Who Needs Atonement?

The first thing I post on my blog every day is a hymn, and we take requests from readers. When someone asked for “In Christ Alone,” it brought to mind a controversy involving this hymn.

When Keith Getty and Stewart Townend published it in 2001, the new hymn quickly caught on. Churches in many denominations decided to include it in their hymnals.

Even the Presbyterian Church USA considered adding “In Christ Alone” to their stock of hymns: but only on one condition.  The PCUSA objected to a line in the lyrics and told the authors they would have to change it before the hymn could be included in the hymnal. In fact, they even told the authors how to change it: get rid of the line, “the wrath of God was satisfied” [by Jesus’ death on the cross], and replace it with “the love of God was magnified,” which make no sense, theologically, but what the heck. When the authors refused, the PCUSA rejected their hymn.

The PCUSA is among the flattest of the flatline Protestant denominations. They are not big on orthodoxy. At their 2010 General Assembly, a lot of them dressed up as animals and pagan gods. And just try to find that embarrassing video anywhere on your computer. Insisting they were proud of what they did, they erased it from the Internet.

So, no, they don’t want any of that wrath of God business. Like, who is God, that He should be mad at anybody? And for that matter, the whole doctrine of the Atonement is a problem for many flatliners. What do we need atonement for? The only sins the PCUSA recognizes are political sins—opposing abortion, supporting Israel, Climate Change Denial, etc.—and those can be dealt with politically. Besides, as a progressive in good standing, Jesus would never forgive such awful sins. I mean, really, there is a limit!

These sins, the Left has decided, are to be purged from the culture by our schools and colleges. And the universities have coined a catch-all term for the whole kit and caboodle of ‘em.


Starting in the fall semester, Stanford University will hold powwows on the possibility of “abolishing whiteness”.  By “whiteness” they mean “the set of behaviors and outlooks associated with the racial category, white.”

See, if you abolish all that, the Stanford sages say, you’ll wind up with “equality.” No whiteness, no inequality.

As a factual aside, it may be pointed out that no government has ever succeeded in making all its people rich. Stable democratic governments, by means of a free market, have come the closest—but those are much too “white.” On the other hand, any dictator worth his salt can make his country poor. Look at Venezuela. They don’t even have toilet paper.

So you really don’t need Jesus Christ, you don’t need no stinkin’ atonement; all you need is a whacking big government and a Far Left public education system that will train a whole generation out of “acting white.” Holding down a job, getting married before you have children, working hard to get ahead—away with all that, it’s acting white and it causes inequality. I guess it does: working hard and effectively will probably always get you farther than just lazing around playing video games. Erase the national borders, erase the two sexes (there really are only two), erase any lingering conviction that truth is truth and facts are facts no matter who presents them, and bob’s your uncle.

That’s where we’re headed, and our colleges and liberal churches are taking us there.

I have discussed these and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in today and visit. A single click will bring you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

Happy Barack Obama Day

Yee-hah! A new state holiday

The governor and legislature of Illinois have proclaimed August 4 “Barack Obama Day”. And believe it or not, there was not a single vote against it in the legislature. So no one can be accused of being a hater.

It does seem fitting that The Worst President Ever be honored by what appears to be the most grossly mismanaged state in the union—of all 57 states, as Mr. Obama might say. The whole state is going bankrupt. The Chicago Public School District is on the hook for $850 million in interest on a $500 million loan. How did they do that? Ah, the miracle of Blue State finances…

Obama is being honored, says the proclamation, because he has “dedicated his life to going on vacation”—no, no, it should read “protecting the rights of Americans” and, oh, boy, “building bridges across communities.” What kind of bridges? The kind looters have to cross to get to the stores during a riot.

Despite its being a holiday, the state can’t afford to close government offices and schools to celebrate and private businesses are expected to remain open, too—if they’re still in business at all. But it won’t cost anything to honor Obama by going deeper and deeper into the financial hole.

If you don’t live in Illinois, you may be jealous of that state getting a new holiday that your state doesn’t have yet. But rather than allow all 57 states simultaneously to declare Barack Obama Day a holiday, it would be great Social Justice if each state had to earn the right to do so. Before it can legitimately proclaim its own Barack Obama Day, your state should have to go bankrupt, too.

Wow, think of the money any state could save if most people were already out of work. Then they wouldn’t have to take time off work to celebrate the holiday!

Celebrate by changing your gender, using new pronouns that some college professors just made up, signing up for food stamps, and declaring your home town a sanctuary city! Get into the swing of things by pursuing your own personal bankruptcy. And commit a crime or two.

And now, to turn to another matter dear to Mr. Obama’s er, heart, let us turn to Man-Made Global Warming, known otherwise as Climate Change when the weather is cold.

Dig this headline from The Australian: “Temperature readings plunge after Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology orders end to ‘Tampering’”. Putting a stop to fiddling with the temperature readings—damn, that’s no way to celebrate Obama Day! They’d never, never get away with that, if Obama were their president and Loretta Lynch their attorney general!

It seems the folks who were reporting the temperatures used these “smart cards” that had the virtue of filtering out the coldest temperatures, which then, as if by magic, vanished from the record. Liberals use the word “smart” kind of like Long John Silver used it—as in it’s “smart” to murder the men who want to be paid their fair share of the loot.

And suddenly it’s some 10 degrees Centigrade cooler in Australia. All because they got rid of the smart cards.

Now that’s no way to Save The Planet from Global Warming! I mean, it’s so insulting, so disrespectful, to all those wonderful leaders and sages who are only trying to increase their power over us for our own good. Really, who cares that the whole thing is the biggest scam in human history? We want a global government!

And once we get one—well, every day will be Barack Obama Day.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit us today. Just a single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

The World The Libs Would Build

Princeton University is looking to hire a “men’s engagement manager” to exorcise the campus from “aggressive masculinity.” In college-speak “aagressive or hyper masculinity” means “any masculinity.” Colleges are down on masculinity.

It makes one wonder what kind of world our leftid brain trust would build for us, if only we’d just shut up and let ‘em do it. What kind of cage would they put up around us, if they could—and call it “justice”? It takes liberals to discredit a fine old world like “justice.”

For starters, it’s clear they’ll weed out “masculinity.” But what does that mean, exactly? If it’s “masculine” behavior, what’ll they do when women act like—well, male stereotypes? Beer, football, coarse jokes—even Princeton hasn’t suggested what ought to be done if a woman insists on “acting male.” I mean, they want the guy to act female—what about vice-versa? If it stumps P.U., it’s bound to stump you.

True, they could get rid of masculinity by abolishing men: better social justice through technology. “Gender reassignment surgery” could be made compulsory for everyone who has the XY chromosome. It would, of course, require some serious political gymnastics to get this enacted into law; but even liberals can dream.

If the economy won’t bear 150 million sex-change operations, leftids have, for years now, done everything in their power to promote and encourage homosexuality. That their whole enterprise is boundlessly offensive to God—“male and female created He them,” remember (Genesis 1:27)—will never trouble any left-wing humanist. That it might, coupled with abortion on demand, render humanity’s position as a species biologically untenable, is another thought that doesn’t bother them at all. Hey, just download liberals’ minds, if you can find them, to a computer, and they’ll live forever—700 more years of Nancy Pelosi. They won’t have to reproduce.

But just as important as eradicating masculinity, to leftids, is to Save The Planet from the scourge of Climate Change, which is caused by us peasants living too high on the hog. Ultimately this will require drastic alterations in our modern way of life: doing without cars, air conditioning, private housing, toilet paper, and meat in our diet, just to name a few. It is understood that none of this is to be imposed on mankind’s (oops!) wise and glorious rulers. I mean, what’s the point of ruling the world if you can’t have a mansion or two, a private jet, a limousine, and Kobe beef? Being the master is a hard job, and must be richly compensated. If you think it’s a picnic, being John Kerry or Leonardo DiCaprio, just try it sometime.

And so we wind up with a world of leftist maharajahs ruling over a dwindling population of wandering, homeless, sexless vegetarians, plucking morsels of tree-bark if they can find any, limping across what used to be international borders, just trying to stay alive another day. The planet is saved, the borders are erased, masculinity has been wiped out, resistance is impossible, and the rulers can still jet off to Davos to congratulate themselves on a job well done.

And for those who still can’t get behind the program, there are always the camps.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in today and visit? A single click is all it takes to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

They Really Are Insane, No Kidding

We’ve said it so many times, it’s almost a truism. But it is true: liberals are insane.

Suppose you don’t believe in God, or any god; that the whole universe, yourself included, is only the product of pure chance, utterly devoid of any meaning. And suppose you’ve spent four or five years being taught, by highly-paid individuals with a lot of letters after their names, that there is no such thing as truth: there’s only “your truth” and someone else’s truth, but no true truth. And suppose you have been taught, from childhood up, that Science has the answers and really smart people, advised by scientists, have the right to power and authority over all those clods out there; and that if you play your cards right, you might become one of the chosen few. At the very least you’ll have the satisfaction of being a fan and follower of the best people, and thus vastly superior to those who aren’t.

Supposing that all of the above constitutes your worldview, how can it help but lead you into crazy places?

Last week the Advertising Standard Authority, an agency of the United Kingdom’s government, decreed a ban on all “gender stereotypes” in advertising, on the grounds that these might do real harm to people by leading to “unfavorable gender outcomes,” whatever the deuce those might be. There must be, in advertising, no acknowledgement of any differences at all between men and women, which ought to make it rather a challenge to create a sane commercial. Maybe replace the actors with, oh, shadows, or robots, that speak with sexless, computer-generated voices?

So we have the humanists, presumed to be the smartest people in the world, fleeing from one of the basic constituents of being human. Next they’ll resent being mammals: it will be denounced as an affront of Social Justice.

Here in America we have Bill Nye the Science Guy, former kids’ TV star, now one of The Wise, declaring that all us old Climate Change deniers will just have to “age out”—die off, he explains—before he and John Kerry and their buddies can take meaningful action to Save The Planet from Global Warming Etc. Another humanist who has a serious beef with humanity. By “action” he means giving government sweeping new powers to control and regulate every aspect of our lives. That probably means we won’t have toilet paper.

Again Britain is already on board with growing the government. Last week they sent a whole team of agents to shut down a five-year-old girl’s sidewalk lemonade stand. And that’s just their warmup tosses. They’ve got plenty more where that came from.

Well, where else are you going to go, when you have no God, no truth, and no power, and not even any ideology, to restrain the actions of the state—which the old Prussian philosopher Hegel (trust a Prussian to come up with this) called “God walking upon the earth”? And what are the State, and Science, but just another crew of people no better, no brighter, and certainly no saner than the multitudes that they aspire to control? When there is no truth, no facts that remain facts whether you like them or not, it’s simply not possible to be rational.

But that’s what they’re pushing for, for all they’re worth.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Why not stop in today and visit? Just a single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

They Call It Education

If it were the stated purpose of our public education system to render young people ignorant, close-minded, unemployable, and dangerous in a voting booth, we would have to say it’s fulfilling its purpose spectacularly.

Campus Reform recently asked a lot of college students what they think of socialism. As expected, most of them are all for it. They love socialism. Also as expected, they have no idea what it is and are totally unable to define it. They don’t know what it is, but they want it.

How can they possibly be so clueless? Well, they go to college—that’s how.

For some years, personnel of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the orcs from OHRC, have been worrying about individuals’ personal circles of friends not being “diverse” enough, and have wondered what to do about it.

College to the rescue! Yes, Harvard University has solved that problem. Starting next year, Harvard students won’t be allowed to join any clubs, fraternities, societies, etc.  and anyone who does it will be expelled.

Clubs, you see, are not “inclusive.” So say the college bigwigs. I suppose the Harvard Stratego Club might be made “inclusive” by compelling every living soul on the planet to join it, preferably all at once. But ordinarily a club is a club because some people are in it and some aren’t.

You really can’t get absolutely everybody into a club… so you make it “inclusive” by excluding everyone from membership. And that solves the problem of lack of diversity among friends—by simply not allowing anyone to have friends. Higher education does it again.

As bad as college is, and that’s very bad indeed, the rot sets in much lower down the ladder, in grade school first, and then in high school. Young minds must be atrophied to prepare them for the finishing touches provided by the university. How else are you going to get everyone on board for socialism?

One day, years ago, I was teaching an Advanced Placement U.S. History class in a public high school. The students had classwork to do that day, so I asked them if they would mind if I read, just for my own edification, the essays they had just handed in. They didn’t mind, so I started reading.

The subject was the Mexican War. I read all twenty-some essays, and without even one exception, all the students had concluded that the war was completely unjust, unfair, America was entirely at fault, and what are now the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California belong by right to Mexico. Not even one student diverged from that opinion.

This, to me, was so extraordinary that I had to make time to address it.

“For the first time in all of human history, that I ever heard of,” I told the class, “the vast resources of the state—in this case, your school, the building, teachers, administrators, textbooks, millions of dollars’ worth of resources—are being used to convince a whole generation that the state is not worthy of their loyalty. That you’d all be wrong to love and support your country. How well do you think that’ll play out for your country’s future?”

They stared at me like I had a grapevine growing out of the top of my head. What in the world was I talking about? It was as if it had never even occurred to them to side with their own country against another country. What an eccentric notion! Certainly none of their regular teachers, all teacher union members in good standing, had ever suggested such a thing.

Even so, months later, one of the girls from that class came up to me in the hall and said, “I just can’t stop thinking about what you said to us, that day you took our class. I really don’t know what to think about it—but it won’t leave me alone.”

She’s a grown woman now, possibly with children of her own. I pray she hasn’t sent them off to any public school.

Because our schools and colleges are not preparing a rosy future for our country.

I have discussed this topic and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in today and visit. A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

College: Enough is Enough

Last year the government and church in Poland, for everyone to see, formally consecrated Jesus Christ as King of Poland, whose right it is to be king over all nations. Among the prayers offered up, during the ceremony in Krakow, was a plea to our Lord “to rule over our universities.”

Can you imagine the reaction, if such a prayer were offered here? Hillary Clinton would levitate. Barack Obama would sprout another head, with a horn in it. We would soon find out who rules over America’s universities—and it’s not Jesus Christ.

Evergreen State College is in the news again. The Washington State Legislature has not been able to pass a bill to de-fund the place, after Evergreen got famous for its “No whites allowed on campus” day, complete with threats of violence that a lot of folks found very credible. That was for “diversity,” in case you couldn’t guess.

Well, now it’s summertime, and time to give out grades for the last semester. With that in mind, the acting provost at Evergreen has asked the professors to go easy on the, er, students who didn’t do their classwork, or made a shambles of it, because they were too busy rioting—or, as the provost put it, “diverting time and energy from their academic work to promote institutional change and social justice”.

[Two-minute laugh and raspberry break]

Hot dog! Why don’t they start a Social Justice degree program? It could feature lots of hands-on courses: Keying Racists’ Cars 101, Setting Stuff on Fire, Busting Things Up, Throwing Rocks and Bricks at People and Property, A Mixologist’s Guide to Molotov Cocktails… Who said crime and vandalism aren’t intellectual pursuits?

At Evergreen they don’t seem to be the least bit worried about their college being de-funded. Either they’re dumber than they look, or they know their state legislature is full of hot air and nothing else. Besides, no Democrat politician would ever vote to put down campus riots. It would be against his religion.

But maybe they should be afraid, maybe they should worry. Maybe the party won’t last forever, after all.

Dr. Walter Williams last week, in a column for Townhall.com, put the lion’s share of the blame for this right where it belongs, pinning the tail squarely on the donkey’s butt:

“The primary blame for the incivility and downright stupidity in our universities lies with the universities’ trustees… they are little more than yes men for the university’s president and provost.”

He couldn’t be more right. The trustees control the universities’ finances. If they were to decide not to fund the stupidity anymore, and to stop paying the salaries of deans, professors, provosts, and presidents who foster it, the barbarism would be stopped in its tracks.

But they don’t. These, Dr. Williams explains, are business and civil bigwigs who are mostly busy getting rich, or richer, and are just “not interested” in the goings-on at their respective colleges. As long as they can have buildings named after them, with or without men’s rooms complete with tampon dispensers, they’ll just sit around and purr.

They are doing, by doing nothing but sign checks, a vast disservice to their country. They are starkly, boisterously derelict in their duty, and their country suffers for it. Really, they haven’t even begun to think about what is to become of these angry, feckless, pampered, ignorant “students,” once they’re too old to be in college anymore.

But these are the men and women with the power to put a stop to all this shameful and destructive nonsense.

Let us pray they use it.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Please stop in and visit. A single click is all it takes to get you there.

No King But Caesar

With the mob clamoring for Jesus’ blood, Pilate made one last try to get Him off. “Shall I crucify your king?” he asked. And the crowd answered, “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15).

This is the great question that has towered over us ever since: who is to be sovereign on the earth? Almighty, all-wise, and all-righteous God, who created us and loves us—or a lot of sinners who don’t know a tenth as much as they think they know?

“Oh, but we have to be sovereign,” say the humanists, “because God does not exist!” “It is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves,” says the Bible (Psalm 100:2). But the reply is, “Nobody made us—we just evolved!” If there is no Creator, then we have to be sovereign: and some a great deal more than others.

And so the “Science is Real” crowd, when they’re not busy yelling “Crucify him!”, tries to dispossess God as the Creator. There is no creator, they proclaim; they by now they have themselves evolved to the point where they can “direct the course of human evolution”. From now on, they and their Science will function as Creator.

They immediately collide again with the Bible. “Male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27) is another verse that asserts God’s claim to sovereignty. But what if they can prove that “male” or “female” is only a fleeting state of mind—that “assigned gender” can and should be changed? Shoot a woman full of male hormones, make her grow a beard, and voila!—she’s a “man.” A newly-created man. And welcome to the Island of Dr. Moreau.

“Ye shall be as gods, knowing [deciding] good and evil [for yourselves]” (Genesis 3:5). That was the serpent’s sales pitch, and Eve bought it.

So you don’t even need the hormones and the surgery. All a man has to do is *say* he’s a “woman,” and if you live in Canada, you can literally be sent to jail for using the “wrong” pronoun. Isn’t it amazing that there are people who think this is a good idea?

Man’s absolute sovereignty over everything has always proved tricky to accomplish. First you have to decide whether sovereignty shall reside in every individual, or in the State.

“Everyone is sovereign”—well, that won’t work, will it? You’d just have chaos. No: sovereignty must only be exercised, for the good of all, by the smartest people in the world. Their tool for that would be the State, a thing—if it even is a thing—they’ve created themselves. But that’ll work just fine, because the State will have Science to show its ministers the way. And there can be no sovereignty that does not belong to the State, and no authority but whatever Science says.

The result is, the servants of the state, the chosen few, are sitting pretty while everybody else is crushed beneath its wheels. Hence the 20th century’s panoply of concentration camps, mass graves, purge trials, and man-made famines when collectivist schemes don’t work out as scientifically as hoped.

The God-wannabes labor to bring the world under a single government, owned and operated by themselves, which will—they promise!—make everybody equal, Save The Planet from the scourge of Global Warming, establish Social Justice on a planetary scale, and do away with everything that makes us sad. And if you don’t believe it, there’s a jail cell with your name on it.

God’s sovereignty—with the same laws for all, and partial sovereignty delegated downward to the individual, the family, to churches, communities, the workplace, and the civil government (Romans 13)—is what we were created for: and what we will have, when Christ returns to exercise His crown rights on the earth.

But first man’s flawed and evil sovereignty must be rejected.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

It’s Never ‘Hate’ When Leftists Do It

Heard from the neighbor’s TV set next door: the babble of a liberal pinhead cheerleading her audience to “call out the haters.” I think that term applies to you and me.

I am at a disadvantage here, because I can’t faithfully reproduce left-wing language and still have a column fit for decent folk to read. If you must sample the, er, flavor of the original, check out this video of some poor devil trying to interview a feminist. It would be more edifying to interview a heap of stones. Certainly more productive.

How come it’s never “hate” when leftids do it? How come everyone who isn’t them is a “fascist,” deserving only to be abused, silenced, terrorized, or beaten? How did we ever come by the triple or quadruple standard by which U.S. Senators and other high officials, as long as they happen to be Democrats, can call for “blood in the streets” without being charged with sedition?

Oh, it isn’t always outright violence that they call for. Last week the left-wing basket-case, the state of California, banned its state employees from traveling to certain other states to conduct business. In fact, they widened a ban that was in place already, adding for more states to the list.

And why are California’s state employees forbidden to do business in those states? Because California disapproves of those states’ failure to support transgender bathrooms! And in general those states lack enthusiasm for assorted wacko societal engineering programs.

Meanwhile, Disney Inc. is selling dildoes—yes, you read that right—to little children. They call this “toy” a “bubble want” or something, from the Disney movie, “Frozen.” But it takes a special kind of stupid, not to recognize this object for what it actually is.

Betcha California has no qualms about doing business with them.

Now, none of these shenanigans, from the Democrat, Social Justice Warrior, left-wing looney point of view, springs from any but the purest and noblest of motives. Nor does performing fantasies of murdering the president, nor boycotting Chick-fil-A, or even shooting Republican Congressmen: none of that is “hate.” It’s all just breaking a few bad eggs so you can make your utopian omelet.

No—it’s only “hate” if you oppose them, no matter how meekly, no matter on how small a scale, no matter how ineffectually. Because, you see, as U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has explained, “thousands of people will die!” if any opposition is allowed.

How dare anybody but a Democrat win election to the White House? This means war! War against those totally wrong, stupid, evil racists, transphobic “deplorables” who voted for the winner. War against anyone who stands in the way of the Perfect World Express. And their vast self-righteousness gives them license to say and do anything to anybody.

And none of it is “hate.” Only people who aren’t them can be “haters.”

They hate us with every fiber of their being. They have made that unmistakably clear.

But it’s not just us they hate. They’re just getting warmed up, hating us. They hate themselves, too. If it’s possible to be that angry, all the time, at so many people, without a generous dollop of self-hatred thrown into the mix, that would constitute a miracle.

And they hate God, too, most of all—for sitting where they think they should sit, and for possessing an authority so much greater than their own. God failed to consult them on Day One of the Creation, so they hate Him and all His people.

Just let them get in power once again, ever again, and you’ll see how much they hate us.

I have discussed this and other topics on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/, throughout the week. Please stop in and visit. A single click will get you there.

E-Mail Lee Duigon: leeduigon@verizon.net

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Leaked! Trump Impeachment Articles

Coming July 2, to a Democrat-controlled city near you, the March for Impeachment! In fact, kowabunga, it’s gonna be a **world-wide** march, in case they want to impeach Donald Trump in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, or some other Democrat role model state.

Historically, now, there have always had to be some kind of “grounds” for impeachment. There are supposed to be compelling reasons for it.

Well, how’s this for “compelling”? “Give us what we want, you rich and selfish, narcissistic Republicans—or we’ll shoot ya!” Yes, a New Jersey Democrat “strategist” (he hasn’t been elected to anything) recommends that very approach. And certainly we haven’t heard a peep out of Hillary or Obama, disavowing it.

Even so, there seems to be a little more required in the way of grounds for impeachment, beyond “We’ll kill you if you don’t,” but not to worry—as you read this, Democrats in the House of Representatives are already putting the finishing touches on formal Articles of Impeachment. And best of all, they’ve been leaked to this column!

“Democrats in all 57 states are unanimously behind impeachment,” said Rep. Flungdung Hashpipe (D-Mordor). “It should be easy, now that Republicans understand that they’ll be killed if they don’t cooperate with us.”

“It’s already in the bag,” said Rep. Janie Falsehood (D-Tartarus). “Still, we’ll have to put up some kind of show for the peasants out there in flyover country.”

So what are the Articles? Well, we have the list.

One: Not Being a Democrat. “As we have come to understand the Constitution,” said Rep. Chuck Belial (D-Abaddon), “only members of the Democratic Party are permitted to serve as president. Donald Trump is not a Democrat. Therefore Donald Trump cannot be president.”

Two: Hurting Hillary Clinton’s Feelings. “When Trump won that election,” said Lance Boyle, an actor in Hollywood, “it was the most unkindest cut of all. I was there—I saw what that did to her! Trump’s election was the worst kind of violence against women, and the only way to put it right is to expel him from office and bring in Hillary.”

Three: Only Winning Because the Russians Hacked the Voting Machines and Turned a Near-Unanimous Win for Hillary into a Very Suspicious Win for Trump. “Really, we can’t let the Russians decide, from now on, who gets to be our president,” said Rep. Kweezy al-Qaseltzar (D-Afghanistan). “It’s grossly unfair to poor George Soros, who buys elections in good faith. And I know, I know, they’re always saying, ‘Where’s your evidence?’ Man, we don’t need no stinkin’ evidence! The gravity of the charge is evidence enough.”

Four: Climate Change Denial. “We’re all gonna die unless the powers of the federal government are dramatically expanded to take in every nuance of everyday life, in order to put a stop to Man-Made Climate Change and Save The Planet,” said Rep. Regis Catamite (D-North Korea). “We will also need a major carbon tax, confiscation of all air conditioners owned by persons who are not government officials or Democratic donors, and probably a world government. We can’t get those things from Donald Trump—and it’s a crime to withhold them from us!”

Five, and most serious of all: Attempting to Carry Out His Campaign Promises. “Let’s be honesty with ourselves,” Congressman Hashpipe said. “If the public ever got to expecting us actually to do the thing we promised, none of us would last a week! I mean, what a disaster!

“In attempting to build a border wall, prevent terrorists from coming into this country, create a more favorable climate for business and job growth, and assert America’s leadership in the world, Trump is setting a simply horrible precedent! We can’t have elected officials doing what they were elected to do! It would mean the destruction of our whole political system as we know it!”

Now, I know you’re all curious to learn who leaked this information. Suffice it to say it was someone very, very low down in the Democrat power structure—so far down, in fact, that the paper it’s written on still bears a whiff of brimstone.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Progressive Values

Progressive Values

Every now and then, you hear furtive mutterings about “progressive values.” If you can see your way past it being just an oxymoron, like “jumbo shrimp,” you may begin to wonder, “So what are progressive values?”

Don’t hold your breath waiting for an honest answer. Instead, look at the behavior. And because there’s so much of it to study, and one is easily overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of it, not to mention its quintessential loathsomeness, let’s focus on two recent examples that were drowned out by the roar of others.

Try not to toss your cookies as you contemplate the title of this new release, “Strong for Such a Time as This: the Devolutions of Hillary Rodham Clinton.” With a foreword by the almost-president herself. It takes one’s breath away.

This is Richard III in drag—closeted, after his latest crimes, “with right reverend fathers,” and we must not disturb his holy meditations (Act 3, Scene 7).

In the Bible, Queen Esther risks everything, even her life, to save the Jews from genocide: because, as Mordecai says, she may have been born for such a time as this (Esther 4:14). Do you see where Hillary’s coming from? She has a rather high opinion of herself, doesn’t she?

This is the same Hillary Clinton who declared, last year, that Christianity must change its core beliefs and embrace abortion (“Thou shalt not kill”) and homosexuality (see Romans, Chapter 1: it’s a very serious sin). The same Hillary who was honored (if that’s the word for it) this year as Planned Parenthood’s “Person of the Year.” And as for the other scandals that litter her career, they are as numerous as the grains of sand along the Jersey shore.

I think we can get the idea that one of those “values” that progressives hold dear is… abortion. And plenty of it! They also seem to venerate a vast, towering hypocrisy, boldly stated. As long as it’s in the service of “values” like abortion and sexual wickedness, it’s praiseworthy to invoke the Bible and liken oneself to heroic, self-sacrificing Esther—even if the only lives you propose to sacrifice belong to millions of babies slaughtered in the womb.

As this remarkable book was being released, homosexuals converged on Washington for the D.C. Pride Parade—and there’s another progressive value for the list.

But all was not quite copacetic there. A newly-formed group of homosexuals, calling itself “NoJusticeNoPride,” lashed out at “rich gays” for their “collusion with the forces of oppression”. These self-anointed Social Justice Warriors turned on fellow homosexuals for making profits—because, as they’ve learned so well in college, creating wealth is immoral.

Again, a progressive value comes bubbling up out of the darkness. Last year’s Democrat platform was full of gaudy language about the urgent need to “rein in” profits. Surely it was a sop to Bernie Sanders and his merry band of profit-haters; but just as surely, it struck a chord with Clinton’s supporters, too.

They never learned in college that if you don’t make a profit, you can’t operate a business. You have to turn to the real world for that lesson. If you’re forced by law to pay some high school kid $15 an hour to sweep the floor, and “share” your profits with all the “workers,” you either have to sell your pizza for $35 a pop or else go out of business. Because it’s a progressive value that all wealth belongs to “the people” (unless they’re gun-toting, church-going deplorables inhabiting the benighted outback of flyover country) and to their all-wise, all-benevolent surrogate, the Government.

So you can see why progressives are averse to forthrightly stating the “values” they believe in. And we haven’t even touched on other, equally important values, like borderless countries, keeping felons out of prison, prosecuting “hate” and wrong opinions, and setting up a world government.

They have no choice but to keep quiet about all that.

But by their fruits ye shall know them.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The President Is On Our Side

Last week we witnessed something practically unheard-of—an American president siding with the people who elected him. Siding with us, standing up for us, instead of with the globalist big shots, Hollywood motor-mouths, lock-step nooze media, and big business moguls who were all set to make a bundle at the people’s expense. It would have been the easiest thing in the world for the president to let us down, as all our other leaders habitually do after we elect them. And yet he didn’t.

Liberals were already baying for President Donald Trump’s scalp before he nixed U.S. participation in the Paris Climate Pact. The purpose of that treaty is to Save The Planet from imaginary “man-made climate change” by crippling America’s economy and letting China continue to pollute to their heart’s content. Roping America into this scam, without ratification by the Senate, was another Social Justice project of the Obama gang: America must be punished for succeeding where tinpot socialist countries fail. Unable to raise themselves up, they seek to tear us down.

Meanwhile, TV weatherman in Europe tried to cover the factual nudity of Global Warming by calling record cold temperatures a mere “absence of warmth”.

No one can explain why hysterical liberals, especially the crowd of them infesting our bloated, over-funded “higher education” system, are unable to see the titanic hypocrisy of the world’s Global Warming merchants. Do they act like they believe a single word of what they’re selling us—they, with their multiple mansions, private jets, yachts, and limousines, each with a bigger carbon footprint than many an entire town of normal people? Maybe libs just refuse to see it. We are, after all, talking about people who believe that socialism really works and that Venezuela is an economic model we should emulate.

How they rage, when the American people don’t obey them! They can hardly contain themselves—not that they try very hard to do that. And now we have a president who won’t obey them either. It drives them mad.

But this is what you get when you try to replace God with government. This is the madness of idolatry: creating, with their own hands, the State and so-called Science, and then worshiping what they’ve created.

It comes down to a religious struggle. Those who wish to be as gods labor to force the rest of us to exalt them as all-wise, infallible, and the one and only source of righteousness. They explicitly deny that there is any truth but whatever they can impose on others. They erase history, creating mass amnesia. They invent new pronouns to erase the fact that there are but two sexes. They take good words, like “truth,” “justice,” and “love,” and warp their meanings to fit in with their political agenda. And in the service of yet another idol, “diversity,” they insist on uniformity of thought.

We must not obey them anymore. We must not listen to them. We must defer to them no more. The biggest weapon in their arsenal is their claim that they know best because they’re “smarter” than us, the poor deplorables populating flyover country (where the food that they eat is produced by our labor): but everything they say and do reveals them to be prating fools. It’s time we recognized them for exactly what they are.

