College, the brain-masher

America’s university system needs to be shrunk, not expanded. There are already way too many colleges with way too many people in them going deep into debt to earn degrees in useless and ridiculous pseudo-subjects.

That doesn’t stop Democrats from beguiling the intellectually defenseless with promises of free tuition, at least at community colleges, for everyone who wants to go, plus various schemes for forgiveness of student debt. The means that those who incurred the debt won’t have to pay it; this trillion-dollar burden (not an exaggeration) will simply be tossed onto the backs of taxpayers whose country is already $18 trillion in the hole. But what’s another thousand billion?

“Free tuition” means more students pouring into college, more college buildings erected, more professors and instructors hired—lots more—and more pensions to be paid. It also means many thousands more people kept out of the work force. Oh, well, the jobs are drying up anyway, so, as Careless Clinton likes to say, what difference does it make?

Once they get into our overgrown higher education system, what will all those new freebie students be learning? Two recent examples of what they are learning, or not learning, make the point.

At the University of Houston, the vice president of the student government was suspended for repeating the now-forbidden words, “All lives matter”. This harmless truism, about as confrontational as a fortune cookie message, was denounced by the university authorities and other idiots as “unthinkably offensive.” And not only was the young woman suspended; she was also sentence to do time in a “diversity workshop” where she will learn to say only what everybody else says and think only what everybody else things. “Diversity” is college-speak for enforced uniformity.

Silly girl—didn’t she know that only black lives matter? Well, they’ll make sure she gets the message. Or else.

We know the colleges are good for delivering a certain kind of message. In a poll taken by Harvard University, of a thousand “millennials” aged 18 to 29, a majority (51 percent) of those young people said they now “reject capitalism” and the free market economy.

How about that? Year after year, day after day, of left-wing indoctrination really works! Tell ‘em often enough that capitalism is “unfair,” racist, homophobic, a catalyst of dreaded Climate Change, blah-blah, and eventually they’ll believe it. They’ll lose the ability to challenge these claims: no question will ever cross their stunted minds. The teachers do to brains what horticultural artists do to bonsai plants.

But as if to demonstrate that a college education is a great tool for addling the brain, the same poll found that only 33 percent of those millennials favored… socialism! The poor little college critters don’t know what they want—unless it’s more free stuff and a long life of sitting around unemployed, texting and playing videos games.

These, of course, are only two isolated incidents out of thousands of other incidents exactly like them, nationwide. If you’re looking for something to turn your offspring into confused, ignorant, angry, idle, and unemployable dingbats, you just can’t beat a modern college education. If five years of Gender Studies don’t turn a student’s brain to mush, I don’t know what will.

Intellectual disarmament is not a good thing for any individual.

For an entire nation, it will prove disastrous.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

Clinton-Obama-democrat ‘coincidences’ never stop

In a recent article we wrote:

“It is a well-known fact that nothing happens in Washington DC by accident. There are no coincidences. It was not a coincidence that former president Bill Clinton suddenly appeared on the tarmac when U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane landed in Phoenix. It was no coincidence that he entered her plane and talked with her for 39 minutes without witnesses. It was no coincidence that the attending FBI agents wanted no pictures taken of the “chance” encounter. It was no coincidence that the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton the following day. It was no coincidence that a few days later that FBI Director James Comey gave a fifteen minute statement absolving Hillary Clinton of any crime, because he said, there was no “criminal intent” even though she was carelessly negligent and the statutes didn’t require criminal intent. It was no coincidence that U. S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said she would accept the FBI’s recommendation, without her own review of the investigation.” (Full article HERE.)

All those who believe that Hillary is innocent are corrupt or 10 cards short of a full deck. But there are way more “coincidences” than Hillary’s dubious and scandalous escape from jail time.

Of course it was just a coincidence that Obama and the State Department sent $400,000,000 in cash (not U. S. dollars) on an unmarked cargo plane to Iran on the very same day that four American hostages were released. Obama says it is just a coincidence. Iran says it was cash for hostages, a blatant violation of federal law. Iran just seized two more Americans. How much will the U. S. pay to get those two released, now that a precedent has been set ….. ransom for hostages?

It was no coincidence that a Muslim Gold Star Family, Khizr Muazzam Khan, a Pakistani American, who lost his son in Iraq in 2004, spoke at the Democrat National Convention. His son may be a war hero but Khan, the elder, is hardly a model American. He’s a lawyer, which is one strike against him. He specializes in international trade law in Saudi Arabia. What is he doing in America? He studied in Saudi Arabia and is a scholar and promoter of fundamentalist Sharia Law here in the U. S., which is a second strike. Finally, the third strike is that he appears to be an open advocate and associate of the Muslim Brotherhood. Khan acknowledges the contribution to one of his Sharia articles as Said Ramadan, head of the Islamic Center in Geneva and a major icon of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan also has connections to Huma Abedin and Abedin’s parents, (all Muslims) a Hillary Clinton confident and aid. Abedin, raised in Saudi Arabia, is, or was, married to ex-congressman and sexual pervert, Anthony (take my naked picture) Weiner. (source: Click here)

So why are Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party attaching themselves to all kinds of Muslims, as well as members of the Muslim Brotherhood? It is not a coincidence. This has a “Muslim Trojan Horse” written all over it.

Do you think it is a coincidence that our borders are wide open and the Border Patrol’s website tells illegal aliens how to avoid being caught? That is a directive from higher up. Higher up leads all the way to the White House and Barack Obama.

Of course it is just a coincidence that Department of Home Land Security and ICE release tens of thousands of criminal aliens onto the streets of America to offend again ….. or kill. Allegedly it is cheaper to let them go than deporting them …. cheaper for whom? Don’t take our word for it. Check it out at the following links: [YouTube Video 1], [YouTube Video 2]

It’s no coincidence that the Democrats have done everything in their power to stop congressional sanctions on sanctuary cities and have blocked “Kate’s Law” providing mandatory prison sentences for aggravated illegal felons returning to America after being deported. What they are doing makes sense to Democrats. After all, illegal aliens, whether from Central, South America, or the Middle East, are future Democrat voters, especially if the Democrats are successful in granting them amnesty. So what if a few of the illegal aliens are violent criminals or terrorists?

It was just a coincidence that the ever-neutral DNC plotted against Bernie Sanders, in favor of Hillary Clinton. Sure it was!

But let’s not forget good ‘Ole U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder, a Democrat, who was saved from a Congressional Contempt-of-Court charge by Obama declaring executive privilege, over the gun running scandal called “Fast and Furious”. This wasn’t a coincidence it was a blatant cover up of government-sponsored criminal activity by Obama.

Do we dare call into question the fake investigation of the IRS by James Comey’s FBI, over the illegal targeting of conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status. No one was fired, no one went to jail and Lois Lerner got a nice fat pension. Couldn’t be a coincidence there ….. could it? The IRS is still doing it! But that’s OK. We developed ways to beat the IRS and other federal agencies. Check it out HERE.

And it’s no coincidence that the environmentalists and the Federal Government have colluded with the American Indian to rob urban and rural landowners of their land and water rights. We have been tracking this issue since the Judge Boldt decision (1974) gave the Pacific Northwest Indians 50% of the Salmon harvest. Then came the Puyallup Indians (1990) who won a $162,000,000 settlement (taxpayer dollars) by clouding the title of thousands of acres in Pierce County, WA. The Puyallup Indian population at that time was about 1,200 Indians. Divide 1,200 into $162,000,000 and see how rich they became on the taxpayer. They opened a hugely successful casino with the money on the very land they clouded title. The Boldt decision and Puyallup Indian and the Alaska Native Corporation settlements set huge precedents for all other tribes to emulate or imitate.

The Coeur d’Alene Indians tried to take title to Coeur d’Alene Lake (1997) based on an old treaty, but thankfully, they lost. Today, with huge legal precedents and settlements on their side, the Flathead Indians in Montana have taken over the water rights in Western Montana, with the help of the State and Federal Government.

