a Federal Crime to hire, transport and house an illegal alien. Each one costs employers $2,000.00 and up to 5 years in prison.  Simply enforce that law to stop all illegal immigration, and slowly and methodically deport every illegal, all 25 million of them, as we catch them in housing, in cars, in jobs.
  6. DACA: if they want citizenship, they MUST graduate from high school, be proficient in English, work a full-time job, no welfare or EBT cards, and no criminal or DUI convictions. If they break the law, deport them.
  7. Finally, what kind of a civilization do we want to hand over to our children?  A viable and sustainable one?  Or the one being described in this series?  Ask yourself what you want for your children?

Finally, we need to move on these points NOW, not later, not in five years, and not sometime in the future.  If you have more solutions, please write me.  Do you see that I am describing a future that allows no escape if we don’t change course?  If you don’t see it, what can I research and write to help every American understand the  dire consequences of endless mass immigration?  In the end, would you like to see yourself living in America in 2050?  So, why would you condemn your kids to that harsh reality?

© 2020 Frosty Wooldridge – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Frosty: frostyw@juno.com

Now, Will You Listen?

By Lee Duigon

Should parents have any say in what their children are taught in public schools?

“Hell no!” say the—ahem—educators.

So in Rutherford County, Tennessee, “school officials” are demanding that parents sign a waiver promising not to listen in on their kids’ lessons in the virtual classroom. This would be the remote learning provided by the school district, using its own teachers.

They want the poor devils who pay for all this “education” to waive their rights as parents—and waive their responsibilities, too, while they’re at it. Shut up and pay—six-figure salaries, and benefits that most taxpayers can only fantasize about.

Once upon a time the people in the communities served by the schools, who paid for the schools, decided what was taught and who taught it. Government wrested that right away from them, creating a federal Dept. of Education, with Title This and Title That, and the various state departments of education. Local school boards, elected by the people, can only do what the state allows them to do; and in the unlikely event that the state sides with the people against the educators, a friendly Democrat judge will whip them right back into line.

So now, smug and secure in their power, and in their friends in politics, school officials tell parents, “Just butt out! What we teach your kids is none of your business. Your business is to shut up and pay your taxes.”

They say it’s for “privacy.” They say it’s so they can teach the kiddies all about “diversity”—which the rest of us know as coerced uniformity of thought—and America’s profoundly incurable racism. With a little bit of Climate Change and Green New Deal thrown in. They don’t want parents interfering in this process.

So they make us pay them to browbeat our children and turn them against their families, their country, and their God. Your hard-earned tax dollars pay for it.

If the parents can’t hear it, and discuss it, then it just plain shouldn’t be taught. Everybody used to understand that. Then along came the radical teachers’ unions—“Red for ed,” they call themselves—and the insatiable demands of government, and that was the end of the people owning the schools they pay for.

Homeschooling advocates and public commentators have been warning you about this for years—but who listened? Public school was so convenient! You didn’t even have to write out a check for it; they just sucked it out of your property and income taxes. Without a care in the world, you just sent your kids off to school each day and that was all there was to it. Simple. Easy. You didn’t have to devote any thought to it at all. Seductive.

And now they’ve got you where they want you. Far Left Crazy doesn’t have to reproduce: they just turn your children into clones of themselves. And you pay them for it.

“Conservatives” nationwide are loudly calling for the public schools to be re-opened, enough of the COVID-19 quarantine already. How stupid is that? Do they think those Red for ed teachers are going to teach the kids to love their country? How can they not know the truth? Thousands of reports have been made public; and yet too many people still say, “Oh, no! That doesn’t happen in our schools!”

Because if they ever accepted the truth, they’d have to do something about it. They’d have to take responsibility for their children’s education—and who wants more responsibility? Homeschool, Christian school, local education cooperatives: these are only three of the available alternatives to public schooling. But they all translate into extra effort, extra time; and who wants that?

So now they’ve got you, people. Now they feel secure enough to tell you just back off and leave them to it, indoctrinating your children into the wonderful world of woke. Let them get on with the business of fundamentally transforming your country out from under you.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week at my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in for a visit; a single click will take you there. My articles can also be found at www.chalcedon.edu/ .

© 2020 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Trump Has Already Won in 3 Big Ways

Laurie Roth

President Donald Trump has already won and will soon get reelected in a massive landslide victory.  This coming victory will magically escape most of the media and pollsters yet again as it did in 2016.

‘Ground Hog Day’ will repeat the Hillary and Trump election cycle in the media and polls. This time with Trump and Biden.   Trump will win no matter what the misleading media and many lying polls say.  Most of us will be bored of the repeat movie that will play yet again.  This time we will be praying for commercials to give us a break.

Trump will hugely win. This will occur no matter how many drugs Biden is given to function or no matter how many attacks and lies he and Kamala continue to hurl.  It will also happen no matter what combination of Black and White Kamala is.

Biden and Kamala have no clue as to the real heart and soul of America.  By far, most Americans could care less what nationality combo or gender you are.  They support and love the melting pot and variety Americans have to offer.  What the Democrats don’t seem to understand though is that‘the people’ want and demand 100% American with real, character to lead our nation.  We are sick of Democratapology tours and forced, injections of shame pushed in the heart and soul of our lives and culture.

3 Big ways Trump already has won

1st Win – He submits to God and the Holy Bible as the real inspiration, power and heart of America.  Because of his core, Christian beliefs, freedom and morals are coupled together.Trump doesn’t just invent morals and what is right and wrong as you go along.  Trump knows and is proud of the framework of America and builds from there.  Biden and Kamala build from a distorted and evolving power base that faithfully turns American history and greatness into amoral and shameful Jell-O.

2nd Win – Trump loves America and the people of America.  He believes in her greatness, prosperity, goodness and hope.  Biden and Kamala believe America is in darkness and they continue the Democrat message of shame and the importance of being your own God.  Trump has already won again.

The big ‘election losing’ problem Biden and Kamala have is that like most liberal Democrats, they only believe in freedom for themselves and fanaticize on training and manipulating the masses to become high tax paying surfs.  With their buckets of shame, they promote redistributing and dissecting America in their Un Godly image.  Our miraculous history is not meant to cherish and preserve but to attack and rewrite.

3rd Win – Trump will win reelection and be President for another 4 years. Hewill shake the Democrat liberals to their bones as they see their power shatter along with their ungodlyschemes, violence across the country and their message of a ‘Dark’ America, void of any hope without them.

The people know, no matter what Biden and Kamala say, that the violence and attacks all across our country have been supported by Democrats.  Biden and Democrats at their convention recently, said nada, zero about the massive burnings, riots and killings going on by Antifa and other paid radicals who have been destroying everything in site for many months now.

The purpose of the rioters was never reacting to the murder of Floyd George, but a massive, criminal effort to try and blame Trump for all the unrest and violence.  The only problem with that is that most of America with an IQ above 35, already know that the Mayors and Governors all across the country who minimize, stand with and look the other way as their cities burn and people die, are liberal Democrats.  These same Democrats have refused all the way along Trump’s offer to bring in the national guard and secure safety again for their citizens.