But we proclaim that there is truth, God’s truth, unalterable, immutable, and enduring forever.

And they, poor fools, don’t have it.

I have discussed this and other topics on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/, throughout the week. Please stop in and visit. A single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Becoming Like Them

There is a reader who claims actually to have seen a Democrat shaking his head over the latest campus riot, and heard him muttering about it not being a good thing for America. This is on a par with sighting “mokele-mbembe”, the dinosaur that’s said to live in the unexplored swamps around the Congo.

Ah—but let a single Republican give a single “journalist” a body slam—an alleged body slam that was hardly up to any standard Gorilla Monsoon would recognize—and the nooze media and late-night “comics” are all over it like dandruff, while Republicans search their souls and rack their consciences, asking themselves, “Are we becoming like them? What good does it do to win, if we can’t win unless we become like them?”

“Them” means Democrats, liberals, left-wing loons of all descriptions. You know: the dorks who can even politicize an ice cream cone. Yes—Ben & Jerry’s, soft-core Marxist ice cream merchants and all-around progressive shills, won’t sell their customers two scoops of the same flavor until Australia legalizes same-sex pseudomarriage.

“Becoming like them” would demand an awful lot of work. First and foremost, you have to have no life outside of your political agenda. That turns off normal people from the get-go. It’s what makes Political Correctness so revolting: you can never get away from it. Everything you see or hear, unless it’s lined up precisely with your ideology, and everyone you meet, is racist, sexist, contributing to Climate Change, homophobic, transphobic, a microaggression, stinking of White Privilege, Hetero-Privilege, hateful, deplorable, and on and on and on… Honestly, I don’t know how they stand it.

If you really want to be like them, truth, knowledge, logic, common sense and common decency—kiss ‘em all goodbye. Those are all just capitalist, racist, etc. tools for keeping The People down. Even as you despise most people for not bowing down to your enlightened leadership, everything you say and do, you declare, is for The People, not for yourself. This much hypocrisy is a strain upon one’s character.

Becoming like them will also require you to be in constant fellowship with individuals and groups who are just as miserable, irrational, angry, unhappy, and annoying as you are. Again, no one but a liberal can stand it. The only pleasure allowed is when you get your way, politically. True, there’s always fornication. But unless you’re already happy due to other factors, fornication won’t quite do the trick. It may even make you still more miserable.

And so, when one Republican running for Congress in Montana loses his cool with a noozie from a left-wing British newspaper because “the last guy that came in here, did the same thing”—whatever that “thing” may be, we can only imagine—it certainly does not mean that every non-liberal in America is in imminent danger of turning into the Wolf Man. It only means that a single individual, in the heat of a hard-fought political campaign which he was already winning handily when the incident occurred… just lost it.

We would have to lose a great deal more, before we ever became like them. We would have to lose our very souls, and probably our minds as well.

And I pray it’s just not in us, to become like them.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Please stop in and visit! It only takes a single click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Our Public Belief System—Really?

The Roman Empire didn’t care what your personal religious beliefs were, as long as you publicly worshiped the emperor as a god. Christians couldn’t do this, so they were persecuted.

Here in our own time and place, an employee of the Augusta, Maine, school district was punished recently for telling another employee, in a private conversation, “I will pray for you”. That this was part of a private conversation between two members of the same church cut no ice with school officials.

The employee was “coached,” whatever that means, never to use “phrases that integrate public and private belief systems.”

Does America have a public belief system, like ancient Rome? You’d think the First Amendment to the Constitution, supposedly the law of the land, would forbid it: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion…” How can one be punished for violating some public belief system that legally cannot exist?

So what is this sacrosanct public belief system? Who established it, how did they do it, and when?

You can search all over the Internet for the answers to those questions and never find them. At last I consulted the American Civil Liberties Union website.

Here the ACLU exhorts you to “become a freedom fighter” and “Take a stand for what you believe in.” Well, that sounds promising—but wait. On the same page, you are also urged to “push back against xenophobia” and “fight relentless attacks on reproductive freedom.” So if you believe in securing America’s borders, or believe that babies should be born instead of killed, I don’t think they want you standing up for those beliefs. If you do, watch out.

This still doesn’t tell us exactly what our public belief system consists of, so I went on to look elsewhere. Maybe some actor could tell us what it is. Being an actor is almost as good as being an ACLU lawyer.

I read an interview with a British actor. His name is not important; let us call his name Legion, because there are so many just like him (Mark 5:9). Asked what makes him angry, he promptly replied, “Religion!” Because, you see, if only there were no religion, the whole world would be a never-ending feast of peace, prosperity, wisdom, and social justice. I don’t think the ACLU or the Augusta school district would argue with that.

One begins to suspect that this public belief system, found not only in America but throughout the Western world, at the very least consists of support for abortion, borderless countries that aren’t really countries anymore but simply multicultural flophouses, and an absence of “religion.” Of course, it would be racist and unforgivably non-multicultural to complain about non-Christian religions, like Islam, so what they really mean when they invoke “separation of church and state” is the dis-establishment of Christianity. Somehow the Constitution’s prohibition of establishment of religion morphs into a requirement to dis-establish Christianity. And they go about it zealously.

As for who put this in place while the rest of us slept, or went about our own business peaceably, obviously it wasn’t Congress. Who needs Congress, when we’ve got leftist judges and lawyers, leftist schools and universities, motor-mouthed actors and celebrities, sneaky little bureaucrats that no one voted for, and a whopping great mass of left-wing nooze media? Any act of Congress would merely be an afterthought, and totally unnecessary.

They won’t throw you into the arena to be eaten by lions or killed by gladiators. Instead, they’ll give you “coaching,” “sensitivity training,” or simply take away your job. Mockery and public vilification are also on the menu. Boil it down to one word—a word that they’re particularly fond of: bullying. That’s what they accuse us of doing whenever we “take a stand for what you believe in.”

What they demand is that *we* take a stand for what *they* believe in. No other stand will be allowed.

Will there ever come a time when we’ve had enough of this, and send these people packing? They told us we couldn’t possibly elect a president, but we did.

Maybe the next impossible thing we do is just around the corner. God grant it be so.

I have discussed this topic and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Please stop in and visit! A single click will take you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Liberalism vs. Truth

God defines reality by creating it. Today’s liberals define it by denying it.

This beats lying by a country mile. The problem with lying is that it presupposes truth. Getting caught in one lie after another is supposed to hurt your credibility.

But leftist projects—be it Global Warming, socialism, transgenderism, or whatever—seem to survive repeated exposure as lies and fantasies. How do they do that?

If you establish that there is no truth in the first place, then you can get away with anything.

Take Global Warming, better known as Climate Change when it happens to be cold outside. We’re all gonna die, the sales pitch goes, unless we give the government vast new powers, and lots and lots of money, so they can do whatever they have to do to Save The Planet. You know the words to the jingle: “The science is settled,” blah-blah. And you know that the ones who yap the loudest about your carbon footprint live in mansions, zoom around in private jets and limousines, and leave their own Godzilla-sized carbon footprints everywhere they go. They certainly don’t act like they believe in Global Warming.

They’ve been caught innumerable times lying, cooking and suppressing data, and threatening their critics. Government agencies, like NOAA and NASA, have colluded with them. Democrats want the attorney general to investigate the hot new crime of Climate Change Denial.

Meanwhile in real life, Global Warming seems to be over. According to the scientists of the Danish Meteorological Institute, there has been no warming in the Arctic now for 19 years, the ice is growing thicker, and temperatures are “plummeting.” Gee, you’d think those findings would at least kick off a long-delayed debate. Instead, the climate mob just doubles down on its assertions.

Leftids never let truth stand in the way of ideology. And that’s because their postmodern “philosophy” (LOL) teaches that there is no truth: there’s only whatever helps you get your way, or doesn’t help.

Ironic, isn’t it? “Philosophy” means “love of knowledge.” But if there is no truth, then there can be no knowledge.

And so we have libs all over the place, from the highest to the lowest, saying whatever they think they need to say at any moment—and expecting to be believed.

Last week, for instance, a news story reported a woman pulled over for drunk driving: who was so plastered, in fact, that she dropped the breathalyzer and broke it. Her excuse? Trump made her do it! Yes—his election just naturally upset her so much, it drove her to drink. The cops didn’t buy it, but just about any college professor would have.

And we had dirt diva Miley Cyrus, who, as liberal celebrities so often do, had promised to leave the U.S. if Trump was elected. She’s still here. All she had to do was change her tune: she’s staying, she said, because “now I have to glue this place back together.” Oh, please.

If there’s no truth, how can there be any such thing as hypocrisy?

The basis of all this lying and confabulating is religious. We who know our God know Him as the God of truth. “I am of the truth,” said Our Lord Jesus Christ. And Pontius Pilate, that great pioneer of postmodernism, answered, “What is truth?” If there is no truth, then you have license to crucify a man in whom, you admit, “I find no fault.” You have the license because you have the power, and that’s all that counts.

Our modern leftids crucify truth with every word they speak.

But truth will endure, and they will not.

I have discussed this and other topics throughout the week on my blog, http://www.leeduigon.com . Please stop in and visit! A single click will get you there.

Now They Want A Global Mind

Why do humanists come up with the most anti-human plans you’ve ever heard of?

If you believe that man is not created in the image of God, but is a mere quirk of evolution—well, he’s hardly entitled to any special treatment, is he? Love, honor, and respect are all very well in their place, but the humanist knows no commandment that requires them.

The latest humanist dream, not counting the delusion of gender fluidity, is the brain/computer interface. The idea is to bond our brains, somehow, to some great computer. And then we’ll all be as smart as the computer, maybe even come up with a group mind—Democrats already have one—and there’ll be paradise on earth.

Or maybe not. Some scientists have warned that this could lead to “brain hacking” or other not-so-nice “intrusions.”  They see a possibility that whoever is in charge of the computer will be able to delete your thoughts without your knowing it. You won’t have any thoughts they think you shouldn’t have.

It takes a college education at least four years to do that.

And if they can take thoughts out of your head, why not find a way to put thoughts in? You go to bed at night a normal person, and wake up in the morning thinking “By jiminy, those open borders are a great idea! How could I have ever thought it wasn’t?”

British scientists have earlier suggested that fancy hi-tech magnet doohickies can probably be used to “treat”—that is, get rid of—a person’s belief in God. It’s amazing, what you think you have license to do, once you’re convinced your fellow man is just a quirk of evolution. See, he’s just not as highly evolved as you. That gives you the right to be his predator.

Don’t expect them to come right out and say, “Hook yourself up to our computer, and we’ll control your thoughts!” That would alienate them from everyone but liberals.

No—this sales job will make you *want* to be connected: the next step in social media. Sort of like Facebook on steroids.

“Don’t be left behind!” Note the theological overtone. “Now you can be smarter, funnier, and even sexier!” Yeah, somebody has already promised “sexier.” “Let the Master Computer handle all life’s hassles for you! Whether you want to become a grand master at chess, or just get all your bills and finances in order, it’s all up there in the cloud, just waiting for you to tap into it!” And so on.

It’ll be voluntary at first, but not for long.

All of this complicated scheme will be carried out by self-important schnooks who in real life would be hard put to organize a quilting bee. The mess they have made of the world will be nothing compared to the mess they’ll make of the human mind. Everyone will have the equivalent of his own Angela Merkel sitting on top of his brain, screwing it up just like she’s screwed up Germany—always provided they can actually get this satanic project off the ground, and not just waste a couple trillion dollars more of public money—that is to say, your money.

A global economy, and then a global government, and finally a global mind—do you think it’ll work the way they plan? Don’t answer that, if you’re a millennial with a bachelor’s degree in Gender Studies.

We are at liberty to doubt whether God will permit this to go foreward.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” (Psalm 2:4).

I have discussed this topic and others throughout the week on my blog, http://leeduigon.com/ . Please stop in and visit! Just a single click will get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Submit Or Die

The globalists who run Europe are running it into the ground, but the future prospects of their earthly paradise are suddenly in doubt. Brexit was a major setback for them, followed by the shock of Donald Trump’s election. And if Marine Le Pen can be elected president of France, on May 7, their whole enterprise might well go up in smoke.

There are only two candidates left on the slate—Marine Le Pen, who loves her country, believes in it, and wants to rescue it, and Emmanuel Macron.

Knowing how high the stakes are, the world’s left-wing news media are pulling out all the stops for Macron. He’s their guy. He’s all for globalism, open borders everywhere in Europe, and lots more immigration—a euphemism for overrunning Europe with Muslims. As for his commitment to his own country, he has said “France is not a fixed identity.”  As far as he’s concerned, there’s really no such thing as “France.”

So what label do the noozies, world-wide, give him? They call him a centrist! Le Pen, as they describe her, is “far-right,” with a “dark vision” of a country that has borders and a national identity. Which makes it a choice between a comfy, cozy “centrist” and some kind of neofascist monster.

Words can take on a lot of funny meanings when employed by noozies.

This is an obvious effort to deceive French voters. But it isn’t the biggest scam the globalist Left is running.

First let’s dispose of the twaddle that says it’s somehow bad or hateful to want to keep your own country. We have countries because God gave us countries. As St. Paul preached to the Athenians, God “hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and—“ this is the point that must be made here—“hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation” (Acts 17:26). It strikes me as bizarre that the same people who yap all day about the evils of “colonialism,” and rightly call it a crime to dispossess others of their lands, want to erase national boundaries and dispossess everyone.

This is the big scam. In Sweden, Germany, and France, and all along our own southern border, the globalist politicians who have hijacked their countries are doing everything in their power to wipe away the borders. They import, in legions, criminal gangs, jihadists, sharia, hordes of angry, able-bodied young men of military age who will never assimilate into the culture of the host country, and resist any and all efforts to stem the tide.

They are importing chaos.

And they will keep on doing it until they can finally say, “That’s it, folks! The borders have failed, the streets are full of violence, countries just don’t function anymore—and you have no choice but to give us lots and lots and lots of power, a world government that governs everywhere: because that’s the only way left to restore order. It’s the only way!”

Submit or die.

How many times have we seen this pattern in history? Bolsheviks in 1917 turned Russia into a boiling cauldron of violence and confusion, then stepped in as the only hope of order. And the people bought it because they had to. Nazi Brownshirts turned the streets of German cities into arenas of mob violence, and the German people accepted Hitler as their master because he would make it stop. It’s a simple pattern to follow: make a mess, and then offer yourselves as the only ones who can clean it up.

Are whole countries really going to fall for it again?

World government, performed by sinful human beings with an insatiable lust for power, is quintessentially immoral, even satanic. The more power accrued, the more power abused. Time and time again we’ve seen this: do we really want to see it anymore?

Only Jesus Christ has the right and the ability to rule the world; and until He returns to establish His Kingdom in the earth, all others who aspire to world government are robbers and usurpers.

Let’s keep our own countries until the rightful King appears.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Science Is Real

One of my neighbors parades around in a T-shirt that says “Science is Real.” Another has a yard sign that says the same thing.

Why do they feel the need to assert that science is real?

But I wonder what they mean by “science.” Has anyone threatened to repeal Newton’s Three Laws of Motion? Is that the science they’re defending? You don’t need to defend something unless it has come under attack, or is likely to be attacked, and you’re afraid it might be taken and destroyed.

Science is always demonstrating that many things accepted by scientists as real… are not real, after all. Once upon a time in science, there was this invisible stuff called phlogiston which did—oh, I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter anyhow because scientists eventually discovered there was no such thing as phlogiston. The Steady State Theory of the Universe followed phlogiston onto the scrap heap after being elbowed out of “real” by the Big Bang Theory.

And so it goes. Scientists believe in something for a while and then they don’t believe it anymore because now they believe in something else. In fact, it’s supposed to work that way: as more is discovered, more must be discarded.

But you have already suspected that what we’re talking about is liberals.

Those who don’t believe in God believe in idols, and Science is about the handiest idol around. Science will tell them what is real, usually in consultation with their other big, impressive idol, the State.

The “science” that must be defended by “Science is Real” T-shirts, worn by people who mostly have no scientific background—which makes their devotion to the idol all the more intense—is science that has mixed with politics and is viewed with suspicion and skepticism by those on the other side of the political fence. This is the ideology-saturated science of Man-Made Climate Change, evolution, and abortion, with the even more deformed pseudo-science of Gender Fluidity following in its train. This is the Science that liberals are defending—because they’re afraid it will be laughed out of existence if they don’t.

Scientists are only human, and no more immune than the rest of us to deception, wishful thinking, self-promotion, incomplete knowledge mistaken for the real thing, rivalry, personal animosity, and every other sin that flesh is heir to. They’ve also got computer models, which they themselves create and then study instead of studying nature: they find the models just so much more cooperative.

That science has also accomplished so much, in the history of civilization, is because it arose from the Jewish and Christian conception of an orderly, rational universe created by a rational and righteous God, with discoverable, knowable laws of nature. To compare it with any “science” created by societies without this worldview is a fool’s errand.

God being the God of truth, thinkers who grew up in this tradition sought for truth in nature, and sometimes found it. And because truth had intrinsic value for them, their science developed a self-editing, self-correcting function without which any progress would have been impossible.

But that’s not the Science that has to be defended.

The Science that has to be defended is baloney science, the secular vision of a paradise on earth, perfection brought about by imperfect, sinful human beings. All it takes is vast political power and huge amounts of money. It’s Science that claims to be able to do all those things, eventually, that God never got around to doing because He doesn’t exist—abolish war, poverty, bad weather, hate, yatta-yatta, sis-boom-bah. Its adherents have merely replaced one religious vision with another.

And some of us, no matter how many T-shirts and yard signs we might encounter, simply don’t believe it.

I have discussed these topics and others on my blog, http://leeduigon.com , throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Heaven Forbid

This is only a brief glimpse into the world of Heaven Forbid. We are not there. Not yet, at least.

Year Two of President Hillary Clinton’s first term got off to a running start yesterday when she signed into law the Fairness and Justice to All Americans Act, which gives expanded voting rights to designated minorities.

“This is how we make up for years of abuse and neglect suffered by all the victims of our racist, sexist, xenoph0bic, evil past,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. “And we’ll make it up fast!”

The Act will give five votes each, in every national election, to gay, lesbian, transgendered, and non-English-speaking Americans, and also to any African-American who can prove he or she has never voted Republican. It will give two votes each to all undocumented persons currently awaiting passage of the Immigration Reform and Instant Voting Rights Act.

“I am so proud to be signing this!” President Hillary Clinton said. “And I am proud of Congress for passing this legislation despite vicious opposition from mean-spirited, deplorable biggits. Contrary to their claims, we have taken away no one’s voting rights—not even theirs. We have only expanded the rights of all those Americans who have been short-changed by an unfair system.”

A Supreme Court challenge is expected, but Chief Justice Barack Obama has already decreed that the Act “will sail right through with flying colors.”

“We now have a truly living Constitution which changes and evolves from day to day,” the former president said. “We are no longer bound by anything that any bunch of dead white men might have said a hundred years ago.”

With the recent impeachments and untimely deaths of Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, and their replacement by Chelsea Clinton and Alec Baldwin, Chief Justice Obama predicted that the Act would be upheld unanimously.

Next on the docket, said the president, is passage of the Right Thinking Act. “I’m sure we can rely on Senator Schumer to get this to my desk next week at the latest,” she said. “I’m already limbering up my pen to sign it!”

The Right Thinking Act will ensure that only opinions “conforming to Science and to Social Justice norms” will be heard in any discussion of public affairs. It will give Attorney General-for-Life Loretta Lynch the authority to investigate and prosecute such wicked crimes as Climate Change Denial, Marriage Equality Denial (soon to be listed as a felony in all 57 states), Denying the Wholesome Peacefulness of Islam, and Saying Nasty Things About the President Or Looking Directly At Her When She Doesn’t Want You To.

“This is another reform that’s long overdue,” President Clinton said. “After all, every crime starts out as a criminal thought—and there’s nothing in the First Amendment which gives anyone the right to think bad thoughts. Now that we’ve let all the detainees out of Guantanamo, and sent them home with well-deserved reparations payments, we’ll have plenty of space for holding potential enemies of the people… until their minds are right.

“There’s just so much to do! But I’m glad to say we’re doing it. Together we will overcome racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, hate speech, hate thought, and saying ‘Merry Christmas’ instead of  ‘Happy Holiday.’ You have my word on it!”

This is the world of Heaven Forbid.

I have discussed these topics and others throughout the week on my blog, https://leeduigon.com/ . Stop in and visit—a single click will get you there.

The Left’s Embrace of Islam

The Western Left’s embrace of Islam is just as weird as weird can be. If some crawling squid of an American college professor ever had to go to Iran and live under Islamic law, he’d think himself hard done by. That would go double for any feminist, and might well be fatal to any LBGT activist.

And yet these same people feverishly strive to import Islam into their own countries, and compete to see which of them can show the most deference to it.

At Rollins College in Florida last week, a Christian student was suspended for disagreeing with a Muslim instructor’s assertion, in class, that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a hoax. You know—one of those fake crucifixions that the Romans were so fond of doing. Because the student disagreed, the instructor reported him to the Dean of Safety—whose existence proves the college has too much money and employs too many people—for making her feel “unsafe.” Hmm… Muslim jihad wannabes seem to have that effect on many people.

But not on American academics. One gets the impression they would have liked to behead the Christian student on the spot, just to demonstrate they’re totally cool with Islam. But they had to settle for publicly denouncing him as a “danger” to “the safety and well-being of the College community.” Was that quite sane? They did lift his suspension when it raised a storm of public indignation, but we are free to doubt it means they’ve changed their minds.

Swedish colleges are going ours one better. The government’s Minister of Equalities—whose existence proves the Swedish government has too much money and employs too many people—has announced that from now on all the students in all the state-run universities will be required to take courses in “men’s violence against women,” despite the fact that Swedish sociologists report that most of the violence now is initiated by women. But that doesn’t bother what Sweden proudly calls “the world’s first feminist government.”

Another thing that doesn’t bother the world’s first feminist government is the vast influx into Sweden of Muslim “asylum seekers,” many of whom are able-bodied, unemployed young men of military age who deem it a badge of honor to rape “infidel women.” That this has led to Sweden’s becoming the rape capital of Europe has made no visible impression on the world’s first feminist government. Well, they don’t call it the Stockholm Syndrome for nothing.

Meanwhile, in Montana, every Democrat in the state legislature last week voted “no” on a bill to ban foreign legal systems, especially Muslim sharia law, from operating there. The Republican majority voted for the ban, but don’t hold your breath waiting for the Democrat governor to sign it.

Are these people quite all there? How do you enforce the law in a state which recognizes competing and contradictory legal systems? Do Montana Democrats really want sharia, which authorizes the oppression of women and requires homosexuals to be put to death? This is indeed a special kind of crazy.

A long-running BBC mystery series, “Wallander,” starring Kevin Branagh as a Swedish police detective who is a self-identified atheist and cannot answer the question, “What do you believe in?”, recently aired its final episode—in which Wallander begins to succumb to Alzheimer’s Disease and is on the way to going helplessly gaga. I think maybe this episode said more than it meant to say, and can stand as a metaphor for the entire secular humanist enterprise.

The long-term goal of secularism has always been to erase Christianity from the wider culture. As a means to this end, they welcome Islam: jihad, they hope, will do what they themselves can only dream of doing. They think Islam will give them the fully de-Christianized world they’ve always wanted.

t won’t—but who still thinks these people are altogether in their right minds?

I have discussed these topics and others on my blog, http://leeduigon.com , throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The Truth Is Not In Them

When I was a newspaper reporter, the reporters I reported with were a skeptical and contentious bunch. They took nobody’s word for anything, and whatever any public figure said to them, they checked it out to see if it were true. If someone said the sky is blue, you can be sure that someone at the press table would say “Green!”

But this was local news, far removed from The New York Times—whose man in Moscow, Walter Duranty, spent the 1930s cranking out rose-colored fairy tales about the workers’ paradise presided over by his hero, Josef Stalin: and won a Pulitzer Prize for it, too. Even back then, truth was not a priority with the Big Nooze Media. But for us locals, it was.

Last week the Associated Press came out with new style guidelines urging news writers to “avoid making references in news stories that suggest there are only two sexes in the human race,” and never to use the words “either” or “both” when writing about the sexes.

And everyone climbed merrily aboard the transgender express, and nowhere was heard a discouraging word.

What happened to all the skepticism? At the very least, this is a highly controversial subject. Where’s the dissent? I don’t know how many reporters and editors are employed by the Big Nooze Media, but it must be thousands—and they’re all in lock-step, and no one dares to ask a question? Since when do news reporters have nothing to say but “Yes, master”?

Observe how slavishly, and with what dreary uniformity, they toe the line. And it’s not just America’s Big Nooze Media. In a recent article in Britain’s Daily Mail, the writer gushed over the story of a “man” in Ohio—that is, an intensely disturbed woman who says she is a man—“giving birth to his”—his!—“own daughter”. The article teems with writing that has not an iota of truth in it: “a man who was born a woman… Who still had his”—his!—“female reproductive organs.”

It is supposedly the function of the news media to give us information. Today they give us lies—and lunacy. Why?

Turn to the Bible, to John 8:40-47. Jesus, realizing that the Pharisees He was talking to refuse to believe Him—in spite of the miraculous works of healing He has done, for everyone to see, in spite of the witness of John the Baptist, in spite of the testimony of the ancient prophets who wrote of Him—concludes that these men are spiritually wedded to a lie.

“Ye are of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him… He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.”

These lies are weapons in a spiritual warfare waged by Satan against the human race. It doesn’t matter that most, if not all, of the purveyors of the lies don’t believe in the devil: Old Nick is in full LMAO mode, watching them carry out his rebellion against God’s created order. “Hey! If we can overthrow that whole ‘male and female created He them’ thing, we’ll have proved there is no God! And then we can really get things done!”

What may seem to be just an idiotic assertion that there are all these extra sexes floating around, when everybody knows there are only two, is more than that. What happens when people have learned to be afraid to speak the truth? When at the very least they give lip service to the lies, because they don’t want to be called “biggit, biggit, biggit” or “trans-phobe”? When it becomes just so much easier, so much less troublesome, to give up and go along with all of this, regardless of the cost to one’s integrity or self-respect?

I don’t think I want to see what happens then: and may God Himself defend us from it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Crazier And Crazier

More and more people have been telling me that they think it’s getting crazier and crazier out there. It’s not just the stories that we see in the news, although they’re bad enough. I think I’m seeing it in the way people drive—but let’s take a look at a couple of those news stories.

Maybe it’s just idle left-wing piffle, but there’s a claim out there that drinking milk, or advocating the drinking of milk, makes you a racist. True, just about everything you do makes you a racist, these days. It’ll be wearing white boxer shorts next. But some leftids, like this chucklehead of a college newspaper editor, see something shockingly Simon LeGree in hoisting a glass of milk. Can actual slavery be far behind?

The advantage liberals gain by making claims like this is that normal people will have no answer ready for it. Really, what can you say? It would be like arguing with someone who says he shot Abraham Lincoln.

But if racist milk is piffle, feast your eyes on mega-piffle—the assertion that “men can menstruate, too,” put forth in a newly-published children’s book (no kidding), “The Adventures of Toni the Tampon.”

Again, what do you say to this—“No, they don’t”? One gets the feeling of being lured into a parallel universe where chairs creep out of place when you go to sit on them. I mean, are we actually called upon to debate the question of whether men can menstruate? Does anybody truly have that much time to kill?

Someone could, I suppose, offer a $10,000 cash prize to any man who can prove that he can, and does, menstruate—excluding as ineligible any intensely disturbed woman who says she’s a man. But would even this silence such preposterous gabblings? Probably not.

What can possibly be the fate of a culture that gets into the habit of denying reality and insisting on the truth of things that are patently untrue?

Another story, this one not so funny, sheds some light on this.

In Argentina recently, a group of abortion-happy feminists set up on the sidewalk outside a Roman Catholic church and staged a mock abortion of the baby Jesus. I refuse to provide a link to this story: the graphic images are not something I can bring myself to circulate. No one needs to see a thing like this.

The craziness, as you can see, has a sharp and jagged edge to it. Leftids hate everything that normal people love, especially hating whatever we deem holy. Consumed by hate, they even reject their own salvation—and would take it away from us, too, if they could. They, like the crowd who clamored for Christ to be crucified, declare they have no king but Caesar—and they want to be Caesar.

Their god is the state, an extension of themselves. Snuffing out an unborn baby’s life is the ultimate statement of their power: it makes them big, they think. It goes along with all that other stuff that statists love—the barbed wire, the forced labor camps, the purge trials, the mass graves. If the history of the twentieth century has taught us anything, it should have taught us that.

History has told us who these people are and what they want. The lesson is so horrible, so dark, that many of us are afraid to take it seriously. But this is where they’re coming from, the culture-killers, who demand that we adopt their crazy notions, or else.

Kill the culture, and the culture will kill you back.

History leaves us no excuse for not knowing this.

World Government—Or Else

The 14th-century Italian poet, Dante, famous for his visions of Hell described in his “Divine Comedy,” also had a vision of how we ought to order human life on earth: one church, ruled by the Pope, and one world government, headed by the Holy Roman Emperor.

Indeed, he felt so strongly about it that he stuck Brutus and Cassius in the deepest pit of Hell, right there with Judas Iscariot, for betraying and assassinating the first Roman emperor, Julius Caesar. One might thereby charge him with inflating the value of Caesar while marking down the value of Jesus Christ, the only Person whose right it is to rule the world.

Dante, if he were alive today, would be dismayed by the state of the Church, broken into such a multitude of sects. But he would strongly support today’s push for world government. That push has become so fervent, so perpetually nagging, that it has actually inspired opposition to it, by Donald Trump, Brexit, Marine Le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, and others: go, team, go. Liberals now call this opposition “populist,” and chalk it up to xenophobia, Islamophobia, and this-or-that-o-phobia.

The Red Pope, Francis I, is going big for world government. I guess he’s read his Dante, and seems strangely undaunted by what the poet says happens to bad popes in the afterlife. The Red Pope’s idea seems to be to use massive immigration, from the Third World into the First, to break down national borders and make such a mess that a world government will be necessary to restore order.

The pope has denounced populism as “evil.” We’re all bad guys for trying to preserve our countries. He’s cozying up to Islam as no pope has done since Pope Julius II, some 500 years ago, who tried to enlist the Ottoman Turks as military allies against the French. That had a lot of Christians scratching their heads over it.

At the same time, we have Big Science making its own hard sell for world government: again a pope finds unlikely allies against his fellow Christians. Last week they trotted out physicist Stephen Hawking, whose myriad TV appearances over many years have made him the biggest gun Science can fire at us.

Unless we bite the bullet and install world government, Hawking says, in one of his typical oracular pronouncements, we’re all gonna die. Our natural bent for aggression, hard-wired into our genes by Darwinian evolution, will surely get the better of us. Hawking has also declared that Man-Made Climate Change will do us in; or else maybe some extraterrestrials will take less than a shine to us and decide to wipe us out. Or else maybe our own machines, endowed with great Artificial Intelligence, will do the job [cue for “Terminator” music]. Somebody’s seen more science fiction movies than is good for him; or else he’s just been interviewed on TV too many times, and it’s gone to his head.

Anyhow, Science is even more infallible than the Pope and we’d all just better do as Science says if we want to go on living. Science in general, and Hawking in particular, do not explain how persons who are hard-wired for aggression will be less dangerous, instead of more, if given absolute power over the entire human race. All we’re told is that we gotta do it, or else.