Then there is the Klamath Indians that have convinced the FEDS and the environmentalists that they have to remove four dams on the Klamath River for a two-inch fish …. for the Indians. A final settlement was reached this year to remove the dams. Removing four dams on the Klamath River decimates local agriculture and robs farmers and ranchers of irrigation, flood control and hydro electricity that have been there for 100 years. Indians 1 .…. Americans 0. Coincidence? Hardly!

If you care about the issue, view the video here.

California is in a severe drought. They need more dams, not less. America used to build dams, but not any more. The environmentalists have stopped all dam construction.

The story goes on and on and government and the environmentalists are helping the Indians do it based on ancient Indian Treaty rights. But we guarantee you ladies and gentlemen it is not about treaty rights. It’s about naked, radical, international environmentalism leveraging old American Indian treaties to further implement their radical agenda. Didn’t we win that war? Guess not.

Perhaps the reader thinks that pushing inefficient alternative energy sources (wind and solar) and man-caused global warming by government and the environmentalists are a coincidence? Hardly! Once again, it’s about control of the planet’s masses through strict environmental regulations on developed nations. It’s also about wealth re-distribution to third world countries because the West, including America, is bad and must be punished for their wanton ways. It is also just another step closer to creating the one-world-order.

Now some of you may think that the international trade deals like NAFTA, CAFTA, the North American Accord between the U. S., Canada and Mexico and the proposed Transpacific Partnership (TPP), are a good thing. Why would shipping American jobs offshore be a good thing? America started going down hill economically when it started losing its manufacturing base. It turned Americans into consumers, not producers. It also put a lot of Americans in the unemployment line.

Manufacturing was the source of our economic wealth and was a large percentage of our GDP. Manufacturing paid off the Second World War debt. But now the biggest percentage of our GDP comes from people buying products (70%). What should be readily apparent to everyone is you can’t buy a product if you don’t have a job.

But trade deals benefit mega corporations not the American worker. Mega corporations lobby Congress to get what they want and they usually get it. Even more than that, trade deals are just one more cog in the wheel of the one-world-order. Trump is promising to reverse this course. Hopefully, he will win and pursue that promise with vigor and determination.

Then there is the Black Lives Matter movement, which Hillary Clinton and Obama have endorsed. It is no coincidence. This anarchist group couldn’t have risen without money. The very liberal group known as the Democracy Alliance attracts liberal donors to the Black Lives Matter cause. The Alliance is described in a Politico article thusly:

“The Democracy Alliance was created in 2005 by a handful of major donors, including billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay to build a permanent infrastructure to advance liberal ideas and causes. Donors are required to donate at least $200,000 a year to recommended groups, and their combined donations to those groups now total more than $500 million. Endorsed beneficiaries include the Center for American Progress think tank, the liberal attack dog Media Matters and the Democratic data firm Catalist, though members also give heavily to Democratic politicians and super PACs that are not part of the DA’s core portfolio. The Democracy Alliance last year voted to endorse a handful of groups focused on engaging African-Americans in politics ? some of which have helped facilitate the Black Lives movement.”

Other donators to Black Lives Matter include executives of Google, Netflix and Twitter. The entertainer Jay-Z donated $1,500,000. Google executives have donated over $2 Million. Why would liberals be donating to a movement that advocates violence, but worse, advocates violence against police? It is no coincidence. Blacks are huge voters for liberals and liberal causes (over 90%), especially those liberal programs that give handouts to blacks to buy their votes.

Gay marriage and the institution of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender individuals into the military are not a coincidence. The left is playing directly to the LGBT community for their votes. In addition, Democrats have bought off the Blacks, the Latinos, the elderly, the women, the poor and everyone else they can think of to maintain a virtual lock on political power.

The pattern here should be abundantly obvious to those with a lick of intellect. There are no coincidences. It’s all a well thought out plan by the Progressives and their plan has worked amazingly well. All of these events we have described are happening for three reasons: 1) the establishment of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy in America; 2) total control of the masses by buying them off for their votes, regulating them to death with socialist and environmentalist policies, taxing the Hell out of them and making millions of them dependent on government; and finally, 3) the implementation of the one-world-order.

The American people are being played for fools and they are acting like the fools they are, not the self-reliant and fiercely independent individuals that were born on the battlefields of freedom. If they elect Hillary as their president, they are even greater fools than is possible to imagine.

It is said the meek (fools) shall inherit the earth. It is also said they will get what they deserve. It appears that they are. Strong, stalwart, courageous men never let the bully win. One might ask, what happened to America’s strong, stalwart, courageous men who conquered a continent and built the strongest, most prosperous and free nation on earth?

Who among you STAND with the strong, stalwart, courageous men and women of America?

Do you want to stop HILLARY? Send us an e-mail HERE and request a copy of the copyrighted image in this article. We will e-mail you a JPG image so that you can print it up in color and circulate it all over America. A picture IS worth a thousand words. If this image, even by itself, was circulated nationally, it could expose Hillary and Obama as inseparable and two peas in a pod and it could significantly reduce her chances of becoming president. She must never set foot in the Oval Office as President, or you can kiss what’s left of a free and prosperous America goodbye.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

When reality ceases to be real

The toxic foolishness brewed in our colleges and universities sooner or later seeps into the everyday world the rest of us inhabit, to taint it and confuse it.

Not very long ago, colleges began to teach that the meaning of any text can only be whatever the individual reader wants it to mean. Or, to put it more honestly, whatever your neo-marxist wacko professor says it means. Thus was born the postmodern notion that reality isn’t really real, but is only what you say it is.

They used to keep you in a padded cell for denying solid aspects of reality. But now this loony worldview has become the philosophical basis for the whole gay-transgender-waddyacallit movement, and has lately manifested itself in our politics.

Democrats have taken to it in a big way. Denial of objective reality has always been a part of liberalism. Now it has been shown to be the very core of a major party’s ideology.

First we had President *Batteries Not Included pitching Hillary “Careless” Clinton as “the most qualified” person ever to run for president. More than James Madison, who wrote most of the Constitution. More than Thomas Jefferson, who wrote our Declaration of Independence. More even than George Washing, who led our fight for independence from Great Britain. I realize I’ve just mentioned three things that many of our public school and college graduates don’t know: but contrary to the progressive mind-set, not knowing something doesn’t make it untrue.

The president’s boldly fatuous statement came on the heels of another flat denial of reality, this one by FBI Director James Comey—who, after first laying out the damning case against her, asserted that Mrs. Clinton hadn’t broken any of the laws he’d just proved she had.

But these whoppers were soon topped by a bigger one from TV-pipsqueak Lena Dunham. In her speech to the Democrat Convention, Ms. Dunham hailed Ol’ Careless as the protector and champion of women who have suffered sexual harassment—and this with the all-time king of sexual harassment, Mrs. Clinton’s husband, sitting right there in the audience for everyone to see.

This was a denial worthy of a nut who claims to be able to shinny up a flashlight beam. Hillary Clinton, chief of the Clinton campaign’s famous Bimbo Eruption damage-control team. Hillary Clinton, who led the efforts to smear, discredit, and trash all those women harassed by her husband, the president. Who ran interference for him as one woman after another testified against him. Dunham’s speech was a denial of reality seldom seen outside of a lunatic asylum.

But even this was topped, just a few days later, by the editors of Cosmopolitan Magazine, who called the Clintons, both the serial adulterer and his enabling wife, “great role models for marriage.”

Does that take the cake, or what?

Consider the sheer vastness of that lie. It takes your breath away. Great role models for marriage—those two? If there is any pair of reprobates on earth who have desecrated marriage more than Bill and Hillary Clinton, let them come forward and receive a trophy.

Lying has always been a part of politics, but outrageously crazy lies, which virtually everyone knows to be lies, that’s something new. And consider the audience at the Democrat Convention, who lapped up Ms. Dunham’s speech as if she were delivering the Sermon on the Mount. They’re as loopy as she is.

Our God—at least for those of us who still know Him to be God—is the God of truth. God is not a man, that He should lie. Much less is He a psychotic who blurts out truly preposterous lies.

What must He think of a nation that has fallen so far into folly?