It is proven yet again, the Democrat Governors and Mayors of American cities would rather see their people shot and killed while businesses fail and economies go up in flames than to gain control, stop the violence and return safety to their people.  That is how desperate they are to blame Trump for anything they can try and conjure up.

Finally, here are just a few things that ‘the people’ already know.

1) Biden doesn’t have the brain power, moral backbone or history to be President.

2) Kamala is too much of a radical, liar and race batter to be taken seriously other than a tantrum thrower.

3) American knows that Biden, Kamala and have always supported Antifa and the violent protestors, especially if they can twist the truth around and pin it all on Trump.

4) Americans know that Trump is a real patriot, full of hope and has done more in his first 4 years than most of our Presidents combined.  He has led with honor, courage, perseverance and love for God, our Constitution and the people of America.  He is returning American the Great, not America the Shamed.

Make sure you join the Trump victory train.  Pray, Believe and vote for your country.

© 2020 Laurie Roth – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Laurie Roth: drljroth@aol.com

The Democrats’ Mental Problem

Joan Swirsky

It’s not a recent observation on my part; it goes back decades, so I’ve had a long time to figure out the meaning of this peculiar phenomenon. Specifically, it’s that Conservatives like me seem to enjoy the lion’s share of being in a good mood, feeling optimistic, trusting that the many forms of rugged individualism can solve most problems, smiling easily and often, and generally seeing both the present and future as glasses half full.

Not one of these things can be said of leftists, and nothing brought that truth more vividly alive than watching the Democrat and Republican conventions in August.


On the one hand was the virtual presentation of a pitifully diminished candidate, propped up by a long line of speakers who had only bitter, nasty, negative and of course pessimistic things to say about our country. Did I forget racist? Here, writer Thomas Gallatin discusses Michelle Obama’s unfortunate presentation and the irony of a “party that loves to claim for itself the mantel of ‘diversity’ and ‘anti-racism’ [being] the same party that promotes racist identity politics.”

Not a single smile in four days––only relentless negativity. And not one word––from candidate Biden, VP candidate Kalamity Harris, the speakers, or their leftwing media whores––about the nearly three-month, non-stop rampaging destruction by the communist group Black Lives Matter and the anarchists of Antifa in committing daily and nightly acts of:

  • Arson,
  • Tearing down both black and white businesses,
  • Destroying historical statuary
  • Widespread grand theft,
  • Violent assaults,
  • Murder.

And of  course no mention in the entire Democrat convention that the crimes of these Biden supporters were taking place, significantly, in dozens of Democrat-run cities, including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Kenosha, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, Phoenix, Portland, Richmond, Seattle, St. Louis, Washington, D.C., on and on.

Even after the convention, Biden had nothing to say about the escalating violence until just the other day when his poll numbers plunged precipitously. It took him 86 days of silence before he called the criminal chaos we have all been witnessing day and night “needless”––something you would tell a waitress who brought you an extra fork. As NY radio host Mark Simone tweeted about Biden’s milquetoast response: “What a profile in courage!”


In dramatic contrast, the live Republican convention––“Honoring the Great American Story” ––featured a president, VP, and numerous speakers and guests who conveyed boundless optimism and celebrated:

  • Just a few of the president’s mind-bending accomplishments in less than four years.
  • The genuine diversity and success stories of the past four years,
  • The heroism of our military and police forces,
  • The winding down of Covid-19,
  • The waking up of the greatest economy (and employment) in American history,
  • Ambitious plans for a safe and prosperous future.

Smiles all around.


Joe Biden has to say no to running on the economy because he and the community organizer he served under ran one of the worst economies in modern times.

Joe Biden has to say no to running on domestic security because he and the Choom Gang guy he served under not only supported open borders but constructed the “cages” to hold children not yet processed into the system.

Joe Biden has to say no to running on national security because he and the Iran-infatuated man he served under supported and gave billions of dollars to that terrorist nation.


However, the Mission Statement of Joe Biden––and the Democratic National Committee––has a great number of platforms he says yes to. Their goals, states writer Linda Goudsmit, are Humanitarian Hoaxes––“deliberate and deceitful tactics of presenting destructive policies as altruistic.”

  • Joe says YES to Open Borders. This “power grab,” says Goudsmit, has the “twin benefits of overwhelming the country with illegals who will vote for the Democrats who let them in, and collapsing the economy by overloading the welfare system––it is the destructive socialists’ Cloward-Piven Strategy on steroids.”
  • Joe says YES to educational indoctrination through the Common Core, ahem, “standards” that were introduced during the Obama-Biden years. This “anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, pro-Muslim” agenda, Goudsmit explains, “rejects American sovereignty, American exceptionalism, American Judeo-Christian traditions, and the American meritocracy,” and will indoctrinate our school children “to be self-loathing Americans.”
  • Joe says YES to the economy-killing Green New Deal, the brainchild of freshman radical Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). According to writer Monica Showalter, this “vaunted idea was a mess of teenage-looking brainstorms devoted to creating a teenager’s vision of Utopia, cooked up from the fervid imagination of a 29-year-old bartender.” Not only would its followers continue their fetish with the hoax of global warming, but they would impose costly Draconian rules for the rest of us to abide by.
  • Joe says YES to socialized medicine like Obamacare, a healthcare delivery system that has failed in every country on which it has ever been inflicted.
  • Joe says YES to the current, Obama-created “Resistance” movement until the thugs and anarchists he so tepidly chastised the other day complete their work by invading the suburbs with their “13% Racial Housing Solution,” eliminating both the concept and reality of law and order, and completing their destruction of the capitalist system under which America became and remains the most powerful and generous country in world history.
  • And Joe definitely says YES to sky-high taxes and strangulating regulations, which is immutably encoded in Democrat DNA

And if a Biden regime should ever come to pass, and all of the Democrat dreams come true, you can bet that we will witness four years of the same dour expressions, chronic complaints, and a complete absence of smiles.


And if a Biden regime should ever come to pass, and all of the Democrat dreams come true, you can bet that we will witness four years of the same dour expressions, chronic complaints, and a complete absence of smiles.

It is now so obvious that Democrats don’t smile because they suffer from a low-level of chronic depression and anxiety. Even in victory, their smiles appear forced and phony. Even when they’re in power, they see doom and gloom everywhere, victims around every corner, the sky always falling, the glass inevitably half empty.

In short, they don’t feel good….they feel bad. If you eat something bad, you can vomit it out. But when you feel bad and want to get rid of the feeling, you use projection––a psychological defense mechanism in which people attribute characteristics they find unacceptable in themselves to others. That’s why today’s Democrats project all of their terrible choices and failings onto President Trump. It’s simply another form of vomit.