In God’s own time, there will be world government: the kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose right it is to rule. This is what God’s word teaches us. This is what we must believe. And ordinary common sense tells us that fallible, not terribly intelligent, and sinful human beings are simply not up to the job. Like, would you really trust John Kerry and his pals to rule the world? Really?

Pray that God makes us courageous, resourceful, and unyielding in our opposition to this ultimately satanic scheme.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

My New Book Is Out

Oh, what a mess! If they can’t run the country, Democrats will settle for ruining it—and the nooze media, and our great institutions of higher education, will help them.

I wonder if they understand that Barack Obama is constitutionally barred from being president again. Do they realize there’s no lawful way to award the presidency to Hillary Clinton, even if they were to succeed in their jihad to “drive Trump from office”? Either they honestly—if I may use that word when speaking of such people—don’t know these things, or just don’t care.

With all these liberals purposely trying to destabilize the country, why have I been writing fantasy novels? And why am I so pleased that my latest book has just been published?

The Throne”  is the ninth book in my “Bell Mountain” series. My publisher describes these as “faithful fiction that reveals the Kingdom of God,” and readers say I do it without getting preachy. Give God the glory for that. He guides me as I write, and the books are a lot smarter than I am.

Why fantasy? Well, it’s a way of looking at life from a new perspective that’s not so easy to access via other types of fiction. It allows me to write for teens and even younger children without parting company from an adult audience. Readers of all ages have enjoyed these books, so why change?

In the fantasy world discovered in my books, the people of a great nation have, over the centuries, lost their sense of relationship to God. Their religion is a worldly political establishment, a set of rituals, carried on by force of habit more than anything else. But there are still characters who seek God—some of them not even knowing that He is what they seek; and the stories are about how God calls them to His service, and how they respond—in an age of war and revolution, bravery and treachery, miracles, prophecy, barbarian invasions, and acts of sacrificial heroism and darkest villainy.

It’s not so different from our real world, after all.

I’ve tried to make these fantasies stand out from those commonly found on our bookshelves today, taking for my models the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, but always taking care not to imitate them: there’s more than enough of that elsewhere. The stories are infused with a Biblical worldview: even more than Lewis and Tolkien, the Bible is my inspiration. This I have tried to do without being preachy, for the excellent reason that most readers are turned off by preachiness, which makes the author feel good but does little for them. Most of our fiction is a God-free zone, which makes it trivial at best and unwholesome at worst.

So in these stories you won’t find any mighty wizards casting spells, although there are characters who pretend to have such power. Hopefully I have weeded out all the common fantasy clichés—bawdy tavern wenches, lusty warriors with muscles on top of their muscles, and all the rest of them. There is nothing allowed in my stories that the Bible doesn’t allow: all the laws of nature remain in force. Anything accomplished by the characters has to be done the old-fashioned way—by them, without benefit of magic. And by the power of God.

I write these novels because I have been called to write them, and the reader response has been all I could have hoped for. I don’t expect, as a result of my weekly political and social commentaries, ever to hear from anyone who says, “Hey, thanks, you’ve talked me out of being a liberal!” That doesn’t even happen in a fantasy world.

I write these books in faith: because, in the long run, faith, if we have anything at all, is what we have.

They Hate Everything We Love

Remember when they booed God at the Democrat National Convention, 2012? It should have told us what we were in for, but Mitt Romney found a way to lose the election in spite of that display.

Now, five years later, we have managed to win a national election—and Democrats are back to booing God. The latest example was at a Republican town hall meeting in Louisiana, hosted by Sen. Bill Cassidy, at which Democrat “protesters”—do they even know what they’re “protesting”?—loudly booed both the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The prayer got them really riled up. “Prayer? Prayer?” cried one incredulous progressive. “Pray on your own time!” bellowed another. And a woman, at the top of her lungs, invoked the name of Lucifer, who runs American leftism when George Soros is otherwise occupied. They got especially raucous at the mention of Jesus’ name; and then they heckled and booed the recitation of the Pledge. At this point we usually hear liberals deny they’re anti-Christian and angrily declare, “Don’t you dare question our patriotism!”

Again, these people are energetically showing us who they are, and shame on us if we don’t listen.

Why do liberals hate God? Because they’re after His job. They want to sit where He sits, and they insist that they can and will do all the things He should have done, but couldn’t do because He doesn’t exist. They, by the brute force of an all-powerful government run by themselves, will wipe out income inequality, abolish hate, war, poverty, disease, and while they’re at it, Save The Planet. And we’ll all live happily ever after as Citizens of the World. They haven’t gotten around yet to offering us forgiveness of sins and eternal life, but they’re working on it.

So they boo God, boo the country, and put up yard signs, as one of my neighbors has done, proclaiming such gems of tolerance and wisdom as “Patriotism is for Scoundrels,” “Blankety-blank Clingers,” “Black Lives Matter,” “Science (they mean Global Warming, evolution, and abortion) is Real”… and, as the bottom line, “Kindness is Everything!” I don’t think I want to know how they define kindness. The Bible has already told me that: “the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel” (Proverbs 12:10). Leftist “kindness” usually involves a lot of barbed wire and piles of dead bodies.

Just how addled are these liberals? Turn to one of our great state universities for an example. At the University of Michigan, “students”—don’t ask what they’re students of—are demanding that the university set aside “no whites allowed” space where “persons of color,” and no one else, can “organize and work for social justice.” It takes liberals to give a bad name to “justice.”

There used to be a lot of spaces set aside for persons of color only—in cafeterias, buses, rest rooms, and schools. It was called segregation, and it took the Supreme Court, the president, the National Guard, and several acts of Congress to bring it to an end—not to mention Martin Luther King Jr., and many others, being thrown in jail for opposing segregation. It was a really bad thing, right? And now these college students want it back. They should be more careful what they wish for.

They have cut the cable that anchored them to God, and now try to tie up to the water. Anyone can see how well that works.

Does anyone agree with me that drastically cutting the funds to the universities, and cutting the whole system back down to size, would be a fabulously good idea? I mean, how many master’s degrees in Gender Studies and Social Justice Studies does the country need? How much does a student pay for an advanced degree in Women’s Studies, and what good does it do her? That and a lot of serious groveling just might land you a job behind the counter at the 7-11.

Whether or not these liberals are beyond hope of repair is not for us to say. But we need to have our heads examined if we even think about ever again allowing them to run the country. They hate everything we love, and they will take it away from us if they can.

The left vs. Reality

Everyone’s entitled to his own opinion, Sen. Daniel Moynihan once said, long ago, but no one’s entitled to his own facts. Obviously Moynihan was talking about some planet other than ours.

It started in the universities, where all this poison hatches out, the idea that a text, any text, can only mean what the reader thinks it means. Academics liked this so much, they quickly applied it to everything. And we wound up having to say a man is a woman because he “identifies as a woman.”

Our public discourse today, at least that part of it that’s hurled at us by liberals, rests on the replacement of ascertainable facts by assertions that liberals want to be facts. They demand we base policy on whatever it is they say—because, after all, there’s no such thing as truth, there’s only politics. The rest of us are expected to let them define reality for everyone.

So last week it was the Red Pope, Francis I, solemnly assuring us that there’s no such thing as Muslim terrorism, that “it does not exist.” Does he think it’s Methodists who yell “Allahu akbar!” as they drive a truck into a crowd of defenseless people? Does he think ISIS is just some kind of Middle Eastern Lions Club? We are talking facts here, but he denies the facts. He doesn’t like them, so he denies them. And the rest of us are expected to nod our heads and say “He’s right!”

In the same speech, the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church, having just denied that Muslim terrorism exists, went into yet another sales pitch for Man-Made Climate Change, which we are pretty sure does not exist. Gotta pony up that carbon tax, says the Pope, and give governments all sorts of sweeping new powers to meddle with our lives, so they can Save The Planet: otherwise we’re all gonna die, blah-blah.

This guy’s just too much. He warns us to beware “what happens when we deny science and disregard the voice of nature.” He expresses concern for “our Sister Mother Earth.” Now he’s a prophet who speaks for Mother Earth. It doesn’t seem to matter to him how often NOAA and NASA and the rest of the Climate Change mob get caught lying and cheating. These are his facts—his facts—and he demands the world act according to his own personal definition of reality.

This is getting to be dangerous.

On Fox News, Tucker Carlson recently interviewed one of the leaders of the Berkeley riots, Yvette Felarca. This woman—employed as a middle school teacher, when she’s not rioting—has been very creative in making up her own facts. She’s trying to start a jihad of intimidation and violence against “fascists.” Who’s a fascist? Anyone who disagrees with her on any point.

She justifies what she has done, and what she wants to do, by claiming that “fascists,” otherwise known as ordinary people, are going around America “committing genocide” against this and that cherished minority—oh: and minorities, she says, are actually the majority—and must be stopped “by any means necessary” before they kill off most of the people in the country.

This woman is either one of the world’s most audacious liars, or locked firmly into a full-blown delusion. Her proposed solution to America’s problems—as defined by her own loopy set of facts—is to organize a coast-to-coast witch-hunt. Carlson had her on videotape demonstrating how her policy works: she physically attacks a Trump supporter, and is soon joined by several left-wing goons who knock the man to the street and start kicking him. Her “facts” entitle her to do this. In fact, they oblige her to do it.

Is it any wonder that a lot of people are starting to think that leftism is a mental illness?

Pope Francis doesn’t go around with a bunch of cardinals knocking down and kicking Climate Change deniers, but the only difference between him and Schoolmarm Yvette is that he relies on government to force people to do what he wants, while she’s into more of a hands-on approach.

God help us if we can’t clean up this mess.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

When all else fails, try lying

Everywhere you look, just now, it’s riots, protests, celebrities and Democrats asserting that President Donald Trump is mentally ill and mentally unfit to lead the country, yelling, cursing, name-calling, and, of course, violence. One tumor on the Internet remarked, “Donald Trump wants to burn the world so he can make a profit.” I’d like to know how anybody makes a profit by burning the world. But then to liberals “profit” is a dirty word.

I don’t put much stock in conspiracy theories; but to me, today’s crop of current events looks like a concerted effort, by Democrats, to create the illusion that no one in America wants Donald Trump to be president and that his election was an aberration, a thing that should not be. As another clown remarked, “Everyone in the whole world hates him!”

How does all this look like something that’s being done on purpose?

Look at all the professionally printed signs carried by the protesters. Who paid for that? And the fact that there always seems to be plenty of transportation on hand to get them on time to whatever it is they’re protesting—well, that suggests organization. And money. Can you say “George Soros”?

The organization was already in place, provided by teachers’ unions, universities, Democrat Party funds and special operations—as revealed by assorted videos released during the election campaign—left-wing advocacy groups, and other reliable sources. All they had to do was pump a little more money into it. And there’s always the nooze media, solidly in the bag for the Democrat Party, to magnify it with selected coverage.

The fact that Trump won the election anyhow, in spite of all this, indicates that the American people really did want him for their president, and that they really, truly don’t want to be bossed around anymore by liberals. The electoral map, showing results by county nationwide, is a sea of red marred by a few small stains of blue.

But the most dramatic proof that “Everybody hates Trump” is an illusion was provided a few nights ago—at the Grammy Awards.

A singer named Joy Villa showed up wearing a dress emblazoned with Trump’s slogan, “Make America Great Again.” Within hours of her appearance on TV, sales of her album increased by more than 18 million percent. Her album’s sales ranking on amazon.com went from 543,202… to three!

Whoa! Hold on, wait a minute! That’s not supposed to happen! I mean, everybody hates this—right? That’s what they’re telling us. How in the world could that have happened?

Hmmm… The Russians hacked the Grammys? Trump himself bought all those albums? It must’ve been racists! Or Climate Change deniers. Or maybe it didn’t happen at all: Steve Bannon and Fox News just cooked up that story. Oh, for a double wad of Play-Doh!

Liberals have a gift for saying things that are patently untrue, and then believing them after they’ve said them. It’s called lying, and it has served them well. They are also good at denying things that clearly are true. One liberal, on the telephone, declared to me that a certain book did not exist. “But it does,” I answered. “I have it right here on the table, right in front of me.” He still insisted to me that it did not exist. He also believes in Man-Made Global Warming.

So… they’ve tried everything, and now must fall back on a whopping great lie because everything else they’ve tried has failed. The nooze media has failed them. Hollywood has failed them. Left-wing billionaire money has failed them. Even the riots have come up short. So there’s nothing left to do but lie.

Sorry, liberals—but Joy Villa has well and truly kicked your butts.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Sleazy movies, sleazy culture

No one spends $100 million to make a movie intending it to lose a heap of money. They expect to make money. They expect a lot of people will pay to see it.

Soon to be released, “Fifty Shades Darker” is the sequel to “Fifty Shades of Grey,” a movie celebrating and promoting the perversion of “bondage and domination”—in which one partner, usually the woman, gets her jollies by being tied up and smacked around by the other. In the “Fifty Shades” franchise, it’s always the woman. Somehow this is supposed to be liberating, and feminists are too busy protesting in favor of abortion to devote any time to protesting against this. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

According to a review by The Express, this sequel is “far kinkier than the original” and “almost pornographic at times.” Almost? What do they have to do to go beyond “almost”? Never mind, I don’t really want to know.

It used to be that, if you wanted stuff like that, you had to get it furtively, sneak it into your den somehow. Now you take your date to see it at your local nabe. Stand in line, buy a ticket. You won’t blush if anybody sees you there.

True, there is a fair to excellent chance that this turkey will bomb at the box office; but Hollywood is betting that it won’t. And they’re willing to take the risk because this is what they do: this is their own piece of the fundamental transformation of America.

At one time, to release a movie like this would have been unthinkable. But our culture has been changed, drastically, and not for the better. What with our teachers’ unions, our colleges and universities, and Democrat politicians pushing and promoting transgenderism—or “gender fluidity,” as they sometimes like to call it—as if their very lives depended on it, what was once seen as perverted and bizarre has been pushed at least into the borders of the cultural mainstream.

To cite just one example: an Italian priest is in the soup now for “holding orgies on church property” and arranging visits to “naturist swingers’ resorts.” “Naturist” means they take their clothes off. Police caught him with a briefcase full of “sex toys” and similar paraphernalia; and he also got up to other tricks which I will not mention here. They had him dead to rights, so he broke down and confessed—and not in a confessional booth, but in a police interrogation room.

The Church seems determined to boot him out of the priesthood altogether, but questions remain. What made him think he could get away with this? What made him decide to do it in the first place? They say he had upwards of “30 lovers.” Who were they, and what made them look to a priest to be their pander?

There have always been corrupt and wicked clergymen. Read Dante. Read Boccaccio. We also have schoolteachers, professional people, and public officials every bit as slimy as this single priest. Are they learning this from movies, or is Hollywood just making movies that reflect the state of our culture? Probably a bit of both.

We want prosperity. We want liberty. But in order to have those things, you also need to have the family, a free market, religious faith—and decency. We can’t wallow in sleaze and hope for stable families, a rational economy, and a personal code of behavior that allows others to trust you and expect you to treat them as you would want them to treat you. If you want to see what happens to a society when the family breaks down, the market doesn’t work, and nobody bothers to obey the law—well, that isn’t hard to see. Spend a few nights in the worst parts of Chicago.

It’s a very good thing that we won a presidential election against the party that boos God at its national convention. But our culture has a long, long way to go before it’s healthy again. Winning an election won’t help us unless we can win back our culture from the culture-killers.

They’re the moral imbeciles who educate and entertain our children; and we mustn’t let them do it anymore.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The clueless derby

Let’s have a contest. Let’s see who’s more clueless—liberal politicians, liberal scientists… or actors. Ready? And they’re off!

Sometime soon, Democrat politicians from all over the country will be meeting in West Virginia for a “retreat.” The topic of their deliberations will be “how to talk to real Americans” who don’t live in New York, San Francisco, or Chicago and who aren’t mentally ill.

They’re convinced, you see, that they didn’t lose the last election because “real Americans” rejected their insane program, but only because they never found quite the right sales pitch for it. Oh, and also the Russians hacked them. I suspect they think all they’ve got to do is hire somebody to put on a plaid shirt and pretend he’s a real American from somewhere in the Midwest, and then he can go into his spiel for the Democrats’ DeLuxe Fun-Pack of open borders, Global Warming and a huge carbon tax, transgender bathrooms, importing lots and lots of Muslims without first checking to see they’re not jihad johnnies, massive new federal spending programs, Obamacare, and an explosive growth of government power, just to name a few.

They can’t believe we were so stupid as to reject this stuff: we really want it, but we’re too stupid to know we want it. So all they have to do is not make it look like something a bunch of liberals are trying to force down our throats. Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall for one of those pow-wows? “These people! They’re so dumb, you can’t even trick them!” There has to be a way to work around our deplorable stupidity. As the smartest people on the planet, they ought to be able to find one.

Meanwhile, the European Space Agency has unveiled a plan to set up a colony on the South Pole of the Moon, a sort of Club Med for ninnies, complete with a “Lunar Temple” and “dome of contemplation.” Don’t even ask what they expect to contemplate. Says the ESA head honcho, the Moon colony will be “a fresh start, a place where there are no social conventions, no nations and no religion, somewhere where these concepts will need to be rethought from scratch.”

Wow, who can resist that? What would it be like, to live with “no social conventions”? I thought we already had a place like that: it’s called Detroit. And no religion! There’s nothing like a “temple” with “no religion” involved in it. Don’t even ask who or what they propose to worship in lieu of God. It’s a bit surprising that this John Lennon wannabe forgot to throw in “imagine no possessions,” either, while he was at it. Just think—a whole colony devoid of all those things that make us human. If that’s not clueless, what is?

And then, a few nights ago, we had the SAG Awards, another confab of back-slapping “entertainers” who, like the politicians that they serve, wouldn’t know a real American if they found one in their breadbox.

Highlighting the affair was “Laugh-In” relic Lily Tomlin, who likened our new president, Donald Trump, to “the Nazis.” I guess she saw some Nazis in a movie once.

Silly Lily was all hot to trot for the next big protest march—they think protest marches full of snarling, cursing leftids will somehow convince the rest of us to abandon everything we hold dear and sign up to be progressives—and was contemplating, without benefit of a dome, “What sign I should make for the next march: Global Warming, Standing Rock, LGBT issues, immigration—there are so many things.” If she was any more persuasive, she could make a living selling salve door-to-door.

So, my fellow deplorables—who wins the Clueless Derby? With such an embarrassment of poverty, it’s naturally very difficult to pick the winner.

I’ll understand if you vote it a three-way tie.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

This is our chance

Within mere seconds of Donald Trump’s swearing-in as president last week, all references—repeat, all—to Climate Change/Global Warming/Whatevuh were deleted from the official White House website. Adios, sayonara, don’t let the door hit you in the kiester on your way out. In the words of John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel: “Hooray!”

This is the kind of shot across the bows that also takes off the prow of the ship. This is a declaration of war on the whole one-world, globalist, far-left utopian project. There is wailing and gnashing of teeth in Davos. John Kerry is in sackcloth and ashes—or would be, if he knew what it was.

A year ago, it would have all been inconceivable. We, the people, were licked. Sure, we kept electing Republicans to Congress, because they promised to stop Obama—and then they didn’t. They sat there dremmeling while the Far Left tore open our southern border, ordered little girls’ bathrooms opened to grown men, betrayed our allies while aiding and comforting our enemies, and did everything in its power to “fundamentally transform” this country into a Third World hellhole. Who could stop them?

Well, we did. We, the unwashed, the deplorables, the bitter clingers, the lowly peasants of flyover country. All it took was just one leader, just one—Donald Trump, of all people—to stand up to the monster and say, “No!” Something that regular Republicans just couldn’t do. And all he had to do was beat the Democrats, the Republican establishment, the entire nooze media, Hollywood, the entire “education” establishment, the labor unions, and the international whoopee crowd.

And so he did. Because we, the undefended regular people of America, we, the despised, stood by him. No matter what they threw at him, they couldn’t take him down—because God gave him the courage and we stood by him.

Some of us don’t yet understand what we’ve won. This is the Day of Liberation. It’s gonna take some time for that to sink in.

That’s why Trump’s instantaneous disowning of Climate Change was so important. “Save The Planet” was the best excuse the secular utopians ever cooked up, an excuse for doing virtually anything. “Climate Change” was supposed to scare the whole world into subservience. And so arrogant, so sure of themselves were they, the globalists, that they paraded their private jets, their limousines, their mansions, their posh vacations and all the rest of it—like 19th-century maharajahs pondering down the street on jeweled elephants, they paraded their power and wealth right up into our noses. They hardly even bothered to conceal the lies, the cheating, the intimidation of their critics. Why should they? The media was on their side.

“Save The Planet” was supposed to give them everything they’d ever dreamed of—government meddling in every aspect of human life, taxation like you’ve never seen before, suppression of dissent on a global scale, and, ultimately, a world government with themselves, the enlightened ones, towering over the defenseless masses. All for our own good, of course.

That’s what the Climate Change scam was supposed to give them—but our new president said “No!” Boy, are they going to have a terribly difficult time trying to carry out their little project without the participation of the world’s largest and most advanced economy. And every populist hero and heroine in the rest of the world is going to be thinking, from now on, “If Donald Trump can do it, why can’t we?” Go, go, go, Marine Le Pen!

This is what we have to understand. Against all the odds, against all expectation, we suddenly have a God-given opportunity to crush liberalism in America. We now have a president who’s more than willing to do it. He will need the cooperation of the Republicans in Congress, and it’s our job, as voters, to scare them into giving it.

For it turns out that the Left is not as powerful as they thought it was, the movie stars are not as well-loved as they think they are—how easily we could replace them!—and causes like feminism, abortion, open borders, race-hustling, and transgender bathrooms are not as popular as President *Batteries Not Included and Nancy Pelosi thought they were.

Deplorables, stand tall! This is our chance!

Let’s make the most of it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Listen to the bad guys

Our secular humanist overlords keep dropping hints about what they’ve got in mind for us, and we ought to pay attention. Put them all together, and the message they add up to is quite clear.

For instance, did you know the German legislature—well, its Green Party members, at least—is considering a plan to subsidize trysts with prostitutes? Okay, it’s not free ho’s for everybody. Just for “the elderly and the disabled,” and others in need of “sexual relief.” They tried to sneak this into the National Health in Britain a few years ago, but the public didn’t like the idea of their tax dollars paying for other people’s dates with hookers. And in the Netherlands a night in the cat-house is a deductible medical expense.

So maybe this scheme—they could call it “Fornicaid”—is an idea whose time has come. You know Obamacare would be a lot more popular if the government were fixing its dependents up with prostitutes. Oh, excuse me—we’re supposed to call them “sex workers.”

When we’re not visiting the sex workers, our rulers would kind of like us to be eating nice, healthy, tasty, sustainable… insects. Remember, to create their secular utopia, they will need absolute power over every aspect of our lives—including what we eat: right, Michelle? And they would like us to eat bugs. It has something to do with Saving The Planet.

No, not Barack Obama, John Kerry, any Clinton, or any of that Davos crowd eating bugs—good grief, no! It’s you who ought to eat bugs. They get the Kobe beef. They also get to keep their air conditioners, mansions, private jets, etc. Shut up and pay your taxes—and here, have a crunchy fried palmetto bug.

All the while they’re degrading us, destroying our self-respect with bugs and hookers, our lords and masters would also like to drive us crazy. Evidence of this has emerged in northern Spain. There, with the backing of the local governments, posters are being hung in many towns and cities—posters that proclaim that “Some girls have penises and some boys have vaginas.” Illustrated with frontal nude pictures of little kids with mixed-up body parts, the posters are being paid for by “an anonymous American donor” whose initials are, I suspect, G.S. Not that he’s the only reprobate who could be guilty.

The whole project of the worldwide Left originates with Satan, the author of confusion. Its whole aim is to overthrow God’s created order and replace it with an order created by moral imbeciles and lunatics. That’s what this whole transgender thing is all about.

How badly do they wish to confuse us? Try “totally.”

Toward that end, the European Parliament is pondering legislation to declare robots “electronic persons,” complete with certain “rights” and “obligations.” No blame to you if you think this ridiculous story is a hoax; but alas, it’s not. The EU big shots are that far gone.

A few thinkers are a tiny bit concerned that we might lose track of the difference between robots and human beings. Robots, for instance, can be programmed to simulate human emotions. That doesn’t mean they have those emotions. But try telling that to the poor schnook who’s madly in love with a vending machine. But what the heck: our sages don’t study nature anymore, but study computer models that they’ve created, and the simulation tells them whatever they want to hear about Climate Change. So who needs the real thing when you’ve got a simulation?

Study the message. First they’ll debauch us, then make fools of us, then plunge us into utter confusion—and finally replace us. Oh, I think they’d rather keep us around: there’s no fun in being a tyrant if you don’t have people to tyrannize, and bullying a lot of machines, well, that just doesn’t cut it. The secular humanist dream has always been a handful of elite rulers and scientists lording it over an enormous mass of ignorant, defenseless serfs. For their own good, of course.

Don’t say they haven’t warned us.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Satan’s culture killers

I have come to believe that the whole left-wing, secular humanist, utopian project is satanic to the core, and that R.J. Rushdoony was right, many years ago, when he called it nothing less than a concerted effort to overturn God’s created order and replace it with an order created by moral imbeciles.

The project has scored its greatest successes in screwing up our culture. If you can’t hold onto the culture, you can’t hold on to anything: no amount of political victories will save you.

“Male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27) is a Biblical statement foundational to human life, and “progressives” have a really big problem with it. They have made it their favorite target—because if they can destroy the foundation, that’s a big chunk of their work done and promotions all around in Hell.

Consider: in New Jersey, a woman who asserts that she is now a man, because she’s been surgically mutilated and shot full of hormones, has sued a Catholic hospital for declining to remove her uterus. The hospital administration considers this woman’s hysterectomy to be part and parcel of a “gender reassignment” caper, and they won’t do sex-change operations because they object to it on moral and religious grounds. And here comes the lawsuit.

This is a predicament straight out of The Screwtape Letters. If the Catholic doctors perform the hysterectomy, they are saying, tacitly or explicitly, “You are still a woman.” That leaves them open to being called haters and biggits, etc. How dare they contradict some intensely disturbed individual’s self-identification? But if they go along with the delusion, then they collide with the fact that a man doesn’t have a uterus for them to remove.

“Facts? You’re talkin’ facts? Well, we don’t do facts anymore! Facts are an instrument of oppression!” And so on.

It gets confusing; and as the author of confusion, Old Nick is highly pleased. His whole kingdom is based on confusion. He doesn’t do facts, either.

And then there’s the wholesale moral corruption of the culture, another treasure of progressivism.

The Fox TV network gets a lot of heat from libs because it produces Fox News, which libs say tricks ordinary dumb and stupid people into becoming conservatives who, if not snookered by these “fake news” programs, would just naturally and inevitably believe whatever liberals told them. But at the same time, Fox TV cranks out the same kind of culture-killing garbage as the other networks.

This month Fox TV debuted a new “comedy” featuring a six-year-old boy who is supposedly “transgendered.” That is to say, he insists he’s a girl, he sometimes wears bondage gear, and talks about “my vagina.” Richly amusing, eh? Presenting a child in such a way, as a sexual object, can easily be classed as child abuse—maybe even kiddy porn. Beats me how they get away with it.

But there is rejoicing in Hell, because thousands of people, under the impression that they are merely consuming real cutting-edge “entertainment,” are giving their tacit approval to a form of pedophilia. Some of them aren’t even aware they’re doing that. “Waddya mean? It’s just a TV show!” We might also wonder what this child actor’s parents are thinking. “Wow! Our little boy’s a TV star!” And Down Below, the enemy is tickled pink.

Oh, but nobody who’s all grown-up believes in the Devil anymore! The more fool them.

This is the fundamental transformation of America that really counts. We can probably repeal Obamacare, we can probably secure our borders, probably cut taxes, and maybe even chase some of the thieves and globalist kooks out of our government.

But if we can’t secure our culture, revive our Christian faith and moral standards, wake up and see that the foundational statements in the Bible were put in there by God to do us good—well, if we can’t do that, then probably none of the other stuff will matter in the end.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The long way back to sanity

The American people won a great victory in the 2016 election, repudiating the utopian statist vision of “fundamental transformation” of their country. We have won that battle, but we still have a long, hard war to win: the wackos who embrace that vision are not about to give up on it, nor are they restrained by anything we might recognize as morality.

When they finally got the Supreme Court to impose same-sex pseudomarriage on America, the Left gleefully announced the culture war was over, and they’d won. Well, not so fast, there.

There is still a culture war, and we must win it. Liberty and prosperity won’t survive in just any culture medium, and certainly not in the kind that Democrats have been brewing up for us. If we give up on the culture, we might as well give up on everything.

At the last minute of 2016, a federal judge in Texas ruled that Obamacare cannot force the public to pay for “gender reassignment” surgery. Obamacare includes a “gender fluidity mandate,” boldly proclaiming that one’s sex is not a biological fact, but only “a state of mind.” If not for that judge, we would have gone into 2017 burdened by yet another load of rank insanity.

It’s already a heavy burden. As it is, New York City now recognizes 31 different “genders” and has made it a law—well, not a real law that elected representatives voted to enact, but rather a regulation stuffed down our throats by bureaucrats—that persons trying to do business in the city had better recognize them, too, or else. Can you even remember 31 “genders”? There’s stuff on this list that a normal person never even heard of.

If your city, state, or county has anything like a “human rights commission,” your city, state, or county is over-budgeted and has more of your money than is good for you. This madness in New York is the work of the NYC Commission on Human Rights.

Back in May the commission invented a whole new crime—“misgendering”. Businesses are now required to use the “correct gender pronoun” preferred by whatever addled wacko comes strolling into the shop, and heaven help you if you don’t. Employees who “persist” in “misgendering” are to be fired. So you have to remember, somehow, all these crazy newfangled pronouns like “hir” or “ze,” or get nailed for “misgendering.”

In December, 2015, the commission first unveiled this plan, announcing a maximum $250,000 fine against business owners and employees guilty of “misgendering.” We have not yet heard whether anyone has actually been slammed with this, but the regulation lets the city yo-yos do it if they want to.

Go ahead, anybody, I dare you—explain how any of this makes the world a better place.

This is the madness that needs to be rolled back. It’ll take more than four years, more than eight years, to do it, but it must be done. And it’ll be hard, too: because the loonies who’ve been pushing it are firmly entrenched in our schools and universities, our government bureaucracies, our legal system, our publishing industry, and what we like to call our entertainment industry. They will not give up their liberal/progressive dream of controlling every aspect of everybody else’s life. They’ve been working on it since the 19th century and they’re not about to abandon it now.

If you think a free, stable, prosperous republic can be maintained in a culture of radical moral uncertainty, please think again.

The issue is ultimately a religious one. Marriage and the family, liberty of conscience, the rights of private property, equality before the law (rather than “protected categories” of citizens sticking it to the rest of us), truthfulness, compassion—these are Christian values: these are the blessings of God’s laws. Christianity is their context; the Bible is their voice. They could not be born, and certainly not maintained, in any but a Christian culture.

Our country’s founders knew that.

Do we?

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2017 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The legend of Hillary

It is said that in every legend there is a grain of truth.

Well, in some more than others.