So all respect for truth is vanishing. Even the very idea that there is any such thing as truth, our university professors deny. This is what they preach. And this is what their students, and, increasingly, society in general, have been taught they want to hear.

No man or woman can prosper, or even live for long, by living according to a set of ridiculous lies. And no nation can, either.

But don’t take my word for it. Just deny that the lawn-mower is really there, and stick your hand under it. And see what happens.

I have discussed these topics, and others, on my blog,, throughout the week. Please stop by and read! All it takes is just one click to get you there.

© 2016 Lee Duigon – All Rights Reserved

2016 republican convention: an eyewitness report

There are times in American life where history is made and, looking back, many of us wish we would have been in attendance at these historic events. I wish I could have seen the Democratic Convention of ’68 – but was glad to miss Woodstock.

What happened July 18-21, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio at the Republican National Convention was history in the making, and I wasn’t going to miss it.

Tuesday night’s roll call giving Trump the nomination was surreal. I was waiting for Rod Sterling to come out on stage with a new version of the Twilight Zone: “What you are experiencing did not really happen.”

If God gives me 25 more years, I never would have imagined I would have witnessed all that transpired during those four days in Cleveland with an anti-Establishment American nationalist getting the Republican nomination.

The convention itself, probably like many others, created a carnival-like atmosphere in downtown Cleveland, filled with everything imaginable. Fourth Street, the walking mall of the downtown area, right outside the convention hall was where much of the action was. The street was jammed with delegates, guests, vendors hawking their political goods, protestors, national media booths, hundreds of reporters, fake nuns on stilts, street preaching, what was left of the ‘60’s hippies, Don King and his entourage, and Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Al Franken sightings.

The police presence was brought in from all over the country, complete with the Fort Worth cavalry. The police far outnumbered the protestors and did a terrific job.

There were reports of only some 25 arrests. Soros’ “rent-a-mob” did not show. It seemed most of the protestors were younger and probably local.

Shop workers would go to their store windows to see the commotion as protestors moved down the street in packs of 20-40. As they went shouting against Trump, they were followed by flocks of press, who were followed by filming tourists. It was quite a scene that reminded me of something out of the French Revolution.

Inside the convention hall, security was everywhere. Wayne Madsen in his report mentioned a few of the convention snafus: the press sitting on floors searching for any electrical outlet they could find, the empty seats in the upper deck, and some roll call issues.

One negative of the four days was the typical neo-con speeches of Giuliani, Gingrich and Christie. Some of what they stated disagreed with Trump’s positions so it’s assumed their speeches weren’t edited. However, what made this convention so different was the fact that so few politicians spoke. The podium was filled with business people, servicemen, Trump’s family, actors, and some ordinary people. This was tremendously refreshing not having to listen to politicians all night.

The convention was truly a historic event in America. Future histories will record the American uprising of the middle class against the ruling elites and their globalist controllers.


I went into the convention with my questions. One was, “What would be the response of the floor delegates to Trump?”

We all heard of the “Never Trump” movement and the potential rebellion of, and compromise of, the delegates away from Trump during the convention. But the “Never Trump” resistance ended early on the first day.

Still the floor was filled with many traditional Republican delegates who had allegiances to other non-Trump candidates, but were obligated to Trump, so there was some early suspense for how things were going to be received in this convention.

What transpired over these four days was very encouraging and demonstrated the unity of Republicans to their dominating, vote-getting, American populist candidate, Donald Trump.

Every day after each speaker, the delegates and guests, no matter their preconceived doubts, warmed up to Trump. The words of the Trump children talking about their father moved the audience further towards Trump.

Then came the unthinkable on Wednesday night when Senator Cruz made a fool of himself by refusing to endorse the overwhelming people’s choice of Donald Trump. What was supposed to be a night for Eric Trump and Mike Pence on Wednesday became the Cruz show of arrogance and political suicide. In the end it pushed most of the remaining doubters to Trump.

Then on the 4th night came the heartfelt introduction of Ivanka Trump of her father with Trump’s powerful America First speech. Everyone left united behind their candidate.


During the convention Trump unveiled his greatest political weapons: his wife and children.

Monday it was Melania, Tuesday it was Donald Jr. and Tiffany, Wednesday it was Eric, and Thursday it was Ivanka introducing her father. One day I saw a sign near the Nebraska delegation: “Don Jr. for President.”

Every one of their speeches moved the delegates and greatly endeared them to their nominee. The children’s speeches touched the hearts and brought some to tears. We who have raised children know it’s nearly impossible for children to fake well their thoughts of their parents. Any attempt to embellish is easily seen as disingenuous.

I could imagine many in attendance thought as they listened to the Trump children’s love, respect, and great appreciation for dad, that if they could get 20% of such words from their own children they would be a very happy mother or father.

One political commentator mentioned of Trump’s children the biblical phrase, “by their fruits you should know them,” and went on about commending Trump for his excellent children. Trump’s children must be one of his proudest accomplishments, and they truly shined at the convention.


One of my favorite events in American political conventions is the traditional delegate roll call vote. At this convention, the attendees heard of the glories of world-renowned Idaho potatoes and of another Alabama NCAA football championship. This event every four years symbolizes and reminds us of the importance and uniqueness of each state.

At this time, came the day many informed American conservatives were looking for but never really truly anticipated.

2 hours, 47 minutes, and 47 seconds into day two of the 2016 Republican National Convention, the Bush family legacy was finally over. It officially ended when Chairman Paul Ryan mentioned that Jeb Bush, the 2015 frontrunner Republican candidate, after spending $150 million, received just three delegates. Yes, that is correct: three delegates. That’s $50 million per delegate.

This was the ultimate embarrassment for the Bush family when Jeb, favorite son of mom and daddy Bush, was swamped by the outsider, Donald Trump, 1725 delegates to 3. The dagger to the Bushes came at 2 hours, 48 minutes, and 14 seconds into Tuesday night when Ryan had to announce that Donald Trump, having received the majority of the votes, had been selected as the Republican nominee. It must have been a “Pepto-Bismol” moment for the entire Bush operation.

Much could be said of the 20 years of the Bushes’ presidential administrations. I include the 8 years of Reagan because it was filled with many Bush operatives. Much could also be said of the disastrous policies of the Bushes and their passion and labor for a New World Order and its technocratic control by global elites with the goal of one world government. The Bushes are globalists, not true Americans. Trump began exposing the whole family and eventually pushed Jeb out of the Republican primary by humiliating him in South Carolina. The events of July 19 in Cleveland, Ohio made a great day for American sovereignty and liberty with the announcement of “three votes for Jeb Bush.”


Donald Trump graciously gave his prominent primary opponents an opportunity to speak unconditionally. Christie, Carson and Rubio were all heard. The same opportunity was given to Ted Cruz.

As Cruz went further into his 23-minute speech, the Republican attendees were getting more and more anxious waiting for his endorsement of Trump. Then he uttered the code words of the “Never Trump” movement: “vote your conscience,” and all bedlam broke out. The crowd shouted, “Endorse Trump,” and broke out into rounds of boos. They bombarded Cruz. He did get in one more – sarcastic– comment to the New York delegation: “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the New York delegation.” From that point, he could not effectively finish his speech.

Cruz then departed to casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s luxury suite from which he was repelled by Adelson’s aide, Andy Abboud, who told Cruz he was not welcomed. Then things became even more volatile on the floor for Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and dad, Raphael. As they were leaving the floor, delegates were booing his father and yelling at his wife: “Goldman Sachs! Goldman Sachs!” Cruz supporter from Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli, had to grab Mrs. Cruz, call for additional security, and escort her out to safety from the increasingly volatile crowd of delegates moving towards her.

Whether Cruz’s speech was planned or changed matters little; surely he miscalculated the response. A New York Times reporter wrote, “… he managed to do the unthinkable — make Mr. Trump look like a victim.”

The other unthinkable thing is the fact that Ted Cruz, who was the second leading Republican vote-getter and supported by many in the Party, turned himself into a political pariah. Cruz had to have his wife and father escorted out of their own conventional hall under security from their own Party delegates. Has anything like this happened before in modern Party convention history? His own arrogance overcame political prudence.