This symptomology has remained so consistent for so many decades that it’s surprising that this form of subclinical depression and agitation hasn’t yet shown up in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). This is probably because so many clinicians are or should be classified themselves as DDDOPE––Depressed Democrats Denying Objective Proof Eternally.

Of course leftists rationalize that they care more, have more empathy and sympathy, etc. Don’t be fooled. They suffer from an untreated mental condition that no amount of windmills, high taxes, open borders, third-term abortions and street anarchy will ever cure!

© 2020 Joan Swirsky – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Joan Swirsky: joanswirsky@gmail.com

Website: http://www.joanswirsky.com

Conservatives Learn to Fight Back

By Cliff Kincaid

In his great book, Unmasking Obama, Jack Cashill tells the story of those in the alternative media who uncovered a series of scandals involving Barack Hussein Obama, his campaign, and presidency. However, it didn’t help that the Republicans nominated two weak candidates, John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012, who shied away from talking about the scandals (such as that of Obama’s communist mentor).

The truth finally did break through, in dramatic fashion, when Donald J. Trump defeated Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for the presidency in 2016. Trump had talked about previously taboo topics, such as the questionable suicide finding regarding the death of Clinton White House lawyer Vincent Foster. Trump called it fishy.

In fact, there was a lot “fishy” with Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill. Trump struck a nerve, putting the Democratic Party on notice that Republicans were done playing Mr. Nice Guy with the opposition forces, including those in the media establishment.

This effort has continued and as a result the numbers of those in the public at large who are receptive to the conservative alternative media, what Jack Cashill calls the “samizdat,” has been growing. The term refers to the underground press during Soviet times. In America it separates the alternative media from the “mainstream media,” a corrupt and political press corps that is sympathetic to and in fact trained by left-wing forces (in academia).

Significantly, Trump has given people the courage to stand up for their views. Of course, this also helps explain the determined efforts by Big Tech to censor these views as the election approaches. Ironically, however, more censorship encourages people to find out what is being censored. People resent being told what to think and say. When Trump is censored by Twitter, people wonder why, and his popularity grows. People have the ability in most circumstances to check the facts for themselves, without resorting to phony official “fact-checkers” that continue to distort and mislead.

Some of those in the alternative media, such as myself, were victims of groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Council on American-Islamic Relations. Typically, we were attacked for various phobias, such as alleged “homophobia” or “Islamophobia.” These attacks would then become part of what Google would highlight as defining characteristics of America’s alternative voices. It was a way to intimidate, harass, and censor us. These attacks continue to this day, such as when leftists take on the assignment of targeting a particular conservative journalist or personality. When it crosses the line into cyberstalking, the police can get involved.

Fortunately, a legal group, the FightBack Foundation, has emerged to take the fight on a national level to the those orchestrating the smears. Here’s what the group says on its webpage: “Nick Sandmann. Carter Page. Dr. Simone Gold. All attacked by the radical left media with lies, smears, and fake news. For years, the radical left has attacked anyone who stands in their way. And since no one will challenge them, we will do it. We sue left-wing ‘journalists’ and others who defame lie, smear, and silence conservatives and patriots.”

You may recognize the names on that list as those of the Catholic young man who stood his ground against left-wing agitators, the Trump foreign policy adviser who was smeared in the Russia probe, and the medical doctor fired after offering her expert opinion on the coronavirus.  Another name has been added — Kyle Rittenhouse, a young man charged with various crimes for defending himself against Antifa violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin. A lawyer from the FightBack law firm, John Pierce, was on Tucker Carlson’s Fox show on  Monday night, explaining why he has accepted the case and why Rittenhouse should not have been charged with any crime. His own firm Pierce Bainbridge has issued a statement about the case.

At a news conference on Monday, Trump went to the defense of Rittenhouse, noting that the case is under investigation but that it appeared he was being attacked when he shot his rifle. Tucker Carlson and his guest attorney Pierce went through the actual video of the shootings, demonstrating that Rittenhouse was in fact defending himself.

Carlson is fighting back in his own way and making a difference.

But the battle in the media continues to be difficult, as we have seen when some politicians get media protection when they tell obvious lies, such as that violence is not violence, and more innocent lives are being lost. One of the victims was Aaron Danielson, a Trump supporter and member of the conservative group Patriot Prayer. He was reportedly targeted for murder.

In a message to his supporters, President Trump referred to Joe Biden’s Monday speech, noting, “He went on LIVE TV and REFUSED to condemn (or even mention) radical Left-wing groups like Antifa.” It’s true. It’s also true that Antifa participated in a so-called international battalion trying to establish a Marxist utopia in Syria known as Rojava. When Trump ordered American troops not to get in the middle of Syrian and Turkish troops, some of these Antifa fighters came back to America to wage war on the streets of places like Portland and Kenosha. They should have been caught and arrested at the border.

All of this was confirmed, ironically, by the left-wing Nation magazine, in a story about a U.S. intelligence report, titled “The Syrian Conflict and Its Nexus to the U.S.-based Antifascist Movement.” The magazine was confirming, without understanding its significance, that Antifa is not just a domestic terrorist organization but a global threat. As such, the Department of Justice has every legal justification for investigating its sources of funding and ultimate direction. Trump calls them the people “in the dark shadows.”

The battle we waged to tell the truth about Obama is now underway in regard to exposing the nature and source of the violence and riots in major cities. The “samizdat” movement is back again. Read Jack Cashill’s book to understand how the censors work to prevent the truth about coming out.

© 2020 Cliff Kincaid – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Cliff Kincaid: kincaid@comcast.net

In The Human Species, All Roads Lead To Insanity

By Ron Ewart

“The personal ego already has a strong element of dysfunction, but the collective ego is, frequently, even more dysfunctional, to the point of absolute insanity.” Eckhart Tolle, contemporary spiritual teacher and best-selling author

There are millions upon millions of good, sane people on this earth.  But history has shown us that human goodness can be crushed in an instant by the insane power of the state.

On January 1, 1958 Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong announced his new “Great Leap Forward” for the people of China.  The net result of Chairman Mao’s plans for improving the economy of China resulted in the deaths of between 20 to 46 million Chinese, mostly from starvation due to a massive, government-created famine.  Mao accomplished this feat by confiscating all the agricultural crops from the nation’s farmers, leaving nothing for the farmers to eat.  The people couldn’t resist, even if they wanted to, because Mao owned all the guns and controlled the military.

The current Chinese Communist Party under its leader Xi Jinping, is forcing millions of Chinese Uighur Muslims in western China into labor camps, requiring them to listen to lectures and sing hymns praising the Chinese Communist Party.  Nothing has changed in 13 Chinese dynasties since 2070 BC when the first Chinese dynasty was inaugurated.  Chinese oppression of its people is alive and well and has been for 4,000 years.  There have been many uprising in China but none of them stuck for long.