We are privileged to be living in a time when a new legend is being created right before our eyes. Swirling around in the mists of the past are the origins of such famous legends as those of King Arthur, Hercules, the Trojan War, and Robin Hood. We can’t be sure whether any of them were real people. Closer in time we have, for instance, the legend of Davy Crockett. He was a real person; but the umpteen Davy Crockett Almanacs, published during his lifetime, are utterly worthless as historical documents. They’re just tall tales, one whopper after another. But no one was expected to believe a word of it, even back then: those tales were entertainment, nothing more.

Today we watch in amazement as Democrats labor to create the legend of Hillary Clinton.

This started quite a while ago with the claim, made publicly and often, that Hillary Rodham was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the New Zealand explorer who became world-famous when he climbed Mount Everest in 1953.

Hillary was born in 1947.

If you don’t believe that her mother was clairvoyant, you have to wonder why this extremely silly claim was bandied about for all those years until the Clinton campaign—and The New York Times—finally admitted that it was just a story… in 2006. Did no one have access to an encyclopedia? And the excuse offered by a Clinton campaign spokeswoman: “It was a sweet family story her mother shared to inspire greatness in her daughter, to great results I might add.” Ugh.

As this year’s presidential campaign neared its climax, the legend-spinners got down to business on the social media, creating a kind of weird cult called “Pantsuit Nation.” We are asked to believe that some 2.5 million women signed on to this effort to transform an incompetent, lying, corrupt, foul-mouthed, power-hungry drunkard into a deathless icon of Woman’s Struggle for Equality, blah-blah.

Oh, my stars. They went so far as to liken their candidate to Rosie the Riveter, the muscular figure who symbolized women who worked in factories in World War II to defeat Hitler. If you can even imagine Hillary working in a factory, you are probably insane.

Brewing up a legend is hard work, and after Hillary lost the election that she was supposed to win by a landslide, the work continues. In the Middle Ages, hundreds of years after the real King Arthur, if there was a real King Arthur, monks and bards and storytellers were still at work on his legend, claiming that he never really died and that someday, when he was needed most, he would return. But first they had to account for his disappearance, which they did by claiming that he was the victim of monstrous treachery within his own family.

The Legend of Hillary must come up with some explanation for her failure to win the election. Well, take your pick. Putin rigged the election. FBI Director James Comey betrayed her. Minority voting was suppressed. “Fake news.” College students forgot to show up on Election Day. The women’s vote betrayed her. The Electoral College betrayed the whole country by not handing her the White House.

None of this quite has the ring of Lancelot and Guinevere committing adultery and destroying the unity of the Knights of the Round Table, setting the stage for Mordred’s rebellion against the king—but give them time, they’re working on it. They’re bound to come up with a compelling story in the end. We are, after all, talking about people who stood up and cheered, during the Democrat Convention, when an addled B-List celebrity described Hillary—former captain of the Bimbo Eruption team, who smeared and tried to destroy the women who’d been sexually assaulted by her husband—as the defender and champion of woman who have suffered from sexual harassment. If they believed that, they’ll believe anything.

They will create a legend; and future generations of Democrats—if there are any future generations, given liberals’ penchant for feeding babies to Planned Parenthood—will believe it. They may even believe that Hillary will come again.

The grain of truth in this legend will be downright microscopic.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The Son of God is with us

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” –Psalm 23:4

Sometimes the Son of God is really with us. Really.

In Daniel 3, the Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, erected a gigantic golden idol and ordered all his subjects to bow down to it whenever they heard the music play. Anyone who didn’t, he warned, would be pitched into “a burning fiery furnace.”

Three Jews—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—refused to bow down to the idol. When the king threatened them with death, he added, “And who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?”

They answered boldly, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” Notice that they did not say that God would indeed deliver them: they left that up to God Himself. Whether God chose to do so or not, they would not bow down to the idol and serve a false god.

So the king ordered them cast into the furnace. And then something happened that made the king doubt his own senses.

“Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” he cried. “Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” And the men came out of the fire unharmed, for God had delivered them; and the king was humbled.

This was not the only time that God performed such a miracle. Fast-forward into the 20th century.

As Europe was tuning up for World War I, explorer Ernest Shackleton set out on an expedition to cross Antarctica by land. But his ship was crushed in the ice, and he and his men made a narrow escape to a desert island. There they would surely die, unless they were rescued.

After many hardships and extreme peril on the sea, Shackleton and two companions arrived on South Georgia Island, where they then had to hike over mountains and glaciers in hope of reaching the whaling station on the other side of the island, from whence word could be sent to summon rescuers. It was a grim and difficult march, a race against death.

Now let Shackleton tell us what happened during that march.

“When I look back at those days I have no doubt that Providence guided us, not only across those snow-fields, but across the storm-white sea that separated Elephant Island from our landing-place on South Georgia. I know that during that long and racking march of 36 hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia it seemed to me often that we were four, not three. I said nothing to my companions on the point, but afterwards Worsley said to me, ‘Boss, I had a curious feeling on the march that there was another person with us.’ Crean confessed to the same idea. One feels ‘the dearth of human words, the roughness of mortal speech’ in trying to describe things intangible, but a record of our journeys would be incomplete without a reference to a subject very near our hearts.”

For two persons, let alone three, to have the same hallucination at the same time is exceedingly unlikely, and may not even be possible. We have heard of this same miracle happening on other occasions, but Shackleton in his time was a very famous man, not one to squander his reputation on tall tales, and his witness is worth very much. Its similarity to the Biblical account cannot be ignored.

It would have been pugilistically interesting to see what would have happened, had anyone dared to call Shackleton a liar to his face; but no one ever did.

We will not always emerge from the valley of the shadow physically alive or unharmed.

But we will not walk through it alone.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The church of global warming

While the Democrats’ post-election tantrum goes on and on, the Roman Catholic Church is looking to get in on the act.

The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis I—the Red Pope, Jesuit, a solid Liberation Theology guy (that’s liberal Catholic code for “Marxist”)—is, well… pontificating. Recently he announced that new priests, from now on, are to preach and teach the gospel of Climate Change. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences has ruled that Global Warming is “real,” and caused by “human activity.”

That ought to jazz up the confessions. “Bless me, father, I have sinned. I used half a dozen sheets of toilet paper in my visit to the loo this morning! And I turned on my air conditioner last night! And I drove here in an SUV.” And so on.

Globalism, and its drive toward world government, has been taking it on the chin of late. The crown jewel of globalism is, of course, its hysterical assertion that only a fantastically enlarged and empowered government can Save The Planet from the catastrophe of Man-Made Climate Change. And the Pope’s on board with that, big-time.

Climate Change is “real,” in a sense that it’s always happening, has always been happening, and happens as a result of vast natural processes that our ruling class can neither start nor stop. We have recent scientific findings that the “warming,” however much of it there ever was, was caused by an unusually strong El Nino event in the Pacific Ocean. That event is over now, and the temperatures are coming back down to where they were before this latest El Nino occurred.

We are unable to confirm reports that the Pope intends to excommunicate El Nino.

Meanwhile, we continue to be pestered by alarm bells rung by the politically-driven nooze media. Have you heard that reindeer in the Arctic are “shrinking” because of Global Warming? Hey, unless we buckle down and pass that Carbon Tax, Santa’s gonna have to hitch his sleigh to smart cars. In the same nooze story, we are told the reindeer face imminent extinction—and that their “numbers have been steadily increasing over the past two decades.” Imagine that. And it is not mentioned that deer population numbers naturally go up and down. Ask any hunter.

The Pope was rooting for the Clinton crime family to win the election, sweep back into the White House, and cut loose with its deluxe fun-pak of open borders, high taxes, thousands of shiny new rules and regulations, countless new thought crimes for the government to investigate and punish—especially the crime of “Climate Change Denial”—and transferring more and more power to the United Nations.

It would have been a good time for him to bring back the Inquisition, to chase after those Climate Change heretics who eluded the Attorney General.

But then along came Donald Trump and spoiled it. All they needed was a leader with some guts, and the American people gave a big thumbs-down to the whole damned thing. I say “damned” to indicate the transcendent wickedness of the globalist enterprise.

Nothing good can come of the RC Church hopping into bed with power-hungry politicians chiefly distinguished by their constant readiness to lie. The church might catch something from them that might prove fatal.

But I guess Pope Francis thinks it’s just too good a gig to pass up.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

To Liberals—no thanks

Liberals are always astonished when they insult you and you don’t thank them for it.

The alleged educators in Oregon’s Hillsboro public school district recently banned all “religious-themed Christmas decorations”. The ban included Santa Claus, who, last time I looked, appears nowhere in the Bible. It’s a pity we should have to point this out to educators, but Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and “You’ll shoot your eye out with that BB gun” are not, in fact, part of Christmas as a religious occasion.

As would have been expected by anyone but clueless liberals, this nonsense in Hillsboro soon became a hot topic in the social media. So hot, in fact, that school officials were moved to pull in their horns and announce that they would not be “policing classrooms”—do you like that choice of words?—as assiduously as originally proposed, and would take action only when classroom Christmas decorations were, as they put it, “over the top.”

What does that mean? What top? But I think we can guess: in a predominantly Christian country, any acknowledgment that Jesus Christ was born in the flesh to be our Savior and our king, liberals, the least liberal people on the earth, would consider “over the top,” and thus forbidden.

And they’re amazed that we don’t like it.

The higher you go up the public education ladder, the sillier it gets. It also gets increasingly nasty. While Hillsboro school officials were trying to stamp out Santa Claus, Hampshire College in Massachusetts—oh, those Blue states!—caved in to public pressure and decided to allow the American flag to fly from one flagpole on its campus, after all. The college had taken down all American flags in an idle protest against Donald Trump’s election as president, declaring that America’s rejection of the Clinton crime family proves we’re a country full of racists, biggits, and deplorables.

Military veterans objected en masse, a lot of people invaded the campus with flags flying proudly, and the college president backed down. He never meant to hurt anybody’s feelings, he explained: “Heck, I was just showing all those stupid peasants what a bunch of racist biggits they are. You’d think they would’ve thanked us for it!”

And while all this goes on, they’re threatening and trying to bribe electors to overturn the results of the election, thinking that America will thank them for it in the end. “Oh, boy, we’re gonna have open borders after all! And higher taxes! And Obamacare forever! And lots and lots of unvetted Muslim immigrants, just like Germany! And here we thought we were gonna have to do without all that! Thank you, Democrats!”

That’s what they don’t get—we really don’t want to buy what liberals are selling us. “How could they just vote against their own best interests?” liberals lament. Like we would actually benefit from transgender bathrooms and an Attorney General “investigating” the newfangled “crime” of Climate Change Denial, when everybody knows, claim liberals, that the only way to Save The Planet is by raising our taxes and giving tin-pot politicians vast new powers to push us around and meddle in our lives. The truth is that none of what they have to offer would be of any benefit to anyone—except themselves.

But we’re not alone. All over the world, people are waking up to what their leaders want to do to them. Britain votes to leave the European Union. Italy smacks down a major power grab and forces its head honcho to resign. France is rumbling with discontent. No, we’re not alone anymore. We’ve got plenty of company.

And soon even the one-world wannabes are going to know it.

They may have no king but Caesar, but Our Lord is the King of Kings, and He will set us free.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Put the democrats away — for good

Imagine this…

Trump loses, Hillary wins. Republicans immediately contact electors pledged to Clinton and threaten to kill them if they don’t switch their votes to Trump. Public school teachers in I don’t know where—Enid, Oklahoma, maybe?—refuse to acknowledge the results of the election and decide to “teach” their students that Clinton didn’t win, it was Trump… mustn’t freak out the kiddies with bad news.

Biff Bingle, the candidate of the Necktie Party, who received 0.01% of the vote nationwide, demands a recount in three states narrowly won by Clinton. Bingle, who raised only $52.49 for his entire campaign, in 48 hours raises $5 million for his recount effort, most of it coming from Trump donors. Although there is admittedly “no evidence” for it, Bingle declares, it’s “vitally important” to “investigate” the allegation that America’s voting machines were hacked by certain naughty fellows in Tahiti, “stealing the election” from Trump.

Meanwhile, an unidentified billionaire funds and organizes street demonstrations by Republican voters; and all across the country, colleges and universities suspend midterm exams and provide grief counseling, coloring books, and Play-Doh to students who supported Trump and were traumatized by his defeat. And on the airwaves, Sean Hannity and Anne Coulter denounce the “fake news” that tricked Americans into voting for Clinton.

And so on.

Rather hard to imagine, isn’t it?

Why? Because the GOP is a national party composed of ordinary people who don’t center their lives on politics, but do devote most of their energies to family, jobs, and churches. This cannot be said of Democrats. Not by a sane person, at least. The Democrat Party is based on a handful of large cities in a handful of states, where left-wing fanatics use well-funded political machines—by hook or by crook, and mostly by crook—to run up the popular vote. It is driven by activists who make effective use of spurious votes by dead people, fictitious persons, non-citizens, and multiple voters riding buses from one polling place to another.

Having lost the election, they now endeavor to hamstring Trump’s presidency before he’s even inaugurated. They can’t realistically expect to change the outcome, but they do intend to taint it.

For them the payoff will not be now, but four years from now. They hope to stir up enough doubt, enough frustration, and enough resentment over this election to whip their troops into a frenzy in the next election. That’s how they expect to win it. Because they are a national party no more.

Pay close attention, because in all their actions, they are showing us who they really are: sham “journalists” in a corrupted and ferociously partisan nooze media, lawless, fanatical, and perfectly willing to destroy the whole system if it doesn’t give them what they want. They truly don’t care how ugly or how turbulent it gets. If they can’t own it, they’ll settle for ruining it.

They have a vision—open borders, higher taxes, perpetual animosity among the races, suppression of dissent, transgenderism, and above all, big, big, swollen government, an all-powerful government—which they will not surrender.

America must disable the Democrat Party once and for all, put it out of business forever, and consign it to the rubbish heap of history.

For as long as it remains viable, it will be a threat to our country and our Constitution.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

They call it ‘teaching’

Preparing the kiddies for their higher education at Crayola University, the United Educators of San Francisco—you already know what’s coming, don’t you?—resolved last week not to tell their students that Donald Trump won the presidential election. Instead, they’ll kind of let on that Hillary Clinton really won.

They also plan to encourage the kids to use profanity when speaking of Donald Trump—because, asserts the teachers’ union, he’s a racist and a sexist and a symbol of white privilege and he’s mean and awful and the no-good rotten people who voted for him are just a bunch of biggits and deplorables and they’re crude and stupid and, and, and–! The rhetoric gets kind of overheated at this point.

Besides, Science tells us that cursing a lot means you’re really very smart.

When the kids come home from school and turn on the TV, and discover Donald Trump is actually the president-elect, and their teachers were totally BS-ing them, what then? Will they laugh at their teachers? Or will they still believe them, fending off reality as just another vast right-wing conspiracy?

Y’know, though—some of our most important institutions are deep in the creek-mud. They aren’t working. Our colleges and universities hand out Play-Doh along with meaningless degrees in useless subjects. Our nooze media does not report the news, and has become a bought-and-paid-for auxiliary of the Democrat Party.

And our public school teachers, knowingly and purposely, teach things that aren’t true. As one teacher-in-training once explained to me, “It’s all right to teach children things that aren’t true, if those things make them feel good about themselves.”

I don’t know how teaching that Crooked Clinton won the election is supposed to make ten-year-olds feel good about themselves. Maybe they’ll find comfort in thinking, “Gee, adults have tantrums, too!”

Leftists can’t believe the American people have rejected their open borders, Big Government, one-world, transgender, Climate change, atheist-utopian pie in the sky. They just can’t handle it. “No, it can’t be! It’s wrong, all wrong! And we was robbed—we musta been robbed!” They can’t get their little lefty minds around what happened. They see it as a peasant revolt, the deplorables in flyover country ungratefully snapping at the ankles of their betters. Unthinkable! It never happened, it never could have really happened—

“I gotta calm down! Gimme some of that Play-Doh!”

It remains to be seen, just how much mischief these alleged teachers can do by monkeying with the minds of children in their classrooms. It’s possible the kids might tune them out: then all we’re talking about is wasting untold millions of tax dollars spent on public schooling. But if they can get the kids to listen, and believe, who knows what kind of hell there’ll be to pay?

We can all tune out the noozies. Their credibility is shot, and they are being rapidly replaced by alternative news sources.

But the moral and intellectual train-wreck that is our entire education system—that we can’t tune out so easily. There’s no way to get unionized teachers to tell the truth. The only truth they know is left-wing politics.

Our children have to be taken out of an education system that only does them harm. The system is broken beyond any hope of repair. Homeschooling, Christian schooling, are luxuries no more: they have become necessities.

All that can be said for sure is this.

Parents who love and respect their children must not leave them at the mercy of the teachers’ unions.

Because, as King Solomon observed, the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel (Proverbs 12:10).

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

A speech Mr. Trump ought to make

Now that the election’s over, and Democrats are into their customary hissy fit because they just can’t believe the American people rejected their far-left loony agenda, there’s a lot of talk about presidential pardons. Who needs to get one? How many must be handed out? Who’s going to be stuck without a pardon?

Regardless of how that issue plays out, there is one speech that our new president, Donald Trump, ought to make to us, as shortly after his inauguration as possible. And to help him craft it, we have as a model another speech in history, made within living memory.

One of the most important speeches ever made was by Nikita Khrushchev in 1956, to the Community Party Congress of the Soviet Union. It was called “the secret speech” because they meant to keep it secret, available to Party members only. But it was much too big for even communists to keep it under wraps.

In his speech, Khrushchev listed and denounced the crimes of his predecessor, Joseph Stalin. It was a long list and a long speech. It was by no means a complete list: Khrushchev focused on Stalin’s crimes against assorted victims within the Party, and did not address Stalin’s vast crimes against the general population, resulting in the deaths of millions of defenseless people.

After Khrushchev gave that speech, it was impossible for the Soviet Union ever to go back to pure Stalinism. Unable to rely on fear and violence to shore up a regime based on a totally crazy economic model, the evil empire slowly liberalized its policies and then expired: the long-term effects of Khrushchev’s single speech.

America needs a speech like that from Donald Trump, no matter who’s been pardoned—a speech listing and denouncing the lawless acts of the Obama administration and the crimes and corrupt practices of the Clinton family and the Clinton Foundation.

Some of these we already know about. Using the IRS to disable the regime’s political opponents. Re-directing funds for humanitarian relief in Haiti to boondoggle projects benefiting no one but Foundation donors. Playing fast and loose with classified information involving our national security. Rigging the Democrat primary against Bernie Sanders. Benghazi. Hiring thugs to disrupt rallies. Race-hustling, in collusion with George Soros and “Black Lives Matter.” Refusal to enforce our immigration laws. The list goes on and on.

It will be a long speech, and America needs to hear it from the president. Not from Rush Limbaugh, not from Alex Jones, not from Wikileaks. We need to hear it from the president, standing in front of the Presidential Seal.

Even if by then it’s impossible to prosecute those who have committed these crimes, because they’ve all been pardoned, it still matters very much to set the historical record straight. If Khrushchev had not done so in 1956, there would have been nothing to stop him or one of his successors from going back to the Stalinist tradition of murdering anyone they pleased, for any reason.

Swept under the rug, where Washington can pretend they never happened, these crimes will not only fester, but multiply. They will beget similar crimes, bigger crimes, worse crimes. They will erode the rule of law, breeding a climate of lawlessness that threatens the survival of our constitutional republic.

We may not be able, legally, to punish the perpetrators. But such a speech, coming from the president for all the world to hear, will forever brand the criminals as criminals, pardon or no pardon, and deter those who would follow in their footsteps.

We needed a new president, and we got one.

And now we need the truth.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

It’s the culture, stupid

I had to write this column before Election Day, but you won’t see it until afterward. Anyway, by now you’ve probably had enough

Even more important than elections is the condition of our culture. We can’t screw up our culture and expect that everything else will be okay. In fact, our politics and our economy are the way they are because our popular culture is a mess.

Movies, TV shows, music videos; best-sellers, worst-sellers, and comic books; big sports and little sports: this is our popular culture, most of which we like to call “entertainment.” This is what we pump into our heads every day, hour after hour. This is how we educate ourselves.

Most of our culture rot is first hatched out in our colleges and universities; later it gets loose. Years ago, we had literature professors teaching young people that a text has no meaning except for what you, the reader, think it means. Rather insulting to us writers, but that was never a consideration. First literature, then history, and then the social sciences: there’s no true truth, there’s only “your truth” and “my truth.” And the next thing you know, you’ve got some chupacabra addressing the Democrat National Convention and calling Hillary Clinton, former captain of the Bimbo Eruption Squad, the champion and defender of women who’ve suffered sexual harassment—and the crowd stands up and cheers one of the two or three most flagrant lies ever told in public.

If there’s only “your truth” and “my truth,” then nothing can be really true or really false, and you certainly can’t have moral truths or moral facts of any kind—and you’ve got an entertainment industry spewing out a movie like “The Neighbor”. In this 2016 monstrosity, every character in the movie is some kind of criminal or other and every problem is resolved by a bacchanal of violence in the climax. Not even gun violence: these folks, with plenty of special-effects gore, just bash each other’s heads in, repeatedly.

We sit and watch, and that’s how we educate ourselves. Especially if we don’t know a patent absurdity when we see it—a disability acquired by many in the course of a formal education in public school or college. Here it has become permissible for teachers, John Dewey’s “change agents,” to teach things that are demonstrably untrue, because there is no truth and the teachings serve a desired political purpose. Well, left-wing teachers’ unions desire it, at any rate.

Major sports are a big part of our self-education curriculum. They mine us for our money, without any other care in the world.

A National Basketball Association star can make millions, even tens of millions, of dollars; but a recent report analyzes the further adventures of some of these millionaire athletes. You’d be surprised at how many of them have lost everything they’ve earned, some in excess of $100 million. They lost it be turning to drugs, to crime, to child support payments for multiple out-of-wedlock offspring, or to just plain cluelessness when it came to handling colossal amounts of money.

These players, many of them, are swept up from the ghetto, given a window-dressing of a “college education” (LOL), and the very best of them are drafted into the NBA, showered with money in quantities they can hardly comprehend, and turned loose on their own—while the rest, the ones who never made it to the NBA, are simply discarded. We aren’t told what happens to them, but we can guess. Meanwhile, we sit there grooving on March Madness and all the rest of it, training ourselves to a habitual carelessness and ignorance—but who cares, as long as we get our entertainment?

Our culture revels in waste, violence, and perversion, and we are told it doesn’t matter. It’s only a movie, only a game, only our “erotic minorities” finally winning the acceptance they deserve, or only yet another political speech full of lies that we know are lies but do not care. And so we wind up governed by a power class so fantastically corrupt as to defy description.

This is the price we pay for disregarding God’s laws first, and then our own.

This is our diploma.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Trump – the only one that can save America

This will be my last chance to plead with my NewsWithViews readers to vote for Donald Trump for president and to try to convince their families and friends to do the same.

If you’re still not resolved to vote for Trump after several hundred thousand Hillary Clinton State Dept. emails turned up where they shouldn’t—this time in Anthony Weiner’s laptop, the one he used for sending lewd pictures of himself to teenage girls—then here are a few more points to ponder. If you really need them, after this.

If you think America really needs to teach the lesson that “Crime does pay, and how!” then by all means, don’t vote for Donald Trump. Let Criminal Clinton be rewarded with the highest office in the land, where she’ll be able to commit bigger and even more lucrative crimes.

If you think a political campaign that hires and coaches thugs to initiate violence at the other candidate’s rallies should be rewarded with the White House, then sit this one out, or vote third-party, or even vote for Clinton. Just don’t vote for Trump.

If you think America needs the kind of chaos, crime, and violence that wide-open Muslim immigration has brought to Germany and France, well, Hillary’s your gal. Don’t vote for Trump.

If you love the idea of open borders for America, with free stuff, amnesty, and even voting rights for everyone who comes here illegally, don’t vote for Trump.

If you think “journalists,” aka “presstitutes,” should be rewarded for taking money from the Democrat Party, actively coordinating their “news coverage” with the Clinton campaign, then please don’t vote for Trump—you’ll rob them of their payoff.

If you believe the Justice Department’s proper role in government is to shield law-breaking officeholders from being held accountable, then don’t vote for Donald Trump. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has already had a lot of practice keeping Hillary out of jail. Why break up a winning combo?

And if you think it’s also the Justice Department’s job to “investigate” persons for being skeptical of Global Warming, don’t vote for Trump. Those “investigations” are on the Democrat platform, not his.

If you think the freedom of religion enshrined in the First Amendment should be replaced by some Clintonian flim-flam called “freedom of worship,” don’t vote for Trump. As near as we can decipher it, “freedom of worship” means you can still exercise your religion wherever the government can’t get at it—inside the four walls of your church, for instance, until they come after it in there. And don’t think they won’t, because in some cases, they already have. But if that’s the kind of thing that appeals to you, then by all means let Clinton have the White House. Don’t try to stop her with a vote for Trump.

If you think Obamacare should just go on and on, and your insurance premiums go up and up, until the whole damned thing implodes and then the corrupt and power-hungry vandals who made the mess in the first place throw up their hands and say the only answer left is for them to control, and own, each and every aspect of your healthcare—well, then, Trump is not your candidate.

And if you’re convinced the government needs more and more of your money, bigger and more intrusive powers to meddle with your life, all because an army of proven liars insists they need it to Save The Planet from imaginary Man-Made Climate Change, then whatever you do, don’t vote for Trump. Who needs an air conditioner or a refrigerator anyhow?

If you think the private-jets-and-mansions crowd should have the power to tell you where and how to live, and tax you for it, make sure you don’t vote for Trump.

Finally, if you believe the goons from Black Lives Matter, and assorted labor unions, ought to be rewarded for their crimes with free passes to the Lincoln Bedroom, then don’t for Trump. You don’t want to disappoint George Soros, do you?

If you’ve got it in for America and you hate your country for being so slow to take up communism, this election’s got to be very simple for you.

Just don’t vote for Trump.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The walls of Jericho

Win or lose, Donald Trump’s candidacy is a sign that the days of a free ride for the ruling class are over. Like the TEA Party movement before it, Trump’s presidential bid gives voice and shape to a deep and general discontent. That discontent is not going to go away.

Because people all over the world are waking up and finding that their house has been robbed while they slept—robbed by the very persons whom they trusted to protect them: robbed by the leaders they elected. Thinking they were choosing public servants, they were only choosing masters.

The time has come to push back.

Michael Barone last week analyzed pushback in two very different countries, Britain and Colombia. In Britain, of course, the issue was “Brexit,” secession from the European Union. In Colombia, it was a sweetheart peace deal with rebels who had seen better days.

In both cases, the government strongly supported a particular policy: in Britain, “remain” in the EU, and in Colombia, the peace treaty.

In both countries, the people living in the capital cities, and in some not very populous outlying areas, strongly supported the government’s position, while all the opposition came from what we might call “flyover country.”

In both cases, all the major polls showed the government’s position winning decisively.

And in both Britain and Colombia, the polls were wrong and the government lost: the overlooked peasants pushed back against their lords and masters, and prevailed.

We will soon see the same thing happening in Germany and France.

Why? Because people in countries all over the world are cluing into the fact that their rulers’ agenda isn’t their agenda. That the politicians, the courts, the nooze media, the academics, the union bosses, the movie stars, and the whole self-anointed whoopee crowd want their countries to go to places that the people most emphatically don’t want their countries to go to: globalism, open borders, bigger and bigger government trending to world government, mass immigration—what will they do, when they’ve finally emptied Syria?—the overthrow of Christian faith and social ethics, and vast new tax regimes. It’s all part of a deluxe fun pack that won’t be any fun at all for those of us who don’t have private jets.

Push, push, push—our betters, our self-styled aristocracy, are pushing us for all they’re worth. They’ve been pushing us for years. And we don’t want to go! We don’t want their fun pack, nor anything that’s in it.

So we have begun to push back.

The United Nations, the High Temple of the ruling class, will hold another Global Warming conference next month—from which they’ve already shut out those few remaining journalists they’ve judged “not helpful” to the high cause of Saving the Planet through Big Government. “Climate Change” is their all-purpose excuse for interfering with our lives. We have to let ‘em do it or we’re all gonna die.

Push back. Push back!

In a public school in Oklahoma, a teacher recently declared, in class, that “To be white is to be racist, period”. Here is yet another excuse for growing the government, re-engineering our society, and treading us down. And we don’t want it.

No, boss, we’re not going to take it anymore. You can take your safe space, speech codes, racially segregated dorms, Gender Studies degree programs and all the rest of it, and stick it right back down your throats—because we’re not buying it. This has all gone on way long enough, and it’s time for it to stop.

Out-of-control liberalism’s fun pack is in serious trouble; and if it’s not Donald Trump who slams the door on it, then it’ll be someone else. We have been pushed far enough.

May God give us the strength to keep on pushing back until the whole benighted enterprise comes crashing down—

Like the walls of Jericho.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

World-class hypocrisy

After going through this year’s extravaganza, we may get used to dirty political campaigns. But we really are lost if we ever get used to this level of hypocrisy.

Okay, truly outrageous lies, based on the presumption that the public is either blindingly stupid or else afflicted with amnesia, have been increasingly popular in our politics. In 2004 it was John Kerry, who got his career started by declaring that his fellow-soldiers committed war crimes, passing himself off as some kind of war hero because he got three Purple Hearts without ever having had to spend as much as 15 minutes in the infirmary. Only a liberal could swallow that. And this year it’s Hillary Clinton—of all people!—pretending to be a protector of women who’ve suffered sexual harassment. A great deal of pure ignorance must be acquired, for anyone to believe such a whopping big lie.

We’re used to our politicians lying to us—after all, that’s how they communicate—and we’re even used to a certain background level of hypocrisy. But this year’s frolic features world-class, Olympic gold medal-worthy hypocrisy, and we should fear its long-term effects on the nation. It may debase us past the point of no return.

Last week, emails were leaked from the Clinton campaign showing a concerted effort, orchestrated by campaign chairthing John Podesta, to subvert the Roman Catholic Church from within by creating “activist groups” that would undermine the church’s authority. It seems Dems don’t like the Catholic Church as is, even with a socialist, Climate Change-spouting Pope and legions of quasi-marxist nuns, and took action to interfere with it and change it.

This is prodigious hypocrisy indeed, by the same people who shriek “Separation of church and state!” at the drop of an Amen. Did your middle school science teacher mention Intelligent Design? “Separation of church and state! Off with his head!” Did the Army chaplain invoke the name of Jesus Christ? “Separation of church and state! Off with his head!” When these people quote “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s,” they mean everything, but everything, is Caesar’s!

So why were they trying to infiltrate the Catholic Church and change its teaching? Why has their tin goddess, Hillary Clinton, stated that “deep-seated religious beliefs will have to be changed” to accommodate abortion?

Meanwhile, whatever happened to the “Everybody does it” defense, such a prominent feature of Bill Clinton’s presidency? If Bill rapes Juanita, “it’s only sex” and “everybody does it.” But if Donald Trump allegedly “touches” a woman 30 years ago, it’s an intolerable offense to the entire nation—and because he allegedly did that, well, we have no choice but to have Mrs. Clinton as our president, along with her deluxe fun pack of higher taxes, open borders, unvetted Muslim refugees galore, race-hustling, and Obamacare forever. ‘Cause when a Republican does it, whether he actually did it or not, it really, really matters.

And from the same people who blow off all criticism as only a vast right-wing conspiracy, there’s this gem from the same John Podesta treasure-trove of emails: a bald-faced admission that Democrats have “conspired”—their own word, not mine—to create “an unaware and compliant citizenry”. All right, that’s boiler-plate “progressivism” which they’ve been working on, with a fair amount of success, for the better part of a century—in other words, a vast left-wing conspiracy.