What Cruz did was similar to a wedding where the minister asks, “Does anyone oppose this marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace,” and Cruz stands up at the service explaining his opposition to the groom, and tells the bride to go with her conscience. Unbelievable, tacky, and inappropriate, was Cruz, yet he just couldn’t help himself. He would have been better off staying home.

The next morning at breakfast Cruz doubled down defending his actions of the previous night before the Texas delegation that booed and heckled him.

Gov. Christie best described Cruz’s behavior:

I think it was awful. And quite frankly, I think it was selfish. And, he signed a pledge. And, it’s his job to keep his word. And Donald Trump gave him the opportunity to speak here at this convention tonight and I think it was too cute, and I think he saw by the end of the speech that the crowd was waiting for him to do the right thing and realized that once again he wasn’t going to do it. And I think the performance you saw up there is why Ted has so, so richly deserved the reputation that he’s developed on Capitol Hill.

… [H]e gave Donald Trump a promise the same day I did, the same day everyone signed that pledge did. We didn’t give it to Donald Trump, we gave it to each other. The 17 of us gave a promise to each other, and we signed it, and we said no matter what happens, we’re going to support the Republican nominee for president. I don’t know what kind of conversations he and Donald may have had since that time, and that’s not what I’m talking about. Every one of us signed a pledge, and our word should matter, and that’s what disgusts people out in your audience, that they give their word, and they think that’s negotiable.

What became obvious to many conservatives was that Ted Cruz was more concerned about Ted Cruz’s political future than his own country. They saw he would accept a Hillary victory and the country in ruins, so that he could run in 2020.

I believe he is done in national politics. He will never recover from his 2016 wild adventure in Cleveland. I’m sure there will be an opening for him at Goldman Sachs.


Trump’s RNC acceptance speech was a powerful blast against all things “ruling establishment.” He hit political correctness, media elite censorship, corporations, globalism, anti-American trade deals, big business donors, nation building, illegal immigration, NAFTA, TPP, excessive regulations, Evangelical involvement and free speech. He ended with highlighting that our system is “rigged,” but “I am with you—the American people. I will be your voice.”

It was a powerful, America First, anti-establishment speech that many of us have been awaiting for half a century.

Some of Trump’s key speech quotes were:

• “We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore. So if you want to hear the corporate spin, the carefully-crafted lies, and the media myths [of] the Democrats…”
• “…plain facts…have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper.”
• “…the legacy of Hillary Clinton [is]: death, destruction and weakness.”
• “Tonight, I will share with you my plan of action for America…our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo…This will all change in 2017. The American people will come first once again.”
• “A number of these reforms that I will outline tonight will be opposed by some of our nation’s most powerful special interests. That is because these interests have rigged our political and economic system for their exclusive benefit. Big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of my opponent because they know she will keep our rigged system in place. They are throwing money at her because they have total control over everything she does. She is their puppet, and they pull the strings.”

• “Every day I wake up determined to deliver for the people I have met all across this nation that have been neglected, ignored, and abandoned.”
• “I have joined the political arena so that the powerful can no longer beat up on people…”
• “We must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change…”
• “We are going to build a great border to stop illegal immigration…”
• “I have a different vision for our workers. It begins with a new, fair trade policy that protects our jobs and stands up to countries that cheat.”
• “I am going to turn our bad trade agreements into great ones.”
• “Remember, it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA… Never again.”
• “The TPP will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments. I pledge to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence.”

• “We are going to enforce all trade violations, including through the use of taxes and tariffs, against any country that cheats…That includes renegotiating NAFTA.”
• “Then we are going to deal with the issue of regulation…Excessive regulation is costing our country as much as $2 trillion a year, and we will end it. We are going to lift the restrictions on the production of American energy.”
• “At this moment, I would like to thank the evangelical community who have been so good to me and so supportive. You have so much to contribute to our politics, yet our laws prevent you from speaking your minds from your own pulpits.”
• “I am going to work very hard to repeal that language and protect free speech for all Americans.”
• “No longer can we rely on those elites in media, and politics, who will say anything to keep a rigged system in place.”
• “My pledge reads: ‘I AM WITH YOU — THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.’ I am your voice.”

Trump blended his theme of making America great again with numerous examples of what’s wrong and how he’s going to fix the rigged corporate system.

The critics claim it wasn’t a “statesman-like” speech or one of “political eloquence.” Aren’t we tired of eloquent statesman speeches by so-called conservatives who give us words and no action on key issues? America is ready instead for blue collar, real life speeches that push for action on issues that put America first. Trump’s speech at the Cleveland convention may go down as one of our great turning points in our political history.


When I heard Trump speak and proclaim, “Our plan will put America first. Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo,” I almost fell out of the Alabama alternate delegate section over the rail onto the concrete below.

No self-respecting establishment Republican would disparage “globalism,” or contrast it to “Americanism.”

After studying US national politics for over 45 years, I thought I would never hear such an assertion against globalism from a national political candidate. This phrase shows how advanced Trump is in knowing how the world works, and who is in control. While Rush Limbaugh is constantly incorrectly hyping liberalism as the enemy of America, Trump lays aside the symptoms of liberalism and zeros in on the symptoms’ source, “globalism.”

Critical and telling of Trump’s phrase against globalism is the use of the word “credo.” His use of this word purposely tells of his fundamental commitment to Americanism first and the battle against globalism. The word “creed” has a transcendent religious conviction and meaning to it. A “creed” is defined as “a set of beliefs, a dogma, a principle, and tenant that guides action.” Trump’s use of “credo” was brilliant and gives his Americanism an immovable foundation to build upon.

Later in his speech, Trump doubled down on globalism with, “we must abandon the failed policy of nation building and regime change.” Wow! Another political phrase no traditional Republican would mention. His statements repudiated the disastrous Bush wars, the Obama/Clinton destabilization of North Africa, and the use of the American military and NATO as the global elite’s private army.

These two phrases of Trump’s speech were the most powerful in his talk, and very telling of his planned direction and leadership of the country.


When I look back at my time at the 2016 Republican National Convention, I am left thinking, “Wow, what an incredible time in our nation’s political history.”

The convention was a product of something bigger than its events of four days. It is a true political awakening of the people against the ruling establishment, and this awakening is far greater than any one convention or any one candidate.

No one can tell what lies before us. The global establishment has been in control of Western governments and finance for over 100 years, and will not lay down to a Trump presidency to see their control grid dismantled.

We do not know what they have in place to deal with the wild boar, Donald Trump, who got loose in their global vineyard. Whether it’s assassination, voter fraud or an orchestrated economic depression and societal breakdown, we do not know.

Nonetheless, we need to be reminded that the people did not lose control of their government overnight and it will not be taken back overnight. Securing personal liberty and national sovereignty is a process. We have gone through two initial stages of the process: the rejection of the Republican Party establishment (Jeb), the candidacy of a citizen representative (Trump) and his nomination as a major party’s candidate for president.

These are two monumental steps in the right direction in the long process of the American people taking back their government.

© 2016 Thomas Ertl – All Rights Reserved

Danger: Gulen charter schools and the Fethullah Gulen movement Pt. 4

Replacing Erdogan with Fethullah Gulen

“You must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers … until the conditions are ripe, they [the followers] must continue like this … The time is not yet right. You must wait for the time when you are complete and conditions are ripe.” —Fethullah Gülen June 1999

It has been brought to my attention it could possibly be dangerous exposing anything about Gülen. Not that I think my writings are that important, but I do thank my friends for informing me about the abduction of the Turkish journalist who was going to write a book about Gulen’s “private” life. Haydar Meric was found dead at sea 18 days after having been abducted. For as much information as I have found, that must mean there is a great deal more out there to be able to write a book.

Gulen stated on his application for permanent residency in 2007 his position as the Founder and Head of The Gulen Movement having overseen the establishment of a conglomeration of schools throughout the world, in Europe, Central Asia, and the United States – also listing numerous Institutions and Foundations.