In 1932 – 1933, Joseph Stalin did roughly the same thing to the people of Ukraine.  Stalin imposed what was called collectivization, which replaced individually owned and operated farms with large state-run collectives.  The farmers resisted and in retaliation Stalin confiscated their crops and deported over 50,000 Ukraine’s to the Siberian gulags.  Most Ukraine-produced farm products ended up in the big cities of the Soviet Union, leaving around 7,000,000 Ukraine’s to starve.  One observer wrote that “you could see the people walking about, and one would drop, and then another, and then another.”  Many Ukraine’s were so emaciated that their bodies began to swell and stink.  Hospital staff were seen carrying bodies out of hospitals, to be thrown into giant pits.

Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, communist leader of Romania, (1965 to 1969) did the same thing to his farmers when he assumed power.  Nicolae and his peasant wife were so cruel to the people of Romania, he was summarily executed by his own military guards.  Once again, the people couldn’t resist, even if they wanted to, because Ceausescu owned all the guns and controlled the military.

Everyone knows of the infamous Adolph Hitler that killed at least 6 million Jews in an attempt to exterminate an entire race.  It has been estimated that Hitler caused, at a minimum, 50,000,000 deaths during his reign as Chancellor of Germany and the Second World War.  The people couldn’t resist, even if they wanted to, because Hitler owned all the guns, controlled the military and disarmed the citizens.

All over the planet, little dictators are persecuting and terrorizing the inhabitants.  In many cases, dictators gain huge riches by exploiting the country’s natural resources, or implementing slave labor.  Or, they are being supported by massive foreign aid from western countries.  Corruption, cruelty and barbarism are the rules of the day.  The people are helpless to resist out of fear of being starved, imprisoned, tortured, or killed by the dictator’s army.

But it isn’t just dictators that rule the people of the earth.  Many nations are ruled by politburos.  Politburos are policy-making committees of communist or socialist run countries.  Nevertheless, the people of such nations are but pawns and slaves of the communist party elites and their plight is the same as a country run by a dictator.

Sadly ladies and gentlemen, insanity, cruelty and enslavement reign on planet earth.  Peace and tranquility are the exception, not the rule, except maybe in America where the last vestiges of freedom are slowly dying before our very eyes as we succumb to a radical ideology and insane policies.

Most of the African and South and Central American countries are run by dictators, or ruled by some version of a politburo.  Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have descended into socialism and stagnating economies.  China is a wholly communist nation with the goal of being the dominant economic and military power in the world.  Russia is essentially a dictatorship under the thumb of Vladimir Putin.  The Middle East is locked in a power struggle between two opposing versions of Islam, excluding the state of Israel.  The only continent allegedly free of politics, death, destruction and insanity is Antarctica where only the scientists and the Penguins rule.

All of this is punctuated by several nations possessing nuclear weapons of mass destruction.  An unintended twitch here, or a twitch there and the peoples of the planet could be condemned to mass extinction and nuclear winter.  Now that is insane.

Adding to the planet-wide insanity is the criminal activity of drug trafficking, human smuggling, illegal border crossings and white slavery.   The human misery and suffering that afflicts innocent people from this activity, knows no bounds.  Of course, this is all insane.

There is only one free nation, America that stands in the way of perpetual wars, perpetual enslavement and starvation, perpetual crime and perpetual misery, on all continents save one.  That is if Americans can prevent being sucked into the swirling vortex of utopian socialism and world government that socialist Democrats seem want to pull us.

America has become hopelessly divided by two opposing ideologies that are like oil and water to each other. Neither ideology can exist with the other in peace, much like the Islamic Sunni and Shia Moslems of the Middle East that are in constant conflict.

One of the American ideologies believes in individual freedom, God-given natural rights and Constitutional representative government.  The other ideology believes in a strong central government and total dependency on government by the people, led by an Absolute Democrat Monarchy.  The former leads to freedom.  The latter leads to total enslavement and is truly insane.

One of the ideologies must become dominant for it to survive.  To become dominant it must crush the other ideology with violence and intimidation.   Or it must somehow peacefully convince the other ideology that it is flawed and wrong.

The socialist Democrats of America have decided to crush the conservative ideology with violence, intimidation, censorship and application of the “cancel culture.”  Their efforts are greatly enhanced by public school indoctrination centers, a wholly liberal academia and corporate and union assistance. Added to that is socialist Democrats being aided and abetted by the news and social media.  It is a winning strategy, except for one fly in the ointment.

The conservative ideology is not going quietly into the night without a whimper and in contrast to the people under dictatorships and politburos, Americans own guns, millions upon millions of them.  Many of those people are trained military and have already been through several tours of war.  They would rather live in peace but if war comes to them they won’t shrink from it.

One ex-military marine put it this way:  (We cleaned it up a little)

“All you young and naive kids on both sides of this equation who think that having a Civil War will advance your agenda or restore your vision of what you think is America, just remember this … Those of us older generations aren’t [putting up with your crap.] And if you jump off, you better be prepared to deal with us.  We don’t care what color clothes you’re wearing, or what sign you’re holding, or the color of your skin.  If you come after us, our friends, our family, our co-workers, our neighbors, etc., we will kill you.”  

As an example, when ANTIFA came to the little town of Coeur d’alene, Idaho, the men and women of Coeur d’alene came out in full force with guns at the ready.  They found the ANTIFA cars and showed them out of town.  ANTIFA is not likely to return to the streets of Coeur d’alene any time soon. (See: “The Only Way To Confront Violence Is With Violence.”)

We don’t know the outcome of the battle between the conservative and socialist democrat ideologies yet.  The story is ongoing and perpetual.  Certain forces are always at play to crush freedom.  The preservation of freedom seems to always come from armed conflict and revolution.  The reason is, “In the Human Species, All Roads Lead To Insanity.”

No matter how we slice it, whomever wins in November, the conflict between the two ideologies will rage on until one vanquishes the other in a battle between insanity and reason.  There is no way the two ideologies can live in peace.  Either socialism or freedom will win out.

Whether Trump or Biden wins, violence will continue to grow across the land as each ideology jockeys for the heart of the people by violent or peaceful means.   Putting down the rioting and violence with law enforcement or a military army will only serve to harden the resolve of the rioters, looters and arsonists.  It will not change their minds or cause them to become more peaceful.  It might send them underground for a while but eventually they will re-surface again and again.   You see they have become insane over a Democrat-created falsehood, systemic racism.

Each American has the opportunity to choose between government-run control of everything, confiscation of our guns, nationalization of health care, open borders, repeal of the Electoral College, de-funding the police, rising violence and crime, rising taxes, increased regulation, the war against alleged climate change on steroids, the unconscionable reduction of our fossil fuel energy supply, rolling black outs, global government, or God knows what else. OR, they can choose the preservation, protection and defending individual freedom and unalienable rights under a Constitutional Republic, national sovereignty and a strong, vibrant economy under capitalism and free markets.  If Americans choose the former, they are hopelessly insane.   If they choose the latter, the rights of the individual, freedom, growing opportunities and financial security could be preserved.