Are we as a nation grown so corrupt, so amoral, so Godless, as to even contemplate allowing such a pack of hypocrites to lord it over us? Have we truly sunk so low?

Once they get to appoint a few Supreme Court justices, it’ll mean a green light for anything and everything they want to do to us, and curtains for the Constitution.

Please keep that in mind when you go out to vote next month.

Because that, and not any ridiculous question of who groped whom, is what’s at stake in this election.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Don’t give in to despair

There’s despair in the air. Well, why not? The whole ruling class, with all its aggressive micro-constituencies, is lined up against us. They like what they’ve got and they want to hold on to it—and if they have to wreck the country to do it, they don’t care.

Electoral fraud schemes are a daily feature of the news. Law enforcement agencies are working hard to search them out and bust them; but for every one they stop, how many more will still be in business on Election Day? Whether it’s dead people, people who never existed, or illegal aliens, you know they’ll all be voting Democrat. All of them. And the Party is not the least embarrassed by it.

The nooze media are in the bag, the debate moderators are crooked—you get better refereeing in pro wrestling—and the big happy family up on Capitol Hill, Republican and Democrat alike, stand shoulder to shoulder for the status quo.

No wonder decent people feel defeated. The best we could do for a champion is Donald Trump, politically an unknown quantity—and the best he can do, for support… is us. Only us: the despised deplorables inhabiting flyover country, where we cling bitterly to our God and our guns and always wind up, as the country-wrecking liberals like to say, “on the wrong side of history.” All the movers and shakers, all the big shots, from the pashas in their private jets all the way down to the most addled academics, bent scientists, and moronic movie stars, are set in stone for Careless Clinton.

They’ve even got a hurricane working for them, the really nasty one we had last week. In less time than it takes for a Democrat to register an illegal alien to vote, an NBC noozie announced that the proposed Paris treaty on Climate Change is “designed to stop” hurricanes.

So, see, we’ve got to give the Global Warming Gang the president they want so they can sign and ratify the treaty and stop those pesky hurricanes. It would’ve been nice if they’d shut down Hurricane Matthew, just to prove that they could really do it—but no. They demand that we take them on trust, and give them great globs of our money and grant them unprecedented powers to meddle with our lives. Like taking away our air conditioners and refrigerators, as Secretary of State John Kerry has suggested. And on top of that, the Democrat platform calls for our fabulously corrupt Attorney General to “investigate” the brand-new crime of “Climate Change Denial.” Say adios to your First Amendment rights.

Yeah, we’ve got reason for despair. All our guy has to do is beat the Democrats, the Republican bigwigs, the news media, Hollywood, the education racket, the international whoopee crowd, and massive voter fraud, and he’s home free. I hasten to add that Trump is “our guy” because he’s not Hillary and there simply is nobody else. Last week the media tried to brand him a sexual predator on a Clintonian scale, which I’m afraid convinced some of us not to vote. But I don’t have time to deal with that issue here.

All this despair is not without foundation. Things do look pretty bleak.

So why have I got “King Alfred’s War Song” in my head, these last two days? Twelve hundred years ago, King Alfred in England faced a deadly invasion of pagans from across the sea, an enemy that drove him off his throne and into the swamps—a king hiding in a peasant’s cottage, and ordered by the peasant’s wife to mind the cakes so they wouldn’t burn. But King Alfred beat the pagans, in the end. Beat them right down. And this was what he wrote, and sang: “For the Lord is our defense, Jesu defend us!”

For the great torrent of evil, of madness, washing over us with such great force and fury, as if to wash our country away—God’s hand in on the faucet, and when He turns it the other way, it’ll stop: just like that. The sovereign Lord of Creation will not be moved by all the wicked powers of a fallen world. When he says “Fall,” they will fall.

But we have to do our part. When Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded us to “occupy until I come” (Luke 19:13), He didn’t mean to sit around waiting for the Rapture. Like Alfred, we have to fight the battles that God gives us.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Bring your Bible to school – and watch what happens

As you read this, national “Bring Your Bible to School Day” is in progress (www.bringyourbible.org/). Sponsored by Focus on the Family, with legal backup provided by Alliance Defending Freedom, the campaign encourages children and teenages to bring their Bibles to school and share God’s word with others.

Meanwhile, a public school in Portland, Oregon, a grade school for children five to 10 years old, has approved an After School Satan Club. School officials said they had to do it because the school already has a Bible club so there has to be a Satan club, too, blah-blah. I wonder if Portland will have a “Bring Your Pitchfork to School Day.” [By the way, There was no outcry from local churches, they remained silent.]

Why does a legal foundation have to be on standby, if kids are bringing Bibles to school?

Because it’ll probably be needed. Earlier this year, the idiots running a California school sicked the sheriff on a 7-year-old boy who was… well, sharing Bible verses. This shocking act of religious hegemony (Oops—have I just invented a new thing for liberals to protest?) had to be put down!

But by now, after the child’s parents got Liberty Counsel to have a word with them, the school officials have completely reversed their position and said but of course, no problem, the boy can always share Bible verses with his classmates… now that that little “misunderstanding” has been cleared up. Translation: “Now that we realize we can be sued from here to eternity for that hysterical overreaction of ours, we take it back, we take it back! No hard feelings, folks!”

These news stories show us what our public schools are and where they’re headed. The Satanists claim there’s “a massive interest,” nationwide, in their after-school clubs, fueled by parents who are “concerned” about Christian “encroachment” in what ought to be a God-free zone. We are at liberty to disbelieve anything alleged by nitwits who profess to worship an entity whose a.k.a. is “the father of lies.”

The Satan clubs, so they say, will encourage the kiddies to cling—bitterly?—to “science and rational thought” as the only answers to life’s questions. Common Core already teaches that only “science” is true, and everything else is only someone’s opinion—a brilliant recipe for breeding up moral imbeciles. Somehow “science” has gotten bound up with atheism, devil-worship, and moral nihilism. It seems kind of strange the scientists don’t object to that.

So we wonder how many public school students will challenge the education establishment—which has so very many times, and with absolute clarity, demonstrated an active hostility to the Christian faith—and bring their Bibles to school with them today. We wonder how many Constitution-illiterate educators will call in the police, and how many cops—apparently with an awful lot of time on their hands—will come when they’re called: because kids with Bibles are such a dreadful threat.

Much good would be done if law enforcement agencies would go back to treating the wasting of police time as a chargeable offense. It used to be a misdemeanor.

If a local police department has the time and manpower to squander on frivolous complaints by giddy schoolmarms against children who have somehow outraged their fragile sensibilities, then that police department has more money and more manpower than is good for it. Instead of hauling children off to the cop shop, they ought to be running in teachers and principals who think it’s a crime to say or do anything that falls short of 100 percent conformity to their bizarre and God-hating worldview. Bust a few of them for wasting police time, and the effect on the others would be wonderful.

Unless you just can’t stand to see liberals cry.

For the time being, let’s wait and see what this year’s Bring Your Bible to School Day can accomplish. It had 155,000 participants last time, Focus on the Family says. If there are two or three times as many this year, that’ll be something to build on.

It’s got to bring in more kids than can be lured into the After School Satan Clubs.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The ‘everybody does it’ defense

My neighbor is perplexed that so many of her co-workers support Hillary Clinton—“Ol’ Careless,” as the FBI calls her—for president. “When I ask them about all Hillary’s lies, and all her cheating,” she says, “they just say, ‘So what? Everybody does it.’”

That brought me back to the Bill Clinton impeachment era. Then as now, the defense offered by his supporters was “Everybody does it”—in this case, marital infidelity. So I challenged a roomful of Clinton defenders, “I don’t know your names, so I can’t rat you out and you have no reason not to answer this question honestly, by a show of hands: How many of you have cheated on your wife?”

One hand went up, among some twenty men.

So everybody doesn’t do it, not by a long shot, and the “everybody does it” defense turns out to be just twaddle.

But what if, in spite of the protection of their anonymity, most or even all of those men were lying? Then the defense would have to be rephrased accordingly.

“I am a low-life, and I want my country to be governed by someone who’s as big a creep as I am.” Not exactly elevating, is it?

Are we asked to believe that everybody, or almost everybody, is a liar, a cheat, sexually immoral, a thief, and will surely abuse and mis-use any power they happen to acquire?

But we don’t live that way—not yet, at least: I hope. What would life be like if we really couldn’t trust anyone? It’s bad enough we can’t trust our country’s leaders not to use their public offices solely to enrich themselves, to amass still more power for themselves, to ruin the country without the slightest pang of conscience. But everybody? How do you live, if you’re sure your wife or husband is cheating on you at every opportunity? That every piece of food you buy and eat is tainted, that the mechanic who fixes your brakes hasn’t really fixed them at all, or that your physician is lying to you about your health and about the medicines and treatments he prescribes, just so he can gobble up your money and send you to an early grave? We all know there are individuals who routinely lie and cheat—but everybody?

Obviously not. You just can’t live that way.

But to insist that “everybody does it,” and to elect leaders who, like the Clintons, are flagrantly notorious for doing it—well, is there any better way than that to bring a nation down?

That’s what we’ve been doing, though.

Have we truly sunk so low, that a candidate’s character is simply not an issue anymore? If so, it’s a reflection on the voters’ character as well, and a very poor prognosis for the future of our electoral process.

It’s too late to be looking down our noses at Donald Trump and say, “No thanks, he just isn’t righteous enough for me. I’ll vote for the righteous candidate, or not at all.” That train has already left the station: the righteous candidate, whoever that may have been, had his chance in the primaries and didn’t make it.

By now, a self-righteous abstention from voting altogether, or voting for a fringe candidate who literally hasn’t got a chance, can have only one result—a Hillary Clinton presidency. Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of crime.

A vote not cast for Trump is a vote for Clinton; and such a voter, like it or not, has thrown in with the “everybody does it” crowd. The hard fact is that the only choice is Hillary or Trump. If we want a better candidate than that, we’ll have to start working for him—or her—right now, in the hope that there will still be an America than can be governed decently four years from now.

If not, there will be no cause to say, “Everybody does it.”

You’ll have to say, “I did it.”

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Which one is the antichrist

If you hated Christianity and wished to purge it from the earth—if you were an enemy of Jesus Christ, and wanted to destroy His Church forever—would you be a secular humanist or a Muslim?

I would have picked the secular fat-head every time; but now it seems Islam is giving secularism quite a run for its money.

Secularism attacks the Church by seduction, and Islam by violence. I would say “radical Islam,” to distinguish the crazed killers from decent, ordinary, peaceful people who happen to be Muslims, but the Muslim mayor of London says I can’t do that anymore. Apparently he’d rather I lumped ‘em all together. I will continue to make the distinction; it would be shameful to obey such a ridiculous command.

Something very, very strange is going on with our secular big shots and their attitude toward Islam. After toiling for years to chop down the tree of Christianity—by abolishing school prayer and Christmas celebrations, establishing abortion as a social norm, and pushing, as if their very lives depended on it, homosexuality and transgenderism—these same warriors of the Antichrist now compete with one another to see who can be the most submissive to another religion: Islam.

In Germany, as Angela Merkel imports swarms of belligerent Muslims into her country and winks at the ensuing anarchy, a German television ad, paid for by (who else?) the United Nations and the German taxpayer, urges German women to wear the Muslim hijab. This bizarre message is couched in terms of “enjoying tolerance”—as opposed to, say, “abject surrender to the invaders.” Oh, well: words only mean what the big shots say they mean. You don’t need your dictionary anymore.

Germany has a little problem which its leaders don’t want to address: Muslim male “asylum seekers” raping German women. It seems there’s no asylum for the women, so the leaders recommend the next best thing—surrender to radical Islam, and maybe they won’t rape you. Maybe.

The socialist president of France, Francois Hollande, sees and raises Germany’s surrender bet. He has called upon his whole cotton-pickin’ country to “embrace Islam.” Muslims are shooting up the place like drunken cowboys, but never mind—it’s a religion of peace! As long as you do what they say, and they aren’t in a mood to kill you.

Secularism, the de facto religion of French socialists, can “easily coexist” with Islam, says Hollande: as long as the Muslims always get their way, at least. Just ignore those pesky shooting and bombing, and the odd Muslim trucker trying to run over as many Frenchies as he can before they shoot him. It’s bound to work out well, in the end.

By comparison, Britain’s little war against words seems like small potatoes. But give them time, and they’ll catch up.

For surrender’s in the air, all over Western Europe.

What is it with these secular honchos? Is it just that they hate their own people so much, they can’t think of any better way to hurt them? Or is surrender to Islam simply viewed as the ultimate weapon in their war on Christianity?

A German politician—Green Party, of course—says she just can’t wait for the day when Germans will be a minority… in Germany. Wow: maybe someday, if they play their cards right, there won’t be any Germans there at all.

It’s becoming impossible to decide which of these weird cults, the secularists or radical Islam, more deserves the name of Antichrist.

But I think they both are antichrist; and they’re doing everything they can to prove it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The smartest people in the world

Recently in East Liverpool, Ohio, a couple of drug addicts, with their four-year-old son stuck helplessly in the back seat, nodded out at a traffic stop and had to be removed by police. Take a good look at the picture in the news item. It tells us where the Western world is headed and how fast it’s getting there.

Euro-socialism and its American imitation provide all sorts of safety nets to abate the consequences of making a pig’s breakfast of your life. In fact, they help you keep on doing it. So the addicts will get free care and then be turned loose to take more drugs.

Meanwhile, it’s higher education to the rescue! There’s no earthly problem that can’t be solved by the repeated application of unfiltered idiocy. With that in mind, Eastern Kentucky State University now offers a degree in Social Justice, designed to prepare students for wonderful careers as community organizers and activists. Now you can’t even be a prattling public nuisance without a college degree.

What’s it all about, Alfie?

Why, haven’t you heard? We’ve entered the world’s post-Christian age. No more Jesus Christ the Savior, no more God the Father. Instead, our salvation is to come from Big Government, Big Science, Real Big Education—oh, and Hollywood. They will do what God could never do. Just watch ‘em.

And you’d better get used to it, or else. No one will be allowed to diverge from diversity. Get with the program. Get with transgenderism, same-sex pseudomarriage, auctioning off the parts of aborted babies, and—this is really big—erasing all those pesky national borders so it can all be one big, happy nation ruled by the smartest people in the world.

When they’re not busy nodding out at intersections.

No, but no—those poor druggies aren’t the smartest people in the world! They’re just the flotsam and jetsam of this post-Christian age. They’re just the eggs that get broken to whip up the omelet of an earthly paradise. So ignore them, and ignore those imported mobs of Muslim males of military age and truculent attitude. Ignore it all: what’s a little crime wave, here and there?

Instead, look up to the sky, and praise our best and brightest as their private jets zoom off to Davos, where these incredibly smart people will dream up even more incredibly smart ideas to make our world a better place. Hey! If they weren’t doing it right, they wouldn’t have so many celebrities rooting for them, would they? Has a movie star ever given you a bum steer?

Worship at the altar of Science. They only lie because you wouldn’t understand the truth. When scientists and politicians get together, it can’t help but turn out right. Like, here they are, trying to turn back Climate change before it kills us all, and all they ask is for us to put our total trust and faith in them—and while we’re at it, to give up our refrigerators and air conditioners—and yet there are still these obstinate, ungrateful clods who persist in the crime of Climate Change Denial! More eggs that will have to be broken before we get the omelet.

“He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall He speak unto them in His wrath, and vex them in His sore displeasure.” (Psalm 2:4-5)

See, the problem with this being the post-Christian age is that we haven’t had our Christian age yet; and according to God, who knows about these things, that Christian age will last forever. But we’re only going to get it when Jesus Christ returns, cleans up the mess, and establishes His everlasting Kingdom on the earth as well as in heaven. That will be the Christian age, and it hasn’t happened yet.

So it’s not a post-Christian age we’re living through. It’s just a lousy age. And maybe it’s God’s way of showing us that none of this stuff works, and is never going to work—social engineering, moral anarchy, totalitarian government, and all the rest: brought to you by the smartest people in the world who, when all is said and done, are only fools in sages’ clothing. Apparently we didn’t learn that lesson in the 20th century.

But learn it we will—one way or another, however long it takes.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

A fool’s paradise

What do all these current events have in common?

At Rutgers University—300 years in business, and still hasn’t graduated anyone you ever heard of—students in a dorm are being coached never to speak unless it’s either absolutely necessary or positively helpful, lest you inadvertently say anything that a listener might possibly construe as “microaggression” or “microinvalidation,” whatever the deuce that is. Students had better just keep their lips zipped—because, after all, microaggressions depress the hearer’s immune system.

All around the country, infants are being vaccinated for every disease anyone can think of. As they get older, children are kept in increasingly secure, supervised, and “safe” environments, culminating in the “safe space” so necessary to the health and sanity of college students, where they need never see, hear, or read anything that might upset them.

What politician, when he or she runs for office, doesn’t promise that the government, with him at the helm, is going to “create jobs”? This will only happen if governments can figure out a way to create wealth; but that doesn’t stop politicians from promising it, or voters from expecting it.

World leaders and their scientific lackeys promise even more—to control “Climate Change,” which they’ll do if we give them greatly expanded powers to interfere in our lives, and bigger and bigger wads of our money. They’ll come and take it as fast as their private jets can get them there.

And on and on, bilge without end: promise heaped on promise, policy heaped on policy—all aimed at removing any and all challenges from life. All naturally oozing forth from a cockeyed humanist dream, or hallucination, of disowning God and setting up man in His place, and going on to create a downright jim-dandy earthly paradise. They’ve put it all down in black and white.

They can’t yet offer us eternal life (“But we’re working on it, we’re working on it!”) or forgiveness of sins (“But there’s no such thing as sin! Ask any flatline churchman!”), but everything else you could ask for is right there on the menu—even “a meaningful life” for every nebbish on the planet. Gee, I wonder what would constitute a meaningful life for a serial child molester.

But yes, they promise to do God’s job better than God ever did it. All we’ve got to do is get rid of our religion and trust them as if they were our gods.

Would you buy a used car from Hillary Clinton? Would you trust John Kerry to organize a game of Simon Says?

Of course, our leaders and sages first have to prove that they can do these things. That’s what moves them to dream up—and, God help us, attempt to execute—all these weird attempts to micro-manage human life. They’re all aimed at creating an environment in which there will be no stress, no pain, no disappointment, no regrets, no conflict, no frustration, no defeat (that’s why their kids get participation trophies and a “good job!”, or a college degree, just for showing up), and no bad weather, even. Such an environment would either be Heaven or a cemetery. Heaven belongs to God, but humanists have always been good at filling up the cemeteries. It’s what they do best.

Are we grown so small, so timorous, so servile, that this is what we want? Are we grown so credulous, so intellectually destitute, that we believe a bunch of little tin gods in government can give this to us?

But it doesn’t much matter what we believe, because our leaders and our sages believe it themselves, and act on that belief. They think they’re pretty hot stuff, and only a hateful, ignorant, racist biggit would fail to honor and appreciate their brilliance—and a good stiff course of sensitivity training will straighten him out, pronto.

Sorry, O masters of the world; but I like the God I’ve got, and you’re not Him.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Back to school: big mistake

It’s almost time for Americans to repeat the terrible mistake of sending their children back to public school. In some parts of the country the new school year has already started, proving that the Geneva Convention doesn’t protect America’s children.

In my hometown the budget for the four schools is more than that for all the rest of the municipal expenses put together. At the same time, one after another, new “learning centers” are being opened downtown—half a dozen of them, when last I counted. You wonder why such expensive schools need to be augmented by private tutoring shops.

What are we getting for our school tax dollars? What are the kiddies so busy learning that they have to resort to private instruction to pick up a bit of math and reading skills?

One) The big thing that they learn is conformity. Paid educators, and the people who believe them, call it “socialization” and insist it can’t be properly managed outside of public school, ignoring the fact that people all over the world socialized their offspring just fine for thousands of years before public schooling came along.

The single biggest lesson learned by most children in the public schools is that the most important people in their lives—way more important than those un-hip family members—are, of course, their age-group peers. Their friends. Children learn from other children. They do learn from their classroom teachers, which is another problem; but the ones they really listen to are the other kids in their class.

This is what’s been wrong with public schooling since the day it was invented.

The biggest thing they learn from other kids is how to be just like them. Sooner or later, every parent finds out what’s wrong with that. But usually by then it’s too late to uproot peer-group approval as the thing most desired by most children.

Two) Once upon a time—you won’t believe this, but it’s true—the biggest source of opposition to the social-engineering schemes of “education” theorists was… the teachers’ unions! But that stopped being true a hundred years ago, and by now the teachers have fallen into line with the theorists and become true Social Justice Warriors.

An invaluable book by R.J. Rushdoony, “The Messianic Character of American Education”, traces the long history of “education” theory in America by the simple expedient of letting the “educators” speak for themselves. They openly admit that their great objective is to impose “change” on society by alienating children from their families, their communities, their country, and—most importantly, to them—from Christianity. Is there anyone who dares to say they haven’t succeeded in that enterprise?

Just as John Dewey and other education swamis envisioned in the 1920s, schoolteachers have become “change agents.” This is the source of all the wackiness in public education. You can’t have a transgender/gay/whatever movement throughout society unless you start it in the classroom.

You can’t expect children to learn reading and math and history from teachers who are not well known for their deep understanding of those subjects, but are devoted to tearing down America as it is and replacing it with some crackpot humanist utopia dreamed up by college professors who do a lot of drugs.

Three) The lesson of dependence is a big one. Have you noticed that you almost never, anymore, see children simply playing as they used to? A pickup softball game on a summer’s day, with only four or five to a team and trees or bare spots in the grass for bases—you’re more likely to see a “Gerald Ford for President” bumper sticker.

Educators insist that every minute of a child’s day in school be supervised, and this has slopped over into the rest of life. Children are not allowed spontaneous, self-organized play, so they get no experience in making decisions, resolving disagreements, or coming up with compromises that let the game continue. Every decision is made for them by an adult.

Is it any wonder, after years and years of this, that college students cling to “safe space” where no decision need ever be made, no problem need ever be thought out, talked out, and resolved? They may be 19 or 20 years old, but when it comes to standing on their own two feet, they’re toddlers. They don’t know how to muster a cogent argument, but they’re always good for a tantrum.

It’s horrifying to contemplate what will happen to our country when the grownups are too old to carry on, and must hand it over to these overgrown infants.

Thanks, public education!

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Re-Christianizing America

I had the pleasure, this weekend, of reviewing a “Christian movie” that turned out to be good.

I use the quotation marks to signal my awareness that the entertainment market’s full of “Christian” movies, TV shows, and whatnot that are just like the secular movies and TV shows, only not as good, and with some little bit of Christian additive slapped onto it like a decal. If you scraped it off, no one would notice. Not that there’s anything at all bad about showing one of the characters in the story coming out of a church, where he has obviously attended a service—but it does need to go farther than that.

“Fragile World,” though, really is a Christian movie, in that the main characters’ problems cannot be solved, or even understood, until they recognize that God is truly God, and dare to put their trust in Him. Writer-director Sandy Boikian has come up with a very tricky story that will keep you guessing—so much for Christian movies being simple-minded!

This is a movie that’s worth something. It matters because, over the past hundred years or so, we Christians have conceded to Non-belief practically the whole enormous territory of our popular culture.

People spend up to hundreds of hours a week watching movies and TV, listening to popular music, reading novels and comic books, and playing video games—vastly more time than they spend in school or family activities, to say nothing of the comparatively little time they give to God in prayer, worship, or Bible study. By far, gobbling up pop culture is how we educate ourselves. This is what we feed into our minds, day and night; and what comes out is only a manifestation of what goes in.

In consuming pop culture, we gorge ourselves on crime and fornication of all kinds, on selfishness, shallowness, and every form of short-term, thoughtless gratification. Who needs saints and prophets, when you’ve got costumed super heroes?

Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is almost invisible here. An observer from Mars might be excused for thinking, after a careful study of our entertainment media, that religion plays only a negligible part, if any, in our daily lives. How would he be wrong in thinking so?

Is it any wonder that we habitually elect villains and dunderheads to govern us, when it’s been so deeply planted in our minds that corruption and foolishness are the normal workings of the world? What can we hope to accomplish in our politics, as long as millions of us, come election day, are willing to vote a notorious and habitual criminal—Hillary Clinton, trailing behind her almost 40 years of scandal—into the highest office in the land, and go to bed thinking nothing the less of themselves? That’s our toxic culture doing our voting for us. That’s the monster coming out of the tar-pit that we’ve made of our culture.

But in a story like “Fragile World,” the lessons are different—love instead of mindless sex for the asking; faith instead of magic; giving instead of endless taking; reality instead of wishful thinking. In this story, it is not taken for granted that no one has a conscience.

What if we consumed movie after movie, novel after novel, in which the protagonist is not mocked as a holy joe for being honest, telling the truth, being considerate of others, or simply being good? What if decency and integrity were presented not as oddities, but as normalcy?

In my own “Bell Mountain” books, if I may say so, I’ve set myself the goal of “re-normalizing religion”—depicting faith and communion with God as everyday aspects of life for ordinary people, even as they once were for most Americans. These are fantasies, and “Fragile World” is much harder to categorize.

One novelist, one movie-maker, can only stake a claim to a very small piece of the ground. But as servants of God, our position is never hopeless. A lot of little pieces of ground will add up to a bigger one. As Nehemiah told us, the new wall of Jerusalem was built not from one great stone, but from many smaller ones.

Re-building a Christian culture in America will have to be the work of many generations.

But if it were impossible, God wouldn’t be calling us to do it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Truth lies bleeding on the campus

For a nation to be ruled by witless bullies requires a witless population that is used to being bullied.

That’s where college comes in.

You’d think you’d be safe from abba-dabba crazy left-wing politics if you took a course in the history of art. But you couldn’t be more wrong.

At the University of Florida, an art history professor has forbidden her students, on pain of losing course credit, to speak or write the term “melting pot.” That term, of course, denotes the antiquated, racist, biggited, and totally un-hip vision of America as a place where people from all over the world come—to become Americans.

If you want to earn a degree at this citadel of idiocy, you must earn at least three credits in “Diversity” courses. You must also “support” each and every one of a long list of Academe’s favorite “groups,” from people who come here illegally, and even vote illegally, to men who say they’re women, women who say they’re men, and those who say they’re hamsters. Students are required to “support” all of them, if they want to graduate.

As the wacko professor explains it, “We support diversity, not sameness”! That’s why it’s so important for every human being on the campus to have exactly the same opinion—or else.

Is this gigantic hypocrisy something that academics have to learn—well, they’d better learn it, if they know what’s good for them—or is it hard-wired into their psychology? “Diversity” equals uniformity of opinion, strictly enforced. Their version of “diversity” is the very opposite of what you’ll find in any dictionary.

Well, all right, that’s art history for you. Surely the students must be safe from this if they major in any of the sciences.

No such luck.

Some months ago, our glorious government doled out more than $400,000 of defenseless taxpayers’ money to another nutty professor in Oregon for a paper he wrote urging scientists to adopt “a feminist political ecology and feminist postcolonial approach” to… the study of glaciers. Yes, said the professor, to rightly understand how glaciers work, we must explore “the connection between gender and glaciers.”

Does that make any sense to you? Heaven help you if it does.

We wait breathlessly for the day when a “Diversity curriculum” will be applied to the study of physics. We may then be treated to such glittering jewels of pure, pristine humbug as:

“There are no laws of physics; there are only social and political constructs.” Like gravity, for instance.

“You can be a proton one day and an electron the next, depending on how you feel.”

“E=mc-squared is only a hateful colonial relic of White Privilege.”

“Black physics matters!” Maybe even more than feminist physics.

Just try sending a rocket to the moon with that kind of twaddle in your head.

Google will give me a black eye, or a red flag, for saying this, but I’ll say it anyway.

The function of our university system is to turn students into idle lackwits who can easily be ruled by villains, thieves, and ninnies. Terrified of saying, doing, or even thinking anything that might transgress against the dogma of Diversity, the college graduates, weighed down by ignorance and “knowledge” of things that aren’t so, will tamely go wherever their all-wise leaders choose to herd them. They will have learned to be incapable of any kind of opposition.

Truth lies bleeding on the campus, left for dead, and students and faculty, pretending not to see it, not even daring to look at it, tiptoe around the body as if it weren’t there.

Nothing good can come of this; and nothing will.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

College, the brain-masher

America’s university system needs to be shrunk, not expanded. There are already way too many colleges with way too many people in them going deep into debt to earn degrees in useless and ridiculous pseudo-subjects.

That doesn’t stop Democrats from beguiling the intellectually defenseless with promises of free tuition, at least at community colleges, for everyone who wants to go, plus various schemes for forgiveness of student debt. The means that those who incurred the debt won’t have to pay it; this trillion-dollar burden (not an exaggeration) will simply be tossed onto the backs of taxpayers whose country is already $18 trillion in the hole. But what’s another thousand billion?

“Free tuition” means more students pouring into college, more college buildings erected, more professors and instructors hired—lots more—and more pensions to be paid. It also means many thousands more people kept out of the work force. Oh, well, the jobs are drying up anyway, so, as Careless Clinton likes to say, what difference does it make?

Once they get into our overgrown higher education system, what will all those new freebie students be learning? Two recent examples of what they are learning, or not learning, make the point.

At the University of Houston, the vice president of the student government was suspended for repeating the now-forbidden words, “All lives matter”. This harmless truism, about as confrontational as a fortune cookie message, was denounced by the university authorities and other idiots as “unthinkably offensive.” And not only was the young woman suspended; she was also sentence to do time in a “diversity workshop” where she will learn to say only what everybody else says and think only what everybody else things. “Diversity” is college-speak for enforced uniformity.

Silly girl—didn’t she know that only black lives matter? Well, they’ll make sure she gets the message. Or else.

We know the colleges are good for delivering a certain kind of message. In a poll taken by Harvard University, of a thousand “millennials” aged 18 to 29, a majority (51 percent) of those young people said they now “reject capitalism” and the free market economy.

How about that? Year after year, day after day, of left-wing indoctrination really works! Tell ‘em often enough that capitalism is “unfair,” racist, homophobic, a catalyst of dreaded Climate Change, blah-blah, and eventually they’ll believe it. They’ll lose the ability to challenge these claims: no question will ever cross their stunted minds. The teachers do to brains what horticultural artists do to bonsai plants.

But as if to demonstrate that a college education is a great tool for addling the brain, the same poll found that only 33 percent of those millennials favored… socialism! The poor little college critters don’t know what they want—unless it’s more free stuff and a long life of sitting around unemployed, texting and playing videos games.

These, of course, are only two isolated incidents out of thousands of other incidents exactly like them, nationwide. If you’re looking for something to turn your offspring into confused, ignorant, angry, idle, and unemployable dingbats, you just can’t beat a modern college education. If five years of Gender Studies don’t turn a student’s brain to mush, I don’t know what will.

Intellectual disarmament is not a good thing for any individual.

For an entire nation, it will prove disastrous.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

When reality ceases to be real

The toxic foolishness brewed in our colleges and universities sooner or later seeps into the everyday world the rest of us inhabit, to taint it and confuse it.

Not very long ago, colleges began to teach that the meaning of any text can only be whatever the individual reader wants it to mean. Or, to put it more honestly, whatever your neo-marxist wacko professor says it means. Thus was born the postmodern notion that reality isn’t really real, but is only what you say it is.