This should be the notice to all parents of Gülen Charter schools in America that they are using our schools for indoctrination. 

In 2009, the Citizens for National Security (CNFS) presented their lengthy report on a high school pro-Islam History book to a large group in Orlando, FL after an extensive analysis of history books being used around the state. They had focused on the textbook “World History” by Prentice Hall. Noticeably, Islam was in and Christianity was out. I was at that gathering. 

Over 27 Florida History and Social Studies textbooks being used at the time of the study showed over 200 false or misleading statements. In one 7th grade History book there were 34 pages regarding Islam and Sharia and NOTHING in regard to Christianity. Our goal as parents in working with GNFS was to ask the schools to supply the teachers with a supplemental booklet with corrections – all district superintendents contacted refused.

School superintendents when asked about the “World History” book stated they didn’t choose what the school was to use the state did. Then the state said “no that’s not true, all we do is give the districts a list of acceptable books and the districts choose.” I won’t bore you with you with who assessed the books. 

With the support of the CIA, Gülen in his move to obtain permanent residency in the U.S. was referred to by the U.S. State Department as a “radical Islamist” and at the same time investigations have proven he is a true, dyed-in-the-wool Islamist who wishes to transform the U.S. and Turkey into Sharia states and return to the Ottoman Empire.

Just three years ago, Time magazine had Gülen listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world. His congregation’s from around the world are estimated to be from 3 to 6 million people and the worth of his schools and affiliated institutions to be worth billions. 

However, Gülen and his followers appear to wear masks hiding their real intentions in regard to their beliefs and purpose. Each passing day, contradiction between their smiling masks and their accumulated hatred, goals, lies, deceptions, cheating, manipulations, and anger becomes clearer. Americans are beginning to see as the rest of the world this is not a man of peace as portrayed by the CIA.

By our government allowing this manipulating man and his organizations to use our children through education to further their cause is definitely not living up to their oath of office to “protect and defend”.

Although Gülen is portrayed in this country as a protagonist of moderate Islam and a peacemaker who invented the inter-religious dialogues, his Movement hopes to reach non-Muslims (our children), people for whom Gülen and his followers wear interfaith dialogue masks, especially outside Turkey, to show them that his interpretation of Islam is different than that of any other Muslims. Those who study Islam know that Islam is Islam, and there is no such thing as moderate or contemporary Islam because the Quran is the main source of Islam, so that any genuine Muslim will follow the interpretations of the Quran, not those of Gülen.

Gülen has always looked to make his associations with other strong men. He has put on the mask of being an anti-communist which is what gained him favor of the CIA in the first place. 

When Gülenists opened their schools and businesses in Central Asia after the fall of Communism in 1989, there were two sects of Muslims that were trying to influence the new independent states in the post-Soviet era, the Iranian Shi’a sect of Islam and Gülen’s version of Islam. The CIA chose Gülen.

Gülen is now also faced with being in opposition to Turkey’s most powerful politician, Recep Erdogan. In the past they were seen as friends but today they each have their own thoughts and agenda as to the direction of Islam. Gulen accuses the Turkish government of not being transparent and then wears his victim’s mask to gain the support (financial) from the government and wealthy businessmen.

For 17 years from his hide-a-way in the Poconos Mountains Gülen has run his global empire all the while plotting to overturn the Turkish government while at the same time his schools indoctrinate our children into the world of Islam.

Gülen is a mind controlling, dishonest cult and our government is protecting him from the top down. Gülen has even hinted to his followers that Erdogan will die soon, and then everything will be fine, that they just need to be patient, because their victory is close like the victory of their prophet Mohammed.

Make no mistake, the seditious effort by the Muslim Brotherhood to not only take over the U.S. and the rest of the world by “destroying from within” by using a “civilian jihad”, is exactly how the cultist organization overseen by Gülen is operating.

Take the time to read the Center for Security Policy’s new book: “The Gulen Movement: Turkey’s Islamic Supremacist Cult and Its Contribution to Civilization Jihad in America.”

Gülen’s beginning as an Imam was to middle class Turks and has grown into millions following his thoughts on the path to Islam and plenty of funding. 

In 1976 Gülen and his followers opened up the first dormitory/school and proceeded to become one of the best high schools in the country. They began adding more schools and then moved on to college preparatory courses. In 1991 a group of Gülenist businessmen established the first international school in Azerbaijan. They soon spread to Mexico and Japan.

This is how the “Project” was implemented – if we can do it in these few countries why not all over the world. “We will educate them teaching our doctrine at the same time and when they come out of universities we will help them get jobs and even into politics in various countries.” Having once been told what a marvelous idea this whole thing was, Gülen replied “I never claimed that this project came out of my head … These are all blessings of Allah.”

In 1979 he and his “followers” founded Kaynak Holding comprised of 23 companies in a variety of industries ranging from retail to information technology. This past November, 2015 Turkish “caretakers” forcibly took over the companies belonging to Kaynak Holding due to alleged ties with U.S.-based scholar Fethullah Gülen, a former government ally now considered the head of the “Fethullah Terror Org.” (FETÖ).

March 2016, the Turkish government seized the newspaper Zaman, sponsored by the Feza Media Group on the grounds that the media outlets supported terrorism based on their affiliation with the Justice and Development Party (AKP) enemy, the Fethullah Gülen Movement. It is believed by outsiders that these seizures were merely a means to take control of Gülen’s assets.

In March, 2016, another report was released and sponsored by the Bipartisan Policy Center which had Morton Abramowitz, Eric Edelman and Blaise Misztal once again criticizing Erdogan for his treatment of the Turkish media and his government’s seizure of businesses related to Gülen. The Bipartisan Policy Center was formed in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George Mitchell.

Former handlers of Gülen Graham Fuller and Morton Abramowitz can say all they want in support of Gülen, but Americans are not as stupid as you wish they were – at least not the ones educated before you started your big push for “Dumbing Down America”.

Fethullah Gülen continually argues he has no direct connection to the Charter schools, Foundation or Institutes here in the United States. We as Americans must take responsibility for him being here because we have not stopped the corruption and deceit in Washington.

Peace Islands Institute website will tell you “The Gulen movement, named after the prominent Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen, has a sphere of influence on the global scale. Active in more than a hundred countries with schools and intercultural centers, the Gulen movement is considered to be one of the most significant social movements that arose from the Muslim world.

The balance of the Home page will give you a pure explanation of “The Gülen Movement, Dialogue and Tolerance “, but of course according to Gülen himself he will still contend he is not connected to any of this. Isn’t this a little like the “pot calling the kettle black”?

In the meantime, he continues to make a fortune off of America’s tax dollars.
Gülen’s hide-a-way in the Pocono’s was purchased sometime around 1989 by a US-based Turkish association who bought a 150-acre farm in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, for $250,000. He has said in the past he considers his time in the U.S. as “imprisonment” but refuses to return to Turkey. He told journalist Mercan he would return when the conditions are ripe.

I think with all the information out there Americans should say enough is enough. We want Fethullah Gülen out of this country or at least let the FBI do their job and file their lawsuits against his organizations and the CIA get out of the whole thing. But this isn’t going to happen because they want to use Gülen to their own ends and they don’t care if he is using American taxpayer $$ to do it.

The Fethullah Terror Organization (FETÖ) was established in the Netherlands and originates from the Gülen Movement, which evolved from a faith-based group into a politically-motivated one which relies heavily on aid from the Turkish business world, some of whose members have pledged allegiance to Fethullah Gülen.

Do not misunderstand me – Erdogan is certainly not clean as been shown in the past couple of years. The two men continually are trying to bring the other down, however both would like to see Turkey go back to the Ottoman Empire. In 2015 Erdogan and his government held another trial against Gülen finding him guilty of multiple charges mostly around taking over the Turkish government. He was found guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Arrests have been ongoing of any businesses or financiers known to be funding or funneling monies through to the Gülen Movement and that includes employees of the Bank Asya a lender to Gülen.

I don’t know if the man is guilty or not to the charges in Turkey, but the charges there sound very much like what Americans are saying in America about Gülen.