Unfortunately, the only logical conclusion one can come to is that the growing conflict between the two ideologies has no other path than open warfare, unless, in the end, cooler heads prevail.  We’re not holding our collective breath in anticipation of such an outcome because “In the Human Species, All Roads Lead To Insanity.”  Too many Americans don’t deserve freedom and should be remanded to the dark confines of the insane asylum, colloquially referred to as the coo coo nest.

This author is not religious but it may very well be that the Judeo-Christian religions have prevented the human species from going altogether stark raving mad, at least here in America.

© 2020 Ron Ewart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Ron Ewart: info@narlo.org

Read over 500 powerful conservative articles like this one HERE.

Created Crisis: They Have Lost The Coronavirus Narrative

Bradlee Dean

Now Yale University Is Attempting To Manipulate People Into Taking The Vaccinations

“You never let a good crisis go to waste. And what do I mean by that; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” —Rahm Emanuel

For anyone that is paying attention to the perpetuated fear and fraud that is being pushed on the American people by special interest groups operating through corrupt politicians in American government today, you can see clearly that they have lost the narrative no matter how hard they push their propaganda through the “useful idiots” found in the mainstream media (Luke 22:48).

It took a little bit for the people to begin to put the pieces together in exposing this preplanned agenda (Isaiah 28:18).

First, they attempted forced compliance through their unconstitutional edicts in hopes that no one would know the difference.  Then they got a major kick back by the people across the country (Psalm 94:20).

This, of course, happened because people were, in fact, paying attention to the doctors that were telling us the truth in contrast to what the mainstream media and big tech companies were promulgating.

People also considered the source, namely Bill and Melinda Gates, who are NOT licensed doctors nor are they elected representatives in America. Also, bringing into the equation was Bill Gates call for depopulation on a global scale (John 10:10), which only makes sense considering that Bill’s father was the head of Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for the murder of over 60 million babies in America alone (Proverbs 6:17).

This now brings me to Ben Swan and his discovery of Yale’s recent study to manipulate Americans into taking a COVlD Vaccine.

In conclusion: I started off with former Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel’s quote:  “You never let a good crisis go to waste. And what do I mean by that; it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before,” even when they have to create it themselves.

© 2020 Bradlee Dean – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Bradlee Dean: Bradlee@SonsOfLibertyRadio.com

The Corona Virus, An Emergency or No?

By Rep. Phil Hart

My observation is that the Corona Virus is real; after all, the back of a can of Lysol says the spray from such a can will kill it.  I think Covid-19, which is the 2019 edition of the Corona Virus, is real too; as I got sick from it.  The first two weeks of January, I was in Europe at a place with many Chinese visitors, most of whom were wearing masks.  One minute everything was normal for me.  The next minute mucus was pouring out of my eyes, a condition that went on for days.  Two weeks later I was very sick with flu like symptoms, but I recovered to write this article.

We are now into this Corona Virus “Pandemic” for over two thirds of a year.  What have we learned about Covid-19 so far?  We have learned that it is highly contagious, in that a lot of people “get it.”  But of those who “get it”, 65 percent of them are asymptomatic.  We have learned that there is no other virus like it, so that before its arrival, there was no “herd immunity” among the human population as no one had “seen” this virus before.

We also have a track record as to the mortality rate of the Covid-19 virus, which can be compared to other historical pandemic events.  The Black Plague, which originated in central Asia 1346, and came to Europe by way of the trade routes to the Black Sea, then to the Black Sea’s Crimea Peninsula, and next to Constantinople 1347, where the Black Sea joins the Mediterranean Sea.  The Black Plague killed sixty percent of Europe’s population.

In 1918, the Spanish Flu broke out in the United States and quickly spread around the world.  Out of a world population of 1.8 billion, 500 million people were infected and sick from it and reportedly 40 million died.

If we compare these two pandemics to today’s world population of 7.7 billion, the Black Plague would have killed 4.6 billion people, and the Spanish Flu would have killed 171 million people.   According to the World Health Organization, as of the end of July 2020, 695,000 people worldwide have purportedly died from the Covid-19 Corona Virus flu.  Is this a pandemic?

In the United States, American’s life-expectancy is 75 years.  With a population of 330 million people, if everyone lived exactly 75 years to the day, 4,400,000 Americans would die each year, 340,000 would die each month and 12,050 would die each day.  This is normal life.  We all live and eventually die.  Death is part of life.  In the New Testament we find at Hebrews 9:27 “…it is appointed for men to die once, but after this comes judgment.”

If we take the 695,000 world wide deaths for the first seven months of 2020, and we annualize that number, we get 1.2 million.  However, nearly everyone who has died with the Covid-19 bug has also had two or three other serious medical issues.  And lately, it has been the practice to list Covid-19 as the sole cause of death even if the person was killed in an auto accident.  But even so, 1.2 million deaths from Covid-19 as compared to a 2020 number of 4.6 billion deaths from the Black Plague and 171 million deaths from the Spanish Flu we can see that the Covid-19 pandemic is not a pandemic at all.

After the first seven months of 2020, there have been 154,000 Covid-19 deaths in the United States.  Annualizing the death numbers of 154,000 deaths in the United States to a full year we get 264,000.  Comparing 264,000 Covid-19 deaths to the expected 4,400,000 people who will die each year in the USA “from normal life” and we see we don’t have a pandemic in the USA either.

What makes the Covid-19 virus unusual is that, according to “experts” it is a combination of five other viruses’ and something no one had even seen before.  This makes it highly contagious to vulnerable people, because they have not developed a natural immunity.  There are credible professionals, including Dr. Yan who used to work in the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab in China, who say this virus was man-modified.  It would be energy well spent to investigate these claims, and if true, hold those accountable for its creation as a way to prevent the future release of other man-made, or man-modified viruses.  Any state, county or city with an investigatory agency should be looking into this issue.

Emergencies are largely undefined in law.  Which makes sense, as the possible number of scenarios as to what could constitute an emergency is infinite.  During my eight years as a member of the Idaho Legislature, I authored one emergency bill that caused the United States Congress, three days later, to pass legislation giving our state what we needed to extinguish our emergency and avoid the lawsuits that would have followed.  My legislation must have been on target, otherwise Congress would not have acted as it did, even going so far as to limit the jurisdiction of the federal courts to hear cases on my bill.

In  Idaho, and our Legislature wisely defined in statute what constitutes an “extreme emergency” at Idaho Code 46 – 601.

“State of extreme emergency” means: (a) the duly proclaimed existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state, or any part thereof, caused by an enemy attack or threatened attack; or (b) the duly proclaimed existence of conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state, or any part thereof, caused by such conditions as air pollution, fire, flood, storm, epidemic, riot or earthquake, insurrection, breach of the peace, which conditions by reason of their magnitude are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of any county, any city, or any city and county.

This code section provides criteria as to what the affects of an extreme emergency are.  This includes “conditions by reason of their magnitude are or are likely to be beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities of any county, any city, or any city and county.”