They used to keep you in a padded cell for denying solid aspects of reality. But now this loony worldview has become the philosophical basis for the whole gay-transgender-waddyacallit movement, and has lately manifested itself in our politics.

Democrats have taken to it in a big way. Denial of objective reality has always been a part of liberalism. Now it has been shown to be the very core of a major party’s ideology.

First we had President *Batteries Not Included pitching Hillary “Careless” Clinton as “the most qualified” person ever to run for president. More than James Madison, who wrote most of the Constitution. More than Thomas Jefferson, who wrote our Declaration of Independence. More even than George Washing, who led our fight for independence from Great Britain. I realize I’ve just mentioned three things that many of our public school and college graduates don’t know: but contrary to the progressive mind-set, not knowing something doesn’t make it untrue.

The president’s boldly fatuous statement came on the heels of another flat denial of reality, this one by FBI Director James Comey—who, after first laying out the damning case against her, asserted that Mrs. Clinton hadn’t broken any of the laws he’d just proved she had.

But these whoppers were soon topped by a bigger one from TV-pipsqueak Lena Dunham. In her speech to the Democrat Convention, Ms. Dunham hailed Ol’ Careless as the protector and champion of women who have suffered sexual harassment—and this with the all-time king of sexual harassment, Mrs. Clinton’s husband, sitting right there in the audience for everyone to see.

This was a denial worthy of a nut who claims to be able to shinny up a flashlight beam. Hillary Clinton, chief of the Clinton campaign’s famous Bimbo Eruption damage-control team. Hillary Clinton, who led the efforts to smear, discredit, and trash all those women harassed by her husband, the president. Who ran interference for him as one woman after another testified against him. Dunham’s speech was a denial of reality seldom seen outside of a lunatic asylum.

But even this was topped, just a few days later, by the editors of Cosmopolitan Magazine, who called the Clintons, both the serial adulterer and his enabling wife, “great role models for marriage.”

Does that take the cake, or what?

Consider the sheer vastness of that lie. It takes your breath away. Great role models for marriage—those two? If there is any pair of reprobates on earth who have desecrated marriage more than Bill and Hillary Clinton, let them come forward and receive a trophy.

Lying has always been a part of politics, but outrageously crazy lies, which virtually everyone knows to be lies, that’s something new. And consider the audience at the Democrat Convention, who lapped up Ms. Dunham’s speech as if she were delivering the Sermon on the Mount. They’re as loopy as she is.

Our God—at least for those of us who still know Him to be God—is the God of truth. God is not a man, that He should lie. Much less is He a psychotic who blurts out truly preposterous lies.

What must He think of a nation that has fallen so far into folly?

So all respect for truth is vanishing. Even the very idea that there is any such thing as truth, our university professors deny. This is what they preach. And this is what their students, and, increasingly, society in general, have been taught they want to hear.

No man or woman can prosper, or even live for long, by living according to a set of ridiculous lies. And no nation can, either.

But don’t take my word for it. Just deny that the lawn-mower is really there, and stick your hand under it. And see what happens.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The national suicide party

Those of you who are thinking, “Donald Trump is not the Righteous Candidate that I’ve been waiting for, so I’ll just sit this one out, or vote third party”—please, folks, please think again.

We now know, thanks to thousands of leaked emails, that the Democrat National Committee rigged the primary election against avowed socialist Bernie Sanders (well, at least he’s honest about it)—who in saner times would have been a mere joke candidate. Seeking to tilt the process toward Hillary Clinton, the DNC went far out of its way to undermine Sanders. But they got caught, and now DNC Chairthing Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has been forced to resign, falling on her sword for Hillary.

And then on my car radio I heard some Democrat hobgoblin “explaining” how this whole email scandal is… Russia’s fault! Not the DNC’s, O heavens no.

Russian hackers, you see—because Putin wants to help Trump and hurt Hillary, which seems, on the face of it, incredible—they stole the DNC’s confidential emails. Stole ‘em! They’re the villains here! There we were, peacefully subverting the election, because we had to cheat to beat an aging socialist, and the Russians come along and tattle on us! It’s those thieving Russians you ought to be mad at, not us.

Oh, please.

But maybe some of you have forgotten that this weird, illogical defense has worked before. Remember Climategate? Hackers released thousands of emails which showed the “climate scientists” at the East Anglia University Climate Change Coven lying, cheating, suppressing data, and even plotting to get their critics’ kids kicked out of college, all so they could, by sheer skullduggery, impose their will on all mankind.

Remember how well that worked? The contents of those emails was quietly dropped out of the nooze reportage, and replaced by indignation against those thieving hackers who dared to do such wicked mischief. And what should have been the biggest scandal of our age received a furtive burial, as if it were the body of a murder victim being hidden by her killer.

And please don’t think the Clinton Crowd has given up on “climate change” and the need to Save The Planet by giving them dictatorial powers over us.

Just this past weekend, Secretary of State John Kerry jetted off to Vienna to tell a bunch of globalist fat-heads that us common people’s refrigerators and air conditioners are a bigger threat than ISIS. Surely these amenities must be reserved solely for the ruling class! Or else we’re all gonna die, blah-blah. Do you really think this evil nonsense will stop if Hillary Clinton is elected president?

The plain and simple fact is that Donald Trump, whatever you may think of him, is not Hillary Clinton. He will not be advised by John Kerry, he will not keep Loretta Lynch in office as Attorney General, and he will not throw open our nation’s doors to more illegal immigrants, nor import more un-vetted Muslim “refugees.” If you think he’ll do any of those things, you can’t just say so over and over again. You have to prove it.

Please don’t forget that the Democrats are the party that booed God at their last national convention. Please don’t forget that they have promised to do all those things, and more. If a proposed policy doesn’t hurt America, they won’t be interested in it.

And beyond just opposing the Democrats, however necessary that is, ours is a country in dire need of national repentance. We ought to humble ourselves before God, confess our sins, and do something about putting things right.

Because if you think the Lord Almighty will bless our country as it’s going now, if you think He will protect us if we don’t repent and change our ways, then you are embarking upon a potentially suicidal gamble.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

When the church goes bad

A lesbian bishop in Sweden made news recently by proposing that a seamen’s mission church in Stockholm remove its cross and other Christian symbols so it could become some kind of “interfaith” prayer room catering to Muslims. I wonder what St. Paul would have thought of a lesbian bishop baldly practicing her sin without a trace of repentance and with the full approval of her church.

The alleged bishop called Muslims “angels,” and so made it clear to the world why the Stockholm Syndrome is called the Stockholm Syndrome. Happily, this particular church is not included in her diocese, so she has no power to force them to take down the cross. But she would if she could.

Here at home, the Presbyterian Church USA, at its annual wing-ding last month, called in a Muslim imam to lead the church delegates in a prayer to Allah, the Muslim deity. Naturally, such a prayer could not be offered up in Jesus’ name. To do that, the PCUSA reasoned, would be an offense to Islam. As to any possible offense to Jesus Christ, the Lord of Lords, the PCUSA is silent.

We’ve seen this pattern before, in both America and Europe: the self-inflicted death of churches.

First the church ordains women to teach and preach. There seems to be no objective reason why this should be wrong, other than that it goes against Paul’s instructions to the early Christian churches—but it rarely turns out as hoped. At any rate, this is usually the first step toward a church’s failure.

Next, invariably, comes a rapidly growing acceptance of assorted sexual “lifestyles.” As one young female pastor said to me, face to face, adultery is “no big deal.” But of course the main business at hand is to “affirm” lesbians and homosexuals in the acting-out of their temptations. What the Bible unambiguously brands as sin is declared to be no sin at all. Seminaries, so-called Bible scholars, and other high-profile churchmen—and churchwomen, even more so—hand down the word: the Bible’s wrong, it ain’t no sin at all!

This is quickly followed by a wide repudiation of God’s whole word on sexual morality, and the only sins that remain condemned are political sins—opposing abortion, supporting Israel, and Climate Change Denial, just to name a few.

The last step is the virtual replacement of orthodox Christian doctrine by substitutes—by false religion. A few years ago it was goddess worship, rejecting Jesus Christ as the atonement for our sins and replacing Him, and God the Father, with “Sophia” and other female idols. But today the in thing for the flatline Protestant churches is Islam. How they’ll please both “gays” and Muslims is anybody’s guess.

In the meantime, if something else comes along that’s even more anti-Christian than Islam, look for them to latch onto that, too.

Now, when we need them most, the churches serve us least. By gluing themselves to whatever the popular culture of this fallen world laps up as hip and cool, they have altogether cast away their moral authority as churches.

They have made themselves irrelevant.

What these churches offer us today is a stealth atheism. They have exchanged religion for a dollar-store “spirituality” that’s no religion at all. “Interfaith” is, in reality, “no faith.” The only way, logically, for all religions to be equally true, for “all paths” to lead to the same destination, is for all of them to have a truth value of zero. That’s what makes it atheism.

Is it any wonder that the people flee these churches? That their membership numbers go down year by year?

Our nooze media rejoice in the growing number of “unchurched” people in the Western world. But these “unchurched” Christians—they are now the Church. They don’t need lesbian bishops, an imam’s prayer to Allah, apostate seminaries, or even the buildings owned by their denominations. By leaving the renegade churches, they themselves become the Church.

And God will hear their prayers, even if they only pray them at home or on the Internet. The Shepherd knows His sheep, and they still hear His voice.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

School teaches white children they are born racist

Our Independence Must be Won Again

Of all the crimes of the Obama regime, the worst of many is its purposeful campaign to stir up racial animosity.

The ideology, of course, is that white Americans are to blame for everything that’s wrong in the world and that they must be punished for it. This is at the core of Obamaism. It’s a big part of what makes most Democrats tick. Besides which, “divide and rule” is a time-tested approach to power politics.

It comes down from the top; but let’s first take a look at some of the people that it lands on.

At the Bank Street School for Children, in Manhattan, the “stick it to Whitey” jihad has advanced so far into actual child abuse that even liberals have begun to question it. Yes, for just $15,000 a year, you can subject your white child to daily mental cruelty at the hands of wicked, racist idiots.

White kids here are “taught,” day in, day out, that because they’re white, and for no other reason but that, they are evil, worthless, and inferior to “kids of color”—who are, by contrast, given “safe space,” cupcakes, and non-stop praise.

Come to think of it, this form of what the perpetrators like to call “diversity and social justice education” is cruel to the non-white children, too. How can it help but teach them to be racists? Worse than that: racists with the full approval of the visible authorities.

Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot: that there was an expensive private school where black kids were set apart for non-stop verbal abuse while the white kids were blatantly favored over them. There would be riots over it. If the school were not shut down, it would be burned down, and teachers and administrators would be charged with every hate crime in the book. Attorney General Loretta Lynch would personally see to it; and Obama himself would surely give another speech about America the racist hell-hole. The tumult would be the biggest thing since Ferguson, Missouri. There would be no end to it.

But this purposely-applied wickedness is cruel to all the children at the school. Having taught in many public school classrooms, many grades, I state for a fact that young children are not naturally racist. They learn racism from their elders. Left alone, they get along just fine. But the moral imbeciles who run the Bank Street School do everything in their power to rob the children of the blessings of amity.

This week we celebrated Independence Day, the birth of the United States of America. I think I would rather not know what they make of it at Bank Street.

Today, 240 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, we find ourselves saddled with another kind of tyranny—one not imposed by a foreign power on its colonies, but by our own elected “leaders” and a perverted education system operated by racist, socialist fools who hate our country and labor ceaselessly to turn it into something else.

And what are we to say of the parents who voluntarily send their children to such schools—and at no small cost, to boot? Are they out of their freakin’ minds? How can they justify subjecting their own children to this wicked folly?

Somehow we must win our independence back. We must allow such people to lord it over us no more. The fact that virtually all of them are Democrats should weigh heavily with us when we vote.

It won’t be easy to throw off and replace a whole education system, a whole class of “educators” who make war on us not with guns and troops and tanks, but with textbooks, chalk, and classrooms filled with our own children, whom they turn against us and against each other.

Stirring up racial hatred is a vile sin against the God who made all the peoples of the earth of one blood, with one law of love and equity for all, and one single Savior for them all.

If we are content to be ruled by such flagrant wickedness, then surely we owe an apology to King George III. All he wanted was a stamp tax, a tea tax, and quarters for his soldiers.

But we are not now as we were then.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Some questions for our ruling class

Do you ever wonder if maybe the wise men and the power brokers, the rulers of the Western world, are quite all there?

Their actions may defy analysis, but their inactions are even more puzzling. What they do is often bad enough; but what they don’t do can be even worse.

Don’t you wish you could ask them, flat-out, what they think they’re doing? Here are three questions I would ask, if I thought they’d answer.

One) Given that the most basic function of any government is to protect its people from those who would harm them, why don’t you protect us from homicidal maniacs who seek to kill us in the name of Islam?

These killings are on the way to becoming a daily occurrence. But every time there’s a really big and splashy one, all you ever say is, “Nope, it’s got nothing to do with Islam, and we will continue to bring as many Muslims into this country as we possibly can.” The fanatic who drives his truck into a crowd and mows down eighty people can cry “Allahu akbar” to his very last gasp, and you’ll deny it has anything to do with Islam.

Why do you refuse to protect your own people? And if you’re simply not going to do that, what possible justification can there be for you to be in power over us?

Two) Given that capitalism and economic liberty, throughout the Western world, has raised the overall standard of living higher than it’s ever been in all of history, why do you reject this and strain yourselves reaching for socialism—especially when it’s flaming obvious that, all over the world, economies directed by the government have always failed? Granted, you’ll keep your mansions and your private jets no matter what happens to the rest of us. But what is it about a prosperous, successful nation, that you don’t like?

Three) Why do you do everything you can think of doing to foment and sustain a permanent state of racial hatred in America? Not just you progressive politicians, but you fools in charge of Hollywood, our universities, and our alleged news media—you’re all together on this bandwagon. Why do you encourage so much fear and hate and violence? Do you really want to see what happens if you can actually make policing our cities impossible?

These are, I admit, rhetorical questions, in that I think I already know the answers.

One) You don’t protect your own people because, as far as you’re concerned, we’re not your people. You’ve bought into a weird, multicultural, globalist vision of a world in which there are no nations anymore—only a great swarming mass governed absolutely by you and your friends with the advice and consent of your anointed experts. You refuse to protect us because it would go against your one-world vision.

But if you think you can control Islam, events have most damnably proved you wrong.

Two) You reject capitalism because a) power is addictive and you’re hooked on it: you desire power over everything; and b) you’re committed whole-heartedly to the Climate Change delusion, believing now that The Planet will be ruined unless no one but you can enjoy a high standard of living. Besides, your own personal wealth and power insulate you from the disastrous effects of your anti-freedom policies.

Three) You keep the race pot boiling because it benefits you politically. It’s “divide and rule” with a vengeance. You need a permanent underclass as your electoral base—downtrodden people whom you’ve taught to believe that it’s us, not their own penchant for self-destructive life choices, that’s keeping them down. Never mind fatherlessness, gangs, crime, absence of a work ethic, and an atrociously dysfunctional education system—it’s our fault that they’re down, and they look to you to raise them up. That you have no intention of ever doing so just goes unmentioned.

You, our ruling class, have become the great threat to your own people’s way of life, their liberty, and their personal security.

God has raised you up to chastise His people for their sins.

And it’s God who will finally put you down.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

EU exit: it’s a religious issue

British voters stuck a pin in the globalist bubble last week when they voted to leave the European Union.

Surely playing a major role in that decision was popular annoyance and frustration with EU bureaucrats in Brussels ceaselessly interfering with ordinary people’s daily lives. The EU became infamous for handing down ridiculous rules and regulations covering everything from the permitted curvature of a banana to the kind of olive oil containers to be used in restaurants. They held off imposing some even more inane regulations, fearing it would make them look ridiculous while adding fuel to the Brexit fire. Having lost that battle, it is expected that these new regs—cracking down on toasters and tea kettles—will soon be imposed on the countries remaining in the EU. Lucky them.

The EU was sold to the nations of Europe as the precursor to paradise. EU big shots haven’t given up on that dream. Reportedly, they are now huddling with Google and Facebook to ban (what they consider to be) “hate” and “extremism” from the Internet.

The beauty of it is, they don’t bother to define what is hateful or extremist. Presumably few of us would object if all they wanted to do was keep homicidal maniacs from using the Internet and social media as tools to facilitate acts of mass murder—although you’d think, if the bad guys were yakking about it on Facebook, that ought to make it easier for the authorities to catch them.

But it’s just so easy to imagine the private jet crowd sitting around Davos with cute little overpriced drinks in their hands, saying something like, “Y’know, comrades, while we’re at it, we could also ban Climate Change Denial, ‘cause it’s so hateful to the planet! Why, there’s all kinds of hate that we can keep out of cyberspace—like, y’know, microaggressions. In fact, we could go whole-hog and ban Hate itself! Then everybody would be nice, and as always, we’ll have smacked ‘em down for their own good. They’ll thank us for it someday.”

If you think people are incapable of this, who claim the authority to regulate the curvature of a banana, please think again.

It must be stressed that at the root of this issue is religious belief.

The Bible, both Old and New Testaments, teaches that the origin of sin—of hate, for instance—is from within, arising from the human heart. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) And Jesus taught that it’s not what goes in that defiles a man, but what comes out (Mark 7:18-23)—every kind of strife and wickedness, originating in the heart.

But humanists, globalists, and EU bureaucrats reject the Bible’s teaching. They don’t believe it. The human heart is basically just fine and dandy, they think. It’s what’s all around us—our society, our culture, our social, political, and economic institutions—that defiles us. All that need be done, by the ineffable wisdom of Science and the raw power of the state, is to tweak and tinker with our surroundings. Just keep on meddling and coercing, and silencing the expression of wrong opinions, and eventually they will hit upon just the right combination of regulations and restrictions and taboos that will render our surroundings absolutely perfect—and voila! You get perfected human beings, incapable of hate or greed or any other failing.

This is the progressive dream, the liberal delusion. We are not the problem! It’s the way we live, it’s everything around us—that’s the problem. And we the elite, who are so dazzlingly smart that we could just hug and kiss ourselves all over—we can solve the problem! All we need is the power and the money—and for the rest of you to shut up and do as you’re told.

The grace of God, and the regenerating power of Jesus Christ, they utterly reject. For them there is nothing greater, nothing wiser, than man himself: meaning not us, ungrateful oafs and peasants that we are, but themselves and their friends.

As a less worthy object of worship would be terribly difficult to imagine, they wind up with extensions of themselves—wealth, the state, and Science—serving as their idols, to whom sacrifices must be made.

Not by themselves, but by the rest of us.

We must throw off the shackles of this false religion.

Brexit is a good start, but we still have a long, long way to go.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

College isn’t funny anymore

College has become a standing joke. It’s where you go into debt for $100,000 to get a worthless degree in some inane pseudo-subject: Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, My-Brain-is-Installed-Backwards Studies. It’s where you go to get the rest of the country laughing at you for whining about, well, virtually everything.

Yes, America’s colleges have certainly been fodder for the laugh track, lately. What could be more laughable than an unemployed, unemployable, 25-year-old college grad living in his momma’s basement with a lifetime’s worth of debt clamped to his back and nothing to show for it but a degree in Stupid Studies?

But it’s getting to be not so funny anymore. In fact, it’s getting downright dangerous.

Case in point: vegetables posing as “authorities” at the University of Northern Colorado recently decorated the campus with 680 professionally printed signs warning the students to say nothing, ever, that might possibly offend a thin-skinned liberal. The cucumbers in charge say that it’s not censorship—perish the thought!—but only a gentle reminder aimed at blanketing the campus with “civility.” So, you see, it would be uncivil and “insensitive” to say, for instance, “All lives matter,” when you’re only allowed to say “Black lives matter.”

As always, the collegiate powers that be belch out their watchwords of “diversity” and “inclusion” as cover for a rigid uniformity of thought and speech.

We’ve been laughing at this, but it isn’t funny.

In addition to equipping students, at great cost, for long lives of flipping hamburgers, sweeping parking lots, or collecting welfare checks, our universities also equip them with an authoritarian mind-set that threatens the future of our free republic. How can we possibly preserve our liberties if millions of mal-educated voters have no idea what those liberties are, no interest in preserving them, and a pounded-in habit of seeking to curtail—and punish!—any speech, any writing, or any opinion that differs from their own?

It does seem a little silly to be afraid of ineffectual college-“educated” dodos who know nothing about anything and break into tears and whining whenever anyone says anything, no matter how trivial or unintentional, that they don’t like.

But I’m not afraid of one of them. I’m afraid of millions of them flocking to the voting booths to repeal the First Amendment and elect the reincarnation of Hugo Chavez to be president for life. If you think that can’t happen, think again.

America’s university system is overgrown and bloated, over-financed, and doing everything in its power to make a whole generation of young people unfit to be citizens of a constitutional republic.

Why? Because our professorial class thinks they’ll wind up being the ideological honchos of a socialist utopia, complete with fantastic pensions and absolute authority. Because they don’t like America as it is—they hate it, passionately—and wish to turn it into something else.

And we’re letting them do it. By sending millions of our sons and daughters to these universities, to be rendered ignorant, powerless, and poor, we’re letting then do it.

“Oh! But we have to send our kids to college or they’ll never get good jobs!”

Don’t make me laugh. When everybody has a college degree, a college degree becomes meaningless. Especially when the degree holders prove it whenever they open their mouths. A degree may even be a disadvantage, employers knowing, all along, that a thin-skinned, undisciplined, incapable college graduate is hardly going to be an asset to the firm.

Our university system must be cut back down to size. The Marxist professors, not their hapless students, should be the ones standing in the unemployment line.

A republic populated by pampered, ignorant ninnies will not stand.

It really is quite scary, when you come to think of it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

They’re killing our culture

[NOTE: I have to be careful what I write today, because a Muslim fanatic shot up a gay bar and Christians are to blame, somehow. Every form of resistance to the demands of organized sodomy will be declared the moral equivalent of the Orlando massacre.

So all I will say is this. Sorry, liberals, but this was your fault, not ours. You fostered and coddled homosexual activism. At the same time, you have tried to do the same with Islam, which you have imported.

“Gay rights” and militant Islam cannot coexist.

And I think you knew that all along, but didn’t care.]

We’ve been wondering what will be the Left’s next big social engineering project, once the transgender movement has run its course and people are in jail for using the wrong pronoun.

Some would bet on pedophilia. Temple University, for one, has been working hard for decades to convince society that it’s beneficial for children to have sex with adults. Only they don’t call it that. They call it “consensual inter-generational sex,” and by the time you figure out that’s just a fancy term for pedophilia, the deed’s been done.

Last week, though, the Supreme Court of Canada, with a stroke of the pen, created another Cherished Minority—people who have sex with animals. Yes, they virtually legalized bestiality, except for one particular act which need not be mentioned here.

This week, British newspapers reported that bestiality has become something of a fad in Germany, leading to the creation of “erotic zoos”. Because there is some faint stirring in the German legislature to go back to making bestiality against the law, “zoophiles”—see? They’ve already got a name for themselves—have vowed to organize, demonstrate, and lobby to secure their… “rights”.

We’ve seen that all before, haven’t we? In due time, “zoophiles” will become a favored and protected group in many Western countries, and everyone else will be required to respect, affirm, and “celebrate” this—well, I’m sure they will call it a lifestyle.

St.Paul said, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Note that the origin of all this wickedness is spiritual, not temporal. But its instrumentality is indeed of this world: humanity’s inborn drive to sin, which can be overcome only by spiritual regeneration in Jesus Christ, by the grace of God.

This one effective, spiritual weapon lies rusting in the churches’ armories.

Naturally, and now more than ever, people are afraid to speak against what we timorously call erotic minorities. Why? Because they don’t want to be smashed by the whole ruling class of the Western world: by courts and politicians, by the media and celebrities, by schools and universities. By worldly forces which, willingly or unknowingly, serve spiritual wickedness in high places.

It should hardly be necessary to say that violence is not the answer. If we’re going to kill all the sinners, we would wind up killing everybody; for all have sinned.

But surely the answer cannot be to surrender to the rulers of the darkness of this world: to dance around the golden calf, because we don’t dare not to, mindlessly chanting “Love wins! Love wins” with all the rest of them. Nowhere in the Bible are we told, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”

The bare fact is that we’re killing our culture by rebelling against God; and if you kill your culture, the culture will kill you right back.

As Moses said, we must choose blessing or cursing, life or death.

Spiritual destruction seems a high price to pay for a sexual buffet.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

D-Day: is this what we fought for?

Just a few days ago was the anniversary of D-Day, June 6, 1944: 72 years ago. To many it was “the longest day.” To many more, their last. But on that day the free peoples of the West, commanded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, landed on the shores of Fortress Europe to wrest it from the hands of Adolf Hitler.

We wake as from a dream into the present time.

Shortly before the D-Day anniversary, Michelle Obama made a speech to graduating seniors at City College of New York. The president’s wife reminded the graduates, “I wake up each morning in a house built by slaves.” She means the White House. Violins, please.

Slavery in the United States ended 151 years ago. Michelle Obama vacations in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, and toney ski resorts. She jets all over the world, accompanied by her entourage—hairdresser, wardrobe serfs, chef, yes-men, yes-women, and Heaven knows what else—and stays at the costliest luxury hotels, rooms for thousands of dollars a night. You could pay your mortgage several times over with what she spends on shoes and shiny objects.

And the beauty of it is, Michelle doesn’t spend a dime of her own money for any of it. No—she spends your money, that you worked for: public money raised by taxes.

But she—when she’s not staying at a five-star resort—wakes up each morning in a house built by slaves.

There are no more slaves here, unless you count the taxpayers

Donald Trump likes luxuries, too. The difference is, he pays for his and you pay for Michelle’s.

But the president’s wife was trying, in her speech, to make a bigger point than that. She encouraged the graduates to rejoice because “the American dream” is still alive—her version of it. Our old version of it, if it lives at all, is on life support.

What is her “American dream”? If I read the speech aright, it has something to do with tons of people swarming into America from every country in the world, all refusing to assimilate, all speaking their own mutually unintelligible languages, all united by only one thing: the paternalistic rule of an ever-growing, power-seeking government. As another Democrat put it, four years ago, “The government is the only thing we all belong to.” By “belong to” they mean “owned by.”

Would you have waded ashore onto Omaha Beach, with shells and bullets flying all around you, and land mines planted everywhere, for that?

Meanwhile Michelle’s hubby occupies himself with the task of “fundamental transformation” of America—most recently taking the form of giving grown men free access to women’s public rest rooms. Wow. Let’s scale those cliffs, men, with Germans shooting at us all the way up, for that. “You are whatever you call yourself!” No matter how ridiculous it is. Let’s storm Rommel’s pillboxes for that.

D-Day ought to be a national day of mourning for what we’ve permitted our country to become. In one lifetime we’ve gone from Eisenhower to Obama. If that’s not cause for mourning, what is?

But more than mourning, it ought to move us to repentance. The God who preserved our country through terrible dangers, and crowned it with prosperity, peace, and stability, is waiting for us to turn to Him again—not to the swollen government, in hopes of special favors and big chunks of other people’s money, not to a lot of blithering “scientists” trying to scare us into further submission with threats of Climate Change, not to rich-as-Croesus liberals who climb out of their private jets to moan about “income inequality” and promise to fix it if only we give them much more power.

Not to any of those idols and false prophets, but to Him: who made the heavens and the earth, and gave us His only begotten Son, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of all the world.

That’s worth dying for. And living for.

The other stuff is only garbage.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

This Parable has our name on it

Why is there evil in the world?

The secular humanist dimwit answer, as articulated most recently by our beloved president, is—well, we just need to do some more “evolving.” Surely we’ll be helped along by enlightened leaders, Big Government, colleges and universities, and movies based on comic books. It’s only a matter of time before our rulers coerce us into Utopia.

But God’s word gives a different answer.

In Matthew 13, Jesus told the story of a farmer who sowed good seed in his field; but during the night his enemy came and sowed bad seed in it. When the tares—noxious, worthless weeds—began to come up with the wheat, the farmer’s servants were indignant. They wanted to pull up the tares then and there, but the owner wouldn’t let them, lest they inadvertently pulled out good plants with the bad. When both wheat and tares are fully grown, and easily told apart by the kind of fruit they bear, then he will have his reapers uproot the tares and cast them into the fire, while the wheat is stored in his barns.

The Lord went on to explain the parable. The field is the world, He said, and the farmer who sowed good seed is the Son of Man, Christ Himself, who sowed in this world His word, His example, His body and His blood. The enemy that sowed the tares is the devil.

There are countless species of bad seed, but they all belong to the same genus—the original lie that the devil told Eve in the garden: that, by disobeying God, she and Adam would become as gods themselves, determining good and evil as they pleased.

We are overwhelmed by the variety and number of the tares that we see in our field—crime and cruelty, transgenderism and “gay marriage,” atheism and assorted false religions, abortion, political corruption, Big Government, the whole idea that the state and its pampered “experts” can control the natural processes of the earth, the constant overthrow and redefinition of the basic institutions of human life—oh, so many tares!—but they are all the offspring of the one original lie: the perfectibility of man by man himself.

Yes, we’ve got a hefty crop of tares; but never, never forget that the good seed is growing, too. The seeds of faith, hope, and charity, of love, of truth, of the knowledge of the Lord—we may not see them, for all the tares, but the good seed will not fail, because Our Lord has sown it Himself.

At the end, Jesus said, the Lord will call His angels to perform the harvest, and the angels will know the good from the bad. The good will be gathered into the Kingdom of God. The bad will be cast away forever.

No kind of “evolution” enters into it.

In ancient times God gave man His law, a detailed set of instructions for achieving righteousness. If we could have attained perfection by following the law, then Christ need never have been born, to die on the cross in atonement for our sins. But we couldn’t do it ourselves. That was the lesson God was teaching us: that we cannot become as gods, no matter what we do. We can only deceive ourselves. We can never deceive God.

This is the lesson that the secular world, the world of rulers and experts, the world of Pharisees and Social Justice Warriors, resists with all its might. We can do it—we can! All we need is more power over others, more rules and regulations, more taxes, more penalties for thought crimes, and we’ll do it!

This is the folly of our age.

But the seeds, both good and bad, are growing to fruition. And the Lord will harvest when He’s ready.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

There’s only stupid stuff left to protest

Recently in Barcelona—that’s in Spain, for those afflicted with a public school education: we are assuming they have heard of some place called “Spain”—vegans stripped naked and poured blood all over themselves to protest other people’s choice to eat meat.

Meanwhile, here in America, a few prominent nitwits have protested that our national parks are… “racist”. At least they did it with their clothes on. The persons making this protest are a former federal judge who was impeached, only to return as a member of Congress, a deputy director of our National Parks Dept. who used to manage Seattle’s Race and Social Justice Initiative, and a pair of academic dingbats. Note to citizens: If your city has a Race and Social Justice Initiative, your city is in more trouble than you thought. It has way too much money, and needs a serious budget cut.

I suppose we have all known, at some time or other, a child who was so badly spoiled by being given everything he wanted that he went on throwing tantrums when there was nothing left to give him. Now, as our global humanist civilization circles the drain of history, we are seeing that pattern among adults.