Anyone wishing to form a national coalition to remove all Fethullah Gulen activities from the U.S. may contact me at

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Obama deceives voters about ransom paid to Iran

…Hillary avoids subject

A shocking — but not surprising — news report appearing in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal revealed that President Barack Obama and his minions transported a secret payment to the terrorist-supporting Iranian that appears to be a ransom for the release of abducted Americans.

“The Obama administration secretly organized an airlift of $400 million worth of cash to Iran that coincided with the January release of four Americans detained in Tehran, according to U.S. and European officials and congressional staff briefed on the operation afterward,” stated the WSJ story.

Reporters described unmarked wooden crates overflowing with paper money including Euros, Swiss francs and other currencies, but no U.S. dollars, that were loaded onto a cargo plane secretly flown into Iran, according to these officials. “The U.S. procured the money from the central banks of the Netherlands and Switzerland,” they stated.

While Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton was involved in negotiations with Iran while Secretary of State, she is avoiding the subject as details are being revealed that it was a “sucker deal.”

Despite more and more information surfacing during the day, Obama’s officials, including his press secretary, Josh Earnest, denied any link between the payment and the American prisoner release. They claim the entire episode is coincidence and what it appears: quid pro quo.

But GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump states it’s a “scandal” that President Obama’s administration paid $400 million dollars to Iran around the time four American hostages were released by the radical Islamist nation.

The fledgling TV cable news channel OAN is also reporting that members of the Department of Justice opposed the delivery of $400 million to Iran saying it would be viewed by the world as a ransom payment and place other Americans overseas in danger. But Obama overruled the DOJ and the Attorney General remained silent.

The Iranian government’s experience dealing with the Obama administration, especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her successor John Kerry, has shown a total lack of respect or fear of American power.

For example, speaking candidly and openly to a number of high-level Iranians in both public and private sectors, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, in a speech claimed the United States, under President Barack Obama’s leadership, no longer possesses the might and awe it once enjoyed, according to Middle Eastern news sources.

Speaking during a meeting of Iran’s Assembly of Experts in Tehran, the Ayatollah promised that the current “world order” will be replaced with a new world order that is already emerging not only in the Middle East but also in the West.

“The realities in the region and the world show a serious uncertainty in the [America’s] principles of power and might; therefore, we should understand the realities correctly to prevent wrong analyses,” Khamenei said.

According to Iran’s ABNA news agency, Muslim leaders working in the U.S. as a de facto Fifth Column are hoping to garner another million voter registrations from within the nation’s Muslim communities. They are pushing the registration drive as combating the anti-Muslim Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The Iranian news agency claims that there are about 3.3 million Muslims in United States, but campaign organizers said, “Muslim voters could have an outsize impact in swing states that are key to the November general election, such as Virginia and Florida.”

“We want the Muslim community to understand that if you give up your rights voluntarily, no one will come and give it back to you,” said Osama Abu Irshaid of the U.S. Council of Muslims.

Imams have been asked to encourage their congregations to register to vote for Hillary Clinton. The Democratic Party hopeful reportedly helped to create what’s now called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Organizers have sent canvassers to college campuses, bus stations and gas stations in Muslim neighborhoods but will register non-Muslims who support their Islamic neighbors.

Important information:

Assange: Why I Created WikiLeaks’ Searchable Database of 30,000 Emails from Clinton’s Private Server

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

Journalist killed: more suspicious deaths linked to Hillary & Bill Clinton

A well-respected commentator for the American Free Press named Victor Thorn was found dead near his home in the mountains of Pennsylvania. The initial cause of death was listed as a gunshot wound. Police officials, family members and some close friends believe that Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn was 54.

During a prolific writing career, the self-appointed watchdog authored a whopping 20 books. Thorn also reported for the American Free Press newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles. He is best known for his investigate research on both President Bill Clinton and his wife, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

“Thorn had a wealth of knowledge about the Clinton family and its series of questionable — even illegal — acts which ended Bill’s career as an attorney [when he was disbarred] and resulted his paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to victims,” said Caleb Dirksen-Morris, a former police detective now serving as a political consultant. “Many of his colleagues believe he had plenty of fresh material on Hillary Clintion, who Thorn believed was the most devious and corrupt politician since Lyndon Baines Johnson,” said Morris.

Thorn, who changed his name from Scott Robert Makufka, wrote a three-part book series — the Clinton trilogy— that covered the history of two of America’s most powerful and corrupt individuals. He also covered Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of women, and the suspected CIA drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Conspiracy theorists have for years alleged that an inordinate number of people who get close to Bill and Hillary Clinton’s world have met untimely deaths through homicides, apparent suicides, and suspicious accidents. After they left the White House, those mysterious deaths were all but forgotten. However, within the last two months, two men connected with Hillary Clinton met their demise through suspicious circumstances, including a DNC whistleblower.

Last month, a 27-year-old man who worked for the Democratic National Committee was shot and killed as he walked home in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Northwest Washington, D.C., police and his family said.

Seth Conrad Rich died after he was shot multiple times three blocks east of Howard University Hospital, said members of the Metropolitan Police Department on Sunday, July 11.

The victim’s mother, Mary Rich, said police told her family her son may have been the victim of an attempted robbery.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement on Monday mourning the death of Rich, who worked as voter expansion data director.

“Our hearts are broken with the loss of one of our DNC family members over the weekend. Seth Rich was a dedicated, selfless public servant who worked tirelessly to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans – the right to vote,” she said. “He saw the great potential of our nation and believed that, together, we can make the world a better place,” said Wasserman Schultz, who is having political problems of her own thanks to a Wikileaks document dump.

Meanwhile, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton spoke about Rich: “Just this past Sunday, a young man, Seth Rich — who worked for the Democratic National Committee, to expand voting rights — was shot and killed in his neighborhood in Washington. He was just 27 years old,” she said.

“Surely we can agree that weapons of war have no place on the streets of America,” Clinton added, even though police didn’t identify the weapon in the few news reports on the killing.

“[Police officers] did not release any information on the type of weapon the shooter may have used so it’s not known how Clinton knew it was a ‘weapon of war?'” said police forensic expert Saul Levinson.

He was talking on the phone with his girlfriend when she heard noise on Rich’s end of the line, Mary Rich said. Her son told his girlfriend not to worry about it.

“There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything,” she said.

“Police are calling it an attempted robbery gone wrong, but once the victim was shot dead, they had sufficient time to empty his pockets, which they didn’t. They took nothing but Rich’s life,” said Levinson

“They hurt the community, and they hurt the long-term possibility of what he could have done. They took his life for literally no reason. They didn’t finish robbing him, they just took his life,” Mary Rich said during a press briefing.

Rich lived in the neighborhood, Acting Capt. Anthony Haythe of the Metropolitan Police Department’s homicide branch said at a news conference Monday morning.

Fifth District police officers were patrolling the area about 4:20 a.m. when they heard gunshots, police said.

When police arrived on Flagler Place, they found Rich suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Police have no witnesses and are searching the area for surveillance video footage, Haythe said. The acting captain said he could not comment on whether the killing was related to recent robberies in the area.

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee, his father said. He graduated from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and previously worked on Democrats’ campaigns, for the U.S. Census Bureau and as a boating instructor at a summer camp, according to his LinkedIn page.

“I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place,” Rich wrote on the page.

Seth Conrad Rich was the Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC and had been working on exposing the recent cases of election fraud and voter suppression during the recent primaries around the country, according to his listing. Some Internet web sites that cover politics have said Rich was a whistleblower who discovered irregularities in Democratic Party voting patterns.

In addition, there are major questions being raised about the suspicious death of former United Nations (U.N.) official John Ashe last month. Serving as president of the U.N., Ashe had contact with both Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to news reports.

A bombshell report shows that Ashe, who was found dead last week, supposedly due to a heart attack, is having the reason for death brought into question.

Police officers in the city of Dobbs Ferry, New York have claimed he instead died by a crushed throat in a “workout accident.”