On March 25, 2020, Idaho’s governor issued a Proclamation declaring a State of Extreme Emergency.  This included a “stay at home order” which applied to everyone.  Five months later, various counties and cities have added mask ordinances, social distancing ordinances and other criteria as to which business can be open and which must be closed.  Yet nowhere in Idaho has the Covid-19 infection rate been so bad it has been “beyond the control of the services, personnel, equipment and facilities…”  In other words, there is no emergency.

There is no emergency.  We do not have sixty percent of the population dying as in the 1340s when the Black Plague swept through Europe.  We do not have 28 percent of the population sick and two percent of the population dead as we did between 1918 to 1920 from the Spanish Flu.  Current data shows that the overall affect of the Covid-19 flu to be less than that of the average annual influenza virus.  There is no emergency!

If there is no emergency, then state governments, county governments and city governments are without any authority to exercise emergency powers.  After all, it is just common sense that before you can declare an emergency, you must have an emergency.

The stay at home orders, the closure of businesses, the requirements that people wear masks, stand 6 feet apart and so on have all contributed to a slowing of the economy.  Businesses have failed.  People have lost jobs.  Investments have gone bad.  Suicide is up.  Alcohol consumption is up.  Domestic violence and sexual abuse has increased all as a result of the non-emergency emergency.

These negative effects on peoples’ life and property, caused by the “lock-down” decisions of government actors, are a type of “constitutional taking,” and all those affected are entitled to compensation.  In the 1946 case of United States v. Causby, Causby’s chicken farm was affected by the use of a nearby airport by military aircraft.  Causby’s chicken farm was directly under the final approach for one of the airport’s runways.  The aircraft passed so low over the Causby property that his chickens often committed suicide because they were frightened by the low-flying aircraft.  The government did not “take” the Causby farm, the court said,

“As a result of the noise, respondents had to give up their chicken business.  As many as six to ten of their chickens were killed in one day by flying into the walls from fright.  The total chickens lost in that manner was about 150.  Production also fell off.  The result was the destruction of the use of the property as a commercial chicken farm.” United States v. Causby Et Ux., 328 U.S. 256, 259 (1946).

The Causby’s land was not outrightly taken from them, only the value was diminished; yet the Supreme Court said that a “constitutional taking” had occurred, and the Causby’s were entitled to compensation.

In the current Covid-19 hysteria, businesses are not taken, but millions of peoples’ lives and property have been diminished by the actions of government actors and the use of emergency powers during a non-emergency.  It is my opinion, because these “takings” occurred as a result of emergency measures imposed without a real emergency, that the government actors who created this situation are personally liable for the effects.

Oh, we have a lot of people proclaiming there is an emergency.  But where is the beef?  All of this Covid-19 hype constitutes “form over substance.”  The virus is real (I know, I got sick from it), but the response is a hoax.

The governor of Idaho must agree as he suddenly thinks that Idaho needs a law on the books giving Idaho government officials immunity from their “Covid-19 actions.” He just called a special session of the Legislature in the hopes the Legislature will pass such a bill.

However, the whole idea of sovereign immunity should be foreign to our American system as it is based on the concept that “the King can do no wrong.”  In the old European system, the one we fought a war to throw off, the King claimed he was God’s representative to the people and that he had a “divine right to rule.”  Gosh, who could argue with the king when he spoke for God?

In his well written article entitled “Against Sovereign Immunity,”  Erwin Chemerinsky’s first sentence in this article states “Sovereign immunity is an anachronistic relic and the entire doctrine should be eliminated from American law.”  Chemerinsky goes on to say,

“Sovereign immunity is inconsistent with a central maxim of American government: no one, not even the government, is above the law.  The effect of sovereign immunity is to place the government above the law and to ensure that some individuals who have suffered egregious harms will be unable to receive redress for their injuries.” Against Sovereign Immunity, 53 Stanford Law Review 1201, 1202 (2001).

The affect of providing any government actor immunity from suit is to deny the due process of law provision of the constitution where the Fifth Amendment states that “No person… be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law.”  But it also denies the supremacy clause of the Constitution when we raise the English common law relic of sovereign immunity above the whole of the Constitution thereby violating constitutional provisions.

Appropriately, Chemerinsky also quotes founding father James Madison, “If people were angels, there would be no need for a Constitution, but there would be no need for a government either.” The Federalist No. 51 at 322 (James Madison)(Clinton Rossiter ed., 1961).

When the Covid-19 immunity bill is presented to the special session of the Idaho Legislature, I hope all 105 legislators will not only vote “NO” but will also vote “HELL NO!”

I naively thought the Covid-19 non-emergency would eventually pass, and life would get back to normal.  After all, we are in the summer months, and the average person is healthier this time of year.  But it hasn’t.  Instead, more Covid-19 restrictions on our daily life are popping up here and there like a wack-a-mole game.

If our county commissioners, our city council members, our health agency board members and the myriad of other government actors continue to ignore the reality that the Covid-19 numbers of hospitalized and deaths are no more significant than an average flu season, We the People need to organize in our Corporate and Sovereign capacity as the Militia.  Since day one of this Republic, each and every adult Citizen, who is eligible to vote, is a member of the unorganized Militia.  We the People are the Sovereigns.  The number one responsibility of the Militia is to enforce the Laws of the Union.  And we have seen in this article, how the Laws of the Union are being violated every minute of every day by those who took an oath to defend the Constitution.

For a detailed discussion as to how We the People can lawfully organize into Militia units, please see Dr. Edwin Vieira’s books entitled Constitutional Homeland Security; The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of the “Militia of the Several States”; and Thirteen Words (The Second Amendment).  Dr. Edwin Vieira has a PhD in Chemistry from Harvard University, is a Harvard Law School graduate and today believes that organizing the unorganized Militia is our path back to constitutional government.

© 2020 Phil Hart – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Phil Hart: northskiguy@yahoo.com

Democrat Mayor Calls Out National Guard; Tells Police to Shoot to Kill Any Arsonists or Looters

Kelleigh Nelson

Government is instituted for the common good: for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men.  —President John Adams

The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.  —Plato

Remember, it didn’t start with gas chambers.  It started with politicians dividing the people with “us vs. them.”  It started with intolerance and hate speech and when people stopping caring, became desensitized and turned a blind eye.  —Anonymous

The “Rule of Law” and public safety are the driving forces of what forges a safe and prosperous nation.  The majority of “blue city” mayors have refused to do their jobs to keep property and citizens safe.  Whether you’re talking about Seattle, Kenosha, Chicago (whose Magnificent Mile is in shambles), Portland, Minneapolis, Richmond, Virginia, or Manhattan where all the high end stores are boarded up, citizens are astounded that these mayors are not supporting local law enforcement and helping stem the tide of burning, looting and murder (BLM). Many retailers will not come back after the double whammy of Covid-19 closures and destruction by communist revolutionaries. All because the “Rule of Law” is ignored.