In the case of the vegans we are seeing people who are either unable to perceive that there still are some rather serious human rights issues in this fallen world—little things like slavery, human trafficking, terrorism—or else simply don’t care about them. Dismissing human suffering as trivial, they have gone on to wage a jihad for Animal Rights. You shouldn’t be allowed to eat meat anymore! These vegans are cheesed off at the city government of Barcelona for not doing more to take meat off the menu. We suppose most of them would describe themselves as “pro-choice”—as long as you don’t make a choice that they don’t like. At any rate, serious stuff doesn’t faze them; they have moved on to devote themselves to silly stuff.

Oh—but what about the pseudo-problem of our national parks being “racist”? That is, in the words of the protesters, “not welcoming to minorities.” They’re steamed up by alleged statistics that seem to imply that visiting a national park is mostly for white people.

I’ve never been to Yellowstone. Could the fact that it’s 2,000 miles from my home have anything to do with that? Does that make Yellowstone National Park “unwelcoming” to me? Maybe I ought to demand that the federal government move Yellowstone. Shift it over a couple thousand miles to the east.

We are at a loss to understand how trees and geysers and bighorn sheep can be unwelcoming to minorities. Next thing you know, they’ll be complaining about the “semite” in Yosemite.

Insofar as possible for sinful human beings living in a fallen world, America has solved the real problems of racism. No more slavery. No more Jim Crow. What is anyone not allowed to do, what kind of work is anyone in America kept from doing, because of his race? Granted, there are a lot of things you can’t do if you have a criminal record, can’t read, can’t do basic arithmetic, or don’t know how to show up on time, follow instructions, fulfill a responsibility, or get along with other people. But none of that is linked to race.

So now we are left with trivial, baseless, or just plain asinine racial protests.

There is a reason why we have these protests. We have them because we have a lot of race hustlers who will not be famous, who will not get rich, who will not be powerful unless they have a passel of racial grievances to get people stirred up about. The last thing in the world they want is racial harmony and peace: it would put them out of business. Even worse, it would erode the Democrat Party’s presentation of itself as the sole protector of the downtrodden. If people aren’t downtrodden anymore, they won’t need your protection. So then you have to do everything you can to make them think they’re downtrodden.

It’s a sin to stir people up against one another, who would otherwise live in peace and amity. This sin is a big part of what the current regime in the White House has been doing for the past seven years.

Unlike real problems, imaginary problems can’t be solved and never go away.

That’s what makes them dangerous.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The science catechism

Somewhere along the way, science stopped being science and became a false religion. Today it claims absolute authority to define truth; and to charge Christians with being “anti-science” is the nuclear put-down.

Serving an ideology, instead of searching out the true workings of the natural world, preoccupies contemporary science. Its agenda, simply put, is to have the whole human race ruled by “experts”—that is, statist politicians—guided by their venerated scientific advisers. Then they’ll stop Climate Change in its tracks, do away with Income Inequality, etc., etc., etc.

This vision of science rests on three presuppositions accepted unquestioningly, as presuppositions are, by many scientists and many more college-maleducated saps who like to feel like scientists.

(One) The only truth to be found in all the universe consists of “scientific facts” that can be proved. Everything else is just a matter of opinion, freely disregarded. In fact, as you read this, children in the public schools are being taught this doctrine as part of Common Core. In our colleges and universities, it’s usually expressed as “your truth, my truth”—which, of course, translates to “no truth.”

It would be bad enough if those who taught this took it literally; but being hypocrites, they don’t. Just see what happens to “your truth, my truth” if you say something really controversial—like, “A man is still a man even if he says he is a woman.” You are a hater and a biggit! “Your truth,” it turns out, is not allowed. They also want to throw you into prison if you voice disbelief in “Man-made Climate Change.” The list of opinions you must not express grows longer by the day.

“Science guys” like former kid TV star Bill Nye get terribly upset if you take issue with their “facts.” Their emotional investment in their “facts” rivals that of Islamic jihadis in shari’a law.

(Two) Scientists—and their camp followers—are way, way smarter than anybody else. Atheists are the smartest of them all, with political progressives a close second.

It’s an article of faith with them that they really are the cream of the crop and the rest of us have a duty to believe them. They get angry if you don’t. Skeptical about, say, evolution? That makes you not only a moron, but guilty of gross intellectual sin. If you were only stupid, but at least kept your stupid thoughts to yourself and did what you’re told, they can condescend to the point of just ignoring you. But if, for instance, a high school science teacher, or even just the parent of a student, expresses a shadow of a doubt regarding Darwinism, then that person is trying to corrupt the youth and something must be done about it—fire the science teacher, or teach the child that his parents are dull, backward, ignorant fools who are disrespectful of their betters.

(Three) Who needs to study nature anymore, now that we’ve got computer models?

Studying real weather, for one, is such a hassle. It’s so complicated. When you say “global warming,” it’s too cold, and if you switch around to “global cooling,” it’s too warm. There’s really too much data to handle, you can’t possibly collect all of it, and then you can’t get the results you need to justify a climate tax. It’s so much handier to study a computer model that you created from the data that you chose to accept, and which will give you the answers that you wanted in the first place. And if that still comes up short, you can always just “hide the decline” in global temperature increases.

There’s nothing like a well-constructed computer model to give you what you’re looking for. If the data won’t cooperate, simply don’t include it in the model.

I am aware that there are scientists who don’t subscribe to any of these three great pillars of the scientific catechism. For these individuals we give thanks, knowing they have a hard row to hoe. The dogmatists attack them as bad persons, idiots, or both, lobbying to cut off their funding, blacklist their children from the best colleges, or seek ways to charge them with a criminal offense. Remember them in your prayers.

Once upon a time, science gave us electric lighting, miracle drugs to overcome diseases, pain-free (or nearly so) dentistry, world-wide communications, and a host of other blessings.

Maybe someday it’ll go back to doing that—but not until the world stops treating science as religion.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Is Trump truly a disaster?

I pray that Hillary Clinton will be indicted, although I very much doubt that will ever happen. If it doesn’t, and no other unforeseen event bursts out of the blue, then we’ll be coming out of Election Day in November with either Hillary Clinton as our president, or Donald Trump.

Thomas Sowell, whom I greatly respect as a conservative commentator, has called Trump’s emergence as the Republican presidential candidate “an unmitigated disaster.” Others have predicted Trump will lose so lopsidedly to Clinton that the GOP will be rendered impotent for the next fifty years, if not forever.

The only trouble with that argument is, the Republican Party already is impotent.

In the last national elections, the American people gave the Republicans majorities in both houses of Congress, hoping that the opposition party might finally mount some opposition to a lawless president who has already provided the unmitigated disaster feared by Dr. Sowell. The disaster has already happened, and its name is Barack Hussein Obama.

But the Republican Congress has not done what the people elected it to do. There has been no opposition.

Republican Senators confirmed the aptly-named Loretta Lynch as attorney general. Lynch now seeks to criminalize disbelief in imaginary Man-Made Climate Change.

The American people want their country’s borders secured against illegal immigration—and the Republicans won’t do it. They talk about it, but they don’t do it.

We wanted Planned Parenthood defunded, and the Republicans were afraid to do it. The Speaker of the House said it was impossible.

We wanted a coherent foreign policy that didn’t make the world a worse place for everyone but Islamic jihad-mongers, but the Republicans didn’t even ask for one.

We want an end to the Democrats’ perpetual campaign to disable Christianity as any kind of influence on public policy, to stigmatize Christians as “haters” and use the government to force them to act against their principles, and overthrow every tradition, every institution, cherished by Christians in America from the beginning of her history. But the “conservatives” in the GOP just don’t care enough about those silly social issues that only matters to us bitter clingers, as Obama once described us, in flyover country. The GOP conservatives never conserve anything.

Again and again, all Obama ever had to do to stifle the Republicans was threaten to shut down the government and blame it on them. It always worked; again and again the Republicans surrendered. They are always much more afraid of the liberal nooze media calling then racists than they ever were afraid of the poor suckers who elected them.

We already have a disaster, and it’s hard to imagine what Donald Trump could do to make it worse.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, when she’s not preoccupied with grabbing for more money, will double down on Obama’s policies and try her level best to finish the job of dismembering the Constitution. There can be no doubt of this.

Whatever our fears, we really don’t know what Donald Trump would do as president. But we do know what Hillary would do—and we’ll have no one but ourselves to blame if we allow her to do it.

Building up a country is a rare accomplishment, but destroying one is easy.

You’d think, after eight years of Obama, with the ogress Clinton waiting in the wings, that Americans would grab for the first rope ladder that anyone drops down to them—that we’d do just about anything to climb out of this hole.

Trump has offered us a ladder. The more fool us, if we don’t take it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

I dated a robot

The experts and futurists are saying it’s inevitable that human beings will wind up having “relationships” with robots—dating, sex, love, the works. The idea is really catching on. I always listen to the experts, so I decided I ought to go on a date with a robot and see what it might lead to.

My first problem was, I don’t have a robot and can’t afford to buy one. Nor can I rent one at Home Depot. Still, when all is said and done, what is a robot but a piece of fancy machinery? All I had to do was to select a machine or gadget that I already had and let it serve as a robot.

I finally picked my toaster oven. My bicycle is too big to be wheeled comfortably into a movie theater, and I have hurled too many harsh words at my computer even to ask it to dinner and a movie. The air conditioner is much too heavy.

“Elsie,” I said to my toaster oven—a date really ought to have a name—“what would you say to dinner and a movie tonight?” Silence meaning consent, I ran upstairs to trim my beard and change into a clean T-shirt.

We went to the movie first. There aren’t many theaters around here and the selection of films is rather small, so we had to settle for something called “Galactic Superhero Jidrools,” starring, I think, Harry Reid.

I didn’t think I’d have to by a separate ticket for Elsie, but the guy stopped me at the door. “Why are you bringing that into the theater?” he said. “You won’t allowed to plug it in!”

“I’m not going to plug her in,” I said. “It would be the height of bad manners. After all, she’s my date. I brought her here to see the movie.”

Would you believe it? They made me pay! Well, she was taking up a seat that they could’ve sold to somebody else, so perhaps it was only right that I should pay for it. I settled her into the seat, and after the commercials and the previews, etc., I put my arm around her. Unlike some other dates I’ve had, she didn’t object.

After the movie we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant. Well, my favorite: Elsie hadn’t been out before. As a toaster oven, of course, she has extensive experience with food. But we never put Chinese food from the restaurant into the toaster oven, so I reckoned it would make a nice change for her.

I got a lot of funny looks while they were seating me and Elsie, and then some college kid came over the wait on us.

“Uh, is that your toaster oven, man?” he wondered.

“It is my date, sir,” I replied, a bit annoyed. “And this is not an ‘it,’ but a ‘she.’ Her name is Elsie, and she is all woman—or is it wimmyn? I can’t keep track of all the new terms. But she is every bit as much a woman as I am.” I stared him down, but I needn’t have bothered. He said nothing about my beard.

“Whatever you say, sister. Do you wish to order now?”

“I think Elsie would like an appetizer. What will you have, sweetheart?”

I was getting into the spirit of this caper. By and by, when Elsie didn’t answer, I got all huffy. “You’ve offended her!” I said. “I demand you apologize at once!”

“What? Apologize to a toa—“

“I’m warning you! Don’t come any closer to misgendering my date and projecting microaggressions into my safe space.”

He couldn’t take that, practically curled up like a sowbug when he bowed to Elsie and offered profuse apologies for his oafish and biggited behavior. “Elsie would like for us to share a pu-pu platter,” I concluded.

To make a long story short, I had to eat all the food and I was feeling awfully shaky by the time we got up to go home. I almost fell over when I picked up Elsie and carried her up the driveway.

And my wife was waiting for me at the door.

“Where the dickens have you been with that toaster oven?” she inquired (which is not putting it strongly enough). “How many of your screws are loose? What have you been up to?”

I leave the rest of this awkward scene to the reader’s imagination.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The spirit of lawlessness

Again I say it: kill the culture, and the culture will kill you right back.

Throw off God’s laws, and man’s laws will suffer, too.

Few cities reject godliness like San Francisco, Gay by the Bay. Its leaders, its thinkers, speak of “San Francisco values” is if they actually believed in them. Those values would include the public festival of sexual lawlessness that they call a “pride parade,” defiantly taking pride in what ought to be a source of shame.

Would it surprise you to learn that property crime in San Francisco is up 60 percent since 2010? That it now has the highest per capita property crime among all of America’s top 50 cities? And the city tourist board is getting nervous about “street behavior” that sends the tourists fleeing to Des Moines. “Street behavior” is a euphemism covering many antisocial acts, from “overly aggressive panhandling”—is that another euphemism for mugging?—to shooting up with drugs right out on the sidewalk for everyone to see.

Finally, San Fran is a “sanctuary city” whose municipal government refuses to enforce our country’s immigration laws. No one knows how many violent criminals hide among the city’s population of illegal aliens. No one thinks about it until one of the predators shoots somebody.

But San Francisco is hardly alone in creating a culture of lawlessness. Even some of our churches have joined in.

One—ahem!—progressive church has ordained, as a minister of God’s word, an intensely disturbed man who claims to be a woman. In recent public remarks, the alleged minister said that “the Angel of Reason,” a being nowhere mentioned in the Bible, has revealed to him that God’s Word is flat-out totally wrong in its teaching on sexual morality. So all varieties of fornication are morally upright and acceptable.

And rather than taking away this lost soul’s satanic ministry, the progressive churches of flatline Christianity hail him as a prophet.

Our culture-killers leave no stone unturned. No rule or semblance of order is too trivial for them to hack away at.

Even the rules of English grammar—an absolute necessity if English is to be used as a medium of communication—aren’t safe from them.

Last week, in the United Kingdom, an editor of The Manchester Guardian declared the rules of grammar racist. Well, everything’s racist, these days. Your cat is probably a racist. Grammar, prattles the editor, is nothing but another tool of White Supremacy imposed on the oppressed peoples of the world to keep them down. It are so much gooder catch him big-feller lingo makum talk-talk robustly.

And if you understood that last sentence, you are well on your way to being a modern intellectual.

It all adds up to the premeditated murder of our culture by persons who would ordinarily have the duty of maintaining it. In the ensuing chaos, I suppose, they expect to come out on top forever, ruling arbitrarily, and with great gusto, over a population barely able to put their shoes on the right foot without government assistance.

They aspire to be as gods, defining good and evil not only for themselves but for everyone else, too, and changing those definitions whenever they please. That’ll keep us peasants on our toes.

The thing is, law and morality are not items on the menu of a Chinese restaurant. If these standards don’t come from God—which makes them immutable—they can only come from man: from whoever has, at any moment, the brute force, the cunning, or the money to make his opinion stick. And you can’t pick and choose one crime or another without opening the door for additional crimes to follow.

This is how you grow your city’s crime rate, dissolve religion and the family, and even render basic communication a thing difficult to achieve. This is how you infuse your entire culture with a lawless spirit.

It’s killing our culture, and it has to stop.

Because the cultural issues are the ones that really matter.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Adios, free speech

As Thomas Jefferson asserted in the Declaration of Independence, we are “endowed by [our] Creator with certain inalienable rights” which were eventually spelled out in the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

But the nations of the West, having turned away from their Creator, find now that their rights are no longer inalienable.

For those educated in public school, “inalienable” means it can’t be sold, given away, or taken away. (We allow 60 seconds for sardonic laughter.) Our rights seem to be getting less inalienable by the day.

Perhaps we ought to expect this to be going on in Europe. What do they know of free speech or any other God-given right?

In Germany, for instance, the government has decided to prosecute a popular TV comedian for the crime of making fun of the president of Turkey, Bongo (or whatever his name is: who cares?) Erdogan, who saw the TV show and complained.

Germany has no First Amendment protecting free speech or anything else. What Germany does have is an old Kaiser Wilhelm-era law that makes it a jailing offense to disparage or make fun of a foreign head of state. If you’ve ever seen how German funsters make mincemeat of Obama, especially in the Obama floats they design for some of their parades, you may well wonder where that law has been for all this time. But never mind. Current German politics dictates appeasement of Middle Eastern despots, so probably the comic goes to jail. And so much for free speech in Germany.

Here in America, where we have a First Amendment to protect free speech, we now see a growing push by “liberals”—well, Democrats, to say it plainly—to outlaw speech and thought that doesn’t jibe with left-wing politics.

Just this month, first we had Bill Nye the Science Guy, promoted from kid TV star to sage and oracle, recommending criminal prosecution for those who dissent from “Climate Change” orthodoxy. He has a lot of company. Unable to win their argument by mustering facts to support their position, now they seek to crush dissent by criminalizing it.

Almost immediately afterward, we learned of Democrat state attorneys general—no Republicans were involved—secretly huddling to see if they could actually do this. Well, hey, they gotta Save the Planet from the imaginary threat of man-made Global Warming: can’t let a little thing like the First Amendment get in the way. How else can they herd the people into crummy, cramped Agenda 21 housing, take away their cars and air conditioners, and impose all kinds of climate taxes, if they’ve got those pesky dissenters calling it a hoax?

Oops! Did I just break the law? Probably.

Their political theory is essentially satanic—atheistic, at best. They reject the concept of God-given rights, even as they reject the whole idea of God. Who is God, to tell them what they can or cannot do? They’re our leaders, our bosses, our lords. They can do anything they please.

For decades they’ve been chopping away at God’s moral laws; and no one cared, because, after all, those were only outmoded cultural conventions defining marriage, gender, and all that other stuff that no one in the whoopee crowd believes in anymore.

In doing so, they created a climate of lawlessness in which they can easily go from overthrowing God’s laws to overthrowing man’s—like, for instance, the First Amendment to the Constitution.

We’ve brought this on ourselves, by feebly defending, or not defending at all, God’s laws. Our current leaders are our punishment.

So enjoy your freedom of speech while you still have it. If our leaders get their way, we won’t have it for much longer.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Secular civilization: it ain’t working

Something seems to be wrong with our modern, global, secular humanist civilization.

I’m not one of the many people who believe there’s a plot afoot to depopulate the earth, save only for an elite remnant of gazillionaires, feminists, intellectuals, and celebrities. This scheme is commonly attributed to the likes of George Soros, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, and Beelzebub.

To me it doesn’t make much sense. Where’s the fun in being a tyrant, if there’s no one there to tyrannize? Even Nero, crazy as a bedbug, understood that he had to have subjects if he was going to be an emperor.

But it’s not hard to understand why someone might believe the elites want to wipe out the rest of us. These days, who could be more anti-human than a humanist? They certainly act like they hate us and want to be rid of us. They even seem to be preparing to do just that.

Take the push for self-driving cars, for instance. A bunch of experts recently told the National Highway Safety Administration that driverless, computer-guided cars are very far from being ready for prime time. They pleaded with the government to slow down.

They might have saved their breath. Ever since Henry Ford, with his mass-produced automobiles at popular prices, created the American middle class, progressive thinkers—God save us!—have been looking for ways to undo this. We’ve seen them try forced car-pooling, high-occupancy vehicle lanes (remember the HOV?), high gas taxes, blocking the Keystone Pipeline, mileage taxes, and whatnot. They would like us to be car-less peasants riding atop a rickety bus with a few crates full of squawking chickens, as is usual in their beloved Third World countries. We make less of a carbon footprint that way, don’t you know.

So now they’ve got the hots for driverless cars, which offer them the exciting possibility of hooking all the cars’ computers into a few government computers that would be able to control your car’s speed, its hours of permitted use, or even whether it’ll go anywhere at all. Too many people on the road? No longer a problem—your car won’t even start unless Big Brother says it can.

But that’s nothing, compared to a recent innovation in Japan—a country that really does seem intent on depopulating itself.

They’re not having babies, they’re not getting married, they aren’t even dating. And so, to make up for it, they’ve invented a full-body Virtual Reality Sex Suit, which lets the wearer experience a pathetic and degrading form of “sex” without the hassle of getting together with another human being. It works in conjunction with pornography. Oh, boy.

It reminds me of a little song my mother used to sing: “I love me, I think I’m grand,/ when I go to the movies, I hold my hand./I put my arm around my waist;/ if I get fresh, I slap my face.” It was a joke when she first learned it. But it isn’t anymore.

With liberals and intellectuals it’s hard to tell whether they’re purposely trying to deceive us or if they really are as loopy as the things they say and do. As a glaring example of this, they propose to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Can they really not know how asinine an idea that is? Who will be able, or willing, to pay $15 an hour to some teenager to sweep the parking lot as a summer job? And if the minimum wage is hiked to $15, what will happen to the other wages—to say nothing of the cost of any good or service involving low-skill labor?

The starter jobs, the summer jobs, will simply price themselves out of existence, and people who used to hold them will be replaced by robots—if the business owner can afford it.

But hey—as they used to say among the Occupy Wall Street crowd, “Work blows.” Who needs work, if everyone can be on welfare?

Yeah, sure, that’ll work just fine.

If our secular humanist movers and shakers aren’t trying to depopulate the earth, they’re certainly doing a brilliant imitation of it.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

How the government you voted in invents new crimes

These days you never know what’s going to be against the law from day to day. Microaggression, mis-gendering, “humanizing the fetus”—libs are just waiting to pounce on you for committing any kind of act that violates their safe space or foments “hate,” etc. You don’t even have to do it on purpose.

But what they really want is something they can actually put you in jail for. With this in mind, our beloved Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently told Democrat senators that she was looking into the possibility of prosecuting persons guilty of Climate Change Denial. She thought they might be able to do it by invoking the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)—since they aren’t using it to go after, say, the Clinton Foundation.

“It’s looking more and more doable every day,” said Deputy Attorney General Mao Tse-tung. “The RICO Act is more flexible than we thought. Once you get the knack of bending it this way or that, you can come after anyone for anything.”

Once the Climate Change deniers are safely locked away, said Mao, “Our next target will be those hate-filled, biggited individuals who refuse to recognize it when someone has his or her gender changed, refuse to celebrate it, and just won’t hop on board. These will be prosecuted for Gender Change Denial.”

With presidential candidate Hillary Clinton already promising to promote “transgender rights” for all she’s worth–and given the money that pours into the Clinton Foundation, she’s worth a lot—“She will have to be given the tool to do the job,” said Mao. “She must be given the power to prosecute anyone who attempts Gender Change Denial.”

What about First Amendment issues?

“Don’t make me laugh!” said Mao. “We polished off the First Amendment the first time we prosecuted a Christian baker for not creating a cake for a lesbian wedding! Why anyone should still think you can just say anything you want without suffering legal consequences, beats me. You’d think that’s the one thing we have made perfectly clear, over the past seven years—watch your mouth. And while you’re at it, watch what you write, too. Whether it’s a letter to the editor, or a paragraph on Facebook, or even just a little bitty tweet on Twitter, we’re watching you! And even if we can’t toss you into jail, we can always destroy your livelihood.”

Eventually, Mao continued, the Justice Department will be able to prosecute “all undesirable speech, all undesirable writings, and all undesirable thought.” This, of course, will require that the Justice Department be “fantastically expanded—probably to five or six times its present size and budget,” he said. “It’ll mean some pretty hefty tax increases, but that’s an insignificant price to pay for a government that’s able to abolish hate. Imagine a world without hate! Why quibble about the cost?”

Won’t these new waves of prosecutions fall very heavily, disproportionately so, on Christians and conservatives?

“Well, of course they will!” said Mao. “I mean, these people are criminals, aren’t they? Christians commit 90 percent of all the thought crimes in America!

“Religious freedom does not mean what they think it means. What America needs is a state-sponsored church which promotes no beliefs, no opinions, that could possibly offend any of our cherished minorities.”

But doesn’t the Constitution explicitly forbid the government from establishing a state religion?

“No, it does not,” Mao said. “It only says that Congress can’t make a law establishing religion. It doesn’t say anything about the president doing it with an executive order! Gee, I thought that was the other thing we’ve made perfectly clear, these past seven years. Well, no problem—it’ll be clear as glass, when we get done.”

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

A nation of weenies and putzes

Post-Christian American culture—hot dog! Isn’t it just fantastically wonderful?

Maybe you heard about what happened this weekend in Orange, Connecticut, and Proctor, Vermont, when they tried to hold outdoor Easter egg hunts. With thousands of Easter eggs laid out on the ground, “parents”—in the sense of persons who have physically begotten children—jumped the starting signals and swarmed onto the fields to scarf up all the eggs. The scene in Proctor got nasty enough that the police had to be called in to break it up.

Last year they had an Easter egg hunt in Sacramento, California, that turned into an even bigger mess, with persons calling themselves parents trampling and cursing small children, and knocking them aside, as they charged out to get the eggs.

My parents were not like that. In fact, nobody had parents like that, once upon a time.

Who can explain this behavior? It’s certainly not religious zeal. Why should the sight of some Easter eggs inflame them to riot?

Oh, but that’s nothing. Imagine being brought up by those parents.

Happily, we don’t have to rely entirely on our imaginations. There is abundant evidence as to what is the result, to children, of being raised and educated by putzes and pumpkinheads. All you have to do is look at what’s happening in our—ahem!—colleges and universities.

At Emory University this month, students went all to pieces when somebody scrawled “Trump 2016” on the sidewalk. Students said they felt “afraid,” and “unsafe.” They demanded that the university authorities protect them from such dire menaces as election slogans, etc. The authorities complied, and came up with a new “chalking policy” that says you can’t scribble anything onto the sidewalk or the walls unless they pre-approve it first.

Sheesh. When I was in college, it was “Frodo lives.”

But in those days, the colleges were selling us “dissent” as the supreme social good, an end in itself, blah-blah. By “dissent” they meant opposing the Vietnam War. If you dissented from their dissent, they got rather cross with you.

But they didn’t collapse into fetal position and snivel and whine because you disagreed with them! They were much more likely to beat you up or vandalize your car. The campus was the place for lively conversations, once upon a time.

Then we’ve got the associate professor of English (what else?) who has vowed to call the police every day, from now on, to report the presence of ROTC cadets on campus—where, as a matter of fact and custom, they are usually to be found. Yes, this tenured piece of protoplasm has vowed to call 911 and waste police time—because the ROTC unit on campus makes her experience sheer terror, first, and then unbearable rage. This is like calling the police to report squirrels in the park; only in this case, the caller is an even bigger squirrel. She admits that the first time she saw the cadets performing drill, she actually hid under her desk.

If the kiddies have not been adequately warped by their Easter egg-fanatic parents, and their pitiful public schools, they go to college to have the job finished by the likes of this professor, if they can get her out from under her desk. Her academic specialty, by the way, is something called “Body Studies,” which includes instruction in “bondage and discipline.” Your tuition dollars at work.

America has too many colleges and universities with too many idiots teaching too many pseudo-studies for too much money, and way too many of her young people going there.

Oh, yeah, this is going to turn out just great for America. This is a fundamental transformation that every pea-brain can be proud of. Is the idea to make us so pathetic and contemptible that our foreign enemies won’t want to conquer us?

Like I say: kill the culture, and it’ll kill you right back.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog, http://leeduigon.com, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The sin of race-baiting

In a recent debate held at Harvard, which was once a university, the winning team suggested that white males could atone for having “white privilege” by killing themselves. Declared the winners, who were black, “white life is wrong” and “must never be affirmed.” The cringing liberal white debaters let it stand unchallenged.

Imagine, if you can, any two white persons, under any circumstances, publicly declaring that black males ought to kill themselves, and so on. Every celebrity in the country would be denouncing it. They would levitate. Their heads would spin around 360 degrees. The president, the attorney general, and every oppressed black entertainer earning a zillion bucks a year would all be screaming for the speakers’ heads and apologizing to the whole world for America’s intractable racism. And they would be calling for radical policy changes to cope with it.

America has had almost eight years of uninterrupted race-baiting, coming straight down from the top. But the political leaders, despite their high visibility, are only the tip of the iceberg.

In colleges and universities all across the land, students are being taught that “white privilege” is the root of all evil. Now they’re teaching it to military recruits, too.

If you’re black, every problem that you have in life, every short-coming, every bad judgment, every error, every failure—hey, it’s not your fault! It’s not your responsibility. You’ve only got those problems because “white privilege” gives those horrible white people an edge over you, and you’ll never be able to catch up, they’re in an ages-old conspiracy to keep you down, blah-blah. That’s what they’re teaching you in college. You will never amount to anything unless The Government—by which is meant left-wing politicians—acts to avenge you on these privileged whites, knocking them down and giving you their stuff.

You’d think people would be ashamed to listen to such a message, wouldn’t you? “What do you mean, I’ll never amount to anything unless the government sticks it to white people and gives me their stuff?” But if no one was listening, they wouldn’t be teaching this lesson.

If you’re white, the lesson is that you, personally, are responsible for every difficulty ever faced by every non-white individual—and you have got to be made, by The Government, to make up for it. There’s no escaping your guilt: white privilege is like Original Sin, you’re born with it. So if you’re unemployed, hungry, and living in a lean-to, but you’re white, you are exploiting some black entertainer who gets paid a million dollars an hour to be on TV and tell the whole world how exploited and oppressed he is.

This is making me mad, just writing about it—and that’s exactly what our race-baiting leaders and educators want. They want blacks hating whites and blaming them for everything. Which will naturally result in whites hating blacks and blaming them for everything.

When we should all get together to hate liberals.

They want us racially divided, they want us hating each other, because it’s good for them politically: divide and rule, and stay in power till the sun burns out. That’s why the colleges teach “white privilege.” That’s why H. Clinton says to blacks, “I’ve got your back”—because she wants them to believe Whitey’s going to stick a shiv between their shoulder blades unless they elect her to protect them.

God blesses peacemakers. He doesn’t bless those who stir up strife where none exists, who teach people to hate and fear those who’ve never done them any wrong, who raise up storms of envy, all merely for their own advantage. Those who do this are guilty of atrocious sin; and those who abandon their better judgment, and listen to the troublemakers because it’s what they want to hear, are also guilty.

I don’t know how the Lord will handle such a nation of blockheads. If God’s judgment came crashing through their living room ceilings, they’d never recognize it for what it was. White privilege must’ve caused it. Or homophobia, income inequality, or climate change. Whatever. Anything but our own sins. Anything but our own folly. If our politicians couldn’t explain it away, then surely our scientists could.

Lord God, hear us, who still pray to you! These things are done without our consent and against our will, and we have spoken against them repeatedly, to no effect.

God save us.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Climate change champions: threats, lies and gobbledygook

It is a dogma of the Democrat religion that “Climate Change,” better known as “Global Warming” when the weather’s hot, is the biggest, baddest threat the human race has ever seen, and vast new powers must be granted to the government, huge new taxes levied, and basic liberties curtailed in order to Save the Planet.

They’ve been preaching this for years now, and they still can’t seal the deal.

In the month of March, so far, we have seen three different strategies for driving the Climate Change stake into America’s heart.

Just last week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, so aptly named, told Congress that yeah, sure, you bet the Justice Dept. has been exploring the feasibility to prosecuting “Climate Change deniers” is if they were criminals.

Here she is blazing new trails in the abolition of the First Amendment. Obviously, it’s impractical to ask Congress to outlaw a particular opinion. But by treating anyone who disputes Climate Change as a threat to the public health and safety—hey, we’re saving the planet here!—there may be, Ms. Lynch suggests, statutes such as the RICO Act (intended for the suppression of organized crime) that just might be flexible enough to allow liberals to stamp out dissent from their favorite “scientific” opinion.

For a good illustration of the word “instantaneous,” see how long it takes a liberal, whenever you try to debate him on the subject, to come out with “97% of scientists agree there’s Man-Made Climate Change—and that’s a consensus!”

Well, gee, how hard is it to get a consensus, when you threaten to prosecute anyone who disagrees? I mean, government action, potentially resulting in a prison sentence, is just bound to be more effective than the threats they’ve had to be content to use so far. We’ll cut off your funding, we’ll get your kids blacklisted from all the best colleges, we’ll assassinate your character in the media, etc.—all pretty small potatoes, compared to three or four years in the big house.