Ashe was scheduled to testify in court, along with Ng Lap Seng – a Chinese businessman and co-defendant – who received more than $1 billion during his term as president of the U.N. in donations.

Sing also found ways to illegally funnel money to Democrats during President Bill Clinton’s term in office.

Ashe, was accused of tax fraud, died in his home in Westchester County, New York. The U.N. said he’d had a heart attack. But the local Dobbs Ferry police said Thursday that his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.

As he was due in court with his Chinese businessman co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who is charged with smuggling $4.5 million into the US since 2013 and lying that it was to buy art and casino chips.

© 2016 NWV – All Rights Reserved

You must take the lions on your lifeboats

We want you to picture this. You are finally settled onto a lifeboat filled to the gunnels with shivering and petrified passengers, as you watch your ship sinking before you. You drift away from the sinking vessel and suddenly find your lifeboat drifting close to some flotsam upon which four large lions are perched. The captain yells from the sinking ship with his last words before the ship sinks, that the people in the lifeboats must take on the lions to save them. The flotsam is slowly sinking and the lions are looking for drier ground. Some of the people on the lifeboat are coaxing the lions to jump on board, while other passengers are horrified by the idea and object strenuously. All at once the four lions jump into your lifeboat to keep from drowning. Almost immediately, many of the passengers jump overboard because freezing or drowning is preferable to being mauled to death or eaten alive. Some passengers try to wrestle the lions overboard but get seriously injured or killed for their efforts. The situation is dire and the outcome is predictable. In the end, the lions will own the lifeboat. Lions and people are oil and water. Radical Islam is oil to the water of all other people and all other faiths.

America is a lifeboat of sorts, being one of the last bastions of freedom on the planet and everyone in the rest of the world would like to get onto our lifeboat. Fortunately, there is still some room in our “lifeboat” and we can take on a few more people who share some of the same cultures, habits and religious beliefs as most of the American people share.

America is by far a European culture sharing commonality with political systems, cultural heritages and religious beliefs of European countries. It was formed on the foundation of a Judeo-Christian platform. But even with these commonalities, we disagree with one another on many issues, even religious ones.

Everyone knows that oil and water don’t mix. For the American government to force Americans to take on the “lions of hot-blooded radical Islam” onto our financially unstable, precarious “lifeboat” and endanger the safety and financial security of those in the “lifeboat,” is tantamount to trying to force oil and water to mix and should be identified by what it is ….. TREASON, not compassion!

Islam was born in the hot deserts of Saudi Arabia. It split in two when its Founder and Prophet, one Muhammad Ibu Abdullah, died in the Fifth Century, on June 8, 632 AD. The schism as to who was to be the new leader of Islam created the Sunnis and the Shia who have hated and fought with each other for almost 1,400 years. Their civil war shows no signs of cooling down and that civil war is embedded in the genetic code and the hot desert blood of most Middle Eastern and North African Muslims.

The early Muslims were mostly Bedouins and Tuaregs that wondered the deserts on camels carrying goods between desert strongholds. Like the American Indians, Middle Eastern Muslims were and many still are, tribal and warlike. Being a warrior and dying in battle was and still is the ultimate glory for millions of Muslims. Taking as many people with them when they die is the ultimate glory, allowing them to ascend into Allah’s heaven where 72 virgins await them. Because of the teachings contained in the Qur’an, most of Middle Eastern and North Africa Islam are at war with the rest of the Earth’s people, no matter what the alleged peaceful Muslims say. Radical Islam is hopelessly locked in a 1,400-year time warp and shows no signs of exiting that time warp anytime soon.

Islam is not just a religion. It is a way of life containing the operation of government, punishment, military units, legal tenements, dress codes, the treatment of women and children and religious beliefs, all wrapped up in the law of Islam, known as Sharia. Muhammad states in the Qur’an that it is perfectly OK for Muslim men to take four wives. By the way, Muhammad had 10 wives. Under American and most European law, having more than one wife is classified as bigamy and is unlawful.

(more oil and water)

Islam was never intended to co-exist with other people, as all other people are infidels and must be killed, or conquered, according to the Qur’an. Islam did a damn good job of doing just that to Europe and North Africa in the latter quarter of the first millennium. But they were pushed back then by Charlemagne and they were pushed back again in the early Twentieth Century with the final collapse of the Islam based, Turkish Ottoman Empire. It now appears we will have to push them back again, in the Twenty First Century. That’s the oil ladies and gentlemen. The oil is on fire and we are all going to get burned if world governments don’t smash radical Islam once and for all.

Now contrast Islam with the European culture, which we will call water. Most of the peoples of Europe are descendants of the Christian or Jewish faiths. Most of the people of Europe are white. Their Christian and Jewish culture, once warlike, has evolved for the most part into peaceful co-existence with each other. Today, there is no splinter Christian or Jewish group that is actively trying to kill everyone who isn’t Christian or Jew. There is no group within the Christian or Jewish faiths that is intolerant of other faiths. Only radical Islam is intolerant of every other person on the planet that isn’t Muslim.

The European culture settled the North American continent, which gave birth to a new kind of freedom in America, individual freedom. But individual freedom, especially for women, is the antithesis of Islamic Law. Just look at the people streaming out of a Mosque some day and you will find the women covered with the mandatory headscarf (“hijab” – referenced in the Qur’an). In many Muslim countries, the women will be fully covered by a black or gray berka, whenever they leave their home.

Millions of women in Muslim countries are subjected to genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision. UNICEF estimates that at least 200,000,000 women had undergone the procedure in 27 African countries alone. The procedure can happen any where from birth to puberty. “The practice is rooted in gender inequality, attempts to control women’s sexuality, and ideas about purity, modesty and aesthetics. It is usually initiated and carried out by women, who see it as a source of honor, and who fear that failing to have their daughters and granddaughters cut will expose the girls to social exclusion. The health effects depend on the procedure. They can include recurrent infections, difficulty urinating and passing menstrual flow, chronic pain, the development of cysts, an inability to get pregnant, complications during childbirth, and fatal bleeding. There are no known health benefits.” (Wikipedia)

It is further estimated that at least 500,000 girls and women in the U. S. have either undergone the procedure, or are at risk of having it done. Congress has passed legislation to make female genital mutilation illegal in America, as well as making it a crime to take girls out of the country to have it performed. 24 states have followed suit.

(More oil and water)

Today with the civil war raging in Syria and the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, hot-blooded Muslim refugees have been pouring into Europe by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. It is estimated that Germany has taken in almost a million Syrian refugees alone. Tens of thousands more Muslims are streaming into every country in Europe, virtually every day, with devastating consequences. The hot blood of Islam with Sharia embedded in their minds (oil), is never going to mix with the warm, generally peaceful blood of Europeans or Americans (water).

Now your American government, under the Obama Administration, wants to force you to accept tens of thousands of these hot-blooded lions-of-the-desert Muslims in your towns and cities all across America. They say it is the compassionate thing to do and we must do our part. Democrats are great at shoving multi-culturalism down our throats and they don’t care about the cultural clashes that are sure to ensue, the terrorist threat, or the huge sums of taxpayer money needed to support the refugees. After all, to Democrats, a refugee, or an illegal alien, is a future voter.

But the cultural clashes and potential for ISIS infiltrators is only half the problem. Americans have to pay for these refugees and pay huge. Let’s just say that 77,000 Syrian refugees are allowed into America each year (government estimates from 2015). That equals almost 20,000 families with each family requiring a minimum of $50,000 annually just to exist. 20,000 families times $50,000 equals $1,000,000,000,000 each year. Now what if Obama allowed 1,000,000 Syrian refugees into America, as he wants to do. That’s 250,000 families at $50,000, or $12.5 Billion per year. This doesn’t even include the millions of illegal aliens that have already poured into America over our porous borders in the last three decades, living here on the backs of the taxpayer and also not assimilating into American culture.

Most of Syrian refugees do not speak English. Most do not have skills that translate into income- producing jobs. Most of them are steeped in the ancient religious, warlike culture of 5th Century Islam. Most of them will require huge subsidies just to survive, that includes but not limited to, education with translators, food, shelter, transportation, counseling and medical care. Most will end up in their own enclaves spread out across America with no thought of ever being Americans, just displaced Syrians longing to return to the hot desert home lands they left behind.