Democrat mayors are doing nothing. Portland’s Mayor Wheeler says, “Let it burn out.”  What?  How many more businesses will be lost?  Burn, Loot, Murder, and defund the police; crime has already escalated exponentially in these cities. Wheeler has abandoned the city’s residents. When Antifa and BLM launched explosives at the federal building with federal agents barricaded inside, nothing was done.  In June of 2001, Timothy McVeigh was put to death in a federal prison for the 1995 bombing of the federal Murrah Building in Oklahoma City.  Why are there no consequences for criminal behavior today?

The anarchists want to destroy our culture, traditions and heritage; they want our form of government demolished. But we have laws on the books.  Advocating the overthrow of Government (18 U.S. Code § 2385) shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following conviction.

Promoting Anarchy

Democrat Squad member Ayanna Pressley sparked anger by calling for unrest in the streets in response to threats to the postal system.  What the hell does she think we have now?  She must be taking lessons from Maxine Waters who encouraged democrats to get in the faces of republicans and disrupt their lives wherever they find them.

After the Republican National Convention, countless guests were attacked or confronted by BLM, Antifa and various other communist groups.  We’ve all seen the interviews of how Senator Rand Paul, his wife and two friends were targeted and fortunately a police officer rescued them.  And yes, they could have been killed.President Trump slammed DC Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser for chaos on the streets after the Convention.

Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported that John Sullivan, the BLM leader from Utah, made it to DC for a rally and march on Friday.  When he spoke, John Sullivan called on BLM to “rip Trump from the White House!” He’s openly calling for a revolution.  Threatening the president of the United States is a federal felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. It consists of knowingly and willfully mailing or otherwise making “any threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon the president of the United States.”

Anarchy and evil are raging throughout the country and most of the urban governments are doing little to nothing to stop them. If they’re going to be derelict in their job, then it’s time for the federal government to step in and wage war against the Marxist insurrectionists.

Communist Revolutionaries

The three founders of BLM have openly stated they are trained Marxists.  Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza were taught by none other than Bill Ayers and Eric Mann of the Weather Underground,the communist revolutionaries from Chicago, whose shared objective was to launch a race war against the “white” United States on behalf of the non-white Third World. Opal Tometi is no slouch in the communist rhetoric either.

The Weathermen were very active in Chicago in the 60s and 70s. Ayers characterized the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) splinter group as the “Red Army.” Ayers said, “Kill all the rich people.Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”  He participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.

Ayers was an active participant in the 1969 “Days of Rage” riots in Chicago. In October 1969, hundreds of young people wielding lead pipes and clad in football helmets marched through an upscale Chicago shopping district, pummeling parked cars and smashing shop windows. Thus, began the “Days of Rage,” the first demonstration of the Weathermen.

In the mayhem, nearly 300 members of the organization engaged in vandalism, arson, and vicious attacks against police and civilians alike. Their immediate objective was to spread their anti-war, anti-American message. Their long-term goal, however, was to cause the collapse of the United States and to create, in its stead, a new communist society over which they themselves would rule.  Any resisters would be sent to re-education camps or killed, a number they believed was 25 million.

Ayers and the Weather Underground were responsible for 30 bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructures of the U.S.  Three Weather Underground members were killed when a bomb they had built exploded in the basement of a townhouse in Greenwich Village on March 6, 1970.In the days following the explosion, police found 57 sticks of dynamite, four completed bombs, detonators, timing devices, and other bomb-making equipment.

In 1980, after running from law enforcement, Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn turned themselves in, but because of a surveillance technicality, all charges were dropped.  Ayers said, “Guilty as hell, free as a bird.  America is a great country.”

In March 2008 Ayers was elected (by a large majority of his peers) as Vice President for Curriculum Studies at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), putting him in a position to exert great influence over what is taught in America’s teacher-training colleges and its public schools. Specifically, Ayers seeks to inculcate teachers-in-training with a “social commitment” to the values of “Marx,” and with a desire to become agents of social change in K-12 classrooms. Whereas “capitalism promotes racism and militarism,” Ayers explains, “teaching invites transformations” and is “the motor-force of revolution.” According to a former AERA employee, ‘Ayers’ radical worldview, which depicts America as “the main source of the world’s racism and oppression,” thoroughly “permeates” AERA.

As a close friend of Barack Hussein Obama, Ayers taught him much.  Obama and Ayers were neighbors and they worked together on school issues with the same foundation. Obama’s political coming-out party was held in Ayers’ living room when Obama was running for his first political office.Obama now has his Organizing for Action (OFA) with more than 32,000 members.  It is a 501(c)3 organization and promotes the very same culture fostered by Bill Ayers.

In the ’60s, radicals rebelled against their teachers and professors, who were often highly competent and the products of fact-based academic and inductive education. Not so in 2020. Today’s radicals were taught not by traditionalists but by less-educated older radicals.If you’ve wondered where today’s anarchists have come from, one need only look at America’s colleges and universities.  Ayers must be thrilled that the Chinese Communist Party has both funded and infiltrated so many universities with their Confucius Institutes.

Riots Devastate Democrat Mayor

On April 4,1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. Riots throughout the country ensued.  Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley held a news conference and told the citizens that he instructed the police to shoot to kill any arsonists or anyone with Molotov cocktails because they were potential murderers and to shoot to maim or injure any looters. Daley was the last of the “big city bosses” who were able to control and mobilize American cities.Millions of Americans saw him repeat on television the orders he gave to the police.

Fires were dotted across the South Side and the Near North Side.  Six hundred fires burned destroying 28 blocks on Chicago’s West Side.  Daley, looking down from a police helicopter, broke into tears.  He asked, “What did they do to my city?”

Acting Illinois Gov. Samuel Shapiro activated nearly 7,000 Illinois National Guard troops the day after King’s assassination to support police officers and firefighters in Chicago.  Mayor Daley called President Lyndon Johnson and asked for federal troops.  And yes, they carried loaded rifles with attached bayonets.

Late in the evening of April 7th, 5,000 additional federal troops were ordered into Chicago to support the National Guard and local police. Daley placed Chicago under a citywide curfew for anyone under 21. The city’s downtown neighborhood and nightclub district were totally deserted that Saturday night, according to newspaper reports. Hundreds were left homeless on the West side and thousands in the city were without electricity.

Chicago’s skyline is a background for U.S. Army troops stationed in the Loop at Monroe Street and Columbus Drive on April 9, 1968. The troops were in town to keep the peace during rioting caused by the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (photo by Don Casper / Chicago Tribune)

More than 48 hours of rioting left 11 Chicago citizens dead, 48 wounded by police gunfire, 90 policemen injured, 1200 injured, and 2,150 people arrested. Three miles of East Garfield Park and West Garfield Park on West Madison Street were left in a state of rubble.

(Luigi Mendicino / Chicago Tribune)

Democratic Convention Riots

During the Democratic National Convention in August of 1968, Chicago would once again be a place for political protest and clashes with the authorities.