Meanwhile, in case the threat of prosecution fizzles out, there’s always lying.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, an agency of the U.S. government, has once again been caught fudging and finagling temperature readings to prop up otherwise unsupportable claims of Global Warming. There are several ways of doing this, and NOAA knows them all. The end result is phony figures.

One wonders how many times “climate scientists” have to be caught doing this before the private jet crowd disowns them as an embarrassment.

If the threats don’t scare anyone, and the lies don’t convince anyone, then out comes the secret weapon: pure, unadulterated crapola.

The National Science Foundation recently paid more than $400,000 to some nutty professor at Oregon State for a “peer-reviewed scientific paper” he wrote on applying “a feminist political ecology” and a “feminist postcolonial approach” to the study of glacial melting.

Now they’ve got us wondering whether science is even science anymore, or has just been melted down into pure humbug. “Feminist political ecology.” “A feminist postcolonial approach.” Do those words mean anything? Could they possibly have anything at all to do with a serious study of glacial melting? Well, the National Science Foundation paid 400,000 smackers for it, so clearly they want us to think it’s science.

Oh, what won’t they do to get their carbon tax! What wouldn’t they do, to get the power to turn off our electricity at 8 p.m., take away our air conditioners and cars, and cram us into crowded, cranky buses whenever we want to go anywhere?

Go ahead, though—argue that threatening people is “science.” That telling lies is “science.” That whipping up a big bowl of word salad is a form of “science,” too.

These actions by the Global Warming gang are news. They are facts in evidence, and cannot be wished away. If they damage the reputation of science as an institution, it’s up to scientists to put their house in order. If they don’t want the public to think of them as liars and B.S. slingers, they ought to stop doing those things.

Because, just now, all they look like is a passel of liars and B.S. slingers.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

A spot of culture rot—within the church

On a nice day, when I have something to read or write, I like to sit outside and do it while smoking a cigar. So it was, this past Sunday morning.

Directly across a very busy street from our apartment building is a Catholic school, attached to a Catholic church where services were in progress. Remember, it was a Sunday morning.

One of the school’s windows was open, and crowded into it was a group of small children, I estimate ten years old or a little less. They were amusing themselves by shouting at people passing by on the sidewalk.

Then they spotted me, some 200 feet away, minding my own business, and started shouting at me. If the language offends you, please note that it is not my language, but theirs. I merely report it.

“Ooh, look, a smoker! Smoking man! He’s smoking! Cough-cough—he’s trying to kill us with his smoke! Hey, smoker! He must be a homosexual! Hey, homo! Homo man!” And so it went for the better part of ten minutes, during which I judged it best to ignore them.

But it was distressing to hear this erupting from a church building, even while worship services were being held in another part of it. Once upon a time—wow, it was in another century!—I used to teach at a Catholic school. They didn’t mind my being a Protestant, and I taught according to the curriculum. Those children whom I had the pleasure to teach never showed the slightest sign of being capable of such behavior. I can’t believe it would have occurred to them. They’re all grown up now, though. And in the intervening years, our popular culture has coarsened and decayed more than I would have thought possible.

So here was this abuse pouring out of a church building, and I could only wonder what these children’s families and parents had taught them, that they felt entitled to shout really vile insults at an adult.

When I reported the incident on my blog, a reader surprised me, or rather astounded me, by commenting that I was somehow to blame—that I was part of a culture of “doing nothing” that permitted evil to flourish. What he would have advised me to do, he didn’t say. Walk up to the window and get into a shouting match with children? Go into the church and interrupt the service? Or just write a letter of complaint to the monsignor of the church, who probably wouldn’t have believed a word of it?

I’m a writer. That’s my calling. I write about stuff. I don’t go banging on people’s doors. I haven’t provided you with the name and address of the church because I can’t believe it’s the one and only church in America where children haven’t been taught how to behave tolerably. No, this is something that ought to be considered in all the churches—which are, or are supposed to be, ambassadors for Christ.

“Oh, but it served you right!” answers the Pharisee. “Because smoking is a sin!” I don’t agree with that, but let’s just say it’s true. And if it is, does that authorize the children of the church to shout abuse at sinners? In whose evangelism tool kit is that to be found? Besides which, they would thus be authorized to shout abuse at everyone, because everyone, in one way or another, or in many ways, is a sinner.

What do the churches teach these children? What do their families teach them? Or do they just go through the motions on a Sunday, and the rest of the time, leave the teaching up to movies, TV shows, video games, and rap music?

When you can’t tell the Christian children apart from the children of the unbelievers—or the adults, for that matter—what does that say about the churches?

That’s what needs to be considered.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

They’re making us mad

I wrote a satire this week that got some readers going. For a moment there, they were afraid it might be real.

In “The Dream Police,” college authorities punish white heterosexual male students for things they say and do in minority students’ dreams. “Don’t give them ideas!” a reader pleaded.

It’s only because things have gone to such ridiculous extremes lately that such a cock and bull story can ring true, if only for a moment. Yes, for just that little blink of time, what should be funny becomes, well, rather frightening. We look at our leaders and decision-makers and can’t help thinking, “Whoa! They might really like to do that! That really might think they ought to regulate our dreams.”

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (I’ll bet you feel safer already) has recommended mandatory screening for depression for all Americans — yep, all 300 million of us. Like if, after eight years of Obama, there’s anyone who ain’t depressed.

Once they know whose mental health is not quite ticketty-boo, then they’ll know all sorts of useful information—like who shouldn’t be allowed to own a firearm, run for public office, hold a certain kind of job, be able to publish his or her opinions, etc. The knowledge will be there waiting for them when they decide to make use of it.

The steady drip-drip-drip of this kind of news, the awareness that our nation’s rulers are never more than a twitch away from subjecting us to every kind of hardship, cost, or threat we can imagine—think “amnesty,” for instance—along with the daily observation that they really do things like Obamacare and “gay marriage,” and whatever else it takes to put America face-down on the canvas—well, all this stuff is getting a lot of people kind of mad. It’s especially getting normal people mad: those who don’t belong to any cherished and protected minority, but who instead must foot the bill for all these follies and struggle to cope with the consequences.

They’ve gotten so mad, in fact, that even comfortable mainstream commentators like Peggy Noonan have begun to notice it. You wouldn’t have thought any noise softer than the Crack of Doom would wake them up.

Normal people are enraged against their leaders and their thinkers for screwing up the country. The fact that after a hard day of sticking it to America, the big shots can relax on the golf course with the president, or even hop aboard a private jet and wind up sipping sissy drinks at Davos in the shadow of the Alps, really doesn’t sit too well with normal people. One is inevitably drawn to remember Marie Antoinette and “Let them eat cake.”

So far Donald Trump has taken the lead in tapping into this deep, hot, burning anger. It propels his presidential campaign. Those candidates who try to remain oblivious to it are falling by the wayside.

Whatever happens with the politics, the anger is not going to go away. Why should it? The things that cause it, and the individuals who cause it, aren’t going anywhere. It’s going to grow more intense.

The people have a message for their rulers, for the smart set, for the big cheeses.

“You have screwed us for the last time, and we are not going to take it anymore. Stop trashing our country!”

Those who refuse to listen are playing with fire.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Can we stop our leaders from killing us?

Four years ago I got a lot of people mad at me by pleading with them to vote for Mitt Romney for president. My motivation was simple: I wanted Obama to be denied a second term.

I would do it again. To this day I can’t imagine a President Romney lighting up the White House with rainbow lights to celebrate the Supreme Court’s imposition of “gay marriage” on America. I would do it again; but it wasn’t much fun the first time, and would be even less the second.

Now I have to decide whether I want to go through all that again, to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House. Presuming she doesn’t get indicted between now and Election Day.

It’s difficult because the Republican primary is turning into a scorched-earth campaign. Rubio, Cruz, and Trump have been saying things about each other that cannot be easily taken back. They don’t seem terribly concerned with truth.

One of those three will win the nomination. The question is, how much will the other two have damaged him by then? Enough to get the most corrupt woman in the hemisphere into the White House? Enough to finish the destruction of our republic?

Libs, progs, Democrats—right now their project is to make sure non-citizens vote in this election. The League of Women Voters, formerly a respectable organization, has joined in this project with the NAACP, People for the American Way (what “American way” can they possibly be talking about?), Common Cause, Project Vote, and Chicanos for La Causa. I am afraid to ask what “La Causa” is.

Why do they want non-citizens voting? Because they presume these persons will vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. They’re probably right about that.

Is it worth it to them, to subvert and eventually destroy our electoral process, if that’s what it takes to get liberals into the White House? Judging by just their words and actions, the answer to that question is “Yeah, you bet, absolutely!”

Looking at the three leading Republican candidates:

I rule out Sen. Marco Rubio because I can’t trust him not to try to be the Angela Merkel of America. If there is anything America needs less now than amnesty for border-jumpers, I don’t know what that could be.

I liked Ted Cruz a lot, although I was convinced that the Republican establishment would never permit him to win the presidency: that they would actually rather have a country-destroying crazy left-wing Democrat (I admit to the tautology). But I didn’t like that “Voter Violation” scam he pulled in Iowa, and his attacks on Donald Trump have become unseemly.

That leaves Trump, currently the front-runner. Would I vote for him if he were running against Clinton? I would turn cartwheels on my way to the polls. Do I believe Trump to be a genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, rock-solid conservative? No.

But then I know of no such conservative anywhere in Washington.

The Washington political establishment, our rulers, our masters of the universe, need a damned good thrashing. They need to be thrown out of power like a disorderly spewing drunk is thrown out of a bar. We need to be rid of them. We can’t afford them anymore. They cost us more than money; they’re always gnawing away at our liberties.

They do things that threaten to kill the United States of America. If they can’t spend us into oblivion fast enough, they’re willing to bring in countless multitudes of aliens—including all the criminals they can find—to swamp the electorate, holding their allegiance by never-ending offers of free stuff paid for by the working people of America. They don’t care what they do to our culture—the more transgender, the better. Every day they come after our freedom of speech, our religious liberty, our right to bear arms and defend ourselves.

Our leaders have made war against us. They behave toward us as if we were a conquered people who must be ground down into spiritless obedience. Look what they’ve done to our educational institutions.

Our leaders must be replaced. They are an existential threat to our liberties, to our republic. They are trying to turn it into something else—and not for our benefit, but for theirs.

Maybe Trump can shake them up. Maybe he can.

I can’t think of anyone else who might be able to do that.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Will the GOP finally jump in front of the train?

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is dead. Libs ‘n’ progs turn cartwheels, carrying on like his death was an extra Christmas present.

Now the Worst President Ever has a vacancy on the Supreme Court. A conservative judge has died. The president, says Article III of the U.S. Constitution, “shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to… appoint… Judges of the Supreme Court.” It doesn’t say whom he can or can’t nominate, or what qualifications they ought to have. Anyone can be a Supreme Court justice, if the president appoints him and the Senate confirms the appointment. He could appoint Putin, if he could get him past the Senate.

So here is the golden opportunity to say goodbye forever to those pesky 5-4 Supreme Court rulings that sometimes favor conservatives. One more left-wing ideologue, and it’s 6-3 in favor of Evil every time. Fundamental transformation, we have arrived! It’s only a matter of choosing which particular villain to appoint.

Ah! But there’s a snag. No one, but no one, can be appointed a Supreme Court justice without the consent of the Senate. And there’s a Republican majority in the Senate.

The task before them is so simple, even a Republican Senator can do it. All they have to do is not confirm whoever the president nominates. They don’t even have to vote down the appointment, if they’re terrified of the frogs in the nooze media croaking all night, “Biggit! Biggit!” Not voting at all would be as effective as voting against it.

So all they have to do is nothing. Shuffle their papers. Clear their throats. Adjourn for lunch. Just stall. Delay. Postpone. Most of these guys are lawyers: they already know how to do that stuff.

Because if they don’t; if they let this jumped-up community organizer, this monster in the White House, pack the Supreme Court with one more lefty loon; if they let that happen because they can’t even figure out how to do nothing at all; if they allow the creation of a Supreme Court that will set Obama’s lawless acts in concrete, never to be moved again—

If they allow the creation of a court that will turn back all challenges to dissolving our borders and our citizenship, thus replacing the electorate, to savaging the national economy to meet the “threat” of imaginary “Climate Change”, to erasing the Second Amendment, to overturning and re-engineering basic human institutions, to forcing on the American people a chaotic false morality invented by liberals as they go along—

If they allow these disasters because they couldn’t find the gumption just to sit on their hands until the monster leaves office—

Then that’s the end. America will need another Revolution; but before that, we shall see the death of the Republican Party by its own hand. The body will be dead before it hits the floor.

Can they be so stupid, as to fail to understand this? Can even Republicans be that dense?

If they think we’re mad at them now, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. I mean, can’t we even trust them to do nothing? A bird-bath can do nothing. Surely the Beltway Republicans are as capable as bird-baths, although we question whether they are anywhere near as useful.

This is it, guys. If you fail us here, you’re done for.

I have discussed this on my blog, if you want to hear more. If you’re already as sick of reading about D.C. politics as I am sick of writing about it, stop by anyhow and click “Books” for something completely different.

Or you can do something even more productive, and help your fellow citizens melt down the Senate switchboard.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Our leaders are insane

I hate conspiracy theories. Lizard People. Annunaki from Orion. The guy around the corner posing as a retired pogo stick designer, when in reality he manipulates human history from his laptop.

But what am I to make of this? Agatha Christie wrote it in 1927: “The worldwide unrest, the labor troubles that beset every nation, and the revolutions that break out in some… [T]here is a force behind the scenes which aims at nothing less than the disintegration of civilization” (Christie, “The Big Four,” 1927).

I would answer her, “But it’s not behind the scenes—it’s right out in the open. We see it every day. We know who these people are, who are destroying our civilization. They tell us what they mean to do, and then they try to do it.”

A recent example: unnoticed amid the Superbowl hoopla, the brass hats at the Pentagon—aka bootlicking yes-men of the president—ordered all commanders, from now on, to “prioritize Climate Change” in all military plans and operations.

How do we even work out what that means? Can it possibly mean that, in case of a life-and-death military emergency, the commanding officer is supposed to sit there and try to calculate the “climate change impact” of defensive measures?

But we do have a “president” who insists that Climate Change/Global Warming is the No. 1 national security threat facing America.

This is crazy. It is criminally insane. And there sits Congress mum as mummies and every bit as useful. The commander-in-chief is wack-wack-wacko and they just sit there. Maybe they’re nuts, too.

But this is nothing, compared to the collective craziness that has overtaken Western Europe.

One is forced to wonder: what do they imagine is the end game of all this Muslim immigration? What are we going to see when they’ve finally finished importing violent, lawless, rape-happy Muslims into Europe?

So what’s it gonna look like? If we were to go over to Syria, would we find the country empty? Or would it be ISIS still sitting pretty, still beheading victims because, for their purposes, any old victim will do, and laughing themselves silly at the chaos and the failure of the whole Western world? Will we find the Europeans still in Europe cowering in shelters, kow-towing to every passing imam?

I don’t know what Angela Merkel and Co. are hoping to accomplish. I really can’t imagine what her end game looks like. But it does seem obvious, based on what these leaders and thinkers say and do, that their dream, their end game, has national borders abolished everywhere and a global government with themselves in charge of it.

You can’t call it a conspiracy when it’s done right under your nose in plain sight, with the bad guys, the Soros-Obama-Kerry crowd, writing papers and giving speeches about how the time for global governance has come, publicly bragging about how clever they’ve been in creating crises and using them to prod the world toward their micromanaged utopia.

Thing is, there are sane and even common-sense answers to these “problems.” Answers no one wants to talk about.

Would there be a Syrian refugee problem, if Syria were not allowed to be a hell-hole? What if all the civilized countries of the West acted together to exterminate ISIS, get rid of the Assads, and create a protectorate over Syria, where the military might of the advanced nations would be used to prevent anyone from turning the place into a hell-hole ever again. Then no one from Syria would have to flee to Europe, right?

Is there any sane reason for thinking that people who have turned their own country into a slaughterhouse will calm down and be nice in any other country? Why are the people of Europe forced to pay the price for their leaders’ fantasies?

But our American leaders are just itchin’ to do the same to us.

Because they’re crazy.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The world’s smartest amoebas

Reality is only real if we choose to think it’s real. That’s a load of twaddle, but it’s what our great colleges and universities have been selling for the last twenty years or so. It got started in college English departments as a way of deconstructing a literary text to make it mean whatever you want it to mean. This used to be known as lunacy. Now they call it education.

Coming soon to a major university near you, the 2016 White Privilege Workshop will be open to high school and middle school kids as well as college students. This is 150-proof academic firewater, guaranteed to rot your brain. And, hey, if you’re having trouble nailing down that Gender Studies degree, they’ll give you course credit just for showing up to this wingding.

As is the mode in higher education today, the workshops try to instill in participants a weird combination of the most arrogant, unearned self-esteem and the most cringing fragility of the psyche. To put it another way, they teach you how to be a nut.

So, for instance, after anointing all these crybabies as Social Justice Warriors—who are going to “disable white racism” (but not any other kind) and force utopia upon a world too stupid to appreciate how smart these college kiddies are—they will herd them into a “safe-space” where they can all whine about how tough it is to change the world, without any risk of hearing a single dissenting word. This is what they call Diversity.

There will also be workshops on how to glorify and elevate cisgendered womyn, whatever those are.

It would be nice if we could just sit back and laugh at this. What could be more ludicrous?

But the trouble is, this academic hogwash seeps out of the universities and infects the whole society. No institution is immune to it. And government, these days, is especially susceptible.

The U.S. Dept. of Labor, for one, has recently announced a scheme to spend millions of tax dollars to replace all its posters and flyers as part of a war “against the Gender Binary” In all of these printed materials, ordinary pronouns like “he” and “she” will be deleted and replaced with “gender-neutral language.” According to a Labor Dept. spokesidiot, this will provide some great, undefined “benefit” to American society.

Reality isn’t real unless you think it’s real. The world’s smartest amoebas tell us so.

Thus the 2015 Woman of the Year was a man.

And a 16-year-old nincompoop in Norway gets international huzzahs for insisting she’s a cat.

At this point I think it’s fair to ask, What, exactly, are they trying to do to us? Who benefits from raising up a whole generation of wackos?

Part of it has got to be the simple over-expansion of our university system. College used to be for scholars, but everyone is not cut out to be a scholar. College is also used, now, to try to teach basic skills and knowledge that the kiddies failed to learn in high school. With virtually everyone going to college, the colleges have to offer degree programs for the great mass of students who have no bent for scholarship. And after that, they have to find college-type jobs for graduates who aren’t fit for anything but—well, more college.

But this is only part of it. After all, they could be handing out degrees in surfing, comic book analysis, or making funny noises—silly enough, but in the long run, harmless.

But what is the point of transforming so many young people into a horde of puffed-up, self-important, thin-skinned, injustice-collecting, profoundly useless idiots who deny such basic aspects of reality as whether someone is a woman or a man?

I don’t know who benefits by this. I don’t know how our country benefits by having such a large portion of her population, year by year, rendered incapable of making any worthwhile contribution.

But this I do know: for whatever their reasons, these “educators” are doing it for all they’re worth; and it is damaging America and her prospects for survival.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Even Al-Jazeera knows the score

I don’t know how much I can write today. I’ve just spent a morning shoveling several tons of Global Warming off my car.

If you can hop aboard your private jet any old time and zoom off to Davos, Switzerland, ride a limo to your luxury hotel, and spend an afternoon sipping expensive booze with your global elite buddies, you can afford to believe in Global Warming—also known as Climate Change, when it snows. You certainly aren’t going to be tied up for a whole morning shoveling snow.

Now I don’t know about illegal aliens doing work that Americans won’t do; but I do know that Al-Jazeera, the Arabic news network, is doing work that the American media won’t do.

Recently some Egyptian commentators on Al-Jazeera shared their insights into our beloved American president, Barack Obama. They were especially intrigued by the president’s insistence that Climate Change/Global Warming—an imaginary problem, and hence unsolvable—is the most critical security threat facing our country today.

They made some insightful comments. “Is he crazy?” wondered one of them. “He’s on drugs,” suggested another. One called him “an affirmative action president.” Another called him “a man who ignores the evidence of his own eyes.” They didn’t even like his physique, which drives some of our home-grown liberal commentators ga-ga.

They seemed to think that Islamic terrorism, as exemplified by ISIS et al, is a rather more serious threat. But they’re wrong.

The most serious threat facing the civilized world today is the leaders of the civilized world, as exemplified by our perpetually-smirking president himself.

Aside from importing masses of violent, lawless Muslims into the countries of Western Europe just in time to turn New Year’s Eve in Germany into Public Rape Nite, our leaders are still piling their chips on Global Warming as their best bet to do away with nations and replace them with a global government. It’s a time-honored approach: create a horrendous problem, such as national borders dissolving away and societal chaos breaking out, and then put themselves forward as the only geniuses who can possibly solve it. The Mafia have done this for a hundred years.

See, all that chaos, they say, is not the result of crazy public policies cynically employed, but merely the inevitable result of Climate Change. Just ask any of ‘em.

And the way you solve it, and restore order, is to get rid of nations and impose a global government run by Obama and his friends, take control of every aspect of human life, tax everybody out the wazoo, and there you are—no more Global Warming! And no more racism, war, hate, lust, income inequality, or any other deadly sin that you can think of. Utopia at last!

When nations abandon God, they turn to idols. They worship the work of men’s hands—government agencies, government-funded science, welfare checks, government-funded schools and universities. These have all the answers. Hey, would such smart people lie to you?

It’s too bad we have to turn to Al-Jazeera for straight talk about our own country’s overlords, but it’s better than having no one to turn to at all.

We have an opportunity this year to turn a big bunch of these leaders out of office, and I pray we make the most of it. Of course they’ll all stick around as lobbyists, and continue to do as much damage as they can. But there is simply no excuse for allowing any of them to stay in office.

But any election is only one shovelful of snow scraped off the buried car.

Even as He sends the snow, God has raised up these ungodly rulers: they are His chastisement for our sins.

He will not bring back the sun and melt the snow away, He will not remove these wicked despots, these grinning hypocrites and flim-flam artists, until we turn back to Him with all our hearts.

Are we ready, yet, to do that?

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Shut up, you racist

This week we celebrated Martin Luther King Day as a national holiday. You remember Rev. King. He was that poor patzer who wanted to be judged by the content of his character rather than the color of his skin. Well, you can’t always get what you want.

Our nation’s colleges and universities celebrated King Day by stoking the fires of racial animosity. That’s part of a higher education, these days.

At Oregon State University last week, students were roped into an “Implicit Bias workshop.” In this feast of tomfoolery, they were told, among other things, that ordering a cup of coffee was pretty much the moral equivalent of a white policeman shooting a black man; it is, at the very least, microaggression, not to mention implicit bias. Somehow having a cup of coffee contributes to injustice, racism, and inequality. Probably to Global Warming, too, while we’re at it.

But how, why, does ordering a coffee constitute implicit bias? Yes, someone actually had the nerve to ask that. Probably a racist. Alas, we’ll never know how or why, because the nitwit conducting the workshop couldn’t find an answer. Don’t you love it when you ask your professor a question, and he doesn’t know?

Shut up, you racist.

The students at Elon University were treated to a visit by TV chowderhead Melissa Harris Perry, who was invited there to give a Martin Luther King commemorative speech. She did not talk about judging people by the content of their character. You’ll never guess what she did give a speech about, so I might as well tell you. She harangued the students on “ontological blackness.”

Wow! Ontological blackness—what’s that?

Do you really want to know? I’m sure I don’t. This is the same Melissa Perry who appeared on the air once with tampon earrings—somehow it failed to start a fashion trend—to show her enthusiastic support for abortion. Given that blacks’ babies are aborted at a rate of twice that of any other group’s, and that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, publicly stated as one of her goals the eradication of black people as an “inferior race,” why was there no one to call Melissa out on that? Like, if she really is so fond of black people, why is she cheerleading for the abortion mill? How does she get away with that outrageous double standard?

Shut up, you racist.

Then there’s Portland Community College, P.C.C. for short. The initials could also stand for Political Correctness College, if that is not a tautology.

PCC has got those hoity-toity universities beat. They have initiated a “Whiteness History Month”. It may be only a community college for those not smart enough to get into a real college, let alone a university; but it is right in the thick of the race race. Which sounds like a tautology but isn’t.

This “educational project,” as they call it, will show how the “construct of whiteness” leads to racial inequality. The term “construct” denotes that “whiteness” is not real. Nope, it’s just something dreamed up by racists and only exists because people think it does. It’s not real, but it’s still this gigantic socio-political problem that has to be dealt with by highly-paid educators who get very nice pension packages. They will teach the younger generation “the learning tasks of Critical Race Theory.”

What—you want to know what the devil Critical Race Theory is? Shut up, you racist.

“Whiteness History Month” is the creation of the Campus Diversity Council, dedicated to achieving “diversity” by enforcing uniformity of thought.

Have I perceived this wrongly, or are these colleges trying to make people more racist than they used to be? Do America’s educators view racial peace and harmony as some kind of calamity, to be prevented at all costs—and, where it exists, destroyed? In the name of “social justice”—trust liberals to give a bad name to “justice”—do they teach young people to hate and fear each other—based on the color of their skin?

How else would you expect pure pluperfect idiots to celebrate Martin Luther King?

The American university—where minds and morals go to die.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

How to understand crazy humanists: watch tv

Two news stories cropped up this weekend that would reinforce any suspicion that our science, the servant of an increasingly insane society, has itself gone off the deep end.

And our popular culture, TV shows in particular, can help us understand it.

First we have scientists fitting praying mantises with tiny little 3-D glasses and then showing them movies, to try to find out to what extent the mantises can see in three dimensions.

It sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. When a mantis sees an ordinary two-dimensional film clip of tasty bugs, nothing happens. They’re not interested in showing the insects any “Star Wars” movies. But when they fit the mantis with red and blue “glasses” so it can see the film in three dimensions—the way we humans once watched “Thirteen Ghosts”—the mantis thinks it’s real and tries to catch the bugs.

And the purpose of this experiment was…? You’re gonna love this: to collect knowledge that may help scientists build robots that can see in three dimensions.

Well, if robots are going to be having sex with human beings in the not too distant future, they might as well be able to see what they’re getting.

The second news story tells us of a science project ongoing at the University of Minnesota to grow human organs in animals. These scientists deny they’re trying to imitate the horrific mess involving monsters produced by blending animals with human beings, as told by H.G. Wells in “The Island of Dr. Moreau.” It is troubling that they thought it necessary to deny it.

So there they are in their laboratory, creating freaks that cannot survive in nature, growing human brain tissue in mice—boy, are we in trouble if those escape from the laboratory—creating pigs without skeletal muscles, and generally tearing down the interspecies barriers that protect us humans from dying of distemper or some other veterinary nightmare.

They do such things because they don’t believe in God or acknowledge His authority. That’s where the TV show comes in, lighting up the dark corners of the humanist mind-set.

A few years ago there was a popular British TV series called “Primeval.” It was about prehistoric monsters, and a few big nasties from the future, invading our world of today via “anomalies” in space and time. The interesting thing about it is its presentation of two competing world views—both humanist, both as far from Christ as it is possible to be. And not once is anything like a religious scruple, or even a fleeting Christian afterthought, even hinted at.

The “good” humanism in the show insists that all of nature is merely the result of blind chance playing out as Evolution, and expresses a quasi-religious faith in chance and Evolution as leading to the best of all possible worlds. Man must humbly stand aside and let chance and Evolution do their thing without interference.

But the bold “bad” humanism—which is really much more in tune with the Humanist Manifesto and other loopy credos of that kind—seeks to rule out chance and take hold of Evolution with both hands, to control it and to steer it to a desired outcome.

Either way, God is out of the picture and man is left as top dog in the universe. To try to portray either of these humanisms as anything but a religious alternative of Christianity is only to be simple-minded. This stuff is the Apostles’ Creed of people who don’t believe in God.

I’ll take Door No. 2 for the hands-on humanism, Monty—the kind that lets us do anything we please because there is no higher authority we have to answer to. Let’s control our evolution! Scientists are smart, so nothing can possibly go wrong.

Whether it’s movies for insects, or sex with robots, or creating pathetic monsters in the laboratory, we like it, we love it, that there’s no one Up There to say “Thou shalt not.”

Sometimes all it takes is the right TV show to make sense out of science.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

The technology of immortality

We can’t decide whether to make ourselves obsolete or make ourselves immortal, or both redundant and immortal. How do you even begin to choose? But we do seem pretty sure that we can achieve these goals.

Yes, Ian Malcolm, you hit the nail on the head, way back in “Jurassic Park”: we’re so busy trying to see whether we could do something, we never pause to ask whether we should do it. That has never changed.

Obsolete? Redundant? Well, why not? Facebook tycoon Mark Zuckerberg has vowed to build a robot that will take care of his house, mind the baby, and help him run his business. Have any of you ever told your wife or husband, “You can be replaced by a machine”? Maybe that’s not such an idle threat anymore.

At the same time, another so-and-so in hi-tech fantasyland has announced a plan to freeze human brains before the owner dies; and then, later, thaw ‘em out and transplant them into a “bionic body”. Y’mean you wind up in a robot body, like Robo-Cop? Or in a genetically-engineered, perfect, young, strong, incredibly beautiful human body? Didn’t Edgar Rice Burroughs already do this, in “The Master Mind of Mars”, back in 1927?

Whatever it means, they’re not quite ready yet to do the deed. They estimate they’ll need another thirty years to iron all the bugs out. But when the scheme is well and thoroughly baked, supposedly we’re looking at a 500-year lifespan—maybe even, if they can really fine-tune it, no more death at all.

Imagine keeping Nancy Pelosi around for another 700 years.

Robotic slaves and practical immortality will be for everybody, right? Not just for the super-rich and famous. Otherwise there might be a problem with folks who can’t afford it. I mean, if you think the 99% is ticked off now, wait’ll they find out that they have to die but the 1% don’t. There’ll be some hard feelings over that, I shouldn’t wonder.

But if Mr. Zuckerberg’s robo-nanny really can do just as good a job of child care as public school or television can, think how liberating it would be. No more messy diapers. Mom and Dad will be free to compose symphonies, paint great pictures, or write cowboy poetry.

Or not.

See, if everyone’s immortal, if social justice can be stretched to the point where everybody’s brain gets the old Birdseye treatment…

And meanwhile your domestic robot does all the cooking, all the cleaning, and gently shovels food into your mouth when you say “Feed me…”

Under these idyllic circumstances, who’s going to have children? Immortals don’t need to keep the species going; they are the species. After all, brain-freezing and transplantation is likely to be expensive. How would we manage it for billions of people?

No, we won’t need babies anymore—not if our brainsicles are allowing us to live forever. Planets get too crowded if immortals keep having babies. You could look it up. (Where, I don’t know, it’s not my problem.) Imagine how many babies one couple could make, if they kept at it for 500 years. It’d be like the rabbits in Australia.

But Science will find a way, you can count on that. People who are smart enough to invent robot nannies and freeze brains so they can be re-installed elsewhere ought to be able to solve even these challenging problems that I’ve mentioned. Would Science lie to you? And then we really will be as gods. The Serpent in the Garden wasn’t conning us: we really and truly will be as gods.

Well, some more than others, at least.

2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

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