Look at the problems we are having with Somalis in Minnesota. Either their kids are leaving America to train with ISIS, or the parents use America for a staging area to champion for Somali independence. They don’t care one iota about the American culture, only how to use it for their own benefit.

None of this addresses the increasing threat to Europeans and Americans from Middle Eastern radical Islam through its many surrogates, including ISIS and Al Qeada. The greatest danger seems to be from the radicalized American-born children of recent Muslim immigrants, as were the San Bernardino and Orlando killers.

But ladies and gentlemen, you cannot destroy the snake’s venom (Islamic terrorism) until you cut off its head. The only way to eliminate the threat is to go after the brain from which all terror emanates. You must destroy the “brain’s” command and control. You must stop the signals from the brain reaching the other parts of the Islamic body. The only way to do that is to take the lifeblood away from the brain. The lifeblood is money and the radical Islam ideology. The final solution to stop Islamic terror is to crush the brain, cut off the head and dismember the body. If there is no brain, the rest of the body dies. At that time and not until then, the lone wolves of terror around the world will fade away.

Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to a 14-minute video by Paul Weston, a Brit, at a CPAC Conference on March 3, 2016. He describes what is happening in Europe and the UK. His warnings about Islam are chilling and dire in the extreme. Another Brit let Prime Minister Cameron have it over his irrational Islam immigration policy. He describes radical Islam in excruciating detail. It’s a must watch 6-minute video HERE.

Either our government heeds these admonitions or American civilians will pay the price in lives and money. But then Americans have already paid the price in New York, Paris, Brussels, San Bernardino, Orlando and now Bangladesh, not only in lost and shattered lives, but in billions of squandered taxpayer money throughout the U. S. That price will continue to grow with no action from the American or other world governments.

The only country to lead that effort to destroy radical Islam has to be America. Perhaps one day we will have a president and a congress that acknowledges the threat and does what is necessary to eliminate the threat, including all-out war. It better be soon or all American women will be wearing the hijab or berkas and undergoing genital mutilation. Like it or not, we are in world war III, with radical Islam, a rapidly spreading cancer, replacing the Germans and Japanese of World War II. If the American government doesn’t lead the way to defeat radical Islam, then Americans had better arm themselves to the teeth and learn how to FIGHT Islamic terrorists and government.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

What has government done for you?

Life is indeed complicated and stressful! There is so much to do and so little time to do it. What with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it’s so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing. But just because we look the other way does not diminish the affect of government’s actions on our daily lives, much less our bank accounts.

Many of government’s actions are hard to see. Federal, state and local governments pass law after law and somehow we think we are immune from the consequences of those laws. Government is like a mosquito. You don’t feel the actual penetration of your skin, only the itch after the mosquito has withdrawn its blood-sucking straw and buzzed away. Come to think of it, government is very much like a mosquito with its blood-sucking taxes and zillions of rules, regulations, restrictions and ordinances that control every aspect of our lives. (the rules are the “itch” after the government has employed its weapon of choice by raiding your wallet ….. taxes.)

So what has government really done for you? Where do we start? Why not start with illegal immigration?

Your federal government (that’s the 545 people who control almost everything in America – a president, 435 representatives, 100 Senators and 9 Supreme Court Justices) has seen fit to encourage (indeed provide a magnet) illegal immigration by not enforcing existing law and sealing our borders, as they are mandated to do. We are absolutely convinced they have done so on purpose. And for their skullduggery we get to pay for it all. The price tag for schools, language tutors, medical treatment, anchor babies, social services and lost jobs to legal Americans by illegal aliens, has been estimated at nearly $300 to $500 Billion per year. We had no say in this policy, as our representatives and senators know what is best for us. Well, don’t they? Besides the cost, comes the premeditated, unconscionable erosion of our American sovereignty. And speaking of American sovereignty, let’s not forget NAFTA, CAFTA, the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (North American Union).

Now let’s look at what the collusion of the radical, international environmentalists and the U. S. government together, have done for us.

1- The purposeful and unconstitutional theft of our property rights with environmental law after environmental law.

2- Severely restricts development of new crude oil resources on American soil for 30 years.

3- Stopped all construction of new power generation and refineries on American soil for 30 years.

4- Trying to take control of every mud puddle in America (Clean Water Restoration Act) – EPA rules).

5- Instituting an ill-conceived and dastardly policy to turn “food” into fuel.

6- Brainwashing the entire American population (including our children in public schools and colleges) into believing that we are the cause of the destruction of our planet and must give up our cars and our lifestyle and pay for CO2 emissions. (wealth redistribution)

7- Along with all this brainwashing comes the propaganda and lies of man-caused global warming.

8- The mandated institution of a National Animal Index System (NAIS) to register every animal and every premise in America, that might be harboring livestock or other animals. It’s been shelved for now but it will be back.

9- But worst of all comes the treasonous degradation of the foundation of our laws, our constitution, by integrating UN and European social and environmental policies into law by presidential executive order and without the debate and ratification of such additions to our laws by the U. S. Congress, as required by the constitution. And what is the result of the government’s collusion with the radical, international environmentalists? Rapidly accelerating costs of everything and the direct and inexcusable loss of our freedom and liberty.

Then we have the government’s monetary policy under the Federal Reserve. But then the Federal Reserve isn’t a government entity, is it? It is run by a bunch of elite bankers who tweak the supply of money (money that essentially has no intrinsic value) by moving the interest rate they charge other banks, up or down, in response to perceived events that they, in their infinite wisdom have determined that such changes are required. Unfortunately, they are usually wrong or go too far and set off a chain of events that they then try to over-correct and end up acting like a teenager just learning to drive. The Feds have the power to send us into a recession, or rapid inflation, or stagflation and they do. Who pays the price for their tomfoolery and their inability to properly make adjustments to a dynamic system? We do!

And of course, let’s not forget the government’s social policies. From the New Deal in the 1930’s to President Johnson’s Great Society, the blood-sucking government has eaten up trillions of our tax dollars to solve a problem (or is it buy votes with our money) that shows no signs of getting any better. In so doing, they have robbed the pride, self-reliance, independence and a can-do spirit out of millions of Americans who have sold their souls and their freedom for a piece of the American hard-working producer’s sweat equity. Instead of growing in independence, they have grown totally dependent. These folks that drink at the “well” of the government’s largess, become unproductive and an increasing load on the rest of us.

Finally, the good ‘Ole Federal government passes law after law that then filters down to state and local governments. This then creates law-driven symptoms that have us all running around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to stop the state and local governments from making our lives even more miserable than the Feds have already done. In our actions to thwart these government-manufactured “symptoms”, we take our collective “eyes” off of the ball that is the direct cause of all these local symptoms; the 545 people that control everything in America. Socialists and radical environmentalists camp at government’s door, vying for any favor they can get from government, in return for money, votes, or perks offered by the lobbyists. Our system of government has become so corrupt that only a revolution can ever bring sanity to what is now hopelessly insane and out of control.

There is so much more that government has done for (or is it TO) us but there isn’t enough space here to describe them all. So what HAS government done for you? They have taken our pride, our hard-earned money and our liberty, for policies that far exceed the limits of commons sense, much less the individual, inalienable rights, that are the irrevocable gift of our creator.

But then, what with jobs, commutes, kids, homes, vacations, entertainment and sports, it’s so hard to pay much attention to what our government is doing.

Wasn’t it President Ronald Reagan who said. “The most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” He also said: “Government is not the solution. Government is the problem.”

If only government would just get out of the way and let the spirit of a free American people prosper and save themselves and the rest of the world, like some have said we were pre-ordained to do. The sad truth is that, government will not get out of the way unless the people force them.

We describe some of these conditions in our new video:


Click on the link above to view the video.

[NOTE: The opinion in this article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily the opinion of, it’s employees, representatives, or other contributing writers.]

© 2016 Ron Ewart — All Rights Reserved

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