Another 11 p.m. curfew was called, and Army tanks rolled down the streets of Chicago’s west and north sides.  It was a sight I’ll never forget.

Mayor Richard J. Daley refused “protest permits” to most anti-war demonstrators and deployed 12,000 police officers, 5,600 members of the Illinois National Guard and 5,000 Army soldiers on the streets to meet any who showed up. These police and military forces violently clashed with Vietnam War protesters, resulting in hundreds of injuries and 668 arrests during the four-day convention. And again, the veteran troops wore gas masks and had loaded rifles with bayonets attached.  They were there to keep peace. Daley was once again trying to protect Chicago.

In March 1968, The National Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam (MOBE) conference in Lake Villa, Illinois brought together MOBE, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and Yippie activists to plan the Convention demonstrations.  Yippee represents the Youth International Party which turned into the Chicago Seven, originally Chicago Eight in the Conspiracy Trial.

John Froines, now a professor emeritus of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health,helped organize the DNC anti-war demonstrations with Rennie Davis of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam. The others were Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party; David Dellinger, a longtime anti-war activist; Tom Hayden, cofounder of Students for a Democratic Society; Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, founders of the Youth International Party (whose members were called “yippies“); and Lee Weiner, who had volunteered as a marshal for the DNC demonstrations to help with crowd control.

In the top row are Jerry Rubin, Abby Hoffman, Tom Hayden, and Rennie Davis.

In the bottom row are Bobby Seale, Lee Weiner, John Froines and David Dellinger.

The Chicago Eight were the first people tried under the first federal anti-riot law.  In 1972, Jane Fonda visited Vietnam and betrayed American POWs.  In 1973, she married fellow communist Tom Hayden.  There were convictions, but upon appeal, most were overturned.

These were the seeds of today’s anarchist organizations with burning, looting and murders in our democratically controlled cities.  From covert communist infiltration from the 1930s to 1940s, to the recent anti-Trump conspiracy; from institutions to community including houses of worship; and government to media; advocates say communist ideology has penetrated into every facet of American society.


A communist revolution is taking place in America today with property and lives being ravaged.  America’s education via Bill Ayers, has taught them well.  They are seeing no consequences for their violence and devastation.

There is one man who can stop it, and there is a law he can use. Edwin Vieira J.D., Ph.D., wrote an extensive article on “The President’s Authority to Suppress Insurrections.”  Tweet it to the president.

President Trump is the only man standing in the gap to save America from a bloody communist revolution. Our President loves America.  He should take a lesson from the former Mayor of Chicago, Richard J. Daley, who loved his city enough to protect her.

© 2020 NWV – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Kelleigh Nelson: proverbs133@bellsouth.net

Privacy vs. Security

By: Amil Imani

Since well before we eagerly leapt into the world of technology, we gave very little thought to the possibility that some day we would find ourselves at a perilous fork in the road as a society, culture and country. We began to see diminishing returns on our investment in the confidence that the Fourth Amendment and its prohibitions against illegal searches and seizures were sacrosanct.

One fork led to God-given Rights in the Constitution. The other fork led to neighboring Enhanced Security. There appeared to be no third road that would enable us to arrive at both places. What we believed to be within the private domain, protected by the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition of illegal search and seizure, was turned on its head as early as 1967. It impacted our First and Fifth Amendment rights as well, primarily free speech and the ability to invoke the Fifth Amendment when we had no desire to contribute to our own prosecution.

It was in 1967, well before that fateful day in 1976 when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak would build the first prototype of a personal computer, that SCOTUS ruled in Katz v. United States that, “what a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection.”[1]

Previously, one would think that having a friend come over for dinner would render all discussion and exchanges of papers, etc. protected. And what of that private discussion you had at work, the one during which you were told you were getting a raise, but admonished from telling anyone. That, too, we thought private. Not so, said the high court, the third branch of the government, the Framers paid the least amount of attention to. It was tasked with weighing cases before it as if the Constitution were cast in granite. Apparently, it was in the 1960s, during which the phrase, “If it feels good do it,” would become a cultural norm, that somehow the liberal justices decided that the Constitution was an evolving document, subject to change with society. Wrong, in my view. The meaning and intent of the framers was not to allow for evolution.

This decision created a rule known as “third-party doctrine.”[2] [3] It holds, “that a person has no legitimate expectation of privacy in information he voluntarily turns over to third parties,” a concept that haunts us far more today than it did back in the 1960s. Today, computers are ubiquitous and the majority of the nation’s population suffers from a pandemic of cyber addiction.

Katz would prove itself the foundation of future court rulings that now take us down two different legal pathways. According to Legislative Attorney Richard M. Thompson II, who authored The Fourth Amendment Third-Party Doctrine,[4] “[T]he Court has applied the third-party doctrine to two main sets of cases. In one, the

Court has held that people do not have a reasonable expectation that a person with whom they are communicating will not later reveal that conversation to the police. In the second, the Court extended this doctrine to hold that people are not entitled to Fourth Amendment safeguards for records given to a third-party or data generated as part of a person’s business transactions with a third-party.”

In two of the most prominent third-party cases, Smith v. Maryland and United States v. Miller, the Court held that government access to telephone calling records and bank records, respectively, were not protected by the Fourth Amendment.[5] [6]

Traveling through time, we arrive at 2015 and we have on top of those cases the PATRIOT Act, which most emphatically affects our rights. Try dressing up as a jihadi terrorist with a fake bomb vest and walk to a Halloween party only to find yourself picked up, turned over to the feds as a terrorist, thrown into a hellhole (or Gitmo) without any rights, not even the right to a phone call or to have an attorney.

There are ways for us to have both freedom and cybersecurity. There have been rumblings in Congress about drawing up legislation to overrule the “third person doctrine” and to repeal or change the PATRIOT Act, but those cries are being drowned out by the terror threats of Al-Qaeda, former ISIS, Boko Haram, Hezbollah and a multitude of other terror groups. With their threats, together with those of the Islamic Republic of Iran, (still a threat) North Korea and the “silent battle” we are fighting with the likes of China in a currency war, not to mention Russia run by a lunatic, gaining back our freedoms does not seem possible.

Of course, if we keep President Trump who has a backbone in the office, for another four years and manage to keep GOP majorities in Congress (hardly a sure thing), we just might be on the receiving end of those rights’ restoration.

© 2020 Amil Imani – All Rights Reserved


  1. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 351 (1967)
  2. Ibid
  3. Richard M. Thompson II the Fourth Amendment Third-Party Doctrine (2014, June 5) Congressional Research Service Retrieved from https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43586.pdf
  4. Ibid
  5. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 351 (1967). 2 Smith v. Maryland, 442 U.S. 735, 743-44 (1979)
  6. Richard M. Thompson II The Fourth Amendment Third-Party Doctrine (2014, June 5) Congressional Research Service Retrieved from https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R43586.pdf